,M1,S %.&: Twill, " c ^ Dynamics of the U.S. Coal Markets 1995 to 2010 How They Will Affect Illinois Subhash B. Bhagwat Illinois Minerals 116 Department of Natural Resources ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Dynamics of the U.S. Coal Markets 1995 to 2010 How They Will Affect Illinois Subhash B. Bhagwat Illinois Minerals 116 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY William W. Shilts, Chief Natural Resources Building 615 East Peabody Drive Champaign, IL 61820-6964 t> ^ (217)333-4747 ^» <3.36 lbs S0 2 per million Btu) recoverable coal reserves are in the Interior Region, mostly in the Illinois Basin. The 1990 Clean Air Act amendments have re- sulted in a drastic reduction in demand for high-sulfur coal. The demand for medium-sulfur (>1 .2 and <3.36 lbs S0 2 per million Btu) coal is likely to be secure for the years through 2000 but may not remain so after that. Appalachian Interior Regions Western Figure 2 Coal reserves by sulfur content and region (USDOE, Feb. 1995). Other Supply Factors Fuel cost is the main determinant of electricity generating plants' operating cost. Operating and capital costs, including capital costs for emission control equipment and waste disposal, as well as building and shut down costs, comprise total generating cost. Fuel choice is thus determined not only by its price but also by the cost of equipment needed to burn it cleanly and to safely dis- pose of waste. For instance, high-sulfur coal cannot be burned cleanly without expensive invest- ment in emission control devices, but low-sulfur coals can be. Illinois Coal is in competition with other fuel supplies for generating electricity, and when its total cost (production, consumption, disposal, etc.) is compared to the costs of other fuels, the lowest total cost fuel will be used. To understand Illinois coals' current and near term disadvantage in comparison to other fuels, the cost structures of these fuels and the comparative costs of various pollution abatement strategies within the current and future regulatory environment must be understood. Nuclear Energy Pollution control and waste disposal costs of fossil fuels have been included in the price of coal-generated electricity, but the nuclear industry's costs of development and waste disposal have been and remain highly subsidized by taxpayer dollars. It also appears that insufficient money is being set aside to pay for the decommissioning of nuclear plants, which may be higher than the cost of building them (Heinze Fry, 1991). These unrealized or transferred costs allowed nuclear energy to capture a larger share of the growth in electric generation than coal (table 1). From 1989 to 1995, nuclear electricity generation grew at 4.1 % annu- Table 1 Annual growth in U.S. electric utility generation ally, compared with 1 % for coal-based (by fuel). Coal Nuclear Natural gas generation. Because nuclear power plants are highly capital-intensive, their economic operation 1970-1973 6.4% 55.7% -3.0% requires maximum use as base load gen- erating capacity. Their low operating cost 1973-1979 4.0 20.5 -0.6 due to low fuel costs is also an incentive -myology 4 5 51 _ 2 to maximize their use. ~ , o , 1984-1989 3.0 10.1 -2.2 Capacity utilization in U.S. nuclear power plants has increased from near 50% in 1989-1995 1.0 4.1 2.4 1973 to about 78% in 1995 (USDOE, Aug. 1996). Some growth in nuclear capacity Source: USDOE, Aug. 1996 utilization may still be possible, but the maximum sustainable load factor may have been reached. A new nuclear plant — the 1 170 MW Watts Bar 1 — became operational in May 1996, but no other new plants are scheduled to begin production in the coming ten years because none is under construction or in the licensing stage. Nuclear plants' low operating costs, and the large portion of initial capital investment that remains to be recovered for many plants, will act to keep these plants in service. Retiring them would leave utilities with stranded costs that would have to be recovered either through higher electric rates or taxpayer subsidies. Nonetheless, the DOE forecast assumes some nuclear plant retire- ments for cost reasons. Smaller, older nuclear plants will be among those to be retired. However, the 1 170 MW generating capacity of the newly operational Watts Bar 1 will more than make up for retirements. Although DOE forecasts nuclear electricity generation to decline by 2010, a small increase at an annual rate of 0.5% may be a more appropriate assumption. Natural Gas Electric Generation. Gas-based generation increased at 2.4% per year during 1989 to 1995, after a sustained 16 year decline. Comparative total costs for coal and natural gas in both the utilities and the independent sectors is likely to favor gas, unless gas prices rise to the point where coal becomes a better choice despite its additional sulfur removal and waste disposal costs. Incremental growth in demand for electricity in the future might promote the construction of gas-fired combined cycle plants with 60% thermal efficiency compared with coal-fired plants with 40% efficiency. Gas-fired plants take only 1 to 3 years to build and cost at least 40% less than coal-fired plants (EPRI, Sept. 1987). Unlike in the 1980s, gas is no longer perceived as a com- modity in short supply. DOE estimates proven U.S. gas reserves to be about 165 trillion cubic feet (Tcf), the equivalent of ten years of supply at the current rate of production. An additional 1 ,200 Tcf can be found and produced at current prices and with currently available technology (US- DOE, 1994). Its ease of use, its ready availability and clean-burning characteristics, and the ab- sence of waste disposal costs and the low initial capital requirements associated with it, make natural gas an attractive fuel for future electricity generation despite its higher price. Planned ca- pacity additions by electric utilities indicate that of the 32,000 MW to be added between 1 993 and the year 2000, about 60% will be gas-based and only 20% coal-based {USDOE, 1992). Coal-Based Generation According to the 1996 DOE annual energy outlook, the growth in coal-based electricity generation between 1995 and 2010 will come from an increase in capacity utilization from 62% to about 75%. No net addition to coal-based generating capacity is expected in this period, because added capacity will only replace retired capacity. Recent projections of U.S. coal production in 2010 range from DOE's 1,182 million tons to 1,348 million tons by WEFA, formerly the Wharton Econometric Forecasting Associates Group (USDOE, Jan. 1996). Coal mined in the western states enjoys a price advantage over midwestern coal primarily because mining costs in those states are extremely low (table 2), and because average nationwide rail transportation rates declined 17% between 1986 and 1993 as a result of the transportation industry deregulation in the late 1970s (Philo, Keefe, etal., 1995). The competition between rail- road companies and the creation of large companies through mergers and acquisitions contrib- uted to increased efficiency and lower cost. Coal represents a major revenue source for railroad companies and transportation Table 2 Coal prices at mine and productivity. costs are a major cost factor for coal-fired electric utilities (Vaninetti and Valentine, 1996). In 1995, the price of Wyoming coal at the mine was $6.58 per ton compared with $23.05 for Illinois coal. Although the average Btu value of Wyoming coal is lower than the Illinois average, the Wyo- ming coal shipped to Illinois and other eastern states is generally above average in Btu value. The difference in Btu value, therefore, is not large enough to make up for the basic price difference between Illinois and Wyoming coals. Average Productivity Change/yr mine price in 1995 1986-1995 ($/t) (t/person/hr) (%) Illinois Indiana Kentucky East West Colorado Montana Wyoming 23.05 21.71 26.00 20.75 19.26 9.62 6.58 3.87 4.68 3.47 3.97 6.14 21.06 30.06 5.6 3.7 4.6 3.4 5.3 2.0 7.5 Source: USDOE, Oct. 1996 The |Qwer CQSt Qf mjnjng jp WyQ . ming and Montana is due to thicker coal deposits buried under thinner layers of overburden than in Illinois. Large-scale surface min- ing is possible there with productivity five to eight times higher than in Illinois coal mines (table 2). Productivity in llllinois coal mines has grown at an average rate of 5.6% annually from 1986 to 1995. At this rate, mine productivity approximately doubles every 13 years. However, productivity in Wyoming mines rose 7.5% per year in this period, a rate that more than doubles productivity every 10 years. Thus, the cost advantage for Wyoming coal has been further enhanced. Pollution Credits In addition to its lower price, Wyoming coal also has a lower sulfur content that helps keep emissions to levels low enough to meet the final limits set for the year 2000 by the 1990 CAA amendments. Utilities that switched to Wyoming coal since 1990 have been able to meet or exceed the cleanliness standards for both Phase I and Phase II of the CAA amendments. And they have done this with lower fuel costs and without the added expenses for flue gas clean- up that would be needed for Illinois coal. The use of Wyoming coal also makes the purchase of emission allowances unnecessary. Emission allowances were traded for $70 per ton of S0 2 in April 1 996. Purchasing of allowances to account for an emission reduction from 2.5 lbs to 1 .2 lbs of S0 2 per million Btu would cost only about 5 cents. However, low-sulfur compliance coal is already cheaper than high-sulfur coal, leaving no economic incentive to purchase any emission allowances in conjunction with the pur- chase of Illinois coal. The federal EPA reports a 2.3 million unit (1 Unit = 1 ton S0 2 ) over-compliance at the end of Phase I. During Phase II, the national S0 2 emissions are to be lowered by 5 million units from the Phase I target. With a 2.3 million unit over-compliance in Phase I, almost half of the reduc- tions targeted in Phase II have already been achieved. It is conceivable that the economic ad- vantages of switching to lower sulfur coal in Phase II will favor such a switch and carry a similar or higher level of over-compliance into the next century. An increase in the use low-sulfur coal through the year 2000 is also likely due to the provision in the 1990 CAA amendments that there be no nationwide increase in S0 2 emissions after the year 2000. Any addition to the generating capacity after 2000 that has the potential to emit S0 2 into the atmosphere must be offset by an 1995 3405 1714 497 673 521 2005 3878 1938 702 714 525 1.2 equal reduction of emission from existing sources or by way of purchasing emission allowances created by the 1990 CAA amendments. Given the economic advantages of burning low-sulfur western coal over high-sulfur coal, utilities would continue to have an incentive to prefer low-sulfur coals and minimize credit purchases for plants to be built after the year 2000. This would result in a further decline in the sales of high-sulfur coals such as the Illinois coal. ISGS PROJECTIONS OF ELECTRIC DEMAND The projections of U.S. demand for electricity in table 3 are based on average growth rates of 1 .2% for coal, 3.5% for gas and 0.5% for nuclear electricity, with no growth in the other sources. The overall rate of growth in electricity is 1 .3% per year. For the 1995-2010 period, the USDOE projects coal-based generation by electric utilities to grow 1.26 percent per year. Coal-based non-utility generation is projected to grow an average of 2 percent per year. Gas-based utility generation is projected to rise 2.4 percent per year and Gas-based non-utility generation by 3.9 percent annually. The DOE also projects nuclear gen- eration to decline slightly (USDOE, Jan. 1996). ♦u„ r,\J,*r;~ , ,t;nt., ir ,jL»n, ™, ,ih Table 3 ISGS Industrial Minerals and Resource Economics See- the electric utility industry col d tiorVs jection of us . demand for electricity by fuel (billion kWh). change this scenario. Currently, utilities are required to purchase . . _ , ^ , Chanae excess electricity produced by in- Year Total Coal Gas Nuclear Other (%/y 9 dependent power producers (IPP). Because the price is set at the utili- ties' marginal production costs, it 2000 3653 1832 593 703 525 1.2 guarantees a market at the highest possible price for IPP-generated excess electricity. A deregulated 2010 4130 2050 830 725 525 1.3 electricity industry will abolish this provision and force the IPPs to compete with the utilities in the open market. Some of the IPPs may receive taxpayer support during the transition period, but in the long run, growth rates in the independent sector will likely be smaller than in the utilities sector. An important footnote to the above forecast is the overall conversion efficiency of coal-burning power plants. Each percentage point increase in thermal efficiency of power plants can reduce coal demand by 2.5 percent. Although the average thermal efficiency in the U.S. is unlikely to change drastically because of the very small capacity additions expected in the next 15 years, a small change of 1 percentage point can reduce demand forecast by as much as 30 million tons. Such a change is conceivable as load factors for efficient, low cost plants are increased and less efficient older plants are retired or their usage reduced. FUTURE OF ILLINOIS COAL The Illinois coal mining industry has been particularly hard hit by the dynamics of the coal market. Caught between environmental imperatives and economic constraints, coal production in Illinois began to decline after the passage of the 1990 Clean Air Act amendments. For about 25 years, Illinois coal production averaged about 60 million tons per year, but it began to fall after electric utilities recognized the economic as well as environmental advantages of burning low-sulfur coal produced primarily in the western United States. In 1995, Illinois produced only 49.5 million tons of coal. An Illinois Coal Development Board (ICDB) report lists eight mine closures in 1994 and 1995 and seven expected mine closures in 1996 (Keefe, Morey, and Heabert, Oct. 1996). Twelve other coal mines in Illinois closed in the 1991 - 1993 period (Philo, Keefe, et al., 1995). The reasons listed for the mine closures indicate an inability to compete in the market due to exhaustion of marketable quality coal reserves or the high cost of mining. Coal mining employment in the 19 coal-producing counties declined from 10,129 in 1990 to 5,663 in 1995. Unemployment rates in many coal-producing counties in southern Illinois exceeded 10% in 1994 compared with the state average of 5.7%. 10 The ICDB report also indicates that long-term sales contracts are declining rapidly (Keefe, Morey, and Heabert, 1996). Modern capital-intensive mines need stable long-term sales commitments. The market situation since 1990 has led to a decline in demand for high-sulfur coal and falling spot market prices. In 1995, almost 80% of Illinois coal production was under long-term con- tracts. In 1996, that proportion fell to 67%. Only 42% of the current production is under contract for the year 2000 and about 20% for 2010. Spot market sales, which accounted for 33% of 1995 sales, would have to rise to 80% in 2010 if total coal sales were to remain at the 1995 level. The decline in sales from 53 million tons in 1994 to 49.5 million in 1995 indicates that the tonnage of contract losses has not been made up by tonnage increase in spot sales. Declining total sales, together with falling long-term utility contractual commitments, indicate difficulties ahead for Illinois coal, more than 90% of which is sold to electric utilities. The ICDB report projects Illinois coal sales to utilities to decline to 33.3 million tons in the year 2000 (Keefe, Morey, and Heabert, 1996). Resource Data International (RDI) projects sales of Illi- nois coal to electric utilities in year 2000 Table 4 Operable and planned capacity additions 1993-2003. Operable (MW) Planned (MW) State Total Coal Total Coal Illinois 36,909 17,220 881 Indiana 23,235 21,623 1,538 Missouri 16,842 11,663 1,913 542 Florida 31,109 10,850 3,627 719 Tennessee 18,227 10,020 2,540 Georgia 23,149 14,549 4,894 Total 149,471 85,925 15,393 1,261 Source: Keefe, Morey, and Heabert, 1996 at 29 million tons. If current sales of 8.5 million tons to non-utility consumers and to other countries remain unchanged, total sales of Illinois coal in 2000 could be 37.5 to 42 million tons according to ICDB and RDI forecasts. According to DOE, the total operable generating capacity in 1993 in the six largest consumer states of Illinois coal — Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Florida, Ten- nessee and Georgia — was 149,471 MW, of which 85,925 MW or 57.5% was coal-fired (table 4). About 15,393 MW of new capacity is planned to be added through the year 2003, but only 8.2% of it (1 ,261 MW) is to be coal-fired. This equals a total capacity growth of about 0.8% per year and a growth rate of 0.15% per year in coal-fired capacity in the six most important coal markets for Illinois. The new coal-fired capacity in the six states would require two to three million tons of coal annually. Whether this would enhance demand for Illinois coal will depend upon price and supply factors. The 1995 average delivered prices of coal in the six states are compared in table 5. In Indiana and Missouri, low-sulfur coal from Wyoming is delivered at significantly lower prices than Illinois coal. Wyoming coal prices are 25 to 48 cents per million Btu lower than Illinois coal. In Tennessee, Georgia and Florida, coal from Illinois is closely matched in price with other coals used there. However, increasing sales of Wyoming coal and decreasing sales of Illinois coal in Georgia indicate that market competitiveness of Wyoming coal is expanding further into the southeastern states. Only in Illinois does locally mined coal appear to cost less than coal from Wyoming and Montana. Even here, however, long-term contracts signed by one utility many years earlier are the reason for the higher average price of Wyoming coal. In 1 994, a utility that paid up to $3 per million Btu for Wyoming coal on contract was able to purchase large quantities of Wyoming coal on the spot market for $1 .30 per million Btu, which was slightly lower than the price paid for Illinois coal. While Illinois coal production has declined since 1990 at an average annual rate of 4.3%, sales to electric utilities have declined by 5.4% annually. RDI's projection for sales of Illinois coal to utili- ties of 29 million tons in the year 2000 reflects an acceleration of this decline through the rest of this century. Because the quantity of emission reduction to be achieved in Phase II is similar to that in Phase I, it would not be surprising if Illinois coal sales continue to decline 4.3% annually, the rate at which ** •s $> & V 11 Table 5 Utility coal sales and prices 1995. Source state 1 000 tons Cents/ million Btu Consumec I in ILLINOIS Illinois 1 1 ,879 135 Wyoming 14,081 183 Montana 2,685 250 Colorado 1,526 136 Consumec I in INDIANA Indiana 16,297 119 Wyoming 18,060 115 Illinois 10,661 Consumed in MISSOURI 140 they have declined since 1990. This would put Illinois coal production at about 40 million tons in 2000, of which sales to utilities would total about 30 to 32 mil- lion tons. The decline in utility sales of Illinois coal in 1995 over 1994 was only about 2 million tons, compared to a 12 million ton drop from 1992 to 1994. This reflects the fact that most coal switching for compliance reasons was completed in 1 994 to meet the January 1 , 1 995, deadline for Phase I of the CAA amendment. The compliance deadline for Phase II is January 1, 2000. About two thirds of all Phase II affected utilities will likely switch to low-sulfur coal for compliance. As a result of this strategy, the next major decline in Illinois coal sales can be expected before January 2000. The conditions for Illinois coal in the first decade of the next century remain unchanged: slow growth in elec- tricity demand, an even slower growth in coal-based electricity generation, and a higher price in comparison with the low-sulfur western coal. Illinois mines that can compete with the price of western coal have the best prospects for continued production into the next dec- ade. Under favorable cost conditions, the coal produc- tion in Illinois could continue at the 40 million ton level through the year 2010. If, however, mining costs in Illinois continue to be uncompetitive, coal production could continue to fall at the rate observed since 1990 and reach a low of 26 million tons in 2010. Coal pro- duction in the first eight months of 1997 is running at an annual rate of about 42 billion tons, which indicates that production in the year 2010 may be lower than predicted. Other factors such as the price and avail- ability of natural gas and whether substantial nuclear capacity will be retired will also have an influence on Illinois coal production in 2010. WHAT CAN BE DONE? The root causes of the recent decline in Illinois coal production have been economic, albeit triggered by the CAA amendments in 1990. A new dimension has been added to the market dynamics in the form of the prospects of deregulation in the electricity market. The capital-intensive coal mining industry, with a direct influence of geologic factors, requires time to respond to market changes that are taking place at a fast rate. It is, therefore, imperative that impending market changes are studied and anticipated at least a decade or more ahead of time and appropriate changes made in research, economic and environmental policies. The Illinois State Geological Survey has been involved in some of the anticipatory research to assist the coal industry in Illinois. • Geologic research at the ISGS has identified geologic settings under which lower-sulfur coal deposits occur. Application of these geologic models by geologists at the ISGS and in industry has permitted the delineation of lower-sulfur coal deposits over the past 20 years and permitted a significant shift of production toward these lower-sulfur reserves. • The ISGS analysis of coal markets identified coal mining costs as the cornerstone of competi- tiveness and provided mining cost estimates for Illinois coal mines. Research and development Illinois 4,168 135 Wyoming 25,566 88 Consumec I in FLORIDA Kentucky 12,508 176 Illinois 5,961 179 West Virginia 1,518 175 Imported 2,581 180 Colorado 811 184 Consumec I in TENNESSEE Kentucky 16,179 116 Illinois 3,949 110 Utah 1,134 118 Tennessee 1,078 122 Consumed in GEORGIA Kentucky 15,202 165 Wyoming 6,762 152 West Virginia 3,772 197 Illinois 604 154 Virginia 1,987 164 Source: U.S. DOE, July 1996 12 policies based on the recognition that cost-competitiveness determines the future of the coal industry have a better chance of success than those that don't. • Mine subsidence research at the ISGS and other institutions in Illinois has provided knowledge vital for the successful application of high-extraction mining techniques, such as the longwall technique, essential for efficient, low-cost mining of coal. • Engineering research at the ISGS has contributed to the knowledge of coal and flue gas clean- ing, the use of Illinois coal in clean coal technologies, such as the Integrated Gasification Com- bined Cycle (IGCC) technology, and to the development of new uses of coal, such as in the production of activated carbon. Coal mines that have survived the competition are primarily high-productivity, low-cost mines. Future market changes are expected to be even more profound than in the recent past, requiring stronger efforts to enhance the economic competitiveness of Illinois coal mines. Research and development to lower the cost of mining, cleaning and transporting coal must be intensified. The goal must be to produce electricity from Illinois coal at a lower cost than from other fuels. REFERENCES Coal Week, April 1, 1996, EPA Credit Auction Shows Mid-$60 Prices; Announces Massive 1995 Over-compliance, p. 1-2. Electric Power Research Institute, September 1987, Proceedings: 1986 Fuel Supply Seminar, Palo Alto, CA., EPRI Project 2369-10, p. 5-10. Electric Power Research Institute, 1994, Report: Electric Utility Trace Substances Synthesis; v. 1-4, Report TR-1 0461 4. Heinze Fry, Gene R., 1991, The Cost of Decommissioning U.S. Reactors: Estimates and Experi- ence: The Energy Journal, Special Nuclear Decommissioning Issue, v. 12, p. 87-104; other papers in the same issue. Keefe, Daniel E., Mathew J. Morey, and Dean L. Heabert, October 1996, Outlook for the Illinois Coal Industry: Illinois Coal Development Board, Illinois Department of Commerce and Community Affairs, table 2, p. 4; p. 9. Philo, Gary R., Daniel E Keefe, David W South, and Koby A. Bailey, December 1995, Outlook for the Illinois Coal Industry: Illinois Coal Development Board, Illinois Department of Commerce and Community Affairs and Argonne National Laboratory, table 2, p. 1 1 ; table 3, p. 9; table 5, p. 22; table 4, p. 11. U.S. Department of Energy, March 1 991 , Annual Energy Outlook 1 991 with Projections to 201 0: Energy Information Administration, Washington, DC, DOE/EIA-0383(91), p. 38. U.S. Department of Energy, 1992, Inventory of Power Plants in the United States, Washington, DC: Energy Information Administration, DOE/EIA-0095(92). U.S. Department of Energy, 1993, Inventory of Power Plants in the United States, Washington, DC: Energy Information Administration, DOE/EIA-0095(93), Table 17, p. 36-44. U.S. Department of Energy, January 1993, Annual Energy Outlook 1993 With Projections to 2010, Washington, DC: Energy Information Administration, DOE/EIA-0383(93), p. 49. U.S. Department of Energy, March 1993, The Changing Structure of the Electric Power Industry 1970-1991, Washington, DC: Energy Information Administration, DOE/EIA-0562, table C6, p.86. U.S. Department of Energy, 1994, Natural Gas 1994 - Issues and Trends, Washington, DC: Energy Information Administration, DOE/EIA-0560(94), p. 8-9. U.S. Department of Energy, March 1994, Electric Utility Phase I Acid Rain Compliance Strategies for the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, Washington, DC: Energy Information Administra- tion, DOE/EIA-0582, table 3, p. 6. U.S. Department of Energy, February 1995, Coal Data: A Reference, Washington, DC: Energy Information Administration, DOE/EIA-0064(93), p. 47. U.S. Department of Energy, January 1996, Annual Energy Outlook 1996 With Projections to 2015, Washington, DC: Energy Information Administration, DOE/EIA-0383(96), table 24, p. 60; p. 94-95. U.S. Department of Energy, February 1996, Short-term Energy Outlook: 1st Quarter 1996, Wash- ington, DC: Energy Information Administration, DOE/EIA-0202(96/1Q), table 12, p. 29. 13 U.S. Department of Energy, July 1996, Cost and Quality of Fuels For Electric Utility Plants 1995, Washington, DC: Energy Information Administration, DOE/EIA-0191(95), table 22, p. 30-33. U.S. Department of Energy, August 1996, Monthly Energy Review, Washington, DC: Energy Information Administration, DOE/EIA-0035(96/08), p. 95, 105. U.S. Department of Energy, October 1996, Coal Industry Annual 1995, Washington, DC: Energy Information Administration, DOE/EIA-058495), table 48, p. 74; table 80, p. 154. Vaninetti, Gerald, E. and James J. Valentine, December 1996, Outlining the Impacts of Utility Deregulation on Railroads: Coal Age, p. 51-52. Wall Street Journal, October 3, 1996, U. S. Giving Electric Co-ops Relief on Loans, p. A3-4. 14