UMASS/AMHERST 312066 0313 5368 7 ^^*'|fi University of Massachusetts Amherst L I B R A R ^1)0 Commontuealtt) of Ma^iatf)n&tttsi The Decennial Census 1945 Compiled by FREDERIC W. COOK, Secretary of the Commonwealth AND RALPH R. CURRIER, State Census Director 8M—12-'45— 17502. DDDnGnaDDDaDDaaDaDDDDDnDDDDDDDna a □ : D D '■ D R ao'a^% D D g /d# k\ D D n > Bl f%4f IB (*) D D * Sl\m /f ^ D ■ O ^ ^Ku^V^v ^ D D ^■^^jj?r^** D D D D D n D g UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSEi IS D '—I g LIBRARY D D D D D D ! D ° 1 D D ■ — D D ^ D D D D D D D a g REF D D D D 1 D D D D g HA R 1 D g 432 D D g 1945 R D 1 g A5 ° i D D ! D C D D i D D D D D D a D D n — D D D D D D D D DDDoaaaDDDDDDDDDaDDaaaaDaDDaDDaD CONTENTS PACK General Introduction 8 Tables: — 1. Population of Massachusetts for 180 years 4 2. Population of Massachusetts at Each Census, 1875—1945, by Groups, showing the Increasing Concentration in Places of 5,000 and 25,000 6 3. Population and Legal Voters of Cities and Towns, 1945, arranged Alphabetically . . . 5-7 4. Population and Legal Voters of Cities, 1945, by Wards 7-9 5. Population and Legal Voters in Precinct Towns of 12,000 or more, 1945, by Precincts . . 10—11 6. Population and Legal Voters of Counties, 1945, arranged Alphabetically ....'. 11 7. Population of Cities and Towns at Each Census since 1915, arranged by Counties . 11—17 8. Population of Cities, 1945, compared with 1940 and 1935, and showing Increase and Decrease in Number and Percentage, arranged in Order of Size, 1945 18 9. Population of Towns of 5,000 or More, 1945, compared with 1940 and 1935, and showing Increase and Decrease in Number and Percentage, arranged in Order of Size, 1945 . . 19—20 10. Population of Towns of Less than 5,000, 1945, compared with 1940 and 1935, and showing Increase and Decrease in Number and Percentage, arranged in Order of Size, 1945 . . 21—24 11. Population of Metropolitan Boston (so called), at Each Census since 1915 .... 25 12. Population of Boston by Geographical Subdivisions, 1790-1945 26-27 13. Population of Judicial Districts ■ . . . . 28-31 Notes, with Statutory Citations, on Annexations, Changes in Boundary Lines, etc., since 1935 . 31-32 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1945 GENERAL INTRODUCTION In accordance with the provisions of General Laws, Tercentenary Edition, Chap- ter 9, section 7, as amended, and Article XXI of the Amendments to the Con- stitution as appearing in Article LXXI thereof, a census of the inhabitants of Massachusetts as of January 1, 1945, was taken under the jurisdiction of the mayor of each citj'' and the selectmen of each town on forms pro\aded by the Secretary of the Commonwealth and in accordance with his instructions. This census con- sisted of enumerating the inhabitants of each municipaUty by name, address, sex and age on family cards. The cards, together ^ath a sworn statement of the total of such census, were forwarded to the office of the Secretary from each of the 351 municipalities in the Commonwealth for verification and tabulation. In accordance with the provisions of General Laws, Tercentenary Edition, Chap- ter 9, section 6, as amended, the special enumeration of legal voters required by Articles XXI and XXII of the Amendments to the Constitution as appearing in Article LXXI thereof, was determined by obtaining a sworn statement from the election commissioners or registrars of voters in each city and town of the Common- wealth, of the number of registered voters in their respective cities or towns on January 1, 1945, specifying in the case of cities the number of registered voters in each ward, and in towns of 12,000 inhabitants or over voting by precincts, the num- ber of registered voters in each precinct. 4 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1945. Table 1. — Population of Massachusetts for 180 Years, as determined by Census Enumerations, 1765-1945. [The Commonwealth of Massachusetts covers part of the territory originally granted to the Plymouth Company of England. It grew out of the consolidation of the colonies of Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay. The settlement at Plymouth began with the landing of the Pilftrims, December 22, 1620. The colony of Massachusetts Bay originated with the settlement under John Endecott at Salem, in 1628. In 1643, a confederacy was formed consisting of the colonies of Massachusetts Bay, Plymouth, Con- necticut and New Haven. In 1692, under a new charter given by William III, the colonies of Massa- chusetts Bay and Plymouth were consolidated as a royal province, including also Maine. In 1780, after the Revolution, the present State Constitution was adopted. In January, 1788, the Constitu- tion of the United States was ratified by Massachusetts. The colonists in New Hampshire, in 1641, as a measure of protection and defence against the Indians, allied themselves with the colony of Massachusetts Bay and remained part of said colony until 1679, when New Hampshire was made a separate royal province, Massachusetts thereby losing part of its territory, January 1, 1680. The territory now comprising the State of Maine was set off from Massachusetts by an act passed March 3, 1820, taking effect March 15, 1820. By the Province Charter of 1692, certain islands now com- prising the county of l^ukes County and Nantucket County were ceded to Massachusetts from New York (see county of Dukes County). Certain common lands in Berkshire County, known as the District of Boston Corner, were ceded to the State of New York May 14, 1853. By a settlement of a boundary controversy between Massachusetts and Rhode Island, certain exchanges of territory were made between these States April 10, 1861.] Ykaes. Population. Authority. Census Day. 1765> 1776' 1784 1790 1800 1810 1820 1830 1837 1840» 1840» 1850' 1850S 1855 1860 1865 1870 1875 1880 1885 1890 1895 1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 1925 1930 1935 1940 1945 240,433 299 357. 378, 422, 472, 523 610, 701,. 737 719, 994 973 .132 231 267 457 661 783 942 ,238 500 ,805 ,003 .366 693 ,852 144 249 350 316 ,493 841 510 787 845 040 287 408 31 699 364 514 654 369 066 031 351 912 085 141 ,943 183 346 ,680 416 310 356 205 ,614 910 ,721 281 Provincial Provincial State United States United States United States United States United States State United States State United States State State United States State United States State United States State United States State United States State United States State United States State United States State United States State On or before May 25. March 29. September 1. August 1. August 1. August 1. August 1. June 1. May 1. June 1. May 1. June 1. 'May 1. May 1. June 1. May 1. June 1 . May 1. June 1. May 1. June 1. May 1. June 1. May 1. April 15. April 1. January 1 March 31. April 1. January 1. April 1. January 1. ' Includes 1,569 Indians distributed by counties as follows: Barnstable, 515 (of which 230 were in Mashpee); Berkshire, 221 (in Stockbridge) ; Bristol, 167 (principally in Dartmouth and Freetown); Dukes, 313 (of which 188 were in Chilmark); Middlesex, 37 (in Natick); Nantucket, 93; Plymouth, 223- 'Includes 4,761 colored population, distributed by counties as follows: Barnstable, 171; Berkshire, 216; Bristol, 585; Dukes, 59; Essex, 1,049; Franklin, Hampden, and Hampshire (aggregate), 245; Middlesex, 702; Nantucket, 133; Plymouth, 487; Norfolk and Suffolk (aggregate), 682; Worcester, 432. ' The discrepancy which may be noted between the State and tlie United States Census figures for 1840 and 1850 is, partly at least, due to the exclusion from the State enumeration in those years of "pauptrs and convicts in the State Prison." CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1945. Table 2. — Population of Massachusetts at Each Census, 1875-1945, by Gboups, showing the Increasing Concentration in Places of 5,000 and 25,000. Under 5,000 5,000 OK More U.VDEB 25,000 25.000 or More Population. Population. Population. Population. "i EAR8. Per Per Per Per Number. Cent. Number. Cent. Number. Cent. Number. Cent. 1875 542,368 32 8 1,109,544 67.2 967,388 58 6 684,524 41.4 1880 . 551,841 30.9 1,231,244 69 1 1,035,677 58 1 747.408 41.9 1885 . 528,849 27 2 1.413,292 72.8 1.035,362 53 3 906,779 46.7 1890 . 513,807 22.9 1,725,136 77.1 1,083,743 48.4 1,155,200 51 6 1895 . 465,662 18.6 2,034,521 81.4 1,067,326 42.7 1,432.857 57.3 1900 443.764 15 8 2,361,582 84.2 1,168,182 41 6 1,637,164 58.4 1905 . 428,871 14 3 2,574,809 85.7 1,134,007 37.8 1.869,673 62.2 1910 . 417,205 12.4 2,949,211 87.6 1.210.934 36.0 2,155,482 64.0 1915 , 393,102 10 6 3,300,208 89.4 1.269.643 34.4 2,423.667 65.6 1920 , 386.967 10.0 3,465,389 90 1,302,300 33 8 2.549.966 66 2 1925 . 405,971 9.8 3,738,234 90.2 1,430,311 34.5 2.713,894 65.5 19.30 . 394,732 9.3 3,854,882 90.7 1,438,361 33.8 2,811,253 66.2 1935 . 398,799 9.2 3,952,111 90.8 1,500,752 34.5 2.850.158 65.5 1940 . 410,269 9.5 3,906,452 90.5 1,473,165 34 1 2.843,556 65.9 1945 401,213 8.9 4,092.068 91.1 1.516,617 33.8 2,976.664 66.2 The net land area of Massachusetts for the census of 1945 and 1940 is 7,838.7 square miles as compared with 7,876.3 square miles in former census-taking periods.* Accepting the figure 7,838.7 square miles for 1945 and 1940 and the figure 7,876.3 square miles for former periods, we find that the Commonwealth for 1945 con- tained 573.2 persons per square mile, against 550.7 in 1940, 552.4 in 1935, 539.5 in 1930, 526.1 in 1925, 489.1 in 1920, 468.9 in 1915, 427.4 in 1910, 381.4 in 1905, 356.2 in 1900, 317.4 in 1895 and 284.3 in 1890. '37.6 square miles taken by the Metropolitan Water Commission, Chapter 240, Acts of 1938. Table 3. — Population and Legal Voters of Cities and Towns, 1945, arranged alphabetically. Cities and Towns. Popul- Legal Cities and Towns. Popula- Legal tion. Voters. tion. Voters. .\bington .... 6.374 3,548 Bolton 850 416 .\ction 2,869 1,607 Boston . 766,386 396.452 Acushnet 4.272 1,815 Bourne . 3,519 2,078 .Adams 12,724 7,023 Boxborough 358 200 .\gawam 8,420 3,993 Boxford . 8U 499 Alford 207 135 Boylston 1,313 662 .\mesburv 10,824 5,833 Braintree 20,279 10,579 Amherst . 7.089 3,875 Brewster' 757 553 .\ndover . 11.920 6,998 Bridgewater 8,641 3,224 .\rlington' 43.515 22,931 Brimfield 975 555 .\shburnham 2.325 1,261 Brockton 65.202 35.725 Ashby 1.110 554 Brookfield 1,390 762 .Vshfield . 933 493 Brookline 56.940 31,440 .\shland . 2.920 1,601 Buckland 1,525 919 Athol 11.804 5,867 Burlington 2,656 1.302 Attleboro 22.375 11,483 Cambridoe 111,124 55,122 .\uburn 7.865 3.932 Canton . 6,704 4,008 .\von 2,533 1.284 Carlisle . 697 398 -^^ye^ 3,967 1.676 Carver 1,383 654 Barnstable 8.647 4,614 Charlemont 812 427 Barre 3,485 1.719 Charlton 3,051 1,330 Becket 682 402 Chatham 2,192 1,347 Bedford . 4,170 1.378 Chelmsford 8.726 4,622 Belchertown 3,769 1.275 Chelsea 39.940 20.867 Bellingham' 3.494 1,660 Cheshire 1.718 846 Belmont' 28,866 16,222 Chester . 1,252 738 Berkley 1,182 572 Chesterfield 376 243 Berlin 1,119 613 Chicopee 44.626 22.918 Bernardston 1,022 517 Chilmark 230 160 Beverly 26,814 14,604 Clarksburg 1,401 737 Billerica . 8,504 3,899 Clinton . 12,736 7,237 l^lackstone 4,349 2,885 Cohasset 3,540 2,279 Blandford 521 306 Colrain 1,455 731 > See Notes in Back of Book. 6 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1945. Table 3. — Population and Legal Voters of Cities and Towns. Continued t Cities and Towns. Popula- Legal Cities and Towns. Popula- Legal tion. ^■oter8. tion. Voters. Concord 8,382 4,072 Lakeville .... 1,555 859 Conway . 867 467 Lancaster 3,037 1,172 Cummington . 532 318 Lanesborough 1,556 802 Dalton . 4,367 2,698 Lawrence 85,603 43,757 Danvers . 14,614 6,580 Lee .... 4,347 2,624 Dartm(iuth 9,909 4,502 Leicester 5.154 2,515 Dedham . 16,659 8,720 Lenox 2,951 1,752 Deerfield 3,083 1,601 Leominster! . 23,549 11.809 Dennis . 1,807 1.324 Leverett . 594 289 Dighton 3,021 1,434 Lexington 14,452 6.848 Douglas . 2,667 1,266 Leyden . 254 152 Dover 1,566 906 Lincoln 1,998 1,177 Dracut . 7,434 3.759 Littleton 1.673 1,033 Dudley 4,725 2,315 Longmeadow 6,411 3,933 Dunstable 440 197 Lowell . 101,229 49,448 Duxbury 2,432 1,671 Ludlow . 8,065 3,910 East Bridgewater . 4,008 2,132 Lunenburg 2,6.57 1,423 East Brookfield 1,070 502 Lynn 105,153 .53.509 East Longineadow 3,805 2,141 Lynnfield 2,921 1,901 Eastham 604 381 Malden 59,567 31.142 Easthampton 10,578 5,492 Manchester . 2.539 1.664 Easton . 5,723 3.097 Mansfield 6,978 3.823 Edgartown' 1,296 827 Marblehead . 12,524 8,446 Egremont 563 361 Marion' . 2.120 1,110 Erving . 1,315 611 Marlborough 15,680 8,921 Essex 1,561 893 Marsh field . 2.405 1,55.? Everett 48,553 23.621 Mashpee 343 267 Fairhaven 12,072 5,733 iMattaposett . 1,994 1.057 Fall River 115,062 52,335 Mavnard 7,017 3,754 Falmouth 7,751 3.264 Medfield 4,199 1,420 Fitchborq' 43,770 20,556 Medfoed 67,071 34,590 Florida . 40i 202 Medway 3,363 1,862 Foxboroughi 6,457 3,297 Melrose 27,971 16,241 Framingham 25,502 12,212 Mendon 1,504 800 Franklin' 7,531 4,016 Merrimao 2,384 1,344 Freetown 1,830 898 Methuen 23,160 12,554 Gardneb 20,245 9.597 Middleborough 9,596 4,973 Gay Head 114 86 Middlefield . 226 132 Georgetown 1,978 1,298 Middleton' . 2,415 1,158 Gill 918 500 Milford . 15,801 7.811 Gloucbstbr 24,862 11,959 Millbury 7,666 4,089 Goshen . 278 160 MiUis 2,329 1,308 Gosnold . 107 73 Millville . 1,616 876 Grafton . 7,969 3,460 Milton 21,718 12,984 Granby . 1,143 658 Monroe . 171 93 Granville 656 392 Monson . 6,662 2,209 Great Barrinp ton 6,232 3,864 IMontague 7,602 4,325 Greenfield 17,020 •10,421 Monterey 305 206 Groton . 2,835 1,564 Montgomery . 137 76 Groveland 2,150 1,234 Mount Washingtoi 53 34 Hadley . 2,606 1,252 N ah ant . 2,396 1.319 Halifax . 997 509 Nantucket 2,870 1,881 Hamilton 2,387 1.437 Natick . 15.789 8,268 Hampden 1.153 703 Needliam 14,507 8,386 Hancock 349 204 New Ashford . 99 55 Hanover 3,018 1,490 iNIew Bedford 110,308 53,628 Hanson . 2,641 1,371 New Braintree 409 198 Hardwiok 2.115 1,116 New Marlborough 896 489 Harvard . 1,065 758 New Salem 364 211 Harwich . 2,071 1,566 Newbury 1,636 1,021 Hatfield . 2,188 1,188 Newburyport 14,079 8,433 Haverhill 46,162 24,862 Newton 77,257 42,042 Hawley . 203 118 Norfolk . 2,006 843 Heath 327 157 North Adams 22,230 11,137 Hingbam 9,676 5,241 North Andover 7,936 4,989 Hinsdale 1,276 663 North Attleborouj :'h ll.,552 5,975 Holbrook 3,716 2,107 North Brookfield 3,121 1,591 Holden 4,846 2,557 North Reading 3.089 1,560 Holland . 265 155 Northampton 24.977 12,940 Holliston 3,311 1.835 Northborough 2,958 1,419 HOLYOKB 53,775 31.067 Northbridge . 10,212 5,335 Hopedale 3.317 1.823 Northfitad 2,064 1,052 Hopkinton 2,856 1.730 Norton . 3,096 1,927 Hubbardston 1,019 535 Norwell . 2,147 1,191 Hudson . 8,126 4.082 Norwood 16,508 8,376 Hull 3,388 2,327 Oak Bluffsi . 1,345 900 Huntington 1,242 760 Oakham . 424 227 Ipswich 6,610 3,595 Orange . 5,762 3.071 Kingston 2,922 1,536 Orlenns' 1,.543 938 > See Notes in Back of Book. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSErrS ~ 1945. 7 Table 3. — Population and Legal Voters of Cities and Towns. — Concluded. Cities and Towns. Popula- tion. Legal Voters. Cities and Towns. Popula- tion. Legal Voters. Otis Oxford . Palmer Paxton Peabody Pelham Pembroke Pepperell Peru Petersham Phillipston Pitts FIELD Plaintield Plain ville Plymouth Plympton Princeton Provincetown QuiNcv . Randolph Raynham Reading Rehoboth Reverb . Richmond Rochester' Rocliland Rockport Rows Rowley Royalston Russell Rutland Salem Salisbury Sandisfield Sandwich Saugus . Savoy Scituate . Seekonk Sharon Sheffield . Shelburne Sherborn Shirley . Shrewsbury Shutesbury Somerset SOMEBVILlvE South Hadley Southampton Southborough Southbridge Southwick Spencer . SPBINOFIEI/D Sterling . Stockbridge Stonehani Stoughton Stow Sturbridge Sudbury . 377 5,022 9,716 850 22,303 512 1,821 3,119 116 743 475 53,560 224 1,837 13,536 545 866 3,564 82,084 8,463 2,214 12,327 3,036 35,687 648 1,107 8,603 3,992 178 1.685 750 1,221 1,561 42,833 2,622 370 1.524 16,662 294 4,873 5,249 4,073 1,752 1,656. 1,036 2,459 9,296 201 6,815 105,883 7,352 1,102 2,330 17.561 1,885 6,765 159,896 1,897 1,739 12,032 9,063 1.337 2,329 2,051 245 2,644 4,660 508 10,456 281 1,075 1,527 81 464 236 26,996 141 1,050 6,924 306 483 2,342 41,530 4,275 1,126 7,053 1,576 17,673 327 545 4,624 2,352 126 895 369 639 885 23,921 1545 239 839 8,214 159 3,396 2,435 2,394 860 1,015 585 1,228 4,386 111 3,244 50,103 4,222 591 1.190 9.746 827 3.741 81.962 1,020 1,054 6,381 4,598 720 1,232 1,106 Svmderland Sutton Swampscott Swansea . Taunton Templeton Tewkfibury TisburyJ . Tolland . Topsfieldi Townsend Truro Tyngsborougl Tyringhain Upton Uxbridge Wakefield Wales Walpole' Waltham' Ware Warehain' Warren Warwick Washington Watertown Wayland Webster . Wellesley Wellfleet Wendell . Wenham West Boylston West Bridgewater West Brookfield West Newbury West Springfield West Stockbridge West Tisbury Westborough Westfield Westford Westhaiiipton Westminster Weston . Westpjrt Westwood Weymouth Whately . Whitman Wilbraham Williamsburg Willi amstown Wilmington Wincliendou Winchester Windsor . Winthrop W^OBURN Worcester Worthington Wrentham Yarmouth 1,018 2,610 11,835 6,565 38,612 4,435 5,949 1,719 111 1,153 2,298 582 1,495 211 2,388 6,635 18,677 354 8.409 43,577 7,578 7,439 3,498 401 242 37,438 3,901 13,534 17,581 851 348 1,406 2,382 3,605 1,457 1,503 19,453 1,059 239 6,665 19,956 3,815 413 2,153 4,473 4,748 4,797 27,957 973 8.290 3,442 1,828 4,623 5,564 6,461 15,300 274 18,696 19,886 198,741 363 5,097 2,461 442 1,493 6,690 2,660 18,651 1,970 1,885 1,137 54 655 1.206 357 869 129 1,340 3,639 9,707 209 4,217 21.189 4,438 4,373 1,878 223 127 18,738 2,087 7,405 9,777 630 190 845 1,204 1,784 795 803 9.241 626 162 2,581 10,384 1,849 196 890 2,658 2,046 2,650 14,051 539 4,836 1,894 1,066 2,472 2,806 2,845 8,507 162 10,076 10,309 100,818 143 1,450 1,349 ' See Notes in Back of Book. Table 4. — Population and Legal Voters of Cities, 1945, by Wards. CiriES AND Wards. Popula- tion. Legal Voters. Cities and Wards. Popula- tion. Legal Voters. Attleboro Ward 1 Ward 2 Wards Ward 4 Wards Ward 6 22.375 4,112 3,170 3,101 3,579 4,084 4,329 11,483 1,627 1,964 1,982 1,989 2,031 1,890 Beverly . Wardl Ward 2 Wards Ward 4 Wards Ward 6 26,814 4,482 5,693 3,596 5,318 5,647 2.078 14,604 2,465 3,169 1,797 3,174 2,840 1,159 s CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1945. Table 4. — Population and Legal Voters, Etc. — Continued. Popula- Legal Popala- Legal Cities and Wards. tion. Vetera, Cities and Wards. tion Voters Boston 766,586 396,452 Fltchburft— Con. Ward 1 55,112 22,712 Ward 5 . . . . 4,306 2,231 Ward 2 25,655 12.783 Ward 6 8,520 3,933 Ward 3 45,446 19.547 Gardner 20,245 9.597 Ward 4 30,901 16.880 Ward 1 3,629 1,422 Ward 5 32.962 19,010 Ward 2 4.699 2,383 Ward 6 24,986 12,285 Ward 3 4.803 2.118 Ward 7 34,405 17.101 Ward 4 3,431 1,777 Ward 8 28,675 11.480 Wards 3.683 1,897 Ward 9 28.204 13,299 Gloucester 24,862 11,959 Ward 10 30.313 15,547 Ward 1 2,102 1.193 Ward 11 29,887 14,527 Ward 2 4,672 2.119 Ward 12 36,955 19,679 Ward 3 3,287 1,494 W' ard 13 28.329 14,412 Ward 4 3,055 1.262 Ward 14 54,145 27,960 Wards 3.385 1.596 Ward 15 27.586 14,352 Ward 6 4,222 2.151 Ward 16 33,875 18.808 Ward 7 1,529 825 Ward 17 33.774 19.344 Wards 2.610 1.319 Ward 18 45.104 23,745 Haverhill 46,162 24,862 Ward 19 30,479 17,876 Ward 1 2,163 1.289 Ward 20 37,860 23.116 Ward 2 2,453 1.420 Ward 21 38.476 24,lUo Ward 3 1,941 958 Ward 22 33.257 17.884 Ward 4 5,879 3.164 Brockton 66,202 35,725 Ward 5 14.320 6.885 Ward 1 10.285 6.017 Ward 6 10.766 6.149 Ward 2 8.077 4.763 Ward 7. 8,640 4.997 Ward 3 10.278 6.195 Holyoke 53,775 31.067 Ward 4 6.664 3,486 Ward 1 6,403 3.204 Ward 5 9.164 4,424 Ward 2 6.619 3.498 Ward 6 10,264 5.039 Ward 3 8.500 5.141 Ward 7 10,450 5.801 Ward 4 7.578 3.905 Cambridge 111,124 55,122 Ward 5 7.386 4,909 Ward 1 13,927 5,334 Ward 6 9.646 5.414 Ward 2 12,767 5.257 Ward 7 7.641 4.996 Ward 3 9.464 4.614 Lavt^rence 85,603 43,757 Ward 4 10,114 5.506 Ward 1 14.708 7.514 Ward 6 10,758 4.865 Ward 2 12.000 6,497 Ward 6 10,364 5,398 Ward 3 10.879 4,7u8 W^ard 7 8,824 5.431 Ward 4 i0.2oi 4.779 Ward 8 8,463 5.343 Ward 5 18.638 9,720 Ward 9 7,997 4.376 Ward 6 19,127 10,539 Ward 10 9,228 4,528 Leominster 23,549 11,809 Ward 11 9,218 4,470 Ward 1 3.694 1,878 Chelsea . 39,940 20,867 Ward 2 7,416 3,325 Ward 1 6,687 3,3oi Ward 3 4.633 2,264 Ward 2 8.391 3,787 Ward 4 2,999 1,588 Ward 3 9.555 5,011 Wards 4.807 2.754 Ward 4 5.802 3.115 Lowell . 101,229 49,448 Wards 9.505 5.603 Ward 1 7.956 4.416 Chicopee 44,626 22,918 Ward 2 11.454 5,127 Ward 1 2.301 1,143 Ward 3 10.269 5,066 Ward 2 5,165 2,628 Ward 4 10.323 4,713 Ward 3 3.760 1.802 Ward 5 9.779 4.670 Ward 4 7.353 4,266 NVurd 6 9.053 4.436 Ward 5 6.354 3.525 Ward 7 lu.975 5.318 Ward 6 3.830 1,717 Ward 8 • 8.183 4,557 Ward 7 9.473 4.628 Ward 9 7,493 3,719 Ward 8 4.292 2.147 Ward 10 9,168 4,021 Ward 9 2,108 1,062 Ward 11 6,576 3.405 Everett . 48,553 23,621 Lynn 105,153 53,509 Ward 1 3,360 1.375 Ward 1 6,654 3.854 Ward 2 11.580 5.359 Ward 2 8,633 4,909 Ward 3 13.652 7.321 Ward 3 23,214 12.337 Ward 4 7.588 3,726 Ward 4 17.956 8.865 Ward 5 4,948 2.110 Ward 5 20.443 9.902 Ward 6 7.425 3.730 Ward 6 22.416 10.399 Fall River 115,062 52,335 Ward 7 5.837 3.243 Ward 1 23.900 10.515 Maiden 59,567 31,142 Ward 2 15.631 6.962 Ward 1 7.356 4.005 Ward 3 9.638 3.367 Ward 2 6.346 3.082 Ward 4 9.909 4.740 Wards 8.632 5,227 Wards 8,389 3,227 Ward 4 5,625 3.102 Ward 6 16,717 7,368 Wards 10.039 5.439 Ward 7 4,866 2,551 Ward 6 11.289 5.659 Ward 8 12.543 7.140 Ward 7 10.280 4,628 Ward 9 13,469 6.465 Marlborough 15,680 8,921 Fltchburii 43,770 20,556 Ward 1 2,473 1.333 Ward 1 7.674 3.838 Ward 2 1,895 1,105 Ward 2 12.383 5.369 Ward 3 2.324 1.310 Ward 3 5.931 2.685 Ward 4 2.596 1,443 Ward 4 4.956 2,.500 Wards 2,081 1,244 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1945. Table 4. — Population and Legal Voters, Etc. — Continued. Pe^pula- Legal Popula- Legal Cities and Wakus. tion. Voters. Cities anu Wards. tion. Voters. Marlborough — Con. Ouincy — Con Ward 6 .... 1.937 1,150 Wards . . . . 9,831 4,865 Ward 7 2,374 1,336 Ward 4 8.200 4,026 Med ford 67.071 34,590 Ward 5 19.316 10,923 Ward 1 7,737 4,258 Ward 6 16.234 8,156 Ward 2 7,818 4,047 Revere . 35.687 17,673 Ward 3 12,972 7,273 Ward 1 5.269 2,629 Ward 4 8.453 4,276 Ward 2 8.086 4,271 Ward 5 13,989 6,135 Ward 3 8,238 4.071 Ward 6 10,742 5.962 Ward 4 10,011 4.586 Ward 7 5,360 2.640 Ward 5 4,093 2.116 Melrose 27,971 16,241 Salem 42,833 23,921 Ward 1 3,596 2.257 Wardl 4,876 2,563 Ward 2 4,607 2,792 Ward 2 6,237 3.445 Ward 3 3,644 2,110 Wards 4,898 2.791 Ward 4 3,908 2,317 Ward 4 5,565 3.092 Ward 5 4,330 2,267 Ward 5 14,315 8.008 Ward 6 3,770 2,205 Ward 6 6,942 4.022 Ward 7 4,116 2,293 Somerville 105,883 50.103 New Bedford 110,308 53,628 Ward 1 15,177 6,183 Ward 1 19,241 9,457 Ward 2 18,069 6,985 Ward 2 18,046 8,804 Wards 12.899 6.768 Ward 3 17,468 8,697 Ward 4 17.286 8.444 Waxd 4 20,458 9,729 Ward 5 16,791 7,551 Ward 5 17,629 8,870 Ward 6 12,610 7,002 Ward 6 17.477 8,071 Ward 7 14.161 7,170 Newburyport 14,079 8,433 Springfield 159,896 81,962 Ward 1 2,412 1,370 Ward 1 21,794 9,058 Ward 2 2,731 1,661 Ward 2 27,857 13,862 Ward 3 1,806 1,116 Ward 3 28,164 14,665 Ward 4 1,676 979 Ward 4 16,667 8,473 Ward 5 2,604 1,499 Ward 5 14,448 8.263 Ward 6 2.850 1,818 Ward 6 17.492 10.099 Newton . 77,257 42,042 . Ward 7 17,834 10.253 Ward 1 7,149 3,575 Ward 8 16,640 7.299 Ward 2 13.038 6,950 Taunton 38,612 18,651 Ward 3 12.156 6,2al Ward 1 4,936 2,677 Ward 4 7.376 4,114 Ward 2 3,165 1,618 Ward 6 16.572 9,209 Wards 2,688 1,339 Ward 6 14,490 8,181 Ward 4 5,566 2.736 Ward 7 6.476 3,722 Ward 5 6,210 3,374 North Adams 22,230 11,137 Ward 6 3,837 1.768 Ward 1 1,976 864 Ward 7 4,761 2.S45 Ward 2 1,735 846 Ward 8 7,549 2.894 Ward 3 1,686 988 Waltham 43,577 21,189 Ward 4 1,832 887 Ward 1 7,775 4,193 Ward 5 1,641 840 Ward 2 10,742 4.691 Ward 6 2,293 1.068 Wards 5,597 2,548 Ward 7 2,300 1.000 Ward 4 5,809 2,868 Ward 8 1,770 983 Ward 5 3,329 1,721 Ward 9 1,819 1.019 Ward 6 6,804 3,713 Ward 10 1,953 964 Ward 7 3,621 1,455 Ward 11 1.470 804 Westfield 19,956 10,384 Ward 12 1,765 875 Ward 1 4,675 2,167 Northampton 24,977 12.940 Ward 2 5,152 2,442 Ward 1 2,369 1,647 Wards 2.991 1,667 Ward 2 3,547 2,290 Ward 4 3.826 2.185 Ward 3 4,311 2,471 Ward 5 3.312 1.923 Ward 4 5,480 2,059 Woburn 19,886 10,309 W ard 5 3,176 1,882 Ward 1 3,069 1.710 Ward 6 2,960 1,574 Ward 2 3,678 1.845 Ward 7 3,134 1,117 Wards 3,180 1,708 Peabody 22,303 10,456 Ward 4 3,748 1,873 Ward 1 4,262 2,119 Ward 5 1.540 834 Ward 2 2,984 1,372 Ward 6 3,322 1,723 Ward 3 2,431 1.227 Ward 7 1,359 616 Ward 4 3,856 1,385 Worcester 198,741 100,818 Ward 5 4,725 2.236 Ward 1 18,224 11.031 Ward 6 Pittsfield 4,045 53,560 2,117 26,996 Ward 2 Ward 3 21,664 25,754 10.532 10,017 Ward 1 7,918 3,873 Ward 4 26,520 11,759 Ward 2 7,873 4,139 Ward 5 20,496 9,033 Ward 3 8,242 3,990 Ward 6 18,072 9,813 Ward 4 6,725 3,951 Ward 7 18.272 10,524 Ward 5 6,827 3,513 Ward 8 14.654 7,544 Ward 6 8,431 3,921 Ward 9 18.607 10.474 Ward 7 7,744 3,609 Ward 10 16,478 10,091 Qulncy 82,084 41,530 Ward 1 17,430 8,744 Ward 2 11.073 4,817 10 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1945. Table 5. — Population and Legal Voters in Precinct Towns of 12,000 or More, 1945, by Precincts. Towns and Precincts. Popula- tion. Legal Voters. Towns and Peecincts. Popula- tion. Legal Voters. Adams . Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Arlington Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Precinct 6 Precinct 7 Precinct 8 Precinct 9 Precinct 10 Precinct 11 Precinct 12 Precinct 13 Precinct 14 Belmont Precinct 1 , Precinct 2 . Precinct 3 Precinct 4 . Precinct 5 . Precinct 6 . Precinct 7 . Braintree Precinct 1 . Precinct 2 . Precinct 3 . Precinct 4 . Precinct 5 . Precinct 6 ■ Brookline Precinct 1 . Precinct 2 . Precinct 3 . Precinct 4 . Precinct 5 . Precinct 6 . Precinct 7 . Precinct 8 . Precinct 9 . Precinct 10 Precinct 11 Precinct 12 Danvers Precinct 1 . Precinct 2 . Precinct 3 . Precinct 4 . Dedham Precinct 1 . Precinct 2 . Precinct 3 . Precinct 4 . Precinct 5 . Precinct 6 . Falrhaven Precinct 1 . Precinct 2 . Precinct 3 . Precinct 4 . Framlngham Precinct 1 . Precinct 2 . Precinct 3 . Precinct 4 . Precinct 5 . Precinct 6 . Precinct 7 . Precinct 8 . Greenfield Precinct 1 . Precinct 2 . Precinct 3 . Precinct 4 . 12,724 2,605 2,671 2.622 2,243 2,583 43,515 2,852 4,230 2,035 3,044 3,282 2,509 2,740 2,907 2,637 3,128 3,260 3,618 3,440 3,933 28,866 7,643 3,339 4,528 3,575 2,990 3,324 3,467 20,279 3,698 3,258 3,090 3,364 3,703 3,166 56,940 5,107 4,809 5,096 4,444 4,160 4,536 5,297 5,287 5,054 4,657 4,146 4,347 14,614 2,452 2,870 3,880 5,612 16,659 2.793 2.490 4,041 3,577 1,706 2,052 12,072 2,043 2.616 3,764 3,649 25.502 3,483 2,560 3,851 3,138 2,732 3,786 1,824 4,128 17.020 2,127 1,836 1,601 1,664 7,023 1,316 1,502 1,455 1,358 1,392 22,931 1,336 1,748 1,334 1,893 1,408 1,577 1,591 1,683 1,375 1,932 1,491 2,072 1,623 1,868 16,222 4,242 1,891 2,213 1,837 1,894 2,054 2,09i 10,579 1,773 1,806 i 1,898 1,792 1,795 1,515 31,440 3,022 2,777 2,887 2,060 2,158 2,569 3,032 2,797 2,869 2,718 2,287 2,264 6,580 1,602 1,551 1,727 1,700 8,720 1.698 1,285 1,950 1.994 695 1,098 5,733 1,189 1,384 1,577 1,583 12.212 1,861 1,201 2,242 1,458 1,084 1,907 964 1,495 10,421 1,069 1,074 1,148 1,208 Greenfield — Con Precinct 5 . Precinct 6 . Precinct 7 . Precinct 8 . Precinct 9 . Lexington Precinct 1 . Precinct 2 . Precinct 3 . " Precinct 4 . Marblehead . Precinct 1 . Precinct 2 . Precinct 3 . Precinc 4 . Methuen Precinct 1 . Precinct 2 . Precinct 3 . Precinct 4 . Precinct 5 . Milford . Precinct 1 . Precinct 2 . Precinct 3 . Precinct 4 . Precinct 5 . Milton . Precinct 1 . Precinct 2 . Precinct 3 . Precinct 4 . Precinct 5 . Precinct 6 . Precinct 7 . Natick . Precinct 1 . Precinct 2 . Precinct 3 . Precinct 4 . Precinct 5 . Reading Precinct 1 . Precinct 2 . Precinct 3 . Precinct 4 . Saugus Precinct 1 . Precinct 2 . Precinct 3 . Precinct 4 . Preicnct 5 . Precinct 6 . Precinct 7 . Precinct 8 . Wakefield Precinct 1 . Precinct 2 . Precinct 3 . Water town Precinct 1 . Precinct 2 . Precinct 3 . Precinct 4 . Precinct 5 . Precinct 6 . Precinct 7 . Precinct 8 . Precinct 9 . Precinct 10 Wellesley Precinct 1 . Precinct 2 . Precinct 3 . Precinct 4 . Precinct 5 . Precinct 6 . West Springfield Precinct 1 . Precinct 2 . 1,606 1,725 2,104 2,221 2,136 14.452 5,586 2,627 2,797 3,442 12,524 2,808 2,655 3,134 3,927 23,160 4.967 3,415 6,771 4,208 3,799 15,801 2,970 3,285 3,112 3,513 2,921 21,718 3,062 2,764 2,131 2,900 3,763 3,761 3,337 15,789 5,034 1,150 2,463 5,495 1,647 12,327 3,299 3,152 2,816 3,060 16,662 2,487 1,916 2,116 2,210 1,961 2,356 1,371 2,245 18,677 10,164 4,086 4,427 37.438 5,146 4,883 3,017 2,884 3,136 4,148 3,332 3,926 3,276 3,691 17,581 2,078 3,452 2,668 2,886 3,650 2,847 19,453 5,809 3,659 1.172 1,189 992 1,315 1,254 6,848 1,843 1,506 1,662 1,837 8,446 1,940 1,819 2,123 2,564 12,554 3,049 1,840 3,252 2,062 2,351 7,811 1,546 1,564 1,630 1,539 1,532 12,984 1,901 1,736 1,343 1,727 2,185 2,226 1,866 8,268 2,654 666 1,326 2,806 817 7,053 1,722 1,783 1,761 1,787 8,214 1,2.59 939 1,026 1,124 898 1,045 772 1,151 9,707 5,068 2,112 2,527 18,738 2,286 2,234 1,826 1,783 1.734 2,237 1,673 1,860 1,442 1,663 9,777 1,159 1,914 1,473 1,688 2,026 1,517 9,241 1,991 1.851 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1945. 11 Table 5. — Population ani> Legal Voters in Precinct Towxs of 12,000 or More, 1945, by Precincts — Concluded. Popula- Legal Popula- Legal Towns and Precincts. tion. Votere. Towns and Precincts. tion. Voters. West Springfield — Con. Winchester .... 15..?00 8,507 Precinct 3 . . . . 3,375 1,776 Precinct 1 , 3,034 1,502 Precinct 4 . 3,166 1,652 Precinct 2 . 2,400 1,439 Precinct 5 . 3,444 1,971 Precinct 3 . 2,424 1,506 Weymouth . 27,957 14.051 Precinct 4 . 2,595 1,451 Precinct 1 . 5,739 2,550 Precinct 5 . 2.199 1,276 Precinct 2 . 2,791 1,452 Precinct 6 . 2,648 1,333 Precinct 3 . 4,923 2,512 Winthrop 18,696 10,076 Precinct 4 . 1,898 953 Precinct 1 . 4,014 2,233 Precinct 5 . 1,906 1,100 Precinct 2 . 3,3.53 1,897 Precinct 6 . 3,617 1.894 Precinct 3 . 5,133 2,674 Precinct 7 . 2,075 988 Precinct 4 . 3,691 1,814 Precinct 8 . 2,321 1,122 Precinct 5 . 2,.505 1.458 Precinct 9 . 2,687 1,480 Table 6. — Population and Legal Voters of Counties, 1945, arranged Alphabetically. Counties. Popula- tion. Legal Voters. Counties. Barnstable Berkshire Bristol . Dukes Essex P'ranklin Hampden THE STATE 4,493.281 38,216 127,620 373,619 5,050 519,333 51,066 351,757 [,320,081 21,897 67,711 178,960 3,345 276,263 28,801 182,966 Hampshire Middlesex Nantucket Norfolk Plymouth .Suffolk Worcester Popula/- tion. 74,375 1,022,331 2,870 363,410 180,318 860,709 522,607 Legal Voters. 39,371 520,121 1,881 191,467 98.034 445.068 264,196 Table 7. — Population of Cities and Towns at Each Census since 1915, arranged by Counties. Counties, Cities and Towns 1945. 1940. 1935. 1930. 1925. 1920. 1915. BARNSTABLE. 38,216 37,295 36,647 32,305 29,782 26,670 28,818 Barnstable .... Bourne Brewster .... Chatham .... Dennis 8,647 3,519 757 2,192 1,807 8,333 3,315 827 2.136 2.015 8,037 3,336 715 2.050 2.017 7.271 2.895 769 1,931 1.829 5,774 3,015 774 1.741 1,749 4,836 2,530 688 1,737 1,536 4,995 2,672 783 1,667 1.822 Eastham .... Falmouth .... Harwich .... Mashpee .... Orleans 604 7,751 2,071 343 1.543 582 6,878 2,535 434 1.451 606 6.537 2,373 380 1.425 543 4,821 2,329 361 1,181 494 4,694 2,077 298 1,078 430 3,500 1,846 242 1,012 545 3,917 2,179 263 1,166 Provincetoww Sandwich .... Truro Wellfleet .... Yarmouth .... 3.564 1,524 5»2 851 2,461 3.668 1,360 585 890 2,286 4,071 1,516 541 948 2,095 3,808 1.437 513 823 1.794 3,787 1,479 504 786 1,532 4,246 1,458 554 826 1.229 4,295 1,501) 663 936 1,415 BERKSHIRE. 127,620 122,273 121,099 120,700 121,2.55 113,033 114,709 Adams Alford Becket Cheshire .... Clarksburg .... 12,724 207 632 1,718 1,401 12,608 201 689 1.7U8 1,317 12,858 210 723 1,660 1,333 12,697 200 672 1,697 1,296 13,525 221 778 1,842 1,222 12,967 248 674 1.476 1,136 13.218 271 973 1,535 1,114 Ualton Egremont .... Florida Great Barrington . Hancock .... 4,367 563 401 6.232 349 4,206 463 421 5,821 332 4.282 569 405 6.369 408 4,220 513 307 5,934 361 4,092 477 362 6,405 510 3,752 441 298 6,315 464 3,858 599 427 6,627 514 12 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1945. Table 7. — Population of Cities and Towns, etc. — Continiied. Counties, Cities and Towns. 1945. 1940. 1935. 19.i0. 1925. 1920. 1915. BERKSHIRE — Con. Hinsdale .... Lanesborough ... Lee Lenox Monterey .... 1,276 1,556 4.347 2.951 305 1.235 1.321 4.222 2.884 320 1,144 1,237 4,178 2,706 325 1.144 1.170 4.061 2.742 321 1,044 1,181 4,058 2,895 348 1,065 1,054 4,085 2,691 282 1,257 1,089 4,481 3,24li 358 Mount Washington New Ashford .... New Marlborough North Adams Otis 53 99 896 22,230 377 57 87 956 22.213 364 64 94 921 22,085 415 60 75 864 21,621 367 58 85 991 22,717 395 73 116 1,010 22,282 •361 95 92 1,030 22,035 442 Peru PiTTSFIELD .... Richmond .... Sandisfield .... Savoy 116 53,560 646 370 294 142 49,684 624 421 300 151 47,516 628 471 299 108 49,677 583 412 307 113 46,877 619 480 399 149 41,763 561 460 436 195 39,607 564 564 524 Sheffield Stockbridge .... Tyringham .... Washington .... West Stockbridge 1.752 1,739 211 242 1,059 1,709 1,815 213 267 1,062 1,810 1,921 243 252 1,138 1,650 1,762 246 222 1,124 1,614 1,830 280 231 1,212 1,435 1,764 267 240 1,058 1,862 1,901 327 275 1,277 Williamstown Windsor 4,623 274 4,294 314 4,272 412 3,900 387 4,006 388 3.707 403 3,981 375 BRISTOL. 373,619 364,637 366,465 364,590 383,795 359,005 346,964 Acushnet .... AtTIiEBOBO .... Berkley Uartmouth .... Dighton 4,272 22,375 1,182 9,909 3,021 4,145 2k! ,071 1,130 9,0.11 2,983 3,951 21,835 1,156 9,424 3,116 4,092 21,769 1,120 8,778 3,147 4,135 20,623 1,118 9.026 3,208 3.075 19.731 935 6.493 2.574 2,387 18,480 985 5,330 2,499 Easton I'airhaven .... Fall River .... Freetown .... Mansheld .... 5,723 12,072 115,062 1,830 6,978 5,135 10,938 116,428 1,584 6,530 5,294 11,005 117,414 1,813 6,543 5,298 10,951 115,274 1,656 6,364 5,333 10,827 128,993 1,663 6,590 5.041 7,291 120,485 1,532 6,255 5,064 6,277 124,791 1,663 5,772 New Bedford Norih Attleborough Norton Raynham .... Rehobolh . . . ■ 110.308 11,552 3,096 2,214 3,036 110,341 10,359 3,107 2,141 2,736 110,022 10,202 2,925 2.208 2.777 112,597 10,197 2,737 2,136 2,610 119,539 9,790 2,769 2,128 2,332 121,217 9,238 2,374 1.695 2,065 109,568 9,398 2,587 1,810 2,228 Seekonk .... Somerset .... Swansea Taunton .... Westport .... 5,249 6,815 5,565 38,612 4,748 4,912 5.873 4.684 37.395 4,134 5.011 5.656 4.327 37.431 4,355 4,762 5.398 3.941 37.355 4,408 4,191 4,818 3,250 39,255 4,207 2,898 3,520 2,334 37,1.37 3,1"I5 2,767 3,377 2,558 36,161 3,262 DUKES. 5.050 5,669 5,700 4,953 4,862 4,372 4.904 Chilmark .... Edgarlown .... Gay Head .... Gosnold . . . ■ - Oak Bluffs .... 230 1.296 114 107 1.345 226 1.370 127 136 1,584 253 1,399 158 129 1.657 252 1.276 161 120 1.333 240 1,235 168 142 1,314 240 1,190 144 131 1,047 288 1,276 175 155 l.,245 Tisbury West Tisbury 1.719 239 1,966 260 1,822 282 1,541 270 1,431 332 1,275 345 1,324 441 ESSEX. 519,333 496,313 504,483 498,040 496,832 482,156 463,662 Ameabury .... Andover Beverly .... Boxford Danvers 10.824 11,920 26,814 811 14,614 10,862 11,122 25,537 778 14,179 10,514 10,542 25,871 726 13,884 11,899 9,969 25,086 652 12,957 11,229 10,291 22,685 581 11,798 10,036 8,268 22,561 588 11,108 8,543 7,978 22,959 714 11,177 Essex Georgetown .... Gloucester .... CJroveland . . Hamilton ... 1,561 1,978 24,862 2.150 2,387 1,384 1,803 24,046 2,122 2.037 1.486 2.009 24.164 2,219 2.235 1.465 1,853 24,204 2,336 2,044 1,403 1,888 23.375 2,485 2,018 1,478 2,004 22,947 2,650 1,631 1,677 2,058 24,478 2,377 1,879 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS— 1945. 13 Table 7. — • Population of Cities and Towns, etc. — Continued. Counties, Cities and Towns. 1945. 1940. 1935. 1930. 1925. 1920. 1915. ESSEX — Con. Haverhill .... Ipswich .... Lawrence .... Lynn Lynnfield .... 46,162 6,610 85,603 105,153 2,921 46.752 6,348 84,323 98,123 2,287 49,516 6.217 86,785 100,909 1,896 48.710 5,599 85,068 102,320 1,594 49,232 6,055 93,527 103,081 1,331 53,884 6,201 94,270 99,148 1,165 49,4,50 6,272 90.259 95,803 1,112 Manchester .... Marblehead .... Merrimac .... Methuen' Middleton .... 2,539 12,524 2,384 23,160 2.415 2,472 10,856 2,320 21,880 2,348 2,509 10,173 2,209 21,073 1,975 2,636 8,668 2,392 21,069 1,712 2,499 8,214 2,349 20,606 1,667 2,466 7,324 2,173 15,189 1,195 2,945 7,606 2,101 14,007 1,308 Nahant Newbury .... Newburypobt North Andover Peabody .... 2,396 1,636 14,079 7,936 22,303 1,835 1,599 13.916 7,524 , 21,711 1,748 1,576 14,815 7.164 22,082 1,654 1,530 15,084 6,961 21,345 1,630 1.432 15.656 6,839 19,870 1,318 1,303 15,618 6,265 19,552 1,387 1,590 15,311 5,956 18,625 RockpKjrt .... Rowley Salem Salisbury .... Saugus 3,992 1,585 42,833 2,622 16,662 3,556 1,533 41,213 2,376 14,825 3,634 1,495 43,472 2,245 15,076 3,630 1,356 43,353 2,194 14,700 3,949 1,408 42,821 1,820 12,743 3.878 1,249 42, .529 1,701 10,874 4,351 1,481 37,200 1,717 10,226 Swampscott .... Topsfield ... Wenham .... West Newbury 11,835 1,153 1,406 1,503 10,761 1,150 1,220 1.515 10,480 1,113 1,196 1,475 10,346 986 1,119 1,549 8,953 915 1,145 1,337 8,101 900 1,090 1,492 7,345 1,173 1,068 1,529 FRANKLIN. 51,066 49,453 51,043 49,612 49,598 49,361 48.256 .A.shfield Bernardston .... Buckland .... Charlemont .... Colrain 933 1,022 1,525 812 1,455 872 954 1,527 789 1,497 918 975 1,540 923 1,554 860 893 1,497 816 1,391 919 844 1,555 820 1,562 869 769 1,433 808 1,607 994 790 1,569 977 1,829 Conway Deerfield .... Erving Gill Greenfield .... 867 3,083 1,315 918 17,020 944 2,684 1,328 931 15,672 952 2,963 1,283 995 15,903 900 2,882 1,263 983 15,500 931 2,968 1,334 918 15,246 961 2,803 1,295 879 15.462 1,220 2,739 1,168 951 12.618 Hawley Heath Leverett .... Leyden Monroe 203 327 594 254 171 257 359 688 260 207 308 368 726 253 240 313 331 677 261 218 354 298 664 270 143 390 325 696 330 173 427 383 779 344 296 Montague .... New Salem .... Northfield .... Orange Rowe 7,602 364 2,064 5,762 178 7,582 357 1,975 5,611 233 7,967 443 1,950 5,383 277 8,081 414 1,888 5,365 298 7,973 519 1,821 5,141 292 7,675 512 1,775 5,393 333 7,925 625 1,782 5,379 424 Shelburne .... Shutesbury . Sunderland .... Warwick .... Wendell 1,656 201 1,018 401 348 1,636 191 1,085 444 391 1,606 239 1,182 565 397 1,544 222 1,159 367 353 1,538 208 1,290 364 397 1,436 242 1,289 327 346 1.484 292 1,278 477 388 Whately 973 979 1,133 1,136 1,229 1,234 1,118 HAMPDEN. 351,757 332,107 333,495 335,496 327.088 300,305 262,944 Agawam Blandford ... Brimfield Chester Chicopbe .... 8,420 521 975 1,252 44,626 7,842 479 1,012 1,284 41,664 7,206 469 892 1,362 41,952 7,095 545 884 1,464 43.930 6,290 437 840 1.514 41,882 5,023 479 778 1.302 36,214 4.555 623 934 1.344 30,138 East Longmeadow Granville .... Hampden .... Holland HoLYOKE .... 3.805 656 1,153 265 53,775 3,403 668 1,023 247 53,750 3,375 704 854 201 56,1.39 3,327 674 684 137 56,537 3,134 609 632 141 60,335 2.352 655 624 153 60,203 1,939 784 670 159 60.816 Methuen resumed a town form of government January 29, 1921. 14 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1945. Table 7. — Population of Cities and Towns, etc. — Continued. Counties, Cities and Towns. 1945. 1940. 1935. 1930. 1925. 1920. 1915. HAMPDEN — Con. Longmeadow .... Ludlow Monson Montgomery .... Palmer 6,411 8,06.5 5,662 137 9,716 5,790 8,181 5,597 178 9,149 5,105 8,569 5,193 174 9,437 4,437 8,876 4,918 141 9,577 3,333 8,802 5,089 191 11,044 2,618 7,470 4,826 229 9,896 1,782 6,251 5,004 230 9,468 Russell Southwick .... Springfield .... Tolland Wales 1,221 1,885 169,896 111 354 1,242 1,579 149,554 129 367 1,283 1,540 149,642 141 382 1,237 1,461 149,900 134 360 1,398 l,li67 142,065 150 434 1,237 1,194 129,614 192 419 1,104 1,365 102,971 199 337 Westfikld .... West Springfield Wilbraham .... 19,956 19,453 3,442 18,793 17,135 3,041 18,788 17,118 2,969 19,775 16,684 2,719 19,342 15,326 2,833 18,604 13,443 2,780 18,411 11,339 2,521 HAMPSHIRE. 74,375 72,461 74.205 72,801 75,122 69,599 69,549 Amherst .... Belchertown .... Chesterfield .... Cummington .... Easthampton 7,089 3,769 375 532 10,578 6,410 3,503 422 608 10,316 6,473 3,863 445 610 10,486 5,888 3,139 420 531 11,323 5,972 2,905 445 508 11,587 5,550 2,058 441 489 11,261 5,558 2,062 559 660 9,845 Enfield' Goshen Granby Greenwich' .... Hadley 278 1,143 2.606 237 1,085 2,576 495 257 956 219 2,711 497 248 891 238 2,682 749 251 810 450 2,888 790 224 779 399 2,784 806 289 828 426 2,666 Hatfield Huntington .... Middlefield .... Northampton Pelhani 2,188 1,242 226 24,977 512 2,216 1,340 201 24,794 568 2,433 1,345 220 24,525 504 2,476 1,242 197 24,381 455 2,702 1,543 223 24,145 519 2,651 1,425 280 21,951 503 2,630 1,427 325 21,654 499 Plainfield .... Prescotti .... Southampton South Hadley Ware 224 1,102 7,352 7,578 264 950 6,856 7,557 332 18 954 6,838 7,727 306 48 931 6,773 7,385 282 230 916 6,609 8,629 332 236 814 5,527 8,525 375 299 950 5,179 9,346 Westhampton Williamsburg Worthington .... 413 1,828 363 403 1,684 471 405 1,859 530 374 1,891 485 337 1,993 429 305 1,866 409 430 2,118 618 MIDDLESEX. 1.022.331 971,390 958,855 934,924 360,414 778,352 733,624 Acton Arlington .... Ashby Ashland Ayer 2,869 43,515 1,110 2,920 3,967 2,701 40,013 1,026 2,479 3,572 2,635 38,539 957 2,497 3,861 2,482 36,094 982 2,397 3,060 2,387 24,943 907 2,521 3,032 2,162 18,665 834 2,287 3,052 2,151 14,889 922 2,005 2,779 Bedford Belmont .... Billerica Boxborough .... Burlington . . . • . 4,170 28,866 8,504 358 2,656 3,807 26,867 7,933 376 2,275 3,185 24,831 6,650 404 2,146 2,603 21,748 5,880 312 1,722 1,514 15,256 4,913 333 1,431 1,362 10,749 3,646 298 885 1,365 8,081 3,246 326 751 Cambridge .... Carlisle Chelmsford .... Concord Dracut 111,124 697 8,726 8,382 7,434 110,879 747 8,077 7,972 7,339 118,075 688 7,595 7,723 6,500 113,643 569 7,022 7,477 6,912 119,669 510 6,573 7,056 6,400 109,694 463 5,682 6,461 5,280 108,822 490 5.182 6,681 4,022 Dunstable .... Everett .... Framingham .... Groton Holliston .... 440 48,553 25,502 2,835 3,311 447 46,784 23,214 2,550 3,000 419 47,228 22,651 2,534 2,925 384 48,424 22,210 2,434 2,864 338 42,072 21,078 2,428 2,812 353 40,120 17,033 2,185 2,707 362 37,718 15,860 2,333 2,788 Hopkinton .... Hudson Lexington .... Lincoln Littleton .... 2,8.'-)6 8,126 14,452 1,998 1,673 2,697 8,042 13,187 1,783 1,651 2,616 8,495 10,813 1,573 1,530 2,563 8,469 9,467 1,493 1,447 2,580 8,130 7,785 1,306 1,411 2,289 7,607 6,350 1,042 1,277 2,475 6,758 5,538 1,310 1,228 » Taken by the Metropolitan Water Commission, Chapter 240, Acts of 1938. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1945. 15 Table 7. — Population of Cities and Towns, etc. — Continued. Counties, Cities and Towns. 1945. 1940. 1935. 1930. 1925. 1920. 1915. MIDDLESEX — Con. Lowell Malden Mablborouoh Maynard . . . • Medford . . • ■ 101,229 59,567 15,680 7,017 67,071 101,389 58,010 15,154 6,812 63,083 100,114 57,277 15,781 7,107 61,444 100,234 58,036 15,587 7,156 59,714 110,296 51,789 16,236 7,857 47,627 112,759 49,103 15,028 7,086 39,038 107,978 48,907 15,250 6,770 30,509 Melrose . ■ • • Natiok Newton . ■ • • North Reading Pepperell • • ■ • 27,971 15,789. 77,257 3,089 3,119 25,333 13,851 69,873 2,886 3,114 24,256 14,394 66,144 2,321 3,004 23,170 13,689 65,276 1,945 2,922 20,165 12,871 53,003 1,689 2,779 18,204 10,907 46,054 1,286 2,468 16,880 11,119 43,113 1,292 2,839 Reading . . • • Sherborn . ■ • • Shirley Somerville . . • • Stoneham . • • • 12,327 1,036 2,459 105,883 12,032 10,866 1,022 2,608 102,177 10,765 10,703 994 2.548 100,773 10,841 9,767 943 2,427 103,908 10,060 8,693 929 2,394 99,032 9,084 7,439 1,558 2,26u 93,091 7,873 6,805 1,696 2,251 86,854 7,489 Stow Sudbury Tewksbury . • • • Townsend . • ■ • Tyngsborough 1,337 2,051 5,949 2,298 1,495 1,243 1,754 6,261 2,065 1,634 1.190 1.638 6.563 1.942 1,331 1,142 1,182 5,585 1,752 1,358 1,185 1,394 4,985 1,895 1,107 1,101 1,211 4.450 1,575 1,044 1,127 1.206 6.285 1.812 967 Wakefield - • ■ • Waltham ■ • • • Watertown .... Wavland . ■ • • Westford . . . ■ 18,677 43,577 37,438 3,90.1 3,815 16,223 40,020 35,427 3,505 3,830 16,494 40,557 35,827 3,346 3,789 16,318 39,247 34,913 2,937 3,600 15,611 34,746 25,480 2,255 3,571 13,025 30,915 21,457 1,935 3.170 12,781 30,154 16,515 2,033 2,843 Weston Wilmington . . . ■ Winchester . . . • WOBURN . • • ■ 4,473 5,564 15,300 19,886 3,590 4,645 15,081 19,751 3,848 4,493 13,371 19,695 3,332 4,013 12,719 19,434 2,906 3,515 11,565 18,370 2.282 2,581 10,485 16,574 2,342 2,330 10,005 16,410 NANTUCKET. 2.870 3,401 3.495 3,678 3.152 2.797 3.166 Nantucket . • ■ • 2,870 3,401 3,495 3,678 3,152 2,797 3,166 NORFOLK. 363,410 325,180 320,826 299,426 262,065 219,081 201,907 Avon Bellingham . ■ ■ • Braintree ■ • • • Brookline . . • ■ Canton 2,533 3,494 20,279 56,940 6,704 2,335 2,979 16,378 49,786 6,381 2,362 3,056 17,122 50,319 6,505 2,414 3,189 15,712 47,490 5,816 2,360 2,877 13,193 42,681 5,896 2,176 2,102 10,580 37,748 5,945 2,164 1,953 9,343 33,490 5,623 Cohasset . . . • Dedham . . . ■ Dover Foxborough . . ■ • Franklin . . ■ • 3,540 16,659 1,566 6,457 7,531 3,111 15,508 1,374 6,303 7,303 3,418 15,371 1,305 5,834 7,494 3,083 15,136 1,195 5.347 7,028 2,913 13,918 1,044 4,934 7,055 2,639 10,792 867 4.136 6,497 2,800 11,043 999 3,755 6,440 Holbrook . . • • Medfield . - • ■ Medway . . . ■ MilliB Milton 3,716 4,199 3,363 2,329 21,718 3,330 4,384 3,297 2,278 18,708 3,364 4,162 3,268 2,098 18,147 3,353 4,066 3,153 1,738 16,434 3,273 3,867 3,144 1.791 12,861 3,161 3,595 2,956 1,485 9,382 2,948 3,648 2,846 1,442 8,600 Needham . . . • Norfolk . . . . . Norwood . . . ■ Plainville .... QuiNCY 14,507 2,006 16,508 1,837 82,084 12,445 2,294 15,383 1,302 75,810 11,828 2,073 15,574 1,606 76,909 10,845 1,429 15,049 1,583 71,983 8,977 1,213 14,151 1,512 60,055 7,012 1,159 12,627 1,365 47,876 6,542 1,268 10,977 1,408 40,674 Randolph .... Sharon Stoughton .... Walpole Wellesley .... 8,463 4,073 9,063 8,409 17,581 7,634 3,737 8,632 7,443 15,127 7,580 3,683 8,478 7,449 13,376 6,553 3,351 8,204 7,273 11,439 5,644 3,119 7,857 6,508 9,049 4,756 2,467 6,865 5,446 6,224 4,734 2,468 6,982 5,490 6,439 Westwood .... Weymouth .... Wrentham .... 4,797 27,957 5,097 3,376 23.868 4,674 2,537 21,748 4,160 2,097 20,882 3.584 1,706 17,253 3,214 1,358 15,057 2,808 1,448 13,969 2,414 16 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1945. Table 7. — Population of Cities and Towns, etc. — Continued. CouNTiEa, Cities and Towns. 1945. 1940. 1935. 1930. 1925. 1920. 1915. PLYMOUTH. 180,318 168,824 166,329 162,311 164,257 156,968 157,303 Abington .... Bridgewater .... Brockton .... Carver Duxbury .... 6,374 8,641 65,202 1,383 2.432 5,708 8,902 62,343 1.469 2,359 5,696 9,201 62,407 1,559 2,244 5,872 9,055 63,797 1,381 1,696 5,882 9,468 65,343 1,306 1.688 5,787 8,438 66,254 891 1,553 5,646 9,381 62,288 1,701 1,921 East Bridgewater . Halifax . . Hanover .... Hanson Hingham .... 4,008 997 3,018 2,641 9,676 3,832 867 2,875 2,570 8,003 3.670 817 2,709 2.417 7,330 3,591 728 2,808 2,184 6,657 3,538 614 2,755 2.166 6,158 3,486 563 2,575 1,910 5.604 3,689 638 2,666 1,796 5.264 Hull Kingston .... Lakeville .... Marion Marshfield .... 3,388 2,922 1,555 2,120 2,405 2,167 2,783 1,780 2,030 2,419 2,619 2.743 1.443 1.867 2,073 2.047 2,672 1,574 1,638 1,625 2,652 2,524 1.439 1.271 1.777 1.771 2,505 1.419 1,288 1.379 2.290 2.580 1,491 1,487 1,725 Mattapoisett .... Middleborough Norwell .... Pembroke .... Plymouth .... 1,994 9,596 2,147 1,821 13,536 1,608 9,032 1,871 1,718 13,100 1.682 8.865 1,666 1,621 13.183 1,501 8,608 1,519 1,492 13,042 1.556 9.136 1,466 1,480 13,176 1.277 8.453 1.348 1.358 13,045 1,352 8,631 1,563 1,337 12,926 Plymton .... Rochester .... Rockland .... Scituate Wareham .... 545 1,107 8,603 4.873 7,439 532 1,269 8,087 4,130 6,364 558 1.229 7,890 3,846 6,047 511 1,141 7,524 3,118 5,686 511 1.100 7.966 2.713 5,594 469 1.047 7.544 2.534 4.415 599 1,160 7,074 2,661 5,176 West Bridgewater Whitman .... 3,605 8,290 3.247 7,759 3,356 7,591 3.206 7.638 3,121 7,857 2,908 7,147 2.741 7,520 SUFFOLK. 860,709 863,248 912,706 879,536 876,286 835,522 826,801 Boston Chelsea .... Revere .... Winthrcp .... 766.386 39,940 35,687 18,696 770,816 41,259 34,405 16,768 817,713 42,673 35,319 17,001 781,188 45.816 35,680 16,852 779,620 47,247 33,261 16,158 748,060 43,184 28,823 15,455 745,439 43,426 25,178 12,758 WORCESTER. 522,607 504,470 495,562 491,242 489,697 455,135 430,703 Ashburnham .... Athol Auburn Barre Berlin 2.325 11,804 7,865 3,485 1.119 2,255 11,180 6,629 3.528 1,057 2,051 10,751 6,535 3,509 1,091 2.079 10.677 6.147 3.510 1,075 2,159 9,602 4,927 3,329 1,071 2.012 9.792 3.891 3.357 868 2,059 9,783 3,281 3.476 865 Blackstone' .... Bolton Boylston .... Brookfield- .... Charlton .... 4.349 850 1,313 1,390 3,051 4.566 775 1,388 1,393 2,557 4,588 739 1,361 1,309 2,366 4,674 764 1.097 1.352 2,154 4,802 801 970 1,401 2.295 4.299 708 794 2,216 1.995 5,689 768 783 2.059 2.213 Clinton Dana' Douglas Dudley East Brookfield - 12,736 2,667 4.725 1,070 12.440 2,617 4,616 1.016 12.373 387 2.403 4,568 945 12,817 595 2,195 4,265 926 14.180 657 2.363 4,594 929 12.979 599 2.181 3.701 13.192 712 2.179 4,373 FiTCHBDRQ .... Gardner .... Grafton Hardwick .... Harvard .... 43.770 20,245 7,969 2,115 1,065 41.824 20,206 7,457 2,154 1,790 41,700 20,397 7,681 2,379 952 40,692 19,399 7,030 2,460 987 43,609 18,730 6,973 3,046 996 41.029 16,971 6,887 3,085 2,546 39,656 16,376 6,250 3,596 1,104 Holden Hopedale .... Hubbardston .... Lancaster .... Leicester .... 4,846 3,317 1.019 3.037 5.154 3,924 3,113 1,022 2,963 4,851 3,914 3,068 1,000 2,590 4,426 3,871 2.973 1,010 2,897 4,445 3,436 3,165 1,067 2.678 4,110 2,970 2,777 1,045 2,461 3,635 2.514 2.663 1.084 2.585 3.322 • Part of the town of Blackstone taken to form the town of Millville, May 1, 1916. ^ Part of the town of Brookfield taken to form the town of East Brookfield, March 24, ' Taken by tlie Metropolitan Water Coninii.s.sion, Chupicr 240, Acts of 1938. 1920. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1945. Table 7. — Population of Cities and Towns, etc. — Concluded. Counties, Cities and Towns. 1945. 1940. 1935. 1930. 1925. 1920. 1915. WORCESTER — Con. Leominster Lunenburg Mendon . Milford . Millbury Millville' New Braintree Northborough Northbridge . North Brookfield Oakham Oxford . Paxton . Petersham Phillipston Princeton Royalston Rutland . Shrewsbury Southborough Southbridge Spencer . Sterling . Sturbridge Sutton Templeton Upton Uxbridge. Warren Webster . Westborough . West Boylston West Brookfield Westminster . Winchendon . Worcester 23,549 2,657 1,504 15.801 7,666 1,616 409 2,958 10,212 3,121 424 5,022 850 743 475 866 750 1,561 9,296 2,330 17,561 6,765 1,897 2,329 2,610 4,435 2,388 6,635 3,498 13,534 6,665 2,382 1,457 2,153 6,461 198,741 22,226 2,195 1,315 15,388 6,983 1,722 439 2,382 10,242 3.304 423 4,623 791 923 481 713 795 2,181 7,586 2,231 16,825 6,641 1,713 2,227 2,949 4,601 2,249 6,417 3,531 13,186 6,463 1,822 1,387 2,126 6.575 193,694 21,894 2,124 1,265 15,008 6,879 1,901 436 2,396 10,577 3,186 441 4,249 731 718 423 707 841 2,406 7,144 2,109 15,786 6,487 1,556 1,918 2.408 4,302 2,163 6.397 3,662 13,837 6,073 2,158 1,258 1,965 6,603 190,471 21,810 1,923 1,107 14,741 6,957 2,111 407 1,946 9,713 3,013 502 3,943 672 660 357 717 744 2,442 6,910 2,166 14,264 6,272 1,502 1,772 2,147 4,159 2,026 6,285 3,765 12,992 6,409 2,114 1,255 1,925 6,202 195,311 22,120 19,744 1,875 1,634 1,030 961 14,781 13,471 6,441 5,653 2,366 2,224 423 394 1,968 1.753 10,051 10,174 3,046 2,610 525 477 4,026 3,820 591 489 672 642 384 354 773 682 821 819 2,236 1,743 5,819 3,708 2,053 1,838 15,489 14,245 6,523 5,930 1,516 1,305 1,845 1,573 2,174 2,578 4,368 4,019 1,988 1,693 6.172 5,384 3,950 3,467 13,389 13,258 6,348 5,789 1,916 1,624 1,314 1,281 1,884 1,343 6,173 5,904 190,757 179.754 17.646 1,610 933 13,684 5,295 453 1,797 9,254 2,947 527 3,476 471 727 390 800 862 1,895 2,794 1,898 14,217 5,994 1,403 1,618 2,829 4,081 2,036 4,921 4,268 12,565 5,925 1,318 1,288 1,594 5,908 162,697 Recapilulation. The State and Counties. 1945. 1940. 1935. 1930. 1925. 1920. 1915. THE STATE. 4,493,281 4,316,721 4,350,910 4,249,614 4,144,205 3,852,356 3,693,310 Barnstable .... Berkshire . ^ . Bristol . ' . Dukes Essex 38,216 127,620 373,619 5,050 519,333 37,295 122,273 364,637 5,669 496,313 36,647 121,099 366,465 5,700 504,483 32,305 120,700 364,.590 4,953 498,040 29,782 121,255 383,795 4,862 496,832 26,670 113,033 3o9,0(i5 4,372 482,156 28,818 114,709 346,964 4,904 403,662 Franklin Hampden .... Hampshire .... Middlesex .... Nantucket .... 51,066 351,757 74,375 1,022,331 2,870 49,453 332,107 72,461 971,390 3,401 51,043 333,495 74,205 958,855 3,495 49,612 335,496 72,801 934,924 3,678 49,598 327,088 75,122 860,414 3,152 49,361 300,305 69,599 778.352 2,797 48,256 262,944 69,549 733,624 3,166 Norfolk Plymouth .... Suffolk Worcester .... 363,410 180,318 860,709 522,607 325,180 168,824 863,248 504,470 320,826 166,329 912,706 495,562 299,426 162,311 879,536 491,242 262,065 164,257 876,286 489.697 219,081 156,968 835,522 455,135 201,907 157,303 826,801 430,703 ' Part of the town of Blackstone taken to form the town of Millville, May 1, 1016. 18 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1946. Table 8. — Population of Cities, 1945, compared with 1940 and 1935, and SHOWING Increase and Decrease in Number and Percentage, arranged , IN Order of Size, 1945. Increase.' five-year period. 1 TEN-YEAR PERIOD. 1940- 1945. 1935. -1945 Cities 1945. 1940. 1935. N um- Per Num- Per ber. Cent. ber. Cent. Totals 2,986.588 2,916,344 2,975,790 70,244 2.4 10,798 0.4 Boston 766,386 770,816 817,713 -4,430 -0.6 -51,327 -6.3 Worcester .... 198,741 193,694 190,471 5,047 2.6 8,270 4.3 Springfield .... 159,896 149,554 149,642 10,342 6.9 10,254 6.9 Fall, River .... 115,062 115,428 117,414 -366 -0.3 -2,352 -2.0 Cambridge .... 111,124 110,879 118,075 245 0.2 -6,951 -5.9 New Bedeord 110,308 110,341 110,022 -33 -0.02 286 0.3 SOMERVILLE .... 105.883 102,177 100,773 3,706 3.6 5,110 5.1 Lynn 105,153 98,123 100,909 7,030 7.2 4,244 4.2 LOWELT 101,229 101,389 100,114 -160 -0.2 1,115 1.1 Lawrence .... 85,603 84,323 86,785 1,280 1.5 -1.182 -1.4 QtriNCY 82,084 75,810 76,909 6,274 8.3 5,175 6.7 Newton .... 77,257 69,873 66,144 7.384 10.6 11,113 16.8 Medford .... 67,071 63,083 61,444 3,988 6.3 5,627 9.2 Brockton .... 65,202 62,343 62,407 2,859 4.6 2,795 4.5 Malden .... 59,567 58,010 57,277 1,557 2.7 2,290 4.0 HOLYOKE .... 53,775 53,750 56,139 25 0.0» -2,364 -4.2 PlTTSFIELD .... 53,560 49,684 47,516 3,876 7.8 6,044 12.7 Everett .... 48,553 46,784 47,228 1,769 3.8 1,325 2.8 Haverhill .... 46,162 46,752 49,516 -590 -1.3 -3,354 -6.6 Chicopee .... 44,626 41,664 41,952 2,962 7.1 2,674 6.4 FiTCHBUKQ .... 43,770 41,824 41,700 1,946 4.7 2,070 5.0 Waltham .... 43,577 40,020 40,557 3,557 8.9 3,020 7.4 Salem 42,833 41,213 43,472 1,620 3.9 -639 -1.5 Chblsea .... 39,940 41,259 42,673 -1,319 -3.2 -2,733 -6.4 Taunton .... 38,612 37,395 37,431 1,217 3.3 1.181 3.2 Revere . 35,687 34,405 35,319 1,282 3.7 368 1.0 Melrose .... 27,971 25,333 24,256 2.638 10.4 3,715 15.3 Beverly .... 26,814 25,537 25,871 1,277 5.0 943 3.6 Northampton 24,977 24,794 24,525 183 0.7 452 1.8 Gloucester .... 24,862 24,046 24,164 816 3.4 698 2.9 Leominster .... 23,549 22,226 21,894 1,323 6.0. 1,655 7.6 Attleboko .... 22,375 22,071 21,835 304 1.4 540 2.5 Peabody .... 22, .303 21,711 22,082 592 2.7 221 1.0 North Adams 22,230 22,213 22,085 17 0.0= 145 0.7 Gardner .... 20,245 20.206 20,397 39 0.2 -152 -0.7 Westfield .... 19.956 18,793 18,788 1,163 6.2 1,168 6.2 WOBURN .... 19,886 19,761 19,695 135 0.7 191 1.0 Marlborough 15,680 15,154 15,781 526 3.5 -101 -0.6 Newburyport ' . 14,079 13,916 14,815 163 1.2 -736 -5.0 ' A minus sign (-) denotes decrease. ' Less than one-tenth of one per cent. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1945. Id Table 9. — Population of Towns of 5,000 or More, 1945, compared with 1940 AND 1935, AND showing Increase and Decrease in Number and Percentage, arranged in Order of Size, 1945. Inch E.\SE.' - FIVE-TEAR PERIOD. TEN-YEAR PERIOD. 1940 -1945. 1935 -1945. Towns. 1945. 1940. 19.^5. Num- Per Num- Per ber. Cent. ber. Cent. Totals 1,105,480 990,108 976,321 115,372 11.7 129,159 13.2 Brookline .... 66,940 49,786 50,319 7,164 14.4 6,621 13.2 •Arlington .... 43,516 40,013 38,539 3,502 8.8 4,976 12.9 Watertowii .... 37,438 35,427 35,827 2,011 5.7 1,611 4.5 Belmont 28,866 26,867 24,831 1,999 7.4 4,035 16.2 Weymouth .... 27,957 23,868 21,748 4,089 17.1 6,209 28.5 Framingham .... 25,502 23,214 22,651 2,288 9.9 2,851 12.6 Methuen .... 23,160 21,880 21,073 12,80 5.9 2,087 9.9 Milton 21,718 18,708 18,147 3,010 16.1 3,571 19.7 Braintree .... 20,279 16,378 17,122 3,901 23.8 3,157 18.4 West Springfield . 19,453 17,136 17,118 2,318 13.5 2,335 13.6 Winthrop .... 18,696 16,768 17,001 1,928 11.5 1,695 10.0 Wakefield .... 18,677 16,223 16,494 2,454 15.1 2,183 13.2 Wellesley .... 17,681 16,127 13,376 2,454 16.2 4,205 31.4 Southbridge .... 17,561 16,825 15,786 736 4.4 1,775 11.2 Greenfield .... 17,020 15,672 15,903 1,348 8.6 1,117 7.0 Saugus 16,662 14,826 15,076 1,837 12.4 1,586 10.6 Uedhani 16,659 15,508 15,371 1,151 7.4 1,288 8.4 Norwood . • . 16,508 15,383 15,574 1,125 7.3 934 6.0 Alilford 15,801 16,388 15,008 413 2.7 793 6.3 Natick 15,789 13,851 14,394 1,938 14.0 1,.395 9.7 Winchester .... 15,300 15,081 13,371 219 1.6 1,929 14.4 Danvers 14,614 14,179 13,884 436 3.1 730 5.3 Needhani .... 14,607 12,445 11,828 2,062 16.6 2,679 22.6 Lexington .... 14,452 13,187 10,813 1,265 9.6 3,639 33.7 Plymouth .... 13,536 13,100 13,183 436 33 353 2.7 Webster .... 13,534 13,186 13,837 348 2.6 -303 -2.2 Clinton 12,736 12,440 12,373 296 2.4 363 2.9 Adams 12,724 12,608 12,858 116 0.9 -134 -1.0 Marblehead .... 12,524 10,856 10,173 1,668 15.4 2,351 23.1 Reading 12,327 10,866 10,703 1,461 13.4 1,624 15.2 Fairhaven .... 12,072 10,938 11,005 1,134 10.4 1,067 9.7 Stonehani .... 1'2,032 10,765 10,841 1,267 11.8 1,191 11.0 Andover .... 11,920 11,122 10,542 798 7.2 1,378 13.1 Swampscott .... 11,835 10,761 10,480 1,074 10.0 1,355 12.9 Athol 11,804 11,180 10,751 624 5.6 1,053 9.8 North Attleborough 11,552 10,359 10,202 1,193 11.5 1,350 13.2 Amesbury .... 10,824 10,862 10,514 -38 -0.3 310 2.9 Easthampton 10,578 10,316 10,486 262 2.5 92 0.9 Norlhbridge .... 10,212 10,242 10,577 -30 -0.3 -365 -3.5 Dartmouth .... 9,909 9,011 9,424 898 10.0 485 5.1 Palmer 9,716 9,149 9,437 567 6.2 279 3.0 Hingham .... 9,676 8,003 7,330 1,673 20.9 2,346 32.0 Middleborough 9,596 9,032 8,865 564 6.2 731 8.2 Shrewsbury .... 9,296 7,586 7,144 1,710 22.5 2,152 30.1 Stoughton .... 9,063 8,632 8,478 431 5.0 585 6.9 Chelmsford .... 8,726 8,077 7,595 649 8.0 1,131 14.9 Barnstable .... 8,647 8,333 8,037 314 3.8 610 7.6 Bridgewater .... 8,641 8,902 9,201 -261 -2.9 -560 -6.1 Rockland .... 8,603 8,087 7,890 516 6.4 713 9.0 Billerica .... 8.504 7,933 6,650 571 7.2 1,854 27.9 Randolph .... 8,463 7,634 7,580 829 10.9 883 11.6 Agawam 8,420 7,842 7,206 578 7.4 1,214 16.8 Walpule 8,409 7,443 7,449 966 13.0 960 12.9 Concord 8,382 7,972 7.723 410 5.1 669 8.5 Whitman .... 8,290 7,759 7,.591 531 6.8 699 9.2 * A minus sign (- ) denotes decrease. 20 Table 9. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1945. Population of Towns of 5,000 or More, etc. — Concluded. Increase.! FIVE-YEAR PERIOD, j TEN-YEAR PERIOD. 1940- 1945. 1935- 1945. Towns. 194.5. 1940. 1935. Num- Per Num- Per ber. Cent. ber. Cent. Hudson 8,126 8,042 8,495 84 1.0 -369 -4.3 Ludlow 8,065 8.181 8.569 -116 -1.4 -504 -5.9 Grafton 7,969 7,457 7,681 512 6.9 288 3.7 North Andover 7,936 7,524 7,164 412 5.5 772 10.8 Auburn 7,865 6,629 6,535 1,236 18.6 1.330 20.4 Falinoutli .... 7,751 6,878 6.537 873 12.7 1,214 18.6 Millbury ... 7,666 6,983 6,879 683 9.8 787 11,4 Montague .... 7,602 7,582 7,967 20 0.3 -365 -4.6 Ware 7,.578 7 557 7,727 21 0.3 -149 -1.9 Franklin ... 7,5.31 7,303 7.494 228 3.1 37 0.5 Warehani .... 7,439 6,364 6,047 1,075 16.9 1,392 23.0 IJracut .... 7,434 7,339 6,500 95 1.3 934 14.4 South Hadley 7,352 6,856 6,838 496 7.2 514 7.5 -\mherst 7,089 6,410 6,473 679 10.6 616 9.5 Maynard .... 7,017 6,812 7,107 205 3.0 -90 -1.3 Mansfield .... 6,978 6,530 6,543 448 6.9 435 6.6 Somerset .... 6,815 5,873 5,656 942 16.0 1,159 20.5 Spencer 6,765 6,641 6,487 124 1.9 278 4.3 Canton 6,704 6,381 6,505 323 5.1 199 3.1 Westboroush .... 6.665 6,463 6.073 202 3.1 592 9.7 U.\bridge 6,635 6,417 6,.397 218 3.4 238 3.7 Ipswich 6,610 6,348 6,217 262 4.1 393 6.3 VVinchendon .... 6,461 6,575 6,603 -114 -1.7 -142 -2.2 Foxborough .... 6,457 6,303 5,834 154 2.5 623 10.7 Longmeadow .... 6,411 5,790 5.105, 621 10.7 1,.306 25.6 Abingtistric-t ( 'oiirt of ('(-ntral Berkshire. ^ The town of Windsor is wilhin the concurrent jurisdiction of the District Court of Central Berkshire and the I'^mrth District ("ourt of Berkshire. ' The (own of Sundisfield is within the concurrent jurisdiction of the District ( 'ourt of Lee and the 1 )istrii-( Court of Southern Berkshire. * The towns of Freetown and Westport are within the concurrent jurisdiction of llie .Sc<:ond ;ind Tliird District Courts of Bristol. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1945. 29 Table 13. — Population of Judicial Districts by Cities and Towns. Continued. Popu- Popu- Jurisdiction. lation, Jurisdiction. lation, 1945. 1945. DUKES. franklin — Con District Court of Dukes County 5,050 District Court of Franklin— Con. Chilmark - 230 Leverett 594 Edgartown 1,296 Leyden ..._.... 254 Gay Head 114 Monroe ..".... 171 Gosnold 107 Montague 7,602 Oak Bluffs 1,345 Northfield 2,064 Tisburv 1,719 Rowe 178 WestTisbury 239 Shelburne 1,6.56 Shutesbury 201 ESSEX. Sunderland 1,018 First District Court of Essex 94,161 Whately 073 Bevebly 26,814 District Court of Eastern Franklin 8.190 Danvers 14,614 Ervin ...... 1,315 Hamilton ...... 2.387 New Salem 364 Manchester 2,539 Orange 5,762 Middleton 2,415 Warwick ...... 401 S.^LEM 42,833 Wendell 348 Topsfield 1,153 Wenham 1,406 HAMPDEN. Second District Court of Essex 15,830 District Cx>urt of Eastern Hampden 20,414 Amesbury 10,824 Brimfield 975 Merrimac 2,384 Holland 265 Salisbury' 2,622 Monson ...... 5,662 Third District Court of Essex 6,610 Palmer 9,716 Ipswich 6,610 Wales 354 Central District Court of Northern Wilbraham 3.442 Essex 52,604 District Court of Western Hampden 25,739 Boxford 811 Blandford 521 Georgetown 1,978 Chester 1,2.52 Groveland 2,150 Granville 656 Haverhill 46,162 Mont.ffomery 137 West Newbury- 1,503 Russell 1,221 District Court of Eastern Essex . .?0.415 Southwick ...... 1,885 Essex 1,561 Tf.lland 111 Gloucester . . '. . 24,862 We.stfield 19,956 Rockport 3.992 District Court of Chlcopee 44,626 District Court of Southern Essex 148,570 Chicopee 44,626 Lynn 105,153 District Court of Holyoke 53.775 Marblehead 12,524 HOLYOKE ,53,775 Nahant 2,396 District Court of Springfield 207,203 Saugus 16,662 Agawam 8.420 Swampscott 11.835 East Lonameadow .... 3,805 District Court of Lawrence 128,619 Hampden 1,153 Andover ll,9-0 Lonsrmeadow 6.411 lyAWBENCE 85,603 Ludlow 8,06.5 Methuen 23,160 Springfield 159.896 North Andover 7,936 West Springfield 19,4.53 District Court of Peabody 25,224 Lynnfield 2,921 HAMPSHIRE. Peabody 1 - 22,303 District Court of Hampshire 66,797 District Court of Newburyport 21,425 Amherst 7,089 Newbury 1,636 Belchertown . 3,769 Newburypobt 14,079 Chesterfield 375 Rowley 1,585 Cummington . .532 Salisbury! 2,622 Easthampton 10,578 \\ est Newbury- ..... 1,503 Goshen Gran by . 278 1,143 FRANKLIN. Hadlev . 2,606 District Court of Frank .lin 42,876 Hatfield . 2,188 Ashfield . 933 Huntington 1.242 Bernardston 1,022 Middlefield . 226 Buckland 1,525 NoKTHAMPTON 24.977 Charlemimt . 812 Pelham 512 Colrain 1,455 Plai nfield 224 Conway 867 South Hadley 7,3.52 Deerfield 3,083 Southampton 1,102 Gill . 918 Westhampton 413 Greenfield 17,020 Williamsburg 1,828 Hawley . 203 Worthington 363 Ht-ath 327 District Court of Eastern Hampshire 7,578 Ware 7,578 ' The town of Salisbury is within tlie concarrent jurisdiction of the District Court of Newburyport and the Second District Court of Essex. - The town of West Newbury is within the concurrent jurisdiction of the District Court of Newbtiryjiort and the Central District Court of .\orthern Essex. 30 CENSUS OF IVIASSACHUSETTS — 1945. Table 13. — Population of Judicial Districts by Cities and Towns. Continued. JCTBISDICTION. Popu- lation, 19 i5. Jurisdiction. Popu- lation, 1945. MIDDLESEX. First District Court of Northern Middlesex . . . ; . Ashby Ayer . . . . - . Boxborough Groton Littleton Pepperell Shirley Townsend Westford First District Court of Southern Middlesex Ashland Franiinghani Holliston Hopkinton Sherborn Sudbury Wayland First District Court of Eastern Middlesex Everett Malden Medford Melrose Wakefi-ld Second District Court of Eastern Middlesex Waltham Watertown Weston ....... Third District Court of Eastern Middlesex Arlington Belmont Cambridge ...... Fourth District Court of Eastern Middlesex Burlington Norih Reading Reading Stoneham Wilmington Winchester WOBURN District Court of Central Middlesex Acton Bedford Carlisle Concord Lexington Lincoln Maynard Stow District Court of Natick Natick District Court of Lowell Billerica Chelmsford Dracut Dunstable Lowell Tewksbury Tyngsborough District Court of Marlborough . Hudson Marlboroogh District Court of Newton Newton District Court of Somerville SOMBRVILLE NANTUCKET. District Court of Nantucket Nantucket 21,634 1,110 3,967 358 2,835 1,673 3,119 2,459 2,298 3,815 41,577 2,920 25,502 3,311 2,856 1,036 2,051 3,901 221.839 48.553 59,567 67,071 27,971 18,677 85,488 43,577 37,438 4,473 183,505 43,515 28,866 111,124 70,854 2,656 3,089 12,327 12,032 5,564 15,300 19,886 40,922 2,869 4,170 697 8,382 14,452 1,998 7,017 1,337 15,789 15,789 133,777 8,504 8,726 7,434 440 101,229 5,949 1,495 23,806 8,126 15,680 77,257 77,257 105,883 105,883 2,870 2,870 NORFOLK. District Court of East Norfolk . Braintree Cohasset Holbrook Milton QUINCY Randolph Weymouth ...... District Court of Northern Norfolk Dedham Dover Medfield Needham Norwood ...... Wellesley Westwood District Court of Southern Norfolk Avon Canton Sharon Stoughton District Court of Western Norfolk . Bellingham Foxborougli Franklin Medway Millis Norfolk Plainville Walpole Wrentham Municipal Court of Brookline . Brookline ...... PLYMOUTH. Second District Court of Plymouth . Abington Hanover Hanson Hingham Hull Norwell Rockland Scituate Whitman ..... Third District Court of Plymouth . Duxbury Kingston Marshfield Penibroke . . f . . . Plymouth Plympton Fourth EMstrict Court of Plymouth Carver Lakeville Marion Mattapoisett Middleborough Rochester Wareham District Court of Brockton Bridgewater Brockton East Bridgewater Halifax West Brudgewater .... SUFFOLK. East Boston District Court East Boston Winthrop Municipal Court of the City of Boston Municipal C,ourt of the Brighton District 167,757 20,279 3,540 3,716 21,718 82,084 8,463 27,957 75,817 16,659 1,566 4,199 14,507 16,508 17,581 4,797 22,373 2,533 6,704 4,073 9,063 40,523 3,494 6,457 7,531 3,363 2,329 2,006 1,837 8,409 5,097 56,940 56,940 49,010 6,374 3,018 2,641 9,676 3,388 2,147 8,603 4,873 8,290 23,661 2,432 2,922 2,405 1.821 13,536 545 25,194 1,383 1,555 2.120 1,994 9,596 1.107 7,439 82,453 8,641 65,202 4,008 997 3,605 73,808 55,112 18.696 105,720 66,818 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1945. 31 Table 13. — Population of Judicial Districts by Cities and Towns. Concluded. Jurisdiction. Popu- lation, 1945. .lURISDICTION. Popu- lation, 1945. SUFFOLK — Con. Municipal Court of the Charlestown District Municipal Court of the Dorchester District Municipal Court of the Roxbury District Municipal Court of the South Boston District ... Municipal Court of the West Roxbury District District Court of Chelsea . Chelsea Revere WORCESTER. First District Court of Nortliern Worcester Athol Gardner Hubbardston Petersham Phillipston Royalston Templeton Westminster First District Court of Southern Worcester Charlton Dudley Oxford Southbridge Sturbridge Webster Second District Court of Southern Worcester Blackstone Douglas ........ MiUville Northbridge Uxbridge Third District Court of Southern Worcester Hopedale Mendon Milford Upton 25,655 173,518 155,629 5.^.486 130,448 75,627 39,940 35,687 41,624 11,804 20,245 1,019 743 475 750 4,435 2,153 46,222 3,051 4,725 5,022 17,561 2,329 13,534 25,479 4,349 2,667 1,616 10,212 6,635 23,010 3,317 1,504 15,801 2,388 WORCESTER — Con. First District Court of Eastern Worcester Grafton Northborough Southborough Westborough Second District Court of Eastern Worcester Berlin Bolton Boylston Clinton Harvard Lancaster ...... Sterling Central District Court of Worcester Auburn Barre Holden Leicester Millbury Oakham Paxton Princeton Rutland Shrewsbury Sutton West Boylston Worcesteb District Court of Western Worcester Brookfield . . . East Brookfield Hardwick New Braintree North Brookfield Spencer Warren West Brookfield District Court of Leominster . Leominster District Court of Winchendon . Winchendon District Court of Fitchburg Ashburnham FiTCHBURO Lunenburg 19,922 7,969 2,958 2,330 6,665 22,017 1,119 850 1,313 12,736 1,065 3,037 1,897 245,746 7,865 3,485 4,846 5,154 7,666 ■ 424 850 866 1,561 9,296 2,610 2,382 198,741 19,825 1,390 1,070 2,115 409 3,121 6,765 3,498 1,457 23,549 23,. 549 6,461 6,461 48,752 2 325 43!770 2,657 Notes, with Statutory Citations, on Annexations, Changes in Boundary Lines, etc., since January 1, 1935. The following notes, relative to the establishment of boundary lines and changes in extent of territory, etc., are complete from January 1, 1935, to January 1, 1945. For notes of changes prior to January 1, 1935, see Census of Massachusetts, 1905, Vol. 1, and Census of Massachusetts for 1915, 1925 and 1935. Arling-ton, part of boundary between Belmont and, established. Acts of 1938, chapter 371, approved May 26. Bellingham, boundary between Franklin and, established. Acts of 1941, chapter 641, approved October 9. Belinont, part of boundry between Arlington and, established. Acts of 1938, chapter 371, approved May 26. Behnont, part of boundary between Waltham and, established. Acts of 1939, chapter 84, approved March 22. Brewster, part of boundary between Orleans and, re-established. Acts of 1935. chapter 356, approved June 20. 32 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1945. Edgartown, part of boundary between Oak Bluffs, and, re-established. Acts of 1937, chapter 265, approved May 5. itchburg, part of city of Leonainster, annexed to. Acts of 1941, chapters 37 and 698, approved, Leominster, December 27. Fitchburg, part of city of Leominster, annexed to. Acts of 1943, amending chapter 37, 1941. approved, Fitchburg June 16, 1943. Foxborough, boundary between Walpole and, established. Acts of 1937, chapter 140, approved March 29. Franklin, boundary between Bellingham and, established. Acts of 1941, chapter 641, approved October 9. Leominster, part of city of Fitchburg, annexed to. Acts of 1941, chapters 37 and 698, approved Leominster, December 27. Leominster, part of city of Fitchburg, annexed to. Acts of 1943, amending chapter 37, 1941, approved, Fitchburg June 16, 1943. Marion, part of boundary between Wareham and, established. Acts of 1939, chapter 279, approved June 12. Middleton, boundary between Topsfield and, established. Acts of 1936, chapter 96, approved February 28. Oak Bluffs, part of boundary between Tisbury and, re-established. Acts of 1935, chapter 145, approved April 8. Oak Bluffs, part of boundary between Edgartown and, re-established. Acts of 1937, chapter 265, approved May 5. Orleans, part of boundary between Brewster and, re-established. Acts of 1935, chapter 356, approved June 20. Rochester, boundary between Wareham and, established. Acts 'of 1939, chapter 279, approved June 12. Ti.sbury, part of boundary between Oak Bluffs and, re-established. Acts of 1935, chapter 145, approved April 8. Topsfield, boundary between Middleton and, established. Acts of 1936, chapter 96, approved February 28. Walpole, boundary between Foxborough and, established. Acts of 1937, chapter 140, approved March 29. Waltham, part of boundary between Belmont and, established. Acts of 1939, chapter 84, approved March 22. Wareham, boundary between Rochester and, established. Acts of 1939, chapter 279, approved June 12. Wareham, part of boundary between Marion and, established. Acts of 1939, chapter 279, approved June 12.