THE PRE-MILLENNIAL BY MARY M. KIMBLE. For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorent of this mystery, (lesl ye should be wise in your own conceits.) that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in.— Row. 11 ; 25 . LIMA, N. Y. A. TIFFANY NORTON, BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, RECORDER OFFICE. 1881. r INTRODUCTION. In the spring of 1879 my attention was called to the Word of Godwin connection with his works among the Jews. I could not understand very well, but I saw enough to convince me that these must be momentous times, and that if the Bible be true, there must soon be a' great change of some kind. In the light which the realization of this truth brought to bear I saw that I was at a perilous distance from God, if the Lord Jesus should suddenly appear. How could I meet him ? I called on God for light and help. O! how worthless I seemed, what had I ever done tor Christ who had done so much for me ? I resolved to follow the leadings of the Holy Spirit, and asked for direction. I thought if I could write about these things, perhaps it might help somebody to see the truth. I prayed God to show me if it was his will that I should do so. It seemed to me that I ought to write to the Jews concerning the matter, and al- though I did not see the reason, yet because I had promis- ed to follow my convictions of duty I determined to write, remembering that Abraham obeyed and went out not knowing whither he went. I thought perhaps this might be all, but I soon found it was not. I could not go to God in prayer without this question presenting itself : “ Did you not say you would be guided by the Holy Spirit? ” and when I began to feel that I could not fol- low and commenced to waver, a sense of great darkness and condemnation came over me, I felt that I was griev- ing the Holy Spirit by not doing what I ought. I cried to God for help, and said I will try to follow whitherso- ever Thou leadest. I then commenced a most thorough 4 search of the Scriptures. I could understand that a Re- storation of a peculiar and glorious kind was promised to the children of Israel, and that God was now without doubt moving in that direction, (concerning which things I wrote to the Jews) but about the Gentiles I could not understand. In Acts. 15, 14-17 James says : “ Simeon hath declared, how God at the first did visit the Gentiles to take out of them a people for His name, and to this agree the words of the prophets, as it is written : After this I will return and will build again theltabernacle of David which is fallen down, etc. Here the times of the Gentiles are referred to as belonging to the New Testa- ment, but for the Restoration the reader is carried into the Old Testament, thus making in an important sense, the New Testament a Gentile dispensation. From this quotation I could see no reason for supposing that the Restoration should begin before the taking out of this people, but I could not see clearly, my mind was con- fused ; if the present Gospel conditions continued until the end of time I failed to see how there could be any Scriptural Restoration of Israel, which there must of a necessity be if the doctrine of a millennium by spiritual progression be true. I could not make a reconciliation, and the more closely I studied the more these things seemed to clash. I therefore took them before God in fasting and in prayer, saying if it be Thy will that I work in this department of thy Word, then it is needful that I understand these things. I besought Him to enlighten my mind by some means and show me the truth. Before the day of fasting was gone, some one came to my room and asked me if I had seen an article concerning a change in the present Gospel Dispensation. I was very much surprised, and said I had not. This seemed like an an- swer to my prayer, but did not satisfy me. Not long after by a peculiar train of circumstances I was called to go some distance from home among entire strangers in a manner that seemed to me unnecessary. I resolved to ask the Lord to show me whether it really was His 5 will that I should go on with His work to which His Spirit seemed leading by so ordering events that I need not go to that place and made it a subject of fasting and prayer ; the next morning being still irrdoubt I said, O! Lord I do believe that Thou answerer my prayer ! but just at that moment this question came to my mind with so much force it seemed as if somy one near me asked it : “ Would you proceed with this work if you were obliged to go to this place ?” I said Thy will, Oh, God, be done ! and felt that the Lord would make it plain in His own way. While there the article to which my at- tention had been called on the day of fasting and prayer came into my possession in so providential a manner I could not but feel that the Lord was endorsing it. The leading topics were : The Set Time to Favor Zion ; Can it be Known When ? — Jerusalem in Prophecy ; — Close of the Christian Dispensation; — Concurring Testimony of the Great Pyramid. The treatment of these topics was in substance, that though the day and hour of Christ’s coming may not be revealed yet no reasonable mind can doubt that the sacred numbers were given, to teach, at least, the approximate time of that event so that those who. properly study God’s Word in connection with his works may know when it is nigh, even at the do.or. There is overwhelming evidence that we are already in the incipient stages of a new Dispensation — “Jerusalem in Prophecy.” The reader need not be told that a very large proportion of the prophetic Scriptures have a direct reference to the final return of scattered Israel to their own land. The one question now is, are they in process of fulfillment. To this there can be but one answer. Those who are familiar with the present current of affairs must know that in place of a few hundred Jews which heretofore dwelt in Jerusalem there are now many thousands, but though God has set His hand to the work of restoring Israel, yet are they to pass through the ap- proaching time to Jacob’s trouble before their full deliv- ance shall be wrought out. It is in view of this time of trouble which is doubtless much nearer than most people 6 are willing to believe, that Jesus says: “Watch ye therefore and pray always that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass and to stand before the son of Man.” This appears to be the next event in the course of prophecy. The Great Pyramid seems wonderfully to accord with the Bible in a prophetic point of view. If, as seems to be the c^se, it is the result of Divine inspiration, then what was its in- tent ? Let the Bible answer. Both doubtless had a com- mon origin and can bear solemn witness to each other. “ In that day there* shall be an altar jin the land of Egypt. * * * And it shall be for a sign and a witness unto the Lord of Hosts in the land of Egypt.” * * * Nu- merous spirituabsymbolisms are found in its interior pas- sages and chambers. Many of the oldest scientists and divines concur in the belief that the grand gallery sym- bolizes the Christian dispensation. If this be true the year 1881-2 must in some important sense terminate the Gospel age. This chamber is so constructed that the measurements in inches, coincide exactly with the years discovered long before by able Bible students as closing periods of three very important prophecies, namely : First, 1875 as closing the count of the Jewish Sabbatic system ; Second, 1878 as completing the double curse, at which time the Jews were granted liberty to return to Palestine and rebuild Jerusalem ; Third, the year 1881 marking the end of the Gospel harvest.” This did not, however, answer the query in my mind concerning the relation which the Gospels sustain to the Old Testament prophecies ; and I studied more critically and prayerfully and found that Christ in all His teaching endeavored to impress upon the minds of His disciples that he came to fulfill all that was written concerning Him ; saying : “ Think not that I am come to destroy the law or the prophets ; I am not come to destroy but to fulfill.” Therefore when Christ said to his disciples : “ If I go and prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you unto myself,” He points out the time of His coming by referring them to the fulfillment of the prophecies concerning the completion of the curse. 7 If through temptation or otherwise I have thought to leave this work there has come over my soul great dark- ness and trouble. This passage of Scripture is pressed home to my mind with great force : “ Whosoever shall be ashamed of me and my words, of him shall the Son of Man be ashamed.” I, therefore, feel it my duty to in- vite serious attention to the coincidence of the events of this present time with the Word of God. §he %nst or §onbh §unse of Jferad. Men have but to open their eyes to see events trans- piring of a very peculiar character ; among them are the works of God among the Children of Israel, such as has never before occurred since it was said of them that they should be led away captive into all nations. The nature of this captivity is defined in Deut. 2 8 ; 63-66. “Ye shall be plucked from off the land whither thou goest to possess it. And the Lord shall scatter thee among all people from one end of the earth even unto the other. And among these nations shalt thou find no ease, neither shall the sole of thy foot have rest. And thy life shall hang in doubt before thee, and thou shalt fear day and night, and shalt have none assurance of thy life.” The more thoroughly to appreciate the force of this prediction, we will give a hasty glance at their history. “ At the taking of Jerusalem, it is said, one million, one hundred thousand perished by severe famine and pesti- lence. In other places, it is said, two hundred and fifty thousand were cut off, besides great numbers being sent into Egypt to labor as slaves. The Emperor, Adrian, published an edict, forbidding them upon pain of death, to set foot in Jerusalem, or even to approach the coun- try round about. In the sixth century twenty thous- and of them were slain, and as many sold as slaves. In Spain, A. D., 700, they were ordered*to be enslaved. In the tenth, eleventh and twelfth centuries, their miseries increased. It is shocking to think what multitudes of them the eight crusades murdered in Germany, Hun- gary, Lesser Asia and elsewhere. About 1349, the ter- rible massacre at Toledo, forced many of them to kill themselves or change their religion. In Persia they were universally murdered, 4 very few escaping to Turkey. They have at different times been expelled from every part of the world. From age to age they have been exposed to miseries, persecution and mur- der ; yet they exist in spite of ignominy and hatred. Their land itself has been under a never-ceasing curse ; Pagans, Christians, Mohammedans, in a word, almost all nations have seized and held Jerusalem. The whole history is a standing proof of the word of God ; it so 'signally and beyond all contradiction, fulfills even to minute particulars its numerous predictions. The long- protracted existence of the Jews as a Separate people, is not only a standing evidence of the truth of pro- phecy, but is of a kind which defies hesitation, imitation or parallel.” It is quite possible that the Jews might have said, as many at this day do concerning the fulfillment of the prophecies, that they were to be spiritually understood, but if they did they found themselves most fearfully mistaken, as all will who try to make the truth of the 9 inspired Word a spiritual myth. Now since in the past so much care has been bestowed upon the fulfillment of the Word, what authority has any one for believing that God will be less particular about the literal fulfillment of His Word in the future as regards both Jews and Gen- tiles ? JERUSALEM is a place around which a large propor- tion of the prophecies cluster ; when the God of Jacob unfolded His plan to the prophet Daniel, this among other things was in it : that on account of the great wickedness of the Children of Israel their beloved city should be delivered over to the abomination of desola- tion until those things which God had determined upon them should be accomplished. When the disciples ask- ed the Lord Jesus about those things He explained the prophecy in this way : “ Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.” The fulfillment commenced about forty years after the crucifixion of Christ, when Jerusalem was seized and the whole city, except three towers and a small part of the wall, w&s razed to the ground. Vespa- sian ordered the whole land to be sold, thus transferring Jerusalem and its vicinity into the possession of the Gentiles to be trodden under their feet. When God curses, man cannot annul or reverse it. The Emperor Julian proved the truth of this assertion when in A. D. 360, being sensible that the evident accomplishment of our Lord’s prophecy concerning the Jewish nation made a strong impression upon the Gentiles and was the prin- cipal means of their conversion,' he resolved to deprive Christianity of this support by bringing the Jews to oc- cupy their own land and by allowing them the exercise of their religion. For this purpose he resolved to re- build Jerusalem and to rear the temple upon its ancient foundations, because he knew that only there they would offer sacrifices. In the prosecution of this design he wrote to the Jews a letter, which is still extant, inviting them to return to their native country, and for their en- couragement he said to them : “ The Holy City, Jerusa- lem, which of many years ye have desired to see inhab- ited, I will rebuild by mine own labor,” and he began to rebuild the temple, but his workmen were soon obliged to desist by an immediate and evident interposition of God. Terrible balls of fire bursting forth near the foun- dations with frequent explosions, oft times burning the workmen, rendered the place inaccessible and put a stop to the work. Thus while Jews and heathen -under the direction of the Roman emperor united their whole force to baffle our Lord’s prediction they did but the more conspicuously accomplish it. This miraculous interposition is attested by many credible witnesses and historians, in particular by Marcillinus, a heathen and friend of Julian, and by Zemuth David, a Jew, who honestly confesses that the emperor was hindered by God in this attempt. Socrates wrote his account within fifty ^years of the transaction and while many of the eye witnesses were living. In the crusades all the power of Europe was employed to rescue Jerusalem from the heathen, but in vain. The Jews have been even more zealous to gain pos- session of their city, and amid all the degradation, insult and injustice heaped upon them for more than eighteen hundred years their love for the City of David has been undying, no distance of time or space can alienate it, and though they have made repeated efforts to recover it, they have never been able to enter it by right until 1878, when through England, by a Jew, God opened a door of great possibilities to this people. Does any one presume to believe that a Divine interposition would hinder the building of Jerusalem to-day ? If that part of the Scriptures bearing on this subject were distinctly understood, there would be occasion for sur- prise, for between the removal of the curse and the coming of Christ there is no intervening event in prophecy ; the one follows close on the other. THE RELATION THAT THE GOSPELS BEAR TO THE OLD TESTAMENT IN THE FULFILLMENT OF THE PROPHECIES. Just where the close of the indignation or the lifting of the curse forms a dividing line between two great periods is a pivotal point on which balances a matter of great moment, not only to the Christian but also to the unchristian world. At this point we meet a difficulty; the Gospel writers do not mention the Restoration, whereas a large portion of the prophecies of the Old Testament have reference to the final return of scattered Israel. Nov/ if the coming of Christ, spoken of in the Gospels, be at the end of time and this present Gospel dispensa- tion is to continue, then must the Restoration described by Ezekiel and Zechariah, also the Revelation be useless and superfluous prophecies ; one of two things must be true, either there is a monstrous contradiction or this Gospel is a dispensation to the Gentiles ending with the times therein mentioned. Christ makes this point clear by declaring that He “ came not to destroy but to fulfill the law and the prophets ; ” this declaration, then, is the foundation and keystone of the whole structure. The Gospels, in the fulfillment of the prophecies, carry the church to a fixed and definite period in the Old Testa- ment ; this period as shown by the prophet is the end or consummation of the indignation poured out upon the Jews. History, as well as the Bible, proves that the Gentiles were the instruments for accomplishing the in- dignation ; it is therefore evident that now when God has removed this great curse from Jerusalem, that the times of the Gentiles have begun to end, and a new order of things has commenced ; had the Restoration be- longed to the Gentile or Christian administration, it would most surely have been so stated in the Gospel, for there is no deceit or variableness in the Lord Jesus Christ. It is well known that between the beginning of the Christian and the ending of the Jewish dispen- sation there was no sudden separation or distinct line of demarkation, the one was merged into the other, and 12 in like manner this Gentile dispensation is passing into the incoming one. All who are acquainted with the history of the Mosaic and Christian eras, know that they began with the Lords order of re-construction : mir- acles, wonders and great upheavals of the nations. The greater the blessing the greater the trouble that ac- companied it. As this last and crowning period of the world’s history just commencing will be the most glori- ous, so the trouble and struggle that'usher it in will be the greatest that the world has ever known. Indeed, this transition period contains, according to Scripture, not only a re-construction of the moral world, but al- so of the earth itself. Isa. 66 ; 22. For SI the new heavens and new earth which I will make shall remain before me, saith the Lord, so shall your seed and your name remain. This being the case, reason must support the prophecies of Jeremiah, Isaiah and Ezekiel, con- cerning the great distress of this re-construction pe- riod. Jer. 25 ; 33. And the slain of the Lord shall be at that day from one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth, they shall not be lamented, neither gathered nor buried. Isa. 24 ; 3. The land shall be utterly emptied and utterly spoiled. Isa. 24 ; 12. In the city is left desolation and the gate is smit- ten with destruction. So severe will be this judgment that of the remaining inhabitants it is said in Isa. 24 ; 13 : “ When thus it shall be in the midst of the land among the people, there shall be as the shaking of an olive-tree, and as the gleaning-grapes when the vintage is done.” For the reason of this, listen to the word of the Lord : Isa. 24 ; 5, 6. “ The earth also is defiled un- der the inhabitants thereof, because they have trans- gressed the laws, and changed the ordinance. Therefore hath the curse devoured the earth, and they that dwell therein are desolate, therefore the inhabitants are burn- ed and few men left.” Let no one deceive himself con- cerning the nature of that period following the close of the Gospel harvest. All through the inspired Word, from the first chapter of Genesis to the last chapter of 3 Revelation, wherever it is mentioned, it is styled a day of judgments, wherein God will draw nigh and visit them that dwell upon the earth and will make inquisition of *-hem that have hurt unjustly with their unrighteousness the harvest will be past ; this is made very plain by all those parables of our Lord where He represents the wicked being separated from the just and as the refuse from the net and harvest is destroyed, or burned, such will be the condition of the impenitent at the close of the Gospel harvest. This destruction will not be, as many think, an instantaneous, but a gradual work, as is shown by the stone smiting the image on the feet, breaking it in pieces and it becomes like chaff, which the wind carries away ; so earthly kingdoms are first broken and cease to exist and then the stone fills the whole earth. Although this is a gradual work it will be none the less fearful ; it will be a day of mourning and lamen- tation. Amos 8; u, 12. “Behold the days come saith the Lord God that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread nor of thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord and they shall wander from sea to sea, from the north even to the east- they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the Lord and shall not find it.” This time of moral re-construction wherein the land will be cleansed from sin and sinners is also Jacob’s great day of trouble, through which he must pass before he can come to his time of promised good. This, saith the Lord, in Jer. 30 ; 11. “Though I make a full end of all nations whither I have scattered thee, yet will I not make a full end of thee.” Jere. 23 ; 7, 8. “ Behold the days come, saith the Lord, that they shall no more say the Lord liveth which brought the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt. But the Lord liveth, which brought up and which led the seed of the house of Israel out of the north country and from all countries wherein I had driven them ; and they shall dwell in their own land.” 14 The Prophet Daniel speaks of this period in plain terms, bringing in at the same time another important event. Dan. 12 ; i. “And at that time — the close of the indignation — shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people, and there shall be a time of trouble, such as there never was since there was a nation, even to that same time and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.” In .Luke, 21 ; 25, the Saviour referring His disciples to the prophecy of Daniel enlarges and illuminates it. He tells them that “ Jeru- salem shall be trodden down until that which is deter- mined shall be finished and then there shall be signs in the sun and in the moon and in the stars ; and upon the earth distress of nations with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring, men’s hearts failing them for fear and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth ; for the powers of the heavens shall be shaken.” Then Christ specifies the first great event which is to transpire in the era now upon us. “ Then shall they see the Son of Man coming in a cloud, with power and great glory.” What is He coming for ? “ Watch ye, therefore, and pray always, that ye may be account- ed worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass and to stand before the Son of Man.” Dean Al- ford says, and almost every one bows to him in the mat- ter of interpretation, that he must insist that this com- ing of Christ to take the church to himself is not the same event as the general judgment. The deliverance ot the church is one thing and the judgment is another. This separation or gathering out is plainly taught in the Gos- pels, Luke 17 ; 34-36. “ I tell you in that night there shall be two men in one bed ; the one shall be taken and the other left. Two women shall be grinding to- gether ; the one shall be taken and the other left. Two men shall be in one field ; the one shall be taken and the other left. In Acts. 1 5 ; 14-17, James says : “Simon hath declared how God at the first did visit the Gen- tiles to take out of them a people for his name.” And i5 to this agree the words of the prophets ; as it is written: “ After this I wilL return and will build again the taber- b nacle of David, which is fallen down ; and I will build again the ruins thereof, and I will set it up.” Now we see that instead of the people of God remaining upon I earth during the peril of the re-organizing period, which is to open with the coming of the Son of Man ; like Noah and Lot, they are to be taken away, but for those who reject Christ there can be nothing but trouble ; it is said of them : “ Ye shall remain in the plagues, for God shall not deliver you because ye have sinned against him.” Oh, that God would open the eyes of the careless in the churches as well as in the world ! At that point in the Gospels where Christ in his ex- planations ot the prophecies has defined the close of the Gospel harvest, very many interpreters, leaning on their own understanding, have made a great blunder, becauso they could not reconcile these teachings with their en- deavor to stretch the Gospel over a period for which it was never intended ; they have thrown a spiritual bridge across the chasm and say those things must be “ spiri- tually understood.” It is strange that man cannot see that God’s Word cannot be made over or modified in any way, no matter how much it may be desired with- out the greatest danger. We would most earnestly caution the followers of these bridge builders to take care how they attempt to cross their flimsy and rotten bridge, for when they come to the e'dge of the chasm, J unless they are ready to go up, they will most certainly go down, not across. That this doctrine of “spiritually understood,” is not of God may be seen by a very lit- tle observation. Does it tend to soothe and deaden, or to aropse the church to energy and life ? This quiet- ing decoction of the enemy is so potent that many of the churches are sleeping on the very verge of this most solemn event. In the study of the Scriptures, when- ever, through unbelief the help of the Holy Spirit is ignored, the devil takes advantage and influences the mind. Daniel Whitby, D. D., was evidently thus in- 1 6 fluenced when he developed a theory for spiritualizing, or so changing the meaning of God’s Word concerning the Coming of Christ, and the future prophecies per- taining to him as to make them of no effect, teaching that all that part of Scripture bearing on a new order or dispensation so plainly taught all through the Bible must be “ spiritually understoqd.” Ah, he did not see Satan chuckling over this new dogma which he himself had instigated, to be set afloat among the churches in order to give them that delightful peace and safety feeling which they now have ; but, alas, “when they shall say peace and safety, then sudden destruction cometh upon them.” Thess. 5, 3. We fear that a great harvest of souls will be garnered for Satan, through the preach- ing of this false and dangerous doctrine ; and what ac- count will those give to God, who teach these hypoth- eses gotten up by man instead of the pure Word of God. In the case mentioned above there is a fallacy, which if enforced against the rest of the Scriptures, would undermine the whole, there is just as much, au- thority for saying that all that has been fulfilled should be spiritually understood, as that what is to come should be thus received. If one part is literally true the rest must be. All the powers of hell are thrown against this door of knowledge, the devil is determined that the churches shall not know the truth concerning the Coming of Christ ; he knows full well what a power for good to the church and of damage to his kingdom this knowledge would be. He has dragged it in the dust and covered it with ignominy and shame, so that Christians are loth to talk about this most beautiful and glorious doctrine. This fact proves it to be God’s truth, for had it been false Satan would not havfe troubled him- self so much about it. Since all the prophecies respecting the curse of Israel have been so exactly and literally fulfilled there is no alternative but to expect that all the promises of good, which like brilliant gems, are scattered all through the Old Testament, will be exactly fulfilled. Many ask did i7 not Christ command his disciples to go into all the world and preach this Gospel to every creature? This Gospel has not been preached to every creature, therefore the nd of the Gospel harvest cannot be near. It must be borne in mind that this was an instruction, not a proph- ecy. The Lord of the harvest sent his laborers into the field saying unto them : “ go into all the world, carry the G ospel to all classes, Jew, Gentile, bond or free, be- cause the Gospel of the kingdom must be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations, and then shall the end come.” The Gospel must be published among all nations to fulfill that prophecy which says : “ when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people all these things shall be finished.” The Saviour says of that day and hour knoweth no man, not even the Son, but the Father ; no two words in the whole Bible have been so unreasonably magnified and misapplied as these same two little words. The Father knew that men would press the Saviour to tell them the exact time of his coming and wisely withheld the day and the hour, but left him free to give the signs of His appearing. “ Now learn a parable of the fig-tree ; when her branches is tender and putteth forth leaves ye know that summer is near ; so ye, in like manner, when ye shall see these things come to pass know that it is nigh, even at the door.” The free translation is, al- though the day and hour may not be known, yet when ye shall see the Gospel published among all nations* and the great curse removed from Jerusalem, then know that the end of the Gospel harvest is nigh. If men would receive the Word of God without adulteration they would have no difficulty in knowing when the time was nigh. There is no instance on record when destruc- tion was determined but the' Lord has given warning by prophets or otherwise Besides the signs given in the New Testament God has revealed to us through the prophets the approximate times by which able Bible stu- dents have discovered the closing period of three im- portant Bible prophecies : “first, the year 1875 as closing the count of the Jewish Sabbatic system which p.oints to the great restitution age ; second, the year 1878 as com- pleting the double or second part of the Jewish chastise- ment ; and third, the year 1881 as marking the end of the Gospel harvest.” Now when the events of 1878 prove it to be a correct date what in the name of reason should be thought of the other ? Oh my God, enlighten the minds of men ! . ■ f ; 18 Many professedly Christian people when their views concerning- the coming of Christ, reply after this fashion : “Oh, I do not think it worth while to trouble myself about these things, if I am only ready that is all that is necessary, I do not believe we can know much about it any way.” This answer implies a virtual rejection of the truth, either from prejudice or dislike and they do not want to hear it. What would such people think of a neighbor who knew their house would soon be burned and should give ho warning ? The church pays a great deal of attention to baptism, yet it is mentioned but “ eleven times, while the Coming of Christ is mentioned fifty times,” being made prominent by the prophets, Christ, and his apostles. Some say why is so much said about Jerusalem, it is a poor place, the Jews themselves would not take it as a gift, and more than that, they hate the Lord Jesus and are very bitter against Him. Ah, blindness has happen- ed to them which ages on ages under existing circum- stances could not remove. The New Testament gives no authority for believing l&^t wi±L esa» feffrid ter- gsrbsek Je?malsem or that their blindness will be re- moved until the appearing of the Son of Man, but the fact that the curse is so far lifted that Jerusalem could be restored or built is a fact on which all honest and earn- est minds should look with apprehension, for in the course of prophecy all things are now ready. SUMMARY. I. All the prophecies in the past concern- ing both Jews and Gentiles being fulfilled even to the minutest particulars, what authority is there for believ- ing that the remaining prophecies will not be as surely and exactly fulfilled ? II. The great curse pronounced upon Jerusalem be- ing lifted it can now be rebuilt ; therefore, the time of the Gentiles, as far as the curse is concerned, must be fulfilled. III. From the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ the Gospel harvest follows close on the lifting of the curse from Jerusalem. IV. The great day of trouble and destruction of sin- ners so clearly shown by the prophets and represented by Christ as a furnace, according to the Scriptures must begin at His appearing. V. Notwithstanding people do not believe these things and put the event far away, yet this fact does not change the truth of the Gospel. “ Watch ye, therefore, tor ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.” Luke, 21, 25. / 0 * / From a careful and prayerful study of God’ s Wordy in connection with the events of this present time, the writer is forced to the belief that the Coming of