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Laufer 1 The Japanese Collections 4 The Japanese New Year's Festival, Games and Pastimes 21 Japanese Costume 41 Gods and Heroes of Japan 69 Japanese Temples and Houses 93 The Japanese Sword and Its Decoration . . 113 III INDEX References are to pagination at foot of page Akasaka school, 127. Amaterasu, 11, 24, 71-74. Amida, 75. Ancestor-worship, 74. Archery, 15, 26. Architecture, 13, 93-106. Armor, 12, 15, 86. Asahina Saburo, hero, 87. Battledore and shuttlecock, 28. Belts, 47, 51, 57, 62, 63. Benkei, hero, 88. Benten, one of the seven gods of good fortune, 76. Bishamon, one of the seven gods of good fortune, 79. Buddha, 70. Buddhism, guardian deity of, 81; influence of on architecture, 95, 96; introduction of, 6, 70; merg- ing of, with Shintoism, 75; Zen sect of, 123. Bushido, philosophy of, 83. Carvings, of wood and ivory, 18. Charm, used against demons, 23; used to protect children, 55. China, heroes of, 84, 85; influence of, 6, 55, 64, 79, 121. Chohi, Chinese hero, 84. Confucius, 70. Confucianism, 69, 83. Cosmetics, 59. Costume, of children, 53, 55; of court, 18, 55-66; illustrated on plates facing 58, 66; of men, 50-53; of peasants, 41-44; of women, 44-50. Daikoku, god of wealth, 78; illus- trated on plates facing 12, 73. Dan-no-Ura, battle of, 128 Dance, of lion, 30. Dragon-king, 74; daughter of, 74. Drama, masks worn in, 18. Earthquake, 99. Ebisu, god of good fortune, 77; il- lustrated on plate facing 73. Embossing, on wood-block prints, 21. Endo Morito, hero, 82. Eyebrows, shaving of, 49, 60. Feather-robe, legend of, 90. Fences, 101. Festival, of New Year, 9; of dolls, 16. Feudalism, 5, 14, 82, 83, 114-116; abolition of, 132; architecture of, 97. Flower - arrangement, 37 ; illus- trated on plate facing 37. Footwear, 42, 49, 53, 61. Fudo, Buddhist divinity, 81. Fukurokuju, god of longevity, 88; illustrated on plate facing 73. Furniture, 107-109. Fushimi-Yoshiro, inlay, 124. Gakutei, 8; works of, illustrated on plates facing 37, 106. Games, 10, 32-35. Genji Monogatari, scene from, 18. Gentoku, Chinese hero, 84. Gifts for New Year's, 30. Goblin spider, legend of, 89. Got5, school of metal-craftsmen, 123; Ichijo, 124, 132; Shinjo, 124; Yujo, 122, 123. Hair-dressing, 17, 47, 50, 54, 58, 65. Hamano school, 130. Handkerchiefs, of paper, 45. Hanrei, Chinese hero, 85. Harakiri, form of suicide, 14, 114. Haruaki Hogen, metal-craftsman, 132. Hats, 42, 53, 64. Heating and light in houses, 109- 112. Higo school, 127. Hina matsuri, dolls' festival, 16. Hiroshige, work of, illustrated on plate facing 99. Hitomaro, poet, 130. Hokkei, 8, 73, 77, 83, 88, 89, 91; works of, illustrated on plates facing 12, 24, 28, 58, 66, 73, 88, 95, 99. Hokusai, 8, 43, 77, 85, 95; works of, illustrated on plates facing 7, 8, 28, 33, 43, 51, 73, 84. Hotei, god of good fortune, 80; il- lustrated on plate facing 73. House, early form of, 93; of the present time, 99-112. Ichinomiya school, 131. Inn, illustrated on plate facing 95. Ironing, of clothes, done away with by stretching, 45. Ishiguro school, 131. Jakushi, metal-craftsman, 125. Jurojin, god of good fortune, 80; illustrated on plate facing 73. Kado-matsu, "pine of the door- way," New Year's decoration, 27. Kaneiye, metal-craftsman, 14, 122. Kaneko, heroine, 87. Kano Natsuo, metal-craftsman, 132. Kato Kiyomasa, general, 86; illus- trated on plate facing 84. Kesa, heroine, 82. Kinai, metal-craftsman, 126. Kintoki, boy of the forest, 89; il- lustrated on plate facing 88. Kite-flying, 28. Kojiki, historical records, 71, 75. Kojima Takanori, hero, 85. Korea, 6, 86. Kunisada, 81; work of, illustrated on plate facing 77. Kwan Yti, Chinese hero, 84. Lao-tse, 70. Lobster, used in decoration, 9, 26. Long life, emblems of, 26, 27. Masks, worn in classical drama, 18. Metals, used for mounts, 117; al- loys of, 118. Mirror, legend of, 72. Mochi, New Year's delicacy, 26. Musical instruments, 18, 35. My6to seki, the Husband and Wife Rocks, 25. Nabeshima, feudal lord of Hizen, 15. Namban, type of sword-guard, 125. Nanakusa, festival of, 29, 31. Nara artists, 128-130. New Year's festival, 9, 22-32. Nikko, temples of, 16, 97. Nobuiye, metal-craftsman, 14, 122. Noshi, emblem used on gifts, 30. Obi, woman's girdle, 48. Okyo, painter, 132. Omori school, 131. Oni yarai, ceremony of expelling demons, 9, 23; ilustrated on plate facing 24; on sword-mount, 130. Pagoda, 19. Painting, 6, 18, 19, 106, 123, 132. Partitions and walls, in houses, 100, 104. Philosophers, the three famous, 70. Poetry, 8, 29. Prints, 7, 8, 21; process of produc- ing, illustrated on plate facing 8. Processes used on metal work, of chiseling, 120; of inlay, 119; of surface decoration, 119. Raiko, hero, 89. Raincoat, 43. Rice puddings, used at New Year's festival, 26. RySbu-Buddhism, 75, 76. Samurai, 5, 14, 15, 113-116. Screens, forms used in houses, 100, 103-105; of Tosa school, illus- trated on plate facing 18. Sesshu, painter, 19, 123. Seven gods of fortune, 12, 31, 76- 81; illustrated on plate facing 73. VI Seven spring grasses, 29, 31. Shaku, ceremonial tablet, 63. Shiba Onko, Chinese hero, 85. Shibata Katsuiye, hero, 85. Shigenobu, work of, illustrated on plates facing 58, 110. Shingen, type of sword-guard, 125. Shinsai, work of, illustrated on plate facing 110. Shintoism, 70; deities of, 71-76; merging of with Buddhism, 75; Shinto temples, 94. Shochikubai, New Year's arrange- ment of plants, 9, 26. Shogun, 4, 114. Shrines, household, 103; Shinto, 94. Shuntei, 86; work of, illustrated on plate facing 84. Soga brothers, heroes, 87. Soten of Hikone, metal-craftsman, 127. Spirits of the pine, legend of, 91. Straw rope, New Year's emblem, 9, 24; illustrated on plate facing 24. Suicide, 14, 84, 114. Sun Goddess, 4, 9, 11, 25, 71. Surimono, 7, 21. Sword, 13, 64 ,86, 113-133. Sword-mounts, 13, 14; decoration of, 117-133; defined, 116; illus- trated on plates facing 14, 119, 123, 126, 130. Symbolism of objects, used in New Year's decorations, 24, 26, 27, 30. Tamagawa school, 131. Tapestry, 16. Tea ceremonial, 36, 102, 106. Teeth, blackening of, 49, 60. Temples, Buddhist, 96, 98; Shinto, 94. Tangu, forest sprites, 88. TetsugendS school, 131. Tokonoma, a unique feature of the house, 106. Tokugawa, Iyeyasu, 16, 126; pe- riod of, 4, 5, 15, 58, 97, 114. Tomoye Gozen, heroine, 87. Torii, temple-gate, 94, 95. Tosa school, screen of, illustrated on plate opposite 18. Treasure-boat, 31. Twenty-four paragons of filial vir- tue, 83. Umetada Myoju, metal-craftsman, 126. Uzume, dancing before the cave, 72. Watanabe, hero, 82, 89; illustrated on plate facing 86. Yanagawa school, 130. Yokoya Somin, metal-craftsman, 130. Yoshitsune, hero, 88. VII