Q977.347 I B77c G F' ILLINOIS Q++ ++++*- ++ + +-H- + +-+C — *S 1686 «*- COMBINED HISTORY () F Schuyler and Brown COUNTIES, ILL I NOIS. WITH ILLUSTRATIONS DESCRIPTIVE OF THEIR- SCENERY, anp Biographical Sketches op some op their Prominent Men and Pioneers. BY "W". n.. BR.I1VXS. cfc CO., PHILADELPHIA. CORRESPONDING OFFICE, EDWARDSVILLE, ILL. + l' : I++++++++++++++-M-SJ \ \bTlc PREFACE. ^> «1 B^S^^^JB///? publishers desire to return their sincere thanks to those who have aided in making this work thorough and complete. For the incidents relative to the early settle- ments of the two counties, we are ifidebted to a few early pioneers, who have seen a wild, frontier country develop into a wealthy and populous community, and for other facts, we are un- der obligations to a class of intelligent men, who, amid the ordinary pursuits of life, have taken pains to thoroughly inform themselves on the his- tory and resources of their county. Among those who have especially contributed to the completeness of tlie history of Schuyler County, are, the Chadseys, Judge Pinckney H. Walker, Hon John C. Dagby, Joel Tullis, Mrs. Sarah Brown, Rev. William Gain, William Anderson, William P. Sapp, William T. Black, Charles Hatfield, Dr. Hosea Davis, John S. Vance, George Little, James G. McCreery, Thomas Wilson. Valu- able letters were also received from Rev. Chauncey Hobart, of Red Wing, Minn. , and Jonathan D. Manlove, of Fort Scott, Kansas. In the preparation of the history of Brown County, we Jiave been materially assisted by Rob- ert N. Curry, Dr. Saul Vandeventer, the Six fam- ily, Eliliu Vandeventer, Elisha Adams, letters of A. A. Glenn, Peter Rigg, Thomas B. Dehart, John Teefey, Moses Black, John Harper, Judge Taylor, T ' L. Vandeventer, John R. Briggs, Dr. Wm. . V, Bower, William Lee and Luke W. Perry. ^54551 The articles on Common Schools have been pre- pared by gentlemen thoroughly acquainted with their subject, whose names appear at the head of the sketches in the body of the work. To the Clergy- men of the different denominations and others whose articles appear in the work, we are indebted for much valuable information ; and to the County Officials of both counties, we return our sincere thanks for the many courtesies extended to us. The Editors of the several newspapers have also ren- dered assistance in that prompt and cheerful man- ner so characteristic of the journalistic profession. We have endeavored, with all diligence and care- fulness, to make the best of the material at our com- mand, but we