DDDDaDnnDnDnDDDDDanDDDnanDDDnDnD D D s ° D D □ D g UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS g g LIBRARY g 9 ° S ° □ D D ! D □ SPECIAL D D COLLECTIONS g □ D S F D H 1 ° 9 7^ ° □ ' ^ D g P1T2 g B 1889 g 9 ° 9 ° 9 ° 9 D □ D □ Gift of D 9 ■=> 9 ° g D D William Holbrook n 9 D 9 ° 9 ° D D 9 ° DDDnDnnnDDDnDnaDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD f.^^/CP^ ^ History Committee. Palmer, Mass., July 2G, 1881) P B E F A O E THE materials of this history have been gathered from official sources, viz., the Elbows Plantation and the Palmer Dis- trict and Town Records, the General Court Records and reports and papers in the State Archives at Boston, the old Hampshire and the modern Hampden County Registries of Deeds and Probate, and the several Church and Parish books. In most cases official documents are copied verhatim et liberatim — this method being most satisfactory to antiquarians, and best illustrating the peculiari- ties and changes in the use of words and phrases, and the orthogra- phy of different periods and scribes. The Records of the Plantation are well preserved and are quite full. The District and Town Records, though the volumes are all extant, are meager in details and provokingly incomplete. Matters of the utmost importance would be brought before the town for consideration, would be discussed in Town Meeting and referred to a committee, which committee would report. But the only record made by the clerk was the fact that said committee reported and the report was accepted, with no intimation what was the character of the rejiort. It is likely that the report was placed on file; but the old files and papers have been largely used to kindle fires in the Town House. By the thoughtfulness and courage of Dr. "W. H. Stowe some of these papers were saved, and have added great value to these annals; but the wanton waste of the larger part of these old town documents is highly reprehensible. And many of the family records and papers — in existence fifty years ago — have disappeared and no one knows how. Even the letter of the mother of John King, our earliest settler, cannot be found among any of his descendants. Fortunately a copy was made, and a transcript of this copy appears in this book. 6 PREFACE. The sevenil Church and Parish records are (or were) sufficiently full for denominational purposes^ while the actors were upon the stage and their memories good, but they fail to answer important historical inquiries. Except for a period of ten years — 1753-1763 — no records of the Presbyterian Church, which flourished for sixty years, have been found. The studies preparatory to the writing of this history were em- barrassed by an unlooked-for difficulty, viz., the prevalence of some wrong notions which had taken root in the community re- specting an early Indian deed, which was supposed to cover the territory embraced in the Elbow tract, and the action of certain parties claiming to hold the lands under guaranty of said deed. Printed addresses and sketches and some more pretentious ac- counts Avere found in circulation and commonly accepted as reliable authority, that recognized the validity of these claims, and formu- lated conclusions accordingly. These premises and conclusions were flatly contradicted by state papers and county documents, and the searcher after the truth was left in perplexity. It was not until the writer discovered, by a critical examination of the deed itself, that the conveyance covered not a foot of Palmer territory and that all claims of title under it were consequently fraudulent; that the way was cleared for successful investigation. His conclu- sion was fortified by the General Court records and other cotempo- rary papers; and once on the right track, it was easy to understand the doings and sayings of the early settlers and describe the man- ner in which they gained valid titles to their homesteads, and laid the foundations of a hona-fide Plantation. The course of events is narrated, in the main, in chronological order, with an occasional episode to bring out and complete a picture of related transactions which over-lapped specific dates. The exception to this rule are the chapters on Schools and Industries, which seemed to require a continuous account, cov- ering the whole period of the town's life. The headings of the several chapters, and the connected table of contents will guide the reader in finding any given matter of in- terest to him. And the Index at the end will contain all the PEEFACE. 7 names of individuals mentioned in our earlier records, and the subjects treated of in the historical part of the book, as well as a reference to the &\RerQ\\t families grouped in the Genealogical Eeg- ister. In the war records great pains have been taken to procure full and accurate rolls of officers and privates, with terms of enlistment and places of service. All the records extant relating to the French and Indian war, the Revolution, and the Rebellion of 1861-5 are copied in extenso. The lists of names of the early settlers and of residents at va- rious dates down to modern times, will possess special interest to genealogists, and ma}- supply some missing links in family reg- istries. The thanks of the author are hereby tendered to the several members of the Town Historical Committee, The Town Clerk and the several Church and Parish clerks, the agents and owners of the manufacturing companies, and other friends who have en- couraged and aided him by furnishing information and making timely suggestions. JOSIAH H. TEMPLE. Eramixgham, Mass., July 29, 1889. ADDITIONS AND OOEEEOTIOJSTS. On p. 21, foot note, for 1734 read 1737. On p. 44, fifth ]. from bottom, for soil read evil. On p. 75, fifth 1. from bottom, for cliairmen read cliaiiDncn, and same correction on p. 99. FerreWs Grist Mill. As stated on p. 83, tlio first mill was destroyed, but it was rebuilt at a later period, as see p. 270. On p. 197, for enlistment of William and John Carlyle, sec pp. 149, 183. HISTORY OF PALMER, CHAPTER I. Topographical Description. THE ELBOW TRACT — EXTENT— BOUNDARIES — ADDITIONS AND SUBTRACTIONS —STREAMS — FORDWAYS — MILL-SEATS — TAM AR SPRING — MOUNTAINS — POINT OF ROCKS — PLAINS — BREAKNECK HOLLOW — WASHINGTON ELM — BEAR TREE, ETC. THE town of Palmer, Massachusetts, originally lay in the old county of Hampshire, and so remained till the new county of Hampden was incorporated, February 20, 1812. It is bounded on the north by Belchertown and Ware ; on the east by Warren and Brimfield ; on the south by Monson ; on the west by Wilbraham and Belchertown. It is very irregular in shape, and contains about 20,000 acres. At the date of its first settlement by the whites and recognition as a plantation, it was known as the Elhoio Tract, the north bounds of which were within a half mile of the present Hardwick line ; and on the east it was bounded by the old Brookfield township.* The area of the Elbow Tract, according to Dwighfs Survey and Plan of 1723, was 23,619 acres. But the territory actually covered by the General Court's grant, under authority of which lands were laid out to public functionaries and to the Proprietors and Grantees, much exceeded this amount. A considerable slice of the southeasterly part of the Tract was cut off and included in the town of Western (now Warren) when that place was incorporated in 1741-2, and the northeasterly part was set off as the Ware Eiver Parish in 1742, and was incorporated as the District of Ware when the Parish was changed to a District, November 25, 1761. f Just before this date the Magoon estate was * As originally laid out, the west bound of Brookfield was a straight line, eight and one-half miles in length. This wouldlcarry Brookfield northwest corner, i6o rods north of the range of the present north line of West Brookfield, if said line be extended across Ware river. In laying out land grants in the Elbow Tract in 1742, Nathaniel Dwight, the surveyor, placed the north line of the most northerly lot at Brookfield northwest corner. [See Map, by E. B. Gates] + The writer has found no record to show when the District of Ware wa? incorporated into a IJown, 10 HISTOEY OF PALMER. taken from Palmer (then a District) and annexed to the Parish. The General Court Records, under date of May 29, 1761, recite: " Petition of Isaac and Alexander Magoon, sons and heirs to the whole of the estate of Isaac Magoon, late of Ware River Parish, in the County of Hampshire, deceased, setting forth that they own about 400 acres of land in the northerly part of Palmer, which lies five miles from Palmer Meeting-house, through a bad road, and but two miles from Ware River Meeting-house, and the road natur- ally good, praying that they may be annexed to Ware River Parish, etc. Notice was ordered to be issued and served on the District of Palmer. "Nov. 18, 1761. Ordered, that the estate described in the afore- mentioned Petition be annexed to the Parish of Ware River, and the inhabitants or possessors of said estate to do duty and receive privilege there." Brimfield Addition. "■ In General Court, Resolved and Ordered, that the Inhabitants, together with all the lands lying in the town of Brimfield north of the Country Road leading from Boston to Springfield, be and hereby are set off to the District of Palmer, by the following bounds, viz, : beginning at the Bank of Chicopee River on the north side of said Country Road by the foot of Scott's Bridge, so called, thence following said Road and bounding south thereon, to Springfield line ; then turning north in said line to said River, then turning up said River bounding northerly and easterly thereon, to the bridge aforesaid — and made part and parcell of said District, there to do duty and recei^^ privilege. '' Consented to, T. Pownall. '•'April 24, 1760." Under date of July 15, 1794, the town records state: ''On the petition of William Cowee and Elizur Cook of Western, dated May 7, 1794, voted and granted the request of said petition, that their land lying in Palmer and joining their land in Western, be set off from the town of Palmer and annexed to the town of Western." February 7, 1831. "That part of Western lying west of the described line, beginning at a Rock in the line between the two towns, marked W. P., running N. 42|°, E. 192 rods, to a monu- ment in the line between the two towns marked, W. P. — being the same territory set from Palmer to Western, January 5, 1764 — is hereby annexed to Palmer." — Gen. Ct. Records. The surface of the ground in Palmer is best described by the word broken, hills and narrow valleys occupying the larger part. TOPOGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTION^. ■ 11 The rivers are bordered by comparatively small meadows, and except the neighborhood of the junction of Swift and Ware rivers, there are no plains of considerable extent. Streams. — The profile view makes the mountains appear the prominent feature of the face of the country ; a bird's-eye view shows the greater importance of the three rivers that bound or cross the territory, and furnish power to the chief productive industries. Quahcmg River [sometimes called, incorrectly, the Chicopee — earlier Chikuppe]. This stream is formed of two branches, one rising in the east part of Oakham, the other in the southeast part of Eutland, which unite at the village of East Brookfield. It then flows through Brookfield, West Brookfield and Warren, striking the line of Palmer at a point just below the village of West Warren, whence it forms the curving boundary of the town for about one- third of its entire circuit. The stream then turns sharply to the north, receiving the united waters of Swift and Ware rivers a short distance from the south line of Belchertown. The enlarged stream here takes the name of Chicopee, and flows westerly to the Connec- ticut. The two elbows, one at the southeast, near the corner of Brimfield and Monson, and the other at the southwest, gave the original and significant name to the Plantation. Mill-seats. Blair's saw mill was put in near the Warren line, and was in use in 1830. The privilege is now unused. The privilege at Blanchardville as occupied as early as 1800, perhaps earlier. In 1805 Captain Hyde had mills here. In 1818 Elisha Converse's mills are named in the records. In 1830 Bugbee had a saw and grist mill here. In 1824 the Blanchards built their scythe factory on this fall, a little below the grist mill, and established what proved to be one of the most important of the early industries of Palmer. This, and the cotton mills put in at the junction of the three rivers, will be fully treated of in the chapter on Palmer Industries. Fordioays. Indian trails and the early bridle-paths and roads of the whites crossed the large streams at natural fording-places, i. e., where a bar made shallow water and a hard bottom. There was an early fordway about a mile above the southeast elbow, where the "Old Country Road" from Brookfield came to the river. Another important crossing-place was just below the mouth of Elbow brook, known in the early records as " the fordway against Micah Tousley's house." 12 HISTOKV OF PALMER. There was a ford way at Scott's bridge, where the " Bay Path " crossed into the Elbow Tract. Shearer's Ford, where the old Indian trail crossed the stream, was about forty rods above the junction of the three rivers. Ware River rises in Westminster, crosses the easterly part of Hubbardston, the northerly part of Rutland, the east and south parts of Barre, forms the dividing line between Hardwick and New Braintree, enters the town of Ware at its northeast corner, and so passing along the easterly side of said town and through the north central part of Palmer, unites with Swift river a half mile north- easterly of the village of Three Rivers. The main fall and privilege on this stream in Palmer is at Thorndike village, where a grist mill was put in in 1736, a saw mill at a later date, a fulling mill in 1797, and the cotton manufactory in 1836-8. [See chapter on Palmer Industries.] Fordiuays. Tackel's ford, called a "shallow bar," was near Whipple's station, and is named on our earliest Plantation records. A bridge was built here in 1747. Hall's ford is a short distance above the junction of Ware and Swift rivers. Later it was known as Chapin's ford. Siuift River rises in the centre of Wendell, and runs a nearly south course through Shutesbury, forms the dividing line between Pelham and Prescott, through Enfield, between Belchertown and Ware, between Belchertown and Palmer, and for less than a mile in Palmer town. The fall at Bondsville is 31 feet, and was utilized early for a grist and saw mill, then for a fulling mill, then for a woolen factory, and since 1845 has been in the occupancy of a prosperous cotton manufactory. [See chapter on Palmer Industries.] Brooks. There are several brooks in our town limits, some of them permanent, but mostly small conduits of the melting snows and frosts of the hill-tops. When fed by springs, they are marked by fertility and power. But their chief historical value is as land- marks of early grants and deeds. PottaquattucJc Brook, known in modern maps as King's brook, has its rise on the slope of the mountain of the same name, runs southerly through a hollow in Cedar mountain, and empties into the Quabaug near the Col. King place. A small saw mill Avas once built on this stream; and a fulling mill, which in 1790 was owned by Benj. S. Cummings. Wigioam Brook, often wrongly called Salisbury'.^ Brook, is west of the one last named, and empties into the Quabaug. In 1793 a saw mill was put in on this brook by Wm. King, Thomas Quinton, TOPOGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTION. 13 and others, each partner to share the income in proportion to his stock. The result of the venture is not known. King's Brook is the early name of the small stream, or outlet of some living springs, on which the Palmer Carpet Mills are located. Earlier a batting factory was established here. The brook runs through the farm where John King, Sen., located and lived most of his days. Dumplin Brook runs from the Old Centre, through Breakneck Hollow, and empties into the Quabaug. McMaster's saw mill stood on this brook. Cedar Swamp Brook drains the Cedar Swamp, and flows north- erly into Pottaquattuck pond. A small saw mill was built on this brook, on land now owned by Josiah Gates. Jabez Brook crosses the great plain and enters Ware river near Hall's ford. Springs. — The Iron Spring comes out of the hills near the War- ren town line, and flows towards the Qaabaug. It was once sup- posed to possess important medicinal qualities. Tamar Spring, and its outlet Tamar Eun, were notable landmarks in early times. The spring was on the Eichard Coombs home-lot, adjoining the home -lot of John King, Senior. Charles Upham now lives near by. Cedar Swamp was southeast of the Old Centre, north of the farm of Eev. John Harvey, the first minister of the Elbows Plan- tation. Ponds. — Pottaquattuck Ponds [pautaquatuck, pau-ta-quam-ut], Great and Little, lie on the left bank of Ware river, southwest of the mountain of the same name. The first saw mill in the Plan- tation, erected under the auspices of the Proprietors, was put in at the outlet of this pond in 1730 by Steward Southgatc. He put in a grist mill here in 1737. The privilege was occupied by a fulling mill in 1795. It is now utilized for saw and grist mills. Crawford Pond is a small body of water, a short distance south of Bondsville. The story goes, that a young man of the name of Crawford (Crofoot), whose father lived near Palmer Old Centre, was working for the summer in Belchertown, but went home on the Sabbatii. This pond was on his way, and one morning in June he stopped and waded in to get some lilies, and was entrapped in one of the spring holes that abound in the bottom, and was drowned. GJassford's Pond, sometimes called in the records " Beckwith's 14 HISTORY OF PALMER. pond," is a still body of clear water, on the farm of George Brown, a little way above the junction of Ware and Swift rivers. Knox's Pond, sometimes called Backus pond, lies in the high land to the north of the residence of David Knox. Hills and Mountains. — Cedar Mountain Range extends from near the Palmer Carpet Factory in a northeasterly direction through the town. The southerly end is known as Tamar hill; the north end in Palmer is called Chestnut mountain. Then, after a depression through which a brook finds its way, the range appears again as Kattlesnake hill, and Colonel's mountain, lying partly in Palmer and partly in "Warren. Pottaquattuck Mountain, the highest point of land in town, stands in the north part, east of Ware river. It was at about the geographical centre of the Elbow Tract, as first laid out. Ware River Hill, sometimes called King's mountain, lies east- erly of Thorndike and extends towards Palmer Old Centre. Chicopee Hill is between Palmer Village and Old Centre. DumjMn, a steep, craggy eminence, and striking feature of the landscape, is between Shearer's Corner and the Four Corners. The Ware River Railroad runs at its westerly foot. Point of Rocks, or as it is called in the earliest surveys and deeds, " The Rocky Ledge," is a well known sharp eminence in the west- erly part of Palmer village, on the old Bay Path. Tamar Hill, as before stated, is north of Tamar spring. Baptist Hill. This was the name given by vote of the town, in 1855, to the eminence west and southwest of Three Rivers. Long Hill is a name early applied to the range on the west of Ware river; that extends from E. G. Hastings' northerly into Ware. After these lands came into possession of the Thomson family the range was often called Thomson hill. Breakneck Hollow is named in the early records. It was east of Dumplin. Wigwam Hollow, or Salisbury Hollow, is on the brook of the same name, east of Blanchardviile. Ross' Plain and Ross' Den were near the southeast corner of Bradford's one-hundred-acre grant, in the northwest corner of the Elbow Tract. Tar Kiln Hollow was in Alexander Tackel's one hundred acre Home Lot, laid out in 1733. " Rood's Den, so called," is named in a survey of 1742 as being on Archibald Boyd's fifty acre First Division Lot (No. 29), which he bought of John King. TOPOGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTION. 15 Great Plain was an early name applied to the comparatively level land lying within the bend formed by the coming together of Swift and Ware rivers. The land in the neighborhood of Four Corners is sometimes designated the Pine Plain, as were several other level spots then covered with the pine forest. The Washington Elm. — This noted and stately tree stands on the south side of the Old Bay Path, one-fourth of a mile west of Scott's bridge, on the farm now owned by M. W. French. It measures fourteen feet in circumference near the ground, and spreads about one hundred feet. The place is an old Tavern stand, once owned by Daniel Graves, who obtained license to keep a house of entertainment before 1760, which license was renewed to his son, Aaron, in 1761. This son, Avho as captain served in the Revolutionary War, and afterwards rose to the rank of major, and was for many years a leading man in our civil and political affairs, kept the tavern during his life- time. The house was a large square building, with a huge stack of chimneys in the centre. The house had fallen down, but the chimney was standing in 1850. The Elm took its name from the tradition, apparently well at- tested, that General Washington, when on his way to take command of the American army, accompanied by his Staff, General Lee, and the deputation sent from Cambridge to Springfield to meet and escort him to headquarters, halted with his party under the shade of this tree to rest and lunch about noon, June 30, 1775. Very naturally the party ordered milk and other necessaries from Captain Graves' tavern opposite. As to the story of Washington's second visit in 1781) and address- ing the people from a platform erected under this tree, there is less of probability. Everett, in his '' Mount Vernon Papers," says : " Washington left New York October 15, 1789, in a chariot drawn by four horses, accompanied by several of his state officers and his own servants. He passed through New Haven, Hartford, and reached Springfield at 4 o'clock on the 21st October, where he in- spected the stores kept at the arsenal, and put up at Parsons' tavern. He left Springfield Thursday morning, 22d, at 7 o'clock, and arrived at Palmer, stopping at the old Scott tavern, where he breakfasted. He then went east, reaching Brookfield at noon, and dined at Hitchcock's tavern." The Bear Tree. — This venerable pine is standing in the front yard of Ridge's Food Factory, and to appearance is sound and 16 " HISTOKY OF PALMEE. healthy. The tradition is, that in the time of the last Indian War, when men carried loaded firearms on all occasions, Deacon Thomas King, who lived on South Main street, started for meeting one Sabbath morning, armed as the law required, and on passing this spot spied a bear among the branches of this tree. Obeying a natural impulse, he fired and killed the dangerous beast. The law of self-preservation and the safety of his family and flocks required the deed, but the law of Sabbath observance was technically violated. The church took up the matter as a case of discipline, but in the end decided that it was a " work of necessity and mercy," and withheld censure. It is an interesting fact that, in all deeds of this estate down to the present time, the Bear Tree is reserved from sale and transfer with the fee of the land. The '7Wi Milestone is named in the town records, Nov. 3, 1794. It stood on the old Boston road, east of the house of Captain Converse. CHAPTER II. The Elbow TRxVct — Settlement, 171G-1728. WILDEKNESS LAND — EARLIEST TOWNS IN OLD HAMPSHIRE — SPRINGFIELD, HADLEY, BKOOKFIELD, BRIMFIELD — THE EQUIVALENT LANDS — FACE OF THE COUNTRY — HADLEY PATH — BAY PATH — INDIAN HISTORY — MENA- MESEEK — NAMES OF THE PLACE — DATE OF THE FIRST SETTLEMENT- JOHN KIN6 AND HIS MOTHER'S LETTER— THE SCOTCH, HOW AND WHY THEY EMIGRATED— REV. ME. ROYD'S MISSION — PETITION TO GOVERNOR SHUTE — THE FIRST COMERS TO THE ELBOWS, AND HOW THEY LIVED — LOG HOUSES — SCOTCH LINEN — COUNTRY PAY AND PRICES- DWIGHT'S PLAN OF 172.3 — JOSHUA LAMB AND COMPANY, THEIR CLAIM, AND HOW IT ENDED. IN order to form a clear conception of the situation of things when our ancestors first made their pitch on the Elbow Tract, it is necessary to recall some historical facts of local and related in- terest. Although nearly a century had passed since the valley of the Connecticut was first visited by the English, yet actual settlements in this immediate region were few and scattered — confined to the river valley and a few isolated spots. The expressive term, " wilderness land," could still be appropriately applied to a considerable part of what is now Eastern Hampshire and Hampden, and Western Wor- cester counties. The Indian towns, once so numerous, were de- serted, and only their "remains" attested where the red men had their homes ; but the stories of their barbarities and cruel orgies were the staple of fireside talk ; the scars made by their arrows and hatchets were shown by surviving soldiers ; the undefined dread of the lurking and revengeful savage "was in the air," and English homes were slow in taking their places. Springfield was first settled in 1636, and took in the territory on the east side of the river, now covered by the town proper. Long- meadow, Wilbraham, Ludlow and Chicopee, but the inhabitants largely dwelt near the river. Hadley was laid out and settled in 1659, and embraced the tract of land extending from the great falls above Springfield, twelve miles up the river and nine to the eastward, taking in, as was sup- posed, a part of Belchertown ; but settlements were confined to the river valley. 18 HISTORY OF PALMER. A grant of territory for a plantation at Brookfield was made in 1660, and some settlers came on that year. It contained a plat of six miles square — afterwards enlarged to eight miles square. But it had always been an isolated town, — the wayside inn of business and adventurous life, and the strategic point of offensive and defensive war. A grant of eight miles square, embracing the towns of Brimfield, Monson, AVales and Holland, was made in 1701 to some of the principal inhabitants of Springfield, who came upon the ground September 23d of that year, and fixed upon a site for the town-plot, and returned. A few settlers came on soon afterwards and Ijuilt houses — some to remain, others to return temporarily to Springfield. The plantation had, however, only got fairly under way, when John King made his pitch on the northerly side of the Quabaug. These comprised the bona fide settlements on the east side of the Connecticut in our vicinity, at the period in question. Brookfield had once been destroyed by the Indians and deserted, and was just now attracting a rush of substantial inhabitants. Hadley and Springfield had been retarded in growth by the Indian wars, and the aggregate population of the four towns named probably did not exceed 2,000 in 1715. The Equivalent Lands. — An event which had an important bearing on the settlement of the Elbow Tract had but recently occurred, viz., the giving of a large tract of equivalent land by the Province of Massachusetts to the Province of Connecticut, to satisfy the latter's claim for encroachment on her proper bounds. The towns of Woodstock, Enfield and Suffield were originally settled by Massachusetts men, and by her permission, and that Province exer- cised jurisdiction — as she supposed rightfully — over the territory included therein. On running the north line of her Province as claimed under her charter, Connecticut found that the said line would take in the three towns named. Massachusetts refused to give them up. But after a long controversy, in 1713 an agreement was made between the two colonies, that the line should be run according to the charter, Massachusetts was to retain jurisdiction over the towns already settled by her, and was to grant as an equiv- alent as many acres of unimproved land to Connecticut. On running the line it was found to strike the Connecticut river at a point ninety rods north of the northeast bounds of Suffield, so that Massachusetts had encroached upon Connecticut soil to the amount of 107,793 acres. In 1715 two men from Connecticut and one from Massachu- setts laid out for Connecticut the 107,793 acres, viz., 51,850 acres THE ELBOW TRACT — SETTLEMENT, 1716-1728. 19 east of Hadley, afterwards included in the towns of Belchertown and Pelliam ; 10,000 acres, afterwards inclnded in Ware ; and 43,943 acres at Coasset, in the neighborhood of Brattleboro', Vt., Massachusetts then exercising jurisdiction of the southern part of Vermont and New Hampshire. This whole number of acres was advertised by the agents of Con- necticut in sixteen shares, and sold at auction in Hartford in April, 1716, to various parties for 683 pounds N. E. currency, or a trifle more than three halfpence per acre. The money went into the funds of Yale College. The towns of Sufiield, Enfield and Woodstock continued in Massa- chusetts till 1747, when they refused longer to pay the taxes levied by that state, and on their petition the General Assembly of Con- necticut agreed to take them under her jurisdiction, and they were so received in 1749. No records have been found to show that Connecticut ofEered any compensation to Massachusetts for this territory, notwithstanding the fact that she had received the full value of it in the exchange of lands in 1715. Among the purchasers of these Equivalent Lands were Governor Belcher and John Eead of Boston, Nathan Gould, deputy governor, and Peter Burr, one of the assistant judges of Connecticut. Gover- nor Belcher secured a large interest in the part known as Cold Spring, which, on its incorporation in 1761, was named Belchertown after him. John Read bought out Gould and Burr, and held what is known as •'•The Ten Thousand Acres," w^hich is often referred to in our records, and which eventually became the western part of Ware. Face of the Country. — The forty years that had elapsed since King Philip's War, by which the Indian clans of Massachusetts had been dispossessed of their inheritance, and practically driven from their ancient dwelling places, had wrought important changes hi the appearance of the country, chiefly in restoring it to its pri- meval condition, rather than bringing on evidences of civilization. The natives had the custom of burning over the lands annually, to destroy the underbrush and rank weeds and grass, and thus enable them the more readily to find game, and render travel from village to village and to their fishing places easier. These fires consumed the soft parts of fallen trees as well as the sprouts, and left only the large timber standing. Wet swamps were protected from the fires, as they were not set till after the fall rains, and consequently such swamps were densely wooded, and afforded a shelter for game of all kinds, and a hiding-place for the savages themselves in case 20 HISTORY OF I'ALMEK. of need. They were also careful to protect their planting-fields, and the chestnut and white oak groves, for the sake of the nuts and acorns, valuable to them as a food supply. Thus when the English first came to Massachusetts, they found the dry uplands free from underbrush and covered with only large trees, so that travel on horseback — the only method of land car- riage tl)en in use — was feasible; the country wore an open park-like appearance, and the plains and meadows were ready for the plow and scythe. Wood, in his account written in 1634, says: "In many places divers acres are clear, so that one may ride a-hunting in most places of the land. There is no underwood, save in swamps and low grounds; for it being the custom of the Indians to burn the woods in Xovember, when the grass is withered and leaves dried, it consumes all the underwood and rubbish." He further says that there is good fodder in the woodlands where the trees are thin; and in the spring the grass grows rapidly on the burnt lands. The English settlers in many parts imitated the natives and liurned over the outlauds and commons, in order that their stock might find good pasturage. According to tradition, the Hadley men set fire to the hills of Pelham and Belchertown, where their cattle ranged; and the Brookfield settlers burnt over the lands in Ware, which thus obtained the name of "Brookfield pastures." This practice continued till Massachusetts passed a law in 1743 restraining such fires, on the ground that the burning of the woods greatly impoverishes the soil, prevents the increase of fire-wood and timber, and destroys fences. At the period under consideration, the more secluded parts of the country had largely recovered from the effects of the annual bush-burnings. The hills and plains were assuming a more primi- tive aspect, and travel, except in the beaten paths and public high- ways, was difiicult. From the scanty records extant, it is evident that the Elbow Tract was in the main well wooded. The early votes indicate that there was much old pine timber lying upon the ground, having fallen from age and the storms, and perhaps more remotely from the effects of the Indian fires; and that a pretty heavy growth of pine, sufficiently large for saw-logs, as well as young trees, was standing. There is also frequent mention of old oaks and chestnuts, fit for cutting into "bolts," to be cleft or split into clapboards and shingles. These bolts were from four to six feet long, and when worked up the clapl)oards were an inch thick on the back and ten to twelve inches wide, ^\'hen laid as a single coverincr thev were durable, but admitted the cold air somewhat THE ELBOW TRACT — SETTLE3IEXT, 1716-1728. 21 too freely. At cue time the Massachusetts hiws required that pine clapboards exposed for sale should be 4 feet 6 inches long, 5 inches broad, and f of an inch thick on the back, and be straight and well shaved. A law on the subject was enacted as late as 1783. It would appear, however, that the early settlers of Palmer built wholly of logs, with only the roof clapboarded or shingled; and after the saw mill was set up they made use mainly of sawed pine boards for covering their houses.* But the single boarding, un- matched, was at best a poor protection against cold winter storms. A few houses may have been boarded on the inside and ceiled, but they were the exception to the rule. And this accounts for the fact that the minister was allowed from 30 to 50 cords of wood as his yearly supply. Probably other families consumed as much. It is, however, evident that the larger part of the hard woods, such as the various sj)ecies of oak and walnut, which was of slow growth, and a very considerable part of the chestnuts and pines were comparatively small — "staddles" as they were called, and were esteemed for their prospective rather than their present value. And this rendered the clearing of lands a difficult and expensive process. The impression which a stranger would be likely to receive on a first sight of the Elbow Tract, is probably accurately described by the General Courtis committee, when they say in their report : ''AVe find the greatest part of said land to be a Pine land, high hills and low valleys ; the hills very poor and mean, the valleys pretty good." The meadows on the river banks were comparatively narroAv, and the matted wild grasses and ferns and shrubs, left un- burnt for a series of years, were unsightly, and concealed the true character of the soil. And the contrast between them and the renovated plains and broader meadows of Brookfield and the Con- necticut valley was striking and repulsive. At this date there were two established routes of travel through our territory, viz., the Hadley Path, which crossed it at the extreme north, and the Bay Path, which ran along the south bounds. The Hadley Path was marked out soon after 1660, or what is rendered probable by known circumstances, it followed an earlier Indian trail. It ran from Old Hadley to Quabaug, connecting the two settlements socially and commercially, and was the military road during King Philip^s War, and continued the main line of travel between the *■ It is a current tradition, that the first framed house in town was built by Selh Shaw about the year 1734. It stood in the Ware river valley, not far from Tackel's bridge. Mr. E. B. Gates took it down in 1836. 22 HISTORY OF PALMER. two points for near a century. It started from the plain on which West Brookfield village now stands, ran by the southwesterly corner of Wekabaug pond, thence in a northwesterly direction to near the northeast corner of Warren, thence directly over the top of Coy's hill, where was the famous Rich's tavern, crossed Ware river a short distance above the falls at Ware village, crossed Swift river not far from the bridge near the Samuel Lemmon place, thence passing near the centre of Belchertown, and so on the north side of the Hol- yoke range, crossing Fort river near the south end of Spruce hill, and so to Hadley street and Northampton. The Path for many years was only a "bridle- way" for men on horseback, and the streams were crossed at natural fordways. Perhaps the first attempt towards a bridge on this Path is indicated in the following order of Court in 1672 : " Ordered that John Smith of Hadley be directed to fell a tree across Swift river, for a foot-bridge, if any such be near at hand." Two years later the Court required the town of Hadley "to build at least a foot-bridge over Fort river on the way to Qua- baug." In 1676 a cart-bridge was built at the same place.* The Bay Path was laid out in 1673, as appears from the following record : "At a county Court holden at Charlestown Dec. 23, 1673, John Stone, Sen., of Sudbury, John Woods of Marlborough, and Thomas Earns of Framingham, were appointed and impowered to lay out an highway for the use of the country leading from the house of John Livermore in Watertown, to a Horse Bridge (then being) near the house of Daniel Stone, Jun., and thence the nearest and best way to Marlborough, and thence to Quabaug." It ran from Watertown, through "Happy Hollow" in Sudbury (now Wayland), through the north part of Framingham to Marlborough centre, thence to Worcester and Brookfield, where it met the old Hadley Path, already described, and Mr. Pynchon's Path to Spring- field. Following this last named track, it crossed the river by Lewis' Milk Condensing Factory, thence running over the hill by the Patrick place, through Warren Old Centre to a point near the river, where it parted from Pynchon's track (which kept on the southerly side of the stream), crossed the river into Palmer below Powers Corner, and followed pretty nearly the old post road through the Depot Village, crossed the Quabaug again at the lower elbow, and so on to Springfield. The streams were crossed at natural ford- ways ; a large tree was thrown across for foot travel, and later tAvo trees laid side by side and covered with sjjlit timbers formed a horse-bridge for saddle and pack horses. Eude cart-bridges suc- ceeded in time. Judd's History of Hadley, p. 45. THE ELBOW TKACT — SETTLEMENT, 1716-1728. 23 This Avas the main line of travel for pleasure, adventure, and light traffic between Boston and Springfield [the transportation of heavy and bulky articles was made by the water route], and was an important factor in the movement of troops and commissary stores during the Indian wars. But it was not a finished road at the be- ginning of the 18th century, as is seen from the following petition : To his Excellency, Richard, Earl of Bellomont : Wee the subscribers being very sencealjle of the inconveniencys that may happen in as much as the stated Road to Conitticot especially Betwixt Wooster and Brookfield is very much incumbered with Trees ffallen and many Rocky Swamps and other impassable Obstructions to Travellers, Drovers and others, and hazzarding life or limb of both men and Horses and other Creatures to great Losses and Damages, Humbly propose that there bee a suteable allowance granted to repaire and amend s*^ Road, at least to the sum of pounds, Out of the Publique Treasurie of this Province, which we humbly leave to consideration and Subscribe. John Ptnchon, Saml. Partrigg, John Clarke, Isaac Phelps, May 29, 1700. Saml. Marsh. The General Court voted the sum of £5, for mending the Road afore- said where it is needed, so that it be rendered passable : And the gentle- men Petitioners are appointed a committee to do the work. Probably the road remained a hard one to travel after the £5 had been expended in repairs, and even up to the time when John King removed from Boston to the Elbows. Ixdiax Occupancy. — In the earliest notices found in the Colony Records of the country hereabouts, there are references to at least three Indian trails which crossed the territory of Palmer — one in the eastern, one in the northern, and the other in the southern part. And this naturally leads us to inquire into the relation of the native red men to our soil. No records have been found to show that any Indian clan laid claim to ownership of the land now included in the town of Palmer, or that any deed of transfer to the whites was executed. Indeed, the peculiar conformation of the ground shows its unfitness for a tribal dwelling-place, and its fitness for other purposes in the native economy. Inclosed within large streams, it was effectually isolated, while its broken and hilly character rendered it specially adapted for a breeding and hiding-place of game, and the numerous falls in the rivers pointed to it as of exceptional value as a fishing-place. 24 HISTORY OF PALMER, The Indians Avere wise in selecting spots for the different demands of their peculiar necessities. A site for a permanent village required a handy, never-failing spring of water, a stretch of plain land, easily worked, for planting-fields, and a commanding eminence for a de- fensive fort. For a spring encampment they chose a spot near the falls of a stream, where shad or salmon j^assed up to their sjDawning- grounds. The late summer and early autumn usually found them near their corn-fields, and, if given to roaming, for a winter home they chose a sheltered place, handy to oak and chestnut groves, and to swamps where deer and the larger game could be found. Several important tribal dwelling-places are known to have existed in this neighborhood. Natural conditions indicate and historical records prove that considerable Indian villages were established at Chicopee and Springfield, and at Brimfield and Brookfield.* A large clan had a permanent wigwam-site in Ludlow. Single families had abiding places at detached points, within the circle of which these towns may be reckoned the circumference. The old Trail from Woodstock, Ct., to the Great Falls at Holyoke crossed our territory. The "Old Connecticut Path" from Cam- bridge, the "Providence Path" from Mount Hope and the Narra- gansett country, and the "Nipmuck Path" from Norwich, met near Woodstock. A branch from here struck off to the northwest through Southbridge into Sturbridge, where it parted — one track going west past the lead mines to Springfield, the other keej^ing a northwesterly course, and crossing the Quinabaug river near Fiskdale, into Brimfield, through the Captain Abraham Charles farm, the Deacon Tarbell farm to the southerly slope of Indian hill, and passing just north of "Steerage Rock" to the Quabaug river, a short distance above the elbow, where it crossed into Palmer, and followed in the main the course of the Bay Path, crossing the river near Three Rivers village, and thence through Ludlow to the Great Falls. This continued to be a well-known Indiaii Path till after the close of Philip's War, and for much of the way was the white man's bridle-path, and later his cartway, till a settlement was begun on the Elbow Tract. The trail through the eastern part of the Elbow Tract ran from the native village at Sherman's pond in Brimfield to the falls at Ware village, thus opening direct communication between the great planting-fields at the former place and the important salmon fishing- place at the latter. And both these trails centered at the Indian stronghold on Indian hill, known to early history as Qnahaug Old Fort. This fort, situated in Brimfield, north of Sherman's pond • For a detailed account of these last two villages, see " Temple's History of Brookfield." THE ELBOW TRACT — SETTLEMENT, 1716-1728. 25 and near the Warren line, is named in the contemjoorary records oftener than any of the neighboring native defences. But its exact location was unknown till the sjDot was discovered by the writer in 1885, while following the Indian trails. It was identified by de- scriptions of scouts and reports of spies sent out by the authorities at Boston, and by topographical measurements. Locally and his- torically, it is a place of great interest. Not less than four important native trails converged here, making it a central strategic point. It was a day's journey from Maanexit in Woodstock, and a like distance from Agawam, Chickuppe and the Great Falls, and less than half that distance from Quabaug. The products of the planting-grounds to the south could be stored here as provision against a time of need. Major John Pynchon, writing in 1675, says of the place : "Ashquoach lies somewhat southwest of our way to Brookfield, and about 23 miles from Springfield ; . . . the Indians have a great corn-field hard by on the southward side, and not far southward are more Indian corn-fields." The fort was set on the highest point of the hill, where is a rocky eminence, easily defended on all sides. The view in every direction was extensive, and a watchman could readily detect the approach of friend or foe. A spring of water — the essential adjunct of an Indian fort — comes out at the foot of the precipice. There is a good place for wigwams in the sheltered depressions on the southeasterly slope of the crown of the hill, and also lower down, on a kind of shelf extending easterly from the spring for thirty or forty rods. Both this shelf and the depressions above appear to have remained nearly bare of trees until a compara- tively recent period — a fact common to Indian wigwam sites. The messengers and agents sent at different times by the English authorities to the Quabaugs, for one purpose or another, often men- tion their stop at Quabaug Old Fort, thus leaving us in no doubt as to what tribe the place belonged. It is especially memorable as the temporary refuge of King Philip, August 5, 1675, when on his flight from Pocasset, with a broken band of followers, in search of protec- tion and new allies. The trail through the northern part of the Elbows was the con- tinuation of what is known as the "Nashaway Trail," leading from Lancaster to the Great Falls in the Connecticut river. It kept on the easterly side of Ware river, via the Menamesit villages to Potta- quattuck pond, where it crossed at the well-known fordway, and ran in nearly a west course, crossing Swift river some distance below Bondsville, and so by the north foot of Minechaug mountain in Ludlow to Chickuppe. This gave ready access to the noted fishing places at Ware village, the one at the outlet of Pottaquattuck pond. 2G HISTORY OF PALMER. tlu! pluiitiiig ground on the plain by Swift river, and reached with little deviation the great native rendezvous at Wallamanumps. Of the tribes that occupied the lands bordering on the Quinebaug, Quabaug and Menamesick rivers before 1636 our knowledge is scarlt3^ We know the names of their villages and their chieftains, but little of their numbers and public or private affairs. In his famous letter, dated Springfield, July 5, 1648, AVilliam Pynchon, speaking of some tribal outrages lately committed, says : '^ The first o that were murthered the last yere lived about 6 or 7 miles on this side Quabaug nerer us, [at Quabaug Old Fort] & the murtherers of them are known, as they affirm. And there are severall Smale Sachims of Quabaug; and in all nere places there are other smale Sachims ; no one Sachim doth rule all." One of these "smale" Quabaug villages and the only permanent native settlement within our original town limits which has been certainly identified, was situated near Colonel's mountain, in what was set off to Warren. It is thus described by Mrs. Eunice P. Cutter : " There was an Indian settlement at the eastern base of Colonel's mountain in the northwest part of Warren, near the town- farm house. It was in a sunny spot, sheltered l)y hills on the west, northwest and east. Two cool springs supplied never-failing water. Three trails led from the village — one to the Menamesick river for salmon (this was later the Knglisli bridlepath to Hadley); one over Coy's hill to Wekabaug pond for bass and pickerel, and the third down Blackmar brook and across Quabaug river, to intersect the old trail to Springfield. A single Indian lodge — built perhaps by the last of liis clan — ^w^as standing here as late as ]746, when An- drew Cwee took possession. At this date the native burial-place was well defined ; and their domestic utensils of stone, as well as arrow and spear points, were abundant in the soil." Menamesick. — The Indian name of the river which crosses our territory not only indicates its uses in the native economy, but has a valuable historical significance. The word Menamesick means "great fishing basket," or "fishing wier" (pronounced ware); and a village-site, or encampment-place, on the banks, would be called, according to their etymology, Menamesick-et — "at the fish- ing wiors," contracted, Menameset, now often written Wenimisset. The natives applied the name only to the places where their wiers were put in, but the English writers used it as the name of the stream. These wiers were set at the foot of the falls, and were chiefly for capturing salmon. Shad could not leap the falls at (.'hicopee, and consequently were absent from our streams. Sal- THE ELBOW TRACT — settlemf:nt. 1716-1728. 37 mon, the stronger fish, made the passage with little difficulty. This fish ran up into the cool ponds, and the outlets of large springs, to deposit their spawn, and M^hen ascending, were caught with scoop-nets, or killed with spears and arrows. When descend- ing, they were taken in traps. These wiers were simply rude stone walls built from oi)posite sides of the river, pointing down stream, till they nearly met each other. At this narrow opening a large cage was placed, formed of twigs fastened to hoops by strips of tough bark. When trapped in this cage the frightened fish were easily captured. Traps of this kind were set in the Quabaug river at the falls in Warren, but appear to have been more numerous in the northerly stream. Their existence in the Ware river was matter of personal knowledge to men living 20 years ago. Indeed, some of them remained in place up to the time of establishing the factories at Ware village and (Jilbertville. With these facts before us, aided by our knowledge of Indian character and customs, it is easy to picture in imagination the an- nual spring gathering of the liiver Indians at the greater falls in the Connecticut and Chicopee rivers, and the Quabaugs at the lesser falls above Three Rivers. All were there, men, women and children. Allied clans from XashaAvay and the Nipmuck country were welcomed; salmon were plenty, and roasted on the hot embers, or boiled in the stone kettles, were very toothsome, and very satis- fying. The men took no thought for the morrow ; gorged them- selves to repletion; dozed in the sun: and when the gluttonous fill had been slept off, they gambled, or wrestled, or pitched quoits. The squaws did all the v\ork of feeding and waiting on their lords, and split and dried whatever surplus of fish was left, for future emergency. But the following extract from HuhhanV.'i HiMorif of Xeiv England, written in 1679, though relating to much earlier time, will give the facts, stripped of all fancy coloring : " Every noated place of fishing or hunting was usually a distinct seigniory, and thither all theire friends and allyes of the neighborhood used to resort in the time of yeere to attend those seasons, partly for recreation, and partly to make provissions for the yeere. Such places as they chose for theire abode, were usually at the Falls of great Rivers, or neare the seaside, where was any convenience of catching such fish as every summer and winter used to come upon the coast; att which times they used, like good fellows, to make all common: and then those who had entertained theire neighbors by the seaside, expected the like kindness from them againe, up higher in the country; and they were wont to have theire great dances for mirth at those generall meetings. With such kinde of entercourse 28 UISTOUY OF PALMER. were theire affayres and commerce carried on between those that lived up in the country, and those that were seated on the sea coast about the havens and channells that issued into the sea; where there used to be at all times, clams, muscles, and oaysters, and in the summer season lobsters, bass or mullet and sturoeon, of which they used to take great plenty and dry them in the smoake, and keepe them the rest of the yeere. JJ\) higher at the Falls of great Rivers, they used to take salmon, shad and alewives that used in great quantities, more than cart loads, in the spring to pass up into the fresh water Ponds and I^akes, therein to spawne, of all which they, with theire wiers used to take great store for theire use. In all snch places there was wont to bee great resort." The Indian clans had all been broken up and had left these parts and united with the Northern tribes, before a settlement was begun at the Elbows. But single families would return and erect a wig- wam on the old site, and plant a patch of corn and pumpkins. The name, Wigiuam brook, given to the little stream that enters the Quabaug near Blanchardville, indicates that an Indian family was accustomed to spend the summer on the plains there ; and it is not unlikely that they and their white neighbors would hold a corn-roast and succotash-party in September, in a shady nook on Cedar moun- tain. It is known that such was the case at Colonel's mountain, as already narrated; and roving bands often made temporary camps at the old fishing-places and remained through the summer. They were commonly a sorry set, and were suspected, and were a pest to the farmers. And when the French authorities in Canada, under whose protection they had placed themselves, instigated a war with New England, these rovers were ready to act as spies and guides. This happened in the war of 1722-1726, known as Father Ralle's War. The hostile bands traversed the country to the north and west of Brookfield, and kept these frontiers in a state of constant alarm. All the towns were guarded by troops, and scouts were sent into the woods. Large and small companies were continually passing and repassing on the Hadley Path. In a diary kept by Lieutenant Eleazar Warner of Brookfield, entries like the following are fre- quent : "Thursday, April 30, 1724. — A scout was sent through the woods to Kutland. May 1. — The scout returned from Rutland ; two Indians seen. May 2. — Two men guarding, the rest warding. Sabbath, May 3. — Two men guard the meeting-house. . . . Tuesday, June 9. — Warding, and a scout sent to Ware River. June 10. — The scout returned ; made no discovery. June 11. — A scout sent up to the turn of Ware River. June 12. — The scout returned ; made no discovery. June 15. — A scout sent to the branches of THE ELBOW TRACT — SETTLEMENT, 1716-1728. 29 Swift River." These soldiers were placed as guards of the farmers in plaiiting-time, and in haying and harvesting. They also guarded the teams on the way to and from the corn mill. We have no records to show that oitr few settlers at this date were molested, or that they were protected by soldiers. Indeed, as they wore squatters, and living here without leave or license from author- ity, the Province was under no obligation to protect them, as it did the inhabitants of Brookfield and Brimfield, There is a tradition that our settlers built one or more strong garrison houses for self- protection; aiKl such a thing is highly probable in itself and in the circumstances of the time. But when it is coupled with the story that " the men were accustomed to resort to these guard houses at night, leaving their families exposed and defenceless," it savors of the marvellous, for these guard houses were intended for the protec- tion of families, not as club-houses for men, where they w^ould be out of danger and could smoke and sleep in peace. And our fathers were not such cowards as this arrangement would imply. And when the story goes on to say that "it was generally found to be the aim of the savage foe to cut off the male portion of the inhabit- ants, well knowing that from them they had the most to fear," the story-teller exposes his ignorance of Indian warfare; for the j^rime object of the savage was to secure scalps or captives for the sake of the reward offered for them by the French governor of Canada ; and there was less danger in attacking a defenceless woman than an armed man, and a female scalp brought the same price as a male. Some parts of the old tradition are credible. That the first settlers here, as in other exposed frontier plantations, used to go to their fields with a gun in one hand and a hoe or scythe in the other, is undoubtedly true. That the women left at home "had loaded fire- arms ready, and ready arms to use them in defence of themselves and their little ones, ajid kept a constant lookout for the dreaded foe," is undoubtedly true. And that Grandmother Ferrell, all alone in her log cabin and startled by the howling of her dog, should feel greatly relieved when she heard the well-known yell of a panther, and exclaim, " Oh mister I I'm glad it is 0}ihi yon ! " is a most natural experience, and a pleasant family reminiscence. But it should not be overlooked that traditions, to be valuable, must have the elements of probability, and be in agreement with well- known cotemporary facts.* * The traditions above referred to are given at length in Rev. Mr. Wilson's " Historical Address," which is a paper of the highest value ; but in noting the traditions it is evident that he merely repeated the story " as it was told to him." The tradition that a stockade was built on a knoll in Great Plain, near the house of George Brown, is not improbable, though the date must have been as late as 1745. Several families were then living 30 HISTORY OF PA L:\IEU. The following letter relates to the time now under consideration, and gives us a glimpse of events current on our borders : Woodstock, March 8, 1727-8. Sir: On Tuesday last, at 3 P. M., Moh-gun-neat, a Norwich Indian, with Mo-as-quin-ne and Chaus-ham, two Pequods, came to my house and gave me the following Relation, viz. : That two Maqua men and a squaw, with an infant of about 6 mouths old, came into an House somewhere on the road between Springfield and Brookfield (not far from the house of Robert Old) the beginning of last week ; who having affronted the woman of the house (the only person then at home) by hanging on their kettle over her fire and turning away her kettle. Either the man of the House or some other man coming in, fell foul upon one of the Maqua men, and with a great stick has very much wounded his shoulder and back. And the child very nar- rowly escaped with its life, having been grazed on the belly with a stick of wood thrown at the squaw, the sharp end whereof carried away part of the child's clothing. He also destroyed and ruined the Maqua's kettle, etc. That the Maqua is full of resentment, and has vowed revenge on the man with his hatchet in May next (unless satisfaction be made him), at which time he proposes to return with 30 of his countrymen, who will, if he shall be seized, fall upon the English. The Indians, my informers (who have been with the Maquas since the violence done them) were sober, and seemed very much concerned lest a war should ensue with the Maquas. They also say, the Maquas were urgent with them to go with them at their drawing otf. But although they declined it, yet they expressed great dis- satisfaction at the treatment the Maquas met with. I thought it my duty to transmit this account to your Honour, who best know what method will be proper to take, etc. John Chandler.* Names of the Plantation. — The earliest discovered docu- ment relating to our territory is "Dwight's Survey'' of 1723, in which the place is designated "A Tract of Land belonging to the Province of the Massachusetts." It is also called "A Tract of Unappropriated Land of this I'rovince lying between Brookfield and the Equivalent Land." A deed is on record at Springfield, dated 1729, in which the place is called New MarlboroiKjli. .lames McElwain, .Sen., one of our early settlers, '^'of New Marlborough," sells his farm of 100' acres, ''lying at the Junction of Ware and Swift Kivers," to Messrs. (ireen and Walker of Boston. In 1733 the widow Lienor quit claims her right of dower in the same land, and dates '' New Marl- borough or Kingsfield.^^ In votes passed by the inhabitants, in on the plain, and were somewhat isolated and mucli exposed to attack from roving savagas, and at least one old Indian trail crossed this plain. * Mass. State Archives, LXXII, 365. THE ELBOW TRACT — SETTLEMENT, 1716-1728. 31 what they termed toAvn meetings, held May 6, 1731, and Feb. 12, 1732-3, the phice is called " Kingsfield," The earliest date when the name, The Elbows, is found, is in a petition of Joseph Wright and others to the General Court, June 15, 1731. Aug. 31, 1731, Henry Dwight, Esq., in a petition, desig- nates it '*A Tract of Land called The Elbows, lying between Had- ley and Brookfield." In the report of the Committee, Ebenezer Burrill, Esq., chairman, dated June 21, 1733, the place, or planta- tion, is designated Tlie Elbow Tract. And as the said report was accepted by the General Court, and its recommendations ratified, this became its legal name. Steward Soiithgate, the first clerk of the Plantation, commonly wrote "Elbows," as the heading of papers ; but where the record has official or legal force, he uni- formly writes "The Elbow Tract." After Jan. 1741-2, other Plantation clerks introduced the name Kingstown, as a heading of papers, but uniformly wrote "The Elbow Tract" as the legal designation. When the Plantation was organized by the General Court into a District, Jan 23, 1752, the Act established the name The District of Palmer. Date of the First Settlement. — All extant records concur in fixing the date of the first permanent settlement on the Elbow Tract in 1716; and the first settler was John King. He pitched near the Quabaug river on the little brook, appropriately named for him King's brook. "Tradition says that this pioneer family spent the first night of their sojourn here at the spring on the hill-side, near the old grave -yard, where their dust now slumbers. Some apple trees are said to have sprung up near by, from seed dropped by them from the fruit they were eating." Mr. King came hither from Boston, where his eldest son was born in 1715, by the old Bay Path, on which his log cabin was placed. The following letter, long preserved in the family, but now lost, contains what is known about Mr. King's parentage and birth- place: — Ednarston [Edwardstone ? J, April 20, 1718. Dear Son, — I received your letter April 6th, and there could nothing in the world be welcomer to me, except yourself. You send me word you are married. I pray God to bless you, and grant you both a happy life to- gether. You send me word you have met with hardships since you left me, which is a great trouble to me ; but I am glad to see in your letter that you have overcome them. But I think I shall never overcome my grief to think you are so far off that I have but little hope of ever seeing you again. But, if it is possible, let us meet once more again, which if I 32 HISTORY OF PALMER. had not hopes of, my heart would break. But since we cannot enjoy your company, I beg of you to miss no opportunity of letting me hear from you. I am where you left me, and hope I shall be as long as I live. My son Jonathan and my daughter Mary are with me. I am sorry to hear you live in such a desert place, without neighbors. I often wish myself with you. Some of our neighbors here talk of going. I wish they may. I will encourage them what I can. And I doubt not but the gentleman that brought the letter to me will be a good neighbor and friend to you. I pray God he may be. Your brothers and sisters are all overjoyed to hear from you, and desire you to send as often as you can ; and pray send word how we may direct to you. You send me word you have a son. I pray God to ble.ss him; he is the only grandson I have. Your brother William and your brother Thomas have two brave daughters apiece. I pray God to bless you and your wife and child. I could wish your child with me. I have sent a small token to you of ten shillings; and your brothers and sisters have sent one shilling apiece to the child, which is tifteen shillings in all. I am glad to hear you live under the ministry of the Gospel. I pray God to give you grace to improve by it. I hear you keep good fires. I often wish myself with you. The gentleman has almost persuaded your brother Jonathan to come, if I could spare him. Your ever loving mother, gjj^.^. As appears from his acknowledgement in a deed, Mr. King had a qvasi residence in Springfield; /. e., had religious privileges there, it being the meeting-house nearest his dwelling-place. For though he was a squatter on Province land, he was required by law to at- tend on Keligious Worship with the organized church next to his abode. That he did so attend on the ministry of the Word, is evi- dent from his mother's letter. Mr. King had a large family of sous and daughters, many of whom located near him on the Hay Path, which gave rise to the name "King's Row," applied to that part of the highway running through the Depot Village. Other families came on soon after Mr. King; but the precise date of their coming is not known. -Joseph Flamont was here in 1720; so were James and Robert Smith, Sen. John Thomson came before 1725. Samuel Frost, John Kilburn, Joseph Wright, Sen., and Jun., Isaac Burr, James Dorchester, Thomas Jennings, Andrew Bailey, James McElwain, were here early, probably before 1728. Micah Tousley and Robert Old were living on the south side of the river over against the Elbows, in 1723, as appears on Dwight's " Survey and Plan" of that date. Except Mr. King, most of the early comers were from neighboring towns and plantations. The Cluipius, Cooleys, i:)orchesters, Graves', THE ELBOW TRACT — SETTLEMENT. 171G-1728. 33 Miricks. Parsons', Scotts were from Springfield and the river towns, some of whom held their claims and helped build up the settlement, and others sold out and returned to their former homes. Many that signed the different petitions for a township, and some who received grants of home-lots, did not become permanent residents. Contrary to a prevalent idea among our people, there is pretty con- clusive evidence that no prearranged scheme for taking up these lands, nothing like a homogeneous colony took possession and divided the territory among themselves at any specified date; but both the English and the Scotch came in separate families or small companies, as inclination or necessity prompted, and made a pitch where they best could. Some sets of families were related by kin- ship, some by marriage, and some had no outside alliances. This will account, in part, for the social frictions and antagonisms to be developed hereafter. An impulse which ultimately led to the building up of our Plan- tation and gave character to early society here, had been set in operation a century before, and with no thought or purpose of American colonization. A brief account of this event, which re- sulted in two widely separated emigrations, is in place here, as it is intimately connected with the early fortunes of The Elbows. The Scotch— or Scotch-Irish, as they are more commonly called — that came to America in a body in 1718-19, were the descendants of a colony which migrated from Argyleshire, in Scotland, and settled in Ireland, in the province of Ulster, as early as 1612. This migration was brought about by the fact that, in the reign of James I, on the suppression of a rebellion of his Catholic subjects in the north part of Ireland, two million acres of land there, com- prising nearly the whole of the six northern counties, fell to the king as sovereign owner. His Scotch and English subjects were encouraged by liberal offers and grants, to leave their own country and settle upon these vacated lands. It was a stroke of kingly policy, made on the supposition that the turbulent spirits of the Emerald Isle, who had so often defied the authority and arms of the British government, might by this means be awed and con- trolled. A reason is thus made apparent for the enmity so constantly manifested by the native Irish towards their Protestant neighbors, who were occupying the soil from which their countrymen had been forcibly expelled. Under the temptation of a home on good soil, large numbers of Scottish emigrants located in the north counties of Ireland at the date in question, and in the reign of Charles II they received acces- sions by new arrivals. But it was in the latter part of the century, o4 HISTORY OF I'ALMHH. during the reign of Willium iuid ^^ary, that the most notable migration occurred. But their religious peace and safety in their new homes were of short duration. Though they were permitted to maintain their own forms of worship unmolested (they were Presbyterians), still .they were compelled to aid in supporting a clergyman of the estab- lished order, and a tenth of all their increase was rigorously exacted for this purpose. Besides, they held their lands by lease from the crown, and not as proprietors in fee. And many circumstances, easily imagined, in addition to the original strong traits of character which mark both the Scotch and the Irish, had served to inflame and strengthen the enmity existing between the two peoples. As Macaulay has forcibly said : " On the same soil dwelt two popula- tions, locally intermixed, morally and politically sundered. They sprang from different stocks. They spoke different languages. They had different national characters, as strongly opposed as any two national characters in Europe. There could therefore be little sympathy between them.* It was in view of these embari-assments and evils, incident to their domicile in Ireland, that the Scotch settlers were induced to try another migration, and this time to a new and untried region in America. Their knowledge of the country was derived from a young man named Holmes, son of a minister, who carried back a favorable report of the country. Yet they could have scarcely realized that they were leaving a better for a poorer agricultural country, and that they must endure privations and hindrances. But they were bound to shake off the trammels that had been im- posed on their religious rights, and secure freedom of conscience, f Their first move was to send over, early in the year 1718, the Rev. Mr. Boyd, to present an Address to Governor Shute of ^lassa- chusetts ; and in case of sufficient encouragement from him, to make the necessary arrangements for their reception. This Address, couched in respectful language, and signed by more than 20U adult men, among whom were nine ministers of the gospel and three other graduates of the University of Scotland, is here given in full. It has great historical value, locally and generally, as indicating the good state of education among the peasantry of the Protestant * "Nothing was more offensive to tliese emigrants than to be called 'Irish.' The Rev. Mr. McGregor, first pastor of the church at Londonderry, N. H., in a letter to Governor Shute, pro- tests in strong language against the name being applied to them." — Belknap's History of New Hampshire. t " They carried their household gods with them; and their religious peculiarities became more dear in their land of exile for the dangers and sorrows thro' which they had borne them." — Hon. IV m. Will is. THE ELBOW TRACT — SETTLEMENT, 1716-1728. 35 counties of Ireland at that date, and it furnishes a list of the names of the ancestors of manv of our most lionored families.* [Copied from Parker'' h ^'History of Loi/donderry.''] Memorial to Gov. Shute. To His Excellency the Right Honourable Collonel Samuel Suitte Governor of New England. We whose names are underwritten, inhabitants of y^ Xorth of Ireland, Doe in our own names, and in the names of many others our Neighbours, Gentlemen, Ministers, Farmers and Tradesmen, Commissionate and appoint our trusty and well beloved Friend, the Reverened Mr. "William Boyd of Macasky, to His Excellency the Right Honourable Collonel Samuel Suitte Governor of New England, and to assure his Excellency of our sincere and hearty inclinations to transport ourselves to that very excellent and re- nowned Plantation upon our obtaining from his Excellency suitable incour- agement. And farther to act and Doe in our Names as his Prudence shall direct. Given under our hands this 26th day of March, Annoq. Dom. 1718. M. James Teatte, V. D. M. Thomas Cobham, V. D. M. Robert Houston, V. D. M. WiUiam Leech, V. D. M. Robert Higinbotham, V. D. John Porter, V. D. M. Hen. Neille, V. D. M. Tho. Elder, V. D. M. James Thomson, V. D. Wdham Ker \yill. McAlben Johon Andrson George Grege Andrew Dean Alexander Dunlop, M. Arch. M. Cook, M. A. Alexr Blair B. Cochran WiUiam Gait Peter Thompson Richard McLaughlin John Muar "William Jeameson Wm. Agnew Jeremiah Thompson John Mitchell James Paterson Joseph Curry David Willson Patrick Anderson John Gray James Greg Alex' McBride, Bart. Sam. McGivoru John Hurdock Geo. Campbell James Shorswood John McLaughlen George McLaughlen James Henre Thomas Ramsay Francis Richie James Gregg Robert Boyd Hugh Tarbel David Tarbel John Robb Jeatter Fultone * Of the men from the North of Ireland who settled in New England and the Middle States, a writer of note has said: "They were men of pluck and muscle, who hewed down the trees which buiit their frontier homes and churches; men who coveited no fine linen for their tables, so that they had enough of corn-bread and potatoes; and yet imbued with such a thirst for learning that they became the founders of many of our foremost schools and colleges." 36 HISTORY OF PALMER. Robert Wear Alexr Donaldson Archil Duglass Robert Stiven Robt. Henry James Pettey David Bigger David Patteson David John Wight Joseph Wight Robert Willson James Ball Andrew Cord James Nesmith John Black John Thompson Samuel Boyd Lawrence McLaughlen John Heslet George McAlester Thomas Ramadge James Campbell David Lindsay Robert Giveen James Laidley Benjamin Gait Daniel Todd Robt. Barr Hugh HoUmes Robt. King John Black Peter Christy James Smith James Smith Patrick Smith Sameuel Ceverelle James Craig Samuel Wilson, M. A. Gawen Jirwen Robert Miller Thomas Wilson William Wilson James Price Ninian Pattison James Thompson John Thompson Robert Thompson Adam Thompson Alexander Pattison Thomas Dunlop John Willson David Willson John Moor James McKeen John Lamont John Smith Patrick Orr Bonill Orr William Orr John Orr Jeames Lenox John Leslie John Lason John Calvil Samuel Wat James Craford David Henderson Matheu Storah David Widborn Luk Wat Robert Hendre William Walas Thomas Walas Thomas Cewch William Boyd Hugh Orr Robert Johnston Thomas Black Peter Murray John Jameson John Cochran Samuel Gonston Thomas Shadey William Ker Thomas Moore Andrew Watson John Thonson James McKerrall Hugh Stockman Andrew Cochran James Carkley Lawrence Dod Sandrs Mear John Jackson James Curry THE ELBOW TRACT — SETTLEMENT. 1716-1728. 37 James Elder James Acton Samuel Smith Andrew Dodge James Forsaith Andrew Fleeming George Thomson James Brouster Thomas James Baverlan Peter Simpson Thomas McLaughlin Robert Boyd Andrew Agnew James King Thomas Elder Daniel Johnston Robert Walker David Jonston James Steuart John Murray Thomas Blackwel Thomas Wilson John Ross William Johnston John King Andrew Curry John James Samuel Code James Blak Thomas Gro Thomys Ouston Jame Gro John Clark Thomas Boyd Thomas McFader David Hanson Richard Acton James Claire Thomas Elder Jeremiah Claire Jacob Clark Abram Baberley Stephen Murdock Robert Murdock John Murdock Willjam Jennson James Rodger John Buyers Robert Smith Adam Dean Randall Alexander Thomas Boyd Hugh Rogers John Craig Wm. Boyle Benj. Boyle Ja. Kenedy M. Stirling Samuel Ross John Ramsay John McKeen James Willsone Robert McKeen John Boyd Andrew Dunlap James Ramsay William Park John Blair James Thompson Lawrence McLaughlii Will. Campibell James Bankhead Andrew Patrick James McFee James Tonson Georgt^ Anton James Anton George Kairy Thomas Freeland Thomas Hunter Daniel McKerrell Horgos Keneday John Suene Adam Ditkoy Alexander Kid Thomas Lorie Thomas Hines Will Halkins George Anton John Colbreath William Caird John Gray John Woodman 38 HISTORY OF PALMER. Andrew Watson William Bleair Joseph Bleair Hugh Blare Samuel Anton James Knox Robert Hendrey William Dunkan David Duncan John Muree James Gillmor Samuel Gillmor Alexander Chocran Edward M Kene John Morduck Samuel McMun Henry Calual Thomas McLaughlen Robert Hoog John Millar Hugh Calwell William Boyd John Stirling Samuel Smith John Lamond Robert Lamond Robert Knox William Wilson Wm. Paterson James Alexander James Nesmith David Craig Weall. McNeall Thomas Orr William Caldwell James Moore, Jr. Sam. Guuion Matthew Lord Robert Knox Alex. McGregore James Trotter Alexander ]\rcNeall Robert Roo Joseph Watson Robert Miller John Smeally James Morieson James Walker Robert Walker Robert AYalker AVilliam Calwell William Walker Samuel Young Alexander Richey James Morieson Joseph Beverlan Robert Crage John Thompson Hugh Tomson James Still James Hoog Thomas Hanson John Hanson Richard Etone James Etone Thomas Etone Samuell Hanson James Cochran James Hultou Thomas Haretone John Cochran William Cochran Samuel Huntor John Huntor Oil recei\iiig a favorable report from Mr. I'oyd, a large part of the signers converted their pro])erty into money, and embarked in five ships for Boston in America, where one hundred families ar- rived Aug. 4, 1718. A considerable number of these emigrants remained in Boston, where they united with others of their coun- trymen, already residents, and organized the First Presbyterian Church and Society, over which the Ivev. John Moorhead was in- stalled pastor. Others located in Andover and adjoining towns. .Sixteen families, however, went eastward in a body, but eventually THE ELBOW THA(^T — SETTLKMEKT, 171(5-1728. 39 turned tlieir course and settled at Nutfield, now Londonderry, N. H. Another portion of the company repaired to Worcester, where they proposed to form a distinct settlement, and establish the Presbyterian order, under the ministry of one of the pastors Avho had come over with them. For reasons not clearly explained, per- haps not fully understood, the settlement here did not prosper. Perhaps Congregationalism was stronger than Presbyterianism ; perhaps the standing order was overbearing, and the exotic imbi])ed prejudices that both acted and re-aoted; perhaps the Scotch charac- ter had too many points of antagonism with the American character of that age, ;ind each thought to crowd the other, and as a natural consequence, the weaker were forced from the field. At any rate, the colony in large part dispersed. A part went West, and planted themselves at Unadilla, on the banks of the Susquehanna in New York. Some of the families located in Spencer; some in Stow; some in Hopkinton; some crossed over into Connecticut, and some came to The Elbows. Probably the first of these came here in 1720 ; and others followed at different dates, scattering along till 1733. A part of the Worcester colony, joined by a fresh arrival of their countrymen, settled at Coleraine in 1736; and a company of thirty-four, partly recent emigrants, purchased of Col. John Stod- dard, Jan. 1, 1739-40, a township to the east of Amherst, being the northerly section of the Equivalent Lands. To this, the first comers gave the name Lisbon, or New Lisburne — changed to Pel- ham, on the incorporation of the town Jan. 15, 1742. As will be seen on examination, several of the men whose names are found in the list of addressers to Gov. Shute, came early to Palmer. Among these were Eobert Dunlop, James Moor, John Moor, John Paterson, William Paterson, James Smith, Patrick Smith, Robert Smith, .John Thomson, Eobert Thomson. And other family names soon appear among our inhabitants, as Bell, Blair, Crawford, Flamont (Fleming), Lamont (Lemmon), Rogers. A few of the Scotch families that settled here before 1733 came from Londonderry, N. H. ; but the majority of our Elbows planters appear to have been of a later and direct emigration [in 1727], as their names are not found on the petition of 1718, nor in the list of the New Hampshire company. These settlers came on in families, old and young, grand-parents, parents, and children, with character, goods, and associations, all ])Ound together in a bundle by common ties. Circumstances of the First Planters. — All accounts agree that the majority of the early comers to The Elbows were of the 40 , HISTOKY OF PALMER. middle class, and expected to depend on their labor for support. The timber was at hand with wliich to build their log cabins. But their "claims" must be cleared and broken up, and seeds must be planted for future crops. The Scotch emigrants brought flie pota- toe * with them to America, a vegetable till then unknown to our people; and it was an important article of their annual food supply, as it has since become to American families. Fish were plenty in the Quabaug and Ware rivers, and game in tlie swamps. Hogs were a well known commodity here, from the first, and were eatable from pighood onward. They brought, or purchased, stocks of neat cattle, which would be at once " marked " and turned out to graze in the woods. Corn and the smaller grains ripened early on the newly cleared lands; and tlnis a fair variety of food was secured for daily wants. The main crops raised by these first comers, besides i)otatoes, were Indian corn, summer wheat, rye, peas, oats, barley (for malt) and flax. At "country pay" prices, /. e., for barter and the pay- ment of rates, wheat was usually reckoned at 5 shillings per bushel ; rye, barley, malt and peas, 4 shillings ; corn. 3 shillings. The price at our plantation was somewhat higher, as is shown by the follow- ing vote : ^^ Voted, that what grane Mr. Harvey takes towai-ds his rates he is to have as follows, to wit, wheat eight shillings per bushel, rye six shillings, and corn four shillings." Cash prices were usually one-third less. What surplus grain could be spared was carted to Springfield, where it was taken by traders, and paid for in cash or goods, usually the latter. Several thousands of bushels of wheat and peas were annually shipped from Springfield to Boston by water. Corn was not an article of shipment at this date. As a means of raising money, these first comers to the Elbow Tract made considerable turpentine and tar. The pitch pines, which were then the old growth on our plains, were "boxed" by cutting a hollow the width of an axe in the trunk, where the tur- pentine would collect, and could be dipped out into pails and barrels. Much of the tar at first was obtained by burning in kilns the knots ' The potatoe of that day was a coarse-grained and harsli-tasted tuber, and was slow to be intro- duced into our American families as an article of food. Many of our older people refused to taste of it till the day of their death. Though raised in Pelham in 1740, it was ten years before it found its way to Hadley and Northampton. It was regarded as a curiosity rather than a thing of utility. The boys would do errands for a man who had them, and receive a potatoe in payment, which they would plant in the garden merely for looks' sake. In 1763 Josiah Pierce of Hadley raised S bushels, and it was a wonder what he would do with them. In some towns it was regarded as a sort of " forbidden fruit." The Rev. Jonathan Hubbard of Sheffield (who died in 1765), came near being dealt with by the church /or raising twenty husheU 0/ potatoes in one year'. As late as 1795 potatoes were not a regular article of food among the better class of farmers in eastern Massachusetts. TIIK ELBOW TRACT — SETTl-HMK.VT, 1710-17:^8. 41 and hearts of old fallen trees.* (Jovernor Winthrop of (Connecticut, in a paper written in 16tj2, speaks of the pitch pines that grew in the barren plains of New England from which tar was made, and describes the fat knots and the method of burning in kilns. lie says : '• Many old trees had been blown down long befoi-e, and had all perished except the knots where the bough wae joined to the tree, and some of the body towards the root, which were full of turpentine. The fires of the Indians that burnt up the dry and rotten parts of the old logs, only scorched the knots and heart full of resinous matter." These old pine knots and hearts were also used by the settlers for "candlewood," /. e., for lighting the house at evening for such purposes as were not met by the blaze on the hearth. Every well-to-do family provided itself with a cart-load of this touchwood in the fall. When sold to the villagers the price was 6 to 10 shillings per load — considerably higher than what was paid for walnut wood. Many votes were passed and orders issued (to be copied hereafter) at the annual meetings of our Plantation, regulating the gathering of candlewood and the making of tar and turpentine. The following is a sample : '' Voted, That all or any person or persons whomsoever who shall Box, Chip or Work any Pine trees standing on y^ Commons for drawing Turpentine shall be deemed tresspassers, and Proceeded against accordingly by the (jQj^tee appointed to Inspect and take care of the Timber of the Commons." In Xorthampton an order was passed in 1699, '"That no more candle wood should be collected for use within seven miles of the meeting-house, on forfeiture of the same ; and that pine trees shall not be boxed for turpentine within three miles." The early settlers here also disposed of saw-logs, and later of lum- l)er, as a means of income. At first the logs were drawn to Spring- field, where saw mills were erected as early as 1G6T. The logs were sold at the estimated board measure, and the price commonly paid was 4s. to 4s. 6d. per 100 feet. The following votes shed light on this matter : " Elbows, Dec. 20, 1736, Voted, That any person.^; who have right or interest in the Comm.ons, shall have full liberty to take up and improve by drawing immediately to some Saw mill in y® Township any Pine loggs that have lain so long fallen that y® Bark will freely strip or peel off them." The next yaar it was voted, "'I'hat all persons who have right or interest in the Commons shall nevertheless 1)e deemed trespassers and proceeded against ac- cordingly, who shall cut or carry away from said Commons any Pine loggs or other timber, in order to transport it into any other town or place before it is sawed by some Saw mill in the Tract." * "Tar Kiln Hollow," on Alexander Tackel's home-lot. is named on tl e records in 1733. 42 HISTOKY OF PALMER. In May, 1738, the restriction was modified as follows : *' Voted, that every one of the proprietors of y® Commons shall have liberty to carry off loggs or timber now lying fallen on any of the said Com- mon Lands; in Proportion to their several interests under the following restrictions, viz*- : That so many shillings as each proprie- tor was rated for his Common Land to y® Minister's last year's Salary ending in November : So many Pine Trees now fallen or Oak or Chestnut Trees standing, he may have liberty to take off and improve to his particular advantage : Or to cut and take off so many loads of Fire-wood (Provided no staddles or young trees less than six inches diameter at y® stump shall be included in such loads)." Spinning a'ssd Weaving. — An important means of family in- come to -our first settlers was the spinning by the women of linen thread, and weaving the same into fine cloth, which found ready sale at good prices in Springfield and all the older towns. Next to food-grain, flax was usually regarded as the most essential crop, as it was a chief dependence for clothing. Almost all the domestic cloth used for common family garments, sheets and other Ijed furni- ture, table cloths, napkins, towels and bags, were the product of flax, either in the form of linen or tow. The flax was home-grown; and the cloth was home-made. Some smart females learned the art of making linsey-woolsey of flax and wool; but it required special skill. The more common way was to make tow cloth and linen checks, and exchange them with the traders for linsey-woolsey. Silks and calicoes were obtained in the same way. Sheep are men- tioned as found in the Connecticut valley as early as 1660; but the great risk from wolves, and the expense of a shepherd, prevented the keeping of them by common farmers. Much of the wool used in our families came from Newport, E. I., and was procured by ex- change for tow and linen cloth. The wool cost in money about Is. per pound, and was all carded by hand. Worsteds were combed — not carded — from the finest wools. It could be said in truth of the women of those days, they '^ sought wool and flax, and worked willingly with their hands." Cotton was procured in the West Indies, and was comparatively expensive. It was spun upon the great wheel, like wool. Checks and stripes of all cotton, or cotton and wool, were considerably worn. There was an Order of the General Court passed May 14, 1656 — Requireing if imjiroovement of all Hands in Spinning : — This Court, taking into serious consideration the present straights and necessities that lye uppon the countrie in respect of cloathing, which is not THE ELBOW TRACT — SETTLEMEXT, lTLG-lT-i8. 43 like to be so plentifully supplied from forraigae parts as iu times past, and not knowing any better way and means condueeable to our subsistence than the improoveing of as many hands as may be in spinning woole, cot- ton, flax, &c. — It is therefore ordered by this Court and the authoritie thereof, that all hands not necessarily imploid on othec occasions, as weomen, girles and boyes, shall and hereby are enjoyned to spinn according to their skills and abilitie; and that the selectmen in every town doe consider the condition and capacitie of every familie, and accordingly to assesse them at one or more spinners ; and because several families are necessarily imploide the greatest part of theire time in other business, yet, if opportunities were at- tended, some time might be spared at large by some of them for this worke, the said selectmen shall therefore assess such families at half or a quarter of a spinner, according to theire capacities ; Secondly^ that every one thus assessed for a whole spiner doe, after this present yeare, 1656, spinn, for thirty weekes every yeare, three pounds pr. weeke of linin, cotton, or woollen, and so proportionally for half or quarter spinners, under the penaltie of twelve pence for every pound short ; and the selectmen shall take ppeciall care for the execution of this order, which may be easily effected, by dividing theire several townes into tenn, six, five, and to ap- point one of the tenn, six, or five to take an account of theire division, and to certifie to the selectmen if any are defective in what they are as- sessed, who shall improove the aforesaid penalties imposed upon such as are negligent, for the encouragement of those that are diligent in theire labour. This order of the Court was in force, in substance at least, either as a law or a custom, for near one hundred and fifty years. And as late as the year 1809, a bridal outfit always included a "great wheel,'" a "little wheel," and a "reel." And it was matter of pride iu our girls to know how to use them all. The Scotch women — wives and daughters of the early settlers of this town and Pelham — excelled in the art of spinning fine linen thread. They brought Avith them the "little wheel," commonly called the "foot wheel," which enabled them to make a finer and evener thread than could be spun on the more cumbersome large wheels heretofore used by our English dames ; and the cloth woven of such thread had a proportional excellence. "Scotch linen " at once became fasliionable and in demand among the more wealthy families — greatly to the advantage of our people at the Elbows.* Dwight's Flax of 1723. — This survey — the oldest known to be in existence — of the territory embraced in the Elbow Tract, is en- * "The Scotch emigrants of 171S introduced into Boston the flax spinning-wheel, the familiar domestic instrument of their native households. This had quite a run in Boston ; schools *ere established to teach the art of spinning;, and ladies of the first quality were found among the votaries of this useful art." -jVow. IVm. Willis. 44 in STORY OF r.\LMHK. titled •• A Plat of the Survey of a Tract of Land belonging to the Province of the Massaciiusetts, bounded ])artly on Swift river, and partly on Ware river and jiartly on Chickaby river ; westerly on Chickaby river, southerly partly on Bi'ooklield river and partly on Brookfield line ea.sterly, and jiartly on Ten Thousand Acres of the Equivalent Land, so called, and partly on J'rovinee Land northerly. The contents of the whole (Mr. Clark's five hundred acres and Capt. Dwight's three hundred acres excepted) is 22,819 a. 2 r. 27 p. Pr Tim° Dwight Suv'." By this Plat the northeasterly corner bound was on the west side of Ware river, and near the present line of Ilardwick, which wa.s the northwest corner bound of Brookfield, as laid out in 1701. This Survey and Eeturn to the General Court is here referred to and has s})ecial value, as proof that the territory included, was re- garded at that date as Province Land, not appropriated by the government, and not rightfully held by any claimant, except as specified in the Description. It follows then, that John King, and the Springfield men, and the Scotch families were only squatters, living there without right and title to the land they occupied. Why they were there will appear from their own statement, to be given in full in the next chapter. But while these hardy adventurers were making heroic efforts to clear the forests and establish homes for their growing families — apparently undisturbed by the Province authorities — a party ap- pears on the stage, who shifts the scenes and interrupts the move- ments, and gives presage of a finale of calamity and soil. Lamb and Compaxy's Claim to the Elbow Tract. — Soon after it became an established fact that a permanent settlement was to be made across the river to the west of Brookfield and north of Brimfield, a syndicate of gentlemen, survivors and heirs of a com- pany that in 168(5 had bought a large tract of land of the Indians "lying near Quabaug," made a movement to locate said purchase so as to cover the tract in question. As this transaction had an important bearing on the early settle- ment of our town; and the said company's claim to our territory, and sale oi' lots to some of the first comers, was the cause of vexa- tious losses and delays, and of movements and counter movements, and is often referred to in our Plantation Kecords ; and as very erroneous ideas prevail respecting the bounds of the land actually purchased of the Indians and the rights which accrued to Lamb and Company under said purchase; it seems to be necessary, and an act of justice to all parties concerned, that the true history of THE ELBOW TRACT — SETTLEM KXT. 1716-1728. 45 the said purchase, and the long subsequent claim, together with the action of the General Court thereon, and the final outcome, should be presented here in full. This history is wholly gathered from cotemporary official documents, found in the county registry at Springfield ; in the State Archives at Boston ; in the General Court records, and the record of the Proprietors of Lambstown. The Indian- Deed. — "Know all Men- By These Presents that we John Magus, Lawrence Nassowanno attorneys to Annogomok Sachem of the tract of land called Wombemesicock : James & Simon sons & heirs of black James Sachem of the Nipmug coun- trey, for divers good causes and considerations us thereunto move- ing : And more especially for & in consideration of y® sum of Twenty Pounds current money of New England to us in hand paid by Joshua Lambe, Nath: Paige, Andrew Gardiner, Benja. Gamblin, Benjamin Tucker, John Curtis, Richard Draper and Samuel Bug- gies of Roxbury In the County of Suffolk In New England, y® Re- ceipt whereof we Doe hereby acknowledge ourselves therewith to be fully satisfied contented and paid : Have given granted bar- gained sold aliened enfeoffed & confirmed, and by these Presents doe fully freely & absolutely give grant bargain sell aliene enfeoife and confirm unto the said Lambe, Paige, Gardiner, Gamblin, Tucker, Curtis, Draper and Ruggles. their Heirs & Assignes, a Cer- tain tract or parcell of land Containing by Estimation Twelve miles long North & South; & Eight miles wide East & West Scituate lying & being Near Quabaug Commonly known by the Name Wom- bemesiscock: being butted and bounded Southerly upon the land of Joseph Dudley Escf lately Purchased of the Indians, Easterly the Southernmost Corner upon a Pond called Sasagooka Paug and Soe by a brook which Runneth Into the s*^ Pond & Soe up North- erly into a place called Wequaes & Soe still Northerly untill It meets with a River Menamesick & Westerly by the River untill it come against Quabaug bounds and Joynes unto their bounds, or however otherwise butted & bounded : Together with all and singular y® rights commodities liberties privileges & appurtenances whatsoever to the same belonging or however otherwise appertain- ing: To Have and to Hold the said tract or parcell of land scituate containing & being as aforesaid to the said Lambe, Paige, Gardiner, Gamblin, Tucker, Curtis, Draper & Ruggles their heirs and assignes in common tenancy to their only propper use and behoofe forever. And the said John Magus, Lawrence Nasowanno Attorneys afore- said, James & Simon Heirs of black James as aforesaid Doe cove- nant promise and grant for themselves Heirs executors & adminis- 46 HISTORY OF PALMER. trators to & with the said Lamb, Paige, Gardiner, Gamblin, Tucker, Draper, Curtis and Ruggles their Heirs and Assigns that they will the above granted and bargained land & every Part and pareell thereof with their and every of their appurtenances, warrant & de- fend from all & every person & persons whatsoever claiming any right or title thereto or interest therein from by or under us. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands & seales this 27th day of Dec' Anno Domini 1G86." John ]\Iagus, and seal his Lawrence Nasowanna and seal mark James his mark and seal Simon his mark and seal Anogemag his mark and seal John Magus, James and Simon Indians acknowledged the same June 25, 1G87 before me Wm. Stoughton. On the 7Dh day of May: 1723: This deed was received : and was then here Eegistered from the original : Pr John Pynchon Reg*. The Province claimed, under its charter, the sole right of fee simple in the land covered by the charter. But in making acqui- sition of particular territory from the Indians, " It was usual to obtain from the head men or chiefs of a tribe dwelling upon the same, a formal deed of release, for which some satisfactory, though often inconsiderable, compensation was paid. Upon application to the General Court, the title thus acquired was generally confirmed, but upon such conditions as the Court saw fit to prescribe. Com- panies of private speculators early engaged in the business of thus buying up Indian titles to lands, which they secured to themselves by confirmatory act of the General Court." Judge E. Wash- burn. So far as appears from the records, Messrs. Lamb and Company obtained from the Province authorities beforehand no liberty to purchase the land in question, nor did they afterwards secure a confirmation of the granted title, nor did they put the deed on record. Indeed the wording of their petition of June, 1727, is evidence that the successors of the purchasers did not then claim a right of fee in the land. "A petition of Joshua Lamb and others, praying that this Court would confirm unto them and those they represent and their associates the said Tract of land THE ELBOW TKACT— SETTLEMENT, 1716-1728. 47 described iu the deed herewith exhibited.*^ The General Court refused its sanction to their claimed rights under the deed; conse- quently the said deed was in law null and void ; and the records show that it was so regarded and treated by the Legislature in all its siihseqveut doings. This important fact will clearly appear from the General Court Eecbrds, to be quoted in these pages. The bounds of the tract named in the deed to Lamb and Com- pany are not easily traced by the description, except the line on the westerly side, which is definitely stated, viz : " Westerly by the liiver Menamesick untill it come against Quabaug bounds and joynes uzito their bounds." This is explicit, and was easily followed then, and remains unchanged by the lapse of time. This places the southwest corner of the tract at a point on Ware river, about three miles above where Ware Village now stands, and effectually dis- poses of the question of the company's right to the Elbow Tract. Not a foot of the Elbow Tract was covered by the deed. And as the entire piece specified in the deed lay easterly of Ware river, and Avas eight miles wide, its southeast corner would be near the Spen- cer line; and "twelve miles long North and South" would carry the north bounds to the extreme northerly line of Rutland. To go somewhat into details: Messrs. Lamb and Company suffered their Indian deed to remain a dead letter for 37 years, till all l)ut one (Richard Draper) of the Grantees had deceased, at which date it Avas put on record in the Hampshire county registry. Four years later, the heirs and assigns of the grantees organized, and made their first move to take possession of their property, as aj)pears from the following Agreement : Whereas, we the subscribers or our ancestors have fairly purchased of the native and original owners thereof a certain Tract of land lying near Quabaug or Brookfleld, commonly then called by the name of Wombe- mesisecock for a valuable consideration, as per the deed thereof duly ex- ecuted, acknowledged and recorded, bearing date 1686 will be more plainly manifested : and Whereas the bounds of said Tract be not so certainly known, or the contents thereof : We Therefore, the persons concerned, viz. Joshua Lamb for himself, Nathaniel Paige and Christopher Paige as heirs to Nathaniel Paige, Samuel Green and Edward Sumner as assigns to Andrew Gardner's heirs, Caleb Seaver one of the heirs of Benj. Gamblin, Benj. Tucker and Samuel Davis as heirs to Benjamin Tucker, Benj. Smith on behalf of John Curtis' heirs, Richard Draper for himself, and Joseph Ruggles for the heirs of Samuel Ruggles : Do Hereby Authorize and empower the above named Samuel Green to employ and improve a surveyor and two other persons suitable for that purpose, to view and consider and mark out the said lands, 48 HISTORY OF PALMER. as butted and bounded in said deed : to take an account of the waste land, ponds, as well as other land therein fit for settlement : and make report of their doings to ourselves the last Tuesday in April next : that so we may proceed therein for the mutual advantage of the purchasers : — the said meeting to be at the house of Simon Rogers in Boston on the Tuesday. Witness our hands this 20th of February 1726-7. At a legal Proprietors' meeting at Simon Rogers in Boston April 25, 1727. In the first place by a major vote of the proprietors we chose Deacon Richard Draper moderator of the said meeting : In the next place by a major vote of the Proprietors we chose Joseph Ruggles Proprietors' clerk : In the next place voted that Capt. Samuel Green should be allowed the charges in his account expended upon finding out the said land, to be paid at the next meeting : and in the last place voted that this meeting be ad- journed to the same place the last Tuesday of May next at one of the clock in the afternoon. May 30, 1727, at adjourned meeting voted by the Proprietors of a certain Tract of land contained in a deed signed John Magus, Lawrence Nassa- wanno, &c., that Col. Joshua Lamb, Deacon Richard Draper and Capt. Samuel Green be a committee to represent the whole Proprietors, and to prefer such a petition to the Honourable General Court as they in their prudence may think fit, the prayer of which to contain what may be most needful for the safe proceeding of said Proprietors in settling the said property. The doings of the above named committee are indicated in the following extract from the General Court Records: A petition of Joshua Lamb, Richard Draper and Samuel Green as they are a Committee for a number of Purchasers of a certain Tract of Land lying near the Town of Brookfield, Shewing that the said Richard Draper and sundry others formerly purchased of the Indian Proprietors a large Tract of Land called Wambemisiscook, bounded and described by the deed herewith exhibited, which has been acknowledged and recorded, And pray- ing that this Court would confirm unto them and those they represent and their associates the said Tract of Land, that so they may bring forward a Settlement on the said Land. In the House of Representatives, Read, and Voted that the contents of six miles square be allowed to the purchasers of the Tract of Land within mentioned between the Town of Brookfield and the E(iuivalent Land in the County of Hampshire,* to be laid out by a surveyor and chain men on oath — Pmvided, that within five years after such survey and confirma- tion thereof, the grantees their heirs and assigns shall settle fifty families that are now Inhabitants of this Province, and have a Meeting House erected, a minister settled, a Lot for the Ministry and one for the School laid out ; The house lots to be laid out as near as may be, and as regularly * This would take in the south part of Hardwick, the easterly half of Ware, and a small section of the northerly end of Palmer and Warren, but was wholly outside of the limits specified in the Indian deed. Probably the Bill was drawn up by the Company's attorney. THE ELBOW TKACT — SETTLEMENT, 1716-1728. 49 and defensibly as the land will allow of — Proiiided the Petitioners make, no further claim to the Ixind within mentioned. In Council, June 28, 1737, Read and non concur\l. The Proprietors' Kecords of Lamb and Company show that on the next day, viz., June 29, 1727, the Company met at Boston, and • ' voted that Capt. Green should go upon the proprietors' land and warn them off from making any further improvement thereon." Again "voted that Capt. Green should agree with those persons that have made a pitch upon the said land for the present year, as he and they shall agree, as our tenants." At a meeting held a year later, viz. July 25, 1728, after reciting the purchase, and the failure to obtain a confirmation of the same, and the privileges of a township, the Proprietors elected Joseph Euggles clerk, to be sworn : "And we do also hereby ajDpoint Capt. Samuel Green, Mr. Nathaniel Paige and Rev. Mr. Timothy Euggles to be a Committee to procure a good and well approved of surveyor and two chain men who shall be under oath to the faithful discharge of their office and trust, and shall survey six miles square within our claim and draw a fair platt thereof and the same put on record; and any two of the Committee to have full power to act: And also their power is to extend to make an agreement with such persons as have settled upon the same, as to the bounds of their farms, and what to give for their interests there; and to improve the money they shall gain thereby toAvards defraying the charge that the Com- mittee shall be at in the work they are empowered to do. Then to proceed to make an allotment of forty or fifty lots, one for a Minis- ter, one for a Ministry and one for a School ; and the other to be disposed of as the proprietors shall hereafter order and agree." Under the authority thus conferred, the above named Committee proceeded to act, and previous to the last of December, 1728, they had laid out, sold and given deeds of farms, mostly of one hundred acres each, to forty-eight of the inhabitants then living upon the tract of land which was afterwards known as Tlie Elbows. By the Journal of the House of Representatives it appears that Sept. 24, 1729, "A petition of Joshua Lamb Esq, and Mr. Timothy Ruggles a Committee of a number of Proprietors and purchasers of a certain tract of land lying near Brookfield, praying for a confirma- tion of all or part thereof for a Tow^nship, for reasons mentioned — Bead, and the qnestion was put whether the prayer of the petition should be granted, and it passed in the Negative.'' "Nov. 27, 1729. A petition of Isaac Burr, John King and sundry others, shewing that they are settled upon a certain tract of Land bounded easterly by Brookfield, southerly and westerly by Brim field, 50 HISTORY OF PALMER. and northerly by Coldspriug, by admission of Rev. Timothy Rug- gles of Rochester and others, a Committee of the Proprietors of said tract of land (as they call themselves), Praying that they may have the grant and authority of this Court for settling on said Land, and exempted from the conditions they have entered into with the said Committee. Read. Also a Petition of Robert Auchmuty Esq, for and in behalf of Joshua Lamb Esq. and Timothy Ruggles Clerk, as they are a Committee of the Proprietors of a certain Tract or parcel of land containing by estimation 12 miles long North & South, and 8 miles wide East & West, lying near Quabaug, known by the name of Wombemsicunck, in which is included the laud petitioned for by Isaac Burr, John King &c. as well as sundry other petitions for land within their propriety; — Praying that they may be heard by their counsel to make out their right to the land contained in their purchase from the Indian Sachems, before any grant on the said petition be made, or that if any grant should pass, that a saving of their right and claim may be inserted, for the reasons mentioned. Dec'' 2, 1729, all the parties were heard, and the petitions ivere rejected" In the House of Representatives, June 15, 1731. "A petition of Joshua Lamb Esq. and others, a Committee of the purchasers of a Tract of Land called Wombisiscook (heretofore purchased of Indian Sachems), Praying that they may be formed into a Township and invested with the usual privileges, and give such further and neces- sary sanction to their said purchase as shall be deemed expedient, for reasons mentioned. Pk,ead, and the parties concerned being heard, after a long debate, the question was put, whether the petition should be granted. And it passed in the Negative." House of Representatives, June 17, 1731. "A petition of Tim- othy Ruggles and others, a committee of the descendants & legal representatives of Joshua Lamb and others, Praying that the Court Avould make them a grant of Land of the contents of eight miles square adjacent to the river called Nenemeseck alias Ware River (in such form as the lands will admit of) for a Township, under such regulations as the Court shall think fit, for Reasons mentioned. Read." Dec. 31, 1731. The above petition was brought up, read, and negatived. The next day, Jan. 1. 1731-2, In the House of Representatives, was presented ^'A petition of Joshua Lamb, Timothy Ruggles, Joseph Ruggles and Ebenezer Pierpont, in behalf of themselves and associates. Praying that a Tract of laud of the contents of six miles square, adjacent to the River called Nenemeseck, now Ware River, THE ELBOW TRACT — SETTLEMENT, 1716-1728. 51 may be granted them for a Township, in such form as the land will admit of, and under such regulations as to the time and manner of settling the same, as the Court shall think fit, for Reasons men- tioned. Read, and Ordered, that Mr. Shove, Mr. Gushing and Mr. Samuel Chandler be a committee to consider of such Regulations as may be thought proper, and Report as soon as may be." •'Jan. 13, 1731-2, Mr. Shove for the committee reported — Read, and accepted, and Ordered, that there be and hereby is granted to the petitioners & their associates, a tract of land of six miles square for a Township, at the place petitioned for, to be laid out in a regu- lar form by a surveyor & chairmen under oath, a Plan thereof to be presented to this Court at their session in May next for confirma- tion, the said land by them to be settled on the conditions follow- ing, viz. That within the space of five years they settle and have on the spot 60 families (the settlers to be such as are the natives of New England) ; each settler to build a good and convenient dwell- ing house of one story high, 18 ft. square at the least, and clear and bring to four acres fit for improvement, and three acres more well stocked with English grass, and also lay out three shares throughout the town each share to be one sixty-third part of the s"^ tract — one share for the first settled Minister, one for the Ministry, and the other for the School: and also to build a convenient meeting-house, and settle a learned and Orthodox Minister within the time aforesaid." '•Jan. 20, 1731-2. Read in Council, and concurred." The governor refused his consent. June 17, 1732. "A petition of Joshua Lamb, Joseph Ruggies, Timothy Ruggies and Eben^. Pierj)ont, Praying for the grant of a tract of land lying on the iiorthioard of and adjacent to Ware River, for a Township, upon such conditions as the Court shall judge proper. In the House of Representatives, Read, and Ordered [See Bill above quoted]. In Council June 20, 1732, Read, and concurred. Consented to, J. Belcher. Nov. 24, 1732. "A Plan of the lands six miles square lying north of Ware River, granted to Joshua Lamb and others, was pre- sented. In the House of Representatives, accepted & confirmed. In Council, concurred. Consented to, J. Belcher." Thus was ended a persistent contest of six years. So long as Messrs. Lamb and Company made it a condition that their title and claim under the Indian deed should be confirmed, or in any way, directly or indirectly recognized, their petitions Avere rejected. But when they asked for a grant of land outside of the limits of 52 HISTORY OF PALMER. territory claimed to be covered by said deed,, i. e., on the westerly side of Ware river, and named no conditions, their petition was readily granted. The township was named Lambstown, afterwards changed to Hardwick. This narrative — somewhat extended — of the claims and opera- tions of Messrs. Lamb and Company, will explain the peculiar phraseology of documents, and enable the reader to understand the numerous references in the petitions of John King, Joseph Wright, James Dorchester and others, to be copied in the next chapter, and also help him to get a right idea of the causes of delay, and un- looked for difficulties which the first settlers of The Elbows encoun- tered, before they secured valid titles to their farms, and precinct privileges. CHAPTER III. The Elbow Tsact — A Plantatjon, 1726-1752. BOUNDABIES— FIRST MOVE FOR A PRECINCT— PKTITION OP JOHN KILBURN — MOVE FOR A PLANTATION — PKTITION OF JOHN KING — PETITION OF JAMES BORCHE8TBB — PETITION OF DAVID IN9EESOLE — ORDERS OF COURT — WRITB OF EJECTMENT — PETITION OF JOSEPH WRIGHT — PETI- TION OF JOHN KING — MEMORIAL OF HENRY DWIGHT, ESQ. — PETITION OF JAMES DORCHESTER — THE NEW BASE OF OPERATIONS — PETITION OF JOHN NEVINS — THE PRAYER THAT PREVAILED — MODUS OPERANDI — ACTION OF THE GENERAL COURT — THE REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE AND ALLOTMENT OF HOME LOTS — FIRST MEETING OF THE NEW PLAN- TATION—EXTRACTS FROM THE PLANTATION RECORDS — SAW MILL- GRIST MILL — PUBLIC WORSHH' AND PREACHERS, REV. ROBERT KIL- PATRICK, REV. MR. WELD, KEV. BENJAMIN DICKINSON, MR. COLLINS, REV. JOHN HARVEY — MINISTRY LOT — THE TWO-PENNY TAX — CHURCH — MEETING-HOUSE — SINGIMG — LAND GRANTS TO PUBLIC MEN. THE HOBAET FARM, HOLLINGSWORTH GRANT, CAPT. JOHN SHELDON'S FARM, ALIAS DWIGHT's farm, CAPT. PARTRIDGE'S GRANT, MARSH'S GRANT, BURRILL'S AND BRADFORD'S 100 ACRES— THE 500 POUNDS DEBT — PROPRIETORS AND GRANTEES, A PARTNERSHIP — DIVISION OF COMMONS, FIRST DIVISION, SECOND DIVISION, THIRD DIVISION, FOURTH DIVISION — BURYING GROUND — PHYSICIAN — TOWN OF WESTERN — WARE RIVER PARISH — CONTROVERSY BETWEEN MINISTER AND PEOPLE — DARK DAYS — MR. HABVEY'S RESIGNATION — PREACHERS, REV. DR. LORD, REV. JAMES MORTON, REV. MITCHELL, REV. ALEXANDER BOYD AND HIS CALL, REV. JOHN M'KINSTRY — OLD FRENCH WAR — LIST OF EARLY INHAB- ITANTS AND LANDHOLDERS. BOUNDAEIES.— According to Dwight's survey of 1723, the northeast corner of the tract proposed for a plantation, or township, was at the northwest corner of Brookfield. Thence the line ran south on Brookfield to the Quabaug river ; thence following the river to its junction with Swift river, and up this stream to the southwest corner of Eead's Ten Thousand Acres : thence easterly, on the south line of Eead^s laud, to the southeast corner of the same ; thence northerly, on the east line of Bead's Manor, to a point nearly west from Brookfield northwest corner, and thence to said corner. This embraced an area of 23,619 acres. As laid out by the Committee and confirmed by the General Court in 1733, all the Common Lands nearly as far north as Hardwick line were included in the grant. 54 HISTORY OF PALMER. First Move for a Precixct.— Of the first teu years of their life here the settlers have left no account, except the record of the birth of Sarah, daughter of Samuel and Deliverance Frost, born February, 1725 ; Margaret, daughter of Captain John and Elizabetli Thomson, born Jan. 26, 1726 ; Joseph, b. 1716, Thomas, b. 17J8, William, b. 1720, Benjamin, b. 1722, Sarah, b. 1723, Aaron, b. 1725, children of John and Sarah King. In December, 1726, those men who had located on King's Row and vicinity sent a petition to the General Court asking for pre- cinct privileges. The petition cannot be found, but the substance of it is given in the General Court Records, as follows : ''A peti- tion of John Kilburn, Joseph AYright, and sundry other persons, inhabiting within the County of Hampshire, praying that this Court would grant or sell to them a Tract of Land belonging to this Province, lying westerly on Ware River or the Equivalent Lands, southerly upon Chickaby River, easterly upon Brim field, the grantees not exceed seventeen families. Proposing to go imme- diately upon the place, and to continue as a village till it may be thought proper to annex them to Brimfield or some other Town.'^ '' December 26, 1726. In the House of Representatives Read and Ordered, that the petition be referred to the next May session for further consideration, and that in the meantime Maj. Chandler, Mr, Wright, and Mr. Gun be a committee to repair to the lands petitioned for, view the situation, quality, and circumstances thereof, and that they report their opinion of y® value of the same at the s^ next May session. In Council Read & Concurred. Consented to." It will be seen that this movement of the "settlers" was made six months before Joshua Lamb and Company asserted a claim to the territory ; that the petitioners call it " Province Land," and ask for a grant of the same, or the privilege of purchasing it. The petition has further historical value, as showing that seventeen families had already located or were ready to locate on this southern part of the Elbow Trite; t, and that their plans did not contemplate the organization of a township. It also appears that the petition was favorably received by the General Court — a thing in striking contrast with the reception of the petitions of the several rlaimers to the territory. The movements of .Messrs. Lamb and Company at the next May session, to get possession of these lands, put an end to the prospects of Kilburn and Wright, and we liear no more of the efforts for THE ELBOW TRACT — A PLANTATION-, 1726-1752. 55 precinct or town privileges (except as instigated and controlled by- Lamb and Company) for the next four years. It should however, be borne in mind, that the said Company persistently pressed their claims, and went so far as to survey the Tract, and lot it out into farms of one hundred acres each, and sell and give deeds of the same to the settlers. [See ante, pp. 49, 50.] These proceedings account for the non-action of the people; and also afford explanation of some expressions and qualifying clauses, both in petitions and in orders of CVjurt. The strange spectacle presents itself of a colony of honest, industrious, loyal men, occupying homes of their choice, and striving to plant social and religious institutions, and to obey magistrates; and at the same time bound hand and foot by their own acts; viz, first by pitching on land to which they had no right or title; and second, by purchas- ing their farms of " claimers" who were equally without right and title to the same. For an account of their subsequent efforts to extricate themselves from their dilemma, we are indebted to the Journals of the House of Eepresentatives in loc, from which copious extracts Avill now be given. First Move for a Plajsttation.^*- July 3, 1780. A petition of David Ingersole, John Miller, John Stearns, and to the number of fifty-three others, praying for a Tract of land between Brook- field, Brimfield and Springfield, of tHe contents of six or eight miles square (on part of which they are settled) in order to erect the same into and settle a township there, for reasons mentioned Read."' Sept. 24, 1730. A petition of John King, Samuel Nevins and others. Inhabitants of some lands lying between the towns of Brookfield and Springfield, and northward of Brimfield, and adjoin- ing on the north upon some lands called Equivalent Lands in the county of Hampshire, praying for a Tract of the s*^ lands, of the contents of six miles square for settlement thereof. Read, and at the motion and desire of Mr. Pynchon, the same was withdrawn." But the House took action, and ''ordered, that Mr. Welles, Mr. Samuel Chandler, Mr. Hall and Mr. Johnson be a committee to inquire into and consider the circumstances of the Land, and make Report what may be proper for the Court to do thereon. " Sept. 30, 1730. The House being informed that there are sundry persons making, settlements upon some unappropriated Lands of this Province lying between Brookfield and the Equiva- 56 HISTORY OF FALMEK. lent Land: Ordered, that the cousidcratiou of said affair be com- mitted to the committee appointed the 24th instant, to make inrjuirv. &e. and Report." " Mr. Welles, for the above named committee reported. [Report not recorded.] Read and Voted not to accent b* Report." "After debate relating to those lands, Orf/eret/ that Mr. Shove be. and hereby is fully authorized and impowered, for and in behalf of this Province, to bring forward a writ or writs of Ejectment against any and all persons in possession of the above mentioned Lands, that derive their title any otherways than from the General Court of this Province. Sent up for concurrence." This will be understood as a blow aimed at the Messrs. Lamb and Company, and those of the settlers who had bought land and claimed title to the same from the deeds of said Company. There is no evidence that the writs ol ejectment were serveil on any of the inhabitants. "June 15, 1T31. A petition of Joseph Wright and others, in- habitants or residents on a Tract of Land commonly called ' The Elbows,' lying between the Towns of Springfield and Brookfield, praying the Court either to confirm the Title of the Indian pur- chasers or claimers (Messrs. Lamb & Co.), or in case the Court should see cause to reject and disallow their claims to the Tract in question and determine the same to the Country Land, that then the petitioners aiid others of the prior settlers, and such others of the native inhabitants, upon such terms, limitations and conditions as to this Court shall seem meet, may have a grant of the land within mentioned for a Township." Same date — "A petition of John King and others. Inhabitants of a tract of land lying between the towns of Brookfield, Springfield, and Brimfield, prayiDg that they may be confirmed in their possession of the said lands (saving unto Col. Lamb and associates their Right therein) &c., for reasons mentioned. These several petitions were read: And after a long debate, on the next day the questions were severally put, whether the prayers of said petitions should be granted ? And it passed in the Negative." By recalling the attitude taken by the General Court toward Col. Lamb and his associates, as narrated in the previous cha2)ter, this decided Negative will be understood. And in the same light we are prejiared to see the force and beai-ing of the following paper, which is in i)lace here : jm. THE HLP.OW TRACT — A PLANTATTOX, 1720-1753. 57 General Court Records, Vol. 15, page 148. August 18, 1731. A Me- morial of Henry Dwight, Esq., setting forth that great numbers of strangers without any liberty obtained from the Government, are encroaching and settling on sundry parts of the best unappropriated Lands in this Province, more especially on a Tract of Land called The Elbows, lying between Had- ley and Brookfleld — Praying that this Court would take some proper meas- ures to prevent their disorderly settlements — In Council, Ordered that Samuel Thaxter, William Dudley and Thomas Gushing, Esq"., with such as the House of Representatives shall join, be a Committee to inquire into the matters contained in the within petition, and report as soon as may be. In the House of Representatives, Read and Concurred: And Ordered that Mr. Welles, Mr. Baxter, Mr. Hobson, Maj. Brattle and Mr. Brown be ;'oined in the affair. ]Vo Eeport of this Committee has been found; nor does it appear I'roni the Eecords that any further action on the subject was taken. House Journal (printed), VoL I, p. 55. ^'January 7, 1731-2. A petition of James Dorchester and others. Inhabitants of a Tract of land lying between the towns of 8pringfield, Brookfleld, Brim- field, and the lands called Equivalent Lands, in the county of Hampshire, whose names are thereto subscribed, praying the Court to grant them a tract of land within mentioned, and endow them with the Privileges that such places have, so that they may be in a capacity to erect a place for the public worship of God, or that such measures may be taken for their relief as the Court shall think fit. Read. And Jan 21, upon a motion made by Mr. Pynchon in behalf of James Dorchester and others, Ordered, that the s^ Pyn- chon have leave to withdraw the s* petition." "Jan. 28, 1731-2. A petition of John King and others, pray- ing that the s^ tract of land be granted them, and that they may be indulged witli the privileges that such places have, for reasons mentioned. Eead and negatived." It will l)e seen from the petition of James Dorchester (above quoted) that the Elbow settlers now based theii' prayer for Precinct or Town privileges, on new grounds, viz., in order that they may legally proceed to establish religious ordinances among themselves ; as, though they had engaged a minieter who was then preaching in the place, they could levy no taxes for his support, nor build a meeting-house, without an Act of the Legislature. And it is fur- ther to be noticed, they obtained a favorable hearing only when 58 HISTORY OF PALMEK. they repudiated all claims under the deeds of Lamb aud Compaii}', and threw themselves on the mercy of the Court. A peculiar difficulty which these settlers met with, aud which was a cause of embarrassment for some years, is indicated by the follow- ing petition, which in the chronological order of events, has a place here. It was the over-lapping of special grants, due to the indefi- niteness of boundry lines and angles. And usually, as in the case in hand, the innocent holder, who had expended his means in mak- ing improvements, was the sufferer. "June 8, 1732. A petition of John Nivin of a place called Kingsfield, within this Province, shewing that he has purchased a tract of laud in the said place, of Mr. Timothy Ruggles, upon which he is settled and hath settled his four sons, and built, and made considerable Improvements: But so it is that Josiah Shel- don having purchased a grant of land made by this Court to Col. .Samuel Partige, hath laid out the same upon the Petitioners and his sons' Improved Lands, — and hath returned a Plot thereof to this Court, and obtained a confirmation of the same — Praying that the s* confirmation may be set aside, so that the Petitioner, and his children may not lye at the mercy of the said Josiah Sheldon. In Council Read and Ordered, that the Petitioner serve the said Josiah Sheldon with a copy of this petition, that so he may shew cause on Tuesday next, if any he have, why the prayer thereof should not be granted. In the House of Representatives. June 13, 1732. Read and Kon-concurred." * The Pkayer that Prevailed. — After the defeats and delays of six years, it is pleasant to chronicle a final success of plans which had been pursued with untiring energy through unusual dis- couragements. The following petition will ever l)e memorable in (jur annals, for its submissive yet loyal spirit ; its acknowledgment of errors, with a candid statement of reasons ; and its earnest de- sire to be put under such regulations as may have a tendency to promote the flourishing of religion. To his Excellency Jonathan Belcher, Esq., Capt. Generall and Govemour in Chief in and over his Majesty's Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, The Honourable His Majesty's Council and House of Repre- sentatives in General Court assembled May the thirty-first, annoque Dom- ine 1732. The Petition of the Subcribers Dwelling and Residing on a Tract and Gbnkral Court Records, Vol. 15, p. 259. THE ELBOW TRACT — A PLAXTATJOX, 172G-1752. 59 Parcel of Land lying situate between Springfteld, Brookfleld, Brimfield and the Land called the Equivalent Land and Cold Spring. Humbly Sheweth That they are sensible the said Land belongs to the s Committee. Samuel Shaw, ) Elbows, November 28, 1733." '"Read, and Voted, That this Report l>e accepted, and recorded, and that the Rev. Mr. John Harvey be the minister of this Place according to the order of the Gospel, and the law of this Province. ''Voted, That the Rev. Mr. Harvey be this year provided with a sufficient stock of firewood at y^ charge of the people." **At a meeting of the Proprietors and Grantees of the Elbow Settlement legally convened at the house of James Shearer, on Wednesday the 2()th day of March, A.D. 1733-4, John King mod- erator, it was voted, 1. That the Rev. John Harvey be ordained to the office of the Ministry in this place ; and that tlie time for his ordination be on the first Wednesday in June next. 2. That the place for ordaining Mr. Harvey be at the house of James Shearer, unless the Reverend Elders, called to officiate in that work, shall see cause (if the weather permitt) to do it abroad, or elsewhere. 3. That the Rev. Mr. Harvey be ordained a Presbiterian Minister in this plac«. 4. That Samuel Shaw, Steward Southgate and An- drew Farrand be a committee in behalf of this Society to join with the Rev. Mr. Harvey to send and invite such Ministers to perform the ordination, as he shall nominate and appoint." At a legal meeting of the Proprietors and Grantees May 20, 1T34, it was Voted, That Steward Southgate, Samuel Shaw, Thomas Litell, Daniel Fuller and Joseph Fleming be a committee to take care and make provision for the suitable entertainment of the Rev. Presbitery and other Ministers, and others who may be called and sent to the ordination. Voted, That fifteen pounds be granted and raised upon the PiX)prietors & Grantees, according to the Rules of raising other ensuing charges, to defray the charge of entertaining the Rev. Presbitery & other Ministers who may be called to the ordination of the Rev. Mr. Harvey — to be immediately assessed and collected, and if the charge of the ordination should not amount to the said sum after accounts shall be settled by the committee,, the remainder to be ai5i)ropriated to some other Publick use, as the Proprietors & Grantees shall order." THE ELBOW TRACT — A PLANTATION, 1726-1752. 89 The Ordination. — ••• On the fifth day of June, Anno Domini 173-1, the Rev. Mr. John Harvey was ordained the first Minister of the Church & Congregation of the Elbow Settlement. The ordin- ation was performed by the delegates of the Reverend Presbitery of Londonderry, upon a scaffold made up under a tree, being a great White Oak tree, standing on the Plain on the east side of the meadow called Cedar Swamp Meadow, within Mr. Harvey's lott.* The Piev. Mr. Thomson of Londonderry preached the sermon, and the Eev. Mr. Morehead [of Boston] gave the charge." Proprie- tor's Records, To this account Rev. Mr. Wilson, in his Historical Address, adds: '^One other Presbyterian minister was present, though what part he took in the service is not specified. They were all countrymen of Mr. Harvey's. Rev. Isaac Chauncey of Hadley assisted at the ordination, and perhaps other Congregational ministers." From a document preserved in the State Archives it appears that -' invitations were sent to the Church of Christ in Xorthampton, to Rev. Mr. Stephen Williams of Longmeadow, to the Rev. Mr. Isaac Chauncey of Hadley, and several others ; five of them came, whereof Rev. Mr. Chauncey was one, and by their advice and office he [Mr. Harvey] was ordained." f The invited council, then, comprised three Congregational and four Presbyterian ministers ; but as neither Rev. Mr. Edwards nor Rev. Mr. Williams was present, the actual ordaining council was composed of four Presbyterians and one Congregationalist. Mr. Harvey had a grant of a one hundred acre lot from the Gen- eral Court's committee, which was laid out on the old Brimfield road, about a mile from the old meeting-house. There was also •'surveyed and laid out the 'Ministry Lot' of one hundred acres, lying on each side of Ware River, and bounding northerly on Esq. Read's Farm." So that he had the use and improvement of two hundred acres of land, in addition to his "settlement" and salary. He was also provided with fire-wood, or a round sum was granted him with which to purchase the same. In 1734 twelve pounds was granted for this purpose ; the next year twenty pounds was granted, and the year following thirty-seven pounds. The Ministry Lot, above referred to, did not become the inheri- tance of Mr. Harvey or any particular pastor of the church ; but was for the use of each settled minister successively, during his pastorate. A memorial dated Jan. 5, 1759, signed by James Brack- enridge and others, a committee of the District of Palmer, was sent * The Ordination Tree stood on the old Brimfield road, three-fourths of a mile southeast from where the old meeting-house was built. t Mass. State Archives, xii. 71, 90 HISTOllY OF PALMER. to the General Court, setting forth that ''in the Grant made to them of their lands in 1733, they were required to lay out for the use of the Ministry and for a School, one Hundred acres each ; that they accordingly laid out such lands in 1735 ; hut they not being conveniently situated for the purposes intended, the inhabitants bought a farm of 150 acres for the use of the Ministry, in a much better situation, which cost them more than both the other lots would sell for : And they therefore pray they may be en- abled to make sale of the two lots mentioned, and ajDply the pro- ceeds towards payment for the lot they have purchased. The Court Granted the prayer so far as to give authority to the District to make and execute a Deed of the Ministry Lot referred to ; they purchasing lands of equal value in the most convenient place they can, to be held for the same purpose as the land is that they shall dispose of." Under this permission, the District made sale of the Ministry Lot, and purchased the farm of Rev. Eobert Burns, then retiring from the pastorate in the place. " The committe chosen to sell the Ministry Lot, and School Lot, and also to buy Mr. Burns^ farm for a Ministry Lot, — we the sub- scribers have acted as f olloweth : We sold the Ministry Lot for 106 pounds, 13 shillings, 4 pence : also sold the School Lot for 30 pounds, 13 shillings, 4 pence : also according to our Instructions we bought Mr. Burns' farm for 141 pounds, 6 shillings, 8 pence, and obliged ourselves to maintain Jean Hill's child in behalf of the town. Palmer, Sept. 21, 1758. James Breakenridge, Robert Rogers, XOAH COOLEY, Samuel Shaw, Jux., Thomas Kixg. Committee. " This Report was laid before the town for consideration, and was read and accepted by vote. Barnard McNitt, Clerk. The Two Penny Tax. — As stated in the Report of the General Court's Committe of 1733, The Elbow Tract " is much discommoded by Farms claimed by Particular Grants from this Court, which have taken up the best of the Land." Under the Act establishing the Plantation, these Farms were not taxable for current charges. And at a meeting of the Pi'oprietors Nov. 28, 1733, Samuel Shaw, Wm. Scott and Steward Southgate were appointed a committe to prepare and prefer a petition to the General Court asking that the assessors THE ELBOW TKACT — A PLAXTATION", 1726-1752. 91 of the Settlement may^be authorized to levy and assess a tax npon y® said Farms toward the charge of building a meeting-house and settling a minister. The result is thus recorded : '•'At a Great and General Court of the Province of the Massachu- setts Bay, and on a Petition of the Proprietors, Settlers and Grantees of the Elbow Tract in y® county of Hampshire — In Council April y® 16th 1734. Eead and Ordered, That the assessor or assessors of y® Plantation called y® Elbows, be and hereby are empowered and directed to assess the Farms within mentioned of the contents of two Thousand acres, at the Rate of two pence per acre per annum, for three years next coming, towards the charge of building a Meet- ing-House, and settling and supporting a Minister in the said Plan- tation. And the said Lands are subjected to be sold for the pay- ment of the said tax, in manner as provided in the Act made in the 4th and 5th year of his present Majesty's reign, entitled An Act to subject the Unimproved Land within this Province belonging to Non-resident Proprietors to be sold for payment of Taxes or assess- ments levied on them by order of the Great and General Court. ''And it is further Ordered, that the Proprietors' Receiver of the s*^ Plantation for the time being, be and hereby is vested with like powers that Treasurers and Receivers of Towns and Precincts are vested with, in and by an Act made and passed in the sixth year of his present Majesty's reign, entitled an Act for the seasonable pay- ment of Town and Precinct Rates and Assessments. Sent down for concurrence. In the House of Representatives April y^ 17, 1734. Read and concurred. Consented to J. Belcher. The amount of the tax on the farms referred to was 16 pounds, 13 shillings and 4 pence per annum — not large in itself, but helpful to the young Plantation. But a very considerable part of these farms was unimproved land, and the owners became restive under the execution of a warrant for enforcing the collection of the tax. Captain Jabez Olmstead, who owned the Hollingsworth grant of 500 acres, sent a petition to the General Court asking for relief. " December 20, 1734. Petition of Jabez Olmstead of Ware River, showing that the assessors of the Plantation commonly called The Elbows, under colour of an order of Court for taxing certain Lands not improved, lying near them, at two pence per acre, have assessed the Lands of the petitioner at two pence per annum, and threaten to sell his land to pay it: Praying that he 92 HISTORY OF PALMER. may be annexed to the town of Brookfield till such time as there shall be a Parish settled between his Farm and Brookfield. "In the House of . Kepresentatives Eead and Ordered, that the prayer of the petition be granted, and the petitioner & his farm be and hereby are annexed and accounted a part of Brookfield, to do duty and receive privilege there, until the further order of this Court — The order of the Court within mentioned of the two penny tax notwithstanding. In Council Read & Concurred. Consented to J. Belcher. The Church. — Mr. Wilson, in his Historical Addrei^s, says: " No records of the Church are found of an earlier date than 1753. Probably none were made previous to that time ; consequently nothing definite can be ascertained respecting the precise date of the organization of the church or of the circumstances attending its formation." The Proprietors' records are perplexingly ambig- uous on this point. In one j^lace it is stated that Mr. Harvey was ordained ''the first minister of the church and congregation of the Elbows Settlement." In another place the contracting party is styled "the Christian Inhabitants of the plantation in town meet- ing assembled." In a paper preserved in the State Archives [vol. xii, p. 65] signed by Samuel Shaw and others, it is stated that Mr. Harvey was ordained, "although in s*^ Plantation at the s^ time there was no gathered church." A petition dated Dec. 14, 1739, signed by Nicholas Blancher, Thomas Little and others, "in behalf of themselves and the far greater part of the Church of Christ and Christian inhabitants of the Elbows," which was presented to the General Court, appears to establish the fact that a church had been formed and was in exist- ence at this date. But the matter is again thrown into doubt by a record in the Proprietors' Book : " These are to uotifie & warn the Proprietors & Grantees of the Elbows, to meet at the Publick Meeting-House in s^ place on Thursday, the 18th day of this instaut February, 1748, at 10 o'clk A. M., to act upon the follow- ing Articles : 1. To chuse a moderator. 2. To pass order that the Trew Presbiterian Rules of Church Discipline of the Church of Scotland Perswasion be trewly and faitlifully kept up and main- tained here in this congregation, agreeable to our jirofession, and also to our Solemn Ingagements which we are under, in the sight of God and man, as well as we are in conscience & Duty bound to a faithful Discharge of tlie same. ["The article was voted out."] 3. That there be a vote pas't in order to have a Presbiterian Ortho- THE ELBO\y TRACT — A PLANTATION', 1726-1752. 93 dox minister of the Church of Scotland Pcrswasion settled and or- dained here in this plantation, as soon as God in his Providence will permit of the same." Query. If a church was in existence here, what was the need and what would be the force of such contemplated action on the part of the Proprietors of the Plantation ? And the same query may be raised in relation to the following vote, copied from the Plantation Records : ''At a meeting of the Proprietors & Grantees of y® Elbows legally held March 8, 1748, Voted, We the Inhabitants and members of y® church and congregation of Kingstown, alias Elbows, desire the Eev. Presbitery of Londonderry that they will dismiss the Eev. Mr. John Harvey from any further work of the Ministry among us." The obvious inference is that there was but one body to act on the subject, viz., the Proprietors and Grantees; and this body styled itself "the Inhabitants and members of the church and congrega- tion." But the action of another meeting of the Proprietors and Grant- ees carries an equally obvious inference that there were two bodies in existence, and that a concurrence of the two was necessary to give validity to a ministerial call. In a warrant for a public meet- ing on April 27th, 1749, was an article " To pass a vote concurring with the call given by the congregation to the Rev. Mr. Boyd." Under this article, " Fo^e^? in concurrence with the congregation in regard to the call of Mr. Boyd to the work of the Ministry in this place." Query. Was primary action, in cases like the foregoing, taken by the congregation assembled for public worship on the Salhath, which would, of course, have no legal force, and confirmatory action taken at a legal meeting duly warned and held on a weeJcday ? If so, this custom will afford a plausible explanation of the phrase- ology of the Records. It is believed to have been an established custom of the Presby- terian Kirk of Scotland of that day that a member removing from one place to another took with him a token or certificate of church membership, and that these tokens were accepted in all their churches, and admitted the bearer to the communion. Could not all the professors at the Elbows who had these tokens call them- selves "in covenant" and church relation, and thus observe the ordinances, independently of a local church organization? The First Meeting-House. — At the date of the incorporation of the Elbows Plantation the people had been supplied with regu- 94 HISTORY OF PALMEE. lar joreacliing on the Sabbath for four years, but had not built a meeting-house. In the Act of June, 1733, they are enjoined to " erect and build a suitable house for Publick Worship within two years." The settlers had not been thoughtless on the matter, for even before the passage of this Act — even as early as August 23, 1732, the Records show that " The Inhabitaints beaying sencibel of the grat nead we have of a house convenient to worship God, we the Inhabitants in order thereto w have asembled and considred the matter. And in order to a regler doing we have chosen nine men to consider where the place should be, and mak Report to the town, viz. John King, Sam" Shaw, James Mackalain, James Lam- berton, Tomas Littel, Sarg* Magoon, Joseph Wright, Thomas Mac- Ian than, Sam" Curtis." This was bad spelling, but a good beginning. And to provide, in the meantime, a place for holding religious services, two days later there was gathered "A mettin of the Inhabaintints to considder where the Poub3dick woshep of God should be getthed for a yeare, to wit: the three first Sabath Days is to be att the house of James Dorchester, and the nex three Sabaath Dayes is to be at y® house of John More, and so to con- tinue by call three Sabaths at a change about." After this 3^ear they met at the house of Mr. Moore in the summer, and at John Henderson^s during the cold season, '^ provided his house be made comfortable to meet in ; " and sometimes at John King's, Ebenezer Mirick's, Wm. Crawford's (while Mr. Harvey boarded there in 1733), or James Shearer's, where the ordination service was ap- pointed to be held. The meetings for Sabbath worship and for the transaction of public business, for the time being, were held at the same house. In 1734 and '35 the place of meetings was the Crawford house, which appears to have been injured in some way in connection with public gatherings, and the question was raised whether the people ought not to repair it, and it was " Voted that 12 shillings be allowed to Steward Southgate, and 8 and sixpence to James Shearer for boards, nails and work about the house where the meeting for publick worship is held ; and that the same be ac- cepted as a part of their present Rate to the meeting-house.'' Immediately after the organization of the Plantation a serious move was made to build a meeting-house. "August 27, 1733, Lieut. Sam. Doolittle, Samuel Shaw, Joseph Wright, Jun., John King and Timothy Mackelwain were appointed a committee to pitch upon and nominate a spot whereon to build a meeting-house, and make report thereof to the Inhabitants for their acceptance." This choice of a location for the house proved a perplexing matter. THE ELBOW TRACT — A PLANTATION, 1726-1752. 95 A great number of spots were selected and agreed upon ; and after- wards rejected. There were many minds ; and these minds were unstable. Nearly two years were spent in choosing and rejecting spots. Nov. 14, 1733, it was voted to place the house " near James Lamberton's fence, by the Pine tree marked H standing on the north side of the Path." And a committee was appointed, viz., Steward Southgate, James McClelan, John Beman and Lieut. Sam- uel Doolittle, to agree with workmen to build and set up the frame of the Meeting-House, and to agree with the men of the place to provide stuff for enclosing of it, 2. That the frame of the Meet- ing-House exceed not thirty-six feet in length and thirty feet in breadth. 3. That Fifty pounds be granted and raised upon the Proprietors & Grantees, according to the grant and Order of the General Court, towards the charge of building and setting up the Meeting-House. '' It appears that the timber was cut during the winter, and hauled to the place agreed upon. But the next March a new vote was passed " That the Meeting-House be sett on the east side of Cedar Swamp brook, between the brook and the foot of the hill, and within seven or eight rods of the road laid out towards Brookfield, on the south side thereof." Nearly a year passed in non-action. But — as the two years' limit set by the Court would soon be reached — To make a final adjustment of the vexed question, "At a meeting of the Proprietors of Elbow Tract legally held at the house called Crawford house on the 10th day of February 1734-5, Mr. An- drew Mackee moderator, it was Voted That every person, Proprietor & Grantee, shall enter with the clerk or bring in his vote therein, naming a spot to set the Meeting House on ; and that the two spots which shall be tke highest in nomination, shall be put to a lott for a final determination. Then the nomination being entered with the clerk, and the same counted, it appeared that a spot on the knowl near Crawford's house, and a spot on the east side of Cedar Swamp brook on The north side of the road, near where Wm. Nelson's haystack stood, were the two spots highest in nomina- tion. Then the lotts being made by the clerk, the Rev. Mr. Harvey was sent for ; and then Voted, That the Pvev. Mr. Harvey shall draw the lott, and the spot which is entered upon the lott or paper which he shall draw, shall be the determinate spott whereon to set the Meeting House. After solemn prayer, Mr. Harvey drew the lott whereon the spot on the knowl near Crawford's house was entered." The spot thus decided upon was the one where the meeting- house stood for more than a century, and which was known as the business centre of the town. The tavern, and the store, and the blacksmith's shop came in quick succession. At an adjourned meeting of the Proprietors in March, it was 9G niSTOKY OF PALilEli. " proposed whether any thing be allowed to the owners of the lots where any of the meeting-house timber is cut ; and it passed in the Negative." This does not imply that the timber was cut without permission ; probably every man who owned a particularly fine timber tree was willing that it should be utilized for the building of the sanctuary of worship ; and the vote simply means that all such contributions should be reckoned as a gift. At a meeting held March 17, one hundred pounds was granted " for building & finishing the Meeting House ; " and seven pounds 'Ho make provision for raising it." Voted '^That James Lamberton & Daniel Fuller be ajDpointed to make provision of Drinks and cake suitable, and to order and dispose of the same at the time of the Eaising." The records indicate that the frame was ready to be set up May 12. Probably it was raised before planting. Probably the ''rais- ing " was a notable event in the Plantation, especially as this was the first frame house erected there. The youngsters of both sexes were collected at a safe distance, in wonderment how such immense timbers could be got into their lofty positions, and were anxious to see the last rafter put in place and the pile of cakes exposed. The men all lent a hand and worked heartily and cheered lustily, under inspiration of the occasion, and perhaps in some degree under inspiration of the Drink that was distributed only to the workmen. The building appears to have been "finished," i. e., covered in, by the last of October, and to have been used for Sabbath worship early in November. The first Plantation meeting for public busi- ness was held in the new house on December 4, 1735. All accounts agree that the house, both inside and outside, was a very plain structure. Probably it was only single boarded on the outside. The door had hinges, but no lock — such a thing being then unknown in the settlement. It was fastened by a wooden latch on the inside, which was pulled up by a string, or when that was broken a stick run through the crack lifted the latch. The sanctity of a meeting-house was its best protection from youthful intruders, and there was little within to tempt adult thieves. The first mischief done to the sanctuary was from without, in the sum- mer of 1744, when a lawless hunter stole the lead from some of the window panes for bullets and broke the glass in doing it. For- tunately, such an example acted as a warning, rather than a temp- tation. The inside of the house was neither ceiled nor plastered. The pulpit was a cage-like box, perched on posts, and reached by a flight of narrow stairs, the only ornament being a cushion, pur- chased two years before, on which the Bible rested. Long wooden THE ELliOW TRACT — A PLANTATION-, 172G-1752. 97 benches were the only seats first put in. These were arranged in two rows through the body of the house, facing the pulpit, and separated by an aisle. The men sat on one side by themselves, and the women on the other. Pews were not put in till after 1744, These were regarded as a luxury, to be enjoyed only by the well-to- do part of the congregation. The space nearest the pulpit was reckoned highest in dignity, and the pew ground was lotted out according to the rates men paid towards the public charges. The Elbow settlers were very jealous of whatever should mark distinc- tions of wealth in church affairs, and all the early attempts to dis- tribute the pew ground on the basis of taxable estates got a decided negative. The point was yielded only when warrants of " distress " were issued for the forcible collection of the 500-pound debt assess- ment. When built these pews were scpiare pens, ranged along the walls of the room, and set up at the expense of the occupants — though special permission of the Proprietors was necessary. Some- times a condition was annexed that the builder ''should sit there with his family," but usually only the dimensions were stated, and the pew became personal property. That it was cold and uncomfortable in the meeting-house in the winter without a fire was a matter of course. That only one ser- mon was preached on. the Sabbath at this season was natural and wise. That the noise of a hundred feet, heavily booted, stamping on the bare floor and thumping together to restore circulation in the benumbed extremities should cause the minister to sometimes stop the sermon and dismiss the people was according to the fitness of things and showed his good sense. That the small congregation collected on a stormy Sabbath in the most inclement season should adjourn from the cold meeting-house to the adjacent well-warmed tavern, and the preacher take the bar for his pulpit, was a prudent move and implied no disrespect for the house of God, nor any han- kering for the stores Ijehind the bar. Put yourself in their place and see if you could devise a better plan I In February, 1740, an article was inserted in the warrant for a plantation meeting, " To grant and order a certain sum of money so much as y* Proprietors & Grantees there met may see cause, to be raised and imployed towards y® Eepairing and finishing y® Meeting House for y® publick worship of God, to be dispensed for the more and better comfort of the society." Under this article, sixty pounds was granted towards y® repairing y® meeting-house. Probably a part of it was expended in clapboarding the building. In June, 1743, forty pounds, old tenor, was raised for finishing the meeting-house. The Committee to do the work appear to have 98 HISTORY OF PALMER. heen dilatory ; and the next year Aaron Nelson, Paul Glasford and Jonathan Chapin were appointed ''to call the committee of the Meeting House to account for what they have done with the money that Avas gathered for finishing the s* House." Soon after this date the seats were repaired, and it was ordered ''that the body seats of the Meeting House shall be set close together in the mid- dle." This was a first step to make room for the building of pews around the walls. In July, 1750, six pounds, thirteen shillings and four pence was granted for "rectifying the Meeting House." A, part of it was spent in building seats in the gallery for young people to sit in. And this very naturally led to the appointment, the following October, of John Webber and Matthew Hutchins, "two fit men to sit in the gallery amongst y® young people to in- spect their carriage, that they may not profane y® Sabbath in the time of Avorship." Such was the condition of the Meeting-house at the close of the Plantation period ; and we leave its further history for the next chapter. SiNGijq"G. — There is no evidence from the Kecords that a choir was in existence at this date. Indeed, the custom of the time and the prevalent Presbyterian idea of this part of public worship, would exclude such an aid to devotion. The appointment in 1735, of " a Precentor or clerk of the Congregation," carries the conclu- sion that the singing was Congregational, /. e., the psalm was "lined off" (or Beaconed; as it was called in Congregational Churches) by the Precentor, and sung, line by line by the assembly. Probably a choir, to sit by themselves in the gallery, was not formed until Mr. Baldwin's day. Thus was completed what may be called the necessary equipment of the new Settlement. The people held the fee in their lands ; had houses to live in ; had an ordained Minister ; a Meeting-House ; a Saw mill and Grist mill ; country roads leading to near and re- mote centres of trade ; and Town roads laid out so that every family had " a way to mill and meeting." But the settlers had some causes of worry and irritation, and some burdens to bear, a part of which were incident to a new plantation ; and a part grew out of their peculiar circumstances. Two of these peculiar drawbacks will now be considered in detail. Land Grants to Public Men. — It will be remembered that the General Court's Committee in their Report of June, 1733, say : "We find the place much discommoded by Farms claimed by Par- THE ELBOW TRACT — A PLANTATIO^^, 172G-1752. 90 ticnlar Grants from this Court, which have taken up the best of the Land.'' Hobart's Farm. — In the Mass. Colony Records, Vol. IV, Part II, p. .31, under date August 1, lOGl, is the record : " This Court have Granted to Mr. Peter Hubberd [Hobart] pastor of Hingham, three Hundred acres of Land for a Farme where it may be had, not p'^judiciall to any plantation." This public grant of land was in accordance with the policy of the time, to do honor to men of dis- tinction in the ministry and civil and military life, and add to their means of support. Mr. Hobart [he wrote his name Hubljerd in England] was the influential pastor of an influential church in the Colony, and the father of seventeen children. The Farm was not located and laid out in his day, nor in his son's day ; but the grant held good, and 71 years later was laid out to a grandson. In Gen- eral Court, July 1, 1732, '''a petition of John Hobart of Xcav Lon- don, Conn., only son of Joshua Hobart late of Southold, on Long Island, deceased, grandson of Peter Hobart of Hingham, deceased, praying liberty to lay out a Grant of 300 acres of Land, made to his said grandfather in the year 1661 by the General Court, the same be- ing devised to his father Joshua — The said Land not being yet taken up and confirmed : Eead and Ordered y* the prayer of the petition be granted, and the petitioner is allowed by a surveyor and chair- men under oath, to lay out 300 acres of y® Unappropriated Lands of this Province to satisfy the grant, and to return a Plat to this Court within six months for confirmation." The survey was made by Benjamin Flagg, and the Plat returned to the Court Nov. 16, 1732 — "Lying partly between a Farm of Mr. John Read, and a Farm lately laid out to Samuel Partridge, Esq., near and adjoining to a place called Podaquoduck."* The reason for locating the Grant on the Elbow Tract was because available unappropriated Land was found here, and public attention was just now drawn hither, which would give the land a marketable value. It might just as well have been located on country Land any where else. The northwest corner of the Grant is a short distance west of Hazel Snow's house, and from there the bounds ran east by the town line of Ware to the farm of Solomon and Luman Brown. Except 20 acres sold for taxes, the land was bought in 17-15 by Matthew Brown. The HoJUngsiiwrth Grant. "Jan. 6, 1673-4. In ans' to the petition of Richard Hollingsworth the Court judgeth it meet to grant the petitioner five hundred acres of land where he can find it Ancient Plans, Vol. II, p. 215. KHI HISTORY OF PALMEll. free from any former grant." * In his petition, Eichard Hollings- worth of Salem says: " Yonr humble petitioner's ffather came into this country about forty yeares since, and brought a great ifamily with him, and a good estate. And being the first builder of ves- sells, being a ship-carpenter, was a great benefit to this countrey, and as great or greater than any one in the infancie of the countrie of a private man as it is fully knowne, yett gained uot himselfe an estate, but spent his own that he brought, and notwithstanding all his service and the largeness of his family, being twelve in number, he never had more granted him by the countrie but forty one acres of ujiland, and not one acre of meadow, and the land lying soe re- mote from the towne of Salem, it proved little worth to him or his, and none of his children have ever had any thing but have lived by their labour with God's blessing, and your petitioner hath used marefan employment, and through many dangers and with much difiicultie gotten a livelyhood for himselfe and his family, and being brought very low by his loss by the Dutch taking all from him, is constrained to apply himselfe unto yourselves, whom God hath sett as ffathers of this Commonwealth. And doth most humbly beseech you seriously to consider the premises, and if it may stand with your good liking and charitie to grant unto him a competent parcell of land that he may sitt downs upon with his family, viz. his wife and six children, for he would leave the seas had he any competencie of land whereby with his own industry and God's blessing he might mainetaine his family. And he shall take it as a great favour." As stated above, 500 acres was granted him. He did not locate the grant, though it may have given him financial credit. His heirs sold the right to Samuel Prince of Rochester, who in May, 1715, located the grant on the road from Brookfield to Hadley, and procured a survey and plat, made by William Ward, which was confirmed by the General Court, f Prince sold to Thomas Clarke, merchant of Boston, who sold to Jonas Clarke of Boston, who sold April 2, 1729, for 400 pounds, to Jabez Olmstead of Brookfield, who took possession. J The farm lay between Ware river and Eead's 10,000 acres, and took in nearly the whole of what is now Ware Village. This land was included in the Elbow Tract, and was once taxed there, as see ante, pp. 91-2. The C(q)t. John Sheldon (jrant. In the assault on the town of Deerfield by the Indians, Feb. 29, 1704, Ensign John Sheldon's * Mass. Col. Records. Vol. IV, Part II, p. 576. t Council Records, in loc. % Registry of Deeds, Springfield. THE ELBOW TRACT— A PLANTATION, 17:36-1752. 101 w^ife, a baby, his brother-in-law, and his daughter's husband were slain, and four of his children, and his wife's brother and family were taken captive, and with other prisoners, one hundred and eleven in all, were carried to Canada. To learn their fate, and if alive, to secure their redemption, he undertook the then perilous journey to Quebec. He started Dec. 20, 1704, going over the Hoosac mountain to Albany, and thence northward through the wilderness. He learned the whereabouts of most of the living captives, though he was allowed to see but few of them ; and at the end of four months returned with only five of his townsmen. He started on a second journey Jan. 25, 1706, and returned at the end of six months with 44 redeemed captives, including his remaining children. He made a third journey to Canada, and returned with seven captives. All his journeys were made by authority of the Provincial Government, and his expenses paid from the public treasury. In a Petition to the General Court, dated Nov. 18, 1707, he recites : "Whereas I have been a great sufferer in the common calamities that hath befallen us at Deerfield, greatly impareing my estate &. family, so that I have been much unsettled, & the Rather because so many ye neighbours &, of my own were carried away into captivity, occasioning myself to take three journeys to Canada, to obtain and be helpful in their release & re- turning home again, which hath been a very difficult and hazzardous un- dertaking, which I doubt not but this Hon'bl Corte, is very sensible of. Upon the considerations aforesaid, I am emboldened to ask a Gratuity by Granting me a tract, some of the country's Land undisposed of, in or near the County of West Hampshire, in some convinient place where I can find it, to the quantity of 500 acres, or thereabouts, and the Corte shall judge most Meet & Convenient for me, & least prejudicial to any other grant. " Nov. 27, "In consideration of his good services to the Province in several journeys to Canada'' the General Court granted to Capt. John Sheldon 300 acres of unappropriated land. Capt. Sheldon assigned his right to Henry D wight, Esq., of Hatfield ; and a sur- vey and plat of the same was made by Timothy Dwight in 1723. The farm lay east of Pottaquattuck large pond, separated from the pond and meadow by Southgate's Mill Lot. The Ware road from the Old Centre passes through the west part of the lot, and the road over the mountain runs on the east side. A large portion of this 300 acres was unoccupied till 1790, when it was bought bv Deacon Gurdon Sedgwick. The Col Samuel Partridge Grant. In Nov. 1725, the General Court made a Grant of 500 acres to the Hon. Samuel Partridge of Hatfield, his heirs and assigns, to be laid out in the unappropriated 1U2 HISTORY OF I'ALMEK. Lands in the county of Hampshire. A survey and plat of the Grant was made by Benjamin Flagg in 1731, the Farm lying- near and adjoining to Podaquoduck Hill.* Col. P. sold the lot to Josiah Sheldon of Suffield, a land speculator, who held possession, although prior to its actual location, Timothy Buggies, agent of Lamb and Company, had sold the Land to John Nevins, who with his sons had settled and built upon it. [See ante, p. 58] The Land lies mostly on the west side of Pottaqnattuck mountain, the north- west corner bound being the same as that of the Hobart Farm. The west line is a short way west of the road by J. 0. Hamilton's. The south line has never been disturbed, being the north boundary of the Joseph Lee Farm. The east line bears N. 30° E. taking in the heighth of the mountain. Col. Partridge was a man of affairs and influence in the Colony. He was colonel of the Hampshire regiment, judge of Probate, a member of His Majesty's Council, and after the death of Col. John Pynchon in 1703, was the most important man in the western part of the Province. He acted as Prudential Committee to control the laying out the towns of Brookfield, Northfield, etc. In 1720, he received a grant of 150 acres from the Proprietors of Northfield ; and near the same date was granted ICO acres within the township of Brookfield. Being familiar with the country he secured his Grants in the best of the Lands. He did not occupy any of these Farms, but lived and died in Hatfield. The Marsh and Clemens Grant. October 3, 1733. ''The petition . . . showeth, that the subscribers are now dwelling on a tract of unappropriated Lands, bounded south by the Elbows, and partly by Brookfield township, east by Ware river, north by Lambstown and west by the Farm of John Kead, Esq., containing 1-443 acres ; . . . and on s** tract we have lived some of us three years, where we have spent the most of that little substance we have ; . . . it was not the extraordinary quality of the Lands that induced us to go upon it, for a considerable part of it is Ledges of Eocks, so as to render it unprofitable, but what induced us to settle uj^on it was our necessity, our principle dependance for suj)port of our- selves in husbandry, and we had not a foot of land to imploy our- selves and families upon, were exposed to idleness and pinching want ; and being then unsensible how highly the Court resented such a way of settling, and apprehending that the j)rinciple thing insisted on was that there should be no trading or stock jobbing, but an actual settlement and improvement in husbandry by the Grantees themselves, with which we were ready to comply. — Wherefore being * Ancient Plans, \o\. II, p. 193. THE ELBOW TEACT — A PLANTATION, 17^^6-1752. 103 thus unhappily entangled on said Land, we most humbly move that this Great and Hon^' Assembly would condescend to exercise their charity and Pitty toward us in granting us so much land as may be a competency for us to improve for a livelyhood for our- selves and children : We have no Tho't of any other but with sub- mission to spend the remainder of our Lives and substances on the spot, are content and ready to submit to any injunctions or limita- tions Avithin our reach this Hon''^ Court shall think meet to lay upon us, John Clemens, Thomas Marsh, William Clemens, Jonathan Rood, Judah Marsh." The prayer was not granted at this time ; but in Jan., 1737, on a revival of the petition, the plat was accej)ted and the lands con- firmed to the petitioners, ''provided each of the Grantees do within five years from date have six acres brought to English grass, or broken up by plowing, and each of them have a good dwelling- house thereon, of 18 feet square and 7 feet stud at the least, and each a family dwelling therein : . . . and that the Grantees do within 12 months pay to the Province Treasury, five pounds each." This grant appears to have been included in the bounds of the Elbow Tract as defined by the General Court's Committee. Grants of one hundred acres each were made and laid out by the Proprietors to Ebenezer Burrill, Esq., Col. John Alden and Mr. Samuel Bradford, the General Court's Committee for viewing and determining the Grants of the Elbow Tract. These lots lay in the Nor'west and North part of the " North-End Addition." Besides these special Grants, there was the Ministry Lot of 100 acres, and the School Lot of 100 acres, which were not taxable, for current charges. As before stated, these "Particular Grants" covered the choicest lands ; they were not, like the unappropriated Land, open to settle- ment (except on purchase), and they were not taxable for current plantation charges (except by special act). And so, in the first starting of the settlement here, they proved a hindrance and cause of friction and weakness. But the heavy burden which weighted down the first Grantees of the Elbow Tract, and blocked the wheels of enterprise and took the heart out of the people was The Five Hukdked Pounds Debt. — By referring to the Act of 1733, establishing the Elbow Plantation, it is seen that a condi- tion of the grant and confirmation of homesteads to the petitioners (and a sort of penalty for their "presumptuous settlement" on 104: HISTORY OF I'ALMER. province land without authority) was ''that the}' do pay into the Publick Treasury of the Province the sum of Five Hundred Pounds, within two years.'' This sum might have been raised, if it had been the sum total of their indebtedness and immediate obliga- tion. But the Act of Incorporation further required that the set- tlers shall forthwith raise, by taxation on their estates, the sum of 67 pounds, 11 shillings and 9 pence to meet the charge and expense of the Committee, and such additional amounts as may be needed to pay all past charges to the support of the Ministry and other necessary public expenses that have arisen or shall be allowed and agreed uj^on by said proprietors, as the settlement of a Minister and building a Meeting-House. These ''past charges" and the "neces- sary publick charges " to be provided for in the first year amounted to the sum of 771 pounds and 2 pence, making a grand total, including the 500 pounds, of 1,271 pounds and 2 pence. The peo- ple forthwith laid an assessment to meet the 771 pounds 2 pence, and it appears to have been paid with promptness. The other load they did not attempt to lift. May 20, 1735. The Grantees "voted, that a humble j^etitiou be prepared and preferred to the General Court, showing our pressing difficulties and great Hardships ; and Praying that the 500 pounds enjoined by the Act of the Court as the condition of our Grant, to be paid into the Province Treasury next month, may be abated or taken off. " Voted, That in case our said petition should not be granted, that he [our agent] then prefer a petition, that the time of payment of the said sum may be protracted two years longer." The next year they chose a committee, viz., Steward Southgate, Samuel Shaw, David Spear and John Thomson, "to apply to the Hon. John Stoddard and Eben' Pomeroy, Esq, and as many other members of the General Court belonging to this County as may conveniently be gott together, And lay before them y® State & Condition of this Settlement with respect to y® 500 Pounds Injoined on us by y^ Gen" Court, And to take their Advice what steps or methods we shall proceed in for Eeliefe.in the case." As a result, two years' extension of time was granted for the assessment and col- lection of the tax. The two years' extension expired, but the tax was not levied. And in December, 1739, the General Court ordered the appoint- ment of three disinterested men,* who should forthwith proceed to assess and levy the sum of 500 pounds on the original Grantees or their assigns, and make out a warrant according to law and commit * The men were Col. Joseph Dwight of Brookfield, Major Pomeroy of Northampton and Col. Wm. Pynchon of Springfield. THE ELBOW TRACT — A PLANTATION, 172G-1752. 105 the same to collectors, also appointed by the Court, with power to issue warrants of distress on delinquents, the whole business to be closed up before the last Wednesday in May, 1741. The rest of the story is told in the following official documents :* To His Excellency W°i Shirley Esq. etc. The Humble Petition of the Proprietors and Inhabitants of the Elbow Plantation in the County of Hampshire Most humbly sheweth That the sum of 500 pounds, old tenor, Injoined as a condition in y6 Grant of y^ Lands in s* Plantation by this Hon''^ Court in the year 1733 ; And afterwards in the year 1739, the said sum, by a Committee appointed & impowered by the Court, was assessed, and the assessments committed to collectors with warrants to collect the same, and time pre- fixed for payment thereof into the Province Treasury : The which time through the clemency and forbearance of this Hon^i Court has been ex- tended, and again for some time past expired : Until at length execution from y6 Province Treasurer is issued upon the collectors who are now daily exposed to imprisonment for y® said sum, which is yet unsettled ; occa- sioned partly from a rumour that the said sum in that way would not be exacted, since this Hon^'i Court was pleased (Unexpectedly) y^ last year to set ye sum of twenty pounds lawful money on this little poor Infant Plan- tation to ye Province Tax : And partly thro' the poverty of many of the Inhabitants who could not pay their proportions of said sum without being run into distressing circumstances : But chiefly thro' the great difiiculty and (in some cases) wholly impraeticableness of collecting the same ac- cording to y® directions of y^ warrant, for instance, the then residents who were assessed and their names in the List, upon neglect or refusal of payment were to be distressed by their goods or chattells, but in the two or three times of forbearance which this Hon^i Court in great clemency allowed, several who were then Residents have alienated their lands and gone off and have left nothing whereon to levy distress : And some who are yet Residents have conveyed away and alienated their chattels : And some others thro' extreme poverty have not wherewith that may be dis- tressed to satisfy y^ sums set on them : — And several of the Non-residents who were assessed and by y® s<^ warrant were to have their lands seized and sold upon neglect, etc., have in the s'^ interim of forbearance sold ye whole of their lands to others whose names are not on the List, and their lands not liable to be seized by virtue of s"^ warrant. Nor no way left whereby y® s*^ collectors in ye s"^ cases can recover ye sums assessed for which they daily stand exposed to imprisonment, t Wherefore y^ Petitioners humbly pray yo^ Excellency & Honours to grant such relief in ye premises as in yo"^ great wisdom & goodness shall * Massachusetts State Archives, cxv, i66. t By law, collectors of taxes were then held responsible for the full amount of all tax bills com- mitted to them for collection ; and were liable to imprisonment m the County jail for neglect to pay to the treasurer the full sum assessed, at the time appointed, unless they could secure a vote of abate- ment from the town or state. 106 HISTORY OF PALMER. seem meet — Humbly suggesting that if it might please yo'" Exc^ & Hon" to extend y"' charity & goodness to a poor small plantation, and wholly to Remitt y® s^ sum : Or to abate or lessen it : Or divide it and annex part of it annually to °^ Province Tax : Or however other way. in submission to y'^ great wisdom & goodness. — Furthermore, yo' Peti's Humbly Sheweth That y^ sums set by this Hon^^ Court on this poor Plantation for ye year past and the present year to ye Province Tax, will be very hard and grievous and wholly unsupportable, if ye aforesaid 500 pounds be exacted, being but a poor people and a small mean tract of land at first ; and near a third part thereof by order of this Court since taken off from us and annexed to Western : So that our pro- portion to the Province Tax seems double to what is laid on y® Towns about us, comparing numbers and estates : And moreover the assessing and col- lecting thereof by ye stated rules as in ye Treasurer's Warrant emitted seems wholly unpracticable under our present circumstances : for not being Invested with either Town or Precinct privileges, have therefore no such officers as those Warrants are directed and refer to. Wherefore y°^ Petiti's Humbly Pray Y^r Excel? & Hon's to remitt those sums and grant Liberty to Bring in a Bill for creating the s^^ Plantation into a Township with powers and privileges to raise & assess the Province Tax. And other Rates and Taxes for ye future, as other Towns in this Province in joy. And yor Pet's as in duty bound shall every pray etc. Samuel Shaw In the name & behalf of the Elbow Proprietors. " In the House of Representatives, Sept. 15. 1743. Read, and in ans' hereto Ordered, That the Warrant mentioned be so far stayed as that they be obliged to pay only one quarter part thereof forthwith, and the other three quarters in three equal pay- ments, viz. in the years 1744, 1745 and 1746. And that a Com- mittee, chosen by s"^ Plantation, or the major part thereof, shall proceed in the sale of any delinquent Proprietor's lands within the whole of that Tract which was granted by this Court to the Peti- tioners and y"^ associates for payment of his proportion of s*^ sum, after notifying the sale in the Boston Gazette, twenty days before the same be made. Also Voted, that the Petitioners be allowed to bring in a Bill for creating s** Plantation into a township. Sent up for concurrence T. CusHixG. Spkr. In Council, Sept. 15, 1743. Read and concurred J. AA^illard, Sect. Consented to AV. Shirley.'* A meeting of the Proprietors and Grantees was held Oct. 5, 1743, at which 7 pounds 15 shillings, old tenor, was granted to Samuel Shaw for his services at Boston ; and Samuel Shaw, Isaac j\Iagoon THE ELBOW TEACT — A PLANTATION, 1726-1752. 107 and Barnard McNitt were appointed a committee to sell delinquent proprietor's land, according to the order of the General Court. The proportional assessments were made in '44, '45 and '46, and paid in part. Then, from time to time, follow the record of the sale at vendue of 15 acres, and 10 acres, as the case may be, of the Home Lots for non-payment of the owners' just proportion of the 500 pounds tax. And thus, by voluntary payments or enforced collec- tion, the debt was eventually discharged. Proprietors of Common and Undivided Lands. — The reader of our records has observed that the title under which all meetings for the transaction of regular Plantation business were warned and held was "^The Proprietors and Grantees of the Elbow Tract." A careful study shows that the two terms are not equiva- lents, or parts of a single body, but represent a partnership, in which two distinct bodies, each with specified and well-defined rights and obligations, unite to act for a common purpose. And the two, thus united and acting as one, constituted the corporation or body politic. The "■ Proprietors" were the forty-eight persons who had bought their Home Lots of the Messrs. Lamb and Company, and which lots were respectively ^'ratified and confirmed to them, their heirs and assigns" by the Act of the General Court. The "Grantees" were the thirty-one persons who had taken ujd lands and settled, without asking leave of anybody. And the grant of Home lots to this class was in the nature of a limited gratuity or consideration for '"^ im- provements " made, and they had no rights of estate in the Elbow Tract outside of these granted lots, except by purchase. As in all partnerships, there was diversity and mutuality of inter- ests, and possible antagonisms. The powers and duties and liabili- ties of each partner were defined in the Act of Incorporation, as were also the functions of the firm. The two were equally liable for past debts and for the necessary charge of building a meeting- house and the support of a minister, '^ each man to pay his equal part or proportion of said sums, according to y® quantity of his first Allotment." And his vote counted one in the choice of officers and in all orders and assessments for ordinary plantation charges. And the estates of each inhabitant and qualified voter on which taxes were to be levied were defined in the Act, viz. , the Home Lots, as "confirmed," or "granted" by the General Court's Committee. But here the equality ended. The "Grantees" could acquire additional land and rights in the Tract only by purchase. While the "Proprietors" (except John King, Jun., Benjamin Kilburn 108 HISTORY OF PALMEK. and Peter Backus) tlieir heirs and assigns were " Intitled to after Rights and Divisions "of kinds, i. e. in what remained after the eighty Home lots had been surveyed and laid out. This important advantage was however in part offset by the condition that "all persons who are entitled to draw after Eights & Divisions shall pay a double proportion to all publick charges that shall arise in the future." The special section in the Act of incorporation provided that the forty-eight (forty-six) settlers first named, "be impowered at a Meet- ing called according to Law, to act as Proprietors, and to make such necessary rules and'^orders for the Regulating the Settlement : To chuse a committee to lay out necessary roads and highways, be- fore any further surveys are made, or any already made are recorded : To lay out a Hundred acre Lot for the first ordained Minister, a Hundred acre Lot for the Ministry, and another for a School ; and to fill up the complement of any granted Lot that cant be laid out in the place and form originally assigned." This exclusive power and duty rendered necessary a distinct organization of "The Pro- prietors," practically coeval in time with the organization of the Plantation. Hence we find "A Meeting of the Inhabitants or Grantees, (in another place officially styled ' The Proprietors and Grantees') of the Elbow Tract," warned and held on the 7th day of August, 1733 ; and " A Meeting of The Prop7'ietors of the Com- mon and Undivided Lands within the Elbow Tract," warned and held on the 24th day of September, 1733, each called by Wm. Pyn- chon, Esq., justice of the peace. Each organization had its own sworn clerk, and kept its own Records. These two sets of Records are extant. And they show signs, in their earlier pages, of some confusion of ideas as to the exact limits of their several and sepa- rate powers and duties, which gradually became adjusted by expe- rience. The Records also disclose the fact that the " Grantees of single lots only" felt "aggrieved" and made "complaints" of the unequal terms and restrictions under which they were placed, at the very outset ; and that a committee was appointed " to consider the case, and make Report what methods may be proper for the said Projjrictors to take to Relieve their case." The report, if made, is not preserved, a thing to be much regretted, as it would throw light on one of the most intricate problems in our early history. See Introduction to Chapter IV. At the first meeting of the " Proprietors," Sept. 24, 1733, Steward Southgate was chosen clerk (he was also clerk of the Plan- tation) and took the oath of oftice before Esq. Pyuchon. It was Voted, THE ELBOAV TRACT — A PLANTATION, 1726-1752. 109 "That Ebenezer Mirick, Steward Southgate and Barnard McNitt be a com- mittee to inspect and take care of the wood, timber and Pine, standing, lying or growing on the Common Lands. And that they or any two of them be fully impowered in the name and behalf of the Proprietors to prosecute any Trespassers thereon. And that they be also impowered to take care of the Meadows in Common, to lease, order or regulate the Improvement thereof, untill they be Divided ; And to prosecute any actions of Trespass that has or may be made thereon." "For the next seven years, the Proprietors, through their com- mittees and agents, confined their action mainly to taking care of the wood, timber and Pine on the Commons, and preventing ''strip and waste" of the same by "persons having no rights therein " [Grantees of single lots only] ; and to surveying, laying out and filling up the complement of the lots granted by the Gen- eral Court's committee. The work was difficult, and provoked numerous collisions, and engendered many heart-burnings. There were, however, two votes passed, which deserve to be recorded in these annals. 1. • Dee. 20, 1736, Voted, "That if any person or persons, having no right or Interest in the Commons, shall presume to cutt, fall or carry away from off ye same, any sort of trees or Timber, he or they shall be deemed and proceeded against as Trespassers by y® committee appointed to Inspect and take care of the timber of the Commons, or any two of them — Unless the s^ person or persons being Inhabitants and Grantees of Single Lotts in s^ Tract, shall previously obtain leave or lycence from y^ s^ committee, or y® major part of them, for cutting and improveing so much Timber as they shall really stand in need of for their own proper use upon their Home Lotts, and no more. And the s Chainmen. Isaac Merritt, \ Thomas Quinton, Clerk. Xo evidence has been found to show that there was at any time a formal dissolution or termination of the organization of ''The Proprietors of the Common and Undivided Lands." Suvmmry. From these records of Divisions, it appears that the original proprietary grants drew as follows : A Hundred-acre lot in the First Division, 100 acres; in the Second Division, 100 acres; in the Third Division, 25 acres ; in the Fourth Division, 15 acres — in all 240 acres. A Seventy-acre lot drew in all 168 acres. A sixty- acre lot drew in all 144 acres. A Fifty-acre lot drew in all 120 acres. These several draughts, added to the original grant, made the estates of the Proprietors stand, respectively, 340 acres, 238 acres, 204 acres, 170 acres. As far as amount of land is concerned, the farmers of our Plantation and town were "well off." But, in fact, few of the original Proprietors lived to draw land in the last Division. And not many of the heirs of those men held in fee sim- ple all the rights of Draughts together with the first granted Home 114 HISTORY OF PALMER. lots. A very considerable part of the homesteads and the Division lots had passed into the hands of assignees and purchasers, who stood in the place of the original Grantees. BuRYiKG Place. — "The Burying Place layed out May the 12th 1735. Began at an oak bush with a great stone roied against it standing about ten rods southeast of the Meeting House, being the Norwest corner of the Burying Place; thence S. 36° E., 12 rods to stons on the side Hill. Thence E. 36°. N. 13 rods to stone against the little Hollow in Noreast corner. Thence to where we began 13 rods. Laid out by Steward Southgate, Barnard McNitt, Isaac Magoon, Jun., committee." The Old Burying Ground at Palmer Village was set apart by the first comers before our Eecords commence, and the date of its first use is unknown. It is named in 1729. Physician. — Am article in the warrant for a Plantation meet- ing, June 10, 1743, " To se if the Inhabitants will give any Incour- agement for a Doctor to settle in the place." The vote is not recorded. [Doctor John Sherman located in Brimfield in 1721; and had an extensive practice. ] Western.— In 1740, the families living in the east part of the Elbows made a move to be set off, with others of Brimfield and Brookfield, and form a new town. Their main plea was, distance from, and difficulty of reaching the meeting-house for publick worship on the Sabbath. Perhaps the pending quarrel with the minister (Kev. Mr. Harvey), and the burdensome debt, had an in- fluence in starting the movement ; and also an influence with the House of Representatives in their favor. The Elbow plantation sent a remonstrance to the General Court ; and set at work means to counteract their plan. At a plantation meeting, the question was raised, whether they would move the meeting-house, so as better to accommodate the east side people ; and some new roads were laid out to meet their wants. But the General Court readily granted their prayer, and " An Act to incorporate the Town of Western," was passed Jan. IG, 1741-2. They were granted the usual powers and privileges ; and a section provided '' that nothing in this act shall be construed to hinder, alter or prejudice the rights of any person in any of the towns named (Brookfield, Brimfield and Kingstown) in the Common Lands of the same." The slice taken from the Elbows (then often called Kingstown) covered the farms of John Blair, John Patrick, and the heirs of Andrew Bailey, THE ELBOW TEACT — A PLANTATION, 1726-1752. 115 Joseph Chadwick, Abel Curtis, Nathaniel Dewey, Obadiah Cooley, Jun., Joseph Brooks, Jun., Matthew Brown and James McElwain (then m the occupancy of John and David Blair and John Patrick). Ware River Parish. — Early in the spring of 1742, the families living- in the north part of the Elbow Tract, and others in possess- ion of Read's 10,000 acres, the Hollings worth Grant and the Marsh and Clements Grant, in all 33 house holders, sent a petition to the General Court, among other things, reciting: "The Petitioners dwell at a great distance from any place of publick worship, most of them six or seven miles, and therefore cannot enjoy that privilege in their present condition, but as their Hearts are sincerely desirous of the Publick Worship of God, they persuade themselves they shall be able cheerfully to bear the Charge that will attend it. But as some of them belong to the town at the Elbows, some to Brookfield, and the rest of them live on farms of the Province Grants, they cannot properly and lawfully Proceed to erect and maintain the Publick Worship of God among them, without the aid of, this Court, and therefore pray this Hon^^ Court by a suitable Committee of this Court, to inquire into their state and circum- stances, and make them a separate and distinct Township or Parish." The Elbow Plantation strongly opposed the dismemberment of our territory. " The Memorial of sundry of the Proprietors of the Elbow Tract in the County of Hampshire, Sheweth — That whereas we are informed that your Excellency and Honours ap- pointed a committee to view a tract of land lying between Swift River and Brookfield, petitioned for by Thomas Marsh and others ; and that s*^ committee have been upon the spott, to view the same : & understanding that part of s^ Land is in our town bounds : and we having had no Kotiss thereof only bi a few lines sent from s^ com- mittee to the clerk of our town the day before s*^ committee viewed the same ; and so having no opportunity to know how much of s"^ lands petitioned for belongs to our town ; nor to offer our Reasons and objections against said petition : We pray that y'"" Excell^ & Hon""^ would not proceed to act any thing on s*^ Com- mittee's Report concerning the same, until we have had oppor- tunity to offer our reasons to the contrary. Wm Pynchon, David Shaw, Barnard McNitt, John King, Samuel Shaw, James Braken- ridge, John Thomson. Elbows Tract, Oct. y« 30th, 1742. The committee reported Dec. 4, 1742 : "We are of opinion that the petitioners at present are not sufficient in order to erect a town 116 HISTORY OF PALMEK. with privileges, etc. But inasmuch as they live at a very great distance from any place of publick worship, and meet with great difficulty thereby, we are further of opinion that the petitioners living northward of a line run due east from the southeast corner of the land belonging to John Read, Esq. to Western line be freed from all taxes to any other place or town during the pleasure of the Gen- eral Court, So that they may be able to provide preaching among themselves." The Report was accepted, and it was "Ordered that the land within the limits mentioned and the Inhabitants thereon be erected into a Precinct, with powers & privileges such as other Precincts do or ought to enjoy : And they be and hereby are obliged to maintain the publick worship of God among them, in the suj)port of a learned orthodox minister." Passed in concur- rence, and consented to Dec. 7, 1742. This took off several influential families from our Plantation, and crippled in a measure her resources. But it did not affect in any way the rights of proprietors in the Common and Undivided Lauds lying on either side of the dividing line. Dark Days. — Quarrel hefween the People and the Minister. The ordination and settlement of Rev. John Harvey, and provision for his support, have already been narrated in their proper place. And for the four or five years succeeding, the records give evidence of no unusual friction betAveen pastor and people. But in March, 1738, the minister was presented by the grand jury for drunken- ness, and on arraignment plead guilty. After which a strong feel- ing of opposition to Mr. Harvey was developed ; parties took sides ; hard words and hard actions followed, that threatened ruin to the Plantation. It is difficult to give a summary of the doings and undoings of the excited and angry combatants, and mete out equal justice to all parties concerned. And as the sayings and doings of these parties, which comprised practically all the inhabitants, constituted the history of those years, and gave color and spirit to all social and political, as well as religious affairs ; and the quarrel planted seeds that bore abundant fruit in years to come (the records of which cannot be understood without a knowledge of these disagree- able facts) ; it is thought best to let each party speak for itself, by giving verbatim copies of the more important official documents in the case. These papers are found in the titate Archives. Sept. 19, 1739. ''The petition of Steward Southgate and others Humbly Sheweth — That whereas it pleased this Hon''^ Court about six years ago, to grant the lands of the Elbow Planta- THE ELBOW TRACT — A PLANTATION, 1726-1752. 117 tion to your petitioners and others to the number of about 80, In- joining them as a condition of their grant, amongst other things, to build a meeting house and settle a minister within the space of two years then next coming ; and ordered their lands to be taxed (until these conditions should be fulfilled) to defray the charge thereof, and for supporting the Ministry. And in order to fulfill the said condition the said Inhabitants (being the greater part of them People from Ireland) proceeded in y® next year after the said grant to choose and call the Eev. John Harvey, a gentleman from Ireland, to be their Minister ; and altho' in said Plantation at the said time, there was no gathered church, yett they obtained not the advice of any of the Neighbouring ordained Ministers, previous to such their call and choice, according to the Direction of the Law in that case ; But instead thereof Procured three of their own country ministers (of which but one of them belonged to this Province) who being mett in the jDlantation j)roceeded to the ordination of the said gentleman, calling themselves a Presbytery, and pretending to be invested with authority from the Church of Scotland held themselves exempt from any consociation with or accountableness unto the churches of this Province. And altho' almost all the English people of said Plantation were much dissat- isfied with and protested against the choice and call of s^ gentle- man, exhibiting many just and weighty exceptions and allegations against him ; JSTotwithstanding which being overlooked, they the s"^ Pretended Presbytery proceeded to ordain him, not only without y® advice and concurrence of the Neighboring ordained Ministers (as aforesaid) but to their dissatisfaction who were several of them present and jorotested against their jDroceedings, alleging that the said Harvey had not had a fair and impartial trial upon those charges exhibited against him, and particular that of drunkenness. However his ordainers then promised that if ever after he was justly chargeable with that or any other crimes, upon complaint and proof thereof made to them, they would depose him ; Yett, notwithstanding their s*^ promise, after full five years taxing our Lands to the support of s*^ Minister, who had he been ever so well qualified and regularly settled, ought not to have been supported by taxing our Lands above two years, according to y® Order and (we humbly conceive) the intention of this Hon^^ Court.* Yet their depending upon the said promise, complaints were made to the s"^ Presbytery against the s*^ Harvey for repeated instances of the aforesaid crime of drunkenness, and other gross immoralities ; and three months afterwards renewed at their sitting in Boston ; * See atiie, p. go. lis HISTORY OF PALMER. iJut no liearing or trial could be had thereon until] the beginning of June last — Three young ministers, his countrymen (who were not his ordainers but were since ordained) came into y® said Plan- tation and one lay elder with them, who formed themselves into what they called a Presbytery and proceeded to a hearing of some of the complaints exhibited against y^ s^ Harvey ; and after unrea- sonably rejecting y^ most material witnesses, upon frivolous pre- tences of their being disqualified, they drew up and published what they called a final and decisive Judgment. In which, altho' they found and declared him guilty of some of the enormities charged upon him, for which they only slightly rebuked and admon- ished, and so continued him in y^ Ministry. But the aforesaid crime of drunkenness of which he had been found guilty in one of the particular instances by y^ Grand Jury of the County of Hamp- shire, and by them presented to the Court of General Sessions of y® Peace held at Northampton on y® first Tuesday of March 1738, and afterwards convicted thereof by his own voluntary confession before one of the justices of the said Court, of which record was made, and copies thereof produced to y® s"^ Presbytery at y® s* trial ; Yett that notwithstanding they clearly acquitted him of s*^ crime against clear and manifest evidence, dej)osed before a Magistrate, and personally examined by them at the time of trial ; as well as against an authentick record of his own confession of y® fact attested by the Justice that took it and made the record thereof. And further, notwithstanding the aforesaid trial was made by but four single persons, two of them belonging to the town of Worcester (and of none of y® best character), and were all entertained before and at the time of trial by s^ Harvey at his house and by his adherents ; and one of them under accusation of y® same crimes, to have his trial y® next week after by this new acquitted member amongst y® rest. Yett nevertheless, your poor petitioners, under the greatest grounds of dissatisfaction at such partial proceedings, are bound down to y® aforesaid judgment in matters of y® utmost importance to their souls and y^ souls of their children, without any liberty of appeal, review or re-hearing, or any means of relief under heaven, without fleeing and leaving all as in y® case of persecution — Unless by y® goodness & wisdom of this Hon** Court, it may be obtained ; for y® s** Harvey and his ad- herents utterly refuse to join with the aggrieved in calling a Coun- cil of Churches for a re-hearing and more important trial of their complaints; and without his or their concurrence in calling them, or some order from authority they cannot be obtained, or if they should would not be likely to be effectual to our Relief. THE ELBOW TEACT — A PLANTATION, 1726-1752. 119 ''And further, your Petitioners humbly conceive that it was never y® intention of this Court in ordering the Lands in s*^ Planta- tion to be taxed for y® support of the Ministry therein, that such a minister should be supported therewith as should not be settled and otherwise qualified according to y® Laws of this Province ; much less that one wholly disqualified for y^ gospel ministry accord- ing to y® word of God and y® Laws of the Land should be main- tained and supported by y® authority of this Court upon y« estates of such as conscientiously dissent from such a Minister, and thereby are exposed and actually sufi'er many great hardshii^s and difficul- ties. Yett, nevertheless the lands of yo"^ petitioners in s^ Planta- tion by colour of authority from this Court has been constantly taxed for six years together for y® supj^ort and maintenance of the aforesaid minister ; and upon non-payment thereof has been posted and exposed to sale and still liable to y® same for the future, unless redressed by this Court. "The Inhabitants of s"* Plantation not being invested with town Privileges are more immediately under the power, care and Inspec- tion of this Hon^^ Court. Upon whom therefore y' poor petition- ers with greater confidence in y'" wonted Goodness would humbly repose themselves for Eelief and Protection. " The prayer of the Petition therefore is, that y^ Excellency & Honours would be pleased to extend your compassionate Regards to y'^ poor suffering petitioners, and in order to our full and ample Relief, would be pleased to inquire into y® truth and certainty of the complaints and grievances herein represented, either by your- selves, a committee or a council of ministers, or any other way as in y' great wisdom shall seem meet. " And that you would please to order that in the mean time no further taxes shall be laid upon our Lands in s*^ Plantation for the maintainance of the aforesaid minister ; nor that our Lands shall be sold and alienated from us for any such taxes aleady assessed. And that y^ Inhabitants of the aforesaid Plantation may receive from this Hon*^ Court no investi- ture of town privileges untill the aforesaid complaints and griev- ances by order and authority of this Court shall be fully inquired into, and effectually remedied. And y'' Pet" shall ever pray, &c. Steward Southgate Samuel ffrost Thomas Jennings John Moor Joseph "Wright John King Thomas Chapin Samuel Lenox James Shearer John King, Jun. John Shearer Joseph Flemond William Scott Benjamin Parsons 120 HISTOKY OF PALMER. John Applin James Moor Jonathan Chapin James McClelan Thomas ffrost Daniel Fuller Joseph Chaclwick Samuel Kilborn Samuel Dumbleton Ebenezer Mirick Joseph Brooks Noah Cooley Joseph Flemond, Jun. lasac Magoon * Dec. 14, 1739. "The Answer of Several the InhalDitants of the Plantation called the Elbows, to the Petition of Steward South- gate & others. " And y*^ respondents iu behalf of themselves & the far greatei' part of the Church of Christ and the Christian Inhabitants of the place aforesaid answer and say " That in conformity to the Province law the Eev. Mr. John Harvey was chosen and called by a full majority of the Christian Inhabitants of that place in their town meeting, with the advice of three neigboring ordained Ministers ; f and the said Steward South - gate was a principal agent in bringing it to effect. And particu- larly Nov. 28, 1733, he and Samuel Shaw as a committee of Town report what treaty they had with Mr. Harvey, and had him, Mr. Harvey, thereupon chosen their Minister, he having been before recommended to them by the Association of the Ministers of Hamp- shire County, Oct. 9, 1733. " March 20, 1733-4. The Congregation being met, agreed and voted ho should be ordained on the first of June following, as a Presbyterian Minister ; and Mr. Southgate and others there named to send for the neighboring ministers to perform the office. " 1734. Mr. Southgate sent to the Church of Christ in North- ampton, to the Rev. Mr. Stephen Williams of LongmeadoAV Spring- field, to the Eev. Mr. Isaac Chauncey of Hadley, and several others. five of them came whereof the Rev. Mr. Chauncey was one, and by their advice and office he was accordingly ordained at the time designed. So that there remains no objection as to his being or- dained, but national, that it was performed for the most part by pious and orthodox ministers of another nation. "We are very sensible that as the petitioners proceed to shew, Mr. Southgate and some few others have since that ordination set themselves against the Rev. Mr. Harvey, seeking by all possible means to blast his reputation and hinder the effects of his pious labours amongst us, that occasioned those that were of another temper and spirit to subscribe a declaration of their satisfaction in * Mass. State Archives, XII, 65. t See ante, p 86. THE ELBOW TRACT — A PLANTATION, 1726-1752, 121 his life and doctrine as orthodox and becoming a minister, in March, 1737-8, to the number of 51, to present to the Justices of his Majesty's Court of General Sessions of y® Peace in Northampton.* "As to the Council of Ministers or Presbytery in June last, that would not allow Mr. Southgate's wife and mother and sisters to be sworn of stories nine years old. We produce their definitive sen- tence, and submit it to the judgment of this Hon^^ Court, humbly conceiving it must carry in the face of it more weight than all the hard and indecent language of y® petitioners against it ; and fur- ther declare that Mr. Southgate then consented to it and professed a reconciliation with Mr. Harvey in these terms, forgiving hmi all his trespasses as he hoped for forgiveness with God. This truly was his duty, Mr. Harvey having made a publick & penitent confession of his fault, and done every thing that a Christian man and min- ister of y® gospel ought to do. "And 3^et, notwithstanding Mr. Southgate bath by his unwearied diligence in this affair procured 24 (28) subscribers to join with him in his calumnious petition ; some that have before signed to their approbation of him in 1737-8; some that have no interest or es- tate in the place, some that live in other towns, and particularly Thomas Jennings that lives in Willington in Connecticut, and one that hath since recanted it under his hand. •^'Sucli being the truth of the case, y' respondents who have not only the same regard to the welfare of their souls as Mr. Southgate professes to have of his, but also a tender regard to Christian peace, love, and good order, humbly submit themselves to the wise direc- tions of this Hon^^ Court to make us and our learned and pious minister better than we are in all respects : Assuring y^ Excell^ & Hon'^^ that we shall diligently strive to approve ourselves orderly, peaceable and obedient to y® utmost of our ability. Nicholas Blancher Samuel Shaw, Jun. Andrew Farrand James Shaw Nathaniel Wilson John McClenathan Timothy McElwain Samuel Nevins James McMaster Samuel Nevins, Jud. Robert Farrel David Nevins David Blair David Spear Hugh McMaster Seth Shaw James Lament Robert Bratten John Patrick James Breakenridge Robert Hunter James Barry Andrew Rutherford Thomas Little On his indictment and trial for drunkenness, to which he plead "guilty." 122 HISTORY OF PALMEK. John Thomson Samuel Ferguson David Shaw Dunken Quintin James Smith Barnard McNitt Patrick Smith Robert Rogers John McMaster Alexander Tackels Thomas Farrand William Tackels John Blair John Glasford John McMaster Mathew Brown Thomas McClenathan William Sloan Wm McClenathan James Breakenridge, Jun. Samuel Shaw James Lamberton* The above petition and remonstrance were referred to a com- mittee, who reported Dec. 22, 1739, that ''in their opinion the comphiints in the petition of Sonthgate and others are groundless, and therefore the petition ought to be dismist." There are numerous other papers in the State Archives relating to this unhappy affair. But the two ah-eady quoted, show the animus of the controversy, and supply the material facts, as seen from the different standpoints, and interpreted by the parties con- cerned. The largo majority of the voters sustained the minister, and voted to raise 100 pounds to reimburse his friends their expenses in defending him before the General Court. But his pastoral life appears not to have been agreeable to himself, for in the fall of 1744 he notified the people that he should quit work for them in December. In a Warrant for a Plantation meeting held Dec. 17, 1744, was an article, " To chuse a committee to provide a supply for the pulpit, since Mr. Harvey hath fulfilled the time he deter- mined, and hath bidden us provide for ourselves.'' The article was negatived. But the 20 pounds additional to his salary was " continued " for the current year, and 20 pounds old tenor was voted for the supply of his firewood. In 1746 a new scandal arose in which Mr. Harvey was implicated. And this time it was his former friends and supporters that took up the sword against him. It seems that he had escorted Mrs. Agnes Little, the wife of Thomas Little, to and from Boston, and a story got afloat, charging them with unchaste conduct on the journey. The matter was brought before a meeting of the Inhab- itants, and two separate committees were ajDpointed to carry the case before the Presbytery for advice and investigation. It does not appear that the Presbytery took it up. June 11, 1747, Barnard IMcNitt, Seth Shaw and Andrew Entherford were appointed a com- Mass. State Archives, xii. 71. THE ELBOW TRACT — A PLANTATION, 172G-1752. 123 mittee ''with full power in our behalf for the prosecution of that affair conceruing the scandalous reports raised on the Rev. Mr. Hai'vey, that the same may be prosecuted to effect ; and said com- mittee shall have full power to prosecute the s*^ affair either in this County or any other, employing one or more attorneys under them, if need be." Oct. 12, at a legal meeting of the Proprietors & Grantees, the aforesaid committee were instructed 'Ho go onward in the prosecution of y® affair against Mr. Harvey, at the cost and cliarge of the Proprietors and Grantees;" and "100 pounds old tenor was granted to carry on the case against Mr. Harvey." The next entry in the plantation records implies that Mr. Harvey had resigned. Nov. 23, 1747. "Article second. To chuse a man to go after a minister to supply the pulpit, seeing the Eev. Mr. Harvey has given up his right thereto." Capt. Shaw was appointed and instructed to provide a supply for the pulpit till the second Tuesday in March next. Dec. 14, 1747, a legal meeting was warned, "To see if they will call y® Presbytery to get Mr. Harvey dismissed orderly." The records furnish no evidence that the suit against Mr. Har- vey was pressed, and the j^robable inference is, that his resignation virtually ended the affair. The date of his resignation must have been about Nov. 1, 1747. The date of his dismission by the Presbytery is not given ; but be- fore July, 1748, as witnesseth the following "recate :" Kingstown, July the 5, 1748. Recaved from Mr. Barnard McNitt the full of my Reates, Sallery and Wood-reates, during his collection. Ney, the full due to me since my com- ing to the Elbowes, which has been seventeen years past, the Eleventh day of may Last, as witness my hand this fifth of July 1748. Mr. John Harvey. "Witness preasant Samuell Shaw, Juner." After leaving the Elbows, Mr. Harvey resided for a time in Peter- boro', N. H., where no church then existed, but afterwards a Presbyterian church was formed. He then removed to Blaudford, Hampden Co., Mass., which was settled largely by his country- men, where he lived on a farm until his death. Our plantation was without a settled pastor for several years. Rev. Benjamin (?) Lord supplied for a few Sabbaths in the spring of 174S, and was paid four pounds, old tenor, per Sabbath. Rev. James Morton and Rev. Mitchell preached for a few weeks in May and June, 1748. Mr. Mitchell was then living in Litch- field. Rev. Alexander Boyd was then employed as minister and 124 HISTOEY OF PALMER. was i^aid seven i^ounds per Sabbath, "and he to board himself." He appears to have given general satisfaction to the people, and at a meeting of the Proprietors and Grantees Nov. 23, 1748, it was " voted to give Mr. Boyd a call to settle in the work of the ministry here. Voted, as a Settlement 6U0 pounds, old tenor bills. And for salary and wood, voted 400 pounds, old tenor. And Mr. Boyd to find his own fire-wood ; and to pay the s*^ salary to Mr. Boyd every year that he shall continue a minister to this Congregation, agreeable to y® old tenor bills as it is now passing between man and man, and to be raised agreeabl as in manner following, that is to say, Endian Corn at 20 shillings old tenor j^er bushell, rye at 30 shillings per bush., wheat at 40 shillings, and y® salary to rise and fall according to the stated price of grain aforesaid, as it shall rise and fall annually ; together with the use of y^ Ministry Lot ; all which during his ministry in this place, and no longer. Voted James Smith, Eobert Bratton, David Spear, Thomas McClenathan, John Thomson, Wm. Scott, Jun., Benjamin Parsons, Barnard McNitt, Andrew Eutherford to be a committee to manage Mr. Boyd's settling." At another meeting it was voted "to endeavour to have Mr. Boyd settle in the work of the ministry here according to y® Presbyterian Church Government." Mr. Boyd preached some time longer, but declined the call. It was voted in June, 1749, " not to have a committee to supply iis with preaching this sum- mer." Before March, 1751, Eev. Mr. Mitchell had supplied the pulpit again, and Eev. John McKinstrey had preached for a time. And it was "voted that John Glasford shall board the ministers who shall preach for us for six months from this time and rest his horse, for which he shall have two shillings & 8 pence lawful money for each week's board." The annals of the pulpit will be taken up again in the next chapter. The Old Fkench and Indian War, 1744-1749.— The only reference on our Plantation Eecords to military matters during this war is the following article in the Warrant for April, 1751 : " To see how the money is laid out that Capt. Samuel Shaw took of such men as Avas Impressed into his Majesty's service, and did not go but payed their fines, and chusc a committee to see y® money laid out according as y® Proprietors and Grantees shall order." ''Voted not to act on y® article." A probable explanation is found in an order to Col. Pynchon : "Col. Pynchon is ordered to im- press twenty men from his regiment, viz. five for Col. Israel Williams, and fifteen for Col. J. Willard at Fort Dummer." June 24, 1749. THE ELBOW TRACT — A PLANTATIOX, 1726-1752. 125 From papers in the State Archives we learn the names of men engaged in the service who were settlers on our territory. Capt. Jabez Olmstead was in the expedition against Louisbourg in 1745. He commanded the 10th Co. in Col. Samuel Willard's 4th Mass. liegt. Timothy Brown was captivated May 5, 174G, by the Indians on the road between the two Ashuelots (while returning from Bos- ton, where he had been the bearer of important dispatches), carried to Canada, where he was held one year, three mouths and fifteen days.* Among the men posted at Fort Pelham under Capt. Samuel Childs was Samuel Allen of Kingstown, mustered into service May 1, 1748. In Capt. Thomas Buckminster's Co., at Fort Dummer, Aug 6, to Aug. 20, 1748, were Obadiah Cooley, Andrew Cowee, John Blair, Peter Blackmer, James Paterson. List of Early Settlers, Inhabitants and Landholders, 1716-1745. [Tliose marked Proprietors bought of Lamb and Company, 1728-9, whose titles to home-lots were confirmed by the General Court. Those marked Grantees were squatters, whose home-lots were a gratuity from the General Court in 1733. Dates indicate when the name first appears on record.] Allen, Samuel, and wife Mary had daughter Eleanor born April 1, 1740. Ames, Jethro, from Lancaster, proprietor of 50-acre home-lot ; house named 1733. Applin, John, blacksmith, from Watertown ; inhabitant 1733 ; clerk of Proprietors 1743-46. Backus, Peter, proprietor of 100-acre home-lot originally laid out to Benjamin Stebbins ; but without "after rights" in the Commons. Bailey, Andrew, proprietor, 100-acre home-lot confirmed to widow and heirs by Gen. Court 1733. Barry, James, an inhabitant 1739. Bartlett, Benjamin, an inhabitant 1733. Bedortha, Samuel, from Springfield, bought 100 acres of Lamb and Company 1728 ; sold Jan. 25, 1731 to John Combs. Bell, William, 1742, drew 70 acres in the First Division of Commons, on S. Southgate's right. * Mass. State Archives, 73 : 126 HISTORY OF PALMER. Bemon, (Beaman), Joii]«5-, grantee of 100-acre home-lot 1733 ; located earlier, Bethune, Nathaniel, Esq., of Boston, assignee of James McClelan before 1742 ; drew one hundred acres each in the First and Second Division of Commons. Blackmer, John, 174G, drew 63 acres in the Second Division of Commons, on John Paterson's right. Blackmer, Peter, 1743, drew 30 acres in First Division of Commons, on Joseph Brooks' right. Blair, John, from N. of Ireland, admitted an inhabitant Nov. 1734, having bought home-lot of Joseph Brooks, Sen. Blair, David, 1735, and John, drew 50 acres in First Division of Commons, 1742, on William Scott's right. Blancher, (Blanchard), Nicolas, prob. b. Charlestown, bought 1728, a 100-acre home-lot of Lamb and Company ; died 1732 ; the General Court confirmed to the widow a lUO-acre lot in fee simple. Booth, George, assignee of James McEIwain ; grantee of 64- acre home-lot 1733. Boyd, Archibald, from N. of Ireland, bought 1742, a 50-acre lot of John King, at Eood's Den, so called ; drew 50 acres in First Division of Commons, on Ebenezer Mirick's right. Breakenridge, James, a native of Scotland, came from North of Ireland July 1727, proprietor of 100-acre home-lot. Brittain, (Bratten), Egbert, w. Elizabeth; 1743, drew 50 acres in First Division of Commons on Ebenezer Mirick's right. Brooks, John, proprietor of 50-acre home-lot. Brooks, Joseph, jiroprietor, as assignee of David Ingei-sole, of 100-acre home-lot. Brooks, Samuel, proprietor, as assignee of David Ingersole, of 100-acre home-lot. Brooks, Samuel, a petitioner 1732, perhaps identical with last named. Brooks, William, accepted an inhabitant 1733. Brown, James, 1748, drew 100 acres in Second Division of Commons, on right of Joseph Brooks. Brown, Matthew, grantee of 100-acre home-lot 1733. Brown, Thomas, son of Matthew, 1734. Brown, William, son of Matthew (?) 1734. Buckley, William, an inhabitant 1733. Burr, Isaac, on petition Nov. 27, 1729. Camp, Joel, m. Eebecca Blancher, an inhabitant 1748. Chadwick, Joseph, from Watertown ; proprietor of 50-acre home-lot. THE ELBOW TRACT — A PLANTATION, 1726-175'^. 127 Chapin, Jonathan, Jun., from Springfield, proprietor of 100- acre home-lot. Chapin, Thomas, grantee of 70-acre home-lot. Combs, John, assignee of Samuel Bedortha, proprietor of 50-acre home-lot. Combs, Eichard, bought 1728, of Lamb and Company 100 acres, which was laid out 1733 to John King, Jun. CooLET, Noah, bought 1728 of Lamb and Company 100 acres. CooLEY, Obdiah, Sen. and Jun., joint proprietors of 100 acre home-lot, bo't by 0. Jun. of L. and Co. Crawfoot (Crowfoot), Stephen, a 118-acre lot was surveyed and laid out to him before 1738. [Records in loc.'] Crawford, William, grantee of 50-acre home-lot 1733, pitched earlier. Cummins, Capt. Jacob, from Killingby, Ct., bought land of S. Southgate in north part of town before 1742. Curtis (Curtice), Abel, proprietor of 50-acre home-lot. CwEE (Cowee), Andrew, 1745, settled on James McElwain's right ; drew 50 acres in second Division of Commons. Davis, Samuel, 1741, drew 60 acres in second Division of Com- mons on right of Nathaniel Dewey. Derby, Samuel, rated in Minister Tax, 1734. Dewey, Nathaniel, proprietor of 60-acre home-lot. Dickinson, Benjamin, an inhabitant, 1733. Doolittle, Samuel, from Wallingford, Ct., (?) proprietor of 100-acre home-lot. Doonlap, Robert, from N. of Ireland 1718, grantee of 70-acre home-lot 1733 ; had pitched earlier. Dorchester, James, from Springfield, proprietor of 100-acre home-lot. In 1732 his house was the place of public worship one- half the time. Dorchester, James, Jun., proprietor of 70-acre home-lot. Dorchester, John, bought 1728, 100 acres of Lamb and Com- pany, which was granted 1733 to Robert and David Nivins. Dorchester, Joseph, bought 1728, 100 acres of Lamb and Company, which was granted 1733 to John Moor. Dumbleton, Samuel, an inhabitant 1739. English, James, drew 1742, 100 acres in First Division of Com- mons, on Thomas Jennings' right. EwiNG, Alexander, before 1741, bought 50 acres of John Hen- derson ; drew 100 acres in First Division of Commons on Barnard McNitt's right. Farrall (Ferrell), Robert, proprietor of 100-acre home-lot. 128 HISTORY OF PALMER. Farrand, Andrew, bought GO acres of Lamb and Company 1728, which he assigned to John Paterson : grantee of 100-acre home-lot 1733. Farrand, Thomas, bouglit 100 acres of Lamb and Company, which he assigned to Duncan Quinton. Ferguson', Samuel, an inliabitant 1737. Flamont (Flemming), Joseph, from N. of Irehmd 1718 : grantee of 100-acre home-lot 1733. Frost, Samuel, from Billerica or Springfield, pitched as early as 1725 ; proprietor of 100-acre home-lot. Fuller, Daniel, proprietor of 100-acre home-lot. Gardner, Humphrey, grantee of 100-acre home-lot. Gerish, Joseph, a petitioner 1732. Glasford, John, Sen., had a house and lot on Ware river 1741. Glasford, John, Juu., in 1741, drew 67 acres in First Division of Commons, on S. Southgate's right. Glasford, Paul, son of John, Sen., bo't a farm in 1734. Graves, Daniel, from Springfield, located early on the Brim- field Addition. Green, Joseph, merchant of Boston, drew 100 acres in First Division of Commons, 1740 on James McElwain's right. Hall, Elisha, and Thomas Farrand, joint proprietors of a 100- acre home-lot. Harmon, Thomas, in company with Robert Farrall built a grist- mill in 1735 or '36. Harper, Robert, an inhabitant 1732. Harvey, Rev. John, from N. of Ireland, first settled minister ; grantee of 100-acre home-lot. Hains (Haynes), Daniel, wife Anna (Hannah) had children born 1730 and 1732. Henderson, John, grantee of a 100-acre home-lot 1733. Henderson, James, brother of John, owned a 50-acre lot ad- joining his brother. HiGGiNS, Samuel, and wife Martha had son John born Ai)ril 4, 1739, at Dean's Farm. Hill, Thomas, grantee of 50-acre home-lot 1733, had built a house. Hollo way, William, in 1742 drew 100 acres in First Division of Commons on right of Joseph Brooks, Jun., and 100 acres in Second Division. Hunter, Robert, bought about 1738, the Southgate saw-mill lot of 70 acres. THE ELBOW TRACT — A PLAXTATION, 1720-1752. 129 Ij^gersole, David, was an inhabitant 1727, boiiglit in 1728 100 acres of Lamb and Company, which he assigned to Joseph Brooks, to whom it was confirmed in 1733 ; was taxed 1733. Jennings, Thomas, proprietor in 1733, assignee of Thomas Sweetman, who bought 1728 100 acres of Lamb and Company, con- firmed to T. J. KiLBURN, Benjamin, bought 1728 of Lamb & Co. a 100-acre lot which was confirmed to him by the General Court in 1733 "without after Eights." In 1739 the lot was laid out to John McMaster. KiLBURN, Daniel, owned 100 acres near the Old Centre. KiLBURN, John, settled before 1726 ; proprietor of 100-acre home-lot. KiLBURN, Samuel, son of John ; grantee of 100-acre home-lot 1733. KiLLUM, Daniel, bought 100 acres of Lamb and Company, which was laid out in 1729, but not recorded ; grantee of 50-acre home-lot 1733. King, John, Sen., the first settler 1716 ; proprietor of 100-acre home-lot on King's brook. King, John, Jun., 100 acres, the Tamar spring lot, originally laid out to Eichard Combs, was confirmed to him by the General Court ''without after Eights." Lamberton, James, from Londonderry, X. IL, 1727, grantee of lOo-acre home-lot 1733. Lamont (Lemmon), James, from N. of Ireland 1718; grantee of 50-acre home-lot 1733. Lamont, James, Jun., and Samuel, early settlers. Lenox, Samuel, wife Jean, had children born 1734—39. Little, Thomas, petitioner 1732, grantee of 100-acre home-lot 1733. McClelan, James, proprietor of 100-acre home-lot. McClenathan, Thomas, grantee of 100-acre home-lot 1733. McClenathan, William, grantee of 100-acre home-lot 1733. McElwain, James, Sen., bought 1728 of Lamb and Company, 100 acres at junction of Ware and Swift rivers, which he sold 1729 to Green and Walker, merchants of Boston ; died soon ; wife Elenor. McElwain, James, Jun., petitioner 1732 ; proprietor of 100- acre home-lot. McElwain, Timothv, son of James, Sen., proprietor of 100- acre home-lot. McKee, Andrew, petitioner 1732, proprietor of 100-acre home-lot. 130 HISTORY OF PALMER. McMaster, Hugh, Oct. 15, 1741, a 50-acre home-lot was laid out to him ou Chickobe river, originally granted to John Brooks. McMaster, John-, Jun., in 1739, a home-lot of 100 acres was laid out to him, originally granted to Benjamin Kilburn. McMaster, John and James, in 1740 drew 100 acres in First Dirision of Commons, on James Dorchester, Sen's right. McMiGHiLL (Mihill, Michill), William, son-in-law of Robert Smith. McNiTT, Alexander, b. N. of Ireland, County Donegal, came over with his son, d. Feb. 10, 1746, aged 90 ; wife Sarah died May 10, 1744, aged 84. McjSTitt (McNight), Barnard, son of Alexander, petitioner 1732, proprietor of 100-acre home-lot. McQuiSTON, James, proprietor of 70-acre home-lot. Magoon" (McCune), Isaac, from N. of Ireland, petitioner 1732, grantee of 100-acre home-lot, 1733. Magoon", Isaac, Jun., petitioner 1732, proprietor of 100-acre home-lot. Miller, John, rated in Minister tax 1734. MiRiCK, Ebenezer, from Springfield, son of Thomas, assignee of James Dorchester, proprietor of 100-acre home-lot. His house was a place of public meetings. Moor, James, from N. of Ireland 1718, grantee of 100-acre home-lot 1733. Moor, John, from N. of Ireland 1718, proprietor of 100-acre home-lot. His house was a place of public meetings. Nelson (Nilson), Aaron, petitioner 1732. Nelson, William, "his hay stack'' is named 1735. Neyins (Nivins), John, in 1728 bought 100 acres of Lamb and Company. See his petition, ante p. 58. Nevins, David, petitioner 1732. Nevins, Egbert, petitioner 1732. The two were joint gran- tees of the 100-acre home-lot laid out to John Dorchester. Nevins, Samuel, petitioner 1732. Grantee of a 100-acre home- lot 1733. Olds, Moses, in 172S bought 07 acres of Lamb and Com- pany, which was granted to Steward Southgate for a grist mill lot. Olmstead, Capt. Jabez, from Brookficld, bought Apr. 2, 1729, the Hollingsworth Grant, 500 acres. Olmstead, Jeremiah, son of Capt. Jabez, grantee of 100-acre home-lot 1733. Orcott, or Olcott, Joseph, rated in ^Minister Tax 1733-34. THE ELBOW TKACT — A PLANTATIOX, 1726-1752. 131 Parker, John", taxed in 1733. Parsoists, Aa-ron, petitioner 1732. Parsons, Benjamin"^ from Springfield, connected with James Dorchester, proprietor of 100-acre home-lot. Parsons, Daniel, j)etitioner 1732. Parsons, Joshua, son of Benjamin, 1733. Paterson, John, from N. of Ireland 1718, assignee of Andrew Farrand, proprietor of 60-acre home-lot. Paterson, William, brother of John, grantee of 50-acre home- lot 1733. Patrick, John, admitted an inhabitant Nov. 1734, bought the farm of Joseph Brooks, Sen. Peebles, (Pibles) John, m. Nov. 1740, Dorothy Harvey, daughter of Kev John ; had children born till 1748. Post, John, in 1741 drew 100 acres in Second Division of Com- mons on Samuel Doolittle's right. Ptnchon, Col. John's heirs draw 100 acres each in the First and Second Division of Commons, on John Kilburn's right. QuiNTON (Quintin), Duncan, petitioner 1732, assignee of Thomas Farrand, proprietor of 100-acre home-lot. Eogers, Robert, from N. of Ireland 1718, About 1740, bought a farm on Quabaug river. EooD, MiCAH, bought 100 acres of Lamb and Company, which was laid out by their orders May 15, 1729, lying on Qua- baug river. In 1733, the lot was laid out to the wife of Nicholas Blancher. Eutherford, Andrew, petitioner 1732, grantee of 50-acre home- lot, on which he built a house in 1733. Scott, John, son of William, proprietor of 100-acre home-lot. Scott, William, proprietor of 100-acre home-lot. Shaw, Samuel, had built a house before 1732, proprietor of 100- acre home-lot. Shaw, Seth, came to America 1720, and pitched in Brimfield ; removed to the Elbows 1735 or 6, and built the first framed dwelling-house ; it stood on Ware river near the outlet of Potta- quattuck pond ; was taken down by Mr. E. B. Gates at the end of 100 years. Shaw, William, a petitioner 1732, proprietor of 50-acre home- lot. Shearer, James, a petitioner 1732, had large house, where public meetings were held ; grantee of 100-acre home-lot. Shearer, John, son of James, admitted an inhabitant 1734, on Abel Curtis' right. 132 HISTORY OF PALMER. Shearer, William, son of James, bought 100 acres of land, a lot in First Division of Commons. Sloan, William, petitioner 1732, proprietor of 100-acre home- lot. Smith, James, son of Robert, bought part of the Col. Partridge Farm, also the Robert Thomson and the Daniel Fuller farms. Smith, John", son of James, drew 100 acres in First Division of Commons on right of Elisha Hall. Smith, Patrick, son of Rol)ert, a petitioner 1732, grantee of 100-acre home-lot, 1733. Smith, Robert, from N. of Ireland 1718, bought part of the Col. Partridge Farm. SouTHGATE, STEWARD, from Leicester, employed by Lamb and Company as surveyor of their claim, and to lay out lots to pur- chasers; afterwards surveyor to the Pro^^rietors of the Elbows; Proprietors' and Grantees' clerk; proprietor of two 100-acre home-lots, and 70-acre mill-lot. The original grants, and rights in the Commons, amounted to 728 acres. He returned to Leicester in 1744. Spear, David, had built a house l)efore 1732, grantee of 100- acre home-lot, 1733. Stanford, Robert, grantee of 100-aere home-lot 1733, which he assigned to Matthew Brown, Stebbins, Benjamin, bought 1728, 100 acres of Lamb and Company, which was granted by the General Court to Peter Backus in 1733. Probably Stebbins never took possession. Stevens (Stephens), James, a petitioner 1732; had built a house; grantee of 100-acre home-lot 1733. Sweetman, Thomas. In 1728, bought 100 acres of Lamb and Company, which he assigned to Thomas Jennings, to whom it was confirmed. Tackels, Alexander, from N. of Ireland ; petitioner 1732, grantee of 100-acre home-lot 1733. Tackels, Hugh, blacksmith ; an early inhabitant. Tackels, William, an inhabitant 1739. Thomson, John, from N. of Ireland 1718 ; pitched 1725 ; pro- prietor of 100-acre home-lot. Thomson, Robert, from N. of Ireland 1718 ; petitioner 1732 ; grantee of 50-acre home-lot 1733. Tousley, Micah, had built a house on south side of Quabaug river beforei 1723 ; petitioner 1732. VosE, Elijah, brother-in-law of Andrew McKee, petitioner 1732, grantee of 50-acre home-lot. THE ELBOW TRACT — A PLANTATION, 1726-1752. 133 Walker, Isaac, merchant of Boston ; in 1740 drew 100 acres in First Division of Commons, on right of James McElwain. Webber, John, bought farm of Andrew Farrand ; drew 100 acres in Second Division of Commons, in right of John Thomson. Wilson, Nathaniel, an inhabitant 1789. Wright, Joseph, from Springfield, a petitioner 1726, proprietor of 100-acre home-lot. Weight, Joseph, Jun., a petitioner 1732; bo't 100 acres of Lamb & Co. ; proprietor of 72-acre home-lot. CHAPTEE lY. Palmer a Disteict— 1752-1776 : A Town— 177G-1812. INTERNAL CONDITION OF AFFAIRS— TWO CLASSES OF INHABITANTS, AND THE CONSEQUENCES — FIRST MOVEMENT FOR TOWN PRIVILEGES — DRAW- BACKS — SUBSEQUENT EFFORTS — ACT OF INCORPORATION AS A DISTRICT — WHY A DISTRICT RATHER THAN A TOWN— SUPPLEMENTARY ACT— THE NAME PALMER — FIRST DISTRICT MEETING — PREACHING — REV. TIMOTHY SYMES — REV. EBENEZER KNIBLOW — REV. ROBERT BURNS — SESSION RECORDS — SCHOOLS — BRIMFIELD ADDITION — SMALL POX — JUSTICE OP THE PEACE — LAST FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR, 1754-1763 — MUSTER ROLLS — MEETING-HOUSE — SEATING THE MEETING-HOUSE- SUPPORT OF POOR— graves' TAVERN — WAR OF THE RKVOLUTION — FULL RECORDS — MUSTER ROLLS — THE PALMER DECLARATION OF INDEPEN- DENCE, AND ASSUMPTION OF FULL TOWN RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES, WHICH MARK THE YEAR 1770 AS THE TOWN'S BIRTHDAY— AFTER THE WAR — shay's rebellion — LIST OF TAX PAYERS, 1786 — THE HANGING OF SHAW — PLAN OF THE TOWN, 1795 — BURl'ING GROUNDS— NEW MEET- ING-HOUSE-REV. MOSES BALDWIN — TURNPIKES AND STAGES. THE period of our history covered by the last two chapters, was to the settlers a time of bearing burdens, and struggling with difficulties incident to a new plantation in a rough country. And they had to contend with difficulties peculiar to themselves, and imposed by their organic constitution. Some of these drawbacks have already been named. The two classes or parties into which, for reasons of justice and wisdom as the legislature believed, the inhab- itants were divided by the conditions of their land grants, neces- sarily produced inequality and antagonism of rights and social l^osition, whose results of jealousies and discords were radical and far-reaching. And these anomalous conditions of land tenure and taxation,* imposed with our organic law, with their logical se- quences, suggest a lesson in political economy, both interesting and instructive to the philosophical student. The history of none other of our Massachusetts plantations and towns furnishes a more strik- ing example. Then there was an active cause of contention, growing out of the want of homogeneity of the people. The Americans had taken See ante pp. 107- PALMER DISTRICT— 1752-177G : A TOWN— 1776-1813. 135 on their distinguishing features of character, and become a well defined genus. They had large self-esteem and self-trust ; and the necessities of frontier life had developed wariness, courage and clannishness. They were familiar with our customs and laws, and of course were best fitted to fill the more responsible and lucrative offices in the new plantation, liesides, it hajipened that they held twenty-six of the one-hundred-acre Proprietary lots, leaving only thirteen to the Ulster men. And the Scotch immigrants possessed a strong individuality which did not readily assimilate with other nationalities. As one of themselves has said : " They were of ardent temperament, ten- acious of their opinions, and strong in their prejudices — as really and truly Scotch in their habits and tastes and characters as the natives of the ' Land o' Cakes." " This class were hard-working, and frugal in their personal and family life, and had a high ideal of fidelity and frugality in public affairs — as was shown by their frequent votes to '^'^call to account" their treasurers and collectors, and to " turn out " of office a board of assessors, or committees of trust, if there was a shade of suspicion as to their good judgment or honesty. The records show that it was not unusual to hold as many as seven plantation meetings in a year, the main business of at least five of them being to reconsider and undo the work of the others. This jealousy of their rights, and suspicion of other men's mo- tives, and argus-eyed watchfulness, were fostered by the unhappy ecclesiastical contentions that arose, and assumed a race character ; and which proved a two-edged sword in social and political affairs. And all other causes of worriment were aggravated by the 500 pound debt due the Province, that weighted down enterprise and hope. To these might be added the discouragements which attended the outting asunder of their territory, by the organization of the town of Western on the east, and Ware Eiver Parish on the north, which took away some of the finest land and most valuable estates — and thus diminished the taxable property without sensibly diminishing taxes. Perhaps the pluck of our people in holding on to the plantation, under adverse circumstances, is greater matter of surprise than their internal antagonisms. But the day of prosperity was dawning. First Movement for Town Privileges. — It will be remem- bered that the Act of June 1733, provided that when the several 136 HISTORY OF PALMER. conditions of the Grant of a Plantation were fulfilled, the Proprie- tors and Grantees ''be allowed to bring in a bill for erecting and setting themselves off a Township/' But these "conditions" were not promptly fulfilled, and the matter lingered. Indeed, as the records show, the main effort of the settlers for several years, was to secure a modification or rever- sal of these "conditions." The following record of one meeting will serve as a sample of many that were held, between 1?34 and 1749. " At a meeting of the Proprietors and Grantees of the Elbow Tract, held May 12, 1735 : Voted, that Steward Southgate be em- powered as an agent on our behalf to apply to the General Court at their next session, on the publick affairs of this Settlement. Voted, that our said agent shall prepare and present a Bill to the said Court for investing the Inhabitants of this Plantation with the powers & privileges of a Town, with a Petition for the same, and for confirmation of our Lands (if he finds it needful) — repre- senting the Difficulties and inconveniences we labour under in our present circumstances. Voted, that a Humble Petition be prepared and preferred by our said agent to the Great & General Court, and in our name and behalf, showing our pressing Difiiculties & Great Hardships ; and therefore praying that the 500 pounds enjoined by the Act of that Honourable Court, as the condition of our Grant, to be paid into the Province Treasury next month, may be abated and taken off. Voted, that our said agent be directed, in case our said Petition for abating the 500 pounds should not be granted, that then he prepare & prefer a Petition in our name and behalf, praying that the time of payment of the said sum be protracted two years longer." Mr. Southgate succeeded in securing the passage of an Act for granting Town privileges to the Plantation, as appears from the General Court Eecords : " June 25, 1735. The Bill intitled an Act for erecting the Plantation called the Elbows into a Township by the name of . In Council. Read a second time, and passed in concurrence to be engrossed." But he failed to secure a release or abatement of the 500 pound tax, and the whole scheme fell through. Two similar petitions were sent to the General Court in October, 1743, and the petitioners were " allowed to bring in a Bill for erect- ing the said Plantation into a Township." But the 500 pounds tax was still unpaid, and the Bill failed to become a law. July 8, 1746. At a meeting of Proprietors & Grantees, it was " Voted, that Thomas Little be the man that shall go to the General PALMEK A DISTEICT, 1752-1776. 137 Court at Boston in behalf of this town to get this Plantation invested with the privileges of a Township ; but if that petition be flung out, then to put in another petition to get the way of making our Rates more plain." Probably this last clause refers to the unequal rights of Proprietors;, and Grantees, and the power of taxing non-resi- dents. The scheme failed. Sept. 22, 1748. At a meeting of Proprietors and Grantees, Barnard McNitt was chosen to go to the General Court to get the place set off to be a town ; and his instructions were, that he "use all due and proper means, according to the best of his judgment in said affair, with the advice of the members of the Courts as many of them as he can have conference with." He evidently did some good lobbying, and made a favorable impression. And March 9, 1748-9, he was again chosen to go to Boston, "to get this Planta- tion set off to be a town." He presented the following petition : " To His Excellency William Shirley, Esq. The Petition of the Proprietors & Grantees, so called, in a new Planta- tion or Settlement commonly known by the name of The Elbows, in the County of Hampshire Humbly Sheweth That Your Petitioners have fulfilled the orders of the Great & General Court when the land in said Plantation was granted, fifty families having been brought in and fixt there, & a Minister settled ; but recent difficulties arising between the Minister & the People, and there being little prospect of his serviceableness among them, the minister and the people parted, and the people have invited another Minister, who is near settling with them as they hope: But so it is circumstanced with them — May it please yo'^ Excellency & Hon's, that they are likely to be much embarrased in proceeding in this affair, as well as divers others, un- less they can be erected into a Town, or some way made capable of pro- ceeding regularly & legally to do those things which the interest, peace & good order of so considerable a Number of Families as above fifty make requisite. The Land which yo' petit's pray may be included in this Township cor- poration, abutts easterly on the Town of Western so called, and westerly on Brimfield, northwesterly on a Plantation called Cold Spring, northerly on a Tract of Land belonging to the Heirs of John Read, Esq. And yr Pet^s as in duty bound shall ever pray &c In the name & by order of the Inhab^^ above^* Barnard McNitt. Elbows, May 31, 1749. In Council June 12, 1749. Read & Ordered That the prayer of the petition be so far granted as that the s*^ Settlement or New Plantation according to the true bounds 138 HISTOIJY OF PALMER. thereof, and the Inhabitants that are or may be settled thereon, Ije and hereby are erected into a District or Precinct, and vested with such Powers & Privileges as towns by law enjoy, so far as relates to the choice of town ofificers, and for granting money from time to time to defray the charges of said District, setling a min- ister, erecting a Meeting-house, granting & making all needfull Roads & "Ways; and for support of Schools, and other charges; and that Barnard Macnitt the petitioner is hereby impowered to call the first meeting for the choice of proper officers, sometime in the month of July next, to stand till the annual meeting in March next. Sent down for concurrence J. WiLLAED, Secy. In the House of Representatives, June 14, 1749. Read and non-concurred And Ordered, that the s*^ Settlement or new Plantation, accord- ing to the true bounds thereof, be incorporated into a town, and have and enjoy Privileges as other towns by law have & enjoy; and that the Pet"^ have liberty to bring in a bill accordingly. Sent up for concurrence Joseph Dwight, Sp''^ In Council, June 14, 1749. Read & concurred Sam^ Holbrook, Dep. Sec^.* [The Governor did not consent.] The Government of Great Britain was becoming jealous of the Colonies, and especially of the power claimed and exercised by the popular branch of our General Court. And no reason is apparent why the Governor withheld his assent to the above-named Bill, ex- cept that all incorporated towns had the right to send a representa- tive annually to the General Court. In the fall of 1751, David Shaw was chosen agent, went to Bos- ton and succeeded in securing the passage of an Act erecting the Elbows Plantation into a District. Probably the inhabitants were disappointed at not obtaining toion privileges. And at a meeting held Oct. 18, 1752, an article in the warrant was : "To grant to David Shaw so much money as shall be esteemed reasonable satis- faction for his being at y® whole of y^ charges in going to y® Gen- eral Court, and getting s* town set off to be a District, so as he may have a reasonable recompence for his trouble & cost." It was put Mass. State Archives, cxv, 475. PALMER A DISTRICT, 1752-1776. 139 to vote whether David Shaw should have anything for his cost and charges at y® General Court at Boston — Y® house was divided, and it passed in y® Negative." An Act for erecting y^ Plantation called j ® Elbows, into di. District hy the name of Palmer. Whereas it hath been represented to this Court that >e Inhabitants of y« Plantation in the County of Hampshire, cahed The Elbows, labour under Difficulties, by reason of their not being incorporated into a District : — Be it enacted by the Lieut. Governor-, Council and House of Representa- tives Sect. 1, That y^ Plantation aforesaid be, and hereby is erected into a District by y® name of Palmer, bounding as follows : viz. easterly on ye town of Western ; northerly, partly on the plantation called Cold Spring, and partly on Ware River Precinct, called Read's Farm ; southerly and westerly on y^ town of Brimfield ; and that the Inhabitants thereof be and hereby are invested with all y^ powers, privileges and immunities that the Inhabitants of towns within this Province are or by law ought to be invested with : saving only in the choice of a representative ; which, it is represented, said Inhabitants are not at present desirous of. Be it further enacted Sect. 3. That all rates and taxes heretofore assessed or ordered to be assessed, pursuant to the laws and orders of this Court, upon ye Inhabit- ants of said Elbows Plantation, shall be levied, collected and fully com- pleated, agreeable to the laws or orders by which they were assessed. Passed January 30 ; published January 31, 1752. The above Act of Incorporation failed, inadvertently, to provide for calling a meeting of tlie Inhabitants, to organize the District by the choice of the necessary oflticers. And a supplementary Act was passed. " Whereas by an Act made and passed at y® session of tliis Court in January last, y® Plantation called y® Elbows was erected into a sepa- rate District and invested with all the privileges that by law towns in this Province enjoy, that of sending a representative alone ex- cepted : But no provision being made for calling y® first meeting of y® Inhabitants of s*^ new District : therefore Resolved, That John Sherman [of Brimfield], upon application made to him for that purpose by five or more of y® Inhabitants of s** District, in writing under their hands, be and hereby is enabled to issue his warrant to some one of them, requiring him to warn and give no- tice to s"^ Inhabitants that they meet & assemble together at such time & place and for such purpose as shall be mentioned in suc^ application : And s^ Inhabitants so assembled shall have full power to act and vote as effectually as towns in ordinary cases at their 140 HISTORY OF PALMER. meetings ordered by their selectmen according to y* directions of y® law, are impowered to do. Passed in concurrence June 4, 1752. Consented to S. Phipps. Name of the District and Town. In some instances the inhab- itants were allowed to select a name for their proposed town or Precinct : but at this period it was more customary for the legisla- ture to pass the act of incorporation, leaving the name blank, which blank the governor would fill when he affixed his signature. This name was soinetimes determined by local considerations ; but of tener was selected as a mark of special favor to some friend or patron. Our people petitioned to have the place called ^'Kingstown" (a name which they had assumed and used in local records and unoffi- cial documents since Jan. 1741-2), in honor of John King, the earliest settler on the territory. But the governor inserted Palmer, in honor of his relative, Thomas Pahner, Esq., who had recently died in Scotland. The name is not unjoleasant to speak or write, but it has no associations connected with our early annals or topog- raphy. First District Meeting. In pursuance of a warrant issued by John Sherman, Esq., and served by David Shaw, a meeting of the inhabitants of Palmer District was held at the publick meeting- house, on Tuesday June 30, 1752, at 8 o'clk in the forenoon, when the following officers were chosen : moderator, Seth Shaw ; town clerk, David Shaw ; selectmen, Seth Shaw, John Thomson, Thomas McClanathan, John Applin ; assessors, Robert Rogers, William Scott, Jr., John Applin ; constables, John Moor, John King ; treasurer, William Scott, Jr. ; surveyors of roads, John Thomson, William McClenathan ; fence viewers, William Ball, Robert Fer- rell, Jr.; tythingman, Robert Terrell, Jr, Voted, that swine may run at large in y® Commons this present year, well yoked and rung according to law. Voted, to John Murray, 8 shillings, lawful money, for a coj)y of y® General Court's Act : and also 2 shillings to David Shaw for two warrants from a justice of the peace, in order to hold y® first meeting in Palmer District. Voted, Seth Shaw, James Brackenridge, William Scott, Jr., to be a committee to sell y® grass of our ministerial lot this year to y® highest bidder at publick ven- due, the money to be for y® publick use of said town [And after- wards y® s^ committee sold y® s** grass to Dunkin Quinton for 13 pounds old tenor.] Voted, and granted to Seth Shaw and Thomas McClanathan, for boarding Rev. Mr. Boyd, IG shillings lawful money, and since last March, for keeping Ministers, four shillings lawful money more. Voted & granted to Seth Shaw, Jr., for going PALMER A DISTRICT, 1752-1 776. 141 to y® presbytery last August, one pound four shillings lawful money, in consideration of the same. Voted, and confirmed to John Glass- ford, a former grant of 2 pounds 2 shillings & eight pence lawful money. Voted, to John King, Wm. Scott, Jr., and Robert Ferrell, Jr., 8 shillings lawful money, to each of them for being assessors last year. Voted, that all y® money formerly granted but not yet assessed, as appears recorded in y® town book, shall be assessed by y® present assessors in order to be collected. Seth Shaw, moderator. Preaching. — The new District being thus organized, immediate steps were taken to settle a minister. For the four years since the dismission of Mr. Harvey, ecclesiastical affairs had been in a dis- tracted state. Candidates were numerous, and so were the opinions of the people. Rev. Timothy Sym.es. " Ai a meeting of the Inhabitants of Palmer District held on Wednesday, July 29, 1752, it was voted, that Rev. Mr. Timothy Symes be our minister in s*^ place. Voted, to the Rev. Mr. Timothy Symes for his settlement in the work of the ministry in s*^ place 33 .pounds, six shillings & eight pence y® first year, and 33 pounds, six shillings & eight pence the second year of lawful money of this Province, for his settlement ; and also 53 pounds six shillings & eight pence, lawful money of this Prov- ince of yearly salary for the first two years ; and at expiration of y« first two years, then to add to y^ sum, three pounds six shillings & eight pence yearly for a space of four years more, until y® whole of his yearly salary amount to sixty-six pounds fourteen shillings and four pence lawful money of this Province yearly, and then that to be his stated salary during y^ whole of his ministry in this place ; together with the whole of the benefit of the Ministerial Lot, in s^ place — Provided that y® s*^ Mr. Symes will Join himself to our Presbyterian Government of y® Church of Scotland persuasion, and also to be a member of the same Presbytery to which Rev. Mr. John Moorhead of Boston belongs, and also oblige himself to stand by and maintain y® same rules of y® Church of Scotland persua- sion with us in our church in s*^ place, on y® account of y^ above mentioned considerations. And further to the Rev. Mr. Symes his necessary supply of firewood yearly for his further encouragement, provided that he will settle with us as aforesaid. Voted that James Smith, Samuel Stewart, and Benjamin Parsons be a committee to carry a copy of these votes to Mr. Symes, and treat with him about 8** affair in behalf of y® town." The outcome of the movement is indicated by the follo^\ang ex- 142 HISTOKY OF PALMER. tract from the records : " Oct. 18, 1752. Inasmuch as y® J{ev. Mr. Timoth}' Symes has failed of going to our Presbytery in order to join himself with s*^ Presbytery, and be a member of the same, and has also failed of giving y® Inhabitants of s^ place an answer to y® call or encouragement which they gave to him concerning his settling with them in the work of the Ministry, neither has brought any certificate to our Presbytery nor to y® Inhabitants of s*^ place for their acceptance from y® Presbytery whereto he did lately be- long, Therefore it is thought very needful and necessary to chuse some meet person in order to send to our Presbytery at their next sitting for a minister to supply us with preaching, or to endeavor to get one on probation in order to settle with us. Voted, that James Smith go to'y® next Presbytery at Londonderry in order for to get a sujDply of preaching for y® present." Rev. Ehenezer Knihlotu. At the annual meeting March 1, 1753, it was ''voted to grant Robert Bratten 40 shillings lawful money for his going to New London and bringing up Eev. Mr. Ebenezer Kniblow to preach to us in this place. " Mr. Kniblow supplied the pulpit in all fifteen sermons, as appears from the following record: ''At a meeting of y® Inhabitants of this District Legally convened and assembled at y^ Publick Meeting House in s*^ Place, August 23, 1754, y^ Meeting being opened, Andrew Butterfield was chosen moderator to regulate s*^ meeting. On the third article in the warrant, Voted that Eev. Mr. Ebenezer Kniblow be allowed four pounds, sixteen shillings, which is eight shillings lawful money for each Sermon he preached on Sabbath Days in this District, exce2)t three Sermons which we can prove he preached other men's worhs.'^ This was not satisfactory to Mr. K. For a warrant was issued by the selectmen for a District meeting to be held Sept. 9, 1754, "To see if the Inhabitants are willing to allow Mr. Kniblow y^ full of his Demands: and if they are not willing, they will consider what is proper to be done in that affair." The action of the District is not recorded. Rev. Robert Burns. At a District meeting held on Friday, July 20, 1753, it was voted that Seth Shaw go along with Mr. Robert Burns to y® Presbytery which is to sit at Newbury next August, in order to manage in behalf of our town or District in all the affairs that shall be brought under their consideration. And also voted to raise the sum of £3 lawful money in part of their charges in the journey: and also they are to keep and bring in to y® town a true and fair account of y® expenses of y® journey, so as they may be paid the whole of it: or if it is more than what is wanted for their use, PALMER A DISTRICT, V'io2-l'f7(>. 143 tlieu they are to pay back to y® town y^ overplus if any there be." The £3 fell short of actual expenses by £1, 7, 4, which sum was allowed and paid. Sept. 14, 1753. An article in the warrant was, ''To consider whether the District will concur with the call that the congrega- tion has given to the Rev. Mr. Burns." Voted in the affirmative. Also voted to give Mr. Burns as a "settlement" six hundred j)ounds of y® old tenor, being equal to £80 lawful money, as y® money is now stated here at this day & date amongst us: to wit, the first year there is to be paid to him 300 pounds old tenor, and y® second year 300 pounds of y^ old tenor. Also voted to grant Mr. Burns a yearly salary of £53, 6, 8 lawful money, equal to 400 pounds old tenor, so long as he is in the work of the ministry in this place. Seth ShaM-, Thomas McClanathan, James Smith, Barnard McNitt & James Brackenridge were chosen a committee to go & treat with Mr. Burns, and to act and carry on the affair of his settlement. The terms were afterwards modified, so that the whole of the "settlement" money, £80, was paid to Mr. Burns the first year, and the annual salary was to be £60 lawful money. Mr. Burns was from the North of Ireland, though of Scotch parentage. He began preaching as a candidate May 15, 1753. The date of his ordination was probably Nov. 19 of the same year, as the next day a District meeting was held, at which all arrearages were paid, including payment of Mr. B.'s preaching to Sabbath Nov. 15, and including £1, 7, 9 for Rhum & Sugar, presumably used on ordination day. The ministry of Mr. Burns was short and full of trouble. The Session Records hint at one cause of dissatisfaction: "At the quarterly session held June 3, 1756, the Elders then present unani- mously refused to join with or assist Mr. Burns in the administra- tion of the Lord's Supper, unless he would perform ministerial visits, and catechize yearly the several quarters of the Parish; like- wise unless he would preach the Saturday before & the Monday after the Sacrament." The District Records give few particulars relating to him. But it is known that charges of immorality were brought against him, and that he ceased to perform the duties of pastor early in the year 1757. Probably his official relation to the church was severed by act of Presbytery Aug. 23, 1757. The following receipt indi- cates his place of residence at the date : Union, Conn., Oct. 14, 1761. Then received of Elder Samuel Shaw, Jr. , Treasurer of Palmer, the full and just sum of eight pound?, fifteen shillings and five pence, for the Dis- 144 HISTORY OF PALMER. trict of Palmer, being in full of all accounts, debts, dues & demands from the beginning of the world unto the date hereof, as witness my hand. Robert Burns. "Mr. B. afterwards went to Pennsylvania, and spent the rest of his days there upon a farm." Wilson. Preachers ad mterim. Mr. Mitchell supplied the pulj)it four Sabbaths : Mr. Peck supplied four Sabbaths : Mr. Noah Benedict supplied eight Sabbaths. And Mar. 4, 1760, the District voted that Barnard McNitt should go after Mr. Noah Benedict '' to see if he will come again and preach to us, that we may have an ojipor- tunity to give him proper encouragement to settle in the work of the ministry." He declined to be a candidate ; and Mr. Curtis was engaged to supply the pulpit. June 26, 1760, it was voted " to employ Mr. Curtis some time longer in the work of the ministry in order to settlement." Oct. 27, 1760. An article in the Avarrant was, '*To see if the District will wait longer for Mr. Hedge, or send for other supplies, and to act as they shall think most conven- ient, as some have had account of Mr. Baldwin's being a person likely to suit the people." Mr. Baldwin was preferred. The record of his ministry belongs to a later period. The Church. — As stated in a previous chapter [see ante pp. 92-3], no records are found which prove conclusively that a church organization existed in Palmer during Mr. Harvey's ministry. As bearing on the question, it may be said, the records show that no man is styled "Elder" or "Deacon" during this period. And considering the scrupulousness of scribes at that date, to give every person his proper military and ecclesiastical title, such omission goes far to show that no such office had existence in our place. The first official notice of a church in Palmer is under date of March 1, 1753. "Voted, That one of the JEJlders of our Session go to our Presbytery at their next meeting, in order to get a minister sent to us from said Presbytery, either on probation, or else on further trial in order for settlement in the work of the ministry." The " Palmer Session Records" begin Nov. 27, 1753. And from this day forward the titles Elder and Deacon are uniformly and appropriately applied to town and other local officers. The Session Records extend to 1764 ; but are meagre of details having any par- ticular interest. The Elders first chosen appear to have been, Seth Shaw, Samuel Shaw, Sen., David Spear, Sen;, Robert Bratten, Sen., James Smith, and Joshua Shaw. June 4, 1755, Barnard McNitt, AVilliam McCIanathan, Samuel Shaw, Jun., David Spear, Jun., were chosen, and at a later date were " set apart as Elders in PALMER A DISTRICT, 1752-1776. 145 this Parish having first received the charge, and signed the for- mula, which is as follows : We the subscribers, do hereby declare that, besides the Word of God as our only rule, we do sincerely own and believe the whole Doctrine con- tained in the Confession of Faith approven of by the General Assembly of Westminster, and ratified by law in 1690, and frequently confirmed by di- vers acts of Parliament since that time, to be agreeable to the Word of God : and we do own the same to be the confession of our faith. Also we do own the purity of the Presbyterian government & discipline now so happily established in said Confession, which Doctrine, Worship and Gov- ernment we believe are founded on the Word of God and agreeable there- unto. And we do promise that through the grace of God enabling us, we will firmly and constantly adhere to the same ; and to the utmost of our power, will, in our station, maintain and defend the said Doctrine, Wor- ship, Discipline & Church Government as contained in said Confession, by Church Sessions, Presbyteries & Synods ; and that we will in our practice conform ourselves to said worship, & submit to said Discipline & Govern- ment : And we will never, directly or indirectly, endeavor prejudice of said established Doctrine. We promise that we will follow no devisive course from the present established Doctrine contained in said Confession, either by adding thereunto or diminishing from it : We promise to re- nounce all Doctrines, tenets & opinions whatsoever, contrary thereunto, or inconsistent therewith. These things we jointly promise we will adhere to, assert and maintain, as long as we shall be continued in the office of Elders, as the Lord shall enable us." Eev. Mr. Colton, who had access to all public and ofiticial papers extant in 1811, says : "Mr. Baldwin kept no Church Eecords." Schools. — In a strictly chronological order, the establishment of a school, and building school houses, would come in here. But the general importance of the subject, and its vital connection with the whole life of the town, seem to indicate that the matter of schools and education should be treated of in a separate chapter. In this way, a clearer and more definite impression will be secured, and votes and facts will appear in their true relations. For many years succeeding the incorporation of the District, the records are largely filled with the doings relative to roads, bridges, and matters of local concern, which had importance only in their day. 1755. Hampshire ss March 26, 1755. Then Samuel Shaw, Jun., took the oath respecting bills of the neighboring governments, and at the same time took the oath of office for a clerk of Palmer. Coram Josiah Dwight, Just, of Peace. 146 HisTOKY OF palmp:k. "flSarch 38, 1755. The selectmen of Palmer took the oath re- specting bills of the neighboring governments. ^ Samuel Shaw, Juu., Clerk. The oath referred to was a refusal to take for public use, bills of credit issued by the provinces of Rhode Island and Connecticut, which had greatly depreciated, while Massachusetts had provided for the redemption in silver of her bills issued before 1749. Mary Blackwood from Ireland, mother of Mary the wife of David Shaw, died January 18. 1755. in the ninety-ninth year of her age. Brimfield Addition. April 33, 1760, that part of Brimfield lying north of the old Country Eoad, between the Chicopee river at Scott's bridge and Springfield line, was annexed to Palmer. April 35, 1760, the District of Monson was incorporated, bounded northerly by the River, and from Scott's bridge to Springfield line by the old Country Road. This left the Road belonging to neither town, and both towns refused to keep it in repair. April 18, 1761, the General Court passed an Order that as Palmer had received a valuable acquisition in lands and inhabitants, the whole of said Road should belong to Palmer. The intent of this order was plain enough, but the terms were not exi^licit, and it did not determine the liability for the suj)port of the bridge. Committees were appointed by Monson and Palmer, who made an attempt to reconcile differences and decide on a j^lan for keeping the road and bridge in repair. But they failed to agree. A petition was sent to the General Court, asking relief from what was regarded an unjust burden. In the mean time the highway was neglected, and an indictment was found against the District for said neglect. The following extract from the General Court Records explains the situation and outcome of the affair : In tlie House of Representatives— T\iQ House being informed by divers members that the bounds of Brimfield, the Districts of Mon- son and Palmer, in the County of Hampshire, as settled by this Court, is so uncertain that many disputes have arose, and, without the interposition of this Court, many more are like to arise within said town and Districts and their surveyors of highways, respecting the repairing the Great Road leading from Boston to Springfield through part of said Districts, and the two. bridges erected over Chicopee River, one on the easterly side of said Palmer between said Palmer and Brimfield, and the other on the westerly side of said Palmer near William Scott's dwelling house — Therefore for the preventing all such disijutes for the future, and that the said PALMER A DISTRICT, 1752-1776. 147 town and Districts, and the surveyors of highways witliin their limits may fully understand their duty, and that the said Eoad and bridges may be kept from time to time in good repair — Resolved, that the bridge over Chicopee River on the east side of the District of Palmer between Palmer and the town of Brimfield upon said River, be annexed to the town of Brimfield ; and that the town of Brimfield shall keep the same in good repair from time to time as there shall be occasion, and shall be liable to the same pains and penalties of the law respecting the same, as other towns respecting highways are. And that the District of Palmer be alike enjoined to maintain and keep in good repair the other bridge over said River near the dwelling house of William Scott in said Palmer, and the whole of the Country Road from the last mentioned bridge towards the east line of the town of Springfield, until it is full oaie- half the way thither, wheresoever the same shall happen ; and that the remainder of said Road to Springfield line be annexed to the said District of Monson, and the inhabitants thereof be alike en- joined from time to time to keep the same in good repair. In Council Read & Concurred. Consented to by the Governor. February 7, 17G3. SmaU Pox. At a meeting held Mar. 3, 1761, this District voted, that Lieut. Wm. Scott have liberty and the consent of the District, to build a house of his own in the turn of the River north of the County road, and in that part of the District lately taken off from Brimfield, to be a small pox hospital, to be used for inoculation, or make use of the house Daniel Graves now lives in, set it apart for the same purpose, in case liberty be obtained from the said Daniel." Nov. 15, 1763. " Granted to Ens. Samuel Shaw, £2, 5, which sum he paid Andrew Rutherford, on account of Abraham Wil- moth's having the small pox at his house." Justice of the Peace. March 3, 1761. " Voted to choose a com- mittee, viz. Samuel Frost, Timothy McElwain, Barnard McNitt, Robert Rogers, and John King, to petition His Excellency the Governor to commission some person as a Justice of the Peace in this town. Then voted the following instructions to the abovesaid committee : That after due consideration and deUberation, debating the affair, we do find that WilUam Scott, Jun. , is a person most Hkely to be of public service to the society in the commission of the peace : And we do expect that you will as soon as you have opportunity, make application to the Governor in behalf of this town, that a commission of the peace might be procured for Mr. Scott, he being a person of considerable knowledge of the law, and 148 HISTORY OF PALMER. also of a very good character. "We therefore put confidence in you, that you will take every proper measure you can think or imagine necessary ; and so proceed from time to time till you have obtained the same." The Last French and Indian War, 1754-1763. — What is known in history as the Old French and Indian War, was ended by the Treaty of Aix La Chapelle, signed Oct. 1, 1748, and proclaimed in Boston, May 10, 1749. But it proved to be little more than a truce. The Indians, in the interest of the French Government, re- commenced hostilities in May 1754, and threw our colonies into a general state of alarm. Assuming that there could be no lasting peace in her American colonies so long as the French power was dominant on the northern frontiers, Great Britain determined to effect the conquest of Canada. The English government called on the Provinces to furnish their full quotas of men for the great expeditions against Louisbourg, Crown Point, Fort Niagara with its outpost. Fort DuQuesne, and the French possessions on the Eiver St. Lawrence ; these forces were placed under the command of British officers, who were often ignorant of the country, and inexjierienced in frontier service, and Indian tactics ; and in the meantime the intermediate frontiers were left in the main to looJi out for themselves. No greater proof of loyalty to the crown and love of home and country could be given, than the readiness with which the Massachusetts authorities and militia, answered the calls, and met the hard conditions. June 21, 1754, Gov. Shirley issued orders to the commanders of regiments, to make a thorough inspection of the state of the militia, and rejjort to headquarters. The several towns were also required to supply themselves with the full stock of ammunition required by law. Our District records contain no allusion to this war, neither as to military orders, nor as to men and means furnished, nor the casual- ities of the service. Even the lists of the active Militia, and the Alarm men, which all towns were required to make out and send to head-quarters, cannot be found. That our militia was organized according to law ; that requisitions for men to be raised by enlist- ment or draft, were received and promj^tly met, is proved by the State records. It is inferred that all orders and drafts sent to the District authorities were handed to the captains of the militia com- panies, (Capt. John Thomson and Capt. Samuel Shaw); that they executed the orders ; and the returns were placed on file, which files are lost. Probably the orders came through tlie colonel of the regiment to whicli our companies were attached ; and the men re- ported to him for duty. PALMER A DISTRICT, 1752-1776. 149 The following statistics of service of Palmer men (evidently in- complete, but all that were found after a diligent search) are copied from papers and muster-rolls preserved in the State Archives at Boston, 1755. Four military expeditions were planned in the spring of this year : one against the French in Nova Scotia ; a second against Fort DuQuesne ; a third against Crown Point ; and a fourth against Niagara. In Capt. Ebenezer Moulton's Co., Crown Point expedition, in service Sept. 11 to Dec. 25, were the following Palmer men : Sergt. Hugh Tackels "William Fleming Samuel Frost Jonathan King John Lamberton Henry Webber David Bratten Isaac Applin Timothy Farrell Robert McMaster John Hill Josiah Farrall John Millard, aged 19, is credited to Palmer, in the service of 1755. 175G. The plan of the campaign this year embraced the reduc- tion of the forts at Crown Point and Niagara. Massachusetts raised an army of near 7,000 men ; but through the incapacity of Gen. Abercrombie, the British commander, "the summer passed in fruitless labor." In Capt. Tristam Davis' Co., Crown Point expedition, in service Feb. to Dec, 1756, were Sergt. Hugh Tackels, b. Ireland, age 31, blacksmith ; Aaron Nelson, Daniel Allen, William Geary, Samuel Smith, all of Palmer. William Carlyle was impressed April 22, 1756. Benjamin King, son of John King, Sen., enlisted in the spring, and was killed by the Indians at Fort Massachusetts, June 7, 1756. Sylvanus Walker was in Capt. Solomon Keyes' Co., Mar. to Dec. Stephen Blackmer and Simeon Brooks were in service from July 10 to Dec. 31. Samuel Lemmon enlisted this year, and continued in service through '57, '58 and '59. Roll of Minute Men of Col. John Worthington's Regiment. Capt. Samuel Day Corp. John Bliss Lieut. Timothy Bliss Corp. John Sloan Ens. John King Corp. Isaac AppUn Clerk, Samuel "Warner Corp. John Hill Sergt. "William King Drum' Jona. Ely Sergt. Caleb Stebbins Benoni Atchinson Sergt. Francis Brakenridge John Langdon 150 HISTORY OF PALMER. Abner Chapin David Bratten John Hitchcock David Shaw Moses ^yar^iner John Millard Jesse Warner Hugh Smith Benj. Warner, Juu. James McMighill John Jones Nero Mirick Eleazar Bliss William Shaw Benjamin Smith James Moore Thomas McClanathan William Man Martin Waite Joshua McMaster John Lamberton Robert McMaster William Fleming Matthew Spencer David King Twenty-one or twenty-two of these men belonged to Palmer. The nature of the service performed is not stated ; but the account v\^as allowed June 14, 1757. [Archives, xcv. 405.] 1757. This was the eventful year of the war, noted for the dis- astrous campaigns of the combined British and American forces, and remembered and spoken of by our fathers for three generations as the year of " The Great Alarm about the taking of Fort William Henry." The expedition planned against Crown Point and Ticonderoga was popular. Many of the men who were out last year continued in the service, and recruits were easily procured. But by order of Lord Loudon, then commanding in the Provinces, the bulk of the forces were drawn off in an expedition against Louisbourg, which proved a failure. While the main army were at the eastward, only 7,000 men — 4,000 under Gen. Webb at Fort Edward, and 3,000 under Col. Munroe at Fort William Henry — were left for the defence of the northwestern frontiers. At this juncture. Gen. Montcalm gathered a French and Indian army of 11,000 men, and concentrated at Ticonderoga. August 3, with 9,000 of his best troops, including 1,000 Indians, he invested Fort William Henry. For six days Col. Munroe, with an effective force of 2,372 men, held the great army at bay, constantly expect- ing aid from Gen. Webb, then lying only fifteen miles distant. But no help came ; and on Aug. 9, the fort was surrendered. The defence had been so gallant that Col. Munroe was admitted to an honorable capitulation, viz., that his troops should be allowed to march out with the honors of war, retaining their arms, baggage and one field-piece. The articles of capitulation, however, were shamefully broken. The Indians attached to Montcalm's army, without hindrance from the French officers, eommenecxl to plunder PALMER A nrsTRicT, 1752-1776. 151 the more valuable baggage, and then to murder both otticers and men in cold blood. The numbers thus massacred could never be known, but it fell little short of 300. This disaster spread consternation throughout Massachusetts. All the militia rushed to arms, and were quickly on the march "for the relief of the army at Fort Willia'm Henry." The com- panies from the towns near the scene of conflict reached the neigh- borhood of the devastated fort, but too late to be of essential ser- vice. The more distant companies were halted on the march, and reached home at the end of from seven to seventeen days. Apprehending that Montcalm might take advantage of his suc- cess, and make a descent on the defenseless towns of our state, Gov. Pownal issued orders to Sir. William Pepperell at Springfield, dated Boston, August 13, noon — ''If the enemy [Montcalm^s forces of French and Indians] should approach the frontiers, you will order all wagons west of the Connecticut river to have their wheels knocked off, and to drive the said country of all horses, to order all provisions that can be brought off, and what cannot, to destroy ; and you will receive this as my order, not to be executed Imt in case of necessity, and then not to fail to do it. Signed Thomas Pownal." But the French commander did not pursue his advantage. The neighborhood of the Connecticut river was too full of armed men. But the sudden excitement in the heat of dog-days, and forced marches without suitable clothing and provisions and shelter, brought on sickness among our troops. Hospitals were established at Westfield, and other places on the routes westward ; and there was great suffering and many deaths. Of Palmer men, Sergt. Hugh Tackels, and Samuel Lemmon con- tinued in the service. Samuel Allen, Moses Scott, Thomas Hen- derson, William Mitchell, John Blackmer, Stephen Crowfoot and John King, were in Israel Williams' Co., out from Jan. to Nov. David Brewer was in Capt. John Chad wick's Co., Col. John Worthington's Regiment. Capt. John Thomson and his company were ordered out, and marched ; but the muster-roll cannot be found. The following certificates speak for themselves : "I hereby certify that my son, Thomas Ferrand was captivated by the French and Indians at the surrender of Fort Wilham Henry last year ; he was in Col. Frye's Regiment, and Capt. Jonathan Ball's Co. ; he was seen in Canada by several who have since returned home, and there is a flying rumor of his being sent to France, but it wants confirmation. Palmer, Sept. 15, 1758. Thomas Farrand. 152 HISTORY OF PALMER. "I hereby certify that my brother, James Man, of Capt. Waldo's Co. , was taken by the French and Indians at the surrender of Fort William Henry last year, and was afterwards seen in Canada, in possession of the French, and it is reported that he was sent to France, but the story wants confirmation. William Man. Palmer, Sept. 18, 1758." Many of the soldiers of that ill-fated army disajipeared at that date, and their fate, whether by death or captivity was never known. 1758. The j)lan of the campaign for this year included the in- vestment of Louisbourg ; and expeditions against Ticonderoga and Fort DuQnesne. The first and last were successful ; that against Ticonderoga was a disastrous failure, though it was in part compen- sated by the capture of the French fort Frontenac on Lake Ontario. Massachusetts raised 7,000 men for the army. Isaac Ferrell of Palmer was in Cajit. Jonathan Ball's Co., Col. William Williams' Regiment, from April 18 to May 31, 1758. Early in the year Col. Williams received orders to prepare his Eegiment to march for the Reduction of Canada, Some of the companies were mustered March 13, though the march was not begun till the roads were settled in May. The route was by way of Westfield river, Pittsfield, Greenbush, Lake George, etc. A Muster Boll of Capt. Daniel Burt's Co. of Foot, for the Reduc- tion of Canada, in Col. William Williams' Regiment, 1758. Names. . Residence. Mustered. Discharged. Capt. Daniel Burt Brimfield March 13 Nov. 20 Lieut. Stephen Dewey Sheffield " 13 1 ' ' Davenport Williams Springfield " 13 Oct. 18 Ens. John King Palmer " 13 Nov. 4 Sergt. Aaron Mirick- Brimfield April 14 " 5 '' Gad Astin Sheffield " 13 Oct. 31 " Phineas Dingey Brimfield " 10 Nov. 5 '- Hugh Tackels Palmer " 10 " 4 Corp. Josiah Holbrook Brimfield " 14 " .5 " Paul Keyes Sheffield May 2 Oct. 31 " Timothy Ferrell Palmer April 10 Nov. 4 ' ' Stephen Hatch (1 " 14 " 4 Drum' Isaac Mund Brimfield " 14 Oct. 1 " Jasper Needham " (( 10 Nov. 5 Samuel Harmon Sheffield " 13 Oct. 31 Zebulon Sacket " " 8 " 31 Israel Taylor " " 10 " 31 Noble Smith " " 10 " 31 Josiah Fox u <4 10 " 31 David Walker " " 5 " 31 Asa Bush *' " 10 " 31 PALMER A DISTRICT, 1752-1776. 153 Names. Residence. Mustered. Discharged. John Astin Sheffield May 2 Oct. 31 Ebenezer Fosgate " i( 2 " 31 Elijah Spencer (( April 5 " 31 Samuel Gutteridge " May 2 " 31 Joshua Le Baron (( 2 July 26 Jabez Joslin (( April 11 Oct. 31 Benjamin Sheldon " May 2 " 31 Lemuel Covell (( " 2 July 26 Noah Hosford a 2 Oct. 31 Abner Colton Springfield April 20 Nov. 3 John Fermon <( 20 Sept. 17 Moses Cooley Palmer u 14 Nov. 4 Luke Chapin " (( 10 " 4 Aquila Moffett Brimfield " 14 Oct. 9 James McNitt Palmer '« 10 Nov. 4 William McMichell «« " 10 " 4 David Bratten (( 10 " 4 John Moor, Jun. " " 10 July 20 Joel Camp " «' 10 Nov. 4 James Nelson (( <« 10 " 4 Joshua McMaster " " 10 " 4 Samuel Patterson (( " 10 " 4 Isaac Applin (( " 10 " 4 Moses Parsons " 10 •' 4 Isaac Walker Brimfield May 2 " 5 Benjamin Blodgett (( 2 " 5 Timothy Walker (( " 2 " 5 Jonathan Moulton (( April 28 Sept. 4 Isaac Bliss (( i 28 Nov. 5 Archibald Graham (( < 28 " 5 William Garey (( ' 14 " 5 Nathaniel Mighill (( ' 14 " 5 Eeuben Towsley cc < 13 " 5 Phinehas Graves (( 14 July 31 Simeon Keene u ' 14 Nov. 5 Ebenezer Stebbins (( 14 " 5 Elnathan Munger (( 10 " 5 John Shaw " ' 10 " 5 John Harris " 14 " 5 Peter Graves <( 14 " 5 Smith Ainsworth " 14 d. Oct. 17 Isaac Scott (< 14 Nov. 5 Daniel Sherman (< < 13 July 23 Serial Sherman " ' 14 Nov. 5 Joseph Morgan <( 14 " 5 Asa Belknap " 14 " 5 Israel Janes (( 14 " 5 154 HISTORY OF PALMER. Names. Residence. Mustered. Discharged. Peter FoUen Brimfield April 14 Nov. 5 Asa Holbrook u " 14 " 5 Thomas Hobart (( u 14 d. Sept. 4 Reuben Hoar t( " 14 Nov. 5 Jacob Ainsworth " i( 14 Aug. 18 Matthias Hartman (( May 2 Nov. 5 William Nelson «' 2 " 5 John Morgan (( " 3 July 23 Joseph Thomson •' " 2 Sept. 16 John Rosebrook (( " 3 Nov. 5 Richard Bishop " " 2 " 5 Samuel Webber li (1 2 " 5 Samuel Mitchell (( " 2 " 5 John Thomson " " 2 " 5 Reuben Lilly- (( " 2 " 5 Aaron Nelson Palmer April 14 " 4 James Lemmon (( " 7 " 4 James Taylor *' " 7 " 4 Jesse Beers (( " 10 " 4 Gideon King Sheffield " 10 Oct. 31 Samuel Church " li 10 " 31 Joab Astin (( (( 14 " 31 John Collins (( May 2 " 21 Josiah Church " April 8 Sept. 16 John Beals " " 12 Oct. 31 Noah Frost Springfield ii 14 Nov. 3 Paul Hitchcock Brimfield " 14 Oct. 4 Jotham King " " 14 d. Aug. 9 Benjamin Nelson a " 14 Nov. 5 Benjamin Carpenter " May 2 " 5 Benjamin Webber " " 2 " 5 Enoch Noble Sheffield " 2 Oct. 31 " I hereby certify that my son Matthew Spencer, was captivated by the French and Indians, about the middle of June Last, as he was on a scout- ing party from Lake George to Ticonderoga — He was a soldier in Maj. Rogers' Co. of Rangers. Sarah Spencer, Widow. Palmer, Sept. 19, 1758. 1759. The taking of Louisbourg in Jnly of last year gave the English control of the eastern gate to Canada. The only strong- holds held by the French outside of Montreal and Quebec, were Niagara, and the two forts at Ticonderoga and Crown Point, which guarded Lake Chaniplain. Niagara was invested by Gen. Prideaux July G, and was taken on the 24th. Ticonderoga was reached by the division under Gen. Amherst July 22, and after a short seige taken : when Crown Point was abandoned by the PALMER A DISTRICT, 1752-177G. 155 Erench, wlio retired to the Isle aux Nois, at the northern extremity of the Lake. While these operations were going on, Gen. Wolfe was prose- outing a most important enterprise, viz., the reduction of Quebec. This brilliant achieyement, which resulted in the victory on the heights of Abraham, Sept. 13, and the immediate surrender of the city of Quebec, closed a series of victories on the side of the English, which made the year 1759 a memorable one in American colonial history. Descriptive Roll of men enlisted in Col. John Worthington's regiment, invasion of Canada, 1759. These men were attached to Capt. John Furnass' Co., and served in the battalion commanded by Col. T. Euggles : Samuel Lemmon, of Palmer, age, 27, enlisted March 23, dis- charged Sept. 25. Joseph McMichel, of Palmer, age 26, enlisted Mar. 31, dis- charged Dec. 4. Thomas Hill, son of Mary H., of Palmer, age 19, enlisted Mar. 28. John Millard, of Palmer, age 23, enlisted Mar. 29, discharged Dec. 8. Jonathan Chapin, of Palmer, age — , enlisted Apr. 6, discharged Dec. 3. John Davis, of Palmer, age — , enlisted Apr. 6, discharged Dec. 8. Benjamin Trask, then of Brimfield, afterwards physician in Palmer, age 35, enlisted April 6. In Capt. Silvanus Walker's Co., Crown Point expedition, out from May 15 to Dec. 27, 1759, were Stephen Hatch and John Eecky of Palmer, Thomas Dunham, Benjamin Hutchinson and Jesse Warner of Palmer enlisted in Capt. John Bancroft's Co., Crown Point expedi- tion, and were in service March 31, to Dec. 27. 1760. The capture of Montreal was all that remained to be done to comj^lete the conquest of Canada. Gen. Amherst concen- trated the three divisions of the army before Montreal, Sept. 6 and 7 ; and on the 8th the whole Province of Canada with its depen- dencies surrendered to the British crown. Descriptive Roll of men enlisted from Palmer in Capt. Tristam Davis' Co. for Eeduction of Canada. The Co. was mustered Mar. 5 and discharged Nov. 25, 17G0. John Reeky, b. Palmer, age 18, enlisted Mar. 1, lived with Thos. McClanathan. Nathaniel Hews, b. Palmer, age 35, enlisted Mar. 31. 156 HISTORY OF PALMER. James McNight, b. Palmer, age 20, enlisted Apr. 10, son of Barnard McNitt. David English, b. Palmer, age 17, enlisted Apr. 11, lived with David Shaw. Moses Cooley, b. Palmer, age 19, enlisted Apr. 10, sou of David Cooley. Isaac Magoon, b. Palmer, age 17, son of Isaac Magoon. Aaron jSTelson, of Palmer. William Nelson, of Palmer. Joseph Patterson of Palmer, enlisted in Capt. Eobert Field's Company, out from June 10 to Dec. 2, 1760. Elnathan Samson was in Capt. Williams' Co., Col. Thomas' Kegiment, service at the westward. Petition of Capt. John Thomson. "Your petitioner's son, Benjamin Tkomson, enlisted himself into the Provincial service last summer, into Capt. Barnard's Co., Col. Saltonstall's Kegiment, and was taken sicl<: at Montreal the third day after the reduction of it ; from thence was carried to Crown Point, and underwent great hard- ships and wet in the battoes, which sickness proved to be the small-pox, and had it very bad, and lost one of his eyes with the same distemper. Y' pet' went after him October 29, and came home November 25, — 27 days. Found his son in the S. P. Hospital at Crown Point, very low, which detained him some days, and then came very slow, which was a great ex- pense of money and time. Could get no relief or billeting at Province cost, but y' pet'^ discharged all expenses. Prays for a reasonable reward in money. John Thomson. Palmer, March 17, 1761. The General Court ordered four pounds to be paid to William Scott for the Petitioner, in full. Alloivance granted for sick and wounded soldiers. £1, 16, 6, to Z. Foster, for Ebenezer Mirick. £5, 12, 8, to " for Isaac Magoon. Massachusetts levied 3,000 men for the army in 1761 : and about the same number in '62 ; but the war was substantially ended. A treaty of peace was signed at Paris, Feb. 10, 1763. Cost of the loar. From May, 1755, to May, 1763, Massachusetts raised and expended $4,217,000, of which sum four millions were proper war charges. Great Britain refunded to us one and a half millions ; and the balance was borne by the Province, and was a grievous burden. From the opening of the war to and including the year 1760, the seasons proved remarkably fruitful in New England. The colonies were able to supply the wants of the army from their own re- PALMER A DISTRICT, 1752-1776. 157 sources. But a drought set in in the spring of 1761 and continued through '62, which cut short the croj^s, and made it necessary to send abroad for provisions to supply the ordinary wants of the 23eople. 17G1. An article in the warrant for a District meeting, Aug. 17, 1761, was " To agree upon some method of preventing Magoon, Blair and Brown getting their estates taken off from our town and annexed to others." '' Voted, That William Scott, Jun. go to the General Court at the next session, and there use his best endeavors to prevent Magoon's lands being annexed to Ware Eiver Parish, and James Brown and Blair's lands being annexed to Western." * Meetiistg-House. — The meeting-house, built in 1735, when the Plantation was new and poor, had got much out of repair ; and withal was old-fashioned, in looks and arrangements. And " at a meeting of the freeholders & other inhabitants of Palmer, on Fri- day, Aug. 21, 1761, it was voted, that Samuel Shaw, John King, Ephraim Gates and John McMaster be a committee to repair & finish the meeting-house. Voted £20 to be disposed of by s^ com- mittee in finishing the house. Voted to Ephraim Gates 20 shillings, for which he is to remove back and make narrower, the pulpit, minister's pew, and stairs, with the deacon's seat, and make the pulpit lower — all to be done without damage to the work, or without ■mahing it look looi'se than it does now." The following directions were given to the committee : ''That they new shingle the roof of the house, clapboard new the outside, and make new window frames & sashes in a handsome size, and glaze the same with glass 8x6, renew the fore door and sill that is rotten. Also voted that they proceed to the inside, new lay such places in the floor as may need it, and make new seats in the body, and that they make seats in the gallery, with one row of small pews all round the backside of the gallery, in as convenient a manner as possible. And if they find there is room over the stairs, they make pews over the same. And that they proceed to seal [ceil] and case all the timbers on the * Petition of Isaac and Alexander Magoon, sons and heirs to the whole of the Estate of Isaac Magoon, late of Ware River Parish in the county of Hampshire, setting; forth that they own about 400 acres of land in the northerly part of Palmer, which lies 5 miles from Palmer meeting-house, and the road bad, and but 2 miles from Ware River meeting-house, and the road naturally good — praying that they may be annexed to Ware River Parish. Nov. 18, i76i,the General Court Ordered, that the estate described in the Petition be annexed to the Parish of Ware River, and the Inhabitants or Possessors of sd Estate to do duly and receive privilege there. \,Gen. Court. Rec. in loc. Petition of William Blair and James Brown, both of Western, in the county of Worcester, reciting that parts of their Farms lie in Western and part in Palmer; that they live 3 and lY^ miles from Wes- tern meeting-house, and 5 and 6 miles from Palmer meeting-house, and are taxed in both places — praying that their estates may be wholly annexed to Western. Nov. 21, 1761. The General Court dismissed the petition. 158 HISTORY OF PALMER. sides and overhead." At the same meeting it was "voted that Samuel Shaw, Robert Rogers, Thomas King, Ephraim Gates & John McMaster be a committee to set a vahie on the pew ground, and dispose of the same in the following manner, viz., That they value the ground or place where each pew shall stand at not more than three pounds nor less than 40 shillings — only the corner pew next to the minister's pew, if it prove large enough for the heads of three families to sit in, then to add ten shillings to the price of it. And that s^ committee take the grand list or survey which was taken this summer, and there find the person who is highest in real & personal estate, and make him an offer of the highest pew [pew ground] ; and in case the pew will hold two families or the heads of two families, they shall place them together, if in their judgment they shall think best ; and so proceed to dispose of every pew [ground] in the body of the meeting-house, paying a small regard to age ; and in case any person refuses to have a pew, or neglects to fulfill the conditions enjoined, then s^ committee shall proceed to dispose of it to another. And that each family that has a pew [pew ground] shall pay on demand to the committee the sum set on said pew by s^ committee. And the pew shall be wholly built by the proprietor or proprietors of s"^ pew [ground] who shall seal [ceil] up the backside and case the timbers against them. And if the proprietor of any pew have no part of a window against it, he may have liberty to make a window equal in size with the other windows in the house, and finish it outside & in handsomely & well, and also keep s"^ window in repair during the whole time he owns the pew, and so thereafter in case of a remove by death. Each pew ground shall be lotted out by the committee of uniform depth & width, and the pews shall be built agreeable thereto by the proprie- tors thereof ; and the pews shall be built in a handsome uniform manner, according to the direction of the committee ; and those intitled to pews shall promptly finish them, without hindering the committee in their finishing the meeting-house ; and if any intitled to pews shall neglect to build the same, the committee shall proceed to finish the same at the cost of the owner, and if he refuse to jiay the cost, he shall forfeit the i^ew to the town. In case any pew owner remove from town, he shall tender his pew to the selectmen for the time being ; and if they refuse to reimburse him the cost of the pew ground and pew, he may sell the same to whom he pleaseth ; if a pew owner be removed by death, the pew descends to his heirs." Later in the year, the price of pew ground was reduced, the highest being placed at £1.10; and it was voted to close up the PALMER A DISTRICT, 1752-1776. 159 two end doors of the meeting-house and use the sj^ace for pew ground. June 7, 1763. £50 was voted to be raised for repairing the meet- ing-house. Voted, that the committee shall sell the glass and old stuff to the best advantage, and lay out the money in finishing the meeting-house. Later, £9, 1, 6, 3, was granted for the same purpose. March 23, 1763. "Voted to pay Dunkiu Quinton 9 shillings, for which he has promised to open and shut the meeting-house doors from time to time, as need shall require, for the year ensuing, and also to sweep the s** house once every four weeks." Seathig the Meeting - House. It will be remembered that the Elders and Deacons had a special seat of honor in front of the pulpit. The several pew owners occupied each his pew, jDlaced in order around next to the walls of the house. The space left in the middle of the house was divided into two equal parts by an aisle running from the front door to the pulpit. Long seats or benches were put in to fill this space on either side of the aisle, those on one side called the " men's seats,'' and those on the opposite side called the "women's seats." These seats ranked in "dignity" ac- cording to location, the highest being those nearest the pulpit. Men were assigned to seats by a committee of the District appointed for that purpose, and were seated according to "age and estate" — the highest taxpayers taking the front seat, and so down the scale. The young folks of both sexes were assigned seats in the gallery, girls and boys each by themselves, with a "bar" between. If any one was dissatisfied with his or her ranking or seat-mates, an appeal was taken to the town, in legal meeting, and the action of the Com- mittee approved or the appellant's wishes in the case granted. The pew-owners at this date are not known. The non-pew- owners, who had seats assigned in the body of the house and gal- leries, were as follows. The list has value and interest, as shoAving how families were rated in taxable estate and social dignity in 1764 : In y® First Seat in y® Body of y^ House : Capt. Samuel Shaw, ^ David Shaw, | Matthew Brovv^n, Eobert Bratten, I Their wives on y® seat opposite, on James Smith, ' y® Women's side. Benjamin Parsons, Joshua Whitney, James Lamont. 160 HISTORY OF PALMER. In y^ Second Seat : Barnard McNitt, Ens. Noah Cooley, David Cooley, Jeremiah Bishop, Elisha Higgins, James Moor, Robert Hunter. On y« Third Seat : Ephraim Gates, John Shearer, Archibald Thomas, AVilliara McMichell, David Fleming, James Smith, Jun., William Brown. On y« Fourth Seat : Timothy Ferrell, Thomas McClanathan, Hugh Smith, George Wood, Israel Johnson, Abner Loomis. On y« Fifth Seat : Thomas Farrand, Aaron Nelson, Aaron Elwell, George Abbott, Uriah Higgins, John Moor, Israel Whitney. Their wives on y® opposite side. Their wives on y® opposite side. > Their wives on y® opposite side. Their wives on y® opposite side. In y^ Fore Seat of y® Front Gallery, Men's side Eobert Hunter, Jun. Judah Moor, Gershom Whitney, Joseph McNall, Joshua McMaster, Robert ]\IcMaster, Zephon Blackmar. I Their wives in the Fore Seat in y the Front Gallery, on the Women's 1 side. PALMER A DISTRICT, 1752-1776. 161 In y« Fore Seat of y« Side Gallery, Men's side : John King, Jun., Gideon Chapin, John Hill, Henry Thomson, Arthur McNall, Eobert McMaster, Jun., Simeon Graves, Urijah Ward. > Their wives in the Fore Seat op- posite, on y^ Woman's side. In y*' same Fore Seat: Samuel McClanathan, William Fleming, David Bratten, Joshua Parsons, David King. In y® Pew in the back of the Front Gallery : John Quinton, James King, Thomas McClanathan, Jun., John Allin McElwain, John McMaster, Jun., Joel Bishop, Moses Lamont, Thomas Hill. In y® back pew of the side gallery. Men's side : Thomas Quinton, Josei^h Chapen, Abner Chapin, James Smith, Moses King, Benjamin Thomson, William McMaster, Noah Cooley, Jun., Eeuben Cooley, Jonathan Cooley, Hugh Moor, Alexander Moor, John Shearer, Jun., Archibald Thomas, Jun., Eobert Mc- Michel, Andrew Brown, John Lamberton, William Smith. In y® Fore Seat in y® Front Gallery, Women's side : Jane Brown, Eleanor Parsons, Tabitha Parsons, Sarah Bracken- ridge. In y® Fore Seat in y® Side Gallery, Women's side : Widow Mary Shaw, Esther Brackenridge, Elizabeth Quinton, Anne Quinton, Sarah Shaw, Jane Hill, Abigail Graves, Esther Lamont. In y® pew back side of y^ Front Gallery, Women's side : Jane Bratten, Mary McNitt, Lucy King, Elizabeth McMaster, Catharine McMaster, Mary Shaw, Margaret Cooley, Margaret Mc- Mtt. In y* pew back of y® Side Gallery, Women's Side : Letice Eogers, Mary Smith, Jane McClanathan, Margaret Shaw, Abigail Parsons, Margaret Parsons, Mary Cooley, Tabitha Cooley, Submit Cooley, Sarah Thomas, Margaret Smith, Catharine Nelson, Lydia Bratten, Elizabeth McClanathan, Ehoda Bishop, Jane Mc- Master, Jane Ferrell. In presenting their report to the town, the committee add : ''We may have omitted some young man or woman of the age of those above mentioned. We are therefore of the opinion that such 162 HISTORY OF PALMER. (if any there be) should sit in the second seat in the Front Gallery. And we are of the opinion as there are several other seats not taken up, it would be prudent for parents to direct their younger children to sit in them, Wm. Scott Seth Shaw Egbert Rogers y Committee. Samuel Shaw, Jun, | Thomas Kino j Support of the Poor. The custom in the Plantation times, and the early years of the Palmer District, was, for individuals or the selectmen to provide for the wants of needy and sick persons, and present a bill to the inhabitants at their public meeting, which was commonly accepted and paid. The first grant in anticipation, was made March 22, 1763. '' Granted 6 pounds 10 shillings for the use of the Poor of this District.'' And a like grant was made in suc- ceeding years. Graves' Tavern. January 16, 1761, a petition was presented to the General Court by Capt. Aaron Graves of Palmer, setting forth that his father Daniel Graves of said town, deceased, at the Court of General Sessions of the Peace, holden at Springfield the last Tuesday of April last, obtained a License from the Justices of s** Court, to keep a Tavern in his then dwelling-house ; that he has since deceased, leaving a suitable stock for such a house of entertainment — Praying that the Court of Sessions may be im- powered to grant the petitioner a License to keep a Tavern in said house. Order thereon, That the petition be granted, and that the Justices of the Court of General Sessions for the County of Hampshire be, and they are hereby impowered to grant to the petitioner a License to keep a Tavern in the house mentioned, he procuring the approbation of the selectmen of said town of Palmer. To the Selectmen of the District of Palmer. Gentlemen: I understand by the constable I am rated in the District, which I am none uneasy at; but yet I am poor & under low circumstances, and must build me a Hous'? to secure me from the inclemency of the weather. My sons as they grow up, forsake me, which makes things go very hard ; & I would pray you to consider me, & abate all or some part of my Rates. And I shall endeavour to use the prudentest means possible not to be chargeable to the town, Nor any of my neighbours. George Bates. Palmer, March 21, 1763. palmer a district, 1752-1776. 163^ War of The Revolution". The American Eevolution began several years before war actually broke out. In morals, and in politics, causes are usually remote from effects. With the two potent factors in existence, viz, the asserted "Eights and Power of the British Government, and the asserted Immunities and Power of the Colonies, both a revolution and a war, were political necessities, and both had been clearly fore- shadowed. The mother country asserted it ''To be essential to the unity, and of course to the prosperity of the empire, that the British Parliament should have the right of taxation over every part of the royal dominions." The American Colonies asserted that " Taxa- tion and representation were inseparable, and that they could not be safe, if their property might be taken from them without their consent." This claim of the right of taxation on the one side, and the denial of it on the other side, was the hinge on which the Rev- olution turned. In accordance with the newly-adopted policy, the Parliament, in 17G5, passed the famous Stamp Act, which ordained that all instru- ments of writing, such as deeds, bonds, notes, receipts, wills, etc., used among the Colonists, should be null and void, unless executed on Sfam^jed Pajjei', for which a duty should be paid to the crown. This tax, while it was practically of small consequence to the farm- ers and mechanics, bore severely on men of business and officials. A ream of common blank bail bonds had usually been sold for £15 ; a ream of stamjyed bonds cost £100. A ream of stamped policies of insurance cost £190 ; a ream of common ones, without stamps, had cost £20. The Stamp Act proved a failure, and was repealed. But the principle on which it was based was not yielded by Great Britain ; and Parliament proceeded to lay a duty upon various articles of im- port to the Colonies. This action was resisted both by words and deeds. Associations known as the '' Sons of Liberty," were organ- ized in all the colonies. They comprised both males and females, who pledged themselves to forego all the luxuries of life rather than be indebted to the commerce of England. It was agreed that sheep should not be killed for food, but kept for their wool. The acre- age of flax sown was immensely increased ; and carding, spinning, weaving and dyeing, heretofore the business of the common classes, now became the fashionable employment of women of wealth ; and to be dressed in "home-spun," was alike the pride of both sexes, and was a passport to popular distinction. The people of Boston, always first to move at this juncture, and 1G4 HISTOKT OF PALMER. take the lead in resistance to arbitrary measures, assembled in town meeting, and resolved, that they would not import British manu- factures or other merchandise on which duties were imposed. But the spirit of resistance to arbitrary acts of Parliament per- vaded all our towns. The first recorded exjiression of public senti- ment in Palmer is under date of March 1, 1768. An article in the warrant was " To see if this District will agree upon & come into some efficient measures to promote industry, economy and manu- factures." At a very full meeting the following votes passed : "Whereas the excessive use of foreign superfluities is one great cause of the present distressed state of this country, in general ; and the happiness of the communities depends upon Industry, Economy and Good Morals : and this District taking into serious consideration the great decay of trade and scarcity of money, the heavy debt contracted in the last war, which still remains on the people ; and the great difBculties to which by these measures they are reduced : — Therefore, voted unanimously, that this Dis- trict will use their utmost endeavors and enforce their endeavors by example in suppressing extravagance, Idleness and Vice, & promoting In- dustry, economy and good manners. And in order to prevent the unnec- essary exportation of money of which the continent has of late been so much drained, it is therefore voted, that this District will by all prudent means endeavor to discountenance the use of foreign superfluities, and Incourage the manufactures of the whole continent in general, and of this Province in particular." No further action of the District bearing upon public affairs appears on the records for six years. But the process of educating the public mind, and settling certain fundamental principles of action, and bringing men to the point where they would put their hands in their purses for money, and sign enlistment papers for service, was going on all the time : and the day of trial was at hand. 1774. — At the annual District meeting March 23, the following officers were chosen, viz., moderator, Lieut. Wm. Scott ; clerk, Eobert Hunter ; treasurer, Joshua Shaw ; selectmen, Lieut. Wm. Scott, David Spear, John McMaster, Robert Ferrell, Robert Brown ; assessors, Joshua McMaster, Aaron Graves, Joshua Shaw ; consta- bles, Thomas Hill, Patrick Watson ; wardens, Solomon Cummins, David Bratten ; surveyors of highways, Lieut. Wm. Scott, Urijah Ward, Aaron King, Henry Thompson ; tything-men, Robert Mc- Michel, Thomas Quinton ; deer reeves, Thomas McClanathan, John Shearer, Jun. ; fence viewers & prizers of damages, Judah Moore, John Quinton ; cullers of staves and shingles, John Smith, Aaron King ; sealer of leather, Robert Hunter. The above list shows who were prominent in town affairs at this PALMER A DISTRICT, 1752-1776. 165 date, and, as will presently appear, indicates that the military sen- timent of the people was in the ascendency. Most of these names will be found in the annals of war service. ''At a meeting of the inhabitants of Palmer convened at the publick meeting-house Sept. 19, 1774, Eobert Ferrell was chosen moderator. Voted, that Phineas Mixer, Hugh McMaster, Thomas King, James Smith, Jun., and Joshua Shaw, be a committee to look into the state of the town stock of powder and lead, etc., and make report next Monday ; and also to see what powder, lead and flints Avill be necessary to be provided for the inhabitants, and re- port the same. Voted, that David Spear and Aaron Graves go to the county congress to set at JSTorthampton next Thursday. '^ ''Adjourned to Monday, 26th instant. Sept. 26, met according to adjournment. Voted, that David Spear go the general congress of delegates from the whole Province, to meet at Coiicord the second Tuesday in October next. Voted, tliat Wm. Scott pay, or deliver seventy-four pounds of powder, one hundred and twenty-six pounds of lead into the town stock, in full discharge of the amount of said stock in his hands. Voted, that there be provided four half -barrels of powder, four hundred of lead, and one hundred dozen of flints, for a town stock, and the money to pay for the same be taken from the money on interest ; and that Wm. Scott, Joshua Shaw and Phineas Mixer be a committee to purchase and pay for the same." A meeting was called for October 10, " To see if the District will order and direct the constables who have the Province Tax for the last year collected and now in their hands, to pay or deliver the same into the hand of our District Treasurer, there to remain until the inhabitants shall otherwise order." October 10. Voted, That Timothy McElwain and Urijah Ward, constables, shall pay the Province Tax to Joshua Shaw, the treas- urer of Palmer District ; and the District will indemnify them from all damage they may sustain by so doing." At a publick meeting held Dec. 27, 1774, " Voted, to pay David Spear nine pounds for going to attend the Provincial Congress. Voted, that Kobert Ferrell, David Spear, Phineas Mixer, Joshua Shaw, Ebenezer Jones, Thomas King and James Smith be a Com- mute of Inspection. Voted, That Joshua McMaster, Ens. John King, Judah Moore, Aaron King and Patrick Watson be a committee to receive the donations for the poor of Boston." 166 HISTORY OF PALMER. 1775. At a meeting of the inhabitants of Palmer held on Tues- day, Jan. 17, 1775, " Voted, that Capt. David Spear shonld attend the Provincial Congress to be held at Cambridge the first of Feb- ruary next ensuing.'^ The call for a meeting of the District to be held March 2 recites : *' Whereas the selectmen have received the proceedings of the Pro- vincial Congress, accompanied with a Letter addressed to the inhab- itants of the Massachusetts Bay, earnestly desiring that moneys collected on the Province Eate might be j)aid into the hand of Henry Gardner, Esq., — the freeholders will assemble and deliberate thereon, and act what is most prudent." " The meeting being opened, Robert Ferrell was chosen moder- ator. '^ Voted, that 20 pounds of our Province Rate now collected be paid to Henry Gardner, Esq. "Voted, that the Committee chosen to lay in our town stock of ammunition take the remaining part of our Province Rate and lay it out for that purpose." The following officers were elected at the annual meeting, March 21, viz.: moderator, Wm. Scott; clerk, Robert Hunter; treasurer, Joshua Shaw; selectmen, Wm. Scott, David Spear, Robert Ferrell, Robert Brown, Joshua Shaw ; assessors, Thomas King, Joshua Shaw, Aaron Graves ; constables, Judah Moore, Solomon Cum- mings ; wardens, James Smith, 2d., Moses King; ty thing men. Joshua Parsons, Samuel Buell; highway surveyors, Samuel McLan- athan, John King, Jona. Chapin, Ebenezer Jones ; deer reeves, John Shearer, Jun., William Sloan ; fence viewers, Francis Break- enridge, David Flemming, John Rogers ; cullers of staves and shin- gles, Dea. John Smith, Aaron King ; sealer of leather, Robert Hunter ; hog reeves, Thomas Quinton, William Shearer. Mimite Me7i. The Provincial Congress which met at Cambridge in October, 1774, adopted a system of measures to put the Province of Massachusetts in a state of defense by enrolling able-bodied men into companies, well armed and officei'ed, to be known as Minute Men. To meet the necessary expenses, they appointed a Commit- tee of Supplies, and elected Henry Gardner, Esq., of Stow as Treas- urer and Receiver General, and directed that all Province taxes that had been granted and all moneys in the hands of collectors in the several towns should be i^aid over to this new Treasurer, instead of being paid into the Royal Treasury. Kothing appears upon the records of Palmer to show when a company of Mimite Men was organized, nor how they were officered, nor the rules by which they were governed. That such a company PALMER A DISTEICT, 1752-177G. 167 was formed iu the winter and was in active drill, is proved by the action of the District at a meeting held March 28 : " Voted, that one shilling for half a day's training in a week, shall be paid out of the treasury, to each Minute Man, 26 in number, for each man, during the town's pleasure. Voted, that each Minute Man shall be entitled to 20 shillings per month during the time he shall be actually iu the service of the publick, being regularly called and employed, and to be paid out of the town treasury, over and above what he may receive for his wages out of the Province treasury. Also voted, that in case any or all of the Minute Men are desirous to return their blanket into the town store, he may do so at the price set by the committee chosen for that jjurpose, and be paid out of the town treasury.^' The above votes imply that a company of 26 men, properly armed and supplied with blankets, had been in training for a time, in accordance with town action, or, what is more probable, in accordance with the orders of the militia officers of the town. For, as will presently appear, the officers of the two military com- jjanies exercised ahnost unlimited authority in all matters relating to the raising of men for the luar. And such was the confidence re- posed in Capt. Aaron Graves and Capt. David Spear, respectively commanding the two militia companies, that the District seldom demurred to their doings, or refused to pay the bills contracted by them. The Lexington Alarm. The movement of the town March 28 was none too soon, and the Minute Men were quickly called into active service. It is believed that the news of the marching of the British troops upon Lexington and Concord, on the morning of April 19th, reached Palmer late in the evening of that day, and that the com- pany of Minute Men was mustered and started for the scene of action early the next morning. The names of these patriots, ever to be cherished by our citizens, are preserved in the State Archives, and the Roll is here presented in full. It will be seen that the number who actually marched was 44, instead of the 26 specified in the town vote. A Muster Roll of Capt. David Spear's Company of Mi7mte Men that marched from Palmer, on the Lexington Alarm, April 19, 1775. Names. Days Out. Wages and Travel. Capt. David Spear 22 £6 4s. 9d. Lieut. Robert Hunter 13 3 1 10 " David King 9 2 5 10 168 HISTORY OF PALMER. Karnes. Days Out. Wages and Travel. Sergt. Samuel McLanathan 9 £1 2s. 3d. " Samuel Buel 23 2 4 6 " Stephen Blackmor 10 1 4 " John A. McElwain 22 2 17 10 Corp. Erwin Shaw 13 2 " Daniel King 12 1 18 5 " Joseph Shaw 5 1 7 5 " Luke Hitchcock 13 1 5 John King 5 1 6 2 John Shearer 15 2 10 Thomas McT,anathan 22 2 10 5 David Bratten 9 1 11 11 Joshua McMaster 12 1 16 2 Jonathan Tyler 11 1 14 9 Daniel Dodge 6 1 7 7 Joseph McNall 11 15 8 Andrew Brown 11 14 9 Simeon Graves 22 2 10 5 Eleazar Bishop 9 1 11 11 Seth Bishop 22 2 10 5 David Shaw 11 15 8 Kobert Burns 22 . 2 10 5 Gideon King 22 2 10 5 William Shearer 22 2 10 5 Josiah Tinney 22 2 10 5 "William Sloan 22 2 10 5 Asher Cooley 11 1 14 9 Simon Barrouge 5 1 6 2 Henry Thomson 5 1 6 2 Moses Lammon 22 2 10 5 Obadiah Brown 6 14 3 John A. Smith 8 1 10 5 John Gardner 16 1 10 Nathaniel Rogers 11 15 8 Gideon Graves 14 1 19 Urijah Ward 11 1 14 9 Rufus Thomson 6 1 7 7 John ]\Iorse 21 2 9 John Gibson 14 1 19 Adonijah Jones 22 1 17 1 Solomon Cummings 9 1 6 2 £86 19 2 Dr. Benjamin Trask, afterwards of Palmer, marched in Capt. James Sherman's Brimfield Company of Miniite Men. Three days later, i. e., April 22, the constables were sent from house to house throughout the District, to warn the inhabitants PALMER A DISTRICT, 1752-1776. 169 " To meet on the 24th, at the publick meeting-honse, at 8 o'clock in the morning, to act upon the following article, viz. To come into some method of procuring and providing bread, meat, peas, &c., for the support of our Minute Men and others, who are marched for the relief of our distressed brethren, who are suffering in the common cause of their country, and to act thereon as shall be thought proper.^' " You are desired not to fail attending said meeting, as we are informed stores are short, and our men may greatly suffer by the least neglect." ''At the meeting April 24, Elder Seth Shaw was chosen modera- tor. Voted, That the provisions needed for the support of our Minute Men and others, already marched, be provided at the cost of the town, by a common Eate. Voted, To procure 1 barrel of peas, 1 barrel of biscuit, 1 barrel of pork, and 1 barrel of flour, all from Lieut. Ebenezer Jones. Voted, That John Quinton and John Hill procure a team and carry down the stores to our men. Voted, That the said Quinton and Hill draw out of the treasury ten dollars, to bear their expenses, and to be accountable to the town for the same. Voted, That Joshua Shaw, James Smith, Jun., and Francis Breakenridge be a committee to receive such provisions and stores as the inhabitants may bring in, and keep a fair account of the quantity and quality of the same." The bounty offered at the meeting in March to encourage the Minute Men, and paid in October, amounted to 17 pounds, 16 shil- lings and 8 pence. Capt. David Spear was chosen a delegate to the Third Provincial Congress, to be held at Watertown May 31, for which he was paid the sum of 10 pounds, 1 shilling and 4 pence. " In his Majesty's name." Up to this date, according to law and custom, and from the dictate of reverence for the authority of the reigning sovereign, all Palmer District meetings for the transaction of public business were warned in Ms Majesty's name. The last time this formula was used, was in the call for a meeting issued May 16, 1775. After this date, the formula used was, "In the name of the General Court and of the people of this Colony." Thus our District cast off her allegiance to royal authority in less than one, month after the British troops fired on the American yeo- manry at Lexington, and before the issue of the impending conflict was fairly defined. 170 IIISTOKY OF PALMER. ''Ill Provincial Congress, ]\ray 1, 1775. Whereas the Inhabitants of Boston have been detained by Gen. Gage, but at length (by agreement) are permitted to remove with their effects into the country ; and it is believed that about 5,000 of s*^ inhabitants are indigent «& unable to be at the expense of re- moving, Resolved that the towns named be requested to take the number specified in this skedule, and provide for them, and other towns be desired to contribute, etc. — To be reimbursed out of the publick Treasury." The number assigned to Palmer was 25. Our records make no allusion to the matter. llie Eight Montlis' Service. The Minute Men who resjoonded to the alarm call of the 19th of April, and drove the British troops back into Boston, by that exploit fulfilled their duty, and could not be held for further service. In the strict sense, they were vol- unteers, and not soldiers, either by draft or official summons, and were at liberty to return home when they chose. The moment was critical, and the situation grave. The lion had been driven into his den ; but how was he to be kept there ? The far-sighted patriots were equal to the emergency. The Committee of Safety had sum- moned the Provincial Congress to meet April 22; and they earnestly entreated the Minute companies to hold the ground till more ^^er- manent companies could be enlisted. The next day, April 23, the Congress resolved to call on Massachusetts to furnish 13,500 men to be enlisted for eight montlis service. The next day the Committee of Safety selected from among the officers on the ground such as had seen service in the French and Indian wars, and were otherwise qualified, and tendered to them commissions as colonels of regiments, and desired them to find among their acquaintances men of experience and popularity who would recruit companies with promptness, and to whom commis- sions as captains could be given. What were known as ''beating papers " were issued to these prospective captains. The following is a copy of one of these papers : In Committee of Safety, Cambridge, Apr. 24, 1775. To Capt. Sylvanus Walker, Sir : You are hereby empowered immediately to enlist a company, to consist of 56 able-bodied and effective men, includ- ing sergeants, as soldiers in the Massaclmsetts service for the promotion of American Liberty, and cause them to pass muster as soon as possible. Joseph Warren, Chairman. The same day, April 24, nine sets of beating papers were issued to Col. David Brewer, then a resident of Palmer. He was a man of military spirit and bearing, and appears to have had an extended acquaintance with men like himself, as is shown by the rapid filling PALMER A DISTRICT, 1T52-1776. 171 lip of liis prosj^ective regiment. And that he inspired confidence in his associates is proved by the fact that on June 10 the nine cap- tains united in signing the following petition : " We the subscrib- ers beg to be indulged in joining Col. David Brewer's regiment, in j)reference to any other." Col. Brewer was a native of Framingham, born Dec. 24, 1731. He had resided in Brookfield 1757 to 1765, where he held the office of highway surveyor, and where he married, (1) in 1757, Mary Smith, (2) May 8, 1763, Elizabeth Smith. He distributed his beating papers in part to men from this imme- diate neighborhood, and in part to men from distant towns. These officers recruited their respective companies largely from the Minute Men then present at Cambridge, and were so successful that they reported for duty June 10 with nearly full numbers. " In Provincial Congress, Watertown, June 15, 1775. The committee appointed to consider the claims of the several gentlemen who suppose that they have just grounds to expect of this Honorable Congress that they should receive Commissions ap- pointing them severally to be chief colonels in the Massachusetts Army, report : Col. David Brewer has levied nine companies amounting, inclusive of officers, to 465 men, 307 of whom are armed with effective fire arms, and all, except 34 men on the way, are now posted at Eoxbury, Dorchester and Watertown." '' In Committee of Safety, Cambridge, June 17, 1775. ''These certify the Honourable Congress, that Col. David Brewer has satisfied this Committee that there are in the nine companies mentioned below, near 500 men: — It is therefore recom- mended to the Congress that the said Brewer's regiment be com- missioned accordingly." " In Congress, June 17, 1775. Ordet'ed, that commissions be delivered to the several officers within named : Field and Staff Officers : Col. David Brewer of Palmer Lieut. Col. Rufus Putnam of Brookfield Major Nathaniel Danielson of Brimfield Adjt. Thomas Weeks of Greenwich Quar. Master Ebenezer Washburn of Hardwick Surgeon Estes How of Belchertown Asst. do. James Bradish of No. 5. 172 HISTORY OF PALMER. Chaplain Amos Adams of Roxbnry (who died Oct. 4.) [John Trotter was clerk of the regiment.] Company Officers: Capt. Amos Walbridge of Stafford, Ct. Lient. Jehiel Hunger Ens. James Blodgett 61 men, 51 arms. Capt. Isaac Colton of Palmer Lieut. John Wright of Granville Ens. Nathaniel Alexander of Springfield 46 men, 38 arms. Capt. Peter Ingersoll of Barrington Lieut. Silas Goodrich Ens. Thomas Burnham 49 men. Capt. Jonathan Bardwell of Belchertown Lieut. William Gilmore Ens. Moses How 60 men, 57 arms. Capt. Levi Eounseval of Freetown Lieut. Henry Pierce Ens. Lemuel Tabor 60 men, 57 arms. Capt. Abiathar Angell of Lieut. Isaac Warren Ens. Simon Earned 48 men, 9 arms. Capt. Malcom Henry of Murrayfield Lieut. John Gray Ens. David Sacket 50 men, 20 arms. Capt. John Packard of Brookfield Lieut. David Brewer, Jun. Ens. Jona. Allen of Bridgewater 54 men, 50 arms. Capt. Jonathan Danforth of Western Lieut. Joseph McNall of Palmer Ens. Levi Bowen 45 men, 31 arms. This regiment — afterwards known as the Ninth Massachusetts — had headquarters at Roxbury and was in camp there through the PALMER A DISTRICT, 1752-1776. 173 summer and fall. Col. Brewer was in command as late as October 18 ; and as his name does not appear in later returns, the inference is that he died in camp. Very few deaths and casualties of the eight months service are found on the records preserved in the State House. Indeed the list of these Eight Months men, officers and privates, preserved in the State Archives, is very incomplete. They were in the best sense, patriotic, and brave, and self-sacrificing ; the service they performed, including the battle of Bunker Hill, was of vital consequence to the country's cause, and deserves to be known and remembered ; but a large part of their names, and the work they did, were unrecorded, and cannot now be ascertained. They were state troops — really volunteers ; and in the unsettled condition of affairs and poverty of the treasury, many of the pay-rolls did not find their way to safe hands which cared to preserve them ; perhaps some were not properly filled out ; often, men would enlist, and serve only for a part of their term, and their names would be omitted in the final settlement. The deficiencies in the records of this date are very perplexing to the historical inquirer. Fortun- ately, the Continental Army Rolls, kept from and after 1776, are more complete. The following Rolls contain the names, so far as is known, of the Palmer men who served in the Eight Months Campaign of 1775. These Rolls, embracing the quotas from various towns, are in- serted in full, because of their special historic value, as well as to account for the fact that some of our men apj^ear later in the war as residents of distant places, and others, then non-resident, are afterward credited to Palmer. MusTER-PvOLL of Capt. Sylvanus Walker'' s Co., Col. Timothy Danielsori's Regt. Eight Months Service. Capt. Sylvanus Walker, Lieut. Asa Coburn, Sergt. Isaac AVarner, " Solomon Walker, " Samuel Pike, " ThQS McCluer, Corp. David Shaw, " Ebenezer How, " John McElwain, fifer, Henry Evins, drummer, John Warren, Moses Ainsworth, Elemuel Ainsworth, John Brown, Palmer, Sturbridge, Brookfleld, mustered Apr. 24, 1775 (I it May 1, " Brimfield, Palmer, Brookfleld, Palmer, Sturbridge, Brookfleld, J A ane 15, " pr. 29, " [ay 1, ' 18, " ' 4, *' < 4^ u ' 6, " Palmer, A ' 2, pr. 29, " 174 HISTORY OF PALMER. Woodbridge Belcher, Palmer, mustered May 16, 177 Obadiah Brown, " Apr. 29, " Joseph McClintock, " May 28, " Israel Conant, " " 13, " Abner Cooley, " Apr. 29, " David Davis, Eoxbury, " May 26, John English, Palmer [prom, corp.] " "13, " Peter Elexander, Brimfield, " June 15, " Judah Ferry, u May 4, John Guest, Sturbridge, «' 8, John Gardner, Palmer, u 18, " Abijah Hide, Sturbridge, " 1, Josiah Holbrook, " " " 5, Eli Hitchcock, Brimfield, " June 15 " Eldad Hitchcock, " " " " Abner Hitchcock, " u << u Ebenezer Jones, Palmer, Apr. 29, " John Marble, Brookfield, May 1, James Murray, Palmer, " 9, Thomas Marsh, Brookfield, u u 10, <^ Daniel Moore, u " 10, " Abner Old, (( " 4, " Ebenezer Phillips, Sturbridge, u 5, Jonas Streeter, Brookfield, u 1^ Josiah Stone, " u u 1, Oliver Smith, Sturbridge, u 3^ Edward Walker, a .. u 5^ John Wolcut, Brookfield, u 10, .. David Wood, Sturbridge, " 21, Thomas Young, " u 2, In Capf. Jonathan BardioeWs Co., Col. David Brewer's Reyt. Alexander Tackels, Palmer, enlisted May 23. Capt. Isaac Colton of Palmer, took a set of beating papers Apr. 24, and raised a company of 54 men, belonging to Ludlow, Mon- son, Springfield, etc, which joined Col. Brewer's Regiment. John Moor of Palmer enlisted July 24, in Capt. Abel Thayer's Co. Col. John Fellows' Regt. Luke Hitchcock of Palmer enlisted May 29, in Capt. Jo. Thomp- son's Co., Col. T. Danielson's Regt. Muster Roll of Capt. Jonathan Danforth's Co., in the Ninth Mass. Beg., commanded hy Col. David Brewer. Return dated Roxbury, Oct. 7, 1775. Capt. Jonathan Danforth, Western Lieut. Joseph McNall, Palmer Ens. Nahum Ward, Shrewsbury Sergt. Adonijah Jones, Palmer ' ' Nathan Hill, Brookfield " Ebenezer Horton, Rehoboth PALMER A TOWN, 1770-1812. 175 Samuel Hounds, Rehoboth Arthur Thresher, " Noah Thresher, " Joseph Thresher, " Benjamin Wheeler, " Simeon Wheeler, " Daniel Hastings, Belchertown Daniel Cady, Roxbury James Allen, Western Nathan Allen, *' Edmund Washburn, Western Thomas Whipple, " Henry White, " John Brown, Swansey Nathaniel Lewis, " Ezra Luther, ' ' Denis O'Brient, " Daniel Rioden, " Berry Bowen, Brookfield Moses Bowen, " Stoddard Bowen, " Benjamin Hill, " Pomp Lorum, " Jonathan Ralph, " Benjamin Baker, Dartmouth Miles Jordan, Ware, d. June 11 Sergt. Sylvanus Cambell, Rehoboth Corp. William S. Brown, Swansey " Samuel Brown, " " Peter Brewer, Southborough " Joshua Danforth, Western Fifer James Hill, Brookfield " Bartholomew Hill, Brookfield Aaron Bartlett, Palmer Thomas Bartlett, Shadrack Chapin, John Douglas, John Gibson, Ellas Rogers, " d. Sept 21. Nathaniel Rogers, Micah Dougherty, Framingham Daniel Bullock, Rehoboth Joseph Bullock, " Joseph Bowen, " Israel Goff, " Daniel Hix, " Stephen Ingalls, " Abiah Jenkins, " Richard Lee, " Wheaton Luther, " Isaac Martin, " Elisha Mason, " Aaron Millard, " 1776 — The Committee of Correspondence chosen in Palmer March 19, were : Ebenezer Jones, Joshua McMaster, Aaron King, Robert Ferrell and Daniel Graves. - The District of Palmer Assumes Full Town Rights. — The following reciprocal action of the State and our District marks the beginning of a new era in the political status of Palmer. " Massachusetts House of Representatives, May 10, 177G. Rewlved, as the opinion of this House, That the Inhabitants of each town in this Colony ought, in full meeting warned for that purpose, to advise the person or persons who shall be chosen to represent them in the next General Court, whether that, if the Honourable Congress should for the safety of the said Colonies, declare them independent of the Kingdom of Great Britain, they the said inhabitants, will solemnly engage with their lives and for- tunes, to support them in the measure. Samuel Freeman, Speaker. '' 176 HISTOllY OF PALMEK. The First Representative. " At a meeting of the freeholders and inhabitants of Palmer, legally convened on Thursday the 23d day of May, 1776, Capt. David 8pear was chosen Representative to serve at the General Assembly to be held at AVatertown, May 29th, PniXEAS Mixer, Moderator." '' To THE Constables of Palmer Greeting : These are to require you in the name of the General Court and of the people of the Colony, to notify and warn the whole of the inhabitants of Palmer, to meet and assemble themselves together at the Publick Meeting-house, on Monday the 17th day of June current, at one o'clock in the afternoon, then and there To advise and instruct the Representative of this toivn, Whether, should the Honourable Congress, for the safety/ of the Colonies, de- clare their Independence of Great Britain, they the said inluibitants loill engage witli their lives and fortunes to supjjort them. Given under our hand and seal at Palmer, the 13th day of June, A. D. 1776. Thomas Kixg, James Smith, Y Selectmen. Joshua Shaw. Instructions. — At a very full meeting of ye Inhabitants of Palmer, legally met at y^ publick Meeting-house, on Monday, the 17th day of June, 1776, at one of the clock, y« meeting being opened, Robert Ferrell was chosen moderator : and then proceeded & Voted y^ following instructions to the Representative of this Town, now at the General Assembly of this Colony, as y® sentiments of this Town : That, Whereas, the Court of Great Britain hath by sundry acts of Par- liament, assumed the power of Legislation for y^ Colonies in all Cases whatsoever, without the Consent of the Inhabitants ; — Have likewise, exerted y® assumed power in Raising a Revenue in y« Colonies without their Consent : we cannot justly call that our own, which others may when they please take from us against our wills : — Jlatti likewise, appointed a New set of officers to superintend these Revenues, whojly unknown in the Charter, and by their commissions, invested with powers altogether unconstitutional, and destructive to y® security which we have a Right to enjoy. Fleets and armies hath been Introduced to support these unconstitutional officers in col- lecting these unconstitutional Revenues : — Have also altered the Charter of this Colony, and thereby overthrown the Constitution, Together with many other grievous acts of Parlinment too grievous to be borne : — The peaceable Inhabitants being alarmed at such repeated inroads on y® Constitution & gigantick strides to despotick power over y^ Colonies, Petitioned the King for Redress of grievances separately: — finding that to fail. Petitioned joyntly— begging as children to a Father to be heard and Relieved, But all yi« Ml mil Itefl :l •4 ft! II 1^>^-| ^1 1 |M?S Mill r^lf ^^^*-^ ifiiiirifefiMiMiMiiiii:5|ia^^^^^^^^^^ l>i-=id'^' 'Hfc, ^^ PALMEE A TOWN, 1776-1812. 177 to no purpose, the Petitions being treated with ye utmost contempt. The united Colonies finding that No Redress could be had from Great Britain, unitedly agreed to an opposition In the most Peaceable way they could con- trive, being willing to try every peaceable measure y* possibly could be in- vented, rather than Brake with Great Britain. Great Britain being bent on her favorite scheme of Enslaving y© Colonies, declared them Ptebbels & Treated them as such. The Colonies being driven to a state of Dispare from the least Eeliefe from them, were obliged by ye laws of self-preserva- tion, to take up arms in their own Defence, and meant to use them only as such. But the dispute has arose to so great a height that it is Impossible for the Colonies ever to be Joyned with Great Britain again, with the least Security & Safety to themselves or posterity. We, therefore, the Inhabitants of this Town, do believe it absolutely Necessary for the safety of the United Colonies, to be Independent from Great Britain, & Declare themselves Intirely a Separate State, as we can se no alternative but Inevitable ruin, or Independence. — But as there is a General Congress of the United Colonies, composed of Honourable, wise and good men, who sit at the Head of affairs, consulting measures which will be most for the Safety and Prosperity of the whole ; & have the means of Intelligence and Information in their hands, we submit the whole affair to their wise Consideration & Determination : — And if they shall unite in a separation from Great Britain, ive do unanimouely determine & declare we ivill Supjjort tliem with our Lives and Fortunes ! We do Direct the Representative of this Town to lay these votes before the Honourable General Assembly of this Colony, to Enable them to com- municate our Sentiments to the Honourable Continental Congress. Robert Hunter, Clerk." This paper, issued on the anniversary of the battle of Bunker Hillj and seventeen days before the Congress adopted and sent forth its famons "Declaration," has been appropriately called Tlie Palmer Declaration of Independence. It needs no explanation ; and it is its own best commentary. But as showing the self-sacri- ficing patriotism and cool courage of our fathers of that day, it is worthy of everlasting remembrance. This series of public transactions, done in accordance with the letter and spirit of a Eesolve of the House of Eepresentatives of Massachusetts, constitute the beginning of the de facto town life of Palmer. The Legislature authorized the inhabitants of all towns in the Colony to do a specific act : the inhabitants of Palmer, "^'in the name of the General Court," did this specific act, viz., 178 HISTOEY OF PALMER. elected a Eepresentative, and gave him liis Instructions — and tlnis assumed all the riylds of toivns : the General Court received said Eepresentative, so elected and instructed, and he acted with the body. And thenceforward the town annually chose and sent a Eepresentative who was received and duly qualified. The proper date of the organization of the Town of Palmer is May 29, 1776. To go back a few months, and take up the thread of military events : — As the time approached when the term of the Eight Months men would expire, the Massachusetts authorities issued or- ders, Dec. 1, 1775, calling out 5,000 men of the militia, to defend the fortifications at Cambridge and Roxbury. The quotas of sev- eral towns were as follows : Brimfield, 25 ; Monson, 15 ; Belcher- town, 20 ; Ware, 10 ; Palmer, 15. Under this call, which was promptly met, several of our men, then on duty, continued in service, and their names do not appear on the enlistment Rolls. It is known, however, that a large com- pany was raised in the neighborhood, which went ''to re-inforce the American Army (temporarily) Feb. 1, 1776." The officers were : James Sherman of Brimfield, Captain. David Spear of Palmer, 1st Lieutenant. Simeon Keep of Monson, 2d Lieutenant. This company was attached to Col. Ebenezer Learned's regiment. The following Palmer men joined Capt. Reuben Munn's Monson company, and were in service till November 26 : Judah Moore, fifer ; David Sjiear, Jun. ; William Sloan, James Shaw. Lieut. Samuel Buel was in Capt. Daniel Sacket's Co. that marched to reinforce the Northern Army Oct. 21, and was out one month. The officers of the two militia companies in Palmer this j-ear, were : First Co., Capt. David Spear, 1st Lieut. Robert Hunter, 2d Lieut. Robert McMaster. Second Co., Capt. Aaron Graves, 1st Lieut. Joshua Shaw, 2d Lieut. David King. To Joshua Shaw, Treasurer Please pay to George Brackenridge twelve shillings out of the town's money, for the purchase of a Drum. Thomas Kixg, David Spear, )- Selectmen. James Smith, Palmer, June 21, 1776. Gen. Washington early saw the impossibility of organizing an efficient army out of recruits enlisted for short terms of three to PALMER A TOWE-, 1776-1812. 17^ eight months. And when his forces marched up the North river after the defeat at Brooklyn, the army came near being broken up by the discharge of these short-term companies. At his earnest solicitation, seconded by all his general officers, the Continental Congress, in October, 1776, matured a plan for the formation of a regular army by the enlistment of men to serve during the war. Ik Congress, Oct. 8, 1776. Resolved, that for the further encouragement of the non-com- missioned officers and soldiers who shall engage in the service for the ivar, a suit of clothes be annually given each of said officers and soldiers, to consist the present year of two linen hunting-shirts two pair of overalls a leathern or woolen waistcoat with sleeves one pair of breeches a hat or leathern cap two shirts, two pair of hose, 2 pair of shoes amounting in all to the value of 20 dollars ; or that sum to be paid to each soldier who shall procure those articles for himself and pro- duce a certificate thereof from the captain of the company to which he belongs, to the paymaster of the regiment." At a later date Congress offered, as an inducement to enlist, a bounty of £20, to be paid at the time of muster, and promised the following quotas of land : To a colonel, 500 acres ; to a major, 400 acres ; to a captain, 300 acres ; to a lieutenant, 200 acres ; to an en- sign, 150 acres, and 100 acres each to non-commissioned officers and privates. These terms were afterwards modified so as to admit of enlistments for three years, or during the ivar, but the three- years' men were not entitled to any grant of land. As will appear in the sequel, several of our Palmer men drew the bounty of money or land. Of the eighty-eight battalions ordered to be raised, Massachusetts was required to furnish fifteen. In accordance with this order, the Massachusetts Assembly passed a resolve requiring each town in her jurisdiction to furnish " every seventh man of sixteen years old and ujDwards, without any exception, save the people called Quakers." Pay-KoU of Capt, Daniel Cadwell's Co. in Col. Timothy Robinson's de- tachment of Militia sent to Ticonderoga, out Dec. 25, 1776, to April 2, 1777 : Capt. Daniel Cadwell Sergt. John Colton Lieut. Daniel Parsons " Joseph Abbott Lieut. Pvob* McMaster " John McElwain 180 HISTORY OF PALMER. Sergt. Stephen "Wright Corp. Medad Stebbins " Abner Warriner " Aaron Colton " Joseph Colton Drum' Judah Moore Fif Wm. Colton Stephen Ashley Seba Bemont Luther Bliss Moses Barber Thomas Blackmar William Brown Ebenezer Beebe Steward Beebe Benoni Bannister Oliver Burt Benoni Clark Samuel Calkins Solomon Cummings Daniel Chapin Judah Chapin Henry Chapin Jesse Carpenter Edward Colton John Chatterton Asa Chaffee Amos Chaffee Justin Cooley Colton Joel Day James Edson Moses Ellsworth William Fuller Eleazar Fisher David Hubbard John Hitchcock Perez Hitchcock William Hitchcock Jabez Hancock John Hancock Jacob Kendall Solomon Loomis James Lamberton Jesse Lamphear Isaac Morris Timothy Murphy Ebenezer Cakes Elijah Palmer Jonas Rogers Nathaniel Rogers Timothy Root Joshua Searl Luther Smith Joseph Steel Moses Stebbins John Stebbins James Shaw Knowles Shaw Josiah Tinney Jonathan Tyler Amasa Waters David Ward Samuel Warner Daniel Woodworth Lewis White Joel Willey Cyprian Wright Isaac Bliss Joshua Parsons Sixteen of these men belonged to Palmer. Lieut. McMaster, Solomon Cummings and James Lamberton were reported Feb. 24 sick of small pox at Ticonderoga. Under the order for raising these men, Caj)t. Graves reported that two drafted men, viz., Eeuben Lilley and Moses Lammou, paid their fine of £5 each, with which money he hired Nathaniel Eogers, who served as above. 1777. — A Return of the Number of Males from sixteen years old and upwards which breathed on the First Day of January in the Town of Palmer, in the year 1777 : No. of Men belonging to the Training List 94 No. of Men belonging to the Alarm List 35 PALMER A TOWN, 1776-1812. 181 No. of Decrepid Persons who are rendered incapable of service thereby 46 No. of Men incapable of service by reason of old age & other infirmi- ties 9 No. of Negroes 3 Total 187 Signed Phinehas Mixer, \ Selectmen Ebenezer Jones, V of the Town of John Smith, ) Palmer. "Pursuant to an order of the General Court of this state, the selectmen and committee of safety of Palmer have met, and stated the price of Labor, G-rain, meat, and other necessaries of life here, and earnestly recommend to the inhabitants of this Town to con- form themselves accordingly. Palmer, Feb. 19, 1777. Labor in the summer per man per day 3s Od Other seasons in proportion "Wheat per bushel Rye and barley, per bushel Indian corn when dry, per bushel Good sheep's wool, per pound Good pork of y® best quality, per pound, Salt pork without bacon, per pound Grass fed beef that is good, per pound Stall fed beef that is good, per pound Eaw hides, per pound Raw calf skins Good American cheese, per pound Good butter, per pound Good tried tallow, per pound Spanish potatoes in the fall, per bushel Other seasons, per bushel Men's good yarn stockings, per pair Men's shoes made of neat leather Other shoes in proportion Good oats, per bushel Good tow cloth yard wide, per yard Tanned hides Cotton or linen check yard wide, per yard Mutton, lamb and veal, per pound Good wheat flour, per hundred weight Good English hay, per hundred weight Horse keeping, each per night Oxen keeping 1 yoke, per night Good fine peas, per bushel White beans, per bushel 6 4 3 2 4 8 2i 3i 3 6 6 8 n 1 1 4 6 7 6 2 2 1 3 3 6 3 20 2 1 1 6 7 6 182 HISTORY OF PALMER. Shoeing horse, calking heel and toe Plain shoeing Weaving tow cloth yard wide, per yard Good cider barrels Carpenters and joiners work, per day Masons work, per day A dinner of boiled meat at a tavern exclusive of cider Shoe makers making shoes in their own shop, per day Shoe makers that go into families to make shoes, and take the family throughout, per day 6s Od 4 4 3 G 3 6 3 6 10 3 1 8 Committee of Correspondence chosen this year : Daniel Graves, Thomas McLanathan, Lieut. Samuel Buel, Joshua McMaster, Sol- omon Cummings, Aaron King, John Quinton. Bounties Offered: " Voted 12 pounds to each man who shall en- list into the Continental Army, over and above what the Continent and State allows them — that is to say, for such men as shall answer for this town." The second Representative. "AX a meeting of the freeholders and other inhabitants of the town of Palmer, legally convened on Friday, May 16th, 1777, Lieut. William Scott was choson Eepre- sentative to represent this town at the Great and General Court to be held in Boston." The First Three Years Mei^. — Under the call of Congress for men to till the regular army for three years, or during the war, our citizens began to enlist Jan. 1, and in the course of a few months the quota was full. A Return of Men engaged into the Continental Service from the Town of Palmer in the year 1777. Names. Time. Co. .iolned. Regiment. Gideon Graves, war Capt. Seward Col. Crane John Smith, 3 years " " Luther Loomis, " Capt. Abbey Col. Brewer James Raven, u Capt. Haynes Col. Wigglesworth James Carlisle, " Capt. Danforth >( Robert Carpenter, " (( Col. Jackson Aaron Bartlett, " " Col. Wigglesworth Moses Tinney, " u <( Israel Loomis, '< Capt. Seward Col. Crane Jona. Blunt, war " (( John McMichel, " (( (( Francis Lemmon, " u " John Bruster, 14 " " John Douglas, 3 years Capt. Danforth Col. Wigglesworth John Bartlett, u " '- PALMER A TOWN, 17TG-1812. 183 Names. Time. Co. joined. Regiment. William McNall 3 years Capt. Danforth Col. Wigglesworth Ezekiel Wood worth, Capt. Colton Col. Greaton John Denny, Capt. Bryant Col. Crane William Gibson, Capt. Frothingham " Adam Stephenson, Col. Bigelow Ephraim Avery, Capt. Bull Col. Sheldon Signed David Spear, } C )apts of Militia in Aaron Graves, f Town of Palmer. N. B. James Raven, above named, is judged by the Committee to belong to Milton, he never having resided in Palmer. Justin Ely, Chairman. These men were transferred to different companies and regi- ments, as the exigencies of the service required. But Crane's Ar- tillery was a favorite with them. The formation of a regular army did not supercede the necessity for drafts for special service of short terms. The towns were often called upon for such quotas. In some cases, detachments from local militia companies marched by themselves ; in others, squads of men from different towns united to form a large company, under a favorite captain. Roll of Capt. Aaron Graves'' Co. in Service in the Northern Department^ May 8 to July 8, 1777 : Capt. Aaron Graves, Lieut. Samuel Saxton, " Oliver Chapin, Sergt. Joseph Saxton, " John Langdon, " Orison Shaw, Elisha Hubbard, Benoni Aitchison, William Spear, Jacob Hoar, Abner Hitchcock, Samuel Arnold, Simeon Bacon, Tho^ Blackmar, Josiah Bliss, Benoni Banister, Stephen Bliss, Gideon Beebe, Josiah Bullard, Alexander Beebe, John Burt, Reuben Burt, Joseph Banister, John Carlisle, Asa Chaffee, Ephraim Chapin, Thomas Coleman, Richard Cady, John Davis, John Tinney, Gideon King, John Langdon, Joshua McMaster, Isaac Merritt, William Roach, David White, Thomas Shearer, Joseph Shearer, Gad Stebbins, Abner Sikes, Jeremiah Miller, Jonathan Tyler, Isaac Trask, James Thomas, Asa Walker, Moses Warriner, Benjamin Wright. 184 HISTORY OF PALMER. Luke Hitclicock was in Capt. William Cooley's Co., Col. John Moseley's Eegt., Service in the Northern Department, July 9 to Ang. 12, 1777. In Capt. Eeuben Munn's Monson Co., Col. Elisha Porter's Eegt., detached to join Gen. Gates' army for 30 days, Sept. 26, 1777, were 1st Lieut. Jonathan Thomson and Sergt. Aaron Morgan, Solo. Bishop, Wm. King, Solo. Nelson, Elijah Nelson, Jacob Shaw, Lemuel Smith. Pay- Roll of Lieut. Joshua iShaw's Co., Col. Elisha Porter's Eegt., detached to join Gen. Gates for 30 days, in the service of the United States, from Palmer in the Massachusetts State, from Sept. 26, 1777 : Lieut. Joshua Shaw, Sergt. John A. McElwain, Sergt. Luke Hitchcock, Corp. John Shearer, Corp. Phineas Mixer, Fifer Judah Moore, John Spear, Joseph Smith, Obadiah Ward, John Carley, David Fleming, John Shaw, William McClanathan, Jona- than Moore, Simeon Graves, Elisha Cleaveland, Thomas Eiddle, John Cutler, Gideon King. The company was credited with travel both ways, 260 miles. These men took part in the battle of Sara- toga, which led to the surrender of Gen. Burgoyne. Pay-Roll of Capt. Ephraim Chapin's Co., Col. Ruggles Woodbridge's Eegt., Aug. 12 to Nov. 30, 1777 : Sergt. Aaron Morgan Samuel Morgan " John Gardner Isaac McMaster Corp. John McMaster Edw. Pain " Sylvanus Sanderson David Pain Seba Bemont William Sloan Moses Barber Reuben Shearer Zadock Bliss Joel Stebbins Joel Bishop Abner Sikes Samuel Combs Ebenezer Jones Justin Cooley Joseph Frost Isaac Ferrell James Eddy John Loomis A part of these men belonged to Palmer, and were with Gen. Gates' army. "At a meeting of the inhabitants of Palmer Nov. 27, 1777, Lieut. Ebenezer Jones, Dea. John McMaster, Phineas Mixer, Eob- ert Ferrell and Dea. John Smith were chosen a committee to take care of the families of the Continental soldiers that are now in the service." "Voted, that the 22 bushels of Salt now in town received of the Board of War, for the benefit of the inhabitants of this town, be divided according to the number of polls in each family." PALMER A TOWN", 1776-1812. 185 Sichiess in CamjJ. Owing to bad sanitary regulations and the sudden massing of troops at unhealthy locations, contagious diseases were prevalent in the army during the autumn months. Many soldiers were furloughed and had sad experiences on the way and after reaching home. Our town records note the following ; "Voted, to Phineas Mixer £2, 4, 0, for nursing and tending Moses Buck, a continental soldier. The bill was as follows : " The Town of Palmer Dr. To me the subscriber, for taking care of Moses Buck a Continental soldier Brought to me by the Selectmen of Palmer for to take care of when sick and louseze To cleanseing him from lise 10 To cuering s'^ Moses of the itch 10 To Nurseing and taking care of the aforesaid soldier two weeks at 13 shillings pr wk 14 2 4 Nov' ye 28, 1777. Phineas Mixer, The following receipt, found among loose papers in the Town House, is in place here, though its full import is not known : Fishkill, Dec' 30, 1777. Kecei'^ of Wm Sax of Norwich of Connecticutt Nineteen Barrels of flower To Exsport to palmar in Massachusetts bay and thare To store it the said Sax Call or send the Barer hav- ing this same Resept also we acnoledge to carre the said flower to Palmar for One Dollar p' Mile for Each Tun Baring One Hundred & Thirty five to palmar and to Conduct the same with Care as wit- ness your hands this same day Samuel Buell Nineteen Barrells 39 cwt q. 00 lbs Simeon Fekeell 1778. — At a town meeting held Jan. 1, 1778, the Representative of the town now in the General Court was instructed to vote in favor of the Articles of Confederation of the United States, except the first paragraph of the seventh article, delegating power to Con- gress to declare war. It was also "Voted that our present Representative should not attend the Genera] Court any more this present year." [Each town paid the salary and expenses of its representative.] At the March meeting, Lieut. Ebenezer Jones, Joshua McMaster, Daniel Graves, Lieut. Samuel Buel and Judah Moore were chosen Committee of Safety for the present year. "Voted that Capt. David Spear, Dea. Thomas King, Lieut. Joshua Shaw, Aaron Graves and Samuel McClanathan be a com- mittee to take care of soldiers' widows and familys.^" 186 HISTORY OF PALMER. At the same meeting it was voted to abate the taxes of the several men engaged in actual service in the war. The above votes were passed in view of the fact that the heavy- drafts on our active militia made last year on account of Bur- goyne's invasion from the north had left many families in destitute circumstances. And new men could not be induced to enlist to meet the calls this spring, and drafted men chose to pay their fines rather than go away from liome with the uncertainty resting on the welfare of wife and children. April 20. A Ecsolve passed the General Court for raising fifteen battalions, to reinforce the Northern army, respectively for eight and nine months. The nine months service was to be reckoned "after their arrival at Fishkill." The eight months men were "to fortify the North river," and serve time ''after their arrival at Peekskill." The following nine months men were drafted : Lieut. Wm. Scott, paid his fine of £20 ; Joseph Chapin, paid his fine ; John King, paid his fine ; John Shearer, paid fine of £14, 2, ; John Moore, Jun., was paid bounty of £19 ; Francis Breakenridge (age 51), James Smith (age 57), Nathaniel Coburn, Samuel Hubbard, Amos Gray, each of whom received the bounty, and entered the army. Men drafted for the eight months service : Eleazar Bishop^ Hiram Wood, Lieut. Samuel Buell, John Hill, Daniel Dodge, Thomas King, Joseph Crofutt, each of whom paid his fine of £10. The names of their substitutes are not found. The following paper relates to this matter : Palmer, June 2, 1778. State of Massachusetts Bay To the Selectmen of Palmer, Dr. To bounties for two men, 30 pounds each ; said two men raised in s^ Palmer to fill up the 15 battalions, agreeable to the Resolve of April 20. Said two men were mustered by the county muster- master, and turned over to the superintendent, agreeable to s*^ orders. Also one other man drafted from s*^ Palmer at the time, and for the purpose above mentioned. But he absconded and could not be obtained till some time afterwards, and when he was taken he was caused to be mustered by Mr. Ely, the muster-master, and turned over to the superintendent, as above. ThomasKing, ] Selectmen David Spear, j ^ Joshua Shaw, , p^j^^^^^_ Aaron Graves, PALMER A TOWJf, 1776-1812. 187 Under the order of the General Court passed June 10, for raising men to serve in E. I. till Jan. 1, 1779, John Cutler and Denis Swaney enlisted and served 7 months ; Elijah Walton and Daniel Hopkins served 4 months. Each was paid a bounty of £17.15. Eafions. The continental allowance of provisions established by the Hon^' Congress : 1 lb. of bread or flour, per man per day. H lbs. of beef, or 18 oz. of pork or 1 lb. of fish per day. 3 pints of peas or beans per man per week. 1 qt. of beer, per man per day, or 9 galls, of molasses per 100 men per week. 8 lbs. of hard or 24 lbs. of soft soap per 100 men per week. ^ pint of rice per man per week. Salt and vinegar are delivered in such quantities as the Com- mander of the Dept. shall direct. Where money was drawn in lieu of rations the allowance was For beef, pork or fish -^j^ of a dollar. For bread or flour ^ of a dollar. For peas or beans ^V of a dollar. For milk, -^, beer, gV, rice, Vo > soap, y^ ot a dollar. Total if of a dollar. An article in the warrant July 28, was '' To see if the town will choose one or more men to represent them in the Great and General Court of the state, agreeable to a precept sent to them for that purpose signed by Elisha Porter, sheriff of the county. ''Voted out and chose none." '' The inhabitants voted out the constitution exhibited to this town by our representative, unanimously, fifty-eight voting. Clothing. ''Sept. 7. It was put to vote whether the town would provide the clothing sent for by the General Court in June last — voted in the positive. " It was put to vote whether the town as a town, would make up to the several providers of the above mentioned clothing, the whole of the reasonable cost of the same, if the board of War would not allow it — and it passed in the positive.'' Lieut. William Scott of Palmer was the authorized agent of Government, to collect and forward the clothing for the army, for the county of Hampshire. The following letter explains itself : To THE H0N»^ C OUTSELL OF THE StATE OF The Massachusetts Bat. I beg leave to inform your Honours that the inclosed is a Eeturn to the Secretary, of the Cloathing I have receaved from the several 188 HISTOKY OF PALMER. Towns in the County of Hampshire, which I have transported to Fishkill Landing, and delivered to Hezekiah Smith, Esq., Commis- sary in the Northern Department of the Army. The collecting Cloathing has gone on much slower than I could have wished ; the cloath was to spin, weave and whiten, the wool was on the sheep's backs ; the shoes & all to be made wp ; to which may be added the slothfulness & backwardness of some towns in complying with the Resolve, caused the collecting them to go on slow and troublesome. While I was on my way to Fishkill with the Cloathing I saw a Boston Newspaper which had an order of Court in it for the agents to make a Return by the first of this month. I have therefore taken the earliest opportunity after I came home to make Return into the Secretary's office of the Cloathing I have receaved. I would beg your Honours to inform me whether I am to call on the Delinquent Towns for the Remainder, or whether the Delin- quency is to be made up from the Board of War. — Would likewise beg to know if y'^ Honours has any further service for me to do, which I shall always be ready to perform with integrity & to the utmost of my ability. I shall take the first opportunity (which I trust will be soon) to make a propper settlement of what I have already done. I am Your Honours Most Obedt & Humble Servt, Palmer, July 11, 1778. Wm Scott, Agent. [The "Return^" has not been found.] Where some of our men were in service this fall, and other par- ticulars, appear in the following Pat-Eoll of Capt. Phineas Stebhins' Co., Col. Nathan Sparhawk's Regt. Three months and some days service, under Resolve for granting £5 per month addition to Continental pay. Sept. 13 to Dec. 12, 1778. Detached to re-inforce Gen. SulUvan. Corp. Thomas Blackmar, Palmer, enlisted Sept. 15, due £15, 6, 8 Elijah Walton, " " " " 15, 6,0 Wilham Hopkins, " " " " 15, 6,0 James Walker, . " " Oct. 1, " 12,13,4 Clotldng. Nov. 4. The town voted that the selectmen immedi- ately procure the remaining part of the donation clothing, as reasonably as may be, and lay their account of the cost before the town for allowance and payment. " Voted to Samuel McClanatlian £4, 10, for grain which he pro- vided for Moses Tinney's wife." " Voted Lieut. Shaw £4, 8, for grain and meat which he provided for Moses Tinney's wife." [Moses Tinney was one of our Three Years men.] PALMER A TOWN", 1776-1812. 189 Nov. 25. "Voted Dea. Thomas King £1, 12, 0, for rice that he let Moses Tinney's wife have." 1779. Clothing for the Army. Feb. 9 the town 'Woted £103, 4, for 27 pairs of stockings, 20 pairs of shoes, and 6 shirts, pro- cured by the selectmen as a donation to the soldiers of the Conti- nental army." Committee of Safety, Daniel Graves, Lieut. Ebenezer Jones, Eobert Terrell, Lieut. Samuel Buel, Jonathan McMaster. Representative. May 17. Capt. David Spear was chosen to represent the town of Palmer in the General Court this year. "Voted, That Dea. John Smith, Dea. Thomas King, with the se- lectmen, and the committee of safety, be a committee to give our representative his instructions." Quotas of men who marched to Providence, pursuant to the order of the General Court of June 8, 1779 : Palmer, 2 ; Monson, 2 ; Ludlow, 1 ; Ware, 1 ; Brimfield, 3. An article in the warrant for June 21, was, " To see what meas- ures the town will come into in order to raise five Continental men, for nine months, agreeable to the Gen. Court's Resolve of June 9." " Voted to each soldier that shall voluntarily enlist, as above, the sum of £140;" The following men enlisted : Benjamin Brooks, Benjamin Hooker, John Barre, John Crowfoot, Elijah Walton, Another article was, "To see what measure the town will come into in order to raise six other Continental men, being a part of twenty-seven, the full quota laid upon the town of Palmer, in order to fill up the 15 battalions, to serve for three years or during the war." This article was ''voted out." But in the course of the year Sergt. Israel Loomis, John Crowfoot, and James Carlisle en- listed for the tvar, which counted more than a short term enlist- ment. Bounties. July 5. The town voted "to give to every nine months man that shall serve for Palmer, on the present Court's order, £100, in addition to the £140 before granted." " Voted, to Joshua McMaster and Hugh McMaster, £20 each, for addi- tional encouragement for going to Providence as soldiers for this town."* age 17, height, 5 ft. 6 in. " 19, "57 " 40, " 5 6;^ " 19, "56 " 17, "55 * They joined Capt. Joshua Woodbridge's Co. in Col. Nathan Tyler's Regt., and were in service in R. I. 1 mo. 5 days, from December, 1778. 190 HISTOKY OF PALMER. " Voted, To those individuals who paid out bounties to soldiers that did service for this town a year ago last spring, £149, 4, 9, the same to be immediately assessed and collected." Voted That the town will procure clothing for 27 Continental men, agreeable to the Court's order." Voted That no specie or article shall be held at a higher price for a month next to come than the price now is for the same." July 30. The town chose Lieut. Joshua Shaw delegate to the convention to be held at Cambridge the first of September^, for forming a new constitution for the State. And Capt. David Spear, Dea. John McMaster, Dea. Thomas King, Capt. Aaron Graves, Dr. Benjamin Trask, Landlord Thomson, Aaron Wilson, Solomon Cummings, Francis Breakenridge, Joshua McMaster and Daniel Graves were chosen a committee to give said delegate his Instruc- tions. He was j^aid for his services £93. Capt. Joseph McNall raised a large company from Western, Brookfield and vicinity for service in R, I. under Lt. Col. Samuel Pierce, and was out from May 19, one month and 18 days. James Shaw and Thomas Hamilton went from Palmer. Pay-Eoll of Capt. Joshua Shaw's Co., Col. Elisha Porter's Regt., service at New London July 19 to Aug. 27, 1779. The Palmer men were : Lieut. Jona. Brown, Lieut. David King, Sergt. John Harris, Sergt. Andrew Brown, Sergt. Zebadiah Abbott, Corp. Luke Hitch- cock, Corp. James Sherman, Henry Bliss, Thomas Blackmar, Daniel Hopkins, John Lamberton, Gideon Morgan, Joseph McClin- tock, Roger McElwain, Jona. Moore, John Spear, Joseph Smith, Peleg Watson, Sept. 6. Robert Ferrell was chosen delegate to a convention to be held at Northampton the 8tli inst., for the purpose of stating prices in this county. Robt. Ferrell, Dea. John Smith, Capt. David Spear, Robert Hun- ter, Urijah Ward, Francis Breakenridge, and Dr. Benj. Trask were chosen a committee to state the prices of the necessaries of life for the Town of Palmer. Oct. 4. Capt. David Spear was appointed delegate to the con- vention to be held at Concord November first, for the purpose of stating prices for the species (?) in this State. Oct. 9. Orders were issued by the General Court, that men be raised to join the army at Claverack. The quota of Palmer was ten. The town voted to pay bounties of £300 to these ten men. The following were drafted, and paid fines of £50 each, viz., Seth Adams, Joseph Shaw, John Shearer, Jun., William Rosebrook £15 1 8 2 5 PALMER A TOWN, 177G-1813. 191 James King, Timothy Ferrell. The following served, and were paid £60 each, viz., David Shaw, Samuel Hendrick, William Eoach, Elisha Oleaveland, Stephen Crawford. Same date, the town voted " To pay £00 each to men who would serve six months at Providence, with interest till paid." Voted, to pay £3 6s. 8d. to each man serving one month at New London (to the number of eleven) over and above the publick bounty granted by the State. '^ " Voted £40 for purchasing and transporting lOOwt. of powder." In a Return of men drafted from the Militia of Hampshire county to march to Horse Neck under Col. Samuel How, were Aaron Nelson and Joseph Crofoot of Palmer, [date not given] ''Widow King's Account for keeping and taking care of Hannah Rutherford at her House when sick, Sept. y® 10,1779. For three weeks Keeping and tending her the old way 15 s. the new way For going after the Doctor For two pounds of sugar For three pints of rum £20 13 As has appeared from the foregoing Rolls and records, the war service in which our men were engaged this year, was of a some- what miscellaneous character. The American army held the North River and the forts above ; and many of the Massachusetts drafts were for men to make sure this advantageous position. Washing- ton's head-quarters was at Middlebrook, N. J. ; but with a small army, poorly 8^^pplied with clothing and stores, and a depreciated currency, he could make no offensive operations. The British were ojjerating at the South with their fleet and land forces ; and sent several ravaging expeditions into Connecticut and Rhode Island. New Haven was plundered ; East Haven, Fairfield, Nor- walk and Green's Farms were wantonly burnt. They also cap- tured the two important military posts at Stony Point, and Verplank's Point, on the lower Hudson. The re-capture of the former, July 15, by Gen. Wayne, was one of the most brilliant exploits of the War. But no important advantage was gained by either side. 1780.— March 21, Capt. Sylvanus Walker, Dea. John McMaster, Timothy Ferrell, Patrick Watson and Phinehas Mixer, Sen., were chosen a Committee of Safety. " It was put to vote whether the Britons now residing in Palmer should be exempted from the rates that are now assessed upon 193 HISTOKY OF PALMER. them ; and it passed in the negative ; also it was put to vote whether they should be rated for the future ; and it passed in the aflfirmative." [Nothing appears upon the records to explain this vote. But it is believed that a numl^er of the prisoners of war taken with Burgoyne, either strayed from the ranks when they were marching through this town on the way to Cambridge, and re- mained, or that some of them found their way hither at a later date. What were known as " Burgoyne's men" were found in most of our towns about this time, and many of them became per- manent settlers and useful citizens.] The Neiv State Constitution. The Convention which met Sept. 1, '79, to prepare a Constitution or Frame of Government, com- pleted its labors Mar. 2, '80. And *'at a meeting of the Inhab- itants of Palmer from twenty-one years old and upwards, legally convened on Wednesday, May 24, 1780, for the sole purpose of tak- ing under consideration the said form of Government proposed by the Convention of the Commonwealth of the Massachusetts Bay, John Smith was chosen moderator. The proposed constitution being read, the town made choice of a committee to consult, con- sider and report; and after reading the said constitution again, and after due consideration, proposed the following votes and amend- ments : viz. In Chapter 2, Executive Poivers, the latter clause of the 2d article, would propose the following amendment, viz. ^^ Unless he shall declare himself to be of the Christian Protestant Ee- formed religion." — The reason for this alteration is this, that it is our duty to keep the Executive Power free as possible from such principles of Religion as have heretofore been the Destruc- tion of many commonwealths. Again, we apprehend it no in- fringement on any man's conscience, because it does not oblige any person whatever to accept of the ofiBce but by his own free will and consent. — This article, with the amendment, was put to vote, there being 57 voters present, and it passed vinanimously in the affirmative. In Chapter 3, Judiciary Power, article first, would i:»ropose an amendment in the latter clause of the article, viz. " Provided, nevertheless, the Governor, with the consent of the Council shall remove them upon the address of both Houses of the Legislature." The reason for this is, because the Governor, as a single person, may be mistaken in his judgment, and more likely to be than both Houses of the Legislature. Therefore we are of opinion that the removal of persons from office lyeth safer in the hands of both Houses, than in one single person, however just his intention may PALMER A TOWN", 1776-1812. 193 be. — The article, with the amendment, was put to vote, and it passed unanimously in the affirmative. In Chapter 6, Form of Oath, &c., article first, it is the opinion of this town, that any person being chose Governor, senator, coun- cillor or representative, ought to declare himself to be of the Christian Protestant Reformed religion, and for the same reason as before given, as to the qualification of Governor. — This article passed in the afiirmative unanimously. In article 10, we strongly recommend the following addition, viz. ''The General Court that shall be held in the year 1790, shall issue precepts to the several towns and plantations requiring them to choose delegates to meet in Convention some time in that year, which time and j)lace of meeting shall be appointed by the said Court, in order to correct such deficiencies, and make such alterations in this Constitution, as from experience shall be found necessary ; the delegates to be chosen in the same manner and pro- portion as are the representatives to the lower branch of the Gen- eral Court. '^ The reasons for this addition are : that we believe ten years will be sufficient to determine whether there is a necessity for any alteration or amendment in this constitution: and we think the General Court should order the convention and appoint time and place, rather than take the roundabout way of getting the sense of the people first, and then send out its precepts. If there shall be no need to alter or amend the Constitution by that time, we shall heart- ily rejoice, and be satisfied to pay the delegates on their return with- out doing any business — but that haj^piness we do not expect. — This article, as amended, passed unanimously in the affirmative. It was then put to vote on the whole constitution, amended as above, and it passed in the affirmative, 56 for, and 1 against. The town then ordered the following instructions to Mr. Joshua Shaw, delegate to the convention, viz. Sir : You are desired to use your utmost influence to get the foregoing amendments made in the Constitution. We do not wish to be singular in our senti- ments any further than is for the safety of the commonwealth. You will be careful not to endeavor to overthrow the present con- stitution at large, but only deliver the sense of the town on such articles as we have proposed. You are likewise desired to propose the addition of the following articles, viz. That for the ease, con- venience & benefit of the Inhabitants, all Licenses for Innholders & Retailers of spirituous liquors, may be given by selectmen in the several towns, where such license is to be recognized: Also that all deeds & conveyances of land be recorded in the several towns where the lands lie. The state of Connecticut has for a long Selectmen of Palmer. 19-4 HISTORY OF PALMER. time practised on this plan, and finds it by experience to be a great privilege. John Smith, KOBERT FeRREL, John" Quinton", Samuel Shaw, May 24, 1780. At a meeting of freeholders and other inhabit- ants of Palmer, it was put to vote whether this town should send a representative to the General Court to be held at Boston this present year, and it passed in the negative. This applied to the spring session, which was the last one held under the old form of government. A new order of things began in September. 1780. June 5, an order was issued for a new levy of men for the army. And at a meeting of the town June 15, it was voted "that the six commissioned officers of militia be a committee to agree with the men now called for, as reasonable as possible in re- spect to their hire, which sum shall be allowed by the town." The following men were engaged : Daniel Rogers, David Mc- Clintock, James Cummings, Luke Hitchcock, John Moore. June 22, a draft was made on this town for 12 men from the militia, for 3 months service, to re-inforce the Continental army. The town directed the commissioned officers of militia'' to hire the 12 men called for ; authorizing the selectmen to borrow money to pay them, and pledged the town '' to make good the money bor- rowed as it was when they borrowed it." The men hired were : John Adams, James Averill, Jun., Joseph Bacon, Jesse Elwell, John Gardner, John Gibson, Moses Graves, James Lamberton, Norris Linsey, Peter Lovejoy, John Spear, John Duglass. They joined Capt. Joseph BroAvning's company in Col. Seth Murray's Eegt., and were out July 4 to Oct. 10. June 23. Orders were issued requiring the town to draft two men for 6 months service in the army. The two men sent under this order were : Benjamin Brooks, marched July G, discharged Dec. 16 ; travel allowed, 150 miles ; time of service, 5 mos. 19 days ; wages, £11, 5, G. Benjamin Hooker, marched July 6, discharged Jan. 11 ; travel allowed, 150 miles ; time of service, G mos. 14 days ; wages, £12, 18, 0. They were attached to Capt. Frothingham's Artillery company. Aug. 8. The town Voted that £1130, G, 15, be allowed to the selectmen for money paid and their obligation given to the soldiers raised, agreeable to the Resolves bearing date June 5th, 22d and 23d, 1780. PALMER A TOWI^, 1776-1812. 195- As will be seen, the number of men raised did not fill the calls. There was a deficiency of 5 under the first call, and more under a call of June 12. And at a meeting Sept. 14 the committee was directed to try further to procure the full quotas ; " and if said committee cannot procure the said men, the town of Palmer will defend s*^ committee from any fines that ever may arise for not se- curing s^ men." Three more men were secured, viz., John Hackett, Abner Smith and James Walker. They enlisted for six months. In justice it should be said that at this date the town had 8 men in the service who enlisted for the war — some of them enlisting during the last year. And they appear to have counted no more than the Three Years men, in the credits allowed by the State officials. Election of State Officers. The new constitution having been agreed to by a large majority of the towns, Monday, Sept. 4th, was assigned for the election by the people of Governor, Lieut. Governor and Senators. At the meeting in Palmer the votes were as follows : For Governor — John Hancock had 21 votes. James Bowdoin had 2 votes. For Lt. Governor — James Bowdoin had 21 votes. Dr. Samuel Holton had 3 votes. For Senators — Joseph Hawley had 21 votes. Timothy Danielson had 16 votes. Dr. Samuel Mather had 18 votes. Oct. 12. " Capt. David Spear was chosen representative for the Town of Palmer to attend the General Court this present term.^' "Voted 555 dollars to Lieut. Joshua Shaw for his expenses, &c. attending the Convention at Boston in order to establish a consti- tution for this State." Beef for the Army. Urijah Ward, John Quinton and James Smith were appointed, Oct. 12, to purchase cattle or beef for the army, as ordered by the General Court. They paid 4 pounds per hundred weight, and the town granted 7,300 pounds in remunera- tion for the same. Dec. 2. The term of the First Three Years men being about to expire, the General Court ordered the raising of a new levy, to serve for three years, or during the war. The quota of Palmer was ten. At a town meeting held Dec. 26 it was voted ''that Lieut. Wm. Scott, John Thomson, John Quinton, Thomas McClanathan and Samuel Shaw be authorized to inlist ten men for Three Years, or for the continuance of the war with Gt. 196 HISTORY OF PALMER. Britain, for supplying or filling up the Continental army. Said committee is hereby directed to agree with each man so hired or inlisted, on as cheajD terms as they can, and give each of said men a certificate for the hire or sum agreed upon on the treasurer of this town, who is hereby ordered to pay said certificate within the space of one month after the date thereof." Notwithstanding the large bounty offered, the filling up of the quota was the work of several months. Men had grown tired of war. The glamour and fascination of adventure had passed, the early enthusiasm had subsided, and the stern reality of hardship and exposure had taken their place. Descriptive List of the Last Three Years Men enlisted by the Town of Palmer : Com- Name. Date. Age. plexion. stature. Occupation. Barnabas Evens Mar. 23, '81 46 dark 5 ft. 8 in. carpenter Robert Brown Apr. 7, 85 " 5 " 8 " farmer John Douglas " 11, 21 light 6 " Moses Tinney " 12, 16 " 5 " 3 " Samuel Fisher " 12, 16 " 5 " 4 " Pelatiah Morgan " 24, 16 " 5 " 10 " Peter Love joy May 14, 39 fresh 5 " 10 " Primus Jackall July 5, 24 black 5 " 1 " Pelatiah McGoldsmith " 31, 20 " 5 " 6 " Lebbeus Paine Feb. 22, '82 — — — — The bounties paid to these men were as follows : To Jackall (who was a slave), £100 14 silver money ; to Goldsmith (also a slave*), £92 10 silver money ; to Paine, £92 silver money ; to each of the others, £90 hard money; making a total of £916 14 shillings in silver paid the ten men. In addition, each man received 18 Continental dollars for rations. The following paper has historical value in this connection : "March 20, 1781. I humbly desire you Gentlemen of Palmer, that you would be so good as to abate my Rates: For I think that I am very much wronged in paying my part for all these [ten] men that are raised for the War, when I have had one son in the war four years and now going on six years, and never received one penny of the Town — besides John and William have been out a great many times. I think I have done more in the war than any of you, so I hope you will * It appears that tlie owners of these slaves afterwards claimed compensation for their services. And the next year the town " voled i^ 128 190 for to pay for the two Negroes that the town has sent into the Three Years service." In 1784 the case was before the court at Northampton. And a town meeting was called " To see what the town will do about the Negro man Primus, that Capt. Watson bought of Mr. Bardwell of Belchertown, to serve in the army: Also Peltiah Goldsmith, bought of Maj. Aaron Graves, for the same purpose." Dea. John Smith was appointed agent to act for the town. The result is not recordsd. PALMER A TOWN, 1776-1812. 197 take it into consideration, I being poor, and have nothing to pay with. I think I am free from all rates, both by the laws of God and man, for I am now in my seventy-first year of age, and am not able to work as I have done. Your humble petitioner James Carlyle." The terms of enlistment of the above-named John and William Carlyle have not been found, but their names should be added to our list of soldiers. Beef. Dec. 4. The General Court issued orders for a new supply of beef for the army. The amount required of Palmer was 9331 lbs.: and Jan. 16, '82 the town appropriated 12,596 pounds 17 shillings to purchase the same. The sum above named was in the depreciated currency of that date. And the extent of this depreciation is indicated by the following vote at the ensuing March meeting : " Voted £1000 to be worked out on the highways the present year, at 20 dollars per day." The usual annual grant was £60. 1781.— April 2. Vote for State officers. For Governor, John Hancock, 20 Benjamin Lincoln, 5 Lieut. Governor, Thomas Gushing, 26 Eepresentative, ''Voted not to send this year." Beef. " Voted that the town will purchase the monthly supply of beef for the army, that is called for by the General Court. "Voted £78 in silver money for purchasing the six months supply of beef. Clothing for the army. ''Voted that the selectmen provide y® clothing for the soldiers, agreeable to the orders of the General Court." And £28 was appropriated to pay for the same. Orders were issued to the town, requiring that seven men be en- listed for three months service in the army. And Aug. 2, the town voted to pay £4 per month to each man that shall enlist. The list has not been found. Polls, Valuation, etc., , of Palmer, 1781. Number of Polls, 180 Number of Houses, 168 Number of Barns, 80 Number of Stores, etc., 16 Number of Mills, 4 Number of Horses, 161 Number of Oxen, 176 Number of Steers, 338 Number of Cows, 350 198 HISTORY OF PALMER. Number of Sheep, 1363 Number of Swine, 262 Number of barrels of cider made, 400 ■ Acres of mowing & tillage laud, 436 Acres of meadow, 850 Acres of Pasturage, 450 Acres of Woodland, 11,485 Oz. of Plate, 97 Coaches, value of £20. Money at interest & on hand, £500. 1782. — The surrender of Cornwallis and the British army, at Yorktown, Oct. 10th of hist year, yirtually closed the war ; though drafts and enlistments continued on a small scale. In March, Palmer was ordered to furnish 3 men for the conti- nental army, and Urijah Ward was appointed a committee to hire the men. He did not succeed. And at a meeting June 11, it was " Voted that the Town of Palmer be classed into three classes by the assessors, to hire the three men now called for." Classing. The rule was for the assessors to group the taxpayers, equitably, into as many classes as there were men to be raised ; and each class was taxed to raise one man, and pay him the stipulated bounty. It was a just method ; and in practice was found to be Yery efficient. Quite commonly a class would secure one of their own number. Vote for State officers, April 1, 1782. For Governor, Benjamin Lincoln, 32 John Hancock, 5 For Lieut. Governor, Thomas Gushing, 19 Joseph Hawley, 13 May 6. Capt. David Spear was chosen representative for the town for the present year. Summary. — List of men belonging to Palmer, who enlisted For the War, and sei-ved to its close. Name. Sergt. Gideon Graves, John Bruster, Jona. Blunt, Jona. Carley, F;ancis Lemmon, .lohn Crawfoot, Sergt. Israel Loomis, James Carlisle,* Enlisted. Mar. 20, '77, Mar. 20, '77, Mar. 22, '77, Oct. '79, Nov. 20, '79, Dec. 20, '79, Company. Capt. Seward, Capt. Seward, Regt. 3d Regt. Artillery. 7th Mass. Inf. 3d Regt. Artillery. 3d Mftss. Inf. * From his father's statement it appears that James Carlyle enlisted in the Eight Months' service; was one of the first to sign with the Three Years Men in 1777; and enlisted " For the War," as above. PALMER A TOWN-, 1776-1812. 199 Under a Resolve of the Mass. Legislature of March 5, 1801, these men were entitled to draw $20, or 200 acres of land. Jona. Carley, who settled in Greenfield, drew as above. John Crawfoot, settled in Bennington, Vt., and drew as above. Gideon Graves, lived in Palmer, and drew as above. After the War. — The disturbance of society, in its productive, manufacturing and commercial interests, caused by and incident to eight years of revolutionary war, was radical and far-reaching. The old order of things was broken up, and new elements of pur- pose and power were introduced, or forced themselves into posi- tion. The expedients resorted to to meet emergencies had upset estab- lished codes of morals and codes of honor, and helped to make pop- ular the dangerous maxim that "the end justifies the means." The expenses of the war, the depreciation of the paper issues of money, the heavy taxation, and the extent of town and individual debts, began, two or three years before the close of the war, to awaken a spirit of popular discontent in Massachusetts. Every- body was behindhand. Eeal estate was unsalable ; provisions and clothing were scarce and dear ; the hard money had gone for public uses, and paper bills had lost their credit. The soldiers came home poor, many of them sick, most of them with j)lans of life deranged, and with discouraging prospects for the future. The state levied taxes ; and the town levied taxes ; and real estate owners were called to bear the heaviest burden of this direct taxation. The farmer could not conceal his farm from the assessor, or the tax-gatherer, or the sheriff. And this pressure upon the agricultural industry accounts for the distress, and disorders, and opposition to state taxes, which showed itself in the central and western counties, and ripened into open resistance. Demagogues and adventurers — al- ways the product of "hard times" — took advantage of these un- settled and irritating conditions to stir up strife, and gain notoriety and influence. The culmination of affairs, in this region, was what is known in history as the "Shays Eebellion."' That the burdens were heavy, no one can doubt ; that the public grievances were real, and the individual and social embarrassments were oppressive ; that might asserted its right without due regard to equity ; and that self-protection often pointed to the shortest way to secure its ends, is undeniable. Everybody attempted to en- force the collection of debts ; and the strife was, who should get in his attachment first. The state sued the town ; the town sued the tax-payer; the tax-payer sued each his neighbor. Lawyers and 200 HISTORY OF PALMER. sheriffs were kept busy in drawing up and serving writs and sum- mons. And a sentiment joervaded the community that existing laws were defective, and their administration unequal ; and that redress must come from new laws and a reformed administration. There was little agreement as to what precise changes were necessary, and what statutes would correct prevalent evils. But there was a wide- spread feeling that the innumerable executions against persons and property then in the hands of sheriffs, must be stayed until a j)lan of relief could be devised. The first step then was to prevent the sitting of the county courts. This was revolutionary. The second step was to call county conventions, to discuss grievances, and formulate demands, and create or fire a public sentiment which would influence the state government. This was legitimate. In July, 1782, government attempted to meliorate evils, and con- ciliate the popular clamor, by passing the " Tender Act," which made neat cattle and other articles of personal property a legal tender. It was intended to work in the interest of private debtors ; but it increased rather than cured the evil. By its ex post facto opera- tion, and suspension of existing law-suits, it complicated all ques- tions of debt and credit. It lived just long enough to prove its injustice to the creditor class, and its negative relief to the debtor. The first outbreak in Hampshire county occurred in the preceding April. Samuel Ely, of Somers, Ct., a deposed preacher, and lead- ing agitator, got together a so-called convention at Northampton, at the time when the Supreme Judicial Court and the Court of Common Pleas were holding sessions there. For an attempt to pre- vent the sitting of the Court of Common Pleas and for disturbing the i^eace generally, Ely was arrested, and pleading guilty to the in- dictment against him, was condemned to a term of imprisonment. He had won the confidence of a large number of adherents, some of them men of good standing in civil and military life; and, watching their opportunity, a band of his friends attacked the jail and re- leased him. Three persons, believed to be ringleaders in the rescue, were arrested and committed to jail in Northampton. These were Capt. Abel Dinsmore, Lieut. Paul King and Lieut. Perez Bard- well. And it was proclaimed that they would be held as hostages till the body of Ely was delivered to the sheriff. The three per- sons arrested were military men, who had seen large service in the war, and the spirit of their old comrades in arms was aroused, and about three hundred of their friends assembled at Hatfield, under Ca^it. Keuben Dickinson as leader. Sheriff Porter of Hadley PALMER A TOWN", 1776-1812. 201 called out twelve hundred of the militia for the protection of the jail. After maturing his plans, having received a large reinforce- ment, all well armed, Capt. Dickinson sent three messengers to Northampton, June 15, proposing that the sheriff should send a committee to meet him at a place one mile from the jail, in two and a half hours from the delivery of the message. The sheriff declined acceding to the demand. The next morning Capt. Dick- inson sent the following pretty explicit note : — "The demands of our body are as follows : That you bring the prisoners now in jail, viz., Capt. Dinsmore, Lieut. King and Lieut. Bard well, forth- with: That you deliver up Deacon Wells' bonds, and any other that maybe given in consequence of the recent disturbance. The above men to be de- livered on the parade, now in our possession ; the return to be made in half an hour." It was a trying position for the sheriff. He had with him in front of the jail about 600 militia, well armed and resolute ; Capt. Dickinson had an equal number of well armed and determined men, ready to obey the command of their leader. The wisdom and prudence of General Porter averted a bloody conflict. He released the three hostages, on their parole of honor, they agreeing to de- liver the body of Ely to the sheriff, or in default thereof, their own bodies on the order of the General Court. In after years. General Porter was greatly blamed for his conduct in the matter, and no end of opprobrious adjectives was affixed to his name. But the General Court, at its session in November, emphatically endorsed his course, and granted a pardon to all concerned in the affair, ex- cept Ely. The following regimental Eeturn has reference to the troops called out on this occasion ; and of a similar call for a like purpose two years later : Pay Roll of the Field and Staff Officers of the First Eegt. of the County of Hampshire, two tours, to Northampton, June 12 to 16, 1782, in support of the Government, and one to Springfield in Sept., 1784, by request of the High Sheriff of the County. Col. Gideon Burt, Longmeadow, pay £9 28. 8d. Lt. Col. Reuben Munn, Monson, " 5 8 Maj. Aaron Graves, Palmer, " 4 5 1 Surgeon Thomas Anderson, " 4 16 8 Sergt. Maj. Joseph Moffatt, " 4 16 8 Qr. Mr. Israel Trask, " 4 16 8 Surg. Mate Thomas Wallis, " 4 16 8 Adjt. Jonathan Burt, *' 4 5 8 202 HISTORY OF PALMER. Conventions. A chief means relied on to influence public opinion and secure concert of action was the holding of conventions, com- posed of delegates chosen by the towns of a smaller circuit, or of the whole county. These Conventions met at Deerfield, Hatfield and Hadley, in the Connecticut valley, and at Worcester. Their spirit and object may be inferred from the wording of the ''call" of one of them : "To take into consideration the deplorable situa- tion the people of this County and the Commonwealth are in, and the more deplorable situation they are soon like to be in, by reason of the very great scarcity of a circulating medium.'' Palmer was represented in several of these larger Conventions. Dea. John McMaster was sent as a delegate to a county convention held at the house of Capt. Seth Murray in Hatfield, Oct. 20, 1783. This body was moderate and judicious in the expression of its views, recommending that the good people of the county strive to acquire by industry in their several callings the money necessary for the payment of their taxes, but expressing the opinion that it would be impossible for them to do so as quickly as the Government demanded. In the warrant for a town meeting Aug. 3, 1784, was an article "to see what method the town thinks projDer to be taken with respect to the several executions now against this town served and immediately to be served." '* Voted that the town choose a man to go up to Colonel Porter (the sherifl') to see whether the execution that is in Maj. Dwight's hands be stayed for the present. Voted that Lieut. Wm. Scott be the man." '' Voted that John Thomson, Robert Ferrell, Robert Hunter, John Allan McElwain and Tim- othy Ferrell be a committee, that in case the execution in the hands of the sheriff from the State Treasurer cannot be stayed, then and in that case the said committee give bonds to the consta- bles against whom the executions lie, to save them harmless from all losses, costs and damages they or either of them may sustain by reason of their not collecting the said taxes, they using all reason- able measures they can think necessary for collecting the same." " Voted £0, 8, 4 to Maj. Aaron Graves for his execution that he has paid for the suit that was commenced against him, supposing that the suit be stayed, and likewise interest on his money till paid." Feb. 1, 1785. "Voted, that if Joseph Darling, now in custody, Avill give the selectmen of the town of Palmer his obligation that he will pay his taxes to them, the said selectmen shall release the said Darling from his present confinement." Feb. 1, 1786. "Voted, that Landlord John Thomson, Maj. Aaron Graves, Francis Brackenridge, Dea. John McMaster and PALMER A TOWN, 1776-181^. 203 Lieut. Joshua Shaw be a committee to deliberate on the mat- ter and to give our representative his Instructions as to having a Bank of Paper Moneii made in this State to discharge our State Debts. "Voted, that there should be a Sinking Fund of Paper Money in this State, and that said Fund of money should sink one shilling on the pound. Voted, that if this Sinking Fund of money should not take place, that then all real and jDcrsonal estate should be a legal tender to answer all executions.'' Capt. David Spear was sent as a delegate to a Convention at Hatfield last year. Capt. Spear was also chosen delegate to a County Convention to be held at the house of Col. Seth Murray, in Hatfield, the second Tuesday of May, 1786. Lieut. Thomas McOlanathan was sent as a delegate to a Conven- tion holden at the house of Elisha Cook, in Hadley, the first Tues- day in November, 1786. Dec. 25, 1786. Capt. Sylvanus Walker, Lieut. Thomas McClan- athan, Eobert Hunter, Joshua Parsons and William Man were ap- pointed a committee to take into consideration the Eeport of a Committee, Korman Clark, chairman, issued by a Convention holden at Worcester December 7, instant." The committee's action is not recorded. In the meantime active measures of resistance to the S'tate authorities were in progress. Having exhausted the influence of conventions, the more daring of the malcontents resorted to the force of armed demonstrations. Among the prominent leaders were Capt. Francis Stone of North Brookfield, who really furnished the brains of the movement ; Col. Seth Murray of Hatfield ; Maj. Luke Day of West Springfield ; Capt. Daniel Shays of Pelham ; Capt. Eli Parsons of Berkshire. These men had all served with credit in the war of the Revolution, and had great influence over the common people. A body of the insurgents had prevented the holding of the Court of the Common Pleas at Great Barrington, in August. In September, the Supreme Judicial Court at Spring- field was virtually prevented from sitting. The December sessions of the Courts at Worcester were broken up by the presence of about 1,000. armed men under Capt. Shays. It was plain, alike to the State Government, and the insurgent leaders, that the time for decisive action had come, and both made ready. The Governor ordered Maj. General Lincoln to raise 4,000 troops from the eastern counties, and hold them in readiness for emergency. They were destined for service in Worcester, and Lin- coln was given authority to act as occasion required. The loyal 204 HISTORY OF PALMER. Hampshire militia men were ordered to rejiort at Springfield to Gen. Shepard, for the protection of the Arsenal. This corps numbered about 1,100, and had several field pieces. Maj. Day, was posted at West Springfield, where he had gathered about 400 insurgents. Parsons was at Chicopee, and had with him about 400 men. Shays was at Pelham, and wherever his presence was most needed. He was the acknowledged leader of the cause, though Day was the abler man and better posted in military tactics, and was really am- bitious of the chief command. Palmer was on the great road from Worcester to Springfield, and in ready communication with tlie Hampshire towns on the north, and the disafEected towns of Hardwick, Rutland and Petersham towards the east. It was a convenient point from which to watch the troops coming from the Bay ; and to make a descent on the Arsenal at Springfield — the rifling of which was a cherished object of the insurgents. About the middle of January, 1787, Capt. Shays appear upon the scene ; and promptly issued orders for his adherents in southern Hampshire to rendezvous at Palmer. He him- self joined them here on the 31st or 22d. On the 2od he was here in command of a force of not less than 1,000 men. At a council of war held that day, it was decided to join Day's forces then rest- ing at West Springfield, and Parsons' division of 400 men at Chic- opee, and then attack the Arsenal. The plan leaked out ; and Maj. Aaron Graves hurried to Worcester to inform Gen. Lincoln, who was there in camp. Shays marched to Wilbraham on the 24th ; and started for Springfield the next morning. At the same hour. Deputy Sheriff Asaph King started on horseback to notify Gen. Shepard, then in command at S. The snow was covered with a hard crust, and King rode much of the way across lots, the blood streaming from his horse's legs at every step. He got in a considerable time before the insurgents. Shays appeared in the afternoon, and marched steadily towards the Arsenal. Shepard fired his cannon to the right and the left, and over the heads of the advancing column. He then fired point-blank at the head of the column, when three of the insurgents, viz. Ezekiel Root and Ariel Webster of Gill, and Jabez Spicer of Leyden fell dead, and John Hunter of Shelburne fell mortally wounded. Shays and his men turned and fled in confusion, without firing a gun, or caring for their dead and dying comrades. This proved the death-blow of the Rebellion. Tradition says that some Palmer men were in active sympathy with the Shays party, and joined the ranks of the insurgents. But their names are not preserved, in any authentic record. PALMER A TOWN, 1776-1813. 205 At the close of t]ie 5"ear 1787, Palmer was in debt to the amount of £79.9. Tax Payees, 178G. The following list of tax payers of Palmer of this date is here presented, to show the changes in family names since the early set- tlement of the place. Many families have disappeared and new ones have come in. The list has also historical and genealogical value, as indicating the then residence of men who, at an earlier and later date, are found as tax payers in other towns. Names. ^fo. Polls. Names. No. Polls. Abbott, Samuel 1 Coy, Nehemiah Adams, Andrew 2 Crouch, Aaron " wid. Ann Cummings, Isaac " John " Jacob Averill, James " Solomon Bacon, Joseph Darling, Elisha " Simeon " Enoch " Thomas " Ichabod " wid. " Joseph Bachelor, John Elwell, Harris " Nehemiah " Jesse Baldwin, Rev. Moses Evans, Barnabas Beckworth, Jabez Ferrell, Elisha Joseph " Isaac Bettis, Andrew " Josiah Bishop, Joel " Robert's heirs Blackmar, Joseph " Simeon " Lemuel " Timothy 2 " Stephen Ferry, Judah 3 Thomas Fisher, John 2 Blair, William Fleming, David 3 Brackenridge, Francis " David, Jun. 1 " George William 2 ' ' James Fosket, Joshua 1 Brainard, Timothy Gardner, John 1 Bratten, David Gates, Ephraim 1 Brown, Edward Gibson, John 1 John Graham, Jesse 1 Robert Graves, Maj. Aaron 1 Chapin, Joseph " Daniel 3 " Luke ' ' Gideon 1 Cleaveland, David " Simeon 3 Elisha Griggs, Lemuel 1 Hopestill Hale, Samuel 1 Cooley, Jonathan Hamilton, Asa 1 " Zadock , ' ' James 3 206 HISTORY OF PALMER. Names. No. Polls. Names. No. PoUs. Hamilton, John 4 McMichel, Robert 1 Hannum, Foster 1 Merrett, Isaac 2 Haven, James 1 " John Hill, John 3 " William " Thomas 1 Mirick, Aaron Hitchcock, Luke 3 Mixter, Phineas " Winchester 1 Moors, David Hoar, John 1 " Hugh Homes, Daniel 1 ' ' Jonathan Hopkins, Ebenezer 1 ' ' Joseph Hunter, Robert 3 Nelson, Aaron Hutchinson, Benjamin 1 Parsons, Joshua " Samuel 1 Quiuton, Thomas King, Benjamin 1 Robenson, William ' David 2 Roberts, David ' wid. Deborah ' ' Isaac ' Gideon 1 ' ' Nathaniel ' James 1 Rogers, John ' Jesse 1 " Nathaniel ' John 2 Robins, ' Moses 1 Rotch, Edward ' Reuben 1 " William ' Thomas 2 Rutherford, wid. Hannah T.amb, Dr. Jabez 1 Samson, Samuel Lamberton, John 1 Scott, Dr. Calvin " John, Jun. 1 " William Seth 1 " William, Jun. Lewis, Diah 1 Shaw, Capt. David Longworth, William 1 ' ' James Lumbert, David 1 " John Lyons, James 1 " Lieut. Joshua Mann, William 2 " Joshua, Jun. McClanathan, Josiah 1 " Moses " Samuel 1 " Noah ' ' Thomas 1 " Samuel " William 1 " Seth McDowell, William 1 " William McElwain, John Allen 1 Shearer, John *' Roger 1 " John, Jun. " Timothy 1 " Joseph McMaster, Hugh 1 Sherman, Prince " Isaac 1 Simpson, Thomas " John 2 Sloan, Robert " John, Jun. 1 Smith, Benjamin " Joshua 1 " wid. Elenor Robert 2 " Hugh William 1 " James 2 PALMER A Towif, 1776-1812. 2( Names. No. PoUs. Name8. No. Po Smith, James, Sen. 1 Trask, Rufus 1 '• James, Jun. 1 Underwood, 1 " John 2 Walker, Capt. Sylvanus 1 " John A. 1 " Sylvanus, Jun. 1 John, 2d 1 Ward, Urijah 3 " Jonathan 1 Watson, Capt. Patrick 1 " Joseph 1 Whitney, Ebenezer " Robert 2 ' ' John " William 1 Whitoms, Isaac Spear, Capt. David 3 Willey, Israel " David, Jun. 1 Joel " John 1 " Judah Stacy, Isaac 1 Williams, James 2 Thomson, Henry 2 Withington, Joseph 1 " John 3 Wire, James 1 Noah 1 Wood, George 1 " Robert 1 ' ' Hiram 1 Tilden, William 1 " wid. Non-Residents. Burr (Timothy) & Clark (Seth), mills Cwee, William, land. 70 acres . Dwight, Joseph's heirs, land, 80 " " Josiah's heirs, land, 200 " Eddy, Caleb's heirs, land. 90 " '« Joshua, land. 99 " Emery, Jonathan, land, 160 " Gordon, William, land. 70 " Jones, Joseph, land. 20 " Moors, John's heirs, land. 20 " Shaw, Erwin, land. 23 " Simpson, Jonathan, land, 180 " Stone, James, land, 100 " Waldo, Daniel, land. 100 " Wells, Samuel, land. 333 " Miscellany.— TAe Hanging of Shaw. In the fall of 1770, William Shaw, a son of one of our good families, and a man of ex- citable temper, was committed to Siaringfield Jail for debt. While at work with shoemaker's tools, a hot dispute arose between him and a fellow-prisoner named Earl, and Shaw struck him a fatal blow with a hammer. He suffered death upon the gallows at Springfield Dec. 13, 1770, Parson Baldwin of his native town preaching the customory sermon. Wagons first named. Sept. 4, 1780, the town ''voted 2 pounds 14 shillings to Samuel Kilborn for the use of his waggin for to con- 208 HISTORY OF PALMEK. vey a sick man from Palmer to Brimfield.'' A pleasure wagon was owned by Wilson Foster, father of John Foster, about 1808, and was then considered quite a rarity. Two wheeled chairs and chaises came into use at an earlier date. Collector of Town Taxes. The custom prevailed from early times for the constables to act as collectors of taxes, and they were held accountable for all rates committed to them by the assessors, unless the town by special vote abated a person's tax. It some- times happened that singular complications arose from enforced collections, like the following: ''Mar. 5, 17G5. Voted, that the sum of one joound, 3 shill. 7 pence 3 farthings, being the whole of the rates assessed on Thomas McClintock for the year 1763, be abated, on account of the constable's taking his grain by distress, and the same grain being consumed in the burning of John King, Jun's house." Prudent men were averse to accept the office, but the law pro- vided that every qualified voter should take office when duly elected, or pay a stipulated fine. If a constable failed to collect all the tax bills he was hardly dealt with, sometimes by levying on his property, and sometimes by imprisonment. March 18, 1788, William McDowell was chosen ''collector for the whole town of Palmer, and he is to receive four pence on the pound for collecting, and his fees is to be assessed on the town this year." Samuel Shaw was his bondsman. The "minister's rate" was a tax distinct from ordinary town taxes, and James Shaw, con- stable, was to collect that, as formerly. At the March meeting in 1793 the office of constable and collector was put up at vendue and struck off to William McDowell, he being the lowest bidder, at six pence on the pound. The town grant was 88 pounds 4 shillings. Oct. 6, 1787, Mr. Aaron Mirick was chosen delegate to the Con- vention to be held in Boston the second Wednesday in January next to revise the Federal Constitution. War7iing Out of Town. To insure permanency of settlement of men of good morals and good repute, who would add to the pro- ductive capacity of the inhabitants, the custom prevailed generally throughout the Province of " warning out of town "all transient persons, and all who did not purchase real estate, and all strangers not vouched for by some taxpayer. And when a stranger came into a place ostensibly to take up residence, the citizen into whose family or tenement he came was required to give notice to the selectmen of the name of the person or persons, the town from whence he came, his pecuniary circumstances, and the date of his arrival. The town authorities would then, at their discretion. PALMER A TOWN, 1776-1812. 209 allow him to remain, or order him to be "warned and cautioned as the law directs." A person so warned was prevented from gaining a ''settlement," and the town escaped liability for his support. Many men thus ''warned" by the constable took up permanent abode and became honorable citizens, and heads of distinguished families. Palmer often availed itself of the right in question, as appears from the following records : Hampshire ss. Palmek, Jan. 7, 1790. To William McDowell, Constable : You are in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Directed to warn and give notice unto Susanna Rogers, Benjamin Trim, Sharp Graves, Dinah Woodard and George H. Storer — Transient persons who have lately come into this town for the pur- pose of abiding there. Not having obtained the town's consent therefor, that each of the above named persons with their children (if any they have) depart the limits of said town (with others under them if any they have) within fifteen days. And of this precept, with your doings thereon, you are to make Eeturn into the office of the Town Clerk within twenty days next coming, that such further proceedings may be had in the premises as the law directs. Given under our hands and seal at Palmer aforesaid, this eleventh day of January, one thousand seven hundred and ninety. AAROisr Graves, David King, John Thomson, Thomas McClanathan, "Hampshire ss. Palmer, January 25, 1790. By virtue of the within Warrant, I have warned and given notice unto Susanna Rogers, Benjamin Trim and his family, and Sharp Graves, transient persons, immediately to depart the limits of said town of Palmer, within fifteen days, as the law directs. W^ McDowell, Constable." In the following April others were "warned," viz., Samuel Ab- bott, wife and children ; David Roberts, David Roberts, Jun. ; James Stricklen with his wife and family ; John Brown with his wife and family; John Sweeney and wife ; Dennis Sweeney and wife ; Diah Lewis and his wife and family. June 14, 1791. William Mendum and Phebe, his wife, received a like warning and notice. Nov. 3, 1791. The following were warned and notified, viz., Matthew Clark, wife and family ; Henry Stevens, wife and family; Selectmen of Palmer. 210 HISTORY OF PALMER. James Ferry, wife and family; Jesse Thayer, with his children and family; Anna Kibbe. 3fore Cloth. The article in the warrant of May 20, 1751, was ''To see if this Society will bie a more cleuth & grant mony for that purpose, and allsoe to bie tulles to dige graves and chuse a man for that end." '^ Voted 3 pounds 9 shillings & four pence, lawful money in order to purchase tlie materials in said article therein contained." March 16, 1790, the town "Voted that Shadrick Thomson be appointed to take care of the meeting-house, the Moore Cloth, and the tools Belonging to the town for Diging the Graves.'' A similar vote was passed in 1792. Jury Box. Oct. 18, 1791. "Voted and Actsepted of the Jury Box as now Regulated by the Selectmen, and accordingly chose a Comitte to select one Qurter part of the Number of Tickets lay^ befor the Town in Order to be put into a seperate Box Lyeble to be Drawn to serve as Jurors at the Supr"' Judictial Court — Ac- cordingly Lieut. David King, Lieut. James Smith, Capt. David Spear was chose a Comittee for the aforesaid purpose. S^ Com- itte withdrew and after a short time returned and Reported and was Accepted by the town and accordingly the Box was Prepared, Locked and Delivered as the Law Directs." Weights and Measures. Jan. 17, 1791. The town Voted that the selectmen be authorized to purchase weights and measures for a standard to try others by in Palmer : that for Dry measure they buy a half-bushel, a peck, a half-peck and a two-quart measure ; for Liquor measure of jjewter, a quart, a pint, a half-pint and a gill ; for Weights, a scale beam, a 4-pound weight, and so down to one ounce, in brass weights. Granted the sum of £2, to pay for the same, to be assessed in the first town rate that is made. Coicee and Cook's Lands Set Off. July 15, 1794, *' On the Peti- tion of Capt. William Cowee and Elizur Cook of Western, Dated May 7, 1794, Voted and Granted the request in said Petition, that their Land lying in Palmer and joining their Land in Western, be set off from the Town of Palmer, and annexed to the Town of Western." Plan of the Town. — Nov. 3, 1794. At a legal town meeting it was voted, ''That Mr. Aaron Merrick, Lieut. James Smith and Maj. Aaron Graves be a committee to make out an accurate Plan of the Town of Palmer, agreeable to a late Law of this Common- wealth." The committee employed Admatha Blodget as surveyor, who made the necessary measurements and drew an outline map of the town, indicating boundary lines, the course of the rivers, the PALMER A TOWN-, 1776-1813. 211 mill-seats, the mountains, the old Post Road and the county high- ways. The committee's charges were as follows : James Smith, $7.30; Maj. Graves, $4; Mr. Merrick, $2.75. Probably these charges included the sum paid to Mr. Blodgett. The original Plan is now in the State Archives at Boston. Gtdde Posts. May 20, 1795, Col. Ebenezer Webber, Isaac War- rin and Clark McMaster were appointed a committee for the pur- pose of setting up Guide Posts on all the public roads, as the law directs. This was promptly done, at a cost of 114.54. Singing School. Nov. 13, 1797. The town voted to raise the sum of $40 '* for the purpose of hireing a singing master to teach a singing school." In 1800, $30 was granted ''for the support of psalmody,*' and Solomon Shaw was appointed committee to spend the money. Justice of the Peace. By a good majority, the town voted May 2!), 1798, to nominate Lieut. James Smith to the Governor and Council to be commissioned as justice of the peace. He declined the business. In the following November, John A. Smith was nominated for the oflfice. The Parade. Nov. 1, 1798, a committee, consisting of Clark McMaster, William King and Urijah Ward, was appointed ''to clear the ground and make a Parade near the meeting-house — free of cost to the town." This Parade was a lot of about 4 acres lying north of the Meeting-house. Burying Grounds. — There is no doubt that the earliest burials of the dead at the Elbows Plantation, were on the land near "•King's Eow," now the South Cemetery. The first action on record, in relation to a public burial place, is under date of March 17, 1734-5, when it was voted, "That Steward Southgate, Barn- ard McNitt and Isaac Magoon, Jun., be a committee to pitch upon and lay out a piece of Land for a Burying place." "The Burying Place layed out May the 12th 1735, Began at an oak bush with a great stone rolled against it, standing about ten rods east of the meeting-house, being the norwest corner of the Burying Place; thence S. 36° E. 12 rods, to stones on the side hill ; thence E. 36° N. 13 rods to a stone against the little Pond in the southeast corner ; thence N. 36° W. 12 rods to a stone against a little Hollow in the noreast corner ; thence to where we began 13 rods." Oct. 8, 1788. The town voted to take 624- rods of land of Land- lord John Thomson, for to enlarge the Burying Yard, and allow him the land that belongs to the town which he has closed in his 212 HISTORY OF PALMER. pasture, in exchange." It was also voted to inclose this yard with a stone wall ; and John Thomson, Francis Brakenridge & Lieut. Joshua Shaw were chosen a committee to do the work at a cost not to exceed £36. This vote was afterwards reconsidered ; and a fence, instead of a wall, was built. At the same meeting, it was voted that Aaron Merrick, Lieut. John King & Dr. Calvin Scott be a committee to fence & repair the South Burying Yard." This com- mittee reported May 8, 1789, that having proposed to that Neigh- borhood to do the Avork by subscri])tion, the following men agreed to assist in making and erecting the fence, viz. Lieut. Wm. Scott, Maj. Aaron Graves, Daniel Graves, Simeon Graves, William Scott, Esq., James King, Benjamin King, Gideon King, Lieut. David King, Deacon Thomas King, Jonathan Cooley, Capt. Sylvanus Walker, Sylvanus Walker, Jun., Jesse King, together with the members of the committee. The town accejited the report, and voted that the above named persons be exempted from doing any part of fencing the Burying Place at the meeting-house. In 1800, Capt. John King contracted with the selectmen to dig graves as occasion required, in the South Burying Ground for the sum of 25 cents each. Solomon Shaw made a like agreement for the grave yard at the meeting-house. In 1865, four and a half acres of adjoining land was purchased by the town, of Elisha Converse, To enlarge the South Cemetery, and the whole ground enclosed. The present area is about six acres. Tomhs. In April 1830, the town voted to build a tomb in each of the public Burying Grounds at the expense of the town, and granted 8300 for that purpose, and appointed the selectmen a com- mittee to cause said tombs to be built. This vote was reconsidered and the town voted to give leave to individuals, inhabitants of the town, to build tombs for their own use. List of Town officers elected March 1!), 1709. Town Clerk, John A. Smith ; Selectmen, Aaron Merrick, Gor- don Sedgwick, Capt Alpheus Converse, Lieut. James Smith, Dr. Jonathan Shearer ; Town Treasurer, Joseph Smith ; Constable & Collector, Isaac Warren ; Assessors, Admatha Blodgett, Dr. Jona. Shearer, Dr. Jabez Lamb ; Highway Surveyors, William Foster, Capt. Patrick Watson, Capt. John King, Isaac Warren, Lieut. Urijah Ward, Zenas Rider, Theophilus Knight ; Tythingmen, Ens. William Spear, Jacob Converse ; Sealer of Weights and Measures, Clark McMaster ; Cullers of Lumber, Ens. William Spear, Moses Shaw ; Fence Viewers, William King, Patrick AVatson ; Sealer of Leather, Jonathan Moores ; Hog Eeeves, Joseph Converse, Dr. Nathan Cummings. PALMEK A TOWN, 1776-1812. 213 Granted for repair of riighwa5^s, $250. Granted for support of Schools, $300. Granted for support of the Poor, 8125. Granted for Rev. Mr. Baldwin's salary, S250. Granted for Incidentals, $G1. A New Meetixg-House. — The first Meeting-House, which had stood for 60 years, had become much dilapidated. It could in lit- eral truth be said of it, " Yea, the sparrow hath found an house, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young, even Thine altars, Lord of Hosts!" Parson Baldwin had a powerful voice, but it was with difficulty that his prayer and ser- mon could be followed during the nesting time of the swal- lows, who kept up their customary twittering and fluttering in meeting time, regardless of any devout asjiirations of the worship- pers below. The matter of building a new meeting-house was brought before the town in the fall of 1795, when 24 voted in favor and 9 against it. It was voted to set the house " on the land where the old one stands, or as near as the ground will admit of." The spot finally selected was to the southeast and across the road from the old one. It was voted " to build a house 50 ft. long by 40 ft. wide, with a porch at each end thereof." This was afterwards changed to 46 by 45 ft., with a porch at the west end 15 ft. square. Moses Shaw was appointed "to make out a plan of the Meeting-house," and Lieut. James Smith, Aaron Merrick and David King were chosen a committee to superintend the work. At a later date, Capt. Alpheus Converse, Aaron Merrick, Lieut. Urijah Ward, Lieut. Luke Hitchcock, Theophilus Knight, Gideon Graves and Lieut. James Smith were appointed superintending committee. The money due the town for the " School Lot " and other outstand- ing claims were appropriated to pay for the meeting-house. These bills not being readily collectable, the town voted "to sell the pews and pew-rights in the proposed meeting-house, and use the money so raised to pay for the house — the sale to be by pub- lic vendue, and payment to be made in the following manner, viz. : " One-third part by the 26th day of Nov' next ; a second payment by the 26th of May in the year 1797 ; and a third pay- ment in two years from the 26th day of May which will be in the year 1798." It was voted that the materials be gathered and the frame set up in June, 1797. Voted that "the new meeting-house shall be underpinned with good and handsome stone, so that the sill shall 214 HISTORY OF PALMEE. lie 14 inches from the ground at the highest j)lace of ground." Voted, that the pews in the new meeting-house ''be finished with banisters." The meeting-house was practically finished in the fall of 1798 ; and it was dedicated on Sabbath, October 21, of that year. There were 46 pews on the ground floor, which sold for the sum of $2,501, and 30 pews in the gallery, which sold for $783.50, making a total of 13,284.50. This sum, with the avails of the School Lot, more than met the cost of the house, and one-third was deducted from the face of each pew-note. Sale of the Old Meeting-Hoiise. At a town meeting held Sept. 13, 1798, "personally appeared the major part of the pew-holders in the old Meeting-House, and agreed with the town that they would acquit and relinquish all right & title to s^ house in respect to private property, excepting the window in Scott's pew, and in Deacon Joshua Shaw's pew, which they may take out and carry away: Also any person a pew-holder may take off and carry away the hinges of his pew. Voted to sell the old Meeting House at a public vendue to the highest bidder." Horse- Sheds. Land for horse-sheds was staked out as fol- lows, viz. : " Between the meeting-house and Burying place, 128 feet ; north of the Turnpike road, 170 feet ; northeast of the meeting-house, 24 feet ; southeast of the meeting-house, on the hill, 100 feet ; and the ground on the road between Moses Shaw's and Mr. Tupper's store." This gave room for 55 sheds. ''Voted, that the persons who stand highest on the estate bill may have the first choice of ground to build horse-sheds on, each shed to be 8 ft. long, and to be built within one year, or lose their choice." Cupola. In the fall of 1806 the town voted to raise the sum of $600 towards building a cupola on the meeting-house. It was com- pleted in the spring of 1808, for the sum of $470. Bell. When the frame of the cupola was up, in 1807, Mr. Aaron Merrick purchased a bell and presented it to the town. In acknowledgement of the gift, the town ordered that the bell should be rung on each coming birthday of the donor (November 25th), and presented him the following letter : Aaron Merrick, Esq. Sir : By vote of the Inhabitants of this town, we are selected to express to you their gratitude for your repeated and almost unexampled generosity to the town. "We are very sensible. Sir, that praise & adulation would not be pleasing, but disgusting to you ; yet give us leave to say, that to you we are indebted iu a very great degree for the present respectable figure we PALMER A TOWN, 1776-1813. 215 make in society.* Your late instance of generosity in presenting the town a valuable Bell, which proves not only an ornament to the place, but ex- tremely useful in calling together its members on all public occasions, will never be obliterated from the memory, but always remain recorded in the hearts of your grateful fellow townsmen ; and we now beg you to accept, through us their committee of their most sincere & grateful acknowledge- ments. And we most earnestly pray that you may yet many years enjoy health & prosperity, continue a blessing to your family, this town & your country. Your most obliged and very humble servants, Moses Baldwin, ^ Amos Hamilton, |- Committee. J. Baldwin, ) Palmer, 18th March, 1808. Stove. Nov. 3, 1828. The town voted, " That Benjamin Con- verse and other individuals have leave to put in a stove into the meeting-house, provided it be done free of expense to the town." The story goes, that a good woman, who had always found sufficient comfort in her fur cloak and foot-stove, on entering the meeting- house and seeing the formidable heater, became excited and fever- ish, and was so overcome by the hot aii- that she actually fainted — tho' it proved on examination that 7io Jtre had been kindled in the new stove ! In 1809 the town appropriated $100 for painting the meeting- house. May, 1815. The town voted " To have patent springs put in in all the lower windows in the meeting-house, & a lock provided for the upper door in the cupola, to be under the order of the select- men.'' In May, 1828, an article in tlie town warrant was '*To grant money to repair the meeting-house & cupola." ''Voted to raise 1250 to paint the meeting-house and repair the steeple." A com- mittee was appointed, who proceeded to do the work, and expended in all 8464, which the town allowed and paid. March, 1822. The town chose Col. Amos Hamilton, Benjamin Converse and Philip Lamb a committee to purchase a Bass-viol for the use of the town. Jan. 23, 1835. "Voted that the town consent that the Congre- gational Society (organized April 4, 1831) make such alterations in the meeting-house as they think proper — provided it is done with- out expense to the town in its corporate capacity ; and that the So- ciety be allowed the avails of the pews or slips when sold." Did * In October, 1805, Mr. Merrick built and presented to the town a Town House, in which to hold its business meetings. 21C HISTORY OF PALMER. the meeting-house thus come, de facto, under the control of the First Parish ? By common consent of all parties in interest, the meeting- house was forsaken as a place of worship by the Congregation- alists, April 1, 1847 ; and a division of territory agreed upon, the northerly part of the town to belong to the First Parish, and the southerly part to the Second Parish. The latter built a new house at the Depot Village, and the former a new house at Thorndike. The old meeting-house stood empty for a time ; was then occu- pied by the Methodists for a couple of years. Jan. 15, 1854, it was sold at auction for $600, to Gamaliel Collins, Esq., for the use of the Catholics; was repaired, and consecrated July 1, 1855; and was occupied by them for some years. After this it remained deso- late till a late period, when it was sold and taken down. The Bell. The ownership of the bell, which, as before stated, was a gift to the town by Aaron Merrick, Esq., was a matter in disj^ute for 4 or 5 years. The dwellers at the Old Centre and others claimed that it belonged to the town, and should remain in its place in the meeting-house, still the town's property. The Thorn- dike people, now the nucleus of the First Church and Society, claimed that the ownership vested in them as the First Parish which had legally taken the place of the town as to all ecclesiasti- cal and parochial rights and privileges. In a legal opinion. Judge Chapman took the same view, but advised a cautious course of procedure in getting possession. The Centre peoj^le kept good watch and ward, and were determined to prevent capture by sur- prise or assault. About the middle of January, 1852, a church sociable was held at Thorndike ; and soon after midnight a party consisting of about 40 men in sleighs and an ox-sled, went quietly to the Centre, found their way into the meeting-house, and with pullies lowered the bell and loaded it on the sled. Just before starting they gave the bell one loud ring, which waked the hamlet ; but the force was too large to be overcome by the half-dressed dwellers ; and the prize was borne off to the village and raised to its place in the cupola of the new meeting-house. The affair created much excitement and bred ill-feeling. And at tlic March meeting (1852) the town "Voted That the selectmen be a committee to procure all the records in relation to the Bell, Meeting-house and other property in dispute between the town and Society, and place them in the hands of Myron Lawrence, Esq., for his examination & opinion in relation to the lawful owner of PALMER A TOWN, 1776-1812. 217 said property, and that his opinion bo binding on both parties." The " opinion '' is not on record. Nov. 14, 1853. The town chose a committee of ten, viz., Elias Turner, Joseph Moody, Aaron King, Eobert McMaster, Eufus Smith, Moses Learned, Ralph Green, Seva Brown, William Mc- Elwain and Lorenzo C. Ferry, to go and take down the old bell from Thorndike meeting-house, and re-place it in the old meeting- house belfry from whence it came. Voted that the above-named committee be required to give bonds to the selectmen in the sum of i;5,000, to indemnify the town from all costs and expenses that may be made by the said committee." No further town action appears upon the records. Probably the 15,000 bond worked as an effectual quietus to the agitation ; and the bell remained at Thorndike. Tlie Embargo. Sept., 1808. At a meeting the town Voted that the selectmen in behalf of the town, petition the President of the United States to repeal the Embargo, similar to the petition from the inhabitants of Boston. Muster. The town Voted "to give each soldier in the militia and cavalry in the town of Palmer, six ounces of powder for mus- ter on the 28th instant." Eev. Moses Baldwin. — At a meeting of Palmer District held on Monday, Oct. 27, 1760, it was voted ''to send Seth Shaw to Southold on Long Island, after the Rev. Mr. Baldwin to labor in the work and doctrine in this corner of the vineyard." Mr. Shaw was paid eight dollars for the expenses of his trip. Mr. Baldwin came on and preached through the winter, and March 3, 1761, it was "voted by the Inhabitants of Palmer to give the Rev. Moses Baldwin a call to settle in the work of the Gospel ministry, accord- ing to the Presbyterian platform of the Church of Scotland. Voted, to give Mr. Baldwin £60 lawful money per year as a salary, from the time of his ordination so long as he continues in the work of the ministry in this District. Voted, to make over by deed to Mr. B. the 150 acre Lot which we have reserved for the ministry, for his own proper estate, he paying into our treasury the sum of £150 lawful money, or signing the same to be paid in a reasonable time with interest." This 150 acres was not the "Ministry Lot" originally laid out and held for the use of the successive pastors, for that lot had been sold^, and, by permission of the General Court, tlie money invested in the purchase of the farm formerly owned and occupied by Rev. Robert Burns during his ministry. This Burns farm lav three-fourths of a mile south of the old meetinsr- 218 HISTORY OF PALMER. house, on what was known as the Stafford and Greenwich Turn- pike. It had good buildings and much of it under cultivation, and was altogether a desirable parsonage — though the bargain seemed a hard one for the young minister. He was to hold it in fee, and not on sufferance, as had been the tenure of the ''Ministry Lot/' and was to have five years in which to make payment, and the estate was exempt from taxation. The committee to wait upon Mr. B. and receive his answer were Barnard McNitt, Wm. Scott, Jun., James Brackenridge, Capt. John Thomson, Samuel Shaw, John McMaster and Seth Shaw. Mr. Baldwin accepted the call, and was installed by the Boston Presbytery June 17, 1761. Mr. B. made payments for his farm as follows : In 1765, £80 ; in 69, £30, and the balance a year or two later. At the date of pay- ment of each instalment the town, by vote, remitted the interest then due. In 1774 three pounds was voted to Mr. Baldwin '' for getting his firewood." The next year four pounds was granted him for the same purpose, and it was voted that Mr. B. "have liberty to get 2000 rails upon the School Lot to I'epair his fences." In December, 1778, an article in the warrant was " to take under consideration the salary of Rev. Moses Baldwin, the necessaries of life at the present time being so far advanced in their prices that his present salary is not suflBcient for his support — to act and do at said meeting respecting his support equitable and honourable." Under this article, the town ''voted 232 pounds to the Kev. Mr. Baldwin, for an addition to his salary, for the present year." This was probably in the depreciated currency, and amounted to much less than the figures indicated. The next year an article in the October warrant was "To see if the town will make the Eev. Mr. Baldwin's salary as good as it was when he settled in the town, in any sort of grain, either wheat, rye, or Indian corn, as the price was when he settled with us, or in money equal as said grain now goes." *' Voted, to establish the Eev. Moses Baldwin's salary at sixty pounds a year for the future, making the standard the following articles, viz. Wheat, at 5 shillings per bushel, rye, at 3 shillings and 4 pence per bushel, Indian corn, at 2 shillings and 5 pence per bushel, and good grass- fed beef at 20 shillings per hundred." This assumption on the part of the town of the right to construe or alter the terms of the original contract by substituting "current money" for "lawful money," and making grain and beef a legal tender, was radical in its nature, and, though justified probably on the plea of necessity, yet it disturbed the cordial relations which so far had subsisted be- PALMER A TOWN, 1776-1812. 219 tween pastor and people. The pastor felt the pressure, and the people had a sense of the wrong. And at a meeting held Sept. 3, 1781, Maj. Aaron Graves, Capt. David Spear and Doctor Benjamin Trask were appointed a committee "to agree with Rev. Mr. Bald- win as to his salary for the year past." The committee reported that "■ if they paid the salary in money it should be allowed at the rate of 90 pounds for 60 pounds," and it was so voted. But the times were ''out of Joint." And in November, 1784, Mr. Baldwin felt constrained to ask a dismission. A meeting of the town was called, and Francis Brackenridge, Lieut. Joshua Shaw, Urijah Ward, Capt. David Spear and Wm. Scott, Jun., were ap- pointed a committee " to treat with the Eev*^ Moses Baldwin Con- sarning his oneseness and if that they finde that it is for Lack of more Salery for to see how much of an idesion satisfy him and make Keport." The town voted — 14 ayes to 8 noes — to add 15 pounds tO' Mr. B.^s salary, making it 75 pounds per annum, equal to 1250, which continued to be the salary during the remainder of his pastoarte. In January, 1810, an article in the warrant was, '* To see if the- town will grant money for the purpose of hiring a minister to assist the Rev. Mr. Baldwin in supplying the pulpit the present winter." It was passed over, but the insertion of the article was significant of the popular sentiment. Mr. Baldwin proposed to the town to relinquish a part of his salary, on condition that the town shall supply the pulpit a certain part of the time. And Aaron Merrick, Esq., Capt. Alpheus Converse and Deacon Gordon Sedg- wick were appointed a committee to arrange the matter. The up- shot was that the town voted to pay Mr. B. 1100 per annum and ta hire a candidate to supply the pulpit. In January, 1811, Mr. Simeon Colton was employed to preach on probation. The following letter speaks for itself and deserves a place in these annals as a testimony of the unselfish spirit and honorable motives of the writer as a man, and his Christ-like spirit as a minister of the Gospel. "To the Church and Congregation of Palmer : Having been informed by a committee chosen by the town, that it is your desire that I should be dismissed from the ministerial charge of the church and congregation, that the town may with less inconvenience settle a min- ister who may be able to perform the duties which are necessarily incum- bered on one in that office — For nearly half a century I have served you as your settled minister. On the 17th day of June next, will be fully com- pleted fifty years since I was regularly installed over this churck and congregation ; and during this period, untill very lately, I have been able to serve you, whether well or not well, will leave to the Great Judge of all to determine. I am now aged and infirm. I verily thought, when I settled 220 HISTORY OF PALMER. with you, that I was settled for life ; and still am convinced that if the records had been made, this would abundantly appear. I conceived that in this way I had laid a foundation to render my last days, when age and infirmities might come upon me, comfortable and easy, well knowing that my annual income was so small that I should not be able to lay up a sufficiency. During the period which divine Providence "has suffered me to continue among you in the work of the ministry, I have invariably made it my chief study, as far as my feeble abilities would admit, to teach #uch things as I conceived would lead the people under my charge to happiness. The good of this people has invariably been my wish, and if I know my own heart, the same spirit governs me to the present time. I do not a moment hesitate to do that which will have a tendency to promote the glorious cause of the Redeemer. Relying en the divine Protection, and on the generosity of the people with whom I have lived so long in the bonds of love and friendship, I freely resign the charge I have so long held, upon the terms which your committee were pleased to oft'er, which were, that I should be paid by the town one hundred dollars a year so long as I live. I do also consent to be dismissed by the Council which may be called to ordain Mr. Simeon Colton, or in any other suitable manner most agreeable to the town— on condition the town confirm the proposition which was made me by the committee, as stated above. I would ask your serious attention to one other point, which I will offer only as a request, and by no means have considered as a demand, viz. I am apprehensive that were I dismissed from this people, the little property I now possess would be liable to taxation ; and I humbly conceive that your generosity will be such that you will free myself and property from that burden during the short period I may continue with you. I feel sensible that I must deny myself many of the comforts of life with so small a stipend ; but trusting in the Kind and protecting care of the Great God of the Universe, I feel a perfect confidence that I shall not want the real necessaries of life during the few days I may continue on earth. And may God in his infinite good- ness protect and keep us from all evil, and finally unite us again in his heavenly Kingdom, where we shall enjoy Bliss without alloy. Palmer 23 May 1811. Moses Baldwin. The ecclesiastical council, to dismiss Mr. Baldwin and ordain his sui;cessor, met June 18, 1811. Kev. Ephraim Ward of Brookfield was chosen moderator, and Eev. Warren Fay of Brimfield scribe. The record reads : " This Council having received a request from the Rev. Moses Baldwin and the Church in Palmer, that the con- nection between them be dissolved, and taking the subject into consideration, viewed their request proper — and accordingly voted that the connection be dissolved." This act of dismission of Mr. Baldwin by a Council of Congrega- tional Churches, instead of by Presbytery, and the ordination of Mr. Colton by the same Council, was the only formality used in PALMER A TOWN, 177G-1812. 221 changing the Churcli polity from Presbyterianism to Congrega- tionalism. Mr. Baldwin was a native of Newark, N. J.; was a graduate of New Jersey College at Princeton, and the first to receive collegiate honors at that institution in 1757. The degree of A. M. was con- ferred on him by D. C. in 1791. He received ordination as an evangelist, and was laboring as such at Southold on Long Island, when he was invited to come to Palmer. After preaching six months as a candidate he was installed June 17, 1761, and con- tinued in the pastoral office here a full half-century. But few incidents of his long and eventful life can now be gathered. Xo church records are extant covering this period. Public attention and town action were largely absorbed in the series of important events, preceding, constituting, and following the Eevolutionary War. The few references on the town records to the minister and his ministry have been copied in the preceding pages. That at one period of his pastorate he had sore trials of faith and patience, and heavy discouragements, is apparent from the record. And it is no less clear that his ministry was useful and fruitful of good. The spirit of the man and the minister is indicated in his letter to the church and congregation. ''He was tall in stature, and of a dark complexion : social in his nature ; full of good feeling and hearty sympathy, which rendered him a genial companion and a welcome visitor at the homes of his parishioners. As preacher, he was bold, animated and fervent, and much given to gesticulation. His man- uscript sermons show that he depended a good deal on the spur of the moment, many of the sentences being only begun, the filling out being left to the quickened intellect and excited feelings of the hour and occasion. He survived every male inhabitant who was at the head of a family when he settled in the place." He survived his dismission only two and a half years, dying at his home in Pal- mer on Tuesday, November 3, 1813, aged 81. His remains were interred on Thursday, when the Kev. Justus Forward of Belcher- town preached a sermon from Zech. 1: 5. '-'Your fathers, where are they? and the prophets, do they live forever?" The "Hampden Federalist" of November 18, 1813, a newspaper published at Springfield, gives the following obituary notice of Mr. Baldwin : "As a minister of Christ, he was faithful and diligent in discharging the duties of his office. Few have gone through a greater variety of trials ; few have subsisted upon a smaller annual stipend, and few have ever manifested a greater attachment to a people, or sought more earnestly for their good. His greatest am- bition was to please God. He gloried in maintaining and defend- 222 HISTOEY OF PALMER. ing the system of faith, which was 'once delivered to the saints.' His doctrines were pure, for they were the doctrines of the gospel ; his preaching was impressive, for it was the preaching of the cross of Christ ; and his motives were good, for he sought to win souls to God. As a speaker, he was above mediocrity. Few possessed an equal talent in gaining the attention, and interesting the feel- ings of an audience. In all his dealings with m'an, as well as in the discharge of his official duties, he was punctual and exact. As a husband he was affectionate, and as a parent he was watchful and kind. Mourning friends will regret his loss, and an affectionate people will sympathize with them in their affliction. ' Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth : Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours : and their works do follow them.'" The following memorandum was found among some loose papers in Mr. Baldwin's desk after his decease. It appears to have been the beginning of an autobiographical sketch of his life : ''I, Moses Baldwin, was born November 4, 1732: two months after my father died; and my mother about four years after him. After the death of the latter, I lived about two years with my uncle Harrison. After this I lived with Moses Ball, my mother's uncle, till I was fifteen years old, when God in his providence was pleased to remove him by death. After this I put myself as an apprentice to learn a trade, which I pursued till I was nineteen years of age, when God gave me a greater sense of my lost state and of the im- portance of salvation than I had ever yet had. Upon this, being resolved to seek God till I found Him through all " TuRXPiKES AND STAGES. — The first incorporated Turnpike road, built in Massachusetts, ran through Palmer Centre. It was chartered in 1796, through the influence of Capt. Levi Pease of Shrewsbury. Capt. Pease was a native of Enfield, Ct., born m 1739; served his time as apprentice to the blacksmith's trade, and at the commencement of the Revolutionary War, was living in Blandford, Mass. He was in the public service during the whole of the war, in the commissary department, and as the bearer of important dispatches. When Gen. Thomas was on the Northern frontier, he often passed to and fro between him and head-quarters ; and was present with him when he died of small pox. He was strong, courageous and wary. He used to tell how to avoid capture when carrying orders, he crossed the lake in a small boat, and alone, rather than travel by the usual routes ; lying concealed in the day- time, and pushing ahead at night. When the moon shone bright. PALMER A TOWN, 1776-1812. 223 he -would pull out from shore, and stretching himself at length, would work the boat with his hands as paddles. He always got his dispatches through safely. Commissary Wadsworth often trusted hira with a saddle-bag full of money with which to purchase cattle and horses, taking no receipt therefor. His business led him to an intimate acquaintance with the lay of the land and the people of Connecticut, Massachusetts and Eastern New York. He foraged for the French army in its march to Yorktown. In Virginia the corn was then in the milk, and he would buy it by the acre, paying the price of ten bushels of hard corn per acre. It was used for fodder for horses and beeves. After the war Capt. Pease, who was then living at Somers, Ct., established a stage-route between Hartford and Boston. In 1794, he removed to Shrewsbury and continued the running of stages. Sometimes he had one passenger, and sometimes none ; but by reg- ularity of trips, rain or shine, he soon enlisted confidence and secured patronage. He drove his own teams, and repaired his carriages at his own blacksmith's shop. He early obtained from the Government a contract for transporting the mails. The prospect was bright ; but the roads were circuitous and bad. His means were limited ; and he conceived the idea of organizing a stock company, which should build and maintain straight turnpikes, on which he might run his stage-coaches, and which would attract general travel, and the tolls could be relied on to repay the invest- ment. His expectations were realized so far as patronage of his stage lines was concerned ; but his hopes were disappointed as to the surplus income from tolls. And having taken the largest part of the stock, by its depreciation in value, he lost much of his estate. FiEST Massachusetts Turnpike. — " Whereas the highway lead- ing through the towns of Palmer and Western, is circuitous, rocky and mountainous, and there is much travelling over the same, and the expense of straightening, making and repairing an highway through those towns, so as that the same may be safe and convenient for travellers with horses and carriages, would be much greater than ought to be required of the said towns, under their present circum- stances : Be it therefore enacted, That Levi Pease, Ephriam Mower, Na- thaniel Gorham, Moses Bliss, Thomas D wight, D wight Foster, John Hastings, David Sexton, Samuel Fowler, Daniel Goulding, Ebenezer Hunt, Samuel Henshaw, John Hooker, Erastus Lyman, Joseph Lyman, Levi Lincoln, Pliny Merrick, Ebenezer Mattoon, Jun., Charles Phelps, Nathaniel Paine, Warwick Parks, Benjamin 224 HISTORY OF PALMER. Prescott, William Sliepard, Levi Sliepard, Simeon Strong, Phinelias Upham, Samuel Ward, John Williams, Samuel Flagg, Salem Town, etc., shall be a corporation by the name of The First Massachu- .setts Turnpike Corporation, etc., for the purpose of laying out and making a Turnpike Road, from Western Bridge, near the Upper Mills, so called, in Western, county of Worcester, to the county road near the house lately called Scoffs Tavern, in Palmer, county of Hampshire, and for keeping the same in repair ; which road shall not be less than thirty feet wide in any place ; — with the privilege of erecting a gate, etc., and to receive tolls as follows: for a two-horse coach or four-wheeled carriage, 25 cents : a cart drawn by two oxen, &c., 10 cents ; a curricle, 9 cents ; a two-horse sleigh, 9 cents ; a chair, chaise and two-wheeled carriage with one horse, 9 cents ; oxen, horses, &c., driven, 3 cents ; sheep and swine, 3 cents per dozen. [The tolls were afterwards raised to 15 cents for one-horse curricles, chaises, &c.] Section 2 gives authority to purchase and take land. Section 3 fixes the penalty for hindering travelers. Section 4 fixes the penalty for injuring the gate. Section 5 provides that the shares shall be regarded as personal estate. Section G directs the first meeting of the corporation to be held at Simeon Dwight's Tavern in Western. The said Turnpike must be completed within five years. Passed June 11, 1796. In November following the act was amended so as to require the road to be three rods wide, with a roadway of 18 feet. March 1, 1798. The corporation was authorized to build an ad- dition, to constitute a part of the Turnpike, from the house of Maj. Aaron Graves in Palmer, to the house of Col. Reuben Sikes in Wilbraham, with the right to set up a gate and take toll. [Col. Sikes was a boyhood acquaintance and friend of Capt. Pease. Their affection was like that of brothers. Both were blacksmiths, and well versed in their trade. Pease, having failed to secure co- operation in other quarters, requested Sikes to join him in his new enterprise. He readily complied ; their views and plans were har- monious ; and so far as the running of stages was concerned, their venture was successful. Col. Sikes removed to Worcester, where he was keeping the stage tavern 1815-20.] Capt. Pease, who was the leading spirit of the corporation, pushed the enterprise, so that the stages were running over the new route in November, 1797. This road ran through Palmer Old Cen- tre, and kejDt on the northerly side of the river eastward ; and was PALMER A TOWlf, 1776-1812. 225 the leading thoroughfare for long travel between Boston, Worcester, Springfield, Hartford, New Haven and New York for many years. The toll-gate was about two miles east of Palmer meeting-house. At first, a single stage coach was run three times a week each way. leaving Boston every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at noon, reaching Worcester at 8.30 p. m., Brookfield at 12 midnight. Pal- mer at 3 a. m., AVilbraham at 4 a. m., Suffield at 7.30 a. m., where it stopped two hours ; reached Hartford at 11.30 a. m.. New Haven at 6 p. m.. New York next day at noon, making the trip in 48 hours. The return trip was on alternate days. As patronage in- creased, additional stages were put on, and made daily trips each way. In 1830, two or three coaches were running each way every day; and this continued till the Boston & Albany railroad was opened in 1839. Capt. Pease died in 1824, and from that date the stage line wai< owned and controlled by other parties. But to him belongs the credit of being the father of the stage coaches. The Petersham and Mojison Turnpilce Corporation was estab- lished Feb. 29, 1804, its right of way leading from the Fifth Mass. Turnpike in Athol through the towns of Athol, Petersham, Dana, Greenwich, Ware, Palmer and Monson, and connecting with the turnpike from Stafford, Ct., southward. This road crossed Ware river by a bridge just above the present Whipple bridge, ran through Palmer Old Centre and over the Quabaug at Fay's bridge. It was not used, except for a brief period, as a stage route, but for the transportation of heavy goods by teaming. The original inten- tion was to establish a rival route to the water-way on the Con- necticut river through the South Hadley and Montague canals, which had Hartford and Brattleboro' as its termini. Norwich was then jealous of Hartford as the entrepot of heavy merchandize, and planned this turnpike to promote its commercial interests. The route followed was nearly the same as that of the New Lon- don & Northern Railroad as far as Palmer, from which point it bore to the east-north-east, thus supplying a tier of towns away from the river with West India goods, iron, etc. Petersham was then the leading town in population and enterprise in Northern Worcester County and an important centre of business ; and from Athol the "great road" stretched both east and west. The traffic over the new turnpike was large for a number of years, a very con- stant succession of heavy teams passing to and fro. It is believed, however, that the real per cent, of gain was with the teams and local traders, rather than with the corporation. The turnpike was given up, and was accepted as a county road in 1819. CHAPTER Y. Palmer in Modern Times— 181;^-1889. HOW THE TOWN LOOKED 80 YEARS AGO— WAR OF 1812 — ECCLESIASTICAL MATTERS— THE FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH AND ITS PASTORS- REV. SIMEON COLTON— REV. EBENEZER NEWHALL — CHURCH QUARREL — REV. H. H. F. SWEET— REV. J. K. WARE — A PARISH ORGANIZED — REV. SAMUEL BACKUS — REV. M. K. CROSS — REV. S. HINE — REV. J. H. M. LELAND — REV. J. W. TUCK — REV. WM. H. BOND— REV. HIRAM DAY— REV. T. A. LKETE — REV. WHITE — REV. C. H. RICKETTS — REV. A. C. HURD — REV. K. W. SHXJRTLEFF — REV. C. H. HANKS — FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH AND ITS PASTORS — THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH AND ITS PASTORS — M. E. CHURCH AT BONDVILLE — THE SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH AND ITS PASTORS — UNION EVANGELICAL CHURCH AND ITS PASTORS— SECOND CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH AND ITS PASTORS — THE ADVENT CHRISTIAN CHURCH — ST. PAUL'S UNIVERSALIST CHURCH AND ITS PASTORS — ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCHES— ST. MARY'S CHURCH — ST. THOMAS' CHURCH — ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S CHURCH — ST. ANNE'S CHURCH— APPRENTICES— TOWN MAP OF 1830— RINGING THE BELLS— SURPLUS REVENUE — PENSIONERS, 1840— POOR FARM — NEW TOWN HOUSE— WATERING TUBS— FIRE DISTRICT — MODERN CEMETERIES— DIGGING GRAVES — PALMER CEMETERY ASSO- CIATION — PALMER WATER CO.— ELECTRIC LIGHT CO. — DISTRICT COURT. AT the date of the opening of this chapter, though " old things " had passed away — the old forests, the old meeting-house, the log cabins, the old men and women ; and new times had begun — new dwellings, new names, new fashions of dress and style of living, a new ecclesiastical polity ; — yet the Palmer of 1812, bore slight resemblance to the Palmer of 1889. The great water-power of the rivers, the utilizing of which is our distinguishing feature, and prime source of prosperity, was then running to waste, except to drive a few grist and saw mills, a fulling mill or two, and some shingle machines ; the body of the people were living in their scat- tered farm-steads, each family having its '' road to mill and meet- ing," and its way to the nearest turnpike or county road ; many of the lanes still maintaining gates and bars ; * swine and cattle * April I, 1816, the town voted to grant the petition of S.imuel McCIenathan, Jun., if the said Samuel would pay the expense of the road through widow Grover's land, and that Thomas McClana- than, 2d, would consent to have the road laid thro' his land, provided the town would allow the said PALMER IN MODERN TIMES, 1812-1889. 227 running at large on the highways and woodlands ; and the tything- man ready with his official staff to arrest tlie Sunday wayfarer. There were then three main lines of transportation and travel through the town. The old Bay Path ran from Wilbraham Line via Scott's bridge, through King's Row to Powers' Corner, and so to Western Old Centre. This road took largely the pleasure travel, partly because it was the old way, and partly to shun the toll-gate where 15 cents were exacted for the privilege of passing. The other east and west route was the First Turnpike, which ran from Scott's bridge via Palmer Centre to Western Upper Mills. This was then in its full tide of success, and the stageman's horn awoke the echoes in Dumplin, and the arrival and departure made daily brief excitement and bustle at the meeting-house hamlet. The north and south travel passed over the Petersham & Monson Turn- pike. This was of benefit to the country store and tavern at the Centre, as the pleasure travel was to the taverns on the Bay road. At the date in question, there was no place which could be prop- erly called a village. At the old Centre was the graveyard, the new meeting-house and horse-shed, the district school-house of con- tracted dimensions. The town house, which was a small building erected in 1805 by Aaron Merrick, Esq., and given to the town,* stood hard by the school-house. The taverns of Landlord King, where the stages stopped (earlier Quinton's, and later Frink's Tavern), Landlord Asa AVard (earlier John Thomson's, father and son), Hamilton and L'^pham's store, and the dwelling houses of Moses Shaw the carpenter, and Daniel Shearer, made up the ham- let. Capt. Allen, the blacksmith, lived a mile to the east. On the Bay Eoad, scattered through a couple of miles, were Graves' tavern, west of the river, opposite the Washington elm ; the site of the famous Scott's tavern east of the river, then in ruins \ Asa Bates' tavern, a short distance further east, which soon gave place to John Sedgwick's on Shearer's Corner. Then came the cellar hole and well which marked the site of Joseph Wright's log cabin, opposite the Point of Rocks; and further along, just east of the Point, was the old John King house, standing on the east end of the terraced lot, now owned by Dr. William Holbrook (the barn forms part of the out-buildings of Mr. David Knox). Then came Thomas to erect good convenient gates or bars across the road leading from his house to Erwin Shaw's, and to discontinue the road as an open way so long as good gates and bars are kept in good repair by Thomas McClanathan, 2d, or whoever occupies the farm he now lives on. * Nov. 25, 1805. The town voted "That Daniel Shearer, James Smith, Jun., and Jacob Con- verse, Jun., cause to be published in the federal Spy at the expense of the town the public donation of Aaron Merrick, Esq., (viz., the new & convenient and well excepted Town House), which he built & presented to the town as a gift. And voted that there should be drawn in letters over the door of said Town house the year it was built & by whom it was built." 228 HISTORY OF i'ALMEK. the John King 2d's house, where Benjamin King lived. King's tavern occupied the spot where Cross' Block noAV stands, and was then the dwelling of Col. Cyrus Knox.* John Shaw lived on the opposite side of the street, the house standing in the roadway now leading to the John Squire's foundry ; his blacksmith shop was where Commercial Block now is. This was the only shop in the neighborhood. Mr. Shaw himself was not a smith, but he hired men who were skilled in the trade, and who went to the shop on call. From here the street made a sharp descent almost to a level with the present railroad bed, where it turned to the east and up the slope. On the slope, where is now the brick dwelling house, lived David King, a grandson of John, Sen. Where is now the residence of Mrs. Laura E. Child was a large house, originally built by Deacon Thomas King, son of John, Sen., and then occu- pied by Daniel King, Jun. The main uj^right part was moved about 1840 to the site of the Weeks House, and was occupied as a tavern by A. N. Dewey. In the hollow to the east was the dwelling house of William Baldwin (still standing), built by his fatlier, Eev. Moses Baldwin. The parson himself lived in a house a few rods to the east. The district school-tiouse was where Mrs. Tiffany's house now stands. These buildings and the graveyard constituted the historical " King's Eow," where the first planters of the Elbows pitched then- farms and cabins. There was no grocery nor dry-goods store here till Amos C. Billings came with the advent of the railroad. In 1812, where is now the thriving village of Thorndike, the land was largely held by three leading families, viz.: Capt. Timothy Ferrell, who lived on the site of the present Henry Charon house ; Capt. Charles Cargill (or his heirs), whose house stood where is now the school house, and the McElwain, now the Keith home- stead. On the upper privilege, where a dam was put in by Goodman as early as 1797, was a clothier's shop, smith's shop, etc., then owned (or occupied) by Moses Learned. No dam had been built on the main privilege at Three Eivers. The place was known as the " Dark Corner," and all the land was owned by David and Daniel Shearer, whose houses were the only ones in sight. As early as 1789 saw and grist mills had been put in * John King, Jun., built a house here early, wliich was used as a tayern. It was burnt in 1763, with all its contents. But the neighbors all turned out, cut the timber and hauled it to the spot, and in a week's time had up the frame of a new two-story hou.'^e, which remained till it was taken down in 1838. The following extract from the town records relates to the burning of the old house : " Voted, that the sum of i pound 3 shill. 9 pence 3 farthings, being the whole of the rates assessed on Thomas McClintock for the year 1763, — that said rate be abated, on account of the constable's taking his grain, by distress, and the lame grain being consumed in the burning of John King Jun's house." PALMER IN MODERN TIMES, 1812-1889. 329 at the lower end of the rapids by Gideon Graves, but they were hid- den by the intervening woods. At Bondsville, Ezekiel Boydcn had a dwelling house and a saw and grist mill on the lower privilege. A single highway led thither and crossed into Belchertown. The rest of the place was "in the rough.'' As one who saw it describes, "The valley was covered with briers, brambles and wild grape vines, and was about the roughest spot I ever set eyes on." War of 1812. — The town records furnish little matter relating to this war with Great Britain. And the muster-rolls of regiments and companies, which were at the time returned to our State authorities, have all been transmitted to Washington by order of the War Department, and are inaccessible. Tliis war was very unpopular in the Eiver towns. The Federal party, then in the ascendant, denounced it as directly tending to •cripple our commerce and subvert our State rights, without ade- quate cause. Governor Strong declined to order out the militia on requisition of the President. Immediately on the declaration of war, June 19, 1813, the ma- jority of the towns in Western Massachusetts united in calling a convention to protest against it and take measures to secure concert of sentiment and action. " At a legal meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Palmer, holden at the town house in said town July 13, 1813, 1. Chose Capt. Jesse King moderator. 2. Voted to petition the President & Congress that war may be averted, & Peace restored, and an alliance with France may be avoided ; passed with one dissenting vote. 3. Voted to send two delegates to meet in Convention at North- ampton on the 14th instant. Accordingly chose Col. Amos Hamil- ton and Capt. Alpheus Converse for the delegates.'' The Convention met at Northampton July 14. and was truly a representative body, delegates from 57 towns being present. John Hooker of Springfield was chosen president, and Isaac C. Bates of Northampton, secretary. The Convention voted to present a respectful memorial to the President of the United States, praying that commissioners be ap- pointed to negotiate a peace with Great Britain u23on safe and hon- orable terms. It also provided for the appointment of Committees of Safety and the calling of a State Convention. Capt. Amos Hamilton was chosen one of the delegates to this State body. The conflict of the State and National authorities was a serious 230 HISTORY OF PALMIER. matter, and threatened serious consequences, direct and remote. But when, in 1814, the harbor of Boston was menaced with block- ade by British men-of-war, Gov. Strong changed his policy and called out the State troops and made ready for the defense of the coast towns. The proper quota was detached from our town mili- tia company and promptly reported for duty. At a town meeting in Palmer June 19, 1815, it was voted ''to grant the sum of three dollars to each of the soldiers that was de- tached last September [1834:] into the Publick Service." The fol- lowing list comprises the men who drew *?3 under the above vote : Theron McMaster, Jonathan Cooley, Sylvanus Collins, Asa Thomson, William Mason, Asahel Boyden, Robert Ferrell, Reuben Shaw, Charles Shaw, Sam^ McClintock, Jun., Noah Stimpson, Calvin Ward, John Mcintosh, Jun., George King, Elijah Allen, Joel Wright. It is known that Daniel Hamilton enlisted and was in the service under Gen. Scott at Lundy's Lane and elsewhere. Samuel Gates also enlisted as a substitute, and was out suffi- ciently long to entitle him to a pension. First Congregational Church and Its Pastors. — The Presbyterian form of government of the Church of Scotland flour- ished in Palmer for a period of about 80 years. But after the re- moval by death and emigration of a considerable number of the Scotch families, and the coming in of men and women educated in New England ideas and forms, the church polity was quietly changed, and the town voted that the successor of Rev. Mr. Bald- win ''should be settled on the Congregational plan, by an ordain- ing Council.'' Rev. Simeon Colton. — April 8, 1811, the town voted to concur with the church and give Mr. Simeon Colton a call to settle in the work of the ministry in this town. "Dea. Gordon Sedgwick, Dea. Alpheus Converse, Dea. Samuel McClenathan, Capt. Jesse King, Lieut. James Smith, Isaac Ferrell and Theophilus Knight were ap- pointed a committee to arrange the terms of settlement. April 32, the town voted to give Mr. Colton four hundred and fifty dollars as a yearly salary during the time he is able to supply the pulpit him- self. Voted, also, that Mr. Colton shall have the use of five hun- dred dollars which is coming to the town from the estate of Aaron PALMER IN MODERN TIMES, 1812-1889. 231 Merrick, Esq., by giving security on interest for the same, which money is to be paid into the hands of the selectmen in November, 1812. It is further agreed that the pastoral relation shall continue until Mr. Colton is fairly dismissed by a council of ministers con- vened and assembled for that purpose by the pastor and the church, so that there may be a separation in good standing.^' Mr. Colton accepted the call ; and Wednesday June 19, was agreed upon as the day of ordination. Moses Shaw, Clark Mc- Master, and Theophilus Knight were apjioiuted a committee "to provide for the Council, and prop up and secure the meeting-house, if they find it necessary." Lieut. Benjamin Cummiugs, Ens., Timothy Terrell, Dr. Aaron King and Zadock Cooley were ap- pointed a committee ''to seat the people on that day.'' Capt. Alpheus Converse, Dea. Gordon Sedgwick, Dea. Samuel McClena- than, Dea. James Hamilton and Joseph Smith were chosen a com- mittee " to write to the Council who are appointed to ordain Mr. Colton and request their attendance." The Council met June 18 ; dismissed Rev. Mr. Baldwin ; examined Mr. Colton ; and voted to proceed the next day to the ordination. The parts assigned were as follows : Introductory Prayer, Rev. Samuel Ware of Ware ; Sermon, Rev. Z. S. Moore of Leicester ; Consecrating Prayer, Rev. Joseph Blodget of Greenwich ; Charge, Rev. Ephraim Ward of Brookfield ; Right hand of Fellowship, Rev. Alfred Ely of Monson ; Concluding Prayer, Rev. Joshua Crosby, 2nd ch. Greenwich. Mr. Colton's ministry appears to have been a successful one. One hundred and twenty members were added to the church, all but sixteen on profession. These were largely the fruits of a revival which occurred in 1819. In the spring of 1821, some opposition to Mr. Colton was manifested in the town, the nature of which does not appear ; and he asked a dismission from the pastoral relation. He was dismissed by a council November 13, 1821. Mr. Colton was a native of Longmeadow ; graduated at Yale College 1806, and studied theology with Rev. Samuel Worcester, D. D., of Salem. He was preceptor of Leicester academy for two years. After his dismission he taught the academy in Monson for nine years, where he had been preceptor for a year previous to his settlement in Palmer. He then took charge of the academy at Amherst. Later he removed to Fayetteville, North Carolina, and assumed the care of a new educational institution, established under Presbyterian patronage. He remained here thirteen years ; when, on invitation of the trustees, he removed to Mississippi, to become 232 HISTORY OF PALMER. president of Clinton College, an institution just incorporated. This was an attempt to revive a concern that under other auspices, had proved a failure. But expected funds were not forthcoming ; friends became discouraged ; and the effort was abandoned. Mr. Colton returned to Korth Carolina, and opened a Select School of high order at Ashborough, where he died in December, 18G8. His scholarship was of a high order ; as is evinced by the fact that in 1846, the College in Delaware conferred on him the honorary de- gree of D. D. " He was a man of restless enterprise in whatever he undertook, having a full share of that enthusiasm which has been said to be common to many who bear his respectable family name. He was an earnest, faithful preacher, an excellent instructor, always patient and hopeful, prompt in the fulfilment of every duty, and full of the spirit of self-sacrifice, whatever his work might be." October 10, 1822, the town voted to give a call to Eev. Ebenezer Newhall to settle in the work of the ministry in Palmer ; and offered him an annual salary of five hundred dollars. He accepted the call — proposing however certain conditions, among which was one that he should be allowed two Sabbaths in the year to visit friends, attend ordinations, etc. The town first voted to accept the conditions, but afterwards reconsidered the vote ; and the matter was dropped. Mr. Newhall was a native of New Ispwich, N. H. ; graduated at Harvard University, 1818 ; was ordained pastor of the church in Oxford, December, 1823; installed at Lincoln, Jan., 1833; settled at Willsboro', N. Y., 1847 ; Chesterfield, N. H., 1852 ; Litchfield, N. H., 1854. May 5, 1823, the town voted to hire Rev. Benj. F. Lombard to supply the j^nlpit until otherwise ordered. March 8, 1824. Voted, "That the town so far dispose of the use of the meeting-house as respects the supplying the pulpit, that the church and those voting with them shall have the pulpit one- half of the time, and the residue of the people the other half of the time, each weekly and successively — the church to have it next Sabbath and the residue the second week, and so on alternately. [The vote stood, 78 in favor and 10 against.] May 3, 1824. At a town meeting a committee consisting of Leb- beus Chapin, Benjamin Converse, Wilson Foster, Jesse Smith, Capt. Jonathan Moore, Asa Ward, James Stebbins, John Sedgwick, Philip Lamb and John McMaster, 2d, was chosen, "to confer to- gether and devise the best and most conciliatory measures to unite the people in the town, and for supplying the pulpit." In October, 1824, the Church gave a call to Mr. Eric Prince to settle in the ministrv; but the town voted not to concur. jATiD.NAL Church, Palmkr Olij Cinikk. Eri:cti:i) 1797. [From a painting by Airs. Jennie R. Carpenter.] PALMER IX MODERN TIMES, 1813-1889. 233 November 1, 1824. The town voted ^'to choose a committee of six persons to employ some suitable person to supply the desk in the meeting-house with preaching — said committee to consist of three persons from each party to be nominated by their own party, which vote was passed; but the churchparty having expressed their dissatisfaction therewith, it was voted mutually to reconsider the said vote." These votes of the town indicate a very unhappy condition of things as respects religious ordinances. The precise bone of con- tention is not apparent from the records; nor is it expedient at this late day to inquire into or criticise the motives and acts of the par- ties in interest. Rev. Henry H. F. Sweet. — An article in the warrant for March 9, 1825, was " To choose a committee of equal numbers from each party to select a minister or ministers to supply the desk in the meeting-house." And Lebbeus Chapin, John Blanchard, Jesse King, Amos Hamilton, Solomon Shaw and John McMaster, 2d, were chosen said committee. This committee were so fortunate as to secure a candidate who healed all the ecclesiastical differences in the town and church. And at a meeting held Sept. 12, 1825, it was voted "To give Mr. Henry H. F. Sweet a call to settle in the work of the Gospel ministry in this town, and to give him an annual salary of five hundred dollars — on condition that he may dissolve the contract at any time by giving six months' notice, and the town by a majority vote may do the same, an ecclesiastical council giving its sanction." The answer of Mr. Sweet is so full of good sense and Christian sincerity and wisdom, that it is here copied in full : Palmer, October 8, 1825. To the Cong^ Church and Society in Palmer: Brethren & Friends : A communication from your respective committees, containing your request that I would settle with you as your pastor and minister, has been duly received. Wishing, as I trust I do, in so important a transaction, to be guided by those plain indications of Divine Providence, which when faithfully con- sulted, and fearlessly and conscientiously obeyed, never lead astray from the path of duty, it has been made the subject of serious and prayerful consideration. Many of the circumstances under which this invitation is presented are pleasing, and deserving of peculiar regard ; and in them the hand of an overruling Providence ought to be reverentially acknowledged. The kindness and cordiality with which I have been received while among you; the harmony 234 HISTORY OF PALMER. which has marked your proceedings, and the unanimity with which your request is expressed, afford ground for the pleasing hope that, should I continue with you, my labors might be useful. These things united I have uniformly viewed as indications of the provi- dence of God, which ought not to be disregarded ; and in forming my decision on this subject, have wished they might have their proper influence. But in the consideration of other circumstances, I have felt constrained to hesitate. The principal one to which I allude, and the only one which need be mentioned, is the support which you offer me. Here I would not be understood to intimate that there is any want of liberality on your part. I would by no means say that you have not proposed as much as it is your duty to offer. Nor am I willing to admit that my hesitation has arisen from an avaricious disposition on my part. Every one must be sen- sible that it cannot be the duty of any one to settle in the work of the ministry where he has not a rational prospect of being placed in circumstances free from embarrassment. If in my circum- stances the sum you offer, though liberal considered in relation to yourselves, does not afford me this prospect, it cannot be my duty to accept your proposal. This I have had serious apprehensions, which I have before not unfrequently expressed was the case in the present instance. But, upon mature deliberation and in view of the encouragement afforded in the form of a settlement by individual contributions, I have thought that it is not my duty finally to object to your pro- posals on this account. After taking into consideration the attendant circumstances, and, as I hope, having sought direction from Him who is the fountain of light and wisdom, I have con- cluded to yield myself to your wishes. Believing it to be the call of God's providence, I now accept of your invitation to settle with you in the work of the Gospel ministry. And while I thus come forward to surrender myself to the labors and trials of this high and arduous calling, I would not for a moment forget my depend- ence on Almighty God for ability and a disposition to discharge the important and responsible duties which it involves ; nor can I refrain from reminding you that I need your prayers. The inter- est which you have manifested on this subject, and the sacrifices which you have shown yourselves ready to make, while they inspire the hope that this wish will be complied with, afford a pleasing token of future good. Let us unite our supplications that the Lord our God may counsel and direct us in all our transactions relative to the interesting connection now contemjDlated. That the Great Head of the church may own and signally bless your ex- PALMER IN MODERN TIMES, 1812-1889. 335 ertions for the advancement of religion and lead you in the way- best calculated to promote His glory and your present and eternal interest is the ardent wish and unceasing prayer of Your friend & Brother in the Lord Henry H. F. Sweet. He was ordained November 9, 1825, and after a brief ministry of fifteen months died February 20, 1827, aged 30 years and 4 months. Mr. Sweet was the only son of Henry and Lucinda Sweet, born in Attleboro' Nov. 1, 1796. He united with the church in A., then under the pastoral charge of Rev. Nathan Holman, in 1816, graduated at Brown University 1822, and studied theology with Rev. Dr. Ide of Medway, who preached his ordination sermon. He married Miss Elizabeth Henshaw of Roxbury, who afterwards married Mr. Cyrus Merrick of Sturbridge. As a man Mr. Sweet was gentle, unassuming and kind in his manners and intercourse with others. His mind, though not brilliant, was above the ordinary level — patient, logical, fully grasping and thoroughly understanding its themes of thought. As a preacher he was interesting and impressive. He was thor- oughly Calvinistic in his doctrinal views. As a pastor he was sol- emn, deliberate, wise. He particularly excelled in the conference meeting and in his interest in the lambs of his flock. A revival of considerable power commenced a few months before his death, as a result of which over 30 were added to the church. His memory was fragrant in Palmer for many years. Rev. Joseph K. Ware. — Oct. 15, 1827. The town voted to give a call to Rev. Joseph K. Ware to settle in the work of the ministry, offering him an annual salary of $500, with conditions similar to those agreed to in the case of Mr. Sweet. He gave his answer, accepting the invitation, Nov. 8, and was ordained Dec. 12, Rev. Dr. Humphrey preaching the sermon. A considerable minority was opposed to the settlement of Mr. Ware, and did not become reconciled to his ministry. Many left the society, some at first because of their dissatisfaction, others on account of the heavy burden of taxation for his support, until his friends found themselves unable to raise the salary. On his re- quest, he was regularly dismissed from the pastoral relation Mar. 16, 1831. Mr. Ware was born in Norwich, Mass., April 21, 1793, and re- moved with his parents to Conway at three years of age; graduated at Amherst College 1824, and studied theology at New Haven. 236 HISTORY OF PALMER. After leaving Palmer he preached several years in Newark, X. Y., and one year in Walworth, N. Y., then took charge of a High School in Palmyra, N. Y., where he remained two years, then preached in Havana and Burdette, N. Y., four or five years and one year in Dresden, N. Y. ; then took np his residence in Canan- daigna, same State. A Parish Organized. Soon after the dismission of Mr. Ware, i. e., on April 4, 1831, a Society or Parish was formed, comprising those who held to the doctrines of the church covenant and ac- cepted the Congregational form of government. The society elected its clerk and treasurer, but meetings for business, where money was to be granted, were called by the selectmen, the war- rant specifying, "All the male inhabitants of said town legally qualified to vote in the Congregational Religious Society of Palmer.*' And by a vote (already quoted, see ante p. 215) in 1835 the town virtually transferred the control of the meeting-house to the Society or Parish. Rev. Samuel Backus. — During the summer succeeding the dismissal of Mr. Ware, preaching was sustained irregularly, and re- ligious affairs were in a low and dark state. In September, Rev. Samuel Backus was employed to preach as a candidate, and con- tinued to supply till his installation, January 11, 1832. He held the pastorate for nine years. Some dissatisfaction arose, partly in consequence of his active efforts in the cause of temperance, and he asked a dismission. The pastoral relation was dissolved May 4, 1841. Mr. Backus was a native of Canterbury, Ct. ; graduated at Union College, 1811 ; was first settled in Woodstock, Ct. Since leaving Palmer he has lived in Brooklyn, N. Y., where he has been engaged in teaching, and laboring as city missionary. Rev. Moses K. Cross. — Early in the fall of 1841, Mr. Moses K. Cross began to preach, with a view to settlement as pastor. His ministrations were highly acceptable to the people. He received a call, which he accepted, and his ordination took place Feb. 2, 1842, the sermon being preached by his former pastor. Rev. Milton P. Braman, D.D., of Danvers, Shortly after this date, the growth of business and population at the four villages left the Old Centre '^out in the cold." Nothing but the meeting-house and graveyard remained there to draw the townspeople either on week-days or the Sabbath. The settlers at Three Rivers were accommodated with both Baj)tist and Meth- PALMER IX MODEiLN TrM.'-:s, 18l".~l889. 237 odist meeting-houses. The new nnd thriving- village at the Depot felt the need of religious privileges and a bouse of worship near at hand. The division of the town into distinct parish'^s be- came an acknowledged necessity. The people would not ,-^0 to the (distant) meeting-house, and the meeting-house must cornt-* to the people. In view of these patent facts, an amicable and nearly eq "^^l division of the town into two pari-^hes was effected April l, l 34T. The second society made its centre at the Depot Village. The old parish and the old church removed to Thorndike Village, where they soon erected a neat sanctuary, which ;otill continues to be the home of the First Church. Mr. Cross remained pastor, and continued his work at the new- location till, owing to failure of hfjalth, he was constrained to ask a dismission, which took place? March 7, 1849. He was born in Dan vers, Sept. 24, 1PS±Z ; graduated at Amherst College 1838 ; studied theology o^ East Windsor and Andover. He was installed pastor of thr^"T'^rst Church in Soutli Deerfield Sept. 4, 1850, where he remairicd till 1854. He then went west, and was pastor at Tip- ton, lo^ a, 1855 to 1805 ; Washington, Iowa, 18G5-1867 ; Waverly, samr- state, 1867-1871. Since that date he has resided at Waterloo, ,i^=;'iORY OF PALMER. Key. Jeremiah W. Tuck. — Commenced his labors here April, 1859, and remained till May 1, 1865. Mr. Tuck was born at Ken- sington, N. II., Oct. 8, IBll ; grad. A. C. 1840 ; Hart. Theol. Sem. 1843 ; ordained at Ludlow, Sept. 6, 184:3, where he remained till 1860. After leaving Palmer he was settled at Jewett City, Ct., and ^as pjistor, 186G-76; pastor Third Ch., Middlecown, Ct., 1877-81. Rev. William B. Bond.— Came to Palmer from St. Johnsbury, Yt., and supplied the pulpit from May 4, 1865, to May 1, 1869. He is now at Lake Fo.rest, 111. Rev. Hiram Day.— Fro.ni Windham, Ct. ; began his labors here in Sept., 1869, and closed A^oril 1, 1870. Is now located at Glen- coe. 111. Rev. Theodore Adgate Leete. — Was aui^ing pastor from May 1, 1870 to April 1875. He was born in Guilfc^M Ct., May 20, 1814 ; grad. Y. C. 1839. Y. Theol. Sem. 1843 ; ord. pastor First Church, Windsor, Ct., Sept. 24, 1845, dismissed Sept. 185 ; acting pastor Florence, (Northampton) Mass., 18G1-2 ; Agawam, lb'62-3 ; in the service of the Christian Commission, 18G3-4. War^ aci.i.^ pastor at Bland ford, Mass., 1864-'70 ; Palmer, 1870-'^ 5 ; Union Church, Three Rivers, 1875-77; Orange, Ct., 1877-80; North- ford, North Branford, Ct., 1880-''S3 ; without charge Longmeadow, Mass., where he died April 28, 1 S8C. The Society and Church was supplied by Mr. H. L. Read, an e>ungelist from May 1875, for al>ont a year and a half. Rev, White, was acting pastor from March liS77, to Oct. 1S78, when he removed to Hallowell, Ale. Rev. Charles H. Ricketts. — Came to Palmer direct- from the TheoJogical Seminary, and had charge of the pulpit from 1880 to 1884, whev he went to the First Church, Rockville, Ct., where he was instated, and remained till May 1, 1889. Rev. Albert C. Hurd, took charge of ihe pulpit Aug. 24, 1885, and remained two years, when he went to Francestowu, N. H., where he is now acting pastor. Rev. Ernest W. Shurtleff, from And. Theol. Sem., com- menced preaching March 8, 1888, but at the end of three months his health failed, and he removed to California. PALMER IN MODERN TIMES, 1812-1889. 239 Rev. Carlos H. Hanks, was employed on recommendation of Mr. Shurtleff, and has since supplied the pulpit. He received ordination in Ohio, where he supplied both Presbyterian and Congregational churches. He is now (1889) a member of Boston University. The First Baptist Church. As early as 1818, a few families resident in Palmer began to hold religious meetings under the auspices of neighboring Baptist min- isters ; and that year, two or three taxpayers filed certificates that they had paid taxes for the support of preaching elsewhere, and were exempted from the minister's rate. A church of this faith was organized in the south part of Belchertown, under the name of the " Belchertown and Palmer Baptist Church," November 16, 1825. For a while meetings were held in a house occupied in com- mon by this people and a Methodist society. In 1832 they erected the present church edifice in the village of Three Rivers, which was dedicated in January 1833. The name of the church was then changed to the ''Baptist Church in Three Rivers." The number of original members was 24, 11 males and 13 females. The number of members in 1852 was 111. The pastors have been : Rev. Messrs. Alvin Bennett, Henry Archibald, Tubal Wakefield, David Pease, John R. Bigelow, Prosper Powell, N. B. Jones, Chester Tilden, Joseph Hodges, Jun., Sanford Leach, Addison Parker, March 1848-1852, L. H. Wakeman, Dec. 1852-March 1855, C. L. Baker, June 1855-Apr. 1857, L. W. Wheeler, May 1857-May '58, E. H. Watrous, June 1858-May '62, E. Kinney, July 1862-May '63, Thomas Womersley, May 1863-Aug. 1868, L. F. Shepardson, Jan. 1869-April '73, S. Wright, Sept. 1874-Mar. '75, J. W. Holman, 1875-Apr. 1877, Philip Berry, June '77-April '78, T. C. Russell, July '78-1881, F. B. Joy, May 1882-April '87, John Eyers, Sept. 1887. The Methodist Episcopal Church. A class of ten persons was formed at Three Rivers by Rev. A. Taylor in 1833, and Royal BuflBngton was appointed leader. The class met in the school house on the hill. At first it was connected with Brookfield circuit. In a short time it became connected with South Belchertown, Rev. A. Perry being the preacher in charge. In 1837 a chapel was built opposite and a little to the southwest of the mill— old lady Hubbard giving the land, on condition that it should be occupied by a Methodist chapel and should revert to her heirs whenever such religious service was discontinued. Rev. H. Moulton was appointed preacher. He was followed by Rev. William Gordon, who in 1840 was succeeded by Rev. T. W. Gile. Up to 240 HISTORY OF PALMER, 1841 the society divided the labors of the pastor with the society in Belchertown ; but iu that year it was made a station, with Rev. J. Xichols preacher in charge. He remained two years, and was suc- ceeded by Rev. D. L. Winslow, for one year ; Rev. J. Cadwell, under whom the church had a large growth. The preachers that followed were Rev. Amos Binney, Rev. Daniel Chapin, Rev. C. L. McCurdy, Rev. J. W. Mowry, Rev. Nathaniel J. Merrill, Rev. E. B. Morgan and Rev. F. Fisk. This brings the record down to 185G. A class had been formed at Thorndike before 1845, and the next year applied to the Conference for a preacher. Rev. X. E. Cob- leigh was sent. A church was organized January 23, 1847. Ser- vices were held in the hall of the school house. At the end of a year the membership numbered 60. Rev. William M. Hubbard was preacher 1849-50. In 1852 the society began to hold service in the old Congregational meeting-house at Palmer Centre, and so continued to do for a couple of years. Rev. D. K. Merrill and J. A. Ames were pastors in charge. In 1853 this church and the one at South Belchertown were made one station, with Rev. D. Atkins as preacher. As the outcome and adjustment of a series of diffi- culties encountered by the Thorndike society, in 1854 this and the mother church at Three Rivers came together and formed one large congregation, with Rev. C. ^Morgan as preacher. During the sum- mer they met in the ToAvn House at Four Corners ; in the winter they returned to the old chapel. 1855. Rev. F. Fisk was appointed preacher. This year, as tlie result of a friendly consultation, it was decided to build a new meeting-house at the Four Corners. Work was begun in Septem- ber, 1856, and the house was dedicated June 16, 1S57, Bishop 0. C. Baker preaching the sermon. The chapel at Three Rivers being given up by the denomination, reverted to the Hubbard heirs, was sold and removed and made over into a dwelling house. The preachers in charge at Four Corners have been Rev. James M. Clark, Rev. L. R. Bolles, Jun., Rev. D. K. Banister, Rev. J. B. Bigelow, Rev. C. H. Hannaford, Rev. A. F. Bailey, Rev. A. P. Asken, Rev. N. Fellows, Rev. J. M. Clark, Rev. 6. W. Adams, Rev. William Gordon, Rev. W. R. Tisdale, Rev. Charles T. John- son, Rev. Matthews, Rev. Atkins. At the Fourth Quarterly Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Palmer, held ]\Iarch 10, 1866, the following were elected trustees of the said church for the year ensuing, viz., A. Beard, E. B. Gates, Robert McMaster, Martin Sedgwick, T. D. Potter. The Board organized Mar. 19 by the choice of A. Beard chairman and PALMER IX MODERN TIMES, 1812-1889. 241 T. D. Potter secretary and treasurer, who was sworn by G. W. Eandall, J. P. Toim Records. Metlioclist Eiiiscopal Cliurcli at Bondsville. In April, 1866, the Methodists of South Belchertown and those living in Bondsville formed a union and commenced holding religious services in Union Hall. A class of 15 members was organized ; Rev. John Cadwell was sent as preacher; the Sabbath school was started with 70 mem- bers. In 1875-6 a neat and convenient house of worship was erected, at a cost of $6,000, the corner stone being the gift of Mr. Oadwell. The preachers in charge have been Rev. John Cadwell, Rev. Wm. K Hubbard, 2 years ; Rev. Wm. P. Blackmar, 1870, 2 years ; Rev. J. W. Cole, 1 year ; Rev. George E. Chapin, 1873, 2 years ; Rev. Alfred Noon, 1875-6 ; Rev. D. K. Merrill, 1877-9. In 1885 the church at Four Corners was disbanded, and a large part of the members joined the Bondsville church, which is now (1889) the only church of the denomination in Palmer. The pres- ent pastor is Rev. C. Virgin. Second Baptist Church. The Second Baptist Church in Palmer was originally organized August 8, 1852; was incorporated by special act of the Legislature May 2, 1887. This church was a colony from the Baptist Church at Three Rivers. The following twenty members took letters from the mother church for the purpose of starting a new interest at the thriving village near the Depot, where most of them resided : Sylvester Parks, Laura Parks, Lyman Chamberlain, Susan Cham- berlain, Mary J. Chamberlain, Dudley Calkins, Eunice Calkins, Levi Calkins, Sarah G. Calkins, Esther Calkins, Eliphalet Tenney, Susan Tenney, Lewis Tenney, Calista E. Tenney, Elizabeth A. Tenney, Elijah Valentine, Pamelia D. Valentine, Wilson Arnold,. Francis L. Bissell, Mariah H. Bissell. Sabbath services began to be held in a hall early in 1852, and among the first preachers were Rev. Dr. Pattison, Rev. Mr. Gunni- son, Rev. Judson Chaplin. In July of the same year a unanimous invitation was extended to Rev. Samuel A. Collins, Jun., to become the pastor. He accepted, and was publicly recognized Sejat. 29 following. During his pastorate, i. e., in 1853, steps were taken to build a house of worship; this was completed and dedicated in March, 1854, Rev. Dr. Ide of Springfield preaching the sermon. The house oc- cupies a commanding position near the railroad station ; first cost, 15,000. Mr. Collins resigned his charge in March, '54. He was 343 HISTORY OF PALMER. succeeded by Mr. Andrew D. Bullock, a member of the Baptist Church in Taunton, who supplied the pulpit for one year as a licen- tiate. At the call of the church he was ordained April 11, 1855, Rev, Dr. Porter of Pittsfield preaching the sermon. Mr. Bullock resigned in 1800. The pastors since 1860 have been : Rev. G. Sherman Smith, from East Greenwich, R. I., who was pastor from August, 1860, to 1863. Rev. E. M. Hayues, from West Haven, Vt., from June, 1866, to 1869. Rev. J. H. Tilton, from Natick, R. I., from July, 1860, to 1870. Rev. E. D. Daniels, from Leverett, from ^fay, 1870, one year. Rev. R. R. Riddell, from Sing Sing, N. Y., pastor from Feb., 1ST2, to the summer of '73. Rev. E. A. Goddard, from Huntington, commenced his labors in June, 1874, and was dismissed May 11, 1876. Rev. Philip Berry, who was joint pastor over this and the church at Three Rivers from April, 1877, to April, '78. Rev. T. C. Russell was also joint pastor of the two churches from July, 1878, to 1881. He came to Palmer from Mansfield, Mass. Rev. 0. R. Hunt, from Springfield, preached two years, from January, 1883. The present pastor, Rev. A. W. Weeks, came from Worcester, and commenced his labors in November, 1885. Union Evangelical Church. A church, without denominational connection, composed of members who hold to the Evangelical doctrines, was organized at the village of Three Rivers April 27, 1876. The original number of communicants was 37. Their house of worship was erected in 1877. The acting pastors of the church have been : Rev. T. A Leete, who came here from the First Congregational Church, and minis- tered during 1875-77; Rev. M. M. Tracy, a graduate of Amherst, 1860; Rev. F. W. Cobb, who has since died; Rev. C. D. Dudley, since deceased; Rev. W. L. Noyes, who supplied about a year and a half ; Rev. C. L. Ayer, who remained four and a half years ; G. W. Christie, who commenced his labors November, 1, 1888. The Second Congregational Church. [Prepared by O. P. Allen.] The opening of the Boston & Albany railroad, about the year 1838, created a new village centre at the station. Business and PALMER IK MODERN TIMES, 1813-1889. 243 popuUtion increased rapidly; the old centre began to show signs of age ; tL> village of Thorndike was becoming a power in social and civil affairs, and as a natural result the two new villages claimed a right tc special religious privileges. In 1847, an amicable division was effected, Rev. M. K. Cross remaining with the mother church, and fifty-four members with- drawing, with a view of forming a new church at the Depot Village. The Second Church was organized April 1st, 1847, by an Eccle- siastical Council called for the purpose, with a membership of fifty-sevf 1, which number was increased to sixty-nine before the close of the year. For nearly a year the church had no pastor, but the desk vas supplied by Rev. Dr. Ely of Monson, and others. In January 1848, the church by unanimous vote extended a call to Mr. Thomas Wilson to become its pastor, and on Feb. 3S, he was ordained and installed pastor. Mr. Wilson was bDrn- in Paisley, Scotland, June 15, 1822 ; he came with his fathe and family to Lowell in 1820. He fitted there in the high .school for college, graduated at Dartmouth in 1S41, and at Andjver Theological Seminary in 1847. He remained with the church in Palmer until July 1st, 1852, when he asked for a dismissal on account of inade- quate support. During his pastorate forty-six members were added to the church. His ministry was a very successful one, and he left his first charge respected and beloved by all. He removed to Westford, Mass., where he was installed May 4th, 1853, and dismissed Feb. 13th, 1856. Then he received a call to become the pastor of the First Congregational Church in Stoughton, Mass., where he was installed March 13th, 1856, and dismissed Mar. 13th, 1876. On account of ill health he rested from ministerial labors for nearly a year ; then assumed the p;astorate of the Congregational Church in Eaton, N. Y., Mar. 25th, 18V7, where he is still laboring. After the re- tirement of Mr, Wilson, the church was without a pastor for some two years, but wns able to secure the services of Rev. W. W. Belden, for most of the time. In Sept. 1854, the church extended a call to Rev. Joseph Vail 1, D. D. of Somers, Ct., to become its pastor; the call was accepted and on Dec. 7th, 1854, he was installed the second pastor. Dr. Vaill was born in Hadlyme, Ct., July 28th, 1790. He graduated at Yale in the class of 1811, and was ordained to the ministry Feb. 2d, 1814, and had his first settlement in Brim- field •, his second in Portland, Me., for three years ; after which he received a second call to Brimfield ; then for four years was a suc- cessful solicitor for Amherst College ; then was pastor in Somers, Ct., where he was installed Aug. 6, 1845. His pastorates covered 244 HISTORY OF PALMER. thirty-seven years prior to his settlement in Palmer. After a pas- torate in Palmer of about thirteen years he was ilismissed at his request, Feb. 12th, 1868. He was elected a Representative from the Palmer District to the Massachusetts Legislature and died in office Feb. 22d, 1809, leaving an honored name as a rich legacy to the people he loved so well. Dr. \'aill was a true gentleman of the old school, dignified, but with a lieart full of sympathy and tender- ness. He was quick at repartee and enjoyed genuine wit in others. His memory is still gratefully cherished in the parish he presided over so long. Rev. Bradford M. Fullerton was ordained and installed the third pastor Feb, 12th, 1808. Mr. Fullerton was born in Brid^^-eport, Ct., Apr. 15th, 1837. He graduated at Amherst in 1801, and at An- dover Theological Seminary in 1805. After graduating he was en- gaged in editc rial work on the Worcester Transcript and the Hart- ford Post a fe=v months each, and on the Norwich Bulletin two and one half years. After a successful pastorate of more than thirteen years he was dismissed u<- his request July 6, 1881. During his charge one hundred and ninety-five members were added to the church, largely the result of revivals. Besides his pastoral cares Mr. Fullerton took a lai-ge interest in public affairs, being for many years an efficient member of the school board. In his retirement the parish lost an efficient pastor and a man of schohirly attain- ments. Soon after leaving Palmer he accepted a call from tlie Trinitarian Congi-egational Church in Waltham, where he still officiates as pastor. After Mr. Fullerton's resignation the church remained without a pastor for rearly two years, the desk being supplied by different ])reachers. Rev. Pleasant Hunger, Juu., the ^urth pastor, was or- dained and installed June 7th. 1883. He was born in Wisebury, Md. He graduated at Boston University and at Hartford Theo- logical Seminary. After a pleasant pastorate of three years he was dismissed, at his request, July 25th, 1880, and became pastor of the Central Congregational Church in Xewtonville, Mass., where he still remains. During his short pastorate Mr. Hunter won a large place in the hearts of his people and was allowed to go with keen regret. Rev. Howard W. Pope, the fifth and present pastor, was installed Nov. 3d, J 886. He was born Jan. 21st, 1849, in New Havem Ct. He graduated at Yale in 1871 and at Yale Tneological Schvool in 1874. He was ordained and installed pastor of the Congregational Church in Bridgeport, Ct., in 1874, where he remained until he ac- cepted a call to become pastor of the Congregational Church in ym ip^#S^ . -m*' ^ -•>''* m Rev. Thomas Wilson PALMER IN MODERN TIMES, 1812-1889. 345 Manchester, Ct., in 1881 ; from this church he was dismissed, at his request, in 1886. The entire list of membershii^ of this church since its organiza- tion is 437 ; the present membership is 183. The deacons of the church from its organization to the present time are as follows : Benjamin Converse, chosen April 9th, 1847 ; Lebeus Chapin, chosen April 9, 1847 ; Wilson Brainard, 1851 ; Calvin Nutting, 1851 ; Henry A. Moore, 1867 ; Freeman S. Foster, 1869; Hiram Converse, 1869; A. E. Park, 1883; George F. Brown, 1883; Wm. A. Brakenridge, 1887; Charles W. Bennett, 1887. The clerks of the church have officiated as follows : A. V. Blanchard, 1847 ; Rev. Thomas Wilson, 1848 to 1852 ; S. H. Hall, 1852 to 1854 ; A. Blodget, 1854 ; Rev. J. Vaill, 1854 to 1868 ; Rev. B. M. Fullerton, 1868 to 1881 ; S. H. Hellyar, 1881 to 1885 ; Rev. P. Hunter, Jun., 1885 to 1886 ; 0. P. Allen, 1886 to the present. Beneficiaries. Collections in this church were first instituted April 20th, 1855, and from that itime to 1878 were effected by special collectors, who were given specified portions of the town to canvass, the amount collected being small compared to the sum now devoted to charitable objects. In 1878 the envelope plan and weekly voluntary offerings was adopted and is still continued. These contributions are devoted to the different missionary socie- ties, home and foreign, and other charitable objects. Since 1878 the sum of nearly 1^7,000 has been contributed by the above plan, $1,500 of which was paid in 1888. Connected with the church is the Ladies' Benevolent Society, which was organized in 1856, for the purpose of aiding various enterprises of a benevolent nature. It has raised and paid out for various worthy objects since its organization the sum of $5,784. The Sunday Scliool. The Sunday school connected with the church was organized April 2d, 1852. It has an efficient corps of teachers and numbers two hundred, with an average attendance of one hundred and twenty-five. Its officers are elected annually by the church. The school has had these superintendents : Arza Blodgett, for 1852 ; Jonathan Webber, 1853-4 ; Azel Brakenridge, 1855 ; Henry A. Moore, 1856. From 1857 the superintendents were chosen by the Sunday School, and as no records were kept, the list is not complete ; but during that interval of 17 years the following gentlemen occupied the position, viz. : W. C. Childs, Dr. Wm. Holbrook, Dr. E. B. Lyon, J. D. Blanchard, Dea. Freeman S. Foster, H. J. Lawrence, E. N. Montague, and possibly others. Since 1873 the superintendents have been chosen by the church 246 HISTORY OF PALMER. as follows : 0. L. Strader, for 1874-5-G-7; F. B. Shepard, for 1878-9-80; H. K. Stoughton for 1881-3-3; 0. P. Allen, for 1884- 5-6; L. E. Moore, 1887; J. B. Shaw, 1888-9. A select library of 483 volumes is devoted to the use of the school. The Cliristian Endeavor Society. Connected also with the church, was organized Nov. 31st, 188G, with H. B. Knox as jiresi- dent. The society has been a success from the beginning, and has proved a valuable auxiliary to the church work. The society num- bers 73 active and two associate members. The present presiding officer is Dr. G. H. Wilkius. The Ecclesiastical Society. Connected with the church, was organized April 30th, 1847, by thirty gentlemen, as follows : J. B. Blanchard, A. N. Dewey, Abner Allen, W. J. Blanchard, J. D. Blanchard, Franklin Blanchard, A. C. Billings, John Brooks, Daniel Converse, James Keith, J. P. Keep, Ephriam Allen, Benj. Converse, Hiram Converse, Lebeus Chapin, A. C. Merrick, John Bowles, S. L. Fleming, Lambert Allen, Abner Blodgett, Azel Brakenridge, Arza Blodgett, Isaac King, W. C. Childs, Harvey Smith, Cyrus Knox, A. V. Blanchard, C. Terry, Wilson Brainard, W. N. Prime. All the above are dead or removed from town, ex- cepting A. V. and Franklin Blanchard. The Church Edifice. When the church was first organized meetings were held in McGilvray's hall in the Depot Village, then just starting into life and activity. It soon became apparent, however, that a more commodious place was imperatively needed. Two rival sites were offered as gifts on which to build a church ; one by Col. Cyrus Knox, near the present Woolrich's food factory, and the other by Capt. A. N. Dewey. The latter was chosen. As early as October, 1846, a paper had been circulated for the purpose of obtaining subscriptions to 160 shares of stock at 825 per share for the building of a church. In a short time the whole amount was taken and about 83,500 paid in. The stockholders were to rent the church to the society at a rate of not more than 8 per cent, on the cost thereof, which amount was to be divided as a dividend among the stockholders. The corner stone of the church was laid with appropriate cere- monies in the month of May, 1847, by Rev. Dr. Ely of Monson. The church was dedicated Wednesday, Dec. 22d, of the same year, ''to the worship of God, by appropriate solemnities, viz.: Invo- cation and reading of the scriptures by Mr. Thomas Wilson (licen- tiate); introductory prayer by Eev. C. B. Kittridge of Monson; sermon by Rev. E. Russell of Springfield; dedicatory prayer and benediction by Rev. Dr. Ely, D.D., of Monson. The exercises were PALMER IN MODERN TIMES, 1812-1889. 247 exceedingly interesting, and an additional zest was given to them, from the fact that they occurred on a day hallowed by such sacred associations to every lover of the Puritans. The sermon on Psalm 96: 6, 'Honor and majesty are before him, strength and beauty are in His Sanctuary,' was characterized by that bold, vigorous and manly style for which the preacher is distinguished. " The company called "The Palmer Depot Church Corporation," which was outside of the church society had incurred something of a debt in the erection of the church, and in 1853 the building was sold at auction to satisfy a claim, and was bid off by D. F. McGil- vray for $i2,475. In 1854 the church was purchased by the Eccle- siastical Society, by whom it has since been owned. The original cost of the church was $5,000. In 1870 the church was thoroughly remodeled at a cost of nearly $8,000, and was rededicated Feb, 23, 1871. A few years later a pipe organ was put in by subscription at a cost of $1,500. In 1886 the unsightly vestry was remodeled and put into tasteful shape at a cost of about $800. In 1876 a par- sonage was erected on the church grounds at an expense of $4,000. The Advent Chmstian Church. This religious body was organized in 1874, with Elder H. H. Tucker as preacher. Meetings were held in McGilvray's hall. In 1875 a chapel was built on Park street, on land given for the pur- pose by Dr. E. G. Wood. It was dedicated Oct. 13, of that year. At present the church has no settled preacher, and services are maintained only a part of the time. St. Paul's Uniyersalist Church. The Universalists commenced holding regular Sabbath services at the Depot Village early in 1875, in charge of Eev. Benton Smith, missionary of the State Convention. The first meetings gathered in the parlors of a hotel, or at private houses. In 1875 Mr. M. W. French built Wales Hall Block, and meetings were held here till the house of worship was completed. The church was organized May 28, 1876, by Kev. A. J. Patter- son, D. D., and consisted of twenty-one members. The church edifice, standing on the corner of Central and Park streets, was dedicated May 12, 1880. It is built of Monson granite; its length is one hundred and eleven feet, breadth eighty feet. The main tower is one hundred and thirty feet in height, the other eighty feet. The auditorium, whose seating capacity, including the gallery, is four hundred and twenty, is neatly finished in black walnut, and all the furnishings are rich and tasteful. On the right 248 HISTORY OF PALMER. of the pulpit is the choir guUery, on the left the chancel, and in the rear the organ. At the rear of the building and directl}' connected with it is the chapel. Entrance to this from the outside may be had on both sides, and from the auditorium by two doors. On the lower floor are the chapel proper, the ladies' parlor, the pastor's cloak room and the library room. On the second floor are a large dressing room, a dining room seating a hundred, and a kitchen. Few eliurches can be found more complete and convenient in all their appointments than this. The first pastor, Eev. C. H. Eaton, was settled June 29, 18T7, and dismissed, after a four-years' pastorate, to take charge of Dr. Chapin's church in New York City. He was a graduate of Tuft's College and Theological Seminary. He was succeeded by Rev. E. A. Perry, also a graduate of Tuft's, who remained till 1885, when he removed to Fort Plains, N. Y. The present pastor, Eev. F. W. Betts, was settled in September, 188G. He received his theological education at the Clinton Liberal Institute, Canton, N. Y. Roman Catholic Chueches. Before 1850 the spiritual wants of the Catholics of Palmer were ministered to by Rev. John D. Brady and Rev. James A. Strain of Chicopee. In 1850 Rev. William A. Blenkinsop succeeded Father Strain at Chicopee, and the next year was transferred to Springfield. His parish took in Northampton, Greenfield, "Westfield, Chester Fac- tories, Holyoke, Amherst, "Ware, Thorndike, Three Rivers, Palmer Depot, Monson, Indian Orchard, etc. Father Blenkinsop com- menced regular mission work at Palmer in 1851 or '52, but could visit his flock here not oftener than twice a month. Then worship was held first in the old dry-house of the Thorndike Manufacturing Company at Thorndike Village. For want of seats, his few hearers were obliged to remain standing during service. They next met for a time in Newton's Hall at Thorndike. In 1854 Gamaliel Collins, Esq., in behalf of the Catholics, pur- chased the old Congregational Meeting-House at Palmer Centre, which was somewhat refitted and dedicated in 1855, Bishop Fitz- patrick of Boston performing the rites of consecration. Father Blenkinsop continued in charge and held worship at the Old Cen- tre for about a year. He was succeeded by Father Ilealy, who had residence at Ware and ministered to the two parishes. During his pastorate Father Healy remodelled the old church, and also built ^t. Patrick's Church at Monson. Soon after this, these two churches Si. Paul's Universalist Chukch. Palmhr. PALMER IN MODERN TIMES, 1812-1889. 349 were made into one parish, and Rev. Father Lasco was assigned to duty as pastor. He had charge of the two flocks for six months, when he was taken suddenly ill and died. Rev. Father Moyse was the next priest in charge. He was succeeded by Rev. Anthony J. Rossi, a graduate of St. Mary's Seminary, near St. Louis, Mo. He remained in charge till 1869, when he was transferred to the arch- diocese of Boston and assigned to the care of St. George's parish at Saxonville, a village of Framingham. After Father Rossi left. Father Molinari was stationed at Palmer for a few months. The next permanent pastor was Rev. F. J. Lynch, who came to Palmer in the fall of 1869 and still remains in active service, revered by his flock and honored by all men. He can well feel a just pride in the work of twenty years, which has resulted in the establishment of three prosperous churches of English-speaking Catholics. Rev. F. J. Lynch was educated at St. Mary^s Seminary, Balti- more, Md., where he was in residence at the breaking out of the late Civil War, and participated in the excitement consequent on the marching through the city of the earliest Northern regiments. He received ordination in 1865, and was stationed at Holyoke; came to Palmer in 1869, and took charge of the parish, then in- cluding the whole town. Sabbath worship was held in the some- what dilapidated church at the Old Centre. In 1876, through the efforts of Father Lynch, a church edifice was erected at Thorndike, and the Catholics forsook the old meet- ing-house and gathered at the new church. The house is a neat and very substantial structure, 120x50 feet, and occupies a spot where its fine proportions are seen to advantage. It has a seating capacity of 760, and cost ^23,000. A parsonage was built in 1878. The Sabbath School connected with this church numbers 175. Up to July, 1878, the people of this faith all worshipped in the new house. But the growth of the several villages of Palmer brought a larger population than could be well accommodated at one place, and the territory was divided into three parishes — St. Mary^s at Thorndike, St. Thomas' at Palmer Village, and St. Bar- tholomew's at Bondsville. St. Thomas' Church, at Palmer village, was erected in 1878, at a cost of about 14,000. Originally it had a seating capacity of 250. At the end of ten years the house was found too small for the in- creasing congregation, and in August, 1888, the work of recon- struction and enlargement was begun. The work was completed and the new house was dedicated March 24, 1889. It is of wood, and in the gothic style of architecture, and has a seating capacity of 600. The body of the church inside is wainscoted at the base, 350 HISTORY OF PALMER. and above is finished in arches frescoed in subdued and harmonious colors, which form a pleasing contrast with the dark walnut color of the seats. Nineteen handsome cathedral windows light the in- terior of the entire structure. Upon the walls of the auditorium are the 14 stations of the cross, while higher up are beautiful Scriptural illustrations and representations of the seven sacraments. The walls of the sanctuary are elaborately finished in gold leaf, and the altar is of uniqne and chaste design. Upon the right of it there is painted a cluster of grapes combined with a bunch of wheat, while upon the left side there is represented a chalice and host, each having a mystical significance. The chapel, which is entirely new, will also be used as a sacristy, and can be reached by a side entrance and from the auditorium. Kev. Thomas J. Sullivan was assigned to this parish (which in- cludes North Wilbraham) at the time of its organization in 1878, and still remains pastor in charge. He is a native of Worcester, where he was educated at the public schools and the Holy Cross College. He studied for the priesthood at the Grand Seminary of Montreal, and was ordained December 19, 1873. He resides in a commodious parsonage adjoining the church. He has been a mem- ber of the Board of School Committee of Palmer since 1883.* St. Bartholomew's Parish at Bondsville was organized in 1879, and through the efforts of Father Lynch a neat and comfortable church edifice was erected. It has since been remodeled, and now has sittings for about 500. Rev. B. McKeany was assigned to duty here, and still remains the priest in charge. French Catholic Church, A mission was commenced at Three Rivers as early as 1880, to meet the special needs of the large French poiDulation of that village. AVorship was first held in the town house at Four Corners. St. Anne's Church, which occupies a com- manding position, was built in 1884. It has about 600 sittings. Rev. Ant. A. Lamy came here in the early days of the enterprise, and still continues the priest in charge. Father Lamy is now (1889) buildiug a church at Bondsville, to accommodate the French Catholics of that growing village. Items of Historical Interest. 1820. March 13. The town voted that swine may run at large in the streets, properly yoked and rung. 1830. October 16. Col. Amos Hamilton was chosen delegate to represent the Town of Palmer in the convention to be held at * p. S. Father Sullivan closed his labors with St. Thomas' Church June 20, 1889, and is suc- ceeded by Rev. Wm. Hart from Holyoke. PALMER IX MODERN TIMES, 1812-1889. 351 Boston for the purpose of revising the Constitution of this Com- monwealth. Apprentices. — To show the manner of binding out children as apprentices to learn trades, which prevailed as a common custom in a former generation, the following Indenture is copied from the Palmer town records : Tliis Indenture witnesseth, That Charles Coon of Springfield, in the county of Hampden, laborer, hath put & placed, and by these presents doth put and place his son Charles Sanford Coon as an ap- prentice to Abner Allen of Palmer, Gentleman, to learn the art, trade or mystery of husbandry, so far as the said apprentice be capable to learn of him the said Allen. The said Charles Sanford, after the manner of an apprentice, to dwell with and serve the said Allen from the day of the date hereof untill the 14th day of January, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight, at which time the said apprentice, if he be living will be seventeen years of age. During all of which time the said apprentice his said Master well and faithfully shall serve — his secrets keep, and his lawful commands everywhere and at all times readily obey — he shall do no damage to his said master nor willfully suffer any to be done by others, and if any to his knowledge be intended, he shall give his master seasonable notice thereof — he shall not waste the goods of his said master, nor lend them unlawfully to any — At cards, dice, or any unlawful game he shall not play — fornication he shall not commit, nor marriage contract during the said term — Taverns, ale houses, or places of gaming he shall not haunt or frequent — from the service of his said master he shall not absent himself — but in all things and at all times he shall carry and behave himself as a good & faithful apprentice ought, during the whole time or term aforesaid. And the said Allen, on his part, doth hereby promise, warrant and agree to teach and instruct the said aj)prentice, or cause him to be taught and instructed, so far as he may be capable to learn, in the art, trade or calling of a husbandman, by the best way or means he can ; and also if he be capable to learn, to teach and instruct the said apprentice or cause him to be taught to read and write and cypher as far as the Eule of Three, if the said apprentice be capa- ble to learn — And shall well and faithfully find and provide for the said apprentice, good and suflQcient meat, drink, clothing, lodging, and other necessaries fit and convenient for such an apprentice, during the term aforesaid : And at the expiration thereof, shall give unto him the said apprentice, two suits of wearing apparel, one suit suitable for the Lord's day, and the other for working days. 8518 HISTORY OF PALMER. In testimony whereof, the said parties have hereunto set their hands and seals this 31st day of March, A. D. 1829. Charles Coon seal Signed, sealed Abner Allen seal and delivered in presence of Leonard Davis, James Stebbins. Recorded by me Theoph. H. Knight, Town Clerk. Three Eivers. May 3, 1830, the town voted ''that any per- son who shall pass or repass the bridge near the junction of the Three Rivers in Palmer with a horse or horses or carriages faster than on the walk shall be subject to a penalty of one dollar for each and every time he shall so pass faster than on a walk — con- formably to the provisions of a late Law of this Commonwealth, and that the selectmen be directed to put up boards at each end of said bridge, agreeably to Law.'' Town Map of 1830, — An article in the warrant for a town meeting May 3, 1830, was " To take measures to carry into effect a Resolve of the Legislature of this Commonwealth, requiring towns to make surveys of their territory and return plans of the same into the Secretary's office, passed March 1, 1830, and to raise money to pay the expense thereof." '' Chose the board of select- men, viz., John Frink, Joseph Lee, Jun., and Cyrus Knox, agents to effect a survey of the town." The next spring the selectmen reported that the sum of $18.95 had been paid out for surveying the town. And in their report for 1832 they state that the further sum of $37.87 had been paid ''for surveying and making a Map of the Town." This map is now in the State Archives at Boston, and has considerable value. It is an outline map, with the streams, ponds, mill-seats, county roads and school houses carefully delineated and noted. Cleared lands and woodlands are distinguished, and the latter appear to cover considerably more than half our territory. Ringing the Bells. — May 2, 1836, the town voted "That the selectmen cause the bell at the Centre Meeting-House and the bell at the Three Rivers Meeting-House to be rung for all town pur- poses and tolled for all deaths and funerals for the inhabitants of said town, and ringed regularly every day at twelve o'clock at noon and nine o'clock in the morning." Surplus Revenue. — At a meeting of the town May 1, 1837, ''voted to receive this town's proportion of the surplus revenue PALMER IN- MODEKN" TIMES, 1812-1889. 263 from the Treasurer of this State, on the conditions prescribed by the Acts of the Legislature. And also voted that Amos Hamilton, the treasurer of said town of Palmer, be the agent to receive said money, and bind the town in its corporate capacity for the security and repayment of the same to the State. Voted, that the said town treasurer be authorized in behalf of the town, to loan said money, and take mortgages on real estate to secure the payment of the same, not in larger sums than one thou- sand dollars, nor in less sums than three hundred dollars, and the estates so mortgaged shall be estimated to be worth three times the value of the sum loaned — And shall all be loaned to the inhabitants of the town of Palmer — And that the interest accruing on said money for the first year be appropriated for the use of common schools — And chose the selectmen a committee to assist the treas- urer in loaning said money." Nothing appears upon the town records to show the amount of money received from the State, nor to whom loans were made. The annual reports of the selectmen on the financial condition of the treasury make no mention of this money. The interest (no sum named) appears to have been appropriated for the use of schools, though in 1844 the town voted to appropriate "fhe Sur- plus Eevenue'" to purchase a Poor Farm. List of Pensioners living in Palmer in 1840 : Huldah Ball, aged 79. Jonathan Hunt, aged 80. Eleanor McClintock, aged 85. Alice Perry, aged 78. Naomi Strickland, aged 78. Samuel Taylor, aged 79. Poor Farm. — Dec. 2, 1844. The town "voted to appropriate the Surplus Eevenue to purchase a farm to be used by said town for the support of town paupers, with the necessary tools and stock." 18G3. Voted to sell the town farm, and purchase the farm of Ralph Green for the use of the town ; price, $2,050. 1879. Voted to build a new house and barn on the Poor Farm. New Town House. — In 1846, the town voted to build a new Town House at the Four Corners, provided land can be had there free of expense to the town. Voted that the size of the House be 70 X 48 feet, with 18 feet posts. 254 HISTORY OF PALMER. Watering Tubs. — 1879. The town voted to authorize the selectmen to construct and maintain watering tubs in the villages of Palmer and Bondsville. 1885. A Fire District was organized, and W. W. Leach was chosen clerk, and sworn. The town voted to appropriate the sum of $8,000 to purchase a steam fire engine, hose, hose carriage and apparatus, and the erec- tion of an engine house. Modern Cemeteries. — At Three Rivers. ''The committee appointed to see if they could obtain a spot of land for a burying ground at the Three Elvers, have attended to the duty, and report : K. D. Earl has agreed to let the town have a sjDot of land on the following conditions, viz. that the town shall pay him twenty-five dollars for it, and shall fence it, and shall level the ground in front of the fence. The size of the ground is as follows : located at the corner of the roads northeast of said Earl's house, and measuring twenty rods on each road, and thence a strait line from one bound to the other across the west end, containing about one acre. The fence on the north side is to be set back one and a half rods from the road. Signed Elias Turner, Abel Calkins, A X J Ti/r 1 -lo -loony Marble K. Ferrell. Accepted March 13, 1837. At Four Corners. This Cemetery was laid out in 1851. The town voted to purchase three acres of land, at one hundred dollars per acre. The Catholic Cemetery near the Old Centre was laid out in 1863, The Catholic Cemetery at Thorndike was laid out in 1879. Digging Graves. — 1836, May 2. The town voted, ''that the selectmen be authorized to pay for digging the graves for town inhabitants, and attending funerals with the hearse." Palmer Cemetery Association. — Was organized June 18, 1888. Its object is to have a care of, and make general improve- ments in the cemetery at Palmer Village. Its means are derived from annual fees of members, donations, and appropriations by the town. Officers: president, W. A. Brakenridge ; v. pres., J. H. Woolrich; secretary, L. E. Chandler; treas., L. E. Moore; trus- tees, J. W. Shanks, Mrs. George Davis, W. B. Ham, Mrs. S. R, Lawrence, Mrs. L. E. Child, Wm. Merriam, C. B. Fiske, H. C. Strong, David Knox, George Eobinson, Mrs. L. W. Burleigh. JuiJi.ic J. (i. Allun. PALMER IN MODERN TIMES, 1812-1889. 255 Palmer Water Company was organized May 25, 1885, with a capital of $20,000, The reservoir is situated on Tamar mountain, and fed from living springs. The Company supplies the hydrants, the B. & A. railroad, the hotels, and 200 families. Officers : 0. L. Goodhue, pres. ; C. K. Gam well, clerk ; J. H. Gam well, treas.; C. L. Goodhue, T. A. Clark, F. R. Lawton, C. K. Gamwell, J. H. Gamwell, directors. The Electric Light Company was established in 1888 ; operates under the Westinghouse patent ; furnishing both arc and incandes- cent lights, which are in use in the hotels, stores, and public build- ings quite generally. The District Court of Eastern Hampden, was instituted April 29, 1872. Has jurisdiction in Palmer, Brimfield, Monson, Holland, Wales and Wilbraham ; holds daily sessions at Court house in Palmer village. Justices : James G. Allen, till his death in 1879, when George Robinson was appointed, and still presides. Special Justices : H. F. Brown of Brimfield, and J. B. Shaw of Palmer. CHAPTEE YI. Industries of Palmer. state valuation, 1840 — inbustrial statistics, 1855 — railroads— blanchard's sctthe factory— three rivers manufacturing CO. — THE PALMER COMPANY— JOHN S. "WRIGHT — JOSEPH BROWN— THE OTIS COMPANY — H. J. KELLKY — THE THORNDIKE COMPANY — BONDSVILLE — DAVID DARLING — EZEKIEL BOYDEN— EMELIUS BOND— MOSES LEARNED —WOOLEN MILL— THE MUNROE COMPANY— BOSTON DUCK CO.— PALMER CARPET MILL— ridge's FOOD— PALMER WIRE CO.— WIRE GOODS CO.— HOLDEN WOOLEN MILL — PALMER PLANING MILL — IRON FOUNDRY- SOAP FACTORY -^ BETTS FENCING CO. — TANNERIES — DISTILLERY — BLACK- SMITHS — TINSMITH — CARPENTER — WOOL CARDING — FULLING MILL-^ LOCKS— PERCUSSION CAPS — HAT MANUFACTORY- PRINTING AND NEWS~ PAPERS — EZEKIEL TERRY— THE PALMER JOURNAL— GORDON M. FISK— taverns- stores— agricultural society. State Valuation, 1840. AS the date — 1838-1845 — marks the commencement of a new era in the business life of Palmer, it is thought best to present the statistics of the official valuation of 1840, and the industrial statistics of 1856, in order to show the rapid advance made in 15 years. These tables will help the reader to estimate aright the causes of the new development, and prepare the way for considering in detail the history of the several industries which were started or revived near this time : No. of inhabitants in 1840, 2,150 No. of ratable polls, 16 years and upwards, 539 No. of polls not taxed, 33 No. of dwelling houses, 237 No. of barns, 218 No. of shops adjoining dwelling houses, 1 No. of other shops, 23 No. of tan houses, 1 No. of warehouses and stores, 9 No. of grist mills, 3 No. of saw mills, 3 No. of iron works and furnaces, 1 No. of cotton factories, 2 No. of spindles in the same, 22,520 INDUSTKIES OF PALMER. !||7 No. of looms in the same, 486 No. of woolen factories, 1 No. of spindles in the same, 590 No. of looms in the same, 32 No. of all other works and edifices of the value of $20, 111 Amount of every person's whole stock in trade, in- cluding goods and merchandise, $32,850 Amount of money at interest more than they pay interest for, $52,086 Amount of stocks held in banks and insurance com- panies, $14,800 Value of shares in any bridge, canal, railroad, $1,780 No. acres of tillage land, 1,143 No. bushels of rye raised, 4,457 No. bushels of oats raised, 8,561 No. bushels of Indian corn raised, 7,555 No. acres of English mowing, 657 No. tons of hay produced annually, 757 No. acres of fresh meadow, 1,153 No. tons of hay produced on the same, 1,091 No. acres of pasturage, 8,224 No. cows kept on same, 978 No. acres of woodland, 3,208 No. acres of unimproved land, 1,742 No. acres of unimproveable land, 2,049 No. acres owned by the town, 10 No. acres taken up by roads, 630 No. acres covered by water, 783 No. horses one year old and upwards, 337 No. oxen four years old and upwards, 310 No. of young cattle, 424 No. of sheep six months old and upwards, 2,123 No. swine six months old and upwards, 285 Total number of acres in town, 19,691 Industeial Statistics foe 1855. Number of inhabitants, 4,012; churches, 6; school houses, 13; taverns, 6; grist mills, 3; saw mills, 4; blacksmith's shops, 6; grocery and dry goods stores, 17; cotton mills, 4; spindles, 48,590; cotton consumed, 3,415,000 lbs.; cloth manufactured, 7,577,000 yds., which included printing cloth, 1,650,000 yds.; duck cloth, 1,710,000 yds.; 34-inch shirtings, 1,317,000 yds.; stripe ticks and denims, 3,000,000 yds.; value of cloth, $5628, 707; capital, 1957,000; men employed, 505; women, 541. Furnace for the manufacture of castings and hollow ware, 1 ; product, 50 tons ; value, 84,000. 258 HISTORY OF PALMER. Scythe Factory, 1 ; scythes made, 14,000 ; vah;e, -$0,000 ; hands employed, 15. Saddle and Harness manufactory, 2 ; value of goods made, $2,500. Hat Manufactory, 1 ; number of hats made, 300. Carriage Manufactory, 1 ; value of carriages, etc., made, §15,000 ; hands employed, 15. Soap and candle works, 1 ; soap manufactured, 936 barrels ; value, $2,808 ; tallow candles made, G,000 pounds ; value, 8840. Tin ware manufactory, 1 ; value of product, $1,000. Currying shop, 1 ; value of leather finished, 833,000 ; hands em- ployed, 7. Boots manufactured, 500 pairs ; shoes, 1,000 pairs ; value, $3,000 ; hands employed, 7. Manufactory of straw hats and bonnets, 1 ; goods finished, 8,295 dozens ; unfinished, 10,200 dozens ; value, $10,000 ; males employed, 15 ; females, 262. Lumber prepared for market, 1,350,000 feet ; value, $9,600. Firewood prepared for market, 9,500 cords ; value, $23,750. No. of sheep, 441 ; wool produced, 1,421 lbs. No. of horses, 292 ; value, $21,905. No. of oxen, 205 ; steers, 176 ; value, $15,010. No. of milch cows, 483 ; heifers, 226 ; value, $17,273. Butter made, 38,000 lbs.; value, $7,600. Cheese made, 20,000 lbs.; value, $2,000. Indian corn, 550 acres ; average yield jDer acre, 28 bushels. Wheat, 1 acre ; yield, 10 bushels. Rye, 393 acres ; yield per acre, 10 bushels. Oats, 335 acres ; yield per acre, 25 bushels. Potatoes, 160 acres ; yield per acre, 100 bushels. English mowing, 1,596 acres ; hay, 1,596 tons. Wet meadow or swale hay, 618 tons. No. of swine, 268 ; value, $1,921. Beans raised, 800 bushels ; value, $2,000. Buckwheat, 2,000 bushels ; value, $1,500. There is $1,000 invested in the manufacture of reeds ; value of finished article, $1,400. From the preceding tables it appears that the population nearly doubled in 15 years; that the number of cotton factories just doubled, while the increase of production was more than 100 per cent. ; and the growth of minor industries kept pace with the new demand. The Adyp:nt of Railroads. — Among the potent causes of the development of industrial pursuits at this period was the construe- INDUSTEIES OF PALMER. 2o& tion of the Boston and Albany Railroad. The great water power of our rivers had been in part utilized some years before, and large enterprises set on foot, but a drawback was the hard and costly transportation of raw material and manufactured goods. The rail- road removed or lessened this hindrance, and brought our factories and their products near to market. It reduced the time of hauling to Springfield from six hours to one hour, and in the same propor- tion to and from Boston. And the prospect of rapid transit and cheapened rates acted as a stimulus to raise the spirits and hopes of investors, after the hard reverses and blue days of '37. Even if a dollar had no greater purchasing power, it had a guarantee of larger income, and so possessed more intrinsic value. The Boston and Albany Railroad was opened from "Worcester to the Connecticut river in October, 1839. The effects of its coming had in part been discounted in the assured promise of that event, but the actual fact gave a new start to social and business life. This was especially true of the Depot Village, which up to this time had been content to be only a suburb of the Old Centre. As compared with the present, however, those were ''the days of small things." The road had but a single track. The depot buildings were small and cheap affairs, situated on the north side of the track, and reached by a sharp descent from near the junction of Main and Central streets. The freight house was equally small and inconvenient. The double track, the enlarged freight yard, the overhead bridge and the Union station have come with the de- mands of traffic and the ability of income. The present commo- dious and elegant passenger station was built in 1883-4. The New London Northern Railroad was an important enter- prise and promised large results to the two original termini. It was oiJened to Palmer from the south in 1850 and to the north in 1853. But to us it was rather a feeder than a creator of enter- prises. And the opening, at a later date, of the Ware River Rail- road, and, still later, of the Athol branch of the Boston and Albany, while they effected no sudden change or enlargement of business, have yet directly benefitted the manufacturing interests of Three Rivers, Thorndike and Bondsville, and thus indirectly built up and strengthened the town. Industries. The minor industries of Palmer have in part been indicated and described in the chapter on Topography, in connection with the rivers and brooks. But the more important of these will now be 260 HISTORY OF PALMER. more fully described, in a detailed history of the several incorpor- ated manufacturing companies at the different villages. This involves a little repetition ; but it will make the record more intelligible, and at the same time show the progress of invention and art from small beginnings to the high degree of perfection now attained. Blanchard's Scythe Factory. — This deserves a place among the early industrial enterprises of modern Palmer, because of its success, and because the parties interested became permanent resi- dents of the town, and have contributed largely to our high stand- ing as a community, in social as well as financial matters. The Blanchards came to Palmer from Dudley (now Webster), in Worcester county. Thomas Blanchard, son of Samuel, was a cele- brated inventor of curious and valuable mechanisms, the scope of his powers in this line being almost unlimited. Among other con- trivances, was a machine for heading tacks, one for bending wood, and one for turning irregular forms of wood. This last proved to be of incalcuable value, and was first applied to the turning of gun stocks, busts, and casts of hard material. The U. S. Government secured the invention for use in its armories, which revolutionized the manufacture of small arms. Thomas Blanchard lived in Millbury, and in travelling to and from Springfield, while superintending the introduction of his in- vention, he observed the water-power in the Quabaug river, above the present Depot Village; and knowing that his brother, John B., who was then making scythes on a small scale in Dudley, wanted to secure a larger privilege, informed him of the chance. The result was that Maj. John B. Blanchard purchased the said priv- ilege, built a factory, and removed to Palmer in 1824 — about a year anterior to the building of the dam at Three Kivers. He was a good mechanic, and fully versed in the art of scythe-making. His tools bore a high reputation for excellence of make and temper, and the business prospered. He continued the manufacture till 1840, when age and infirmity induced him to retire. He died in October, 1850. His son, Alonzo V., came to Palmer with the father, and was associated with him in the works. After the father retired, A. V. took in partnership, his brother, William J., and later, his brother John D., and still later, another brother, Franklin. The firm fully maintained the early reputation of their goods, their sales in some years amounting to 2,000 dozens of scythes, of the value of 120,000. In addition to scythe-making, the brothers engaged largely in the IIS^DUSTRIES OF PALMER. 361 manufacture of plow and shovel handles^, ox-bows, and wheel-rims, the annual value of which equalled that of their scythes. This work was carried on in a separate building, and was continued till the building and all its valuable machinery, and a large amount of stock was consumed by fire. John D. Blanchard died suddenly in 1872, when the manufac- turing of scythes was given up and the business of the firm closed. Mr. A. V. Blanchard, whose memory covers the whole of the firm's affairs in Palmer, is still hale and hearty; and has furnished the material for the foregoing sketch, and many reminiscenses, which add to the value of this book. He has been honored by the town by repeated election to its more responsible civil offices, and as a member of the school board. He represented the town in the Legislatures of 1836, 1845 and 1847. Three Rivers. — The first notice on the town records of a move- ment to utilize the power of the water-fall at this point, is the fol- lowing : " May 4, 1790. On the petition of Gideon Graves and others, requesting an open road to said Graves' mills, voted, that the selectmen go and open the road by Cleaveland's to said mills, and agree with some person to move the fence so that s*^ road may be open and free to pass and repass. June 7, voted to Hugh Moors one shilling per rod for making a fence and opening a road from his bars to s* mill-yard, as the road now goes, which shall be a full recompence to said Moors for making s** fence and continuing the road open and free forever." Mr. Moors' bill, which was allowed and paid in November, was £3. 5. 0. This mill was located near the foot of the falls, and was in use for many years. In 1825, the privilege was bought by Russell Jenks, and by him sold to the Three Rivers Manufacturing Company. This comj)any sold the same, November 25, 1828, to Messrs. W. and A. Sprague. The privilege is now owned by Ed. D. Metcalf of Springfield, but has lain unim- proved since the Graves mill ceased to run. The lands enclosed between the two streams, and those lying on the southerly side of the Quabaug, were owned by David and Dan- iel Shearer, and excepting homestead clearings, were mostly in a wild state. August 28, 1823, the Shearer brothers entered into an agreement with Russell Jenks, by which they conceded to him the right to build a dam nine feet high at the junction, with rights of flowage, etc. March 15, 1824, Samuel Perry deeded to Daniel Shearer three acres of land on the northerly side of the stream, with right of flowage. August 6, 1825, Shearer conveyed this land and rights to William S. Rogers of Boston ; and October 18, 1825, 202 HISTORY OF PALMER. Jenks conveyed to llogers, all the land and rights which he had acquired of the Shearers, The dam was built in 1825. The Three Eivers Manufacturing Company. Be it enacted, etc. That Levi Brigham, William S. Rogers. Samuel D. Ward, Levi Merriam, Darius B. Holbrook, Thomas A. Dexter, Willard Phillips, Charles P. Dexter and Anthony Olney are hereby made a corpora- tion by the name of the Three Eivers Manufacturing Company, for the purpose of manufacturing cotton, woolen and linen goods, iron and machinery, in the town of Palmer, in the county of Hampden, with all the powers and privileges, etc. Said Company may hold real estate not exceeding in value 8300,000 and personal estate of the value of 8700,000. Passed January 21, 1826. August 9, 1826. Wm. S. Rogers conveyed to the above named Company, all the real estate and rights which he had acquired of Jenks, the Shearers, and Perry. The Company also bought more lands of Perry and others, which gave them control of the whole privilege and its surroundings. They then went forward, and ■commenced the canal, erected a large and convenient mill, and put in machinery for manufacturing woolen cloths. Willard Phillips was managing agent of the Company. But the canal proved refractory. There remained a long cut through the solid rock to be excavated. The engineer and con- tractor did not understand the art of effective blasting ; tons of powder were wasted ; brain and brawn, and money went up in smoke. Time did not wait ; bills matured ; stockholders' purses grew lean, and their hearts discouraged. The cost had not been counted. And the original outlay, and expense of building the dam and factory, and the upper part of the canal appear to have exhausted the means of the corporation, and forced it to the dangerous ex- pedient of borrowing money, and giving mortgages as security. How long the work proceeded is not definitely known. Records of ^ later date show that Edmund Munroe of Boston held a mortgage covering one-half part of the estate. 0. Pickering, Luther Parks, Fay, Putnam, Pritchard, had claims secured by mortgage. In 1828 a special effort appears to have been made to save the plant. Among others. Hall J. Kelley, who had attained a good reputation as civil engineer, visited the place and invested a con- siderable sum in the enterprise. He took hold with his accus- INDUSTRIES OF PALMEE. 263 tomed enthusiasm, and probably was reckoned as a kind of forlorn hope. He made accurate surveys, and drew a comprehensive plan of the site, embracing the dam, mill and canal, took the necessary levels and alignments and marked out lots and streets. The plan is still extant, and §viuces a comprehensive mind, which took in the immense facilities afforded by the water power and the favor- able lay of the land for planting a productive industry, and creating a village. He also projected an extension of the canal to the Con- necticut river, to be used for the transportation of the supplies and goods of the factory and village. But the debt already incurred must first be lifted. The means were not forthcoming, the mortgagees foreclosed and the company failed. The Palmer Company.— Oct. 7, 1831, an Act was passed by the General Court incorporating John S. Wright, Thomas Lord and Luther Parks as a corporation by the name of the Palmer Com- pany for the purpose of manufacturing woolen and cotton goods and machinery in the town of Palmer, with right to hold real •estate not exceeding in value $200,000, and personal estate of the value of 8200,000. October 17, 1831, the Palmer Company bought the buildings, privilege and all rights pertaining thereto of the Three Rivers Manufacturing Company, and of most of the mortgagees holding claims under said company. The price paid is supposed to have been $60,000. At this date appear upon our records the names of two men who were destined to act an important part in the history of Palmer and be largely instrumental in transforming a rather sluggish farming community, content with the " old ways " of the fathers, into a busy, bustling and thriving manufacturing town. The two men were John S. Wright and Joseph Brown. Mr. Wright fur- nished the money, Mr. Brown furnished the brains. And both together brought into subjection the waters of our three large -streams, and made them tributary to our commercial and social prosperity, and laid the sure foundations of the three flourishing factory villages. Other men began — wisely, perhaps — and made preparations and showed the possibilities, and deserve all proper credit for the necessary preliminary work, but to them belongs the credit of success. Joseph Brown was born in Cumberland, R. I. ; located early at Chicopee, where he learned the manufacturing business in all its parts, and successfully managed a cotton mill. He came to Three a64 HISTORY OF PALMER, Kivers in 1831, with the advent of the Palmer Company and took charge of the revivified enterprise. He was a man of action and push, of excellent judgment and business capacity, and withal of an indomitable will and large hopefulness. All things conspired to point him out as managing agent of the new company. His first move was to finish the canal. One who was then living at the place says : ''It was wonderful to see the energy he infused into the workmen. He was down in the cut, and up on the bank, and everywhere.'^ Blasts were put in where they would do the most good, and in a comparatively short time the canal was finished. Mr. Brown's knowledge of machinery enabled him to construct a set of cheap spindles and looms for utilizing short staple cotton in making fine goods. Up to near this date our manufacturers largely used the long fibre for spinning fine threads. The short staple was considerably cheaper than the long. The goods, as he produced them, were well liked, and the profits were large. At first and for several years the mills were run on printing cloth, 27 inches wide. Later, the manufacture of sheetings was introduced. The enterprise prospered. Mr. Brown became owner of a considerable number of shares, and continued to act as managing agent for the company till 1859, when he retired with a competence. Mr. Wright never located in Palmer. The house of John S. Wright & Co. of Boston was the selling agent of the concern. In the meantime, a stone grist and saw mill (still standing) was put in on the northerly side of the stream, taking power from the pond. This was in operation for many years, and, among others, was leased by Horace Hunn. The mill was burned May 10, 1863, and the disturbances and un- certainties of the war rendered it inexpedient to rebuild. Nov. 23, 1863, the Palmer Comimny sold the privilege to John S. Wright, who was a principal owner, and it remained unoccupied for ten years. February 9, 1872, Mr. Wright sold the property to The Otis Company of Ware. The dam and canal remained intact, and the new proprietors proceeded during 1872 and '73 to build the present mill, 290x75 feet, and put up a dye house, finishing room, and several new tenements. As then arranged, the mill contained 20,160 spindles and 450 looms, and employed 425 hands, with a product of 12,200 yards per day. At first the leading product was cotton flannels ; changed to denims, cheviots, fancy shirtings, and colored goods, the manufacture of which still continues. Within the last few years changes have been made, as the result of experi- ence, and improvements introduced, and the product largely in- creased. Present number of spindles, about 24,000; looms, 700; INDUSTKIES OF PALMEE. 265 hands employed, 625 — males, 350, females, 275; annual product, 9,000,000 yards; cotton consumed, 2,800,000 pounds. Height of fall, 18 feet. The valuation for 1888 shows, machinery, $181,400; factory and buildings, $121,450; water power, $8,000; forty-four houses, 164,- 125; stone grist mill, store, barns, etc., $2,450; land for building purposes, 20 acres, $4,000; land for farm, 265 acres, $5,300. The population of the village is about 1,700. Six schools are supported by the town, carefully graded so as to meet the wants of all classes, except high school scholars, who are transported to the high school at Palmer Depot. There are three regularly organized religious societies, viz., the Union Church, the First Baptist, and the French Catholic — which last erected a tasty house of worship iu 1884. The location of the village of Three Elvers is fortunate as to the feasibility of building operations, and good drainage to secure the health of the people. In 1860 an acre of ground directly in front of the mill yard was set apart for public use, planted with shade trees, and now constitutes a handsome park. In 1883 the town re- located and straightened the principal streets, thus adding much to the convenience of travel and the symmetry of the village. A brief notice of the man who first surveyed and laid out the village, and who was a somewhat noted character here during the last years of his life, will complete the narrative of this locality. Hall Jackson Kelley, according to his own account, was born at Northwood, N. H., February 24, 1790. He was a descendant of John Kelley, who settled in Newbury, Mass., in 1633. His father was Benjamin Kelley, a physician, who practised his professsion in Loudon and Gilmanton, N. H. At the age of 16, the boy left home, and taught a school at Hallowell, Me. He studied the clas- sics, and graduated with honor at Middlebury College in 1814 ; was granted the degree of A. M. by his alma mater, and also by Har- vard University in 1820. He married, first, a daughter of Rev. T. Baldwin, D. D., of Boston. His second wife was Mary Perry, an adopted daughter of T. D. Bradlee of Boston. They were married by Eev. Mr. Baldwin, at the house of Mr. Bradlee, April 17, 1822, and took up residence at Charlestown, where they remained till the spring of 1829, when they removed to Three Rivers in Palmer. Mr. George Mooers remembers their arrival at their new home ; and that Mrs. Kelley, wholly unused to country life, but determined to be her own housekeeper, employed him to milk their cow, and then to teach her to milk, which she readily accomplished. The family 266 HISTOKY OF PALMER, resided at Three Eivers till the summer of 1832, when Mr. Kelley was preparing to start for Oregon. The wife and children then went to Boston, and from thence to Bradford, Mass., and later to Gilmanton, N. H., to live with Dr. Kelley. After Mr. Kelley's return from the West, he passed some time with his family in New Hampshire ; and after his re-settlement at Three Eivers his wife and children visited him occasionally down to 1843 ; but his " home" was not re-established. In his " Letters to his Wife," Mr. Kelley mentions his sons, Charles, who went to California ; Benjamin, who about 1850 was at Fort Lincoln, Texas ; and John. " Tom Kelley," another son, is remembered by old people. After his graduation from college, Mr. Kelley devoted his time to teaching, the preparation of elementary books for schools, the introduction of black-boards, and the study of the higher branches of mathematical sciences, making what he deemed a discovery in the true system or method of geographical and topographical sur- veying ; but his neglect to formulate the proper tables, left the discovery incomplete. Gen. Bernard, head of the corps of Civil Engineers, approved the new principle; and "^'President Jackson promised to adopt it, whenever a book, giving directions for its practice, and a proper apparatus, should be prepared." But the time and means were wanting. In 1828, Mr. Kelley became interested in the affairs of the "Three Rivers Manufacturing Company" of Palmer, chartered two years before, which was then struggling with some engineering and financial difficulties, and invested largely in its stock and plant, [the sum named is $10,000], which proved a total loss. This led to his taking up a residence in Palmer, as already narrated. And the existence of some claims to land of his own, and of his friend, Mr. 0. Pickering, led to his return to Palmer in 1839. As early as 1817, while a teacher in one of the grammar schools of Boston, Mr. Kelley conceived the idea of leading a colony for the exploration and settlement of Oregon, then practically an "unknown country," He says : " Then 1 began first to converse with friends about it, then to lecture and write books and tracts, in order to give the widest publicity to my plans and purposes." In 1824, he publicly announced his intention "to settle Oregon, and to propagate Christianity beyond the Rocky Mountains." In 1829, he procured an act of incorporation from the Legislature of Mass- achusetts of "The American Society for Encouraging the Settle- ment of the Oregon Territory;" and in 1830 he published a ''Geographical Memoir of Oregon," accompanied by a map, drawn IKDUSTEIES OF PALMER. 267 by himself, and also a ''Manual of the Oregon Expedition," for the guidance of emigrants. Mr. Kelley spent the winters of 1830 and '31 in Washington, opening his scheme, and enlisting the interest of public function- aries. After many haps and mishaps, difficult to understand and describe, he left Boston for Oregon on the first of November, 1832; stopped in AYashingtou through the winter, where he '' was the re- cipient of many favors, and of further public encouragement and patronage." Left Washington ]\rarch 1, 1833, and traveled via the Cumberland road and the Ohio and Mississippi rivers to New Or- leans; thence by ship to Vera Crux, where he arrived May 11; thence by stage to Jalapa and the city of Mexico. From thence, after vexatious delays, he proceeded to San Bias, and reached San Diego April 14, 1834. He arrived at Monterey in due time, and left for the north by land the last of June. The party then consisted of about 30 men and 160 horses and mules. They were mostly new acquaintances of our hero; old hunters and trappers, traders and tramps, and four or five who intended to settle. On reaching Oregon he selected the Valley of the Wallamet as the place for planting a colony; pitched his camp there; made some surveys and explorations. But he did not ''settle." Other adventurers were there; disagreements arose about priority of claims; about motives and plans, and means and ends. The Hudson's Bay Company viewed the attempt to establish a colony there with jealousy, and were active in thwarting the plans of the Americans. " Mr. Kelley left Fort Vancouver in March, 1835, taking passage in the brig Dryade, belonging to the Hudson's Bay Company, for the Sandwich Islands ; but not, however, until he had collected a large amount of valuable information relative to the geography and statistics of that Territory, and had made a particular survey of the Columbia river from Vancouver to its mouth." While at the Sandwich Islands he explored the island of Owyhee, of which he constructed a map. He sailed for home in the ship Canton Packet, reaching Boston late in the jeox 1835. He relocated at Three Elvers in 1839. In January of that year he sent a memoir to Congress, reciting his labors and losses in the Oregon expedition ; and afterwards petitioned that body for a grant of land in that region, as an acknowledgement of service and re- muneration for expenses and losses incurred "in promoting the colonization of that Territory." Hon. John Davis, then a member of the U. S. Senate, wrote to Mr. Kelley as follows : "June, 1848, Sir : Having learnt that you are about to leave Washington for 268 HISTORY OF PALMER. your home without having obtained an Act of Congress in your be- half, the subject not having been acted upon, I beg leave to say that I consider you as entitled, in equity and good conscience, to a liberal grant of land from the Government for your meritorious services in promoting the settlement of Oregon, and I by no means despair of obtaining such a grant. Signed J. Davis." Among the supporters of his petition were the Hon. George Ban- croft, T. H. Perkins, Esq., Gen. J. McNeil, W. P. Gregg, Isaac 0. Barnes, P. P. F. Degrand. But he failed to secure a land grant, and passed the remainder of his days in comparative poverty. He died at Three Eivers the middle of January, 1874. The following letters speak for themselves : Boston, Jan. 30, 1843. In the year 1831 I was editor of Ziori's Herald, a religious paper sustain- ing the faith of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In the above year I pub- lished for Mr. H. J. Kelley a series of Letters addressed to a Member of Congress, developing his plans for the settlement of the Oregon Territory. At other times Mr. K. made appeals, through our paper, with a view to ex- cite the minds of the Christian community to the importance of founding religious institutions in that Territory. He was one of the first explorers of that region, and to his zeal and efforts is largely due the establishment of missionary operations in that country. Signed Wm. C. Brown. Rev. David Green, secretary of the A. B. C. F. M., bears similar testimony, and says: ''The welfare and improvement of the Indians of that Territory, and the introduction there of the bless- ings of civilization and the useful arts, with education and Chris- tian knowledge, seemed to be his leading object. Much of the early interest felt in the Oregon country by New England people was probably the result of Mr. Kelley's labors.'^ Hon. John P. Bigelow, Secretary of the Commonwealth, writes, January 26, 1843 : " Mr. Kelley may be said with truth to have devoted his life, health and property, for more than twenty years, to the colonization of Oregon. He has suffered much, very much, in every respect, in his endeavors to promote this object, and is entitled, richly, to the gratitude of his country, for his devotion to the noble cause. ^' Of the character of Mr. Kelley it is not easy to form a satisfac- tory estimate. He was a many-sided man. In certain directions he was a learned, but in whole, was not an educated man. His mind was active, but appears not to have been well balanced. His sympathies were large, but liable to be misdirected for want of Hall J. Kellev. INDUSTRIES OF PALMER. 269 cool judgment. He saw things in their individuality, not in their relations. What apjieared to him to be desirable and philanthropic he pursued with enthusiasm, and without counting the cost. The goodness of his motives was never called in question, but his zeal was often ''without knowledge." In a word, he was the creature, not the creator, of circumstances. Perhaj^s he gives the clue to his own character, when in one of his letters he tells of a "vision" which he had in his 12tli year and another when he was 16, and of their fulfillment in actual occur- ences. The incidents narrated, show a natural tendency to depend on dreams and impulses, rather than on sober judgment and calm forethought. Perhaps his main defects were lack of knowledge of men, and lack of financial ability, which two lacks account for much of his ill-success in life. And disappointed liopes led to the misanthropic spirit and distrust of his friends, that characterized and embittered his later years. Besides Mr. Kelley's philanthropic plans, his scientific projects and suggested industrial improvements were numerous. He made plans for a canal from the Charles river to the Connecticut ; for a ship-canal from Barnstable to Buzzard's Bay; and located several railroads in the state of Maine. He published "The American Instructor," the "Instructor's First Book," " Geographical Memoir of Oregon," "Manual of the Oregon Expedition," "Map of Upper California and Oregon," "History of the Settlement of Oregon," and "Appendix," " Narratives of Events and Difficulties,^' " Let- ters to Mrs. Mary Kelley," "Letters to My Brethren," besides the series of papers in Zion's Herald and The Traveller. Thorndike. — An attempt to put to a practical use the power of the fall in Ware river, within the limits of the present town of Palmer, was made in the early days of the settlement. In 1736 Eobert Ferrell and Thomas Harmon put in a grist mill about a fourth of a mile below what is now known as the lower privilege at Thorndike. With the exception of Capt, Jabez Olmstead's mill at Ware Village, this was the first grist mill erected in the Elbow Tract. Steward Southgate had built a saw mill at the outlet of Pottaquattuck pond six years earlier, but had neglected to set uj) a corn mill, though it was understood that he was under obligation to build such a mill. And this led to the official action recorded in the following vote : Article 4 of the warrant for a Plantation meeting November 29, 1736, Avas "to see if the Proprietors & Grantees will accept the grist mill built by Ptobert Ferrell and Thomas Harmon as a good and sufficient mill for their purposes. 270 HISTOEY OF PALMER. and in full satisfaction of the conditions enjoined on Steward Southgate by order of the General Court." " Voted, that the grist mill built by Ferrell & Harmon be accepted as a good and sutticient mill for our service, and as a complete satisfaction of the condition in joined upon Steward Southgate by act of the General Court." [Steward Southgate's grist mill at Pottaquottuck pond "was raised Oct. 26, 1737, and first went Jan^ y^ 2^ 1737-8." Plantation Eecords.] FerrelFs mill was located on the north side of the river, and continued in use for many years. In 1757 it was owned and ran by Lieut. William Scott. A saw mill was put in at the same dam, which was in existence as late as 1795. About 1797 a dam was built at what is known as the upper privilege, just below the sharp bend in the stream, by Goodman, and a saw and grist mill erected on the north side of the river. In 1 799 this property was owned by Capt. Charles Cargill, who set up a clothier's shop. In 1811 Moses Learned had an inter- est in the works — perhaps was owner of the property.* In 1825 Asa Gates, Jun., owned part of the estate, which then consisted of "one shop lot with blacksmith's shop, clothiers shop Avith 3 carding machines and one picker." He sold to Aaron Blanchard. In 1830 the works were known as Merrick's mills. Soon after the Palmer Company [the successor of the Three Rivers Manufacturing Company] had got established and in suc- cessful operation at the junction of the streams below, the owners of that concern turned their thoughts towards the acquisition of this valuable privilege on Ware river, and began quietly to buy the laud and secure the water rights necessary to setting on foot a large manufactory. The Thor]s^dike Company. March 14, 1836, John S. Wright, Luther Parks and Israel Thorndike were granted an act of incor- poration as the Thorndike Company, for the purpose of manu- facturing cotton, woolen and silk goods and machinery in the town of Palmer, with right to hold real estate of the value of $250,000, and the whole capital stock of said company shall not exceed the value of $500,000. The lands bordering on the rapids hereabouts were held by the Ferrell and McElwain families, Joseph Shearer, Aaron and Chester Blanchard (who owned the old Cargill estate), Franklin Morgan, et als. John S. Wright appears to have been the leading spirit among the corporators, and was probably the largest owner of the com- pany's stock. His experience of five years at Three Elvers in start- • Moses Learned married the widow of Capt. Cargill. INDUSTEIES OF PALMER. 271 ing the Palmer Company, had taught him the value of the services of Joseph Brown as purchasing agent and general manager of the enterprise, and he availed himself of this experience and engaged Mr. Brown to initiate the works of the Thorn dike Company. Mr. Jacob B, Merrick, who already possessed large interests here, and eventually became a large owner of stock and was agent for many years, was associated with Mr. Brown in these preliminary move- ments. The year before, and in anticipation of the act of incorporation, Mr. Brown began to purchase land in the neighborhood of the falls. September 14, 1835, he bought of Joseph Shearer 20 acres lying a little north and northwest of the Cargill mills (which 20 acres was owned by Thomas Quinton in 1810), and Sept. 21 he bought the Cargill farm. Same date he bought of Jonathan McElwain 11 acres, being part of said McElwain's homestead. Sept. 24, 1835, Mr. Brown bought of Timothy Ferrell a lot of 23 acres, a lot of 7 acres and a lot of 35 acres, " with all my rights in the bed or channel of the Ware river and the right of flowage occa- sioned by any dam to be built on any of said lands conveyed by me to said Joseph Brown." Mr. Brown conveyed all these Ferrell lands and rights to the Thorndike Company May 6, 1836, for 123,000. This comprised the lower privilege. March 18, 1836, Messrs. Brown and Merrick bought 10 acres of Aaron Blanchard (formerly owned by Theophilus Knight), and same date bought of Chester Blanchard the Cargill mill privilege, with all the build- ings thereon, all of which they conveyed to the Thorndike Com- pany May 28, 1838. Thus the company came in full possession of the upper privilege. The first dam was put in on the lower privilege in 1837, and No. 1 mill was built the same year. This mill was 175x50 feet, and 6 stories high. Power was obtained from two breast wheels. The first product was plain white goods, shirtings and sheetings, 36 and 40 inches wide. The number of looms was then 232. A turbine wheel was substituted for the breast wheels in 1862. The new dam on this privilege was built in 1868. The new part of No. 1 mill was started in 1881, and a dye house was built when the product was changed to colored goods. The first dam on the upper privilege was put in in 1845, con- structed of logs, and mill No. 2, or the "new mill" built. This was 216x50 feet, six stories and an attic. A new and substantial dam has lately been put in. In 1884 there were in operation 728 looms and 32,336 spindles, turning out a weekly product of 160,000 yards of denims, awnings 272 HISTORY OF PALMER. and plain and fancy tickings. There Avere employed 600 hands, Avith an average monthly pay-roll of about $15,000. The company declines to give any statistics of their present pro- ductive capacity, and amount of business, and number of hands employed. From the Assessor's report for 1888, it appears that the valuation of the property of the Thorndike Company was : Machinery, |;176,825; factory buildings, $95,800; forty-six houses, $49,700; three barns, $1,400; saw and grist mill, $350; land, 280 acres, $5,600; land. Forest Lake, seven acres, $300; land, 20 acres, with buildings, $4,000; water power, $10,000. There are in the village two churches — the First Congregational and the Catholic. There is a good school house, and six graded schools are maintained — three primary, two intermediate, and one grammar department. The Ware Eiver railroad runs through the heart of the village. BoNDSYiLLE. — The earliest notice of an attempt to use the water of Swift river, within our town limits, was in 1749, when James and Samuel Lamont put in a cobble-stone or log dam at the lower privilege in Bondsville, and set uj) a grist mill. A tradition says the mill-stones were at first carried by a current-wheel. How long the brothers ran the mill is not known, nor is their immediate suc- cessor. Some time later the widow Norton was in occupancy. During her ownership the water undermined one end of the dam, and to repair it, trees of considerable size were thrust into the breach, butt-end foremost, and untrimmed. The remains of this singular breastwork could be seen in modern times. About 1782, David Darling, Sen., bought the privilege. In 1795 Mr. Darling sold one-half of his rights to Ezekiel Boyden, who contracted to put in a saw-mill. The agreement was that each should put in a Avheel of the same size, and so share the power equally; but one partner claimed that the other's wheel was larger than his, and the disagreement was carried into the courts. At length, Mr. Boyden bought the other half, and about 1816 leased the privilege to John (Michael?) Swinington, who made prej^aration to transform the buildings into a mill for the manufacture of cotton cloth. For want of funds the project failed ; and in 1820 Boyden sold out to Leonard Owen, who in turn, about 1825, sold to J. B. Merrick and Emelius Bond, who finished the building and made many improve- ments about the place. In 1828 Merrick and Bond sold the mill and part of the land to Moses Learned and Parmenter, who put iu machinery for manufacturing Avoolens — Mr. Bond retaining i INDUSTRIES OF PALMER. . 273 the ownership of much of the land, the store, and an interest in the mill. The business prospered, and in 1836 the official returns to the State show : ''Woolen mill, 1 ; woolen machinery, 2 setts ; wool consumed, 60,000 pounds ; cloth manufactured, 68,000 yards ; A'alue of same, $54,000 ; males employed, 16 ; females employed, 16; capital invested, $9,000; sperm oil used, 800 gallons." At one time Mr. Learned manufactured fine broadcloth. The Munroe Company. — March 28, 1836, Luther Parks, Israel Thorndike and John S. Wright w^ere incorporated as the Munroe Company, for the purpose of manufacturing woolen, cot- ton and silk goods and machinery in the towns of Palmer and Belchertown ; with rights to hold real estate of the yalue of $250,- 000; and the whole capital stock not to exceed in value $550,000. The same pari>; , owned the mill at Three Rivers, and had just obtained an act of incorporation, as '' The Thorndike Company ; " and, as in that case, they employed Joseph Brown as agent m the purchase of the existing water rights, and adjacent lands. He had already bought a tract of land of Francis Braman (Nov. 22, 1835); and Jan, 1, 1836, had purchased of Emelius Bond his fee and equity in the real estate and water rights of the privilege. In the same year Mr. Brown bought out all the interest which Parmenter and J, flamed held in the property. But the commercial revulsion of 1837, put a temporary stop to the enterprise, and things re- mained in statu quo till the crash was over. May 28, 1838, Mr. Brown transferred the privilege, and all acquired interest in the property to "The Munroe Company," which started up the works and continued the manufacture of woolen goods. SejDt. 3, 1840, their Return shows : " Woolen mill, 1; number of spindles in the same, 590; number of looms, 32." In the mean time, viz., in 1835, the mill Avas leased to and carried on by Jethro Lapham for a short time. Then Smith & Phelps ran it for a couple of years. In 1844, Buifum & Harding took the mill and manufactured satinets for a year or two. Then Christopher C. Aldrich took a lease for four years, and was in charge when the mill was burned in 1849. The grist mill had been given up ; but the old mill-house was used for a variety of purposes. A shingle machine was in opera- tion for a time ; Phipps & Titicut made percussion caps ; Greenwood put in machinery for making shoe-pegs ; and one of the buildings was used for constructing looms, lathes, and other machinery. The Boston Duck Company. — Feb. 15, 1845, an Act was passed by the General Court incorporating " Augustus H. Fiske, •^74 HISTORY OF PALMER. John S. Wright & Elijah Loring, as a corporation by the name of the Boston Duck Comjoany, for the purpose of manufacturing cotton and woolen goods and machinery, in the town of Palmer and the town of Belchertown, etc. The company may hold real estate not to exceed in value $200,000 ; and the whole capital stock shall not exceed 1500,000 in value." Sept. 6, 1845, the new company bought out the rights of the Munroe Company, and near the same time, the lands and rights of other parties, and began preparations to use the upper privilege on the river. The capital stock paid in at the outset was $135,400, the par value being reckoned at $700 per share. The real estate, before the burning of the old miil, was valued at $30,000. Joseph Brown took four shares and became the agent, and the controlling- spirit of the enterprise. He planned the new dam ; and superin- tended the erection of the stone mill. In a word, he was the active and trusted manager of affairs, from 1845 to 1860. The Company attribute to his wise sagacity the great success that has given it its high standing, and financial prosperity. He was to the new cor- poration, what Emelius Bond was to the earlier jilans of improving the stream, and laying out and building up the village — which very properly bears his name. The stone miil was completed in 1849, the same year in which the old mill was burned. In size it is 240x50 feet, and five ston'ps high. It was first fitted with looms for the manufacture of sail duck, and continued to run on heavy duck till 1861. In this year a new brick mill was built, 120x50 feet, 2 stories high ; new and improved machinery added, and the product was changed to sheet- ings, drills and light duck. For three years past, 20 looms have been run on cotton flannels, and the rest, as before, in 1876, a brick dye-house, 120x60 feet and three stories high, was built, where all kinds of piece dyeing is done. In 1879-80, a brick ad- dition 120x54 feet, four stories high, was put on, making the establishment complete in all its parts, with the exception of the boiler-house, which was built in 1888. This is 72x42 feet, and is detached from the other buildings. In 1882-3, the foundation of a new mill, 520x100 feet was put in on the lower privilege, at a cost of over $100,000— intended to be a 20,000 spindle mill. The superstructure is not yet built. The number of looms now in use is 328; annual product, 5,000,- 000 yards of duck and flannels ; present capital stock, $350,000 ; number of hands employed, 400 ; monthly pay-roll, $10,000. 0. B. Smith has held the office of agent for 19 years. F. A. Packard is superintendent, John Watson superintendent of dye-works. INDUSTRIES OF PALMER. 275 The height of the fall is 21 feet. This is the more northerly of the four villages in Palmer, and is about 5 miles from Palmer depot. The Athol branch of the Bos- ton & Albany railroad runs directly past the mills, nearly on a level with the dam ; and the Massachusetts Central railroad crosses the river 80 rods above over an iron bridge 50 feet high and 170 long. These roads give easy access to market in all directions. There is a fine grammar school house and primary school rooms. The Meth- odists have a pretty church, built in 1876, at a cost of $6,000. The Irish Catholic Church was erected in 1879; and the French Catho- lics are now completing a church for their own people. Population of the village, 1,200. The valuation of 1888 shows : Boston Duck Company — Ma- chinery, 8125,438; factory buildings, -$84,500; thirty-eight houses, $37,000 ; shoe shop, barns, etc., $1,150 ; land, 18 acres, with build- ings, $3,800; 20 acres, with lower privilege, $2,000; 681 acres, with reservoir, $5,300 ; upper water power, $7,500 ; lower water power, $4,000. Palmer Carpet Mill. — These works are among the important industries of the town, turning out some of the finest goods in their line to be found in the country. The mills are located in a retired spot three-fourths of a mile east of Palmer Village, and are run by steam i^ower, having an engine of seventy-five horse power. There is pure water for cleansing purposes coming from a never- failing spring above the mill. The factory was built in 1871 by the Parks Carpet Company. It was bought by the Palmer Carpet Company, and their business established here Nov. 16, 1874. This is a joint-stock company, with a capital of $50,000. They manufacture body-brussels and wiltons of high grade, having sixteen looms on the former and four on the latter, with a capacity of six hundred yards per day. Quite a number of the operatives were familiar with the manufacture of this class of goods in their early days in England. The company is now preparing to commence the making of carpet yarns. Ridge's Food for Infaxts and Invalids. — The factory where this food is prepared is located in Palmer Village, nearly opposite the cemetery. The building was erected in 1864, and intended for a boot shop, but this business failing, it was bought by Woolrich & Company in 1874, and utilized for the manufacture of their patent food. This is a preparation of pure wheat grains subjected to a 27G HISTORY OF PALMER. patented process, which renders it easily digestible and acceptable to the most irritable stomach. The large and increasing demand seems to prove its great value. The formula is of English origin, and the right of Mr. Woolrich covers Canada and the United States. All parts of the business of manufacturing and putting up the article are carried on at the factory, even to the making of the tin boxes in which it is packed, nicely adjusted machinery doing much of the mechanical work. Mr. John H. Woolrich is a native of Handley, County of Cheshire, England. He is a thoroughly educated chemist. Came over sea to Nova Scotia in 3 860, where he set up a food manufac- tory. At the end of ten years he came to Maiden, Mass., and en- gaged in the same business, which, as already stated, he removed to Palmer in 1874, on account of better facilities for transportation. Palmer Wire Company. — This company was incorporated January 24, 1882, with a capital of 150,000, afterwards increased to $150,000. The company purchased a large tract of land in the western j^art of Palmer village, where they erected large and sub- stantial buildings at a heavy outlay. The works stand directly upon the railroads, so that facilities for shipping material and goods are unsurpassed. The product was largely telephone and telegraph wires, of which at the time there was a great demand. But pecuniary reverses overtook the company and forced them to suspend business. After lying idle for a year the plant was purchased in 1885 by J. S. & H. P. Holden, who the next year commenced the manu- facture of tinned wire for mattresses, brooms, etc., which is still continued. Holden & Cushing made wire nails here for a time, but have sold this business to D. F. Holden. The present officers of the company are J. S. Holden, president, and H. P. Holden, treasurer. The Wire Goods Company was started by George F. Wright in 1883 in a building adjoining the Palmer Wire Company, and using power from their engine. When the P. W. Co. failed, the Goods Co. were obliged to suspend operations for about a year. When the Holdens bought the plant and commenced business, the Wright Wire Cloth Company, composed of George F. Wright and his two sons, George M. and H. N., was organized and started operations again at the old stand. This was in 1886. The com- pany was incorporated in January, 1888, with a capital of 820,000. IN"DUSTRIES OF PALMER. 27T They manufacture power loom wire cloths of iron, brass and cop- per, steel sparker, fan mill and hardware cloths, twisted nettings, fruit drying cloths and im23roved wire lathing. These goods em- brace a wide range of sizes and quality, varying from nine square feet to the pound to three pounds per square foot. There is a costly galvanizing tank and apparatus connected with the factory, kept ready for use day and night. All the complicated machinery in use is the invention of George F. Wright, and is wholly made on the premises. In the short period of its existence the company has built up a large business, the annual product being 400 tons of cloth, of the value of 860,000. They now have 50 hands in their employ. The H0LI3EN Woolen Mill, located to the eastward of Palmer Village, was started in 1883 by H. P. & J. S. Holden for the manufacture of ladies' dress goods. J. S. Holden sold out his interest to Charles E. Fuller, and the firm is now Holden & Fuller. The Palmer Plaistikg Mill, at the Depot Village, was estab- lished in 1873 by Francis Keyes. It is noAV owned by H. P. Marcy. The Palmer Iron" Foundry, located near the Union Depot, was started by Julius C. Shaw. After 1874 it was owned by Edgerton & Davis, now Edgerton & Francis. They manufacture hollow ware, sinks and various kinds of machinery. Soap Factory. — Many years ago Smith & Blanchard set up the business of making soft soap at the village of Thorndike. In 1851 the factory was bought by Sawyer & Gallop, who made up- wards of 1,000 barrels of soap per year, besides great numbers (0,000 pounds) of tallow candles. The works are now owned by A. Trumble. The Betts' Fencing Company occupies the building at the Depot village formerly used by the Goddard Hat Factory. It was started five or six years ago, for the construction of wire fencing, formed of small wires firmly fastened to inch square pickets, easily rolled and unrolled, and ready to be fastened to posts set in the ground. The concern is owned by D. F. Holden & Brothers. Tanneries. — Capt. Patrick Watson established a tannery near Whipple's Station about 1766, which continued in use till 1827. There was a tanyard near Warren town line. 278 HISTORY OF PALMER. William Mason constructed tan works near Blanchardville about 1790 ; and after his death his son William carried on the business of tanning and currying till after 1855, in which year the value of curried leather was $(32,000. Distillery. — October 3, 1808. The town by vote ordered the selectmen to lay out a road from Levi Allen's distillery to the road near Elihu Smith's. It stood east of the Old Centre, and manu- factured whiskey from rye. It was once owned and run by a com- pany, consisting of Col. Amos Hamilton, Zadock Cooley et als. The story goes, that Cooley once loaded a hogshead of their production on an ox-team and started for Boston, to exchange the same for money and groceries. Unfortunately his team was upset on the road, the hogshead burst, and the liquor ran to waste. But he was no worse off than his partners, who shipped an invoice of the article via Springfield, to Boston, and when received at Boston it was condemned and forfeited as being below proof. Col. Cyrus Knox had a small still for making cider brandy. Blacksmiths. — The first was John Aj^plin, who was here as early as 1733. Hugh Tackels is named on the records as a blacksmith here in 1755 ; probably he was here much earlier. McMichel had a shop near C. F. Smith's. McElwain carried on the trade at the Four Corners. The dates of both are uncertain. Capt. Timothy Brainard came to town about 1772, and set up a shop north of Blanchardville, where he carried on a profitable business for many years. He was the first of the trade to furnish his own stock. He made scythes as well as axes and farming tools in general. Tinsmith. — May 7, 1804. The town " voted, on petition of William McDowell, that the sum of $40, be given him out of the treasury to enable him to purchase tin and tools to work at his trade, in order to support himself and family." Carpenter. — December 22, 1795. The town ''voted that Moses Shaw be appointed to make out a plan of the new meeting-house, and lay it before the town." It is understood that he laid out the work by the square rule, and was the first builder in town to use this rule, all previous work of the kind having been done by the **try rule." INDUSTRIES OF PALMER. 279 AVooL Carding and Cloth Dressing was carried on in a small mill on Pottaquattuck brook about a mile and a quarter east of Palmer Centre. It was owned in 1790 by Benj. S. Cummings. A similar mill was put in early on Quabaug river where Blan- chard's scythe works afterwards stood. In 1795, there was a Fulling Mill at the outlet of Pottaquat- tuck pond. Perhaps it was run by Burr & Clark as early as 1787. Other clothing works are noticed in connection with the woolen and cotton factories at Three Rivers, Bondsville and Thorndike. A batting factory once occupied the site of the carpet mills, and was operated by Horace Clark in 1860. Hancock & Burnett manufactured locks at Thorndike in 1860. Phipps & Titicut made percussion caps at Bondsville at an earlier date. Hampden Hat Mill. — This factory, whose main business was the finishing of straw hats, was established at Depot Village in 1869 by S. X. Davis. He was succeeded in 1872 by Robert L. Goddard, who carried on the business till his death. Printing and Newspapers. — The earliest notice found on our records of a publishing and printing business in Palmer is in the year 1805, about which date Ezekiel Terry* located here, and issued some small books. The first thing got out by him, now extant, was a tract of 12 pages, in verse, bearing the title, " The Sorrows of Yamba : Illustrating the Cruelties of the Slave-trade. To- gether with Reflections of a Minister in the Day of Declension. ' Let God be praised who overrules, 'The work of Tyranny and Fools.' Greenwich : Printed by John Howe — for Ezekiel Terry of Palmer. 1805." [A copy of this tract, and of most of the other books and pamph- lets issued by Mr. Terry is now in possession of W. H. Stowe, M.D., of Palmer.] As early as 1809 Mr. Terry set up a printing press in an old building located in the west part of the town, now (1888) occupied by Isaac Hubert. In June, 1809, he issued the first number of a * Mr. Terry appears to have been a " Jack at all trades." He wrote in prose and poetry, was a preacher, a teacher (once a member of the school committee), a printer, a blacksmith, a shoemaker, and a clockmaker. Some of his clocks are said to be still in existence, and in running order. 280 HISTORY OF PALMER. miniature monthly, of 12 pages, entitled The Massachusetts Watch- man and Periodical Journal. In the j)rospectns he says : "The Watchman will be published on the first week of every month, at the small price of sixty-two and a half cents a year, payable half- yearly, or fifty cents payable in advance." The contents consisted of a summary of remarkable occurrences [not local], historical scraps, sentimental remarks, anecdotes, poetry. Probably it was continued only one year. Mr. Terry printed and published numerous works, some of them stitched, some with paper covers, and some bound in substantial leather. Among them were: "American Freedom^-A Poem. 1813." "Memoirs of Mrs. Billings." [No date.] "Memoir of the Life and Character of the Late Eev. George Atwell of Enfield. By Ezekiel Terry. 1815." [144 pages.] " Hymns and Spiritual Songs. 1816." [232 pages.] Printed for J. E. Kent of Suffield. "An Account of the Triumphant Death of F. S., a converted pros- titute, who died April, 17G3, aged 26 years. By Martin Maden, Esq." "Miscellaneous Observations on Eeligious Subjects ; Being a General View of Particular Tenets, which at this Day are held Sacred by Many, etc. By Luther Stebbins. Printed for the Author,^ 1816." "A Sermon, delivered by Timothy Merritt in 1816." "A Candid Opinion of the Nature and Tendency of Universalism." "Jesus on the Colt ; an allegorical discourse : By J. Hartwell." Journalistic History. The town records show that a newspaper called the Palmer Sentinel was started here in January, 1846. The warrants for March meetings in 1846 and 1847 were published in it. It was owned by Whittemore & Tenney. In 1847 Mr. Whittemore sold his interest to his partner, and the paper was removed to Springfield. The Palmer Times was started by D. F. Ashley in the spring of 1847, but issued only one number. The Palmer Journal. A company was formed in 1850 known as the Palmer Publishing Association, and the Palmer Journal, a six-column quarto sheet, set in bourgeois, made its appearance on Saturday, April 6, 1850. It was edited and conducted by Gordon M. Fisk, who in his salutatory said that the paper "had come to stay." At the end of the first year Mr. Fisk bought the stock and good-will of the paper, and changed the type from bourgeois to brevier. It soon obtained a wide circulation and a marked influ- ence, and became a power in the town and vicinity. Feb. 24, 1855, A. J. Goff became associated in the enterprise. April 12, 1862, James McLaughlin succeeded Mr. Goff, and the firm became G. M. Fisk & Co. Mr. McLaughlin retired in , and A. W. Briggs became a member of the firm. In 1871 H. J. INDUSTRIES OF PALMER. 281 Lawrence, now of North Brookfield, came into the concern, though 3Ir. Fisk retained the controlling interest and was editor-in-chief till his decease in 1879, when the property came into the possession of his son, Charles B, Fisk, who in 1883 enlarged the sheet and made many changes in its make-up. The Journal is now published by C. B. Fisk & Co., L. E. Chandler having been admitted to the firm in 1885. The weekly issue is over 3,000 copies. Mr. Gordon M. Fisk, who started the Journal.^ was regarded as an able writer and discriminating editor. He took a prominent and honorable part in the educational and political affairs of the town, having been a member of the board of school committee, and holding for two terms a seat in the Massachusetts State Senate. Early Taverns. — At Palmer Old Centre. Dunkin Quinton opened a tavern here about 1733. After him it was kept in suc- cession by Thomas Quinton, William King (1793), John King (1797-1817), John Frink (1817-^32), Abner Allen (1832-), Elias Turner (1842-). This was known as the stage tavern. John Thomson, Sen., built a tavern house on the opposite cor- ner, perhaps as early as 1737, which was a favorite resort for towns- people on Sundays and election days. He and his son, John, Jun,, managed the house till 1793, when the family moved West. Asa Ward was in possession of the house in 1812. On the Old Bay Road. Capt. David Shaw kept a house of enter- tainment for travellers, which stood to the west of Blanchardville, about the years 1740-^50. Dea. Chapin afterwards lived here. John King, Jun., had a tavern at the Depot Village, where Cross' Block now stands, as early as 1750. It was maintained as a public house for three-quarters of a century. Daniel Graves obtained license to open a public house before 1760. It stood opposite the Washington elm. In 1761 his son, Maj. Aaron, petitioned to have the license renewed to him, and his request was granted. Men now living remember when the old chimney was standing. Scott's Tavern, east of Scott's Bridge, was opened in Revolution- ary times, as early as 1778, and maintained till about 1794. Asa Bates had a tavern a short distance to the east, 1797-1810, when John Sedgwick built and opened his famous hostelry at Shearer's Corner. Stores. — No mention is made on early records of grocery or dry goods stores. The latter were not required, as families produced 382 HISTORY OF PALMER. their own clothing and bedding, and the former mnst have been small affairs, managed mostly by barter. William Tupper had a store at the Old Centre in 1790. This was afterwards Hamilton & Ui^ham's, and for a long time Hamil- ton's. P. R. Euggles opened a store at Three Elvers in 1826. Emelins Bond had a store at Bondsville as early as 1820, which flourished for many years. The first store at Palmer Village was opened by Amos C. Bill- ings in 1838 or '39. The Eastern Hampden" Agricultural Society. [Prepared by O. P. Allen.] This society is not an exclusive institution of Palmer, yet it had its inception in the town and was fostered by its citizens in its infancy and has since had its home in the town of its birth. For some years before the organization of the society, occasional exhibi- tions of cattle and horses were held, the first one of which we have any particular account was held in Thorndike, Nov. 5th, 1851. There were sixty-one pairs of oxen exhibited, and a few horses were speeded on the street. No premiums were offered. It was a mutual assemblage of farmers to compare notes on cattle and have a pleasant time. After the matter had been discussed for some years, the Eastern Hampden Agricultural Society was organized at the Nassawano Hotel in Palmer, Oct. l?th, 1853, with these officers : President, Col. Cyrus Knox of Palmer ; vice-presidents, Francis F. Smith of Monson, Alfred Homer of Brimfield, Joseph Eamsdell of Warren, Willard Andrews of AVare, E. Dorman of Belchertown, Jonathan Burr of Wilbraham, D. L. Atchinson of Ludlow, Whitman Munger of Wales, E. G. Fuller of Holland. Benjamin A. Burleigh of Palmer; directors, Col. Elias Turner and A. Blodgett of Palmer, J. W. Smith and Warren Fuller of Monson, Chandler Fenton of Brimfield, Elias Hall of Ware ; secretary, M. W. French of Palmer ; treasurer, M. K. Ferrell of Palmer. The first exhibition was held at Palmer, Oct. 25th, 1853, in the open fields near the residence of Col. Cyrus Knox. The fair for vegeta- bles and fancy works was shown in the vestry of the Congrega- tional Church, where it was continued for many years. The day was a raw one for tne season, but the cattle from many hills and the people from many homes flocked to the scene, so that at 10 o'clock the fields allotted for the exhibition were crowded with cat- tle and human beings. There were 14G pairs of oxen, which with Major B. F. Morgan. INDUSTRIES OF PALMER. 283 other entries of stock made au an aggregate of 338 head of cattle. There were 50 horses also exhibited. The cavalcade of teams on the streets made a fine display. The trotting course was the main street, from the railroad bridge near the Weeks House to Shearers Corner or just beyond, making a fair mile track. The agricultural dinner was served at the Nassawano Hotel, when Landlord E. B. Shaw acquitted himself well for the occasion. The after-dinner speeches combined humor and words of encouragement for the future success of the society just formed. The success of this, the first fair of the society, augured well for the future. At this time Eastern Hampden teemed with cattle, red cattle being the favor- ites. Many farms had 50 head, and some, like the famous farm of Major Morgan, had 120 head of cattle. It was only necessary to select the best from each farm to get together a fine exhibition at any time. At this first exhibition no money was paid for pre- miums — they were merely nominal. There were no receipts of money, as the entire exhibition was free. This was the humble be- ginning of a society which has since become strong and prosjaerous. When the second fair of the society was held an admittance fee of ten cents was charged at the vestry, which realized ^39 ; the ex- penses of the society were 141.85. In 1855 there was collected for male membership, at one dollar each, and from female members, at fifty cents each, the sum of $63.75, and from admission to the fair in the vestry 170.80. This year the society made some awards in the shape of whips and plated ware, costing in all $39.11. The total expenses were $84.61. For three years the society had held its fairs without aid from outside, and could give little in the way of premiums. In 1856 the society voted to take measures to be- come an incorporated body. This was effected by an Act of the Legislature passed May 5th, 1856, as follows: " Alonzo Y. Blanchard, J. K. Knox, Alonzo N. Dewey and Alfred L. Con- verse, their associates and successors, are hereby made a corporation by the name of the Eastern Hampden Agricultural Society, for the encouragement of agriculture and the mechanic arts, by premiums and other means, in the town of Palmer, in the county of Hamp- den, with all the powers and privileges and subject to all the duties, liabilities and restrictions of other agricultural societies established in this commonwealth; and they are hereby authorized to admit members from the towns of Palmer, Ludlow, Monson, Brimfield, Wilbraham, Wales and Holland and the city of Spring- field, in the county of Hampden ; lielchertown and Ware, in the county of Hampshire, and Warren, in the county of Worcester. Said society shall be entitled, on the same terms as other incor- 284 HISTORY OF PALMER. porated agricultural societies, to receive annually out of the treas- ury of the commonwealth such sum as any other incorporated agri- cultural society may receive under the provisions of chapter 42 of the Revised Statutes, notwithstanding the restrictions of section seventh of that chapter." With its enlarged field of action, the society entered upon more prosperous times and with a greatly increased membership from sur- rounding towns. The capital stock of the society was placed at 1^3,000, or 600 shares of S5 each. The stockholders gave their notes for the shares they desired, and were required to pay interest annually on the same. The original society numbered 88 male and 8 female members. The incorporated society had 130 stock- holders and 13 female members. The new society met and organized Sept. 5th, 1856, under its charter, and made choice for president A. V. Blanchard, treasurer Col. Cyrus Knox, secretary J. K. Knox. Before dissolution the old society voted to make a donation of all its effects to the new society. The first exhibition under the charter was held October 14 and 15, 1856, on grounds adjacent to the new trotting park near Park street. The exhibition was a success, and on the second day there were some six thousand people present, partly to see the fair and partly to witness the horse trot, which was under other auspices. There were paid out in premiums at this fair $208.78; the receipts from all sources, including $377 from the state, were $565. At a special meeting of the society held October 13, 1860, it was made evident by a statement of Col. Knox that the society had been working on a wrong basis, in the matter of giving notes for shares of stock. It was then voted that all persons receive back their notes upon the payment of interest due on them. It was voted that the capital stock, number of shares and. value of the same should remain as before, but that in order to become members of the society the shares of stock must be paid for in cash. This necessary action vitiated all claims of former members. Quite a number of the old members at once became stockholders in the re- organized society, which started off with about one hundred mem- bers. November 1, 1862, the society voted to buy the Palmer trotting park of J. M. Converse for $2,300. These grounds were located on and near what is now known as Park street. For the first time since its organization the society now had an enclosed home of its own. For the next ten years this park was used by the society for exhibition purposes. In 1872 the growth of the village seemed to demand the park for building lots, and it was sold for INDUSTEIES OF PALMER. 285 #7,000 to M. W. French and Albert Burleigh, who divided it into fifty-one lots and sold them to parties who have since nearly cov- ered the ground with desirable houses. The same year the society purchased a desirable lot of land one-half mile east of the village from James Gamwell, which was fitted with a half-mile track, an exhibition hall, cattle pens, etc., and surrounded with a fence, where the exhibitions have since been held. Within a few years the park has been surrounded with a substantial fence, a Judge's and a grand stand have been erected, all at a cost of nearly $4,000. The society is in a j^rosperous condition, and its annual fairs form a great attraction to the people of Eastern Hampden. For some time it has paid out $1,000 annually in premiums. The present list of stockholders is 275. The number of ladies who belong to the society is 225. The present oflficers of the society are : President, H. P. Holden of Palmer ; Vice-Presidents, W. M. Tucker of Monson ; C. E. Dewey of Palmer ; Secretary and Treasurer, 0. P. Allen of Palmer ; Directors, Geo. Eobinson of Palmer, J. M. Converse of Palmer, B. P. Aiken of West Brookfield, H. D. Vaille of Monson, D. K. McCray of Hampden, A. S. Geer of Belchertown, Winslow Fos- kit of Brimfield, W. M. Green of Wilbraham. Delegate to State Board of Agriculture : Dr. AYilliam Holbrook of Palmer. The following is a full list of Presidents, Secretaries, Treasurers, and Delegates to the State Board since the organization of the Society. Presidents: Col. Cyrus Knox of Palmer, 1853 ; Austin Fuller of Monson, 1854-5 ; A. V. Blanchard of Palmer, 1856 ; Dr. Samuel Shaw of Palmer, 1857 ; Joseph Ramsdell, Jr., of Warren, 1858-9 ; Sherman Converse of Monson, 1860-1 ; S. C. Herring of Brim- field, 1862 ; J. K. Knox of Palmer, 1863 to 1866 ; W. W. Cross of Palmer, 1867 ; J. K. Knox of Palmer, 1868 ; Dr. Wm. Holbrook of Palmer, 1869-70 ; J. S. Blair of Brimfield, 1871-2 ; Dr. H. P. Wakefield of Monson, 1873 to 1876 ; Col Jacob Stever of Palmer, 1877 ; Dr. H. P. Wakefield of Monson, 1878 ; Dr. Wm. Holbrook of Palmer, 1870 ; C. E. Dewey of Palmer, 1880 ; W. M. Tucker of Monson, 1881 ; Dr. Wm. Holbrook of Palmer, 1882 to 1887 ; H. P. Holden of Palmer, 1889. Treasurers, all of Palmer : M. K. Ferrell, 1853; Col. Cyrus Knox, 1854 to 1862 ; D. Knox, 1863-4 ; Enos Calkins, 1865 ; J. W. Comins, 1866 ; L. Dimock, 1867-8. Secretaries, all of Palmer : M. W. French, 1853 ; Dr. Wm. Hol- brook, 1854-5 ; J. K. Knox, 1856-7 ; Geo. Eobinson, 1858-9 ; 386 HISTORY OF PALMER. D. Granger, 1860-2 ; J. H. Blair, 1863-5 ; J. W. Comins, 1866 ;. J. F. Holbrook, 1867-8. Secretary and Treasurer combined, all of Palmer : 0. P. Allen, 1869 ; 0. C. Shaw, 1870 ; Geo. Eobiuson, 1871 to 1876 ; 0. P. Allen, 1877 to 1889. Delegates to State Board of Agriculture, in the order of service : Sherman Converse of Monsou, H. S. Ward of Monson, J. S. Blair of Brimfield, Hiram Converse of Palmer, Dr. H. P. Wakefield of Monson, Wm. E. Sessions of Hampden, Dr. Wm. Holbrook of Palmer. CHAPTER YII. Schools and Education. BY reference to tlie Act of 1733, establishing the Elbows Plan- tation, it will appear that no provision was made for raising money for the support of schools. By a law of the Colony, passed in 1642, the selectmen of towns were required to look after the children of parents and masters who neglected to train them up " in learning and labour." And a law was passed in November 1647, ordering that every town containing 50 families should pro- vide a school where children might be taught to read and write. But these statutes applied to towns, and the Elbow Tract was a plantation. And the Proprietors and Grantees appear to have understood that their powers and privileges were limited to such as were expressly named in the Act. The only officers elected were clerk, treasurer, assessors, collectors, and a committee on lands, roads and bridges. And taxes were levied only to pay the minis- ter, build a meeting-house, and defray the ''necessary charges," as specified in the Act. That this view was the one commonly accepted by all parties in interest, is evident from the fact that in the bill reported June 1747, "For erecting the Plantation into a District," an express proviso was inserted authorizing the raising of money for the support of schools. School Lot. By the Act of 1733, it was enjoined that there be laid out in some suitable place, a lot of one hundred acres, ''for a School." This lot was surveyed and laid out May 28, 1735, "on the east side of Dumplin Brook." The intent of this proviso — which was commonly inserted in the incorjjorating Act of all planta- tations and towns — was to encourage the people to provide means of educating the children. The School Lot was public projierty, to be leased to the best advantage to some responsible citizen, who would cultivate it and pay the annual rent, or take care of the wood by cutting and selling the old growth, and paying the proceeds into the treasury. This annual income was supposed to be devoted to school purposes, but would of itself go but a little way toward supporting a school. 288 HISTORY OF PALMER. The first mention of a school ou our records, is under date of March 9, 1750. An article in the warrant read : ''To see if they will have a school master and grant money for that pupose. " " Voted in the Negative." April 22, 1751, an article in the warrant was "To see if they will agree to provide a school, to grant money for that purpose, and chuse a committee to manage y® said affair, and give them their instructions." Voted in the Negative. It is not necessary to believe that the settlers lived here for tAventy years after the plantation was established, without some means of schooling. Family instruction was enjoined, both by the statutes, and by public policy, and parental prompting. Neighborhood instruction was a common custom of the time. No public money was granted !^to pay the school master ; but in all probability. Steward Southgate, Barnard McNitt, James Brackenridge, or William Scott, who appear to have been the best scholars among the early settlers, gave lessons to the older boys in winter ; and their wives gathered the neighbor's little children with their own, in the home kitchen, during the summer months, and taught them to read, write and cypher ; and were paid for the service four pence or six pence per week. The only necessary inference from the negative votes just quoted, is, that the people refused to be taxed to j)ay for a professional school master. As already intimated, public schools were not reckoned a public necessity, at that date. Learning sufficient to read the Scriptures, and cast accounts was considered obligatory, and instruction to this end was required of parents and guardians ; but the expense was mainly a private charge. The Public Free School, as we now understand the term, was not a gei'^n, but a growth of our free institutions. And the growth was gradual, and the full fruitage comparatively late. In few of our towns were such schools estab- lished at the date in question ; in many of them their establishment dates within the present century. Towns hired school rooms or built school houses, jDrovided teachers, and granted money sufficient to meet a part of the charge of tuition, and parents paid the balance. Our local school system took its rise with the organization of Palmer into a District. And the fact that public schools were es- tablished before school houses were built, made it necessary that tliey be kept at private dwellings, and is confirmatory of the con- clusion that such a custom had prevailed in past years. An article in the warrant of Oct. 18, 1752, was " To agree upon some certain method of keeping a school in this town this present year; and also to state the places where it shall be kept ; and also y® length of time SCHOOLS a:n"d educatiox. 289 ut each place that shall be kept ; and to grant so much money to be raised as may be thought needful to defray y® charges of y® same." On this article, " Voted for a school in y^ following four Quarters of this District the sum of £2, 13, 4 lawful money, to- gether with what is allowed us or falling to our share of fines lying in y® county treasurer's hands. Voted to divide y® said money into four equal shares, to be apportioned as follows, viz. : To y« south- easterly corner of y® District, beginning at Barnard McNitt's and running a northerly line taking both James Moors, John Glassford and Brackenridge, there following the roads easterly taking in El- well, Parsons & Applin. The second Quarter, being y® northeast- erly Quarter, taking in all without y® line of y® southeast Quarter, beginning at Hunters, Deacon Smiths and McMitchells, and goes straight line to the north side of the river, taking in William English. The third Quarter comprises the north and northwest part, taking in Nilson, Shearer, Dnnkin Quinton and Eobert Lam- berton, then turning north following the road from y® Meeting- house as it goes to Tackels, and so all the north side of Ware river. The fourth and last Quarter is the southwest corner, following y® line of the northeast corner as it goes by Glassford's, and fol- lowing y^ road by y® meeting-house, and. all south and west of y® road that goes to Tackels. Voted that each Quarter meet to- gether, and appoint some convenient place within the same to keep school in, as they please and most convenient for them ; and after they have had y® school so long as to spend their share of y® money they apj)ly to y® treasurer for the same — provided y® school be kept between this time and next March. And if either of y® Quarters neglect to lay out its share of the money before March next, it is not to have the benefit of it ; but said sum is to be kept in the treasury as a supply for y® next year of school." The sum of £10, 14, 4 was granted to carry out the foregoing plan of a school. And this continued to be the annual grant till 1769, when it was raised to £13, 6, 8. School masters only were employed; and it is believed that the same master taught the school in the several Quarters, a term of six weeks or two months in each successively, thus going the round in six or eight months, and con- stituting what was then known as a "moving school." Teachers^ wages were low, and so continued for many years. In 1774, Eobert Brown agreed to keep the school on the east side of the Potaquatak for one pound, twelve shillings and eleven pence — and waited two years for his pay. As late as 1805 Lyman Walbridge taught the winter school in the southwest district, and his wages for the term were -$9.62. 290 HISTORY OF PALMER. In 1764, the town was partitioned into five school Quarters, the new one being called the Meeting-house Quarter. In 1789, a committee divided the territory into nine school dis- tricts, as follows: ''The Meeting-house Quarter, taking in Dea. John McMaster, Clark McMaster, James Williams, John Thomson, Shadrick Thomson, John Hill, Thomas Hill, W"* Man, Lieut. Joshua Shaw, George Brackenridge, W"^ Fleming, Noah Shaw, James Smith, Doctor Jabez Lamb, Joshua Foskit, Thomas Quin- ton, William Warriner. 2. Lieut. Thomas McClanathan's Quarter, including himself and Steven Blackmar, Joseph Smith, Eobert McMichell, Luke Hitch- cock, Mr. Champney, Robert Smith, Lieut. James Smith, Deacon John Smith, James Shaw, Gordon Sedgwick. 3. Lieut. Urijah Ward's Quarter, taking besides himself Robert BroAvn, Samuel Samson, Samuel McClanathan, Ephriam Gates, John Lamberton, William Merrit, Joshua McMaster, Widow Bacon, Simeon Bacon, Samuel Blackmar. 4. Capt. David Spears Quarter, including Capt. Spear, Capt. Patrick Watson, Wm. McDowell, John Shaw, David Spear, Jun., Henry Thomson, Noah Thomson, Asa Hamilton, Jonathan Moors, Timothy Ferrell, Elijah Darling. 5. Francis Brackenridge's Quarter, Mr. Withington, Lieut. An- drew Adams, David Fleming, David Fleming, Jun., John Rogers, Jesse King, Timothy Brainard, Judah Ferry, Joseph Chapin, Capt. David Shaw, Samuel Shaw, Rufus Trask, John Fisher, James Hamilton, Mr. Colston, Capt. Sylvanus Walker. 6. The Row Quarter : Rev. Moses Baldwin, Deacon Thomas King, Lieut. David King, Lieut. John King, Aaron Merrick, Samuel Blodget, Jonathan Cooley, Gideon King, Benjamin King, W" Scott, Esq., Doctor Calvin Scott. 7. Southwest Quarter : Maj. Aaron Graves, Lieut. W" Scott, Capt. Robins, John Shearer, Jun,, Samuel Abbott, Hugh Moor, Hopestill Cleveland, Gideon Graves, John Shearer, Simeon Graves, David Roberts, David Moor, James King, Lemuel Blackmar, Daniel Graves, John Bachelor. 8. Timothy McElwain's Quarter (known as the Point Quarter) : himself and Wm. Shaw, John Allen McElwain, Roger McElwain, Simeon Ferrel, Josiah Ferrel, George Wood, Joseph Darling, Widow Smith. 9. Lieut. John Hamilton, Robert McMaster, Hugh McMaster, Wm. McMaster, Joshua Parsons, Wm. Smith, Isaac Cummings. In 1798 the Row Quarter was divided into two districts, making ten in all. SCHOOLS AND EDUCATIO]Sr. 291 Scliool Houses. Schools were established long before school houses were built. And it was found to be a serious and perplex- ing question to determine who should be at the charge of erecting the houses and where they should be placed. The first attempt to settle this question was made in 1758, six years after a school was set in operation, when Samuel Frost, John King, William McClanathan and Seth Shaw were chosen " a committee to settle a school house in each Quarter — if the people cannot agree among themselves — at the Quarter's cost." But conflicting interests could not be harmonized, and the vote was not carried into effect. Nine years later, /. e., in 1767, the town voted to raise by assessment 60 pounds, to be expended in building a school house in each district for keeping school. Also voted that Ens. Samuel Shaw, David Spear, James Brackenridge, Thomas King, James Smith, Jun., and Robert Ferrill be a committee to plot a place in each district to build a school house on, when it happens so that either of the dis- tricts cannot agree on a place themselves. And if any district neglects to build a school house when duly warned thereto, then the said committee is directed and empowered to build a school house for such district, and each district shall have the benefit of all the money assessed on them in the usual form." School houses were built in most of the districts soon after this date, though the house in the Centre was not finished till 1782. In 1850 the num- ber of school districts was 13, and this continued to be the division till the district system was abolished in 1869. The school lot, before described, was sold in 1792, and the money apjiropriated towards paying for the new meeting-house, with the proviso that it be replaced into the town treasury "when the town find it necessary." There is no record of its replacement. Annnal Grants for Schools. 1752, £10, 14, 4, and the same sum till 1769, when £13, 6, 8 was raised; 1775 to 1780, £14; 1780, 350 j)ounds, depreciated currency; 1781, £15 silver money; 1784 to 1795, 30 pounds; 1795, 170 dollars; 1797, 1250; 1804 to 1825, $400;* 1825 to 1831, $500 ; 1832 to 1834, 1600 ; 1835 to 1836, $750 ; 1837 and 1838, $900 ; 1839, $1,200 ; 1840, $1,000; 1841 to 1843, $1,000; amount actually expended for schools in 1842, $1,539.40 ; 1843, $800 and the interest of the Merrick fund f and the Surplus * March 10, 1823. The town voted that Samuel Perry and Russell Jenks have liberty to draw back their proportion of school money for the last year, and to draw their proportion of school money for the present year and lay it out as they please. t Aaron Merrick, Esq., bequeathed to the town the sum of $850, the annual interest of which was to be appropriated for the benefit of schools and to be divided equally to the several districts. Unless specified, the annual town grant was exclusive of the income of this fund. The fund, unim- paired, is now in the savings bank. 292 HISTOKY OF PALMER. Revenue ; 1844, same as last year ; 1845, $1,200, 1300 to be equally divided among the districts and $800 on the valuation ; 1846, $1,200; 1847, 11,200; 1848, $1,200; 1849, 11,250, $1,200 to be divided on the valuation and $50 among the small districts, at the discretion of the assessors ; amount actually expended for schools this year, $1,355.38 ; 1850, $1,G50, $250 to be divided equally to the districts and $1,400 on the valuation ; 1851, the town voted to raise $2,000 to support the common schools and $G00 to support a high school the ensuing year; $300 of the school money was placed in the hands of the School Committee, to be divided among the districts at their discretion, and $1,700 to be divided on the scholar. At the April meeting the town voted to establish a high school, to be kept the first six months at Thorndike, three months at the Depot and three months at Three Rivers, provided a suitable place be provided at each village, free of expense to the town ; in- come of the Merrick fund, $49.62. 1852, $2,000, which continued to be the annual grant for the district schools till 1860. In 1855 the interest of the Merrick fund was $99, and the amount received from the State was $168.72. The total sum expended for schools Avas $2,491.33. 18(30, $2,800 ; 1861, $2,300 ; 1862, $2,400 ; 1863, $2,700, and the same sum in '64 and '65 ; 1866, $3,500 ; 1867, $3,500 ; 1868, $4,000 ; 1869, $4,000. This year the district system was abolished and all the schools put in charge of the School Com- mittee. 1870, $4,500; 1871, $4,500; 1872, $5,000 ; 1873, $5,000, to which was added the interest of the Merrick fund, $57, the amount received from the State, $245.47, and the dog tax, $368.62, making in all the total of $5,671.09 ; 1874, grant $6,000, amount expended $7,005.21; 1875, $8,000; 1876, $7,500; 1877, annual grant $6,500, repairs $600, contingencies $600, interest of Merrick fund $52.27, dog tax $298.56, tuition of foreign scholars $47.50, total $8,351.13; 1878, $7,500; 1879, $7,500; 1880, $9,000. A new school house was built at Thorndike, at the cost of $2,033.61. 1881, $9,500 ; addition to the Depot Village school house cost $2,500 ; total school expenditures, $14,381.68. 1882, $10,000, a new school house built at Three Rivers costing $3,500. 1883, $10,000 ; a new school house built at Wire Mills. There were maintained this year the high school at Depot Village, 1 grammar, 1 intermediate and 2 primary ; at Three Rivers, 1 grammar, 2 intermediate and 3 primary schools; at Bond's Village, 1 grammar, 1 intermediate and 2 primary ; at Thorndike, 1 grammar, 2 intermediate and 2 primary ; 1 school at Palmer Centre, and a school in the out dis- tricts, viz., the Shaw, Shorley, Whiting and Mason. 1884, 810,000; 1885, $10,000; 1886, $10,000; 1887, $10,500, and for SCHOOLS AND EDUCATION:. 395 salary of School Committee ($100 each), $600; contingencies, $700; repairs, $1,000 ; care, $600 ; fuel, $800 ; text books, $800 ; trans- portation of pupils, $600 ; total, $15,600. 1888, $10,800. Anew high school building was erected at the Depot Village, costing $6,634.93. The total amount expended for school j^urposes (ex- clusive of cost of new high school) was $17,545.37. The income of the Merrick fund was $34.34 ; Revenue school fund, $641.28 ; re- ceived from the State, $188.41. School District System Aholished. By act of the Legislature of 1869, Chapter 110, the old district system of town schools was abolished, and all the public schools throughout the state put in charge of the school committees of the several towns. As the school houses in our district were the property of the district, an appraisal of the same was necessary before the town took possession. Enos Calkins, Gamaliel Collins, Wilson Brainard, E. B. Gates, G. W. Eandall of Palmer, and H. F. Brown of Brimfield, William Kent of Wilbraham, and Henry Basset of Ware were appointed a committee to appraise said property. Their report, dated July D, 1869, is as follows: District No. 1, Centre, house, land, etc. $200 " No. 2, Three Rivers, house, land, etc. 4,138 " No. 3, Depot, house, land, etc. 4,444 " No. 3, Blanchardville, house, land, etc. 1,477 No. 4, Mason, house, land, etc. 428 " No. 5, Foster, house, land, etc. 427 " No. 6, Burley, house, land, etc. 70 " No. 8, Shearer, house, land, etc. 40 " No. 9, Gamwell, house, land, etc. 175 " No. 10, Duckville, house, land, etc. 3,758 " No. 11, Hastings, house, land, etc. 175 " No. 12, Thorndike, house, land, etc. 4,230 $19,562 The whole matter of providing accommodations for the schools of the town was left with the school committee and the selectmen. The houses in the several villages were retained and occuijied, as were some in the out districts; others were sold, and a few new ones were built for the better convenience of neighborhoods. School Committee. In early times the selectmen had charge of the schools, unless the town chose a special committee for that pur- pose. After regular school districts were established, the town would sometimes appoint a committee-man for each of the several quarters, and sometimes it would be left to the district to manage the schools and pay the teachers. In 1839 the town ''Voted that 294 HISTORY OF PALMER. the several school districts select and contract for their own teachers." The following " Eeport " indicates that the town elected a com- mittee, whose duties were in part analogous to those of a modern school committee, as early as 1786. The bill for services for these inspectors, found among the papers in the town house, is here presented, more from its historical value than for its literary merits : Palmer May the 17 1787 Whereas the town of Palmer in time Past have Chose we the Subscribors a Commite to Inspact into the afares of the town of Palmer consarning the Schools and other afaiers which wee have Don as we have Exebated to the town which we have spant two days and a half Eh of us which wee charg the town 6 shillings Each of us £0:18:0 total Joshua Shaw \ Robert Hunter v Comite DAvm King ) Similar committees were appointed from time to time, and doubt- less performed their duties faithfully, and perhaps carried in a bill for services ; but their reports are not extant. In 1805, an article was inserted in the town warrant " To choose a School Committee." Under this, Capt. Jesse King, Ens. Daniel Shearer, Solomon Shaw, Isaac Ferrell and Jacob Converse, Jun., were chosen a committee "to inspect all the schools in the town of Palmer." In 1807, Jacob Converse, Jun., John Baldwin and Ben- jamin Cummings were appointed a commmittee ''to insjDCct the schools." No mention is again made of a school committee till 1811, when " one man in each school district was chosen to employ school masters & set up the schools, viz. Alpheus Converse, John Baldwin, Isaac Ferrell, Jona. Moors, Jun., Wilson Foster, William Merritt, Benjamin Cummings, Amos Hamilton, and Elisha Cleaveland. Also chose John Baldwin, Daniel King and Aaron King a commit- tee to examine school masters, and to inspect & examine the schools." The next year a district committee of eight was chosen to employ school masters and set up the schools ; and Eev. Simeon Colton was chosen to examine school masters ; and Lieut. Benjamin Cummings, Luther Brown, Daniel King, Jun., Ezekiel Terry and Simeon Cummings, to examine the schools. Similar action was taken the next year ; and Rev. Simeon Colton was chosen a commit- tee to examine school masters and school mistresses. [This is the first mention of female teachers on our town records.] 1814. Aaron King, James Stebbins and Benjamin Cummings were chosen a committee for visiting and insijecting schools. SCHOOLS AXD EDUCATIOX. 395 1815. School Committee, Doctor Aai-on King, Capt. Alplieus Converse and Chester McKinney. 1816. Eev. Simeon Colton, Lieut, Daniel King and Theophilus Knight, School Committee. At the October meeting the town "voted the Eev. Simeon Colton's request to teach a school in town the ensuing winter, if he saw fit.'' 1817. James Stebbins, Dr. Aaron King, John Frink, Benjamin Cummings and Chester McKinney, School Committee. 1819. School Committee, James Stebbins, Esq., Dr. Anson Moody and Benjamin Fuller, Jun. Same committee in 1820, 1822. James Stebbins, Esq., Dr. Anson Moody and Chester McKinney were chosen School Committee, to examine the schools, masters of schools and school mistresses, and the town will support them in the discharge of their duty. 1823. School Committee, Dr. Aaron King, Capt. Daniel King and Elias Turner, 182-4. Dr. King, Mr. Turner and Chester McKinney, 1825. Dr. King, Mr. Turner, Cyrus Knox, Livy McMaster and Maxey M. Converse. 1826. Eev, Henry H. F. Sweet, Calvin Ward, Livy McMaster, Col. Amos Hamilton and Dr. Marcus M. Shearer. 1827. Livy McMaster, Aaron King, Alonzo V. Blanchard, Dr. M. M, Shearer, and Sylvester Parks, 1828. Eev, Joseph K. Ware, L, McMaster, Alonzo Y. Blanch- ard, Isaac King, Eobert Hitchcock, Charles Pearce and Calvin Ward. 1829. Eev, J, K, Ware, L, McMaster, A, V. Blanchard, Maxey M. Converse and Harvey U. Sherman. "Voted that the School Committee provide school books for the several school districts, as provided by a late law on this subject." 1830. Eev. J. K. Ware, Dr, Aaron King, H. U, Sherman, Elisha Converse, Jun,, and Theophilus H, Knight, 1831. Dr, A, King, E. Converse, Jun,, H, U, Sherman, Elias Turner and John W, Smith, 1832. Eev. Samuel Backus, Messrs. Turner, Converse, Sherman and James Gamwell. 1833. Same as'last year. 1834. Eev. S. Backus, Eev. David Pease, William J. Blanchard. Alvin Smith and Hiram Converse. 1835. Eev. S. Backus, Eev. John E. Bigelow, H. U. Sherman, J. Gamwell and John W. Smith. 1836. Eev. S. Backus, Eev. J. E. Bigelow, J. W. Smith, E. Converse, Jun., and Henry Lyon, Jun. 296 HISTORY OF PALMER. '' Voted to pay Eev. Messrs. Backus and Bigelow each one dollar a day for the time they spend on account of the schools." 1837. Rev. Messrs. Backus and Bigelow, and A. V. Blanchard. "Voted, to pay the clergymen on the committee ten dollars each, provided they do their duty faithfully." 1838. Rev. S. Backus, Rev. J. R. Bigelow, A. V. Blanchard, J. Gamwell and H. U. Sherman. 1839. Dr. Amasa Davis, A. V. Blanchard and James Gamwell. 1840. Same as last year. 1841. Messrs. Gamwell and Blanchard and Gamaliel Collins. 1842. Rev. Moses K. Cross, Rev. James Nichols, H. U. Sherman. 1843. Rev. M. K. Cross, Rev. C. Tilden, Samuel Henry. 1844. Rev. M. K. Cross, Rev. Joseph Hodges, Jun., Rev. D. L. Winslow. 1845. Rev. M. K. Cross, Rev. J. Hodges, Jun., S. T. Spaulding, Esq. 1846. Rev. J. Hodges, Jun., Calvin Torrey, Esq., A. V. Blanch- ard. 1847. Calvin Torrey, A. V. Blanchard. 1848. A. V. Blanchard, Rev. X. E. Cobleigh, E. D. Chapin. 1849. Rev. Addison Parker, Rev. Thomas Wilson, A. V. Blanch- ard. 1850. Rev. T. Wilson, Rev. A. Parker, Rev. Wm. H. Hubbard. 1851. Rev. T. Wilson, Rev. A. Parker, Rev. Plinius Moody. 1852. Rev. T. Wilson, Rev. A. Parker, Rev. Sylvester Hine. 1853. Rev. S. Hine, Rev. W. W. Belden, Rev. Levi H. Wakeman. 1854. Rev. S. Hine, Rev. L. H. Wakeman, Charles D. Foster. 1855. Gordon M. Fisk, Franklin Barker, Ephraim B. Gates. 1856. A. D. Bullock, E. B. Gates, Gamaliel Collins. 1857. Same as last year. 1858. Rev. J. H. M. Leland, A. D. Bullock, G. Collins. 1859. The town voted to choose eleven men on the School Com- mittee — four for three years, three for two years and four for one year. Voted to instruct the School Committee to appoint a super- intendent of schools for the coming year. Chose E. B. Gates, George W. Randall, Elias Turner, Wm. Twiss, D. B. Bishop, G. Collins, Philo D. Winter, Wilson Brainard, Abram B. Davis, R. B. Caswell, E. H. Watrous. Mr. W^atrous was chosen superintendent. 1860. Elias Turner, G. Collins, E. B. Gates, G. W. Randall, Wilson Brainard, R. B. Caswell. 1861. G. Collins, W. Brainard, G. W. Randall, P. D. Winter, C. L. Bugbee, D. Granger, who was appointed superintendent at a salary of 1125. MAP IN 1745 NOW VILLAGE IlllTHO. BY MIULTONBrAIUlET CO- SCHOOLS AND EDUCATION. 29T 1862. Eev. J. W. Tuck, Dwight M. Stebbins, D. Granger, who was appointed superintendent. 1863. D. Granger, D. M. Stebbins, L. H. Arnold. 1864. D. M. Stebbins, E. B. Gates, Dr. Wm. Holbrook. 1865. D. M. Stebbins, Dr. W. Holbrook, Wm. K. Vaille. 1866. Dr. W. Holbrook, E. M. Haynes, G. Collins. 1867. Same as last year. 1868. Same as last year. 1869. Dr. Wm. Holbrook, Rev. B. M. Fullerton, Gamaliel Col- lins, who died, and Miss C. E. Hills was chosen to fill the vacancy. 1870. Miss C. E. Hills, Rev. B. M. Fullerton, Rev. L. F. Shep- ardson. 1871. Dr. Silas Ruggles, Rev. L. F. Shepardson, Miss C. E. Hills, Rev. B. M. Fullerton. 1872. Rev. B. M. Fullerton, Dr. Silas Ruggles, Rev. L. F. Shep- ardson, Rev. T. A. Leete, E. B. Gates. 1873. Rev. Messrs. Fullerton and Leete, Dr. S. Ruggles. 1874. Same as last year. 1875. Same as last year. 1876. Rev. Messrs. Fullerton and Leete, Dr. Wm. Holbrook. 1877. Messrs. Fullerton, Holbrook and E. B. Gates. 1878. Same as last year. 1879. Messrs. Fullerton, Gates and Dr. Silas Ruggles. 1880. Messrs. Fullerton, Ruggles and H. C. Strong. 1881. Dr. Ruggles, H. C. Strong, E. B. Gates. 1882. A. R. Stoughton, Rev. C. H. Ricketts. 1883. Rev. C. H. Ricketts, E. B. Gates, Dr. S. Ruggles, H. A. Smith, Rev. Thomas J. Sullivan, S. S. Taft. 1884. Messrs. Ruggles, Gates, Sullivan, Smith, Taft and George A. Murdock. 1885. Same as last year. 1886. Messrs. Smith, Taft, Sullivan, Murdock, Ruggles and W. C. Green. 1887. Messrs. Smith, Ruggles, Green, Sullivan, Taft and Mrs. M. A. B. Proctor. 1888. Messrs. Green, Smith, Sullivan, Taft, Addie C. Hamilton and George C. Buell. 1889. School Committee for three years, W. C. Greene and S. S. Taft ; for two years, M. H. Davis. The High School. The High School grew out of the educational necessities of the several villages. For several years it was a mov- ing school, tarrying at each village for a length of time somewhat in the ratio of the local number of pupils to be accommodated. 'Z98 HISTORY OF PALMER. From the first it measurably met the popular want, though not al- ways in a way to secure popular favor. Its fortunes in different years were various ; but it created a public sentiment by its own manifest advantages, and the children, its first graduates, when they became fathers and mothers of families, were ready to put it on a permanent basis for the advantage of their children. The High School began in this wise : At a meeting held April 7, 1851, "the town voted to raise $2,000 to support the common schools, and $600 to support the High School the ensuing year. Voted, that the High School be kept the first months in Thorn- dike District, the next 3 months in the Depot District, and then 3 months in the Three Elvers District — provided a suitable place be provided in each District, free of exj)ense to the town." In carry- ing out the vote of the town, the school committee employed Mr. Eben N. Chamberlain as teacher for the year. The number of different pupils was 125. 1852. The school moved to the several villages as last year. Mr. Chamberlain resigned at the close of the second term, and Daniel J. Sprague, a graduate of Amherst Col- lege, was appointed in his place. 1853. Mr. Sprague remained through the year ; and the school moved and prospered as last year. 1854. Henry L. Boltwood was employed as teacher, and the school moved to the several villages. 1855. D. S. Phillips, teacher, with a single term each at the Centre, Thorndike, Depot and Three Kivers. 1856. The town voted " That the High School as hereto- fore kept, be dispensed with ; that the town appropriate 8300 (in addition to the $2,000) to be expended by the school committee in raising the grade of two (or more) of the District Schools to the standard required by law for High Schools, in accordance with the statutes authorizing it." Under this vote the schools at Depot Village and Thorndike were selected, a room fitted up at each, and a spring and fall term kept at Thorndike, under the charge of Lyman Partridge, and a fall and winter term at theDej)ot, under Chas. H. Grifiin. The committee state that the plan does not work satis- factorily. But the town voted to continue the plan another year (1857), and H. W. Wentworth taught a term, and D. D. Cole a term at Thorndike, and George W. Calkins two terms at the Depot. 1858. The plan was continued, H. B. Barrows and George C. Lan- don. teachers. 1859. The town voted that the High School be kept at the town house at Four Corners through the year, Geo. C. Landon, teacher. 1860. George Mason and Edwin S. Stone were the High School teachers this year. 1861. The school was con- tinued at the town house, E. S. Snow, teacher. 1862. The town voted to establish graded sehools of a high order, one at each vil- SCHOOLS AND EDUCATION. 299 lage, and granted $100 additional to the regular appropriation for each village. 1863. Graded schools maintained as last year ; A. H. Warren, Wm. K. Vaille, Philander Thurston and Miss H. J. Moulton in charge for the winter term. 1864. Graded schools on the plan of last year. 1865. The same plan as last year. 1866. The plan continued, but under female teachers, except that Charles D. Foster taught the Bondsville school in the winter. 1867. Graded schools in the four villages. 1868. Graded schools at three villages, kept by females, except that Mr. D. D. Porter and Mr, C. L. Harrington taught the winter terms at Thorndike and Three Rivers. The school committee re-established the High School at Depot Village, which was in charge of Miss Ellen M. Ware during the warm season and Mr. W. W. Miner for the fall and winter term. By act of the General Court, the district system in our schools was abolished, and the whole management of schools placed in the hands of the school committee. In 1869 the High School was maintained at the Depot under Miss S. G. Quimby in the sum- mer and fall, and Claude Watson in winter. Graded schools were sustained at the other villages. 1870. What the committee call Grammar and High Schools were kept at the several villages, taught during the winter term by Messrs. H. C. Strong, Albert M. Bigelow, and Misses M. J. Cady and Carrie A. Bushnell. 1871. The Palmer High School at Depot Village was in charge of Mr. A. M. Bigelow through the year; and the grammar schools at the other villages were in charge of females. 1872. The High School was taught by Mr. E. 0. Dyer ; the grammar schools at Three Rivers and Thorndike were in charge, during the winter, of Mr. G. J. Coe and John A. Munroe, respectively ; at other times taught by females. 1873. The Palmer High School was taught one term by Mr. Arthur T. Muzzey, and two terms by A. Gordon Tufts. The grammar schools at Thorndike, Bondsville and Three Rivers were in charge during the winter of Chas. E. Cochran, M. Pliny Dickey, and Geo. Burbank, respectively. 1874. Mr. Fisher continued in charge of the High School through the year. There were as usual three grammar schools at the villages, and 16 schools of lower grades kept in town. In November of this year, the Palmer High School was established on a permanent basis at the Depot Village, and arrangements made for the accommodation of the scholars of suitable age and standing. A regular four years' course of study was arranged, including an English and Classical course, adapted to fit pupils for business pursuits, or for college. The system of graded schools at the four villages was revised, to meet their several wants. This includes one 300 HISTORY OF PALMER. or more primary and intermediate dej)artments, and a grammar de- partment. Pupils pass from the lower to the higher grades by regular graduation ; and from the grammar schools to the High School. Thus a motive and stimulus to study and good conduct are acting on the child constantly from his earliest school age ; teacher* are working in harmony for the attainment of a common object ; and the committee can see the end from the beginning, and need to waste no time on distracting questions of foundation and jilan. 1875. Mr. Fisher remained at the head of the High School through the spring and fall. Mr. E. G. Baldwin took charge in the winter, and remained in service through 1876 and 7. Mr. Frank A. Hosmer was employed for the spring term of '78, and Mr. Wm. H. Whiting for the fall and winter. He was retained till the close of the spring term of 1881. C. A. Doubleday taught one term. Frank W. Whitney took charge of the school in the winter and remained principal through '82, '83, and the spring of '84. Mr. H. B. Knox, a graduate of Colby University, 1881, was appointed principal of the High School in the fall of 1884, and is in charge at the present time, April, 1889. The number of pupils enrolled last year was 81. In their report, dated March 6, 1889, the School Committee say : "The High School will open the spring term in the new building. The room from which it moves is already sorely needed for the lower grades, and will be occujjied at once, while the change into a new, commodious and well-arranged building will add to that life and vigor which now mark our High School. It is a good school, excellently well kept ; and the liberal policy of the town has done much to enlarge its influence and opportunities, and the people are to be congratulated on the scholars, the teachers and the results." In 1879, the town voted "^to authorize the School Committee to defray the travelling expenses of scholars attending the High School from other parts of the town, not exceeding S8 per term per scholar." The same liberal policy is continued to the present time. The grant this year (1889) for ''transportation of High School scholars" is ll,OQO. Statement of Schools, 1888. High — Teachers, H. B. Knox, Helen L. Cobb, Sadie Stanwood ; average attendance, 66.0 ; Xo. enrolled, 81. Palmer Grammar — Teacher, Margaret A. Sullivan ; average at- tendance, 46.6; No. enrolled, 55. Palmer Intermediate — Teachers, Ida A. Taft, N. L. Ingram, Addie L. Rogers; average attendance, 51.39; No. enrolled, 63. SCHOOLS AND EDUCATION. 301 Second Primary — Teacher, Minnie S. Burleigh ; average attend- ance, 44.01 ; No. enrolled, 62. First Primary — Teacher, Abbie J. Wallis ; average attendance, 60.4; No. enrolled, 80. Thorndike Grammar — Teacher, L. E. Philbrick ; average attend- ance, 23.13; No. enrolled, 33. Second Intermediate — Teacher, Effie E. Smith ; average attend- ance, 26.6 ; No. enrolled, 38. First Intermediate — Teacher, Jennie R. Williston ; average at- tendance, 30.79 ; No. enrolled, 44. Third Primary — Teachers, Mrs. L. E. Philbrick, Addie L. Eogers, Julia M. Parsons; average attendance, 29.11; No.' en- rolled, 51. Second Primary — Teachers, Florence M. Carter, S. Beulah Thayer; average attendance, 25.51 ; No. enrolled, 52. First Primary — Teacher, Mary E. Murdock ; average attendance, 45.07 ; No. enrolled, 64. Three Rivers Grammar — Teachers, E. G. Ward, F. A. Parsons ; average attendance, 24.48 ; No. enrolled, 35. Second Intermediate — Teacher, Lizzie M. Carrier ; average at- tendance, 26.18; No. enrolled, 38. First Intermediate — Teacher, Helen L. Robinson ; average at- tendance, 25.76; No. enrolled, 43. Third Primary — Teacher, Kate L. Webb ; average attendance, 35.44; No. enrolled, 48. Second Primary — Teachers, Sarah E. Ward, H. May Sears ; average attendance, 39.68 ; No. enrolled, 58. First Primary — Teacher, Frances E. Beauregard ; average at- tendance, 45.42 ; No. enrolled, 113. Bondsville Grammar — Teacher, H. E. Loring ; average attend- ance, 26.67; No. enrolled, 46. Intermediate — Teacher, Mrs. L. B. Ely ; average attendance, 22.85 ; No. enrolled, 33. Second Primary — Teachers, Helen M. Warren, Agnes J. Spooner : average attendance, 32.83 ; No. enrolled, 44. First Primary — Teacher, Mary L. Lynde ; average attendance, 43.8; No. enrolled, 90. Wire Mill — Teachers, Hattie M. Blanchard, Lucy E. Naylor, Mattie S. Howard ; average attendance, 30.36 ; No. enrolled, 54. Palmer Centre — Teachers, Addie L. Rogers, Mattie L. Howard, Eliza M. Walker ; average attendance, 25.73 ; No. enrolled, 39. Blanchardville — Teachers, Alice L. Abbe, Cora E. Brown, Nellie B. Cutter; average attendance, 23.58; No. enrolled, 43. 302 HISTORY OF PALMER. Whiting — Teachers, Addie C. Hamilton, Alice Brown, Mina E. Ball ; average attendance, 13.05 ; No. enrolled, 21. Shaw — Teacher, Ernest F. Shaw ; average attendance, 7.54 ; No. enrolled, 10. Mason — Teachers, Cora E. Brown, J osie E. Shea ; average at- tendance, 10.39 ; No. enrolled, IG. Shorley — Teacher, Nellie Mack ; average attendance, 6.32 ; No. enrolled, 11. Libraries. As the Library is an imj^ortant factor in the education of a com- munity, an account of the earlier and later attempts to establish such agencies in Palmer properly comes in in connection with the history of our schools. Undoubtedly the need of such an educational auxiliary was felt earlier, as the supply of family reading was very meagre in variety, though excellent in quality. The Bible was in every household, the psalm book in many, the catechism was stored in every mother's memory and imparted to her children, and on the shelf or top of the bureau in many families were Josephus' Wars of the Jews, Willison's Communicants' Directory and a volume or two of sermons. D wight's System of Geography and a few other school books were on hand, but were rather dry reading. So far as is known, no concerted movement towards founding a public library was made till after the settlement of Eev. Simeon Colton as pastor of the church. He was a thoroughly educated man in general literature as well as theology, and was the prime mover in starting the first library in town — seconded, it would appear, by Law3'er Stebbins, then a new comer and a college graduate. The Palmer Social Library was started about 1815. Besides the minister and the lawyer, Philip Lamb, Cyrus Knox, Col. Amos Hamilton, Moses Learned, the Smiths, the Kings, Asa and Calvin "Ward, Benjamin Converse, Dea. Lebbeus Chapin and most of the prominent men of the town took shares [it is said that women were not admitted to membership]. The entrance fee was one dollar, and the annual dues the same. The books were kept in the Town House at the Old Centre. Hickson Olds, a clerk in Col. Hamil- ton's store, was librarian. The rules of the association, as pasted on the fly-leaf of their books, were : '^Annual meeting, first Mon- day in December, at four o'clock in the afternoon. Other meet- ings, first Monday in March, June and September, at six o'clock in the afternoon. N. B. Books to be returned one hour before time of meeting, on a penalty of twelve and a half cents for each vol- ume." This would imply that there were four days in the year for SCHOOLS AND EDUCATION. 303 taking out and returning books. The number of volumes in the library is not known: It contained Hume's History of England, Milnor's Church History, 5 vols., and Mavor's Universal History, 34 vols. Probably it was made up largely of standard works of like character. When Mr. Colton, left town, the spirit of life in the library seems to have departed. And the bitter quarrel over the control of church affairs which followed, alienated old-time friends and for a while absorbed all interest and paralyzed all social plans. The library naturally fell into neglect and disuse, and the books were sold at auction in 1825. About 1841 Mr. Spalding, an agent for the " District School Library," published under the sanction of the board of education of the state, visited the town for the purpose of interesting the citizens in the formation of school libraries. Col. Cyrus Knox and Capt. Sylvester Parks, of the Depot Village, took hold of the mat- ter, and a meeting was called at the old school house opposite the present agricultural park. The subject of the library was presented by the agent, and as a result the sum of $30 was raised by subscrip- tion, which amount, with the aid given by the state, in accordance with a law passed in 1837, enabled the district of the Depot Village to purchase about 100 volumes of books. These books were mostly published by Chas. H. Webb & Co. of Boston, were compact in size and embraced a large range of subjects, suited for all ages, such as the Eollo books for the young, and Abbott's works for the adults. Capt. Parks was librarian, and kept the books at his house. Another library of this character was obtained for the Mason dis- trict, under the fostering care of Col. Isaac King. These libraries circulated some nine or ten years, until the books had either been worn out or had been read by all who had an interest in them; and as no more books were added, there ceased to be a call for the few which remained. So this library dropped out of public knowledge. There was another interregnum of a few years. In January, 1861, incited by the efforts of Mr. John Eeynolds, formerly of the Neiv England Farmer, a number of the leading citizens formed the Quahaug Library Association, with J. G. Allen, president ; J. A. Hall, vice-president ; J. K. Knox, secretary ; James Eobinson, treasurer ; Dr. Wm. Holbrook, librarian. This was a stock con- cern, the shares being 85 each. The library numbered about 150 volumes, and consisted largely of works on agriculture, horticulture, floriculture, farm, garden, stock^ etc. The books were in the care of Dr. Holbrook until 1861, when he entered the service of his country in the war of the rebellion. The books were then taken in charge by Cyrus Knox, Jr. at the post office, where they remained 304 HISTORY OF PALMER. several years, then were boxed and remained in seclusion till turned over to the Young Men's Library a few years since. After the close of the war, after Peace had once more spread her mantle over society, the village people of Palmer became once more interested in the project of another library, to be established on a different basis from those which had preceded it ; one which should have a selection of books such as would appeal to all classes of readers. Quite a number of the citizens of the village met on the evening of February 4, 1867^ at the school house and organized the Palmer Public Library Association, with these officers: President, P. P. Kellogg; secretary, 0. P. Allen; treasurer, L. Dimock ; board of directors, P. P. Kellogg, 0. P, Allen, Rev. E. M. Haynes, Dr. E. B. Lyon, C. L. Gardner, Esq.; librarian, Mrs. A. J. Xew- ton. The money was raised from the members of the association, who paid one dollar per year. With the funds raised in this way quite a respectable list of j)opular books was soon placed on the library slielves. The library was located at first in the store con- nected with the post office, where it remained some two or three years ; then it was cared for some time by Clark, the jeweler, and lastly it was placed in the charge of Lawyer R. P. Harlan, in 1871, then having his office in the house now owned by Mr. Wm. Kurtz on South Main street. This library was well patronized for some five years, when the members gradually neglected to pay the annual dues, thereby losing their membership. Many of the books were worn out or scattered among the members ; so from one cause and another the library ceased to circulate in 1872. After the organization of the present library a large number of the books of the circulating library were gathered and turned over to its managers. The subscription library having failed to meet the requirements of the public, it occurred to the firm of Wood & Allen, druggists and book sellers, to insti- tute a circulating library of poi^ular books suited for both young and old. The patrons of this library were charged two cents per day for the use of the books. This library was instituted in 1870, and existed till 1878. It contained some GOO volumes and circu- lated about 2,500 volumes per year. It met with a good measure of success and jiaid a fair profit on the outlay. It was sold to the Young Men's Library Association in 1878, and formed the nucleus of the new library. More than sixty-five years of exjoeriment had paved the way for a more permanent and enduring library — one which should embrace the entire town for its patrons and should furnish all classes of readers with books suited to their age and tastes, and, more than SCHOOLS AND EDUCATION. 305 all else, should be free to all. A few citizens who had long consid- ered the wants of the public, and having an interest in furnishing the masses with the means of cultivating their taste for books, came together and, after maturing plans, organized on Dec. 3d, 1878, the Young Men^s Library Association, which was also incor- porated under the general laws of the State of Massachusetts. The corporate members consisted of W. A. Lincoln, S. W. French, Rev. C. H. Eaton, 0. P. Allen, S. S. Taft, Dr. W. H. Stowe, W. C. Dewey, C. B. Fisk, S. H. Hellyar, 0. W. Johnson. The asso- ciation organized with these officers : President, Rev. C. H. Eaton; vice-president, C. B. Fisk; secretary, S. W. French; treas- urer, W. A. Lincoln ; librarian, W. H. Stowe ; directors, C. H. Eaton, W. H. Stowe, S. W. French, W. A. Lincoln, 0. P. Allen. Immediately after the organization of the association, the sum of seven hundred and fifteen dollars was raised by subscription for the purchasing of books. The library was opened to the public Feb. 8th, 1879, in one of the vacant stores of French's Block on Central street. With the money contributed and books donated by numer- ous friends of the library, together with many of the surviving books of the old circulating library, the managers were able to place 922 volumes on the shelves for the use of the public on the day of opening. The library has since been supported by yearly appro- priations of the town of from $500 to $600. The library now con- tains 3,788 volumes, embracing a wide range of the best literature in all branches of knowledge. The library has been well patronized by all portions of the town. The volumes taken from the library in 1888 were 9,219, which is an increase over preceding years. The historical books are much sought by the pupils of the grammar and high schools of the town. The greatest present need of the library is a suitable building for a permanent home. It must not be left unsaid in this connection that from its first inception the library has had no firmer friend and supporter than Mr. M. W. French, who for several years gave the use of his rooms for the benefit of the library and was ever ready to give the managers the aid of his counsel. New members are received into the association by a two-thirds' vote of the asso- ciation and the payment of ten dollars. The library is managed by its officers, without pay. The present officers of the association are : President, W. C. Greene ; vice-president. Dr. W. H. Stowe ; secretary, W. W. Leech ; treasurer, G. W. Ely ; librarian, 0. P. Allen; directors, 0. P. Allen, Dr. W. H. Stowe, Rev. H. W. Pope, W. C. Dewey. The tenth anniversary of the opening of the library was observed 306 HISTORY OF PALMER. Feb. 8th, 1880, with fitting exercises at the Second Congregational Church, with music by the choir, an historical sketch by Rev. F. W. Betts and a very able and interesting address by Hon. S. S. Taft. In this connection it is relevant to say that most if not all the religious societies in town have small and well-selected Sunday- school libraries connected with them, for the use of the scholars in attendance. There are also quite a number of private libraries in town worthy of mention. This list includes all that are known to number over 400 volumes of bound books : The library of Dr. W. H. Stowe leads the list in point of num- bers. His library contains over 1,400 volumes, and, besides his professional books, has a large number of old and scarce works illustrating many j^hases of local and New England literature. The carefully selected library of 0. P. Allen contains 1,300 volumes, embracing a very wide range of subjects in all branches of knowl- edge, being especially rich in poetry, histq^y, works of reference and art. The library of Lawyer S. S. Taft has 400 volumes of law and 750 volumes of well selected miscellaneous books. Lawyer C. L. Gardner has a well-filled law library of 475 volumes, and 450 volumes of miscellaneous works. Kev. F. W. Betts has 800 volumes of carefully selected books. W. 0. Greene, the agent of the Thorndike Co., has his home well stocked with 600 volumes. H. B. Knox, j^riucipal of the High School, has 450 volumes ; and C. B. Fisk, cashier of the Palmer National Bank, has 400 volumes. Graduates. — The following list comprises the natives or resi- dents of Palmer, who have obtained a liberal education at college, other than our professional men: John Baldwin, grad. D. C. 1791; Daniel Baldwin, died in senior year at D. 0. 1792; Ezra Lee Bald- win, died while a member of D. C. 1796; John Dunbar, grad. W. C. 1832, missionary to Pawnee Indians ; Jabez Lamb, ; Samuel Fleming, ; Henry D. Converse, died before grad. at Y. C. 1848; John Ward, Jun., died while a member of Y. C. 1862 (?); Lucius L. Merrick, grad. A. C. 1860; George W. Calkins, grad, B. U. 1862, teacher ; H. C. Strong, grad. A. C. 1875, lawyer ; W. C. Green, grad. B. U. ; William E. Holbrook, grad. A. C. 1876, physician, Lynn ; Samuel S. Parks, grad. A. C, 1886, lawyer, Chicago. Now (1889) members of College. C. Julian Tuthill, Boston Uni- versity ; Miss Eva E. Kenerson, Boston University; Charles J. Hunt, Tufts College ; Harry J. Brown, Amherst College ; Charles G. Gardner, Amherst College ; George Holden, Amherst College ; Edward N. Lacey, Amherst College. CHAPTER YIII. War of the Kebellion, 18G1-1865. THE following brief and imperfect account of tlie part taken by Palmer in furnishing men and means for the late Civil "War is all that can be gathered from the town records. In the ex- citement and haste of the time, our officials were more intent on meeting requisitions and filling quotas and raising money for boun- ties and caring for the soldiers' families, than on keeping a record of the same. Hence our history, which should set forth in full and perpetuate the sacrifices and patriotic plans of the men and women whose hearts and hands were devoted to the cause of the country, and should furnish a complete list of names and services of the soldiers who went to the front, can contain only meagre de- tails, and but a partial list of names of the men who enlisted and performed honorable service. Action of the Town. May 4, 1861. "Voted to aid in arming and equipping and drilling of a company of volunteers, to be ready for service in the present war. " Voted to provide for the families of any of the citizens of Palmer who may enlist as volunteers or be drafted to serve in the present war, during the absence of such citizen soldiers. "Voted to raise $5,000 — $2,000 to be applied for arming and drilling soldiers, and $3,000 for providing for the families of men in the service. September 31, 1861. The town voted ''to pay to each member of the families of volunteers mustered into the service of the. United States the sum of $1 per week, so long as said volunteer remains in said service. July 19, 1862. Voted 'Ho raise $2,700 to pay bounties of $100 each to 27 men called for by the Governor of the Commonwealth. Voted to add a bounty of $5 to each man who shall enlist within five days.'' And the treasurer was authorized to borrow $2,835 for the purposes named. And J. S. Loo mis, Abel Webber, Nathan Howard, A. N. Dewey, P. P. Kellogg, Rufus BroAvn, D. B, Bishop and Luther H. Arnold were appointed a committee to procure men to enlist. 308 HISTORY OF PALMER. August 11, 1862. The town offered a bounty of $100 to each man who shall enlist under the call of the President for 300,000 men to serve in the army, and authorized the treasurer to borrow such sums of money as may be required to pay said bounties. At a meeting held August 28 the bounty offered was increased to S150 and the treasurer was authorized to borrow a sum not exceeding $8,000 to pay said bounties. The Town Report contains the following List of Volunteers who enlisted for three years and received each a bounty of $105 : John W. Osborn, Thomas Blanchard, Jun., George Colegrove, Lorenzo C. Strikeland, Edward Mitchell, James A. AYitherell, Daniel Hadley, Cyrus M. Benjamin, Henry Sullivan, George E. Pepper, George Fowle, Charles Jackson, George Ballon, Austin Clark, Leonard Whitcomb, Charles Latham, Lucius L. Merrick, Lyman McDowell, William Holloway, Isaac Sutcliff, William Thompson, Bradley E. Olney, George D. Shaw, Azel Thompson, John M. Barton, Reuben Jackson, D. T. Cooper. James Knowlton re- ceived $100.60. List of Nine Months' Volunteers who received each a bounty of $150 : Oapt. F. C. Cook, S. R. Keith, James B. Foster, Purlin S. Thompson, Rufus M. Bacon, Eli Strickland, Lyman A. Trumble, J. Loury, Horace White, Henry Canterbury, W. H. Duncan, Charles A. Studley, Joseph D. Dwelly, E. G. Hastings, Rufus W. Herrick, J. R. Hempstead, George F. Amidon, Miles C. Gerrald, Charles Hastings, Frank K. Angell, Fred. F. Brimhall, John H. Thayer, Morris Breen, Robert J. Hancock, Edgar Cooley, George H. Wellman, James W\ Needham, F. J. Holt, David Mclntire, Robert Gregory, A. A. Dorman; Otis F. Kendall, Wm. F. White, Frank Lester, James C. Fletcher, Elbridge Mcintosh, James Mc- Grath, Dexter B. Packard, Jerre L. Kavanagh, Samuel Brown, George W. Mills, William T. Smith, Charles Tuin, Wm. McGuire. John Hayden and John Murphy received $100 each. April 11, 1864. The town Voted " To pay $100 bounty to each of the nine men now called for to fill the last quota of the town." The bounty was afterwards raised to $125, to each enlisted man. May 21, 1864. Voted, *^*That the selectmen be authorized to pay $300 to each man who shall be accepted by the government to fill our present and past deficiencies of 45 men, and the treasurer was authorized to borrow $13,200 for this purpose. Voted to assess the $13,200 this year." May 23, 1865. The town "Voted to assume the various sums of money subscribed and paid by individuals for the purpose of filling quotas of men called for by the United States authority." And a WAR OF THE REBELLION, 18(31-1865. 30& committee was appointed to ascertain the amount thus subscribed, who reported as follows : We have examined the subscriptions, and find that the sum of $8,054 was thus paid to the town's committee elected to obtain recruits, in 1864 ; that said committee have expended $8,041.40, and now have on hand $12.60, subject to the order of the town. Signed, Ends Calkins, 1 E. B. Gates, S. A. Newton, ;- Committee. Geo. W. Randall, J. S. LOOMIS, J The report was accepted, and the sum of 88,041.40 was granted and ordered to be assessed this year, and when collected to be paid out to individuals according to their several subscriptions. March, 1866. The town voted "to pay back to the 30 citizens of Palmer who were drafted in '63 and '64, and paid each $300 commutation money — upon proof of such payment." The list of the men who were drafted May 18, 1864, is as follows : William E. Hancock, Wm. E. Cooper, John C. Rich, Albert Loomis, John M. Converse, Timothy F. Fuller, James Hamilton, Dr. James M. Comins, Jere Cronin, James B. Atwood, M. Clark Fenton, H. W. Munger, Orriu P. Allen, Eugene Shorley, Eleazar Owen, Jos. M. Barnes, Sherman G. Smith, Wm. Thompson, Samuel D. Shaw, George D. Moores, Wm. E. Parks, Francis D. Fuller, Frederick Thayer, John Dawson, Lyman B. Collins, Martin Brown, Salem T. Weld, Matthew Glouster, Patrick Dewannier, Michael Shay, Ches- ter B. Canterbury, Alfred G. Lamb, B. L. Greene, Josiah Brooks, Rufus E. Knowlton, Jeremiah Kelley, Converse Sedgwick, Henry Eaton, John Sullivan, Charles Clark, John Sullivan, Elijah G. Murdock, Ethan Warriner, Joseph Cavin, in all 44. Some were not accepted; some enlisted, and 30 paid the $300, which was re-paid by the town. Soldiers' Records. [Compiled by E. B. Gates.] One hundred days' men in Eighth Regiment Infantry, M. V. Charles F. Bennet, 19, mustered July 13, '64, discharged Nov. 10 '64. George S. Bennet, 21, mustered July 13, '64, discharged Nov. 10, '64. Henry F. Gerald, 33, mustered July 13, '64, discharged Nov. 10, '64. 310 HISTORY OF PALMER. One hundred days' men in Forty-second Reg. Infantry, M. V. Franklin Blair, 18, mustered July 16, '64, dis. Nov. 11, '64. Artemas W. Briggs, 22, must. July 16, '64, dis. Nov. 11, '64. Herbert W. Hitchcock, 19, must. July 16, '64, dis. Nov. 11, '64. Bart. J. Murphy, 20, must. July 16, '64, dis. Nov. 11, '64. Albert C. Parsons, IS, must. July 16, '64, dis. Nov. 11, '64. Paul Prue, 20, must. July 16, '64, dis. Nov. 11, '64. Mne months' men in Forty-sixth Reg. Infantry, M. V. COMPAIs^y F. Joseph E. Dwelly, muse, 16, must. Oct. 15, '62, dis. May 30, '63. COMPANY H. Francis C. Cook, capt., 28, must. Oct. 15, '62, dis. July 29, '63. Anson A. Dorman, sergt., 34, must. Oct. 15, '62, dis. July 29, '63. Wm. F. White, sergt., 30, must. Oct. 15, '62, dis. July 29, '63. Myron S. Barton, sergt., 24, must. Oct. 15, '62, dis. July 29, '63. E. G. Hastings, sergt., 22, must. Oct. 15, '62, dis. for disability March 26, 1863. Geo. F. Amidon, corp., 19, must. Oct. 15, '62, dis. July 29, '63. Lyman Trumble, Corp., 29, must. Oct. 15, '62, dis. for disability Jan. 14, 1863. John H. Thayer, Corp., 27, must. Oct. 15, '62, dis. for disability June 14, 1863. James B. Foster, muse, 28, must. Oct. 15, '62, dis. July 29, '63. Charles Hastings, wagr., 35, must. Oct. 15, '62, dis. July 29, '63. Angell, Frank, 27, must. Oct. 15, '62, dis. July 29, '63. Bacon, E. M., Jun., 19, must. Oct. 15, '62, dis. July 29, '63. Breen, Morris, 18, must. Oct. 15, '62, dis. July 29, '63. Brimhall, Fred F., 18, must. Oct. 15, '62, dis. July 29, '63. Brown, Samuel, 21, must. Oct. 15, '62, dis. July 29, '63. Canterbury, Henry, 44, must. Oct. 15, '62, dis. July 29, '63. Cooley, Edgar, 18, must. Oct. 15, '62, dis. to re-enlist May 30, '63. Duncan, Walter H., 19, must, Oct. 15, '62, dis. July 29, '63. Fletcher, James C, 19, must. Oct. 15, '62, dis. July 29, '63. Gerald Miles C, 20, must. Oct. 15, '62, dis. July 29, '63. Gregory, Eobert, 25, must. Oct. 15, '62, dis. July 29, '63. Griswold, Oscar S., 19, must. Oct. 15, '62, died Jan. 31, '63, at Newbern, N. C. Hancock, K. J., 23, must. Oct. 15, '62, dis. July 19, '63. Hard, John, 21, must. Oct. 15, '62. Hempstead, John K., 19, must. Oct. 15, '62, dis. July 29, '63. Herrick, R. W., 27, must. Oct. 15, '62, dis. to re-enlist May 30, 1863. WAR OF THE REBELLIONS', 18G1-1865. 311 Holt, Frank J., 18, must. Oct. 15, '63, dis. July 29, '63. Kavanaugh, Jerre M., 21, must. Oct. 15, '62, dis. July 29, '63. Keith, Samuel R., 29, must. Oct. 15, '62, dis. July 29, '63. Kendall, Otis F., 33, must. Oct. 15, '62, dis. July 29, '63. Lester, Frank F., 19, must. Oct. 15, '62, dis. July 29, '63. Lury, Isaiah, 28, must. Oct. 15, '62, dis. July, 29, '63. McGrath, James, 36, must. Oct. 15, '62, dis. July 29, '63. McGuire, William, 44, must. Oct. 15, '62, dis. for disability March 26, '63. Mclntire, David, 25, must. Oct. 15, '62, dis. to re-enlist May 30, 1863. Mcintosh, Elbridge, 38, must. Oct. 15, '62, dis. to re-enlist May 30, 1863. Mills, George W., 24, must. Oct. 15, '62, dis. for disability March 26, 1863. Murphy, John, 22, must. Oct. 15, '62. Needham, James W., 23, must. Oct. 15, '62. Packard, Dexter B., 40, must. Oct. 15, '62, dis. July 29, '63. Smith, William T., 27, must. Oct. 15, '62, dis. to re-enlist May 30, 1863. Strickland, Eli, 18, must. Oct. 15, '62, dis. July 29, '63. Studley, Charles A., 27, must. Oct. 15,- '62, dis. for disability Feb. 16,\863. Thompson, Purlin S., 25, must. Oct. 15. '62, dis. July 29, '63. Tuin, Charles, 29, must. Oct. 15, '62, dis. July 29, '63. W^ellman, George H., 18, must. Oct 15, '62, dis. July 29, '63. White, Horace, 39, must. Oct. 15, '62, dis. to re-enlist May 30, 1863. The Forty-sixth Eegiment was raised in Hampden county ; left camp at Springfield, November 5, 1862, sailed from Boston, and reached Newbern, N. C, November 15, and went into camp on the right bank of the Neuse ; went on the Goldsborough expedition in December, and had an engagement with the enemy ; Avas employed in erecting fortifications, etc., through the winter; had sharp skirmishes March 14, 1863 : March 26 ordered to Plymouth, N. C, where it was besieged for eighteen days ; returned to Newbern, May 8 ; was in the successful raid to Gum Swamp ; embarked June 24, for Fortress Munroe ; ordered to Baltimore July 1, where it was emjiloyed in patrol and guard duty, escorting and guarding of prisoners, etc., till July 6th ; proceeded to Sandy Hook, with orders to occupy and hold Maryland Heights ; remained here till July 11, when it marched and joined the Army of the Potomac near Funkstown. Just as the army moved across the river, orders 312 HISTORY OF PALMER. came to proceed by the shortest route to Massachusetts, there to be mustered out, our term having expired. Three years' men in Seventh Battery Lt. Art., M. V. Kennedy, John, 40, must. Nov. 30, '64., dis. exp. of service. Three years' inen in Second Regt. Heavy Art., M. V. COMPANY A. Mulvany, Michael, 10, must. Sept. 17, '64, transferred to 17th Reg., Inf., Dec. 16, '64. COMPANY C. Dunham, George, 21, must. June 15, '64. COMPANY D. Mackintosh, Elbridge, 39, must. Aug. 22, '63, dis. Sept. 3, '65. COMPANY E. White, Horace, 30, must. Oct. 5, '63, dis. for disability March 0, '64. COMPANY G. Breen, Morris, 20, must. Dec. 7, '63, dis. for disability Aug. 11, '65. Farrell, John, 22, must. Aug. 20, '64, trans. 17th Inf. COMPANY M. O'Hare, Patrick, corp., 25, must. Dec. 26, '64, dis. July 28, '65. Men enUded for one year in Fourth Regt. H. Art., M. V. COMPANY K. Bartlett, Erastus M., must. Aug. 18, '64, dis. June 17, '65. Bellamy, Bradley 0., 35, must. Aug. 18, '64, dis. June 17, '65. Three years' men in First Battalion H. Art., M. V. Andrews, Ambrose M., 23, enl. Nov., '62, dis. June 29, ''do. Three years' men in First Regt. Cavalry, M. V. COMPANY E. Green, Horatio D., 18, enl. Jan. 6, '64, dis. June '2ij, '65. Kibbe, Harlow B., 39, enl. Sept. 25, '61, dis. for disability Feb. 14, '64. Lucas, Stephen, 20, enl. Sept. 14, '61. Smith, Jacob, 22, enl. June 8, '64. Three years' men in Fourth Regt. Cavalry, M. V. - COMPANY G. Daniel, 22, en Jan. 6, '65. WAE OF THE REBELLION, 1861-1865. 313 COMPAKY M. Bell, Joseph, 19, enl. Nov. 33, '64. Three years' men in Tenth Regt. Infantry, M. V. Holbrook, William, M. D., apptd. Assist. Surg. June 21, '61, prom. Surgeon 18th Regt. Inf. Jan. 13, '62. COMPANY c. Evans, George, 2G, enl. June 21, '61, dis. to re-enl. in 37th Eegt. Inf. Dec. 21, '63. COMPANY D. Palmer, Charles G., 19, enl. .June 21, '61, dis. for disability Nov. 26, '62. Potter, Edward T., 21, re-enl. in 37th Reg. Inf. June 19, '64. Judd, Dwight. Thire years' men in Fiftee7ith Regt. Inf., M. V. COMPANY D. Pasco, George W., 19, enl. Dec. 9, '61, dis. for disability Dec. 17, '62. Underwood, B. P., enl. Dec. 9, '61. Three years' men in Sixteenth Regt. Inf., M. V. COMPANY D. Davis, James, 23, enl. July 15, '63. Hand, John, 24, enl. July 15, '63. Kelly, James, 20, enl. July 15, '63. Three years' men in Seventeenth Regt. Inf., M. V. COMPANY F. Farrell, John, 22, enl. Aug. 29, '64, dis. June 30, '65. Fitzgerald, Edward, 18, enl. Aug. 29, '64, dis. June 30, '65. COMPANY H. Mulvany, Michael, enl. Sept. 17, '64, dis. July 11, '65. Three years' men in Tioentieth Regt. Inf., M. V. COMPANY F. Galvin, Thomas E., 35, enl. July 18, '61, k. at Gettysburg July 3, '63. COMPANY K. Evans, George, 28, enl. Dec. 21, '63, dis. July 16, '65. Potter, Edward T., 21, enl. Dec. 21, '63, dis. July 16, '65. Three years' men in Twenty-first Regt. Inf. M. V. Francis, Thomas, enl. Aug. 5, '61, commissioned 1st Lieut. May 18, 62, commissioned Capt. Sept. 26, '62, resigned May 5, '63. 314 HISTOEY OF PALMER. Davis, Frank G., 24, hosp. steward, Aug. 19, 'Gl, dis. Sept. 24, '64. COMPANY B. Collis, Marcus M., 20, corp. May 5, '61, sergt. Jan. 2, '62, trans. to 36th Eegt. Inf., re-enlisted. Fitzgerald, Patrick, 19, enl. Aug. 5, '61. Hastings, Charles, 34, enl. Aug. 5, '61, dis. disability Dec, 8, '61. McEwen, James, enl. May 23, '61, trans, to V. E. corps. Murdock, Charles H., corp., enl. Aug. 5, '61, dis. disability June 26, '63. Olney, Bradley E., 34, enl. Aug. 6, 62, dis. Aug. 30, '64. Olney, James W., 21, enl. Aug. 5, '61, re-enlisted, dis. Jan. 1, '64. Koster, John S., 21, sergt., enl. Aug. 5, '61, trans, to 36th Eegt. Inf. White, Alonzo, 19, enl. Jan. 2, '64, trans, to 36th Eegt. Inf. White, Lorenzo, 21, enl. Aug. 5, '61, dis. disability Jan. 19, '62. The Twenty-first Eegiment Infantry, M. V., saw great vicissi- tudes, and did important service. It was one of the earliest to take the field, and one of the last to leave the service. This regiment left Massachusetts August 23, 1861. It was sta- tioned at Annapolis, Md., until January 6, 1862, when it embarked for North Carolina. It was engaged at Eoanoke Island February 8, '62; at Newbern, March 14, '62; at Camden, April 19, '62; at second Bull Eun, Va., August 30, '62; at Chantilly, September 1, '62; at South Mountain, Md., September 14, '62; at Antietam, Sep- tember 17, '62; at Fredericksburg, Va., December 13, '62. Leaving the Army of the Potomac March 26, '63, it was attached to the Western Division, and in Tennessee it was engaged in the battles of Blue Springs, October 10, '63; at Campbell's Station, November 16, '63; and was in the seige of Knoxville, November 17 to Decem- ber 7, '63. On the 29th of December, '63, all but 24 of the sur- vivors of the regiment re-enlisted — having lost in killed or mortally wounded 8 commissioned officers and 91 enlisted men, with 279 officers and men more or less severely wounded, and 47 prisoners and missing. January 8, 1864. The re-enlisted regiment started for home on a furlough. They again left for Annapolis the middle of April, where they joined the Ninth Army Corps. The regiment partici- pated in the battles of the Wilderness, Va., May 6, '64; at Spott- sylvania. May 10, 12 and 18; at Shady Grove road. May 31 and June 1; at Cold Harbor, June 2; at Petersburg, June 16, 17, 23 to July 28, 30, and August 19; after which the remnant was joined to the Thirty-sixth Massachusetts Infantry. The losses between May WAR OF THE REBELLION, 1861-1865. 315 6 and August 19 were, in killed and mortally wounded, 32; wounded, 128; prisoners, 31. Three years^ men in Twenty-second Regt. Inf., M. V. Berry, Barney, 22, enl. June 14, '64, unassigned. Murphy, James, enl. June 14, '64, unassigned. Three years' men in Twenty -fourtli Regt. Inf., M. V. COMPANY A. Clark, Edward, 23, enl. Sept. 9, '61, dis. Sept. 9, '64. Fuller, Francis D., 24, enl. Sept. 9, '61, dis. disability Sept. 11,'62. Doland, Leroy, 21, enl. Oct. 2, '61, killed June 5, '62, Trantor's Creek, N. C. Foley, John W., 23, enl. Sept. 10, '61, dis. Sept. 10, '64. Murdock, Frank M., 24, enl. Oct. 6, '61, dis. Oct. 2, '64. Walker, H. M., 21, enl. Oct. 6, '61, died Dec. 12, '61. COMPANY K. Bullock, William H., 19, enl. Oct. 23, '61, died May 10, '64, at Andersonville. McElwain, George, enl. Oct., '61, dis. Oct., '64. McElwain, Henry, enl. Oct., '61, dis. Oct., '64. The Twenty-fourth Regiment left Massachusetts December 9, 1861, and was in camp at Annapolis, Md., till January 6, '62, when it embarked as part of the Burnside expedition. It was engaged at Roanoke Island, Newbern, Kinston and Groldsboro in '62, and at Fort Wagner and other battles before Charleston, S. C, during '63. It was ordered to St. Augustine, Fla., early in October, '63, where it remained in garrison at Fort Marion. In January and February, 1864, 412 of the men re-enlisted for 3 years as " veteran volunteers," and February 13 left St. Augustine on a furlough of 30 days at home. They returned at the end of their furlough, and May 1 were with the rest of the regiment at Gloucester Point, Va. They were at Bermuda Hundred May 6; were at Drury's Bluff May 13 and 16, where our troops were re- pulsed, and returned to Bermuda Hundred. In June the regiment was at Deep Bottom on the James river. While here it was in several severe engagements. In August it took position in front of Petersburg, and took part in the various demonstrations against Richmond. Losses in Action. — Commissioned officers — Killed or died of wounds, 6; wounded 8; prisoners of war, 1. Enlisted men — Killed or died of wounds, 54; wounded, 166; prisoners of war, 30; missing in action, 4; died of disease, 19. 316 HISTORY OF PALMER. Three years' men in Tioenty-fifth Rcgt. Inf., M. V. COMPANY B. Hanifin, John, 22, enl. May 6, 'G2, (lis. July 13, '65. Three years' men in Ttuenty-sixth Regt. Inf., M. V. Ray, James, 23, enl. June 8, '64, nnassigned. Wilson, Thomas, 23, enl. June 15, '64, unassigned. Three years' men in Twenty -seventh Regt. Inf., M. V. Clark, George W., 22, musician, enl. Sept. 20, '61, dis. by order of War Dept. Aug. 30, '62. Fuller, George E., 22, hosp. steward, enl. Sept. 20, '61. COMPANY I. Childs, Abraham, 28, sergt., enl. Sept. 20, '61, prom. 2d lieut. Sept. 24, '63, re-enl. Dec. 23, '63, dis. May 15, '65. Allen, William, 37, enl. Sept 21, '61, re-enl. Dec. 23, '63. Anderson, C, enl. Sept. 21, '61, dis. for disability Mar. 31, '63. Ashworth, Samuel, 20, enl. Dec. 14, '63, dis. July 19, '65. Brown, Lucius, 28, enl. Dec. 16, '63, d. Dec. 4, '64, Anderson- ville. Brown, Seth, 21, enl. Dec. 14, '63, dis. June 26, '65. Childs, Calvin, •I'il, enl. Sept. 20, '61, dis. for disability Sept. 11, '63. Clark, Stephen, 31, enl. Dec. 14, '63, d. Aug. 22, '64, Anderson- ville. Clark, Austin, 44, enl. Aug. 7, '62, unassigned. Flaherty, John J, 21, enl. Sept. 20, '61, re-enl. Dec. 23, '63. Lowell, Calvin, 23, enl. Sept. 20, '61. McKinney, Michael, 18, enl. Sept. 20, '61, dis. for disability Oct. 1, '62. McGuire, William, 44, enl. Dec. 14, '63, not accepted. Merritt, Elam, 38, enl. Dec. 19, '63, k. June 3, '64, Cold Har- bor, Va. O'Connor, John, 26, enl. Sept. 20, '61, dis. Sept. 27, '64. Webber, Luther P., 21, enl. Sept. 20, '61, dis. for disability Mar. 26, '63. Snow, George, died in Andersonville prison. The Twenty-seventh Regiment was raised in the four western counties of the State, left camp Nov. 2, 1861, for Annapolis, Md., where it remained till Jan. 6, '62, when it sailed for North Caro- lina as part of the Burnside expedition. It was in the engagement at Roanoke Island and Newbern in '62 and at the seige of Wash- ington and Gum Swamp in '63. In the fall of '63 it was at New- WAR OF THE REBELLION", 1861-1865. 317 port News and doing provost guard duty at Norfolk and Ports- mouth, Va. In the spring of '64 the regiment took part in an ex- pedition to Magnolia Springs and to other points. May 5 it was at Bermuda Hundred, May 6 had a severe engagement at Mary Dunn's farm, May 9 advanced towards Petersburg and had another severe engagement. In the battle of Drury's Bluff the regiment lost heavily in killed and prisoners. Joined the Army of the Potomac June 1, in the battle at Cold Harbor June 3-12, at Point of Kocks on the Aj)pomattox June 14, at the terrible battle in front of Petersburg June 18, and remained in the trenches there until Aug. 24, when it was ordered to North Carolina. Casualties : Officers killed, 6 ; enlisted men killed, 55. Died of wounds — Officers, 2; enlisted men, 47. Wounded — Officers, 8; enlisted men, 226. Prisoners — Officers, 7 ; enlisted men, 253. Deserters, 51. Died of disease — Officers, 3 ; enlisted men, 128. Three years' men in Twenty -ninth Regt. Inf., M. V. Gill, Joseph, enl. June 13, '64, dis. July 29, '65. Three years' men in Thirty-first Regt. Inf., M. V. COMPANY A. stetson, Charles, 21, enl. Nov. 20, '61, re-enl. Feb. 15, '64. Sullivan, Thomas, 24, enl. Jan. 4, '62, re-enl. Feb. 16, '64. COMPAISTT C. Davis, Wm. B., 18, enl. Nov. 20, '61, re-enl. Feb. 11, '64, dis. Sept. 9, '65. COMPAN^Y G. O'Connor, Timothy, 19, enl. Jan. 9, '62. Shea, Jeremiah, 21, enl. Dec. 8, '61, dis. Jan. 8, '65. Three years' men in Thirty-fourth Regt. Inf., M. V. COMPANY I. Darling, Willard, 18, corp., enl. July 13, '62, dis. June 16, '65. Darling, George W., 19, enl. July 13, '62, dis. June 16, '65. Ferry, Samuel L., 18, enl. July 13, '62, dis. June 16, '65. Gordon, Frank W., 19, enl. July 31, '62, dis. for disability May 9, '63. Kendall, Lester, enl. July 31, '62, dis. June, '65. Quint, Charles, enl. July 31, '62, dis. June, '%h. Three years' men in Thirty-sixth Regt. Inf., M. V. Robert M. Cross, 1st lieut., 21, enl. Aug. 22, '62, dis. July 26, '64. 318 HISTORY OF PALMER. COMPANY E. Thompson, Azel, sergt., 26, en], July 19, '62, dis. for disability Oct. 24, '63. Blanchard, Thomas, corp., 20, enl. July 19, '63, prom. Mar. 14, '63. Pepper, George E., corp., 27, enl. July 19, '62, dis. June 8, '65. Whitcomb, Leonard, corp., 21, enl. July 19, '62, dis. 1862 for disability. Witherell, James A., corp., 21, enl. July 19, '62, d. July 20, '63, Brownsville, Miss. Ballon, George W., 35, enl. July 19, '62. Barton, John M., 21, enl. July 19, '62, dis. Juno 8, '65. Benjamin, Cyrus M., 21, enl. July 19, '62, dis. for disability Mar. 20, '63. Colegrove, George, 18, enl. July 19, '62, dis. June 8, '65. Cooper, Dearborn T,, 30, enl. July 19, '62. Fowler, George, 18, enl. July 19, '62, dis. June 18, '65. Galivan, Henry, 18, enl. July 19, '62, dis. June 16, '65. Hadley, T. Daniels, 30, enl. July 19, '65, dis, June 16, '65. IloUoway, William, 40, enl. July 19, '65, dis. for disability Dec. 14, '63. Jackson, Charles, enl. July 19, '62, d. June 15, '63, Louisville, Ky. Jackson, Eeubeu, 21, enl. July 19, '62, d. Nov. 20, "64, Salis- bury, N. C. McDowell, Lyman, 19, enl. July 19, '62, d. Feb. 1, '65, Salis- bury, N. C. McManus, John, 22, enl. Jan. 4, '64, pris. of war Oct. 2, '64, d. Apr. 1, '65, Annapolis, Md. Merrick, Lucius L., sergt., 33, enl. July 19, '62, died of wounds received on flag of truce, Oct. 10, '64. The " History of the Thirty-sixth Eegiment," says : " September 30, 1864. Sergt. L. L. Merrick, who re-joined the regiment the night before, was mortally wounded, and died ten days later. He was known throughout the regiment, and respected by all for his manly Christian character. A graduate of A. C. and at the time of his enlistment was preparing for the ministry. He had been twice wounded, at Knoxville and in the Wilderness, and was about to receive a commission in a regiment of colored troops." Osborne, John W., 21, enl. July 19, '62, dis. June 19, '65. Shaw, George D., 18, enl. July 19, '62, dis. for disability Jan. 30, 1865. Strikland, L. C, muse, 18, enl. July 19, '62, dis. Jan. 8, '65. ^VAE OF THE REBELLION, 1861-1865. 319 Sutcliff, Isaac, 38, enl. July 19, '62, died Oct. 19, '63, Cin- cinnati. Thompson, William, enl. July 19, '62, died 1863, Baltimore. COMPANY H. Collis, Marcus M., 1st sergt., transf. from 21st infantry, jDrom. 2d lieut., Nov. 13, '64. Evans, G-eorge, transf. from 10th infantry and re-enlisted, Olney, James W., corp., 29, enl. Jan. 2, '64, transf. to 56th Inf. White, Alonzo, 21, enl. Jan. 2, '64, transf. to 56th Inf. The Thirty-sixth was a Worcester county regiment, which left the state September 2, 1862, joined the Army of the Potomac ; was at Lovettsville, Va., October 29 ; at Falmouth, November 19 ; one week later at Carter's Koad, where the rations were two ears of corn per man per day, the supply train having been cut off. December 12, crossed into Fredericksburg ; re-crossed the 15th, and remained at Falmouth till February 10, when it left for Newport News, where it remained six weeks. Went by boat to Baltimore, by rail to Park- ersburg, by boat to Cincinnati, by rail to Lexington, Ky., reaching that place March 29. Marched to Middleburg, where it staid till May 23 ; reached Columbia May 26. The night of the 27th marched towards the Cumberland in pursuit of Morgan's Guerillas, captured 25 prisoners, and returned to Columbia. June 4, the regiment was at Lebanon, Ky,, 7th, took cars for Louisville ; crossed the Ohio, and by rail to Cairo, where it embarked for Vicksburg, on steamer " Meteor." Vicksburg fell July 4 ; marched in pursuit of Johnston, 60 miles in a burning sun, in all and return 140 miles. "Without rations many of the men drojjped dead in the ranks, and nearly all fell out exhausted." Ordered back to Cairo, where the regiment arrived August 12 ; thence to Cincinnati, and crossed over into Covington, Ky., and went into barracks. In this Miss- issippi compaign the regiment lost 50 men by death, and twice that number by discharge from disability. The regiment next had head-quarters at Knoxville, E. Tenn., operating in various directions ; during 1864, it took part in the campaign in Tennessee, in the advance upon Eichmond, Ya., in the defense of Washington, in the Shenandoah valley, and then again be- fore Petersburg, where it was stationed the last of December, 1864. Casualities : 4 commissioned officers killed, and 6 wounded ; 51 enlisted men killed, and 200 wounded ; and a large number died of fatigue and disease. Three years' men in TMrty-eiglith Regt. Inf., M. V. Conrad, W., 23, enl. June 6, '64, unassigned. 320 HISTORY OF PALMER. Three years^ 7nen m Fifty-fourth Regt. Inf., M. V. Wallace, Samuel, Jim., 33, enl. July 36, 64, transf. Aug. 39, '65, to 5otli Inf. Fifty-fifth Rerjt. Inf., M. V. Lucius L. Merrick received a commission as 2d lieut. in this reg- iment October 31, 1863, but declined to accept, and was killed as before stated. Three years' men in Fifty-seventh Regt. Inf., M. V. COMPAN"Y E. Fuller, Frank D., corp., 26, enl. Feb. 18, '64, dis. July 30, '65. Brown, Seva, 33, enl. Jan. 25, '64, killed May 6, '64, wilderness. Blair, Frank, 44, enl. Jan. 35, '64, dis. Feb. 27, '65. Clark, Horace, Jun., 35, enl. Jan. 23, '64, died Apr. 29, '64. Dorman, Anson A. 34, enl. Jan. 33, '64, dis. July 30, '65. Duncan, Walter H., 30, enl. Jan. 23, '64, dis. Aug. 9, '64, order of War Dept. Foster, James B., enl. Jan. 33, '64. Gokey, Benjamin, 18, enl. Jan. 25, '64, dis. July 30, '65. Hughes, Thomas, 35, enl. Jan. 25, 64, dis. July 30, '65. Hammond, George M., 33, enl. Feb. 18, '64, killed May 6, '64, Wilderness. Jackson, James, 18, enl. Jan. 35, '64, dis. July 30, '65. Jones, Eben, 44, enl. Jan. 35, '64, dis. for disability. McClellan, Alexander, 30, enl. Jan. 25, '64; dis. July 30, '65. McGowan, Michael, enl. May 18, '64, dis. June 15, '65. Murdock, Charles H., 30, enl. Jan. 35, '64, dis. July 30, '65. Pasco, Cephas B., 27, enl. Jan. 25, '64, dis. July 30, 65. Pasco, George W., 19, enl. Jan. 25, '64, dis. sick. Paine, Horace H., enl. Jan. 35, '64, dis. July 30, '65. Thompson, Asa, 34, enl. Jan. 35, '64, dis. July 30, '65. Thompson, James, enl. Jan. 35, '64, dis. July 30, '65. Wallace, Samuel, enl. Jan. 25, '64, dis. July 30, 65. Wellman, Frank, enl. Jan. 35, '64, dis. July 30, '65. White, Lorenzo, 23, enl. Jan. 25, '64, killed May 6, '64, Wilderness. The Fifty-seventh was mainly a Worcester county regiment. It left the state April 18, '64, for Annapolis, Md. ; was ordered to proceed to Washington, D. C, thence across the Long Bridge into Virginia, to the Rapidan, via Fairfax Court House, via Manassas Junction, and reached Rappahannock Station May 3. May 4 it moved in the direction of the Rapidan via Brandy Station, crossing at Germania Ford May 5. May 6 the regiment entered the action of the Wilderness, and received its first baptism of blood. At 10 WAR OF THE REBELLION, 1861-1865. 321 o'clock A. M. it had 24 officers and 521 enlisted men ; the battle lasted about one hour, and in this brief time it lost in killed, wounded and missing, 251. In the first battle of Spottsylvania, May 12, the total loss was 72; in the second Spottsylvania, May 18, the loss was 17; at North Anna River, May 24, the loss was 37; at Coal Harbor, June 3, the loss was 9; before Petersburg, June 17, 44 were killed, wounded and missing. ''^In the trenches," June 17, July 30 and Aug. 9, the total loss sustained was 85; at Weldon Railroad, Aug. 19, the loss was 16; in the three actions at Poplar Grove Church, Sept. 30, Oct. 8 and 28, the loss was 23 : making a total loss in less than six months of 554 officers and men. Three years' men in Fifty -eighth Regt. Inf., M. V. Burlingame, George D., 24, enl. Mar. 26, '64, died Aug. 23, '64. Three years' men in Fifty-ninth Regt. Inf., M. V. Williams, John, 22, enl. June 9, '64, unassigned. Veteran Reserve CorjJS. Burpee, James E., 30, enl. Aug. 14, '64. Curran, Timothy, 38, enl. Sept. 2, '64. Gould, Henry K., 31, enl. July 13, '64. Ivers, William, 33, enl. June 13, '64. Jackson, Henry, 34, enl. Aug. 15. '64. Kelly, William, 41, enl. Aug. 20, '64. Masterson, William, 43, enl. June 11, '64. McCarthy, Timothy, 44, enl. Aug. 16, '64. Ronan, Michael, 37, enl. Aug. 17, '64. Shea, Michael, 17, enl. June 15, '64. Stewlosh, John T., 38, enl. Aug. 14, '64. Wood, John E., 44, enl. June 10, '64. Hawley, Joseph S., 25, enl. Nov. 20, '64 in the Engineer Corps, United States Army. Kennedy, Roger, 30, enl. Aug. 24, '64 in the First Division of Columbia Infantry. Stone, C. P., earlier and later a resident of Palmer, then living in Brattleboro, Yt., enlisted in '61 in the First Vt. Cavalry, and was in the service three years and eleven months — nine mouths a prisoner at Libby and elsewhere : was promoted from the ranks to 2d lieut. July 16, '62 : then to 1st lieut. : and May 10, '64, re- ceived commission as captain. For meritorious service he was promoted to major by brevet. 322 HISTORY OF PALMER. Palmer Men in the United States Navy. Clark, Roland, date of enlistment not found. Davis, E. L., enl. 1864, captain's clerk on Steamer Miami. Fleming, Michael, enl. Aug. 8, '64, for three years on Steamer Britania, Capt. Hugo, commander. Foley, James F., enl. June 18, '61, on U. S. sloop of war Rich- mond, Capt. Alden commander. Graves, S. F., enlisted '64, master's mate on the Rachel Leaman ; transferred as ensign to the Alabama, under Farragut. He is now captain of a steamer hailing from San Francisco. Lyons, James, date of enlistment not found. O'Leary, James, enl. for 3 years on the U. S. gunboat Tulip, Capt. Smith commander. Waite, Horace, enl. 1863, captain's clerk on the Decatur. Perry, James, enl. 1862, served on gunboat Sabina, dis. 1863. CHAPTEE IX. Miscellany axd Statistics. LISTS OF TOWN OFFICERS — BEPRESENTATIVES — SENATORS — COUNTY COM- MISSIONERS — M. C. — LAWYERS— PHYSICIANS— SOCIAL AND OTHER ORGAN- IZATIONS — SAVINGS BANK — NATIONAL BANK — POST OFFICES— THE KIDD LETTER — CENTENNIAL CELEBRATIONS — VALUATION OF 1888— GRANTS FOR 1889. List of Officers. Elhoivs Plantation, 1733-1752. Proj)rietors of Common Lands." Steward Southgate, 1733-1741. Barnard McNitt, 1741-1750. James Breakenridge, 1751-1767. William Scott, 1767-1792. Thomas Quinton, 1792-1818. Elbows Plantation, 1733-1752. Proprietors and Grantees." Steward Southgate, 1733-1739. David Shaw, 1739. John Thomson, 1740-1741. John Applin, 1742-1646. William Scott, Jun., 1746-1750. Samuel Shaw, Jun., 1750-1752. Clerks and Treasurers of the Clerks and Treasurers of the Dist) 1752. 1753. 1754. 1755. 1756. 1757. 1758. 1759. 1760. 1761. 1762. let and Town of Palmer. Clerks and Treasurers. David Shaw, clerk ; Wm. Scott, Jun., treasurer. David Shaw, clerk ; Wm. Scott, Jun., treasurer. David Shaw, clerk ; Wm. Scott, Jun., treasurer. Barnard McXitt, clerk ; Samuel Shaw, Jun., treasurer. Barnard McNitt, clerk ; Samuel Shaw, Jun., treasurer. Samuel Shaw, Jun., treasurer. Samuel Shaw, Jun., treasurer. Samuel Shaw, Jun., treasurer. Samuel Shaw, Jun., treasurer. Samuel Shaw, Jun., treasurer. Barnard McXitt, clerk : Barnard McNitt, clerk Barnard McNitt, clerk Barnard McNitt, clerk : Barnard McNitt, clerk Thomas King, clerk ; Samuel Shaw, Jun., treasurer. 324 HISTOKY OF PALMER. 1763. 1764. 1765. 1766. 1767. 1768. 1769. 1770. 1771. 1772. 1773. 1774. 1775. 1776. 1777. 1778. 1779. 1780. 1781. 1782. 1783. 1784. 1785. 1786. 1787. 1788. 1789. 1790. 1791. 1792. 1793. 1794. 1795. 1796. 1797. 1798. 1800. 1801. 1802. 1803. 1804. 1805. 1806. Thomas King, clerk; Samuel 8haw, Jun., treasurer. Thomas King, clerk Thomas King, clerk Thomas King, clerk Thomas King, clerk Thomas King, clerk Thomas King, clerk Samuel Shaw, Jun., treasurer. Samuel Shaw, Jan., treasurer. Samuel Shaw, Jun., treasurer. Samuel Shaw, Jun., treasurer. Samuel Shaw, Jun., treasurer. Samuel Shaw, Jun., treasurer. Thomas King, clerk ; Joshua Shaw, treasurer. Eohert Hunter, Jun., clerk ; Joshua Shaw, treasurer. Eobert Hunter, Jun., clerk ; Joshua Shaw, treasurer. Robert Hunter, Jun., clerk ; Joshua Shaw, treasurer. Robert Hunter, Jun., clerk ; Joshua Shaw, treasurer. clerk clerk Robert Hunter, Jun, Robert Hunter, Jun Robert Hunter, Jun., clerk Robert Hunter, Jun., clerk Robert Hunter, Jun. Robert Hunter, Jun. clerk clerk Robert Hunter, Jun., clerk Robert Hunter, Jun. Robert Hunter, Jun. Robert Hunter, Jun. Robert Hunter, Jun. Robert Hunter, Jun. Joshua Shaw, treasurer. Joshua Shaw, treasurer. Joshua Shaw, treasurer. Joshua Shaw, treasurer. Joshua Shaw, treasurer. Joshua Shaw, treasurer. Joshua Shaw, treasurer. Joshua Shaw, treasurer. David King, treasurer. Joshua Shaw, treasurer, clerk ; Joshua Shaw, treasurer, clerk ; Joshua Shaw, treasurer. clerk clerk clerk John A. Smith, clerk John A. Smith, clerk John A. Smith, clerk William Scott, Esq., clerk; Francis Brackenridge, treasurer. Robert Hunter, clerk ; Joshua Shaw, treasurer. John A. Smith, clerk ; Joshua Shaw, treasurer. John A. Smith, clerk ; Joshua Shaw, treasurer. John A. Smith, clerk ; James Smith, treasurer. James Smith, treasurer. James Smith, treasurer. James Smith, treasurer. James Smith, treasurer. James Smith, treasurer. Joseph Smith, treasurer. Joseph Smith, treasurer. Smith, clerk ; Joseph Smith, treasurer. Smith, clerk ; Josei^h Smith, treasurer. Joseph Smith, treasurer. Joseph Smith, treasurer. Joseph Smith, treasurer. James Smith, treasurer. James Smith, treasurer. John A, John A John A John A John John John John John Smith, clerk Smith, clerk Smith, clerk Smith, clerk Smith, clerk ; Smith, clerk : Smith, clerk : Amos Hamilton, clerk Amos Hamilton, clerk MISCELLANY AND STATISTICS. 325- 1807. Amos Hamilton, clerk ; James Smith, treasurer. 1808. Amos Hamilton, clerk ; James Smith, treasurer. 1809. Amos Hamilton, clerk ; Solomon Shaw, treasurer. 1810. Amos Hamilton, clerk ; Solomon Shaw, treasurer. 1811. Amos Hamilton, clerk ; Solomon Shaw, treasurer. 1812. Amos Hamilton, clerk ; Solomon Shaw, treasurer, 1813. Amos Hamilton, clerk ; Solomon Shaw, treasurer. 1814. James Stebbins. clerk ; Solomon Shaw, treasurer. 1815. Theophilus Knight, clerk ; Amos Hamilton, treasurer. 1816. Theophilus Knight, clerk ; Clark McMaster, treasurer. 1817. Theophilus Knight, clerk ; Clark McMaster, treasurer. 1818. John Frink, clerk ; Clark McMaster, treasurer. 1819. John Frink, clerk ; Clark McMaster, treasurer. 1820. John Frink, clerk ; Clark McMaster, treasurer. 1821. John Frink, clerk ; Clark McMaster, treasurer. 1822. John Frink, clerk ; Dr. Anson Moody, treasurer. 1823. John Frink, clerk ; Dr. Aaron King, treasurer. 1824. John Frink, clerk ; Dr. Aaron King, treasurer. 1825. John Frink, clerk ; Dr. Aaron King, treasurer. 1826. John Frink, clerk ; Dr. Aaron King, treasurer. 1827. John Frink, clerk ; Dr. Aaron King, treasurer. 1828. John Frink, clerk ; Dr. Aaron King, treasurer. 1829. Theophilus H. Knight, clerk ; Dr. Aaron King, treasurer. 1830. Theophilus H. Knight, clerk ; Dr. Aaron King, treasurer. 1831. Theophilus H. Knight, clerk ; Dr. Aaron King, treasurer. 1832. Theophilus H. Knight, clerk ; Dr. Aaron King, treasurer. 1833. Theophilus H. Knight, clerk ; Dr. Aaron King, treasurer. 1834. Theophilus H. Knight, clerk ; Dr. Aaron King, treasurer. 1835. Theophilus H. Knight, clerk ; Dr. Aaron King, treasurer. 1836. Amos Hamilton, clerk ; John Ward, treasurer. 1837. Amos Hamilton, town clerk and treasurer. 1838. Amos Hamilton, town clerk and treasurer. 1839. Amos Hamilton, town clerk and treasurer. 1840. Amos Hamilton, town clerk and treasurer. 1841. Horatio G. Hale, town clerk and treasurer. 1842. Gamaliel Collins, town clerk and treasurer. 1843. John Ward, town clerk and treasurer. 1844. John Ward, town clerk and treasurer. 1845. John Ward, town clerk and treasurer. 1846. John Ward, town clerk and treasurer. 1847. John Ward, town clerk and treasurer. 1848. William J. Blanchard, town clerk and treasurer. 1849. Theophilus H. Knight, town clerk and treasurer. 326 HISTOKT OF PALMER. 1850. Theopliilus H. Knight, town clerk and treasurer. 1851. Theopliilus H. Knight, town clerk and treasurer. 1852. Theophilus H. Knight, town clerk and treasurer. 1853. Ebenezer Brown, town clerk and treasurer. 1854. Ebenezer Brown, town clerk and treasurer. 1855. Ebenezer Brown, town clerk and treasurer. 1856. Ebenezer Brown, town clerk and treasurer. 1857. James K. Child, town clerk and treasurer. 1858. William N. Packard, town clerk and treasurer. 1859. Daniel Granger, town clerk and treasurer. 1860. Daniel Granger, town clerk and treasurer. 1861. Daniel Granger, town clerk and treasurer. 1862. Daniel Granger, town clerk and treasurer. 1863. Daniel Granger, town clerk and treasurer. 1864. Joseph H. Blair, town clerk and treasurer. 1865. Lyman Diniock, town clerk and treasurer 1866. Lyman Dimock, town clerk and treasurer. 1867. Lyman Dimock, town clerk and treasurer. 1868. James B. Shaw, town clerk and treasurer. And Mr. Shaw has been annually re-elected clerk and treasurer from 1868 to the present time (1889). Selectmen. 1752. Seth Shaw, Eobert Eogers, John Thomson, Thomas Mc- Clenathan, John Applin. 1753. Seth Shaw, Thomas McClenathan, Eobert Eogers, Dunkin Quinton, James Smith, John Thomson, John Applin. 1754. Barnard McNitt, Hugh McMaster, James Breakenridge, William McClenathan, Eobert Ferrell, Jr. 1755. James Breakenridge, John Thomson, Barnard McNitt, Robert Hunter, James Smith, Seth Shaw. 1756. James Breakenridge, Dunkin Quinton, Eobert Eogers, Thomas King, Timothy McElwain, Samuel Shaw. 1757. Timothy McElwain, John Thomson, Jonathan Chapin, Seth Shaw, James Smith. 1758. John Thomson, Seth Shaw, Timothy McElwain, Jonathan Chapin, Samuel Shaw, Jun. 1759. John Thomson, Seth Shaw, Timothy McElwain, John Smith, John King. 1760. John Thomson, William Scott, Timothy McElwain, Seth Shaw, John King. 1761. John Thomson, William Scott, Seth Shaw, Timothy Mc- Elwain, John King. MISCELLANY AND STATISTICS. 337 1763. John Thomson, Seth Shaw, John King, Timothy Mc- Elwain, William McClenathan. 1763. William Scott, James Breakenriclge, Seth Shaw, John Smith, Robert Rogers. 1764. James Breakenridge, Robert Rogers, Seth Shaw, William McClenathan, John Smith. 1765. William Scott, Seth Shaw, Robert Rogers. 1766. William Scott, Robert Rogers, Seth Shaw. 1767. Seth Shaw, Robert Rogers, William Scott, William Mc- Clenathan, Samuel Shaw. 1768. Seth Shaw, Robert Rogers, William Scott, Samuel Shaw, William McClenathan. 1769. Lieut. William Scott, Deacon Seth Shaw, Robert Rogers, Sen., Samuel Shaw, William McClenathan. 1770. Lieut. William Scott, Deacon Seth Shaw, Elder Robert Rogers, Elder William McClenathan, David Spear. 1771. Lieut. William Scott, Phineas Mixter, John McMaster. 1773. Lieut. William Scott, Dea. Seth Shaw, Phineas Mixter, John McMaster, David Spear. 1773. David Spear, Lieut. William Scott, John McMaster, Rob- ert Brown, Robert Ferrell. 1774. Lieut. William Scott, David Spear, John McMaster, Rob- ert Ferrell, Robert Brown. 1775. Lieut. William Scott, Capt. David Spear, Robert Ferrell, Robert Brown, Lieut. Joshua Shaw. 1776. Capt. David Spear, Lieut. Joshua Shaw, James Smith, Thomas King, Capt. Aaron Graves. 1777. Phineas Mixter, Dea. John McMaster, Dea. John Smith, Robert Ferrell, Lieut. Ebenezer Jones. 1778. Capt. David Spear, Dea. Thomas King, Lieut. Joshua Shaw, Capt. David Spear, Aaron Graves, Samuel McClenathan. 1779. Capt. David Spear, Lieut. Joshua Shaw, Capt. Aaron Graves, Robert Hunter, Lieut. Robert McMaster. 1780. Robert Ferrell, Joshua McMaster, Dea. John Smith, John Quinton, Samuel Shaw. 1781. John McMaster, John Quinton, Samuel Shaw, John Rogers, Solomon Cummings. 1783. Capt. David Spear, Maj. Aaron Graves, Francis Bracken- ridge, John Thomson, Capt. Patrick Watson. 1783. Capt. David Spear, Maj. Aaron Graves, Francis Bracken- ridge, John Thomson, Lieut. John King. 1784. Maj. Aaron Graves, Lieut. David King, Francis Bracken- ridge, John Thomson, Capt. Patrick Watson. 328 HISTORY OF PALMER. 1785. Maj. Aaron Graves, Francis Brackenridge, John Thomson, Lieut. David King, Capt. Patrick Watson. 1786. Maj. Aaron Graves, Lieut, David King, Francis Bracken- ridge, John Thomson, Capt. Patrick Watson. 1787. Capt. David Spear, Urijah Ward, Lieut. John Hamilton, Jesse King, Lieut. Thomas McClenathan, 1788. Maj. Aaron Graves, Lieut. David King, Lieut. Thomas McClenathan, John Thomson, Capt. Patrick Watson. 1789. Maj. Aaron Graves, Lieut. David King, Lieut. Thomas McClenathan, John Thomson, Capt. David Shaw. 1790. Lieut. David King, Maj. Aaron Graves, Capt. David Shaw, Lieut. Thomas McClenathan, Lieut. James Smith. 1791. Aaron Merrick, Lieut. John Hamilton, Capt. David Shaw. 1792. Aaron Merrick, Lieut. John Hamilton, Capt. David Shaw. 1793. Aaron Merrick, Lieut. John Hamilton, Col. David Shaw, Capt. Thomas McClenathan, Lieut. John King. 1794. Maj. Aaron Graves, Lieut. David King, Capt. David Spear, Lieut. Joshua Shaw, Dea. Samuel McClenathan. 1795. Lieut. David King, Maj. Aaron Graves, Capt. David Spear, Dea. Samuel McClenathan, Dea. Joshua Shaw. 1796. Alpheus Converse, Gordon Sedgwick, Ebenezer Webber, Thomas Hill, Jesse King. 1797. Alpheus Converse, Gordon Sedgwick, Ebenezer Webber, Jesse King, Joseph Smith. 1798. Aaron Merrick, Samuel McClenathan, Timothy Brainard, Clark McMaster, Solomon Shaw. 1799. Aaron Merrick, Gordon Sedgwick, Capt. Alpheus Converse, Lieut. James Smith, Dr. Jonathan Shearer. 1800. Dr. Jonathan Shearer, Lieut. John Hamilton, Theophilus Knight, Isaac Warren, Daniel Shearer. 1801. Dea. Gordon Sedgwick, Lieut. James Smith, Timothy Brainard, Capt. Alpheus Converse, Theophilus Knight. 1803. Aaron Merrick. Capt. Thomas McClenathan, Capt. Jesse King, Lieut. ^N-'illiam Speur, Daniel Shearer. 1803. Aaron Merrick, Esq., Capt. Thomas McClenathan, Dea. Gordon Sedgwick, Capt. Jesse King, Daniel Shearer. 1804. Capt. Alpheus Converse, Capt. Jesse King, John A. Smith, Isaac Terrell, Solomon Shaw. 1805. Capt. Jesse King, Ens. Daniel Shearer, Solomon Shaw, Isaac Ferrell, Jacob Converse, Jun. 1807. Aaron Merrick, Esq., Gordon Sedgwick, Alpheus Converse,. Isaac Ferrell, Solomon Shaw. MISCELLANY AND STATISTICS. 329 1808. Capt. Jesse King, Theophilus Knight, Clark McMaster, Amos Hamilton, John King, 3d. 1809. Jesse King, Theophilus Knight, Clark McMaster, Amos Hamilton, John King, 3d. 1810. Capt. Jesse King, Theophilus Knight, Clark McMaster, Amos Hamilton, John King, 3d. 1811. Capt. Jesse King, Theophilus Knight, Clark McMaster, Amos Hamilton, John King, 3d. 1812. Capt. Jesse King, Theophilus Knight, Asa Ward, Enos Eider, Samuel Shaw. 1813. Jesse King, Theophilus Knight, Asa Ward, Enos Eider, Samuel Shaw. 1814. Alpheus Converse, Asa Ward, Enos Eider, Samuel Shaw, Isaac Ferrell. 1815. Jesse King, Asa Ward, John McMaster, Benjamin Cum- mings, Philip Lamb. 1816. Col. Amos Hamilton, Solomon Shaw, Wilson Foster, John Smith, John Shaw. 1817. Col. Amos Hamilton, Solomon Shaw, W^ilson Foster, John Smith, John Shaw. 1818. James Stebbins, Esq., Asa Ward, Eolbert Smith, Joseph Lee, Jun., Elijah Hills. 1819. James Stebbins, Asa Ward, Eobert Smith, .Joseph Lee, Jun., Elijah Hills. 1820. James Stebbins, Wilson Foster, Joseph Lee, Jun. 1821. Col. Amos Hamilton, Asa Ward, Calvin White. 1822. Col. Amos Hamilton, Clark McMaster, Daniel King. 1823. Col. Amos Hamilton, Capt. Daniel King, Capt. Jonathan Moore. 1824. Col. Amos Hamilton, Joseph Lee, Jun., Noah Stimson. 1825. James Stebbins, Esq., Asa Ward, Zadock Cooley, Eeuben Shaw, Elias Turner. 1826. John Frink, Lebbeus Chapin, Calvin Ward, Cyrus Knox, John Sedgwick. 1827. John Frink, Calvin Ward, Cyrus Knox, John Sedgwick, John B. Blanchard. 1828. Col. Amos Hamilton, Sylvester Parks, Eobert Hitchcock, Jonathan Moore, Jun., Isaac King. 1829. Capt. Sylvester Parks, Eobert Hitchcock, Col. Isaac King, Emelius Bond, Truman Smith. 1830. John Frink, Joseph Lee, Jun., Cyrus Knox. 1831. John Sedgwick, Capt. Timothy Ferrell, Truman Smith. 1832. Col. Cyrus Knox, Capt. Truman Smith, Clark McMaster. 330 HISTORY OF PALMER. 1833. Elislia Converse, Jun., Leonard Davis, Alonzo V. Blaiicharcl. 1834. Col. Cyrus Knox, Joseph Brown, 2d, Leonard Davis. 1835. Col. Cyrus Knox, Clark McMaster, John Ward. 1836. John Ward, Abel Calkins, Marble K. Ferrell, Ralph Green, William J. Blanchard. 1837. John Ward, Abel Calkins, Marble K. Ferrell, Ralph Green, William J. Blanchard. 1838. John Ward, William J. Blanchard, David 8. Paine, Pliny Cooley, Philetus W. Burnett. 1839. John Ward, Pliny Cooley, Eliphalet Hancock, Royal Buf- fington, A. V. Blanchard. 1840. Sylvester Parks, John Gamwell, Royal Buffington. 1841. John Gamwell, A. V. Blanchard, P. W. Burnett, Gilbert Barker, Merrick Cooley. 1842. A. V. Blanchard, Asa Shumway, Moses Barnes. 1843. Blanchard, Shumway, P. W. Burnett, Abner Allen, Jun., Jedediah A. Paine. 1844. Abel Calkins, Abner Allen, Jun., James Gamwell, Benja- min Davis, John D. Blanchard. 1845. James Gamwell, Marble K. Ferrell, J. D. Blanchard, Gil- bert Barker, Absalom C. Peck. 1846. Gilbert Barker, Jonathan Taylor, Keyes Foster. 1847. Keyes Foster, Isaac King, W. J. Blanchard, Rufus Brown, Sylvester Parks. 1848. Sylvester Parks, Isaac King, K. Foster, Joseph C. Burgess, Horace Hunn. 1849. A. V. Blanchard, M. K. Ferrell, Perry Hastings, Enos Calkins, Cyrus Knox. 1850. Blanchard, Knox, Ferrell, Calkins, Rozel Hastings. 1851. Knox, Blanchard, Ferrell. 1853. Blanchard, Calkins, George Moores. 1853. George Moores, John A. Squires, Enos Calkins. 1854. Gilbert Barker, G. Moores, John A. Squires. 1855. Horace llunn, Nathan Howard, David Knox. 1856. Howard, Hunn, Knox. 1857. Horace Hunn, George Moores, Solomon R. Lawrence. 1858. Messrs. Hunn, Moores and Lawrence. 1859. Messrs. Lawrence, Moores and James S. Loomis. 18G0. Messrs. Moores, Loomis and Gilbert Barker. 186L Messrs. Moores, Loomis and Abel Webber. 1862. Messrs. Loomis, Webber and Nathan Howard. 1863. Abel Webber, E. B. Gates, Parker W. AVebster. 1864. Messrs. AVebber, Gates and Webster. MISCELLANY AND STATISTICS. 331 1865. Enos Calkins, E. B. Gates, George Moores. 1866. Messrs. Calkius, Moores and J. E. Crane. 1867. Same as last year. 1868. W. W. Cross, J. E. Crane, P. W. Webster. 1869. J. S. Loomis, E. G. Murdock, P. W. Webster. 1870. Same as last year. 1871. Same as last year. 1872. Same as last year. 1873. Messrs. Murdock, Webster and T. D. Potter 1874. Ebenezer Brown, 0. B. Smith, J. 0. Hamilton. 1875. James 0. Hamilton, Enos Calkins, E. B. Gates. 1876. Messrs. Hamilton, Calkins and George Moores. 1877. J. 0. Hamilton, P. W. Webster, Joseph Kerigan. 1878. 0. B. Smith, H. P. Holden, Joseph Kerigan. 1879. Albert H. Willis, F. A. Packard, Joseph Kerigan. 1880. F. A. Packard, Joseph Kerigan, Charles E. Dewey. 1881. E. G. Murdock, Henry G. Loomis, Henry McMaster. 1882. Same as last year. 1883. H. G. Loomis, Elbridge G. Hastings, Joseph Kerigan 1884. Messrs. Loomis, Kerigan and Davis B. Bishop. 1885. Charles D. Holbrook, Charles L. Holden, Joseph Kerigan. 1886. J. Kerigan, Samuel H. Hellyar, H. E. W. Clark. 1887. H. E. ^Y. Clark, Daniel F. Holden, Joseph Kerigan. 1888. D. F. Holden, William H. Brainard, Joseph Kerigan. 1889. William H. Brainard, Michael J. Dillon, Joseph F. Hol- brook. Representatives to the General Court. 1776. "At a legal meeting of the freeholders and inhabitants of Palmer on Thursday May 23, 1776, Capt. David Spear was chosen Eepresentative to serve at the General Assembly to be held May 29. PniNEAS Mixer, Moderator." Capt. Spear was admitted a member. 1777. May 19, "At a meeting of freeholders and other inhabi- tants of Palmer held May 19, Lieut. William Scott was chosen Representative to represent this town at the Great & General Court to be held at Boston." 1778. ''Article 2d. To see if the town will choose one or more persons to represent them in the Great & General Court of the State the present year, agreeable to a precept sent to them for that purpose, signed by Elislia Porter, sheriff of this county." "At a meeting of freeholders & other inhabitants of Palmer, on Tuesday, July 20, 1778, it was voted not to send." 332 HISTOKY OF PALMEK. 1779. ''At a meeting of freeholders and inhabitants of Palmer, on Monday, May 17, voted, that Capt. David Spear serve as Repre- sentative for the town of Palmer this present year; voted, that Dea. John Smith, Dea. Thomas King, with the selectmen & com- mittee of safety be a committee to give our representative his Instructions." 1780. *'At a meeting of freeholders and other inhabitants of Palmer, qualified by law to vote, held May 24. It was put to vote whether this town should send a Representative to the Great & General Court to be held at Boston this present year, and it passed in the negative." 1781. The town voted not to send a representative. 1782. ''At a legal meeting of the freeholders and other inhabitants of Palmer, Monday, May 6, Capt. David Spear was chosen Repre- sentative for the town for the j)resent year." 1783. "At a meeting of the freeholders and other inhabitants of Palmer legally held on Wednesday, May 7, Capt. David Spear was chosen to represent the town in General Court this present year. And Doctor Benjamin Trask, Maj, Aaron Graves, Robert Hunter, John Thomson & Francis Brakenridge were appointed a committee for to give our Representative j^articular Instructions." 1784. Capt. David Spear was chosen to serve as Representative for the town of Palmer the present year. 1785. "William Scott was chosen to represent the town of Palmer in General Court this year, and Capt. David Spear, Lieut. Joshua Shaw and Maj. Aaron Graves were appointed a committee to give said Representative his Instructions." 1786. " Voted, that Capt. David Spear serve as Representative for the town of Palmer in the General Court this present year, and that he shall be under the directions of the selectmen for the time being." 1787. May 17. "Voted, that Capt. David Shaw be chosen to rep- resent the town the present year in the General Court to be holden at Boston." 1788. " Voted, that Capt. David Shaw serve as Representative for th£ town of Palmer at the General Court." 1789. " Voted, that Capt. David Shaw be the man to represent the town in the General Court this present 3'ear." 1790. " Capt. David Shaw was chosen by vote to Represent the town of Palmer in the General Court the year ensuing." 1791. " The town did elect Capt. David Shaw to represent them in the General Court by a great majority of votes." 1792. " The legal voters being called upon brought in the votes MISCELLANY AKD STATISTICS. 333 unanimously for Maj. David Shaw to Represent them in the General Court the insuing year.'' 1793. "The male inhabitants of Palmer, being 21 years old and residents in said town for one year next preceding and having a freehold estate within said town of the annual income of three pounds, or any estate of the value of sixty pounds, did meet on Thursday, May ICth, and elect Col. David Shaw to represent them in the General Court at Boston this present year." 1794. May 8. "The votes being called for, brought in, counted and sorted, Capt. Thomas McClenathan had a majority and was chosen and notified, as the law directs." 1795. May 6. " Voted and made choice of Capt. David Spear as Representative." 1796. "For Representative, Lieut. David King had 27 votes and John A. Smith had 1 vote." 1797. Lieut. James Smith was elected Representative. 1798. Isaac Warren was elected Representative, "he having 23 votes, Lieut. James Smith 9 votes & Aaron Merrick 4 votes." 1799. Aaron Merrick was chosen Representative, " he having 52 votes, Isaac Warren 16 votes, Capt. Alpheus Converse 1 vote." 1800. For Representative, Lieut. James Smith had 39 votes, Daniel Shearer 18 votes, Isaac Warren 11 votes, Alpheus Converse 1 vote. 1801. For Representative, Lieut. James Smith had 23 votes, Isaac Warren 13 votes, Capt. Alpheus Converse 9 votes. 1802. For Representative, Lieut. James Smith had 20 votes, Daniel Shearer had 11 votes. 1803. For Representative, Aaron Merrick had 15 votes, Lieut. James Smith had 10 votes. 1804. For Representative, Aaron Merrick had 25 votes, Lieut. James Smith had 11 votes. 1805. " The whole number of votes given for Representative was 27, all for Aaron Merrick, Esq." 1806. Aaron Merrick. 1816. Col. Amos Hamilton. 1807. Aaron Merrick. 1817. Col. Amos Hamilton. 1808. Aaron Merrick. 1818. James Stebbins, Esq. 1809. Capt. Jesse King. 1819. Voted not to send. 1810. Capt. Jesse King. 1820. James Stebbins, Esq. 1811. Capt. Jesse King. 1821. Clark McMaster. 1812. Capt. Jesse King. 1822. Clark McMaster. 1813. Capt. Alpheus Converse. 1823. Voted not to send. 1814. Capt. Alpheus Converse. 1824. John Frink. 1815. Capt. Jesse King. 1825. Voted not to send. 334 HISTOKY OF PALMER. 1826. Asa Ward. 1831. Joseph Lee. 1827. Voted not to send. 18:32. Joseph Lee. 1828. Capt. Daniel King. 1833. Capt. Daniel King. 1829. John Sedgwick. 1834. Robert Hitchcock. 1830. Col. Cyrus Knox. 1835. Col. Cyrus Knox. 1836. Emelius Bond and Alonzo V. Blanchard. 1837. Sylvester Parks and John Ward. 1838. Marble K. Ferrell and Abel Calkins. 1839. James Gamwell and William J. Blanchard. 1840. Franklin Morgan and Asa Shumway. 1841. Olney Goff. 1845. Alonzo V. Blanchard. 1842. John Ward. 1846. Lambert Allen. 1843. Abel Calkins. 1847. Alonzo V. Blanchard. 1844. Gilbert Barker. 1848. Calvin Torrey, Esq., who attended the regular session and resigned his seat, when Jacob B. Merrick was chosen for the extra session of that year. 1849. Jacob B. Merrick. 1858. Solomon A. Fay. 1850. John D. Blanchard. 1859. Henry Seism. 1851. Joseph Brown, 2d. 1860. John Clough. 1852. Amos C. Billings. 1861. Solomon E. Lawrence. 1853. Enos Calkins.* 1862. Stephen G. Newton. 1854. Gilbert Barker. 1863. James S. Loomis. 1855. Elijah G. Murdock. 1864. Jacob Stever. 1856. Alonzo N. Dewey. 1865. David Knox. 1857. Sylvanus G. Shaw. 1866. Ephraim B. Gates. 1867. James G. Allen. 1869. Eev. Joseph Vaill, D. D., who died, and Lyman Dimock was chosen to fill the vacancy. 1871. Ebenezer Brown, 1882. Dr. Wm. Holbrook. 1873. James B. Shaw. 1884. Oren B. Smith. 1875. Chas. L. Gardner. 1886. Stephen S. Taft. 1876. Chas. L. Gardner. 1887. Stephen S. Taft. 1878. Timothy D. Potter. 1889. Wm. W. Leach. 1880. Joseph F. Holbrook. Membees of the State Sexate. Dr. Aaron King, for the years 1849 and 1850. Calvin Torrey, Esq., for the year 1852. Gordon M. Fisk, for the years 1860 and 1861. Charles L. Gardner, for the years 1878 and 1879. * Frederick T. Wallace was chosen Delegate to the Convention for revising the State Ct stitution. miscellany and statistics. 335 County Commissioners. Col. Cyrus Knox, 3 years, 1835-1838. John Ward, 6 years, 1838-1844. James S. Loomis, 4 years, 1871-1874. Justices of Court of Sessions. Amos Hamilton, 1819-1820. James Stebbins, 1823-1828. M. C. — One of Palmer's sons has held a seat in the National Legislature. Henry King, a descendant of the original settler, was born in Palmer, July 6, 1790. He studied law for a time in the oflBce of N. H. Brainard, an eminent practitioner of Connecticut ; but went to Wilkesbarre, Pa., for the purpose of completing his legal education, and made that state his home. He entered early into politics ; was elected to both branches of the State Legislature, and subsequently was elected a member of Congress, where he took an honorable position. The statute books of his adopted state bear evidence of his legal knowledge and practical wisdom. His home was in Allentown, the shire town of Lehigh county, where he died July 13, 1861. He came to Palmer for a wife, as the record reads : Married, Nov. 15, 1831, Henry King of Allentown, Pa., and Mary L. Terrell, daughter of Capt. Timothy Ferrell of Palmer. Lawyers. William Scott., Jun., grad. H. U., 1771 ; by vote of the town he was recommended to the governor for a commission of justice of the peace, which was given him, and he was the magistrate here till his death. Daniel Shearer, a native of the town, was in practice here, 1800- 1820. James Stebbins, from Springfield, was admitted to the bar in 1813, when he settled in Palmer ; removed in his old age to his native town, where he died. He grad. at Williams College in 1807. Calvin Torrey was in practice here, 1841-1858. S. T. Spaulding, A. C, 1839, was here in 1844. B. B. AVhittemore, H. U., 1839, came to Palmer about the same time as Spaulding, and like him, remained but a short time. Samuel Fleming was here, 1847-1850. M. Barlow was here, 1852. Frederick T. Wallace came to Palmer in 1848 and remained till 1854. 336 HISTOEY OF PALMER. James G. Allen settled here in 1853, and was in practice as at- torney, and judge of the District Court till his death in 1870, Daniel Granger, 1857-18C1. J. H. Blair, 1862. Charles L. Gardner, 1867 to the present time. R. P. Harlow, 1870-1. J. W. Cochran, 1870. Stephen S. Taft, H. U., 1870. 1872 to the present time. A. R. Barker, 1879. H. C. Strong, A. C, 1875. 1879 to the present time. T. K. Kenefick, H. U., 1877. 1879 to the present time. W. W. Leach, Tufts C, 1880. 1883 to the present time. A. R. Fitch, 1888 to the present time. Physicians. In June, 1743, an article was inserted in warrant for a Planta- tion meeting ''To see if the Inhabitants will give any Incourage- ment for a Doctor to settle in the place." The record does not show Avhat action, if any, was taken. Probably Dr. John Sherman of Brimfield was called when the skill of a physician could not be dispensed with. The date after a name indicates when the name of the said per- son first appears on the town records. Jabez Lamb came to Palmer about 1764, and was in practice here for several years. Calvin Scott, 1778. Benjamin Trask, 1779. Jonathan Shearer, 1794. Nathan Cummings, 1799. Anson Moody, 1819. J. 'N. Hastings, 1820. Aaron King, 1824-1861. Marcus M.'shearer, 1826-1854. Amasa Davis, 1839. Reuben Barron, 1843-1858. J. B. Thomas, 1845. George W. Burke, 1845-1850. Andrew J. White, 1846-1850. William Holbrook, 1848 to the present time. E. E. Wilder, 1853. William Blair, 1854. N. Barnes, 1854-1859. Porter Davis, . MISCELLANY AND STATISTICS. 337 A. M. Higgins, 1856. George N. Nichols, 1857. G. F. Forbes, 1857. Samuel Shaw, 1857. F. W. Calkins, 1860. J. M. Comins, 1861. B. R. Johnson, 1862. E. B. Lyon, 1863. Isaac Manning, 1863. Silas Euggles, 1866-1889. J. K. Warren, 1870-1882. ^Y. H. Stowe, 1876 to the present time. H. A. Smith, 1878 to the present time. W. E. Holbrook, 1879. John Eand. J. B. Hyland. G. H. Wilkins, 1882 to the present time. E. Sirois, 1884 to the present time. M. H. Davis, to the present time. J. J. Flynn, 1886 to the present time. John Wilbur, 1887. A. 0. Squares, 1889. And many others whose stay was brief. Thomas Lodge, F. & A. M. — Thomas Lodge was first chartered on the 13th day of December, A. L. 5796, under seal of the Grand Lodge and the hands of Paul Revere, G. M.; Samuel Dunn, D. G. M.; Isaiah Thomas, G. S. W., and Joseph Laughton, J. W. It was located in Monson. The charter members were Samuel Guthrie, David Young, Peter Walbridge, Hezekiah Fisk, Ephraim Allen, Elisha Woodward, Amasa Stowell, John Moore, David Peck, Zebe- diah Butler, Jesse Converse, Isaiah Blood, Jun. The name of the lodge was adopted in honor of Isaiah Thomas of Worcester, then G. S. W. of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, who presented the new organization with a full and valualjle set of jewels, the same which are now in use by the lodge. In his last will Mr. Thomas made a liberal bequest to the lodge as a token of regard for it and its members. The lodge flourished for a period of about forty years, and drew together in fraternal bonds many of the most reliable men of Mon- son and Palmer, and gathered upon its records the names of mem- bers worthy of everlasting remembrance. But a time of trial and day of adversity came, which resulted in a suspension of its work. 338 HISTORY OF PALMER. At a regular communication held in Monson January the 14th, A. L, 5835, it was cotcd " that this lodge be closed." The regalia was carefully preserved, and a few brethren held occasional meetings for lectures and to "keep up heart and hope." After twenty years of "rest," though not of "refreshment," Thomas Lodge recommenced "work," as appears from the follow- ing record : "In Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, Boston, September 10th, A. L. 5856. — Ordered, That the charter of the late Thomas Lodge at Monson be and the same is hereby restored to the following petitioners (former mem- bers of said lodge), with permission to remove and hereafter hold the same in the town of Palmer, viz. — Brothers Elias Turner, Joseph L. Reynold, S. F. Newton, Jacob Thompson, J. R. Flynt, Alfred Ely, Jacob Nichols, D. B. Hannum, Otis Bradford and Joel Tucker. And the foregoing petitioners and their associates and successors are hereby invested with the rank and all the powers and privileges originally conferred by the charter of said lodge. WiNSLOW Lewis, Grand Master. Charles W. Moore, Grand Secretary. Officers elected under the first organization : Dr. Samuel Guth- rie, W. M.; Dr. David Young, S. W.; Hezekiah Fisk, J. W.; Sam- uel D. Ward, Treas. ; Dr. Ede Whitaker, Sec. Officers elected under the reorganization : Joseph L. Reynolds. W. M. ; Elias Turner, S. W. ; Jacob Thompson, J. AV.; .Jacob Nich- ols, Treas.; J. W. Crooks, Sec. Officers elected in 1888 : S. H. Ilellyar, W. M. ; Andrew Fin- ney, S. W.; Charles E. Fish, J. AV.; J. B. Shaw, Treas.; G. C. Ellis, Sec. The regular communications of the lodge are held the first Mon- day on or before the full moon in each month. Annual meeting, first Monday in December. Hampdeist Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, was instituted June 10, 1864, with sixteen charter members ; present number (1889), one hundred and twenty. Stated convocations are held monthly on the Monday following the meeting of the blue lodge. Cost of regalia, $700. Officers for 1889 : George 0. Henry, H. P.; E. G. Hastings, K.; S. H. Hellyar, Scribe; George Robinson, Treas.; C. ^^\ Cross. Sec; James B. Shaw, C. H.; Andrew Pinney, P. S.; Charles E. Fish, R. A. C; Frank N. Carpenter, M. 3d V.; Edwin C. Sexton, M. 2d V.; George A. Bills, M. 1st Y.; Rev. F. AY. Betts, Chaplain; S. AY. Shumway, Tyler. MISCELLANY AND STATISTICS. 339 Past High Priests : James B. Shaw, Andrew Pinney, George Robinson. Independent Order Odd Fellows. — Lodge No. 190 was in- stituted in Palmer Sept. 24, 1879. with eighteen charter members ; present number (1889), one hundred and thirty-five. Meetings are held on Friday evening of each week in rooms which have been fur- nished at an expense of 11,400. The funds amount to about 12,000. Past N. G., A. A. Converse, W. E. Brown, L. A. Conant, George Robinson, Rev. 0. R. Hunt, A. S. Meserve, Charles Upham, E. AV. Walls, J. H. Smith, C. E. Fuller, W. B. Ham, F. A. Rug- gles, F. H. Caryl, E. J. Osburn. Present (1889) officers : J. B. Shaw, N. G. ; R. A. McQuaid, V. G.; F. H. Conant, R. S.; George Robinson, Treas.; 0. A. Marcy, P. S.; C. L. Holden, Warden; F. E. Sedgwick, Conductor; R. J. Henry, 0. G.; J. C. Haines, I. G.; A. A. Converse, R. S. N. G.; C. E. Shumway, L. S. N. G.; D. E. Robinson, R. S. V. G.; George Magrath, L. S. V. G.; G. S. Butler, R. S. S.; C. B. Patrell, L. S. S.; A. Parsons, Chaplain; E. J. Osburn, P. G. Daughters of Rebeck ah. — Good Cheer Lodge, No. 60, was in- stituted Nov. 22, 1887, with forty charter members. It now num- bers fifty-four. Officers for 1889 : Ellen M. Holden, N. G. ; Jose- phine H. Ham, V. G. ; Mary E. Robinson, Sec; Nellie Henry, Treas. ; Susie K. Converse, Warden ; Julia H. Henry, Conductor ; W. B. Ham, 0. G.; Georgia A. Fuller, I. G. ; George Robinson, R. 8. N. G. ; Clara S. Stone, L. S. N. G. ; Elsie A. Caryl, R. S. V. G. ; Etta L. Robinson, L. S. V. G.; Sarah J. McQuaid, Chaplain; Effie M. Stone, Organist; Sarah A. Parkhurst, P. G.; Sarah J. McQuaid, E. J. Kenerson, Elsie A. Caryl, Trustees. L. L. Merrick Post, No. 107, G. A. R., was organized July 18, 1881, with 30 charter members. Its present membership is 52. Its first commander was Col. H. R. Stoughton, followed by Dr. Wm. Holbrook, D. W. Taft, Chas. Upham and Capt. H. E. W. Clark. Its present officers are : Commander, E. A. Kirk ; S. V. Commander, Geo. 0. Henry; J. V. Commander, C. P. Stone; adjutant, C. W. Cross ; Quartermaster, A. A. Converse ; Surgeon, Dr. Wm. Holbrook ; Chaplain, Capt. H. E. W. Clark ; Officer of the Day, A. J. Bixby; Officer of the Guard, S. S. Nichols ; Sergeant- Major, J. V. Clark ; Quartermaster-Sergeant, AVm. Kurtz. The Post holds semi-monthly meetings. 340 HISTORY OF PALMEK. The Woman's Relief Coeps, No. 76, auxiliary to the G. A. R., was instituted November 19, 1886, with a list of 20 members ; it now numbers 53. It holds its meetings the first and third Fridays of every month. Mrs. D. S. Davis has held its highest office since its organization. Its present officers are: President, Mrs. D. S. Davis; S. V. President, Mrs. A. J. Lawton ; J. V. President, Mrs. Clara B. Ellis ; Secretary, Mrs. Rose E. Carter ; Treasurer, Mrs. Julia H. Henry; Chaplain, Mrs. Hattie M. Kirk; Conductor, Mrs. Jennie Smith ; Guard, Mrs. Kate Shumway; Asst. Conductor, Miss Georgie Packard ; Asst. Guard, Mrs. E. J. Griswold ; Correspond- ing Secretary, Mrs. Susan W. Coleman. Order of the Iroi7 Hall. — Branch No. 681 of the Iron Hall was instituted at Palmer February 29, 1888. It meets semi- monthly and has 40 members, and is in a flourishing condition. Its officers are : Chief Justice, Chas. E. Fuller ; Vice-Justice, C. W. Cross; Accountant, H. E. Huntley; Cashier. C. E. Fish; Medical Examiner, Dr. W. H. Stowe ; Adjuster, C. K. Gamwell ; Prelate, 0. P. Allen ; Herald, L. G. Parkhurst ; Watchman, Luke Park- hurst ; Yidette, C. A. Bogne ; Trustees, 0. P. Allen, R. J. Henry, C. L. Sanders. Golden Rule Alliance. — Mizpeh Chapter, No. 23, of this organization was instituted at Palmer June 16, 1881. It is a social life insurance organization. This Chapter has 34 members. The meetings occur on the second Tuesday of each month, and are held at the houses of its members. Its officers are : Past Judge, 0. P. Allen ; Judge, J. H. Haynes ; Associate Judge, H. Lawrence ; Advocate, S. H. Brown ; Scribe, C. W. Cross ; Collector, G. F. Brown ; Treasurer, E. J. Wood ; Chaplain, S. Edgerton ; Guide, Mrs. E. J. Wood ; Warden, Mrs. S. Edgerton ; Sentry, Mrs. 0. P. Allen ; Surgeon, Dr. G. H. Wilkins. The Young Men's Christian Association at Three Rivers was organized November 4, 1876. The Three Rivers Reading Room Association was organ- ized October, 1878. QuABAUG Council, Royal Arcanum was organized 1885, with a charter of 22 members. At present it has members on its rolls. Its first regent was Geo. Robinson. Others who held the position are S. W. French, Frederick Allen, and C. E. Fish. It has MISCELLANY AND STATISTICS. 341 semi-monthly meetings. These are its officers: Kegent, F. N. Car- penter ; Vice-Eegent, C. T. Brainard ; Secretary, A. C. Page ; Orator, Geo. Robinson ; Collector, H. W. Smith ; Treasurer, H. N. Sedg- wick ; Guide, J. H. Shaw ; Chaplain, C. A. LeGro ; Warden, C. B. Sumner ; Sentry, W. B. Ham. The Ancient Order of United Workmen was instituted in the fall of 1886, with 18 charter members ; its present list numbers 38. Its meetings occur on second and fourth Tuesdays of each month, and are held at Three Rivers. H. B. Knox was the first master workman ; and those who followed him are : E. F. Smith, W. 0. Twogood. Its present ofiicers are : M. AY., F. A. ITpliam ; P. M. W., C. F. Nickerson ; F., F. E. Stillman ; 0., C. E. Dal- rymple ; Financier, P. P. Hayes ; Recorder, P. D. Frome ; G., E. P. Arnold ; Receiver, H. J. Eaton ; I., W. Russ ; O.W., Elijah Freak ; Trustee, C. L. Alexander. The Father Matthew Total Abstinence and Benovelent Society of St. Thomas Church. This Society was organized Jan- uary 8, 1888. Its membership is . As its name indicates, its object is to promote the cause of temperance and provide aid for its members in sickness. It has these officers : President, James Healey ; Vice-President, Charles Burns ; Recording Secretary, John Roach ; Financial Secretary, John McMamanany ; Treasurer, M. J. Dillon ; Spiritual Adviser, Rev. T. J. Sullivan ; Physician, J. J. Flynn. Palmer Reading Room Association was organized May 18, 1888, for the purpose of maintaining a reading room in connection with the public library, free to all who wish to avail themselves of its privileges. The funds are voluntary contributions of the mem- bers. The officers of the association are as follows : President, Dr. AY. H. Stowe ; Vice-Presidents, 0. P. Allen, M. J. Dillon ; Secre- tary, A. 0. Merritt ; Treasurer, L. E. Chandler ; Directors, Dr. AY. H. Stowe, H. P. Holden, 0. P. Allen, E. P. Ball, L. E. Chand- ler, A. C. Merritt, C. E. Fish, Rev. T. J. Sullivan, L. H. Gager, C. L. Alexander, C. E. Fuller, M. J. Dillon, M. J. Dorson, AYm. A. Brakeuridge. The society has about fifty members. Palmer Lawn Tennis Club. — Organized in May, 1888. Grounds on Knox street. The club has these officers : President, AY. F, AYade ; A^ice-President, H. L. Holden; Secretary and Treas- urer, Miss Addie L. Rogers ; Executive Committee, AA". F. AYade, E. E. Hill, AY. AY. Hall. 342 HISTORY OF PALMER. Palmer Base Ball Association was first organized in 1879. Its grounds are leased from the Agricultural Society, east of the village. Its present officers are : President, C. A. Brown ; Vice- President, H. E. Huntley; Treasurer, L. W. Caryl ; Secretary, H. E. Sanger ; Manager, D. F. Ilolden ; Directors, C. E. Fuller, G. Erskine, F. E. Carpenter, 0. Gardner, II. P. Holden, C. 0. LeGro, O. J. Stockwell, G. Griffin. The Palmer Sextette. — For many years the village of Palmer has had a well organized cornet band, but owing to frequent re- movals of some of its members it has been necessary to have it re- organized nearly every year. At the present it has a well organized corps of six pieces. Besides the leader, W. A. AVeld, the members are: F. 0. Hunger, Harry Dark, A. C. Merritt, D. G. Gradey, F. E, Sedgwick. Among the open societies, not already mentioned — all worthy of notice — are : Crescent Club, Paterson Club, AVoman's Christian Temperance Union, Wigwam Debating Society, Bondsville Division Eoyal Legion, Sons of Temperance, Temperance Society connected with Catholic church in Thorndike. The Palmer Savings Bank was chartered March 4, 1870, and organized March 26, 1870. Corporators : George T. Hill, Frank- lin Morgan, Gordon M. Fisk. Officers chosen at first: George T. Hill, president ; Franklin Morgan, Albert Norcross, Henry F. Brown, vice-presidents ; Gordon M. Fisk, Enos Calkins, John Foster, Ebenezer Brown, S. R. Lawrence, D. W. Ellis, E. F. Mor- ris, R. M. Reynolds, J. G. Langley, Ira G. Potter, A. L. Converse, trustees; James G. Allen, secretary; M. W. French, treasurer. The bank first occupied a room in Lawrence block. The successive presidents have been : H. P. Wakefield, elected January 6, 1873; William N. Flynt, elected January, 1874; Enos Calkins, elected January, 1876; II. P. Wakefield, elected January, 1877; M. W. French, elected January, 1878; James B. Shaw, •elected January, 1870; Charles L. Gardner, elected January, 1882, and still holding the office. Secretaries: J. G. Allen, elected January, 1870; W. A. Lincoln, elected January, 1878; C. L. Gardner, elected January, 1881; Stephen S. Taft, elected January, 1882, and still holding the office. Treasurers : M. W. French, elected January 6, 1871; Ebenezer Brown, elected January, 1874; Leonard Green, elected March 16, 1875; Wm. A. Lincoln, elected September, 1877; A. W. French, MISCELLANY AND STATISTICS. 343 elected September, 1881; Wm. C. Dewey, elected January, 1882; Louis E. Moore, elected February 11, 1882; James B. Shaw, elected September 5, 1885; Louis E. Moore, elected January, 1886, and still holding the office. Amount of deposits January 6, 1873, 1216,888.74. Financial statement, July 1, 1880: Loans, Real Estate, 1551,254 09 " Personal, 194,290 45 " Bank Stock, 7,486 30 " Towns, 31,456 46 Public Funds, 20,000 00 Bank Stock, 47,323 75 Railroad Bonds, 80,100 00 Real Estate, 18,100 00 Deposited in Banks on interest, 48,000 00 Cash, 5,837 07 $1,003,748 12 Deposits, $978,740 85 Guaranty Fund, 22,000 00 Undivided Profits, 3,007 27 $1,003,748 13 1889. Alce-presidents : Enos Calkins, Lyman Dimock, George Mooers. Trustees : Enos Calkins, J. B. Shaw, Lyman Dimock, George Mooers, C. L. Gardner, S. S. Taft, C. B. Fisk, J. S. Hol- den, Geo. C. Buell, H. G. Loomis, 0. P. Allen, Stillman Ellis, L. E. Moores, T. D. Potter, H. P. Holden, Hiram AYard, F. A. Packard. Board of Investment : Enos Calkins, George Mooers, C. L. Gardner, T. D. Potter, H. G. Loomis. Palmer National Bank. — Organized Nov. 18, 1875, with |;75,000 capital; began business Feb. 16, 1876. May 23, 1882, voted to increase capital 175,000, and July 30, '84, voted to increase '$50,000 more, making it $200,000. March 23, 1889, voted to re- duce capital stock to $100,000. Officers at organization : President, M. W. French; Cashier, Leonard Green; Directors, Marshall W. French, Alonzo N. Dewey, John A. Squier, James B. Shaw, Albert H. Willis, George Mooers, Horace P. Wakefield of Monson, Philip P. Potter of Wilbraham, Henry S. Lee of Springfield. List of Presidents : Marshall W. French, elected Nov, 23, 1875 ; Albert H. Willis, elected Jan. 13, 1880 ; James B. Shaw, elected Jan. 13, 1885; Louis E. Moore, elected Jan. 10, 1888. Vice-Presidents : Albert H. Willis, elected Jan. 14, 1879; Oren B. Smith, elected Jan. 13, 1880 ; Louis E. Moore, elected Jan. 8, 1884 ; James B. Shaw, elected Jan. 10, 1888. 344 HISTORY OF PALMER. Cashiers : Leonard Green, elected Dec. 13, 1875 ; William A. Lincoln, elected Aug. 27, 1877 ; Samuel W. French, elected Jan. 11, 1881; William C. Dewey, elected Feb. 1, 1882; Charles B. Fiske, elected Aug. 17, 1883. Present officers : President, L. E. Moore; Vice-President, J. B. Shaw ; Cashier, Charles B. Fiske ; Directors, James B. ;Shaw, Edward Fairbanks of Warren, Louis E, Moore, Charles B. Fiske, Joseph F. Holbrook, Charles D. Holbrook, George H. Wilkins. Post Offices. — " Posts,'' i. e., men on horseback, were employed to carry messages and documents to and from Boston and the in- terior of the State from the earliest settlement of the Connecticut valley. After the Revolution the regular post rider made his weekly trips from Worcester to Springfield, via Brookfield, Western (Warren) Old Centre, over the old Boston road. When Capt. Pease put on his stage line he carried whatever papers and letters were offered. And the regularity and certainty and safety of this way induced the United States Government, on his petition, to es- tablish the turnpike as a mail route and the Cajitain himself as the contractor. This was as early as 1805 or 6. The post office for Palmer was of course located at the Old Cen- tre, which continued to be the only office in town till 1826. The first postmaster was Col. Amos Hamilton, who held the place till old age. Succeeding him were John Ward, Theophilus Knight and Col. Elias Turner, who was in commission when the office was removed to Thorndike in 1845. The postmasters at Thorndike have been, Gamaliel Collins (1845), A. R. Murdock, G. Collins again (1865-68), Silas Ruggles a short time, Capt. H. E. W. Clark (1869-85), John A. Wright (1885). The post office at Three Rivers was established as early as 1826 or 7 and kept in a store on the corner southwesterly from the mill. P. R. Russell, the merchant, was the first postmaster. He was succeeded by James G. Hale in 1831, Nathan M, Cutter in 1834, Asa Shumway in 1839, A. F. Packard (1842-62), George W. Randall, Abel Webber, Charles H. Murdock till 1873, D. F. Holden till 1877, A. P. Tradeau, J. Twiss, A. P. Tradeau again in 1889. The post office at Palmer Village was established in 1839. The postmasters have been A. C. Billings. Chester Strong (1842), John Bowles, Abner Allen, Dr. William Holbrook (1849-53), 0. H. Bid- well, D. Granger, Col. Cyrus Knox (1861-64), Cyrus Knox (1864- 88), C. A. Brown (1888). MISCELLANY AND STATISTICS. 345 The post office at Bondsville was established in 1849. Postmas- ters : Nathan D. Wight to 1878, E. B. Murdock, 1878 to , H olden. The Kidd Letter. — "Ever since the days of Captain Kidd, The Yankees think there's money hid." As the finding of a letter signed Robert Kidd, created a great excitement in Palmer, and was commonly believed to be a genuine document, and is still thought to be genuine by well-informed men, it is given a place in these annals.* One morning in February, 1849, rather exciting word was brought into the Depot Village on the Boston and Albany railroad, that a singular and remarkable document or letter had been found by the side of " The Old Eoad," on the farm of one Samuel Shaw, by his son and his cousin, the son of a Dr. Gardiner Shaw, two young men, one about twenty, the other perhaps eighteen years old, who had been out the day before with their dog in pursuit of rabbits. Having run one under a shelving ledge of rocks, they sought to dislodge him by enlarging the aperture, so that the dog might enter, or if practicable, to draw him forth with the hand. Removing a loose stone, one of the young men thrusting in his arm, his hand came in contact with a small glass bottle, or rather, perhaps, a large vial. Drawing it forth, and seeing that it contained a roll of paper, they became very much excited and curious to learn what, if anything, was written thereon. The vial was hermetically sealed with a cork made of sheet lead, closely and tightly pressed in, with a cap of the same material over all, and wound tight around the neck by a small wire or cord, somewhat after the manner in which sea-faring per- sons prepare communications to be thrown overboard in time of distress, hoping the same may be washed upon some distant coast. Going to the house on the side, and nearest the highest part of the rocky mountain heretofore described, and not many rods from the place of their find, they uncorked the vial and attempted to with- draw the paper, but the scroll having loosened from its coil after its insertion through the small neck, filling it full, they found it impracticable to obtain the paper intact, and were necessitated to break the glass. There were two pieces of paper in the vial ; the outer one bore merely a postscript, but upon the inner one there was written what follows : * The following statement, and copy of the letter, are taken from a paper prepared by Frederick T. Wallace, Esq. 346 HISTORY OF PxVLMER. " To John Bailey, Esq., of Xew York : Sir — I fear we are in a bad situation, we are taken for pirates, and you must come to Boston as soon as yon get this ; there is no one here I can depend on — the man who brings this to you cannot read it, he knows nothing what is in it — you must come as soon as you get it, or I may not see you before I am carried to Enghind. If I do not see you I will tell you where the money is, for we have plenty of that if it Avill do any good. It is buried on Conant's Island, in Boston Harbor, on the northwest corner of the island in two. chests, containing from fifteen to twenty thousand pounds sterling, in money, jewels and diamonds. They are buried about four feet deep with a flat stone on them, and a pile of stones near by. There is no one that knows where it is but me now living, as Dick Jones and I hid it when part of our men were in Boston and the rest were asleep one night— it is about sixty rods up the side hill. I want to see you before we are carried to Old England, if possible — if not, you must get all the witnesses in my favor,- and the best of counsel to help you. I want you to see Col. Slaughter and John Nichols and James Bayard and Capt. Houson and Edward Teach, and all that can do me any good ; say nothing to them about the money or that I have wrote to you. You know my old friends in New York, and who will help me. That Moore scrape is the worst part of my case. I think my interest with Lord Bellamont, and my two commissions and some French papers I have with me, and my men running away to the pirates to Culiford, and other things are in my favor. All may be safe yet ; they think I have got money buried doAvn at Plymouth or that way somewhere, they don't think it is so near Boston ; but they shan't have my money and life too ; don't fail to come to me as soon as yon get this. I enquired the best way by land to New York, and told him to go to AVorcester and then to Quabog, an Indian town where Maj. Wil- lard fought the Indians ; there is a pond and a stream leading to Connecticut river, and down to Hartford by water to New York, and to give this to you himself. Say nothing to him about me or that you ever saw me — but come without fail, or if I am gone to England, be there as soon as possible. Secure the money and diamonds before you come, as my money will do a great good for us — it will buy a great many great people and all the poor I want in my favor. Keep dark in New York, say nothing to any but my friends — don't fail to be in Boston before I am carried to England, as I can tell you more than I can write, and better what I want. I told the man that brings this to you, if he met with any trouble or was taken by the Indians, to hide his papers in some safe' place where he can find MISCELLANY AND STATISTICS. 347 tliem if he got away. I will jsut them in the glass, for if he should get them wet or anything should happen to him they will be safe. I can't think of anything more to write now,, but will tell you all when you come. They keep me well and are kind to me here. This is from vour friend -r, -nr^ ROBEET KiDD. Boston, 1700-1. IS". B. — Come soon, without fail, and I will tell you more and all about the money. It is on Conant's Island, about three miles down the Harbor of Boston — they don't think it is so near Boston ; but you must keep dark here — say nothing to any one here about me till YOU see T> -rr >> E. KiDD." Although the bitterest cold day of the winter, and snow more than two feet deep and much drifted across the hills, the writer availed himself of an invitation and a seat in a well-robed sleigh and visited the highest mountain farm house in the town — the home of Mr. Samuel Shaw, a quiet, honest and every way respect- able citizen. We arrived at the house about noon and found some twenty or more persons already there, having come mostly from the villages in the valleys from three to five miles distant to see the re- markable curiosity. All the circumstances relating to the finding were recounted by the two young men and repeated to every new visitor. That lonely farm house never before opened its door to so many visitors. Prominent citizens, born in the town, were there for the first time. There upon the table lay the broken glass — the cork and cap of sheet lead and the two sheets of long but rather narrow, unruled cap paper, the latter coarse and of a dingy white color, and bore the stamp of the English crown, plainly to be recog- nized when held up to the light. TJie writing was what would be called old English commercial style, '• a fair round hand," like unto that of the commander of the Pinafore. No one who saw that let- ter doubted of its antiquity and genuineness, that it was found by the boys as described, and that it had lain in the silence of the cave of the mountain for 150 years. For weeks the house of Mr. Shaw was besieged by visitors, and until the family became so much em- barrassed thereby that the document was finally sealed up and de- posited in a bank for safe keeping. The spring of 1849 was the period at which the California fever was at its height, and men were leaving the country towns no less than cities by the hundreds for the Golden Gate. Among the- large number which left Palmer for that distant coast were the two 3^oung men who had found the Kidd letter. Thinking some ques- •ii4:S HISTORY OF PALMER. tion might possibly arise concerning it in their absence, or doubt be expressed touching the truth of their oft-repeated statements of the circumstances of the finding of that letter, they thought it im- portant and prudent to leave behind them a more solemn statement of the facts, and to that end applied to the writer to draw up their respective formal affidavits, rehearsing and setting forth particularly and minutely every fact and circumstance connected therewith, which was accordingly done and which they subscribed and made solemn oath to before a magistrate, and, leaving the same with their respective fathers, departed for Colifornia. About the same time, but a little later in the spring or early summer, Mr. Samuel Shaw, the father, for the first time in his life, made a trip to Boston and visited the islands in the harbor, and especially the one anciently called Conant's, but now Gov- ernor's, Island. He found, however, on inquiry and from local history, that there had been, even in recent years, much change in the shores of most of those islands, and especially the one of par- ticular interest to him from the allusions thereto in the lately found letter — that more than sixty rods of the northwest corner of the island indicated in the letter as the place where two chests of treasure had been buried had, in the long interval of 150 years, been washed away by the tide — in fact, he was told by a resident on the island that more than thirty rods had been swept away from the same cause within the then last thirty years — that the Govern- ment was then building a sea wall to protect that part of the island from further erosion by the tides. There can be no doubt of the genuineness of the Kidd letter and that it was found near the ancient highway in the town of Palmer, Mass., as before related, for the absolute honesty and sincerity of the two young men is not to be questioned. Besides, there was not a person in the town, nor within a hundred miles of it, possessed of the specific colonial historical information of a hundred and fifty years previous who could or would undertake to perpetrate a fraud and imposition by the manufacture of such a document, nor a per- son living on earth who would select such a place for its conceal- ment with any hope or expectation that at some indefinite time thereafter a rabbit and dog, supplemented by two young hunters, in a cold and cheerless winter's day, upon the side of a desolate and lonely mountain, would bring it forth to astonish and deceive an honest and intelligent community. But, though undisputed and undoubted at the time by hundreds of gentlemen who visited the place and examined and read the paper, let us notice some of its peculiarities and the internal evidences of the genuineness of the MISCELLANY AXD STATISTICS. 349 letter. First, its enclosure in glass and sealing is after the manner of a seaman ; its peculiar date, 1700-1, indicating, though the month and day were omitted, that it was at the point of the annual period when under the ''old style" it would be 1700 and under the ''new style" 1701, and the character of the handwriting. The whole tenor of the communication — specific, peculiar, solicit- ous, anxious, just such a letter as such a character would be likely to write under like circumstances, and just such as the facts of his- tory will show to have existed at the moment and prior and subse- quent thereto. Then, again, the names of persons therein alluded to, some known to history, others not; likewise the names of Indian localities and battle grounds in the description of the ancient route from Boston to New York. So far Mr. Wallace's paper. The sequel is soon told. It seems that a dispute arose between the two senior Shaws as to the custody and proprietorship of the letter in question. Samuel brought a suit at law against Gardner. Eminent legal talent was retained on botli sides. The plaintiff emiDloyed Hon. R. A. Chapman of Spring- field, and the defendant was represented by Hon. Wm. Gr. Bates of "Westfield. The case came to trial. The plaintiff took the witness stand and swore that the letter was a forgery. And so the affair ended. The Fire of 1851. — By this fire, which happened April 17, 1851, the finest jDart of Main street in Palmer Village was destroyed, and the loss was not less than $70,000. It broke out at midnight in a wooden building owned by Elisha Converse, and occupied by W. C. Hunger as a general dry goods and grocery store. A wooden building owned by Chester Strong and occupied by stores and as a family residence, and the adjacent brick building in which was the printing office of the Palmer Journal, fell in course. Then the Palmer Hotel, owned by Mr. Converse, and the Nassawano House, owned by D. & C. M. Shaw, were wiped out. Most of the mer- chants and tenants had light insurance, and their means were greatly cripjjled. The real estate owners were better protected, and at once re-built in a more substantial manner of brick. April 19, 1857, the block on the corner of Main and Furnace streets, was destroyed by fire. It was occupied by the Palmer Journal, the Blood hat works, and by tenants, and the loss was about $10,000. In March, 1867, the new iron foundry of J. V. Squire was burnt ; and the next year his foundry, built in place of the first, shared the same fate. The loss on both was near 813,000. 350 HISTORY OF PALMER. In December, 18G8, Palmer steam mill, owned by Henry Seism, and leased by E. Crosby & Co. as a grist mill and flour store, and Commercial block, were consumed by fire, with a loss of 830,000. The occupants of the block were George Gerald, Fox & Holbrook, F. Dodge & Co., Dr. Wm. Holbrook, Geo. Blanchard, J. A. Brak- enridge, A. 0. Sweet, F. J. Wassum, H. G. Cross and several families. The next large fire started in the car house of the N. L. X. R. II. Co., and consumed the house of Mrs. S. W. Smith, the residence of J. B. Shaw, Loomis Bros\ furniture store and the residence of J. S. Loomis. The losses were estimated at $26,350. The larger part of the new Union depot was destroyed by fire in 1888, which was a serious loss to the railroad companies. The burning of the cotton mill at Three Elvers in May, 1863, has already been noted. The loss was near $225,000, and the business of the village was, for the time, practically destroyed. The CeinTennial Celebrations" of 1852. — An article in the warrant for April 7, 1851, was " To see if the town will authorize some person to collect statistics and publish a pamj^hlet history of the town for the last century.*' '^ Voted, that Eev. Thomas Wilson be a committee to prepare an address on the centennial anniversary of the town in 1852."' And at the next March meeting it was voted ''that the address be given in the Town House on the 5th of July next." According to the above vote of the town, the one hundredth an- niversary of its incorporation [as a District] was observed by ajjpro- priate festivities July 5, 1852. In the Palmer Journal of July 10th was the following account : The day was a bright and beau- tiful one, and at an early hour the people began to gather at the Town House at Four Corners, so that by 10 o'clock nearly 2,000 per- sons were assembled. A procession comprising ladies and gentle- men was formed, under the direction of Dr. J. B. Thomas as chief marshall, and escorted by the Belchertown Brass Band to a fine grove a hundred rods distant, where the address was delivered. Arrived at the grove, the president of the da}', John Ward, Esq., called attention to the appointed exercises, viz. : I. Prayer by Rev. Samuel Backus of Brooklyn, X. Y., formerly pastor of the First Congregational Church in Palmer. II. National Hymn — " Let every heart rejoice and sing." HI. Reading the Declaration of Independence by F. T. Wallace, Esq. IV. Hymn — ''When stern op]iression's iron rod." MISCELLAXY AND STATISTICS. 351 V. Address b}^ Rev. Thomas Wilson — Subject, The History of the Town of Palmer. VI. Music by the Band. VII. Benediction by Eev. J. W. Mowry. The procession re-formed and marched to the Town House, where a bountiful repast had been provided by Charles D. Foster of the Thorndike Hotel. At the table, Rev. Sylvester Hine in- voked the Divine blessing ; and the company did ample justice to the palatable viands. The regular toasts were read by F. T. Wallace, Esq. 1. Tlw Day loe Celebrate. — May each returning anniversary of the birth of our national liberties find us happy in their enjoyment, and impress us with gratitude to the men of 1776 by whom they were achieved. 2. The President of the United States. — Hon. Millard Fillmore. 3. The Amei'ican Flag. — The sacred emblem of Liberty : The free sons of Columbia will never suffer it to be disgraced. " The Star Spangled Banner, O long may it wave, O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave." 4. ' The Governor of the CommomueaWi. — Hon. Geo. S. Boutwell. 5. The Manufactories of Palmer. — Though the times are hard, they are bound to "go,'' while Jacolt and Joseph grease the wheels. [Referring to Jacob B. Merrick and Joseph Brown, the then agents of the Thorndike and Palmer Manufacturing companies.] 6. Old Uncle Sam. — The great uncle of all uncles. He settles a dower of Liberty on all his nephews and nieces. 7. The Union of the States. — '^The palladium of our national independence ; the guarantee of our national prosperity; and the pledge of our national glory." 8. The Palmer Declaration of Independence, June 17, 1776. — Though of less consequence to the world than our national declar- ation, it demonstrates to us, with proud satisfaction, that while the people of Palmer were then ignorant of the deliberations of Con- gress, they, in a public meeting, pledged their lives and fortunes under the wisdom of Congress, for National Freedom. [This sentiment was received with three cheers. Historians may make note of the fact, that the citizens of Palmer made a declaration of independence seventeen days before it was declared by the Conti- nental Congress. 9. Uncle Sam''s Family — May they be content to hold their thirty- five farms, with all future additions, as tenants in common. 10. The State We Live In — Old Massachusetts — The land of our 352 HISTORY OF PALMER. Pilgrim Fathers and the spot where the first blood of the Revolu- tion was shed. She stands a monument of American prosperity and independence. 11. The Fariiiers of Palmer — Though the township was once rep- resented as a "^ very poor piece of land and the hills high and mean." yet by their industry it has been made to yield abundantly, and their fine, portly figures are evidence that they have enough and some to spare. 12. Tlie House We Dine In — Though located between four vil- lages, it belongs to none of them ; it stands " alone in its glory." Volunteer toasts were offered by F. T. Wallace, Mrs. Franklin Morgan, (len. J. A. McElwain of Warsaw, N. Y., Samuel D. Backus of Brooklyn, N. Y., Franklin Morgan, John Ward, Gordon M. Fisk, A. Y. Blanchard, J. B. Merrick, Dr. J. B. Thomas, Mrs. A. Y. Blanchard and others, and happily responded to by Rev. Thomas Wilson, Rev. Samuel Backus and A. Y. Blanchard. On request of a committee, the address of Rev. Mr. Wilson was published, at the expense of the town. It is a pamphlet of 60 pages. Mr. Wilson says in his preface, " The records of the original proprietors, together with those of the town and the first parish ; and the journals of the Colonial and State Legislatures in the archives of the Commonwealth, have been the principal sources from which the materials have been gathered." It is a valuable summary of facts, and has been of essential service to the author of this history. Many persons were then living whose memory reached back to Revolutionary times, and supplied valuable infor- mation at first hand, which can now be obtained only in this printed pamphlet. This is especially true of matters pertaining to the ministry and churches. The Celebration of Juke 17, 1886. — This was intended to more especially commemorate the anniversary of Palmer's Declara- tion of Independence. The services were held in St. Paul's Church, and were presided over by 0. P. Allen, Chairman of the Historical Committee of the town. An original hymn, written for the occasion by Rev. G. Y. Moxham of Monson, was sung by the choir and congregation. Dr. W. H. Stowe read the Palmer Decla- ration, prefacing the reading by telling how the original paper dis- appeared a few years ago, with so many other valuable documents, at the time when a quantity of old records of this descrii^tion was wantonly dumped out of the Town House as so much rubbish. By a happy accident, the Declaration was traced to Schofield, Ctah, where it was found and only recentlv recovered. MISCELLANY AND STATISTICS. 353 Mrs. Emma W. French sang the "Star Spangled Banner." The address was delivered by "\V. C. Greene and was a scholarly produc- tion, rehearsing the doings of the early settlers as to civil, religious and educational matters, and more particularly the town's action in the times of the Eevolution. Dea. William Hyde responded to the sentiment, " Ware, the Dmigliter of Palmer," criticising in a pleasant way the assumption of the toast, for, as he understood the facts, the "daughter" was older than the "mother." S. S. Taft, Esq., in a brief speech, characterized the "town meeting" as the model form of adminis- tration and safeguard of the State Government. YALUATIOI^ FOR 1888. Personal, $749,144 Resident Bank Stock, 56,900 .1806,044 Real Estate, Buildings, $1,331,110 Real Estate, Land, 453,425 1.784,535 Total, $2,590,579 Number of Polls 1,490. Poll tax $2.00. Rate per $1,000, $16.30. Number of persons assessed on property, 733 Number of persons assessed for Poll Taxes only, 1,029 Money and Stocks assessed, $7,500 Number of Horses assessed, 515 Number of Cows assessed, 649 Number of Sheep assessed, 134 Number of Neat Cattle assessed, 368 Number of Swine assessed, 106 Number of Dwelling Houses assessed, 861 Number of Acres of Land assessed, 17,698 VALUATION AND TAX, 1888. Tax on polls trict. Name and Description. Valuation, and property ,,-, 1 , excepting sin- (Palmer.) gle poU taxes. Aspinwall, George W. House $1,000, lot .25a $300, pasture 114a $200, $1,500 $26.46 Allen, O. P. Personal, 4,000 House 2,000, lot .50a 500, barn 100, 2,600 109.58 Allen, Cheney. Personal, 50 House 450, lot .13a 200, barn 50, 54a 200, 900 17.49 Allen, F. C. Personal, 95 3.55 Allen, Anthony. House 800, land .25a 200, 1,000 18.30 Alexander, Clayton L. Personal, 150 Sprout Lot 76.50a 600, 600 14.23 Aiken, Norman. Personal, 30 2.49 VALUATION AND TAX, 1888. 355 trict. Name and Description. Valuation. Tax. Atkins, George M. House 1,500, .50a 200, 11,700 $29.71 American Express Co. Personal, 100 1.03 Abells, Mrs. Nellie. House 800, .25a 150, Shop 50, 1.50a 200, 1,200 19.56 (Bondsville.) Angelier, Mary. House 850, la 200, barn 50, 1,100 17.93 Ashe, James. Personal, 160 House 250, 18a 200, barn 50, 500 12.76 (Three Rivers.) Aldrieh, Leonard. Personal, 345 House 500, 61a 1,100, barn 150, 1,750 36.15 Adams, Sarah. House 800, .50a 200, exempt 500, 500 8.15 Alonzo, Julian. Personal, 200 5.26 Arnold, Sarah J. House 800, .13a 150, barn 50, ex- empt 500, 500 8.15 (Thorndike.) Adams, A. P. Personal, 500 House and Store 1,400, .25a 300, 1,700 37.86 Butler, 0. E. House 600, .75a 100, 700 13.41 Brown, P. P. Personal, 125 4.04 Brown, Frank J. Personal, 25 2.41 Brown & Abbe. Personal, 900 14.61 Brown, S. H. Personal, 200 House 1,000, .25a 150, barn 75, 1,225 25.23 Brown, C. A. & Co. Personal, 5,000 81.50 Brown, C. A. Personal, 200 House 3,000, .2.5a 500, 3,500 62.31 Brown, Eben. Personal, 210 House 4,500, 5.75a 2,000, barn 400, .50a 1,200 Seism house 1,000, block 4,000, 13,100 218.95 Barnes, \Y. A. Personal, 500 House 900, .25a 200, 1,100 28.08 Barnes, Mrs. John P. House 800, .50a 200, exempt 500, 500 8.15 Brainard, W. H. Personal, 625 House 800, 165a 1,600, three barns 400, 30a 150, 80a 400, 3,350 66.80 Brainard, John W. House 1,000, .50a 300, House 900, 2,200 37.86 Brainard, Mrs. Wilson. House 1,800, .25a 200, 2,000 32.60 Bowen, Ezra P. House 800, .25a 125. 925 15.08 Bennett, Chas. W. House 1,800, .50a 200, 20,00 34.60 Bennett, Wm. B. Personal, 25 House 1,000, 17a 450, barn 100, 1,550 27.08 Barton, F. D. Personal, 700 Land .25a 200, 200 16.67 Brooks, E. S. Personal, 900 16.67 Blodgett, S. R. Personal, 25 2.41 356 HISTORY OF PALMER. District. Name and Description. Valuation. Tax. 1 Blodgett, Mrs. J. A. Green House 100, .50a 100, barn 50, $250 $4.07 Blodgett, Jonas. Personal, 540 House 400, three barns 300, 212a 2,500, bog- house 50, 3,250 63,77 Blanchard, A. V. & Co. Barn 150, 3a 200. 350 5.71 Blanchard, A. V. Personal, 270 House 2,000, 7a 700, Brooks house 200, la 50, three barns 150, 4a 150, 3,250 59.37 Blanchard, Franklin. House 1,500, 2.75a 300, barn 100, 1,900 32.97 Blanchard, Mrs. John. House 1,900, .25a 250, barn 300, 2,450 39.94 Blanchard, Thomas. Personal, 625 House 1,400, .38a 500, barn 200 2,100 46.42 Burns, James, estate. Personal, 220 House 100, 164a 700, barn 100, 900 18.25 Burns, Alice. House 700, .25a 125, Prindible house 400. .13a 100, Doyle house 325, .12a 100, .12a 100, 1,850 30.16 Ballantine, Wm. House 1,000, .25a 200 1,200 21.56 Bills, Geo. A. Personal, 825 15.45 Barrett, Michael. House 600, .13a 150, 750 14.23 Barrett, Joseph S. Personal, 500 Laundry building 250, .25a 150, 400 16.67 Bostock, J. T. House 1,800, .25a 200, 2,000 34.60 Burleigh, Louisa. House 1,200, .25a 200, barn 100, .50a 250, 1,750 28.53 Burleigh, Hannah. House 600, 36a 750, barn 50, house 100, exempt for daughters, $785, Burnham, J. C. Personal, House 900, .25a 150, barn 50 Breckenridge, W. A. Personal, House 1,000, 100a 1,300, house 800, 3a 300, house 500, barn 500, 10a 100, .25a 75, Braman, N. P. House 850, .50a 250, barn 50, Betts, F. W. House 900, .25a 200, Buck, E. A. & Co. Building on B. & A. land, Betts Fencing Co. Personal, Brothers, Lawrence. Personal, Boston & Albany R. R. Co. Two freight houses 4,000, part of passenger station 4,000, land south of track near station 2a 2,000, land north of track near station 2.50a 10,000, Dewey lot 3a 800, Parks lot 2.63a 400, Chapin lot .50a 10, Cooley Crossing lot 1.12a 100, 21,400 348.82 Boynton, E. B. Personal, 75 House 500, 3.75a 300, barn 100, 900 17.89 715 11.65 30 1,100 20.42 200 4,625 80.65 1,150 18.75 1,100 19.93 400 6.52 1,500 24.45 75 3.22 VALUATION AND TAX, 1888. oS' District. Name and Description. 2 Bond, L. W. Personal, House 1,000, 75a 250, house 900, house 900, 3.50a 150, barn 150, .63a 200, Bolton, Henry E. House 1,000, .50a 200, barn 100, Breen, Patrick, Personal, House 300, 13.75a 250, barn 50, Brown, Mary. House 750, .18a 150, exempt 500, Brown, George. Personal, House 800, 146a 1,500, two barns 400, 40a 300. Bixby, L. E. Personal, 3 Bentley, ^Sfarks. Personal, House 900, .50a 150, barn 100, Barker, Franklin, Personal, House 700, 115al.500, house 750, 4a 300, barn 300, Bourne, 0. S. House 500, 17a 600, barn 100, Bullock, S. J. House 300, .12a 100, Butterfield, A. M. & Co. Personal, Burlingame, Jerry. Personal, House 400, 112a 850, two barus 150, Boyle, Felix, Personal, House 300, 40a 400, barn 100, Bliss, Julia. House 800, 110a 1,100, barn 100, Baptist Society. Parsonage 600, .50a 150, barn 50, Betters, Joseph. Personal, 4 Breard, Eunice. House 750, store 400, .50a 200, barn 50, Bond. A. M. Personal, Hou.se 900, barn 100, .38a 200, store 1,000, .12a 200, Bishop, H. T. Personal, House 1,100, .50a 300, house 900, .25a 100, house 1,100, .50a 300, barn 200, 7a 200, 4,200 143.81 Barber, John. House 700, barn 75, .50a 150, shops 400, Burns, Patrick, estate. House 700, barn 100, 4a 300, Bonville, H. M. Personal, House 200, .50a 50, 17a 200, Burpee, Rebecca. House 275, 4a 100, Bacon, Hannah R. House 200, la 50, Brown, Samuel. Personal, House 600, 10a 100, house 300, .25a 50, barn 100, barn 50, 36a 600, Brown, Talma & Loman. Personal, House 200, 214a 3,600, barn 100, 10a 100, 8a 100, 71a 350, Blodgett, Sarah. Personal. House 350, 188a 1,200, barn 200, 6a 50, ValuaMon. Tax. $50 $ 3,550 60.69 1,300 21.19 50 600 12.60 400 6.52 210 3,000 54.32 125 4.04 50 1,150 19.57 710 3.550 71.44 1,200 19.56 400 6.52 3,250 52.97 175 1,400 27.68 75 800 16.26 2,000 32.60 800 13.04 240 5.91 1,400 22.82 1,800 2,400 70.46 4,500 1,325 21.60 1,100 17.93 80 450 10.64 375 6.11 250 4.07 135 1,800 33.55 3,825 4,450 134. 89 385 1,800 85.61 '358 HISTORY OF PALMER. District. Name and Description. Valuation. Tax. 4 Butler, Nancy. House 700, la 200, Ijarn 50, ex- empt 500, $450 $7.34 Blanchard, Rosa. House 600, .50a 100, barn 100, exempt 500, 300 4.89 Billings, A. M. House 1,000, barn 100, .50a 300, 1,400 24.82 Bennett, A. F. One-fourth buildings at Forest Lake 200, 10a 200, 400 8.52 Boston Duck Co. Machinery, 125,438 Factory buildings 84,500, 38 houses 37,000, 5 barns 1,100, shoe shop 50, 122,650 Land 18.38a with buildings 3,800, 20a with lower water power 2,000, 68.56a with reservoir 5,300, upper water power 7,500, lower water power 4,000, 1 Cross, C. W. House 2,400, .. Carjl Bros. Connor, MarJ^ House 1,600, Conner, Daniel. Conner, Michael. House 450, two barns 400, Calkins, Enos. House 2,100, Chilson, Wallace. .25a 300, Chalk, Thomas J. House 600, barn 50, 4a 300, Cashman, Michael. House 40 Casey, Margaret. House 400, barn 150, 168a Converse, John M. Hotel block 10,000, store and tenement 900, market and tenement, 1,700, .63a 3,000, home house 7,000, .50a 1,700, Pleasant street house 1,000, Pleasant street lane house 800, .25a 200, Park street house 1,200, .50a 200, Coaverse street house 1,100, Converse street house 800, .25a 200, Converse street house 800, .12a 100, Thorndike street house 3,000, 1.63a 1,500, River street house 1,800, .50a 200, Side Hill house 500, .12a 50, three barns 250, two barns Fenton farm 200, house Fenton farm 600, 140a 1,400, Barrett lot 11a 600, meadow lot 6a 1,000, near cemetery 21a 2,000, near MitchelFs .50a 50. Converse, Wm. W. House 1,600, barn 100, .25a 300, Converse, Hiram, estate. Personal, House 900, 175a 2,500, house 150, 10a 50, two barns 25C, Crowley, Patrick. Personal, House 500, barn 100, 30a 500, 22,600 4,412.22 50a 600, 3,000 50.90 Personal, 3,850 62.75 barn 100, .50a 400, 2,100 34.23 Personal, 50 2.82 Personal, 217 72a 600, 1,450 29.17 barn 50, .25a 500, 2,650 45.20 300 6.89 Personal, 325 0, 950 22,78 )0, barn 25, .50a 100, 525 10.56 Personal, 160 700, 1,250 22.99 Personal, 650 t4,350 735.51 2,000 34.60 680 3,850 73.84 105 1.100 21.64 VALUATIOX A]S"D TAX,, 1888. 359 District. Name and Description. Valuation. Tax. 1 Capen, C. D. House 1,400, .25a 250, $1,650 $28.90 Child, Laura E. Personal, 200 House 2,500, .63a 700, .50a 200, mortgage E. J. Wood 500, mortgage E. G. Wood estate 700, 4,600 78.24 Congregational Society, 2d. Parsonage 1,800, .50a 200, 2,000 32.60 Clanine, Michael, estate, la 100, 25a 300, 400 6.52 Conant, A. W. House 800, .50a 100, 900 16.67 Cobb, Geo. W. Personal, 700 13.41 Collis, Geo. W. Personal, 70 3.14 3 Clifford, Patrick, estate. House 750, ,50a 250, 1,000 16.30 Clifford, John. Personal, 25 House 400, barn 50, 6a 150, 600 12.19 Carr, Lewis. 2.50a 200, 200 5.26 Collis, Luther. Personal, 610 House 850, house 625, 46.25a 1,650, barn 300, 3,425 65.76 Collis, Charles. House 600, .25a 150, 750 14.23 Collis, Silas. Personal, 65 House 700, .13a 150, shop 100, 1.25a 125, barn 100, 1,175 22.21 Collis, Fred M. House 800, 800 15.04 Carmody, John. Personal, 660 House 800, house and store 800, 74a 1,800, barn 100, .13a 100, 3,600 71.48 Carmody, Jerry. Personal, 1,000 18.30 Caven, Patrick. Personal, 95 3.55 Caven, Bridget. House 300, barn 100, 11a 300, 700 11.41 Connor, Morris O. House 300, 1.25a 125, 425 6.93 Connor, John O. House 300, .25a 100, 400 8.52 3 Calkins, James W. House 600, 14a 350, barn 100, 33a 300, barn 100, 1,450 25.64 Calkins, Franklin. House 350, la 50, 400 8.52 Calkins, Jerome B. Personal, 25 House 500, 6a 200 700 13.82 Calkins, Abel B. Personal, 180 House 450, barn 150, 109a 1,000, 1,600 31.02 Coleman, Nicholas. House 500, barn 100, .37a 200, 800 15.04 Chabott, Antoine. House 800, .50a 200, 1,000 18.30 Connor, Jerry. Personal, 50 Ho'Jse 350, barn 50, 17a 500, 900 17.49 Canterbury, Mrs. E. M. Personal, 300 House and shop 400, .07a 100, exempt 500, 4.89 Camerlin, Ramin. Personal, 25 2.41 4 Clark, H. E. W. House 2,500, .75a 350, house 850, .25a 100, barn 250, store-house 100, 4,150 69.65 Clark & Hastings. Personal, 7,510 House 70Q, 110a 3,000, barns and sheds 300, .13a 360 HISTORY OF PALMER. District. Name and Description. Valuation. Tax. 200, slaughter-house 250, market and tenement at Thorndike 1,800, |.5,150 $206.35 4 Clark, James H. Personal, 275 House 400, barn 100, 95a 700 1,200 26.04 Clark, B. F. House 1,000, barn 100, .50a 200, 1,300 23.19 Cross, Augusta S. House 700, barn 100, la 200, ex- empt 500, 500 8.15 Crimmins, Daniel. Personal, 50 House 500, barn 100, 20a 350, 950 18.31 Crimmins, Timothy. Personal, 50 House 500, barn 100, 3oa 400, 1,000 19.12 Crowley, Julia. House 400, barn 75, 18.75a 350, exempt 500, 325 5.30 Cora, John. House 200, .50a 50, 250 4.07 Charon, Henry. Personal, 895 House 1,600, three barns 400, 100a 1,500, 3,500 73.64 Congregational Society, 1st. Parsonage 700, .50a 200, 900 14.67 Cunningham, Mary. House 800, .25a 100, exempt 500, 400 6.52 1 Davis, E. L. Personal, 700 13.41 Delahanty, William P. .50a 250, 250 4.07 Doyle, John. House 325, .25a 125, 450 9.34 Dewyre, Dennis. House 600, house 400, .25a 125, shop 50. 1,175 21.15 Dawson, John. House 900, .25a 125, 1,025 18.71 Dillon, Michael J. Personal, 230 House 700, barn 75, .25a 125, 2.63a 250, .25a 125, 12a 300, 1,575 81.42 Doekery, Michael. House 1,000, house 300, .25a 200, 1,500 26.45 Desmond, Daniel. House 300, barn 50, 2.50a 50, 400 8.52 Dimock, Lyman. House 2,500, barn 200, shed 100, .50a 500, 3,300 55.79 Dewey, Charles E. Personal, 1,115 House 2,200, two barns 400, Blanchard house 700, Blanchard barn 100, M. W. French house 3,500, M. W. French barn 800, M. W. French block 10,000, icehouse 150. .storehouse 150, 2.12a 1,800, farm 90a 5,000, sprout lot 25a 500, Blan- chard lot .50a 100, French lot 1.25a 5,000, Dewey, W. C. .50a 2000, Ditto, Peter, Jr. Personal, House 200, barn 100, 68a 800, Dwyer & Sullivan. Personal, Daily, John J. Personal, House 400, barn 100, 60a 500 30,400 515.69 200 5.26 430 1,100 26.96 900 14.67 142 1,000 20.62 VALUATION AND TAX, 1888. 361 District. Name and Description. Valuation. Tax. 2 Dutton, Jeremiah. Personal, $410 $ House 900, three barns 300, 85a 1,500, 2,700 53.69 Duncan, William E. Personal, 50 House 900, barn 200, 4a 400, 3.25a 200, 1,700 30.53 Dewyre, Daniel^ estate. House 600, barn 100, 54a 1,000, ■ 1,700 27.71 Dewyre, Catherine. House 300, barn 50, 7a 150, all exempt, Dunn, James, estate. Personal, 90 House 300, barn 50, 32.75a 500, exempt 500, 350 7.18 Dowd, Elizabeth D. House 650, .25a 200, exempt 500, 850 5.71 3 Dunn, Honora. Personal, 100 House 1,100, barn 150, barn 100, Dunn house 700, Callahan house 450, Shearer house 200, .13a 100, 13a 350, .12a 100, .13a 100, .60a 650, 4,000 66.83 Doyle, Daniel. Personal, 105 House 250, barn 50, 20a 300, 600 11.49 Davis, M. H. Personal, 100 House 850, barn 100, .50a 150, 1,100 21.56 Davis, Henry. House 1,900, barn 100, .13a 200, 2,200 35.86 Derby, E. L. Personal, 200 5,36 Dalrymple, George E. Personal, 1,650 28.90 Dimeaux, Eli. Personal, 75 House 700, barn 50, shop 50, 11.50a 700, 1,500 37.67 4 Dill, Henry J. House 700, shed 35, .35a 150, 875 16.76 Daily, Catherine. Personal, 35 House 550, barn 50, .38a 300, exempt 500, 300 5.30 Dimmock, John W. Personal, 335 House 600, barn 50, 68a 450, 1,100 33.59 1 Eager, F. M. Personal, 1,000 House 1,000, barn 75, 4a 300, 1,375 46.17 Ellis, George G. Personal, 5,700 94.91 Ellis, Stillman. Personal, 300 House 3,500, barn 400, new house 3,400, new barn 150, .38a 500, .50a 300, 7,350 135.06 Ely, George W. Personal, 350 House 700, barn 100, Walnut street house 1,000, Walnut street house 1,W0, .30a 135, .35a 150, .35a 150, 3,335 60.37 Edgerton, Hannah. House 1,500, .38a 200, 1,700 27.71 Edgerton & Francis. Personal, 1,880 House 600, pattern house 300, foundry 400, engine house 300, barn 100, .50a 300, 3,000 63.34 Esplain, Julius. House 500, barn 100, 1.50a 300, 800 15.04 4 Evans, Hannah. Personal, 15 House 550, barn 100, shop 50, 13a 400, 1,100 18.17 362 niSTOKY OF PALMER. House 900, barn Personal, Personal, Personal, Personal, Personal, 100, .25a Personal, District. Name and Description. 4 Elmer, Charles. Personal, Hou.se 300, 2a 40, 20a 100, 27a 150, 10a 100, Emory, B. F. House 700, barn 300, 139a 2,500, 1 Fosket & Holbrook. Fosket & Brainard. Ferrj', Samuel L. Ferry, L. E. Fox, Mrs. Martha. 200, Foster, Keyes, estate. House 1,000, barn 150, 69a 800, Foster, John. House 2,300, barn 200, .37a 400, Foster, Chas. D. Personal, Feeney, John. Personal, House 2,500, barn 200, house and store 3,000, house and restaurant 900, saloon 1,600, store- house 100, .25a 500, .75a 4,000, French, M. W. Personal, House 1,500, small hou.se 300, two barns 1,500 hen house 300, hog house 300, storehouse 100, 50a 1,000, 64a 1,400, .25a 100, French, W. P. House 1,000, barn 50, .25a 200, Finnerty, Michael. House 800, barn 100, one-third block 800, .13a 100, .10a 250, Finnerty, Mrs. Mary. House 600, house 500, .75a 300, Fish, Chas. E. House 750, .13a 150, Fuller, Chas. E. House 1,900, barn 150, 6a 700, Fuller, Timothy F. House 800, barn 75, .25a 150. Fiske, C. B- & Co. Personal, Fiske, C. B. House 2,200, barn 50, Journal block 1,000, .75a 800, .37a 1,000, Forsman, Chas. Personal, House 250, barn 100, 100a 1000, Flynn, J. J. Personal, Fisherdick, Geo. H. Personal, 2 Farrell, William. House 400, barn 25, 5a 100, Fitzgerald, Thomas. Personal, House 400, barn 50, 11a 250, Fenton, John. House 800, .25a 125, Fenton Dennis. Personal, House 500, barn 100, 11.50a 700, Fenton, Patrick. Persona), House 800, 21.50a 500, Ferris, Patrick. House 550, .25a 100, Personal, Personal, Valuation. 140 690 490 3,500 1,700 1,200 200 1,400 1,200 300 1,950 2,900 200 60 12,800 1,210 6,500 1,250 2,050 40 1,400 900 80 2,750 1,025 700 5,050 100 1,350 75 50 525 35 700 925 165 1,300 80 1,800 650 13.90 67.04 27.71 19.56 5.26 24.82 19.56 36.68 49.27 5.26 211.62 125.67 22.38 35.42 23.47 16.67 48.13 18.71 11.41 84.32 25.64 3.22 2.82 8.46 13.98 17.08 24.49 12.60 VALUATION AND TAX, 1888. 363 trict. Name and Description. Fuller, James. Personal, House 400, barn 100, 45a 800, Fuller, James and Edward.' Barn 100, 18a 450, Fletcher, Lucinda. House 650, 50a 135, exempt 500, Fletcher, Eliza. House 650, .13a 100, exempt 500, Foley, Bridget. House 1,500, barn 100, 4a 400, 1,500 exempt for self and children, Foley, Jerry D. 20a 150, Ferrill, Helen. Personal, House 500, house 800, barn 100, barn 50, 75a 900, 28a 400, Flamming, George. Ferkey, Beni. Personal, House 500, barn 50, 2a 200, Ferkey, John. Personal, House 500, barn 25, 2a 200, Flynn, Catherine. House 400, .87a 100, Foley, James F. House 700, barn 80, .50a 200, Foley, John W. House 400, house 800, barn 100, .13a 100, 70a 500, Fillmore, W. F. Personal, Fuller, C. D. Personal, House 750, two barns 200, 212a 2,400, Goodes, Edward. Personal, House 400, .63a 500, Gamwell, Chas. K. Personal, Gamwell, John H. Personal, House 2,000, barn 100, house 900, four barns 300, house 300, house 300, barn 50, .75a 600, 148a 1,800, .37a 150, Gamwell, A. A. House 800, .25a 150, Griffin, Jonathan. House 500, .25a 125, Griffin, George A. Personal, Hoiase 1,400, barn 200, .33a 250, Griffin, Catherine, Personal, House 300, barn 25, 5a 300, 20a 250, two-thirds block 1,600, .12a 350, Grady, Michael. House 600, .82a 100, Gray, Mrs. Betsey, estate. House 700, .50a 800, Gardner, Charles L. Personal, House 2,500, office 300, barn 200, .25a 500, Gallagher, Barney. House 1,200, house 700, barn 100, .50a land 400, Goddard & Farrar. Shop 2,500, 1.20a 800, Goddard, Lavinia. House 1,500, .25a 250, Graves, "W. B. Personal, House 250, 2.50a 150, Valuation. $205 1,300 550 275 250 500 150 75 2,250 175 40 750 25 725 500 1,400 90 575 3,350 800 I 3,050 166 6,500 950 625 750 1,850 50 2,825 700 1,000 180 3,500 2,400 3,300 1,750 60 400 Tax. 26.58 8.97 4.48 4.07 8.15 2.45 37.90 4.86 14.88 14.23 8.15 17.97 24.82 3.47 65. 29.71 51.72 110.66 15.48 12.19 44.39 46.87 13.41 16.30 61.99 41.12 53.79 28.53 9.50 364 HISTORY OF PALMER. District. Name and Description. Valuation. Tax. 2 Green, John 0. Personal, $125 |4.04 Girouard, Adolphus. Personal, 535 House 1,000, house and shop 400, barn 150, .25a 150, 1,700 38.43 Griffin, Michael. House 250, 1.50a 200, 450 9.34 Griffin, Thomas J. Personal, 25 House 300, barn 75, 5a 300, 675 13.41 Glaster, Matthew. Personal, 25 House 300, barn 50, 25a 500, 850 16.26 Grady, John. House 800, .05a 50, 350 7.71 3 Green, A. W. Personal, 50 House 900, barn 300, shop 100, 1.25a 300, 7a 600, 2,200 38.68 Graves, Daniel, Personal, 405 House 400, barn 200, 115a 1,7*00, 2,300 46.09 Graves, Henry. Personal, 160 House 600, barn 150, 92a 900, 1,650 31.51 Graves, Mrs. Olive. Personal, 355 House 400, barn 200, 116a 1,500, 2,100 40.02 Genoir, Adeline. House 500, .25a 75, exempt 500, 75 1.22 4 Green, Bolivar. House 800, barn 100, .13a 150 1,050 19.12 Greene, W. C. Personal, 933 17.17 Gates, E. B. and Bartlett, E. M. Personal, 510 House 1,200, barn 200, two barns 200, carriage house 50, 260a 3,100, 4,750 89.78 Gates, Josiah. Personal, 325 House 300, barn 100, 130a 1,200, 15a 150, 1,750 35.83 Gates, Herbert C. Personal, 150 4.45 Gerald, George F. House 1,000, 2a 200, 1,200 21.56 Gerald, Joseph F. Personal, 240 Barn 100, 12a 300, 400 12.43 Gerald, Isaac F. House 1,100, 10a 300, 1,400 24.82 Gerald, Henry F. House 700, barn 200, la 200, 20a 500, 1,600 28.08 Gay, John, . Personal, 25 House 600, 4a 200, 800 15.45 Gay, John, Jr. House 500, .25a 100, 600 11.78 1 Hellyar, Samuel H. Personal, 5,500 House 1,200, .50a 300, 1,500 116.10 Henehan, James. House 1,000, .25a 150, 1,150 20.75 Hitchcock, W. 0. House 2,700, .25a 300, 3,000 50.90 Hitchcock, "W. H. House 2,300, barn 100, .50a 350, 2,750 46.83 Hitchcock & Blanchard. Personal, 1,080 17.60 Hawkes, J. A. Personal, 80 House 1,400, barn 150, .25a 300, 1,850 33.46 Holbrook, Chas. D. Personal, 1,475 House 2,000, barn 200, .37a 300, .13a 800, part of Commercial Block, 4,500, 7,800 153.18 VALUATION AND TAX, 1888. 365 District. Name and Description. Valuation. Tax. 1 Holbrook, Joseph F. Personal, $1,200 $ House 2,500, house 1,700, barn 350, .34a. 600, .34a 600, coal sheds 700, 6,450 126.70 Holbrook, William. Personal, 300 House 2,500, barn 200, office 300, house 400, new house 1,700, barn 200, .50a 1,500, 14a 2,300, .20a 100, 9,200 156.85 Haynes, John H. Personal, 700 .50a 300, 300 18.30 Hatch, Freeman C. Personal, 2,425 House 1,600, barn 200, ice house 50, .25a 250, 2,100 75.76 Hills, Adeline. House 2,200, .38a 300, 2,500 40.75 Hills, Albert L. House 1,000, house 600, .25a 200, 1,800 31.34 Harvey, J.N. House 600, .13a 150, 750 14.23 Holden, John S. Personal, 375 House 4,000, barn 300, house 1,500, 1.13a 1,000, .12a 150, 6,950 121.40 Holden, J. S. & Co. Personal, 14,600 Factory 10,000, house 500, 10,500 409.13 Holden, J. S. & H. P. 11a 1,500, 1,500 24.45 Holden, Henry P. Personal, 175 House 4,300, barn 200, tenement house 1,000, .25a 600, .25a 125, 6,225 106.32 Holden, D. F. Personal, 125 House 2,500, barn 200, .75a 700, .75a 100, 28a 100, 3,600 62.72 Huntington, H. T. Personal, 65 House 1,800, barn 150, .25a 200, 2,150 38.11 Holt, Andrew L. Personal, 25 2.41 Hunt, Mrs. Susan. House 900, barn 75, .25a 125, 1,100 17.93 Hamilton, Mrs. Jane. House 900, barn 100, 3.50a 300, 1,300 21.19 Hanson, John. Personal, 125 House 400, barn 50, 60a 400, 48a 200, 1,050 21.16 Hurley, Patrick F. Personal, 170 House 200, barn 50, 113a 650, 900 19.45 Hancock, Wm. E. Personal, 25 House 350, barn 50, .50a 75, 475 10.15 Hancock, Harry O. Personal, 30 .49 Hastings, E. G. House 7,000, barn 400, .75a 800, 8,200 135.66 2 Hanifin, Jerry. Personal, 25 House 650, house 350, barn 50, .25a 200, 6a 100, 1,350 22.42 Hanifin, John F. House 800, shop 1,000, .25a 250, 2,050 35.42 Holden, Chas. L. Personal, 2,650 House 900, store 1,100, barn 100, house 500, .13a 200, .16a 75, 2,875 92.06 366 HISTOKY OF PALMEK. District. Name and Description. Valuation. Tax. 3 Haynes, Artemus L. Personal, $825 $ House 800, barn 150, barn 100, barn 50, house 700, .25a 200, 4a 250, .75a 200, 5a 250, 10a 40, 5a 25, 2,765 58.52 Hanley, Mary. Hotel 3,000, .12a 200, 3,200 52.16 Hunn, Mrs. Ruby. House 800, barn 100, la 200, 1,100 17.93 Harrington, John. House 300, barn 50, .50a 100. 450 7.34 Howard, Adelia. Three-fourths house 1,500, .20a 200, 1,700 27.71 Hartnett, Thomas. Personal, 50 House 1,200, barn 100, hennery 100, 5.50a 500, 1,900 33.79 Hubert, Isaac. Personal, 85 House 250, barn 50, 2a 50, 350 9.09 Hitchcock, Justus. 4.50a 300, 300 6.89 4 Hitchcock, Marshall. Two-thirds house 750, two- thirds barn 75, .25a 125, 950 15.48 Houston, Richard R. House 850, barn 100, 2a 350, 1,300 23.19 Haney, Daniel. Houise 400, barn 50, 5.50a 230, 700 13 41 Hendricks, Mrs. Mary. House 550, shop 100, .50a 300, .75a 50, exempt 500, 500 8. 15 Harvey, Wm. Personal, 50 House 700, two barns 200, .25a 150, 38.34a 800, 46a 700, 2,550 44.39 Hale, E. M. House 850, house 400, barn 150, .7oa 200, 1,600 28.08 Haley, Cornelius. House 650, .25a 100, 750 12.23 Hovey, Wm. (Monson). House 400, barn 100, 2a 50, 650 10.00 Hamess, Israel. Personal, 70 3 14 Hastings, R. S. Personal, 150 House 700, barn 100, 77a 700, 1,500 28. iK) Hastings, R. S., Jr. Personal, 275 House 350, two barns 200, 76a 800, 1,350 28. '9 Hamilton, James O. Personal, 1,225 House 800, two barns 200, 200a 3,000, 30a 200, 4,200 90.43 Hamilton, Horace. House 450, barn 50, .50a 50, 40a 350, 900 16. i)? Hartnett, Ellen. House 750, .25a 150, exempt 500, 400 6.:)2 Harkness, Joseph. Shop 40, 1.38a 200, 240 3.91 1 Jones, Julia A. House 600, .50a 200, exempt 500, 300 4.89 Johnson, Albert H. House 500, .25a 75, 575 11.37 Johnson, Chas. O. Personal, 103 House 200, barn 50, 41a 300, 550 12.65 Johnson, Mrs. Candice. House 900, .12a 100, ex- empt 500, 500 8.15 Johnson, Calvin W. Personal, 125 House 1,400, barn 100, barn 50, double house 1,800, .38a 400, .12a 200, la 100, 4,050 70.06 Justin, George H. House 700, .38a 200, 900 16.67 TALUATION AKD TAX, 1888. 3G7 District. Name and Description. Valuation. Tax. 3 Jones, Stephen. Personal, $75 $ House 200, barn 50, 3a 100, 10a 200, la 25, 575 12.59 Jarvis, Anatal. Personal, 150 4.45 1 King, Joseph, estate. Personal, 865 House 800, barns 200, 234a 2,300, 3,300 67.89 Klnnevan, Mrs. Michael. One-half house 150, one- half barn 25, 100a 825, exempt 500, 500 8.15 Kinnevan, John. Personal, 190 House 400, barn 100, 57a 500, 1,000 21.40 Kinnevan, Patrick. Personal, 65 House 250, barn 100, 73a 600, 950 18.54 Knox, Cyrus. House 3,000, .50a 500, 3,500 59.05 Knox, J. K. Personal, 582 House 900, barn 200, 200a 2,400, 3,500 68.53 Knox, David. Personal, 950 House 2,000, barn 200, house 800, la 900, 40a 3,000, 48a 600, .25a 200, 7,700 142.99 Keith, Chas. H. Personal, 100 House 1,200, barn 200, .63a 250. 1,650 30.53 Keith, Joseph H. Personal, 280 House 600, barn 100, 136a 1,400, 2,100 40.79 Kurtz, William. House 1,700, house 1,000, shop 75, .3Sa 500, 3,275 55.38 Kendall, Herman M. Personal, 225 House 600, barn 200, 145a 1,630, 15a 200, 2,630 48.53 Kenerson, Geo. B. House 1,200, house 1,000, house 900, house 800, shop 100, .87a 350, .63a 300, .38a 100, 4,750 79.43 2 Knowlton, A. P. Personal, 100 3.63 3 Kehner, John. Personal, 200 5.26 4 Keith, G. W. Personal, 330 House 400, .2.5a 100, 500 15.53 Keith, Fanny M. House 700, barn 100, 60a 1,200, 16a 100, 2,100 34.23 Kent, Miss Dolly. House 600, .25a 100, exempt 500, 200 3.26 Kelley, Jeremiah. Personal, 125 House 700, barn 50, .25a 100, 15a 600. 1,4.50 27.68 Keefe, Timothy. Personal, 220 House 400, barn 100, 49a 900, 1,400 28.40 King, Geo. A. Personal, 270 House 1,000, house 200, two barns 200, 18.50a 500, 40a 600, 20a 100, 20a 100, 12a 300, 3,000 55.30 Kendall, F. M. Personal, 155 House 500, barn 100, 65a 800, 1,400 27.35 Kerrigan, Joseph. Personal, 900 House 600, two barns 200, 150a 1,500, 125a 500, Valuation. Tax. $7,450 $138.11 125 4.04 ^'ibS HISTOKY OF PALMER. District. Name and Desciiptlon. house 2,000, 76a 250, house 1.100, .75a 300, house 800, 75a 200, 1 LaSalle, Oliver. .13a 125, Lawrence, S. "W. PersoDal, 75 House 2,100, barn 150, 1.50a 1,000, house 1,200, .25a 150, house 1,000, barn 100, house 2,000, 7,700 128.73 Lawrence, Mrs. Maria. House 5,000, block 5,000, barn 275, la 2,000, Walnut street house 700, Wal- nut street house 600, .38a 300, East Central street 900, East Central street house 1,000, .50a 400, West Central street house 700, West Central street house 500, .38a 300, Pleasant street house 1,000, Pleasant street barn 200, .50a 300, barn 100, house 200, 19,475 317.44 Lawrence, Hubbard. Personal, 2,000 House 1,900, house 1,100, shop 1,000, .50a 350, 4,350 105.51 Loomis, Mrs. Albert. House 900, barn 50, .25a 200, 1,150 18.75 Loomis, H. G. Personal, 1,585 House 1,100, barn 200, .75a 400, .50a 500, 2,200 63.69 Loomis, J. S. Personal, 235 House 2,500, barn 300, .75a 500, 68a 1,000, 4,300 75.92 Loomis, J. S & H. G. Personal, 1,800 29,34 LeGro & Lynde. Personal, 3,500 57.05 LeGro, Charles A. House 1,100, .10a 100, 1,200 21.56 Lynde, James P., Jr. Personal, 100 3.63 Lacey, John N. Personal, 75 House 1,800, barn 150, .25a 300, 2,250 39.90 Lyman, Geo. W. Personal, 80 House 1,600, barn 50, shop 150, .88a 200, 2,000 85.90 Lacouline, Jacob. House 1,300, .37a 150, 1,450 25.64 Leach, Survetus. Personal, 150 House 1,200, shop 350, .50a 350, 1,900 35.42 Lynch, Edward. Personal, 45 House 300, barn 100, 100a 500, 900 17.40 Leary, Cornelius. Personal, 115 House 700, barn 100, la 300, 1,100 19.81 Lamb, David P. House 400, .25a 100, 500 10.15 Lusty, Robert. House 550, la 50, 600 9.78 Lacy, John. House 400, barn 75, 11a 225, 700 13.41 Lynes, Timothy. Personal, 35 House 450, barn 75, 7a 400 925 17.65 Lehan, John. Personal, 25 House 850, .50a 150, 1,000 18.71 Lamy, Rev. Ant. A. Personal, 100 House 1,200, barn 100, .50a 150, house 000, .25a 100, old church 600, la 150, Burns lot 4a 500, Ruggles lot .50a 200, 3,600 62.31 VALUATION" AND TAX, 1888. 369 strict. Name and Description. Valuation. Tax. Lamy, Ant, A,, and French Catholic Society. Par- sonage 3,500, .25a 200, $3,700 $60.80 Lamy, Severe. Personal, 50 2.82 Lamy, Charles. Personal, 4() House 600, barn 100, 10a 700, 1,400 25.47 Lamorene, Fred. Personal, 250 House 400, barn 75, 39a 525, 1,000 22.37 Lane, Daniel. Personal, 25 2.41 Lawler, Morris. Personal, 740 House 600, barn 150, 100a 1,200, 1,950 45,85 Lawler, Catherine. House 200, barn 50, 76a 850, house 350, .37a 150, 1,100 17.93 Loftus, John. House 400, .25a 300, 700 13.41 Lawton, William, & Medcalf, W. A. Personal, 1,340 House 1,200, shop 1,200, ice house 100, Hastings house 750, Hastings barn 100, .50a 400, 2.87a 350, .50a 100, 4,200 94.30 Lynch, Kev. F. J. • Personal, 175 House 3,300, barn 300, 2.25a 400, hoixse 800, barn 50, 2a 300, 5,150 88.81 Lynch, Patrick. Personal, 60 House 1,100, barn 100, 18a 400, 1,600 29.06 Lynch, Jerry. House 800, barn 50, .75a 150, 1,000 18.30 Leary, Cornelius. Personal, 50 House 900, barn 100, .25a 100, 1,100 20.75 Leary, Dennis. House 800, barn 50, la 300, 1,150 20.75 Leary, Daniel F. House 1,000, house 600, barn 50, 2.50a 450, 2,100 36.23 Lynes, Thomas. House 900, .S8a 125, 1,025 18.71 Lamb, Reuben. Personal, 80 3.30 Lumau, John F, House 800, .63a 200, 1,000 18.30 ^miigan, W. R. Personal, 1,500 House 1,500, .25a 200, .25a 300, .82a 300, 2,300 63.94 Marcy, Oscar C. Personal, 3,000 House 1,000, .25a 200, barn and sheds 2,000, .50a 1,250, 4,450 123.44 Marcy, F, F, Personal, 3,225 House 1,500, house 1,500, lumber shed 500, shop and office 600, .50a 200, 1.50a 500, .50a 200, 5,000 136.06 Mitchell, Lysander. House 500, barn 25, 2a 250, 775 14.63 Merriam, Frank W. la 50, 50 2.82 Merriam, William. Personal, 125 4.04 McQuaid, R. A. .38a 125, 125 4.04 Merrick, Mrs. A. C. House 1,100, .25a 250, 1,850 22.01 Munger, H. W. Personal, 2,050 House 1,100, barn 100, house 600, house 800, house 300, barn 50, shop 600, paint shop 50, 370 HISTORY OF PALMER. District. Name and Description. Valuation. Tax. .25a 250, .25a 200, .13a 300, 20a 300, .07a 200, 30a 125, $4,975 $116.51 1 Moynahan, John J. Personal, 450 House 1,000, barn 100, house 750, .50a 300, .13a 250, 2,400 48.46 Monahan, Thomas. House 400, .25a 125, 525 10.56 Mack, Mrs. Mary. Personal, 25 House 600, 3a 400, 1,000 16.71 Murphy, Patrick. House 500, barn 25, .75a 150, 675 13.00 Murphy, John. House 600, barn 50, house 350, 1.50a 250, .25a 100, 1,350 24.01 Murphy, William. House 500, barn 50, .25a 200, 750 14.23 Miller, W. E. and heirs of P. H. One-half house 900, .13a 200, 1,100 17.93 Miller, W. E. House 1,050, .25a 250, 1,300 21.19 Maloney, Michael. House 750, .25a 250, exempt 500, 500 8.15 Morgan, Geo. 8a 125, 125 2.04 Morgan, Franklin, estate. 10a 100, 100a 400, 500 8.15 Mahoney, D. J. House 300, barn 100, 3a 50, 450 7.33 Moore, L.E. House 1,800, .12a 200, 2,000 34.60 2 Murdock, A. R. House 550, barn 100, 1.25a 250 900 14.67 Moriarity, John, estate. House and saloon 500, tene- ment and store 1,000, barn 50, .50a 200, .38a 150, 1,900 30.97 Moriarity, Maurice. Personal, 1,200 House 600, .50a 300, 900 36 23 Moriarity, John. House 400, .07a 100, 500 10.15 Moynahan, Bart. Personal, 120 House 350, barn 50 .25a 500, 900 18.63 McKelligot, Patrick. House 350, house 250, 5a 200, 800 13 04 McKelligot, Maurice. House 350, .13a 50, 400 8.52 McKeany, Rev. B. Personal, 200 House 1,200, house 700, barn 200, .50a 200, 2,500 46.01 Methodist Society. Parsonage 600, .25a 100, par- sonage 600, 2a 100, barn 100, 1,500 24.75 3 Mason, Wm. H. Personal, 50 .30a 100, 100 4.45 McDugal, Personal, 25 House 800, barn 100, 1.25a 200, 1,100 20.34 4 Murdock, E. G. Personal, 1,050 House 1,700, barn 150, la 300, store 1,100, 1.13a 250, house 500, .12a 75, house 750, .75a 250, barn 25, 3.50a 200, 2.50a 1.50, .50a 50, 5,500 108.77 McAuliff, Honora. House 1,100, .38a 200, 1,300 21.19 McCormick, Maurice. House and store 1,800, barn 150, small house and store 400, .50a 400, 2,750 46.83 Mooers, Geo. Personal, 3,450 House 2,200, barn 400, shed 100, 3a 500, new VALUATION AND TAX, 1888. 371 District. Name and Description. Valuation. Tax. house 600, .25a 50, new house 500, .07a 50, two houses 600, 100a 2,500, two barns 200, barn 100, Three Rivers house 1,100, la 200, barn 100, house and store 700, Thomas lot 2.50a 250, Ferrill lot 70a 900, Sedgwick lot 90a 500, "Whipple lot 66a 400, $11,950 $253.03 4 Mooers, Geo. 0. Personal, 75 House 350, barn 150, 20a 300, 800 16.26 Mayette, Frank. Personal, 100 Store and tenement 1,500, barn 100, .13a 200, 1,800 32.97 McGilp, Ellen. House 800, .45a 175, 975 15.89 Molloy, John. Personal, 125 Two houses 1,600, two barns 150, 1.5a 250, 10a 300, 5a 50, 2,350 40.35 Moynahan, Andrew. 8a 75, 75, 3.23 McKelligot, Edward. Personal, 125 Barn 150, .25a 100, 250 8.11 Mahoney, Dennis. Personal, 560 House 600, barn 300, 303a 1,765, 2,665 54.57 Miller, Adrian. Personal, 277 House 400, two barns 150, 74a 600, 1,150 25.26 McCarty, Chas. Personal, 25 House 550, barn 50, 2.50a 200, 800 15.45 McClentock, Julia. House 800, .25a 150, exempt 500, 450 7.34 1 Nelson, William. Personal, 25 House 200, barn 25, 4.25a 200, 425 9.34 Northrop, H. A. Personal, 825 House 1,600, barn 100, .25a 200, house 1,400, .25a 150, ice house 200, mill 200, 28a 500, 4,350 86.36 Northrop, A. J. Personal, 250 House 1,800, barn 200, .50a 400, Three Rivers house 800, barn 100, .63a. 200, 5a 25, 28a 500, 4,025 71.68 New London Northern R. R. Co. House 600, .25a 200, house 1,700, .25a 500, freight house 1,000, two engine houses 2,400, 6a 1,200, 1.25a 1,000, 2.50a 600, 3 Newell, R. 0. Personal, Nichols, Samuel S. 4 Naylor, Joseph. Personal, House 500, shop 25, .70a 75, barn 100, 20a 175, 26.63a 300, 1 Olmstead, Abigail. House 1,700, .25a 200, O'Neil, John. Personal, House 300, barn 100, 16a 200, 10a 200, 3a 100, O'Brien, Patrick. House 300, .75a 100, 3 Olds, Amos. Personal, Barn 100, 13.50a 375, 9,200 149.96 1,925 33.38 100 3.63 125 1,175 23.19 1,900 30.97 73 900 17.86 400 8.52 200 475 i3.oa '■i HISTORY OF PALMER. 'trict. Name and Description. Valuation. Tax. Olds, Mrs. S. M. House 1,200, barn 100, 3.25a 450, .$1,750 $28.53 Orcutt, Frank. Personal, 130 House 450, barn 100, 85a 1,000, 1,550 29.39 O'Connor, Catharine. Personal, 650 Block 3,700, .25a 300, 4,000 75.80 Olney, Dora. House 200, 140a 750, barn 50, exempt 500, • 500 8.15 Pierce, Frank L. Personal, 150 4.45 Park, A. E. Personal, 1,575 House 2,500, barn 200, .50a 300, 3,000 76.57 Parks, W.R. House 1,800, .50a 200, two houses 800, la 350, 3,150 53.35 Provost, Joseph. Personal, 50 2.82 Palmer, Jason A. Personal, 125 House 1,800, house 800, barn 200, la 500, .25a 125, 17a 400, 80a 1,800, 35a 400, 6,025 102.25 Parkhurst, L. G. Personal, 80 3.30 Palmer Carpet Co. Machinerj', 27,900 Factory buildings 6,000, three houses 4,000, storehouse and office 1,200, Clark house 700, Clark barn 100, 14a 1,500, barn 100, 13,600 676.45 Palmer Savings Bank. Block 6,500, office 300, bakery 1,800, tin shop 500, .25a 500, .25a 300, 9,900 161.37 Palmer Wire Mfg. Co. Machinery, 6,000 Mill buildings 12,000, five tenement houses 4,000, barn 100, land 42a 2,600, 18,700 402.61 Palmer Water Co. 19a 400, 400 6.52 Palmer Electric Light Co. Unfinished building, 800, .25a 100, 900 14.67 Powers, Geo. W. .50a 100, 100 1.63 Plympton, Porter. Personal, 15 2.24 Pasco, Sarah S. House 600, barn 100, ICa 350, 1,050 17.12 Parent, O. A. Personal, 3,650 Barn 50, store and tenement 2,000, .50a 450, 100a 600, 3,100 112.03 Parsons, B. D. House 850, barn 50, .25a 150, 1,050 19.12 Packard, F. A. Personal, 60 2.98 Potter, T. D. House 1,250, barn 200, .75a 300, house 1,200, 7a 250, house 800, barn 100, 6.75a 700, 4,800 80.24 Potter, T. D. & Co. Personal, 4,400 Lumber sheds and office 500, ice house 300, .75a 400, 1,200 91.28 Pease, Justus. House 600, barn 50, 50a 150, 800 13.04 Paine, Horace R. Personal, 50 2.82 Potter, Edward T. Personal, 75 3.22 Valuation. Tax. $90 1 1,100 21.40 50- .83 1,100 17.93 1,000 16.30 55 750 15.13 1,500 26.45 181,406 VALUATIOlSr AND TAX, 1888. 373 District. Name and Description. 8 Powell, 0. A. Personal, Two-thirds house 700, two-thirds barn 100, 34a 100, 1.75a 100, 4.50a 100, Powell, Harriet S. One-third house 350, one-third barn 50, .17a 50, .75a 50, 2.25a 50, exempt 500, Poole, Thomas M. House 200, barn 100, 87a 800, 4 Page, B. B. House 700, barn 100, .50a 200, Prindable, Morris. Personal, House 200, barn 50, 100a 500, Pheneuf, Fred. House 600, house 700, .50a 200, Palmer Mill of Otis Co. Machinery, Factory and buildings 121,450, forty-four houses 64,125, store 1,350, stone grist mill 100, 7 barns 1,050, land for buildings 20a 4,000, land for farm, etc., 265a 5,300, water power 8,000, 205,375 6,304.53 1 Kead & Hearn. Personal, 1,300 21.19 Robinson, Charles. House 1,800, .25a 250, 2,050 35.42 Robinson, George. Personal, 1,025 House 1,400, house 500, barn 150, barn 100, .25a 400, .12a 100, 118a 1,700, 4,850 97.76 Rhodes, William. House 600, .35a 100, 700 13.41 Rice, Geo. A. 4.38a 350, 350 7.71 Roach, Thomas. House 1,000, .63a 150, 1,150 20.75 Rourke, Bryan. Personal, 50 House 350, barn 100, 90a 700, 1,150 21.57 Rich, John C. House 800, 2.25a 300, 1,100 19.93 Rich, Otis H. House 800, .50a 150, 950 17.48 Randall, Geo. W. Personal, 75 House 1,400, barn 100, 5a 500, 2,000 35.82 Ronan, Mary. House 1,200, barn 100, .75a 400, 4a 100, 1,800 29.34 Ronan, David. .25a 150, 150 4.45 Rose, Mrs. Matilda. House 900, .13a 100, exempt 500, 500 8.15 2 Russell, Richard. Personal, 100 3.63 3 Roberts, Cyprian. Personal, 65 House 450, la 100, 550 12.03 Roberts, Charles. House 150, la 100, 250 4.07 Russell, Charles. Personal, 150 4.45 Ruggles, Silas. Personal, 245 House 1,000, house 900, house 450, house 400, house 700, house 600, house 450, house 500, tank- house 200, four barns 650, 1.50a 300, 25a 1,500 34a 1,600, .12a 50, la 100, 9a 150, 3a 100, 9,650 163.39 Ruggles, Charles S. House 350, house 500, barn 50, 4a 300, 1,100 19.93 Rivers, Fred. Personal, 65 House 350, barn 50, 2a 100, 500 11.21 374 HISTORY OF PALMER. District. Name and Description. Valuation. Tax. 3 Rogers, N. K. Personal, $100 $ House 700, .50a 150, house 600, la 100, house and saloon 1,450, two barns 200, .50a 300, 3,500 60.58 4 Riley, John. House 750, .13a 50, 800 15.04 Riley, Patrick. House 550, barn 50, 12a 350, 950 17.48 Riley, Daniel. House 600, barn 50, la 100, 750 12.23 Ramsden, Andrew. Personal, 50 House 1,000, barn 100, .38a 150. 1,250 23.20 Roche, Michael. House and saloon 1,500, barn 100, •25a 200, 1,800 31.34 Rich, George B. Personal, 135 House 700, barn 100, 46a 550, 1,350 26.22 Root, Frank. Personal, 25 House 750, barn 50, 1.50a 150, 950 17.89 Ryan, James. Personal, 205 House 200, barn 100, 15a 150, 20a 300, 20a 150, 40a 150, 8a 100, 15a 200, 1,350 27.35 1 Sexton, E.G. Two houses 2,000, shop 200, .25a 250, 2,450 41.93 Sanders, Horace H. House 1,300, .13a 200, 1,500 26.45 Saunders, Gharles L. Personal, 375 House 700, .12a 100 800 21.15 Sanders, William. House 450, .25a 75, 525 10.56 Smith & Co. Personal, 1,500 24.45 Smith, S. W. Personal, 60 House 1,700, barn 200, .25a 600, 3a 350, 3a 200, 3,050 52.70 Smith, H. W. Personal, 150 House 1,000, barn 75, .25a 250, 1.325 26.05 Smith, John H. Personal, 125 4.04 Smith, Horace C. Personal, 392 House 300, barn 100, 113a 800, 18a 200, 1,400 31.21 Smith, R. 0. F. Personal, 350 House 500, barn 75, 31a 550, 1,125 26.08 Smith, John W. House 900, .25a 125, 1,025 18.71 Smith, Charles. House 175, la 25, 200 5.26 Stone, G. P. Personal, 1,500 26.45 Stone, George N. Personal, 25 House 600, house 700, house 300, two barns 200, shops 400, shop 200, shop 50, barn 25, .13a 50, 3a 150, .12a 50, la 75, .12a 50, 22a 250, 3,100 52.94 Sedgwick, Frank G. House 1,600, barn 200, .38a 300, 2,100 36.23 Sedgwick, Mary £. House 1,600, .50a 300, 9a 100, 2,000 32.60 Stowe, W. H. Personal, 180 House 1,900, .12a 200, 17a 800, 2,900 52.21 Squicr, John A. Personal, 40 House 3,600, barn 200, .38a 800, house 400, house 600, .50a 700, house at Blanchardville VALUATlOISr AND TAX, 1888. 375 trict. Name and Description. Valuation. Tax. 1,000, 13a 250, house at Blanchardville 200, .38a 300, barn 100, 1.12a 200, il;8,350 $138.76 Studley, O. W. Personal, 750 House 1,050, barn 100, .63a 200, 1,350 36.24 Shaw, J. B. Personal, 3,525 House 4,000, barn 300, .56a 800, .75a 700, 5,800 154.00 Shaw, Mrs. Mary A. House 1,100, .25a 250, 1,350 22.01 Shaw, Mrs. Malvina. House 1,100, .25a 250, 1,350 22.01 Shaw, Freeman W. Personal, 30 House 350, 2a 100, 450 9.83 Shaw, George M. House 550, barn 75, .75a 150, 775 14.63 .Shaw, Calvin K. Personal, 255 House600, barn 100, carriage barn 50, 130a 1,400, 2,150 41.20 Shaw, Frank M. House 400, barn 50, .50a 100, 550 10.97 Sullivan, Kev. T, J. Personal, 175 House 2,900, barn 150, 2a 600, 3,650 64.36 Sullivan, Mary. House 900, .13a 150, house 400, .25a 100, 1,550 25.27 Shanks, J. W. Personal, 60 House 1,900, barn 100, .25a 400, 2,400 43.10 Shumway, S. M. House 700, .38a 200, 900 16.67 Shumway, Geo. W. House 1,300, .38a 150, 1,450 25.64 Sherman, Horatio. House 300, barn 50, .38a 100, 450 9.34 Sherman, Merrick A. Personal, 250 House 400, two barns 200, 120a 900, 1,500 30.52 Stevens, C. N. House 500, .38a 100, 600 9.78 Stebbins, L. W. House 900, .50a 125, 1,025 18.71 Strong, H. C. Personal, 250 House 800, office 200, .50a 250, 1,250 26.45 Strong, L. E. House 800, .25a 200, barn 150, 10a 500, 1,650 26.90 Strong, H. C. & L. E. Personal, 1,500 Hotel block 10,000, block 4,500, new barn 800, .75a 4,000, 19,300 339.04 Simmons, Jacob. Personal, 1,500 26.45 Shearer, Purlin. Personal, 257 House 1,000, house 350, three barns 300, 19a 1,200, 2,850 52.64 Shearer, Purlin M. Personal, 145 4.37 Sears & Cook. Personal, 1,075 17.53 Snow, Lyman C. Personal, 300 House 1,000, barn 200, 13a 800, 5a 100, 3,100 41.12 Shumway, Charles E. Personal, 150 4.45 Sedgwick, Butler. Personal, 100 House 800, barn 100, .50a 250, 1,150 22.38 Sullivan, James. House 300, .25a 50, 350 7.71 Sullivan, Michael J. House 800, .25a 50, 350 7.71 Valuation. Tax. $100 $8.6;^ 200 3.26 Personal, 25 700 11.82 % 400, ex- 400 6.53 Personal, 300 376 HISTOllY OF PALMER. District. Name and Description. 2 Sullivan, Michael, 3d. .25a 100, Sullivan, John D. House 100, la 100, Sullivan, Humphrey. House 350, barn 100, 7a 250, Sullivan, Mary. House 400, barn 100, empt 500, Slattery, Michael. House 250, barn 200, barn 50, .13a 50, 110a 1,300, 1,850 37.05 Slattery, Bridget. House 600, .07a 100, exempt 500, 200 3.26 Smith, H. A. Personal, 150 4.45 Smith, O. B. Personal, 3,250 54.97 Smith, Charles A. Personal, 75 3.22 Squares, Alice. House 600, house 200, 38a 200, ex- empt 500, ' 500 8.15 Southwick, Mrs. Peter. House 700, barn 50, la 250, exempt 500, 500 8.15 Shaw, H. D. Personal, 150 4.45 Shea, Jerry. Personal, 2,550 One-half block 1,800, barn and shed 200, .38a 200, 1,700 71.28 Shea, Michael. House 250, .25a 100, 350 7.71 3 Sugrue, Dennis. Personal, 35 House 300, 3a 300 600 10.35 Smart, Peter. Personal, 75 3.22 Smart, Leander. Personal, 50 2.82 Sharp, James. Personal, 55 House 600, barn 100, .25a 100, 800 13.94 Shaw Brothers. Personal, 2,100 Store 1,200, .07a 200, 1,400 57.05 Squares, Laura. House 700, .50a 150, 850 13.85 Stebbins, D. M. House 500, barn 50, .50a 150, 700 11.41 Sullivan, Michael. Personal, 25 2.41 Sullivan, Thomas. House 500, .25a 150, 650 10.60 Sirois, Eucharist. Personal, 225 5.67 Sikes, O. B. Personal, 700 House 900, house 250, three barns 250, cider mill 100, 278a 3,400, 4,900 93.28 Sikes, Otis B. .25a 300, 300 4.89 4 Sullivan, Daniel J. House 550, .25a 150, 700 13.41 Sullivan, Dennis. House 950, barn 100, .50a 250, 1,300 23.19 Sawyer, J. D. Personal, 575 House 650, .75a 150, house 400, barn 300, 46a 800, soap shop 200, 31.50a 800, 3,300 65.16 Sugrue, Jeremiah. Personal, 25 House 750, la 200, barn 50, 20a 100, 1,100 20.34 VALUATION AND TAX, 1888. 377 District. Name and Description. Valuation. Tax. 4 Sugrue, Honora. House 500, unfinished house 50, .38a 150, $700 $11.41 Staples, James H. Personal, 100 3.63 Snow, Fred. Personal, 150 4.45 Snow, Hazel G. Personal, 255 House 450, barn 100, 13a 250, 800 19.00 St. John, Mary. Personal, 395 House 200, 113a 800, barn 100, 6a 60, 1,160 25.35 Sampson, Fred. Personal, 50 Unfinished house 500, .13a 100, 600 12.60 Shea, Patrick. House 375, .20a 75, 450 9.34 Smith, Austin R. Personal, 766 House 500, 25a 2,500, barn 300, 35a 150, 3,450 70.73 Smith, Sarah J. House 600, barn 100, 1.50a 400, 1,100 17.93 Smith, Charles F. Personal, 1,505 House 650, barn 300, 226a 2,300, house 50, .67a 250, 3,550 84.40 Smith, Eli. Personal, 335 House 700, two barns 200, 207a 3,000, 3,900 71.03 Shaw, Charles R. Personal, 550 House 300, 300a 2,000, house 700, 6a 120, barn 200, 16a 60, 28a 200, 25a 75, 52a 450, 60a 450, 4,555 85.22 Shorley, Eugene. Personal, 440 House 400, barn 300, cider mill 100, 180a 1,200, 2,000 41.76 Stimpson, Harriet A. Personal, 420 House 400, 75a 1,000, barn 200, 12a 50, 12a 50, 91a 800, 2,000 39.49 1 Thompson, Joseph, estate. House 1,800, barn 300, .25a 400, store 1,000, store house 200, shop 200, .50a 1,500, Bondsville house 700, 10a 100, barn 100, .30a 250, shop 50, 10a 100, Thompson, Mary. Personal, Two houses 1,500, .38a 300, Thompson, William. Personal, House 1,200, barn 100, .25a 300, Thompson, William A. Personal, House 800, .50a 150, barn 100, .50a 100, Tiffany, Mrs. Lucy D., estate. House 1,400, 13a 300, house 400, barn 50, 21a 900, Tuthill, James H. House 2,200, .32a 400, house 1,600, .13a 250, shops 800, .12a 125, Tanner, Luther W. House 1,200, barn 150, .40a 250, Tesch, Charles H. House 1,000, .38a 300, Tyler, Mary E. House 900, .25a 250, Taft, Ida A. House 850, .25a 150, exempt 500, Taft, S. S. Personal, House 1,800, .50a 400, barn 200, .50a 250, house 6,700 109.21 75 1,800 30.56 50 1,600 28.90 85 1,150 24.13 3,050 49.72 5,375 89.61 1,600 28.08 1,300 23.19 1,150 18.75 500 8.15 75 378 HISTORY OF PALMER. District. Name and Description. Valuation. Tax. 750, .35a 125, barn 75, 50a 200, house 600, la 525, two houses 800, 25a 450, barn 75, .25a 200, $6,450 $108.36 1 Taylor, Newell S. House 800, .25a 200, 1,000 18.30 2 Taylor, William S. Personal, 100 House 500, barn 75, 8a 400, 975 19.52 Thomas, Catherine. Personal, 25 House 350, barn 50, la 100, 500 8.56 3 Twiss, John F. Personal, 1,600 .38a 150, 150 30.53 Twiss, Mary. House 650, barn 50, 1.50a 200, ex- empt 500, 400 6.52 Trudeau & Rivers. Personal, 3,500 57.05 Thayer, Henry. Personal, 75 Barn 50, .50a 400, 450 8.56 Talmadge, William. Personal, 225 House 400, barn 100, 56a 600, 1,100 23.59 Talmadge, Harriet. House 800, barn 50, .50a 200, 1,050 17.12 Tenney, D. E. Personal, 250 One-half house 350, 54.75a 600, barn 100, 15a 150, 10a 100, 24a 75, 1,375 28.48 Tenney, Lewis M. House 300, 18a 300, barn 100, 13a 150, 15a 150, 20a 200, 24a 75, 1,275 20.78 Tenney, Harriet A. One-half house 350, 31a 500, barn 100, 10a 100, 10a 120, 24a 75, 1,245 20,29 Tracy, Henry. Personal, . 75 House 350, 14a 200, barn 50, 3a 50, 650 13.82 Thompson, Jane. House 1,100, la 200, 1,300 21.19 Turner, Tryphenia. House 300, barn 100, 80a 500, exempt, 500, 400 6.52 4 Thomas, Phila. House 1,400, barn 100, la 300, 1,800 29.34 Truesdell, Erskine. Personal, 100 3.63 Trumble, Warren. Personal, 100 3.63 Trumble, Alfred. Personal, 390 House 500, barn 200, 96a 1,000, 1,700 36.07 Thornhill, W. S. Personal, 65 House 400, la 100, 500 11.21 Thayer, Onando. House 600, barn 100, la 150, 850 13.85 Talmadge, Nathaniel. Personal, 250 6.07 Thurston, Ralph. Personal, 125 4.04 Thompson, W. J. Personal, 125 4.04 Thorndike Company. Machinery, 176,825 Factory buildings 95,800, forty-six houses 49,700, three barns 1,400, saw and grist mill 350, 280a 5,600, 7a (Forest lake) 300, 20a with buildings 4,000, water power 10,000, 167,150 5,606.80 1 Upham, Charles. Personal, 125 House 700, 60a 1,300, barn 100, .13a 25, 40a 150, 2,275 41.13 VALUATION AND TAX, 1888. ;^79 District. Name and Description. Valuation. Tax. 1 Whiton, Nelson. Personal, $80 $3.30 Winter, Walter. House 2,600, shop 150, .50a 600, 3,350 .56.61 Wilder, W. J. , W. H. and Joseph. House 400, .25a 100, 500 8.15 Wilder, John L. House 800, .25a 150, 950 17.48 Wing, James C. House 1,200, barn 100, 25a 150, 1,450 25.64 Wing, A. T. Personal, 85 3.38 Wilcox, George W. Personal, 300 6.89 Wellman, J. R. Personal, 73 House 800, barn 50, .25a 250, 1,100 21.10 Woolrich, John H. Personal, 305 House 1,500, 3.50a 300, farm-house 400, 50a 600, 3,000 55.87 Woolrich & Co. Personal, 300 Factory 3,000, barn 100, 2a 600, 3,700 65.20 Weeks, J. W. Personal, 2,900 Hotel 5,000, barn 600, 1.12a 1,300, 6,900 161.74 Wassum, F. J. Personal, 1,800 House 1,600, .50a 450, 2,050 64.76 Willis, A. H. House 3,300, barn 300, .62a 600, 4,200 70.46 Wallace, Sarah. House 850, .25a 150, exempt 500, 500 8.15 Wilkins, George H. Personal, 825 15.45 Wood, E. J. Personal, 60 House 1,900, barn 150, .25a 200, house 1,300, .50a 300, 3.75a 250, less mortgage 500, 3,600 61.66 Wood, E. G., estate. One-half house 900, .38a 200, house 800, .63a 300, .25a 125, 2,325 37.90 Wood, Mrs. E. G. House 1,050, barn 100, la 300, less mortgage 700, 750 12.23 Wright Wire Cloth Company. Machinery, 5,400 Factory 3,700, 3,50a 300, 4,000 153.22 Wright, John. Personal, 25 House 1,000, barn 50, .25a 100, shanty 50, .13a 50, 1,250 22.79 White, L. C. Shop 200, • 200 3.26 White & Eppley. Personal, 290 4.73 Webster, W. P. House 1,200, barn 100, .13a 200, 1,500 26.45 Webster & Squier. 22a 500, ."00 8.15 Wood, Michael. Personal, 80 House 250, barn 50, 26a 250, 550 12.27 Wilbur, Edith B. House 1,500, barn 400, 2.75a 400, 2,300 37.49 Warriner, Maria, estate. House 750, house 800, .50a 150, 1,700 27.71 Ware River Railroad Company. Engine house 2,700, .38a 800, 4a 200, Wheeler, Mrs. House 500, barn 50, la 150, Whitman, Mary. House 900, .13a 200, 2 Wight, N. D. House 500, 1.50a 250, 3,700 60.31 700 11.41 1,100 17.93 750 12.23 380 HISTORY OF PALMER. strict. Name and Description. Watson, John. Personal, Wood, Mary, House 600, .13a 100, exempt 500, Wilson, John. Personal, Shop and tenement 700, .25a 150, barn 100, 7.50a 300, Wilder, A. W. Personal, Winchell, G. W. Personal, Wemeth, Euseb. Personal, Wright, John A. Personal, Whiting, George D. Personal, House 400, two barns 150, 46a 500, Whiting, William. Personal, Walker, J. K. Personal, Wilson, George. House 1,800, .38a 200, .12a 200, Wilson, Cornelius, estate, la 300, Valuation. $200 200 135 1,250 100 100 25 2,100 185 1,050 125 300 Tax. $5.26 3.20 24.59 3.63 3.63 2.41 36.23 22.14 4.04 2.41 35.86 4.83 Non-Eesidents. Description. 10.75a 100, Three houses 2,000, barn 50, Name and Residence. Amidon, Philip, Monson. Arnold, R. H., Brimfield. .75a 200, Blaisdell, Charles E., Springfield. 11a 100, 11a 100, Blair, Royal E., Springfield. 12a 120, Blair, A. F., Ware. 10a 50, 17a 100, Barnes, F. M., Ware. 3a 30, Cutler, Charles, Warren. 50a 400, Crossman, A. W., Warren. House 400, 30a 25, 8a 100, la 25, Collins, L. W., St. Cloud, Minn. House 500, shop 200, .13a 25, Calkins, George, Monson. 22a 400, 14a 300, Calkins, D. A., estate, Monson. 34a 200, -Cross, W. W., Brockton. Block 7,500, house 1,500, barn 200, .88a 2,000, Childs, Charles J., Clinton. House 250, barn 50, 4a 250, earner, Thomas, Ware. 7a 70, Davis, B. F., Ware. 30a 375, Doane, Mrs. Austin, and Eliza Merritt, West Warren. 12a 250, exempt 125, Fay, Mrs. Eli. .50a 30, Fosket, Marcus, estate. Barn 150, 90a 900, Fosket, Anna, Springfield. House 1,100, .25a 250, Foster, Freeman, Ware. Barn 75, 50a 1,000, Fairbanks, Julia, Sturgis, Mich. House 400, .38a 300, Valuation. Tax. $100 $1.63 2,250 36.68 200 3.26 120 1.96 150 2.45 30 .49 400 6.53 775 725 700 200, 550 70 375 125 80 1,050 1,350 1,075 700 12.63 11.82 11.41 3.26 11,200 182.56 8.97 1.14 6.11 2.04 .49 17.12 22.01 17.53 11.41 aluation. Tax. 12,100 $34.23 550 8.97 500 8.15 2,550 41.57 525 8.56 100 1.63 50 .82 100 1.63 1,300 21.19 475 7.74 50 .82 150 2.45 950 15.48 350 5.71 1,000 16.30 200 3.26 2,900 47.27 300 4.89 50 .82 VALUATION AND TAX, 1888. 381 Name and Residence. Description. Fay, J. T. & Co., Northboro. House 600, house 300, store house 200, 6a and power 1,000, Gibbs, Lucius, estate, Ware. 68a 550, Gould, George, Ware. 80a 500, Gould, Austin E., Brooklyn, N. Y. House 1.600, .50a 400, barn 100, la 150, 6a 300, Green, George D., Ludlow. 78a 500, 4a 25, Green, Josiah J., Belchertown. 2a 100, Green, Walter M. , Wilbraham. 5a 50, Hastings, George H., Wilbraham. 22a 100, Jenks, Porter F. , Belchertown. Barn 200, 49a 1 , 1 00, Lincoln, Albert, estate, Warren. 40a 250, 5.50a 225, Long, Cornelius, Belchertown. 5a 50, Lombard, Joseph E., Warren. 26a 150, McMahon, John, Warren. House 800, .25a 150, Merritt, William, Warren. 38a 350, Metcalf, E. D., Springfield. 6a 500, 33a 500, Mansfield, Patrick, Belchertown. 11a 200, Nichols & Fosket, Springfield. Block 2,500, .25a 400, O'Neil, Dennis, estate, Warren. 125a 300, O'Reim, Franz, Warren. 2a 50, Powell, Lavinia, Springfield. One-fourth house 700, .07a 50, exempt 500, 250 4.07 Powers, F. 0., Greenwich. House 1,650, .50a 150, house 1,300, .50a 150, three houses 3,800, barn 125, .75a 225, Powers, Norman S., Brimfield. 10a 400, Powers, George W., Brimfield. .50a 100, Packard, Prudence, Greenfield. House 1, 500, 1.50a 500, Potter, Ira G., Wilbraham. 16a 200, Potter, P. P., Wilbraham. Personal, House at Palmer 1,600, barn 200, .25a 200, 11 houses in Three Pwivers 13,650, 3 barns 100, 7a 1,350, sprout lot 10a 150, sprout lot 50a 400, Richardson, Stephen B., Warren. 16a 150, Rivers, John, Indian Orchard. Store block 2,500, store and tenement 1,300, shop and tenement 1,700, barn 150, 4a 800, Smith, Frank C, Ware. House 150, 50a 400, 30a 200, Shepardson, David, Wales. House 1,100, .20a 150, Strickland, John, Warren. 9a 40, Shaw, E. F., Springfield. Two-thirds house 300, barn 50, .75a 100, Swift, S. W., Wilbraham. 21a 800, Tagan, Frank, Warren. 40a 250, Trowbridge, A. J. , Warren. 9a 200, Trowbridge, L. P., estate, Warren. 3.50a 50, 7,400 120.62 400 6.52 100 1.63 2,000 32.60 200 3.26 500 17,650 295.85 150 2.45 6,450 105.14 750 12.23 1,250 20.38 40 .65 450 7.34 300 4.89 250 4.07 200 3.26 50 .82 382 HISTORY OF PALMER. Name and Residence. Description. Trumble, Elijah M., widow, Monson. House 300, barn 50, 2a 100, Towne, M. D. L., Ludlow. House 1,000, barn 100, la 400, Warren, Town of. 100a 1,200, Ward, John, estate of, New Britain, Ct. 7a 100, Witt, Lyman, Stafford, Ct. House 650, barn 50, .50a 250, Warren, J. K., Worcester. House 2,000, barn 250, .38a 400, Walker, Horace, Blandford. House 300, 8.50a 200, Wing, Keuben C, Springfield. House 600, barn 50, .13a 150, Wesson, D. B., Springfield. Land and water-power 52a 3,000, Yale, John, Ware. 11a 100, Palmer, July 17, 1888. David Knox, T. D. Potter, Jeremiah Button Valuation. Tax. $450 $7.34 1,500 24.45 1,200 19.56 100 1.63 950 15.48 2,650 43.20 500 8.15 800 13.04 3,000 48.90 100 1.63 ) Assessors (_ of roN. ) Palmer. TOWN OFFICERS ELECTED 1889. Clerk and Treasurer — J. B. Shaw. Selectmen— W. H. Brainard, M. J. Dillon, J. F. Holbrook. Assessors — David Knox, C. S. Smith, C. F. Smith. School Committee — W. C. Greene, T. J. Sullivan, H. A. Smith, Addie Hamilton, S. S. Taft, M. H. Davis. Constables — H. A. Northrop, James Healey, Ole E. Cronferd, M. J. Dawson, T. J. Carmedy, E. L. Derby, M. M. Thomas, Ralph Thurston, A. P. Knowlton, Charles Alexander, P. A. Forte. Appropeiations for 1889. Railings, $400 Contingencies, 3,000 Highways, 4,000 Sewers and culverts, 500 Bridges, 1,000 Support of poor, 6,000 Teachers' salaries, 11,000 Text books and supplies, 1,000 Transportation of High School scholars, 1,000 Care school houses, 800 School contingencies, 1,000 School repairs, 500 Fuel for schools, 900 Salaries of School Committee, 600 Heating apparatus for High School, 1,800 Soldiers' aid, 500 Memorial Day, 100 Young Men's Library Association, 600 Balance on High School building, 4,500 Savings bank loan, 2,000 Discount on taxes, 2,000 Sewer a-t Three Rivers, 600 Street lights at Thorndike, 200 Sidewalk at Bondsville, 200 Enlarging poor house, 300 Drainage near Town house, 100 Town History Committee, 1,500 i E. B. Gates. A GENEALOGICAL REGISTER Early Palmer Families PRECEDED BY A DESCRIPTION OF THE ORIGINAL HOME LOTS AND AFTER DIVISIONS. ^?VITH IVIAPS. By EPHRAIM B. GATES. PUBLISHED BY THE TOWN OF PALMER. PREFATORY. IN early youth I became interested in the history of the town, and the genealogy of its inhabitants : because the staple talk of the aged was then chiefly on themes connected with the hard- ships of pioneer life ; the trials and affliction of parents whose chil- dren were taken from them by the "■ mortal throat distemper " preva- lent in the wilderness ; as well as the brighter side of the story — the rewards of industry, and the happy results of devotion to the cause of Christ, which was a leading motive in our fathers' plans of settlement. The traditional accounts connected with generations that have laid the foundation of our present prosperity, gave me a desire to know who those ancestors were, and the location of each family, and to commence a genealogical register of the same, which has occupied my time for the past three years. The love for the work in restoring ancient landmarks of the first century, which were so nearly obliterated by time (although tiresome), has borne me along, and kept me to the purpose to perpetuate as far as possible the memory of what otherwise might be forgotten, and soon pass into oblivion. In this part of the book, relating to the first settlers, I have con- fined myself, in giving the names of families and their location, to the Plantation records, the county records at Springfield, and Mass. Archives in Boston. I have visited most of the grants or locations, and found sufficient landmarks to identify the same, by plotting surrounding farms from the minutes of the original survey, and thus establish the homestead of each family. Mr. David Knox, a relative of the Kings and Shaws, the first inhabitants of Palmer and Brimfield, is well informed by tradition of the settlement of the south part of the town, and with his assistance we established the location of several families, which now agree with the farms as surveyed by Steward Southgate, sur- veyor for the Proprietors, till they made their First Division of Commons. The plotting of farms on Quabaug river from the Marble Ferrell 388 GENEALOGIES AND KECORDS. place to Blanchardsville may be found on the chart, together with locations at the Old Center. I have endeavored to make this work as complete as possible un- der the circumstances. The town records that I have examined from 1820 to 18G5 are very incomplete. [The historian considers it only an act of justice to say in this connection that Mr. Gates has devoted many months of time, spent not a small amount of money, and given persevering study in collecting statistics and facts relating to the early grants of land made by the General Court to public men, as well as the later allotments to the first-comers upon our territory : that he has made careful exploration and accurate surveys of these lots and farms, and determined bounds and angles, many of which were obscure and uncertain. The results of this work appear in the elaborate maps he has prepared, and which have been engraved, and add essentially to the value of this volume. In connection with these investigations he collected a great amount of material relating to the early plans and efforts for settling a colony at the Elbows — then a wilderness. These investigations covered the period from 1716, when John King first pitched on the north bank of the Quabaug, down to the date when the place was organized into a Plantation. The results of these studies were largely written, with a view of embody- ing them in an Appendix. But it was deemed best to incorporate this material in the historical part of the book, where, in the judgment of the historian and committee, it more properly belonged ; and Mr. Gates has gracefully yielded to the judgment of others in the matter. But he none the less deserves credit for his extensive labors, which are duly appreciated by all who have known of his care and patience and success in the difficult field, and appreciated by none more than the historian and committee. It should be added, that by an independent course of investigation, Mr. Gates reached the same conclusions respecting the land covered by tke Indian Deed, and the false claims of Lamb and Company to the Elbow Tract, which are recorded on pages 44-52 of this book.] The Manor of Peace. In 1715, John Keed, Esq., of Boston, purchased a tract of 10,- 000 acres of "Equivalent lands," lying in what is now the town of Ware, east of Swift river. His south line ran east and by north four miles and one hundred rods, to a described bound called Read's Southeast Corner ; and from thence the line ran due north to Lambstown, now Hardwick. The southwest corner of Read's farm at Swift river, as originally established, was at a point about nine rods north of the present Ware line ; and the south line of said farm was in dispute for several years, as some of the Elbow Propri- etors had overlapped in laying out their lots. Committees were appointed to settle the disputed land, but failed to give satisfaction. INDEX. 389 In 1755, a committee consisting of John Thomson, James Braken- ridge, Wm. Scott, Jun., Isaac Magoon and Duncan Quinton, on the part of the Elbows, and John Kead, Wm. Eead and Henry Daggett for the proprietors of the Manor, with surveyor and chain- men, took the matter in hand and mutually agreed to run lines that should bind both parties in interest forever. Their plot placed the southwest corner bound on Swift river, three rods below the first established corner and six rods north of the present Ware line ; thence the line ran east and by north four miles and one hundred rods to the southeast corner — thus leaving a gore of land, termin- ating in a point at said southeast corner, on the south side of the farm, belonging to the Elbow Tract. In 1756, Duncan Quinton took as part of his division lot, nine and a half acres of this gore, being one mile long, three rods wide at the east end, and five and a half rods at the west end. Jerry Jenks took the west end next to Swift river. The narrow east end was long known as " Widow Magoon^s Garter." From the southeast corner, thus established, the line was run due north by the needle 1,334 rods. The following Index contains the names of grantees, and will serve as a guide to the numbers affixed to the description of original lots and their owners, and to the corresponding names and lots on the maps. The figures on Map No. II indicate the families that located in the South Division (Palmer). 1. Applin, John 24. Gardner, Humphrey 2. Blancher, Nicholas 25. Hunter, Robert 3. Brooks, John 26. Hall, Elisha, and Farran, Thomas 4. Breakenridge, James 27. Harvey, Rev. John 5. Beman, John 28. King, John, Sen. 6. Brown, Matthew 29. Kilburn, John, Sen. 7. Brown, Thomas 29. Kilburn, Samuel 8. Brown, William 30. Kilburn, Daniel 9. Crawford, William 31. Lamberton, James 10. Cooley, Noah 32. Little, Thomas 11. Chapin, Jonathan 33. Lemon, James 12. Combs, Richard 34 and 35. Lemon, Samuel and James, 13. Crawford, Stephen Jun. 14. Dorchester, James 36. Moore, John 15. Dorchester, John 37. Moore, James 16. Dorchester, James, Jun. 38. McNitt, Barnard 17. Doolittle, Lieut. Samuel 39. Mirick, Ebenezer 18. Frost, Samuel 40. McQuiston, James 19. Fuller, Daniel 41. McElwane, James 20. Farrell, Robert 42. McElwane, Timothy 21. Fleming, Samuel 43. Magoon, Isaac 22. Farran, Andrew 44. Magoon, Isaac, Jun. 23. Glasford, Paul 45. McKee, Andrew 390 GENEALOGIES AND RECORDS. 46. McClanathan, Dea. Thomas 47. McClanathan, William 48. McClellan, James 49. McMitchell, William 50. Nevins, Samuel .51. Nevins, Robert and David .52. Parsons, Benjamin 53. Parsons, Joshua 54. Patterson, John 54. Patterson, William .55. Rogers, Robert 56. Slone, William 57. Shaw, Dea. Samuel 58. Scott, William 73. Quinton, Duncan 74. Webber, John 75. Hamilton, James 76. Hill, Thomas 77. Rutherford, Andrew 78. Shaw, William 79. Combs, John 80. Henderson, John 59. Scott, John 60. Shearer, James. Sen. 61. Shearer, William 62. Smith, Patrick 63. Spear, Dea. David 64. Smith, Robert, Sen. 65. Smith, Dea. John 66. Smith, Eld. James 67. Smith, Hugh 68. Thomson, Robert 69. Thomson, Capt. John 70. Tackles, Alexander 71. Wright, Joseph, Sen. 72. Wright, Joseph, Jun. Supplement, 81, Olds, Moses 82, Yose, Elijah 83, McMaster, James 84, Ministry lot 85, Dunlop, Robert 86, Jennings, Thomas 87, McMaster, John, Sen. son James 90, Shearer, John Brimfield Addition. 91. Graves, Daniel and his Map No. 1, North Division (Ware). 1. Southgate, Steward 6. Col. Pynchon's heirs, Samuel 2. Magoon, Isaac, Sen. Bradford, Hon. Ebenezer Bur- 3. Magoon, Isaac, Jun. rell, John Blackmer, Samuel 4. Cummings, Capt. Jacob Davis and John Post. 5. Olmstead, Jeremiah North Division (Warren). 1. Brooks, Joseph, Sen. 6. Cooley, Obadiah, Jun. 2. Bailey, Andrew 7. Brooks, Joseph, Jun. 3. Chadwick, Joseph 8, Stanford, Robert 4. Curtice, Abel 9, Joseph Green and Isaac Walker.. 5. Dewey, Nathaniel merchants in Boston. Descriptive List And Record of the First InhaUtants, Their Home Lots and After Divisions and Successors. No, 1. Applin, John, by trade a blacksmith, located in the east part of the town. The lands of late have belonged to the Blodgett farm. He bought of the Gent. Claimers in 1728, and it was a General Court grant, 1732. It was occupied by Keuben McMaster in 1809. No number of acres given. DESCRIPTIVE LIST. • 391 ^o. 2. Blanchard, Nicholas. Claim of 336 acres ; bought of Gent. Claimers 100 acres, 1728, and confirmed to him by General Court, 1732. Sold to Aaron King about 1745, and owned by Jesse King in 1809. It was the home of Col. Isaac King, and owned by Joseph King in 1888. No. 3. Brooks, John. Land, 250 acres; bought of Gent. Claim- ers, 1728, 50 acres and confirmed to him by the General Court. It is known of late as the Reuben Eogers farm. It is bounded 80 rods on the Quaboag river. Sold to Hugh McMaster, 1741, it being his first place of residence. No. 4. Breakenridge, James. 239 acres. He purchased 100 acres of Gent. Claimers, 1728, east of the place known as Cedar Swamp. In 1732 the General Court granted him the same land. In 1809 Obadiah Breakenridge's heirs, the fourth generation, were living on the farm. Azel sold some time after and bought where the family now resides. The present owner is Horace Smith. No. 5. Beman, John, 120 acres ; 100 granted by the General Court, 1732. It was sold to Capt. Thomas McClanathan and owned by him in 1809. John Smith sold his farm on the mountain and bought this, 184-. Eli, his son, owns it in 1888. No. 6. Brown, Matthew. 560 acres on the east side of Potto- quatuck mountain, joining west on Rev. Peter Hobart's grant of 300 acres, which he bought in 1745, except 20 acres that had been sold for rates to meet the proportion of £500 ordered by the Gen- eral Court. His General Court grant in 1732 of 100 acres, with no right of after division. He was also assignee of Robert Stanford's claim of 100 acres, now in Warren, in 174-. In the settlement of the estate the home farm was owned by Robert, his youngest son, and Solomon in 1809. The next generation, Talmia and Solomon, are the proprietors in 1888. No. 7. Brown, Thomas, located on Peter Hobart's grant on the north of the mountain and east of C. D. Fuller's farm soon after the purchase by his father. No. 8. Brown, William's farm was on the east side of the moun- tain and from the same purchase. Part of it was afterwards the homestead of Seth Brown, the father of Seva. It is mostly wild lands at the present time. The west part is known as the Dunbar farm, not under cultivation. No. 9. Crawford, William. 50 acres granted by the General Court, 1732, situated at the Old Centre and lands lying north and east of the meeting-house. The First Church edifice was built on this lot. No. 10. Cooley, Noah. 325 acres ; he purchased 100 acres of 392 GENEALOGIES AND RECORDS. Gent. Claimers, 1728, which the Court granted in 1732. Land of the second division in 1742 was owned by Judah Ferry, 1809, and Sylvanus Shaw, 1850, and George Robinson, Esq., in 1888. No. 11. Chapin, Jonathan. 471 acres ; bought 100 acres of the Claimers in 1728, which was granted to him by the General Court, 1732, He occupied the homestead for several years, afterwards sold to Mr. Converse. The Widow Converse occupied the place, 1809. Owned by M. C. Fenton, 1880. No. 12. Combs, Eichard. 100 acres ; the Tamor Spring lot, bought of the Claimers, 1728 ; granted by the General Court to John King, Jun., the eldest son, and by the consent of Mr. King it was surveyed out to the original purchaser, Richard Combs. Dea. David Shaw bought the farm in 1742, Aaron Merrick, Esq., owned it in 1809 and Dea. Lebeus Chapin in 1850. The Spring lot is now owned by James Loomis. Charles Upham has the part of the farm north of the railroad. No. 13. Crawfoot, Stephen. 100 acres on Pottoquatuck brook, west of Eugene Shorley. No. 14. Dorchester, James. 305 acres; bought of Gent. Claimers 100, 1728; a General Court grant, 1732. He sold to John McMaster, Sen., 1734, and he gave deed to John, Jun., 1739, and reserved a life lease. Owned by John McMaster, 3d, 1809. J. K. Knox is now the owner. The house, the most ancient in town, has been moved back of the sand hill, where it stands a monument of the past and shows to the traveler the thrift and industry of our ancestors. No. 15. Dorchester, John. 100 acres bought of the Gent. Claim- ers, 1728. See Robert and David Nevins. No. 16. Dorchester, James, Jun. 330 acres; bought of the Gent. Claimers 70 acres assigned to John King and granted by the Gen- eral Court, 1732. He gave deed July 26th, 1733 ; consideration, 230 pounds. [Hampshire Records, book F.] He sold the claim of after division to other parties and purchased the farm of James McMaster, south of Old Centre, and that was his home till he sold to Dea. John McMaster, and from thence it was deeded to his son Clark, in consideration of love and regard for him. It is known at the present time as the Clark McMaster farm, Charles Foster re- sides there, 1888. No. 17. Doolittle, Samuel. 230 acres ; 100 acres bought of the Gent. Claimers, 1728, and granted by the General Court, 1732; laid out north of the Warren road on Cedar mountain, and running east to Quaboag river. It was owned by Obadiah Ward, 1760, Uriah, his son, 1809, and his grandson, Calvin. Since that date Horace Moulton, 1886. ■r L 1 T H o. BY M I LTON Bradl ey Go. r r DESCRIPTIVE LIST. 393 Xo. 18. Frost, Samuel. 309 acres ; bought of Claimers 100 acres, 1728, and Court grant, 1732, and owned by Capt. Sylvanus Walker ill 1774 ; afterward by Jesse King. Timothy Brainard was the owner in 1809, and Dea. Wilson Brainard in 1880. No. 19. Fuller, Daniel. 329 acres ; bought of Gent. Claimers 100 acres and granted by the General Court, 1732. His lot was on Quabaug river, which he sold and then located on a lot the east side of Ware river. Dea. James Smith bought his farm with others adjoining, 1749. It has since been owned by Joseph Smith, Dea. Wilson Foster and James 0. Hamilton. Austin E. Smith is included in this purchase, but these lands were west of the present road and bounded by the river. No. 20. Ferrell, Eobert. 335 acres ; bought of Gent. Claimers 100 acres, and granted by General Court, 1732. Situated north side of Ware river, the southwest corner bounded near to the saw mill that he and Andrew Farran built in consideration of 100 acres of land, which was accepted by the proprietors as a good and suffi- cient mill, and ordered it to be put on record. The farm has been the home of five generations : Robert, Lieut. Timothy, Capt. Tim- othy, and his sons, daughters and grandsons. No. 21. Fleming, Joseph. Had a lot of 100 acres granted by the General Court, 1732. Situated on the easterly side of Cedar 11 ountain. He was not entitled to after divisions, but bought land of the proprietors. It was owned by Samuel Fleming in 1809, and his son, George, in 1850. No. 22. Farran, Andrew. 100 acres granted by the General Court, 1732, without after divisions. The land was south of David Fleming's, and was owned by John Webber, 1740. He bought John Thomson's first division of 100 acres Joining the home farm n the west side of the mountain. He sold to Fr,ancis Breaken- ridge, where he died, 1790. Ebenezer Webber married his widow and resided on the farm. It has since been known as the place of Solomon Webber. No. 23. Glasford, Paul. Purchased his lot of the proprietors, 1734. He with his father, John, and John, Jr., were made free- men and owned land in different parts of the District. The farm was owned by Isaac Ferrell in 1809, and afterward by his son. Mar- ble K. At the present time by 0. B. Sikes. No. 24. Gardner, Humphrey. A grant of 100 acres by the General Court, and situated the west side of Ware river, opposite the Pottoquatuck saw mill. He traded farms with Seth Shaw of Brimfield, 1736, and is said to have built the first two-story frame house in the District. After its doing service for a century. 394 GENEALOGIES AND RECORDS. it shared the fate of all that was built in its day, less stylish and convenient. The property was owned by Robert Hastings, 1850; and 50 acres on the Robert Ferrell, 2d, division, owned by Nathan- iel Durant, 1820. The farm of E. G. Hastings, 1888. No. 25. Hunter, Robert. An early settler — about 1738. He bought Steward Southgate's saw mill lot of 70 acres on the east side of the pond ; the addition to the farm was from f-Henry D wight's grant. It was owned by Dea. Wilson Foster in 1809, and his son, Keyes Foster, 1850, and now by Joseph Kerigan. No. 26. Hall, Elisha, and Thomas Farran. 100 acres granted by the Gen. Court, 1732. This lot was sold to James McElwane, Sen., by the Gent. Olaimers, 1728. Mr. McElwane sold it to Green and Walker, merchants in Boston, 1729. He died soon after the sale. In 1732 his wife gave deed to her right in dower, dated at New Marlborough or Kingsfield, the names desirable to the inhab- tants before the District was organized. Green and Walker, not being able to claim a title to the land without a settlement, sold to Hall and Farran, and it was granted to them by the Court. Enoch Olds resided there in 1809. Mr. Beckworth, who married a daugh- ter of Robert Ferrell, Jr., Capt. Timothy Ferrell and Jacob Stever owned it at different dates. Now the farm of George Brown. It is situated at the Junction of Ware and Swift rivers, and includes the Glassford pond. No. 27. Harvey, Rev. John. 325 acres ; 100 acres granted by the General Court as the first settled minister. Situated south of Cedar swamp, and west of Cedar mountain. It was on this farm and under a large oak, a little distance east of his house, Mr. Harvey was ordained as the first minister of the District. The farm was next owned by Dea. Joshua Shaw, and by Solomon 1809, Luther and Amos Shaw, George Keith, and Mr. Elliott have since owned the farm. No. 28. Kingi, John, Sen. 325 acres; bought of the Gent. Claimers 100 acres, on a brook, the name given at the first settle- ment of the place, King's brook. The carpet mill is located on the stream, north of this farm, Tamor spring was the boundary on the east side of the lot, and the east side of the Agricultural park is included in this grant, and the first house was north of the Cooley house, and not far from the old Bay path. The Court also granted him seventy acres, as the assignee of James Dorchester, Jr., situa- ted near to his northwest corner. After the death of Mr. King, Jonathan Cooley became the proprietor, and Jonathan Jr., was the owner in 1809. It is known at the present time as Tenneyville. Thomas and David King, see Joseph Wright, Jr. DESCRIPTIVE LIST. 395 The Tamor spring lot on the east side of Mr. King, was bought of the Gent. Claimers by Richard Combs, and afterwards sold to John King* of Springfield. Mr King sold it to David Ingersol of Springfield, for ninety pounds of money, November 20, 1730. HamjJsMre Records, hook B. It being the third sale before the district was organized, the General Court Committee granted it to John King, Jr., and was restricted from any after divisions. But when the Proprietors relaid their farms in 1733, it was surveyed to Richard Combs. Mr. King being present and made no objection. See No. 12 for present owner. No. 29. Kilburn, John, Sen. 338 acres ; 100 bought of the Gent. Claimers in 1728, and granted by the General Court. It included the west part of Palmer village. Col. Cyrus Knox at one time was one of the principal owners. Kilburn, Samuel, his son, had 240 acres ; 100 was a grant by the General Court. It was bounded 35 rods on the river and east of the point of rocks. (At the time of surveying the lands, it was called the rocky ledge.) Dr. Holbrook is in possession of this desir- able location. These two lots were occupied by John King, Jr., in 17-4 — , and Gideon King in 1809. David Knox resides on a portion of the lands, the rest have been sold as building lots for some of the best residences in the village. No. 30. Kilburn, Daniel. Had a grant of 100 acres south of the Old Centre. It was owned by Benjamin King in 1809, and William Harvey in 1855. Mr. Casey now owns the farm. No. 31. James Lamberton came from Londonderry, N. H., 1727, he had a grant by the General Court, 1732, of 100 acres of land at the Old Centre, east of the meeting house ; he afterwards bought 50 acres of the Proprietors. He deeded to his son John and James, Jr., 1756. It was owned by William Warriner in 1809, and after- wards the farm of Elisha Converse. It is now the Town farm. No. 32. Little, Thomas. Had 100 acres ; a General Court grant, 1732, situated east of Old Centre and Cedar swamp brook. Owned by Benjamin Cummings, 1809. The proprietors afterwards were Capt. Allen, John Frink ; the west part of the farm was the Leonard Davis place. No, 33. Lemon, or Lament, James, 325 acres ; 50 acres of it was a grant by the General Court. His lot was laid out the west side of Thomson hill, and bounded on the north by Esq. Read's farm of 10,000 acres. It was owned by Nathan Davis in 1809, and after- wards by Thomas Poole and sons. No. 34-35. Samuel Lemon and James, Jr. owned most of the land John King of the Elbows. 396 GEXEALOGIES AXD RECORDS. on Swift river, from Read's manor land to Crawford's pond in Bonds- ville. There is a tradition that Samuel Lemon commenced im- provements by the use of the water power, built the log dam that was of good service for more than a century ; and when the mill was burnt in 1840 it was announced by some present that the dam had been built one hundred years. It is now submerged in water by the building of the new stone dam. No. 36. Moore, John, 340 acres ; bought of Gent. Claimers 100 acres, and granted by the Court in 1732. 70 acres was situated in the centre of the town, and west of the church edifice, the north line was near the old road that was travelled over the hill to Thorn- dike, and bounded south by James McMaster's farm, a brother of Dea. John. John Thomson's hotel was on this lot, and near the elbow of the road that leads to Palmer. Moses Shaw was the owner in 1809, except what had been disposed of for building lots. No. 37. Moore, James, had a grant of 100 acres lying southwest of Rev. John Harvey, occupied by Samuel Shaw in 1809. No. 38. McNitt, Barnard, 180 acres ; bought of the Claimers 100 acres, the same was granted by the G-eneral Court in 1732. It was owned by Benjamin Merrick in 1809, and Merrick Cooley in 1830, and Joseph H. Keith in 1888. No. 39. Mirick, or Merrick, Ebenezar. 275 acres. He was the assignee of James Dorchester, Sen., of 100 acres, bought of Gent. Claimers, and granted to Mr. Mirick by the General Court in 1732. It was situated between John King's farm on the east, and Joseph Wright, Jr. on the west. He sold to Nathaniel Wilson, of Spring- field, January 16, 1735. His father, Thomas Mirick, advanced money in settling Brimfield, in consideration of which he was granted one hundred and twenty acres of land in Monson division, which he deeded to Ebenezar in 1736, where he settled. Rev. Mr. Baldwin bought of Mr. Wilson and occupied the farm for several years. He died in 1813, his widow went to live with Mr. Shaw on the old homestead, south of the Old Centre, where she died April 14, 1842. The Merricks of past generations that lived in this town, Monson and Wilbraham, were descendants of the same ancestors that settled in Springfield. No. 40. McQueston, James. 207 aeres ; bought of the Claimers 70 acres, and it was granted to him by the General Court in 1732. It was situated on Dumplin brook, and bounded west by the river ; it is known of late years as the Benjamin Burleigh farm. No. 41. McElwane, James. 305 acres ; bought 100 acres of the Claimers, and granted by the General Court in 1732. Situated south of Ware river, and owned by John Allen McElwane in 1809, DESCRIPTIVE LIST, 397 and since owned by Zadock Cooley, Jacob B. Merrick, Esq., and Jeremiah Dutton. No. 42. McElwane, Timothy. 300 acres ; bought 100 acres of the Claimers over the rivers, the farm lately owned by Horace Hunn. It was a General Court grant of 1732. By a vote of the Proprie- tors, he was permitted to make a change for the saw mill lot south of the river in Thorndike upper village. James McElwane, Sen., see No. 26. No. 44. Magoon, Isaac, Jr. 374 acres ; 100 purchased from the Claimers and granted by the General Court. It is one of the N. E. corner farms of the town. He sold to James Lamberton ITS — . He traded farms with Irwin Shaw, that first settled in Ware. It has been owned by Charles Shaw, and Mr. Blodgett at the present time. No. 45. McKee, Andrew. 343 acres ; 100 he bought of the Gent. Claimers and it was granted to him by the General Court in 1732. It was bounded on the north by the equivalent lands of Esq. Eead. He sold to John Thomson in 1742, and the principal owners to the property since are : Noah Thomson, Harvey Utley in 1809, Calvin White, and Dea. Freeman Foster. Mr. Thomson, in after divisions in 1741, became the owner of all the land south to David Spear's farm. Henry, his son, settled on the east side of the hill, his farm has since been owned by Dea. Rozel Hastings and his son Perry, and for the last forty years by Ephraim B. Gates. His son Benjamin located on the west side of the hill. He sold to Nathan Davis about 1815. Of late years it has belonged to Daniel Dewire. No. 46. McClanathan, Thomas. 150 acres ; 100 acres of it was a General Court grant of 1732. It was owned byCapt. Jonathan Moores in 1809, and some of the owners since were James McMaster and Waterman Fuller. The farm is located between Bondsville and Elbridge G. Hastings. No. 47. McClanathan, William. 100 acres granted by the Gen- eral Court. It is not on the records how much he received in after divisions. It is situated on the east of the mountain and near the source of the Pottoquatuck brook. It was owned by Dea. Samuel McClanathan in 1809, and known to the present generation as the Seva Brown farm. No. 48. McClellan, James. 100 acres granted by the General Court, 1832. It was sold to Capt. Patrick Watson and owned by his son James and heirs till 1840. Charles Hastings has been the occupant of late years. No. 49. McMitchell (McMighill, McMihill), William. Located west of his father, Kobert Smith. His farm was a portion of the 398 GENEALOGIES AND RECORDS. Col. Pattridge grant, with the addition of lands of John Thomson right, and the east side of the farm of Patrick Smith's grant. Now owned by Charles F. Smith. No. 50. Kevins, Samuel. 100 acres was granted to him, 1732. It lies east of Three Rivers village, "and near the flag pond," as described in the grant. It was owned by Theophilus Knight in 1809, and since by Kittridge Earle and Omri Bourns. No. 51. Nevins, Robert and David. Had a grant of 100 acres by the General Court. The lot was bought by John Dorchester of the Claimers. It is situated at the source of King's brook and was about a mile from the country road. It has formerly been known as the Harvey Sherman farm and since owned by Mr. Graves. No. 52. Parsons, Benjamin. 235 acres ; he bought of Gent. Claimers 100 acres. It was granted to him, 1732, and situated on the east side of Pottoquatuck brook. Owned by John Hamilton, 1780, and his son, Joshua, 1809, and since by John Gamwell and Eugene Shorley. No. 53. Parsons, Joshua. His farm was in the right of his father, situated on the height of the mountain and on the east of Benjamin Parsons. It was owned by John Gamwell, 1809, and James Gamwell, 1850. The Miller family are the present owners. No. 54. Patterson, John. 189 acres ; he had a grant of G3 acres, lot No. 2, the same that was laid out to Andrew Farran, situated on the west side of Dumplin hill. He sold after the organization of the District to Paul Glassford, and entered lauds with his brother William in the north part of the town. Joshua McMaster owned the farm in 1809, where he had lived for 50 years. Reuben Shaw, his son Samuel, and Charles R. Shaw have since been the owners. No. 55. Rodgers, Robert. He jDurchased his farm of the pro- prietors about 1740 ; situated on the Quabaug river. The old house where they first settled was west of the present location. Reuben R. erected new buildings on a part of the farm, where Hugh Mc- Master first settled ; the John Brooks lot of 50 acres. No. 56. Slone, WilHam. 325 acres ; he bought 100 acres of the Claimers, and it was granted to him by the General Court, 1732. It was situated on the north side of Ware river, and the farm east of Hall and Farran, at the junction of Ware and Swift rivers, and the opposite side of the river from James McElwane's lot. The farm was owned by Zadock Cooley, 1809, and now by George Mooers. No. 57. Shaw, Dea. Samuel. 312 acres; he bought 100 acres of the Claimers, and the General Court granted it, 1732. It was bounded on the south by Quaboag river and on the east by Barnard I 1 DESCKIPTIVE LIST. 399 McNitt's farm. It was owned by Samuel, Jun., 1750, and by Samuel and David, 1780. They sold to Cajit. Alpheus Converse, who was living on the farm, 1809. Dea. Benjamin and his son, Dea. Hiram Converse, owned it each in their generation. No. 58. Scott, William. 562 acres ; he bought of the Claimers 100 acres, situated at one of the elbows of the Quaboag river and where the country road crossed the river into Brimfield (Monson). The farm was owned by William Scott, Esq., 1760, and by John Scott, 1809. The property was afterwards owned by William Scott, 3d, and then by John Sedgwick. The location was familiar to the public as Scott's Tavern, and later as Sedgwick's Hotel. No. 59. Scott, John, the eldest son of William Scott, Sen. 211 acres ; he bought 100 acres of the Claimers, and it was a grant to him, 1732. The location was in Breakneck hollow, east of Mount Dumplin, and was owned by Hugh McMaster, June, 1809. No. 60. Shearer, James, Sen. 150 acres ; 100 acres was a grant by the General Court. It was situated southeast of Pottoquatuck pond, lying both sides of Cedar Swamp brook. Divisions and addi- tions make it difficult to describe the lines at the present time. Mr. Shearer's location for his buildings was on the opposite side of the brook from where Francis Courtis built, and afterwards owned by Dea. Ealph Green and Elias Paul. The east side of the farm is_ owned by Josiah Gates. No. 61. Shearer, William. Farm was bought of the Proprietors' first division right, situated west of his father, on the south of Pot- toquatuck pond. Sold to John Gibson, 1770. It now belongs to George ]\Ioores. No. 62. Smith, Patrick, had a grant of 100 acres, bounded west by Ware river and situated between the two ponds, and extended east to Col. Patridge's grant. Part of the farm on the east was sold to Mr. McMitchell. Asa Newell was the owner of the west part, 1809. It now belongs to Erastus Keith and Moores. No. 63. Spear, Dea. David, had a grant of 100 acres by the Gen- eral Court. The principal owners, Dea. David, Jun., David, 3d, and William Spear, Jonathan Nutting and E. M. Bartlett. No. 64. Smith, Ptobert, Sen. He bought his farm of Col. Sam- uel Patridge of Brookfield from a 500-acre grant by the General Court, and Mr. Parkhill, that married his daughter, lived with him. It has been owned in the family since that time by Eobert, his grandson, Robert, Jun., Capt. Freeman, and at the present time by Charles F. Smith, the sixth generation. No. 65. Smith, Dea. John. He bought a 100-acre lot laid out to Robert and David Nevins on the first division riffht of Elisha Hall 400 GENEALOGIES AND RECORDS. and Thomas Farran. It was situated on Little Pottoquatuck moun- tain, bounded north by Col. Patridge grant, and the southwest line was the northeast line of Henry Dwight, Esq.'s grant of 300 acres; these lines remain the boundaries at the present of the Smith farm. His sons, William and John Allen, remained on the farm, and the princij^al proprietors since are Joseph Lee, Porter Lee, Robert Davison and Bradley Olney. No. 66. Smith, Elder James, bought his lot from the grant of Col. Patridge, situated east of his father, Eobert, Sen. It remained in the family till John Smith, the fifth generation, sold the farm and bought where Eli Smith now resides. Joseph Kerigan is the present owner. No. 67. Smith, Hugh, son of Dea. James Smith. His father purchased the farms of Robert Thomson and Daniel Fuller, 1749. The farms have been occupied by Hugh Smith, and in 1809 by Joseph, his son, and the owners since are Dea. Wilson Foster and sons, John and Freeman, James 0. Hamilton and Austin R. Smith. The first settled proprietors were on the west side of Col. Patridge's grant and East Ware river. No. 68. Thomson, Robert. 70 acres. General Court grant, 1732, lying north of the ponds. See No. 67. No. 69. Thomson^ John. 385 acres; he bought of the Claimers 100 acres and granted by the General Court, 1732. James Hamil- ton bought it, 1 763, and it was the home of the families for three generations. Mr. Thomson had a 100-acre lot, his first division, on the west side of the mountain, and sold to John Webber, 174-, for Noah, Benjamin and Henry Thomson. See No. 45. No. 70. Tackles, Alexander, had a grant of 100 acres from the General Court, 1732. Sold to Capt. Patrick Watson, 176-, where he lived in 1809. The owners since are Chester Hastings and heirs. No. 71. Wright, Joseph, Sen. 300 acres; he bought of the Claimers 100 acres and was granted by the General Court, 1732, 60 acres, with improvements, east of William Scott's and Mng east to the point of rocks, or the rocky ledge. He sold his farm in Spring- field, 1726. No. 72. Wright, Joseph, Jun. 374 acres ; he bought 100 acres of the Claimers, and the General Court granted him 72 acres of it, situated on the great plain east of John Kilburn's lot and bounded south by Quaboag river, including the depot and the east part of the village. Part of this farm was sold at ''vendue" to pay the rates of £500 ordered by the General Court at the organization of the district. ''Sold to Joseph King." Mr. Wright disposed of the balance, and it came into the possession of Dea. Thomas and DESCRIPTIVE LIST. 401 David King. Dea. Thomas located on the east side of the lot, and it was occujjied by him, Capt. Daniel and Daniel King, his son, and now known as the Dewey farm. David settled on the west side of the lot, and while it was being occnpied by John Watson the Boston and Albany Kailroad caused the change of business from farming to a place of merchandise. In 1728 there were eight farms bought of the Claimers and granted to them by the General Court, 1732, which formed the row between Blanchardville and the river crossing at Purlin Shearer^s. In twelve years there were but two families remaining, John King and William Scott. Dea. David Shaw had bought the Richard Combs farm, and Nathaniel Wilson, from Springfield, the Ebenezar Mirick place. The larger portion of the lands were bought up by the King family, and it was known afterwards as King's row. Supplement. No. 73. Quinton, Duncan. 325 acres ; he bought 100 acres of the Claimers, and it was granted to him, 1732. Thomas, his son, was owner, 1780 ; William King and his son Wills, 1793 ; John Hunt, 1809; Hardin Hunt and heirs since 18-40. No. 74. Webber, John. He bought the farm of xindrew Farran and John Thomson's west lot, north of Andrew Eutherford. See No. 22. No. 75. Hamilton, James, bought the farm granted to John Thomson, 1763, situated on Cedar mountain. See No. 69. No. 76. Hill, Thomas, had a grant of 70 acres south of the Old Centre and west of Eev. John Harvey. John Hill was the owner in 1790. Benjamin King and William Harvey have since been owners, with some alteration of boundary lines with the farm of Daniel Kilburn. No. 77. Rutherford, Andrew, had a General Court grant of 70 acres, situated north of Dea. Samuel Shaw. It soon came into the possession of other parties, and Thomas Mason and heirs were the owners for many years, with other lands. It is now the farm of Mr. Estin. No. 78. Shaw, William, had a grant of 100 acres west of Mr. Rutherford's lot and south of James Moore's. Mr. Shaw lived but a few years, and since then the proprietors have been many, and the farm, with the two lots north, are owned by families of Swedes. No. 79. Combs, John, had a grant from the General Court of 100 acres on the north of Joseph Fleming's, which he sold to him in 1734. The deed is in possession of the family descendants in 402 GENEALOGIES AND RECORDS. good preservation. It gives in detail the full description of the real estate, land, wood growing, with that fallen upon the ground, streams of water, rocks and ledges of rock, the last of which are too numerous for farming purposes with machinery in use at the present time. Samuel Bedortha of Springfield bought this farm of the Gent. Claimers and sold it to John Combs, Jan. 25th, 1731. It is described in the deed, situated on Rocky hill. Hampshire Rec- ords, book F. No. 80. Henderson, John, had 100 acres, and his brother James 50, granted by the General Court. It was situated east of James Lamberton's, on Cedar Swamp brook. James Smith, 2d, bought the John Henderson farm, and Dr. Jabesh Lamb bought the lot on the east. John McMaster was the owner of both lots in 1809, and it has remained in the family till of late. No. 81. Olds, Moses, bought of the Claimers 67 acres, and the General Court granted it to Steward Southgate as part of the grist- mill lot. It lies south of Pottoquatuck pond, and joins Ware river on the west. No. 82. Vose, Elijah, had a grant of 50 acres on the west side of Ware river, between Dea. David Spear on the south and the Minis- try lot on the north. Dea. Spears bought the lot in 1740. No. 83. McMaster, James, an elder brother of Dea. John and Hugh. He bought his farm of the Proprietors previous to 1735. See No. 16. No. 84. Ministry lot of 100 acres, ordered to be laid out by the General Court. It was situated on both sides of Ware river, and bounded north on the line of Esq. Read's equivalent land. No. 85. Dunlop, Robert, had a grant of 70 acres " over the rivers." The northeast corner was bounded on the rocky ledge opposite Three Rivers mill, on the west side of the river. Gilbert Barker and his son Franklin have been the owners the past half-century. No. 86. Jennings, Thomas. 309 acres; 100 acres was a grant by the General Court. It was surveyed to James English, 1742, and situated southeast of William McClanathan's and west of Lieut. Samuel Doolittle's farm and east of Pottoquatuck brook. It has been connected with the south part of Seva Brown's farm of late. No, 87. John McMaster, Sen., and James, his eldest son, had a 100-acre lot surveyed to him, 1740, in the right of fiirst division of James Dorchester, Sen. It was situated south of William McClana- than's and east of Little Pottoquatuck mountain, and most of the land west of the brook. It was sold to Ephraim Gates, 1752, and to Noah Shaw, 1796. It has been used as pasture lands for the last forty years. DESCRIPTIVE LIST. 403 Brimfield Addition. No. 90. Shearer, John, the eldest son of James Shearer, Sen., settled in Brimfield, the West Division. It was annexed to Palmer, 1760. The same year the West Division petitioned the General Court for the organization of a separate township. The building of the Three Rivers mill, with its industry and growth of the vil- lage, left Mr. Shearer^s location in the east part. The old home- stead was occupied by his descendants for several generations. No. 91. Graves, Daniel,* with the family by the same name, came from Springfield, and he located on this addition on or near the old country road. His son, Maj. Aaron Graves, was keeping hotel, 1780. There has been several proprietors since that time. Mr. M. W. French is the present owner. The descendants of Mr. Graves (many of them) obtained farms in this addition. On Map No. 1. The North Division. No. 1. Southgate, Steward. The amount of land appears on the records laid out for him amounted to 635 acres, but in proportion as other proprietors drew from their after divisions he would have been entitled to upwards of 900 acres. The General Court granted him 300, 100 for his home farm on the east side of Ware river and south of Ware village ; this was sold to Capt. Jacob Cummings. The General Court also granted him 200 acres, in consideration of his building a good and sufiBcient saw and grist mill, which was built on Pottoquatuck ponds, to the satisfaction of the proprietors. The saw-mill lot was on the east and south of the pond, and 10 acres at the outlet of the pond to the river, the grist-mill lot of 100 acres, 63 acres south of the pond, including the grove at For- est lake, and 37 on the west side of the river, including lands of the estate of Adolphus Whipple. No. 2. Magoon, Isaac, Sen., had a General Court grant of 100 acres, situated south of Esq. Read's equivalent lands, with a line running west from near the southeast corner. It was occupied by the Widow Magoon heirs, 1809. No. 3. Magoon, Isaac, Jun., in his first division had 100 acres east of Esq. Read's southeast corner, and east of Ware river. Seth Lamberton^s farm in 1809. No. 4. Cummings, Capt. Jacob, bought his lands of the proprie- tors. Steward Southgate and Isaac Magoon, with an addition at dif- See genealogy of the family. 404 GENEALOGIES AND KECORDS. ferent times of after divisions. It belonged to Joseph Cumniings in 1809. No. 5. Olmstead, Jeremiah. Had a grant of 100 acres situated northeast of his father Olmstead's farm, formerly the Hollings- worth grant ; beginning the survey at the bridge, crossing Ware river on the old country road. Alexander Magoon was the owner in 1809. Col. Pynchon (see Eeal Estate 2, p. 3, on John Kilburn's ac- count. — Real Estate 2, p. 128). Heirs had a lot of 200 acres in the northwest corner of the common lands, bounded on the west by equivalent lands, on the north by Marsh's grant. Samuel Bradford, Hon. Ebenezar Burrell, General Court committee, had 100 acres each situated south of Col. Pynchon's farm. The 400 acres were bought by James and William Breakenridge, with other lands that belonged to the proprietors. John Blackmer, Samuel Davis and John Post were some of the early settlers who made their purchase of the proprietors, John Blackmer settled southeast of his father-in-law, Capt. Cummings. Mr. Davis bought of Nathaniel Dewey. Mr. Post located north of Capt. Olmstead's farm on the proprietors' undivided lands. The North Division in Western ( Warren). No. 1. Brooks, Joseph, Sen. 295 acres; assignee of David In- gerson of 100 acres ; he bought of the Claimers 100 acres, and it was a Court grant, 1732. John Blair and John Patrick were made freemen and purchased the farm in 1735. It was situated in the east part of the District and bounded north by the farm of Oba- diah Cooley. No. 2. Bailey, Andrew. Bought 100 acres of the Claimers, and granted to his heirs by the General Court, 1732. Col. Stone and Samuel Blair were the owners in 1809. The West Warren Mfg. Co. are the owners of some of the lands with their privilege. No. 3. Chadwick, Joseph. 112 acres ; he bought 50 acres of the Claimers and granted to him, 1732; and situated in the southeast part of the District on Quabaug river, near the lower village of Warren Center. Mr. Dennison was the owner in 1809. No. 4. Curtice, Abel, had 100 acres ; he bought 50 acres of the Claimers, and it was granted to him, 1732. It was bounded east by Joseph Chadwick and south by the river, and owned by John Mills, 1809. No. 5. Dewey, Nathaniel, had 100 acres ; he bought 50 acres of the Claimers, and was granted by the Court, 1732. It bounded east by Abel Curtice, and was owned by John Patrick, 1809. DESCRIPTIVE LIST. 405 No. 6. Cooley, Obadiah, Jr. 325 acres; he bought 100 acres and it was granted to him, 1732. It was situated one-half mile west of Brookfield line and north of the land granted to Joseph Brooks. James Blair bought the farm and occupied it, 1809. Ware Divisio7i. No. T. Brooks, Joseph, Jr. 289 acres ; he bought 100 acres of the Claimers, and it was a G-eneral Court grant, and situated in the northeast corner of the District. It was bounded east by Brook- field and north by Col. Pynchon's 500 acre grant. [So stated on the records, but the north boundary is not right.] No. 8. Stanford, Robert. 100 acres ; he bought of the Claimers 50 acres ; he assigned it to Matthew Brown, and the General Court granted it to the assignee, 1732. Mr. James Brown became the owner. No. 9. Joseph Green and Isaac Walker, merchants of Boston, to 100 acres of land in the right of James McElwane's first division, and surveyed to them, 1740. Situated west of Joseph Brooks, Jr., and south of Col. Pynchon's land. John Blare, John Patrick, David Blare and James Brown were the purchasers of a large part of the lands north of the Quabaug river, that were entered by the first settlers. The location of this lot described by the records is uncertain. GENEALOGIES AND RECORDS. The Register of Families that Settled in the Elbow District During the First Century, " Our dead are never dead to us until we have forgotten them." —George Eliot. MANY persons know and care little about their ancestors, and to those the labor and expense in compiling this part of our town history will appear wasted, yet the true history of the town is only the history of the families that compose it. Therefore no educated person will underrate the value of historical investigation. Having a desire that this part of the work might be as complete as circumstances would permit, I have corresponded with the de- scendants of our ancestors residing in the Middle and Western States, and also searched the records of other towns and those of the New England Genealogical and Historical Society at Boston that contained information with regard to their residence previous to their settlement in this town. Mistakes may occur in some in- stances, which I trust will be excusable by those who have been en- gaged in a similar work. In a few instances I have given some traditional account of families when the traditions were more than probably true. Note. — Abbreviations: b., born ; m., married ; unm., unmarried ; ch., children ; dau., daughter ; s., son ; w., wife. Some families have two col- umns of figures — the one at the left represents the registered member of the family ; the figure at the right of the head of the family denotes the generation from the first family registered. THE APPLIN FAMILY. John and Eebecca came from "Watertown. He was a blacksmith by trade, and carried on the business near the Jonas Blodgett place. Their settlement here, in 1727, was after the birth of some of the children, as they are not on the records with the rest of the family. An epidemic deprived them of three of their boys in seventeen days, in the month of January, 1738. We can hardly imagine the severe affliction of this family, with several others, in the loss of 408 . GEXEALOGIES AlfD RECOKDS. their children by that dread disease, (on the records) the mortal throat distemper ; and at a time of their being deprived of the comforts of life, and living in a wilderness country. The family resided in Palmer till 1764, and then his son Thomas, with his family and youngest sister, Rebecca, removed to a new settlement (Swansey, N. H.). He is represented on the records of this town as a useful man in society, and in Swansey one of the leaders in the organization of the town and church. He carried with him a letter from the first Presbyterian Church of Palmer. John and Rebecca Applin. 2, oh. 1, Thomas, h.l , m. Mabel Brown. 3^ ch. 2, Edward, , d. Jan. 3, 1738. 4, ch. 3, John, Jr., , d. Jan. 2-5, 1738. 5, ch. 4, Ebenezar, b. Nov. 2.5, 1734, d. Jan. 20, 173S. 6, ch. .5, Sarah, b. Nov. 24, 1737. 7, ch. G, Rebecca, b. Aug. 13, 1740. Thomas,'- s. of John^ and Rebecca, m. Mabel Brown, Nov. 9, 1752. 8, ch. 1, John, b. Nov. 27, 1753. 9, ch. 2, Annah, b. Oct. 21, 1755. 10, ch. 3, Sarah, b. Sept. 10, 1757. 11, ch. 4, Thomas, b. Oct. 10, 1759. 12, ch. 5, Timothy Brown, b. Nov. 13, 1760. THE ABBOTT FAMILY. George and Mary Abbott. (!h. 1, Hannah, b. June 22, 1758. Ch. 2, Nathan, b. June 26, 1760. Ch. 3, Molly, b. Sept. 20, 1.762. Ch. 4, Sarah, b. Oct, 25, 1765. Ch. 5, Bethiah, b. May 13, 1768. Ch. 6, George, b. Sept. 4, 1770. Gideon and Mary Abbott. Ch., Sally Appleton, b. March 15, 1793. THE ADAMS FAMILY. Andrew, Jr., and Rebecca Adams. Ch. 1, AmoB, b. Feb. 12, 1790. Ch. 2, Lucy, b. Oct. 18, 1791. Ch. 3, Sally Swift, b. Jan. 11, 1798. Ch. 4, Rebecca, b. Jan. . Oliver, s. of Andrew, m. Betsey . Ch., Eunice Wight,b. Oct. 4, 1812. THE ALLEN FAMILY. Allen, 0. P., b. Sept. 30, 1833, in Wallingford, Vt., educated at Chester academy, taught in public schools four years in Vernon and New Jersey, superintendent of schools in Vernon two years. He removed from New Jersey to Palmer October 5, 1859, and opened r '^TEfe A^i- -ii^-f ORRIN P. ALLEN. ALLEN. 409 the drug store in Lawrence Block, January, 1860, in company with Dr. A. M. Higins, afterwards in partnership with Dr. E. G. Wood, and later with Dr. A. B. Cowan. In 1880 bought his partner's interest and continued the business alone. He purchased the Lam- bert Homestead, corner of Church and Pleasant sts. in 1866, where he has since lived. Married Miss Hattie L. M. Gavin of Boston, February 30, 1860, she d. February 25, 1862, had one child, Ina Lyndon, b. May 16, 1861. 2d m. Miss Lucinda E. Scott, dau. of E. G. Scott of Vermont, June 16, 1863. Ch. 2, Walter Scott, b. Feb. 1, 1867. Ch. 3, Julia Adeline, b. July 6, 1869. Ch. 4, Lillie May, b. Sept. 7, 1870. His ancestors are : — father, Robert, b. Apr. 16, 1805, in Shutes- bury, now living Vernon, Vt., at the age of 8-1 yrs ; grandfather, Robert, b. in Newport, R. I., Oct. 10, 1767, d. in Wallingford, Vt., May 15, 1856, aged 88 yrs ; great grandfather, Joseph, b. probably in Nantucket, 1728, d. in Shutesbury, 1804, aged 76 yrs ; great- great grandfather, Joseph, b. about 1692, d. nearly one hundred yrs. of age. A record in Savage, on the Allen family of Newport, R. L, which probably connects this line. (?) Allen, Joseph, of Newport, R. I., m. July, 1662, Sarah . Ch. Abigail, b. April 1, 1663 ; Rose, b. Oct. 1, 1665 ; Joseph, b. March 4, 1668 ; John, b. July 15, 1669 ; Philip, b. July 3, 1667, William, b, Aug. 10, 1673. The different branches, or the different lines of the Allen family that have lived in town for the past ninety years are not easily traced to their progenitors, and their family relation to each other very well known, as there appears no connecting link with the branches whose genealogy have been traced. The Allen family have long been residents in England and Scot- land, and many of them shared in titled and honored names. Capt. Abner Allen came from the eastern towns to Petersham, and m. Philadelphia Crowl May 20, 1793. I find some records that make it possible that he might have been a descendent of Walter, that settled in Newbury, 163 — . He removed to Palmer in 1800, and located on a farm east of the Old Centre, and in connection with farming worked at his trade, (a blacksmith). Ahner and Philadelphia Allen. Ch. 1, Elijah, b. Dec. 15, 1794, m. . Ch. 2, Cyrus, b. Apr. 4, 1796, m. Sally Blodgett March, 1817. Ch. 3, Cyrena, b. Nov. 6, 1797, m. Jonathan Wade Dec. 13, 1827. Ch. 4, Lambert, b. June 29, 1799, m. Elisabeth Steel 1825. Ch. 5, Clarisa, b. Jan. 18, 1802, m. Moses Barnes 1822. 410 GENEALOGIES AXD RECORDS. Ch. 6, Backster, b. Apr. 28, 1803. Ch. 7, Huldah, b. Nov. 6, 1804, m. Pliney Cooley Jan. 25, 1829. Ch. 8, Ephraim, b. Apr. 18, 1806, in. Mary Scripture Apr. 9, 1831. Ch. 9, Abner, Jr., b. Nov. 15, 1807, m. Mary Hale Oct. 1832. Ch. 10, John, b. Nov. 17, 1809. Ch. 11, Philadelphia, b. Oct. 25, 1811, m. Elias Turner. Allen, James G., Judge, was the son of Edmund^ boru in Bel- chertown, and grandson of Capt, Edmund Allen from Sturbridge, that removed to Belchertown in early life. Edmund Jr. lived in Belchertown till he was 23 years of age, and being known as a superior mechanic, Benjamin Prescott, a superintendent of the Springfield Armory, in 1809 gave Mr. Allen employment in stock- ing guns, which was somewhat tedious, as the Blanchard joatent for irregular turning had not been brought into use. He worked in tlie armory till 1845, and at the age of 28, married Lucy, daughter of Jonathan Gardner, a merchant of Springfield. The family con- sisted of nine children ; James G., our late townsman, b. in Sj^ring- field, and when young entered the printing-office, but later engaged in carriage manufacturing at Huntington. He studied law in Springfield, and in 1853 settled in Palmer, and opened an office in Strong's block. He was Trial Justice, Notary Public, Commis- sioner of Insolvency and Public Administrator, and July 1, 1872, appointed Judge of the Eastern Hampden Court, which appoint- ment he held at his death, 1878. Mr. Allen took an active part in the improvements of the village, he built the Allen Block in 1873-4, his residence was the brick house built by the B. &. A. R. R. cor- poration for Capt. Watson. His progenitor dates back to the early settlement of the colony. James Allen and wife, Anna, came from Suffolk Co., England in 1639, and settled in Dedham, the town where his cousin, Rev. John Allen settled in 1637, and became the first settled minister in 1639, James was made freeman in 1647, and in company with fifty others in 1649, settled in the western part of the town on Charles river, and in the following year it was incorporated Medfield. James, m. Anna in England. Ch. 1, John, b. in Dedham, Dec. 4, 1639. Ch. 2, James, b. in Medfield, m. Lydia Adams. Ch. 3, Nathaniel, m. Mary Fritswell, had nine ch.— 1, Samuel; 2, Nathaniel: 3, James; 4, John; 5, Mary; 6, Ann; 7, Sarah; 8, Benjamin; 9, Edmund. Ch. 4, William, m. had ch. Ch. 5, Benjamin, m. had ch. Ch. 6, Martha, m. William Sabin, R. I. Ch. 7, Mary, m. Joseph Clark, Medfield. Ch. 8, Sarah, m. Domingo White. Ch. 9, t Joseph, b. June 24, 1652, m. Hannah Sabin, Sekonk, R. I. ALLEN". 411 10. Joseph^, s. of JamesS m. Hannah Sabin. 19, ch. 1, Joseph, b. Dec. 19, 1676. 20, ch. 2, Hannah, b. , 1679. 21, ch. 3, Daniel, b. , 1681, removed to Pomfret, Ct. 22, ch. 4, David, b. , 1683, removed to Pomfret, Ct, 23, ch. 5, Noah, b. Apr. 21, 1685, m. Sarah Gay, Dedham. 24, ch. 6, Eliezer, b. 1688, m. Mary Battelle. 25, ch. 7, Jeremiah, b. 1690, unm. 26, ch. 8, Hezekiah, b. 1692. 27, ch. 9, Abigail, b. 1697. 28, ch. 10, fNehemiah, bap. May 21, 1699. 30, ch. 11 and 12, Thankful and Mary. 28, Nehemiah^, s. of Joseph-, m. , had eight sons and one dau. 31, ch. 1, fEliphalet, b. 1728. 32, ch. 2, Nehemiah, b. 1730, d. March 26, 1822. 33, ch. 3, John, b. 1732. 34, ch. 4, Jacob, b. Feb. 24, 1734, removed to Whitehall, X. Y. 35, ch. 5, Abel, b. March 3, 1736, d. 1820. 36, ch. 6, David. 37, ch. 7, Timothy, m. Hannah Moffit. 38, ch. 8, Abagail, b. Dec. 23, 1741, m. Aaron, s. of Isaac Allen. 31, fEliphalet*, s. of Nehemiah*, had 8 sons and 3 dau. 39, ch. 1, t Edmund, b. Dec. 1, 1753. 40, ch. 2, Elijah, b. Apr. 10, 1765. 41, ch. 3, Khoda, b. , m. Caleb, s. of Isaac Allen. 42, ch. 4, Willard, b. Aug. 14, 1770; and others. 39, Capt. EdmundP, s. of EliphaletS m. Molly Stacy, Sept. 13, 1776; he d. Dec. 23, 1833; she b. July 17, 1759, d. Dec. 12, 1836. 43, ch. 1, Polly, b. Aug. 13, 1777, d. March 29, 1850. 44, ch. 2, t Chester, b. Feb. 4, 1779, d. Sept. 14, 1859. 45, ch. 3, Amnia, b. Dec. 20, 1780, m. Mr. Wilson. 46, ch. 4, Anna, b. Sept. 1, 1782. 47, ch. 5, Nathan, b. June 2, 1784, d. Dec. 26, 1825. 48, ch. 6, tEdmund, b. Feb. 2.5, 1786. 49, ch. 7, t Abram, b. March 2, 1788. .50, ch. 8, Elisabeth, b. Apr. 23, 1790^ m. Mr. Rice, d. Nov. 22, 1823. 51, ch. 9, Silence, b. Sept. 6, 1792, m. Moses Record, d. March 23. 1826. 52, ch. 10, Julia, b. March 2, 1795, d. Sept. 14, 1827. 53, ch. 11, Elijah, born Sept. 1, 1797, d. Sept. 20, 1832. 54, ch. 12, Almira, b. Aug. 3, 1799. d. March 31, 1834, unm. 55, ch. 13, Eliza, b. Aug. 26, 1801. 44, Chester"^, s. of Capt. Edmund^, m. Anna Rice Nov. 26, 1805. 56, ch. 1, Harriett, b. Aug. 13, 1806, m. Jerry Miller, Ludlow, d. Dec. 6, 1857. 57, ch. 2, Elijah C, b. Aug. 13, 1808, m. Lucinda Babbit. 58, ch. 3, Elisabeth, b. Sept. 12, 1811, m. Samuel S. Johnson. 59, ch. 4, Abner B., b. June 13, 1814, m. Mary Pearce. 60, ch. 5, Sophronia, b. Nov. 26, 1816, m. John Coney. 61, ch. 6, Samuel Hovre, b. Feb. 20, 1819, m. Julia Pierson. 62, ch, 7, Mary S., b. May 2, 1821, m. Eben Brown. 49, Ahravn!^, s. of Capt. Edmund^, residence, Belchertown. 63, ch. 1, Joanna, m. Eestus Curi-ier. 412 GENEALOGIES AXD RECORDS. 64, ch. 2, Henry, m. M. Willis. 65, ch. 3, George, m. Lucy Lewis. 66, ch. 4, Keyes H., m. Martha Davis, Palmer, now resides in Missouri. 67, ch. 6, Phebe, m. Forrest Leach. 68, ch. 5, Mary, m. Anderson Parker, settled in Brimfield. 48, Edmund^, s. of Capt. Edmund^ b. in Belchertown, Feb. 25, 1786, m. Lucy Gardner of Springfield, Dec. 22, 1814. 69, ch. 1, Edmund P., b. Feb. 2, 1816. 70, ch. 2, Fanny S., b. Aug. 31, 1818, m. David P. Curtis, d. April 15, 1889. 71, ch. 3, James G., b. July 18, 1820, m. Elisabeth C. Bradley. 72, ch. 4, Maria L., b. June 19, 1826, unm., d. Aug. 9, 1878. 73, ch. 5, Samuel T., b. Aug. 3, 1826, d. May 24, 1849, unm. 74, ch. 6, Frederick S., b. Feb. 27, 1828, d. July 25, 1850, unm. 71, James G.,' s. of Edmund,*' m. Elisabeth C. Bradley June 28, 1843. 75, ch. 1, Maria E., b. July 26, 1845. 76, ch. 2, James D., b. Jan. 29, 1848, d. Apr. 22, 1858. 77, ch. 3, Frederick, b. Apr. 2, 1855, m. Emma C. Perry Jan. 10, 1878. Allen, Cheney, came from Brookfield and settled in Palmer 1839. The family register gives the names of John, Artemns, Isaac and Zebediah living in Brookfield 1775. Some of their descendants re- side there at the present time. John Allen and wife Anna. Ch. 1, James, b. Feb. 15, 1788. Ch. 2, John, Jun., b. May 28, 1790. Ch. 3, Polly, b. Feb. 13, 1793. Ch. 4, Anna, b. March 22, 1796. Ch. 5, Eunice, b. Jan. 21, 17199. Ch. 6, Joyce W., b. Sept. 6, 1801. Ch. 7, Liberty B., b. May 11, 1806. Ch. 8, Joseph, b. July 7, 1808. John, Jr., m. Hepsabeth How; he d. March 10, 1847; she d. Dec. 22, 1852. Ch. 1, John H., b. Nov. 17, 18—, d. Sept. 4, 1878, unm. Ch. 2, George W., b. Feb. 24, 1813, m. Mary E. Marsh. Ch. 3, Levanchey W., b. Dec. 26, 181.5, m. Hiram Walker. €h. 4, Cheney, b. Jan. 24, 1819, m. Harriett Orcutt 1842, she d. Feb. 1865,— ch. Francis V,., b. Nov. 3, 1844. Ch. 5, Mary, b. May 8, 1821, m. Henry Churchill, Lynn. Ch. 6, Nathaniel L., b. Apr. 5, 1824, m. Nancy Harvey. THE BROWN FAMILY. John and Matthew Brown's residence in the District dates back to 1727. Matthew signed the petition for the organization of the township. John has no record of taking up land, and it is said he returned to the eastern part of the state to his friends, who were decendants of John Brown, who came from England, 1634. Matthew and wife. He was b. 1676, d. Apr. 30, 1766. Ch. 1, Thomas; ch. 2, William; ch. 3, Robert; ch. 4, James. BROWN. 413 1, Thomas-, s. of Matthewi, m. Jane McNitt, December, 1744; d. Nov. 3, 1756. Ch. 5, Andrew, b. Dec. 28, 1745, m. Mary Bell May, 1767. Ch. 6, Kobert, b. Nov. 17, 1747. Ch. 7, John, b. Oct. 6, 1749, m. Elizabeth Carver 1770. Ch. 8. Margaret, b. Aug. 24, 1751, m. Andrew Young March 14, 1774. Ch. 9, Anne, b. Oct. 24, 1753. Ch. 10, Mary, b. Feb. 17, 1756, m. James Shaw 1780. 2, William,- s. of Matthew,^ m. Margaret Johnson ; he was b. 1721, d. Feb. 26, 1783. 11, ch. 1, Samuel, b. May 9, 1749. 12, ch. 2, Matthew, b. June 7, 1751. 13, ch. 3, Elizabeth, b. Aug. 12, 1753, m. Josiah Farrell Oct. 26, 1786. 14, ch. 4, Margaret, b. Aug. 29, 1756, m. David Brown, Jan. 1, 1771. 15, ch. 5, Thomas, b. Sept. 2, 1759, m. Jane McNitt, Dec. 15, 1784. 16, ch. 6, William, b. Aug. 9, 1762. 17, ch. 7, Samuel, b. Jan. 16, 1765. IS, ch. 8, James, b. June 10, 1767. 3, Robert,'^ s. of Matthew^, m. Elenor McClanathan September, 1748. 19, ch. 1, Thomas, b. Apr. 24, 1750. Elenor, d. May 6, 1755; m. 2d wife, Sarah Shaw, Feb. 10, 1757. 20, ch. 2, Elisabeth, b. Sept. 11, 1760, m. Isaac Hunter. 21, ch. 3, Seth, b. June 9, 1762, m. Elisabeth Pond Aug. 24, 1794. 22, ch. 4, Elenor, b. Jan. 28, 1765, m. John Hunter Dec. 18, 1784. 23, ch. 5, Kebecca, b. March 4, 1768, m. Isaac Hunter, 2d wife, Feb. 13, 1798. 24, ch. 6, Solomon, b. Dec. 9, 1772, m. Ruth Brakenridge March, 1798. 25, ch. 7, Prudence, b. July 19, 1775, m. Dea. Wilson Foster, Oct. 19, 1797. 24, Solomon^, s. of Eobert^, m. Ruth Brakenridge March, 1798; he d.Dec. 30, 1866; she d. Feb. 13, 1850. 26, ch. 1, Polly, b. March 15, 1799, m. Royal Colister, 1823. 27, ch. 2, Talmai, unm. 28, ch. 3, Solomon, unm. 29, ch. 4, Sarah, m. Mr. Olds. 21, Seth^, s. of Robert^, m. Elisabeth Pond Aug. 21, 1794. 30, ch. 1, Clarisa, b. June 19, 1794, m. Daniel Dunbar 1820. 31, ch. 2, Alvah. b. Aug. 26, 1796, m. Sally Anderson; went west. 32, ch. 3, Amasa, b. Apr. 16, 1798. 33, ch. 4, Seva, b. Dec. 3, 1799, m. Caroline Cobb. 34, ch. 5, Robert. 35, ch. 6, Harvey. 36, ch. 7, Eli. 37, ch. 8, Louisa, m. Martin Shaw Oct. 29, 1828. 38, ch. 9, Anna. 33, Seva*, s. of Seth^, m. Caroline Cobb Oct. 22, 1829, d. Aug. 22, 1872. 39, ch. 1, Seva, Jr., b. March 7, 1831, d. Battle of Wilderness, 1864. 40, ch. 2, Caroline, b. Aug. 20, 1833, m. George Keith Jan. 1, 1849. 41, ch. 3, Lucius, b. Sept. 15, 1835, m. Sarah A. Childs Apr. 10, 1858. 42, ch. 4, Maria, b. Sept. 15, 1838, m. Lyman Snow Nov. 18, 1857. 43, ch. 5, Samuel, b. Jan. 1, 1842, m. Melissa C. Dimock Oct. 28, 1862. 44, ch. 6, Seth, b. May 10, 1843, m. Mrs. Sarah A. Brown Jan. 26, 1866. 45, ch. 7, Elisabeth, b. May 11, 1846, m. Olin Potter Apr. 5, 1866; m. Frank Shaw Sept. 23, 1875. 414 GENEALOGIES AND KECORDS. 46, ch. 8, Sarah, b. Aug. 17, 1848, m. George Merriam Jau. 1, 1872. 43, Samuel^, s. of Seva^ m. Melissa C. Dimock Oct. 28, 1862. 47, ch. 1, Bertie S., b. Sept. 7, 1867, d. Feb. 26, 1874. 48, ch. 2, Mabel, b. Apr. 26, 1873. James^, s. of Matthew^, settled on a farm east of his father that is now in the limits of Warren. His father was assignee of the place, 1736, it being granted to Robert Stanford by the General Court Committee. James m. Elizabeth Blare, and several genera- tions occupied the land with other lots laid out to him in the rights of the proprietors. 4, James^ and Elisabeth (Blare) Brown. 49, ch. 1, Matthew, b. Oct. 17, 1742. 50, ch. 2, David, b. Apr. 11, 1744. 51, ch. 8, James, Jr., b. Sept. 21, 1745. 52, ch. 4, William, b. Apr. 12, 1747. 51, James, Jr.^, m. Elisabeth Johnson. 53, ch. 1, Asa, b. Oct. . 54, ch. 2, Eli, b. March, . 55, ch. 3, Anna, b. July, 178-. 56, ch. 4, Joel, b. Nov. 25, 178-. 57, ch. 5, Samuel, b. June, 178-. 58, ch. 6, Polly, b. Sept. 22, 1787. 59, ch. 7, Amos, b. June 6, 1790. 60, ch. 8, James, b. June 17, 1793. 61, ch. 9, Johnson, b. Nov. 5, 1795. 52, William^, s. of James^, m. Margaret. 62, ch. 1, Thomas, b. Nov. 20, 1770. 63, ch. 2, James, b. Apr. 16, 1772. 64, ch. 3, William, Jr., b. Dec. 7, 1773. 65, ch. 4, Calvin, b. Dec. 3, 1775. 66, ch. 5, Betty, b. Aug. 19, 1777. Ehenezer, s. of James and Betsy (Maynard) Brown, and grandson of Ebenezer Brown, of Brighton, Mass., farmer. Mr. Brown was left to the care of friends at the age of eleven years by the death of his father. At the age of fifteen it was proposed by his friends in Palmer to change his location for the benefit of his health. After his settlement he labored a part of the time to procure funds to pay expenses to attend school at Monson and Wilbraham Academy. At the age of twenty-one he became in possession of his father's small estate, and with the advice of a friend, Dea. Green, he bought an old store at the Old Centre, to engage in merchandise ; but as the rush of business was centering at Palmer Village, he moved the store at Thorndike and fitted up a tenement, which wasted some of his small capital. He then opened a hardware store at Palmer, about 1848, and his steady application to business has rewarded BEEAKEXRIDGE. 415 him with a handsome property. He built his residence on West Main street in 1869, when it was thought by some that he had moved out of the village. This was about the commencement of first-class houses in the village. In 1874, in company with J. F. Holbrook, they built the Commercial block. By the urgent request of the citizens, Mr. Brown has served in important places of trust for the town, and always been interested in his considerate way for the benefit and improvement of the village. James, s. of Ebenezer, m. Betsey Maynard, d. 1834. Ch. 1, Ebenezer, b. Oct. 16, 1823, m. Mary S. Allen, Dec. 16, 1845. Ch. 1, Clarence A., b. Apr. 12, 1850, m. Fanny W. Royce. Ch. 2, Anna A., b. Feb. 6, 1858, m. Francis D. Barton, June 6, 1884. Ch. 1, Francis D., b. March 15, 1886. Ch. 2, Eben R. b. Aug., 1887. THE BREAKENRIDGE FAMILY. James Breakenridge was born in Scotland in 169(3. The name at first probably originated from the peculiar feature of the coun- try — its ridge hill and a place of ferns. His parents died when he was young, and he went to Ireland and married in 1720 and had three sons — James, William and Francis. The family departed from Ireland July 16, 1727. Francis died during the voyage. He settled easterly of the Old Centre, the>farm now occupied by Horace Smith, and had other children — Francis, 2d, Sarah, Esther, George and Margaret. James and William settled in the Xorth Division of the Elbows, on lands laid out in their father's right of after divisions, and also lands purchased from the General Court Com- mittee. The family otherwise remained in the South Division. James Breakenridge, Sen., b. 1696, m. Sarah 1720, b. 1696 ; he d. Apr. 5, 1767 ; she d. I^ov. 17, 1773. Ch. 2, James, b. May 28, 1721. Ch. 3, William, b. Sept. 17, 1723. Ch. 4, Francis, b. Jan. 8, 1725, d. Aug. 19, 1727. Ch. 5, Francis, 2d, b. Nov. 18, 1728, m. Margaret Cowan 1755. Ch. 6, Sarah, b. Oct. 6, 1729, m. James Lemmon. Ch. 7, Esther, b. Sept. 19, 1731, m. James Hamilton Feb. 6, 1766. Ch. 8, George, b. June 1, 1733, m. Mary Thomson 1758. Ch. 9, Margaret, b. , d. Sept. 9, 1787. James, Jun., the eldest son o'f James, Sen., owned a tract of land in the North Division, joining his brother William on the north, which he sold to him in after years and removed to Benning, Vt. Esquire Hyde, in his historical address of AVare, makes mention that he was sent on a mission to England for redress of grievances. This was after he and his brother William were members of the Provincial Congress in 1775. We have no records of the man from 416 GEXEALOGIES AXD RECORDS. his appoiutment, except to learu that he was i^ersuaded it was wrong for the colony to rebel against the King, and he therefore espoused the cause of the British and remained till the close of the war. When he came back it was not to live with his friends. He settled in Kentucky, and was the ancestor of the politicians and statesmen of the Southern States. 2, James-, Jun., and Mary. Cb. 10, Janet, b. Aug. 18, 1746. Cb. 11, Isabel, b. Oct. 22, 1748. Cb. 12, Estber, b. Sept. 22, 1751. Cb. 13, Mary, b. Feb. 1, 1754. Cb. 14, James, b. Aug. 26, 1756. Cb. 15, William, b. Dec. 8, 1758. Capt. William, s. of James, Sen., m. Agnes Sinclair. He was one of the most prominent men in the organization of the town of Ware, was town clerk for many years and a member of the first board of selectmen. He held a captain's commission under the King, but when tyranny began to oppress the people he resigned his commission and raised a company for the Eevolution. His son enlisting in his company, said he was going to take care of his father. He d. aged 84 years. 3, William- and Agnes Sinclair. Cb. 16, Sarah, b. Aug. 22, 1747, m. Josepb Ruggles, d. 1827. Cb. 17, William, Jun., b. Marcb 5, 1750, m. Thankful Marsh. Cb. 18, James, b. Nov. 22, 1752, m. Priscilla Coney. Cb. 19, George, b. Aug. 5, 1755, m. Persia Joslyn May, 1784. Ch. 20, Francis, b. Jan. 11, 1759, m. Lydia Pepper. Cb. 21, Mary, twin to Francis, m. Jesse Page 1780. 17, William'^, Jun., eldest s. of Williams, m. Thankful Marsh of Ware, d. Dec. 17, 1833. Ch. 22, Thankful, b. Jan. 8, 17S1, m. Amasa Anderson. Their children, Oriva, William, Samuel, Franklin, Charles. 23, William^ Sinclair, s. of William, Jun., m. Anna Cummings of Ware. Ch. 1, Charles Sinclair; cb. 2, Henry Porter; cb. 3, Mary Ann; ch. 4, New- ell Cutler; ch. 5, Bradish Cummings. 28, Judah^ Marsh, s. of William, Jun., m. Sela Cummings Apr. 29, 1792. Ch. 1, Mary; ch. 2, Josepb Cummings; ch. 3, William Wesson. 32, Sally, m. Josepb Cummings. Cb. 1, Mary; ch. 2, Sarah; ch. 3, Eliza; ch. 4, Delpha; ch. 5, Joseph Austin; cb. 6, Lutbera; cb. 7, Mary Anne; cb. 8, William Breakenridge ; cb. 9, El- bridge; 10, Martha. 33, Charlotte, m. Isaac Stearns. Ch. 1, Charlotte; ch. 2, Isaac, Jun.; cb. 3, Maria; ch. 4, Alonzo; ch. 5, Hannah. 18, James^, second s. of William- and Agnes Breakenridge, m. Priscilla Coney. BREAKENRIDGE. 417 34 cb. 1, James; ch. 2, Allender; ch. 3, Polly; ch. 4, Reuben M. ; ch. 5, Pris- cilla; ch. 6, William; ch. 7, Agnes Sinclair; ch. S, Mehitable E. 35, Allender*, s. of JamesS, b. March 27, 1787, m. Esther Perry Dec. 13, 1807. 41 ch. 1, Elijah P.; ch. 2, James M. ; ch. 3, Allender C. ; ch. 4, Allender C, 2d; ch. 5, Elias K.; ch. G, Josiah C; ch. 7, Julia A.;ch. 8, William L. 42, James^ M., second s. of Allender*, m. Hester Wade Oct. 18, 1838. 49. ch. 1, Charles A.; ch. 2, James H.; ch. 3, Alice H.; ch. 4, Hester W. Mrs. Hester d. May 4, 1849. Second m. Celia Chapin Dec. 5, 1849. Ch. 5, Henry D. ; ch. 6, Mary D. ; ch. 7, Lucy C. 44, Allender^ C, 2d, s. of AllenderS m. Amanda Medcalf Nov. 17, 1818. 56, ch. 1, Ellen M. ; cb. 2, Augusta F. ; ch. 3, Warren J. 45, Elias^ K., fifth s. of Allender*, m. Martha Culver March 29, 1841. 59 ch. 1, Martha A. ; ch. 2, Almira L. ; ch. 3, Elias E. ; ch. 4, Clara C. ; ch. 5, Clarance E. ; ch. 6 Adelia E. ; ch. 7, Eva W. 46, Josiah^ C, sixth s. of Allender*, m. Frances A. Bradley Nov. 20, 1844. 65, ch. 1, Allender I.; ch, 2, Florence F.; ch. 3, William C; cb. 4, Frances Augusta; ch. 5, Fredrica C; ch. 6, Rosetta S.; ch. 7. Robert St. Clair; ch. 8, Ethel; ch. 9, Philip K. 48, William^ L., seventh s. of Allender*, m. Mary B. Lyman Jan. 21, 1826. 74, ch. 1, Frederick L. ; ch. 2, Lyman W. ; ch. 3, Julia A. ; ch. 4, Mary E. ; ch. 5, Henry W. ; ch. 6, Seymour C. ; ch. 7, Harlin A. ; ch. 8, Fanny E.; ch. 9, Osro E. 19, George^, third s. of William- and Agnes Breakenridge, m. Persis Joslyn May, 1785. 83, cb. 1, Dwight; ch. 2, John; ch. 3, George; ch. 4, William; ch. 5, Benja- min; ch. 6, Betsey; ch. 7, Sally; cb. 8, Theodosia; cb. 9, Susan H.; cb. 10, Franklin. 20, Francis^, youngest son of William^ and Agnes Breakenridge. 93, had one son, Francis, Jun., b. February, 1790, d. June 17, 1831. Francis-, 2d, and fourth s. of James, Sen., b. in Palmer 1728, m. Mary Cowan 1755. Mary died March 6, 1789. He then married Eebecca Blair May U, 1789. He died Jan. 30, 1790, in the 62d year of his age. His child Eebecca was born after his death. The daughter married Joseph Brickett, and Francis willed his property to his wife Eebecca. The farm was east of now Herman Kendall's. She then leased her farm to Col. Ebenezer Webber for eight years, and was married to him in 1792. The record is made from the will and lease, now in the possession of Mr. Seth Smith of Palmer. 8, George'^, s. of James^, Sen., b. June 1, 1733, d. March 11, 1797, m. Mary Thomson Nov. 16, 1758 ; she b. May 16, 17o6. 94, ch. 1, James, b. Sept. 20,1759, m. Eunice Shaw Dec. 6, 1781. 95, ch. 2, Anna, b. May 13, 1761, d. Sept. 5, 1820. 96, ch. 3, Margaret, b. July 31, 1763, m. Clark McMaster Oct. 14, 1790. 97, ch. 4, Mary, b. Sept. 9, 1T65, d. Oct. 17, 1767. 98, cb. 5, Molly, b. Oct. 19, 1767, m. Isaac Warren Oct. 18, 1797 ; they went to York State. 418 GENEALOGIES AND RECORDS. 99, ch. 6, George, Jun., b. Sept. 29, 1769, m. Mary McClanathan Nov. 10, 1795. 100, ch. 7, Sarah, b. May 16, 1771, m. John Dunbar April, 1801. 101, ch. 8, Ruth, b. April 18, 1773, m. Solomon Brown March, 1798. 102, ch. 9, Daniel, b. April 2, 1775, d. April 4, 1775. 103, ch. 10, Francis, b. April 4, 1777, d. March 11, 1807. 104, ch. 11, Obadiah, a twin of Daniel, m. Chloe Watson Nov. 3, 1802. 104, Obadiah^, s. of George-, m. Chloe Watson Nov. 3, 1802; he d. Jan. 27, 1809; she d. Jan. 5, 1808. 105, ch. 1, Azel, b. Dec. 28, 1804, m. Eliza W. Smith. 106, ch. 2, Mary T., b. March 3, 1806, m. Calvin Ward March 23, 1828; she d. Feb. 2, 1829. 107, ch, 3, Louisa, b, Aug. 14, 1803, d. Sept. 22, 1823. 105, Azel*, s. of Obadiah^, m. Eliza W. Smith April 14, 1830; he was b. Dec. 28, 1804; she was b. Feb. 15, 1810; d. Aug. 11, 1858. 108, ch. 1, William A., b. May 12, 1831. Ch. 2, Mary L., b. Aug. 12, 1833, m. George Robinson, Esq., Nov. 12, 1857. 109, ch. 3, Charles H., b. Dec. 7, 1835, m. Nellie Webber. 110, ch. 4, John A., b. Feb. 19, 1842, m. Hattie Kellog Nov. 10, 1868. 111, ch. 5, Jane E., b. June 24, 1845, m. George Hastings Jan. 29, 1868, d. April 16, 1875. 112, ch. 6, Helen M., b. Nov. 10, 1849, m. Charles T. Brainard June, 1872. 109, Charles H.^, s. of AzelS m. Nellie M. Webber December, 1857. 113, ch. 1, Charles W., b. May 17, 1863. 114, ch. 2, Carrie B., b. Oct. — , 1867. 110, John A.^, s. of AzelS m. Hattie Kellogg Nov. 10, 1868. 115, ch. 1, William E., b. Sept. — , 1869. 116, ch. 2, John E., b. May 4, 1873. 94, James^, eldest son of George*, m. Eunice Shaw Dec. 6, 1781; he d. Aug. 21, 1826; she d. Oct. 4, 1835. 117, ch. 1, Miriam H., b. Oct. 17, 1782, m. Ira Smith. 118, ch. 2, Mary, b. June 8, 1784, d. Aug. 12, 1799. 119, ch. 3, George, b. Dec. 9, 1786, a physician, m. and went West. 120, ch. 4, James, Jun., b.May 14, 1789. m. Patia Marcy Nov. 6, 1821. 121, ch. 5, John, b. May 10, 1791, m. Susan Jones March 17, 1825. 122, ch. 6, Eunice, b. April 17, 1794, d. March 2, 1866; 123 ch. 7, Francis, b. March 13, 1796. James and family settled in Otis. 120, James'^, Jun., and Patia Marcy Breakenridge m. Nov. 6, 1821. 124, ch. 1, Henry D.; ch. 2, Mary O. ; ch. 3, James L.; ch. 4, Harriet Frances. 121, John'', third s. of James^, m. Susan Jones March 17, 1794 ; their four children were: 127 ch. 1, John James; ch. 2, William Francis; ch. 3, Mary Anne; ch. 4t Nancy Jane. 123, Francis*^, fourth s. of James^ m. Zillah Millard Feb. 22, 1820. 132, ch. 1, Mary Zillah; ch. 2, John Francis; ch. 3, Clarissa Maria; ch. 4, James William. Sara¥, dau. of George-, m. John Dunbar April — , 1801. Had seven chil- dren — Anne, John, Sarah, Lucy C, Daniel, Electa. BALDWIISr. 419 99, George^, Jan., m. Mary McClanathan Nov. 10, 1795. 136 ch. 1, Reuben; ch. 2, George; ch. 3, John; ch. 4, Tirsah; ch. 5, Catharine; 141, ch. 6, Mary Ann. THE BALDWIN FAMILY. Rev. Moses Baldwin, a native of Newark, N. J., was of lineal de- scent of Nathaniel Baldwin, a Puritan from Buckinghamshire, Eng- land, who settled at Milford, Ct., in 1639. The families were impor- tant citizens in the new colony, and were respected for culture and probity. Eev. B. was the earliest graduate of Princeton, and re- ceived his degree in 1757; A.M., D. C, '91. He was ordained as an evangelist, and labored at Long Island with great zeal and energy for three years in the cause of Christ ; which appeared in after life a special gift to his calling. In 1761 he was invited to Palmer, and engaged in pastoral work, where he was installed by the Boston Presbytery June 17, 1761. Here his labors were satisfactory to the people for the period of 50 years. He educated three of his sons at Dartmouth College — John, 1791, Daniel and Ezra Lee. Daniel died in 1793, while a member of the senior class, Ezra Lee at the age of twenty-three years. '96. John married a daughter of Eev. Nehemiah Williams of Brimfield. He was a graduate of Harvard, 1769, and a son of Chester Williams of Hadley, and a lineal descendant of Robert Williams, who settled in Roxbury, Mass., in 1638. After marriage Mr. Baldwin settled in Coventry, R. I. They had a large family of fifteen children, five of them died young ; the others married, and have been an orna- ment to good society. Eliza Margaret married Rev. George Taft, Pawtucket, R. I., 1826. Henry Porter, his sixth son, was born Feb. 22, 1814. He commenced business m Woonsocket, R. I., and by exact and diligent habits laid the foundation of his future suc- cess. He removed in 1838 to Detroit and went into the mercantile business, and passed tLx„agh the collapse of business in 1838-9, while nearly all tl others met with failure. He has been since that time engaged in most of the enterprises in the building up and the making of Detroit, as well as the interest he has taken in the affairs of the state. Mr. Baldwin was elected senator in 1860, at a time when the treasurer had made way with all the available funds ; but he with others procured on private responsibility the means necessary to save the credit of the state. Mr. B. was chosen Governor of the state in 1868, and served four years. His life has been one of usefulness to the church and state, and his deeds of charity are known to many benevolent institutions. 420 GENEALOGIES AND KECORDS. His brother, James Augustus, married Elisabeth Bliss. After her death he married Mary J. Ashley of Providence, R. I. Both now reside in Si^ringfield, Mass. He has been a successful mer- chant for years, and is now a silent partner in a firm on Main street. William, son of Eev. Moses B., married Betty King. They lived in town, and had five children. The two eldest. King and Ezra, settled in South Carolina. William, Jr., went to White Plains, N. Y., married Amanda Derbyshere there, and were the parents of four- teen children. Elisabeth D., born July 12, 1831, married George W. Tupper of Wilbraham, and had a family of four children. John, his fourth son, married Philena Shearer. By trade he was a mason, and followed the occupation for ten years. He then kept the hotel and carried on farming in North Wilbraham for upward of twenty years ; and in the management of his own industries he exercised that judgment and faculty for the transaction of business that the citizens frequently selected him to take charge of their town affairs. William, his eldest son, died in California. Joseph remained in town, and was a drover for twenty years. He and his family re- main in possession of the old homestead at the present time. If any of the descendants of the Baldwin family have been unfor- tunate, and have not retained all the puritanic type of success that was found in others of their generation or of their ancestors, it is of common occurrence in the history of man ; and if tradition repre- sents Eev. Moses Baldwin as a preacher or pastor with less assurance of piety than may be manifested in ministers of a later date, we may answer the criticism : He was a man of his day ; he labored for half a century for the good of the people of Palmer, and to their satis- faction ; and they were ever ready to say he was the '' blessed.*' Rev. Moses Baldwin*, m. Becca Seymour Lee Auj:^. 7, 1765; he was b. Nov. 5, 1732; he d. Nov. 2, 1813; she d. Apr. 14, 1842. 1, ch. Nabby Seymour, b. July 12, 1766, m. Asa Hamilton Oct 24, 1786, d. Jan. 16, 1840. 2, ch. Lydia, b. Apr. 4, 1768, d. Sept. 3, 1775. 3, ch. John, b. Feb. 13, 1770, m. Peggy Williams July 25, 1796. 4, ch. Daniel, b. Dec. 3, 1771, d. June 23, 1792. 5, ch. Ezra Lee, b. Nov. 20, 1773, d. Jan. 1, 1796. 6, ch. William, b. Jan. 19, 1776, m. Betty King, Oct. 17, 1796. 7, ch. Rebecca Lee, b. June 29, 1778, m. John McClanathan Aug. 29, 1799. 8, ch. Polly, b. March 16, 1782, m. Alpheus Converse Jr., April, 1802. 9, ch. Moses, b. March 28, 1787, m. Eoxey Frink Apr. 6, 1817. Johrv', s. of Rev. Moses^ Baldwin, m. Peggy Williams July 25, 1798; he d. Oct. 16, 1826; she d. Nov. 22, 1818. Ch. 10, Percy Keyes, b. May 16, 1797, d. Aug. 6, 1835. Ch. 11, Mary Ann. b. Nov. 30, 1798, m. Daniel Nov., 1824. BROOKS. 421 Ch. 12, John Carter, b. March 29, 1800, m. Louisa M. Norton April, 1828. Ch. 13, Nehemiah Williams, b. Dec. 10. 1801, d. Sept. 21, 1824. Ch. 14, Charles Peabody, b. Nov. 15, 1802, m. Mary Ann Sibley Oct. 29, 1832. Ch, 15, Rebecca Lee. b. Nov. 20, 1804, d. May 21, 1807. Ch. 16, Eliza Margaret, b. June 24, 1806, m. Rev. George Taf t May 29, 1831 . Ch. 17, Martha Emmons, b. Jan. 6, 1808, m. Emory Taunt Oct. 14, 1828. Ch. 18. Samuel Hopkins, b. Dec. 10, 1809, m. Sarah B. Wheeler June 18, 1838. Ch. 19, Moses Harrison, Jan. 7, 1811, m. Martha Whittlesey March, 1839. Ch. 20, Henry Lee, b. Dec. 15, 1812, d. Aug. 16, 1813. Ch. 21, Henry Porter, b. Feb. 22, 1814, m. Harriet C. Day, Apr. 5, 1835, 2d m. Sibyl F. Lombard Nov. 21, 1866. Ch. 22, James Augustus, b. Dec. 31, 1815, m. Elisabeth Bliss May 10, 1840, 2d m. Mary J. Ashley Feb. 24, 1842. Ch. 23, Harriet Williams, b. July 26, 1817, d. Aug. 6, 1817. Ch. 24, Harriet Rebecca, b. Sept. 12, 1818, m. Joseph B. Walton March 7, 1843. 21, Henry Porter*', s. of John Baldwin^ m. Harriet C. Day April 5, 1835; she d. Jan. 25, 1865. 25, ch. 1, Peirce, b. Aug. 13, 1836, m. Lieut. George W. Rose, topographical engineer, U. S. A. 26, ch. 2, Frederick Tiffany, b. Aug. 19, 1839, d. Nov. 29, 1843. 27, ch. 3, Ella, b. Oct. 2, 1846, d. July 27, 1847. 28, ch. 4, Florence, b. May 29, 1849, d. Aug. 2, 1849; 2d m. to Sibyl Farn- ham Lombard Nov. 21,11866. 29, ch. 5, Sibyl Farnham, b. May 10, 1868. 30, ch. 6, Katharine Johnson, b, Oct. 7, 1869. 31, ch. 7, Henry Porter, b. Feb. 8, 1872, d. Oct. 23, 1873. 32, ch. 8, Mary Louise, b. June 10, 1874. 6, TF^7i^am^ 8. to Rev. Moses* Baldwin, m. Betty King Oct. 17, 1796; he d. 1806. 33, ch. 1, King, b. March 27, 1797. 34, ch. 2, Ezra, b. March 20, 1799. 35, ch. 3, William, b. Jan. 1, 1801, m. Amanda Derbyshire Sept. 4, 1830. 36, ch. 4, John, b. April 24, 1803, m. Philena Shearer April 12, 1827. 37, ch. 5, Joseph, b. March 3, 1807. 36, Jo^n«, 8. of William^ Baldwin, m. Philena Shearer April 12, 1827; he d. ; she d. Sept. 18, 1871. 38, ch. 1, William, b. Sept. 11, 1828, d. in California 1854. 39, ch. 2, Joseph, b. April 20, 1832, m. Maria Childs. 40, ch. 3, Betsey Ann K., b. 1830, d. July 31, 1851. 41, Joseph" and Maria C. Baldwin have one son, John W., b. Oct. 18, 1857. 9, Moses^, s. of Rev. Moses* Baldwin, m. Roxey Frink April 6, 1817. 42, ch. 1, John F., b. Dec. 19, 1818. 43, ch. 2, Charles A., b. Nov. 29, 1819. 44, ch. 3, Mary M., b. Sept. 13, 1823. THE BROOKS FAMILY. Joseph Brooks, Jr., settled in the north division of the District. Joseph and Mary Brooks. Ch. 1, Joseph, b. Apr. 10, 1735. 422 GENEALOGIES AND RECOKDS. Ch. 2, Israel, b. Sept. 5, 1736. Ch. 3, Silas, b. June 25, 1738. Their record after this belongs in Ware. THE BELL FAMILY. William, son of John Bell, who first settled in Londonderry, N. H., married Elisabeth . His home lot was on Ware River land now owned by John Fuller ; also a lot in the north division sold to William Blair. William and Elisabeth Bell. Ch. 1, Elisabeth, b. Jan. 21, 1736. Ch. 2, Jean, b. March 2, 1739. Ch. 3, Wilham, b. July 25, 1741. Ch. 4, Halander, b. March 2, 1744. Ch. 5, Isibel, March 2, 1744. Cfa. 6, Mary, b. Dec. 5, 1747. Ch. 7, John, b. Jan. 1, 1748. Ch. 8, Andrew, b. May 2, 1751. Ch. 9, James, b. Nov. 26, 1754. Ch. 10, Samuel, b. Jan. 1, 1757. THE BARBER FAMILY. Joel Barber was a grandson of 1, Ebeuezer, who settled in Lud- low in its early history. Some of his decendants remain in town at the present time. His children were Ebenezer, Lewis, David. Abner, John, Abigail, Anna and Tirzah. 2, Ebenezer, Jr., mar- ried Tirzah Bartlett ; had children Ira, Joel, AVarren, Eli and Holhs. 3, Joel^, s. of Ebenezer, Jr.'-. m. Lydia Watson 1814. 4, ch. 1, Watson, b. Sept. 17, 1815, m. Eliza White. 5, ch. 2, John, b. March 22, 1818, m. Sarah C. Griswold Feb. 15, 1839. 6, ch. 3, Jerusha, b. Nov. 5, 1819, m. Aaron J. Miller March, 1847. 7, ch. 4, Mary, b. Oct. 10, 1821, m. Horace Smith Apr. 3, 1850. 5, John'^, s. of JoeF, b. in Palmer, m. Sarah C. Griswold Feb. 15, 1839. 8, ch. 1, John A., b. Au^. 25, 1841, d. Jan. 27, 1842. 9, ch. 2, Lydia, b. Nov. 30, 1842, m. F. C. Smith Feb. 10, 1868. 10, ch. 3, Mary L., b. Nov. 2, 1846, m. R. S. Hastings Feb. 16, 1864. 11, ch. 4, George H., b. Apr. 14, 1849, m. Eudora Taylor Oct. 1873. THE BRAINARD FAMILY.* Timothy, s. of Dea. Elijah, was a descendant of 1, Daniel Brainard, who was brought from England when he was eight years old to Hartford Ct., where he lived in the Wyllys family until he was of age. He became a settler and proprietor in Haddam in 1662. After his settlement in that place he received a letter from his mother. She signed her name Brainwood, which renders it prob- * The history and genealogy of this family is given by Rev. David D. Field, D. D., Stockbridge, Mass. BRAINARD. 423 able that such was his original name. The descendants of this worthy ancestor are numerous, and drifted into nearly all the States, and probably no one bears the name of Brainard that is not a descendant of *Daniel Brainard of Iladdam. He had seven sons and one daughter. 2, Ch. 1, Daniel, Jr.; 2, Hannah; 3, James; 4, Joshua; 5, William; 6, Caleb; 7, Elijah ; 8, Hezekiah. All lived and had large families. Included in the descendants of this illustrious family we have the names of Hon. Jeremiah Gates Brainard, a graduate of Yale College, 1779. He was a lawyer in New London, and rej^eatedly a representative to the General Assembly. In 1805 he was chosen Mayor of New London. He was Judge of the Superior Court from 1806 to 1809, and then resigned. He died Jan. 7, 1830. Eev. Thomas Brainard studied law at Home, N. Y. He united with the church in 1825, and in 1828 he entered the Theological Seminary at Andover and graduated in the class of 1831. The same year he was ordained and settled as pastor of the Fourth Church in Cincinnati, His labors were a success in that place and in Philadelphia. Dr. Austin Brainard practiced first in Providence, then in Brook- lyn and lastly in New York. Rev. Israel Brainard graduated at Yale College, 1797. He was sent to mission fields of labor in Pennsylvania and Western New York by the Missionary Society of Connecticut. Eev. Timothy D. Brainard graduated at the same college in 1830. Dr. Daniel Brainard gave his first course of lectures in 1830 on anatomy and physiology in the Oneida Institute, and in 1841 he was appointed Professor of Anatomy in the University at St. Louis, where he gave another course in 1852-3. In 1857 he was President ;nid Professor of Surgery in the Medical College in Chicago and oon of the United States Marine Hospital, liev, Elijah Brainard graduated at Dartmouth, 1785. He was pastor of a Congregational Church in Randolph, Vt., and after- wards installed pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Pelham by the Londonderry Presbytery of New Hampshire. Rev. Hezekiah Brainard graduated at Yale, 1763. Hezekiah, Jun., at the same college, 1793. Rev. Nehemiah, son of Hon. Hezekiah Brainard, graduated at Yale College, 1732, and settled in the ministry at Glastenbury. Rev. David, son of Hon. Hezekiah Brainard, finished his educa- tion at Yale College, 1742. He was employed by the missionary society of a foreign country to labor with the Indians on the bor- 424 GEXEALOGIES AND RECORDS. ders of Pennsylvania and New York. He is represented as a zeal- ous and devout Christian, and greatly beloved by the ministerial fraternity. President Jonathan Edwards of Princeton College, in a visit at Northampton, refers to the life of this wonderful man. Thus he had extraordinary gifts for the pulpit, he excelled in his knowledge of theology, and was truly an extraordinary man. He died at Northampton Oct. 12, 1747. His brother John graduated at the same time, and was in the mission for some time after his brother David's labors closed. Timothy, the youngest child of Dea. Elijah Brainard, was placed under the care of a blacksmith in East Winsor to learn his trade. The Revolutionary war was coming on soon after he became of age, and he served his country two or more years, for which, many years after, he received a pension. He settled in the east part of Palmer, where, in connection with farming, he worked at his trade, and, without the aid of machinery, he was engaged in the manufacture of scythes, and was the first man of his trade in town that furnished his own stock. His son, Dea. Wilson Brainard, was a successful farmer and one of her respected citizens. He came to an untimely death by coming in contact with a railway train in crossing the track. 4, Timothy, s. of Dea. Elijah Brainard, b. April 2, 1754, m. Sarah Wilson March 27, 1783; he d. Sept. 29, 1834; she d. March 19, 1839. .5, ch. 1, Margaret, b. March 20, 1784. Ch. 2, Phebe, b. Jan. G, 1786, d. Jan. 19, 1786. 6, ch. 3, Sarah, b. Aug. 26, 1787; m. Jonathan Cooley May 15, 1817. 7, ch. 4, Phebe, 2d, b. July 25, 1789. 8, ch. 5, Lucy, b. Jan 31, 1792; d. Oct. 31, 1797. 9, ch. 6, Timothy, b. May 13, 1797 ; m. Sophia Crosby Dec. 7, 1819. 10, ch. 7, Anny, b. Jvine 1, 1796. 11, ch. 8, Mary, b. June 16, 1798; d. Aug. 8, 1818. 12, ch. 9, Mindwell, b. Aug. 9, 1800; d. May 1, 1835. 13, ch. 10, Betsey, b. July 8, 1803; m. N. P. Barton, 1836. 14, ch. 11, Wilson, b. Feb. 22, 1806; m. CaroUne N. Wilson Feb. 16, 1842. 11, Bea. Wilson^, s. of Timothy*, m. Caroline Newton Wilson ; she was b. Sept. 26, 1820; he d. July 23, 1881. 15, ch. 1, John W., b. Feb. 8, 1843; d. Jan. 20, 1843. (?) 16, ch. 2, Charles F., b. May 2, 1844; m. Helen M. Breakenridge. 17, ch. 3, Frank H., b. Dec. 2, 1847; d. July 7, 1851. 18, ch. 4, John W. 2d, b. Aug. 4, 1850; m. Martha Fenton Dec. 14, 1880. 19, ch. 5, WilUam H., b. Oct. 22, 1852; m. Mary A. Fenton Oct. 24, 1877. 16, Charles T.s, s. of Dea. Wilson^, m. Helen M. Breakenridge June 15, 1871. 20, ch. Jennie, b. Jan. 17, 1875. 19, William H/', s. of Deacon Wilson^, m. Mary A. Fenton Oct. 24, 1877. 21, ch. 1, Henry W., b. Sept. 22, 1878. 22, ch. 2, Fred W., b. May 20, 1881. 23, ch. 3, Lewis W., b. Apr. 12, 1883. BLODGETT. 435 THE BLODGETT FAMILY. 2, Josejih Blodgett and family. A native of Woburn. Married at Lexington, where he resided till his settlement in the south division of Brimfield. William, the youngest son of Jonas and grandson of Joseph, removed to Warren after marriage, and from thence to Palmer, 1839. He was a direct descendant of Thomas^ Blodgett, a glover, who came from Loudon in 1635, and settled in Cambridge. He had two sons born in England, 3, Daniel, and 4, Samuel. Samuel^ was born 1633 and d. July 3, 1687; m. Ruth Ingleden Dec. 13, 1655. Their son 5, Thomas^ m. Rebecca Tidd Nov. 11, 1684; they had three sons, 6, Thomas, 7, Joseph*, and 8, Saul. 9, Joseph 5, Jr., s. of Joseph*, was b. at Woburn Sept. 17, 1696; m. Sarah Stone, who was b. at Lexington Nov. 7, 1700; she d. May 8, 1735 ; 2d m. Sarah Ingersoll June 29, 1738; she was b. at Springfield May 17, 1718. 9, ch. 1, Joseph^, b. Apr. 17, 1721. 10, ch. 2, Sarah, b. Nov. 12, 1722; m. Reuben Townsley Aug. 6, 1741. 11, ch. 3, Anna, b. Apr. 10, 1724; m. Thomas Sherman Sept. 12, 1751. 12," ch. 4, Abigail, b. July IS, 1726. 13, ch. 5, Ruth, b. March 1, 1728; m. John Donelson, Jr., Aug. 30, 1750. 14, ch. 6, Benjamin, b. June 9, 1730. 15, ch. 7, Abner, b. June 6, 1732. 16, ch. 8, Thomas, b. Sept. 26, 1734. 17, ch. 9, Samuel, b. May 17, 1739. 18, ch. 10, Lydia, b. Feb. 7, 1741; m. Simeon Hubbard Oct. 14, 1763. 19, ch. 11, Jonas, b. Nov. 12, 1743. 20, ch. 12, Azubah, b. Apr. 12, 1746. 21, ch. 13, Caleb, b. Nov. 24, 1748. 22, ch. 14, Ehjah, b. Oct. 25, 1751. 23, ch. 15, Marsena, b. March 4, 1754. 24, ch. 16, Nathan, b. Nov. 3, 1756. 25, ch. 17, Admatha, b. Dec. 15, 1758. 19, Jonas'^, s. of Joseph, Jr^., b. Nov. 12, 1743, d. Apr. 18, 1839; m. Rhoda Dada Jan. 14, 1773; she d. Apr. 18, 1825; 2d m. Mrs. Hannah Bugbee Dec. 1, 1825; she d. Jan. 24, 1845. 26, ch. 1, James, b. Aug. 31, 1773. 27, ch. 2, Dady, b. March 12. 1776. 28, ch. 3, Persis. 29, ch. 4, Sally, m. Richard Bishop Jan. 4, 1803. 30, ch. 5, Chester, m. Rebecca Brown. 31, ch. 6, Loami, d. Sept. 23, 1803. 32, ch. 7, Tammy, b. 1789; d. Aug. 1, 1829. 33, ch. 8, William, b. Apr. 15, 1794. 27, Dady', s. of Jonas'', m. Sally Daniels June 3, 1805. 34, ch. 1, Loami, b. Nov. 27, 1805. 35, ch. 2, Elvira, b. June 8, 1807; m. Henry Lyon. 36, ch. 3, Charles, b. Apr. 6, 1811. 37, ch. 4, Mary Ann, b. March 22, 1827; m. Wiles Nelson Sept. 12, 1855. 426 GENEALOGIES AND RECORDS. 30, Chester', s, of Jonas^, m. Kebecca Brown Nov. 27, 1806. 38, ch. 1, William Watson, b. Oct. 80, 1807. 39, ch. 2, Onil Brown, b. Jan. 31, 1809. 34, Loami^, s. of Dady'', m. Polly Sherman Apr. 13, 1831. 40, ch. 1, Lucy, b. Jan. 8, 1832; d. Jan. 22, 1832. 41, ch. 2, Lucy, b. Jan. 19, 1836; m. Thomas Hughs Apr. .5, 1858. 42, ch. 3, Asa Patrick, b. July 4, 1838. 43, ch. 4, James, b. Dec. — , 1842; d. . 33, William', youngest s. of Jouas«, b. Apr. 15, 1794; m. Patty Phelps Feb. 20, 1817, b. at Spencer Aug. 5, 1796; he d. July 27, 1868; she d. Nov. 15, 1875. 44, ch. 1, Maraua, b. Nov. 5, 1817. 45, ch. 2, Almira, b. July 1, 1820; d. Sept. 29, 1842. 46, ch 3, Jonas, b. Jan. 20, 1823. 47, ch. 4, William, Jr., b. Jan. 9, 1826; d. Nov. 12, 1848. 48, ch. 5, Henry, b. Aug. 20, 1828; m. Maria Bennett Oct. — , 1867. 49, ch. 6, Maria, b. Oct. 3, 1831; d. May 5, 1834. 50, ch. 7, Lewis N., b. Aug. 24, 1834. 51, ch. 8, Calvin, b. Jan. 5, 1837. 51, Calvin^, s. of William", m. Sarah S. Shaw May 11, 1862. 52, ch. 1, Alice M., b. Sept. 23, 1866. 53, ch. 2, Emma J., b. May 13, 1870; d. March 28, 1871. 54, ch. 3, Delia L., b. Oct. 11, 1873. 55, ch. 4, Bertha C, b. Aug. 1, 1880. THE BARKER FAMILY. 1, Barker, Nathan^, m. Lydia Nov. 27, 1783 ; he was b. June 8, 1761; she was b. June 4, 1763; he d. Sept. 5, 1849; she d. , 1849. 2, ch. 1, James, b. March 5, 1785, d. May 6, 1788. 3, ch. 2, Elisha, b. Dec. 13, 1786, d. July 23, 1870. 4, ch. 3, Calvin, b. Jan 24, 1789, m. Lucy Woodard Nov. 28, 1825. 5, ch. 4, Dolly, b. Dec. 3, 1790, d. March 29, 1812. 6, ch. 5, Roxania, b. Dec. 26, 1792, m. Royal Ringe May 12, 1818. 7, ch. 6, Nathan, Jun., b. Apr. 14, 1795, m. Eunice Austin Aug. 11, 1818. 8, ch. 7, Sitnah, b. Feb. 25, 1797, m. Alanson Burr Nov. 23, 1820. 9, ch. 8, Gilbert, b. March 13, 1799, m. Persis King Nov. 16, 1824. 10, ch. 9, Cyrus, b. May 13, 1801, m. Eliza King Feb. 2, 1826; she d, June 28, 1887. 11, ch. 10, Lydia, b. May 2, 1803, m. Sylvester Hills Aug. 28, 1828. 12, ch. 11, William S., b. June 29, 1807, m. Hersey Knowlton Feb. — , 1833. 9, Gilbert-, s. of Nathan^, m. Persis King Nov. 16, 1824; he d. Oct. 2, 1883; she d. June 30, 1887. 13, ch. 1, John K., b. Sept. 26, 1825, m. Charity Hyde Oct. — , 1846. 14, ch. 2, Franklin, b. Apr. 12, 18.30, m. Ar villa L. McClentock Sept. — , 1854. 15, ch. 3, Sarah J., b. May 9, 1832, m. Walter Winter July 11, 1860. 16, ch. 4, Maria M., b. Nov. 22, 1837, m. Luke Chapman Nov. 11, 1863. 14, Frankliri\ s. of Gilbert'-^, m. Arvilla McClintock Sept. — , 1854. 17, ch. 1, Frank D., b. Nov. — , IS—. 18, ch. 2, Grace A., b. Jan. — , 1857. 19, oh. 3, a son, b. , 18.58. 20, ch. 4, Clara J., b. , 1860. i BOIDEN. — BOND. 427 21, ch, 5, John K., b. Dec. — , 1865. 22, ch. 6, Louis G., b. May — , 1866. 23, ch. 7, Herbert A., b. Nov. — , 187-. John A'.», s. of Gilbert-, m. Charity Hyde Oct. — , 1846. 24, ch. 1, George F., b. Sept. 11, 1849. THE BOIDEN FAMILY. 2, Boiden, Ezekiel, Jun., born in Walpole and son of Ezekiel Boiden^ of that town. He married Hannah Cook, 1793, and set- tled in Palmer, 1795. He d. Nov. 29, 1820; she d. May 4, 1848. 2, ch. 1, Ezekiel, Jun., b. March 23, 1794. 3, ch. 2, Azel, b. Apr. 28, 1796, m. Amelia Stevens Nov. — , 1815. 4, ch. 3, Sally, b. Nov. 11, 1802, m. Alvin Bumstead March 28, 1820, d. Sept 7, 1822. 5, ch. 4, Hannah, b. Oct. 9, 1808, m. Elijah Thomson, Nov. 25, 1838. 3, Selden and Hannah Boiden. 6, oh. 1, Roswell, b. Aug. 3, 1794. 7, ch. 2, Selden, b. Feb. 18, 1737. 8, ch. 3, Arminda, b. Jan. 31, 1802. 9, ch. 4, Ansel, b. Apr. 26, 1804. 3, Azel^, s. of EzekieP, m. Amelia Stevens Nov. — , 1815; he d. 1826. Ch. 1, Mary, b. Nov. 8, 1816, m. Martin Sedgwick March 20, 1839. Ch. 2, Jane, b. May 30, 1819, m. Reuben Cleavland Sept. — , 1838. Ch. 3, Ezekiel, b. Apr. — , 1821, m. Mary Lindsey, 1845. Ch. 4, John, b. Apr. — , 1823, m. Sarah Barrett, 1841. Ch. 5, Calvin, b. , 1825. Ch. 6, Azel, Jun., b. , 1827, d. young. THE BOND FAMILY. Bonds Ephraim, came from Salem at an early date of the settle- ment of Brimfield, and about the same time Anthony Needham, from the same place, settled in South Brimfield, now Wales. 1, Bond, Ephraim^, m. Lydia Grey. 2, ch. 1, Rebecca, m. Mr. Green. 3, ch. 2, Lucy, m. Asa Bates. 4, ch. 3, John, m. Rebecca Dodge, d. 1845, aged 95 yrS; 5, ch. 4, Ephraim-, m. Elanor Abbott. 0, ch. 5, and one d. in the Revolution of camp fever. 5, Ephraim-, m. Elanor Abbot May 28, 1772. 7, ch. 1, Jacob, b. Dec. 29, 1772, d. Dec. 14, 1775. 8, ch. 2, Nathan, b. March 12, 1774, m, Lovina Needham. 9, ch. 3, Elanor, b. June 5, 1775. 10, ch. 4, Jacob, b. March 29, 1777, d. May 23, 1781. 11, ch. 5, Ephraim^, b. June 26, 1778. 12, ch. 6, Samuel, b. Dec. 1, 1779. 13, ch. 7, Polly, b. Sept. 18, 1781, d. Aug. 15, 1783. 14, ch. 8, Persis, b. March 12, 1783. 15, ch. 9, Asenath, b. July 14, 1784. 16, ch. 10, Rufus, b. Sept. 18, 1786. 428 GENEALOGIES AND RECORDS. 8, Natharv\ s. of Ephraim-, m. Lovina Needham Feb. 23, 1800. 17, ch. 1, Emelius, b. Aug. 19, 1800, m. Almena Greyham July — , 182.5. 18, ch. 2, Sumner, b. Dec. 9, 180-3, m. Maria Davis, 1849. 19, ch. 3, Sophia, b. Jan. 21, 1806, m. Zeuo Farrington Oct. 10, 1855. 20, ch. 4, Lovinia, b. May 22, 1808, m. Nathan Wight Nov. 12, 1842. 21, ch. 5, Julia Ann, b. Jan. 5, 1811, m. Lyman Spelman Sept. 21, 1848. 22, ch. 6, Catharine, b. May 16, 1813, m. Baxter E. Boynton Aug. — , 1848. 23, ch. 7, Hiram, b. Dec. 10, 1816, m. Sarah Cole July 22, 1841. 24, ch. 8, "Warren, b. May 13, 1820, m. Martha M. Morgan Jan. 19, 1848. 17, Emelius*, s. of Nathan'', m. Almena Greyham July — , 1825. 25, ch. 1, Carlos E. ; 2, Christopher C. ; 3, Almena E. ; 4, Edward ; 5, John G. ; 6, Hiram. 23, Hiram*, s. of Nathan-^ m. Sarah Cole July 22, 1841. 31, ch. 1, Sarah L., b. March 16, 1844, m. Leander Bush, 1874. 32, ch. 2, Hiram E., b. June 6, 1845, m. Eliza Hunter. 33, ch. 3, Emelius, b. Jan. 17, 1848, m. Lydia Rolfe. 34, ch. 4, Charles A., b. May 25, 1851, m. Clara Wescott. 85, ch. 5, Mary Jane, b. Nov. 12, 1853, m. Charles Eckert. 36, ch. 6, Nathan L., b. Jan^ 21, 1856, m. Maggie Hunter. 37, ch. 7, Estella L., b. March 3, 1858, m. Wallace Laban. 38, ch. 8, Edward B., b. Jan. S, 1860, m. Emory Hushman. 24, Warren*, s. of Nathan-', m. Martha M. Morgan Jan. 19, 1848. 39, ch. 1, Nathan W., b. May 23, 1852, m. Ida Bixby Jan. 1, 1S79. 40, ch. 2, Rufus L., b. Sept. 27, 1854, m. Nellie Shewbrooks July 4, 1877. 41, ch. 3, Orianna, b. May 7, 1858. 42, ch. 4, Laura, b. July 29, 1867. Bond*, Alfred M., s. of Alfred^ of Greenwich and descendant of Ephraim Bond, one of the early settlers of Brimfield. Alfred M., b. Nov. 5, 1834, m. Eliza W. Phelps Nov. 11, 1855. 43, ch. 1, Nellie E., b. Nov. 9, 18.58, d. Feb. — , 1859. 44, ch. 2, Nettie E., b. May 6, 1864. 45, ch. 3, Gracie B., b. Oct. 24, 1872, d. Apr. 1, 1876. THE BLANCHARD FAMILY. Samuel Blanchard of Sutton was a farmer by occupation, and had a family of eight children — Stephen, Simeon, Samuel, John B., Mary, Thomas, Abiatha and Susan. John B. engaged in the manufacturing of scythes in the town of Dudley, now Webster. His youngest sou, Thomas, when young began to display a genius, to the astonishment of the family, by inventing machinery for dif- ferent manufacturing purposes. His invention for irregular turn- ing was considered a wonder of that day, and the patent was secured by the United States Government for the Armory works at Springfield. Mr. B. was employed to take charge of that depart- ment, and during the time he occasionally passed through Palmer and conceived the idea of his brother John, selecting the location here, which he soon secured and established his former business in BISHOP. 439 1824. This was the first manufacturing in town, and at a time and place when the south part of the town jiresented no better pros- pects for the future than other locations. Mr. Blanchard at first bought one-third right of the privilege of Rufus Bugbee. At a time previous it was owned by Messrs. Hyde and Ferry. There had been wool carding and cloth dressing at times, but at the time of Mr. Blanchard's purchase the privilege was used for a saw mill. 2, Blancluird, Maj. John B.^, m. Silence Barton March — , 1805; he was b. March 2, 17S0; she b. Dec. 24, 1780. 3, ch. 1, Alonzo V., b. Dec. 2, 1805, m. Elvira Ann Shearer Oct. 25, 1827. 4, ch. 2, William J., b. Dec. 19, 1808, m. Jane M. Shearer Aug. 23, 1831. 5, ch. 3, Emily B., b. May 12, 1812, m. Thomas Bell Nov. 5, 1838. 6, ch. 4, John D., b. July 15, 1815, m. Dolly H. Phelps Sept. 4, 1838. 7, ch. 5, Franklin, b. May 20, 1818, m. Sarah Blanchard Sept. — , 1843. 3, Alonzo V.^, s. of Maj. John'^ m. Elvira A. Shearer Oct. 25, 1827; m. 2d wife, Cornelia H. M. Merrick, Dec. 24, 1883. 8, ch. 1, Mary King, b. June 18, 1830; she m. A. P. Chapman Oct. 25, 1847. Albert P. Chapman m. Mary K. Blanchard Oct. 25, 1847; he d. Feb. 18, 18.58; she d. Dec. 10, 1872. Ch. Alonzo B., b. July 31, 1848. Alonzo B., s. of Albert P. Chapman, m. Kate A. Brewster June 3, 1868. Ch. Alonzo B., Jun., and Mary B. Alonzo B. d. Apr. 8, 1873; Kate A. d. Dec. 17, 1873. 4, William J.^, s. of Maj. John B.'-, m. Jane M. Shearer Aug. 31, 1831, d. Nov. 15, 1848. 9, ch. 1, Jane; 2, WilUam T.; 3, John H. Jane m. James Hopkins. 6, John D.3, s. of Maj. John B.-, m. Dolly H. Phelps Sept. 4, 1838; he d. Feb. 23, 1872. 12, ch. 1, Francis E., b. Oct. 20, 1839, m. Joseph Taft. 13, ch. 2, George P., b. Feb. 7, 1841, m. Miss Nelson. M. 2d wife. EHzabeth Merrick May 8, 1850. 14, ch. 3, Marcia P., b. Jan. 12, 1852. 15, ch. 4, Thomas, b. Oct. 17, 1853, m. Carrie G. Andrews June 27, 1883. 16, ch. 5, Lizzie G., b. Aug. 2, 1857, m. Samuel H. Hellyar Dec. 25, 1879. 17, ch. 6, Hattie M., b. Jan 9, 186-. 7, Franklhv^. s. of Maj. John B.", m. Sarah Blanchard May 20, 1843. 18, ch. 1, Laura, b. and d. young. 19, ch. 2, Laura P., b. Jan. 29, 1854, m. Horace Lawrence Oct. 3, 1876. 20, ch. 3, Henry F., b. July 3, 1857, d. July 27, 1873. 21, ch. 4, Frank S., b. July 31, 1858. 21. Frank S.*, s. of Franklin B.^, m. McElsie Sessier. 22, ch. 1, Alice, b. Sept. 11, 1883. 23, ch. 2, Henry T., b. March 25, 1885. THE BISHOP FAMILY. Davis B., s. of Harrison and Margaret (Browning) Bishop of Homer, N. Y. The family came to Warren about 1826. They had a family of six children: Margaret, unm. ; Mary Ann m. 430 GENEALOGIES AND RECORDS, Shepard Blair of Warren ; Sophia m. William Patrick of W ; Lucia d, young; William m. Olive Granger; 2d m., Martha Davis; they live in Warren. Davis B. came to Thorndike, 1837, when about 14 years of age. He was clerk in the Thorndike Company's store several years, and counting-room clerk till the close of the term of Jacob B. Merrick, Esq., as agent. Harrison Bishop d. May, 1855. Davis B., s. of Harrison, b. Feb. 7, 1824, m. Augusta Bowen Jan. 14, 1849; he d. Oct. 10, 1884. Ch. Harry Thomas, b. Sept. 22, 18.51. Harry T., s. of Davis B., m. Lucy Putnam of Ludlow Dec. 20, 1871. Ch. 1, Walter P., b. Oct. 13, 1873. Ch. 2, Annie Augusta, b. Sept. 8, 1875. Ch. 3, Fred Browning, b. Apr. 10, 1877. Ch. 4, Rubus Knowltou, b. July 29, 1880, d. Feb. 2.5, 1883. Ch. 5, Ruth, b. June 4, 1888. THE BASCOMB FAMILY. Alonzo and Clarissa Bascomb. Ch. 1, Alonzo T., b. July 20, 1838- Ch. 2, Clarrisa E., b. Sept. 18, 1840. THE BACON FAMILY. Benjamin and Jerusha Bacon. Ch. 1, Phebe, b. Dec. 22, 1802. Ch. 2, Ira, b. March 19, 1805. Ch. 3, Flavia, b. July 11, 1807. Ch. 4, Mary, b. Dec. 3, 1809. Ch. 5, Lucinda, b. March IG, 1811. Ch. 6, David, b. May 13, 1813. Ch. 7, William, b. Jan. 26, 1817. Ch. 8, Adaline, b. May 13, 1819. Ch. 9, Benjamin Foster, b. Apr. 25, 1821. THE BURLEIGH FAMILY. John, Sen., came from England with Gov. Belcher when about 14 years of age. He m. Mirriam, dau. of Nathaniel and Anna Fuller, b. in Windham, Ct., 1708, d. Dec. 4, 1787. Her father was b. at Rehoboth, Mass., March, 1673, her mother at Newport, R. I., June, 1683. They had eight children. Ch, 1, John, b. Union, Ct., Oct. 8, 1731, m. Persis Howard of Sutton, Mass., d. 1784; had 6 ch. Ch. 2, Sarah, b. March 22, 1740, m. John Bascom Jan. 9, 1763; had 5 ch. Ch. 3, Josiah, b. Nov. 8, 1742, m. Hannah Hiscock Dec. 12, 1765, d. Nov. 13, 1790; hadl2ch. Ch. 4, Samuel, b. Sept. 22, 1745, m. Rachel, dau. David and Mercy (Sanger) (Hemingway) Roberts of Union, Ct. ; he moved to Monson, 1797, where he d. Apr. 9, 1826; had 13 ch. BURLEIGH. 431 Ch. 5, Altbea, b. Apr. 18, 1751, d. Apr. 13, 1799, m. Elijah, s. of Daniel and Sarah Loomis of Union, Ct. ; in 1788 they moved to Georgia, Vt. ; had 5ch. Ch. 6, Jacob, b. June 5, 1756, m. Lucy McLaughlin July 2, 1786; he served in the Continental army during the war. 4, Samuel^ s. of John^, Sen., b. Sept. 22, 1745, m. Rachel Roberts May 16, 1775. 10, ch. 1, Abner, b. Union, Ct., Apr. 2, 1776, d. Feb. 14, 1860, m. May 5, 1805, Louisa A., dau. of Elisha Cleaveland, d. at Palmer March 20, 1824; 2d m. Deborah Hawse Jan. 8, 1797. 11, ch. 2, Chloe, b. May 4, 1777, d. Jan. 19, 1843, m. Joseph Enos, N. Y.; had 4 ch. 12, ch. 3, Mercy, b. Nov. 7, 1780, m. David Robbins, N. Y. ; had 9 ch. 13, ch. 4, John, b. Nov. 7, 1780, d. Jan. 11, 1868, m. Martha Stebbins; had 8ch. 14, ch. 6, Nancy, b. March 3, 1783, d. Dec, 1787. 15, ch. 6, Mary, b. June 24, 1785, d. Dec. 13, 1866, m. Amos Howard of East- port, Ct., Nov. 27, 1817; had 6 ch. 16, ch. 7, Phebe, b. May 14, 1787. m. A. Beebe, Monson, Apr. 26, 1825. 17, ch. 8, Rachel, b. Oct. 11, 17—, d. unm. 18, ch. 9, Samuel, b. Nov. 25, 1791, d. in Monson Sept. 5, 1841, m. Aurelia M. Walker of Wilbraham Aug. 20, 1817. 19, ch. 10, Nancy, b. Feb. 16, 1794, m. Orrin Stebbins, N. Y., March 30, 1819; hadSch. 20, ch. 11, Esther, b. Oct. 26, 1796, d. March, 1883, unm. 21, ch. 12, Lois, b. Feb. 5, 1799, d. Jan. 25, 1857, m. Joseph C. Hicks of Stafford. 22, ch. 13, Ira, b. Apr. 7, 1801, d. Sept. 3, 1878, Detroit, ra. Caroline Wood March 25, 1829; had 7 ch. 10, Abner^, s. of SamueP, b. Apr. 2, 1776, m. Louisa Cleaveland May 5, 1805. 23, ch. 1, Abner C, b. in Wilbraham June 11, 1807, m. Cyntha Alden Nov. 25, 1833; had 6 ch. 24, ch. 2, Benjamin A., b. Jan. 13, 1811, d. in Palmer Apr. 3, 1866, m. Han- nah S., dau. of Elizur and Marcia Ely Cook of West Springfield, d. in Palmer May 22, 1888. And others. 24, Benjamin A.*, s. of Abner^, m. Hannah S. Cook. 25, ch. 1, William Elizur, b. Sept. 13, 1843; Dr. William E. m. Amy Brown (at Washington, D. C.) of San Diego, Cal., Nov. 5, 1886; ch. Horton, b. Aug. 26, 1887. 26, ch. 2, Marcia Lovisa, b. Aug. 13, 1845, m. Samuel Burleigh Jan. 1, 1868, of Tekonsha, Mich., where he d. Dec. 20, 1871. 27, ch. 3, Lucia Elizabeth, b. July 18, 1847, m. James W. Calkins Feb. 6, 1868; had6ch. 28, ch. 4, Julia A., b. Sept. 26, 1849, m. Charles H. Burleigh of Hampden Jan. 4, 1882. 29, ch. 5, Sarah M., b. Sept. 2, 1851. 30, ch. 0, George Reuben, b. Oct. 2, 1853, m. June 2, 1875, Kitty Snellgrone of Michigan ; had 3 ch. 31, ch. 7, Charles Ira, b. Jan. 22, 1856. 32, ch. 8, Inez Bertha, b. Sept. 19, 1859. 432 GEXEALOGIES AND RECORDS. THE CUMMINGS FAMILY. Capt. Jacob Cummings, b. 1689, d. Feb. 27, 1776. He came from Killingly, Ct., with liis family about 1734, and settled in the North Division of the Elbows. He obtained his land by right of purchase, as it had already been laid out to Steward Southgate and others. Several of the descendants of Capt. Cummings settled in Palmer after the division of the district and during the seventeenth century. Capt. Cummings^. 2, cli. 1, Jacob, Juu., m. Ruth Marsh. 3, ch. 2, Benjamin, m. Sarah Grover. 4, ch. o, Isaac, m. Sarah Tidd. 5, ch. 4, Abraham, m. Jerusha Brooks. 6, ch. 5, Solomon, m. M. Graham. And others. 3, Benjamin^, s. of Capt. Jacob^, m. Sarah Grover. 7, ch. 1, Daniel, d. young. 8, ch. 2, Simeon, m. Mehitable Nichols. 9, ch. 3, Sarah, m. Benjamin Thomson. 10, ch. 4, Joseph, m. Temperance Nye. Solomon, Jr., settled in Palmer, m. Mary McClanathan Dec. 30, 1773. 11, ch. 1, Betty, b. Feb. 18, 1775. 12, ch. 2, Billy, b. Oct. 9, 1776. 13, ch. 3, Nabby, b. Dec. 17, 1778. His wife Mary d. Oct. 4, 1779; 2d m. Mary Graham, 1781. 14, ch. 4. John Graham, b. Aug. 22, 1782. 15, ch. 5, Cyntha, b. June 22, 1784. 16, ch. 6, Solomon^; his birth is not on the records. It is said the family went to Vermont. Dr. Nathan Cummings m. Phebe Maxwell Oct. 16, 1794. 17, ch. 1, Sophia, b. Aug. 16, 1795. 18, ch. 2, Linus, b. Nov. 27, 1796. Benjamin*, s. of Joseph^, b. July 7, 1777, d. Feb. 27, 1876, m. Lucy Page Nov. 28, 1799; 2d m. Patty Brakenridge May 11, 1828; 3d m. Sally Gould May 26, 1847. 19, ch. 1, Grover, b. Sept. 12, 1800, d. June 6, 1803. 20, ch. 2, Reymond, b. Dec. 17, 1802. 21, ch. 3, Lucy, b. July 5, 1806, m. John Vickery. 22, ch. 4, Benjamin, b. June 14, 1807. 23, ch. 5, Theodore, b. Apr. 8, 1809, m. Mrs. Laura Barker. 24, ch. 6, Henry, b. March 16, 1811, d. Apr. 8, 1812. 25, ch. 7, Sally, b. Jan. 27, 1813, m. George Jenks Oct. 6, 1842. 26, ch. 8, Mary, b. May 12, 1815, d. March 25, 1828. 27, ch. 9, Eliza Temperance, b. Oct. 18, 1817, m. Abram Vickery. 28, ch. 10, Orvilla, b. Dec. 17. 1820, m. Edwin L. Howe. 29, ch. 11, Charles Henry, b. May 15, 1823, m. Anna Cole Apr. IS, 1847. Simeow^, s. of Benjamin'-', m. Joanna Page. 30, ch. 1, Lorinda, b. Oct. 10, 1807. 31, ch. 2, Samuel N., b. June 16, 1809. CHAPIN. — COLLIS. 433 32, ch. 3, Louisa, b. June 11, 1810. 33, ch. 4, Joanna, b. Jan. 24, 1814. Isaac, Jr., m. Olive Hyde Nov. 27, 1800. 34, ch. 1, Pamelia, b. Feb. 10, 1802. Benjamin and Simeon were clothiers east of the Old Centre, on Pottoquattuck brook. THE CHAPIN FAMILY came from Springfield. Jonathan- and Mina Chapin; he b. 1710, d. July 3, 1780; she b. 1715, d. May 27, 1770. 2, ch. 1, Anna, b. March 21, 1737, d. Aug. 15, 1756. 3, ch. 2, Jonathan, Jun., b. Oct. 12, 1738, m. Bethna Parsons, 1771. 4, ch. 3, Luke, b. Apr. 1, 1740, m. Elisabeth Ferry, 1761, d. at Mt. Inde- pendence Sept., 1776. 5, ch. 4, Gideon, b. Feb. 24, 1742, m. Elisabeth Thomas, 1765. 6, ch. 5, Joseph, b. May 18, 1744, m. Martha Stebbius. 7, ch. 6, Abner, b. Sept. 24, 1746, m. Lucy Frost Oct. 9, 1769. 8, ch. 7, Gad, b. Nov. 3, 1748. 9, ch. 8, Chloe, b. July 12, 1751, m. Andrew McNitt, 1771. 10, ch. 9, Shadrac, b. Sept. 16, 1753. 5, Gideon^, s. of Jonathan'^, m. Elisabeth Thomas, 1765. 11, ch. 1, Gideon, Jr., b. Sept. 24, 1765. 12, ch. 2, Alpheus, b. Dec. 2, 1766. 6, Joseph^, s. of Jonathan'-^, m. Martha Stebbius, 1771. 13, ch. 1, Jonathan, b. Sept. 8, 1772, m. Matilda Fay, 1'794. 14, ch. 2, Ethan, b. March 31, 1774. 15, ch. 3, Luke, b. July 3, 1776. 16, ch. 4, Pliney, b. Sept. 2, 1781. 17, ch. 5, Lebeus, b. Oct. 2, 1783. 18, ch. 0, Caleb S., b. Nov. 25, 1785. 19, ch. 7, Joseph, Jun., b. Aug. 9, 1788. Lebeus\ s. of Joseph^, m. Fanny Smith, 1806; she d. Dec. 23, 1808; m. 2d Mar- garet Merrick June 8, 1812. THE COLLIS FAMILY. I, Jonathan, a Revolutionary soldier, and after the war settled in Warren (Western), near his brother-in-law, Mr. Fuller. Ch. 1, Joseph; 2, James; 3, Jonathan, Jr.; 4, Olive; 5, Koda. They all, except Jonathan, Jr., settled in the State of New York. 4, Jonathan, Jr., m. Phebe Parker, 1810, and settled in Brimfield. 6, ch. 1, Luther, b. July 23, 1811, m. Delina Converse Apr. 5, 1837. 7, ch. 2, Marauda, d. young. 8, ch. 3, Louisa, m. Lemuel Moores. 9, ch. 4, Joseph, b. July 23, 1817, m. Lydia Howard. 10, ch. 5, John, m. Cyntha Ciloway. II, ch. 6, Charles, m. Martha Belknap. 12. ch. 7, Ann, d. unm. 434 GENEALOGIES AND RECORDS. 13, ch. 8, Silas, b. Oct. 26, 1825. 14, ch. 9, Cyntha, m. George Smith of Amherst. 15, ch. 10, Mary, d. young. G, Luther^, s. of Jonathan, Jun.-^, m. Delina Converse Apr. 5, 1837; Delina d. Dec. 17, 1860; 2d m. Elizabeth Palmer Dec. .30, 1863. 16, ch. 1, Luther W., b. Jan. 11, 1838, m. Lemira Potter Nov., 1858, d. Aug. 6, 1838. 17, ch. 2, James M., b. July 3, 1839, d. Jan. 19, 1843. 18, ch. 3, Henry H., b. July 17, 1841, m. Estella Fermin March 8, 1876; 2d m. Dorcas Fermin March 23, 1880. 19, ch. 4, Marcus M., b. Oct. 19, 1843, m. Josephine Griswold. 20, ch. 5, Mary A. D. , b. July 29, 1846, m. Willard Nelson Nov. 22, 1866. 21, ch. 6, Sarah A., b. Oct. 25, 1848, m. Franklin Royce Sept, 4, 1873. 22, ch. 7, Charles H., b. June 25, 1851, m. Abbey Morse May 1, 1872. 23, ch. 8, Martha M., b. Feb. 5, 1854, unm. 13, Silas% s. of Jonathan, Jun., m. Lydia Fosket of Warren March 4, 1851. 24, ch. 1, Julia A., b. May 5, 1856, d. May 29, 1861. 25, ch. 2, Maria A., b. Oct., 1862, d. Dec. 19, 1862. 26, ch. 3, Fred M., b. June 17, 1859, m. Ella Clark Dec. 25, 1880. Ch. 1, Anna; 2, Eva A.; 3, Freddie. .30, ch. 4, Clara B., ch. 4, b. July 31, 1868. 9, Joseph -B.3, s. of Jonathan, Jun., m. Lydia Howard Nov. 24, 1842. 31, ch. 1, Myron L., b. Nov. 16, 1845. 32, ch. 2, Lydia Louisa, b. Apr. 19, 1848, m. Addison Tucker Oct., 1879. 33, ch. 3, Mary L,, b. June 20, 1850, m. Daniel Bolter March, 1884. THE COREY FAMILY. John and Nancy Corey. Ch. 1, Mary M., b. Nov. 20, 1840. Ch. 2, John, b. Oct. 24, 1842. THE CLARK FAMILY. Moses H., s. of Hardin, had brothers and sisters — Chester, Loren, Leroy, Julia, Samantha and Cyntha. Moses H., b. Apr. 24, 1793, m, Almira Haynes; she d. July 27, 18.34; 2d m. Asenath Stebbins, b. Oct. 11, 1804; d. Feb. 16, 1847. Ch. 1, Mary Dearing, b. Sept. 18, 1820, m. Ransome Stebbins, d. Apr. 19, 1878. Ch. 2, Sophia Ann, b. Jan. 29, 1822, m. Sylvester Balch, d. Nov. 18, 1878. Ch. 3, Caroline Woods, b. Oct. 15, 1824, m. John Gibson, d. Aug. 18, 1877. Ch. 4, John Watson, b. March 21, 1827, m. Octava of Barre, d. Nov. 18, 1878. Ch. 5, George Harding, b. June 28, 1830, m. Juliet Cleaveland. Ch. 6, Jane Elmira, b. Nov. 21, 1831, m. John Gibson. Ch. 7, Benjamin F., b. July 17, 1834, m. Eliza Shaw. Ch. 8, Moses Roland, b. Feb. 15, 1836, m. Ellen Warner. Ch. 9, Loren Stebbins, b. Apr. 8, 1837, m., resided in Wilbraham. Ch. 10, Charles Edwin, b. Aug. 3, 1838, m. Ellen Keith. Ch. 11, Julia Hannan, b. Apr. 5, 1842, m. George Henry. COOLEY. 435 Ch. 12, Eliza Samantha, b. May 17. 1844, d. Apr. 4, 1845. Ch. 13, Alvln Smith, b. July IS, 1846. The family settled in Palmer, 1850. Benjamin F., s. of Moses H., m. Eliza Shaw March 9, 1857. Ch. 1, Ada E., b. March 20, 1861, m. Willard Felmore Feb. 23, 1888. Ch. 2, Cora J., b. Jan. 11, 1865, d. Sept. 24, 1868. Ch. 3, Cora B., b. June 26, 1871. Capt. Hiram E. W., s. of Samuel and Diadamon (Woodard) Clark and grandson of Samuel Clark of Barre, farmer. Hiram E. W. went to California with friends when fifteen years of age, and was employed in farming, except two years he followed the seas. He enlisted, 1863, in the War of the Eebellion, Califor- nia Battalion, Second Massachusetts Cavalry, Co. E., and credited to New Salem, and served to the close of the war. When he re- ceived the commission of captain he was transferred to the Fifth Regiment, Massachusetts Cavalry. After his return from the war he settled in Thorndike, and, in company with C. W. and E. G. Hastings, they have had a meat market and carried on the slaugh- tering business till 1874; since that time they have dealt in Chicago dressed beef. For a country location, since 1875 they have a large trade in the wholesale business. Samuel, Sen. Ch. Erastus. Anna, Harriet, Almon, Almira and Samuel, Juu. Samuel, Jun., m. Diadamon Woodard; he d. 1868; she d. 1840. Ch. 1, Hiram E. W., b. Apr. 15, 1835, m. Carrie J. Fuller Jan. 9, 1865. Ch. 1, Charles, b. Dec. 11, 1866. Ch. 2, Henry Calvin, b. Oct. 26, 1868, d. Sept. 10, 1874. Ch. 3, F. Granger, b. July 21, 1871. Ch. 4, Genevra F., b. Sept. 3, 1873. THE COOLET FAMILY came from Springfield. N'oah and Obadiah, Jun., were sons of Obadiah Cooley of Springfield. Obadiah, Jun., settled in the North Division, now Warren. Zadock was son of David Cooley, born in West Springfield. When a small lad he went to live dur- ing his minority with Aaron Merrick, Esq., of Palmer. David was probably a son of Obadiah, though the records of Palmer do not show the fact. 2, Noah-, s. of Obadiah^, m. Mercy . 3, ch. 1, Noah3, Jun., b. Aug. 21, 1741. 4, ch. 2, Mercy, b. Aug. 26, 1743, ra. Daniel Russell Feb. 6, 1766. 5, ch. 3, Reuben, b. June 2, 1745, m. Margaret McNitt. 6, ch. 4, Mary, b. Sept. 13, 1747, m. James Fuller Oct. 9, 1769. 7, ch. 5, Hannah, b. Aug. 6, 1749, m. Judah Ferre July, 1770. 8, ch. 6, Asher, b. Dec. 16, 1752. 5, Reuben^, s. of Noah', m. Margaret McNitt Jan. 22, 1772. 9, ch, 1, Alven, b. Dec. 9, 1772. 436 GKXEALOGIES AXD RECORDS. Jonathaii^ Cooley, b. Aug. 16, 1752, m. Lucy Stebbins; be d. May 22, 1823' sbe d. Sept. 5, 1828. 10, cb. 1, Lucy, b. Apr. .5, 1780, m. Jobn Smitb June 14, 1801. 11, cb. 2, Patty, b. Apr. 22, 1782, m. Samuel Smitb. 12, cb. 3, Jonatban, Jun., b. Nov. 5, 178.3, m. Sally Brainard. 13, cb. 4, Moses D., b. June IS, 178-5, d. Nov. 20, 1803. 14, cb. 5, Aaron M., b. Apr. 28, 1787, m. Sarab Cutter. 15, cb. 6, Celia, b. Feb. 27, 1788. 16, oh. 7, AVilliam, b. Feb. 28, 1701, m. Laura Fenton. 17, cb. 8, Cintba, b. Oct. 8, 1793, m. Jesse Smitb. 12, Jonathan:- Cooley, Jun., m. Sally Brainard May 15, 1817. 18, cb, 1, Mary, b. May 15, 1819. 19, cb. 2, Maria, b. Nov. 5, 1821, d. Sept. 6, 1823. 20, cb. 3, Harriett, b. Apr. 7, 1824, d. Oct. 6, 1827. 21, cb. 4, Harriett M., b. Jan. 27, 1829. 16, Capt. William-, s. of Jonatban^, m. Laura Fenton Dec, 1822. 22, cb. 1, Caroline, b. Dec. 15, 1823. 23, cb. 2, Henry S., b. Nov. 27, 1826. 24, cb. 3, Lucy C, b. Sept. 9, 1829. 25, cb. 4, James F., b. Sept. 1, 1833. Zadock% s. of Davidi, b. 1765, m. Racbel Abbot Marcb 29, 1795; be d. 1857; sbe d. 18.52. 26, cb. 1, Merrick, b. Dec. 24, 1795, d. 27, cb. 2, Luciua, b. July 14, 1797, m. Benjamin Merrick July 14, 1816. 28, cb. 3, Pliney, b. May 25, 1799, m. Huldab Allen Feb. 18, 1829. 29, cb. 4, Sopbronia, b. Feb. 24, 1801, m. Mr. Harris. 30, cb. 5, Betsey, b. Apr. 1, 1803, m. Kitridge Earle Dec. 22, 1828. 31, cb. 6, Merrick, 2d, b. Marcb 15, 1805, m. Rebecca Moores Apr. 8, 1831. 32, cb. 7, Samuel D., b. Apr. 4, 1807, d. 33, cb. 8, Samuel D., 2d, b. Aug. 1, 1810, m. Lucinda Brevier. 34, cb. 9, Cbarles D., b. July 15, 1812, d. 35, cb. 10, Cbarlotte, b. May 14, 1815, m. Jobn Ward Sept. 27, 1837. 31, Merrick^, s. of Zadock'-, m. Rebecca Moores Apr. 8, 1831. 36, cb. 1, Jobn, m. Mary P. Insbaw; bave one cbild — Mary. 37, cb. 2, Sarali, d. young. 38, cb. 3, Byron, d. 39, cb. 4, Cbarles, m. Eliza Kelly; bave two cbildren — 1, Robert; 2, Carrie. 42, cb. 5, Mary, m. George H. Knapp. 43, cb. 6, Sarab, m. Justin Spaulding. 28, Pliney^, s. of Zadock-, m. Huldab Allen Feb. 18, 1829. 44, cb. 1, Lyman, m. Miss Lamb. 45, cb. 2, Henry, m. Miss Studson; 2d wife, Melvina Woods. 46, cb. 3, Helen, m. George Dolton; 2d busband, Josepb Osier. 33, Samuel B:\ s. of Zadock-^, b. Aug. 1, 1810, m. Mary S. Brewer Jan. 31, 1839; 2d wife, Lucina A. Brewer, Jan. 27, 1841. 47, cb. 1, George B., b. Jan. 3, 1840, m. Emma Milikin. 48, cb. 2, Ann EUza, b. Aug. 5, 1843, d. Apr. 12, 1846. 49, cb. 3, James C. b. Dec. 28, 1846, m. Ida Atchison. 50, cb. 4, Isabella L., b. Oct. 13, 1851, m. David A. Hoag, d. Marcb 8, 1876. Elisha Converse. CONVERSE. 437 THE CONVERSE FAMILY. Capt. Aljjheus and Elisha Converse were born in Connecticut about 1750. The tradition in the families corresponds with the rec- ord given in Brimfield history of the family that first came to the Massachusetts Colony. Edward and Allen Converse came from England in the \Yinthrop Fleet in 1630, the latter having a grant of land in Salem the year following, and Edward running the first ferry between Boston and Charlestown, and later in life he was a representative to General Court from Woburn. His son James was distinguished as a major in the Indian war ; and after living some time near Worcester, some of the descendants went to Thomson, Ct. The family of Alpheus was born there previous to his coming to Palmer, 1793, and purchasing the farm of Capt. David and Samuel, grandsons of Dea. Samuel Shaw. Elisha went to Vermont in 1806, and from thence to Brimfield in 1820. He was engaged in furnishing the American Army with pro- visions which he had captured from the French during the war of 1812. When the Spoilization Bill was passed he recovered nothing, as the papers and records could not be found to establish his claim. Elisha, Jr., came to Palmer, 1815, at the age of twenty-one, with his funds packed in his pocket handkerchief. He worked in the sawmill where the Blanchards now own, to procure the first funds which he used afterwards to purchase the farm at the Old Center. His business tact gave him success financially, and when the Boston and Albany E. R. came through the town he readily saw his way to make his fortune, by changing his business at the Old Center to the new village at Palmer. Capt. Alpheus^ Converse, b. Sept. 1, 1752, m. Jerusia Elliott March 17, 1774; he d. May 8, 1825; she d. March 5, 1817. 2, ch. 1, Roxania, b. May 3, 1775, d. May 3, 1778. 3, ch. 2, Joseph, b. Jan. 21, 1777, m. Polly Smith, Apr. 16, 1801, d. Jan. 13, 1851. 4, ch. 3, Benjamin, b. March 9, 1779, m. Margaret Brainard, d. May 18, 1859. 6, ch. 4, Charles, b. Feb. 21, 1781, m. Hannah Smith, d. Sept. — , 1810. 6, ch. 5, Alpheus, Jun., b. Feb. 27, 1783, m. Polly Baldwin, 1802, d. Dec. 20, 1816. 7, ch. 6, Marquis, b. Aug. 16, 1785, m. Sophia Lyon, Apr. 27, 1808, settled in Brimfield, d. Oct. 12, 1842. 8, ch. 7, Adelphia, b. July 4, 1788, d. May 3, 1789. 4, Dea. Benjamin*', s. of Capt. Alpheus^, m. Margaret Brainard, Oct. 15, 1801. 9, ch. 1, Adelpha, b. Feb. 4, 1803, d. March 10, 1803. 10, ch. 2, Harriett, b. Nov. 29, 1804. 11, ch. 3, Hiram, b. March 24, 1807, m. Mary S. Sedgwick. 12, ch. 4, Mary L., b. March 10, 1810, m. Luther C. Carter. 13, ch. 5, Adaline, b. July 24, 1814, m. Albert Norcross. 14, ch. 6, William B., b. Feb. 5, 1809, m. Sarah Fuller, 2d m. Cana Rice. 438 GENEALOGIES AND RECORDS. 11, Dea. Hiram', s. of Dea. Benjamin'% m. Maria S. Sedgwick, Jan. 30, 1838, 2d m. Jenette P. Washburn, d. Dec. 14, 1885. 15, ch. 1, John S., b. Dec. 15, 1838, m. Lewis Fowler, Dec. 25, 1860. l(i, ch. 2, Mary W., b. Dec. 31, 1852, m. O. W. Studley, Oct. 19, 1873. 6, Alpheus^' Converse, Jun., m. Polly Baldwin, 1802. 17, ch. 1, Benjamin, b. March 2, 1803. 18, ch. 2, James, b. Sept. 18, 1806. 19, ch. 3, Lydia, b. Jan. 13, 1807. 20, ch. 4, Asahel, b. Oct. 18, 1808. 21, ch. .5, Joseph, b. Apr. 10, 1811. 22, ch. 6, Betsey, b. Dec. 10, 1813. 23, ch. 7, Daniel, b. Feb., 1816. I, Elishw' Converse, Sen., b. in Ct., m. Mary Bishop, Dec. 2, 1779, 2d m. Mary Wells, Nov. 2, 1814 ; he d. Feb. 15, 1843. 24, ch. 1, Roswell, b. Sept. 14, 1780, m. Dosha Nichols, March, 1807. 25, ch. 2, Jonathan, b. March 25, 1782, m. Lydia Joslyn, March 10, 1806. 26, ch. 3, Polly, b. March 30, 1784, m. David Warren, Apr. 10, 1806. 27, ch. 4, Lucy, b. Feb. 22, 1786, m. Jason Jones, July 21, 1806. 28, ch. 5, Esther, b. May 22, 1788, m. Ephraim Wheeler, Aug. 15, 1808. 29, ch. 6, Adelphia, b. June 24, 1790, m. Henry Wheelock, Aug., 1811. 30, ch. 7, Lovisa, b. June 30, 1792, m. Sprague L. Converse, June 9, 1818. 31, ch. 8, Elisha, Jun., b. Aug. 12, 1794, m. Mahitable Fenton, May 9, 1820. 32, ch. 9, John Mason, b. Feb. 29, 1797, m. Delinda Newton, Jan. 17, 1821. 9, Elisha' Converse, Jun., m. Mahitable Fenton, May 9, 1820; she b. May 26, 1795, d. Oct. 20, 1850; 2d m. Lovinia Fuller, Nov. 12, 1852; he d. Dec. 17, 18—. 33, ch. 1, John Mason, b. July 8, 1823, m. Emeline Ringe. 34, ch. 2, Henry Dexter, b. May 22, 1825, d. Jan. 25, 1848. 35, ch. 3, Mary Maria, b. Apr. 23, 1828, d. March 5, 1829. 36, ch. 4, Alfred, b. Apr. 5, 1830. II, John'^ M., s. of Elisha', Jun., m. Emeline Ringe, Dec. 18, 1851; she was b. May 6, 1827. 37, ch. 1, Mary E., b. May 28, 1853, d. Aug. 20, 1854. 38, ch. 2, Lizzie M., b. Nov. 2, 1854, d. May 29, 1857. 39, ch, 3, Delia R., b. Sept. 8, 1856, d. June 22, 1865. 40, ch. 4, Henry Dexter, b. Sept., 1858. THE CALKINS FAMILY. Calkins^ Ezekiel. m. Lucy Willey. He came from Connecticut and settled in Wilbniliam. lie had but two sons. One went West and died young. Ezekiel had a brother — the ancestor of Dickinson and (leorge Calkins of Wilbraham. Some of the family are resi- dents of this town. 2, Abel, son of Ezekiel of Wilbraham, was born Aug. 17, 1790. He married Esther Mixter of Monson. His children were born previous to his coming to Palmer, 1835. Mr. Calkins was a stirr- ing, ambitious, ''go-ahead'^ man, and soon gained the confidence of tbe people as a man of business. He also took an active part in CLEAVELAND. — CUTLEK. — DODGE. 439 politics and in business pertaining to the interests of the town, fre- quently serving as one of the town officers, and representing his constituents in the General Court in 1838 and also in 1843. Enos, his second son, remains in town at the present time. George W., son of Enos, attended the first High School that was supported by the town. He was also a graduate of the Academy of Suffield, Ct., and June, 1863, was in the graduating class of Brown University. 2, Abel\ s. of EzekieP, m. Esther Mixter May 3, 1809; he d. Dec. 25, 1849; she d. July 26, 1877, aged 91 years 5 months. 3, eh. 1, Amanda, b. Feb. 17, 1812, m. Joshua Graves Aug. 9, 1842. 4, ch. 2, Lewis, b. Sept. 21, 1813, m. Sarah Rounds Jan., 1839. 5, ch. 3, Enos, b. May 3, 1815, m, Angenette Clough Oct. 2, 1838. 6, ch. 4, Dudley, b. March 26, 1818, m. Eunice Shaw Feb. 4, 1839. 7, ch. 5, Amelia, b. March 21, 1820, m. Franklin Goff Nov., 1843. 8, ch. 6, Milissa, b. Oct. 21, 1821, m. John Carpenter Nov., 1842. 9, ch. 7, Abel H., b. March 4, 1823, m. Maria Watrous June, 1844. 10, ch. 8, Lucy Ann, b. Oct. 3, 1827, m. Louis F. Shoals Oct., 1848. 11, ch. 9, Sarah A., b. March, 1833, d. Aug. 30, 1836. 6, Enos^, s. of Abel-, m. Angenette Clough Oct. 2, 1838; she d. Aug. 11, 1878; 2d m. Eliza G. Brewer Sept. 23, 1880. 12, ch. 1, George W., b. June 20, 1839. 13, ch. 2, Frances M., b. March 28, 1847, m. Charles B. Fisk, 1865; she d. Aug 11, 1878. 6, Dudley^, s. of AbeP, m. Eunice Shaw Feb. 4, 1839. 14, ch. 1, Emily, b. Nov. 4, 1839. 15, ch. 2, Sarah, b. Nov. 4, 1343. 16, ch. 3, Mary E., b. Feb., 1849. 4, Lewis^, s. of Abel-, m. Sarah Rounds Jan., 1839. 17, ch. 1, John, b. Apr. 15, 1846. 9, Abel H.^, s. of AbeP, m. Maria Watrous June, 1844. 18, ch. 1, Alice, b. Aug., 1847. THE CLEAVELAND FAMILY. David and Orra Cleaveland. Ch. 1, Cyrus, b. Apr. 30, 1801. Samuel and Catharine. Ch. 1, Loran, b. June 14, 1800.' Ch. 2, Polly, b. Aug. 12, 1802. Ch. 3, Maria, b. Nov. 12, 1811. THE CUTLER FAMILY. Jarvis and Philadelphia Cutler. Ch. 1, Mary Ann, b. Aug. 22, 1800. Ch. 2, Amanda Malvina, b. Sept. 23, 1802, THE DODGE FAMILY. They came from Brookfield, North Parish, 1774. Daniel and Sarah Dodge. 440 GENEALOGIES AXD RECORDS. Ch. 1, Sarah, b. Feb. 18, 1773. Ch. 2, Betty, b. July 9, 1775. Ch. 3, Fanny, b. July 8, 1776. Ch. 4, Lucy, b. Feb. 4, 1778. Ch. .5, Daniel Danforth, b. June 14, 1779. Ch. 6, Nabby, b. Aug. 28, 1780. THE DAVIS FAMILY. Nathan and Leonard were grandsons of John Davis, that settled in the south part of Ware previous to 1750, where afterwards was built the Quinton Hotel. He had children — Nathan, David, Josiah and Abijah. In 1751 he was chosen deacon at the forma- tion of the church about that time. Nathan married a daughter of Jonathan Rodgers, who kept a tavern at a location known of late as the Tucker place, west of Ware Village. He had sons — Nathan, Elihu, Enos, Pliney, Rodney and Leonard — and two daughters — Betsey and Sally. Rodney settled in Belchertown, Enos remained in Ware, Nathan and Leonard in Palmer. Nathan, Sen., was a wag. He started one day for the mill to have some grinding done. The meal came home, and Nathan came after serving three years in the Revolutionary war. In later life he could readily rehearse the stirring events of his three years' campaign. The one of his particular theme was the fearful winter with Gen. Washington at Valley Forge. After the marriage to his second wife he lived some time in Brookfield, until a fascinating scheme to procure wealth made him the possessor of a large tract of wild lands on the mountains of Wardsburg, Vt. The joke was too good, in his disappointment of wealth, to enjoy alone, and Nathan, Jun., must trade and enjoy the prize. The trick was not discovered till his son visited the Eldorado of the mountain land and came back to hear his father tell him, " You can't joke me about the wild lands of Vermont." Nathan 2 came to Palmer in 1795, where the younger members of his family were born. He had a medical practice, with no bounds or limits, and some knowledge of the medicinal qualities of roots and herbs, and a peculiarity of giving them their Latin names. He was known as the Latin doctor. 3, Nathan- m. 2d wife "Marany . 4, ch. 1, Calvin, b. July 19, 1783, Brookfield. 5, ch. 2, Luther, b. Aug. 20, 178.5, Yermont. 6, ch. 3, Bemsley, b. Apr. 23, 1789. 7, ch. 4, Polly, b. Feb. 21, 1791. 8, ch. 0, Theodotia, b. Jan. 20, 1793. 9, ch. 6, Foster, b, Nov. 14, 1794, Palmer. 10, ch. 7, Francis, b. Dec. 17, 1798, Palmer. 11, ch. 8, Alford, b. Sept. 17, 1800, Palmer. Amasa Davis, M. D. DEWEY. 441 2, Nathan, JunJ, m. Martha Merritt. 12, ch. 1, Porter, b. 171^7, m. Almira H. of Hadley; Dr. Porter d. Apr. 7, 1824. 13, ch. 3, Ahnira H., d. March 27, 1S28. 14, ch. 2,«Proctor B., b. Nov. 18, 1803. 14, Proctor B.\ s. of Nathan, Jun.^, m. Ann G. Aldrich Dec. 30, 1824. 15, ch. 1, Betsey Ann, b. Sept. 30, 182.5, m. Moses B. Buffum July 21, 1842. 16, ch. 2, Martha M., b. March 28, 1834, m Keyes Allen Sept. 3, 18-53. 17, ch. 3, Frank B., b. March 1, 18.50, m. Mary E. Howard Dec. 9, 1874. 18, ch. 4, Porter W., b. May 9, 1854, d. Aug. 22, 1863. 5, Leonard^, s. of Nathan-, m. Eliza Ward; she d. March 4, 1870. 19, ch. Mary, John J., George, Franklin, Charles, Eliza and Henry; Frank- lin d. Dec. 18, 1843. 23, 2d m. Adelpha Allen. 25, ch. Lambert and Franjclin. Leonard d. March 20, 1849. Dr. Amasa Davis, b. Jan., 1808, in Stafford, Ct., m. Lucy A. Gay of Stafford. Ch. Franklin G., b, in Stafford; Sarah L., Mary, Lucy A., b. in Palmer. Dr. Davis commenced study in Dartmouth College, but, owing to ill health, did not complete his studies there. Later he grad- uated with high honor at Jefferson Medical College in Philadel- phia. He commenced the practice of medicine in Amherst, then removed to Hartford, Ct, He came to Palmer in 1839, where he practiced the healing art the remainder of his life. He had a very extensive and successful practice here. He died Nov. 21st, 1869, aged 61 years. His daughter, Mrs. Mary Lawrence, is the only surviving member of the family. THE DEWEY FAMILY. The parents of Capt. Abel^ Dewey were residents of Hartford, Ct. Abel when a young man came to Becket, where he married Lydia Birchard, and there located and had a family of nine chil- dren. Alonzo N., the youngest son, was born Oct. 11th, 1798, and married Mary Parks of Russell. Seven of their children were born in Becket, and the three youngest in Palmer. Capt. Alonzo re- moved to Palmer Apr. 11th, 1836, and bought the Dea. Thomas King farm, that has now been in the possession of the family for more than half a century and have furnished building lots for the east part of Palmer Village. 10, Capt. Alonzo N.-\ s. of Capt. AbeU, m. Mary Parks May .30, 1820; he d. ; Mary d. . 11, ch. 1, Mary Ophelia, b. Apr. 5, 1821, d. Apr. 27, 1843. 12, ch. 2, Martha Emily, b. Sept. 2, 1824, m. William C. Child Sept. 8, 1845; he d. Feb. 18, 1861 ; she d. June 27, 1873. Their children : 1, William A. Child, b. Nov. 15, 1848, m. Mary E. Cowan Sept., 1875. 2, Charles D. Child, b. May 22, 1856, d. March 7, 18.58. 442 GEXEALOGIES AXD RECORDS. 8, James B. Child, b. June 9, ISoS, d. March 7, 1865. 1.3, ch. 3, Laura Elizabeth, b. Dec. 20, 182S, m. James K. Child Sept. 1(1, 1856; he d. Aug. 22, 1873. 14, ch. 4, Alonzo N., b. July 25, 1831, d. May 8, 1847. l.j, ch. 5, Jane Amelia, b. Feb. 3, 1834, m. Austin M. Nelson March 10, 1854. 16, ch. 6, Charles Edward, b. Dec. 11, 1835. 17, ch. 7, George Edwin, twin, d. June 3, 1837. 18, ch. 8, Georgia Ellen, b. Nov. 28, 1837, m. Mark C. Hubbard June 26, 1860. 19, ch. 9, Frances Abbie, b. March 6, 1840, d. Feb. 14, 1841. 20, ch. 10, William Henry, b. Oct. 19, 1844, d. March 3, 1846. 16, Charles E?, s. of Alonzo N.^, m. Harriett E. Palmer Feb. 18, 1858. 21, ch. 1, Alonzo Nelson, b. Jan. 10, 1859, d. July 1, 1876. 22, ch. 2, WiUiam Child, b. Oct. 18, 1860, m. Ella E. Flynt Oct. 3, 1883. 23, ch. 3, Mary Palmer, b. March 23, 1863, m. William H. Whiting June 27, 1883. 24, ch. 4, Emily Ophelia, b. Sept. 20, 1867. 25, ch. 5, James Herman, b. Jan. 22, 1873. THE DICKINSON FAMILY. James and Lillis Dickinson, that settled in Palmer about 1760, was a descendant of Nathaniel, one of the early settlers of Hadley, and ancestor of the New England branch of the family name. He came to Boston, 1630, and soon settled in Wethersfield, Ct., and with nine sons he left W. and took up his abode in Hadley, 1G59. The descendants held a reunion of late, and find the family name connected with their progenitor, Nathaniel of Boston ; they are sure they trace their origin through England, Scotland and the Normans, with the difference of the name in its orthography. A goodly number in this country have been a God-fearing people, distinguished for their energy and perseverance in troublesome times in defending their new settlement, and in later days, many others occupying high and honorary positions in society. The family became allied with the Scotts from Springfield, that became our first settlers, and also Deacon Joshua Shaw, a name familiar in our church records. James was b. in Somers, Ct., 1736, and m. Lillis Bryant, 1758. After residing in Palmer some six years, he removed to Conway where he d., 1830, aged ninety-four years ; Lillis, 1828. The farm he occupied so many years has been known as the Dickinson homestead. Ch. 1, James, Jun., b. Nov. 13, 1761, Palmer. Ch. 2, Ruth, b. March 12, 1764, Palmer. Ch. 3, Noah, b. 1766, Conway, m. Tabitha Newhall. Ch. 4, David, b. 1769, Conway, m. Sally Watson. There were others. 1 Capt. a. N. Dewey. DORCHESTER. — DURANT. 443 Bev. David, s. of James, m. Sally Watson, Feb. 23, 1796; he d. Jau. 1, 1857, Sally d. Sept. 4, 1851. Ch. 1, Lillis, b. 1801, Ashfield, m. Capt. Freeman Smith, Sept. 22, 1824, d. Dec. 24, 1877. Ch. 2, Louisa, b. Palmer, 1802, m. Dr. Earl Loomis, Connecticut, Sept. 22, 1824, d. 1879. Ch. 3, Watson, b. 1804, d. 1830, unm. Ch. 4, Bryant, b. 1810, m. Laura Williams. Ch. 5, Austin, b. 1812, m. Antonette Gay, Lebanon, Ct., 1835, d. 1852. Ch. 6, Western, b. 1813, m. Parnell Huntington, 1836, d. 1885; she d. 1884. Ch. 7, Harriett N., b. 1821, d. 1846, unm. THE DORCHESTER FAMILY. James and Lydia Dorchester, James, Jun., and Rachel his wife, and John, his second son, came from Springfield, 172- and settled in the south part of the district; James, Sen,, bought his lot of the Gent. Claimers, but it was granted to Ebenezar Myrick, 1732, and known, in 1800, as the Eev, Moses Baldwin's farm. James, Jun., had seventy acres northeast of his father's claim, but it was granted to John King, his assignee, by the General Court. John had one hundred acres farther north, as a part now known as the Sherman farm. lie perished on the road going from Kingsfield to Springfield, Feb. 15, 1732, aged about 24 years. The General Court granted this lot to David and Eobert Nevins. James, Sen., and Lydia, had a daughter Mary, born June 18, 1729 ; and James, Jun., had three daughters and no son. James and Rachel Dorchester. Ch. 1, Rachel, b. July 4, 1730. Ch. 2, Tamer, b. Dec. 18, 1732. Ch. 3, Phebe, b. Apr. 4, 1736. This ends the family name of this branch. THE DURANT FAMILY. John and Nathaniel Durant came from Newburyport. Nathan- iel m. widow Mary Gates, 1808. John was a merchant in Palmer Center in 1790, and was in trade several years ; he d. 1810. Dennis-, s. of John, m. Bathsheba Ward, 1801. Ch. 1, Cornelius L., b. Dec. 19, 1801. Ch. 2, James, b. June 10, 1803, Ch. 3, Harriett, b. Aug. 13, 1804, m. Moses E. Eager, March, 1827. Ch. 4, Maria, b. Apr. 14, 1806. Ch. 5, Thomas D., b. May 22, 1808,. Ch. 6, Abner W., b. Nov. 25, 1809. Ch. 7, Thaddeus B., b. March 1, 1812. Ch. 8, John, b. Oct. 9, 1814, m. Lucy P. Haynes, Dec. 20, 1844. * Ch. 9, Bersheba, b. Nov. 16, 1817, m. . Ch. 10, Sophia, b. Sept. 12, 1820, m. . 444 GEXEALOGIES AND EECORDS. THE DARLING FAMILY. David Darling bought the mill privilege on Swift river (now Bondsville) in 17 — ; he had twelve children. David, Jun., m. Miss Washburn. Ch. Willard, Elijah, Benjamin, Olive, Ruth and Speedy. Elijah, b. 1792, ra. Eunice Spear. Ch. David, Peggy, Sarah. THE DUNBAR FAMILY. John Dunbar, Sen., of Foxbury m. Esther Boynton. They re- moved with their family of seven children to Palmer 178-, and lo- cated east of Pottoquatuck Mountain on the farm originally set- tled by William Brown, it being a part of the Eev. Peter Hobert grant. Ch. Samuel-, m. Lucy Oummings. Joseph m. and settled in Enfield. Susannah m. Joseph Kij)ley Dec. 15, 1706. Esther m. Timothy P. Marsh Nov. 28, 1799, and one daughter m. William Coney. John, Jun., m. Sarah Breakenridge May 14, 1801, and located on the north of the mountain, and had a family of children — Anne, John^; Sarah, Lucy C, Daniel and Electa. John^, son of John, Jun., was a graduate of Williams College and was a missionary among the Pawnee Indians. He m. Esther Smith of Hadley, and left his field of labor and settled in Kansas, where he died, leaving a family of seven children. Sarah 1st m. John E. Lamberton, 2d m. Solomon B. Davis of Ware. Electa m. Lucas Gibbs of Ware ; had daughters Sarah A., Lucy, Maria, Electa, Ella and Augusta ; sons, J. Wilbur, William, Charles T. and Samuel L. Daniel, s. of John, Jun., m. Susannah Cummings; they had four children — John, Mary E., Susan C. and Julia. John was killed in the battle of the Wilderness May 6, 1863. Daniel', s. of John, Sen., m. Clarissa Brown. Setli-, s. of John, Sen., m. Cynthia Cummings 1807. Ch. 1, Amos B., b. Jan. 31, 1808. Ch. 2, Susannah, b. Feb. 22, 1810. Ch. 3, Samuel, b. Feb. 10, 1812. Ch. 4, Simeon C, b. March 17, 1814, m. Amanda M. Colton, Pub. Sept. 21, 1839. Ch. 5, Sally, b. May 15, 1816, m. Ambrose Blair April 16, 1835. Ch. 6, Cyntha, b. Feb. 10, 1819, m. Olney Goff. Ch. 7, Seth, Jun., b. March 28, 1821. Ch. 8, William Coney, b. Dec. 17, 1823. Ch. 9, Betsey, b. Sept. 26, 1826. Ch. 10, John D., b. Sept. 2, 1829. BUTTON. — ENGLISH. — FAKRAN. 445 THE BUTTON FAMILY. Jeremiah, s. of Loren of Ludlow, settled in Palmer in 1868. They were descendants of Jeremiah of East Haddam, Ot. The family settled in Ludlow in 1776. They were of the family line of John Button, who was one of the first settlers of Massachu- setts Colony and removed to Connecticut in 1630. Jeremiah was probably one of the third generation that located in Ludlow. — Damarus Beebe, Jan. 24, 1758, had six children. He was fa- miliarly known as Master Button, as his early life was occupied as a teacher. Bea. outer, s. of Jeremiah, b. 1760, d. 1843, m. Judith Hubbard. Ch. 1, Lois, b. 1784, d. 1844. Ch. 2, Lorin, b. 1792. Ch. 3, Dennis, b. 1799, d. 1850. Ch. 4, Aseneth, b. 1802, d. 1803. Ch. 5, Hubbard, b. 1806. Lorin, s. of Dea. Oliver, m. Susan Thomson 1812, d. 1886. Ch. 1, Austin, b. 1812, m. Sarah Burt 1842. Ch. 2, Aseneth, b. 1814, m. William Wait 1840, d. Aug. 1884. Ch, 3, Almarin, b. 1816, m. Louvisa Hall Js^ov. 29, 183-, d. 1864. Ch. 4, Lucius, b. 1818, unm. Ch. 5, Jeremiah, b. Aug. 21, 1823. Ch. 6, Rufus E., b. Jan. 1825, m. Mary Anderson. Ch. 7, Elisabeth, b. 1827, d. 1884, m. Col. Eliot Bridgman. Ch. 8, Elisha H., b. 1829, m. Ch. 9, Dimaris, b. 1836, d. N^ov. 2, 18-55. Jeremiah, s. of Loren, m. Julia A. Fish 1849, d. Oct. 23, 1866; 2d m. Martha A., dau. of Waterman and Sally (Abercrombe) Fuller, Feb. 20, 1868; she was b. Jan. 30, 1825. Ch. 1, Wilbur F., b. May 5, 1853, m. Adelaide R. Kirchner, Nov. 27, 1884. Ch. 2, Ora C, b. Nov. 11, 1855, m. George A. Murdock Sept. 22, 1S73. A genealogy of the Button family is now being printed. THE ENGLISH FAMILY. James and Mary English. Ch. 1, David, b. Apr. 26, 1743. Ch. 2, Andrew, b. May 6, 1745. Ch. 3, James, b. April 6, 1747. Mary, his wife, d. Apr. 16, 1747. THE FARRAN FAMILY. Thomas, Thomas, Jun., and Andrew Farran came here to settle about 1730. Thomas, Jun., and his brother-in-law, Elisha Hall, located at the junction of Ware and Swift rivers, and in 1736 Andrew and Eobert Ferrell built the first grist mill in the district for the consideration of 100 acres of land — the same as was 446 GENEALOGIES AND RECORDS. granted to Steward Southgate for the first mill. A committee was chosen to examine the mill and they reported it to be a good and sufficient mill for the benefit of the settlement. The inhabitants voted to accept the mill, and ordered it to be recorded. Andrew- and Sarah Farran, his second wife. Ch. 1, Mary, b. May 20, 1731. Ch. 2, Jane, b. Apr. 22, 1733. Ch. 3, Barnard, b. Jan, 9, 1736. Ch. 4, Sarah, b. March 29, 1738. Ch. 5, Margaret, b. March 12, 1739. Ch. 6, Ann, b. May o, 1743. Ch. 7, William, b. Oct. 12, 1744. Ch. 8, Susannah, b. Aug. 18, 1747. Ch. 9, John, a son by his first wife, d. 1736, aged 16 years. Thomas'' Jun., and Mary Farran. Ch. 1, Mary, b. Aug. 27, 1732. Ch. 2, Jean, b. June 21, 1735. Ch. 3, Thomas, b. March 21, 1738. Ch. 4, Ruth, b. Aug. 12, 1741. Ch. .5, Elisabeth, b. Apr. 13, 1750. Ch. 6, Sarah, b. Aug. 21, 1752. Ch. 7, Andrew, b. Apr. 29, 1755. THE FENTOX FAMILY. John, Sen., b. and m. in Ireland. They first settled in Entland, from whence they removed to Wales. They afterward located on the farm in the west part of Brimfield known at the present time as the Ei^hraim Fenton place, and several of the children settled near the old homestead. John, Jun,, bought the farm on the west side of the river in Palmer. Some of the different branches of the family have an al- liance with the families of Palmer, Converses, Robinsons, Bram- ards, and Cooleys. Ch. 1, James, b. July 27, 1780. Ch. 2, Ziba, b. May 12, 1784, m. Esther King Oct. 3, 1811. Ch. 3, Ephraim, b. Oct. 15, 178- d. , 1804. Ch. 4, Harvey, d. young. Ch. 5, Marcia, b. , m. Ruel Merrick May 10, 1816. Ch. 6, Harvey, b. Feb. 8, 1789, m. Lydia Robinson Sept. 29, 1818. Ch. 7, John, Jun. b. Apr. 13, 1793. Ch. 8, Mehitable, b. , m. Elisha Converse May 8, 1820. Ch. 9, Laura, b. , m. William Cooley Dec. 26, 1822. Ch. 10, Ephraim, b. , 179-, m. Lovina W. Nichols; 2d m. Amelia Goff May 9, 1869. I, James-, s. of John, Sen., m. Hannah Chandler May 3, 1810; she d. May 2, 1816;2dm. Achsah BlodgettMay 28, 1817, she d. Sept. 18, 1871; he d. Sept. 16, 1868. FISKE. 447 11, ch. 1, Mary, b. Jan. 17, 1811, m. George Chandler Apr, 25, 1843. 12, ch. 2, Marsha, b. Apr. 9, 1812, m. Augustus Alexander. 13, ch. 3, William E., b. Nov. 9, 1815, d. March 22, 1816. 14, ch. 4, Edwin B., b. March 30, 1818, d. Nov. 26, 1867; m. Tirzah Warner of Ware Jan. 5, 1846, she b. Nov. 16, 1828; ch., James Franklin, b. Apr 13, 1849. 15, ch. 5, Chandler, b. Sept. 23, 1819. 16, ch. 6, Eleanor, b. Sept. 3, 1821, d. May 7, 1825. 17, ch. 7, William B., b. June 29, 1823. 18, ch. 8, Achsah B., b. March 15, 1825, d. Sept. 24, 1826. 19, ch. 9, James D., b. May 29, 1827. 20, ch. 10, Benjamin B., b. Jan 25, 1830, m. Arabella Farrell, Nov. 7, 1865. 21, ch. 11, Minor G., b. Jan. 22, 1832, d. Sept. 24, 1862. 17, William^ B., s. of James'-, m. Lucy Jane Nelson of Southbridge May 21, 1851. 22, ch. 1, Ella Jane, b. May 24, 1852, m. Fred M. Webber, Brimfield, Oct. 28, 1874. 23, ch. 2, Mary A., b. Jan. 27, 1854, m. William H. Brainard Oct. 24, 1878. 2f, ch. 3, Martha A., b. Sept. 14, 1858, m. John Wilson Brainard Dec. 15, 1880. 25, ch. 4, Willie D., b. Apr. 11, 1862, d. March 13, 1886. 7, Col. John^, Jun., s. of John^, m. Koxania Byles, Jan. 25, 1820; 2d m. Mrs. Susan Eogers;he d. Sept. 12, 1878. 26, ch. 1, Angenette, b. Feb. 11, 1824, m. Sullivan Converse Feb. 26, 1850. 27, ch. 2, Matthew C, b. Sept. 4, 1825. 28, ch. 3, Mary Jane, b. Dec. 25, 1827, m. John W. Kobinson Feb. 6, 1849. 29, ch. 4, Justin M., b. March 17, 1829, d. Apr. 14, 1840. 27, Matthew^ C, s. of Col. John-, Jun., m. Lucy S. Grant Nov. 9, 1863, d. Apr. 1, 1878; 2d. m. Ellen Simmons, Springfield. 30, ch. 1, Billings Grant, b. July 15, 1862, d. Feb. 13, 1878. 31, ch. 2, Marion, d. young. 32, ch. 3, Marrion, b. . THE FISKE FAMILY. 1, John Fiske or Fisk, who was b. in England in 1619, settled in Watertown, Mass., 1648, took oath of fidelity 1652, d. Oct. 28, 1684; he m. Dec. 11, 1651, Sarah Wyeth, dau. of Nicholas of Cam- bridge. Ch. Sarah, b. Feb. 1, 1653. John, d. young. John-, b. Nov. 20, 1655. Margaret, b. Nov. 28, 1658. Mary, b. July 5, 1661, m. Joseph Mason. William, b. Feb. 23, 1664, m. Hannah Smith. Martha, b. Dec. 15, 1666, m. George Adams, Jun. Elizabeth, b. May 11, 1669, m. Simon Mellen, Jun., of Framingham. Nathaniel, b. Sept. 11, 1672. Abigail, b. Oct. 8, 1675, m. Dea. Jonathan Sanderson, 2, John, s. of Johni, lived in Watertown, d. June, 1718; he m. (1) Abigail Park, (2) Hannah Richards. 448 GEXEALOGIES AND RECORDS. Ch. Abigail, b. June 12, 1684, m. John Stearns. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 20, 1686, m. Benjamin "Whitney. John; Jonathan; Jonathan, b. Dec, 1689, m. Lydia Bemis. Hepzibah, b. Jan. 13, 1694, m. George Harrington and had 12 ch. Dau., d, young. David^, b. Apr. 13, 1697. Hannah, b. Oct., 1704. 3, David, s. of John-, settled in Windham, Ct., where he d. March 25, 1748: he m. Dec. 25, 1723, Elizabeth Durkee. Ch. David, b. Nov. 3, 1724, d. Nov. 24, 1724. David, b. Dec. 17, 1726, m. Sarah Fern am March 26. 1747. John, b. Aug. 27, 1729, d. March 3, 1735. Jonathan, b. July 4, 1731, m. Elisabeth Scott Aug. 9, 1750. AsaS b. May 26, 1733. Elizabeth, b. March 6, 1736. John, b. Apr. 17, 1738, d. May 31, 1742. Amaziah, b. Feb. 15, 1742, d. Aug. 19, 1745. 4, Asa, s. of David^, m. Elisabeth March 19, 1755. Ch. Hezekiahs, b. June 2, 1756. Asa, b. Dec. 21, 1757. Hannah, b. Aug. 17, 1759. Stephen, b. Apr. 28, 1763, d. Aug. 23, 1785. Elisabeth, b. Jan. 20, 1765. Eunice, b. Oct. 24, 1768. Olive, b. June 5, 1770. Asa, b. Feb. 26, 1772. Sally, b. July 26, 1774. Lucy, b. March 24, 1776. Persy, b. March 6, 1778. 5, Hezekiah, s. of Asa*, m. Elenor . Ch. David, b. Apr. IS, 1776. Elenor, b. June 25, 1777. Eli, b. Apr. 9, 1781. . Sena, b. June 25, 1783. Clina, b. June 6, 1785. Stephen, b. Apr. 8, 1787. William R.'', b.' March 4, 1792. Asa, b. March 18, 1794. James, b. Apr. 2, 1797. Chancey, b. June 22, 1799. 6, William II., s. of Hezekiah^ m. Lois Wales Nov. 25, 1810. Ch. Emeline, b. Nov. 4, 1811, d. Oct. 5, 1834. Orin W., b. March 28, 1814, m. Marilla Tucker Nov. 22, 1835. Elisabeth W., b. Nov. 25, 1815, m. Elijah Dudley, Millbury, Apr. 11, 1837. Loren W., b. Oct. 25, 1817, m. Funis Burns Nov. 20, 1844. William Warner, b. Sept. 6, 1819, unm. David H., b. Dec. 23, 1821, m. Lucy Hastings Dec. 29, 1841, d. March 11, 1873. Gordon M.", b. May 9, 1824. Danforth W., b. Sept. 15, 1827, m. Elizabeth Hindman July 9, 1850, d. Sept. — , 1867. GciKlJON M. FlSK. FROST. — FLEMING. 449 Lyman E., b. Jan. 1, 1830, m. Jane M. Durfee, New York, Dec. 10, 1851, d. . Eliza, b. Dec. 2.-), 1831, d. Feb. 16, 1832. Maria, b. June 21, 1833, d. Sept. 11, 1833. 7, Gordon M., s. of William H.'', was b. in Ludlow. His father, who first settled iu Wales, removed, about 1822, to Ludlow, where he established the business of wool carding and cloth dressing. The schools of Ludlow afforded very scanty advantages, but the boy was ambitious and improved his chances and acquired a fair education. He was gifted with a large share of good sense, and this often makes a little learning go a great ways in building up character and securing success in life. He learned the printer's trade, and soon after his majority purchased a printing press of John Howe of Enfield, where he carried on business for a short time. In 1847 he established the Village Gazette in Ware, but at the end of a year sold and removed to Palmer, which was after- wards his home. He started the Palme?- Journal in 1850, as nar- rated in the historical part of this book [see ante, p. 281]. He d. July 25, 1879, leaving the record of an honorable and successful life. He m. Sarah A. Putnam. Ch. Cliarles B.s, b. Feb. 13, 1845. 8, Charles B., s. of Gordon M.'', continued the printing and publishing business established by his father, and has been cashier of the Palmer National Bank since Aug. 17, 1883. He m. (1) Oct. 9, 1866, Frances M. Calkins, d. June 5, 1877; (2) Oct. 14, 1878, Esther M. Chandler. Ch. Mary, b. Sept. 29, 1880. Ruth, b. TSTov. 24, 1883. THE FROST FAMILY. Samuel and Deliverance Frost. Ch. 1, Sarah, b. Feb. 1, 1725. Ch. 2, Reabel, b. Apr. 14, 1727. Ch. 3, Samuel, b. Oct. 31, 1729, d. Dec. 17, 1755. Ch. 4, Easter, b. Apr. 11, 1731. THE FLEMING FAMILY. 1, Joseph Fleming, b. 1673, d. Oct. 15, 1757. He m. and came from Connecticut, 1721, after the birth of his eldest son. 2, ch. 1, David, b. 1719, m. Sarah Loyd. 3, ch. 2, William, b. , m. Sarah Shaw. 4, ch. 3, Jane, b. . m. Nathan Maun Apr. 6, 1763. 5, ch. 4, Hannah, b. . m. William Wood Sept. 25, 1772. 6, ch. 5, Joseph, Jun., b. . 450 ge:n"ealogies and records. :3, William' s. of JosepIi\ m. Sarah Shaw Oct. 27, 1768. 7, ch. 1, James, b. Apr. 19, 1770. 8, ch. 2, Mary, b. Jan. 29, 1772. 9, ch. .", Sarah, b. May 26, 1774. 2, Bavi(P, s. of Joseph^, m. Sarah Loyd; he d. Feb. 26, 1814, aged 95 years. 10, ch. 1, David, b. Apr. 5, 175G, m. Elisabeth Knox Apr., 1785. 11, ch. 2, Mary, b. March 5, 1758. 12, ch. 3, Sarah, b. Dec. 25, 1760. 13, ch. 4, Jane, b. Apr. 5, 1763, m, James Freeland Aug. 1, 1785. 14, ch. 5, Margaret, b. May 29, 1766, m. Dr. Jabesh Lamb, 1798. 15, ch. 6, Elisabeth, b. May 20, 1766, m. Luke Hitchcock. 16, ch. 7, Joseph, b. , m. Flava Hitchcock. 17, ch. 8, John, b. , d. , aged 20 yrs. 18, ch. 9, Samuel, b. , m. Mrs. Abigail Sherbrooks. 9, Samuel^, s. of David"^, m. Mrs. Abigail Sherbrooks ; maiden name, Collins. 19, ch. 1, John, m. Lucy Monroe. 20, ch. 2, Sylvanus C. 21, ch. 3, Samuel L., m. Martha Ireson. 22, ch. 4, Henry, d. young. 23, ch. 5, George, m. Melissa Keith. 19, John*, s. of SamueF, m. Lucy Munroe May 7, 1840. 24, ch. 1, Livonia F. ; 2, John M. ; 3, Jane L.; 4, Henry. 21, Samuel L,*, s. of Joseph^, m. Martha Ireson; he d. jSTov. 12, 1868, at Pon- tiac, 111. He was a graduate of Cambridge College, and was a lawyer in practice some time in Palmer. 28, ch. 1, Willie T. ; 2, Mary; 3, Harry; 4, Samuel; 5, Minny. 23, George'^, s. of SamueF, m. Melissa Keith Oct. 24, 1845. 32, ch. 1, Georgianna, b. Aug. 17, 1840, m. Edwin E. Writhers Oct. 17, 1866. 33, ch. 2, Clara M., b. Feb. 15, 1850, m. Lewis Holmes Nov. 25, 1867. .34, ch. 3, Ida, b. March 1, 1861, m. William Holbridge July 15, 1882. . 35, ch. 4, Lewis G., b. Oct. 7, 1867. THE FOSTER FAMILY. For the early records of this family we are under obligations to the New England Historical and Genealogical Society, from which a brief notice will be given of Reginald Foster of Ipswitch. He came from Exeter, England, and brought with him his wife Judith and children, and settled in Ipswitch, about the year 1638. His name stands on the records in Plymouth in payment of his pro- portion in bearing the expenses to pay Major Dennison, 1645, in command of the military forces of Essex and Norfolk Counties. He was employed, 1652, to cut a channel between the river and Chebacco river, ten feet wide and " soe deepe as a lighter may pass through laden, and to make a ford and foote bridge over, that the town may give unto him £10 towards said damage.'"' Reginald FOSTEE. 451 Foster was m. to Judith when he came to the colony ; she d. Oct. 1664, his 2d m., Sarah, a widow of John Martin. 1, Reginald and Judith Foster. Ch. 2, Mary; 3, Sarah; 4, Abraham; 5, Isaac; 6, William^, b. 1633 in Eng- land; 7, Jacob; 8, Reginald, Jun. Keginald, Sen., d. about 1680, as his will was proved June 9, 1681. *William appears as living at one time or owner of real estate in Watertown, as he and others petitioned the General Court in 1685, setting forth grievances in land grants as claimed by others. The branch of Jacob Foster was the descendant of Archibald Foster, Esq., former cashier of the Granite Bank. Portugese Consul. 6, Williavi\ s. of Reginald, b. in England, 1633. He first lived in Ipswitcli. In 1661 he was received as an inhabi- tant of Eowley, and living in that part of the town known as Row- ley village. He was one of the petitioners for the town of Boxford, granted June 5, 1685. He m. Mary, daugliter of William and Joanna Jackson. 9. Their ch. were: 1, Mary; 2, Judith; 3, Hannah; 4, Jonathan; 5, Will- iam3, b. 1670; 6, Timothy; 7, David; 8, Samuel; 9, Joseph. William^, William^, Eeginald^ removed to Andover, 1698, and d. there 1755 ; he married Sarah Kimball, July 6, 1690, 2(1 m. Margaret Gould, Nov. 13, 1744. 18, ch. 1, Sarah; 2, Mary; 3, Johu^ b. Sept. 27, 1701, in Andover; other ch.: 5, Lydia; 6, Asa. 20, John*, s. of William-', William', Reginald^. He was a yeoman and possessed considerable real estate. He was styled on the records as Captain. He was appointed with his brother Asa, to instruct the representatives of the General Court to enter a protest against the Stamp Act. In 1768 the two broth- ers were on a committee to frame resolutions to induce the inhabi- tants to ignore extravagance, idleness and vice, and promote indus- try, economy and good morals ; and discountenance importation and foreign superfluities. He m. Mary Osgood Jan. 13, 1724. 23, ch. 1, William^; 2, John^; 3, MaryS; 4, Isaac^; 5, Gideon^; 6, Obadiah^; 7, Solomon^; S, Osgood*'; 9, John^. Note. — John Winthrop, by Savage, gives an account of a John Foster as a printer in Boston, 1678. There is but little doubt that some of the descendants of Regi- nald Foster were early settlers of Brookfield. Ebenezar came from Concord after the new organization of the town. Lieut. Ebenezar Colony Records Vol. 5, p. 480. 452 GENEALOGIES AND RECORDS. m. Hannah Parlin of Concord ; their family of ten children were b. in Oakham, and many of them settled there and in adjoining towns. 29 Solomon 5 and Rebecca, his wife, once lived in Sandwich and located in N. Brookfield, after other settlers of the same name (Foster.) His s. Bryant was m. by Eli Forbes, Esq., Nov. 1, 1771, to Thankful Black well. In 1790, Bryant and family, with his aged father, came to Palmer and were worthy citizens of the town and useful members of the church. .30, Br7/antf^, s. of Solomon^, b. 1741, m. Thankful Blackwell Nov. 1, 1771, d. May 22, 1813. 31, ch. 1, William, b. Aug. 6, 1772, m. Polly Pottle. 32, ch. 2, Kebecca, b. Dec. 7, 1774, m. Solomon Shaw. 33, ch. 3, Abel Wilson, b. July 11, 177n, m. Prudence Brown. 34, ch. 4, Ellis, b. Apr. 23, 1784. 31, Willia7n', s. of Bryant«, m. Polly Pottle Dec. 10, 1795. 35, ch. 1, Nabby, b. Sept. 1, 1796. 36, ch. 2, Laura, b. May 21, 1799. 37, ch. 3, Tarzy, b. Aug. 12, 1802. 38, ch. 4, Alden, b. Feb. 14, 1809. 38 Dea. Abel Wilson", s. of Bryant, b. July 11, 1776, m. Prudence Brown Oct. 19, 1797 ; she b. July 19, 1775, d. March 18, 1863 ; 2d m. Phebe Bates, 1837. 39, ch. 1, Rebecca, b. March 14, 1798, m. Luke Hitchcock, April 20, 1820. 40, ch. 2, Keyes, b. Feb. 13, 1800, m. Philena Shaw, Feb. 19, 1824. 41, ch. 3, Sally, b. July 5, 1802, m. James Dean, Sept. 28, 1825. 42, ch. 4, Dwight, b. Dec. 22, 1804, m. Louise Penuiman, 1834. 43, ch. 5, Selina, b. July 21, 1807, m. Shepard Blair, Feb. 1, 1832. 44, ch. 6, John, b. July 5, 1810, m. Mary Sedgwick, Sept. 4, 1838. 45, ch. 7, Betsey, b. Feb. 21,1813, m. David P. Billings, 1837. 46, ch. 8, Freeman, b. Apr. 26, 1816, m. Sarah D. Tolman, 1842. 40, Keijes^, s. of Deacon Abel Wilson^, m. Philena Shaw, Feb. 19, 1824. 47, ch. 1, Charles D., b. July 28, 1826, m. Jane E. Burgess. 48, ch. 2, Harriett, b. , m. Wilson Lawrence. 4/, Charles^ D., s. of Keyes*, m. Jane E. Burgess, Nov. 28, 1850; she d. June 2, 1882. 49, ch. 1, Charles D., Jun., b. July 22, 1853, d. Sept. 13, 1853. 50, ch. 2, Frank R., b. Dec. 19, 1854, m. Ella Ladd. 50, Frank^'' K., s. of Charles^ D., m. Ella Ladd, May 22, 1880. 51, ch. 1, Charles H., b. Dec. 10, 1880. 52, ch. 2, Hattie V., b. Sept. 22, 1882. 53,. ch. 3, Ella C, b. Oct. 3, 1884. 54, ch. 4, Frank, b. Dec. 26, 1885. 46, Dea. Freeman^ S., s. of Dea. Abel Wilson", m. Sarah D. Tolman, Dec. 7. 1842, 2d m. Mrs. Harriett White, Feb. 7, 1854. 55, ch. 1, Wilson T., b. June 4, 1844, d. Aug. 4, 1847. 56, ch. 2, John H., b. July 2, 1846, d. Feb. 1, 1858. 57, ch. 3, Ellen E., b. June 15, 1849, d. Aug. 23, 1851. FKINK. — FOSKET. 453 58, ch. 4, Henry D., b. Jan 6, 1852, d. March 4, 1885. 59, cb. 5, Helen S., b. Apr. 29, 1858. THE FRINK FAMILY. John Frink and family settled in Palmer, and bought the hotel that was built by William King and afterwards occupied by his son, and known as landerd John. His dau. Roxania m. Moses Baldwin, Apr. 6, 1817 ; Maria m. Major Franklin Morgan, Dec. 22, 1827. John, Jun., m. Martha Ruggles. Ch. 1, John Sumner, b. Jan. 29, 1820. Ch. 2, Harvey Bicknell, b. Dec. 17, 1821. Ch. 3, Hellen, b. . The family settled in Illinois. THE FOSKET FAMILY. The earliest preserved records I have found of the Fosket family are of Jonathan and Phebe of Connecticut. A farther knowledge of their parents would probably connect their arrival in this country with our ancestors that settled in Massachusetts, 1720-27. His s. DanieP and Joshua^ settled in Brimfield ; Daniel m. Esther Winslow and had a family of twelve children. Asa^, his eldest s., was father to the late Daniel F. of Monson. Joshua's^ ch. were Dwight, Zenas and others. Dwight d. in Warren ; Zenas settled in Palmer, about 1800, in the west part of the village. Jonathan and Phebe Fosket, m. May 10, 1749. 2, ch. 1, Joshua, b. Oct. 5, 1751. 3, ch. 2, Mary, b. Oct. 5, 1753, d. . 4, ch. 3, Susannah, b. Sept. 22, 1755, d. 1755. 5, ch. 4, Esther, b. Nov. 1756. 6, ch. 5, Daniel, b. Aug. 4, 1759. 7, ch. 6, Elijah, b. July 17, 1760. 8, ch. 7, Sarah, b. March 9, 1762, d. July, 1762. 9, ch. 8, Elisabeth, b. Aug. 25, 1763. 10, ch. 9, Jonathan, b. June 3, 1765. 11, ch. 10, Hannah, b. May 31, 1767. 12, ch. 11, William, b. March 14, 1769.- 13, ch. 12, Asa, b. Nov. 18, 1771, d. Sept. 1773. 14, ch. 13, Phebe, b. Apr. 29, 1774, d. 1795. 15, ch. 14, Elisha, b. Dec. 19, 1776. Phebe, 1st wife, d. July 21, 1779, 2d m. Mary Glasier, May 18, 1780. 16, ch. 15, Phebe, b. Nov. 28, 1781. 17, ch. 16, Susannah, b. March, 1783. 18, ch. 17, Sarah, b. Oct. 16, 1789. This family register was copied by an elderly lady, from the old family Bible that has been preserved with care by the descendants 454 GEXEALOGIES AND RECORDS. for 130 years, and transferred this year to Elijah Fosket of Brim- field, now upwards of eighty years. 2, Joshua, eldest s. of Jonathan, m. Lucy . After the birth of Zenas he removed to Palmer. 19, eh. 1, Zenas, b. Feb. 27, ITTC). 20, ch. 2, Elijah, b. Feb. 10, 1781. 21, ch. 3, Peggy, b. Dec. 19, 178:]. 22, ch. 4, Susanna, b. March 20. 1786. 23, ch. 5, Lucy, b. Aug. 2.5. 1788, 24, ch. 6, Dwight, b. Dec. 9, 1790. 19, Zenas^, s. of Joshua-^, m. Lusine Ehood April 10, ISOO ; he b. Feb. 27, 1776, she b. 1779 ; he d. Feb. 28, 1853, she d. Sept. 23, 1847. 25, ch. 1, Lusina E., b. Dec. 2, 1800, d. Oct. 1882. 26, ch. 2, Merrick R., b. Sept. 11, 1802, d. Nov. 22, 1883. 27, ch. 3, Marcus, b. Oct. 26, 1806, d. April 4, 1888. 28, ch. 4, Charles, b. June 22, 1811, d. April 1883. 29, ch. 5, Maryet, b. June 3, 1818, d. Feb. 11, 1883. 26, Marcus^ s. of Zenas^, m. Fanny Smith Nov. 13, 1833. 30, ch. 1, Merrick R., b. Aug. 18, 18.34, m. Hattie Stone May 19, 1886. 31, ch. 2, Eliza M., b. Dec. 27, 1835, d. Aug. 1, 1851. 32, ch. 3, Charles H., b. Sept. 28, 1837. d. Apr. 17, 1838. 33, ch. 4, Charles H.-^, b. July 9, 1839. 34, ch. 5, Marcus A., b. Jan. 13, 1841, d. Aug. 5, 1851. 35, ch. 6, Fanny J., b. Aug. 24, 1842, d. July 31, 1851. THE FULLER FAMILY. Waterman and family came from Ludlow and settled in Palmer in 1845. The families of the adjoining towns, so far as known, were descendants of Samuel Fuller that came from England to the colony as one of the first settlers and located at Plymouth. As the descendants drifted to other localities; one branch settled in Elling- ton, Ct. Young Fuller and his son Joshua removed to Ludlow. He was born Sept. 9, 1730; m. Mary Lathrop of Tolland, Ct. The children were Elisha, Solomon L., Ezekiel, Sarah, Lydia, Benja- min and Olive. Benjamin settled in Monson in 1795. Solomon L. removed to Somers, Ct., where he died. Elisha, the eldest son, b. Apr. 11, 1754, m. Rebecca Waterman; 2d m. Sarah Cleveland. The chil- dren were John, Joshua, Susan, Isaac, El}-, Joel, Asenath, Samuel, Martha, Waterman, Henry, Seymour, Rebecca and Zera. Waterman, the seventh son of Elisha, m. Sally, dau. of Robert Abercrombe of Pelham. Ch. 1, Martha Ann, b. Nov. 12, 1820, m. Jeremiah Dutton Feb. 20, 1868. Ch. 2, George W., m. Emily Hovpard of Palmer Apr. 20, 1852. Ch. 3, Charles I., m. Hellen M. Thomas Nov. 6, 1856. FULLER. 455 Ch. 4, William H., civil engineer in the western country. Ch. 5, Annettee S., d. 1863, aged 18 yrs. Note. — Elisha, the father of Waterman, resided in Ludlow Center. He was a merchant and a so-called farmer, owning at one time upwards of 600 aci'es of land. Not one word of disparagement would Mr. Fuller hear from any stranger about the farming lands of Ludlow or the location at the Center, as it was so situated that the travel must necessarily pass this point. Even the Agawam Indians in visiting the neighboring tribes east (their road as he called it), was throvigh Wallomanumps (Ludlow Center) and north of Minechouge Mountain. This was the direct trail occupied by the neighboring tribes and passed over the plain in this town near the Glassford pond and by the Pottoquatuck ponds, and between great and lit- tle Pottaquatuck Mountains, and connected with the Quaboags of West and North Brookfield and the adjoining tribe of Nipmucks, which they used as their direct route from each other's settlement. But this was not the war path of King Philip's raid on the English set- tlements, refen-ed to in history, which connects Deerfield and Hadley with Brookfield and different points east. This trail was near the line of the country road found on map No. 1, north division. This and the one south of the Elbow district were the direct routes to the sea coast. Kev. Thomas Wilson, in his historical address in Palmer in 1852, refers, to a fort erected by the new settlers in the west part of the distinct on the plain where they were expecting a raid by the Indians. It was probably near the junction of another trail that led to Hadley and was traveled by some of the new settlers. It was portrayed to Rev. Wilson and other citizens of the town by Capt. Timothy Ferrell, whose father, Lieut. Timothy, was one of the number that was a lad of 15 years or more. (The family was represented by 16 children if all were living). Isaac, a brother older than Capt. Timothy, gave the same account. Some appear to think at the present time it is a tradition that has been handed down through several generations. But we have it on record in 1852 as coming from a reliable source. People are liable to be skeptical and disbelieve in stories that occurred in former days in the district, and it is well to gather the facts and record them. The name is familiar to past generations back to the first settle- ment of the colony. In 1727 Daniel Fuller bought a lot of land on Quaboag river, which he soon sold and afterward settled on the west side of Ware river, the location where A. R. Smith now lives. Sylvanus Fuller from Connecticut m. Violet Townsend and settled in Mon- son. 2, ch. 1, Joshua, m. 3, ch. 2, John Townsend, m. Elizabeth Cady. 4, ch. 3, Sylvanus D., m. Hannah Marsh. 5, ch. 4, Violet, m. William Breakenridge of Ware. 6, ch. 5, Althea, m. Elbridge Joslyn of Warren. 7, ch. 6, Roadice, m. Augustus Merrick of Monson. 8, ch. 7, Hannah, m. James Andrews of Ware. 45fi GENEALOGIES AND KECORDS. 4, Si/lvanus- D., s. of Sylvanus', b. in Monson Dec. IS, 1786, m. Hannah Marsh Apr. 1820; she b. Apr. 29, 1795, 9, ch. 1, Laura, b. Feb, 6, 1822, d. July 15, 1878, unm. 10, ch. 2, Charles W., b. May 10, 1824, m, Cordelia M. Hinkley, d. July 28, 1861. 11, ch. 3, James R,, b. March 3, 1826, m. Mary Jane Dimock. 12, ch, 4, Mary, b, Nov. 8, 1829, m. Calvin W, Hastings Aug. 29, 1850, d. Sept, 24, 1879, 13, ch. 5, Martha, b. May 5, 1833, d. Nov. 18, 1861, unm. 14, ch, 6, Francis D., b. Feb. 9, 1837. 15, ch, 7, Caroline J., b. June 10, 1839, m, Capt. H. E. W. Clark Jan. 9. 1865. Ch. 1, Charles H., b. Dec. 11, 1866. Ch. 2. Henry C, b. Oct. 26, 1868, d. Sept. 10, 1874. Ch. 3, Farley Granger, b. July 21, 1871. Ch. 4, Genevra F., b. Sept. 3, 1772. 11, James^, Eusling, s. of Sylvanus^ D., came to Thorndike in 1849, m. Mary Jane Dimock Aug. 29, 1850. 16, ch. 1, Frederick Homer*, b. Nov. 16, 1852, m. Ella Frances Bennett March 7, 1877, at Providence, R. I. Ch. 1, James Rusling, b. Dec. 22, 1877. Ch. 2, Harold I., b. in ISTew York, June 18, 1884. 17, ch. 2, Florence Adelaide, b. Oct. 1, 1857, d. Oct. 18, 1863. 18, ch. 3, Charles Florence, b. Jan, 31, 1864, d. Sept. 13, 1864. ArieP, s, of William^ Fuller of Stafford, Ct,, came to Palmer in 1814, and settled on the farm now owned by James his son, 1, William^, m. Esther Fosket. 2, ch. 1, Ariel, m. Cynthia Ferry. 3, ch. 2, Hannah, m. Mr. Cole. 4, ch. 3, Lydia, m. Mr. Carrol. 5, ch. 4, Betsey, m. Mr. Ruby. 2, Ariel% s. of Williami, b. Feb. 27, 1781, m. Cynthia Ferry May 9, 1802, d. March 27, 1870. 6, ch. 1, Lyman, b. Nov. 26, 1802, m. Clarisa Rice in 1839. 7, ch. 2 Justin, b. Nov. 28, 1804, m. Mary Howard. 8, ch. 3, Persis, b. June 9, 1807, m. Chesebro Lewis. 9, ch. 4, William, b. Apr. 19, 1810. 10, ch. 5, Ara, b. July 27, 1813, m, Lucinda Nichols. 11, ch. 6, Ariel, Jun., b. Sept. 18, 1815, m. Hannah Bradley; 2d m. Lucy Rising. 12, ch. 7, James, b. March 3, 1818, m. Chloe Hubbard. 6, Lyniarfi and Clarisa Fuller. 13, ch. 1, Ohve; 2, Maria; 3, William. 7, Justim? and Mary Fuller. 15, ch. 1, Timothy; 2, Louisa. 10, Ara? and Lucina Fuller. 17, ch. 1, Cyntha J. ; 2, Charles E. 11, Ariel^, Jun., and Hannah Fuller. FERRY. 457 18, ch. 1, Roxania; 2, Eveline; ;], Cordelia; 4, Everett; 5, Melvina; 6, Al- fred ; 7, Milton ; 8, Etta. 12, Jame^, s. of ArieF, m. Chloe Hubbard, Oct. 15, 1840. 20 ch. 1, George E., b. June 11, 1842, d. March 22, 1846. 27, ch. 2, Ann Louisa, b. June :;0, 1844, m. Charles Crouch. 28, ch. 8, James E., b. July 27. 1847, m. Nettie Rood. 29, ch. 4, Lucy A., b. Dec. 17, 1851, m. Timothy Fuller. THE FERRY FAMILY. JotiafJtaii Ferry, b. 1748, d. May, 1838. His wife Ann d. Dec. 20, 1815. lie is supposed to be s. of Mark, one of the early settlers of Brimfield. He bought the lot that was laid out first to Noah Cooley. It was also the residence of Judah Ferry, his brother. 2, Judah- Ferry m. Hannah Cooley Aug. 0, 1770: he b. 1750, d. Apr. 8, 1824. 3, ch. 1, Hezekiah, b. Nov. 2, 1770, m. Hannah Fisher. 4, ch. 2, Sabra, b. Aug. 3, 1772, m. Ebenezar Stacy. 5, ch. 3, Martha, b. Feb. 4. 1774, d. Sept. 8, 1875. (). ch. 4, Jonathan, b. Nov. 24, 1776. 7, ch. 5, Chloe, b. May 4, 1778, m. Philip Lamb. 8, ch. 6, Molly, b. Aug. 26, 1771). it, ch. 7, Judah, Juu., b. March .30, 1781. 10, ch. 8, Asher, b. July ;',0, 1782, m. Mary Taintor. 11, ch. i), Hannah, b. Apr. 5, 1784, m. George P. Wight June 12, ISIO. 12, ch. 10, Noah, b. Apr. 25, 1786. 13, ch. 11, Oliver, b. June 27, 1788, m. Mrs. Phila Hale May 10, 1913. 14, ch. 12, Reuben, b. June 30, 179), d. Oct. 25, 1857. 15, ch. l;], Sally, b. Nov. 10, 1792, m. George Puffer. 16, ch. 14, Samuel, b. Oct. 29, 1794, m. Hepzibah Puffer. 3. nezeJciah^, s. of JudalV^, m. Hannah Fisher; he d. June 11, 1860; she d. Aug. 27, 1849. 17, ch. 1, John, b. Dec. 1, 1792, m. Josette . IS, ch. 2, Judah, b. Feb. 10, 1794, d. Oct. 19, 1817. 19, ch. 3, Hezekiah, Jun., b. Sept. 18, 1795, m. Ann Converse; 2d m. Martha Hitchcock. 20, ch. 4, Samuel, b. Jan. 22, 1797, m. Roxania Beetou Apr. 5, 1830; 2d m. Fanny Phelps. 21, ch. 5, Lucind;!., b. March 18, 1798, m. Walter Haynes May 31, 1S4*>. 22, ch. 6, Roswell, b. Oct. 16. 1799. 23, ch. 7, Olive, b. Aug. 22, 1801, m. Henry Towne; she d. Aug. 13, 1S73. 24, ch. 8, Laura, b. March 17, 1803, d. Sept. 21, 1803. 25, ch. 9, Louisa, b. Nov. 29, 1804, m. Harvey U. Sherman. 26, ch. 10, William, b. Oct. 27, 1806. 27, ch. 11, Cooley, b. June 7, 1808. m. Roxana Gould. 28, ch. 12, Harriett, b. Feb. 19, 1810, m. James C. Buruham. 29, ch. 13, Sarah, b. March .30, 1812, m. Amos Baldwin; she d. Aug. 11, 1858. 30, ch. 14, Mary, b. July 1, 1815, m. (ieorge Bacon Sept. 24, 1834. 27, Cooley, s. of Hezekiah, m. Roxania Gould. 31, ch. 1, Samuel, m. Lucy Ferry. 32, ch. 2, Hannah, m. Smith Page. 458 GEXP^ALOGIKS AND RECORDS. THE FERRELL FAMILY (FARREL). Robert, Sen., rame from the north of Irehuul with other families who made their liome in this towu, and bought liis location of the Oent. Clainiers, 1T27. His fai-m was situated in the })resent village of Thorndike, and remained in possession of the family till of late. "We learn from the records he was an important and useful man in the new settlement, and frequently selected to do business for the district. He was about 40 years of age and his wife Elisabeth 3^5 years when they arrived here. His family, with all other new comers, are not registered in the district recoi'ds, but we learn from the monument erected to their memory they had a family of IG children, several of them born before they came to this location. We find on our records the marriage of seven of the family, some living in the North Division, now Warren, others in Brimfield. Isaac, s. of Robert, Sen., of Western, m. Sarah McNitt March, 1762. Sarah Ferrell and Joshua McMaster m. Sept., 1762. .losiah Ferrell and Mary McNitt m. May, 1768. Arad and Jemima Brace, Dec. 6, 1760. Jenney Ferrell and John Rogers, Dec. 2, 1773. Anna Ferrell and Joseph Beckwith m. Nov. 29, 17s4. Sarah Ferrell and Samuel McClanathan, June 2, 1776. The last three were children of the third generation. 2, Robert, Jun.-, b. 1723, m. Mary , d. Oct. 4, 1787. 19, eh. 1, Andrew, b. Feb. 6, 1748. 20, ch. 2, Jean, b. March 17, 1750. 21, and others. 16, Lient. Timothy-, s. of Robert, Sen.', m. Sarah McElwane Dec. 1, 1761, b. Jan. 4, 1734; Sarah b. Aug. 24. 1739. 22, ch. 1, Elisabeth, b. Aug. 24, 1762, m. William Spear Nov. 15, 1787. 23, ch. 2, Isaac, b. Jan. 8, 1765, ra. Anna King Dec. 20, 1789. 24, ch. 3, Anna, b. March 13, 1767, m. Luther Spear Oct. 25, 1792. 25, ch. 4, John Allen, b. Sept. 11, 1769, m., went West. 26, ch. 5, Elenor, b. March 19, 1772, m. Capt. John Shaw Feb. 23, 1796. 27, ch. 6, Sarah, b. Nov. 14, 1774. 28, ch. 7, Timothy, b. Dec. 16, 1777, m. Marana King. 29, ch. 8, Robert, b. May 10, 1780, ni. Damarus Wilder, pub. May 1, 180:1 30, ch. 9, Prudence, b. Jan. 31, 1783. 28, Capt. Timothy^ s. of Lieut. Timothy-, m. Marana King Feb. 22, 1807, d. Nov. 8, 1860; Marana d. July 31, 1889. 31, ch. 1, Mary Lee, b. 1808, m. Henry King of Pennsylvania Nov. 15, 1831. 32, ch. 2, Sarah, b. 1810, m. Edwin Norcross Oct. 4, 1828. 33, ch. 3, Prudence, b. 1812, m. William N. Packard Apr. 1, 1833. 34, ch. 4, Timothy King, b. 1815, m. Adalade Spaulding of Illinois, d. Oct. 2, 1850. i>5, ch. 5, Marana King, b. 1817, m. Jacob Stever March 20, 1838; Marana d. 1S65. FEEXEY. — FRKN'CH. 459 30, cli. 6, Ellen Louisa, b. 1819, m. Joseph A. Brown, pub. May 20, 1844, d. 186f.. 37, ch. 7, Charles Henry, b. 1821, d. March 21, 1848. 38, ch. 8, Anna Maria, b. 1821, m. Henry C. Daris, 1847. 39, ch. 9, George Jesse King, b. 1828, d. June 8, 1874. Capt. (leorge K. Ferrell served during the Rel)ellion in the Ninth Pennsylvania Cavalry. 23, Isaac^, s. of Lieut. Timothy-, m. Anna King Dec, 26, 1786; he b. Jan. 8, 1765, Anna b. May 15, 1768; d. May 9, 1839, Anna d. June 8, 1814. 40, ch. 1, John King, b. May 19, 1788, d. May 8, 1813. 41, ch. 2, Marble King, b. May 15, 1797, m. Elmira Cutler. 41, Marble King^, s. of Isaac^, m. Elmira Cutler July 1, 1819, d. Oct. 22, 1800. 42, ch. 1, John King, b. Sept. 8, 1820, m. Cornelia McCray. 42, John K.-\ s. of Jlarble K.^ m. Cornelia McCray Aug. 11, 1846; she d. Sept. 2'i, 1871; 2d m. Helen Augusta Shaw Dec. 21, 1875; he d. Jan. 27, 1886. 43, ch. 1, Ida Elmira, b. Aug. 1, 1849, d. Jan. 22, 1850. 44, ch. 2, Marble King. b. Jan. 31, 1851, d. Nov. 19, 1867. 45, ch. 3, John Franklin, b. Apr. 7, 1856, d. May 1, 1856. 46, ch. 4, Charles Barrett, b. May — , 1857, d. July 6, 1857. 47, ch. 5, Mary, b. May 20, 1859, d. Nov. 19, 1860. 48, ch. 6, Henry K.. b. Nov. 9, 1868. 49, ch. 7, Robert Edward, b. May 13, 1884. Josiah and Elisabeth Ferrell. .50, ch. 1, Eli, b. March 4, 1789. 51, ch. 2, Robert, b. May 5, 1793. .52, ch. 3, Betsy, b. June 16, 1796. THE FEEXEY FAMILY. John, 8. of Jerome, b. in 1825 in the town of Kinvarra, county of Galway, Barony Kiltarten, diocese of Kilmadough. He came to New York in 1848 and from thence to Springfield to visit friends. He settled in Palmer in 1849, and m. Mary M., a dan. of John Madden of Springfield. Mr. Feeney purchased the most desirable property on Main street in the village of Palmer, which he occupies at the pret^ent time. Ch. 1, Katie S., b. May 28, 18."')3, m. Dr. Jeremiah Malony Nov. 28, 1878. Ch. 2, Anna B., b. Sept. 14, 1855, m. John W. Baldwin, Nov, 2, 1879. Ch. 3, Mary Eliza, b. Apr. 9; 1857, d. 1863. Ch. 4, Eliza, b, Oct. 31, 1859, m. John F. Heery 1884. Ch. 5, Emily, b. June 21, 1862. THE FRENCH FAMILY. Julin French of Woburn, Mass., was a descendant of an emi- grant family from England. He m. Mary Whitcomb and settled first in Hollis, N. H., where his children were born. He removed to Nelson and remained there several years and then to Dublin March 28, 1713. His son Whitcomb m. Sally Patrick of Fitz- 460 GENEALOGIES AND RErORDS. William. They settled in l)iil)lin and had a family of nine chil- dren. Whitcoml), Jnn., m. ilury, d. of Joel Kendall of Dublin, and had a family of eight children. The wife and mother was the first one called to break the family circle l)y death, at the a,2:e of 84 years. Marshall Whitcomb^ s. of Whitcoinb, Jun., was b. in Jatfrey, N. H., Sept. 4, 1827, m. Jan. 10, 1855, Elisabeth T., dau. of Royal P. and Eudotia M. (Hitchcock) Wales, b. in Brimtield Sept. 26, 1830. Ch., Samuel Wales, b. in Palmer May 12, 1857. Mr. French's boyhood days were in Peterboro, N. H. lie eame to Palmer August, 1845, and was in trade as clerk and principal until 18T0. He took an active part in improvements and establish- ing business in the village. Palmer Savings Bank was started in 1870, Mr. French being the first treasurer and afterwards Presi- dent and also president of the National Bank, organized in 1876. He built Wales Hall in 1875 and Palmer wire works at the west of the village in 1882, resulting like many new enterprises of more value to the town than to its projectors. John French of Wobiun, b. May 27, 1727; Mary Whitcomb, his wife, b. June 10, 17ol, at Bolton, Mass. Ch. 1, Mary, b. July 12, 1750, m. Thomas White. Ch. 2, Hepsibah, b. Jan. 31, 1752, m. Edmund Taylor, d. at Cavendish, Vt. Ch. 3, William, b. May 19, 1754; killed at the battle of Bunker Hiil. Ch. 4, John, b. Apr. 8, 1757, m. Susannah White; settled in Dublin; had a large family; died at Northfield, Mass. Ch. 5, Elisabeth, b. Aug. 22, 1759, m. Eli Greenwood. Ch. 6, Jonathan, b. Jan. 9, 1762, m. Eunice Carlton of Rindge, d. at Dublin. Ch. 7, Abigail, b. March 26, 1764, m. Hadlock of Wethersfield, Vt. Ch. 8, Whitcomb, b. Oct. 26, 1767, m. (^ct. 9, 1793 Sally Patrick of Fitz- william. Ch. 9, Rebecca, b. , m. Enoch Foster, d. at Roxbury, X. H. Ch. 10, Ebenezer, b. , m. Polly Fi.sher of Dublin, d. at Norwich, Vt. Ch. 11, Joseph, d. at Hollis, aged 6 months. Whitcomb'-, s. of Johni, m. Sally Patrick at Fitzwilliam, N. H. Ch. 1. Whitcomb, Jun., b. July 9, 1794. Ch. 2, Daniel, b, Sept. It, 1796, m. Aseueth English, d. May 12. 1838, Al- bany, N. Y. Ch. 3, Jerusha, b. Dec. 17, 1798, m. Abraham Shattuck. Ch. 4, Sumner, b. Dec. 23, 1800, m. ilandana Murry at Hanesbury. Vt. ; he afterwards m. in Illinois. Ch. 5, Stillman, b. Nov. 5, 1803, m. Lucy Winch of Sullivan, N. II. Ch. 6, Betsey, b. Aug. 3, 1806, unm . Ch. 7, Malancy, b. Feb. 11, 1810. Ch. 8, Abigail, b. Sept. 18, 1812, d. Oct. 20, 1812. Ch. 9, Leander, b. Sept. 3, 1816, m. Lois Farwell of Nelson, d. Aug. 27, 1840 at Swansey, N. H. GERALD. 461 Whitcomlr, Jun., b. in Dublin, m. Nov. 21, 1817, Ma.iy, dau. of Joel Kendall of Dublin, b. May 20, 17UT; he d. May 31, 1882; Mary d. Nov. "25, 1881. Ch. 1, Eliza G.,b. in Nelson, Sept. 2, 1818, m. Sept. 28, 1840, Jesse C. Little. Ch. 2, Edson G., b. in Dublin July 2. 1820, m. Relief Walker Sept. 15, 1847. Ch. ."., Mary S., b. Jaffrey, Dec. 4, 1823, unm. Ch. 4, Henry K., b. Jaffrey Jan. 21, 1820, m. Harriet N. Gray; 2d m. Amanda Adams. Ch. .J, Marshall Whitcomb, b. Jaffrey Sept. 4, 1827, m. Elisabeth T. Wales, b. Sept. 2(i, 1830. Ch. 0, Charles D., b. March 29, 1830, m. Nancy L. Holbrook Jan. 23, 1851. Ch. 7, Sarah F., b. Feb. 22, 1832, unm. Ch. 8, William P., b. Peterboro, June 4, 1841, m. Helen A. Shearer of Palmer June 29, 18G8. Sami/el Wales-% s. of Marehal^ W. and Eudotia M. French, m. June 5, 1878, Annie Amelia, dau. of Dr. George F. and Harriet A. Chamberlin of Brimtield, b. Aut. 1-"), 1713. His children were Hezekiah, Ephraim, Samuel and John-^ Some of Johns's descendants remain in that town at the present time. Hezekiah went to Lancaster, and in 1769, when the colony was interested in the question whether King George III had a legal right to the throne of England, he wrote and circulated through the colony a pamphlet reviewing the liistory of England from its earliest settlement, showing he was the right- ful heir to the crown. A copy of the book is now in the Young- Men's Library of the town. 5, Ephraim\ s. of John, had s. Cyrus, Micah and Ephraim-. He moved to Palmer. 17r)l-- William; 8, Joseph; 9, William. The first William must have died in infancy. «, ch. -J, Frances, b. June IT, 1771. 9, ch. 4, Sarah, b. Feb. 13, 1774, m. John McMaster. 10, ch. 5, Phebe, b. Sept. r^, 1770. 6, James\ Jr., married and settled in Granville. 11, ch. 1, Dwight, 2 James, o Phebe, 4 Miles, and 5 Welthy. 7, Jolni\ s. of Dea. James-, b. Xov. 1, 1768, d. July 12, 1824, m. Sarah Whar- tier Nov. 27, 1768 ; 2d m. Chloe Converse Sept. 4, 1800. 16, ch. 1, John, Jr., b. June 30, 1796, m. Abigail Lamb. 17, ch. 2, Sally, b. Sept. 1, 1797, m. Oliver Shaw Apr. 9, ISIS. 18, ch. 3, Jacob C, b. March 7, 1802, m. Fanny Robinson 1827. 19, ch. 4, James Orton, b. Aug. 1, 1805, m. Mary Lamb 1826, d. March 1829. 19, James-* Orton, s. of John•^ m. Mary Lamb 1826, d. March 1829. 20, ch. 1, Eliza, b. Apr. 2, 1827, m. Levi Bailey ; 2d m. A. C Billings. 18, Jacob C.\ s. of John^ m. Fannie Robinson March 20, 1827, d. Sept 7, 1883. 21, ch. 1, Fannie E., b. Jan. 29, 1828. 22, ch. 2, John F., b. Sept. 15, 1830, m. Antoinette Roberts July 28, 1868, she d. June 21, 1879. 23, ch. 3, James Orton, b. Oct. 21. 1832, m. Sarah Douglass Jan. 1, 18.56, she d. March 1.3, 1862 ; 2d m. Mary J. Pease May 20, 1863, she d. Feb. 23, 1878 ; 3d m. Rachel G. Reymond March 30, 1880. 24, ch. 4, Mary Frauklin, b. Jan. 12, 18.36, m. Harris S. Sawyer Oct. 14, 1874. 25, ch. 5, Ellen Jane, b. Nov. 1, 1841, m. Asa Clark Aug. 21, 1862 ; 2d m. Henry D. Shaw May 20, 1871. 16, John, Jr.^, b. June 30, 1796, m. Abigail Lamb Jan. 1819 ; 2d m. Martha McMaster Apr. 8, 1828. 27, ch. John M., b. Apr. 27, 1825. 28, ch. James O., b. July 9, 1831. 29, ch. Martha, b. Oct. 1833, d. Jan. 15, 1872. 27, John M.-\ s. of John, Jr.^ m. Mary E. Richards Aug. 20, 1848. 30, ch.. 1, Mayro A., b. Oct. 27, 1850. 31, ch. 2, Lucy E., b. Jvme 27, 1853, m. John M. Smith Nov. 1871. 32, ch. 3, Frances, b. June 25, is.55. 33, ch. 4, Henry B., b. Jan. 2, 1858, m. Evelyn Benson June 4, 1884. 28, James Ofi, s. of John, Jr.*, m. Almira J. Hitchcock Jan. 1, 1862. 34, cli. 1, John O., b. June 6, 1863, m. Addie C. Dickinson 1886. 25, ch. 2, Frank, b. Sept. 26, 1865. THE HAMILTON FAMILY That came from Nortli Brookfield in 1TT7. He was a son of John, Jr., and a grandson of John Hamilton of Concord, Mass., who settled in Brookfield about 1700, or soon after the second settle- ment of the town. He became a large real estate owner, his grants amounted to five hundred and fifty-six acres. Ch., Hannah, Joseph, John, Dorothy, Jonah, Nathan and Amos. 1, John', Jnn., m. Mary Wheeler Jan. 8, 1725. 478 GEITEALOGIES AXD RECORDS, Ch. 1, Reuben, b. Nov. G, 1726. Ch. 2, John^ b. Dec. IS, 1728. Ch. 3, Levi, b. Dec. 25, 1730. Ch. 4, Hannah, b. Dec. 10, 1733. Ch. .■>, Sila.s, b. Feb. 10, 1736. Ch. 6, Mary, b. Nov. 4, 1739. Ch. 7, Marcy, b. June 11, 1743. 2, Johh^, .s. of John2, pub. to Joanna Wolcott July 1, 1753, he d. June 16, 1806. 8, ch. 1, Joanna, b. March 1, 1757, m. James Whitney Wilmington, Vt. 9, ch. 2, Rebecca, b. June 18, 1758, m. Dr. Asa Hamilton, Somers, Ct. 10, ch. 3, Sabra, b. Sept. 19, 1759, m. Dr. Calvin Scott July 28, 1785, Palmer. 11, ch. 4, Levi, b. March 15, 1761. 12, ch. 5, Lucy, b. Jan. 31. 1763, m. John Giffin, Three Rivers, Canada. 13, ch. 6, Cj'rus, b. Oct. 16. 1764, was Dr. Hamilton, Lyme N. H. 14, ch. 7, Asa, b. July 14, 1766, m. Abigail, dau. of Rev. Moses Baldwin. 15, ch. 8, John, Jun., b. Feb. 19, 1708, m. Elisabeth Ferrell, Brimfield, pub. Oct. 15, 1794. 16, ch. 9, Persis, b. Nov. 4, 1769. 17, ch. 10, Kate, b. Sept. 21, 1771, m. Dr. Jared Hitchcock, March 25, 1802. 18, ch. 11, Joshua, b. July 17, 1775. 18, Joshua\ s. of Johns, b. j^iiy 17^ 1775^ ^^ j^i^y i|, i824, m. Dolly Watson • May 24, 1800, 2d m. Minerva Reeves Dec. 10, 1809. 19, ch. 1, Charlotte, b. June 2, 1801, m. James H. Bryant. 20, ch. 2, Harriet, b. Sept. 17, 1802, m. Ashley Graves. 21, ch. 3, Freeport, b. , d. in childhood. 22, ch. 4, Miranda, b. June 2, 1811, m. Otis Lane Nov. 11. 1S34. 23, ch. 5, Malvina A., b. Nov. 23, 1812, m. Chiules Severance June 20, 1833. 24, ch. 6, John D., b. July 18, 1814, m. Adaline Day Apr. 27, 1842. 25, ch. 7, Eliza W., b. Apr. 26, 1816, m. John N. Purple Sept. 7, 1841. 26, ch. 8, Mary L., b. Sept. 6, 1818, m. J. H. Shearer Dec. 18. 1848. 27, ch. 9, James S., b. Apr. 13, 1820, d. Aug. 31, 1839. 28, ch. 10. Joshua, Jr., b. March 13, 1824. d. July 20, 1826. 14, Asa^, s. of John'', m. Abigail Baldwin Oct. 24, 1786. 29, ch. 1, John, b. Sept. 10, 1787. 30, ch. 2, Moses B., b. Dec. 19, 1789, d. July 2, 1799. ' 31, ch. 3, Rebecca L., b. March 9, 1792. 32, ch. 4, Daniel, b. Jan. 23, 1794. 33, ch. 5, Lorin, b. May 4, 1797. 34, ch. 6, Moses B.-', b. Nov. 30, 1799. 35, ch. 7, Asa, b. June 9, 1803. 36, ch. 8, Horace, b. Nov. 18, 1806. 37, ch. 9, William D., b. Aug. 17, 1809, d. Sept. 13, 1811. THE HILL FAMILY. 1, Thomas and Mary Hill. 2, ch. 1, John, b. Apr. 14, 1735, m. Martha Lamberton. 3, ch. 2, Jean. b. May 26, 1737, m. William Mann 1780. 4, cli. 3, Thomas, Jun., b. May 26, 1741, m. Jane Lamberton Oct. 31, 1771. 2, Johri^, s. of Thomas', m. Martha Lamberton May 31, 1764. 5, ch. 1, Mary, b. May 13, 1765, m. Ephraim Gates May 21, 1789. 6, ch. 2, Reuben, b. May 26, 1767. IIL-NT. 479 7, ch. 0, Hannah, b. Jan. 3, 1770, m. David Reno May 31, 1792. 8, ch. 4, John, Jr., b. April 24, 1773, m. Betsey Olds March 0, 1794. 9, ch. 5, Phineas, b. July 25, 1775. 10, ch. 6, Jane, b. Jan. 8, 1779. 11, ch. 7, Noah, b. July 26, 1781. 12, ch. 8, Abner, b. March 7, 1784. 13, ch. 9, Daniel, b. Apr. 22, 1789. 14, ch. 10, Michael. THE HUNT FAMILY. A genealogy of the Hunt family has been obtained by much labor and expense from the different branches of the family. A commission was sent to Mr. Somerby, the unrivaled investigator of old English records, to ascertain the time and who were the first to come and settle in this country. Out of the numerous families in England by the name of Hunt, he was successful in determining the origin of William Hunt of Concord, Mass., as coming from Yorkshire. The settlement of the Hunt family in different states number upwards of ten thousand persons ; and the genealogy is traced by nine different lines from tliose that came from old England at different dates. A branch of the Concord line, one of the first settlers, brings us down to John Hunt from Concord, that afterwards settled in Palmer. 1793. 1, Wilhani^ one of the first that settled in Concord, was l)orn in England 1605, came to the Colony of Massachusetts, m. Elisabeth 2d m. Mary Herd. He was made freeman 1G41, and was a large land proprietor, and left large estates to his sons. He remov- ed to Marlborough, and died in Oct. 1667. 2, ch. 1, Nehemiah, b. 1631, m. Mary Toll 1663. 3, ch. 2, Elisabeth, b. — m. John Barron, 1664. 4, ch. 3, Isaac, b. 1647, m. Mary Stone 1()67. 5, ch. 4, Samuel, b. 1633, m. Elisabeth Redding. 5, Samuel-, s. of William\ m. EHsabeth Reddins^-. 6, ch. 1, Samuel, Jr., b. 1657, and 7, ch. 2, William, 3 Joseph, 4 Elisabeth. 8, ch. 5, William 2d, 6 Elisabeth 2d. 13, ch. 7, Peter, and 8 Peter 2d. 6, Samuel, Jr.^, b. 16.57, m. Ruth Todd 1678. 14, ch. 1, Samuel, 2 John, 3 Elisabeth, 4 Jeremiah, b. March 29, 1685 ; 5 Thomas, 6 Peter, 7 Joseph, 8 Mary and 9 Susannah. 17, Jeremiah^, s. of Samuel, Jr.^, m. Abigail Ilazelteene 1700 ; 2d m. Rebecca Ballard June 19, 1719. 23, ch. 1, Abigail, 2 Dorcas, 3 Jeremiah, 4 Rebecca, 5 Thomas, 6 David, 7 Elisabeth, 8 Jeremiah, Jr., 9 Jeremiah, 2 Jr., b. Sept. 2, 1720, 10 William, 11 Rebecca 2d, 12 Sherebiah, and 13 Sarah. 36, Jeremiah, Jr.^, of Concord, b. Sept. 2, 1720, m. Hannah Flint Nov. 26, 1741. 480 GEN'KALOGIES AXD RErORDS. 36, ch. 1, Jeremiah, 2 Hannah, 3 Abicrail, 4 John, b. Feb. 25, 1700, 5 Elisabeth and 6 Jane. 39, John^, 8. of Jeremiah, Jr.% b. in Concord Feb. I'S, 1760, m. Huldali Allen 1797. 42, ch. 1, A son b. June 27, 1798. 43, ch. 2, John, Jr., b. June 27, 1799, d. Nov. 1, 1830. 44, ch. 3, Huldah, b. March 29, 1801, d. Apr. 27, 1801. 45, ch. 4, Roxania, b. June 18, 180J. 46, ch. 5, Annis, b. Oct. 11, 1803, m. Harvey Smith June, 1823. 47, ch. 6, Jeremiah F., b. Feb. 21, 180(5. 48, ch. 7, Marit, b. Aug. 23, 1808, d. Aug. 11, 1855. 49, ch. 8, A son, b. June 24, 1810. 50, ch. 9, Harding, b. Jan. 14, 1812, m. Harriett Hubbard. 50, Harding' s. of Johnf^, m. Harriett Hubbard Nov. 22, 1844. 51, ch. 1, Harriett M., b. March 2S, 1851, m. Horace Stimson 1867. THE HOAK FAMILY. Ozias and Elsa B. Hoar. Ch. 1, Ophelia L., b. Jan. 5, 1835. Ch. 2, Armenia R., b. July 5, 1840. THE HASTINGS FAMILY. We have the historical record of the Hastings family that set- tled in Palmer from the time of ('apt. Joseph, a native of Read- ing, Mass., born in the year 1711. He was a carpenter by trade, and when young went to Norwich, Ct., where he married Zeriah rocker, by whom he had twelve children, of which the following are found on the records: Zeriah, Zipporah, Dier, Theda, Joseph, Lydia, Rozel and Dan. Capt. Joseph died at Norwich, Ct., in 1788. Rozel m. Lucy Sumner of Ashford, and resided at Franklin till he moved to Palmer about 1800. Lucy, his wife, was the fourth generation of the descendants of Capt. Clapp, who came from England and was one of the first settlers of the Colony. He re- sided at Dorchester, and for some time had the command of the castle at Boston. He was puritanic in his character and eminent for piety and usefulness in the church and town where he resided. It was said that his domestic and military families were under the strictest moral and religious discipline, and he shared more than an ordinary degree of the confidence and respect of_his fellow- men. Once, in conse(juence of a severe sickness in which his life was despaired of, the peoi)le of Dorchester held a day of fasting and prayer particularly on his account, and on his recovery from illness they manifested their gratitude by observing a day of public thanksgiving. HASTINGS. 481 AVhen youn_o- lie married Joanna F^^rd, by whom he had fourteen children. Benjamin Sumner, whose mother was a grand-daughter of Capt. Olapp and father to Lucy, was a native of Koxbury, m. Bridgett Perry and removed to Ashford, Ct. They had thirteen children, viz., James, Sibel, Samuel, Benjamin, Nathaniel, Lucretia, Elisa- beth, Susannah, Lucy. Lovisa, Increase, L'ene and John Numan. Most of them married and settled in the New England states. Dea. Rozel, s. of Capt. Joseph', m. Lucy Sumner March 18, 1784; he b. Jan. 8, 1756; she b. Aug. 25, 1761 ; he d. Feb. 25, 1825; she d. June 23, 1835. Ch. 1, Joseph, b. Nov. 10, 1785, d. March 10, 1859. Ch. 2, Chester, b. Apr. 1, 1787, d. Feb. 21, 1850. Ch. :], Benjamin S.. b. Jan. 2, 1789, d. Oct. 20. 1859. Ch. 4. Lui'y, b. Sept. 22, 1790, m. Mr. Warren. Ch. 5, Rozel, Jun., b. June 19, 1792, d. Sept. 2, 1857. Ch. 6, John Numan, b. May 5, 179S. Ch. 7, Perry, b. Nov. 6, 1801. Ch. 8, Dan, b. June 29, 1804, d. Oct. IS, 1824. 2, Chester^ s. of Dea. Rozel-, m. Sally Smith Nov. 27, 1811, d. Feb. 21, 1850; she d. March, 1882. 9, ch. 1, Joseph S.. b. Oct. 27, 1812, m. Eliza Fuller. 10, ch. 2, Rozel S., b. May 25, 1814, m. Laura Gould. 11, ch. 3, Alvin, b. July 6, 1817, m. May Pease. 12, ch. 4, Emerson, b. July 14, 1820, m. Lorinda MuUett. 13, ch. 5, Mary, b. Apr. 18, 1825. m. Adolphus P. Whipple May 30, 1848. 14, ch. 6, Charles, b. March 16, 1827, m. Emeline Walker. 9, Joseph S.\ s. of Chester^, m. Eliza Fuller Aug. 27, 1834; she d. Feb. 21, 1883; 2d m. Lizzie M. Hatton Nov. 19, 1884. 15, ch. 1, Eliza, b. June 21, 1835. 16, ch. 2, Maria M., b. Sept. 26, 1840. 17, ch. 3, Laura A., b. March 1, 1843. 10, Rozel S.\ s. of Chester\ m. Laura Gould Dec. 25, 1838; she d. Feb. 18, 1841; 2d m. Lucretia C. Hitchcock June 4, 1843; she d. Oct. 13, 1872; 3d m. Tirzah A. Fenton June 24, 1873. 18, ch. 1, Rozel S., Jun., b. Apr. 18, 1840. 18, Rozel 6'., Jun.'^, s. of Rozel S.\ m. Mary L. Barber Nov. 2, 1846. 19, ch. 1, Charles S., b. Aug. 16, 1866. Alvin*, 8. of Chester', m. Nancy S. Pease Nov. 29, 1838; 2d m. Mary A. Cong- don Aug. 20, 1848. 20, ch, 1, George H., b. Dec. 9, 1839. m. Jane E. Breckenridge. 21, ch. 2, Chester, b. Feb. 24, 1841, d. . 22, ch. 3, Mary L., b. Nov. 28, 1843, d. . 20, George 11°, s. of Alvin*, m. Jane E. Breckenridge Jan. 29, 1868; 2d m. Almena M. Potter Sept. 7, 1876. 23, ch. 1, Mary E., b. Apr. 27, 1869. 24, ch. 2, Jenny E., b. Jan. 16, 1875. 25, ch. 3, Ellen P., b. July 6, 1877. 26, ch. 4, Burtha A., b. May 2, 1879. 27, ch. 5, Delia A., b. June 18, 1882. 482 GENEALOGIES AND RECORDS. 7, Perry^, s. of Dea. Rozel-, m. Betsey Shaw, d. Oct. 13, 1S70; Betsey d. M.ay 15, 1847. 28, ch. 1, Joseph M., b. 1827, d. May 1, 184'.i. 29, Martha A., b. 1882, d. May 7, 1802. 30, ch. .3, Albert P., b. 1830, d. March 26, 18o8. 6, Dr. John N:\ s. of Dea. Kozel-, b. May 5, 1798, m. Eveline Smith Oct. 5, 182.-). He received his medicjil diploma in Castletoii, Vt., and was in practice some time in Enfield, .A[at?s. He afterwards engaged in manufacturing in Iladley. 31, ch. 1, .John S., b. Oct. 29, 1827, m. Matilda L. Henderson May 3, 1855. 32, ch. 2, Mary E., b. March 0, 1830, m. Rev. Abner DeWitt Nov. 4, 1858. 33, ch. 3, Emma E., b. Dec. 20, 1844, m. P. Newton Wilder Oct. 14, 1868. Rozel, Junfi, s. of Dea. Rozel-, m. Phebe White Dec. 31, 1816; he d. Sept. 2, 1857; she d. Sept. 19, 1868. 34, ch. 1, Phebe W. b. Oct. 9, 1823, m. Cyrus Truesdell May. 1841, d. Nov. 5, 1855. 35, ch. 2, Rozel M., b. Aug. 15, 1828, d. June 1, 1841. 36, ch. 3, Calvin W., b. Nov. 30, 1831, m. Mary Fuller; he d. Feb. 2, 1874. 37, ch. 4, Lucy Ann S., b. Aug. 2, 18-34, m. Thomas Cowles. 38, ch. 5, Marcia M., b. Nov. 2, 1835, m. Butler Sedgwick Apr. 4, 1861, d. Apr. 6, 1876. 39, ch. 6, Elbridge G., b. July 21, 1840, m. Lizzie A. Peters. Elbridge G.*, s. of Rozel. Jun.^ m. Lizzie A. Peters March 28, 1872. 40, ch. 1, Maud L., b. Dec. 18, 1872. 41, ch. 2, Blanch M., b. Oct. 10, 1874. 42, ch. 3, Calvin W., b. Apr. 24, 1876. 43, ch. 4, Phebe D., b. Aug. 16, 1877. THE IIOLBKOOK FAMILY. An historical register of the descendants of several puritan fam- ilies by Rev. Abner Morse, A. M., and Vinton's memorial of allied families, with the Holbrook's, affords information here recorded to the fourth generation, in the line of descendants that settled in Palmer and adjoining towns. Since 1720 the connection of the different families have been traced to the present time by their family registers. The ship record, when and where they made oath of allegiance to the crown of England, establishes their arrival in the colony IGoS, which is eleven years later in the opinion of some former historians, that had relied on circumstantial evidence, ratlier than dates, since then obtained. SHIP RECORD. '' Weymouth England ye 20*'* of March l(;;35-(i. liound for New England ; Thomas Ilolbrook of Brantry. Age 34 years. Jane his wife Aged 34 years. HOLBROOK. 48^ Cli. 1, John his Soune Aged 11 years. Ch. 2, Thomas his Soune Aged 10 years. Ch. 3, Anne his dau. aged 5 years. Ch. 4, Ehsabeth his dau. aged 1 year." William, his youngest son, and Jane, his youngest daughter were born in Xew England, probably Weymouth, as their parents settled in the north part, a locality that has long borne the name of Old Spain. Their names are first found on the records in lG-40, soon after the early preserved records begin. 1'he settlement with Mr. Barnard as their minister, came from Weymouth, Dorsetshire, and gave this name to the place, previously known as Wessagusset. The town was incorporated September 3, 1635, and Mr. Barnard preached for the people eleven years. In 1047 part of the church, with their new pastor. Rev. Samuel Newman, removed to Rehoboth, including the family of Thomas Holbrook. But by further records of Rehoboth, it appears that Thomas and his son John forfeited their lot by not complying with town restrictions, and they thus remained as citizens of Weymouth. Mr. Holbrook served on the board of selectmen in 1645, 1646, 1651, 1653 and 1654. The Gen- eral Court in 1649, appointed him first on a committee to lay out a county road from Weymouth to Dorchester. His will was proved April 24, 1677. It makes provision for his Avife Jane, and the children who were, 1, John, b. 1634 ; 3, Thomas, b. 1635 ; 3, Anne, b. 1630 ; 4, Elisabeth, b. 1634 ; 5, William ; 6. Jane, b. in New England. Jane m. Thomas Drake. Cajyt. John-, s. of Thomas', b. in England, d. 1699. He was made a freeman in 1644. He was representative to the General Court, in 1651, 1664. 1669, 1671, 1673 and 1673. He was an active officer in the King Philip war. as his name frequently appears on the colonial records. June 34, 1676 he liad forty-one men under his command. ]\rass. Arch., vol. 60. ]i. 13. In June. August and September he drew pay for twenty-four men and £16 as commander for his own services. His will was recorded Suff. Probate and disposed of a large amount of real e.-^tate and claims on real estate in Boston and adjoining towns. He gave legacies to a large number of his desi-endants. including minor children of brothers and sisters. Capt. John^ m. Sarah , who d. 164:]; -id m. Elisabeth , d. June 2.5, 16SS; 3d m. Widow Sarah Loring, who survived him. Ch. 1, John*, m. Abigail Pierce; 2, Abiezer, m. Ruth Vinton and settled in Weymoth; 3, Samuel', b. Jan. 24, 1644, m. Hannah Adams, settled in Boston; 4, Hannah^; ."), Lois*; 6, Eunice*; 7, Experience*; S, Ichabod*, He inherited the homestead at Old Spain and m. Sarah Turner. John-- settled in Scituate on a farm be1. He was a grandson of Amos-, whose family registers and town records are unknown to me. lie was town clerk for many years — from 1809 till the decline of life. He lived and died at his home that he preferred to any other location. Col. Amos, b. 1773, m. Sarah Brewer, b. 1760; thed. Jan. 9, 1831; 2d m. Mrs. Lucy Shearer; he d. Feb. 12, 1843; she d. Aug. 3, 1843. Ch. 1, Charles, b. Sept. 8, 1800, d. May 22, 1804. Ch. 2, Sarah, b. Xov. 11, 1802, d. . Ch. 3, Amos, Jun., b. Dec. 26, 1804, d. July 20, 1811. Ch. 4, Sarah-2, b. , d. July 10, 1805. Ch. 5, Sarah Brewer, b. Nov. 12, 1806, m. Paschal P. Russell Aug. 5, 1828. Ch. 6, Julian, b. Aug. 11, 1808, unm. Ch. 7, Amos Charles, b. July 3, 1813, unm. 488 GENEALOGIES AND RErORDS. THE HALE FAMILY. JVorris; Hale came from Warren to Palmer about 1838. Tie m. Mary Bliss. Ch. 1, Dau, d. in infancy. Ch. 2, Mary, b. , d. unm. Ch. o, Laura, b. , m. Joseph Burgess. Ch. 4, Edwin N., b. May ;], 1824. Ch. 5, Malissa, b. , m. John Hitchcock. Ch. 6, EHsabeth, b. , d. unm. Edwin N., s. of Norris Hale, ra. Mary M. Gerakl, March 13, 1849; his wife b. Dec. 28, 1820. Ch. 1, Mary C, b. Aug. .5, 1850, d. Apr. 4, 1852. Ch. 2, Clara A. P., b. March 4, 1S5;]. Ch. 3, Minnie L., b. Feb. 24, 1863, d. Dec. iO, 1879. THE HARVEY FAMILY. Peter Harvey, a resident of New York, b. 1765. m. Elisabeth Pierce. Afier his decease the faniil}'- removed to Brimfield when Ehenezar was 14 years of age. James settled in Brimfield, Ebenezar in Palmer. Peter returned to his native residence. Ch. 1, Ebenezar, b. Nov. 1, 1789, m. Margaret McMitchell. Ch. 2, James, b. Dec. 12, 1791, m. Lucy Ray. Ch. 3, Peter, b. , 1792. Ch. 4, Hannah, b. Oct. 31, 1798, m, Ambrose Whiting. Ch. 5, Betsey, b. , m. Ambrose Tourtelotte. Ch. 6, Rachel, b. Oct. 25, 1796, m. John W. Warren July 18, 1819. 2, Ebenezar'^, s. of Peter', m. Margaret McMitchell; he d. March 12, 1871 ; she d. March 30, 1863. 7, ch. 1, William, b. May 18, LsiO. m. Achsah Ruby. $, ch. 2, Erasmus, b. Apr. 10, 1812, m. Mary Kendall. 9, ch. 3, Edwin, b. May 22, 1814, m. Lucinda Ladd, 2d m. Betsey Hudson. 10, ch. 4, Elisabeth, b. , 1818, m. Carlos Parsons .March 8, 1843. 11, ch. 5, Asel, b. . 1820, m. Mary Nettleton. 12, ch. G, Sarah, b. , 1822, m. Joseph Bumstead. 13, ch. 7, Emelius, b. , 1824, m. Sarah Johnson. Willianr, s. of Ebenezar-, m. Achsah Ruby May 22, 1834. 7, ch. 1, William, Jun., b. July 17, 1835. d. 8, ch. 2, Jane, b. Nov. 11, 1836, m. Luther Snow Jan., 1858, 2d m. Wesley Dimock. 9, ch. 3, Angeline A., 1). July 17, 1840, m. Luther Snow Dec. 15, 1856; he d. May 17. 1857. 10, ch. 4, William R., b. Sept. 9, 1845, m. Jenette E. Millard June 13, 1867. Ch. 1, Jenette E., b. Nov. 25, 1846. 11, ch. 5, Estella A., b. Nov. 2, 1852, m. Thomas Cartright Feb. 24, 1883. THE HOWARD FAMILY. Families that resided in Palmer the last sixty years trace their line of descent from Thomas' Howard of the ducal House of Nor- HOWARD. 48! t folk, England, Earl of Arundel and Surrey. He died in 1640, and at his death his personal estate was divided between his eldest son 8ir Henry, and his second son Sir William, Viscount of Stafford, leaving the younger sons but little fortune. In the year 1660t Thomas''^, youngest son of the late Earl, in Note. — The Genealogical Register of the family has been prepared in past time by Mrs. E. H. Braman of TsTew Haven, Ct.. (her native town Palmer) and dau. of Xathan Howard. t The heads of families in the direct line of those that settled in Palmer. ' ompany with several others came from Norwich, England, to ■lybrook. Upon their arrival tliey found a party consisting of •-\i'\. Jonas Fitch. Thomas Bingham, Robert Allyn, Maj. John '\Iason and others, about to leave Saybrook, to locate upon a tract ')f land some twenty- five miles to the north-east. This party the previous year had been to the destined location, purchased and surveyed a tract of land nine miles square, and returned to Say- brook, leaving several of their number on the territory until they should all come and take possession. 'J^he newly arrived emigrants joined this company and settled permanently upon this nine mile tract, now known as Norwich, Ct. Here in Jan. 166G* Thomas"'^ Howard was married to Mary W'oll- man, and here their five sons and daughters were born. Ch. 1, Mary, b. Dec, 1067. Ch. 2, Sarah, b. Feb., 1G6U, Ch. 3, Martha, b. Feb., 1072. Oh. 4, Thomas, b. June, 1()73. Ch. 5t, Benjamin-^, b. June, 1075. ■'), Benjamin", s. of Thomas-, m. -. ch. 1, iThomas^, b. July, 1702. 7, ch. 2, Benjamin, b. Apr., 1707. 0, Thomas^, s. of Benjamin' m. Sarah in Manstiekl, Ct . 8, ch. 1, Benjamin, b. Oct., 1727. 1), ch. 2, tThomas^ Jr., b. Jan., 1729, d. May, 1810. 10, ch. 3, Joseph, b. Apr., 1731. 11, ch. 4, Eunice, b. March, 1733. 12, ch. 5, Martha, b. Nov., 1735. 13, ch. 6, Mary, b. Nov., 1737. 14, ch. 7, Eleazer, b. Nov., 1739. 15, ch. 8, Nathan, b. Apr., 1741. 16, ch. 9, William, b. Feb., 1747. 9, Thoma^, Jr., m. Mary Pember, Apr. 11. 175], had seven sons. 17, ch. 1, Irene, b. May 22, 1752, d. May 15, 18.38. 18, ch. 2, Lydia, b. Dec. 16, 1753, d. Apr. 24, 1814. 19, ch. 3, Phebe, b. Feb. 12, 1756, Sturbridge, Mass., d. July 2. 1750. 20, ch. 4, Joseph, b. Nov. 5, 1757, in S d. 1758. 21, ch, 5, Joseph 2, b. Sept. 29, 1759, in S d. Feb. 27, 1838. 490 GE>fEALOGIES AXI) RECORDS. 22, ch. 6, Lucy, b. Feb. 7, 17, Mary, b. July 10, 1806, d. Dec. 5, 1870, m. Justin Fuller, lived in Palmer. 34, ch. 7, Asa, b. Oct. 4, 1808, d. Jan. 4, 1875. 35, ch. 8, Aleazer, b. Sept. 13, 1810. 36, ch. 9, Lydia, b. March 5, 1814. 37, ch. 10, Armasa, b. July 21, 1816, d. Oct. 23, 1847, Enfield, Mass. 30, Prosper', s. of Pember'', m. Huldah Patteu Apr. 9, 1828. 2d m.. AdeUa Powell May 1869. They settled in Palmer in 1845, he now resides in Three Rivers. Ch. 1, Susannah, b. Apr. 4, 1820. Ch. 2, Johnson Patten, b. Aug. 4, 1830. Ch. 3, Adeline J., b. Apr. 24. 1840. Ch. 4, Geoi-ge A., b. May 10, 1845. Ch. 5, Rollin E., b. Dec. 30, 1853. 38, ch. 1, Susannah?, m. Albert M. Akers Nov. 12, 1849, they had one s., Kol- lin M., b. Apr. 30, 1852, d. 1853. 39, ch. 2, Johnson Patten'*, m. Lucy 8. Richmond .Sept. 4:, 1850, they resided in Palmer until 18(30, went to Ilion, A\ Y., where he died 1880; they had three children, 1, Frank Ernest, d. young, (18o()) f. Oct. 20, 1829. 35, ch. 1, Malita J., b. Jan. 23, 1848, d. May 31, 1848. 36, ch. 2, tCharles H., b. Aug. 23, 1849, m. Emma G. Bond Dec. 13, lrt7T. 37, ch. 3, Josie M., b. May 6, 1851, m. Herbert A. Northrop Jan. 15, 187 I. 38, ch. 4, Anna J., b. Feb. 16, 1853, m. Warren Fay Sept. 9, 1S73 ; 2d :ii. Frank H. Warren 1880. 39, ch. 5, William M., b. Jan. 23, 1850, d. March 3, 1858. 40, ch. 6, William J., b. Oct. 10, 18.59, m. Lizzie Seaver March 1882. 41, ch. 7, Silas B., b. Aug. 14, 1870. 36, Charles' H., s. of Joseph*^ H., and Emma G. Bond Keith. 43, ch. 1, Frank S., b. May 31, 1879. 27, Erastus'', s. of Joseph^ L., b. May 4, 1817, m. Sarah E. Root Dec. 13, 1837. 44, ch. 1, Emily L., b. Oct. 1838, m. Franklin Marsh 1858. 45, ch. 2, Adaline A., b. Dec. 27, 1840, m. Luther Davis 1800, 2d m. Enos Barrett 1864. 46, ch. 3, Alice E., b. 184^2, unm. 47, ch. 4, George D., b. March 2, 1845, m. Maranda Moore 1860. 48, ch. 5, Mary E., b. Apr. 1847, m. David P. Lamb 1807. 49, ch. 6, Sarah A., b. Oct. 2, 1851, m. George D. Whiting Nov. 24, 1870. 50, ch. 7, Cora E., b. Oct. 11, 1856, m. George O. Moore 1873. 51, ch. 8, Edwin E., b. March 13, 1859, m. Mary Mullen Oct. 16. 18S1. 33, George^' A., s. of Joseph'' L., m. Caroline Brown Jan. 1, 1855. 53, ch. 1, Emma C, b. Feb. 11, 1856, m. Austin D. Fuller Feb. 11, 1875, d. Jan. 29, 1879. 53, ch. 2, Henry G., b. March 4, 1S59, m. Harriett Wood Oct. 10, 1880. d. Apr. 14, 1881. 54, ch. 3, Alice M., b. Dec. 30, 1866, m. James Hamilton Dec. 8, 1886, d. May 5, 1887. 55, cii. 4, Vernie L., b. Aug. 31, 1874, d. Nov. 3, 1879. THE KILLUM FAMILY. Daniel Killum, John and Samuel Kilburn were some of llie early settlers of Brimfield in the west division, now Monson. They came from some of the river towns; but their stay in Brimfield was of short duration, as in other places. Two of DauieFs children were born in Brimfield, and then he removed to the Klbows and was here to sign the petition for the organization of the district. Daniel and Mary Killum. Ch. 1, Daniel, Jun., b. . d. Nov. 7, 1730. KILBLRX. — KNIOHT. — KENDALL. 495 Ch. 2, Catharine, b. May 29, 172^. Ch. 3, Rhoda, b. May 27, 1727. Cb. 4, Elenor. b. Apr. 27, 172U. Ch. 5, John, b. Oct. 6, 1730. Ch, 6, Daniel, Jun. 2d, b. Feb. 12, 1732. Ch. 7, Thomas, b. Jan. !», 1734. Ch. 8, Moses, b. Sept. 2!t, 1730. THE KILBURN FAMILY. John Kilburn and his son Samuel located in the westerly part of the Depot Village. The father was an elderly man and lived but a few years, and Samuel remained here but a short time. Samuel m. Abigail , 2 m. Fi-eelove Blanchard June 21, 174!'. Cb. 1, Jonathan, b. March 24, 1734. Ch. 2, Abigail, b. March 2'.», 173."'^. THE KNIGHT FAMILY. Theophilu.s located on the farm -now owned by 0. M. Bourns. His son Harris was a merchant at the Old Center for many years till business changed to other parts of the town. TheopMlus and Louis Knight. Ch. 1, Ansel, b. May 11, 1797. Ch. 2, Erastus, b. July 16, 1799. Ch. 3, Theophilus H., b. Apr. 1. 1801. Ch. 4, Eraste, b. Feb. 14, 1803. THE KENDALL FAMILY. Amos'^ Kendall came from Ashford, Ct.. in 1819. m. Polly Brown Jan. 1. ISU. Ch. 1, Chester S., b. Sept. 27, 1812, m. Roxania Sherman, d. Jan. 13, 1844. Ch. 2, Francis E., b. Dec. 7, 1813, m. Harnett Robbins, d. Jan. 13, 1844. Ch. 3, Amos P., b. Oct. 3, 1814, m. Lucy Gibbs. Ch. 4, Lyman R., b. Oct. 19, 1810, d. July 22, 1843. Ch. 5, Albert E., b. Oct. 2, 1818. d. Oct. 21, 1820. Ch. 0, Albert C. b. Sept. 11, 1820, m. Melissa Henry. Ch. 7, \ Marcus C, b. April 27, 1823, m. Jane Blair. Ch. 8, ( Martha C, b. Apr. 27, 1823, m. Jairus Carpenter. Ch. 9, Mary E., b. Oct. 13, 1825, m. Erasmus Harvey; 2d m. Nathan I). Wight. Ch. 10, Otis F., b. Dec. 20, 1827, m. Susan Rice; 2d m, Malviua Stebbins. Ch. 11, Rosetta S., b. Aug. 11, 1830, m. Ferdiland Dexter. Ch. 12, Edmund H., b. March 15, 1822, d. June 10, 1822. Ainos'^ P., s. of Amos\ m. Lucy Gibbs Oct. 29, 1845. Ch. 1, Clara E., b. June 15, 1848, d. Sept. 26, 1849. Ch. 2, George II., b. July 31, 1850, d. July 8, 1851. Ch. 3, Herman M., b. Jan. 27, 1853. m. Phebe Smith. Ch. 4, Jennie M., b. Apr. 28, 1856, m. Walter Brooks June 3, ISSO. 4l»G (;EXEALO(nRS AKD RK(X)RDS. THE KNOX FAMILY. Col. C^Tus Knox of this town was son of David Knox of Tun- bridge, Vt., who married Mary Wood of Brimfield (now Monson). He was a farmer by occupation, and by trade a cooper. They had ;i, family of eleven children, six sons and live daughters — Jacob, Betsey, John, Xancy, William, David, Eliza, James, Cyrus, Mary and Polly. Jacob settled in Michigan, and by accident was shot by his son. John was a lawyer by profession, married and settled in Waterloo. X. Y. David married Silence Cobb and remained on the homestead. James, born 1793, came to Palmer and married Betsey Shaw; after her death he married and settled in Petersburg, \'t. Col. Cyrus came to Palmer in 1813, at the age of 18 years. He married Peggy, a daughter of John Shaw, who was one of the principal real estate owners of wliat is now the present village of Palmer. Mr. Knox and wife became heirs to a large portion of the property that has been sold in lots that now contain the resi- dences of the west part of the village. When he came to the place it was rather an obscure part of the town, and after being settled nearly one hundred years the inhabitants for three miles on the river did not exceed the number of those that occupied the lands when the district was organized. Col. Knox was a worthy citizen of the town, beloved by his acquaintances, honored and respected for his good judgment, fair dealings in business transactions and the interest he took in business pertaining to the welfare of the town. Col. Cyrus- Knox, b. Jan. 21, 1795, m. Peggy Shaw Aug. — , 1818; he d. March 1, 1864: she d. Sept. 16, 1881. Ch. 1, John Shaw, b. June 14, 1819, d. May 16, 1822. Ch. 2, Mary, b. Aug. 11, 1821, d. July 16, 1822. Ch. 3, John K., b. May 28, 1824, m. Elthina M. Fay. Ch. 4, David, b. May 11, 1826, m. Dolly Stever. Ch. 5, Cyrus, Jun., b. Nov. 10, 1828, m. Charlotte E. March 1, IS.")?. Ch. 6, James, b. Apr. 24, 1833, m. Nancy M. Robinson Dec, 1863. Ch, 7, George M., b. July 12, 1835, d. July 4, 1852. Johrv^ K., s. of Col. Cyrus-, m. Elthina M. Fay May 21, 18-18. Ch. 1, John M., b. Apr. 7, 1853, m. Mary Stocking, 1871. Ch. 1, Arabelle, b. Nov. 7, 1872. 2d m. Mrs. Harvey. Ch. 2, Martha L., b. March 17, 1859, m. Frank A. Ruggles June 9, 1880. Ch. 3, Sarah E., twin to Martha, m. Erwin G. Ward Nov. 24, 1884. David"^, s. of Col. Cyrus-^, m. Dolly Stever Sept. 12. 1855. Ch. 1, Jacob Stever, b. Dec. 7, 1864. THE FAMILY OF JOHN KING, Sen. Mr. John King wa.s an Englishman by ))irtli, and married Sarah ; he was born 1G81, Sarah was born 1691. John, Jun., was Capt. Jesse K^^ KING. 497 born in Boston 1715, probal)ly came to the Elbows during the year 1716. John Sen., died April — , 1744, Sarah died January 1, 17G2. The records are proof that he was the first settler of the Elbow District. Tradition represents them as lingering about the beauti- ful plain where now stands the village of Palmer Depot, and it was there he had his first rude log cabin, and near the old cemetery was where he camped out the first night. This of course would make the place seem sacred to the first settlers, but as the tide of emigration came rushing in, he was not '"'monarch of all he surveyed," but it was necessary to confine himself to lands for his home farm. lie made a wise choice for the times, in selecting his location on the stream of water called afterwards King's brook ; and also the noted Tamor spring, which was the dividing line between him and his neighbors, Richard Combs from Springfield, and Ebenezar -Mirick from the same place, on the farm west. Ch. 1, John, Jun., b. in Boston, 1715, m. Margaret . Ch. 2, Joseph, b. . Cli. 3, Thomas, b. HJU, m. Jemima , d. Jan. 23, 1817. Ch. 4, Aaron, b. , m. Sarah Kibbee. Ch. 5, Benjamin, b. 1722, d. June 7, 1756. Ch. (), "William, b. . Ch. 7, Sarah, b. . Ch. S, Moses, b. , d. Apr. 2(5, 1729. Cli. 9, Hannah, b. Aug. S, 1729, d. Sept. 4, 1729. Ch. 10, Mary, b. Dec. 30, 1730, m. Capt. Sylvanus Walker. Ch. 11, David, b. Apr. — , 1733, m. Mary Graham. Ch. 12, Jonathan, b. Jan. 17, 1736. Note. — On the fly-leaf of the first volume of the Rochester Church Rec- ords, is this memorandum : " On the iSth of May, 1729, then John King and Sarah, his wife, who lived at a place called the Elbows, in Hampshire Co., owned the covenant, and their children were baptized, viz : William, Thoma.s, Joseph, Benjamin, Aaron and Sarah, by me, who was sent by the proprietors of the lands to minister to them. Timothy Rugles. Had the visit been six mouths later, the result might have been different." — flardioick history, per Lucius Page D. D. This record, with the ('ireumstances of various petitions that he had signed with Lamb & Co., for the organization of a township ill this place, together with deeds of tracts of land that he had liought and sold, giving his residence Springfield, is conclusive that previous to this time that his domestic and church relations were identified with Springfield instead of Brimfield, as there was no church existing there at the time of Mr. King's arrival at the El- bows. But after 1726, Mr. King became interested in the pre- tended right of Lamb & Co., and his interest became more identi- 498 tJKNEALOOIKS AND KHCOKDS. tied with them, and they employed [Jiev. Ruggles to come and administer to their spiritual necessities. 2, John'^, Jun., m. Mar^aiet ; she d. July :;i, 1749; 2d m. Deborah Hen- drick; he d. July 2, 177S; Dehorah d. Feb. 20, 1811. l-S, ch. 1, John\ b. Oct. 21, 1740, m. Betty McElwane. 14, ch. 2, James, b. Oct. 14, 1742, m. Jenny Moore. 15, ch. 8, Margaret, b. Jan. 14, 17-JO, m. Joseph Shaw May, 177.'3. 16, ch. 4, Gideon, b. Feb. 17, 1754, d. Dec. 17, 1755. 17, ch. 5, Gideon, 2d, b. , m. Grasilva Hendricks. 18, ch. 6, Hannah, b. Oct. 13, 175!), m. Samuel Hendricks March, 17S1. lit, ch. 7, Benjamin, b. , 1763, m. Lucy Adams Nov. 3, 1786. 13, Cajit. Johyv-, ra. Betty McElwane June, 1764, d. Apr. 2, 1812. 20, ch. 1, Anna, b. May 15, 1768, m. Isaac Ferrel Dec. 26, 1786. 21, ch. 2, Margaret, b. Sept. 9, 1771, m. John Shaw Apr. 28, 1791. 22, ch. 3, Betty, b. May 30, 1775, m. Billy Baldwin Sept. 28, 1796. 23, ch. 4, Lena, b. Nov. 3, 1777. 14, James\ s. of John-, Jun., m. Jenny Moore, d. Feb. 10, 1807. 24, ch. 1, Catie, b. Aug. 23, 1771, m. David Spear. 25, ch. 2, John, b. Feb. — , 1774, m. Betsey Shearer, 1799. 26, ch. 3, Persis, b. June 10, 1776, m. Holland Maynard. 27, ch. 4, James, a practicing physician, b. Aug. 18, 1780, d. 1803. 25, John*, s. of James'', b. 1774, m. Betsey Shearer 1799, d. Aug. 26, 1866 ; she b. 1777, d. Jan. 14, 1841. 28, ch. 1, Ransom, b. Apr. 17, 1800, d. Dec. 19, 1829. 29, ch. 2, Eliza, b. June 8, 1802, m. Cyrus Barker Feb. 2, 1826. 30, ch. 3, Persis, b. Feb. 23, 1805, m. Gilbert Barker Nov. 16, 1824, 31, ch. 4, Mary, b. June 13, 1807, m. David Best. 32, ch. 5, Sally, b. March 27, 1810, m. Elias Combs. 33, ch. 6, Laura, b. Sept. 2, 1812. m. Ashley Hayden Dec, 1839. 34, ch. 7, Dolly B., b. Jau. 17, 1816, m. Lyman Janes. 16, Gideoiv\ s. of John', Jun., m. Grasilva Hendricks May 2, 1778. 35, ch. 1. Gideon, Jun., b. Jan. 11, 1780. 36, ch. 2, Perces, b. Feb. 1, 1782. 37, ch. 3, Anna, b. July 26, 1784, m. Elliott Morse. 38, ch. 4, Prudy, b. March 21, 1787. 39, ch. 5, Samuel, b. Feb. 13, 1790, m. Susan Shearer, d. Jan. 18, 1850. 40, ch. 0, John, b. Jan. 19, 1794. 41, ch. 7, Walter, b. Feb. 27, 1797. 42, ch. 8, Vilet, b. June 14, 1799, m. Joseph Morse. 43, ch. 9, Rodney, b. Jan. 6, 1801. li), Benjamin-^ s. of John-, Jun., m. Lucy Adams Dec. 26, 1786.d. Feb. 5, 18-3. 44, ch. 1, Benjamin, Jun., b. July 14, 1787, d. 1873. 45, ch. 2, Elisha, b. Aug. 15, 1789, d. 1831. 46, ch. 3, Jo.seph, b. March 16, 1791, d. 1837. 47, ch. 4, Lucy, b. Feb. 19, 1793, d. 1832. 48, ch. 5, Betsey, b. Sept. 8. 17!>5, d. 1832. 49, ch. 6, Cyrus, b. June 23, 1797. 50, ch. 7, Lucinda, b. Nov. 23, 1798, d. 1827. 51, ch. 8, Frederick, b. Dec. 30, 1799, d. 1799. 52, ch. 8, Charles, b. July 24, 1801, d. 1801. i KING. 499 ^3, ch. 10, Ruth A., b. ISOo, in. Luther Shaw 1837. 11, David^ 8. of Johni, Sen., b. Apr., 1733, in. Mary Graham June :i4, 1775. 54, ch. 1, Sarah, b. Aug. 7, 1776, m. John Watson. 55, ch. 2, Lucinda, b. Dec. 16, 1779, d. June, 1798. 56, ch. 3, Billy Graham, b. Dec. 31, 1783, d. Nov. 14, 1786. 44, Benjamin, Jun., m. Abigail Youncj, Eastport, Me.; 2dm. Elisabeth Jolm- sou, Bradford, widow of Cornelius Simmons, Eastport, March, 1S2V. Ch. 1, Charles Adams; 2, Lucy Ann; 3, Harriett Amelia; 4, Abigail Clin- ton; 5, Albert Henry; 6, George Lewis. 3, l)ea. Thomas', s. of John', Sen., m. Jemima ; he d. May 2n, ISIU; she d. Jan. 23, 1817, aged 98. •57, ch. 1, Moses, b. Sept. s, 1745, m. Deliverance Newton Apr. 4, 1771. 58, ch. 2, Lucy, b. Apr. 28, 1747. 59, ch. 3, Daniel, b. Sept 2, 1749, m. Hannah Lord 1780. 60, ch. 4, Ruben, b. Sept. 2, 1751. 61, ch. 5, Eunis, b. Sept. 6, 17-53, d. July, 1757. 62, cb. 6, Mary, b. Sept. 18, 1757. 63, ch. 7, Eunis, 2d, b. Jan. 1, 1759. Daniel^, Esq., s. of Dea. Thomas-, m. Hannah Lord, 1780; he d. March 15, 1815; Hannah d. May 21, 1813. Ch. 1, Daniel, Jun.; 2, Stephen; 3, Henry; 4, Thomas; 5, Butler. 64, Capt. Daniel*, s. of DanieP, m. Mary L. King June 5, 1817. 4, Aaron^, s. of John^, Sen., m. Sarah Kibbe of Ct. 72, ch. 1, Sarah, b. Sept. 7, 1747, m. Thomas Bliss Apr. 25, 1765. 73, ch. 2, Aaron, b. July 2, 1750, d. Oct. 22, 1754. 74, ch. 3, Joseph, b. Aug. 20, 1752, d. Oct, 8. 1754. 75, ch. 4, Myrane, b. Sept. 7, 1755, m. Charles Eddy. 76, ch. 5. Isaac, b. June 20, 1757, returned to the Old Country. 77, ch. 6, Jesse, b. March 5, 1759, m. Mary Greyham Feb. 24, 1781. 77, Jesse^, s. of Aaron-, m. Mary B. Greyham Feb. 24, 1781, dan. of Rev. Mr. Graham of Pelham. 78, ch. 1, Aaron, b. Oct. 15, 1782, m. Eliza Ketchum. 79, ch. 2, Sarah, b. Oct. 22, 1784, m. Daniel Shearer, Esq. 80, ch. 3, Myraua, b. July 5, 1786, m. Timothy Ferrell. 81, ch. 4, Nabbie, b. Aug. 11, 1788, m. Gursham Makepeace, Warren. 82, ch. 5, Mary L., b. Aug. 9, 1790, m. Daniel King of Palmer. 83, ch. 6, Jesse, b. Aug. 8, 1792, d. . 84, ch. 7, Isaac, b. July 2, 1795, m. Abbey Cutler of Warren. 85, ch. 8, Joseph, b. Nov. 19, 1798, m. Mary E. Chambers, settled in Mobile, Ala., ch., Joseph, William, John and Mary. 84, Col. Isaac*, s. of Jesse'*, m. Abby Cutler June 5, 1S17, he d. Aug. 3, 1875. 86, ch. 1, Aaron, b. June 22, 1818, m. Elisabeth H. Ramsdell Sept. 1, 1852. 87, ch. 2, Joanna, b. Oct. 5, 182—, m. Wilham N. Flynt June 3, 1846, d. Dec. 23, 18,50. 88, ch. 3, Mary E., b. Dec. 12, 1823, m. William N. Cutler June 30, 1852; 2d m. S. W. Cook July 10, 1801; 3d m. Brigum Pierce Oct. ISGC. 89, ch. 4, Charles H., b. Jan. 30, 1830, m. Margaret E. Dale June 2s, 18-58, d. Oct. 7, 1867. 90, ch. 5, Joseph, b. Nov. 6, 1836, m. Thankful Gavit June 20. 1877. 86, Aaron^, s. of Col. Isaac-", m. Elisabeth Ramsdell Sept. 1, 185l'. oOO GENRALOOTES AJfD REOORDS. 91, ch. 1, Joseph R., b. Nov. ISo— . 02, ch. 2, Anna K., b. Oct. 1858. 91, Joseph^, s. of Col. Isaac*, m. Thankful Gavit June 20, 1877. 93, ch. 1, Effie G., b. Nov. 1, 1879. 94, ch. 1, Alice C, b. Nov. 25, 1884. J)r. Aaron*, s. of Jesse', m. Eliza Ketclium; 2d m. Eveline King Fel). 14, 1839; had. Septal'), 18t!I. 95, ch. 1, Jesse, b. Nov. 18, 1811, m. Emma Fitcli Sept. 1, 1840, Kalamazoo, Mich. 96, ch. 2, Mary A., b. Oct. 24, 1813. m. John W. Bull, Hartford, July 17, 1834. 97, ch. 3, Joanna E., b. Feb. 11, 1815, m. David L. Hempstead, New York, Aug. 8, 1835. 98, ch. 4, John S., b. June 1, 1817, m. Martha S. Messer. 99, ch. 5, Sarah S., b. July 18, 1819, m. Elisha Clark Apr. 28, 1842. Ch. Joanna K., m. William H. Wiley, New Jersey. 100, ch. 6, Helen, b. Oct. 13, 1841, m. Rev. Charles Scott Oct. 19, 1879; d. Dec. 19, 1879, New Hampshire. 101, ch. 7, George A., b. Apr. 28, 1843. 101, George A.'", s. of Dr. Aaron+, m. S. Ella Randall Dec. 1, 1870. 102, ch. 1, John A., b. May 24, 1872. 98, John S., s. of Dr. Aaron, m. Martha S. Messer of Geneva, N. Y., March 8, 1842 ; she b. Apr. 25, 1818, d. Dec. 1, 1858 ; 2d m. Amelia Guthrie of Putnam, O., July, 1862, d. Feb., 1872; 3d m. Mary Ayers, widow of Tim- othy Stever, Apr. 27, 1875. 103, ch. 1, Morris K., b. Jan. 16, 1844. 104, ch. 2, John H., b. , d. March 13, 1853. 105, ch. 3, Ella, b. Feb. 2(5, 1848, m. Frederick A. Adams, Orange, N. J., Oct. 27, 1870. Ch. 1, Constance, b. 1873 ; 2, John K., b. 1878 ; Ellis, b. 1880 ; Rebecca Applin, b. 1881. 106, ch. 4, Martha Eliza, b. March 18, 1850, d. 1853. 107, ch. 5, Charles H., b. Feb. 14, 1852. 108, ch. 6, William W., b. March 24, 1854. 109, ch. 7, Arthur J., b. Jan. 25, 1856, d. Oct. 28, 1880. 1 10, ch. 8, Guthrie, b. , Orange, N. J. 111, ch. 9, Graham, b. , New York. 103, Morris K., s. of John S., m. Julia, dau. of Charles B. and Harriett C. Godard, Zanesville, O., June 6, 1870, d. Dec. 12, 1883: 2d m. Sarah E. Webb, Norfolk, Va., July 1, 1886. 112, ch. 1, Georgianna, b. Aug. 5, 1871; 2, Ella, b. May 4, 1876; 3, Margaret G., b. Aug. 18, 1878; 4, John S., b. New York March :ll, 1880; 5, Arthur G., b. Nov. 18, 1888. 107. Charles II., s. of John S., m. Abbey Townsend of New York Oct. 1, 1877, d. Feb. 24, 1886; 2d m. Eliza Hatton Jan. 17, 1889. 117, ch. 1, Adelade, b. June 6, 1879. lis, ch. 2, Edith, b. July 20, 1884. 119, ch. 3, Charles, b. March 10, 1887. '.)'), Jesfie, s. of Dr. Aaron, m. Emma Fitch of Kalamazoo, Midi., Sept., 1840. 121, ch. 1, Eliza; 2, Mary. A VKM\ KiM., M. D. KIJSKi. — KEHJGAN. oO 1 96, Mary A., m. John W. Bull, Hartford. Ct., July 17, 1834. Ch. John W., d. ; Mary, Francis, William, George. »7. Joanna S., m. David L. Hempstead of Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 1. 1885. Ch. David L., Sarah, John K., Joanna and Charles. '2d m. Kev. John A. Murray, Geneva* N. Y. THE FAMILY OF WILLIAM KING. WiUmiii, s. of John King of Norwich. V>t., was b. in 1T40, m. Hannah Lamphear Oct. 28. 1765, and d. in IS Jo. He was a cooper by trade and worked at his occupation four years in ISor- wioh. His father bought a tract of land in Monson and gave tlie do"d to his son William. The consideration in the deed Avas love and respect, he being a dutiful and obedient son. The same yetir he m. and settled in Monson and worked at his trade in connec- tion with farming and the manufacture of potash, which afforded him good profits. In 1793, he came to Palmer and bought the Quintin Hotel, which had become a poor, dilapidated building, and soon built the hotel and barn that is now occupied by Mr. Trumble as a private dwelling. He also bought the Duncan Quin- ton farm, north of the Old Center. In 1801 he gave the hotel property, to his son John, who was known as Landlord John King, probably to designate him from several others in town by the same name. He gave the farm to his son Wills. Amasa and Roswell settled in Monson on the old homestead. Williaiu'^ and Hannah Lamphear King. Ch. 1, Wills, m. Betsey Dean 1803. Ch. -2, Polly, m. Jesse Moulton Apr. 13, 11'Jl. Ch. 3. Walter, m. Miss Durgee. Ch. 4, Amasa, m. Azuba L. . Ch. 5, Sally, m. Martin Sedgwick Feb. 20. ISOl. Ch. 6, John, m. Betty Brown Apr. 1802. Ch. 7, Roswell, m. Mary Moulton. Ch. 8, Lucy, m. Samuel Shaw Nov. 12, 1801. Wills'', s. of William'-, m. Betsey Dean, 180;>. Ch. 1, Lydia, b. May 2«, 18().">. Ch. 2, Polly, b. Feb. 6, 1807. Ch. 3, Orren. b. Oct. 6, 1808. John\ s. of William-^, m. Betty Brown 1802. Ch. 1, William H., b. June 2.5, 1803, d. Apr. 12, 18U5. Ch. 2, John, Jun., b. Apr. 5, 1805, m. liucretia Colton. (h. 3, William, b. Feb. 12, 1807. THE KEKIGAN FAMILY. Joseph, son of Matthew and Ellen Kerigan, a farmer and stock dealer in Athdown. Wicklow Co., Ireland, was born 182 — , and came to New York ('ity in 1845, and after visiting some of the 502 GKNKALOUIKS AND RKCOKDS. Western states he returned and settled in Palmer 1852, and was one of the first of the Irish popuhition to purchase a farm in town. JIc married Isabella Kinney of New York, I80I, Ch. 1, Mary Jane, b. 1852, d. 1854. Ch. 2, Ellen, b. 1854, m. John Twist Feb. 28, 1882. Ch. n, Matthew, b. Feb. 5, 1850, m. Julia McDonnal July 5, 1883. Ch. 4. Margaret, b. Jan. ISo'.i, in. Cornelius Foley Aug. 1888. Ch. 5, John, b. Nov. 1862. Ch. 0, Joseph, b. 1864, d, young. Ch. 7, Lizzie, b. May 14, 1866. Ch. 8, Joseph-, b. July 4, 18fii>. Ch. '.), Hugh, b. Sept. 13, 1870. Ch. 10, William, b. Feb. 20, 1 87-i. THE LEMON FAMILY (LAMONT). ./«/;#e,'; and Polly Lemon, their sons, Samuel and James, .lun., came from Ireland in 1727. Their home lots were south of the manor land and north of the place now Bondsville. They were the first to improve the water power at that place. Samuel afterwards settled on the manor land in Ware, which remained more than a century in the family. He also purchased a large tract of land on the west side of the river in Belchertown. James was said to be one of the puritanic type and had great confidauce in his Polly's piety. He was said to be rather timorous while he was surrounded with so many dangers in the new coun- try. And as he was at work in the field it began to thunder, and the continuous flash of lightning admonished him to flee for safety, while his only place was to Polly's care. As soon as he arrived came the salutation: •• Polly, got doun on y^naze on pra. f(u- it tunders and litens and wa shal al be burnt up turgetter.'' James- Jun., and Mary Lemon. Ch. 1, James, b. Jan. 10, 17ol. Ch. 2, Francis, b. Dec. 3, 1732, m. Margaret Kay MVA. Ch. 3, Jane, b. March 5, 1735, m. James Patrick Nov. 27, 1755. Ch. 4, William, b. Sabba day, June 26, 1737. Ch. 5, Mary, b. Sept. 30, 1730. Saiiiuet- and Jane Lemon. Ch. 1, Mary, b. Feb. 18, 1734. Ch. 2, Samuel, Jun., Aug. 25, 1737. Ch. 3, Margaret, b. Apr. 24, 173H. Francis'*, s. of James-, Jr., m. Margaret Uay. 1761. Ch. 1, John, b. Sept. 12, 1701. Ch. 2, Moses, b. March 7, 17(U. THE LOOMIS FAMILY. The Loomis Family arc on record several centuries past in Eng- land, and w^ere granted a coat of arms for deeds of valor. During LOOMIS. 503 the early settlement of New England, two families came to the new colony of Massachusetts. In 1635. Edward with a family of four sons. Jonathan and Samuel, who settled in Ipswitch, Nathan- iel, who lived in Dover, and Edward who went to New Jersey. Joseph Loomis was born about 15!)0, he was a woolen-draper in Braintree, Essex county, England, he sailed from London April 11, 1638, in the ship Susan Ellen, and arrived in Boston July 17, 1638. He removed to Windsor, Ct., in 1630 ; he there made a purchase of real estate and a settlement. He brought with him five sons and three daughters. His wife died August 23. 1652, lie died November 25, 1G58. Ch. 1, Joseph^, b. in England, m. Sarah Hill Sept. 17, 104(3, 2d m. Mary Chancey June 28, 16.50, made freeman 1654, d. .Tune 2(i, 1687. Ch. 2, a daughter, m. Nicholas Olmstead. Ch. 3. Elisabeth, m. Josiah Hull. Ch. 4, Uea. John, b.in England 1622, m. Elisabeth, dau. of Thomas Scott of Hartford, was representative 1666 and 7, and 1675 and 7. Ch. 5, Thomas, b. in |England, m. Hannah 'Fox, 2d m. Mary, dau. of Thomas Judd, Jan. 1, 106.S, freeman 16.54, d. Aug. 28, 1689. Ch. 6, Nathaniel, b. in England, m. Elisabeth Moore, was freeman 16.54, d. Aug. 19, 1688. Ch. 7, Mary, m. Owen Tudor Nov. 13, 1651. Ch. 8, SamueP, b. in England. Lieut. Samuel^, s. of Joseph^ was freeman 1654. removed to Westheld about 1672, and d. Oct. 1, 1680. He m. Elisabeth, a dau. of Thomas Judd, Dec. 27, 1653. 9, ch. 1, Sergeant Samuel^ m. Hannah, dau. of Thomas Hanchet. Apr. 4, 1678, d. Nov. 6, 1711. 10, cli. 2, Elisabeth, m. Thomas Hanchet 1673. 11, ch. 3, Ruth, b. June 14, 1660, m. Benjamin Smith. 12, ch. 4, Sarah, b. Feb, 3, 1663, m. John Bissel. 13, ch. 5, Joanna, b. Oct. 22, 1(565, m. Joseph Smith Nov. 20, IGdl. ■ 14, ch. 6, Ben.jamin-S b. Feb. 11, 1(368, m. Ann Fitch Jan. 6, 1703. 15, ch. 7, Nehemiah'S b. July 15, 1(570, m. Thankful Weller Jan. 3, 1(594. 16, ch. 8, William-S b. March 18, 1672. 17, ch. 9, Philip^, b. Feb. 22, 1675, m. Hannah . 18, ch. 10, Mary, b. Aug. 16, 1678. 16, Willianr, s. of Lieut. Samuel- of Westfield, m. Martha Morley Jan. 13, 1703; he d. Feb. 22, 1753. 19, ih. 1, Martha, b. Feb. 24. 1704, d. in Simsbury, aged 100 years and 2 months. 20, ch. 2, Joshua*, b. Aug. 24, 1706, m. Abigail Langdou Apr., 1735. 21, ch. 3, Benjamin^, b. Aug. 30, 1708, m. Elisabeth Morley March, ]7.!4, removed to South wick, 1773. 22, ch. 4, Ann, b. Aug. 27, 1710. 23, ch. 5, WilUam*, b. Sept. 15, 1712, m. Experience Smith Oct., 1739. 24, ch. (•>. James^ b. Nov. 15, 1714, m. Eunice Stricklen Sept., 1739. 25, ch. 7, Thankful, b. Nov. 19, 1716. 26, ch. 8. Jonathan*, b. Jan. 23, 1719, removed to Springfiield, Mass. 504 GENEALOGIES AXD KECORDS. 21, ch. y, HezekiahS b. March 12, 1721. 28, ch. 10, NoahS b. May 12, 1724. 28, Capt. Noah*, s. of William-*, in. Khoda Clark Nov. 5, 1747, who d. X'jv, 30, 1806; he d. Aug. 9, 1808. 29, ch. 1, Rhoda, b. .Jan. 13, 1749, m. Beujamin Dewey. 30, ch. 2, Mercy, b. March 12, 1750, m. Zur Root. 31, ch. 3, Tirzah, b. Feb. 20, 1752, m. Martin Stiles. 32, ch. 4, Noah'', Jun., b. Apr. 11, 1754, m. 1st Mary Dewey Nov.. 1775, who d. July 2, ]S13; 2d m. Eunice , who d. March 12, 1848; he d. July 2, 1819. 33, ch. 5, Shem'', b. Sept. 13, 1756, m. Rebecca Phelps. 34, ch. 6, Ham% b. Nov. 28, 1758, m. Elisabeth Allen. 35, ch. 7, Japhet^, b. July 14, 1761 , d. 1777. 36, ch. S, Grace, b. Nov. 5, 1763, ni. Holcom. 33, Shem^, s. of Capt. Noah^ of Westlield, m. Rebecca Phelps. wlu> d. Xiv^. 5, 1856: he d. Aug. 15, 1841. 37, ch. 1, Rebecca«, b. 1778, m. Charles Weatherby. 38, ch. 2, Japhet'', b. Sept., 1780, m. 1st Mehitable Kent; 2d m. Sarah Tay- lor, 1810; he d. July 13, 185::. 39, ch. 3, Sarah, b. 1784, m. Lucius Judson. Milwaukee, Wis. 40, ch. 4, Mary, b. 1786. m. James Stocking. 41, ch. 5, Mercy, b. 1788, m. David Bills. 42, ch. 0, Tirzah, b. 1790, m. Corn-fort Piatt. 43, ch. 7, Grace, b. 1795. d. Oct. 4, 1803. 44, ch. 8, Shem'', Jun., b. March 28, 1797. 44, Shem^, Jun., s. of Shem'' of Palmer, m. Salvina Carter, who d. Feb. 12, 1831; 2d m. Jane Carter, who d. May 14, 1845; 3d m. Susan Calkins May 7, 1846. 45, ch. 1, Cornelia", b. July 7, 1820, m. Reuben Stevens May 7, 1843. 46, ch. 2, James Stuben', b. Nov. 11, 1824. 47, ch. 3, Tirzah A., b. March 20, 1827, m. Charles Pease Nov. 4. 1849. 48, ch. 4, Anson" P., b. Oct. 5, 1828, m. Selina Judson, Oswego. 111. 49, ch. 5, Salome, b. Jan. 31, 1831, m. James P. Attleton of Hartford, Ct., June 4, 184b. 50, ch. 6, Martha Roxania. b. March 20. 1832, m. Hiram Smith, Hol- yoke. 51, ch, 7, Elisabeth M., b. Feb. 4, 1835, unm. 52, ch. 8, Sarah J., b. Jan. 23, 1837. 53, ch. 9, Lemuel G.', b. Apr. 26, 1840. 54, ch. 10, Henry G.', b. Aug. 8, 1842. Jaincx 8tubeu'' and Ileury'' G.. were sons of Shem'. Slieni". Capt. Noah'S William-^ Lieut. Samuel- and Josephs .lames'' lo- cated in Palmer in 18 — . His father. Shem and his brothei- Ilenry came some years later and were dealers in a furnitui-e establish- ment in the village of Palmer. James has been connected witli carriage manufacturing and farming. The interest he manifested in politics and business affairs of the town brought him to the front to take an active part, lie was elected several years a member LAMBERTOJf. — LEE. 505 of the board of Selectmen and County Commissioner, and in 1863 he was chosen representative to the General Court. James Stuben", b. Nov. 11, 1824, m. Nancy Shaw of Monson Jan, 23, 1849. Ch. 1, Mary Ann^, b, Oct. 22, 1854, m. Daniel F. Holden June 6, 1877. Ch. 1, RosieMary Holden, b. Nov. 16, 1880; 2, Lizzie Maria Holden, b. March 23, 1884. Ch. 2, James Gilbert^, b. Feb. 29, 1864, d. June 30, 1864. 46, Henry GJ, s. of Shem«, m. Hattie A. Aspinwall June 5. 1873. 55, ch. 1, Clara C, b. Jan. 23, 1876. 56, 2, Marion G., b. Jan. 19, 1883. THE LAMBERTON FAMILY. 1, James Lamberton was one of the three families that occupied the lauds at the Old Center. He came from Londonderry, N. H., as the family have a receipt which he received by the way of set- tlement with one of his neighbors dated 1727. 1, Eobert, 2, John, 3, James, are the only sons that represent the family of children that we find on the district records. James ^ served in the revolu- tion, for which he received a pension. 2, Robert- and Hannah Lamberton. 3, ch. 1, Margaret (Martha), b. Oct. 16, 1743, m. John Hill May 31, 1764. 4, ch. 2, Matthew, b. March 20, 1746. 5, ch. 3, Jean, b. Oct. 6, 1748, m. Thomas Hill Oot. 31, 1771. 6, ch. 4, Henry, b. Sept. 8, 1751. 7, ch. 5, Robert, b. Oct. 6, 1753. 8, ch. 6, Hannah, b. March 11, 1756, m. Theophilus Wedstover. 6, Henry^', s. of Robert'-, m. Paran Nichols Nov. 30, 1771. 9, ch. 1, Robert, b. Dec. 26, 1773. 10, ch. 2, Henry, b. Oct. 1, 1775, 11, ch. 3, Lucinda, b. July 23, 1778. 4, James-, Jun., m. Mary Shaw May 8, 1755; he b. 1726, d, Jan, 22, 1777; she b, 1734, d. July 28, 1826. 12, ch. 1, Sarah, b. Aug. 16, 1756, m. James Lemon Apr. 25, 1778. 13, ch. 2, John, b> July 12, 1759. 14, ch. 3, James^, b. Sept, 25, 1761, m. Sarah Dinsmore; 2d m. Hannah Chamberlin. 15, ch. 4, Seth, b. March 10, 1764. 16, ch. 5, David, b. June 26, 1771. 17, ch. 6, Agnes, b. March 19, 1773. 14, James^, m. Sarah Dinsmore. 18, ch. 1, Bertha; 2, Samuel; 3, Sally; 4, Reuben; 5, Alford; 6, Gideon. 23, Gideon is living on the old homestead and where Erwin Shaw first located. THE LEE FAMILY. 1, Joseph and Hannah Lee came from Connecticut; he d. Oct,, 1830; she d. Nov. 11, 1814, 2, ch, 1, Joseph, Jun., b. Oct. 15 1770, d. Dec. 18, 1770, 506 GENEALOGIES AND RECORDS. 3, ch. 2, Jerusia, b. Jan. 14, 1772, d. Jan. 12, 1804. 4, ch. 3, Susannah, b. Apr. 25, 1775, d. Jan. 25, 1777. 5, ch. 4, Joseph'-, b. Oct. 15, 1777, m. Sally Smith. 6, ch. 5, Isaac, b. June 9, 1783, d. June 3, 1825. 7, ch. 6, Hezekiah, b. May 22, 1787. 8, ch. 7, Betsey, b. March 17, 1792. 9, ch. 8, Hannah, b. May 29, 1794. 2, JosepJfi, Jim., m. Sally Smith; he d. Sept. 24, 1856; she d. Nov. 11, 18—. 10, ch. 1, William H., b. Dec. 27, 1813, d. Aug. 24, 1820. 11, ch. 2, Hiram P., b. Dec. 27, 1816, m. Hannah Billings, d. Aug., 1853. 12, ch. 3, Mary Ann, b. Jan. 31, 1819, m. Robert Davidson. 13, ch. 4, Charles H., b. June 14, 1824, d. June 24, 1834. 11, Hiram P.^, s. of Joseph'^ Jun., m. Hannah R. Billings Sept. 15, 1841; she was b. Oct. 9, 1809; he was b. Jan. 12, 1816, d. Aug. 14, 1853. 14, ch. 1, Charles Henry, b. June 4, 1843, d. Apr. 2, 1845. 15, ch. 2, Lucius Billings, b. Sept. 7, 1847, d. Sept. 21, 1847. 16, ch. 3, George Porter, b. Jan. 3, 1850, d. Sept. 6, 1869. THE LAMB FAMILY. Dr. Jabesh Lamb came from Cazinovia, N. Y., about 1775, he purchased a location east of the Old Centre, afterwards known as the John McMaster farm ; his old house stood in the hollow, north of the house now occupied by Franklin Shaw. Mr. Lamb was in practice several years, in connection with farming ; he educated his son Henry J., for the ministry, his labors were with different churches, but his last settled place was in Suffield, Ct., where he preached several years. His last residence was in West Springfield where he died. Dr. Jabesh and Sally Lamb, she d. June 21, 1797, 2d m. Margaret Fleming Sept. 13, 1798. Ch. 1, Sally, b. March 8, 1775. Ch. 2, Rebekah, b. Apr. 11, 1777. Ch. 3, Philip, b. Aug. 19, 1779, m. Chloe Ferry. Ch. 4, Dyer, b. , 1782. Ch. 5, Sarah, b. , m. John Adams. Ch. 6, Henry Jabesh, b. , m. Mary Peters. Ch. 7, Catharine, b. Oct. 2, 1788. Ch. 8, Harvey, b. June 2, 1791. Ch. 9, Ruben, b. May 14, 1794. Ch. 10, Peggy, b. June 29, 1799. Ch. 11, Hiram, b. , m. Abigail Belden. Ch. 12, Betsey, b. , m. John Eaton. 6, Eev. Henry- J., s. of Dr. Jabeshi, m. Mary Peters, 2d m. Mary Hammond. 14, ch. 1, Mary P. ; 2, Henry F. Betsey', dau of Dr. Jabesh, m. John Eaton, 2d m. Reuben Olds. Ch. William and Henry. 11, Hiram-, s. of Dr. Jabesh, m. Abigail Belden. Ch. 1, Oscar-^; 2, Hiram. LITTLE. 507 3, Philip-, s. of Dr. Jabeshi, m. Chloe Ferry Oct. 10, 1803; he d. Nov. 28, 1836; She d. July 9, 1838. 17, ch. 1, Semina, b. Apr. 29, 1806, m. Asa Hamilton Nov. 17, 1831, d. March 1, 1839. 18, ch. 2. Almena, b. Oct. 28, 1809, m. Abijah Stratton March 12, 1829, d. May 3, 1830. 19, ch. 3, Judah F., b. Nov. 22, 1810, d. Jan. 11, 1837. 20, ch. 4, David, b. Nov. 26, 1812, m. Mary McClanathan July 12, 1840. 21, ch. 5, Philip, Jun., b. Apr. 29, 1814, m. Susan H. Webber Aug. 6, 1837, d. Aug. 10, 1876. 22, ch. 6, Chloe, b. Aug. 9, 1816, d. Feb. 7, 1865. 23, ch. 7, Ruben W., b. May 4, 1818, m. Lucinda Fuller. 24, ch. 8, Alfred, b. July 27, 1820, m. Caroline E. Fay Sept. 16, 1847. 20, David^, s. of Philip^, m. Mary McClanathan July 12, 1840. 25, ch. 1, Sarah L., b. , m. Mr. Brady. 26, ch. 2, David P., b. , m. Lizzie Keith. 27, ch. 3, Julia A., b. , m. Wilber Parker. 28, ch. 4, Mary Eliza, d. . 29, ch. 5, Eliza and Emeline. 23, Reuben W., s. of Philip, m. Lucinda Fuller. 31, ch. 1, Mary Jane. 32, ch. 2, Keyes, d. ; John, d. . 21, Philip^, Jr., m. Susan H. Webber. 33, ch. 1, Lucy M., b. , m. Oliver Rumrell. 34, ch. 2, Adelade, b. , m. Lyman Cooley. 35, ch. 3, Reuben F., b. , m. Carrie Childs. 36, ch. 4, Eveline, b. , m. William Flynt. 37, ch. 5, Chloe; 6, Charles P.; 7, Willie; 8, Ida J.; 9, Franklin. 24, Alfred^ G., s. of Philip^, m. Caroline Fay Sept. 16, 1847. 42 ch. 1, Emma F., b. May 21, 1853, m. Myron D. Blair Nov. 14, 1872. 43, ch. 2, Stella C, b. Aug. 15, 1859, m. Fred R. Bemis Nov. 30, 1882. 47, ch. 3, Lillian E., b. Oct. 25, 1863, m. William N. Hitchcock Apr. 3, 1879. THE LITTLE FAMILY. George Little came to Newbury in 1640 and married Alice Poor, who came to New England in 1638. They had three sons — Joseph, John and Moses — and nine grandsons. It is claimed by some that Thomas, who settled here, was of the Newton line, as the descend- ants of George, the emigrant, had become in 1820 to number some six thousand inhabitants, but as neither sons nor grandsons bore the name of Thomas, we may be positive that he was a descendant of Thomas Little, who landed in Plymouth in 1630, and whose posterity are as numerous and as widely scattered as those are of his brother George. He married, Apr. 19, 1633, Ann, daughter of Richard Warren. Among the Plymouth line of descendants are Ephraim, a grad- uate of Harvard, 1695; Capt. George, a distinguished naval officer 508 GENEALOGIES AND RECORDS. in the War of the Revohition; Hon. Edward, member of Congress from Massachusetts ; Eev. George B., pastor of a West Xewton church. Thomas, a descendant of Thomas, Sen., made a pitch on a tract of land east of the Old Centre, which was granted to him by the General Court in 1732. He is represented on the records paying rates and bearing his proportion in the organization of the district till 1742, when a part of his farm was sold "at public ven- due " to pay his proiDortion to the General Court of the £500 so ordered. His son bid it off, and the records say they let him have it, ''for he bid higher than any other man.^' We become more familiar with the family in church affairs, as the trouble the inhab- itants had with Eev. Mr. Harvey leaves their names on the records frequently. It is doubtful if he staid in town long after Mr. Har- vey left, as the records show no marriages of children, except a daughter to Duncan Quinton. He had three sons — Ephraim, Thomas, Jun., and William. They went from here to the State of New York. THE LOFTIS FAMILY. John-, s. of Jamesi, b. in the county of Tipperary, Ireland, m. Mary Dor- thery, 1831. He came to Palmer, 1847, and settled in Thorndike Village. Ch. 1, Michael, b. in Ireland, 1833, m. Mary , d. 1870. Cb. 2, Ann, b. 1835, m. John Looman, 1857; they had one s., John; he m. Nelly Sweet July 4, 1885; Ann 2d m. William Thompson Jan. 5, 1885. Ch. 3, John F., b. June 24, 1835, m. Hannah Foley. Ch. 4, Mary, b. 1837, unm. Ch. 5, Catharine, b. 1839, d. 1858. John F.^, 8. of Johni, m. Hannah E. Foley Nov., 1860. Ch. 1, James, b. Jan. 14, 1862. Ch. 2, John, b. Jan. 6, 1864. Ch. 3, Mary, b. 1866, d. young. Ch. 4, Anna, b. May 4, 1868. Ch. 5, Margaret, b. Aug., 1870, d. young. Ch. 6, Michael, b. Aug., 1873. Ch. 7, Catie, b. Oct. 7, 1875. THE MOORE FAMILY. John and James Moore and their aged mother came from the north part of Ireland. They signed the memorial, with 320 others, to Gov. Shute for liberties to come here and settle. John located at the Old Centre, near where Samuel Brown now lives. His wife Mercy died Aug. 20, 1733. The mother, "Jean, Departed this lifa Saturday, y« 27 Day of February 1748 about Eight of y« Clock in the Evening, Aged Eighty-Six years and Eight months.'' He was MOORE. 509 called in those days '' Meeting-House John," and previous to build- ing the church edifice services were frequently held at his house. James^ and Margaret Moore. Ch. 1, John, b. June 26, 1729. Ch. 2, James, Jun., b. March 12, 1730. Ch. 3, Mary, b. Nov. 20, 1733, m. Solomon Warriner June 12, 1777. Ch. 4, David, b. May 18, 1736. Ch. 5, Hugh, b. July 15, 1738. Ch. 6, Jane, b. May 20, 1740. Ch. 7, Alexander, b. Aug. 31, 1742. Ch. 8, Anne, b. May 20, 1744, m. Moses Line Jan. 27, 1763. Ch. 9, Elenor, b. July 2, 1752. John and Mercy Moore; Mercy d. Aug. 20, 1733. John'-, s. of James^ b. June 26, 1729, m. Mary Crowfoot Sept. 17, 1754. Ch. 1, Sarah, b. June 22, 1754. Ch. 2, Mary, b. Apr. 4, 1755. Ch. 3, Samuel, b. July 20, 1756. Ch. 4, Jenette, b. Apr. 4, 1759. David'^, s. of James^, m. Mary Nelson 1761, Ch. 1, David, Jr., b. March 6, 1763. Ch. 2, Elisabeth, b. Feb. 24, 1765. Ch. 3, Aaron, b. March 9, 1767, m. Elisabeth Cady Nov. 17, 1791. Ch. 4, Sarah, b. Apr. 27, 1769. Ch. 5, Molly, Feb. 18, 1771. Jojiothan Moores came from Newbury Port in 1770. They were not known as relatives of the first settlers by the same name. 1, Jonathan^, m, Phebe Parsons. Ch. 1, Susannah, b. Sept. 12, 1768, m. William Hutchinson. 2, ch. 1. Joseph, b. Nov. 8, 1771. 3, ch. 2, Polly, b. Apr. 5, 1774, m. Mr. Gilmore. 4, ch. 3, Phebe P., b. Apr. 29, 1777, m. Mr. Bates; 2d m. Dea. Wilson Fos- ter. 5, ch. 4, Persis, b. Jan. 3, 4780, m. John Gibbs. 6, ch. 5, Jonothan, Jun., b. June 20, 1783. 7, ch. 6, Susan, b. , m. Silas Gibbs. 6, Capt. Jonothav?, Jun., m. Sally Bagg Sept 23, 1805; he d. Sept. 26, 1852; Sally d. Oct. 24, 1847. 8, ch. 1, Charles, b. July 22, 1806. 9, ch. 2, Mary, b. Sept. 3, 1807, d. Feb. 10, 1817. 10, ch. 3, John, b. Nov. 7, 1808. 11, ch. 4, Rebecca, b. Apr. 8, 1810, m. Merrick Cooley Apr. 8, 1830. 12, ch. 5, Betsey, b. Feb. 18, 1812, m. Professor William Mitchell. 13, ch. 6, Sarah, b. Sept. 24, 1814, m. J. Woodard. 14, ch. 7, George, b. Apr. 24, 1817, m. Betsey Dennison. 15, ch. 8, James, b. Sept. 26, 1819. 14, George^, s, of Capt. Jonothan^, m. Betsey Dennison Oct. 10, 1839. 16, ch. 1, George D., b. Oct. 29, 1841, m. Lizzie E. Breard. 17, ch. 2, Frank G., b. March 12, 1845, d. Jan. — , 1866. 510 GENEALOGIES AND RECOKDS. 16, George D.*, s. of George-^, m. Lizzie E. Breard Sept. 14, 1865. 18, ch. 1, Charles F., b. July 28, 1867. THE McCLANATHAN FAMILY. 1, Dea. Thomas, b. 1685, d. Jan. 30, 1764. His lot was situated east of Bondsville. The farm was lately owned by Waterman Fuller. 1, Thomas, his son, was b. June 15, 1733; 2, William, was b. 1735, d. Dec. 23, 1759. 2, William, his brother, settled on the east side of Pottoquattuck Mountain. His children were 1, Samuel ; 2, Eobert ; 3, Thomas. Thomas'^, Jun., m. Margaret McMitchell. 8, ch. 1, Elenor, b. Sept. 16, 1757. 9, ch. 2, William, b. May 18, 1759. 10, ch. 3, Jonah, b. March 31, 1762. 11, ch. 4, Elisabeth, b. Aug. 12, 1764. 12, ch. 5, Mary, b. July 20, 1766. 13, ch. 6, Thomas^ b. Nov. 13, 1769. 7, Cajpt. Thomas'-, s. of William^, m. Catharine Shaw, 1767. 14, ch. 1, Jane, b. Feb. 16, 1768, m. Gideon Shaw Apr. 28, 1791. 15, ch. 2, Molly, b. July 20, 1770. 16, ch. 3, Peggy, b. Nov. 11, 1772, m. Calvin Spear Nov. 4, 1802. 17, ch. 4, Betty, b. Jan. 26, 1775. 18, ch. 5, John, b. May 1, 1777. 19, ch. 6, Eeuben, b. Feb. 24, 1780. 20, ch. 7, William, b. Sept. 17, 1783, m. Abigail Snell, 1810. 21, ch. 8, Gate, b. May 12, 1786, m. Chester Packard, 1813. 22, ch. 9, Patty, b. June 16, 1788. 5, Dea. SamueP, s. of William^, b, 1740, d. June 14, 1825, m. Mary Blair; she d. Feb. 19, 1786; 2d m. Silent Lovejoy Apr. 7, 1790. 23, ch. 1, William, b. Aug. 23, 1770, d. June 14, 1825. 24, ch. 2, James, b. Apr. 12, 1772. 25, ch. 3, Margaret, b. Aug. 26, 1773. 26, ch. 4, Samuel, Jun., b. July 6, 1775, m. Susie Smith May 31, 1804; 2d m. Miranda Codding, 1813. 27, ch. 5, Thomas, b. March 7, 1777. 28, ch. 6, John, b. Apr. 15, 1779. 29, ch. 7, Robert, b. Dec. 10, 1780. 30, ch, 8, Jane, b. May 3, 1783, m. Reuben Shaw Dec. 25, 1806. 31, ch. 9, Mary, b. Feb. 10, 1786. 28, Johv?, s. of Capt. Thomas-, m. Becca Baldwin Aug. 29, 1799. 32, ch. 1, John, Jun., b. Oct. 25, 1800, m. Mary Cargil, 18—. 33, ch. 2, Lucian, b. May 25, 1804, 34, ch. 3, Samory, b. Nov. 1, 1805. 19, Reuben^, s. of Capt. Thomas-, m. Sally Parkus Feb. 7, 1805. 35, ch. 1, Luranda, b. June 1, 1806. 27, Thomas^, s. of Dea. Samuel', m. Hannah . 36, ch. 1, Charles, b. Apr. 5, 1812. 37, ch. 2, Samuel, b. Nov. 11, 1814. J MAGOOX. — M'XITT, — M'CLINTOCK. 511 THE MAGOON FAMILY. The Magoons and Olmsteads were pioneer settlers in the district; they were in the north division, except Isaac, Jr. ;he located first on the lot known of late as the Charles Shaw farm. After the first division of lands he sold his home farm to James Lamberton, and changed his location to the Ware precinct. Isaac Jun., and Catherine Magoon. Ch. 1, Isaacs b. Aug 23, 1734. Ch. 2, Margaret, b. June 8, 1738. Ch. 3, William, b. Sept. 16, 1739. THE McNITT FAMILY. Alexander and his wife Sarah came from the north of Ireland 1720, the county of Dingal. His advanced age prevented him from taking an active part in the organization of the district. He was born in 1656, and died February 10, 1746, Sarah, his wife, died May 10, 17-44:; Barnard, his son, had the lot surveyed to him that was purchased of the Gent. Claimers in 1728. Jean, a daughter, married Thomas Brown. Barnard' and Jane McXitt. Ch. 1, Elisabeth, b. March 28, 1729. Ch. 3, David, b. Apr. 27, 1731. Ch. 2, Joseph, b. , 1727, m. Elisabeth Ward Nov. 7, 1761. Ch. 4, William, b. July 25, 1733, m. Elisabeth Thomson May 8, 1755. Ch. 5, Sarah, b. May 29, 1737. Ch. 6, James, b. Jan. 1, 1739. Cb. 7, ( . Mary, b. May 6, 1744, m. Joseph Ferrell 1768. Ch. 8, ( ' Adum, b. May 6, 1744. Ch. 9, Margaret, b. Dec. 15, 1740, m. Ruben Cooley Jan. 22, 1772. Ch. 10, John, b. Apr. 25, 1749. Ch. 11, Andrew, b. Aug. 15, 1750, m. Chloe Chapin 1774. Ch. 12, Jean, b. Aug. 25, 1754, William^, s. of Barnard-, m. Elisabeth Thomson May 8, 1755. Ch. 1, Abner, b. Aug. 29, 1756. Ch. 2, Sarah, b. June 30, 1757. Ch. 3, Eunice, b. Oct. 21, 1759. THE McCLINTOCK FAMILY. Thomas and Sarah McClintock came from Blandford. Ch. 1, William, b. Sept. 10, 1748. Ch. 2, Thomas, b. March 27, 1750. Ch. 3, Sarah, b. Sept. 11, 1751. Ch. 4, James, b. Apr. 27, 1753. Ch. 5, Joseph, b. July 15, 1755. Ch. 6, Margaret, b. Oct. 6, 1758. Ch. 7, John, b. Oct. 5, 1760. Ch. 8, Margaret^, b. Jan. 13, 1762. Ch. 9, David, b. Oct. 4, 1764. 512 GENEALOGIES AND RECORDS. THE McMASTER FAMILY. John McMaster and. family came from Leicester in 1733. They had six children — James, Hugh and John (twins), Robert, Catha- rine and Joshua. John, Sen., bought the James Dorchester farm. James bought the lot south of John Moore, which was sold to James Dorchester, Jun. (the Clark McMaster farm). In 1739 the father gave a deed of his place to his son, John, Jun., who erected a house on the lot southerly of the old location. It is now the old- est building in town. The McMasters came from Ireland in the same ship with the family of Robert Ferrell in 1720. He, with others, tried to find a home near Worcester, but found no contin- ued abiding place till they arrived here. 1, John^, Sen., and Katharine McMaster; he was b. 1672, d. Jan. 25, 1761; she was b. 1687, d. Nov. 11, 1763. 2, ch. 1, James, returned to the old country. 3, ch. 2, Hugh, b. 1714, m. Mary Farran June IS, 1739. 4, ch. 3, John, b. 1714, m. Milicent Ferrel. 5, ch. 4, Robert, b. , m. Elisabeth Young Aug. 25, 1765. 6, ch. 5, Catharine, b. , m. William Selfridge July 5, 1757. 7, ch. 6, Joshua, b. , m. Sarah Ferrel Sept., 1762. 4, Dea. Johii?, s. of John^, Sen., m. Milicent Ferrel; he was b. 1714, d. March 16, 1793; shed. Jan. 2, 1811. 8, ch. 1, Joshua, b. 1758, m. Rebecca Thomson Apr. 20, 1794. 9, ch. 2, John-', b. , m. fcarah B. Hamilton. 10, ch. 3, Clark, b. Dec. 6, 1761, m. Margaret Breckenridge Aug. 4, 1790. 11, ch. 4, Eunice, b. 1763, d. Feb. 1, 1766. 12, ch. 5, Milicent, b. 1766, d. Jan. 6, 1767. 13, ch. 6, Mihcent, 2d, b. 1767, d. May 5, 1791. 14, ch. 7, Eunice, 2d, b. 1768, d. Oct. 3, 1779. 15, ch. 8, Gideon, b. 1772, d. Jan. 14, 1775. 16, ch. 9, Prudence, b. , m. John Spear. 17, ch. 10, Mary, b. , m. Moses Shaw Apr. 20, 1708. 18, ch. 11, Catie, b. , m. David Shaw, grandson of Dea. Samuel Shaw. 9, John^, s. of Dea. John-, m. Sarah B. Hamilton Nov. 1, 1796. 19, ch. 1, John^ b. Sept. 15, 1797. 20, ch. 2, James, b. Feb. 27, 1799. 21, ch. 3, Esther, b. June 6, 1802. 22, ch. 4, Chester, b. July 24, 1804. 23, ch. 5, Sarah, b. May 4, 1806. 24, ch. 6, Hamilton, b. Feb. 21, 1808. 25, ch. 7, Luther, b. June 11, 1810, m. Eliza King. 26, ch. 8, Eliza, b. , m. James Henry. 27, ch. 9, Mary, b. , m. Philip Blair. 10, Clark^, s. of Dea. John-, m. Margaret Breckenridge Oct. 14, 1790. 28, ch. 1, Clark, Jun., b. Aug. 16, 1791, m. Sena Smith. 29, ch. 2, Calvin, b. May 10, 1793. 30, ch. 3, Peggy, b. Apr. 20, 1795. 31, ch. 4, Phila, b. Apr. 3, 1797. M'^MASTEK, 513 32, ch. 5, Linda, b. May 15, 1799, m. Dea. Forbes, Enfield. 33, ch. 6, Livy, b. Nov. 21, 1801. 34, ch. 7, Lovace, b. May 30, 1804. 28, Clark^, Jun., m. Sena Smith June 17, 1818. 35, ch. 1, a dau., b. June 8, 1819. 36, ch. 2, Margaret, b. Sept 20, 1821. 37, ch. 3, Prudence, b. Jan. 26, 1824, m. Elbrids:e Blair. 38, ch. 4, a dau., b. May 20, 1826. 2d m. Orpha Blair. 39, ch. 5, Georo-e, b. Feb. 7, 1830. 40, ch. 6, Albert, b. Apr. 29, 1831. 41, ch. 7, Livy, b. June 9, 1833. 42, ch. 8, Julia, b. June 23, 1835. 43, ch. 9, Lyman, b. Aug. 3, 1837. 44, ch. 10, Henry, b. Au?. 13, 1840. 44, Henry'", s. of Clark\ Jun., m. Mary Page, Nov. 23, 1859. 45, ch. 1, Clark H., b. Xov. 1, 1861, d. March 8, 1865. 46, ch. 2, Fred B., b. Apr. 7, 1864, d. June 9, 1865. 47, ch. 3, a son b. Sept. 11, 1866. 48, ch. 4, Siisie P., b. Jan. 19, 1869, d. Oct. 31, 1869. 49, ch. 5, Emma L. b. Dec. 5, 1871. 50, ch. 6. Sadie B., b. Oct. 31, 1873. 51, ch. 7, Georgie b. Jan. 19, 1877. 52, ch. 8, Frank O., b. March 7, 1880, d. Sept. 9, 1882. 53, ch. 9. Ethel L., b. Apr. 25, 1883. 8, Joshua^, s. of Dea. John-, m. Rebecca Thomson Apr. 20, 1794, settled in Amherst. 54, ch. 1, Henry, b. 1795. 55, ch. 2, Alvin, b. 1800. 56, ch. 3, John, b. 1805, lives in West Springfield. 57, ch. 4, Charles, b. 1807, lives in Amherst. John*, s. of Joshua^ m. Laura Bissel, 1834. 61, ch. 1, Bissel; 2, Frances; 3, Charles; 4, Timothy Edward. 7, Joshua-, s. of John^, Sen., m. Sarah Ferrel, 1702. 63, ch., John and Henry, d. young. 3, Hugli-, s. of Johni, Sen., b. 1714, m. Mary Farran May 10, 1738, 2d m. Jane Farran Apr. 1, 1765, d. Aug, 28, 1803. 64, ch. 1, Robert, b. June 18, 1739, m. Tabitha Parsons March 7, 1766. 65, ch. 2, Elisabeth, b. Apr. 4, 1742, m. John McCloster, 1765. 66, ch. 3, John, b. July 14, 1743, m. Lydia Nutting, 1768. 67, ch. 4, Catharine, b. July 5, 1745, m. Calvin Danelson, 1784. 68, ch. 5, William, b. April 13, 1747, m. Mary Hunter, 1772. 69, ch. 6, Margaret, b. Dec. 29, 1748. 70, ch. 7, James, b. Oct. 8, 1750. 71, ch. 8, Hugh, Jun., b. Oct. 15, 1752, m. Sarah Smith, d. Jan. 19, 1815. 72, ch, 9, Mary, b. May 18, 1755. 73, ch. 10, Isaac, b. Sept. 15, 1757. 64. Lieut. Robert"^, s. of Hugh-, m. Tabitha Parsons March 7, 1766, d. Sept. 21, 1808. 74, ch. 1, Martha, b. May 20, 1767, m. Winchester Hitchcock. 75, ch. 2, John, b. May 8, 1769, m. Thankful Smith. 76, ch. 3, Ruben, b. Jan. 27, 1774, m. Jerusia Merrit. 514 GENEALOGIES AXD RECOKDS. 76, Ruben'*, s. of Lieut. Robert', m. Jerusia Merrit Oct., 1799. 77, ch. 1, Schyler, b. May 0, 1801. 78, ch. 2, Dwight, b. Aug. 18, 1802. 79, ch. 3, Sophia, b. Nov. 12, 1803. 80, ch. 4, Tirzah, b. Apr. 28, 1805. 81, ch. 5, Mandana, b. Sept. 13, 1806. 82, ch. 6. Almira, b. Nov. 4, 1808. 83, ch. 7, Julian, b. May IS, 1811. 84, ch. 8, Horace, b. Nov. 4, 1809. 85, ch. 9, Harriett, b. Feb. 20, 1813. 86, ch. 10, Levi, b. Dec, 1814. 87, ch. 11, Lurene, b. March 30, 1816. 88, ch. 12, Eli Parsons, b. July 14, 1818. 89, ch. 13, Patty, b. Feb. 20, 1800, d. Oct. 1, 1800. 75, John*, s. of Lieut. Roberfr^ b. May 8, 1769, d. , m. Thankful Smith, 179— she b. Dec. 8, 1763, d. Apr. 15, 1818. 90, ch. 1, Tabitha. b. Jan. 18, 1793, m. Ira Hicks Jan. 30, 1822. 91, ch. 2, Margaret, b. March 24, 1795. 92, ch. 3, James, b. July 11, 1797. 93, ch. 4, Robert, b. Jan. 5, 1800, m. Roby McEntire Apr. 4, 1839. 94, ch. 5, Jane, b. July 4, 1802. 95, ch. 6, Martha, b. Nov. 20, 1804, m. John Hamilton Apr. 8, 1829. 68, Willianv\ McMaster, s. of Hugh-, m. Mary Hunter July 23, 1772. 96, ch. 1, Margaret, b. March 18, 1774, d. Dec. 10, 1875. 97, ch. 2, Abner, b. Aug. 25, 1776. 98, ch. 3, Isaac, b. June 29, 1779, d. 1782. 99, ch. 4, Daniel, b. Sept. 20, 1782. 100, ch. 5, Polly, b. Sept. 27, 1784. 101, ch. 0, Charles, b. Sept. 27, 1787, m. Sally Smith. 102, ch. 7, Theron, b. Sept. 24, 1794, m. Caroline Durant. 103, ch. 8, Mary, b. 1785, d. March 25, 186J. Hugh^, McMaster, Jun., b. Oct. 15, 1752, m. Sarah Smith, 1793, d. , they adopted two children of his wife's brother, Sally and Sena. 101, Charles*, s. of William^, m. Sally Smith; he b. Sept. 27, 1787, d. Nov. 15, 1833; she b. July 17, 1793. 104, ch. 1, b. May 2, 1812, 105, ch. 2, b. Nov. 17, 1813. 106, ch. 3, Mary Ann, b. June 2, 1815, m. C. H. Herrick Oct. 12, 1836. 107, ch. 4, Margaret M., b. May 22, 1817, m. Rufus F. Fay Apr. 1, 1837. 108, ch. 5, Sarah S., b. Feb. 13, 1819, m. Rufus F. Fay Nov. 16, 1851. 109, ch. 6, Caroline F., b. Jan. 10, 1821, d. Jan. 13, 1856. 110, ch. 7, Charles, b. Apr. 14, 1823, d. Aug. 15, 1825. 111, ch. 8, Charles H., b. June 19, 1826, m. Mary Converse; 2d m. Mary Fuller. 102, Theron*, s. of William^, m. Caroline Durant Nov. 1, 1829. 112, ch. 1, Harriett K., b. March 6, 1831, m. Frank D. Beach Jan. 25, 1860. 113, ch. 2, William C, b. Sept. 20, 1832, m. Marcia Wellington June 25, 1868. 114, ch. 3, James T., b. Jan. 1, 1835, m. Eugene Cady June 15, 1864. 115, ch. 4, Mary A., b. Aug. 18, 1836, d. July 28, 1838. 116, ch. 5, Mary Ann, b. Dec. 12, 1841, m. A. N. Gage Dec. 3, 1867. 117, ch. 6, Caroline L., b. Sept. 9, 1846, d. May 25, 1858. MAXWELL. — M'MITCHEL. 515 THE MAXWELL FAMILY. Alexander and Phebe Maxwell came from Lyme, Ct., in 175-. After remaining in Palmer a generation or more settled in Monson. Ch. 1, Desire, b. Sept. 14, 1760. Ch. 2, John, b. Aug. 25, 1762. Ch. 3, James, b. Sept. 2, 1764. Ch. 4, Elisabeth, b. June 8, 1766. Ch. 5, Mary, b. Aug. 9, 1768. Ch. 6, Levi, b. Sept. 20, 1770. Ch. 7, Phebe, b. , m. Dr. Nathan Cumings Oct. 16, 1795. THE McMITCHEL FAMILY. William McMitchel m. Margaret, a dan. of Eobert Smith, in Ireland. They came to this district with the family in 1718. The names of their children were: 1, Joseph; 2, William, Jun.; 3, Eobert; 4, Margaret; 5, Patrick. William, Jun., d. Dec. 14, 1759. Margaret m. Thomas McClanathan, Jun., in 1756. Joseph m. Thankful ; he d. Dec. 7, 1759; had one child. 7, ch., John, b. Aug. 9, 1758. 4, Eobert-, s. of Williami, b. Apr. 22, 1745, m. Sarah Cummings Apr. 25, 1772. 8, ch. 1, Benjamin, b. May 8, 1773, m. Frances Brown. 9, ch. 2, Asahel, b. May 6, 1775, d. Aug. 20, 1784. 10, ch. 3, Joseph, b. June 7, 1778. 11, ch. 4, Matilda, b. Oct. 13, 1779, m. Mr. Rice. 12, ch. 5, Sarah, b. May 26, 1781. 13, ch. 6, Robert, b. Feb. 14, 1783, m. Mrs. Rice. 14, ch. 7, Amos, b. July 12, 1785. 15, ch. 8, Pagy, b. March 20, 1789, m. Bbenezar Harvey. 16, ch. 9, Asahel-, b. Feb. 14, 1790. 8, Benjamiv?, s. of Robert^, m. Frances Brov?n. 17, ch. 1. Warner B., m. Phebe A. Priest. 18, ch. 2, Samuel B., m. Betsey Rice. 19, ch. 3, Elvira, m. Israel S. Carrol. 20, ch. 4, Thankful, m. William Hatton. 21, ch. 5, Mahaley, m. Frank Adams. 22, ch. 6, Delana B., m. Mr. Merrit. 23, ch. 7, Lysander, m. Betsey Strickland. 23, Lysander^, s. of Benjamin^, m. Betsey Strickland March 16, 1835; she d. Jan. 7, 1886. 24, ch. 1, Emory C, b. March 25, 1836, m. Lizzie Pierce, d. Aug. 28, 1873. 25, ch. 2, Emilyett, b. Jan. 10, 1842, d. May 30, 1858. 26, ch. 3, Ellen M., b. May 3, 1844, m. J. M. Cowan May 30, 1867. 26, ch. 4, Emeline L., b. Feb. 22, 1846, m. George Griffin Sept. 1867, d. March 28, 1877. 28, ch. 5, Edwin T., b. Oct. 7, 1848, d. Feb. 26, 1866. 29, ch. 6, Etherline E., b. Oct. 7, 1850, d. Aug. 11, 1864. 516 GENEALOGIES AND RECORDS. THE Mcdowell family. William, b. July 15, 1755, m. Hannah Shaw; she b. Jan,. 1, 1763. Ch. 1, Eunice, b. June 8, 1782, d. Aug. 3, 1872. Ch. 2, Hannah, b. July 11, 1783, d. Feb. 6, 1785. Ch. 3, William, Jun., b. Aug. 26, 1785, d. July 5, 1788. Ch. 4, Alexander, b. Apr. 11, 1788. Ch. 5, Hannah, 2d, b. Jan. 14, 1790. Ch. G, William, 2d, b. Dec. 24, 1791. Ch. 7, Katie, b. Oct. 29, 1793, d. Jan. 24, 1794. Ch. 8, Harper, b. May 4, 1795, d. July 6, 1795. Ch. 9, Ziua, b. Feb. 25, 1797. Ch. 10, Ira, b. Apr. 9, 1800, Ch. 11, Sally, b. May 20, 1802. Ch. 12, William Hasper, b. July 16, 1805. THE MERRIT FAMILY. fVilliam Merrit m. Ruth Needham Oct. 1, 1789. Ch. 1, Isaac, b. May 27, 1790. Ch. 2, Patty, b. Dec. 25, 1791. Ch. 3, Fila, b. Apr. 22, 1793. Ch, 4, Billy, b. Apr. 6, 1795. Ch. 5, Polly, b. March 25, 1797. Ch. 6, Erwin, b. Feb. 20, 1799. Ch. 7, Elum, b. Feb. 23, 1801. William, Jun., m. Abigail Brown, 1821. THE MANN FAMILY. William Mann and Lydia. Ch. 1, Joseph, b. Sept. 4, 1753, Ch. 2, Hugh, b. Nov. 8, 1755, Ch, 3, Lydia, b. Apr. i:^, 1767. Ch. 4, David, b. June 22, 1770. David-, 8. of William^, m. Phebe . 5, ch. 1, Betsy, b. Feb. 7, 1795, d. Oct. 4, 1800. 6, ch. 2, Lydia, b. Feb. 28, 1796. 7, ch. 3, Sally, b. Feb, 9, 179S, d, Sept. 24, 1800. 8, ch. 4, Chester, b. Aug. 19, 1800. THE MASON FAMILY. Capt. Ebenezar^ Mason of Watertown, Mass., was b. March 12, 1732, d. March 25, 1798. Ch. 1, William; 2, Elliott; 3, Joseph; 4, Samuel. William, s. of Capt. Ebenezar, was b. Nov. 3, 1762, m. Nancy White of Spen- cer, 1789, and settled in Palmer, 1790, on a lot of 20 acres now owned by Hawley Keith. He carried on the tannery and currying business till 1820, then sold out to his son William and bought a farm of Capt. Fisher, north of Dea. Benjamin Converse, now owned by Mr. Estin. William, Jun., carried on the business at the old location till 1840, MUNQER. 517 and in 1853 moved to Illinois. He died at Amboy, 1874, aged 82 years. 2, William", s. of Capt. Ebenezari, m. Nancy White, 1TS9; he b. Nov. 30, 1762, d. 1843; she b. May 25, 1769, d. 1820. 3, ch. 1, William, Jun., b. Nov. 15, 1791, m. Elisabeth C. Whitman, 1821. 4, ch. 2, Thomas W., b. Apr. 25, 1793, d. , 1823. 5, ch. 3, Nancy, b. March 5, 1795, m. Jesse Smith Oct. 2, 1816. 6, ch. 4, Ebenezar, b. Jan. 1, 1797, m. Electa P. Kobinson June 11, 1827, d. 1838. 7, ch. 5, Amos L., b. Nov. 1, 1798, m. Lydia Whitman Nov. 9, 1837. 8, ch. 6, Susannah, b. Aug. 6, 1800, d. , 1818. 9, ch. 7, Elisabeth, b. June 18, 1802, d. , 1812. 10, ch. 8, Dwight, b. Sept. 10, 1804, d. , 1820. 11, ch. 9, a son, b. Nov. 8, 1806, d. . 12, ch. 10, Charles, b. Aug. 6, 180$, m. Charlotte Shaw Jan. 27, 1836. 13, ch. 11, Joseph, b. Aug. 28, 1810, d , 1837; 2d m. Polly Baldwin Converse; she b. 1782, d. 1872. 14, ch. 12, Isaac, b. Sept. 26, 1821, d. , 1823. 3, William^ Mason, Jun., b. Nov. 15, 1791, d. , 1874, m. Elisabeth Whit- man Aug. 3, 1821. 15, ch. 1, WilUam D. b. July 25, 1823, m. Silence Walker Jan. 13, 1852; she d. , 1879; 2d m. Sarah E. Mason, 1880. 16, ch. 2, Julia A., b. Oct. 17, 1825, m. C. D. Sears, 1852. 17, ch. 3, Maria E., b. Jan. 31, 1827, m. Eev. M. K. Cross, d. , 1855. 18, ch. 4, Mary E., b. July 5, 1830, m. H. F. Wing, d. 1856. 19, ch. 5, Addie F., b. May 26, 1842, m. C. H. Ives, 1863. 6, Ebenezer^, s. of William'-, m. Electa P. Kobinson June 11, 1827; he d. Dec. 11, 1838; she d. Oct. 9, 1875. 20, ch. 1, Ceha, b. Aug. 11, 1831, d. Jan. 17, 1843. 21, ch. 2, Emily, b. May 18, 1831, d. Oct. 4, 1849. 22, ch. 3, Sewell, b. May 12, 1834, d. March 7, 1837. 23, ch. 4, William, b. Jan. .30, 1837. 7, Amos i.3, s. of William-^, m. Lydia Whitman Nov. 9, 1837, b. Nov. 1, 1798; she b. June 28, 1809; he d. Jan. 8, 1864; she d. Oct. 5, 1882. 24, ch. 1, Joseph W., b. Dec. 6, 1838. 25, ch. 2, Abby T., b. Apr. 5, 1840, m. Charles H. Hunting June 26, 1860. 26, ch. 3, Albert W., b. Oct. 31, 1842, m. Kate Wilson Apr. 20, 1875. 27, ch. 4, Nancy W., b. Sept. 24, 1844. 28, ch. 5, Adaline E., b. June 12, 1847, m. Ambrose L. Hunting. 29, ch. 6, Mary M., b. Feb. 1, 1850. 12, Charles^, s. of William^, b. Aug. 6, 1808, d. Nov. 23, 1846, m. Charlotte Shaw Jan. 27, 1836. 30, ch. 1, Lucy E., b. May 24, 1837, m. Watson D. Wilcox Oct. 23, 1867. 31, ch. 2, Sarah E., b. Dec. 19, 1839, m. William D. Mason Apr. 13, 1880. 32, ch. 3, Charlotte E., b. March 2, 1844, d. May 7, 1848. THE FAMILY OF MUNGER. Cyrus and Prudence Hunger were residents of Wales. Chil- dren, Dexter, William, Lorinda and Whitman. 518 GENEALOGIES AXD RECOEDS. Whitman m. Esther Moulton of Brimfield. He d. with his son in Palmer. Ch. 1, Milton, b. in 1825, m. Eveline M. Squares, d. 1874 in Chicago. Ch. 2, Harrison W., b. Jan. 24, 1827, m. Lucy Hancock April, 1862. Ch. 3, Roxy A., b. in 1829, m. Harrison Rogers. Ch. 4, Laura, b. in 1831, m. Henry "Woods of Wales and removed to Cali- fornia. Ch. 5, Riley D., b. in 1833, unm. Ch. C, Nelson, b. in 1835, m. Shaw, dau. of Martin Shaw of Palmer and went West. Ch. 7, Lorinda S., b. in 1837, m. John Babcock of Iowa. Harrison'^ W., s. of Whitman-, m. Lucy A. Hancock. Ch. 1, Fred O., b. March 1, 1862, m. Beatrice McGrail. Milton Munger came to Palmer about 1840 a clerk for Frank Merrick and principal in trade with E. G. Murdock for several years. Harrison W. has carried on the tailoring business since he learned the trade to the present time. THE MURDOCK FAMILY. 1, Robert Murdock was b. in 1665. He m. Hannah Stedman of Eoxbury Apr. 28, 1693. They removed to Newton in 1703 and had four sons, 1, Robert, Jun.; 2, John; 3, Samuel; 4, Benjamin. His wife Hannah d. in 1727; he d. April, 1754. The eldest son, Robert, Jun. 2, wash, in Eoxbury in February, 1694. He was a lieutenant and lived in Newton, where, Nov. 5, 1719, he m. Abi- gail, dau. of Samuel Hyde. He was selectmen nine years and representative to the General Court two years. He d. in 1762. 6, ch. 1, Joshua^'; 2, Hannah^; 3, SamueF; 4, EHsabeths. Jolin-, s. of Roberts b. in Roxbury March 25, 1796. Lived in Newton, where he m. Sarah . He d. in 1779. They had twelve children. 1, John», b. Dec. 24, 1727; 2, Hannah^; 3, Alice'; 4, Ephraim^; 5, Amos^; 6, EUshaS; 7, Aaron^; 8, Ephraira'', 2d; 9, James; 10, Robert^; 11, Sarah^; 12, Hannah^. 4, Samuel-, the third s. of Robert^, was b. March 24, 1698. With but little doubt he was one of the early settlers of Deer- field. He located in 1762 in the northwest division (now Shel- burn) on the north side of Deerfield river. At the time there were only fourteen families residing in the place. But after the Indian depredations ceased families from other towns came and made permanent settlements, so that in 1780 the records give one hundred and twenty families, and Samuel Murdock still residing in the same place. Benjamin-, the fourth s. of Robert^, b. May, 1700, m. in Newton Mary Hyde in 1725. They (21) had five children, 1, John'^; 2, Benjamin^; 3, Han- nah*^; 4, Mary'^; 5, Abigail. MUKDOCK. 519 The branch of the Murclock family that our townsman^ Capt. A. E. Murdock, belonged was John^. He m. Bethiah Fuller of Newton in 1750. They removed to Uxbridge, where he d. July 2, 1806. Bethiah d. March 3, 1804. Their eight children were b. in that town. Ch. 1, Samuel^ b. March 7, 1752; 2, John^ b. 1753, d. 1799, unm; 3, Elisha*; 4, Benjamin'*, b. 1757, d. in Townsend, Vt.; 5, Caleb*, b. in 1759, d. 1810 in Whitingham, Vt. ; 6 Jesse, b. 1762; 7, Mary*, b. 1764; 8, Anne*, b. 1767. Samuel^, s. of Jobn^, m. Zippora Bacon about 1772. They had two children, 1, Fuller^, b. Aug. 5, 1774, d. in Uxbridge in 1776; 2, Hezekiah^, b. June 30, 1776, and settled in Whitingham, Vt. Stephen'', his fourth child, is now living in Charlestown. Zippora d. about 1783. Samuel*, 2d, m. Mary Tiffany. 36, ch. 3, Willard^, b. . He served in the war of 1812, and d. in Canada. .37, ch. 4, Dr. George Leonard. Served in the war of 1812, and afterwards was one of the early settlers of Cincinnati, Ohio. 38, ch. 5, Anna, m. Thomas Inman. 39, ch. 6, Betsey, unm. 40, ch. 7, Abrahams R., b. Nov. 9, 1793. 41, ch. 8, Mary Tiffany, b. May 7, 1795, m. Darius Horr of Pawtucket, R. I. 42, ch. 9. SamueP, b. 1797, settled in Ware. Samuel* d. about 1798; his wife m. Mr. Thayer. Abraham R.^ , when about 6 years of age, went to live during his minority with Mr. Merryfield of Sturbridge. The children were young and, being widely separated, the dates of birtlis, mar- riages and deaths are not all found registered. Cajit. Ahraham. B.^ Murdoch, s. of Samuel^, John^, Benja- min^, Robert!, m. Lois Snow of Belchertown. They soon lo- cated in Palmer, and was interested in town aifairs and politics of the nation and devoted to the democratic j)arty. He was elected to the office of assessor for several years with but little opposition. His son Elijah G. joined the republican party when it was organ- ized, served as one of the selectmen several years and was a mem- ber of the General Court in 1855. Charles H. and Frank M. responded to their country's call for men to serve in the war of rebellion. Frank M. enlisted in Co. A, Twenty-fourth Regiment, was mustered into service Oct. 6, 1861 and served three years. Charles H., Corporal, enlisted in the Twenty-first Regiment, Co. B., Aug. 5, 1861. Disabled by a wound he was discharged June 26, 1863. As soon as able he re-enlisted in the Fifty-seventh Regiment, Co. E, Jan. 25, 1864, and served during the war. He was in several engagements with the Confederates and was wounded by a ball, which he must carry through life. 530 GENEALOGIES A^TD RECORDS. The memory of their sacrifice for their friends and the cause of the nation, with those of their comrades, will be rehearsed in commemoration by future generations while a large proportion of the people then living will be forgotten. 40, Abraham B.^, m. Lois Snow Xov. 9, 1814; he b. Nov. 9, 1793; she b. Jan. 2, 1796; he d. Nov. 18, 1877; she d. Aug. 8, 1870. 41, ch. 1, Lucy, b. Feb. 26, 1816, m. Nathan Knowlton June 8, 1840. 42, ch. 2 f . Elijah G., b. March 29, 1819, m. Nancy A. Pond. 43, ch. 3, 1 ' EHsha L., b. March 29, 1819, d. Dec. 13, 1819. 44, ch. 4, Abraham R., Jun., b. Feb. 3, 1822, m. Nancy Brown Aug. 14, 1843. 45, ch. 5, Emelius B., b. July 5, 1825, m. Phebe P. Chapman. 46, ch. 6, William M., b. Dec. 21, 1828, d. Dec. 8, 1829. 47, ch. 7, Mary Ann, b. Oct. 19, 1830, m. Charles H. Smith, d. Sept. 30, 1860. 48, ch. 8, Charles H., b. Apr. 21, 1833, m. Mary S. Stebbins. 49, ch. 9, Frank M., b. June 12, 1834, m. Emma L. Breard. 42, Elijah G.^, s. of Capt. Abraham^, m. Nancy A. Pond Apr. 27, 1843. 50, ch. 1, infant s., b. , d. Aug. 2, 1845. 51, ch. 2, Frances A., b. March 4, 1847, m. Ethelbert W. Andrews Dec. 22,. 1870. Their ch., "William E., Beatrice R. and Marian N. 52, ch. 3, George A., b. Jan. 19, 1851, m. Ora C. Dutton. 53, ch. 4, WilUam P., b. July 28, 1855, d. Sept. 10, 1858. 54, ch. 5, Rertha J., b. Dec. 15, 1859, m. George B. Rich Oct. 20, 1880. 52, George AJ, s. of Elijah G.*', m. Ora Dutton. 55, ch. 1, Maude J., b. May 2, 1874. 56, ch. 2, Eva, b. Oct. 25, 1876, d. March 9, 1877. 57, ch. 3, Victor D., Jan. 29, 1878. 58, ch. 4, Ada, b. July 14, 1880. 59, ch. 5, Blanche N., b. May 8, 1883. 60, ch. 0, Florence, b. June, 1887. 44, Abraham R/', Jun., m. Nancy Brown Aug. 14, 1843. 61, ch. 1, Mary L., b. Aug. 20, 1852, d. Feb. 21, 1876. 62, ch. 2, Martha J., b. Dec. 25, 1857, m. George Clough Nov. 22, 1882. 45, Emelius B.*^, s. of Capt. Abraham R.^, m. Phebe C. Chapman May 28, 1847; she d. Nov. 27, 1883. 63, ch. 1, Cora Calista, b. Feb. 23, 1853. 64, ch. 2, Clara Maria, b. Jan. 27, 1855, m. Philip Potter Sept. 17, 1873. 65, ch. 3, Herman Everett, b. Sept. 2, 1865. 48, Charles H/', s. of Capt. Abraham^, m. Mary Stebbins May 8, 1855. 66, ch. 1, Catie L., b. June 19, 1856, m. Charles T. Beardsly Oct. 18, 1852. 67, ch. 2, Lewis F., b. Jan. 25, 1858. 68, ch. 3, Ida E., b. Apr. 20, 1860, m. Arthur T. Lane June 1, 1883, d. May 13, 1886. 69, ch. 4, Anna K., b. June 2, 1866. 70, ch. 5, Carrie E., b. Jan. 5, 1873, d. July 17, 1877. THE McELWANE FAMILY. James and his two sons, James and Timothy, came from Ireland previous to 1727. James, Sen., bought a lot of the Gent. Claimers, M'ELWANE. 521 lying at the junction of Ware and Swift river, and sold it to Green & AValker, merchants of Boston. He died 1730-1. His wife gave deed to her right of dower, 1733, to the same parties. His deed is dated New Marlborough, her quit claim was dated at New Marl- borough or Kingsfield. Their two sons, James settled on a lot joining on the east and the south side of Ware river ; and Timothy on the west side of Swift river. The two sous had their lots con- firmed to them by the General Court. James, the elder brother never married, he disposed of his land (his lot in the north division) to a merchant in Boston, and the lot near the four corners to the family of his brother Timothy, and then returned to his native country. The family tradition says that he was desirous of taking home John Allen, the son of his brother for heirship. This lot of his afterwards became the homestead of this son. Timothy was but eighteen years of age when he purchased his lot, and twenty-two when it was con- firmed to him by the General Court. He married at the age of twenty-eight. 3, Timothy'', s. of James^, Sen., b. 1709, m. Anna Spear Aug. 24, 1T3S; d.Sept.. 7, 1790; she d. Apr. 28, 1746. 4, ch. 1, Sarah, b. Aug. 24, 1739, m. Timothy Ferrell Dec. 1, 1761. 5, ch. 2, Betty, b. March 24, 1741, m. John King May 19, 1764. 6, ch. 3, John Allen, b. March 12, 1743, m. Miriam Spear Aug., 1779; 2d m. Hannah Melvin. 7, ch. 4, Timothy, Jr., Apr. 17, 1746, m. Jane Brown. Anna, wife of Timothy, d. Apr. 28, 1746; 2d m. Susannah Thomson Aug.. 10, 1750. 8, ch. 5, Samuel, b. June IS, 1751, m. Sarah Ferrell June 2, 1776. 9, ch. 6, Anna, b. Feb. 27, 1753, m. Adonijah Jones July 9, 1778. 10, ch. 7, EHsabeth, b. Jan. 31, 1755, m. Israel Jones. 11, ch. 8, Elenor, b. June 29, 1757, d. . 12, ch. 9, Roger, b. Aug. 23, 1759, m. Delina Hill Nov. 29, 1790. Johrfi Allen, s. of Timothy^, b. March 12, 1743, m. Miriam Spear Aug. 1779, d. Feb. 28, 1814; she b. 1733; d. May 27, 1790; 2d m. Hannah Melvin Oct. 1793. 13, ch. 1, Anna, b. May 31, 1780, m. William Olds. 14, ch. 2, Timothy, b. May 14, 1782. 15, ch. 3, Esther, b. March 27, 1784, m. Elijah Montigue. 16, ch. 4, Betsey, b. March 25, 1786, m. Silas Cook. 17, ch. 5, Jonathan M., b. July 11, 1796, m. Mary Dodge. IS, ch. 0, James, b. June 23, 1798, m. Sophia Patrick; 2d m. Susan Durfy. 19, ch. 7, William, b. July 11, 1800, m. Lucy Fuller; 2d m. Mary Wilder. 17, Jonothcm* M., s. of John^ Allen, m. Mary Dodge Nov. 8, 1836; he b. July 11, 1796, d. Sept. 16, 1879. 20, ch. 1, Marion E., b. Oct. 1, 1837, m. George S. Basset Jan. 3, 1859, d. July 7, 1801. 21, ch. 2, Frances M., b. Oct. 29, 1839, m. George W. Keith July 11, 1872. 522 GENEALOGIES AND RECORDS. 22, ch. 3, Martha E., b. Dec. 17, 1844, m. George A. Fales Dec. 27, 1868, d. Jan. 13, 1871. 23, cb. 4, Wilbur J., b. May 16, 1851. 19, Willlam\ s. of Jobn^ Allen, b. July 11, 1800, d. Jan. 20, 1873; m. Lucy Fuller May 5, 1825; she b. Sept. 17, 1797, d. Apr. 25, 1830; 2d m. Mary W. Wilder Nov. 25, 1832; she b. May 13, 1803, d. Oct. 2, 1886. 24, ch. 1, John A., b. Apr. 25, 1826, d. July 14, 1883. 25, ch. 2, William, b. July 21, 1834, m. Julia A.Patterson; she d. Aug., 1874; 2d m. Fannie Boothby. 26, ch. 3, George W., b. Apr. 25, 1836, m. Fannie Bosworth Apr. 1860; she d. Jan. 1, 1886. 27, ch. 4, John A., b. July 7, 1838, m. Susan Gilbert June 4, 1863. 28, ch. 5, Henry, b. Jan. 1, 1841, m. Nellie Bickford Jan., 1867; she d. June, 1884. 29, ch. 6, Lucy E., b. Oct. 13, 1843, m. Alonzo Bardwell Dec. 28, 1865. 30, ch. 7, James F., b. Sept. 27, 1848, m. Mary O. Dickson June, 1869; he d. Feb. 25, 1873. 12, Boger^, s. of Timothy^ m. Delina Hill Nov. 25, 1790. 31, ch. 1, Miriam Spear, b. July 20, 1791. 32, ch. 2, Ralph, b. Jan. 10, 1793. 33, ch. 3, Timothy, b. March 4, 1795. 34, ch. 4, Sally, b. May 1, 1797. 35, ch. 5, Arrela, b. July 30, 1799. 36, ch. 6, Lorenzo, b. Nov. 30, 1801. THE MORGAN FAMILY. Gideon and Lucy Morgan. Ch. 1, James Wood, b. Feb. 9, 1780. Ch. 2, Jonothau, b. Apr. 16, 1785. THE MULVIHILL FAMILY. Daniel, s. of John and Honora O'Rourk Mulvihill, was b. in Ballymore, Gal- way County, Ireland, in 1832. He landed in Boston July 21, 1848, and came to Palmer August 1 and went to work for Levi A. Baily August 21. After four years' labor in the tailoring business with Mr. Baily he went to Northampton and was in the employ of Daniel Kingsley, and during the time was married to Ellen Finerty of Chicopee July, 1853, by W. A. Blenkinsop, now of Boston. Ch. 1, Lizzie J., b. July 10, 1854, d. Apr. 4, 1864. Ch. 2, Mary E., b. Nov. 1, 1855. Ch. 3, Thomas H., b. March 5, 1858, d. Apr. 7, 1881. Ch. 4, Annie, b. Dec. 3, 1860, d. Apr. 14, 1864. Ch. 5, Margaret E., b. Jan. 23, 1862. Ch. 6, Emma C, b. May 12, 1864. Ch. 7. John F., b. March 9, 1868, d. March 1, 1878. THE MOODY FAMILY. Their native place was South Hadley. Dr. Anson settled in Palmer; his place of residence was where the late Dr. King was in NEWELL. 523 practice, and now occupied by his son George. Dr. Anson was pub. to Clarissa Collins of South Hadley Oct. 10, 1817. Joseph Moody came about 1812 or '15 and located on a lot north of his brother. He was a saddler by trade, and furnished saddles and harnesses to the inhabitants, with no one to compete with him in his industry, for 20 years or more. Joseph Moody, b. 1795, d. March 12, 1875; Rhoda, his wife, b. 1792, d. Oct. 26, 1872. Ch. 1, Roxauia, b. 1816, d. Oct. 18, 1825. Ch. 2, Maria, b. 1818, m. Alonzo F. Peebles May 2, 1837, d. Apr. 27, 1853. Ch. 3, James, b. 1820, m. an English lady in Australia; he came home and d. March 18, 1867. Ch. 4, Electa L., b. 1823, d. Dec. 27, 1879, unm. Ch. 5, Amanda, m. and settled in California, d. Ch. 6, Roxania, b. May 23, 1827, m. Oren B. Smith, d. Oct. 15, 1857. Ch. 7, Emily, b. 1830, d. Nov. 12, 1855, unm. Ch. 8, Hayden, m. and settled in Rhode Island, d . THE NEWELL FAMILY. Asa Xewell and his wife Mary were born in Ellington, Ct. They removed from Granby and settled in Palmer, 1806, on the farm first owned by Patrick Smith, situated around the Potto- quatuck ponds. The names of their children were Mary, Maria, Lois, Otis and Jacob. Otis died in Springfield, Jacob remained on the homestead till 1848 and then removed with his family to Lud- low, where some of the family now remain, while others have pro- cared homes in the Western States. Jacob-, s. of Asai, b. July 4, 1796, m. Thankful Fuller Jan. 8, 1823; she was b. Apr. 11, 1798; he d. Dec. 2, 1869; she d. Apr. 11, 1888. Ch. 1, John W., b. June 24, 1824, m. Eliza Aug. 11, 1858, d. March 8, 1887. Ch, 2, Eliza, b. July 19, 1826, d. Sept. 20, 1832. Ch. 3, Austin F., b. Feb. 8, 1828, m. M. C. Buel. Ch. 4, Augeline, b. Apr. 2, 1830, m. Benjamin Bagg Apr. 8, 1858; their chil- dren : 1, Benjamin N., b. Oct. 24, 1860. 2, Amasa M., b. July 30, 1863. Benjamin d. Apr. 6, 1871; his wife d. Aug. 31, 1863. Ch. 5, Jacob M., b. Jan. 29, 1832. Ch. 6, Francis, b. Dec. 17, 1835. Austin F.3, s. of Jacob^, m. M. C. Buel Apr. 8, 1852. Ch. 1, Celia A., b. March 19, 1853, m. H. S. Raney March 3, 1875. Ch. 2, Leslie A., b. Nov. 29, 1854. Ch. 3, Estella M., b. Dec. 21, 1857, m. A. S. Barlow Oct. 19, 1836. Ch. 4, Thankful, b. Nov. 1, 1863. Ch. 5, Winfred E., b. July 27, 1871. Francis^, s. of Jacob'^, m. Catharine of Iowa. Ch. 1, Milton F., b. July 28, 1872, d. Dec. 3, 1879. 524 GENEALOGIES AND EECORDS. Ch. 2, Irad J., b, Feb. 5, 1874. Ch. 3, John W., b. May 11, 1875. Ch. 4, Austin F., b. Aug. 10, 1877. Ch. 5, George S., b. Sept. 30, 1878. Ch. 6, Willie T., b. Nov. 8, 1880, d. Sept. 29, 1882. Ch. 7, Asa L., b. Sept. 25, 1882. Ch. 8, Estella M., b. June 17, 1886. THE NUTTING FAMILY. Jonathan Nutting, Jun., was born in Brimfield and married Anna Spear of Palmer and located on the Dea. David Si)ear farm, that had been owned by the family the two previous generations. His father was born Aug. 10, 1735, and married Abigail Banister June 27, 1771, died March 6, 1811; she died Feb. 23, 1835. Ch. 1, Abigail, b. May 30, 1772, m. Daniel Wallace Feb. 22, 1794. Ch. 2, Susanna, b. Feb. 19, 1774, m. Joseph Chadwick March 23, 1817. Ch. 3, Jonathan, Jun., b. Oct. 3, 1775. Ch, 4, Ebenezer, b. June 17, 1777, m. Polly Merrick, 1801. Ch. 5, Lucy, b. May 13, 1781, m. Jesse Hamilton Apr. 2, 1816. Ch. 6, Abner, b. May 9, 1783, m. Matilda Bishop Aug. 6, 1807. Ch. 7, Asa, b. Sept. 16, 1785, m. Olive Wood Apr. 25, 1811. Jonathan-, Jun., m. Anna Spear June 23, 1805; he d. Dec. 2, 1831. Ch. 1, William S., b. Apr. 7, 1806, m. Harriett Stark, Vermont, June 30, 1842; shed. May—, 1883. Ch. 2, Thomas Banister, b. Jan., 1808. Ch. 3, Thomas Banister, 2d., b. July 25, 1813, m. Marsha A. White Oct. 18, 1838. Ch. 4, Sarah Ann, b. May 16, 1816, d. Feb. — , 1836. Ch. 5, Abner, b. Jan. 9, 1820, 2d m. Eunice Gilbert, d. 1862. Ch. 6, Jonathan^, b. Dec. 2, 1823, m. Caroline Joslyn; 2d m. Jane Gilbert. Ch. 7, Isaac F., b. Sept. 23, 1825, m. Julia Fuller; 2d m. Mrs. Barker THE OLD FAMILY. Enoch and Eunice Old. Ch. 1, David, b. Apr. 8, 1791. Ch. 2, Aaron, b. Nov. 14, 1792, Ch. 3, Zubah, b. Dec. 20, 1794, Ch. 4, Amos, b. June 16, 1800. Ch. 5, Cyrus, b. May 16, 1803. THE PIBBLES FAMILY. The entry of Mr. John Pibbles's marriage and births says: " Mr. John Pibbles and Doritha Harvey was married Nov. 7, 1740. Their first son that lived was born Nov. the ninth day 1745 and was baptized the .5th of December following, on a Thanksgiving day. Called John Harvey Pibbles for his mothers father, John Harvey, Jun. I say baptized by his Grandfather, the Rev. John Harvey, in a place called Kingstown, then alias Elbows, since corporated by the name of Palmer, where he was minister in the county of Hampshire and Massachusetts Bay in New England. " Jean Pibbles, daughter to John Pibbles, was born Sept. 15 Day 1748. " Recorded, pr. Barnard McNitt, District Clerk." PARKS. 525 THE PARKS FAMILY Were early settlers of Berkshire County. Reuben m. Betsey , settled in Eussell, where he died in 1803. They had nine children. Ch. 1, Rviben, m. and settled in Black River country, New York; 2, Robert, sailed for the East Indies and was never heard from; 3, Roland, b. 1790, m., had one child, Betsey; 4, Sylvester, b. Apr. 8, 1792, m. ; 5, Sally, m. Mr. White, had two children, Roland P. and Harriett J., 2d m. Charles Tinker; 6, Betsey, m. Edmund Kelso, had two children, Elizabeth and Mary; 7, Lucinda, m. Israel Cannon, had seven children, Franklin, Hor- ace, Ruben, Lewis, Polly, Betsey and Malissa; 8, Isabel, m. Allen Dewey, had five children, Henry, Alonzo, Eliza, Charlotte, Isabel; 9, Mary, m. Alonzo N. Dewey, had 10 children. Gajyt. Sylvester, s. of Ruben, b. Apr. 8, 1792, m. Laura Andrus of Russell 1813; she was b. June 8, 1793; he d. Aug. 29, 18GS; Laura d. May 25, 1879. Ch. 1, Mary Ann, b. May 21, 1815, ra. John W. Smith, d. Jau. 5, 1887. Ch. 2, Eunice, b. May 20, 1817, m. Rev. J. R. Bigelow. Ch. 3, Ruben S., b. Sept. 29, 1821, m. Emeline Scott, New York, Nov. 23, 1847; 2d m. Ellen S. Parsons Nov. 8, 1870. Ch. 1, Mary; 2, Anna; 3, William S.; 4, George; 5, Frederick; 6, Alice. Ch. 4, Benjamin P., b. Nov. 12, 1826, m. Lydia F. Gilman, New Hampshire, 1858; 2d m. Laura S. Coman, New York. Ch. 1, Hattie G. ; 2, George; 3, Lydia G.; 4, Wilber C; 5, Clara G. Ch. 5, ( , . Alonzo H., b. Oct. 28, 1828. ' rwins Ch. 6, ( ' Angeline H., b. Oct. 28, 1828. Ch. 5, Alonzo H., m. Julia E. Sanbourn 1858. Ch. 1, Henry A.; 2, Frank S.; 3, Noah B. and Nora Isabella, (twins). Nora d. young. Ch. 6, Angeline, m. Francis P. Whittemore, Nashua, N. H. He published the Palmer Sentinal, one of the first papers of the town. Ch. 7, William Roland, b. March 9, 183G. William R., son of Capt. Sylvester, married Dora E. Shaw May 6, 1859, She was the daughter of Dr. Samuel Shaw of Palmer, a native of Carver, and a descendant of John Shaw of the same place, the second precinct of Plymouth, whose settlement was pre- vious to 1627. Dr. Shaw married Deborah Ellis of C , dan. of Benjamin Ellis and Deborah Murdock, a dau. of Bartlett M., a grandson of John Murdock, a Scotchman, who settled in Plymouth and became a large real estate owner in that locality. John, Sen., was probably a brother of Robert, the progenitor of our townsmen of the Murdock family. John, s. of John, Sen., m. Ruth Pabodie. the descendant of Elder John Brewster and Richard Warren of the Mayflower. Ch. 1, Jesse E., b. May 30, 1861, m. John P. Wheeler, HarLford, Ct., Apr. 19, 1888. Ch. 2, Samuel S., b. May 6, 1863. Ch. 3, Willie, b. Aug. 10, 1866, d. young. 526 GENEALOGIES AND EECOKDS. THE PAGE FAMILY. Benjamin B., s. of Caleb Page of Ludlow, Vt., b. May 19, 1815, m. Philura A. Smith May 31, 1840. They settled in Palmer about 1844. Ch. 1, Mary J., b. April 18, 1841, m. Henry McMaster Nov. 23, 1859. Ch. 2, Susan M., b. Dec. 29, 1843. Ch. 3, Sarah H., b. Apr. 25, 1847. Ch. 4, Charles B., b. Aug. 1, 1851. m. Etta J. Green Nov. 1876. Ch. Lena M. and Leon P. THE PARSONS FAMILY. Joseph and Benjamin Parsons were early settlers in the New- England colony. They also belonged with the company of people that settled Springfield. *Joseph served on the first committee for the organization of Brimfield. Benjamin was employed to make a set of measures for Mr. Holyoke to measure his portion of the grain for grinding. The descendants of Benjamin settled the Connecticut valley south, and the time when the people began to select farms in this town Aaron and Benjamin, his descendants, petitioned for the or- ganization of the town. But before action was taken Aaron se- lected a home on lands set to Wilbraham. Benjamin settled east of the Old Center and his land was granted to him by the General Court. He buried most of his children when young. David and Israel were in the Indian war and died at Fort Edwards in 1755. Moses died on his return home from from the siege of Havana, Benjamin Parsons, Sen., b. 1681, d. Nov, 4, 17C2, m. Martha . Ch. 1, Benjamin, Jun., b. 1731, d. June 6, 1753. Ch. 2, David, b. 1727, d. Nov. 28, 1755. Ch. 3, Israel, b. 1736, d. Oct. 28, 1755. Ch. 4, Martha, b. 1737, d. March 30, 1737. Ch. 5, Moses, b. 1738, d, Nov. 4, 1762. Ch. 6, Joshua, b. Aug, 23, 1743, m. Elenor Allen. Ch. 7, Abigail, b. June 17, 1745. Ch. 8, Margaret, b. June 15, 1749. Ch. 9, Eli, b. , m. Pursey Graves June 15, 1777. Ch, 10, Ebenezar, b. , m. Jane McMaster 1779. Ch. 11, Tabitha, b. , m. Lieut. Ptobert McMaster March 7, 1766. 6, Joshua^, s. of Benjamin \ m. Elenor Allen in 1767. 12, ch, 1, Moses, b. Sept. 9, 1767. 13, ch. 2, Phylothera, b. Nov. 20, 1771. 14, ch. 3, Daniel, b. Jan. 5, 1774. 15, ch. 4, Benjamin, b. March 15, 1776. 16, ch. 5, Joshua, Jr., b. May 13, 1779. 17, ch. 6, Stephen, b. Aug. 5, 1781. Probably Joseph, Jun. PERKINS. — PARKHURST. — POOL. — QUINTON. — RANDALL. 527 THE PERKINS FAMILY. Samuel and Mary Perkins. Ch. 1, Samuel, Jun., b. July 27, 1772. Ch. 2, Glinds, b. Feb. 10, 1774. Ch. 3, Susannah, b. May 5, 1775. Ch. 4, Martha, b. May 1, 1777. Ch. 5, Sarah, b. May 8, 1789. Ch. 6, Olive, b. March 13, 1791. THE PAEKHURST FAMILY. William m. Lydia Pottle and resided in Wardsbury, Vt. , till they moved to Palmer, 1792. Ch. 1, Sally, b. May 3, 1788. Ch. 2, Almira, b. Apr. 3, 1790. Ch. 3, Hiram, b. Sept. 29, 1792. Ch. 4, Flavia, b. Jan. 28, 1795. d. March 24, 1802. Ch. 5, Lydia, b. Xov. 12, 1797. Ch. 6, Polly, b. Nov. 21, 1798. THE POOL FAMILY. Thomas and Judith Pool. Ch. 1, Nathan, b. Apr. 29, 1800. Ch. 2, Amanda, b. Feb. 1, 1S02. Ch. 3, Cyrus, b. March 7, 1804. Ch. 4, Orren, b. Oct. 12, 1807. Ch. 5, Thomas M., b. Nov. 7, 1813. Ch. 6, Alanson, b. Oct. 25, 1810. THE QUINTON FAMILY. Duncan^ Quinton, b. 1694, m. Eunice Little; he d. March 7, 1776. Ch. 1, Elisabeth, b. Jan. 6, 1735, m. William Longworth Apr. 2, 1770. Ch. 2, Ann, b. July 20, 1738, m. Isaac Merrit Sept. 26, 1776, Ch. 3, Dorcas, b. May 18, 1741, m. David Shaw. Ch. 4, John, b. Dec. 20, 1743, m. Margaret Shaw June 4, 1771. Ch. 5, Thomas, b. Feb. 17, 1745. Ch. 0, Jean, b. June 16, 1748, m. Arthur McNitt. Ch. 7, Mary, b. Apr. 10, 1751. Ch. 8, Unis, b. Nov. 12, 1753, d. March 12, 1760. Ch. 9, Sarah, b. July 23, 1758. Thomas^, s. of Duncan^, m. Sarah Wilson July 4, 1771. Ch. 1, Robert, b. Jan. 28, 1772. Ch. 2, Molly, b. Oct. 31, 1775. Ch. 3, Sally, b. May 10, 1778. Ch. 4, John, b. June 27, 1784. THE RANDALL FAMILY. The ancestor of our townsman George W. settled in Bridge- water and his son, Israel^, born in 1743, removed to Belchertown, where he died Feb. 9, 1825. Joseph ^ his son was born Oct. 20, 528 GENEALOGIES AND RECORDS. 1791, and married Sally Peso, both of B . He died June 18, 1838. Ch. 1, George* W., b. Sept. 17, 1819. Ch. 2, Hiram M., b. Dec. 23, 1820, m. Sarah E, Flagg, March 2, 1844, d. Jan. 27, 1889. Ch. 3, Emeline, b. Aug. 14, 1822, m. Samuel Ward of Belchertown. George^, son of Joseph^ settled in (Three Rivers) Palmer Sept. 11, 1839. As a mechanic he was employed in the different indus- tries of the village until of late he has located at Palmer. He married Julia E. Ball of Palmer, pub. Nov. 22, 1841; 2d marriage Mrs. Gemima M. Bryant Jan. 25, 1886. Ch. 1, Julia E., b. Nov. 21, 1842, m. John Sedgwick Dec. 24, 1868. Ch. 2, Ellen S., b. Nov. 2, 1846, m. George A. King Dec. 1, 1870. Ch. 3, George^ A., b. Sept. 1.5, 1847, m. Ceceilia V. Walker of Illinois Oct. 10, 1S71. Ch. 4, Ruble T., b. March 20, 1849, m. Kerbert Sanger of Framingham Aug. 1, 1877. THE ROBINSON FAMILY. George Robinson, Judge, son of Dr. Ebenezar, were descendants of George Robinson. The family tradition, with their records, says: Born in Wales in 1656 aud died in August, 1726. He came to New England and settled in Needham, where his son George was born. His son removed to a place afterwards incorporated as the town of Dudley, where he died April 13, 1752, and where he purchased in 1719 of Col. William Dudley of Roxbury 724 acres of land for £220. He had seven children. Ch. 1, Mary, m. Joseph Wakefield in 1729; Sarah m. John Thomson June 17, 1730; two of the sons d. young; fS, Paul; 6, Silas; 7, Samuel, ar- rived at manhood. And from those three branches are traced the Robinson famil\ as known. Paul^, s. of George'-^, b. in Needham July 2, 1717, m. Mary Jones of Hopkin- ton; she d. March 8, 1747; 2d m. Hannah Trumble in 1749; he d. about 1770. He purchased land of Col. Dudley. When he removed to Dud- ley his father made him heir to a large amount of real estate. Ch. 1, Elijah, b. June 19, 1738. Ch. 2, Eliakim, b. Aug. 31, 1740. Ch. 3, Mary, b. March 25, 1742. Ch. 4, Sarah, b. March 12, 1744. Ch. 5, EHjah-, b. March 29, 1746. Ch. 6, Hannah, b. March 6, 1747. Ch. 7, Elijah', b. July 25, 17-50. Ch. 8, Aaron, b. Jan. 27, 1753. Ch. 9, Mary-, b. Dec. 19, 1754. Ch. 10, tMoses, b. May 3, 1757. ROBINSON. 539 Ch. 11, John. b. May 15, 1759. Ch. 12, Mehitable, b. Sept. 25, 1761. Ch. 13, Phebe, b. June 6, 1764. 1;Moses\ s. of PauF, m. Hannah, dau. of Joseph Smith, 1782; he d. May 22, 1839; his wife d. in Greenwich Feb. 1843. Ch. 1, Hannah, b. Athens, Yt., Feb. 24, 1783, d. in Palmer Oct. 18, 1801. Ch. 2, Sarah, b. March 8, 1785, m. Lyman Chapin; ch. Smith, Lyman and Franklin. Ch. 3, Lyman, b. March 27, 1787, d. June 15, 1790. Ch. 4, Polly, b. Apr. 6, 1789, m. Charles Sears; she d. March, 1850; ch. Harriet and Charles. Ch. 5, Lyman"^, b. Apr. 21, 179-, m. Lydia Chamberlin of Petersham, had seven children. Ch. 6, Moses, b. March 6, 1793, d. mini.; a fur dealer; supposed to have been murdered. Ch. 7, Smith, b. March 31,1795, m. ximy Sears; he d. in Amherst; ch. Harriett, Mary and Amy. Ch. 8, Betsey, b. May 9, 1797, m. Mr. Roberts; ch. Russell, Horatio, Hol- land, Sarah and Mary. Ch. 9, Esther, b. in Putnam May 26, 1799, m. Rev. Amos Babcock, both d. in Mansfield, Ct.; ch. Edwin C, Lucius and Charles. Ch. 10, Ebenezar, b. Dec. 13, 1801, Palmer. Ch. 11, Hannah-, b. Feb. 3, 1806, m. Ellory Drink water of Hartford; they afterwards settled in Greenwich; ch. William, Jane, Deborah, Mary, Charlotte Y., who is Superintendent of the Young Women's Christian Association at Boston. 1, Dr. Ebenezar^, s. of Moses\ m. Eliza Wales of Brimfield May 26, 1825, d. at Warren March 10, 1861. Ch. 1, John Wales, b. May 1, 1826. Ch. 2, Charles b. Feb. 13, 1834, d. at Norfolk, Ya., Dec. 9. 1836. Ch. 3, Geor, s. Lieut. James^, m. Lucy Cooley June 14, 1801; he d. Sept. 9, 1861; She d. Feb. 12, 1869. 30, ch. 1, Marcus, b. Sept. 7, 1802, m. Susan Stillwell. 31, ch. 2, Eveline, b. May 30, 180.5, m. Dr. John Hastings Oct. 5, 1825. 32, ch. 3, Eliza, b. Feb. 25, 1810, m. Azel Breckenridge. 33, ch. 4, Linus, b. Feb. 2, 1807, d. young. 34, ch. 5, Eli, b. Jan. 22, 1813. 35, ch. 6, Alfred, b. May 31, 1816, m. Thankful McKinstry. 36, ch. 7, Emily, b. Dec. 4, 1818, m. Russel Gleason. 37, ch. 8, Julia, b. March 17, 1822, unm. 4, Bea. John^, s. of Dea. James-, Eld., m. Margaret McMarias Dec. 24, 1839; he b. Dec. 22, 1716, d. June 19, 1803; she b. County of Derby, Ireland, Aug. 24, 1717, d. March 10, 1790. 38, ch. 1, Jonothan, b. July 5, 1742, d. July 23, 1824. 39, ch. 2, James, b. May 13, 1744, d. Dec. 7, 1828. 40, ch. 3, William, b. June 2, 1746, m. Prudence Shaw, d. May 30, 1793. 41, ch. 4, John Allen, b. July 30, 1748, d. May 11, 1837. 42, ch. 5, Mary, b. June 13, 1750, d. Aug. 22, 183:i. 43, ch. 6, Margaret, b. Oct. 22, 1752. 44, ch. 7, Susannah, b. Dec. 15, 1754, d. Dec. 1. 1798. Jonothan and James settled in Belchertown. John Allen and Mary lived on the homestead with their brother William. John Allen was town clerk for 17 years. His familiar name was Uncle Ally. 40, William*, s. of Dea. John\ m. Prudence Shaw Nov. 10, 1774; he d. May 30, 1794; she d. Jan. 14, 1827. 45, ch. 1, Mary, b. Aug. 7, 1775, d. Dec. 4, 1786. 46, ch. 2, Peggy, b. Sept. 21, 1778, d. Apr. 7, 1796. 47, ch. 3, ( Susa, b. Sept. 11, 1880, m. Samuel McClanathan, Juu., May 31, Twins, ■] 1804. 48, ch. 4, ( Sally, b, Sept. 11, 1780, m. Joseph Lee, Apr. 29, 1827. 49, ch. 5, Elihue, b. Aug. 11, 1782, m. Hannah Watson May 12, 1808. 50, ch. 6, Phanna, b. June 28, 1784, m. Dea. Libeus Chapin, March, 1806. 51, ch. 7, Kata, b. March 1, 1787, m, Moses Learnard. 52, ch. 8, Pruda, b. Apr. 2, 1789. 53, ch. 9, Billa, b. June 6, 1791, m. Betsey Smith Jan. 27, 1813. 54, ch. 10, Sena, b. Aug. 16, 1794, m. Clark McMaster. 55, ch. 11. Twin daughters b. July 10, 1793. 53, Billa^, s. of WilliamS m. Betsey Smith Jan. 27, 1813. 56, ch. 1, Dolly W., b. Nov. 28, 1813. 57, ch. 2, John A., b. Feb. 11, 1816. 58, ch. 3, Henry W., b. Sept. 11, 1820. 59, ch. 4, Amos, b. Sept. 26, 1824. 60, ch. 5, Hiram, b. Sept. 26, 1827. 61, ch. 6, Dwight, b. Sept. 8, 1829. 49, Elihue'^, s. of William*, m. Hannah Watson May 12, 1808; he d. May 7, 1862;shed. Sept. 24, 1864. 02, ch. 1, Patrick W., b. March 26, 1809, m. Maranda Knap, d. Jan. 27, 1885. 03, ch. 2, Fanny, b. July 25, 1810, m. Lilburn Lapham, d. Oct. 13, 1880. 64, ch. 3, William, b. Aug. 20, 1811, m. Elisabeth Bartlett, d. Apr. 30, 1852. SMITH. 535 65, ch. 4, Alva, b. Feb. 25, 1813, d. March 16, 1814. 66, ch. 0, Alva, 2d., b. May 18, 1814, m. Susan Ordway. 67, ch. 6, Catharine, b. Feb. 21, 1816, d. Oct. 6, 1831. 68, ch. T, Mary, b. July 17, 1817, m. Wllhs Hall Oct. 3, 1838, d. Sept. 4, 1848. 69, ch. 8, Prudence, b. Dec. 8, 1818, d. Oct. 11, 1844. 70, ch. 9, Charles, b. June 21, 1821, m. Arathusa Dormau. 71, ch. 10, Lebeus C, b. Jan. 31, 1823, m. Clara Elmer. 72, ch. 11, Harris, b. Aug. 6, 1825, m. Charlotte Bucklin. 66, Alva*^, s. of Elihue^, m. Susan Ordway June 16, 1847. 73, ch. 1, G. W. Smith, b. March 16, 1847. 74, ch. 2, Abbie J., b. Sept. 1, 1855. 75, ch. 3, Annie E., b. Sept. 8, 1857. 71, Lebeus C.6, s. of Elihue^, m. Clara Elmer Apr. 3, 1845. 76, ch. 1, Frank, b. Jan. 11, 1851, d. Dec. 18, 1852. 77, ch. 2, Emma, b. Nov. 11, 1853. 78, ch. 3, Annie, b. May 30, 1862. 70, Charles'\ s. of Elihue^, m. Arathusa Dorman Oct. 26, 1847. 79, ch. 1, Frank D., b. Jan. 11, 1853. 80, ch. 2, Mary A., b. July 3, 1855, m. Frank F. Hawley Aug. 15, 1882. 81, ch. 3, Charles F. b. Feb. 31, 1861. 79, Frank D.', s. of Charles^, m. Alice B. Leonard Sept. 18, 1880. 82, ch. 1, Earle L., b. Aug. 17, 1881. 83, ch. 2, Charles K., b. Sept. 8, 1883. 72, Harris!^ s. of Elihue^, m. Charlotte Bucklin July 3, 1849. 84, ch. 1, Maria E., b. Apr. 14, 1850, m. Oscar E. Whipple Feb., 1869. 85, ch. 2, Edwin W., b. Nov. 8, 1862, m. Lillian Carrington Dec, 1880. 7, EugK^ Smith, s. of Elder James^, m. Agnes Bolton Nov. 15, 1754, b. 1728, d. May IS, 1805. 86, ch, 1, Elisabeth, b. March 6, 1756. 87, ch. 2, Joseph, b. March 12, 1758, m. Sally Cooley. 88, ch, 3, Matthew, b. Jan. 19, 1761, d. Aug. 30, 1775. 89, ch. 4, Elihue, b. Aug. 8, 1764, d. Aug. 30, 1775. 90, ch. 5, Agnes, b, Nov. 11, 1765. 91, ch. 6, Mary, b. May 26, 1767, d. Sept. 20, 1768. 92, ch. 7, John, b. Sept. 20, 1768. Hugh Smith and Anna Fuff; 2d m. Oct. 24, 1771; she d. Feb. 21, 1774. Ch. William, b. Dec, 19, 1772, 87, Joseph^ s. of Hugh^ Smith, m. Sally Cooley, 1783; he d. Apr. 30, 1830; she d, June 26, 1844. Their first son was drowned in Pottoquattuck pond while cross- ing on the ice to attend church at Palmer Centre. The family of children was a remarkable instance of longevity. In 1881, seven children were living whose united ages were 600 years and 7 months. 93, ch. 1, Henry B., b. Aug. 16, 1784, drowned, age 19 yrs. 94, ch. 2, Chancy, b. Nov 16, 1785, m. Dosha Lilly. 95, ch. 3, Rufus, b. Oct. 19, 1787, m. Isabel Watson. 96, ch. 4, Sally, b. Oct, 6, 1790, m. Chester Hastings. 536 GENEALOGIES AND RECORDS. U7, ch. 5, Orrel, b. June 7, 1793, m. Mendal Warner. 98, cli. 6, Martin, b. Aug. 23, 1797, d. , 1859. 99, ch. 7, Elbridge, b. Jan. 17, 1800, m. Harriett Sliumway. 100, cli. 8, Clarissa, b. Dec. 2, 1861, m. James B. Arms Nov. 6, 1827. 101, ch. 9, Henry B., b. Oct. 12, 1803, m. Caty Clapp June 10, 1831. Chancy^ s. of Joseph*, m. Dosha Lilly; 2d m. Mrs. Mably; he b. Nov. 16, 1785, d. Oct. 10, 1880. 110, ch. 1, Adelpha; 2, Sarah Ann; 3, Tossy; 4, Lucretia; 5, Orrel; 6, Orry; 7, Mary; 8, William; 0, Frank. 95, Eufus'^, s. of Joseph*, m. Isabel Watson June 20, 1811; he d. Aug. 24, 1880; shed. Sept. 11, 1863. 111, ch. 1, Emily C, b. June 11, 1812, d. June 15, 1861. 112, ch. 2, Lucinda K., b. Aug 10, 1813, m. Erastus Bridgman Nov. 3, 1831. 113, ch. 3, Horace C, b. Sept. 28, 1814, m. Mary Barber. 114, ch. 4, Isabel W., b. Sept. 29, 1816, m. Marcus Truesdell. 113, Horace'^, s. of Rufus^, m. Mary Barber Apr. 3, 1850. 115, ch. 1, Lucinda J., b. May 28, 1851, m. John H. Jones Apr. 7, 1873, d. Nov. 9, 1873. 116, ch. 2, Watson B., b. Jan. 20, 1853, d. Feb. 15, 1853. 117, ch. 3, Clara B., b. Aug. 26, 1854, m. Frank Kendall Oct. 12, 18S1. 118, ch. 4, Cora A., b. Dec. 8, 1856, m. Wilber T. Parker Nov. 27, 1878. 119, ch. 5, George A., b. Sept. 10, 1860. 120, ch. 6, Ella M., b. Apr. 21, 1863, m. William Miller June 12, 18S4, 5, Robert^, s. of James Smith'-^, Elder, m. Margaret McWharton; he b. 1719, d. Jan. 3, 1812; had four children. 124, ch. 1, Sally; 2, Robert, Jun., and two died young. 122, Robert*^, Smith, Jun., m. Hannah Hoar June 27, 1793. 125, ch. 1, Freeman, b. Feb. 1, 1796, m. Lillis Dickinson. 126, ch. 2, Betsey, b. July 22, 1798, m. Gen. E. Holbrook Oct. 2, 1819. 127, ch. 3, Aseneth, b. June 26, 1800, m. Thomas Mason Nov. 30, 1820. 128, ch. 4, Harvey, b. Sept. 24, 1802, m. Annis Hunt June 29, 1831. 129, ch. 5, John W., b. March 2, 1804, m. Mary Parks Sept. 9, 1834. 130, ch. 6, Liniis, b. Apr. 23, 1808, d. Jan. 13, 1811. 131, ch. 7, Alvan, b. May 23, 1811, m. Abbie Homer. 132, ch. 8, Samuel T., b. Jan. 28, 1814, m. Mary Bissel. 133, ch. 9, Francis A., b. Jan. 22, 1817, m. Sarah S. Brown. 125, Capt. Freeman^, s. of Robert*, Jun., m. Lillis Dickinson Sept. 22, 1824, d. Sept. 8, 1850. 1.34, ch. 1, Austin R., b. Aug. 18, 1826, m. S. Jame Sibley. 139, ch. 2, Henry, b. Feb. 6, 1828, m. Susan Peck. 140, ch. 3, Sarah D., b. Nov. 26, 1830. 141, ch. 4, Hannah, b. Aug. 24, 18-33, d. Apr. 12, 1843. 142, ch. 5. Lillis M., b. Dec. 25, 1835, d. Apr. 6, 1843. 143, ch. 6, Asenneth, b. Jan. 2, 1838, m. Alexander Gilchrist, Esq., Sept. 17. 144, ch. 7, Hattie, b. Aug. 8, 1841, m. Rev. Willis Phelps. 145, ch. 8, Charle,s F., July 31, 1844, m. Mary F. Ames Nov. 2, 1871. 134, Austin'^ R., s. of Capt. Freeman^, m. Sarah J. Sibley Nov. 28, 18.50; Sarah J. d. Sept. 7, 1888. 146, ch. 1, Freeman A., b. Feb. 24, 1854, d. March 19, 1874. 147, ch. 2, Lillis J., b. Jan. 31, 1857, d. Oct. 23, 1857. KATHAJf SMITH. 537 148, ch. 3, Fred H., b. Auf?. 4, 1859. 149, ch. 4, Clara J. b. Oct. 14, 18(i9. 14."), Charles^ F., s. of Capt. Freeman^, m. Mary F. Ames Nov. 2, 1871. 1.50, ch. 1, Mabel E., b. Dec. 20, 1872. 151, ch. 2, Nellie L., b. Aug. 13, 1875. 1.52, ch. 3, Freeman A., b. June 13, 1878. 131, Dr. Alvan^, s. of Robert* Smith, Jun., m. AbbieG. Homer May IG, 18-39. He was a graduate of Harvard in 1836 and died Aug. 16, 1882. His two sons, Dr. Homer A. and Dr. Frank L., were graduates of the Medical University of New York City in 1875 and 1877. 1.53, ch. 1, Addie A., b. Aug. 18, 1840, m. Frederick Morse Oct. 19, 1869. 154, ch. 2, Robert H., b. Apr. 7, 1842, d. Oct. 11, 1842. 155, ch. 3, Homer A., b. Dec. 31, 1844. 156, ch. 4, Mary E., b. May 30, 1848, m. Charles F. Orcutt Dec. 11, 1879. 157, ch. 5, Frank L., b. Oct. 3, 1849, m. Alice J. Risley March 10, 187-5. 157, Dr. Frank'' L., s. of Dr. AlvinS m. Alice J. Risley March 10, 1875. Ch. 1, Katharine R. ; 2, Gertrude H. ; 3, Florence A.; 4, Mary A.; 5, Alvan James. 128, Harvey^, s. of Robert*, Jr., m. Annis Hunt June 29, 1831. Ch. 1, Martha; 2, Mary; 3, Marcus; 4, Moses; 5, Marcus m. Sarah J. New- ton; he d. on Roanoke Island. 133, Francis^, s. of Robert*, Jr., m. Sarah S. Brown March 14, 1844. 1G8, ch. 1, Hattie M., b. June 29, 1845. 169, ch. 2, ( . Albert F., b. Nov. 17, 1847. 170, ch. 3, ( "^' Alice F., b. Nov. 17, 1847. 171, ch. 4, Alvan H., b. March 20, 1850. 172, ch. 5, M. Nellie, b. Oct. 5, 1852. 173, ch. 6, William H., b. March 22, 1855. 174, ch. 7, Henry K., b. March 26, 18-57. 175, ch. 8, Julia B., b. Sept. 13, 1861. 176, ch. 9, Lena B., b. Nov. 19, 1864. 129, John^ W., s. of Robert*, Jr., b. March 2, 1804, m. Mary A. Parks Sept. 9, 18-34; she b. May 21, 1815, d. Jan. 1887; he d. July, 1873. 177, ch. 1, Mary J., b. Apr. 12, 1836, m. Fred W. Seymour Sept. 9, 1862; he d. Nov. 20, 1863. 178, ch. 2, George F., b. Feb. 10, 1839, m. Lorane Atwood. 179, ch. 3, Alice A., b. March 25, 1846, d. Sept. 22, 1847. 180, ch. 4, Annie P., b. Dec. 9, 1847, m. Harry Potwin Sept. 1, 186—. 181, ch. 5, James A., b. Apr. 2, 1849, m. Nellie Hallet Oct. 1875. George''' F., s. of John'' W., m. Lorane Atwood Sept., 1871; 2d m. Fanny M. Clark Aug. 1880. 183, ch., Samuel A. and Grace A. THE NATHAN SMITH FAMILY. Thorn (lii-, son of Nathan ^ formerly resided in Connecticut. They removed to Vermont and Thomas married Jennie Barron and settled in Palmer about 1840. Loren married and settled in 538 GENEALOGIES AND RECORDS. New York, and has a family of four sons, Adelburt, Alvin, Frank, and Oren. Oren B. has been employed by the manufacturing corporations of Palmer, and has been Agent of the Boston Duck Company since March 1, 1870. Thomas and Jennie Smith. Ch. 1 Koxania Matilda, d. yoving. Cli. 2, Philura A., b. Apr. 12, 1817. m. Benjamin B. Page. Ch. 3, Florilla Eliza, b. , m. Lewis McCrillis. Ch. 4, Loren Lorenzo, b. in 1820, m. Hattie Hun, 1816. 11, ch. 8, Joseph, b. Apr. 22, 1784, m. Helen Brovrn. 12, ch. 9, Martha, b. Feb. 27, 1786, m. Amasa Barrett, his 2d veife, Jan. 25, 1829. 13, ch. 10, John, b. Dec. 1, 1788, m. Aseneth Scott. 14, ch. 11, Sally, b. Jan. 25, 1791, m. Jonathan Webber, d. 1884. 15, ch. 12, Anna, b. June 4, 1793, m. Jacob Chapman, d. Dec. 24, 1877. 16, ch. 13, Polly, b. June 22, 1795, m. Alanson Merrick, d. 1839. 17, ch. 14, Harvey, b. Jan. 7, 179^, m. Mary T. Storrs. 13, Jo/m-S s. of Dea. Gordon-, m. Aseneth Scott Oct. 5, 1813; he d. Jan. 24, 1840; she d. Apr., 1877. 18, ch. 1, Maria S., b. March 5, 1814, m. Hiram Converse Jan. 30, 1838, d. May 20, 1847. 19, ch. 2, Julia A., b. March 2, 1816 m. Purlin Shearer March 2, 1840. 20, ch. 3, Mary S., b. May 29, 1819, m. John Foster Sept. 4, 1838. 21, ch. 4, Violet B., b. Dec. 29, 1821, m. Henry How Oct. 20, 18r)3. 22, ch. 5, Eliza H., b. Feb. 17, 1824, m. Daniel Hitchcock Aug. 11, 1840. 23, ch. 6, Almira C, b. Xov. 18, 1826, m. Alfred L. Converse Oct. 20, 1847. 17, Harvey^, s. of Dea. Gordon-, m. Mary T. Storrs March 9, 1826; he d. Apr. 25, 1869; she d. June 5, 1877. 24, ch. 1, James, b. March 18, 1827, m. Ersula M. Colby Xov. 25, 1847. 25, ch. 2, Mary T., b. Sept. 2, 1829, d. Aug. SO, 1831. 540 GEXEALOftlES AXD RECOEDS. 26, ch. 3, Henry S., b. Aug. 1, 1831, m. Emily Holden Apr. 15, 1855. 27, ch. 4, Jonathan W., b. Aug. 28, 1833, d. Sept. 4, 1849. 28, ch. 5, Mary E., b. Apr. 3, 1836. 20, ch. 6, Martha N., b. Nov. It), 1833, m. Angelo M. Cowles Nov. 22, 1860. 30, ch, 7, John S., b. June 14, 1843, m. Julia E. Randall Dec. 24, 1868. 30, John S/-, s. of Harvey^, m. Julia E. Kandnll. 31, ch. 1, Mabel J., b. June 20, ISO!). 6, Martin^, s. of Dea. Gordon-, m. Sally King; he d. Jan. 0, 1853; she d. Oct. 12, 1820. 32, ch. 1, King, b. June 27, 1801, m. Sarah M. Abell Dec, 1S35. 33, ch. 2, Otis, b. Apr. 3, 1803, m. Alraira Converse Nov. 17, 1825. .34, ch. 3, Ruby, b. Apr. 3, 1805, m. Horace IIuuu Apr., 18.33. 35, ch. 4, Harriett, b. June 29, 1807, m. Samuel Amidon Apr., 1835. 36, ch. 5, Hannah, b. May — , 1810, m. David S. Pane Sept., 1832. 37, ch. G, Adaline, b. , 1812, d. 1815. 3S, ch. 7, Philo, b. , 1814, d. young. 39, ch. 8, j . Martin, b. Aug. 6, 1818, m. Mary E. Boydcn March 20, 1839. 40, cli. 9, ( ^^^'^^' Marcus, b. Aug. 6, 1818, d. 41, ch. 10, Sarah, b. Oct. — , 1S20, d. . 32, King*, s. of Martin^, m. Sarah M. Abel Dec. 7, 1835, d. March, 1881. Ch. 1, Ruby, b. , m. Jarvis Ames. Ch. 2, Lizzie, b. , m. Austin Gould. Ch. 3, Jane. Ch. 4, Shepard. 38, Otis*, s. of Martin-^ m. Almira Converse Nov. 17, 1825; she d. May 28, 18.58. 46, ch. 1, Marcus, b. Nov. 6, 1S26, m. Louisa A. Covples Apr. 14, 1851, d. July 12, 1858. 47, ch. 2, Sarah, b. June 13, 1828, m. Josiah Greene Nov. 17, 1880. 48, ch. 3, Converse, b. June 23, 1830, m. Susan M. Slate Apr., 1856, d. March 23, 1867. 49, ch. 4, Butler, b. March 4, 1832, m. Minerva M. Hastings Apr. 4, 1861. 50, ch. 5, George F., b. Sept. 9, 1834, m. Maria South wick May, 1860. 51, ch. 6, Philo, b. Nov. 18, 1836, d. Feb. 22, 1864. 52, ch. 7, Almira J., b. Feb. 8, 1839, m. Francis L. Hitchcock Nov. 28, 1858; 2d m. James O. Hamilton Jan. 1, 1862. .53. ch. 8, Alice, b. July 9, 1841, 54, ch. 9, Morton, b. Oct. 10, 1843, m. Mary Tesch Dec. — , 1869. 55, ch, 10, H. Newton, b. May 22, 1846. 56, ch. 11, Emily L, b. June 29, 1849. .57, ch. 12, Anson G., b. March 4, 1852. 49, Butler^, s. of Otis*, m, Minerva M. Hastings Apr. 4, 1861. 58, ch, 1, Hubert M,, b. Apr. 24, 1866, .59, ch. 2, Otis W., b. Feb. 24, 1872. .50, George F/>, s. of Otis*, m. Maria Southwick May, 1860. 60, ch, 1, Frank E., b. June 20, 1863. 39, 3/ariin'', Jnn., to. Mary G. Boyden March 20, 1839. 61, ch. 1, John, b. March 25, 1841, d. 1845. 62, ch. 2, Homer, b. Jan. 15, 1843, m, Ella Squares Dec. 31, 1868. 63, ch, 3, Mary A., b. Sept. 10, 1845, ni. James liearnard March 27, 1866. 64, ch. 4, Jared, b. , 1847, d, . STIMSOX. 541 65, ch. 5, Ellen E., b. Marcli 28, 1849, m. Carlos Peck Aug., 1872. 06, ch. 6, Herbert, b. Feb. , IS-jI, d. . 67, ch. 7, Susan J., b. Feb. 18, 1853, m. C. E. P. Stafford June, 1871. G^, ch. 8, Florence, b. July — , 1855, m. Edward D. Cushman Sept. 20, 1876. 69, ch. 9, Elansou, b. Apr. — , 1857. d. . 70, ch. 10, Josephene A., b. Sept. 12, 1859, m. Rufus Fay Oct. 15, 1880. THE STIMSON FAMILY. Rufus and Noali Stimson settled in Palmer, 1810, and were de- scendants of Dr. James Stimson of Reading, Mass. Dr. James married Mary Liffingwell, 1661, and located on Cowdry's Hill, and was one of the physicians of the town. He is supposed to be the son of James and Waomi Stimson, that settled in Reading about 1638. The children of Dr. James^ and Mary Stimson were : 1, Abigail, b. 1663; 2, Ruth, b. 1664; 3, Thomas, b. 1666; 4, Abigail, 2d, b. 1667; 5, James^, b. 1669; 6, Thomas, 2d, b. 1671; 7, Abigail^ 3d, b. 1673; 8, Jonathan, and 9, David (twins), b. 1676; 10, Mary, b. 1679; 11, Benjamin, b. 1684; 12, Ebenozar, b. 1684. The descendants have become numerous and widely scattered through the Western States and Canada, and some in foreign lands. James^, M. B., born 1669, married. Sarah Upton, 1706; she died 1708; child Sarah was born 1708; he then married Hannah Stearns, a sister to Shubel and John Stearns of Tolland, Ct. He removed from Lynn to Tolland County, Ct., previous to 1716, and was the first resident physician of that place and received a grant of coun- try land from the General Assembly June 21, 1720. Ch. 1, Ichabod, b. Jan. 22, 1713; 2, Enos, b. May 25, 1714; 3, Hannah, b. March 22, 1716; 4, James, b. Sept. 20, 1719; 5, Naomi, b. Nov. s. 1722; 6. Thomas, b. July 26, 1725. Ichabod*, s. of Dr. James^ m. Margaret Pack Feb. 28, 1740. Ch. 1, Stephen, b. Nov. 5, 1740; 2, Noah, b. Oct. 14, 1742, d. Sept. 13, 1762, at the siege of Havana, Cuba; 3, Sarah, b. Oct. 5, 1744; 4, Joseph, b. Jan. 12, 1740; 5, Ruth, b. May 1, 1749; 6, Joel, b. July 31, 1751. Joef, s. of Ichabod^, m. Susannah Grow. He afterwards settled in Norwich, Vt. He has descendants re- maining there at the present time. Dr. Edwin P. Stimson, assist- ant superintendent of the insane asylum in Kansas, and Rev. ]\Iartin Stimson, a missionary in China, are some of the present generation and graduates of Dartmouth College. Joseph^, s. of Ichabod^, b. in Tolland, m. Rebecca Williams, 1771, and settled in Monson; he d. July 1, 1810; she d. Aug., 1828. Ch. 1, Enos, b. June 24, 1772, m. Desire . Ch. 2, Rebecca, b. Dec. 4, 1774, d. July 17, 1778. Ch. 3, Anna, b. May 7, 1776, m. Perley Truesdell. Ch. 4, Joseph, b. Apr. 1, 1778, m. Catharine Smith. 542 GENEALOGIES AND RECORDS. Ch. 5, Rufus, b. Feb. 20, 1781, m. Tolly Fuller. Ch, 6, Noah, b. Jan. 19, 1783, m. Hannah Bush. Ch. 7, Ira, b. May 18, 178.5, m. Anna Turtelotte. Ch. 8, Polly, b. INLarch '), 1787, m. Perley Truesdell, 2cl wife. Ch. 9, Rebecca, b. May 4, 1789, m. Moses Gage. Ch. 10, Jeremy, b. May 22, 1791. Ch. 11, Cyrus, b. July 22, 179.5, d. March, 1797. 5, Ru/ms6, s. of Joseph^, m. Polly Fuller; he d. Jan. 18, 1S21; she d. Jan. 15, 1803. 12, ch. 1, Rachel, b. , m. Bostic Anderson. 13, ch. 2, Horace, b. 1806, d. Oct. 9, 1828. 14, ch. 3, Paulina, b. in 1808, d. in 1828. 15, ch. 4, Joseph Williams, b. in 1812, m. Lucia Whitaker. 16, ch. 5, Eufus A., b. Jan. 29, 1818, m. Miss Winter. Horace^ Williams, s. of Joseph" Williams, b. Nov. 8, 1840, m. Harriett A. Hunt March 28, 1867. 17, ch. 1, Rufus W., b. Feb. 20, 1868. 18, ch. 2, Cyrus T., b. Apr. 1, 1870. 19, ch. 3, Joseph H., b. Nov. 18, 1871. 20, ch. 4, Albert H. W., b. Oct. 14, 1873. 21, ch. 5, Harriett L., b. Feb. 1, 1877. 22, ch. 6, William H., b. July 28, 1880, d. Aug. 9, 1881. 6, Noah^, s. of Joseph^, b. 19, 1783, d. Aug. 13, 1872, m. Hannah Bush Sept. 18, 1806, d. Oct. 5, 1849. 28, ch. 1, Sophronia, b. June 29, 1808, m. William A. Bliss June 14, 1829, d. Oct. 15. 1863. 29, ch. 2, Sumner B., b. Apr. 7, 1810, m. Joanna Hawley. 30, ch. 3, Samantha W., b. March 28, 1812, m. Perley Truesdell, Jun., May 2, 1832. 31, ch. 4, Stocking, b. Nov. 27, 1814, d. Jan. 15, 1815. 32, ch. 5, Sanford J., b. Jan. 28, 1818, m. Lucinda Barrett Sept. 1, 1842. 33, ch. 6, Sophia W., b. Aug. 11, 1820, m. E. B. Gates Apr. 14, 1841. 34, ch. 7, Susan L., b. Sept. 25, 1822, m. R. S. Munn Apr. 21, 1840, d. May 10, 1871. 35, ch. 8, Solon J., b. March 7, 1825, d. Aug. 10, 1826. 36, ch. 9, Sarah E., b. June 0, 1827, m. Hamilton White Apr. 15, 1854. 29, Sumner' B., s. of Noah*^, m. Joanna Haveley. 37, ch. 1, Eliza H., b. Apr. 8, 1850, m. Alfred Packard. 38, ch. 2, Mary L., b. Feb. 19, 1852, m. H. D. Green. 39, ch. 3, Daniel ^V., b. Oct. 20, 1855, m. Mattie Warfield. 40, ch. 4, Charles F., b. May 8, 18.57. 41, ch. 5, Adella V., b. Apr. 10, 1860, m. Edward Packard. 42, ch. (), Ida B., b. Feb. 21, 180:J. 32, Sanford' J., s. of Noah', m. Lucinda Barrett Sept. 1, 1842. 43, cii. 1, Edward A., b. Dec. 8, 184S, d. Feb. 17, 1861. 44, ch. 2, Edgar D., b. May 10, 1846, m. S. Eunice Ball Apr. 7, 1874. 45, ch. 3, Frances A., b. Oct. 24, 1848, m. George W. Baker Jan. 2, 1868. 46, ch. 4, Frank B., b. Jan. 13, 1853, m. Emma C. Craig Nov. 16, 1875. 47, ch. 5, Nellie, b. Oct. 19, 1863. 48, ch. 6, George, b. in 1860, d. . (Marcus Sheerer, M. D. SHEARER. 543 THE SHEARER FAMILY. James Shearer and family from Antrim, Ireland, came to Union, Ct., in 1720, and from thence to the Elbows with the Nevins family in 1726. He was born in 1678 and died in 1745. He occu- pied a central location in the district. His farm was laid out east from Cedar Swamp brook and south of Dea. Sedgwick's farm. Tlie proprietors' meetings for business were frequently held at his house. Children, John, James, Jun., and William. The eldest son, John, settled in Brimfield, in the easterly part of what is now Three Eiver Village. 2, John-, s. of James^ m. Jane , b. 1710, d. in 1802. 5, ch. 1, Joseph, b. . 6, ch. 2, John, Jun., b. March 22, 1746, m. Jane White in 1774. 7, ch. 3, William, b. , m. Jerusia Perry. 8, ch. 4, Thomas, b. , m. . 9, ch. 5, David, b. , m. Kate King in 1791. 10, ch. 6, Jonothan, b. March 29, 1762, m. Hannah Dickinson. 11, ch. 7, Noah, b. , m. Terza Merrick in 1791. 12, ch. 8, Daniel, b. , m. Sarah King. 13, ch. 9, Jane, b. , m. Wallace Little. 14, ch. 10, Betsey, b. , m. William White. 6, Johri^, Jun., m. Jennie White Jan. 30, 1774. 15, ch. 1, Patrick, b. March 30, 1775, m. Sally Paine March, 1805. 16, ch. 2, Betsey, b. July 5, 1773, m. John King Nov. 28, 1799. 17, ch. 3, John^, b. Nov. 10, 1782. IS, ch. 4, Sally, b. Apr. 18, 1788, m. Jonothan Bass in 1811; 2d m. Charles Shaw Oct. 14, 1812. 19, ch. 5, Daniel, b. May 9, 1792, m. Sarah King. 7, Willia7n/\ s. of John-, m. Jerusia Perry June 30, 1752. 20, ch. 1, Joseph; 2, Jonothan; 3, Daniel; 4, Jane. 8, Thornas^, s. of John-, m. . 24, ch. 1, James; 2, Thomas; 3, Dalina; 4, Philander; 5, Wallis; 6, Jane; 7, Philinda, m. John Baldwin. 9, David^, s. of John-, m. Katie King Apr. 7, 1797. 30, ch. 1, Van Ransalier; 2, Lorenzo; 3, Porter; 4, Ruby; 5, Harriett; 6, Julia. 12, Esq. DanieP, s. of John^, m. Sarah King. 37, ch. 1, Elvira, m. A. V. Blanchard Oct. 25, 1827. 38, ch. 2, Jane M., m. William Blanchard Aug. 23, 1831. 39, ch. 3, Columbia, m. Mr. Cutler. 10, Dr. Jonathan:^ s. of John-^, b. March 29, 1762, d. Sept. 1, 1828, m. Hannah Dickinson; 2d m. Nancy Young; 3d m. Lucy Sessions, 1821. 40, ch. 1, Susan S., b. , 1791, m. Mr. King, d. Jan. 25, 1856. 41, ch. 2, Marcus, b. , 1792, m. Susan Maynard, d. June 25, 1854. 42, ch. 3, Austin, b. Dec. 12, 1794, d. Dec. 7, 18—. 43, ch. 4, Hannah D., b. Aug. 17, 1796, d. Jan. 8, 1859, m. Ellas Turner. 44, ch. 5, Erasmus, b. July 6, 1799, d. Aug. 26, 1877. 45, ch. 6, Marcia, b. Apr. 14, 1801. 544 GENEALOGIES AXD RECORDS. 46, ch. 7, Maria, b. July 22, 1S03, m. Ira Fenton May, 1833. 47, ch. 8, Dickinson S., b. , 1806. 48, ch. 9, Purlin, b. June 6, 1808, m. Julia A. Sedgwick. 49, ch. 10, Morton, b. Nov. — , 18—. 50, ch. 11, James and Martha. 48, Purlin*, s. of Dr. Jonathan^, b. June 6, 1808, m. Julia A. Sedgwick March 2, 1840. 51, ch. 1, Helen, b. Nov. 2, 1841. 52, ch. 2, Purlin M., b. Dec. 2, 1849. 11, Noah% s. of John2, m. Tirzah Merrick May 8, 1791. 53, ch. 1, William, b. Oct. 27, 1791. 54, ch. 2, Minerva, b. May 9, 1793, d. July 6, 1813. 55, ch. 3, I ■ Sextus, b. Feb. 12, 1804. 56, ch. 4, 1 ^^°^' John L., b. Feb. 12, 1804. 57, ch. 5, Hannah W., b. March 27, 1806. 58, ch. 6, Louisa, b. June 5, 1816. 3, William^, s. of Jamesi, Sen,, m. Jerusia June 30, 1754. 59, ch. 1, William, Jun., b. June 18, 1755. 60, ch. 2, Ptubin, b. May 25, 1759. 61, ch. 3, James, b. Sept. 8, 1701. THE SPEAR FAMILY. Dea. David Spear, Sen., settled on the west side of Ware river in the northerly part of the town in 1727, and his log-house was located on what we term the upper road leading from E. G. Hastings to E. B. Gates. i\rr. Spear had a family of several children. A dau. Anna, b. in 1709 m. Timothy McElwane ; and dau, Sarah m. Dea, James Smith ; his son, Dea. David, Jun., b. in 1725, m, Hannah Shaw in 1752, and was the only son that remained at home. He had a family of eight children. His sons were David, John, William, Calvin and Luther, David, Ensign William and Luther retained interest in the homestead. Dea. David, Sen., b. in 1676, Avas 49 years old when he settled on this farm, and d. Nov. 21, 1760, aged 84. The oldest house now in town that has been occupied till 1889 stands on this farm and was built by Dea, Spear about 1750. Some of the descendants of the family relate circumstances which date still further back. It is familiar in the history of the family that it was the second house they occupied; and as Dea, David d. in 1760 and David, Jun., m. in 1752, the house was built some time before the son was married, 2, Dea. David^, Spear, Jun., b. in 1725, d. Apr. 11, ISOO, m. Hannah Shaw Nov. 2, 1752. 5, ch. 1, Anna, b. Sept. 30, 1753, m. Ebeuezar Jones in 1778. 6, ch. 2, David^, b. March 25, 1755, m. Sarah Quinton. 7, ch. 3, John, b. March 19, 1757, m. Prudence McMaster Dec. 30, 1778. SCOTT. 545 8, ch. 4 William, b. March 25, 1759, m. Elisabeth Ferrelin 17ST. 9, ch. 5, Calvin, b. Aug. 21, 1761. 10, ch. 6, Elisabeth, b. Oct. 5, 1763. 11, ch. 7, Luther, b. March 12, 1766, m. Anna Ferrel, in 17G2. 12, ch. 8, Eunice, b. May 21, 1768. 6, Daind'^ s, of Dea. David-, Jun., m. Sarah Quinton. 13, ch. 1, Calvin, b. June 12, 1779, m. Peggy McClanathan. 14, ch. 2, Eunice, b. Nov. 1, 1782, m. Elijah Darling Apr. 1808. 15, ch. 3, Molly, b. Oct 3, 1786, unm. 16, ch. 4, John, b. Apr. 18, 1789 unm. 17, ch. 5, Thomas, b. June 18, 1793, m, Rachel Ayres Sept., 1817. 11, Luther^ s. of Dea. David^, Jun., m. Ann Ferrell Oct. 25, 1792. IS, ch. 1, Sally, b. Jan. 31, 1795, ra. Hastings. 19, ch. 2, Saney, b. Feb. 6, 1797, m. Chester Adams. 20, ch. 3, Elisabeth, b. Sept. 30, 17i39, m. Elnathan Lincoln. 8, Ensign William\ s. of Dea. David'-, Jun., m. Elisabeth Ferrel Nov. 14, 1787. 21, ch. 2, Anna, b. Aug. 30, 1788, m. Jonothan Nutting June 23, 1805. 22, ch. 2, Sally, b. May 4, 1794, m. John V. Gardner Sept., 1813. Elisabeth Spear departed this life June 1, 1799, about sunrise, aged 36 years and 5 months; 2d m. Zuby Lilly Jan., ISOl. THE SCOTT FAMILY Were early settlers from Si^ringfield. William, Jun., was the proprietors' surveyor for several years, and was appointed Justice of the Peace in answer to a petition of the citizens ''for the rea- son that he was a man of good character and understood law verry well." John, the eldest son, selected his lot east of Dumph- lin Mt., but while visiting his friends in Iladley died there in 1737. William, Sen., was b. in Springfield Aug. 8, 1676, and d. Dec. 31, 1763; his wife Sarah was b. at Hatfield, d. Nov. 22, 1764. The ch. so far known were John, William, Elisabeth and Margaret. Margaret d. on Wednesday, y^ sixth of April, 1737, aged sixteen yrs., thiee months and 12 days. John d. on Monday, the third day of Oct., 1737, at the house of Ebenezar Dickinson, in the third precinct of Hadley, aged twenty-nine years, six months and twenty-three days. Elisabeth m. Steward Southgate. William- Scott, Esq., b. in Springfield Nov. 10, 1723, d. May 25, 1700, m. Abi- gail . Ch. Margaret, b. Dec. 11, 1746, about 40 minutes past 8 ye Clock in the morning; Margaret Departed this life Nov. y® 11th, 1748, with the mor- tal throat distemper, aged one year eleven months sixteen hours and twenty minutes. William-^ was b. on Saturday, at twenty minutes after nine of y® Clock at Night, Feb. ye 10th, 1749. John-^ was b. Apr. 22d, 1752, at twenty minutes past four in the morning. Calvin^ was b. Aug. 9th, 1754, about one of the clock in the Afternoon. •546 GEI'J-EALOGIES AXD KECORDS. William'^ Scott m. Yiolett Burt of Springfield Dec. 21, 1774, and married by the Rev. Robert Burt. Ch. 1, Lucy B., b. Aug. 24, 1775. Ch. 2, Williams b. Nov. 20, 1776. Ch. 3, Aseneth, b. Jan. 13, 1780, m. John Sedgwick. Ch. 4, Samuel, b. Oct. 24, 1788. Dr. Calvin*, s. of William'', m. Sabra Hamilton. Ch. 1, regy, b. Apr. 9, 1780. Ch. 2, John, b. Jan. 2, 1788. Ch. 3, George, b. May 31, 1790. Ch. 4, George, 2d, b. Feb. 9, 1795. Ch. 5, Aseneth, b. Jan. 7, 1798. THE SOUTHGATE FAMILY. Richard Southgate was born in England, 1670. He married Elisabeth Stewart and had a family of five children. He left his native |)lace, Coombs, Suffolk County, England, 1715, and settled in Leicester three years later and died, 1758.— [Washburn's History of Leicester. His son Steward was educated at Harvard, and as civil engineer he served different parties for the survey of townships and the lay- ing out of farms. Lamb and Co., while contending with the General Court for a second township, they chose a committee, with Samuel Green and others, with instructions to select a good and approved of surveyor for the work. They employed Mr. Southgate not only to survey a township from the Elbow Tract, but to survey the farms for the inhabitants. When the district was organized Mr. Southgate be- came one of the proprietors. In 1732 he was chosen proi3rietors' clerk and their surveyor, and served till 1740. During the time he presented some bills not approved by the proprietors, and a suit was commenced, which was settled by a committee by the payment of a few shillings. He was one of the first in the new settlement to enter the bonds of matrimony, and that with Miss Elisabeth Scott, daughter of William Scott, from Springfield, that settled on one of the elbows of the river in the south part of the district. Mr. Southgate sold his real estate and returned to Leicester, 1742, with his two sons, John and AVilliam, where Stewart, his youngest son, was born, 1748. He married Deborah Kaymond and luid a family of twelve children. The family afterwards settled in Barnard, Vt. Steward and Elisabeth Southgate. Ch. 1, Elisabeth, b. Jan. 26, 1735, at three of the Clock, afternoon. Ch. 2, John, b. on the Sabbath Day ye 15 day of Jan., 1737, about Nine a Clock, forenoon. SHEPARD. — SHAAV. 547 Cb. 3, William, b. Wednesdaj', the 2'j Day of Aug., 1739, about Seven of the Clock in the evening. Elisabeth, the dau. of Steward and Elisabeth Southgate, Departed this life on Friday, the 2S Day of Jan., 1737, of the mortal Throat Distemper, Aged two years one day and twelve hours. THE SHEPARD FAMILY. Otis S. and Mary Shepard. Ch. Mary Ilellen, b. Jan. 8, 1835. THE SHAW FAMILY. The family of Shaws that settled in Palmer, Brimfield and Wales, came from Queenstown, Ireland, in 1720, and were evi- dently members of a family connection. Dea. Samuel and William located in this District on farms nearly joining each other. William lived but a few years, so the descendants we find on the records might have belonged to the family of Dea. Samuel and David that moved to this place from Brimfield. Those found on the records are William, James and Samuel, Jun. The four families that first located in Brimfield two of them re- moved to the Elbows, Seth in 173G and David in 1745. We have a tradition that four of the number that came to the Colony were brothers; if so, they must have been Joshua, David, Samuel and Seth. Their ages when they embarked from their native land in 1720, may guide to form an opinion, though it is not substantiated by any family records, — a missing link in all town records of the first inhabitants. Brimfield records: — Joshua, b. in 1687, age 33. David, b. in 1691, age 29. Samuel, b. in 1704, age 16. Seth, b. in 1707, age 13. Seth married Jane Erwin, a daughter of George Erwin, that came over in the same vessel, and settled in Brimfield. He had three children born there, and then moved to this District and be- came the father of eleven. George, the eldest son, returned to Brimfield and married Cath- arine, the daughter of Joshua Shaw, and became the ancestor of a larger part of the Shaws of that town. David at first located in Brimfield and was on the committee to attend the General Court for the organization of the town, and afterward on a committee for the same purpose for the town of Palmer. Dea. David, Dea. Samuel and Dea. Seth Shaw were active men in measures pertaining to the interests of the Church and District, 548 OEXEALOGIES AXD RECORDS. as their names freqnentlj^ occur on the records tis serving on com- mittees in transacting the most important business. Dea. David married Mary Blackwood in Ireland. Her mother Mary came with them and died Jan. 18, 1775, in the 99th year of her age. The families of Sylvanus Shaw of this town are not known rela- tives of those that settled first in Palmer and Brimfield, hut their lineage may be traced to one John Shaw that settled in Grafton and moved to Wales in 1752. He had two sons, John and Samuel. John resided on the road leading from Monson to Wales and father of Sylvanus Shaw and grandfather of Sylvan ns of this town. Samuel had sons, Aaron and Samuel, that lived and died in Wales, Seth, Shaw^, b. in Qiieenstown, Ireland, in 1707, and came from Brimfield to the Elbows in 173fi, m. Jane Eiwin June 17, 17^1, d. March 29, 1798. Ch. 1, George, b. July, 1732, m. Catharine Shaw Dec. 29, 1757. Ch. 2, Mary, b. May 1, 173-1, m. James Lamberton. Ch. 3. Sarah, b. July 27, 1736, m. Robert Brown. Ch. 4, David, b. Nov. 5, 1738, m. Vcg-^y Quinten. Ch. 5, Seth, Jun., b. Oct. 23, 17^0, m. Lettie Rogers. Ch. 6, Elisabeth, h. March 19, 1743. Ch. 7, Margarett, b. July 23, 1745, m. Capt. John Qiiinton. Ch. 8, Daniel, b. Feb. 4, 1748, m. Miss Lemon. Ch. 9, John, b. July C, 1750. Ch. 10, Erwin, b. Dec. 29, 1752, m. Anna Gardner, 1778. Ch. 11, Jane, b. Apr. 14, 1754, m. Levi Stevens. Erwin-, s. of Dea. Sethi, \y j)ec. 29, 1752, d. , m. Anna Gardner, 1778. Ch. 1, Reuben, b. March 7, 1780, m. Jane McClanathan Dec. 25, 1806. Ch. 2, Tolly, b. , d. . Ch. 3, Sally, b. , ni. Leonard Gould. Ch. 4, ) . Ellen, b. , m. Joseph Sedgwick. Ch. 5, ^ ' Jane, b. , m. David Gould. Ch. 6, Gardner, b. , m. Bersheba Durant. Ch. 7, Charles, b. July 15, 1791, m. Sarah Bass. Ch. 8, Prudy, b. Sept. 14, 1793, m. IMark Daniels. Ch. 9, Cena, b. June 16, 1796, d. . Ch. 10, Martin, b. Sept. 6, 1798, d. . Ch. 11, Prudence, b. May 25, 1801, m. Justin Daniels. Ch. 12, Margarett, b. , 1802, m. Orlando Thayer. Ch. 13, Stewart, b. Sept. 5, 1803, m. Mary Shepard. Ch. 14, Loudisa, b. , 1805, d. . Eeuben", s. of Erwin-, b. March 7, 1780, d. Apr. 23, 1854, m. Jane McClana- than Dec. 25, 1806, b. May 3, 1783, d. May 9, 1847. Ch. 1, Martin, b. Oct. 2, 1807, m. Louisa Brown. Ch. 2, Samuel, b. Apr. 5, 1809, m. Aseneth Shaw Nov. 21, 1835. Martin*, s. of Reuben^, m. Louisa Brown Oct. 28, 1S2S. Ch. 1, Reuben, b. March — , 1833. Ch. 2, George, b. March — , 1835. Ch. 3, Jane and Clara. Samuel*, s. of Reuben-^, b. Apr. 5, 1809, d. Dec. 25, 1855, m. Aseneth Shaw Nov. 24, 1835. SHAAV. 549 Ch. 1, Charles 1!., b. May 10, 1837, m. Abbie Holt. Ch. 2, Sarah, b. June 2, 1889, ni. Calvin Blodgett. Cb. 3, Anna, b. Auff. 1, 1850, d. July 27, 1855. Ch. 4, Jane, b. Apr. 29, 1854, d. July 31, 1857. Charles B.^, s. of SamuelS m. Abbie Holt Jan. 30, 1866. Ch. 1, Ernest T., b. Nov. 16, 180(5. Ch. 2, May L., b. May 20, 1868. Ch. 3, Charles, b. Oct. 31, 1860. Ch. 4, Jessie M., b. July 4, 1872. Ch. 5, Madeline C, b. Aug. 11, ls74. Gardner^, s. of Erwin'-, m. Bersheba Ward Oct. — , 1813. Ch. Uriah, Maria, Leonard, Henry, Frank, William and Willard (twins), Jane and Carrie. Stewart^, s. of Erwin-, ni. Mary Shepard. Ch. 1, Maria, b. , m. Charles Austin. Ch. 2, Caroline, b. , m. Fred Andrews. Ch. 3, Elisabeth, b. , m. Frank Bartlett. Ch. 4, George and Mary. Charles'^, s. of Erwin-^, m. Sally Shearer, viz. wd. Bass; 2d m. Mayett Orcutt. Ch. 1, Aseneth, b. Jan. 1, 1815, m. Samuel Shaw. Ch. 2, John Erwin, b. March 26, 1818, m. Eunice Beman. Ch. 3, Eliza, b. Apr. 6, 1820, m. Theodore Ferrel. Ch. 4, Eoyal, b. Sept. 4, 1822, m. Ann Carrol. Ch. 5, Margarett, b. Jan. 2, 1825, m. Mr. Elmer; 2d m. Eugene Shorley. Ch. 0, Loudisa, b. Apr. 29, 1827, m. J. Marshal Crosby. Ch. 7, Franklin, b. July 12, 1831, m. Martha Johnson, 2d m. Mrs. Malissa Shaw. Ch. 8, Sarah S., b. March 1S42, m. Josiah Stebbins Nov. 10, 1S63. Ch. 9, Nellie J., b. Apr. 1843. Eoi/al\ s. of Charles", m. Ann Carrol ls53. Ch. 1, Sarah, b. Jan. 3, 1854. Ch. 2, Eliza, b. Oct, 29, 1860. Seth- Shaw, Jr., m. Lettie Rodgers March 21, 1767. Ch., John, David, Seth and Gideon. Capt. Johri^, s. of Seth-, Jr., m. Elenor Ferrel 1796. Ch. 1, Samuel Davenport, b. , m. Nancy Vila. Ch. 2, Sophia, b. , m. Mr. Utley. Samuel* Davenport, s. of Capt. John-^ m. Nancy Vila, d. Apr. 10, 1866. Ch. 1, Samuel Dexter, b. , d. Oct. 3, 1881, unm. Ch. 2, Elisabeth, b. , d. unm. Ch. 3, John, b. , d. young. Ch. 4, Edward, b. , m. Elisabeth Green. Ch. 5, George. Ch. 6, Mary, d. young. Ch. 7, Andrew Jackson, b. , m. Angeline Weld. Ch. 8, Napolian B., b. , d. young. Ch. 9, James V. Edward^, s. of Samuel^ Davenport, m. Elisabeth Green. Ch.. Edward A., Hellen A., James Y. and Vila A. 550 GEN^EALOGIES AXD RECORDS. Dea. Joshua-, probably s. of David Shaw^, b. in Brimfiekl, came from Had- ley, d. Sept. 14, 1807, m. Elisabeth Dickinson Jan. 16, 17^0; she b. in 1730, d. Apr. 30, ISIO. Ch. 1, Sarah, b. July 4, 1752. Ch. 2, Marcy, b. Apr. 18, 1754, d. May 4, 1754. Ch. 3, James, b. Nov. 10, 1755, d. Jan. IG, 17()6. Ch. 4, James, 2d, b. March 12, 1757. Ch. 5, Noah, b. Feb. 14, 1760, m. Mahitable Robinson Jan. 1, 1786. Ch. 6, Joshua, Jun., b. Nov. 8, 17()3, m. Hannah Graves Feb. 14, 1793. Ch. 7, Moses, b. Sept. 30, 1761, m. Polly McMaster Apr. 1797, d. Apr. 20, 1885. Ch. 8, Solomon, b. Dec. 29, 176.S, m. Rebecca Foster Sept. 19, 1795. Ch. 9, Gideon, b. Aug. 3, 1768, m. Jane McClanathan in 1791. Ch. 10, Betsey, b. Aug. 12, 1771, m. Samuel Hubbard in 179(). Ch. 11, Samuel, b. June 5, 1774, m. Lucy King Nov. 12, 1801. Noah^, s. of Dea. Joshua', m. Mahitable Robinson Apr. (i, 1786; he d. Apr. 20, 1S12; she d. June 20, 1832. Ch. 1, Hannah, b. May 5, 1787, d. Apr. 20, 1842. Ch. 2, Noah, Jun., b. Oct. 2, 1788, d. June 30, 1807. Cb. 3, Solomon, b. Aug. 1, 1790, m. and d. in old age. Ch. 4, Olover, b. Apr. 5, 1794, ni. Sally Hamilton. Ch. 5, Joshua, b. Sept. 22, 1799, d. Feb. 20, 181 1. Ch. 6, Betty, b. Aug. 9, 1802, d. Feb. 3, 1840. Ch. 7, Sophia, b. May 5, 1805, m. Freeman Monger April, 1832, d. Aug. 29,, 1841. Olover*, s. of Noahs, ra. Sarah Ilaniilt.in Apr. 29, 1818. Ch. 1, Linus C, b. Aug. 31, 1819, m. Sarah Parker. Ch. 2, Harriett M., b. Apr. G, 1821, m. Jason Lyon. Ch. 3, Freeman W., b. Dec. 13, 1822, m. Catharine Shaw. Ch. 4, Theodore D., b. Oct. 18, 1826, m. Louvisa Swectland. Ch. 5, Henry D., b. June 28, 1829, m. Mrs. Ellen Clark May 20, 1871. Ch. 6, Alford H., b. Sept. 26, 1831, m. Martha Sheldon. Ch. 7, Eliza J., b. May 2, 1833, m. B. F. Clark March 9, 1857. Ch. 8, Sarah A., b. March 28, 1838, m. William Ben net. Ch. 9, Mary S., b. June 20, 18-Jl, m. John Dexter. Samuel^, s. of Dea. Joshua-, m. Lucy King Nov. 12, 1801; he d. Apr. 10, 1843; she d. Sept. 18, 1859. Ch. 1, Philena, b. July 28, 1802, m. Keyes Foster Feb. 19, 1824. Ch. 2, Betsey, b. Sept. 20, 1804, m. Perry Hastings May, 1824. Ch. 3, Samuel A., b. July 15, 1800, m. Mary White, Apr., 1828. Ch. 4, Lucy, b. July 8, 1814, m. Ellis Hall Nov. 24, 1832. Ch. 5, Charlotte, b. May 7, 1817, m. Charles Mason Jan. 7, 1830. Ch. 6, Charles Dexter, b. Apr. 13, 1824, m. Miss Walker. Ch. 7, Moses, b. Aug. 18, 1809, d. Sept. 29, 1813. Saimiel A.*, s. of Samuel'*, m. Mary White Apr. 15, 1829, b. July 15, 180(5; she b. June 9, 1810; he d. July 14, 1885; she d. Aug. 31, 1866. Ch. 1, Harriett M., b. Nov. 26, 1830, m. C. P. Longley, d. Aug. 15, 1875. Ch. 2, Henry. A., b. Sept. 24, 1832, 1st m. Ellen Ashley, 2d m. M. A. Kel- logg, d. May 14, 1887. Ch. 3, George D., b. Apr. 4, 1836, m. Louvisa Phelps May 7, 1862. Ch. 4, Mary E., b. March 1, 1839, d. Aug. 26, 1859. SHAW. 551 Ch. 5, Francis H., b. July 9, 1841, d. July 15, 1841. Ch. 6, Charles W., b. July 27, 1844, m. Amy A. Shaw May 7, 1867. Ch. 7, Genevra A., b. Sept. 17, 1848, ra. C. G. Trow June 12, 1872. Ch. 8, John C, b. Dec. 19, 1848, d. Nov. 12, 1851. Ch. 9, Gleudora J., b. July 8, 1851, m. Henry Goodwin. Ch. 10, Martha, b. July 29, 1859, d. May 12, 1861. Solomon^, s. of Dea. Joshua^, m. Kebecca N. Foster Dec. 10, 1795, d. Au^- 19,. 1828. Ch. 1, Lucy, b. Oct. 22, 1706, m. John S. Fessenden Oct., 1831. Ch. 2, Foster, b. Jan. 16, 1798. Ch. 3, Amos, b. Sept. 13, 1801. Ch. 4, Luther, b. , m. Euth Ring Sept., 1837. Ch. 5, Laura, b. , m. Thomas Fitch Nov., 1837. Ch. 6, Eliza, b. . Bea. Samuel^ Shaw, b. 1672, d. June 1, 1767. Ch. James and Samuel, Jun. Samuel- Shaw, Jun., m. Catharine Shaw June 7, 1744. Ch. 1, Mary, b. March 2, 1745, m. James Smith- Sept. 19, 1770. Ch. 2, William, b. Jan. 3, 1749, m. Hannah Gardner Dec. 4, 1771. Ch. 3, David, b. Dec. 28, 1751, m. Elisabeth McMaster July 1, 1786. Ch. 4, Samuel, b. July 4, 1753, m. Mary Shaw May 5, 1774. Ch. 5, Prudence, b. May 24, 1755, ni. William Smith Sept. 14, 1774. Ch. 6, Sarah, b. Aug. 21, 1758. William", s. of David, m. Miriam Shaw. Ch. 1, David, b. March 26, 1749. Ch. 2, Joseph, b. Nov. 17, 1750, m. Margaret King May, 1773. Ch. 3, William, Jr., b. Aug. 25, 1752, m. Lydia Ballard 1773. Ch. 4, Miriam, b. Dec. 22, 17-54. Ch. 5, Eunice, b. Oct. 23, 1756, m. James Breckenridge Dec. 6, 1781. Ch. 6, Margaret, b. Apr. 17, 1758, Ch. 7, James, b. June 12, 1759, m. Mary Brown. William, Jr., m. Lydia Ballard 1773. Ch. 1, Joel, b. Apr. 16, 1784. Ch. 2, j . Miriam, b. Nov. 25, 1785. Ch. 3, \ ' Mary, b. Nov. 25, 1785. James, s. of William, m. Mary Brown 1780. Ch. 1, Hepsibah, b. Oct. 4, 1781. Ch. 2, Jonothan, b. Feb. 15, 1783. Ch. 3, James, Jr., b. Jan. 17, 1785. Ch. 4, Squire, b. Aug. 11, 1789, Ch. 5, Pownel, b. Apr. 24, 1790. Ch. 6, Eunice, b. July 9, 1792. Ch. 7, Molly, b. Feb. 18, 1795. David Shaw first located in Brimfield; b. 1691, d. July 4, 1775; m, Mary Blackwood in Ireland. Ch. 1, David, Jr., m. Darvis Quinton. Ch. 2, James, settled in Monson. Ch. 3, Catharine, m. Samuel Shaw, Jr. Ch. 4, Sarah, m. William Fleming, 1768. Ch. 5, William, m, Miriam Shaw. 552 GENEALOGIES AND llECOEDS. John Shaw of Brimfield, b. Aug. 4, 1768, a grandson of Joshua, m. Margaret King Apr. 28, 1787, b. Sept. 9, 1771, d. . Ch. 1, Betty, b. July 24, 1792, m. James Knox March 22, 1816. Ch. 2, Peggy, b. June 15, 1800, m. Cyrus Knox Aug. 1818. Ch. 3, Tarzy, b. Sept. 1.5, 1800, m. Eber Shaw. Siflvanns Shaw was a descendant of John Shaw who came from Grafton in 1752, and settled in Wales. Johm?' m. Miss Gardner. Ch., John, Sylvanus, Elijah, Lovinia and Ann. Lovlnia m. Rice Mum. Sylvanus m. Lovina Moulton. Ch., Elijah, Ruel M., Lucy B., Ephraim F., Sylvanus G., Lovina, John, Aaron F., James, Calvin M. and Boardman. Lovinia m. William Nelson, Calvin m. Cornelia Nutting, John m. Eve- line Warner, 2d m. Lena Warner; ch., John L. and Lucy P. Syknnus G. m. Mary Babcock; ch. James B. Sylvanus G. d. Oct. 21, 1864, age 58; Mary d. March 19, 1885, age 74. James B., s. of Sylvanus G., b. July 25, 1837, m. M. Abbe Hubbard Jan. 4, 1865. Ch. 1, Effie G., b. Oct. 16, ISfiS. Ch. 2, Anna T., b. June 1, 1869. Ch. 3, Charles B., b. Feb. 1, 1873, d. July 29, 1S73. Ch. 4, Harold, b. Dec. 12, 1877. Ch. 5, Albert D., b. Nov. 5, 1879. THE STEBBINS FAMILY. Our townsman, the late James Stebbins, Esq., was the only lawyer for several years, being the successor of Daniel Shearer, Esq. He was elected representative to the General Court in 1818 and 1820. His ability as a lawyer was not of the first class, but his business afforded him a livelihood, and when he left for his na- tive town, Springfield, he had saved his share in money making. It appears a story or a joke in days of yore was enjoyed then as now. Mr, Stebbins was interested in managing a case in the county court and, being of a nervous temperament, he was not as quiet as he might have been, and the court requested him to be seated and he should have justice in his case. His reply was, '^That is what I am afraid of." Orson of this town and D wight M., that have lived here for more than half a century, commenced work on the mill in Thorn- dike in 1835-G, under the charge of Mr. Burnett of Belcher town. He settled in Three Rivers in 1845. After the mill was burned ]\Iay 9, 1864, he was employed in the mill at Thorndike, living at Three Iiivers. During this time he walked to and from his place of labor the distance of 10,916 miles. He is now employed by the Otis Company on repairs in the Palmer mills. The families are direct descendants of Eowland Stebbins of Cambridge, England. Rowland was a friend of Col. William STEBBIXS. 553 Pynchou of the same place, and came to the colony in 1G34, aged 40 years. He brought with him his wife Sarah and four children, Thomas, aged 14; Sarah, 11; John, 8, Elisabeth, 6 years. His wife d. in Roxbury Oct. 4, 1649. He then came to Springfield, and from thence he and his son John removed to Northampton and Thomas remained in Springfield, so that the location of these two brothers with the surrounding circumstances, may be found mostly, John's descendants up the Connecticut river, while those of Thomas are found in Springfield and the adjoining towns south. It appears by the records of Springfield that two of the sons of Thomas^ were of age in 1672, SamueP and Joseph^, and had the privilege of voting, as they were rated for taxes at £80. The de- scendants of this family drifted south in the adjoining towns, and in 1741 Stephen-^ moved from Longmeadow and settled in Wilbra- liam. His son, Capt. Phineas, was elected the first representative to the General Court in 1786 and for three successive years. In 1787 Capt. Phineas was chosen delegate to sit in the convention to be holden in Boston for the purpose of examining the constitution of the United States for them to accept or reject. The fear that the constitution took too much power from the states and gave it to the nation, Mr. Stebbins voted in the negative. Samuel-^ S moved from Longmeadow to Wilbraham ini 1735 and settled on the mountain. He was forward in business- of the District, and served on a committee to furnish material for building the Church on Wigwam Hill. Aaron, a brother of Sam- uel and Stephen came to W a few years later. Eoivland Stebbins, Sen., b. in England in 1594, m. Sarah ; he d. Dec... 14, IGTl; she d. Oct. 4, 1649. Ch. 1, Thomas', b. in 1620, m. Hannah Wright in 1G45. Ch. 2, Sarah-, b. in 1623. Ch. 3, John-, b. in 1626. Ch, 4, Elisabeth, b. in 1628. Thomas'^, eldest s. of Rowland, m. Hannah Wright Nov. 1645; 2d m. Abigail Munn. Ch. 1, Samuel', b. Sept. 19, 1646. Ch. 2, Thomas^ b. July 31, 1648. Ch. 3, Joseph^, b. May IS, 1650. Ch. 4, Joseph^ b. Oct. 24, 1652. Ch. 5, Sarah, b. Aug., 1654. Ch. C, Edward^ b. Apr. 14, 1656. Ch. 7, Benjamin^, b. Apr. 11, 1658. Ch. 8, Hannah^ b. in 1660. SamueP, s. of Thomas^, m. Joanna Lamb July 22, 1679. Ch. 1, Thomas*, b. Dec. 26, 1681. Ch. 2, Samuel-*, b. May 13, 1683; and others. 554 GEXEALOGIES AXD RECORDS. Samnel^, s. of Samuel', m. Hannah, dau. of Luke Hitchcock, Jan. 30, 1707; he d. June 17, 17G7. Oh. 1, SamueP, b. June lit, 1708. Ch. 2, Jonothan^, b. Oct. 2-4, 1709. Cli. ;3, Stephen^, b. Oct. 16, 1711. Cli. 4, Hannah-', b. June 10, 1713, m. Moses Parsons. Ch. 5, AaronS, b. Feb. 20, 1715. Ch. G, Joanna^ b. Xov. 1, 1710, m. James Firmin. Cli. 7. Moscs5, b. Dec. 4, 1718. Ch. 8, Luke^ b. Jan. 2S, 1722. Ch. 9, Sarah', b. Nov, 8, 1725. Ch. 10, Xehemiahs, b. Apr. 14, 1727, m. Elisabeth Morgan Oct. 3, 1753. Ch. 11, Thankful, b. March 4, 1730. Stephen^, s. of Samuel^ m. Sarah Bliss Oct. 9, 1733, moved from Longmeadow to Wilbraham 1741. Ch. 1, Sarah", b. May 15, 1734, m. John Langdon. Ch. 2, Eunice'"', b. Dec. 15, 1735. Ch. 3, Eldad'', b. Aug. 13, 1737. Ch. 4, Phineas", b. May 19, 1739. Ch. 5, Zadock'', b. Aug. 12, 1741. Ch. 6, Eunice'^ b. Nov. 15, 1743, m. David Lyon. Ch. 7, Ruth6, b. Feb. 10, 1746. Ch. 8, Hannah^, b. Aug. 10, 1748. Ch. 9, Stephen", b. Sept. 28, 1750. Ch. 10, Stephen", b. Apr. 28, 1752. Ch. 11, Gad'', b. Feb. 12, 1756. Eldad'', s, of Stephen^, m. Ann Badger Apr. 11, 1765. Ch. 1, Ann", b. Feb. 4, 170—, m. Noah Stebbins. Ch. 2, Biua", b. Aug. 11, 1767, m. Samuel Lyman. Ch. 3, Eldad", b. June 13, 1767. Ch. 4, Gilbert", b. March 17, 1769, m. Mary Wood. Ch. 5, * . Luther", b. March 2, 1771. Ch. 6, ( °^' Calvin^ b. March 2, 1771. Ch. 7, Lovice", b. March 7, 1772. Ch. 8, Eldad', b. Apr. 4, 1774. Ch. 9, Luther", b. Sept. 29, 1776. Ch. 10, Calvin", b. March 5, 1778. Ch. 11, Alpheus^ b. July 28, 1780. Ch, 12, Lovice, b. Dec. 7, 1782, m. Stephen Stebbins. Alpheus', 8. of Eldad", m. Mary Holt, West Springfield, Nov. 14, 1805; he d. Sept. 25, 1857. Ch. 1, Melissa^ b. June 2, 1802. Ch. 2, Eldad Holt*, b. July 1, 1809, m. Miriam Chaffee Apr. 3, 1832. Ch. 3, DvFight Masons, b. Aug. 7, 1811, m. Tryphena Sikes. Ch. 4. Clarissa% b. June 24, 1813, d. Sept. 8, 1830. Ch. 5, Jacksons, b. Nov. 4, 1815. Ch. 6, Dixons, b. Feb. 13, 1818. Ch. 7, Margarets, b. May 3, 1820, d. Feb. 1, 1856. Ch. 8, MaryS, b. Nov. 5, 1825. Dwirjht^ 2d., s. of Alpheus", m. Tryphena Sikes of Belchertown Sept. 19, 1838, and sLltled in Palmer; she d. Nov. 24, 1840; 2d m. Sophia Ball Apr. 15. 1841. SLOAX. — SHERMAN". — STOWE. 555 Ch. 1, Holt^ b. June 27, 1844, d. July 13, 1844. Ch. 2, Henry« N., b. Apr. 21, 1850, m. Sophia B. Atwood May 28, 1871. Their ch.: 1, Edith^ L., b. June 14, 1874. 2, Alethaio B., b. Sept. 2, 1880. Orson^, s. of Luther' and grandson of Lt. Noah", m. Nancy Barnes of Palmer July 1, 1835. Ch. 1, Lucinda^, b. Nov., 1836, d. Sept. 11, 1838. Ch. 2, Henry«, b. 1839. THE SLOAN FAMILY came from Lyme, N. H. William and Mary Sloan. Ch. 1, Joseph, b. June 24, 1760. Ch. 2, Margaret, b. May 24, 1765. Ch. 3, Mary, b. March 9, 1768. Ch. 4, John, b. Aug. 7, 1770. Ch. 5, Sarah, b. Dec. 15, 1772. THE SHERMAN FAMILY. Benjamin Sherman m. Roxey Utley, 179-. Ch. 1, Harvey U., b. , 1801, m. Louisa Ferre. Ch. 2, Cyntha, b. Dec. 3, 1803. Ch. 3, Elsie, b. June 18, 1805. Ch. 4, Betsey, b. Nov. 28, 1809, m. William Hitchcock March 24, 1831. Ch. 5, Benjamin P., b. Dec. 22, 1811. Ch. 6, Charles, b. Oct. 29, 1813. Ch. 7, Roxania, b. May 25, 1816, m. Chester S. Kendall Aug. 26, 1S41. Ch. S, Asel, b. Aug. 13, 1819. Harvey U., s. of Benjamin, m. Louisa Ferre May 26, 1829. Ch. 1, Henry Clay, b. Oct. 10, 1830. Ch. 2, Harvey U., Jun., b. Feb. 11, 1832, d. Feb. 1, 1834. Ch. 3, Sarah Jane, b. Apr. 20, 1834. Ch. 4, Albert, b. Aug. 19, 1836. THE STOWE FAMILY. 1, John Stovr, from County Kent, England, arrived at Roxbury May 17, 1634, in one of the ships of Winthrop's company; was made freeman Sept. 3, 1634; was member of the A. & H. Art. Co. 1638; representative at two courts in 1639; d. Oct. 26, 1643. His wife was Elizabeth ; d. Aug., 16.38. They had six ch., all b. in England. Ch. 1, Thomas, m. Mary Griggs and settled in Braintree, removed to Con- cord, removed to Middletown, Ct. Ch. 2, Elizabeth, m. Henry Archer. Ch. 3, John. Ch. 4, Nathaniel-, m. Elizabeth , settled in Concord. Ch. 5, Samuel, graduate of Harvard University 1645, settled as minister in Middletown, Ct., m. Hope Fletcher. Ch. 6, Thankful, m. John Pierpont. 2, Nathaniel, s. of John^, settled in Concord, freeman 1690, m. Elizabeth , who d. June 8, 1661. Ch. 1, SamueP. 556 GENEALOGIES AND RECORDS. Ch. 2, John, died young. . Ch. 3, Hannah, died young. Ch. 4, Thankful. 3, Samuel, s. of Nathaniel-, was named for his uncle Samuel, who remem- bered him in his will ; was a soldier in King Philip's war ; settled in Marlboro' 1677; bought, 1084, of Waban and James Atchuit, Indians of Natick, 20 acres in Marlboro'; was one of the proprietors of Ockoocan- gansett plantation, and a prominent man in town affairs; d. Feb. 9, 1721, aged 76; m. Elizabeth , d. June 17, 1737. Ch. 1, Samuels b. May 2, IGSO. Ch. 2, Thomas, b. Dec. 27, 1682, m. Hannah Johnson and was the father of 16 ch. Ch. 3, Mary, m. Jonathan Morse. Ch. 4, Thankful, m. Samuel Stevens. Ch. 5, Rachel, m. Luke Kice. Ch. 6, John, m. Elizabeth Brigham and was the father of 10 ch. 4, Samuel, s. of SamueP, lived in Marlboro', d. Feb. 13, 1768, m. Sarah Snow Dec. 19, 1704; she d. Feb. 20, 1762. Ch. 1, Abner; 2, Jonathan; 3, Thankful; 4, Solomon-^ b. Oct. 10, 1714; .5, Sarah; 6, Mary; 7, Simon. 5, Solomon, s. of Samuel*, settled in Grafton, d. Nov. 4, 1763, m. Eliza- beth . Ch. 1, Mercy. Ch. 2, Elizabeth. Ch. 3, Jonah«, b. March 31, 1747. Ch. 4, Shelomith. Ch. 5, Beulali. Ch. 6, Solomon, b. May 30, 1758, was a Minute Man in 1775, in service 1776, enlisted for three years in 1777 in Capt. Daniel Barnes's company. Col. T. Bigelow's regiment; kept a "diary," which is of much historical value, and now in possession of Dr. W. H. Stowe of Palmer. Ch. 7, William T. 6, Jonah, s. of Solomon^ lived awhile in Grafton, where dau. Judith was b. ; settled and d. in Croydon, N. H. ; he m., 1767, Lydia Powers of North- bridge. 7, Solomon, s. of Jonah*^, was b. 1777, m. Hannah Webster and lived and d. in Morristown, Vt. 8, Solomon, s. of Solomon', was b. in Morristown 1817, where he d. 1882; he m., 1838, Ursula G. Headley. 9, Willard H., s. of Solomon^, was b. in Morristown, 1844; graduated in Ver- mont Medical College; settled as a physician in Palmer in 1876, and still remains in practice; member of the Historical Committee. THE STRONG FAMILY. Chester, the third son of Aarou, was b. at Southampton, Mass., March 16, 1811. Chester, 1st, d. in infancy; Harvey, b. Oct. 18, 1808, d. at Palmer May 16, 1862; Asahel, b. March 11, 1814, d. May 29, 1824; Levi, b. Aug. 13, 1816, d, June 17, 1832. Chester Stroni STRONG. 557 Aaron, Jun., like his father and grandfather Asahel, spent his da3's in Southampton. He was prominent in town affairs, and left a handsome property to his widow and children. He was m. Oct. 16, 1806, to Lurena Searle, who belonged to another old South- ampton family and d. June 7, 18-i6. Chester Strong first came to Palmer in 1839, but soon engaged in mercantile business in Monson under the firm name of Strong & Norcross. Keturning to Palmer he became the second agent of the AVestern Railroad corporation. He resigned his position to open a store of general merchandise in Palmer, and received the appointment of Postmaster under the Harrison and Tyler admin- istration. Mr. Strong, believing that the village of Palmer was destined to become a large center of population from its situation from rail- roads built and projected, in 1847 erected near the center of Thorndike Street and Main a granite-trimmed brick block of stores, tenements and oflfices. May 22, 1844 he married Lucia E. Cook, at that time a teacher in the public schools at Palmer and d-u. of Elizur Cook of West Springfield and connected through tie mother to a branch of the Ely family. Mr. Strong in 1850 bailt his residence at the corner of Thorndike Street and Foster Avenue and there resided at the time of the great fire in 1852, vhich destroyed Strong's block and the Nassowanno House. His brother Harvey never married but lived with his brother. They now sold their farms in Southampton and immediately erected Strong's block on the site of the one burned, and now known as Cross block. By the solicitations of citizens, Ches- ter and Harvey purchased the site of the ruins of the old Nasso- wanno House of Calvin Shaw, Esq., and erected the present Nasso- wanno house, at that time the best Hotel in Western Massachu- setts. Mr. Strong was deputy sheriff and engaged in the insur- ance business until his death, Feb. 28, 1863. He was one of the original stockholders of the Palmer Journal enterprise to encour- age the manager, Gordon M. Fiske, who soon became so well known among the New England editors. Lucia E., wife of Ches- ter, was a popular and efficient teacher in the public schools, sev- eral of our business men in the village being among her pupils. Perhaps a trying circumstance hastened the acquaintance between Mr. Strong and Lucia E. at the j)Ost-ofiice, as he refused under the rules to deliver a letter to her address as a stranger without cash payment. But the young people soon learned that she had no difficulty in getting her letters. They had but one child. Homer C, b. Sept. 5, 1850. Here- 558 GENEALOGIES AND RECORDS. ceived his education in the public schools of Palmer, Monson Academy and was graduated at the AYesleyan Academy in the class of 1868 and from Amherst College in the class of 1875. He studied law at the Harvard Law School and was admitted to the bar at Springfield in 1879. Jan. 10, 1883, he was m. to Miss Lizzie M., daughter of Agent Cornelius Wilson of the Thorndike Mills, They have one child, Grace Cook. The genealogy of the Strong family in England embraces sev- eral centuries, with a change in orthography viz., McStrachan, Strackan, Stracker and Strong. They were honored with a mural coronet previous to 1500. These rewards were given to the man that first scaled the walls of an enemy's city or entered by a breach. A branch of this family settled in Wales in 1545, and Richard^ Strong was of this branch of the family and was born in 1561, and in 1590 removed to Taunton, Somersetshire, England, where he d. in 1613, leaving a s. John, 8 years of age, and a daii. Elenor. John^ was b. in 1605 and removed to London and sailed to the New World March 20, 1630, with 140 others, and after a passo^.^ of 70 days they landed and proceeded to Dorchester and became a \ of the founders of that town. In March, 1635, he moved to Hin.^;- ham and in 1636 he took the freeman's oath. When he was :' resident of Taunton he was sent a deputy to the General Court, and the same year was made freeman of the Plymouth Colony He afterwards removed to Windsor, when he was appointed with others to superintend the founding of that town. His next removal was to the Connecticut valley, where he was one of the leading citizens in the organization of the town of Northampton. His occupation was a tanner, and his interest in and for the Church was such that he was ordained Elder June 24, 16G3. He m. in England and had two sous; bis wife and infant d. in Nantasket; 2d m. Abigail Ford, a4. Capt. Peregrine Wliite of this town, aged 83 years and eight months, died the 20th, inst. He was vig- WALKER. 567 orous and of a comely aspect to tlie last ; born on board the May- flower, Capt. Jones commander ; was the first Englishman born in New England. Although he was in the former part of his life ex- travagant, yet he was much reformed in his last years, and died hai^pily." Calvin White m. Phebe Titus, b. Au;;. 27, 1770; she b. June 3, 1777; he d. July 31, 1838; she d. Aug. 31, JS3-J. Ch. 1, Jonah, b. Nov. 18, 1795, m. Sarah McGregor Feb. 9, 1819, d. Aug. 29, 1870. Ch. 2, Ruby, b. June 10, 1797, d. Feb. 21, 1848. Ch. 3, Phebe, b. Aug. 27, 1799, m. Ftozel Hastings Dec. 31, 1816, d. Sept. 19, 1868. Ch. 4, Sophia, b. Sept. 17, 1801, m. Ethan Ross Dec. 31, 1828, d. July 5, 1868. Ch. 5, Calvin, b. Dec. 10, 1804, m. Sabrina Hammond Oct. 2, 1837, d. Jan. 27, 1848. Ch. 6, Harriett A., b. March 28, 1808, m. Jesse Morse July 4, 1837, d, June 9, 1846. Ch. 7, Mary B., b. June 9, 1810, m. Samuel A. Shaw Apr. 1.5, 1829, d. Aug. 31, 1866. Ch. 8, Elbridge G., b. Sept. 10, 1813, m. Harriett Gould May 15, 1844, d. iSTov. 21, 1852. Ch. 9, Marsha A., b. Jan. 25, 1818, m. Banister Nutting Oct. 18, 1838, d, Feb. 21, 1852. THE WALKER FAMILY. Capt. Sylvanus Walker was b. in Brookfield Apr. 8, 1728, d. in Palmer 9, 1797. He served as captain in the AVar of the Revolution till his health failed; he then returned to Palmer. He has been remembered by some of the past generation as one that received a colouers com- mission, with a request from Gen. Washington to return to the army, but was never able. It has been said, when he was partak- ing of meals with his neighbors, and the ladies made excuses about any of the dishes not being good enough for the occasion, it was his custom to reprove them for their ungratefulness for the bless- ings they enjoyed, while so many of the soldiers were suffering, being destitute of food and clothing. He married Mary King of Palmer and located in the southeast part of the town, and kept hotel in the house occupied of late by Dea. Brainard. He had two sons and one daughter — Calvin, 8ylvanus and Mary. Calvin died in the war, before his father returned. Mary married Gideon Abbot, a brother of the wife of Zadock Cooley. Sylvanus' Walker, Jun., m. Sarah Appleton Apr. 12, 1783; she d. Oct. 5, 1785; 2d m. Lucintha Jewett Aug. 16, 1795; she d. Dec. 28, 1795; 3d m. Hannah Keep Dec. — , 1798. Ch. 1, Calvin, b. Feb. 23, 1784, d. in the war 1812. Ch. 2, Benjamin A., b. Sept. 30, 1785, m. Mary Van Buren. Ch. 3, Lucintha J., b. Dec. 11, 1799. 5G8 GENEALOGIES AND RECORDS. Benjamin A:^, s. of Sylvanus'-, Jun., m. Mary Van Buren Oct. 12, 1S17. Ch. 1, Sarah A., b. Aug. 26, 181S. Ch. 2, Sylvanus, b. Apr. 12, 1820, m. Celia Hoar March 19, 18-14. Ch. o, Lucintha, b. March 13, 1822, m. Ruben Hudson Nov. 19, 1845. Ch. 4, Kebekah, b. May 21, 1824, m. Daniel Lynde July 18, 1849. Ch. 5, John K., b. March 4, 1826, m. Esther E. Lynde Aug. 22, 1849. Ch. 6, Mary J., b. March 20, 1828, d. Apr. i], 1828. Ch. 7, Eliza, b. March 29, 1829. Ch. 8, a son, b. March 18, 1831, d. March 20, 1831. Sylvanus*, s. of Benjamin A^., m. Celia Hoar March 19, 1844. Ch. 1, Sylvanus; 2, Sarah; 3, Edward; 4, William. John'^ K., s. of Benjamins A., m. Esther E. Lynde Aug. 22, 1849. Ch. 1, Mary L., b. Nov. 17, 1857, m. Fred O. Carter Oct. IS, 1SS3. Ch. 2, Mabel K., b. May 20, 1867. THE WATSON FAMILY. Jo?in Watson of Leicester, b. Nov., 171G, m. Mary Blair Jan. 12, 1744; he d.. Nov. 9, 1795; shed. July 21, 1795. Ch. 1, Patrick ; 2, John ; 3, Samuel ; 4, William ; 5, Dolly ; 6, Molly ; 7, Elisabeth ; 8, Hannah ; 9, Lydia. Dolly born April 6, 1754, married James Smith of Pulmer. Two of his sons settled on the Berkshire hills and carried on the tannery business ; Patrick, his eldest son, settled in this town in 1766, and engaged in the same occupation some forty years, together with farming. During his stay here before marriage, he bought the Tackles farm, and built his house, which is now the ell to the Whi^jple house. It is said the winter before marriage the blockade of snow was no disparagement to him from making his regular trip to Leicester, to meet the object of his affection, for his snow- shoes were his safe way of conveyance. When spring-time came and the roads became passable, Capt. Watson and his wife took their wedding tour on horseback, and arrived at their new home in Palmer, to the joy and delight of the neighborhood. He always lived on his home farm until death — which was announced in a paper printed in Springfield in 1827. Capt. Patrick Watson died at Palmer. November 30, aged 82 years. "An honest man is the noblest work of God." Capt. Patrick', s. of JohnS m. Isabel Blair June 23, 1768, b. Aug. 30, 1745, d . Nov. 30, 1827; she d. Dec. 31, 1831. Ch. 1, Polly, b. July 23, 1769, m. David Royce 1790, d, July 31, 1805. Ch. 2, James, b. Apr. 3, 1771, m. Miss Rugg, d. Aug. 7, 1S20. Ch. 3, John, b. Sept. 17, 1772, m. Sally King, d. Aug. 3, ls51. Ch. 4, Sally, b. July 27, 1775, m. Rev. David Dickinson, d. 1853. Ch. 5, Betsey, b. July 17, 1777, m. Martin Bardwell, d. Sept. 4, 1853. Ch. 6, Dolly, b. Sept. 10, 1779, m. Joshua Hamilton, d. Juno 13, 1806. Ch. 7, Hannah, b. July 8, 1781, m. Elihu Smith, d. Sept. 24, 1864. Ch. 8, Lydia, b. March 18, 1783, m. Joel Barber. WEBBER, — WARRINER. — WASHBUR]>f. — WOOD. 569 Ch. 9, ( Patrick, b. Oct. 19, 1786, d. Aug. 26, 1808. Ch. 10, ( "^' Isabel, b. Oct. 19, 1786, m. Rufus Smith, d. Sept. 11, 1863. Ch. 11, Asa, b. Oct. 8, 1790, d. 1791. John^, s. of Capt. Patrick-, m. Sally King; 2dm. Mary Hawes in 1834. Ch. 1, Sarah, m. O. H. Bidwell, d. Feb. 27, 1885. James-^, s. of Capt. Patrick-, m. Miss Rugg; b. Apr. 8, 1771, d. Aug. 7, 1820. Ch. 1, Don Alonzo; 2, Alamanzo; 3, Aramintha; 4, Aramelia; 5, Patrick; 6, Candice. THE WEBBER FAMILY. JoJm Webber, an early settler, but not one of the proprietors, as he bought the two farms, one of Andrew Farran in 173-, the other, a 100 acre lot, of John Thomson, first division, in 1740. He sold his farm to Francis Breakenridge, where he died in 1790. Col. EbeiiezarW ehherm. Mrs. Rebecca Breakenridge 1792; he d. May 15, 1807, aged 64; she d. in 1828. Ch. 1, Robert, the eldest s. b. 1793, d. Sept. 7, 1812. Ch. 2, Jonothan, m. Sally Sedgwick; he removed to Belchertown in his old age, where he d. in 1884. Ch. 3, Solomon, m. Susan Blair and resided on the homestead. Ch. 4, Ann, m. Mr. Davis. THE WARRINER FAMILY. William, m. Ruth Morgan Oct. 10, 1776. Ch. 1, John, b. June 18, 1777. Ch. 2, Nabby, b. Dec. 15, 1778. Ch. 3, Lois, b. Aug. 11, 1780. Ch. 4, Ruth, b. Sept. 22, 1782, Brimfield. Ch. 5, William B., b. Feb. 3, 1785, Wilbraham. Ch. 6, Abner M., b. Apr. 15, 1787, Wilbraham. THE WASHBURN FAMILY. Ira, Jun., and Maria Washburn. Ch. 1, Ann Maria, b. July 11, 1825. Ch. 2, Quincy Adams, b. July 10, 1827. Ch. 3, Harriett, b. Nov. 20, 1829. Ch. 4, Eliza Ann, b. Nov. 24, 1831. Ch. 5, July Ann, b. Dec. 5, 1834. THE WOOD FAMILY. William Wood came to this country in 1G38, and died in Con- cord in 1671, leaving an only son. Michael-, s. of William^, m. , d. in Concord May 13, 1674, left several children. Ch. 1, Abigail, b. in 1672. Ch. 2, Abraham, b. , and removed to Sudbury; had a large family. Ch. 3, Isaac, b. , m. and had a family in Concord. Ch. 4, Thomson, b. . Ch. 5, t Jacob, b. March 8, 1662, m. Mary Wheeler. Ch. 6, John, b. , m. : had one child, John, b. in 1680. 570 GENEALOGIES AND IlECOEDS. Jacob", s. of Michael-, m. Mary Wheeler. Ch. 1, Ephraim, b. Feb. 4, 1702, m. Mary Buss, and had several sons and probably a dau. ; he d. 1789. Ch. 2, Oliver, b. 1730. Ch. 3, Ephraim, b. 1733. Ch. 4, Amos, b. 1737. Ch. 5, tPeter, b. June 23, 1740, m. Sybil Howe Nov. 22, 1764. Peter^, s. of Jacob", m. Sybil, dau. of Thomas Howe of Marlboro Nov. 22, 1765; she b. May 7, 1740. He settled in Marlboro when young and became a prominent man in town and iu the church. He was commissioned by Gov. Hancock in 1783 as a magistrate, and for many years performed most of the business of the place. He died March 5, 1820. Ch. 1, Aaron, b. Dec. 18, 1765, d. young. Ch. 2, Dorythy, b. Nov. 30, 1767, m. Abner Brigham, d. July 6, 1854. Ch. 3, Thomas, b. March 27, 1770, m. Dorothy Sawin in 1702; moved to Canada. Ch. 4, Martha, b. Feb. 14, 1772, ra. James Henderson of Northboro iu 1796. Ch. 5, Anna, b. Nov. S, 1773, m. Windsor Stratton in 1791. Ch. 6, Moses, b. Sept. 24, 1775, m. Kebecca Turner. Ch. 7, Jedediah, b. May 16, 1777. Jedediah°, s. of Peter*, m. Betsey, dau. of Edward and Sarah Wilkins, He resided in that part of Marlboro' which now constitutes the town of Hudson. He had command of a military company, and was a prominent citizen of the town. He d. 1867, aged nearly 90. €h. 1, William Henry, b. March 3, 1802, m. Caroline Henderson. Ch. 2, Betsey, b. Jan. 15, 1804, m. Samuel Arnold. €h. 3, Mariah Louisa, b. March 22, 1810, d. Aug. 18, 1829. Ch. 4, Sophronia, b. May 17, 1812, d. Aug. 18, 1829. €h. 5, Elbridge G., b. Sept. 2, 1814. €h. 6, Alonzo, b. Aug. 17, 1817. Ch. 7, Franklin, b. July 1, 1820, d. Sept. 13, 1824. Br. Elbridge G.^, s. of Jedediah^, m. Almira Bush ; 2d m. Sarah Priest ; 3d m. Olive M., dau. of Dea. Henry Higgins of Hardwick. Mr. Wood was a practicing physician previous to 1848 in Win- chendon and Athol for several years. He removed to Iowa in 1850, where he was appointed Justice of the Peace. He settled in Moline, HI., 1853, and from thence returned to Palmer, 1860. He was a druggist in this town till 1875, when he retired from business. He d. Oct. G, 1880. Ch. 1, Almira, b. , d. young. Ch. 2, Arthur G., b. Feb. 22, 1845, m. Ella Hapgood. Ch. 3, Elbridge J.", b. Feb. 18, 1850. Elbridge J.\ s. of Elbridge 6.% m. Adclade E. M. Hubbard Oct. 13, 1875, of Bridgeport, Me. I WASSUM. — WHITING. 571 Mr. Wood has resided in Palmer since 1860. He opened a store in 1873, and continued in trade iintil 1884. He was the first in town to make a specialty of the paper-hanging business, which by his thorough knowledge of the trade and perseverance he made it a success. Ch. 1, Horace E., b. March 15, 1879. Ch. 2, Edmund Wendell, b. Dec. 30, 1882. Eev. Abner Morse, A. M., gives an historical account of Nich- olas "Wood of Concord, 1042, and Nicholas of Dorchester, 1640, who, in company with And. Pitcher, took the freeman's oath June 2, 1641, and for a series of years occupied the farm of Hon. John Glover in what is now Milton. Mr. Wood d. Feb. 7, 1669, living on his farm at Natick. His property was prized at £1,049, his funeral expenses £72 2s. Ch. 1, Mary; 2, Sarah; 3, Hannah; 4, Jonathan, killed by the Indians Feb. 21, 1675-6: 5, Mehitable, m. Capt. Joseph Morse of Medfield; 6, Abigail; 7, Bethia; 8, Eleazer. He was scalped and left for dead, yet recovered, married and had three daughters. The male descendants of Nicholas, Sen., ends here. He was probably a brother of William. They at first located in the same town and at about the same time. THE WASSUM FAMILY. Frederick J., son of John P. and Mary F. Wassum. Yeoman- Frederick was born January 18, 1826,; in Steinfichbach, Germany ; he learned the tailors' trade, and with the spirit of adventure, and the conceived idea that America would be the place to establish his trade, he sailed for New York March, 1851, and arrived the June following. After working some eighteen months in Monson, he located in the village of Palmer 1853, and been in the business of merchant tailor for thirty-six years. He married Anna E. Keith January, 1861 ; 2d marriage Julia Ann Boardman March, 1866. Ch. 1, Gertrude, b. Oct. 10, 1872, d. June, 1873. Ch. 2, Lucy Ann, b. March 16, 1873. THE WHITING FAMILY. 1, Lewis Whiting m. Lydia Young 1800. 2, ch. 1, Lewis, b. May 20, 1801, m. Ruth Holden, Northfield. 3, ch. 2, Seth, b. Jan. 1, 1803, m. Abigail Chapin, Chicopee. 4, ch. 3, Louisa, b. Sept. 6, 1804, d. young. 5, ch. 4, Lemuel, b. Aug. 22, 1806, d. unm. 6, ch. 5, Elmira, b, Oct. 28, 1808, m. Henry Benjamin, Wendall. 7, ch. 6, Harriett, b. Feb. 10, 1811, m. Hosea Aldrich, Bernardston. 572 GENEALOGIES AND RECORDS. 8, ch. 7, Mary, b. March 19, 1818, m. Hiram Gleason, Chicopee. 9, ch, 8, Stephen, b. May 22, 1815. d. unm. 10, ch, 9, Loren F., b. Sept. 27, 1817. Lor en F., s. of Lewis, m. Louisiania S. Blair Dec. 25, 1843; she d. Sept. 11, 1863; 2d m. Elisabeth (Green) Shaw Nov. 24, 1864. 11, ch. 1, Adilade Jenette, b. Apr. 25, 1845, d. Jan. 11, 1846. 12, ch. 2, George D., b. Oct. 22, 1846, m. Sarah A. Keith. 13, ch. 3, Ada Elmira, b. Aug. .31, 1848, m. Woodworth Parks. 14, ch. 4, Lewis C, b. Jan. 5, 1851, m. Elisabeth Phelps. Ch., 1, Jane; 2, Lewis; 3, Elmer. 15, ch. 5, William S., b. March 12, 1853, m. Catie Lemon. 16, ch. 6, Jane E., b. Nov. 29, 1854, d. Oct. 29. 18G9. 17, ch. 7, Mary E., b. Dec, 6, 1856, m. George Stone. 16, ch. 8, Everett B., b. Feb. 5, 1859, m. Elisabeth Phipps. 19, ch. 9, Lilla K., b. Jan. 4, ISGl, m. Byron Thayer. 20, ch. 10, Elmer L., b. Sept. 7, 1863. 21, ch. 11, Frank G., b. Oct. 13, 1866. 12, George D., s. of Loren F., m. Sarah A., Keith Nov. 24, 1870. 22, ch. 1, Carrie Belle, b. July 14, 1872. 23, ch. 2, Sadie Amelia, b. Aug. 16, 1878. 24, ch. 3, Jessie Edith, b. Oct. 19, 1879. 25, ch. 4, George Dwight, Jr., b. May 29, 1885. laban and Polly Whiting. Ch. 1, Artemus S., b. Feb. 17, 1821. Ch. 2, Sarah L., b. Feb. 3, 1823. Ch. 3, Betsey S., b, Apr. 17, 1825. Ch. 4, Mary Ann, b. Apr. 8, 1827. Ch. 5, Francis A., b. June 27, 1829. TABLETS AISTD EPITAPHS. Erected to the memory of Eev. MOSES BALDWIN, Who died Nov. 2, A. D. 1813, aged 81 years. Mrs. REBECCA, Wife of the Lite Moses Baldwin, died Apr. 14, 1842, aged 97 years. In memory of Mr. JAMES BRAKENRIDGE, Who died Apr. y« 5*^ 1767, in y® 72 year of his age. Eeader, behold as you pass by, As you are now so once was I, So you must now prepare to die. In memory of Mrs. SARAH, Wife of James Brakenridge, who died Nov. 17 ^'^ 1773, in her 79*'' year. Death is a debt that nature's due, Which I have paid and so must you. In memory of Mr. MATTHEW BROWN, Who died Apr. y« 3G*^ A. D. 1766, aged 80 years. 574 TABLETS AND EPITAPHS. In memory of WILLIAM BROWN, Who died Feb. y« 2(i^^, 1783, in y« 62 year of his age. In memory of Mr. DAVID COOLEY, Who died Oct. 19**', 1793, in the 82 year of his age. Mortals we are, none can deny, Farewell, my friends, prepare to die. In memory of MARGARET COOLEY, Wife of Mr. David Cooley, Who died Aug. G*^ 1804, aged 92 years. Here lies the body of Mr. ROBERT FERREL, Who died Oct. y« 22^ A. D. 1765, aged 78 years. Here lies the body of Mrs. ELISABETH, Wife of Mr. Robert Ferrel, Mother of 16 children. She died June y® 15*^, 1758, aged 64 years. Here lies the body of Mr. JOSEPH FLEMING, Who died Oct. y« 15*^, A. D. 1757, aged 84 yrs. TABLETS AND EPITAPHS, 575 BRYANT FOSTER, Died May 23^ 1813, aged 72 years. THANKFUL, His wife, Died 1802, aged 62 years. JONATHAN FERRY, Died May, 1838, aged 90 years. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. In memory of DUNKIN QUINTON, Who died March 7, 1776, aged 82 yrs. DANIEL GRAVES, Died with small pox Nov. 29, 1760, aged 59 yrs. Here lies the body of Dea. THOMAS McCLANATHAN, Who died Jan. y« 30*^ 1764, in y« 79 year of his age. Me. JOHN KING, Died Apr. y® — , 1744, aged 63 yrs. BENJAMIN, His son, was killed by the Indians at Fort Massachusetts June ye -^th^ i75g^ in liig 34 year. 576 TABLETS AND EPITAPHS. In memory of Mrs. SAEAH, Widow and relict of Mr. John King, who died Jan'y 1^*, 1762, in y® 71 year of her age. Dea. THOMAS KING, Died May 2St^ 1801, aged 83 yrs. Also his wife JEMIMA, Died Jan. 23^ 1817, aged 98 years. In memory of Ensign JOHN KING, Who died with small pox July 2^, 1778, in the 64 year of his age. He was born in Boston, and was of a public spirit, excellent in his morals, a supporter of the Church and a friend to mankind. Here lies the body of Mr. BENJAMIN PAESONS, Jun., Who died Jan^ y« 6*% 1753 in y« 26t»^ of his age. And his Sister, MAETHA, Who died March 30*^, 1737, in y« 4*'» year of her age. The memorial also of Mr. DAVID PAESONS and ISEAEL PAESONS, who died at Fort Edwards, y« former Nov' 8t^ 1755, in y« 28 year of his age; y« latter Oct. y« 28*^ 1755, in y« 19 year of his age, all children of Mr. Benjamin and Mrs. Martha Parsons. BENJAMIN PAESONS, Died Nov'". 4t^ 1762, Aged 81 years. TABLETS AND EPITAPHS. 577 In memory of Mrs. MARTHA, Wife of Me. Benjamin Parsons, Who died July 17, 1760, in y« 63 year of her age. Here lies the body of Mr. SAMUEL NEVINS, Formerly of Londonderry, who departed this life Nov. y® 2*^, 1751, In y® 94 year of his age. In memory of Capt. JOHN THOMSON, Who died Jan. y« 10t^ 1785, in y« 86th year of his JAMES LAMBERTON, Died Jan. 23^ 1777, aged 51 years. MARY, Wife of James Lamberton, Died July 28*S 1826, aged 92 years. In memory of Mr. timothy McELWANE, Who died Sept. y« 2^ 1790, in y« 81 year of his age. In memory of Mrs. ANN, Wife of Mr Timothy McElwane, Who died March 25*^ 1740, in y« 31 year of her age. 578 TABLETS AXD EPITAPHS. In memory of JOHN McMASTER, Who died Jan. 25*^ A. D. 17G1, aged 89 years. In memory of KATHARINE McMASTER, Wife of Mr. Jonx McMaster, Who died Nov. y« 11'^, 1763, in y« 77*^^ year of her age. Here lies y" remains of Lieut. GIDEON MERRICK, Whe died of y« small pox Feb. 28*^ 1758, aged 30 years, 11 months and 26 days. A man at his best state is altogether vanity. Sacred to the memory of AARON MERRICK, Esq., Who died Dec. 2^ 1810, in the 71*^ year of his age. Te living man, come drop a tear, A worthy friend lies mouldering here; A friend to man, a friend to truth, A friend to age, a guide to youth. Few heads with knowledge so informed. Few hearts like his with virtue warmed. "We trust he's gone to realms of bliss — In the blest realms where Jesus is. Here lies the body of Mr. JOHN SPENCE, Born in y® county of Antrim, in Airland, who died July 23"*, 1753, aged 88 years. TABLETS AND EPITAPHS. 579 In memory of Dea. SAMUEL SHAW, Who died June y^ P*, A. D. 17G7, in y« 95 year of his age. In memory of DAVID SHAW, Who died July 4t^ 1775, in the 84th year of his In memory of Mrs. MARY, Wife of Mr. David Shaw, who died June 4*^ 1782, in the 85 year of her age. Father, we give the spirit up, And trust it in thy hand. This dying flesh shall rest in hope. And rise at Thy command. In memory of Dea. SETH SHAW, Who died March 29*^, 1798, aged 91 years. EGBERT SMITH, Born in the north of Airland and Departed this life Dec. y« 21^* day, 1759, in y® eighty-seventh year of his age. Father of Elder James Smith and Patrick Smith of this district. Erected at the cost of John, Robert, James and Hugh Smith, grandchildren. Here lies the body of Dea. JAMES SMITH, Who died June 16*^ 1776, aged 84 years. 580 TABLETS AND EPITAPHS. Here lies the body of Mrs. SAEAH, Wife of Dea. James Smith, who died y« 15*** Aug., 1762, aged 58 years. In memory of Dea. DAVID SPEAR, Who died Nov. 21, 1760, in the 84 year of his age. In memory of Dea. DAVID SPEAR. He died 11*^ of Apr. A. D. 1800, in the 75 year of his age. Fair well, vain world, From hence I'm hurled, Your vanities are fled. I quit them all, With this mean ball, For regions of the dead. In memory of Dea. ROBERT ROGERS, Who died May 17* 1776, aged 69 years. Mr. JOHN SHEARER'S Grave. He died Jan. 12*^ A. D. 1802, aged 96 years. Death frowns, I fall and mingle with the clay; Christ smiles, I rise and bless the happy day. Here lies the body of Mr. JAMES SHEARER, Born in the County of Antrim in Ireland, Who died Jan. 2V\ 1745, aged 67 years. TABLETS AND EPITAPHS. 581 Here lies the body of Mrs. JAMES SHEARER, Born in y® County of Derby, Ireland, Who died July 7*^ 1750, aged 75 years. In memory of Dr. ABNER stone. Who died Dec. 1«*, 1778, aged 25 years. Metbinks Le lives above, Among tbe Heavenly Host, Wbo dwelt witb us in love, And now lies bere in dust. In memory of WILLIAM SCOTT, Who died Dee. 31«*, 1763, and was born at Springfield Au2f. 8t^ 1676. In memory of Mrs. SARAH SCOTT, Widow and relict of Mr. W^illiam Scott, who died Nov. 22**, 1764, and was born at Hatfield. In memory of Lieut. WILLIAM SCOTT, Who was born in Springfield Nov. 10*^, 1723, and departed this life at Palmer May 25*^ 1790, in the 67'^ year of his age. My dearest friends, bebold, And do not mourn for me ; My bodys turned to dust, My soul in Cbrist to live. CORRECTIONS IJST THE APPEI^DIX. Page 460, second line, after name of Mary, read dau. for d. Page 409, fifth and sixth lines, read Lambert Allen homestead. Page 397, read grist mill for satv mill. Page 450, last line but one, read Thomas Harmon. Page 437, line 16, read captured by the French. Page 509, third line from the bottom, read Martha for Betsey. INDEX. Abbott family, 408. " George, 160. " Joseph, 179. " Samuel, 20o, 209. Zebadiah, 190. Adams family, 408. " Kev. Amos, 172. " Andrew, 205. Wid. Ann, 205. John, 194, 205. Seth, 190. Advent Christian Church, 247. Agricultural Society, 282-286. Ainsworth, Elemuel, 173. '" .Jacob, 154. " Moses, 173. " Smith, 153. Alarm, about the taking of Fort William Henry, 150. Alden, Col. John, 62, 74, 103. Aldrich, C. C, 273. Alexander, Nathaniel, 172, Allen family, Abner, 409. Allen family, James G., 410. Allen family, Orrin P., 408. Allen, Capt. Abner, 227, 251. " Cheney, 412. " Daniel, 149. " Elijah, 230. " James, 175. " James G., 255. " Jonathan, 172. " Levi, 278. ** Nathan, 175. " O. P., 242, 282, 305, 306. " Samuel, 125, 151. Ames, Jethro, 66, 125. Ancient Order of United Work- men, 341. Anderson, Dr. Thomas, 201. Angell, Capt. Abiathar, 172. Applin family, 407. Isaac, 149, 153. " John, 120, 125, 140, 278. Apprentices, how indentured, 251. Arnold, Samuel, 183. Ashley, D. F., 280. " Stephen, 180. Ashuelot, 125. Austin, Gad, 152. Job, 154. " John, 153. Atchinson, Benoni, 149, 183. Auchmuty, Robert, 50. Averell, James, Jun., 194, 205. Avery, Ephraim, 183. Ayer, Kev. C. L., 242. Bachelor, John, 205, 2'JO. " Nehemiah, 205. Backus pond, 14. " Peter, 67, 68,82, 108, 125, 132 " Rev. Samuel, 236. Bacon family, 4.30. " Joseph, 194, 205, " Simeon, 183, 2C5, 290. Bailey, Andrew, 32, 66; wid. of, 82, 114, 125. Baker, Benjamin, 175. Baldwin family, 419. " Ezra Lee, 306. " Daniel, 306, " John, 215, 306. " Rev. Moses, 144, 205, 215; history of, 217-222. "' William, 228. Ball, Huldah, 253. " Capt. Jonathan, 151, 152. " William, 140. Bancroft, Capt, John, 155. Bannister, Benoni, 180, 183. " Joseph, 183. 584 Bank of Paper Money, 203. Baptist Church, First, 239, 265, " Second, 241. Baptist hill, 14. Barber family, 422. " Moses, ISO, 184. Bardwell, Capt. Jonathan, 172, 174. " Lieut. Perez, 200, 201. Barker family, 420. Barre, John, 189. Barrouge, Simon, 186. Barry, James, 121, 125. Bars, across the highway, 220, 227. Bartlett, Aaron, 175, 182. " Benjamin, 125. " John, "182. " Thomas, 175. Bascomb family, 430. Bass viol, 215. Bates, George, 162, Batting factory, 279. Baxter, Samuel, 57. Bay Path, 22, 23, 31, 227. Beals, John, 154. Bear tree, 15. Beating papers, 170. Beckwith's, Beckworth's pond, 13. " " Jabez, 205. " " Joseph, 205. Bedortha, Samuel, 65, 67, 125, 127. Beebe, Alexander, 183. " Ebenezer, 180. " Gideon, 183. " Steward, 180. Beef, for the army, 195, 197. Beers, Jesse, 154. Belchertown, 19. Belcher, Gov. Jonathan, 58. Woodbridge, 174. Belden, Kev. W. W., 243. Belknap, Asa, 153. Bell family, 422. " William, 125. Bells, ringing the, 252. Bemon, Beamon, John, 59, 70, 95 126. Seba, 180, 184. Benedict, Rev. Noah, 144. Berry Rev. Philip, 242. Bethune, Nathaniel, 126. Bettis, Andrew, 205. Betts Fencing Co., 277. Betts, Rev. F. W., 248, 306. Billings, Amos C, 228, 282. Bishop family, 429. " Eleazar, 168, 186. " Jeremiah, 160. Joel, 161, 184, 205. " Richard, 154. " Solomon, 184. Blackmer, John, 126, 151. " Joseph, 205. " Lemuel, 205. " Peter, 125, 126. Stephen, 149, 168, 205. Thomas, 180, 183, 188, 190, 205. " Zephon, 160. Blacksmith, 278. Blackwood, Mary, 146. Blair, David, 115, 121, 126. " John, 114, 115, 122, 125, 126. " William, 157, 205. Blair's saw mill, 11. Blanchard family, 428. " Aaron, 270, 271. " Alonzo v., 260, 261. " Chester, 270, 271. Franklin, 260. " John, 233. John B., 260. John D., 260, 261. Samuel, 260. " Thomas, 260. William J., 260. Blanchardville, 11, 278. Blancher, Blanchard, Nicholas, 59, 67, 92, 121, 126, 131. " Rebecca, 126. Blenkinsop, Rev. W. A., 248. Bliss, Eleazar, 150. " Henry, 190. " Isaac, 153, 180. " John, 149. " Josiah, 183. " Luther, 180. " Stephen, 183. " Timothy, 149. " Zadock, 184. Blodgett family, 425. Admatha, 210, 212. " Benjamin, 153. " James, 172. " Rev. Joseph, 231. 585 Blunt, Jonathan, 182, 108. Bond family, 427. '^ Emelius, 272, 273, 274, 282. '' Rev. William B., 238. Bondsville, 229, 272-275 ; grist mill, 272; woolen mill, 272-3; the Mun- roe Co., 273 ; Duck Co., 273 ; product of mill, 274, 282. Booth, George, 71, 12G. Bounties offered, 1776, 179, 186, 189, 190, 191, 194. Bowen, Berry, 175. "' Joseph, 175. " Levi, 172. " Moses, 175. " Stoddard, 175. Boyd, Rev. Alexander, 93, 123, 124, 140. " Archibald, 14, 126. " Rev. William, 35. Boyden family, 427. " Asahel, 230. " Ezekiel, 229, 272. Bradford, Samuel. 02, 74, 103. Bradish, James, 171. Brainard family, 422. Timothy, 205, 278. Braman, Francis, 273. Bratten, Brittain, David, 149, 150, 153, 161, 164, 168, 205. Robert, 121, 124, 126, 142, 144. Breakenridge family, 415. " Francis, 149, 166, 169, 186, 190, 202, 205, 219. " George, 178, 205. " James, 59, 64, 89, 90, 111,115,121,126,140, 143, 218. " James, Jun., 122, 20-5. Breakneck hollow, 13, 14. Brewer, Col. David, 151, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174. " David, Jun., 172. Peter, 175. Briggs, A. W., 280. Brimfield Addition, 10, 146. " settled, 17. " Township, 63. Brookfield, date of settlement, 17. " history of, 24, 92. " northwest corner 9, 53, 62. Brookfield, pastures, 20. Brooks family, 421, " Benjamip, 189, 194. John, 60, 66, 80, 126. Joseph, 60, 67, 120, 126, 129. " Joseph, Jun., 115, 123. " Samuel, 60, 126. " Simeon, 149. " William, 126. Brown family, 412. " Andrew, 161, 168, 190. " Edward, 205. " George, 14, 19. " H. F., 2.55. " James, 126, 157. " John, 173, 175, 205. " Jonathan, 190. " Joseph, 2d, 263, 264, 271, 273, 274. " Matthew, 59, 70, 115,^22,^126. Obadiah, 168, 174. " Robert, 164, 166, 196, 205, 289. Samuel, 174. " Seva, 217. Thomas, 126. " Timothy, 125. " William, 126, 180. " William S., 175. Browning, Capt. Joseph, 194. Bruster, John, 182, 198. Buck, Moses, 185. Buckley, William, 126. Buckminster, Capt. Thomas, 125. Buel, Samuel, 166, 168, 178, 1S2,"185, 186, 189. Buffum & Harding, 273. Bullock, Rev. A. D., 242. " Daniel, 175. " Joseph, 175. Bullard, Josiah, 183. Burgoyne's men, 192. Burleigh family, 430. Burnham, Thomas, 172. Burns, Rev. Robert, 90, 142-144, 217. " Robert, 168, Burr, Isaac, 32, 49, 50, 126. " Timothy, 207. Burrill, Ebenezer, Esq., 62, 72, 74, 103. Burt, Capt. Daniel, 152. " John, 183, 209. " Jonathan, 201. " Oliver, 180. 586 Burt, Keuben, 183. " Col. Gideon, 201. Burying-ground, at. Centre, 114, 211. old, 114, 211. Bush, Asa, 152. Cadwell, Capt Daniel, 179. Cady, Daniel, 175. " Eichard, 183. Calkins family, 438. " Abel, 254. " Samuel, 180. Cambell, Sylvanus, 175. Camp, Joel, 12G, 153. Candlewood, 41. Cargill, Capt. Charles, 228, 270. Carley, John, 184. " Jonathan, 198, 199. Carlyle, James, Sen., 197. James, Jun., 182, 189, 198. " John, 183. " William, 149. Carpenter, 278. Carpenter, Benjamin, 154. " Jesse, 180. " Robert, 182. Carpet mill, 275. Cedar mountain, 14, 71. Cedar swamp, 13, 71. Cedar Swamp brook, 13, 95. Cemeteries, modern, 254; Catholic 2-54; Cemetery Association, 254. Centennial celebrations, 350, 352. Chadwick, Capt. John, 151. Joseph, 07, 115, 120, 126. Chaffee, Amos, 180. " Asa, 180, 183. Chandler, John, his letter, 30. L. E., 281. Chapin family, 433. " Abner, 150, 161. " Daniel, 180. ■" Ephraim, 183, 184. '' Gideon, 161. ■" Henry, 180. " Jonathan, 98, 120, 155. Chapin, Jonathan, Jun., 67, 127, 166. " Joseph, 161, 185, 205. Judah, 180. Lebbeus, 232, 233. Luke, 153, 205. " Oliver, 183. Chapin, Shadrack, 175. " Thomas, 71, 119, 127. Chapin's ford, 12. Chaplin, Rev. Judson, 241. Chatterton, John, ISO. Chauncey, Rev. Isaac, 89, 120. Chestnut mountain, 14. Chicopee hill, 14. Chicopee river, 11. Chikuppe river, 11. Child, Mrs. Laura E., 228. Childs, Capt. Samuel, 125. Christie, Rev. G. W., 242. Church, Josiah, 1.54. " Samuel, 154. Church, the First Presbyterian, 92; quarrel, 110; organized, 144; rec- ords, 144, 145. First Congrega- tional, 230; quarrel, 233, 237; Sec- ond Congregational, 237, 242-247- First Baptist, 239. Second Baptist, 241. Methodist Episcopal, 239- 241, Union Evangelical, 242. Ad- vent Christian, 247. St. Paul's Universahst, 247. Catholic, 248, 265. Clark family, 434. " Benoni, 180. " Horace, 279. " Jonas, 100. " Matthew, 209. " Seth, 207. " Thomas, 100. Classing for drafts, 198. Cleaveland family, 439. David, 205. Elisha, 184, 191, 205. Hopestill, 205, 290. Clemens, John, 103. William, 103. Clerks, town, list of, 323-326. Clothing for the army, 187, 188, 189, 190, 197. Cobb, Rev. F. W., 242. Coburn, Asa, 173. " Nathaniel, 186. Cold Spring, 19, 59, 61, 63, 72, 137. Coleman, Thomas, 183. Coleraine, 39. Collins, Rev. , 80, 85. " Gamaliel, 216, 248. " John, 154. 58? Collins, Rev. Samuel A., 241. " Sylvanus, 230. Collis family, 433. Colonel's mountain, 14, 26, 28. Colton, Aaron, 180. " Abner, 153. Edward, ISO. " Capt. Isaac, 172, 174. John, 179. '• Joseph, ISO. Rev. Simeon, 210, 220, 230- 232, 303. William, 180. Commons, division of, 68, 72, 73, 108; first division, 109; sec- ond division, 111; third division, 112; fourth di- vision, 112. Commons, feeding the, 81. Conant, Israel, 174. Congregational church, 221, 230. " society, 215. Converse family, 437. Alpheus, 212, 213, 219, 229, 230. Benjamin, 215, 232. Elisha, 11, 212. Jacob, 212. Jacob, Jun., 227. Joseph, 212. Coombs, John, 67, 125, 127. " Richard, 67, 127, 129. " Samuel, 184. Cook, Elizur, 10, 210. Cooley family, 435. Abner, 173. Asher, 168. David, 156. Jonathan, 161, 205, 230. Justin, 180, 184. Moses, 153, 156. Noah, 90, 120, 127, 161. Obadiah, 67, 127. Obadiah, Jun.,67, 115, 125, 127. Reuben, 161. Capt. William, 184. Zadock, 205, 231, 278. Coon, Charles, 251. Corey family, 434. Correspondence, committee of, 175, 182, 185, 189, 191. Country pay, 40, 86. Country road, old, 146. County Commissioners, list of, .335. Coville, Lemuel, 153. Cowee, Cwee, Andrew, 125, 127. " William, 10, 207, 210. Coy, Nehemiah, 205. Crawfoot, Crowfoot, John, 189, 198. " Joseph, 186, 191. Stephen, 127, 151, 191. Crawford, William, 59, 70, 94, 127. Crawford pond, 13. Crosby, Rev. Joshua, 231. Cross, Rev. Moses K., 236. Crouch, Aaron, 205. Cummings family, 432. " Benjamin, 231. " Benjamin S., 12, 279. " Isaac, 203. *' Jacob, 127, 205. " James, 194. " Joseph, 113. " Dr. Nathan, 212. " Solomon, 164, 166, 168, 180, 182, 190, 205. Curtis, Abel, 67, 115, 127, 131. " John, 45, 47. " Rev. , 144. " Samuel, 94. Cushing, Thomas, 57. Cutler family, 439. " John, 184, 187. Cutter, Mrs. Eunice P., 26. Danfokth, Capt. Jonathan, 172, 174. " Joshua, 175. Daniels, Rev. E. D., 242. Danielson, Maj. Nathaniel, 171. " Col. Timothy, 173, 174. Dark days, 1738, 43. Darling family, 444. " David, 272. Elijah, 290. " Elisha, 205 " Enoch, 205. " Ichabod, 205. " Joseph, 202, 205, 290. Daughters of Rebeckah, 339. Davis family, 440. " David, 174. " John, 155, 183. " Samuel, 127. " S. N., 279. 588 Davis, Capt. Tristam, 149, 155. Day, Rev. Hiram, 238. " Joel, 180. •' Maj. Luke, 203. " Capt. Samuel, 140, Dean's farm, 128. Declaration of Independence, 176-7. Delegate to Provincial Congress, 1G5, 160. Denny, John, 183. Derby, Samuel, 127. Dewey family, 441. " A. N., 228. " Nathaniel, 67, 115, 127. " Stephen, 152. Dickinson family, 442. " Rev. Benjamin, 78, 79, 85, 127. " Capt. Reuben, 200, 201. Digging graves, 254. Dingey, Phineas, 152. Dinsmore, Capt. Abel, 200, 201. Distillery, 278. District Court, 255. District of Palmer, 137-140; first dis- trict meeting, 140. Dodge family, 439. " Daniel, 168, 186. Doolittle, Samuel, 59, 60, 61, 76, 78, 94, 95, 127. Dorchester family " James, 443. . 32, 57, 59, 60 64, 65, 82, 86, 87, 94, 130. " Jun., 64, 65, 127. John, 69, 127. " Joseph, 65, 127. Dougherty, Micah, 175. Douglas, John, 175, 182, 194, 196. Draper, Richard, 45, 47, 48. Duck company, 273. Dudley, Rev. C. D., 242. " William, 57. Dumbleton, Samuel, 120, 127. Dummer, Fort, 12.5. Dumplin, 14. Dumplin brook, 13, 64. Dunbar family, 444. Dunham, Thomas, 155. Dunlap, Doonlap, Robert, 59, 71, 127. Durant family, 443. Dutton family, 445. 127, Earl, K. D., 2.54. Eaton, Rev. C. H., 248. Edson, James, 180. Edwards, Rev. Jonathan, 86, 89. Eddy, Caleb, 207. " James, 184. " Joshua, 207,. Eight months' service, 170, 173, 186. Elbows, The, 31, .56. Elbow brook, 11. Elbow Tract, boundaries, 9, 53, 57, 58, 61, 62; area, 9, 53, 02; origin of name, 11, 14; description of, 20, 21, 40, 57, 62, 63 ; Indian occupancy, 23, 28 ; names of, 30, 31 ; official title, 31; date of settlement, 31; no organized company, 33, 39 ; the Scotch, 33-39, 1-35 ; circumstances of first planters, 39 ; province land, 44, 54, 57 ; squatters, 44, 57, 59; Lamb and company's claim, 44; sold to settlers, 49, 59; move for a precinct, 54; plantation, 55, 56, 58 ; petition for, 59 ; modus oper- andi, 60 ; town meatteu, 60 ; peti- tion, 61 ; report of committee es- tablishing the plantation, 62-72; first legal meeting, 74-82 ; name, 75, 91, 95, 108, 115, 139 ; early set- tlers, list of, 12.5-133 ; move for town privileges, 135 ; made a dis- trict, 138 ; name of, 140 ; district officers, list of, 140, 323. Elders of church, 144. Electric Light Co., 255. Elexander, Peter, 174. Ellsworth, Moses, 180. Elwell, Aaron, 160. '' Harris, 205. Jesse, 194, 205. Ely, Rev. Alfred, 231, 243. " Jonathan, 149. " Justin, 183, 186. " Samuel, 200. Embargo^ The, 217. Emery, Amory, Joshua, 207. English family, 444. " David, 156. " James, 127. " John, 174. Equivalent lands, 18, 19, 39, 54, 55, 57, 58, 61, 63, 65. i Evens, Barnabas, 196, 205. " Henry, 173. Ewing, Alexander, 127. Face of the country, 19, 20. Farran family, 445. Farrand, Andrew, 60, 66, 70, 77, 84, 86, 88, 121, 128. " Thomas, 65, 66, 84, 122, 128, 131. " Thomas, Jun., 151. Farrall, Ferrell, family, 458. " Elisha, 205. " grandmother, 29. " Isaac, 152, 184, 205, 2.30. " Josiah, 149, 205. " M. K., 254. " Kobert, 59, 66, 83, 84, 121, 127; heirs, 205, 269. Robert, Jun., 140, 141, 164, 165, 166, 175, 176, 184, 189, 190, 202, 230. " Simeon, 185, 205. " Timothy, 149, 1.52, 191, 202, 205, 228, 231, 271. Father Mathew Total Abs. Society, 341. Father Ralle's war, 28. Fox, Josiah, 152. Fay, Rev. Warren, 220. Feeney family, 459. Fellows, Col. John, 174. Fenton family, 446. Ferguson, Samuel, 122, 128. Ferman, John, 153. Ferry family, 457. " James, 210. " Judah, 174, 205. '• Lorenzo C, 217. Field, Capt. Robert, 156. Fire district, 254 ; fires in Palmer, 349, 350. Fisher, Eleazar, 180. " John, 205. " Samuel, 190. Fiske family, 447. " A. H., 273. " Charles B., 281. " Gordon M., 280, 281, 334. Fitzgerald family, 461. Five hundred pounds debt, 72, lu3, 105, 136. Flamont, Fleming, family, 449. David, 160, 166, 184, 205. " David, Jun,, 205. Joseph, 32, 39, 59, 70, 86, 88, 119, 128. " .Joseph, Jun., 120. William, 149, 150, 161, 205, 290. Flax, 40, 42. Foley family, 462. Follen, Peter, 154. Fordways, 11; on Quabaug river, 11; Ware river, 12. Fort William Henry invested, 150. Fosgate, Ebenezer, 153. Fosket family, 453. " Joshua, 205, 290. Foster family, 450. " John, 208. " William, 212. " Wilson, 208, 2.32. Four Corners, 14, 15, 240, 253; ceme- tery, 254. French family, 459. " M. W., 15. French and Indian war, old, 124; the last, 148. Frink family, 453. " John, 252. Frost family, 449. " Joseph, 184. " Noah, 1.54. " Samuel, 32, .54, 64, 78, 82, 119, 128, 147, 149, 291. Frye, Col. , 151. Fuller family. 454. " Charles E., 279. '• Daniel, 59, 64, 88, 96, 120, 128. " William, ISO. Fullerton, Rev. B. M., 244. Fulling mill, 279. Furness, Capt. John, 1.55. Galliger family, 473. Gallop family, 408. Gamblin, Benjamin, 45, 47. Gamwell family, 469. Gardner family, 469. *' Andrew, 45, 47. " Charles L., 3.34. " Henry, Esq., 166. Humphrey, 59, 69, 128. 590 INDEX. Gardner, John, 168, 174, 184, 194, 205. Garrison house, 29. Gates family, 403. " Asa, Jun., 270. " Ephraim, 157, 160, 205. " Epliraim B., 131, 309. •' Josiah, 13. " Samuel, 230. Geary, William, 149, 153. Gerish, Joseph, 59, 128. Gibson family, 466. " John, 168, 175, 194, 205. " William, 183. Gilmore, William, 172. Glassford, John, 122, 124, 128, 141. " John, Jun., 128. " Paul, 98, 128. " pond, 13. Goff, A. J., 280. " Israel, 175. Goddard, Rev. E. A., 242. 11. L., 279. Golden Eule Alliance, 340. Goodman family, 469. Goodrich, Silas, 172. Gordon William, 207. Graduates, list of, 306. Graham, Archibald, 153. " Jesse, 205. Grants, particular, 58, G2, 63, 90, 98, 103; Hobart's,99; Hollin^sworth's, 99; Sheldon's 100; Partridge's, 101; March and Clemens's, 102. Grantees of single lots, 69, 75. Graves family, 466. " Capt. Aaron, 162, 164, 165, 166, 167, 178, 183, 185, 186, 190; Major, 201, 202, 204, 205, 219, 224. " Daniel, 15, 147, 162, 175, 182, 185, 189, 190, 205. " Daniel, 128. " Gideon, 168, 182, 198, 199, 205, 213, 261. *• Moses, 194. " Peter, 153. " Phineas, 1.53. " Sharp, 209. " Simeon, 161, 108, 184, 205. Gray, Amos, 186. " John, 172. Great plain, 15, 29. Gieen family, 471. " Joseph, 128. " Ralph, 217, 253. " Samuel, 47, 48, 49. Green and Walker, 129. Griggs, TiCmuel, 205. Grist mill, 83, 269, 270. Grover family, 408. Guest, John, 174. Guide posts, 211, Gutteridge, Samuel, 153. Hackett, John, 195. Hadley path, 21, 22, 28. Hadley settled, 17. Hale family, 488. " Samuel, 205. Hall, Elisha, 59, 05, 66, 12 >. 132. Hall's ford, 12. Hamilton family, 470. " Asa, 205. " Daniel, 2.30. " James, 205, 231. " John, 200, 290. " Thomas, 190. " family, 487. Col. Amos, 215, 229, 233, 250, 253, 278, 335. Hampden Chapter R. A. Masons, 338. " Eastern Agricultural So- ciety, 282-280. " hat mill, 279. Hampshire Association, 80, 120. Hancock and Burnett, 279. Jabez, ISO. " John, ISO. Hanging of Shaw, 207. Hanks, Rev. C. H., 239. Hannum, Foster, 206. Hardwick, 52. Harmon, Samuel, 152. Thomas, S3, 128, 209. Harper Robert, 60, 128. Harris, 'John, 153, 190. Hartman, Matthias, 154. Harvey family, 488. " Rev. John, 13, 40, 00, 70, 72, 78, 85; call, 87; ordination, 89, 93, 95, 117, 120, 122; resignation, 123; after life, 123, 128. IKDEX. 591 Hastings family, 480. " Daniel, 175. Hatch, Stephen, 1.52, 155. Haven, James, 206, Haynes family, 491. " Daniel, 128. " Eev. E. M., 242. Hayward's mill, 83. Hedge, Rev. , 144. Henderson, James, 128. " John, 59, 70, 94, 127, 128. Thomas, 151. Hendrick, Samuel, 191. Henry, Capt. Malcolm, 172. Hews, Nathaniel, 155. Hide, Abijah, 174. Higgins, Elisha, IGO. " Samuel, 128. " Uriah, IGO. Hill family, 478. Bartholomew, 175. " Benjamin, 175. James, 175. John, 149, 161, 169, 186, 206. " Nathan, 174. Thomas, GO, 71, 128, 155, 161, 164, 206. Hine, Rev. Sylvester, 237. Hitchcock family, 474. " Abner, 174, 183. Eldad, 174. Eli, 174. " John, 150, 180. " Luke, 168, 174, 184, 190, 194, 206, 213. " Paul, 154. " Perez, 180. " William, 180. " Winchester, 206. Hix, Daniel, 175. Hoar family, 480. " Jacob, 183. " John, 206. " Reuben, 154. Hobart, John, 99. " Joshua, 99. " Rev. Peter, 99. " Thomas, 154. Hobart' s farm, 70, 99. Hog reeves, 80. Holbrook family, 482. " Asa, 1.54. Holbrook, Josiah, 1-52, 174. William, M. D., 227. Holden, D. F., 276, 277. H. P., 276, 277. J. S., 276, 277. " woolen mill, 277. Hollingworth grant, 99, 115. Richard, 90. Holloway, William, 128. Homes, Daniel, 206. Hooker, Benjamin, 189, 194. Hopkins, Daniel, 187, 194. " Ebeuezer, 206. " William, 188. Horton, Ebenezer, 174. Hosford, Noah, 153. How, Ebenezer, 173. " Dr. Estes, 171. '• Moses, 172. " Col. Samuel, 191. Howard family, 488. Hubbard, David, 180. " Elisha, 183. " Samuel, 186. Hubbard's history of N. England, 27. Hunn, Horace, 264. Hunt family, 479. " Jonathan, 253. " Rev. O. R., 242. Hunter family, 473. " John, 204. " Rev. Pleasant, 244. " Robert, 121, 128. " Robert, Jun., 160, 164, 166, 167, 177, 178, 190, 202, 203, 206, 294. Hurd, Rev. A. C, 238. Hutchins, Matthew, 98. Hutchinson, Benjamin, 1.55, 206. " Samuel, 206. Indian deed, 45. Indians, annual burning of land, 19 occupancy, 23; trails, 23, 24, 25 village sites, 24; early history, 26 village on Colonel's mountain, 26 wiers, 26, 27 ; annual gatherings, 27 Industries of Palmer, 259-281. Ingalls, Stephen, 175. Ingersole, Davi(J^, 55, 67, 126, 129. " Capt. Peter, 172. In his majesty's name, 169. I. O. O. F., 339. 592 INDEX. Inspection, committee of, 165. Iron spring, 13. Jackall, Primus, 19G. Janes, Israel, 153. Jenks, Russell, 261, 201. Jenkins, Abijah, 175. Jennings, Thomas, 32, 59, 66, 119, 127, 129, 132. Johnson, Israel, 160. Jones, Adonijah, 168, 174. " Ebenezer, 165, 166, 169, 174, 175, 181, 184, 185, 189. " John, 150. Jones, Joseph, 207. Jordan, Miles, 175. Joslin, Jabez, 153. Jury box, 210. Justices of the court of sessions, 335. Justices of the peace, 147, 211. Keene, Simeon, 153. Keep, Simeon, 178. Kelley, Hall J., 262, 265-269. Keithjf amily, 493. Kendall family, 495. Jacob, 180. Kerigan family, 501. Keyes, Francis, 277. " r.aul, 152. " Capt. Solomon, 149. Kibbe Anna, 210. Kidd letter, 345. Kilburn family, 495. " Benjamin, 67, 68, 107, 129. " Daniel, 129. John, 32, 54, 64, 79, 129, 131. " Samuel, 67, 69, 120, 129, 207. Killpatrick, Rev. Robert, 78, 85. Killum family, 494. " Daniel, 59, 71, 129. King family, 496. " Aaron, 164, 165, 166, 175, 182. " Dr. Aaron, 231 334. '• Asaph, 204. " Benjamin, 149, 206, 228. " Daniel, 168. " David, 150, 161, 167, 178, 190, 206, 213, 228, 294. " George, 230. " Gideon, 154, 168, 183, 184, 206. " Henry, 335. King, James, 161, 191, 206. " Jesse, 206, 2.30, 233. " John, Sen., 13, 31; his mother's letter, 31; 32, 44, 49, 50, 54, 55, 56, 57. 60, 64, 76, 86, 88, 94, 115, 119, 126, 129, 140, 141, 147, 227. " John, Jun., 67, 68, 81, 107, 119, 127, 129, 149, 151, 1-52, 157, 165, 166, 206, 208, 228. " John, 168, 185. " Jonathan, 149. " Jotham, 1-54. " Moses, 161, 166, 206. " Lieut. Paul, 200, 201. " Reuben, 206. " Dea. Thomas, 16, 90, 158, 165, 166, 170, 178, 185, 186, 189, 190, 206, 228. " William, 12, 149, 184. " William, family of, 501. King's brook, 13, 31. Kingsfield, 30, 31, .58. King's mountain, 14. King's Row, 32, .54, 227, 228. Kingstown, 93, 114, 123, 140. Kniblow, Rev. Ebenezer, 142. Knight family, 495. " Theophilus, 212, 213, 2-30, 231, 271. Knox family, 496. " Col. Cyrus, 228, 252, 278, 302, 335. " David, 14, 227. Knox's pond, 14. Lamb family, .506. " Jabez, M. D., 206, 212. " Joshua, 45, 46. .50, 51, 59, 61. " Philip, 215, 232, 302. " and Company, claim of, 44-52, 49, 51, .54, 55, 56, 58, 64, 125, 126, 127, 128. Lambstown, 52, 102. Lamberton family, 505. " James, 59, 69, 86, 94, 95, 96, 122, 129, 180, 194. " John, 149, 150, 161, 190, 206. " John, Jun., 206. " Seth, 206. Lamont, Francis, 182, 198. INDEX. 593 Lamont, Lemmon, family, 502. James, 59, 71, 111, 121, 129, 272. " James, Jun., 129, 154. '• Moses, 161, 168, 180. Samuel, 149, 151, 155, 272. Lamphear. Jesse, ISO. Lamy, Eev. A. A., 250. Land grants, special, 58. Langdon, John, 149, 183. Lapham, Jetliro, 273. Lamed, Simon, 172. Lawrence, H. J., 281. Lawyers, List of, 335, 336. Leach, W. W., 252. Learned, Col. Ebenezer, 178. " Moses, 217, 228, 270, 272. Le Baron, Joshua, 153. Lee family, 505. " Joseph, Jun., 252. " Richard, 175. Leete, Rev. T. A., 238, 242. Leland, Rev. John H. M., 237. Lenox, Samuel, 119, 129. Lewis, Diah, 206, 209. " Xathaniel, 175. Lexington alarm, 167. Library Association, Young Men's, 305. Libraries, Rublic, 302-306 ; private, 306. Lilly, Reuben, 1.54, 180. Linen, Scotch, 4-3. Linsey, Xorris, 194. Lisbon, 39. Little family, 507. " Ayres, 122. " Thomas, 59, 60, 71, 79, 88, 92, 94, 121, 122, 129, 136. Little wheel, 43. L. L. Merrick Post, G. A. R., 339. Loftis family, 508. Lombard, Rev. Benjamin F., 232. Londonderry, N. H., 39. Long hill, 14. Long worth, WiUiam, 206. Loomis family, 502. Abner, 160. Israel, 182, 189, 198. James S., 335. John, 184. Luther, 182. Loomis, Solomon, 180. Lord, Rev. Benjamin, 123. Loring, Elijah, 274. Lorum, Pomp, 175. Lovejoy, Peter, 194, 196. Lumbert, David, 206. Luther, Ezra, 175. Wheaton, 175. Lynch, Rev. F. J., 249. Lyons, James, 206. Magoon, McCune, family. 511. " Alexander, 10; petition of, 10, 157. '* estate, 9, 1.57. Isaac, 10, 59, 71, 94, lOG, 111, 120, 130. " Isaac, Jun., 10, 59, 66, 81, 114, 130, 156. Mann family, 516. " James, 151. " William, 150, 152, 203, 206. Maquas, 30. Marble, John, 174. Marcy, H. P., 277. Marsh and Clemens grant, 102, 115. " Judah, 103. " Thomas, 103, 115, 174. Martin, Isaac, 175. Mason family, 516. " Elisha, 175. " William, 230, 278. Maxwell family, 515. McClanathan family, 510. John, 121. " Josiah, 206. Samuel, 161, 166, 167, 185, 188, 206, 230. " Samuel, Jun., 226. Thomas, 69, 94, 122, 124, 129, 140, 143, 150, 155, 164, 182, 203. " Thomas, Jun., 161, 168, 206. " Thomas, 2d, 226. " William, 111, 122, 129, 140, 144, 184, 206. McClellan James, 59, 60, 64, 69, 75, 78, 82, 95, 120, 126, 129. " Thomas, 59. McClintock family, 511. " David, 194. " Eleanor, 253. 594 INDEX. McClintock, Joseph, 174, 190. " Samuel, Jun., 230. Thomas, 208, 228. McCluer, Thomas, 173. McDowell family, 51(3. William, 206, 208, 209, 27S. McElwain family, 520. '• James, 30, 32, 59; wife Elenor, 30; 61, 64, 71, 75, 79, 80, 86, 94, 115, 126, 127, 129. " James, Jun., 129. " John, 173, 179. John A., 161, 168, 184, 202, 206. " Jonathan, 271. Eoger, 190, 206. Timothy, .59, 67, 72, 76, 94, 121, 129, 147, 165, 206. " William, 217. McGoklsmith, Peletiah, 196. Mcintosh, John, Jun., 230. McKeany, Rev. B., 250. McKee, Andrew, 59, 60, 65, 69, 77, 78, 82, 95, 129. McKinstry, Rev. John, 124. McLau^hlan, James, 280. McMaster family, 512. Clark, 211, 231. Hugh, 121, 130, 165, 189, 206. " Isaac, 206. James, 111, 121, 130. John, 122, 129, 130, 157, 104, 190, 191, 218. " John, Jan., 1.30, 184, 200. John, 2d, 232, 233. " Jonathan, 189. Joshua, 150, 153, 160, 164, 165, 168, 175, 182, 183, 188, 185, 189, 190, 202, 206. Robert, 149, 1.50, 160, 178, 179. ISO, 206. " Robert, Jun., 161. " Theron, 230. " William, 206. McMaster' s saw mill, 13. McMighill, James, 150. Nathaniel, 1.53. " Wilham, 130, 151. McMichel family, 515. '• John, 182. McMichel, Joseph, 155. Robert, 161, 164, 206. " Samuel, 1.54. " William, 153. McNall, Arthur, 161. " Capt. Joseph, 100, 168, 172, 174, 190. William, 183. McNitt family, 511. " Alexander, 130. Barnard, 59, 60, 64, 78, 107, 109, 114, 115, 122, 123, 124, 127. 130, 137, 143, 144, 147, 218. " James, 153, 1.56. McQuiston, James, 64, 82, 130. Meeting-house, the first, 93; place of, 94; casting the lot, 95; raised, 96; description of, 96-97; the sec- ond, 1.57; seating the, 150; the third, 21.3-216; horse sheds, 214; cupola, 214; bell, 214, 216; stove, 215. Member of congress, 335. Menameset, 25. Menamesick, 26, 45, 47. Mendum, William, 209. Merritt family, 516. " Isaac, 113, 183, 206. " John, 206. " William, 113, 206. Metcalf, E. D., 261. Methodist Episcopal churches, 239- 241. Methodist Episcopal church, Bonds- ville, 241. Mile stone, the 79th, 16. Mill seats, 11, 13. Millard, Aaron, 175. " John, 149, 150, 155. Miller, Jeremiah, 183. " John, .55, 1.30. Minister lot, 68, 75, 76, 89, 108. Ministry lot, 68, 75, 76, 89, 90, 103, 108. Minute men, 166, 167, 168, 169. Mirick, Merrick, Aaron, 152, 206, 208, 210, 213, 214, 219, 227, 231. " Cyrus, 235. " Ebenezer, 64, 75, 77, 82, 94, 109, 120, 126, 130, 156. 595 Mirick, Jacob B., 271, 272. " Nero, 150. Mitchell, Rev. , 123, 124, 144. Mixer, Mixter, Phineas, 165, 176, 181, 185, 191, 206. " Phineas, Jun., 184. Moffett, Aquila, 153. " Thomas, 201. Monson, District of, 146. Moody family, .522. " Joseph, 207. " Rev. Pliiiius, 237. Moor family, 508. " Alexander, 161. " Daniel, 174. " David, 200. " Hugh, 161, 206, 261. " James, 70, 120, 130, 150. " John, 65, 94, 119, 127, 130, 140, 207. " John, Jun., 153, 174, ISO, 194. " Joseph, 206. " Judah, 100, 104, 16.5, 16G, 178, 180, 184. Moore, Moores, George, 265. " Jonathan, 184, 190, 206, 212, 232, 509. " Rev. Z. S., 231. Moorhead, Rev. John, 38, 141. More cloth, 210. Morgan family, 522. " Aaron, 184. " Franklin, 270. " Gideon, 190. " John, 154. " Joseph, 153. " Pelatiah, 196. " Samuel, 184. Morris, Isaac, 180. Morse, Moors, John, 168. Morton, Rev. .James, 123. Moseley, Capt. John, 184. Moulton, Capt. Ebenezer, 149. " Jonathan, 153. Mountains, 14. Mulvihill family, .522. Mund, Isaac, 1-52. Munger family, 517. " Elnathan, 153. " Jehiel, 172. Munn, Capt. Reuben, 178, 184, 201. Munroe Company, The, 273. Murdock family, 518. Murphy, Timothy, ISO. Murray, James, 174. " John, 140. " Col. Seth, 194, 202, 203. Muster, 217. Nashaway trail, 25. National bank, 343. Needham, Jasper, 152. Nelson, Nilsou, Aaron, .59, 80, 98, 130, 149, 154, 1.56, 191, 206. " Benjamin, 154. " Elijah, 184. " James, 1.53. " Solomon, 184. " William, 130, 1.54, 156. Nenemeseck river, .50. Nevins, Nivins, David, 60, 69, 121, 127, 130. " John, .58, 102, 130. " Robert, 60, 69, 127, 130. " Samuel, 55, 59, 69, 121, 1.30. " Samuel, Jun., 121. Newell family, 523. Nevrhall, Rev. Ebenezer, 232. New Marlborough, 30. Newspapers in Palmer, 279-281. Nine months' men, 186. Nipmuck path, 24. Noble, Enoch, 1.54. Noyes, Rev. Vv^. L., 242. Nuffield, 39. Nutting family, 524. Oaks, Ebenezer, 180. O'Briant, Denis, 175. Officers of Elbow Plantation, 323. " district of Palmer, 323, 326 ; clerks and treas- urers, 323, 324 ; select- men, .320, 327. " town of Palmer, clerks and treasurers, 324-326; selectmen, 327-331 ; town officers, 1889, 3S3. Old Connecticut path, 24. Old country road, 146. Old, Olds, family, 524. " Abner, 174. Old, Hickson, 302. " Moses, 68, 130. INDEX. Old, Robert, 30, 32. Olmstead, Ulmstead, Capt. Jabez, 72, 83, 91, 100, 125, 130, 2(39. " Jeremiah, 72, 82, 130. Olmstead's farm, 72. mill, 83. Orcott, Olcott, Joseph, 130. Order of the Iron Hall, 340. Ordination tree, 89. Otis company. The, 204. Owen, Leonard, 272. Packard, F. A., 274. " Capt. John, 172. Page family, 526. Paige, Christopher, 47. " Nathaniel, 45, 47, 49. Paine, David, 184. " Edward, 184. " Lebbeus, 196. Palmer, situation of, 9 ; boundaries, 9 ; area, 9 ; description of, 10 ; streams, 11 ; [ndian occupation, 23 ; a plantation, 30, 31, 62-72 ; a district, 31. 134; date of settlement, 31 ; irregular settlement, 33, 39 ; the Scotch, 33-39 ; circumstances of first settlers, 39, 134 ; Magna Charta, 74; official name of planta- tian, 75; became a district, 134-139; move for town privileges, 135 ; name of district and town, 140 ; first district meeting, 140 ; district officers, 32;3-32u ; becomes a town, 175, 177; sends representative, 176; Declaration of Independence, 176- 177 ; number of males 1777, 180 ; valuation 1781, 197; taxpayers 1786, 205-207 ; town officers 1790, 212 ; town grants 1799, 213 ; Palmer in 1812, 220; valuation 1840, 256; valu- ation 1855, 257; valuation 1888, 354- 382; town officers. List of, 324-331. Palmer carpet mill, 275. " Cemetery association, 254. " company. The, 263. " Base-ball association, 342. " iron foundry, 277. Palmer Journal, 280-281. " National bank, 343. " planing mill, 277. Palmer Reading-room Asso., 341. " Savings bank, 342. " Sentinel, 280. " sextette, 342. " Times, 280. " Water company, 255. " Wire company, 276. " Elijah, 180. Parade, The, 211. Parish, The first, 215, 216, 236. Parker, John, 131. Parkhurst family, 527. Parks family, 525. " Luther, 263, 270, 273. " Capt. Sylvester, .303. Parsons family, 526. " Aaron, 60, 131. " Benjamin, 59, 60, 64, 119, 124, 131, 141. " Daniel, 59, 131, 179. " Capt. Eli, 203. Joshua, 131, 161, 166, 180, 203, 206. " Moses, 153. Partridge, Partige, Samuel, 58, 70, 71; grant to, 101, 102. Patrick John, 111, 114, 115, 121, 131. Patterson, James, 125. " John, 66, 126, 128, 131. " Joseph, 1.56. " Samuel, 153. William, 71, 111, 131. Pease, Capt. Levi, 222, 223. Peck, Rev. , 144. Pelham, 39. " fort, 125. Pensioners 1840, 253. Pepperell, Sir William, 151. Percussion caps. 273, 279. Perkins family, 527. Perry, Alice, 253. " Rev. E. A., 248. " Samuel, 261, 291. Phipps and Titicut, 273, 279. Phillips, Ebenezer, 174. Physicians, 114, .336-337. Pibbles, Peebles, family, 524. John, 131. Pierce, Henry, 172. " Col. Samuel, 190. Pierpont, Ebenezer, .50, 51. Pike, Samuel, 173. 597 Pine plain, 15. Plan of the town, 1794, 210; in 1830, 252. Planing mill, 277. Point of rocks, 14, 227. Pomeroy, Ebenezer, Esq., 104. Pool family, 527. Poor farm, 2.53. " support of, 162. Pope, Eev. H. W., 244. Porter, Col. Elisha, 184, 187, 190. Post, John, 131. Post offices, 344, 345. Potatoes, 40. Pottaquattuck brook, 12. " mountain, 14, 102. pond, 13, 25, 84, 101. Powers' corner, 227. Preaching, 63, 78, 84, 141, 144. Presbyterian order, .39, 92, 120, 141, 145, 217, 221. Presbytery, 88, 89, 93, 117, 121, 122, 141, 142, 144. Prices of grain, etc., 1777, 181. Prince, Rev. Eric, 232. Samuel, 100. Printing, 279-281. Pi'oprietors of common land, 74, 83, 107; first division, 109; second division. 111; third division, 112; fourth division, 112. Proprietors and grantees, 79, 82, 88, 92, 93, 95, 106, 107; two bodies, 107, 108, 123, 124, 132, 134, 136, 137. Providence path, 24. Province bills, 145, 146. Provincial congress, 165, 166, 169, 170, 171. Putnam, Col. Rufus, 171. Pynchon, Major John, 25; his will, 83, 102, 124, 131. " William, Sen., 26. William, Esq., 76, 79, SO, 104, 108, 111, 115. Pynchon' s path, 22. QuABAUG Council, R. A., 340. old fort, 24, 25, 26. " river, 11, 26, 63. Quinton family, .527. " Dunkin, Duncan, 59, 65, 111, 122, 128, 131, 140, 1.59. Quiuton, John, 161, 164, 169, 182, 194, 195. " Thomas, 12, 113, 16], 164, 166, 206, 271. Railroads, B. & A., 250 ; N. L. N., 259; Ware River, 259; Athol branch, 259. Ralph, Jonathan, 175. Randall family, 527. Rations in U. S. army, 187. Rattlesnake hill, 14. Raven, James, 182. Read, Rev. H. L., 238. " John, his farm, 19, .53, 03, 65, 70, 71, 78, 102, 116, 137. Reckey, John, 155. Rebellion, War of the, 307-322. Reduction of Canada, 1.52, 155. " of Quebec, 1.55. Relief of Fort William Henry, 151. Representatives, The first, 176 ; sec- ond, 182, 189; list of, 331-334. Revolutionary War, 163. Ricketts, Rev. C. H., 238. Riddell, Rev. R. R., 242. Riddle, Thomas, 184. Rider, Zenas, 212. Ridge's food for infants, 15, 275. Rioden, Daniel, 175. Roach, William, 183, 191. Roberts, David, 206, 209. " David, Jun., 209. " Isaac, 206. " Jfathaniel, 206. Robinson family, 528. " George, 255. " William, 206. Rogers family, 530. " Daniel, 194. " Elias, 175. " John, 166, 206. Jonas, 180. " Nathaniel, 168, 175, 180, 206. " Robert, 90, 122, 131, 140, 147. " Simon, 48. " Susannah, 209. " William S., 261, 262. Rood, Jonathan, 103. " Micah, 131. Rood's den, 14, 126. Root, Ezekiel, 204. 598 INDEX. Koot, Timothy, 180. Kosebrook, John, 154. " William, 190. Ross's den, 14. " plain, 14. Rossi, Rev. A. J., 249. Rotch, Edward, 206. " William, 206. Rounds, Samuel, 175. Rounseval, Capt. Levi, 1T2. Ruggles family, 530. " Joseph, 47, 48, 51. " P. R., 282. " Samuel, 45. " Rev. Timothy, 49, 50, 51, 58, 102. Col. T., 155. Russell, Rev. T. C, 242. Rutherford family, 532. Andrew, 59, 64, 71, 121, 122, 124, 131, 147. Hannah, 191, 206. Sacket, Capt. Daniel, 178. David, 172. " Zebulon, 152. Salisbury brook, 12. Salmon, 26. Samson, Elnathan, 156. " Samuel, 206, 290. Sanderson, Sylvanus, 184. Savings bank, 342, 343. Saw logs, 20, 41. Saw mill, 66, 84. Sax, William, 185. Saxton, Joseph, 183. " Samuel, 183. School lot, 68, 75, 76, 90, 103, 108, 287, 291, 292. " quarters, 289, 290. " history of, 145, 287-302. '• annual grants to, 291-293. " books provided by town, 295. " committee, 293-297. " district system abolished, 293. " High, 292, 297-300. " houses, 291. " Merrick fund, 291, 292. " mistresses, 294. " teachers 1888, 301. Scott family, 545. " Dr. Calvin, 206, 212. Scott, Isaac, 153. " John, 64, 75, 131. " Moses, 151. " William, 60, 64, 75, 77, 90, 119, 126, 131, 146. " William, Jun., 124, 140, 141, 147, 156, 157, 164, 165, 166, 182, 186, 187, 202, 206, 218. Scott's bridge, 10, 12, 15. Scotch, The, 33-39, 135. Scythe factory, 200. Searl, Joshua, 181. Seaver, Caleb, 47. Sedgwick family, .539. " Gordon, 212, 219, 230. " John, 227, 232. Selectmen, List of, 326-331. Senators, List of, 334. Session records, 144. Shaw family, 547. " Charles, 230. " David, 115, 122, 138, 140, 146, 150, 168, 173, 191, 206. " Erwin, 168. " Jacob, 184. " James, 121, 178, 180, 190, 206. " James B., 255. " John. 1.53, 184, 206, 228. " Joseph, 168, 190. " Joshua, 144, 164, 165, 166, 169, 176, 178, 184, 185, 186, 190, 192, 195, 203, 206, 294. " Joshua, Jun., 206. " Julius C, 277. " Knowles, 180. " Moses, 206, 213, 227, 231, 278. " Noah, 206. " Orison, 183. " Reuben, 230. " Samuel, 59, 60, 64, 76, 79, 86, 87, 88, 90, 92, 94, 104, 106, 115, 120, 122, 124, 131, 144, 218. " Samuel, Jun., 90, 121, 143, 144, 145, 147, 148, 157, 206. " Solomon, 211, 233. " Seth, 21, 111, 121, 122, 131, 140, 142, 143, 144, 169, 206, 217, 218. " William, ()0, 66, 131, 150, 206. " William, hanging of, 207. Shays' rebellion, 191'-204. Shays, Capt. Daniel, 203, 204. Shearer family, 543. 599 Shearer, Daniel, 227, 228, 261. " David, 261. James, 59, 70, 86, 88, 94, 119, 131. John, 119, 131, 160, 184, 186, 206. •" John, Jun., 161, 164, 166, 168, 190, 206. *' Jonathan, M. D., 212. Joseph, 183, 206, 270. '• Reuben, 184. Thomas, 183. William, 132, 166, 168. Shearer's corner, 14. " ford, 12. Sheldon, Benjamin, 153. " Capt. John, his grant, 100. Josiah, 58, 102. Shepard family, 547. Sherman family, 555. Beriel, 153. " Daniel, 153. " James, 190. " Capt. James, 168, 178. Dr. John, 114, 140. Prince, 206. Shurtleff, Eev. E. W., 238. Simpson, Jonathan, 207. " Noah, 230. " Thomas, 206. Singing, 98; singing school, 211. Sikes, Abner, 183. " Col. Reuben, 224. Slaves, 196. Sloan family, 555. " John, 149. " Robert, 206. " William, 59, 6.5, 81, 122, 131, 166, 168, 178, 184. Small pox, 147. Smith family, Constance, 538. " family, Nathan, ,537. " family, Robert, 532. " Abner, 195. " Benjamin, 47, 150, 206. " Rev. G. S., 242. " Hezekiah, 188. " Hugh, 150, 160, 206. " James, 32, 122, 132, 141, 142, 143, 144, 165, 176, 178, 186, 206, 211. Smith, James, Jun., 165, 169, 207, 213, 230. " James, 2d, 166. " Jesse, 232. " John, 132, 164, 166, 181, 182, 184, 189, 190, 207. " John A., 168, 207, 211, 212. " Jonathan, 207. " Joseph, 184, 190, 207. " Lemuel, 184. " Rev. Levi, 237. " Luther, 180. " Noble, 152. " Oliver, 174. " O. B., 274. " Patrick, .59, 71, 122, 132. " Robert, 32, 39, 130, 132, 207. " Rufus, 217. " Samuel, 149. " William, 161, 207. Soap factory, 277. Social library, The, 302. Southgate family, 546. " Steward, 13, 60, 62, 65, 67, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 81, 82, S3, 87, 88, 90, 94, 95, 104, 108, 109. Ill, 114, 119, 120, 125, 132, 136, 269. Sparhawk, Col. Nathan, 188. Spaulding, S. T., 335. Spear family, 544. " David, 59, 69, 104, 121, 124, 132, 144. " Capt. David, 144, 164, 165, 166, 167, 169, 176, 178, 183, 185 186, 189, 193, 195, 198, 203, 207, 219. " David, Jun., 178, 207, 228. " John, 184, 190, 194, 207. " William, 183, 212. Spencer, Elijah, 153. " Matthew, 1.50, 154. " wid. Sarah, 154. Spicer, Jabez, 204. Spinning and weaving, 42. Sprague, W. and A., 261. Springfield settled, 17. Springs, 13. Squatters, 44, 57, 125. Stacy, Isaac, 207. Stages, 222. 600 INDEX. Stanford, Robert, 72, 132. Stearns, John, 55. Stebbins family, 552. " Benjamin, 67, 132. " Caleb, 14i). " Ebenezer, 153. Gad, 183. " James, 232, 335. " Joel, 184. " John, 180. •' Medad, 180. " Moses, 180. " Capt. Phineas, 188. Steel, Joseph, 180. Stephens, James, 71, 132. Stephenson, Adam, 183. Stevens, Henry, 209. Stewart Samuel, 141. Stimson family, 541. Stoddard, Col. John, 39, 104. Stone, Capt. Francis, 203. " James, 207. " Josiah, 174. Stores, 281, 282. Storer, George H., 209. Stove in meeting house, 215. Stow family, 555. " Dr. W. H., 279. Streeter, Jonas, 174. Stricklen, Strickland, James, 209. " Naomi, 253. Strong family, 55G. St. Anne's Catholic church, 250. St. Bartholomew's church, 250. St. Mary's church, 249. St. Thomas's church, 249. St. Paul's U. church, 247. Sum van. Rev. T. J., 2.50. Surplus revenue, 252, 291. Support of poor, 162. Sumuer, Edward, 47. Swaney, Sweeney, Denis, 187, 209. " John, 209. Sweet, Rev. Henry H. F., 2.33. Sweetman, Thomas, 66, 129, 1-32. Swine at large, 80, 140, 250. Swinington, John, 272. Tabor, Lemuel, 172. Tackels family, 562. Alexander, 14, 41, 59, 69, 122, 132. Tackels, Alexander, Jun., 174. Hugh, 132, 149, 151, 152, 278. William, 1.32. Tackels' ford, 12. Taft family, 559. Tamar hill, 14. Tamar run, 13. Tamar spring, 13, 14, 67, 129. Tanneries, 277. Tar, 40, 41. Tar Kiln hollow, 14, 41. Taverns, Graves', 15, 162, 281 ; Scott's, 15, 281; Hitchcock's, 15; Simeon D wight's, 224; William King's, 227, 281; JohnKing's, 228; Quinton's, 227, 281; Frink's, 227, 281; Asa Ward's, 227, 281; John Thomson's, 227, 281 ; Asa Bates', 227, 281 ; Sedg- wick's, 227, 281 ; Abner Allen's, 281 ; Elias Turner's, 281; David Shaw's, 281; John King, Jun.'s. 281. Tax, The two penny, 90. Tax payers 1786, 205-207. Taylor family, 564. " Israel, 1.52. " James, 154. " Samuel, 253. Tenney family, 561. Terry, Ezekiel, 279, 280, 294. Thayer, Capt. Abel, 174. " Jesse, 210. Thomas lodge, F. and A. M.. 337. Thomas, Archibald, 160. " Archibald, Jun., 161. " James, 183. Thomson, family, 563. " Asa, 2.30. " Benjamin, 156, 161. Henry, 161, 164, 168, 207. " John, 32, 54, 65, 70, 104, 115, 121, 124, 132, 140, 148, 151, 154, 161, 180, 202, 207, 218. " Jonathan, 184. " Joseph, 154. Noah, 207. Robert, 59, 70, 71, 79, 132, 207. " Rufus, 168. " Shadrack, 210. Thompson family, 564. " Capt. Jo, 174. 601 Three Kivers, 22S, 230, 239, 240, 252, 265; cemetery, 254, 261; Manufact- uring Co., 262; the Palmer Co., 263; the Otis Co., 264, product of mills, 26 4 ; Reading Room asso., 340. Three years' men 1777, 182, 195; 1780, 195, 196; men who enlisted "for the -vrar," 198. Thresher, Arthur, 175. " Joseph, 175. " Noah, 175. Thorndike, Israel, 270, 273. Thorudike village, 228, 237, 240, 269, 270; the Thorndike company, 270; lock factory, 279. Tilden, William, 207. Tilton, Rev. J. H., 242. Tinney, John, 183. Josiah, 168, 180. " Moses, 182, 188, 196. Tinsmith, 278. Toombs built, 212. Torrey, Calvin, 334, 335. Tousley, Micah, 11, 32, 59, 132. " Reuben, 153. Town of Palmer, 175. Town house, 215, 227; new, 253. Town stock of ammunition, 165, 160, 191. Tracy, Rev. M. M., 242. Trask, Dr. Benjamin, 155, 168, 190, 219. " Isaac, 183. " Israel, 201. Rufus, 207, 290. Trim, Benjamin, 209. Trotter, John, 172. Trumble, A., 277. Tuck, Rev. J. W., 238. Tucker, Benjamin, 45, 47. Tupper, WilUam, 282. Turner, Elias, 217, 254. Turnpikes, 222, 223, 225. Tyler, Jonathan, 168, 180, 183. " Col. Nathan, 189. Tything-meu, 98. Unadilla, N. Y., 39. Underwood, , 207. Union church, 242, 265. Universalist church, 247. Upham, Charles, 13. Vaill, Rev. Joseph, D. D., 243. Valuation of Palmer 1781, 197; do., 1840, 256; do., 1855, 257. Vose, Elijah, 59, 69, 132. Wagons, 207. Waite, Martin, ISO. Walbridge, Capt, Amos, 172. " Lyman, 289. Waldo, Daniel, 207. Capt. , 152. Wallace, F. T., 334, 335, 345. Wallamanumps, 26. Wallis, Thomas, 201. Walker family, 567. " Asa, 183. " David, 152. " Edward, 174. Isaac, 133. " James, 188, 195. '• Solomon, 173. " Capt. Sylvanus, 149, 155, 170, 173, 191, 203, 207. " Sylvanus, Jun., 207. Timothy, 153. Walton, Elijah, 187, 188, 189. War, old French and Indian, 124; last French and Indian, 148; Revo- lutionary, 163; of 1812, 229; of the Rebellion, 307-322. Wai'd family, 565. " Asa, 227, 232, 302. " Calvin, 230, 302. " David, ISO. " Rev. Ephraim, 220, 231. " John, 335. " Nahum, 174. " Obadiah, 184. " Urijah, 161, 164, 165, 168, 190, 195, 198, 207, 213, 219. Ware, Rev. Joseph K., 235. " Rev. Samuel, 231. Ware river, 12, 50, 51, 54, 63. Ware River hill, 14. Ware River parish, 9; a district, 9, 115, 135, 157. Warner, Lieut. Eleazar, diary of, 28. Warner, Benjamin, Jun., 150. " Isaac, 173. " Jesse, 150, 155. " Samuel, 149, 180. Warning out of town, 208. 602 Warren, Isaac, 172, 211, 212. '< John, 173. Warren, town of, 9, 114, 135. Warriner family, 569. " Abner, 180. " Moses, 150, 183. Washburn family, 569. " Ebenezer, 171. " Edmund, 175. Washington elm, 15, 227. Wassum family, 571. Water company, 255. Watering tubs, 254. Waters, Amasa, 180. Watson family, 568. " John, 274. " Capt. Patrick, 164, 165, 191, 207, 277. " Peleg, 190. Weaving, 42. Webber family, 569. " Benjamin, 154. " Col. Ebenezer, 211. Henry, 149. John, 98, 133. " Samuel, 154. Webster, Ariel, 204. Weeks, Rev. A. W., 242. " Adjt. Thomas, 171. Weights and measures, 210. Weld, Rev. , 78, 85. Wells, Samuel, 207. Wenimisset, 26. Wequaes, 45. Western set off, 9, 10. Wheeler, Benjamin, 175. " Simeon, 175. Whipple, Thomas, 175. White family, 566. " David, 183. " Henry, 175. " Lewis, ISO. Whiting family, 571. Whitney, Ebenezer, 207. " Gershom, 160. " Israel, 160. John, 207. " Joshua, 159. Whitoms, Isaac, 207. Whittemore & Tenney, 280. Wigwam brook, 12, 28. " hollow, 14. Willard, Col. J., 124. " Col. Samuel, 124. Willey, Israel, 207. " Joel, 180, 207. " Judah, 207. Williams, Davenport, 152. Col. Israel, 124, 151. " James, 207. Rev. Stephen, 89, 120. " Col. WiUiam, 152. Wilmoth, Abraham, 147. Wilson, Aaron, 190. " Nathaniel, 121, 133. " Rev. Thomas, 243 : his his- torical address, 29. Wire company, 276. Wire goods company, 276. Wire, James, 207. Withington, Joseph, 207. Wolcot, John, 174. Wombemesicock, 45, 48. Woman's relief corps, 340. Wood family, 569. " David, 174. " George, 160, 207. " Hiram, 186, 207. Wood's narrative, 20. Woodard, Dinah, 209. Woodstock, Ct., 24. Woodbridge, Col. Joshua, 189. Woodworth, Daniel, 180. " Ezekiel, 183. Wool carding, 279. Woolrich, John H., 276. Worthington, Col. John, 149, 151, 155. Wright, Benjamin, 183. " Cyprian, ISO, George F., 276, 277. Joel, 230. " John, 172. John S., 263, 270, 273, 274. Joseph, 32, 54, .56, 59, 61, 62, 65, 75, 79, 86, 94, 119, 133, 227. " Joseph, Jun., 32, 60, 65, 76, 94, 133. " Stephen, 180. YouNO, Thomas, 174. Young Men's Christian Asso'n 340. Young Men's Library Asso'n, 305. 323S UMASS/AMHERST 312066 0313 0781 7 I ft I PEB 1976 i.-^r