FreePublic Library ! Finding List circulating VEPjIRTMEFT Jan. 1/96- July 1, 19oo Classified List of Books ADDED TO THE Circulating Department OF THE a, -FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY WORCESTER January i 1896 to July 1 1900. ■StONITI! JO A1IS83AIWI mi sio'j 43 AJVHJJ1 3U Table of Contents. Page. General Works .....•• 3 General Periodicals 3 Philosophy 4 Religion 8 Social and Political Science . . . . . . 21 Education . 33 Science. Natural History 36 Useful and Industrial Arts ...... 47 Fine Arts. Archaeology 57 Language 67 Literature 68 Genealogy and Heraldry . . . . . . . 86 Biography. Collective . . . . . . . 86 Biography. Individual . . . . • . 88 Geography. Travels . . . . . • .104 History 1 1 4 Fiction . . . . . . . • • .127 Juvenile Books . . . . . • • 15 1 ^ ^ VL ^ . v ? _? j?-_j|> 3 3 017 w %°[ c.JL Classified List of Books ADDED TO THE Circulating Department GlK WORCESTER COUNTY LAW LIBRARY JULY 1928 QL I 3 January i 1896 to July 1 1900 General Works. Library Economy. Bibliography. Besant, Sir W. The pen and the book. 029.6 B55 Copeland, T. Campbell-. The ladder of journalism; how to climb it. 1893. 070. C78 Copinger, Walter Arthur. On the authorship of the first 100 numbers of the “Edinburgh review.” 1895. (Biblio- graphiana.) 052. E23x Dawson, John. Practical journalism; how to enter thereon and succeed. 070. D27 Erichsen, Hugo. Methods of authors. 1894. 029.6 E68 Gomme, George Laurence, ed. Gentleman’s magazine library; new ser. 1892-93. v. 2-4. 052. G331 Hazlitt, William Carew. Confessions of a collector. 1897. 025.2 H43 Hewins, Caroline Maria, comp. A. L. A. annotated lists; books for boys and girls; a selected list. 1897. 028.5 H59 Humphreys, Arthur L. The private library; what we ought to know about our books. 1897. 027.1 H92 Kirk, Eleanor, pseud. Information for authors. 029.6 K59 Koopman, Harry Lyman. Mastery of books; hints on reading and the use of libraries. 1896. 028. K82 Larned, Josephus Nelson. Talk about books. 1897. 028. L32 Leland, John. New Year’s gift to King Henry VIII; with Bale’s commentary. 1895. (Bibliographi- ana.) 090. L53 O’Conor, John Francis Xavier. Facts about bookworms; t leir history in lit- erature and work in libraries. Illust. 1898. 025.8 018 Powell, G. H. Excursions in Libraria; retrospective reviews and bibliog. notes. 1895. 010. P88 Putnam, George Haven. Books and their makers during the middle ages. 1896. 2 v. 010. P99 Reeve, James Knapp, comp. Five hundred places to sell manuscripts. 2d ed. rev. 1896. 029.6 R33 Roberts, W. Rare books and their prices. 1895. 090. R64 Sargent, John Frederick. supplement to Keadm a _ by M. E. and A. L. Sargent. Slater, J. H. ior me young, comp. 1896. 028.5 S24x Romance of book-collecting. 025.2 S63 Wagner, L. How to publish a book or article, and how to produce a play. 029.6 W13 General Periodicals. Atlantic monthly. 1900. Century magazine. 1900. v. 77-85, Jan., 1896 — June, OKI A QQ v. 51-60, Nov., 1895— July, 051. C39 Cosmopolitan, v. 20-28, Nov., 1895 — April, 1900. 051. C8S Forum, v. 20-28, Dec., 1895 — May, 1900. 051. F74 Harper’s new monthly magazine, v. 92-100, Dec., 1895— May, 1900. 051. H29 Littell’s living age. v. 208-225, Jan., 1896 — June, 1900. 051. L77 New England magazine, v. 13-22, Dec., 1895 — May, 1900. 051. N53 North American review, v. 162-171, Jan., 1896 — Sept., 1900. 051. N86 Ord och bild. v. 5-8, 1896-99. 058. 065 Scribner’s magazine, v. 19-27, Jan., 1896 — June, 1900. 051. S43 821919 4 PHILOSOPHY . Philosophy. General Works. Cams, Paul. Primer of philosophy. Rev. ed. 1896. 102. C32 Dresser, Horatio Willis. Voices of freedom and studies in the philos- ophy of individuality. 1899. 104. D77 Harrison, Clifford. Notes on the margins; suggestions of thought and enquiry. 1897. 104. H31 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich. Lectures on the history of philosophy; tr. fr. the Ger. by E. S. Haldane. 1892-96. 3v. 109. H46 Hibben, J. G. Problems of philosophy. 102. H62 Hill, Thomas. Postulates of revelation and of ethics. 1895. 104. H64 James, William. The will to believe, and other essays in pop- ular philosophy. 1897. 104. J29 Kiilpe, Oswald. Introduction to philosophy; tr. fr. the Ger. by W. B. Pillsbury and E. B. Titchener. 1897. 101. K96 Nettleship, R. L. Philosophical lectures and remains; with a biog. sketch. 2v. 104. N47 Paulsen, Friedrich. Introduction to philosophy; tr. by F. Thilly, with pref. by W. James. 1895. 102. P33 Robertson, George Croom. Elements of general philosophy; ed. by C. A. F. Rhys Davids. 1896. (Univ. ser.) 102. R64 Watson, J., LL. D. Outline of philosophy. 2d ed. 102. W33o Weber, Alfred. History of philosophy; tr. by F. Thilly. 1896. 109. W37 Whittaker, Thomas. Essays and notices philosophical and psycho- logical. 1895. 104. W62 Metaphysics. Bowne, B. P. Metaphysics. New ed. 110. B78 — Theory of thought and knowledge. 1897. 121. B78 Hobhouse, Leonard Trelawney. Theory of knowledge; a contribution to some problems of logic and metaphysics. 1896. 121. H68 Hodgson, S. H. Metaphysic of experience. 4 v. 126. H69 Ladd, George Trumbull. Philosophy of knowledge. 1897. 121. L15 — Theory of reality; an essay in metaphysical system upon the basis of human cognitive experience. 110. L15 Royce, Josiah. Studies of good and evil. 1898. 120. R88 Seth, Andrew. Man’s place in the cosmos, and other essays. 1897. 110. S49 Smith, Garnet. Melancholy of Stephen Allard ; a private diary. 1895. 110. S64 Wood, Henry. Studies in the thought world; or, Practical mind art. 1896. 110. W87 Mind and Body. Mental Derange- ments. Occult Science. Psy- chic Science. Ashton, John. The devil in Britain and 18 96. Bergen, Fanny Dickerson, ed. Current superstitions. 1896. Biedermann, W. Electro-physiology; tr. by 2 v. America. Illust. 133. A82 133. B49 F. A. Welby. 134. B58 Bigelow, John. The mystery of sleep. 1897. 135. B59 Bradford, Amory Howe. Heredity and Christian problems. 1895. 136.3 B79 Cheiro, pseud. Language of the hand. 9th ed. rev. and enl. 133.6 C51 Coates, James. Hum'an magnetism; or, How to hypnotise. Illust. 1897. 134. C65 Earle, P. Curability of insanity. 132.1 E12 Ellis, Ida. Catechism of palmistry. Illust. 1898. 133.6 E47 Elworthy, Frederick Thomas. Evil eye; an account of this superstition. Illust. 1895. 133. E52 Flower, Sydney. Hypnotism up to date. 1896. 134. F64 The great secret, and its unfoldment in occult- ism; by a Church of England clergyman. 1895. 133. G78 Gregory, William. Animal magnetism; or, Mesmerism and its phenomena. 4th ed. 1896. 134. G82 Hand-reading; or, The science of chirology; by an adept. Illust. 133.6 H23 Hart, Ernest. Hypnotism, mesmerism and the new witch- craft. New ed. enl. Illust. 1896. 134. H32 Hirsch, William. Genius and degeneration, a psycholog. study; tr. fr. the German. 1896. 132. H66 Hyslop, Theo. B. Mental physiology in its relations to mental disorders. 1895. 131. H99 Lang, A. Book of dreams and ghosts. 133.1 L26 Leland, Charles Godfrey. Aradia; or, The gospel of the witches. 1899. 133.4 L53 PHILOSOPHY. 5 ManacGine, Marie de. Sleep ; its physiology, hygiene and psychology. Illust. 1897. 135. M26 Mason, Rufus Osgood. Telepathy and the sub-liminal self. 1897. 134. M41 Mather, I. Remarkable providences illustrative of the earlier days of American colonisation. 133. M42r Orient, Grand, pseud. Handbook of cartomancy, fortune- telling and occult divination. 1891. 133. 069 Parish, Edmund. Hallucinations and illusions. 1897. 133.2 P23 Podmore, Frank. Studies in psychical research. 1897. 134. P74s Potter, LaForrest. Psychology of health and happiness. 1897. 131. P86 Robinson, W. E. Spirit slate writing, and kindred phenomena. 133.9 R66 Rydberg, Abraham Viktor. Medeltidens magi. 133. R99 Sidis, Boris. Psychology of suggestion; introd. by W. James.. Illust. 1898. 134. S56 Uncle Sam, pseud. Letters on phrenology. 1896. 139. U54 Waller, Augustus D. Lectures on physiology; 1st ser. On animal electricity. 1897. 134. W19 Whiting, Lilian. After her death; story of a summer. 1897. Note. — Kate Field is the friend referred to. 133.9 W59 Whyte, Alexander. The four temperaments. 1895. (Little books on religion.) 137. W62 Philosophical Systems. Ancient and Modern Philosophers. Antoninus, Marcus Aurelius. Marcus Aurelius Antoninus to himself; an English trans. with introd. study on stoi- cism by G. H. Rendall. 1898. 188.8 A63 Bonn, A. W. Philosophy of Greece considered in relation to the character and history of its peo- ple. 180. B46 Berkeley, G. Works; ed. by G. Sampson. 3 v. (Bohn’s philosoph. lib.) 192.3 B51s Bigg, Charles. Neoplatonism. 1895. (Chief ancient philos.) 186.4 B59 Bussell, Frederick William. School of Plato; its origin, development and revival under the Roman empire. 1896. 184.1 B98 Carus, Paul. Kant and Spencer; a study of the fallacies of agnosticism. 1899. (Religion of sci. lib.) 149.7 C32 Confucius. Proverbial philosophy; quotations fr. the Chinese classics for each day in the year; comp, by F. H. Jenings. 1895. 181.1 C74 Cook, A. B. Metaphysical basis of Plato’s ethics. 141. C77 Descartes, RenG. Discourse on the method of rightly conducting the reason and seeking truth in the sci- ences; tr. by J. Veitch. 1899. (Religion of sci. lib.) 194.1 SMv Dole, Charles Fletcher. The coming people. 1897. 149.5 D66 Fairbanks, A. First philosophers of Greece. 182. F16 Fairbrother, William Henry. Philosophy of Thomas Hill Green. 1896. 192.9 G79 Fichte, Johann Gottlieb. Popular works; tr. fr. the Ger. by W. Smith, with memoir of the author. 4th ed. 1889. 2 v. 193.3 Gs Garbe, Richard. Philosophy of ancient India. 1897. 181.4 G21 BGbert, M. Plato and Darwin; a philosophic dialogue; tr. by W. Gibson. 194.9 H44 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich. Philosophy of right; tr. by S. W. Dyde. 1896. 193.5 SPd Hobbes, Thomas. Ethics; sel. fr. his works, with introd. by E. H. Sneath. 1898. (Ethical ser.) 192.9 H68 Hyde, William DeWitt. Practical idealism. 1897. 141. H99 Leibnitz, G. W., Freiherr von. Monadology and other philosophical writings; tr. by R. Latta. 193.1 L52 Owen, W. C. The economics of Herbert Spencer. 1891. (Social sci. lib.) 192.8 Xo Pollock, Sir Frederick. Spinoza, his life and philosophy. 2d ed. 1899. 193.9 S75p RecGjac, E. Essay on the bases of the mystic knowledge; tr. by S. C. Upton. 149.3 R29 Royce, Josiaih. The world and the individual. 1st ser. The four historical conceptions of being. 1900. v. 1. (Gifford lectures.) 191.9 R88 Schurman, Jacob Gould. Agnosticism and religion. 1896. 149.7 S39 Strong, Thomas B. Platonism. (Chief ane. philos.) 184.1 Xs Vivekananda, Swami. Yoga philosophy ; ‘lectures on Raga Yoga; or, Conquering the internal nature. 1896. 181.4 V85 Wallace, William. Epicureanism. 1S80. (Chief anc. philos.) 187. W19 Ward, J. Naturalism and agnosticism. 2 v. (Gifford lectures, 1896-98.) 149. W25 6 PHILOSOPHY. Zeller, Eduard. Aristotle and the earlier peripatetics; tr. fr. [his] ‘Philosophy of the Greeks’ by B. E. C. Costelloe and J. H. Muirhead. 1897. 2 v. 182. Z51c Mental Faculties. Psychology. Aiken, Catharine. Methods of mind-training, concentrated atten- tion and memory. 1896. 154. A29 Alexander, A. Theories of the will in the history of philos- ophy. 159. A37 Baldwin, Janies Mark. Social and ethical interpretations in mental development. 1897. 150. B18so — Story of the mind. (Lib. of useful stories.) 150. B18s Barnes, Earl, ed. Studies in education; child study and the his- tory of education. 1896-97. 150. B26 Binet, Alfred. Alterations of personality; tr. by H. G. Bald- win. 1896. 150. B61a Boole, Mrs. Mary Everest. The mathematical psychology of Gratry and Boole. 1897. 150. B72 Bosanquet, Bernard. Psychology of the moral self. 1897. 150. B74 Buell, C. S. Essentials of psychology. 150. B92 Chamberlain, Alexander Francis. Child and childhood in folk- thought; the child in primitive culture. 1896. 150. C44 Compayr§, G. Intellectual and moral development of the child; tr. by M. E. Wilson, v. 1. (Inter- nat. educ. ser.) 150. C73 Dexter, T. F. G. and Garlick, A. H. Psychology in the school-room. 150. D52 DuBois, Patterson. Beckonings from little hands; studies in child- life. 1895. 150. D81 Fuller, H. H. Art of memory; a system of memory culture. 154. F96 Granger, Frank S. Psychology; a short account of the human mind. 1891. (Univ. ex. ser.) 150. G75 Harris, William Torrey. Psychologic foundations of education. 1898. (Internat. educ. ser.) 150. H31 Haskell, Ellen M., ed. Child observations; 1st ser. Imitation and allied activities. 1896. 150. H34 Hogan, L. E. Study of a child. 150. H71 James, W. Talks to teachers on psychology; and to stu- dents on some of life’s ideals. 150. J29 Kiilpe, Oswald. Outlines of psychology; tr. fr. the Ger. by E. B. Titchener. 1895. 150. K96 Ladd, George Trumbull. Outlines of descriptive psychology. 1898. 150. L15ou Larrowe, M. D. Assimilative memory; by A. Loisette. 154. L33 Leibnitz, Gottfried Wilhelm, Freiherr von. New essays concerning human understanding; tr. fr. Latin, French and Ger., with notes by A. G. Langley. 1896. 153. L81xl Lewis, Henry King. The child, its spiritual nature. 1896. 150. L67 Lloyd, A. H. Dynamic idealism; an elementary course in the metaphysics of psychology. 150. L79 Lukens, Herman T. Connection between thought and memory; in- trod. by G. S. Hall. 1895. (Heath’s ped- agog. lib.) 150. L95 Mach, Ernst. Contributions to the analysis of the sensa- tions; tr. by C. M. Williams. 1897. 152. M14 Marshall, H. R. Instinct and reason. 158. M36 Morgan, C. L. Psychology for teachers. 150. M84p Miinsterberg, H. Psychology and life. 150. M96 Oppenheim, Nathan. Development of the child. 1898. 150. 062 Pick, Edward. Lectures on memory culture. 1899. 154. P59 Powell, J. W. Truth and error; or, The science of intellec- tion. 151. P88 Read, G. W. Automatic instructor; a practical system for home study. 154. R28 Ribot, T. Evolution of general ideas. 153. R48 — Psychology of the emotions 1897. 157. R48 Robertson, George €room. Elements of psychology; ed. by C. A. F. Rhys Davids. 1896. (Univ. ser.) 150. R64 Rooper, T. G. “A pot of green feathers;” a study in apper- ception. 1892. (Teachers’ prof, lib.) 150. R77 Sanford, Edmund C. Course in experimental psychology. 1897. 2v. (Heath’s pedagog. lib.) 152. S22 Scripture, Edward Wheeler. The new psychology. Illust. 1897. 150. S43 Smith, Nora Archibald. Children of the future. 1898. 150. S65 Sterrett, John Douglas. Power of thought; what it is and what it does. 1896. 150. S83 Stout, George Frederic. Analytic psychology. 1896. 2 v. 150. S88 Sully, James. Children’s ways. 1897. 150. S95ch —Studies of childhood. 1896. 150. S95c Taylor, A. R. Study of the child. (Internat. educ. ser.) 150. T23 Titchener, Edward Bradford. Outline of psychology. 1896. 150. T61 PHILOSOPHY. 7 Waldstein, Louis. Tthe subconscious self and its relation to edu- cation and health. 150. W16 Wundt, Wilhelm. Outlines of psychology; tr. by C. H. Judd. 1897. 150. W96 Ziehen, Theodor. Introduction to physiological psychology; tr. by C. C. Van Liew and 0. W. Beyer. 2d ed. enl. Must. 1895. 152. Z66 Logic. Baker, George Pierce. Principles of argumentation. 1895. 168. B16 Ballantine, William G. Inductive logic. 1896. 161. B18 Bosanquet, Bernard. Essentials of logic. 1895. 160. B74 Erdmann, Johann Eduard. Outlines of logic and metaphysics; tr. by B. C. Burt. 1896. 160. E66 Hilbben, John Grier. Inductive logic. 1896. 161. H62 MacEwan, Elias J. Essentials of argumentation. 1898. 168. M14 McTaggart, John McTaggart Ellis. Studies in the Hegelian dialectic. 1896. 160. M17 Read, C. Logic, deductive and inductive. 160. R28 Schopenhauer, Arthur. Art of controversy, and other posthumous papers; tr. by T. B. Saunders. 1896. 160. S37 Wei ton, J. Manual of logic. 1896. 2 v. (Univ. tutorial ser.) 160. W46m Ethics. Aristotle. Lectures in the lyceum; or, Aristotle’s ethics for English readers; ed. by St. G. Stock. 1897. 171. A71 Banks, L. A. My young man; a series of addresses to young men. 177. B21 Bigge, Lewis Amherst Selby-, ed. British moralists; sel. fr. writers of the 18th century. 1897. 2v. 170. B59 Black, H. Friendship; with introd. note by W. R. Nicoll. 177.6 B82 Blanchard, Amy Ella. Life’s little actions. 1896. 170. B63 Cambridge, Mass. Citizens’ committee. Ten no-license years in Cambridge. 1898. 178.5 Cl 7 Carter, Mrs. Sarah Nelson. For pity’s sake, a story for the times; dedi- cated to my horse, my dog and my cat. 1897. 179.3 C32 Chapman, Elizabeth Rachel. Marriage questions in modern fiction, and other essays. 1897. 173.1 C46 Clark, Mrs. K. (Upson). Bringing up boys; a study. 170. C59 Cleveland, Grover, pres, of the U. S. The self-made man in American life. 1897. 170. C63 Comstock, Anthony. Traps for the young. [1883.] 170. C73 Coppens, Charles. Brief text-book of moral philosophy. 1895. 170. C78 Cornaro, L. Treatise on temperance and sobriety; tr. by G. Herbert. 178. C81 Cowdery, M. F. Elementary moral lessons for schools and fam- ilies. 1852. 170. C87 Crafts, Wilbur Fisk. Successful men of to-day and what they say of success. 1894. 174. C88 D’Arcy, Charles F. Short study of ethics. 1895. 171. D21 Dawson, William James. Making of manhood. 170. D27 Dole, Charles Fletcher. Golden rule in business. 1895. (New educ. in the church ser.) 174. D66 — Luxury and sacrifice. 170. D66 Dresser, Horatio Willis. The perfect whole; an essay on the conduct and meaning of life. 1896. 170. D77 Drummond, Henry. A life for a life, and other addresses; with a tribute by D. L. Moody. 1897. 174. D79 Fairchild, E. M. Society’s need of effective ethical instruction in school and church, and the suggestion of an available method. 171. F16 Farrar, Frederic William. The paths of duty; counsels to young men. 1896. 170. F24 Fichte, Johann Gottlieb. Science of ethics; tr. by A. E. Kroeger; ed. by W. T. Harris. 1897. 171. F44 Fitzgerald, Penelope F. Rational or scientific ideal of morality. 1897. 170. F55 Fugette, J. Preston. Marriage a covenant — not indissoluble; or, The revelation of Scripture and history. 1895. 173.1 F95 Genung, J. F. Passing of self; two practical chapters drawn from the words of Christ. 179.9 G34 Giles, Arthur E. Moral pathology. 1895. 170. G47 Goldie, John. The poor and their happiness; missions and mission philanthropy. 1895. 177.7 G61 Goss, Charles Frederic. The philopolist; or. City lover. 1898. 172.1 G67 Grant, R. Search-light letters. 170. G76 Griggs, Edward Howard. The new humanism; studies in personal and social development. 1900. 170. G85 Hall, Bolton. Even as you and I. 1897. 177. H17 Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. The quest of happiness. 1897. 171.4 H21 8 PHILOSOPHY . RELIGION. Harris, George. Moral evolution. 1896. 171.7 H31 Herron, George Davis. Christian state; a political vision of Christ; lectures. 1895. 172.3 H56 Hillis, Newell Dwight. A man’s value to society. 1897. 171. H65 Horton, Robert Forman. On the art of living together. 1896. 173. H82 James, William!. Is life worth living? 1896. 179.7 J29 Keeley, Leslie E. Non-heredity of inebriety. 1896. 178. K26 Koren, J. Economic aspects of the liquor problem. 178. K84 Lecky, William Edward Hartpole. Map oi life; conduct and character. 1900. 170. L46 Lindsay, Mrs. A. R. (Brown). What good does wishing do? 170. L74 Mackenzie, W. Douglas. Ethics of gambling. 1897. 174.6 M15 Maeterlinck, M. Wisdom and destiny; tr. by A. Sutro. 171. M18 Marden, Orison Swett. Architects of fate; or, Steps to success and power. Illust. 1895. 170. M32a — Cheerfulness as a life power. 179.9 M32 — Secret of achievement. 170. M32s — Success; a book of ideals. Illust. 1897. 174. M32 Mason, Charlotte M. Home education. 1896. 173.5 M39 — Parents and children; a sequel to “Home ed- ucation.” 1897. 173. M39 Miller, James R. The every day of life. 1892 170. M64 Newcomb, Mrs. K. H. Helps to right living. 170. N53 Olney, Richard. The scholar in politics. 1896. 172.1 051 Palmer, Charles Follen. Inebriety; its source, prevention and cure. 1896. 178. P17 Palmer, George Herbert. The glory of the imperfect. 1898. 170. P17 Parkhurst, Charles Henry. Talks to young men. 1897. 174. P24 Paulsen, F. System of ethics; ed. and tr. by F. Thilly. 170. P33 Quigley, Dorothy. Success is for you. 1897. 177. Q6 Richmond, E. Boyhood; a plea for continuity in education. 173.5 R53 Sangster, Mrs. Margaret Elizabeth (Munson). Life on high levels; talks on tne conduct of life. 1897. 170. S22 — With my neighbors. 1896. 177. S22 Schopenhauer, Arthur. On human nature; essays in ethics and poli- tics; sel. and tr. by T. B. Saunders. 1897. 171. S37 Sheldon, Walter L. An ethical movement ; lectures. 1896. 170.4 S54 Shinn, George Wolfe. Friendly talks about marriage. 1897. 173. S55 Sidgwick, Henry. Practical ethics. 1898. 170. S56 Society of ethical propagandists. Ethics and religion; essays by J. Seeley, F. Adler [and others]. 1900. 170.4 S67 Somerville, H. G. Curiosities of impecuniosity. 1896. 179. S69 Steele, Mary Davies. A happy life. 1895. 170. S81 Stephen, Leslie. Social rights and duties; addresses to ethical societies. 1896. 2v. (Ethical lib.) 177. S82 Sutherland, A. Origin and growth of the moral instinct. 2 v. 170. S96 Taylor, Thomas Wardlaw. The individual and the state; an essay on justice. 1895. 172.1 T24 Thwing, C. F. The best life. 170. T54 Tolstoi, Lyof Nikolaievitch, count. Patriotism och Kristendom. 1894. 172.1 T65 Trine, Ralph Waldo. In tune with the Infinite; or, Fullness of peace, power and plenty. 1897. (Life books.) 171. T83 Trueblood, B. F. Federation of the world. 172.4 T86 Vose, James Gardiner. Children’s day; addresses on life and duty. 1897. 170.1 Y96 Watson, John (Ian Maclaren). Home making. 173.7 W33 Watson, John, LL. D. Hedonistic theories from Aristippus to Spencer. 1895. 171.4 W33 Watt, W. A. Theory of contract in its social light. 1897. 174.7 W34 Wheeler, Everett P. Duty of the United States to American citi- zens in Turkey. 1896. 172. W56 Whitney, Mrs. Adeline Dutton (Train). Friendly letters to girl friends. 1896. 173. W61 Winterburn, Florence Hull. Nursery ethics. 1895. 173.5 W78 Wixon, S. H. Right living. 170. W83 Wundt, Wilhelm. Facts of the moral life; tr. by J. Gulliver and E. B. Titchener. 1897. 170. W96 Religion. General Works. Brooks, Phillips, bp. Good cheer for a year; sel. ed. by W. M. L. Jay. 1896. 208. B87 Canning, Albert Stratford George. Religious development ; an hist, inquiry. 1896. 209. C22 RELIGION. Charbonnel, V. Victory of the will. 204. C46 Chicago theological seminary. Current discussions in theology, v. 4. 205. C53 Clarke, W. N. What shall we think of Christianity? 204. C61 Coit, John Owen. Religion of manhood. 1896. 208. C68 Coupland, William Chatterton, ed. Thoughts and aspirations of the ages; sel. in prose and verse. 1895. 208. C85 Coyle, John Patterson. The spirit in literature and life. 1896. (E. D. Rand lectures.) 204. C88 Cust, Robert Needham. Normal addresses on Bible-diffusion. 1892. 206. C98 Dearmer, Percy, comp. Religious pamphlets; with introd. and notes. 1898. 208. D28 Donald, E. Winchester. The expansion of religion. 1896. (Lowell inst. lectures.) 204. D67 Dresser, Horatio Willis. The heart of it; extracts ed. by H. Campbell and K. Westendorf. 1897. 208. D77 Drummond, Henry. The new evangelism, and other addresses. 1899. 204. D79 Edersheim, Alfred. Tohu-va-vohu ; ‘without form and void’ ; collec- tion of thoughts and criticisms; ed. with memoir by E. Edersheim. 1890. 208. E22 Fiske, J. Through nature to God. 204. F54 Gladstone, William Ewart. Later gleanings; theological and ecclesiastical. 1897. 204. G54 Goblet d’Alviella, Eugene, count. Lectures on the origin and growth of the con- ception of God, as illust. by anthropology and history. 1892. (Hiboert lectures.) 209. G57 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich. Lectures on the philosophy of religion; tr. by E. B. Speirs and J. B. Sanderson. 1895. 3 v. 201. H46 Hughes, Hugh Price. Social Kristendom; dfvers fr. Engelskan af K. J. Bohlin. 1891. 204. H89 Hunt, John. Religious thought in England from the reform- ation to the end of last century. 1870-73. 3 v. 209. H94 Jevons, Frank Byron. Introduction to the history of religion. 1896. 209. J58 Kruger, Gustav. History of early Christian literature; tr. by C. R. Gillett. 1897. 200. K94 Lang, A. Making of religion. 204. L26 Lightfoot, Joseph Barber, bp. Historical essays. 1896. 204. L72 Lindsay, James. Recent advances in theistic philosophy of re- ligion. 1897. 201. L74 Merriam, George Spring. Chief end of man. 1897. 201. M56 Miller, James Russell. Glimpses through life’s windows; sel. fr. [his] writings arr. by E. I. Fryer. 1893. 208. M64 Nash, H. S. Ethics and revelation. (Bohlen lectures.) 204. N24 Sabatier, Louis Auguste. Outlines of a philosophy of religion, based on psychology and history. 1897. 201. Sll — Vitality of Christian dogmas and their power of evolution; tr. by Mrs. E. Christen. 1898. 201. Sllv Smith, John Talbot. Our seminaries; an essay on clerical training. 1896. 207.7 S65 Starbuck, Edwin Diller. Psychology of religion. 1899. (Contemp. sci. ser.) 201. S79 Taylor, Henry Osborn. Ancient ideals; a study of intellectual and spiritual growth, fr. early times to the es- tablishment of Christianity. 1896. 2 v. 209. T24 Tyler, Charles Mellen. Bases of religious belief, historic and ideal. 1897. 201. T98 Upton, Charles Barnes. Lectures on the bases of religious belief. 1894. (Hibbert lectures.) 201. U71 Watson, John (Ian Maclaren). Ideals of strength; with sketch of his life. 1897. 204. W33i — Mind of the master. 1896. 204. W33m — The potter’s wheel. 1897. 204. W33p — Upper room. 1895. (Little books on religion.) 204. W33u Wenley, Robert Mark. Preparation for Christianity in the ancient world. 1898. 209. W47 Whiton, James Morris. Reconsiderations and reinforcements. (Small books on great subj.) 204. W62 Williamson, William. The great law; a study of religious origins. 1899. 201. W73 Natural Theology. Abbott, Lymtan. Theology of an evolutionist. 1897. 213. A13 Bascom, John. Evolution and religion; or, Faith as a part of a complete cosmic system. 1897. 213. B29 Blavatsky, Mme. H. P. (Hahn-Hahn), tr. Voice of the silence, and other chosen frag- ments fr. the Book of the golden precepts. 212. B72 Bruce, A. B. The moral order of the world in ancient and modern thought. (Gifford lectures.) 214. B88 Caillard, E. M. Progressive revelation; or. Through nature to God. 1895. 213. C13 10 RELIGION. Evil and evolution; by the author of ‘The social horizon.’ 1896. 215. E93 Forrnby, Charles Wykeman. Education and modem secularism. 1896. 211. F72 Fraser, Alexander Campbell. Philosophy of theism. 1895. (Gifford lec- tures.) 211. F84 Holyoake, George Jacob. English secularism; a confession of belief. 1896. 211. H76 Iverach, James. Theism in the light of present science and phil- osophy. 1899. 211. 194 Lambert, Louis A. Fritankeriet pa sanningens vag; vidrakning med den Amerikanske Gudsfornekaren In- gersoll ; ofversattning. 1891. 211. L22 Lillie, Arthur. Madam Blavatsky and her “theosophy”; a study. 1895. 212. L72 MacColl, M. Christianity in relation to science and morals. 6th ed. 215. M12 Olcott, Henry Steel. Old diary leaves; true story of the Theosophi- cal society. 1895. 212. 043 Robertson, J. M. Short history of freethought. 211. R65 Seth, Andrew. Two lectures on theism. 1897. 211. S49 Smith, Goldwin. Guesses at the riddle of existence, and other essays on kindred subjects. 1897. 211. S64 Stockwell, C. T. Evolution of immortality; or, Suggestions of an individual immortality. 3d. ed. 1890. 218. S86 Wallace, W. Lectures and essays on natural theology and ethics. 210. W19 Wenley, Robert Mark. Contemporary theology and theism. 1897. 211. W47 White, Andrew Dickson. History of the warfare of science with theol- ogy in Christendom. 1896. 2v. 215. W58 Zahm, John A. Evolution and dogma. 1896. 213. Z19 Bible. Bible Biography and History. Abbott, L. Life and letters of Paul the apostle. 220.92 P32a Bennett, William Henry. Primer of the Bible. 1897. 220.7 B47 Bible. Selections. Biblical idyls; ed., with an introd. and notes, by R. G. Moulton. (Modem reader’s Bi- ble.) 220. B58C9 Bible. Selections. From day to day; comp, by T. W. Woolsey. 220. B58w Bible. Selections. Passages of the Bible chosen for their literary beauty and interest, by J. G. Frazer. 1895. 220.88 B58f Bible. O. T. Genesis. Genesis; ed., -with an introd. and notes, by R. G. Moulton. (Modem reader’s Bible.) 220. B58B11 Bible. O. T. Exodus. Exodus; ed., with an introd. and notes, by R. G. Moulton. (Modern reader’s Bible.) 220. B58B12 Bible. O. T. Deuteronomy. Deuteronomy; ed., with an introd. and notes, by R. G. Moulton. (Modem reader’s Bi- bie.) 220. B58B15 Bible. O. T. Judges. Judges; ed., with an introd. and notes, by R. G. Moulton. (Modem reader’s Bible.) 220. B58B3 Bible. O. T. Kings. Kings; ed., with an introd. and notes, by R. G. Moulton. (Modern reader’s Bible.) 220. B58B5 Bible. O. T. Chronicles. Chronicles; ed., with an introd. and notes, by R. G. Moulton. (Modem reader’s Bible.) 220. B58B6 Bible. O. T. Job. Book of Job; ed., with an introd. and notes, by R. G. Moulton. (Modern reader’s Bible.) 220. B58C1 Bible. O. T. Psalms. Psalms and Lamentations; ed., with introd. and notes, by R. G. Moulton. 2 v. (Mod- em reader’s Bible.) 220. B58C2 Bible. O. T. Proverbs. Proverbs; ed., with an introd. and notes, by R. G. Moulton. (Modem reader’s Bible.) 220. B58C7 Bible. O. T. Ecclesiastes. Ecclesiastes; ed., with an introd. and notes, by R. G. Moulton. (Modem reader’s Bi- ble.) 220. B58C8 Bible. O. T. Prophets. Daniel and the minor prophets; ed., with in- trod. and notes, by R. G. Moulton. (Mod- ern reader’s Bible.) 220. B58D5 Bible. O. T. Isaiah. Isaiah; ed., with an introd. and notes, by R. G. Moulton. (Modem reader’s Bible.) 220. B58D1 Bible. O. T. Jeremiah. Jeremiah; ed., with an introd. and notes, by R. G. Moulton. (Modem reader’s Bible.) 220. B58D2 Bible. O. T. Ezekiel. Ezekiel; ed., with an introd. and notes, by R. G. Moulton. (Modern reader’s Bible.) 220. B58D4 Bible. O. T. Apocrypha and pseudepigrapha Ecclesiasticus. Ecclesiasticus ; ed., with an introd. and notes, by R. G. Moulton. (Modem reader’s Bi- ble.) 220. B58I4 Bible. N. T. Matthew. St. Matthew and St. Mark and the general epistles; ed., with introd. and notes, by R. G. Moulton. (Modem reader’s Bible.) 220. B58F2 RELIGION. 11 Bible. N. T. Luke. St. Luke and St. Paul; ed., with introd. and notes, by R. G. Moulton. 2 v. (Modern reader’s Bible.) 220. B58F4 Bible. N. T. John. Gospels, Epistles and Revelation of St. John; ed., with introd. and notes, by R. G. Moulton. (Modern reader’s Bible.) 220. B58F5 Bolmer, William Brevoort. The church and the Bible; an explanation and vindication of the claims of the Bible to inspiration. 1896. 220.1 B69 Briggs, C. A. General introd. to the study of Holy scrip- ture. 220.7 B85 Burgon, John William. Causes of the corruption of the traditional text of the holy Gospels; completed and ed. by E. Miller. 1896. 220.1 B95c — Traditional text of the holy Gospels vindicated and established; completed and ed. by E. Miller. 1896. 220.1 B95 Cambridge Bible for schools and colleges; ed. by J. J. S. Perowne; namely: Book of Joshua. 220. B5B2 Book of Judges. 220. B5B3 First and Second books of Samuel. 2 v. 220. B5B4 First and Second books of Kings. 2 v. 220. B5B5 Books of Ezra and Nehemiah, 220. B5B7 Book of Job. 220. B5C1 Book of Psalms; 1-89. 2 v. 220. B5C2 Ecclesiastes. 220. B5C8 Book of Isaiah. 2 v. 220. B5D1 Book of Jeremiah with Lamentations. 220. B5D2 Book of Ezekiel. 220. B5D4 Hosea. 220. B5D6 Books of Joel and Amos. 220. B5D7 Obadiah and Jonah. 220. B5D91 Micah. 220. B5D93 Books of Nahum, Habakkuk and Zephaniah. 220. B5D94 Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi. 220. B5D97 Matthew. 220. B5F2 Mark. 220. B5F3 Luke. 220. B5F4 John. 220. B5F5 Acts of the apostles. 220. B5F6 Epistle to the Romans. 220. B5G1 First and Second epistles to the Corinthians. 2 v. 220. B5G2 Epistle to the Galatians. 220. B5G4 Epistle to the Ephesians. 220. B5G5 Epistle to the Philippians. 220. B5G6 Epistles to the Colossians and to Philemon. 220. B5G7 Epistles to the Thessalonians. 220. B5G81 Epistles to Timothy and Titus. 220. B5G83 Epistle to the Hebrews. 220. B5G87 General epistle of James. 220. B5G91 General epistles of Peter and Jude. 220. B5G92 Epistles of John. 220. B5G94 Revelation of John. 220. B5H First book of Maccabees. 220. B5I7 Caverno, Charles. A narrow ax in Biblical criticism. 1897. 220.6 C38 Condit, Blackford. History of the English Bible. 2d ed. rev. and enl. 1896. 220.9 C74 Cone, O. Paul, the man, the missionary and the teach- er. 220.92 P32c Conway, M. D. Solomon and Solomonic literature. 220.92 S689c Deane, Henry. Daniel; his life and times. 1888. (Men of the Bible.) 220.92 D18 Expositor’s Bible; ed. by W. R. Nicoll; namely: Genesis; by M. Dods. 220.6 B5eBll Exodus; by G. A. Chadwick. 220.6 B5eB12 Leviticus; by S. H. Kellogg. 220.6 B5eB13 Numbers; by R. A. Watson. 220.6 B5eB14 Deuteronomy; by A. Harper. 220.6 B5eB15 Joshua; by W. G. Blaikie. 220.6 B5eB2 Judges and Ruth; by R. A. Watson. 220.6 B5eB3 First and Second Samuel; by W. G. Blaikie. 2 v. 220.6 B5eB4 First and Second Kings; by F. W. Farrar. 2 v: 220.6 B5eB5 Chronicles; by W. H. Bennett. 220.6 B5eB6 Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther; by W. F. Ade- ney. ' 220.6 B5eB7 Job; by R. A. Watson. 220.6 B5eCl Psalms; by A. Maclaren. 3 v. 220.6 B5eC2 Proverbs; by R. F. Horton. 220.6 B5eC7 Ecclesiastes; by S. Cox. 220.6 B5eC8 Song of Solomon and Lamentations: by W. F. Adeney. 220.6 B5eC9 Isaiah; by G. A. Smith. 2 v. 220.6 B5eDl Jeremiah [chapters 1-20] ; by C. J. Ball. 220.6 B5eD2 Jeremiah, chapters 21-52; by W. H. Ben- nett. 220.6 B5eD2b Ezekiel; by J. Skinner. 220.6 B5eD4 Daniel; by F. W. Farrar. 220.6 B5eD5 Book of the twelve prophets; by G. A. Smith. 2 v. 220.6 B5eD9 Matthew; by J. M. Gibson. 220.6 B5eF2 Mark; by G. A. Chadwick. 220.6 B5eF3 Luke; by H. Burton. 220.6 B5eF4 John; by M. Dods. 2 v. 220.6 B5eF5 Acts; by G. T. Stokes. 2 v. 220.6 B5eF6 Romans; by H. C. G. Moule. 220.6 B5eGl First Corinthians; by M. Dods. 220.6 B5eG2 Second Corinthians; by J. Denney. 220.6 B5eG3 Galatians; by G. G. Findlay. 220.6 B5eG4 Ephesians; by G. G. Findlay. 220.6 B5eG5 Philippians; by R. Rainy. 220.6 B5eG6 Colossians and Philemon; by A. Maclaren. 220.6 B5eG7 Thessalonians: by J. Denney. 220.6 B5eG81 Pastoral epistles; by A. Plummer. 220.6 B5eG83 Hebrews; by T. C. Edwards. 220.6 B5eG87 St. James and St. Jude; by A. Plummer. 220.6 B5eG91 Epistles of St. Peter; by J. R. Lumbv. 220.6 B5eG92 12 RELIGIOX. Epistles of St. John; by W. Alexander. 220.6 B5eG94 Revelation; by W. Milligan. 220.6 B5eH Farrar, Frederic William. The Bible; its meaning and supremacy. 1897. 220.6 F24b — and others. The Bible and the child. 1896. 220.6 F24 Green, W. H. General introduction to the Old testament; the canon. 220.1 G79 Gregg, D. Testimony of the Land to the Book; or. The evidential value of Palestine. 2d ed. 220.91 G81 Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman. Manual of biblical geography. Rev. ed. Illust. 1887. 220.9 H96 Iverach, James. St. Paul, his life and times. 18 — . (Men of the Bible.) 220.92 P32i Laidlaw, John. Bible doctrine of man; or, The anthropology and psychology of Scripture. New ed. rev. 1895. 220.813 L18 Moulton, Richard Green. Literary study of the Bible. 1895. 220.88 M9271 Moulton, William Fiddian. The Bible as literature. 1895. (New educ. in the church ser.) 220.88 M92 P., M. Life of our Ladye; pref. by Card. Vaughan. 1896. 220.92 M393p Plummer, Alfred. Critical and exegetical commentary on the gospel according to St. Luke. 1896. (In- temat. crit. commentary.) 220.7 I61F4 Ramsay, William Mitchell. St. Paul the traveller and the Roman citizen. 1896. (Morgan lectures.) 220.92 P32r Sabatier, L. A. Apostle Paul; tr. by A. M. Hellier, ed. by G. D. Findlay. 220.92 P32s Sanders, F. K. and Kent, C. F. Messages of the earlier prophets arranged in the order of time, analyzed and freely ren- dered in paraphrase. 3d ed. (Messages of the Bible.) 220.7 M58d Saphir, Adolph. Divine unity of Scripture. 1895. 220.6 S24 Schaeffer, Nathan C., ed. Bible readings for schools. 1897. 220. S29 Smith, H. P. Critical and exegetical commentary on the books of Samuel. (Intemat. crit. commen- tary.) 220.7 I61B4 Toy, C. H. Critical and exegetical commentary on the book of Proverbs. (Internat. crit. com- mentary.) 220.7 I61C7 Vincent, John Heyl, and others. Earthly footsteps of the Man of Galilee; views and descriptions of places connected with the earthly life of our Lord and His apos- tles. [1894.] 220.91 V77e Vincent, Marvin Richardson. Critical and exegetical commentary on the epistles to the Philippians and to Philemon. 1897. (Internat. crit. commentary.) 220.7 I61G6 Wright, William, ed. Illustrated Bible treasury and new concord- ance. Illust. 1896. (Bible helps.) 220.3 W95 Bible. Old Testament. Addis, William E. Documents of the Hexateuch; tr. and arr. in chronological order with introd. and notes. 1898. v. 2. 222.1 A22 Anderson, John Corbet. Old testament and monumental coincidences; with an hist, essay on Christianity. 1895. 221.1 A54 Bartlett, Samuel Colcord. Veracity of the Hexateuch. 1897. 222.1 B29 Behrends, Adolphus Julius Frederick. The Old testament under fire. 1897. 221.6 B42 Bible. 0. T. Apocrypha and pseudepigrapha. Enoch. Book of the secrets of Enoch; tr. fr. the Sla- vonic by W. R. Morfill; ed. with introd. and notes by R. H. Charles. 1896. 229. B58e Briggs, Charles Augustus. Higher criticism of the Hexateuch. 1897. 222.1 B85 Cheyne, T. K. Introduction to the book of Isaiah. 224.1 C53 Dillon, E. J. Skeptics of the Old testament, Job, ' Kohe- leth, Agur, with Eng. text tr. fr. the He- brew as restored on the basis of recent philological discoveries. 223. D57 Dods, Marcus. Visions of a prophet; studies in Zechariah. 1895. (Little books on religion.) 224.9S D64 Fiske, Amos Kidder. Jewish scriptures; books of the Old testament in the light of their origin and history. 1896. 221.9 F54 — Myths of Israel; the ancient book of Genesis. 1897. 222.11 F54 Gladden, Washington. Seven puzzling Bible books. 1897. 221.1 G54 Goodwin, T. A. Lovers three thousand years ago, as indicated by the Song of Solomon. 1895. 223.9 G65 Kent, C. F. Wise men of Israel and their proverbs. 2d ed. 223.7 K37 Kittel, Rudolf. History of the Hebrews; tr. by H. W. Hogg and E. B. Speirs. 1896. v. 2. (Theol. trans. lib.) *1 Leathes, Stanley. Claims of the Old testament; lectures. 1897. 221.1 L43 RELIGION . 13 Maclear, G. F. Class-book of Old testament history. (Ele- mentary theol. class-books.) 221.95 M16 Mitchell, Hinckley Gilbert. Amos; an essay in exegesis. 1893. 224.8 M68 — Isaiah; a study of chap. 1-12. 1897. 224.1 MGS Mozley, James Bowling. Ruling ideas in early ages, and their relation to Old testament faith. 1896. 221.6 M93 Ottley, R. L. Aspects of the Old testament; eight lectures. (Bampton lectures, 1897.) 221.6 091 Price, Ina Maurice. The monuments and the Old testament. 1899. 221.93 P94 Ryle, H. E. Early narratives of Genesis; a brief introd. to the study of Genesis, 1-11. 222.11 R99 Spurrell, George James. Notes on the text of the book of Genesis. 2d ed. rev. 1896. 222.11 S77 Stokoe, T. H. Old testament history for schools. 2d ed. rev. 1897. 3 v. 221.9 S87 Taylor, Barnard C. Historical books of tire Old testament. 1895. (Bible handbooks for young people.) 222. T23 — Outline analysis of the books of the Bible; Old testament. 1892. 221.2 T23 Whitney, Mrs. Adeline Dutton (Train). The open mystery; a reading of the Mosaic story. 1897. 222.1 W61 Bible. New Testament. Abbott, L. Illustrated commentary on the Gospels. 3 v. 226. A 13 Abbott, Thomas Kingsmill. Critical and exegetical commentary on the epistles to the Ephesians and to the Colos- sians. 1897. (Internat. crit. commentary.) 227.5 A13 Anecdotes illustrative of New testament texts. 1896. (Clerical lib.) 225. A57 Beecher, Charles. Patmos; or, The unveiling. 1896. 228. B41 Bennett, E. H. The four Gospels from a lawyer’s standpoint. 226. B47 Bible. N. T. Gospels. Harmonies. Harcnony of the Gospels, in the revised ver- sion; by J. A. Broadus. 6th ed. 226.1 B58b Bible. N. T. Gospels. Harmonies. Life and teachings of Jesus Christ; with an introd. by F. W. Farrar. 226.1 B58f Blass, F. W. ' Philology of the Gospels. 226. B64 Boardman, G. D. The kingdom, Basileia. 225.6 B66 Bruce, A. B. Epistle to the Hebrews. 227.87 B88 — St. Paul’s conception of Christianity. 227. B88 Burton, Ernest DeWitt. Records and letters of the apostolic age; New testament arr. for hist, study. 1895. 225. B97 Carpenter, William Boyd, bp. Great charter of Christ ; studies in the Sermon on the mount. 1896. 226.2 C29 Cone, O. The Gospel and its earliest interpretations. 2d ed. rev. 225. C74 Dale, Robert William. Epistle of James, and other discourses. 1895. 227.91 D13 Drummond, James. Epistles of Paul the apostle. 1899. (Internat. handbks. to the New testament.) 225.7 161 v. 2 Geikie, John Cunningham. New testament hours. 1895-97. v. 3-4. 225.7 G31 Genung, G. F. The fourfold story; a study of the Gospels. 226.1 G34 Gigot, F. E. Outlines of New testament history. 225.95 G46 Godet, Frederic. Introduction to the New testament; the epis- tles of St. Paul; tr. fr. the French by W. Affleck. 1894. 227. G5S Gore, Charles. St. Paul’s epistle to the Ephesians. 1898. 227.5 G 66 Gould, Ezra P. Critical and exegetical commentary on the gospel according to St. Mark. 1896. (In- ternat. crit. commentary.) 226.3 G69 Gray, J. C., ed. Biblical museum; a commentary on the Holy scriptures, v. 1 : Gospels and the Acts. 225.7 B58g Jacobus, Melanctlion Williams. Problem in New testament criticism. 1900. (Stone lectures.) 225.6 J17 Laidlaw, John. Miracles of our Lord, expository and homilet- ic. 1892. 226.7 L18 Luckock, Herbert Mortimer. Footprints of the apostles as traced by St. Luke in the Acts. 1897. 2 v. 226.6 L94 Maclaren, Alexander. The beatitudes, and other sermons. 1896. 226.2 M16 Maturin, Basil William. Practical studies on the parables of our Lord. 1897. 226.8 M44 Milligan, William. Lectures on the Apocalypse. 1892. (Baird lectures.) 228. M65 Mitchell, Edward C. Critical handbook of the Greek New testa- ment. New ed. enl. 1896. 225.6 MGS Moule, H. C. G. Colossian studies. 227.7 M92 — Philippian studies; lessons from St. Paul’s epistle. 1897. 227.6 M92 Peloubet, Francis Nathan. Suggestive illustrations on the gospel ac- cording to Matthew. 1897. 226.2 P39 14 RELIGION. — Suggestive illustrations on the gospel of John. 226.5 P39 Pierson, A. T. In Christ Jesus; or, The sphere of the be- liever’s life. 227. P62 Ramsay, W. M. ‘ Was Christ bom at Bethlehem? a study on the credibility of St. Luke. 226.4» R18 Tait, A. Charter of Christianity; an examination of [the] Sermon on the mount. 226.2 T13 Tolstoi, Lyof Nikolaieviteh, count. The four Gospels harmonized and translated. 1896. pts. 1-2. 226.T65g - — Gospel in brief; tr., fr. the Russian. 1896. 226. T65 Wordsworth, E. Thoughts on the Lord’s prayer. 226.9 W92 Doctrinal. Dogmatics. Theology. Abbott, Lyman. Love and death. 1896. 236.1 A13 Allen, Joseph Henry. Sequel to “Our liberal movement.” 1897. 230.8 A42 Anthony, A. W. The method of Jesus. 230. A62 Argyll, George Douglas Campbell, 8th duke of. Philosophy of belief; or, Law in Christian theology. 1896. 230. A69 Aveling, Frederic Wilkins. Who was Jesus Christ? and other questions. 1897. 230. A94 Bagshawe, Edward, bp. Notes on Christian doctrine. 1896. 230. B14 Boardman, G. N. History of New England theology. 230. B66 Bruce, Alexander Balmain. Providential order of the world. 1897. 231.5 B88 Caird, John. Fundamental ideas of Christianity; with a memoir by E. Caird. 1899. 2v. (Gifford lectures.) 230. C13 Chambre, Albert St. John. Sermons on the apostles’ creed. 1898. 238.1 C44 Clarke, William Newton. Outline of Christian theologv. 1898. 230. C61 The conception of God; by J. Royce and others. 1897. 231. C74 Crawford, John Howard. The brotherhood of mankind; a study to- wards a Christian philosophy of history. 1895. 233. C89 Dale, Robert William. Christ and the future life. 1895. (Little books on religion.) 237. D13 Denney, James. Studies in theology; lectures. 5th ed. 1896. 230. D39 Fisher, George Park. History of Christian doctrine, nat. theol. lib.) 1896. (Inter- 230. F53 Gladden, W. How much is left of the old doctrines? 230. G54 Gladstone, William Ewart. Studies subsidiary to the works of Bishop Butler. 1896. 239.5 B98xg Gordon, Adoniram Judson. Ministry of the spirit. 1896. 231.3 G66 Gordon, George Angler. Immortality and the new theodicy. 1897. 237.2 G66i Harnack, Adolf. History of dogma; tr. fr. the German. 1896- 99. v. 2-4, 6-7. (Theol. trans. lib.) *1 Harris, Samuel. God, the Creator and Lord of all. 1896. 2 v. 231. H31 Henslow, George. 'Christian beliefs in the light of modern criti- cism. 1896. 230. H52 Hillis, Newell Dwight. Foretokens of immortality. 1899. 237.2 H65 Hyde, W. D. God’s education of man. 230. H99g Illingworth, J. R. Divine immanence. Inge, William Ralph. Christian mysticism. 1899. tures.) James, W. Human immortality; two supposed objections to the doctrine. 237.2 J29 Kaftan, Julius. Truth of the Christian religion Ger. by G. Ferries. 1894. 2 v. Kinsley, William W. Old faiths and new facts. 1896. Le Gallienne, Richard. If I were God. 1897. Lias, John James. Nicene creed; a manual for candidates for holy orders. 1897. 238.1 L69 Lindsay, Mrs. A. R. (Brown). Victory of our faith. 234. L74 Newbolt," William Charles Edmund. Gospel of experience; or, The witness of hu- man life to the truth of revelation., 1896. (Boyle lectures.) 230. N53 Orr, James. Christian view of God and the world, as cen- tring in the incarnation. 3d ed. 1897. (Kerr lectures.) 230. 075 Picard, Louis. Christianity or agnosticism? 1899. 230. P58 239.7 129 (Bampton lec- 239. 145 tr. fr. the 230. Kll 239.8 K56 231.8 L49 Pike, G. R. Divine drama. 231. P63 Savage, M. J. Life beyond death. 237. S26 Schwab, Laurence Henry. The kingdom of God. 1897. (Bohlen lectures.) 230. S39 Slicer, T. R. Great affirmations of religion. 230.8 S63 Smyth, Newman. Place of death in evolution. 1897. 236.1 S66 Staekpole, Everett S. Prophecy; or, Speaking for God. 1896. ^ J 230. S77 RELIGION. 15 Thompson, Hugh Miller, bp. The world and the kingdom. 5th ed. 1891. (Bishop Paddock lectures.) 230. T47w — The world and the man. 4th ed. 1890. (Bald- win lectures.) 230. T47 — The world and the wrestlers, personality and responsibility. 2d ed. 1895. (Bohlen lec- tures.) 230. T47wo Tolstoi, Lyof Nikolaieviteh, count. Friilsningen finnes hos dig sjlilf; ofvers. af W. Hedberg. 1894. 230. T65k2 Trine, R. W. Greatest thing ever known. 237.2 T83 Warfield, Benjamin Breckinridge. Significance of the Westminster standards as a creed. 1898. 238.5 W27 — Two studies in the history of doctrine; Au- gustine and the Pelagian controversy; [and], The development of the doctrine of infant salvation. 1897. 234. W27 Weidner, Revere Franklin. Introduction to dogmatic theology; based on Luthardt. 2d ed. rev. 1895. 230. W41 Welldon, J. E. C. The hope of immortality. 237.2 W44 Zollmann, Theodor. Bibel och natur. 1882. 239.8 Z86 Christology. Lives of Christ. Abbott, Lyman. Christianity and social problems. 1896. 232. A13 Anthony, A. W. Introduction to the life of Jesus. 232.9 A62 Bacon, Leonard Woolsey. The simplicity that is in Christ; sermons, 1892. 232. B12 Banks, Louis Albert. Christ and his friends; revival sermons. 1895. 232. B21 — The fisherman and his friends; revival ser- mons. 1896. 232. B21f Boardman, G. D. The divine man, from the nativity to the temptation. 232.9 B66 Bruce, Alexander Balmain. With open face; or, Jesus mirrored in Mat- thew, Mark and Luke. 1896. 232. B88 Byington, Ezra Hoyt. The Christ of yesterday, to-day, and forever, and other seimons. 1897. 232. B99 Campbell, James M. The indwelling Christ. 1895. 232. C18 Coyle, John Patterson. The imperial Christ; with biog. introd. by G. A. Gates. 1896. 232. C88 Farrar, Frederic William. Historiens vittnesbord om Kristus; ofvers. af E. Bergman. 1878. 232. F24 — Jesu lif; ofvers. af F. Fehr. Illust. [1877.] 232.9 F24 Gilbert, George Holley. Student’s life of Jesus. 3d ed. rev. and enl. 1900. 232.9 G46 Gunsaulus, F. W. Man of Galilee; a biog. study of the life of Jesus Christ. 232.9 G97 Hall, Arthur Crawshay Alliston, bp. Christ’s temptation and ours. 1897. (Bald- win lectures.) 232. H17 Hall, Charles Cuthbert. Gospel of the divine sacrifice; a study in evan- gelical belief. 1896. 232.3 H17 Harnaek, Adolf. Christianity and history; tr. by T. B. Saun- ders. 1896. 232. H28 Lee, Gerald Stanley. The shadow Christ. 1896. 232. L47 Lonnkvist, Fred, ed. Frfin Betlehem till Golgata; Jesu underfulla lif. Illust. 1893. 232.9 L86 Lorimer, G. C. The Galilean; or, Jesus, the world’s savior. 232.9 L87 McKenzie, A. Divine force in the life of the world. (Lowell institute lectures.) 232. M15 Mason, Arthur James. Conditions of our Lord’s life on earth. 1897. (Bishop Paddock lectures.) 232. M39 Matheson, G. Studies of the portrait of Christ. 3d ed. 232. M42 Merrill, G. E. The reasonable Christ; a series of studies. 232. M57 Pierson, Arthur Tappan. Shall we continue in sin? 1897. 232. P62 Powell, Henry Clark. Principle of the incarnation. 1896. 232.1 P88 Renan, Joseph Ernest. Life of Jesus; trans. rev. fr. 23d ed. 1896. 232.9 R39 R6ville, Albert. Jesus de Nazareth; etudes critiques. 1897. 2 v. 232.9 R45 Robertson, J. Our Lord’s teaching. (Guild text books.) 232. R65 Scrymgeour, W. Lessons on the life of Jesus. 232.9 S43 Speer, Robert E. Studies of the man Christ Jesus. 1896. 232.9 S74 Stapfer, E. [Jesus Christ; his person, his authority, his work] ; tr. by L. S. Houghton. 3 v. 232.9 S79 Van Dyke, H. J. Gospel for a world of sin. 232.3 V24 Walden, Treadwell. Great meaning of metanoia; an undeveloped chapter in the life and teaching of Christ. New ed. 1896. 232. W16 Ward, Mrs. Elizabeth Stuart (Phelps). Story of Jesus Christ. 1897. 232.9 W25 Watson, John (Ian Maclaren). Companions of the sorrowful way. 1898. 232.9 W33 Devotional. Practical. Ames, Charles Gordon. “As natural as life;” studies of the inner king- dom. 1894. 241. A51 16 RELIGION . Andrewes, Lancelot, bp. Devotions; tr. fr. the Greek by J. H. New- man. 1897. 240. A56 Banks, Louis Albert. Immortal hymns and their story. Illust. 1898. 245. B21 Brooke, S. A. Gospel of joy. 248. B87* Brooks, Phillips, bp. Best methods of promoting spiritual life. 248. B873 — The more abundant life; Lenten readings; sel. by W. M. L. Jay. 1897. 242. BS7 Campbell, R. J. Restored innocence. (Little books on relig- ion.) 243. C18 Cook, Mrs. Mabel (Collins). Story of the year; a record of feasts and cere- monies. 1895. 242. C77 Drummond, Henry. Joy, rest and faith. 248. D79j Evans, Edward Payson. Animal symbolism in ecclesiastical architec- ture. Illust. 1896. 246. E92 Girling, H. Light from plant life; truths fr. the life his- tory of plants. 1895. 244. G52 Gladden, Washington. Ruling ideas of the present age. 1895. 248. G54 Guerber, Helene Adeline. Legends of the Virgin and Christ. Illust. 1896. 244. G92 Herrmann, Willibald. Communion of the Christian with God; tr. by J. S. Stanyon. 1895. (Theol. trans. lib.) *1 In answer to prayer; by W. B. Carpenter, T. L. Cuyler, J. Watson and others. 248 135 Jackson, George. First things first; addresses to young men. 1894. 248. J12 Kernahan, Ooulson. The child, the wise man, and the devil. 1896. 244. K39 Mabie, H. W. Life of the spirit. 242. Mil Macalister, Robert Alexander Stewart. Ecclesiastical vestments; their development and history. Illust. 1896. (Camden lib.) 247.7 Mil Matheson, George. Voices of the spirit. 1892. 240. M42 Meyer, F. B. Future tenses of the blessed life. (Blessed life ser.) 248. M61 — Present tenses of the blessed life. (Blessed life ser.) 248. M61p Miller, James Russell. In his steps; a book for young Christians. 1897. 248. M64i — Things to live for. 1896. 241. M64 Monod, Wilfrid. He suffered; or, Human suffering interpreted by Jesus Christ; tr. fr. the French by A. D. Perkins. 1896. 242. M75 Nicoll, William Robertson. When the worst comes to the worst. 1896. 241. N64 Peabody, Francis Greenwood. Mornings in the college chapel; addresses to young men on personal religion. 1896. 248. P35 Phelps, Austin. The still hour; or. Communion with God. 1885. 248. P53 Religiosa betraktelser. 1882. 242. R38 Rossetti, Christina Georgina. Reflected lights from “The face of the deep”; sel. and arr. by W. M. L. Jay. 1899. 242. R82 Shutter, Marion D. Child of nature; studies of the outward as related to the inward life. 1895. 241. S56 Stead, William Thomas, ed. Hymns that have helped. 1897. 245. S79 Story of the Heavenly camp-fires; by one with a new name. 1896. 244. S88 Strong, Thomas Banks. Christian ethics. 1896. (Bampton lectures.) 241. S92 Temple, F. Helps to godly living. 242. T28 Tileston, Mrs. Mary Wilder (Foote), comp. Prayers ancient and modern. 1897. 248. T57 Tolstoi, L. N., count. Christian teaching; tr. by V. Tchertkoff. 241. T65 Trine, Ralph Waldo. What all the world’s a-seeking. 2d ed. 1897. 241. T83 Van Dyke, H. J. -Ships and havens. 248. V24 West, James Harcourt. The complete life. 1888. 240. W51 Pastoral. Parochial. Collections of Sermons. Abbott, Lyman, and others. The new puritanism. 1898. 252.058 A13 Banks, L. A. Paul and his friends; a series of sermons. 252.076 B21p Berle, A. A. Modem interpretations of the gospel life; sermons. 252.08 B51 Broadus, John Albert. Treatise on the preparation and delivery of sermons; ed. by E. C. Dargan. New ed. 1898. 251. B86 Brooke, Stopford Augustus. Old testament and modern life. 1896. 252.08 B87 — Ship of the soul, and other papers. (Small books on great subjects.) 252. B87 Brooks, Phillips, bp. Sermons. 1895-96. v. 7-8. 252.03 B87 — Valda religiosa foredrag; ofvers. af H. F. 252.03 B87v Caird, J. University sermons, 1873-98. 252.05 C13 Carpenter, William Boyd, bp., and others. On sermon preparation. 1896. 251. C29 Church, Richard William. Pascal, and other sermons. 1896. 252.03 C56 RELIGION . 17 Clark, Alexander. Hvardagslifvets Kristendom eller evangelium bland arbetare; of vers, af B. Stromberg. 1886. 252.07 C59 Cuckson, John. Faith and fellowship. 1897. 252.08 C96 Dix, Morgan. Blessing and ban from the cross of Christ; meditations on the seven words on the cross. 1898. 252.03 D61 Drummond, Henry. The ideal life; addresses with memorial sketches by Ian Maclaren and W. R. Nicoll. 1898. 252. D79 Dwight, T. r Eh oughts of and for tne inner life; [sermons]. 252. D99 Farrar, Frederic William,. True religion; sermons. 1899. (Preachers of today.) 252.03 F24 Gladden, Washington. The Christian pastor and the working church. 1898. (Internat. theol. lib.) 250. G54 Greer, D. H. Visions; sermons. 252.03 G81 Gregg, D. Things of Northfield, and other things that should be in every diurch; [sermons.] 252.05 G81 Hale, William Bayard. The new obedience; a plea for social submis- sion to Christ. 1897. 252.03 H16 Hall, Charles Cuthbert. Into his marvellous light. 1893. 252.05 H17i Hall, T. C. Power of an endless life. 252.05 H179p Harris, Maurice H. Temple Israel pulpit; addresses. 3d ser. 1896. 252.096 H31 252.03 H68 252.03 H68i 252.03 H82 252.03 H95 Hodges, George. Battles of peace; [sermons.] — In this present world. 1897. Hort, Fenton John Anthony. Village sermons. 1897. Huntington, W. R. Psyche; a study of the soul. James, Fleming. The message and the messengers; lessons fr. the hist, of preaching. 1897. 251. J27 Jones, J. L. Jess; bits of wayside gospel. 252.08 J77j Jowett, B. Sermons; biog. and miscellaneous; ed. by W. H. Fremantle. 252.03 J87s Lawrence, William, bp. Visions and service; discourses delivered in college chapels. 1896. 252.03 L42 McKenzie, Alexander. A door opened. 1898. 252.058 M15 Maclaren, A. Victor’s crown, and other sermons. 252.06 M16 Moody, Dwight Lyman. Fifty sermons and evangelistic talks. 1899. 252.08 M81 Moxom, Philip Stafford. Religion of hope. 1896. 252.058 M93 Murphy, Edgar Gardner. The larger life; sermons and an essay. 1897. 252.03 M97 Potter, Henry Codman, bp. Addresses to women engaged in church work. 1898. 256. P86 Sallmon, William H., ed. Culture of Christian manhood; Sunday morn- ings in Battell chapel, Yale university. 1897. 252. S16 Savage, M. J. Messiah pulpit; sermons, v. 1-3. 252.08 S26m — Religion for to-day. 1897. 252.08 S26r — Unity pulpit; sermons, v. 13-14. 252.08 S26u Tucker, W. J. Making and unmaking of the preacher; lec- tures. 251. T89 Van Dyke, Henry Jackson. Gospel for an age of doubt. 1897. (Yale lec- tures on preaching.) 251. V24 Watson, John (Ian Maclaren). The cure of souls. 1896. (Lyman Beecher lec- tures.) 251. W33 Westcott, Brooke Foss, bp. Christian aspects of life. 1897. 252.03 W52 The Church. Institutions and Work. Allen, Alexander Viets Griswold. Christian institutions. 1897. (Internat. theol. lib.) 261. A42 Battifol, P. History of the Roman breviary; tr. by A. M. Y. Baylay. 264.02 B33 Beard, Frederica. Kindergarten Sunday school. 1895. 268. B36 Bliss, E. M. Concise history of missions. 266. B64 Christian worship; lectures by C. C. Hall and others. 1897. 264. C55 Common prayer, Book of. Annotated Book of common prayer; ed. by J. H. Blunt. 264.03 C73b Dennis, J. S. Christian missions and social progress, v. 1-2. 266. D41 Doggett, L. L. History of the Young men’s Christian associa- tion; v. 1. Founding of the assoc., 1844- 1855. 1896. 267.391 D65 Ede, William Moore. Attitude of the church to some of the social problems of town life. 1896. (Hulsean lec- tures.) 261. E21 Ellinwood, F. F. Questions and phases of modern missions. 266. E46 Fox, Norman. Christ in the daily meal; or, The ordinance of the breaking of bread. 1898. 265.3 F79 Gibbons, James, card. The ambassador of Christ. 1896. 262.14 G44 Gulick, Sidney L. Growth of the kingdom of God. 260. G97 Hamack, Adolf. Sources of the apostolic canons; tr. by L. A. Wheatley. 1895. 262.6 H28 18 RELIGION. Huntington, William Reed. A national church. 1898. (Bedell lectures.) 261. H95 — Short history of the Book of common prayer; with apx. cont. the prayers of the Book annexed. 1893. 264.03 H95s Ireland, John, abp. The church and modem society; lectures and addresses. 2d. ed. 1897. 261. 165 Jefferson, C. E. Quiet talks with earnest people in my study. 262.1 J45 Leonard, Delavan L. Missionary annals of the 19th century. 1899. 266. L58 Lowe, J. Medical missions. 4th ed. 266. L91 — Primer of medical missions. 266. L91p Mackenzie, W. Douglas. Christianity and the progress of man as illust. by modern missions. 1897. 266. M15 Maurice, Frederick Denison. The prayer-book considered in reference to the Romish system and the Lord’s prayer; sermons. 1893. 264.03 M45 Mead, George Whitefield. Modern methods in church work; the gospel renaissance. 1897. 260. M47 Mott, John Robert. Strategic points in the world’s conquest; uni- versities and colleges as related to the progress of Christianity. 1897. 267.1 M92 Myers, C. Why men do not go to church. 263.4 M99 Pott, Francis. Introduction to the principles and practice of chanting in free rhythm and true antiphony. 1896. 264.2 P86 Robinson, C. Ministry of deaconesses. 262.15 R65 Rossetti, Christina Georgina. Called to be saints; the minor festivals de- votionally studied. 1895. 264. R82 Schauffier, Adolphus F. Ways of working; or, Hints for Sunday-school teachers. 1895. 268. S31 Verwyst, Chrysostom. Missionary labors of Fathers Marquette, Me- nard and Allouez in the Lake Superior re- gion. 1886. 266.2 Y57 Watson, John, LL. D. Christianity and idealism. New ed. 1897. 261.4 W33 Wells, Amos R. Sunday-school success; practical methods for teachers. 1897. 268. W45 Religious History. Bacon, Leonard Woolsey. History of American Christianity. 1897. (Amer. church hist.) 277.3 B12 — Irenics and polemics; with essays in church history. 1895. 270. B12 Barrows, J. H. Christian conquest of Asia. (Morse lec- tures, 1898.) 275. B27 Bartlet, J. Y. The apostolic age. (Ten epochs of church hist.) 270.1 B28 Bright, William. Chapters of early English church history. 3d ed. rev. and enl. 1897. 274.2 B85 — The Roman see in the early church, and other studies in church history. 1896. 270. B85r Burkitt, F. Crawford. Early Christianity outside the Roman empire. 1899. 270.1 B95 Clark, William. The Anglican reformation. 1897. (Ten epochs of church hist.) 274.2 C59 Conybeare, F. C. Key of truth; a manual of the Paulician church of Armenia. 273.9 C76 Du Bose, William P. The ecumenical councils. 1896. (Ten epochs of church hist.) 270.2 D81 Eckenstein, Lina. Woman under monasticism; A. D. 500-1500. 1896. 271.9 E19 Farrar, Frederic William. Kristendomens forsta dagar; bfvers. af G. Tran6r. 1885. 270. F24 Froude, James Anthony. Lectures on the Council of Trent. 1896. 270.6 F94 Gasquet, F. A. The eve of the reformation. 273.2 G24 Gee, H. Elizabethan clergy and the settlement of re- ligion, 1558-1564. 274.2 G29 Graham, J. A. On the threshold of three closed lands, the guild outpost in the eastern Himalayas. 275.4 G73 Guinness, Lucy E. Across India at the dawn of the 20th century. 1898. 275.4 G96 Guinness, M. Geraldine. Story of the China inland mission. 3d ed. Illust. 1894. 2 v. 274.51 G96 Hopkins, E. W. Religions of India. (Handbook on the hist, of religions.) 275.4 H79 Hunt, John. Religious thought in England in the 19th cen- tury. 1896. 274.2 H94 Hurst, John Fletcher. History of the Christian church. 1897. v 1. (Lib. of Biblical and theol. lit.) 270. H96h Locke, Clinton. Age of the great Western schism. 1896. (Ten epochs of church hist.) 270.5 L81 Ludlow, James Meeker. Age of the crusades. 1896. (Ten epochs of church hist.) 270.4 L94 MacDougall, D. Conversion of the Maoris. 279.31 M13 McGiffert, Arthur Cushman. History of Christianity in the apostolic age. 1897. (Internat. theol. lib.) 270.1 M14 Maclear, George Frederick. The Slavs. 1879. (Conversion of the West.) 274.7 M16 RELIGION . 19 Mason, Arthur James. Persecution of Diocletian. 1876. 272.1 M39 Mather, C. Wonders of the invisible world. 272.8 M42w Meaux, M. C. A v vicomte de. La rSforme et la politique frangaise en Eu- rope jusqu’il la paix de Westphalie. 2 v. 270.6 M48 Merriman, Titus Mooney. “Welcome, Englishmen;” or, Pilgrims, puri- tans and Roger Williams vindicated. 2d ed. 1896. 277.4 M57 Moller, Ernst Wilhelm. History of the Christian church; tr. fr. the Ger. by J. II. Freese. 1900. v. 3. 270. M72 Noble, F. P. Redemption of Africa. 2v. 276. N74 O’Reilly, Augustine J. Martyrs of the coliseum; or, Historical records of the great amphitheatre of ancient Rome. 1895. 272. 066 Orr, J. Neglected factors in the study of the early progress of Christianity. (Morgan lectures.) 270.1 075 Puddefoot, W. G. Minute man on the frontier. 1895. 277.8 P97 Renan, Joseph Ernest. Antichrist; fr. the arrival of Paul in Rome to the end of the Jewish revolution; tr. by J. H. Allen. 1897. 270.1 R39 Schaff, P. History of the Christian church, v. 7 : Mod- ern Christianity, the Swiss reformation. 270. S29 Sohm, Rudolf. Outlines of church history; tr. by M. Sinclair. 1895. 270. S68 Speer, R. E. Missions and politics in Asia. (Students’ lec- tures on missions, Princeton theological seminary, 1898.) 275. S74 Stoughton, John. Lights and shadows of church life. 1895. 270.2 S88 Tchertkoff, Vladimir, ed. Christian martyrdom in Russia; concluding chapter and letter by L. Tolstoy. 1897. 272.9 T25 Temple, Oliver Perry. The covenanter, the cavalier, and the puritan. 1897. 274.1 T28 Van Dyke, Paul. Age of the renascence; sketch of the history of the papacy fr. the return from Avignon to the sack of Rome, 1377-1527. 1897. (Ten epochs of church hist.) 270.5 V24 Vincent, Marvin Richardson. Age of Hildebrand. 1896. (Ten epochs of church hist.) 270.4 V77 Warren, F. E. Liturgy and ritual of the ante-Nicene church. (Side-lights of church hist.) 270.1 W28 Waterman, L. Post-apostolic age. (Ten epochs of church hist.) 270.1 W32 Weizsiicker, Carl von. Apostolic age of the Christian church; tr. fr. 2d rev. ed. by J. Millar. 1894-95. 2v. (Theol. trans. lib.) *1 Wells, Charles L. Age of Charlemagne. 1898. (Ten epochs of church hist.) 270.3 W45 Wishart, Alfred Wesley. Short history of monks and monasteries. 1900. 271. W81 Christian Churches and Sects. Allies, Mary H. History of the church in England [to 1603]. 1892-95. 282.42 A43 Barrows, John Henry. Christianity the world religion. 1897. (Bar- rows’ lectures.) 280. B27 Bompiani, Mrs. Sophia (Van Matre). Short history of the Italian Waldenses. 1897. 284.4 B69 Buckley, James Monroe. History of methodists in the United States. 1896. (Amer. church hist.) 287.73 B92 Byington, Ezra Hoyt. Puritan in England and New England. 1896. 285.9 B99 Christian, J. T. Baptist history vindicated. 286. C55 Church unity; lectures by C. W. Shields and others. 1896. 280. C56 Craven, Mme. P. (La Ferronnays). Le travail d’une ame. 4th ed. 282. C89 Creighton, Mandell, bp. History of the papacy during the reformation. 1894. v. 5. 282. C91 Erikson, J. M. Metodismen i Sverige. Illust. 1895. 287. E68 Fairbairn, A. M. Catholicism, Roman and Anglican. 283. F16 Foote, Henry Wilder. Annals of King’s chapel. 1896. v. 2. *1 Galton, A. Message and position of the Church of Eng- land. 283. G18 Gregory, J. Puritanism in the old world and in the new. 1896. 285.9 G82 Griffis, William Elliot. The pilgrims in their three homes, England, Holland, America. 1898. 285.9 G85 Harris, W. R. History of the early missions in western Can- ada. 1893. 282.71 H31 Hazard, C. Narragansett Friends’ meeting in the 18th century, with a chapter on quaker begin- nings in Rhode Island. 289.6 H42 Hunt, William. The English church fr. its foundation to the Norman conquest, 597-1066. 1899. (Hist, of the Eng. church.) 283. H94 Huntington, W. R. Popular misconceptions of the episcopal church. 283. H95 20 RELIGION. V Hyde, A. B. Story of methodism throughout the world. 287. H99 Lea, Henry Charles. History of auricular confession and indul- gences in the Latin church. 1896. 3 v. 282. L43 Mason, Arthur James. Principles of ecclesiastical unity; lectures. 1896. 280. M39 Moran, Patrick Francis, card. Catholics of Ireland under the penal laws in the 18th century. 282.415 M82 Powers, Laura Bride. Story of the old missions of California; their establishment, progress and decay. Illust. 1893. (Sunset ser.) 282.794 P88 Roberts, Alexander and Donaldson, J., ed. Ante-Nicene fathers; trans. of [their] writing to A. D. 325; Amer. reprint of Edinburgh ed., rev. by A. C. Coxe. 1896. 10 v. *1 Schaff, Philip. Select library of Nicene and post-Nieene fathers of the Christian church; tr. into Eng., with notes. 2d ser. 1895-99. v. 9-10, 12-13. *1 Vedder, Henry Clay. History of the baptists in the middle states. 1898. 286. V41 Wakeling, G. Oxford church movement. 1895. 283. W14 Wakeman, Henry Offley. Introduction to the history of the Church of England. 3d ed. 1897. 283.42 W14 Walsh, W. Secret history of the Oxford movement. 6th ed. 283.42 W22 Non-Christian Religions. Abrahams, Israel. Jewish life in the middle ages. 1896. 296. A15 Amram, David Werner. Jewish law of divorce according to Bible and Talmud. 1896. 296. A52 Anderson, Hedda. Nordiska sagor; berattade for bam. 1896. 2 v. 293. A54 Atterbury, A. P. Islam in Africa. 297. A88 Beal, Samuel. Buddhism in China. 1884. (Non- Christian relig. systems.) 294. B36 Berry, T. Sterling. Christianity and Buddhism; the Donellan lec- tures, 1889-90. (Non-Christian relig. sys- tems.) 294. B53 Bhattacharya, Jogendra Nath. Hindu castes and sects. 1896. 294. B575 Brinton, Daniel Garrison. Myths of the new world; the symbolism and mythology of the red race of America. 3d ed. rev. 1896. 299.7 B85 — Religions of primitive peoples. 1897. (Amer. lectures on hist, of relig.) 291. B85 Brown, R. Semitic influence in Hellenic mythology, with special reference to the recent mythologi- cal works of F. Max Muller and A. Lang. 292. B87 Budde, Karl Ferdinand Reinhardt. Religion of Israel to tne exile. 1899. (Amer. lectures on the hist, of relig.) 296. B92 Budge, Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis. Egyptian ideas of the future life. 1899. (Books on Egypt and Chaldsea.) 299.31 B92e — Egyptian magic. 1899. (Books on Egypt and Chaldsea.) 299.31 B92 Cams, Paul. Buddhism and its Christian critics. 1897. 294. C32b Cheyne, T. K. Jewish religious life after the exile. (Amer. lectures on the’ hist, of relig.) 296. C53 Davids, Thomas William Rhys-. Buddhism; its history and literature. 1896. (Amer. lectures on the hist, of relig.) 294. D25 Dembitz, L. N. Jewish services in synagogue and home. 296. D37 Dubois, Jean Antoine, abb6. Hindu manners, customs and ceremonies; tr. fr. the French, and ed. with notes and bi- ography by H. K. Beauchamip. 1897. 294. D81 Farnell, Lewis Richard. The cults of the Greek states. Illust. 1896. v. 1-2. 292. F23 Fowler, W. W. Roman festivals of the period of the repub- lic. (Handbooks of archaeology and an- tiquities.) 292. F78 Girard, J. A. Le sentiment religieux en Grece d’HomSre & Eschyle. 3d ed. 292. G51 Granger, Frank. Worship of the Romans viewed in relation to- the Roman temperament. 1895. 292. G75 Guerber, H. A. Myths of Greece and Rome. 292. G92 Harrington, Karl Pomeroy and Tolman, H. C. Greek and Roman mythology. 1897. (Stu- dents’ ser. of Latin classics.) 292. H29 Hearn, Lafcadio. Gleanings in Buddha-fields ; studies of hand and soul in the far East. 1897. 294. H43 Jackson, A. V. W. Zoroaster, the prophet of ancient Iran. 295. J12 Jacobs, Joseph. Jewish ideals, and other - essays. 1896. 296. J17j Jastrow, M. Religion of Babylonia and Assyria. (Hand- books on the hist, of relig.) 299.21 J39? RELIGION. SOCIAL AND POLITICAL SCIENCE. 21 Lang, Andrew. Modern mythology. 1897. 291. M95xl — Myth, ritual, and religion. 2 v. 291. L26 Leroy-Beaulieu, Anatole. Israel among the nations; a study of the Jews and antisemitism; tr. by F. Heilman. 1895. 296. L62 Little, James A. From Kirtland to Salt Lake City; [hist, of the Mormons]. 1890. 298. L77 Menzies, Allan. History of religion; a sketch of primitive re- ligious beliefs. 1895. 290. M55 Montefiore, Claude G. Lectures on the origin and growth of religion; as illust. by the religion of the ancient He- brews. 2d ed. 1893. (Hibbert lectures.) 296. M77 Muir, Sir William. The Mohammedan controversy; biog. of Mo- hammed, etc. 1897. 297. M95m Muller, Friedrich Max. Contributions to the science of mythology. 1897. 2 v. 291. M95 — Six systems of Indian philosophy. 294. M95 Peters, M. C. Justice to the Jew. 296. P48 Petrie, William Matthew Flinders. Religion and conscience in ancient Egypt. 1898. 299.31 P49 Philpot, Mrs. J. Henry. The sacred tree; or, The tree in religion and itfyth. Illust. 1897. 299. P57 Eeed, Elizabeth Armstrong. Primitive Buddhism; its origin and teachings. 1896. 294. R32 St. Clair, G. Creation records discovered in Egypt; studies in the Book of the dead. 299.31 S13 Sander, Fredrik. Nordisk mythologi; gullveig eller Hjalmters och Olvers saga i ofvers. fran Islandskan. 1887. 293. S21 Schechter, Solomon. Studies in Judaism. 1896. 296. S31 Simpson, William. Buddhist praying- wheel ; material upon the symbolism of the wheel. Illust. 1896. 294. S61 Smith, Henry Preserved. The Bible and Islam. 1897. (Ely lectures.) 297. S64 Stern, Herman I. The gods of our fathers; a study of Saxon mythology. 1898. 293. S83 Tisdall, William St. Clair-. Religion of the crescent; or, Islam; its strength, its weakness, its origin, its in- fluence. 1895. (Non-Christian relig. sys- tems; James Long lectures.) 297. T61 White, A. The modern Jew. 296. W58 Wiedemann, Alfred. Religion of the ancient Egyptians. Illust. 1897. 299.31 W64 Social and Political Science. General Works. Blair, Thomas S. Human progress; what can man do to further it? 1896. 301. B63 Bosanquet, Mrs. Helen (Dendy). Standard of life, and other studies. 304. B74s Eliot, Charles William. American contributions to civilization, and other essays and addresses. 1897. 304. E42 Fairbanks, Arthur. Introduction to sociology. 1896. 302. F16 Fox, Charles James. Speeches in the House of commons. Giddings, Franklin Henry. Principles of sociology. 1896. 301. G45 — Theory of socialization; a syllabus of sociolog- ical principles. 1897. 301. G45t Gladden, Washington. Social facts and forces. 1897. Gorren, Aline. Anglo-Saxons and others. 1900. Hand, J. E., ed. Good citizenship ; 23 essays authors. Harris, George. Inequality and progress. 1897. Henderson, C. R. Social elements; institutions, character, prog- 1815. 6 v. 308. F79 304. G54 301. G67 by various 304. H23 301. H31 302. H49 (Chaut. read. 302. H49s 301. H68j (Lowell inst. 301. H688 — Social spirit in America. 1897. cire. lit.) Hobson, J. A. John Ruskin, social reformer. Hodges, George. Faith land social service. 1896. lectures.) Lincoln, Abraham, pres, of the U. S. Complete works ; speeches, letters, state papers and misc. writings; ed. by J. G. Nicolay and J. Hay. 1894. 2 v. 308. L73 Mackintosh, R. From Comte to Benjamin Kidd. 301. M15 Mallock, William Hurrell. Studies of contemporary superstition. 1895. 304. M25 Moore, J. Howard. Better- world philosophy ; a sociological synthe- sis. 1899. Nash, Henry Sylvester. Genesis of the social conscience. Paine, Thomas. Writings; ed. by M. D. Conway. 304. M82 1897. 301. N24 1896. v 4. 308. P14 Patten, S. N. Development of English thought; a study in the economic interpretation of history. 301. P31 Payson, E. P. Suggestions toward an applied science of so- ciology. 301. P34 22 SOCIAL AND POLITICAL SCIENCE . Roosevelt, T. American ideals, and other essays. 2d ed. 304. R78 Smith, Adam. Lectures on justice, police, revenue and arms; ed. by E. Cannan. 1896. 304. S641 Spencer, Herbert. Principles of sociology. 1897. v. 3. (Syn- thetic philos. v. 8.) 301. S74 Statesman’s year-book for 1896-1900. 305. S797 Stuckenberg, John Henry Wilburn. Introduction to the study of sociology. 1898. 301. S93 Union college, Schenectady, N. Y. Practical lectures. 1895. v. 1. (Butterfield course.) 304. U58 Ward, Lester Frank. Outlines of sociology. 1898. 302. W25 Wright, C. D. Outline of practical sociology, with special reference to American conditions. (Amer. citizen ser.) 302. W94 Statistics. Newsholme, A. Elements of statistics. 3d ed. almost entirely rewritten. 312. N55 Romero, Matias. Geographical and statistical notes on Mexico. 1898. 317.2 R76 Ussher, R. Neo-Malthusianism. 312. U87 Political Science. Suffrage. Slavery. Adams, C. F. “Imperialism” and “the tracks of our fore- fathers.” 325. A21 Adams, George Burton. Why Americans dislike 1 England. 1896. 327. A21 America and Europe; a study of international relations. 1896. (Quest, of the day.) Contents. — Wells, D. A. United States and Gt. Britain. — Phelps, E. J. Monroe doc- trine. — Schurz, C. Arbitration in interna- tional disputes. 327.73 A51 Anderson, Rasmus B. First chapter of Norwegian immigration, 1821-40; its causes and results. 2d ed. 1896. 325.2481 A54 Aristotle. Politics of Aristotle; with introd. essays and notes iby W. L. Newman. 1887. 2 v. 320.1 A71 Baldwin, S. E. Modern political institutions. 320. B18 Benedetti, Vincent, comte. Studies in diplomacy; fr. the French. 1896 327.43 B46 Bicknell, E. Territorial acquisitions of the United States; an historical review. 325. B58 Bosanquet, B. Philosophical theory of the state. 320.1 B74 Bonsai, Stephen, ed. The golden horseshoe; extracts from the let- ters of H. L. Herndon and L. Gill. 1900. 325. B72 Boyd, James P. Parties, problems and leaders of 1896; biog. of party leaders and text of national plat- forms. Illust. 1896. 329.01 B78 Bradford, G. Lesson of popular government. 2 v. 321.8 B79 Bridgman, Raymond L. Biennial elections. 1896. 324.73 B85 Brough, C. H. Irrigation in Utah. (Johns Hopkins Univ. studies in hist, and pol. sci.; extra v. 19.) *1 Brown, James Sayles. Partisan politics; the evil and the remedy. 1897. 329. B878 Bruce, T., ed. Views of the American press on the Philip- pines. 325. B88 Bryan, William Jennings. First battle; story of the campaign of 1896; with a collection of his speeches and a biog. sketch by [his wife]. Illust. 1896. 329.3 B91 Burrows, Montagu. History of the foreign policy of Great Britain. 1895. 327.42 B97 Callahan, J. M. Cuba and international relations. (Johns Hopkins univ. stud, in hist, and pol. sci.; extra v. 21.) *1 Chamberlain, L. T. The state; its nature, origin and functions and the duties of citizens. 320.1 C44 Chetwood, John. Immigration fallacies. 1896. 325.1 C52 Commons, John Rogers. Proportional representation. 1896. 324.2 C73 Cunningham, William. Alien immigrants to England. Illust. 1897. (Social England ser.) 325.42 C97 Curtis, William Eleroy. The United States and foreign powers. 1892. (Chaut. read. circ. lit.) 327.73 C98 Egerton, Hugh Edward. Short history of British colonial policy. 1897. 325.3 E29 Essays in liberalism. 1897. 329.9 E78 Fernald, J. C. The imperial republic. 325. F36 Figgis, J. Neville. Theory of the divine right of kings; Prince consort dissertation. 1896. (Camb. hist, essays.) 321.6 F47 Follett, Mary Parker. The speaker of the House of representatives. 1896. 328.1 F66 Forman, S. E. First lessons in civics; a text-book. 320. F72 Giddings, Franklin Henry. Democracy and empire. 1900. 321.8 G45 Giles, Fayette Stratton. The industrial army. 1896. 320. G47 SOCIAL AND POLITICAL SCIENCE . 23 Gillis, J. A. The Hawaiian incident; examination of Mr. Cleveland’s attitude toward the revolution of 1893. 1897. 327.73 G48 Godkin, Edwin Lawrence. Problems of modem democracy. 1896. 320.4 G58 — Unforeseen tendencies of democracy. 1898. 320. G58 Gordy, John Pancoast. History of political parties in the United States. 1895. v. 1. 329. G66 Griffis, W. E. America in the East. 325. G85 Hazen, Charles Downer. Contemporary American opinion of the French revolution. 1897. (Johns Hopkins univ. stud, in hist, and pol. sci.) *1 Higby, Clinton D. General outline of civil government in the United States. 1894. 320.2 H63 Holland, F. M. Liberty in the 19th century. 323. H73 Hollander, J. H. Financial history of Baltimore. (Johns Hop- kins univ. studies in hist, and polit. sci.; extra v. 20.) *1 Hyslop, J. H. Democracy; a study of government. 321.8 H99 Ideal commonwealths: Plutarch’s Lycurgus; More’s Utopia; Bacon’s New Atlantis; Cami- panella’s City of the sun, and a fragment of Hall’is Mundus alter et idem, with introd. by H. Morley. 1885. (Morley’s universal lib.) 321. 119 Ireland, A. Tropical colonization. 325. 165 Johnson, Helen Kendrick. Womian and the republic; survey of the wom- an-suffrage movement in the United States. 1897. 324.3 J67 Johnston, A. History of Amer. politics; 4th ed. rev. and enl. by W. M. Sloane. (Handbooks for students and general readers.) 329. J72 Jordan, D. S. Imperial democracy. 325. J82 Kant, Immanuel. Principles of politics; incl. his Essay on per- petual peace; ed. and tr. by W. Hastie. 1891 320.1 K16 Kidd, B. Control of the tropics. 325. K46 Lecky, William Edward Hartpole. Democracy and liberty. 1896. 2 v. 324.2 L461 — Democracy and liberty. New ed. 2v. 324.2 L4612 Levere, W. C. Imperial America. 325. L66 Lewis, Sir G. C. Remarks on the use and abuse of some po- litical terms; new ed. with notes by T. Raleigh. 320.4 L67 Lilly, William Samuel. First principles in politics. 1899. 320. L72 * Lincoln, Abraham, pres, of the U. S., and Doug- las, S. A. Political debates in the campaign of 1858 in Illinois; also the two great speeches of Lin- coln in Ohio in 1859. 1895. 329.6 L73 Lord, Eleanor Louisa. Industrial experiments in the British colo- nies of North America. 1898. (Johns Hop- kins univ. stud, in hist, and pol. sci.) *1 Lucy, Henry W. Diary of the Home rule Parliament, 1892-1895. 1896. 328.429 L94 McConachie, Lauros G. Congressional committees; study of legis- lative methods. 1898. (Lib. of econ. and pol.) 328. M12 McKechnie, William Sharp. The state and the individual; introd. to polit- ical science. 1896. 320.1 M15 Macknight, Thomas. Ulster as it is; or, Twenty-eight years’ experi- ence as an Irish editor. 1896. 2 v. 329.9415 M15 McMaster, John Bach. Origin, meaning and application of the Mon- roe doctrine. 1896. 327.73 M16 Moses, B. Democracy and social growth in America. 321.8 M91 [Pamphlets and leaflets opposing woman suf- frage.] 189 — . 324.3 P18 Patton, Jacob Harris. Political parties in the United States. 1896. 320.973 P32 Pembroke and Montgomery, George Robert Charles Herbert, 13th earl of. Political letters and speeches. 1896. 320.4 P39 Pierce, Edward Lillie. Enfranchisement 'and citizenship; ed. by A. W. Stevens. 1896. 320.4 P61 Potter, Henry Codman, bp. The scholar and the state, and other orations and addresses. 1897. 320.4 P86 Powell, Aaron Macy. Personal reminiscences of the anti-slavery and other reforms and reformers. 1899. 326. P88 Powell, Baden Henry Baden-. Indian village community, with reference to the physical, ethnographic and historical conditions of the province. 1896. 321.2 P88 — Origin and growth of village communities in India. 1899. (Social sci. ser.) 321.2 P88o Proal, L. Political crime; introd. by F. H. GiddingE. (Criminology ser.) 320. P96 Reddaway, W. F. Monroe doctrine. 327.73 R31 Robinson, C. Kansas conflict. 326.973 R6582 Sauvalle, P. M. Manuel des assemblies dilibirantes. 328.1 S26 Scaife, Walter Bell. Florentine life during the renaissance. 1893. (Johns Hopkins univ. stud, in hist, and pol. sci.) *1 24 SOCIAL AND POLITICAL SCIENCE. Sehultz, Frederick Yv. Politics and patriotism. 1895. 320.973 S38 Schurz, C. American imperialism; address. 325. S39a Seebohm, Frederic. Tribal system in Wales. 1895. 321.2 S45 Seeley, Sir John Robert. Growth of British policy ; an hist, essay. 1895. 2 v. 327.42 S45 — Introduction Household economies. 1897. Cotton, Mrs. 0. A. . Chafing dish recipes. Davey, Richard. Furs and fur garments. Dwight, H. L. • Golden age cook book. Farmer, Fannie Merritt. , Boston cooking-school cook book. 646. B38 640. C18h 641. C85 646. D24 641. D99 1896. 641. F23b 641. F23 — Chafing-dish possibilities. Garrett, Theodore Francis, ed. Encyclopaedia of practical cookery. 4v. *1 Gillette, Mrs. F. L. ; Cook book. 1899. 641. G47 Hayward, A. Art of dining; with annotations and additions by Charles Sayle. 643. H42 Herbert, Arthur Robert Kenney-. Common-sense cookery for English households; with menus for dinners. 1894. 641. H53 t— F ifty lunches. 641. H53f Hill, J. M. Salads, sandwiches and chafing-dish dainties. 641. H64 Hooker, Margaret Huntington, comp. Ye gentlewoman’s housewifery, cant, receipts fr. old and reliable sources. 1896. 641. H78 Johnson, C. F. Progressive lessons in the art and practice of needlework. 2d ed. rev. 646. J66 Larned, L. H. Hostess of to-day. 641. L32h Lemcke, Mrs. Gesine. How; to live well on twenty- five cents a day; a daily menu for six weeks. 1896. 641. L54h Loup, M. de. American salad book. 641. L89 Meyer, B. The child, physically and mentally; tr. by F. Salomon. 649. M61 Parloa, M. : Home economics. 640. P25 Payne, A. G. Dictionary of dainty breakfasts. 641. P34 Pennell, Mrs. Elizabeth (Robins). Feasts of Autolycus; diary of a greedy woman. 1896. 641. P41 Richards, Mrs. Ellen Henrietta (Swallow). Cost of living as modified by sanitary science. 1900. 640. R51 Ronald, Mary. Century cook book. 1895. 641. R76 Rorer, Mrs. S. T. Good cooking. (Ladies’ home journal house- hold lib.) 641. R78 -^Philadelphia cook book. 1886. 641. R78p Ryder, H. P. Cycling and shooting knickerboeker stockings ; ;v ,,'how to knit them. 1896. 646. R99 Sala, George Augustus. . The thorough good cook; 900 recipes. 1896. . 641. S15 Salmon, Lucy Maynard. , Domestic service. 1897. 647. S17 Sargeant, K. R. One hundred mushroom receipts. 641. S24 Scovil, E. R. Care of children. New ed. 649. S43 Thompson, Sir Henry. Food and feeding. 1899. 643. T47 Thudichum, John Louis William. Spirit of cookery; popular treatise on the cul- inary art. 1895. 641. T53 Tschirky, Oscar. Cook book; by “Oscar” of the Waldorf. 1896. 641. T87 Tucker, Genevieve. Mother, baby and nursery ; manual for moth- ers. 1896. 649. T89 Welch, Deshler. The bachelor and the chafing dish. 1896. 641. W43 Wilson, Mrs. Lucy Langdon (Williams). Handbook of domestic science and household arts for use in elementary schools; a man- ual for teachers. 1900. 640. W74 Wood, Mrs. Frances (Fisher). Infancy and childhood. 1897. 649. W87 Yates, Lucy H. Profession of cookery fr. a French point of view. 1894. 641. Y32 Ysaguirre and La Marca. Cold dishes for hot weather. 1896. 641. Y91 Communication. Commerce. Business. Allsop, Frederick Charles. Telephones; their construction and fitting. 3d ed. 1895. 654.6 A44 The American railway ; its construction, develop- ment, management and appliances; by T. C. Clarke and [others] . Hlust. 1897. 656. A51 Bally, S. E. Manual of German commercial correspondence. 1896. (Methuen’s commercial ser.) 658. B19 Barnard, John H. Naval militiaman’s guide. Illust. 1897. 656. B25 Bates, C. A. Short talks on advertising. 659. B32 Baughan, Rosa. Character indicated by handwriting. 2d ed. rev. and enl. 652. B34 Bishop, Henry G. The practical printer. 3d ed. 1895. 655. B62 Bouchot, H. Le livre; l’illustration, la reliure. 655.53 B75 Cooke, Sir William Fothergill. Extracts fr. [his] private letters, 1836-39, re- lating to the invention and development of the electric telegraph. 1895. 654. C77 Eaton, S. How to do business. 658. E14 USEFUL AND INDUSTRIAL ARTS . 65 — One hundred lessons in business. 1887. 658. E14o Fahie, J. J. History of wireless telegraphy, 1838-1899. 654. F15 Fry, Henry. History of north Atlantic steam navigation. Illust. 1896. 656. F94 Haines, Henry S. American railway management. 1897. 656. H15 Hopkins, W. J. The telephone. 654.6 H79t Houston, E. J. and Kennelly, A. E. Electric telegraphy. (Elementary electro- 654. H84e (Elementary electro- 654.6 H84 (Methuen’s commercial 658. J14 technical ser.) * — Electric telephone. technical ser.) Jackson, S. Primer of business, ser.) Jones, H. Entrance guide to professions and business. (Methuen’s commercial ser.) 658. J77 Keene, John Harrington. The mystery of handwriting; handbook of graphology. Illust. 1896. 652. K26 Kerr, R. Wireless telegraphy popularly explained. 654. K41 Laneefield, Richard Thomas. Notes on copyright, domestic and internation- al. 655.6 L24 Lawler, J. Book auctions in England in the 17th cen- 655.442 L41 tury. (Book-lover’s lib.) Luce, S. B. Text-book of seamanship ; Benson. Munson, James Eugene. Art of phonography. 1896. Pennington, Myles. Railways and other ways; canal and railway life. Illust. 1896. 656. P41 Posselt, Emanuel A. Textile calculations. Illust. . sett’s textile lib.) Stewart, Alexander A. The printer’s art. 1892. Warman, C. Story of the railroad, ser.) Webb, Herbert Laws. Telephone hand-book. rev. by W. S. ’ 656. L93 653. M96 reminiscences of 1896. (Pos- 658. P85 655. S84 (Story of the West 656. W27 Rlust. 1894. 654.6 W36 Whitfield, E. E. Precis writing and office correspondence. 1897. (Methuen’s commercial ser.) 658. W59 Wilkinson, H. D. Submarine cable laying and repairing. Illust. 1896. 654.5 W68 Wingate, C. F. What shall our boys do for a living? 658. W76 Wood, Benjamin. Successful man of business. 2d ed. rev. and enl. 1899. 658. W87 Chemical Technology. Metallurgy. Allen, A. H. Commercial organic analysis. 2d, 3d ed. v. 1, 2 (pt. 1), 3 (pt. 2, 3), 4. 660. A42 Austen, William Chandler Roberts-. Introduction to the study of metallurgy. 3d ed. rev. and enl. Illust. 1894. (New metallurg. ser.) 669. A93 Blount, Bertram and Bloxam, A. G. Chemistry for engineers and manufacturers. Hlust. 1896. 2 v. 660. B65 Borchers, Wilhelm. Electric smelting and refining; tr. with add. by W. G. McMillan. Illust. 1897. 669.8 B72 Brown, Walter Lee. Manual of assaying. 7th ed. 1897. 669.9 B88 Butterfield, W. J. Atkinson. Gas manufacture; chemistry of. Illust. 1896. 665.7 B98 Carpenter, W. L. Treatise on the manufacture of soap and can- dles, lubricants and glycerin; 2d ed. rev. and enl., by H. Leask. 668. C29 Cunynghame, Henry. On the theory and practice of art-enamelling upon metals. 1899. 666.2 C97 Dubelle, G. H., ed. The “non plus ultra” soda fountain requisites of modern times. 663.6 D81 ESssler, Manuel. Cyanide process for the extraction of gold ; its practical application in South Africa. 1895. 669.2 E36c * — Handbook of modern explosives. 2d ed. enl. Illust. 1897. 662.2 E36 — Metallurgy of gold. 4th ed. enl. Illust. 1896. 669.2 E36 Engineers’ society of western Pennsylvania. Committee of chemical section. Methods for the analysis of ores, pig iron and steel. 1898. 669. E57: Fisk, J. H. Miners’ and assayers’ text-book, adapted to the laboratory and school. 1898. 669.9 F53 Gardner, Walter M. Wool dyeing. Illust. 1896. (Posselt’s tex- tile lib.) 667.2 G22 Gill, A. H. Gas and fuel analysis for engineers. 662.6 G47 Groves, C. E. and Thorp, W., ed. Chemical technology; or, Chemistry in its ap- plications to arts and manufactures, v. 1-2. 660. G88 Guttman, Oscar. Manufacture of explosives. Illust. 1895. 2 v. (Specialists’ ser.) 662.2 G98 Harrison, William Jerome and Harrison, W. J., i r - Elements of metallurgy. 1894. (Blackie’s sci. text-bks.) 669. H32 Hiorns, Arthur H. Practical metallurgy and assaying; a text- book. 2d ed. rev. 1892. 669. H66 56 USEFUL AND INDUSTRIAL ARTS . — Principles of metallurgy. 1895. 669. H66p — Text-book of elementary metallurgy. 2d ed. rev. 1895. 669. H66t BPofman, Heinrich 0. Metallurgy of lead and the desilverization of base bullion. 4th ed. 1897. 669.4 H71 Jameson, C. D. Portland cement; its manufacture and use. 666.9 J31 Johnston, J. F. W. Chemistry of common life; a new ed. by A. H. Church. 660. J723 Lafar, F. Technical mycology; a handbook on fermen- tation; tr. by C. T. C. Salter. 663.1 L15 Lang, Herbert. Matte smelting. 1896. 669.8 L26 Langenbeck, Karl. Chemistry of pottery. 1895. 666.3 L27 Lassar-Cohn, Dr. — . Chemistry in daily life; lectures; tr. by M. M. P. Muir. Illust. 1896. 660. L34 Lord, Nathaniel W. Notes on metallurgical analysis. 1893. 669. L86 Peters, Edward Dyer. Modern copper smelting. 7th ed. rewritten and enl. 1895. 669.8 P4812 Key, Jean. Essays on an enquiry wherefore tin and lead increase in weight on calcination. 1895. (Alembic club reprints.) 669. R45 Rigg, Arthur and Garvie, J. Modem guns and smokeless powder. 1892. 662.3 R56 Rose, T. Kirke. Metallurgy of gold; ed. byW. C. Roberts- Aus- ten. 2d ed. Illust. 1896. (New metal- lurg. ser.) 669.2 R79 Sadtler, S. P. Hand-book of industrial organic chemistry. 2d. ed. enl. 660. S12 Schnabel, Carl. Handbook of metallurgy; tr. by H. Louis. 1898. 2 v. 669. S35 Sexton, A. H. Fuel and refractory materials. 662.6 S51 Simmersbach, O. Chemistry of coke. 662.7 S59 Thorp, F. H. Outlines of industrial chemistry. 660. T51 Turner, Thomas. Metallurgy of iron and steel; ed. by W. C. Roberts- Austen. Illust. 1895. (New metallurg. ser.) 669.1 T95 West, Thomas D. Metallurgy of cast iron. Illust. 1897. 669.1 W52 Wisser, J. P. Explosive materials. (Van Nostrand sci. ser.) 662.2 W81 Manufactures. Mechanic Trades. Automotor and horseless vehicle; pocket-book of automotive formulae and commercial in- telligence for 1898. 684. A93 Bell, T. F. Jacquard weaving and designing. Illust. 1895. 677. B43 Brannt, William Theodore, ed. Metallic alloys; guide for the manufacture of alloys, amalgams and solders. New ed. rev. and enl. Illust. 1896. 671. B82 Britten, F. J. Old clocks and watches and their makers. 681. B86 Brown, Alexander. Practical treatise on the power-loom and the art of weaving. 7th ed. rev. Illust. 1896. 677. B87 Campbell, Harry Huse. Manufacture and properties of structural steel. 2d ed. 1896. 672. C18 Davis, Charles Thomas. Manufacture of leather. 2d ed. rev. Illust. 1897. 675. D26 Firth, Annie. Cane basket work. Illust. 1897. 674. F52 Galton, Frank W., ed. Select documents illust. the hist, of trade un- ionism: the tailoring trade. 1896. (Stud, in econ. & pol. sci.) 687. G18 Greener, William Wellington. The gun and it3 development. 6th ed. rev. Illust. 1897. 683. G81 Hiorns, Arthur H. Iron and steel manufacture; a text-book. 1895. 672. H66 — Metal-colouring and bronzing. 1892. 671. H66m — Mixed metals; or, Metallic alloys. 1890. 671. H66 Knight, John Henry. Notes on motor carriages. Illust. 1896. 684. K69 Lukin, J. Toy making for amateurs. 689. L95 — Working in sheet metal; plain directions for making and mending small articles in tin, copper, etc. 671. L95 Lungwitz, A. Text-book of horseshoeing; tr. fr. 8th Ger. ed. by J. W. Adams. Illust. 1898. 682.1 L96 Matthews, James Brander. Bookbindings old and new; with an acct. of the Grolier club of New York. Illust. 1895. 686. M43 Nicholson, J. B. Manual of the art of book-binding. 686. N62 Posselt, Emanuel A. Recent improvements in textile machinery re- lating to weaving. Illust. 1898. (Pos- selt’s textile lib.) 677. P85 — Structure of fibres, yams and fabrics. 2d ed. Illust. 1892. 2 v. in 1. 677. P85s Richardson, Milton Thomas, comp. Practical blacksmithing. v. 2-4. 1891-98. 682. R52 Sharp, Archibald. Bicycles and tricycles; treatise on their design and construction. Illust. 1896. 684. S53 Smith, Oberlin. Press- working of metals. 1899. 671. S65 USEFUL AND INDUSTRIAL ARTS . FINE ARTS. ARCHAEOLOGY. 57 Tayler, Alexander James Wallis-. Motor cars; or, Power carriages for common roads. Illust. 1897. 684. T23 Wilkinson, F. Story of the cotton plant. (Lib. of useful stories.) 677. W68 Williams, Richard R. The American hardware store. Illust. 1897. 671. W72 Building. Carpentry. Heating and Ventilation. Baldwin, William J. On heating; or, Steam heading for buildings revised. 14th ed. rev. and enL Illust. 1897. 697.5 B18 Byrne, A. T. Inspection of the materials and workmanship employed in construction. 690. B99 Campin, Francis. Constructional iron and steel work, as applied to 'buildings. Illust. 1896. 691.7 C19 Carpenter, Rolla C. Heating and ventilating buildings. Illust. 1896. 697.C29 Christie, W. W. Chimney design and theory. 693. C55 Davies, Philip John. Standard practical plumbing; a complete en- cyclopedia. 4th ed. rev. Illust. 1895. 2 v. 696.1 D25 Denning, David. Polishes and stains for woods; how to use and prepare them. 698.3 D41 Durand, W. F. Resistance and propulsion of ships. 699. D94 Edwards, J. D. Carpenter’s manual. (Haney’s trade man- uals.) 694. E26 Freitag, J. K. Fireproofing of steel buildings. 693.8 F86 Heath, A. H. Manual on lime and cement. 1893. 691.5 H43 Hood, C. Practical treatise upon warming buildings by hot water and upon heat and heating appli- ances in general; re-written by F. Dye. 697.4 H77 Houston, Edwin James and Kennelly, A. E. Electric 'heating. 1895. (Element, electro- tech. ser.) 697.7 H84 Kidder, F. E. Building construction and superintendence. [1st]; 2d ed. 2 v. 690. K46 Lawler, James Joseph. American sanitary plumbing; best methods of modern plumbing. Illust. 1896. 696. L41 Leaning, J. Quantity surveying for the use of survey- ors, architects, engineers and builders. 3d ed. rev. and enl. 692. L43 Macey, F. W. Specifications in detail. 692.3 M14 Neison, Adrian, and others. Practical boat building and sailing. Illust. 699. N41 Pearce, Walter John. Painting and decorating. Illust. 1898. 698.1 P35 Russell, W. C. The ship; her story. 699. R96 Smeaton, John. Plumbing, drainage, water supply and hot water fitting. Illust. 1893. 696. S63 Thurston, R. H. Text-book of the materials of construction. 5th ed. 691. T54 Wait, John Casson. Engineering and architectural jurisprudence. 1898. 692.9 W14 Fine Arts. Archaeology. Archaeology. Abercromby, J. Pre- and proto-historic Finns. 2 v. (Grimm lib.) 913.471 A14 Babelon, E. Manuel d’arch§ologie orientale. 913. Bll Boissier, Marie Louis Gaston. Rome and Pompeii; archaeological rambles; tr. by D. H. Fisher. 1896. 913.45 B68 Clement, Mrs. Clara (Erskine). The eternal city; Rome; its religions, mon- uments, literature and art. Illust. 1896. 2 v. 913.37 C626 Dickinson, Goldsworthy Lowes. The Greek view of life. 1896. (Univ. ex. ser.) 913.38 D55 Hilprecht, Herman Yolrath, ed. Recent research in Bible lands. Illust. 1897. 913.56 H65 Hogarth, David George. A wandering scholar in the Levant. Illust. 1896. 913.56 H71 — Authority and archaeology, sacred and pro- fane: essays on the relation of monuments to biblical and classical literature. 913. H71 Isham, N. M. The Homeric palace. 913.38 179 Lanciani, Rodolfo. Ruins and excavations of ancient Rome. Hlust. 1897. 913.37 L24 Martha, J. Manuel d’arch6ologie Strusque et romaine. (Bib. de l’enseignement des beaux-arts.) 913.37 M37 Martin, William Gregory Wood-. Pagan Ireland; an archaeological sketch. Hlust. 1895. 913.415 M38 Munro, Robert. Prehistoric Scotland and its place in European civilisation. 1899. (County hist, of Scot- land.) 913.41 M96 — Rambles and studies in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Dalmatia; with proceedings of congress of archaeologists and anthropologists, 1894. Hlust. 1895. 913.439 M96 Pellison, Maurice. Roman life in Pliny’s time; tr. fr. the French by M. Wilkinson. Hlust. 1897. (Chaut. read. circ. lit.) 913.37 P39 58 FINE ARTS. ARCHAEOLOGY. Perry, W. S. Egypt, the land of the temple builders. 913.32 P46 Peters, John Punnett. Nippur; or, Explorations and adventures on the Euphrates; Univ. of Pa. expedition to Babylonia, 1888-90. Illust. 1897. 2 v. 913.56 P48 Rowe, Samuel. Perambulation of the antient and royal forest of Dartmoor. 3d ed. rev. Illust. 1896. 913.423 R87 Sayce, A. H. Babylonians and Assyrians; life and customs. (Semitic ser.) 913.352 S27b Stokes, Margaret. Three months in the forests of France] a pil- grimage in search of vestiges of the Irish saints in France. Illust. 1895. 913.44 S87 Thomas, C. Introduction to the study of North American archaeology. 913.7 T45 Thomas, E. Roman life under the Caesars. 913.37 T45 Tsountas, Chrestos and Manatt, J. I. Mycenaean age; study of the monuments and culture of pre-Homeric Greece. Illust. 1897. 913.38 T88 Van Millingen, Alexander. Byzantine Constantinople. 1899. 913.496. V26 Windle, Bertram Coghill Alan. Life in early Britain. Illust. 1897. 913.42 W76 Fine Arts. General Works. Adeline, J., comp. Lexique des termes d’art. 703. A22 Arts and crafts exhibition society, London. Art and life, and the building and decoration of cities; lectures by members of the so- ciety. 1897. 700. A79 Bayet, C. Precis d’histoire de l’art. 709. B35 Burnet, John. Practical essays on art: Composition; Light and shade; Education of the eye. Illust. 1893. 704. B96 Carpenter, E. Angel’s wings; essays on art. Clement, Mrs. C. (Erskine). Saints in art. (Art ser.) Gannett, William Channing. House beautiful. 1895. Gayet, A. L’art arabe. — L’art persan. Gladden, Washington. Relations of art and morality. 704. C29 709. C62 701. G19 709.53 G28 709.55 G28 1897. 701. G54 Gonse, L. L’art japonais. 709.52 G63 Hamerton, P. G. Graphic arts; a treatise on drawing, paint- ing, engraving, [etc.]. 704. H21g Holden, Florence P. Audiences; suggestions to those who look and listen. 1896. 701. H72- Hoppin, James Mason. Greek art on Greek soil. 1897. 709.38 H79 Lechevallier-Chevignard, E. Les styles frangais. 709.44 L45 Lee, Vernon, pseud. Renaissance fancies and studies; sequel to* Euphorion. 1895. 709. L48 Leighton, Frederick, 1st baron. Addresses to the students of the Royal acad- emy. 2d ed. 1897. 704. L52 Paleologue, G. M. L’art chinois. New ed. (Bib. de l’enseigne- ment des beaux-arts.) 709.51 P15 P6rate, A. L’arc-heologie chretienne. (Bib. de l’enseigne- ment des beaux-arts.) 709. P42 Petrie, William Matthew Flinders. Egyptian decorative art; lectures. 1895. 709.32 P49- Pouvourville, A. de. L’art indo-chinois. (Bib. de l’enseignement des beaux-arts.) 709.5 P87 Robinson, Frederick Sydney. The connoisseur; essays on art and artists. 1897. 704. R65 Santayana, George. The sense of beauty; outlines of aesthetic theory. 1896. 701. S23 Schopfer, Jean. Voyage ideal en Italie; l’art ancien et l’art moderne. 1899. 709.45 S37 Tadd, J. L. New methods in education; art, real manual training, nature study. (Natural educ. ser.) 707. T12 Tarbell, Frank Bigelow. History of Greek art; with chap, on art in Egypt and Mesopotamia. Illust. 1896. (Chaut. read. circ. lit.) 709.38 T17 Tolstoi, L. N., count. What is art? tr. fr. the Russian by A. Maude. 70l! T65 Year’s art; epitome of painting, sculpture and architecture, 1896-99. 1896-99. 4v. *1 Architecture. Addleshaw, P. Cathedral church of Exeter. (Bell’s cathe- dral ser.) 726.6 B4e Addy, S. O. Evolution of the English house. (Social Eng- land ser.) 720.942 A2S? Allsop, Robert Owen. Public baths and wash-houses. Illust. 1894. 725.74 A44r — Turkish bath, its design and construction. Illust. 1890. 725.73 A44 Anderson, William J. Architecture of the renaissance in Italy. Illust. 1897. 724.1 A55 Birkmire, William Harvey. Planning and construction of American thea- tres. Illust. 1896. 725.82 B6I FINE ARTS. ARCHAEOLOGY. 59 — Planning and construction of high office- buildings. 725.23 B61 Blomfield, Reginald. History of renaissance architecture in Eng- land, 1500-1800. Illust. 1897. 2 V. 724.1 B65 Bow maker, Edward. Housing of the working classes. 1895. (Soc. questions of to-day.) 728.1 B78 Briggs, Warren Richard. Modern American school buildings. Illust. 1899. 727.1 B85 Brochure series of architectural illustration. v. 2-5. 1896-99. 720.5 B86 Brock, A. Clutton-. Cathedral church of York. (Bell’s cathedral ser.) 726.6 B4y Burrage, Severance and Bailey, H. T. School sanitation and decoration. 1899. 727.1 B96 Butler, Howard Crosby. Scotland’s ruined abbeys. Illust. 1899. 726.7 B98 Bygate, J. E. Cathedral church of Durham. (Bell’s cathe- dra] ser.) 726.6 B4d Cattianeo, Raffaele. Architecture in Italy, fr. the 6th-llth cent.; tr. by Contessa I. Curtis Cholmeley In Ber- mani. Illust. 1896. 720.945 C36 Clifton, A. B. Cathedral church of Lichfield. (Bell’s ca- thedral ser.) 726.6 B41 Coleman, Thomas Everit. Stable sanitation and construction. Illust. 1897. 728.94 C69 Corroyer, 6. J. L’architecture romane. (Bib. de l’enseigne- ment des beaux-arts.) 723.4 C82 Dearmer, P. Cathedral church of Oxford. (Bell’s cathe- dral ser.) 726.6 B4o — Cathedral church of Wells. (Bell’s cathedral ser.) 726.6 B4w Dimock, Arthur. Cathedral church of St. Paul. 1900. (Bell’s cathedral ser.) 726.6 B4sa — Cathedral church of Southwell. (Bell’s ca- thedral ser.) 726.6 B4so Dorr, Mrs. Julia Caroline (Ripley). A cathedral pilgrimage. 1896. 726.6 D71 Fergusson, J. History of the modern styles of architecture. 2 v. 724. F35 Fisher, A. H. Cathedral church of Hereford. (Bell’s cathe- dral ser.) 726.6 B4h Freeman, E. A. History of the cathedral church of Wells. 726.6 F85 Freitag, Joseph Kendall. Architectural engineering ; with special ref- erence to high building construction. Illust. 1895. 725.23 F86 Fletcher, Banister and Fletcher, B. F. History of architecture. Illust. 1896. 720.9 F61 Gerspach, E. La mosaique. 729.7 G38 Glazier, Richard. Manual of historic ornament. 1899. 729. G55 Hamlin, Alfred Dwight Foster. Text-book of the history of architecture. Illust. 1896. (College hist, of art.) 720.9 H22 Hiatt, C. Beverley minster. (Bell’s cathedral ser.) 726.6 B4b (Bell’s cathe- 726.6 B4ch — Cathedral church of Chester. dral ser.) Kendrick, A. F. Cathedral church of Lincoln. (Bell’s cathe- dral ser.) 726.6 B41i Laloux, V. L’architecture grecque. 722.8 L21 Lent, F. T. Summer homes and camps. 728.7 L57 Liddell, E. St. Alban’s abbey. 726.6 L71 Longfellow, W. P. P. The column and the arch; essays on archi- tectural history. 720.9 L85 Macgibbon, David and Ross, T. Ecclesiastical architecture of Scotland; fr. the earliest Christian times to the 17th century. Illust. 1896-97. 3 v. 726. M14 Masse, H. J. L. J. Cathedral church of Gloucester. (Bell’s ca- thedral ser.) 726.6 B4g Mathews, Charles Thompson. Story of architecture; outline of the styles in all countries. Illust. 1896. 720.9 M42 Moore, Charles Herbert. Development and character of Gothic archi- tecture. 2d ed. rewritten and enl. 723.5 M8212 Moore, Francis C. How to build a home; the house practical, must. 1897. 728. M82 Paley, F. A. Manual of Gothic moldings; 5th ed., with ad- ditions by W. M. Fawcett. 723.5 P15 Palmer, G. H. Cathedral church of Rochester. (Bell’s ca- thedral ser.) 726.6 B4r Palustre, L. L’architecture de la renaissance. (Bib. de l’enseignement des beaux-arts.) 724.1 P18 Perkins, T. Wimborne minster and Christchurch priory. 726.6 P45 Pillet, Jules. Shades and shadows; short methods for de- termining the shades and shadows of ob- jects illumined by the conventional par- allel rays; tr. & rev. by J. Millard. 1896. 729.14 P64 Price, W. L. Model houses for little money. (Ladies’ home journal household lib.) 728. P94 Quennell, C. H. B. Cathedral church of Norwich. (Bell’s cathe- dral ser.) 726.6 B4n Robertson, Alexander. The Bible of St. Mark. 726.6 R64 FINE ARTS. ARCHAEOLOGY. Robertson, T. S. Progress of art in English church architec- ture. 726.6 R65 Robinson, John Beverly. Principles of architectural composition. 1899. (Architectural record ser.) 720.1 R66 Sergeant, P. W. Cathedral church of Winchester. (Bell’s ca- thedral ser.) 726.6 B4wi Singleton, E., ed. Turrets, towers and temples; the great build- ings of the world as seen and described by famous writers. 720.9 S61 Statham, H. H. Architecture among the poets. 720.4 S79 — Modem architecture. Illust. 1898. 724. S79 Sturgis, Russell. European architecture; a hist, study. Illust. 1896. 720.9 S93 Sweeting, W. D. Cathedral church of Peterborough. (Bell’s cathedral ser.) 726.6 B4p Taft, Levi Rawson. Greenhouse construction. 1899. .728.98 T12 Walcott, M. E. C. Traditions and customs of cathedrals. 2d ed. rev. and enl. 726.6 W15 Wallis, Frank E. American architecture, decoration and furni- ture of the 18th century. Illust. *1 Ward, James. Historic ornament; treatise on decorative art and architectural ornament. Illust. 1897. 2 v. 722. W25 White, G. Cathedral church of Salisbury. (Bell’s ca- thedral ser.) 726.6 B4s Withers, H. Cathedral church of Canterbury. (Bell’s ca- thedral ser.) 726.6 B4c Sculpture. Bode, W. Die italienische Plastik. (Berlin. Konig- liche Museen. Handbiicher.) 730. B66 Collignon, L. M. Mythologie figur^e de la GrSce. 733. C69 Frederick, F. F. Plaster casts and how they are made. 730. F85 Gardner, Ernest Arthur. Handbook of Greek sculpture. Hlust. 1896-97. 2 v. (Handbks. of archaeol. and antiq.) 733. G22 Haslope, L. L. RepoussS work for amateurs. 739. H35 Marquand, Allen and Frothingham, A. L. Text-book of the history of sculpture. Hlust. 1896. (College hist, of art.) 730. M35 Mitchell, Mrs. Lucy M. History of ancient sculpture. Illust. 1894. 2 v. 732. M68 Unwin, Mary Louisa Hermione. Manual of clay-modelling. Hlust. 1895. 731. U62 Painting. Engraving. Allen, Grace Barton. Water color painting; a book of instruction. Hlust. 1898. 751. A42 Baldry, Alfred Lys. Sir John Everett Millais; his art and influence. 1899. 759.2 M64b Bayliss, Sir W. Rex regum; a painter’s study of the likeness of Christ. 755. B35 Berenson, Bernhard. Central Italian painters of the renaissance. 1897. 759.5 B48c — Florentine painters of the renaissance; with index to their works. 1896. 759.5 B48 — Venetian painters of the renaissance; with an index to their works. 3d ed. 1897. 759.5 B48v Bouchot, H. La lithographie. 763. B75 Burnet, John. Practical hints on composition in pictures; ed. by S. N. Carter. 1885. (Art hand-bk.) 751. B96 Cennini, Cennino. Book of the art; tr. fr. the Italian by C. J. Herringham. 1899. 750. C39 Clement, Mrs. C. (Erskine). Angels in art. (Art ser.) 755. C62 Cross, Anson Kent. Color study; manual for teachers and students. 1896. (Nat. drawing books.) 752. C95 Cruttwell, Maud. Luca Signorelli. 1899. (Great masters in painting and sculpture.) 759.5 S57c Emery, M. S. How to enjoy pictures; with a special chap- ter on Pictures in the school-room; by S. Skinner. 750. E53 French, J. L. Christ in art. (Art lovers’ ser.) 755. F87 Girard, P. La peinture antique. 750. G51 Hoyt, D. L. The world’s painters and their pictures. 759. H86 Hubbard, E. Little journeys to the homes of eminent painters. 759. H87 Hurll, E. M. Child-life in art. (Art ser.) 759. H96 — Life of our Lord in art. 755. H96 — The Madonna in art. Hlust. 1897. (Art ser.) 759. H96m — Michelangelo. 1900. (Riverside art ser.) 759.5 B944h — Raphael. (Riverside art ser.) 759.5 R21h — Rembrandt. (Riverside art ser.) 759.9 R38h Kingsley, R. G. History of French art, 1100-1899. 759.4 K55 Knackfuss, H. Holbein; tr. by C. Dodgson. (Monographs on artists.) 759.3 H72 — Raphael; tr. by C. Dodgson. (Monographs on artists.) 759.5 R21k — Rembrandt; tr. by C. Dodgson. (Monographs on artists.) 759.9 R38k FINE ARTS. AR CHjE OLOGY. 61 — Van Dyck; tr. by C. Dodgson. (Mono- graphs on artists.) 769.9 D99k Knowlton, H. M. Art-life of William Morris Hunt. 759.1 H943k Lafenestre, G. La peinture italienne. 759.5 L16 Lostalot, A. de. Les proc6d6s de la gravure. (Bib. de l’en- seignement des beaux-arts.) 760. L88 McLaughlin, M. Louise. Painting in oil; manual for students. 1888. 751. M16 Merriman, Mrs. H. (Bigelow). Religio pictoris. 750. M57 Muther, Richard. History of modern painting. 3 v. 1895-96. 759. M99 Naegely, Henry. J. F. Millet and rustic art. 1898. 759.4 M653n Park'hurst, Daniel Burleigh. The painter in oil; principles and technique necessary to the painting of pictures in oil colors. Illust. 1898. 751. P24 Potter, M. K. Love in art. (Art ser.) 755. P86 Richter, J. P. Lessons on the National gallery. 750. R53 Rose, G. B. Renaissance masters; the art of Raphael, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Titian, Correggio and Botticelli. 759.5 R79 Singer, Hans Wolfgang and Strang, W. Etching, engraving and the other methods of printing pictures. Illust. 1897. 767.5 S61 Singleton, E., ed. Great pictures as seen and described by fa- mous writers. 750. S61 Stearns, Frank Preston. Midsummer of Italian art; Fra Angelico, Mi- chel Angelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael Santi and Correggio. 1895. 759.5 S79 Stevenson, Robert Alan Mowbray. Velasquez. 1899. (Great masters in paint- ing and sculpture.) 759.6 V43s Straehey, H. Raphael. 1900. (Great masters in painting and sculpture.) 759.5 R21s Vincent, E. C. The Madonna in legend and history. 755. V76 Wauters, A. J. La peinture flamande. (Bib. de l’enseigne- ment des beaux-arts.) 759.9 W35 Wedmore, Frederick. Etching in England. Illust. 1895. 767. W39 Williamson, George C. Bernardino Luini. 1899. (Great masters in painting and sculpture.) 759.5 L95w Wilson, Mrs. Lucy Langdon (Williams). Picture study in elementary schools; a man- ual for teachers. 1900. 2 v. 750. W749 — Same. Pupil’s book. 1900. 2v. 750. W7492 Woltmann, A. F. G. A. and Wormann, K. History of painting. 2 v. 750. W86 Drawing. Design. Barfield, T. C. Model drawing and shading from casts. 741. B24 Champeaux, A. de. Le meuble. 2v. 749. C45 Clark, John S. and others. Teacher’s manual; pts. 1-4 for the Prang course in form-study and drawing. Illust. 1894. 4 v. 741. C59 Crane, Walter. Bases of design. Illust. 1898. *1 Cross, Anson Kent. Mechanical drawing; manual for teachers and students. Illust. 1895. (Nat. drawing books.) 744. C95 Day, L. F. Alphabets old and new, for the use of crafts- men. (Text-books of ornamental design.) 745. D27 Denning, David. Fretwork and marquetry; manual of instruc- tions. Illust. 1895. 749. D41 Dow, A. W. Composition, pt. 1. 740. D74 DuMaurier, George Louis Palmella Busson. Social pictorial satire; reminiscences of Eng- lish illustrators. Illust. 1898. 741. D88 Elliott, C. W. Book of American interiors. 749. fE4 Erskine, F. J. Bent iron work; manual for amateurs. Illust. 745. E73 Gerspach, E. L’art de la verrerie. 748. G38 Haddon, Alfred Cort. Evolution in art, as illust. by the life-histo- ries of designs. Illust. 1895. (Contemp. sci. ser.) 740. H12 Hallo well, Elisabeth Moore. Elementary drawing; papers for beginners. Illust. 1897. 740. H19 Heaton, A. Beauty and art. 740. H44 Hicks, I. P. Architectural drawing for mechanics. 744. H63 Hinton, A. Horsley. Handbook of illustration. 1894. 741. H66 Honey, Frederic R. First lessons in linear perspective. Illust. 1898. 742. H77 Johnson, W. M. Inside of one hundred homes. (Ladies’ home journal household lib.) 747. J71 Kemble, E. W. The billy goat and other comicalities. 741. K31 Knowlton, H. M. — Hints for pupils in drawing and painting, with illust. fr. charcoal drawings by W. M. Hunt. 741. K73 Lecoy de la Marche, A. Les manuscrits et la miniature. 745. L46 Lilley, Albert E. V. and Midgley, W. Book of studies in plant form; with sugges- tions for their application to design. Illust. 1896. 745. L72 62 FINE ARTS. ARCHEOLOGY. Lukin, James. Picture frame making for amateurs. Ulust. 749. L95 May, Phil. Gutter-snipes; 50 original sketches in pen & ink. 1896. 741. M46 Meade, E. Pen pictures and how to draw them. 741. M48 Merson, O. Les vitraux. (Bib. de l’enseignement des beaux-arts.) 748. M57 Meyer, Franz Sales. Handbook of art smithing; tr. fr. the Ger. with introd. by J. S. Gardner. Illust. 1896. 745. M61 Miller, Frederick. Training of a craftsman. Illust. 1898. 740. M64 Moore, Aimee Osborne. Studies in the science of drawing in art. 1895. 740. M82 Morris, William. Some hints on pattern-designing. 1899. 745. M87 New York. State. — Sup’t of public instruction. Questions and answers in drawing. Illust. 1896. 740. N53 Pennell, Joseph. Illustration of books; manual for students. 1895. 741. P41 Reid, J. S. Course in mechanical drawing. 744. R35 Robert, K. Le fusain; charcoal drawing without a mas- ter. 741. R64 Stephenson, Charles and Suddards, F. Text book dealing with ornamental design for woven fabrics. Illust. 1897. 745. S83 Sullivan, C. G. Elements of perspective. 742. S94 Swannell, M. Black-board drawing. Illust. 1896. 741. S97 Tracy, J, C. Introductory course in mechanical drawing; with chapter on perspective by E. H. Lockwood. 744. T76 Wharton, Edith and Codman, O. Decoration of houses. Illust. 1897. 747. W55 Woolf, M. A. Sketches of lowly life in a great city. 741. W91 Numismatics. Gems. Seals. Babelon, E. La gravure en pierres fines; camees et in- tailles. 736. Bll Hill, George Francis. Handbook of Greek and Roman coins. 1899. (Handbks. of archaeol. and antiq.) 737. H64 Lecoy de la Marche, A. Les sceaux. 736. L46 Lenormant, F. Monnaies et m§dailles. 737. L57 Pottery. China Painting. Barber, E. A. Anglo-American pottery; old English china with Amer. views. 738. B23 Binns, C. F. Story of the potter; account of the rise and progress of manufactures of pottery and porcelain. 738. B61 Deck, J. T. La faience. 738. D29 Downman, Edward A. English pottery and porcelain. New ed. rev. and enl. Illust. 1896. 738. D75 McLaughlin, M. Louise. Pottery decoration under the glaze. 3d ed. rev. 1885. 738. M16 Monachesi, Mrs. Nicola di Rienzi. Manual for china-painters. 1897. 738. M73 Phillips, L. Vance-. Book of the china painter. (“Art amateur” ser.) 738. P56 Sparkes, John Charles Lewis and Gandy, W. Potters; their arts and crafts. Illust. 1897. 738. S73 Vogt, G. La porcelaine. (Bib. de l’enseignement des beaux-arts.) 738. V88 Photography. Adams, W. I. L. Amateur photography; a practical guide for the beginner. 770. A2192 — In nature’s image; chapters on pictorial pho- tography. 770. A21i — ed. Sunlight and shadow; a book for photog- raphers. Illust. 1897. 770. A21s Dallmeyer, Thomas R. Telephotography; an elementary treatise on the telephotographic lens. 1899. 770. D14 Elmendorf, Dwight Lathrop. Lantern slides; how to make and color them. Hlust. 1895. 770. E48 Fearn, J. Eaton. Modern photography for amateurs. 1896. 770. F28 Fritz, Georg. Photo-lithographv; tr. by E. J. Wall. 1895. 775. F91 Henry, W. Ethelbert and Webb, H. S. Photo-ceramics; photography applied to deco- ration. Hlust. 770. H525 Hepworth, C. M. Animated photography, the A B C of the cinematograph. 770. H52 Maclean, H. Popular photographic printing processes. 770. M16 Marey, Etienne Jules. Movement; tr. by E. Pritchard. Must. 1895. (Internat. sei. ser.) 770. M32 Story, Alfred Thomas. Story of photography. Illust. 1898. (Lib. of Useful stories.) 770. S88 FINE ARTS, AR CII/E OLOGY . 63 Townsend, C. F. Chemistry for photographers. 771. T74 Vogel, E. Practical pocket-book of photography; tr. by E. C. Conrad. Illust. 1893. 770. V87 Wall, E. J. Everyone’s guide to photography. 2d ed. 1898. 770. W18 Wilson, Edward Livingstone, ed. Photographic mosaics; annual record of pho- tographic progress. 1893-95,97-98. 5v. 770. W74 Woodbury, Walter E. Photographic amusements. Illust. 1896. *1 Music. Apthorp, W. F. By the way; a coll, of essays on music and art. 2 v. 780.4 A65 Barnet, B. A. and Sloane, A. B. Strange adventures of J ack and the bean- stalk, a fairy extravaganza. 1896. *1 Behnke, Emil and Browne, L. The child’s voice; its treatment with regard to after development. 1885. 784.9 B41 Betz, Carl, comp. Gems of school song. 1896. 784:8 B56 Bie, O. History of the pianoforte and pianoforte players; tr. and rev. by E. E. Kellett and E. W. Naylor. 786.1 B58 Brown, Jean Parkman. Intervals, chords and ear training for young pianoforte students. 1897. 781. B87 Columbia college song book; comp, and ed. by W. B. Donnell and J. T. Walker. 1896. *1 Corder, Frederick. The orchestra and how to write for it. 1896. 781.6 C79 Crowest, Frederick James. Story of British music fr. the earliest times to the Tudor period. 1896. 780.942 C95 Curtis, Henry Holbrook. Voice building and tone placing. Illust. 1896. 784.9 C97 Damrosch, Walter. Scarlet letter, opera; words by G. P. Lathrop. 1896. *1 Davis, Katherine Wallace. Cradle songs of many nations; a musical en- tertainment for children. Illust. 1898. 784.8 D26 Diehl, Mrs. A. (Mangold.) Musical memories. 780. D55 Ehrenfecbter, C. A. Delivery in the art of pianoforte playing; on rhythm, measure, phrasing, tempo. 786.3 E33 Ellis, Alexander John. Pronunciation for singers. 5th ed. 784.9 E47 Elliston, Thomas. Organs and tuning; handbook for organists. 2d ed. rev. and enl. 1895. 786.6 E47 Elson, L. C. National music of America and its sources. 780.97 E49 Field, Eugene. Songs of childhood; music by R. de Koven and others. 1896. 784. F45 Gilbert, William Schwenck and Sullivan, Sir A. Princess Ida, [opera]. 1884. *1 Goepp, Philip H. Symphonies and their meaning. 1898. 785.1 G59 Guerber, Helene Adeline. Stories of famous operas. Illust. 1897. 782.1 G92 Hart, George. The violin and its music. 1885. 787.1 H32 Henderson, W. J. How music developed. 780. H49 — Orchestra and orchestral music. 785. H49 — What is good music? 1898. 780.1 H49 Hicks, E. S. and Nicholls, H. Runaway girl; new musical play. *1 Hope, R. C. Mediaeval music. 2d ed. rev. 780.9 H791 Humperdinck, Engelbert. Hansel and Gretel; a fairy opera; [words] by A. Wette, tr. by C. Bache. 1895. *1 Humphreys, Frank Landon-. Evolution of church music. 1896. 783. H92 Huneker, J. Mezzotints in modern music. 780.4 H93 Irvine, D. A Wagnerian’s mid-summer madness. 782.2 172 — Wagner’s Ring of the Nibelung; and, The con- ditions of ideal manhood. 1897. 782.2 I72w Jenks, Harriet S. and Rust, M., ed. Song echoes from child land. 1896. 784.8 J53 Kleczynski, Jean. Chopin’s greater works; how they should be understood; tr. with ad. by N. Janotha. 780.4 K63 Kobbe, Gustav. How to understand Wagner’s Ring of the Niebelung. 6th ed. 782.2 K75 Kofler, Leo. Art of breathing as the basis of tone produc- tion. 5th ed. rev. 1898. 784.9 K78 Krehbiel, Henry Edward. How to listen to music. 1896. 780.4 K92h — Music and manners in the classical period; essays. 780.4 K92 Lanier, S. Music and poetry; essays. 780.4 L28 Lavignac, A. Music and musicians. 780. L41 — Music dramas of Richard Wagner and his festival theatre in Bayreuth; tr. by E. Sin- gleton. 782.2 L41 Lavoix, H. M. F. Histoire de la musique. 780.9 L41 — La musique frangaise. 780.944 L41 Leoncavallo, Ruggiero. Pagliacci; opera; Eng. adapt, by F. E. Weath- erly. [1893.] *1 McArthur, Alexander. Pianoforte study; hints on piano playing. 1897. * 786. Mil McCaskey, J. P., ed. Favorite songs and hymns for school and home. 784.6 M12 64 FINE ARTS. ARCHEOLOGY. Matthew, James Ebenezer. The literature of music. (Book-lover’s lib.) 780. M43 Maud, Constance. Wagner’s heroes. Illust. 1895. 782.2 M44w — Wagner’s heroines. Illust. 1896. 782.2 M44 Montz, Katharine. Instrumental music; musical sketches for kin- dergartners. 1894. 786.4 M81 Myer, Edmund J. Position and action in singing; study of the true conditions of tone. 1897. 784.9 M99 Newman, E. Study of Wagner. 782.2 N55 Norris, Homer A. Practical harmony on a French basis, pt. 2. 1895. 781.3 N85 — Key. 1896. 781.3 N85k Parker, Horatio W. Hora novissima; the rhythm of Bernard de Morlaix on the Celestial country, set to music. 1893. (Novello’s original octavo ed.) *1 Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings. Evolution of the art of music. 1896. (Inter- nat. sci. ser.) 780.9 P26 Pray, Mabel L. Motion songs for public schools. 1896. 784. P92 Singleton, E. Guide to the operas. 782. S61 Smith, Hannah. Music; how it came to be what it is. 1898. 780.9 S64 Smith, N. Stories of great national songs. 784.4 S65 Streatfeild, B. A. The opera; sketch of the development of opera. 1897. 782. S91 Tapper, Thomas. Music life and how to succeed in it. 1892. 780. T17m Thomas, Arthur Goring. The swan and the skylark; cantata; words by Hemans, Keats and Shelley. 1894. *1 Torr, Cecil. On the interpretation of Greek music. 1896. 781.8 T68 Tufts, John W. Handbook of vocal music illustrating normal methods. 1896. 784. T91 Wagnalls, Mabel. Stars of the opera. 1899. 782.1 W13 Wallace, William Vincent. Maritana ; opera ; [words] by E. Fitzball. 1885. *1 Weil, Oscar. Three operettas; [words] by H. C. Bunner. Hlust. 1897. *1 Weston, Jessie L. Legends of the Wagner drama; studies in mythology and romance. 1896. 782.2 W53 Wiggin, Mrs. Kate Douglas (Smith). Nine love songs and a carol. 1896. 784.8 W65 Landscape Gardening. Amherst, Alicia Margaret T. History of gardening in England. 2d ed. Hlust. 1896. 710. A51 Bailey, Liberty Hyde. Garden making; suggestions for home grounds. Illust. 1898. 712. B15 — The nursery-book; guide to the multiplica- tion of plants. 3d ed. Illust. 1896. (Gar- den-craft ser.) 716. B15n — Plant breeding; lectures upon the ameliora- tion of domestic plants. 1895. (Garden- craft ser.) 716. B15 Draper, Walter. Gardening in Egypt; handbook of gardening for Lower Egypt. 1895. 710. D76 Earle, Mrs. C. W. More pot-pourri from a Surrey garden. 1899. 716. E12m — Pot-pourri from a Surrey garden. 20th ed. 716. E12 Egleston, Nathaniel Hillyer. Arbor day; its history and observance. Illust. 1896. (U. S. — Agriculture, Dept of.) 715. E31 Galloway, B. T. Commercial violet culture. 716.2 GIT Jekyll, G. Wood and garden. 716. J4T Jonsson-Rose, N. Lawns and gardens; how to plant and beau- tify the home lot, the pleasure ground and garden. Illust. 1897. 710. J81 — Window and parlor gardening. Illust. 1895. 716.4 J81 Lodeman, Ernest Gustavus. The spraying of plants. Hlust. 1896. (Rural sci. ser.) 716.1 L82 May, W. J. Greenhouse management for amateurs. 2d ed. rev. and enl. Hlust. 716.3 M46 Maynard, S. T. Landscape gardening as applied to home dec- oration. 712. M4T Parsons, S., jr. How to plan the home grounds. 712. P2T Slade, Daniel Denison. Evolution of horticulture in New England. 1895. 716. S63 Taft, Levi Rawson. Greenhouse management. 1900. 716.1 T12 Watson, W. Cactus culture for amateurs. 716.2 W34 Amusements. Theatre. Games. Sports. American chess code. Rev. ed. 1897. 794. A51 Ballard, Harlan Hogue. Open sesame; one hundred, answers in rhyme to Wm. Bellamy’s Century of charades. 1896. 793. B43b — Re-open sesame; rhymed acrostics answering Bellamy’s “Second century.” 1897. 793. B43sb Bellamy, William. A second century of charades. 1896. 793. B43s Bickerdyke, John, pseud. Angling in salt water. 799. B58a — Book of the all-round angler. Hlust. 799. B58b — Wild sports in Ireland. Hlust. 1897. 799. B58 FINE ARTS. ARCHAEOLOGY. 65 Bird, Henry Edward. Chess novelties and their latest developments. 1895. 794. B61 Boardman, Emery. Winning whist; a system of combined long- suit and short-suit play. 1896. 795. B66 Boone and Crockett club. Hunting in many lands; book of the Boone and Crockett dub, ed. [by] T. Roosevelt [and] G. B. Grinnell. Illust. 1895. 799. B72r — Trail and camp fire; ed. [by] G. B. Grinnell [and] T. Roosevelt. Illust. 1897. 799. B72t Church sociables and entertainments. (Ladies’ home journal relig. lib.) 793. C56 Cory, Charles Barney. Hunting and fishing in Florida. Illust. 1896. 799. C83 Dale, T. F. History of the Belvoir hunt. 799. D13 Davis, S. T. Caribou shooting in Newfoundland. Illust. 1895. 799. D26 Drayson, Alfred Wilkes. Whist laws and whist decisions; also remarks on the American laws of whist. 1896. 795. D76 Dugan, C. A. The king’s jester, and other short plays for small stages. 793. D86 Ellis, J. H., ed. Chess sparks; or, Short and bright games of chess. 1895. 794. E47 Elmhirst, E. P. Fox-hound, forest and prairie. 799. E48 Euclid, pseud. Analysis of the chess ending, king and queen against queen and rook; ed. by E. Free- borough. 1895. *1 Everard, Harry Stirling Crawfurd. Golf in theory and practice. Illust. 1896. 797. E93 Filon, Pierre Marie Augustin. The English stage; acot. of the Victorian drama; tr. fr. the French by F. Whyte. 1897. 792. F48 Fo&, Edouard. After big game in Central Africa; records of a sportsman; tr. fr. the French by F. Lees. Illust. 1899. 799. F64 Foster, Robert Frederick. Chess; manual for beginners. 1897. (Bren- tano’s pocket lib.) 794. F75 — Common sense in whist. 795. F75c — Foster on hearts; description of the game and a code of laws. 1895. 795. F75he — Poker, 1897. (Brentano’s pocket lib.) 795. F75p — WTiist tactics; 112 hands played by corre- spondence between 16 of the best players in the Amer. whist league. 1895. 795. F75w — comp. Foster’s complete Hoyle. 1897. 795. F75h Frazer, Perry D. Canoe cruising and camping. Illust. 1897. 797. F84 Gallwey, Sir Ralph Payne-. Letters to young shooters on the production, preservation and killing of game. 2d ser. 2d ed. Illust. 1894. 799. G17 Gant'hony, Robert. Amateur entertainments for charitable or other objects. 793. G21 Gibson, Harry. Tobogganing on crooked runs. 1894. Illust. 796. G44 Gray, Norman D. ’96 charades. 1896. 793. G78 Gribble, F. Early mountaineers. 796. G84 Grohman, William A. Baillie-. Sport in the Alps in the past and present; and sporting reminiscences of the late duke of Saxe-Coburg Gotha. Hlust. 1896. 799. G87s Grove, Mrs. Lilly, and others. Dancing. Illust. 1895. (Badminton lib.) *1 Hall, Bradnock. Fish-tails and some true ones. Illust. 1897. 799. H17 Hall, Ruth. What shall we do? suggestions for entertain- ments. 1895. 793. H17 Hamilton, C. D. P. Modern scientific whist. 2d ed. 1894. 795. H2172 Hammerton, J. A., ed. The actor’s art; reminiscences contributed by leading actors; pref. note by Sir H. Irving. 1897. 792. H22 Hammond, S. T. Hitting vs. missing with the shotgun. (For- est and stream lib.) 799. H22 Hayes, Matthew Horace. Riding on the flat and across country; guide to practical horsemanship. 3d ed. rev. Illust. 1891. 798. H41 Hopkins, Albert Allis, comp. Magic, stage illusions and scientific diversions. Illust. 1897. 791. H79 Houssaye, Arsene. Behind the scenes of the ComMie Frangaise, and other recollections; tr. and ed. by A. D. Vandam. 1889. 792. H84 Hubert, Philip Gengembre. The stage as a career; a sketch of the actor’s life ; its requirements, hardships and re- wards. 792. H87 Hudson, Frank. Sea fishing for amateurs. Illust. 1888. 799. H88 Hutchinson, Horace Gordon. The golfing pilgrim on many links. 796. H97g — and others. Book of golf and golfers. 796. H97 Hutton, Alfred. The swordsman; manual of fence for the foil, sabre and bayonet. Illust. 1891. 796. H98 Ingalls, Herbert. Boston charades. 1895. 793. 144 Jones, Henry. Laws and principles of whist; by “Cavendish.” Amer. ed. 1895. 795. J77 66 FINE AR TS . AR CH^E OLOGY. Jones, Mary Elizabeth Whitmore. Games of patience. Illust. 795. J78 Jones, Stanley. The actor and his art; considerations of the present condition of the stage. 1899. 792. J79 Knowles, R. G. and Morton, R. Baseball. Illust. 1896. (Oval ser.) 796. K73 Kunard, R., pseud. Book of modern conjuring. Illust. 793. K96 Lewis, W. H. Primer of college football. Illust. 1896. 797. L67 Lindau, Paul. Dramaturgische Blatter. 1877. 792. L742 — Same. New ser. 1879. 2 v. 729. L7422 Lockyer, Sir Joseph Norman and Rutherford W. Rules of golf; the St. Andrews rules, codified and annotated. 1896. 796. L81 Lowsley, B. Whist of the future. 795. L92 Lyden, fsmile Mugnot de. Le theatre d’autrefois et d’aujourd’hui; can- tatrices et cojnediens, 1532-1882. 18"82. 792. L98 Macpherson, Hugh Alexander, and others. The pheasant. Illust. 1895. (Fur and feather ser.) 799. M17ph — Red deer. Illust. 1896. (Fur and feather ser.) 799. M17r Mason, James. Chess openings. 1897. 794. M39c Melliss, C. J. Lion-hunting in Somali-land. Illust. 1895. 799. M52 Miller, E. D. Modern polo; ed. by M. H. Hayes. Illust. 1896. 797. M64 Molloy, Joseph Fitzgerald. Romance of the Irish stage. 1897. 2 v. 792. M72 Moore, C. Compton. Games of pool; English and American games; the rules in full. Illust. 794. M82 Mott, Mrs. H., ed. Home games and parties by various authors. (Ladies’ home journal girls’ lib.) 793. M92 Muir, John. Bazaars and fancy fairs; their organisation and management. 1896. 793. M95 Neesen, V. Book on wheeling. 796. N38 Nirdlinger, C. F. Masques and mummers; essays on the the- atre of here and now. 792. N72 North American checker board; [ed. by L. M. Stearns]. 1896-97. 3v.ini. *1 Patterson, Arthur. Shadow entertainments and how to work them. Illust. 793. P31 Peek, Hedley, ed. The poetry of sport. Illust. 1896. (Badmin- ton lib.) *1 Rogers, Archibald, and others. Hunting. Illust. 1896. (Out of door lib.) 799. R72 Rogers, Fairman. Manual of coaching. 1900. 798. R72 Russell, Fox, ed. Sporting society; or, Sporting chat and sport- ing memories. Illust. 1897. 2 v. 799. R963 Samuels, Edward Augustus. With rod and gun in New England and the maritime provinces. Illust. 1897. *1 Sandeman, Fraser. Angling travels in Norway. Illust. 1895. 799. S21 Sanford, Katharine I. New book of charades. 1896. 793. S22 Sargent, Dudley Allen, and others. Athletic sports. Illust. 1897. (Out of door lib.) 796. S24 Scott, Clement. The drama of yesterday and to-day. 1899. 2 v. 792. S42 Selous, Percy. Travel and big game. Illust. 1897. 799. S46 Shand, Alexander Innes. Mountain stream and covert. Illust. 1897. 799. S52 Starnes, Val. W. Short-suit whist. 1896. 795. S79 Stearns, Lyman M. Granite state checker series. 1889. *1 — ed. Checkers; portraits of prominent players of the world. Illust. 1894-95. 2v. *1 Stone, S. J. In and beyond the Himalayas; record of sport and travel. Illust. 1896. 799. S87 Stuart, Mrs. Ruth (McEnery) and Paine, A. B. Gobolinks; or, Shadow-pictures for young and old. 1896. 793. S93 Thomas, H. S. Rod in India. 3d ed. 799. T45 Thompson, Norcliffe G. and Cannan, F. L. Hand-in-hand figure skating. Illust. 1896. 796. T47 Track athletics in detail; comp, by ed. of “In- terscholastic sport” in “Harper’s round table.” Illust. 1896. *1 Ward, Maria E. Common sense of bicycling; bicycling for ladies. Illust. 1896. 796. W26 Webb, F. R. Manual of the canvas canoe; its construc- tion. (Forest and stream lib.) 797. W36 Wells, Carolyn. At the sign of the sphinx; book of charades. 1896. 793. W45 Whigham, Henry John. How to play golf. Illust. 1898. 796. W57 WTiite, Mary. Book of a hundred games. 1896. 793. W58b — Book of games. 793. W58 Willard, Frances Elizabeth. A wheel within a wheel; how I learned to ride the bicycle. Illust. 1895. 796. W69 Wilson, Edward Livingstone, and others. Mountain climbing. Illust. 1897. (Out of door lib.) 796. W74 Wingate, Charles Edgar Lewis. Shakespeare’s heroes on the stage. 1896. 792. W76h FINE ARTS. ARCHEOLOGY. LANG GAGE. 67 Winter, William. The press and the stage; an oration. 1889. 792. W78p Woglom, Gilbert Totten. Parakites; the making and flying of tailless kites. Illust. 1896. 796. W84 Woodbridge, E. The drama; its law and its technique. 792. W88 Yale, Leroy Milton, and others. Angling. Illust. 1896. (Out of door lib.) 799. Y17 Young, Franklin Knowles. The major tactics of chess. Illust. 1898. 794. Y71m Language. Anderson, Jessie Macmillan. Study of English words. 1897. 422. A54 Bernhardt, Wilhelm. Course in German composition, conversation and grammar review. 1898. 435. B52 B6tis, Victor and Swan, H. Class-room conversations in French. 1896. (Psychol, methods of teaching and studying lang. French ser.) 448.2 B56 — Facts of life, idiomatically described; pt. 1, home life, school, travelling, plants. 1896. (Psychol, methods of teaching and study- ing lang. French ser.) 448.2 B56f Bowen, B. L., ed. First Italian readings, with notes and vocab- ulary. (Heath’s modern lang. ser.) 458.6 B78 Brandt, Hermann Carl Georg and Day, W. C. German scientific reading; with notes and vo- cabulary. 1897. 438.6 B82 Brebner, M. Method of teaching modern languages in Ger- many. 407. B82 Brugmann, Karl. Nature and origin of the noun genders in the Indo-European languages ; tr. by E. Y. Rob- bins. 1897. (Princeton lectures.) 412. B89 Oomba, T. E. Compendium of Italian pronunciation. 1897. 451.5 C72 Compton, Alfred G. Some common errors of speech. 1898. 425. C73 Conder, C. R. The Hittites and their language. 494. C74 Darbishire, Herbert Dunkinfield. Relliquiae philologicae ; or, Essays in compar- ative philology; ed. by R. S. Conway. 1895. 414. D21 Davenport, Herbert J. and Emerson, A. M. Principles of grammar. 1898. 425. D24 Earle, John. Simple grammar of English now in use. 1898. 425. E12 Egbert, James Chid ester. Introduction to the study of Latin inscriptions. 1896. 471.7 E28 Emerson, Oliver Farrar. Brief history of the English language. 1896. 420.9 E53b Eschstruth, Nataly von and Stcikl, H. Aus Herz und Welt; stories for school and college, ed. by W. Bernhardt. 1896. (Heath’s mod. lang. ser.) 438.8 E74 Fitzgerald, Joseph. Pitfalls in English; customary errors in the use of words. 1895. 422. F55 Ford, Jeremiah Denis Matthias. Exercises in Spanish composition. 1899. (Heath’s mod. lang. ser.) 468.2 F69 Grandgent, C. H. Italian composition. (Heath’s mod. lang. ser.) 458.2 G75 Gudeman, A. Outlines of the history of classical philology. 3d ed. rev. and enl. 480. G9222 Harding, B. F. Strong and weak inflection in Greek. 1896. 482.5 H26 Harris, Charles. Selections for German composition. 1898. (Heath’s mod. lang. ser,) 438.2 H31 Harvard university. — Committee of classical in- structors. Harvard studies in classical philology, v. 6-10. 480. H33 Hempl, George. German orthography and phonology. 1897. v. 1. 431. H49 Hinsdale, Burke Aaron. Teaching the language-arts; speech, reading, composition. 1896. (Internat. educ. ser.) 407. H66 Huffcut, Ernest Wilson. English in the preparatory schools. 1892. (Monographs on educ.) 428.2 H88 Jagemann, Hans Karl Gunther von. Materials for German prose composition. 1892. 438.2 J24 Jones, William C Elements and science of English versification. 1897. 426.2 J79 Keller, Isidor. First year in German. 1896. 438.2 K29 Kenyon, F. G. Palaeography of Greek papyri. 481.7 K37 Kluge, Friedrich and Lutz, F. English etymology. 1898. 422. K66 Lewis, Edwin Herbert. First book in writing English. 1897. 428.2 L67 Lindsay, Wallace Martin. Handbook of Latin inscriptions, illust. the hist, of the language. 1897. (College Latin ser.) 471.8 L74 — Short historical Latin grammar. 1895. 475. L74 Long, J. H. Slips of tongue and pen. 1896. 425. L84 MacCauley, Clay. Introductory course in Japanese. 1896. 495.5 M12 Marcou, P. B. French review exercises for advanced pupils. (Heath’s mod. lang. ser.) 448.2 M32 68 LANG UJ GE. LIT ERA TURE. Matzke, John Ernst. Primer of French pronunciation. 1897. 448.2 M44 — ed. First Spanish readings ; with notes. 1897. (Heath’s mod. lang. ser.) 468.6 M44 Morris, E. P. Study of Latin in the preparatory course. (Monographs on educ.) 470.7 M87 Oldenberg, Hermann. Ancient India; its language and religions. 1896. 491.2 044 Plan, Mme. P., comp. Macmillan’s selection of French idioms. 1896. 443. P69 Rambeau, Adolpne and Passy, J. Chrestomathie frangaise ; morceaux de prose & de poesie; precedes d’une introd. sur la methode phonetique. 1897. (Assoc, pho- netique internat.) 441.5 R16 Rizo-Rangabe, Eugene. Practical method in the modern Greek lan- guage. 1896. 489. R62 Rolfe, William James. Elementary study of English; hints to teach- ers. 1896. * 420.7 R74 Rosenthal, R. S. Rosenthal method of practical linguistry: the French language. 448.2 R81 —Rosenthal method of practical linguistry: the German language. 438.2 R81 — Rosenthal method of practical linguistry: the Spanish language. 468.2 R81 Schrakamp, J. Supplementary exercises to accompany “Das deutsche Buch.” 438.2 S37dx Skeat, Walter William. A student’s pastime; articles reprinted from ‘Notes and queries.’ 1896. 422. S62 Smith, Charles Alphonse. Old English grammar and exercise book. 1896. 429.5 S64 Stedman, Thomas L. Modern Greek mastery; a short road to an- cient Greek. 1896. 489. S81 Stone, W. J. On the use of classical metres in English. 425.6 S88 Sweet, Henry. First steps in Anglo-Saxon. 1897. 429. S97 Tarver, Francis. French stumbling-blocks and English stepping- stones. 1897. 448.2 T19 Taylor, Isaac. The alphabet. New ed. 1899. 2 v. 411. T24 Teall, F. Horace. Punctuation; with chap, on hyphenization, capitalization and spelling. 1897. 421.9 T25 Vollers, Iv. Modem Egyptian dialect of Arabic; a gram- mar; tr. fr. the Ger. by F. C. Burkitt. 1895. 492.77 V92 Wadbam, E. English versification. 1869. 426.2 W12 Wallace, A. Popular sayings dissected. 1894. 427.09 W18 White, John Williams. First Greek book. 1897. 488.2 W58 Williams, Ralph Olmstead. Our dictionaries, and other English language topics. 1890. 423. W72 — Some questions of good English, examined in controversies with Dr. Fitzedward Hall. 1897. 425. W72 Woodward, F. C. English in the schools. (Monographs on educ.) 420.7 W89 Zamenhof, L. Langue intemationale “Esperanto;” manuel complet. 4th ed. 408.9 Z24 Literature. Adams, F. Essays in modernity. 824.89 A212 Addison, Joseph. Coverley papers fr. the Spectator; with in- trod. and notes by K. Deighton. 1896. 824.52 SSd —Sir Roger de Coverley; ed. by Z. Gray. 824.52 SSg — The Sir Roger de Coverley papers; ed. by F. T. Baker and R. Jones. 824.52 SSb American literature; sel. fr. American authors. 1895. (Wayside course ser.) 810.8 A51 Arnold, Sir Edwin. East and west; papers fr. the “Daily Tele- graph” and other sources. Hlust. 1896. 828. A75 Arnold, Matthew. Selections from [his] prose writings; ed. with notes and introd. by L. E. Gates. 1898. 824.85 Gg Austin, L. F. At random; essays and stories. 824.89 A936a Bain, John, comp. Tobacco in song and story. T896. 820.8 B16 Baker, E. D. Masterpieces: ed. by O. T. Shuck. (Elo- quence of the far West.) 815.39 B167 Baker, W. H., ed. Reading club and handy speaker, no. 21. 808.8 B16 Baldwin, Charles Sears. The expository paragraph and sentence. 1897. 808. B18e Barr, Mrs. A. E. (Huddleston). Maids, wives and bachelors. 814.49 B268m Bates, Arlo. Talks on the study of literature. 1897. 807. B32 — Talks on writing English. 1896. 808. B32 Bates, Katharine Lee. American literature. Hlust. 1898. 810.9 B32 Beecher, Henry Ward. Metaphors, similes and other characteristic sayings; comp, by T. J. Ellinwood. 1895. 818.49 B414 Beerbohm, Max. Works. 1896. 824.89 B415w —More. 824.89 B415 LITERATURE. Beers, Henry Augustin. From Chaucer to Tennyson. Illixst. 1894. (Chaut. read. circ. lit.) 820.9 B41 — History of English romanticism in the 18th century. 820.9 B41h Bell, Lilian. From a girl’s point of view. 1897. 818.49 B434f Belloc, Mme. Bessie Rayner (Parkes). In a walled garden. 2d ed. 1896. 824.89 B446 Benson, Arthur Christopher. Essays. 1896. 824.89 B474 Blaisdell, A. F. First steps with American and British authors. Rev. and enl. ed. 820.7 B63 Boyd, Andrew Kennedy Hutchison. Critical essays of a country parson. 1887. / 824.89 B789c — Landscapes, churches and moralities. 1874. y 824.89 B789L — Lessons of middle age. 1869. 824.89 B7891e>X Bradford, Gamaliel. Types of American character. 1895. 814.49 B799t Bray, J. W. History of Eng. critical terms. 801. B82 Brewster, W. T. Studies in structure and style. 1896. 808. B84 Brink, Bernhard Egidius Conrad ten. History of English literature; tr. fr. the Ger. by W. C. Robinson. 1893-96. v. 2. pt. 1-2. 820.9 B85 Brooke, S. A. English literature, from the beginning to the Norman conquest. 820.9 B87e — English literature, 670-1832. Rev. ed. 1897. 820.9 B87 Brookings, Walter DuBois and Ringwalt, R. C. Briefs for debate on current political, economic and social topics. 1896. 808.5 B87 Browne, George Forrest, bp. Off the mill; occasional papers. 1895. 824.89 B882 Bruneti&re, F. Art and morality; tr. by A. Beatty. 801. B89 Buchan, John. Scholar gipsies. 1896. 824.89 B9181 Buck, G. Course in argumentative writing. 808. B92 Buck, Jirah Dewey. Browning’s Paracelsus, and other essays. 1897. 814.49 B922 Buckley, J. M. Extemporaneous oratory for professional and , amateur speakers. 808.5 B92v\ Bunner, Henry Cuyler. Jersey street and Jersey lane. Hlust. 1896. 818.49 B9421 j Bunyan, John. Pilgrim’s progress; in modern English; ed. with notes by J. Morrison. 1896. (Indian students’ lib.) 823.42 SPm Birrke, Edmund. Speech on conciliation with America; ed. with notes by A. S. Cook. 1896. (Longmans’ Eng. classics.) 825.62 SCc Cairns, William B. Forms of discourse; with chap, on style. 1896. 808. C13 Callaway, Frances Bennett. Charm and courtesy in letter-writing. 1895. 808.6 C15 Canton, William. W. V., her book and various verses. 1896. 828.89 C232 Carlyle, Thomas. Essay on Robert Burns; ed. by W. K. Wickes. 1896. (Students’ ser. of Eng. classics.) 824.82 SBw — Historical sketches of notable persons and events in the reigns of James I and Charles I; ed. by A. Carlyle. 3d ed. 824.82 SH — On heroes and hero-worship and the heroic in history; with introd. by E. Gosse. 1896. 824.82 SHg — On heroes, hero-worship and the heroic in history; ed. with notes by A. R. Marble. 1897. 824.82 SHm — Sartor resartus; ed. by A. MacMechan. 1896. (Athenaeum press ser.) 824.82 SSm — Sartor resartus; illustrated by E. J. Sulli- van. 824^82 SS Carpenter, F. I. Metaphor and simile in the minor Elizabethan drama. (Univ. of Chicago. Epg. studies, no. 3.) 820.6 U58 no. 3 Carpenter, G. R. Elements of rhetoric and English composi- tion. 808. C29 — ed. American prose selections. 810.8 C29 Oarr, Laura Garland. Memories and fancies. 1891. 814.49 C311 Carrvl, G. W. Fables for the frivolous. 817.49 C319f Chamberlain, M. John Adams, the statesman of the American revolution, with other essays. 814.49 C443j Chapman, J. J. Causes and consequences. 814.49 C466c — Emerson, and other essays. 1898. 814.49 C466 Church, Richard William. Occasional papers, 1846-90. 1897. 2v. 824.89 C562 Clark, J. S. Study of English prose writers. 820.7 C59 Clark, S. IL and Blanchard, F. M. Practical public speaking; a text-book. 808.8 C59 Clarke, James Freeman. Nineteenth century questions. 1897. 814.49 C598 Clemens, Samuel Langhome. How to tell a story, and other essays. 1897. 814.49 C625 Cohen, Isabel E., comp. Readings and recitations for Jewish homes and schools. 1895. 808.8 C67 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. Principles of criticism, chap. 1, 3, 4, 14-22, of “Biographia literaria”; with introd. and notes by A. J. George. 1895. (Heath’s Eng. classics.) 801. C69 / 70 LITER A TURK. College requirements in English for the years 1900-02. 820.8 C69 Conaty, Thomas James. Celtic influence in English literature. 1896. 820.9 C74 Corson, Hiram. The voice and spiritual education. 1896. 808.5 C82 Couch, Arthur Thomas Quiller-. Adventures in criticism. 1896. 824.89 C853a Covell, C. H., ed. Diamonds and nuggets gathered fr. Ameri- can minds. 810.8 C87 Crackanthorpe, Hubert. Vignettes; a miniature journal of whim and sentiment. 1896. 828.89 C883 Crawford, V. M. Studies in foreign literature. 824.89 C899 Orawshaw, W. H. Interpretation of literature. 1896. 801. C91 Cross, W. L. Development of the English novel. 823.09 C95 Curry, Samuel S. Imagination and dramatic instinct. 1896. 808.5 C97 Curtis, George William. Ars recte vivendi. 1898. 814.49 C978a Cynicus, pseud. Symbols and metaphors. Illust. 827.89 C996 Dana, John Monroe, comp. The wider view; a search for truth. 1899. 808.8 D16 Davidson, John. Sentences and paragraphs. 1893. 828.89 D252 Depew, Chauncev Mitchell. Best things by C. M. Depew; ed. by J. W. Leonard. Illust. 1898. 817.49 D419 — Depew story book; ed. by W. M. Clemens. 817.49 D419c De Quincey, Thomas. Confessions of an English opium eater; with introd. and notes by G. A. Wauchope. 1898. (Heath’s Eng. classics.) 824.81 SCw — Flight of a Tartar tribe; ed. by M. H. Turk. 1897. (Riverside lit. ser.) 824.81 SFt — Revolt of the Tartars; ed. with notes by C. S. Baldwin. 1896. (Longmans’ Eng. clas- sics.) 824.81 SRb Dobson, Austin. Eighteenth century vignettes, ser. 2-3. 1894- 96. 2 v. 824.89 D635e — Miscellanies. 824.89 D635m Dole. N. H., ed. Mistakes we make; a practical manual of cor- rections in history, language and fact. 802. D66 Dowden, Edward. French revolution and English literature. 1897. (Princeton lectures.) 820.9 D74 — Studies in literature, 1789-1877. 6th ed. 1892. 804. D74 Du Bois, Henri PSne, comp. Pearl necklace of thoughts of women. 1898. 808. D81 Dye, Charity. The story-teller’s art; guide to the study of fiction. 1898. 807. D99 Eaton, S., ed. Homestudy circle: Literature. 820. E14 Ellwanger, George Herman. Idyllists of the country side. 1896. 820.9 E47 Elton, Oliver. The Augustan ages. 1899. (Periods of Euro- pean lit.) 809. S15 v. 8 Emerson, R. W. Select essays and poems; ed. by E. M. Tap- pan. (Academy ser. of English classics.)- 814.36 Gt — Two unpublished essays: The character of Socrates; The present state of ethical phil- osophy; with introd. by E. E. Hale. 1896. 814.36 SC Emery, Fred Parker. Notes on English literature. 1891. 820.2 E53 Essays, mock-essays, and character sketches, reprinted from the Journal of education. 824.89 E78 Evans, E. P. Beitrage zur amerikanischen Litteratur-und Kulturgeschichte. 810.9 E92 Farrar, F. W. Great books. 824.89 F242g Field, Eugene. Love affairs of a bibliomaniac. 1896. 814.49 F453 Field, L. F. Introduction to the study of the renaissance. 809. F45 Fisher, Mary. General survey of American literature 1899. 810.9 F53 Fiske, J. Century of science, and other essays. 814.49 F541 Fitzgerald, P. H. Pickwickian studies. 823.83 SPxf Forbes, Archibald. Camps, quarters and casual places. 1896. 824.89 F692 Ford, P. L., ed. Great words from great Americans. (Citizens’ ed.) 810.8 F71 Frink, Henry Allyn, comp. New century speaker for school and college. 1898. 808.5 F91 Garnett, Richard. Age of Dryden. 1895. 820.9 G23 Garrett, P. & co., pub. One hundred choice selections. 1894-97. no. 33- 36. 808.8 G23 Gayley, C. M., and Scott, F. N. Introduction to the methods and materials of literary criticism. 801. G28 Gell, Mrs. E. L., comp. More excellent way. 808.8 G31 Genung, John Franklin. Study of rhetoric in the college course. 1887. (Monographs on educ.) 808. G34o George, A. J., ed. From Chaucer to Arnold; types of literary art in prose and verse. 820.8 G34 LITERA TURK. 71 Gissing, George Robert. Charles Dickens; a critical study. 1898. 823.83Xg Goss, Charles Frederic. The optimist. 2d ed. 1897. 814.49 G677 Gosse, Edmund William. Critical kit-kats. 1896. 820.4 G67 — Short history of modern English literature. 1898. (Lit. of the world.) 820.9 G67 Graham, Mrs. Gabriela (La BalmondiSre) Cun- ninghame- and Graham, R. B. Cunning- hame-. Father Archangel of Scotland, and other es- says. 1896. 824.89 G739 Graves, Charles L. More Ha warden Horace; introd. by T. E. Page. 1896. 827.89 G776m Gregory, E. Worldly ways and by-ways. 814.49 G822w Guiney, Louise Imogen. Patrins. 1897. 814.49 G964p Gurteen, Samuel Humphreys. Epic of the fall of man; a comparative study of Caedmon, Dante and Milton. 1896. 801. G98 Hale, Edward Everett, jr. Constructive rhetoric. 1896. 808. H16 Hale, S. Men and manners of the 18th century. (Chaut. read. circ. lit.) 820.9 H16 Hallock, Julia Sherman. Broken notes from a gray nunnery. 1896. 818.49 H192b Hannay, David. The later renaissance. 1898. (Periods of European lit.) 809. S15 v. 6 Hapgood, Norman. Literary statesmen and others. 1897. 814.49 H252 Hardwicke, Henry. History of oratory and orators. 1896. 808.5 H26 Harrison, Frederic. Studies in early Victorian literature. 1895. 820.4 H31 Hearn, L. Exotics and retrospectives. 814.49 H436e Henderson, T. F. Scottish vernacular literature. 820.9 H49 Henley, William Ernest. Views and reviews; essays in appreciation. 1891. 824.89 H514v Hewlett, Maurice. Earthwork out of Tuscany; impressions and translations. 1895. 824.89 H612 Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. Book and heart; essays on literature and life. 1897. 814.49 H637 —Cheerful yesterdays. 1898. 814.49 H637ch — Old Cambridge. 810.4 H63 Hillis, Newell Dwight. Great books as life-teachers. 1899. 814.49 H654 Holyoake, George Jacob. Public speaking and debate; manual for ad- vocates and agitators. 1896. 808.5 H76 Howe, Mrs. Julia (Ward). Is polite society polite? and other essays. 1895. 814.49 H856i Howells, William Dean. Impressions and experiences. 1896. 814.49 H859 Hudson, William Henry. Idle hours in a library. 1897. 814.49 H886 — Study of English literature; an address. 820.7 H88 Hutton, R. H. Aspects of religious and scientific thought. 824.89 H985a Hyde, D. Literary history of Ireland. (Lib. of literary hist.) 820.9 H99 Hyslop, J. H. Logic and argument. 808. H99 Jacobs, Joseph. Literary studies. New ed. enl. 1896. 820.4 J17 Jefferies, John Richard. Thoughts from [his] writings; sel. by H. S. H. Waylen. 1895. 828.89 J45w Jerome, J. K. Second thoughts of an idle fellow. 827.89 J56 Jerrold, Walter, comp. Bon-mots of the 18th century. 1897. 828. J56 Johnson, Charles Frederick. Elements of literary criticism. 1898. 801. J66 Johnson, R. B., ed. Eighteenth century letters; Johnson, Lord Chesterfield. 826. J69 — Eighteenth century letters; Swift, Addison, Steele. 826. S97 Johnson club. Papers; by various hands. 1899. 824.63 Xj Johnston, Alexander, ed. American orations; re-ed. with notes by J. A. Woodbum. 1896. 4 v. 815.4 J72 Johnston, Richard Malcolm. Studies literary and social. 1891-92. 2 v. 814.49 J73 Jordan, David Starr. Story of the innumerable company, and other sketches. 1896. 818.49 J82 Jusserand, Jean Adrien Antoine Jules. English essays from a French pen. 1895. 824.89 J96 Ker, W. P. Epic and romance; essays on medieval litera- ture. 809. K39 Kingston, William Beatty-. Men, cities and events. 824.89 K55 Kitton, Frederic G. Novels of Charles Dickens; a bibliography and sketch. 1897. (Book-lover’s lib.) • 823.83 Xk Knowles, Frederic Lawrence. Practical hints for young writers, readers and book buyers. 1897. 808. K73 Lanier, S. Bob; the story of our mocking-bird. 818.49 L287b — Retrospects and prospects; descriptive and hist, essays. 814.49 L287r Lareau, E. Histoire de la literature canadienne. 810.9 L32 72 LITERA TURE. Lathrop, S. G., comp. Fifty years and beyond; gathered gems for the aged. 818.49 L355f Lee, G. C. Principles of public speaking. 808.5 L47 Le Gallienne, Richard. Prose fancies. 1895-96. 2 v. 824.89 L496 — Retrospective reviews; a literary log. 1896. 2 v. 820.9 L49 Lilly, William Samuel. Four English humourists of the 19th century; [Dickens, Thackeray, George Eliot, Carlyle] . 1895. 827.8 L72 Lincoln, Abraham, pres, of the U. S. Speeches; comp, by L. E. Chittenden. 1895. 815.39 L73 Lobban, J. H., comp. English essays. 1896. 824.08 L79 Lodge, Henry Cabot. Certain accepted heroes, and other essays in literature and politics. 1897. 814.49 L822 Longueville, T. Platitudes of a pessimist. 1897. 824.89 L858 Mabie, Hamilton Wright. Books and culture. 1896. 814.49 Ml 12b — Essays on nature and culture. 1896. 814.49 M112n — Essays on work and culture. 814.49 M112w — In the forest of Arden. 814.49 M112i Macarthur, Henry. Realism and romance, and other essays. 1897. 824.89 M116 McCaskey, J. P., comp. Lincoln literary collection. 1897. 820.8 M12 MeClintock, William D. and McClintock, P. L., comp. Song and legend from the middle ages. 1893. (Chaut. read. circ. lit.) 808.8 M12 McCrackan, William Denison. Little idyls of the big world. 1895. 814.49 M132 McKinley, William, pres, of the U. S. McKinley’s masterpieces; sel. fr. public ad- dresses; ed. by R. L. Paget. 1896. 815.49 M158 Mackinnon, James. Leisure hours in the study. 1897. 824.89 Ml 58 Maitland, Mrs. Ella Fuller. Pages from the day-book of Bethia Hardacre. 4th ed. 1896. 828.89 M232 Malory, Sir Thomas. Selections from Le morte d’Arthur; ed. with introd. notes and gloss, by A. T. Martin. 1896. 823.2 M25 Martin, A. S. On parody. 1896. 809.7 M37 Masterman, J. Howard B. The age of Milton. 1897. 820.9 M423 Mathews, William. Nugae litterariae; or, Brief essays on literary, social and other themes. 1896. 814.49 M429n Matthews, James Brander. Aspects of fiction, and other ventures in crit- icism. 1896. S04. M43 — Introduction to the study of American lit- erature. 1896. 810.9 M43 Maxwell, Sir Herbert Eustace. Post meridiana; afternoon essays. 1895. 824.89 M465 Meredith, George. Essay on comedy and the uses of the comic spirit. 1897. 808.2 M55 Merz, John Theodore. History of European thought in the 19th century. 1896. v. 1. 809. M57 Metcalfe, James Stetson. Mythology for moderns. 1899. 817.49 M588m Meyer, F. B. Friendly counsels. 818.49 M612f — Take heart again. 818.49 M612t Meynell, Mrs. Alice (Thompson). The children. 1897. 824.89 M614c — Colour of life, and other essays. 1896. 824.89 M614 Mitchell, Donald Grant. American lands and letters. Illust. 1897-99. 2 v. 810.9 M68 — English lands, letters and kings: the later Georges to Victoria. 1897. v. 4. 820.9 M68 Monkhouse, Allan. Books and play3. 1894. Contents. Mr. Meredith’s novels. — Mr. Mer- edith’s poems. — George Borrow. — Turge- nieff. — Ibsen’s social plays. — Three plays by Mr. Stevenson and Mr. Henley. — Politics of dramatic art. 824.89 M745 Morris, Robert Tuttle. Hopkins’s pond, and other sketches. 1896. 818.49 M877 Morton, F. W., comp. Love in epigram. 808.8 M881 Nadal, Ehrman Syme. Notes of a professional exile. 1895. 818.49 N127 Noble, James Ashcroft. Impressions and memories. 1895. 824.89 N749i Nye, Edgar Wilson. BUI Nye’s sparks. 1896. 817.49 N994s Nye, Edgar Wilson and Riley, J. W. Wit and humor; poems, yarns. Hlust. 1896. 817.49 N994n O’Connor, E. Scott. Tracings; or, A reflection of nature. 1896. 818.49 018 Ossoli, Sarah Margaret (Fuller), marohesa d’. Margaret and her friends; or, Ten conversa- tions with Margaret Fuller upon the my- thology of the Greeks and its expression in art; reported by C. W. Healey. 1895. 814.31 Xd Owen, John. Five great skeptical dramas of history. 1896. 809.2 097 Painter, Franklin Verzelius Newton. Introduction to American literature. 1897. 810.9 P14 Palmer, George Herbert. Self-cultivation in English. 1897. 808. P17 Pancoast, Henry Spackman. Introduction to American literature. 1898. 810.9 P18 LI TER A TURE. 73 Parr, Henry. New wheels in old ruts; a pilgrimage to Can- terbury via the ancient pilgrim’s way. Illust. 1896. 827.89 P258 Pattee, Fred Lewis. History of American literature; a text-book. 1896. 810.9 P31 Payne, William Morton, ed. English in American universities. 1895. (Heath’s pedagog. lib.) 820.7 P34 Pearson, Henry G. Freshman composition; introd. by A. Bates. 1897. 808. P36 Peck, Harry Thurston. The personal equation. 1898. 814.49 P366p — What is good English? and other essays. 814.49 P366w Pennington, J. G., ed. “Don’t worry” nuggets; gathered from Epictetus, Emerson, George Eliot, Robert Browning. 808.8 P41 Phillips, H. W. Fables for the times; illust. by T. R. Sulli- vant. 1896. 818.49 P559 Pollard, A. F., comp. Political pamphlets; with introd. and notes 1897. 820.8 P77 Porter, Rose, comp. About children; what men and women have said. 1896. 808.8 P84c — About men; what women have said. 1895. 828. P84 Quayle, W. A. The poet’s poet, and other essays. 2d ed. 814.49 Q2 Raleigh, Walter. Style. 2d ed. 1897. 808. R16 Raynor, Cecil, comp. Spinster’s scrip. 1896. 828. R27 Rearden, Timothy H. Petrarch, and other essays. 1897. 814.49 R288 Reception day; a collection of dialogues, recita- tions [etc.], for schools, no. 5-6. 808.8 R29 Regeneration; a reply to Max Nordau, with introd. by N. M. Butler. 1896. 801. N82x Repplier, Agnes. Varia. 1897. 814.49 R425v Richardson, Charles Francis. Primer of American literature. New ed. rev. Hlust. 1894. 810.9 R52 Ringwalt, R. C., ed. Modern American oratory; seven representa- tive orations. 815.4 R58 Robertson. John Mackinnon. New essays towards a critical method. 1897. 820.4 R65 Rosebery, A. P. Primrose, 5th earl of. Appreciations and addresses. 825.89 R798 Ruskin, John. Bible references; [ed.] by M. & E. Gibbs. 1898. 824.86 Xg Saintsbury, George Edward Bateman. Essays in English literature, 1780-1860. 1895. v.2. 820.4 S15 — Flourishing of romance and the rise of alle- gorv. 1897. (Periods of European lit.) 809. S15 v. 2 — History of 19th century literature, 1780-1895. 1896. 820.9 S15 Sawyer, E. A., comp. For student days and birth-days. 808.8 S27 Scudder, V. D. Social ideals in English letters. 820.9 S43 — The witness of denial. 1895. 814.49 S436 Sears, Lorenzo. History of oratory fr. the age of Pericles to the present time. 1896. 808.5 S43 — The occasional address; its composition and literature. 1897. 808.5 S43o — Principles and methods of literary criticism. 801. S43 Sheeley, Aaron, comp. Anecdotes and humors of school life. 1889. 828. S54 Shorter, Clement King. Victorian literature; sixty years of books and bookmen. 1897. 820.9 S55 Sill, F. S., comp. Year book of colonial times. 818.49 S584 Smithson, David J. Elocution and the dramatic art; rev. by C. R. Taylor. New ed. 1897. 808.5 S66 Snell, F. J. The fourteenth centuiy. (Periods of Euro- pean lit.) 809. S15 v. 3 Spectator in London; essays by Addison and Steele. Illust. 1896. 824.52 SSI Spencer, Herbert. Various fragments. 1898. 824.89 S745 Spielmann, Marion Henry. History of “Punch.” Illust. 1895. 827. S75 Spingarn, Joel Elias. History of literary criticism in the renais- sance. 1899. (Columbia univ. studies in literature.) 801. S75 Spofford, Ainsworth Rand and Gibbon, C., ed. Library of Choice literature. 2d ed. rev. Illust. 1895. v. 9-10. 808.8 S76 Stanley, H. M. Essays on literary art. 804. S78 Steele, Sir Richard. Selections from [his] works, ed. by G. R. Carpenter. 1897. (Athenaeum press ser.) 824.53 Gc Stevenson, Robert Louis. Fables. 1896. 828. S848f Stillman, William James. The old Rome and the new, and other studies. 1897. 814.49 S857 Stoddard, Francis Hovey. Evolution of the English novel. 1900. 823.09 S86 Strachey, J. S. From grave to gay; essays and studies. 824.89 S894f Street, Arthur Edmund. Critical sketches. 1894. 824.89 S915 Stuart, Lady L. Selections fr. her manuscripts. 824.79 S931 Thompson, Hugh Miller, bp. More “copy,” 2d ser. of essays on religion, literature and life. 1897. 814.49 T472 Tompkins, Arnold. The science of discourse. 1897. 808.T60 74 LITERA TURE. Trent, W. P. The authority of criticism, and other essays. 814.49 T795 Turner, H. G. and Sutherland, A. Development of Australian literature. 820.9 T94 Tyler, Moses Coit. Literary history of the American revolution, 1763-83. 1897. 2 v. 810.9 T98 Vaughan, Charles Edwyn, comp. English literary criticism. 1896. 820.9 V36 Vincent, L. H. The bibliotaph and other people. 814.49 V77 Voorhees, Daniel Wolsey. Forty years of oratory; lectures, addresses and speeches; comp, and ed. by his sons and daughter. Illust. 1898. 2 v. 815.49 V95 Wagner, Leopold, ed. Modem political orations. 1896. 825.08 W13 Ward, Artemus, pseud. Complete works; with biog. sketch by M. D. Landon. 817.37 D1 Warner, Charles Dudley. Relation of literature to life. 1897. 814.49 W279 — ed. Library of the world’s best literature, ancient and modem. 1896-98. 30 v. 808.8 W279 Washington, B. T. Black-belt diamonds; gems fr. [his] speeches and talks to students; selected by V. E. Matthews. 818.49 W317b Washington, G. Farewell address; with a prefatory note by W. C. Ford. 815.29 W31 Watson, E. H. Lacon. The unconscious humourist, and other essays. 1896. 824.89 W338 Webster, Daniel. First Bunker-Hill oration; ed. by L. M. Hodg- kins. 1889. (Students’ ser. of Eng. clas- sics.) 815.27 SBh — Representative speeches. 1898. (Little mas- terpieces.) 815.27 Gp Werner, Edgar S., pub. Readings and recitations. 1895-98. v. 14-17. 808.8 W49 White, Greenough. Outline of the philosophy of English litera- ture. pt. 1, the middle ages. 1895. 820.1 W58 Whiting, L. World beautiful, v. 2-3. 818.49 W599 Williams, Roger. The Roger Williams calendar, [comp.] by J. O. Austin. 1897. 818. W72 Wilson, Henry Schiitz. History and criticism; studies on Conciergerie, Bianca Cappello [and others]. 1896. 804. W74 Wilson, Woodrow. Mere literature, and other essays. 1896. 814.49 W754 Winchester, Caleb Thomas. Some principles of literary criticism. 1899. 801. W75 Wood, Katharine B., comp. Quotations for occasions. 1896. 828. W87 Woodberry, G. E. Heart of man. 814.49 W881 Worsfold, William Basil. Principles of criticism; introd. to the study of literature. 1897. 809. W93 Yamall, E. Wordsworth and the Coleridges. 814.49 Y28 Young, Arthur H., comp. Authors’ readings. 1897. 808.8 Y68 Zangwill, Israel. Without prejudice. 1896. 824.89 Z29 Poetry. History and Criticism. Armstrong, R. A. Faith and doubt in the century’s poets. 821.09 A73 Austin, Alfred. Poetry of the period. 1870. 821. A93 Benton, J. Emerson as a poet. 811.39 E53xb Berdoe, Edward. Browning and the Christian faith; evidences of Christianity fr. Browning’s point of view. 1896. 821.83Xbd — Browning cyclopaedia. 821.83 Xb Boston Browning society. Papers selected to represent the society, 1886-97. 1897. 821.83 Xbo Brooke, Stopford Augustus. Dove cottage, Wordsworth’s home fr. 1800- 1808. 1894. 821.71 Zb Browning society. Browning studies; papers by members of the Browning societv; ed. by E. Berdoe. 1895. 821.83 Xbr Cheney, John Vance. That dome in air; thoughts on poetry and the poets. 1895. 808.1 C51 Dixon, William Macneile. A Tennyson primer; with a crit. essay. 1896. 821.81 Xd Fruit, J. P. Mind and art of Poe’s poetry. 811.32 Xf Guthrie, William Norman. Modern poet prophets; essays critical and in- terpretative. 1897. 804. G98 Hancock, A. E. French revolution and the English poets. 821.09 H23 Hill, Alexander. Notes to the pocket volume of selections from the poems of Robert Browning. 1896. 821.83 Gpox Hudson, William Henry. Studies in interpretation; Keats, dough, Mat- thew Arnold. 1896. 821.09 H88 Luce, Morton. Handbook to the works of Alfred, Lord Ten- nyson. 1895. 821.81 Dxl Mather, J. Marshall. Popular studies of 19th century poets. 1892. 821.09 M42 Molineux, M. A., comp. Phrase book from the poetic and dramatic works of Robert Browning. 821.83 Xm Oates, John. Teaching of Tennyson. 821.81 Xo LITER A TURE. 75 Palgrave, Francis Turner. Landscape in poetry fr. Homer to Tennyson. 1897. 808.1 P16 Pope, George Uglow. St. John in the desert; an introd. and notes to Browning’s ‘A death in the desert.’ 1897. 821.83 SDexp Rabb, Mrs. Kate Milner. National epics. 1896. 809.1 Rll Ranek, G. W. Bivouac of the dead, and its author. [Theo- dore O’Hara.] 811.39 036bx Santayana, George. Interpretations of poetry and religion. 1900. 808.1 S23 Sawtelle, Alice Elizabeth. Sources of Spenser’s classical mythology. 1896. 821.31Xs Sharp, Amy. Victorian poets. 1891. (Univ. ex. ser.) 821.09 S53 Strong, Augustus Hopkins. The great poets and their theology. 1897. 808.1 S92 Veitch, John. Feeling for nature in Scottish poetry. 1887. 2 v. 821. V42 Walker, Hugh. Greater Victorian poets. 1895. 821.09 W17 Whiting, L. Study of Elizabeth Barrett Browning. 821.82 Xw Poetry. Collections. Arber, E., comp. Dryden anthology. (British anthologies.) 821.08 A664d — Jonson anthology. (British anthologies.) 821.08 A664j — Milton anthology. (British anthologies.) 821.08 A664m — Pope anthology. (British anthologies.) 821.08 A664p — Shakespeare anthology. (British antholo- gies.) 821.08 A664s Bates, Katharine Lee, comp. Ballad book. 1890. (Students’ ser. of Eng. classics.) 821.04 B32 Boyle, Mrs. Eleanor Vere (Gordon), comp. Ros rosarum ex horto poetarum; gathered from poets’ gardens of many lands. 2d ed. 808.8 B79 Browne, William Hand, comp. Selections from the early Scottish poets; with notes. 1896. 821.08 B88 Buchan, John, comp. Musa piscatrix. 1896. (Bodley anthologies.) 821.08 B91 Buckingham, E. M., comp. Revival of English poetry in the 19th cen- tury; selections. 821.08 B92 Carpenter, Frederic Ives, comp. English lyric poetry, 1500-1700. 821.04 C29 Case, Robert H., comp. English epithalamies. 1896. (Bodley anthol- ologies.) 821.08 C33 Chadwick, John White and Chadwick, A. H., comp. Through love to light; sel. of songs of good courage. 1896. 821.08 C43 Chambers, Edmund K., comp. English pastorals. 1895. (Warwick lib.) 821.08 C44 Chandler, Horace Parker, comp. Lover’s year-book of poetry. 2d-3d ser. 1896. 4 v. 821.08 C45 Clarke, Jennie Thornley, comp. Songs of the South; introd. by J. C. Harris. 1896. 811.04 C59 Coates, Henry T., comp. Fireside encyclopaedia of poetry, English and American. 31st ed. rev. and enl. 1895. 821.08 C65 Collins, John Churton, comp. Treasury of minor British poetry; with notes. 1896. 821.08 C71t Crawfurd, Oswald, comp. Lyrical verse fr. Elizabeth to Victoria. 1896. 821.08 C89 Crow, Mrs. Martha Foote, comp. Elizabethan sonnet-cycles. 1896. 2 v. 821.08 C95 D., J. E. P., comp. Musical moments; sel. for music lovers. 4th ed. 1898. 821.08 Dll Eastman, Alfred C., comp. Poems of the farm. Illust. 1896. 811.08 E13 Gannett, William Channing, and Gannett, M., comp. The little child at the breakfast table. 821.08 G19 Geddie, John, comp. The balladists. 1896. (Famous Scots ser.) 821.04 G29 George, Hereford Brooke and Sidgwick, A., comp. Poems of England ; a sel. of patriotic poetry. 1896. 821.08 G34 Harrison, Joseph LaRoy, comp. Cap and gown; college verse. 1895. 811.08 H31 Hazard, M. C., comp. The tearless land; collection of poems on Heaven. 1896. 821.08 H42 Horder, W. G., comp. Treasury of American sacred song. 811.08 H81 Jordan, C. B., comp. Mother-song and child-song. 811.08 J82 Knowles, Frederic Lawrence, comp. Cap and gown. 2d ser. 1897. 811.08 K73 — The golden treasury of American songs and lyrics. 1898. 811.08 K73g Learned, Walter, comp. Treasury of American verse. 1897. 811.08 L43 Marble, Mrs. A. (Russell), comp. Nature pictures of American poets. 811.08 M31 Merrill, C. E., comp. Yale verse. 811.08 M57 76 LI TER A TURE. Nevers, Cordelia C., comp. Wellesley lyrics; written by students and graduates of Wellesley college; introd. by A. F. Palmer. 1896. 811.08 N51 Page, K. S., comp. My lady sleeps. 811.08 P13 Palgrave, Francis Turner, comp. Golden treasury of songs and lyrics; bk. 2, ed. with notes by W. Bell. 1896. 821.08 P16 Redmond, Edmond, comp. Lyra cyclus; or. The bards and the bicycle. 1897. 811.08 R31 Richardson, Elizabeth, comp. Poets’ dogs. 1895. 808.8 R52 Roberts, William, comp. Book-verse; an anthology of books and book- men. 1895. (Book-lover’s lib.) 808.8 R64 Severance, Mrs. Cordenio A., comp. Indian legends of Minnesota. 1893. 811.08 S49 Stedman, Edmund Clarence, comp. Victorian anthology, 1837-1895. 1895. 821.08 S81 Stuart, C. M., comp. Vision of Christ in the poets; selected studies of the Christian faith. 821.08 S92 Sturges, Beatrice, comp. Beautiful women of the poets. 1897. 821.08 S93 Thackeray, Francis St. John and Stone, E. D., comp. Florilegium Latinum; translations into Latin verse: pre-Victorian poets. 1899. (Bodley head anthologies.) 821.08 T363 Warren, Ina Russelle, comp. The doctor’s window; introd. by W. Pepper. 1898. *1 Poetry. British and American Authors. Adams, Mary M. The choir visible. 1897. 811.49 A215 Aldrich, Thomas Bailey. Baby Bell, and other verse and prose; with a biog. sketch and notes. 1898. (Riverside lit. ser.) 811.49 A365b — Friar Jerome’s beautiful book. 1896. 811.49 A365f — Judith and Holofemes. 1896. 811.49 A365j Allen, Lyman Whitney. Abraham Lincoln; a poem. 1896. 811.49 A427 Arnold, Matthew. Poems; sel. and ed. by G. C. Macaulay. 1896. 821.89 A757m — Poetical works; with biog. introduction. 1897. 821.89 A757 Austin, Alfred. Conversion of Winckelmann, and other poems. 1897. 821.89 A935c Bates, A. Under the beech-tree. 811.49 B329u Blind, Mathilde. Selection from [her] poems; ed. by A. Sy- mons. 1897. 821.89 B648 Block, L. J. Capriccios. 811.49 B651e Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen. Esther; a young man’s tragedy; with the love sonnets of Proteus. 1895. 821.89 B659e Bolton, Charles Knowles. Love story of Ursula Wolcott; tale of the great revival in New England. 1895. 811.49 B694I Brown, Alice. Road to Oastaly. 1896. 811.49 B877 Browne, Irving. House of the heart. 1897. 811.49 B882 Browning, Mrs. Elizabeth (Barrett). Poetical works. 1897. 821.82 D Browning, Robert. Complete poetic and dramatic works. 1895. (Cambridge ed.) 821.83 D — [Complete works] ; ed. by C. Porter and H. A. Clarke. 1898. 12 v. (Camberwell ed.) 821.83 Dc — Pocket volume of selections fr. [his] poetical works. 1897. 821.83 Gpo — Poems; fr. the revised text of 1889; his own selections, ed. with biog. and crit. notes and introd. by C. Porter and H. A. Clarke. 1896. 2 v. 821.83 Gp — Seed thoughts from Browning; [comp.] by M. E. Burt. 821.83 Gb — The ring and the book; ed. with notes and in- trod. by C. Porter and H. A. Clarke. 1897. 821.83 SRp Bunner, Henry Cuyler. Poems. 1896. 811.49 B942 Burns, Robert. Complete poetical works. 1897. (Cambridge ed.) 821.67 Dc — Select poems; with introd. notes and gloss. by A. J. George. 1896. 821.67 Gg Burton, Richard. Dumb in June. 1895. (Oaten stop ser.) 811.49 B974d — Lyrics of brotherhood. 1899. 811.49 B9741 — Memorial day, and other poems. 1897. 811.49 B974m Byron, George Gordon Noel Byron, 6tli baron. Prisoner of Chillon, and other selections; ed. with introd. and notes by C. M. Stebbins. 1898. (Students’ ser. of Eng. classics.) 821.76 SPs Campbell, William Wilfred. Beyond the hills of dream. 3899. 811.49 Cl 92b Carman, Bliss. Ballads of Lost Haven; a book of the sea. 1897. 811.49 C287ba — Behind the arras; a book of the unseen. 1895. 811.49 C287be — By the Aurelian wall, and other elegies. 811.49 C287b — A winter holiday. 1899. 811.49 C287w Carman, Bliss and Hovey, R. More songs from Vagabondia. 1893. 811.49 C287s2 Cary, A. A lover’s diary. 811.39 C3321 Chambers, Robert William. With the band. 1896. 811.49 C445 LITERA TURE. 77 Chaucer, Geoffrey. Prologue; the Knight’s tale and the Nun’s priest’s tale; ed. with notes and gloss, by F. J. Mather. 1899. (Riverside lit. ser.) 821.17 Gm — Selections from [the] Canterbury tales; ed. with introd. notes and gloss, by H. Corson. 1896. 821.17 SCc Cheney, John Vance. Out of the silence. 1897. 811.49 C518 Cocke, Zitella. A Doric reed. 1895. (Oaten stop ser.) 811.49 C666 Coleridge, E. H. Poems. 821.89 C693 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. The ancient mariner; ed. with introd. and notes by A. J. George. 1897. 821.72 SAg — Rime of the ancient mariner; ed. by H. Bates. 1896. (Longmans’ Eng. classics.) 821.72 SRb Couch, Arthur Thomas Quiller-. Poems and ballads. 1896. Crane, Stephen. Black riders, and other lines. — War is kind. Dalmon, C. W. Song favours. 1895. Davidson, John. Fleet street eclogues. 1895. — New ballads. 1897. 821.89 C853 1895. 811.49 C891b 811.49 C891 821.89 D148 821.89 D252f 821.89 D252n Davis, D. W. ’Weh down Souf, and other poems. 811.49 D261w Davis, Mrs. Mary Evelyn (Moore). Christmas masque of St. Roch ; P§re Dagobert, and Throwing the wanga. 1896. 811.49 D263 Day, T. F. Songs of sea and sail. 811.49 D275s Dickinson, Emily. Poems; ed. by M. L. Todd. 3d ser. 1896. 811.49 D553 Dobson, Austin. Story of Rosina, and other verses; illust. by H. Thomson. 1895. 821.89 D635 Dole, Nathan Haskell. Hawthorn tree, and other poems. 1895. 811.49 D663h Doyle, A. C. Songs of action. 821.89 D754s Drummond, W. H. The habitant, and other French-Canadian poems. 811.49 D795h Dryden, John. Palamon and Arcite; ed. by W. F. Gregory. 1896. (Students’ ser. of Eng. classics.) 821.48 SPg2 — ’Palamon and Arcite; ed. with notes by A. Gilman. (Riverside lit. ser.) 821.48 SPg Dunbar, Paul Laurence. Lyrics of lowly life. 1896. 811.49 D8991 — Lyrics of the hearthside. 811.49 D899 Dunton, Theodore Watts-. The coming of love, and other poems. 1898. 821.89 D927 * Eliot, George, pseud. Complete poems; with introd. notice by M. Browne. (Handy volume ed.) 821.89 E42 Evans, M. A. B. Nymphs, nixies and naiads; legends of the Rhine. 1895. 811.49 E92 Fessenden, Laura Dayton. Essie; a romance in rhyme. Illust. 1895. 811.49 F414e Field, Eugene. Field flowers. Illust. 1896. (Field monu- ment souvenir.) 811.49 F453f — Songs and other verse. 1896. 811.49 F453s Foss, Sam Walter. Dreams in homespun. 1898. 811.49 F751d — Whiffs from wild meadows. 1896. 811.49 F751w Gannett, William Channing. Green pastures and still waters, with other poems. 811.49 G198 Gilder, Richard Watson. “For the country.” 1897. 811.49 G468f —In Palestine, and other poems. 811.49 G468i Gray, T. Gray’s English poems; ed. by D. C. Tovey. (Pitt press ser.) 821.61 Gt Grissom, Arthur. Beaux and belles. 1896. 811.49 G869 Guiney, L. I. The martyrs’ idyl, and shorter poems. 811.49 G964m Gunsaulus, Frank Wakely. Songs of night and day. 1896. 811.49 G976s Hake, Thomas Gordon. Poems; sel. by A. Meynell. 1894. 821.89 H155 Hall, J. L. Old English idyls. 811.49 H177o Hardy, T. Wessex poems, and other verses. 821.89 H272w Hawkes, Clarence. Pebbles and shells; verses. 1895. 811.49 H392 Hay, Helen. Some verses. 811.49 H4121s Hay, Henry Hanby. Trumpets and shawms. 1896. 811.49 H4122t Hayne, P. H. Poems. 811.42 D Heaton, John Langdon. The quilting bee, and other rhymes. 1896. 811.49 H442 Henley, W. E. Poems. 2d ed. 821.89 H514p Herford, O. The bashful earthquake, and other fables and verses. 811.49 H544b Higginson, Mrs. E. (Rhoads). When the birds go north again [and other poems]. 811.49 H637w Holmes, E. Silence of love. 821.89 H749 Holmes, Oliver Wendell. Complete poetical works. 1895. (Cambridge ed.) 811.39 H75 Hopper, Nora. Under quicken boughs. 1896. 821.89 H798 Hovey, R. Along the trail; a book of lyrics. 811.49 H846a 78 LI TER A TURK . — Launcelot and Guenevere; a poem in dramas. v. 1-4. 811.49 H8461 Howe, Mrs. J. (Ward). From sunset ridge; poems. 811.49 H856f Huntington, Helen. Folk songs from the Spanish. 1900. 811.49 H951f Ingelow, Jean. Poems. 1896. 2v. in 1. 821.89 146 Jewett, Sophie. The pilgrim, and other poems. 1896. 811.49 J59 Johnson, L. Ireland, with other poems. 821.89 J67i Keble, John. Lyra innocentium ; thoughts in verse on Christian children. New ed. 1891. 245. K25 Kennedy, J. Scottish and American poems. 821.89 K35s Kimball, Hannah Parker. Victory and other verses. 1897. 811.49 K49 Kipling, Rudyard. Ballads; and, Barrack-room ballads. New ed. 1897. 821.89 K57b — The seven seas. 1896. 821.89 K57 Lampman, Archibald. Poems; ed. with a memoir by D. C. Scott. 1900. 811.49 L238s Lodge, G. C. Song of the wave, and other poems. 811.49 L822s Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. Selections from [his] poems, incl. Evangeline; ed. with introd. and notes by M. T. Quinn. 1896. (Bell’s Eng. classics.) 811.34 Gq — Evangeline; ed. with introd. and notes by M. H. Norris. 1896. (Students’ ser. of Eng. classics.) 811.34 SEn — Evangeline; with biog. sketch, introd. and notes by H. E. Scudder, and a sketch of Longfellow’s home life, by A. M. Longfel- low. 1899. (Riverside lit. ser.) 811.34 SEs Lowell, James Russell. Complete poetical works. 1896. (Cambridge ed.) 811.37 D — Lowell leaflets; poems and prose passages fr. [his] works; comp, by J. E. Hodgdon. Illust. 1896. (Riverside lit. ser.) 811.37 Gh — Vision of Sir Launfal, and other poems; ed. by M. C. Willard. 1896. (Students’ ser. of Eng. classics.) 811.37 SVw McCall, P. J. Songs of Erinn. 821.89 M122s McLeod, Addison. A window in Lincoln’s Inn. 1897. 821.89 M165 Mangan, James Clarence. Selected poems ; with a study by L. I. Guiney. 1897. 821.89 M277 Markham, E. Man with the hoe, and other poems. 811.49 M345 Meredith, George. Selected poems. 1897. 821.89 M559s Mifflin, Lloyd. At the gates of song; sonnets; illust. bv T. Moran. 1897. 811.49 M633 — The slopes of Helicon, and other poems. Hlust. 1898. 811.49 M633s Miller, Emily Huntington. From Avalon, and other poems. 1896. 811.49 M647 Miller, Joaquin, pseud. Complete poetical works. 811.45 Dc — Songs of the soul. 1896. 811.45 Gs Milton, John. Ode on the morning of Christ’s nativity; L’ Allegro ; II Penseroso, and Lycidas; with introd. and notes by A. W. Verity. 1891. (Pitt press ser.) 821.47 Gv — Paradise lost; with introd. and notes by A. W. Verity. 1892-96. Bks. 1-12. 6 v. (Camb. Milton for schools.) 821.47 SPv — Paradise lost; bks. 1 and 2, ed. with notes by A. S. Cook. 1896. (Students’ ser. of Eng. classics.) 821.47 SPc — Shorter poems; with notes by A. J. George. 821.47 Gg Mitchell, Silas Weir. Collected poems. 1896. 811.49 M682 Munkittrick, Richard Kendall. The acrobatic muse. 1897. 811.49 M966 Nason, Emma Huntington. The tower; with legends and lyrics. 1895. 811.49 N263t Nesbit, E. A pomander of verse. 1895. 821.89 N458 Newbolt, H. Admirals all, and other verses. 15th ed. 821.89 N534a — Island race. 821.89 N534i Newell, William Wells. Words for music. 1895. 811.49 N547 Patmore, Coventry Keassey Deighton. Poetrv of pathos & delight; passages sel. by A. Meynell. 1896. 821.89 P311 Penney, William Edward. Ballads of Yankee land. 1897. 811.49 P413 Phillips, Stephen. Poems. 1898. 821.89 P563 Plarr, Victor Gustav. In the Dorian mood. 1896. 821.89 P714 Pope, Alexander. Essay on criticism; ed. with notes by J. C. Collins. 1896. 821.53 SCc Rand, T. H. At Minas basin, and other poems. 2d ed. 811.49 R187a Rawnsley, Hardwicke Drummond. Ballads of brave deeds. 1896. 821.89 R261b — Idylls and lyrics of the Nile. 1894. 821.89 R261i Realf, R. Poems. 811.49 R288 Reese, Lizette Woodworth. A quiet road. 1896. 811.49 R329 Rice, Wallace and Eastman, B. Under the stars, and other songs of the sea. 1898. 811.49 R497u Riley, James. Songs of two peoples. 1898. 811.49 R5731s Riley, James Whitcomb. Child- world. 1897. 811.49 R573c —Riley love-lyrics. 811.49 R5731 — Rub&iyat of Doc Sifers. Hlust. 1897. 811.49 R573r LITER A TURE. 79 Roberts, C. G. D. New York nocturnes, and other poems. 811.49 R643n Robinson, Edwin Arlington. Children of the night. 1897. 811.49 R659 Roche, James Jeffrey. Ballads of blue water, and other poems. 1895. 811.49 R673b Romanes, George John. Selection fr. [his] poems; introd. by T. H. Warren. 1896. 821.89 R758 Rossetti, Christina Georgina. New poems; ed. by W. M. Rossetti. 1896. 821.89 R829n Scott, Duncan Campbell. Magic house, and other poems. 1895. 811.49 S425 Scudder, Eliza. Hymns and sonnets. 1896. 811.49 S384 Seaman, Owen. Battle of the bays. 1896. 821.89 S438 Sewall, Mrs. Alice Archer. Ode to girlhood, and other poems. 1899. 811.49 S512o Sherman, Francis. Matins. 1896. 811.49 S553 Shore, Louisa. Poems; with a memoir by A. Shore, and an appreciation by F. Harrison. 1897. 821.89 S559 Sidney, Sir Philip. Lyric poems; ed. by E. Rhys. 1895. (Lyric poets.) 821.32 Gr Sill, E. R. Hermione, and other poems. 811.49 S584h Spenser, Edmund. Britomart; from bks. 3-5 of the Faery queene; ed. with introd. and notes by M. E. Litch- field. 1896. 821.31 SF1 Spofford, Mrs. H. E. (Prescott). In Titian's garden, and other poems. 811.49 S762t Stedman, Edmund Clarence. Poems, now first collected. 1897. 811.49 S812 Stetson, Mrs. C. (Perkins). In this our world. 811.49 S841i Stevens, Charles Ellis. Romance of Arenfels, and other tales of the Rhine. 1897. 811.49 S844 Stevenson, R. L. Poems and ballads. 821.89 S848p Stoddard, Mrs. Elizabeth Drew (Barstow). Poems. 1895. 811.49 S867 Stoddart, Thomas T. The death- wake; or, Lunacy, a necromaunt in three chimeras; with introd. by A. Lang. 1895. 821.89 S869 Sutphen, W. G. V. Golfer’s alphabet; illust. by A. B. Frost. 811.49 S966g Swinburne, Algernon Charles. Rosamund, queen of the Lombards; a tragedy. 1899. 821.86 SR —The tale of Balen. 1896. 821.86 ST Tennyson, Alfred Tennyson, 1st baron. Poetic and dramatic works; [ed. by W. J. Rolfe]. (Cambridge ed.) 821.81 Dca — Coming of Arthur, and other Idylls of the king; ed. with notes by W. J. Rolfe. 1896. 821.81 SCr — The princess; ed. by H. W. Boynton. 1896. (Students’ ser. of Eng. classics.) 821.81 SPb — The princess; ed. with introd. and notes by A. J. George. 1896. (Heath’s Eng. classics.) 821.81 SPg — The princess; ed. with notes and introd. by G. E. Woodberry. 1896. (Longmans’ Eng. classics.) 821.81 SPw Thaxter, Mrs. Celia (Laighton). Poems. 1897. 811.49 T368 Thomas, Edith Matilda. In the young world. 1896. 811.49 T455 — A winter swallow, with other verse. 1896. 811.49 T455w Thompson, Francis. New poems. 1897. 811.49 T471 Thomson, James. Poetical works: The city of dreadful night, etc.; ed. by B. Dobell with memoir. 1895. 2 v. 821.89 T483 Thoreau, Henry David. Poems of nature; sel. and ed. by H. S. Salt and F. B. Sanborn. 1895. 811.39 T488 Timrod, H. Poems; with memoir. (Memorial ed.) 811.49 T586 Todd, Mabel Loomis, ed. A cycle of sonnets. 1896. 811.49 T635 Van Dyke, Henry Jackson. The builders, and other poems. 1897. 811.49 V248 v-Toiling of Felix, and other poems. 1900. 811.49 V248t Wallace, Lewis. Wooing of Malkatoon; Commodus. Illust. 1898. 811.49 W191 Washburn, Henry Stevenson. Vacant chair, and other poems. 1895. 811.49 W314v Watson, Rosamund Marriott. Vespertilia, and other verses. 1895. 821.89 W341 Watson, William. Collected poems. 821.89 W343c — Father of the forest, and other poems. 1895. 821.89 W343f — The hope of the world, and other poems. 1898. 821.89 W343h — The purple East; sonnets on England’s de- sertion of Armenia. 1896. 821.89 W343pu — Year of shame. 1897. 821.89 W343y Whitman, Walt. Selections fr. [his] prose and poetry ; ed. with introd. by 0. L. Triggs. 1898/ 811.38 Gt Whittier, J. G. Writings, v. 1-4; [poetical works]. (Riverside ed.) 811.36 Dr Wilde, O. F. O. W. Ballad of Reading gaol. 821.89 W672 Woodward, G. R. Legends of the saints. 821.89 W899 Wordsworth William. Works; ed. by W. Knight. 1896-97. 12 v. (Eversley ser.) 821.71 Dk 80 LITER A TURE. — Poetical works; with introd. and notes ed. by T. Hutchinson. 1895. (Oxford ed.) 821.71 Dh — Poems; a sel. ed. by E. Dowden. 1897. (Athe- naeum press ser.) 821.71 Gd — Prelude; or, Growth of a poet’s mind. 1896. 821.71 SP Yeats, William Butler. Poems. 1895. 821.89 Y41 Young, Claiborne Addison. Way songs and wanderings. 1897. 811.49 Y69 Drama. Shakespeare. Austin, Alfred. England’s darling. 1896. 822.89 A935e Besant, Sir Walter and Pollock, W. The charm, and other drawing-room plays. Illust. 1897. 822.89 B554 Boas, Frederick Samuel. Shakspere and his predecessors. 1896. (Univ. ser.) 822.33 Xbo Brandes, Georg Morris Cohen. William Shakespeare; a critical study. 1898. 2 v. 822.33 Xbra Brown, C. S., ed. Later English drama. 822.6 B87 Burns, J. J. Story of English kings according to Shakes- peare. 822.33 Xbu Castle, Edward James. Shakespeare, Bacon, Jonson and Greene; a study. 1897. 822.33 Xcas Couch, Arthur Thomas Quiller-. Historical tales fr. Shakespeare. 1900. 822.33 Xc Crane, Elizabeth G. Berquin; a drama. 1897. 812.49 C891 Donovan, Thomas, ed. English historical plays by Shakespeare, Mar- lowe, Peele, Heywood, Fletcher and Ford. 1896. 2 v. 822.08 D68 Dunning, Edwin James. Genesis of Shakespeare’s art; study of his sonnets and poems. 1897. 822.33 Xd Fitch, Clyde. Nathan Hale; a play. 1899. 812.49 F544n Fleming, William H. How to study Shakespeare; with introd. by W. J. Rolfe. 1898. 822.33 Xf Fuller, Henry Blake. The puppet-booth; twelve plays. 1896. 812.49 F966 Goldsmith, Oliver. Comedies; introd. by J. Jacobs. Illust. 822.69 G624 Heine, Heinrich. Heine on Shakespeare; a trans. of his notes on Shakespeare heroines, by I. Benecke. 1895. 822.33 Xh Hobbes, John Oliver, pseud. The ambassador. 822.89 H682a James, George. Francis Bacon the author of Shakespeare. 1893. 822.33 Xj Johnson, J. Testimony of the sonnets as to the author- ship of the Shakesperean plays and poems. 822.33 SSxj Jones, H. A. Carnac Sahib; an original play. 822.89 J77c — Michael and his lost angel; a play. 1896. 822.89 J77m — The physician; a play. 822.89 J77p Jonson, B. Timber; or, Discoveries made upon men and matter. 822.34 St Jusserand, J. A. A. J. Shakespeare in France under the aneien regime. 822.33 Xje Lee, S. L. Life of William Shakespeare. 822.33 Xle Madden, Dodgson Hamilton. Diary of Master William Silence; a study of Shakespeare & of Elizabethan sport. 1897. 822.33 Xma Manley, John Matthews. Specimens of the pre-Shakesperean drama; with introd. and notes. 1897. 2 v. (Athe- naeum press ser.) 822.2 M27 Marriott, E. Bacon or Shakespeare? an historical enquiry. 3d ed. 1899. 822.33 Xm Merington, Marguerite. Daphne; or, The pipes of Arcadia; three acts of singing nonsense. 1896. 812.49 M562d Meyer, Edward. Machiavelli and the Elizabethan drama. 1897. (Litterarhistorisehe Forschungen. ) 822.3 M61 Phillips, S. Paolo and Francesca; a tragedy. 822.89 P563p Pinero, Arthur Wing. The Amazons; a farcical romance. 1895. 822.89 P651a — Benefit of the doubt; a comedy. 1896. 822.89 P651b — The notorious Mrs. Ebbsmith; a drama. 1895. 822.89 P651n — The princess and the butterfly; a comedy. 1898. 822.89 P651p — Trelawny of the “Wells;” a comedietta. 822.89 P651t Porter, Bose, comp. Shakespeare’s men and women. 1897. 822.33 Xp Robertson, J. M. Montaigne and Shakspere. 822.33 Xrb Rolfe, William James. Shakespeare the boy. Hlust. 1896. 822.33 Xro Seager, Herbert West, comp. Natural history in Shakespeare’s time. Illust. 1896. 822.33 Xs Shakespeare, William. As you like it; ed. by S. Thurber. 1896. (Acad, ser. of Eng. classics.) 822.33 SAt — As you like it; with introd. by B. Wendell and notes by W. L. Phelps. 1896. (Long- mans’ Eng. classics.) 822.33 SAw — Julius Caesar; ed. by S. Thurber. 1895. (Acad. ser. of Eng. classics.) 822.33 SJt LITER A TURE. 81 — Midsummer night’s dream ; ed. with notes and 4 introd. by G. P. Baker. 1896. (Longmans’ Eng. classics.) 822.33 SMb — Midsummer night’s dream; ed. with notes by H. B. Sprague. 1896. (Studies in Eng. classics.) 822.33 SMs — Much adoe about nothing; ed. by H. H. Fur- ness. 2d ed. 1900. (New variorum ed.) *1 — Poems; ed. by G. Wyndham. 822.33 Gw — The tempest; ed. with notes by H. B. Sprague. 1896. (Studies in Eng. classics.) 822.33 STs — and Fletcher, J. The two noble kinsmen; ed. by W. W. Skeat. 1875. (Pitt press ser.) 822.33 STws Sheridan, Richard Brinsley. School for scandal; and, The rivals; introd. by A. Birrell. Illust. 1896. 822.66 SSb Stevenson, Robert Louis and Henley, W. E. Macaire; a melodramatic farce. 1895. 822.89 S848m Ward, Adolphus William. History of English dramatic literature to the death of Queen Anne. New and rev. ed. 1899. 3 v. 822.09 W2562 Warner, Charles Dudley. The people for whom Shakespeare wrote. Illust. 1897. 822.33 Xwa Webster, John. Duchess of Malfi; ed. with notes and gloss, by C. Vaughan. 1896. 822.36 SDv Yeatman, John Pym. The gentle Shakspere; a vindication. 822.33 Xy German Literature. Ambrosius, Johanna. Gedichte; hrsgb. von K. Schrattenthal. 26th ed. 1896. 831.89 A496 — Poems; ed. by K. Schrattenthal, tr. by M. J. Safford. 1896. 831.89 A496p Armour, Margaret, tr. Fall of the Nibelungs; done into English. Illust. 1897. 831.21 A73 Cawein, Madison, tr. The white snake, and other poems; tr. fr. the German. 1895. 831.08 C38 Classische-Theater Bibliothek. 1868-69. 3 v. 832. C61 Diintzer, J. H. J. Uhlands Balladen und Romanzen. 831.73 Xd Elizabeth, queen of Roumania. Frauenmuth. 832.89 E43f — Meine Ruh; von Carmen Sylva. 831.89 E43m Fontane, Theodor. Gedichte. 5th ed. 1898. 831.89 F679 Ford, Mrs. Mary Hanford. Goethe’s Faust; its ethical symbolism. 1897. 832.62 SFxfo Francke, K. Glimpses of modem German culture. 830.9 F82 — Social forces in German literature; a study in the hist, of civilization. 1896. 830.9 F82s Freiligrath, F. Gedichte. 831.78 Gg — Neuere Gedichte und Freiheits-Lieder. 831.78 Gn Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Criticisms, reflections and maxims; tr. with introd. by W. B. Ronnfeldt. 834.6 G59 — Egmont; with Schiller’s essays Des Grafen Lamoral von Egmont Leben und Tod, and Uber Egmont, Trauerspiel von Goethe; ed. by M. Winkler. 832.62 SEw — Faust, the so-called 1st part, 1770-1808; in Eng. with introd. and notes by R. McLin- tock. 1897. 832.62 SFm —First part of the tragedy of Faust in Eng- lish, by T. E. Webb; new ed. with The death of Faust, fr. the 2d part. 832.62 SFw Grillparzer, F. Sappho; ed. by C. C. Ferrell. 832.73 SSf Hahn, W. Geschichte der poetischen Litteratur der Deutschen. 831.09 H14 Halbe, Max. Jugend; ein Liebesdrama. 6th ed. 1898. 832.89 H157j Hauptmann, G. Der Biberpelz ; eine Diebskomodie. „ „ „ 832.89 H374b — College Crampton; Komodie. 4th ed. 1896. 832.89 H374c — Emsame Menchcn; Drama. 1898. ^ 832.89 H374e — Flonan Geyer. 4th ed. 1896. 832.89 H374f —Das Friedensfest; ein Familienkatastrophe; Buhnendichtung. 3d ed. 1897. 832.89 H374fr — Hannele. 1894. 832.89 H374h — The sunken bell; a fairy play; rendered into Eng. verse by C. H. Meltzer. 832.89 H374s — Vor Sonnenaufgang; soziales Drama. 1892. 832.89 H374v Die versunkene Glocke; ein Marchendramia. 28th ed. 1897. 832.89 H374ve — Die Weber; Schauspiel. 16th ed. 1896. 832.89 H374w Heme, H. Works; tr. by C. G. Leland. v. 7, 8: French affairs. 831.75 FI —Heine’s prose; with introd. and notes by A. B. Faust. 831.75 Gf Immermann, Karl Leberecht. Tulifantchen; ein Heldengedicht in drei Gesangen. (Univ.-bibliothek.) 831.89 I33t Kinkel, J. G. Otto der Schtitz. 831.82 SO Kluge, H., comp. Auswahl deutscher Gedichte. 7th enl. ed. 831.08 K66 Kohl, Horst, ed. Bismarck-Gedichte des Kladderdatsch. Hlust. 1894. 837.79 K79 Komer, K. T. Samtliche Werke. v. 1. 831.66 Df Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim. Minna von Barnhelm; oder, Das Soldaten- gliick; ein Lustspeil, ed. with introd. and notes by C. Merk. 1896. (Macmillan’s for. school classics.) 832.61 SMm 82 LITERATURE . Lindau, Paul. Gesammelte Aufsatze; beitrage zur Literatur- geschichte der Gegenwart. 1875. 830.4 L742 — Literarische Rucksichtslosigkeiten. 3d ed. 1871. 834.89 L742 —Theater, v. 1-4. 832.85 G MacDonald, George. Rampolli; trans. new and old fr. the Ger.; with, A year’s diary of an old soul. 1897. 831.08 M13 Menzel, W. Deutsche Dichtung von der altesten bis auf die neueste Zeit. 3 v. 831.09 M55 Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm. Works; ed. by A. Tille. v. 8, 10, 11. 1896. Contents. y. 8. Thus spake Zarathustra. v. 10. Genealogy of morals. — Poems, v. 11. Case of Wagner, etc. 838.89 N67 Nordau, Max Simon. Paradoxes; tr. fr. the Ger. by J. R. Mcllraith. 1896. 834.89 N828p — Eight to love; tr. by M. J. Safford. 1895. 832.89 N828r Phillips, Mary E. Handbook of German literature; rev. by A. Weiss. 1895. 830.2 P56 Poritzky, J. C. Wie sollen wir Heinrich Heine verstehen; eine psychologisehe Studie. 1896. 831.75 Xp Reinick, Robert. Lieder. 1885. 831.79 R3721 Riickert, F. Gedichte; neue Auswahl. 831.74 G Seheffel, Joseph Victor von. Trumpeter; a romance of the Rhine; tr. by J. Beck and L. Lorimer. 1893. 831.89 S316t Schenkendorf, Gottlob Ferdinand Maximilian von. Gedichte; mit einem Lebensabriss und Erlauterungen; hrsgb. von A. Hagen. 5th ed. 1878. 831.79 S324h Schiller, J. C. F. von. Wallenstein; with introd. and notes by W. H. Carruth. 832.63 SWac —Wilhelm Tell. 832.63 SWd Schoenfeld, Hermann, ed. German historical prose; ed. with notes. 1895. 830.8 S36 Schwab, G. B. Gedichte. 831.79 S398 Spalding, John Lancaster, bp., tr. Songs, chiefly from the German. 1896. 831.08 S73 Stein, K. H. von. Goethe und Schiller; Beitrage zur Asthetik der deutschen Klassiker. 832.62 XS Sudermann, Hermann. Die Ehre; Schauspiel. 18th ed. 1897. 832.89 S943e — Heimat ; Schauspiel. 1897. 832.89 S943h — Johannes; Tragodie. 16th ed. 1898. 832.89 S943j — Magda, a play; tr. fr. the Ger. by C. E. A. Winslow. 1896. (Sock and buskin lib.) 832.89 S943 — Sodoms Ende; Drama. 1895. 832.89 S943s Therese. Poems; tr. by E. Frothingham. 831.89 T39 Tille, Alexander, ed. German songs of to-day. 1896. 831.08 T57 Uhland, Johann Ludwig. Poems; sel. and ed. by W. T. Hewett. 1896. 831.73 Gh Whitcomb, M. Literary source-book of the German renais- sance. 830.8 W58 Wilbrandt, Adolf. Kriemhild; Trauerspiel. 1877. 832.89 W665k — Der Meister von Palmyra; dramatische Dich- tung. 5th ed. 1896. 832.89 W665m — Nero; Trauerspiel. 832.89 W665n —Neue Gedichte. 1889. 831.89 W655 — Die Tochter des Herm Fabricius; Schauspiel. 1883. 832.89 W665t Wildenbruch, Ernst Adolf von. Harold; Trauerspiel. 5th ed. 1889. 832.89 W672h — Die Haubenlerche; Schauspiel. 1891. 832.89 W672ha — Heinrich und Heinrichs Geschlecht; Tragodie. 1895. 832.89 W672he — Die Karolinger; Trauerspiel. 18th ed. 1898. 832.89 W672k — Meister Balzer; Schauspiel. 1893. 832.89 W672m — Die Quitzows; Schauspiel. 1897. 832.89 W672q — Vater und Sohne; Schauspiel. 3d ed. 1888. 832.89 W672v Swedish, Danish, Norwegian Literature. Bugge, S. Home of the Eddie poems. (Grimm lib.) 839.6 B93 Ibsen, Henrik. John Gabriel Borkman. 1897. (Green tree lib.) 839.826 I14j Lasning for folket. v. 61-64. 1895-98. 839.7 L34 Levertin, Oscar. Frfln Gustaf Ill’s dagiar. 1897. 839.746 L66 Nordisk tidskrift for vetenskap, konst och in- dustri, 1896-99. 3v. 839.8 N83 Schiick, J. II. E. and Warburg, K. Hlustrerad svensk litteratur-historia. 3 v. 839.7 S38 French Literature. Aubertin, Charles. Histoire de la langue et de la literature frangaises au moyen age. New ed. 1894. 2 v. 840.9 A88 Augier, Guillaume Victor fimile and Sandeau, J. La pierre de touche; ed. with notes and in- trod. by G. M. Harper. 842.83 SPh Balzac, H. de. Personal opinions; tr. by K. P. Wormeley. 848.89 B198 LITER A TURE. 83 Berthon, H. E. Specimens of modern verse. (Macmillan’s for. school classics.) 841.8 B54 Blaze de Bury, Yetta. French literature of to-day. 1898. 843.8 B64 Broc, vicomte de. Propos littSraires. 840.9 B86 Bruneti&re, F. Essays in French literature; a selection tr. by D. N. Smith. 840.9 B89 — Manual of the history of French literature; tr. by It. Derechef. 840.9 B89b — Manuel de l’histoire de la literature frangaise. 840.9 B89m Chateaubriand, F. A. R., vicomte de. Pages choisies; [pub. par] S. Rocheblave. (Pages choisies des grands ecrivains.) 848.69 C492r Darmesteter, James. English studies, tr. by M. Darmesteter. 1896. 844.89 D222e Dowden, Edward. History of French literature. 1897. (Lit. of the world.) 840.9 D74 Dreyfus, Irma. Lectures on French literature. 1896. 840.9 D77 Florian, Jean Pierre Claris de. Fables; done into Eng. verse by P. Perring. 1896. 841.59 F635 Ford, Mrs. Mary Hanford. Balzac’s Seraphita; the mystery of sex. 843.73 Sxf Frechette, L. H. Originaux et d6traqu6s; douze types que- becquois. 848.89 F851o — and others. A la m6moire de Alphonse Lusignan. 848.89 F851a Guizot, Frangois Pierre Gillaume. Pages choisies; [ed. by] Mme. Guizot de Witt. 1897. (Pages choisies des grands ecrivains.) 848.79 G969 Guyau, M. J. Pages choisies; [pub. par] A. FouillSe. (Pages choisies des grands Ecrivains.) 844.89 G987f H6r6dia, Jose Maria de. Sonnets; done into Eng. by E. R. Taylor. 1897. 841.89 H542 Hugo, Victor Marie, comte. Dramas. 4 v. in 2. (Ideal ed.) 842.78 Di — Poems: History of a crime. (Ideal ed.) 841.78 Di Lahor, J. L’illusion. 841.89 L184 Larose, W. Vari6t6s canadiennes; avec une preface de L. Frechette. 848.89 L331v Maeterlinck, Maurice. Aglavaine et SSlysette. 1896. 842.89 M186a — Treasure of the humble; tr. by A. Sutro. 1897. 844.89 M186 Michelet, Jules. Pages choisies; [pub. par] C. Seignobos. 4th ed. 1897. (Pages choisies des grands §cri- vains.) 844.89 M623 Moli&re, Jean Baptiste Poquelin de. [Works] tr. by K. P. Wormeley. 1897. V. 5-6. 842.42 Fw — L’avare; ed. with introd. and notes by E. G. W. Braunholtz. 1897. (Pitt press ser.) Morris, William, tr. Old French romances; Jacobs. 1896. 842.42 SAb with introd. by J. Contents. — Tale of King Coustans, the em- peror. — Friendship of Amis and Amile. — Tale of King Florus and the fair Jehane. — History of over sea. 848. M87 Nantel, A., ed. Les fleurs de la po§sie canadienne. 2d ed. enl. 841.89 N19 Napoleon I, emperor of the French. Addresses; sol. from his proclamations, speeches and correspondence; ed. by I. M. Tarbell. 1897. 845.6 N21 Pellissier, Georges. Literary movement in France during the 19th century; [tr.] by A. G. Brinton. 1897. 840.9 P39 Petit de Julleville, Louis. Historie de la langue et de la litterature frangaise & 1900. 1896-98. v. 1-7. 840.9 P48 Poisson, A. Heures perdues; poSsies. 2d ed. 841.89 P755h Pylodet, L., comp. La literature frangaise contemporaine, re- cueil de morceaux empruntes aux Ecrivains du 19e siScle. 840.8 P99 Rabelais, F. Pages choisies; [pub. par] E. Huguet. (Pages choisies des grands Ecrivains.) 847.32 Gh Racine, Jean. Athalie; with notes in Eng. by C. Fontaine. 1895. 842.45 SAf Recolin, C. L’anarchie littSraire. 840.9 R31 RSgnier, Henri de. Les jeux rustiques et divins. 3d ed. 1897. 841.89 R342j — PoSmes; 1887-92. 1897. 841.89 R342p Renan, J. E. Pages choisies. (Pages choisies des grands Ecrivains.) 844.82 Gp Rimbaud, J. N. A. Oeuvres. 841.89 R575 Rod, J&. Nouvelles §tudes sur le 19e siScle. 840.9 R68 Roland. Song of Roland; a summary for Eng. readers; with verse renderings of typical passages by A. Way and F. Spencer. 1895. 841.11 R74w Rostand, E. Cyrano de Bergerac; comgdie h6roique. 842.89 R839cl — Cyrano de Bergerac; tr. by G. Thomas and M. F. Guillemard. 842.89 R839c2 — Cyrano de Bergerac; tr. fr. the Fr. by G. Hall. 842.89 R839c — The romancers; a comedy. 842.89 R839r 84 LITER A TURE. Rousseau, J. J. Pages choisies; [pub. par] S. Rocheblave. (Pages choisies des grands Eerivains.) 844.59 R864r Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Pages choisies. (Pages choisies des grands eerivains.) 844.74 Gb — Seven of the Causeries du Lundi; ed. by G. M. Harper. 844.74 SCh Smith, J. H. Troubadours at home, their lives and per- sonalities, their songs and their world. 2 v. 849.1 S65 Souriau, M. La preface de Cromwell. 842.78 SCxs Texte, J. Jean Jacques Rousseau and the cosmopolitan spirit in literature. 840.9 T35 Theatre frangais; sel. of French plays, ser. 1. 1893-95. 17 v. in 3. 842.08 T37 Thiers, M. J. L. A. Pages choisies; [pub. par] G. Robertet. (Pages choisies des grands eerivains.) 848.89 T438r Villemain, A. F. Cours de literature frangaise. New ed. 6 v. 840.9 V73 Voltaire, Frangois Marie Arouet de. Prose extracts; ed. with introd. and notes by A. Cohn and B. D. Woodward. 1897. (Heath’s mod. lang. ser.) 843.54 Gc Wells, B. W. Century of French fiction. 843.09 W45 — Modern French literature. 1896. 840.9 W45 Italian Literature. Capuana, Luigi. Semiritmi. 1888. 851.89 C255s Chester, N. Stories from Dante. 851.15 Xc Dante, Alighieri. II convito: the banquet; tr. by E. P. Sayer, with introd. by H. Morley. 1887. (Mor- ley’s univ. lib.) 851.15 SCs — Divine comedy; a version in the nine-line metre of Spenser, by G. Musgrave: The in- ferno. 1896. 851.15 Sim — New life; tr. by C. E. Norton. 851.15 SNn — Purgatory; ed. with trans. and notes by A. J. Butler. 1894. 851.15 SPub Gardner, E. G. Dante’s ten heavens; a study of the Paradiso. 851.15 SPxg Garnett, Richard. History of Italian literature. 1898. (Lit. of the world.) 850.9 G23 — tr. Dante, Petrarch, Camoens, 124 sonnets. 1896. 851.04 G23 Koch, Theodore W. Dante in America; hist, and bibliog. study. 1896. 851.15 Xk Kuhns, L. Oscar. Treatment of nature in Dante’s ‘Divina corn- media.’ 1897. 851.15 SDxk Moore, Edward. Studies in Dante. 1896-99. 2 v. 851.15 Xm Ozanam, Frederic Antoine. Dante and catholic philosophy in the 13th century; tr. fr. the French by L. D. Pych- owska. 1897. 851.15 Xoz Pellico, Silvio. Francesca da Rimini; ia tragedy; tr. into Eng. verse with pref. and hist, introd. by J. F. Bingham. 1897. 852.72 SFb Whitcomb, M., ed. Literary source-book of the Italian renais- sance. 850.8 W58 Witte, J. H. F. K. Essays on Dante; tr. and ed. by C. M. Law- rence and P. H. Wicksteed. 851.15 Xw Spanish Literature. Chandler, Frank Wadleigh. Romances of roguery; an episode in the his- tory of the novel. 1899. v. 1. (Columbia univ. stud, in lit.) 863.3 C45 Kelly, J. Fitzmauriee-. History of Spanish literature. (Lit. of the world.) 860.9 K29 Lockhart, J. G., ed. and tr. Ancient Spanish ballads, hist, and romantic. New ed. 861. L81 Underhill, John Garrett. Spanish literature in the England of the Tu- dors. 1899. (Columbia univ. stud, in lit.) 860.9 U55 Latin Literature. Boissier, Marie Louis Gaston. Country of Horace and Virgil; tr. by D. H. Fisher. 1896. 874.5 Xb Caesar, C. J. Caesar and Pompey in Greece; selections from Caesar’s Civil war, book 3; by E. H. Ather- ton. (School classics.) 878.1 SCa — Second book of Caesar’s Gallic war; ed. by W. C. Collar. 1897. (School classics.) 878.1 SDc Cartault, Augustin Georges Charles, etudes sur les bucoliques de Virgile. 1897. 873.1 SBxe Cicero, Marcus Tullius. 'Correspondence; arr. in chronological order; with introd. essays by R. Y. Tyrrell and L. C. Purser. 1897-99. v. 5-6. 876.1 D — De natura deorum; [tr.] by F. Brooks. 1896. 875.4 SDb — Pages choisies; [pub. par] P. Monceaux. (Pages choisies des grands Eerivains.) 875.1 Gm — Selected letters; ed. with introd. and notes by F. F. Abbott. 1897. (College ser. of Latin authors.) 876.1 Ga — Speech in defence of duentius; tr. with notes by W. Peterson. 1895. 875.2 SCp Oomparetti, Domenico Pietro Antonio. Vergil in the middle ages; tr. by E. F. M. Benecke. 1895. 873.1 Xc Eutropius. Eutropius; ed. by J. C. Hazzard. 878.9 E91h LITER A TURK. 85 Gleason, Clarence W. Gate to Vergil. 873.1 Xg Gudeman, Alfred, ed. Latin literature of the empire. 1898-99. 2 v. 870.8 G92 Horace. Opera; with notes by T. E. Page, A. Palmer, A. S. Wilkins. 1896. 874.5 Dp — Odes, books 3 & 4; epodes, and Carmen saeculare; tr. into Eng. verse by J. H. Deaze- ley. 1895. 874.5 SOd2 Juvenal. Saturae XIV; ed. by J. D. Duff. (Pitt press ser.) 877.7 SSd Leland, Charles Godfrey, ed. Unpublished legends of Virgil. 1900. 873.1 XI Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus. Pharsalia; tr. into blank verse by E. Ridley. 1896. 873.2 SPr Middleton, George and Mills, T. R. Student’s companion to Latin authors. 1896. 870.9 M62 Nepos, Cornelius. Lives; ed. with notes by I. Flagg. 1895. (Students’ ser. of Latin classics.) 878.3 SLf Nettleship, Henry. Lectures and essays; with memoir. 2d ser. 1895. 870.4 N47 Petronius Arbiter, C. Trimalchio’s dinner; tr. by H. T. Peck. 877.5 STp Plautus, Titus Maccius. Captives and Trinummus; with introd. and notes by E. P. Morris. 1898. (College ser. of Latin authors.) 872.3 SCm Pliny, the elder. Chapters on the history of art ; tr. by K. Jex- Blake; with comm, and hist, introd. by E. Sellers. 1896. 878.9 P728 Postgate, J. P. Silva Maniliana. 871.5 Xp Seneca, L. A. Two tragedies: Medea; and, The daughters of Troy; rendered into English verse by E. I. Harris. 872.6 SMh Tacitus, Caius Cornelius. History; tr. with introd. and notes by A. W. Quill. 1892. 2 v. 878.6 SHq Greek Literature. Aeschylus. Prometheus bound; tr. by P. E. More. 882.1 SPm Alford, Henry. Chapters on the poets of ancient Greece. 1841. 881. A38 Appianus, Alexandrinus. Roman history; tr. from the Greek by H. White. 2 v. 888.9 A64 Aristotle. On youth & old age, life & death, and respi- ration; tr. with introd. and notes by W. Ogle. 1897. 888.5 Go Benecke, E. F. M. Antimachus of Colophon, and the position of women in Greek poetry. 881. B46 Campbell, L. Religion in Greek literature. 880. C18 Demosthenes. First Philippic and the Olynthiacs [Greek text] ; introd. and notes by J. E. Sandys. 1897. (Classical ser.) 885.6 SPs Drakoules, Platon E. Neohellenic language and literature. 1897. 889. D76 Haigh, Arthur Elam. Tragic drama of the Greeks. Hlust. 1896. 882. H14 Herodotus. Fourth-sixth books, with introd. & notes by R. W. Macau. 1895. 2 v. 888.1 Gm — Text of Canon Rawlinson’s translation, with notes; ed. by A. J. Grant. 1897. 2 v. 888.1 Fr Homer. The Homeric hymns; a new prose translation by A. Lang. 1899. 883.1 G1 — Odyssey; tr. into English verse by P. S. Worsley. New ed. 1895. 883.1 SOw — Pages choisies; [pub. par] M. Croiset. (Pages choisies des grands ecrivains.) 883.1 Gc — Pope’s The Iliad of Homer, books 1, 6, 22 and 24; ed. by W. H. Maxwell and P. Chubb. (Longmans’ Eng. classics.) 883.1 Sip Huddilston, J. H. Attitude of the Greek tragedians toward art. 882. ms — Greek tragedy in the light of vase paintings. 882. H88g Lawton, William Cranston. Art and humanity in Homer. 1896. 883.1 XI w — Successors of Homer. 883. L42 Legrand, P. E. iatude sur Theocrite. (Bib. des £coles fran- chises d’AthSnes and de Rome.) 884.6 XI Longinus. On the sublime; the Greek text ed. after the Paris ms., with trans. [etc.], by W. R. Rob- erts. 888.9 L855 Murray, George Gilbert Aime. History of ancient Greek literature. 1897. (Lit. of the world.) 880.9 M98 Patin, H. J. G. etudes sur les tragiques grecs: Eschyle. 7th ed. 882.1 Xp — etudes sur les tragiques grecs: Euripide. 7th ed. 2 v. 882.3 Xp — etudes sur les tragiques grecs: Sophocle. 8th ed. 882.2 Xp Perry, W. C. Whmen of Homer. 883.1 Xp Plato. Philebus, ed. with introd. notes and appen- dices by R. G. Bury. 888.4 SPb — Republic; ed. with notes and an introd. by J. Adam. 1897. 888.4 SRa Sedgwick, Jane Minot, tr. Sicilian idyls and other verses; fr. the Greek. 1898. 884. S44 — Songs from the Greek. 1896. 881. S44 86 LITERATURE . GENEALOGY AND HERALDRY . BIOGRAPHY. Sophocles. Plays and fragments; with crit. notes, com- mentary and trans. in English prose by R. C. Jebb. 1894-96. v. 6-7. Contents. — v. 6, The Electra. v. 7, Ajax. 882.2 D i Antigone; tr. by G. H. Palmer. 882.2 SAp Thomson, A. D. Euripides and the Attic orators. 882.3 Xt Literature of Minor Languages. Abrahams, I. Chapters on Jewish literature. 892.4 A15 AisJinge Meic Conglinne; the vision of Mac Conglinne; a middle-Irish wonder tale; ed. with a translation by K. Meyer. 891.62 V83 Aston, W. G. History of Japanese literature. (Literatures of the world.) 895. A85 Blackwell, Alice Stone, tr. Armenian poems. 1896. 891.54 B63 Comparetti, D. P. A. Traditional poetry of the Finns; tr. by I. M. Anderton. 894. C73 Cuchullin saga. Cuchullin saga in Irish literature; ed. by E. Hull. (Grimm lib.) 891.62 C96h Frazer, Robert Watson. Literary history of India. 1898. 891. F84 Hay, John. In praise of Omar; address before the Omar Khayy&m club. 1898. 891.55 054xh J&mee, Moola Noor ed-Deen Abder-Rahman. Sal&m&n and Abs&l; tr. fr. the Persian; with a bird’s-eye view of Farfd-uddfn Attar’s Bird-parliament, by E. Fitzgerald. 1899. 891.51 J27 Karpeles, Gustav. Jewish literature, and other essays. 1895. 892.4 K18 Loew, W. hT., tr. Magyar poetry; selections. 894. L82 Ltitzow, F., count. History of Bohemian literature. 891.86 L97 More, P. E. Century of Indian epigrams, chiefly fr. the Sanskrit of Bhartrihari. 891.2 M83 Omar Khayy&m. Rub&iy&t; a paraphrase fr. several literal trans. by R. Le Gallienne. 891.55 0541 — Ruba’yat; tr. by Mrs. H. M. Cadell; introd. by R. Garnett. 1899. 891.55 054c —Stanzas; tr. fr. the Persian by J. L. Gamer. 2d ed. 891.55 054g Riordan, Roger and Takayangi, T. Sunrise stories; a glance at the literature of Japan. 895. R58 Rosenfeld, M. Songs fr. the ghetto; with trans. and introd. by L. Wiener. 892.41 R81 Sftdf. The Gulistan; tr. by E. Arnold. 891.51 S125g Sharp, Elizabeth A., comp. Lyra Celtiea; an anthology of Celtic poetry. 1896. 891.6 S53 Tolstoi, Lyof Nicolaievitch, count. Zola, Dumas, Guy de Maupassant; tr. du Russe par E. Halperine-Kaminsky; precede des articles de Id. Zola et de A. Dumas. 1896. 891.7 T65 Ummagga Jataka. (The story of the tunnel) ; tr. by T. B. Yatawara. 891.48 U52 Voyage of Bran, son of Febal, to the land of the living; ed. with trans. [and] notes by K. Meyer; with an essay on the Celtic doctrine of rebirth by A. Nutt. 1895. 2 v. (Grimm lib.) 891.62 V97 Waliszewski, Kazimierz. History of Russian literature. 1900. (Lit. of the world.) 891.7 W17 Wiener, L. History of Yiddish literature in the 19th century. 892.4 W64 Wolkonsky, Serge, prince. Pictures of Russian history and Russian liter- ature. 1897. (Lowell lectures.) 891.74 W86 Genealogy and Heraldry. Champion, Mrs. Sarah E. Our flag; its history and changes fr. 1620- 1896. 2d ed. Illust. 1896. *1 Cumberland, Barlow. Story of the Union Jack. Illust. 1897. 929.9 C96 Gourdon de Genouillac, N. J. H. L’art heraldique. (Bib. de l’enseignement des beaux-arts.) 929.6 G71 Gray, G. B. Studies in Hebrew proper names. 929.4 G77 Hazlitt, W. C. Four generations of a literary family; the Hazlitts. 2v. 929.2 H431 Hinchman, Lydia S., comp. Early settlers of Nantucket; their associates and descendants. 1896. 929.1 H65 Holden, E. S. Primer of heraldry for Americans. 929.6 H72 Hulme, Frederick Edward. Flags of the world; their history, blazonry and associations. Illust. 929.9 H91 Tyler, Lyon Gardiner. Letters and times of the Tylers. 1896. 3 v. 929.2 T982t Wade, W. Cecil. The symbolisms of heraldry. Illust. 1898. 929.6 W12 Weaver, A. G. Story of our flag. 929.9 W36 Zimmermann, B. F. W. Geschichte der Hohenstaufen. 929.2 H718z Biography. Collective. Adams, Daniel Charles Octavius. Saints and missionaries of the Anglo-Saxon era. 1897. 1st ser. 922. A21 BIOGRAPHY. 87 Adams, William Henry Davenport. Under many flags; or, Stories of Scottish ad- venturers. Illust. 1896. 920.041 A21 AzpurOa, R., comp. Biografias de hombres notables de Hispano- Am6rica. 4v. 920.08 A99 Ball, Sir Robert Stawell. Great astronomers. Illust. 1895. 925.2 B18 Banks, Louis Albert. Heroic personalities. 1898. 920.02 B21 Baptie, David. Sketches of English glee composers, 1735-1866. 927.8 B22 Barine, ArvSde. Portraits de femmes. 2d ed. 1894. 920.7 B25 Bearne, C. Lives and times of the early Valois queens. 923.14 B36 Becke, L. and Jeffery, W. Naval pioneers of Australia. 923.5 B39 Bell, Charles Dent. Some of our English poets. 1895. 928.21 B43 Bellaigue, Camille. Portraits and silhouettes of mlusicians; tr. fr. the French by E. Orr. Illust. 1897. 927.8 B43 Belloc, Mme. B. R. (Parkes). Historic nuns. 922.2 B44 Blanc, Auguste Alexandre Philippe Charles. Histoire des peintres frangais au 19me si&cle. 1845. v. 1. 927.5 B63 Bolton, Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth (Knowles). Famous givers and their gifts. Illust. 1896. 920.07 B69 Brett, Reginald Baliol. Yoke of empire; sketches of the queen’s prime ministers. 1897. 923.24 B84 Burke, Sir Bernard. Vicissitudes of families. New ed. 1883. 2 v. 920.042 B95 Burnham, John Hampden. Canadians in the imperial naval and military service abroad. 1891. 923.5 B96 Carlyle, Thomas. Pen portraits found in his works and corre- spondence; [ed.] by R. B. Johnson. 920.02 C28 Church, John, co., pub. Laurel winners; portraits and silhouettes of modern composers. 189-. 927.8 C56 Clarke, Richard Henry. Lives of the deceased bishops of the catholic church in the United States. Rev. ed. enl. 1888. 3 v. 922.2 C59 Douglas, Sir Geoige. The ‘Blackwood* group. 1897. 928.2 D73 Elson, L. C. Great composers and their work. 927.8 E49 Faguet, 6mile. Dix-septiSme sidcle; etudes litt£raires. 1896. (Nouv. bib. lit.) 928.4 F156b — SeiziSme siecle; etudes littSraires. 1894. (Nouv. bib. lit.) 928.4 F156a Farmer, Silas. Champions of Christianity. 1897. 920.02 F23 Famell, Ida. Lives of the troubadours; tr. fr. the mediae- val Provengal, with notes and specimens of poetry. 1896. 928.411 F23 Farrar, Frederic William. Men I have known. 1897. 920.02 F24 Fields, Mrs. Annie West (Adams) . Authors and friends. 1896. 928. F46 Fisher, Mary. A group of French critics. 1897. 928.44 F53 Forster, J. Great teachers; Burns, Shelley, Coleridge, Tennyson, Ruskin, Carlyle, Emerson, Brown- ing. 928. F73 Fowler, Montague. Some notable archbishops of Canterbury. Illust. 1895. 922.342 F78 Gallaher, James E., ed. Representative deaf persons of the United States. 1898. 920.07 G16 Gates, W. F. Anecdotes of great musicians. 927.8 G25 Gerard, Frances. Some celebrated Irish beauties of the last century. Illust. 1895. 920.7 G35 Gracey, Mrs. J. T. Eminent missionary women. 922. G72 Griswold, Mrs. H. T. Personal sketches of recent authors. 928. G87 Guild, Curtis. Chat about celebrities; or. The story of a book. 1897. 920.02 G95 Hansson, Mrs. Laura (Marholm). Six modern women; psychological sketches; tr. fr. the Ger. by H. Ramsden. 1896. 920.7 H25 Hare, Augustus John Cuthbert. Biographical sketches; memorials of Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, Henry Alford, Mrs. Dun- can Stewart, etc. 1895. 920.042 H27 Harland, Marion, pseud. More colonial homesteads and their stories. 920.073 H28m — Some colonial homesteads and their stories. 920.073 H28 Henry, Stuart. Hours with famous Parisians. 1897. 920.04 H52 Higginson, T. W. Contemporaries. 920.07 H63 Hort, Fenton John Anthony. Six lectures on the ante-Nicene fathers. 1895. 922.1 H82 Howe, M. A. D. American bookmen. 928.1 H85 Hubbard, E. Little journeys to the homes of American statesmen. 923.27 H87 — Little journeys to the homes of famous women. 1897. 920.7 H87 — Little journeys to the homes of good men and great. Hlust. 1895. 928.2 H87 Knipfer, J. Die Dicliter der Befreiungskriege und die Lieder des deutsch-franzosischen Krieges. 2d enl. ed. 1897. 928.31 K71 88 BIOGRAPHY. Lahee, Henry C. Famous singers of to-day and yesterday. 1898. (Music lovers’ ser.) 927.8 L18 — Famous violinists of to-day and yesterday. 1899. (Music lovers’ ser.) 927.87 L18 Lang, A. Companions of Pickle; a sequel to “Pickle the spy.” 920.041 L26 Laughton, J. K. From Howard to Nelson; twelve sailors. 923.54 L37 Lawton, W. C. The New England poets; a study of Emerson, Hawthorne, Longfellow, Whittier, Lowell, Holmes. 928.11 L42 Lenz, W. von. Great piano virtuosos of our time ; Liszt, Cho- pin, Tausig, Henselt; tr. by M. R. Baker. 927.8 L57 Lloyd, Edwin. Three great African chiefs; Khame, Sebele and Bathoeng. 2d ed. rev. & enl. 1895. 923.1 L79 Macdonald, F. Studies in the France of Voltaire and Rous- seau. 928.4 M13 Macdonald, George A. How successful lawyers were educated. 1896. 923.4 M13 McDowell, W. F. and others. The picket line of missions. 1897. 922.7 M13 McKay, Frederic Edward and Wingate, C. E. L., ed. Famous American actors of to-day. Hlust. 1896. 927.92 M15 Mathes, James Harvey. The old guard in gray; researches in the an- nals of the Confederate historical associa- tion. Illust. 1897. 923.5 M42 Murray, J. 0. Lives of the catholic heroes and heroines of America. 920.07 M98 O’Connor, T. P. Some old love stories. 920.02 018 Oliphant, Mrs. Margaret Oliphant (Wilson), and others. Women novelists of Queen Victoria’s reign. 1897. 928.23 047 Pastor, L. History of the popes; ed. by F. I. Antrobus. 2d ed. 6 v. 922.2 P29 Phipson, Thomas Lambe. Famous violinists and fine violins. 1896. 927.87 P57 Pillai, G. Paramaswaran. Representative Indians. Hlust. 1897. 920.054 P64 Pioneers of southern literature, no. 1-7. 928.1 P66 Russell, G. W. E. Collections and recollections. 920.04 R96 Sabine, Lorenzo. Biographical sketches of loyalists of the Amer- ican revolution. 1864. 2 v. 920.07 Sll Skelton, John. Table-talk of Shirley; reminiscences of and letters from Froude, Thackeray, Disraeli and others. 6th ed. 1896. 928. S62 Southern writers. 928.1 S72 Southey, Robert, ed. English seamen: Howard, Clifford, Hawkins, Drake, Cavendish; ed. by D. Hannay. 1895. 923.542 S72 Stearns, Frank Preston. Sketches from Concord and Appledore. 1895. 928. S79 Stephen, L. Studies of a biographer. 2 v. 928.04 S82 Strang, L. C. Famous actresses of the day in America. (Stage lovers’ ser.) 927.92 S89 Streatfield, R. A. Masters of Italian music. Hlust. 1895. 927.8 S91 Thayer, W. R. Throne-makers. 923.24 T37 Thayer, William Makepeace. Women who win. 1896. 920.7 T37 Tollemache, Marguerite. French Jansenists. 1893. 922. T65 Trent, William Feterfield. Southern statesmen of the old regime. 1897. (Lib. of econ. and pol.) 923.2 T79 Trujillo, E. Album de “El porvenir.” 1890-95. v. 1-4 in 1 v.; ser. 2, v. 1. 920.07 T86 Tytler, Sarah, pseud. Tudor queens and princesses. 923.14 T99 Walford, Edward. Chapters from family chests. 1887. 2v. 920.042 W17c — Tales of our great families, ser. 2. 2 v. 920.042 W17 Walsh, William Pakenham, bp. Modern heroes of the mission field. 3d ed. 1895. 922. W22m Wiel, A. Romance of the house of Savoy, 1003-1519. 2 v. 923.1 W64 Wilkinson, S., ed. From Cromwell to Wellington; twelve sol- diers. 923.542 W68 Youmans, William Jay, ed. Pioneers of science in America; sketches of their lives and work. Hlust. 1896. 925.7 Y67 Zimdorf, Henry. Somie Jewish women; tr. fr. the German. 1892. 920.7 Z81 Biography. Individual. Adams. Adams, Charles Francis. Charles Francis Adams; by his son. 1900. (Amer. states- men.) B A211a Agassiz. Marcou, Jules. Life, letters and works of Louis Agassiz. Hlust. 1896. 2v. B A262m Airy, Sir George Biddell. Autobiographv; ed. by W. Airy. 1896. B A298a BIOGRAPHY . 89 A Lasco. Dalton, Hermann. John A Lasco; his earlier life and labours; tr. fr. the Ger. by M. J. Evans. 1886. B A323d Alexander, the Great. Budge, Ernest Alfred Wallis, ed. Life and exploits of Alexander the Great; trans. of histories by the Pseudo-Callisthenes and other writers. 1896. B A374b Alexander, W. R. E. Pitt, F. W., ed. Incidents in India and mem- ories of the mutiny; with records of Alex- ander’s horse and the 1st Bengal cavalry. 1896. B A379p Alfred, the Great. Bowker, A., ed. Alfred the Great; by F. Har- rison and others. B A392b Andersen, H. C. Bain, Robert Nisbet. Hans Christian Ander- sen. 1895. B A544b Anderson, Mary. A few memories. Illust. 1896. B A5481m Angell, I. Diary, 1778-81; with notes by E. Field. B A583f Anthony. Harper, I. H. Life and work of Susan B. Anthony. 2v. B A628h Aosta. Whitehouse, H. R. Sacrifice of a throne; acct. of the life of Amadeus. B A638w Arditi, Luigi. My reminiscences; ed. by the baroness von Zedlitz. Illust. 1896. B A676z Armstrong, Benjamin G. Early life among the Indians; reminiscences. 1892. B A735 Armstrong, S. C. Peabody, Francis Greenwood. Founder’s day at Hampton; address in memory of Samuel Chapman Armstrong, Jan. 30, 1898. 1898. B A738p Arnold, M. Saintsburv, G. E. B. Matthew Arnold. (Mod- ern English writers.) B A757s Arnold, T. Findlay, Joseph James, ed. Arnold of Rugby; his school life and contributions to educa- tion. 1897. B A759f Athanasius, St. Bush, Robert Wheler. St. Athanasius; his life and times. 1888. (The Fathers for Eng. readers.) B A865b Audubon. Audubon, Maria R. Audubon and his jour- nals; with zoological and other notes by E. Coues. 1897. 2 v. B A914a Austen. Pollock, Walter Harries. Jane Austen; her contemporaries and herself. 1899. B A933p Ballou. Ballou, Hosea Starr. Hosea Ballou, 2d; first president of Tufts college; his origin, life and letters. 1896. B B193b Bamford, Samuel. Passages in the life of a radical; and, Early days; ed. by H. Dunckley. 1893. 2v. B B199d Banks, Sir Joseph. Journal during Capt. Cook's first voyage, 1768-71, to Terra del Fuego, Australia, etc.; ed. by Sir J. D. Hooker. 1896. B B218h Barnard. Fulton, John. Memoirs of Frederick A. P. Barnard. 1896. B B259f Barnato. Raymond, Hairy. B. I. Barnato; a memoir. Illust. 1897. B B2591r Barras, Paul Jean Frangois Nicolas, comte de. Memoirs; ed. by G. Duruy. Illust. 1896. v 3-4. B B269 Barrie. Barrie, James Matthew. Margaret Ogilvy; by her son. 1896. B B275b Barry. Griffin, Martin Ignatius Joseph. History of Commodore John Barry. 1897. B B279g Barrymore. Robinson, John Robert. The last earls of Barrymore, 1769-1824. 1894. B B281r Bass. Addison, Daniel Dulany. Life and times of Edward Bass, first bishop of Massachusetts. 1897. B B317a Beaumarchais. Hallays, AndrS. Beaumarchais. 1897. (Les grands Scrivains frangais.) B B378h Beecher, H. W. Autobiographical reminiscences; ed. by T. J. Ellinwood. B B414 Beethoven. Crowest, Frederick James. Beethoven. 1899. (Master musicians.) B B415c Benedict, St. Tosti, L. Saint Benedict; tr. fr. the Ital. by W. R. Woods. B B463t Bernard, St. Eales, Samuel John. St. Bernard, abbot of Clairvaux; 1091-1153. 1890. (The Fathers for Eng. readers.) B B518e Bernhardt. Huret, J. Sarah Bernhardt. B B527h Beza. Baird, Henry Martyn. Theodore Beza, the counsellor of the French reformation. 1899. (Heroes of the reformation.) B B574b Bismarck-Schonhausen, 0. E. L., Ftirst von. Bismarck the man and statesman; being [his] reflections and reminiscences; tr. by A. J. Butler. 2 v. B B622 — Bismarck’s table-talk; ed. by C. Lowe. 1895. B B6221 — Busch, J. H. M. Bismarck, some secret pages of his history. 2 v. B B622b — Headlam, James Wyoliffe. Bismarck and the foundation of the German empire. 1899. (Heroes of the nations.) B B622he — Hoche, J. The real Bismarck; [tr.] by Mrs. C. R. Rogers, B B622h — Jacks, W. Life of Prince Bismarck. B B622j — Smith, M. Bismarck and German unitv. B B622s 90 BIOGRAPHY. Blackwood. Oliphant, Mrs. Margaret Oliphant (Wilson). Annals of a publishing house; William Blackwood and his sons. 1897-98. 3 v. B B6322o Blennerhassett. Safford, Wiliiam Harrison. Blennerhassett papers; embodying the private journal of Harman Blennerhassett and correspondence of Burr and others engaged in the Wilkin- son and Burr revolution. 1891. B B647s Blessington. Molloy, Joseph Fitzgerald. The most gorgeous Lady Blessington. 4th ed. 1896. 2 v. B B6471m Bloomer. Bloomer, Dexter C. Life and writings of Amelia Bloomer. 1895. B B655b Bond. Holden, Edward Singleton. Memorials of William Cranch Bond and of George Phil- lips Bond. Ulust. 1897. B B711h Boothby, C. Prisoner of France; diary and correspondence of Boothby. B B7251p Borrow. Knapp, W. I. Life, writings and correspond- ence of George Borrow. 2 v. B B737k Boswell. Leask, William Keith. James Boswell. (Fa- mous Scots ser.) B B7471 Boudinot. Boudinot, J. J., ed. Life, public services, ad- dresses and letters of Elias Boudinot, presi- dent of the Continental congress. 1896. 2 v. B B756b Bourgogne, A. J. B. F. Memoirs of Sergeant Bourgogne, 1812-13; comp, by P. Cotin. B B773 Boyd, Andrew Kennedy Hutchison. Last years of St. Andrews, 1890-1895. 1896. B B789 Brahms. Dietrich, Albrecht and Widmann, J. V. Recollections of Johannes Brahms. 1899. B B813d Briggs, Caroline Clapp. Reminiscences and letters; ed. by G. S. Mer- riam. 1897. B B854m Bronte. Harland, Marion, pseud. Charlotte Bronte at home. (Literary hearthstones.) B B869h — MacKay, Angus Mason. The Brontes; fact and fiction. 1897. B B869m — Shorter, Clement King. Charlotte Bronte and her circle. 1896. B B869s Brooke. St. John, Sir S. Rajah Brooke. (Builders of Greater Britain.) B B8721s Brooks. Howe, M. A. D. Phillips Brooks. (Beacon biog.) B B873h Brown. Chamberlin, Joseph Edgar. John Brown. 1899. (Beacon biog.) B B878c Browne. Kitchin, George William. Edward Harold Browne, lord bishop of Winchester and pre- late of the Order of the Garter; a memoir. B B882k Browning, Mrs. Elizabeth (Barrett). Letters; ed. with biog. additions by F. G. Kenyon. 1897. 2v. B B8851k Browning. Browning, R. and Browning, Mrs. E. (Bar- rett). Letters, 1845-46. 2 v. B B885 Brownson. Brownson, Henry F. Orestes A. Brownson’s middle life, 1845-55. 1899. B B8852b Bruce. Maxwell, Sir Herbert. Robert the Bruce and the struggle for Scottish independence. IUust. 1897. (Heroes of the nations.) B B887m Bryan. Ogilvie, John S., ed. Life and speeches of William J. Bryan. B B915o Bulfinch. Bulfinch, Ellen Susan. Life and letters of Charles Bulfinch, architect. 1896. B B933b Billow, Hans Guido von. Early correspondence; ed. by M. von Btilow; tr. by C. Baehe. 1896. B B939b Burleigh. Hume, M. A. S. The great Lord Burghley. B B961h Burns, R. and Dunlop, Mrs. F. A. (Wallace). Correspondence. B B967w Burns. Mitchell, J. O. Bums and his times as gath- ered from his poems. B B967m — Setoun, Gabriel, pseud. Robert Burns. (Fa- mous Scots ser.) B B967se — Shelley, Henry C. Ayrshire homes and haunts of Bums. IUust. 1897. B B967s Burr. Merwin, Henry Childs. Aaron Burr. 1899. (Beacon biog.) B B968m Burton, Isabel, lady. Romance of Isabel, Lady Burton; the story of her life; told by herself and W. H. Wil- kins. Illust. 1897. 2 v. B B9742w Burton, Sir R. F. Stisted, Georgiana M. True life of Capt. Sir Richard F. Burton. 1897. B B9741s Bushnell. Munger, T. T. Horace Bushnell. B B979m Buss. Ridley, Annie E. Frances Mary Buss and her work for education. 2d ed. IUust. 1896. B B981r Butler. Life and letters of William John Butler. B B9871 Cabot. Beazley, C. R. John and Sebastian Cabot, the discovery of North America. (Bund- ers of Greater Britain.) B C116b Cairns. Macewen, Alexander R. Life and letters of John Cairns. 1895. B C136m BIOGRAPHY. 91 Cameron. Herkless, John. Richard Cameron. 1896. (Famous Scots ser.) B C182h Campbell. Hadden, J. Cuthbert. Thomas Campbell. 1899. (Famous Scots ser.) B C191h Cannon. Dix, Morgan. Harriet Starr Cannon, first mother superior of the Sisterhood bf St. Mary. 1896. B C226d Carl XV, king of Sweden. B&fith-Holmberg, Cecilia. Carl XV som enskild man, konung och konstnar. 1891. B C278b Carleton. O’Donoghue, David Joseph. Life of William Carleton. 1896. 2v. B C281o Carlyle, T. Letters to his youngest sister; ed. by C. T. Copeland. B C286c — Macpherson, Hector Carsewell. Thomas Car- lyle. (Famous Scots ser.) B C286m Carroll, A. E. Blackwell, Sarah Ellen. A military genius; life of Anna Ella Carroll of Maryland. 1891. 2 v. B C3192b Carroll, C. Rowland, Kate Mason. Life of Charles Car- roll of Carrollton, 1737-1832; with his cor- respondence and public papers. 1898. 2 v. B C3191r Carroll, Lewis, pseud. Bowman, Isa. Story of Lewis Carroll; told for young people by the real Alice in won- derland. 1900. B C319b — Collingwood, S. D. Life and letters of Lewis Carroll. B C319c Castelar. Hannay, David. Don Emilio Castelar. (Pub. men of to-day.) B C348h Catharine, of Siena, St. Drane, A. T. History of St. Catherine of Siena and her companions. 2 v. B C3611d — Pierson, A. T. Catharine of Siena. B C3611p Cavour. Martinengo-Cesaresco, E. contessa. Cavour. B C383m Chalmers. Blaikie, William Garden. Thomas Chalmers. (Famous Scots ser.) B C438b Chamberlain. Jeyes, S. H. The Right Hon. Joseph Cham- berlain. (Pub. men of to-day.) B C443j Charles I, king of Roumania. Reminiscences of the king of Roumania; [ed.] by S. Whitman. B C475w Charles XII, kiug of Sweden. Bain, Robert Nisbet. Charles XII of Sweden and the collapse of the Swedish empire, 1682-1719. 1895. (Heroes of the nations ser.) B C4752b Charles Edward, the young Pretender. Lang, Andrew. Pickle the spy; or, The in- cognito of Prince Charles. 3d ed. 1897. B C47531 Chase. Hart, A. B. Salmon Portland Chase. (Amer. statesmen.) B C487h Chopin. Huneker, James. Chopin, the man and his music. 1900. B C549h Church. Church, E. M. Chapters in an adventurous life; Sir Richard Church in Italy and Greece. 1895. B C562ch Cicero. Boissier, Marie Louis Gaston. Cicero and his friends; tr. by A. D. Jones. 1897. B C568b2 — Boissier, Marie Louis Gaston. CicSron et ses amis. 1865. B C568b Cid. Clarke, Henry Butler. The Cid Campeador, and the waning of the crescent in the West. Illust. 1897. (Heroes of the nations.) B C5681c Cisneros, Evangelina Betancourt Cosio y. Story of Evangelina Cisneros told by herself. Rlust. 1898. B C579 Clark. Clark, Elizabeth S. Memorial of the Rev. Nathaniel G. Clark. 1897. B C594c Clarke, Mrs. Mary (Novello) Cowden-. My long life; autobiographic sketch. 1896. B C599 Claudin, G. Mes souvenirs; les boulevards 1840-70. 5th ed. (BibliothSque contemporaine.) B C615 Clayton, Mrs. V. V. ( Hunter f. White and black under the old regime. B C622 Cleveland. Whittle, James Lowry. Grover Cleveland. 1896. (Public men of to-day.) B C635w Clive. Arbuthnot, Sir A. J. Lord Clive; the foun- dation of British rule in India. B C642a — Macaulay, Thomas Babington, 1st baron. Lord Clive; ed. by A. D. Innes. 1896. (Pitt press ser.) B C642ma Clough. Clough, Blanche Athena. Memoir of Anne Jemima Clough. 1897. B C647c Cobbs. White, Greenough. A saint of the southern church; memoir of Nicholas Hamner Cobbs, first bishop of Alabama. 1897. B C654w Cobden. Schwabe, Mrs. Salis. Reminiscences of Rich- ard Cobden. 1895. B C655s Cockenoe. Tooker, William Wallace. John Eliot’s first Indian teacher and interpreter, Cockenoe- de-Long Island. 1896. B C666t Cody. Wetmore, Mrs. H. (Cody). Last of the great scouts. (“Buffalo Bill.”) B C671w Coleridge. Fishback, William P. Recollections of Lord Coleridge. 1895. B C6931f Colonna. Perey, Lucien. Une princesse romaine, au 17e sifccle, Marie Mancini Colonna. 4th ed. 1896. B C719p 92 BIOGRAPHY. Cooper, Charles Alfred. Am editor’s retrospect; 50 years of newspaper work. 1896. B C776 Corneille. Lanson, G. Corneille. (Les grands Scrivains frangais.) B C8131 Corwin. Morrow, Josiah, ed. Life and speeches of Thomas Corwin, orator, lawyer and states- man. 1896. B C832m Cowper. Harland, Marion, pseud. William Cowper. (Literary hearthstones.) B C876h Craig. Craig, J. P., ed. The Gospel on the continent; incidents in the life of James Craig. 1895. B C886c Cromer. Traill, Henry Duff. Lord Cromer. 1897. B C945t Cromwell. Baldoek, T. S. Cromwell as a soldier. (Wolseley ser.) B C946b — Gardiner, Samuel Bawson. Cromwell’s place in history. 2d ed. 1897. B C946g — Horton, Robert Forman. Oliver Cromwell; a study in personal religion. 1897. B C946h Crowe, Sir Joseph Archer. Reminiscences of thirty-five years of my life. 1895. B C953 Crozier, J. B. My inner life. B C954 Curtis, G. W. Early letters to John S. Dwight, Brook Farm and Concord; ed. by G. W. Cooke. B C978c Cutler. Bvington, E. H., ed. Memorial of Ebenezer "Cutler, 1822-98. B C989b Cyprian. Benson, Edward White, abp. Cyprian; his life, his times, his work. 1897. B C996b Dana. Gilman, D. C. Life of James Dwight Dana. B D168g Danton. Beeslv, A. H. Life of Danton. B D194b Daudet. Daudet, L. A. Alphonse Daudet; to which is added the Daudet family (“Mon frere et moi”), by E. Daudet; tr. by C. DeKay. B D238d — Sherard, R. H. Alphonse Daudet; biographi- cal and critical study. B D238s Davidson, David. Memories of a long life. 2d ed. Hlust. 1893. B D252 Davis. Davis, C. H. Life of Charles Henry Davis, rear admiral; by his son. B D261d Davy. Thorpe, Thomas Edward. Humphry Davy, poet and philosopher. 1896. (Cent. sci. ser.) B D268t Decle, L. Trooper 3809; a private soldier of the 3d re- public. B D295 Deems, Charles Force. Autobiography; and memoir by E. M. Deems and F. M. Deems. 1897. B D3111d De Morgan, Mrs. Sophia Elizabeth (Friend). Threescore years and ten; reminiscences; ed. by M. A. De Morgan. 1895. B D386d De Quincey. Hogg, James. De Quincey and his friends. 1895. B D426h De Soto. King, G. E. De Soto and his men in the land of Florida. B S718k De Vere, Aubrey Thomas. Recollections. 1897. B D491 Devonshire. Foster, V., ed. The two duchesses; family correspondence of and relating to Georgi- ana, duchess of Devonshire, Elizabeth, duchess of Devonshire, and others, 1777- 1859. B D511f Dewey. Barrett, J. Admiral George Dewey. B B519b — Halstead, M. Life and achievements of Ad- miral Dewey. B D519h Dickens. Dickens, Mary Angela. My father as I recall him. B D548d Digby. Longueville, T. Life of Sir Kenelm Digby, by one of his descendants. Hlust. 1896. B D5711 Dodge. Cloues, William J. A teacher’s message; me- morial of Hannah Perkins Dodge, 1821- 1896. B D644c Donne. Gosse, Edmund William. Life and letters of John Donne. 1899. 2v. B D685g — Jessopp, Augustus. John Donne, sometime dean of St. Paul’s, 1621-1631. 1897. B D685j Douglass. Chesnutt, Charles Waddell. Frederick Doug- lass. 1899. (Beacon biog.) B D737c — Yorston, John C. & co., pub. In memoriam Frederick Douglass. 1897. B D737y Dow, N. Reminiscences; recollections of 80 years. B D744 Drake. Corbett, J. S. Drake and the Tudor navy. 2 v. B D761c Drew, Mrs. L. (Lane). Autobiographical sketch. B D776t Dreyfus, A. Lettres d’un innocent; letters to his wife; tr. by L. G. Moreau. B D778 Drummond. Smith, G. A. Life of Henry Drummond. B D795s Dudley. Jones, A. Life and work of Thomas Dudley. B D849j Duffy, Sir Charles Gavan. My life in two hemispheres. 1898. 2 v. B D858 BIOGRAPHY. 93 Du Maurier. Moscheles, Felix. In Bohemia with Du Mau- rier; with 63 drawings by G. Du Maurier. 1897. B D886m Dunbar. Smeaton, W. H. O. William Dunbar. (Fa- mous Scots ser.) B D899s Dundonald. Fortescue, John William. Dundonald. 1895. (English men of action.) B D915f Dwight. Cooke, G. W. John Sullivan Dwight. B D992c Dyer. Rogers, Horatio. Mary Dyer of Rhode Island, the quaker martyr. 1896. B D996r Earle. Sanborn, F. B. Memoirs of Pliny Earle. B E12s Eastlake, Lady Elizabeth (Rigby). Journals and correspondence; ed. by C. E. Smith. 1895. 2 v. B E13s Edwards, Matilda Barbara Betham-. Reminiscences. 1898. B E26r Elisabeth, Mme., sister of Louis XVI. Armaille, comtesse d\ Madame Elisabeth. 2d ed. B E43a Elizabeth, queen of England. Hume, Martin Andrew Sharp. Courtships of Queen Elizabeth. 1896. B E435h Elizabeth, princess of England and landgravine of Hesse-Homburg. Letters. B E431y Elizabeth Amalie Eugenie, empress of Austria. Burgh, A. de. Elizabeth, empress of Austria. B E433b — Martyrdom of an empress. B E433m Elizabeth Charlotte, duchesse d’Orleans. McLaughlin, M. Louise. The second madamej memoir of Elizabeth Charlotte, duchesse d’Orleans. 1895. B E437ml Elizabeth Petrovna, empress of Russia. Bain, Robert Nisbet. The daughter of Peter the Great. 1899. B E436b Emerson, R. W. Letters to a friend, 1838-53; ed. by C. E. Nor- ton. B E53n Emin Pasha. Emin Pasha; his life and works; comp, by G. Schweitzer. 2v. B E531s Erasmus. Emerton, E. Desiderius Erasmus of Rotter- dam. (Heroes of the reformation.) B E65e Erskine, John, of Camock. Journal, 1683-87; ed. by W. Macleod. 1893. B E73m Eugenie, empress of the French. Tsehudi, C. Eugenie, empress of the French. B E87t Farragut. Barnes, J. David G. Farragut. (Beacon biog. ) B F239b — Homans, J. E. Our three admirals; Farra- gut, Porter, Dewey. B F239h Fergusson. Grosart, Alexander Balloch. Robert Fergus- son. (Famous Scots ser.) B F354g Ferrier. Haldane, E. S. James Frederick Ferrier. (Famous Scots ser.) B F391h Field, C. W. Judson, Mrs. Isabella (Field). Cyrus W. Field; his life and work. Illust. 1896. B F4533j Field, D. D. Field, Henry Martyn. Life of David Dudley - Field. 1898. B F4532f Field, E. Below, Ida Comstock. Eugene Field in his home. 1898. B F453b — Wilson, Francis. The Eugene Field I knew. Illust. 1898. B F453w Field, K. Whiting, L. Kate Field. B F454w Fitzgerald, Edward. Letters to Fanny Kemble, 1871-1883; ed. by W. A. Wright. 1895. B F553w Fitzgerald, Percy Hethrington. Stonyhurst memories; or, Six years at school. 1895. B F554 Fitzgibbon. Fitzgibbon, Mary Agnes. Veteran of 1812; life of James Fitzgibbon. B F5541f Flaubert. Faguet, £mile. Flaubert. 1899. (Les grands ecrivains frangais.) B F587f Fletcher. Omond, George William Thomson. Fletcher of Saltoun. 1897. (Famous Scots ser.) B F612o Forbes, J. M. Letters and recollections; ed. by S. F. Hughes. 2 v. B F693h Forrest. Wyeth, J. A. Life of General Nathan Bed- ford Forrest. B F729w Fox. Hodgkin, Thomas. George Fox. 1896. (Lead- ers of religion.) B F791h Franklin, Benjamin. Selections fr. [his] autobiography, etc. 1898. (Little masterpieces.) B F831 — Fisher, S. G. The true Benjamin Franklin. B F831fi — Ford, P. L. The many-sided Franklin. B F831f Franklin, S. R. Memories of a rear-admiral. B F834 French. Birks, Herbert. Life and correspondence of Thomas Valpy French, first bishop of La- hore. Illust. 1895. 2v. B F876b Frere. Martineau, John. Life and correspondence of Sir Bartle Frere. 2d ed. Hlust. 1895. 2 v. B F881m Froissart. Darmesteter, Mme. Agnes Mary Frances (Robinson). Froissart; tr. fr. the French by E. F. Poynter. Illust. 1895. B F929dp 94 BIOGRAPHY. Garfield. Thayer, William Makepeace. Frfin kojan till palatset presidenten James A. Garfields lif. 1895. B G231t Garibaldi. Badth-Holmberg, Cecilia. Giuseppe Garibaldi. 1892. B G232b Garland, A. H. Experience in the Supreme court of the United States. B G233 Garrick. Knight, Joseph. David Garrick. 1894. B G241k Garrison. Tributes to William Lloyd Garrison at the funeral services, May 28, 1879. B G242t Gaussen, William Frederick Armytage. Memorials of a short life; biog. sketch, with essays on Russian life and literature; ed. by G. F. Browne. 1895. B G274 Gavard, Charles. A diplomat in London, 1871-77; tr. fr. the French. 1897. B G279 Geer, Louis Gerhard, baron de. Minnen upptecknade. 1892. B G298 Gibbon. Emerson, 0. F., ed. Memoirs of the life and writings of Edward Gibbon. (Athenaeum press ser.) B G439e Gibbons, Mrs. Abby (Hopper). Life, told through her correspondence; ed. by S. Hopper Emerson. 1897. 2v. B G441e Gladstone. Bryce, J. William Ewart Gladstone. B G543b — Friederichs, Hulda. In the evening of his days; a study of Mr. Gladstone in re- tirement. 1896. (Westminster gaz. lib.) B G543f — Hamilton, Sir E. W. Mr. Gladstone; a mono- graph. B G543h — McCarthy, Justin. Story of Gladstone’s life. Illust. 1898. B G543m — Russell, George William Erskine. Mr. Glad- stone’s religious development. 1899. B G543ru — Tollemache, L. A. Talks with Mr. Gladstone. B G543t — Williamson, D. Gladstone the man. B G543w Gluck. Newman, Ernest. Gluck and the opera. 1895. B G567n Goethe, J. W. von. Briefe an Frau von Stein, nebst dem Tage- bueh aus Italien; mit Einleitung von K. Heinemann. 4v. (Cotta’sche Bibliothek der Weltlitteratur. ) B G599h2 — and Amim, Frau E. (Brentano) von. Goethe’s Briefwechsel mit einem Kinde; mit einer Einleitung von F. Briimmer. B G599b Goethe, J. W. von. Heinemann, K. Goethe. 2 v. B G599h — Meyer, Richard M. Goethe. 1895. B G599m Gordon, A. J. Gordon, Ernest B. Adoniram Judson Gordon; a biog. with letters and extracts fr. ser- mons and addresses. 2d ed. 1896. B G662g Gordon, C. G. Bfifith-Holmberg, Cecilia. Charles G. Gordon; en lifsbild. 1894. B G6621b Gorton. Janes, Lewis George. Samuell Gorton, first 'settler of Warwick, Rhode Island. 1896. (Rhode Island ser.) B G675j Gough. Martyn, W. C. John B. Gough. B G692m Gounod, Charles Frangois. Autobiographical reminiscences, with notes on music; [tr.] fr. the French by W. H. Hutchinson. 1896. B G711a — Memoirs of an artist; an autobiography; [tr.] by A. E. Crocker. 1895. B G711 Granby, J. Manners, marquis of. Manners, Walter Evelyn. Some account of the military, political and social life of John Manners, marquis of Granby. 1899. B G748m Grant, Ulysses Simpson, pres, of the U. S. Letters to a friend, 1861-1880; with introd. and notes by J. G. Wilson. 1897. B G763w2 — Church, William Conant. Ulysses S. Grant. Illust. 1897. (Heroes of the nations.) B G763ch — Cramer, Michael J. Ulysses S. Grant; con- versations and unpub. letters. 1897. B G763c — Garland, H. Ulysses S. Grant. B G763g — Wilson, James Grant. General Grant. 1897. (Great commanders.) B G763w Greenhalge. Nesmith, James Ernest. Life and work of Frederic Thomas Greenhalge, governor of Massachusetts. 1897. B G813n Gregory VII, pope. Voigt, Johannes. Histoire du pape GrSgoire VTI et de son siScle ; tr. de l’Allemand avec introd. et notes par l’abb§ Jager. 4th ed. rev. 1854. 2v. B G822v Griswold. Griswold, W. M., ed. Passages from the cor- respondence and other papers of Rufus W. Griswold. B G871g Groome. Groome, Francis Hindes. Two Suffolk friends ; [Groome and Fitzgerald.] 1895. B G8761g Guesclin. Stoddard, Enoch Vine. Bertrand du Guesclin, constable of France; his life and times, must. 1897. B G938s Guise, Henri I, de Lorraine, due de. MacDowall, H. C. Henry of Guise, and other portraits. B G967m Gustavus III, king of Sweden. Bain, Robert Nisbet. Gustavus III and his contemporaries, 1746-92. 1894. 2 v. B G9S21b Gustavus Adolphus, king of Sweden. Starback, Carl Georg. Lifknektens berattelser om handelser ur Gustaf II Adolfs historia. 1889. B G982s Guyon, Mme. Jean Marie Bouvier (de la Motte). Autobiography; tr. by T. T. Allen. 1897. 2 v. B G989a BIOGRAPHY . 95 Hadrianus, Publius Aelius, emperor of Rome. Gregorovius, F. Emperor Hadrian; tr. by M. E. Robinson. B H132g Hale. Brown, C. W. Nathan Hale. B H163b Halford. Munk, William. Life of Sir Henry Halford. 1895. B H169m Hall, N. Autobiography. B H178 Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. Autobiography, 1834-58; and memoir by his wife, 1858-94. 1896. B H215 Hamilton. Dodge, Melvin Gilbert, ed. Alexander Ham- ilton; 31 orations delivered at Hamilton college, 1864-1895. 1896. B H217d Hamley. Shand, Alexander Innes. Life of Gen. Sir Edward Bruce Hamley. 1895. 2 v. B H2231s Hancock. Brown, A. E. John Hancock, his book. B H234b Hannibal. Morris, William O’Connor. Hannibal, and the crisis of the struggle between Carthage and Rome. 1897. (Heroes of the nations.) B H245m Hare, Augustus John Cuthbert. Story of my life. 1896. 2 v. B H274 Harper. Lester, Lester Vallis. Memoir of Hugo Dan- iel Harper. 1896. B H2941 Harris. Griffis, William Elliot. Townsend Harris, first American envoy in Japan. 1896. B H316g Hastings. Lawson, Sir Charles. Private life of Warren Hastings. Illust. 1895. B H3581 Haswell, Charles Haynes. Reminiscences of an octogenarian of the city of New York, 1816-60. Illust. 1896. B H359 Hawthorne. Fields, Mrs. A. W. (Adams). Nathaniel Haw- thorne. (Beacon biog.) B H399f — Lathrop, Mrs. Rose (Hawthorne). Memories of Hawthorne. 1897. B H3991 — Pickard, Samuel Thomas. Hawthorne’s first diary. 1897. B H399p Hawtrey. Thackeray, Francis St. John. Memoir of Ed- ward Craven Hawtrey, headmaster and provost of Eton. 1896. B H3991t Haydn. Hadow, William Henry. A Croatian com- poser; notes toward the study of Joseph Haydn. 1897. B H415h Heber. Smith, George. Bishop Heber, poet and mis- sionary, 2d bishop of Calcutta, 1783-1826. 1895. B H445s Heco, Joseph. Narrative of a Japanese; what he has seen and people he has met in the last 40 years; ed. by J. Murdoch. 2 v. B H4491m Hegel. Luqueer, Frederic Ludlow. Hegel as educator. 1896. (Columbia univ. contrib. to philos. psychol. & educ.) B H4621 Heine. Selden, C. Heinrich Heine’s last days. B H468s Henry VII, king of England. Bacon, Francis, viscount St. Albans. History of the reign of King Henry VII; with notes by J. R. Lumby. New ed. rev. 1892. (Pitt press ser.) B H5211b Henry, P. Henry, W. W. Patrick Henry; his life, cor- respondence and speeches. 3 v. B H523h Herisson, M., comte d’. Journal d’un officier d’ordonnance, 1870-71. 57th ed. B H548 Herries. Herries, Edward. Memoir of the public life of John Charles Herries. 1880. 2 v. B H566h Herschel. Cleike, Agnes Mary. The Herschels in mod- em astronomy. 1895. (Cent. sci. ser.) B H571c Hobbes, R. G. Reminiscences and notes of 70 years’ life, travel and adventure, military and civil, scientific and literary. 1895. v. 2. B H682 Hodder, George. Memories of my time; incl. personal rem- iniscences of eminent men. 1870. B H687 Hodges. Hodges, Faustina Hasse. Edward Hodges. 1896. B H688h Hogg. Douglas, Sir George Brisbane Scott-. James Hogg. 1899. (Famous Scots ser.) B H716d Holbrook, John C. Recollections of a nonagenarian. 1897. B H724 Holley, S. A life for liberty; anti-slavery and other let- ters; ed. by J. W. Chadwick. B H738c Hollingshead, John. My lifetime. 1895. 2 v. B H741 Holmes. Morse, John Torrey. life and letters of Oliver Wendell Holmes. 1896. 2 v. B H752m Hopkins. Field, E. Esek Hopkins. B H793f Horden. Batty, Beatrice. Forty-two years amongst the Indians and Eskimo; pictures fr. the life of John Horden, bishop of Moosonee. 1893. B H811b Houssaye, Arsine. Souvenirs de jeunesse, 1830-50. 2v. B H842 How, W. W. How, F. D. Bishop Walsham How. B H847h Howe, Mrs. J. (Ward). Reminiscences, 1819-99. B H856 Hugo, Victor Marie, comte. Correspondence, 1815-1835. 1896. B H895 96 BIOGRAPHY. — Letters to his family and others; ed. by P. Meurice. 1896-98. 2v. B H895me — Memoirs; tr. bv J. W. Harding. 1899. B H895h — Bl&mont, lomile, ed. Memorial life of Victor Hugo, by contemporary writers. Illust. B H895b Hume. Calderwood, Henry. David Hume. 1898. (Famous Scots ser.) B H921c Hutchinson, T. Hosmer, James Kendall. Life of Thomas Hutchinson, royal governor of the province of Massachusetts Bay. 1896. B H978h Hutchinson family. Hutchinson, John Wallace. Story of the Hutchinsons; tribe of Jesse; comp, and ed. by C. E. Mann. Illust. 1896. 2 v. B H9781h Ibsen. Brandes, G. M. C. Henrik Ibsen; Bjorn- stjerne Bjornson; critical studies. B I14b Ingalls, Joshua King. Reminiscences of an octogenarian in the fields of industrial and social reform. 1897. B 144 Ingersoll. Meigs, William Montgomery. Life of Charles Jared Ingersoll. 1897. B I47m Innocent III, pope. Hurter, Friedrich Emanuel von. Histoire du pape Innocent III, et de ses contemporains ; tr. de l’Allemand par A. de Saint Cheron et J. B. Haiber. 2d ed. rev. 1855. 3 v. B I58h Irving. Hiatt, Charles. Henry Irving. 1899. B I72h Jackson. Henderson, G. F. R. Stonewall Jackson and the American civil war. 2 v. B J14h Jeanne d’Arc. Blaze de Bury, F. H. J. Jeanne d’Arc. B J43b — Lowell, Francis Cabot. Joan of Arc. 1896. B J431 — Oliphant, Mrs. Margaret Oliphant (Wilson). Jeanne d’Arc; her life and death. Illust. 1896. (Heroes of the nations.) B J43ol Jefferson, J. Dole, Nathan Haskell. Joseph Jefferson at home. Illust. 1898. B J451d Jefferson, T. Donaldson, Thomas. The house in which Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of independence. Illust. 1898. B J45d Johnston, Nathan Robinson. Looking back from the sunset land; or, Peo- ple worth knowing. Illust. 1898. B J73 Jones, Daniel W. Forty years among the Indians. 1890. B J76f Joseph II, emperor of Germany. Bright, J. F. Joseph II. (Foreign statesmen.) B J831b Josephine, empress of the French. Ober, Frederick Albion. Josephine, empress of the French. Illust. 1895. B J83o Jowett. Abbott, Evelyn and Campbell, L. Life and letters of Benjamin Jowett, master of Balliol college, Oxford. Illust. 1897. 2v. B J87a — Tollemache, Lionel Arthur. Benjamin Jowett, master of Balliol. B J87t Keene. Creahan, John. Life of Laura Keene, actress, artist, manager and scholar. Illust. 1897. B K26c Kent. Kent, William. Memoirs and letters of James Kent. 1898. B K37k Kingsford. Maitland, Edward. Anna Kingsford; her life, letters, diary and work. 2d ed. Illust. 1896. 2 v. B K551m Kipling. Clemens, W. M. Ken of Kipling. B K57xc — Knowles, F. L. Kipling primer. B K57xk Kirkcaldy. Barbe, Louis A. Kirkcaldy of Grange. 1897. (Famous Scots ser.) B K59b Knox. Innes, Alexander Taylor. John Knox. (Fa- mous Scots ser.) B K74i Kovalevsky. Cajanello, Anna Carlotta (Edgren) Leffler, duchessa di. Sonia Kovalevsky; biography and autobiography; tr. by L. von Cossel. 1895. B K88c Kropotkin, P. A., prince. Memoirs of a revolutionist. B K93 Kruger. Statham, F. R. Paul Kruger and his times. B K941s La Fayette. Carette, Mme. (Bouvet). Madame de La Fay- ette. 2d ed. (Coll, pour les jeunes filles.) B L1612c La Fayette family. Sichel, Edith. "Household of the Lafayettes. Illust. 1897. B L1613s La Fontaine. Lafenestre, Georges. La Fontaine. 1895. (Les grands ecrivains frangais.) B L1661 Lamar. Mayes, Edward. Lucius Q. C. Lamar ; his life, times and speeches, 1825-93. 1896. B L215m Lamb, Charles. Lamb and Hazlitt ; further letters and records hitherto unpublished; ed. by W. C. Hazlitt. 1899. B L218ha — Hazlitt, W. C. The Lambs, their lives, their friends and their correspondence. B L218h — Lucas, E. V. Charles Lamb and the Lloyds. B L2181 Lamennais. Gibson, William. Abbe de Lamennais and the liberal catholic movement in France. 1896. B L228g Lampson, Frederick Locker-. My confidences; an autobiographical sketch. 1896. B L239 Landor, W. S. Letters, private and public; ed. by S. Wheeler. B L261 BIOGRAPHY . 97 Lanier, S. Letters. B L287 Latimer. Carlyle, R. M. and Carlyle, A. J. Hugh Lati- mer. B L357c Laud. Benson, Arthur Christopher. William Laud, sometime abp. of Canterbury. 1887. B L367b Le Brun. Carette, Mme. (Bouvet). Madame Vig6e Le Brun. 5th ed. (Coll, pour les jeunes filles.) B L454c Lee. Trent, W. P. Robert E. Lee. (Beacon biog.) B L479t — White, Henry Alexander. Robert E. Lee and the Southern confederacy, 1807-70. Must. 1897. (Heroes of the nations.) B L479w Lefroy. Gill, Wilfred Austin. Edward Cracroft Le- froy; his life and poems; with crit. by J. A. Symonds. 1897. B L495g Leicester, S. de Montfort, earl of. Prothero, George Walter. Life of Simon de Montfort. 1877. B L526p Lejeune, Louis Frangois, baron. Memoirs; tr. and ed. fr. the French by Mrs. A. Bell. 1897. 2 v. B L534b Lennox, Lord William Pitt. Fifty years’ biographical reminiscences. 1863. 2 v. B L568 Leo XIII, pope. McCarthy, Justin. Pope Leo XIII. 1896. (Pub. men of to-day.) B L5763m L’Estrange, Roger. Adventures, an autobiography; tr. fr. the Spanish by D. Daly. 1896. B L643d Leven, A. Leslie, 1st earl of. Terry, C. S. Life and campaigns of Alexan- der Leslie. B L657t Liddell. Thompson, H. L. Henry George Liddell. B L712t Lieber. Harley, Lewis R. Francis Lieber; his life and political philosophy. 1899. B L716h Liebig. Shenstone, William Ashwell. Justus von Liebig; his life and work, 1803-73. 1895. (Cent. sci. ser.) B L7161s Lincoln, A. Dana, Charles Anderson. Lincoln and his cabinet; a lecture. 1896. B L736d — Gallaher, J. E. Best Lincoln stories tersely told. B L736ga — Gilmore, J. R. Personal recollections of Abra- ham Lincoln and the civil war. B L736g — Hapgood, N. Abraham Lincoln; the man of the people. B L736h — Howe, M. A. D., comp. Memory of Lincoln; poems. B L736ho — Tarbell, Ida M. Early life of Abraham Lin- coln. Must. 1896. B L736tar Life of Abraham Lincoln. 1900. 2 v. B L736ta Lincoln, Mrs. N. (Hanks). Hitchcock, Mrs. C. H. Nancy Hanks; the story of Abraham Lincoln’s mother. B L738h Linton, Mrs. Eliza (Lynn). My literary life. 1899. B L761m Louis II, king of Bavaria. Gerard, F. A. Romance of Ludwig II of Ba- varia. B L8881g Louis XIV, king of France. Lacour-Gayet, G. L’education politique de Louis XIV. B L8881 L’Ouverture. Mossell, Charles W. Toussaint L’Ouverture, the hero of St. Domingo; or, Hayti’s strug- gle. 1896. B L894m Lowe. Seaton, R. C. Sir Hudson Lowe and Napo- leon. B L913s Lowell. Hale, E. E. James Russell Lowell and his friends. B L915h — Hale, E. E., jr. James Russell Lowell. (Beacon biog.) B L915hj Lubbock, A. Memoirs of Eton and Etonians. B L927 Lucan. Todhunter, John. Life of Patrick Sarsfield, earl of Lucan; with narrative of the prin- cipal events of the Jacobite war in Ireland. 1895. (New Irish lib.) B L932t Luther. Frey tag, Gustav. Martin Luther; tr. by H. E. O. Heinemann. Must. 1897. B L973f2 — Jacobs, H. E. Martin Luther. (Heroes of the reformation.) B L973j Lysons, Sir Daniel. Early reminiscences. Must. 1896. B L995 Me All. McAll, Mrs. Elizabeth Siddall (Hayward). Robert Whitaker McAll, founder of the Mc- All mission, Paris. Must. B Ml 14m McCarthy, J. Reminiscences. 2 v. B M123 Macchiavelli. Morley, John. Machiavelli. 1897. (Romanes lectures.) B M124m McCosh. Sloane, William Milligan, ed. Life of James McCosh; a record chiefly autobiographical. 1896. B M131s Macdonald. Biggar, Emerson Bristol. Anecdotal life of Sir John Macdonald. 1891. B M135b McKinley. Andrews, Byron, ed. One of the people; life and speeches of William McKinley; [with] a sketch of Garret A. Hobart. Must. 1896. B M158a Macleod. Wellwood, John. Norman Macleod. 1897. (Famous Scots ser.) B M165w Madison. Goodwin, Maud Wilder. Dolly Madison. 1896. (Women of colonial and rev. times.) B M1821go 98 BIOGRAPHY . Maitland. Lord, Walter Frewen. Sir Thomas Maitland; the mastery of the Mediterranean. 1897. (Builders of Greater Brit.) B M2321 Malabari. Karkariya, Rustamji Peslanji. India; forty years of progress & reform; sketch of the life and times of Behramji M. Malabari. 1896. B M236k Malherbe. Broglie, Charles Jacques Victor Albert, due de. Malherbe. 1897. (Les grands ecrivains frangais.) B M249b Mangan. O’Donoghue, David Joseph. life and writings of James Clarence Mangan. Must. 1897. B M277o Mann. Harris, William Torrey. Horace Mann. 1896. B M281h — Winship, Albert E. Horace Mann the edu- cator. B M281w Manning. Gasquet, J. R. Cardinal Manning. 1895. B M283g — Pressense, Francis de. Purcell’s “Manning” refuted; life of Card. Manning with a crit. examination of E. S. Purcell’s mistakes; tr. by F. T. Furey. 1897. B M283px — Purcell, Edmund Sheridan. Life of Cardinal Manning. 1896. 2 v. B M283p Marceau. Johnson, T. G. Frangois-Severin Marceau, 1769-1796. 1896. B M313j Marchesi, Mme. Mathilde (Graumann). Marchesi and music; passages fr. the life of a famous singing-teacher. Must. 1897. B M316 Margaret, queen of Denmark. Hill, M. Margaret of Denmark. B M327h Maria Theresa, empress of Germany. Bright, James Franck. Maiiia Theresa. 1897. (Foreign statesmen.) B M332b Marie Antoinette, queen of France. Bicknell, Anna L. Story of Marie Antoinette. 1897. B M334bi — Bishop, Maria Catherine. Prison life of Marie Antoinette, and her children. New ed rev. 1894. B M334b — Tschudi, C. Marie Antoinette; tr. fr. the Norwegian by E. M. Cope. B M334t Marivaux. Deschamps, G. Marivaux. (Les grands 6cri- vains frangais.) B M343d Marlowe. Barry, John Daniel. Julia Marlowe. [1899.] (Sock and buskin biog.) B M349b Mary, queen of Scots. Dumas, Alexandre. Mary Stuart, queen of Scots; tr. by J. M. Howell. 1896. B M393d Massie. Massie, David Meade. Nathaniel Massie; a pioneer of Ohio. 1896. B M417m Maxwell. Glazebrook, Richard Tetley. James Clerk Maxwell and modern physics. 1896. (Cent, sci. ser.) B M465g Meade. Bache, Richard Meade. Life of Gen. George Gordon Meade, commander of the Army of the Potomac. Must. 1897. B M481b Medici, Cosmo de’, the elder. Ewart, K. D. Cosimo de’ Medici. (Foreign statesmen.) B M489e Medici, Lorenzo de’. Armstrong, E. Lorenzo de’ Medici, and Flor- ence in the 15th century. Must. 1896. (Heroes of the nations.) B M4891a Melanchthon. Richard, J. W. Philip Melanchthon. (Heroes of the reformation.) B M517r Melville. Morison, W. Andrew Melville. (Famous Scots ser.) B M531m Merimee. Filon, P. M. A. Merim6e. (Les grands ecri- vains frangais.) B M561f Mieville, Sir Walter. Under queen and khedive; the autobiography of an Anglo-Egyptian official. 1899. B M632 Milan, Beatrice d’Este, duchess of. Cartwright, J. Beatrice d’ Este, duchess of Milan, 1475-97; a study of the renaissance. B M637c Miles, Nelson Appleton. Personal recollections and observations; illust. by F. Remington. 1896. B M643 Miller. Leask, William Keith. Hugh Miller. 1896. (Famous Scots ser.) B M6481 Milton. Trent, W. P. John Milton. B M662t Miner. Emerson, George H. Life of Alonzo Ames Miner. Illust. 1896. B M664e Mirabeau. Willert, P. F. Mirabeau. (Foreign states- men.) B M671w Mitchell. Kendall, Phebe Mitchell, comp. Maria Mitch- ell; life, letters and journals. Must. 1896. B M682k Moltke, Hellmuth Karl Bernhard, Graf von. Letters to Ms wife and other relatives; tr. by J. R. Mcllraith. 1896. 2 v. B M729ma Montagu, V. A. A middy’s recollections, 1853-60. B M758m Montaigne. Bonnefon, P. Montaigne et ses amis. 2v. B M761b — Lowndes, M. E. Michel de Montaigne. B M7611 — Stapfer, Paul. La famille et les amis de Montaigne. 1896. B M761s Morison. Morison, George S., ed. John Hopkins Mori- son; a memoir. 1897. B M861m Morris, Felix James. Reminiscences. [189-.] B M875 Morris, W. Mackail, J. W. Life of William Morris. 2 v. B M877m BIOGRAPHY. 99 Morton. Foulke, W. D. Life of Oliver P. Morton. 2 v. B M891f Moscheles, F. Fragments of an autobiography. B M895 Moulton. Moulton, W. F. William F. Moulton; a me- moir. B M927m Muller, Friedrich Max. Auld lang syne. 1898. 2v. B M958 Muller, G. Pierson, A. T. George Muller of Bristol. B M9581p Munk&csy, Mihftly. Erinnerungen diie Kindheit; mit Vorwort von B. d’Agen; libers, von F. W. Ilges. 1897. B M966 Nansen. Bain, J. Arthur. Fridtjof Nansen; his life and explorations; abridged. 2d ed. 1897. B N188b — Brogger, Waldemar Christopher and Rolfsen, N. Fridtiof Nansen, 18G1-93; tr. by W. Archer. Illust. 1896. B N188br Napoleon I, emperor of the French. New letters, omitted fr. ed. pub. under au- spices of Napoleon III; tr. by Lady M. Loyd. 1897. B N2161o — Chuquet, A. M. La jeunesse de Napoleon. 3 v. B N216c — Constant, [Louis Constant Wairy.] Memoirs on the private life of Napoleon, his family and his court; tr. by E. G. Martin. 1895. 4v. B N216co — Forsyth, W. History of the captivity of Na- poleon at St. Helena. 3 v. B N216f — Howell, Howell ap. Birthplace and child- hood of Napoleon. Illust. 1896. *1 — O’Connor, T. P. Napoleon. B N216o — Rosen, Lew. Napoleon’s opera-glass, an his- trionic study. 1897. B N216r Napoleon III, emperor of the French. Forbes, A. Life of Napoleon the Third. B N2163f — Fraser, Sir William. Napoleon III ; my recol- lections. 2d ed. B N2163fr — Imbert de Saint-Amand, Arthur Leon, baron. Louis Napoleon and Mile, de Montijo; tr. by E. G. Martin. 1897. B N2163i Napoleon III and his court; tr. by E. G. Martin. Illust. 1898. B N2163in Nelson. Beresford, Lord C. W. de la Poer, and Wilson, H. W. Nelson and his times. B N426be — Beatty, William. Death of Lord Nelson. 2d ed. 1894. (War Mb.) B N426b — Laughton, John Knox. Nelson and his com- panions in arms. Illust. 1896. (Nelson memorial.) B N42612 — Mahan, Alfred Thayer. Life of Nelson, the embodiment of the sea power of Great Brit- ain. Illust. 1897. 2 v. B N426m — Russell, William Clark. Pictures fr. the life of Nelson. 1897. B N426r Neufeld, Charles. Prisoner of the khaleefa; twelve years’ cap- tivity at Omdurman. 3d ed. 1899. B N482 Nevius, Mrs. Helen S. (Coan). Life of John Livingstone Neviius, 40 years a missionary in China. Illust. 1895. B N529n Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. (Wilson). Autobiography and letters; ed. by Mrs. H. Coghill. 2d ed. B 047c Oudinot, Nicolas Charles, marshal, due de Reg- gio. Memoirs of Marshal Oudinot; comp, by G. Stiegler; tr. by A. T. de Mattos. 1897. B 093s Ouseley. Joyce, Frederick Wayland. life of Rev. Sir F. A. G. Ouseley. Illust. 1896. B 094j Paine. Sedgwick, Ellery. Thomas Paine. 1899. (Beacon biog.) B P147s Palgrave. Palgrave, G. F. Francis Turner Palgrave. B P161p Par6. Paget, S. Ambroise Pare and his times. B P227p Park. Maclachlan, T. Banks. Mungo Park. 1898. (Famous Scots ser.) B P236m Parker, Joseph. A preacher’s life; an autobiography. 1899. B P241 Parnell. O’Brien, R. B. Life of Charles Stewart Par- nell. B P256o Pasteur. Frankland, Percy and Frankland, Mrs. G. C. (Toynbee). Pasteur. 1898. (Cent. sci. ser.) B P291f Paton, J. G. John G. Paton; an autobiography ed. by his brother, v. 3. B P312pa Paul, Charles Kegan. Memories. 1899. B P3241 Penn. Fisher, S. G. The true William Penn. B P412f Peter, the Great. Waliszewski, Kasimierz. Peter the Great; tr. fr. the French by Lady M. Loyd. 1897. B P478w Petrarca, F. Petrarch; a selection from his correspond- ence; tr. by J. H. Robinson [and] H. W. Rolfe. B P493r Petty. Fitzmaurice, Lord Edmond. Life of Sir Wil- liam Petty, 1623-87. 1895. B P512f Philip, king of Macedon. Hogarth, David George. Philip and Alex- ander of Macedon, 2 essays in biography. Illust. 1897. B P5491ho Philip II, king of Spain. Hume, Martin Andrew Sharp. Philip II of Spain. 1897. B P549h Philip II, Augustus, king of France. Hutton, William Holden. Philip Augustus. 1896. (Foreign statesmen.) B P5492h Phillin. Becke, L. and Jeffery, W. Admiral Phillip; the founding of New South Wales. B P557b 100 BIOGRAPHY. Pinckney. Ravenel, Harriott Horry. Eliza Pinckney. 1896. (Women of colonial and rev. times.) B P6471r Pitt. Ashbourne, E. Gibson, 1st baron. Pitt; some chapters of his life and times. B P688a Place. Wallas, G. Life of Francis Place, 1771-1854. B P697w Playfair. Reid, Sir Thomas Wemyss. Memoirs & cor- respondence of Lyon Playfair. B P722r Pollok, Fitzwilliam Thomas. Fifty years’ reminiscences of India; retrospect of travel, adventure and shikar. Illust. 1896. B P7772 Pollok, R. Masson, Mrs. Rosaline (Orme). Pollok and Aytoun. 1898. (Famous Scots ser.) B P777m Pontgibaud, Cesar Henri Joseph de More, chevalier de. A French volunteer of the war of independ- ence; tr. and ed. by R. B. Douglas. 1898. B P815d Pope. 'Johnson, Samuel. Alexander Pope; ed. by K. Stephens. 1897. B P825j Porter, A. T. Led on! step by step; an autobiography. B P844 Powys, Mrs. C. (Girle). Passages from [her] diaries; ed. by E. J, Climenson. B P889c Prestwich. Prestwich, Mrs. G. A. (Milne) McCall. Life and letters of Sir Joseph Prestwich. B P942p Pusey. Liddon, Henry Parry. Lite of Edward Bou- verie Pusey; ed. by J. O. Johnston and R. J. Wilson. 1894-97. v. 3-4. B P9871 Queensberry. Robinson, John Robert. ‘Old Q’; a memoir of William Douglas, 4th duke of Queensberry. 2d ed. 1895. B Q3r Quick, R. H. Life and remains; ed. by F. Storr. B Q6s Rachel, E. Felix, called. Samson, Mme. J. I. Rachel et Samson; sou- venirs de theatre. B R119s Harris, J. H., ed. Robert Raikes. B R151h. Rais. Wilson, T. Blue-Beard ; a contribution to his- tory and folk-lore; the history of Gilles de Retz of Brittany. B R159w Ralegh. Buchan, John. Sir Walter Raleigh. 1897. (Stanhope essay.) B R163b — Hume, Martin Andrew Sharp. Sir Walter Ralegh. 1897. (Builders of Greater Brit.) B R163h Rhmakrishna. Muller, F. M. R&makrishna; his life and sayings. B R165m Ramsay. Smeaton, Oliphant. Allan Ramsay. 1896. (Famous Scots ser.) B R178s Rawlinson, G. Memoir of Henry Creswicke Rawlinson. B R261r Reeve, H. Memoirs of [his] life and correspondence; [ed.] by J. K. Laughton. 2 v. B R3311 Reid. Fraser, Alexander Campbell. Thomas Reid. 1898. (Famous Scots ser.) B R358f Renan, Joseph Ernest and Renan, H. Brother and sister; a memoir and the letters of Ernest and Henriette Renan; tr. by Lady Mary Loyd. 1896. B R3931 Renan. Darmesteter, Mme. Agnes Mary Frances (Rob- inson). Life of Ernest Renan. 1897. B R393d — Espinasse, Francis. Life of Ernest Renan. 1895. B R393e Richard III, king of England. More, Sir Thomas. History of King Richard III; ed. with note^ by J. R. Lumby. 1883. (Pitt press ser.) B R511m Richardson. Hackett, F. W. Sketch of the life and pub- lic services of William Adams Richardson. B R526h Richelieu. Lodge, Richard. Richelieu. 1896. (Foreign statesmen.) B R5281 Rimbaud. Berrichon, P. La vie de Jean- Arthur Rim- baud. B R575b Roberts, Frederick Sleigh Roberts, 1st baron. Forty-one years in India; fr. subaltern to commander-in-chief. Illust. 1897. 2 v. B R644 Robespierre. Brink, J. ten. Robespierre and the red terror. B R653b Rocca, E. conte. della. Autobiography of a veteran. B R671 Rochefort-Lugay, Victor Henri, marquis de. Adventures of my life; arr. for Eng. readers by the author and E. W. Smith. 2d ed. 1897. 2 v. B R674 Roe. Roe, M. A. E. P. Roe; reminiscences of his life; by his sister. B R698r Roebuck, John Arthur. Life and letters; with chap, of autobiography ; ed. by R. E. Leader. 1897. B R7111 Rogers, Mrs. Hester Ann. Account of [her] experience; and her funeral sermon by Dr. Coke, to which are added her spiritual letters. 1893. B R726c — Life of faith exemplified; or, Extracts fr. [her] journal. B R726 Rogers, William Barton. Life and letters; ed. by [E. Rogers] and W. T. Sedgwick. Illust. 1896. 2 v. B R731r Roland. Tarbell, Ida M. Madame Roland; a biog. study. 1896. B R744t BIOGRAPHY. 101 Romanes. Romanes, E. Life and letters of George John Romanes; written and ed. by his wife. 1896. B R758r Romanoff. Stern, Bernhard. Private life of the Roman- olfs; tr. fr. the Ger. by S. Traill. 1896. B R759s Roosevelt. Clemens, W. M. Theodore Roosevelt. B R781e Rossetti, C. G. Bell, Mackenzie. Christina Rossetti. Illust. 1898. B R8291b Rossetti, Dante Gabriel. Letters to William Allingham, 1854-70; [ed.] by G. B. Hill. Illust. 1897. B R829h — Ruskin, Rossetti, Pre-Raphaelitism; papers; ed. by W. M. Rossetti. B R829r Rousseau. Davidson, T. Rousseau and education accord- ing to nature. (Great educators.) B R864d — Saint-Marc Girardin. Jean Jacques Rousseau; sa vie et ses ouvrages. 1875. 2 v. B R864s Riickert. Beyer, Conrad. Friedrich Riickert. 1868. B R912b Rupert, prince Palatine. Scott, E. Rupert, prince Palatine. B R945s Ruskin. Spielmann, Marion Henry. John Ruskin. B R956s Russell. Reid, Stuart J. Lord John Russell. Rev. ed. 1895. (Prime ministers of Queen Victoria.) B R964r Ruyter. Milne, G. Grinnell-. Life of Lieut.-admiral de Ruyter. 1896. B R986m Ryan, T. Recollections of an old musician. B R989 Salamon, Louis Sifferin Joseph FoncrosS de. Monseigneur de Salamon; unpub. memoirs of the internuncio at Paris during the revolu- tion, 1790-1801. 1896. B S1591b Sand, George, pseud. Karenine, Wladimir. George Sand; sa vie et ses oeuvres. 1899. v. 1-2. B S213k Sandeman. Thornton, Thomas Henry. Colonel Sir Rob- ert Sandeman; his life and work on our Indian frontier; a memoir. Illust. 1895. B S214t Sands, B. F. From reefer to rear-admiral; reminiscences. B S221 Sartain, J. Reminiscences of a very old man, 1808-1897. B S249 Schaff. Schaff, David Schley. life of Philip Schaff, in part autobiographical. 1897. B S296s Scheffel. Prolss, J. Scheffel’s Leben und Dichten, mit Original-brief en des Dichters. B S316p Schiller. Schwab, Gustav Benjamin. Schiller’s Leben. 1859. B S334s Schimmelmann, Adeline, countess. Glimpses of my life at the German court, among Baltic fisherman, etc. ed. by W. S. Foggitt. 2d ed. Illust. 1896. B S335f Schofield, John McAllister. Forty-six years in the army. 1897. B S367 Schroder, Gustaf. En bruksbokh&llares minnen. 1892. B S381 Schuyler. Humphreys, Mary Gay. Catherine Schuyler. 1897. (Women of colonial and rev. times.) B S397h Scott. Hay, James. Sir Walter Scott. 1899. B S431ha — Hay, John. Speech at the unveiling of the bust of Sir Walter Scott in Westminster abbey, 1897. 1897. B S431h — Saintsbury, George Edward Bateman. Sir Walter Scott. (Famous Scots ser.) B S431s Sealsfield. Faust, Albert B. Charles Sealsfield, der Dichter beider Hemispharen; sein Leben und seine Werke. 1897. B S4381f Selborne, Roundell Palmer, 1st earl of. Memorials. 1896-98. 2 v. in 4. B S464p Selwyn. How, F. D. Bishop John Selwyn; a memoir. B S469h Sewall, S. Chamberlain, Nathan Henry. Samuel Sewall and the world he lived in. Illust. 1897. B S513c Sewall, S. E. Tiffany, N. M. Samuel E. Sewall. B S5131t Seward. Bancroft, Frederic. Life of William H. Sew- ard. 1900. 2v. B S514b — Lothrop, Thornton Kirkland. William Henry Seward. 1896. (Amer. statesmen.) B S5141 Shelley. Biagi, G. Last days of Percy Bysshe Shelley. B S545b — Jeaffreson, John Cordy. The real Shelley; new views of the poet’s life. 1885. 2 v. B S545j Sheridan, R. B. Rae, William Fraser. Sheridan; with introd. by the marquess of Dufferin and Ava. 1896. 2 v. B S5521r Sherman, R. Boutell, Lewis Henry. Life of Roger Sherman. 1896. B S5531b Sherman, W. T. Force, M. F. General Sherman. (Great com- manders.) B S553f Sherwood, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth (Wilson). Epistle to posterity; recollections of my life. 1897. B S554 — Here and there and everywhere; reminis- cences. B S554h Shore, Emily. Journal. 1891. B S559 102 BIOGRAPHY. Simcoe. Read, David Breakenridge. Life and times of Gen. John Graves Simcoe; with acct. of Major Andre and Capt. Brant. 1890. B S588r Simmons, G. A British rifleman. B S592v Simpson. Simpson, Eve Blantyre. Sir James Y. Simp- son. 1896. (Famous Scots ser.) B S613s Smith, A. Macpherson, Hector Carsewell. Adam Smith, 1899. (Famous Scots ser.) B S642m Smith, Byron Caldwell. A young scholar’s letters; a memoir, ed. by D. 0. Kellogg. 1897. B S643k Smith, C. R. Retrospections, social and archaeological, v. 2-3. B S644 Smith, Mrs. E. (Grant). Memoirs of a Highland lady; autobiography. B S646s Smith, T. K. Smith, Walter George. Life and letters of Thomas Kilby Smith, 1820-87. 1898. B S662s Smollett. Smeaton, Oliphant. Tobias Smollett. (Fa- mous Scots ser.) B S666s Socrates. Godley, Alfred Denis. Socrates and Athenian society in his day. 1896. B S678g Spurgeon, C. H. Autobiography, v. 1-2. B S772s — Williams, W. Personal reminiscences of Charles Haddon Spurgeon. Illust. B S772w Standlish. Johnson, Henry. Exploits of Myles Standish. Illust. 1897. B S785j Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn. Letters and verses, 1829-81; ed. by R. E. Prothero. 1895. B S787p Stanley, Sir H. M. George, Thomas. Birth, boyhood and younger days of Henry M. Stanley. 2d ed. 1895. B S7871g Stanley, Maria Josepha (Holroyd), lady. Girlhood of Maria Josepha Holroyd; recorded in letters, 1776-1796; ed. by J. H. Adeane. 2d ed. 1897. B S788ag Stanton, E. M. Gorham, G. C. Life and public services of Edwin M. Stanton. 2v. B S792g Stanton, Mrs. Elizabeth (Cady). Eighty years and more, 1815-1897; reminis- cences. 1898. B S7921 Sterling, John and Emerson, R. W. Correspondence; with sketch of Sterling’s life by E. W. Emerson. 1897. B S838e Sterne. Fitzgerald, Percy Hethrington. Life of Lau- rence Sterne. 1896. 2 v. B S839f Stevens, A. C. Stevens, H. D. A boy’s life. B S844s Stevens, T. McCall, S. W. Thaddeus Stevens. (Amer. statesmen.) B S846m Stevenson, R. L. Letters to his family and friends; ed. by S. Colvin. 2 v. B S848c — Vailima letters; correspondence addressed to Sidney Colvin, 1890-94. 1895. 2v. B S848v — Black, M. M. Robert Louis Stevenson. (Fa- mous Scots ser.) B S848bl — Cornford, L. Cope. Robert Louis Stevenson. 1899. (Modern English writers.) B S848co — Raleigh, Walter. Robert Louis Stevenson. 1895. B S848r — Simpson, Eve Blantyre. Robert Louis Steven- son’s Edinburgh days. 1898. B S848s Stowe. Fields, Mrs. Annie West (Adams), ed. Life and letters of Harriet Beecher Stowe. 1898. B S892f Sturtevant, Julian Monson. Autobiography; ed. by J. M. Sturtevant, jr. 1896. B S936 Sumner. Storey, Moorfield. Charles Sumner. 1900. (Amer. statesmen.) B S956s Svengali, Moritz. Extracts from [his] diary, tr. and ed. by A. Welch. 1897. B S968e Swift, J. Unpublished letters; ed. by G. B. Hill. B S977h Talleyrand-Perigord, Charles Maurice de, prince de Benevent. Letter to Pope Pius VII; added, a memoir of Talleyrand; tr. fr. the French. B T148a — Blennerhassett, Charlotte de Leyden, lady. Talleyrand; tr. fr. the Ger. by F. Clark. 1894. 2 v. B T148bl Taylor. Smyth, Albert H. Bayard Taylor. 1896. (Amer. men of letters.) B T238s Teck. Cooke, Clement Kinloch. Memoir of Princess Mary Adelaide, duchess of Teck. 1900. 2 v. B T255c Temple, Sir R. Journals kept in Hyderabad, Kashmir, Sik- kim and Nepal. 2 v. B T286t Tennyson. Tennyson, Hallam Tennyson, 2d baron. Al- fred, Lord Tennyson; a memoir. 1897. 2v. B T^19f Thackeray, W. M. Crowe, Eyre. Thackeray’s haunts and homes. Illust. 1897. B T363c — Jack, Adolphus Alfred. Thackeray; a study. 1895. B T363j — Melville, L. Life of W. M. Thackeray. 2 v. B T363m Thackeray family. Hunter, Sir William Wilson. The Thackerays in India, and some Calcutta graves. 1897. B T3631h Theuriet, Andre. Annies de printemps. Illust. 1896. B T415 Thiebault, Dieudonne Adrian Paul Francis Charles Henry. Memoirs; tr. by A. J. Butler. 1896. 2 v. B T429 BIOGRAPHY. 103 Thomas it Becket, St. Abbott, E. A. St. Thomas of Canterbury, his death and miracles. 2v. B T454a Thompson, Samuel. Reminiscences of a Canadian pioneer for the last 50 years. 1884. B T476 Thomson, James. Bayne, William. James Thomson. 1898. (Famous Scots ser.) B T483b Thomson, Joseph. Thomson, J. B. Joseph Thomson, African ex- plorer. Illust. 1896. B T4831t Thomson, William Burns. Reminiscences of medical missionary work. 2d ed. 1895. B T486 Thornton, James Howard. Memories of seven campaigns; record of thirty-five years’ service in the Indian med- ical department. Illust. 1895. B T513 Thring. Parkin, G. R. Edward Thring; life, diary and letters. 2 v. B T531p Tocqueville, Alexis Charles Henri Clerel de. Recollections; ed. by the comte de Tocque- ville; tr. by A. T. de Mattos. 1896. B T632t — Eichthal, Eugene de’. Alexis de Tocqueville et la demomcratie liberale. 1897. B T632e Tolstoi, L. N., count. Mes memoires; tr. par E. Halperine. B T654h — Perris, G. H. Leo Tolstoy the grand mujik. B T654p — Sergyeenko, P. A. How Count Tolstoy lives and works; tr. by 1. F. Hapgood. B T654s Tower, Martello, pseud. At school and at sea. B T738 Tucker, C. M. Giberne, Agnes. A lady of England; life and letters of Charlotte Maria Tucker. 1895. B T891g Tucker, J. I. Knauff, Christopher W. Doctor Tucker, priest- musician; sketch of the Rev. John Ireland Tucker. 1897. B T892k Tuckerman, Charles Keating. Personal recollections of notable people at home and abroad; with other papers. 1895. 2 v. B T896 Turgenef, Ivan Sergeievich. Tourgueneff and his French circle; tr. by E. M. Arnold. 1898. B T936 Uchimura, Kanzo. Diary of a Japanese convert. 1895. B U17 Uhl and. Mayer, Karl Friedrich Hartmann. Ludwig Uhland; seine Freunde und Zeitgenossen. 1867. B U31m — Uhland, Frau E. U. (Vischer). Ludwig Uhlands Leben; aus dessen Nachlass und aus eigener Erinnerung zusammengestellt von seiner Wittwe. 1874. B U31u Ursins. Hill, C. Story of the Princess des Ursins in Spain. B U82h Verdi. Crowest, Frederick James. Verdi, man and musician. 1897. B V484e Victoria, queen of Great Britain. Lancefield, Richard Thomas. Victoria, sixty years a queen; sketch of her life and times. Illust. 1897. B V 6451 — Private life of the Queen ; by a member of the royal household. Illust. 1897. B V645 — Tooley, Mrs. Sarah A. Personal life of Queen Victoria. Illust. 1897. B V645t Vincent de Paul, St. Jones, Cecilia Anne. Life of S. Vincent de Paul. B V768j Wakley. Sprigge, Samuel Squire. Life and times of Thomas Wakley. 1897. B W149s Walker. Kittredge, F. E. The man with the branded hand; life and services of Capt. Jonathan Walker. B W181k Wallace. Murison, Alexander Falconer. Sir William Wallace. [1898.] (Famous Scots ser.) B W195m Walton. Rowland, Reginald. An ambitious slave [Rufus Walton]. 1897. B W241r Ward, Mrs. Elizabeth Stuart (Phelps). Chapters from a life. Illust. 1896. B W257 Warren. Brown, Alice. Mercy Warren. 1896. (Women of colonial and rev. times.) B W291b Washington, G. Carrington, H. B. Washington, the soldier. B W318c — Ford, Paul Leicester. The true George Wash- ington. Illust. 1896. B W318f — Potter, Eliphalet Nott. Washington a model in his library and life. 1895. (Hoffman lib. lecture.) B W318po — Society of Colonial dames of America. Let- ters to Washington, and accompanying papers; ed. by S. M. Hamilton, v. 1-2. B W318s — Wilson, Woodrow. George Washington; illust. by H. Pyle, H. Fenn and others. 1898. B W318wi Washington, M. WTiarton, Anne Hollingsworth. Martha Wash- ington. 1897. (Women of colonial and rev. times.) B W319w Webster. Hapgood, N. Daniel Webster. (Beacon biog.) B W378h Wesley. Thompson, D. D. John Wesley as a social reformer. 1898. B W513t West, Sir Algernon. Recollections, 1832-86. 2d ed. 1899. 2v. B W516 Wheeler. De Leon, T. C. Joseph Wheeler. (Search- light lib.) B W563d Whipple, Henry Benjamin, bp. Lights and shadows of a long episcopate; reminiscences and recollections. 1900. B W573 Whitefoord, C. and Whitefoord, C. Papers; correspondence and other manu- script; ed. by W. A. S. Hewins. B W591 104 BIOGRAPHY. GEOGRAPHY. TRAVELS. Whitman, Walt. Calamus; letters written 1868-80, to a young friend [Peter Doyle] ; ed. by R. M. Bucke. 1897. B W615e Whittier. Flower, Benjamin Orange. Whittier, prophet, seer and man. 1896. B W625fl Willard. Gordon, Anna Adams. The beautiful life of Frances E. Willard, memorial volume; in- trod. by Lady H. Somerset. Illust. 1898. B W692g William II, emperor of Germany. Leudet, M. Emperor of Germany at home; tr. by V. Taylour. B W71621 — Lowe, Charles. The German emperor William II. (Public men of to-day.) B W71621o William I, the Silent, prince of Orange. Harrison, Frederic. William the Silent. 1897. (Foreign statesmen.) B W716h Windham, Sir Charles Ash. Crimean diary and letters; ed. by H. Pearse. 1897. B W764r Wise, H. A. Wise, B. H. Life of Henry A. Wise. B W812w Wise, J. S. The end of an era. B W8121 Wiseman. Ward, Wilfrid. Life and times of Cardinal Wiseman. 1897. 2 v. B W8141w Wordsworth, Dorothy. Journals; ed. by W. Knight. 1897. 2 v. (Eversley ser.) 821.71 Dkv. 11-12 Wordsworth, W. Legouis, 6 mile. Early life of William Words- worth, 1770-1798; a study of “The prelude”; tr. by J. W. Matthews. 1897. B W9261 Wyndham, H. Queen’s service; or. The real “Tommy At- kins.” B W985 Geography. Travels. Amicis, Edmondo de. On blue water; tr. by J. B. Brown. Hlust. 1897. 910.4 A51 Antin, M. From Plotzk to Boston. 910.4 A63 Barrows, John Henry. A world-pilgrimage; ed. by M. E. Barrows. ‘ Hlust. 1897. 910.4 B27 Beazley, Charles Raymond. Dawn of modern geography. 1897. 910.9 B38 Brooks, Noah. The Mediterranean trip; guide to the principal points of the western Mediterranean and the Levant. Illust. 1895. 910.4 B87 Bullen, F. T. Cruise of the Cachalot round the world after sperm whales. 910.4 B93c — Log of a sea-waif; recollections of the first four years of my sea life. 910.4 B93 Campbell, Arthur. A ride in Morocco, and other sketches. 1897. 910.4 C18 Cavan, F. E. G. Lambart, 9th earl of. With the yacht and camera in eastern waters. 910.4 C37 Clemens, Samuel Langhome. Following the equator; a journey around the world. Illust. 1897. 910.4 C62 Cryan, Robert W. W. Glimpses of sunny lands. Illust. 1896. 910.4 C95 Davis, Richard Harding. A year from a reporter’s note book. Hlust. 1898. 910. D26 Ford, J. D. American cruiser in the East. 910.4 F69 Frye, Alexander Everett. Home and school atlas. 1896. (New Eng. ed.) 912. F94 Haweis, Hugh Reginald. Travel and talk, 1885-95; my hundred thou- sand miles of travel. 1896. 2 v. 910.4 H38 Keane, John. Evolution of geography. 1899. 910.9 K24 Kiepert, Heinrich. Manual of ancient geography; tr. fr. the Ger- man. 1881. 912.3 K47 Kipling, R. From sea to sea. 2v. 910.4 K57 Madden, John. The wilderness and its tenants; geographical and other essays. 1897. 3 v. 910. M17 Maltby, Albert Elias. Map modeling in geography; also chalk mod- eling. Hlust. 1894. 910.7 M26 Mill, Hugh Robert. Elementary commercial geography. 1896. (Pitt press ser.) 910. M64c — ed. International geography; by 70 authors. 1900. 910. M64 Miln, Mrs. Louise Jordan. Little folk of manv lands. Illust. 1899. 910. M65 Morris, Charles, comp. Half-hours of travel at home and abroad. Illust. 1896. 4 v. 910.8 M87 Reynolds, Joan Berenice. Teaching of geography in Switzerland and north Italy. 1899. 910.7 R46 Talmadge, Thomas DeWitt. The earth girdled; the world as seen to-day. Hlust. 1896. 910.4 T15 Europe. Allen, G. The European tour. 914. A42 Burnham, Sarah M. Pleasant memories of foreign travel. 1896. 914. B96 Callan, Hugh. From the Clyde to the Jordan; narrative of a bicycle journey. Hlust. 1895. 914. C15 Cassell’s complete pocket-guide to Europe, rev. and enl.; ed. by E. C. Stedman; comp, by E. King. 1897. 914. C3442 Chisholm, George Goudie. Europe, v. 1. 1899. (Stanford’s compendium of geo g. and travel.) 914. C54 GEOGRAPHY. TRA VELS. 105 Harland, Marion, pseud. Where ghosts walk; the haunts of familiar characters in history and literature. 914. H28 Hughes, Thomas. Vacation rambles. 1895. 914. H89 Humbert, Mabel. Continental chit-chat. 1897. 914. H91 Lent, William Bement. Halcyon days in Norway, France and the Dolomites. 1898. 914. L57 Moulton, Mrs. Ellen Louise (Chandler). Lazy tours in Spain and elsewhere. 1896. 914. M92 Odman, Nils Peter. Vexlande bilder; prosa och vers. 1893. 914. 024 Satchel guide for the vacation tourist in Europe for 1899. 2 v. 914. S25 Smith, Francis Hopkinson. Well worn roads of Spain, Holland and Italy. 1894. 914. S647 Temple, E. L. Old world memories. 2v. 914. T28 Great Britain. Ireland. Argyll, G. D., Campbell, 8th duke of. Iona. 911.117 A69 Bell, Sir James and Paton, J. Glasgow; its municipal organization and ad- ministration. 1896. 914.143 B43 Besant, Sir W. South London. 914.21 B55 Brown, Alice. By oak and thorn; a record of English days. - 1896. 914.2 B87 Croker, Thomas Crofton. A walk from London to Fulham; enl. and re- written by B E. Horne. Illust. 1896. 914.21 C94 Dasent, Arthur Irwin. History of St. James’s square and the founda- tion of the west end of London. Illust. 1895. 914.21 D22 De Crespigny, Bose C. and Hutchinson, H. The New Forest; its traditions, inhabitants and customs. Illust. 1895. 914.23 D29 Demolins, Edmond. A quoi tient la superiority des Anglo-Saxons. 914.2 D38a — Anglo-Saxon superiority, to what it is due; tr. by L. B. Lavigne. 914.2 D38 Dewar, G. A. B. Wild life in the Hampshire highlands. 914.22 D51 Ditchfield, Peter Hampson. Old English customs, extant at the present time. 1896. 914.2 D61 — Story of our English towns; with introd. by A. Jessopp. 1897. 914.2 D61s Dodd, Mrs. Anna Bowman (Blake.) On the Broads; illust. by J. Pennell. 1896. 914.261 D63 Graham, Henry Grey. Social life of Scotland in the 18th century. 1899. 2 v. 914.1 G73 Gwynn, S. Highways and byways in Donegal and Antrim. 914.15 G99 Haggard, H. R. A farmer’s year; being his commonplace book for 1898. 914.2 H14 Hare, Augustus John Cuthbert. Sussex. 1896. 914.225 H27 Harper, Charles G. The Exeter road; the story of the west of England highway. 1899. 914.23 H29 Harris, M. D. Life in an old English town; a history of Coventry. (Social Eng. ser.) 914.248 H31 Heckethorn, Charles William. London souvenirs. 1899. 914.21 H44 Hissey, J. J. On southern English roads. 914.23 H67 Hodges, Elizabeth. Some ancient English homes. Illust. 1895. 914.24 H68 Holmes, Mrs. Basil. London burial grounds; notes on their his- tory. Illust. 1896. 914.21 H7491 Johnson, C. Among English hedgerows. 914.2 J66 King, Maude Egerton. Bound about a Brighton coach office. Illust. 1896. (John Lane’s Arcady lib.) 914.22 K53 Krout, M. H. Looker on in London. 914.21 K93 Leyland, John. The Thames illustrated; a picturesque jour- neying fr. Richmond to Oxford. 914.2 L68 London and Londoners. 1898. 914.21 L84p MacDonagh, M. Irish life and character. 914.15 M13 Norway, Arthur H. Highways and byways in Devon and Corn- wall; illust. by J. Pennell and H. Thomson. 1898. 914.23 N89 Ordish, T. Fairman. Shakespeare’s London. 1897. 914.21 065 Perry, Alexander W. Welsh mountaineering; a practical guide. 1896. 914.29 P46 Bawnsley, H. D. Life and nature at the English lakes. 914.28 R26 Bees, Thomas. Reminiscences of literary London, 1779-1853. 1896. 914.2 R32 Bideing, William Henry. At Hawarden with Mr. Gladstone, and other trans-Atlantic experiences. 1896. 914.2 R54a Bimmer, A. Our old country towns. New ed. 914.2 B57 — Rambles round Eton and Harrow. 914.22 R57 Russell, T. O’Neill. Beauties and antiquities of Ireland. 1897. 914.15 R96 Smith, William Parry Haskett and Hart, H. C. Climbing in the British Isles; Wales and Ire- land. 1895. 914.29 S66 Stone, J. S. Woods and dales of Derbyshire. 914.25 S87 106 GEOGRAPHY. TRA VELS . Sydney, W. C. Early days of the 19th century in England, 1800-20. 914.2 S98 Tyler, M. C. Glimpses of England, social, political, literary. 914.2 T98 Windle, B. C. A. Shakespeare’s country. 914.248 W76 Winter, William. Brown heath and blue bells; being sketches of Scotland, with other papers. 1895. 914.1 W78 Wright, Margaret B. Hired furnished; economical housekeeping ad- ventures in England. 1897. 914.2 W95 Yonge, C. M. John Keble’s parishes; a history of Hursley and Otterbourne. 914.22 Y55 France. Adolphus, F. Some memories of Paris. 1895. 914.436 A23 Ohampney, Mrs. Elizabeth (Williams). Romance of the feudal chateaux. 1900. 914.4 C45 Demolins, E. Les Frangais d’aujourd’hui. 914.4 D38 Doumic, R. La vie et les moeurs au jour le jour. 914.4 D73 Fournel, Frangois Victor. Tableau du vieux Paris; les spectacles popu- lates et les artistes des rues. 1863. 914.436 F77 Freeman, Edward Augustus. Sketches of travel in Normandy and Maine. Must, 1897. 914.4 F85 Greene, H. C. Plains and uplands of old France. 914.4 G79 Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. The mount; narrative of a visit to the site of a Gaulish city on Mont Beuvray, with a description of Autun. 1897. 914.42 H21 Hare, Augustus John Cuthbert. North western France; Normandy and Brit- tany. 1895. 914.42 H27 — The Rivieras. 914.49 H27 Jackson, Catherine Charlotte, lady. Old Paris; its court and literary salons. Must. 1895. 2 v. 914.436 J12 Lentheric, Charles. Riviera, ancient and modern; tr. by C. West. Maps. 1895. 914.49 L57 Martin, B. E. and Martin, C. M. Stones of Paris in history and letters. 2 v. 914.436 M37 Marx, N. A. Les petits memoires de Paris. (Bib. contem- poraine.) 914.436 M39 Mathews, Charles Edward. Annals of Mont Blanc. 1898. 914.449 M42 Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe. Journeys through France. Must. 1897. 914.4 T13 Theuriet, Andr6. Rustic life in France; tr. fr. the French by H. B. Dole. Must. 1896. 914.4 T41 Valbel, Horace. Les chansonniers et les cabarets artistiques. Must. 914.436 V13 Vandam, Albert Dresden. French men and French manners. 1895. 914.436 V22f Italy. Austria. Bazin, Ren6. The Italians of to-day; tr. fr. the French by W. Marchant. 1897. 914.5 B36 Browning, H. Ellen. A girl’s wanderings in Hungary. Must. 1896. 914.39 B88 Hodgson, R. L. Wanderings through unknown Austria. 914.36 H69 Hutton, Laurence. Literary landmarks of Rome. Must. 1897. 914.56 H98 — Literary landmarks of Venice. Must. 1896. 914.53 H98 King, E. A. Italian highways. 914.5 K52 Malleson, Hope and Tuker, M. A. R. Handbook to Christian and ecclesiastical Rome; v. 1: Christian monuments of Rome. 1897. 914.56 M25 Paton, William Agnew. Picturesque Sicily. Must. 1898. 914.58 P31 Pfirshing, Mena C. Memories of Italian shores. 1895. 914.5 P52 Pidgeon, Daniel. Venice. 1895. 914.53 P61 Robertson, Alexander. Through the Dolomites fr. Venice to Toblach. Must. 1896. 914.53 R64 Rolfe, Eustace Neville-. Naples in the nineties; sequel to Naples in 1888. Must. 1897. 914.57 R74 Smith, Francis Hopkinson. Gondola days. Must. 1897. 914.53 S64 Thomson, H. C. The outgoing Turk; a journey through the western Balkans. Must. 1897. 914.395 T48 Wey, F. A. Rome; new ed. rev. by M. H. Lansdale. 914.56 W54 Spain. Biddle, Anthony Joseph Drexel. The Madeira islands. Must. 1896. 914.698 B58 Gadow, Hans Friedrich. In northern Spain. Must. 1897. 914.6 G12 Harris, Mrs. M. (Coles). A corner of Spain. 914.6 H31 Hay, J. Castilian days. 10th ed. 914.63 H41 Israels, Jozef. Spain; the story of a journey; tr. fr. the Dutch by A. T. de Mattos. 1900. 914.6 185 GEOGRAPHY. TRA VELS. 107 Jaccaci, August F. On the trail of Don Quixote; rambles in the ancient province of LaMancha; illust. by D. Viierge. 1896. 914.6 J12 Lent, William Bement. Across the country of the little king; a trip through Spain. Illust. 1897. 914.6 L57 Lowell, James Bussell. Impressions of Spain; comp, by J. B. Gilder. 1899. 914.6 L91 Main, Mrs. Elizabeth (Witshed) Burnaby. Cities and sights of Spain; a handbook for tourists. 1899. 914.6 M22 Nixon, Mary F. With a pessimist in Spain. Illust. 1897. 914.6 N73 Plummer, M. W., comp. Contemporary Spain as shown by her novel- ists. ' 914.6 P73 Quillinan, Mrs. Dorothy (Wordsworth). Journal of a few months’ residence in Portu- gal; ed. with memoir by E. Lee. New ed. 1895. 914.69 Q6 Taylor, Hobart Chatfield Chatfield-. Land of the castanet; Spanish sketches. Illust. 1896. 914.6 T24 Vuillier, Gaston. The forgotten isles; travel in the Balearic isles, Corsica and Sardinia; tr. by F. Breton. Illust. 1896. 914.67 Y98 Workman, Mrs. Fanny (Bullock) and Work- man, W. H. Sketches awheel in modem Iberia. Illust. 1897. 914.6 W92 Russia. Battye, Aubyn Bernard Eochford Trevor-. Ice-bound on Kolguev; a chapter in the ex- ploration of Arctic Europe. Illust. 1895. 914.72 B33i Bryce, James. Transcaucasia and Ararat; with chap, on the recent history of the Armenian question. 4th ed. rev. 1896. 914.7 B91 Du Chaillu, Paul Belloni. Midnattssolens land. Illust. 1881. 914.71 D82 Engelhardt, A. P. A Eussian province of the north; tr. fr. the Eussian by H. Cooke. 914.72 E57 Hemberg, Eugenius. Pd obanade stigar; jaktskizzer, sagor och noveller fran Lappland. Illust. 1896. 914.71 H48 Jackson, Frederick George. Great frozen land; a winter journey across the tundras and a sojourn among the Sa- moyads; ed. by A. Montefiore. Illust. 1895. 914.72 J12 Leroy-Beaulieu, Anatole. Empire of the tsars and the Bussians; tr. by Z. A. Eagozin. 1896. v. 3. 914.7 L62 Logan, John Alexander. In joyful Eussia. Illust. 1897. 914.7 L83 Stadling, Jonas and Eeason, W. Land of Tolstoi; experiences of famine and misrule in Eussia. 1897. 914.7 S77 Stepniak, Sergius, pseud. King Stork and King Log; a study of mod- ern Eussia. 2d ed. 1896. 2 v. 914.7 S83 Tweedie, Mrs. Ethel B. (Harley). Through Finland in carts. Illust. 1897. 914.71 T97 Norway. Sweden. Denmark. Alden, Gustaf A. and others. V&rt land en skildring i ord och bild. Illust 1888. 914.85 A35 B&dth, Albert Ulrick. Nordiskt fomtadslif. 914.8 Bll Chapman, Abel. Wild Norway. Illust. 1897. 914.81 C46 Ferryman, A. F. Mockler-. In the Northman’s land; travel, sport and folklore in the Hardanger fjord and fjeld. 914.81 F39 Goodman, Edward J. New ground in Norway; Eingerike, Tele- marken, Saetersdalen. Illust. 1896. 914.81 G65 Hofberg, Herman. Genom Sveriges bygder; skildringar af vdrt land och folk. 3d ed. Illust. 1896. 914.85 H69 Lees, James Arthur. Peaks and pines; another Norway book. 1899. 914.81 L48 Luncbin, Claes. Nya Stockholm. Illust. 1890. 914.85 L96 — and Strindberg, A. Gamla Stockholm anteckningar ur kruckta och okruckta kallor, framletade, samlade och utgifna. Illust. 1882. 914.85 L96g Oppenheim, Edwin Camillo. New climbs in Norway. 1898. 914.81 062 Petterkvist, Lovisa. I Stockholm ocksa en resebeskrifning. 1895. 914.85 P49 Schroder, Gustaf. Tjugo dr i Dalarne skildringar. 1896. 914.85 S3S Steele, Thomas Sedgwick. Voyage to Viking-land. Illust. 1896. 914.8 S81 Sundblad, Johannes. Fran dannemanshemmet och torpstugan. 1887. 914.81 S95 Thomas, William Widgery. Fran slott till koja; minnen fr&n en flerarig vistelse i Sverige. Illust. 1891. 914.85 T46s Holland. Switzerland. Greece. Turkey in Europe. Servia. Barrows, Samuel June. Isles and shrines of Greece. Illust. 1898. 914.95 B27 Basmajian, K. H. Social & religious life in the Orient. 914.96 B31 Conway, Sir William Martin. The Alps from end to end. Illust. 1895. 914.94 C76 Esquiros, Alphonse. The Dutch at home; tr. and ed. bv L. Wrax- all. 1861. 2 v. ‘914.92 E77 108 GE O GRAPH K. TRA PELS. Griffis, W. E. The American in Holland. 914.92 G85 Janeway, C. Glimpses at Greece to-day and before yester- day. 914.95 J33 Marsh, Herbert. Two seasons in Switzerland. Must. 1895. 914.94 M36 Meldrum, D. S. Holland and the Hollanders. 914.92 M51 Miller, W. Travels and politics in the near East. 914.96 M65 Muller, Mrs. Georgina Adelaide. Letters from Constantinople. Must. 1897. 914.961 M95 Pennell, Mrs. E. (Robins). Over the Alps on a bicycle. 914.94 P41 Russell, Robert Howard. Edge of the Orient. Must. 1896. 914.96 R96 Sinigaglia, Leone. Climbing reminiscences of the Dolomites; tr. by M. A. Vialls. Must. 1896. 914.94 S61 Vivian, Herbert. Servia, the poor man’s paradise. 1897. 914.97 V85 Wherry, George. Alpine notes & the climbing foot. Must. 1896. 914.94 W56 Whymper, Edward. Chamonix and the range of Mont Blanc. Must. 1896. 914.94 W62 — Valley of Zermatt and the Matterhorn; a guide. 1897. 914.94 W62v Woodhouse, William John. Aetolia; its geography, topography and an- tiquities. Must. 1897. 914.95 W88 Asia. Adair, Frederick Edward Shafto. Big game of Baltistan and Ladakh; a sum- mer in high Asia. 1899. 915.46 A19 Bigham, Charles Clive. A ride through western Asia. 2d ed. Must. 1897. 915. B59 Bookwalter, J. W. Siberia and Central Asia. 915.7 B72 Charmes, G. Voyage en Syrie. 2d ed. 915.39 C48 Chevrillon, Andr§. In India; tr. fr. the French by W. Marchant. 1896. 915.4 C52 Cobbold, Ralph Patteson. Innermost Asia; travel and sport in the Pamirs. 1900. 915.8 C65 Curzon, G. N. The Pamirs and the source of the Oxus. 915.8 C98 DeWindt, H. The new Siberia; a visit to the penal island of Sakhalin. Must. 1896. 915.7 D52 — A ride to India across Persia and Baluchis- tan. 915.5 D52 Dunmore, Charles Adolphus Murray, earl of. The Pamirs ; a year’s expedition through Kashmir, western Tibet, Chinese Tartary and Russian Central Asia. 2d ed. Must. 1894. 2 v. 915.8 D92 Foss, C. D. From the Himalayas to the equator. 915.4 F75 Gaidzakian, O. Illustrated Armenia and the Armenians. 915.6 G13 Gascoigne, G. T. Among pagodas and fair ladies; acct. of a tour through Burma. 915.92 G24 Geil, William Edgar. The isle that is called Patmos. Must. 1897. 915.6 G31 Gordon, Sir Thomas Edward. Persia revisited, 1895. Must. 1896. 915.5 G66 Gore, Frederick St. John. Lights & shades of hill life in the Afghan and Hindu highlands of the Punjab. Must. 1895. 915.45 G66 Harris, James Rendel and Harris, Mrs. H. B. Letters from the scenes of the recent massa- cres in Armenia. Must. 915.6 H31 Hedin, S. Through Asia. 2 v. 915. H45 Hepworth, G. H. Through Armenia on horseback. 915.6 H52 Hodgetts, E. A. B. Round about Armenia. 915.6 H68 Hopkins, Mrs. S. Armstrong-. Within the purdah ; also in the zenana homes of Indian princes. 915.4 H79 Karageorgevitch, B. prince. Enchanted India. 915.4 K18 Keane, A. H. Asia, 2v. (Stanford’s compendium of geo g. and travel; new issue.) 915. K24 Klein, Augusta. Among the gods; scenes of India. Must. 1895. 915.4 K64 Loti, Pierre, pseud. Jerusalem. 43d ed. 1895. 915.69 L88 McCormick, A. D. An artist in the Himalayas. Must. 1895. 915.42 M13 MacCoun, Townsend. Holy Land in geography and history. Must. 1897. 2 v. 915.69 M13 Merewether, F. H. S. Tour through the famine districts of India. 915.4 M55 Otts, J. M. P. The fifth gospel; or, The light of the Holy Land upon the four Gospels of the Holy Book. Rev. ed. 915.69 091 Parry, Oswald H. Six months in a Syrian monastery; visit to the headquarters of the Syrian church in Mesopotamia. Must. 1895. 915.6 P26 Percy, A. Heber-. Moab, Ammon and Gilead. 915.69 P43 Ramsay, William Mitchell. Impressions of Turkey during 12 years’ wan- derings. 1897. 915.6 R18 GEOGRAPHY. TRAVELS. 109 Rathborne, A. B. Camping and tramping in Malaya. 915.95 R23 Reid, A. Scott. Chin-Lushai land; expeditions into the Chin- Lushai hills and the annexation of the country. Illust. 1893. 915.4 R35 Robertson, Sir G. S. Chitr&l. 915.42 R64 — Kafirs of the Hindu-Kush. Illust. 1896. 915.46 R64 Smyth, H. W. Five years in Siam, 1891-96. 2 v. 915.93 S66 Sommerville, Maxwell. Siam on the Meinam, fr. the gulf to Ayuthia. Illust. 1897. 915.93 S69 Steevens, G. W. In India. 915.4 S81 Swettenham, Sir Frank Athelstane. The real Malay. 1900. 915.95 S97r Thomas, Margaret. Two years in Palestine & Syria. 1900. 915.69 T45 Waldenstrom, P. Till Gsterland; resa d Turkiet, Grekland, Syrien, etc. Illust. 1896. 915.6 W16 Wallace, E. S. Jerusalem the holy. 915.69 W18 Weeks, Edwin Lord. From the Black Sea through Persia and India. Illust. 1896. 915.4 W39 Wenyon, C. Across Siberia on the great post-road. 915.7 W48 Wilson, Samuel Graham. Persian life and customs. Illust. 1896. 915.5 W75 Wright, William. Account of Palmyra and Zenobia ; with travels and adventures in Bashan and the desert. Illust. 1895. 915.69 W95 Younghusband, Francis Edward. Heart of a continent; travels in Manchuria, across the Gobi desert, through the Hima- layas, the Pamirs and Chitral. 3d ed. Hlust. 1896. 915. Y78 China. Bard, E. Les Chinois chez eux. 915.1 B24 Beresford, Lord C. W. de la Poer. Break-up of China. 915.1 B49 Bishop, Mrs. Isabella L. (Bird). Korea and her neighbors. Hlust. 1898. 915.19 B62 — The Yangtze valley and beyond; an account of journeys in China. 1899. 915.13 B62 Bryson, Mrs. Mary Isabella. Home-life in China. Hlust. 915.1 B91 Cockbum, George. John Chinaman: his ways and notions. 1896. 915.1 C66 De Windt, H. From Pekin to Calais by land. 915.1 D52 Halcombe, Charles J. H. The mystic flowery land. Illust. 1896. 915.1 H15 Landor, A. H. S. In the forbidden land; an account of a jour- ney in Tibet. 2 v. 915.15 L26i Little, A. J. Through the Yang-tse gorges. 3d ed. rev. 915.13 L77 Little, Mrs. A. J. Intimate China; the Chinese as I have seen them. 915.1 L77 Mackay, George Leslie. From far Formosa; the island, its people and missions; ed. by J. A. Macdonald. 2d ed. Illust. 1896. 915.12 M15 Marston, Annie W. The great closed land; a plea for Tibet. Illust. 915.15 M37 Martin, William Alexander Parsons. \ A cycle of Cathay; or, China, south and north. Illust. 1896. 915.1 M38 Miln, Mrs. Louise Jordan. Quaint Korea. 1895. 915.19 M65 Morrison, George Ernest. An Australian in China; a journey across China to Burma. 2d ed. Hlust. 1895. 915.1 M879 Morse, Edward Sylvester. Korean interviews. 1897. 915.19 M88 Orleans, Henri PLil'lipe Marie, prince d\ From Tonkin to India by the sources of the Ira wadi; tr. by H. Bent. Illust. 1898. 915.1 071 Reid, William Jameson. Through unexplored Asia. 1899. 915.1 R35 Smith, A. H. Village life in China. 915.1 S64 Thomson, J. Through China with a camera. 915.1 T48 Wellby, M. S. Through unknown Tibet. 915.15 W44 Japan. Baxter, Katharine Schuyler. In bamboo lands. Illust. 1895. 915.2 B35 Curtis, William Eleroy. Yankees of the East; sketches of modern Japan. Illust. 1896. 2 v. 915.2 C98 Didsy, Arthur. The new far East. 1899. 915.2 D59 Fraser, Mrs. M. (Crawford). Letters from Japan. 2v. 915.2 F84 Hearn, L. In ghostly Japan. 915.2 H43i — Kokoro; hints and echoes of Japanese inner life. 1896. 915.2 H43k Knapp, Arthur May. Feudal and modern Japan. 1897. 2 v. 915.2 K67 La Farge, John. An artist’s letters from Japan. Illust. 1897. 915.2 L15 Morris, Mrs. Alice A. (Parmelee). Dragons and cherry blossoms. Hlust. 1896. 915.2 M87d Morris, J. Advance Japan. Hlust. 1895. 915.2 M876 Peery, R. B. The gist of Japan. Hlust. 1897. 915.2 P37 Ransome, S. Japan in transition. 915.2 R21 110 GE O GRAPH Y. TRA VELS. Taylor, C. M. Vacation days in Hawaii and Japan. 915.2 T23 Todd, Mrs. M. (Loomis). Corona and Coronet; narrative of the Am* herst eclipse expedition to Japan, 1896. 915.2 T63 Tristram, Henry Baker. Rambles in Japan, the land of the rising sun. Illust. 915.2 T83 Weston, Walter. Mountaineering and exploration in the Jap- anese Alps. Illust. 1896. 915.2 W53 Africa. Ansorge, W. J. Under the African sun. 916.77 A62 Bacon, Reginald Hugh Spencer. Benin, the city of blood. Illust. 1897. 916.65 B12 Balfour, Alice Blanche. Twelve hundred miles in a waggon. 2d ed. V Rlust. 1896. 916.8 B18 Ball, Eustace Alfred Reynoldsr. City of the caliphs; a study of Cairo and the Nile. Illust. 1897. 916.21 B18 Barr, R. The unchanging East. 2 v. 916.1 B26 Bertrand, A. Kingdom of the Barotsi, upper Zambezia; tr. by A. B. Miall. 916. B54 Brown, W. H. On the South African frontier. 916.8 B88 Burrows, G. Land of the pigmies. 916.7 B97 Chanler, William Astor. Through jungle and desert; travels in eastern Africa. Illust. 1896. 916.7 C45 Decle, L. Three years in savage Africa. 2d ed. 916.7 D29 Devereux, Roy, pseud. Side lights on South Africa. 916.8 D49 Dubois, Felix. Timbuctoo the mysterious; tr. fr. the French by D. White. Illust. 1897. 916.62 D81 Elliot, G. F. S. Naturalist in mid-Africa. 916.7 E46 Gibbons, A. S. Exploration and hunting in Central Africa, 1895-96. 916.7 G44 Gibson, C. D. Sketches in Egypt. 916.2 G44 Great explorers of Africa. 2 v. 916. G78 Gregory, John Walter. The great rift valley; a journey to Mt. Kenya and Lake Baringo. Illust. 1896. 916.7 G82 Hepburn, James Davidson. Twenty years in Khama’s country; ed. by C. H. Lyall. Illust. 1896. 916.7 H52 Hourst, — . French enterprise in Africa. 916.6 H84 Johnston, Sir Harry Hamilton. British Central Africa; territories under Brit- ish influence north of the Zambezi. Illust. 1897. 916.7 J72b Keane, A. H. Africa. 2 v. (Stanford’s compendium of geog. and travel; new issue.) 916. K24 Kemp, D. Nine years at the Gold Coast. 916.69 K32 Kingsley, Mary H. Travels in West Africa; Congo Frangais, Corisco and Cameroons. Illust. 1897. 916.7 K55 — Same. 2d ed. abr. 1897« — West African studies. Kirby, F. V. Sport in east Central Africa. Knight, E. F. Letters fr. the Sudan. Lloyd, Albert B. In dwarf land and cannibal country; a record of travel and discovery in Central Africa. 1899. 916.7 L79 Loomis, Eben Jenks. An eclipse party in Africa. Illust. 1896. 916.8 L86 916.7 K552 916.6 K55 916.7 K58 916.26 K69 Macdonald, James Ronald Leslie. Soldiering and surveying in British East Africa, 1891-94. Illust. 1897. 916.7 M13 Malosse, Louis. Impressions d’^gypte. 1896. 916.2 M25 Maude, Francis Cornwallis. Five years in Madagascar; with notes on the military situation. 1895. 916.9 M44 Moller, P. and others. Tre ar i Kongo skildringar. Illust. 1887. 916.72 M72 Palmer, Mrs. Lucia A. Oriental days. Illust. 1897. 916.2 P17 Penfield, F. C. Present-day Egypt. 916.2 P39 Pollard, J. Land of the monuments; notes of Egyptian travel. 916.2 P77 Schulz, Aurel and Hammar, A. The new Africa; up the Chobe and down the Okovanga rivers. Illust. 1897. 916.7 S38 Smith, Arthur Donaldson. Through unknown African countries; the 1st expedition fr Somaliland to Lake Rudolf. Illust. 1897. 916.7 S64 Smith, Lee S. Through Egypt to Palestine. Illust. 1896. 916.2 S65 Stanley, Sir Henry Morton. Through South Africa. Illust. 1898. 916.8 S78 Sfe^evens, G. W. V Egypt in 1898. 916.2 S81 Stone, R. H. In Afric’s forest and jungle. 916.7 S87 Swayne, H. G. C. Seventeen trips through Somaliland; record of exploration and big game shooting, 1885-93. Illust. 1895. 916.77 S97 Traill, Henry Duff. From Cairo to the Soudan frontier. 1896. 916.2 T76 Vivian, H. Tunisia and the modern Barbary pirates. 916.11 V85 GEOGRAPHY. TRA VELS. Ill Wallace, Robert. Farming industries of Cape Colony. Illust. 1896. 916.87 W19 Watson, Robert Spence. Visit to Wazan, the sacred city of Morocco. Illust. 1880. 916.4 W34 Worsfold, William Basil. Redemption of Egypt. 1899. 916.2 W93 Wright, H. C. S. Soudan, ’96; adventures of a war artist. 916.26 W94 Younghusband, F. E. South Africa of to-day. 916.8 Y78 North America. Collier, H. Price. America and the Americans; fr. a French point of view. 1897. 917. C69 Dawson, S. E. North America, v. 1 : Canada and Newfound- land. v. 2 : United States, by H. Gannett. (Stanford’s compendium of geog. and travel; new issue.) 917. D27 Fisher, Sydney George. Men, women & manners in colonial times. Illust. 1898. 2 v. 917. F53 Guest, Lady Theodora Grosvenor. A round trip in North America. Illust. 1895. 917. G93 Hesse- Wartegg, Ernst von. Nord Amerika i vara dagar. Illust. 1893. 917. H58 Roberts, Morley. The western Avernus; or, Toil and travel in further North America. New ed. Illust. 1896. 917. R64 U. S. — American republics, Bureau of. Bulletins. 1893-96. 4v. in 5. 917. U58 Canada. British America. Clapin, Sylva. La France transatlantique ; le Canada. 1885. 917.1 C58 Conant, T. Upper Canada sketches. 917.1 C74 Dyer, E. J. Routes and mineral resources of northwestern Canada. 2 maps. 917.12 D99 Edgar, J. D. Canada and its capital, with sketches of politi- cal and social life at Ottawa. 917.13 E23 Elkington, W. M. Five years in Canada. 1895. 917.1 E43 Faucher de Sainte-Maurice, M. H. E. De tribord £i babord; trois croisieres dans le golfe Saint-Laurent. 917.15 F25 Greenough, W. P. Canadian folk-life and folk-lore. 917.14 G81 Grenfell, Wilfred T. Vikings of to-day; or, Life and medical work among the fishermen of Labrador. Illust. 1895. 917.19 G82 Lizars, Robina and Lizars, K. M. In the days of the Canada company, 1825-50. Illust. 1896. 917.1 L78 McNaughton, Mrs. M. Overland to Cariboo. 917.12 M16 Macoun, John. Manitoba and the great Northwest. 1883. 917.12 M17 Russell, Frank. Explorations in the far north. 1898. 917.12 R96 Scadding, Henry. Toronto of old; early settlement and social life. 1873. 917.13 S27 Sladen, Douglas. On the cars and off; journal of a pilgrimage fr. Halifax to Victoria in Vancouver^ Island. Illust. 1895. 917.1 S63 Somerset, Henry Charles Somers Augustus. Land of the muskeg. 2d ed. Illust. 1895. 917.11 S69 Tyrrell, James William. Across the sub-Arctics of Canada. Illust. 1897. 917.12 T99 Whitney, Caspar W. On snow-shoes to the Barren Grounds. Illust. 1896. 917.12 W61 Willson, Beckles. The tenth island; Newfoundland, its people, its politics, etc. 1897. 917.18 W74 Withrow, William Henry. Our own country, Canada. Illust. 1889. 917.1 W82 Mexico. Central America. West Indies. Bell, C. Napier. Tangweera; life and adventures among gentle savages. 1899. 917.28 B43 Cabrera, Raimundo. Cuba and the Cubans; tr. fr. the Spanish by L. Guiteras. Illust. 1896. 917.291 Cll Clark, W. J. Commercial Cuba; a book for business men. 917.291 C59 Davey, R. Cuba, past and present. 917.291 D24 Davis, Richard Harding. Three gringqs in Venezuela and Central America. Illust. 1896. 917.28 D26 Day, S. D. Cruise of the Scythian in the West Indies. 917.29 D27 Dinwiddie, W. Puerto Rico; its conditions and possibilities. 917.295 D58 Eves, Charles Washington. The West Indies. 4th ed. Illust. 1897. 917.29 E93 Hamm, M. A. Porto Rico and the West Indies. 917.295 H22 Hill, R. T. Cuba and Porto Rico, with the other islands of the West Indies. 917.29 H64 Hyatt, P. F. and Hyatt, J. T. Cuba; its resources and opportunities. 917.291 H99 Lummis, Charles Fletcher. Awakening of a nation; Mexico of to-day. Illust. 1898. 917.2 L95 112 GEOGRAPHY. TRA VELS . Morris, C. Our island empire; a handbook of Cuba, Porto Rico, Hawaii and the Philippine islands. 917.29 M87 Newton, M. Glimpses of life in Bermuda and the tropics. 917.299 N56 Ober, F. A. V Puerto Rico and its resources. 917.295 012 Robinson, A. G. Porto Rico of to-day. 917.295 R65 Romero, M. Mexico and the U. S. v. 1. 917.2 R76 Rowan, Andrew Summers and Ramsey, M. M. Island of Cuba; descriptive and hist, account. 1896. 917.291 R87 Sherratt, Harriott "Wight. Mexican vistas seen from highways and by- ways of travel. 1899. 917.2 S553 Stark, J. H. Stark’s guide-book and history of Trinidad. 917.298 S79 — Stark’s Jamaica guide. 917.292 S79 Stoddard, Charles Augustus. Cruising among the Canibbees. Illust. 1895. 917.297 S86 United States. Allen, James Lane. Blue-grass region of Kentucky, and other Kentucky articles. Illust. 1892. 917.69 A42 Annerstedt, Herman. Minnen fran fjerran lander; Amerika. 1872. 917.3 A61 Appleton’s guide-book to Alaska and the north- west coast; by E. R. Scidmore. 917.98 A65 Bacon, Edgar Mayhew. Chronicles of Tarrytown and Sleepy-Hollow. Illust. 1897. ' 917.47 B12 Baedeker, Karl. The United States, with an excursion into Mexico; handbook for travelers. 2d rev. ed. 1899. 917.3 B13 Beck, L. J. New York’s Chinatown. 917,471 B39 Blanc, Mme. M. T. (de Solms). Choses et gens d’AmGrique. 917.3 B63 Bradley, A. G. Sketches from old Virginia. 1897. 917.55 B81 Bramble, Charles A. Klondike; manual for goldseekers. 1897. 917.98 B81 Bruce, Miner W. Alaska; its hist, and resources, gold fields, routes and scenery. Illust. 1895. 917.98 B88 Busev, Samuel C. Pictures of the city of Washington in the past. 1898. 917.53 B97 Chittenden, Hiram Martin. Yellowstone national park. Illust. 1895. 917.87 C54 Coolidge, Louis Arthur. Klondike and the Yukon country; with chap, by J. F. Pratt. Illust. 1897. 917.98 C77 Coubertin, Plierre, baron de. Souvenirs d’Amerique et de Gr6ce. 1897. 917.3 C85 Dugard, — . La societe americaine; moeurs et caract£re. 2d ed. 1896. Earle, Mrs. A. (Morse). Child life in colonial days. -—Colonial dames and good wives. —Colonial i in old New York. 917.3 D86 917.3 E12c 1895. 917.3 E12 1896. 917.47 E12 917.3 E12h -^Home life in colonial days. Garland, H. Trail of the gold-seekers. 917.98 G23 Hazelton, George Cochrane. The national capital; its architecture, art and history. Illust. 1897. 917.53 H42 Heilprin, A. Alaska and the Klondike. 917.98 H46 Hemstreet, C. Nooks and corners of old New York. 917.471 H49 Henderson, A. P. Rainbow’s end, Alaska. 917.98 H49 Hitchcock, Mrs. M. E. Two women in the Klondike. 917.98 H67 Hole, Samuel Reynolds. /Little tour in America. 1895. 917.3 H72 Hough, Emerson. Story of the cowboy. Illust. 1897. ‘ 917.8 H83 Hovey, Horace Carter and Call, R. E. Mammoth Cave of Kentucky. Illust. 1897. 917.69 H84 Ingersoll, Ernest and Elliott, H. W. In richest Alaska and the gold fields of the Klondike. Illust. 1897. 917.98 147 Ingle, Edward. Southern sidelights; social and economic life in the South before the war. 1896. (Lib. of econ. and pol.) 917.5 151 Jones, Nelson Edwards. Squirrel hunters of Ohio; or, Glimpses of pioneer life. Hlust. 1898. 917.71 J78 Jordan, D. S. California and the Californians. 917.94 J82 Keim, DeB. Randolph. Our Alaskan wonderland and Klondike neigh- bor. 1898. (Amer. destiny ser.) 917.98 K27 Kipling, R. American notes. 917.3 K57 Kirk, R. C. Twelve months in Klondike. 917.98 K59 Knapp, F. and Childe, R. L. Thlinkets of southeastern Alaska. 917.98 K67 Lindau, Paul. Altes und Neues aus der neuen Welt; edne Reise durch die Vereinigten Staaten und Mexico. 1893. 2v. 917.3 L74 Maury, Max, comp. Little Klondyke nugget. 1897. 917.98 M45 Melander, Richard. I Sitting Bulls land ; skildring frfin granslifvet i Amerikanska vastem. Illust. 1892. 917.8 M51 GE 0 GRAPH Y. TRA VELS. 113 Mines, John Flavel. Walks in our churchyards; old New York, Trinity parish. Illust. 1896. 917.471 M66 Moss, Frank. The American metropolis, New York city life. Illust. 1897. 3 v. 917.471 M91 Muirhead, J. F. ./'Land of contrasts; a Briton’s view of y his American kin. 917.3 M95 Myers, Mrs. Minnie (Walter). Romance and realism of the southern gulf coast. IUust. 1898. 917.6 M99 Nicholl, Mrs. E. M. Observations of a ranch- woman in New /Mexico. 917.89 N61 Page, Thomas Nelson. v - Social life in old Virginia before the war. Illust. 1897. 917.56 P13 Palmer, F. In the Klondyke. 917.98 P17 Pike, Warburton. Through the sub-arctic forest; a canoe jour- ney fr. Ft. Wrangel to the Behring sea. Illust. 1896. 917.98 P63 Powell, L. P., ed. Historic towns of the middle states. 917.4 P88m Quaint corners in Philadelphia. 917.48 P544q Ralph, Julian. Dixie; or, Southern scenes and sketches. Illust. 1896. 917.6 R16 Stansbury, Charles Frederick. Klondike, the land of gold. Illust. 1897. 917.98 S79 Steevens, George Warrington. Land of the dollar. 1897. 917.3 S81 Thwaites, Reuben Gold. Afloat on the Ohio; an historical pilgrimage fr. Redstone to Cairo, 1897. 917.7 T54 Trask, S. Bowling Green. 917.471 T77 Treadgold, A. N. C. Jteport on the goldfields of the Klondike. 917.98 T78 Vanderbilt, Mrs. G. L. (Lefferts). ' Social history of Flatbush. 917.47 V22 Van Rensselaer, Mrs. J. K. Goede vrouw of Mana-ha-ta at home and in society, 1609-1760. 917.471 V27 Waldenstrom, P. Genom Norra Amerikas Forenta- Stater. Illust. 1891. 917.3 W16 Wharton, A. H. Salons colonial and republican. 917.3 W55s Willoughby, Hugh Laussat. Across the Everglades; a canoe journey. Hlust. 1898. 917.59 W73 Woods, G. K., comp. Personal impressions of the grand canon of the Colorado river. 1899. 917.9 W89 New England. Adams, J. C. Nature studies in Berkshire. 917.441 A21 Bacon, E. M. ■^/Historic pilgrimages in New England. 917.44 B12 Bartlett, Ellen Strong. Historical sketches of New Haven. Illust. 1897. 917.468 B28 Breckenridge, Mrs. Frances A. Recollections of a New England town (Meri- den, Conn.). 1899. 917.467 M56b Brown, Abram English. Beside old hearth-stones. Illust. 1897. (Foot- . prints of the patriots.) 917.44 B87 Bfownell, W. C. Newport. Illust. 1896. (Amer. summer re- sorts.) 917.457 B88 Child, Frank Samuel. Colonial parson of New England. 1896. 917.4 C53 Crawford, Francis Marion. Bar Harbor; illust. by C. S. Reinhart. 1896. (Amer. summer resorts.) 917.414 C89 Drake, S. A. Historic mansions and highways around Bos- ton; new and revised ed. of “Old landmarks and historic fields of Middlesex.” 917.446 B74d2 Field, Edward. The colonial tavern; a glimpse of New Eng- land town life in the 17th and 18th centu- ries. 1897. 917.4 F45 Garrett, Edmund H. Romance and reality of the puritan coast, x/tllust. 1897. 917.44 G23 Grant, Robert. North shore of Massachusetts. Illust. 1896. (Amer. summer resorts.) 917.44 G76 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The custom house; and. Main street. [1899.] (Riverside lit. ser.) 917.445 S16h Hibbard, George Abiah. Lenox. Illust. 1896. (Amer. summer re- sorts.) 917.441 H62 Johnson, Clifton. ’/Book of country clouds and sunshine; illust. [by author]. 1897. 917.4 J66 Merrill, J. V. D. S. and Merrill, C. R. Sketches of historic Bennington. 917.438 M57 Powell, L. P., ed. , Historic towns of New England. 917.4 P88 Ward, Mrs. May (Alden). VOld colony days. 1896. 917.4 W26 Wolfe, T. F. Literary haunts and homes; American authors. 917.4 W85 South America. Crommelin, M. Over the Andes fr. the Argentine to Chili and Peru. 918.2 C94 Curtis, William Eleroy. Venezuela; a land where it’s always summer. 1896. 918.7 C98 Fitz Gerald, Edward Arthur. Highest Andes; record of the first ascent of Aconcagua and Tupungato in Argentina. Hlust. 1899. 918.2 F55 114 GE O GRAPHY. TRA VELS. HIS TOR Y. Morris, Ira Nelson. With the trade winds; a jaunt in Venezuela and the West Indies. Illust. 1897. 918.7 M87 Spears, John Randolph. Gold diggings of Cape Horn; study of life in Tierra del I*uego and Patagonia. Illust. 1895. 918.2 S74 Wood, W. E. Venezuela; or. Two years on the Spanish main. 918.7 W88 Oceanica. Polar Regions. Arthur, J. K. Kangaroo and kauri; sketches and anecdotes of Australia and New Zealand. Illust. 1894. 919.4 A78 Bicknell, Arthur C. Travel and adventure in northern Queensland. Illust. 1895. 919.43 B58 Black, J. Nansen & the frozen North, with reminis- cences of Arctic exploration. 919.8 B62 Boldrewood, Bolf, pseud. Old Melbourne memories. 1896. 919.45 B68 Boxall, George E. Story of the Australian bushrangers. 1899. 919.3 B78 Bull, H. J. Cruise of the ‘Antarctic’ to the south polar regions. Illust. 1896. 919.9 B93 Carnegie, D. W. Spinifex and sand. 919.41 C28 Christian, Frederick William. The Caroline islands. 1899. 919.66 C55 Conway, Sir W. M. With ski and sledge over Arctic glaciers. 919.8- C76 Craft, M. C. Hawaii nei. 919.69 C88 Dachsel, P. Eight years among the Malays. 919.21 Dll Davitt, Michael. Life and progress in Australasia. 1898. 919.3 D26 FitzGerald, Edward Arthur. Climbs in the New Zealand Alps. Illust. 1896. *1 Galloway, William Johnson. Advanced Australia. 1899. 919.4 G17 Greely, Adolphus Washington. Handbook of Arctic discoveries. 1897. (Columbian knowledge ser.) 919.8 G79 Hamm, M. A. Manila and the Philippines. 919.14 H22 Harper, Arthur Paul. Pioneer work in the Alps of New Zealand. Illust. 1896. 919.31 H29 Jackson, F. G. Thousand days in the Arctic. 919.8 J12 Krout, M. H. Hawaii and a revolution. 919.69 K93 Lacbambre, Henri and Machuron, A. Andree’s balloon expedition in search of the North pole. Illust. 1898. 919.8 L13 Musick, John Roy. Hawaii, our new possessions. Illust. 1898. 919.69 M98 Nansen, Fridtjof. Farthest north; record of a voyage of the ship “Fram,” 1893-96. Illust. 1897. 2 v. 919.8 N18f — Fram ofver polar haf vet den Nor ska polarfar- den 1893-96; med ett tillagg af 0. Sver- drup; ofvers. fran Norskan af A. G. Nath- orst. Illust. 1897. 2 v. 919.8 N18fr — Pfi. skidor genom Gronland; en skildring af den Nor ska Gronlands-expeditionen, 1888- 89. Illust. 1890. 919.8 N18g2 Peary, Robert Edwin. Northward over the “great ice”; life and work along the shores of Greenland, 1886 and 1891-97. Illust. 1898. 2v. 919.8 P36 Prentiss, H. M. Great polar current; polar papers, DeLong, Nansen, Peary. 919.8 P92 Scidmore, Eliza Ruhamah. . Java, the garden of the East. Illust. 1897. 919.22 S41 Shoemaker, M. M. Quaint corners of ancient empires; southern India, Burma and Manila. 919.14 S55 Spencer, B. and Gillen, F. J. Native tribes of Central Australia. 919.4 S74 Stevens, J. E. Yesterdays in the Philippines. 919.14 S84 Stevens, John Leavitt and Oleson, W. B. Picturesque Hawaii. Illust. 1894. 919.69 S84 Stevenson, Robert Louis. In the South Seas; experiences and observa- tions in the Marquesas, Paumotus and Gil- bert islands. 1896. 919.6 S84 Wallace, A. R. Australasia. 2 v. (Stanford’s compendium of geog. and travel; new issue.) 919.3 W18 Walsh, Henry Collins. Last cruise of the Miranda; record of Arctic adventure. Illust. 1896. 919.8 W22 Whitmarsh, H. P. The world’s rough hand; toil and adventure at the antipodes. 919.4 W61 Whitney, C. W. Hawaiian America. 919.69 W61 Worcester, D. C. Philippine islands and their people. 919.14 W91 Wright, George Frederick and Upham, W. Greenland icefields; and, Life in the North Atlantic. Hlust. 1896. 919.8 W94 History. General Works. Acton, John Emerich Edward Dalberg, 1st baron. Lecture on the study of history. 1895. 907. A18 HISTORY. 116 Adams, Brooks. Law of civilization and decay; essay on his- tory. 1895. 901. A211 American historical association. Annual report, 1898. 906. A512 Barnes, Mary Sheldon. Studies in historical method. 1896. (Heath’s pedagog. lib.) 907. B26 Boyd, James P., ed. Triumphs and wonders of the 19th century. 1899. 909.8 B78 Colby, F. M. Outlines of general history. 909. C68 Crozier, John Beattie. History of intellectual development on the lines of modern evolution. 1897. v. 1. 901. C95 Duruy, J. V. General history of the world; tr. by E. A. Grosvenor. 909. D96 Essex institute. First half-century of the Essex institute. 906. E78 Fisher, George Park. Brief history of the nations and of their progress in civilization. Illust. 1896. 909. F53 Grosvenor, E. A. Contemporary history of the world. 909.8 G87 Hume, Martin Andrew Sharp. The year after the Armada, and other hist, studies. 1896. 904. H92 Kemp, E. W. Outline of method in history. 907. K32 Langlois, C. V. and Seignobos, M. J. C. Introduction to the study of history; tr. by G. G. Berry. 907. L28 Leake, Frederic. Historic bubbles. 1896. 904. L43 Little, Charles E., comp. Historical lights; 6000 quotations fr. stand- ard histories and biographies. 1886. 908. L77 Lloyd, Alfred H. Citizenship and salvation; or, Greek and Jew. 1897. 901. L79 Mace, William Harrison. Method in history for teachers and students. 1897. 907. M14 Mackintosh, John. History of civilisation in Scotland. New ed. rev. 1892-96. 4v. 901. M15 Robertson, John Mackinnon. Buckle and his critics; a study in sociology. 1895. 901. B92xr Sanderson, E. History of the world fr. the earliest hist, time to 1898. (Concise knowledge lib.) 909. S21 Schouler, James. Historical briefs; with a biography. 1896. 904. S37 Sjogren, Otto. Allman verldshistoria. 1885. 3 v. 909. S62 Stoddard, J. L. Lectures. 10 v. 904. S86 Wallace, A. R. The wonderful century; its successes and failures. 909.8 W18 Yonge, Charlotte Mary. Pictorial history of the world’s great nations. Illust. 1882. 2 v. 909. Y55 Ancient History. Anderson, Robert E. Story of extinct civilizations of the East. 1897. (Lib. of useful stories.) 935. A54 Boissier, M. L. G. Roman Africa; tr. by A. Ward. 939.7 B68 Botsford, G. W. History of Greece for high schools. 938. B74 Boughton, Willis. History of ancient peoples. Illust. 1897. 930. B75 Castegnier, Georges. Handbook of Greek and Roman history. 1896. 938. C34 Coleridge, Edward Philip. Res Romanae; aids to the hist., geog., lit. and antiq. of ancient Rome. 1896. 937. C69 Comill, Karl Heinrich. History of the people of Israel, to the destruc- tion of Jerusalem by the Romans. 1898. 933. C81 Crawford, F. M. Ave Roma immortalis. 2 v. 937.6 C89 Dill, S. Roman society in the last century of the Western empire. 937.09 D57 Edersheim, Alfred. History of the Jewish nation after the de- struction of Jerusalem under Titus; rev. by H. A. Wliite. 1896. 933. E22 Ellis, R. Enquiry into the ancient routes between Italy and Gaul. 937.04 E47 Fleay, Frederick Gard. Egyptian chronology; an attempt to concil- iate the ancient schemes and to educe a ra- tional system. 1899. 932. F59 Grant, Arthur J. Greece in the age of Pericles. 1893. (Univ. ex. man.) 938.04 G76 Gregorovius, F. History of Rome in the middle ages; tr. by A. Hamilton, v. 4-6 in 6 v. 937.6 G82 Holm, Adolf. History of Greece; tr. fr. the Ger. by F. Clarke. 1898. v. 3-4. 938. H74 Hommel, Fritz. Ancient Hebrew tradition as illust. by the monuments; tr. fr. the Ger. by E. McClure and L. CrosslS. 1897. 933. H76 How, Walter Wybergh and Leigh, H. D. History of Rome to the death of Caesar. Hlust. 1896. 937. H84 Karakashian, A. M. History of Armenia. 1895. 2v. in 1. Note. — Written in Armenian. 939.55 K18 Kent, Charles Foster. History of the Hebrew people. 1896-97. 2 v. 933. K37h 116 HISTORY. — History of the Jewish people during the Babylonian, Persian and Greek periods. 933. K37 Lanciani, Rodolfo. Destruction of ancient Rome; a sketch of the history of the monuments. 1899. (Handbks. of archaeol. and antiq.) 937. L24 Mahaffy, John Pent-land. Empire of the Ptolemies. 1895. 932. M21 — Survey of Greek civilization. 1896. (Chaut. read. circ. lit.) 938. M21 Maspero, Gaston Camille Charles. Passing of the empires, 850 B. C. to 330 B. C. ed. by A. H. Sayce; tr. by M. L. McClure. 1900. 935. M41 Muir, Sir William. The Mameluke or slave dynasty of Egypt, 1260-1517 A. D. 1896. 932. M95 Myers, Philip Van Ness. History of Greece for colleges and high schools. Illust. 1895. 938. M99 Pennell, Robert E. Ancient Rome fr. the earliest times to 476 A. D. Rev. ed. 1896. 937. P41 Petrie, W. M. F. Syria and Egypt, fr. the Tell el Amarna letters. 932. P49s Ragozin, Mme. Z. A. History of the world; earliest peoples. 930. R14 Riggs, James Stevenson. History of the Jewish people during the Mac- cabean and Roman periods. 1900. (Hist, ser. for Bible students.) 933. R56 Sayce, Archibald Henry. Patriarchal Palestine. 1895. 933. S27 Seidel, M. In the time of Jesus; historical pictures. 933. S45 Smith, William. Smaller history of Greece; rev. and enl. by C. L. Brownson. must. 1897. 938. S66 Snyder, Charles M. Comic history of Greece, must. 1898. 938. S67 Thayer, Alexander Wheelock. Hebrews in Egypt and their exodus. 1897. 933. T36 Torr, Cecil. Memphis and Mycenae; examination of Egyp- tian chronology and its application to the early history of Greece. 1896. 932. T68 Trask, Caroline W. Reference handbook of Roman history, 753 B. C.-192 A. D.; by the library method. 1895. 937. T77 Wellhausen, Julius. Sketch of the history of Israel and Judah. 3d ed. 1891. 933. W45 Wood, Clara W. Topics in ancient history. 1891. 930. W87 Europe. Adams, G. B. European history. 940. A21 Andrews, C. M. Historical development of modern Europe. 2 v. 940.5 A56 Anholm, M. Vikingar och deras attlingar. must. 1892. 940. A59 Broglie, Charles Jacques Victor Albert, due de. Ambassador of the vanquished; Viscount Iblie de Gontaut-Biron’s mission to Berlin, 1871-77; tr. by A. D. Vandam. 1896. 940.9 B86 Dollinger, Johann Joseph Ignaz von. Addresses on historical and literary subjects; in continuation of ‘Studies in European his- tory’; tr. by M. Warre. 1894. 940. D66a Flower, Benjamin Orange. Century of Sir Thomas More. Illust. 1896. 940.6 F64 Froissart, Jean. Stories from Froissart; by H. Newbolt. 1899. 940.4 F92n Getehell, Merle Smith. Study of mediaeval history by the library method. 1897. ‘ 940.1 G39 Gibbon, E. History of the decline and fall of the Roman empire; ed. by J. B. Bury. 7 v. 940.1 G43 Hassall, Arthur. The balance of power, 1715-89. 1896. (Peri- ods of European hist.) 940.7 H35 Johnson, Arthur Henry. Europe in the 16th century, 1494-1598. 1897. (Periods of European hist.) 940.7 J66 Judson, Harry Pratt. Europe in the 19th century. 1894. (Chaut. read. circ. lit.) 940. J93 Round, John Horace. Feudal England; historical studies of the 11th and 12th centuries. 1895. 940.3 R85 Schwill, F. History of modem Europe. 940.5 S41 Schwob, M. Children’s crusade; tr. by H. C. Greene. 940.4 S41 Seignobos, Charles. Histoire politique de l’Europe contemporaine, 1814-96. 1897. 940.9 S45 Stead, W. T. United States of Europe. 940.9 S79 Stephens, H. M. Syllabus of eighty-seven lectures on modem European history, 1600-1890. 940.9 S83 Thatcher, Oliver Joseph. Short history of mediaeval Europe. 1897. (Chaut. read. circ. lit.) 940.1 T36s — and Schwill, F. Europe in the middle age. 1896. 940.1 T36 Tout, T. F. The empire and the papacy, 918-1273; period 2. 940.4 T73 Great Britain. Ireland. Ashton, John. When William IV was king. Hlust. 1896. 942.07 A82 Aubrey, William Hickman Smith. Rise and growth of the English nation. 1895- 96. 3 v. 942. A89 Axon, Ernest, ed. Bygone Lancashire. 1892. 942.72 A97 HISTORY . 117 Axon, William Edward Armytage. Echoes of old Lancashire. 1899. 942.72 A971e Besant, Sir Walter. The rise of an empire. 1897. (Story of the empire ser.) — Westminster. Illust. Brown, P. H. History of Scotland. Buckley, A. B. History of England. 942. B55 1895. 942.1 B55 v. 1. 941. B87 (Hist, primers.) 942. B92 Callow, Edward. From King Orry to Queen Victoria; history of the Isle of Man. 1899. 942.89 C16 Church, Alfred John. Stories from English history. New ed. Il- lust. 1898. 942. C5612 Coman, Katharine and Kendall, E. K. Growth of the English nation. 1894. (Chaut. read. eirc. lit.) 942. C72g — History of England for high schools and academies. 942. C72 Conybeare, Edward. History of Cambridgeshire. 1897. (Popular county hist.) 942.59 C76 Douglas, W. S. Cromwell’s Scotch campaigns, 1650-51. 942.06 D73 Escott, Thomas Hay Sweet. Social transformations of the Victorian age. 1897. 942.08 E74 Falkner, J. M. History of Oxfordshire. (Popular county hist.) 942.57 F19 Fitchett, William Henry. Deeds that won the empire; historic battle scenes. 5th ed. Illust. 1898. 942. F54 — How England saved Europe, the story of the great war, 1793-1815. v. 1. 942.07 F54 Fortescue, John William. History of the British army. 1899. pt. 1, v. 1-2. 942. F73 Gardiner, Samuel Rawson. What gunpowder plot was. 1897. 942.06 G22w Gerard, John. What was the gunpowder plot? 1897. 942.06 G35 Gilbert, John Thomas. History of the viceroys of Ireland; with no- tices of the castle of Dublin. 1865. 941.5 G46 Glass, Henry Alexander. The Barbone Parliament. 1899. 942.06 G54 Graham, P. Anderson. The Victorian era. Illust. 1897. 942.08 G74 Hassall, Arthur. The making; the British empire, 1714-1832. 1896. (Oxford man. of Eng. hist.) 942.07 H35 Highlands of Scotland in 1750, fr. ms. 104 in the king’s library, British museum, with an introd. by A. Lang. 941.07 H63 Hunt, Violet Brooke-. Prisoners of the Tower of London. 1899. 942. H94 Hutton, William Holden. King and baronage, 1135-1327. 1896. (Ox- ford man. of Eng. hist.) 942.03 H98 McCarthy, Justin. History of our own times; fr. 1880 to the dia- mond jubilee. Illust. 1897. 942.08 M12 — Story of the people of England in the 19th century, v. 1. (Story of the nations.) 942.07 M12 Mackinnon, James. Union of England and Scotland. 1896. 942.06 M15 Maitland, Samuel Roffey. Essays on subjects connected with the ref- ormation in England. 1899. 942.06 M23 Morris, Rupert H. Chester. 1895. (Diocesan hist.) 942.71 M87 Morris, W. O. Great campaigns of Nelson. 942.07 M87 — Ireland, 1494-1868. 1896. (Camb. hist, ser.) 941.5 M87 Nye, Edgar Wilson. Bill Nye’s history of England, fr. the Druids to the reign of Henry VIII. Illust. 1896. 942. N99 O’Brien, W. P. The great famine in Ireland; a retrospect 1845-95. 1896. 941.58 013 Oman, C. W. C. England and the hundred years’ war, 1327- 1485 A. D. (Oxford manuals of Eng. hist.) 942.04 054 — England in the 19th century. 1899. 942.08 054 Parmele, M. P. Short history of England. 942. P25 Pearman, Augustus John. Rochester. 1897. (Diocesan hist.) 942.2 P35 Powell, F. Y., and others. History of England. 3 v. 942. PS8 Powers, George Wightman. England and the reformation, 1485-1603. 1898. (Oxford man. of Eng. hist.) 942.05 P88 Ransome, Cyril. Advanced history of England. 1895. 942. R21 Richardson, Oliver H. National movement in the reign of Henry III and its culmination in the barons’ war. 1897. 942.03 R52 Robeitson, Charles Grant. Making of the English nation, B. C. 55-1135 A. D. 1896. (Oxford man. of Eng. hist.) 942.01 R64 Round, J. H. Commune of London, and other studies. 942. R85 Scott, Mrs. Mary Monica Maxwell (Hope- Scott) . Making of Abbotsford and incidents in Scot- tish history. 1897. 941. S42 Sharpe, Reginald Robinson. London and the kingdom. 1895. v. 3. 942.1 S53 Skelton, J. Maitland of Lethington and the Scotland of Mary Stuart; a history, v. 2. 941. S62 118 HISTORY. Smith, G. The United Kingdom; a political history. 1899. 2 v. 942. S64 Statham, S. P. H. History of the castle, town and port of Dover. 942.23 S79 Story, A. T. Building of the British empire. 2 v. 942. S88 Tout, T. F. Short analysis of English history. (History primers.) 942. T73a Traill, Henry Duff, ed. Social England. 1896-97. v. 5-6. 942. T76 Trevelyan, G. M. England in the age of Wycliffe. 2d ed. 942.03 T81 Turner, F. Brentford; literary and historical sketches; 1st ser. 942.1 T94 Venables, Edmund and Perry, G. G. Lincoln. 1897. (Diocesan hist.) 942.53 V44 Ward, A. W. Great Britain and Hanover; some aspects of the personal union. 942.07 W25 Wilder, Mary E. Study of idstorv by the laboratory method; England. 1S95. 942. W67 Wylie, James Hamilton. History of England under Henry IV. 1896. v. 3. 942.04 W98 Yonge, C. M. Cameos from English history, 7th-9th ser. 3 v. 942. Y55 Germany. Bax, E. B. Peasants war in Germany, 1525-26. 943.03 B35p Bigelow, Poultney. History of the German struggle for liberty. Hlust. 1896. 2 v. 943.06 B59 Fisher, H. Medieval empire. 2v. 943. F53 Fontane, Theodor. Kriegsgefangen; Erlebtes 1870. 3d ed. 1895. 943.08 F67 Headlam, C. Story of Nuremberg. (Mediaeval towns.) 943.32 H43 Janssen, Johannes. History of the German people at the close of the middle ages ; tr. fr. the Ger. by M. A. Mitchell and A. M. Christie. 1896. 2 v. 943. J35 Marx, Karl. Revolution and counter-revolution: or, Ger- many in 1848; ed. by E. M. Aveling. 1896. 943.07 M39 Maurice, Charles Edmund. Story of Bohemia. Illust. 1896. (Storv of the nations.) 943.71 M45 Parmele, M. P. Short history of Germany. 943. P25 Sybel, Heinrich von. Founding of the German empire by William I; tr. by H. S. White. 1897-98. v. 6-7. 943.07 S98 Tuttle, Herbert. History of Prussia under Frederic the Great, 1756-57; with biog. sketch by H. B. Adams. 1896. 943.1 T96 Zeller, J. S. Histoire d’Allemagne. v. 6. 943. Z51 France. Adams, George Burton. Growth of the French nation. 1896. (Chaut. read. circ. lit.) 944. A21 Bir§, Edmond. Diary of a citizen of Paris during ‘the Terror 5 ; tr. and ed. by J. De Villiers. 1896. 2 v. 944.04 B61 Bodley, John Edward Courtenay. France. 1898. 2 v. 944.04 B66 Carnot, Lazare Hippolyte. Franska revolutionen, 1789-1804; bearb. af O. W. Alund. [1889.] 944.04 C29 Coignet, Mme. Clarisse Gauthier. A gentleman of the olden time, Francois de Scepeaux, sire de Vielleville; portraits and stories of the 16th cent. tr. by C. B. Pit- man. 1887. 2 v. 944.02 C67 Cook, T. A. Storv of Rouen. (Mediaeval towns). 944.25 C77 Coubertin, Pierre, baron de. Evolution of France under the third republic; tr. fr. the French by I. F. Hapgood. 1897. 944.08 C85 Duruy, Jean Victor. History of France; tr. fr. the French by Mrs. M. Carey. 1896. 2v. 944. D96 Farmer, James Eugene. Essays on French history: Rise of the ref- ormation in France; club of the Jacobins. 1897. 944. F23 Gaullieur, H. Paternal state in France and Germany. 944. G26 Hesdin, Raoul, pseud. Journal of a spy in Paris during the reign of terror, 1794. 1896. 944.04 H58 Hopkins, Tighe. Dungeons of old Paris, must. 1897. 944.36 H79 Horsburgh, Edwin Lee Stuart. Waterloo; a narrative and a criticism. 1895. 944.05 H81 Imbert de Saint- Amand, A. L., baron. Court of the second empire [1856-58] ; tr. by E. G. Martin. 944.07 132 — France and Italy. 944.07 I32f Jephson, Henry. The real French revolutionist. 1899. 944.04 J54 Latimer, Mrs. M. E. (Wormeley), ed. Mv scrap-book of the French revolution. 2d ed. 944.04 L35 Lebon, A. Cent ans d’histoire intSrieure, 1789-1895. 944. L44c — Modem France, 1789-1895. Hlust. 1898. (Story of the nations.) 944. L44 HISTORY. 119 McCarthy, Justin Huntly. The French revolution. 1898. v. 2. 944.04 M12 March, Thomas. History of the Paris commune of 1871. 1896. 944. M31 Mignet, F. A. M. Pages choisies; [pub. par] G. Weill. (Pages choisies des grands 6crivains.) 944. M63 Parmele, M. P. Short history of France. 944. P25 Perkins, James Breck. France under Louis XV. 1897. 2v. 944.03 P44f Rothschild, Ferdinand James, baron de. Personal characteristics fr. French history. Illust. 1896. 944. R84 Ryan, Charles E. With an ambulance during the Franco-Ger- man war, 1870-71. 1896. 944.08 R98 Sargent, Herbert Howland. The campaign of Marengo. 1897. 944.05 S24 Sergeant, Lewis. The Franks. Illust. 1898. (Story of the na- tions.) 944.01 S48 Verdy du Vernois, Julius Adrian Friedrich Wil- helm von. With the royal headquarters in 1870-71. 1897. (Wolseley ser.) 944.08 V48 Watson, T. E. Story of France fr. the earliest times to the consulate of Napoleon Bonaparte. 2 v. 944. W34 Wood, Sir Evelyn. Cavalry in the Waterloo campaign. Illust. 1896. 944.05 W87 Italy. Browning, Oscar. Age of the condottieri; hist, of mediaeval Italy, 1409-1530. 1895. 945. B88 Hodgkin, T. Italy and her invaders, v. 7-8. 945. H68 King, Bolton. History of Italian unity; a political history of Italy from 1814 to 1871. 1899. 2 v. 945.08 K52 Kirkland, Elizabeth Stansbury. Short history of Italy, 476-1878. 1896. 945. K59 Latimer, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth (Wormeley). Italy from the fall of Napoleon I in 1815- Austro-Hungary and Germany. Illust. 1896. 945.08 L35 Oliphant, Mrs. Margaret Oliphant (Wilson). Makers of modern Rome. Illust. 1895. 945.6 047 Probyn, J. W. Italy from the fall of Napoleon I in 1815- 1890. 945.06 P96 Stillman, W. J. Union of Italy, 1815-95. (Cambridge hist, ser.) 945. S85 Symonds, M. and Gordon, L. D. Story of Perugia. (Mediaeval towns.) 945.6 S98 Villari, Pasquale. Two first centuries of Florentine history; tr. by L. Villari. Illust. 1895. v. 2. 945.5 V72 Yriarte, Charles £milc. Florence; its history, the Medici, the Human- ists, letters, arts. New ed. rev. Illust. 1897. 945.5 Y88 — Venice; its history, art, industries and mod- ern life. 1896. 945.3 Y88 Spain. Dunlop, John. Memoirs of Spain during the reigns of Philip IV and Charles Ii, 1621-1700. 1834. 2v. 946. D92 Fernald, James Champlin. The Spaniard in history. 1898. 946. F36 Harrison, J. A. Spain in history. New ed. enl. 946. H31 Hume, Martin Andrew Sharp. Modern Spain, 1788-1898. 1900. (Story of the nations.) 946. H92 — Spain; its greatness and decay, 1479-1788. 946.05 H92 Latimer, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth (Wormeley). Spain in the 19th centuiy. 2d ed. Illust. 1898. 946.08 L35 Lynch, H. Toledo; the story of an old Spanish capital. 1898. (Mediaeval towns.) 946.4 L98 Parmele, M P. Short history of Spain. 946. P25 Shand, A. I. War in the peninsula, 1808-14. 946.06 S52 Strobel, E. H. Spanish revolution, 1868-75. 946.08 S91 Russia. Norway. Sweden. Denmark. Codman, John. An American transport in the Crimean war. 1896. 947. C67 George, H. B. Napoleon’s invasion of Russia. 947.07 G34 Heath, Sir Leopold George. Letters from the Black Sea during the Crimean war, 1854-55. 1897. 947.07 H43 Lysons, Sir Daniel. Crimean war from first to last. 1895. 947.07 L99 Marx, K. Eastern question; ed. by E. (Marx) Aveling and E. Aveling. 947.07 M39 Sorel, A. Eastern question in the 18th century, the partition of Poland and the treaty of Kainardji; tr. by F. C. Bramwell. 947.06 S71 Ur Svenska historien, fomtid och medeltid. 1883. 2 v. 948.5 U72 Verestchagin, V. V. “1812”; Napoleon I in Russia. 947.07 V49 Wood, Sir Evelyn. The Crimea in 1854 and 1894. Hlust. 1895. 947.07 W87 120 HISTORY. Holland. Switzerland. Greece. Tur- key in Europe. Servia. Bul- garia. Montenegro. Roumania. Baker, F. Grenfell. The model republic; hist, of the rise and progress of the Swiss people. 1895. 949.4 B16 Bigham, Clive. With the Turkish army in Thessaly. 1897. 949.5 B59 Blok, P. J. History of the people of the Netherlands; tr. by O. A. Bierstadt and R. Putnam, v. 1-2. 949.2 B65 Colton, Julia M. Annals of Switzerland. Illust. 1897. 949.4 C72 Dandliker, K. Short history of Switzerland. 949.4 D17 Davey, Richard. The sultan and his subjects. 1897. 2 v. 949.6 D24 Grosvenor, Edwin Augustus. Constantinople. Illust. 1895. 2 v. 949.61 G87 Hidden, Alexander W. Ottoman dynasty. 1895. 949.6 H63 MaeColl, Malcolm. The sultan and the powers. 1896. 949.6 M12 Miller, William. Balkans; Roumania, Bulgaria, Servia and Montenegro. Illust. 1896. (Story of the nations.) 949.7 M65 Motley, John Lothrop. Rise of the Dutch republic; condensed with ■in-trod. and notes by W. E. Griffis. Illust. 1898. (Student’s Motley.) 949.2 M91 Phillips, Walter Alison. The war of Greek independence, 1821-33. 1897. 949.5 P56 Richman, Irving B. Appenzell; pure democracy and pastoral life in Inner-Rhoden; a Swiss study. 1895. 949.4 R53 Rose, W. K. With the Greeks in Thessaly. 949.5 R79 Ryan, Charles Snodgrass and Sandes, J. Under the red crescent ; adventures of an Eng- lish surgeon with the Turkish army at Plevna and Erzeroum, 1877-78. 1897. 949.7 R98 Sergeant, L. Greece in the 19th century. 949.5 S48 Steevens, George Warrington. With the conquering Turk, confessions of a Bashi-bazouk. 1897. 949.5 S81 Asia. Ameer Ali, syed. Short history of the Saracens. 953. A49 Balfour, Dady Elizabeth Edith. History of Lord Lytton’s Indian administra- tion, 1876-80; comp. fr. letters and official papers. 1899. 954. B18 Beynon, W. G. L. With Kelly to Chitral. 2d ed. Illust. 1896. 954. B57 Bliss, Edwin Munsell. Turkey and the Armenian atrocities. Illust. 1896. 956. B64 Boulger, Demetrius Charles von Kavanagh. Story of India. (Story of the empire ser.) 954. B76 Carlos, Edward Stafford. Short history of British India. 1889. (Pitt press ser.) 954. C28 Chirol, Valentine. The far Eastern question. Illust. 1896. 951. C54 Colquhoun, A. R. China in transformation, pt. 1: Text. pt. 2: Maps. 951. C72 Douglas, R. K. China. (Story of the nations.) 951. D73 Dutt, Romesh Chunder. England and India; a record of progress, 1785-1885. 1897. 954. D97e Eastlake, F. Warrington and Yoshi-aki, Y. Heroic Japan; history of the war between China & Japan. Illust. 951. E13 Frazer, Robert Watson. British India. Illust. 1897. (Story of the nations.) 954. F84 Greene, Frederick Davis. Rule of the Turk; rev. and enl. ed. of the Armenian crisis. Illust. 1896. 956. G79 Griffis, William Elliot. Corea, the hermit nation. 6th ed. rev. and enl. 1897. 951.9 G85c Haidar, Mirza Muhammad, Dughlat, Kurkan. Tarikh-i-Rashidi; history of the Moghuls of Central Asia; ed. by N. Elias; tr. by E. D. Ross. 1895. 954. H14 Hope, Ascott Robert. Story of the Indian mutiny. Illust. 1896. 954. H79 Hunter, Sir W. W. History of British India, v. 1. 954. H94 James, Lionel. The Indian frontier war; acct. of the Moh- mund and Tirah expeditions, 1897. Illust. 1898. 954. J27 Krausse, A. Russia in Asia; a record and a study, 1558- 1899. 950. K91 Metcalfe, C. T., tr. Two native narratives of the mutiny in Delhi. 954.5 M58 Morris, J. What will Japan do? a forecast. 1898. 952. M87w Skrine, F. H.. and Ross, E. D. The heart of Asia. 958. S62 Thomson, H. C. Chitral campaign; narrative of events in Chitral, Swat and Bajour. Illust. 1895. 954.2 T48 Tupper, Henry Allen. Armenia; its present crisis and past history. 1896. 956.6 T92 Vibart, E. The Sepoy mutiny as seen by a subaltern. 954.5 V62 HISTORY. 121 Vladimir, pseud. The China- Japan war; comp. fr. Japanese, Chinese and foreign sources. Illust. 1896. 951. V86 — Russia on the Pacific and the Siberian railw'ay. 957. V86 Williams, Samuel Wells. History of China; hist. chap. fr. “The middle kingdom”; with chap, narrating recent events by F. W. Williams. 1897. 951. W72 Younghusband, George John. Indian frontier warfare. 1898. (Wolseley ser.) 954. Y78i — and Younghusband, F. E. Relief of Ohitral. Illust. 1896. 954. Y78 Africa. Africa, its partition and its future; [by H. M. Stanley and others]. 960. A25 Ashe, Robert Pickering. Chronicles of Uganda. Illust. 1895. 967. A82 Bennett, E. N. Downfall of the dervishes; or, The avenging of Gordon ; a personal narrative of the Soudan campaign of 1898. 962.6 B47 Bigelow, Poultne’y. White man’s Africa. Illust. 1898. 968. B59 Boisragon, A. Benin massacre. 966.5 B68 Britain and the Boers; both sides of the African question; (three articles reprinted fr. the North American review.) 1899. 968. B86 Bryce, James. Impressions of South Africa. 1897. 968. B916 — Impressions of South Africa. 3d ed. with a new pref. chapter and with the Transvaal conventions of 1881 and 1884. 968. B9162 Churchill, W. L. S. The river war; an hist, account of the recon- quest of the Soudan ; ed. by F. Rhodes. 2 v. 966.2 C56 Cloete, Henry. History of the great Boer trek and the origin of the South African republics; ed. by W. Brodrick-Cloete. 2d ed. 1899. 968. C64 Colvile, Sir Henry Edward. Land of the Nile springs; aeet. of how we fought Kabarega. Illust. 1895. 967. C72 Dawson, E. W. Madagascar; its capabilities and resources. 1895. 969. D27 Ferryman, A. F. Mockler-. Imperial Africa, v. 1 : British West Africa. 960. F39 Fitzpatrick, J. Percy. The Transvaal from within; a private record of public affairs. 1900. 968.2 F55 Haggard, H. R. History of the Transvaal. 968.2 H14h — The last Boer war. 1899. 968.2 H14 Hammond, Mrs. Natalie. A woman’s part in a revolution. 1897. 968.2 H22 Harding, William. War in South Africa and the dark continent. 1899. 968. H26 Hillegas, H. C. Oom Paul’s people; a narrative of the British Boer troubles. 968.2 H65 Hinde, Sidney Langford. Fall of the Congo Arabs. 1897. 967. H66 Ireland, Alleyne. The Anglo-Boer conflict; its history and causes. 1900. 968. 165 Jessett, M. G. Key to South Africa: Delagoa Bay. 967.9 J58 Johnston, Sir H. H. History of the colonization of Africa by alien races. (Camb. hist, ser.) 960. J72 King, James. Dr. Jameson’s raid; its causes and conse- quences. 1896. 968.2 K53 Latimer, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth (Wormeley). Europe in Africa in the 19th century. Illust. 1895. 960. L35 Little, W. J. K. Sketches and studies in South Africa. 968. L77 Macnab, Frances. On veldt and farm. 2d ed. 1897. 968. M16 Meakin, Budgett. The Moorish empire; a hist, epitome. 1899. 964. M48 Molteno, Percy Alport. A federal South Africa; comparison of the critical period of Amer. hist, with the pres- ent position of South Africa. 1896. 968. M72 Molyneux, William Charles Francis. Campaigning in South Africa and Egypt. 1896. 960. M73 Newman, Charles L. Norris. Matabeleland and how we got it; with notes on the occupation of Mashunaland. 1895. 968. N55 Phillips, Mrs. Florence. Some South African recollections. 1900. 968.2 P55 Russell, G. History of old Durban. 968.4 R96 Sanderson, E. Africa in the 19th century. 960. S21 Sayce, Archibald Henry. Egypt of the Hebrews and Herodotus. 1895. 962. S27 Schreiner, O. An English-South African’s view of the situa- tion. 968.2 S37 Slatin, Rudolf C., pasha. Fire and sword in the Sudan, 1879-95; tr. by F. R. Wingate. Illust. 1896. 962.6 S63 Steevens, G. W. With Kitchener to Khartum. 966.2 S81 Stickney, Albert. The Transvaal outlook. 1900. 968. S85 122 HISTORY. Theal, George MacCalL Story of South Africa: Cape Colony, Natal, Orange Free State, South African Republic and all other territories south of the Zam- besi. IUust. 1896. (Story of the nations.) 968. T37 Wilkinson, S. British policy in South Africa. 968.2 W68 Withers, Hartley. English and the Dutch in South Africa; a hist, retrospect. 1896. 968. W82 Worsfold, W. B. Story of South Africa. (Story of the empire ser.) 968. W93 North America. North American Indians. Adams, R. C. A Delaware Indian legend and the story of their troubles. 970.3 A21 Chadwick, E. M. People of the Longhouse. 970.3 C43 Coe, C. H. Red patriots; the story of the Seminoles. 970.3 C67 Eickemeyer, Carl and Eickemeyer, L. W. Among the Pueblo Indians. Ulust. 1895. 970.3 E34 Gilman, S. C. Conquest of the Sioux. New ed. rev. Illust. 1897. 970.3 G48 Greene, Jeremiah Evarts. Our dealings with the Indians. 1896. 970.5 G81 Grinnell, George Bird. Story of the Indian. Rlust. 1895. (Story of the West ser.) 970.1 G86 Love, William DeLoss. Samson Occom and the Christian Indians of New England. [1899.] 970.2 L89 Maclean, John. Canadian savage folk; native tribes of Can* ada. Illust. 1896. 970.3 M16 McLean, John. Indians of Canada; their manners and cus- toms. 3d ed. Illust. 1892. 970.6 M16 Payne, E. J. History of the new world called America, v. 2. 970. P34 Yawger, Rose N. The Indian and the pioneer; an hist, study. Illust. 1893. 2 v. in 1. 970.3 Y35 Canada. British America. Begg, Alexander. History of British Columbia. Illust. 1894. 971.1 B41 Bourinot, John George. Story of Canada. Hlust. 1896. (Story of the nations.) 971. B77 Calkin, J. B. History of the Dominion of Canada. (Nova Scotia school ser.) 971. C15 Collins, J. E. Canada under the administration of Lord Lome. (Roses’ Canadian national ser.) 971. C71 David, L. O. Les patriotes de 1837-38. 971. D24 Dent, John Charles. Story of the Upper Canadian rebellion. 1885. 2 v. 971. D41 Gu6nin, E. La Nouvelle-France. v. 1-2. (Histoire de la colonisation frangaise.) 971. G92 Kennedy, Howard Angus. Story of Canada. 1898. (Story of the empire ser.) 971. K35 Kingsford, William. History of Canada. 1893-98. v. 6-10. 971. K55 Lizars, R. and Lizars, K. M. Humours of ’37, grave, gay and grim; rebel- lion times in the Canadas. 971. L78 Mac Beth, R. G. Making of the Canadian West; reminiscences. 971.2 Mllm — Selkirk settlers in real life. 971.27 MU Miles, H. H. History of Canada under French regime, 1535- 1763. 1881. 971. M64 Roberts, Charles George Douglas. History of Canada. 1897. 971. R64 Withrow, William Henry. Popular history of the Dominion of Canada. Rev. & enl. ed. Illust. 1893. 971. W82 Mexico. Central America. West Indies. Bonsai, Stephen. Real condition of Cuba to-day. 1897. 972.91 B72 Davis, Richard Harding. Cuba in war time; illust. by F. Remington. 1897. 972.91 D26 Fiske, A. K. West Indies. (Story of the nations.) 972.9 F54 Flint, Grover. Marching with Gomez; a war correspondent’s note book. Illust. 1898. 972.91 F62 Hall, A. D. Cuba, its past, present and future; — Porto Rico, its history, products and possibilities. 972.91 H17 Halstead, Murat. Story of Cuba; her struggles for liberty. Illust. 1896. 972.91 H19 Lucas, Daniel B. Nicaragua; war of the filibusters; Nicara- guan canal by W. A. MacCorkle: Monroe doctrine by J. F. McLaughlin. 1896. 972.85 L93 Matthews, F. New-born Cuba. 972.91 M43 Moses, B. Establishment of Spanish rule in America. 972. M91 Noa, F. M. Pearl of the Antilles. 972.91 N73 HISTORY . 123 Pepper, C. M. To-morrow in Cuba. 972.91 P42 Rea, George Bronson. Facts and fakes about Cuba. Illust. 1897. 972.91 R28 Rodway, James. The West Indies and the Spanish main. Illust. 1896. (Story of the nations.) 972.9 R69 Stevenson, Mrs. S. Y. Maximilian in Mexico; a woman’s reminis- cences of the French intervention, 1862- 1867. 972. S84 United States. General Works. Abbott, Edward. Paragraph history of the United States. 1896. 973. A13 Bacheler, A. W. Reference handbook of American history by the library method; 1789-1889. 1895. 973. Bll Channing, Edward. Students’ history of the United States. Illust. 1898. * 973. C45s — United States of America, 1765-1865. 1896. (Camb. hist, ser.) 973. C45 Channing, Edward and Hart, A. B. Guide to the study of American history. 1896. 973. C45g De Celles, A. D. Les fitats-Unis; origine, institutions, devel- oppement. 973. D29 Ellis, Edward Sylvester. History of our country. Illust. 1898. 973. E47 Gordy, Wilbur Fisk. History of the United States for schools. Illust. 1898. 973. G66h — and Twitchell, W. I. Pathfinder in American history, pt. 2. 1893. 973. G66 Harrisse, Henry. Diplomatic history of America; its first chap- ter, 1452, 1493-94. 1897. 973. H323 Hart, Albert Bushnell, ed. American history told by contemporaries. 1898. 2 v. 973. H32a — Source-book of American history. 973. H32 Howard, J. R., comp. Patriotic nuggets; Franklin, Washington, Jefferson, Webster, Lincoln, Beecher. 973.03 H84 McCarthy, J. H. History of the U. S. 973. M12 McLaughlin, A. C. History of the American nation. (Twentieth century ser.) 973. M16 McMaster, John Bach. History of the people of the U. S. 1900. v. 5. 973. M167h — School history of the United States. Illust. 1897. 973. M167s — With the fathers; studies in the hist, of the United States. 1896. 973. M167 Monroe, James. Oberlin Thursday lectures, addresses and es- says. 1897. 973. M75 Montgomery, David Henry. Student’s American history. 1897. (Leading facts of hist, ser.) 973. M78 Mowry, William Augustus and Mowry, A. M. History of the United States for schools. Hlust. 1897. 973. M93 Nolte, F. Histoire des fitats-Unis d’AmGrique depuis les temps les plus recutes jusqu’h, nos jours. 2 v. 973. N79 Paget, R L., ed. Poems of American patriotism, 1776-1898. 1898. (Anthology ser.) 973.03 P13 Parmele, M. P. Short history of the United States. 973. P25 Reynolds, Grindall. Collection of historical and other papers; [with] 7 sermons. 1895. 973. R46 Rhodes, J. F. History of the United States from the com- promise of 1850. v. 4: 1862-64. 973. R47 The Scot in America. 1896. 973. R82 Schouler, James. History of the United States of America under the constitution. 1899. v. 6. 973. S37 Wagner, Harr, comp. Patriotic quotations; for use in the public schools. 180-. 973.03 W13 Williams, George Abner. Topics and references in Amer. history. Rev. and enl. ed. 1897. (Standard teachers’ lib.) 973. W72 Wilson, Annie E. Compendium of United States history and lit- erature, with current events. 1896. 973. W74 Winsor, Justin. The westward movement; the colonies and the republic west of the Alleghanies, 1763- 98. Hlust. 1897. 973. W78 Discovery. Colonial Period. Baker, Charlotte Alice. True stories of New England captives carried to Canada during the old French and In- dian wars. 1897. 973.2 B16 Brown, Alexander. First republic in America. 1898. 973.2 B87 Bvington, E. H. The puritan as a colonist and reformer. 973.2 B99 Catherwood, Mrs. M. (Hartwell). Heroes of the middle West; the French. 973.2 C36 Cobb, Sanford Hoadley. Story of the Palatines; an episode in colonial history. 1897. 973.2 C65 Columbus, Christopher. Letter on the discovery of America; fac-sim. reprint by Lenox library. 2d ed. 1893. 973.1 C721 124 HISTORY. Eggleston, Edward. Beginners of a nation; hist, of the earliest English settlements in America. 1897. 973.1 E29 Fiske, J. Dutch and quaker colonies in America. 2 v. 973.2 F54 Griffis, W. E. Romance of American colonization. 973.2 G85 Hale, E. E. Studies in American colonial life. (Wayside course ser.; Chautauqua system of educ.) 973.2 H1G Hathaway, S. History of Redemption Rock. 973.2 H36 MacDonald, W., ed. Select charters and other documents illustra- tive of American history, 1606-1775. 973.2 M13 McManus, Blanche. Voyage of the Mayflower. Hlust. 1897. 973.2 M16 Neukomm, Edmond. Rulers of the sea; Norsemen in America from the 10th to the 15th century. Illust. 1896. 973.1 N48 Orr, Charles, ed. History of the Pequot war. 1897. 973.2 075 Smith, George Barnett. Romance of colonization; the United States fr. the earliest times to the landing of the pilgrim fathers. 1897. 973.1 S64 Weare, G. E. Cabot’s discovery of North America. 1897. 973.1 W36 Revolution. War of 1812. War with Mexico. Barnes, James. Naval actions of the war of 1812. Hlust. 1896. *1 Brown, Abram English. Beneath old roof trees. Hlust. 1896. 973.3 B87 Burgess, John William. The middle period, 1817-58. 1897. (Amer. hist, ser.) 973.5 B95 Conner, Philip Syng Physick. Home squadron under Commodore Conner in tne war with Mexico, 1846-47. 1896. 973.6 C75 Dixon, Mrs. S. B. True history of the Missouri compromise and its repeal. 973.5 D62 Drake, Samuel Adams. Burgovne’s invasion of 1777; with sketch of the Amer. invasion of Canada, 1775-76. 1889. (Decisive events in Amer. hist.) 973.33 D76b — Campaign of Trenton. 1776-77. Hlust. 1895. (Decisive events in Amer. hist.) 973.33 D76 Edgar, Matilda, ed. Ten years of Upper Canada in peace and war, 1805-1815; being the Ridout letters: with an appendix. 1890. 973.5 R23 Hale. Edward Everett. Independence dav; an address. 1896. 973.3 H161 Johnston, H. P. Battle of Harlem Heights, Sept. 16, 1776. 973.33 J72 King, Horatio. Turning on the light; survey of Pres. Bu- chanan’s administration. 1895. 973.6 K52 Lecky, W. E. H. American revolution, 1763-83; chap. fr. the author’s History of England in the 18th century; ed. by J. A. Woodbum. 973.3 L46 Lippi tt, Charles Warren. Oration at the centennial celebration of Cleve- land, Ohio; on Perry’s victory day, Sept. 10, 1896. 973.5 L76 Lodge, H. C. Storv of the revolution. 2 v. 973.3 L82 Peck, C. H. The Jacksonian epoch. 973.5 P36 Rogers, Robert. Journals; with introd. and notes by F. B. Hough. 1883. 973.38 R72 Stryker, W. S. Battles of Trenton and Princeton. 973.33 S92 Trevelyan, Sir G. O. American revolution, 1766-76. v. 1. 973.3 T81 Civil War. Anderson, Edward. Camp fire stories ; sketches of the Union army in the Southwest. 973.79 A54 Banks, L. A., ed. Immortal songs of camp and field; story of their inspiration, with anecdotes connected with their history. 973.79 B21 Bloodgood, J. D. Personal reminiscences of the war. 1893. 973.78 B65 Boynton, H. V. Was General Thomas slow at Nashville? 973.73 B79 Britton, W. Civil war on the border; a narrative of opera- tions in Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas and the Indian Territory during 1861-65. 2d ed. rev. 2 v. 973.74 B8621 Cornwallis, K. The war for the union; or, The duel between North and South; a poetical panorama, hist, and descriptive. 973.79 C82 Cox, Jacob Dolson. Battle of Franklin, Tenn., Nov. 30, 1864. 1897. 973.73 C87 Dana, C. A. Recollections of the civil war. 973.78 D16 Dinkins, James. 1861-65; personal recollections and experiences in the confederate army. Hlust. 1897. 973.78 D58 Dunning, William Archibald. Essays on the civil war and reconstruction and related topics. 1898. 973.7 D92 Edwards, John Newman. Shelby and his men; or, The war in the West; ed. bv Mrs. J. Edwards. 1897. 973.74 E26 HISTOR Y. 125 Fiske, John. The Mississippi valley in the civil war. 1900. 973.74 F54 Ford, A. E. Story of the 15th regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry, in the civil war, 1861-64. *1 Glazier, Willard W. The capture, the prison pen and the escape; hist, of prison life in the South. Illust. 1869. 973.77 G55 Granger, Moses Moorhead. Washington vs. Jefferson, the case tried by battle in 1861-65. 1898. 973.7 G75 Hallowell, Norwood P. The negro as a soldier in the war of the rebellion. 1897. 973.7 H19 Harris, Thomas L. Trent affair; review of English and American relations at the beginning of the civil war. 1896. 973.72 H31 Hawes, Jesse. Cahaba; a story of captive boys in blue. 1888. 973.77 H39 Holland, Mary A. Gardner, comp. Our army nurses; sketches of women who served during our civil war. Illust. 1895. 973.77 H73 Hosmer, Francis J. Glimpse of Andersonville and other writings. 1896. 973.77 H82 James, Bushrod Washington. Echoes of battle. 1895. 973.79 J27 La Bree, B., ed. Camp fires of the confederacy; a volume of humorous anecdotes, etc. 973.7 L12 Longstreet, James. From Manassas to Appomattox; memoirs of the civil war. Illust. 1896. 973.7 L85 Loyal legion of the U. S., Military order of the — New York commandery. Personal recollections of the war of the re- bellion; addresses ed. by J. G. Wilson and T. M. Coan. 1891. 2 v. 973.76 L92 — Ohio commandery. Sketches of war history, 1861-65; ed. by W. H. Chamberlin. 1896. v. 4. 973.7 L92 Melville, Herman. Battle-pieces and aspects of the war. 1896. 973.79 M531 Page, C. A. Letters of a war correspondent; ed. by J. R. Gilmore. 973.78 P13 Pickett, Mrs. La Salle Corbell. Pickett and his men. 2d ed. 1900. 973.78 P59 Porter, Horace. Campaigning with Grant. 1897. 973.7 P84 Hopes, J. C. Story of the civil war. v. 2. 973.7 B78 Pusling, James F. Men and things I saw in civil war days. 1899. 973.78 R95 Sinclair, Arthur. Two years on the Alabama. 2d ed. Illust. 1896. 973.75 S61 Stevens, C. A. Berdan’s U. S. sharpshooters in the Army of the Potomac, 1861-65. 1892. 973.74 S84 Temple, O. P. East Tennessee and the civil war. 973.7 T28 Thatcher, Marshall P. A hundred battles in the West; St. Louis to Atlanta, 1861-65. 1884. 973.74 T36 Trumbull, H. C. War memories of an army chaplain. 973.78 T86 U. S. — War department. War of the rebellion; official records of the union and confederate armies. ser. 2, v. 3, 8; ser. 3, v. 1-3. 1898-99. *1 Whitman, Walt. The wound dresser; letters fr. hospitals in Washington, during the war of the re- bellion; ed. by R. M. Bucke. 1898. 973.77 W61 Williamson, James J. Mosby’s rangers; record of the operations of the 43d battalion, Virginia cavalry. Illust. 1896. 973.78 W73 Later Nineteenth Century. Spanish- Amer- ican War. Andrews, Elisha Benjamin. History of the last quarter-century in the United States, 1870-1895. Illust. 1896. 2 v. 973.8 A56 Bigelow, J., jr. Reminiscences of the Santiago campaign. 973.8 B59 Bonsai, Stephen. Fight for Santiago. 973.8 B72 Davis, R. H. The Cuban and Porto Rican campaigns. 973.8 D26 Goode, W. A. M. With Sampson through the war. 973.8 G64 Hall, T. The fun and fighting of the Rough riders. 973.8 H17 Hemment, J. C. Cannon and camera; sea and land battles of the Spanish- American war. 973.8 H48 Hobson, R. P. Sinking of the “Merrimac.” 973.8 H68 Johnston, W. A. History up to date; account of the war of 1898 between the U. S. and Spain. 973.8 J73 Kennan, G. Campaigning in Cuba. 973.8 K34 Lodge, H. C. The war with Spain. 973.8 L82 Mahan, Alfred Thayer. Lessons of the war with Spain, and other ar- ticles. 1899. 973.8 M214 Marburg, Theodore. Political papers: The war with Spain; The Venezuelan dispute. 1898. 973.8 M31 Marshall, E. Story of the Rough riders, 1st U. S. volunteer cavalry. 973.8 M36 126 HISTORY. Milev, J. D. In Cuba with Shafter. 973.8 M64 Millet, Francis Davis. Expedition to the Philippines. Ulust. 1900. 973.8 M65 Nelan, C. Cartoons of our war with Spain. 973.8 N41 Parker, J. H. History of the Gatling gun detachment, fifth army corps, at Santiago. 973.8 P24 Roosevelt, T. Rough riders. 973.8 R78 Sigsbee, C. D. The “Maine;” an account of her destruction in Havana harbor. 973.8 S57 Spanish- American war; described by eye wit- Our navy in the war with Spain. 973.8 S74 United States naval institute. Log of the U. S. gunboat Gloucester. 973.8 U58 Vivian, T. J. The fall of Santiago. 973.8 V85f —With Dewey at Manila. 973.8 V85 Watterson, H. History of the Spanish- American war. 973.8 W34 Wheeler, Gen. J. Santiago campaign, 1898. 973.8 W56 Wilcox, M. Short hist, of the war with Spain. 973.8 W66 Separate States. Austin, J. 0. Journal of William Jefferay, gentleman; a diary that might have been. 974.5 A93 Bruce, Philip Alexander. Economic history of Virginia in the 17 th cen- tury. 1896. 2 y. 975.5 B88 Chambers, Henry Edward. Louisiana; sketch of its past and present. 1897. 976.3 C44 Davis, Mrs. Mary Evelyn (Moore). Under six flags; the story of Texas. 1897. 976.4 D26 Drake, Samuel Adams. Making of Virginia and the middle colonies, 1578-1701. Ulust. 1893. 975. D76 English, William Hayden. Conquest of the country northwest of the river Ohio, 1778-83, and life of Gen. George Rogers Clark. Hlust. 1896. 2 v. 977. E58 Fisher, Sydney George. The making of Pennsylvania. 1896. 974.8 F53 — Pennsylvania, colony and commonwealth. 1897. 974.8 F53p Fiske, John. Old Virginia and her neighbours. 1897. 2 v. 975. F541 Flint, Martha BockSe. Early Long Island; a colonial study. 1896. 974.721 F62 Hamilton, Peter Joseph. Colonial Mobile; an hist, study, 1519-1821. Hlust. 1898. 976.1 H21 Hebberd, S. S. History of Wisconsin under the dominion of France. 1890. 977.5 H44 Hittell, Theodore Henry. History of California. 1897. v. 3-4. 979.4 H67 Inman, Henry. The old Santa Fe trail; the story of a great highway. Illust. 1898. 978. 157 Kirkland, Joseph. Chicago massacre of 1812; with hist, docu- ments. Hlust. 1893. 977.3 K59 McCrady, E. History of South Carolina under the proprie- tary government, 1670-1719. 1897. 975.7 M13h — History of South Carolina under the royal government, 1719-76. 975.7 M13 McManus, Blanche. How the Dutch came to Manhattan. Hlust. 1897. 974.7 M16 — The quaker colony. (Colonial monographs.) 974.8 M16 Montgomery, Morton L. School hist, of Berks co., Pennsylvania. Hlust. 1889. 974.816 M78 Pickett, A. J. History of Alabama and incidentally of Georgia and Mississippi. 976.1 P59 Repplier, A. Philadelphia, the place and the people. 974.81 R42 Robinson, Alfred. Life in California; the country and the mis- sionary establishments. 1891. 979.4 R65 Roosevelt, Theodore. Winning of the West. 1896. v. 4. 978. R78 Rozier, Firmiin A. Rozier’s history of the early settlement of the Mississippi valley. 1890. 976. R89 Severance, F. H. Old trails on the Niagara frontier. 974.7 S49 Sharpless, Isaac. A quaker experiment in government. 1898. 974.8 S53 Todd, Charles Burr. Brief history of the city of New York. 1899. 974.71 T63 New England. Arber, Edward, ed. Story of the pilgrim fathers, 1606-23, as told by themselves, their friends and their ene- mies; ed. fr. original texts. 1897. 974.48 A66 Bliss, William Root. Quaint Nantucket. 1896. 974.49 N19b Bolton, Charles Knowles. Brookline; history of a favored town. Hlust. 1897. 974.47 B69 Bradford, William. History “Of Plimoth plantation” ; fr. the orig- inal ms.; printed under the direction of the Secretary of the commonwealth, by order of the General court. 1898. 974.48 B79 HIS TOR Y. FICTION. 127 Child, Frank Samuel. An old New England town, Fairfield, Conn.; sketches of life, scenery ana character. Illust. 1895. 974.69 F16c Drake, Samuel Adams. On Plymouth rock. Illust. 1897. 974.48 D76 Estes, Stanley J., ed. Story of New Sweden [Maine] ; as told at the quarter centennial celebration, 1895. 1896. 974.1 N55 Goold, Nathan. History of Peaks Island and its people; also a short hist, of House Island, Portland, Maine. 1897. 974.19 G65 Hoar, George Frisbie. Oration at Plymouth, Dec. 21, 1895, at the celebration of the 275th anniversary of the landing of the pilgrims. 1895. 974.48 H67 Howe, D. W. Puritan republic of the Massachusetts Bay in New England. 974.4 H85 King, Henry Melville. Summer visit of three Rhode Islanders to the Massachusetts Bay in 1651. 1896. 974.4 K52 Mann, Charles Edward. In the heart of Cape Ann; or, The story of Dogtown. Illust. 1896. 974.45 M28 Marvin, Abijah Perkins. History of Worcester in the war of the re- bellion. New ed. 1880. 974.43 W92m2 Northend, William Dummer. The Bay colony; civil, religious and social hist, of the Massachusetts colony. 1896. 974.4 N87 Roads, Samuel. History and traditions of Marblehead. 1897. 974.45 M31r Rice, F. P., ed. The Worcester of eighteen hundred and ninety-eight. 974.43 W9r Worcester, Mass. — City council. Ceremonies at the laying of the corner-stone of the new city hall, Worcester, Sept. 12, 1896, and at the dedication of the building, April 28, 1898; with an acct. of the semi- centennial celebration of the incorporation of Worcester as a city, June 20-24, 1898. 947.43 W92c South America. Butterworth, H. South America. C., R. History of South America. Oceanica. Bancroft, H. H. New Pacific. Blackman, W. F. Making of Hawaii. Carpenter, E. J. America in Hawaii. Cool, W. With the Dutch in the East; military opera- tions in Lombock, 1894; tr. fr. the Dutch by E. J. Taylor. Illust. 1897. 991. C77 Davis, O. K. Our conquests in the Pacific. 991.4 D26 Fiske, A. K. Story of the Philippines from their discovery to their capture by Dewey. 991.4 F54 Foreman, J. The Philippine islands. 2d ed. rev. and enl. 991.4 F7152 Halstead, M. Story of the Philippines. 991.4 H19 Lala, R. R. Philippine islands. 991.4 L19 Liliuokalani, queen of Hawaii. Hawaii’s story. Illust. 1898. 996.9 L72 Reeves, W. P. New Zealand. (Story of the empire ser.) 993.1 R33 Semon, R. In the Australian bush and on the coast of the Coral Sea. 994. S47 Shaw, Flora Louisa. Story of Australia. (Story of the empire ser.) 994. S53 Tregarthen, Greville. Australasia: New South Wales, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, South Austra- lia, Queensland, New Zealand. 1898. (Story of the nations.) 993. T78 Twombly, Alexander Stevenson. Hawaii and its people; the land of rainbow and palm. 1899. * 996.9 T97 Young, L. Real Hawaii. 996.9 Y73 Younghusband, G. J. Philippines and round about. 991.4 Y78 Fiction. Abbott, Charles Conrad. A colonial wooing. A131c — The hermit of Nottingham. A131h — When the century was new. A131w “Adalet,” pseud. Hadjira, a Turkish love story. A192'h Adams, O. F. The archbishop’s unguarded moment, and other stories. A216a Ade, George. Artie; a story of the streets and town. A228a — Doc’ Horne. A228d — Pink Marsh; a story of the streets and town. A228p Ainsworth, William Harrison. Preston fight; or, The insurrection of 1715. A297p Alden, Mrs. I. (McDonald). As in a mirror. A358a — Chautauqua girls at home. A358c — Making fate. A358m — Overruled. A358ov — Yesterday framed in to-day; a story of the Christ and how to-day received him. A358y Alden, William Livingston. Among the freaks. A359a 980. B98 980. CIO 991.4 B21 996.9 B62 996.9 C29 FICTION . 128 Alexander, Mrs. pseud. A fight with fate. A374f — A golden autumn. A374g — A winning hazard. A374w Alien, pseud. In golden shackles. A398g — The majesty of man. A398m — Wheat in the ear. A398w Allen, Charles. Papier mfich§. A4251p Allen, Grant. An African millionaire. A425af — The incidental bishop. A425i — 'Miss Cayley’s adventures. A425m Allen, James Lane. Aftermath ; part second of (C A Kentucky cardinal.” A427a — The choir invisible. A427c — Summer in Arcady. A427s Altsheler, J. A. Herald of the West. A469h — Sun of Saratoga; a romance of Burgoyne’s surrender. A469s Amyand, Arthur. Only a drummer boy. A531o Andreae, Percy. The vanished emperor. A556v Anstey, F. pseud. Baboo Hurry Bungsho Jabberjee, B. A. A625b — Love among the lions. A6251o — Statement of Stella Maberly. A625s Arnold, Sir E. The queen’s justice. A753q Arnold, Edwin Lester Linden. Story of Ulla. A7531s Atherton, Gertrude. American wives and English husbands. A868a — His fortunate Grace. A868h — Valiant runaways. A868v Austin, Maude Mason. ’Cension; a sketch from Paso del Norte. A9371c Bailey, Alice Ward. Mark Heffron. B154m Baldwin, Mrs. Alfred. The shadow on the blind, and other ghost stories. B 181 Is Balfour, Frederic Henry. Cherryfield Hall. B185c Balfour, Marie Clothilde. Fall of the sparrow. B1851f — Maris stella. B1851m Balzac, Honors de. Daughter of Eve; tr. by K. P. Wormeley. B198d — Deputy of Arcis; tr. by K. P. Wormeley. B198de — Gallery of antiquities; tr. by K. P. Wormeley. B198ga — Gobseck; tr. by K. P. Wormeley. B198go — Juana; tr. by K. P. Wormeley. B198j — Lesser bourgeoisie; tr. by K. P. Wormeley. B1981e Bangs, John Kendrick. The bicyclers and three other farces. B216b — The dreamers. B216d — Enchanted typewriter. B216e — Ghosts I have met and some others. B216g — House-boat on the Styx. B216h — The mantel-piece minstrels, and other stories. B216ma — Paste jewels; seven tales of domestic woe. B216pa — Peeps at people. B216p — Pursuit of the house-boat. B216pu — A rebellious heroine. B216r Banks, Charles Eugene and Cook, G. C. In Hampton Hoads. B218i Barlow, J. Creel of Irish stories. B258c — Mrs. Martin’s company and other stories. B258mr — Strangers at Lisconnel; a 2d ser. of Irish idylls. B258s Barnes, James. For king or country; a story of the Amer. revolution. B261f — A loyal traitor; story of the war of 1812. B2611 — A Princetonian ; story of undergraduate life. B261p Barnes, Willis. Dame Fortune smiled. B2611d Barnett, Edith A. A champion in the seventies. B2612e Barnum, Mrs. F. C. (Baylor). Ladder of fortune. B2631 Barr, Mrs. A. E. (Huddleston). I, thou and the other one. B268i — The king’s highway. B268k — A knight of the nets. B268kn — Prisoners of conscience. B268p — Was it right to forgive? B268w Barr, Robert. From whose bourne. B2681fr — The mutable many. B2681m — One day’s courtship; and, The heralds of fame. B2681o — Strong arm. B2681s — Tekla. B2681t — A woman intervenes; or, The mistress of the mine. B2681w Barrett, Wilson. Sign of the cross. B2741s — and Barron, E. A. In old New York; a romance. B2741i — and Hichens H. Daughters of Babylon. B2741d Barrie, J. M. Jess. B275j — Sentimental Tommy. B275s Barrow, E. N. King’s rivals. B278k Barry, John Daniel. The intriguers. B2791i — Mademoiselle Blanche. B2791m Barry, W. Two standards. B281t Bartlett, Vanda Wathen-. Heart’s desire. B291h Barton, William Eleazer. A hero in homespun; a tale of the loyal South. B293h — The truth about the trouble at Houndstone. B293t FICTION. 129 Baskett, James Newton. “At you-all’s house.” B315at Bates, A. The puritans. B329p Beaumont, Mary. Joan Seaton. B379j Becke, L. Rldan, the devil, and other stories. B394r — Rodman the boatsteerer, and other stories. B394ro — and Jeffery, W. A first fleet family. B394f Note. — Story of convict life. New South Wales, latter part of 18th century. Bell, Lilian. Little sister to the wilderness. B4341i — Love affairs of an old maid. B4341 — The underside of things. B434u Bellamy, E. Blindman’s world, and other stories. B435b — Equality. B435e Benham, Charles. The fourth Napoleon. B466f Benson, E. F. The Capsina. B4741c — Limitations. B474U — Mammon and co. B4741m — The vintage, romance of the Greek war of independence. B4741v Berwick, John. Secret of Saint Florel. B553s Besant, Sir Walter. The city of refuge. B554c — A fountain sealed. B554f — The master craftsman. B554m — Orange girl. B554o Beyle, Marie Henri. Red and black; a chronicle of the 19th cen- tury; tr. fr. the French by E. P. Robins. 2 v. B573r Bickerdyke, John, pseud. Lady Val’s elopement. B5831 Bickford, L. H. and Powell, R. S. Phyllis in Bohemia. B5831p Bierce, Ambrose. In the midst of life; tales of soldiers and civilians. B588i Bill, Edward Lyman. Sword of the pyramids. B596s Bingham, J. F. Twin sisters of Martigny; a story of Italian life forty years ago. B613t Binner, Paul. Old stories retold. B614o Birchenough, M. C. Bradley. Disturbing elements. B617d Bird, Robert. Joseph the dreamer. B618j Bjornson, B. Absalom’s hair; and, A painful memory. B626a Black, Alexander. A capital courtship. B627c Black, Clementina. Princess D6sir6e. B6271p Black, William. Briseis. B6272b — Wild Eelin B6272w Blackmore, Richard Doddridge. Dariel. B629d — Slain by the Doones, and other stories. B629s Blake, M. M. Courtship by command; a story of Napoleon at play. B636c — ‘When the century was young. B636w Blanchard, A. E. An independent daughter. B639i — Taking a stand. B639ta Blatchford, Robert. Tommy Atkins of the Ramchunders. B644t Blissett, N. K. The concert-director. B649c Blondel, Auguste. The revenge of Lucas Helm. B654r Boldrewood, Rolf, pseud. Crooked stick; or, Pollie’s probation. B687c — My run home. B687my — Plain living, a bush idyll. B687p Bonham, E. Corner of old Cornwall. B714c Boothby, Guy Newell. Dr. Nikola. B725d — Fascination of the king. B725f — Lust of hate. B7251 — Sheilah McLeod. B725s Borrow, George Henry. Lavengro, the scholar, the gypsy, the priest. B7371 Bourdillon, Francis William. NephelG. B769n Bourget, P. Antigone, and other portraits of women; tr. by W. Marchant. B772a Boyle, Virginia Frazer. Brokenburne; a Southern auntie’s war tale. B792b Braddon, Mary Elizabeth. His darling sin. B798h — Sons of fire. B798s Brady, Cyrus Townsend. For love of country. B8121f Brady, J. E. Tales of the telegraph. B812t Brailsford, Henry Noel. Broom of the war god. B8141b Bray, Claude. The king’s revenge. B8271k Briscoe, Margaret Sutton. Jimty, and others. B859j — The sixth sense, and other stories. B859s Brodhead, Mrs. Eva Wilder (McGlasson). Bound in shallows. B864b — One of the Visconti. B864o Brooke, Emma. Confession of Stephen Whapshare. B8721c Brooks, Sarah Warner. My fire opal, and other tales. B8732m Broughton, Rhoda. Dear Faustina. B875d — The game and the can,dle. B875g — Scylla or Charybdis? B875s Brown, Alice. The day of his youth. B877d — Tiverton tales. B877t 130 FICTION. Brown, A. R. Cosmopolitan comedy. B8772c — Sir Mark; a tale of the first capital. B8772s Brown, H. D. Civilian attach^. B878c Brown, Vincent. My brother. B881m Buchan, John. Grey weather. B918g — John Burnet of Barns. B918j — A lost lady of old years. B9181 Buchanan, Robert Williams. Diana’s hunting. B9182d — Effie Hetherington. B9182e — Marriage by capture. B9182ma Buck, Francis Tillou. Man of two minds. B922m Bullen, F. T. Idylls of the sea. B936i Bullock, S. F. The Barrys. B938b — Bing o’ rushes. B938r Bungener, L. L. F. Babaut and Bridaine; or, The court of Louis XV; fr. the French. B9421r Bunner, Henry Cuyler. Love in old cloathes, and other stories. B9421 — The suburban sage. B942s Bunsen, Marie von. A winter in Berlin, tr. by Mrs. Dugdale. B9422w Burgess, Gelett. Vivette; or. Memoirs of the romance associa- tion. B955v Burgin, George Brown. Gascoigne’s “ghost.” B956g — Tomalyn’s quest. B956t Burnett, Mrs. Frances (Hodgson). His Grace of Omonde. B964h — In connection with the DeWilloughby claim. B964i —A lady of quality. B9641 Burnham, Mrs. C. L. (Boot). A great love. B966g — Miss Archer Archer. B966m — West Point wooing, and other stories. B966we Burr, Enoch Fitch. Fabius the Boman; or, How the church be- came militant. B968f Burrow, Charles Kennett. The fire of life. B972f Burton, John Bloundelle-. Across the salt seas. B974a — The clash of arms. B974c — Desert ship. B974d — Fortune’s my foe. B974f — In the day of adversity. B974i — Scourge of God. B974s Cable, G. W. Strong hearts. C115s Cabot, Elisabeth Lyman. In plain air. C116i Cahan, Abraham. The imported bridegroom, and other stories of the New York ghetto. C132i — Yekl, a tale of the New York ghetto. C132y Caine, Hall. The Christian. Cl 35c Cambridge, Ada. A humble enterprise. Camp, W. and Brooks, L. C178h Drives and puts. Canton, William. C186d The invisible playmate; a story of the un- seen. Capes, B. C232i Adventures of the Comte de La Muette. C239a — At a winter’s fire. C239at — Our lady of darkness. Carey, Rosa Nouehette. C239o Doctor Luttrell’s first patient. C275d — Lover or friend ? C2751 — Merle’s crusade. C275me — Mistress of Brae farm. C275mi — Mrs. Romney. C275mr — Mollie’s prince. C275mo — My Lady Frivol. C275m — My little boy blue. — Other people’s lives. Carleton, Will. C275my C275ot The old infant, and similar stories. Carpenter, Edith. C2811o Your money or your life. Carruth, Francis Weston. C295y Those Dale girls. Carruth. H. C3192t Mr. Milo Bush, and other worthies; their recollections. C3191m — Voyage of the Rattletrap. Caskoden, E. C3191v When knighthood was in flower. C339w Castle, Mrs. Agnes (Sweetman) and Castle, E. Pride of Jennico. C3532p Castle, Egerton. The light of Scarthey. C35311 — “Young April.” C3531y Catherwood, Mrs. Mary (Hartwell). Days of Jeanne d’Arc. C363d — Mackinac and lake stories. C363m — Queen of the swamp, and other plain Ameri- cans. C363q — Spanish Peggy; a story of young Hlinois. C363sp — Spirit of an Illinois town; and, Little Re- nault. C363s Catlin, Henry G. Yellow pine basin, story of a prospector. C3651y Chambers, B. W. Ashes of empire. C445a — Haunts of men. C445h — A king and a few dukes. C445k — Lorraine. C4451 — The maker of moons. C445m — The mystery of choice. C445my — Outsiders. C445o — Red republic; a romance of the Commune. C445r Chandler, Mrs. Izora C. A dog of Constantinople. C4551d Channing, Grace Ellery. Sister of a saint, and other stories. C4581s Chanter, Gratiana. Witch of Withyford; a story of Exmoor. C459w FICTION. 131 Chap-book, New stories from the. C462n Chap-book, Stories from the. C462 Charrington, Charles. A sturdy beggar. C485s Chase, J. A. Three freshmen; Ruth, Fran and Nathalie. C487t Chat ter jee, Bankim Chandra. Krishna Kanta’s will; tr. by M. S. Knight. C495k Cherbuliez, Charles Victor. With fortune made. C521w Chesnutt, C. W. The conjure woman. C524c — Wife of his youth, and other stories of the color line. C524w Chetwode, R. D. John of Strathbourne; a romance of the days of Francis I. C526j — Knight of the golden chain. C526k Child, Frank Samuel. A colonial witch; study of the black art in Connecticut. C536c — A puritan wooing. C536p — An unknown patriot; a story of the secret service. C536u Cholmondeley, Mary. A devotee. C547de — Red pottage. C547r Chopin, Kate. A night in Aeadie. C549n Christian, Sydney. Persis Yorke. C555p Church, Alfred John. Lords of the world; a story of the fall of Carthage and Corinth. C5611 Church, Samuel Harden. John Marmaduke; romance of the English invasion of Ireland in 1649. C562j Churchill, Winston. The celebrity. C563c — Richard Carvel. C563r daretie, Jules. Brichanteau, actor; tr. fr. the French. C5911b — Crime of the boulevard; tr. by C. A. Kings- bury. C5911c Clark, Alfred. Finding of Lot’s wife. C592f Clark, Felicia Buttz. Sch wester Anna; tale of German home life. C5922s dark, Frederick Thickstun. Mistress of the ranch. C5921m Clark, Imogen. Victory of Ezry Gardner. C5931v Cleeve, Lucas. Lazarus; a tale of the world’s great miracle. C62411 demens, Samuel Langhome. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. C625a — Personal recollections of Joan of Arc; by the Sieur Louis de Conte. C625pj Clews, J. B. Fortuna. C635f Clifford, Mrs. Lucy (Lane). Dominant note, and other stories. C638d Coates, Henry T., comp. Fireside stories old and new. 3 r. C6521f Cobb, T. Mr. Passingham. C6531m Cobban, James MacLaren. King of Andaman. C653k — Pursued by the law. C653p Cody, Sherwin. In the heart of the hills. C671i Cogswell, Frederick Hull. The regicides; a tale of early colonial times. C677r Coleridge, M. E. The king with two faces. C6931k Connor, Ralph, pseud. Black Rock; a tale of the Selkirks. C752b — The sky pilot; a tale of the foothills. C752s Conrad, Joseph. Children of the sea. C754c — Tales of unrest. C754t Converse, Florence. Diana victrix. C766d Conyngham, Dane. Eunice Quince; a New England romance. C768e Cooley, Ellen Hodges. Boom of a western city. C774b Cooper, E. H. Children, racehorses and ghosts. C776c Corelli, Marie, pseud. Cameos. C797c — Jane; a social incident. C797j — The mighty atom. C797m — The murder of Delicia. C797mu — Silence of the maharajah. C797s Cornford, L. Cope. Captain Jacobus. C816c — Master-beggars. C816m Cossins, George. Isban-Israel; a South African story. C836i Costello, Frederick Hankerson. Master Ardick, buccaneer. C841m Cotes, Mrs. Sara Jeannette (Duncan). Hilda. C843h — His Honour, and a lady. C843hi — A voyage of consolation. C843vo Couch, Arthur Thomas Quiller-. Ia; a love story. C853i — Ship of stars. C853s — Wandering heath; stories, studies and sketches. C853w Cowan, James. Daybreak; a romance of an old world. C8741d Cowper, F. Island of the English. C876i Craik, Mrs. Dinah Maria (Muloek). The half-caste; an old governess’s tale. C887h Cram, Ralph Adams. Black spirits & white; ghost stories. C889b Crane, Stephen. Active service. C891a — The little regiment, and other episodes of the American civil war. C8911 — The monster, and other stories. C891m — The open boat, and other tales of adventure. C891o — Red badge of courage. C891r Crawford, Francis Marion. Adam Johnstone’s son. C899a FICTION. L32 — Corleone. 2 v. C899co — A rose of yesterday. C899ro — Taquisara. 2 v. C899t — Via crucis. C899v Crockett, Samuel Rutherford. Black Douglas. C938b — Cleg Kelly, arab of the city. C938c — The gray man. C938gr — lone March. C938i — Joan of the sword hand. C938j — Kit Kennedy, country boy. C938k — Lads’ love. C9381a — Lochinvar. C9381o — Red axe. C938re — The standard bearer. C938st Croker, Mrs. B. M. Peggy of the Bartons. C943p — Village tales and jungle tragedies. C943v Cromarty, Deas, pseud. When hearts are young; an idyll. C9451w Crouch, Archer P. Senorita Montenar. C952s Crowell, J. E. The young volunteer. C953y Crowninshield, Mrs. Mary (Bradford). Latitude 19 degrees. C95311 — Where the trade-wind blows, West Indian tales. C9531w Dabney, Julia P. Little daughter of the sun. D1141 Daggett, Mrs. Charles Stewart. Mariposilla. D125m Dale, A. Dwellers in Gotham. D139d Dalton, Edith Leverett. A slight romance. D152s Dana, Francis. Leonora of the Yawmish. D1671 Daskam, Josephine Dodge. Smith college stories. D229s Daudet, Alphonse. La Belle-Nivemaise, and other stories. D238b Davidson, John. Miss Armstrong’s and other circumstances. D252m Davis, C. B. Borderland of society. D261b Davis, Harriet Riddle. In sight of the goddess. D2623i Davis, J. A. The young mandarin, a story of Chinese life. D2621y Davis, Mrs. Mary Evelyn (Moore). An elephant’s track, and other stories. D263e — The wire cutters. D263w Davis, Mrs. Rebecca (Harding). Doctor Warrick’s daughters. D2632d — Frances Waldeaux. D2632f Davis, Richard Harding. Cinderella, and other stories. D2631c — The king’s jackal. D2631k — The lion and the unicorn. D26311 — Soldiers of fortune; illust. by C. D. Gibson. D2631s Davis, V. A. J. Romance of summer seas. D264r Dawson, A. J. Middle greyness. D272m — Story of Ronald Kestrel. D272s Dawson, Emma Frances. An itinerant hcuse, and other stories. D2721i Dawson, William James. Thro’ lattice-windows. D2723t Debenham, Mary H. The laird’s legacy. D2861 De Forest, J. W. A lover’s revolt. D3151 Deland, Ellen Douglas. Alan Ransford. D3371a Deland, Mrs. Margaret Wade (Campbell). Old Chester tales. D337o — Wisdom of fools. D337w Denison, Mrs. Mary (Andrews). Captain Molly. D396c Devereux, M. From kingdom to colony. D491f Dickens, Mary Angela. Some women’s ways. D5481s Dickinson, Mrs. Ellen E. The King’s daughters. D553k Dix, B. M. Hugh Gwyeth. D6192h — Soldier Rigdale. D6192s Dole, Edmund P. The stand-by. D6631s Doudney, Sarah. Katherine’s keys. D728k — A vanished hand. D728v Dougall, Lily. Madonna of a day. D731ma Douglas, Amanda Minnie. Heir of Sherburne. D733h — Her place in the world. D733hp — The mistress of Sherburne. D733m — Sherburne girls. D7336g Douglas, Theo. Iras, a mystery. D736i Dowie, Menie Muriel. The crook of the bough. D746c — Some whims of fate. D746s Dowson, E. and Moore, A. Adrian Rome. D752a Doyle, Arthur Conan. A duet with an occasional chorus. D754du — Exploits of Brigadier Gerard. D754e — Rodney Stone. D754ro — Surgeon of Gaster Fell. D754su — Uncle Bernac; a memory of the empire. D754u Doyle, C. W. Shadow of Quong Lung. D7541s — Taming of the jungle. D7541t DracLmann, Holger. Paul and Virginia of a northern zone. D757p Drake, Jeanie. The metropolitans. D761m Drinkwater, Jennie M. Paul French’s way. D781p Dromgoole, Will Allen. The farrier’s dog and his fellow. D786f — The heart of Old Hickory, and other stories of Tennessee. D786he FICTION. 133 — The valley path. D786v Drury, W. P. Bearers of the burden; stories of land and sea. D796b Du Bois, Constance Goddard. Shield of the fleur de lis. D815s Du Maurier, George Louis Palmella Busson. The Martian. D8861m Dunbar, Paul Laurence. Folks from Dixie. D899f — The uncalled. D899u Dunne, Finley Peter. Mr. Dooley in peace and in war. D9231mr — Mr. Dooley in the hearts of his countrymen. D9231m Dunton, T. Watts-. Aylwin. D927a Duryea, Anna S. P. Sir Knight of the golden pathway. D969s Dutton, A. Y. Wisdom’s folly. D981w Earle, Mrs. Alice (Morse). In old Narragansett; romances and realities. E122i Ebers, Georg Moritz. Barbara Blomberg; tr. fr. the Ger. by M. J. Safford. 2 v. E16b — In the Blue Pike; a romance of the 16th century. E16in Eckstein, Ernst. Chaldean magician; an adventure in Rome; tr. fr. the Ger. by M. J. Safford. E19c — Cyparissus; a romance of the Isles of Greece; tr. fr. the Ger. by M. J. Safford. E19cy Eddy, Daniel Clark. Saxenhurst; a story of the old world and new. E21s Edgeworth, Maria. Ormond; with an introd. by A. T. Ritchie. E23o Edwards, Harry Stillwell. His defense, and other stories. E263h — Sons and fathers. E263s Edwards, Matilda Barbara Betham-. The Dream-Charlotte. E261d Edwards, R. W. K. Mermaid of Inish-uig. E262m Eggleston, George Cary. Southern soldier stories. E291s Eliot, George, pseud. Silas Mamer; ed. with an introd. and notes by R. Jones and J. R. Colby. E422s Elivas, Knarf, pseud. John Ship, mariner. E431j Elizabeth and her German garden. E43 Elliott, Sarah Barnwell. The Durket sperret. E461d — An incident and other happenings. E461i Emerson, Peter Henry. Ca6ba, the guerilla chief; a romance of the Cuban rebellion. E531c Erckmann, fimile and Chatrian, A. Count of Nideck; fr. the French by R. B. Fiske. E65c Evans, Mrs. Elizabeth Edson (Gibson). Confession. E92c — Ferdinand Lassalle and Helene von Donniges. E92f Falkner, J. Meade. The lost Stradivarius. F1931 Farmer, J. E. The grenadier. F233g Farmer, Mrs. Lydia (Hoyt). Aunt Belindy’s points of view and a modern Mrs. Malaprop. F2331a — Doom of the Holy City; Christ and Caesar. F2331d Farquhar, A. The professor’s daughter. F238p — A singer’s heart. F238s Farrar, F. W. Allegories. F242a ' — Gathering clouds. F242g Fawcett, Edgar. A romance of old New York. F278r A fearless investigator. F288 Fernald, Chester B. Cat and the cherub, and other stories. F362c Field, Eugene. The house ; an episode in the lives of Reuben Baker, astronomer, and of his wife Alice. F453he — Second book of tales. F453s Field, Mrs. Mary H. Kate Thurston’s Chautauqua circles. F455k Findlater, Jane Helen. A daughter of strife. F494d — Green graves of Balgowrie. F494g — Rachel. F494r Fisher, George Park, jr. Out of the woods. F533o Flandrau, Charles Macomb. Harvard episodes. F585h Flaw in the marble. F591 Fleming, Mrs. Alice M. (Kipling). A pinchbeck goddess. F5971p Fleming, George, pseud. For plain women only. F597f Fletcher, Joseph Smith. At the gate of the fold; a country tale. F613a — Where highways cross. F613wh Flewellyn, Julia Oolliton. Hill-crest. F618h Foote, Mrs. Mary (Hallock). Cup of trembling, and other stories. F689cu Ford, G. ’Postle farm. F6991p Ford, James Lauren. Dolly Dillenbeck. F699d Ford, Paul Leicester. The great K. & A. train-robbery. F711g — Janice Meredith. F711j — Story of an untold love. F711s — Tattle- tales of Cupid. F711t Foster, David Skaats. Spanish castles by the Rhine. F754s Foster, Mary Farrington. Doty Dontcare; a story of the garden of the Antilles. F756d Fothergill, Caroline. Comedy of Cecilia; or, An honourable man. F7611c Fothergill, Jessie. Oriole’s daughter. F761o Fowler, Edith Henrietta. A corner of the west. F7853c 134 FICTION. Fowler, E. T. Concerning Isabel Carnaby. F785e —Double thread. F785d Fox, John, jr. “Hell fer sartain,” and other stories. F792h — The Kentuckians. F792k — A mountain Europa. F792m France, Anatole, pseud. Red lily. F815r — Tales from a mother-of-pearl casket; tr. by H. P. DuBois. F815t France, Lewis B. Pine valley. F8151p Francis, M. E. pseud. The duenna of a genius. F819du Fraser, Mrs. Mary (Crawford). Brown ambassador. F842b — The custom of the country. F842c — Looms of time. F8421 — Palladia. F842p Fraser, W. A. Eye of a god, and other tales. F8421e Frechette, L. H. Christmas in French Canada. F851c Frederic, Harold. Damnation of Theron Ware. F852da — The deserter, and other stories. F852d - — Gloria mundi. F852g — March hares. F852mh — The market-place. F852m — Mrs. Albert Grundy; observations in Phil- istia. F852mr Friedman, I. K. Poor people. F911p Frith, Walter. In search of quiet; a country journal, May- July. F9191i — The sack of Monte Carlo. F9191s Fuller, A. One of the pilgrims. F965o — A Venetian June. F965v Fuller, C. M. Across the campus. F9651a Fuller, Henry Blake. From the other side; stories of transatlantic travel. F966f Fuller, Hulbert. Vivian of Virginia. F9661v Fullerton, Lady Georgiana Charlotte (Leven- ison-Gower) . Grantly manor. F971g Furman, Lucy S. Stories of a sanctified town. F986s Gale, N. June romance. G152j Gallaher, G. M. Vassar stories. G162v Gallet, L. Adventures of Cyrano de Bergerac; tr. by H. E. Miller. G167a Gallon, Tom. Tatterley, the story of a dead man. G173t Galt, John. The entail ; or, The lairds of Grippy. 2 v. G179e — The provost; and, The last of the lairds. 2v. G179p Garland, Hamlin. Jason Edwards, an average man. G233j — A member of the third hou§e ; a story of political warfare. G233m -•-Rose of Duteher’s Coolly. G233r — The spirit of Sweetwater. G233sp — W ayside courtships. G233w Garshin, Vsevolod. Stories; tr. by E. L. Voynich. G2431s Garstin, Norman. Suitors of Aprille. G243s Gellibrand, Emma. J. Cole. G319j Gerard, Dorothea. A forgotten sin. G356f — The wrong man. G356w Giberne, Agnes. Girl at the Dower house and afterward. G445g Gilbert, H. M. Of necessity. G464o Gillman, Henry. Hassan, a fellah. G482h Gissing, G. R. Crown of life, G535c — The emancipated. G535em — Sleeping fires. G535s — Town traveller. G535t — The unclassed. G535u — The whirlpool. G535w Glasgow, Ellen. The descendant. G548d — Phases of an inferior planet. G548p Glover, E. Jefferson Wildrider. G566j Glyn, Anna L. A pearl of the realm. G568p Gobel, Harvey. On the shelf. G574o Godfrey, E. Poor human nature. G583p Godkin, Georgina Sarah. Stories from Italy. G586s Goldsmith, Milton. Rabbi and priest. G6241r Goldsmith, Oliver. Vicar of Wakefield; ed. by J. G. Riggs. G624v Goodwin, Maud Wilder. Flint; his faults, his friendships and his for- tunes. G657f — White aprons. G657w Gordon, Julien, pseud. A wedding, and other stories. G663w Gould, Sabine Baring-. Bladys Stewponey. G698b — The broom-squire. G698br — Pabo, the priest. G698p — Perpetua, a tale of Nimes in A. D. 213. G698pe Graham, P. Anderson. The red scaur. G7411r Grahame, K. Dream days. G742d — The heads woman. G742h Grant, Charles. Stories of Naples and the Camorra. G701s FICTION . 135 Gras, F61ix. Reds of the Midi; an episode of the French revolution; tr. fr. the Provengal by C. A. Janvier. G767r — The terror. G767t — The white terror; a romance of the French revolution and after. G767w Gray, D. Gallops. G778g Gray, Maxwell, pseud. House of hidden treasure. G781h — Ribstone pippins. G78ir Green, A. K. Agatha Webb. G795a —Lost man’s lane. G7951 — That affair next door. G795t Green, Evelyn Everett-. Olive Roscoe; or, The new sister. G7951o — Sign of the red cross; tale of old London. G7951s Greene, Belle C. The hobbledehoy. G799h Greene, Mrs. S. P. (McLean). The moral imbeciles. G812m — Stuart and Bamboo. G812s Griffin, L. F., and others. Abduction of Princess Chriemhild. G851a Griffin, Walter T. Grandmont; stories of an old monastery. G852g Griffiths, A. Girl of grit. G855g Grimshaw, Beatrice Ethel. Broken away. G865b Guiney, Louise Imogen. Lovers’ Saint Ruth’s, and three other tales. G9641 — tr. Secret of Fougereuse. G964s Gpy, pseud. Ginette’s happiness. G997gi Hadley, John V. Seven months a prisoner. HI 3 Is Haggard, H. R. Doctor Theme. H145d — Swallow. H145s — The wizard. H145w Hale, Edward Everett. Susan’s escort, and others. H161s Halevy, Ludovic. Autumn manoeuvres; stories and sketches; fr. the French by M. K. Fori. HI 68a Hall, C. W. Cartagena; or. The lost brigade. H174c Hall, G. The hundred, and other stories. H176h Hall, Owen. Track of a storm. H1781t Hall, T. Experimental wooing. H179e Hamblen, Herbert Elliott. The general manager’s story. H199g — On many seas; life and exploits of a van- kee sailor. H199o — Yam of a bucko mate. H199y Hamilton, Ernest, lord. Outlaws of the Marches. II217o Hamilton, Kate W. The parson’s pioxy. H218p Hamilton, M. Across an Ulster bog. H219a — McLeod of the Camerons. H219m — A self-denying ordinance. H219s Hanks, B. D. For the honor of a child. H241f Harben, Will N. Land of the changing sun. H2551 Hardy, Thomas. The well-beloved; sketch of a temperament. H272w Harland, II. Comedies and errors. H2831c Harraden, B. The fowler. H296f — Hilda Strafford; a California story. H296h Harris, J. C. Chronicles of Aunt Minervy Ann. H314c — Sister Jane. H314s — Tales of the heme folks in peace and war. H314t Harrison, Mrs. C. (Cary). Carcellini emerald, with other tales. H318c — Good Americans. H318g — Merry maid of Arcady ; His lordship, and other stories. H318m — A son of the Old Dominion. H318so — Triple entanglement. H318t — Virginia cousin; and. Bar Harbor tales. H318v Harrison, S. F. Forest of Bourg-Marie. H322f Harte, Francis Bret. In a hollow of the hills. H327i — Mr. Jack Hamlin’s mediation, and other sto- ries. H327m — Stories in light and shadow. H327s — Tales of trail and town. H327ta — Three partners; or, The big strike on Heavy Tree hill. H327t Harvey, William Hope. Tale of two nations. H342t Hatton, Joseph. When Greek meets Greek. H366wg — White king of Manoa. H366w Hawthorne, Julian. A fool of nature. H399f — Love is a spirit. H3991 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Tales of the White Hills, and sketches. 1889. (Riverside lit. ser.) H3992t Henty, G. A. Queen’s cup. H527q Hepworth, George H. The farmer and the Lord. H529f Heron, E. and Heron, H. A modem mercenary. H562m Herrick, Robert. The gospel of freedom. H566g — Literary love letters, and other stories. H5661 — The man who wins. H566m Hervey, Maurice H. Amyas Egerton, cavalier. H579a — Dartmoor. H579da Hewlett, Maurice. Forest lovers. H612f — Little novels of Italy. H6121 Hichens, Robert Smythe. Bye-ways. H626b 136 FICTION. — Folly of Eustace, and other stories. H626f — The Londoners. H6261 Higginson, Ella. A forest orchid, and other stories. H637fo —The flower that grew in the sand, and other stories. H637f — From the land of the snow-pearls; tales from Puget Sound. H637fr Hildyard, I. L. Love does it all. H6441 Hill, Headon. By a hair’s breadth. H6462b Hill, J. A. Stories of the railroad. H6461s Hind, L. Enchanted stone. H662e Hird, Dennis. In search of a religion. H668i Hobbes, John Oliver, pseud. The herb-moon; a fantasia. H682h — School for saints. H682sc Hocking, Joseph. The birthright. H685b — Mist on the moors. H685mi — Mistress Nancy Molesworth. H685m Hocking, Silas K. For such is life. H6851f Hoffman, Ernst Theodor Wilhelm. Serapion brethren; tr. fr. the Ger. by A. Ew- ing. 2 v. H699s Holdsworth, Annie E. Years that the locust hath eaten. H728y Holland, Clive. The lure of fame. H7341 — My Japanese wife. H734m — A writer of fiction. H734w Holley, Marietta. Samantha in Europe; by Josiah Allen’s wife. H738se Holmes, Mrs. Mary Jane (Hawes). Mrs. Hallam’s companion; and, The spring farm and other tales. H752m Honor Ormthwaite. H774 Hope, Anthony, pseud. Chronicles of Count Antonio. H791c — Father Stafford. H791fa — Frivolous Cupid. H791f — The king’s mirror. ' H791k — Mr. Witt’s widow. H791mi — Phroso. H791p — Rupert of Hentzau. H791r Hopkins, Tighe. Lady Bonnie’s experiment. H7961 — Nell Haffenden. H796n Hopkinson, A. M. Toby’s promise. H797t Homaday, William Temple. The man who became a savage. H813m Homung, E. W. Amateur cracksman. H816a — Dead men tell no tales. H816d — Irralie’s bushranger. H816i —My lord duke. H816m — The rogue’s march. H816r — Some persons unknown. H816s — Young blood. H816y Horton, George. Constantine; tale of Greece under King Otho. H823c — Fair brigand. H823f Hotchkiss, Chauncey C. A colonial free-lance. H832c * Houghton, Louise Seymour. Antipas, son of Chuza. H838a Howard, B. W. Dionysius the weaver’s heart’s dearest. H848d — Seven on the highway. H848s Howells, William Dean. Day of their wedding. H859d — The landlord at Lion’s Head. H8591a — An open-eyed conspiracy; an idyl of Sara- toga. H859o — A parting and a meeting. H859p — A previous engagement, comedy. H859pr — Ragged lady. H859r — Story of a play. H859s — Their silver wedding journey. 2 v. H859ts Hume, Fergus. Crime of the “’Liza Jane.” H921cr — The dwarf’s chamber, and other stories. H921d — Hagar of the pawn-shop. H921h — The third volume. H921t — Tracked by a tattoo. H921tr Hungerford, Mrs. Margaret (Hamilton) Argles. The coming of Chloe. H936c — A lonely maid. H9361o — Lovice. H9361 Hunter, P. Hay. James Inwick, ploughman and elder. H946j Hyne, C. J. C. W. Adventures of Captain Kettle. H997a — Honor of thieves. H997h Inman, H. Tales of the trail; short stories of western life. I57t Iowa college, Grinnell, la. Class of 1898. On a western campus; stories and sketches of undergraduate life. I64o Ireland, Mary E. What I told Dorcas; a story for mission workers. I65w Jacobs, William Wymark. Many cargoes. J17ma — More cargoes. J17mo — The skipper’s wooing; and, The brown man’s servant. J17s James, H. The awkward age. J27a —Embarrassments. Contents. — The figure in the carpet. — Glasses. — The next time. — The way it came. J27e — In the cage. J27i — The other house. J27o — Spoils of Poynton. J27s — Two magics: The turn of the screw; — Cover- ing end. J27tw James; or, Virtue rewarded. J272 Janvier, T. A. In the Sargasso Sea. J35i Jebb, Mrs. J. Gladwyn. Some unconventional people. J44s FICTION. 137 Jennings, Mary Elizabeth. Asa of Bethlehem and his household, B. C. 4- A. D. 30. J545a Jennings, N. A. A Texas ranger. J54t Jensen, Wilhelm. Karine; a story of Swedish love; tr. fr. the Ger. by E. A. Endlioh. J543k Jerome, Jerome Klapka. Sketches in lavender, blue and green. J561s Jessopp, Augustus. Simon Byan, the Peterite. J58s Jewett, Sarah Orne. Country of the pointed fira. J59c — Queen’s twin, and other stories. J59q Johnson, W. H. King or knave, which wins? J71k — The king’s henchman. J71ki Johnston, Henry. Dr. Congalton’s legacy. J722d Johnston, M. Prisoners of hope. J732p — To have and to hold. J732t Johnston, Richard Malcolm. Old times in middle Georgia. J733o — Pearce Amerson’s will. J733pe Johnstone, D. L. White princess of the hidden city. J731w J6kai, M6r. Black diamonds; tr. by F. A. Gerard. J74b — Green book; or, Freedom under the snow. J74g — A Hungarian nabob; tr. by R. N. Bain. J74h — The Lion of Janina; or, The last days of the Janissaries; tr. by R. N. Bain. J741 — Midst the wild Carpathians; tr. by R. N. Bain. J74m — Nameless castle; tr. by S. E. Boggs. J74n — Pretty Michal; tr. by R. N. Bain. J74p — Tower of Dago. J74t Jones, Alice Hgenfritz. Beatrice of Bayou Teche. J76b Jordan, Elizabeth G. Tales of the city room. J822t Jordan, K. A circle in the sand. J82c J6sika, Nicolas, baron de. King Matthias and the beggar boy; fr. the Hungarian by S. Gaye. J83k Judah, Mary Jameson. Down our way; stories of southern and west- ern character. J92d Keary, C. F. The journalist. K24j Keightley, S. R. The cavaliers. K27c — The crimson sign. K27cr — Last recruit of Clare’s. K271 — Silver cross. K27s Keith, Alyn Yates, pseud. Aunt Billy, and other sketches. K28a Kellogg, M. A. Leo Dayne. K291 Kennedy, W. Javan ben Seir; a story of olden Israel. K36j Kernahan, Coulson. Captain Shannon. K39c Kester, Paul. Tales of the real gypsy. K42t King, Mrs. Anna (Eichberg). Kitwyk stories. K522k King, Capt. Charles. An army wife. K52a — A garrison tangle. K52g — The general’s double; a story of the Army of the Potomac. K52ge — Ray’s recruit. K52r — A tame surrender ; story of the Chicago strike. K52ta - — A trooper Galahad. K52t — Trooper Ross; and, Signal Butte. K52tr — Trumpeter Fred; story of the plains. K52tf — Under fire. K52u — A wounded name. K52wo King, K. Douglas. The child who will never grow old. K53c Kingsley, Florence Morse. Paul, a herald of the cross. K552p Kingsley, Henry. Mystery of the island. K55m Kinkead, Eleanor Talbot. Young Greer of Kentucky. K551y Kipling, R. •Writings in prose and verse, v. 1-13. (Out- ward bound ed.) K57 — “Captains courageous.” K57c — Day’s work. K57d — Soldier stories. K57so —Stalky & Co. K57st Kirk, Mrs. Ellen Warner (Olney). Revolt of a daughter. K59r Knowles, A. C. Joscelyn Vernon. K73j KobbS, G. Miriam. K75m Koch, Richert von. Camilla; tr. fr. the Swedish and Danish. K76c Kcemer, Herman T. Beleaguered; a story of Baden in the 17th century. K78b Kompert, Leopold. Christian & Leah, & other Ghetto stories. K81c Kovalevsky, Mme. Sonya (Krukovsky). Vera Vorontzoff; [tr.] by A. von Ryding- svard. K88v Lagerlof, S. Invisible links; tr. by P. B. Flach. L174i — Miracles of Antichrist; tr. bv P. B. Flach. L174m — Story of Gosta Berling; tr. by P. B. Flach. L174s Lander, H. Lucky bargee ! L2551 Lang, Andrew. Monk of Fife; romance of the days of Jeanne d’Arc. ‘ L269m Larned, Walter Cranston. Arnaud’s masterpiece; a romance of the Pyrenees. L325a — Rembrandt ; a romance of Holland. L325r Laurie, Andr£, pseud. Crystal city; tr. fr. the French by L. A. Smith. L385c — Schoolboy days in France ; tr. by E. P. Robins. L385sf 138 FICTION. Lecky, W. Mr. Billy Buttons. L461m Le Conte, Caroline Eaton. The statue in the air. L466s Lee, Albert. Gentleman pensioner; a romance of the year 1569. L477g — He, she and they. L477h — The key of the Holy house. L477k Lee, Aubrey. John Darker. L4771j Le Gallienne, Richard. Romance of Zion chapel. L496r — Worshipper of the image. L496w Leigh, Garrett. Lives that came to nothing. L5281 Leonard, M. H. A code of honor. L581c Le Queux, William. Great war in England in 1897. L613g — Stolen souls. L613s Lewis, Alfred Henry. Wolfville; illust. by F. Remington. L673w Lewis, J. A. Prince of the blood. L674p Lie, J. L. E. Niobe; tr. by H. L. Brsekstad. L716n Lighton, William R. Sons of strength; a romance of the Kansas border wars. L724s Lillie, Mrs. Lucy Cecil (White). Elinor Belden; or, The step-brothers. C729e Lincoln, Mrs. Jeanie (Gould). A genuine girl. L737g — Pretty tory. L737p — An unwilling maid. L737u Linden, Annie. “Gold;” a Dutch-Indian story. L744g Lindsay, Harry. Methodist idylls. L7481m Lipsett, Caldwell. Where the Atlantic meets the land. L767w Litchfield, Grace Denio. In the crucible. L776i Locke, William John. Derelicts. L814d —Idols. L814i Long, J. L. Madame Butterfly, [and other stories]. L848m Longstreet, Augustus Baldwin. Georgia scenes, characters, incidents, etc. New ed. L857g Loomis, Charles Battell. The four-masted cat-boat, and other truthful tales. L863f Loughead, Mrs. F. (Haines). The black curtain. L887b Lummis, Charles Fletcher. The enchanted burro; stories of New Mexico and South America. L958e — Go-Id fish of Gran Chimti. L958g — King of the broncos, and other stories of New Mexico. L958k Lush, Charles Keeler. The federal judge. L969f Lust, A. C. Tent of grace. L972t Lyall, David. Heather from the brae. L9811h — Land o’ the leal. L98111 Lyall, Edna, pseud. Autobiography of a truth. L981a — Hope the hermit. L981h — Wayfaring men. L981w Lynch, H. Autobiography of a child. L987a Lynde, F. The helpers. L988h — A romance in transit. L988r Lysaght, S. R. One of the Grenvilles. L993o Maartens, Maarten, pseud. Her memory. Mlllh McCarthy, Justin. The riddle ring. M123ri McChesney, D. G. Rupert, by the grace of God. M124r McClelland, Ella Gale. A daughter of two nations. M1262d McCook, Henry Christopher. The Latimers; a tale of the western insur- rection of 1794. M12911 MacDonald, George. Lilith. M1351i — Salted with fire; a story of a minister. M135s MacGrath, H. Arms and the woman. M147a Machen, Arthur. Three impostors; or, The transmutations. M1491t Machray, R. Grace O’Malley, princess and pirate; told by Ruari Macdonald. M151g Mackie, John. They that sit in darkness; a story of the Australian Never-Never. M1581t Mackie, Pauline Bradford. Mademoiselle de Berny; a story of Valley Forge. M158m Maekubin, Ellen. The king of the town. Ml 59k M’Lean, Alison. Paul Heriot’s pictures. M163p McLennan, William. In old France and New. M164i — Spanish John. M164sp — and Mcllwrai'th, J. N. Span o’ life. M164s Macleod, Fiona. Green fire. M165g — Pharais. M165p — The washer of the ford; legendary moralities and barbaric tales. M165w MacMahon, Ella. Pitiless passion. M1671p — The touchstone of life. M1671t McManus, L. Silk of the kine. M1672s MacManus, S. In chimney corners; merry tales of Irish folk- lore. M167i — Through the turf smoke. M167t Macnaughtan, S. Selah Harrison. M169s FICTION. 139 McNulty, Edward. Misther O’Ryan. M1691m Magruder, J. Heaven-kissing hill. M212h — Miss Ayr of Virginia, & other stories. M2 12m — Princess Sonia; illust. by C. D. Gibson. M212p — The violet. M212v Makower, Stanley V. Mirror of music. M235m Mann, M. E. Cedar star. M282c — Susannah. M282s Margueritte, Paul. L’Avril; tr. fr. the French by H. B. Dole. M331a — and Margueritte, V. The disaster; tr. by F. Lees. M331d Markham, Sir Clements R. Paladins of Edwin the Great. M345p Markoe, Ellis. My lady’s heart. M3461m Marmontel, Jean Frangois. Moral tales; sel. with rev. trans. and notes by G. Saintsbury. M352m Marshall, Mrs. Emma (Martin). By the North Sea; or, The protector’s grand- daughter. M367b — Castle Meadow. M367e — An escape from the tower. M367e — A good-hearted girl. M367g — Only Susan, her own story. M367o — The parson’s daughter; her early recollections and how Mr. Romney painted her. M367pa Mason, Alfred Edward Woodley. Courtship of Morrice Buckler. M3981c — Lawrence Clavering. M39811 — Miranda of the balcony. M3981m — The philanderers. M3981ph — The watchers. M3981w — My honey; by the author of “Miss Toosey’s mission.” M481my — A princess of the gutter. M481ps — Rob and Kit; by the author of “Miss Toosey’s mission.” M481ro Mears, Mary M. Emma Lou, her book. M483e Meekins, L. R. Some of our people. M494a Meredith, George. Amazing marriage. 2 v. M559a Meredith, Katherine Mary Cheever. Drumsticks. M5591d Merrick, Leonard. One man’s view. M568o Merriman, Henry Seton, pseud. Dross. M571d — Flotsam; the study of a life. M571f — The grey lady. M571g — In Kedar’s tents. M571i — Roden’s corner. M571r — The sowers. M571s — Young Mistley. M571y Merron, Eleanor. As the wind blows. M572a Merwin, S. and Webster, H. K. Short line war. M576s Millard, Frank Bailey. A pretty bandit. M645p Miller, Mrs. Anna (Jenness). Philosopher of Driftwood. M6471p Millington, Thomas Street. Ship Daphne; a story of the city and the sea. M655s Mimosa, pseud. Told on the pagoda; tales of Burmah. M662t Mitchel, Frederick Augustus. Sweet revenge; a romance of the civil war. M679s — and Lang, A. Parson Kelly. M3981p Mason, C. A. Minister of Carthage. M398m — A wind flower. M398w Masters, Caroline. The duchess lass. M423d — The shuttle of fate. M423s Mather, Marshall. Sign of the wooden shoon. M4271s Mathew, F. Defender of the faith. M428d Matthews, J. B. A confident to-morrow. M439c — Outlines in local color. M439o — Tales of fantasy and fact. M439ta Maxwell, Helen Blackmar. The way of fire. M465w May, Sophie, pseud. The Campion diamonds. M467c — Pauline Wyman. M467p Maynard, Cora. Some modern heretics. M471s Meade, L. T. Belle; by the author of “Miss Toosey’s mis- sion.” M481be — A girl in ten thousand. M481g — Girls new and old. M481gi — A handful of silver. M481h Mitchell, John Ames. Amos Judd. M681a — Gloria victis. M681g — That first affair, and other sketches. M681t Mitchell, Langdon Elwyn. Love in the backwoods; Two Mormons from Muddlety; Alfred’s wife. M68111 Mitchell, S. W. Adventures of Frangois, foundling, thief, jug- gler and fencing-master during the French revolution. M682a — Hugh Wynne. 2v. M682h — A Madeira party; and, A little more Bur- gundy. M682m Mitford, B. Gun-runner. M683g Mitford, Mary Russell. Country stories. M6831c Moffett, Cleveland. True detective stories. M6951t Molesworth, Mrs. M. L. (Stewart). Laurel walk. M7191 — Meg Langholme ; or, The day after to-morrow. M719m — Philippa. M719p —Uncanny tales. M719u —White turrets. M719w 140 FICTION. Moncreiff, Frederick. The X jewel; a Scottish romance of the days of James VI. M7391x Montresor, Frances Frederica. At the cross-roads. M811a — False coin or true? M811f — The one who looked on. M811o — Worth while. M811w Moore, F. F. The fatal gift. M821f — Jessamy bride. M821j —Secret of the court. M821s — They call it love. M821t Morgan, George. John Littlejohn of J. M8481j Morris, Clara. Little “Jim Crow,” and other stories of chil- dren. M8751 — A silent singer. M875s Morris, H. S., ed. In the yule-log glow. M876i Morris, William. The sundering flood. M877s — Water of the wondrous isles. M877wa — The well at the world’s end. 2 v. M877we Morrison, Arthur. Child of the Jago. M878c — To London town. M878to Morrow, W. C. The ape, the idiot & other people. M883a Munro, N. John Splendid. M9681j Murfree, M. N. The bushwhackers, and other stories. M975b — The juggler. M975j — Mystery of Witch-face mountain, and other stories. M975m — Story of old Fort Loudon. M975s Murray, David Christie. This little world. M981th Neish, R. A world in a garden. N416w Nelson, K. G. Tuen, slave and empress. N427t Nesbit, Edith. In homespun. N458i Ne vinson, Henry W. In the valley of Tophet. N528i Nichols, Laura D, A Norway summer. N619n Nicholson, Claud. Ugly idol. N624u Nixon, J. Leroy. The lowly Nazarene; a story of Christ. N7361 Noble, Annette Lucile. Professor’s dilemma. N747p Nordau, Max Simon. The drones must die; tr. fr. the German. N828d — Soap bubbles. N828s Norris, F. Blix. N855b — -Moran of the Lady Letty. N855m Norris, Mary Harriott. The gray house of the quarries. N857g Norris, William Edward. Clarissa furiosa. N861cl — The dancer in yellow. N861d — The fight for the crown. N861f — Giles Ingilby. N861g — Marietta’s marriage. N861ma — The widower. N861w North of Market Street; the adventures of a New York woman in Philadelphia. N864 Nyne, Atey, pseud. Wilmot’s child. N996w Oakley, H. C. As having nothing. Olla Ober, Frederick Albion. Under the Cuban flag; or, The cacique’s treasure. 012u Ochiltree, Henry. Redburn. 016r O’Grady, Standish. Chain of gold; or, In crannied rocks. 035c — In the wake of King James; or. Dun- Randal on the sea. 035i — Ulrick the ready. 035u Oliphant, Mrs. Margaret Oliphant (Wilson). Old Mr. Tredgold. 047o — The unjust steward; or. The minister’s debt. 047u — The ways of life; two stories. 047 wa Ollivant, A. Bob, son of battle. 049b O’Neill, James. Garrison tales from Tonquin. 058g Oppenheim, E. P. The man & his kingdom. 062m Orpen, Mrs. Adela E. Perfection City. 075p Ottolengui, Rodrigues. An artist in crime. 091a —Crime of the century. 091cr Ouida, pseud. Muriella; or, Le Selve. 093m — Two little wooden shoes. 093tl Out of town. 094 Oxenham, J. God’s prisoner. 0981g Page, Thomas Nelson. Old gentleman of the black stock. P133o — Red Rock; a chronicle of reconstruction. P133r — Santa Claus’s partner. P133s Pain, Mrs. Amelia. Saint Eva. P144s Parker, Gilbert. An adventure of the north. P239a — Battle of the strong. P239b —The liar. P2391 — Pomp of the Lavilettes. P239po — Romany of the snows, 2d ser. of An adven- turer of the north. P239r — Seats of the mighty. P239s Parker, Joseph. Tyne folk; masks, faces and shadows. P241p Paston, George. Career of Candida. P292c — A writer of books. P292w Patch, Kate Whiting. Middleway; tales of a New England village. P294m Pater, Walter. Gaston De Latour; an unfinished romance. P295g FICTION. 141 Paterson, A. Cromwell’s own. P296c — Father and son. P296f — For freedom’s sake. P296fo - — The Gospel writ in steel. P296g — Son of the plains. P296s Payn, James. In Market Overt. P345i Payne, Will. Jerry the dreamer. P346j — The money captain. P346m Payson, W. F. Title-mongers. P347t Peacock, Thomas Love. Headlong hall; and. Nightmare abbey; in- trod. by G. Saintsbury. P356h — Maid Marian; and, Crotchet castle; introd. by G. Saintsbury. P356m — Misfortunes of Elphin; and, Rhododaphne; introd. by G. Saintsbury. P356mi Pearce, J. H. Ezekiel’s sin. P3591e Pearse, Mark Guy. Cornish stories. P361c Pease, Howard. Borderland studies. P363b — The white-faced priest, and other Northum- brian episodes. P363w Peattie, Mrs. Elia Wilkinson. A mountain woman. P3631m — Shape of fear, and other ghostly tales. P3631s Pemberton, C. H. Stephen the black. P394s — Your little brother James. P394y Pemberton, Max. Christine of the hills. P395c — Garden of swords. P395g — A gentleman’s gentleman. P395gg — Iron pirate. P395ir —Jewel mysteries I have known. P395jm — Kronstadt. P395k — Phantom army. P395p — A puritan’s wife. P395pu — Queen of the jesters. P395q — Signors of the night. P395si Pendleton, Louis. Carita; a Cuban romance. P398c “Penn, Rachel,” pseud. A son of Israel. P412s Peronne, pseud. Veil of liberty; a tale of the Girondins. P453v Perry, B. Powers at play. P462po Peterson, H. Pemberton; or. One hundred years ago. P485p Phillpotts, E. Children of the mist. P564c — The human boy. P564h —Lying prophets. P5641 Pickering, Sidney. Margot. P596m Pier, A. S. The pedagogues ; a story of the Harvard sum- mer school. P615p Pinkerton, T. A. Sun beetles. P655s Pinsent, Ellen F. Job Hildred, artist and carpenter. P658j — No place for repentance. P658n Plympton, Almira George. A willing transgressor, and other stories. P738w Poe, Edgar Allan. Fall of the House of Usher [and other sto- ries]. P743f — Poems and tales; ed. by W. P. Trent. P743p Pollock, Sir F. and Maitland, Mrs. E. F. Etchingham letters. P776e Pontopiddan, Henrik. Emanuel; or, Children of the soil; fr. the Danish by Mrs. E. Lucas. P818e — Promised land; tr. fr. the Danish by Mrs. E. Lucas. P818p Pool, Maria Louise. Boss and other dogs. P821b — Golden sorrow. P821g — In a dike shanty. P821i — In Buncombe county. P821in — In the first person. P821if — Mrs. Gerald. P821m — Red-bridge neighborhood. P821re — Sand ’n’ bushes. P821s Poor, Agnes Blake. Boston neighbours in town and out. P823bo Pope, Marion Manville. Up the Matterhorn in a boat. P826u Porter, Charlotte and Clarke, H. A., comp. Clever tales. P844c Porter, R. Daughter of Israel. P847d — My son’s wife. P847m Post, Melville Davisson. Strange schemes of Randolph Mason. P8571s Praed, Mrs. R. C. (Murray-Prior) Campbell-. Madame Iz&n. P897m — Mrs. Tregaskiss; a novel of Anglo- Australian life. P897mr — Nfilma; an Anglo- Australian romance. P897n Pratt, Cornelia Atwood. A book of martyrs. P9131b — Daughter of a stoic. P9131d Prescott, E. Livingston. Apotheosis of Mr. Tyrawley. P929a — Red-coat romances. P929r Prevost, Marcel. Letters of women; tr. by A. Homblow. P9441 Price, E. C. Young Denys. P945y Prince, Mrs. Helen (Choate). At the sign of the silver crescent. P955a — A transatlantic chatelaine. P955t Pritchard, Martin J. Passion of Rosamund Keith. P961p Pryce, Daisy Hugh. Valda Hanem; the romance of a Turkish harim. P9731v Pugh, E. Tony Drum. P978t Pullen, Henry William. Venus and Cupid; or, A trip from Mt. Olym- pus to London. P982v 142 FICTION. Querdee, Yves le. Letters of a country vicar; tr. fr. the French by M. Gordon-Holmes. Q41 Quinn, A. H. Pennsylvania stories. Q7p Raimond, C. E., pseud. Open question. R153o Raine, A. By Bervven banks. R155b — Mifawny; a Welsh singer. R155m — Torn sails. R155t Ralph, Julian. Alone in China, and other stories. R163a • — A prince of Georgia, and other tales. R163pr Rand, Edward Augustus. Behind Manhattan gables; a story of New Amsterdam, 1663-1664. R186b ■ — Two college boys; or, The Old Man of the Mountain. R186t Ray, A. C. Each life unfulfilled. R263e Raymond, W. Two men o’ Mendip. R273t Rayner, E. Free to serve. R274f — In castle and colony. R274i Read, Opie. Arkansas planter. R284a — A yankee from the West. R284y Reed, Helen Leah. Miss Theodora. R324m Reed, Myrtle. Love letters of a musician. R3251 Reed, V. Z. Tales of the Sun-land. R326t Rees, Claude A. Chun Ti-kung, his life and adventures. R328c Reeve, James Knapp. Vawder’s understudy. R331v Reid, Christian, pseud. Land of the sun. R3531 — The man of the family. R353m Remington, F. Crooked trails. R388c — Sundown Leflare. R388s Rhone, Mrs. D. L. Among the dunes. R4781a Rhoscomyl, Owen. Battlement and tower. R478b —For the white rose of Amo. R478f — Lady of Castell March. R4781 Rice, T. C. Doom of Washakim. R497d Richardson, Charles Francis. The end of the beginning. R521e Rideing, William Henry. The captured Cunarder; an episode of the Atlantic. R5441c Ridge, W. P. By order of the magistrate. R544b — A clever wife. R544c — Second opportunity of Mr. Staplehurst. — Secretary to Bayne, M. P. R544se Riis, J. A. Out of Mulberry Street; stories of tenement life in New York city. R572o Rinder, Edith Wingate, tr. Massacre of the innocents, and other tales by Belgian writers. R579m Rivers, George R. R. Captain Shays, a populist of 1786. R622ca — Count’s snuff-box. B622c — The governor’s garden. R622g Rives, Amalie. A damsel errant. R623d Robbins, C. H. The gam; a group of whaling stories. R632g Roberts, Charles George Douglas. By the marshes of Minas. R643b — Earth’s, enigmas. R643e — Forge in the forest. R643f — A sister to Evangeline. R643s Roberts, M. The colossus. R646c Robertson, H. “If I were a man.” R649i Robertson, Morgan. Futility. R651f — Spun-yam, sea stories. R651s — “Where angels fear to tread,” and other tales of the sea. R651w Robinson, Edith. A loyal little maid. R65911 Robinson, R. E. A hero of Ticonderoga. R663h — Uncle Lisha’3 outing. R663u Rod, 6. Pastor Naudie’s young wife; tr. by B. Gilman. R685p Rodney, George Brydges. In buff and blue. R694i Rodway, J. In Guiana wilds. R697i Rogers, A. A. Sweethearts and wives. R724s Rogers, Robert Cameron. Old Dorset; chronicles of a New York country- side. R728o — Will o’ the wisp; a sea yam of the war of ’12. R728w Rollins, Alice Wellington. Finding of the gentian. R7542f Rollins, Frank West. Lady of the violets. R75411 Rose, Mrs. H. (Durant). A ducal skeleton. R796d Ross, C. M. Pinks and cherries. R8231p Ross, Clinton. Chalmette. R823c — The meddling hussy, tales retold. R823m — The puppet. R823p — The scarlet coat. R823s — A trooper of the empress. R823tr Rossetti, Christina Georgina. Maude; prose & verse. R829m Rouse, Adelaide I,. The Deane girls. R863d Rudd, Jean Porter Tower of the old schloss. R914t Russan, Ashmore and Boyle, F. Orchid seekers; a story of adventure in Bor- neo. R958o FICTION . 143 Russell, Ernest E. — A rogue’s daughter. S484r The reason why. R962r Setoun, Gabriel, pseud. Russell, George liansby. Barncraig; episodes in the life of a Scottish Under the sjambok; a tale of the Transvaal. village. S49ob R9G31u — George Malcolm. S495g Russell, H. R. — Robert Urquhart. S495r Life’s peepshow. R9631 — Sunshine and haar. S495s Russell, William Clark. Sewell, C. V. V. Heart of oak. 3 v. R968h A gentleman in waiting. S516g — A noble haul. R968n Sharp, Evelyn. — Phantom death, and other stories. R968p The making of a prig. S531m — Rose Island. R968ro Sharp, William. — Two captains. R968tw The gypsy Christ, and other tales. S5311g — Voyage at anchor. R968v — Wives in exile. S5311w — “What cheer?” the sad story of a wicked Sheldon, Charles Monroe. sailor. R968w In His steps; what would Jesus do? S544i/' Sanborn, Alvan F. Meg McIntyre’s raffle, and other stories. S198m Sanders, E. K. For prince & people; a tale of old Genoa. S215f Sanderson, James Gardner. Cornell stories. S216c Sanford, M. Bourchier. Romance of a Jesuit mission. S224r Sardou, Victorien. Alice de Beaurepaire; a romance of Napoleon tr. fr. the French by I. G. Burnham. S244a — Robespierre; novelized by A. Galdemar. S244r Sauber, H. H. Adventures of a tenderfoot. S255a Saunders, M. Rose a Charlitte. S257r Sawyer, E. A. Mary Cameron; a romance of Fisherman’s island. S271m Schmithof, E. Six cups of chocolate; tr. by E. V. B. Mat- thews. S355s Schreiner, Olive. Trooper Peter Halket of Mashonaland. S378t Schultz, J. Colette. Scollard, Clinton. A man-at-arms. Scott, Duncan Campbell. In the village of Viger. Scribner, Frank Kimball. The honor of a princess. Scully, William Charles. White hecatomb, and other stories. S437w Seawell, Molly Elliot. History of the Lady Betty Stair. — The loves of the Lady Arabella. — A strange, sad comedy. Sedgwick, A. D. Confounding of Camelia. — The dull Miss Archinard. Seklemian, A. G. Golden maiden, and other folk tales and fairy stories told in Armenia. S463g Sergeant, Adeline. Failure of Sibyl Fletcher. S484f — The idol-maker. S484i — Marjory Moore. S484ma S554h S554p S557u S561m S568w S5691i S387c S422m S4251iv S434h S442h S4421o S442s S448c S448d -The twentieth door. Sherwood, M. P. Henry Worthington, idealist. — A puritan Bohemia. Shipman, L. E. D’Arcy of the guards; or. The fortunes of war. S557d — Urban dialogues. Shrewsbury, H. W. Marred in the making. Sidgwick, Mrs. Cecily. A woman with a future. Sidney, Margaret, pseud. Little maid of Concord town. Sienkiewicz, Henryk. * Hania; tr. fr. the Polish by J. Curtin. S572h — In vain. S572i — Let us follow him; tr. fr. the Polish by J. Curtin. S5721e — “Quo vadis”; a narrative of the time of Nero; tr. fr. the Polish by J. Curtin. S572q — Sielanka, and other stories; tr. by J. Curtin. S572s — So runs the world; tr. by S. C. de Soissons. S572so — The third woman; tr. fr. the Polish by N. M. Babad. S572th Simmons, Vesta S., pseud. A village drama. S592v Simolin, baron. Two queens. S593t Skertchly, J. A. Sport in Ashanti; or, Melinda the caboceer. S627s Skinner, H. D. Espiritu santo. S628e Skram, Mrs. A. Professor Hieronimus; tr. by A. Stronach and G. B. Jacobi. S629p Sladen, Douglas. A Japanese marriage. S631j Slosson, A. T. Dumb foxglove, and other stories. S634d Smith, E._ Boyd. My village. S646m Smith, F. Clifford. A lover in homespun, and other stories. S64711 Smith, Francis Hopkinson. Caleb West. S647ca — The other fellow. S647o — Tom Grogan. S647t 144 FICTION. Smith, Gertrude. Dedora Heywood. S648d Smith, Logan Pearsall. Youth of Parnassus, and other stories. S654y Smith, N. A. Under the cactus flag. S6551u Snaith, John Collis. Fierceheart the soldier; a romance of 1745. S669f — Lady Barbarity. S6691 — Mistress Dorothy Marvin. S669m Soans, R. G. John Gilbert, yeoman; a romance of the com- monwealth. S676j Solitary summer; by the author of “Elizabeth and her German garden.” E43s Somerville, Edith O. and Ross, M. Some experiences of an Irish R. M. S696s Spears, John Randolph. Port of missing ships, and other stories of the sea. S741p Speight, T. W. Heart of a mystery. S742h Spender, Harold. At the sign of the guillotine. S746a Spinner, Alice. A reluctant evangelist, and other stories. S757r Spofford, Mrs. Harriet Elizabeth (Prescott). An inheritance. S762i — Maid he married. S762m — A master spirit. S762ma — Priscilla’s love story. S762p Spratt, Dora E. W. Christmas week at Bigler’s mill. S767c Springer, M. E. Dorothy Quincy. S769d Stacpoole, H. de V. The rapin. S7751r Steel, Mrs. Flora Annie (Webster). In the permanent way. S813i — In the tideway. S813in — On the face cf the waters; a tale of the mutiny. S813o — Red rowans. S813r Stephens, R. N. Continental dragoon. S835c — An enemy to the king. S835e — A gentleman player. S835g Stephens, Riccardo. The cruciform mark; strange story of Richard Tregenna. S8351c — Mr. Peters. S8351m Sterry, Joseph Ashby-. Tale of the Thames. S839t Stetson, Mrs. C. (Perkins). Yellow wall paper. S841y Steuart, J. A. Minister of state. S842m — Wine on the lees. S842w Stevens, S. I am the king. S846i — Sword of justice. S846s Stevenson, Robert Louis. St. Ives; the adventures of a French prisoner in England. S848s — Suicide club. S848su — Weir of Hermiston; an unfinished romance. Stimpson, H. B. Tory maid. S848w S859t Stimson, Frederic Jesup. King Noanett ; a story of old Virginia and the Massachusetts Bay. S8591k — Mrs. Knollys, and other stories. S8591m — Pirate gold. S8591p Stockton, F. R. Associate hermits. S866as — The girl at Cobhurst. S866g — The great stone of Sardis. S866gr — Mrs. Cliff’s yacht. S866m — A story-teller’s pack. S866s —Vizier of the two-horned Alexander. S866v Stoker, B. Dracula. S874d Stories by English authors; Africa. S884a — England. S884e — France. S884f — Germany. S884g — Ireland. S884ir —Italy. S884i — London. S8841 — The Orient. S884o — The sea. S884s Stories by foreign authors; French. 3 v. S8842f S8842g — German. 2 v. — Italian. S8842i — Polish, Greek, Belgian, Hungarian. S8842p — Russian. S8842r — Scandinavian. S8842s — Spanish. S8842sp Strain, E. H. A man’s foes. S896m Stredder, Eleanor. The hermit princes; a tale of adventure in Japan. S914h Stringer, Arthur J. Loom of destiny S9181 Stuart, Eleanor. Stonepastures. S929s Stuart, Mrs. R. (McEnery). Holly and pizen, and other stories. S932H — In Simpkinsville; character tales. S932i — Moriah’s mourning, and other half-hour sketches. S932m — Sonny. S932sy Sturgis, Julian. Folly of Pen Harrington. S935fo — Master of fortune. S935m Sudermann, H. Regina; or, The sins of the fathers ; tr. by B. Marshall. S943r Sutcliffe, H. Ricroft of Withens. S935r Sutphen, W. G. van Tassel. The golficide, and other tales of the fair green. Swan, Maggie. A late awakening. S9721 Symonds, William Samuel. Malvern chase; an episode of the wars of the roses and the battle of Tewkesbury. S988m FICTION. 145 Takenobu, Y. Classical tales of old Japan. T136c Talbot, Charles Remington. The impostor; a football and college romance, with other stories for young people. T138i Tales from McClure’s; war stories of camp and battlefield. T143w Tarkington, B. Gentleman from Indiana. T187g Taylor, Hobart Chatfield Chatfield-. The vice of fools. T242v Taylor, Mary Imlay. House of the wizard. T244h — On the red staircase. T244o Terhune, Albert Payson. Columbia stories. T318c Thackeray, William Makepeace. Novels by eminent hands. T363n — The rose and the ring. T363r Thanet, Octave, pseud. A book of true lovers. T367b — Heart of toil; [short stories]. T367h — Missionary sheriff. T367m — Slave to duty and other women. T367s Thomas, R. Kinship of souls. T461k Thompson, Basil. A court intrigue. T4682c Thompson, Charles Miner. Nimble dollar; with other stories. T4691n Thompson, E. Seton-. Trail of the Sandhill stag. T469t Thompson, H. S. Windy creek. T472w Thompson, J. M. Stories of the Cherokee hills. T473s Thorburn, Septimus Swett. His Majesty ’3 greatest subject. T487h Thurber, Alwyn M. Quaint Crippen, commercial traveler. T536q Ticknor, Caroline. A hypocritical romance, and other stories. T557h Tincker, M. A. Autumn leaves; verse and story. T587a Tirebuck, W. E. Meg of the scarlet foot. T596m Todd, George Eyre-. Anne of Argyle; or, Cavalier and covenant. T634a Tompkins, Elizabeth Knight. An unlessoned girl; a story of school life. T662u TourgSe, Albion Winegar. The man who outlived himself. T727ma Townsend, Virginia Frances. Dorothy Draycott’s to-morrows. T751d — “Sirs, only seventeen!” T751s Townshend, R. B. Lone pine. T7541 Tracy, Louis. An American emperor; story of the 4th em- pire of France. T761a — The final war. T761f — Lost provinces ; how Vansittart came back to France. T7611 Train, Elizabeth Phipps. Autobiography of a professional beauty. T768a — A social highwayman. T708s Trask, Mrs. Katrina. John Leighton, jr. T776j Travers, G. Windyhaugh. T779w Trimmer, F. Mortimer. The golden crocodile. T831g Trowbridge, John Townsend. The man who stole a meeting-house; and. Preaching for Selwyn. T863m — A question of damages. T863q Trumbull, A. E. Cape Cod week. T868c — A Christmas accident, and other stories. T868ch — Mistress Content Cradock. T868m — Rod’s salvation. T868r Turgenef, Ivan Sergeievich. Diary of a superfluous man, and other stories; tr. fr. the Russian by C. Garnett. T936d — Dream tales and prose poems; tr. fr. the Rus- sian by C. Garnett. T936dr — House of gentlefolk; tr. fr. the Russian by C. Garnett. T936h Tyler, Odette. Boss. T983b Tynan, Katharine. An isle in the water. T987i Tyner, Paul. Through the invisible. T988t Tytler, Sarah, pseud. Bubble fortune. T997b Underwood, Mary Lanman. An American mother, and other stories. U561a Upward, Allen. A crown of straw. U71c Vachell, Horace Annesley. Quicksands of Pactolus. V118q Van Dyke, Henry Jackson. The first Christmas-tree; illust. by H. Pyle. _ x V248f x — Lost word; a Christmas legend of long ago. 0 V2481*/ — Story of the other wise man. V248s Vane, Capel. Desire of the moth. V249d Van Rensselaer, Mrs. Mariana (Griswold). One man who was content, etc. V274o Verga, Giovanni. Under the shadow of Etna; Sicilian stories fr. the Italian, [tr.] by N. H. Dole. V493u Vogii§, Eugene Marie Melchior, vicomte de. Russian portraits; tr. by E. L. Cary. V888r Voss, R. The new god; tr. by M. A. Robinson. V969n Voynich, Mrs. Ethel Lilian (Boole). The gadfly. V975g Waite, Carlton. A silver baron. W145s Waldstein, C. Surface of things. W168s Walford, Mrs. L. B. (Colquhoun). The archdeacon. W174a —A bubble. W174b — Frederick. W174f — The intruders. W174i — Leddy Marget. W1741e ^-Little legacy, and other stories. W1741 146 FICTION. — “Ploughed,” and other stories* W174p — Successors to the title. W174s Walsh, H. C. Bonhomme; French-Canadian stories and sketches. W224b Walton, E. G. She who will not when she may. W238s Walworth, Mrs. Jeannette Ritchie (Hadermann). An old fogy. W242o — Uncle Scipio; a story of uncertain days in the South. W242u Ward, Mrs. Elizabeth Stuart (Phelps). The supply at St. Agatha’s. W257su Ward, Herbert Dickinson. The burglar who moved paradise. W258b Ward, Mrs. Mary Augusta (Arnold). Helbeck of Bannisdale. 2 v. W261he — Sir George Tressady. 2v. W261si Ward, Mrs. W. One poor scruple. W264o Warden, Florence, pseud. House in the hills. W265h Warman, Cy. The express messenger, and other tales of the rail. W277e — Frontier stories. W277f — Snow on the headlight. W277s — The white mail. W277w Warner, C. D. That fortune. W279t Waterloo, S. The launching of a man. W3271 — An odd situation. W327o —Story of Ab; a tale of the time of the cave men. W327s Watson, Mrs. Augusta (Campbell ) * Bevond the city gates; a romance of old New York. W337b Watson, H. B. M. Heart of Miranda, and other stories. W338h Watson, J. (Ian Maclaren). Afterwards, and other stories. W339a — Kate Carnegie. W339k Watts, William Courtney. Chronicles of a Kentucky settlement. W353c Wellesley college. Class of 1896. At Wellesley; Legenda for 1896. W451a Wells, David Dwight. Her ladyship’s elephant. W4531he Wells, Henry George. The invisible man, a grotesque romance. W454i — Tales of space and time. W454t — Thirty strange stories. W454th — The time machine. W454ti — The war of worlds. W454wa — Wheels of chance, a bicycling idyll. W454wc — When the sleeper wakes. W454wh Welsh, James. A white baby. W462w Wendt, Frederick W. Ocean sketches. W473o — Transatlantics. W473t Westcott, E. N. David Harum. W524d Westover, Cynthia M. Bushy. W536b W539f W549c W549fo W549k W5491 W549r W549sh W649s W549w W553 g W654b W566b Wetherell, Ellen F. Facts from Florida. Weyman, S. J. Castle inn. — For the cause; — King’s stratagem, and other stories. — Little wizard. — Bed cockade. — Shrewsbury. — The snowball. — When love calls. Wharton, E. The greater inclination. "Wharton, Thomas. “Bobbo,” and other fancies. Wheelwright, John Tyler. A bad penny. Whishaw, F. J. At the court of Catherine the Great. W576a — A boyar of the Terrible; romance of the court of Ivan the Cruel, 1st tsar of Russia. W576b White, Eliza Orne. A Browning courtship, and other stories. W583b — Lover of truth. White, H. Differences. White, Percy. Mr. Bailey-Martin. White, William Allen. The real issue. White, William Hale. Clara Hopgood. Whiteing, R. No. 5 John Street. Whiteley, Isabel. Falcon of LangSac. Whitelock, L. Clarkson. A mad madonna, and other stories. W594m Whitney, Mrs. A. D. (Train). Square pegs. Wiggin, Mrs. Kate Douglas (Smith). Marm Lisa. — Penelope’s progress. Wilcox, M. Vengeance of the female. Wilde, Oscar Fingall O’Flahertie Wills. Young king; [and] The star-child. W672y Wilkins, M. E. The Jamesons. — Jerome, a poor man. —Love of parson Lord, and other stories. W6851 — Madelon. W685m — People of our neighborhood. W685pe — Silence, and other stories. W685s Wilkinson, F. Lady of the flag-flowers. W6861 Williams, J. L. Adventures of a freshman. W724a — Stolen story, and other newspaper stories. W724s Winter, John Strange, pseud. Grip. W785 g — I married a wife. W785i — The peacemakers. W785pe — Private Tinker, and other stories. W785p W5831 W584d W587m W589r W5891cl W593n W5941f W617s W655m W655pe W667v W685j W685je FICTION. GERMAN FICTION. 147 — Truth-tellers. W785t Wister, Owen. Lin McLean. W8171 — Red men and white; illust. by F. Remington. W817r Wolf, Emma. The joy of life. W853j Woman’s medical college of Pa. Committee. Daughters of Aesculapius; stories by alumnae and students. W872d Wood, Henry. Victor Serenus; a story of the Pauline era. W875v Wood, J. E. Judith Moore; or, Fashioning a pipe. W876j Wood, Roland A. Great Chin episode. W878g — Shepherdess of Treva. W878s Woods, Katharine Pearson. Crowning of Candace. W8951c — John; a tale of King Messiah. W8951j — The son of Ingar. W8951s Woods, Vima. An elusive lover. W897e Woolson, Constance Fenimore. Dorothy, and other Italian stories. W916d Xenopoulos, Gregory. The stepmother; a tale of modern Athens; done into English by Mrs. Edmonds. X5s Xenos, Stephanos Theodoros. Andronike, the heroine of the Greek revolu- tion. X51a Yeats, Sidney Kilner Levett-. Chevalier d’Auriac. Y41ch — A Galahad of the Creeks; [and], The Widow Lamport. Y41g — Heart of Denise, and other* tales. Y41he Yechton, Barbara, pseud. Toinette, and other stories. Y42t — Young savage. Y42y Yeoman, William Joseph. A woman’s courier; a tale of the famous forty conspiracy of 1696. Y46w Yonge, Charlotte Mary. Founded on paper. Y55f — Pilgrimage of the Ben Beriah. Y55pi — The release; or, Caroline’s French kindred. Y55re — The wardship of Steepcoombe. Y55w Young, Egerton Ryerson. Stories from Indian wigwams and northern camp-fires. Y71s Zack, pseud. Life is life, and other tales. Z161 — On trial. Z16o Zangwill, Israel. Big Bow mystery. Z29bi — Dreamers of the ghetto. Z29d — and Cohen, L. The premier and the painter. Z29p Zangwill, Louis. The beautiful Miss Brooke. Z291b Zola, ismile. Paris; tr. by E. A. Vizetelly. 2 v. Z86p German Fiction. Baumbach, It. Erzahlungen und Marchen. 3 B347e — Es war einmal; Miirchen. 3 B347ea Brentano, C. Das Marchen von Gockel, Hinkel und Gacke- leia in seiner urspriinglichen Gestalt. 3 B839g Dahn, L. J. F. Bis zum Tode getreu; Erzahlung aus der Zeit Karls des Grossen. 3 D131b — Ein Kampf um Rom. 4 v. 3 D131k — Frigga’s Ja. Ebner-Eschenbach, M. Baronin von. 3 D131f Dorf-und Schlossgeschichten. 3 E16d — Drei Novellen. 3 E16dr - — Zwei Comtessen. Eckstein, Ernst. 3 E16z Die Claudier. Elizabeth, queen of Roumania. 3 E19c Deficit; Roman von Carmen Sylva. Eschstruth, N. von. 3 E43d Giinseliesel; eine Hofgeschichte. 2v. 3 E74g Fontane, Theodor. Cecile. 3 F679c — Graf Petofy. 3 F679g — Irrungen Wirrungen. 3 F679i — Meine Kinderjahre; autobiographischer Ro- man. 3 F679m — Quitt. 3 F679q — Stine. 3 F679s — Unwiederbringlich. 3 F679u — Vor dem Sturm; Roman, 1812-13. 3 F679v Gerstacker, F. Der Erbe. 3 G383e v. 11 — Eine Mutter. 3 G383m v. 9 Hauff, Wilhelm. Sammtliche Werke; mit des Dichters Leben von G. Schwab. 5v. in 2. 3 H369 — Tales; ed. with introd. notes and vocab. by C. B. Goold. 3 H369t Hauptmann, G. Der Apostel. 3 H374a Heimburg, Wilhelmine, pseud. Mamsell Anniitz. 3 H467m — Unter der Linde. 3 H467u Heyse, P. J. L. Gesammelte Werke. v. 17, 19-25. 8 v. 3 H621 — Merlin. 3 v. 3 H621m Hillem, Mme. W. (Birch) von. Die Geier-Wally. 3 H652g — Hbher als die Kirche. 3 H652h Jensen, Wilhelm. Metamorphosen. 3 J54m — Nach Sonnenuntergang. 2 v. in 1. 3 J54n — Der Teufel in Schiltach. 3 J54t — Versunkene Welten. 2 v. 3 J54v Liliencron, Abba von. Sonnenschein und Sturm. 3 L728s — Ein Versprechen. 3 L728v — Zu spat. 3 L728z Lindau, Paul. Arme Madchen. 3 L742a —Die Gehilfin. 2 v. 3 L742g — Hangendes Moos. 3 L742h 148 GERMAN FICTION. SWEDISH FICTION. — Die kranke Kochin; [und], Die Liebe im Dativ. Rosegger, P. 3 L742k Die Schriften des Waldschulmeisters. 3 R799s Sudermann, Hermann. Es war. 3 S943e — Frau Sorge. 3 S943f — Geschwister. 3 S943g — Im Zwielicht. 3 S943i — Iolanthes Hochzeit. 3 S943io — Der Katzensteg. Wilbrandt, Adolf. 3 S943k Adams Sohne. 3 W665a — Der Dornenweg. 3 W665d — Meister Amor. 3 W665m — Die Rothenburger. 3 W665r — Schleichendes Gift. 3 W665s — Der Wille zum Leben; und, Untrennbar. 3 W665w Wildenbruch, Ernst Adolf von. Das edle Blut. 3 W672e — Eifemde Liebe. 3 W672ei — Novellen. 3 W672n — Schwester-Seele. Zschokke, J. H. D. 3 W672s Ausgewahlte Werke. 4 v. 3 Z92 Swedish Fiction. 39 A285f 39 A285p 39 B626b 39 B626m 39 B641f 39 B641v 39 B648e 39 B648g —Karl oeh Sigismund, historisk-romantisk af sextonde &rhundradet. 39 B648k — Sten Sture den aldre oeh hans samtida. 39 B648s —Sten Sture den yngre och Kristina Gyllen- stjerna. 39 B648st — Svante Nilsson Sture och hans samtida. 39 B648sv Cajanello, Edgren-Leffler, A. C. dissa di. Efterlamnade skrifter; ur lifvet. 39 C139e Cobb, James Francis. Fyrb&ken p& Lands End; berattelse fr&n Wesley’s tid. 39 C653f Dahn, Felix. Julianus Affallingen; ofvers. fr. Tyskan. 39 D131j Ebers, Georg Moritz. Kleopatra. 39 E16k — Uarda; roman fr&n det gamla Egypten; ofvers. fr. Tyska af E. Lundquist. 39 E16u Eckstein, Ernst. Nero; ofvers. af W. Hedberg. 39 E19n Geijerstam, Gustaf af. Kampen om kiirlek. 39 G312k, Jill JL»l/. Fru Marianne. — Pengar. Bjomson, Bjornstjeme. Berattelser. — Magnhild ; ofvers. af M. Langlet. Blanche, August. Flickan i stadsg&rden. — Y&lnaden. Blink, Carl. Erik XI Y och Johan III. — Gustaf Vasa och hans samtida. — Medusas hufvud, en spoksyn ur lifvet. 39 G312m Hedberg, Frans. Arbetarlif; skildring ur verkligheten. 39 H452a — 'Fran skargdrden och fastlandet; bilder och historier. Heidenstam, Yerner von. Karolinerna. Ingemann, Bernhard Severin. Erik Menveds barndom. — Konung Erik och de fredlose. — Waldemar Seier. Ingraham, Joseph Holt. Eldstoden; eller, Israels barn i traldomens hus. Kielland, Alexander Lange. Arbetare. Kolthoff, Gunilda. Sagor. Lagerlof, Selma. Gosta Berlings saga. — Osynliga lankar. Lindhe Wilma. Bagnhild. Lodbrok, pseud. Birger jarls soner. — Fanrik Flinks minnen. — Froken barfelts hemlighet; roman fran Carl XII’s tid. 39 L821f — Nils Dacke. 39 L821n Lundegdrd, Axel. Faster ulla och Hennes brorsdottrar. 39 L962f — Titania en karlekssaga. Mailing, Mathilda. Fru Guvernoren af Paris. Melander, Richard. Stvrbjorns antring. Molander, Harald. En lyckorlddare. Moller, Otto M. Guld och ara; ofvers af M. Boheman. 39 M726g Nielsen, Anton. Om Karin, som kom till folk-hogskolan ; cfvers. af G. A. Aldbn. 39 N669o Ohnet, Georges. Rikedomens vanmakt; ofvers. fr&n franskan. 39 038r verklighets- 39 H452f 39 H465k 39 I46e 39 I46k 39 I46w 39 I54e 39 K47a 39 K81s 39 L174g 39 L174o 39 L745r 39 L821b 39 L821fa 39 L962t 39 M254f 39 M517s 39 M717e Oxenstierna, M. G. Leijonskold. Konungens kapare; roman fr&n Karl XII’s tid. 39 0981k Petterkvist, Lovisa. Hemma i jockmock en skildring ur sm&st- adslifvet s&dan den ar. 39 P499h Reuter, Fritz. Lifvet pft landet; ofvers. af E. Lundquist. 39 R4471 Roos, Mathilda. Genom skuggor en nutidsskildring. 39 R781g — Skepp som forg&s i stormen. 39 R781s Rydberg, Abraham Yiktor. De vandrande djaknarne bondhistoria. 39 R992d — Fribytaren p& ostersjon. 39 R992f SWEDISH FICTION. FRENCH FICTION. 149 — Vapensmeden; hiigringar fr&n reformations- tiden. 39 R992v Schwartz, Marie Sophie. Enkan och henries barn 39 S399e — Skuld och oskuld. 39 S399s Sigurd, pseud. Fideikommissarien till Halleborg. 39 S579f — Komministern i Qvislinge. 39 S579k — Patron Jonssons memoirer. 39 S579p — I Svenska bondehem skildringar. 39 S579s — Vid hemmets hard. 39 S579v Smfi. berattelser. 39 S635 Sparre, Pehr. Den siste friseglaren. 39 S737s — Sjbkadetten i Gustaf den tredjes tid. 39 S737sj — Standaret. 39 S737st Starback, Carl Georg. Master Olofs brollop, & Ofverste sthlhammar. 39 S795m — Skarpskyttens ungdomsminnen. 39 S795s Stinde, Julius Ernst Wilhelm. Borgarfolk eller Herrskapet Buchholz; ofvers. af E. G. Folcker. 39 S859b — Borgarfolk p& resa; eller, Herrskapet Buch- holz* turistafventyr ; ofvers. af E. Lund- quist. 39 S859bo Strindberg, Johan August. Hemsoborna. — Skarkarlslif. Tavaststjerna, Karl A. Kvinnoregemente. Thomasson, Pehr. Det forlorade bamet. — Nils Dacke. Tolstoi, Lyof Nicolaievitch, count. Anna Karenin. — Lif och dod. Topelius, Zacharias. Ljungars saga; historisk 1500-talet. Wahlenberg, Anna. En stor man. Wieselgren, Sigfrid. En man ofver bord. 39 W651e — Genom hvirflarne ; inre och y ttre lif tecknadt. 39 W651g Wirsen, Carl David af. I lifvets v&r. 39 W798i Wraner, Henrik. Gamliingar och gronsk&llingar ; sm& folklifs- bilder fr&n sk&ne-slatten. 39 W941g — Hiigringar folklifsskildringar. 39 W941h — I Sk&nska stugor; sm k bolder ur folklifvet i ostra Skane forr och nu. 39 W941s French Fiction. 39 S9181h 39 S9181s 39 T231k 39 T464f 39 T464n 39 T654a 39 T6541 berattelse fran 39 T6731 39 W137e Adam, P. La bataille d’Uhde. 4 A195b Auzias-Turenne, — . Cow-boy. 4 A944c Balzac, Honor6 de. Pages choisies: [pub. par] G. Lanson. (Pages choisies des grands Scrivains). 4 B198 Bazin, R. De toute son &me. 4 B363d Biart, Lucien. Quand j’6tais petit; histoire d’un enfant; adapted for schools with notes by J. Bolelle. 2 v. 4 B579q Blanc, Mme. Marie ThGr&se (de Solms). Une double 6preuve. 4 B638d Boubf‘e, S. Mauricette. 4 B752m Bourget, Paul. Recommencements. 4 B772r Caro, Mme. Pauline Cassin. Idylle nuptiale. 4 C292i Cherbuliez, Charles Victor. Le roi Ap6pi. 4 C521r Claretie, Jules. L’Am6ricaine. 4 C591a Cornut, Samuel. L’inquiet. 4 C819i Dash, La comtesse, pseud. Le fruit d6fendu. 4 D229f Daudet, Alphonse. La F6dor, pages de la vie. 4 D238f — Tartarin de Tarascon. 4 D238ta — Le tr6sor d’Arlatan. 4 D238t Dombre, R. Les demoiselles Danaides. 4 D667d — Tante Rabat- Joie. 4 D667t Dumas, A., fils. Contes et nouvelles. 4 D8861c Dumas, A. D. Pages choisies; [pub. par] H. Parigot. (Pages choisies des grands 6crivains). 4 D886p Flaubert, Gustave. Pages choisies; [pub. par] G. Lanson. (Pages choisies des grands &crivains). 4 F587 Floran, Mary, pseud. La faim et la soif. 4 F632f Gald6s, Benito Perez. Dona Perfecta; tr. par. J. Lugol. 4 G149d Gallet, L. Doris. 4 G167d Gautier, T. Pages choisies; [pub. par] P. Sirven. (Pages choisies des grands 6crivains.) 4 G277s Genlis, Stephanie F61icit$ (Ducrest de St. Au- bin), comtesse de. Le si£ge de la Rochelle. 4 G332s Gr6ville, Henri, pseud. C6phise. 4 G838c Heard, John. Esquisses mexicaines. 4 H435e Hugo, Victor Marie, comte. Les misSrables ; ed. by A. de Rougemont. 4 H895m 2 Lesage, A. L. Pages choisies; [pub. par] P. Morillot. (Pages choisies des grands Scrivains.) 4 L622m Loti, Pierre, pseud. Ramuntcho. 4 L883r M^rim^e, P. Pages choisies; [pub. par] H. Lion. (Pages choisies des grands Gcrivains.) 4 M5611 Musset, L. C. A. de. Pages choisies; [pub. par] P. Sirven. (Pages choisies des grands Gcrivains.) 4 M989s 150 FRENCH ; ITALIAN , AND SPANISH FICTION . Neukomm, E. Les dompteurs de la mer; les Normands en Amerique depuis le Xe jusqu’au XVe si&cle. 4 N486d Ohnet, Georges. La fille du depute. 4 038f Rameau, Jean. Le cceur de RSgine. 4 R171j R§gnier, Henri de. La double maltresse. 4 R342d Robida, Albert. Le mystere de la rue Careme-Prenant. Rod, Edouard. 4 R654m Dernier refuge. 4 R685d — La-haut. 4 R6851 — Le menage du pasteur Maudi6. 4 R685m — Le sens de la vie. Roe, A. 4 R685s Rachete. 4 R698r Rozane, Jean. Maldonne. 4 R893m Saintine, Xavier Boniface, pseud. Picciola; prec6d6 de quelques recherches sur l’emploi du temps dans les prisons d’etat par P. L. Jacob. 4 S157p Sand, George, pseud. Pages cboisies ; [pub. par] S. Rocbeblave. (Pages choisies des grands §crivains.) 4 S213p Tardivel, J. P. Pour la patrie. 4 T183p Thery, E. Sous Funiforme. 4 T412s Urbanowska, Sophie. La princesses tr. par R. Candiani. 4 U72p Vigne d’Octon, P. Journal d’un marin. 4 V682j Zola, 6mile. Rome. 4 Z86r Italian Fiction. Amicis, Edmondo de. Marocco. — Novelle. — La vita militare ; bozzetti. Barrili, Anton Guilio. II Dantino. — Figli del cielo. — Un guidizio di Dio. — La montanara. Bersezio, Vittorio. Palmina. Carutti di Cantogno, Domenico. Gioventh; racconti. Farina, Salvatore. Mio figlio. Guidi, Tommasina. H curat o di Pradalburgo. Mantegazza, Paolo. Testa; libro per i giovinetti. Martini, Ferdinando. Racconti. Serao, Mme. Matilde. Le amanti. — Gli amanti; pastelli. — Leggende napoletane. Torelli-Torriani, Maria. Dopo il caffe. Valcarenghi, Ugo. Coscienze oneste. — Maria. Verga, Giovanni. Per le vie. 5 A516m 5 A516n 5 A516v 5 B275d 5 B275f 5 B275g 5 B275m 5 B535p 5 C329g 5 F225m 5 G947c 5 M291t 5 M386r 5 S481a 5 S481g 5 S4811 5 T678d 5 V141c 5 V141m 5 V493p Spanish Fiction. Galdos, Benito P6rez. Dona Perfecta. 6 G149d Valdes, Armando Palacio. Marta y Maria. 6 V145ma — Maximina; 2da parte de Riverita. 2v. 6 V145m JUVENILE BOOKS. JUVENILE BOOKS Periodicals. Boy’s own annual. v. 18-21, Oct. 1895-Sept. 1899. j052. B79 Harper’s round table, v. 17-20, Nov. 1895-Oct. 1899. j051. H29r Saint Nicholas, v. 23-27, Nov. 1895-April 1900. j051. S147 Religion. Mythology. Beale, Harriet S. B. Stories from the Old testament for children. 1899. j221.92 B36 Beckwith, M. H. In mythland. j292. B39 Bennett, W. H. and Adeney, W. F. Bible story re-told for young people. j220.95 B47 Bible, N. T., Selections. Bible stories; ed. by R. G. Moulton. ( Modern reader’s Bible; children’s ser.) j220. B58E Dewey, Mrs. Julia M., comp. Ethics; stories for home and school. 1891. jl70. D519e Francillon, R. E. Gods and heroes. j292. F81 Keary, Annie and Keary, E. Heroes of Asgard; tales from Scandinavian mythology. (Macmillan’s school lib.) j293. K24 Kupfer, Grace H. Stories of long ago in a new dress. Illust. 1898. j292. K96 Peabody, Josephine Preston. Old Greek folk-stories told anew. 1897. (Riverside lit. ser.) j292. P35 Potter, E. T. Bible stories in Bible language. New ed. j220. P86 Weed, George Ludington. Life of Christ for the young. 1898. j232.9 W39 Wilson, Calvin Dill and Reeve, J. K. Bible boys and girls ; how they looked, where they lived, and what they did. Illust. 1896. j220.92 W74 Zimmern, Alice. Old tales from Greece. 1897. j292. Z76 Social and Political Science. Education. Badlam, Anna B. Stories of child life. 1899. 4v. (Young folks’ lib.) j372.4 B13 Carroll, Stella Webster. Around the world; geographical reader; primary, book 1; ed. by C. F. Carroll. 1899. (New century ser.) j372.4 C31 Chase, A. and Clow, E. Stories of industry. 1891. 2 v. j372.3 C48 Dole, C. F. The young citizen. j320. D66 Dunton, Larkin, ed. First lessons. (The world and its people.) j372.8 D92f — Glimpses of the world. 1899. (The world and its people.) j372.8 D92 Judson, Harry Pratt. The voung American; a civic reader. Illust. 1897. j320.2 J93 Matthews, F. Our navy in time of war (1861-98). (Apple- ton’s home read, bks.) j353.6 M43 Morris, C. The nation’s navy; our ships and their achievements. j353.7 M87 Science. Natural History. Useful Arts. Awdry, Mrs. William. Early chapters in science; ed. by W. F. Bar- rett. Illust. 1899. j507. A96 Baker, R. S. Boy’s book of inventions. 504. B16 Baskett, James Newton. Story of the birds. Illust. 1897. (Apple- tons’ home read, bks.) j598.2 B31 — Story of the fishes. (Appleton’s home read. bks.) j597. B31 Bayliss, Clara Kern. In brook and bayou; or, Life in the still waters. Illust. 1897. (Appletons’ home read, bks.) j590. B35 Beard, James Carter. Curious homes and their tenants. Illust. 1897. (Appletons’ home read, bks.) j590. B36 Brown, Kate Louise. The plant baby and its friends. Illust. 1897. j580. B87. Cornish, Charles John. Animals at work and play. 2d ed. Illust. 1897. j591.5 C81 Cram, W. E. Little beasts of field and wood. j590. C88 Feathers, furs and fins ; or, Stories of animal life for children. j590. F2$ Ford, Nellie Walton. Nature’s byways; natural science for pri- mary pupils. Illust. 1897. j372.3 F71 154 JUVENILE BOOKS. Furneaux, William S. The out-door world; or, Young collector’s handbook. 2d ed. Illust. 1894. j500. F98 Gibson, William Hamilton. Eye spy; afield with nature among flowers and animate things; illust. by author. 1898. Graham, P. Anderson. Country pastimes for boys. j590. G45 Illust. 1895. j590.7 G74 1897. (Apple- j594. H27 Hardy, Mrs. Mary Earle. The hall of shells. Illust. tons’ home read, bks.) Harrington, M. W. About the weather. (Appleton’s home read, bks.) j551.5 H31 Heilprin, Angelo. The earth and its story; a first book of geology. 1896. j550. H46 Hill, Charles T. Fighting a fire. Illust. 1897. j614.84 H64 Hodge, C. F. Our common birds. (Nature study leaflet, biology ser.) J372.3 H68 no. 2 Holden, Edward Singleton. Family of the sun; conversations with a child. 1899. (Appletons’ home read, bks.) j523.4 H72 Holder, C. F. Stories of animal life. (Eclectic school read- ings.) j590. H72 Howe, Andrew Jackson. Conversations on animal life for young folks. Illust. 1897. j590. H85 Ingersoll, Ernest. Wild neighbors; out-door studies in the United States. Illust. 1897. j590. 147 Johonnot, J. Some curious flyers, creepers and swimmers. (Natural hist, ser.) j590. J73 Kelley, J. G. Boy mineral collectors. j549. K29 Kelly, Mrs. M. A. B. Short stories of our shy neighbors. Illust. 1896. (Eclectic school readings.) j580. K29 Keyser, L. S. News from the birds. J598.2 K44 Lang, Andrew, ed. Red book of animal stories. 1899. j590. L26 Lockwood, Samuel. Animal memoirs, pt. 2. Birds. 1888. (Read- ings in nat. hist.) j590. L81 Long, William J. Ways of good folk. ser. 1. 1900. j590. L84 Lovell, Kate R. Nature’s wonder-workers. Illust. 1890. j595.7 L89 Mathews, Ferdinand Schuyler. Familiar features of the roadside; flowers, shrubs, birds and insects. Illust. 1897. j580. M42 Miller, Olive Thorne, pseud. First book of birds. j 598.2 M64 — Four-handed folk. Illust. 1896. j599.8 M64 Morley, Margaret Warner. A few familiar flowers. Hlujst. 1897. J580. M86f — Seed-babies. 1897. j580. M86 Nesbit, E., pseud. Book of dogs. j636.7 N45 Parsons, Mrs. Frances Theodora (Smith) Dana. Plants and their children. Illust. 1896. j580. P26 Pierson, C. D. Among the forest people. j590. P62 — Among the meadow people. Hlust. 1897. j590. P62a Stickney, Josiah Henry. Earth and sky; a first grade nature reader. 1897. (Study and story nature readers.) J372.3 S85 — and Hoffman, R. Bird world. j598.2 S85 Strachey, John St. Loe, comp. Dog stories from the “Spectator.” 1895. j 636.7 S89 Thompson, E. Seton-. Wild animals I have known. j590. T46 Vincent, Frank, comp. The plant world; its romances and realities. Illust. 1897. (Appletons’ home read, bks.) j580. V77 Wagner, H., ed. Pacific nature stories. (Western ser. of read- ers, v. 2.) J372.3 W13 Wolf, J. Life and habits of wild animals; with letter- press by D. G. Elliot. j596. W85 Wright, Mrs. Julia (McNair). Sea-side and way-side. no. 4. 1896. (Na- ture readers.) j372.3 W95 Wright, Mrs. M. (Osgood). Four-footed Americans and their kin ; ed. by F. M. Chapman. j591.97 W95 Music. Drawing. Amusements. Beard, Daniel Carter. American boy’s book of sport. Illust. 1896. j796. B368 Bell, Mrs. Florence. Fairy tale plays and how to act them. 1896. j793. B433f Chapin, Anna Alice. Story of the Rhinegold told for young peo- ple. Illust. 1897. j 782.2 C46 — Wonder tales from Wagner. Illust. 1898. j 782.2 C46w Coonley, Lydia Avery. Singing verses for children; music by E. Smith, F. W. Root and others. 1897. j784.8 C77 Dawson, Marjorie. “Rhymes and jingles, Jingles and rhymes, Very good things For Christmas times.” j786.4 D27 Eddy, Sarah J. Songs of happy life for schools, homes and Bands of mercy. 1897. j784.8 E21 Neidlinger, W. H. Small songs for small singers. Illust. 1896. j 7 84.8 N39 Pratt, C. S. Stiek-and-pea plays. j793. P91 JUVENILE BOOKS . 155 Rimmer, C. R. Figure drawing for children. j740. R57 Tapper, Thomas. Music talks with children. 1897. j780. T17 Tomlins, William Lawrence, comp. Child’s garden of song. 1895. j784.89 T659 Willard, Eleanor Withey. Children’s singing games. Illust. 1895. j790. W69 Literature. Arabian nights’ entertainments. Arabian nights’ entertainments; ed. by A. Lang. j892.7 A651 — Stories from the Arabian nights; sel. by A. Singleton. 1900. (Appletons’ home read, bks.) j892.7 A65s Garrison, Wendell Phillips. Parables for school and home. Illust. 1897. j818.49 G242 Holbrook, Florence. ’Round the year in myth and song. Illust. 1897. j820.8 H72 Larned, A., ed. Tales fr. the Norse grandmother (the elder Edda). j839.6 L32 Norton, Charles Eliot, ed. Heart of oak books. 1895. v. 6. j808.8 N88 Palmer, Bertha, comp. Stories fr. the classic literature of many nations. 1898. j808.8 P17 Reynard the fox. Most delectable history of Reynard the fox; ed. with introd. and notes by J. Jacobs. Illust. 1895. j837.31 R45 Smythe, E. L. Primary reader. j828. S66 Spillane, Rowena Williams. Shakespeare, Dickens and Scott; storyettes for the children. j820.8 S75 Sunday reading for the young. 1897. j820.8 S95 Wright, H. C. Children’s stories in Amer. literature, 1861- 96. j810.4 W9492 Poetry. Bourdillon, Francis William. Young maids & old china. Illust. j821.89 B769 Browning, Robert and Browning, Mrs. E. (Bar- rett). Brownings for the young; ed. by F. G. Ken- yon. 1896. j821.83 Gk Field, Eugene. The Eugene Field book; verses, stories and letters: ed. by M. E. Burt and M. B. Cable; introd. by G. W. Cable. 1898. j811.49 F453b Holbrook, F. Deutscher Hiawatha primer. j811.34 SHxhd — Hiawatha primer. j8 11.34 SHxh Lang, Andrew, ed. Nursery rhyme book. Illust. 1897. j 82 1.08 1.26 Love joy, Mary I., comp. Nature in verse; a poetry reader for chil- dren. j810.8 L89 Lucas, E. V., ed. Book of verses for children. j821.08 L93 Morrison, M. W. Stories true and fancies new. j81 1.49 M881s Moulton, Mrs. Ellen Louise (Chandler). In childhood’s country. Illust. 1896. j81 1 .49 M927i Rands, W. B. Lilliput lyrics; ed. by R. B. Johnson. j821.89 R1951 Richardson, E. Sun, moon, and stars; a book of pictures and verses for children. j821.89 R522s Stevenson, Robert Louis. A child’s garden of verses. Illust. 1897. J821.89 S848c Tabb, J. B. Child verse. j811.49 1112 Thacher, Mrs. L. W., comp. The listening child; a selection of English verse for the youngest readers. j 82 1.08 T35 Watts, Isaac. Childhood’s songs of long ago; with pictur- ings by B. McManus. 1897. j821.59 W349 Wilkins, Mary Eleanor. Once upon a time, and other child-verses. Illust. 1897. j8 11.49 W685 Biography. Collective. Brooks, Elbridge Streeter. Great men’s sons; sons of the world’s mightiest men fr. Socrates to Napoleon. Illust. 1895. j920.02 B87 — Historic Americans. j920.07 B87 Eggleston, E,dward. Stories of great Americans for little Ameri- cans. 1895. (Eclectic school readings.) j920.07 E29 Little journeys to the homes of American authors. 1869. j928.73 L77 Seawell, Molly Elliot. Twelve naval captains; a record of certain Americans who made themselves immortal. Illust. 1897. j923.573 S44 Strickland, A. Queens of England; abridged by R. Kaufman, v. 2-3. j923.14 S917k Thayer, William Makepeace. Men who win; or, Making things happen. 1896. j920.02 T37m Biography. Individual. Adams, J. Willard, S. John Adams. (Amer. character study ser.) jB A214w Adams, S. Fallows, S. Samuel Adams. (Amer. character gtudy ser.) jB A217f 156 JUVENILE BOOKS. Bainbridge. Barnes, James. Commodore Bainbridge, from the gunroom to the quarter-deck. Illust. 1897. iB B162b Clay. Caldwell, H. W. Henry Clay. (Amer. char- acter study ser.) jB C619c Columbus. Pratt, Mara L. Story of Columbus. Illust. 1892. (Young folks* lib. of Amer. hist.) jB C726p Dewey. Johnson, R. The hero of Manila. jB D519j Farragut. Barnes, James. Midshipman Farragut. jB F239b2 Franklin. Brooks, E. S. Story of Benjamin Franklin. jB F831b — Strong, F. Benjamin Franklin. (Amer. character study ser.) jB F831s Grant. Brooks, Elbridge Streeter. True story of U. S. Grant, the American soldier. Illust. 1897. jB G763b — Knox, Thomas Wallace. Boys’ life of Gen. Grant. jB G763k Hamilton. Ellis, E. S. Alexander Hamilton. (Amer. character study ser.) jB H217e Hancock. Musick, J. R. John Hancock. (Amer. char- acter study ser.) jB H234m Jefferson. Ellis, E. S. Thomas Jefferson, acter study ser.) (Amer. char- jB J45e Lincoln. Brooks, Elbridge Streeter. True story of Abraham Lincoln the American, told for boys and girls. Illust. 1896. jB L736bt — Sheppard, R. D. Abraham Lincoln. (Amer. character study ser.) jB L736s Magellan. Butterworth, H. Story of Magellan and the discovery of the Philippines. jB M191b Morrison, H. S. Yankee boy’s success. jB M879 Nansen. Bull, J. B. Fridtjof Nansen; tr. by M. R. Barnard. jB N188b Napoleon I, emperor of the French. Foa, Mme. Eug6nie. Boy life of Napoleon. 1895. jB N216fo Otis. Ridpath, J. C. James Otis. (Amer. char- acter study ser.) jB 088r Randolph. Dabney, R. H. John Randolph. (Amer. character study ser.) jB R193d Washington. Parsons, E. George Washington. (Amer. character study ser.) jB W318p Webster. Reed, E. A. Daniel Webster. (Amer. char- acter study ser.) jB W378r Geography. Travels. Badlam, Anna B. Views in Africa; ed. by L. Dunton. 1897. (The world and its people.) j916. B13 Brooks, Elbridge Streeter. Century book of famous Americans; a pil- grimage to historic homes. Hlust. 1896. j917. B87 Brooks, N. Story of Marco Polo. j915. B87 Carpenter, Frank George. Asia. Illust. 1897. (Carpenter’s geo g. reader.) j915. C29 Carroll, S. W. and Jerome, H. L. Boys and girls of the Philippines and around the world. j910. C31 Coe, Fanny E. Modern Europe. Illust. 1897. (World and its people.) j914. C67 Douglas, M. Across Greenland’s ice-fields; the adventures of Nansen and Peary on the great ice-cap. j919.8 D73 Du Chaillu, Paul Belloni. Land of the long night. 1899. j919.8 D82 Hale, E. E. Historic Boston and its neighborhood. (Ap- pletons’ home read, bks.) j917.446 B74ha Kellogg, Mrs. Eva Mary (Crosby). Australia and the islands of the sea. 1898. (The world and its people.) j919.4 K29 King, C. F. Roundabout rambles in northern Europe. j914. K52 Knox, Thomas Wallace. Land of the kangaroo. Illust. 1896. j919.4 K74 McDougall, J. Saddle, sled and snowshoe ; pioneering on the Saskatchewan in the sixties. j917.124 M13 Newkirk, Garrett. Rhymes of the states. Illust. 1896. j917.3 N54 Ober, Frederick Albion. Crusoe’s island; a bird-hunter’s story. Illust. 1898. (Appletons’ home read, bks.) j917.29 012c Redway, Jacques W. Natural elementary geography. 1897. (Nat- ural geog.) j910. R32 Smith, Mary Cate. Life in Asia. 1897. (The world and its peo- ple.) j915. S65 Smith, Minna Caroline. Our own country. 1898. (The world and its people.) j917.3 S65 History. Blaisdell, Albert Franklin, ed. Stories from English history. 1898. j942. B63 Clarke, M. Story of Troy. Illust. 1897. (Eclectic school readings.) J939.21 C59 JUVENILE BOOKS. JUVENILE FICTION. 167 Cooke, Frances E. England. 1897. (Hist, for young readers.) j942. C77 Freiligrath-Kroeker, Mrs. Kathe. Germany. 1897. (Hist, for young readers.) j943. F86 Gomme, George Laurence, ed. The king’s story book; hist, stories of the reigns of English monarchs. Illust. 1897. j942. G63k — The prince’s story book; hist, stories out of English romantic literature. j942. G63p — The queen’s story book; hist, stories of the reigns of English monarchs. 1898. j942. G63 Guerber, Helene Adeline. Story of the chosen people. Illust. 1896. (Eclectic school readings.) j933. G92 — Story of the Greeks. Illust. 1896. (Eclectic school readings.) j938. G92 — Story of the Romans. 1896. (Eclectic school readings.) j937. G92 Johonnot, James. Stories of heroic deeds for boys and girls. 1887. (Hist, ser.) j908. J73 — Stories of other lands. 1888. (Hist, ser.) j940. J73 — comp. Stories of the olden time. Illust. 1889. (Hist, ser.) j908. J73s — Ten great events in history. 1887. (Hist. ser.) j908. J73t Joyce, P. W. A child’s history of Ireland. 2d ed. j941.5 J89c Morris, Charles. Historical tales; Greek. Illust. 1896. j938. M87 — Historical tales; Japan and China. j952. M875 — Historical tales; Roman. 1896. j937. M87 — Historical tales; Russian. j947. M87 Ober, F. A. Spain. (Hist, for young readers.) j946. 012 Ragozin, Mme. Z. A. History of the world; earliest peoples. j930. R14 Starr, F. American Indians. (Ethno-geographic read- er.) j970.1 S79 Van Bergen, R. Story of Japan. Illust. 1897. j952. V21 History of the United States. Abbot, W. J. Blue jackets of ’98; a history of the Spanish- American war. J973.8 A12 Brooks, Elbridge Streeter. Century book of the American revolution. Illust. 1897. j973.3 B873 — Stories of the old Bay State. j974.4 B87 — Story of our war with Spain. j973.8 B87 Chenoweth, Mrs. C. (Van Dusen). School history of Worcester. j974.43 W9c Children’s history book; tales fr. the history of our native land by famous story-tellers. 1896. j973. C53 Drake, Samuel Adams. Border wars of New Englan.d. Illust. 1897. j973.2 D76 — Making of the Ohio valley states, 1660-1837. Illust. 1894. j977. D76 Fassett, J. H. Colonial life in New Hampshire. j974.2 F24 Gibbs, George. Pike and cutlass; hero tales of our navy. 1900. j973. G44 Griffis, William Elliot. Romance of discovery; a thousand years of exploration. Illust. 1897. j973.1 G85 Holden, E. S. Our country’s flag and the flags of foreign countries. (Appletons’ home read, bks.) i929.9 H72 Hood, M. G. Tales of discovery on the Pacific slope. (Western ser. of readers.) j979. H77 Howells, W. D. Stories of Ohio. j977.1 H85 Johonnot, James, comp. Stories of our country. 1887. (Hist, ser.) j973. J73 Lewis, H. H., ed. A gunner aboard the “Yankee,” with introd. by W. T. Sampson. j973.8 L67 Pratt, Mara L. and Lovering, A. T. Stories of Massachusetts. Illust. 1892. (Young folks’ lib. of Amer. hist.) j974.4 P91 Scudder, Horace Elisha. History of the United States of America. Illust. 1897. j973. S43 Story of American heroism; narratives of per- sonal adventures during the civil war. Illust. 1896. 3*973.79 S88 Wagner, H. Pacific history stories. (Western ser. of readers.) j979. W13 Walton, Joseph S. and Brumbaugh, M. G. Stories of Pennsylvania. Illust. 1897. j974.8 W23 Juvenile Fiction. Adams, Ellinor Davenport. The palace on the moor. jA211p Adams, William Taylor. Four young explorers; or, Sight-seeing in the tropics. jA219f — Getting an indorser, and other stories. jA219g — Lieutenant at eighteen. jA219li — On the staff. jA219o — Pacific shores; or, Adventures in Eastern seas. jA219p — and Stratemeyer, E. An undivided union. jA219un Alden, Mrs. I. (McDonald). Reuben’s hindrances. jA358re Alden, William Livingston. Adventures of Jimmy Brown. jA359ad Alger, Horatio. Frank Hunter’s peril. jA395f — Rupert’s ambition. jA395r — Young bank messenger. jA395yo 158 JUVENILE FICTION. — The young salesman. jA395ys Allbright, Mary E. A young crusader. jA421y Allen, W. B. Cleared for action; a story of the Spanish- American war of 1898; sequel to “Navy blue.” jA432c — The great island; or, Cast away in Papua. jA432gu — Navy blue; a story of cadet life at Annap- olis. jA432n — A son of liberty; or. The spirit of our fa- thers. jA432s Anstey, F. pseud. Paleface and Bedskin, and other stories. jA625p Ashworth, Alice. Just a little boy; stories about Willie. jA831j Aspinwall, Alicia. Short stories for short people. jA841s Austin, Oscar Phelps. Uncle Sam’s secrets; a story of national af- fairs. jA937u — Uncle Sam’s soldiers. jA937un Avery, Harold. Frank’s first term; or, Making a man of him. jA954f Baldwin, James. Fifty famous stories retold. jB181f — Old stories of the East. jB181o Banks, Louis Albert. An Oregon boyhood. jB2181o Barnes, James. Yankee ships and yankee sailors; tales of 1812. jB261y Barnum, Mrs. I’rances Courtenay (Baylor). Miss Nina Barrow. jB263m Barry, Ethelred Breeze. Little Tong’s mission. jB2791 Bartow, Annie Key. Sign of the North star. jB2931s Baum, L. Frank. Mother Goose in prose. jB3471m Beal, Mary Barnes. Boys of Clovernook. jB366b Bennett, John. Master Skylark; a story of Shakspere’s time. jB471m Binner, Paul. Old stories retold. jB614o Blaisdell, E. A. and Blaisdell, M. F. Child life in tale and fable. jB6351c Blanchar,d, Amy Ella. A dear little girl. jB639d — Kittyboy’s Christmas. jB639k — Three pretty maids. jB639th — Thy friend Dorothy. jB639t Booth, Mrs. Maud Ballington. Sleepy-time stories. jB7252s Bouvet, Marguerite. Pierrette. jB782pi Brigham, S. J. Pleasant land of play. jB855p Brine, Mrs. Mary D. Poor Sallie and her Christmas, and other stories. jB858p Brooks, E. S. Master of the Strong Hearts; story of Custer’s last rally. jB873m — Under the tamaracks; or, A summer with Gen. Grant at the Thousand Islands. jB873u — and Alden, J. The long walls; an American boy’s adven- ' " jB8731 jB882t jB964t jB988b jB9881 jB988o jB988pi tures in Greece. Browne, G. W. Two American boys in Hawaii. Burnett, Mrs. Frances (Hodgson). Two little pilgrims’ progress. Butterworth, Hezekiah. Bordentown story-tellers. — Lost in Nicaragua. — Over the Andes. — The pilot of the Mayflower. — True to his home; a tale of the boyhood of Franklin. jB988t — Wampum belt; or, “The fairest page of his- tory”; a tale of Wm. Penn’s treaty with the Indians. iB988w Cable, G. W. Cable story book. jC115c Canton, W. W. Y.’s golden legend. jC232w Carroll, Lewis, pseud. Alice in Wonderland; a play; comp, by E. P. Delafield. jC319ad Castlemon, Harry, pseud. House-boat boys. jC353h — Missing pocket-book; or, Tom Mason’s luck. jC353mi — Mystery of lost river canyon. — A sailor in spite of himself. — White beaver. — The young game-warden. Catlin, L. E. Marjory and her neighbors. Chaffey, M. Eila. The youngsters of Murray Home. Champney, Mrs. Elizabeth (Williams). Pierre and his poodle. jC453pi — Witch Winnie in Holland. jC453wh — Witch Winnie in Spain. jC453ws — Witch Winnie in Venice and the alchemist’s story. jC453wv Channing, Blanche Mary. Zodiac stories. jC458z Cheever, Mrs. Harriet A. Links of gold. jC5151g — Little Mr. Van Vere of China. jC5151i — Strange adventures of Billy Trill. jC515s Child, Frank Samuel. House with the sixty closets. jC536h Clark, Imogen. Will Shakespeare’s little lad. jC5931w Clover, Sam T. Paul Travers’ adventures. jC6471p Coale, I. Sambo book. jC652s Collingwood, Harry, pseud. Log of a privateersman. jC7111 Compton, Margaret. Snow bird and Water tiger ; and other Amer- ican Indian tales. jC7381s jC353m jC353sa jC353w jC353y jC365m jC433y JUVENILE FICTION . 159 Costello, F. H. Under the rattlesnake flag. jC841u Coursen, Frances Bell. What the dragon fly told the children. jC861w Cox, Palmer. Brownies abroad. jC877ba Crockett, Samuel Kutherford. Surprising adventures of Sir Toady Lion. jC938su — Sweetheart travellers. jC938sw Darling, M. G. We four girls. jD221w Dear little marchioness; story of a child’s faith and love. jD285 Deland, Ellen Douglas. In the old Herrick house, and other stories. jD3371i — Katrina. jD3371k — Malvern; a neighborhood story. jD3371m — Oakleigh. jD3371o Doubleday, K. Cattle-ranch to college. jD727c Douglas, Amanda Minnie. The children at Sherburne house. jD733c — Hannah Ann; sequel to A little girl in old New York. jD733ha — A little girl in old Boston. jD7331i — A little girl in old New York. jD7331n Downing, Marlton and French, H. W. Young cascarillero ; and. Colonel Thorndike’s adventures. jD751y Dromgoole, W. A. Cinch, and other stories. jD786c — Harum-scarum Joe. jD786ha — Hero-chums. jD786h — Rare old chums. jD786r Drummond, Henry. The monkey that would not kill. jD795m Drysdale, W. Cadet Standish of the St. Louis; a story of our naval campaign in Cuban waters. jD811c — The fast mail; the story of a train boy. jD811f Dunn, B. A. General Nelson’s scout. jD923g — On General Thomas’s staff. jD923o Earle, Mary Tracy. The wonderful wheel. jE12w Eliot, H. R. Laura’s holidays. jE421 Ellis, Edward Sylvester. Cowmen and rustlers. jE47co — Dorsey the young inventor. jE47d — In the days of the pioneers. jE47i — Klondike nuggets. jE47k — On the trail of the moose. jE47on — Osceola, chief of the Seminoles. jE47o — Phantom of the river; sequel to ‘Shod with silence.’ jE47ph — Pontiac, chief of the Ottawas. jE47po — Shod with silence; a tale of the frontier. jE47s — Tales told out of school. jE47ta — Tecumseh, chief of the Shawanoes. jE47t — Through forest and fire. jE47tf — Through jungle and wilderness. jE47th — Young conductor; or, Winning his way. jE47yc Farrar, Frederic William. Three homes; a tale for fathers and sons. jF242t Fenn, George Manville. Beneath the sea; a story of the Cornish coast. jF334b — The black tor; tale of the reign of James I. jF334bl — In honour’s cause; a tale of the days of George the First. jF334i FezandiS, C. Through the earth. jF435t Field, Mrs. Caroline Leslie (Whitney). Nannie’s happy childhood. iF4531n Finn, F. J. Percy Wynn. jF514p — Tom Playfair. jF514t Foote, Mrs. M. (Hallock). Little fig-tree stories. jF6891 Fortescue, John William. Story of a red deer. jF738s Fraser, Mrs. C. F. Master Sunshine. jF841m Frost, William Henry Court of King Arthur. jF939c Gilmore, M. A. Katie, a daughter of the king. jG488k Goss, W. L. In the navy. » jG677i Green, Evelyn Everett-. Young pioneers; or, With La Salle on the Mississippi. jG7951y Grinnell, G. B. Jack, the young ranchman. jG868j Hall, Edith King. Adventures in toyland. jH175a Hall, Ruth. Boys of Scrooby. jH178b — In the brave days of old. jH178i Hamblen, H. E. Story of a yankee boy. jH199s — Tom Benton’s luck. jH199t — We win; life and adventures of a young railroader. jH199w Hamlin, Myra Sawyer. Nan at Camp Chicopee; or, Nan’s summer with the boys. jH223n Hamp, Sidford Frederick. Treasure of Mushroom Rock. jH229t Harland, Marion, pseud. An Old-field school-girl. jH283o — When grandmamma was new. j H283 w Harraden, Beatrice. Untold tales of the past. jH296u Harris, Joel Chandler. Aaron in the wildwoods. jH314a — Plantation pageants. jH314p — Story of Aaron, son of Ben Ali; illust. by O. Herford. jH314st Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Grandfather’s chair; and, Biographical stories. jH3992g Helmer, Myra Bradwell. Short stories. jH478s Hentv, George Alfred. At Aboukir and Acre. jH527a 160 JUVENILE FICTION . — At Agincourt. jH527at — Both sides the Border. jH527bo — Brahmins’ treasure. jH527b — Cornet of horse. jH527co —For the temple; a tale of the fall of Jerusa- lem. jH527f — In times of peril. jH527in — A march on London; a story of Wat Tyler’s insurrection. jH527m • — No surrender! jH527n — On the Irrawaddy; a story of the first Bur- mese war. jH527o — A roving commission; or, Through the black insurrection at Hayti. jH527r — Under Wellington’s command. jH527u — With Cochrane the dauntless. jH527wi — With Frederick the Great; story of the 7 years’ war. jH527wf — With Moore at Corunna. jH527wm — Won by the sword. jH527w — Young colonists. jH527yo — ed. Yule logs. jH527yu Yule-tide yarns. jH527y Hornibrook, Isabel. Camp and trail; a story of the Maine woods. j 118. Idle — Little Troublesome. jH81611 Howard, O. O. Henry in the war. jH851h Howliston, Mary H. Cat-tails and other tales. jH865c Hughes, Rupert. Dozen from Lakerim. jH894d Hugo, Victor Marie, comte. Story of Jean Valjean, from Les MisSrables; ed. by S. E. Wiltse. jH895m2s Humphrey, Mabel L. and Humphrey M. Gallant little patriots. jH926g Hutcheson, John C. Young Tom Bowling; a story of the boys of the British navy. jH9731y Hutton, Laurence. A boy I knew and four dogs. jH984b Irving, Washington. Stories and legends. jl72s Jackson, G. E. Denise and Ned Toodles. jJ121d Jamison, Mrs. Cecilia Viets (Dakin). Seraph, the little violiniste. jJ32s Jayne, R. H. In the Pecos country. jJ42i Jenness, Mrs. Theodora R. Above the range; a story for girls. jJ542a Jerome, H. L. The gap in the fence. jJ562g Jewett, S. O. Betty Leicester’s Christmas. jJ59b Johnson, Mrs. Mary. Mac; a dog’s true story. jJ681m Johnston, Annie Fellows. Two little knights of Kentucky. jJ72t Jordan, David Starr. Book of Knight and Barbara; stories told to children. jJ821b — Matka and Kotik; a tale of the Mist-Isl- ands. jJ821m Ker, David. Swept out to sea. jK391s Ketchum, A. T. and Jorgensen, I. M., ed. Kindergarten gems; a collection of stories and rhymes for little folks. jK43k King, Capt. C. From school to battlefield. jK52fr King, Pauline. Christine’s career; a story for girls. jK54c Kirk, Mrs. E. W. (Olney). Dorothy and her friends. jK59d — Dorothy Deane. jK59do Knox, Thomas Wallace. In wild Africa; a journey through the Sa- hara desert. jK74i Lang, Andrew, ed. Animal story book. jL269a — Red true story book. jL269r Laughlin, E. O. Johnnie. jL374j Le Baron, Grace, pseu,d. “Little daughter.” jL4411 —Queer Janet. jL441q — The Rosebud club. jL441r — Told under the cherry trees. jL441t — ’Twixt you and me. jL441tw Legh, M. H. Cornwall-. How Dick and Molly saw England. jL513h Leighton, Robert. The golden galleon. jL529g — Olaf the glorious. jL529o Leonard, M. F. Story of the big front door. jL581s M. E., pseud. Story of little Jane and me. jM479s Mackie, P. B. Ye Ivttle Salem maide; a story of witchcraft. jM158y Magruder, J. Labor of love. jM2121 May, Sophie, pseud. Santa Claus on snowshoes, and other stories. jM467s — Wee Lucy’s secret. (Little Prudy’s children.) jM467w Meade, Lillie Thomas. Girls new and old. jM481gi Merriman, E. W. Sir Jefferson Nobody. jM5712s Miller, M. H. Raoul and Iron Hand. jM649r Moffat, William D. Not without honor; story of an odd boy. jM695n Molesworth, Mrs. M. L. (Stewart). Old pincushion. jM719oI — The oriel window. jM719or Moncrieff, Ascott Robert Hope. Black and blue. jM739b Montorgueil, Georges. Three apprentices of Moon street. jM798t Morgan, H. Island impossible. jM848i Morrison, Sarah Elizabeth. Chilhowee boys at college. jM882cc — Chilhowee boys in harness. jM882ch Munroe, Kirk. “Forward, march.” jM968f — In pirate waters. jM968i — Midshipman Stuart. jM968m JUVENILE FICTION . 161 — The painted desert; a story of northern Arizona. jM968p — Ready rangers. jM9G8re — Rick Dale; a story of the northwest coast. jM9G8ri — Shine Terrill. jM968sh — Through swamp and glade; a tale of the Seminole war. jM968t — With Crockett and Bowie; or, Fighting for the lone-star flag. jM968wi Murfree, Mary Noailles. The young mountaineers. jM975y Newberry, F. E. Every day honor. jN534e Norton, Charles Ledyard. Jack Benson’s log; or, Afloat with the flag in ’61. jN883j — A medal of honor man; or. Cruising among blockade runners. jN883m Ogden, Ruth, pseud. Little Homespun. j0341h Otis, James, pseud. Amateur fireman. j088am — Andy’s ward; or, The international museum. j088an — Boys of Fort Schuyler. j088bf — Boys of ’98. j088bs — Boys of 1745 at the capture of Louisbourg. j088by — Captain Tom. j088ca — The charming Sally, privateer schooner of New York. j088ch — Cruise of the Comet. j088cr — Dick in the desert. j088d — Jerry’s family. j088jf — Joel Harford. j088j — The life savers. j0881 — Neal, the miller, a son of liberty. j088n — Off Santiago with Sampson. j088o — The princess and Joe Potter. j088p — Signal boys of ’75; a tale of Boston during the siege. j088s — Under the liberty tree ; a story of the “Bos- ton massacre.” j088u — When Dewey came to Manila. j088w — When Israel Putnam served the king. j088wh — Wrecked on Spider Island. j088wr Our gold mine at Holly hurst; a prize story of Massachusetts. (Amer. humane educ. soc.) j0932 Oxley, James Macdonald. Baffling the blockade. j098b — Boy tramps; or. Across Canada. j098bo — Fife and drum at Louisbourg. j098f — My strange rescue, and other stories. J 6 j098m Page, Thomas Nelson. Two prisoners. jP133t Paine, Albert Bigelow. Beacon prize medals, and other stories. jP1441b Parker, W. G. Grant Burton, the runaway. jP244g — Six young hunters. jP244s Pauli, Mrs. Minnie E. (Kenney). Making of a hero, and other stories for boys. jP329m Pendleton, Louis. — In the Okefenokee; a story of war time. jP398i Perry, Florence Peltier. Tora’s happy day. jP4621t Perry, Nora. Three little daughters of the revolution. jP484t Plympton, A. G, Flower of the wilderness. jP738f — Gerald and Geraldine, and other stories. jP738g — Wanolasset, the Little-one-who-laughs. jP733wa Pollard, Eliza Frances. Green Mountain boys; story of the Amer. war of independence. jP771g — Roger the ranger. jP771r Pool, M. L. Little Bermuda. jP8211 Poulsson, E. Child stories and rhymes. jP875c — Through the farmyard gate; rhymes and stories for little children. jP875t Pratt, C. S. Buz-buz. jP913b Pratt, Mrs. Ella (Farman). Happy children. jP9132h Pratt, Mara L. Stories from old Germany, v. 1: Nibelungen Lied, Lohengrin, Beowulf. jP916sg — Stories of colonial children. jP916s Putnam, Georgina Lowell. Two legacies. jP9912t Pyle, Howard. — Stories of Jack Ballister’s fortunes. jP996s Ray, Anna Chapin. Dick, a story for boys and girls. jR263d — Teddy, her book. jR263t Raymond, Mrs. E. H. Among the lindens. jR268a — Boys and girls of Brantham. jR268b — A Cape May diamond. jR268c — The little red schoolhouse. jR268r — Mushroom cave. jR268m Rhoden, E. von. An obstinate mate; tr. by M. E. Ireland. jR475o Rice, Natalie L. Green garnet. jR4971g Richards, Mrs. Laura Elizabeth (Howe). Five minute stories. jR516f — Hildegarde’s neighbors. jR516h — Isla Heron. jR516i — Margaret Montfort. jR516ma — Peggy. jR516p — Quicksilver Sue. jR516q — Rosin the beau. jR516r — “Some say”: Neighbours in Cyrus. jR516s — Three Margarets. jR516t Roberts, Charles George Douglas. Around the camp-fire. jR643a Ross, C. Heroes of our war with Spain; their ex- ploits told for a boy. jRS23h Russell, Robert Howard. The Delft cat, and other stories. jR966d 162 JUVENILE FICTION. St. John, Henry. Voyage of the “Avenger.” jS143v St. Leger, Hugh. The ‘Rover V quest; a story of foam, fire and fight. jS145r Saunders, Marshall. Beautiful Joe. jS257b — King of the park. jS257k Sea well, Molly Elliot. Lively adventures of Gavin Hamilton. jS4421 — Quarterdeck and fok’sle; stories of the sea. jS442q — A Virginia cavalier. jS442v Shattuck, William. Secret of the Black Butte; or. The myste- rious mine. jS533s Shelton, William Henry. The last three soldiers. jS5451 Shirley, Penn, pseud. The happy six. jS558h — The merry five. jS558m — Young Master Kirke. jS558y Sidney, Margaret, pseud. The gingham bag. jS569g — The old town pump; a story of east and west. jS569o — Phronsie Pepper, the youngest of the “Five little Peppers.” jS569p — Stories Polly Pepper told to the five little Peppers. Smith, Gertrude. Arabella and Araminta stories. — Boys of Marmiton Prairie. —Ten little comedies. Smith, Mrs. M. P. (Wells). Young puritans in captivity. — Young puritans in King Philip’s war. jS569s jS648a jS648b jS648t jS655y jS655yo — Young puritans of Old Hadley. jS655yp Smith, Pamela Colman. Annancy stories. jS656a Spears, J. R. The fugitive. jS741f Spofford, Mrs. H. E. (Prescott). Hester Stanley’s friends. jS762h Stables, William Gordon. How Jack Mackenzie won his epaulettes. jS775h — Old England on the sea. jS775o Stearns, Albert. Chris and the wonderful lamp. jS799c — Sindbad, Smith & co. jS799s Stockton, Francis Richard. Captain Chap; or, The rolling stones. jS866ca Stoddard, William Osborn. Chumley’s post; a story of the Pawnee trail. jS869cp — First cruiser out; a Cuban war story; — Visit- ors at Grampus Island; — Tale of an oar. jS869f — Lost gold of the Montezumas; a story of the Alamo. jS8691o — The red patriot; a story of the Amer. revo- lution. jS869r — Success against odds. jS869s — The swordmaker’s son; a story of the year 30, A. D. jS869sw — The windfall. jS869wi — With the Black Prince. jS869w Stratemeyer, E. Minute boys of Bunker Hill. jS899m — Minute boys of Lexington. jS898mi — Oliver Bright’s search; or. The mystery of the mine. jS898o — Reuben Stone’s discovery. jS898r — Under Dewey at Manila. jS898ud — Under Otis in the Philippines. jS898u — Young volunteer in Cuba; or, Fighting for the single star. jS898y The strike at Shane’s; a prize story of Indiana. (Amer. humane educ. soc.) jS917 Stuart, Mrs. Ruth (McEnery). Solomon Crow’s Christmas pockets, and other tales. jS932so Su filing, Ernest R. The fur traders of the West. jS946f Sullivan, James F. The flame-flower, and other stories. i79491f Swett, S. Bilberry boys and girls. jS975b — “Cap’n Thistletop.” jS975c — Pennyroyal and mint. jS975pe — Ponkaty branch road, and other stories. jS975p — Tom Pickering of ’Scutney. jS975t Thompson, Adele E. Beck’s fortune. jT4681b Thomson, Edward William. Walter Gibbs, the young boss, and other stories. jT482w Thurston, Mrs. I. T. The bishop’s shadow. jT545b — Boys of the Central; a high-school story. jT545bo — Don Malcolm. jT545d — A genuine lady. jT54og Ticknor, Caroline. Miss Belladonna, a child of to-day. jT557m Timlow, Elizabeth Westyn. Cricket. jT583c — Dorothy Dot. jT583d — Eunice and Cricket. jT583e Todd, pseud. Ruth and her grandfadder. jT633r Tomlinson, E. T. Boy officers of 1812. jT659bo — Boys of old Monmouth. jT659bm — Boys with Old Hickory. jT659by — Camping on the St. Lawrence. jT659c — Guarding the border; or, The boys of the Great Lakes. jT659g — A Jersey boy in the revolution. jT659j — Tecumseh’s young braves. jT659t — Three colonial boys; a story of ’76. jT659th — Three young continentals; a story of the Amer. revolution. jT659ty — Ward Hill at college. jT659w Tompkins, Elizabeth Knight. The broken ring. jT662b Traill, Mrs. C. P. (Strickland). Cot and cradle stories. jT766c JUVENILE FICTION. FOLK-LORE. FAIRY TALES. 163 Trowbridge, John. The resolute Mr. Pansy; an electrical story for boys. jT8631r Trowbridge, John Townsend. The prize cup. jT863p Vaile, Charlotte M. The Orcutt girls; or. One term at the academy. jV129o — Sue Orcutt; sequel to “The Orcutt girls.” jV129s Ward, Mrs. E. S. (Phelps). Loveliness. jW2571 Ward, Herbert Dickinson. Dash to the pole. jW258d Ward, Mrs. Mary Augusta (Arnold). Milly and Oily; or, A holiday among the mountains. jW261mi Wells, C. Story of Betty. jW453s Wesselhoeft, Mrs. Lily Foster (Pope). Frowzle the runaway. jW515fr — Jerry the blunderer; a fable for children. jW515j — Madam Mary of the Zoo. jW515m — Old Sultan’s Thanksgiving, and other stories. jW515o Whishaw, Frederick. Boris the bear-hunter; a tale of Peter the Great and his times. jW576b Whistler, Charles Watts. Wulfric the weapon-thane. jW5761w White, Eliza Orne. A little girl of long ago. jW5831i White, W. A. Court of Boyville. jW589c Whitmarsh, H. Phelps. Young pearl divers; a story of Australian adventure. jW615y Wise, John Sergeant. Diomed; life, travels and observations of a dog. jW812d Woods, K. T. Little New England maid. jW8951 — Mopsy. jW895m Wright, Elvirton. Pen’s venture. jW948p Wright, Mrs. Julia (McNair). Cynthia’s sons. jW951c Wright, Mrs. Mabel (Osgood). Tommy-Anne and the three hearts. jW9521t — Wabeno the magician; sequel to “Tommy- Anne and the three hearts.” jW9521w Yechton, Barbara, pseud. A lovable crank. jY421 — We ten; or, The story of the Roses. jY42w Yonge, C. M. Patriots of Palestine. jY55pa Yorke, A. A college boy. jYG4c Young, Egerton Ryerson. Winter adventures of three boys in the great lone land. jY71w Folk-Lore. Fairy Tales. Alger, Abby Langdon. In Indian tents; stories told by Penobscot, Passamaquoddy and Micmac Indians. 1897. j398.2 A39 Andersen, Hans Christian. Fairy tales; with an introd. by E. E. Hale. jA544f — Ugly duck, and other fairy tales. jA544u Asbjdrnsen, Peter Christen. Fairy tales from the far north; tr. fr. the Norwegian by H. L. Braekstad. jA799f Bellamy, Charles J. Return of the fairies. jB435ir Blakeley, Elizabeth S. Fairy Starlight and the dolls. jB6361f Blodgett, Mrs. Mabel (Fuller). Fairy tales. jB652f Braine, Sheila E. To tell the king the sky is falling. jB814t Cheever, Mrs. Harriet A. Fairies of Fern Dingle. jC515f Church, A. J. Heroes of chivalry and romance. J398.2 C56 Couch, Arthur Thomas Quiller-. Fairy tales far and near. jC853f Cule, W. E. Mabel’s Prince Wonderful. jC967m Debenham, Mary H. The whispering winds and the tales that they told. jD286w English, Thomas Dunn. Fairy stories and wonder tales. jE58f Farrow, G. E. Wallypug of Why; illust. by H. Furniss. jF246w Finley, M. Twiddledetwit ; a fairy tale. jF513t Grimm, J. L. K. and Grimm, W. K. Fairy tales; ed. by S. E. Wiltse. v. 2. (Home and school lib.) j398.4 G864w — German household tales. j398.2 G864g Grundtvig, N. F. S., and others. Danish folk and fairy tales; tr. by J. C. Bay. jG889d Habberton, J. With the dream-maker. jH113w Hall, Mrs. A. W. tr. Icelandic fairy tales. Illust. 1897. j398.3 H17 Higginson, T. W. Tales of the enchanted islands of the Atlantic. j398.2 H63 Inman, Herbert Escott. The one-eyed griffin, and other fairy stories. jl571on — Owl king, and other fairy stories. jl571o Jacobs, Joseph, ed. Book of wonder voyages. jJ172b Johonnot, James, comp. Grandfather’s stories. 1889. (Hist, ser.) j398.2 J733g Jones, Harry. Prince Boo Hoo and Little Smuts. jJ77p Lang, Andrew. My own fairy book. jL269my 164 JUVENILE FICTION. — ed. Pink fairy book. jL269pi Lee, Albert. Tommy Toddles; illust. by P. S. Newell. jL477t Mansfield, Richard. Blown away; a nonsensical narrative. jM287b O’Neill, Moira. Elf-errant. j0581e Peard, Frances Mary. Jacob and the raven, with other stories for children. jP359j Phillips, W. S. Totem tales. Illust. j398.3 P56 Pinocchio’s adventures in wonderland; tr. by II. Butter worth. jP657b Pratt, Mara L., ed. Legends of Norseland. Illust. 1894. (Young folks’ lib. of choice lit.) j398.2 P91 — Prince Uno; Uncle Frank’s visit to fairy- land. jP9572 Pyke, Rafford. Adventures of Mabel. jP995a Pyle, Howard. Garden behind the moon. jP996g Pyle, K. The counterpane fairy. jP9961c Ragozin, Mme. Zenaide Alexeievna. Beowulf, the hero of the Anglo-Saxons. j398.2 R14b — Frithjof, the viking of Norway; and, Ro- land, the paladin of France. j398.2 R14f — Siegfried & Beowulf. j398.2 R14s Scudder, Horace Elisha. Book of legends told over again. 1899. j398.2 S43 Shattuck, William. Keeper of the Salamander’s order. jS533k Silver fairy book; stories by Voltaire, S. Bernhardt and others. jS587 Sleight, Charles Lee. Prince of the Pin elves. jS632p Sullivan, James F. Here they are. jS9491h Thompson, John G. and Thompson, T. E. Fairy tale and fable; an introd. to litera- ture and art. jT4731f Underhill, Zoe Dana, comp. Dwarfs’ tailor, and other fairy tales. jU55d Wiltse, Sara E. Myths and motherplays. Illust. 1895. j372.2 W75 "Wright, Ernest Vincent. Wonderful fairies of the sun. jW9481w Nursery Books. Picture Books. B., H. Bad child’s book of beasts; pictures by B. T. B. XBllOb Bailey, A. W. Outside of things; a sky book. XB154o Bell, J. J. New Noah’s ark. XB433n Bradley, L. D. “Our Indians”; a midnight visit to the great somewhere-or-other. XB811m — Wonderful Willie ! what he and Tommy did to Spain. 1899. XB811w Corbet, Katherine and Corbet, S. Animal land where there are no people. Illust. XC789 Corbet, S. and Corbet, K. Sybil’s garden of pleasant beasts. XC789s Dodge, Mrs. Mary (Mapes), comp. A new baby world; stories, rhymes and pictures for little folks. XD645 Hamer, S. H. and Neilson H. B. Whys and others whys; or. Curious creatures and their tales. XH214w Herford, O. Child’s primer of natural history. XH544c — illustrator. The jingle book; by C. Wells. XH544j Hingst, Adolphine Charlotte and Ruskay, E. J. Rhymes and songs for my little ones. XH663 King, Pauline. Paper doll poems. Illust. 1896. XK54 Newell, P. S. Pictures and rhymes. XN546 — Shadow show. 1896. XN546s Nicholson, William. Square book of animals; rhymes by A. Waugh. Illust. 1900. XN629s Praeger, S. Rosamond. Adventures of the three bold babes. XP897 Simmons, H. B. Jingle, jangle rhyme-book. XS592j Upton, B. The golliwogg at the seaside; verses; pic- tures by F. K. Upton. XU71gs — Golliwogg in war; pictures by F. K. Upton. 1899. XU71g — Golliwogg’s bicycle club; pictures by F. K. Upton. 1896. XU71gb — Little hearts; illust. by F. K. Upton. XU71 THE LIMY BF T7JS LLC 13 1932 .UNIVERSITY Of ILl.«o|&