Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2009 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://www.archive.org/details/choiceofemblemesOOwhit i<^' A CHOICE OF EMBLEMES, AND OTHER DEVISES, For the mofte parte gathered out of fundrie writers^ Engli(hed and Moralized. AND DIVERS NEWLY DEVISED, by Geffrey Whitney. / '^ I A worke adorned rvi:h varietieof matter, both pleafant and profitable- whe- rein thofe that pleafe, muje pnde to fit their fancies : Bicaufe herein, by the Ojfce of the eie,and the eare, the minde maje reape dooble deitghte throti- ghc holfome preceptes , fhadoxved with pleafant deutfes : both fit for the rertuou<, to their incoraging: and for the wicked , for their admonifbing and amendment. To the Render. 'irufe ^ithhetde^ihenfrendlieiudge, and blaming raflje refrainc^: So main thou rcade "vnto thy good , and /halt requite my puinc^. " Jmprinted 4^ L e Y D E N, In the houfe of Chriftopher Plantyrb, by Francis Raphelengiusy/ M. D. LXXX V I mmmm TO THE RIGHT H O N O- RABLE, MY SINGVLER GOOD Lorde and Maiftcr , Robert Eaile of L e y- c E s T E R , Baron of Denbighe ^ Knight of the inofte noble orders of the garter, and offainde Michael, Maifter of her Ma"" horfe, one of her Highncs mofte honorable priiiie Counfaile , and Lorde Lieutenant and Captaine Generall of her Ma"^' forces in the lowe countries. So VLDIOR ofKingeVHiL" liPj^Macedonia, ' (%ghte honorable )fujfmng[hip^ ^rack^^ and langmfhtng^ tyoughe Brufomujlih.j. necejfitte and extreme fick^€s y nA fSMacedoniajj mooned ^ith com^af- fan y mofle lomnglie entertayned^ and longe cherijhed a?id releeued ^ him . ^ho being "^sUrecouered^promifed at his departure if ^ he might come to the prefent e of his Somraignc to requite his ■ '. fiendfhip. aAtthe lengthe cominge to the courte ^ thefoddior ' mAdereporteofthefhip'^racke, butnotofthektndnesofthe ^ Macedonian : and contrarmfe jfo mcenfed the Kinge againH his loumge countryman^ that he obtained a gr aunt of all his li- uinges: l^ut afterguards his ingratitude and trecheroHSpr a Sitfe being difcouered to this good prince , he reuokedhisgutftey and in detejlatwn of his deaunge caufedhim to bee marked "^ith a, hotte iron : The SmperorC l A v D i V s reduced all thofe laem. " , to their former bondage , ^ho necleSitng the bountw and loue of thetr hordes y in mfianchifinge them : requited them in the ende wh anie Vnkindnes. This foule vice Ingratitude hat he bin Mmmon in all age s^andyetfo odious to the vertucus and' * 2. beH THE EPISTLE beHMofed^ that they hauelefie behinde innumerMe exam-' pies to the Uks ejfe^efir the rooting out thereof fiom allfocie^ ties. If the former ages vpho kne'^e not theliuinge God, nor his holie^orde^ hauebin fo careful/ herein : Then ought ^ee^ muche more^ )^ho kno^e not onlie ho'^e odious it is ^ to man: but ho^e hateful! it is , cheeflie m thejighte of God, For )^e mate fee tn the holie fcripture^hd^e often the children oflfrael Exod.i4, i5,x^, \^Qare plagued for their ^e TeBa^ ment alfo^ ^hen Chrifle hadcknfed the ten lepers , and but tuc cap. 1 7. one of them gam thankes^ ourfauiourfaid^ Are not ten clen- fed ? where bee the other nine? &c. "By ^hiche andma^ nie other like places , it is manifeBy ho^e ingratitude is Vile bo^ the in thejighte ofGoD and man, therefore to cleare my felfe of the fu^icion of my guilt herein ^ '^hiche your honor maye iujilie conceiue agamft mee , in deferring jo longe before I prefent fome teBimome of my bounden autie to your good Lord/hip^ (hauingfo ofte^ and fo largelie taftedofyour honou- rable bountie andfauor,) I haue therefore f rained thatfmall talent J haue ^ topleade my caufe in this behalf e toy our ho^ nour: <31oB humblie befeeching the fame , to pardon the >^an^ tes "^hereWith this my fmple trauaile is blemijfhed^ throughe my lacke of leafure^ andlearninge. The fir ft , denieth me to perfeBe it^ as "jpurpofed : The other ^ to polifhe it as it ought^ thatfhoulde beeprefentedtofo noble aperfonage. ^hofe heroi^ callyertuesfo maniegraae^ and learned men haue eternifed.to allpofle- DEDICATORIE. tdlfojieritks. For kdmngeyour natm cowntr'ie^ "^herefo ma- nie godlie and ijertuoiis are countenanced : So manie learned ;■ ^ aduaunced^ iUjdfo ?nanie (indwus incoraged by your honour. \i/ha( other cotmtrie in Cln-iHendome^ hut kno'^eth that your lor df hip is a Nobk ^and moHefaithfuU counfellor to her excel- lent cMa'" J 4 zjlous Jkuorer of the Gofj>ell^ md of the godlte Preachers thereof a louinge patron ofleartnn^e^ and a boun- t ^.. tifull Moecenas to alltheprofejjors of^orthie artes ^ and 'f Jciences : thereof my felfe is a ^itnes ^ ^ho haue often horde the fame in other countries ^ to your euerlaHmge anemone. Learmnge )^oulde befooneput to filence ^ without the aide and fupporte offuch noble Peeres as your Lordfhip : ^hich )^fas '^ell confideredby the Smperors^ and Princes manie hun- drethyeares f nee : thereof ^rtaxerxes the Kinge of nPerfia hath lefte behinde him this example ^ ^ho Wat to a ruler of one of his dominions to this effeEie, Kinge of Kinges great Artaxcixes to Hifcanus gouernorof Hellefpontegree- suidas. ting. The fame of Hippocrates a Pliifition is come vnto mee , therfbre fee thou geue him as muche gonlde as he defireth^ and all other thinges he wanteth^and fend him to me. He fhalbee equall with anie Perfian in honor 5 and if there beanie other famous man in Europe , fpare no money to make him a frend to my courte. AlfoVhiUip of Macedonia fkuored Ariftotk^comitting his onlie fonne Alexander the great to his tutorfhipy reioyfng ^^i Gcii.iib.?. that he had a fonne borne infuche a time ^ ctshe mighte ham "p- 3- fuch a fkmGHs n?hilofopher to be his in^ruSior. The fame M\hm. dc var, Alexander fo honored the poet T^mdartis^that at the deliru- "^ft-^^^'^3-"-7- cifion of Thebes hegaue chardge that the fkmilie andkinred of Plutarchiisia Pmdarus fhoulde bee (pared. Hee loued foiearningethathe Aiexaad. yjed to laie thejliades of Homer (yi^hich he le-arnedofArifiotle) * 5 .W;J^ cap. 4 THE EPISTLE ^ith his dagger ipnder his bedxks head, ledge of his earneH de fire ^40 vnderBar/dthe natures and qualities of all creatures ^ compyled almofle fiftie bookesy intreatinge of the fame: hauing by the commaun dement ofzAiexander out of Greece and all Zijia y manie tho^fandes of Hunters yTaulkeners ^ Fo^^lers^ Ftfhers ^ Heardmenyand Aui.GcU,Ub.ij. fuche as kepte bees y birdes y or anie other Huinge thinge : to "P-^* helpe and aide hm^^Xnth thire knowledge and experiences. y in fearchmge the feo'ettes y natures and qualities of all creatures, Bnnius beinge mmdfull of the noble inclination of Scipioydid PetmsCrinitus highlieextollhis "^orthie aSieSyregiHring them in his learned *^p**""^^"o^«- crontcles to all fofierities: VirgiUtofhe'^e himfelfe thankefuU tOiAuguBtij: (^ent manie ye ares about his Jnmous'^m4i^ of jEneiads y to deriue the race of the Emperor from JEneas^and ^^^^• the noble Troians. Horace amongH his rare (^ learned'^ork^s Macrobiuj. fiujfed full of Wife andgram preceptesy oftentimes enterUceth the fame '^ith the birthe the bountie the learninge yand the noble qualities ofMecoenaSy ft) hathe made him for euerfkmottSy^ reno'^med. Vlutarche be fides hispnmte bookes he ^atte to Traumy e m thefonm^ as the right honourable in this lifejhoulde be ^'oyde ofyertue. Thus it is manifeH ho'^elearninge hath bin embra- ced^ and had in highe eHmation ^ by great Princes and noble *TeereSy and that '^ortheliei^icauje by the benefit thereof ^The aSies ofrmghtie Monarches ^ great Princes^and the matters andthinges of former time %orthie memorie^done byfage Go- uernors ^ and valiant Captaines. The manners and La%es of firaunge nations ^^ cuHomes ofoulde time. The mutabillitie of Worldly felicitte^ andho'^e the ^ifi haue behaued themfelues in bothe fortune sihaue bin prefentedvnto them asm dgl^Jfejor their inHru&ion ^ from ^hich they might drd^e ynderHan- dxng and good counfaiU^ to msiruEi andgouerne themfelues m oR their actions : and findeapprooued examples for the ^hole cGurfe of their life ^ eyther to bee imitated^ or efche^ed, Of "^hich fingukr benefit^ '^ce like'^ifearepertakers: For hereby ^ this frefent time behouldeth the accidentes of former times ^ as if they had bin done butyeBerdaie. and^ee maye behoui- de the natures :,<^ quallities^of our great grandjathersgrand- fkthers^ as if they yet liu^d before our eies. And as former ti-^ me^ and pre fent time y haue reaped thereby ^ this inestimable Juell ^ So likpoife^ future timefo long as the "^rldefpalt indu- rejball taBe of this blejfing: For our fucceJ[ion^(hallfee ^hat "^e hauefeene^ and behoulde hereby '^hatj^moi^s thmges ^eare enterprtfed and done in our dates y as if they "^areeuen no^e fianding at our elbo^es, Tet ho^e greatlie learning hath bin impeached fince the firsle florifbe thereof ^hen in fleadoffuch lomng and bountiful! princes and patrons^ the "^orlde broughte ** forthe^ THE E P I S T 1 E Bapt. Egnatiui ie forthCy LkinitiS >^ho tearmd learning a foyfon and plague of bus""'! & Pom- the common ^ealthe. And Valentiniamts his partner in that ELftor^oLlJ^ndio!, oplmon^With the curfedcre'^e of their companions^As Caligula^ Alexandrian Bibiio- ]s[ero^Diocktian .^ith ^iachomet^'3aiazjt y and Tuch like iheca omnium «-*■' •' tt n ^ -f n i cccc '^uiila voiu- ^onHers of nature y being cruellperjecutors, enemies ofallhu- Sn"fa'Frca.""cioa. mamtk^and diHroycrs ofall dijciplj^ie: )^hodi^ifng God and w iutarJhu^ia' allgoodnesjid degenerate fofirrc from their f or father s^ that K'ca^.M &'* ^^9' delighted^hoUie to Jj?ill the blood of the ^orthie men^ to \ih'oi^Stt'(c. htirne the famous li^^^ and to raje and ouerthro'^e the JlSonfum^a!' njmuerfities ^ and fchooles y ofallartes andfciences: as in the bSeTa^farac- trancall HiHories of former times is recordedy andean not bee bnsGlmim!%' but ^ith great griefe remembred. zAnd althoughe learning SnSfsySs'dc hath bin great lie decaiedin thefe later times y Tet ^eemuft inftmdifs. Budi (^ith thankfs vnto God therefore) confefpy That it hath plea- hmannl!m"incenra fed himakoiueSy to raifevp fome louersandfkuorers therof AthVnl"dcie"J*, & "^ho haue tendered and embraced the fame y and for the pre^ MLhom^mmi!' feruinge it to their poBeritieSyhaue lefte behinde finguler monu- Hll"id^Jcu?o. ments oft heir carey ^ z^lous mindes in this behalfe:Aj Char- les the matXin^e ofFraunce^ho ereSkdty^o Vniuerfitiesythe Bapt. Egnit.d< & ',b J •', . I •> Rom. piiBcipifcut 0fjQ at l?anSy the other at FauMy placing therein many famous men : and Sigifmundus Emperor y ^ho highlte extolled the lear- ide»n iw. nedy and blamed the Princes ofGermanie y for their fmall re- I garde vnto them: And vnderBanding byfommey that althou- ipci^i :ip^< \ ghe he cherifhed the learnedyyet it ^asfaiedthey )^ere but pore andbafeperfonSyaunf^ered: I loue them^ho excel! others for vertuCy andlearninge y out of the ^hich I meafure nobilitif, aAlfo Verdmmdus gaueyearelie out of his treafurleygreatfom- mcs of money to the readers of diuinitieyThifk^y'^thorick^y and Thdofophie y to the great incouraginge cfthofe thaf^eare tSi"'**''^^'' inclined to good fudies : Like'^ife oAlphonfus King of 5N^- ples^^^ho vjedtofayeyhe h ad ncuer greater pic afure^then^hen he ^izs in the companw cfthofe that \f^eare jinguler for kno'^- ledge icerranus m DEDICATORIE. led^gj And learn'mge: Laurentius Valla (^ P^ith the bodte^and are fub- ieSie vnto time . ^ut honour y fitme^ rend^me^ and good re^ porte J doe trmmphe ouer deathe^ and make men liuefor euer: ^here other'^ife the greateH Trincesjn fhorte time are "^orm ourt of memorieyandcleane forgotten. For ^ "^hat is man in this Vvorlde ? )^ithoi4tfime toleaue behinde him , but like a bubble of'^aterjhat no"^ rifithy^ anon is not knc>^ne.'^hereit ^as, Which being "^elcopdered by your honour ^you haue made choi^ ce of the beH parte ^and embraced throughe vertue ^ that^hich liueth yand ?2euer dieth, Forvertue (asffaid) abpaies goeth before honour ^^giueth aperpetuitie offelicitie inthis'^orldcy mdm the'^oHde-to come, Z4nd althoughe throughe the ini^ quitie of time (as is declared) fuch excellent learned men as haue bin _, are not to bee exfheSiedinthis oulde age of the '^orld^yTet aszjlotiscareyandde'^tifullajfe^wn as euer^as to their hordes and IPatrons ^ there is no doubte dothe gene-^ rallie florifhe and is apparante: )^hereofyour honour hath had try ally by the learnedlabours ofmaniefimous men. Farre be- hinde ^homCy myfelfey (although of all the meaneH)yet bein- ge pricked for'^arde byyourgoodhordfhipps bountie y and in- couraged by your great ckmencieymoBe humblie prefente theife my gatheringes y and gUaninges out of other mens harueHes, ynto your honour: a ^orke both pleajaunte andpithie y )^>hich J haue gar nif bed wh maniehiHorieSy^hh the proper applica- tions DEDICATORIE. tms andexpofitmsofthofe Bmblcmes that Jfiunde ohfcu- re : Offering it ay toyou^r honour to looke yppon at fome houresjoryour recreation* I hope itfhalbee the more deJxght- fully bKatije none to my kno'^ledge ^ iMthe affayed the farm be- fore: ^for that diuers of the inuentiosare of my o'^ne fender "^orkmanfhip. IButchieflie ^ bicaufe ynderpleaftunte deuifeSy are prof table moralles^ andnofhaddo^^es^ Voide offubBance: nor ante conceyte ^ '^ithot4tJome caufe^orthle conf deration: for the bounding of^ick^dnes^ andextoUing ofxertue, ^hich m^eferuSy cu a mirrour: to the le^de for their amendement, ^ to the godlie yfor their better goingefor'^arde in their cour- fey that leades to euerlaBinge glorie, ^einge abafhed that my habiUitic can not ajfoorde them ft*che y as are fit to be ojfred yp tofo honorable afuruaigheyetifitfjalllikeyour honour to allo'^e ofanie of them y Ifhallthinke mypenfet to the booke in happie houre ^ and itfhallincourage mee, to a(fayfome matter of more momentey asfoone as leafure ^ill further my defire in thatbehalfe. The almightie God fom^home all honour and true nobiUitie doe proceede y )^ho hath manieyearesy moB louinglie and liberallie , induedyour Lordfhip)^ith the fame ^ blejfe and prolonge your daies herey that '^ee mate behoulde the confummatio ofhappie ouldage inyour honour '.before you fhal" befummonedto thesuerlafimg honour y^^hich is ahpaies permIIc(fiion of Em- blemcs (gendc Reader,) and prefented the (amc in writinge vmo my Lorde , prelentlie before his Honour pafled the fcas into the lowe countries : I was after , earneftHe required by fbmme that pcr- ufed the fame, to haue it imprinted: who/e reque- fte, when I had well confidcred, althoughe I did perceiue the charge was verie heauie for mee , (waighinge my owne weakenes) I meane my wante of learninge, and iudgemMit, to (et forth any thinge vnto the viewe of this age, wherein Co manie wife & learned doe florime,andmuft haue the (canninge thereof. Yet knowinge their fauours to bee fuch vnto mee, as in dewtie I mighte not dcnie them any thinge I can: I did rather choofe to vndergoe any burthen, and almofte faintein forwardnes to fatisfie them, then to (hewc anie wante of good will, in denyinge their continuall defires. wherefore,licence beinge ob- tained for the publifhing thereof, I offer it heare (good Reader) to thy viewe, in the fame forte as I prefented it before. Onelic this excepte: That I haue now in diuerfe pIaces,quotcd in the margent Come fenteces in Latin , & fuch verfes as I ihoughtc did befle fit thefcuerall matters I Wratte of. And alfb haue written fbmme of the Emblemes,to cercaine of my frendcs, to whome either in dutie or frendfhip , I am diners waies bounde: which both weare wantinge in my firfte edition, and nowe ad- ded herevnto, for thefc reafbns infuinge. Firfte 1 noted the fame in Lat- tin, to heipe and further fbme of my acquaintaunce whearc this bookc was imprinted, who hauinge no tafle in the Englifhe tonge, yet wearc earneflly addided to the vnderflandinge hereof: and alfb, whcare'I founde any vcrfe > or fayinge agreable with the matter, I did gather the fame of purpofe for my owne memorie , not doubtinge but the fame may bee alfb frutefull to others. For my intitulinge them to fbme of my frendes , I hope it fliall not bee mifliked, for that the offices of dewtie and ftcndfhip are alwaies to bee fauored: and hcrin as I folfowe my audlors in Englifhinge their de- uifes. So I imitate them, in dcdicatinge fbme, to fuch perfbns,as I thin- ke the Emblemes doe befl fitte and pertaine vnto, which order,obfer- ucd Reufnerus, luniust Sambucu&, a.nd others : as by their workes are ap- parante, ConfeiTinge my faulte to bee chiefly this , in prefentinge to fa- mous and worthie men, meane matter , farrc to fimple for their defer- uinges: yet truflinge my good willfhalbe warghed as well as the worke, and that a pearle fhall not bee looked for in a poore mans puree, I fub- mit my doings herein to their cenfures. Furthermore, whcare there are diuers Emblemes written of one mat- ter, which may bee thoughte fuperfluous. As againft Pride, Enuie, Goncupifcence , Dmnkenncs > Couecowftics , Vfurie , and fuch like, againfi'i TO THE READER. tgainde euery one of them feucrally, {bndrie dcuifes: thereby the Condtf inucntions of the audours may bee decerned , which I kaue colledcd again ft thofc vices cfpecially.bycaufe they are growe Co mightie that one bloc will not beate them downe, butnewe headdes fpringc vp like Hv' AfAy that Hercules weare not able to fubdue them. But manie droppes pierce the ftone,& with manic blowes the oke is ouerthrowen, So with manie reprehencions, wickednes is wounded, and finne afliamed and giueth place vnto vertue. It refteth now to fhewe breeflie what this wcr- ae Emblcme fignifieth, and whereof it commeth, which thoughe it he borrowed of others, & not proper in rhe Engliflie tonge , yet that which.^ it fignifieth : Is, andhathebin aiwaies in vie amongft vs, which wordc being in Greeke 6//f aVe^, vel eTTE/xCAwcd^ is as muche to faye in £ngli{h« as Tofet in, or to put in: properlie ment by fuche figures , or workes , as are wroughte in plate , or in ftones in the pauementes , or on the wau- les , or fuche like, for the adorning of the place : hauingc fbnie wittie ' deuife expreffcd with cunning woorkemanfliip , /bmethinge ob/curc to be percciued at the firft , whereby , when with further confideration itis vndcrftood, it maiethe greater delighte the behoulder. And al- thoughe the worde dothe comprehende manie thinges, and diuers mat- ters maie be therein containedj yet all Emblemes for the moft parte,maic b IN GALFRIDI WHITNEI EMBLEMATA, MACNI ILUVS QLIM ANGLIC POBT^ Galpridi Chavceri, cognominii. VN A duos genuit GzlrtrRiDOs ANGLiA,Vat€S Nomine , P h oe b ^c o numine , & arte pares. Vnum , Fama (uae patria: indigitauit H o m e r v M, Anglicus hie mcrito dicitur H e s i o d v s. Ac veluti dubiis quondam vii^toria pennis Inter MiEONiDEN Hesiodv Mque ftetit: ■Sic , quibus cxuhat modb lacta Britannia alumnis, Galfridos palma eft inter, in ambiguo. Chavceri verGi.nt dudum aurea (cripta Britanni: Aurca W h i t n -« v s fed fua predlt adhuc, Nuncvcro, aufpiciis Leycestri, Emblemata luccm Afpiciunt •, & dant accipiuntque decus. Qualis gemma micat fuluo redimita mctailo Indica , ab artificis vermiculata manu. ■ Pergc tuae Whitney titulos fuperaddere famx, ^ Tollens aftra fuper te patriamque tuam. - B.onaventvra Vvlca- Nivs Brugenfis. ir INEMBLEMATA GALFRIDI W H I T N E I. Qv A L I T E R injtnmnt oculisfe EmblemnU neBrlsy ^(e varie auguHa. yermkulata domo^ ArtlJlciqUe nitent opere exornata _, modo illa^ Hac mo do perdiU mens dum ftupet cffigk: SictPtdum Galfride tuo hocexprejjk libcUo SjmboU cum yariis edis imagimbns . 5\Uf legijje beat yeterum diSIa <&muU diSIis^ (hmimbtts varie VermicuUta tm^ €t modo prlfccrum Herokm immortdia fic&a^ Virtutesque animo commeminiffe muat. jntrepidmdum CurtlanimPis^ e> Horatiacorda^ Et tibi Fabrkij cognita Tyrrhe^ fides . Dum fortes Dectj , Junij ^ (urij:, atque.f^ietiUi^ €t Cun&dton's mens benefuada Fabl^ Ac dum Scipiadne belli dm fulmma ^ quofque EH alios baud mens enumerare potts jnnumeros^ per te virtutwn hie clara fuarum, Opponunt noUris lumma lumimbus^ ^idl quodprmpuumy h^c merit o Leyce"STRIVs heros Vindicai auFptciis edita fcripta.fuis.- , Vt qui hk cunUa pmul faudata Her oka dona ^ojjidet _, in magnis JinguU principibus ^u^miramur. At olim etiam admirabitur ^tas T^oBuma^ D v I) L AE i illuIiriafiSIa ducis, €t Jimul agnofcet felici hum alite librum olim per doEiorum or a yolare bominum. Au^ror. hinc etiam quondam tibijamaparatur^ ^iC WiiYTNAEE mori te quoque pojfe neget, p£TRVS CoLvivs Brugenfis; In Gai- IN GALFRIDI WHITNE E M B L ^M ATA, STEPHANI LIMBERTI ANGLI NOR- DO VIC ENS I S SihoLe ^UgtHriDccaSikhon, V I R T V T I s formam fplendentiaque ora tueri, (^^., Si Deus hie nobis ^ telle Platone^ darete t;>«^ Quantospe(5loribus noftris accendcrec ignes ^n • Cuius vel Phcebo pulchrius ora nitent ? ^ Non Veneris , Triuiae nee certct forma Diana?, ^ Nifos fixe omnes vincit & Euryalos. Huiusaceffigiem Whitnaei Emblemata pingunt, . Zeuxide^ vel dGd:o dignus Apelle, labor. Confulec ergo boni multum ^edtabilis Hero5 Et capiet facili talia dona manu. ARTHVR BOVRCHIER TOTHEREADER. PERFECTION Mc^i tto Other foyUf, fuche belpes comme out of places lor xvfme it felfe-, cm grace, ttfelfe, there needes no other grace. Why fhouldl then myfruttelesprdfe o» W h it n e y s'^orke be^owe^ Where Vinfdome, learmnge, and deuife , fo perfeHly doefiowe . Jet gentle Reader by thy learn, thus muche I mente to Vprightet As one that honours thefe hisgiftes, but feekes them not t'indighte. 1^0 longe difcourje, no tedious tale , 1 purpofde am to teU : LeH thottfbouldH faye, ^here is the nutte^yeufecde me V(nth thefheU* Goeforwarde then m happie time , and thou fhalt furely fndcy With coHe, and Ltbour ^eOfet out, a banquet for thy minde. A florehoufe for thy Vcife concetptes , a Vffhetftonsfor thy \^tte: Where, eache man maye Voith ddnt'ie choke his fancies finely fitte. Giue "Whitney then thy goodreport,fince heedeferues thejami Uil that the ^fe that fee thee coye , thyfoBe it'Mj blame. It* *■ 2, ' D. O. U. SINCE mm kfrmk , md all his thou^hus an Jim e, And ofhimfelfehe cm no good inuenty Then etierieoncj before they ou^htehegmnCy Should c(dt on G o D^jromyifhomeallgraceisfenti So, Ihepeche^ thathetheJamemllfi^dcUy Thahtohisfrmfe f mmebeginne ^ nnd ende. Jaultcs efcaped in the Printing , (for the moA parte alreacfy corre^cJ,) yet in manie leaucs oucrpafled as followeth. ng. Lin. JO 5«« ■3 4 77 li IXQ 10 130 1 lp8 1 m margme ioinmargine 117 1 in marg. xo Taalte. Reade. JifteutKeir lilten to their the fame the man falne, to it falne ic watch cm an vvatchemca ianienteni fapientum Chiliad. (Jr. Chiiud. I, Ubro 6.de jibro de Efaias4t Efsiae 49 which with *Tromdentia. txHi^^ri'^'^^'^^^'^' Sv c H E prouidence hathc nature fccretwroughte In creatures wilde, and eekc fuch knowledge ilraungc. That man, by them in fomme thinges maie be taughte. As fbme foretell, when weatherfaire will chaunge, Ofhcate, ofrainc, of winde,andtempeftsrage, Som e (iiowe by fignes, and with their fongs prefage. But leauing theife, which almoft all doe knowe, The Crocodile, bywhome th'iEgyptianswatchey Howe farrethatyeare fhall mightie Nilusflowe, For theire fhee likes to laie her egges, and hatche, . Suche fkill deuine, and fcience to foretell> Hath Nature lente vnto this Serpent fell. "Which fiioweSjThey fliould with due regarde fore/ec. When anie one doth take in hande a caufe. The drifte, and cnde,of that they doe decree, , And longe thereon to ponder , and to paufe. For after witts , are like a (hower of raync "Which moiftes the foikj when withered is the grainc. A z Vevi* *^ Nic. ReufneriH. ^Uhficer excurrtt Nilus in anUT Prdjciiu : alimtie libera poait ^ ' OUa : monens merit o tiosCroc»(lilff- £lu*Jatatmmiiieant,' ante videri Veritas temporis Jilia. ^6^ T^ H R E E furies fell, which turne the worlde to ruthe, A Both EnuiCj Strife, and Slaunder, heare appeare, In dungeon darke they longe inclofed truthe, ButTimeatlengthe, did lodfe his daughter deare. And fetts alofte , that (acred ladic brighte, ^Vhoe things longe hidd, reueales, and bringes to hghtc. Thougheftrifemakefier, thoughe Enuiceatehirhartc, The innocent though Slaunder rente , and fpoile: Yet Time will comme , and take this ladies parte. And breake her bandes , and bring her foes to foilc. Diipaire not then , thoughe truthe be hidden ofte, Bycaufe at lengthe , f hee fhall bee iett alofte, DifidU . Dljjidia intet' equate s^ tejJimA. TH E Swallowe fwifte, dothe bcare vnto her nefte The G rafshopper, that did no daunger fearc , strUui, /.S^: v^„^ For that fhee thought, they loiide togeather befte, ■Ctrna,hofj>»'>i*dn Bycaule they both , obicrude one time or yeare, «^«r «/« ««?;»? Andbothe, did ioyetheireiarringe notes to fbunde, And neare the houfe they bothe,theire dweUings foundc. Yet time, and tune, and neighbourhood forgotte. For perfed firendej a tyrant fhee became. Which taxeth tho{e , whome God dothe heare allottc Like gifts of grace , to winne a lading name, YetEnuie (be theire vertues doth deface. It makes them foes, to them theie fhould imbracc. Tormic£ grata eU formica , Cicada cicada Et ioctu' docim gaudet Apollo chorit. A 5 NicReufiierus. Temcritas Temritas. 'f.lda.fo^mJs:j£, ^J^v^tll'^:.. THE waggoner, behoulde, isHedlongc throwen^, Andallin vainedoth take the raine in handc. If he be dwrawen by horfes fierce vnknowen, Whofe ftomacks ftowte , no taming vnderftande. They praunce, and yerke, and out of order flingc. Till all they breake, and vntohauocke bringe. That man, whoe hath affection? fowlc vntam'dCj And forwarde runnes negleding reafbns race, Deferucs by right , of all men to bee blanide,- Ajpd headlonge falles at lengthe to his deface. Then bridle will, and reafbn make thy guides So maifk thow ftande, when others dounc doe flide, . Jnt€^W4t ^s human £ in fummo declinant. II THE gallance Shipp ^ that cutis the azure furge, And hathe both tide, and wifThed windes, at will: Her tackle fure, with fhotte her foes to vrge. With Captaines boulde , and marriners of ikill, With ftreamcrs, flaggcs,topgallantes,pendantesbraiie> When Seas do rage ^ is (wallowed in the waue. The {howe, thatfalles vppon the mountaines greate, Though on the Alpes , which feeme theclowdestoreachc. Gan not indure the force of Phoebus heate. But waftes awaie , Experience doth vs teachc: W'hich warneth all , on Fortunes wheelc that chme To beare in minde how they haue but a time. Vapbui amh'tguis fortuna volubilis eruty Et manet in nullo certa , tenax^ loco. Sed modo Uta. manet , yultiu modb futnit acerhos it Untum conUans in kuitate fua eU. Periand. per Aiifon. Si fortuna iuuat, muetotoUi. St fortuna tonat, taueto mtrgi. Ou!dlui4. pent. J. Tti ^uo^ue fie timenf, the wifhcrs tume doth ferue. ODJH.i.Pont. €. Cernii -jt ignautim cor- tHm^ant otia corpus ? Vt capiant vttiwn ni moutantitr aqu4. Dvlfki ^ohis in Jifos,^ 2-7 w 'h I L E nettes were fctte, the fimple fowlcs to takc> Whoc kepte theiiccourfe alofte, andwoulde notlightq,, A tamed ducke, her hoame did ftraighte forfake. And flewc alofte , with other duckes in flighte. They dowtinge not ^ her traiterous harte at ail. Did flie with her, and downe with her did fall. By tliis is mente , all fuchc as doc bctraic, Theirc kindred ncare , that doe on them dependc. And oftc doc make , the innocent a praie. By fubtill fleighte, to them that feeke tlieire cnde Yea vnto thofe, they fiioulde mofte frendfliip fiiowCj They lie in waite , to workc theire ouerthrowc. Terfda cognxto fe /anguine pottuit ales, Cjiciofa aliis , exitio/a fuis. And. Alcm. De Anatc. In AsirO' i8 In (tABrotogoT. ,c:^^mJp:io::i. Manial.i. Ouid. Trift.it7 HEAREjIcARVs withtiiountinge vp alofte, Came headlongc downe, and fell into the Sea: His waxed wingcs , the. (bnne did make {o fofte. They melted ftraighte, and feathers fell awaie : Soj.whilfte he Hewe , and of no dowbte did<:arc. He mooiide his armesj but loe , the fame were bare. Let fuche beware , which parte theire reache doe mountC;, "Whoe fceke the thinges,to mortall mendeny'de, And fearche the Heauens, and all the ftarres accoumpte^ And tell therebic , what after fhall betyde : With blufThinge nowe, theire weakenefTe rightlie wcyc^ Leaft as they clime ^ they fall to theire decaye. iXiud. quod medium e^,atqtie inter vtrumqiie,prohamm* Dum petit infirmis nimium fublimia penni^ harm , Icariit nomina fecit aquis. fitaret ulum Phaeton ^ Ji viueret* & qW9> C^tauit Jlulte tan^ere^ noUet eqm* tA^or in jilios-.. ^9 "IIW" HEN Boreas coulde, dothe bare both bufThe^ and treCy. ^ ^ Before the Springe, the Ringdoue makes her nefte: And that her yonge both fofte, and warme, mightebee, Shee puUes her plumes, bothe from her backe , andbrcftet; And while (hee ftryues, her broode for to prefcruc, Ofte times for coulde, the tender damme doth fterue* Medea nowc , and P r o g n e ^ bluffiic for fliame: By whome,are mcnt yow dames of cruell kinde, "Whofe infantes yonge , vnto your endlefle blame. For mothers deare, do tyrauntcs of yow findc: ' Oh (crpentes feedc , each birde, and fauage brute^ WilLthofe condempne, that tender not theire frutc' D 3 Invi^ %o Jn 'viBorUm dolo partam. ([cla:io:^/nh: >f g . '\yf H A T dolefiill dame is this in greate difpaire * ^ ^ This prowes is, vvhoe mournes on A i a x toonibe; What is the caufe , fhee rentes her gouldcn hairc? "Wrongefentence pafte by Ac a me m N;0 n s doombe.: £ut howe ? declare , V l i s s e s filed tongc, AUurde the ludge., to giue a ludgement wronge. For when , that dead A c h y l x i s was in graue. For valiaiKc harte , did A i a x wi'nne the fame: "Whereby , he clainide A c h y l l i s armes to haue^ V L I s s E s yet , was honored with the fame: His futtle {peeche , the iudges did preferre, And A I A X wrong dc J the o^ielie man of warrc. Wherefore , the .Knighte impatient of the fame. Did loofe his wittes, and after wroiighte his ende: LoCj heare i;lie caufe that mooiide this facred-damc. On A I A X toombe , with gricfe her time too fpende; Which warneth vs ., and thofe that after liuc, Tobearethemrightc, when iudgement they do giue. Cm (4m 31 'T' H^Enuious man^ when neighbours hbwfe d<)the flame, -*■ Whofc chiefe delighte, is in an others harme. Doth fhutte his ercs, and will not (ec the fame. But pullcs awaie^ his fcllowe by the arme: And (aycthj cjeprtej wee care not for this ilJ^ It is not ourS;, let others care that wilt. Too manie hue , that euery wheare are founde "Whoe daye and nighte doe languifhe in difpite. When that they fee , an others wealthe abounde : But, thofe herein that mofte of all dclighte, . Let them repente , for God whoe knowesthcire harts. Will them rewarde , accordinge to deferts. Vix^ tenet lacrj/mas quia nil lacrymabilecernit, &c. «uj:o Cato. TH E wicked wretche , that mi(chiefe late hath wrougfitc. By murther , thefte, or other heynous crimes. With troubled minde, hee dowtes hee Ihalbe caughte. And leaues the waie,and ouer hedges climes: And ilandes in fearc , of eueric buffhe , and brake. Yea oftentimes, his ihaddowe makes him quake. A conscience cleare , is like a wall of brafic, That dothe not fhake, with euerie fliotte that hittes: Eauen foe there by, our liues wee quiet pafTe, "When guiltie mindes , arc rack'de with fearftill fittes: Then keepe thee pure, and foile thee not with finne. For after guilte, thine inwardc greifcs beginnc. Con/iiut ipfi ftb't de fe futat omn'td did. Confcia mem rt cuiquejua eji , ita concipit intrd PrC^oraypro faih^em^ , ttutumj^ fuo. Let them that ftandc, aloftc on fortunes wheeic. And bragge,and boafte , with puffe of worldlie pride Still beare m minde , howc foone the fame maic reele. And alwayes lookc , for feare theirc footinge Aide ; And let not will, houlde vp theire heades for fame, When inwardc wantcs, ma ie not fupporte the lame. 35 TH E Bcauerflowe,thatprefcnt daunger fearcs, And ^Q-Q'i a farrc , the eager howndes to hade, With ^rindinec tectiic, his ftoanes awaie he teares, ,'^^;^«"^"""«- All 1 1 \ r \ \ ll^n Meriiicusipf€jttt,me. And throwes them downc , to thole that haue himcnaltc: 4>€»tAviuhm habet^^ latiiis enini tft a mc vos de- mergi cjuam ego a vobis ipie. Ouid. lib. I. De Remtd. \D14mm telmn necejjitas. ^9^ NE c E s s I T 1 E doth vige, the PQpinbye to prate. And birdes, to dcawc their buckettsvp,, and pickethcire mcatc- through , grate : . ■Which warneth them, whoe n'eedes muft eyther feme, orpine: "With willing harte , no paines to fhunne , and freedomc to refignCo FldCit uhifa^mMith? m u mn ft que am Mutm :.mnc'i cum nequec, £qu(hmim(^fero. jfmmicorum dona^ infiuBa, 37 IF of thy foe , thow doeft a gifte receauc; Efteeme it not , for feare the fates doe lower. And with the gifte , ofte tyme thie life doe reaue. Yea giftes wee reade , haue fliche a fecret power, That oftentimes J they Lync e v s eies doe blindcj. And he that giues, the taker fafte doth binde. To A I A X hcare , a fworde did Hector (ende, A girdle ftronge , to him did A i a x yeelde, "With Hectors gifte, did A i ax woorke his ende. And A I A X gifte , hal'de H e c I'o r throughe the fielde : Of mortall foes, then fee noe gifte thow take, Altlioughe a while , a truce witli them thow make. —aut vUa putatii "Dona car ere dolit Dunaum , &f. Sic t'ttulo obfequij , qua wittunt hoRibus hoHes Muncra, venturi fra(ck fata fermt. E 3 Laocoon apiij Virgiliumhb. iCneid.i.Hc At equo, lo<]uunr Troianit. Alciat. N0»' 3 8 !Hon locm rulrum^ fed yir locum or not. to the Honor ahU 5ir Phillip Sidney Kmghti<^ouernour of the Gxmfin atid towne of Vlipng. ' TH E tram pingeftcedc, that champcsthe burnifii'd bittc. Is mannag d braue, with ryders for the nones : But 3 when the foole vppon his backc doth (ette, He throwes him downe, and ofte doth bmfe his bones: His coragc feirce, dothe crauc a better guide, And eke fuch horfe, the foole (lioulde not beftride. TuZl^tVJr"^'^ By which is ment , that men of judgement graue, gnM.tHconfuieatn. Of Icaming, witte, and e^ke of confcicnce clcarc, N«tih\,nectmum*- 111 highe cltate , are fitte theirc feates to haue, "rt ' ^' ^'"" And to be ftall'd, in fkcrcd iuflicc cliearc; Wherein they rule , ynto theire cndlefTc fame, But fooles are foil'd, and throwne out of the fame. -magnum hoc tgo duco. Hocaci. Sct,6. Qubd pUcuit tibi , qui turpi ficernU honejlum. OHedh ^cend fequins. 4' ■^■ '^^^^^"iS^* ^f;*^ TXT HEN lilent nightc, did (ccptcr rake in handc, ^ ^ And dim'de the daie, with fUade of mantle blackc, What time the thceues, in. priuie corners ftande. And haue noe dowte , to robbc for what they lacke: A greedie theefe, in fliambles broke a fiioppe. And fil'de a facke, with flefhe vp to the toppe. Which done , with fpeedc he hftcd vp the facke. And bothe the cndes , abow t his necke he knittes. And ranne awaie, with burden on his backe Till afterviardes , as hee at alehowfe fittes : The heauie loade , did weyc fo harde behindc, That whiles he flept , the weighte did ftoppc his windc. "Which truclic fliowes , to them that doe offcnde, Althowghe a while , they fcapc thcire iuft deGrtcs, Yet punifhmcnt , dothe at thcire backcs attcnde. And phgucs them hoame, when they haue mcricflhartcs: And choughe longe time , they doe cfcape the pikes. Yet fbone, or late, the Lorde in iullicc llrikcs. F Venur lauenaltt f ).de malis fiw ait. Hijitnt qui r repliant, ir ad omnia fiilgur4 palttnt, Citm tonat : txanimee prima q-Mijut mvUT' mure ceeli. Sfn c. Troad. §lui ion vttat pcictiitf cumptfitf inlnt. 42- Venter jphnia^ Venus ^ Ludemfugimt, Propcrt 4, IE. Ouid.i.Pont.tf WH Y flieft thow hence ? and turn fte awaie thie face? Thow glorie brightCjthat men with fame doeft crownc: G Lo. Bycaufe, I haue noc hkinge of that place, "Where (lothfull men , doe (leepe m beddes of downe: And flefhlie luftc, doth dwell with fowlc exccfTc, This is no. howfe ;, for glorie to pofTefle.. But , if thow wilte my prefencc neucr lackc, Sardanapal, and all his pleasures hate, Driue V E N V s hence, let B a c c H v s further packc. If not , behowlde I flie out of thie gate: Yet, if from theife, thow turnethie face awaie, I will rcturne, and dwell with thee for aie. Magnum Uer a/cendo ,fed dat tnihi gloria vires :. Non iuuat ex facili lecia corona iuga. Cernis vt ignauum corrumpmt otia corpus ? Vtca^iant vitium, nimoueantur aqm} Jdens WHERE courage great, and confaile good doe goc, "With laftinge fame, the victorie is wonne: But fcperate theife, then feare the ouerchrowe. And ftrengthe iilone,dothe vnto ruine ronne: Then Captainesgood , muft ipyne theife two-^ in one: And not prefume with this, or that, alone. As valiant harte*;, and corage highe befeeme. The Captaines boulde,that enterprifc for fame: Soe mufte they ftill , of pollicie cfteeme, And wifcdomes rules, to bringe to pafle the fame: "While Cse(ar great , fubdiide the countries farre; In gowne at home , did T v L l i e helpe to warrc. V L I s s E s wife , and D i o me d e s forme, Are heare fet downe , for valiant wightes to viewc: The one dcuil'dc , the other did perForme, AVhcreby , they did the Troiane force (ubduc : The one, his foes with witte,and counfaile harm'de. The other, llill him felfe againfte them arm'dc. AnJr.AIcUt. Virihus hU prdfiat, hifpoUet acutn'me niitii Nectamtn alteriuSg Tiin (get Atttr efe. Hor.i. Carin.JO. Stbus anguHu aiime- Juf, atcjue Forth apfarc : fap'itn' ter idem Contraha vittto ni' miumficwido, Turgida vtkt / , 48 Lahcr Irritus, McSj^irpti: pr luueaalis t. HF A R E, Ocnus ftill the roape doth turne and windc. Which he did make, of ruffhes and of graflc: And when widi toilc,his worke was to his mindc He rol'de it vp, and lefte it to the aflc : "Whoe quickche fpoil'dejthat longe with paine was fponnc, "Which being kept , it might (bme good hauc donnc This Ocnus fhewcs, a man that workes and toiles. The AlTe declares , a wicked waftfull wife : Whoe if fhee maie , fhee quickhe (pendcs and (poiles That he with care, was getting all his life. And likcwife thofe , tliat lewdely doo bcftowe Suchc^nges, as fhoulde vnto good vfcs goe. ^ Yodiga non fent'tt pereunutn femina fenfum-: \t , velm fxhauRa rediuiuus puUulet area m^mtu, & i plenofemper toUatur aceruo, Isioh vnquam reputant quanti /ua^audia conslent. In turn In etm qui fwi ipft dammm apparat, 4^ $xJ^i^!jpui/t^J=ffU TH E raucning wolfe, by kinde my moitall foe. Yet lo, infori'dc, I foftcr vp her whelpe: 'V'Vho afterwardcj as it did ftronger growe, Thoughc as my oy.ne , I longe the fame did lielpe: Yet, collide I not conteate it with my tcate. But that my fclfe , hee rent to be his meate. No wilhngc minde, to plea(e him might futfife. No diUigcnce , to geuc the tyraunte fucke. Though whclpifhe daics, his nature did difgui(ej Yet time at lengthe vnto my cuell lucke^ Bewray'de his harte , a warninge good to thofc, W'hoe in theire howfc , doe foiler vp theire foes. For, thoughe throughe neede they frendHe feeme a while. Or childilhe ycarcs, do clokc their cancker'd minde, Althoughe fome doc , rcleeue them in exile. And fpcnd theire goodes, m hope to alter kinde: Yet all theire loue ,- and cate to doe them good, Suche will forgctt, and fceke to fpill theire blood. G GarrU' Nic. Reufnerus. Impaiiui jiabulu ftuit lupus: vbtre rapt as DUnmarque ferns mi- -jeruiHm ramittlms agttos, Claudius Minois^ Graeco. ^litrttus pey me, tan- de/n feru fiuiet in me. "Vertere naiuram gratia ttuUafotcft. And. Alciat. Improbnas i,hUi) fit^i^ tur ebjequio, , ,/■:• fO Garmlltof, V'-McuUo^v^'.j^ 'EcclefiaJl.zo. Qu-i multis rti- tur verbis , la:det animamluam. Paradifus poeticuj, IJernQn vna dtes, non vn-t rcducit himndo: fidultiplui vtgiUnt I'ru- Henttafur^it ah vfn. Horat.i.Epift.5. Sid tMitus pafciji pof- fit ceruur. Iiabertt Plm dafii , & rixtt r/iuU . U minus, iHuidi theyr are that doe bothe fighte , and brail. With guiltlelTe men , when wrathe dothe them inflame. And mortall foes, they deale not with at all. But let them paffe , to theire rebuke , and fliame : And in a rage , on innocentes do ronne, And turne from them, that all the wronge haue donnc. And. Alciat. Sic plerique finunt. veros elabier ho^esj Et ^uos mUa grauAt mx'ta, dente petunt. Mfhitr' jEtbiopem lauare. 57 -■^^i^ndr'.Mt^^tvi LE A V E of with paine , the blackamore to fkowre, WithSvafhinge oftCjand wipinge more then due: For thou (halt finde , that Nature is of powre, Doe what thou canfte^ to keepc his former hue: Thoughc with a forke^.wee Nature thmfte awaie, Shee turnes againc , if wee withdrawe our hande : And thoughe ^ wee ofte to conquer her alTaie, Yet all m vaine, fhee turnes if Ihll wee ftande: Then euerinore , in what thou doefl: aflaie. Let reafon rule j and doe the thingcs thou maie. Erafiuus extuciano: ftra: t^uin definu arte? Haud vncjtia effciet MX Jit vt atra , dies. Horat.J.Epift.io. Naturam cxptllai fur- (a tamcn vf(^ue rif tuntt. . equus^ l^unquam ex degeneri fiet geneiofm a/ellOy £t nunquam ex Jiolido cordam jiet ab arte. Atiulus inptd);. pofc'fi. H- N0ff 5^(£« doh ^ fed<-vu ~ — ^-r c — THE ape , did reache for Cheftnuttes in the fire. But fearinge muche, the burninge of his toes. Perforce was bafde, longe time from his defirc: But at the lengthe , he with a whelpe did clofc. And thruftc his foote , into the Embers quick, ^^\ih^^ ITU ^"^ ^^^^ ^^^' P"^^ ^^^ Cheftnuttes out perforce: ' '» -5- a.i . -y^j^j^j^ fhewes, when as ambition fowle doth pric^ The hartcs of kinges, then there is no remorce, But oftentimes , to aunfwere theire defire.. The fubicdes fecle, both famine, fw^de, and fire. Horat. lib. I. Epift.jt. ^icqu'td delirant re^es, ple^uutur Achlui. Nimitim Nimium r chits ne fide fecundis. 59 TH E loftie PinC;, that one the mountainc growcs. And (preades her arm es, with braunchesfrcfhe^&greenCj . The raginge windcs , on (bdame ouertlirowcs, And makes her ftoopc, chat longe a farrc was (eenc: So they, that truile to muche in fortunes (miles, Thoughe worlde do laughe, and wealthc doe mofte aboundc, \^'hen lelle they thinke, are often fnar'de with wyles, . And from alofte, doo hedlonge fall to grounder Then put no truile , in anic worldhe thinges, For frowninge fate, ihrowes downe the mightiekinges.. Sdi'^m verrtU aguatur ingens Ttnus , & celfi grauiore caJU Deddnnt tmresjmuntquc fitmimf Fulmim monies. Hor. 'Carra. u-. Od.io. Vt (ecidi , cunllicf^ mttu fugere ruinamy Verfc(iui amicitM ter^d dedere meai H X- Ouid.j.Twft.j., Sikntium* Co Sikntmrn. Ad D. T. c. K^uiidoi!mk,-v- De laiide lilentt) Aul. Gel. lib. II. cap. 10. idemdcva- niloquio lib. I. sap. 15. Epaminondas ceJc- btaturapud Piada- tum qui,quanquam multafcircc , pauca tamen loquebatur. Locutu fuiflcpocni- tuit , tacuiffe rcro nunquam. -Cato lib. I. Preximus ilk deti, qm yirt rattont tacere. C»r.i.cap.\^. ferrumpuut mores bo. nos, coUo:juiitprat4a, De vaniloquio. TauUTimgth. i.ctp.t. GuilUUU. £flx/iu «c pariter it- ma iin^HA men. PY T H A. G o R A s , vnto his fchollers gaue. This leffbn firfte , that filence they fhould keepe: And this, wee readc Philofophers mofte graue. Yea in theire hartes, this Princes printed decpe : Vl I s s E s wordes weare (pare , but rightiie plac'd: This, Nestor lik'de. Lycvrgvs this imbrac'dc. This , famons made Epaminondas boulde : By this , great praife did Demaratvs gaine : This , Athens made to reuerence Z e n o oulde ; SiMONiDES condemned fpeaches vainc, Whofe fayinge was, my wordes repentance had. But Silence yet, did neucr make mee fad. And Cat o fayeth : That man is next to God, Whoe {quares his fpeache, in reafons riehtfuU frame: For idle wordes , G o d thrcatneth with his rodde. And fayeth , wee muil giue reckoninge for the fame : Saind P a V L E likewife , this faulte doth fharplie tutchc. And oftentimes, condemneth bablinge mutche. One calles the tounge, the gate of life, and deathe, "Which wifelie vM, extoUcth rnen on earthe: Which lewdlie vfde, depriueth men of breathe. And ^I And makes them rqoiirne , whoe miglit liaue liuMe in Tnirthc: For euell wordes , pierce (harper then a fwcrde, "Which ofte wee me, thoughe they weare ipoke in boordc. Not that diftroyes, into the mowthe that goes. But .that diftroyes, that forthe thereof doth commc: For wordes doe wounde , the inwardc man with woes. Then wifelie fpcake, or better to bee dommc The toungc , althowghe it bee a member fmali. Of man it is the bcft, or worfte of all. The foolc, is thought wirh filencc to be wife. But when he prates , him felfe he dothe bewraye: And wife men ftill , the babler doe difpife. Then keepe a watchewhen thoujhafte owght to faic. What labour lefle, then for to houlde thy peace. Which aged daics , with quiet dotii increafe. Th*i€gyptians wife, and other nations flirre, Vnto this ende , Harpocrates dcuif'de, "Whofe finger , ftili did fceme his mouthe to barrc. To bid them fpeake, no more then that fufllf^de, AVhich figne thoughe oulde , wee may not yet deteft. But marke it well, if wee will liuc in refte. ret. i.iaf. J. Qui enim vu!t vJ- tam diligere, fie dirt vidcre bcnos: coer- ecatlinguS a nialo. Marc. 7. Niliil ert extra ho- minem jntroicns in eum , quod pcffit eu coinqumare, fed qux de hominc pro- ce(lunt,&c. Hor. t. Serrn.4. Tingere ijui non vifk pcteft, comijjh taccre ^«j nequit : hie niger tsl, Imnc tu Romane taueto. Curd. I. Amor. I. ijH« minor efi autem ^uam tacuiJJelabeTf Hoiat.i.Ep. iS. Nee rttment patuU te. mijjajideliter aures, Pluucch. iflMoial. \^"rmen to the like effete, vpp^n Video J (^ taceo. Her Maiesiier pee fie , at the great Lotterie in London, begon M. D. L X V 1 1 1. and ended m. d. l x i x. I See, and houlde my peace : a Princelie Pocfie righte. For euerie faulte, fhoulde not prouoke, a Prince, or manof mightc. For if that I o v e fhoulde fhoote , fb ofte as men offende. The Poettes faie, his thunderboltes fhoulde {bone bee at an ende. Then happie wee that haue , a Princefle Co inclin'de. That when as iuftice drawes hir fworde , hath mercie in her mindc. And to declare the fame , howe prone fliee is to faue: Her Maicftie did make her choice , this Poefie for to haue. Sed piger ad panas princeps , ad pramia velox : Cuique dolet, quoties cogitur ejfe ferox. H 3 Amicitia Ouid.i.Trift. Si quottes peuit h»mu- nti fuafulmina mittat Tuyiter, exigu$ tern' fort intrmiinit. Ouid.i.Poat. J, C z oAmdtiayetiaw poB mortem durms, T9 R. T. and M. C. Efqukrt, 'il^M' Vkgi!.i»Meec«a- tiiobhum. Et duet, iir etrti viua tihi ftm^er amuttt, Ntc tibi qui moti- tur, defimt e£i turn: timrts interq.fuwtitu. Tunc qnocjut n»npo- tera n*n mtmir iffi tui, Quid. 4, Font. »• v A "Withered EI me 5 whofe boughes weare bare ofleaues And fappe , was (iinke with age into the roote : A fruidefuU vine , vnto her bodie cleaues, Whofe grapes did hange , from roppe vnto the footer And when the Elrae , was rotten , drie, and dead. His braunches ftiU 3 the vine abowt it spread. Which fliowes, wee fhoulde be Hnck'dewirh fiich afrendc^ That might rcuiue , and helpe when wee bee oulde: And when wee ftoope^ and drawe vnto our endc. Our ftaggering ftate, to helpe for to vphoulde: Yea, wlien wee (hall be Uke a fenceleffe block, That for our fakes, will ftill imbrace our flock. Jre iubet Ty lades charum periturus OreUem: Hie negat jiw^ vkem puguat vterque morf,' Mxtifit hoc vmm quod non conmnerat illis : Cetera pars concors , & fu}s Imfttk,-. Totenti^mus tffeSius , timor. 6i TH E Lions grimme J behouldcj doe not refifte, Buc yealde them (elues, and Cupiddes chariot drawc^ A And with one handc , he guydes them where he hfte, ^ ^ -^^ AVich th other hande , he keepes them ftill in awe: Thcye couche, and drawe, and do the whippe abidcj And laie tlicire fierce and crcwell mindes aiide. C n/J* If Cupid then , bee of fuch miglitie force, That creatures fierce , and brutifhe kinde he tames: Oh mightie I o v e , vouchfafe to fliowe rcmorfe, Hclpe feeble man , and pictie tender dames : Let Africkc wildc , this tyrauntes force indurc. If not alas, ho we can poorc man bee fure. / <^m mn tnille pr£ , quern non Sthende'im ho^kp KQufotuit Juno yimere, vincit amou .Cy"" Ouid.Epift^^ ^^ ^4 ^£ ante pedes. To I. 1. E/quier. Quid I. Art. Sv. ne perdtdent non cejjat perdert lufor, Et reuocat cupidiu nUa ftps mamu. Sen. Hippi ig NOT for our felues, albnc wcc are create. But for our frendes, and for our countries good: And thofe , that are vnto thcire frendcs ingrate. And not regarde theire offpringe , and theire blood, Or hee , that waftes his fubftance till he bcgges, Or felles his landes , whiche fcriide his parentes well: Is like the henne , when fhee hathe lay ae her eggcs. That fuckes them vp and leaues the emptie fhell, Euen (6 theire Ipoile, to thcire reprochcjand fhame, Vndocth theire heire, and quite dccayeth theire nanie. Oui/quU fecundii rehiis exultat tihnis, Tluitjy luxu , femper infoltta appetens^ nunc ilia magtiA dura fortune, comes Suh'tt libido : mn placent fueta dapes^ NQn uitafani moriSj mt y'tlis cibm : &c, OHutuum ^Utuum mxilium. To R. Cotton Efquicr. 6J ivx . in^r:jilcia^:£. TH E biynde, did beare the lame vppon his backe, . The burthen, did diredle the bearers waies: With mutuall belpe, they feru'd cche others lacke, And euery one, their frendly league did praife: The lame lente eies , the blynde did lend his feete^ And fo they fafe , did pa|Ie both feelde , and ftreete. Some lande aboundes , yet hathe the fame her wante. Some yeeldes her lacke , and wantes the others (lore ; No man fo ritche , but is in fbme ihinge (canre. The greate eftate, muft not difpife the pore: Hee workes, and toyles, and makes his fhowlders bearc. The ritche agayne, giues foodc, and clothes, to weare. So without poore, the rirche are like the lame : And without ritche, the poore are like the blynde: Let ritche lend eies , the poore his Icgges wil frame. Thus fhoulde yc bee. For fo the Lordc aflign'd, Whoe at the firfte , for mutuall frendfhip fakca ^ Not all gaue one , but did this difference make. "Whereby, with trade, and intercourfe, in fpace. And borrowinge heare, and lendinge there agayne: ^ch loue, fucK truthe, fuch kyndnes, fhoulde take place, . I: That Qu.ama (itmutuiau- xrii| necedicas, ciim in cdmuni hac vitzhu> manx focieiate muU tis modis inteUigipo* itft : in qua homo hominisope maxime indiget , aclc6 vt in prouerbiuni abierii, borao homini Deus: lum verd in ipfij cor- poris humani confli* tutione &fabricalu» calentiflim^ apparec. Nequc enim homo fubHtlere vllarationc poflit, nifi membra corporis mutuum fi- bi auxilium przAent. Qml fnim futurum efTcr, nifi oculi pedes ad ingrcfTum dirige- fetjt; nidi rurfum pe- des corpus mouerent; nifi manus ori eibu, OS vencricuioat<^ he« pari , hepar pervenas vniuerfo corpori afi- mcntum fuggcreret? Nihil itaque elt quod per fcipfum , fine al- icrius auxilio , con- . ftarc , aut vim fuanj ' tc perpeiuiratem con* • feruare poffiu ^' ir» f/rtp-tit uUtiiU htrwn na'.urti m^ue ilium, Kec TKt, nee ^itenquAm ftatuit, & c. Aufouius m Epig. 66 That frendfhipp ,witli fbcietie flionld nignc/ The prouerbe faieth , one man is deemed none. And life, is deathe, where men doc liue alone. Non ejl d'lues opum , diues : nee pauper inops^ Ivfelix : alio nee magU alter eget. V'tues eget gemmit \ Ceteali munere pauper, Sed cum egeant Amho , pauper egens m'tma efi. In njtrumque paraius. To loHN Payton Efquicr. rJjffUi 'A4 T^i^ WHEN Sanabal Hierufaicm diftxeft. X Efd. cap. 4. With (liarpe aflaultes , in N e h e m i a s tymc : To wane, aiid worke,theIewes them felues addreft. And did repaire theire walles, with ftone, and lime : One hande the fworde, againft the foe did {hake. The otlier liande, the trowel! vp did take. Of vahant mindes, loc here, a worthie parte, ufi!f'qlf^Jilufiiii That quailed not, witli ruine of theire wall: But Captaines boulde , did prooue the mafons arte, Which doth inferte , this leflbn vnto all; That to dcfende , our countric dcare from harmc, For warre , or worke, wee eythcr hande fhould arme. Murus duttetbfie cunSlos Dudt, & tmmtmt TttntnpmtiJJifHi^ Mums xnetif^famconfcientia. To Miles Hob art E/qul^, ^1 B o T H E frefhe J and greene , the Laarell ftandeth fbundfe, NrcRcufDeros. _ Thoughc lightningcs flaiHie J andthunderboltesdaflic: uyi^uw'^L^^uJZ, Where, other trees are blaftcd to the grounde, . Jl^S^UHj^!" Yet , not one leafe of it, is withered drie: Euen Co , the man tliat hathe a confcience clearc, When wicked men , doe -quake at euerie blafte, Doth conftant ftande, and dothe no pern lies fcare. When tempelles rage , doe make the worldc agafte : Suche men are Ukc vnto the Laurell tree. The others, like the blafted boughes that die. Integer viu Jccltrk^^ pirns Now eget Mumi iacuUs ncc aycHj Nw vaieruitii grauida fagittU,' Fnfft fhartttA' S'm fer Syrtes iter diUttofts SiHtfacitiYHi po- inhojfiitakm Cmafmt, iiel qm loca fahitlofuf Lair.bit H^dtj^ei. I r Hor.i.Carm.ij^ SJc^ 48 Sic difcerne. To Tho. Stvtvile Efquter, ^£^^fiamcdi T N fruidefull fcildc amid the goodlie croppe, -*- The hurcflill tares, and dernell ofte doe growc. And many times, doe mountc abouc the toppc Of highcft cornc : But ficilfuU man doth knowc, "When grainc is ripe , with (iuc to purge the feedes. From chaiFe, and dufte, and all the other weedes. ouid.,.Trift.4. By which \^ ment, fith wicked men aboundc, U^it fine mutilia, mol. ►— ,'f 1 J • • i \ r i i ufquttngUriHSMms 1 lizt harde It IS, the good from bad to trie: hu7^icp7Zy^ The prudent forte , fhouide haue fuche iudgement (bunde. That Ml the good they fhouide from bad defcrie: And fifte the good , and to difcerne their deedcs. And weye tlie.bad, rioe better then the weedes. Jntemra Interiors ijide. To George brooke 'Efquier. 6p 'X' Hough outwarde thinges, doc trimme,&; brauc, appcarc^ -■- And lightes at firfte , doe auiifwere thie deilre. Yet, inwarde partes, if that they fliine not cleare, Sufpcdc the fame , and backe in time retire : For inwardlie , fuch deadlie foes maie lurkc. As when wee truft , maie our deflxudion workc. Though bcwtie rare , bee farrc and ncarc renounidc. Though Natures giftes, and fortunes doc cxcell : Yet, \i the minde , with heinous crimes aboundc, ' And nothing good with in the (ame doc dweU: Regarde it not , but fhonnc the outward fhowc, Vnull, thou doe the inwarde vcrtues knowe. V'mm emnU infc habet, omnU adfunt hem,qucm Plaut. iu Ampli^ Veneii rinus, I 5 Fortune 70 Simile de Aiace fe- iplum interficiente (fuper cuius tumu- lum viruis plorans pro fjlfo iudicio^ appacet ante, folio tricefimo. Nam ciim Achillis arma p;t Agamemnonis iudiciurn.Vlyffi ad- iudicabantur, Aiax iliius iaiuriz itnpa- tlens, 8c pofteain- fanus , feiprum in. terficitbat , fie in- <]uiens vt Ouid. ha- hct ij.Meumorph. Meciora qui folus, qui firrum^tgnimque ,h' uemqut, St^tnuit toties,vntim mnfuHirKt tram : InuiStimq. vim vtcit dolor, arti^itenfem: JSt meiu htc ctrt'e efl, *» tjr hunefibi pef.it VlyJJis? }{»( ait , vtedum eflin me m:h\, quiq.auore SxpePkrygum maJidt, ttomini nunc utde m4> debit, tleqiafqmm ^iacem ft/iic fuperare , nifi ^laK, Dixit , ^infeUu}, ire. Fortum <^irtuim fuper ans. To Fr. W. Bjqmer. :• ^id^d^^^ -f^S WHEN E'R VTv s knewCy AvGVSTvs parte prcuairdc. And fawe his frendes, Heblecdinge on the grounde, Suche deadlie griefc , his noble harte afTailde, That with his iworde, hee did him felfe confoundc: But firfte , his frendes perfwaded him to flee, "Whoe aunfwer'd thus, my flighte with handes fhalbee. And bending then to blade , his bared brefle, Hcc did pronounce, theile wordcs with couragCLgreat: Oh Prowes vaine , I longe did loue tliee befte, * But nowe, I fee , thou doefl: on fortune waite. Wherefore with paine^, I nowe doe prooue it true. That fortunes force J maie vaHant hartes fubdue. Fides Fi{}es non et^parent'mm. 79 Barthram Calthorpe IjquleY. 7« TH E fiffhcrman , doth cade his nettes in (ea. In hope at lengthe , an happie hale to haue. And is content , longe time to pau(c , and ftaie, Thoughc, nothinge cllcs hee (eCjbefides the wane: Yet , oneUe truil for thinges vnfeenc dothe (erne, "Which feedes him ofi:e, till he doth almofie fteruc. If fiiThermen , haue tlien (iiche conftant hope. For hiddcn^hingcs , and (iich as doe decaie. Let Chriftians then , the eies of faithe houlde ope. And thinke not longe , for that which laftcs for aie, And on Go D s worde, theirc hope to anchor fafte, Whereof cache iote , (halbec fulfil'de at lafte. J^on houe ntaclato cocUilia mmina gaudent, Sed J qu£ fTA^ianda eSl & fme uUe , fide* Ouid.Epift.i8. Virtus 1^ virtus ynitAy yakt* Ornatif. iuuenUfm nouem fiatrihus G e o r g 1 1 BvRGoiNE armigeri F. F. /^^o. TH E furging Sea, doth fake ^ -and fweete remained And is preferiide with working , to and froe : And not corruptcs, nor fuifreth anie ftaine, Whiles in his boundes, the fame doth ebbe , and£owc: But if it wafte , and forth by flufes fall, It fbone corruptes , and hath no farce at all. The arrowes fiiarpe , that in one fheafe are bounde, . Are harde to breake , while they are ioined furc. But feuer them , then feeble arc they founde. So where as loue, and Concorde, doth indure: A little force, doth mightilie prcuaile, Where. Princes powers , with hate and difcordc quaild- Crafiam- Cratiam nfenndam. 75 S F, E hcare the ftorke prouidcs with tcntler care, And bfingeth mcate, vnto her hatched broode: They like againe, for her they doe prepare, Vvhen (hee is ouldc,,aQd can not get her foode: ^V'hich teacheth botlie ;, the parente and the childe, Theire duties heare y which eche to other owe : Firll J fathers muft be prouident , and milde, Vnto theire fruicle , tUl they of age doe growe : And children , mufte with dutie fhll proceede, To reuerence them , and helpe them if they neede. Aelianus lib. lo. cap. x6. IHem Jibro 8. cap. li. vbi de iiatura Ciconia: miia fabula. Vefejfum fertur portare Cicania pAtrenif Hinc ilia pietai fmcla mum aue. K Faradiias poe- ticus. Altar it U 74 ^Amrh'ut, Ouid. Mctam. lib. 4. Horat.fcrra.t. Sat. x. HE A R E T AN T A L V s , as Poettcs doc deuine. This guerdon hathe , for his oftence in heU: The pleafante fruite, dothc to his Hppe decline, A riuer faire vnto his chinne doth (well : Yet, twixt thefe two, for foode the wrctche dothc fleruc, For botlie doe flee , when they his neede fliouldc ferue. The couetons man , this fable rcprehendcs. For chaunge his name , and T a n t a l v s hee ky Hee dottie abounde, yet fterues and nothing fpendeSj But keepcs his goulde , as if it wcare not his : With (lender fare , he doth his hunger fcede. And dare not touche his (lore, when hee doth necdc. Tafjtalm a Ubris Jitiens fu^kntia capiat Ilumina, quid rides ? mutato nomine de te Tabula nanatur , congeffis vndique faccii IndormU inhians: & tanquam parcere facris Concerts &c. • ■ ■ nj'iUy mifero loma. 75 nr O Caucaius , behoulde Promethevs chain'de, -■- Whofe liLicr ftill , a greedic gripe doche rente: He ncuer dies, and yet is alwaies pam'de, With tortures dire , by which the Poectes ment. That hee , that ftill amid miffortunes ftandes, Is (brrowcs flaue, and bounde in laftingc bandes. For , when that griefe doth grate vppon our gall. Or furging Teas , of (brrowes mofte doe fwell. That hfe IS dcathe, and is no Hfe at all, The liuer rente , it dothe the confcience tell: Which being launclvdc , and prick'd, with inward care. Although wee Hue, yet ftiHwee dyinge are. Qual'iter in Scythicd nltgam rupe Trometheut, AfdUAm nimto peciore pauit aucm, &c. K z Dequo, Diodor, Sicul.ltb,^. Horati. Epift.i. — f;« murus dtut' fteus efio, Nilconl'cire/ibi , nuUa palitfitn cutfa. MaiciaI.Iib.2. Ccncor- 76 Concordia, 'ijilcu^ '^rn^.'j^ I y And. AlciiT. FcBderis hxcj^ecies : id habet concirduifignum, Vt quosiwigtt amor. h^,^ i,^„>^- If; OF kinoes, and Princes greare,lo,Conc9rdeioyrjes the handes: And Knittes theire {ubiedres haites in one , and wealthie makes theire Landes. Ic bloodie broiles dothe hate, and Enuie doune dothe tlirufte. And makes the Souldiourlearne to plowghe, and let his armour rufte. tame. -^a:m)tCCC* ^medium UmpeHimim ft. OuiJit maiorc tuant , Cato. ^Mitte arciuta dei C*- litmc^ut iiiqutrert (juid fit. 8f alius ffc. Si ChrifluM bene fii^ JktH efifiMUra nefin. WITH, lime, and net , the Mauis, and thclarke^ The fowler loe , deceaucd by his arte : But whiUlc alofte , he leucl'd at his markc. And did to highe exalte, his havvghtie hartc. An adder fell , that in the graffe did lurke, With poifbned ftinge , did his deflruClion worke. Let mortall men, that are butearthe, and dujfte, Not looke to highe, with pufFe of wordlie pride: But fbmetime, viewe the place wheretoo they mufte, And not delighte, the poorefl: to deride: Lefie when theire mindes, do mountc vnto the fkies^ Their fall is wrought , by thinges they doe diipile. Some others are , that fitlic thisapplie, To thofe , whoe doe Aftronomie profefiTe : Whoe leaue the earthe , and iludic on the fkie, . As if they coulde , all worldlie thinges cxprelle ; Yet , when to knowe the ftarres they take in hande. Of daungers neare, they doe not vnderftande. Sarins Siepifii in mro hibitttr 'penenum. 79 HE A R E L A I s fine , cloth brauc it on the ftage. With mufkecattes f\^''eere, and all fhec couldc defire : Her beauties beames , did make the youthe ta rage. And inwardlie Corinthus fet on fire: Bothe Princes, Peeres, with learned men, and graue, \Vith humble fute , did Lais fauour craue. Not eucrie one , mighte to Corinthus goe, The meaninge was, not all mighte Lais loac: The manchct fine, on highe eftates beftowc. The courfer chcatc , the bafer forte muft prooue : Faire Helen leaue for M e n e l a v s grace. And CoRiDONjletMABUB ftill imbrace. And thoughe , the poore maie not ptcfume alofte. It is no caufe , they therefore fhoulde difpairc : For with his choife, doth I r v s ioye as ofte. As dothe the Prince, that hathe a Venvs fairc: No highe t'ftate, can giue a quiet life, But God it is, that tslefleth man, and wife. Then make thy cUoife, amongfte thy cqualles ftill. If thou miflike Dianas fteppes to trace : Thoughe Paris, had his Helen at his will, Thinke howe his fade , was I l i o n s foulc deface* And hee , that mofte the houfe of L A i s hauntcs , The more he lookes , the more her face enchc^i^ntes. De Laide Aul. Cct. lib z. cap.S. •Propertius Eleg.t. Non ha comftebant Ej/hjriea Laiiiot tides, ^d cuius ittcM Grt' ma Ura feres. Horac. EpiA. lib. I. Epift. 1 8. A'on cuiuU homini na- tingit 4dire QiriTim thum. claud.i. de volupt. «iill. (ic, BUnda qiudem vultu, fid qud H«n tetritr vUa. Inttritu fiiC0t4 gtnui , iX*miSl» dtlffit tUvebrii, &c PrdpoHer* 8o "^r^poflera fides. AN E L L V s J fendes his corne vnto the mill, Which beinge grounde, he tri'de it by the waighte: And finding not the meafure, to his will, Hee ftudied longe J to learne,che millers fleighte: For noe complaintcs, coulde make him leaue to ftealc. Or fill the facke , with fuftie mixed mcale. "Wherefore , to mill he fente his deareft. wife,- That nighte, and daie , fliee mighte the grindirige^viewe; Where fhee, (kinde harte,,) to ende al f©rmer fbife. Did dubbe her Spoufe , one ofVvLCANvs crewei Oh grecdie foolc Anellus, of thy graine. And of thy wife , too prodigall ^ and plaine. Tatm Tatu'J leuia commhito, , 8i I - H E little childe , is pleafde with cockhorfc gaie^ X Akhoughe he afke a courfer of the befle : The idcot likes , with babies for to plaie, And IS di/grac'de, when he is brauelie drefte: r A motley coate , a cockefcombe , or a bell, Hce better likes , then Icwelles that excell. So fondelinges vaine , that doe for honor fue, And (cQkc for roomes, that worthie men dcferuc: The prudent Prince J dothc giue hem ofte their due, Whiche is faire wordes , that right their humors (erue: For infantes handc , the rafor is vnfittc. And foolcs vnmcetc , in wiledomes feate to iitte. L Homi Com. Gall. Diuer/is diutr/a (H- uaiit: no emmtuiannu Omnia cenuimmty ire. c^ 82, Homines 'Volu^tatihuj transformantur. V 'I A. 'J Q E E here V l i s s e s men , transformed ftraungc to heare Guid. M«ijtam» ^ lib. 14. I-lorat.i, Epift.i. Some had the Thape of Goates, and Hogges, fomc Apes, and Aflesweare. Who , when they might haue had their former fhape againe. They did refiife , and rather wifh'd , ftill brutifhe to remaine. Which fhowes thofe foohfhe forte, whome wicked loue dothe thrall. Like brutifhe beaftes do pafle theire time , and haue no (ence at all. And thoiighe that wiiedome wouldc , they fhoulde againe retire. Yet, they had rather CiR ces feruc, and burnein theire defire. Then , loue the onelie erode , that clogges the worlde widi care. Oh ftoppe your eares, and fhucte your cies, of Circes cuppes beware. iftrenum vocts , & Circ€s poctda. nofii : Qiu fi 4:um fociU ftulm , cupdinq^ bibijfet, Sub domina meretrice fuifet turpis , & excorsy Vixijfet cms immundw , vd arnica Into fm. ludic'ttm hidimml?m£s. ?} ' — - \S7' ■ «* .^ vi^ J>' : X) ^7 M V !e??;?ft!g^? .-,___ __— ^— »— +— — • — ^ — — _ *;^^ i«^ T o P a;r r s ,. here the GoddefTes doc pleado: "With kmgdomcs large , did I v n o nialce her (ute. And Pallas nexte , with -aifcdomc him afdide^ But V E N V s fairc, did Vyinnc the goulden fruite. No princehe giftes , nor wiiedorae he did wey^, For Bewne^ did comamide.him to obey. The worldHe man , whofe fighte is alwaies dimmC;, "W'hoie fancic fonde cache pleafure doth entice, The liiaddovscs, are like fubftance vnto him. And toyes more dcare , them thinges of greateft price: But yet the wife this iudgement. rafhe deride. And fentence giue on prudent Pallas lide. 'Regna louk ceniux; Virtutem filU ia^at. Et poftea ibidem. Vulce Ventu rifit. Nee te Pari munera ungunt, Viraquf fujf^nfi plem timoTiSj ait. L 1 RidicuU Ouid.F.pift.15, Dc iudicio Pa- xidis* 7^ ^£cuU ambitlo. /" ^j;;^3^i^^^-^ i^' Aelian. dc var, Hiftor, lib.i4* cap. } 0. HE ARE Hanno ftandcs , and lookes into the fkyc. And feedes him felfe, with hope of future praife^ Vnro his birdcs, he dotlic his eare applic. And truftes in tyme , that they his name fhould raife: For they weare taughtc , before they flcwe abrode, Longe tymc to faie , that Hanno was a God. But , when the birdes from bondage weare releafl. And in the woodes, with other birdes weare ioin'dc. Then H a N n o s name , theirc woonted lefTon ceafte, . For cache did flngc , accordingc to his kinde : Then flee this faulte, Ambition workcs our fhamc, And vertue loue , which dothe excoll our name. DefdUm n)ejidiam abliciendam. 85 Vs'E labour ftill, and leauc thie flouthfiiU featc, Flee IdlcnelTc, which bcggers ftate dothe giue : "With fA-eate of browe , fee that thou get thy meatCj If thou be borne, with labouring handc to Hue: And get , to cate . and eate , to liue with praife: Liuc not to cace , to Iiue with wanton ea(e. By DR.ACOES lawes , the idle men (liouldc die, 'The Florentines, made banifhemeuttheire painc: In Corinthe, thofe that idlie rhey cRfffcc, "Wcare warn'dc at firfte , the fcconde time were flaine; And eke Saind Paule , the flothfuU thus dotli threatc, "Whoc laboreth not , denic him for to eate. Quftmx jy£fi^us quare fit fd^m adulter: In prompiu caujfa ejl , defidtofus erat. L 5 « Sabcl, Paal.Thefj.ea.^ Nci] lie gratis pa- nem manducaui- tnus ab aliquo, fed in laborc, & in fatigatione, node, & die opc- rantes&c. (^ poiJea : Qujniarn fiquis noil vult operari, necmanducct. Ouid. i.Rcracd. Amotis. {J^ertui ^^ Mortui dimttdz. Ad Reuerendum virum D«. Alexandrvm Nowel i VauUha ecclefta Londini Decanmn , doctrina, & exewph cUrmn. Horat.i. Garnn.4. Talitda mors te(^uc pn!= /at ycde pauferum ta- Propertrtis i.iS. tiatfd vUaiportai it opts ^cbcrontit ad vndas: Nudmab infirna finite vchcrt rati' t'itlor cum viUu pari- Ser nifcehitHr vmbm, ConfuU cum Mari^ 9»/U luffirtka fida, ■ TH E Princes gre.ite J and Mcij.uxlits of the earthe, Whoe , while they liu'de, the worlde might not fuffice : Yet can they claime, by greatnefle of their birthe, To bearc from hence-, when nature life denies, Noe more then rhcy, ;who fo-^ i^lciG: did pyne, . \Vhich is but thi?, a. fhrouding fheete of twyne. Thoughe fewe there bee, while they doe flourifhc heere. That doe regarde the place whereto the mufte: Yet J thoughe theire pride like Lucifers appeere. They fhalbcc fure at lengthe to turne to dufte : The Prince , the Poore, the Prifbner, and the flaue. They all ac lengthe, are furamon'de to their graue. But BiK, hec that princes this dcepche in his iiiincle^ Ahhoughe he fee in mightie C ><• s a r s chaire. Within this life , fhall contentation finde, When carelefle men, ofte die in great difpaire: Then, let them bhillhc that woulde be Chriftians thougln^ And taile hereof, Sith Turkes the fame haue taught. As Saladine, that was the Souldainc greate Of Babilon , when deathe did him arrefle. His fubiecles charg'd, when he fhouldelcaue his ieate. And hfe rellgne, to tyme, and natures hefte: The)' fhould prepare, his ffiyrcc vppon a fpeare. And all about forthwith the fame fhoulde bcarc. Throughc A s c h a l o n, the place where he deceaftc, W ith trumpet Sounde , and Heralce to declare , Theife wordes alowde: The Kittle of all tbe'EaRej Great Saladine, behoulde is Jiripped bare : Of kingdonies Urge, and Ijes in houfe of daiej'. And this is all , be bare \\>ith him awaie. ■»7 Vrbs Paljcftinat, ^od in te e§i , prome. Ad eundem. "^X jA-pArli'iTW -p* (f1>^.\!t:^^ TH E Pellican , for to rcuiue her younge. Doth peirce her breft , and geuc them of her blood : •Then (earche your biefte , and as yow haue with tonge. With pcnnc proccede to doe our countrie good : Your zeale is great, your learning is profounde. Then helpc our wantes, with that you doe abounde. " Psrad. Potft. r»r Phariusronrofigit fttecanui amto, '■ Et/h pro natitjic nt' De far- 88 Omi I. RemetJ. Amoris, Tlumiiia magna -jidei pattui de fentihus ortaf Flurtma coUiHU mtUtiflicatitttr aqniit Vt huic vacuo fpacioaliquidad- iicJam,non facile occurnt (mi fra- icr) quod & tibi (iam patrifami- lias)&huic5ym- bolo roagis con- .ucniar, quam il- lud Horatianuna sd Icciuna. I.Epift, IZr *2)^ paruufy grandii ojceruus erit. To my brother M, Br. Whitney. ALTHOVGHE thy ftore bee fmall , for to beginnc. Yet guide it well , and fbone ij: is increafte. For mightie men, in time theire weakhe did winne, Whoe had at firfte , as little as the lefte.: Where God dothe blcfTe, in time aboundance fpringes. And hcapes are made , of manic little thinges. IruH'thm Agrippd skulii ^ quos coUigis Jcch Si rede fueris : mn eH vt copia tnaior Ah low doriAr't popt tibi , tote querelas, fauper mm mn eii, m rerum Juppetit vy«r. frita^ vita irrequieta. Ad Do^if virtm \V. M. fortune tela iStum. Z7 'T* H E Apodes J which doe in India breede, ^ Still flie about, and feldome take theire ea^ : They haue no ^t.^iQ, , to refte them as wee reade. But with theire flighte, do compalTe lande, andfeas: Vnto this broode , thofe that about doe rome, "Wee maie compare: that:haue no houfe, nor home. Bothe houses faire, and citties great, they veiwe. But Riuers (wiftc, theire paflagc ftiU do let. They ofte looke backe , and doe theire fortune rue. Since that therin , they hauc no (eate to fet: Thus, pafTe they throughe theire longe vnquiet^Hfe, Till dcathe dothe come , the cnde of worldlie ftnfe. onw.e [ohm forti patria eft , vtfifcibm aquor, Vt volucri vacm quicquid in orbe patet. M Tuuen. Sat. lO. *Fmuu licet portis ar- gent i vafcula puri, Noll titer ingrijfas gla- dmm, contum^ue ti' raebiiy Et tnttx dd lunara trim pidahu arundmu vrahram. (antaiiit vacttus faraja L'.trtne vtater. Oaid.z.FaA. ExilU. po dato0'fnh:i6e In eum qui truculeniiafuommprlerli. Ad affinem/uum , R. £. thedlcum infignem. Aelian. De Ani- malibus lib. 5». cap.y. &Iib.ii. cap. 1 1. Alciatas. NamJinei:proprw Nt- ftutjusparcit ulumnii, Sluu tutos hofnines nAutl/us ejjipuiat? Behis.Petrarcka lib. vtriufc[. for- tunae ia titulo de raoricntibus ex- tra patriani , lu- culentcrfcribit. Aufonius Epigr. 'T* H E Dolphin fwifte, vpon die fhore is tlirownc, -■■ Thoughe he was bred, and fofter^d, in the flood: If N E PT V N E fhewe (iich wronge , vnto his owne. Then , howc maie man in (hippes hauc hope of good: The raging Sea, our countrie i Indnfim mturam corrigit. Ad D. H. \Vh. patruelk met F. 'A:r<3. I . » Ouid.Epift.u. TH E Lute J who(e founde doth moft delighte the eare. Was cafte afide , and lack'de bothe{b:inges,andfretccs: Whereby , no worthe within it did appeare, Mercvrivs came , and it in order (ettes : Which being tun'de , (iiche Harmonic did lende. That Poettes write , the trees theire toppes did bende. Euen (b ^ the man on whome dothe Nature froune. Whereby , he Hues difpifd of eucrie wighte, InduHrie yet , miie bringe him to renoume. And diHgence , maie make the crooked rightc : Then haue no doubt, for arte maie nature helpc. Thinke howe the beare doth forme her vglye whelpc. si mihi difficilU formam natura negauit-, Ingenio forma damna rependo mc&» Iftfor- In/or tunia noFira^ dients colUu^ leuiora, Ai eundem. ^l S. TH E Aile, and Ape comphine, and thought theire fortunes bad? ouid. 9 Wetam. The Adej for wante of hornesr the Ape, bycaufe no taile he had. ^^^\Jf''''^r%^f' The Mole, then anfwere made: I haue no eyes to fee, quejutlm?: " ' Then wherefore can you nature blame, if that you looke on mec. ^tmnvuitn/ttura^ Which biddes vs bee contente, with lot that God dorh fende. For i('«.'CQ others wantes do wey , our happes wee maie commende. pttcntior cmnibtu liJu. Vxorid 'virtutes. To my Sister , M . D. C o l l F y. 1^ Til I s reprelentes the vertues of a wife. Her finger, flaies her tonge to runne at large. The modcft lookes, doc fliewc her honeft hfe. The keys, declare fhce hathe a care , and chardge. Of hufbandes goodes: let him goe where he pleafc. The Tonoyfc warnes , at home to fpend her dales. M 5 Inu'tdu Plautus in Amph. 'JS(on ei^o iliam mihi dotim diico ejji, qu* doi dtcitur^ Sed pudutttam i^ yn- dorem , i!y pd^tum (upidmew, Daiim metunt, partru. turn amorero, ^ ca~ 54^ Imidia defcripio* AdRa.W* r.'j&ta^^^^^'yt InuiJiam OuiJ. defcribit i.Me- tamorph. Lucrct. j^ Stkuerat fnuidia Mt€ ttuloi tin* ejji potettm, lUum adlpeffitri, tUro ^ui incedtt hsnort : Jpftfe tn ttnebr'ts vthu^ nanoque qutruatur. vv HAT hideous liagge wiili vifagc fterne appeares? "Whofe feeble lirnmes, can fcarce the bodie ftaie: This ,. Enuie is: leane , pale, and full of yeares, "Who with the blifTe cf other pines awaie. And what declares , her eating vipers broods? That poyfbned thoughtes , bee euermorc her foode. "\^^hat meanes her eies? fo bleared , fore , and redd: Her mourningc flill, ta fee an others gaine. And what is mente by fnakes vpon her head^.. The fruite that fpringes , of fuch a venomed braine. But whie, her harte fhee rentes within her brcft? It fhewes her {elfe ,.doth worke her owne vnreft. Whie lookes fhce wronger bicaule fhee woulde not fee. An happie wight , which is to her a hell : "What other partes within this furie bee? Her harte , with gall: her tonge, with ftinges doth fwell. And lafte of all, her ftaffe with prickes aboundes : Which fhowes her wordes , wherewith the good fhce woundes. Guid.Iib. I. Dc AxteAmandi.. Jm'ilior fegei eft alienU femper in agrU^ Vicmw^ pectn ^randius yhr hdeu Ve In^ T>« Inuido Q^oAmro, iocofum. !>S TH E Goddes agreed , two men their wiftie fhould haue : And did decree , who firfte demaunde did make, Shoulde hauo his wifhe: and he that laft did craue. The others gifte fhoulde double to him take. The Couetous wretche, and the Enuious m^nt Theifc weare the two , that of this cafe did fcanne. They longe did ftriuc , who fhoulde the firfte demaunde : The Couetous man rcfufde, bicaufe his mate, Shoulde haue his gifte then doubled out of hande: The thought whereof, vppon his hartc did grata Wherefore the Goddes, did plague him for his CnnCj And did commaunde, th'Enuious man beginne. Who did not craue , what Midas cheife did choofe, Becaufe his frcnde, the fruitc thereof (liould finde: But onelie wifh'dc, that he one eie might loofc, Vnto the endc, to haue the other blinde: "Which beinge fay'd, he did his wifhe obtainc: So but one eye , was lefte vnto them twaine. See heare how vile , theifc cayifFes doe appearc. To God, and man: but chieflie fas wee fee) The Couetous man , who hurteth farre, and nearc* Where fpytefuU men , theire owne tormentors bee. But boche be bad , and he tlut is the befte, God keepc him thence, where honeft men doc rcile. Auth.de G«euva in-Epillwlisruis. C \ \. Admih ?(5 Ad ornatifvirumDn. Petrvm Withipole. Tetre ^ imitare fetram. ^JUgl ta 1 ■ KM H HUSh H|lj| i^^^r.^^ 1 1 H m 9 I^Jj^^H ^^H ^s 1^ ^E 1 |i s^^ B ^^B m ■ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^';^ ^^ ^^g h5^ WHAT IvNivs fcnt his fonne ,.lo, here T fend to thee? Bycaufe his name, and Nature both, with thyne doe well agree. Hadrianus lu- niusHarlemen- iis Medicus cla- /- ,i i /~ i i i i i t i tiir. inter Emblc- Difpiie all plealLires vayne, nQuld vertue by the hand, mata fua, filio J{u.d as in rage of wyndes^and Seas,the Rocke doth hrmelyftande. fuoPetrohocin- -n t i /- fcripfit. Softand thou all way es lure , that thoU maift hue with fame, Reinembring how the Latins fbunde a Roeke Co like diy name. Quid. £pi(l. 15a Permanet in voto tnens meajrmajua. Vtan n>um potes ^ Vntill the Lorde appoynte an liappie hower.- Obfiuri lat'ues me condunt : fcrnere U^am Mramema yetant: abditAj ma nator N Celfi Odrd.j.Ah.Amantf. Nh qu* pmteriit, tm- fit ftuittttitttr vnda ; ^« qudft*ternt htra rttl/re pottii, Yttndum tfi dtate, iitp fedt lahituf dtat'j Q^ti bona tamftqtU' P*r,q\tam k»it»ftima Paradifus pocVa dc Scpia. P8 StdtitUfmfeiffumfagmdr'u Ad H. S. commmem viduarum procum. TH E Foxe , that longe for grapes did leape in vayne. With wearie limmes, at Icngthe did fad departe: And to him felfe quoth hee, I doe difdaync Thefe grapes I fee , bicaufe their tafte is tarte : So thou, that hunt'ft for that thou longc haft mift. Still makes thy boaft , thou maift if that thou lift. Virefck ytdnere virtus. TH E dockes (thoughe trodcn) growe, as it is dailie (eene: S« Yci:tue,thoughcitlon^c bee hid,with woundinge waxcth grecne. Imfar coniugmm. Ad Aphflum. 99 TH E tyraunt vile M e z e N t i v s :> put in vre, Amongft the plagues > wlierewithhee murtheredmen: To binde the quicke, and dead , togeather furCj And then , to throwe them, both into a denne. Whereas the quicke, (liould ftill the dead imbrace, Vntill with pine , hee turn d into that cafe. Tho(e wedding webbes , which fbmc doe weaue with ruthcj, As when the one, with ftraunge difeafe doth pine: Or when as age , bee coupled vnto youthe. And thofe th^ hate , inforced are to ioyne , This reprcfcntcs : and doth thole parentes fiiowe. Arc tyrauntesmeere, who ioyne their children foe. Yet manie arc, who not the caufe regarde, The birthe, the yeares, nor vertues of the minde: For goulde is firft, with greedie men prefer'de. And loue is laftc , andJikinge let behinde : But parentes harde, that matches make for goodes: Can not be free, from guilte of cliildrens bloodes. Qium male vuquales venimt ad aratra iuuencii Tarn prcmitur ma^no contuse nu^ta minor. N z~ Trontis Virg.8.iEncid. Jiiortwi quinetia itm- gtbat corpora vtuU, Campemm manibiifyut Odid.Epift.^. joo Vrontis nulk fides. Ad Leiiif. luuenes D«. Edm. Vreake, & Dn. Anth. Alcocki 'CCCO^ — ^:^~~^=w. s ^ .. i.iimx W'^^^^ -'-^^^^ ^H ^M ^^W^f i ^s 6HI ^m ^9 ''P'*™^^5^Q= B ^aEi*^M /f)J?«^«M ^^# ^^^J ^^P hsm^W^^HI ^P ''^^^ ^iSd 9H fv^^Slm^^^^H^sa i^^ w^ THE lions roare: the Boi'cs theirc tufkes do whet. The Griphins grafpe theirc tallantes in theirc ire: The dogges do barkcj the bulles,with homes doe thwt. The Serpen tes hifle, with eyes as reddc as fire. But man is made, of fuche a fccmehc fhapc. That frendc , <» foe , h not difcerri'd by face : Then harde it i^ the wickeds wiles to fcapc. Since that the bad , doe mafke with honeft grace. And Hypocrites , hauc Godlic wordes at will. And rauening wolues , in fkinnes of lambes doc lurkc^ And Cain doth fecke, his brother for to kill , And faindes in fhewe , with I v d A s hartes doe worke- Nowe, fince the good no cognizance doc beare. To reache vs , whome wee chieflic (hould imbrace^ ' But that the fame the wicked (brte doe wearc. And fhewe thera felucs like them , in eueric cafe. D« vet2 Amicitia Pontius Paulinus, AufoniofctibitEp.t A table lo, herein to you I fendc, gnm rm[4u* refiim vVhcreby you might remember llili to write. His wot- His wordes , and dcedes , that bcares the face officndc. Before you choofe , fuche one for your delite. And if at Icngthe, you' trye him by this tuche. And findc him haulc , whereby you ftand in dour. No harte, nor hand, fee that you ioyne with fuche But at the firft, bee bould to rafe him out. Yet if by proofe, my wordes, and deedes agree. Then let mee ftill within your tables bee. nAmmifcrmium Jeruitus, Ad ornatum virttWy D. Ellisevm Gryphith. X9I FduU , run ttrrinl* ftntU loti^a dipmit, Mk ptrirmt ; toti licet siffrahar orht-Jcl 4u» : t^untjuam animod:- uijHS agam-^ prim \ffa rectdit Carport vita mto, qu^ vesitr feOtn vtdtus. Hornr.i. Serm.). ^t pAter T/tgnati,/!c BOS dehemuiamki, Si (fuodfu vitinm ntn fiflidnc, ^li. TH E Prouerbe (aithe, the bounde mufte ftill obey. And bondage bringes , the freeft man in awe : '^^hoe ferues muft plcafe, and hearc what other fayc. And leame to keepe *Harpocrates his lawe: Thwi bondage is the Prifon of the minde: And makes them mute, where wifedome rs by kinde. The Nightingall , that chaunteth all the fpringe, Whofc warbUngc notes , throughout the wooddes are hardc, Beinge kepte in cage, fhe ceafcrh for to finge. And mournes , bicaufc her hbertie is barde : Oh bondage vile, the worthie mans deface, Bcc farre from thofe , that learning doc irabracc. N 4 •Silcniij dcus apudAegyptos, UmXm 102. lnfortlsfu£ contemptores. Cicero Tufc. 5. & Valer. Max. & Si- don. Apollinatis lib.i epift.ij. Horat< Serm. i. Satyra i. fi(mo, quam fibi forti Siu ratio dedtrit , fiu ftritbiturit, ilia Ctnttntui viuat: Uudet Aiucrfa fequcntii? O finnnati mtrcato - rts, grtutM annit iMiltt ait, ire Horat. Carm }. Ode I. DiHriBui enjii mvf»- ftr iipptt CtrMiepend(t,inn SimU dupe:. Duliem claborabnnt JUforim : Non auium,cifhar»'' ^Miiantus Stmnum reductnt, irt. SeDccaOed. Aft^). S}ui fieftra duupiuM imperio rtget, Timit timentti: mttHi mmtStQTtmrtia, ERE Damocles, deHrouS' for to tafte. The princelie fare, of Dion ysi vs kinge. In royall featcj was at the table plafte,. Where pages liraue , all daintie catcs did bringe:- His. bed of goidde., with curious coueriuges fpred. And CLibbourdes ritche, with plate about his bed. No wheje hee ftay'de, but muficiue fweete did fbunde; No where hee went, but hee did odors fmell^ Nowe in his pom pe, when all thinges did abounds,^ Being afk'd , if that this, life did plcafe him well : Hee aun(were made^ it was the heauen alone,. And that to it, all other liucs weare none. Theruo did the king comaunde a naked fworde, . Vnto the roofe, fhoulde with a heare bee knit :r That right fhoulde hange, when hee was plac d-atbourde, Aboue his head , where he did vfe to fit : "Which when hee fawe , as one diftrade with care, Hee had no ioye in mirthe, nor daintie fare* But But did bcfcfcch, the Tyrannt for togiuc. His former llate , and take his pompc againe : By u-hich , wee Icarne , that thofe who meanely liue, Haue ofce more ioye, them thofe who riile and raigne: But cheifelye , if hke him they doe appearc, Who night, and dayc, of fabiedles iloode in feare. 103 Intcrdum requiefcendum. Ad Dn, P E T R V M C o L V I V M Bruginfem. Claud 4:honDr. £luitmtt,pluuf{eti. met: /on ifla t)rjnnu (oiiuoiit, inuuteant da- rn fortcfime trucidcHt, Jfiiniri giatlth viiiiint , fif/ti^ue vaicnn ^lidfttci haheant aV' ca, trtftdtq. mineutuTt Periandetapud Am- fonium. Multu ttrribilit (anttt muli»t, Aclianus de tyran- nis lih.io. cap.\. fie lib. 6. cap. I). Dc Var. Hift. Co N T I N V A L toile , and labour , is not befte: But fometimes ceafc , and reft thy wearie bones. The daic to worke, the nighte was made to refte, And ftudentcs muft haue paftimes for the nones: Sometime the Lute, the Chefle, or Bowe by fittcs. For ouermuch , dothe dull the fineft wittcs. For lacke of rcftc , the feildc dothe barren growe. The winter coulde, not all the yeare doth raigne: And daihe bent, doth weakc the ftrongeft bowe: Yea our delightcs ftill vf'd, wqc doc difdainc. Then reft by fittes , amongfte your great affaires. But not too muche, lefte (loathe dothe fet her fniftcs. Ntc enim facundU femper Addu^d cum jronte placet : nee femper in armu Bellica turba manet : nee toU clapcus horror UoUe d'teque gemit : nee femper Cnopus area DeHinat , exempto fed laxat cornua neruo. Et gtltA miles caput t & Utm etifi refoluit. Lucaous ad Pi- (bacm- THE SECOND PARTE OF EMBLEMES, AND OTHER DEVISES^ gathered, Enghfhed^ and moralizjdy And diucrfe newlic deuifed , by Geffrey JVhUney. IN PRAISE, OF THE T;W O NOBLE EARLES, WarwI CKE, AND LeyCESTER. f n^T^a^ y ^ ^ 5f4;'^x/^tf/f 4r^3 th e gr eat errand the leffe, a^^ ^>A ^^^^ ktjowne to thofe that trauaile farre , and neare Pes, vrfxmaio- ris ad Antipodes kcet. Without ^hofefighte^ thefhipman failes I'/gejfe, if that the Sonm^ or Mooney doe not appeare. They both doe fhowe , to th' Eqnino6iiaU liney K^nd one , vnto th'A ntipodes doth fhine, Thefe , haue their lighte from P h OE b v s goulden rates. And all the "^orlde , by them receyueth good: Without "^hofe helpe , no man might e pajfe the feoiy But euer ftande in daunger of the flood ; oh bleffed lightes , the ^orke of heauenly hande, Tou, millions faue from ruthe of rocl^ y andfande* Two noble peeresy "^ho both doe giue the beare. Two famous Earles^hofe praifes pierce the fkye : Who both are pUcd in honours facred cheare, ■ Whofe "^porthie fame fhall Hue , a^d ne«er dye\ Jn Englifhe courte doef^ende their bkffed daies : of pubUque ^eaUy two greatey and mightie fiaiesi And as thofe flarres ^/Phoebvs lighte are feene. So y both thefe Earles haue honour y mightey and power: Erom P H oEa e brighte, our moFle renowmed ^ueene, Whofe fame , no time , nor enuie can deuorver : And vnder her , theyjfhowe to others lightey And doe reioyce tenne thoufand ^ith their fighte, JButyf/nce that all that haue bin borne ^ haue ende, \,And not hinge can ')^ith natures I awes di (pence : Vowchfafe oh Lorde, longe time their Hues to lendcy Before thou call thefe noble pcrfons hence : whofe fame y '^hile that the B cares in fkie fhall fhowe y Within this landcy all future times fhall J^nowe. Inpraife 107 InprMfe of the Righte JioHorMe my ^ood Lorde, and MalHer, the E.irle o/Leycester. HE E that dc fires to paffe the [urging Stas^ Bycatife they are fo bonder full to fee^ ^^nd ^ithetit fkill^dothventttre ^heArsheefleAfe^ while that the Katies both caulme , and quiet hee^ Weare better farre , to keefe hirn on the lande. Then for to take fuch enterpri/e in hande, Tor^ if hee lacke his compajfe , and his carde^ And arte therfore^ to fhape his courfe aright ei Or pylottes good y that daungers may regardcy when purge doth five It ^ and ^indes doe fhowe their mighte] Doth perriO life , throughe^anton freckles ^i//. And dotlj to late lamente his lacke of fkilL So ^ hee that fhoulde ^ith ^iUJjee (iirrdto ^ryte. Tour noble acles ^ your gift es and vertues rare: Jf Pa.l las ayde hee lacke , for to indite^ ■ Hee fhould but hasfe his follie to declare, C^nd ^rongeyour righte ^ defer uingeY i R g I L s penne\ \^nd Homers fktU^ if they ^eare here agayne. Then, heU for fuch to take a longer paufcy Then to attempte a t hinge fo farre vnfitte : For » they may knowe to ^rite of fuch a caufCy Befeemeth best , the fine , and rareU ^itte, Tet thofe that^oulde, I "^i fie their learningefutche^. That as they fhoulde , they mighte your vertues tutche. An other of the famci SINCE fa)ite U vp'igbte ofwtnge, and throughe eche dymate flies. And vcoorthy acles of noble peeres, doth raife vntathefk^s. Andfincefhee hathe extolled your praifes longe agoe. That other countries farre, and ne.ire,your noble name doe knovpe. ■ Althoughe 1 houlde mj peace, throughe vcante of learned fkill, • Yet fhallyour papnge fame bee himme , and bee renorvmedfiill' And thofe that haue defire^ vppon yourprdfe to bake, Mayfnde it truly pen'd by fame^ v^tfm her gouldm booke. Where, on the formoU fro7ite of honours bautie fiagCy. Sheeplaceth you, m equall roome, vc'nh ante of your 4g«=« Wherfore to fame lyeeld, and ceafe what 1 begonnei Bt(aufe,it if tn vainer tofst a (andeUin the Sonne. O z - Jief^USf Io8 ^^ke^ (^fro^ke. TH E former parte, nowc pade, of this my booke. The (econdc parte in order doth infuc : Which , I beginne with 1 a n v s double lookc, That as hee lees , the yeares both oulde , and ncwc. So, with regarde 5 1 may thefe partes behoulde, Perufiage otte, the newe, and eeke the oulde. And if, that faulte within vs doc appearc, "Within the yearc, thatis alreadie donnc. As I A N V s biddes vs alter with the yearc, And make amendes , within the yearc begonnc, Eucn fb, my felfe furuayghinge what is paft ; With greater he^de , may take in liande the laHic. This Image had his rites, and temple faire. And call'd the G o d of warrc , and peace^ bicaule ^^ ffnumT- ^^ warres, hcc wirn de of peace not to dif pairc: gniScatur. And Warn dc in peace, to pradife martiall la wcs: piin. Natur. ^j^j furthermore , his lookes did teactT^ thisiommcj To beare in mindc^ time paft^ and time tocomme. SlNCB Hift.hb. 34. cap. 7. to the honor ahU sir Philippe Sidney Knight y Goutmnour of the Gjrrifon , and townc of Vliftnge. I N c E befl: deferte, for valour of the mindc. And prowes great , the Romanes did dcferue; And lithe, the worlde might not their matches finde. In former times , as autflhors yet referuc : A fewe of them I meanc for to recite, That valiaunt miadcs mayc hauc therein dehghte. And but to tutche the naked names of fbmc. As Ro^^tdus , that firft the wall did laye : And fo , from thence to nearer times to come. To Curttf!4 bouldcj that did the gvilfc allaye: Or Codes ceire , who did his foes withRande, Till bridge was broke, and armed f^amme to lande. Then Vofihumt^ , I might with thele repcate. That did repuKc the Latines , from the waulcs. And CManliuA , a man of courage greate. Who did dcfende the Capitoll from Gaules : And Fabius name, of vvhome thisdothe remainc. Three hundreth CiyiQ , v,-earc in one battaile llaine. With thefe , by righte comes CorioUnus in, Whofe cruell mindc did make his countrie foartC; Till mothers tearcs, and wiues, did pittie winnc: Fahricius then , who me bribes coulde not peruertc* And Becij eekc; and funi/ voidc of dreede: ' With Curif; and CMetelli yAoo, fucceede. DefftJtft^snc^tCj that fixe (core battailes foughte. Who, Romanes call'de Ac h i l l e s,for his force: Vnto his graue no woundc behinde hee broughte. But fortie fiuc before , did caruc his corfe. To^cj'tattt^ ceke, his (oc that ouercame, And tookc his cliainc; whereby he had his name. With Claud'tm blinde, and CUudius Caudax nam'de. Two brothers bouldc , for valour great renoum*de ; O 3 And Komnltu. Marctu Curt tut, Htratiui Ceclet. Aulm FofihumM Mmlittt Cafitt' lintM. Tabij. Martittt CorioliS^ nut. C.Fabrieitn. De (uius fide, ftc Tyr. rhui apMl Eutrjptuitl De beUo Terentine. llleeftFabri i isqui difficilmsab hone- ftate , quira Sol i curfa f'uo auciii pofT-t. I>ecij, luntf. . Cttrij, Metetli. Stctuiui jyentAtus Aai. Cell .i').i. cap.if &P.m.lib.7. cai>. i8. Mitnlim Tot quit' j^fpiui Claudiut AppittA Cla:;diut Caudax. 110 ^ttmin calati- And CaUtine , that all S i c i L r a tarnde, »«*• And one the Sea, Hamilear did confounde : ^LuaatTt^^CMu- Lu6fatim eeke , that Carthage fleete fubdiide, Im. Wherebyjfor peace they with fubmiffion fude. -Fabittt Maximus. And Fabim greate , and CMarc Marcellm boulde, u^.ntis MamiiHs j|^^^ ^^ ^^^Q IcHgthe did S Y R A c V s A facke : M:^rcus Fortius And cckc the ades of Fortius wee behoulde, cato. Whofe life thoughe longe, yet Rome to fbonedidlacke: cn. -Duinius. T>tnUiw yet , and Liuiu^ wee doe knowe, Unius saimator, Thoughe they wearc turn'd to poulder longe agoe, Claudius Nero. What flioulde I fpeake o^ Clandim l>{eres harte, Iclio Pumco""'^° When H A N I B A L , did Toyall Rome difmaye : And Hasdrvbal did haft to take his parte. But Claudhi^i lo, did mcete him by the waye, And reaiid rhislife, and put his hofte to flighte, scipio Africmui. ^"^ threwe his head to H A n i b a l his fighte. ^f^'^^'^^- Then Scifio comes, that Carthage waules did race. Tniuim Nohilior. A noblc ptincc , the (econde vnto none: ^auius jEmtUus. pi^f^i^jff^ then , and Tuluius haue their place ; chtis. MmiiiHi aaeSj and Gracchus , yet are knowne : Cornelius syiia. Wjch Sj/Z/a ficrcc , and Caius Marius (houtc, ^m$ urtuspa- \^^[^q(^ j^jyjll warrcs _, made Rome, tenne yeares in doubta Appianus De Bcllo 11 1 • > cipii. lib. I. Sertorim^ nexte , and eeke Ga&tmus name, S^^G^Sr With Crajjj^,- zndLucu//u^, highe renounidc: LiciniusCrajjus. And C^fiir gicat, that prince of endeleffc fame, Lucius LucuUus. whofeades, alllandes,while worlde dothe lafte, {hall founde, lultusCAjar. ' ' , n t i • ociautHs Augu- \^itguf{r44 eeke, that happie molt did raigne, ^^^' The (courge to them , that had his vnkle ilainc. M,4ntomus. Anthonlm then , that fortune longcdid frende. Yet at the lengthe , the moft vnhappie man: Ltpidus. And Lepidus , forfaken in theende, M..Bfutm, With Brutus boulde, and Cap us , pale and wan : ''^"'*' Widi manie more, whome authors doe reportc^ . Whereof J enfuc fome tutch'd in larger (brte.^ Mutfus Tietas in patrkm. Ill 'TT H I s hande, and fworde, witliin the furious flame, Cornelia* N'c- -*■ Doth fhewe his harte, that fought P o r s e n n a s endc: ^^' Whofe countries good , and eeke perpetuall fame , Before his Hfe did S c ^ v o l a commende : No painc, had power his courage highe to quaile , But bouldlie (pake, when fire did him affaile . Which fighte , abadi'd the lookers on , but mofte Amaz'de the kinge; who pardoned ftraighte the knight: And ccafd the fiege , and did remooue his horte, When that hee fawc one man Co muche of mighte: Oh noble minde, althoughe thy daics bee paftc; Thy ^me doth hue , and eekc , for aye fliall lafce. Hakft Ill Habet ^ ielltimfuas leges. JFuuus. Camillas. Ytrla Camilli apud Plutarchum, Xf.ar.in iuterprete- G:aaiscft inquitrc5 feellum.vtquaEmul- tis miuflis muliif. ^u^viotestis faiflis conficiatur. ^ ta- tncn apudbonos vi- ros, habenturetiam belli quzilam leges, Deque tamoperc vifioriaexpetenda eft, vt non fogiendi fxai officia qua: per icclus ac tnaliiiam cffetutur , magnum enim imperatorem fu2 viniuis, noalie- nx improbitaos f\. iMcia,conueait ht\' Jlamsetetc. . GA M I L L V s then, thac did repulfe the Gaules, And vnto Rome her former ftate did giue: When tha: her (ocs made fpoile within her waules, Lo here, amongft his ades that ftill fhall hue. I made my choice, of this example.rare, That {hall for aye his noble minde declare. "Wherefore, in briefe then this his woorchie parte, What time he did befiege F a l i c i A ftronge: A fcoolemafter , that bare a I v d a s harte, Vnto the place where he was foftred longc, Oftewalk'4.abrode with fchollcrs that hee toughte, Whiche cloke hee vf'de, (b that no harme was thoughts* At lengthc, with fbnnes of all the beft, and mofte, Of noble peares , tSat kepte the towne by mighte: Hee made his walke into the Romane hofte. And, when hee came before C a m 1 1 l v s fighte, Quoth hee , my Lorde, lo thefe 1 thy prifoners bee» Which beinge kepte , F a l i c i a yceMes to thee. Whereat, a while this noble captaine ftay'd, And pondering well the ftraungenes of the caufe : Vnto his frendes , this in effedle hee fay'd. Thoughe vcarres bee iU , yet good mens warres baue laWest And it hehooues a Generall good t& gMne^ With vdiaunt a^es , and not mtb trucberws tmm«. WiU "With that , hee cauPde this *S i n o n to bee ftripte. And whippes, and roddes, vnto the fchollers gauc: AVhome , backe againe , into the toune they whipte, \Vhich fatlcsonce Icnowne vnto their fathers graue: With ioyfnll hartes , tliey yeelded vp their Toune: An acte mofte rare, and glalle of true renoume. 115 c^. Vder'ms Cominus, Injperatim mxllium. IF L I V I E s pen haue written but the truthe, And diuerfe mo, that adles of ould declare. Then knowe , when Gaules did dare the Roman youthe, Valerivs, lo, a Roman did prepare By dinte of (word , the challenger to trye, Who both in armes ineountred by and by. And whilll with force, they proou'd their weapons brighte, And made the fparkes to flie out of the fteele, A Rauen , ftraight , vppon Valerivs lighte. And made his foe a newe incounter feele ; "VVhome hee ib fore did damage, and diftrefic, That at the lengthe, the Roman had fucceile. For , when his foe his forces at him bente, W'idi winges all fpread the r^iuen dim'd his fighte : At lengthe , his face hee fcratch'd, and all to rente. And peck'd his eies , hee coulde not fee the lighte, V/ hich fhcwes , the Lorde in daungcr doth pre ferue. And raucns raife our wordlie wantcs 10 fefue.. Virgil, lib, %, Acucid, ^J' "a fie^t Aul. GelL.lib,5. cap. II. JEatropius re rum Romanarum , lib, z. Jieguhii 114 Hof lt etintn feruanda fides. Cet&eliusNcpos. Eutfopius lib.i. De Bello punico. Siliusltalieuslib. tf. Belli Punici, copio- fiffimepulchcrrimis eleganiiffimisq.vei:- (ibus hanc hi{lo> mm narrat. Aal.GcUmt lib.i. cap. 4. TH E ConfuU bouMe A t t i l i v s , here regarde , That A F R I c K p. made to tremble at his name j Who, for his faithe rcccyued this rewarde. Two hundreth thoufande men, hceouercame. And three fbore fhippes , and eeke two hundreth towncs. Yet flattringc fate , in fine vppon him frownes. For, after by Xantippvs ouerthrownc. To Carthage broughte, in dungeon deepc was cafte; Yet , with defire for to redecmc their owne. Their meilenger they made him, at the lafte: And in exchaunge, hee vnto Rome was fente. For prifbners there, and on his worde he wentc. Who promif^d this , hee woulde retourne to bandes. If that hee fail'd of that, they did require: But when hee fawe fo manie in their handcs, Thoughe Romanes glad, did graunt him his defire : Yet coulde hee not theretoo, in harte agree, Bycaufe for him , Co manie fhoulde bee free. Thus, countries loue, was dearer then his life. Who backe retourn'de , to keepe his promife true : Where hee did tafte longe time of tormentes rife. But yet, his harte no tortures coulde fubdue- His mangled eies, the Sonne all daye adailes; And in the ende, was thrufte in tonne with nailes. Marcos Marcus Sergitss, Former & felic'tter. 1^5 J^^;^ir4?ffj^ luTV MarcSergivs nowe, I maye recorde by righte , A Romane boulde, whon^e foes coulde not difmayc: Piin.Namr.hift« Gainfte Hannibal hee often {hcwde his mightc, Ub.7.cap. zs. Wliofe righte hande lofte , his lefte hee did afTaye Vntill at Icngthe an iron hande hee proou'd : And after that Cremona fiege remoou d. Then , did defende Placentia in diftrefle, And wanne twelue houldcs, by dinte of f;vorde in France, What triumphes great ? were made for his fuccefTe, Vnto what ftate did fortune him aduance ? Whatfpcarcs? wliat crounes? whatgarlandes hee pofleftj TJie honours due for them, tliat did the belle. P i C/7. Pont' II(^ TWcilb. kurrjickfk Primui Jti Hirc«- rum, Rubrutn, 8c Arabicum maie vf- que petuer.it. Cor. nchus Nepos. De euiu!: maximis Vifturiis & tnuni- pholonge fp'tenc"!- diflimo xtat's lux, anno ^<. Appia- rus libroDf Belljs Mithriddiicit. Qi. Tompem Magnusn "VST HEN PoMPEY great, with fortune longe was bleftc, ^ ' And did fubdae his foes, by lande, and Tea, And conqueflcs great obtained in the Eafte, And Parthian s, and Arabians, made obaye. And Teas , and lies , did in {ubie<5tion bringe, "Whofe name with feare, did throughe I v d /E A ringa And had reftoi'de kinge Masinissas righte. And ouercame Sertorivs with his power: And made the Kinge of P o n t v s knowe his mighte. Yet , at the lengthe , hee had his haplefle hower : For ouercome by C ^ s A r , fled for aide. To ^. G Y PT E landej wherein hee was betrai'd. Within whofe ringe, this forme aboue was wronghte. Whereby, his force , and noble minde appeares; Which, with his head to C ^ s A r being broughte. For inwarde griefc, hee wafh'd the fame with teares. And in a fire with odours, and perfumes: .This princes head with mourning hee conlumes. Marcus Marcus Sc<£Ud, AudAces fortma iuuat. n? iVcMfy l^roi np H I s monumente of manhoodcj yet remaines, ■ -*- A witncs true joFMarcvs Sc^vas harte : Whofc valliancie , did purchafe him fiich gaines^ That deathcj nor time, can blemifliehisdcferte.- In battaile, boulde : no feare his harte coulde wounde. When lixe-(core fliaftes within his (liielde wearc founde. And in that fightc, one of his oxts hee loftc, His thighc thruft throughe^and wounded fore befidet'^ Such fouldiours, had t^reate C ^ s a r in hishofte. As by him felfe , and others , is difcride. But,tho{e tliat would more oftheie Knightes behouldc. Let them perufe the Roman Audhours oulde. P 3 Jnuidia. Suetonius* Valerius Max; mus. ii8 ImiSa integritatls aJjfecU. Nic. icReufnerus. i-^ „ ^ p^Hant Palmc witli bodie ilraishtc , and tall : ramutanquan* ■ & , n 11 in- Cl ^h,fH\,:imtr,mtm X Thatfrefheliemowes, with braunches Iweete otl ZZfim%irl'^Z Yet, at the foote the froggesi and feptcntes crall, "With erckfbme noife , and eke with poifon fell : Who 5 as it weare , the tree doe ftill annoy e. And do tlieir . worfte , the fame for to deftroye.- When noble peeres, and men of highc cftatc. By iufte defertc , doe nue in honor greater Yet, Enuie ftill dothe waite on them as mate, itf,;fatr«fpfrVo- And dothe her worfte, to vndermine their feate: offmellt' lem , necefTario co« roi'atut vmbra : in- cfdentibus vero pec gloriam comes eft. And M o M V s broode dothe arme, with all their mightc, To wounde their fame , whofc hfe did geue them lightc 3S Ex damno alterhtSy alterm l WHEN He£lors forcc^ throughe m ortall wounde did faile^ And life beganne , to dreadefliU deatlie to yeelde: The Greekes mofte gladde^his dyinge corpes afTaile, Who late did flee before him in the fielde: Which when he (awe , quothe hec nowe workeyour ^ite. For (b J the hares the Lion dead doe byte. Looke here vpon , you that doc wounde the dead, W'ith (launders vile , and fpeeches of defame : Or bookes procure , and libelles to be (pread. When they bee gone , for to deface theire name : Who while they Uiide, did feare you with theire lookcs, And for theire ficill , you might not beare their bookes. NuUtmi cum vidis (ertamen , & dtthere ca^is. Virff. Acaeid.xx. CaptiuuSi IIS' Captmus^ oi gu/dm. ^.Pli<^*^*^"^!??^C^''^^- T H E moufe, that longe did feede on daintiecrommes. And (afelie fcarch'd the cupborde and the fliclfe: At lengthe for chaunge , vnto an Oyfter commes, f do de Ce, Where of his deathe , he guiltic was liim (elfe : The Oyfler gap'd, the Moiife put in his head, Where he was catch'd, and crufii'd till he was dead. ifidorusiib. i.de The Gluttons fatte, that daintie fare deuoure, fummobono. And fceke about, to fatisfie theire talle: And what they like, into theire bellies poure. This luftlie blames, for furfettes come in hafte: And biddes them feare , their rA'eete,and dulcet meatcs. For oftentimes, the f^me are deadlic baites. Gulxlaturitas nimia acie men- tis obtundit in- geniumquecuer- tercfacit. I4icanas 4. • O prodiga rerum Luxuries nunquam paruo contenta paratu, Et qudfitorum terra peUgoque ciborum. Ambiitofa fames , & latiu gloria menji. CcnBan* fotiHttnter, r^ 'The raging Sea , that roares , with fearefull fouiide, "*- And threatneth all the worlde to oiierflowe : The fliore (bmetimeSj his billowes doth rcbounde, Though ofte it winnes , and giues the earthe a blowc Sometimes, where fiiippcs did (aile: it makes a lande. Sometimes againe they (aile : where townes did flande. So , if the Lorde did not his rage reftrainC;, And fet his boundes^ To that it can not pafle: The worlde fhoulde faile, and man coulde not remaine^ But all tliat is , flioulde (bone be turn'd to was : By raging Sea , is mcnt our ghoftlie foe. By earthe , mans foule : he jfeekes to ouerthrowc* And as the furge doth worke both daie , and nighte^ And fhakes the fhore , and ragged rockes doth rente: So Sathan ftirrcs , with all his maine , and mighte, Contmuall ficge , our foules to circumuente. Then watche , and praie , for feare wee fleepe in finnc, For cealQ our aime : and hee can nothing winne. Cictr.i.Offic. Prarclara eft in omiii vitacequa- bilitas, idemque vultus , eadem- ^ue frons. Bern, in Epifi. Pericueramia eft finis Yirturum,& virtus fine qua nemo vidcbit deum. Ij. n^iS^afeptemfaplentum. To 5?V H V G H E C H O L M E L E Y Ktl'lght. 'yJicXcitx^^il^-^ *Seiren quod di- cituc gith , quod pharmacopoljE vo» cantNigcllam Ro- manam. Plutarch, delib. educand. Cum rcliquadmhia «mpore dimiouan- tut,fapientia fola fe- neftute augefcii- Bernard. Sapientix otia ne- 0Otia flint: & quo otiofior eft fapien- tia, CO exetcicauoc mfuogcnecc, H E fages {euen , whofe fame made Grecia glad. For wiftiiome greate, amongft theirc fainges-.vvife: EHche one of them, a goulden feuteuce had, And Alciat, did the pidures thus deuifc, For to obfcruc the vie of Emblems righte, Which reprefent the meaning to our fightc. litest (lilithtfmantj , did C L^ o b u i v s tcachc : For meafurc , lo , the ballance ioyn'd thereto. •And Kno'^e thy felfcj , did C H i i. o N alwaies prcachc: . The glafie behoulde , that thou the fame maiftc doc. Retiraine thy ^rathe^ , dothe Periander tcll: And Ihewes an hcarbe , that choUer dothe expell. Nothingetoo rnutcht^ , did P i T T a c v s commcndc. Thereto *a flower ,vvheredf too miiche dcftroyes. , And So L ON fai'd , 'Remeoihir.fliU thy tyidiij. Before the which , none can haue perfed ioycs : A piller form'd, declininge downe he fhowcs, Which tclks that deathe , the fhongeft oucrtlirowcfc of ^ickeA men the number dothe exceedcj : This Bias vl'd: and caufe for foule defame, S A R-DJi>J r A mofte-isflained , is we rcade , On a(fes backe, behoulde one of the fame. ■ 'And T HA L Es, laftcof all the Sages, fTiy'd; Jlee fe'^ertifhip , for fearc thou be betray 'd. And vnderueathe , a birde vpori the net. That dothe not feare, the craftie fbulers caU, •Hereby wee ofte , doe paifc an others debte, And free our frendes, an4 bringe our felues.in thrall: Which fay ingcs wife, vvhoc kcepe them in their breflcS, By proofc fhall finde, they harbour happie gucftes. ScriptA Scripta mdnent. To sir A R T H,v RE M A N w A R I N G E Knight. 131 IF niighcic Troi e, with, gates of llecle, and bra(Ie, Bee wornc av^aicj with tiafte of ftealinge time : IfCARTHAr, E, rafte : if T h e b e s he grownc with graflc. If 15 A B E L ftoope : that to the cloudes did clime : If A T H E N s, and N v m a n t i a iuffered fpoile : If /£ G Y p T fpires , be. euencd with the foile. Then , what maye lafle , which time dothc not impeache^ Since that wee lee , theifc monumentcs are gone: Nothinge at all, but time doth oner reache> It eatcs ihe fteele, and wcares the maible ftonej But writinges lafte , thoughe yt doe what it can, And arc prcferu'd, cuen llnce the worlde began. And fo they ihall, while that they fime dothe bfte, V/hich haue declared, and fnallto future age: "What thinge? before three thoufandc yeares haue.pafte, "N^'hat martiall knightcs, hauc march'd vppon this flage; Whofe adtcs, in bookes if writers did not faue. Their fame had ccafte, and gone with them to graue. OfSAMsoNS ftrengthe , of worthie I o s v a s migh.t. Of Davids ailes , of Alexanders force. Of C v£ s A R greare 5 and S ci p 1 o noble knight, Howe (houlde we fpcake , but bookes thereof diicomfe : Then fauour them , that learne within their youthe : But louc them bcftc, that learne, and write the truthc. R 1 Demorttf Piopcrtius. E$ TiieU fietcraot,al' tutjueTro'ui fitit, Demofth. inArg. lib. I. Clariflima: oHnivr- bcs.nuncnihil funt, Q^at maxime nunc fuperbiunt, eandem aliquandofortunam cxpcrientur. Virg.mMoecenatis obiiu. Marmorti. J^Uonij vincunt msnunienta libeUt : "liitiiiuringtnio, ce- tera TTKirtii erurtt. &C Ouid.i.Amor.io. Scindetur venes,^em- m£ franietur ir awJi. Qirmina quamtri. bueitt^fhmaftrennit erit. I^l T>e morte , g/ amore : locofum. ToEdm'-ard Dyer Efquier. ir:jL[cTJitt)'i7yth:^^» \a loachlm. Belleius. JHutarunt drmd inter fe Mori atiijue (upido Hicfikem gttiat, geffat at iUaJhcem. ^jjicit hdtc »Hmum, torpuifid confictt tUt: Stc Moritur ^uuenu> fie tnorihundtu amat. _ y ^ H I L E furious Mors, from place , to place did flie, yy And here, and there, her fatall darces did throve : At lengthe fhee mette , with Cupid pafling by. Who hkewife had, bene bu fie with his bowe: AVichin one Inne , they bochc togeather ftay'd. And for one nighte , awaie theire fliooting lay'd. The morrowe next, they bothe awaie doc hafte, And cache by chaunce, the others quiuer takes: The frozen dartes , on Cupiddes backe wearc plac'd. The fierie dartes , the leane virago (hakes : Whereby enfued , fuche alteration ftraunge. As all the worldc , did wonder at the chaungc. For gallant youthes ,whome Cupid thoughtc to woundc. Of loue , and life, did make an ende at once. And aged men , whome deathe wouldc bringe to grounded Beganne againe to louC, with flghes, and gronesj Thus natures lawes , this chaunce infiingcd foe : That age did loue , and youthe to grauc did goc. Till at the lalle , as Cupid drcwe his bowe. Before he fliotte : a younglingc thus did cryc. Oh Venus fonne , thy dartes thou dofte not .knowc, They pierce too deepe: for all thou hittes, doe die: Oh fpare outage, who honored thee of oulde, Thei(e dartes are bonc> take thou the darces of gouide. Which which beinge faide , a while did Cnpid ftaye, And fa we, hou' youthe was almofte cleane extind: And age did doate , with garlandcs freihe , and gaye. And heades all baldc, weare ncwe in wedlocke linckt: Wherefore he (hewed, this error vnto Mors, "Who mifcontcnt , did chaungc againe perforce. Yet fo , as bothe fome dartes awaie.conuay'd. Which weare not theirs : yet vnto neither knownc. Some bonie dartes , in Ciipiddes quiuer ftay'd , Some goulden dartes , had Mors amongft her ownc. Then, when wee fee, vnrimelic deathc appeare: Or wanton age : it was this chauncc you hearc. M3 TrudeTUes , The medley ,^rajf, ^nd Tujfet, neuer.dy'de. Loc.herc . Loe here, a fcwc of colours plaine cxpreflc, And eeke the men, with whome they beft agree: Yet eiieric one, doth thinkc his hewe the befte. And what one hlccs, an other lothes to fee: For Nature thoaghc ten thoufande colours hauc. Yet vnto miin , more varrijng mindes (lie gauc. NoW-'e firaiw^ers , )X'ho their countries JI ill commende. And m^kc vj mufi , ^ith colours they recite : Maje thtnkj our l.inde, /hull choife of hues doth lende. BjCfiufe fo ferve , of mam I doe Write. Tet let then kiioWe , my Author thefe prefintes, Imughe for thofe ^ Whome reafon jiill contentes. Hat faye Wee Luke, their herbesy their Wormes , their pes y And Want the meuv.es: their gaUant hues to fiame, Tet Engltindc , hath her Jiore of orient dieSy And eeke therein, 4 D y e r mcU of fame y Who , ^AWaies hathe fo fine., and fiefiie , a heWe^, That in their Undes » the like is not to veWe. ^35 Jnftudiofum captum dmore. AReucrend fage, of wifedome mofi: profounde, Beganne to doate,and laye awaye hisbookcs: For C V p I D then , his tender harte did wounde. That onhc nowc, he hk'de his ladies lookes? Oh Ven vs ftaie? fince once the price was thine. Thou ought'ft not ftill , at Pallas thus repine. Omms humancs fanat medicina dolores : Solui amor morbi non amat artificem. Pwpett.ii Ahfljincn- 1^6 fiAbfimentia, Ad awpUp. vtnim D». Carolvm C-a tr-H o r p e Regi& M*""* procuratorem in Htbermn, Dn.mihionnibui modis cokndijftmutn . f'^ iuuito $m£:^t. Apud iurtum ludi- tem (bla confciemia propria tizncnda e&. lAu^ufi. De comm, vtt. Cler. Non vos iudicetis maleuolos cffe,aui. do alterius crimen ludicatis : magis qaippcnoc^teseftis, fi fratrcs veftros, quos iudicando cor- rigerc poceftis , ta- ceda petirepermic- ratls. Stobacus ex Plutar- thi Serm.44. retuUt imagines iudicum apud Thcbas cfTe, ginem claufis ocu- ]is: Ed quod iufluia Qec tnuneribut ca- pi , nee hominum VdUa flefti debeat. Aufon. de viro bo- no EdyU. 18. w no Co are plac'd , in facred luftice roorae , And haue in charge, her ftatutes to obferile: Lee them with care, bchoiilde this garnifli'd tooine, . That fuche a one , at lengthe they male deferue : Of marble harde, fuppofe the fame to bee. An Ewer eeke , vppon one corner ftandes. At th' other ende, a bafbn wee raaie fee: With Towell faire , to wipe theire waflied handes ; - Th'effedte whereof, let Judges printe in minde, That they maie leaue a lafting name behinde. The marble fhowes : they muft bee firme , and fine. And not be pierc'd , nor mooued from the truthe : The refte declare: they muft bee cleane, and pute^ And not inclin'd to rigor, or to ruthe. But , when a caufe before them (halbee harde. With confcience cleare , let them the fame decide : No Ritche, or Poorc, or frend , or foe, regarde. For fcare, they doe throughe theire afFe6Hons Aide: But let them waflie, theire handes from euerie crime. That God maye blelle , and here prolonge theire time. -4 Ntn prm in dulcem declwat lumina fimnuot, Ornnia quam tongi rcfutauerit aEia diet; g^x prdter^rejji*!} quid^effum in temporei quidntni (ur iUi fiiSo decHS abfitit , atst ratio iUi ? ^id mihi pmteritum : cur hw /ententia fidit, Hmm metifu mutare fitit ? mipratui egtntem. Cur ali^Him fraHa ftrjenfi tntntt Morem i SwdvtUii, quod noUe bonum firet} vtHe honeffa Cur malus antetulif numdi£fo,aut denique vultu PerfhriSlug quijquam? cur me natura^ ma^it qukm Difciplina trahtt? fic diSfa & jkBa per omnia Ingredient , ortoque a vejpert cunffa reutluem,- OjfenfHS (rmii^ (Ut^tilmam, irfr*mia. reffu. ConHantta comes mm-- tf < THE touche doth trye,the fine, and pureft goulde; And not the found , or els the goodly fliowe. So, ifmennes wayes, and verrucs, wee behoulde. The worthy men , wee by their workes, fhall knowe. But gallant lookes , and outward ihowes beguile. And ofte arc clokes to cogitacions vile. Claud. x.StiLde fide. Usi ir amhituu ylongo foR tempore firmat , Mtaifuroqut adamantt tigot, nee ptobile mtttat Jngtmum , parwefiri* fituntcvtnculanox* ' DiJfoUiipatttur, net fa* Jtidne pruretn ^UicitHr vinitntt lUicimm non l^ermdum. H E R E N E M E s I s, and Hope : our dcedes doc righdie trie. Spn^^^Ti mnnf,». Which warnes vs , not to hope for that , which iuftice doth nopu