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UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS GRADUATE COLLEGE DIGITAL COMPUTER LABORATORY REPORT NO. 85 THE USE OF CHEBYSHEV MATRIX POLYNOMIALS IN THE ITERATIVE SOLUTION OF LINEAR EQUATIONS COMPARED TO THE METHOD OF SUCCESSIVE OVERREIAXATION I'J Gene Howard Golub March l6^ 1959 (This Is being submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics^ June 1959=) This work was supported in part by the Office of Naval Research under Contract Nori-07130. ACKWOWLEDGEMERT The author is greatly indebted to Professor A. H. Taub for suggesting this invest igatio-n and for his invaluable aid in obtaining the results. IV TABLE OF COITEWTS I INTRODUCTION II ON AVERAGING PROCESSES 2.1 Linear iterative processes 2.2 The averaging process 2.3 The Chebyshev iterative process 2.k Estimating the error after k iterations 1 7 7 9 12 15 2.5 The behavior of the b 's k 17 ,2.6 A one parameter iteration process ,q 2.7 A starting procedure for the one parameter iteration process 21 2.8 The choice of b when > = g^ + Hy 2.9 A combination iterative process 2k 27 2.10 The vectors r, and z k k 33 2 . 11 The operator G 2.12 A comparison of the methods III A MODIFICATION OF THE AVERAGING METHODS ]^2 3 . 1 Int roduct ion 3.2 Proper values and proper vectors 3.3 The modification 3''^ Bounds for the error vector 3.5 Comparison between various iteration schemes 55 3.51 Comparison of various modified methods 55 3.52 Comparison between the modified and unmodified methods 3.6 Bounds for the error vector for successive overrelaxation 3.7 Bounds for the difference vector 34 36 k2 ^3 k6 50 63 69 IV THE NUMERICAL BEHAVIOR OF THE GENERATED SEQUENCES ^.1 The numerical process ' h.2 The numerical behavior of tbe one parameter iteration scheme ^•3 Terminating the one parameter iteration scheme h.k The numerical behavior of the Chebyshev iteration scheme 4.5 Numerical behavior of the generated sequences when matrices have property (A) 4.6 Bounds for the error vector ^ A NUMERICAL EXAMPLE 5.1 Introduction 5.2 The numerical procedure 5.3 The numerical results 5.4 Discussion of the numerical results 5.5 Conclusions APPENDIX A.l Basic matrix relationships A. 2 The solution of a finite difference equation A. 3 A useful inequality BIBLIOGRAPHY 73 73 79 83 86 88 102 104 104 107 113 123 127 130 130 131 132 133 vi The work reported herein was supported in part by the Office of Naval Research under Contract Nori-07130, G.'i- 001. I IlffiRODUCTION* It is frequently necessary for many problems In applied mathematics to solve large systems of linear algebraic equations. These equations arise Often from statistical data and finite difference approximations to continuous problems. For problems of the latter kind the matrix of coefficients contain very few non-zero elements. It is not unkno™ for the number of equations to be as large as 10,000. For such problems iterative methods are often used for solving the system of equations. In recent years, a number of iterative methods have been proposed' for solving the system of equations Ax = y where y is a known N ^ order vector, A is a known matrix of order N, and ^ is the unknown N^^ order vector. For a particular finite difference approxi:nation for partial differential equations of the elliptical t^e, it has been shown by Young [93 that the matrix of coefficients under a suitable permutation appears thusly: h (1.1) Where D^ and D^ are N^xN^ and N^x N^ diagonal matrices, respectively. If there exists a permutation matrix P such that P A P = A' And A- has the form of (l.l) then A is said to have property (A). If a matrix with property (A) has the form of (l.l) then it is said to have property (A) * III ^peS^l'"' "°''''°" "^"^ '" ^^^^ ^^^ subsequent chapters is defined in Numbers in brackets refer to the references cited in the bibliography. with ordering o- ^. The purpose of this investigation is to show the relation, between two iterative methods, the modified Chebyshev method (see below) and the successive overrelaxation method, when the raatrix A is symmetric, positive definite and possesses property (A) with ordering cT . In chapter II we give the derivation of von Neumann [3] of the Chebyshev iteration scheme which is as follows: /k.l = ^\,l (f, - Sy"-^k.l) -^1 (k> 1) (l.2.a) 'l - io-^y (l.2.b) b 1 k+1 ~ ^ -2 2 - \^b, k h = 1 I where \ is the largest proper value of G. G and H satisfy the relation G + H A = I. It is shown that if H is positive definite, then 1 cosh a; = ■-— . X In addition, we consider ( 1, 2 .a )when h^^^ = b for all k; this itera- tion scheme is called the one parameter iteration process . It is shown that ( j = 1, ...,N .|2b-i| 0^-1) ^Ma.^^ |^,/-2 1 13-^^1 1 j (1.3) j = 1, ..,n ^ where 0^^ (i = 1^2; j = 1, ...,n) are the roots of the polynomial 0^ - 2bA..0. + (2b - 1) = and X. (J = 1, ..., N) are the proper values of ,G. For < b < 1, |0. .| < 1, and hence | |x - ^^| | ^ as k -^ - By a theorem of Frankel[l], Max |0i,(b)| 1=1,2 ^J j=l, ...,N Is minimized with respect to b when 1 + Jl-X'^ and it is also shown that b^ (k > l) decreases with k monotonically to ^. The bound given by (l. 3) is actually attainable and consequently for b = b, max .-> ^1 t _. I 1^ ~ ^kl I °^^y increase for small k. When ^ = g/ + Hy, ii5-;ji=ai however, for the one parameter iteration scheme f II /|h| y/2 where /^ = / 2S - 1 = ^, ^ 1. vC^ and, hence, max I 1^ " 5,1 I ^^^* decrease as k increases. In chapter III we use a device of Riley [4] to modify the Chebyshev it- eration scheme and the one parameter iteration process. If G = j - d"^ A where D is a diagonal matrix whose non-zero elements are the diagonal elements of A then for matrices which are symmetric, positive definite possess property A and ordering o-^, it is possible to modify the Chebyshev iteration scheme and one parameter iteration scheme so that after k iterations, we have computed ;. ^2k has N^ components and ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^ components (n^ + n^ = N), For the modified iteration scheme, .-1 /^ J.= -.=-^(?-^.-U^.,-B^.,).)^^., (l.'i- ■) where L = D = r _ ^2:-" C T and If ^ - G^Q + Hy;^ then If c^ = b^ with b^ defined as for (l.2.c) then (l.k) descr-^bes the mo dified Chebyshev method and if c^ . %, then (1.4.0 describes the successive over .. relaxation method. Whereas the Chebyshev iteration scheme and the one para- meter iteration scheme require the two previous approximants to compute the new approximant, the modified Chebyshev method and successive overrr-laxation method only reqirire the previous appro-imant. For matrices which have property (a) and ordering c- V^e v-ov-r vectors and proper values satisfy certain simple relationships. U.injt th- S' th relationships, we are able to show that if j?- is the k*^ iterate of the 1/2 modified Chebyshev method ll^-f^ll /ID |5^^'-r'll :(i) _ d(i)'i , ^ ( iDl I'u / vhere cosh ^ = ^ :-nd ^ is the largest proper value of G = I - d"^ A. If y^ is the k iterate of the successive overrelaxation method when then f ^ = B- (.-(^) - S/,X)) I |3 -h\ I / |D I W2 y and /^= /^l - tf < 1 + /^ • Then using a simple argument, we are able to show that for k fixed The results of chapters II and III are ^11 arrived at under the assumptions that the numerical operations have been performed exactly. When the calculations are performed on a high speed digital computer In fixed point arithmetic, the operations of multiplication and division are replaced by pseudonnultlpllcatlon and pseudo division. In chapter IV we consider the effect of the roundoff errors. For the Chebyshev iteration scheme one computes the sequence [^ ). Under some simple assumptions about the numerical operations, it is shov^^ that ■^ > b^ >....> bj; and that for k > M-, \ = Vi= • • • • = ^'• Thus the.Chehyshev iteration scheme degenerates into the one parameter itera- tion scheme and similarly the modified Chebyshev method degenerates into the successive overrelaxation method. We assume that the digital numbers are represented as a sign vith ^ digits in a number system of base_ p. Then within the computer for the Chebyshev iteration scheme and one paraiaeter iteration scheme, one has /^k "^ (k = 0, 1, ...) where f 3 indicates a right shift of p^ places and 3^ is a scaling para- meter chosen so that the elements of the scaled approximants are less than one in magnitude. It is supposed that f or k > K ^K = Vl ^ • " • = P • A bomxd is given for mln | \1 - (p.^ ^ ^P) . pP, | ,^^^^ increases with X' vhdl-e X- is the largest proper value of G, the digital representation of G. Likewise for the modified Chebyshev method and successive over- relaxation method, one computes ^ . ' ^k Jk7^ (k = 0, 1, ...) . A bound is given for min Mx - (7 - rP^ ftP| I ttv,-; v, • - B ^x laxii I I A Y^ , p ; f3 I I which increases as jj.' approaches one where m' is the largest proper value of G, the digital iNepre^entation of G = I - d"''"A. In chapter V, a numerical example is given in which the modified Chebyshev method and two variants of the successive overrelaxation method are used. For variant on., f^^^ . d'^J^^) _ 3^(1)^. ^^^ ^^^.^^^ ^^^^ there is no special relationship between J^^^ and f^^\ it is seen that the analytical results of chapter III are vitiated by roundoff error. Nevertheless we conclude that the modified Chebyshev method should be used to solve linear equations for which the matrix A is symmetric positive definite and possesses property (A) with ordering a-. II ON AVERAGING PROCESSES 2.1 Linear Iterative processes We consider a system of linear algebraic equations in N unknowns A5 = ^ (2.1) where A is a known square matrix of rank and order N; and if and f are vectors of order N. If A is not symmetric, then we can multiply (2.1) on the left so that A Ax = A 3^, and now A A is symmetric and positive definite. Hence ^ we assume here and in the following that A i£ symmetric and positive definite . As has been pointed out by von Ne\miann in [ 31, a large number of iteration schemes for solving (2.1) are described by the equations If ? = X, then we requiic f.-, = x, and, hence, t = G^5^ + \y = G, X + H, Ax . k k (2.3) A necessary and sufficient condition that (2.3) hold true for all 5f is the- L k iSL We shall assume that this conditioii Lolds true in the following. Furthermore, -' fk = fk+i' ^'^^'^ h - °kfk * V ^>- 8 However, from (2,k-) (l j. a ) - tj & ., ^ ^ , x ^ ^ ^ ^ '^^ U Gj^; - Hj^A and, hence, (2.5) becomes H^^A^ = ^^^""fk = /k+1 implies /k = ^ i^ V- ^^^ K\^^ . (2.6) We: shall assume that this condition is satisfied. Nov subtracting (2.2) from (2.3) ve have The solution of this matrix difference equation i If Gj^ - G for all k, then (2.7) becomes in ^rder for the error vector, 1 -J^, to tend to .ero 1„ (2.8), the initial, errar vector, {t - ^ ^) , „,,t te In the .anifold generated by the proper and invariant vectors of G associated with the proper values which are less than one ln^„agnltude. However, since we do not have any a priori information about 3 -f^, in general, we shall assume that all the proper values of G are less than one In magnitude, and, hence t - 9 wi 1 1 +»„/. * , ..V.I, iiei.ce, ^ - y^ will tend toward zero inde- pendently of 1 - ^^. Then since H = (I - GIa'^ by (£.3), K > rank H > mln[rank (l - G), rank A"^] = H and, thus, rani E - S and H ^ exists. Note that for u = ,., (k > o), the con- dition that an the proper values of G be less than one ln'"magnltude implies (£.6). 2,2 The averaging process Let us now ccr.sider the ixeratire process ^ - g7 + ^^ ^ f^ OS /k+1 - ^/k + Hy- From (2.aj, we see that if the largest pr-op^r va^r*- of r •>, e P-oper va^ue of C- in magnitude is near one, the iterative process may be slow to coiig<=rge Tr f ^1 t-Liigergfe.. in [ 3J, von Neumann <3onsider3 replacing the original sequence / ? >.v . * ^ So'S'l' ••• ^y ^ Sequence of averages /'O^A' ••• where By (2,8) then . ^ ^ Tha^ is, afts''" k it>--^a + Tn->c -r-^ t-v^ ^ J. o>-^ A LO'^_aT:ions m the new T)roce'-iq ^'^^.i ^•r^•5^■-,•^^ i^jLceob, ^_.e initial error is multi- plied by a matrix polynomial so that ' ■'■- V = ^' *''^" "e i^-'e t!is original process and P,(g) = a''. Then for a given matrix G, ve wish t-^ dot — i-i^ +^r. , c WXK..I ov. ae-csij^lne the necessary and s-,;.fficient conditions necessary fo- 11m P fal - n mv " tTo/^ ~ answer is well knowji and stated in [3]. Let X. (i .. i 2 ^"^ m< -^ i.« ^v i V - ±, ^, . . . ,m < nj be .he proper values of G, and e. (i = 1, 2, ...) be the order of the elementary divisor of G that corresponds to X., Let the r^^ derivative of P^^(z) be denoted as p(-)(.). Then the ncefesary and sufficient condition that lim P (g) = is that ■I j\ k^- ^ 10 m P ^ (x^) . for all those coablnatloas 1(= i, 2, ... „), ,(, ^^ ,^ __ ^ for which e. > r. Then the choice of polynomial P^(g) „iii depend on the distribution Of the proper values and the order of the el«neata.y divisors. It has been sho™ by Varga t6] that if the only tao.ledge about the roots Is that they lie in a circle around the origin in the complex plane (i.e. \K^\ < ^ 1 = 1., 2, ... n), the best choice of P (g) Is P (r) r^ tt ,. . . ^j^V<^; IS ■f^l.Cr; = G . We shall assume that the proper values of G are real and satisfy |\ | < x. Let us assume now that H is real, symmetric, and positive definite Since this covers certain important applications and allows the use of some rather effective methods. Therefore, there exists a matrix F such that f/ =^H. Since H and A are symmetric, E'^ - A is symmetric a^d likewise F (H-1 - A)F. Then there exists an orthogonal transforation such that fV^-a)f = oao , (,^^^) Where A is the diagonal matrix of proper values of F^H'^ - A)F. Pre- multiplying (2.10) by F and postmultiplying by F'^, we have FF*(H"^ - A) = FOAO*F"^ so that H(H"^ - A) = F07lO*F"^ . But S{r^ - A) = I - HA = G by (2.4) and thus G = FQA0*F"-^ . , (2.11) Then (2.11) expresses G in the Jordan canonical form with A the matrix of proper values of G. Since vl is diagonal, the elementary divisors of G are simple and real. Substituting (2.11) into (2.9), we see that X Since (2.11) yields G in the Jordan canonical form. G = FO-A''b*F~''". Thus P.(G) = Z V FO^'^0*F"^ = F0| E a aWo*F"^ = FOR (7l)0*F~-'- k Because TV is a diagonal matrix. P,(-A) p^(\^) ^ ^Ic^^n) Now (5r -|^) . ?^(G) (5e - ^q) . FOP^(yl)0*F-l(? -^^) and hence by (A.2), (A. 6), (A.8), (A.9), (A, 10), (A. 11) ii^-r.iiii H 1/2 u ihT/ Max i=l,2. ,N I P.O.,) X - /o (2.12) Naturally, we wish to choose P^(x) so that Max |P (?^.)|-^0 as k -^ ^ . i=l 2 . ,N Since the elementary divisors of G are simple/ the 'choice of P (\) will depend on the distribution of the \. 's. ¥e shall assume that we do not have any exact knowledge of ,\^, ... K^ i,ut simply the information 11 -X < X. < X — 1 — (1 = 1, 2, ... i^) (2.13) If a < \^ < \^ . , , < \^ < b, then by a suitable linear transformation, (2.I3) will hold true. Then for | |? - J^l | fixed, we wish to choose P^(x) so that MaxJPj^(\)| is minimized subject to the condition P, (l) = l since |/c | i, r^(z) = eosh z(arc cosh z). Thus cos k ;^ V^i^ ^ cosh k <^ ""^^^^ cos Q.- = ~ and cosh 6<^ = -^ Then (2.12) becomes \l/2 "^-^^"^(Sjj l-"-fol cosh k tu 2.3 The Chebyshev Iterative process ^ k Since p^ =^Z^ a^^^, it would seem that it is necessary to store all the vectors ^Q, ' ' - /k i« order to compute the vector f^. However, the Chebyshev polynomials satisfy simple recursive relationships which we now proceed to take advantage of. The equations developed here were originally obtained in [3]. Since 13 \-^l^^) -^ Vl^2^ = 2zR^(z) and, hence, •'m(-) = 2^V-) - \.l(^) . (2.15) The Initial conditions are R^(z) = 1 and Rj^(z) = z. Mow we use (s.lt) to pass to P^(x.). Then (2.15) becomes and dividing through, by E^^^i-^)^ we have 1 \ / X, Mr 3x H,/-^ H^A R , /^ R, . ^ V. (tj ^ »„(tj ■. (tJ " Mr? ^j Using (2.14), the above relationship becomes and therefore, ^k.i(\) = ^iVA(^i) - ^\VA.i(\) (2.1,) where .. . ""'(t ■^ XR^/4-\ ■ (2-18) From (2.15), we have Ik \(^] ^.. (^ _2 "KXJ T'- 1 1 ^ ; 9Q tliat using (2.17) k+1 . \"k+l -^ (2.19) or 1 'k+1 2 _ ^2^ ^1 = 1 • (2.20) Also we are able to rewrite (2.I7) using (2.I9) so that We now pass back to the original process which yields from the preceding equation \.X^^) = 2\.l[°Pk(°) - P,-l(°)] - P,.i(G) . (2.21) Postmultlplytng (2.21) by {1 -^^), „e have ^k.l(°) (? -/o) = 2\,i[GP,(G) (? -^g) - P^_^(G) (Sr .^;)] ^Vl(0)(5-fo) • (£.22) Slr.ce ? -^ = Pj^(G) (J -j* ), (2.22) now becomes ^^ -^l' = '\*l''^^ -%^ - (J - %.^l ^(-^,.,) . (2.23) rToB (S^>, X- - Gx = Hy so that- the above becomes fk.l - 2\.l(sf, ^ Hy* - ?,.,) . f^_^ (k = 1, 2, . . . ) (2.2U.a) 15 and since = X. ''^(t^ ^ =^lled the Chebychev Iteration _scheme . 2.4 MlE«££ the errOT after k Ueratlons For the Iteration process ? = o ? ^ u ■* /k+1 \Jk + \y' we wish to determine an upper bound for 1 1? - || n --p . ^ _^ ' 7k+l ?'kl I = If and only if I^ . ^[ I _ u ^ ' Y k ^fl -0- We may, however, compute 7 vex. and thus by (A.ll.b) \t The residual vector r QH--?n v ^-i .^ , ,. , , -^ ^'' '^"^ ^•'^ 5"^^-*^' i l?,l I - If and only If I \r^\ I = 0. Then for exact calculations, to insure 1 I? - 3 I I < e „ . -, ' ' /]rl\ S^? one would simply need to iterate until ^ mm < £ 17 2.5 The behavior of the b 's ^For the Chebyshev it^rati6n sch#te, it is hecessary to compute b^ for each ^ by the relationship b , ^ i-— v . t, ,. , ,„, f ^ ^ 2 5C^ "" 1- ^ equation (^.18), k vf ''^^'''^ '\( -r- ) - cosh k ^, cpsh ^ = -4c ^ 5: Since cosh oo = -■ '*' ?, 1- 6*^= J- + Ji'->? (2.25) Theorgn (s.l): The b^'s fo™ a strictly monotonlcally decreasing se^ence Whose limit is '^ = - 1 + /l - \^ Proof : We have b, > b if k k+1 ^^ "•-''ii . -^(t XR, /-J^l XR, /J^ or coshU - l)^.cosh(k + 1)1^ - cosh^ k o; > . ^ (2.26) But cosh(k - l).t/cosh(k + 1)^"= cosh^k C^ cosh^ u/ - sinh^ k o^^sl^h^o; ao that (2.26) becomes CQsh^ k c^ cosh^Lo - sinh^ k uj Blni? u; - cosh.- k cO > 18 or since cosh^ to _ sinh^ i^ = \ 1 fjj( n^c\n U //; _• •■ 2 sinh ^(cosh k ^ - ^inh^ k uj) = sinh^ ^^ > o 1 + e-2^ Since b = e + p> ^__ e k+1 ^j^(k+l)a.;^-(k+i)u,J = -^ \ 1 + e' ■2(k+l)^ andO- ^-^1 i + /rr^ • 2.6 A one parameter iteration process As was Shown in the last section, the b^'s form a monotonically decreasing sequence and converges to a limit ^. Let us denote the machine generated b^'s as b^. Then it will be shown in Chapter IV that under suit- able assumptions for some k>M,b=:b - ^.i - •" ""m M+1 ~ = ° • Hence the Chebychev Iteration process when carried out on a computer ultimately de- generates to a process in v^ich b^ = b. In this section we discuss such a process ab initio . From (2.11), we have the elementary divisors of G are simple, and thus we have G = m-^ (2.27) Where JL is the diagonal matrix of proper values. We wish to consider the iteration formula 19 Where ^^ and f^ are given. The computation scheme described by (s.28) will be called the one paj^meter Iteration scheme . Then from (2.23), we have (^^-^.l)=2^[°(^-;,)-(2-^,.,)l.(?.f^.^) (,>i) (2.,5j and thus substituting (2.27) into (2.29), Premultiplying by Q'^ and setting u^ = Q"^(^ . ^ ) \+l = 2bA^ + (1 - 2b) \_^ or since A is a diagonal matrix •^J^k.l = 2b"j,k + (1 - St) u.^^_^ (J = l, 2, ...N) (k>l) . The solution of this difference equation Is given by lemma (A.l). Returning to the vector equation (2.29), we have - ^^ - P ' ^K«"'(? - %) - ^^^ ■ ^) «S,-l«-'(? - %) (2.30) IJ " hi " 'IJ '■ ''2J ""'"' [ 'i^iio = jfr^. " ^ - J »^ ^1, / 0, = k?!^-'- if 1 = J and ^^_j . 0g^ =0 If i / J and ^^j and 0^^ are the roots of the equation 0f - 2bXj0j ^ (2b - 1) = (J=l, 2, ...H) . (2.31) 20 Thus since Q = FO by (2.11) anri' TTir* it ^ . , . , ^J K^.±±) and FF = H, we h^ve by (A.l), (A, 2), (A,3), (A.6), (A.8), (A,9), (A.IO) and (A.ll) '""^^"^(w7)"f,.,^-,JK)n + jSb - ll Max Ifs i I !i;r _ 2 ,.,^..JK}..lil^-^Jlj. (..3.) f -^ ^1 i " ^On k-1 Since j S, { . . = -i^ isL _ v ^m ^k-m-l ^ , Max |(SJ..| < K M.x(|0^j|>^-1, |^^.|H-1). ,^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ when 0^^ = 0g^. Thus (2.32) becomes 1/2 e j=l,2, ..N + |2b - l| (k - 1) Max 10. 1^-2 | |^ -^ | | j=l.'2, ..n , - ^ (2.33) Since I 1^ - ^0 1 I and I 1^ - ^J I are fixed, ve wish to detemine b so that Max 10 (b)| i=l,2 ij j=l,2, .,N is minimized with respect to b. The problem has been considered by Frankel [1] and he has shown: aeorem (2.2): If x 1. the largest proper value of G and -X is the smallest, then for b = t = —1_ , the Max |0 (b)| Is minimized with ± + vi - A. i=l, 2 j=l,2,.. respect to b and 21 Furthermore, for 1 > b >^, |0 . .(b) | = (2b - l)V2_ Let 0^ = b?: + ^^^ - 2b + 1 and = bX - /^ 2 , u /v - 2b + 1 <> . 2r2 - yb + 1 = and (^^ = (a , then for b = b, b X - 2b . 1 = o and ^^ = 0^. i^n (2.33) beco.es \l/2 X - -- r ^ , r- (2.3t) where p =i'Sa - I. a i^. 2,7 A starting procedure for the one parameter iterat ion process If t IS the proper veetox associated with -\, and t -% = x - ^ ^ ( o /I = ae, then from (2.30) II" -fi^ii -(t%) f^'"'^" " '" ■ 'V') 11^ - foil we see that although ^'^\x + (k - l)/)l-^ a^ > -^ ^ +>,^ -o ^ LX5. -r v-cl x/^j-? u as js -^ 00, the maximimi error may actually grow during the early iterations. From (2.30;, we note that by choosing ^^ carefully, it may be possible to obtain a cancellation of terms. In the following theorem, we give a means of accomplishing this. Theory (2.3): If ^^ = G^^ + ^, and if 1 > b >^, il^'-ill^lSjj'^^f-^^.jllx-foll wh&re r> = i/2b - 1 . Proof: Since ? - 7, = G(i? - ^ . ^,-l(^ . y^ (,,3^) ^^_^^ ?-f, = Q[s^A.(£,.i)3^.^j«-V-p. (2.35) Since all the roots of (2.31) are equal m modulus for 1 > b >'S, we can represent them in polar form, i.e. Plj =V2b - 1 e J = (Oe J 02j =\/2h - 1 e "^ = ^e ^ Hence 0^. . 0^ . = 2^ cos 9. . But by (2.31) 0^. . 0^. = 2bX. so that cos 9 . \. = i Now if 0^^ ^ 0^^ (i ^ 1^ 2, ..n) ^ ^ k-ljjj r sin 9. b cos 9 . - c sin(k - 1)9. sin 9. J L ^1 sin k9 cos 9. sin(k - 1)9 -si li_ j sin 9. b J sin 9 sln(k - 1)9. But since i sin k9 sin 9 . J cos 9 - cos k9. , sin 9^ j J the above becomes -L \ sin(k - 1)9, t» J sin 9. ~ + -r— cos k9 . < '^-.)i...).^ since sin k9. sin 9 . < k Because Sb - 1 . f , ^^ ,ee the above becomes f .i^ 1 + — ^ k 1 V If the roots are equal In magnitude, then the above Inequality be- comes an equality. Now taking bounds of (2.35), we have If b = ^ = J. 1 + h -1? ' *^^^ ^^^ ^^°'^^ inequality becomes '^-?^"^fSi7rV(-'^^"'-?°" By the following calculation, ve show that i; = G^ + Hy then Max X " foll^o 1"^ -^ X - - fkil \T^^ F miist decrease with k for b = '^. Now |Hi,A^/2 H 'U u if 2 or \X{^-\) +(^] 1 -e; 1 + f ^ < 1 - r But since < /^ < i^ 2h since f^, = G^g + ^, where and \^j_iG) = 2bGPj^(G) + (1 _ 2b) PjG) Po(G) = I and F^(G) = G . 2.8 The choice of h when f = Qp + jif Although lb minimizes Max 10. (b) I i^ith rP^T.Pr.+ +^ >.- •+ • i=l 2 ij ' respect to b, it is not true J=1,2,.M that Max f ! x - ^ I I -? o • • • , I Ix-^ 1 Uo ' ^k" ^^ mnDjmzed with respect to b when 7i = Gfo - =^ -nd k is fixed. For J. = 2, the Chebyshev Iteration sch^e yields the polynomial Sb^G^^ (1 . 2b2)l . Thus the best choice of b when two itez^tions are perfox^ed is b = b^. m ge4eral, k is not predete^ined but rather one iterates until either^] |?J | or I |?J i is sufficiently small. From the following we see that the opti- mum b is arbitrarily close to ^ for k large. Theorem (2.4): Let Pj^^^(\,b) = 2bXP^(x,b) + (1 . 2b) P^ rx,b) ■with PqCX,!)) = 1 and P^(\^b) = ^ . Then for ^^ = G^Q + Hy, , Max. l^iK'^)] Proof ? From theorem (2.3)_, wjjare ^ = /^ - 1 . and Where and are the roots of 1.) ^2j 0^ - 2t)\ + (2b - 1) = 1. Let < b < ^, then 0^ -0^ ^^^^^ 01 = t)x + /t^^Tim 02 = t^ - /b^'x^- 2b + 1 . 0-L and 02 are distinct for < b <'^ sinceb^ - 2^ + 1 = 0. Then since 26 03_ + $2^2 = 3bX, V^,b) 0f 1 . 0^^-i '1 =^2 1 /^r-^r 2b 2 ^r-^r ?r^^--(i^A)' 1-^ Now Max_ IP (\',^)| ^ - Max_ |P^(X,t)I ^ TP^(X7b)T I A, |*^Ai 21) ^^1 + k /l - X^ ) k+1 , ,. ,, .k_i 1 - i^^/^^r'^ ^2 1 " (y^i) 1 - ^ v^i) " ^2 rrry^ Now 0^ > ^ Since ^ minimizes the Max |0, , (b) |, and, hence, 1=1,2 ^ j=l,2, ..N lim 2b k-^oo /-^j (1 + k yr - ^2) = . ftirtherrtore, < 0^ < so that ^ - (^g/i^l)'^"' . 1 - (02/0,)''-^ 1 - ^fz'h^ -hT-7JJJ^ 1 -0; k->^ 1 ■^?7^ / Max \V^{\^)\ Thus for < b < ^, lim \\\<\ k-^oo Max |P (\,b)| |X|<\ ^ 2. Let b < b < 1, then Pk(^j.t) = (V2b - 1")^ (^-) sin(k - 1)0. cos k9 . sin 9 . ^ + 27 cos = ■ J _■ . Hence, "^ /2b - 1 Maxjp U,-^)! o< 1^1^^ ^^1 + k JT^W) (2b - 1)^/2 Max 3- I (^^ - 1) sln(k - l)Q cos k9 72b -1 Again since (^ < y(2b - 1) for % < b as k Therefore Tor's < b < 1, lim |\|sa" Max_ |P^(\,'^)| k-*"" Max_ |P (X^b) I.I j£ "^0 as k-> "^^ |x|<\. 2.9 A combination iterative process As was noted In section {s.6), the computed ^^' s, b^'s, become constant for k > M. For this reason we wish to consider two additional pro. cesses for solving linear equations In this section. Process 1 '>? *M ~* ■"• ^0' 7^""'7m ^^^ generated by the Chebyshev iteration scheme described by (2.24) and (2.20). For k > M ^ ^ y rui K ^ m, >7j^^^, 7m+2*°- ^^® generated by the iteration formula (2.28) with b ='^. ^2=ess 2. The computation scheme Is as follows: Mp+q ^^d l3»4„ -, = 1 Mp+1 • Then for process 1, after (M + q) iterations. X - ?M+q = ^q+iQ" (x - fl) - (2b - l) <^q'\^ . ^. ) q (0 Where S^ and Q are defined as for (2. 30). Then since ^ ■ ?1 = ^ - ?M = ^^ihl^W^V^x - f^) and ? - ^. - ;? _^ <^0 = ^ Ym-1 = cosh(M - 1)6^ '^^u.i^'h^ - ^q) where / ^IW 1 • ■ ~ r>nc IWQ rv ~1 .1 = cos M9., 9. = cos" -«i J J if i ?^ J , X - Hence, ^to(q . 1)9^ cos M9^^ ^^^ Sin 49 oos(M - 1)9. f^ sln9. coshM«-p "ilTg: cosh(M - lja> (2-36) 29 M -M where cosTi Mc*> = ^ — ^ f . We vish to determine the maximum of (2.36). Now Max O<0<7T q sin(q+l.)Q cos MQ d+1 sin q@ cos(M-1)0 ^ sin cosh M<^ " r Max O<0, .cosh M cos cosh M^ cos :q+i cos M0 - P^"^^ cos(M-l)0 \ sin q0 q cos q0 cos M0 ' cosh(M-l)^i sin "" r cosh M^ f;" , V 1 sin q0 cos(M-l)0 q cosq0 cosM0 - sinQ sinM0 h(M-lM sin ■" e coshMco - I cosh Mo; ■ cosh {U-l)c4j ^ "*" cosh U(aJ since Thiis sin q0 sin £ q. by lemma (A.- 2) /C- Theory (2.5): If after M iterations with the Chehyshev process, 'b is used then .q+1 cosh May cosh(M-l)6i> q + cosh UuJ ^^ere ^ = ^ and cosh M^ 1 + 4 - X"^ - ^^ ^ ^-" We now wish to compare the maximijm error of process 1 with the maximum error of process 2 when \\^ - x| | is fixed. ^eorem (2.6): If after every M iterations with the Chebyshev process we begin the Chebyshev iteration scheme over again, i.e. process 2, then after after Mp+q iterations the maximum error of process 2 is greater than or equal to the maximum error of process. 1 for | |^ - x| | fixed. 30 Pro2£-" If the Chebyshev sequence is rebegun after every M iterations^ then ig )+q -^1 t^^ < |Hf \V2 u H MJ (coshM^)P cosh qu> • After Mp+q iterations with process 1, then \l X H M+q ■■ ^ / • -u \l/2 A f ,M(p-l)+q ^M(p-l)+q+l .-l)+q) J ^2^_^>^^ II y M(p-l)+q coshM^ - cosh(M-lW /r(p-l)+q^. ^^^^^^ We wish to show ''^M(p-l)+q J4(p-l)+q+l cosh Mou " cosh(M-l)^ )(M(p-l)+q) + or multiplying through by cosh Mu) pM(p-l)+q cosh Kui — (coshM^)P cosh q^ M -M Since cosh Mm. = ^ g ^ , the above inequality becomes )-l 1 Mco cosh qco' (.M(p-l)+q M(p-l)+q+l r'^1 + (r^f M(p-l)+ql +^M(p-l)+q < .^ihsh^-^ 2p- ^(pFp 1 . (f 2) or i.i^inif 1 . ((>^f-\ M(p-l)+q) + 1 < (^^WP^T^ • C2.37) (1) We consider two cases, q = 0. 31 2 Let jo = t, then we wish to show 1 + t^ 1 ,.. . oP-1 -— ^iM(p.)..,_^ 1 . t^-y ^^^^ ^^ ^ - A . .MW-l • (2.38) Now for i = 0, ._,... M-1, t^-1 < t^ M-1 . ^ M and, hence, Mt*^""^ < T. t^ = ^ - '^ i=0 1 - t so that Mt^-l(l - t) + t^ < 1 , Then (1 + t^) ^ Mt^-l(l - t) < or 2 .. . [(1 + t^) +Mt^-^1 - t)]P-l <2P-1 . But by the binomial theorem, (1 - t")5-l . „(p.l)t"-l(l . t)(l . t")P-2 < [(1 , t«) . Mt«-^l - t)]P-l < sP-l IH- M(p-l)t" (J- - *) < g"'^ and since < t < 1 1 . M(p-l)t^ -11^ < 2^-^ 1 + t^-^ - d + tV^' • • and thus we see that (2,38) holds true, (2) < q < M - 1 . Again since < t < 1, 32 +M-1 . , 1 ^ < t for i = 0, ., ...M-1 and t^*^"*"^ ^ , I+M-I ^ ^ ^ * for 1 = 0, 1, ...q . Thus adding the two inequalities, t^-V . t^) < (1 . .M-1^ ,i (i = 0,l,..., 0) (2) G = I - aD"-^A (a > 0) r 11 where 22 35 nn In the next chapter, it will be shown that for certain matrices the second operator affords great advantages. : If A? = vl>% then y = ^^ , and since A is positive definite z Dz ^^ > 0. Thus the proper values of D'^A and A are positive. Let C be a matrix whose proper values are positive and G = I - aC, Then if the proper values of C are < a < v, < . . . < ^^ < ^^ i, i3 ^^^^ in [2] that ^ = -^ minimizes the largest proper value in magnitude of G = I - aC. If a = ^ = a + b ' "^^^^ ^^^ proper values of G are distri- buted between -/^-~^] and J^ ' ^ b + a b + a/* If G = I - polynomials become a + b ^' then the iteration formulas with Chebyshev 'k+1 2b, , (I - - k+1 V a ^b^^^k^rTb^-^k.i^-^k.i (k>.i) ?i = (I a + b ^^fo + TT"b (2. 40. a) (2.40.b) Since the residual vector is ?^ = ? - a|, the above becomes ?k+l = 2b k+1 a + b ^k ^ f k - A-i] ' %., (k> 1) % = i-Tb ^0 ^ f c (2.41) If we wish to solve the system of equat ions 36 where A^ is asynmetric, then as was pointed out in section (2.;l)^- it is possible to solve the equivalent system where A = A% and ? = A*y, . Although a large number of elements of A^ may have been zeros, they may be destroyed in computing A^A^. This can be avoided for the operator G = I - oA. Instead of performing the matrix multiplication, one may compute ^ in equation (2.4l) by first computing and then computing ?^ in equation (2.4l) from This corresponds to letting G = I - aA*A , and H = oA*. 2.12 A comparison of the methods Let us now compare the number of iterations that are necessary so that If we use the iteration scheme described by (2.2) with G = G then k' u 1 -k I We wish to determine k so that r /\-\.Y'' or where ^1 -"' - e \ ■■m 6 Then, k = ^n 6 ' 1 T—T- Xn \ If, however, the Chebyshev iteration scheme is used, then Since cosh ko/ = ^ , we wish to determine k^ so that ® + e = -— and thus e '^ = ^ ^- i + ^rrTT^ • Consequently, A f k. ., 1 - ^1 ^ -'' 37 2 1 = (2.42) 1 + (l-X^ 5Q Then ... /n f 1 + v'l - 6'^ For the iteration process described by (2.28), if b = ^ and ^ = Gf + nf then by theorem (2.4) \\f -t\\ /|h| W^ llfo-3?||<(^THl7J ^^i^ktTrF) . Thus we wish to determine k- so that (> ^(1 + k3 /l - X^) =^' . An explicit splution for this equation does not seem possible. Table I .(page 41) gives some sample values of k^ for \ near 1. From Table I, we note that as £ decreases k^/k^ increases. We now show Theorem (2.7): Let ^2 ir = e(6',\) then for lim 9(6 ',\) = 1 < X < 1 . 39 ^^^22£- Nov ^^^j-^^ is the maximum of the Chebyshev polynomial, and by theorem (2.3) ^^1 . k JTT^) is the maximum of the polynomial associated with the constant b iteration scheme when b = 1) and ^^ = g/ + Hf. Among all k degree polynomials which satisfy the condition P (l) = 1 the Chebyshev polynomials have the property that their maximum is minimal on the interval (-\,\). Then for k fixed, < ^^(1 + /l -X^i cosh k^ - f U + 1^1 - \ k) . Since kg and k increase monotonically as £' decreases and, hence. Since ^2<^3 < 9(6, \) < 1 . ^ ^(1 + l^X^k ) = 6' 3' /n £' 1 +/l - \^k. k- = ^ 3 ^ 1 ^ \ll - x'^ and, hence. ^n ^' ^2 .rn ^_ 1 + 1^1 - ■^■^ ^3 ^n «' 1 + /l - \\ Now e 3(1 , k3 yrr^) < (.''3(1 ^ yrTF)''3 . ^^3 ^ and since k^ and k^ increase monotonically as £- dec jcreases k3 1 + A l^Z. '3~ in /n \ 1 . A 1 + 1^1 - ^'^ . in 1 - /n >C /n 6' 40 kl TABLE I \ = .95 6 k^/k^ y^3 10-^ U„9 9.3 11.9 ,21 .78 10"^ 13^.6 23.5 28.5 .17 .82 10-5 224.5 37»8 kk.o .17 .86 \ = .99 kg/k. ^2/^3 229.1 687.3 1,1115,5 .092 .078 ,075 21-1 53.5 85.9 '^^ .82 .86 27. 3 65,0 100.2 X. = .999 k. ^2/\ ^2/^3 230i.if 6,904.3 11,507.2 •029 ,025 .024 66.9 169.9 272.8 .77 ,82 .86 86.9 206.4 318.2 k2 III A MODIFICATION OF THE AVERAGING METHODS 3«1 Introduction In the previous chapter, ve considered several iteration pro^ cesses for solving linear equations of the form Where the c^'s vere determined hy some rule. In this chapter, ve shall con- sider the above iteration process for matrices which are symmetric, positive definite and possess property (A) (defined below). It will be shown that by modifying (3.I), it is possible to substantially reduce the number of iter- ations necessary to reduce the error vector to a given value. Furthemore, if the calculation is performed on a high-speed computer, then with the modification, the memory requirements will be half those needed for (3.1). Definition (3.I): A matrix is said to possess property (a) if there exist two disjoint subsets S and T of W, the first N integers, such that SvT = W and if a. . ^ then either i = j or i.S and >T or i^T and jeS. If a matrix has property (a), then it is possible to reorder the equations so that S = ^1, 2, . . . N^^ and T = ^^N^^ 1, „.., nJ. m this section, we shall assume that the equations have been reordered in this fashion so that A appears as the hypermatrix * where I?j_ is an N^ X N^ diagonal matrix, D^ is an Ng - N^ diagonal matrix. and S is N X N, . Such matrices are said to have ordering a- 43. 3o2 Proper values and proper vectors We wish to investigate the proper values and proper vectors of D-^A, Since D'^A is similar to ^^1^^-^)^-^!^ = ^-^l^^'^l^ ^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ values of D'^A and jf^l^Klf^l^ are the same. Furthermore, if vz, L> AD z = VD / z, and, hence, the proper vectors of D-^A and D'^^^-Vs ^^^ related. The vectors which will be considered will consist of two subvectors so that where v '1 and ^(2) Theorem (3,l): If D"^/^^"^^ ^^^ D-V2ad-V2/| (1) (27 property (A) and ordering are orthogonal to one another, and likewise il)^^^ ^(l) ) ^ ^ Then the spt. nf Tro/^+,^v,<- •'^' -^ ^ • '^ are If - Sr proper vectors of D'VSad-I/^ ^^ „^ ^^^^^^^ orthogonal. Therefore, i = 1,.=,, r i = 1. ..., r D-V2^-V2J^ = 5^ i = 1, .,., Nj^-r i = 1, ...; Ng-r V (3.2) The proper vectors will also be considered orthononnal. V kS Theorem (3-2): For the set of vectors described Tby (3.2), = . anci lor every proper vector g 7^ f.^ S ^ e. Proof; By theorem (3,l), . [IF S^nce e^ and f . are orthonormal vectors, Therefore, [^i[^\ S^^^l = f^^', 4^^^ = 1/2 . 3f3 The modification In chapter II, it was noted that for G = I ~ aD~^A the magnitude (Jf the largest proper value of G is minimized when a = a = -^-~ wh^^^ = a + b *""^-^« d. ^7 is the smallest proper value of D"^A a^.d b is the largest proper value of D A. By theorem (3.I), if 1 f ^ is the largest proper value of D'^A, then 1 - ^i is also a proper value and hence must be the smallest prope:e value of D" A. Then for cc = 'a = 1, the magnitude of the largest proper value of I - aD'^A is minimized irlth respect to a. Thus (3.3) and the largest proper value of G is ]!. Let us now consider the iteration formula (3,1). Substituting (3.3) into (3.I), we have = 2c k+1 D -1 1 / fk-l ^2] t(2) Expanding the hypermatrices, we have .(1) k+1 ^k+1 1 = 2c^^,D, r ' - S - hill"^ ^ '^'^' .fk-i)* K-i If in addition, t = Gf + Ef (3.i^.a) (3A.b) (1) _ T,-l/t,(l) c*>?(2) J h'^^hTr-'-s^ (3. 5. a) k8 ?f ^ = ^;'( i and for the modified Chebyshev method. Since A is positive definite, the elements of D are positive. Then since 2Cj^L is a lower triangular matrix, det JD + 2Cj^l| = det|D| > 0. For successive overrelaxation with b > det|bl| > and, hence ^^^ > 0. For the modified Chebyshev since \>^ > 1/2 by theorem (2.1), In addition. det f ^-^4- — 1 > 2k+l 2 ^k-1 ^ \-l^ = I so that ] |J^_^ -J^\ I = if and only if J^ = 5. Consequently, we may terminate the successive overrelaxation method and the modified Chebyshev iteration scheme when | |J^ - J^_^| | is less than some preassigned number and be assured that the error vector is related to this number. 3.^ Bounds for the error vector In chapter II, we were able to describe an upper bound for the length of the error vector 1 - ^^. We desire now to describe an upper bound for the length of the vector x - ? . 51 By (2.9). (^^ - $) . P^(a)(|^ - ^) = p^(j . :)-i^)(^^ . .). We now expand (/^ - 1) ±n the proper vectors of I - d'^A which are given in section (3.2). This is possible since the elementary , , -1 divisors of I - D A are simple. Thus N, -r N-r Now (;, - t) = P^d - ^-hKf^ .-) . D-V2 fta,P^(,^)e; . i^ a. P (-U. )f i+r k^ ^i'^ 1 -^ P^(0) N, -r N -r ~l Zj a^ . P . + Z a 1? .^^ 2r+i^i .^^ ^N^fr+i\ so that from theorem (3.1) It will be shown that the polynomials we wish to consider have the property that P^(-..) = (-l)'^Pj^(^) (3.8) and, hence, P, (0) =0 for k odd. . , Then by (3.8) and (3-9), we have N. -r -..oPoJ0)l?l) ;^^^^^^=^^/^^|(^i-^i.^^ j_ i+2r 2k' ^-^i 52 Let ;(i^' - S<^) . 4^) ana ^<^i, - J(^) = 4^) , then by theorem (3.2) (4^'' V?) - \ i (a, - Vr)^ 4(^.) ^ '^r 4.r4(0) r N^-r E (a. - a )^ P^ fLL ) + y i=l ^ i+r^ 2k^^i^ -^ .^^ -i+2r'2k- and l2 ^2 (,^k ^ °2\y =-^ Z (a. - a )^ P^ (n ) Hence ^ 42r4(°) From this we have (3-10) Nov ^i=l ^ 1+^ 1 1^1 i+2r^i ^0 '= ;6 '- ^ so that by theorem (3.2) ^ Vo J = 2-,>.(^ ~ Vr^ + ^, ^+2r Th-.JG (3.10) becomes , 0,|i^..M^ 53 or \\:>'''%\f< ns. /4^;;774j7iiDV|Wir.' (3.11) Using relation (A.IO), we have now Consequently, we have Theorem (3.3) ^ If T is computed by (3.7) and if (1) G = I - D'^A , (2) Pj^(-fi) = (-l)\(n) then l^.il ,/lVu^'/' lljrr^-I^Ti^^ Max ./p^, (u.) + p2 (n ) 1» O f-*, r Now the unmodified methods converge if and only if Max |P (w )!-♦ o Tn "j as m-*<=o , Then since ,°'%'**^r Max /P^^(,^).P^^^^(,^)< Max iP2,(.,)|. Max \P^^^^i^^\ we have Corollary (3-31): Under the hypothesis of theorem (3.3); if Max |P (ia.)| -» as ' mi ' m — > e«3 then 0,n^..^i^ ,->(l),, -^ as k :^o ■ if in (3.1)/ Cj^^j = 1/2 then /lc+1 "^ %-'- ^^ • Thus P, (G) = G , and. hence, condition (-2) iq qnt-' q-p-,- ^^ mv,^^ K ' f ) ^^iiu.j. uxuii v^; IS sax.vfariedo This process corresponds to the Gauss-Seidel method. Then and, hence. 0^ /4(-) - 4.i(^) - i^' ^^ . Corollary (3.32): IfPj^(G) = G^, then ?J For the Chehyshev iterative process p (n) = COS__k©_ V^^ cosh k«^ ^ Where © = cos"^ -H_ and -^ = cosh'^c^. This again satisfies condition (2). Purthemore, the maximum occurs for P^^i^^) and l?^^^^i^^) when ^^ = ^. Thus we have Corollary (3.33): If k^^'' cosh k«*> ' then 11^^" < f h!u ) '^' /ZTiTziiz: ^0 " V'^U/ / cosh^ 2k*^ cosh^(2k+l)60 55 If we modify (3.I), vhen c^^^ =^ and with f^ ^ G^^ + H^ then we have a specialization of successive over relaxation, For this process, P (u) = P^ (-^ - 1^ sin(k - 1)Q cos k Q cos 9 = and ^ i./TT^ • This again satisfies the relation that P^(-^,) = (-l)^^(^) . Furthermore, the maximum of P^^{^) and Pgk+l^^^^ °==^^ ^^^^ M- = H- Thus ve have,, Corollary (3^3^): If the successive overrelaxation method is used with then Let us also consider the processes which have been termed process 1 end process 2 in section (2.9). The polynomial associated with process 1 is O^) q sin(q + 1)9 cos M9_ _ q+1 sin q9 cos(M - l)9 ' sin 9 cosh M^ " ^ sin 9 cosh(M - l)^ where cos 9 = -^ . By theorem (2o5) Max |Qi-^^(u)| = / ^ 0<|j. T4p+q^^' Also so that Corollary (3.36) then If 4p],(?) Mp+q^^^ cos M9 cos q9 cosh Uu)j cosh q6^ \ll JI^Lu 1/2 ll^ u [ il\^) [illr.)] 3.^ Comparison between various iteration schemes 3.51 Comparison of various modified methods In chapter II, we saw that after k(> 2) iterations, for \\^ - t\\ fixed, the maximum error of the Chebyshev iteration scheme was less than the maximum error 57 of the constant parameter iteration scheme when b = "& and ;^ = G/ + H^. The question arises whether after k iterations for [ |^^^^ - x^^^\\ fixed, the maxi- mum error of the modified Chebyshev method is less than the maximum error of the .successive overrelaxation method when b = 'b and |^^^ = D""^/y^^^ - S?^^-^). Theory (3.4): For | H^^^ | | and k fixed, the maximum error for the modified Chebyshev iteration scheme is less than the maximum error for the successive overrelaxation method when ^[^"^ = 'D'J' f }^^^ - si^^A and b =^. ^^2^' ^^"^ cosh mcj ^^ ^^-^ maximum of the Chebyshev polynomial and p (1 + m 4 - jl ) is the maximum of the polynomial associated with the one para- meter iteration scheme when b = ^ and f ^ = G^^ + By'. Among all k*^ degree poly- nomials which satisfy the condition F^{l) = 1, the Chebyshev polynomials have the property that their maximum is minimal on the interval (-jT, jl) , Furthermore, the Chebyshev polynomials are the unique set of polynomials which have this property. Thus ^^ < f^\l + 2k /iT^) . (k > 0) cosh and — , cosh T2k\ 1)^ < e^^^^^l + (2k + 1) /l - ^) (k > 0) and hence. 1 , 1 2 '^ p < cosh 2kw cosh (2k + 1)(aJ l[^^\l . 2k ^^\[f'^-'\l. (2k.l) ^ Then from corollaries (3.33) and (3.3k), we see the maximum error for the modified Chebyshev iteration scheme is less than the successive overrelaxation method when h=S, and |(2).D-1(?(2). 3^(1)) _ We now wish to consider the number of iterations necessary so that 58 lljl-2|| ■^*(i) Tuxr ~ ^ If we use the Gauss -Seidel method^ then by corollary (3.32) We wish to determine k| so that I'u — 1 L —2 id] — I ^ VI + la^ = <^ . Then /|dL \/^ Vu/ TTTW 2 /n n Next;, we wish to deterxuine the number of iterrLtlons recessar - so tho/ IJ. -X for the modified Chebyshev method. By corollary (3.32), 1 1^(1) -?(i),, - Idt; / J 2 — "^ — 2, T" I IJo -^11 \ ' '/ / V cosh^ 2ka; cosh^(2.k + 1)^ We wish to determine k' so that ' I'u 1 D 1 1, , / 2 ? -^ / \' cosh 2k^6^ cosh (2k' + l)uj 59 Since K nh^\' j\\K ^'^ /IDJ \V2 =oBh(2k..i).l^ T51J7 ^ [TBip / / ;;;;t cosh'- 2k^w cosh^(2k;+l)^ cosh 2k' ct; I l°|/ we my solve the right-hand side and left-hand side of the above Inequality to get upper and lower bounds for k'. The calculations are the san,e as for deriving (2.42). let , . >]^f" . t I D. i'u/ /i" then where (3.12) -2 - 1^ ^'-TTt From the above equation, we get an estimate of k' which Is in error by at most 1/2. We shall later compare k with k ' , For the successive overrelaxation method with b = "B and ^(2)_ -1 A(2) ^^{1)\ (1 " 2 (^ ~ fo ) > "^^ ^^^® V corollary (3,34) 60 Thus ve wish to detenjiine k' so that |B I V^^ 2k' / -^ — ■ ^ ^ (3.13) An explicit solution of this equ.ation does not seem possible. However, we have the following. Theorem (3.5): Let ^2 ^3 Then lim 9 '(6,|i) = 1 for < ^' < 1. P3-oof : By theorem (3-^); for | |Iq ^| | and k fixed, the maximum error of the modified Chebyshev iteration scheme is less than the maximum error for the successive overrelaxation method when f\ = D"^ (y -S^^^^) and b ="%, Then since k^ and k' increase monotonically as £ decreases k,' < k - ^^3 ' and, hence, 9 < 9'(6,^) < 1 From (3,13), we see /n S— ) ' ^.2k.yi-^f .(.2^l.(2k..l)/rT=^ An c 61 and, hence, 'pf (3.12) 2 ^3 /n I £. 1 1 ^/n f /n I'u W y ("i + 2k' JTT^f ■" f ^ f^ -^ (2k' + % /TTpJ Nov SJc f 3 /^i , 2k' K^y . p Y^ . (2k^.i) iT^Y . ^^3 iY r-~^VS T, / 5A^ / ^^3 -^^3 < f y (i + /i - ;r2 j 3 -. p^^i + yi - 1) ^ =/ ii -^ ^ where f ' 1 + yi - U and since kj^ and k' increase monotonically as £ decreases kJj < kj_ . Then ^^-kT^ /n 1 + /TTTT^ g 1,2 f 3 A /-|D|- \l/'2 fe;4' '/f' ^ ^''i ^' ^ P'6 ^ '^-^i^^) ^ /n^S^ 'm 1 - m 62 Since 'n jDj ID" 1/2 l'u> ki = /T + [1 2/n ji it is not diffic-ult to verify that lim ^0 / = n 6" if 2|dJ > JDl 'I'u ' 'u Hence if 2|D^|^< |d|^ and ^' < 1 , kj -2_ < _1. k^ 2 We will now show 6k lim 6-*0 •=2 (3.11*) Now _1_ 2 L^ Jn ^n 1 + \ll - 6 -'.'^ 6' 1 + /l - ^'^ >! r /n 1 + /I ^i^ 2 ^ _^ 1 + /i - e""^ 2 xfn ^f: 1 + /I a = b = u D u Then A ae lim and thus i + /rT^2 2 a ^ 1 + /l - h'k lim 1 + /n a ^n e /n b 1 + Tp — Yn 1 -Hl/T 2 2 ~ a e n £ jni^ /r~- ^'e' Jn - 1 ^2 _1_ 2 6^-? We now wish to compare the one parameter iteration scheme when ^1 " % "^ ^^ ^^^ b = b with the successive overrelaxation method when f[^^ : .;X^/^^ - s;(^)J We will now show lim 3_ _1_ 2 Since ■i ■^2 65 K i.-m K ^.^ K .,._ ^2 lim ^3 ^ llm 3 lim _f2_ lim 6-^0 k^ ^-^0 k^ * «f-^0 k^ " ' 6-^0 ^3 and by theorems (2.7) and (3-5), and (3.1U) ^-^0 ^3 2 2 • 3.6 Bo-unds for the error vector for successive overrelaxation In section (3.^), we developed bounds for the successive overrelaxation error vector under the assumption p[^^ = D'Yy^^^ -^fo^^) ' ^^ ^^is section, we shall arrive at a bound independently of this assumption. As in section (3A), let us expand (^^ - t} and (^^ - t) in tenns of the proper vectors of G = I - D~^A. Then ^° - '= °"'' [k v^"^ ' A v.A ^ 1\,.3A ^ X %.-.-^^) and Now by (2.30), ,-l/::> N^-r Ng-r ■'^^- /i=l ^^ i=l l^^^^i i^l 1. i+2rPi -^ ^^^ ^i+N^+r^iJ- ^ - ^ = QS^Q- (f^ - t) - (2^ - 1) QS^_,Q-1(^Q - 5) so that N^-r 66 and Ng-r where Then ^ T sin m9. m-1 m^ i' r sin 9. ii w^ jt u. m-1 = mp if 9^ = / , \m-l m-l = (-1) mp if 9. = TT and = /2^ - 1 = £= 1 + /i - ;i^ and hence S^(0) = for m even. Then in view of the above, we have N -r -(^^-^)^%i.2Al^l(0)pi- 67 and :>(2) -»'(g) 1/2 )'^ +1 a, . „ s (0)0^^^ llBf 4^'||^ = -^ Jj(a^ . ^l.r'S^.f'^i) - (^ - 1)(V - a,^,^^)S^^,^(,^)] 2 N -r k2 H- (^ - ir E a2 ^ S2 (0) and ,.1/2^(2)1 |2 1 ^. (., Ng-r Now and s6 that by theorem (3.2) "^ K[ -r and N -r Mb^/2^(2),.i2 1 V , x2 I 2 '20 ^ 1=1 ^ l,x+3r' .^^ 0,i+N^+r 68 Then ||DV2/j|2n|Dp4^^||^.||DV2,f)|i2 + (2b - 1)^ Z af S^ (0) + Z a^ q^ Cn^ i=l 0,i+2r''2k-l^"^ + ^t*j_ ^l,l+N^+Ak+l^°^ and, hence by (A.l) H-(2S-1) Max /s^^^,(^) + S2^(^x) |iDV2;(l)|| , 0 , 9 = cos '^= cosh -1 1 and hence (3.l6) becomes '.a I Ifk -/k-il I =^ m I^IL. . 1 ) sin(m-l)Q cos mQ 9 = cos' -tL . h - 1 + A - ^ = /^&TT so that .^ . _\l/2 C2[p2^1 . (2k^i) /TT^j , ^, , (2^.,) ,^T^2)Jj I 1^(1) I (3.18) Let the proper vector associated vith u, the largest proper value of G, be D-^/^i. Pr„„ (3.15) „e see that if ,<^K ^^/^Z^^) , a a scalar, then for the modified Chebyshev method and successive overrelaxation method when (3.19) 72 We wish to consider the successive overrelaxation method without the assumption that ?$^^ = D'-^ft^^^ - s%^^^] t?o>. +>,<. ^ 4. . .^ /^l 2 V -^ % / • -^^^ ^^® °n® parametric iteration scheme, vre have •k-i 1^ > 1 and, hence, Then since the difference equation for ^^ - J^_^ is identical as the difference equation for ^^ - 1 given by (2.29), the development of the bound for | |J^ ^ f \\ is identical to the development of the bound for I |/j^ - ^| | . Hence as in section (3.6), we have Mfl^ ^iC^ffl • 4.A|l§i' • <* - .>Y4. 2k'^y |D where m IV THE MBERICAL "BEmVItK t^ "THE ^EHERATED SEQUENCES 4ol ^e numarlcal process m the previous chapters, ve have discussed the behavior of the se^ence of approxin^tions to the solution of a system of linear equations under assumptions that the calculations ^re performed exactly and that there vas no error in. the given data. In any calculation, however, the numerical operations are .replaced by pseudo-operationsc Furthermore, it may be neceasaiy to replace A, 5^, G and H by their digital approximations. In this chapter, we shall consider the effect of the above inaccuracies. The basic iteration process described previously is ^+1 = 2c^+l^^^ + ^y - ^k_i) ^-/k-l (k > 1) (^.l.a) with nd^ givene We wish to consider the case when t^_^^ = b^_^_^, the coefficients associated with the Chebyshev iteration scheme, and c^ = b for all k. In order to proceed in our analysis, we shall make some assumptions about the coo^utationo lo The computation is c^fried out on a digital computer in fixed point c 2. All digital numbers, S, lie in the range - 1 < x < 1 and are represented by a ^- place, P - base digital aggregate. 3^ H, the digital T^^pr.^Maxr.on of H, is positlVB definite and symnetric <. ^. The proper va.i.ues of G, the digital representation of S, are let.b than one in magnitude. E-^en though all the elements of p^..may be less than one in HHgnitude, there is no assurance tnat all the elements of the generated vectors uill remin less t^an one in magnitude. Frequently, vhen a problem is solY^. -it is possible to scale it .before it is placed on the computer. We sb^l aot assume that this b^s been done here. One can either scale each toment'of the generated vector individually by some power of p or scale the entire vector by a power of p . If the elements are scaled individually, then for the nmnerical process {k.l), it is necessary to store 2N exponents. They may be stored separately or stored with the numbers themselves. If they are stored with the numbers, then some of the digits of the numbers are lost. If they are stored separately, then the storage required is increased. We •shall assume, then, that all the elements of the vector are scaled by some power of ^c The initial vector, ^^^ is scaled by (say) p^ so that within the machine ve have f^^^ f /^ (i = i, 2, ,.., .w) ^ere f 3^^ indicates a right shi-ft,^f p^ pilaces. If during the calculation, a number exceeds the capacity ■:of a xe^stfir or is about to do so (such as for a division), then the exponent ^p lisjcreasedo Thus there ±s asstsciated with each machine generated _ p., •vector, ^^^ 1 T P "" (i =1, 2, ..o, n)^ a power of p, p^, and, hence, % - % ^ •" ° - Pjc' ^^ ^^^ ^j> ■theaa either the computation should be stopped since tbe range of the answers ^exceeds the capacity of one register^ or the iterates must be stor^ in more than one register o Since the p '- form an Increasing sequence and are boimded by c, we shall assiane that for k > K 75 % = P K+l The actual computed vector will be denoted P, as ^, — 3 , and thus (4.1) becomes during the computation ?k^ ?] k+1 . „^k+l - ■^ ^ = 2=k.l"l ks . .^k+l-Pk-. ,^ ^. . .Pk+1 Hf^^'k T P ^) f P "^" "] + (H^^y) r P (? ^ B^k-1. ^ Pk+1-Pk-]J 7k-l • P ^ " P + (f ^ A-l^ • A+l'^k-l (^k-l^^^'^)TP (k>l) With 0^ . A-Pq 7i 7 P = G^^f^^G ^ P ) f P ] + (H^3y) f P (if. 2. a) (if.2.b) where ic^^, ^, ^ represent pseudo operations which may be dependent on G and H . A+l"Pk-i , . , . U = 0,1; indicates a right shift of p - p . (i = 0, l) places. Eqmtions (4.2) may be rewritten as and f p k+1 _. .z? ^k+l-Pk- A+1 7 P ^^'^ = 2c^^^ JG[(^^ f P -) ^ P-- -] , (Hy-) f p^k+1 Pv 1 Pi,,n-P (^k.i r P ) - 3 k-ls . -^k+l'-^k-l 7 ^ P Pn. , n -Pi k-lv - ^^k+1 ^k-1 ^l. (k>l) (4. 3. a) .:? . Pi _ J* Pn Pi-Pn r» Pt ::> 7i 7 ^ - <5E(^^ 7 P ) T P ^ °] + (H?) r p 1 + /q (4.3.b) where 76 1 = 2c, ^\.i-iY-2^^k r ^'') ^ ^'""'■'"] . (H.3?) r ^''"' _ ^^ ^ A ---^ ^ «^k+l"Pk-l k-1- (7k-i-p )"p -2Vi[^f(;k ^ ^'') r P'^^^"'^]. (H^)- p'^-^ - i$^_^ , - ^^^-^) Pk+i-Pk-ii (k>l) and We shall again rewrite (4.3) as p'^ - g4 , p^ . g'l-^ . (h|, . 3^1. fk.l = 2=k+l[% * ^ - ?k-l j * /k-l ^ A ?i = 7o + =y + ?o (4.1t.b) where r^.. k+1 / -P k+1 ? (fk.iP '^^ -? k+1 i A*^) ± Pjj, p,,_, , -p, ^w.^WK ^ p ") - p"''^' '' - f, p""'^^'] + m)T^^*^ -tfi"^*^ * [(1 , - p'-^-i) ^ e'^^-i'^'^-i - }^_^ p-'^'^-i] f.-i r ^''^-^) - ^ ^ C-x r 3 '^-) ^ /-^"- - f,., e"'^-- (k>l) and P «^ + f^- ■ (fi3 -?i Pi -Pn ^ -Pn ^^^).5[(?o^^^")^^"^ °-/o ^^'] ,-5, . Pi ..:* -Pn + (Hy) f P "- - By ^ ^ I/e vn.sli to determine Now by (A.l), (A.3.S.), (A.ll.a) an ^pper iound for j ]/^| | (i > i) ^„^ j |^ 1 1 k+1, f 9 ''"■■'1 -^l=k.i#IJlf,TP^fg'^-l-"'^.^^ k+li ^k+1 .- -Pk+i, + II(By) r 3 "-^^ - Hy p^+l| 77 Pv^T -Pn ^ii(?.-i^3''-^)- ^"^-ii p'^^^^ii - ft^'^-l^ • =Vl"^k-l i -P ^11(^-1 7 P'^-^)-g k+1 1 where | |/ | | < | |/| | (k >1) Now if W,ir& k+1 ,^k,lp"'^"'l^-i Aiso^ Pv^i -P I(fk,irP')r3''^^''=-;,^^ p"'''-i| k-i^ and similarly llfoll^/ff^- /^noi^yf^f 3"^"'° . p-^^i-V, . /^1 + /N ^73^ where We define x to satisfy the equation (I - G) X = Ey S.=h a. ? exlats since all the proper values of G are less tl,an one In magnitude by 'assumption k. Hence, Gx + Hy - X = -^-^ + X . and .thus ± _ ^ = 2c^^^ |Gx + Hi^ - X Subtracting (1..4.a) from (1^.6) and (4.4.b) from (4.5), we have ^.1 = ^\.i^K - \-i) - \_i - ?. (^.5) ih.6) where 1 = Gd^ - ;^- (k>l) (1^.7, a) (^•T.b) 4.2 The numerical behav^^ We now proceed to develop an upper bound for | | J p'^^ - ? f /^| | ''^^'' Vl = ^' ^^ \+i = ^ for all k, then (4,7) becomes ^k+1 = 2bG\ ^ (1 - 2b) \_^ -\ (k > 1) (4.8.a) ^ = ^^ - ^0 • (4.8.b) The solution of (4,8) is obtained in the same fashion as that of (2.30); only now ve have an inHomogeneous difference equation. Also as in equation (2. 11), we have G = FO AC *?"■'■ where since H is positive definite and symmetric by assumption 3, there exists a matrix F such that FF = H (4.10) A. is the diagonal matrix of proper values of G, is an orthogonal transformation. Q = FO Then the solution to (4.8) is (4.11) ^'\ "Y^k-^ - (2^ - 'K-l] ^~\ - '^' \., ^'' ?, (4.12) where j=o ^-J J = -^:' if ?^ . = 02J --^ i = J = ±^ j 19 -a ^^j and ^^ . are the roots of the polynomial ^ J J^J ^^V ^>' ~ • (j = i,2,...if) (4.13) 7ZT.X'"^'' -'-''^'^■'^' '-'' ^-), u.), u.a), u.,, (A. 10), tA.ll) that \l/2 (4.14) Wow for G, ^ = — i__ 1 + A - \'2 (4.15) "here^V Is the largest proper value of 0. „e shall first consider the case w.en . < h < 1. P.. S ,, ,,,, ,,^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^_^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^ thus h\i - _v 1 sin k9. for sin 9. J 9. /O kp^-1 for 9. = Where ^ = /2b - l and cos 9. = bX./p . si^ce L"^"! SUlM | < ^.k-l sin 9 by le^a (A.2), and recalling from theorem (2.3) (4. 14) becomes (4,16) ::n general, olio only i:nuv/.odga vg..^11 .h^^e oi'. ^ ia taat WY-W <\\f\\, J > 1, and I l^^l I < I I ^' I I . Hence making this adjustment and summing, we have |H| V/2 , H V f(^^^ M2oll-if^-Mi?'ll C 1. - -k" rN2 k^ l?l If 1/2 < b < b, then by a similar analysis to the above /;7k+l sk+1 ' (i^.17) where 2b k-l 3k-l - (^i^g) 2 ^r^ - ^1 ^1-^2 ^^ 1-?^ l?ol ^ 1-^1 1 - ^. 1^1 (4.18). ?^ = b\' +y b^'2 _ 2b + 1 ?2 = "b^^' -yb'^X'^ - 2b + 1 Since 1/2 < b < b and for < \'< 1 , < ^2 < ^1 = ^^' + /(I -b\')^ + 2b(\'.- 1) < bX' + (1 - b\') = 1 . Then since Ix p ^ -^ 'o-*^ 11/- -\ K- -^ ^\r ■* -1^1 ■> -P ii'p^-^.-p'^ii < ii^iu^-^ni;, p ''-/k^/'^ll • ('*.19) Nov if Oi£ 'A.i ^'''-A,i"p''l < e-,^^ '; (4.20) Hence, we have from (4.17), (4.l8), (4,19), (4,20) Theorem (4.1). For the one parameter iteration scheme if - / 2 = "^ < ^ < 1 , 1 + Vl - X'^ ' then H \l/2 AT3 u H !/ r' p - >^ rfflN^o. + V''"'' IIP 1 1 where (^ = y2b - 1 , and if I/2 < b < "5 (1*.21) r' - ^' ^k-1 -,k-l 1^2' ^1-^. It ^X-^2.,. ^1 - ^2 I? ^1-^. 1 - r 1 - ^: 1-^1 1 - ^, + /Ne f 3 " . (4.22) minimum of the right hand side We would like to get an estimate of the Of equations (k.2,) and (4.22) with resj^ct to k. This, of course, would involve a knowledge of | [d^l |. „e eaa get an upper bound for the minimum of (4.2i) and (4.22) by simply letting k -» a,. Thus for b < b < 1 83 Wj J 2(b - /iTTT) . p M (4.23) Since ^ = /2b - 1, and for 1/2 < b < S Min I || p ^k _ 1^ ^ ^Pk| I ^ ^^11^ -Pk _ I ^ ^Pk |H| \V2 . fH]7 - ' '- , +yN<^-^3P = M' (4.24) ' UJ 2b(l - \') since (1 - ^^)(i - ^^) = 2b(l - \'). The minimum of M is achieved when b = b. For b = "S H a/2 M = 'u 111 |H|y / 2(i-(^) + /N ^ and i, - a^\ ^ /nit^ • ."^k :> . - ^ where Because of roundoff errors, 6 cannot be any preassigned number. We now proceed to develop an upper bound for the Mln \\z 11. k ^ We have from (4.26) and (4,5) that = (I - s)(i p"'''^ - -^"^ ^ ^% . [(^) - p''^ - g; iS + /. Now let = 5(1 -AW^ [(I p"'''^ - 1 i\ , (? b"^'' . i . «'i ■A^ ^'-(A^ -A-p'^)] by {k.S) so that by (A. 11. a) 85 I \^'\\ I <(!..') I |Q-^[J, . 4 i^^ . f^ ^ ,^^3 1 1 ^ Then since \\\\l<\\iJ\*my)^^'^.(S§)i\, iif-ii , and |(H|)i t/^ - (h|). p"^k| ^^^ we have from (4,17) and (4.18) for S < b < 1 \ p ^ ^ !?JI< IH| \V2 ^1 (l + \'))p^ H 'ni + ki^)iiiji + kpk-i 11^, 1 + C -2 M-Ql __(1 - ^)2 1 . ^ and for I/2 < b < b (^.27) ^kM < HI f/2 "' (1+X')M 2b H 'X '^f ' - ^f ^ h-^ 5k-l ^k-1 + Jn i-f- ^ h-h l'^2' »k !ilii^ ^1-^. It 1-?^ x-t 1-^1 1 - ^, (4.28) where l/iM< 11/' We wish to determine an upper boimd for Min letting k-^- in (4.27) and (4.26). Hence, z-|^ I I . We may do so by 86 Sieor^ (4,2)? For the one parameter Iteration scheme, for ^ < b < 1 then 3 /iHi y/^ Min z < k u It! V ^"""'^(ii^^^^^^'J^/^^^p'^^M U (i^.29) and if 1/2 < b < b (i^.30) Thus if we choose an ^ which is less than the bounds given by (4.29) or (4.30), there is no assurance that | |f^i | will be less than ^ and hence no assurance that the computation will terminate. 4.4 The: numerical behavior of the Chebyshev iteration scheme Theorem (3.3) showed that the b^'s converged monotonically to b. We now consider the behavior of the b^'s. If we use the Chebyshev iteration scheme, then the b^'s are defined by the recursive relationship ^V+1 ~ o — 3 b = 1 . 2 - X'\ 1 k Let us assume that 1/2 is exactly representable within the computer; this is always true if p is an even integer. Then within the computer, the sequence \+l = - 1/27 (-1 + [(^•)^t2]v b^) \ = - 1/2 7- (-1+ [(\')^r2]) is generated where ;r and 7 indicate pseudo-multiplication and pseudo- division, respectively. To analyze the sequence Jb^^j , we make the following assumptions: 87 (i) If b < c, then axb0; (ii) if b < 5 < 0, then a f b < a f c if a < 0; (lii) if a > 0, b > 0, then a / b < Min (a,b)j (iv) if |a| < |b|, then |af b| < 1; (v) if a < 0, b < 0, then a 7 b > 0. Lema (k.3): If < (x.)^ ^ 2 < I/2, then under assumptions {i), (ii), (ni), (iv), and (v), then the sequence fb^j forms a monotonically decreasing sequence. Furthemore, b > 0, k>l so that for k>M, "5=5 - -h- Proof ; We have be definition that \ = -1/2 7 (-1+ [(>:')^7 2]) . Since < (\')^ - 2 < I/2 -l < i 4. Cf ^^2 • o ^ w^ _ \ J . ^ ^ i/.f, 1 < .1 + (X ) 7 2 < - 1/2, and hence by assumptions (iv) and (v), 0 b^ > 0, [(:^')^7 2] X b^ < (?:')^7 2 < 1/2 by (iii). Then [(X')^7 2] X bg < \'^-2 -1/27(^1^ [(X 0^7 2] X £^)>0 and, hence ^2 - ^3 - ° ° Now assume 1 = "b^ > b^ > b^ > , . . > b^^. Since 88 JX by assumptions (.1) and (iv), and hence > -1 ^ [(X'f f s] , i^_^ > .1 , [(^.)2 ^ 2] , ^- _ Thus by assumptions (ii) and (v) -1/2 7 (-1 + [(X-)' f 2]/ Vl' ^ -V2 7 (-1 + [(>:')' 7 2] V bj > or Thus we see that the h^^'s degenerate into a constant/ b', f or k > M and then ve have the one parameter iteration scheme. When b^^ = b', then we may use either process 1 or process 2 which are described in section (2,9). In view of theorem (2,6) which is an exact analytic result, it would seem that process 1 is more appropriate than process 2, Thus once the b^'s become constant, they shotild be allowed to remain so. The bounds given by (1^.23) and {k.2k) for Mln I I J s'^^ - t ^ r\ I i -P i P k /k • P I I were arrived at from lim ||x6 ^ - ■>; -ft ^11 q-ir,^^ +v,^.. -k xm I I A p / V ^ P I I • bmce these bounds are inde- pendent of the initial error, and since the Chebyshev iteration scheme degenerates into the one parameter iteration scheme, these bounds are equally valid for the Chebyshev iteration scheme. Similarly, the bounds given by (4.29) and (I..30) for Min | |lj | are independent of \\%\\ and, hence, are applicable to the Chebyshev iteration scheme. Thus the termination procedures for the one parameter iteration scheme and the Chebyshev iteration scheme are the same. h,3 Nmerical behavior of the ge^^ In chapter III, it was shown that if a matrix A has property (A) and ordering ^^, then for the operator G = I - d'^ it is only necessary to compute 89 (2) fo^ the iteration scheme described by {k,l). We shall assume in /2k+l ' this section that if a matrix A has property (A), then A, the digital representa- tion of A, also has property (A). Thus for the numerical process described by (^.2), after k iterations ve have ^k >k73 Note that we have modified the process slightly so that the vector^ has only one scaling factor associated with it. Let "^ " ' J(2) ^(2) ^2k+l 2k / \ 2k+l / we now proceed to describe an upper bound for | |? | | when c = b. Since A has property (A), the proper values and proper vectors of G = I - D A have the same properties as described in section (3.2). We denote the proper vectors of G as D-^/^f^^ T^^% ^'^^%, D'^/^f. so that where M is the diagonal matrix of proper values of G. From (4.12), we have Now let N^ -r N -r t = 6-^2 Z ^ t ^ -> 1 _> '2 '° ' " /itl^^'i ^ i?,^l-'i ' ,?x^^2^1 ^ ,^,^^M,.r% (^-32) 90 and -♦ 5 = D' f:^.l/2 J V N -r Mg-r L "^'^'^ ' ifi"/.i-^i ^ ,5, "^.i.sA - ^f^ -/,i.H .A Then (4.3l) becomes t = -1/2 r"" -» r ^ \-^ N -r /-O N^-r J,°y,i^k./^i)^ ^ 1^ «/,i.A./-Si)?i - J^ «4i.2A-/°)Pi where N^-r S (fl.) "^li '^21 ^li ^2i Z. a/> . ^T S .(0)q if ^ii^021 = ml ;7J .0 m-l li if ^, . = ^ ^li ^2i and ^11 and ^^^ are the roots of the equation ^j ■ ^"^^J^j + (2b - 1) = (j = 1,2,... N) and V^j^ - V^j^^j Ml. 'k-l^-j It is not difficult to verify that S {-{1) = (-l)^^X(^.), and, hence. S^(0) = if k is even. It is also true then that \{-Jl.) = (-l)^ T (jl.) and hence T^(o) = for k odd. Then in view of theorem (3.1), 2k 1=1 2k-l — 91 1 N^-r ^ 1=1 2k -1 ^.2rV0)-/^ "y,1.2Ak-/^l) and 2k+l ^2 ) ^ /1=1 r I- 2k - f(2) 1 N^-r 2 + Z '2k Z a 1=1 L/=l ^^i+V^ 2k-/+l Then by theorCTi (3.2), we see that (0) 1^(2) isy^jd) 2 _ 1 y. '1 "2k " - 2 . , 1=1 2k-l (a. - a )T (u ) + Z f -l/c l' V=0 *"^.i ' (-l'^'^/,l.r'S2k-/^l) N^-r 2k-l + ,5, K2r-2.(°)-^f„-y,i.2AM'^l' and Jd1/2-(2) 1,2 _1 J 2 "2k+l 1 r 2k - Z (a - a )T (a.) + Z (a, . + (-l/a^ )s , (n )T "^ 1=1 L 1 1+^ 2k+l 1 ^^Q /^i V > /,l+r^''2k-y+l^''^l'' N„-r 2 + Z "2k Z a 1=1 Uo /M^+^ 2k-/+l (0) Hence, :dV2?m2 l\f - w^'Ml^if . \iti/%ii\f 92 i Z 2 1=1 (a, 2k-l 1 1+r K^^^,^^'£(-^,,^(-^)\,js,,./^^) 1 V 2k 1 i+r' 2k+l^ s^ (-. - a,.jT_,(^J .^^^a^^^ , (.ir,^ ...^S^^_,^^C^J /,l+rr2k-/+l^^l' N -r + Z i=l 2k-l -|2 + Z 1=1 _ 2 '"/,M,+Ak-7+i(°) N z 1=1 /i^/o I'TOI* ••• Vsk,! where (a. - a. ) ^"l - Vr^ ^2k+l('^i) 1 = 1,2,. .,r 1 = r+l, , . . _, 2r = a. ^ T (o) i+2r 2k i = 2r+l, ..._, N +r and = 1 = N^+r+1, .,., N f,. = (a ^ >,i ^ <-^> °/.i..) /^ ^2k.^(^l) = 1,2, ...r; A= 0,1,2,. ..2k / (a/ . + (-1) a. . ) /2- 2k ->1^^1^ ^ = ""^^^ '"> 2r = ^^,1.2Ak-^(0) 1 = 2r+l, ...,N^+r -"/,l+N^+Ak-/fl^°^ 1 = Nj^+r, ..._,N Then we see by (A.l) that ^3 ^'^'^ii^/i(;i^ro,.--/..,,r N 2k pN ~ If'-llJjk^-lfJjU. /jA".-'../(4>-.)-4.A)-"i Z _ . ^-|_ l+2r 2k ^.oT1(0) yI/ ' A(v,i ^ V.g^^4.e.(^.)^ 3^2^.2,..(^,j ^ |^f«^,,...^.AWi(o) N^-r >l/ ^ lfi*"2/-l,i - "2/-l,l.r)'(4-2/.l(Si)- CaA^^l) - 2^ "sM,l.Sr4-£r.l(0) r,2 / N „2 ^ ^n^,/^2K(^) - W(-) y? 2 (a, - a.^J^ , Z^ -^ CK^O^.V i^K- 2k+r-' ^ 2 .-^ V- - a^_^^; + ^^^ a,_^g^ ^ ' ^ 4.A) /Tf^^^w^TT^uir * ii o5<,/'2'>^-2^'^> ^ 4-.m(^)/ i J^Ca^,., ^ «2/, N -r n2 y 2 N^-r ^ A <^ '^^-^^^^'^ * 4-a/..(^) /| ifx'"2^-l,i - '^2M,i.r)'^J^ «I/.i, i+2r From (^.32) we see that 9h i=i - -- i^i c i+2r Ng-r iisy^f;ii^=s (« .. ^^. z- N. -r i+2r ll^i^'^a^-ill' = i '"a.-x,. -..-M./ ^ Y'"^.,. SO that Now for G = I - D""*"! , where ^' is the largest proper value of G. We shall first consider the case when /J b < b < 1. Then , , sin kO , V^^i^ =r ^ for 9, i "^ sin 9. J , -k-1 = V for 9. = where p = /21b - 1 and and cos © = h^x./p , By leimna (A.2) and theorem (2.3), (1+.33) hecomes liiiik+l :2,k 1 - (f'")"" (k -^ 1)(,°-^) 1 - e^ (1 - ff %\y fi„i Y/2„-*( 51; / I5L 2 X.f^ where /o = \/ 2b - l If, however, 1/8 < g < ,", ^hen ^y . slMlar analysis to the above "^11 s liJ^h^zi^ r-^ 1/2 where 2k>^'- -2k+l' W'. 2b ¥2 I ^1 - ?, 2k+l ;,2k+l' ltd) D I \V2 2'u Id U ll?^^^li A_ Pi A - ^1 2k 1 -^: 2k ^i-^2L/^2i-^fr/^ rr^i j^ ii'^^^^ii r/'^ ^Y^' uy 1 1 A - (^1) ^^k+l^ ^1 - ^2 K^1^2 U - ^1 1 A - (0p) 2\k+n 2 hh I 1 - ^: 96 D I \V2 ^ ^U ^1 = bil' +yb^^'2 . 2-b +" (^.35) ^o = "bi^' -/^u'^ - ^t' - 2b + 1 and for 1/2 < b < S , 7in-l ;7in-r m ^M ^1 - ^2 ^ ^ ^, - ^. 1 '"2 Then since |x 3 k ^ ' ^ ki -Pi we have Theorem (h.k): For the X -^k -^ successive overrelaxation scheme, if b < g < 1 then P- - -P. p ^ " ■ /k "^ ^^1 I < i |d I I ft ^'k -. nr^ ^ o^k ^ 97 where an upper bound for | |d^| ] is given by (4.3^), and for l/2 < b < S then vhere an upper bound for | |'^| | is given by (4.35). mie method of termination for the successive overrelaxatlon method will be to stop the iteration process when where ^ is a preassigned number and k > K. If K ^^ ' •>^'^ • " • We note that for k > K - fill ^ ^^ - ^'^' 3- -(fil ^ P^ - 1<^' .-) . From (1*.3), we may develop the equation for x p-^ -? ^ pP m exactly the fashion as the equation for t - V^ was derived from (4.4) and, hence, - (ab - 1) rV2o s^_^ 0* ei/2(i e-p .f^^^p same q-1 i D-V2 S , 0* W^ / . where /^^ is defined as for (I1.3). Then expanding ?s"-P - ^ - a? X 3 P - ^j^ -^ pP, and /^_^ . in the proper vectors of G and proceeding exactly in the same fashion as for (4.33), we have + E Max |S^ ^>^(n) -S ,rLi)l llfiV2/(2) ,, q-2 S"3 Let us consider the case vhen b < b < 1. I„ [8], It was shovn by Young that if b is Slightly larger than b", then the Increase In the number of Iterations necessary to reduce the Initial error by a fixed amount Is relatively small whereas If b Is less than b' then there Is a Much larger Increase In the number of Iterations. For b In this range all the roots are complex, and thus Bin an9 \(^j)=r" r^ for 5=0 "^ Sin 9. <3 = ^P for 9. = ^ where ^ = (2b - l)^/^. Then Max |S (^x) - S (n)| = Max l^"^'- sijLm© _ -m+1 sin(m + 2)9 , 0l-l •J'-'itW-'^f^j'H': 1 -f i£!ll. ri^aiy^iil'^' ^iM'J'w?'^ + D, ly^ii/^^ (i^.37) We wish to determine an upper bound for the minimum of I 'jK+q "^ ^ " Jx+q-l "^ ^^1 I ^^^"^^ is independent of | \t^^^ p"? _ 4^2) ^ ^p^ | We do this hy allowing q -^ oo . We have from and |l|(i)^-P -;^^^:^pP (^.36) Min q. ?(1) ^aP ^(1) lljlcitxf^^-J^i^^^llS "HC-,f^'^-/[i^.^|| < 2(r"^ - r) (1 - r^)^ r. q-* oo D, K+q \l/2 D C ^^U -f" 1/2 D k U ?(1) .M",r> 4 ^r„?(. l-f-^|BJ^ "^'^'"^ff^J( i/)Vl^2l.v^,, D l^ l/(^' and from (^^.37) \{2) r ifeir.^ -/^^3^ii < - iijit,^^^ -ii:^f 3=^11 101 -1^\ fhKT ^^ji) \ - p^ / \ ID' r / Then Min SI V/2 f" |5i '''"' lll'^'ll.s fcLu! 1/ '"s'u :i^ 5 I \ 1/2 -2 ^ -C /I ID .r?2) 'X 2'u 1 - r' 1 1^1/ lU (2) ;-l f^)fii7r"i'"" ri 1 + (^ Id, < 2(-- ^-1-^. / -ilii li/^^-^l|^+ ^-^ li?^^||^ 1 - f V ID Thus we have Theorem (4.5): If k > K and 'A V Jii /\ 1 + l/l - il'^ = b < b < 1, then gll>.-X^P'^-jK..^^^il<2f Min q>l ■1 /l + r Hence, if we choose an t which is less than the boimds given by theorem (4.5), there is no assurance that | \j^^^_^ ^1 pP . J^_^^ .. pP| | ^^ ^^ ^^^^ ,^^^ ^ and thus no assurance that the computation will terminate. As was shown by lemma (4.3), the b^'s computed for the modified Chebyshev iteration scheme will become a constant, b', for k > M. Thus the modified Chebyshev method degenerates into the successive overrelaxation method. When b^ = b',then we may use either modified process 1 or modified process 2. In view of theorem (3.6) which is an exact analytic result, it would seem more appropriate to use modified process 1 rather than modified process 2. Thus once the b^^'s become a constant, they should be allowed to remain so. Min q>l lim The bound given by theorem (4.5) for ' '/K+q-1 ~ ^ ' fx+q t P i I ■^as arrived at from ||(1) • aP S(l) Since these boimds are independent of and since the modified Chebyshev iteration scheme degererates into successive overrelaxation, the bound is equally valid for the modified Chebyshev method. Thus the termination procedure for the modified Chebyshev method and successive overrelaxation are the same. h,6 Bounds for the error vector Up to this point, we have only considered the errors caused by pseudo- operations instead of the true numerical operations. However, there are other errors introduced because G, H and y are digitalized quantities. We now develop a bound for | |x - P ^(^ - p ^) I I . Now + p ^ (I - G)-l [(I - G)(l p"'"^ -j^ ^ ^% , (hI) - p'^K . (g^*p-Pk ^ jH 'h and, hence. '■'^J 103 Inasmuch as X - X = (I - G)"V - (I - G)'^y = [(I - G)-^ - (I - G)-^] Hi? + (I - G)-l (Hi? . Hy) = (I - G)-l (G - G)(I .. G)-l H? + (I - 5)-l (Hi? . Hy), . .^ ♦ |g - g| , , ^ _•» |13-K|| < — 1 Jia ||h|||+ IM^LJdl • |I - °> |I - G|/ |I - §1^ ^^ '^Ij'ljl - S' '° - '''i ^ "S "y (A-6),: and If l(Hy)^ - (Hy)J < h, I |Hf - Hy 1 1 < /f h. Then by (A. 5) |I - SJ^ - |I - G + G - aj^ > |I - Gj^ - |G - 0|^ > |I - g|_^ - Ng . Thus ve have;, Theorem (4.6): Where | |/^| | < | |/J | | . Thus if Pq = P^ = ... - Pj^ = p, and if p is known, it is possible to detemine I I 2^1 I SO that 1 |x - p \y^ 7 3 ) I I < ^ » IQk V A NUMERICAL EXAMPLE 5. 1 Introduction Up to this point we have discussed a number of methods for solving the system of linear equations where A is positive definite and symmetric. In this chapter ve shall discuss a specific example in which the Illiac, the digital computer of the University of Illinois, was used for performing the calculation. The system of equations which was solved is the following: 1 -1/2 -1/2 -1/2 -1/2 -1/2 -1/2 -1/2 • • I ■ ! 1 ; 1 -1/2 -1/2 -1/2 -1/2 I i N, I i I I ! I (5.2) 1 I N with N^ = k9, N^ = 50, and N = 99- Since A is non-singular, the solution to (5 •2; is X = where is the null vector. The matrix in equation (5.2) arises from a finite difference approx- imation to the differential operator d^z(t) dt^ (5.3) 105 on functions z(t) which satisfy z(0) = a, z(l) = h, A difference replacement of (5.3) is 1+1 1 1-1 d z ^I^P ° ^ '' °(<^*))' 1-1--..,N (5.1*) '0 = ^' Vl = " and N'zit = 1, We may rewrite (5-^) so that ^-5 (^.l^^-l' = ^ ft - o(m3) 1 = 1,..,,. (5.5) Now let ^i=^2i i=l,...N^ ^i+N^= ^2i-l i = 1,...,N2 in (5.5); then the matrix of coefficients associated with x ,..., x is the same as the matrix of coefficients in (5.2). The system of equations (5.2) was chosen for the following reasons: I. The matrix A has property (A) and ordering o^ and hence the methods of Chapter III are applicable. II. A great many properties of the matrix A are known, as will be illustrated below. III. Because the convergence properties of the methods to be con- sidered are independent of y in (5.I), we have chosen y = since this lOo simplifies the conputati^na] procedure. VI. Since the Illlac Is a binary -machine, the only numerical operations associated vith the ^trlx A are addition ax.d. shifting «hlch re- ^ ,ulre considerably less time than multiplication for fixed point arithmetic. For the Illiac the maximum roundoff error in performing a right shift equals the maximum roundoff error in accumulating the sum of products and then rounding. Thus there is no reduction in the maximum roundoff arror committed during each iteration by performing a right shift, instead of accumu- lating the sum Of products and then rounding; and, henca, our conclualons about roundoff will be yalid for matrices whoso elements are not of such a simple natyre . The largest proper value of A is In- cos ^2., ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^ proper value is 1 - coe ^. The proper vector 5^ associated with the largest pl'Ojjer value has components fl,i = ^i^M 1=1, 2,..., N^ ^ f21— 1 ^ir yi,i+K'^ " ^^^ %i — i = 1, 2,..., N^ and the proj^er vector f^ associated with th, smallest proper value has com- ponents 2,i+N^ - -^^"^+r~ 1 - 1,..., W^- 107 Then for G = I - d'""'" A^ ^ = -os^ A b = 1 + sin ^ W+1 and Equation (5.2) was solved using the modified Chehyshev method and two variants of the successive overrelaxation method. Variant one consisted Of letting ^/2) ^ ^-1 ^^(2) _ a)^. ^^^ ^^^.^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^_^^ relationship between ^^^^^ and ^^^2)^ ^,^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ numerical experi- ment was to investigate the following questions. 1. How are the theoretical results of Chapter III showing the relation between the various methods affected by roundoff error? 2. How realistic are the various bounds given in Chapter IV for the numerical process? 3. What is a good terminating procedure when we are interested in acquiring as much accuracy as possible? 5-2 The numerical procedure The choice of initial vector will greatly influence the convergence properties of the three methods. In order to consider the influence of the choice of initial vector, each of the three methods was used on the Illiac with two different initial vectors. A set of "pseudo random numbers" V' (i = 1, . . . , N) was generated in the following manner: 108 ^^3_ « £. -2 mod (2 ) i = 0,,.. '^ = 2365 6938 7927 where the pseudo operation "-f 2^" indicates a right shift of five. Let H = ^2i i = 1>..., 1^1 The first initial vector for the modified Chebyshev method and the successive ^verrelaxation method, variant one, was ^^^^ (/| tf'^^jj = .119^ 53^2 82) and the first initial vector for the successive overrelaxation method, variant tvo,vas 7(||^(1)||= .1783 5176 4i4). The first initial vector was generated in this fashion with the hope that ?q(= | - ^) would he a linear combination of all the proper vectors of G. Corollaries (3.33) and (3.3^) yield bounds for M )\[ These 11^ oil bounds are attainable when i^^^^ = af [^^ = a^f^^^ (a^O). In order to study the effect of roundoff on these bounds the following vector was generated: fl = ^i(®i)"2 5 ©. = 2i T N+1 i - 1, .,., W vhere s(©. ) is the machine representation of | sin ^ as generated by Illiac library routine T-5 which has an accuracy of 2"^^. The vector 109 f(i) Ji r^.^ V "l l?(l)l niji 11= .0781 2500 00) was used as the initial yector for the modified Chebyahev method and successive overrelaxatlon, variant one. Theorem (3.7) yields an upper bound for Irijr for the success- ive overrelaxatlon method, variant two. It is not known if and when this hound is attainable. However, a careful examination of the proof of theorem (3.7) shows that 4 vrhere rr = Ji r(^2k^) - r' ^^^-M' - (^^^.i^^) -r' ^"2^^^))'] 1+A-|I^ -> when ^ = -> q; ^ , and ''k Jl f(S2k _^ Run 2.C - successive overrelaxatlon, variant two; f = ^' . Each run consisted of 6OO Iterations. Let ""^,1 = " yk,l + ^Jk^i+W + Jk,l+N^+l^-2 i = 1,...,N^ Jk,N+l " ° "? "2 k,l+N^ " J'k,l+N^ + ^Jk,i-1 ■'Jlcl^ ^ 2 1 = 1,..., N. then after each Iteration | |j J | , | | J^ - r ^ | | , and | \7 ^\ | were printed. In addition, for the modified Chebyshev method after each iteration b and _ 2k ^2k+l ^^^^ printed. The initial vector was chosen so that p = p = ... = 0. The computation was carried out in the following manner: K'i ' ^■'^ak ®[(Jk-i,i.N^-Jk-i,i.N^.i'-2-7,.i,il Vk-i,.i i= 1. 2,..., N^, jVi^^^, = Ill Jk,i+N^ with = 2c = 2k-.l ® L!Jk,i-l^;k,i)"2-J^_^^ - V^^l,i-,H ij 1 1=1,2,...,!.^, Jk,. Jo,i+N^ = ^J 0,1-1 '^Jo,i^ r - 2 i = 1, 2,..., M , Jo,o = ° for the modified Chehyshev method and the successive overrelaxation method, variant one. For the modified Chebyshev method, c = b with k k .9695^ 58295 < \ < 1 and for the successive overrelaxation method, variant one and two, Cj^ = b = .9695^ 58295. The pseudo-operation "f 2" indicates a right shift, and "0" indicates a pseudo-multiplication in which the rounding is performed to take advantage of the fact that the next operation is a multiplication by two. Then for i = 1, . . . , N^ and k > 0, U k,i ' - ^c 2k - 2c Vk-l,i+N^ "^ Jk-l,i+N^+l^ ^^2k ® f^Jk.i,i.N^-Jk-i,i.rT,.i)"2-yk.i,iJ ^'^2k f ^Jk-l,i+N^ ■" Jk-l,i+N^+l) T 2 - Jk.i^i] + 2c 2kl Vk-l,i+N^ "''/k-l,i+N^+l^ .' Vk-l,i+N, "^ Jk-l,i+W +1^ - o — — ± 1 < s-s-"*" 112 since for the Illiac [2^ - 2xg)y] < 2 ■ko '2 X T 2 < 2 -ko The same analysis holds for L( I Ci - i w ^ t i^.^. ^ jx iux |dj^^^^-[^ I U - i>. . ., W^j. In addition^ sin Pq = P._L = ••' = 0, ^^^. = y^^. (i = 1^ 2,..., N). Then An upper hound for min \\~j^\\ may be obtained by alloving k- the right hand side of (k.^k); hence "^c on "jn \\jj,\\<^^+r -2 1-p 1(1- e^f 2 where f = 2b - 1. Then substituting the bounds for | \f^^^ the right hand side of (5-3), we have ^^^^ M/i,!1 1 28,829 ' 10"^^ In addition, from theorem (4.5), we have f -J a:id I I #2), into (5.7) mm k iij.-;k-iii-< ^r^^]l\\t''\\'^\\r^ (5.8) < 3567-10 -12 Instead of assuming that the maximum error occurs during each itera- tion, let us assume that J, . and Y fi = 1 t\t- v v. n"i «„^ • ^ ^ ^-^ k,i ''k^i ^ -L^ • • • ^ ^\i^ k > Oj are independently distributed random variables which have a uniform distribution over the range (-3'2 ,3-2 ). Then if the average value of a random variable X is defined by E j X I , we haVe 113 r 3-2 '3 Then substituting the upper hound into (5.6) and (5.7), we h ave average mln | ij^ -J^J | < 2059- 10"^ . (5.I05 5*3 The numerical results We define >» _ _ R' - 10. "^i" R^ = - log ifkl 10 ttr -,_^ 11 H"' = - log k ^10 I If" II 1 I j II — where J^ is the k iterate of the modified Chebyshev method; fj^ is the k*^ iterate of the successive overrelaxation method, variant one; and ?'" is the th ^^ k iterate of the successive overrelaxation method, variant two. In figure I, ve haveR^, r;;, r- fork = 15,..., ^50 when J^^^ ' = r^D" = ^(^) and ^3' = ■^. The curves R', r", r"' represent the maximum theoretical value of ^k' ^k' K ^^ computed from corollaries (3.33) and (3.3^) and theorem (3.7). In figure II, we have R^;., r;^, rJ^' for ], - 15,..., ^50 when f^^^' = J^^)" = jd) J"' =J'. For figure II, the curve r'" was computed from (5.6). Since the 114 115 \ ^o ?a 116 changes in R', R^; and R- appear to te random fluctuations for k > 350, ve have not plotted R^ or r;; or R- for Ic > ^50 nor the related experimental points in figures III through VII for k > i+50. We now define "i = -^^^10 llJi-Ji-ilU K - -^°gio IIJk-K-iM, ^k = -^°%o lljk-jk'-ill- In figure III, we have displayed D^^, D" D"' (k = 15, 30,..., V,0) when ^0 - Jo = ^ ^^d JJ' = ^. The curves D', D% D'" represent the maxi- mum theoretical value Of D', B'^, D- as computed from (3.I7). (3.18), and (3.20) respectively. In figure IV, we have D^;., D^, D'" whenj^^^' = f (l)" = l(l) ^nd y^ =J'. The curves D' and D" were computed from (3. 19). A computation simi- lar to the one used in computing (5.6) shows f or d' = a^ "^^"^^-^" = J^ ^''2k(^) - J2k-2(^))' - (jgk.K^) - J2k-l^^ll^oll where (5.11) J /-^ = S ,- -2 CH) - \([I) -^ f' 2^.i(fi) a m-1 In figure IV, D"' was computed from (5,11). In figure V, we have K = -i°8,o ||?r|| ■10 I i*k ^" = - i°«io I l^-k 117 . iQ -JO /a 118 119 120 H K > (U crt 0) rC u +J r\i p bO Ch ra •H o c! 1^ ;3 o CO U •H O U Ch o o o H «) O H o H O H II II ;:.'^ "> O O o O cn o o m o OJ o o OJ o •,H -P cd ^) 0) -P •H o (U X O H I i T -^o ^-i 121 H H > 0) u to •H O Ch •p o ch o O OJ CM OJ m o o O o J- • •« •Jc<] • >«'9 •>f ^^ have plotted B^, B^J, and Bj^' for k = I5, 30,...,1|5Q 5.^ Discussion of the numerical results From figure VII, ve are able to observe the growth and behavior of the roundoff errors. We note that for all three methods, the contribution of the roundoff error is approximately the same for k < 315- This is not too sur- prising since the only difference between the modified Chebyshev method and the successive overrelaxation method is in the computation of the b 's which k which vary from b by at most k%. We would expect that the contribution of the roundoff error would be approximately the same also for 315 < k < 1^50. How- ever, we note that for k fixed and greater than 315, there is considerable variation between B^, B,;;, and B^' . It is not known whether this is due to statistical variation or some other cause. Equation (5.6) yields an upper bound for min | |? | | which is actually the maximum contribution of the roundoff error and is given by (5.7) as 2883-10 . From figure VII, however, we see that for k between I05 and 315, Bj^, B«, and B^^' vary between 760- lo'^^ and 879-10- ^1. Thus the contribution for k in this range is only about | as great as indicated by the upper bound for min |jjj^||. If, however, we consider the roundoff errors to be independ- ently distributed random variables which have a uniform distribution over the range (-3-2 ,3-2 ), the upper bound for the average min | |r 11 is by (5.9) 1664-10 which is approximately twice as great as B' or B" or B"' for k k k k between 105 and 315. For k between 330 and ^50, we have max [B^, b;^, B^'] = 1652- 10*^^ k=330,...,450 and this occurs for B^ when k = 36O. Thus for k in this range, the maximum 12k contribution of roundoff agrees very closely with the upper bound for the aver- :^ age min \\J^\\. We note that max [B' B" B"'] never exceeds 1664-10-". k=15,...,U50 >^- - In figure II, we see that for k = I5,..., 325 the experimental points ^k' ^k' ^k ^Sree very closely with the theoretical curves R', R", and R'". However, for k = 255, we note that R^ and R^ depart from the theoretical values whereas Rj^' continues to agree approximately with R'" until k = 3i^5. We shall now explain why R"' agrees more closely with R'" than R' '^ " k agrees with R' or RJJ agrees with R". It is not difficult to see that ,r9 Ro.) - B, = log,, (1 . ^^y^) ■ Thus the difference between the theoretical curve and the experimental points is a function of the relative error; and, hence, R(k) - R may be large even though I IJ^I I - I I r I I is small. From figure VII we see that for k< 315 I Jj I ~ I Ij'J I for all three methods and there is very little variation in i^^^ Kjk I I > I lyil I ^^^ I i Jk I I > I Ijkl h R'" (^) agrees most closely with As a direct consequence of theorem(3.^) for k fixed, we have max R'(k) > i^ax R"(k). kT'iM° ii4'^iMo The question arises whether this result is anulled by roundoff errors. As was pointed out in section (5.2), the maximum of R'(k) and R"(k) is attained when ^0 ^ ^Jl (^^^)- From figure II we note that for k = 15,..., 315 R' > R". For k > 315 neither R^^ nor Rj^ is uniformly better than the other with respect I i f I I to k. Nevertheless, to reduce —^jjr to lO"^, the modified Chebyshey method I I Jo II required 13^ fewer iterations than the successive overrelaxation method, variant one. 125 In fignjre I we observe that for k = 15, ..., 3^5 r" >r'. jhe rea- son for this is that for ^^^^ = 4'^^ max R- and max R," are not obtained. Thus we see that although the modified Chebyshev method guarantees fewer iterations for a given accuracy the successive overrelaxation method, variant one, may actually require fewer iterations for a given accuracy. In both figures I and II we see that for k = 15,..., 330 R" > R'" and R^ > R^' and that | | JJ^'j | actually increased during the early iterations. Indeed, for run l.c, ^7 iterations were necessary so that U ^^- 1 I < 1, and for I I r"<\ I ■ ' jrun 2.C, 95 iterations were necessary so that 'i JO'' IJS' < 1. Comparing run l.b with l.c and run 2.b with run 2.c, we see that by beginning the iteration process in a very simple fashion, i.e. y^^^ = D""*" (y^^^ - S^^-*-^) the number of iterations necessary so that the initial error is reduced by a fixed percentage is considerably diminished. In figure III and IV we observe the behavior of the difference vector J'k ~ Tk-1' ^°^ ®^^^ °^ *^® three methods. In figure IV we note that there is more agreement between the experimental points and theoretical curves than in figure II. A possible explanation for this is that in computing the difference vector a cancellation of roundoff error takes place which does not occur in the computation of the error vector n . This is verified in the calculation of the upper bounds for min | l]"j^ | | and min \\X:^~ T _^ i | since from (5.7) and (5.8) we see that the upper bound for min | | ^^ ~ Jk-i I I ^^ ^^0""t k the upper bound for min | | f , | |, and the upper bounds describe the maximum contribution k -^^ 126 of the roundoff errors. For some numerical problems one wishes to iterate until the length of the error vector \\f^-t\\ is as small as possible. If we base our ter- mination procedure on | \f^ - J^_^ | | , the questions arises when do we stop iterating. In both figures III and :I7 we see that D^, D^;, and D- tend to in- crease and then "level off", i.e. remain relatively constant. If we compare figure I with figure III and figure II with figure IV we note that the leveling off occurs for | \f^ - f^^^ | | after the leveling off of | | Jj | . For any terminating procedure which is based on the "leveling off" of the I I f - r II "y'k ^k-l'l curve, more iterations are involved than would be warranted by the decrease in the quantity | | J^ - x i |. The question arises whether we would not tend to overiterate if we based our termination procedure on | 1 ?j^ | |. From figures V and VI we see that the behavior of | | ? | | is very nearly the same as that of "Jk ~ Jk-1 I I ^"^^ ^®^^^ ^^e^s is no advantage to be gained in spending the additional time to calculate | | ?J | . It is not surprising that I I ? I ijk ~J°k-l I I ^^^® similar behavior for this problem in view of (5.12). We now wish to consider how to easily sense the leveling off of ' ' Jk ~ Jk-1 ' I' ^^® termination procedure which has been used for s( ical processes is to continue to iterate until some quantity whic:i ordinarily decreases increases or remains constant. Although it appears from figure III that I I J^ - Jk.l I I decreases as k increases, we see from figure IV that for k< 15 lljk" Jk-lll actually increases. Thus the aforementioned termina- tion procedure would not be a very good method here. For the termination procedure we now wish to propose we are unable to give a rigorous argument; however, for this example it seemed to work suf- ficiently well. From (5. 10) we have an upper bound for the average ■ 1 II and k ' ' some numer- 127 "k" "Jk /k-lH- Sence we are reasonably assured that ||r -f n „iii be less than or equal to the bound given by (5. 10). Even ii \\f Sf |[ is smaller than the .Inlmum given by (5.10) one should continue t^ Iterate as long as ||;^-/,.J1 decreases. If ||J,-J^_J| does not change or In- creases then one should terminate the Iteration process since it is not known "''"° lljk -/k-lll "1" a«=rease again. In the table below, we have recorded the value of k for which the iteration process would have been terminated and llJkl I and I IJ^ -J^_^ 1 1 if this iteration procedure had been used for the six runs. TABLE II Run Terminating value of 1: % l.a 304 810-10"^^ l.b 291 6ko -10" ■'■■'- l.c 382 702 •lo"-^-'- 2.a 309 90l'l0"-'--'- 2.b 330 1073 •10"-'-^ 2.C 366 336-10"^^ lljk-lll 157- 10" ■'■■'- 181. 10'^^ 6.10-^1 2 -10 -11 20-10 ■11 24-10 -11 ^ We note from table II that by using this terminating procedure IIJJI ^for each of the six runs is less than the upper hound for the average "^^ lllkll gi^e° ^y (5.9), that is, average min | |/j^| | < 1664-10-^1. 5.5 Conclusions In chapter III several methods are derived and discussed for solving 128 Ai?= i^^when A i^ syiometric, positive definite, possesses property (a) and ordering ^^. m this chapter ve have shovn the results of using these methods for solving a particular example in which a high speed computer was used for performing the calculation. In section (5.I) three questions vere posed with respect to the numerical experiment; we shall now discuss these questions in the light of the numerical results. The first question asks how the theoretical results of chapter III showing the relation between the various methods is affected by roundoff errors. From figure II we note that for k < 315, ^k > «k > K (5.13) vhich is as predicted by the analytic results. However, for 315 < k < U50, (5.13) no longer holds true and, hence, the roundoff errors vitiate the analy- tic results of chapter III. The question then arises: for a given problem, which of the three methods Should be used? Let us assume that after k iterations the effects of roundoff error is the same for all three methods. From a stochastic model it mj be Shown that the expected value of | | J^ - Jj |2 ^, ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^_ pected value of | |JJ f - | |f J f, m section (5.4) it was observed that for k < 315 the effect of roundoff as measured by the quantity of ll/kll- iijkll was substantially the same for all three methods. This is the basis for the assumption made above. Then under this assumption since and since for k and the length of the initial vector fixed | |J - x | | is smallest for the modified Chebyshev method, the modified Chebyshev method should be used in preference over the successive overrelaxation method, variants one and two. 129 In question two ve query how realistic are the hounds given in Chapter IV for the numerical process. If ve compare the non- stochastic upper bound given hy (5.7) for min | | f J | with the experimental values of ( [J J [ given in table II, then ve see the bound is too large by a factor between 2.7 and 8.6 vhereas the stochastic upper bound of (5.9) is too large by a factor between 1.6 and 5.0. Thus the stochastic upper bound is more realistic than the non-Btochastic upper bound for min | |J J | . The non-stochastic upper bound given by (5.8) for min Mr - r 11^^ ^4.1- ;f \j ) j-ox min \\ij^ - J ^_^\\ exceeds the experimental values of | J^^ - /k^il I in table II by a factor betveen 2.0 and I78 while the stochastic upper bound is too large by a factor between 1.1 and IO3. Thus the stochastic upper bound for min ||/^ - J^_ J | agrees more closely with I ITk ""Jk-ll I ^^^"^ ^^^ non- stochastic upper bound. The last question asks for a good terminating procedure when we are interested in acquiring as much accuracy as possible. In the preceedlng section, a procedure was given for terminating the iteration process when it was desired to make | | Jj^ - f | | as small as possible in the fewest number of iterations. This procedure seemed to vork adequately for the example given in this chapter. It would be desirable in future investigations to establish rigorously, if possible, a terminating procedure with optimal properties. 130 Appendix A.l Basic matrix relationships For an n X m matrix, the elements will be denoted by a . or ^A ? . An th , -4 Ij / jij n order column vector f has elem-^^nts f f ^ a j- i^^ exem_nxs ]^> ^2.' '" fn' ^ ^°^ vector is denoted "%> * as 9 . Let q;^) = J^ ^^^^, ther, 1 1/| |2 , (J,j?), j,, ..,pp,, ^„^^„ |^|^ ^^^ "lower bound" \k\^ are defined as follows: |A| = Max iJALlL " ilflMo ||||| ' and Thus If A Is symmetric, |a|^ Is the largest proper value of A in magni- tude, and |A|^ is the smallest proper value of A in magnitude. Some basic relationships are given in [7]. They are as follows: "A Vs^ ■■• Vkll S li/lll * ■•• - l/jl (A,l) l*"'lu = \^\t (A.2) l^^lu = l«l |A|u (A.3.a) 1°^!? = l"l lAy (A.3.b) ^^'\ > |AI^ - |B|„ (A.5) K--- ^=lu < Klu Usl^ ■■■ |A k'u (A. 6) Furthermore! if A is such that /or all i,j then 131 a. . < C l^lu S ^'^ ■ (A.7) Also, if A is the transpose of A, then *, and I* lu = lA|u (A.8.a) l*\ ' M/ (A.8.b) |A*A|^ = |AA»1^ = |A|2 . (,.5,^) |A*A|^ = |AA*|^ = lA|j . (A.9.b) If is orthogonal, then l^lu = 1^1/ = 1 • (A.10) Since l|Ay|l = li/ll -jMU for ||?|i ^0, •>! I ^1 |->l II^^M < M^M |A|, (A.ll.a) and thi9 obviously holds true for | |^| | = 0. Smilarly, we have I 1^1 I >|A|^ M^ll . (A.ll.b) A.2 The solution of a finite difference equation The following lemma is well known: I^emma (A.l); If ^k+l + ^^k + ^^k-l = \ (k > 1) then 132 \ ^2 k-1 k-1 ""- = 5^-^^ ^1-^1^2-xr^ = k\ 1 "2 k-1 1 '2 k-1 k-1 \^"J - x^"J y + Z -1 2 j=l '^1 1 yi - (k - i)xJyo+"Z (k - j)xf-JS j=l ^J ^ * \ if x.^ = X2 where \^ and X^ are the roots of the equat ion >». + a\ + "b = 0. A. 3 A usefijil inequality Lemma (A. 2): Max O<0 ^^^> hence, . ^'' ^ Assiming sin(k-l)9 sin 9 sin k9 sin 9 < (k - l) , then ve have since sin (k-l)9 sin 9 cos 9 + cos(k-l)9, < 2 sin k9 sin 9 < k BIBLIOGRAPHY ^'^ LtialTff ^ Convergence Rates of Iterative Treatments of P^ltial Differential Equations , M.T.ATcTTTT ig^o)^ pp. '^^^^ ^^■' ^lutlortn^'T^'i^'' Laboratory, A Stu^ of a Numerical Solution to a Tvo-Dimension a] HydrodVnami cIT Pr ohi^rr. t^; ah Scientific Lab^tory, Report li:2lif7ifj,^i^:^ ^''"'^ [^] J. D. Riley, Iteration Procedures for the DirirhiP+ ■n■;^:■^:• Problem, M.T.A:cT^195J^T71SFr]2fri3r ^ ' P^^^"^^"" - " - [5] E. L. Stiefel, Kernel Polynomials in Linear Algebra and ThP-i.- iHSpical AE^ncatior^T^^^thiTcoT^rib^t^ sLfnv^^ '''°": P'^'"" Equations and the Determination of Eigenvalues, Nat. Bur. Stds . Appl. Math. Series No. 49 (1958) ^^^ u'^t'/^""^^' - ^Q"^^a^^son of the Successive Overrelaxation Method aM Semi:,Iterative Meth^s-^gi^^hib ysl^^P^^^ J. Soc. Indust. Appl. MathT7TTl957yrpirf9ri^ Polynomials , [7] J. von Neumann and H. H. C-oldstine, Numeric al Inverting of ^tri^J^High order. Bull. Amer. ^^uT^c.Tlfv^.f [8] D. M Young, Iterative Methods for Solving Partial Difference [9] D. M. Young, Iterative Methods for Solving Partial Mfferenc^e aHaS|2a|^of Elliptic S^, TraSr MS^UaTir^o.fwiM},