CONSTRUCTION OF CLASSIFICATIONS AND TARIFFS ELVIN S. KETCHUM, A. B., Pd. M. DIRECTOR, THE SHIPPERS FREIGHT SERVICE Ia^ix (N0N-RE8IDRNT instruction) CHICAGO •3 J * I { \ !i M Copyright 1910 LA SALLE EXTENSION UNIVERSITY 1 \ t nito-hU <31 V > cJ CONSTRUCTION OF CLASSIFICATIONS AND TARIFFS BY ELVIN S. KETCHUM T HIS Technical Lecture Discusses: Origin of Classifications— Principles and Practice— Uniformity— • Commodity Tariffs— Creating Tariffs— Joint Tariffs— Association Tariffs— Construction of Classifies don— Regulations Governing the Filing of Freight Tariffs by the Commission. Industries follow the railroads. The growth of any sec- tion of country or city depends, to a high degree upon its strategic position as a transportation center. Unprece- dented transportation facilities have brought to Chicago during the past few years about seventeen thousand indus- tries, making it surpass in population twenty-four cities in the United States. The combination of a good supply of raw materials with industries to utilize them, and transportation facilities to market the finished products has been the principal cause for the development of our great commercial centers. Pitts- burg for some time has been the center of the steel industry but easier access to ore beds and better transportation facili- ties are among the factors which are now transferring the center of the steel industry to Gary, Ind., at the foot of Lake Michigan. Gary is the place where steel for coming centuries can be made cheaper and shipped to market with less expense than from any other place in the world. No element which would contribute to economy in manufacturing and maximum of output was neglected in the placing and designing of the Gary plant. Each factor was analyzed— assembling of raw materials, distribution of product, existing and future mar- kets, labor supply and provision, efficiency of workmen and cost of site for unlimited expansion. Assembling of raw materials and distribution of product were matters of transportation. There was iron ore in the Superior Ranges, coal in Southern Illinois. Where could they be brought together with least cost and the resulting 180897 4 ELVIN S. KETCHUM steel distributed with greatest ease and economy? Plainly not at the coal or iron mines, each remote from markets and from all the other sources, but at a point between these cen- ters where lake carriers and railroads could meet at the threshold of the biggest market and lay down their ore and fuel together without trans-shipment. Choice of location for the new plant was limited to Chi- cago or its vicinity, which is the central market of the richest industrial region of the country, the railroad hub of the con- tinent, a voracious consumer of structural steel, and the point where the shortest lake .journey could be linked with the shortest haul from Virginia coke ovens and Illinois coal shafts. This industrial development, the result of transportation conditions which is going on at Gary, is constantly changing the density of traffic and in time will have its effect on rail- road tariffs and rates. The study of freight rates charged by railroads in various parts of the United States therefore discloses the fact that these rate structures have been deter- mined by a multiplicity of factors. Geographical position, natural resources, relation to markets, existing transporta- tion facilities, relation to the waterways, industrial and civic needs, the length of the haul, value and risk in transporting various kinds of goods, gradients and many other factors, which have caused long struggles and many compromises have all been taken into consideration in establishing the present rate schedules. The old English canals collected tolls on the basis of a gen- eral classification of goods. Thi s has developed into 4 4 Charg- ing what the traffic will bear” with no relation to what it costs the transportation companies to perform the service. It is obvious that it costs more to handle some kinds of goods than others ; that the possibilities of risk are greater with some commodities and that the cost of transportation differs with railroads in accordance with their efficiency and their strategetic position. If actual cost of service could be easily CLASSIFICATIONS AND TARIFFS 5 determined it would be a very easy matter to establish a rate for the shipment of all kinds of goods. When the fixing of freight charges, where they can best be borne, is the basis of classification a very intricate problem arises. This principle at once brings up the relative value of the various articles of commerce and causes the complexity of the classifications to develop with our industries. Up to 1856 there were only 33 items in the classifications. Now the number runs into thousands and the various tariffs into mil- lions. When the Interstate Commerce Act was passed in 1887 most all of the various railroads had a classification of their own. Between the important commercial centers there were joint rates but these were mostly used by connecting or competitive lines. The Interstate Commerce Law however, especially that part of it relative to the long and short haul clause made it impractical to continue with the conflicting classifications and therefore an attempt was made to unify the classes of goods by a uniform classification. The various representa- tives of the railroads however could not agree upon uniform- ity of classification, but three general classifications were finally adopted which are not made by the railroads them- selves but by committees made up of representatives of all the railroads operating in the territories where the classifica- tions have jurisdiction. The factors which must be taken into consideration in the classification of goods as stated in the 1897 report of the In- terstate Commerce Commission are as follows: “Whether commodities were crude, rough, or finished ; liquid or dry ; knocked down or set up ; loose or in bulk ; nested or in boxes, or otherwise packed; if vegetables, whether green or dry, desiccated or evaporated; the market value and shipper’s representations as to their character; the cost of service, length, and duration of haul ; the season and manner of ship- ment ; the space occupied and weight ; whether in carload or less than carload lots ; the volume of annual shipments to be 6 ELYIN S. KETCHUM calculated on ; the sort of car required, whether ice or heat must be furnished ; the speed of trains necessary for perish- able or otherwise rush goods ; the risk of handling, either to the goods themselves or other property ; the weights, actual and estimated; the carrier’s risk or owner’s release from damage or loss.” From this it must be obvious that there are a multiplicity of interests which must be considered in the classification of goods and that if these interests are not protected by some regulative authority there are many chances for unjust dis- crimination. The Interstate Commerce Commission, there- fore, has been given authority to determine the classification of goods when disputes arise. The Interstate Commerce Law, however, gives to the rail- roads the authority to fix the rates to be charged for the transportation of the various articles of commerce; but it would be absolutely impossible to fix a separate rate on every different article shipped. The city of Cleveland, for exam- ple, is said to manufacture over 127 thousand different kinds of goods. The number of articles manufactured in the United States for which rates would have to be made would make freight rate tariffs impracticable. In order to best meet the conditions which predominate, it has been found by long experience that the most practicable method of fixing rates is by making classifications for the various articles of commerce. These classifications are de- termined by committees composed of representatives of the various railroads which make a careful study of the needs of the carriers and the industries. One of these committees, known as the Southern Classification Committee, sits in At- lanta, Ga., and represents the interests of railroads and ship- pers in the territory over which it has jurisdiction. The Western Classification Committee has its headquarters in Chicago, while the Official Classification Committee sits in New York City. These committees make the classifications / CLASSIFICATIONS AND TARIFFS 7 which form the basis for establishing rates on all goods shipped in this country on class rates. Commodities are classed high when they sell for a high price ; low, when they sell for a low price as compared with the cost of transporting them to market. Another principle which determines classification is the value of articles in comparison to the space they occupy. It is very difficult for one not familiar with the principles governing classification to understand why certain articles are grouped together in various classes. The Official Classification, for example, has six distinct classes : Books, liquors and shoes are placed in the 1st class ; cotton, eggs and ink in the 2nd class ; stoves, peanuts and ale, 3rd class ; ashes and wire, 4th class, etc. Implements of agri- culture, on account of the space they occupy, take a double rate unless they are 4 4 knocked down” in which case they are classified regularly. When goods are shipped in car-load lots, they are often put in the lowest class. Rope and hay, for example, is 1st class in less than car-load lots, but 5th class in car-load lots. Crackers are classified as 4th class in car-load lots and 1st class in less than car-load lots. It must be understood that a car-lot is not what the car will hold. Classification Com- mittees fix the minimum rate for each car. In the Official Classification Territory, 30 thousand pounds on all goods, excepting when not otherwise specified, is required for the car-load lots. The placing of the same kind of goods in a different classi- fication when shipped in different quantities as in less than car-load lots, makes it possible for the large shipper to get a lower rate on the same goods than the small one although this is strictly contrary to the intent of the Interstate Com- merce Act. This is a kind of discrimination which has greatly affected the business of the small manufacturer. 8 ELYIN S. KETCHUM The Official Classification Committee, however, aims to protect the Eastern manufacturer. The Western Classifica- tion Committee and the Southern Classification Committee strive to promote the interest of the jobber. Yet the influ- ences which the large shippers bring to bear upon the classi- fication committees in the way of increasing the minimum rates and in classifying goods high which are not shipped in car-load lots make it extremely difficult for those who have charge of the classification of commodities to eliminate dis- crimination. Conditions today, however, are not as disadvantageous to shippers as they were before the classifications of the coun- try were consolidated into three distinct groups with their exceptions. Before the three classifications, there were in the eastern trunk line territory alone, 138 distinct classifica- tions and the number of classifications in various parts of the country were very numerous, making it almost impos- sible for manufacturers to ship their goods to distant points. There are many disadvantages at the present time which every shipper experiences with the three predominating classifications. If through rates could be established to all points, much overcharging could be avoided. In order to meet the changing conditions of all manufacturers in all parts of the country, classification committees have not been able to agree upon a distinct classification for all commodi- ties. In some cases a commodity will change its rate three times in passing to its destination. Building paper is 3rd class rate in the Western, rule 26 or 20% below 3rd class rate in the Eastern, and 5th class rate in the Southern. Many attempts have been made to unify the classifica- tions. Although uniform classification might not change the cost of transportation materially, yet it would determine the relation of competitive articles of commerce and often establish the places at which they could be most advantage- ously marketed. In 1890, all the railroads except one agreed to uniform classification. This was followed by a demand to CLASSIFICATIONS AND TARIFFS 9 consolidate the Western and Official Classifications but without success. This fruitless effort to establish a uniform classification for goods has discouraged the railroad traffic men and it is not likely that a classification can ever be agreed upon which will meet all the traffic trade and com- mercial conditions of the country. At the present time there is in Chicago a uniform classifi- cation committee composed of the representatives of the va- rious railroads working upon the problem but traffic experts have few hopes that their labors will ever produce a classifi- cation which will be accepted by the transportation com- panies. If such a classification should be approved, the num- ber of exceptions to it would naturally have to be so numer- ous that it would require the services of an expert to inter- pret it. Moreover, it is believed by many business men that if the classifications were interfered with, that the change in rates would greatly affect business conditions. Rates which are established bv classifications are known */ as class tariffs. They are local when applied between points on the same line and joint when two or more connecting lines are parties to the tariff. Class rates are more easily under- stood than commodity rates which are special rates applying on particular kinds of goods and which are lower than regu- lar rates. Commodity rates are established to meet the par- ticular demands of certain industries. Sometimes they are made to build up a new industry in a section of country where there is little commercial development. It is obvious that all railroads cannot make the same com- modity rates for the reason that the cost of service develops with the equipment of the road, its strategic position and other controlling factors. These special rates depend upon the density of traffic, equipment, gradients, etc. In a state- ment which was given by Mr. J as. J. Hill before the Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce, 1905, various condi- tions for establishing commodity rates were discussed. Mr. Hill said 4 4 If I have $100,000 profit to raise and 100,000 tons 10 ELVIN S. KETCHUM of freight it is very easy. I must make a profit of $1 a ton. Now if you give me 200,000 tons 50 cents a ton will be suf- ficient ; and if you give me 400,000 tons 25 cents a ton will be sufficient. The density of traffic must determine the rate. The cost varies on the different divisions of a railway. Among sixteen divisions on the Great Northern we found some places where the cost is three times as much as in others. If the average rate or the average cost were ap- plied to some divisions the rate would be prohibitory almost. We have divisions where the amount that it costs us for transporting a ton of freight 100 miles is 20 per cent higher than the average rate that we receive from the public for the whole road.” The Interstate Commerce Commission has no power to fix rates but since classification determines the relation of rates, the courts have decided that the Commission can deter- mine the classification of each article and on complaint from shippers, ordered the classification to be changed if it creates discrimination. This follows from the fact that classifica- tion does not depend upon the cost of transporting goods but upon the relative value of the commodity. The rate for transportation must show a profit— over and above the cost of carrying the articles and this rate is agreed upon by the transportation committees. The Official Classi- fication Committee is said to use the following formula in proportioning this chaTge: (1) bulk and space; (2) weight; (3) value; (4) volume of traffic; (5) less than car-load lots; (6) car-load lots. Of course, carriers adapt their classifica- tions to the development of trade. They are interested in the growth of industries. They must take into account the effects of competition. The classification to which an article belongs may be de- termined by the description given by the shipper. In the case “ Andrews Soap Co. vs. The C. & St. L. Railway Co., et. al.,” it was decided that the railroad is not required to ex- amine articles to learn their real value or quality and that CLASSIFICATIONS AND TARIFFS 11 the description of the article given by the manufacturing company for selling purposes may be lawfully accepted for fixing a classification. After all this discussion, it appears that a rational classi- fication of goods must take into account a large number of conditions and principles and that a rational judgment rela* tive to the classification to which any kind of merchandise be- longs, can only be arrived at after a careful study of the whole rate schedule. There was a time when rebating caused gross discrimina- tion among shippers. In order to eliminate secret rates, the Hepburn Act in section 6 provides that the commission shall determine how all rates and schedules shall be filed and that said schedules shall be opened for inspection thirty days be- fore they become affected. It is also provided that all routes must be included in the published rates, that joint rates may be used by all shippers without discrimination and that since all freight traffic rates are open for public inspection, that it is presumed that all shippers know the rate and that the schedule published by law speaks with an equal authority to both the carrier and the shipper. The intent of the Hepburn Law Amendment is to the effect that all tariff schedules shall be simple and filed in such a way that no one can mistake reading them. It is a legal duty of all carriers to make their rates plain and their schedules without confusing supplements. All rules governing ship- ments must be clearly specified. However, the railroads and not the shippers have authority to determine whether or not certain kinds of goods belong to certain classifications. This matter was covered in the case “ Joseph Smith vs. Great Northern Railway Co.,” as follows: “As transportation companies have the sole right to fix classification sheets, without any voice on the part of the shipper, it follows as a matter of law that in construing the same, the intention of the framers thereof, when such intention can be ascertained, should be given effect regardless of the intention of the 12 ELYIN S. KETCHUM shipper or of local usages and customs relating to the mean- ing of terms contained therein. ” All rates not published in accordance with the provisions of section 6 of the Interstate Commerce Act are not legal. The only rate which can be applied to any shipment is that which is published according to section 6 of the Law and shippers cannot make any demand upon the carrier for a rate given by the carrier’s agent if not legal. Section 6 of the Hepburn Amendment establishes the only legal rates for the transportation of goods and they are known to the shipper who seeks them as well as the transportation com- pany. This makes transportation a “ public service com- modity” with the shipper as buyer, and the carrier as seller, and it is rational to expect that each shall look after his own end of the trade. Section 6 of the Interstate Commerce Law specifies : That every common carrier subject to the provisions of the Act to regulate Commerce shall print and keep open to public in- spection schedules showing all the rates, fares, and charges for transportation between different points on its own route and between points on its own route and points on the route of any other carrier by railroad, by pipe line, or by water when a through route and joint rate have been established. If no joint rate over the through route has been established, the several carriers in such through route shall file, print, and keep open to public inspection, as aforesaid, the sepa- rately established rates, fares and charges applied to through transportation. The schedules printed as aforesaid by any such common carrier shall plainly state the places between which property and passengers will be carried, and shall contain the classi- fication of freight in force, and shall also state separately all terminal charges, storage charges, icing charges, and all other charges which the Commission may require, all privi- leges or facilities granted or allowed and any rules or regu- lations which in any wise change, affect, or determine any CLASSIFICATIONS AND TARIFFS 13 part or the aggregate of such aforesaid rates, fares, and charges, or the value of the service rendered to the passen- ger, shipper, or consignee. Such schedules shall be plainly printed in large type, and copies for the use of the public shall be kept posted in two public and conspicuous places in every depot, station, or of- fice of such carrier where passengers or freight, respectively, are received for transportation, in such form that they shall be accessible to the public and can be conveniently inspected. The provisions of section 6 apply to all traffic, transporta- tion, and facilities defined in the Act. The Law further defines that no change shall be made in the rates, fares, and charges or joint rates, fares, and charges which have been filed and published by any common carrier in compliance with the requirements of the section, except after thirty days’ notice to the Interstate Commerce Com- mission and to the public published as aforesaid, which shall plainly state the changes proposed to be made in the schedule then in force and the time when the changes, rates, fares, or charges will go into effect ; and the proposed changes will be shown by printing new schedules, or shall be plainly indi- cated upon the schedules in force at the time and kept open to public inspection. The Act also provides that the Commission may, in its dis- cretion and for good cause shown, allow changes upon less than the notice of thirty days, or modify the requirements of the section in respect to publishing, posting, and filing of tariffs, either in particular instances or by a general order applicable to special or peculiar circumstances or conditions. The names of the several carriers which are parties to any joint tariff shall be specified, and each of the parties thereto, other than the one filing the same, shall file with the Commis- sion such evidence of concurrence therein or acceptance thereof as may be required or approved by the Commission, and where such evidence of concurrence or acceptance is filed it shall not be necessary for the carriers filing the same to 14 ELYIN S. KETCHUM also file copies of the tariffs in which they are named as parties. Every common carrier subject to the Act shall also file with said Commission copies of all contracts, agreements, or arrangements with other common carriers in relation to any traffic affected by the provisions of the Act to which it may be a party. The Commission may determine and pre- scribe the form in which the schedules required by this sec- tion to be kept open to public inspection shall be prepared and arranged and may change the form from time to time as shall be found expedient. CLASSIFICATIONS AND TARIFFS 15 REGULATIONS ISSUED BY THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION GOVERNING THE CONSTRUCTION AND FILING OF FREIGHT TARIFFS AND - CLASSIFICATIONS. Approved June 28, 1909. Effective September 1, 1909. (Except as noted in individual items.) Tariffs that were lawfully on file with the Commission on May 1, 1907, and that have not since that time been superseded or canceled, will, except as provided in paragraph (g) of Rule 68, be considered as continued in force until they can be properly reissued. All tariffs issued or reissued later than September 15, 1909, must, except as otherwise specified herein, conform to all these rules. The Commission may direct the reissue of any tariff at any time. A tariff publication as to which these regulations have not been con- formed to is subject to rejection by the Commission when tendered for filing. The term “joint rate/’ as used herein, is construed to mean a rate that extends over the lines of two or more carriers and that is made by agreement between such carriers. “Joint tariffs” are those which contain or are made up from such “joint rates.” 1. All tariffs must be printed on hard calendered paper of good quality from type of size not less than 6-point full face. Stereotype, planograph, or other printing-press process may be used. Alterations in writing or erasures must not be made in tariffs before filing. Reproductions by hectograph or similar process, typewritten sheets, or proof sheets must not be used for post- ing or filing. 2. All tariffs must be in book, sheet, or pamphlet form, and of size 8 by 11 inches. Loose-leaf plan may be used so that changes can be made by reprinting and inserting a single leaf. 3. The title-page of every tariff shall show : (a) Name of issuing carrier, carriers, or agent. ( b ) I. C. C. number of tariff in bold type on upper right-hand corner, and immediately thereunder, in smaller type, the I. C. C. number or num- bers of tariffs canceled thereby. If the number of canceled tariffs is so large 16 ELVIN S. KETCHUM as to render it impracticable to thus enter them on the title-page, they must be shown immediately following the table of contents, and specific reference to such list must be entered on title-page immediately under the I. C. C. num- ber of the tariff. Serial numbers of carriers may, if desired, be entered below the upper marginal line of title-page. Separate serial I. C. C. numbers will be used for freight and passenger tariffs. (c) Whether tariff is local, joint, proportional, or a combination of same. (d) Whether class, commodity, or a combination of both, and the terri- tory or points from and to which the tariff applies, briefly stated. (e) Reference by name and I. C. C number to the classification and ex- ception sheets governing the tariff. Following form will be used : “Gov- erned, except as otherwise provided herein, by the classification, , I. C. C. No. — , supplements thereto and reissues thereof; and by ex- « ceptions to said classification, 1. C. C. No. — , supplements thereto and reissues thereof.” A tariff is not governed by a classification or exceptions thereto except when and to the extent stated on the tariff. ( f ) Date of issue and date effective. Any tariff may be changed upon statutory notice of thirty days, or, under special permission from the Commission, upon shorter notice. Therefore, a provision in a tariff that the same, or any part thereof, will expire upon a given date, is not a guar- anty that the tariff, or .such part of it, will remain effective until that date. The Commission considers such expiration notices undesirable, as many com- plications have arisen through their being overlooked. Such provision, if used, must be understood to mean that the tariff, or specified part of it, will expire upon the date named unless sooner canceled, changed, or extended in lawful way. On such tariffs the term “Expires , unless sooner can- celed, changed, or extended,” must be used. ( g ) On every tariff or supplement that is issued on less than thirty days 7 notice by permission or order or regulation of the Commission, nota- tion that it is issued under special permission or order of the Interstate Commerce Commission, No. — , of [date] , or by authority of Rule — , Tariff Circular 17-A, or by authority of decision of the Commission in case No. — . (See Rule II.) (h) On upper left-hand corner of tariffs of less than 5 pages and on tariffs issued in loose-leaf form, the words: “No supplement to this tariff will be issued except for the purpose of canceling the tariff.” On tariffs con- taining 5 and not more than 16 pages, inclusive: “Only one supplement to this tariff will be in effect at any time.” On tariffs containing 17 and not more than 111 pages, inclusive: “Only two supplements to this tariff will be in effect at any time.” On tariffs containing over 111 pages: “Only three supplements to this tariff will be in effect at any time.” CLASSIFICATIONS AND TARIFFS 17 On a tariff which provides for suspension and restoration of rail-and- water rates, as authorized by Rule 12, the following exception should be made in connection with the above notations: “except as provided for in rule — (or item — ), page — , of this tariff/’ (i) Name, title, and address of officer by whom tariff is issued. 4. Tariffs in book or pamphlet form shall contain in the order named : M Table of contents : A full and complete statement in alphabetical order, of the exact location where information under general headings, by subjects, will be found, specifying page or item numbers. If a tariff con- tains so small a volume of matter that its title-page or its interior arrange- ment plainly discloses its contents, the table of contents may be omitted. (b) Names of issuing carriers, including those for which joint agent issues under power of attorney, and names of carriers participating under concurrence, both alphabetically arranged. If there be not more than ten participating carriers their names may be shown on the title-page of the tariff. The form and number of power of attorney or concurrence by which each carrier is made party to the tariff must be shown. (c) Alphabetically arranged and complete index of all commodities upon which commodity rates are named, preceded by a paragraph, viz: “Following list enumerates only such articles as are given specific rates; articles not specified will take class rates/ 5 All of the items relating tfl different kinds or species of the same commodity will be grouped together. For example, all items of coal under “Coal, 55 and descriptive word or words following, as “Coal, 55 “Coal — Anthracite, 55 “ Coal — Bituminous, 55 etc. The index to a general commodity tariff shall also include in alphabetical order all articles upon which commodity rates are named in other tariffs applying from any point of origin to any point of destination named in the tariff, and with such entry shall be shown the number or numbers of tariffs in which such rates are found. For example, “Lime, I. C. C. No. 122, 55 or “Staves, I. C. C. No. 1042. 55 Carriers 5 tariff numbers may be also shown. A commodity item . which refers to a list of articles taking one com- modity rate need be indexed but once provided reference is given to the item or the I. C. C. number of the issue that contains list of the articles embraced in the term. For example, “Agricultural implements, as described in item — of this tariff, 55 or “as described in Western Classification, I. C. C. No. — ; 55 or “Packing-House Products, as described in Tariff, or I. C. C. No. — / 5 When such specific reference to list of articles embraced in the term is given, the several articles so embraced need not be indexed separately. A local tariff on a single commodity, or a few commodities, shall con- tain all of that carrier’s commodity rates on such commodity or commodities applying from any point of origin to any point of destination named in the tariff; and a joint commodity tariff shall contain all of the initial 18 ELYIN S. KETCHUM carriers’ commodity rates on the same commodity or commodities applying from any point of origin to any point of destination named in the tariff via the route or routes authorized by the tariff. If there be not more than ten such commodities they may be named on the title-page of the tariff. If all of the commodity rates to each destination in the tariff are ar- ranged alphabetically by commodities, and plain reference thereto is given in table of contents, further or other index of commodities may be omitted from that tariff, provided that, if the issuing carrier, or a participating carrier, has in other tariff or tariffs commodity rates applying from any point of origin to any point of destination named in the tariff, a complete list in alphabetical order by commodities of such other tariffs, together with de- scription of character of traffic, territory or points of origin and of destina- tion, and the I. C. C numbers of tariffs containing such commodity rates shall be shown in the first part of the tariff and shall be specifically referred to in the table of contents. Excepting such as appear in a tariff or a supplement to a tariff which does not require an index, a commodity rate that is not included in the index will be treated as not having been published and can not lawfully be used. (d) An alphabetical index of points from which rates apply, and an alphabetical index of points to which rates apply, together with names of States in which located. When practicable, the index numbers of points and pages upon which rates will be found, or item numbers in which rates from or to such points appear, should be shown. If there be not more than 12 points of origin or 12 points of destination, the name of each may, if prac- ticable, be specified on title-page of tariff. If a tariff is arranged by groups of origin or destination, by bases, or by bases numbers, the indices must show for each point the proper group, basis, or basis number. If points of origin or destination are shown throughout the rate tables in continuous alphabetical order, or are shown alphabetically by States and such States are alphabetically arranged, or are shown by groups alphabetic- ally arranged, no index of points of origin or destination will be required. But when such alphabetical arrangement in rate tables is used the table of contents shall indicate the pages upon which points are so shown, and when arranged by States or groups shall give specific reference to the pages on which rates to or from points in each State or group will be found. If a tariff is constructed so as to state rates by groups or bases, and also states specific rates to or from individual points, it shall contain an alpha- betical index of such individual points and also alphabetical lists of the points in such groups, or reference to the I. C. C. number of issue which contains lists of such group points. CLASSIFICATIONS AND TARIFFS 19 Geographical description of application of tariff may be used only when the tariff applies to or from all points in one or more States or Territories or when it applies to or from all points in a State or Territory except those specified. But such list of exceptions for a single State or Territory may not exceed one-third of the number of points in that State or Territory to or from which (as the case may be) the tariff will apply. For example, a tariff may state, that it applies from all points in New York, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey, and from all points in Delaware, except [here give alpha- betical list of excepted points], and from the following points in Ohio [here give alphabetical list of Ohio points]. Traffic territorial or group descriptions may be used to designate points to or from which rates named in the tariff apply, provided a complete list of such point* arranged by traffic territories or groups is printed in the tariff or specific reference is given to the I. C. C. number of the issue that contains such list. In this list the points in each traffic territorial or group description shall be arranged alphabetically, and the name or names of roads upon which points are located must be shown ; or all of the points in traffic territories or groups named in the tariff may be included in one alphabetical index, provided (1) that points of origin and points of destination are shown separately, alphabetically; (2) that the name or names of road3 upon which points are located and the traffic territorial or group description in which they belong are shown opposite the several points. (e) Explanation of reference marks and technical abbreviations used in the tariff, except that a special rule or provision applying to a particular rate will be shown in connection with and on same page with such rate. ( f ) List of exceptions, if any, to the classification governing the tariff which is not contained in exception sheets referred to on title-page. (g) Such explanatory statement in clear and explicit terms regarding the rates and rules contained in the tariff as may be necessary to remove all doubt as to their proper application. ( h ) Rules and regulations which govern the tariff, the title of each rule or regulation to be shown in bold type. Under this head all of the rules, regulations, or conditions which in any way affect the rates named in the tariff shall be entered, except that a special rule applying to a particular rate shall be shown in connection with and on the same page with such rate. No rule or regulation shall be included which in any way or in any terms authorizes substituting for any rate named in the tariff a rate found in any other tariff or made up on any combination or plan other than that clearly stated in specific terms in the tariff of which the rule or regulation is a part. Tariffs which contain rates for the transportation of explosives must also contain notice that such rates are applicable in connection and in com- 20 EL YIN S. KETCHUM pliance with the regulations governing the transportation of explosives fixed by the Interstate Commerce Commission. If tariff is governed by classifica- tion it will be sufficient to include this notice in the classification referred to as governing the tariff. (See Rule 65.) A carrier or an agent may publish, under I. C. C. number, post, and file a tariff publication, containing the rules and regulations which are to govern certain rate schedules, and such publication may be made a part of such rate schedules by the specific reference “Governed by rules and regulations shown in I. C. C. No. — .” When a tariff makes reference to another tariff the I. C. C. number of such other tariff may be given, and when such tariff referred to is the publication of another carrier or an agent, the initials of such other carrier or the name of such other carrier or the name of such agent, respectively, must be shown in connection with the I. C. C. number. A rate schedule may in like manner refer to another schedule for the governing rules and regulations. A schedule or a publication so referred to must be on file with the Com- mission and be posted at every place where a schedule that refers to it is posted. (i) An explicit statement of the rates, in cents or in dollars and cents, per 100 pounds, per barrel or other package, per ton or per car, together with the names or designation of the places from and to which they apply, all arranged in a simple and systematic manner. Minimum carload Weights must be specifically stated. Tariffs containing rates per ton must specify what constitutes a ton thereunder. A ton of 2,000 pounds must be specified as “net ton” or “ ton of 2,000 pounds.” A ton of 2,240 pounds must be specified a “gross ton,” “long ton,” or a “ton of 2,240 pounds.” Complicated or ambiguous plans or terms must be avoided. Note. — The aim and tendency will at all times be in the direction of uniformity. It is not considered practicable or wise to undertake, at this time, the adoption of a uniform form of stating rates in the several locali- ties where, from peculiarities of conditions and long custom, representatives of carriers and shippers have become well acquainted with certain forms es- pecially adapted to their use and which can easily be made to conform to these general rules. Adoption of a uniform form is a subject of such im- portance as to warrant the more exhaustive investigation and consideration which is being given to it. (j) The different routes via which tariff applies may be shown, to- gether with appropriate reference to application of rates. When a tariff specifies routing the rates may not be applied via routes not specified. A tariff may show the routing ordinarily and customarily to be used and may CLASSIFICATIONS AND TARIFFS 21 provide that, if from any cause shipments are sent via other junction points but over the lines of carriers parties to the tariff, the rates will apply. If a tariff contains no routing directions the joint rates shown therein are applicable between the points specified via the lines of any and all carriers s that are parties to the tariff ; and shipper must not be required to pay higher charges than those stated in the tariff because the carriers have not agreed divisions of the rates via the junction through which the shipment moves. If agent of carrier bills or sends shipment via a route or junction point that is covered by the tariff but via which no division of the rate applies, it is for the carriers to agree between themselves upon the division of the rate, and the intermediate or delivering carriers may demand from the carrier whose agent so missends shipment their full local rates for the services which they perform. (This must not be construed as conflicting with routing and misrouting rulings published in Conference Rulings Bulletins.) 5. (a) The practice on part of carriers of accepting and transporting through shipments, as to which no joint rate applies, upon rates made up by combination of the rates of the several carriers participating in the move- ment, and of collecting, as delivering carriers, the aggregate charges of the several carriers upon such shipments, and of accounting to such carriers for their several portions of such charges, is practically universal. That custom has the same binding effect as a joint rate, both as between carriers them- selves and as between carriers and shippers. Therefore carriers may apply to through shipments rates to and from points to and from which there is no applicable published joint rate by using lawfully published bases, locals or proportionals, in connection with other lawfully published tariffs. ( b ) Tariffs containing basing or proportional rates must specify clearly the extent and manner of their use, and tariffs that are especially intended for use in connection with published basing rates must show the I. C. C. num- bers of tariffs in which bases can be found. A carrier may provide in its tariffs that, in the absence of a specific rate from point of origin to destination of a through shipment, combination rate to or via certain points will be made upon specified basing point or points, or by using certain specified tariffs or rates, and the combination rate so specified will be the lawful rate for that shipment. If shipment moves to or from a point directly immediate to the base point upon which the lowest combination makes, such combination must be ap- plied ; and it is not necessary to haul the shipment to such base point and back again to or through point of origin or destination. Note. — Neither this rule nor any portion thereof is to be construed as modifying or authorizing departure from the Commission’s ruling that a specific class or commodity rate between two points is the lawful rate between those points regardless of any combination rate. It must also be understood 22 ELVIN S. KETCHUM that in a case where the lowest combination of rates makes on a base point as to which the point of origin or of destination is directly intermediate, a specific rate to or from such point that is higher than such combination is included in the Commission’s ruling that a through rate that is higher than the combination of locals between the same points is prima facie unreason- able. It must be further understood that in applying the lowest combination when it makes upon a base point as to which the point of origin or of destina- tion is directly intermediate, the Commission expresses no opinion as to the reasonableness of a rate so constructed. (c) If no specific rates from point of origin to destination of a through shipment is provided, and no specific manner of constructing combination rate for it is prescribed, the lowest combination of rates applicable via the route over which the shipment moves is the lawful rate for that shipment. Such combination through rate must be treated as a unit from the date of original shipment to the date of its arrival at destination, and the rate ap- plied must be the combination of the rates which exists upon the date of original shipment. All of the conditions, regulations, and privileges ob- taining as to any factor in such combination rate for through shipment at the time of original shipment upon such combination through rate must be adhered to and can not be varied as to that shipment during the period of transportation of such shipment to its final destination. A local or propor- tional rate “in” can not be absorbed, diminished, or affected by any “out” rate not in effect at the time when the traffic moved upon such local or pro- portional rate. 6. (a) The terms “common points,” “Southeastern territory,” or simi- lar terms shall not be used in any tariff for the purpose of indicating the points from or to which rates named therein apply, unless a full list of such points is printed in the tariff or specific reference is given to the I. C. C. num- ber of the issue that contains such list. The terms “grain products,” “forest products,” “petroleum and its prod- ucts,” “cotton-seed products,” or similar terms must not be used in any tariff for the purpose of indicating the articles to which the rates apply, unless a full list of the articles intended to be included in and covered by such terms is printed in the tariff or specific reference is given to I. C. C. number of issue that contains such list. (b) Commodity rates must be specific and must not be applied to anal- ogous articles. 7. (a) In every instance where a community rate is named in a tariff upon a commodity and between specified points such commodity rate is the lawful rate and the only rate that may be used with relation to that traffic between those points, even though a class rate or some combination may make lower. The naming of a commodity rate on any article or character CLASSIFICATIONS AND TARIFFS 23 of traffic takes such article or traffic out of the classification and out of the class rates between the points to which such commodity rate applies. Class rates or commodity rates may be made for specified mixed shipments and will be the lawful rates for such mixtures, even though certain parts of the mixtures are covered by class or commodity rates when shipped separately. ( b ) If the alternative use of class or commodity rates is necessary or desired in any instance it may be provided by including in different sections of one and the same tariff such class and commodity rates, and by including in each section the specific rule “If the rates in Section of this tariff make a lower charge on any shipment than the rates in Section of this tariff, the rates in Section will be applied/ 5 No rates may be so included in a tariff for alternative use excepting such as the carrier or agent who issues the tariff is lawfully authorized to publish and change ; that is, rates issued by another carrier or agency may not be reproduced for such alterna- tive use. (c) Each tariff that contains class rates and that is not constructed in sections for alternative use of rates, as provided in paragraph ( b ) of this Eule, and that is issued or supplemented hereafter, shall also contain a rule as follows : Whenever a carload (or a less-than-carload) commodity rate is estab- lished it removes the application of the class rates to or from the same points on that commodity in carload quantities (or less-than-carload quan- tities, as the case may be). ( d ) Each tariff that contains class and commodity rates and that is con- structed in sections for alternative use of rates as provided in paragraph (6) of this Eule, and that is issued or supplemented hereafter, shall also contain a rule as follows : Whenever a carload (or less-than-carload) commodity rate is established it removes the application of the class rates to or from the same points on that commodity in carload quantities (or less-than-carload quantities, as the case may be), except when and in so far as alternative use of class and com- modity rates that are contained in separate sections of this tariff is specifically authorized herein. ( e ) Each classification that is issued or supplemented hereafter shall contain a rule as follows : Whenever a carload (or a less-than-carload) commodity rate is established it removes the application of the class rates to or from the same points on that community in carload quantities (or less-than-carload quantities, as the case may be), except when and in so far as alternative use of class and com- modity rates is specifically provided for by including in different sections of one and the same tariff such class and commodity rates, and by including in each section of such tariff the specific rule, “If the rates in Section — of 24 ELVIN S. KETCHUM this tariff make a lower charge on any shipment than the rates in Section — of this tariff the rates in Section — will be applied.” 8. (a) If a tariff or supplement to a tariff is issued which conflicts with a part of another tariff or supplement to a tariff which is in force at the time, and which is not thereby canceled in full, it shall specifically state the por- tion of such other tariff which is thereby canceled, and such other tariff shall at the same time be correspondingly amended, effective on the same date, in the regular way ; that is, by reissue, if tariff is of less than 5 pages, and by reissue or supplement, if tariff is of more than 5 pages. Such re- issue or supplement must state where rates will thereafter be found and must be filed at the same time and in connection with the tariff which contains the new rates. It will not be necessary to give on commodity tariff or supple- ment reference to class-rate tariffs that may be affected, nor to give on class- rate tariffs or supplements reference to commodity tariffs, except as pro- vided in Rule 56. (b) An agent who acts under power of attorney is fully authorized to act for the carriers that have named him their agent and attorney, and, there- fore, it is permissible for him to cancel by his tariffs issues of such principals. A carrier may not by its individual tariff cancel, amend, or modify a tariff filed by a duly authorized agent, except when corresponding amendment to such agent’s tariff is filed at the same time and as per paragraph (a) of this Rule. (c) A concurrence does not confer authority upon either carrier or agent to cancel tariffs of concurring carrier, and, therefore, tariffs issued under concurrences may not assume to cancel, or carry notation of cancellation of, tariffs of and issued by concurring carriers. Such cancellations must be made by the carrier that issued the tariff that is to be canceled. (d) If a tariff is canceled with the purpose of canceling entirely the rates named therein, or when, through error or omission, a later issue failed to cancel the previous issue and a tariff is canceled for the purpose of perfect- ing the records, the cancellation notice must not be given a new I. C. C. num- ber, but must be issued as a supplement to the tariff which it cancels, even though it be a tariff of 4 pages or less, and even though the tariff may at the time have the full number of supplements permitted by paragraph (e) of Rule 9. ( e ) When a tariff or a commodity rate is canceled by supplement, the cancellation notice must show where rates or rate will thereafter be found or what rates or rate will thereafter apply. For example : “Rate in , I. C. C. No*. — , will apply,” or “Class rates will apply,” or “Combination rate will apply,” or “No rates in effect.” If a tariff is canceled with the purpose of applying in lieu thereof the rates shown in some other tariff, the cancellation notice shall make specific CLASSIFICATIONS AND TARIFFS 25 reference to the I. C. C. number of tariff in which such rates will thereafter be found. Cancellation of a tariff also cancels supplement to such tariff, if any in effect. If a tariff is canceled by the issuance of a similar tariff to take its place, cancellation notice must not be given by supplement, but by notice printed in new tariff, as provided in paragraph (6) of Rule 3. 9. (a) A change in or addition to a tariff shall be known as an amend- ment, and, excepting amendments to tariffs of less than 5 pages, and amend- ments to tariffs issued in loose-leaf form, shall be printed in a supplement to the tariff and shall refer to the page or pages or item or items of the tariff, or of previous supplement, which it amends. An amended item must always be printed in a supplement in its entirety as amended, and the items in each supplement shall be arranged in the same general order as the tariff which it amends. (b) A supplement shall contain either a list of carriers participating therein, or shall state that the list of participating carriers is “as shown in tariff/’ or “as shown in tariff, except [here show alphabetically all additions to and eliminations from the original list that are effected by the supplement, or that have been effected by previous supplements].” (c) Supplements to a tariff shall be numbered consecutively as supple- ments to that tariff and must not be given separate or new I. C. C. numbers. Each supplement shall specify the supplement or supplements which it can- cels, and shall also show on its title-page what supplements are in effect and that such effective supplements contain all changes. For example : “Sup- plement No. — to I. C. C No. — .” “Cancels Supplements Nos. — and — “Supplements Nos. — and — are in effect and contain all changes.” The term “cancels conflicting portions” must not be used. ( d ) A tariff which contains reissued items brought forward from a pre- vious issue which has not been in effect thirty days, or a supplement which brings forward reissued items without change from a former supplement or tariff, must not bear notation “Effective at once, except as noted,” but instead must bear the notation “Effective except as noted in individual items.” Example : “Issued , 19 — , Effective , 19 — , except as noted in individual items.” Reissued items brought forward without change must show in conspicuous form and convenient manner the following : “Reissue (in black-face type) ; effective [date upon which item became effective] in I. C. C. No. — ” or “in Supplement No. — to I. C. C. No. — .” When the reissued item became effective in a former supplement to the same tariff the I. G. C. number of the tariff may be omitted, but the supplement number must be given. Items reissued from publications that were on file prior to May 1, 1907, may show last date and reference prior to May 1, 1907. 26 ELVIN S. KETCHUM (e) A tariff of less than 5 pages may have no supplement ; change therein may be made only by reissue. Not more than one supplement may be in effect at any time to a tariff containing 5 and not more than 16 pages. Not more than two supplements may be in effect at any time to a tariff contain- ing 17 and not more than 111 pages. Not more than three supplements may be in effect at any time to a tariff containing more than 111 pages, and such third supplement may be issued only when the smaller of the two effective supplements to that tariff contains not less than 10 per centum of the number of pages in the tariff. Tariffs containing 5 or more pages, including title-pages and indexes, may be supplemented to the following extent : Supplement may contain Number of pages in tariff. (including title-page and index) — 5 and not more than 16 pages 4 pages. 17 and not more than 32 pages 6 pages. 33 or more pages 25 per centum of the number of pages in tariff. A supplement to a tariff which has the effect of exceeding the above- indicated number of pages of supplemental matter to that tariff which may be in effect at any time will be subject to rejection when offered for filing. Note. — The changes made as to the number of supplements to a tariff that may be issued or that may be in effect at any time are applicable only to tariffs that are issued after May 12, 1909, and that bear on their title- pages notations in harmony with paragraph (e) of this Rule and in accord with paragraph (h) of Rule 3. As to tariffs heretofore issued, subsequently to May 1, 1907, the notations which they bear as to issuance of supplements and the number of supplements that may be in effect at any time must be observed until such tariffs are superseded or reissued. Tariffs of less than five pages that were filed prior to May 1, 1907, may not be further supplemented after July 1, 1909. Tariffs of five or more pages that were filed prior to May 1, 1907, may not be further supplemented after October 1, 1909, except by bringing, and thereafter maintaining, the number of effective aupplements within the provisions of paragraph (e) of this Rule. All changes in and additions to tariffs issued in loose-leaf form must be made by reprinting both pages of the leaf upon which change is made. Such pages must not be given supplement numbers, but must be designated “First revised page — ,” “Second revised page — etc., must show the I. C. C. number of the tariff, the issued and effective dates, and the name, title, and address of officer by whom issued. Changes or additions must be noted by proper reference marks. When no change or addition is made in one of the pages reprinted it must bear notation “No change in this page.” CLASSIFICATIONS AND TARIFFS 27 (/) If a tariff provides that it will be reissued periodically at specified times, not more than six months apart, and the life of the tariff does not exceed six months, and such provision is strictly observed, supplements to such tariff may contain all amendments thereto between such specified dates for reissue, without limit as to size. Such tariff must bear on upper left- hand corner of title-page notation ‘This tariff will be reissued effective on or before — , 19 — .” ( g ) A supplement of five or more pages must have an index of the matter which it contains, and a supplement of more than 23 pages must also contain a table of contents. ( h ) If a tariff is filed on statutory notice canceling another tariff, and after such filing and prior to the effective date of such new tariff a supple- ment to the tariff to be so canceled should be lawfully issued, rates in that supplement could not continue in effect for the thirty days required by law because the cancellation of the tariff also cancels supplements to it. In such a case supplements containing changes not included in the tariff that is to become effective may be issued as supplements both to the tariff in effect and to the tariff on file that will effect such cancellation, and be given both I. C. C. numbers. In other words, such issue must be a supplement to each of the tariffs, and copies must be filed accordingly. A supplement issued under this, Rule containing reissued items shall note in connection with each of such items, in addition to the date effective as required by the Rule, that the re- issued items expire on the date at which the new tariff becomes effective, and that the new tariff will apply in lieu thereof ; and such reissued items must not be brought forward in subsequent supplements to the new tariff. Such supplement may not contain any changes except those lawfully made by supplement to the tariff which is to be canceled by the tariff that has been filed and that is also so supplemented ; and no other kind of supplement to a tariff that is on file and not yet effective may be made effective within thirty days from the effective date of the tariff without special permission. The provisions of paragraph (e) of this Rule as to the number of supple- ments to a tariff that may be in effect at any time, and the volume of supple- mental matter they may contain must be observed in connection with supple- ment issued under this paragraph. (i) In case of change of ownership or control of a carrier, the carrier whose line is absorbed, taken over, or purchased by another carrier shall unite with that other carrier in common supplements to the tariffs on file with the Commission, on the one hand withdrawing and on the other hand ac- cepting and establishing such tariffs and all effective supplements thereto. Such common supplements shall be executed jointly by the traffic officers of both the old and the new carriers, shall be numbered consecutively as supple- ments to the tariffs (even if of less than five pages) to which they are directed, 28 ELVIN S. KETCHUM and may be made effective on five days’ notice to the public and the Com- mission by noting thereon reference to this Rule. Amendments to such tariffs must thereafter be filed in consecutively numbered supplements thereto until the tariffs are reissued. New tariffs reissuing or superseding these shall be numbered in the I. C. C. series of the new carrier. When a road or a part of a road is transferred from the operating control of one company to that of another, or when its name is changed, the existing tariffs issued by the company that surrenders control must be withdrawn by it and adopted by the company assuming control, as provided in the pre- ceding paragraph. (/) As to tariffs issued by other carriers or joint agents under con- currences or powers of attorney granted by the old carrier or company, the new carrier or company shall, if it intends to use such tariff publications and rates, issue, file, and post, with I. C. C. number, an adoption notice, substantially as follows : The [name of carrier] hereby adopts, ratifies, and makes its own, in every respect as if the same had been originally filed and posted by it, all tariffs, rules, notices, concurrences, traffic agreements, divisions, authorities, powers of attorney, or other instruments whatsoever, filed with the Interstate Com- merce Commission by the [name of old carrier] prior to [date] the beginning of its possession. By this tariff it also adopts and ratifies all supplements or amendments to any of the above tariffs, etc., which it has heretofore filed with said Commission. This notice may be made effective and be filed on immediate notice. Similar adoption notice must be filed by a receiver when assuming posses- sion and control of a carrier’s lines. Concurrences and powers of attorney so adopted by a carrier must, as soon as possible, be replaced and superseded by new concurrences and powers of attorney issued by and in the name of the new carrier or company, and in each instance canceling the concurrence or power of attorney superseded. The carrier surrendering control of the property has no lawful right to abandon its tariffs except on lawful notice, and when it surrenders control of the property it surrenders all right to publish rates or fares applicable thereto except under proper authority from the carrier or company to whose control the property passes. The public has a right to available and lawfully applicable rates and fares over that property. 10. (a) Each carrier shall publish, with proper I. C. C. numbers, post, and file separate tariffs which shall contain in clear, plain, and specific form and terms all the terminal charges and all allowances, such as arbitraries, switching, icing, storage, elevation, diversion, reconsignment, transit priv- ileges, and car service, together with all other privileges, charges, and rules which in any way increase or decrease the amount to be paid on any ship- CLASSIFICATIONS AND TARIFFS 29 ment as stated in the tariff which contains the rate applicable to such ship- ment, or which increase or decrease the value of the service to the shipper. Such tariffs must stipulate clearly the extent of such privileges and the charges connected therewith, and shall also state whether or not the rate published by the initial carrier from the point of origin to ultimate destina- tion will apply. If the through rate does apply it must be as of the date of shipment from point of origin. If such privilege is granted or charge is made in connection with the rate under which the shipment moves from point of origin, the initial carrier's tariff which contains such rate must also show the privilege or the charge or must state that shipments thereunder are entitled to such privileges and subject to such charges according to the tariffs of the carriers granting the privileges or performing the services, as “lawfully on file with the Interstate Commerce Commission.” ( b ) If a joint rate applies to or from a point on a terminal or switching road, and such terminal or switching road receives a division of said rate which is not absorbed by a connecting carrier, the terminal or switching road must publish, post, and file, or concur in and post, the tariff containing the joint rate. ( c ) A switching or terminal road, even though its lines be purely in- trastate, must publish, post, and file in accordance with the law and the Com- mission's regulations tariff or tariffs containing all its charges upon or for movements of interstate shipments; and this must be done whether or not any part or all of such terminal or switching road’s charges on such shipments are paid or absorbed by connecting carriers. ( d ) If a switching or terminal road’s charges are to be added to the tariff charges of a connecting carrier, the tariff of such connecting carrier quoting such rates to or from the point at which such terminal or switching road is located must clearly state that shipments thereunder are subject to additional charges for terminal service in accordance with the current tariffs of terminal or switching road as same are on file with the Interstate Commerce Com- mission. ( e ) If part or all of the charges of a terminal or switching road are to be absorbed by a connecting road, the tariff of such connecting road must specify that its rate includes originating or delivery services by the terminal or switching road, and that the connecting road will absorb the charges of such terminal or switching road in a specified sum, or, as per the current tariffs of the terminal or switching road (naming it) as on file with the Interstate Commerce Commission. ( f ) When connecting carriers other than terminal or switching roads switch for each other and absorb part or all of each other’s charges, their switching charges must be shown in lawfully filed and posted tariffs, and their 30 ELVIN S. KETCHUM tariffs must also state the circumstances, under which and the instances in which they will absorb other carrier’s switching charges, and must specify that such absorption will be in a stated sum per 100 pounds, per ton or per car, or, as per tariffs on file with the Interstate Commerce Commission. ( g ) It is permissible for a carrier, or for two or more carriers, to issue a distance tariff for use in determining rates on its, or their, own lines, but only in cases where no other rates are provided. Such tariff must bear on its title-page the following notation : Rates shown herein may be used only when no other rates apply. When governed by classification which also contains distance rates they will take precedence over the distance rates in such classification. They may not be used either by themselves or in combination in preference to any specific tariff rate. A distance tariff may be included in a tariff of specific rates, together with the following rule : “If the use of the distance tariff on page of this tariff makes a lower charge on any shipment than the specific rate shown in this tariff such lower charge will apply.” ( h ) Every carrier that uses a distance tariff, which is or may be used in connection with rates on interstate shipments, must incorporate therein an official list of all the points, in connection with which the tariff may apply, showing in proper arrangement the distances between them; or must give therein reference by I. C. C. number to the issue that contains such list. A carrier may show in a tariff publication under I. C. C. number an official list of its points and may show therein distances, prepay points, billing in- structions to points not on line of road, etc. If such publication contains no rates and no rules or regulations that effect the charges on any shipment, amendments to it may be issued on one day’s notice to the public and to the Commission. Such supplement so issued must bear on title page notation “Issued under authority of Rule 10, Tariff Circular 17-A.” If, however, such publication contains any rate or any rule or regulation that can affect a charge upon any shipment, no change in the publication may be made except on statutory notice or on special permission for shorter time. No supplement to such publication, whether issued under authority of this rule or on statutory notice or under special permission, may contain notice of any change effective prior to the effective date of the supplement. Rates to or from new points on old lines or road may not be established, nor rates to or from old points be withdrawn, except upon statutory notice or under special permission. ( i ) Note. — The following may be used only in connection with publica- tions such as are specified in paragraph ( i ) of this Rule, which are con- structed and filed in accord with these regulations, and which are filed sub-» sequent to November 9, 1908 : CLASSIFICATIONS AND TARIFFS 31 A tariff publication confined to information and regulations governing the use of tank cars may be issued, and, except as hereinafter specified, may be supplemented only on statutory notice or under special permission. Sup- plements to such publication which contain no changes except additions of cars not before listed, substitution of new cars for old cars, changes in owner- ship of cars, and corrections in capacities of cars already listed may be issued and made effective upon one day’s notice to the Commission and to the public, as required by law. In connection with this Rule, regulations as to number of supplements to a publication and the volume of supplemental matter that may be contained therein (Rule 9) must be observed; and when changes are made on short notice hereunder and are incorporated in supplement with other matter brought forward from previous supplement such other matter must be plainly noted as reissued from a former supplement, (see paragraph ( d ) of Rule 9), and no changes except those above specified may be included. 11. Each carrier shall publish under proper I. C. C. number, post, and file a complete index of tariffs which are in effect and to which it is a party either as an initial or a delivering carrier. Such index shall be prepared in sections, as indicated below, and shall show: (a) I. C. C. number; (6) carrier’s own number; (c) index number; ( d ) initials of issuing road or agent; ( e ) issuing road or agent’s number; ( f ) character of tariff or description of the articles upon which it applies; (<7) where tariff applies from ; (h) where tariff applies to. Note. — Items ( b ), (c), and (e) may be omitted. Items ( f ), ( g ), and ( h ) will be stated in concise general terms. First section. — A list of all the tariffs as to which the carrier is an initial carrier. Commodity tariffs to be entered alphabetically under names of commodities or principal commodities. Tariffs applying to different groups of the same commodity must be grouped together; e. g., “Lumber — hard- wood ;” “Lumber — yellow pine,” etc. Following the specific commodity tariffs will be entered the general com- modity tariffs, the class and commodity tariffs, and the class tariffs. Under each of these heads the application of the tariffs will be described by alpha- betical arrangement of the points or territory from or to which they apply, in either the “From” or “To” column. Under the head of “Miscellaneous schedules” will follow list of schedules, such as billing books, classifications, exception sheets, switching tariffs, terminal charges, etc., each entered in alphabetical order. Second section. — List of all tariffs under which the carrier is a delivering carrier arranged alphabetically by names of issuing carriers or agents, with the items arranged by commodities and classes under each of such carriers or agents, as prescribed for the first section. 32 ELVIN S. KETCHUM Third section . — A complete list of the numbers of tariffs of its own I. C. C. series arranged in numerical order. If carrier so desires, lists of its division sheets, official circulars, etc., may appear in this publication. Tariffs covering specific circus movements and supplements to tariffs need not be included in indices. If any changes are made the index must be revised to date, either by reissue each month, or by supplement each month and reissue every six months. If supplements are used they must be constructed in accord with specifications as to construction of index, and shall show additions, changes, and cancellations made in index or previous supplement thereto. Not more than two supplements to any index may be in effect at any time, and the provisions of paragraph (c) of Rule 9 must be observed with relation thereto. Each index must bear on its title-page notations, as follows : “This index contains lists of tariff publications in effect on [date of issue of index]”; to which may be added, “or which have been filed to become effective at a later date as shown within.” If supplements to index will not be used, “No sup- plement to this index will be issued” ; if supplements will be used, “Only two supplements to this index will be in effect at any time.” Each supplement to index must bear on title-page the notation “This supplement contains corrections to and as in effect on [date of issue of supplement]”; to which may be added, “or which have been filed to become effective at a later date as shown within.” The title-page of index or of supplement must show the date of issue thereof, which must correspond to date shown in notations above and must not bear an effective date. The rule requiring thirty days 5 notice does not apply to these indexes and their supplements. Note. — This rule is also in rules governing passenger tariffs. One index containing both freight and passenger tariffs will be deemed sufficient, but if both are included in one index it must be given an I. C. C. number in both freight and passenger series and four copies must be sent to the Commission. 12. Tariffs containing rail-and-water rates or all-water rates applicable via routes upon which it is necessary to close navigation during a portion of the year, and which do not become effective and expire by specified ex- piration within the same season of navigation, may provide for suspension and restoration of the rail-and-water rates and the all-water rates named therein under the following regulations : (a) The following notation shall appear on the title-page of the tariff : The rates named herein for rail-and-water and all-water transportation are subject to suspension at the close of navigation and restoration on the opening of navigation of [here insert the name of the water carrier or carriers specified in the tariff] on notice as provided on page — of this tariff. (b) In the rules governing the tariff shall appear the following : CLASSIFICATIONS AND TARIFFS 33 In anticipation of opening of navigation of [here insert name of water carrier or carriers named in the tariff] restoration of the rail-and-water and all-water rates contained in this tariff and in effective supplements thereto which were in force on the date the rates were last suspended or which have subsequently been made effective, will be announced by supplement to this tariff which will be filed with the Interstate Commerce Commission, be posted at points from which the rates apply, and become effective not less than three days thereafter. Note. — This effective date shall not be such as to allow more than thirty days at point of transshipment for reforwarding by the water carrier. The rates in this tariff and in supplements thereto for rail-and-water and all-water transportation are effective only during the season of navigation of [here insert the name of water carrier or carriers named in the tariff] until [here insert date upon which freight can be forwarded from point of shipment and with reasonable certainty reach the point of transshipment prior to the last sailing of water carrier]. From that date and until an- nouncement by supplement to this tariff of the date which wholly suspends rates for the season, shipments will be accepted under this tariff only subject to the provision that in the event of such shipments being in excess of the available vessel capacity at time of arrival at port of transshipment or of arrival too late for forwarding by vessel, the same will be forwarded via all-rail route and be subject to the tariff rates via such all-rail route in effect on the date of shipment from the point of origin; shipping receipts, bills of lading, and waybills must bear notation to this effect. The supplement announcing the close of navigation and the suspension of rail-and-water and all-water rates named in this tariff and in its effective supplements will be filed with the Interstate Commerce Commission and will be posted at points from which the rates apply not less than three days in advance of the date upon which the rates will be suspended from points of original shipment. (c) Where the tariff suspended or restored under this Rule applies to joint transportation by rail and river, or canal, or inland lakes other than the Great Lakes, such tariffs may be suspended or restored on a like notice of one day instead of three days. ( d ) Supplements issued under this Rule announcing suspension and restoration of rail-and-water and water rates in tariffs must not contain anything except such suspension or restoration notice or notices. Only one such supplement announcing suspension or restoration of the rates in a tariff may be in effect at any time, and such supplement will not be counted against the number of supplements permitted to such tariff under Rule 9. (e) Rail-and-water and all-water rates suspended under this Rule may be reissued or amended during such period of suspension upon statutory notice the same as though the rates were in effect and active use, but the 34 ELVIN S. KETCHUM restoration of the rates by supplement notice will not advance the effective date of any supplement to the tariff which has not on the date of restoration become effective. Supplements made effective prior to the date of restora- tion will be made effective on a given date, or may be stated to be “Effective with restoration of tariff and supplements for season of 19 — (to be an- nounced by subsequent supplement) but not earlier than [statutory notice] 19 — , nor earlier than noted in individual items.” ( f ) Statutory notice of suspension, withdrawal, or restoration of rates or regulations must be given as to all tariffs that do not contain the pro- visions of paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Rule. ( g ) The provisions of Rule 10 will also apply to carriers in rail and water lines and to tariffs applying on such lines, and in addition thereto, if storage or transit privilege is given at port of transshipment on the Great Lakes in connection with a joint rail-and- water rate upon which shipment moves from point of origin, the initial carrier’s tariff which contains such rate must also contain the privilege or the charge, or give specific reference by I. C. C. number to the tariff of the carrier that grants the privilege or performs the service which contains such regulations and charges connected therewith. 13. (a) Tariffs, classifications, and exception sheets and supplements thereto shall be filed with the Commission by proper officer of the carrier or by an agent designated to perform that duty, and concurrence of every carrier participating therein must be on file with the Commission or ac- company the tariff or supplement. If a carrier authorizes an agent to file its tariffs or classifications and exception sheets and supplements thereto, or certain of them, official notice of such authorization and of acceptance of responsibility by the carrier for his acts, in form as hereinafter specified, must be filed with the Commission. Such authority may be revoked by a carrier upon thirty days’ official notice to the Commission, or at any time be transferred to another agent by filing with the Commission notice of such transfer, accompanied by full- form authorization for the newly named agent. (b) If two or more carriers appoint the same person as agent for the filing of tariffs or classifications and supplements thereto, each of them will be required to file with the Commission power of attorney in form prescribed appointing him their agent; and the concurrence of every other carrier participating in any tariff or classification or supplement thereto which is filed by him must be on file with the Commission or accompany the tariff. When consolidated form of concurrence FX6, FX7, or FX8 has been used and additions are to be made to the list of roads for which such agent acts under powers of attorney the necessity for a new set of consolidated concurrences presents itself. Trouble and inconvenience can be avoided CLASSIFICATIONS AND TARIFFS 35 by the issuance of powers of attorney authorizing such agent to receive con- currences provided in Rules 23, 24, and 25, and the securing of new con- currences will be comparatively simple. ( c ) Such joint agent duly authorized to act for several carriers must file joint tariffs or classifications or exception sheets under I. C. C. serial numbers of his own. (d) Tariffs issued by a carrier under its I. C. C. numbers may include, under proper concurrences, shown therein, rates via, and to and from points on other carriers’ lines and concurring carriers may use such tariffs for post- ing at their stations. Such tariff must be filed by the issuing carrier and such filing will constitute filing for all lawfully concurring carriers. (e) The agent or the carrier that issues a joint tariff publication shall at once send copies thereof to each and every carrier that is named as party thereto. (/) A carrier that grants authority to an agent or to another carrier to publish and file certain of its rates must not in its own publications publish rates that duplicate or conflict with those which are published by such authorized agent or other carrier. (g) If an agent publishes class rates and does not also publish com- modity rates, such agent’s class tariff must carry notation that the commod- ity rates of the carriers parties to the tariff are to be found in their in- dividual issues, and that where so found they take precedence over class rates. If an agent publishes a part but not all of the commodity rates of the carriers for which he acts, all of his tariffs containing commodity rates must bear notation that commodity rates not shown therein are to be found in the carriers’ individual issues, and where so found ‘they take precedence over class rates. (h) Rates for through shipments are often made by adding together two or more rates. All State or other rates used in combination for inter- state shipments must be posted at points from which they apply and filed with the Commission, and can only be changed as to such traffic in accordance with the terms of the Act. The Commission believes it proper that all local tariffs be given I. C. C. numbers and be posted and filed with the Com- mission in manner prescribed in the Act. 14. (a) The Act requires that all changes in rates, or in rules that affect rates, shall be filed with the Commission at least thirty days before the date upon which they are to become effective. Manifestly it is impossible for the Commission to check the items in tariffs to determine whether or not the statutory notice has been given. The title-page of every tariff or sup- plement must show full thirty days’ notice, except as provided in paragraph (g) of Rule 3. 36 ELVIN S. KETCHUM (b) The law affirmatively imposes upon each carrier the duty of filing with the Commission all of its tariffs and amendments thereto, as prescribed in the law or in any rule relative thereto which may be announced by the Commission, under penalty for failure so to do, or for using any rate which is not contained in its lawfully published and filed tariffs. The Commission will give such consistent assistance as it can in this respect, but the fact that receipt of a tariff, or supplement to a tariff, is acknowledged by the Commis- sion, or the fact that a tariff, or supplement to a tariff, is in the files of the Commission will not serve or operate to excuse the carrier from respon- sibility or liability for any violation of the law, or of any ruling lawfully made thereunder, which may have occurred in connection with the construc- tion or filing of such tariff or supplement. ( c ) Thirty days’ notice to the public and to the Commission is required as to every publication which it is necessary for a carrier to file with the Com- mission, regardless of what changes may or may not be effected thereby. (d) No tariff or supplement will be accepted for filing unless it is de- livered to the Commission, free from all charges or claims for postage, the full thirty days required by law before the date upon which such tariff or supplement is stated to be effective. No consideration will be given to or for the time during which a tariff or supplement may be held by the Post- Office Department because of insufficient postage. A tariff or a supplement that is received by the Commission too late to give the Commission the full thirty days’ notice required by law will be returned to sender, and correction of the neglect or omission can not be made which takes into account any time elapsing between the date upon which such tariff or supplement was re- ceived and the date of attempted correction. In other words, when a tariff or a supplement is issued and as to which the Commission is not given the statutory notice it is as if it had not been issued, and full statutory notice must be given of any reissue thereof. No consideration will be given to tele- graphic notices in computing the thirty days’ notice required. For tariffs and supplements issued on short notice under special permission of the Commission full thirty days’ notice is not required, but literal compliance with the requirements for notice named in any permission granted by the Commission will be exacted and in accord with the policy and practice above outlined. ( e ) When a schedule is rejected by the Commission as unlawful, the records so show and, therefore, such schedule should not thereafter be re- ferred to as canceled, amended, or otherwise except to note on publication that is issued in lieu of such rejected schedule "In lieu of rejected by Commission nor should the number which it bears be again used. (/) Rates prescribed by the Commission in its decisions and orders after hearings upon formal complaints shall, in every instance, be promulgated by CLASSIFICATIONS AND TARIFFS 37 the carriers against which such orders are entered in duly published, filed, and posted tariffs, or supplements to tariffs, and notice shall be sent to the Uommission that its order in case No. — has been complied with in item — , page — of — — tariff, I. C. C. No. — , or supplement — to tariff, I. C. C. No. — . In establishing rates or regulations under an order of the Commission in a formal case, carrier or carriers that are actually and on the record parties to the case, or that are lawful parties to a joint tariff in which the rate or regulation that is prescribed is published by some carrier that is party to the case, may include in the change or changes made in compliance with the Commission’s order commodity or commodities that are grouped with that or those which are specified in the order ; and may also include adjustment at other points in order to preserve established grouping or relation of points, and may also include adjustment of rates to same points on other commodities for the purpose of maintaining established relation of rates between com- modities : Provided , all such changes made by authority of this Rule shall be effected by reductions in rates or charges. If carrier that is not so party to the case or to the joint tariff desires to make on less than statutory notice the same changes that are made under the order by carrier that is party to the same, it must secure special permis- sion so to do. Unless otherwise specified in the order in the case, such tariff or supple- ment may be made effective upon five days’ notice to the Commission and to the public, and if made effective on less than statutory notice, either under this Rule or under special authority granted in the order in the case, shall bear on its title-page notation “In compliance with order of Interstate Com- merce Commission in case No. ( g ) Circulars announcing or explaining the attitude and course of car- riers under injunction of a court, relating to tariff rates or regulations, must not be issued as supplements to tariffs nor given I. C. C. numbers unless they are issued on statutory notice or under special permission from the Com- mission for shorter time. The Commission will, however, be pleased to have copies of such circulars and the information therein contained. (h) Each carrier files tariffs under I. C. C. numbers, which are pre- sumed to be used consecutively. Occasionally a tariff or supplement is re- ceived which does not bear I. C. C. number next in numerical order to that borne by the last one filed. This is sometimes occasioned by the missing number having been assigned to a tariff that is in course of preparation. Request is made that in so far as is possible carriers will file tariffs and supplements in consecutive numerical order of I. C. C. numbers. If from any cause this is not done in any instance, the tariff or supplement that is filed with an I. C. C. number that is not consecutive with the last number 38 ELVIN S. KETCHUM filed must be accompanied by a memorandum explaining as to the missing number or numbers. ( i ) Common carriers and agents are directed, in filing schedules in com- pliance with the statute, to transmit two (2) copies of each tariff, supple- ment, classification, or other schedule of rates or regulations, for the use of the Commission, both copies to be included in one package and under one letter of transmittal. Tariffs sent for filing must be addressed “Interstate Commerce Commis- sion, Bureau of Tariffs, Washington, D. C.” 15. (a) Fast freight line billing or instruction books which are, by reference, made part of carrier’s tariffs, are in effect tariffs. The following method of publication and filing of such books and of concurring therein may be followed : The interested carriers may arrange for a carrier of their number to execute power of attorney Form FX1, appointing an agent with authority to issue the billing or instruction book in the name, place, and stead of the carrier giving the power of attorney. The publication must show on its title-page that it is issued by the person designated in the capacity of agent for the carrier that gives him power of attorney. It will be sufficient for each of the other initial carriers that uses the billing or instruction book in connection with its tariffs to give concurrence in that book, running to the carrier that issues the book, on Form FX2 or FX5 ; and for all carriers that participate in the publication as intermediate or terminal carriers to each give general concurrence FX3 or FX4 in the tariffs issued by the carrier granting power of attorney, or its agent. Concurrences Form FX3 will, without modification, include the billing or instruction books issued by a carrier to which such concurrence has been given, or by its agent under power of attorney, but if such publication names or affects rates from the stations on line of concurring carrier concurrence FX2, FX4, or FX5 must be used. (6) A tariff may contain rates to base points which must be con- curred in by intermediate and terminal carriers over the lines of which the rates apply to such base points, and when the issuing carrier is a party under proper form of concurrence or power of attorney in a billing or instruction book, such tariff may provide for the application of rates to points as specified in the billing or instruction book by specific provision in the tariff, and reference to the I. C. C. number of the billing or instruction book. It is not necessary that such tariff should specify names and concurrence forms and numbers of the intermediate and terminal carriers which are shown as participating carriers in the billing or instruction books. The billing or in- struction book is made a part of the tariff by specific reference, and the carriers concurring in the billing or instruction book are thereby made CLASSIFICATIONS AND TARIFFS 39 lawful participants in the application of the rates named in the tariff to the points on concurring carrier’s line, as authorized in the billing or instruc- tion book. 16. (a) A carrier may grant to a joint agent authority to publish and file for it classification and supplements thereto and exceptions to the class- ification; or, such exceptions may be published by the carrier in its own issues, either as parts of individual tariffs or in a publication that is given an I. C. C. number, that is filed and posted as required, and that is devoted to such exceptions. Such exceptions and changes therein may be made only on statutory notice or under special permission for shorter time. In so far as is reasonably practicable exceptions should be included in the tariff, which they affect. A joint agent to whom carriers have extended authority under power of attorney to publish and file classification and supplements thereto must issue them under his own I. C. C. numbers, must show in the classification a list of the carriers for which he acts under power of attorney, giving as to each the FX1 number of such authority, and must file the classification and supple- ments thereto on behalf of all of the carriers that have so authorized him to act for them ; and such carriers will not file the classification or supple- ments thereto for themselves. The provisions of the law as to statutory notice must be observed in the issuance of supplements or reissue of the classification. In showing the list of participating carriers in supplement the rule pre- scribed in Buie 9 will be followed. (6) If a carrier fails to authorize an agent to file the classification for it and undertakes to file it for itself, it is bound by the terms of the law as to notice of change and date of filing, both as to the classification and eaqh supplement thereto. (c) In giving power of attorney for this purpose the form shown in Rule 18 may be modified by striking out from line 6 the word “tariffs,” and, if desired from line 7 the words “and exception sheets.” If a carrier has given another carrier concurrence FX4, under which it concurs in classification which that other carrier or its agent may make and file, the carrier to which that concurrence is given may exercise the authority by its lawfully appointed agent, and the carrier which gave the authority be shown in the publication as participant under the form and number of its concurrence. 17. (a) It will be permissible for an agent and attorney for certain lines to join with another agent and attorney for lines in another territory in the issuance of tariffs, naming joint through rates from points in one territory to points in the other, or “between” points in the territories repre- 40 ELYIN S. KETCHUM sented by such agents. In doing this each of such agents acts for the lines that have given him power of attorney FX1 and for the lines that have given proper concurrences to the carriers that have given him such power of attorney; and for such lines only. Such publication will bear I. C. C. numbers, under the serial of each of the agents, and each of the agents will file the publication and each and every supplement thereto for and on behalf of the roads for which he is attorney and agent and those that are participants under concurrences to the roads for which he is agent and attorney, just as if it were his individual publication on behalf of those carriers alone. Each of such agents will be held to strict conformity to the law and the tariff regulations regarding the construction of the tariff and notices of changes therein, and in filing the tariff and each and every supplement thereto. ( b ) Under this arrangement each agent acts only for the carriers that he has due authority to act for. The principals of each are bound by the acts of their attorney and agent, and as each will file the tariff under his own I. C. C. number and for the roads which he lawfully represents, the cross exchange of concurrences between all of the different roads represented on the one hand by one agent and on the other hand by the other agent will not be necessary as to that tariff. (c) Such publication will show lists of participating carriers in the fol- lowing manner : First, a list of the carriers from which one of the agents has power of attorney FX1, showing as to each the FX1 number of such authority. Second, a list of the carriers that participate under concurrences to the lines for which that agent is agent and attorney, showing the form and number of each concurrence. Third, a list of the carriers for which the other agent is agent and attorney, with the FX1 number of his authority as to each. Fourth, a list of the carriers that participate under concurrences to the lines for which that agent is agent and attorney, showing the form and number of each concurrence. Each of these four subdivisions of the participating carriers will be in- dicated by plain headlines, as, for instance, “Lines for which is agent and attorney,” “Participating lines under concurrences to carriers for which is agent and attorney,” and like notices for the other agent’s lists of principals and concurring lines. In order to avoid confusion and complications under this plan, it is essential that the agents adopting it shall perfect their understandings and that there shall be no omission or neglect on part of either about filing under lawful notice any tariff so issued or any supplement thereto. 18. The following form, on paper 8 by 10 y 2 inches in size, will be used in giving authority to an agent to file for the carrier giving the authority tariffs and supplements thereto. Such authority must not be given to an CLASSIFICATIONS AND TARIFFS 41 association or bureau, and it may not contain authority to delegate to another power thereby conferred. This form may be modified so as to confer the authority desired by omitting the words "(1) for it alone, and (2),” or by omitting the words “and (2) for it jointly with other carriers.” If two or more carriers execute this form containing the words “for it jointly with other carriers” in favor of a joint agent it will not be necessary for those carriers to exchange concurrences with each other as to the joint tariffs issued by that joint agent under that authority. TO BE FILED WITH THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. [Name of carrier in full.] Form FX1 — No. — . [Date] Know all men by these presents : That the [name of carrier] has made, constituted, and appointed, and by these presents does make, constitute, and appoint [name of person appointed] its true and lawful attorney and agent for the said company and in its name, place, and stead, (1) for it alone, and (2) for it jointly with other carriers, to file tariffs, classifications, and exception sheets and supplements thereto, as required of common carriers by the Act to regulate commerce and by regu- lations established by the Interstate Commerce Commission thereunder for the period of time the traffic and the territory now herein named : And the said [name of carrier] does hereby give and grant unto its said attorney and agent full power and authority to do and perform all and every act and thing above specified as fully to all intents and purposes as if the same were done and performed by the said company, hereby ratifying and confirming all that its said agent and attorney may lawfully do by virtue hereof, and assuming full responsibility for the acts and neglects of its said attorney and agent hereunder. In witness whereof the said company has caused these presents to be signed in its name by its president and to be duly attested under its corporate seal by its secretary, at , in the State of , on this day of , in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and . The [name of carrier], Attest : By , » Secretary . [corporate seal.] Its President . 42 ELVIN S. KETCHUM Carrier issuing this form will file the original with the Commission and will furnish duplicate to the agent to whom power of attorney i3 given. Separate authorizations will be given for freight and passenger tariffs. For concurrence in tariffs issued and filed by another carrier or its agent forms prescribed in Rules 19 to 25, inclusive, will be used. Concurrences must be given to carriers named therein and authority so granted to a carrier may be by it delegated to its lawfully appointed agent. All concurrences must be on paper 8 by 10 y 2 inches in size. Separate concurrences will be given for freight and passenger tariffs. Note. — Experience has demonstrated that it is simpler and better to use concurrence than power of attorney in giving authority to a carrier to publish and file another carrier’s rates. Provision for giving power of attorney to another carrier has, therefore, been eliminated except for the pur- pose of granting authority to give and receive concurrences as provided in Rule 26. This does not invalidate or change the terms or effect of any power of attorney now on file. 19. The following form will be used in giving concurrence in a tariff that is issued and filed by another carrier or its agent and to which the carrier giving concurrence is a party. If given to continue until revoked, it will serve as continuing concurrence in the tariff described in the concurrence and all supplements to and reissues thereof. If provision for concurrence to continue until revoked is striken out, a new concurrence will be required with each supplement or reissue. TO BE FILED WITH THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. [Name of carrier in full.] General Freight Department, [Date] . Form FX2 — No. — . To the Interstate Commerce Commission, Washington, D. C.: This is to certify that the [name of carrier] assents to and concurs in the publication and filing of the rate schedule described below, together with supplements thereto and reissues thereof which the named issuing carrier or its agent may make and file, and hereby makes itself a party thereto and bound thereby, until this authority is revoked by formal and official notices of revocation placed in the hands of the Interstate Commerce Commission and of the carrier to which this concurrence is given. CLASSIFICATIONS AND TARIFFS 43 Title and number : [Here give exact description of title of schedule, in- cluding number and name of series.] Date of issue: . Date effective: . Issued by [Official.] [Company.] [Name of carrier.] By [Name of officer.] [Title of officer.] The original of this form will be filed with the Commission by the carrier or agent who files the tariff and will accompany the tariff. 20. Concurrence may be given by any carrier to embrace all tariffs issued by another carrier or its agent in which the concurring carrier is shown as a paticipating intermediate or delivering line, after the following form : TO BE FILED WITH THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. [Name of carrier in full.] General Freight Department, [Date] . Form FX3 — No. — . To the Interstate Commerce Commission, Washington, D . C. : This is to certify that the [name of carrier] assents to and concurs in the publication and filing of any freight-rate schedule or supplement thereto which the [name of carrier] or its agent may make and file, in which it is shown as a participating carrier, and hereby makes itself a party to and bound thereby in so far as such schedule contains rates applying via its line and to, but not from, points thereon, until this authority is revoked by formal and official notices of revocation placed in the hands of the Interstate Commerce Commission and of the carrier to which this concurrence is given. [Name of carrier.] By [Name of officer.] [Title of officer.] Carrier issuing this form will file the original with the Commission and will furnish duplicate to the carrier to which concurrence is given. This form must not be qualified in any way except to show what agents have been given power of attorney and to provide that tariffs shall not be issued under the concurrence covering traffic provided for in tariffs issued by such agents. 44 ELVIN S. KETCHUM 21. Concurrence may be given by a carrier in tariffs issued by anothe carrier or its agents applying rates to or from its points or via its lines, o « certain described traffic or between certain described points or territories after the following form, modified as may be necessary to confer exactl i the authority intended to be granted. For granting authority to publis'j and file rates to and from and via its lines, and not otherwise qualified I carrier will use concurrence form FX5 or FX7, as per Rules 22 and 24 : TO BE FILED WITH THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. [Name of carrier in full.] General Freight Department, [Date] . Form FX4 — No. — . To the Interstate Commerce Commission, Washington, D. C. : This is to certify that the [name of carrier] assents to and concurs ijjj the publication and filing of any freight-rate schedule or supplement theretfl which the [name of carrier] or its agent may make and file and in whic' * this company is shown as a participating carrier, and hereby makes itsel a party to and bound thereby in so far as such schedule contains rate applying upon ; or between and ; or from t • ; or via ; until this authority is revoked by formal and official ] notices of revocation placed in the hands of the Interstate Commerce Com ) mission and of the carrier to which this concurrence is given. [Name of carrier.] By [Name of officer.] [Title of officer.] Carrier issuing this form will file the original with the Commission am will furnish duplicate to the carrier to which concurrence is given. 22. Concurrence may be given by a carrier in tariffs issued by anothe carrier or its agent applying rates to and from its points and via its line and after the following form : to be filed with the interstate commerce commission. [Name of carrier in full.] General Freight Department, [Date] . Form FX5 — No. — . To the Interstate Commerce Commission, Washington, D. C. : This is to certify that the [name of carrier] assents to and concurs in th< publication and filing of any freight-rate schedule or supplement theret j CLASSIFICATIONS AND TARIFFS rtiich the [name of carrier] or its agent may make and file, and in which his company is shown as a participating carrier, and hereby makes itself i party to and bound thereby in so far as such schedule contains rates apply- ng to and from stations on its lines, and via its lines, until this authority s revoked by formal and official notices of revocation placed in the hands f the Interstate Commerce Commission and of the carrier to which this oncurrence is given. [Name of carrier.] By [Name of officer.] [Title of officer.] Carrier issuing this form will file the original with the Commission and ill furnish duplicate to the carrier to which concurrence is given. This >rm must not be qualified in any way, unless to show what agents have Jen given powers of attorney and to provide that tariffs shall not be issued ader the concurrence covering traffic provided for in tariffs issued by such jents. 23. If two or more carriers appoint the same person as agent for the lblication and filing of tariffs and supplements thereto under powers of torney form FX1, concurrence in tariffs issued by him under such au~ onty may be in the following form : TO BE FILED WITH THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. [Name of carrier in full.] General Freight Department, [Date] >rm FX6— No. — . ► the Interstate Commerce Commission, | Washington, D. C. : This is to certify that the [name of carrier] assents to and concurs in i ! publication and filing of any freight-rate schedule or supplement thereto ’uch the [here give list of all roads for which the agent has powers of s omey], or either or any of them, may make and file through their agent si attorney [name of agent], and in which it is shown as a participating ' n er, and hereby makes itself a party to and bound thereby in so far as s h schedule contains rates applying via its line, and to but not from points . reon, until this authority is revoked by formal and official notices of location placed in the hands of the Interstate Commerce Commission and y he carrier to which this concurrence is given, or of its agent and attorney 2 m named. J [Name of carrier.] By [Name of officer.] [Title of officer.] 46 ELVIN S. KETCHUM Carrier issuing this form will file the original with the Commission and will furnish duplicate to each of the carriers named m the concurrence, or if each of those carriers has given said agent power of attorney to recem for it concurrences, original will be filed with the Commission and on duplicate may be filed with such agent instead of furnishing duplicates t< each and every carrier represented by him. 34 If two or more carriers appoint the same person as agent for to, publication and filing of tariffs and supplements thereto under powers o attorney form FX1, concurrence in tariffs issued by him under such au thority may be in the following form : TO BE FILED WITH THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. [Name of carrier in full.] General Freight Department, [Date] Form FX7— No. — . To the Interstate Commerce Commission, Washington , D. C.: This is to certify that the [name of carrier] assents to and concurs the publication and filing of any freight-rate schedule or supplement there which the [here give list of all roads for which the agent has powers attorney], or either or any of them may make and file through their age and attorney [name of agent], and in which it is shown as a P artlcl P atl carrier, and hereby makes itself a party to and bound thereby in «o, as such schedule contains rates applying via its line, and to and from poi thereon, until this authority is revoked by fornal and official notices revocation placed in the hands of the Interstate Commerce Commission ai of the carrier to which this concurrence is given, or of its agents and attorn. herein named. [Name of carrier.] By [Name of officer.] [Title of officer.] Carrier issuing this form will file the original with the Commission all will furnish duplicate to each of the carriers named in the concurrence, j,j if each of those carriers has given said agent power of attorney to recei for it concurrences, original will be filed with the Commission and duplicate may be filed with such agent instead of furnishing duplicates each and every carrier represented by him. 25 If two or more carriers appoint the same person as agent for publication and filing of tariffs and supplements thereto under powers attorney form FX1, concurrence in tariffs issued by him under such authory CLASSIFICATIONS AND TARIFFS 47 applying to or from certain points or territory may be issued in the following form, modified as may be necessary to confer exactly the authority intended to be granted; TO BE FILED WITH THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. [Name of carrier in full.] General Freight Department, [Date] . Form FX8 — No. — . To the Interstate Commerce Commission, 'Washington, D. C. : This i6 to certify that the [name of carrier] assents to and concurs in the publication and filing of any freight-rate schedule or supplement thereto which the [here give list of all roads for which the agent has powers of attorney], or either or any of them, may make and file through their agent and attorney [name of agent], and in which it is shown as a participating carrier, and hereby makes itself a party to and bound thereby in so far as such schedule contains rates applying upon ; or between and ; or from to ; or from to points on or reached via its line; or from points on or via its line to until this authority is revoked by formal and official notice of revocation placed in the hands of the Interstate Commerce Commission and of the carriers to which this concurrence is given, or of their agent and attorney herein named. [Name of carrier.] By [Name of officer.] [Title of officer.] Carrier issuing this form will file the original with the Commission and will furnish duplicate to each of the carriers named in the concurrence, or, if each of those carriers has given said agent power of attorney to receive for it concurrences, original will be filed with the Commission and one duplicate may be filed with such agent instead of furnishing duplicate to each and every carrier represented by him. Note. — Concurrence, form FX2, applies to individual publication named therein. Concurrence, form FX3 or FX6, confers authority to publish and file rates to, but not from, points on line of concurring carrier, and via its lines. Concurrence, form FX5 or FX7, confers authority to publish and file rates to and from points on line of concurring carriers, and via its lines. Forms FX3, FX5, FX6, and FX7 are not to be modified except as specified in the Rules. The use of these several forms as provided will, therefore, show by the form number just what authority has been given, except when form FX4 or FX8 is used, these forms being provided for instances which the 48 ELVIN S. KETCHUM other forms do not exactly fit. The Commission does not require the sub- stitution of concurrence form FX5 for form FX4, now on file, which covers only the authority provided for in the new form FX5, but will welcome such substitution. For all new concurrences forms will be used as specified in the several Rules, and FX4 or FX8 only when neither of the other forms provides for the authority it is desired to confer. 26. (a) Each carrier will give authorizations and concurrences serial numbers, beginning with No. 1 in each series, as indicated by forms, and continuing in consecutive numbers as to each series, and keeping these numbers separate and apart from the I. C. C. numbers of tariffs. (6) A concurrence may be revoked by filing notice of such revocation with the Commission and serving same upon the carrier to which such con- currence was given. Such notice must specify the date upon which revoca- tion is to be made effective, and must give at least sixty days’ notice to the Commission and to the carrier to which concurrence was given. Correspond- ing revision of tariff or tariffs shall be made in the next supplement to or reissue thereof, and if necessary, supplement or reissue shall be made for the sole purpose of making such change lawfully effective on statutory notice upon the effective date stated in the notice of revocation. ( c ) Subsidiary or small lines which do not wish to issue concurrences or tariffs may give to the parent or other line power of attorney to concur in tariffs, and also general concurrence FX4 or FX5, to file tariffs, and the carrier holding such authority and concurrence may give, and also receive, concurrences for itself and the lines for which it acts in one instrument. Such subsidiary or small lines must, however, be named in concurrences so given. In giving power of attorney to concur in tariffs, form FX1 will be modified by striking out from line six the word “file” and substituting the following therefor : “to give and receive concurrences in.” ( d ) In giving concurrences care must be taken to avoid probability of two or more agents or carriers naming conflicting rates or rules. (e) The granting of authority to issue tariffs under power of attorney, or concurrence, does not relieve the carrier conferring the authority from the necessity of complying with the law with regard to posting tariffs. It is proper to use tariffs issued under its authority for that purpose. 27. All tariffs that are filed with the Commission will be accompanied by a letter of transmittal, on paper 8 by lO 1 /^ inches in size, and to the following effect : [Name of carrier in full.] General Freight Department, [Date] . CLASSIFICATIONS AND TARIFFS 49 Advice No. . To the Interstate Commerce Commission, Washington , D. C. : Accompanying schedule is sent you for filing, in compliance with the re- quirements of the Act to regulate commerce, issued by , and bearing I. C. C. No. — , Supp. No. — , to I. C. C. No. — . Effective , 19 — ; and is concurred in by all carriers named therein as participants, under continuing concurrences or authorizations now on file with the Interstate Commerce Commission, except the following-named carriers, whose concur- rences are attached hereto : [Signature of filing agent.] A separate letter may accompany each schedule, or the form may be modified to provide for filing under one letter as many schedules as can con- veniently be entered. Note. — If receipt for accompanying schedule is desired the letter of transmittal must be sent in duplicate, and one copy will be stamped and returned as receipt. 50 ELVIN S. KETCHUM QUIZ QUESTIONS 1. What factors controlled the establishment of the new steel mills at Gary, Indiana? 2. What conditions must be taken into consideration in adjusting rates in a given section of country? 3. Explain the reasons why it is difficult to determine a classification for all goods which will not result in dis- crimination. 4. Discuss the method, which has been found best by ex- perience, of fixing the rates by classification. 5. How does “car-load lot” classification often make a discrimination against the smaller shipper? 6. How do the aims of the Eastern Classification Com- mittee differ from the others in eliminating discrimination ? 7. Discuss attempts, practicability, and probable results of a uniform classification. 8. Define and illustrate class rates, also commodity rates. Why do these two kinds of rates exist? 9. What is the relation of the Interstate Commerce Com- mission to making classifications for goods? Relation of shipper, also railroad? 10. Discuss the intent of section 6 of the Interstate Com- merce Law. How does this section make the buyer of trans- portation responsible for the rates he pays? 11. Outline the main provisions of Section 6. What clause gives the commission power to prescribe the form in which tariffs shall be filed? 12. Discuss how tariffs shall be printed— as to paper, size, title page and Interstate Commerce Commission num- bering. CLASSIFICATIONS AND TARIFFS 51 13. What provisions must be observed to shew kind of tariffs, territory covered, governing classification or ex- ceptions ? 14. How must tariffs show date effective, date of expira- tion, and validity when filed less time than the statutory notice ? 15. What is the ruling of the Commission regarding sup- plements to tariffs of various sizes'? 16. Discuss the kind and order of the information which the tariffs must contain. 17. What provision must be made in the tariff to show the rates on the various commodities shipped? 18. Are commodity rates not indexed legal? How could you find commodity rates to destination points? 19. What are the requirements of the Commission re- garding names of stations and points in the rate schedules? 20. What specifications may be made regarding geo- graphical and territorial descriptions? 21. How must lists of exceptions, rules governing tariffs, explanatory statements, substitution of rates, tariffs relat- ing to other tariffs, rate tables and routes be specified in the schedules? 22. Discuss liability of shipper if carrier routes the goods the most expensive way. 23. Explain ruling on through shipment when joint rates are not in effect. 24. Show to what extent basing or proportional rates must be specific. How combination rates may be used and when lawful. 25. What is meant by “a combination rate a unit as of date of original shipment”? 52 ELVIN S. KETCHUM 26. Define “common point” and state how “commodity rates” must be specific. 27. When are “commodity rates” the only legal rates? When can “alternative rates” be used? 28. Discuss the five conditions regarding cancellations of tariffs. 29. What are the rulings as to amendments, supple- ments, participating carriers, concurrences, and power of attorney? 30. What specifications must be contained in the tariffs regarding “terminal charges,” “diversion,” “transit priv- ileges,” “joint switching rates,” “switching absorptions,” and ‘ ‘ distance tariffs ’ ’ ? 31. Discuss the provisions regarding rail-and-water tariffs as to restoration, suspension, routes, supplements, storage and transit privileges. 32. What rulings are indispensable to the proper filing of the schedules by the carriers in order that they may be- come legal rates? 33. What are the rules which apply to the powers of joint agents, and the main features of the forms prescribed in presenting schedules for filing? 34. Draw up a general plan of a tariff containing all the features required by the commission for making said tariff legal ; also the necessary forms of letters which must accom- pany said tariff in presenting it for filing with the com- mission. CLASSIFICATIONS AND TARIFFS 53 INDEX FREIGHT TARIFFS AND CLASSIFICATIONS (Abbreviations: n, note; p. preface. Italic letters indicate paragraphs] Section Abbreviations, explanation must be shown..., 4a Absorption : of carrier, withdrawal and adoption of tariffs . ...9» switching or terminal road’s charges 10« switching charges of connecting carrier 10/ Acceptance of tariff not acknowledgment of lawfulness .....146 Address : of issuing officer must be shown on title-page 3i to be used in filing tariffs with Commission 14» Adjustment, maintenance of relative, under Commission’s formal order 14/ Adoption of tariffs : by carrier absorbed or transferred 9* by receiver 9; Agent : authority to file classifications and exceptions 16a authority to file tariffs must be filed 13a authority may be revoked or transferred 13a failure of authorization to file classification 166 filing class rates, carrier’s commodity rates take precedence 13 g form of appointment 18 issuing tariff, title-page must show .....3a may not delegate authority 18 must file tariffs under own I. C. C. number 13c, 16a must send copies of joint tariffs to all carriers parties 13e power of attorney, to file classification 16c power of, under power of attorney 86 tariff, cancellation by principal 86 tariff filed by more than one 17 tariffs must not conflict with carrier’s 13/ under power of attorney, may cancel tariff of principal 86 Allowances to be filed in separate tariffs 10a All-bail bates to be used where shipment exceeds cargo capacity 126 All-water bates : may be amended during suspension 12(/ suspension and restoration 12 Alphabetical arrangement: of commodity rates to each destination 4 r of points in rate tables 4 d when used, table of contents shall indicate pages where points are shown. Ad Alterations or erasures must not be made before filing 1 Alternative use : distance tariff under proper provision 10? of class and commodity rates 76 54 ELVIN S. KETCHUM Ambiguous terms to be avoided . 4 i Amendment : a change in or addition to tariff. 9a item must be printed in supplement in its entirety 9a to loose-leaf tariff 9e to suspended rail-and-water tariff . 12e Analogous abticles, commodity rates not to be applied to 6b Appointment, agent, form of 18 Abbitraries to be filed in separate tariffs 10a Association, can not be given authority under FX1 18 Back haul, to or from point directly intermediate to base point 5b Bases : if tariff arranged by, index must show proper basis or basis number 4 d Basing points: combination on, to or from point directly intermediate 5b rates to, must be concurred in by intermediate and terminal roads 15b in absence of specific rate, tariff may specify basing points for combination. . 5b Basing tariffs must be specific 5b Billing books: of fast freight line 15a tariffs may refer to 15b Billing instructions to points off line may be shown in tariff 10b Book form : tariffs may be in 2 contents 4 Bureau, can not be given authority under FX1 18 Cancellation : agent’s tariff by principal, when permissible 8b by issuance of similar tariff, not by supplement .8e concurrence does not confer authority to cancel tariff of concurring carrier.. 8c must be by issuing carrier 8c must be shown on supplement . 9c notice must be by supplement , ... .Sd notice to specify where rates thereafter found Se of tariff also cancels supplements 8c shall be stated when conflicting with part of another tariff Sa shall be shown on title-page with I. C. C. number of new tariff 3b Carrier : or agent issuing tariff shall be shown on title-page 3a supplement to contain list participating 9b surrendering control no right to abandon tariffs except on lawful notice 9 i Cab-service allowances and charges in separate tariffs ...10a Change in rate. Bee Notice of changes. Change of ownership, adoption of old tariffs 9* Circulars announcing compliance with order of court 14<7 Class, when tariff is, it must be shown on title-page 3d Class bates: apply when articles not specified in index of commodities 4c filed by agent, carrier’s commodity rates take precedence 13^ rule for alternative use of 7c, d CLASSIFICATIONS AND TARIFFS 55 Classification : failure to authorize agent to file 16b governing tariff, form of reference on title-page 3e issuance by joint agent 16a power of attorney to joint agent to file 16c rule to be incorporated regarding commodity rates 7e tariff not governed by, except when and to extent stated 3e Combination bate: lowest, via route forwarded, must govern when no specific rate and no combination prescribed 5c tariff may specify basing points or factors 5b to or from point directly intermediate to base point 5b unit as of date of original shipment 5c where no joint rate, may be used 5a Commodities: between same points, tariff must contain all rates 4c must be grouped in tariffs 4c not more than ten, may be named on title-page 4c index to be shown in tariffs 4c Commodity item containing list of articles taking same rate, indexed but once. .4c Commodity bates: alphabetical arrangement to each destination 4c carrier’s, take precedence over agent’s class rates 13^ must be specific 6b named in other tariffs, index shall show 4c naming of, takes articles out of classification 7a not indexed, not lawful 4c not to be applied to analogous articles 6b only legal rate 7 a rule in tariff for alternative use 7b, c, d when tariff contains, title-page must show 3 d CONCUBRENCES : accompanying tariff 19 application of various forms n25 conflicting authority, care must be taken to avoid 26 d carrier receiving may act through its agent 16c consolidated, use of 13b cross-exchange not necessary in joint agent’s tariff 17b, 18 do not confer authority to cancel tariffs of concurring carrier 8c do not relieve concurring carrier from posting 26e form and number must be shown in joint tariff 4b forms of. See Forms. must be filed 13a must not conflict 26 d of old carrier must be replaced by new carrier 9J of subsidiary lines in tariffs of parent lines 26c revocation of .26b separate for freight and passenger tariffs .18 serial numbers must be shown 26a size of 18 tariffs issued -jnder, filed for all concurring 13d 56 ELVIN S. KETCHUM Conflicting tariffs : cancellation in part 8a carrier’s tariffs must not conflict with agent’s .13/ Connecting carrier’s switching charges absorbed 10/ Connecting lines must publish additional terminal charges lOd Consolidated concurrences, use of 136 Contents of book and pamphlet form tariffs 4 Copies of joint tariffs must be sent to carriers parties 13c Court orders, circulars announcing compliance with 14(7 Date effective must be shown on title-page 3/ Date of issue must be shown on title-page 3/ Date of original shipment, combination rate unit 5c Description of commodities to be grouped 4c Delivering line may demand full local on misroutecl shipment 4; Demurrage charges to be filed in separate tariff 10a Distance, official list of points and distances 10 h Distance tariff : alternative use under proper provision 10# may be used when no other rates provided .10(7 Diversion charges to be filed in separate tariffs 10a Divisions, though not agreed upon, shipper not to pay overcharge 4; Division sheets, lists of, may appear in index of tariffs 11 Effective date: must be shown on title-page 3/ none to be shown on index of tariffs 11 Elevation allowances and charges to be filed in separate tariffs 10a Erasures may not be made in tariff before filing 1 Exceptions : to classification not referred to on title-page must be shown 4/ to classification should, when practicable, be included in tariff they affect. .16a to geographical description not to exceed certain amount * 4 d Exception sheet: : governing tariff, must be shown by name and number on title-page 3c tariff not governed except when and to extent stated 3c Expiration notice: undesirable 3/ form to be used 3/ not guaranty that tariff will remain effective 3/ Explanatory statements, if necessary, must be given 4(7 Explosives, tariff must contain notation of compliance with Commission’s regulations 4 h Fast-freight line billing or instruction books 15a tariffs may refer to - 156 Filing tariffs : no account taken of time lost in transmission 14 d not acknowledgment of lawfulness 146 • two copies must be filed 14* Forms : adoption by new carrier of tariffs of old 9; adoption by receiver of carrier’s tariffs 9; FX1 (appointment of agent) 18 CLASSIFICATIONS AND TARIFFS 57 FX2 (specific tariff) 19 FX3 (to and via, but not from) ; 20 FX4 (limited form) 21 FX5 (to and from, and via) 22 FX6 (consolidated — to and via, but not from) 23 FX7 (consolidated — to and from, and via) 24 FX8 (consolidated — limited form) 25 letter of transmittal 27 Formal cases, rates made in accordance with orders in 14/ Future rates, reference to, when tariff is canceled He Gauge books of tank lines may be used 10* Geographical description of application of tariff 4 d Great Lakes, suspension and restoration of rates 12 Gross ton, tariff must specify what constitutes 4* Groups : if. tariff arranged by, index must show group number or refer to list 4 d table of contents shall give pages on which rates in each group will be found 4 d Group descriptions may be used 4 d Hectograph reproduction of tariffs, not to be used .1 Icing allowances and charges to be in separate tariffs 10a “In” local or proportional not affected by “out” rate non-effective on date of shipment 5c Index : to individual or joint tariffs — commodities to be shown 4c commodity, not indexed, not lawful rate 4c of points to and from which rates apply 4 d to points not necessary when alphabetically arranged 4 d supplements exceeding five pages to be indexed 9# of effective tariffs — arrangement of 11 change by supplement or reissue 11 may include passenger and freight and show both I. C. C. numbers ...nil need not include supplements or specific circus movements 11 no effective date 11 notation on title-page 11 Initial carrier publishing rate must also show privileges 10a Injunction of court, circular announcing attitude of carriers lAg Instruction books of fast-freight lines 15a tariffs may refer to 156 Intermediate line may demand full local on misrouted shipment 4; I. C. C. numbers : agent must file under his own 13c, 16a classification or exception governing, must be shown on title-page 3c explanation of missing numbers 146 none to be given circulars announcing attitude on injunction 14 g separate for freight and passenger tariffs 36 shall be shown on title-page 36 title-page of new, must show number of canceled tariff 36 Intrastate switching or terminal road must file tariff 10n 58 ELVIN S. KETCHUM ISSUING CARRIER: files joint tariff for all parties thereto 13d name to be shown on title-page 3 a Issuing officer, name, title, and address on title-page 3i Joint agent: authority must be filed 13b issuance of classification 16a issuing joint tariffs 17a issuing under power of attorney, must show names of carriers 4 b must file under his own I. C. C. number 13c, 16a power of attorney to file classification .16c Joint commodity tariff, must contain all initial carrier’s through commodity rates via same route 4c Joint rate : definition p with switching road 10b where none, combination may be used 5a Joint tariffs : are made up of joint rates p copies to all parties . 13e issued by joint agents 17a when such, tariff must so show on title-page 3c Kind of tariff, title-page must show 3c, d Legal rate: combination, if used, must be as of date of shipment 5c through rate, if applicable, must be as of date of shipment 10a Letter of transmittal, form of 27 Liability, filing tariff does not relieve carrier 14b List of tariffs: 11 Local rate, “in” not affected by “out” rate non-effective on date of shipment. .5c Local tariff : must be filed 13b must contain all commodity rates between points named 4c when such, must be shown on title-page 3c Long ton, tariff must specify what constitutes 4* Loose-leaf plan may be used 2 Loose-leaf tariff, changes only by reprint of pages 9e Mail for Commission, time lost in transmission not counted 14 d Maintenance of relative adjustment, under Commission’s order 14/ Merger, tariffs to show 9i Minimum weights must be specifically stated 4* Miscellaneous schedules in index of tariffs 11 Misrouting : shipper not to pay higher charge, though divisions not agreed upon 4; intermediate line may demand full local 4; Mixed shipments, rates for 7 a Name: change of, withdrawal, and adoption of tariffs 9» of issuing carrier and officer, or agent, must be shown on title-page 3a, * CLASSIFICATIONS AND TARIFFS 59 Notice of changes : adoption of tariffs of old, by new carrier 9; carrier not party to Commission’s order, must secure special permission for short notice 14/ delay in transmission, no account taken of 14 d expiration notice no guaranty of maintenance of rate 3/ form of notation of special permission on title-page 3 g index of effective tariffs, none required 11 maintenance of relative adjustment under formal order 14/ new points on old lines, full notice required 10// old points, elimination of, full notice required 10 b rail -and- water rates, suspension and restoration 3//, 12 rail-and- water rates, via other than Great Lakes 12c special permission under formal order, form of notation 14/ statutory, required regardless of changes effected 14c tariff may be changed, by special permission, on less than thirty days 3/ tariff not yet effective 9 b telegraphic, no consideration given 14d title-page must show full notice, or short-notice authority 3 g, 14® Off-line points, billing instructions may be shown 10b Orders : maintenance of relative adjustment under Commission’s 14/ rates in compliance with Commission’s ,. 14/ Orders of courts, circular announcing attitude 14# Original concurrences, etc., to be filed with Commission 18-25 “Out” rate, not effective on date of shipment, no effect on local “in” rate 5c Ownership of road, change of, withdrawal and adoption of tariffs 9f Pamphlet-form tariffs : contents of 4 tariffs may be in 2 Participating carriers: name, form, and number must be shown ,4b, 17c supplements must show or refer to tariff ..9b Party, carrier not, under Commission’s order must secure special permission for short notice 14/ Periodical tariff, supplements to 9/ Per ton, must be explained in tariff 4 i Planograph process may be used for printing tariffs 1 Points : alphabetically arranged, no index required 4 d geographical or territorial descriptions of 4 d if not more than 12, may be shown on title-page 4 d must be briefly shown on title-page 3d new, on old lines, rates to or from on statutory notice 10b old, withdrawal of rates to or from, on statutory notice 10b Postage, must be prepaid on tariffs 14d Posting tariffs: duty of, not avoided by granting concurrence or authority to issue 26e regulations must be posted where schedule posted 4b 60 ELVIN S. KETCHUM Power OF attorney: adoption by new carrier 9; authority of agent under 8b, 13o form and number must be shown 4b form FX1 18 joint agent issuing under, name must be shown 4b must be filed 13b not to be given association or bureau . 18 parent line may give and receive concurrences thereunder, in behalf of subsidiary line ...,26c to joint agent to file classification . 16c Prepay stations, tariffs may be filed showing 10b Printing : on hard calendered paper of good quality 1 type not less than 6-point full face 1 Printing-press process, may be used for tariffs 1 Privileges : granted, must be shown in initial carrier’s tariffs 10a must be filed in separate tariffs 10a Proof sheets, not to be used for posting or filing 1 Proportional rate, “in” not affected by non-effective “out” rate on date of shipment , ..5c Proportionate tariff : must be specific 5b when such, it must be shown on title-page 3c Rail- and- water lines, Rule 10 also applies as to storage and transit priv- ileges 12 g Rail-and- water bates : exception to notice of supplements 3b suspension and restoration 12 Rate tables : arrangement must be explicit, simple, and systematic 4 i if alphabetically arranged, no index of points 4d Receipt : letter of transmittal 27 of tariff, not acknowledgment of lawfulness 14b Receiver must file notice of adoption of tariffs, etc., of carrier . 9/ Reconsignment charges, in separate tariffs . . 10a Reduction, relative adjustment under Commission’s formal order, must result in 14/ Reference marks, explanation must be given . 4c Regulation. See Rules. Reissue : commission may direct at any time p suspended rail-and-water tariff 12 Reissued items : in supplements or tariffs 9 h notation in tariff .9 <* CLASSIFICATIONS AND TARIFFS 61 Rejected tariffs : not conforming to regulations p not to be referred to in subsequent tariff as canceled 14e received too late to give thirty days r notice 14 d supplements, when too voluminous 9e Relative adjustment, maintenance, under Commission’s order 14/ Reproduction by hectograph not to be used 1 Restoration of rail-and- water rates 12 exception as to notice of supplements 3 li Revised pages, changes in loose-leaf tariff 9e Revocation : agent’s authority on statutory notice 13a of concurrences 26b Routes : may be shown 4/ tariff may provide for variance from 4; when not shown, rates apply via all lines parties 4/ when tariff specifies, none other may be used 4/ Rules : affecting privileges, etc., to be filed in separate tariffs 10a affecting rates, shall be entered, title in bold type 4 h filed, may be referred to in other schedules and posted with 4 h none authorizing substitution of rates 4 h of one schedule may govern another 4 h Sectional tariff, for alternative rates 7b Serial numbers : agent must file under his own 13c concurrences 26a may be entered on title-page 3b separate, for freight and passenger 3 b Sheet-form, tariffs may be in 2 Short-notice changes. See Notice of changes. Size: powers of attorney and concurrences 18 tariffs, 8 by 11 inches 2 Special permission. See Notice of changes. State rates, for interstate shipments, must be filed 13/i Stations. See Points. Statutory notice. See Notice of changes. Stereotype may be used for printing tariffs 1 Storage allowances and charges in separate tariffs 10a Storage privileges, Rule 10 applies also to rail-and-water lines 12^ Subsidiary line may give power of attorney to parent line to give and receive concurrences 26c Substituting rate in another tariff, no rule to authorize 4 h Supplements : amendment must always be printed in its entirety 9a canceled by cancellation of tariff 8c cancellation by issuance of similar tariff, not by 8c cancellation Notice must be by 8 d conflicting with part of another tariff shall state cancellations 8a 62 ELVIN S. KETCHUM index of effective tariffs need not include 11 index, when necessary 9# items in same general order as tariff it amends 9a loose-leaf tariffs, none to 9e none to tariff of less than 5 pages 9e notice of, and exception as to restoration and suspension of rail-and- water rates 3 h number permitted and amount they may contain 9e numbered consecutively and specify what is canceled 9c participating carriers to be shown.. 96 periodical tariffs 9/ rail-and-water rates, suspension and restoration 12 reissued items without change 9 d rejected when too voluminous 9c restoring or suspending rail-and-water rates, not counted 12 d shall be numbered consecutively 9c short notice, must bear notation on title-page 3 g tariff filed, but not yet effective 9 h to agent’s tariff filed at same time carrier’s tariff is filed 8a to carrier’s tariff filed at same time agent’s tariff is filed 86 to index of effective tariffs 11 Suspended rail-and-water tariffs reissued or amended 12c exception as to notice of supplements 3 li Switching allowances in separate tariffs 10a Switching chabges: absorption of 10c connecting carrier, absorption of .10/ in separate tariffs 10a must be shown in connecting line’s tariff 10 d Switching road: though intrastate, must file tariff 10c joint rate with 106 Table of contents in book and pamphlet form tariffs 4 a may be omitted when title-page discloses contents 4a must indicate pages where points are shown when alphabetically ar- ranged 4d must refer to pages on which rates in each group will be found 4d supplements, when necessary 9 g Tank-line gauge books may be used lOi Tariffs : after September 15, 1909, must conform with all rules p agent’s and carrier’s must not conflict 13/ Commission may direct reissue ..p delivered to Commission free of postage 14 d filed prior to May 1, 1907, recognized p filed prior to May 1, 1907, may not be supplemented after October 1, 1909, except as provided in Rule 9e n 9c kind must be shown on title-page 3c loose-leaf .*■■■» 2 periodical 9/ sectional, for alternative use 76 CLASSIFICATIONS AND TARIFFS 63 size of 2 subject to rejection p table of contents 4 a thirty days’ notice on every one 3/, 14c two copies must be filed 14i what they shall contain 4 when reference is made to another, I. C. C. number and initials of carrier or name of agent must be shown 4 h Telegraphic notice, no consideration given to 14 d Terminal charges : absorption of 10c separate tariffs to be filed 10a must be shown in connecting line’s tariff. . . * lOd Terminal road : joint rate with 10b must file tariffs, though intrastate 10c Terms, such as “common points,” “grain products,” or similar terms, limiting use of 6 Territorial descriptions may be used 4d Territory from and to which tariff applies must be shown on title-page 3d Through rate: if applicable, as of date of shipment 10a state rates used in combination must be filed 13b Title of issuing officer must be shown on title-page 3* Title-page : commodities may be shown, if not more than 10 4c index to effective tariffs, what must be shown 11 notation of restoration or suspension of rail-and- water rates to be shown. . .12a points may be shown, if not more than 12 4d statutory notice or authority for less must be shown 3p, 14a supplement to index of effective tariffs 11 what must be shown a 3 Ton, tariffs must specify what constitutes 4* Traffic, territorial description may be used 4d Transit privileges, Rule 10 applies to rail-and- water lines also 12 g to be filed in separate tariffs 10a Transmittal letter, form to be used .27 Two copies of tariffs must be filed 14t Type, not less than 6-point full face for tariffs 1 Typewritten sheets, not to be used for tariffs 1 Uniformity, aim and tendency at all times in direction of n 4* Unit : combination rate as of date of original shipment 5c of weight, in rate tables 4* through rate as of date of shipment. 10a Water rates, suspension and restoration a 12 Withdrawal of tariffs on absorption of road 9» Writing, alterations in tariffs must not be made by 1 v