no. 16- 25 i XI E) RAR.Y OF THE U N I VER.SITY Of ILLINOIS 666 tio. 16-23 CENTRAL CIRCULATION AND BOOKSTACKS The person borrowing this material is re- sponsible for its renewal or return before the Latest Date stamped below. You may be charged a minimum fee of $75.00 for each non-returned or lost item. Th«M, mutilation, or defacement of library malerialt con be causes for student disciplinary action. All materials owned by lh« University of Illinois Library ore the property of the Slate of Illinois and ore protected by Article 16B of llllnoit Criminal Law and Procedure. TO RENEW, CALL (217) 333-8400. University of lllinoit Library at Urbana-Champaign MAY 2 9 2001 When renewing by phone, write new due date below previous due date. L162 UNI\ KRSITVOF ILLINOIS BlLLl.riN I ssr i: I) w i: i: k i.\ Vol. XI. Jl 1.^ (,, 1VM4. N,.. 4S [Kntereii as secDiul-cIass mattir Dicciiilicr 11, 1912, at the post office at Urbana, Illinois, uiulir tl»c Ait of Aujjust 24, 1912.] BULLETIN No. 21 DKPAR'rMKN'l- OF CI:R.\MIC\S R. T. STl'LL, Acting l)iriit..r DEFORMATION TEMPERATLRES () SOME PORCELAIN GLAZES in' R. T. STULL AND W. L. HOW AT A TYPE OF CRYSTALLINE GLAZE AT CONE 3 c. c. RANI) .ANH H. (;. sriu Rl.rilT I'L'HLisnKi) in iHi: rxn irsiia' or Illinois, i rilwa 1913-19 14 ^^^J1 1JI5 AiitliDiizcl Ii.|)iint fr..ii. \ \\l. IDU. Truiisiiclimis Aiiii-rit-uii ( cruiiiic S.Kii-l» DEFORMATION TEMPERATURES OF SOME PORCELAIN GLAZES H. T. Srn.L AND W . I,, now AT. IKUANA. IM,. The Liioiip of gla/.c's studied foiiipi'iscs ten lim-i/ iiit;il series desiuiuitctl hy Icttci-s fi-oin A to .1. cacli sci-ics iM)ii>i->tinir 4»f ten nieiiihci-s. The ^roup of one liiiiidi-t'd niciiihci-s (-{nci's tlic f(»|. lf)\\iiii:- limits i-cpi-csciitcd hy the \'nnv ciinicr «rl;i/cs : TABLE I— FORMULA OF CORNER GLAZE3 GLAZB K„0 CaO A'=0. SiO. A-l . :\ . :> O.T 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.40 0.40 . 85 0.85 2 A-10 f) 5 T-1 2 T-10 6 5 TABLE II— BATCH WEIGHTS BKAMIY- Wl.NE FELIibP.\R No. 20 BALL CLAY .\1,(0H), A-l A-10 J-i J-io 167.4 167.4 167.4 167.4 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 1 2 . ;» 12.9 12.9 70.9 12.9 12.9 12.9 70.9 270.0 216.0 ro.2 Different inenilx'i's in the ;^i"oup wcw made 1)\" molecular l)lendini.ecaL£s CO/^£ A'//Vf BUffN CaAfSTANT\ f .3/^0 ./C0O psy/r/?/F/£P c/PAzeo psyiTffiFieo the glaze- ALO3 deformation-eutectic axis. The group deforma- tion-euteetic lies near the center of the field of best glazes, and the quality of the glazes decreases in all direction away from this eutoctic point. The general formulae of the best glazes as shown bv the ti-ials are: DEEOfiMATIOX TE:\IPERATURES OF GLAZES E.O-0.60 ALO3 4.0 SiO, Deformation temp. = 1220 = C. RO-O.55ALO3 3.5 SiO, Deformation temp. = 1227°C. IIO-0.55 ALO3 4.0 SiO, Deformation temp. == 1230^C. EO-O.6OAI0O, 3.5 SiO, Deformation temp. = 1222°C. T/?AN3. ^M. Cf/?. 30C. yot. X^/ 3 TOLL & HOl^/AT 3e> 4Z MOL£CCi.£S 3,0, 30t//VO C/?AZeD The ditferenee between tlie deformation-ten] peratures of glazes and the temperature to which they were fired (cone 9) is 80^ C to 90" C, or a difference of 4 to 4V, cones. For the purpose of comparison the iso-deformation temperature lines are plotted on the field of porcelain glazes burned at cone 11 and DEFORMATION TK.MI'KHATl KKS OF OLAZKS 9 l»i-cvi(iusly ri'portfd.' I-Muuk' ^1. Tin' liiirli irluss ;ixi.s C^'l' lies tn the riurht of the glaze-SiO. (Miti-ctic axis ami crossos the yrlaze- ALO;, euteetif axis eiose to \hv ciitcftif luciiiltfi- of th*- jrroijp. The best glazes in this «rroup are foinid in close pi-dximity t<» the group euteeti*'. the saiue as in tlie cone :• Imni. Not only does the group eutwtie lie near the eenter of the are;i of hest glazes, but it is also located at a safe distance away fi-oni devitrili«'ation, cra/inu, matiiess and innnatuiity. t rraniic I.almratnrifs, rniversitv of Illiiiuis. ' liitliifiiccs of variaMe Sibca and Aluiniiiu on I'orcclain (;la/.rs of Constant RO, Triiii.t. Amer. Cer. Soc, Vol. xiv, pp. 62-70. A TYPE OF CRYSTALLINE GLAZE AT CONE 3 C. C. RAND AND H. G. SCHURECHT, URBANA, ILL. The glazes under consideration are of a type designed to mature about «one 3 to 4. The ALO. is maintained constant throughout at .05 equivalent and is introduced as Pikes No. 20 English liall clay. In general the group resembles Worcester's^ best raw clay glaze. ITis formula was 0.331/3 Na,0 ) 03A1O ( 1-60 SiO, 0.662/3 ZnO ( - -^'^ ^-' 1 0.20 B,03 He concludes, however, that .05 ALO., generally seems the most favorable and that many German formuhp call for this amount. A group of 36 glazes was made with a view to determine the effect of varying ZnO against XaJ) along the ordinate, and rutile against flint along the al)scissa. /=/o./ .OSCaO £ D C S ^SZ^O> jo3^0j \o.S770^ The arrangement of the grou}) with the formulae of the four cornei-s are shown in Fig. 1, the vertical series being designated by numbere. the horizontal series by lettei"S. Two frits of the following compositions were used : No. 1 0.25 Na,0 \ 0.70 ZnO 1 0.30 B.Og ' 1.4 8iO, 0.05 CoO - Vol. X Trans. Amcr. Cer. Soc, p. loO. Function of .\Iumina in Ciistallino Glaze. C'KVSTAI.l.INi: < LAZi: AT ( UNK '^ 11 No. 2 0.45 ZiiO Ui.:iO IV.o, ; 1.4 SiO, O.Of) ('<)() I Tlu'Sf \V(M'(' cju'li iiitiiii.Mlcly iiiixril ••iiitl ^nuiii.l in s!ii;ill luill iiiill.s. i"\i,s('(l. (|ii ^ l *" /< * ' 7 M ' ' • The jilazos were applied to t\vo sets of l)iscuit tile by dip- ping;, and burned to eone :{ in T) hour.s in a round, down-draft, open-fired oil kiln. The fires were i)ut out when the finishing temperature wa.s reached and the kiln allowed to el with the damper elostnl. The results were not satisfactory, as only a few crystalliuQ patches appeai-ed. These patches increased noticeably a.s the con- tent of ZnO increased. Ilii-h ZnO also appeared to irive a deeper blue as w(.ide expected. V. '■'> sli ^ ^i ^^4^1^ C^ ^ CRVSTAI.I.lXi; (iLAZK AT CONK .'i 13 The fiiilmv to ol)taiii Lr«M)d results \va.s uttiihiited to too rapid (HM^ling, t-oo thin co^itiutr of the irlaze. and i)erhai)s slight uiidor t)iii'iiiiied on edge in this last burn. They failed to show as much crystallization as those lying down, as the glaze had run otf to a great extent. However, good results were obtained on two small vases to which the glaze had been applied in a very thick coat, though here also, much of the glaze had been lost.