^ / LIBRARY OF THE / usetts Agricultural Coik UMASSMMHERST * ^ ERST, MASS. MlOinSAlOT OF MASSACHUSETTS 3150fc,t. D5?i ?au^' q department of Agriculture . J n lii6 State House, Boston 9 Dr. Arthur 'V. Gilbert, Commissioner MASSACHUSETTS FARMS FOR SALE W*. 3A3NS TABLE COUNTY A-l. f'arm of about 9 acres, located 2 miles from South Chatham on the New York, New Eaven & Hartford Railroad. Market at door, also Chatham and Harwichport 2 miles - large summer colony. Near school,, neighbor s and churches. Nearest tar road, one quarter mile. Roads good. Land good. Adapted to fruit and poultry. About 2 acres in house lot and orchard, the rest in woodland. Fruit: 40 bearing apple trees One-half mile from Pleasant Bay. Seven-room house. Pump in kitchen. Barn with capacity for 2 cows, small hay-storing space. Buildings in good condition; need paint ing . Price, $2,500. Reason, for selling, to settle estate. Address: S. D. Hannah, Buzzards Bay, Mass. . Falmouth . A-2. Farm of 15 acres, located 3 miles from the North Falmouth station on the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad. Nearest markets, 5 to 4 miles, and a large summer market. One-half mile from church; neighbors near. Barge takes children to school. On State road. Land good. Adapted to market gardening. Acres in tillage, 6; in woodland, 9. Fruit: 8 young apple and 2 peach trees. One acre in strawberries and 1% acres in bearing cranberry bog. Farm on beautiful lake. Five-room house. Garage and barn with capacity for 2 cows, 2 tons hay. Shed for storage of tools; wagons all new. Well water.. "Buildings erected in 1920. ;? ] . Price, #£,000., with tools, horse, etc. Bog noi included ; Address: Manuel D. Silva, Hatchville, Mass. ,n JOB MM HI BR. . HBBH I ■EC fflwrrrTt '/*ej «■ <&HC*&4IG KM W M BaTHi ^■*K< m « aifff MSSSk IHWSI R3^H \$3 e^v^^I SHI MnH S*'**'J?j ^HkHMB >»4 xBj VTMR MbRHG EH9 Si 91 1 |»|ffJ*. £450.51: M3^/*i50 4 '' n ' ^ / LIBRARY OF THE / -setts Aorrinnltnral (\ isetts Agricultural Colle ^ERST, MASS. CCMlOirVEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Department of Agriculture liJ6 State House, Boston 9 Dr. Arthur W. Gilbert, Commissioner MASSACHUSETTS FARMS FOR SALE 0^ v KHNSTABLE COUNTY last Harwich A-l. Farm of about 9 acres, located 2 miles from South Chatham on the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad. Market at door, also Chatham and Harwichport 2 miles - large summer colony. Near school,. neighbors' and' churches. Nearest tar road, one quarter mile. Roads good. Land good. Adapted to fruit and poultry. About 2 acres in house lot and orchard, the rest in woodland. Fruit: 40 bearing apple trees One-half mile from Pleasant Bay. Seven-room house. Pump in kitchen. Barn with capacity for 2 cows, small hay-storing space.. Buildings in good condition; need painting . Price, $2,500. Reason, for selling, to settle estate. Address: S. D. Hannah, Buzzards Bay, Mass. Falmouth . A-2. Farm of 15 acres, located 3 miles from the North Falmouth station on the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad. Nearest markets, 5 to 4 miles, and a large summer market. One-half mile from church; neighbors near. Barge takes children to school. On State road. Land good. Adapted to market gardening. Acres in tillage, 6; in woodland, 9. Fruit: 8 young apple and 2 peach trees. One acre in strawberries and 1^- acres in bearing cranberry bog. Farm on beautiful lake. Five-room house. Garage and barn with capacity for 2 cows, 2 tons hay. Shed for storage of tools; wagons all new. Well water.. Buildings erected in 1920. Price, #6,000, with tools, horse, etc. Bog noi included. Address: Manuel D. Silva, Hatchville, Mass. North Falmouth A-3. Farm of 6 acres, located 1 mile from North Falmouth station on New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad. Nearest market small, hut good prices received. One-half mile from school, churches; neighbors near. On State road. Land good. Adapted to poultry, truck, fruit. A^res in mo'.'ing, 4. Fruit: 10 twelve-year-old Baldwin apple trees. Old-fashioned, eleven-room house with 7 fireplaces. Built about 1768. Barn with capacity for 4 cows, 10 tons hay. Buildings in fairly good condition. House needs a little repair and roof shingling. . , , Price, $3,800. Reason for selling, want small home near place of business. Address: Foster KcComiskey, North Falmouth, Mass. BERKSHIRE COUNTY Alford B-l. Farm of 129 acres, located 3 miles from station. Nearest market, 3 miles. One mile from school and churches. Roads good. Land good and so level that all fields can be worked with tractor. Adapted to crops of all kinds. Acres in >;ill,/o, 110; in pasture, 15; in woodland, 4. Thirty apple trees. Twelve-room house, 1-| stories high', with bath-, hot and- cold water. In good condition. Large barn (30 x 70), needs some repairs. Farm situated on top of hill, fine ,-view. Stock:, 20 cows, 4 horses, 1 pig, 40 hens. Farm machinery: gasoline engine, milking machine, ensilage' cutter , drill and all farm implements. • . , Price, $15,000. Reason for selling, poor health. ; ■ Address: Chas, J. Owens, Alford, Mass. Cheshire B-3. Farm of 325 acre's, located 1 mile from station. Nearest markets: Adams (4 miles), supplying population of 12,000; North Adams (9 miles), supplying population of 22,282; and Pittsfield (12 miles), supplying population of 41,763. One and three-fourths miles from school and churches; neighbors -| mile. Roads good. -2- Land good. Adapted to dairy farming, Milk depot in Pittsfield. Excellent trolley and train service between Cheshire, Pittsfield and Adams. Through Pullman trains from Now York to Cheshire. Acres in tillage, 1.00; "in pasture, 165; in woodland, 60, A few apple, pear and plum trees. Water in pastures, absolutely reliable. Old Nov; England house with water and acetylene light. Two grain barns, water in larger barn. Gravity flow of water in barn yard; has been tested with 120 cattle. Six miscellaneous buildings; 3 hay barns, 1 large and 2 small buildings. Buildings well con- structed. Superb outlook on the Berkshire Hills. Stock: 8 cows, 2 heifers, 5 calves, 2 bulls, 4 horses and a collie dog. Farm machinery. Price, $17,000 without house furniture; $17,500 with furniture. . Reason for selling, inability to give farm personal attention. Address: Win. B. Jackson, 26 Bucl Street, Pittsfield , Mass. , or Peter Smith, Smith Brothers, Adams, Mass. East Windsor B-4. Farm of 100 acres, 9 miles from' station. Four miles to nearest market, supplying population of 42,000. One-half mile to school, churches and neighbors. Roads good. Land run down. Adapted to poultry and stock raising, also good place for summer estate. Beautiful locat ion, 1 ,100 feet above sea level. Acres in tillage, 40; in pasture, 50; in -woodland , 70. Lumber worth one-third price of farm. . A few fruit trees. Trout brook -jr mile runs- through property. House and barn in poor condition. Price, §2,200. Reason for selling, does not live on farm and wishes to sell. Address: '■ Joseph E. Ressler , 47 Bay State Road, Pittsfield , Mass . Egr emont 3-5. Farm of 275 acres, 4 miles from station. Hoar est market, 2 miles. Short distance from school, churches and neighbors. On fine road. ■'■ Land good. Adapted to dairy farming, stock raising or mixed farming. Acres in* tillage, 100; in pasture, 75; in woodland, 100. One hundred apple trees (all varieties). -3- . Eauso recently remodeled. Barns extra largo, in fine repair. Stock: 40 hoed af cattle. Pull equipment of machinery. Priee, {6,000 without stock. Reason for selling, death in family. Address: Seeloy Doty, North Egremont , Mass. Hancock B-6. .Farm of 333 acres, located 2 miles from Wyomanock (II. Y, ) , station on the Rutland Railroad. Nearest market, Pittsfield 7 miles over the mountain and 15 miles by State road, supplying population if 41,763. Distance from school, churches and neighbors, -J mile. R«ads good. Land good, needs turning. Six acres newly seeded. Adapted to stock raising and vegetable growing, especially potatoes. Acres in tillage, 100; in pasture, 33; in woodland, 200. Hundreds of healthy wild ap"ole trees, 50 of which were grafted last spring and are doing well. There are 3,000 others in good condition to graft. Two small houses, 2 barns. Buildings in poor condition. Stock: 3 horses (if wanted-).. Equipment: plows, her rows, wag oris and rakes. Price, v3/000. Would consider proposition to rent or have farm worked on shares. Reason for selling, living in Pittsfield. Address: E. R. Bur dick, 340. First Street, Pittsfield, Mass. Hinsdale B-8. ' Farm of 2 acres; located •£ mile from Hinsdale station on Boston & Albany Railroad. Nearest Markets: Hinsdale Center (4 miles) Dalton (4 miles), Pittsfield (9 miles). One-half to 1 mile from churches; school and neighbors near. Gravel land. Acreage nearly all in pasture. Town water. Four-room Dutch colonial house with running water.. Second floor unfinished. House built in 1922. Barn with capacity for 1 cow, 1 ton hay. Reason for selling, unable to look after property. Address: (Miss) H. E. Tracy, Hinsdale, Mass.' .4_ B-fta. Farm of 213 acres looatod 1 2/3 miles from Hinsdale station on Boston cn& Albany Railroad. Hoar est market at Pittsficld, 10 mile's distant. One half mile from school. On main road between Pittsficld and Springfield. land good* ■Adapted to dairy farming. Acres in tillage, 75; in pasture, 100;' in woodland, 30. Fruit: 8 apple , 5 "cherry and 2 pear trees. Twenty- five acres in river meadow and cuts hay. Two houses, one house with ste'm heat, hardwood floors and running water, in the kitchen, a cooler room and a connecting wood- shed with 2nd story. Second house has 6 rooms, woodshed. Barns, ice house and hen coop. Buildings in good condition. Stock: 20 head cattle, 3 horses, hogs & chickens. Equipment: f&rm tools. Prise: $15, 000. Reason for selling, advancing years. Address: C. I. Palmer, Hinsdale, Mass. Lanesboro B-8b. Farm of 106 acres located 1-g- miles from Berkshire station on Boston & Albany Railroad'. Markets: village, and Pittsfield ( 6-g- miles), Adams (7 miles) and North Adams (14 miles). On Cheshire road. Fifteen minute walk to trolley. Land good. Adapted to dairy or truck farming. Acres in tillage 70; in pasture, about 25; in woodland 14 or more. Twenty acres of light land good for early market gardening. Two apple orchards, pear trees, also 1200 strawberry plants, grape vines, etc. Fine pine grove. Two large pastures. • Farm borders on lake. Trout brook. Sixteen room house completely furnished with excellent cellar, 2 porches, milk house, corn crib, etc. Largo barn with capacity 26 cows, 5 horses - 75 tons hay. Seventy-five ton silo built in barn, milk house, large chicken house. Running water in house and b ar n . Price: $14,000 with stock and tools - $5-,500 cash or $6,000 less furniture. Federal farm loan mortgage running 30 years and transferable. Reason for selling - failing health. • Address: V/arEen L. Case, Route 1, Cheshire, Mass. -5- Log B-10 Farm of 10 acres, located -|- mile from Lee station on New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad. Nearest market at Lee, \ mile, supplying town of 4,000-. One-half mile from schools and churches, in fine village. On State road.. Land good, but neglected. Acres in tillage, 6.; in woodland, 4. Fruit: 50 apple, pear, cherry and plum trees. High elevation. T'/unty-five room house with all improvements. Dining room (seating 50) in separate cottage detached from house. Barn 40 x 40, chicken houses. Buildings in very good condition. Farm has been used as boarding house for past throe seasons. Price, $18,000. Reason for selling, old age. Address: W. C. Baldwin, Lee, Mass. Lee B-ll. Farm of 200 aqres, located 3 miles from Lee station on Hew York, Hew Haven & Hartford Railroad. Nearest markets: Lee (3 miles), Pittsfield (3 miles). One-half mile from schools and churches; neighbors near. On good town road, near State road. Land good. Adapted to corn, potatoes, kitchen garden. Acres in tillage, 20 to 30; in pasture, 50; the .rest in woodland. About 500,000 feet of timber could be cut. Fruit trees: about 50 apple, 2 plum, also 2 peach and 1 cherry; an abundance of wild berries and some cultivated berries. Sap orchard. Spring and reservoir on farm . On high elevation w.ith southeast exposure. Ten-room house. Barn with capacity for 30 cows, 50 tons hay. Water in house and barn. House large and spacious, about one hundred years old. Would make comfortable home and good living for farmer, also ideal for summer home or sanatorium. Price, $8,000. Would sell on easy terms. Reason for selling, not a farmer, other business. :' Would consider proposition to rent or have worked on shares. Address: Mrs. Mary 33. Heaphy, Lee, Mass. - ; Lee B-12. Farm of 150 acres, located 1 mile from station and electrics. Nearest markets: Lenoxdale fl-| miles), Loo and Lenox (2-g- miles), supplying population of about 5,000 and Pittsfield ( 8 miles supplying population of 41,763. One and one-half miles from school and churches, -J mile from neighbors. Good roads. -6- Land very {rood.. Acres in tillage, 50; balance in two pastures and woodland. About 2 - 5 apple trees. Enough' wood for home use. Large pond on the farm close to railroad, which w«uld permit the shipping of ice to Pittsfield and Hew York, also sand and gravel business worth half asking price of farm. An. ideal place for summer house' or sanatorium. Ten-room one and one-half story house in good condition. Barn, 30 x 60, with tie-up for 18 head of cattle and two calf pens, cow pen, bull y>en and 4 horse stalls. Capacity for 120 tons of mowing. New 75-ton silo attached. Other small buildings. Spring water. Buildings in good condition. Stock, tools and equipment included in sale. Price,' $10,500. Reasonable terms. To settle an estate. Address: J. E. Toole, Lenoxdale, Mass. Monterey- 4 B-13. Farm of 240 acres, located 12. miles from Great Barring- ton station on Hew York, Hew Haven & Hartford Railroad. Nearest market, 1-J- miles. A good summer market. Three miles from school and churches; neighbors near. One mile from State road on a fair road. Land fair. Adapted to dairy farming and vegetable growing. Acres in tillage, 50; in pasture and woodland, 190. Twenty- five apple trees. Spring, brook and small lake on farm. Four teen- room house. Two cow barns, horse barn, wood house, ice house, henhouse, silo. Buildings in fair condition. Price, -55,000. Reason for selling, change of occupation. Address: Samuel Cronk, Monterey, Mass. Peru B-15. Farm of 100 acres, located 5 miles from Hinsdale station on Boston & Albany Railroad. Nearest markets: Dalton (7 miles) and Pittsfield (12 miles), supplying population of 4-1,763. One mile from school and 2 miles from church; neighbors near. On Statu road. Land good. Adapted to general farming; rolling and with few stones. Acres in tillage, 40; in pasture, 10; in woodland, 30. Fruit: 40 young bearing apple -trees; wild berries in abundance. Brooks and' springs on property. . Excellent view, 1,800 feet above sea level. Twenty acres adjoining this property of white pine tinker land with 25,000 feet ready to cut. -7- Ten-room house, running water, Barn -with capacity for 15 cows, 50 tons hay, chicken houso,- etc. Spring wetter pi-pod to buildings. Buildings in good condition. Price, $3,250, one-half cash and balance at 5 per cent. Twenty-acre lot of timberland not included, but could be purchased for #1,500 extra. Price for entire farm would then be $4,750, $1,750 in cash, balance in mortgage at 5 per cent. Timber, if marketed, would more than pay for whole property and expense of marketing. Reason for selling, alone on farm. Address: J. S. Blauvelt , Peru, Mass. Richmond B-18. Farm of 160 acres, 2 miles from station. Nearest markets: Pittsficld (9 miles), Stockbridge (6 miles) and Lenox (5 miles). One and one-fourth miles from school; churches, 3^- and lit miles. One mile from State road. Land good. Adapted to dairy farming and stock raising. Milk sold at the door. Acres in tillage, 35; in pasture, 100; in wood- land, 25. Two brooks on farm. About 30 fruit trees. mi 'wo houses, wagon house, garage, 3 barns and shed. Water in house and barn. Buildings in fair condition. Stock: 15 head of cattle, a. few sheep. Farm machinery. Price, $8,000 without stock and tools. Address: C. D. Benton, Richmond, Mass. Richmond B-19. Farm of 180 acres, located 2 miles from Richmond station on Boston & Albany Railroad. Nearest markets: Richmond (2 miles) and Pittsficld (7 miles). School, 200 yards; church, 1 mile; neighbors near. On State road. Land in high state of cultivation. Adapted to hay, grains, vegetables and fruit. Acres in tillage, 30; in pasture, .40 and 78; in woodland, 20. Fruit trees: '70 bearing apple, cherry and plum.. An orchard of 550 Bartlctts and seckols beginning to bear; also apple orchard of 150 trees set three years. Water from spring in -pasture; gravity flow at house and barnyard. Elevation, 3,£20 feet.' Large house with modern conveniences ,, including . steam 'heat , electric lights and 2 baths. Horse barn, 36 x 54; cow barn, 30 x 75, with ell 21 x 60; shop, 20 x 44; henhouses, hog house, ice house, and corner ib.' Buildings in g.ood condition. -8- Stack: 3 cows, 2 horses, pigs and chickens. Usual farm machinery and tools. Price, $16,000, including stock .and tools. $15,000 if sold directly. Terms to suit. ,, Address: I. P. Russell, Richmond, Mass. Savoy B-20. Farm of 150 acres, 8 miles from Adams station. Roads good. Nearest market, Adams (8 miles), with a population of 12,967. One and three-f ourths> miles from school; -J- mile from church; neighbors near . land fairly good. Adapted to general farming. Two acres of lowland, excellent for raising pigs or geese. Acres in tillage, 25; in pasture, 20; in woodland, 50. Fruit trees, 50: apple, pear and plum. Eleven-room house and two bonis. Buildings in fairly good con- dition. Would make a good sanatorium or summer home. Price, $5,000. Would rent property for- two years at $175 per year, or would consider proposition to have farm worked on shares. Address: Francis George, Brier, Mass. Stockbridge B-22. Farm of 85 acres, 2 miles from station. Nearest market, 3 miles. School, churches and neighbors, -§■ mile distant. Romds good. Land fair. Acres in tillage, 65; in woodland, 20. Apple and pear trees. Spring in pasture. Seven-room house and large barn (84 x £5); garage and storehouse (about 35 x 25), with basement in both. Well near house and barns Buildings fair . Price, $8,000. ?» r ould consider proposition to rent or lease. Address: B. A. Tracey, 10 Stoddard Ave., Pittsficld, Mass. Washington • B-22A.^ arrn °^ l^O acres located 2 miles from Washington station on Boston and Albany Railroad. Nearest markets: Socket (2 miles), Pittsficld (12 miles). One mile from school and church. New State road through pasture and meadow land. Roads fair. -9- land fair. Tillage lane can be worked with tractor. Adapted to general farming. Acres in tillage., 40; in pasture, 60; in woodland, 50. Fruit: 10 apple, iO cherry, 4 plum, 1 pear tree. Maple orchard about 300 trees. Maple shade trees. Ice poiid about 1 mile distant. House, bam, sheds, henhouses. Buildings in fair condition. Stock: 2 horses, 10 cows, 100 hens. Well equipped with farm machinery. Price: §6,000. Reason for soiling - advancing years. . .Address: Chas. E. Shr.lzr, Bccket, Mass. West Stockbrldge B-25 Farm of 112 acres, 1/8 mile from station. Nearest market Pittsfield, supplying a population of '41,763. School, churches and neighbors near . Roads good. land good. Adapted to mixed farming. Acres in tillage, 50; in pasture and woodland 62. Eight fruit trees. Plenty of limestone. Vein of manganese analyzed as 75$ good by expert. Seven-room house, with wood house, 3 barns and outbuildings , all in fair condition. .': - Price, §3,500. Reason for selling, inability to carry on the farm. Address: Chas. H. Hastings, West Stockbridge, Mass. Windsor B-26. Farm of 135 acres, located 7 miles from Dc.lt on station •and 12 miles from Pittsfield. State road to Dalton, passing farm buildings, to be completed this year. Nearest markets: Dalton, supplying population of 3,752, and Adams, supplying a population of 12,967. One-third mile to church and schools. land in good state of cultivation. Adapted to raising hay, potatoes and other vegetables. Acres in tillage, 45; in pasture, 40; in woodland, 50.. Fruit trees: 20 apple, 3 pear and 2 cherry. Three springs on farm. large 12-room house, practically new. Horse barn and shed com- bined; garage, henhouses. Running water in house. Buildings in good condition. Stock: 12 cows, 3 horses, 14 sheep, 2 hogs, 30 hens. Price, $6,500. Reason for soiling, advancing years. Address: G. S. Galusha, Windsor, Mass. -10- Farm of 100 acres in Berkshire Co., Mass. along mountain road leading from Pittsfield, Mass. to Lebanon Springs IT. Y. , five miles from the former and one and a half from the latter plaoe--sixty acres in wood and timber, forty acres' in fine potato ground--no buildings, best of markets, a magnificent view into four different states — Mass- achusetts, New York, Connecticut and Vermont — Hudson River and Catskills distinctly .visible to the naked eye-~grand site for a summer. re-si.dence. Price: $£00Q r QQ Address: F. C. Carpenter, Clinton Hall, South St., Pittsfield. BRISTOL COUNTY Acushnet C-l. Farm of 25 acres, located 6 miles from station. Nearest market, New Bedford (5 miles). School, churches and neighbors near. Bounded by two excellent roads. ■ Land excellent; early land and adapted to any kiiid of farming. Acres in tillage, 15; in pasture, 5; in woodland, 5. Fruit trees: 45 apple, 8 pear, 2 plum, 4 cherry.. Pond and brook on property. Located in center of little village. Well-built dwelling house with 5 fireplaces and large, sunny, conveniently arranged rooms. Barn and henhouse. Water in all buildings. Buildings in good repair.. Price $12,000. Reason for selling, death of husband. Address: Mrs. Joseph C. Foster, corner Long Plain and Rochester Roads, Acushnet, Mass. Attleboro C-la, Farm of '225 acres located 2 miles from centre of Attle- boro.. Nearest markets: Attleboro (2 miles) supplying population of 18,000; Foxboro; Providence (12 miles); Boston. Good roads. Land excellent, worked by tractor. Acres in tillage, 42 ; in grass, 34 (cuts 75 tons hay). One acre in asparagus, sprout land and woodland (1500 cords hard wood). Young orchard with Baldwin and Macintosh apples just in bearing, also pear orchard. Pong. -Ten room house with improvements. Tenant cottage, large bars, silo, cow shed (30 tie-ups), carriage house and work shop. Modern milk room with running water, poultry houses, ice house and other buildings. .. Equipment; complete equipment of machinery and tools including tractor and 11 ton truok. Reason for selling, death in family. Address: A. L. Kimball, 23 Waterman St., Providence, R. I. *) Berkley- One and one-half acres of land. Small cottage in good con- dition, good. hen house, wood house and large shed - well water. Price 1750. Address: E. H. Allen, Berkley, R.R. No. 1, Taunton, Mass. Berkley C-4. Farm of 35 acres, located 2 miles from Weir station. Nearest market, Taunton (2 miles), supplying population of 37,137. One-half mile from school; li mile from church-.. Roads good. Land good. Adapted to general farming. Acres in tillage, 10; in pasture and woodland, 25. Fruit: 30 peach, 15 apple, 2 plum trees. One cottage house, barn, woodshed, 2 henhouses. Buildings in • good condition. Some farm machinery. Reason for selling, old age. Address: Mr. H. N. Macomber, Berkley, Mass. Dighton G-5-. Farm of 70 acres, located If miles from village. Nearest markets: Taunton (8 miles), Fall River (10 miles), Providence (14 miles) , Boston (44 miles) . Farm situated on high land in center of strawberry district. Acres in tillage, 18; in pasture, 8; in orchard, Si, and remainder in woodland. Price, $7,000. Reason for selling, advancing years. Address: Howard S. Wood, Main Street, Dighton, Mass. Eastern . • . C-8. Farm of 25 acres, located 1 mile from Easton station on New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad,. Nearest market, 5-J miles, supplying population of 65,000. Schools, churches and neighbors, near. State roads. ' • ." / • '..<-. Land in good state of cultivation and very productive. Adapt- ed to general farming. Acres- in tillage/ 15; in pasture, 5; in woodland,- 5. Fruit ;trees: 25 apple, 5 pear and 3 plum. Grapes. Brook in pasture. -12- Twelve-room hot . e with electric lights, steam heat ^ telephone . Basement barn, 33 x 50; 7 henhouses; workshop-. Well water for house and barn. Buildings in excellent condition. Farm machinery. I'rice, ^6,500. Reason' for selling, advancing years. Ad dr e s s : W . S . West, 34 South Ma in Street, Mans f i el d , Ma s s . East on C~8a. Farm of 56 acres located 2 miles from East on -station on New York, l\ T ew Haven & Hartford Railroad. Nearest markets: 17o* East on ('3 miles),- Brockton (7 miles). One third mile from school, J mile from P. 0. and general store, 2 miles from church; neighbors near. Roads good --J mile from State highway. Land good. Adapted to general farming. Acres in tillage, 10; in pasture, 6; in woodland, 30; in sprout land, 10. Twenty-six apple, 5 peach, 6 pear, 4 cherry trees - 1500 strawberry plants, lawn with shade trees. Buildings in good condition. Ten room house with fine cellar. Bern 34 x 34 with basement Stables for horses- and cows with 2 box stalls and 4 stanchions. Henhouses and hog house. Price: $9,000. Reason for selling, going elsewhere, ddress: John Clubb , Easton, Mass. A Norton C-10. Farm of 50 acres, located near Norton station on New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad. Seven miles to three different cities; school, churches and neighbors near. One-eighth mile from State road on the best of roads. land good. Adapted to dairying, truck and poultry raising. Acres in tillage, 40; th . '.rest in woodlot. Fruit sufficient for family use. Sixty tons of hay cut on farm, also 150 tons silage. Ten-room house with modern improvements, also six-room house with no improvements. Barn with capacity for 36 cows (6 box stalls and basement accommodations for 4 horses with 3 box stalls;. Buildings in good condition. Price, $14,000, with stock, tools, hay, silage, etc. Would divide farm, selling small house with 8 acres of land with option to buy 15 more acres if desired. Price on division would be $10,000 Address: W. E. Leonard, South Easton, Mass, ( Telephone North Easton 164-12) ■'■,-.. .. -. •. Taunton C-12. Farm o'f 50 acres, located 3-J- miles from Taunton station and 1 mile irom Meadow Brook station. Nearest "markets: Attleboro (8 miles), Pall River (16 miles) and Providence (19 miles). Land adapted to fruit and poultry. All kinds of fruit. Timber for home use . ....-■ Eight-room house with new slate roof, gas, hot. and cold water, furnace heat. Barn with tie-up for 6 cows, 2 horses* New Cement stable. Price, $12,000. Will divide to suit customer. Address: H. H. Davidson, 57 Worcester St.., Taunton, Mass. DUKES COUNTY West Tisbury D-2. Farm of 6 acres, adjoins new state road, West Tisbury, Edgar town, 6 miles to Vineyard Haven Boat landing, 9 miles to Oak Bluffs. Three-fourths of a mile to school and churches. All roads first class. Land adapted to truck farming, or make good chicken farm. Acres in tillage, 3; in woodland, 3; no stones whatever. Sell all produce at farm or markets at Vineyard Haven, Oak Bluffs, or Edgar - t own . Seven room house in good repair, good barn. Pump in house, excellent water - 4 rooms plastered - live all year round or make nice summer home. House on Knoll back from State car road and six acre lot is surrounded by a square of Pine trees. Two acre Pine grove, the best on the Island. Salt water pond -§ mile distant - Atlantic Ocean about 2 miles. Clam flats and boating, plenty of berries. Typical American neighborhood. Price $2800 - or close offer. Reason for selling, advancing years. Address: Luke 0' Conor, 62 Dunnell Avenue, Pawtucket , R. I. West Tisbury D-2a. Farm of 5 acres - Land good, adapted to small fruits and poultry. Acres in tillage, 3. Strip of 400 feet irrigated. One and one-half acres in raspberries (2 crops each season). On main road of island. No dwelling house on grounds. Large shed for tractors. Small greenhouse 18 x 12 to start vegetables in. Small tool house and shed. Farm machinery. Additional tract of land 4 diagonally across the road of two acres with good dwelling house. West Tisbury Modern plumbing and steam heating plant. Good barn. Gasolene pumping engine and pressure pump assuring, an inexhaustable water supply. Excellent for summer hone. Twelve., ninutes fron store and post- office. Would like to make one deal. Probable price, 500. Ho reasonable offer refused. 'Address: Mr. James 'Vi Lee, IVest Tisbury, Mass. V/est Tisbury D-2TiFarm of 35 acres located 3 miles from Vineyard Haven boat landing. A' ready market on the Island for all goods raised.' Trade comes to farm. One and one-half miles from school. On good country road between two State roads. Land excellent. Adapted to vegetables, poultry, small fruit. Acres in tillage, 35; in pasture, 2; in woodland, 1. Fruit : 50 apple, 25 plum, 10 peach trees. Well water. House, barn, 5 henhouses, smoke house, 2 sheds. House in perfect condition, other buildings good. Some farm machinery. ; Price, . $2800. •• Reason for selling, death of husband. Address: Mrs. 1.1. J. Tilley, Vineyard Haven, Mass. ESSEX COUNTY Amesbury E-2. Farm of 248 acres, located 1-| miles from Amesbury station on Boston & Maine Railroad. Nearest market, 1-g- miles; supplying population of 10,000. One and one-half miles from school and churches, 1 mile from State road; neighbors near. Roads good.. State road to be constructed. . Land excellent. Adapted to stock farming. Acres in tillage, 135; in pasture, 93; in woodland, 20. Fruit trees: 22 apple, 10 pear, 5 cherry; strawberries. Brook in pasture.. Fourteen-room house 'With, electricity. Three barns: 45. x 50., 45 x 100 and 24 -x 30; capacity for 17 cows, 150 .tons hay.- Other, , buildings and silo. Pressure water system. Buildings in good condition. . : . ■ Stock and' .tools- on farm. •■;.,.' Price, §20,000., Reason for selling, ho pne to carry on farm. Addr es s : G . '•!{ . Kinney , Ame sbur y , Mas s . "• Amesbury E-3. • 'farm -of 65 .acres,' located. 1-J-. miles from Amesbury station on the Boston & Maine Railroad. ' nearest- market, li miles .supplying population of 10,056. Distance from school and State, road. If miles; neighbors near. Pine roads. Land, black, loam; rolling without rocks. Adapted to mixed farming. Acres in tillage, 45; in pasture, 15; in woodland., 5. Fruit: 400 apple trees, in variety. - - *"' Ten-room house. Barn with capacity for 14 cows , 60 tons hay. Running water in all buildings by pneumatic water system. All buildings, constructed in 191,5. , -j : Price $12 , 000. Reason for \ selling , .. old age . Address: J. L. Stewart, Amesbury, Mass. .'.;. ' Amesbury : .' . E-3a. Farm of about 350 acres located 1 mile from Amesbury station on Boston and Maine Railroad. Nearest market, 1 mile> Newburyport ( 6 miles), Haverhill ( 10 miles) , and beaches 5 miles. One half mile from school and 1 mile from church; neighbors near. On new macadam road. land excellent.- Adapted to dairy and truck farming. . Acres in tillage, 150; in pasture," 150;' in woodland, 50. Fruit: 150-200 apple trees, pears. ;„ ....•.■: "•■'■■ . ■■■ Two and one half story fourteen room house with cellar, modern improvements. Barn 100 x 80,. oarriage shed and milk shed adjoining. Water pumped by electric motor. Buildings in good condition. Stock: 20 head cattle, 7 hogs, 15 horses, 50 hens. All modern equipment. , ..' ,-.■.; .'*■,•■ Reason for selling, bid age. . Address: James' E. Watkins, Amesbury, Mass. Bradford E-4; Farm Of 10 acres, located "2 miles from Haverhill station on the Boston & Maine Railroad. Nearest market, Haverhill (2 miles) supplying population of 53,884.. One mile from .school , 2 miles from high-school and 500 yards from, State r oad; , neighbors near . Roads good. Land good. Adapted to fruit and truck garden. Acres in tillage, 3; in pasture, 1; in woodland, l/5. Fruit: 200 apple and 300 peach trees (orchard twelve years old); 500 strawberry plants, 200 raspberry, 200 gooseberry and 50 currant bushes. Two hundred and seventy feet on Anmack River. Exclusive neighborhood. Fine view. -16- Bradford Six-room house with hot-air furnace, bath, gas and electricity, Barn with capacity for 3 cows, 1 horse, 6 tons hay. City water in house and barn. Buildings in good condition. Price,. $10,000. Reason for .selling, short of help. Would con- sider proposition to rent for one year. Might consider proposition to have farm worked on shares. Although engaged in teaching raised $1,000 worth of goods on farm. Address: Marie Lebet , Salem Street,' Bradford, Mass. Essex E-5. Farm of 66 acres, located •§ mile from Essex station on Essex branch of Boston & Maine Railroad. Nearest market Gloucester (8 miles). Three-fourths mile from church and school. Roads fair. Land ' excellent . Adapted to raising of hay and grain. Acres in tillage, 48; in marsh, 18. Fruit: 20 apple, 10 pear trees. . Nine-room house. Large barn with capacity for 40 cows; sheds. Cistern in house and barn. Buildings in good condition. Price, $10 ,'000. Reason for selling, no one to work farm. Address: Paul M. Goddard, 97 Milk Street, Boston, Mass. Georgetown E-6. .Farm of 4-J- acres, located -J- mile from Georgetown station on Boston. & Maine Railroad. Nearest markets: Haverhill (6 miles), Topsfield (8 miles), Newburyport and Lawrence (9 miles), Ipswich (10 miles); also home market in village. Five or six minutes 1 walk to village, schools, churches, etc. Roads good. Farm about 40 rods from State road on an elevation. Land in good condition for garden and hay. Adapted to general farming with enough variety of soils for early and late crops.-. Would make excellent poultry farm. Land slopes south; no frosts. Acres in tillage, 2; the rest in meadowland. Fruit trees: 17 Baldwin apple, 10 pear. Seventy-five to 100 feet of grape trellis. Black- berries and raspberries. Property borders on brook. Nice grounds With lawn and shrubbery. Enough hay cut on farm to keep horse or cow. Eight-room, one and one-half story house with electricity and plenty of closet room. Has good dry cool cellar. Barn, carriage house -or garage, henhouse. Electric lights in all buildings. Well water and cistern. Buildings in good condition, newly shingled. Price $4,200. Reason for selling, wish to move elsewhere. Address: Mrs. George M. Fogg, Georgetown, Mass . (Telephone 12-3.) Merrimao B-7. Farm of 67 acres, located 1 mile from Merrimao station on Boston & Maine Railroad. Nearest market 1 mile, and. within market distance, Amesbury, Haverhill, Newburyport and beaches. One mile from school and churches and -§• mile from State road. Fine roads . JL-and good. Adapted to general farming. Acres in tillage, 20. Fruit* 35 apple, 14 pear trees; cultivated raspberries and blue- berries. Two fine wells, large cistern. Property has 600-foot front- age on lake. Summer camp colony on lake. Eleven-room house with electric lights, bath and telephone. Bam with, capacity for 20 cows, 45 tons hay. New water system. Buildings in good condition. ... < Price, $11,000 with stock and tools. Reason for selling, other business. Address: Mrs. Harry Worcester, Merrimac, Mass. Saugus E~9a. Thirty, acres unimproved land, for golf links, if desired. Situated on State Highway, Newburyport Turnpike, in Saugus - no buildings - would sell for .$100 an acre or might lease. Address: F. R. Austin, 121 High Rock St., Lynn, Mass. 'Topsfield - \ E-10, Farm of . 30 acres, located near Topsfield station on Boston Sc Maine Railroad. Nearest markets: Danvers (5 miles), Beverly (7 miles). One-naif mile from State road. Roads good. Land good. Acres in tillage, 15; in pasture, 15. Twenty Baldwin and Greening apple trees. Large spring on hill. Water runs to house and barn on gravity flow. Twelve>room house with hardwood floors, electric lights and bath. Barn with capacity for 4 cows, 20 tons of hay. Good slate roof on house. Reason for selling, old age and sons in other business. Address: C. V. Jackman, Box 136, Topsfield, Mass. (Telephone 2-13) West Boxford E-ll. Farm of 6 acres, located 3 miles from North Andover sta- tion on" Boston '& Maine Railroad, Nearest markets: Haverhill (4 miles; supplying population of 94,270. About 1 mile from school -18- and church, and i mile to State road; neighbors near. Roads excellent land good. Adapted to market gardening. Acres in tillage, 6. Fruit: 30 apple, 10 pear, cherry and plum trees. Twelve-room house. Barn with capacity for 10 cows, 20 tons hay. Buildings in good condition. Reason for selling, illness. Address: Mrs. Anna L. Cole, 161 Central Street ,' Georgetown, Mass West Newbury E-ll a. Farm of about 200 acres located 2 miles from Byfield station on Boston and Maine Railroad. Nearest markets, 5 miles, at Haverhill and Newburyport . One and one-half miles from school and churches. Roads good. Fine view of ocean and surrounding country on Crane Neck Hill, one of h&;;.hcst points in Essex County. Land excellent. Adapted to dairying, market gardening, fruit. Acres in tillage, 100; in pasture, 50; enough wood to supply family. Two Colonial houses, one house having original paneling and fire place-s.' Usual, set of smaller buildings. Buildings in good con- dition. , Stock: 50 head of cattle Price: §20,000. Reason for selling, to settle estate. Adjoining property is another property of 125 acres which could be bought b.xi^ would make large estate. Address: Mrs. John w. MacDonald, West Newbury, Mass. FRANKLIN COUNTY .' Bernardston -,.... F-l. Farm of 88 acres, located short distance from station (10 minutes' walk) on Boston & Maine Railroad. Ten minutes' walk to nearest market and stores, schools and churches. Roads in best of condition. £and fairly good. Adapted to tobacco, onions and other :e . vegetables. Acres in tillage, 18; in pasture, 50; in woodland, 20. Fruit, ; : 60 apple, 11 plum, 3 pear trees; 4 grapevines. Spring in pasture, ..Eight-room. house (li stories with slate roof). Shed shop, hen- house (200 birds), cow barn, horse barn, shed, coriicrib and garage. -19- Buildings in good condition. Spring water in house end barnyard. This would make splendid summer hone, with large shade maples and smooth lawns. Fine ' neighborhood-. House has 2 hardwood floors.'. Farm located near village, library, hotel, grist and saw mills.; Stock: 1 cow, 1 yearling heifer (Guernseys). Equipment: mowing machine, hay rake, cream separator, sleds and sleighs. Price, §5,000. Reason for selling, wish* to move away. Address: Otis H. Brown, Bernardston,' Mass. Bernardston F-3. Farm of 90 acres, located 4-g- miles, from the Bernardston station on the Boston & Maine Railroad. Nearest markets: village ( 4-js- miles), Greenfield (10 miles), Brattleboro (10 miles), Turners Falls (9 miles). One mile from school, 4-j- miles from churchy neighbors -J- mile. State road with exception of -jr mile stretch for house. i land in good \st ate of cultivation. adapted to general farming. Acres in tillage, 25; in .pasture and woodland, 65. Fruit: 50 apple, 4 pear , 2 quince trees; blueberries for home use. Spring* and brook water. About 75 sugar maples. Eight-room house. Barn, 30 x 40 (with basement), 'with capacity for 8 cows, 30 to "40 tons of hay. Stock: 3 cows, 2 heifers and 1 horse. Equipment: farm wagon (driving), harness, wagon, plow, cultivator; 15 to 20 tons of hay on hand. Price, $2,500. Would sell without stock and tools for $1,800 - $1,500 down and 4 per cent off for cash. Address: George C. Denison, Bernardston, Mass. Colrain F-4. Farm of 139 acres, located 8 miles from Shelburne Falls station on Boston & Maine Railroad. Nearest markets: Shelburne Falls (8 miles), supplying population of 2,000; and 4 miles from another market. One-fourth mile from school and 3-| miles from . church; 2 miles from State road. Roads good. . .. . . . Land in very good condition. Adapted to dairying and fruit growing. Acres in tillage, 40; in pasture, 99. A young orchard coming into bearing with 500. to 600 apple trees and peach, pe^.r and plum trees. From 100 to 200 barrels of apples each year. Raspberries and blackberries. Good springs on farm. Five acres of pine timber ready to cut. Plenty of hardwood.. Seven-room house, divided for 2 family occupancy. Barn with capacity for 20 cows, 40 to 50 tons of hay. Buildings in good con- dition having roofing of slate. -20- Reason fox selling, too largo. Would sell farm stocked" or without stool: and tools. Address: Noah Archambo, Colrain, Mass. Golrain F-4a. Farm of 200 acres., located 10 miles from Sherburne Falls station on Boston & Maine Railroad. Markets are 4, 10 & IS miles distant and 7/8 mile from school, church and neighbors. Roads good. Land productive. Acres in tillage, 75; in pasture, 125. Fruit: apple (400 - 500 in bearing and as many coming into bearing) pear, peach and plum trees. Springs. Beautiful view* Last year 625 bbls. of apples with increase each year. Eight-room house, one and one-half story house, finished in butternut wood. Running water in sink. B r .rn with capacity 22 head stock; 2 pens - drinking cups. Horse-barn 24 x 24. Henhouse (60 ft. wit h r unn i ng wa t er ) , shop, garage. Stock: 11 head cattle, 3 horses, 400 hens. Price: $6,500. Reason for selling, poor health. Address: R. L. Adams, Colrain, Mass. Colrain F-4b. Farm of 65 acres located 10 miles from Sherburne Falls station on Boston and Albany Railroad. Nearest market, 15 miles, at Greenfield supplying population of 20,000. School, church and neighbors are within a few steps. Throe miles from nearest village. Roads good. Land level and fertile -tillage land nearly all newly seeded. Acres in tillage, 15; in pasture, 20; in woodland, 30. Fruit: 160 apple, mostly Baldwins. & Duchess, also plums & quinces. Brook in pasture. Sugar bush which sots 500 buckets. Spruce and hardwood on farm and plenty for home use. Five cords of stove length in- cluded in sale. Five room house, barn (clap-boarded), 50 ft. shed and poultry house. 'Yell in house. Buildings in "good condition. Sugar house, evaporator, tubs, arch included. Price, $1,800. Reason for selling, business elsewhere. Address: Robert D. Hawley, Colrain, Mass. -21- Heath • ■' F-9. Farm of 100 acres-, located 6 miles from Charlemont station on Boston & Koine Railroad Nearest markets: Charlonont (5 miles) and Shelburne Falls (9 miles). School, church an- neighbors near. Roads nearly all State. Land fairly good. Adapted to dairying. Acres in tillage* 20; in pasture., 60; in woodland, 20. Fruit: about 40 apple trees, nearly all Baldwins. Spring water. nine-room- house; Barn with capacity for 15 cows, 40 tons of hay. Buildings in good condition. Price, $5,000. Fifty acres of pasture- land could be bought with' above. Reason for selling, to settle estate. Address: Hiss M. ' E. Maxwell , Heath," Mass. Rowe F-13. Farm of 125 acres, located 4 miles from Zoar station on the Fitehburg Division of the Boston & Maine Railroad. One-half mile from school, churches, neighbors. Roads goody land good. Adapted to general farming and stock. raising . Acres in tillage, 30; in pasture, 75; in woodland, 20. Fifty fruit trees, nearly all Baldwins. Timber worth ,$2,000. • One and one-half story house. Bam. Buildings in fair o »:i- dition. Price, $3,000; Reason for selling, to settle estate. : ' Address: Henry D. Wright, Rowe, Mass. South Ashfieid F-14. Farm of about .200 acres, located 12 miles from Shelburne Falls or South Door field station on Boston & Maine Railroad. One mile from good general store, wholesale market in Boston. One mile from school, 2^- miles from church; nieghbors near. One mile from State r o ad . Roads g o od . Land good. Adapted to dairy farming. Acres in tillage, about 75; in pasture, about 125. Fruit: 150 Baldwin apple trees, old and young; wild berries. F^ur hundred sugar trees. Springs on farm. Elevation of 1,30G feet. Scventcen-room house with electricity and nipe heater ,' hardwood floors and 8 open fireplaces. Portable house of 5 rooms for summer bungalow. Sugar house with full equipment for setting 400 buckets. -22- '..'oodshed (crpacity 20 cor. r ;:) and garage adjoining house. House and barns lighted by electricity. Buildings in good 'condition. Equipment: Milking machines and separator with electric power. i Pxico, $35,0.00. Reasm for selling, left alone on farm through marriage of daughters. Address: lire. Henrietta (J. Under hill, South Ashfield/ Mass. Warwick F-15. Farm. of 40 acres located 4 miles from Orange station on Boston & Maine Railroad, Nearest market: Orange (4 miles ), supplying population of 5,3§3. Four miles from school and 1 mile from State road. School and neighbors near. Heads good. Land good. Adapted to mixed farming. Acres in tillage, 10; in pasture, 8; in woodland, 22. Fruit: 5 apple, 2 plum and pear tre-es; berries in abundance. Spring on farm. Property borders small lake. Twelve-room house newly shingled. New barn, with capacity for 2 cows, 8 tons of hay. Two large henhouses, two-story shed and sap house. Buildings in first-class condition. Well water. Would sell on terms. Reason for selling, wish to engage in other business. Addr ess: Mr . Geo. E . Luf kin , Warwi ok , Ma s s . ■ Warwick F-15a. Farm of 65 acres, located 8 miles from Orange station on Boston and Maine Railroad. Nearest markets: Winchester, N.H. (6 miles), Orange (8 miles) supplying population 5 , 393, . Atholl 8 miles/- supplying -population 10,000. Two miles from school; neighbors near. Land good. Adapted to dairy or truck farming. Acres in tillage, 25; in pasture, about 20; in woodland, about 20. Fruit: about 50-. apple, pear and plum trees. Spring water. Seven room" cottage house, barn and woodshed. Buildings v in good condition. Price: -J1400. possibly less for cash. Reason for selling advancing years. Address: Nils 0. Ohls.i.n, Box 19, Warwick, Mass. -23- Wendell P~15b. Farm of 80 acres located 3 miles from Wendell station on Boston and Maine Railroad. Nearest market: G miles, supplying population of 6,000 inhabitants,. One mile from school and church; n e i gb b o r s n c ar . Ho a d s good, land fair. Adanted to dairying. Acres in tillage, 20; in . .■ pasture, 15; in woodland, 45. Fruit: 50 rpple, 12 pear, 11 plum 12 peach, 5 quince and 4 cherry trees. Cultivated blackberries and raspberries and quantities of blue berries. Eight room one and one-half story house. 3r-rn 46 ft. wide with cellar, 2 henhouses and sugar house. Buildings in fair con- dition. Price: J4,000. Reason for selling, unable to carry 021 farm. Address: W-. K. Austin, 86 Chase St., Orange, Mass. ' Wendell '.■'.■"' '. ' ' ' P-15c. Farm of 102 acres, located 4 miles from station on Boston and Maine Railroad. Six or seven miles from nearest market. Five minutes from school -an: church. Roads good. Land good. Adapted to dairying. Acres in tillage, 35; in pasture, 30; in woodland, 57. Fruit: One hundred or more apple, ■near, peach trees. Wells and spring. Twelve-room house, long ell. Bam 40 x 60 with capacity for 45 head cattle and 50 ton silo. Buildings in good condition. Stock: 10 ox more cattle- Equipment: All ordinary farm machine:),. and tools. Price: §6, 000. Reason for selling, advancing years. Address; Chas. 11. Ballou, Wendell, Mass. T ,V end ell F-15d. Farm of 95 acres located 5 miles from Millers Palls station on Boston o.n0 Heine, and Central Mass. Railroad, 6 miles from Wendell station. Nearest markets: Millers Palls (5 miles), Orenge (8 miles), Greenfield (12 miles), Amherst (25 miles), Spring- field ( 40 miles). T vv an d 1 1 - h al f mil e s fro in s c h 1 a nd c h ur c h ; neighbors 1/8 mile. Fairly good roads. Land a little under fair. Adapted to poultry, fruit and truck farming. Acres in tillage, 25; in pasture, 25; balance in woodland. Fifteen apple trees, 6 peach and 2 pear, also grares and cranberries. -24- View of surrounding country. Near lake and rm. p r tobacco farming. Acres in tillage, 36; in pasture and woodland, 29. Fruit trees: 25 apple, 15 pear, 3 peach, 5 plum, grapes. Water in pasture.- Twelve room house with sheds attached, cow barn with capacity 22 cows, silo, horse barn with 5 stalls, henhouse, (for 100 hens), garage, ice house. Reason for selling, dividing farm. Address: Austin G. and Mary Cowies, Hadley, Mass. Huntington H-5. Farm of 70 acres, located 3-J- miles from Huntington station on Boston & Albany Railroad. Nearest markets: 7/estficld (12 miles), Springfield (21 miles), and small home market. One mile from church; school and neighbors very near. Farm just off of new State road, -33- Land good clay loam in good state of cultivation. Adapted to general and fruit farming. Acres in tillage, £0 to 25; in tasture, 50; in woodland, 2c). Fruit trees: 200 ap^le , 5 plum, 6 peaz , 2 quince. Spring water. Beautiful view. Nine-room, one and on© • half story house with oil. Barn (40 ft.) henhouse, ice and milk house and sugar house. Buildings good, hut need painting. Telephone in house. Stock: 9 head (grade) Guernseys, 1 registered bull, 2 young mares, 20 hens. Equipment: wagon sheds, plows, mowing machines, horse rake, cultivator, corn planter, grindstone, ore sua o*eptMa, _Amher Bdb? flfi** 6 * a - Nearest markets: Amherst, Northampton, Holyoko -and Spxinji£><^ d * Ono and one-half miles from church, school, store-arid post office. Good roads. Adapted to truck faming. Acres in go. 7ft :tob?KJco or onion land, 20; Balance in woodland. Some fruit. Six room house . Barn 50' x 50 with capacity 6 -cows. . Eouse in good condition; barn needs some, repair. Price $4 , 500 , §3 \ 300' in cash while ,$1,200 can remain on mortgage if desired. Address: J. S. Donahue, 48 McClellan St., Amherst, Mass. South Amherst 'H-iOh^arm of 72 acres -located about 4 miles from Amherst, on Holyoke Amherst electric car line. Nearest markets: Amherst, Holyoke (10 miles), Northampton and Springfield. Acres in tillage, 20; "balance in pasture and woodland, (about 50,000 - 75,000 ft. of pine and hemlock). Several hundred cords of wood. Seven-room house with electric lights and running spring water. Barn 50 x 40, wagon shed 14 x 40, 2 henhouses. House in fair con- dition. Stock: Two work-horses, 20 hens. Equipment: all farm implements Price: -^7,700. Mortgage of -^6,500 which can remain, if so desired. Address: J. S. Donahue.., 46 LlcClellan St., Amherst, Mass. 4 » ' South Amherst- H-lOc. Farm of 116 acres located at So. Amherst. Nearest markets: Amherst, Holyoke, Northampton, and Springfield. 'One mile from school, church, post office and. store, also one mile from' car line. Canning factory adjoins property. ,Acres in good tillage soil, 58; in pasture, 28; balance in 50 tillable acres. Plenty of wood 'for home use. -Fruit: 100 bearing trees, another small orchard. Strawberry bed, etc. Eight-room house with bath and electric lights. Woodshed and work shop connect with house. Another four-room house, with running water and electric lights;. Barn 60 x 40 with running water and electric lights and cellar underneath with- capacity.' for . 18 head cattle. Three poultry houses, garage and. -other small buildings. -37- Price: .;8,500. Address: J. S. Donahue, 46 McClellan St., Amherst .Mass. ■ ... Williamsbur H-12. Farm of 225 acres, located 3 miles from railroad station. Nearest markets: Northampton, supplying population of 21,951;. Holyoke, supplying population of 60,203; Springfield, supplying pop- ulation of 129,164. Ten minutes to district school; high school and churches, 3 miles; neighbors near. Good roads. Land excellent. Adapted to stock raising. Acres in 'tillage, 30. Estimated to he 500,000 feet of lumber and 1,000 cords of wood, the remainder of land being in pasture. Fruit trees: 190 aprvle , 30 pear, 14 plum, 14 peach and apricot and 2 cherry. A young orchard of 5 acres in bearing. Seven grapevines. Four hundred to five hundred barrels of apples gathered this season. , Ten-room house, with veranda across front, 8 feet in width. A fine 3-story barn, sheds, ice house. Running spring water to house and barn. Water in pasture. Stock watered in manger through faucet. Buildings in fine condition. Good neighborhood . Stock: 3 cows (farm will keep 30), 1 carriage horse. Price: s Jl2,000. Reasons for selling , advancing years, failing health. Address: 'V. E. Bellinger, Williamsburg , Mass. ■MIDDLESEX C0U1ITY Bedford M-2. Farm of 80 acres, located 1-h miles from Bedford station on Boston & Maine Railroad. Nearest market, Boston (15 miles). One and one-half miles from school, ■ -J- mile from State road; neighbors near. Roads good. Land good. Adapted to raising of hay.. Acres in pasture about 20; in woodland (number unknown), enough for home use. Fruit: small orchard of apple and pear trees ;■ blackberries' and raspberries for home use. Large elm trees on lawns. Ten-room old colonial house. Barn with ■ capacity for 20 cows, 3 horses, 40 tons of hay; she.d, corncrib. ( 500' bushels ) , carriage house. Well water. Buildings in fairly good condition- Equipment: all tools.,:;. -:•■;. '■''.,. Price: 411,000. .Reason -for selling, death of husband. Address: Mrs- Thco. M. Norton, Bedford", Mass. -38- Bolnont M-3. Farm of 4 acres, located 1 mile from Arlington or Belmont station on Boston & Maine Railroad. Hoarost market, Boston(6 miles) One mile from school and chinch; neighbors near. Roads good. Five greenhouses from 150 to 250 feet in length with 30,000 feet of glass. 7ater supply. Plant in good running order, has b c en in . family many yc n r s . Sight-room house with all conveniences. Barn with capacity for 1 or 2 cows, 150 tons of hay. Two- car garage. Stock; 3 horses. Equipment: market and farm wagons, also 1,200 sash. Price: $35,000. Reason for selling, death of some members of company and failing health. Address: Frost Brothers, Inc., Belmont , Mass. Billerica M-3a. Farm of 144 acres. Ona half hour's run to Lowell by truck and one hour to Boston. Good neighbors. Fine roads. land rich - $2,000 worth of fertiliser having been used this summer. Fifty acres in vegetable garden; 25 acres in cranberry bog which has made -$2450.00 profit; 6 acres in fruit, (trees 11 years old) plum, pear and apple trees. Four wells, excellent and unfailing water. Llaplc shade trees. Eight-room house with r 11 modern conveniences. Fireplace, cement steps, big attic, fine cellar. Large barn with electric lights; cemented cellar, manure pit, facilities for washing vege- tables. Five henhouses , brooder house, garage. A second house of 6 large rooms, -hot water heat, cement cellar, large attic, piazza. Barn nearly new. Stock: Two good horses, 1 cow, about 250 hens. Farm machinery including Kelley Springfield truck, new Fordson Tractor, plow, harrow and all tools including new manure spreader, now disk harrow, t leveling harrow, potato planter, ridgers, double and single dump carts, double and single market wagons, farm wagons, 1 single and two double horse sleds, harnesses and bushel baskets. Price: $20,000. Would accept #10,000 cash, the rest in mortgage. Reason for selling, death of husband. Address: Mrs. Mary C. Alexander, Alexander Road, Billerica , Mass . -39- Bill or ion M-51>. Farm of 25 acres located l/o milo from Billerica centre on Boston p ; ncl Maine Railroad, If oar est markets: Lowell (6 miles), Boston (20 miles). One-third milo to village; neighbors, near • Roads rood. Land good. Adapted to market gardening* Acres in tillage, 12-J-; the remainder in apple orchard - also some pear and peach trees. Produced 5000 boxes apples in 1923. On western slope. Good view of mountains. Hear growing community. Electric wires pass house and electricity could he had in house. Seven room house, large barn connected with house. Town water in house and barn. Buildings in fair condition. Price: $15,00.0. tpuld divide property and sell acreage. Address: Edward F, Dickinson, Box 255, Billerica, Mass. Billerica M-3c. Farm of 73 acres, located l-J- miles from River street station on the B and M Railroad, nearest markets: Lowell (8 miles) Boston (17 miles). Ono mile from school and church. On State road. Land excellent. Acres tillable, 70; in pasture, 2; in woodland 1. Fruit trees: 500 apple, 50 peach, 25 quince. Apple yield in good season, 4,000 bushels. Cuts 100 tons of good hay. twelve room colonial house, with heat, lights hardwood floors, etc. In high and sightly location in one of finest parts of town* Home has been in same family for 70 years. Reason for selling, death in family. Address: Mrs. Mary A. Mason, Billerica, Mass. Billerica M~3d. Farm of 26 acres, located 5 minutes walk from South Billerica station m Boston and Maine Railroad.. Markets: Lowell (9 miles), Boston (19 miles). Two miles from church and school; neighbors near. Just of f State r )ad. High land, sightly. View of ITobscott, v/ashusett , Monadnock and Sunapoc Mts. Land good - some stone, hilly. Adopted to fruit and poultry. Acres in tillage, 20; in woodland, 4 or 5. Fruit: 1000 apple.. Macintosh red, "Wealthy, Delicious,. Liveland ; Duchess, Gravensbein Banana, also crab apples, quince, pear, peach, plum, cherry, grapes and berries. Best orchard within 20 miles of Boston. Ornamental trees. Six room stucco house with bath, sot tubs, electric lights screened porch, cemented basement, work shop 12 x 20. Barn 24 x 35 Fine cellar - built 2 years ago. Stucco garage, 16 x 20, With pressure water tank, gas engine, Douglas triplex pump, (60 .sal. a minute for irrigation). About 1000 ft. of pipe laid underground -40- to orchard and garden. Henhouse 16 x 50, brooding house 12 x 12 both with cement floors.. All buildings loss than 10 years Did. Stick: horse, hens. Machinery : Mower, power spray, cart, plover, narrows. ■ Price: $25,000, Reason for selling, illness. ■4 Aldress: D. Li. Rogers, R.?. D. Bedford, Mass. Boxborough M-3c. Farm of 8 acres located 3 miles from Boxborough station on Boston and Maine Railroad. Hear est market -• 3 miles and Boston (29 miles). School and 'nci^htor s near and 1 mile from church. On State and c ounty r o ad s . Land in high state of cultivation. Adapted to fruit and poultry. Acres in tillage, 8. About 200 ap-nle trees; asparagus, some peaches, pears, cherries, grapes , gooseberries and' currants. Well water. Nine room house, barn, (new) apple house, ice house, henhouse, garage. Water in house. Buildings in good condition. Price: . -J8, 500. Reason for selling, too much property to care for Address: W. A. Robinson, Boxborough, Mass. Oa^II.-l' J*-6. Farm of 170 acres,, located 4 miles from Bedf r.H' station on Boston & Maine Railroad. Nearest- markets: Lowell (8 miles) and Boston (18 miles). One and one-half miles from school, churches and neighbors. Roads good. Land in good condition. Adapted to dairy and crops. Acres in tillage, 35; in woodland, 90. Estimated l,oOO cords of wood, 15,000 feet, of extra good pine lumber, thousands of young pine.. Twelve apple, some pear and churry trees. Cuts from- 60 to 70 tons of hay. Spring water. i - Bighteen-room house. 3~rn with tie-ups for 15 head of cattle and 3 horses. Windmill. Buildings in good condition. This has been town farm for many years. Stock: 2 horses, 1 cow, 100 hens. Price: -)7 , 500. Reason for selling, other quarters for poor of town. " :; , ■ Address: James .H. Wilkins, Jos. S. Anthony, Benj . Blaisdell, Carlisle, Mass. -41- Holliston M-9. "Twin Elm" Farm of 15 acres, located on Washington Street, i mile from town. Nearest m-rkots: Holliston and Framingham, Milford (5 miles). One-Half mile from town, churches, stores, libraries, post office and railroad station. Electric cars running between/Milford and Framinghari pass door. Fine neighborhood. land rich and productive . Adapted to market gardening, small fruits, etc. Beautiful troe^ on front and side of house, mostly elms. Nine-room house, bathroom, cemented cellar, electric lights, steam heat. Rooms are of good size, cheerful and sunny, low ceilings, Barn, about 'oO x JO, 2 sheds and 13 henhouses (for 150 hens). House needs some repair, shingling and painting. Ell of house fitted up and known as "neighborhood store." Price, $7,000. A r ould consider suitable terms. Reason for soiling, business elsewhere. Address: Mrs.. Charles H. Backus, Foxborough, Mass. Marlboro M-9a. Farm of 90 acres, located 2-jV miles from Marlboro station on II. Y. IT, H. and Hartford Railroad, nearest market, zi miles. Two and one half miles from school and churches. Hear summer resort, Nice lawns with maples and horse chestnut shade trees, shrubs. Roads good. Land good. Adapted to. grass, vegetables, fruit. Acres in tillage, 40; in pasture and woodland, 50. Fruit: 40 Baldwins , Porters Russet, v. 7 i 11 i am and Gr c o ning s . Nine-room house, newly shingled and largo enough &cc v ommjwtc . boarders./ Telephone, R.F.L. mail. Barn with oak frame, 70 ft. long, henhouse, ice house,, grain house., tool house, wood shed. Buildings in good condition. ' Reason for selling, death of husband. Address: Mrs. Lyman Hapgood, R. F.D., Marlboro, Mass. Nat i ok M-9b. Farm of 220 acres located at Katick, 2-J- miles from 4 stations, b'ellosley and Hatick Stations on Boston and Albany R. R. and Lover end Charles River stations on Hew York, Nov/ Haven and Hartford B..3. Nearest markets: Boston (16 miles), good home markets. Ten minutes walk to town with' school, .church, etc. One and one-half miles from V/ellesley College. 'Roads -excellent . Land excellent, blue clay soil and moist, well fertilized. Adapted to raising of hay, or dairy or horse-farm. There is -§■ mile track on property thought to have cost ^16,000. Throe or four minutes walk from electric cars. Acres in tillage, 170; tho b&liiciod in pasture and woodland. Fruit trees: 20 -25 ap^le . About 20 bushels Bartlet.t pears can be gathered* On. high land. Beautiful view. Three cottage houses: one house of 9 rooms with steam heat, electric lights and bath; 2nd cottage has 5 rooms hot water heat, olectire lights and bath; 3rd cottage a 3 room bungalow. Dairy 125 x 140 ft. (3. stories high). Barn built some 6 years ago, would cost about $6,0 ,.000 today. Barn has 50 stanchions , barge , horse stable 210 x 66 ft. has 68 box stalls. Two fromc barns 100 x 40; piggery, ice house, etc. Fire hydrant in yard. Location' of buildings and land in fashionable "/ellosley-Dover , Newton, section. Price <)75,000. Land appraised at B300 an acre. Address: Mr. J. J. McCarthy, 42 Fair mount Ave., Newt on, Mass.. (tol. Newton No. 1041-',;) North Sudbury M-12. "Garden Royal" Farm of 12b acres, located 1-J miles from Maynard station on Boston & Maine Hailroad. Nearest markets: Maynard (!-§■ miles), .'.'rltham and Boston metropolitan district (11 miles ) Distance from school and churches, 1-J- miles. Neighbors near. Eoads 'good. Land under high state of cultivation, in first-class condition. Adapted to dairying and fruit raising. Acres in tillage, 75; in pasture, 20; in woodland, 28.' Fruit trees: 500 apple, 20 -near, 6 cherry, 25 'peach. Six acres of Concord grapes in full growth. Spring- brook and pond. Cuts 75 tons of hay. Twelve-room old-fashioned colonial house, with running hot and cold water, bathroom. Two hay barns, 1 horse barn (with concrete floor), cow barn (38 tie-ups and 2 box stalls), woodshed, grain room, silo (16 x 30) , manure pit (75 feet from barn), manure carrier, ice house, stone garage, 2 carrieagc sheds', cider mill. Stock: 25 cows, 5 horses, 50 hens. All farm equipment. Price: ^14,000 with stock and -equipment , $1 2, 000 without stock and tools-. First mortgage of .)5,000; and second mortgage of .J3,000* Address: Agostino Visoechi, Maynard, B 1 . F.D. , Mass. (Telephone Sudbury 62-13) Pepper ell M-12a. Farm of 140 acres located 2 miles from Pepper ell station on Boston and Maine' Railroad.. Nearest markets: home market (2 miles) Nashua, N. H. '(9 miles), Lowell (17 miles). Two miles from school and churches; neighbors near. Roads good. -43- . Land good with rich clay sub-soil. Adapted to fruit, garden truck and hay. Acres in tillage, 90; in pasture, 35; in woodland, 15. Forty apple trees. High elevation. -Beautiful shade trees about house. House, 96 x 48, with electric lights, furnace heat, etc* Barn with cement cellar, carriage house, ice house* Running water in house and barn. Buildings in good condition. Stock: 15 cows, 8 heifers, 1 bull, 3 horses. Equipment: ample machinery, in good condition. Price: $10,^000 including stock, tools, etc. Reason for selling, retiring. Address: H. B. Robbins, Sv' Pepperell, Mass. Sherborn M-14. Farm of 40 acres, located -J mile from Sherborn station on New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad. Nearest market, 4-J- miles, supplying population of 16,000. One and one-fourth miles from school, churches and neighbors. Good State road. Land fair. Adapted to dairy farming and poultry. Acres in tillage, 20;' in pasture, 20; some wood in pasture. One hundred and twenty-five apple trees. House, barn (for 12 cows), sheds and henhouse (for 300 hens). Running water in house and barns. Buildings in good condition. Newly papered and painted. Hot and cold water pumped by electricity. .. Price: $5,500. Reason for selling,- poor health. Address: Arthur Wright, Sherborn, Mass. Shirley M-15. Farm of. 97 acres, located 1 mile from station on the Fitchburg Division of the Boston & Maine. Nearest markets: Ayer (3 miles) and Shirley (l mile). One mile from school (barge for school children) and churches; neighbors near. Roads good. Land good. Adapted to general farming. Acres in tillage, 40; in pasture, 35; in woodland, 20. Fruit trees: 100 apple, 100 peach, 40 pear. Land borders on fish and ice pond, ownership of which, rests between present owner and neighbor. Land on side hill would make an excellent location for large orchard. Sugar maples, shade trees . Farmhouse and 3 room cottage. 3"'.rn. water in house and b\rn comes from spring on side hill. Electric light -.vires pass house, Buildings in good condition. Stock: 12 go i7s , 4 horses. All farm machinery.. Trice: .#.0,000 with stool: raid tools. Reason for soiling s wish smaller place, '/ill sell without stock and tools, if desired. Have had loan of $3100 from Federal Land Bonk. Person purchasing could have loan or it could he paid off. Address: Mrs. C.A. Harris, Shir lea, Mass. Shirley M-16. Farm of 40 acres, located 1 mile from Shirley station on Boston & 1,1 inc Rrilroad. Local markets and others within a 4 to 6 and 10 mile rodius, supplying population of 20,000 and 50,000. School ond churches, 1 mile; neighbors, i mile. Roads good. Land good. Adopted to general farming. Acres in tillage, 30; in pa s t ur e , 5 •; in wo o d land , 8 . Buildings not described. Price: -3*7,5.00. V'ould consider proposition to rent or have farm worked on shores. Address: Chas. H. /care, Shirley, Mass. Shirley M-16'a...... Farm of 70 ^-cres located 1 mile from Shirley station on Boston and Ilaine Railroad. Hoar est markets: Ayer Junction (3 miles), Leominster (6 miles), Fitchburg (10 miles). One mile from school and church and ■§■ mile from State road. Children carried to school. Roads good. Land good. Adapted to dairying or fruit. Acres in tillage, 20, in pasture, 15; in woodland, 35. Fruit: 50 apple, 3 peach; straw- berries, raspberries, blackberries. Two wells and two springs, Eleven room house with steam heat. Spring water piped to house, also pump. House newly painted. Born with capacity 5 cows. 25 tons hay, cement manure cellar under barn. Buildings in good condition. Stock: 1 horse, 4 cows, 10 hens. Equipment: All tools: farm wagon, express o.nd democrat. 2 harnesses, a plow, harrow, cultivator, farm sled, light sleigh and other small tools. Price: §4,800. Reason for selling, poor health. Address: 7. 0. Porker, Shirley, 1.1: ss. -45- Shirley M-17. Farm of 48 acres, located 1 mile from Shirley station on Boston and Maine Railroad, loeel markets and others within 4, 6 and 10 miles, supplying copulation of 20,000 and 50,000. Churches, 1 mile; neighbors, \ mile. Roads good.' land good. Adapted to general farming. Acres in tillage ,25: in pasture, 20 plus; in woodland, 5. About 50 p.p-nlc end 25 pear trees. House, barn, ' wagon shed and- henhouse. Buildings in fair con- dition. Price: ,,§4,000. tfould consider proposition to rent or have farm worked on shares. Address: Chas. H. '/care, Shirley,. Hass. Southboro M-17a. Farm of 71 rcres. Nearest market, ten minutes walk, at Southboro. Eleven room house with bath, electric, lights, hardwood floors, 3 r rn (capacity 20 cows) henhouse, silo , tool house. Buildings in good condition. Good water supply. Reason for selling, -to settle estate. Address; E. Reape ,( executor ) Southboro, Hass. Sudbury M-18. Fazm of 75 acres, located 1-J- miles from Sudbury station on the New Yrh, Hew Erven & Hartford Railroad. Nearest market, Maynard (1 ..-die), supplying population of 7,086. One and one-half miles from church, schools and town hall. Neighbors near. Children conveyed to school. Roads good. Land level and easily worked. Adapted to market gardening; good asparagus land. Acres in tillage, 40; in pasture, 20; in woodland, 15. Twenty fruit trees. Thirteen-room house, suitable for two families. Fireplaces' two pumps in house. Barn (40 x 50) with 14 tie-ups and 3 horse stalls, carriage house, henhouses, woodshed, shop. Buildings in good condition, painted and all recently shingled. Reason for selling, to settle estate. Address: ,'inthrop H. Fairbank, Sudbury, R. F.I). , Mass. -46 Sudbury M-19. "Mt. Bclvidere" Farm., of 123 acres, located 2-j- miles from Sudbury, Lincoln and Wayland stations on Boston & Maine and Hew York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad. Nearest markets at three towns mentioned, each S-J- miles; also 8 miles from metropolitan district. Neighbors -J- mile distant. Roads good. Land under best state of cultivation. Free from stone, Adapted to dairying and fruit raising, especially apples, peaches, grapes* Acres' in tillage, 75; in pasture, 15; in woodland, 33. Fifty apple trees. Spring on farm. Cuts 100 tons of hay. One of best hay farms in this section. Six-room house with running water. Barn with 22 tie-ups and 5 box stalls. Cow barn with modern improvements. Storage house (holds 10,000 bushels of potatoes), two garages (capacity 7 cars), ice house, henhouse, milk room, pump house. Manure pit, 175 feet from stable. Buildings constructed in 1918 at initial cost of $45,000; in first-class condition. Pump sends water 300 feet. Reservoir on top of hill with 8,000-gallon capacity. Price $20,000 (without stock or equipment). First mortgage, $8,000. Would take second mortgage of $5,000, if desired, and on easy terms. Barn and stable cost more than present selling price of farm. Taxed for $16,000. Rate of tax, $25 per 1,000 feet. . Reason for selling, accident, unable to carry on farm. Address: Agostino Visocchi, Maynard, R. F. D. , Mass. (Telephone Maynard 49-12. ) Y/estford . M-19a. Farm of 200 acres located 1 mile from one station and 3 miles from Littleton station on Fitchburg division of the Boston and Maine Railroad. Nearest markets; 5, 10 and 30 miles located at Ayer, Lowell, and Boston. Three miles from school and one mile from church; neighbors near. Roads good. La.hd good (50 acres in 1 field). Adapted to dairy and fruit farming. Acres in tillage, 75; in pasture, 60; in woodland, 65. Some Baldwin apple trees. Spring.. Fifteen-room house with running water, bath, electric lights, Barn 100 x 50 x 16, 3 car garage, shop, milk room and packing house. Buildings in good condition, ' barn and house with slate roofs. Stock: 40 head thoroughbred cattle. .Equipment: tractor, mowing and raking machines. . Milking machine. Hay fork. Price, $35,000.' Reason for selling, wish to retire. Address: E. H. Flagg, Westford, Mass. -47- Tyngsborough M-21. Large farm on bamcs of Merrimack River, halfway between Nashua and Lowell. Near Tyng-sbo rough Depot and Vesper Country Club schools and mills. Electric cars pass door, also take children to school. Two ponds. Large ■ frontage on State boulevard and 2 other roads. Thirteen- room house with steam heat, hot and cold water, cow barn for 50 cows, silo for 100 tons of hay, horse barn with 7 single and 5 box stalls, Carriage or milk house, 2 large henhouses, ice house for 100 tons. Stock: 22 head cattle, 150 hens and 50 ducks. Equipment: sufficient farm machinery. Price: $15,000. Will sell with stock or without.. Would con- sider trade for real estate, not too large. Reason for selling, injured and unable to carry on farm. Address: H. P. Cady, Tyngsborough, Mass. (Telephone 25-13. ) NORFOLK COUNTY East Braintree 0-1, Farm of 3jr acres, located J- mile from Weymouth Station on New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad. Nearest markets: Braintree, Weymouth, Quincy. One-half mile from school and churches , On State Road, Land good, adapted to garden and fruit. Fifty fruit trees; all kinds of berries. Fourteen* room house with all modern improvements. Two other cottages and chicken house on place. Buildings in first-class con- dition. Price. $20,000. Reason for selling, wish smaller place. Would consider proposition to rent or trade. Address; Walter L, Prentiss, 1152 Quincy Avenue, S, Braintree, Mass , Foxbo rough 0-2. Farm of 75 acres, located 1- mile from the North Fox-, borough station on the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad (Lowe 11- Taunt on Branch). Nearest market 3 miles, supplying popula- tion of 10,000.' Two minute T s walk to school (lower grade) and churches; neighbors near. On main road Walpole to Foxborough, auto bus passes door. Land equally divided between tillage, pasture and woodland. Adapted to poultry and fruit. property has l,.40Q-foot frontage on street. Large reservoir borders rear of land. A number of old fruit trees. No buildings on land. Price $3,500. Address: P. H. Mahoney, Wrentham, Mass. -48- Franklin O-Sa. Farm of p. bout 125 acres, located 2. miles from centre 3f Franklin v. town of 6,000 inhabitants., nearest, markets : Franklin (2 miles) V»o msocket (9 miles), Providence, (21 miles), Boston (30- miles). One-third mile from trolley an- State road. Property fronts on two streets. Fine view. Land rich and heavy on gradual western slope. Fruit: apple, pear and cherry trees. One-fourth acre in strawberries and one- half acre in asparagus. L T evor foilirr' water supply. Eighteen room house, also eight room house. Large barn with capacity f or ' over 40 cows and usual out buildings* Stock: 4 cows, o horses, 2 yearlings. Equipment.: Usual farm tools. Price : $15, 000. Reason for selling to settle estate. Address: Mrs. Edward «V. Farrcll, Franklin, Mass. Franklin 0-3. Farm of 80 acres, more or less ■-§- mile from station. . Nearest markets: Franklin (5 miles) and V/oonsocket (5 miles). One- half mile from school and church. On main road. Land divided between tillage, pasture and woodland. High elevation. Large apple orchard, also pear, peach, pium, cherry trees; gooseberries, black and red currants, raspberries, blue- berries, cranberries, grapes. About 150,000 feet of pine lumber, also cord hardwood. Shady lawn. Trout brook waters pasture. Gate to flood cranberry bog. Twelve-room house v/ith hardwood floors., hot water heat, bath, fireplace, etc. Cemented cellar the size of house and in good repair. House painted white and has green blinds. price: $8,500. 7ould consider proposition for terms. Reason for selling, old age, unable to carry on farm. Address: Mrs. H.. A. Fester, Echo Farm, Franklin, Mass. Holbraofc J&-4. Farm of 12 acres, located l|- miles from Holbrook station on New. York, ITow Haven So Hartford Railroad, nearest markets: Holbrook (-J-mile); Brockton (5 miles), supplying population of 66,254 and Boston (15 miles). • One-half mile from' church and school; neighbors near. On State road. -49- Land goocl. Needs fertilizer. Adapted to dairy or market gardening, ,'vcres in tillage, 7; in pasture, 5. Some wood in pasture, Fruit: 12 apple ,.1 ■ cherry ,, 2 plum and 3 -near trees; currants and strawberries.'; Lighter oom house with bath, gas' and electric lights, hot water heat. Barn with capacity for 5 cows, 6 tons of hay. Town water in all buildings. Buildings all connected, in good condition. Equipment:- plow, cultivator, grindstone, fork and small tools. Reason for selling, wish smaller place. Would consider pro- position to rent . , 4 Address: Mrs. Susan 1. Lean, Holbrook, Mass. (Telephone Randolph 285-W. ) . . Holbrook . 0-5. Farm of 100 acres, known as "Riverdale , " located l/8 mile from Kolbrook station on New York, Hew Haven h Hartford Rail- road. Nearest markets: Brockton (4 miles), supplying population of 66,254, and Boston (15 miles). Ton minutes' walk to Hoi or o ok Square. On State road. .■ Land good. Adapted to dairy farming. Acres in tillage, 60, in pasture:, 20 ; ■ in woodland, 30. Fruit trees. Two houses for farm help, one with steam heat, bath, electric lights and in good Condition. Cow barn for 40 head, hay barn (70 x 40). with cellar. Machinery-barn., milk room, woodshed , gas- engine shed. Buildings in fair condition. Stock: 28 cows, 4 horses, 1 bull. Farm machinery. Price, '!:18,000. Reason for selling, change in plans. Would consider proposition, with right party;, to have farm worked on share basis. Address: J. George English, 589 Norfolk St., Mattapan. ( Tel eph one Mil t on 9 53-v; . ) Holbrook 0-6. Farm of 25 acres, located !•£- miles from Holbrook station on Hew York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad. A small market 1 mile and Brockton 4 miles. Schools and churches 1 mile; neighbors near. On State road. land good. Adapted to mark-et gardening. Acres in tillage, 6; in pasture, 7;. in woodland, 12. Fruit: 12 an^le , 2 plum, 2 pear trees; thimbleberr ies and grapes. Nine-room house with gas lights. Barn with capacity for 4 cows| 8 tons of hay. "Yiter in house. Good dry cellar. Buildings in good condition. Trioo: ^6,500. Reason for selling, want sn r Her -nlaco. Address: Kelson Ecmpton, Holhrook, Mass. Me dr/cty 0-6?.. Pern of 100 acres (more or less), located 3 miles from the West Medway station* nearest markets: Mil ford (5 miles } supplying population of 13,4,1, ?ramingham (10 miles) supplying population of 18,000 and Boston (20 miles). School and neighbors near. On State road. Car line passes door. v Land food, adapted to dairying. Acres tillable, 70; in wood- land, 30. Twenty- eight apple trees. Cut 75 tons of hay last year. Potatoes all sold from field. City water. T< Jwo houses, 2 barns, ice-house, tool shed, 2 silos, chicken coops, corn crib, pig house, stable aind shop. All conveniences in house. Stock: 20 cows, 7 heifers, 3 horses, 1 registered bull'. Equipment: latest tractor, and hay loader. Addr ess: II . Gold st en , Mcdway , Mass . Modway 0-6b. Farm of 100 acres, locatod. : l mile from W. Medway station on New York, Hew Haven and Hartford R. R. and 1 mile from (Metcalfs station) on the 5. and a. Railroad, nearest markets: Milford " (5 miles) and Pramingham (10 miles). Two miles from church; neighbors near. Children taken to school in auto. Roads good. Excellent hay. Corn and fruit land. Adapted to dairy, poultry and fruit. Acres tillable, 30; in pasture, 35; in woodland, 35. One hundred apple and one hundred peach trees. Brook in pasture. Thirteen room house with bath.-' Barn (with two silos) will store 50 tons hay; has 13 cow tie-ups and stalls for 4 horses, also milk house. Running water in house and barn. House in good condi- tion. Barn and henhouses need slight repair. n Stock: 2 horses, 10 cows, 2 heifers, 30 hens, Equipment: Tractor, truck, Manure -spreader , Mowing machine, plows, harrow etc. Complete dairy equipment. A milk route retailing :J9.00 X to ^10.00 worth of milk daily. Ready market for eggs and vegetables to milk customers. Plenty of wood to sell. Price: 013,500 with stock and tools. Reason for selling, insufficient capital. Address: Marguerite K. Jackson, Modway, Mass. — <-/ -L V/ost>».jod 0-8. Farm of Li. acres, located 4-J- miles from Dcdham and' 2-J- miles from Norwood station on Hew York, Nov; Haven & Hartford Railroad. Nearest Markets.; Dcdham, Norwood and Boston. A ready sile for nearly "11 products at the door. School, 1 mile; church 3/4 mile; town poys fare of school children. Electric cars r^ass door. Rood being converted Into State road. Land fair. Adapted to truck farming, poultry and small fruits Acres in tillage, 4-J-; in woodland, 27. Fruit trees: 9 apr>le and 3 pear. Three grapevines. Have also 6-acre field which could be bought by the acre. Reason for selling, no oyiq left to carry on the farm. Would consider proposition to rent land . Ho buildings - house having been sold. Address: Mrs. Bmeretto J. V/ight , High Street, Yvestwood .Mass.- Wrentham 0-9. Farm of more than 1 acre, located l-§- miles from railroad station and 28 miles from Boston. Hear schools, church and store; on State rord. House newly papered and pointed, with electric lights and water at sink. Garage, woodshed, 2 henhouses and n plastered work- shop. Price: $4,400. Reason for selling, now living with daughter. Address: (Miss) F. S. Jackson, "7r entham,Mcss . PLYMOUTH COUNTY E. Bridge water P. Farm of 74 acres located 2 miles from E. Bridgewater station on Hew York, Hew Haven and Hartford Railroad. Nearest markets: E. Bridgewater (2 miles), and Brockton (6 miles), supplying population of 65,000. Two miles from school and church; neighbors near, (across river). All macadam roa.ds with exception of -§- mile stretch. Land good and all cl-carod. Adapted to market' gardening or raising of dahlias. Farm bordered on 2 sides by Satucket river with 5. acres woodland bordering river. Thirty-four apple trees. River has been stocked from government hatcheries and fishing very fair. Always cool in warm weather. , , -52- Two houses: main house with eleven rooms c.ncl cottage with 9 rooms. Pressure water system. Two oa.rns, henhouses. Buildings in fair condition. Stock: cows, hens. Machinery:. Moline tractor. Price: ^15,000. federal farm loan of ^5200 which can remain. Reason for soiling - other business, Ltigh't consider proposition to have farm worked on share basis'. Address: Ear old Aiken, 5. Bridgewater ,Mass. Hal i fax t P-2. Farm of 20 acres, located 5 miles from station. Nearest market Middleborough, and a number of small markets. Two and one- half miles from school, neighbors near. Roads good. Land good. Adapted to general farming.. Acres in tillage, 8; in woodland, 12. Fruit trees: 6 ap^le, 6 pear,, 6 plum and other varieties. Sufficient lumber in woods to build a good house and barn. House, barn, large shed, hog house, small henhouses. Buildings old. - Some farm tools. Price: $2,000* Reason for selling, widowed and unable to carry on farm. Address: Mrs. Rebecca A. Chamberlain, Box 52, R.F. D. , Halifax, Mass. Halifax P-3. Farm of 60 acres, located 4-J- miles from Titicut station on Nov,- York, New Haven. & Hartford Railroad. Nearest market 6 and 12 miles. Jitney takes children to school; neighbors near. Three miles from State road on good road. Land good. Adapted to dairying and poultry raising. Milk taken at door. Farm can now carry 12 to 14 cows and could be made to carry 20. Acres in tillage, 50; in pasture and woodland, 50. Fine growth of pine and maple. Fruit trees: 12 apple, 3 pear, 1 plum raspberries and gooseberries. Two wells and brook on property. Six-room house with bath. Old-fashioned house has been re- modeled downstairs with new kitchen, bath and bedroom. The second floor is unfinished, but could readily be finished off with 3 or 4 rooms. Barn with capacity for 18 cows, 40 tons hay; silo, garage, (24 x 28), woodshed. House in good condition. Barn needs some repair. Stock: 3 registered Holsteins, 8 high-grade cows .Equipment : ensilage cutter and blower , also other tools. Price: -;7,000. Reason for selling, wish smaller place. Address: '7m. Edgar, .»'ood Street, Halifax, Mass. -Rg- Halifax ?-3a. Farm of 16 ceres located 4 miles from Halifax and Monp onset t stations on IT. Y. 1U H. & Hertford Railroad; Nearest markets: Monpansett U miles), Mid.diob.oro (6 miles), Plymouth and Brockton (12 miles). Throe miles from school ("barge takes children to school), and church; neighbors near. Main road to Middleboro and o miles from. State road. ■".. Land good^frao from. stone* Adapted to market gardening or poultry. Acres in tillage, 5; in pasture , '3; "in woodland, 8. ■'Fruit; 25 bearing- :.&pplc , 8 pear , ,1 or 2 peach trees and \ acre, in s t r awb c r r i c s . I " V7d 1 1 .. wa t e r . . ? nd a t f 1 f 1 1 . Nine-room Colonial house with pump at sink. Barn with capacity 20 cows and 2 horses, chicken houses (500 birds), ice-house. House in good repair ,. .barn anrncticrlly new. Price .$3,500. Mortgage of 0275O with co-operative bank in Middleboro. ■ Reason for selling, wish to buy another farm, Address: James Little John, Eemah Farm, Fuller St., Halifax , Mass . Hingham P-5. Farm of 381 acres ,' located 5-J- miles from Hingham station on the How York, How Haven L Hartford Railroad, nearest markets: Quincy '(8 miles), Brockton (12. miles), Boston (17 miles). One and one-half miles from school and church, 2 miles from State road; neighbors near. Roads excellent. ■ . ■ . . ' ' Land good. Adapted to market gardening and a*iLrying. Acres in tillage,; 100; in pasture -and woodland, 281. Fruit: young orchard wit]: 40. cherry, plum, 'peach .and apple trees.. Small river runs, through farm -for -nearly?: 5 mile,, some trout fishing. ■ llever-f ailing well with pump supplying' all buildings.- Land has, been analyzed and 25 acres improved muck meadow 'adapted, to growing celery, onions and straw- berries. About 60 acres sandy loam upland, well drained, good for growing early crops. ■•..' : :■.:...; -a -■ Thirtecn-room house with 2 baths, 'hardwood floors, modern con- veniences. Barn-, with capacity f or 80 cows, .25 tons of hay; barn (64 x 84) with basement above ground and "concrete stalls ,' 2 largo silos, concrete garage, milk room, shea arid tool house, ice-house (200 tons), blacksmith s'hon (fully equipped). Stock: 57 gr a d e a Q Q v? s , ; a 1 1 mi Ik ina; ,' and tools, includina tractor and truck. Equipment: .'all machinery Price: -,,22,500, not inciudirj stock and machinery. Federal loan of 38,000 1 A 1 Property... 7» r ould divide property and sell 176 acre with buildings for '.,,20,000 and remaining 205 acres of woodland and pasture for 32,500. Would consider selling on terms. Aeason for selling, failing health and age. -54- Address: Watson 3. Fearing, Main Street, South Hingham, Mass, Adjoining farm, at foot of Prospect Hill, a camp site with an excellent spring. This site has 2 acres with pine prove and i acre of grass land, an attractive spot. There is a 5-room bungalow (two years eld) with . complete bathroom- fittings , screcned-in veranda (8 x 12), large stone fireplace and running water. There, is also a small one-room bungalow and rough cabin, with kitchen and dining room (seating 14 people). 7 raid sell for ,^2,000. Marsh field P-5a. Farm of 10 acres located l-\ miles from Marshfield station 3n Hew York, How Haven and Hartford Railroad. One mile from Brant Hock, n summer resort With others nearby. One and one-half miles from school and church; neighbors near. Roads excellent. Land very good. Adapted to truck farming. Land all in tillage. About 2i5 apple and pear trees. Ten room house with some hardwood floors. Large barn, carriage shed, large work shop, corn house, wood house and other outbuildings. Pump. Buildings in excellent condition. Price: 310,000. Reason for selling, unable to work farm. ■Address: B. M. I" inberg , Marshfield , "Mass. - Man one t P-8. Farm of 40 acres, located near school, church and State highway. Jitney takes older children to high school in Plymouth, 6 miles distant. Nearest market at Plymouth. Land divided into tillage, pasture, woodland. Adapted to market gardening. Farm watered- by 2 streams. Large summer colony. Cuts 20 to 30 tons of hay, depending upon amount of tillage. ■ Eight-room, one and one-half story house, with steam heat, plumbing, bath and oj)cn fireplace. Complete set of farm buildings. Air-pressure water system. Stock: 4 cows, 2 heifers, 50 hens (Rhode Island Reds), pair heavy work horses. Equipment: farm machinery to the value of §1,000. Gasoline engine for pumping water and sawing wood. Price: 315,000 including stock, equipment and hay. Reason for selling, death of wife. Addr ess: Jam e s ' J . Ha sen, Man ome t , Ma s s . Marshfield P-10. .Parm of about 48 acres, located about 3 minutes from' st ti.on. Nearest market, 4 miles, sufficient for all that can be raised on the farm. Schools, church, town and neighbors very "near ; high school, 1 mile. Pour miles from large summer resort. Roads excell ent . -55- Lrncl very level and of good black soil, capable of producing heavy crops. Adapted to dairy,, hay or market faming. Best, of celery end potato ground. Cuts from 2 to o tons of hay an acre. lever failing spring on farm within piping distance of buildings. Acres in tillage, 37; in pasture, 6;" in woodland, 4, One acre of cranberry bog. Fruit trees: 34 apple, 1 crab npple , 6 pear; 2 cherry. Twelve-room colonial house (built about sixty years ago and in good condition). Rooms arc light and airy, 7 of them having fireplaces, Fine cemented collar under whole house. Bern, 90 x 36, with cellar and shed room. Farm stock and machinery not included in sale. Price: ol0,000. Reason for selling, old p.Qe t Address: 77. I. Seavcrns, 1" r ■ !:, R. F. P., Mass. WORCESTER COUNTY Ashburnham V7-2. Farm of 50 acres, located 1 mile from Ashburnham station on Boston & Maine Railroad, nearest markets: Ashburnham ( 1 mile) supplying population of 2,012; and Fitchburg (9 miles), supplying population of 41,029. Three-fourths mile from school, church and State road, Neighbors near. Roads good. Land fair. Acres in tillage, 15; in pasture, 15; in woodland, 20 - 250 cords of wood on farm. Fruit: some apple and pear trees; good blueberry pasture. Property borders on large lake. Located near summer resorts. Elevation, 1,250 feet. Beautiful view of Monadnock and southern Now Hampshire. Nine-room house. Bam (connected with house) with capacity for 12 cows, 25 tons of hay. Well water. Buildings in good con- dition. Price: $5,000. Reason for selling, have another farm. Address: Paul C. Rockwojd, Ashburnham, Mass. Barre W-4. Farm of 234 acres (44 of which are in Hardwick) , located from 4 to 5 miles from Furnace station on 77. R. Branch of Boston & Albany and .Vheelwr ight on Boston & Maine. Nearest market, between 4 and & miles. One and one-half miles from school, 4-g miles from churches; neighbors near. Roads fair. Land, heavy soil. Adapted to dairying, fruit and vegetable growing. Land excellent for potatoes. Acres in tillage, 100; in pasture, 100; in woodland, 30. Fruit trees: about 200 Baldwins, 5 oar, 2 plum, 2 cherry. Never failing water supply. Ton-iDin house with fine cellar; honhousc, good barn, woodshed wagon shed and carriage house or garage. Buildings in fair condition. Price: .)4,500. Reason for selling, wish to dispose of property. '.Vould consider proposition to rent. Address: Ghas. H. ?routy, Box 57, Purnc.ce, Mass. Barre '.V-4a. Farm of 1,000 acres, located two miles from fine New England village with churches, schools, hotel and National bank. Nearest markets: village ( 2 miles), Worcester (20 miles). On main highway which runs for nearly 1 mile through property. High eleva- tion of 1000 feet with extensive views in all directions. Land good, but not up to full capacity. Pastures fine and well watered. , T ill easily carry 125 head of cattle the year around and can easily be made to carry more. About 200 tons hay cut on farm this year. Large amount of growing wood, much of it ready to cut. Pond of several acres and brook trout on farm. Three houses ^n property. Main farm house, old fashioned but in good condition, '/fat or pumped by gasoline engine. Seven room cottage in good condition-* has l^ocn rented as a summer residence. Ten-room house supplied with spring water by \" -tlraulic ram. Two large barns with tie-ups for 125 cattle . Barns full of hay. Machinery: wagons, carts, tools, farm implements, and hay. Price: $20,000. Address: Geo. H. Ellis, Vf. Newt on, Mass. Barr e 7-4-b. Farm of 900 - 1000 acres located one mile from beautiful New England village of Barre. Has fine schools, churches, and national bank. Nearest markets: village (1 mile), Worcester {2b , miles). State road leads t> farm. High elevation with extensive vi ews . Land mostly heavy clay loam producing large hay crops of fine quality also of corn; one of the most productive farms in State. Acres in tillage 250, with the balance in pasture and woodland. Experiments with alfalfa reasonably successful. Pastures well watered. Spring water. Artesian well nearly 400 ft. deep. Property formerly consisted of 10 farms brought together and treated as one - could bo divided into 6 or 8, if desired. — ' I ) / — Eleven room Colonial/house with both, hot and cold water, and furnace. A second old Colonial house now used as hoarding house for help. A nine room house, with furnace heqt, for superin- tendent. Five tenements for married help. Two stock barns with tie-ups for about 250 cattie/and some 25 - 50 pons for young stock. Fine dairy building, well equipped. Largo ice house (easily filled from nearby pond.) Seven barns for storage of hay, and three large- silos. Address: Goo. H. Ellis, West Newt on, Mass. | Bar re Iff- 4c. Farm of about 150 acres located 6 miles from station on Boston & Maine Railroad. Nearest market: Barre (2 miles) and Worcester (29 miles). High school at Borre. Roads good. Land kept uv and in good condition. Acres in tillage, about 75; in pasture -bout 20; in woodland, 55. Or chord with 'all kinds of fruit and a new orchard started. Four teen-room house entirely up to date, 4 bathrooms, cottage, house for help, garage, form house, barn, cow barn and 'henhouse. Buildings all in first class condition. Stock: 20 cows, 5 horses. Price: $60,000 without stock & tools. Reason for selling - change of residence. Address: Harold Newhall,113 Broad St., Boston ,'Mass . Berlin " T -4d. Farm of 110 acres located 1 mile from Berlin station on New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad and 3 miles from Hudson station on Mass. Central Railroad. Nearest markets: Hudson (3 miles) Marlboro (4 miles), Clinton (6 miles), Beer foot Farm (7 miles), Worcester (14 miles), Boston (33 miles). One mile from school and 3 miles from churches; neighbors near. Roads good. Land good - all recently turned over. Cut $1,000 worth of h>y in 1925. Adapted to well balanced dairy farm carrying 24 head stock. Acres in tillage, 40; in pasture, 30; in woodland!-, 40. Enough apples^ pears, quinces and crab apples for family use. Straw- berry and asparagus beds. River flows through pasture. Private spring pond. Two story eleven room house, painted white green blinds with ell containing kitchen and pantry. Nine room cottage house also two room house, barn with slate roof, bull house, silo, corn crib, henhouse, ice house, 5 car garage. Buildings in excellent condi- tion - the farm cottage, cow barn and bull house being new* Running water in barn and 2 houses. -58- Stock: fine pair heavy young farm horses and! Guernsey cow. Equipment: regular farm machinery including "DeLaval separator . Price: -J20,000. Reason for selling, going to Hew York for family reasons. Address: Charles Gi'dclihgs, Bolton, Mass. Boylston W-7. Farm of 154 acres, located 4 and 5 .miles from ITorthbor ough and Clinton and 1-j miles from electric cars. Nearest market, Clinton (5 miles). School and churches, 1-^ miles distant. Roads good. Land excellent. Adapted to dairying. Farm has milk trade in Clinton with' annual income of ^12,000. Sale of apples and other pro- ducts has amounted to $3,000 every other year. Acres in tillage, 50; in posture, 99; in woodland, 5. Fruit trees: 500 ( Baldwin) apple, pear and, peach. Some berries. ■ Two houses ,• barn, garage ,' wagon shed, henhouse, milk house and woodshed. Modern conveniences in all buildings and all in excellent condition. Stock: 55 cows, 3 hoifers, 3 horses, pigs and hens.. Farm ■ machinery, . nearly new. Have recently bought more registered Eolsteins, increasing 1 valuation of herd',, but will not increase price of farm. : • ■ • '...■■ Price: $30., 000. Reason for selling, wish to retire. Price includes stock, equipment and milk trade. Would. sell without stock, equipment and milk' business for ;|p20,000. ■: Address-. Fred C; Stark, Boylston, Mass. (Telephone . 18.-12. ) '•'■''■' Charlton Depot W-8. Farm of £08 acres, located 1 mile from Charlton station on Boston & Albany Railrod. One mile from village- market and 11 miles from Worcester. One mile from school and -Jr mile from church. On State road. Land' good. Adapted to mixed farming. Acres ..in; tillage , 10. Fifteen hundred -peach-, apple and pear treos. . On lake. Three hundred cords of wood. - Three-room house. Barn. Buildings in fair condition... Price: ;jp3,200. Reason for selling, to settle estate. Address: Philip Rosenberg, Charlton Depot, Mass., or 633 Hollander St., Roxbury, Mass. Dudley W-9. Farm of 134 acres, located 1 mile from Webster station on Hew York, Uew Haven & Hartford Railroad. Nearest market, t mile. One mile from ohureh.es,, 10 minutes from school. On State road. land good. Adapted to hay and vegetables. Forty acres in good hay land. Apple orchard. Four teen-room house, with all modern conveniences. Barn, auto shed and other outer, buildings;, Buildings in first-class condition. - Farm machinery. Price: $20,000. Reason for selling, parties going south. Address: Goo. II. Grimley,'21 Elm St.', Webster , lias's . . Dudley W-10. Farm of 120 acres, located' 2 miles from Webster station on the He"/ York, Hew Haven and Hartford Railroad. Nearest markets: Webster, supplying population of 14,000; Worcester (18 miles), supplying population of 179,754. One-fourth mile to library, school; and church; l/8 mile to neighbors. Beautiful view of Connecticut hills. On State road. • . Land in high state of cultivation. Adapted to dairying. Acres in tillage, 90; in pasture, 17; in woodland', 13. Fruit: 50 trees in 8 varieties. Small pond on farm. Fourteen-r oom house with 2 baths, gas electric lights, steam heat, telephone. A stone house of 11 rooms, arranged for two tenai.fts goes with farm. Barn, 152 feet long, with capacity for 45 cows, 130 tons of hay. Henhouse, ice house, shed, comorib and wagon shod, two silos. Town water in buildings. An adequate supply of spring water on farm, with- tanks in, house and barn, if this water is preferred. Equipment: all necessary machinery. An empire milking' machine corn husker., grain and corn grinder, manure spreader, mowing machine and standard platform scale. Price .J25,000. Reason for selling, wish to retire. If farm is too large, it can be divided up; if too small, it can be enlarged by 30 acres of fine pasture land. Address: George B. Williams , Dudley, Mass. -60-' Gardner W-ll. Farm of 450 acres, located 1-J- miles from South Ashburnham station on Boston & Maine Railroad, nearest market, 2 miles distant supplying population of 18,000. Two miles from school, 7 miles from churches; neighbors near. Roads pood. Land rich and free from stone. Adapted to all kinds of farming. Five thousand dollars worth of blueberries picked on place this year. Acres in tillage, 70; in pasture, 200; in wood- land, 75. One hundred apple trees. Springs In pasture. Eighteen- room house, with electric lights, steam heat f running water and slate roof. Barn, 40 x 60, with 17 5- ton capacity. Shop with tenement. Tool house with tools, and large ice house. Vegetable cellar. Buildings in good condition. Stock: 30 Hoi steins, nearly all registered, 4 horses. Full equipment of farm machinery. Price: ..$30,000. Reason for selling, wish to retire. Address: Charles E. Brown, Gardner , Mass. Harvard W-1E. Farm of 67 acres, located ^ mile from Still River station on Worcester & Northern Division of the Boston & Maine Railroad, nearest markets: Clinton (7 miles), Worcester (18 miles) Boston (32 miles). One and One-half miles from high and grammar schools, -|- mile to one church and 1-g- miles to two other churches. On State road. Land excellent, but has not been worked for several years. Borders on lake. Acres in tillage, 25; in pasture, 32; in wood- land, 10. Fruit in several varieties; blueberries.- lie ver- failing well and spring. Beautiful' old elm shade trees. Eight-room house, built in 1709, with fireplace, brick oven and sills, plenty of old panelling over fireplace, is as good as when built. House old but in good shape. Barn with capacity 6 cows, 20 tons hay. Well water pumped into, house. Price: §6,500. Reason for selling, old age. Address: F. S. Savage, Still River, Mass. / Harvard W-12a. Farm of 122 acres located •§- mile from Harvard station on Boston and Maine Railroad. Nearest markets: Clinton, Leominster and Ayer, and 30 miles to Boston. Two miles from school, church; neighbors near. Roads good, near State road. -61- Land good. Adapted to general;/ farming. Acres in taiage^2R; s ^ in pasture, 34; in woodland, 60, Fruit... trees: 125^ple_,,. - 2 cherry, 3 plum,. 40 peach, 3 near., grapes. One and one half acre in asparagus.. Cuts over 40 tons hay. Eight room 'bid fashioned house 'with fire places (now bricked up, but bricks could be removed). Barn 60 x 38% and another barn 25 x 30. Henhouses, shed. 3uildings noeC, repair. Price: $12, GOO; Heason for. selling, Sons away and no help. Address: Chester D. Keyes, Harvard, Mass. Hubbardst on W-12b. Farm of 88 acres located 2i miles from Kubbardston station on Boston' and Maine Railroad, nearest market :' Gardner (6 miles) supplying population of 16,971. One and one-half miles from school and church; neighbors near. land excellent. . Adapted to dairying and poultry raising. Excellent place for sanatorium or private estate. Beautiful view. Acres in tillage, 20-30; the balance in pasture and woodland. Some apple trees. Blueberry pasture. Well water. Ten-room. house with bath, set tubs, hot water heat, good barn, and garage for 2 cars. Buildings in good condition. Price $7,000. Reason for selling - other business. Address: Mrs. Ellen E. R. Gates, 1 Denny St., '.Tor c ester , Mass Adjoining this farm is another of 256 acres. Land excellent, free from stone. Acres in tillage, 50-60. Fine large pasture with water. Sufficient wood for family use. Buildings burned by fire in 1914. Ho. Oxford W-12c. Farm of 207 acres located 1 mile from No. Oxford statil on Hew York, Hew Haven & Hartford R.R. Nearest market: 9 miles, at; Worcester, Farm in village. One fourth mile from school and churcllj Electrics pass house. On' State road. Land good. Acres in tillage', 80; in pasture, 25; in woodland 105. Fifty apple and 35 peach trees. Twelve-room house. Barn 70 x 33, wagon shed (capacity 7 wagonai poultry house (for 50 birds).,, large wood shed. Town water in house! Buildings in good condition. Stock: 12 cows, 1 bull, 1 horse, 2 heifers. Equipment: Fordsori tractor - farm tools. -62- Price: $16,000. Reason for selling, advancing years. Address: Geo. Agabain, No. Oxford, Mass. . • "^ / - . ' Oxford W-12&. Farm of 100 acres, located 2 mile-e- -f-r-rnn" Oxford station on IT. Y. N. H. & Hartford Railroad. Nearest markets: village (2 miles), Webster (5 miles), Worcester (12 miles). One and one-half mile from school, 2 miles from churches; neighbors near. State road 1-g- miles. Land good. Adapted to poultry and vegetables. Land equally divided between tillage and pasture. Fruit: apple orchard, 1 pear tree, also some small fruits. Well water. Nine room house. 'Cow barn with capacity 6 cows. No water in buildings. Buildings in good condition. Price: $4,500. Reason for selling, advancing years'. Address: 3. W. Morse, Oxford, Mass. Oxford W-12e. Farm of 35 acres located ^4 mile from Oxford station on New York, New Haven and Hartford R. R. One mile from nearest market and from school and church. Roads good. Land good. Adapted to berries, fruit, potatoes, corn. Acres in tillage, 12; in pasture, 12; in woodland, 11. Fruit: 210 young apple and peach trees. Six room house with hot water boiler, electric lights, hardwood floors, large screened porch. Electric lights in barn. Buildings in good condition. Price: $6500. Reason for selling, business elsewhere. Address: William Bowden, Oxford, Mass. Paxton Yif-12'f. Farm of about 150 acres located 6 miles from nearest^ station ali Rutland on Boston and Albany Railroad. Eight miles from market. One -ha If mile from school and church and beautiful village. Neighbors near. Land excellent. Adapted to dairy farming. Raises fine hayl Acres in tillage, about 50; in pasture, about 50; in woodland, about 50. Seventy-five apple trees, a few pear and plum trees. -.63- View of IS towns from this location. Eight room house. Barn 80 ft. long, ( capacity 50 head), stable 36 ft., silo, shed, tool house, milk room, henhouse. Buildings in fairly good condition. Running water in milk room. Stock: 16 head cattle, 3 horses. Farm machinery; tractor, ensilage cutter, plow, mowing., machine , rate, tedder, etc. E e t b o n for selling , advancing ye ar s . Address: G. A. Rossier, Paxton, Mass. p Petersham Yv-15. Farm of 80 acres, located 5 miles from north Dana on Boston & Albany Railroad and 10 miles from Barrc station on Boston & Maine R. R. Hear est markets: Barre (6 miles), supplying popula- tion of 5,357; Horth Dana (6 miles) and Athol (12 miles ),. supplying population of 9,792; also Springfield and Boston cream station within \ mile. Near State highway. Free rural mail -delivery. Telephone. Two miles from village, which has grammar school, high school end 3 churches; neighbors near. Land good. Good mowings. Well adapted to the raising of stoo grain and poultry. Some good pine and plenty of hardwood. Will cut 25 cords of fuel per year. Will produce 60 bushels oats and cut 30 tons hay per acre. Fruit trees: ap^le , pear, cherry, plum; young orchard started'. Blueberries and wild blackberries in abundance. A ready market in village, which has sanatorium, large- summer hotel and colony, for all poultry, eggs, dairy and farm products at highest market price. Pasturage fed by never-failing spring. Large pond furnishing ice supply. Fifteen-room house, connected with large barn by washroom, woodshed and runway. House can be occupied by. .two" families. Two new poultry houses (£.60- hen capacity), trap nests. Price: $4,500. Reason for selling poor health and inability to run farm. Would take part cash and rest on terms. Would divide property and sell less than 80 acres, if desired. Address: The Misses E. R. and C. E. Schaf er , Petersham, Mass . Petersham W-lc.j, Farm of 160 acres, 6 miles from station, nearest market, 2-| miles. One mile from grade schools, &§■ miles from .hurch, and 2 miles from high school; -J mile from neighbors. Statj load under construction. Land in good condition. Adapted to dairy and mixed farming, s in tillage, 35; in pasture, 75; in woodland, 50. Fruit trees: Acre 50 (Baldwin) apple. -64- "Two-story house, with ell, wool shed, ice house, poultry house, •corn-crib , silo and 2 barns. Buildings in pood condition. Price; $5,500* Reason for selling, illness. Address: YJ. Herbert Stone, Peter sham, Mass . Royals ton W-17. Farm of 90 acres, located 5 miles from Fitzwilliam( f, ,H) •-station and 7 miles from Royjjlston station. Nearest markets: Athcl Winc-hondon, Fitswilliam. Two miles from school and church and 2 miles from State road. land good. Adapted to dairying. Acres in tillage, 20; in pasture, 20; in woodland, GO. Fruit: 25 apple and 5 plum trees; blueberries, strawberries, raspberries. Spring in pasture, Elevation, 1,365 feet, and very sightly. Eight-room house with ell. Barn with capacity for 10 cows, 50 tons hay. pump in house. Buildings in good condition. Price: $6,000. Reason for selling, ill health. Address: Lynwood K. Crumb, Royalston, Mass. Rutland W-19, Farm of 125 acres, located 1-f- miles from two railroad stations: Muschopauge on the Central Massachusetts R, R. and Brooks on the Worcester & Winchendon R. R, Four miles from nearest market. School and churches, 4 miles; neighbors, •§- mile. Roads fair. Land excellent. Adapted to dairying, farming, market gardening and poultry raising. Acres in tillage, about 30; in pasture, 70; in woodland, 25. Fruit trees: 100 apr>le , 70 peach, 10 plum, 10 pear, and 10 cherry. House, 2 barns, 6 henhouses. Good water supply;. Buildings in good condition. Price: $5,000. Reason for selling, other business. Additional land, with pasture of 50 acres and woodlot of about £5 acres, could be purchased for $1,500. Vfould consider proposition to have farm worked on share basis. Address: Geo. E.Smith, Rutland, Mass. (Telephone 56-4) Southborough W-20. Farm of 23 acres, located 1 mile from Marlborough Junction on the Fitchburg R. R. Nearest markets: Marlb or ough ( 2 miles and Worcester (13 miles). Two and one-half miles from school and church, 1-J- miles from State road; neighbors near. Electric cars pass door. Five minutes' walk to school; barge for children. Roads good. -65- Land very good. Adapted to fruit culture. Acres in tillage, 20; in woodland, i5. Seventy-five apple trees. Milk sold at. farm or sent to Deer foot dairy. &ood lav;n. xhirtccn-room house. Barn v;ith capacity for 15 cows; silo, wagon shed, henhouse, toolhouso. Electric water pump. Stock: 10 cows, 1 pair horse's, Equipment: gasoline engine (6 horse power), tir-cart, hay war; on, ensilage cutter, saw rig. Price, .57,500. Reason for selling, to settle estate. Address: Mrs. Alice A. French, South Sudbury, Mass. temple ton Vif-21. . Farm of 57 acres, located — mile from rhillipst^n station on Boston & Albany R. R. Nearest market, Gar doner , supplying popu- lation of 16,971. Church, 2 miles; school and neighbors near. Land in high state of cultivation. Adapted to market gardening Acres in tillage, 17; in pasture, £0; in woodland, £0. Fruit trees; 50 apple, 6 pear, 4 plum. House, barn, woodshed, carriage shed, henhouse (100 hens), garage. Buildings in good condition. Stock: 2 horses, o cows, 5 swine. Farm machinery. Price: $5,000, not including stock and tools. Address: 'I. 0. Haley, R. F.I). , 'Templet on, Mass. Uxbridge W-21a. Farm of 11C . acres, located 1 mile from So. Uxbridge station on Hew' York, Hew 'Haven ana Hartford R. R. Nearest markets: Millville (2 miles) supplying population of 3000, Uxbridge {'6 mi3.es) supplying population of 6,000, Woonsoekct (5 miles) supplying popu- lation of 50,000. One-fourth mile from school, §_ miles from church; neighbors near. Land in first class state of cultivation.. Acres in tillage, 50; in pasture, 40; in woodland, 80. Fifty apple trees. Spring in pasture also pond fee 1 by 6 springs from which 2,000 tons of ice is cut in season. Twelve room house, 2 barns, henhouse, carriage house, wood shed. Water in barn and house. Buildings in first class condition. Stock: 25 head cattle. Equipment: all f r ip't'^l . Reason for soiling:, death in family. Address: D. J. Coleman, Uxbridge, Mass. -66- V Warren W~2g, Farm of 176 acres, located !-§■ miles from Warren or West Brookfield station. Nearest market, 1-;:- miles. Near neighbors and three minut e s ' wa Ik f r orn State hi ghway . land in good state of cultivation. Adapted to dairy farming. Milk sold from farm. Acres in tillage, 60; in pasture, 86; in woodland, 50. Forty fruit trees. House, barn carriage house, henhouse, shop and silo. Buildings in good condition. Stock: 24 head (excellent gra.de Hols to ins) and 3 good horses. Well equipped with farm machinery. Price: $14,000. Reason for selling, death of ^on. Ad dr e as;, -A . 3 . . P at rick, War r e n , Ma s s . Warren Vil-2^3fc, Farm of 165 acres, located 1 mile from Warren station. Nearest market, Warren (1 mile). Roads good. Land excellent for raising grass and corn. An ideal property for a gentleman's estate. On high elevation and with fine view. Fine-elms and ash trees. House, barn, henhouse and garage. House in good condition; ■:. born fair. School and neighbors near. Garage new. Price: $7,000. Reason for selling - death of husband. Addr ess : Charlotte L . Warr iner , - Warr en ,Ma ss . West Brookfield W-23a. Farm of 250 acres located 3 miles from West Brookfield station on Boston & Al' Ty Railroad. Nearest markets: West Brookfield (3 miles), Worcester (18 miles), Boston (55 miles). West Brookfield located on through State road between New York and Boston with schools, churches. School 1 mile from farm; neighbors near. Beautiful lake in town. Roads good. Land good, easily worked by machinery. Acres in tillage, 75. Large pasture and much woodland with considerable standing timber. Mill pond on property. Beautiful lake for boating, fishing, camping Fine pine and hemlock groves. Nine-room house with steam heat, bath, electric lights, hard- wood floors in some rooms, also dry cellar and spacious attic. Barn built 5 years ago from U. S. Dept. of Agriculture plans with cement floor, steel stanchions, tie-ups for 30 cows. Main barn for -67- hay -stallage, auxiliary cow tie-up, "5 horse stalls, calving p&n, large silo, plenty of 'tool storage. Milk house, boiler, can aiv bottle \;c.zhJv 9 ice storage,- (plenty of ice on hand), tanks, bottling room. Farm equipped for producing certified milk § formerly produced there. Tenement house of nine rooms, with electric lights. ■,. Machinery: Saw mill, 40 ho r se power modern chase .turbine, large saw, band saw, circular ripping saw, grist mill, shingle machine thrashing machine, planer, joint and matcher. . Price, $34 per acre. Liberal terms. Address: 48 Stone Road, Belmont-, Mas s. Westboro W-23b Farm of 154-J- acres located 2 miles from, Westboro station on Boston and Albany Railroad. Three-fourths mils' from Boston and Worcester Electric car line - also electrics to Marlboro run through farm. Nearest markets: Westboro (home market) j, Worcester (10 miles) supplying population of 130,000.o Two miles from town with schools, churches, stores, etc. On State road. Land good. Adapted to dairying. Acres in tillage, 55; in pasture 75, (Some wood in pasture); in woodland, 4-J, Seventy- five apple trees, small fruits. Farm situated on high hill with wonderful view on north side of White Mountains, Twelve- room house - 5 more rooms in ell over garage. Two barns & sheds, 2 henhouses (1 henhouse with capacity 150 hens & the other capacity 100 hens) - also wagon shed Which could be converted into henhouse accomodating 250 more. Running water in buildings. Buildings in good condition. All necessary farm machinery. Price $19,000. " Property rising in value. Reason for sel- " ling, other business. Address: Robert B. Percy, 393 Main St., Worcester, Mass. H