DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OIF 1 TO BE SOLD AUCTIOH By WM. A. BUTTERS & CQ AT THEIR OLD QUARTERS (Bo wen. Bros" Block .) s§® 1§ iwl 1? E»ai«lfli Street Between Wabash and Michigan Avenues, CEIOAGO, XXaXa On TUESDAY, JUNE 3d, 1873 Sale commencing at 10 o'clock A. M, J S. Thompson & Co., Printers. 375. !»•- ^Oigfped by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from CARLI: Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in mois £u^|( TEIST LOTS, Being Lots 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 and 36, fronting east on Cottage Grove Avenue, and Lots 14, 15, 16 and 17, fronting west on Madison Avenue, (between 54th and 55th streets,) in Block 2 of Sub. of Block 12 of Drexel & Smith's Sub. in Section 11, Town 38, R. 14 E. 50 CO B B © to o 50 54th STREET. 1 36 1 35 34 33 32 31 o 130.5 co CO B CO CO S5th STREET. CO CO TWO LOTS, Being Lots 6 and 7, (between 54th and 55th streets, )fronting west on Drexel avenue, in Block 1 of Sub. Block 12 in Drexel & Smith's Sub., in Sec. 11, Town 38, R. 14 E. 54th STREET. J Walnut 80 18 Street, CO CO 164 1 80 80 55th Street. V2 O^TE LOT. Corner of Cottage Grove avenue and 29th street. Front 50 feet, Rear 105 feet, 202 feet deep. College Street. 13 Lot 18, Block 5, Jennings & Moffat's Sub. Fronting west on Prairie avenue, between 53d and 54th streets. 53d Street. CO o 100 i 1 179.75 5 18 en 179.75 | i 80 ■ QQ "hi 66 CO CO 54th Street. CO CO 14 THEEE LOTS. Lots 7, 8 and 9, Block 4, Butler, Wright & Webster's Addition. Fronting north on Illinois street, between Franklin and Market streets. Market Street, 100 100 QO 74 5G 74 Franklin Street. GO 15 Lot 8, of Block 1, Of Lyman's Re-sub. of Block 2 and part of 3, in Lyman's Sub. S. E. Frac. | Sec. 2, T. 38, 14 N. R. "West 111. Cent. R. R. • to $ Q 4 5 8 9 12 ; 200 O 4 5? to to 16 ODSTE LOT, Being Lot 17. Fronting on Simons street, north of Dickens avenue, in Block IT of Shipmans, Bills & Merrell's Sub. of Sec. 35, Town 40, R. 13. ONE LOT. . * On Oak street, (between La Salle and Wells streets,) being Lot 17 of Sub. of Lots 1 to 8, Block 17, of Johnson, Roberts & Storr's Add. Oak iof 3U 24 Street. 24 30 ■to 17 16 15 14 w It RA> 10L SOUTH.