VA i' ‘S'loA^y From THE NATIONAL SECURITY LEAGUE 19 WEST 44th STREET, NEW YORK E. L. Harvey, Publicity Director WHAT THE VICTORY OR DEFEAT OF GERMANY MEANS TO EVERY AMERICAN ( Contributed, by FRANK H. SIMONDS to the National Security League’s campaign of Patriotism Through Education .) If the American people would review the sequence of events which led to American entrance into the war, they would perceive that we are fighting because the Germans attacked the lives and the liberties and the properties of American citizens. They would perceive that Germany adopted the doctrine which would make it necessary either for the Ameri¬ can people to abandon the seas or to fight. They would perceive also that a logical extension of this German policy was the offer of American territory to Japan and Mexico and the building up of a huge conspiracy inside the United States against the peace and order of this country. This is why we are at war with Germany. So long as Germany pursues this policy, we must fight, and we must fight because it strikes at our own existence, at our lives, at all we have, at every right which is sacred and at every right which is guaranteed by international and domestic law. As long as Germany continues to pursue toward the United States the policy which she has adopted and which brought us into the war, American aid and American support will necessarily be given to the nations and to the aims of nations fighting Germany, because our armies and our wealth will add to the burden of Germany and de¬ duct from her strength and resources. This is, as far as we are concerned, an American war. It is a war fought in defence of American rights, and our aim is the preservation of those rights for which governments are constituted and which, in the last analysis, are the main business of nations.