1863 & 1864 PRINCE'S SELECT CATALOGUE OF TIIK UNRIVALED COLLECTION OF FRUIT & ORNAMENTAL TREES AND SHRUBS, Vines, Creepeks, Peonies, &c, CTTLTI-V^VriEID .A.T THE Linnsean Botanic Garden & Nurseries (FOUNDED 1732.) FLUSHING, Near New-York. C. G. PRINCE.] [L. B. PRINCE. / i: A wood coeval with himself he sees, And loves his own cotemporary trees. X. B. — Orders should be addressed us at Flushing, and sent per Mail. Pkickd Catalogues, which are seat to purchasers of Trees, and to applicants who enclose stamps.— No. I, Descriptive Catalogue of Fruit ami Ornamental Trees, Shrubs and Plants. No. 2, Roses, Carnations, Chrysan- themums, Phlox, Iris, and all other Herbaceous Flowering Plants, &c. No. 3, Kxtra large Fruit Trees, Ever- greens, and other Ornamental Trees and Shrubs, suitable for immediate fruit-bearing and embellishment. No. 4, Wholesale Catalogue for Nurseries and Dealers, comprising Trees, Shrubs, Roses, Plants, Bulbous Flower Roots, Stocks for Engrafting, Pieonies, Dahlias, Ac. No. 5, Catalogue of Flower Seeds. No. 6, Descriptive Catalogue of our unrivaled Collection of S50 Select Varieties of Strawbeiries, with a Rejected List, and Directions for Culture. No. 7, Rare American Trees, Plants, and Seeds, suitable for sending to Europe, No. 9, Catalogue of Bullions Flowers of every class, together with Tree and Herbaceous Pseonies Dahlias, and other Rare Flowering Plants. No. 10, Catalogue of our unequalled collection of Tree and Herbaceous Paeonies, ver 350 varieties. No. 13, Catalogue of Greenhouse Plants. No. 14, Catalogue of Native and Foreign Grapes. Books. — Priuce's Treatise on the Vine, with Descriptions of Native and Foreign GrapeB, and Vineyard Culture, (new Edition in preparation,) $1. Treatise on Fruits, containing Descriptions of S00 Varieties of Fruits, $1 50. Prince's Manual of Roses, comprising Descriptions of 1,000 Varieties, '5 cts. FORTY- NINTH EDITION. J. In presenting the present Catalogue to the public, the Proprietors do not consider it necessary to say more to their old friends and patrons than that, in future, their bu- siness will be conducted in a manner worthy of the long-established reputation of the Linnsean Botanic Nurseries, and that no exertions will be spared to make every trans- action satisfactory, in all respects, to those with whom they may have dealings. Those unacquainted with this Establishment, we would refer to the fact that these Nurseries were established in 1732, and have continued uninterruptedly in the same vil- lage, and in the possession of the same family, since that time— a period of One Hun- dred and Thirty one years — longer, we believe, than any other business establishment, of any nature whatever, in this country, has existed under the same name ; that from this Establishment nearly all the great Iluropean Nurseries have obtained their collec- tions of American Trees and Plants, and that it has, at different times, supplied the Royal and Imperial Horticultural Establishments of Great Britain, Russia, Austria, Prussia, Egypt, Mexico, and numerous less important States. We believe that no establishment which does not combine enterprise and energy with perfect accuracy, could so long and successfully have retained its reputation and the confidence of the public. In arranging the present Catalogue, we have thought it unnecessary to add descrip- tions to the varieties of fruits, (with the exception of a few of the newer and less-known kinds.) as such information is now easily accessible to all at very small expense, either in Horticultural Periodicals, the Reports of Pomological Societies, or in Downing's Fruit Book, and other kindred works. AVe would refer also to the large Descriptive Catalogues which have baen gratui- tously disseminated from this Establishment, through all sections of the Union, at large expense for a long series of years. We need scarcely state' that our Catalogues are not made up from books only, but that we possess every article comprised in them. Much pains is taken in procuring new varieties, as soon as they are proved worthy of cultivation, at the same time that care is exercised not to offer to our customers varieties only known for their novelty before their qualities shall have been fully tested. Within a comparatively short time, a large addition has been made to the amount of land under cultivation in our Nurseries, by the purchase of an extensive plot of ex- cellent farm land, very favorably situated ; the trees grown on which are now offered for sale. The natural strength and fertility of the soil of this locality is such, that it ensures a most healthy and vigorous growth to the trees, which seem to become hardened and confirmed as they progress, and is devoid of that rank, stimulated, and unnatural exuberance which trees so generally exhibit when reared on lands that have never been subjected to previous culture. The Trees thus cultivated, after making at first a rapid development, are so sensitive to cold, that the winter easily alfects them, and they gradually pine away till they become feeble and unproductive. The climate of Long Island being subject at all times to the boisterous winds of the Ocean and the Sound, seems to be particularly favorable to perfecting the hardihood of Trees. The vaccillation of alternate cold and mild periods during the winter, accompanied by the frequent freezings and thawinga to which trees are here subject throughout all stages, prepares them for the endurance of the utmost degree of cold and rigor incident to the most northern latitude ; it being found that trees, like men, become much more hardened in a changeable climate than in one regularly cold where the constitution is not subjected to trials. it is doubtless from this cause that the Long Island trees, with which New England has been generally supplied, and also those which have been sent to the coolest regions of the "V* est, have been found to better withstand the severest winters, than those which have been obtained from other laealilies. Indeed it can be readily realized that trees so robust and hardy, and yet so vigorous, must possess a great superiority over those grown in localities where the mercury sinks each year to 10° and 20° below zero during a very prolonged winter, thus retaining the trees in a frozen, torpid and death-like state for many months, freezing and bursting the inner vessels, affecting the sap, and weakening them to such a degree that they can never regain their original health and strength. Some lessons may be derived from the fatal experience of recent winters at the West, to which may be superadded the inconsiderate use by many nurseries of unsuitable stocks for budding and grafting, and especially of the comparatively tender Mazzard stock for Cherries, instead of the hardy Mahaleb, the latter being much better Buited to the North and West, All the Trees which we oiler arc in the most healthy and vigorous state, and will be sup- plied at the rates named in the present Catalogue; and it may be taken as a rule that we will SELECT CATALOGUE 0¥ Jfntii # Ornamental trees, SJriife, fa. PEINCE & CO., Flushing, L. I. «8~ For Preface and General Remarks see inside of Cover, APPLES -PYRUS MALUS, Standard Trees of usual size for Orchards, 25 eents. of larger size, 4 to 5 years grafted, 37 cents, very large, 6 and 7 years grafted, 50 cts. N. B. — The two- last-named sizes are such as are seldom obtainable from Nurseries. Dwarf Trees, 35 cts., and extra size and a^e, 50 cts. The following varieties are a selection of the most estimable, and exclude a large number of comparatively worthless kinds still found in many catalogues. Class 1.— SUMMER VARIETIES. Benoni, very fine. Blinkbonny, very fine, 50 cts. Bohannan. Buffington Early. Corse's Favorite, fine, 50 cts. Early Harvest. Early Joe. Early Pennock. Early Red Margaret. Early Strawberry. Garretson's Early, very fine. Golden Sweet. Klaproth. Large Yellow Bough. Primate [true). Bed and Green Sweet (mon- Summer Russet. strous). Williams' Favorite. Red Astrachan. William Prince. (Lond. Hort Soc.) Sinequanon. Summer Bellflower. Summer Pearmain (Amer.) Summer Pippin — Sour Bough. Summer Queen. Summer Rose. Class 2.- AUTUMN VARIETIES. Autumn Bough — Fall Bough. Boxford. Cooper (Ohio). Doctor, or De Witt. Drap d'Or — Orange Pippin. Fall Pippin. Gravenstein. Hawley — Dowse. Lowell. Lyscom. Richard's Graft. Maiden's Blush. Scarlet Nonpareil. Mangum. St. Lawrence. Pomwater Sweet, finest baking. Sweet, Jersey. Dyer — Pomme royale. Sweet, Pumpkin — Lyinan'i Porter. Pound Sweet. Pumpkin Russet (Sweet R't.) Sweet, Superb. Rambo. Sweet, Wood's. Reinette Blanche d'Espagne. Class 3.— WINTER VARIETIES. Bailey Sweet. Baldwin. Bellefleur, Yellow. Carthouse, Gilpin. Red Komanite, of Ohio. Chandler. Cogswell. Cumberland Spice. Dickskill. Domine. Dutch Mignonne. Equicteley. Fallawater. Flower of Kent. Fort .Miami. Fulton. < rooseberry, 50 cts. (iranite Beauty, new, $L Ilenriek Sweet — Sweet Pear- main. Hubbardston Nonsuch. Jonathan. King ('Jb»ipl:hts Covnty). Lady— Pomme d'Api. Laquier. Limber Twig. Maclean's Favorite. McLellan. Maiden's Favorite. Melon. Middle, or Mittle, esstra. Minister. Newark King. Nickajack. Northern Spy Oconee Greening. Ortley, Jersey Greening. While Relief ear. Pearmain, Herefordshire. Pearmain, Winter. Autumn Pearmain, Down- ing. Peck's Pleasant, fine variety of Newtown Pippin. Pippin, American Golden. Pippin, Hubbardston. Pippin, Michael Henry. Pippin, Green Newtown. Pippin, Yellow Newtown. Pippin, Springhill,_/me variety of Newtown Pippin, 50 cts. Priestley. Prince's Yellow Winter, 50 cts, Prior's Red. Rawle's Janet. Reinette de Caux, 50 cts. Rhode Island Greening. Roman Stem. Rome Beauty (Ohio). Russet, Boston or Roxbury. Russet, English (Downing). Russet, Golden. Seeknofurther, Green. Seeknofurthcr, Winter or Fall. Seeknofurther, Westfield. Smith's Cider. Smoke House. Spitzemberg, Esopus. Spitzemberg, Flusbii g, Spitzemberg, SpringhiU, new ■ variety of Esopus Spitzem- berg, 50 cts. Superb. Swaar. Sweet, Bienrick— Sweet Pear- main. Sweet, Ladies'. Sweet, Beaver. Sweet, Tallman. Tewksbury Blush. Turn of Lane — Winter Straw- berry. Twenty Ounce. Vanderveer. Victuals and Drink. Wagener. Wine. Winesap. Winter, Sweet Paradise. Class 4.— FOR PRESERVES AND ORNAMENT. 85 cts., except those noted. Blood Red Crab. Siberian Striped Crab. Chinese Double White Flower- Manning's Siberian Red Crab, Siberian large Yellow Crab. ing, 50 cts. 50 cts. Transcendant Crab, finest of River's Double Flowerine,50 cts. Siberian Large Red Crab. all, 50 cts. Prince's Roseate Double Flow- Siberian Small Red Crab. Chiuese Double Red Flowering. ering, new, 50 cts. Rejected Apples. — The American Pomological Society have published a list of 125 rejected varieties, many of which, notwithstanding - , are still offered for sale. Purchasers should look well to this important point. PEARS-PYRUS COMMUNIS. Note. — There is never any Pear Blight or Sup Blight, on Long Island, and the trees are never injured by the winter. The stock of Pears is the finest in the Union, and the prices low for the quality, and we can supply the leading and most esteemed varieties on both Pear and Quince. Such as do not succeed on the Pear we can supply on the Quince, and contrariwise. Standards on Seedling Pear stocks, 3 to 4 years budded. . . . 50 cts. Do. do. do. Secondary size 35 Do. do. extra size, 4 to C years 75 cts to $L 50 Do. do. largest size, 8 and 9 years bearing age, 2 00 Pyramids and Dwarfs on Angers Quince, 3 years, . . . 50 Do. do (1 >. 4 to 8 years, in full bearing. 75c. to 1 50 according to age and size. fl@°* The Extra Large size Trees are suitable for prompt bearing, and seldom ob- tainable, and are usually sold at 33 to $5 each. The American varieties are denoted lay an asterisk. * SUMMER VARIETIES. Bartlett. Beau present d'Artoia 'Beurre Giff'ard. •Bloodgood (stow growth.) •Brandywine. •Oanandaigua (Catharine.) Glapp's Favorite, (new,) $3 to S *Dearborn'a Seedling (slow growth.) Doyenne d'ete. •Elizabeth (Manning.) .largoncllo, English. Julienne. "Kingseseing. Madeleine. •Moofe's Pound (best of early Peats), $1. •Moyamensing. *0sl land's Summer ' ( >tt. Poire d'Aout. •Queen of August (See Moore's Pound.) Rostiezer. Summer Bergamot. Suminer Fraucrcal. *Tyson. Windsor (Cooking.) AUTUMN VARIETIES. •Adams. Althrope Crassane. Ananas d'ete. •Andrews. Autumn Colmar. Belle Lucrative, see Fondante d'Automne. Bergamot, Gansell's. *Bergen, Extra. Beurre Bosc (slow growth.) Beurre, Brown. Beurre Capiemont. Beurre Clairgeau. Beurre d'Anjou. Beurre d'Amanlis. Beurre d'Amanlis panache. Beurre Diel. Beurre, Golden Bilboa. Beurre, Goubault. Beurre Hardy. Beurre Sterckmans. Beurre de Montgeron. Beurre Superfin. Beurre Van Marum. Bezi de Montigny. Bishop's Thumb. *Bleeker's Meadow. Large Seek' I. *Buffum. Calebasse. •Chapman. *Church. Colmar Neill. Colmar Van Mons. Surpasse Virgalieu. Oompte do Launy. •dishing. Delices d'Hardempont d' An- gers. Be Tongres. *Dix. Doyenn6 Boussoch. Doyenne, Gray. Doyenne Sieulle. Doyenne, White. Virgalieu. Duchesse d'Angoulemme, poor on Standard. Duchesse d'Orleans. Beurre St. Nicholas. Dunmore. -Early York. , Epine Dumas. Eigne de Naples. Flemish Beauty. Fondante d'Automne, very fine. Belle Lucrat ve. Frederic de Wurtemberg. "Fulton. *General Taylor. •Hageman, extra fine, $1. •Harvard. Ileathcot. Henry IV. •Hovey, Dana's, $1. •Howell. •Hull, Jackson. Jalousie de Fontenay. •Kirtland. Long Green. Louise bonne of Jersey. Marie Louise. Nouveau Poiteau. •Onondaga — Swan's Orange. •Oswego Beurre. Paradise d'Automne. •Parsonage. •Petre. •Pinneo or Boston. •Pratt. •Selleuk. •Seckel (slow growth.) •Sheldon. St. Ghislain. St. Michael Archange. •Stansel. . •Stephen's Genesee. •Sterling. Styer. Swan's Egg. Urban iste. Van Mons Leon le Clerc. •Wadleigb. *Washington. WINTER VARIETIES. Beurre d'Aremberg, (unthrifty, Fort .stow groivth.) Beurre Ranee. Beurre Easter. Beurre gris d'hiver nouveau. Catillac (baking) •Columbia Doyenne d'Alengon. l)ot;enne d'hiver noiwea 1 . Glout Morceau. Jaminette. Josephine de Malines. •Lawrence, extra fine. •Lewis. Passe Colmar. •Prince's Perpetual, $1. •Reading. Soldat Laboureur. St. Germain, Prince's. St. Germain, Uvedale's, Pourd. Suzette de Bavay. Vicar of Winklield. Pound, see Uvedale's St. Ger- Wilkinson, mam. Winter Nelis. REJECTED PEARS.— The American Pomological Society have published a list of 451 Rejected Varieties, many of which are still offered for sale in Nursery Cata- logues. Purchasers should look well to this important point. C If E R R I E 3 , CflERBIES-PBUNUS CERASCS. Standard Trees of large growth, 2 to 3 years, - - 35 to 50 eta. Pyramid and Dwarf Trees, of low growth, 2 an/1 3 years. 35 to 50 cts. Trees of both the above classes, 4 to 7 years old, iii a bear- ing state, 75 cts. to $1, and $1 50 Dwarf standards on Mahaleb, 37 to 50 cts. Note. — The Cherries we cultivate for the North and Northwest are on the hardy Ma- haleb and Morello Stocks, as Trees on the Mazzard stock will scarcely survive the severest winters of those regions. The Duke, Kentish and Morello Varieties are much more hardy than the Heart and Bigarreau Varieties. Adam's Crown. American Amber. Bauman's May. Belle d'Orleana Black Eagle. Black Tartarian. Brandywine. Buttner's Yellow. Champagne. HEART CHERRIES. Coe's Transparent. Columbia, new, $1. Conestoga. Cumberland, (syn. ?) Downer's Late. Pownton. Early Purple Guigne. Golden Guigne. Hovey. Knight's Early Black. Manning's Early Black. Manning's Mottled. Monstrueux de Jodoigne. Prince's Early Black Heart, Prince's Large Black Heart. Sparhawk's Honey. Turkine, or Turkish, 75 cts. Werder's Early Black. BIGARREAU CHERRIES. Bigarreau of Mezel. Monstrueux de Mezel. Black Bigarreau of Savoy. China Bigarreau. Elton — Elesh-colored Bigar- reau. Florence. Graffion — Bigarreau. Yellow Spaidsh. Large Heart-shaped. Red Ox Heart. Gros (Jceuret. Reverchon, 75 cts. Large RedPkool, largest and Toupie de Henrard, splendid, finest of all Cherries, 75 cts. 75 cts. Great Bigarreau. Downing. Large Bleeding Heart. Late Black Bigarreau. Tradescant, Black. Maubec, rare, 75 cts. Mlkhorn. Napoleon. White Bigarreau. Holland. White Ox Heart. DUKE AND KENTISH CHERRIES. Archduke. Belle Magnifique. Magnifique de Sceaux. Belle de Chater.ay. Belle de Choisy. Carnation. De Planchoury. English, large, estimable. Reine Hortense. Monstruese de Bavay. Ltmercier — Louis 18. Vail's August Duke. Ynrenues,_/J«« late Kentish. Wliite Pearl, new, 75 cts. De Spa, or Donna Maria. Duchesse de Palluau. Kentish — Early Richmond. Imperatrice Eugenie, $1. Late Duke — June Duke May Duke. Loyal Duke, late, estimable. MORELLO CHERRIES. Imperial, late. Plumstone, large, very good. OHIO VARIETIES. Kirtland's Mary. Late White Bigarreau. Kirtland's Mammoth. Ohio Beauty. Ohio Late Bigarreau. Osceola. ORNAMENTAL. Weeping, $1 to $2. European Bird Cherry, beau- tiful. For Cornelian Cherries (Coraus Mascula,) see page 17. Brant. Carmine Stripe. Cleveland. Doctor. Favorite (Elliott's.) Governor Wood. .Tocosot. Dwarf Double Flowering Large Double Flowering Pontiac. Powhattan. Red Jacket. Rockport. Shannon — Kirtland's Morello. Tecumseh. American Bird Cherry, 25c. p E A C TI E S PLUMS-PRUNUS DOMESTICA. Our Collection of Plums is the largest in the Union, comprising nearly 100 varieties. 3 to 4 years, usual size, 50 cents each ; smaller. 35 cts. Extra large trees, of bearing size, 4 to 7 years, $1 to $1 50. Dwarf trees, 37 to 50 cents, according to age. Angelina Burdett. Apricot (of Tours). Bingham. *Bradshaw. Large Black Imperial. Buel's Favorite. Campbell's Seedling. Cathariue Schenectady. *0herry, Golden. ♦Chickasaw, Red. *Chickasaw, Yellow. *Coe's Golden Drop. *Coes' Late Red. Red St. Martin. Columbia, very large. Cruger's Scarlet. Damson, Shropshire. Denniston's Superb. Diapree rouge. Mimms. Double flowering, Large. Double flowerine, Dwarf or Sloe. Tbe two last are Ornamental only. Drap d'Or. *Duane's Purple French. Fulton. Gage, American Yellow. Gage, Autumn. *Gage, Bleecker's. Gage, Green. Gage, Hudson. *Gage, Imperial (Prince's). *Gage, Prince's Yellow. Gage, Schuyler. General Hand, largest of all. *Guthrie's Apricot. Guthrie's Aunt Anne. Guthrie's Topaz. Hawkes, Highlander. *Huling's Superb. Imperatrice, Downton. Imperatrice. Ickworth. "Imperial Ottoman. ^Italian Damask. "Jefferson. Late Black Orleans. Large Red Toulouse. Lawrence's Favorite. Lombard. Long Scarlet — Scarlet Gage. Madison. "Magnum bonum, White WJiite Egg. *Magnum bonum, Yellow. Yellow Egg. Manning's Long Blue. McLaughlin. Martin's Seedling. Mirabelle Tardive. Monroe. "Orange, very large. "Orarige Egg very large. Orange Gage. Orleans, Smith's. Parsonage. *Peach Plum. Perdrigon violet haitif. Prune, Austrian. Prune, d'Agen, "I Prune, German, [ for drying. Ouetehe. f "Prune, Italian, J Quetche d'llalie. Fellcrnhcrg. Quackenboss. *Red St. Martin. Cot's Late red. Reagles Ancient City. Reagles Gage. Reagles Union Purple. Reine Claude de Bavay. Royale native — Early Royal. St. Catharine. Sharpe's Emperor. Dennyer's Victoria. Surpasse Orleans. Thomas. "Washington. Plum Trees of the varieties designated by an asterisk are not subject to knots in the vicinity of New York, and are probably less so in any locality than others. PEACHES-AMYGDALTJS PERSICA. Our collection of Peaches is altogether unrivalled, comprising over 150 fine' va- rieties, including many rare kinds of great merit not to be found in other collections. Price, 20 cts., except where otherwise noted. N. B. — Large quantities at very reduced prices. Trees suitable for Dwarfs or Espaliers can be supplied at 37 to 50 cts. Peaches on the Plum stock are valueless for Orchards. FREE STONES, OE MELTERS. Admirable, Early. Bergen's Yellow. Belle de Vitry — Bon-Jard Bourdine — Royale. Belle de Paris. Brevoort (Morris.) Barney. Chevreuse hative. Baltimore Beauty. Chevreuse tardive. Barriugton. Bon Ouvrier. Belle B&usse,larger than Grosse Cole's Early Red. Mignonne. Columbia, or Pace. Bellegarde — Galandd. Cooledge's Favorite, Crawford's Early (Melacoton). Crawford's Late (Melacoton). Diana Freestone. Double Montagne. Druid Hill. Dulaney's Heath, 50 cts. Early Newington (Downing). Early Sweetwater, Prince. Earlv White Globe. PEACHES, Earlv York, Large — George IV. II lines' Early red, Honest John, Walter's Early. Early York, Serrate. Early Tillotson, Mildew*. Eliza Sehmitz. Fay's Early. Fox's Seedling. George IV., see Early York. Gorgas 50 cts. Green Catharine. Grosse Mignonne {true). Harker's Seedling. Heath Freestone. Cole's White Melacotnn. Hill's Madeira. Howard's Pound. La Fayette. La Grange, snowwhite. Late White Free. Madeleine de Courson. died Magdalen. Magdalen, White. Malta. Miller's Early Anne. Morrissania Pound. Nivette — Orange Free. Noblesse. Noblesse Seedling. Nutmeg, White. Oldmixon Free. Orange Melacoton, extra 50 Perry's Seedling. Petite Mignonne. Petit's Imperial. President. Prince's Paragon (true). Prince's Excelsior, 50 cts. Pucelle de Malines. Rareripe, Beer's Late Red. Rareripe, Borden's Late. Rareripe, Golden. Rareripe, Hastings. Rareripe, Red (Morris). Rareripe, White (Morris). Rareripe, Yellow. Rebold's Late Red. Red Cheek Melacoton. Reine des Vergers. Reeves' Favorite. Rose Hill Melacoton. Scott's Early Red. Scott's Nonpareil, Scott's Magnate (Rareripe), cts. 50 cts. Scott's Nectar (Rareripe), 50 cts. Scott's New White. Snow — White Flowers. Strawberry, or Rose. Stump the World. Susquehanna. Van Zandt's Superb. Ward's Late Free. Waxen Mignonne. Well's Free. White Ball (Hovey). White Imperial. CLINGSTONES, OR PAVIES Large White. ' Lemon. Oldmixon. Orange, Prince. Pavie de Pompone, extra, 50 cts. Monstrous Pompone. Two varieties in the above list, White Magdalen and Fortunatus, have never, so far as our information extends, been affected by the yellows, and we recommend them for trial in other sections on this account. Blood (preserves). Heath — Late Heath. Howard's Splendid, 50 cts. Howard's Superb, 50 cts. Incomparable. Admirable rouge tardive. Pavie tardive, Poiteau, 50c. October Scarlet. Prince's Fortunatus, 50 cts. Rodman's Red. Tippecanoe (Lemon.) Washington Cling. NEW AND RARE PEACHES. 38 to 50 cents. Those marked thus * are French and Italian ; the others are mostly superior Southern varieties. FREESTONES. Baldwin's Late. Baltimore Belle. Camak's Serrate. Canary. *Chauceliere a gros fruit. Columbus June. *D' Asee tres grosse, 7 5 cts. **De Colmar. *I)eese hative. *Deese grosse tardive. *De Pau, or D'ltalie. Callo vay. Clark's October. Cowan's Late. Demming's September. Dr. Cherry's November. Eaton's Golden. Eliza Thomas. Edward's Late White. *Egyptienne, 75 cts. Exquisite. *Grosse Mignonne hative. Honey (Chinese seed) $1 00 ♦Incomparable en beaute. Kentucky Favorite. Lady Parham. Large Crimson. "Madeleine rouge hative. CLINGSTONES. Flewellen. Hull's Athenian. Late White English. Mammoth Cling. Monstrous Cling. Nix's Late White. October Orange, extra 75 cts. Mammoth. *Mignonne frise. *Mignonne tardive. *Monstrueuse de Douai. Montgomery's Late. Moore's June. Pride of Autumn. *Ray Mackers. Regent. Sieulle. Tecumseh. *Pavie Alberge, ou Jaune. *Pavie de Polo. *Pavie tardif de Berne. Prince's Golden, extra 75,cts. *Sanguinolle la grosse. Shanghae, Vanderveer. QUINCES. t ORNAMENTAL VARIETIES, 50 CENTS. Double Red dr Rose. Dwarf Orleans, bears fruit, Chinese Double Crimson, 75 cts. Double Mignonne, red. unique. Chinese Double White, 75 ets. Chinese double Carnation, 75 cts. HECTARXNES-BRUGNONS. Price 38 cents except those noted. 1 year old trees at lower rates. C denotes Clingstones— (ill others are Freestones. N. B. — Trees of all the varieties suitable for Dwarfs or Espaliers, at 37 to 50 cts. Boston or Lewis. Elruge. New White, Cambridge. Golden, Prince's C, 50 cts. Stanwick. Despres, 50 cts. Hardwicke Seedling. Violette bative. — Early Due crops. Guignard, estimable. Jlschia, white or green, ex- cellent, hardy. JLate Black St. .Michael, large, tit:/ productive, excellent, produces :'» cropto, Longue Printaniere. Mezick's Favorite, yellow, pear-shaped. JNapolitaiuc, or Naples, twice bearing. Pe tare lie* (Pregussata, excellent, whit'. Red fruited Bordeau . Kose Beyronne. ^Turkey, Brown, gr. bo ii a nli/. Twice bearing Grecian. Vermissenque. :jVerte grosse. Large Qreef. V< rte petit". POMEGRANATES— GRENADIERS. This fruit requires in this latitude that the trees should be well bound with straw in winter, or have a temporary frame of boards over them. All produce fruit except the double flowering varieties. Fruit bearing $0 50 Large Malta 1 00 Spanish 1 50 Desportes, or Hybrida 1 50 Provence . Double Crimson Royal double Crimson (Regalis) Prolific White flowering and fruited. Double white flowering Yellow flowering do. with yellow fruit 1 50 j Chinese double variegated scarlet and 50 j white, large and splendid 1 50 1 00 j Desfontaines, fine fruit 1 50 CURRANTS-GROSEILLER A GRAPPES. Any number less than 6 will be charged at the retail price ; and any number be- tween G and 12 will be charged intermediate between the retail and the dozen prices. Extra large size bushes, 3 and 4 years old, can be supplied at a moderate advance in price. Currants are frequently offered at very low rates for 1 year plants. If these are wanted, we can supply them at reduced rates. The prices below are for plants 2 to 3 years old. each. p. cloz. p. 100. [ each. p. doz. p. 100. [Missouri Yellow-fruited 38 3 50 38 j Missouri Yellow-flower- 10 75 3 50! ing... - 20 2 25 I Missouri Golden-fruited 50 1 00 4 00 ! Prince Albert 30 Prince's Coral Cluster. 50 2 50 'Red Dutch 10 I Red Crape 20 Attrocar, or attractor, white 38 Black English 10 Black Naples, or Og- den's Black 12 Black Bangup, largest black 25 Brown or Yellow-fruited Black Champagne, pale red.. . Cherry, largest of reds 1 year Cherry, do. 3 years Dana's Transparent White : Fertile d 'Angers, very large Fertile d'Palluau ' Gloiredes Sablons, white striped red, beautiful . Knight's Early Red . . . Knight's Large Red. . . Knight's Sweet Red. . . La Hative de Bertin.. . Long - bunched Red Dutch Magnum Bonum, red . . 18 10 1 50 1 00 5 50 8 15 75 5 00 1 50 10 00 38 3 50 15 20 1 50 10 00 1 75 40 25 18 18 15 4 50 2 50 2 00 1 75 1 50 10 00 18 12 1 50 8 00 1 00 G 00 Red Goudoin 20 Red Provence, earliest, fine 30 Short - bunched Red Dutch 12 Superb Grape 20 Yariegated Leaved, red 25 Versailles or Caucase, largest of reds 20 Victoria, Goliath, or Houghton Castle. ... 12 White Dutch, White Antwerp, or Clinton . 12 White Grape or Trans- parent White 12 White Gondoin 20 White Pearl 15 White Provence, largest of all, splendid 25 4 50 2 00 5 00 75 3 00 2 00 10 00 2 00 2 50 1 00 2 25 5 00 2 00 12 00 1 00 6 to 8 1 00 5 to C 1 25 6 to 8 2 00 8 00 1 50 2 50 15 00 1(1 (JOOSEBEEEIE RASPBERRIES-FRAMBGISIERS. All the varieties are red except those designated otherwise, and all mature their fruit in July except the Twice Bearing kinds, and they produce a second crop in September or October. In order to have an ample crop of autumnal fruit, it is necessary to prune off the old shoots entirely iu February or beginning of March, as the autumnal iruit is produced entirely ou the shoots of the same year. There are no Monthly Raspberries ; but only Twice Bearing ones. The leading varieties can be supplied by the thousand at reduced rates. N. B. — Any number less than a dozen will be charged higher. A single plant being charged at one-eighth of the price per doz. Allen's Bed, very hardy $0 25 American Purple Cane, fine for market '. . . 1 00 American Yellow Cap 1 50 Black Cap, Improved 50 p. ico. $1 00 N. B. The three above make roots from ends of shoots. Bagley's Perpetual, autuiini- bearing 75 Belle de Fontenay, autumn- bearing 75 Brentford Red Antwerp, large, very ha rdij 1 50 Brinkle's Orange 75 Californian Salmon Berry ... 6 00 Catawissa, autumn-bearing. . . 2 50 Cope, light red, largest of all. . 2 50 Coral Cluster, excellent, very hardy Cretan Red. long in bearing.. Gushing, crimson, twice bear- ing Fastolf, very large Fillbasket, Northumberland . Franconia, large, crimson, hardy French, twice bearing French (Brinckle), crimson.. . Globose Antwerp, very large, red, hardy 2 00 6 00 2 50 3 00 3 00 10 00 4 00 15 00 I 00 1 00 4 00 00 1 00 75 1 50 5 00 4 00 50 1 50 3 00 2 00 8 00 10 00 Hornet, large red $1 00 Hudson River Red Antwerp, for market 50 Imperiale, white 1 00 Kirtland, red, very hardy. ... 75 Knevett's Giant, large deep red 75 Merveille Quatre Saisons, crimson, autumn-bearing.. . 75 Merveille Quatre Saisous, yel- low, autumn-bearing G 00 Miami Black Cap, late 75 Ohio Twice Bearing, large black 1 50 Red Antwerp, for market. ... 50 Red American Cluster, very hardy . 75 River's Large Monthly, autumn-bearing 75 Souchette, French variety ... 1 50 Thunderer 1 50 Walker, large, deep red 1 50 White Smooth Cane, almost spineless 2 00 Wilder, pale buff 1 00 Yellow Antwerp 75 Yellow Magnum ~Bormm,fns favor 1 00 p. 100. &5 00 2 50 5 00 2 50 3 00 3 00 4 00 2 00 3 00 3 00 12 00 5 00 2 00 5 00 GOOSEBERRIES— GROSELLLERS EPINEUX. £@°" The first four varieties named below are all of American origin, and are not subject to mildew ; they do not, however, compare with the English varieties in size, although, from their wonderful productiveness, they produce greater crops. In consequence of the almost universal difficulty from mildew experienced with the English Gooseberries, we have discontinued the culture of a great many varieties, and can only supply them in limited quantities. Per doz. Per 100. 1 For dot. Per 100. Houghton Seedling, red. .. §0 75 $4 to 5 J American Seedling, larger Houghton Seedling, larger < plants 1 25 7 sized plants 125 6 (Foster's Seedling 2 00 Houghton Purple and Mountain Seedling (Shaker) I 50 10 < riinson 2 00 Finest English, Red, Yellow, Green and American Seedling 1 00 5 White, each 12 to 15 cents. Dozen, $1 50. Extra sized plants. 82 per dozen. SPECIAL ASSORTM E N T 3 P S M A I, I, P |{ U I T S , 11 BLACKBERRIES. Trailing Dewberry, sweet, large " $0 75 $3 00 High Bush, or Standing, oval, late 1 00 G 00 Whitish, or Buff, profuse bearer, very sweet 1 CO 4 00 Dorchester (high bush)... 75 3 50 New Rochelle, or Lawton, extra large, estimable..., 75 3 50 Mulberry 1 00 Crystal White, large, fine flavor .'. .. 3 00 Price of single plant, one-eighth of price for dozen Parsley-leaved, or Late Prolific, large, sweet, aro- matic flavor, ripening after Lawton, vera pro- ductive, estimable, rare. . .$1 50 $10 00 Kentucky White 3 00 Alpine, climbing, in clusters. 3 00 Orange, very large, dark brown, excellent 2 00 12 00 Newman's Thornless. small berry, of little value 1 00 WHORTLEBERRIES, BERBERRIES AND CRANBERRIES. Purple fruited and Purple leaved . . White, or Yellow do Sweet, or Dulcis do Chinese red fruited, and Hybrid . . . 50 50 25 38 Whortleberry, or Huckleberry, Black, Blue, White, and others ..$0 20 Ditto, per 100 10 00 Red fruited Berberry 20 Purple do 38 N. B. — Por other Berberries, see Ornamental Shrubs. Bound Cranberry, for lowland, per 1.000 I Bugle or Bell Cranberry can be cultivated $5, 5,000 for $20. I on upland. Same price as preceding. GRAPES. A Special Priced Catalogue is published, comprising all the finest European and American Varieties. Our collection contains about 400 kinds, being a greater variety than is to be found in any other establishment. STRAWBERRIES. A Descriptive Catalogue is published, comprising Select Assortments of the most splendid and estimable Varieties, including all new ones of merit, both foreign and native, with a Rejected List, and Directions for Culture. Our collection of Straws- berries embraces some 300 kinds, and is now the most extensive either iu Europe or American. Descriptions of a large number of Varieties can be found in Patent Office Report for 18G2. SPECIAL ASSORTMENTS OF SMALL FRUITS. To those not acquainted with the best Varieties, we offer to select for 810 ihe following : — GRAPES, one each of four fine varieties. RASPBERRIES, 100 assorted, of four fine varieties. CURRANTS, 30 of four fine varieties. GOOSEBERRIES, 12 of three fine varie- BLACKBERRIES, 12 Dorchester or New Rochelle. STRAWBERRIES, 200 of four fine varie- ties. RHUBARB, eight Linnams or Victoria. J 2 PLANTS FOR E I) (} I X G BORDERS. ESCULENT ROOTS, ETC. to 3 years old, per 100 75 cts. do. " do. per 1000, $5 to $6 Eicb. Dozen. RHUBARB. Asparagus. Giant and Large German, do do. do. do. Dozen. Hand. Artichoke, Jerusalem 38 2 00 do. Green Globe 2 50 Chinese Potato, or Yam (Di- oscorea) 3 00 Dyer's Madder 2 00 8 00 Ginseng 2 00 10 00 Hop Tine 1 25 4 00 Horse Radish 125 4 00 Licorice 4 00 15 00 Patience Dock, finest early greens, very valuable 1 00 4 00 Sea Kale 2 50 Tarragon, for spicing salads,.. 3 00 WaterCress 50 2 00 Large Quantities of the finest kinds for Market plantations at very low rates. Early Tobolsk 25 1 50 1 50 2 00 Wilmot's Early 20 1 75 Giant and Colossal 25 2 00 Magnum Borrum 38 3 00 Schofield's Prince Albert 30 2 00 Marshall's Early Scarlet 38 3 00 Prince of Wales (Sangster) 50 3 00 Scarlet Nonpareil 75 5 00 Hybrid Varieties, from Lin- naeus, Victoria, and Prince Albert, $150 per dozen; 358 per 100. EVERGREEN AND DECIDUOUS HEDGE PLANTS. Buckthorn, or Rhamnus. . . Ditto, large size Hawthorn Honey Locust, as in size . .2 Locust, Yellow, as in size.4 Madura, or Osage Orange, 1 to 3 years Amer. Arbor Vitn'.l to 1 '._. ft., 1 year transplanted . American Arbor Vita?, grown in Nursery 2 and 3 years, transplanted, . . Do. Larger Chinese Arbor Vita?, 1',^ to 2 ft Chinese Arbor Vita;, 2 to 1% ft ♦Hemlock, Spruce, 1 to 2% feet Red Cedar, 1^ to 2 ft... PER 1C0. PER 1000. 2 00 12 5 00 30 00 8 00 to 4 5 to 15 00 to 6 2 00 6 to 10 5 00 40 00 10 00 12 00 90 00 30 00 18 00 20 00 12 00 6 00 50 00 PER 101. PER 1000. Red Cedar, 3 to 4 ft 12 00 80 00 Privet, or Prim, Italian . . 3 to 5 17 to 24 10 00 Euonymus, or Strawbery tree 10 Althea frutex, according 5 to 10 2 00 Althea frutex, cuttings . . . Honeysuckle, Tartarian, cuttings 3 00 Do. English fly, straw colored, cuttings 3 00 Deutzia scabra, cuttings . . 3 00 Syringa, different kinds, cuttings 2 00 Red and Purple Lilac Plants 10 00 Spiraeas, Assorted 10 00 Upright Honeysuckle 9 00 Norway Spruce 12 to i ;o Pyrus Japonica 10 00 PLANTS FOR EDGING BORDERS. Dwarf Box, cuttings or slip3, pre- pared 10 Dwarf Box, rooted Plants, accord- ing to age and quantity 18 to 20 Dwarf Box, rooted plants, 2 years old 25 Dwarf Box, 3 and 4 years old. . . 38 Thrift, or Sea Pink 50 Moss Pink 50 Fragrant and Tricolored Violet.. 60 Cowslip, Red and Yellow . 70 Vinca, Green and Variegated- leaved, $6 per 100 50 Bush Alpine Strawberry, Red and White 50 SCIONS. 13 SCIONS FOR ENGRAFTING AND CUTTINGS. Scions of all kinds of Fruit Trees, suitable for grafting-, will be supplied when 40 or more kinds are ordered, more or less of each, as convenient to us, at 25 cents per parcel, or at 50 cents per dozen grafts of each variety where the price of a tree does not exceed that sum (50 cents); but where it does, the same price will be charged for the dozen scions, or for a parcel where the kind is very rare, as for a tree of the same kind. When a large number of scions are wanted, of the leading varieties, they will be supplied at $1 50 per 100 ; or at the following rates per 1000, all correctly labelled : Apples, $5, Pears, $6, Cherries, $6, Plums, $10. Scions of Anger's Quince, for budding Pears on, $1 50 per 100, and $10 per 1000, and Scions of the plentiful kinds of Currants, Gooseberries, Raspberries, Berberries, Mulberries, Poplars, Willows, Altheas, Roses, and all other Trees and Shrubs that will grow from cuttings, $2 50 per 100 and $20 per 1000, and Figs and Pomegran- ates $5 to $8 per 100 ; but no quantity is sent amounting to less than the price of a Tree or Shrub of the same kind. Scions of the eight finest species of Osiers, most celebrated for baskets, &c, Si per 100 and $2 to $5 per 1000. It is better that such orders be sent in the fall or winter ; and the scions can be forwarded by express if so ordered. Scions of Grapes, of a number of the finest kinds, can be supplied if applied for in sea- son, at from $4 to $8 per 100, or in less quantities; but in no case will scions of any variety be sent to a less amount than the price of a vine ; and of the very rare varieties three eyes, and of others, six eyes of any one variety will be consid- ered equivalent in value to a vine. Scions of Isabella, Catawba, Clinton, and sev- eral other varieties $2 per 100, or $8 to $12 per 1000. ORANGE, LEMON, CITRON, SHADDOCK, and LIME TREES, and all other GREEN-HOUSE TREES and PLANTS, can be supplied at reasonable rates. u O R N A M EXT A I. T R E E S . (Dntaiiunhil g^pilimnl. SELECT DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL TREES. The following comprise a Select Assortment of the most beautiful and estimable species, which our long experience lias ©babied us to arrange with precision. The in- ferior species we have omitted. We have divided them into four classes. The first class comprises those of ma- jestic growth, which attain great stature and ample development; the second class ihose which attain a medium size : the third class, those of low stature ; and the fourth class, such as are comparatively of slow growth, requiring a long period before they attain the size of a small tree, and which, therefore, it would be more appropriate, in ornamenting grounds, to rank among large Shrubs. The prices stated are for trees of fair size ; but where extra large-sized trees are desired for Streets, Avenues, Arc., in order to impart immediate ornament, such can be supplied at proportionate rates, varying in height from ten to twenty feet, of many of the most estimable species. For Amygdalus, Carya, Castarea, Diospyros, Juglans, Mespiius, Morus, Prunus, Pyrus. &c, see Fruit and Nut Trees. Eotiuu'al Nam ■. Common Name. Class. Price. Acer. Maple. Acer dasycarpum .... Silvery-leaved Ditto, "large, 12 to 14 feet Acer Platanoides Norway Acer rubrum Scarlet Flowering Acer saceharinum ^ u gar, Bard, or Rock , Acer Striatum Striped Bark Acer pseudoplatanus ». . .European Sycamore *. Acer argen, varieg: Striped-leaved do Korse-Chestnut. Aescuius flava Yellow-flowering Aesculus glabra Green do Aescuius hippocastanum White, or Variegated Floweriug Aesculus flore pleno Double Flowering, splendid and rare. . Aescuius pavia vel coccinea Scarlet do Aesculus rubicunda. . . . Coral-colored, very beautiful Aesculus pallida, dark glossy foliage. .Ohio Buckeye, holds foliage late Ailanthus glandulosa Aiianthus Chinese Alnus incana Alder, European Silvery Ainu* Eaciniata Aide.-, Cut-leaved, Aralia spinosa Prickly Ash, or Hercules' club Aralia japonica Japan do, unique and showy Uetula alba pendula Birch, Scotch drooping Betula laciniata Hirch, Cut-leaved Broussonetia papyrifera Paper Mulberry Catalpa syringrcfolia Catalpa, Variegated Dowers Catalpa ELempferii . Catalpa, Kempfer's Japan, new Cerasus Cherry, Double Flowering Census Mahaleb. Cherry Mahalcb, broad leaves padus Cherry, European Bird, beautiful - padus fructu sanr/iiixea do do scarlet fruit, new. Cercis canadensis Judas treo, American . ... Cercis siliquastrum Tudas tree, European i 1 35 to 50 1 75 to 1 00 1 50 2 50 1 60 2 50 1 50 2 1 00 2 50 2 50 t 35 to 50 2 1 50 4 1 00 2 1 00 1 50 I 50 1 50 2 75 2 50 2 40 to 75 1 50 8 40 2 30 to 50 | 38 2 1 00 50 ;; 50 •' •J. 00 2 40 4 50 ORNAMENTAL TREKS. lO Botanical Name. Common Name. daw. Price. Garcia album rudas tree, White flowering 4 1 00 Chionanthus virginica Fringe tree, White, broad-leaved. ... 3 38 to 1 00 Chionanthue maritima Fringe tree, Carolina, narrow-leaved . . . 3 38 to 1 00 Clethra arborea Tree Clethra 2 1 00 Cornus florida Dogwood, White flowering 2 25 Crataegus Hawthorn. (See Deciduous Shrubs.) Cytisus laburnum .Laburnum, or Golden Chain 3 25 to 50 Cytisus alpinum. . . Laburnum, Scotch, large Flowering. ... 3 25 to 50 JQJleagnus angustifoUus Silvery Bohemian Olive 2 1 00 Fagus ferruginea Beech, American 1 50 Fagus sylvatica .• Beech, European 2 25 Fagus purpurea Beech, Purple-leaved 2 I 00 Fagus hybrida, Seedling of purpurea 2 75 Fraxinus atrovirens crispa Ash, Curl-leaved, curious 3 75 Fraxinus Aurea Ash, Gold bark 2 75 Fraxinus Excelsior. Ash, European, rapid growth, 1 25 to 50 Fraxinus Viridis Ash, Green 3 7.~> Gleditschia triacanthos Honey Locust I 38 Gleditschia sinensis Chinese do 2 50 Gymnocladus canadensis Kentucky Coffee 2 50 Kcelreuteria paniculata Xcelreuteria, Japan panicled 3 50 Larix Europea Larch, European Drooping 1 50 Larix Microcarpa Larch, American 2 40 Laurus sassafras Sassafras 2 25 Liquidamber styraeiflua Sweet Gum, Maple leaved 1 50 Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip tree, or Whitewood 1 30 to 50 Madura aurantiaca Osage Orar>ge, male and female 2 50 Magnolia acuminata Magnolia, Blue flowering 1 50 Magnolia auriculata Magnolia, Auriculate, white fragrant. . . 2 1 to 2 00 Magnolia conspicua Magnolia, Chinese, splendid White. ... 3 2 00 do large and splendid trees, 6 to 10 ft. 5 to 10 00 Magnolia Alexandrina Crimson striped, twice blooming 3 150to300 Magnolia amabilis Lovely, white fragrant 3 5 00 Magnolia Norbertiana Magnolia, Norbert's, deep striped 3 2 to 3 00 Magnolia Soulangiana Magnolia, Soulange's Pink stiiped 3 1 to 2 00 Magnolia Speciosa or Striata Magnolia, Splendid Striped 3 2 00 Magnolia Superba Magnolia, Superb striped 3 2 00 Magnolia loiigifolia Long-leaved Glaucous 2 1 00 iV". B. — The above five Magnolias are twice flowering. Magnolia Cordata biflora Magnolia, Yellow twice-flowering 2 2 00 Magnolia glauca Magnolia, Glaucous Fragrant 3 30 to 50 Magnolia macrophylla Magnolia, Largest flowered, white, crimson center, immense leaves, 2 1 to 2 00 Do. do., splendid trees, 6 to 10 feet, 3 to 6 00 Magnolia tripetela Magnolia, Umbrella-leaved 2 50 N.B. For others see Shrubs and Evergreens. Extra large Magnolia trees at proportionate prices. Negundo fraxinifolia Negundo, Ash leaved 2 50 Negundo violacea. Negundo, Californian Violet 2 50 Ornus Europeus Ornus, or White fringe 2 50 Ornus latifolia Ornus, Broad-leaved Fringe 2 1 00 Ostrya virginica lioplree 2 50 Faulownia imperialis , ... . Paulownia," Imperial 2 50 to 75 Platanus occidentalis Buttonwood, or Sycamore, 1 40 Platanus Orientalis Oriental Plane 1 50 P pu ; ns auriplit Abele, Snowy Mapleleaved 1 50 Populus balsamifera Poplar, Balsam, or Tacmahac 1 50 Populus fastigiata Poplar, Lombardy 1 50 Populus treraula Poplar, European Aspen 1 50 Pyrus Americana Mountain Ash, American 2 50 Pyrus aucuparia Mountain Ash, European 2 50 Pyrus fructu aurea Mountain Ash, Golden fruited 2 50 Pyrus Domestica Service Tree, or Sorb 2 50 Quercus Cerris Oak, Turkey 2 50 L6 OR NAME N T A L S 11 B D 15 S Botanical Name. Common Name. Clas; Quercus Californica Oak, Californian Colossal 1 Quercus Lucombeana Oak, Luconibe's , 3 Quercus macrocarpa Oak, Mossy cup 1 Quercus pbcllos < >ak, Willowleaved 1 Quercus robur Oak, English Royal 1 Khus cotinus Purple Fringe, or Smoke tree 3 Robinia pseudacacia Yellow Locust 1 Kobinia viscosa Acacia, Blush flowering 3 Robinia spectabilis Acacia, White do 2 Salisburia adiantifolia Japan Gingko tree, splendid, with very unique foliage, and of rapid growth 1 Ditto, Extra Large, 4 to 12 feet Salix alba Willow, White or Huntingdon SaHx argentea Willow, Californian Silvery Salix Sacramentis Willow, Californian Broadleaved X. B. — For other Willows, see Osiers. Sophora japonica Sophora, Japan Taxodium distichum Cypress, American, beautiful foliage. Tilia Americana. Linden, American Basswood Tilia Argentea Linden, Silvery -leaved Tilia aurea Linden, Golden twigged , Tilia macrophylla Linden, Umbrella-leaved Tilia platypbyila Linden, European Tilia rubra Linden, Red -twigged Ulmus Americana Kim, American Weeping 1 "Imus campestris Elm, English pyramid Ulmus ful va Elm, Red, or Slippery Ulmus montana Elm, Scotch, or Wych Ulmus suberosa Elm, Dutch Cork -barked Virgilia lutea Yellow-wooded Virgilia 2 00 1 00 50 50 50 50 25 50 To 1 00 2 to 10 00 38 1 00 1 00 50 50 40 75 to 1 00 ',[5 oOtol ou 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 1 00 WEEPING TREES OF FAIR SIZE. Ash, Weeping European $0 75 Larch, Pendulous $2 00 Aspen, "Weeping 1 00 Linden, Silvery Weeping 1 50 Beech, Weeping 1 50 Mountain Ash, Weeping 1 00 Birch, Weeping 1 00 Peach, Weeping 60 Sherry, Weeping, one of the most i Pear, Weeping. 15 beautiful 75 to $2 Sophora, Weeping 2 00 Cypress, Weeping $1 50 Willow, Weeping green 50 Cytisus, Weeping, 2 species 1 00 , Weeping Ring leaved 75 Elm, Weeping .* 1 00 —, Kilmarnock Weeping 1 00 Larch, Scotch Drooping, best 1 50 ! Robinia, Weeping 1 00 DECIDUOUS ORNAMENTAL SHRUBS. The following comprises a Select Assortment of the most beautiful and estimable species. The inferior species are omitted. X. B. — Extra large Shrubs of most of the kinds can be supplied at proportionate prices. Acacia Julibrissin Sensitive tree Althea frutex (See flibixcus.) Amelanchier botryapium Mespilus. Snowy flowered. Amelanchier arbutifolia Mespilus, Scarlet-berried . . . Price. 40 to 15 ORNAMENTAL B H B U B S. IT M'>l..i ;il S;inw ('i)mtnon Ni Amorpha fruticosa Indigo Shrub 25 Amorpha oanescens [ndigo Shrub, Hoary 25 Amygdalus Almond, Flowering. (Sec page 7.) Andromeda calyculata Andromeda, various leaved 50 Andromeda paniculata Andromeda, panicled 1 oo Andromeda raceinosa Andromeda, Racemed 1 to 5 oo Azalea nudiflora.* Azalea, Pink colored BO Azalea viscosa Azalea, White fragrant BO Azalea Oalifornica Azalea, Californian 2 00 Azalea aurantiaca Azalea, Orange-colored 100 Azalea Belgica Azalea, Belgic, splendid varieties 75 to 1 0(t Azalea Pontica Azalea, Pontic Yellow 60 Azalea do Azalea, Pontic, 6 fine varieties 75 Baccharis halimifolia Snow-drift tree 50 Berberis nepalensis Berberry, Nepal 25 Berberis purpurea Berberry, purple foliage 50 Berberis waLlichiana Berberry, Wallich's 25 N. B. — See other Species, among Fruits and Evergreen Shrubs. Borya ligustrina Borya, Privet leaved 60 Buddlea Lindleyana .Buddlea, Lindley's 25 Callicarpa japonica Oallicarpa, Japan 50 Calycanthus laevigatas Sweet-scented Shrub, purple 25 to 50 Cal yean thus floridus Sweet-scented shrub, Downy-leaved Red 25 Calycanthus Glaucus Glaucous-leaved Red 25 Calycanthus pennsylvanicus , Pennsylvanian Purple 38 Calycanthus praecox Earliest Flower of Spring 25 to 50 Calycanthus semperflorens Frequent flowering 75 Calycanthus viridiflorus Green Flowering. . 1 00 Calycanthus macrophyllus Californian large, twice blooming 50 Caragana arborescens Siberian Pea tree 50 Caragana chamlagu Caragana, Chinese SO Caragana grandiflora Caragana, Great Flowered 25 Ceanothus Americanus New Jersey tea 25 Cephalanthus occidentalis White Globe flower 25 Cercis japonica Judas tree, Japan, splendid 1 00 to 2 00 Cercis variegata Judas tree, variegated leaved 2 00 Chimonanthus fragrans Japan Alspice BOc. to 1 00 Clerodendron Bungeana Clerodendron, Chinese, beautiful, new Clerodendron Kempferii Clerodendron, Japan, beautiful, new. . . Clethra alnifolia, Clethra, Fragrant Clethra acuminata Clethra, Acuminate leaved Colutea arborescens Bladder Senna, Yellow Colutea cruenta Bladder Senna, Oriental Red Corchorus, see Kerria » Coriaria myrtifolia Coriaria, Myrtle leaved, beautiful foliage Cornus sanguinea Dogwood, Red twig Cornus stricta, variegata Dogwood, Silver-striped Cornus mascula Cornelian Cherry, Scarlet Cornus fructu lutea Cornelian Cherry, Golden CoroniUa emerus Scorpion Senna Cotoneaster acuminata Cotoneaster, Acuminate Cotoneaster affinis Cotoneaster, Affinite Crataegus oxycantha Hawthorn, English Crataegus, alba pleno Hawthorn, Double white ♦ Crataegus, rubra pleno Hawthorn, Double crimson The two above are most beautiful. No garden should be without them. Crataegus, monogyna rosea Hawthorn, Fink Crataegus, punicea Hawthorn, Crimson Crataegus, variegata Hawthorn, Variegated leaved Cydonia (Pyrus) Japonica Quince, Japan scarlet flowering. . . Cydonia alba Quince, Japan white or blush Cydonia umbicillata rosea Quince, Japan roseate, many fruit . Cydonia atrosanguinea. Quince, Japan crimson 1 00 ] 00 25 25 25 38 25 25 50 50 50 25 50 50 50 50 to 75 75 50 to 75 50 to 75 75 38 to 50 50 1 00 1 CO 18 ORNAMENTAL SHRUBS Botanical Name. Common Name. Cydonia aurantiaca Quince, Japan orange Cydonia rubra pleno Quince, Japan Double scarlet Cytisus capitatua .Cytisus, Cluster flowered Cytisus sessilifolius Cytisus, Sessile leaved Cytisus scoparius Scotch Broom Daphne mesereum Mezereon, Pink. % Daphne cneorum Mezereon, fragrant Deutzia corynibosa Deutzia, Corymbose Deutzia canescens. Deutzia, Hoary-leaved Deutzia crenata Deutzia, Crenate-leaved Deutzia virgata Deutzia, Twiggy Deutzia gracilis Deutzia, Graceful, neat Deutzia scabra Deutzia, Scabrous, beautiful Diervilla lutea .Honeysuckle, Acadian Dirca palustris Leatherwood Eleagnus Japonicus Japan Oleaster Euonymus Americanus Strawberry Tree, American Red. . . . Euonymus atropurpureus Strawberry Tree, Crimson fruited Euonymus Europeus Strawberry Tree, European Scarlet Euonymus ardens Strawberry Tree, Bright Scarlet Euonymus fructu albo Strawberry Tree, White fruited Euonymus atrorubens Strawberry Tree, Deep Red fruited Euonymus pallidua Strawberry Tree, Pink fruited Euonymus purpureus Strawberry Tree, Purple fruited Euonymus nanus Strawberry Tree, Dwarf, Red fruit Euonymus latifolius Strawberry Tree,Broad-leaved,large fruit Euonymus hamiltonius Strawberry Tree, Deep Crimson Euonymus linifolius Flax-leaved Euonymus sarmentosus .*. . . .Strawberry Tree, Dwarf trailing Euonymus verrucosus Strawberry Tree, Warted barked Euonymus pendula Strawberry Tre«, Weeping Porsythia viridissima Japan Golden Bell, or Trinket flower. . Forsythia suspensa Forsythia, Drooping Yellow. . . . , Fothergilla alnifolia Fothergilla, Fragrant Genista tiuctoria Broom, Dyer's Genista fore pleno Broom, Double Dyer's. Gordoiiia pobescens Frankiinia Halesia tetraptera Silver Bell, or Snowdrop Tree Helesia grandiflora Silver Bell, Great flowered Halesia parviflora Silver Bell, Small flowered Halesia rosea Silver Bell, Rose tinted Halesia diptcra Silver Bell, Two winged Helianthemum appeninum Helianthemum, Appeuine Hibiscus svriacus Althea frutex, or Roue of Sharon. . . Hibiscus, bi'color Althea frutex, Single \Vhite,crims.centre Hibiscus'«Z6us Althea frutex, Single, pure white NOTE. — The following are all double Flowering. Hibiscus albo pleno Althea frutex, White Hibiscus niveo pleno Althea frutex, Snowy white Hibiscus rubro pleno Althea frutex, Red Hibiscus ardens Althea frutex, Bright red Hibiscus rosea Althea frutex, Roseate Hibiscus ceruleseens.. „ Althea frutex, Blue Hibiscus ceruleo-compacta Althea frutex, Blue Anemone Hibiscus bicolor Althea frutex, Pleasant-eyed Hibiscus albo-varieg Althea frutex, White striped Hibiscus rosea-varieg Althea frutex, Roseate striped Hibiscus speciosa Althea frutex, Carnation striped Hibiscus atrorubens Althea frutex, Crimson shaded Hibiscus ceruleo purpureo. Althea frutex, Bluish purple nibiscus picta Althea frutex, Semi-double Painted Lady Hibiscus rubro fol. aureis Double red, gold striped leaves Hibiscus folio variegato Althea frutex, Variegated leaved If, B. — The above, with only four exceptions, will withstand the Northern 1 50 75 25 35 25 to 50 25 50 to 1 00 50 35 25 to 50 BO 25 25 35 40 25 25 38 25 50 50 75 76 75 38 25 to 50 1 00 25 to 50 50 50 ] 00 25 50 50 40 50 1 00 25 to 50 1 00 50 1 00 1 00 50 25 38 25 to 50 50 25 to 50 38 50 38 50 38 35 50 50 75 50 30 75 50 winters. ORNAMENTAL SHRUBS. 19 Botanical Name. Common Nam.'. Trice. Hippophae argentea Missouri Silver Leaf. 75 Hippophae rhamnoides Sec Buckthoria 38 Hydrangea arborescens Bydrangea, W 1 > i i « • 38 Hydrangea hortensis Bydrangea, Blue and Pfnk 25 Hydrangea variegatq Hydrangea, Striped leaved 50 Hydrangea japonica Hydiangea, Japan blue 30 Hydrangea quercifolia Bydrangea, < lak-leaved 50 Hydrangea radiata Hydrangea, Ray flowered 26 Hypericum Kalimantan St. John's wort, Kalmi's 26 Ilex prinoides Deciduous Holly 75 Itea virginica Virginian [tea 25 Indigofera decora Indigo, JirUiiant r >(i Indigofera dosua Indigo, Dosua . . . 1 oo Jasminum fruticans Jasmin, Large leaved yellow 35 Jasminum humile Jasmin, Italian small-leaved 35 Kerria, or Corchorus Ccrchorus, Yellow 20 Lagerstrcemia indica Crape Myrtle, Pink 50 Lagerstroemia purpurea Crape Myrtle Purple 50 Lagerstroernia corallina Crape Myrtle, Splendid Coral 150 JLigustrum italicum Privet, Italian, sub-evergreen 25 Ligustrum variegatum Privet, Striped-leaved 38 Ligustrum japonicum Privet, Japan LaureHeaved 50 Lycium Carolinianum Lycium, Carolina 1 00 Lonicera alpigena Upright Honeysuckle 25 Lonicera alpina Alpine black -berried 50 Lonicera caucasia Oriental, or Caucasian white 50 Lonicera cerulea Blue-berried 38 Lonicera Ledebourii Californian yellow & red, very peculiar. 25 Lonicera occidentale Occidental 60 Lonicera Sibirica lutea Siberian yellow, very beautiful 75 Lonicera tartarica Tartarian, early red 25 Lonicera albiflora Tartarian early white 25 Lonicera grandifiora Tartarian bright red, va'gated, splendid. 50 Lonicera solonis American yellow 50 Lonicera Xylosteum. English Ply 25 Magnolia gracilis Magnolia, Japan purple, twice flovver- 1 00 Magnolia obovata Magnolia, Chinese purple and white blooms twice 75 Magnolia Thompsoniana Magnolia, Thompson's large white 2 to 3 00 Pceonia arborea, see Tree Pceonies, under distinct head. Pavia macrostachya Chestnut, Dwarf white 50 Pavia JJorepleno Chestnut, Double flowering Dwarf. .... 2 00 Philadelpnus coronarius Syringa, European fragrant 25 Philadelphia multiplex Syringa, Double flowered 35 to ' 50 Philadelphus Gordonianus Syringa, Gordon's Oregon *. 25 to 38 Philadelphus grandiflorus Syringa, Garland, large flowers 25 Philadelphus gracilis Syringa, slender branched 38 Philadelphus nana Syringa, Dwarf 25 Philadelphus Sartmanianus Syringa, Japan, new 50 Philadelphus inodorus Syringa, Scentless 25 PotentiUa fruticosa Cinquefoil, Shrubby 25 Potentilla floribunda Cinquefoil, Profuse flowered 50 Prinoa verticillatos Winterberry, Scarlet 25 Primus nigra, pleno Sloe, Double flowering 50 Ptelia trifoliata Hop Tree 35 Pyrus Japonica, see Cyd'.nia Rhamnus catharticus Buckthorn, Purging 25 Rhamnus Carolinus Buckthorn, Carolina, beautiful 1 00 Ribes alpinum Currant, Alpine, scarlet fruited 50 Ribes aureum Currant, Golden 25 Ribes Gordonianum Currant, Gordon's orange and scarlet. . . 25 Ribes sanguineum Currant, Scarlet flowering 25 20 ORNAMENTAL SHRUBS. Botanical Xamo. Common Xame. Price . IVibes fore pleno Currant, Double flowering 1 00 Kilos tonuifolium Currant, Yellow fruited 50 X. B. — For other Species, see " Currants." Robinia hispida Acacia, Rose 26 Rdbinia macrophyUa Acacia, Weeping rose 50 Rubus cuneifolius Bramble, Cuneiform 50 Rubus nootkanus Raspberry, Snowy 50 Rabus odoratus Raspbeny, Purple flowered ' lt> Rubus rosaefolius Raspberry, Chinese Double white 38 Rubus spectabilis Raspberry, Showy purple 50 N. B. — For other Species, see Vines and Creepers. Salix, see Osiers Willow, see Osiers. Sambucus lasciniatus Elder, Cut-leaved 25 Sambucus nigra Elder, Black 25 Shepherdia argentea Shepherdia, Silvery 50 Spartium, see Cytisus and Genista. Spiraea amssna Spiraea, Select cluster, white 50 Spiraea arisefolia vel sinensis Sph-aa, Aria-leaved white 50 Spiraea argentea Spiraea, Silvery-leaved 88 Spiraea bella Spiraea, Chinese dwarf, pink 30 Spiraa Billardieri Spiraa, Billard's bright rosy 1 00 Spiraea callosa vel Fortunei Spiraea, Chinese pink panicled 30 to 50 Spiraa candicans Spiraa, Hoary 50 Spiraea cnanKedrifolia Spiraa, White Germander 25 Spiraa corymbosa Spiraa, Corymbose white 20 Spiraa crenata Spiraa, White crenate-leaved 25 Spiraa daurica Spiraa, Daurian 50 Spiraa Douglassii Spiraa, Douglass' fine red 25 to 38 Spiraea eximia Spiraa, California pink, beautiful 75 Spiraa flexuosa Spiraa, Flexile 50 Spiraa Hookerii Spiraa, Hooker's new 1 00 Spiraa hypericifolia Spiraa, Hypericum-leaved 25 Spiraa laevigata Spiraa, Siberian dwarf white 50 Spiraea Lindleyana Spiraa, Lindley's white 25 Spiraa nikandertii Spiraa, Nikandert's white wreath 50 Spiraa oblongifolia Spiraa, Long-leaved 60 Spiraa opulifolia Spiraa, Guelder Rose 25 Spiraa fol. luteis Spiraa, Guelder Rose, yellow leaves. . . 50 Spiraa ovata Spiraa, Californian white 50 Spiraa paniculate alba Spiraa, White, panicled 25 Spiraea paniculate rosea Spiraa, Rose-panicled 25 Spiraa prunifolia pleno Spiraa, Japan double white 25 Spiraea Keevesiana Spiraea, Reeve's Chinese white, beautiful 25 Spiraa Reevesiana pleno Spiraa, Reeve's Chinese double white. . 25 to 38 Spiraea salicifolia alba Spiraa, Willow-leaved white 25 Spiraa salicifolia rosea Spiraa, Wil. l'ved, deep pink, dense spike 25 Spiraea salicifolia incarnata Spiraa, Blush pink 25 Spiraea sorbifolia .* Spiraa, Sorb-leaved cluster 25 Spiraea tomentosa Spiraa, Downy red spiked v . . 20 Spiraea trilobate Spiraa, Three-lobe leaved BO Spiraea ulmifolia Spiraea, Fhn-leaved white 20 Spiraea vaccinifolia Spiraa, Vaccinium-leaved 50 Staphylea trifolia Bladdernut, Trinket flower 80 Staphylea pinnate Bladdernut, Pinnated - 50 Stuartia malacodendron Stewartia, Virginian 2 00 Stuartia pentegynia Stewartia, Maryland 75 Symphoria racemosa Snowberry 20 Symphoria glauca Snowberry, Dwarf 50 imerata Indian Currant 20 ria variegate Indian Currant, Variegated Syringa vulgaris ceruleo Lilac, Purple or blue Syringa •purpurea pleno Lilac, Double purple S\ ringa rvbro Lilac, Marly Hybrid, or Purple 25 Syringa alio Lilac, Large white 25 to 50 Syringa Oaroli A Lilac, Charles X., fine large purple. ... 50 25 1 00 ORNAMENTAL SHRUBS. 21 Botanical Name. Common Name. I'rice Syringa grand tflora Lilac, Large purple 25 Syringa Persica Lilac, Persian purple 25 to 38 Syringa albo-ccrulco vel bicolor Lilac, Persian Mush white, or Bicolor. . 50 Syringa lasciniata Lilac, Persian cut-leaved 50 Syringa Chinensis Lilac, Ofaineae bluish purple 25 Syringa Emodii Lilac, Nepal 50 Tamarix gallica Tamarisk, French 25 Tamarix germanica Tamarisk, German 25 Tamarix Africana Tamarisk, Algiers Red flowering 25 Tamarix indica Tamarisk, India, Red flowering 50 Viburnum opulus Snowball 25 to 50 Viburnum lantana Wayfaring tree 25 Viburnum oxycoccus Cranberry tree 25 Viburnum prunifolium Viburnum, Snowy cluster 25 Weigela rosea Weigela, Chinese rosy 25 Weigela amabilis, or Corseensis Weigela, Chinese pink, twice flowering. 25 Weigela splendens Weigela, Japan pale yellow 75 Weigela lutea Weigela, Acadian yellow 50 Weigela Middendorfiana Weigela, Middendorf 's splendid 1 00 Weigela variegata Weigela, Variegated 1 00 Xanthorhiza apiifolia Xanthorhiza, Parsley-leaved 25 Xylofiteum — see Loniccra. VINES AND CEBBPEES. Ampelopsis hederacea Virginia Creeper 25 Ampelopsis bipinnata Bipinnate-leaved Creeper, delicate foliage 50 Ampelopsis Roylei Royle's Creeper 75 Ampelopsis tricolor Tricolor-leaved, beautiful, curious 50 Apios (Glycine) tuberosa Purple Cluster Glycine (Herbaceous). . . 25 Aristolochia sipho Dutchman's Pipe vine 50 Aristolochia tomentosa (pubescens). . . Downy-leaved Pipe vine 50 Asclepias nigra SwaUowwort, Black-flowered (Her- baceous) 38 Atragene alpina Atragene, Alpine pale blue 1 00 Atragene Americana , Atragene, American deep blue 50 Berchemia vcl zizyphus volubilis. . .Berchemia, Twining, beautiful 1 00 Bignonia radicans Trumpet-flower, Scarlet 20 Bignonia coccinea vel prcecox Trumpet-flower, Red 30 Bignonia flava speciosa Trumpet-flower, Golden or Superb scar- let 50 Bignonia grandiflora Trumpet-flower, Chinese large Orange- colored 25 to 50 Bignonia atrosanguinea vel -purpurea. Trumpet-flower, Chinese deep crimson . 50 Bignonia aurantia ' Prince's Orange-colored hybrid 75 Bignonia Princei Trumpet-flower, Prince's deep Scarlet Hybrid 75 Bignonia alba Trumpet-flower, White-flowering 75 Brachybotria rosea Glycine, Pale violet 1 00 Celastrus scandens Bittersweet, American 20 Calystegia pubescens Convolvulus, Rose and white striped. 50 Calystegia pubescens pleno Convolvulus, Double Pink 25 Clematis Azurea grandiflora Virgin's Bower, Japan large blue 50 Clematis campaniflora Virgin's Bower, White bell-flowered. . . 50 Clematis cerulea odorata .Virgin's Bower, Japan fragrant blue. . . 1 00 Clematis flammula Virgin's Bower, Vanilla-scented Ever- green, very vigorous, exquisite odor. 25 to 50 ^Clematis Hartwegi, vel Ancmajflora Virgin's Bower, California large white, . 50 *Clematis Hcndersoni Virgin's Bower, Henderson's large red. 50 *Clematis Sieboltii bicolor Virgin's Bower, Siebolt's Japan bicolor. 75 *Clematis viorna Virgin's Bower, Reflexed red 25 *Clematis Viriniana .Virgin's Bower, Virginian white 25 -Clematis vitalba Virgin's Bower, Traveller's Joy 38 *Clematis viticella Virgin's Bower, Purple 30 I 22 ORNAMENTAL SHEUES. Botanical Name. Common Name. Price. *Cleniatis atrorubens Virgin's Bower, Dark red 50 *Clematis cerulca Virgin's Bower, Blue 50 *Clematis pulchella Virgin's Bower, Bright pink 50 *Clematis rubra Virgin's Bower, Reel flowered SO The two following species are not Climbers. Clematis erecta Alpine Upright White 25 Clematis integrifolia Hungarian Upright Blue '25 Cocculus Carolinus Carolinian Cocculus 75 Dioscorea Batatas. Chinese Potato ' 50 Echites difformis Statutes, Twining 50 Convolvulus panduratus Convolvulus, large white (herbaceous) 50 Convolvulus /fore pleno Convolvulus, Double white " 15 Convolvulus Europcus albus Convolvulus, European white " . 50 Convolvulus dahuriea Convolvulus dahuriau, " . 50 Glycine. (See "Wistaria.) Gonolobium laeve Twining Gonolobium, (herbaceous). ... 38 Hedera. (See Evergreen Climbers.) Ivy. Humulus lupulus Hop vine 20 Jasminum officinale Jasmine, White flowering Officinal. . . . 20 Ditto, larger size 50 Kadsura Japonica Kadsura, Japan yellow. . ." 50 Kadsura reticulata Kadsura, Netted 1 50 Lonicera, as follows Honeysuckle. Caprifolium rubrum Early blush Italian 25 Caprifolium album Early white Italian 50 Caprifolium sempervirens Italian Evergreen 50 Periclymenum English Woodbine 25 Periclymcnum quern t'oliuin Oak leaved white 50 Canadensis Canada straw-colored 25 Glauca Glaucous leaved. 1~> Belgicum Striped monthly. 35 Flavuin Yellowish Woodbine 50 Etrusca Etruscan, or Tuscany 50 Bouglassii, blooms in June Douglass' straw-colored, ovate-leaved. . 50 Sempervirens Scarlet trumpet monthly 25 Brownii Superb bright scarlet 35 Flava, vel Fraseri Yellow trumpet monthly 35 Parvitiora Small dark yellow 30 Pubescens Pubescent orange-colored 35 Flexuosa vel sinensis Chinese Evergreen monthly, fragrant. . 35 Japonica, Villossissima alba Japan Evergreen, pure white flowers.. . 50 Fragrantissima Chinese Fragrant, new 1 00 Magnevillei Magneville's Chin'se white, blooms Ap'l . 50 Romana Roman 50 Splendida vel splendens Brilliant Scarlet i 30 to 50 Villossissima Velvet Tuscan, white 38 Fortunei Fortune's Chinese 1 00 Lycium barbatum Box Thorn or Blue Jessamine 20 Lycium Europeum Box Thorn, European scarlet berried. . 50 MandevHlei suaveoleors Fragrant 50 Menispernum Canadense Moonseed, Canadian 38 to 50 Passiflora incarnata Passion flower, hardy blush 38 Passiflora incarnata alba Passion flower, white. 50 Passiflora palmata Passion flower, Purple palmate 50 Passiflora cerulca , Passion flower, Blue flowered 35 Periploca graeca Grecian silk vine 20 to 38 Rosa (see Special Catalogue.) Snulax, tamnoides Smilax, Carolina 38 Smilax peduncularis Smilax, Peduncled 38 Vinoa, see Evergreen Climbers. Vitis odoratissima Grape, Mignonette scented 50 For other Grapes, see Special Catalogue of Grapes. Wistaiia frutescens (Glycine). Wistaria, American purple 30 OSIER — 11ASKET WILLOW.' 23 Botanical Name, Common Jfame. Wistaria frutescens nivca Wistaria, Am. Snow-white, twice flow'ug Wistaria magnifica Wistaria, Magnificent American Wistaria floribunda vel pnrpurascens. . Wistaria, Large spiked cerulean, beau- tiful, blooms twice, most vigorous. . Wistaria sinensis Wistaria, Chinese large blue Ditto, largest si/.e Wistaria sinensis alba Wistaria, ( "liinese large white Wistaria brachypoda Wistaria, liraehvpoda Wistaria violacea Wistaria, Violet col'd, blooms twice. . . Wistaria brachybotria rosea Wistaria, Pale violet, blooms twice Pr ice. 1 50 *75 1 00 40 to 50 1 (id 1 00 1 bo 1 00 EVERGREEN CLIMBERS. Akebia quiuata Chinese, shining leaves, neat flowers. . . 50 Bignonia crucigera (capreolata) Orange-colored Trumpet-flower 3 5to 50 Dioclea glycinoides Scarlet Dioclea, (like Glycine) 1 00 Gelseminum nitidum. Jasmine, Carolina J-ellow 25 to 38 Hedera helix Ivy, European Evergreen 25 'Hedera variegata argentea Ivy, Variegated-leaved 50 Hedera Hibernica vel Canariensis. . . .Ivy, Irish, large foliage 25 to 35 Hedera Hibernica striata Ivy, striped-leaved Irish 50 Hedera arborescens Ivy, Tree or shrubby 50 Jasminum fruticans Jasmine, broad-leaved yellow, 25 to 35 Jasminum pubigerum (Wallichianum) Jasmine, Nepal yellow 25 to 50 Jasminum humile Jasmin, Italian small-leaved 35 Jasminum revolution Jasmine, Revolute, large yellow 35 Lonicera flexuosa Honeysuckle, Chinese fragrant blush. 35 Lonicera Japonica alba. Honeysuckle, Japan white 50 Rubus lasciniatus Parsley-leaved Blackberry 50 Rubus inermis Bramble, Thornless 50 Rubus fruticosus plena Bramble, Double White 38 Rubus bellediflorus plena Bramble, Double pink daisy -flowered, . . 50 Ruscus racemosus ".Classic Laurel 1 00 Ryncospermum Jasminoides Jasmine-leaved Ryncospermum 50 Smilax tamnoides Smilax, Carolina, 50 Stauntonia latifolia. Stauntonia, Broad-leaved, rapid growth 50 to 75 Vinca minor Periwinkle, or Running Myrtle, blue »S Vinca cerulea plena Periwinkle, Double blue 50 Vinca albiflora /Periwinkle, White-flowered 25 Vinca punicea Periwinkle, Purple-flowering 38 Vinca punicea plena Periwinkle, Double purple 5C Vinca cerulea variegata Periwinkle, Gold-striped, blue flowers. . 25 Vinca variegata, alba. Periwinkle, Gold-striped, white flowers 50 Vinca major Periwinkle, Broad-leaved, large flowers 50 Vinca Magnificia Splendid variegated, large leaved 1 00 N. B. The Vinca is an almost indispensable plant in cemetery lots, and will be sold at a reduced rate in quantity. Flourishes in sun or shade. OSIER-BASKET WILLOW. Plants, $2 per dozen, and $12 per 100. Scions, $1 per 100, and $4 to $5 per 1.000 ; and Salix viminalis in quantities of 25,000 or more, $2 to $2 50 per 1,000. No less than $1 worth will be supplied of any kind. N. B.— Directions for culture there- with. 24 EVERGREEN TREES. Alba, Bedford, or Fence Wil- low. Alba fsemina. Alba rnascula. Annularis. Argentina. Babylonica nigra. Beveridge, for hedge (a syn- onit)ii.) Bicolor. ( Japrea. Caprea variegata. OSIERS. Daphnoides. Decipiens. Forbvana. Helix. Helix faMnina. Holosericea. Laurifolia. Longskin (a synonym.) Nigra. Pentandria. Purpurea, (see Rubra.) Rosmarinifolia. Rubra, or Purpurea. Rubra, or Purpurea rnascula. Russeliana. Starkianum. Stipularis. Triandra fsemiaa. Triandra rnascula. Viminalis fa'mina. Viminalis mascula. Violacca. Viridis. Vitellina, or Aurea. EVERGREEN TREES. Besides those enumerated in the following list, we can supply specimens of a large number of the newest and most rare Evergreens, of which, however, our stock is still limited. The prices affixed below are for fair-sized trees,, l Of most of the varieties, however, we can furnish extra large trees for immediate ornament for Parks, Lawns or Cemeteries, at proportionate prices, thus saving several years to the purchaser. Abies Alba . Spruce, White American, a fine con- trast to dark evergeens 75 Do. 4 to 10 feet, at proportionate rates. Abies Argentea Spruce, White European, very beautiful Abies Brunoniana Spruce, Alpine Silvery Dwarf Abies Canadensis Spruce, Hemlock or weeping Do. 5 to 10 feet, at proportionate rates. Abies, Douglasii Spruce, Douglass' Californian Abies Excelsa Spruce, Norway Do. G to 15 ft., at proportionate prices. Abies Menziesii Spruce, Menzies' Oregon Abies Morinda (Smitbiana) Spruce, Himalaya Abies nigra Black or Double Abies orientalis Spruce, Oriental * A I lies rubra Spruce, Red or Double Araucaria Imbricate Chili Pine Araucaria Lanceolata Chinese lance-leaved pine Biotia. See Thuya. Cedrus Africanus viridis Cedar, African green, beautiful, most hardy, rapid growth 2 00 Do., extra size, 3 to 12 ft., $1 per ft. Cedrus Deodara Cedar, Deodar Silverv foliage (75 cents afoot) ". 1 00 Cedrus Deodara robusta Cedar, Robust Deodar • J 00 Cedrus Libani Cedar of Lebanon ($1 foot), . : 4 2 00 Cedrus Libani argentea Mount Atlas Silvery Cedar ($1 foot). . . 2 00 Cephalotaxua Fortunei Fortune's Chinese Yew 50 to 2 00 Cerasus Caroliuiana Wild Orange (tender) 50 to 75 Cryptomeria Japonica (50 cts. per ft)Japan Weeping Cypress, very graceful . 50 to 1 00 Cunninghamia sinensis . < 'hiness lanceolate Cunninghamia 2 00 Cupreasus Ericoides Cypress, Death-leaved 50 to 1 00 < hipreasua Funebris Cypress, Chinese funebral 50 to 1 50 Cupressufl Thuysefolia Cypress, Thuya-leaved 1 00 Cupressus Lawsoniana Cypress, Lawson's Californian 1 00 CupresBua Pyramidalis Cypress, Pyramidal, beautiful 50 to 1 00 Cupressus Thuyoides ' American white cedar 50 Cupressus Thuyoides variegata Gold variegated cedar 3 00 Ilex Opaca American Holly 50 1 00 2 00 50 1 50 to 2 00 50 2 00 75 50 1 00 50 2 00 2 to 5 00 EVERGREEN TREES. 25 Botanical Narao. Common Name. Price. Juniperus Communis Jumper, English 50 Juniperus Communis pcndula Juniper, Weeping English 60 Juniperus Cracovia. Juniper, Cracow dark green 50 Juniperus Echinoformis Juniper, Echinoform 75 Juniperus Ilibernica Juniper, Irish spiral, beautiful, exceed- ingly hardy 75 Ditto, 6 to 8 feet, 50 cts. per foot. Juniperus Prostrata Juniper, Trailing 75 Juniperus Sabina European Savin 50 Juniperus Sabina variegata Variegated Savin, beautiful 75 Juniperus Squamata Juniper, Scaly, 50 Juniperus Suecica Juniper, Swedish, beautiful, hardy. ... 75 Juniperus Tamariscifolia Juniper, Tamarisk-leaved Savin 75 Juniperus* Virginiana Juniper, Red Cedar 25 Libocedrus Libocedrus 2 00 Magnolia grandiflora Great flowered Magnolia 50 to 2 00 Picea Balsamea Balsam Fir 50 Picea Cephalonica Cephaloniaff Fir 1 to 2 00 Picea Nordmaniana Fir, or Spruce, Nordman's 4 00 Picea Pectinata Fir, or Spruce, European Silver 76 Picea Pichta — Sibirica Fir, or Spruce, Siberian 2 00 Picea Pinsapo Fir, or Spruce, Mount Atlas 1 50 to 2 00 Picea Webbiana (Spectabilis) Fir, or Spruce, Nepal purple-coned. ... 2 00 Pinus Austriaca Pine, Austrian Black 50 Pinus Benthamiana Pine, Bentham's Californian, splendid.. 75 Tinus Calabriensis Pine, Calabrian, splendid 1 to 2 00 Pinus Cembra Pine, Siberian Cembran, grows slow. . . 1 00 Pinus Excelsa Pine, Bhotan Lofty.*. 1 to 2 00 Pinus Laricio .« Pine, Corsican 75 Pinus Mitis Pine, American yellow 50 Pinus Mughus, or Pumilio Pine, Dwarf Mountain 75 Pinus Pineaster Pine, Cluster coned 75 to 1 00 Pinus Strobus Pine, White or Weymouth 50 Pinus Sylvestris Pine, Scotch pine or fir 50 Podocarpus Japonica Japan Yew 1 50 Podocarpus Macrophylla Japan Yew, Large-leaved 1 00 Retinospora ericoides Retinospora, Heath-leaved 50 to 1 00 Taxodium Horsfalliae Yew-leaved Cypress, Horsfall's 2 00 Taxodium Sempervirens Californian red wood 50 to 1 00 larger size $2. Taxus adpressa Yew, Japan dark green 1 00 Taxus Baccata Yew, English, 3 to 6 feet, $1 per foot. 60 to 75 Taxus Dovastonii pendula Yew, Weeping 1 00 Taxus Elegantissima Yew, Gold striped 1 00 Taxus Erecta, or Stricta Yew, Erect. 1 00 Taxus Ericoides Yew, Heath-leaved. 1 00 Taxus Hibernica fastigiata Yew, Irish spiral, 2 to 4 feet, $1 per ft. 50 to 76 N. B. The darkness of its foliage and its slow growth render this the most valuable of all evergreens for cemeteries. Thuya Aurea Arbor Vitae, Gold-tipped, beautiful. ... 75 to 1 00 Thuya Hybrida Arbor Vitae, Hybrid 100 Thuya Nepalensis — Tartarica Arbor Vitae, Nepal, or Tartarian 60 to 75 Thuya Occidentalis Arbor Vitae, American 50 Ditto, extra large and fine, 5 to 10 ft. $1 to $3. Thuya Orientalis Arbor Vitae, Chinese 50 Thuya Pendula filiformis Arbor Vitae, Weeping-thready. . , 1 00 Thuya Plicata Arbor Vitae, Plaited-leaved 75 Thuya Sibirica Arbor Vitae, Siberian compact, hardy. . 75 Ditto, 4 to 7 feet 1 to 2 50 Torreya Nucifera Torreya, Nut-bearing 2 00 Torreya Taxifolia Torreya, Yew-leaved 1 00 Washingtonia, or Sequoia Gigantea . Great California tree 2 00 £6 EVERGREEN SHRUBS. EVERGREEN SHRUBS, N. B. — Extra large Shrubs can be supplied of many kinds, at proportionate rates. jVote. — Those which require to be protected in this latitude during the winter, by a covering of.straw, are designated by an asterisk *. Botanical Name. Common Name. Prica* Andromeda Axillaris major Andromeda, Axillary flowered.... &1 00 Andromeda Floribunda Andromeda, Profuse flowered 1 00 ♦Arbutus unedo Evergreen Strawberry Tree 75 Ardisia Japonica, or Serrulata, hardy Ardisia, Japan ' 40 Aucuba Japonica Japan Gold-dust tree (larger $1 to $1 50). 50 Berberis Aruacensis Berberry, Aruacensis B 00 Berberis Dulcis Sweet-fruited Berberry 30 Buxus Angustifolia TreefSox, Narrow-leaved 50 to 1 00 Buxus Latifolia Tree Box, Broad-leaved 60 to 1 00 Buxus Myrtifolia Tree Box, Myrtle-leaved 1 00 Buxus Argentea variegata Tree Box, Silver-striped 50 to 1 00 Buxus Aurea marginata Tree Box, Gold-edged 1 00 N. B. — Plants of the 5 above varieties, 2 to 6 feet, $1 to $8. Buxus Balearica Tree Box, Minorca 1 00 Buxus Glauca Tree Box, Glaucous leaved 50 Buxus Thymifolia Tree Box, Thyme-leaved 75 Buxus Suffruticosa .' . . . Dwarf Box, for borders. See page 25 Cerasus Laurocera3ua. English Laurel, w 50 Cerasus Lusitanica Portugal Laurel 50- *Cleyera Japonica Japan Cleycra 1 50 Ootoneaster Buxifolia Cotoneaster. Box-leaved 50 Cotoneaster Rotundifolia Cotoneaster, Round-leaved 50 Cotoneaster Microphylla and others. .Small-leaved Cotoneaster 50 Crataegus Pyracantha Fiery Thorn 50 *Daphne Indica Daphne, Chinese fragrant 50 *Daphne Argentea Daphne, Silver-striped, red-flowered.. 75 Daphne Cneorum Daphne, fragrant, hardy 50 to 1 00 Eleagnus Crispa Oleaster, or Wild Olive, Curl -leaved... 1 00 Eleagnus Argentea Oleaster, Silvery-leaved 50 Erica Vulgaris, &c Scotch Heather, varieties 50 Eriobotrya Japonica. Japan Medlar, splendid foliage 50 to 1 00 Euonymus Japonicus Euonymus, Japan green 25 to 35 Euonymus* Argentea Euonymus, Japan Silver-striped 25 to 35 Euonymus Aurea Euonymus, Japan Gold-striped 50 Euonymus Europeus nanus.. Euonymus, Dwarf. 50 Hedera arborescens Tree Ivy Helianthemum apeninum Helianthemum, Alpine 50 Ilex Aquifolium Holly, European 60 to 1 0q Ilex Argentea Holly, Silver-striped 1 00 Ilex Aurea Holly, Gold-striped 1 00 Ilex Balearica Holly, Minorca large leaved, beautiful. 1 00 to 1 50 Ilex, other varieties ' 75 to 3 00 *Illicium floridanum Aniseed Tree, Purple-flowered 1 00 *Illicium Japonicum Aniseed Tree, Japan Yellow 1 00 Juniperus Juniper, see Evergreen Trees 50 Kalmia latifolia Laurel, American 60 Kalmia latifolia Nivea Laurel, Snow white 2 00 Kalmia angustifolia Laurel, Narrow-leaved *Laurus regalis Laurel, Californian Bay, fragrant 1 00 *Laurus Nobilis Laurel, Sweet Bay, or Apollo's Laurel.. ?5 to 1 00 Lavendula spica Lavendar Leycesteria formosa. Showy Leycesteria 60 Ligustrum italicum (sempervirens).Privet, Evergreen 25 *Ugustrum Japonicum Privet, Chinese 60 BULBOUS FLOWERS. 27 N. B. — The following is a most beautiful and unique family of Evergreens, with profuse clusters of spring flowers. Extra size plants, $2 to $3. Botanical Name. Common Name. Price Mahonia Aquifolia Mahonia, Holly-leaved , Mahonia Diversifolia Mahonia, Diverse-leaved Mahonia Fascieularis. Mahonia, Californian Shining-leaved. . Mahonia Fortunei Mahonia, Fortune's Chinese Mahonia Intermedia Mahonia, Intermediate Mahonia Repens Mahonia, Creeping rooted Myrica cerifera Wax Myrtle, fragrant Olea fragrnns Olive, Chinese Fragrant Photinia Californica. . . „ Photinia, Californian Laurel-leaved. . Photinia dentata Photinia, Dentate-leaved Photinia Serrulata Photinia, Glossy dark leaved *Phillyrea angustifolia Phillyrea, Narrow-leaved *Phillyria Media Phillyrea, Intermediate *Pittosporum tobira Pittosporum, Chinese Fragrant *Pittosporum tobira variegata Pittosporum, Chinese striped Quercus Ilex Oak, English Evergreen Rhamnus Alaturnus Broad -leaved Alaturnus , Rhododendron Catawbiense Rose Bay,. C&tawba Rhododendron Maximum roseum Rose Bay, American , Rhododendron Pontieum Rose Bay, Pontic (varieties) Rosmarinus officinalis Rosemary Ruscus aculeatus Butcher's Broom, singular , Ruta graveolens Rue, herb Skimmia Japonica. , Japan Skimmia , Spartium scoparium Scotch Broom, (large 50 to $1) , Ulex Europeus, pleno Double Whin, or Furze *Viburnum tinus Laurustinus *Viburnum Japonicum Viburnum, Japan , *Viburnum Lucidum Viburnum, Shining-leaved , Yucca Angustifolia Adam's Needle, Narrow-leaved Yucca Filamentosa Adam's Needle, Thready-leaved Yucca Flaccida Adam's Needle, Profuse-flowered , Yucca Gloriosa Adam's Needle, Erect 35 to 60 1 00 35 to 50 1 00 1 00 50 38 38 to 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 50 50 35 40 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 25 IS 25 2 00 25 60 38 75 60 1 00 25 to 50 75 50 to 1 0q ' PEONIES. A ppecial Descriptive Catalogue is published of our unrivalled collection of this magnificent class of Flowers, comprising about 125 varieties of Tree Paeonie3, and 250 varieties of Herbaceous Pajonies. SPLENDID BULBOUS FLOWERS. Of this class of Flowers, so indispensable to every garden, in order to impart beauty in the early spring, our collection is very large. Not only do we import largely every year, but the assortment of Bulbs grown in our own gardens is very extensive. A separate special Catalogue of Bulbs (No. 9) will be sent to applicants. All choice varieties of the following species can be supplied at very low rates :— Hyacinths, Tulips, Japan and all other Lilies of 70 species and varieties, Crown Imperials, Fritillaries, Bulbocodium, Jonquils, Polyanthus Narcissus, Double and Single Narcissus, Crocus, Gladiolus, Snowdrop, Snowflake, Iris, Ornithogalum, Scilla, Allium, Ranunculus, Ane- mone, Cyclamen, Amaryllis, Ixia, Lachenalia, Zephyranthes, Oxalis, Gladiolus, Antholyza, Alstrameria, Arum, Colchicum, Brunsvigia, Calochortus, Crinum, Dens Canis, Feraria, Haemanthus, Pancratium, Tuberose, &c, &c. Select Roots of Hya- cinths and other Bulbs, suitable for winter blooming in the house, can also be supplied. 28 SEEDS, PLANTS, &C. POLYANTHUS, COWSLIP, PRIMROSE AND AURICULA. We have made this lovely Family of Flowers a speciality, and have concentrated above 150 named varieties from England, Frauce and Belgium, of which we will send a Written Catalogue of them to amateurs who may desire it. HERBACEOUS FLOWERING PLANTS. Of this class of plants our collection is very rich and extensive, and new acquisi- tions are frequent and numerous. Our present collection comprises not only all those usually found in other Catalogues, but many rare species and varieties which are not in any other American collection, all of which will be supplied at the lowest rates. The assortments of the following are very extensive : — Carnations, Picotees, Phlox, Iris, Chrysanthemum, Verbena, Hemerocallis, Double Hollyhock, Polyanthus, Primrose, Cowslip, Auricula, Daisies, Funkia, Lychnis, Pansies, Hibiscus, Ledum, &c. SUMMER FLOWERING PLANTS, FOR BEDDING AND BORDERS. A very extensive and select assortment of the most rare and beautiful species, many of which are entirely new. GREENHOUSE PLANTS. Assortments of the Camellia Japonica, Chinese Azalea, Fuchsia, Geranium, Achi- menes, Nerium, Cineraria, Myrtle, Orange, Lemon, Citron, Acacia, Calceolaria, Passi- flora, Gloxinia, Gladiolus, Amaryllis, Cactus, Erica, and of all other desirable genera, will be supplied at the lowest rates. FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREE SEEDS, ETC. Apple, Pear, Peach, Cherry, Plum, Apricot, Quince, Grape and other Fruit Seeds, can be supplied in quantities. Also Seeds of Pines, Spruces and many other Ever- green Trees, and of many Deciduous Trees and Shrubs, and Flowering Plants. We have during the past year supplied the United States Department of Agriculture with a quantity of Tree Seeds, for the use of our Ministers and Consuls abroad. Orders for any of the3e should be given, if possible, in advance of the season for obtaining them. AMERICAN SEEDS AND PLANTS FOR EUROPE. Collections of Seeds of American Forest Trees and Shrubs, and of rare and beau- tiful American Plants, will be supplied, suitable to send to Europe and other couutries. P R E V A K. ii at all times sell as low and many articles lower than they can be obtained elsewhere, of equal size and quah ty. ./ , e Eztra-Large sized Trees, which are in a bearing state, have required "'" } yea s to brin 6 l,,cm to t1 "'"- Pwaenl size, and «,v *„,./i „, can seldom be ohm;,, J els*- where, and an, worthy of the special attention of those who desire Fruit Trees for i ■ mediate VZ''1' J ' 5? n 7 man y y ears a™ gained in the planting of Orchards and Gardens. Tl, I Large sued Ornamental Trees and Shrubbery, including Large sized Evergreen are worthy She? Ground "Si** ° f %? Wh ° **» * * »^ ^eUis! their Lawns, RSSJ3 other Grounds and ma ,v of them are especially adapted to Cemeteries. None ol the Apples Xtice lewlSe? U,t Tl ' CCS ' ai '° grafted °" 1 ' i " c " s of roots ' as hafl been »consideratel>the covc^o Z\!rY J iS CU8t ° ma 7 t a, i d necessary in the western Nurseries of our State, wo w ti o " i r ol i t ^°r ds / itb ^, ppIe Tn " s and other common Fi " i,s ; but » ^■ c ° rd - a ovMth the general demands of our Correspondents, we embrace an assortment very en- :t,T eiCI " ; "\ U W £! ""gently be seen that of Ornamental Trees and Flow- ,7f v , ' l ;: , ' , '- , '. e " ns - Roaes, Climbers, Bulbous Flowers, and Herbaceous Flowering Plants somTd^r^ hl the FlushiD S Nurseries and ^■Sw2lSfi?S^ i ir i > heW aU(l risin - Statea of the Xor,h a,ld West, should shoul 1 o , r° 6 d iTl ed by presentations emanating from interested sources, but perfect ™^^ Long Island Nurseries to iheir mnn Packi »s»»* SWpping.-All trees, &c, are labelled and packed in a superior manner, in matted bales or boxes, so that it is scarcely possible that any can be in- jured j and we charge for the packing barely the actual cost. We feel assured that we Sln^, era m °l e , than ten P er cetlt - b y our superior packing, by which even the smallest articles go safely. The cost of packing an ordinary bundle is 75 cents ; those ot extra size, or quite small, in proportion. We ship the packages, or send them by railroad I ransportation Lines, or Express, precisely as ordered ; but it is to be dis- WoS >r ?° d ' tbat a^r bei "g correctly labelled and shipped by us, they are at the risk of the purchaser, and the forwarders alone are to be held responsible therefor. Per- sons ordering are requested to give explicit directions as to the route by which they Zlt «?r g ° 0, J 3 forwarded i ™« ^ the place of their residence is not a Railroad or Ex- press btation, to name the nearest Station to them, and mention some person at such btation to whom the goods can be consigned. Remittances may be made by Check or JJralt ; but if United btates Notes are sent, they should be forwarded by Express, and the Agent s receipt therefor be sent to us. F „« °r d 1 e ff !°T Tr , ees » &c.-Orders should be sent direct to us, and it is particularly requested that they be sent as early ia the season as practicable, that the greater at- tention and care may be given to their execution. It is indispensable that every order be plainly and regularly made out, naming the edition of the Catalogue selected from, and also that plain directions, stating how the packages are to be marked and forwarded, should immediately follow the order, and that these be entirely distinct from the letter It is also necessary to state in the orders for Fruit Trees, whether Standards or Dwarfs are wanted, and on what stock each kind is preferred. When any variation is allowed as to the precise kinds, by substituting others equally good or better, or when the selec- tion ot all or part of the varieties is left to us, we will exercise our judgment for the interest ot the purchaser ; and we cultivate none but the choicest varieties. If an error one" 7 0CCU1 '' W<3 deS ' re t0 be P rom P t] y notified, that it may be rectified at Specimen Trees.-Whenever specimen Trees are ordered by any Nurseryman or other person, they will be charged at tho retail prices without discount, the extra time required to make such selections being important to us, and their accuracy of vital im- portance to the purchaser. In fact, many of the New and Rare A r arieties are worth nve times the price demanded, they having been obtained with great trouble and CXp6DS6« Term«.-For all amounts less than $50, Cash with the order, or to be collected by the Express on delivery. For amounts over $50, Cash, or a suitable reference in New-York. Liberal ar- rangements will be made with Nurserymen and Tenders, who are invited to call or to address us by mail. Visitors.— Visitors are at all times welcome to our grounds, in which something of interest is to be seen at almost any season. The village of Flushing is accessible ten or more times a day, by Steamboat and Railroad, from Fulton Market and James Slip, New- York, and by carriage from Hunter's Point, opposite 34th Street. One of the fcursenes adjoins the R. R. Depot, while another is next to the Steamboat Landing, and the third and largest is about a mile from the village, in a southerly direction. ORDERS FOR EUROPE, CALIFORNIA, ETC. We annually ship large numbers of Trees, Plants, Bulbs, Seeds, «fcc, to Europe, California, Oregon and other distant parts of the world, and have such .experience in packing for long voyages that the articles arrive at their des- tination in the best of order. Persons desiring articles sent to foreign countries, therefore, need have no hesitation in ordering, as our perfect system of packing insures success. We subjoin a note received from the Director of the Prussian Garden at Potsdam, a short time since, to show the excellent condition in which our articles arrive abroad :— '• Potsdam, Ic 20 Jain, 1862. " Messieurs Prince et Cie, — "Messieurs: J'ai Vhonneur de vous annoncer, au nom de Monsieur Lenne, General Directeur des Jardins du Roi de Piusse,que les vignes expedites par vous, stmt bien arrivees a Potsdam. " M. Lenne fait vous dire les compliments les plus sincere* ; il est bien en- chante de cette riche collection — de ces beaux exemplaires, et il me fait vous dire quil ne tardera pas de vous dormer des commissions d'autres choses. * " Messieurs, fai Vhonneur de me signer, (i Voire serviteur, REUTER." TRANSLATION. '•Potsdam, June 20th, 1863. - Messrs. Prince & Co., — " Gentlemen : I have the honor to inform you, in the name of Mr. Lenne, General Director of the Gardens of the King of Prussia, that the vines for- warded by you have arrived in good order at Potsdam. ' Mr. Lenne presents to you his most sincere compliments ; he is enchanted with this rich collection, with these splendid specimens, and he desires me to say that he will not delay in sending you orders for other articles. " I have the honor, gentlemen, of subscribing myself, " Tour obedient servant, REUTER/'