University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign ACES &> # ,*(? -to < -T rf -A,i JK Agricultural Experiment Station BULLETIN No. 122 MARKET CLASSES AND GRADES OF HORSES AND MULES BY RUFUS C. OBRECHT URBANA, ILLINOIS, JANUARY, 1908 SUMMARY OF BULLETIN No. 122. 1. To form an intelligent estimate on the value of horses or mules, one should have a thorough understanding of the market requirements together with a correct understanding of the market classes and grades. 2. The principal factors that determine the market value of horses or mules are : Soundness, conformation, quality, condition, action, age, color, edu- cation, and general appearance. 3. Horses or mules of a general type are grouped into classes, for conveni- ence and a definite understanding ; and in most instances the names of the classes are suggestive of the use to which they are put. The classes of horses are di- vided into sub-classes which embody those of a similar type but slightly different in size, weight, action, or. the use to which they are put. Mules are not divided into sub-classes. 4. The market classes are: Draft horses, chunks, wagon horses, carriage horses, road horses, saddle horses, mining mules, cotton mules, sugar mules, fa-rm mules and draft mules. HORSES. DRAFT HORSES are broad, massive, rugged, and compactly built with great weight and strength. They stand from 15-3 to 17-2 hands high and in good flesh weigh from 1600 to 2200 pounds or more. The class is subdivided into light draft, heavy draft, and loggers. CHUNKS are short-legged, broad, heavy set horses, the name of the class being indicative of their conformation. The sub-classes are eastern or export, farm, and southern. The class varies in weight from 800 pounds, the lightest of the southern, to 1550 pounds, the heaviest of the eastern. They stand from 1 5 to 15-3 hands high. WAGON HORSES are those used principally where business 'requires quick delivery. They must have good action, a clean set of limbs, good feet and bone with an abundance of quality, be closely coupled, compactly built and have a deep broad chest indicative of constitution and stamina. In this class are express, de- livery wagon, artillery and fire horses. They stand from 15 to 17-2 hands high and weigh from 1050 for the light weights of artillery horses to 1700 pounds for heavy fire horses. CARRIAGE HORSES, sometimes spoken of as "heavy harness horses," are full made, round bodied and smoothly turned with an unusual amount of quality and must possess to a marked degree high action, with a fair amount of speed. They should have a long well arched neck, small neat head, a short well muscled back, long level croup, and well developed thighs and quarters. The class is comprised of coach, cob, park, and cab horses. They range in height from 14-1 to 16-1 hands and weigh from 900 to 1250 pounds. ROAD HORSES are more lithe in build and angular in form than those of the carriage class. They are sometimes spoken of as drivers or "light harness horses" and are usually driven to light-weight vehicles. A considerable speed is desired of some of the individuals of this class which is composed of runabout and road- sters. They range in height from 14-3 to 16 hands and weigh from 900 to 1150 pounds. SADDLE HORSES. In this class are grouped those horses that perform their work under the saddle, the requirements for which are sureness of foot, ease of carriage to the rider, good manners, and ease of control. In order to be sure of foot they must have an oblique shoulder, high thin withers and a properly set pastern with an abundance of energy. The above qualities together with a short strong back will give strength for carrying weight and also an easy gait. The minimum height is 14 hands for a polo pony and the maximum 16-1 hands for hunters. The weight varies from 850 to 1250 pounds. Grouped in this class are five gaited saddlers, three gaited saddlers, hunters, cavalry horses, and polo ponies. MULES. MINING MULES are those purchased with which to operate mines. They are heavy boned, rugged, compactly built individuals, with lafge feet and strong constitution. They range in height from 12 to 16 hands and weigh from 600 to 1350 pounds. COTTON MULES are lighter boned than miners and not so compactly built. They are round bodied, smoothly turned and possess considerable quality. They range in height from 13-2 to 15-2 hands and weigh from 750 to noo pounds. SUGAR MULES are those shipped south to use on the sugar farms of Georgia, Louisiana and other southern states. They are taller, larger, and more breedy looking than cotton mules and have heavier bone. They stand from 16 to 17 hands and weigh from 1150 to 1300 pounds. FARM MULES are those purchased to be used on the farms of the central states. They are somewhat lacking in uniformity of type and many of them are young and somewhat thin in flesh. An average height is from 15-2 to 16 hands and weigh from 900 to 1250 pounds. DRAFT MULES are large heavy boned, heavy set mules that possess quality and ruggedness. They are used in cities for heavy teaming and by contractors for all kinds of heavy work, such as railroad grading, etc. They range in height from 16 to 17-2 hands and weigh from 1200 to 1600 pounds and upwards. 5. The grades distinguish the good from the poor animals within the classes and sub-classes. The grades are choice, good, medium, common and inferior. An animal to grade as "choice" must be sound and approach the ideal type, possess quality and finish, have good style and action and be in good condition. A "good" animal should possess the essential qualities of his class but need not have the quality, condition and finish necessary to grade as choice. A horse or mule of "medium" grade is likely to be plain in his make-up with a tendency toward coarseness, and somewhat of a lack of symmetry and condition. A lack of style, action or soundness may also cause him to grade as medium. The lowest grade found in many of the classes is "common." Such individuals are wanting in most of the essential qualities that go to make them desirable. An "inferior" animal is of the lowest possible grade. 6. Owing to the fact that the point where two classes or grades meet and merge into each other is not always distinct, it is sometimes difficult to say just where certain animals that are not clearly typical should be classified. Again, if the demand exceeds the supply it is sometimes, necessary to temporarily draw from a similar class of animals, or the price may advance and in this way equal- ize the demand. If, on account of a meager demand or an excess supply the price should drop, it is sometimes necessary to place some animals of one class in another, i. e., they will be purchased by a different class of trade. 7. The breed to which a horse belongs has but little influence upon his market value and the classes are not determined by the breeds, but by the indi- viduality and conformation of the horse; however, a judicious use of choice pure-bred sires is best suited for the production of marketable horses. SUMMARIZED STATEMENT OF MARKET CLASSES WITH LIMITS IN HEIGHT AND WEIGHT. CLASSES . SUB-CLASSES. HEIGHT HANDS. WEIGHT POUNDS. r Light Draft 15 3 to 16 2 1600 to 1750 DRAFT HORSES. Heavy Draft 16 to 17-2 1750 to 2200 i Loererers. . . 16-1 to 17-2 1700 to 2200 CHUNKS. ' Eastern and Export ) Chunks j Farm Chunks 15 to 16 15 to 15-3 1300 to 1550 1200 to 1400 , Southern Chunks 15 to 15-3 800 to 1250 - Expressers 15-3 to 16-2 1350 to 1500 Delivery Wagon 15 to 16 1100 to 1400 WAGON HORSES. H Artillery Horses 15 1 to 16 1050 to 1200 - Fire Horses 15 to 17-2 1200 to 1700 ' Coach 15 1 to 16-1 1100 to 1250 Cobs 14-1 to 15-1 900 to 1150 CARRIAGE HORSES. < Park Horses 15 to 15-3 1000 to 1150 ^ Cab 15-2 to 16-1 1050 to 1200 14 3 to 15 2 900 to 1050 ROAD HORSES. [ Roadster 15 to 16 900 to 1150 SADDLE HORSES. ' Five Gaited Saddler . . . Three Gaited ) Light ) Saddler j Heavy ) (Light i Hunters < Middle > 15 to 16 14-3 to 16 15 2 to 16 1 900 to 1200 900 to 1200 1000 to 1250 ( Heavy ) 15 to 15-3 950 to 1100 14 to 14-2 850 to 1000 MINING MULES 12 to 16 600 to 1350 COTTON MULES 13-2 to 15 2 750 to 1100 SUGAR MULES 16 to 17 1150 to 1300 FARM MULES 15-2 to 16 900 to 1259 DRAFT MULES 16 to 17-2 1200 to 1600 MARKET CLASSES AND GRADES OF HORSES AND MULES BY R. C. OBRECHT, ASSISTANT CHIEF IN HORSE HUSBANDRY PART I MARKET CLASSES AND GRADES OF HORSES Introduction The establishing of open markets where horses are bought and sold as a commercial commodity at values regulated by demand and supply has exerted a marked influence in stimulating the horse breeding industry in the United States. However, on visiting the large markets where thousands of horses are sold annually, it is ap- parent that the majority of horses which find their way to these markets do not approach the degree of perfection demanded by the intending purchaser. The present quality of offerings reaching the market may be accounted for in several ways : First, in most instances the market has been of secondary importance or entirely disregarded by horse breeders while it should receive more consideration as it does with breeders of meat producing animals. Not many of the horses found on the market are bred expressly for the market, but for other pur- poses, such as use on the farm or on the road, and when no longer needed there, the market is sought as a possible place of disposal without regard as to whether or not they are what the trade de- mands. Second, the horse market is quite a recent institution, more so than the market for meat producing animals. The market, in a way, is the place where standards are set, and the present stand- ards for a marketable horse are quite different, in some respects, from those prior to the opening of horse markets. Third, the market classes have not been well understood by the farmers and as a result many of them are groping in the dark, working towards false stand- ards. It is often true that an unscrupulous stallion owner who is look- ing for business, or a country dealer who has an "'ax to grind" is re- sponsible for this condition. Fourth, many breeders resort to a constant mixing of different breeds which often results in produc- ing horses lacking in uniformity and quality. This mixing of 93 94 BULLETIN No. 122. [January, breeds may be due to the fact that certain stallions are more acces- sible than others, or to the lack of definite ideals, or to the lack of definite understanding of the fundamental principles of breeding. Importance of Market Classification This bulletin is the result of an investigation by the writer, of the Chicago and St. Louis horse markets which are similar to other markets of note. Grateful acknowledgment is here made to com- mission firms, buyers, shippers, exporters, and to the reporters of the agricultural journals, to the officials of the Union Stock Yards, of Chicago, and the National Stock Yards, of East St. Louis, for the opportunties afforded and the courtesies extended. The cuts used herein were made from photographs, the most of which were taken expressly for the purpose, to assist in conveying correct ideas of the different market classes and types of horses. This bulletin has been written with the feeling that market classes of horses are not well understood, and with the belief that a clear setting forth of true market standards will do much toward establishing correct ideals on the part of the horse breeder and pro- ducer. A correct understanding of the market classes will enable the farmer to form a better estimate of the value of the horses which he has to sell ; for without this the farmer is at a decided disadvant- age in selling his horses, not knowing their real market value. In this way he may fail to get what his horses are worth or he may lose a sale by asking too much. Again it often happens that he fails to distinguish clearly between his good and his poor marketable ani- mals. As a result the dealer takes the desirable ones at a good profit and leaves the undesirable; thus the inferior horses are left in the country to become the parent stock. Few breeders can follow their consignments to market and so be- come familiar with actual market demands. As most of the horses that reach the markets are handled by dealers who make a business of buying in the country and shipping, the breeder may never know how well he has succeeded in producing a marketable horse that will command a high price. It is hoped that this bulletin will em- phasize the importance of the producers' understanding the horse market and cause breeders to make a careful study of the market requirements and demands. It is hoped, too, that it will also assist in bringing about a more uniform and thorough method of report- ing the market by agricultural journals ; and finally, that it will en- courage the reader to familiarize himself with the classes and the /po5.] MARKET CLASSES AND GRADES OF HORSES. 95 vernacular of the horse market, thus rendering the reports of more value to him. It may be stated at the outset that horses cannot be classified as wood, stone, or any inert matter that has definite dimensions and qualities, but the classifications must be based on their general conformation, height, weight, style, and action. In view of these facts and owing to varying opinions among those who have to do with the horse markets, the limits of classification are somewhat variable. Not all the market classes are well defined and the point where two classes meet and merge into each other is not always distinct, so it is sometimes difficult to say just where the one stops and the other begins. Owing to the conditions governing the de- mand and supply, it may be necessary temporarily to draw from a similar class of animals to fill a pressing demand or, if the supply exceeds the demand, then the price may drop, thus putting the least typical of one class into another. Market Requirements The factors that determine how well horses sell upon the market are : Soundness, conformation, quality, condition, action, age, color, education, and general appearance. The requirements placed upon the above factors together with minor considerations are discussed below. Soundness. To meet the market demand, a horse should be serviceably sound, by which is meant one that is as good as a sound horse so far as sendee is concerned and able to do a reason- able amount of work without undue fatigue or indications of a pre- mature break-down. He may have slight blemishes, but nothing is permitted that is likely to cause lameness or soreness in any way. He must be good in wind and eyes, but may have small splints and puffs, and a little rounding on the curb joint. Broken wind, thick wind, side bones, unsound hocks such as curbs, spavins, and thor- oughpins, large splints, and buck knees are discriminated against. Conformation. If a horse is to do hard work with a minimum amount of wear and give the longest possible period of service he must possess a conformation indicative of strength, endurance, and longevity, the indications of which are, good feet, a good consti- tution, good feeding qualities, good bone, and symmetry of confor- mation. For city use too much emphasis can hardly be placed upon the requirement of good feet, for the old adage "No foot, no horse" is still true; but in horses for farm use it is not so important as they rarely break down in the feet. A good constitution denotes 96 BULLETIN No. 122. [January, health and endurance which is indicated by a deep, capacious chest giving sufficient room for well developed vital organs. Endurance is also evidenced by the indications of a good feeder, which are a short well muscled back and loins, a deep barrel with no tucking up of the rear flank, and closely coupled (coupling is the distance from the last rib to the hip.) A good bone should have enough weight to correspond with the size of the horse ; it should be of good qual- ity and must not be unduly small at knee or hock. Symmetry of form is necessary for strength, correct proportions, and perfect development. In order that there may not be an undue amount of concussion which would produce soreness or disease and render the period of usefulness of the horse short, he should have an oblique shoulder, a rather short cannon, a moderately long pastern set at an angle of about 45 degrees. The hind pastern should be less oblique than the front pastern with no tendency toward a conformation known as "coon footed" (long and very low pasterns.) The foot should be of good size, the horn dense, the heel wide and high, permitting a large healthy frog to serve as a cushion in breaking concussion. Side bones are an unsoundness found most commonly on heavy horses. They are more often found on a horse with a straight shoulder, a short, straight pastern, and a narrow hoof head, as horsemen would say, "a post leg that produces stilted action." Since the forequarters or front limbs of a horse carry the greater part of the horse's weight they are often termed the "weight carriers," and the hind quarters the "propellers." Because of this fact the set of the shoulder, pastern, and foot is of great importance and should possess enough obliquity to give a free, easy movement to the action. The width of the hips should be in keeping with the other parts of the horse, but not prominent. The croup should be long, well muscled and not too drooping. The seriousness of the objection to a drooping croup will depend upon the class, but in any class it is unsightly and detracts from the value of the horse. The tail should be set high, well haired and stylishly carried. The quarters and thighs should be heavily muscled according to the class to which the horse belongs ; the hocks large, strong, and free from puffs or any unsoundness; the cannon short and broad, the tendons and ligaments prominent and well defined. There should be no tying-in of the tendons below the knee or hock, because it gives a light appearance to the bone. The head should be of mod- erate size with clean cut features; large, mild eyes; ears rather small and set not too far apart. The head should be properly set /po. ponies off the range known as "Range ponies;" they first being r thoroughly educated. Many of the best ones are produced from * the cross of small Thoroughbred stallions on Range mares. Miscellaneous Horses Feeders. Feeders are horses thin in flesh purchased to be put in condition and resold. They may belong to any of the above classes but as a matter of fact the practice is more generally fol- lowed with the fitting for sale of draft horses, chunks, and wagon horses. The old adage "a little fat covers a multitude of defects" is still true; the value of flesh when put on thin horses can hardly be appreciated unless one has seen them fleshed and placed again on 154 BULLETIN No. 122. [January, the market. Horses to be classed as feeders should be strong, healthy animals with a deep, broad chest, a deep barrel and closely coupled, indicating a capacity to utilize large quantities of feed. The ribs should be well sprung, the back short, the loin broad and strong, the quarters deep, and thighs broad. The shoulders should be long and the distance between the points broad according to the class to "which the horse belongs. The head should be of moderate size which may appear large in thin horses. The bone should possess quality and be of sufficient size so that there may be no ap- pearance of top heaviness in the horse when he is fat. The feet should be sound, large, and of good shape. In order to be good feeders they should have a quiet mild disposition. See Plates 44 and 45. Range Horses. During certain seasons of the year there may be found on the market horses bred and reared on the range, com- monly known as "Range Horses." They are divided into two gen- eral classes, viz. : Light, and heavy, according to the predominance PLATE X 44- A GOOD FEEDER. NOTE PLATE 12, WHICH IS THE SAME HORSE SEVENTY-FIVE DAYS LATER, IN MARKET CONDITION. 1908.} MARKET CLASSES AND GRADES OF HORSES. 155 PLATE 45. A GOOD FEEDER OR FARM MARE. NOTE PLATE 8, WHICH is THE SAME HORSE SEVENTY-FIVE DAYS LATER. of light or draft horse blood. For the sale ring each of these classes is divided into car lots as follows : "Colts," meaning wean- lings; "Ones," the yearlings; "Twos," the two-year-olds; "Dry Stuff," the three-year-olds and over, those not sucking colts; and "Mares and Colts," the brood mare with colts at foot. In the auction ring the price is stated per head and the buyer takes the en- tire lot. Most of the Range horses find their way to the country where they are usually broken and when educated may be returned to the market and may fill the demand for some of the commercial classes. See Plates 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, and 55. Ponies. Ponies of various grades and breeding are frequently found on the market and are usually bought for the use of children and ladies. The characteristics distinguishing ponies from horses are not easily described, but to the discerning eye the "ear marks" are perfectly evident at a glance. The principal distinguishing feat- ure most generally accepted by authorities is that of height, a pony being 14 hands or under. But there are dwarf horses that do not have pony blood or characteristics that come within these limits. 156 BULLETIN No. 122. [January, PLATE 46. A CHOICE RANGE BRED PONY. HEIGHT 13-2 HANDS. WEIGHT 850 POUNDS. PLATE 47. A GOOD CHILD'S PONY. HEIGHT 12 HANDS. WEIGHT 685 POUNDS. MARKET CLASSES AND GRADES OF HORSES. 157 158 BULLETIN No. 122. [January, Other pony characteristics are a deep body with rounding barrel, heavily muscled in thighs and quarters, croup not drooping and width well carried out, all of which the small horse does not usually pos- sess. The neck is usually short and heavy, though this is not a de- sirable quality. Ponies are essentially children's horses and because of this they must be kind and gentle in disposition and with as much spirit as is compatible, for their use. There are no special require- ments for weight, the limits being quite wide. They should be straight line movers and the more knee and hock action they possess the greater they will be appreciated and the higher prices they will bring, other things being equal. See Plates 46, 47, and 48. The Indian pony or "Cayuse" as he is sometimes called, is larger and a descendant from the native Range stock, and is classed on the market as a Range pony. Plugs. Plugs are worn out decrepit horses with but little value. They are too familiar a type to need description. See Plate 49. Weeds. Weeds are leggy and ill-proportioned horses lacking in the essential qualities, such as constitution and substance ; hence, they have but very little value for breeding or for service of any kind. PLATE 49. A PLUG HORSE. 1908.] MARKET CLASSES AND GRADES OF HORSES. 159 160 BULLETIN No. 122. [January, P-. MARKET CLASSES AND GRADES OF HORSES. 161 PL. 162 BULLETIN No. 122. [January, 1908.] MARKET CLASSES AND GRADES OF HORSES. 163 b H C/) I 5 I w 3 PL, 164 BULLETIN No. 122. [January, 1908.] MARKET CLASSES AND GRADES OF MULES. 165 PART II MARKET CLASSES AND GRADES OF MULES Introduction The mule market, though of more recent origin than the horse market, has grown to be a business of great magnitude and import- ance. In some respects the trading in mules differs from the trad- ing in horses while in others it is similar. Mules are not often sold in the market at public auction to the highest bidder but are negotiated for at private sale and are sold singly, in pairs or in any number to suit the wants of the customer. It is not uncommon to see an order executed for several car loads at a time. When large numbers are wanted of a uniform height and weight, of a certain market class, they are most often sold at a stated price per head for the entire lot ; the salesman giving a guarantee as to age, soundness, etc. When the order is for different sizes or for different market classes, then they will most likely be figured individually or in pairs as the case may be. PLATE 56. A CHOICE MINING MULE, AND TYPICAL OF THE CLASS. HEIGHT 14-2 HANDS. WEIGHT ABOUT 1100 POUNDS. 166 BULLETIN No. 122. Market Requirements [January, The market requirements for mules are approximately the same as those for horses. To sell well they must be sound, of a market- able age, be in good flesh, have a sleek coat of hair, possess quality and a conformation indicative of strength and endurance and be of a desirable color. They should also have straight line action and be of a class for which there is an active demand. The require- ments are discussed more in detail below. Soundness. Serviceably sound is practically all that is looked for, but any unsightly blemish is objectionable though not in the same degree as with horses. Mules are rarely used for pleasure purposes but almost entirely as beasts of burden. Because of this fact slight blemishes such as do not interfere with their usefulness receive but little consideration and do not materially affect their market value. They must be sound in wind and eyes and must be good workers. The most common unsoundness looked for and PLATE 57. A CHOICE MINING MULE. NOTE HIS HEAVY BONE, LARGE FEET AND RUGGED- NESS THROUGHOUT, COMBINED WITH QUALITY, ALL OF WHICH ARE VERY DESIRABLE IN THIS CLASS. HEIGHT 15-3 HANDS. WEIGHT ABOUT 1300 POUNDS. 1908.] MARKET CLASSES AND GRADES OF MULES. 167 discriminated against are large spavins, puffs, side bones, ring- bones, bad eyes, and unsound wind. Age. The most saleable age for mules is from four to eight years old, however, there are exceptions in some classes as noted below. Condition. The appearance of mules is greatly influenced by their condition and they are much better appreciated if they carry enough flesh to round out their bodies, and possess a sleek glossy coat of hair which is often estimated to be worth ten dollars. The flesh should be put on smoothly, showing no "patchiness or rolls." The estimated value of flesh put on mules is about equal to that put on draft horses which is twenty-five gents per pound with a good grade of horses. A great many mule dealers are making good profits by fattening and conditioning mules for market, hence it is evident that mule owners who allow their mules to go to market in thin flesh are losing a source of profit. Since flesh cannot be put on as cheaply in the city as in the country near the source of supplies, the farmer's profit should be even greater than that of a city dealer. PLATE 58. A CHOICE 16-1 HAND MINER OR DRAFT MULE. WEIGHT ABOUT 1350 POUNDS. BULLETIN No. 122. [January, 23 ~ PLATE 59. A MEDIUM "FITTER." THIS MULE is RATHER PLAIN IN HEAD AND LACKS THE RUGGEDNESS DESIRED IN CHOICE ANIMALS OF THIS CLASS, HAVING LIGHT BONE AND RATHER SMALL FEET. ALSO NOTE HIS SHORT, DROOPING CROUP. HEIGHT I2-I HANDS. WEIGHT ABOUT 600 POUNDS. Quality. Quality in mules has the same meaning as in horses but is not of equal importance. Evidence of an abundance of quality is desired as an indication of good bone and endurance. Conformation. The conformation required in mules will de- pend somewhat upon the market class to which they belong. All mules should have a large chest, a long shoulder, a deep barrel, a straight short back with as much spring of rib as possible, a broad loin, and a long croup which should not be too drooping. The un- derline should be comparatively straight, the rear flank well let down, and the thighs and quarters heavily muscled. The limbs should possess substance with quality, the feet should be large and sound, the hoofs smooth and not contracted at the heel giving room for a large well developed frog; the conformation, muscling and set of legs should be approximately the same as in horses. The head of a mule is a good index of his disposition and temperament ; it should not be too fine, but rather one of good size, yet possessing 1908.] MARKET CLASSES AND GRADES OF MULES. 169 quality. The forehead should be broad and flat, and the nose slightly Roman which indicates stamina and strength of character. Mules having a broad forehead and a Roman nose with light col- oring running well up toward the bridge are usually considered more reliable and agreeable workers than those not possessing these characteristics. The ears should be long, thin, tapering to the point, and carried erect ; the neck long, with a moderate crest, and should meet the shoulder smoothly giving a suitable place for the set of the collar. The mane should be reached, and tail clipped in the regular manner but with not too short a bush. Color. The color of mules is not an important factor, all mules of solid color except white are in good demand. Dapple grays are quite popular in the Draft class but as a general rule, bays, browns and chestnuts are most desirable, while flea-bitten grays are dis- criminated against. Action. Action counts for very little in market mules so long as they are not sore in limbs or feet and possess vigor and energy in their movements. They should be straight line movers and those which are not because of badly set legs or feet are not desirable. PLATE 60. A GOOD PIT MULE. A BETTER COUPLED MULE, HAVING STRONGER BACK AND LOINS AND LONGER CROUP THAN PLATE 5Q. THIS MULE ALSO LACKS THE RUGGED- NESS OF BONE AND STRENGTH OF NECK DESIRED BY THIS CLASS. HEIGHT 12-2 HANDS. WEIGHT ABOUT 650 POUNDS. 170 BULLETIN No. 122. [January, Market Classes The market classes of mules are determined by the use to which they are put, but in order for a class to exist there must be a de- mand for sufficient numbers of a definite type. In the East St. Louis market, which is the largest mule market in the world, there are five market classes, viz : mining mules, cotton mules, sugar mules, farm mules, and draft mules. As with horses, the class em- bodies groups of mules of a general type, while the grades are di- visions of the class and refer to quality, conformation, condition, and action. MARKET CLASSES AND GRADES OF MULES CLASSES GRADES f Choice I Good MINING MULES '. j Medium I Common t Inferior f Choice I Good COTTON MULES \ Medium | Common i. Inferior f Choice j Good SUGAR MULES \ Medium I Common [. Inferior f Choice j Good FARM MULES ^ ._ 'i^-, /^xj ^ ^/ r^J/rf ^r^fx Cui ^