la UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS LIBRARY SPECIAL COLLECTIONS S 683 kh2 V.I (c.30.-(o2l v. I DIGEST OF AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS PATliXTCD IX THE UMTHD STATES FROM ^, D. 1789 TO JULY ISSl. [ LIMITED TO 100 COPIES. ] O O' IVIJ !3 ij iL, ^ B AMP A\ R Ff. A NJ Q e B> B T' JAMES T. ALLEN, UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE, WASHINCITON, 1). C. tillered (iccoicliiir, to ^ft of Coiif/ress in the year Ihe Offif-eofZ/te Zi/trariaii, at mts?iiHr,lon, 21. V. V • \ \l rilAliHTICAL LIST OF /V-; /SSI Ks n y sc h di i ys/o.v. riaik, C. M.. \latii. l')., " Mdum, R. M., K. v.. \ Share-. I). W., liiamci-, I'., .>^ Ibiluor, O. W. Imbiii, J. S.. t-'raiie, K., Crane, E.. Cravath, M. A. .\: I. M., lohnson, M., "inhnM.n. M., "l.aDow, l., Norton, R. 1)., Randall, S. (;., Randall, S. C, Indcrwood, J. K.. Eichholtz. M., I'attee, I. II., I 'ran, E., rri.rivAi'oR-; — sTKAiiniE- Norton, C. P., Sims Z. H., Ro«ell, I. S. &I., Savre. C. 11. & Klinch, C, Workman. \V., & Hichcock.J. I rLn\ ATORS — WIIF.EI, iiR S .\lli-on. A. H., .Vrmstrong, J. Jr., I'.ertrand, T. F., & Sames, P., Blood, A. R., Hathaway. A, Beach, V. R., P.ovd, I. C, P.ri'nlon, |. H., Canlield. A.. iJryden, W . & C. E, a>, I. , .V Pitche Mc(,Hii>ton. ' Noble, 1). 1, Packard, L.", Raper, W. li, Rhamv, |. H Rolibins' R. Schr.eder, ]., Smith, I. R.. Smith, II. li. Stafford, IJ. ! Tinkham, !!., Imhank. 1)., Woodward. 1. .\. iV S S,, \ Gibbs, J., IS M,>so„, t.. 712 Hart, i;. D., 473 |.] Ill (ill — 1 nri INIIS. 1 Holmes, \\. C, 19 Underwood, V. ].. 933 ' Huff. E.S., 1'UM-i;hs— \vii Kl 1 lohiiM.n. M.. 151 lia.vter, R., looS lonsui,, W. D.. 23 Benson, B. .S., 1004 keener. I , 41 Brinckerhoff, C. R., 964 Knox, .S. A.. II Burton, N. v.. 976 Laird, IL. luS Casaday, W. L., 1119 Lawbauyh.t.. W. \ Willi. uns, 1.. 41 Crossley, VV. G., 1013 Loner, .\. 11.. 57 Davenjjort, K. S., 998 .Mahon, 1. 11., 46 Davison, (;. A., 1022 Meikle, ■\\. 127 Eruhling, \V., 1 134 Mellon, R. M.. 21 Hall. T. 1.. 964 Michenor, A. D„ \- Stciymever, Hall, \\ 1 . 1035 J. W. 96 Ilildrclh.'c. W.. 967 Mires, 1. 37 Hill, K. A., iiii Milroy, y. \V. 77 James W. A., Lewis, J. B., & Uda 1 194 Moorehead, L B. & Pool, T. A. 11, J. E., 1025 & G. t;." 42 Matteson, D. C, 969 Nauman, E. 156 Ready, W. B„ 976 Nauman. E. "'3 Shisser,!)., 1023 Oncnl.C. W. 167 Volkman, B., 1000 , .xer, W. J. Parcell, P. B. 62 114 MODELS SAVED WHOLLY Parish, G. W. if's FROM THE EIRE OF iS 77- Parsons, G. \V. & Finlev, W. S. 121 — Perkins E. H. & S. D.' 167 Culver, II., 1033 Pool, T. W. 18 Dale, W. P., 7S6 Potts, J. 62 Heaton, H. I., 611 Reams, B. F. 79 Henery, A. P., 172 Rebman, J. 116 N'eff, J. Jr., 114 Rebman, \. 129 Potter, J. H., 942.^ Remy, B.'w\ & N. T. Richardson, VV. 119 72 MODELS TAKL .\- EROM THE Rigell, M. 52 DEBRIS OE I LIE EIRI Rodgers, T. I!., 65 OF JS77. Routt, A, P.. 66 — Sawyer, R., 17 Cfl.TIV \TOR s. Severy, S„ 14S Ai;ncw, A.. & Mori \v., 1° Slater', D. S., 80 Armdd. 11. !!.,& ( rimn , I.. 7f< Smith, \V. D., n^ Arringt.m. W. j„ 122 Snyder, L. 79 Harnttt, 1. .V., 14S Speer, \. A., Ir., 40 Beach, C., .V P.row 1, T. 37 .slantun, R. .s!. 15 Belden, 11. M., 36 Stn.wt;er. W. D., 46 Belden, C. 52 Thurston, F. (,., 146 Bell, W. C . 147 Tolle, M., 13 Benner. 1). (i.. Toombs, S. A., 47 Bl.ick, c.t;.. 13 Yanhorn, R. P., 12 Bloodwuth, E. 11., 16 Van Home, R. P., 28 Briggs, H. C, 163 Van Home. R. P., 118 Brooks, W., 134 Wai^ner, [. R., Burns, J., 46 Waile, T.-. 89 Cain, M., & Stelfox \\., 41 Walton, W.. S3 Cameron, 1. F., 29 Walton. S., 15S Chase. 1. W., i.';7 Weaver, W., '55 Clmse, "I. W., 162 Weliber, N. C... 108 Clark, (";., 30 Whaite, C. L., Clifton, L., 88 CI:LTIVAT0RS— DISK. Clifton, W. C, "S Bramer, F., 264 Copeland, I., •5' Bussell, E. T., 256 Cox, B. S., 104 Coleman, L., 247 Cox, B. S., 134 Hoyt, B. C, 241 Crait;, .\. |., Si Hoyt, B. C, 258 Crabtree, J. M., 161 Johnson. M., 250 Davis, 1. 11., 75 La Dow . C, 272 Deweese, ( ,. W. 80 Masten, I.. 268 Dickson, 1. 11., S5 Pond, \. v.. 258 Dovle, I..'H.. 41 Schlosier, J.. 259 Eberlv, D., 15 ClLTivATORS— PARALLEL. Elliot', R., 52 Avery, R. H., 345 Erwood, J. C, 106 Bennett, W. IL, & Haight. H . K ., 356 Fish, R. A., 143 Tunkins. |. C. 35' 353 Fleming, J. S., ■Louden. -W. Flory, C, 74 McDill. T. W.. 356 Folly, F. W., •54 Polint;, T. 346 Foshee, W. [., Pr.Ut, F. ^l'^ Freeman, E.' 1... 523 Reeves. A. 11. 353 T. E., Summer.-;, J. & Tnimljle J. CUl.TIVATDK-Ror. Colborn, L. H. Coon, I H. Cooper, G. W., Decelie, M., Fenley, G. W., Fitzgerald, J. C, Foye, \V. II., Freeborn, W., Hexvitt, S., Hopkins, G. E,, Jones, J. G., McDonald Moody, L., Nubbaum, A. B. Piatt, H. M., Smith, N. S., CULTIVATORS- Geisinger, J. B.& Williams, D.H. -S, Guthrie, L., Matteny, R. G. & Barnes, I>. R., Sims, Z. B., Stoll, M., Thomas, J. S., Cfl.TIVATOR TEETH. Buckingham, C. P., Colt, J. R., Custer, G., Dryden,W. A. & Turnlndl, J.M., Dryden, W. A., Elwood, R., Esterly, G. W. & Van De Water, Ford, W. P. &T. H., Forsyth, F, R., French, H. F., Freeman, E. L., Hamilton, T. F., Hammon, T. W., Hanis, J., Hooker, H. T. HuUbert, W. M., Hyer, B. S., Kelly, W^ H., - Lamborn, L., Lawbaugh, G, W., Leonard, E., Little,]. R., Lynch, E. P. & Wright, E. A., Lynch, E, P. & Wright, E. A., Luppen, L., Maynard, G., Mattheson, D. C, & Williamson, T. P., Morrison, W., Odell, R. P., Parmile, E. & C .Smith, G. 11., Snyder, S., Stockdale.J., Van Bracklin, Whate, M. R. Wood, 1., CUI.TIVATOKS — WIIEEI, OR SULK Adams, J., Alexander, ]. T. D., Baker, A. S". & Landon, W. H Barnett, M & Wood, E. Bashaw, J. N., Bird, J. C, Bluser, N. G., Brinser, A. C, Carlson, A. F,, Carlson, A. F., Shupps, C. Cameron, W'., Carringlon. S. E. & E. H., CuN, R. C, Crowthers, J., Guthrie, T. D., Tr., Hewitt, P., Huffman, O., Ives, E., Johnson, ]. P., Jones, J., Lynch, E. P., Mahon, I. B., Mahon, I. B., McCorkell, R., Peabody, S. G., Reynerson, J. H., Reynerson, ]. H., Roberts, C. "S., Sexton, 1. B., Shaw, J.; Stool, M., Wilkinson, G., ri-OUGHS — COUPLINnS. Carr, N. & J., Jr., Coons, S. P., Crossly, S., Dryden, W. A., Piatt, W. H., Vanluvanee, ]., & Smith. H, 5S8 S12 704 839 768 829 795 694 835 738 6S9 759 647 697 678 705 670 728 5S5 779 813 933 940 937 934 939 937 Vansickle, G. W., & ghey, C, Chai'nS^uL.' ■ Derwent, E., Jr.. Dickie, W., I)u lioi., N., Fisher, S., Fh.rancc, 1. L., l-u«lc.-. .\. A., Giuvc-, C. A., Hams;,n;"j. D., Hildreth, G. \\ ., Hill, F. A., Hovt, B. C, Hunt, L., s, C. Moore, G., Murphv, M., Richardson, W. M., Russell, E. W., Rush, K. 1).,.V E. W. Seibert, G. & I., Slusser, 1;., Smalley, D. A. & ].U Sparks, ()., Stone, J., \'anarsdale, W. A., Watkins, J. T., Watt, G., Wolf, L., Woodworth, S. F., Worrell, J. & Ryners Worrell, J., EX T ENS I ( Aider, M., Cramer, J. P., Hall, T. I., Hyde, w! S., Ltchenthaler, (i., McQuiston, T., Melton, R. M., Rogers, D. B., Shares, D. W., Siemens, M. G., Vosi, G. W. i\.. ir.91 988 Ic82 1092 "3' 1 129 1099 1099 1093 973 1 140 1 139 1074 966 nil 1058 1040 966 IC05 1007 1069 H09 I ICO 1023 1092 974 1089 1 1 25 1022 994 97S I no 1056 May 10, 1859 June 5, 1857 May I, 185s June 21, i8s3 July 25, 1854 Oct, 18, 1859 May 31, 1859 Nov. I, 184s Aug. I, 1854 Oct. 9, i860 Mar. 20, 1855 GEXERAl. ALFIIABETICAJ. l.XDEX. /'/<;/.• Claim riatc Claim Plate Claim Adams W. R. So 23 .Atwood, C. 1051 343 Battell, W. 995 326 A.lams. I. 412 129 Austin, J. 2S0 83 Batten, J. P. 793 228 A,l.ims'li. A. 750 218 Austin, J. 62s 180 Bauni, C. C. 650 187 A.laii.s, I. 75' 21S Austin, "R. G. .S. 1 87 52 Baumanii, |. N. 607 '75 AJnms. 1. A. S19 233 Austin, R. G. S. 488 142 Baxter, R." 1008 331 A.lams S. 11. 98? 322 Austin, R G. S. 488 142 IR.) 1008 331 A.lams, S r. 1115 358 Avery R. H. 343 106 Bayliss, E. 264 76 A.ldiM.n, \V. l". 854 243 Avery. R. H. 345 107 " " (R.) 265 76 K. A. "'3 45 Avery, 1. 663 .91 Beach, C. and Brown, T. 37 9 A-iuw. A. an.l>oi Averv, G. C. 1009 33' Beale, T. 57 16 \V. IQ 7 Ayres.T. and Hunt, M.F. 93S 2^98 Beale, L. W. 1021 334 Aik.-n. i;. C, 512 '5° Bachmin, J. L. 880 253 Bean, J. C. 178 49 Aiken, C. C. 513 150 Badger, N. 38' 121 Bean, S. 268 77 Aikon, S. W. 1 2 Badlam, E. 384 122 Bean, H. and Tyson, J Aircv. R. (. . IOS3 35° Bailey. T- 1 130 361 n. 693 200 Aker, A. 1 86 52 Bailey, J. and Marshall. Bean, E. C. and Welden Albcit^on, C. 1087 351 G. 1147 366 F. N. 742 215 Allien, M. ■9 4 Bailey, S. 855 244 Beard. C. A. and Evans AUliioli. W. S27 235 Bailev, 1. H. S74 250 - E. E. 120 34 Alexander, R. W. 355 Baird, E. A. and Gale, Beard, A. 191 53 AleNander, T- E. 1105 372 A. T. 359 III Beaver. J. T. 470 Alexander, T- T. 1). 599 '73 Baird, E. E. 1085 350 Bnckelhymer, L. S. an Allen, I). R. 63 18 Baker, J. B. 13 3 Canady, H. H. 1117 35S Allen, S. L. 174 48 Baker, W. ^ji 36 Beckwith, W. G. 524 152 Allen, W. K. 1 108 356 Baker, D. C. 140 39 Beckwith, S. 525 '53 Alley, T- A. 703 203 Baker. T- M. 737 215 Beeching, G. I Allis A. O. 1015 333 Baker, W. T. 742 215 Beers, E. A. 1091 352 Alli-on, A. H. 674 194 Baker, A.S. and I.andon, Beeis, E. A. nog 356 ( R. 1 675 194 \V. H. 798 229 Beers, E. A. 1 124 360 Alli.on, A. H. 692 200 Baker. M. H. 974 319 Behel, I. 784 225 Alli-on, .\. H. 712 206 Bakewell. C. N. 1016 Zc,Z Behel, "J. 807 Allison, A. H, 1054 344 Baldwin. P. 0. 122 34 Belden, H. M. 36 9 Alloways, J. 1048 342 Baldwin. L. 140 38 Belden. C. 52 '4 Aii>to(t, V. n. 50 13 Ball, T. [. and P..ste, T- 9 2 Belden, C. 98S 324 Altick. W. 3S6 '23 Ball, \V."M. 66 19 BUduke, T. 1187 379 Alvord, C, 521 '5' Ballagh. A. H. 10S2 350 Bell, W.C. 147 41 Alvord, C. 719 208 Baltimore. J. T. 696 201 Bell, S. R. 189 53 Al^ord,C. 749 217 Bancroft, \V. II 2 Bell, .';. and Branson, G Ament, W. D, 632 182 Banks. I. 16 3 W. 730 211 Ament, W. IJ. 643 185 I;anksoii. \V. 636 183 Belniont, H. 75S 219 Amonett, A. A. 1140 364 Bannigan, T- C. 826 235 Belt, A. C. 75 22 Anderson, A, P. and Ed- Bannigan, J. C. 830 236 Benjamin, E. D. 1029 337 wards, I!. 662 191 Bannigan, J. C. 538 155 Bemendefer, H. F. an 1 Anders.;.n. A. 667 192 Barber, 1. 69 s 201 Smith, G. 68 19 An.lreNvs, W. T. 64 18 Barber, I., Ir. 6t;i 181 Benedict. I. A. 96 28 Andrews. \V. "j. 394 125 Barber, I. K42 240 Benedict, H. 98 29 Andrews, I. \\. 1025 336 Barcafar, G. 821 234 Benedict, I. A. "7 11 Andrews J. H. 1049 342 Barclay, J. W. and Sel- Benedict. I. A. '74 48 Andrew, \V. W. 48 1 141 lar, R. 1214 388 Benner, D. G. 105 3' .\nslev, |. and (i. W. 126 35 Bardel, J. A. 64 s 186 Bennett, G. T. 27 6 Andi./.ine, L. 844 240 Barker, A. 796 22S Bennett, W. H. and Anlhony, ,'^. E. 258 75 Barlev, T- H. 665 191 Height, H. R. 356 no Aiivan, 1!. 705 Barley,!. H. f.90 199 Bennett, A. 699 202 An'van. 15. 729 211 Barnes, N. 3 I Benson, J., S. and W. 6S7 198 A.cher, D., Ir. 840 239 Barnes, H. 53 '5 Benson, B. S. 1 104 355 Ari;erhrii;lu, D. 852 243 Barnes, W. G. 839 239 „ . .. (R.) 1 104 355 Armstrong, I., [r. 649 187 Barnes, W. G. 84S 242 Benton, L. B, 35 9 (R ) 650 1 87 Barnett, J. A, 148 41 Bemlev, C. A. S28 236 Armstrong. J., Jr, 676 '95 Barnett, M.and Wood, E 694 201 Bequeret, D. and Dum- Armstrong, \ Jr. 729 211 Barney, F. 62S 180 oulin, C. 999 328 Armstrong, J. and G. 1071 347 Barnhartj P. 58 16 Berdan, I. "63 371 .■\rnistrong. 1. and ('.. 1096 353 Barnwell, A. S. 64 18 Bergen, J. 664 191 .\rmstrong, G. and J. Jr. 1170 374 Barr, M. J. 128 36 Bergen, J. 680 196 .Armstrong, G. and" Jlur Barr, O. and Cox, E. F. C60 190 Bergqvist, A. F. 1212 387 cl.eson, D. L. 1 192 381 Barr, 0. 1172 374 Berkstresser, H. 338 '23 Arndt, T. So 26 Barrier, F. M. 77 22 Berninger, C. 390 124 Arnold,!). T. 677 .96 Barringer. J. H. lOOI 328 Berry, W. O. M. 1094 252 Arnjl.U, H.'li. an.l Grimn Barsalow, H. 673 194 Berthiaume, L. "97 382 J. 7« 22 Bartlelt, \. W. 1CX50 32S Bertrand, F. T. 543 '57 Arrington, W. ^. 122 34 Barton, C. T. .78 49 Bertrand, T. F. and Artluir, I. li. 78 Barton, L. B. 639 .84 Sanies, P. 659 190 Arvin, I. X. 663 191 Barton, L. B. 647 1 86 Bertrand, T. F. and Asav, A. M. and Woo Bashaw, I. N. 809 231 Sames, P. 672 '93 'I. W. ' 266 77 Batcheller, A. F. 405 " iR.j 672 '93 Atchison. W. I. 271 79 Bateheller, A. I'. S12 232 " " " (R.) 672 194 Atwater, J. B.' 383 122 Bateman, F. IQI 53 Belhea, J. C. 61 '7 Atwood. C. 9S8 324 Bates, W. E. 640 '84 Bettendorf, W. P. 1 186 379 Atwoo7 J. G. and Seaton, B. Billings, R. F. 538 «55 Bradley, B. C. and F. 1098 353 Billings, D. S. 5S2 169 Hague, C. H. 1 1 88 380 Brown, E. C. 1117 358 Bingham, T- and Pond, Bradley, B. C. 1 198 382 Brown, M. 1 130 361 0. M 1083 350 Bramer, F. 264 76 Brown, L. 1 174 375 Bird, T- C. 682 «97 Bramer, F. 270 78 Brown, M. n8o 377 Bird, "C. 747 217 " " (R.) 270 78 Brown, L. 1200 383 Birdsell, T. 507 149 Bramer, F. and Badger, Brown, J. H. 1206 38s Hirdsall, F. M. 661 190 0. W. 270 78 Bruner,M. Jr. 747 2 47 Bishop, C. 9 (R.) 27c 78 Bruner, T. 1142 364 Black, G. G. 13 3 Bramer, F. 271 79 Bryan, J. 731 212 Black, T. 465 137 Bramer, F. 276 Bryan, J. 1036 339 Black, A. M. 609 175 Bramer, F. 277 81 Bryan, S. 1 1 14 358 Black, A. M. 662 :9o Bramer, F. 277 81 Bryan, F. C. 1196 381 Black, J. F. and W. L. 975 320 Bramer, F. 281 83 Buchanan, S. A. 824 235 Black, T. F. and W. L. 9S8 324 Bramer, F. and Crowley, Buckingham, C. P. 539 156 Black, T. P. and Pates, T 1176 376 G. G. 28s 85 Buckley, R. C. 782 225 Blacki^tone, Z. D. 139 38 Brannan, P. 942 299 Buckley, R. C. 1152 367 lllackistone, Z. D. ■39 38 Brannan, R 868 249 Bucklin, M. 5" 149 Blackstone, W. 1082 350 Brate, B. F. 786 226 Bucknall, M. H. 66s 191 Blackwood, J. 1061 345 Briediii, r. ('. and Buckner, C. J. 624 179 Blake, J. W. 126 35 \\luvlcr, 0. T. 4>3 '3° Budd, E. C, 1151 367 Blanchard, J. 364 76 r.rviK-inan. M. 472 139 Buffington, M. C. 690 •99 Blanchard, A. D. "74 375 Bles.k.,, (.;. W. 727 210 Buflington, M. C. 749 217 Blauser, N. G. 752 218 Brewer, J. 249 72 Bullock, R. 47 « '38 Blauser, N. G. 791 227 Brewer, J. 640 .84 Bumgarner, H. 1097 353 Bleecker, W. E. 398 126 Brewer, J. 644 185 Bullitt, H. M. 1082 350 Bleecker, W. E. 404 127 Brewer, J. 985 323 Bunn, W. T. "5 33 Blodgelt, \Y. W. and Brewster, N. T. and Burbank, R. I. 91 27 Smits,J. H. 867 248 Neher, A. D. 83s 238 Burch, T. W. 394 125 Bloedel, H. S64 246 Briggs, E. 31 7 Bunlge, H. R. 249 Blomsten-, B. C. '23 35 Briggs, E. 142 39 Burke, I. M. 48 13 Blood, A. R., Hathaway, Briggs, H. C. 163 45 Burke, E 1 192 381 A. and Beach, V. R. 706 204 Briggs, H. C. 475 139 Burkett, G. and Gaskill (R.) 707 204 Briggs. H. C. 726 210 S. M. lOOI 329 Bloodworth, E. H. 16 3 Brimingham, G. B. 536 155 Burlingame, A. H. 995 327 Blue, D. G. 45 12 Brinckerhoff, C. R. 963 317 Burlingame, A. H. 1092 352 Bodley, J. W. 288 87 " (R.) 964 317 Burlingame, A. H. 1130 362 Bohan, J. 739 214 Brinlev, T, E. C. 33 8 Burnett, R. A. 547 158 Boles, A. 99 29 Brinley, T. E. C. 122 34 Burnham, J. and Lathrop Bolis, V. 114 33 Brinley, T. E C. 1097 353 W.C. 666 192 Bond, J. L. 1056 344 Brinser, A. C. 736 213 Burnham, J. 702 203 Bondeli.A. 254 74 Brinton, I. H. 719 208 Burns,;. 46 12 Booker, J. W. 615 «77 •■ (R.) 720 209 Burton, W. J. 5° 13 Borchert, H. 1200 383 Bristol, H. C. 679 196 Burton, N. F. 976 320 Borcheit, H. 1211 387 Brittain, J. T. 125 35 " " (R.) 976 320 Borden, T. I Brittain, P. F. 686 198 Busenger, A. 169 47 Borland, A. J. 1061 345 Broadwell, W. B. 468 138 Bush, W. M. 251 72 Borland, A. J. 1068 346 Brock, S. W. 935 298 Bushnell, W. 27 6 Bossinger, J. W. 931 297 Brodnax, D. W. Sr. 408 128 Bushnell, S. S. 533 '54 Bott, W. H. lOI 30 Bronson, G. W. 760 220 Bushnell, W. K. "39 364 Boughton, E. 583 169 Brooks, R. M. 24 6 Bushnell, W. K. and D. 1 146 366 Bourne, E. 395 126 Brooks, W. 134 37 Buskett, |. L. 183 51 Bouton, A. 470 138 Brooks, B. E. 696 201 Bussell, E. T. 256 74 Bowen, H. W. 397 126 Brotton, R. 604 174 Bussell, E. T. 261 75 Bowen, S. B. and Abbot Brower, G. S., G. W., anc Bussell, E. T. 261 75 A. M. 1067 346 E, A. 806 231 Bussell, E. T. 262 75 Bower, J. 107 3' Browne, R. T. 842 240 Bussell, E. T. 387 123 Bowers, H. 603 «74 Brown, G. W. Butterfield, J- S, 941 299 Bowman, D. W. 126 35 Brown, W. P. :88 52 Buttler, N. 735 213 Bowman, L. D. 1123 360 Brown, W. P. 360 III Butner, H. 821 234 Bowman, R. J. 1216 388 Brown, I. 462 137 Button, A. T. and Lundy , Boyce, \V. J. and Haines Br6«n, W. P. 546 157 S.J. I I2'> 360 G. W." 1042 34: Brown, G. W. 597 172 Byerly, H. F. 661 190 Boyd, J. C. 57 16 Brown, F. E. 606 "75 Byers, J. E. 773 223 Boyd, J. C. 699 202 Brown, G. D. 765 221 Cagiwin, F. L. 391 124 " " (R.) 700 203 Brown, W. P. 776 224 Cahill, L. 1116 358 Boyd, J. G. 1046 342 Brown. W. P. 843 240 CahiU, M. and Morey, Boys, H. 682 197 Brown, W. P. 862 246 A. F. 1118 359 Bradley, G. 775 223 Brown, l.M. 861 246 Cahill, M. 1186 379 Bradley, G. 792 227 Brown, "W. P. 941 299 Cahill, L. 1 201 383 Bradley. G. 825 235 Brown, W. P. 944 300 Cahill, L. 1214 387 Bradley, C. P. 849 242 Brown, W. P. 943 300 Cain, S. M.and Stelfox,W. 41 10 Bradley, B. C. 870 249 Brown, H. 963 3«7 Calkins, G, 645 185 Bradley, B. C. 939 298 Brown, J. C. and Cameron, J. F. 29 7 Bradley, R. C. "35 363 Slimpert, G. H. 985 323 Cameron, j. F. 512 150 Bradley, B. C. 1187 379 Brown, C. and Gerth, L 1021 334 Campbell, A. 24 GENERAL ALPHABETICAL IXDEX. Cnmpbell, T. Canaday, II. II. Canaday, H. II. t-ana3 232 Clime, S. 2 I Cotton, J. 1224 390 Close, B. M. 95 28 CouUer, W. F., Trabue, Clover, C. C. 856 244 G. F. and Lowrey, Cloyd, H. C. 109 32 W.A. 717 208 Cluckner, J. 106 31 Coulter, W. F., G. and Coats, S. 8 2 Lanery, J. A. 726 210 Cochrane, J. 1068 346 Covell, A. T. 1008 331 Cochran, B. C, T. W. Cowan. .S. 617. 178 and J. M. 683 197 Cowing, H. 710 205 Coe, 0. 243 69 Cox, M. C. lOI 30 Coggin, S. L. 189 53 Cox, B. S. 104 31 Colborn, L. H. 384 122 Cox, B. S. 134 37 Colburn, D. W. 679 196 Cox, J. and Throp, J. A 601 174 Cole, N. C. 157 43 Cox, J. and Throp, J. A. 628 181 Cole, J. H. 828 236 Cox,S. H. and Pence, W. Cole, H. 868 249 H. 698 202 Cole, J. H. 1045 342 Cox, B. C. 812 232 Coleman, L. 247 71 Cox, J. and S. 1044 341 Coleman, J. H. 723 209 Covle, H. J. 123 35 Collins, J. W. and Wil Crabtree, 1. M. 161 44 kinson, R. Y. 381 121 Craft, R. b. 476 140 Collins, I. 605 174 Craig, R. 26 6 Colt, J. R. 540 156 Craig, A. J. 81 24 Colton, G. D. 969 319 Grain, 0. A. 182 50 Colton, G. D. 970 319 Cramer, J. P. 510 149 GENERAL ALPHABETICAL IXDEX. Crane, E. " " (R.) Crane, B. |. Cravath, M. A. and I. M " (R Cravath, M. A. Creek, C. C. Cremer, V. Crenshaw, M. Criswell, R., Jr. Croll, G. Cropp, F. M. Cross, B. H. Crossley, S. Crossley, W. G. (R.l Crossley, W. G. Crothers, F. R. Crothers, F. H. Crothers, F. R. Crow, C. Crowley, G. G. Crowther, J. Crump, T. J. Crutcher, S. Cruttenden, A. E. Culver, H. riaie Clai 248 71 24S 7: 248 71 249 71 107 1 247 ■) 247 s, \V. H. and Cummings, W. H. Cummins, S. A. Cummins, \V. B. Cummins, A, G. and T. R. Cummins. J, R. Cunningham. J. Cunningham, A. Curkendall, G. Currier, A. Currie, J. Cunv. i. I.. ( Ullis.'ll. \V. I'uniss. M. s. Cniti-. M. S. Cuni^,. M. S. Curt IV,. M. S. Cum-s. M. S, and E. W. Curtiss, M. S. Custer, J. Custer, J. Custer, G. Daggett, D. P. Dahl, G. J. Dahlbom, S. Dailey, A. A. Dale, W. P. Dale, W. \>. Dale, W. P. Dalev, L. Dalton, H. X. Dalton, H. N. Dalton, II. N. D.imron, W. H., Massey, R. H. and Whitman, L. F. Dana, C. H. Daniel, C. Daniels, T. T. Daniels, T.T. Daniels, C. J. Daniels, H. L. Daniels, E. ,S. Daniels, H. L. Danner, J. 347 70 474 139 1055 344 486 142 850 242 178 49 937 29S 1012 352 1013 332 1064 345 1092 352 103 30 284 85 779 224 1218 389 480 141 1066 346 1083 350 "36 li>l 1176 376 588 170 1044 341 1128 361 190 53 1 1 54 36S 112;; 360 1 148 366 24b 70 246 70 S14 it;o .S87 170 1017 333 831 237 1050 343 78b 226 799 229 808 S2q i';^. 24=; 09 997 327 1041 340 Pla Clai 698 202 10 2 664 191 287 85 851 243 415 130 1 1 50 367 II78 376 1220 3S9 Darling, M.and (Jray, H. Darneii, D. E. D.n-t. A. Davenport, F. .S. Davenport, F. S. Davev, T- H. Davidsu'n. r. M. DaM.lson, \V. I. Davi.l-un.W. \. Davics, F., Ti-: Davis, T. B.' Davis, T- Davis, D. M. Davis, y. R, Davis, L. J. Davis, L., Jr. Davison. G. A. (R.) Davison, J. N. and Spen- cer, N. Ir. Davison, A." Da«sun, W. T. Dawson, C. H. Day, ,S. Day, W. Deal, 1. J., I. T. Deal, T. "J. Dean, D. Debolt, C. Dccelle, M. Des W. D'Hast, E. F. Deiyhton, R., Jr. Demarce, A. and Vree- land, T. Denhnm, L Dennett. D, Dennis, O. H. Dennis, E. \V. Den^more, J. Denton. C." Derwent, E., Jr. De Turl;, J. D. Dever, E. M. and Pratt, I. C. Deweese, G. W. Dewev, W. E. Deyo.'C. B. Dick, C. F. and Woehl, M. Oickev. \V. n. Dickev, \V. II. Dickev, W. H. Dickie, \V. Dickson, A. A. Dickson, T. II Dicke 43 290 155 "9 34 979 321 998 327 998 327 "33 362 1211 387 708 205 ISS 52 689 199 75 22 627 180 628 i8r 620 178 797 229 I02h 337 1033 338 393 125 970 3'9 716 207 192 54 520 151 4b6 137 397 126 850 242 690 109 50 '3 164 45 647 1 86 52 14 657 1099 519 W. DIenloiff, T. Diet?, W. "L, Dikeman, I. R. and Hewlett, J. J. Dillon. T. Dils, O. P. Dils, O. P. Dixon, .S. Doak, |. Dod^e", T. H. Dodge, R. I). Dodge, R. L. and Walk- er, E. M. Doming, L. Domschke, C. 626 iSo 80 23 836 238 470 138 1215 388 544 157 544 157 . 343 157 1099 354 794 228 863 246 88 26 996 327 1003 329 1 165 372 630 l8i 31 s 607 175 999 328 loio 331 1 148 366 Plate Claim Donaldson, J. \V., Sheets, D. and'Miller, A. C. 996 327 Donaldson, I. 1012 332 Donely, T. and Cressler, J- Dooley, J. Doolittle, G. W. Doolittle, E. Dorman, J. M. Dorsev, E. F. Dorsev. W. D. DorseV, \V. D. Doss, W. C. Doud, I. W. Doud, J. W. Douthit, S. D. Douthit, I. H. Doyle, L". H. Doyle, L. H. Drake. S. E. Dryden, W. A. a bull. f. M. 790 227 1014 332 Drvden, W. A Drvden, W. A 524 152 528 153 W. A. W. A. 599 173 W. A. and C. E. 685 197 (R.) 68s 198 934 297 932 297 970 319 1093 352 102S 337 75 22 Dundas, I. Dunlap, J. I< Dunnavant. J. U. and Hampso'n, W. A. Durant. A. P. Durani, A. P. and Bii 588 (R.) 5S9 487 icy, Durant, Dutton, Duval, ( i\I. L., Jr Dvsert, \V. iJvzert, \V. E.arlv, D. S. Early, D. S. Earlywine, N. Eastburn, C. Easterday, E. .S. Eastham, C. L. Eastman, J. ,S. Eaton, E. C. Eaton, E. C. Ebaugh. H. H, Eberhart. I. W. Eberlev, D.', I). B. Eberlv, D. B. Eckei't, I. H. Eckles, H. P. Eddelman.D. Eddleman. \. P. Edgcll, 1. li,, Al " ander.J.W. Edwards, F Edwards, W.H. Edwards, D. Edwards, C. A. Edwards, \Y. F. 983 322 989 324 25 6 1044 342 468 138 471 138 507 149 i"3 357 1116 358 1007 330 1 159 369 15 3 76S 222 792 227 990 32s 390 124 529 153 1046 342 327 E. A. 097 6 I 716 207 785 226 1043 341 1 138 363 aE^ A A-. //. .1 1. I'll. I HI: I K '. II. I .\ I>i: 1 Pliife Claim /'l,iU Claim Plate Claim EichlKilt/, M. 340 106 Eelker, V. 985 323 Frankeberger, \. T. 474 139 (R.) (R.) 340 106 Feltman, H. 941 299 Franklin, B, 1 1 76 376 341 106 I Eenley, G. W. 407 1 28 Franklin, D. I). 735 213 K'striiul i; Til 1 Cal Fenner, R. R. I no 356 Frant.. W. 76 22 '" >'fl. M. V. ('44 1 85 Fergvison, J. 744 2,6 Eraser, E. j. 3S5 122 Elam, I., T. 1'. nd J. .\. 1196 381 1 Ferguson, S, T. .•5> 367 Eraser, E. j. 975 520 EUlci-, I. M. 863 246 Ferguson, S. T. 1225 391 ; Eraser, N. W. and Mc- EUlvcci; A. 5 ' Fernald.J. 64S 186 I Lellan, A. J. 587 170 Ekhed, D. 971 359 Field, G. v.. V\ "'« 1 Eraser, E. J. 973 319 Ellett, T. E. 662 191 Field, B. F. 618 178 Frazee, E. F. 396 126 Elli.t, K. 5- '4 Filkins, 1. 1). and De Freeborn, W. 412 126 EUioit, J. C. 40J »27 Pny, W. H. 964 317 Freeland, P, F. 463 137 Elliott, M. A. 1055 344 Fink, J. 42 II Freeman, E. L. 9 2 Elliott, M. A. 1207 385 Finley, I. R. 49 13 Freeman, E. L. 510 149 Ellis, T. J. 481 141 Fish, T. P. 54 15 Freeman, E. L. 523 152 Ellis, J. L. 609 176 Fish, R. A. 143 40 Freeman, W. H. 9S2 322 Ellis, G. A. "45 365 Fisher, |. B. 276 81 Freeman, A. 106S 346 Ellison, -v. 1049 342 Fisher, "S. 598 172 Freeman, H. M., Lowe ,J- Elliston, C. T. 401 127 1 Fisher, W. D. 659 190 and Stevens, J. F. 1075 348 Elli^ton, C. T. 109S 353 Fisher, .S. 739 214 Freeman, M. J 1173 375 Elhvood, R. 540 156 Fisher, .S. 973 319 Freeman, H. M. 1 1 59 369 EUwood, R. an 1 Pitcher Fisher, PJ. S. 1005 330 French, H. F. 524 152 R. I.. 7S1 22s Fisher, ]. B. 1156 36S French, J. C. 670 193 Elhvoid, R. am Pitcher, Fisher, T- B. 1 1 59 369 French, I. C. 727 210 R. I,. 789 227 Fisher, j. B. 1 1 64 372 French, "M. and J. C. 756 219 ElKvurd. R. an 1 Pitcher Fitch, 0. F. 594 172 Friberg, A. Friberg, A. 518 151 R. L S20 233 Fithian, L. S. 383 122 532 154 " (R.) S20 233 FitzgeroUl. T- C. 385 122 Friberg. A. 936 298 Elhvoid, R. 1223 390 Flansburgh, V. H. 1046 342 Fridy. J. Eruhling, W. 57 '6 Elmer, N. 1 1 52 367 Fleming:!. S. 'V'r ^' 1 1 34 362 Ely, B. M. 340 106 Fleming, I. W. 186 52 •• " (R.) "34 363 Emmert, E. 32 8 Fleming, (. W. 192 54 Frye, J. Frye, I, 965 3'7 Emmert, E. 242 69 Fleming, S. W. 120S 3S6 965 317 Emmons, W. a id Wells, Flenniken, T M. and Frve. I. 968 318 I). A. 735 2.3 Hall, A. 856 244 Fuller", I). 755 219 Emridi, I. End^lev, I. and Fletcher 137 38 Fletcher, I. 1. and Si.rsa, 1. \V. 1184 378 Fuller, II, and Boyd, T. E. "35 363 E.' 17 3 802 230 Flinn, M., 1019 334 Eno, E. I . Flisher, 1. G. and Bates, Fuller, H. and Boyd, Eiickson, (;. A 47 12 E. M. S. 23 T. E. "47 366 Ern-,t, |. \V. Florance, (. L. 1 140 364 Fnnk,W. J. 1042 341 Ern.i.'j, li. 382 122 Flory, C. Funk, D. M. 1 146 365 Eiw- 'l. |. 1'. 106 31 ■24 35 Flow, T. mo 357 Furnas, W. 604 174 E-^cu.liL.-; C. Flynn," \. 537 155 Furnas, B. and C. 610 176 623 179 765 221 Esblcman, A. 479 140 Forbes, S. B. 82 24 Furnas, W, Eshleman. I. 752 218 Forbes, S. B. 93 28 Furst, C. Essmglon, G. 19 4 Forbes, J. 869 249 Gde, A. II. 1 141 364 E,tei-lv, G. W. lie Water and Van (R.) 869 249 I (lale, A. II. 1187 379 J. 533 '54 Ford, C. 49 13 Gale, A. \. 1225 391 E.terly, (ieo. Estcs. C. E. 584 169 Ford, W. P. and T. H. 5" 149 Gallagher, W. 1019 334 .82 51 66 19 Ford, S. H. 542 156 Gait, T. A. and Tracy Foreman, G. G. 131 36 G.S. 289 87 Etter S. r. 666 192 Forsgard, G. A. -,98 126 Ganong, L. M. 478 140 Ea-tace, M., Kennan, Forshee. VV. ]. "14 3 Ganong, L. M. 483 141 I. and T. 152 42 Forsvthe. F. R. 510 149 Ganse, H. D. 58s 169 Euti'ce, E. A. 1219 3S9 Eosgatc, 11, (). 1 1 64 372 Gardiner. T. E. . 67 19 Evans, J. G. Evans, D. Z. 360 III Fosg.ite, !).<.. 1 174 375 Gardiner. C. O. 879 252 531 154 Foster, ,\, t;. W, IS9 44 j Gardiner, C. O. and Evans, W. 1123 360 Foster, C, R. 2S1 83 Downey. W. C. 8S0 252 Everest. I). O. 546 158 Foster, A. K. and B. II 386 123 (iaidiiu r, (.'. ( 1. 542 156 349 108 Ewick, C. A. 693 200 Foster, W. 1012 332 liH.ln-.r. 1. M, Eylar, T- F- 593 172 Foster, F. M. 1162 371 l,,„l,iu.l, d\ 11. 150 42 Fag,n,-T. B. 1126 360 Foster, F. M. 1200 383 („.niai,J. M, 2 I Faning, J. and Legler, Fountain, J. L. 659 190 |A. I.) 507 149 V. 769 222 Founlam, J. L. 516 150 Gaiter, R. 697 201 Fanning, S. A 1067 346 Fowler, I. and Bacon, i Gaskill, R. R. 608 175 Fargo, C, A. F.irmer, \V. I- 1036 339 F. M. 516 150 1 Gaskill, R. R. 989 324 . 149 41 Fowler, A. A. 1 139 364 i Gaskill, R. R. 996 327 Farnswortli, F 749 217 Fox, J. 9^8 298 Gaston, H. A. 82 24 Farro«-, A. ■o'S 333 Foye, W. H. 406 128 r.:i.ston, H. A. 520 151 935 298 Faih, L. G. 876 251 Foye, W, 11. 409 129 Gates, I. N. Faulkner, J. J Fawcett, G. 170 47 937 298 Frani,,'on, 1 II. ! Francisco, II 5'5 15^5 C;atli'n° W. S. and Hiib- Fawke., I. W 634 182 Franci^c, II, 514 150 bard, B. R. "- 1017 333 Fay, D. M. 1067 346 Frank, J. 70 20 1 Gay, G. F. 103S 339 Fav. T. 1 104 355 Frank,;. 704 203 Gaylord, (). L. 740 214 E/y, I. 1120 359 Frank, [. H. 791 227 Geahr, W. 471 138 Felkcr, V, 975 320 Frank, C. 1 122 360 Gciges, P. 184 51 GEXERAL ALPITABETICAI. IXDEX. Geisinger, J. B. and Williams, D. H. S, Gentzsch, H. J. Sr. George, T- George, V. K. Geppert, A. Gerber, T. Gerber, T. Gerber, [. and Brown, 1 Gesley, S. Gesley. S. Gibbs, T. C;ibwn; W. O. Gibson, R. F. and Cow- den, S. M. Gibson, H. H. Gifford.J. Gififord, G. L. Gifford, G. T. Gilbert, I. R. n ton, S. R. (Ulbert, I. B. Gilbert, P. M. Gilliert, I. R. Gilbert, I. R. Gilljert, I. R. Gilbert, I. R. Plate Cla nd Wt 1206 582 1009 C. and St,:,lle, J. \V. (.illianJ. II. Gillies, E. S. Gilliland, U. C. GiUiland, A. L. and B. F. Gilman, W. Gilmore, J. S. Given, I.'h'., Hutsonpil- ler", H. and Gilbert, C. Glass, J. H. Glasscock, M. Gleeson, D. H Glidden, I. Glidden, "y. F. and Vaughan, V. \V. Glidden. I. F. and Van 'hin, P. W. <:ogel, [. A. Goldsm'ith, S. Goldthait, E. GoUver, H. Goodell, O. E. Goodrich, A. J. Goodwin, J. H. Wooda I) (ioodwvn, C;. W. (.iordon, A. Gordon, M. Gore, E. E. (iorhani, M. L. Gorliam, M. L. Gorham, M. L. Gorham, M. L. Gorham, E. P. 467 1 38 177 49 175 49 799 229 852 243 528 153 526 153 763 221 S45 241 i2or 383 15 3 33 S 723 209 984 322 1090 1 100 "31 351 362 376 379 385 232 723 209 1059 344 25 6 642 184 43 II ■ 990 325 754 219 652 187 64 iS 637 183 i°59 345 1199 3S2 1043 341 161 44 1 144 365 1158 369 1209 3S6 249 72 254 74 255 74 257 74 257 74 257 74 109 32 600 1 73 187 52 1210 3S6 1218 389 1043 341 532 154 S05 Gowen, W. Gracey, J. B. Grahan E, M. Graham, \. L. ; lace,"S. J. Graham. \. L. Graham. H. J. Graham, J. L. Graham, M. G. Graham, S. Granberry, A. 1 Grant. K. P. Grant, B. A. Grattan, C. Graves, J. M. Graves, R. R. Green, T. and Sommer, Green, H. D. Green, H. D. Green. B. F. Green, \V. W. Green, I. A. Green. M. Green. O. C.- Green, I. B. Green. I. B. Greenfield. I. T. (keener, G."\V. Gregorv, E. .S. Griffith. \V. H. W. Ground, R. Grove, A. I Grove, M. Groves, G. Haege', j'. Haege, J. Hague, C. A. Hale. A. Hall. J. S. Hall,S. Hall, T. M. Hall, C. M. H.ill, D. E. 535 413 177 648 S79 359 1007 78 156 1172 98 778 1076 685 714 1217 94 606 . C. 695 1078 59 1095 1074 743 117 635 599 233 349 350 380 374 29 224 359 839 239 181 50 714 207 63 18 977 883 1 149 944 300 10^-7 35 1067 346 783 22; 999 32: 51 379 483 586 170 n. I). ker. T. Hall Hall, Ham Hamilton. 1 Hamilton. ' Hamilton, . Hammans, Hammitt, I ler, H". Hammond, Hammond. Hammond. Hammon. ' Ha Ha Ha D. E. '. (R. T. W. H. P.. T. \V. Plate 592 592 669 738 964 964 1035 ■035 "37 1 147 "3 530 825 T. H., S., and Ha mon, T. W. Hand. J. R. Haney," R. and E; J. S. Hanover, M. E. and B.ailev, D. D. Hargrave,' W. O. Hardgrave, C. Hardgrave. C. Harding. T. Hardin. W. F. Hardinu. T. Harpu-. C. A. Harper. |. Harper. I. Harper. \. M. Hiirrier.'H. Harriss, I), Harris, 1. S60 526 1017 760 973 717 38S 6^8 63S 758 E. H. and Cleg- 464 137 193 363 354 245 245 153 333 220 319 208 1 83 1 84 220 32 15 152 152 152 155 Harris, R. S. Harris, J. Harris, J. Harris, M. \V. Harris, M. Harris, S. M. •i.. M, M. Hart, G. D. Hartgrove, W. Hartman, C. B. Harvey, W. Harwell, V. 581 754 766 1012 1053 1070 "57 "45 loSS 1 1 85 11S6 473 534 1O9 219 221 245 332 343 347 369 365 377 I 350 351 379 386 353 174 aEXHR.IL ALrilAHETlCAl. IXDEX. n.uc 7,iim I'hh- Chim J'l,,/,- a,nm liavbrook, F. loyS 349 llili. 1. 1 . 273 80 Hoyt, B. C. 1058 344 11 as!, rook. V . 1082 35" 11:11. '1. 11. 706 204 Hoyt, A. \V. 1072 347 H..skell. I. (».! iS llili. I'. .\. 1040 340 Hubbard, W. P. 827 23 s Haskins.'M.and lart. Hill. F. .\. nil 357 Hubbard, W. P. and 1). li. 6S4 ")7 (R.) nil 357 Robinson, J. W. 834 238 Iir'"n'llu'. 1070 347 Hill. F. A. "39 364 Hubbard, B. R. 1049 343 an.l Hill, I-. A. 1221 389 Huber, S. 98 29 "^^'I'arnlwrt. '(';. 4S 13 Hill, F. A. 1223 390 Hudson, J. \V. 872 250 Ha^slocU, H. W. 106 31 Hincklev, J. B. 783 225 Huff. E. S. 3i H.vcb. !•:. I). 753 21S HindmaVsh, J. 673 194 Huir, E. S. 96 28 naUicId, G. W. 01 ■7 Hinds, J. and Gee, J. 721 209 Huff. ]. 723 209 Ilaujuv. I,. 11. 637 ■S3 Hinkle, S. J. ^Z9 239 Huffm-an,0. 829 236 Ilavcr-lirk, 1,. 144 40 Hinman, J.andFrencb, Hughes. A. 28 7 llawke.. \. 5« i(> D. S. 3° 7 Hughes, G. R. and Wall, lla«kin^, 1.. K. 595 172 Hisert. B. F. 518 15' ^ I. F. 412 1014 1079 129 333 349 llauU-N. .\. \V. 16 1 loagland, C. 705 204 Hu,'hes, 1). \\ , lla«lrv, 1. M. 69 19 lloake, S. 593 '^i Hughes'. 11. \V' llawonh. \V. H. Hay. W. and Fret 603 174 Ho!-son, R. G. '37 S2S ^38 Hughes. 1). W. Huie. ll.R. 1169 977 374 320 r. li. 105.-) 344 1 I..IU'.lil.'. 1 . 1 . 472 139 Huie.H. R. 1027 336 Hayes. G.J. H.iynes.J. Ileaton.C. W. .S. 4-° 210 9 1 loll, (111/, i. ( '. ll..lllKins:S. lloliman. A. and Lime- 517 659 151 19c Huie, 11. R. Huie. I. M. and Card, E. HuUinVer, M. H. 1041 1063 622 340 345 179 Ilcaton, C. \V. .•^. Heaton, C. W. S. 47 611 |R.) 6n 612 12 .76 ■76 lieck. H. \V. Hoffniever, A. B. and .Schmidt, J. Hogle, S. S. 42 402 250 10 72 Hullinger, M. H. Hume, I. M. Humphrey, A. N. Hunt. M. [. 655 473 1076 ;« 829 971 978 1094 189 139 348 Heaton. C. \V. S. Heerman, T. 614 19 177 4 Hoismgton, S. B. Hoke, r. I. 752 1202 383 Hunt! H. "C. Hunt, A. 193 214 Hefft, C. 701 203 Holdredge, M. 185 5' Hunt' A. 221 Hcdin, A. J. Hcfiin, A. T. Help's I '• 68 1 713 136 197 206 38 Holt;ate, R. Holiadav, !. M. Hglla.lav, J. M. 804 3S3 42 230 Hunt, A. Hunt, G. W. Hunt, (;. W. 236 319 321 352 70 20 Holland, L. M. 932 297 Hum, G W. Helen,.' j.' Hemme. \V. llencl), S. X. 347 HI 107 3S8 239 Holbnger, I. Hollinger, j. Hollingswortb, J. 55 67 639 15 18^ Hunt. 1,. Hunt. 1.. Hunt, F. 11. 1020 1040 "73 334 340 375 Hendeison, \. T. 405 12S Holloway, L. 9S3 322 Hunt. F. 11. 1209 .89 100 38^ 53 29 Henderson, \. T, 484 141 Hollouay L. 1038 339 Humer, S, C. Henerv, A. 1'. 172 48 Holly, S. B. and Jones, Hunter. W. and 1.1. M. Henigst,W. 278 82 J- 858 244 Hunter, |. B. 993 1042 n27 1168 636 183 Holman, C. 657 .89 Hunter! ']. B.' 341 355 360 373 152 75 Henry', R.H. Henry, W. 722 209 359 Holmes, W. C. Holmes, J. C. '9 >03 4 30 Hunter, J. B. Hunter, E. T. Henry, W. II2I 359 Holt, R. C. 109 32 Hunter, E. T. Henry, W. "39 Hob, n. E. 742 215 Hurlbert, W. M. 522 261 Henton, I. 655 188 Holtz, B. and Enoch, Hutchinson, G. E. Henton, I. Hepiin.tall, T. S. Heptinstall.T. S. 734 971 972 212 3'9 319 W. Homrighouse, L. Homrighouse, L. 642 loS 2^6 184 32 74 Hutchinson. G. L. Hutchinson, S. Hyde, W .S. Hyde, W. B. Hyers, B. S. Hyers, B. S. 65. 995 10 326 2 Herbert, 1". Herman, J. IJ. 1040 668 109S 340 Si Honey, J. S. Hood, I. L. Hooker, H. T. 50S 97 5'5 149 28 150 ■ 399 523 746 126 2f6 Hernbv,'l. Ilerndon",!. T. Herr, \. B'. Her.ick.S. H. Hess. C. 461 701 .0% ■37 203 16 2,i3 Hoover. T. J. and Hen- Hoover, w! 'v. Hoover, H. Hopkins, W. .\. 486 90 666 17 142 27 192 Ide, N. Imel, J. Ingalls, A. Ingersoll. G. P. Ingham, I. and J. Ingle. 1. \V. and Wright, r: W. 100 >; 169 169 330 Hesselbom, E. M 403 127 Hopldns. G. E. 40S 129 Ilevvett, C. P. 537 155 Hopper, W. L. 349 637 48 183 Hewclt. r. 1'. 535 155 Hopper, \V, I., 351 108 llewett. r. 768 222 Horn, C. L., Jr.. and Ingraham, II. 13 Hewett, 11. I.. "55 368 Mancy. L. 1026 336 Ingraham, II. 50 69 516 13 Ilewit, S. 3*^2 122 Horning, S. G. 641 1 84 Ingraham, H. 20 Hicks, T. 92 27 Houck.I. 16 3 Ingraham, II. 150 Higgins, R. S. 804 230 Houston, T. ]. 535 155 Isaacs, W. H. and Ban- S43 240 Howard, R. V. 668 192 ner G E. 103 1 337 ll'^^.'ins'.'W. F. a, d Per- Hou-e, H. 641 184 Isaacs. F. H. 1113 357 ' ry.J. 1019 334 Howe, H. 678 195, F. H. 1166 372 lii^gin,, R. S. 1164 371 Howe, H. 695 201 I-grigg, N. I.. los 31 Hiu^ins. R. S. 1216 388 Howe, H. 756 219 Ives, H. 286 85 Iligiev. H. I I Howell. W. H. 651 187 Ives. F. 795 228 Hiidretb, i;.\v. 40 10 Howes, R. N., Dorr. W. Jackson, S. W. 62 >7 Hddretb, r. ^^57 189 A. and Webster, J. B 1098 353 Jackson, J. R. .69 47 Hiidretb, G. \V. 966 3'8 Hoyman, H. S. 358 no lackson, A. and Irwin, R. 266 77 (R.) 967 3'8 Hoyt, B. C. 241 69 Jackson, J. R. 1033 338 Hiles.abeck. F. L. 942 299 " " (A. I.) 242 69 Jackson, C. I.. 1150 367 Hill. P. P. 149 42 Hoyt, B. C. 258 75 Tacoby, D. 995 327 GENERAL ALPHABET/CAL INDEX. P/„h' Claim r/„h- C/aim ,P/„h- aai»i Ian>es W. A. "94 38i Tudkins, M. D. 1136 263 Kroner, .S, A. 74 ■ •• '■ ( R.) 1 194 381 iudsun, A. C. 1041 340 Knehn, W. 978 321 lanes, J. H., Tucker, H. jay, E . W. 354 109 Kugler,0. 483 141 and Terry, T. D. 1077 349 Kanu-,e,-, K. .\. 100 30 Kuglar, 0. 4S3 141 Japs, W. D. 1196 382 Kay, J. 1028 oi(> Kugler, G. 487 142 ^'^•J- ^- -r ^ 728 211 Kea.ur, J. L. ion 332 Kurt^, I, 473 139 Jefferson, T. E. 286 85 Keasor, J. L. 1018 m Kynelt, II. B. 678 196 Jefferson, T. E. 290 88 Keck, P. H, 9 Kvneti. II. 1'. 765 221 Jefferson, T. E. "77 376 Keck, A. 633 182 Kynelt, II. 1'. S38 239 Jefferson, T. E. 1181 377 Keezer, ]. 41 10 Lacev, J. 624 ■79 fefferson, T. E. "79 377 Keith. .\. 987 324 Lacey,J. 624 179 Tefferson, T. E. 1204 384 Keller, J. H. B. 714 207 Lacey, J. 643 ■85 Jefferson, T. E. 1226 391 Kelly. L. \V. '7 3 Lacey, j. 658 ,89 Jefferson, T. E. 1227 392 Kcllv. W. H. 43 II Lacy, J. G. 128 36 effries, W. L. 1034 338 Kellv, W. H, 515 I ^o l.andenberger, F. I). ■56 43 Jenkins, J. C. 168 46 Rellv, L. M. "77 37^' La Uow, C. 272 79 enkins, J. C. 351 108 Kendall T. W. 353 109 1 R. 79 renkins, P. R. 768 222 Kendall, F. B. 544 ■57 La Dow, C. 283 84 jenne, C. M. 629 181 Kendiij, I). nil 357 La l)ow,G. 2S2 84 Jenne,X. M. 643 185 Kennedy, A. H. 120 34 Laffeiiv, r. W. and Y,n^ n. Jenne, CM 692 200 KennedV, T. "47 366 g: B. 544 ■57 Jennings, J., Jr. 179 50 Kenney; I.". B. 1162 37^ Laird, H. 108 32 Jennings, B. 1043 341 Kent, E. H. 39' 124 Lake, H. J. 35 9 Jessop.J.W. 475 140 Kerschner, D. Monger, Limar, M. B. 767 221 Jessup, G. 134 37 T. S. and F. M. 85 ■ 242 Lamb, A. 52 14 Jewell, F. C. 758 219 Kerschner, T. A. 409 129 Lamborn. L. 509 149 Jobe, T. 676 ■95 Kes^ler, B. F. 651 187 Lampton, F. J. S78 252 Johaneson, J. 8S1 253 Kessler, J. O74 •94 Landes.J. M. 32 Johnson, \V. D. 23 5 Kewin, C. ■073 348 Landes, 11, 994 28 Johnson, M. 151 42 Keys, I. and l)e Micr. Landon, T. R. 166 46 Johnson, M. 175 49 I.'R. 1107 356 Landphere, P. F. So; Johnson, J. 122 Kid do,,, W. 669 192 Lane. D. H. 278 82 Johnson, j. G. 393 125 Killam, II. and Val- Lane, I. 281 83 lohnson, M. 541 156 leau. G. 963 3^7 Lane. W. B. and Collor, Johnson, R. A. 1S7 52 Kimball, G. ■■74 375 W, 677 ■95 Johnson. R. A. I go 53 Kincai.l. T. D. 10C9 331 Lane, J. 1073 347 ohnson, K. A. 188 52 Kiui;, A.B. 67 19 Lane, J. 1167 373 ohnson, II. M. 241 Kiny, M. D. ■32 36 Lane, J. 1 163 371 Johnson. M. 250 72 King, T. M. 141 39 Lang. 1. B. Ji.'. 37 (R.I 250 72 King, W. H. 1.. 647 186 L:nigsford, S. P. an,l ( R.) 250 72 King, 0, J. S71 249 Sli-ou.l.W. X. 1132 362 Johnson, M. 251 72 King, G. S. "31 362 Lanhim, \V. M. 341 106 (R.) IV" 73 Kinghorn, T. and R. 29 7 Lanham, W. M. 342 106 " '• (R.) 73 Kingston, .S. 1.. and Gore Lapham, S, 583 169 ■■ " (R.) 252 73 D 966 3'8 Laraway, R. K. an.l 1. 1003 329 Johnson, M. 253 73 Kinkel, C. 1003 329 Large, (.;, 621 179 Johnson, M. 256 74 Kinsev, C. 940 299 Lanvbee, I. T. \V. 773 223 Johnson, M. 260 75 Kinyon, A. 630 181 Latham, .V 1209 386 (ohnson, M. 263 76 " '• (R.) 630 181 65 18 Johnson, M. 265 Kirk, \V. A. L. 245 70 Lalhr,ip', L. I;. 1005 330 Johnson, F. 278 82 Kirkman, T. ^^31 181 Laujdin, I. I.. 1 127 561 Johnson, G. R. 2S3 84 Kirkpatrick, S. 1 1 23 i,(jo l.anghlin,'!. L. 1224 391 Johnson, J. P. 694 201 Kirkpatrick, .S. 1 163 371 Lawbaugh, G. W. ar.d lohnson, N. .S. Johnson, M. 702 203 Kissell, E. M. and M. L. So I 229 Williams, ] 4' 10 764 221 Kissell, E. M. and M. L. S22 234 Lawbaugh, G.'W. 525 152 lohn.son, M. S52 243 (R,) 822 234 Laurence, L. L. and ohnson, J. H. 859 245 Kissell, E. M. and M. I,. S35 238 Thomas, G. .S. S07 23' , ohnson, P. G. III7 358 Kleffel, W. 130 36 Leach, E. E. 806 231 /ohnston, B. 478 140 Knapp, J. G. and Libby, Leber, L. 596 ■73 .ohnston, J. .S. and John- S. D. 104 31 LeBoyteaux, ]. H. and son, C. A. S43 240 Knecdier, J. D. 1028 337 Ashton, C. A. 986 323 Johnston. D. M. ' 869 249 Kneedler.j. A. 1099 354 Lechtenthaler, G. 462 ■37 Jones, J. H. and il. I'. 9' 27 Knepper, E, 95 28 Lee, Z. W. 55 ■5 Jones, .\. ■73 48 Knight, G. 669 192 Lee, S. F. 167 46 Jones, I. B. 608 '75 Knight. E. H. 680 .96 Lee. J. 242 69 Jones, J, ( ;. 402 127 Knodle, J. 2 Lee, I. 242 69 [ones, 11. .md Yard, Knowlton, W. A. 543 ■57 Lee, j. 967 31S W. K. 404 128 Kiiowlton, W. A. and Lee, J. 967 3^8 Tones, S. 803 230 Rutledge, A. 854 243 Leeper, R. A. and Ki-l- Jones, T. J. 827 235 Knox. .S. A. der, Z. B. 601 ■73 • ™es' ^' "■ 830 236 Knox, J. M. 787 226 " " •■ |R.) 601 ■73 835 238 Koehn, T 683 ■97 Lees, J. A. 168 46 Jones, W. 858 245 Kraiiser, 1. and C. 4C2 137 Lefeber,J. and Schidls, |iMI.JS, J, IT. 874 250 Kribs, I'." 23 5 G.W. 260 75 'ini-d'in; W. II. 608 ■75 Krick, I. S. 174 48 Leffler, F. C. 643 ■85 J..nd,,n, II. I'. 760 Krieble, 11. K. ■38 38 Leffler, F. C. S46 241 lordan, 11. V . 774 223 Kring,G. W. 2og I.efler, A. B, 37 9 ■jadd, N. T. 396 126 Krogh, C. and P. G. ■35 37 Legg, J. T. 1007 330 OEAMKA/. Al.PHABEnCAL IXDEX. l.eidy,.]. C. Leidv, I. C. Leigh, A. I. eland, A. Leonard, A. Leanard, A. Leonard, E. Leonard, F. .' Leslie, F. M. Leslie, W. Leu, J. P. Levee, E. Lewellin, M. Lewis. A. T. Lewis, W. Lewi., 1. F. Lewis. 1. Lewis, L 15. ,. J- ^; Lewis, T. W. Lewis, T. W. Likes, M. I.indnren, A. Lindiv, T- J- C. 536 >55 259 75 igo S3 -57 "4 935 298 1015 m 139 38 95 28 144 40 190 53 1025 336 1025 33fi 1036 339 1037 337 734 212 634 183 Litlle. L R. Little.]. R. Little. "I. R. LittIefield,C. H. Litzenberg, B. F. Litzeiiber?, B. F. Livezev. J. B. Lobdell. "C. Lobdell, C. Locke. D. Lockie, I. H. Lockwoid, S. M. Logan, I. B. Long, P. Long, L Long, J. -M. Long, L Looker, W. Lord, I. and Wood- Louden, W. Lowrie, W. E. Lowth, M. F. and \ T T. Lowth. "M. F. and \ 527 153 527 '53 727 210 1002 329 1 193 381 Lowth. "M. F. and P ter, O. H. Lowth, M. F. and H T. L Low, I.' Lucas. J. B. Ludlow,]. M. and \ Liieth! l' Liifkin', C. M. I'pen .upp l.u|)pen, L. Lupplon, A. Lux. J. Lyman, \\ ., [r. Lynch, J. D." Lynch, G. F. Lynch, E. P. and Wright, ■ E. A. IK.) Lynch, E. P. and Wright, loi 30 991 325 1029 337 i4t 39 587 170 834 238 1002 229 726 210 353 109 1S4 51 5'9 '51 521 151 68n 196 756 219 794 22S 358 no 934 297 808 231 780 224 796 228 115 33 527 153 527 153 936 298 9^6 298 1 88 52 799 229 43 I' 149 42 390 1 24 538 155 539 '55 Lvnch. K, P. and \< 11. R. Lynch, E. P. Lynch, E. P. Mabbelt, T., Jr. McAllister, T. T. McDonald, W. V McBride, J. McCall, F. R. McCall, E. R. McCartv, B. F., Orr W.'and R.J. McCaughan, C. A. McClean, J. B. and Mayes, C. A. McCleave. H. P. McClen, J. J. McClintick. L. P. McCollester, B. F. McConaughey, T. B. McConnell, 1. R. McConnell, I. R. McConnell, L R- McCool, W. C. McC.H.l.W.r. riah- 540 399 126 1042 S4' 547 '.58 721 209 521 '5' 5b '5 1026 33b lo^4 34S 1088 351 1069 346 107 -, '& 647 710 205 Mc( McCormick. W. McCormick, \. R. McCormick. I. R. McCormick. 'I . R. McCuv. W. f. McCrockcn. W. McCray, T. H. McCreight, A. McCurley, A. McDermott, A. S. McDermott, A. S. McUill, T. W. McDill, T. W. McDonald, T. E. McDonald, J. R. McDonell, A. S. McEwen, E. S. and Adams, O. R. McEwdn, E. McGee, C. McGee, J., D. \V., and W. J. McGlew, P. McGrew, C. Mcllvain. J. McKay. N. McKinley, R. McKinny, S. P. McLennan, J. K. McMahan, M. S. McMeekin, F. M. ■McNabb, D. McNair, T. F. McNeeley, D. and Ca^ C.J. McXitt, M. McXorton, L T. McPike. J. M.. McQuiston.T. (1 McSherry, D. E. McTarnahan, F. Macv, I, and Watkin- J. C. Magruder, C. B. Mahon, L H. Mahon. I. H. "49 3bb 1212 3S7 36 9 386 '23 423 VKi 712 20b '79 50 772 223 836 238 356 no 596 172 (R.) 596 172 391 124 796 730 736 401 1075 "3^ 12S 631 169 85 352 877 1156 59' 59' 53' Mahon, L B. Mahon, I. B. Mahon, I. B. Mahon, 1. B. Maier, P. Mallon. |. Mallon.'l. and V. Phui, M. Tr. Mallon, J. Mangas, J. Manley, W. Manly, F. B. Manlv, F. B. Mann, H. Mann, H. Manny, A. J. Manny, A. M. Manny, A. M. Manny, J. P. Manuel, G. W. Manuel, G. W. Manuel, D. A. Manuel, D. A. Markee, ]. and S| W. E. Mark el, T- Markhani, D. A. Eldrid, I). Markhani, A. S. M.uiJiani. A. S. Mai-k.llie, 1. R Marks, G. M. Marr, J. Mar>h. 2nd, C. Marsh, 2nd, C. Marsh, 2nd. C. Marsh, T, Marsh, W. W. tyre. H. Marsh, W. W. Marshall. J. D. A. T. Jr W. Plate Claim 689 199 759 220 759 220 1018 334 765 221 277 81 530 '54 715 207 875 251 164 45 14 3 18 4 646 iS6 770 222 770 222 7S8 22b 109 356 550 loS 602 174 5S9 bib 653 693 972 1 170 374 ion 332 Mason, H. W. Mastern, J. Matchett. J. F. and Smith, P. W". Mater, D. Mat he R. G. Mathes. W. Mc(. Mathews. W \\ Malteson D. C. and Wil- liamson. T. P. Malteson D C. and Wil- liamson T P. (R.) Matteson D C (R.) Malteson D c. Matthew ,E G M.iynard G Mead, C E. an 1 Steven- G. E. Mead. 3.' F. Mecham ( ). S. Medaris. ]■■ \. 271 414 6S5 781 724 3 482 103 1 1052 1072 lOiO 2b8 466 410 1015 969 318 969 319 1021 334 119^ 381 5" 150 n68 1054 GEXKRAI. ALPHABETICAL IXDEX. Plate Claim Plate Claim Plate Claim Meeker, C. A. 280 83 Moore, J. G. 1033 338 Nevill.G. W. 244 69 Meeks, G. 796 228 Moore, G. 354 Nevins, W. 45 II Me.^quier, C. F. 678 196 Moore, G. 1 107 356 Newlin, W. 1052 343 Meliarry, A. 819 ■^11 Moore, G. III2 357 Newlin, W. 1084 350 Meharrv, \V. \. 1 190 380 Moore, J. H, 1184 378 Newlin, W. 1 190 i8o Meikle.'T. 127 35 Moorehead J- B., Pool, Newlin. E. 6S6 1 98 Meikle, T. S57 244 T. A. and G. G. 42 10 Newman. W. B. and Wil Meikle, T. 1167 373 Morgan, B. S. 23 5 kin.son, T. J. 1124 360 Meikk, T. :2i8 389 Morgan, L. B. 186 52 Newman, W. B. 1 135 363 Meloy, E. and Stanley, Morgan, B. S. 587 170 Newson, G. .S. 395 126 A. R. 1054 343 Moraan, W. V. and Newton, R. 10S5 350 Melton R. M. 21 4 Hackman, T. W. 120S 386 Newton, E. W. 11S2 378 (R. 21 4 Moriel, A. H. 37S Nichol, T. M. 1 104 355 (R. 21 s Morris, E. F. and Green Nichols, w. n. 56 15 Melvin, M. A. 1 066 346 R.J. 73 21 Nichols, \V, T. 411 I2C) Mendenhall, C. 881 253 .. . .. (R.) 73 21 Nichols, H. W. 273 79 Merkel, V. 999 328 Morris, B. F. and Nicholson, I. W. 9' 27 Merrill, A. 1070 347 Austin, E. H. 175 49 Niece, R. K. 177 49 Messenger, N. and Morris. 1. R. 397 126 Niederauer, C. S7S 252 Erwin.J. 170 47 Morrison. J. E. 53 14 Nishwitz, F. 253 73 Messenger, N. 467 ■37 Morrison, W. 514 '50 Noble, W. 251 72 Mettler, W. 626 I So Morrison, J. E. 338 los Noble, n. J. 656 1 89 Mtttler.W. 840 239 Morrow. 1. J, 100 29 •• .. (R.) 656 189 Meyer, ]. 45 Morse, f. M. 692 200 Noble, D. J. 666 192 Meyer, J. 85 25 Morsman, T- A. 1221 389 Nolan, J. S. 124 3S Michener, A. D. and Morter.G.'VV. and Berr>- Norling, A. and C. k. 863 246 Steigmeyer, J. W. 96 28 E. 90 27 Norman, D. 777 224 Michkelson, M. 1039 340 Mosely, D. 119 34 Norton, C. P. 478 140 Miers, I. 37 9 Mourning, F. G. 342 io5 (R.) 479 140 Millard, T. 90 27 Mowrey, C. 1 146 366 Norton, N. B. 1027 12.(> Miller, \. no 32 Mowrev, C. 046 366 Norton, R. D. 2S0 83 Miller, L. 159 44 Mowrey, C. 1217 389 (K.) 2S9 83 Miller, H. 525 152 Muir, W. 92 27 Norton, C. P. 674 '94 Miller, R. M. 346 107 Mumford, \. and Wilson Notman. W. Io5 3' Miller, (J. 1). 629 181 T. w. " 602 174 Nnsbaum. A. B. C. 394 125 Miller, W. 1). 795 228 Munger, W. P. S04 230 Nutting, I. F. 987 3^4 Miller, L. and Kaller, H 981 322 Munson. A. K. ngo 383 Odell. R. P., Jr. 535 '55 Miller, \V. I). 1 196 382 Munz. y. F, "95 381 Gdell, A. T. ■ 58' 169 Mills. [. 640 184 Murphey, T. 26 6 Oehrlein, C. '59 44 Mills, i. 785 226 Murphy. J. 69 20 Ogborn, H. and Taylor, Mills,!. R. 621 179 Murphy, M. ■035 338 G. 585 170 Mills, "S. G. 652 187 Murrey W. H. 775 223 Ggl.ovn, H. 595 172 Milne, r. O. 152 42 Murry. J. 1056 344 Oldendorph, W. and J. loSy 35' Milroy,- 1. W. 77 22 Muschert, B. F. 142 39 0:der, W. H. 621 '79 Milroy. T. W. 3«9 123 Mussetter, I. S. 8S3 253 Olds, A. W. 245 70 Milrov, 'l. W. 400 127 Mustard. J. E. 850 242 Oler, J. 1057 344 Miner,/. (;. 526 '53 Myers, J.- 2 Olmsted, H. A. 1203 384 Miner, T. H. and Myers, T. H. 172 48 Olson, 0. 861 245 Heavenridge, S. 65 s 189 Myers, D. 384 122 Oneal, C. W. .67 46 Minnich, E. 470 138 Myers, A. H. 766 221 Opp, FI. 1108 356 Minter, J. R. 127 36 Myers, C. 1083 350 Orlando, J. Sii 232 Mimise,"ri. lOIO Zi^ Myers, C. HOC 354 Orr, J. and Martin, H. H. 1027 11^ Misner, F. and I'. A. 464 137 Myers, C. n66 373 Orr, W. T. 1 143 365 Mitchell, I. 539 ■56 Myers, C. 1215 388 Osborn, B. F. 935 298 Mitchell. "S. H. 636 %l Nash, C. 851 243 Osborn, J. \->. 630 181 Mitchell, S. H. 619 Nation, R. 980 321 Osborn, O 1032 338 Mitchell, S. 11. 750 218 Nauman, E. ■56 43 Osborn, 0. 1106 356 Mitchell. I. .\I. 858 244 Nauman, E. 163 45 Ostrom, H. W. 72 21 Momany.b.F. 251 72 Neal, H. W. 1020 334 Ostrom. H. W. 750 218 Monaghan, P. 25 6 Neal, H. W. 'C39 340 Otwell, L. M. '79 50 Montgomery. T. [. and, H. W. 1071 347 Ough. W. 1076 348 G. W. •58 44 Needhaui, F!. F. and Oveishiner, G. J. 1090 352 Moody, T. B. no 32 I.. \V. 942 299 Owen, G. 337 105 Moody, "S. .\. 246 70 Needham. F. M. 832 237 " •• (R.) 337 105 Moody, 1,. 392 125 Xeff. J.. Jr. 79 23 .' " (R.) 337 'OS Moody, I. li. 523 152 Neff. [.. Jr. 114 ii Owen, J. II. 54' 156 Moody, ■\^'. A. 687 198 Neff,j.,jr. 594 172 Owen.U. C 545 '57 Moon.W. S 847 242 Neff, S. .085 350 Owen, G. W. 4S1 141 Moon, W. S. 865 247 Neir, J. B. n92 381 Owen, G. 343 106 Moore, E. 1!. ,56 43 Neflf, ]. B. 1 193 38. Owen, C. N 1066 346 Moore, J. 275 80 Neff, I. B. 1203 384 Owen.C. N. 1073 347 Moore, M. H. and S.atte Neidich. [. .and Girvin. (Xxer, W. J. 62 '7 while, A. 467 137 1;. R". 36 9 Packard, L. 590 171 Moore, L. 13. 665 191 Neisler. (1. 1.. 772 223 " " (R.) 590 171 Moore, G. 687 19S Nellis. A. T. 191 53 Packer, H. 816 233 Moore, G. 776, •223 Nels,>n. K: 4 Padon, I. .S. 608 '75 Moore, (i. 859 245 Nelson. W. loi6 ZIZ P.idon, j. S. 977 320 Moore, J. . lOII 332 Nelherland. \. B. 26 6 Padon, I. .S. 987 324 GENERAL ALPIIAHETICAL IXDEX. riate Claim Plate Claim Plate Claim Page, G. 241 69 Pendley, W, and Moss, Potts, T. J. and Yost, rage, J. G. 645 .85 A. 877 252 P. C. 63S 184 Paine, C. I. 7"5 207 Pennock, S. 1 142 364 Poundstone, C. N. 400 127 Palcer,.!.- 487 142 Peppier, T. '053 343 Powell, J. 476 140 Palmer, N. 276 81 Percy, W. C. '3' 36 Powell. E. R. 757 219 Palmer. \. 279 82 Perez, F. 144 40 Powell, E.I). 874 250 Palmer, X. 279 82 Perkins, E. II. an.l S. 1 167 46 Powell, T. 386 Palmer,!. A. 636 ■83 Perkins, H, 11. 787 Powell, I.. W. 1203 384 Palmer, I. A. 688 199 Perkins, H. H. 820 234 Pratt, E. 338 '05 Palmer,:. A. 722 209 Perrigo, A. S. 934 297 .' " (R.) 338 '05 Palmer. 1). W. ..65 372 Perry, G. 526 153 Pratt, I. C. 984 322 Palm. 1. H. S40 239 Perry, A. G. '73 48 Pratt, I. C. 987 324 P.inolxirii, C. S. an.l Perry, G. 658 189 Prawl, P. and Wemple, ^Keers. C. W. 657 189 Perry, F. I.. 96 28 F. H. IIOI 354 Paradis, y. B. 944 300 Perry, F. L. lOI 30 Preston, H. 709 205 P.arcell, P. M. 114 33 Perry, F. L. 124 35 Price, W. 28 7 Parish. C. W. ■65 Perry, G. W. 161 45 Price, W. 38 9 Parker, I. A. I. W. 360 MI Perry, H. L. 1004 329 Price, I. A. '57 44 Parker, H. 843 240 Perry. H. L. lOI I 332 Price, r. T. and Hunt, .\ 109 Parks, R. B. and I. R. 673 194 Peters, .S. I2II 387 Price,]. •" 669 192 Parks, R. B. and J. R. 732 212 Peterson, G. W. 1S2 50 Price. G. \V. 674 '94 Parlin, W. H. 688 198 Pettengill, C. K. 76 PHce.J. 1045 342 Parlin, W. H. 1151 367 Peugh, -S. B. 1096 353 Price, J. 1172 374 Parmele, E. and lurken- Pfiel, J. C. 982 322 Price, G. P. 1 169 373 dall, G. 532 154 Pfiel, J. C. 1006 33° Price, C. G. and Merritt, Parmele, E. and Patler- Phifer, E. 641 \u J. M. 1 168 373 son, R. N. 660 190 Phifer, E. 6S1 196 Prosser, T. T., Dar- Parr, S. E. 1075 348 Phifer, E. 707 205 ling, M.C.andK. A 632 182 Parrish, W. 1058 344 Philler, W. W. 670 '93 Prout, PL N. 147 4' Parrish, W. 1070 347 Philp. I. \V. 109 32 Prout, H. N. 176 49 Parrish, W. H. and T- G. 1064 346 Phillips T. 407 128 Prout, H. N. 814 232 Parsons, J., Jr. 4 I Phillips, "E. "7 33 Prugh, G. W. and Beard, Parsons, G. "W. and Fin- Pickering, I. P. 537 155 W. H. 654 1 88 ney, W. S. 120 '34 Pierce, W. 834 238 Pulliam, E. P. 1 108 356 Parsons, G. A. 164 45 Pierce, J. 981 322 Purcell.J. L. 105 1 343 Pattee, J. H. .^44 107 Pierce, J. 982 322 Purdy, S. 822 234 " " (R. 344 107 Pierpont, J. and Tuttle, S. S. Pusey, F. W. 848 242 Pattee, T- H. 346 107 . 528 •53 Pusey, W. W. 358 Pattee, j. H. 357 no Pierpont, J. 525 152 Pyle, I. N. 24 5 Pattee, H. H. 355 109 Pierpont, J. 932 297 Pyle, I. N. 120 34 Pattee, H. H. 355 109 Pierpont! J. '57 43 Quarton, W. B. 244 69 Pattee, D. 6 I Pierpont, J. 866 248 Quick, W. B. 1058 344 Pattee, D. 845 241 Pierpont, J. "53 368 Quick, W. B. 1 103 355 Patterson, J. 581 169 Pigg, H. L. 776 223 Quick, W. B. 1200 383 Patterson, "E. C. 634 182 Pike, E. W. 74 '83 403 938 21 Quirin, G.and Rerkel, Patterson, L. M. 6';6 189 Pirkle, W. J. Pitkin, J. H. Pitts, J. K. 51 127 L. 981 322 Patterson, T. 975 320 Rabb, J. W. 795 228 Patterson, C. and Abra- 298 Ralston, A. 5 I ham, H. L. 1212 387 Pitts, VV. M. .062 345 121 Ralston, T. B. and Har- PattiUo, R. M. 279 82 Piatt, H. M. 380 vey,' M. 1090 35' Patton, R. F. 97 29 Piatt, W. H. 939 170 298 Ralston, J. B. 1 121 359 Pattyson, P. "3 358 Poetz, J. 47 Ralston, J. B. 1129 36' Paul, D. H. 733 Poetz, J. 171 Is Ralston, D. W. 1102 355 Paxson, C. E. 42 I! Pollard, J. L. 798 229 Rand, N. A. 708 205 Payne, R. L. 112 32 Poling, T. 346 38. 867 1220 107 Randall, S. G. 243 69 Payne, J. T. Payne, J. M. Payne, J. M. Payne, T. M. Payne, J. M. 876 1 124 1145 1178 251 360 365 ^^6 37° Pomeroy, H. A. (;. and Hudson, R. F. Pomeroy, S. G. Pomeroy, S. G. Pond, J. F. Pond, J. F. Pond, 0. M. Pond, 0. M. Poole, T. W. Poole, J. F. Pool, J. Porter, M., Jenkins, C. 121 24S 398 (R.) Randall, S. G. " " (R.) Randall, .S. G. Randall, S. G. 243 263 263 267 268 69 76 76 77 77 Payton,J. H. Peaboday, S. G. Peaboday, .S. G. Peak, E. Pearl, J. C. Pearl, J. C. '093 697 717 "34- 740 1080 352 202 362 214 349 i 786 18 832 258 70 75 226 3 237 Randolph, T. H.. Ir. Rankin, J. H. Raper, W. B. (R.) Rate, E. F. Ravenscraft, H. C. 400 694 745 745 7'4 467 216 216 207 'jS Peck, S. Peck, E. 541 339 156 105 75 Ray, J. J. and Young, J. R. 477 140 Pedrick, R. R. 419 131 E. and G. F. ^i^ 297 Ray, G. W. 942 299 Peeler, J. 22 5 Porter, J. F. and Xorton Rayl, -S. G. "3 il Peirce, J. H. 870 249 A. 1022 335 Rayl, S. G. 743 215 Pelsor, P. D. and H. C. 411 129 Porter, A. E., and A. L. 1045 342 Raymond, D. R. 844 241 Pelton, L. D. and Bar- Porter, J. E. 1 140 364 Read, W. B. 118 34 row. J. 683 '97 Potter, E. M. '54 43 Ready, W. B. 520 151 Pence, J. W. 256 74 Potter, H. I. 942K 300 Ready, W. B. 976 320 Pendley, W. 865 248 Potter, H. S. 664 191 " " (R.) 976 329 Pendley, W. and .Moss, Potter, J. 0. 1052 343 Ream, B. F. 79 23 A. 870 249 Potts, J. 62 '7 Rebman, J. 116 33 GENERAL ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Plate Claim Plate- cia,;„ Plate Claim Rebman. J. 129 36 Riggs, W. ,S. 39 9 Root, F. P. 582 169 Reck, W. 341 106 Riggs, D. C. 1008 331 Root, J. 753 218 Redfield, R. B. 267 77 Righter,J 462 137 Root, B. M. 866 248 Keillinger, M. 684 197 Riney, T. L. I191 3S0 Root. J. 103 1 337 Reed, M. 479 140 Risley, C. M. and Rogers Roqiiemore, P. B. 153 42 Reed. S. 83 24 C.B. ' 146 41 Rose, J. J. 73b 213 Reed, J. J. 671 193 Ritson, E. 247 7' Rose, H. M. 760 220 Reed, S. I. 709 205 Rivers, W. B. 5, A, C. 11S9 380 Reed, I'.'M. 219 Roach, L. 380' Ross, H. S. 107 31 Reese, K. 136 37 Robbins, R. B. 725 210 Ross, A. W. 59 16 Reese, E. 766 221 Robbins, R. B. 743 215 Rouse, T. 409 129 Reeves, \V. F., A. B. a nd Robbins, R. B. 762 220 Routt, A. P. 66 19 M. ■]■. 355 109 Robbins, R. B. 790 227 Routt, A. P. 84 25 Reeves, A. B. 353 109 |R.) 790 227 Roxvell, T. S. and I. 516 150 Reeves,}!. E. 1205 385 Robbins, R. B. 833 237 " ( R. 517 150 Reeves, II. E. 1222 390 Robbins, R. B. 860 245 Rowell, G. D. 536 155 Richard, J. 711 206 Robbins, R. B. 882 253 Rowell, G. D. 540 156 Reid, C. [.. 748 217 Robbins, J. H, and S. 1064 34& Rowell, T. S. and I. 82 24 Reiner,]. K. 56 15 Roberts, L, C. 154 43 Rowell, G.D. 120 34 Kemy, B. W. 684 197 Roberts, M. L. 246 Rowell, M.M. 165 46 Reiiiv, B. \V. and X. '\ . 814 ^2 Roberts, T. B. 344 107 Rowell, ]. .S. 545 157 Reniv, B. \V. and N. 'I 119 34 Roberts, E. B. 388 123 Rowel, E. G., A. D. Remv, X. T. 855 244 Roberts. A. A. and Davis Rice, J. R. and Seel y, Renfro. R. A. "43 365 B. ' 586 170 .S. M. '116 33 Repp, L. 64 18 Roberts, C. 609 175 Rowen, N. and Amis, G II6I 371 Reuss, J. I.. 1207 385 Roberts, C. 610 176 Rowland, ]. E. 681 197 Reyner,on, I. li. and Roberts, C. 610 .76 Roy, F. 143 39 Worrell'. J. 1047 342 Roberls, C. 633 182 Ruddick, W. A. 1 120 359 Revnerson. T." H. 678 196 Roberts, C. 633 1S2 Rue. T. 463 ■37 Reyner.on,}, H. 705 204 Roberts, C. 642 185 Rue, J. 775 223 Reynolds, F. F. 99 29 Robert-, G. .S. 670 193 Ruffner, S. 801 229 Reynolds, E. D. and Robert,. M. 991 325 Rumsey, ]. B. 146 41 O B. '36 38 Robertson, 11. H. 972 3'9 Runk, J. I.. 978 321 Reynolds, P. B. and 1.. V. 469 138 (A. 1.) 972 3'9 Runk, [. L. 979 321 Reynolds, E. D. and O. D. 796 228 Robertson, E. 1 103 355 Runk, ). L., Brown, J. H Reynolds, .S. G. 273 79 Robertson, S. M. and and Morgan, E. M. 992 325 Reynolds, E. D. and Hamilton, A. A. 1219 389 Runstetler, A. and Win- (J. B. 1126 360 Robert -on, W. H. 108 deck. A. 77 22 Rhamy, [.II. S72 250 Robertson, H. H. and Rush, R, D, and E. W. 1117 358 (R •) 873 250 Carr, C. G, 597 172 Russell, E. W. and ]. N. 823 234 Rhinehart, W. N. and Robertson, \V. T- an.l Russell, P. .S. 856 244 Felker, H. 61 17 Kn.ght, J'.' 835 23S Russell, E. W. 357 Rhinehart, W. C. and Robeitson, W. J. 826 235 Rulledge, A. 816 P^ Gaston, R. 71S 20S Robinson, I,. 585 109 Rver. W. H. 1212 Rhoades, A. A. and Ta Ml, Robinson, \. 731 212 Sabin, S. A. 739 214 W. 31 Robinson."!. H. 738 214 Sachse. L. 1076 348 Rhodes, (;. W. 161 '14 Robinson, \V. R. 779 224 Sackett, C. E. 414 130 Rhodes, W. and Porter. M. 639 184 Robinson,;. G. 973 319 ^nckett. C. K, 416 130 Rice, T. and Hitchcock Robinson, J. G. 1034 338 S . ' .•!! 1 I-. 417 131 L. R. 74 21 Robson, I. 154 42 -,i, ! . II. 1 '. 1 4>7 '3' Rice. R. 469 138 Roby, M". 487 142 ■- 1- 1 • r. 1 1 . 418 131 Rice, T. H. 484 141 Rockafellow, S. 937 298 ^ . ' . ■! 1 1 420 132 Rice, "r. H. 654 Rockafellow, S. 617 178- ^•'Yllv ] 421 132 Kice, \Y. B. 10^,8 339 Rockwood, L. 0. U05 355 424 133 Rich, J. C. 60 17 Rodebush, G. S. 244 69 St. I, ill,',. 1.. 1;. ,,,hI Unde Rich, C. and Neisler. Roden, A. 122 34 wood.j. K. "284 85 O. 1.. 700 203 Rodger, C. 8 St. Tohn, G. B. 290 88 Kichard, I. I Rodgers, W. 86 26 .St. "John, G. ]!. 644 •85 Richard,, I. M. 1S5 51 Rogers, W. A, 3 I St.'lohn.G. B. 719 208 Richardson. \Y. 72 20 Rogers, M. L. 25 6 St. "lohn, G. B. 748 217 kichard-on, \V. C. B. 408 128 Rogers, T. B. 65 18 St. John, W. W. 648 186 Richardson, G. R. and Rogers, D. B. 50S 149 St. John, W. W. 671 193 Eehel, I. 788 226 '. " (R.i 50S 149 Samp-on, O. 1055 344 Richardson, "l. S34 238 (R.I S08 149 Sandelin, N. F. 773 223 Richardson, L. W. 1080 349 Rogers, D.B., S. and I.. 511 149 Sandelin, N. F, 773 223 Richardson, 11. 11 13 357 Rogers, D, B. 513 150 Sanders, H. 512 ■5° Richardson, T. and Mc Rogers, L. 519 151 Sanders, J. R. 93S 298 Inni-, M. 1 1 20 359 Rogers, D. P,. 582 .69 Sanders, T. and Nich- Richardson. \V. M. "ji 362 Rogers, W. T. 994 326 • aolds, L. C. 274 So Richter, W. 7 Rogers, \. C. 1006 330 Sanders, A. 857 244 Rickerd, J. C. 703 203 Rogers, \V. C. 1160 371 Sandiford, R. 718 208 Riddle, \V. N. S24 235 Rohrer, A, P., C. F. and Satterlee, M. 241 69 Riddle, W. X. 1136 Z^l Blose,J. H. 771 223 Sattison, J. 118 a Rider, J. 1. 629 78i Romann, A. and Pet- Sattley, M. "^11 321 Rigby, A. 160 44 erka, J. 686 .98 Sattley, M. 988 ^^i Rigell, M, and Ivey, Ronat, M. E. 1127 361 .Sattley, M. 107s 348 W. D. 31 8 Roney, H. 119 34 Sattley, M. 1114 358 Rigell, M. 32 8 Rood, E. 1074 348 Sattley, M. 761 220 (;f.X/-:M.-IL AI.PHABETICAl. INDEX. Savnsc \V. t; Plate Claim 64 I 184 654 188 .Sawiii. (.. W . 71 20 Sawyer, K. ■? 3 Sawyer, A. and Harnes, H. 605 175 Sawyers, K. II. 613 177 '4 •Sayre.C. H. Searliruua:li, T- L- Sclianck,\;.'H. Scheiblein, J. and Ilei Schenck.'O. W. Schernierhorn, J. and I-orter, R. Scheumack. S. S. 509 149 .) 509 149 513 150 1 59 44 G18 17S Scl S 814 232 765 221 774 223 620 "79 974 320 "°3 30 40 10 547 '58 423 '32 1007 330 1050 343 718 20S 680 196 1 105 356 730 619 17S 130 36 "49 42 "58 44 600 "73 600 173 612 176 689 "99 1009 Zl^ 805 230 46. "37 824 235 GENERAL ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Plate Claim Ph,U Claim Plat^ Claim Staman, f. K. 464 ■37 .Stroud, W. D. 529 153 Thomas,;. R. 117 33 Stamm, F. 39 10 Strovvger, W. D. 46 12 Thomas. J. C. B. 357 no Stanch field. 1). 171 47 Stryker, J. 3 Thompson, A. 385 122 Slanrhliel.l. 1 1, 1S7 52 Stuart, H. C. II91 3S0 Thompson, f. 396 126 M.ilison. \Y. L. 780 224 Siaiisl.uri;.A. K.aiKlT M. 473 139 Summer, J. 15 3 Thompson. .V. 777 224 Stamon, |. P. 7' 20 Summers. T- and Trim- Thompson, L. P. 819 233 Stanton, "S. R. 849 242 ble,]." 357 no Thompson. J. N. and Stanton, S. R. 874 250 Summers, R. B. and De- Kenady, W. 1041 340 Stark, A. 667 192 ment, S. 997 327 Thomson, P. W. 623 179 Stan-itt, J. I>. 401 127 Summers, L. M. and Wil- Thorley, T. 86 25 Starr, E. 55 '5 son, M. 1 188 380 Thornton, S. C. 716 207 Stauffacher, A. 869 249 Sursa, J. W. 1005 329 Thornton, S. C. 754 218 Stavev, G. W. 847 241 Sursa, 1. W. 1046 342 Thrasher, T. L. 347 107 Staver, G. W. 853 243 Sursa, J. W. 1050 343 Throp, J. A. and Cox. J. 613 177 Startzman, W. H. 88 26 .Sursa, T. \V. 1055 344 Thurston, F. G. 146 Stearns C. C. 616 177 Sutherland, J. A. 1 105 355 Tibbits, T. B. 32 Stearns, J. L. 1030 337 Sutherlen. W. B. 1019 334 Tice, I, P. 259 75 Steinegger, G. 1016 333 Sutter, T. 966 317 Tichenor, E. S. 44 n Steller, C. E. 474 139 Suydam, J. H. 1053 343 Tilden, H. 778 224 Stenton, R. S. 15 3 Svenson. li. J. ■33 37 Tinkham.B. 598 172 Stephens, A. J. 392 125 Swallow, T. E. 1052 343 (K.I 598 172 Srephens, C. 182 51 Swaney, J. S. 1-8 44 (R.) 599 173 Stephens, J. 100 29 Sweeny, W. P. 1078 349 Tilley, J. R. 412 129 Sterling, W. 1094 352 Sweet. M. 6S9 199 Tipton. J. B. 933 297 Stevens, C. B. 1096 353 Sweet, Z. T. 1030 337 Tipton. L. K. 779 224 Stevens, C. B. 1078 349 Swickard, T. W. 785 226 Tipton. L. K. SSo 253 Stevens, C. M. 546 «57 Swickard. "I. W. 876 251 Tobias. I. C. and Bates. Stevens, J. C. 168 47 Tabor, 1:. i). 147 41 W. N. 724 209 Stevens, L. 381 121 Tabor, B. D. 794 228 Todd. G. M. nil 357 Stevens, L. O. 668 192 Taliaferro, C. W. 609 176 Tolhurst, G. W. 18 4 Stewart, W. L. 722 209 Taliaferro, C. W. 662 191 Tolle. M. >3 3 Stevenson, G. 272 79 Tally, T. f. 420 '32 Tolk^. 1- W. 36 Stevenson, Q.. 275 81 Tanner. 1). C. 821 234 T.dlcv. I'. W. 154 43 Stiber, G. 131 36 Taplin. H. T. 393 125 Toll, v. !■ W I So 50 StiUwell, A. F. o5^ ■5 Tappan, G. S. 1216 388 Tollrv, |-\ W. 533 154 Stimmell, J. 853 243 Tarkinglon, M. S. 353 109 Tondin-,n. 1. 11. 769 222 Stockdale, J. 509 149 Tarnutzer, f. P. 387 ■23 Tompkins A. 767 222 Stocking, A. D. 54 ■5 Tartt. P. S. and Wilson, Toombs. S. .\. 47 12 Stockstill,S. L. ami G. F. 170 47 Tostevin.J P. 617 178 Kurtz, H. D. 1077 349 Tate, I. E. 66 '9 Tostevin, J. P. 646 186 Stockton, G. W. 682 197 Taveau, A. L. 255 74 Totten, P. R. 715 207 Stoddard, J. C. 380 121 Taylor, J. W. 38 9 Totten, J. 1032 338 StoU, M. 86 25 Taylor, C. F. 79 23 Tournier, A. 259 75 StoU M. 479 140 Taylor, R. T. 87 26 Tower. A. C. 482 141 Stcll, M. 779 224 Taylor, A. C. 125 35 Tower, A. C. 484 141 Stone, J. C. 409 129 Taylor, W. 138 38 Town, B. 541 156' Stone, 11. 980 321 Taylor, W. A. and Townsend, J. 649 186 Slone, I. 1089 351 Graves, W. W. 465 '37 Tozer, G. 1071 347 Stone, j. 980 322 Taylor, S. H. 1214 387 Tracy. S. D. 244 69 Stone, b. 706 204 Teagle, T. I. 165 46 Tranter, J.. Kinsey, J. ai d Stoner, A. V. 391 124 Teasdale, H. M. 49 '3 Carr, ]. M. 396 126 Storm, G. 837 238 Teller. D. C. 654 188 Traver, A.' I. 94 28 Storrs,C. E., Keys, W E. Terrell, H. 0. 176 49 Travis, D. W. 721 209 and Jones, I). W. 76 22 Terril, E. 84 24 Travis, D. W* 740 214 Stossburg, F. \V. 160 44 Terry, J. P. 173 48 Travis, A. B. 862 246 Stout, 1. 40 10 Terry, T. D., Case, A. Travis, ]. E. 984 322 Stout. I. and S. 6.9 1 78 and Larkin, C. 1081 349 Travis, j. E, 990 325 Stout, S. 996 327 Tewell, L. S. 121 34 Traweek. R. C. 162 45 Stover, L). C. 520 ■5' Tharp, C. and G. P. 260 75 Trcadwav. T- W. 105 1 343 Stover, U. C. 934 297 Thayer, R. and Trenery. N. J. and Sisle> Stover, A. J. 655 188 McClelkind, [. 51 13 T. L. 11S6 379 Stover, D. C. 663 191 Thede, C. 787 226 Trouard. A. 400 127 Stover, U. C. 75.5 219 Thirhvell. T- 463 Trout, r. H. 795 228 Stover, D. C. 826 235 Thomas, J.' H. and Mast Trowbridge, J. T. 763 221 Stowe, J. G. 776 223 P. P." 638 1 84 True. L. W. 809 231 Stowe, J. G. 7S2 225 Thomas, J. H., Mast, P. Trumble. H. E. 1224 390 Strait, R. E. 254 74 P. and Harding, T, 649 187 Trumbo, E. 179 50 Strickland, L. 653 188 Thomas,]. II. and Mast Tucker, A. G. . 627 180 Strieby, W. 39 9 P. P. 651 1S7 Tucker. A. W. n58 369 Strong, W. H. 793 228 Thomas. ]. H. and ], W 534 154 Tucker. .\. W. n89 380 Stroud, A. L. W. 121 34 Thomas, ]. W. 349 108 Turlcv. M. 585 169 Stroud, G. F. 533 •54 Thomas. J. S. 4S0 140 Turk-;. .M. 965 317 Stroud, J. C. 713 207 Thomas, J. R. Turlev, M. 96S 3>8 ;E.\-EK.U. ALl'JIABETICAL IXDEX. Hate Claim rialf Claim Plate Claim Turner, 1'. i8 3 Wa.ldell, I. 124 35 1 Weir, W. S. Jr. 611 176 uuu.,., am .mu Wadsworth, W. 383 122 (R.) 612 176 5 '4 '50 Wadsworth, H. 734 212 Weir, W. S. Jr. 635 183 Turner, J. B. 6or ■73 Waffle, C. I.. 32 " " • (K.) 635 183 Turner, j. B. 604 174 Waggoner, G. 783 225 Weir. W. S. 1138 363 Tustin.j". 1032 338 Wanner, J. R. no 32 Welch, S. G. 623 179 Tuthill. T. T. 377 121 Wagner, D. S. 84s 241 Welch, S. 1044 34J Tuttle L. (-";. 63 17 Wagner. J., Jr. 859 245 Welch, S. F. 1128 361 •Piittle, S. D. and Gn ns. Waite, T. 89 26 Weld, H. 48. 141 I.H. 692 200 Walker, W. T. 141 39 Welden. F. N. 762 220 Tyson, J. W. 677 196 Walker, L. B. 646 186 W'ellman, D. L. 847 241 Tweedy, J. J37 38 Walker, E. and Weed, W^ells, 11. 22 5 Uehling, T. 394 125 A. M. 693 201 Wells, W. J, 732 212 Uhl, C. A. 607 175 Walke* E. and Piatt Wells, C.C. 653 1 88 Underwood, A. 267 77 .T-J. Walker E and Piatt 737 213 Wells, C. 724 209 Underwood,]. K. 269 77 Wells, P. F. 789 227 Underwood, J. K. (R.I 269 271 78 78 .T. J. 741 215 Wells, J. T. Welsh, J. C. 1 103 H64 355 372 l-nderwood, 1. K. a id Walker, L. 764 221 Welti, I. 709 205 St. Tohn.'G. B. 2S7 85 Walker, A. 1024 335 Wertenherger, L. 823 235 Underwood, F, J. 933 297 Walker, R, 1072 3f Wertenberger, L. and (R.) 933 297 Wall, J. B. 274 80 Amiss, G. W. 837 239 Unthank, D. 864 247 Wallis, T. R. 827 235 Werts, N. 749 218 (R.) 864 247 Walter, J. A. and Bush West, W. B. 253 73 Unthank, D. 254 man, E. 116 33 West, B. J. 284 84 Urban, J. 1086 351 Walton, E. W. 83 24 West, R. and Paul, Utler, M. L. 841 239 Walton, W. 83 24 H. F. 519 151 Utter, I. 862 246 Walton, S. 158 44 West, P. L. 679 196 Vail, A. 1024 335 Walton, E. W. 1047 342 W'harton, G. 1022 335 Vanarsdell.W. A, 1125 360 Walton, E. W. ^m 362 Wharton, G. 1034 338 Van Bracklin, P. C. . 46 12 Ward, B. F. 104 31 Whaite, C. L. 112 32 Van Bracklin, B. 5^4 152 Ward, .M. X. Ward, 'v. C. 48 Wheat, M. K. 538 •55 Nan Brunt, G. W. 521 152 356 no Wheeler, E. P. 658 189 \-an Brunt, \V. A. ai d Ward, P. 1. 845 241 White, M. F. 534 •54 Davis, .S. E. 542 156 Warner, ]. 7 White, E. T. 606 175 \an I!uren, J. 877 252 Warner. G. 345 107 Whitehall, "N. 584 169 Van Camp, \V. \V. 818 233 Warren, T. P. 68 19 Whitehall, N. 586 170 Vandegrift, T. F. and W 803 230 Warren, G. W, 663 191 Whitehall, N. 590 171 \-andegrift, T. F. and W. S12 232 Warren, G. H. 1197 382 Whitehall, N. 767 222 \-an De Mark, C. 1220 389 Warren, G, H. 1222 390 Whitehead, J. 379 121 Van Gorder, T- L. 1048 342 Warren, G. H. 1222 390 Whiteside, T. and Cra- Van Gorder, j. U. 1061 345 Warwick, J. 1121 359 bill, h". F. 24 5 \an Gorder, G. W. 1087 35' Warwick, J. 1013 332 Whitlock, C. n6 33 Vangundv, E. W. 338 105 Warwick. I. and A. T. '177 376 Whitman, L. M. 10 2 Van Home, R. I'. 12 2 Waterman,' L. B. 606 175 Whitney, S. M. 60 •7 Van Home. R. I'. 28 7 Waterman, I.. B. 1 10 176 WhnneV, S. M. 931 297 \an Home, R. V. iiS 34 Waterman. L. B. 627 I So Whilnev, 1. M. 589 170 Van Horn, J. 44 11 Watkins, W. ■05 31 Whitney. J. M. 970 319 Vanluvanee, J. and W.itkins, W. M. [26 35 Whitney, J. R. "75 375 Smith, H. 937 29S Watkin.,J.T. 1022 335 Whitney, W. H. and Van Meter. H. 730 WalM.n, W. r. 60 17 Noble, C. T. 1158 369 Van Sickle, G. W. a id Watson, C, H. 345 107 Wiard, T. 4 McConaughy, L 940 299 Wat,on, C. H. 532 •54 Wiard, E. 78 29 Van Sickle, G. W. a nd Watson, W. M. 348 .08 Wiard, E. 103 30 McConaugliy, C 943 300 Watson, W. M. 350 108 Wiard, E. 138 38 Van Winkle, G. 1 102 354 Watson, W. M. 992 325 Wiard, E. 163 45 Vairin. A. L. P. 254 74 W.lttles, 11. |, 728 211 Wiard, E. 81S 232 Vaughn, J. and Gha n- Wattles, II. i. 735 213 Wiard, E. and Avery ness, E. 389. •24 Wattles, H. j. 744 216 (;. C. n6i 371 Veal, F. 5 Wattles, H.' I. lOIO 33' Widman, ^. 699 202 Veber. W^ F. 40 10 Watt, G. 994 326 Widman, J. and Mullica Verharen, F. T. S53 243 Way, S. 717 F. ■ 990 324 Viars, J. A. 768 222 Way, S. 1014 332 Wilcox, A. 67 •9 Vick, W. H. 129 36 Weaver, W. '55 43 Wilco.x, E. 620 179 Vickery, D. F. 162 45 Weaver, T. , 1095 352 Wilde, 1). 469 •38 Volkmann, B. 1000 328 Webb, T. W. 471 '38 W'iles, T. and McGin- (R.) 1000 328 Webb, T. VV. 1030 337 nis, J. 632 182 Volkmann, F. 1006 33° Webber, N. V,. 108 32 Wilhelm, J. 47 12 Von Phul, H., |r. a id Weber, R. 166 46 Wilkins, A. W. and Esk Mallon, I." 144 40 Weber, H., Jr. 1222 390 ridge, S. T. 102 30 Von Phul, H„ Jr. and Webster, H,"H, 645 185 Wilkinson, T. E. 539 156 Mallon, J. 145 40 Webster, H. 983 322 W'ilkinson, L. H. 731 2n Von Phul, H., Tr. a id Webster, I.. T. 1045 342 Wilkinson, G. 813 232 Mallon, I.' 405 128 Webster, I.. T. 1060 345 Willard, C. 676 •95 Vowles.J. - 592 171 Weems, T. P S. 846 241 Willev, G. F. 1018 334 Vowles, J. 174 Weir, W, S. Jr. 931 297 Williams, T. M. 29 7 Vowles, J. 716 208 Weir, W. S. 939 299 Williams, P,. and Morgan Wade, T. I. "55 368 Weir, W. S. Jr. 603 174 G. C. 176 49 ;eaf.rai. alphabetical index. Plate Claim Plate Claim I'late Claim Williams, A. 626 180 Wood,!. F. 466 137 Wrav, S. A. 60 17 Williamson, S. D. 352 108 Wood. L. S. 545 157 Wright, 1,. R. 84 25 Willerton, W. 7S6 226 Wnnrl. T. A. 848 242 l Workman, W. and Young, W. B. 688 199 Winfield, H. and Flyn Hitchcock, J. 528 153 Young, B. F. 660 190 W. P. 4S5 141 " " " (R.) 546 153 Young, B. F 756 219 Wingo, B. W. 145 40 Worrell, J. and Rvner- Young, B. F. 725 210 Wing, I. 683 197 son, j. H. 1056 344 Young, S. L. 785 226 Winters, E. C. 407 128 Worrell, J. and Ryner- Young, J. 847 241 Witter, B. 138 38 son,J. H. 1056 344 Young, P. 994 326 Wilt, J. W. 1221 390 Worrell, J. and Ryner- son, T. H. Zane, W. P. 12 2 Wolcott, G. E. 1 182 378 1063 345 ^-eigler, G. W. 53 14 Wolfe, A. K. 832 237 Worrell, j. and Ryner- Zeigler, G. W. 80 23 Wolfe, T. 989 324 son.-J. 11. 1069 347 Zei^ler, G. W. 5'7 '5' Wolf, J. 706 204 Worrell, f. 1074 348 Zeigler, G. W. 522 '52 Wolf, L. 978 321 Worrell,'!. 1077 348 Zeller, J. P. 734 212 Wolpert, T- 107 31 Worrell, 'j. 357 345 Zimmerman, J. 379 121 Wood, N.'S. 406 128 Worthen: S. A. 1060 Zimmerman, C. 472 '39 Wood, J. 531 154 Wottring, R. 478 140 Zocher, C. 142 39 ■rirn:iroKi Plate aa:m Plale Clnim Plate Claim A.lnms, \V. K. 8o 23 Brittain. I. T. •25 35 Dana.C. 11. 10 2 AiKiliolt, 1-; A. '63 45 Bi-o.,k , R. M. 24 6 DaHing, M.& Gray. 11. 81 24 A-iKw A. .\ Morris,,,,, W. 30 7 Brooks \V. •34 37 Dart, -A. '55 43 Aiken, S. W, 2 Blown, G. \V. 2 Davenport, F. 1'. "9 34 AktT, A. 1S6 52 Blown, W. V. 188 5^ Davidson, |. M. 93 28 Allien. .M. '9 4 Bunn, W. T. "5 3? Davidson, "\V. I. 184 Allen, I). K. 63 18 Burbank, R. 1. 9^ 27 I).avidson, W. I. 188 52 Allen. S. I . '74 48 Burke, l.M. 48 Davis, J. B. 75 22 A list. .It. 1'. II. 50 '3 Bu,„s.J, 46 12 Deal, I. !. •.8^ 51 An,l,e«s, W. I. 64 18 Bushnell, \V. 27 6 Deal, I. "(. •85 52 Anslev, J. .V (';. W. 126 35 Buiton, W. |. 50 •3 Deal,].]. 192 54 A,n,lt'. 1. 89 Busenger, A. 169 47 Deigliton, R., Jr. 50 13 Aim.Ult, H.B.&Gi-imi n.J. 7S 22 Buskett, T. L. •83 5^ Demarce, A.&"Vreeland -r. 164 45 .Virington, \V. |. 122 34 Cain,.S. M.& -Stelfox \V. 41 10 Dennett, D. 52 '4 Arthur, I. H. 78 22 Cameron, J. F. 29 7 Dennis, 0. H. .0 4 Austin, R. G. S. .87 52 Campbell, A. 82 24 Deweese, G. \V. 80 Ibkei-, |. li. 13 3 Canfield, A. 7^ 20 Dickson, A. A. 24 5 Hake,-, \V. m 36 Canfield, A. 7' 20 Dickson, I. H. 85 25 Maker, D. C. 140 39 Cantelon, R. 65 .8 Deitz, W." L. 186 52 l!al,hvin, I'. O. 122 34 Carhart, P. S. 44 Dillon, T. 88 26 H.tlilwin, 1.. 140 38 Carhart, P. S. 49 •3 Dodge, T. H. 3^ 8 H.-ill, T. I. & I'oste, I. 9 2 Carter, N. C. 34 8 Dooley, J. 97 29 lUill, W." M. 66 •9 Carter, W. H. 148 41 Dorman,J. M. 95 28 Hancn.rt, W. II 2 Caswell, I,. T. 59 16 Doisev, E. L. 54 15 lianks, I. 16 3 Cates.X. A.' 72 21 Doss,'\V. C. 4 l!aines,'.\. 3 I Cato, W. W. ■32 36 Doi-.thit, -S. D. 146 41 Barnes, H. 53 •5 Caylor, J. 142 39 Doyle, L. H. 4^ 10 Ka.nett, I. .\. 148 4^ Chandler, H. C. 76 22 Doyle, L. H. 45 l!an,l,ait; 1'. 5« 16,J. 181 5° Duftnei, W. 75 22 Barnwell, A. .S. 64 18 Charlton, J. 29 7 Dugdale, J. K. 43 II Hairier, F. M. 77 22 Chase, I. W. •57 43 Dunnavant, T.U. Mlarip- Harr, .M. I. 128 36 Chase, j. W. 162 45 son, W. A. ■55 43 Barton. C". T. 178 49 Cheallia,,;, \V. T. 166 46 Dutton, J. L., |r. 25 6 Bateman, F. 191 53 (, h,istn,an, R. I). .65 46 Dysert, W. 5 I Batson, |. W. & L. 20 4 Chnstophcj. (;. 27 6 Earlv, D. S. 87 26 Bead,, 0. \ Bnnvn, T 37 9 Clark, C. 30 7 Eariy, D. S. 93 28 Beale, T. 57 16 Clark. C. A. 35 9 Eariywine, N. •3^ 36 Bean, J. C. 1 78 49 Clark, C. M. 12S 36 Eastburn, C. 20 4 Beard, C. A. & Evans, " '• "(R) 129 36 Eberly D. • 5 3 E. E. 120 34 Clark, C. .M. •45 40 Edwards, I. 6 I Beard, A. 191 53 Clarridge, J. 57 16 Eldred, A. s I Beeehing, C. 6 I Cleaveland, G. \). • 34 37 Elliot, R. 52 •4 Beklen, H. M. 36 9 Clements, A. P. & Nealey, Emrick, 1. •37 38 BeUlen, C. 52 •4 J. C. 107 31 Emmert, E. 32 8 Bell, W. C. •47 41 Clifton J. H. 86 25 Endsley, J. & Fletche E. 17 3 Bell, S. R. 189 53 Clifton, L. 88 26 Erickson, G. A. 47 12 Belt, A. C. 75 Clifton, W. C. ••5 33 Ernst, J. W. 75 22 Bemendefer, H. F. s^ Clime, .S. I Erwood, T. C. 106 31 Smith, G. 68 '9 Clime, S. . 2 I Escudier," C. •24 35 I'.enedict, I. A. 96 Close B. M. 95 28 Essington, G. •9 4 Benedict, H. 98 29 Cloyd, H. C. 109 32 Estes, C. E. 182 5' Benedict, I. A. 117 33 Cluckner,;. 106 3^ Etnier, O. 66 •9 Benedict, 1. A. •74 48 Coats, S, 8 Eustace, M.,and Kenna n,J. Benner, D. G. 105 3' Coggin, S. L. 189 53 & -r. •52 42 Bennett, ti. T. 27 6 Cole, N. C. •57 43 Farmer, W. H. •49 4' Benton, L. B. 35 9 Connelly, A. 94 28 Faulkner, J. J. 170 47 Bethea, J. C. 61 •7 Conolly, G. W. 48 •3 Fink, 1. 42 Bever, J. X. 5' •4 Constant, I. 8 Finley, I R. 49 13 Bishop, C. 9 2 Cooper, N. B. 44 II Fish, T." P. 54 15 Black, G. G. 13 3 Cooper, t;. \V. 68 •9 Fish, R. A. •43 40 Blackistone, Z. D. 139 38 Cooper, G. W. 68 •9 Fleming, J. .S. •23 35 Blackistone, Z. IX '39 38 Cooper, C. |, •73 48 Fleming, [. W, 186 52 Blake, I. W. 126 35 Copeland, j". 5' •4 Fleming,]. W. 192 54 Blonisten, B. C. •23 35 Copeland, I. ••3 'il Flisher, I:G. sV B.ites, E. Bloodworth, E. H. 16 3 Copeland, [. •5» 42 M. 81 23 Blue, D. (;. 45 12 Cox, M. C". lOI 30 Flory, C. 74 21 Boles, A. 99 29 Cox, B. S. 104 3^ Foibes, S. B. 82 24 Bolis, V. 114 33 Cox, B. .S. •34 37 Forbes, S. B. 93 28 liorden. T. I Coyle, H. I. •23 35 Ford, C. 49 13 Bott, \V. II. lOI 30 Crabtree, {. M. 161 44 Foi-eman, Ci. G. 36 Bower, J. 107 3' Craig, R. 26 6 Forshee, W. j. •4 Bowman, D. W. 126 35 Craig, A. J. 81 24 Foster, A. G."\V. •59 44 Boyd, J. C. 57 16 Grain, O. A. 182 50 Frampton, J. H. 21 5 Briggs, E. 3' 7 Criswell, R., Ir. 6 • F,-.anlJ,J. 70 B.-iggs, E. •42 39 Cross, B.H." •78 49 Frant^W. 76 22 Briggs, H. C. •63 45 Crow, C. 30 Freeman E. L. 9 2 Brinly, T. E. C. 33 8 Currier, A, 190 53 Fridy, J. 57 16 Brinly, r. E. G. ■ 122 34 Curtis, H. W. 53 •4 Gaidiner, T. E. 67 '9 criT/i'ATiiA-a. Plate C/aim P;„te Claim Phic Claim Garlaml, T. H. 150 42 Holt, R. C. 109 32 Lobdeil, C. 92 27 M. 2 I Homrighouse, L. 108 32 I.oc'.i-, I. H. ICI 3^ Gaston, H. A. 8.' 24 Hoover, W. U. 90 27 l,on-, 1': 141 39 Gei;4C^, P. .84 52 Hopkins, \V. A. 17 3 l.oni, 1. \ Woodman, S. 61 17 Gent.sch, H. T- Sr. 177 45 H.nick, J. 16 3 l.ourij, W. F. 1 84 5' Geurgc, J. 175 49 Huber S 98 11 1 28 Luppen, L. "5 Gil>M,n, W. (). c;ii.b^, J. 5^ "5 16 3 Huff, E.' S. Huff, E. S. Lupton, A. Lyman, W., Jr., 188 43 52 II Giflbnl, J. 59 16 Hu'dies '\ 28 7 Lvnch, I. I). 14; 42 Gifforil, G. L. 81 50 Hunt, M." J. Hunter, S. C. Hunter, W. and D. M. Mabbett, r., Sr., loS 32 Gilbert, I. R. & Weston, S R. Gilliaid, n. 33 8 6 4 189 53 29 .McAllister, T. T. & McDonald, W.W., B. F.,()rr, ].\\. 166 46 Gilliland, U. C. 43 II Hyde, W. ,S. 10 2 & R. T- 99 29 Gil|)atric, ]. 64 18 Ingraham, H. 48 13 McConaugiiev, T. 11. 56 15 Glidden, f. 161 44 Ingraham,H. 50 '3 McCuv, \V. I. 36 9 Gofi\ M. I!. 109 32 Ingraham, H. 69 20 McCuVlev, .V 179 f,o Gogel, I. A. 187 52 Isgrigg, \. I los 3' McGrew; C. iSi 5° Goudwvn.C;. W. 185 51 Jackson, S. W. 62 17 McKinnv, S. P. I So Gordun, A. 65 18 Jackson, J. R. 169 47 McMeekin, F. M. 1-8 36 Goslee, (). W. 39 lO Jenkins, J. C. i6i 46 McXair, T. F. I. '9 47 tlosku, ( ). W. 150 42 Jennings, J. Jr., 179 50 McXeelv, I). &Cadv,C. [. 85 -5 Go4ee, ( >. W. 1S9 53 Jessup, (;. 134 37 .Magruder, C. B. ' " ■4 3 Goss, V. 104 31 Johnson, W. 1). 23 5 Mahon, I. B. 46 12 Gowcn, W. 118 34 "lohn.on, M. i5> 4- Manley, W. 164 45 Graham, E. M. 141 39 Johnson, M. ■75 49 Ma:in, H. 14 3 Grant, K. P. 177 49 lohnson, R. A. 187 52 Mann, H. 18 4 Gregory, E. S. 98 29 "J.ihnson, R. A. 188 52 Marsh, 2d, C. '.i5 37 Green, H. D. i^e 43 lohnson, R. A. 190 53 Marsh, 2d. C. 136 Green, H. D. 162 45 (ones, r. H. and H. P. 9' 27 Marsh, 2d, C. ^iZ 37 Green, T. & Sonimer, ]. 78 23 Jones, A. ■73 48 Mason, J. I Grohmann, A. 94 28 Kamerer, E. A, 100 30 Mater, D. 87 26 Grove, A. F. 59 «7 Keck, P. H. 9 2 " '• (R.) 87 26 Guice. T. "7 33 Ke.zer, ]. 4> 10 Matterson, 1). C. & Wil- Guptail, D. 73 21 Kelly, 1.. W. 17 3 li imson,T. 1'. S8 26 " " (R.) 73 21 Kellv, W. H. 43 II Meikle, T. 127 35 Guy, J. C. 50, A. H. I20 34 Melton, R. M. 21 4 Gainnup, C. S. '63 IS King, A. IS. 67 '9 ;; ;; ;; (R-) 21 4 Hall, r. S. 32 8 King. M.I). 132 36 21 5 Hall, S. 51 14 King, T. M. 141 39 Messenger, N. & Frwin, I. 170 47 Hamilton, I. H. "3 33 Kinghorn, T. and R. 29 7 Meyer, J. 45 1 1 Han.l, T. K. 7« 23 Kleffel, W. 130 36 Meyer, J. S5 25 Harwell, V. 28 7 Knapp, J. G. & Libby, Michener, A. D. & Steig- Harrier, H. III 32 D. 104 31 meyer, I. W. 96 28 Hanis, I). 55 15 Knepper, E. 95 28 Miers, L " 37 9 Harrison, A. 5 I Knodle, J, 1 Millard, J. 90 27 Haskell. I. 63 18 Knox, .S. A. II 2 Miller, L no 32 HassenpliuiT, G. F. & Barn Kribs, P. 23 5 Miller, L. ■59 44 hart, C;. 48 13 Krick, I. S. 174 48 Milne, I. 0. 152 42 HasslocU, H. W. ic6 31 Krieble, H. K. ■38 38 Milrov.'l. W. 77 22 Hatlielcl, G. W. 61 17 Krogh, C. and P. G. '35 37 Minte'r, I- K. 127 36 Haverstick, L. 144 40 Kroner, y. A. 74 21 Monaghan, P. 2; 6 Hawkes, N. 58 16 Lacy, J. G. 128 36 Montgomery, T. J. &G W. '58 44 Hawley, A. W. 16 3 Ladenbcrger, V. D. 156 43 Moody, J. B. no 32 Hawley, J. M. 69 19 Laird,. H. 108 32 Moorehead, |. B, I'ool.T. Heaton, C. W. S. 38 9 Lake, H. J. 35 9 A. & g: G. 42 10 Heaton, C. W. S. 47 12 Lamb, A. 5' 14 Moore, E. B. .56 43 Heerman, T. >9 4 Landes, H. 94 28 Morgan, B. S. -3 5 Hei^es, |. M. 136 38 Landes, ]. M. 112 32 Morgan, L. B. 186 52 Heisey,S. L. 70 20 Landon,''r. R. 166 46 Moiter, G. W. & Berry, E. 9^ 27 Henery, A. P. 172 48 Lang, J. B. '33 37 Morrison, J, E. 53 '4 Herr, J. B. ss 16 Lathrop, C. G. 65 18 Morris, B. F. & Austin, F. Herrick, S. H. 69 20 Lawbaugh, C. W. .V W d H. '75 49 Hicks, T. 92 27 Hams, J. 41 10 Morris, E. F.& Green, R. I. 73 Higley, H. Lee, Z. W. 55 '5 (K. 73 21 Hildreth, G. W. 40 10 Lee, S. F. 167 46 Morrow, L J. 29 Hill, P. P. 149 42 Lees, J. A. 168 46 Mosely, D. 119 34 Hinman, J. & French, D.S. 30 7 Lellei, A. B. 37 9 Muir, W. 92 27 Hobson, R. G. '37 38 Leland, A. ■ 7 Murphey, T. 26 6 HofTman, A. & Limebeck, Leonard, A. III l2 Murphy, J. .69 20 H. W. 42 10 Leonard, A. 140 39 Muschert. B. F. 142 39 Holdredge.M. 185 51 Leslie, F. .M. 190 53 Myers, J. II 2 Holladay, J. M. '5' 42 Lewellin, M. '39 38 Myers, T. H. 172 48 Hood, 1. L. 97 28 Lewi-, A. J. 95 28 Nauman, E. .56 43 Hollinger, J. 55 >5 Le«is, W. 144 40 .\auman, E. IbJ 45 Hollinger, |. 67 19 Lewis, J. F. I go 53 Neff, J., Jr., 79 Hohnes, W". C. 19 4 Livezev, 1. B. ?o 7 Neff, [., [r.. 114 ii Holmes, J. C. 103 30 Lobdeil, C. 89 26 Neidich,'j. \Girvin, F.K. \(> 9 •L i.rn'A loRi ria'e CI, I i III 1 J'/„f,lCMiin P.'af,' C7. ill Nellis, A . I. 191 S3 Ri'^hv, A. !(>' 44 Solin, I. VV. 172 48 Nclnll. K.' 4 1 Ull'eil, M. & hcv, \V. I 3' 8 Snrhv; F. M. 54 103 ■5 3J Ncllurlaii.i, I. H. 2*' 6 Ki-cll, M. 8 Spauid,,,.,.. S. T. .\oin~, W 45 1 1 KiK'^, \V. S. 39 9 SpcM, I. .\., Ir. 45 10 Nioliol>. W. 1). 5 ' '5 Ki-lev.C. .M..V Rogers, (, .\. 1), '3° 36 Nichols,,,. I. W. 9' 27 n. 146 4' Spuri.;in, W. '49 4- Niccc, K. K. ■77 49 Rivers, W. 1. 22 5 S,|ui,e, W. .\. 158 44 Nolnii, ]. S. 124 35 Rul,er(s, I.e. '54 43 39 10 .\, ln,a,;. W. k6 Roh.on, 1. '54 42 Sl.inchl'iel'l. 1). 171 47 (VlirlLin, C. ■59 44 Ro.len, A. 122 34 Slanchlield,' I). iS7 52 ( I . W. .67 46 Ro,lger, (/. S 2 Slai.lon. I. V. 71 20 (Wr,.,,,, 11. W. 72 Roch'tr^, \V, 86 26 Star,. F." 55 ■ 5 Otucll, 1.. M '79 fo R..L;crs, W. A, 3 I Start^in 111, W. H. 88 Ox.r, W. J. 62 '7 Rogcs, .M. L. 6 Stentn,,, K. S, ■5 3 Parccll, P. 1'.. 114 33 Ro"ei-s, T, 1!. 6- 18 Stephens I. 100 29,li, t;. W. .6, •16 Runey, H. "9 34 Stephens, C. 182 51 Pai-sons, J.. Ir. 4 1 Ro|neinore, P. ii. ■53 42 Ste\ens, |. C 168 47 Pardons, i;.\V. nn 1 Finney Ro.s, A. W. 59 16 Stihei-, G". '3' 36 W. S. 121 34 R.iss, 11. S. 107 31 Stillwell, A. F. 56 '5 Parsons, C. A. Pat!-e, I). 164 6 45 Routt, A. P. Routt, A. P. 66 84 '9 25 39 Stocking, A. D. Stoll, M. u ■5 25 l'..tton, R. F. 97 29 Roy, 1-. ■43 Stons,C. E., Keyes, W. E I'axson, C. IC. 42 1 1 Row ell, I. S. & I. 82 24 & Tones, I). \V. ■ 76 22 Pavi.e, R. I.. V Rowell, F. (i., A. I).,Ri c, Sto.sbe"rg, F. W. 160 44 PceLr, J. 22 '3I 1. R. & Seelv, S. M 116 33 Stout, I. 40 10 Pcrcv, \V. C. •31 Rowell, <;.]). 120 34 Strieby, W. 39 9 Pei-'z, K. 144 40 Roucll, M M. ■65 46 St,oud, A. L. \V. 121 34 IViUiii.. K. II. an 1 S. I). 167 46 Ruinsey, |. ]!. 1,6 4' Strowger VV. D. 46 12 IVuv, 1-. I,. q6 28 Runsteler, A.&Windeck, A. 77 22 St,yke,-, J. Sunitnei-. J. 12 3 IV,, V. F. 1,. lOI 30 Satti-on, '. 118 :; > '5 3 Pcv, K. I,. 124 35 4? .Sa«ii,. c: W, 7' ■7 '4 20 Sven^on, B. J. ^33 37 Pel IV (\. W. 161 Sauycr, K. 3 3 Swaney, J. S. 158 44 PenVA.t;. '73 tl Tabor, B. D. Tartt, P. S. & Wilson '47 4^ Patriii;ill, (_■. \\. Pet-rMm. (i. W. 76 182 22 5° Scarljrou;;h, 1. I,. Scl,\van!;cr, < '. ■59 95 4t 27 G. F. Tate, J. E. Taylor, J. W. Taylor, C. F. Taylor, R. T. Taylor, A. C. Taylor, W 170 66 47 ■9 9 u 35 3« 48 49 24 Pliilji. 1. W. Phillil.^. K. Pioipont, 1. Pike, E. \V. "7 '^7 74 32 33 43 Sclnvart";^, .M. S.-ely, .S. F. Seely, S. F. Severy, S. ■27 70 89 148 36 20 27 41 38 79 «7 Pir' 5' 72 "7 [, Prout.H. N. '47 4' Shields, N. S. 112 32 Thomas, I. R. 20 Prout, H.N. .76 ■59 Shields 1-. M. 148 41 Thomas! I.R. 33 25 Pyle, I. N. 24 5 Shull, X. I. 2 I Thorley, T. 86 P.le, I. N. 120 34, 1. 102 30 Thurston, F. G. 146 4^ R'll-tm. A. 5 Sims. /. il. 99 29 Tibbits J. B. III 32 Kayle, S C. "3 33 SVa '"s N. |. 168 47 Tiehenor, E. S. 44 II Read. \V. P.. Ream, li. K. Rehman, |. II i 79 116 34 33 Sknmer, 1 1 .' M . Slater, n. S. Slaughter, 1). 80 92 33 23 28 Tolle, M. Tolley, F. W. Tolley, F. W. 13 '32 'H 3 36 43 Relmian, J. 1:9 36 Slenimons, M. G. 34 8 Tolley, F. W. 183 50 Reed, S. ^l 24 '• " (R.) 34 8 Tolhurst, G. W. iS 4 Reese, K. 136 37 " " iR.i 35 8 Toonil5s, S. A. 47 12 Reiner, |. K. 56 '5 Slocuni, J. 36 9 Traver, A. |. 94 28 Rennv, "l!. \V. and X. T. 119 34 Small, 1!. 1;. 184 5' Traweek, R. C. 162 45 5 'J Repp, I.. 64 IS Smith, \V. H. 37 9 Trumbo, E. '79 Reynolds, F. F. 99 29 Smith, J. S. 9> 27 1 Turner, T. IS 3 17 Reynolds, E. D. a id 0. P. 136 3S Sn,ith. W. 97 29 Tuttle, I.. G. 63 Rliinehart. W. \. nd Fel- .Smith, (;. H. ■■3 33 Tweedy, I. ■37 46 38 ker, H. 61 17 Smith, A. C. 125 35 Vanlhlckhn.P.C. Rlioades, A A. an 1 Tash, .. ., . iK., 125 35 2 W. 't'5 3' Smith, W. 1). '35 37 Van lIo,m','R.'p. 28 Rhodes. G. W. 161 44 Smith, A. C. '45 40 44 II Rice, T. and Hi chcock. Smith, A. '43 40 Van Ib.mei "k. P. 118 34 5 I.. R. 74 21 Smith, J. '77 49 Veal, F. 22 Ricliard, 1. I I Smith, M. 180 50 1 Veber, VV. F. 40 10 Richards,' 1, M. .85 5' Snow, M. 27 6 ! Viek, W. H. 129 36 R ci,a,-ds,,n, W. 7^ 20 Snyder, J. 79 23 ' Vickerv, D. F. 162 45 Rich, I. C- 60 17 Snyder, H. 167 46 1 Von I'iiul, II,Ir.,andMal- RichteV, \V. " 2 Soderhind, P. 176 49 1 lon,J. ■44 4„ 4 CCI. TIVA TORS. Plate Claim Plate Claim Plate Claim Von Phul, H.Jr. and Ma Wells, H. 22 5 Wilson, J. L.& Morrow, R. Ion, J, '45 40 Whaite, C. L. n2 32 G. ■74 49 Waddell, J. 124 35 Whiteside, J. & Crabill, H. Wingo, B. W. '45 45 Waffle, C. L. no 32 F. 24 5 Witter, B. '38 38 Wagner, J. R. no 32 Whitlock, C. n6 7,1 Wolpert, J. 107 3' Waite, T. 89 26 Whitman, L. M. 10 Wrav, S. A. 60 17 Walker, W. T. 141 39 Whitney, S. M. 60 17 Wright, L. R. 84 25 Walter,;. A. and Bushmar Wiard, T. 4 I " " " " (R.) 84 25 E. ' n6 33 W ard, E. 98 29 " " '• " (R.) 85 25 Walton, E. W. 83 24 Wiard, E. 103 30 Wright, L. R. '35 37 Walton, W. 93 24 Wiard, E. E. 138 38 Wright, w. 160 44 Walton, S. 158 44 Wiard E. 163 45 Woods, A. Wells D. cS; Ward, B. F. 104 3« Wilcox, A. 67 ■9 Bates, T. 3 5 Ward, M. N. Warner. J. Warren, T. P. 171 7 68 48 2 19 Wilhelm, J. Wilkins, A. W. & Eskr 47 'Ige, Woods, C. J. & Ph A. Yost, G. W. N. dlifs,;. 102 n 30 2 Watkins, W. «o5 3" S. T. 102 30 Yost, G. W. N. 31 8 Watkins, W. M. 126 35 Williams, J. M. 29 7 Young. J. 21 5 Watson, W. T. 6o 17 Williams, B. & Morgan ,c. Zane, W. P. 12 2 Weaver, W. '55 43 C. 176 49 Zeigler, G. W. 53 14 Webber, N. G. 108 32 Wilson, F. 0. 6 26 Ziegler, G. W. So 23 Weber, R. 166 46 Wilson, F. R. 83 24 Zocher, C. 142 39 CULTIVATORS. T. BORDEN, PoRTSM-'l'NT. N. \l.—Cu/tivatois—ya>i- iiarv n, lS?o. (No claim.) H. MKJLEY, Can,\an, Conn.— ( «///7v,v/«/w II, i8?2. (No claim.) I. REICH ARD, Gilford, Vs.-CuUivalors.- Decem- btr 1 6, 1833. Claim. — I do not claim a-s my invention the individual parts of the machine a.^ I have described them, but the gen- eral arrangement and combination of the whole, which gives to it that character by which it is distinguished from other forms nf cultivatcirs or harrows. SAMUEL CLIME, PlumstI'IAIi, V\.—Culliv(Uors—July 17, 1835. (No claim ) J. M GARNETT, Essiix, \ .\.— Cultivators— Febniaiy 3, 1836. Claim. — The form and fixing of the cast iron No. 3, as shown and described. S. CLIME, Nkw Britain, \'.\.—Cu/lk'ators.--Octobn- 15, 1836 (No clnim.) N. I. .SHULL, Bens-m.f.m, V,\.— Cultivators— November 26, 1836. (No Claim.) No.'i,543.-I. KNOKLE. Bakfrsvillk, Ml). — Oz/rtVa- /o;-.c— .-?/;;V8, "1840. Claim. — The using of several mold boards of cast iron of the ordinary construction of such mold boards, but without land sides, and the so arranging said mold boards as that the point of either of those in the rear shall follow that which precedes it, within the width of its furrow slice, in the manner and for the purpose herein set forth. No. 1.779.— N. BARNES, Easthami-ton, N. W— Cul- tivators — Seftember 10, 1840. Claim. — The described combination of the share, teeth and frame for dressing crops planted in rows, as herein set forth. No. 2,526— W. A. ROGERS, Si mmersvii.le, Ala.— Cultivators. — April I, 1S42. Clnim. — The manner of arranging the back and side rows of teeth, in combination with the frame and beam as described, for cultivating cotton. No. 2,647.— A. \VO"DS, D. WELLS and I. BATE.S, Ad.\MS, N. \ .— Cultivators.— May 28, 1842. Claim. — We do not claim and we hereby disclaim any pretensions to an improvement in the corn cultivator frames, bising our claim upon the combination of three teelh of the aforementioned description, to be used with the corn culti- ' No. 2,650.— JOHN MASON, Haddonfield, N. J.— Cultivators.— May 28, 1 842. Claim. — The hands are entirely a new invention, and their operation is as described in the specification, and for as much as they may be usefully applied to other instru- ments. I wish all secured. No. 2,792.— M. J. HUNT, Cincinnati, Ohio.— C«//;Va- tors. — September -1,0, 18 12. Claim — The employment of two sliding bars carrying two cultivator teeth ; or two mold boards, which may be shifted and set in the mmner and for the purpose set forth. No. 2,879.— J. PARSONS, Jr., Dublin, \^'d.— Cultiva- tors. — Decembe'i 12, 1842. Claim. — The combinaiion of the slotted cross piece and hook-braces, and sliding clips with the forward connecting cross piece of the shafts rendering the aforesaid combined plows convertible into agricultural implements of various descriptions, for various purposes, as before described. No. 3,356.— T WIARD, EAiTAvoN, ^.N .—Cultiva- tors. — November 24, 1843. Claim — The combination of a pole or shafts with a frame and gang of plows in the manner described, in such a way as that they will have an up and down motion, while all lateral motion is prevented, in the pole or shafts, indepen- dent of the plows. No. 3,406.— R. NELSON, West Point, \^X).— Cultiva- tors. — January 15, 1844. Claim. — The manner in which I have combined and arranged the bars B, and lever E, so as to effect the con- traction and expansion of the cultivator, and in combination with the above, the iron comb F. No. 4,170.— A. HARRI.SON,Bussfield, Mil 11.— 1«///- vators. — September 2, 1845. Claim. — The manner of securing the cultivator beam to one of the cross pieces of the handles or standards, (upon which it turns,) in combination with the manner of fastening and securing the same to each other, and regulating the angle of inclination of the handles and cultivating points, and the position of the beam, by means of the adjusting braces and nuts, constructed and operating substantiallv in the manner and for the purpose herein set forth, and repre- sented in the different modifications of my new and im- proved shovel-pointed cultivator. No. 4,171.— A. RALSTON, WiisT Middleton, Pa.— Cultivators. — September 2, 1845. Claim. — I. — The attachment to the rear of the plow of the ad'ustable hinged shoe, guiding cutter attached thereto, and adjusting brace ; all combined and operating sub.stan- tially in the manner and fur tlic purpose herein set forth. 2 — The attachmeiii tn ilic plew standards and shafts of the lateral adjustiii^ l.r.uis, sul.stantially in the manner and for ihe purpose hertin set forth. No. 4,320.— A. ELDRED, Oppenheimer, N. \.—Cul- tivators.— 'December 20, 1845. Claim. — I. — Joining the sockets that receive the stand- ards of the plows to the frame, as herein described, to ad- mit nf adjuslini; in a vertical as well as horizontal direction, 2. — The method of adjusting the front double tooth by means of the enlarged mortice and wedges, in combi- nation with the journal projections on the standards as de- scribed. No. 4,725.— W. DYSERT, Gettysburg, Vx.-Cultiva- tors.—.4u^-ust 28, 1846. Claim. — I. — The movable and jointed frame for cultiva- tors, constructed and arranged substantially in the manner and for the purpose set forth. 2. — In combinaiion with the shovels of cultivators, the point having a shank thereon, for the purposes above set forth. No. 4,762.-1. EDWARDS, Orange Co. Im,— Cultiva- tors. — September Ig, 1846. Clnim — The manner of combining the hooks and eyes and clevis, as above described, by which the sides of the pl,,« m.w W cKvated and raised out of the ground, so as to i.niif,,iiii to the inei|ualities and irregularities in the corn rows, v\ iih.jut ilisuubing the other parts of the machine, and without the necessity of raising the entire plow. No. 5.639— D. PATTEE, Vpsilanti, Mich.— r«///iw- tors.-June 20, 1848. Claim. — The mnnner of atiaching and regulating the front sheath, and in comI>inntion therewith the manner of regulating the depth of cultivatii.n, as above set forth. No. 5,755. — K.CKlSWKI.l., Jk.,Chambers1!URg, Pa. — Cultivators. — Sepleiiib.-r 5, 184.S.' Claim. — Giving the sides of a cultivating shovel point, the one a forward and the other a rearward curve, substan- tially for the purpose herein set forth and of the form represented in the accompanying drawing. No. 5,859.— G. BEECHING, Augusta, N. Y.—r»///™- tors.— October 17, 1848. Clnim. — I . — The construction of the quadrangular teeth for cultivators, as described and represented. 2. — The construction of the U shaped iron brace hav- ing a clevis formed on its front, and two vertical transverse grooves on its sides, as combined with the parallel timbers A, A, of the frame and adjustive standards <■', c' . 3. — The extra handles F, F, for raising the cultivators in turning at the end of the furrow or going over stones, as described. 5,998.— A. LELAND, Milton, Y \.— Cultivator. -Jan- uary, 2, 1849. Claim. — The construciion of the removable land sides with wings, substantially as represented, in combination wiih shares made without either bosses, loops or other projec- tions upon the sides that would interfere with their being turned bottom side up, and attached to the shanks in that position, or obstruct their action when thus upturned ; the land sides and shares so constructed being connected together by one or more screw bolts, or by other anala- gous means. CULTIVATORS. No. 6,007.— W. RICHTER, Williamsburg, Ind. — Cultivators.— January % 1849. Claim.— The corn fender C, in combination with the cul- tivator teeth A A, and the plow acting in the manner and for the purpose set forth. No. 6,167.— J. WARNER, Readinc, Pa. - Cultivators. — March 13, 1849. Claim. — I. — Connecting the teeth of cultivators to the frames thereof, by attaching them to blocks adapted to slide in the frame, and provided with screws for regulating their position relatively to one another, and to the draft beam, substantially as described, and in combination with the foregoing. 2. — Connecting the teeth by means of a hinge or other turning joint, and provided with the jointed screw brace, the said joints and screw braces being attached to the sliding blocks to which the teeth are attached, as de- scribed. No. 6,204.-8. W. AIKIN, Spring Hill, Tenn.— O//- livators. — Marili 20, 1S49. Claim. — I. — The grooved board ( fig. 4 ) fitted to the scraper and bolted to the beam for the purpose of protecting the plants from falling clods of earth. 2. — The arrangement of teeth in one beam B, of the cultivator, and constructing them of different lengths for the purpose set forth. No. 6,501.-8. COATS, Lafayette, V^k.— Cultivators. — June 5, 1849. Claim. — Ihe auxiliary cultivator teeth H, in the outer ends of the drag F, as described and represented. No. 6,5 1 1- GEO. W BROWN, Tylerville, III.— Cultivators. — June 5, 1849. Claim. — The mode of adjusting the position of the shovels D, so as to throw the earth from or towards the rows of corn, or to the right and left at pleasure, by means of the before described combination of the levers L, links N, and, adjustive bars I, with the parallel slotted bars B, and ob- lique hinged bars Q. as described. No. 7,463.— C. RODGER, Montfelier, ^w—Ctiltiva- tors. - June 2S,lSso. Claim. — The combination of the bar a, with the weeil cutter h, in the manner and for the purpose set forth and represented. No. 8,483.-1. CONSTANT, Bukkalo, Heari- Grove, III. — Cultivators. — November 4, 185 1. Claim. — The immediate jointed plows in combination with the main cultivating plows as described, for enabling the plowman to plow nearer to, or farther from, the rows at will. No. 8,850.— T. J. BALL and J. P08TE, Pittsfield, Uvzn.— Cultivators.— April 6, 1852. Claim. — The construction of the long metallic inclined blades e, e, i, on the after part of the machine, for cutting the sods and lumps and pulverizing the ground, asset forth. No. 9, 314.— C. BISHOP, NoRWALK, Omo.— Cultiva- tors. — October 12. 1852. Claim. — The manner herein described of constructing the mold bo.Trds D, and combining them with the blade E, in the manner substantially as herein specified. No. 9,754.— PHILIP H. KECK, Morgantown, Va.— Cultivators. — May 31, 1853. Claim. — The combination of ihe balancing pivot P, with a cultivator constructed as above described, for aiding in turning the same. No. 9,796.— E. L. FREEMAN, Ann Arbor, Mich.— Cultivators. — June 21, 1 853. Claim. — The precise conslruction of the tooth, and placed in the position as set forth, the vertical part and the horizontal part each having a backward slant. No. 9,798.— W. 8. HYDE, Townsend, Ohio.— C«*/- vators. — June 21, 1853. Claim. — The cultivator herein described with adjustable supplementary wings, so constructed as to cultivate the soil near the roots of the plants superficially, and deeper at a distance therefrom, the wings being adjustable to any re- quired angle with the bottom of furrow so as to give any desired degree of inclination (o the sides of the ridges or hills, and to change their inclination from time to time to adapt them to the varying stages of the growth of the plant. No. 10,123.— L. M. WHITMAN, Weeusport, N. Y.— Cultivators.— October II, 1853. Claim. — The employment of the long inclined spring- wings c, c, secured at their front ends to the share and main standard, and turning upon the pin E', in combination with the mechanical contrivances herein .shown, for expanding and contracting the wings, or setting them more perpendic- ular and nearer together, for the purpose of throwing more pulverized soil against or up to the hills, or setting them less inclined to the horizontal plane, and lanher apart, for the purpose of allowing the pulverised soil, weeds, &c., to pass over them into the broad open spaces in the center, the wings, in either case, cutting up the weeds and pulver- izing the soil, as fully set forth in the specification. No. 11,361.-0. H. DANA, West Lebanon, N. H.— Cultivators. — July 25, 1854. Claim. — Constructing each of the outermost teeth G, with a horizontal blade projecting more or less outwardly from its shank, and with an upright portion G, bent up at the extremity of said outwardly ]irojecting blade, the edge of said upright portion being parallel, or thereabouts, with the longitudinal direction of the cultivator, for the purpose of cutting up the weeds close to the rows of corn or other plants, and at the same time drawing the weeds away from the rows, and also serving to guide the attendant in direct- ing the cultivator, so as not to injure the plants by too near an approach to them, sulistantially as herein described. No. 11,460.— D. \V, SHARES, Hamden, Conn.— 0///« valors. — .August I, 1X54. Claim. — Providing the espandiiig and contracting hoeing wings B, on either side, with cultivator teeth C, projecting downwards on the inside of the hoeing wings or sera, ers, as and for the purposes specified No. 11,528.— J. MYERS, Powhatan Point, Ohio.— Cultivators. — August 15, 1854. Claim. — The triangular wings upon the turned up portion of leeth C, with their land sides so inclined as to have a tendency from the plant when the implement is moving forward, constructed and arranged siibst uiti dly as herein- before set forth, for pulverizing the earth and otherwise fa- cililating the cultivation of cotton. No. 11,924.— W. BANCROFT, Whiteforii, Ohio.— Cultivators. — Aovember 14, 1854, I am aware that a triangular knife like mine his been used before. Claim. — The method of making the knife adjustable upon the frame a, by means of standard c, and hinged standards f and g, as .set foith. No. 12,536. — S. A. KNOX, Worcester, Mass., assig- nor to RuGGLES, NouRSE, Mason & Co. — Cultivators. — March 13, 1855. Claim. — Arranging the curved knife, or pointed tooth K, at or near the front end of the beam of the h irse hoe, while the main or double hoe C, is disposed at or near the rear end of the beam, and so as to enable the said tooth to be used in the manner and for the purposes as stated ; it being employed in a common plow simply for cutting the sod or opening it for the reception of the nose of the plow. No. 12,571.— G. W. N. YOST, Port Gibson, Miss.— Cultivators. — March 20, 1855. Claim. — The combination of the adjustable scraper E, with the bar and point D, as described, for the purpose of bearing off the row and wrapping up the middle ; also, for scraping off the row, and rolling the scrapings over into the furrow opened by the plow, substantially as set forth. No 12,609— R. P. VANHORN,J.\ckson Town, Ohio. — Cultivators.- -.March 27, 1855. Claim. --The peculiar elongated rhombus-shaped, wrought iron frame and arrangement of teeth, the front angle bear- ing a light sleel cutter toolh, and the rear angle a large shovel tooth, in the manner and purposes set forth. No. 12,611.— W. P. ZANE, WOOULICH, N. ].— Culti- vators. — March 27, 1855. Claim.— The vine-hooks, f, g, g, arranged in such a man- ner in relation to the cultivating teeth /;. //, /;, that the said hooks will remove the vines out of the way of the said cul- tivating teeth, and allow them to operate upon the soil without injury to the vine^, substantially as .set forth. CULTIVATORS. ■/////: iC of front and rear supporl er all the purposes of wlit su]>porler^, « n . ii ii" • l>ut regulate ami govci i;roinnl ; constructed and arranged substantially in t ncr and for the purpose herein set forth. No. i6.4c)S.— I). W. SHARES, H.\mi.i-,n, Ihn- lirahn-s.- January 2T. 1857. Claim. — The construction and arrangement of tl of teeth H.on the side bars B, K', in relation to 1 bai-s .-inil to each other, in the manner and for the No mipn -1>. W. SH.\RES, ll.\Miii.\, Conn.— Ciitlivators.—Janiiaiy 27, 1S57; reissued M,ir,h 12, 1861 Claim — I. — A series of coulter teeth H, formed substantia- ly as specified, and arranged diagonally to the line of motion, .so as to form a harrow that loosens, mollifies and harrows 2 I In tcii'lli C, .It the n.ini t-nd of the center bar, forimil Willi l»'i .liv(.it;ent wint;-, in combination with a series .il h.inoH iictii II, on the'dia-onal bar Ii, B', as set f,)rth. No. 16,906.— J. B. BAKER, On.iniiAi;.\, N. \ .—C„I^ /;Vv7/<>«.— March 31, 1S57. Claim — The arc or fender E', in combination with the adjusting E, whereby the stalks are laid aside, and the said bar rendered much more durable, the whole constructed as set forth. No. 17,594.— M. TdLLE, Nt;wp(.RT, V^\.—Cullivato,s. — June 16, 1857. Claim. — The bracket c, in combination with the plow beam lu-r b. 1S57. Claim. — The comliination and arrangement of the bar B, the wheels C. the bar H. and levers G, t;, G, G, when con- structed and operated substantially as set forth. No. 18,463.— C. B. MAGRUDER, Tiiomasvii.i.k, Ga. — Cultivators. — 0(^oher 20, 1857. Claim. — The |iolygonaI plate D, in combination with the arm C, and beam A, in the manner and for the purposes set forth. No. 18,714.— J. SUMMER, Rai.kich.Va.— r«///7wA>;-.r. — Xmiembcr 24, "185 7. Claim.— The use olilir 1,11-, d uings D, D, which are adjusted by rack and iniiion. ^^ Ik n arranged to move in and out over a stationar)' Lui .1 d sai>|ioriiiiL; and guide rod E, which has two springs F. I . toiled around it in combination with a stationary circular notched plate J, pivoted tilting lever K, and spring L, which are arranged as shown, sub- stantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. 18.739.— J. GIBBS, Newark, 0\uo.— Cultivators. — December I, 1857. Claim. — A cultivator constructed as herein described, viz : having its frame A, made of wrought-iron in the form shown, with metallic lipped plates j, made to slide hmgitud- inally on the frame, the share r, of the form shown, attached to the plates j, by bolts m, and capable of being adjusted and reversed, all as specified. share c. extendii side of ; s,.S.'^ k ,^. SlfXTON, Nkw York, N. Y.— V .S57. I II I II tw .1 more plows by an intermediate ilh 111 iiiih 1 and lor the purposes set forth; said nmencing at or near the point of the plow A, and g backwards in the direction of the sole of the land lid plow, and receding oblicpiely at or about the th.- share of said plow, until it meets the share of ill -iil'siaiiialh 111 till' manner set forth. . U. . . , ^^,_^^ A^Nr.SVlI.1.1,, >' 1 I c- III '■ lis E, E, to the beam A, by I' lip I I ! 1^1 II bars D, fitted in the bars C, 1 1 1! I II I ii'uijh the loops or eyes F, of the II I s, , 11 , I :!i, I :ii l>y keys /■', the bars G, being 24.S.-I. II -Cultiva I 1 In I i.ingement of the triangular mold board II standard B', with relation to beam A, : 1:. I , r, handles H, H, and shovels S,S, in the I ., 1. : ; :il|.o-r sc, forih. Ill I II 11 ' H i[)\V(iRTII,Tn :'li ■ n I, , iln 1 , m I \\ ;ili ilie central beam A, siibstanlially in the iiunner and for the jjurposes set forih. No. :o,26o.— T. ENDSLFY and F. FLETCHER, Ab- INCT.iN. INI. _/■,,//,-.,.',..-., - Vo. ,S, ,858. Claim.- I I ..; .n^ . 1 ni 1 1, E, F, and shovels (.;, 1.;'. C". ^> I I. I 111 -\, when construct- ed m ihc niniiin 1 ,1110 nn iln |,iii| o-rs show-n. No. 20.712. — \\ , .\. lli'l'Kl.NS. VlCKSHURG, — Ci,ll,v,ilors.—Junc 29. 1S58, Claim. — The arrangement of the beam A, transverse beam H, handle C, bolts 1), shares E, standard F, and stays t;, when ihe several iiirts are constructed and united as de- .No. L, L, ap made to - No. 21 iA\V\ FR, assignor to W. G. BROWN, _'llllii-alors. — Au«:ust 10. 185S. Iiaiulles and a plow bea , as specified. ,E, Brunswick, Otiin.- CV////- .,■/•/, Claim. — The comljinaticni and arrangement of the hinged arms B, B, B, B, and fixed concentric guards D, D, D, in the manner specified. No. 22,316.— T.TURNER, Marysvili.e.Ghio.- O////- vators.— December 14, 1858. Claim. — The combination of the pulverizing maid-board F, and hilling mold-board G, constructed as shown, and attached respectively to the longitudinally and laterally CULTIVATORS. ailjuslalilc beams A, B, the whole heinp; arranged subblan- liallv as ami fur ihe purpose set forth. \>K22.4]-.—l\. MANN, East Atti,f.k,,:■:':'■ ^r rS, iSr;^. (■lain., — I. Tlir .r.,J.<. :i ,,,, ..I ciuli uhril arl.oilo its wliuel and the h.inr \, i! , i:i 1..II v as de.crii.ed, vi/ : su that the wheel ni,.x I 1, ..: :i ■ ,1 ,.i. and the latter extend nt'i wnl\ llie w lui I iti;\ In- ,n I |ii --i ,il ilr will; reference to the In strenL;lllen the ll.unr. Ill llir in.ililnl -el firlh. 2. -Ihe d.-^enl.-d MiaiieMiH-nl ,,1 ,m,1i ,,f the shits ,.f the wheel ,,i1k,i „,,1, i,.,|,oI 1m til,. M.ipe, .if the peripheiv of the wheel, uluirh^ ll,,- »1.,,1. ,,l «liate\e.- attitude it iranyement cf the Hanged quadrants F, iiouk K, braces C and C, teeth A li, and the manner and for the purposes set forth :i:i)R(;e essington, Pi,aim.iei,ii. ,.-/■: />rm,n' S, 1859. eonsisi, in Ihe arran.i;ement uf mould- 111' I itci-- in the comliin .tietii \\Mth the point ], and shares | J, the whole beiii,' constructed substan- tially as described and for the |jin| use set forth. No. 23,170.— lIlKitlii iRi: HFKRMAN, Sumnkk, Ti:-s>; -I-;, V..-- ',■■■ h'r . - \. rsy,. I 1.1 HIM nil-. I. i-l II, III, 1 1,1,.^ the hindmost teeth .\ .\ Ii I,' ,11, , ,.i ,,i I, , I, ill than the front to,,tli Tkxas. In e shares .,1 ploii^'hs and a scraper; three of said five shares have mouki boards attached by means of screws, and should be used for hilling plants and keeping the ridge up as de- angular frame A .\ B, Ols I, M. I HAM .)/„ Ids im|iro\emcnt consists in so connecting the side ms 1; li with the handles C ( ', and arran;,'ing both the (lies an I side beims in connection with the central beam liiiii the posit on of ihe side beams and the<)uent illli 01 , iilii\ation shall l>e directly under the control ol ml comb nation of the hinged i> 1) I;, and connecting bars lie.iin A, snbslantially in the No. 24,o5>9.— JOHN \V. BATSON and LEONARD ii.ATSON, Ci.AKKs\n,i.ic, Miy.— Cii//i7'„/,i,s.~A/„v 24, 1859. II is a eon.ave |io ni :,|,;ili,-,l in a similar manner to the ,hovel h', 1I11-, |niiit lollou Ml- Millie iriir and sliirhtly to one iTtlie si,lr liiii,-\\ ii,;i,l,- 1,\ ilir |„,iiit f ; It 1- iiiiiieeessary that 1 euller shi,iil,l l„- .i|,|,li, ,1 t,, ii. |i i, ni,i,le with the four be ,1 H, cutter C;, :ing con- that ihey Stan I and in beyond Claim — I. screw shank /., No. 2j,5So.— W. C. HOLMES, Ii, y/eTiM. -.//./■// 12, 1S50. the front tooth, ermediate teeth. or flange .-, and , in combination miliary screws y', the .specified :-elh A li C. for I at righl l.eins; at ished tc passes. Claim — I. 1 he arrangement of the double beams a a, hook «»,»T 4. iSyS-] Brief.— The l)e.ini.s are ailjusialile laterally by me ins of links, .ind by slides keyed to the beams, which are curved and receive adjust iMe plows. A coulter of novel form is altiched 10 the center beam, and serves to sieady the plows, and hold iheni to their work. Claim.— I. The adustable links // and adjust ble slides,-, constructed siibslantinlly as described, and arranged to oper- ate with, and fcr the purpose of ad'usting the distance be- tween, the plow beams, as set forth. 2. The shovels K, freely adjustable to any point up or down on the curved beams, so as to run deep or shallow, or .nt different depths, as set forth. ;. The omlter attachment D, constructed substantially as described, and adjustable up or down the curved beams, for the purpose specified. 4, The ciulter attachment D and shovels Y, oper.iting in combiintion with the curved beams, substantially as and for the purpose specified. No. 24,348.— JOHN YOUNC;, Joi.if.t, Ii.i..— r«//;V'« tors. — June 7, 1859. This inventii n consists in the combination of the screw ex- tension A. on (In- loiti m of the s'andnrd H. with the obli.|ue slotted casiiii...;^ 1 r. ,,M.Hh,-,l t- llu- front si. It- of the cross Kir I) of th<- 1" ,in I'; ,il-.i. III ill.' of the st.i- tionnrv veitic.ilU (.ol i.iu.l l.n (,. vmiIuIic a. Instable rake or harrow II. air.ui.i;Ld ,.n a tull xal. r. uhcreby he h.nrrow teeth can be cleare(i of nil ol)slruction by raising the rake or harrow, so that its teeth rise through the vertical ]ierfor- at'ons in the transverse bar. Claim,— I.— The combinaiion of the -crew txtensim, A, on the bottom of the -tandir.l 11, witli the obli.|ur ■.U.tttd castings C, C. atticheil t.p the fnnit of the cms- 1 1. of the beam E, sub-t intiallv as nn.l for the |iurpo-es -et forth. 2. — The combination of the stationary vertically perfor- ated bar G, with the adiustable rake or harrow H, arr.inged on a cultivator, substantially as and for the purpose .set f.irih. No. 24,486.— JAMES PEEI.EU, Tai.i...\h.\sski.;, Ki..\. — Ciillivntors —June 21, 1S59. (.laim.— The arrangement of the bars D and E, beam A, handles P. P, and standard C, the bar E formin..; a br'ce, a colter, and a landside, and bar-. D being provided with an inclined or tapering point, on which any style of blade may be secured, the two bars bein^' pivoted together at .r, and the whole operating substanti.illy in the manner and for the purpose specitied. No. 24. S07.— FRANKLIN VE-M,,, Tkxas.— 0////7wAi;-.(.— 7««,- 21, 1859. Claim. — Arranging the dovetailed projections /, at equal distances from the cutting edges of the shears, in combina- tion with the slots /ami recesses k, in the arms and for the purpose of seiuiiiiL,' the shares to the arms, aud to lender them revcrsille, suli-tiiitially as described. No. 24.S14.— HENUV WELL,S, Walnu] Crove, \\.\..—CuttiTntors —June 21, 1859. Claim. — The arrangement of the share F, mould boards G G, rods H H, and I I. the latter having the parts d d, formed on them, the said parts passing respectively through the bar C and beam A, thus making a very firm .structure, in the manner and for the purpose set forth. No. 24,580.— WILLIAM I. RIVER.S, Sinn pier Dis- trict, S. C— Cultivators.— June 2%, 1859. This plouph is to enable the planter to thoroughly pul- verize the land, breaking up the clods of earth, at the same time tearing oat grasses of all kinds, being more especially adapted to the joint grass, with which some cotton lands are infested, and at the same time making the drill in which the cotton is ti be planted. Claim — The handles I. helves 2, beam 3, foot bar lo, plough 20, harrow 45, roller frame 6, 7, and roller 8, when the whole are arranged for joint operation, as described and for the purpose set forth. No. 24,644,— PH 1 LIP KRIH.S, Jii i-krs,,n Eirnack. \'\.— Cultivators.— July 5, 1859 In the drawings, A is in the centre an. I I'. I'., the fastened to^clh. 1 l.\ tin I'.ilt 1>, the whole makiiit; a -Ir.m- frame, to w h . I; ili. -ili 1 p rts of the cultivator art- In-teiiL-. I. Claim.- I h. ,11. III.;. III. lit ..fthe bars A P Cnict.! I.-iiul- G, ban. lie- II, li..n - 1 '. t. t-th E, bar Land -hafl- I- , a- described. for the inir; o-i- >et forth. No 25,403.— J. IL FKAMPTON, ll.ifiWKii,, Ohio, — Cultivators. — .Sifteintier 13. 1859. This imenlion i onsiNis in a nuvel way of attaching the shares 1.. tli.- |.l.iii..;li. wh. i.-liv ihcy may be readily ad- justed nearei |.._. ili. 1 . 1 Imli. 1 I'.irt, or higher, or lower, as the nature ..I the m.n l> .inire. ).\, Ra iche iN. C, 111 a pecidiar motle of con- |iliiiunt, whereby, in combina- -ame may be readily adipted crops. irved so as to form handles at iiital obU.|ue posit ons to form ,1,. Wu~ \\\. Urn' ...iineae,/,>. the han.l lc^.r/"i frame A is low en of the frame is do of tl e ar- to a more seel - when ow 2 , the t lo« enng f the side the evers ly a and nproved mode of ad- ^nd also the central beam M, desciibc.l. No. 26,716.— J. WHITESIDE and II. F. CRAHILL, Fuller's Corner, N. \ .-^Cultivators.— .Wnvmher 11, 1859. I his angin.^ curvetl shovel Lianiiei tiiai they can be used with their c.incuve -ides faem,' eaeli other, and also reversed, bringing their convex sules towards each other, where- by the cultivator m.ay be adapted to different kinds of work. It consists also in combining with said hing- ed and curved shovel beam a cros-bar with a gauging wheel in -lu h 11 iiiniiier lliat. bv shifting -.lid bar, the „- dill 111 th. ,li..\.| in iiH, \, ,i.l|ii-i.-.l, .iii.i th;U the depth to which 111.' -liM\.l-, . Ill I. L■,..^eMle.| |.v-.ii'l g.iuging wheel. Ckiini. I 111.' i.ii.iii-eii.eiit an.l o.mbination of the hinged cur^e.l -li..vel l.eain- \ A, crossbar D, and gauging wheel F, sub-lantiallv a- and for the purpose set forth. 2. — The ciuve.l dr.ift beam B, arranged as described, in .•.iMibin:iti..n -a nil the eni— Inr D, handles G, and rod li, Mil, ' ,1,1; ;!i- iii'iir 111.1 T ,111.1 thc purposc specificd. \., ..,.;,, \ .\. I lit ■|\^i i-\, Anderson, S, C. — 1 his invention consists of an improved mode of con- structing the plough, whereby the same is rendered simple and capable of being adapted to various kinds of work. Claim,— The arrangement of the peculiar shaped bar D, CULTIVATORS. \x ,tli ihr ,li,in , I r ,111.1 C. beam A. and handles C C, suli- ^t i!it ,itl\ ,; ' I' . 1 1'. ii I ii the purpose set forth. \u jMv; l;il"iinM M. BROOKS, Gkeenviu.e, G\. -/".-■-■' --/' . --'::■ 2T, IS59. A is the plow hue nr scraper; which is so ar- ranged that it can be turned and sharpened by its operat- ion in ploughing; H is the luriiin;; wing or share, se- cured to the plough beam | by clamps U and screw bolt C ; D is a piece of iron attached to the plow foot and extending back to protect the rod F from damage : E E are the nuts and washers on the end of rod F, by which the plow hoe A is confined. Claim — The arrangement of beam J, screw foot F, notch I', )dow hoe A, opening P mnuld boards O, openings W, nuts E E, holes I I I, constructed as described for the pur- pose set forth. No. 26,581.— HENRY GILLIARD, Mount Hope, V^\s.—Cii/livntors.—Dfi;-ml>cr 27, 1859. This invention consists (jf a circle fastened per- m.inently to tlic hcnm, .in.l ihum.U-.I witli holes for the bolts which hold ihe i-iiiirl li.ii- iiuviiil; the cultivator teeth, which bars ai-L- hin-ol l.i ili.- l.caiii 111 the centi-e of the cir- cle, so that tliey i-.iii bu vil.ritcil .iiiJ an' iiiged to stand for- ward uppusiif to or hchiiiil the centre of the circle. ("laiiii. — riie airaiit;ciiicnt of the permanent circle (i and joiiiteil bars | |, when the whole is constructed for joint operations, as s, i l..i|h. No. 26,606.— I'K I 1:1; MiiNAGIIAN, Cam,\k, G.\. —Cultivators.— IK. .n,i> 1- . 1X5. 1. Claim. — In combinali.iii with the hinged frame T a cot- ton cnhivator, the s|iring H, which is secured to the tongue of said cultivator for the purpose of automatically raising the rear end of the machine, when the same is released by the operator, substantially in the manner described. No. 26,618.— MORGAN L. ROGERS, Sprinc, Pa. — Cultivators. — Deicm/ifr 27, 1S59. The blides are attached to the plow frame as fol- lows: Two bolts 7 and 8 ]iass through the blades and frame, and also through a Hat bar nf imn 0. and the pl.iaL;!! blades by the screw bolts arc lichi Ininlv in then ]ilacis; liy this arrangement the Ijlades are lai.e 1 01 hiwercd. or turned out as desired. Claim. — The arrangement of the hooked and double cur- ved central bar C N, curved slotted arm F, wheel G, handles H I, sliding plates E D', frame pieces A B, and cross jiiece D, sub tantially as and for the purpose shown and described. No. 26,976.— JOSEPH L. DUTTON, Jr., Cherry Lake, Florida. — P/oii^'l:s. — January t,\, i860. This invention consists in the arrangement of de- vices forming a plough, which can be altered to cut deep or shallow furrows, and the handles of which can be easily adjusted. Claim. — The arrangement of the beam A, notched ad- justing bar T. handles D, cross-bars C, hooked staple H, and wedge F, with the notched heel C, and notched and slotted toe li, the whole of the parts being constructed for joint adjustment as set forth. .No. 27.144.— THOMAS MURPHEY, Cincinnati, Ql\i\o.— Cultiviitors.— February 14, i860. .\ is the beam provided with the clevis B, by which it is drawn. It is mortised 10 the standard C, and both have connection with the bracing stindard D, to which the handles F, are onnerte,!. F is a common shovel plough share conn.-M-^l n. il,,- -1 ui.l.u.i ( nnl Ian .-.I lo tin' beam A by G. II I I' n- -i,i|.K ■ il,,..;n'li .. Im li ih.- ..ipia ing rods of the 111 on M I r. ,,o.|- .unl i iilm ,iioi ii .one- 1 1. -ih , 1 ively pass for fastciiiiig. Claim. — The described arrangement of the plough frame A C D E F, detachable mouldboards K, and detachable cultivator frames N O, the whole being constructed and operating in the manner and for the several purposes set forth! No. 27,376— JIM PSEY B. NETHERLAND, Louis- ville, Ga. — Cultivators. — March 6, i860. The lower extremities of the standards B C have points entering recesses of corresponding size and shape in the rear sides of the shovels or ploughs which are attached to them. The upper extremities of the cribed, and -, N, C. -loi'liol in (onided with two or more bolt holes, for the I ; ,111114 their position according to the character I I Mill Ml. irrangement of the peculiarly shaped branch- with blades or sli,,\,_b, , ;, 1 ,; n attached to the stand inl- m 1', m , No. 27,402.— F. (>, WlL^ii.N, .M — Cultivators. — March, 6, i860. As the two side ploughs loosen the earth at the roots of the corn or cotton, and destroy the weeds or grass, the double mould turn plough advances and fills up the furrows created and leaves a shallow fnrrow in the centre of the two rows. Claim. — The double mould turn plough F, and the side turn ploughs H H, in cnnbinalion with the beam A, middle stock E, cross frame I 1, and sI.Il stocks G G, when said beam A and middle st..Lk I-: shall lie braced and supported by the stay C, and the oilici |.arl^ ronstriicted and arranged substantially as and for the |iiii|.,'^c s|Hrilifil, No. 27,406.— ROBERT (kXh,, Simk I ine City, Inii., assignor to himself and |, 1 1, I.I Dl.OW, of said State Line Cvw.—Cullivuti.rl.—Murch 6, i860. This invention consists in the employment of bevel keys, interposed between the feet of the implement anil the shares, for the purpose of adjusting the latter in obli(|ue positions to the right or left, so as to throw the earth outward from ;he implement or inward toward its centre, as circumstances may require. Claim. — The employment or use of the curved be\el keys V, interposed between the shares and their feet, and se cured by the same bolts i;li llie I.eam A,' and standard E, as and for the, an . iiii h No. Ju, Ml . W .\, YOST, of Yellow .Springs, Ohio.- , 1, ,. — Jifiy i-j , i860. Iln ,, 1, linn, III, HI ami .irraneemenl of the body "1 ihr iiii|irt,'/is.~.t!,-;iis/ 14. 1S60. This imention consists in uniting the standard of a ph.u-h to the lie, 1111 l,y means of a ratchet and flanged plates, wliicli aihnii of scxeial adjustments that are very ad- vantageou, 111 iinplciiiciUs of this kind. Claim. In, iiiil; a jilough standard to a plough beam by means ol iiiclici .in, I llanged plates arranged on the sides of the he. nil ,,,,il s|. in, lard, so as to admit of folding up, ■III. -1, III, •\\\ I .Icscribed, \ ,s MARK RIGELL, Dawson, Ga.— ' I'l^us/, 14, i860. I 1,1 -,|... ks 1; 1; are pivoted or hingeil to the lieams A, so that, liy means of the ]■ ami thV mils ,■, tliev cm he set at different angl. , «iili the kcin,, ,\, 1 I,.' -dacklc G perforins the oflicc ol ,i ,eir-.i.l|u,lini^ coiiiicetion to the beams A, that ofa draft piece lo llie inaciniic, and also that of a safety ilraft spring, to prevent sudden strains un the machine. Claim.— The combination of the S|,ring shackle G, and adjusting bar E, with the beams A A, and stocks B B, arranged and operating in relation to each other, as and for the purpose set forth. No. 29,789.— ENOCH S, HUFF, Zanksville. Ohio — Cultivators.—Augiist 28, i860. The arms <■ c' are perforated with numerous holes, which pass across a hole in the beam b, and as these arms are shifted by turning them around the first pivot /, they are secured in place by the key k. The arms c f', are also pivoted to cross beams /; h^, which beams are also pivoted to the main beam b. By virtue of the two pivoted connec- tions with the main frame b, the beams c <-i and ploughs may be shifted into a great variety of positions in relation to the centre beam b. Claim. — The combination of the segmental arcs e ei, pjlough beams /> , <', and pivoted beams // /;', substan- tially in the manner and for the purposes set forth. No. 29,876.— TAMES R. GILBERT, Starkville, and STEPHEN R WESTON, Dawson, Ga.—Ch/C/™- Urs. — Sc-ptembfi- 4, i860. Claim. — The arrangement of the handles, beams, hinged standards, and hinged curved and notched braces, by which we are enabled to change the plough from a double beam adjustable cultivator plough to two single beam ploughs, subsiantiallv in the manner described. No jo.iio- T. E. C. BRINLY. Loimsville, Ky.— Claim. — riie CO, 111, illation and arrangement of the plough beam A, pr..M.l. .1 » ith removable feet or standards D C F, .,.,1 111 u,tal.le rings or arms H H N N, ii\el\ w nil tile shares J, and teeth L, as and and the provide, for the ] No. : Cullhuil. This i f, 1-0, Is c c, with the bolt ,/ 11 C.llst urpose EMM( in connection uclcd and op- et forth. )NS, Cadiz, LARTER, Union City, Inh.— S60. nf a peculiar device for the pur- pose of r.-nliinu: ill. iliii,,ei 1 1, iween the cultivator teeth, fa the]',, 1; Ill Ml I ill. I, lie instrument, or imple- nunt. to!, II I .'.\ I .hlferent crops where the distance I., lull !, II. o >, us. Claim.— -fhc aii.n,-,. ,,1, 1,1 . ' ' ' looped heads f' , '. n,! n ,,1,1,1, with rods .^^ and //, ami .n w erated in the main,. 1 ,1, ,11. 1 I No. ;o, ;^- \l \ I llk,\V Ohio,— /, ,, , .■ , ,•, , .,, i.Sdo. Claim, I III ..II I,., ,1,1 i,t of the two curved shoulder beams A A ,/, elc\i, I;. ii.iiis\ei,c har I) m, slotted, adjus- table, forked haiulles i: V. /,, ami notclic.l ami mortised shovels C C<-, in the inaiiner ami lor the purpose described. No. 3,514,- MAIllKW G, Sl,KM.\l()NS,e,\ni/,,OHlo. — /"/iw. — October 9, iStio, No. 30,357 ; reissued /tine 22, 1S69. Two converging beams A A, each one of liovelsiaiulard. A', formed by bending its intially as described. 2. The convciging I, earns A A, connected together, and constructeil w ith curved shovel-standards. A' A', ujion them, 3. 'I'he of the front ends of plow-beams, which have their rear ends bent to form shovel standards, by means of a clevis, or device, by which the team is hitched to the implement, substantially as described. 4. The converging plow-lieams A A, having shovel- standards A' A' formed on them, in combination with handles F V, and handle-supporting braces E E, substantial- ly as described. 5. In combination with the foregoing, also, the manner substantially as described, of adjusting the handles F F, and securing them to the beams at any desired angle. 6. Constructing of one piece of metal, a plow-beam A and a curved shovel standard A', with a shoulder \<':\ nit'u- lu. K>74 ; extciKic.i se\eii \e.,!, [iile.i October 12. 1874.] Brief — The curved diverging beams unite at the front rigidly, and receive shovels at their rear ends. The handles are adjustable upon the beams. Claim.— I. Two diverging beams, ,\ A, Ihat liave their rear ends bent to form shovel standard,, ili.' ,anl I, earns be- ing fastened rigidly togelher, suhstanti illv .,, ,lescnlied, at and springing from the jioint of atta. him iil lor the .Iraft. bent to form shovel st mil, ami llieii Iroiil cmis fastened rigidly together ami i,,ciL;eil into a .lex ice, s„l,,t.,iitially as described, wdiereby the plow may lie attaclicd tu the draft. CULTIVATORS. ;.— The comliinatioii, siibsluitially as dcscrilud, wit'i llic ,voplow-hcams A A.of the hamlles K I' juA :i.ljustal.le aiulle supporting; braces E K. No. 30,711.— l.UTIIER B. liENlON. 1'inn \ an, ;. \ .—Cu//iv v''";. WHREW B. LEFLER, Canton, Ind. - 0, ' ,'r|. 22, 1861. III. . ,.i 1: i II IMS are bolted at their centres to the ns|.. . 1 1. . 1 11. Ill I . (lie lower parts of which are curved to COOT-]... II. I Hiiii 111. I. nil ..fill.' -.hires and strengthen the s.iiii. I.. Ill, 11 ..Nii.iiiii .. III.. ii|.|.erend of the share is liel.l l.eiw .III 111.. l...,iiii ..ii.l I "I li.i, confined by a nut and b..!i. In v> In. 1. tl.. .1 1 .ni n-lied to the beam. Claim. — Til.. .1. . 1 iL. I . .n.l ii..n ..f the bent beam B, reversible shai. I I.' ,111 I 1. ml n.l h 1 )', with the brace C and washer I . ili. 1: I ].iii- I., in.; . ..nstrucled, arranged, and connected in lli.. 111. inn. 1 an.l the purposes de- scribed. No. 31,^67.- CHARLES BEACH an.l THoM.XS BRC^WN, jACi;soNTO\VN, Oii\n.— Cll//ira/ors.—l-\l>nuirv 12, 1S61. The sliuM-ls aie sligluly Concave on the face, and may be attaclied 1.1 the beam by screws and bolts, so as to be remov- able at pleasure. Claim.— The arranuein.iil ..I lli.' ...nrave shovel ,-. shield :..le standards M M, an.l tlie \ ^ structeil as and for the |.n.i.....s s.i I..11I1, No, ;i,400.— WILLIAM I'RICE, Mount Ol.lVK, N. C. -C„//ir,in>rs.—l-',/n-,i.,ry 12, 1861. I his iii\ention cusi-ts in the arrangement of the sev- Claim. — The arrangement of the beam A, side frames A' handles I; 1;', shovels' C, standards a, rake-head A^ and teeth /'. jiin . . and yoke li, the whole being constructed, combined, and operating as and for the |)urpose set forth. No. 31,416.— J. W.TAYLOR, Asiii.ANt), Va.-CW//™- lors.—Fehriiaiy 12, 1861. This invention con-.ists of a cultiv.\tor that can be opened and closed at pleasure, and set to any width of furrow re- (|uired. Claim.— The arrangement of the parallel stays c, draw bar ,/. with its hinge',', cultivator frame X, and harrow frame v. the whole being constructed as and for the pur- ]iose described. No'. 31,6.55.— C. W. S. UFA TON,, li.l..— C«///- vators. — March 12, i.SOi. This invention coiisivl- in ...iinI 111, lin.j the end and side ith manner that the , height ami rod I, an.l cross ] .lece poses shown an.l .lest No. 5I,6,S;.-WM. tivator'i. — .VarJ, 12, of the slotted adjustable cross- .lable braces F F', and adjust- ■ curved main beam A, deflecting in the manner and for the pur- FIIY, Wagontown, Pa. — Cul- nsisi, in a main beam having two teeth ines or shares rendered adjustable by ds and a perforated plate in combi- ms ha\ ing lecth, and so connected to effectually turning up. breakii ig the Claim.— The beam A, its teeth <• and/, and its hinged shares. ,r vanes /; h' , the latter being rendered adjustable by the hooked ru.K / an.l perr,.rate.l jilale /, ami their teeth m and n, when Hie sai.l beims are so connecte.l t.j the beam A as to be adjustc.l laterally as well as vertically by means of the devices described or their e.iuivalents, and when the whole of the above mentioned parts are arranged as and for the purpose set forth. No. 31,742.— WILLIAM S. RIGGS, Hightstown, N. ].^Ciilfr.'atori.-.Mar.-h 19, 1861. The forwar.l ploughs are so connected to the frame that they can be move. I si, lew ays and their inclination to the planted row changed, the purpose of either simply loos- CULTIVATORS. ening the ground or casting up a furrow, as may lie de- sired. Claim. — The arrangement, substantially as set forth, of the standards B B', and shares a a and frame A, the whole operating as and for the purposes set forth and de- scribed. No. 31,753.— FREDERICK STAMM, Lancaster, Pa. — Cultivators.— March 19, 1S61. The side beams are comioted li. llie rear end of the draught beam by hinges, and .irc adjuslcd to required width by means of arc-shaped slay^ in fr. int. Claim. — The arrangement of the draught beam B, side beam A, stays D, hinge C, and curved shovel E, with its head Z, the whole being constructed, operated, and oper- ating in the manner and for the purpose set forth. No. ;i.NS4 I 1 W { ]( )SLEE, Gl.ASTENBURY, CoNN. — CultiT,,/, i J. iN(,i. Theiil'i I .! ilii 111, Liition is to obtain a machine which can be u,c.l Litl.c .1-, ,. cultivator or hoe. This is effected by inserting tliL- tcitl), which are,inicteil u itli dovetail shanks, in jiKirtiNC-. in the frame, anil letiinin- ilieni by a key-block. They can thu^ be readily leiuoved and changed from one -ide to the other, re> erMng'lhe sides of the right and left teeth in the iVame-Hurk, either throwing the earth outward or up t.i the liill. I'lie adjustaljle ground wheel on the end of the frame regulates the depth to which the teeth enter the .soil. Claim. — The arrangement of the frame a/, arms r, hand- lei i, liraees ,, plates 4', clevis it, axle <•, and cultivator teeth r 2 3, the whole being constructed in the manner and for the purpose descril)ed. No. 31,917.— \VM. F. VEDEK, liuwi.i.Nc GRKEN,()ino. — Cultivators.— Af'ril 2. 1S61. The frame con-i-l ,1" |\\M , iiMed side-pieces, which are connected togeth. 1 1 -11: h 1 i iids by a bolt, and at- tached to the ti ,1 These cross-beams are ))laced together in |mii-, ,1 n m -w ^pace being left between for the insertion of the shanks or standards of the shares, the standards being slotted for the reception of keys, which hold them firmly. By this means the shares can be easily adjusted to any desired position. The handles are connect- ed together by a cross-bar, and attached to the frames by uprighis. The shares are connected by rods to the front part of the frame. Claim. — The arrangement of frame A, handles B B, slot- ted standard C, shares C, wedges /, rods D D D /■, and slotted cross-beams c i/g, the whole being constructed in the manner and for the purposes shown and explained. No. 32,010.— TAMES A. SPEER, Jr. Manchester, Pa., assignor to WILLIAM J. KANE, of same place.— C»//;Vn- tors. — April (), 1 86 1. Attached to the draught lieam and standard is a second curved beam, provided with lugs, to which a scraper may be attached. The several aiiaelmuius of tiie second beam and scraper, are made by bolt^ pa^sijig through slots and secured by nuts, by which means the point of the draught- beam and the scraper may be raised and lowered. Claim. — The arrangement of the draught-beam o, second beam c, scraper li, and slots i 2 3 rind ,r, when constructed substantially as described, for the purpose set forth. No. 32,092.— ISAAC STOUT, TremoNT, lu,.— Culti- vators. — April 16, 1 86 1. The stocks of the front cultivators or ploughs are attached to the handles that ser\e to guiile the cultivator, and the handles are pivoted to a cr.iss bar in such a manner that the operator, while guiding the cultivator, may vary the distance laterally between the furrows formed by the ploughs, as de- sired. Claim. — Attaching the front cultivator teeth to the guid- ing handles of the plough, when arranged substantially as described. No. 32,366.— GEORGE W. HILDRETM, Lockpout, N. \'. — Cultivators.- May 21, 186 1. The cultivator is made to exiiand and contract by means of horizontal slide irons la|>|iiiiL; ii|>.iii i.i, li .iili.i, with a bolt passing through slots 1, ' ' : ludpoint; connected to the ends of ill two ad- ditional slotted irons, cnis-m ,,i, h , .il,. , iii«,ii,i,. and se- cured in any desired position to a post on the centre bar, for the purpose of giving additional strength to the machine when adjusted to various widths. Claim. — The double slide irons F F', or their equivalent.s, with the horizontal slide irons, when used to form a triangu- lar contracting or expanding truss for strengthening the cul- tivator, as herein set forth. No. 32,468.-8. M. CAIN, and W STELFOX, Austin,— Cultivators.— Ju>t,- 4, 1861. The parts of the plough are so constructed that it can be made to plough a row of any given width from three to five feet ; it can be made to plough on each side of a row of corn or cotton ; also, the diamond ploughs can be made to run on each side of a row so as to hill it up, the horse walk- ing on the top of the row. Claim. — The arrangement of diamond ploughs//, the crescent C(mlter /■, sweeps, wing hinges m 111, wings b b, slides I- and li, beam a, and handles //, as described, for the purposes set forth. No. ;-W7 V>\\\ KEEZER, Chilicothk, Ohio. —Culti:^ \S. 1861. The 1, I , 1 i 1 1 1 ucted each with a long shank fitting in adjuslalil. i, 1, mug-, „, that they can he fnmlv held at any /, which pass through shanks of tin i ; , 1 h /; Con- nected with the front frame are slav ^ I 1 , , ,1 1 . i.ig a swiv- el, to which the whiHletree is attaelici , l.\ means uf a'crew and nuts the swivel is renderisd adjustable as to height, for the purpose of varying the depth of the cultivators in the groimd. Claim.— I.— Adjusting the distance between the teeth// or those used in lluii a^a>\. 1i\ me, ins ,,f (he adjustable fast- enings /; // and g ;. .iii.l si.n i,,,l, ,, ,. \\\un used in combi- nation with the galliiws iVames I; ,ind 1 ', and stay rods a a, constructed and arranged substantially as and for the pur- pose set forth. 2. — In combination with the foregoing, the stays F and E, swivel G, screw b, and nut <■, when arranged in relation to each other, and operated in the manner and for the purpose described. No. 32,760.— L. H. DOVLE, Waterlhi,, Iowa.— C«/- tivators. — July i^^ 1 86 1. The central triangular-shaped spade is attached to the beam, as usual ; in the rear of this are sockets and bolts, from which two curved arms e.\tend laterally nearly to the ground, and have at then einK shares placed obliquely; above the shares is a hoii/onial cross har. provided with slots and bolts, by which the sh.ues can he placed at the right distance apart to ihrou thesnil upon the rows of plants on either side. Claim.— The sockets D D', at the back of the beam A, with the feet or standards E E fitted therein shown, in con- nection with the bar F and braces h h, arranged to brace the feet or standards E E, and at the s.rme time connect the same to the bar F at the distance apart desired, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. 33,044.— G. W. LAWBAUGH, and JOHN WIL- LIAMS, Shanesvii.le, Ohio. — Cultivators. — August 13, 1861. Claim. — The special arrangement of the .side pieces A B, hinge D, arms C C and H I, and handles J K, and shovels P O, the whole being constructed and operating as and for the purpose set forth. No. 33,208.— I. B. MOORIl EAD, T. A. and G. G. POOL, Bei,I.E1' li /i, anil ploughs r .cljiisted both as to height and depth, as well as to w nkli and ilr.uight. Claim. — The cultivator plough, constructed, ananged, made capable of adjustment as to height, depth, width and draught, and operating in the manner and for the purpose herein set forth. No. 37,005.— WILLIAM NEVINS, Irving, N. Y.— Cultivators. — Noveiiilier 25, 1862. Upon the sides of the central beam are placed wings pro- vided with teeth on their under surface and secured at their forward ends by hinges, and at the rear by over-lapping bars rendered adjustable by means of holes and a bolt. On the upper surface of the wings is a brace attached at each end by a bolt passing through one of a series of holes in the wings, by which means the latter may be set to any desired angle to pass between the rows of plants. Claim. — The rigid angular wings C C connected with the CULTIVATORS iir ImiK //, .11 e.iuivalent tie- - :. . ..iiil.iiir.l, ,.ii.l ..jierating sub- . i.i,r|i.i,rs hcvm ,rl forth. DOVLE, Waterloo, Iowa. — Ciil- Nu. 37,089.— L tiviitors.—Dea'mher 9, 1 862. To the curved beam bar is attached at each side a lateral- (ly projecting bar, to which are bolted two angle bars, the latter being also attached to the plough standards in such a manner as to admit of their being secured at a greater or less distance apart, and also to admit of the shares being raised or lowered as desired. Claim. — The combination with the beam bar A and standards E E of the adjusting bars b d, in the manner here- in shown and described. No. 37,271.— D. G. BLUE, Winfield, \o\\'A.— Cii//i- vators. — January 6, 1863. In this invention the forward plough-stocks are made Ion- iser thnii tin- icnr nne^, aiift the draught so applied as to re- ii. ■!, '1 III.' wL-ight of the front of the plough. I'.v I I . I. I ,. Ill ..I 1. movable shield, roller, and plough- st.i. I., Ill 111. . . nil.- ..I iIk' iiii|)Iement, it is adapted for use, either as an (\ i or a corn plough. Claim. — I. — Thi r.,ii \«^^\^.. wlicii made shorter than the front ones, in uiili ihe use of an adjustable draught connection, Mibst.uitially a', and for the purposes set forth. 2. — The combination of the guage runners d d with the front posts, substantially as and for the purposes stated. 3. — The combination with the frames of the removable shield box G, plough H, and roller I, substantially as set forth. No. 37,988.— P. C. VAN BROCKLIN, Buffalo, N. \ .— Cultivators.— March 24, 1863. The triangular frame of this cultivator is supported upon a wheel at each corner; the forward wheels being pivoted in arms projecting downwardly from the frame, and the socket of the rear caster wheel pivoted so as to be vibrated back and forth by the lever, with connecting rods to lower the frame at all corners simul- taneously. Claim. — Cultivatiirs havini; a triangular frame with a wheel at L-acli eiiriR-r, sii|)|i(ii-iinj^ a carter wheel at the apex ol llie lianie, in a soeket or jc.uiiial Imx wliich is hung upon freely upon sai.l b.ill, in eonibiiiatiuii willi a swivel lever shaft whicli L.iiiiiecls u ilh the ulieel an.l exlen.K upwardly for a handle, an.l ..iKvates as a swixel upon which the wheel Uinis freelv, an.) «liieli is eonneeled with the forward wheels l,y means of rods, takini; hold ..f the amis I, below the frame, so thai all of the wheels may be raised or lower- ed simnhaneously by the driver, substantially as and for the purposes described. No. 38,066.— WILLIAM G. STROWGER, Oswego, N. Y. — Subsoiling Implement. — March 31, 1863. This machine has two rows of chisel teeth diverging from the forward end and set in a metal plate with handles for the operator. Claim. — An implement for subsoiling, ditching, &c., com- posed of a solid metal plate A and teeth B, the latter being fitted in the former, substantially as shown, and the plate provided with handles C C, and a clevis B, all being con- structed and arranged as herein set forth. No. 38,593.— ISAAC B. MA HON, Marion, Ohio.— Cultivators.— May 19, 1863. Th4 improvement is in the beams and handles, which are made of flat bars of the shape and construction indicated in the claim and illustration. Claim. — The construction and arrangement of the bars A A and B placed vertically edgewise and welded together at their front ends, and hiaoed liy a thin cross-bar C placed vertically edgewise, in . .imlnii.iiioii with the forked handle braces G G, each f.niiie.l m piece, in the manner and for the purposes herein speeilie.l. No. 39,337.— TOIIN 111 K.\S, Franklin, Warren County, Onvi.— Cultivai,-r..— In! v 2X, 1863. The handles of this culUNaL.r are sui.ported near their rear by rods pas.sing downwards to the beams, and in front are attached to a prow-shaped clevis or continuation of the middle beam. Claim. — The attachment of the handles G, at their for- ward end, to the upper end of the perforated prow-shaped clevis E, which is formed on and made a part of the central beam A, in the manner described, in combination with the stay rods H and beams ABB, when arranged in the man- ner and for the purpose specified. No. 39,528.— CHARLES W. S. HEATON, Salem, Marion County, III., assignor to Jabez J. Peggott. — Cultivators. — August 11, 1 863. This improvement consists of devices for throwing the direct strain upon the plough beams and relieving the jar caused by collision with obstructions ; the forward ends of the beams are attached to a slotted cross-bar which is stay- ed by angle rods from the tongue, the draught rods having a vertical play by the motion of the clevis pin in an upright slot in the tongue. The lateral adjustment of the plough beams is by means of slots in the cross-beams, to which the former are clamped by set screws. Claim.— I. — The arrangement in a cultivator of the brace rods // //, and slay rod /■, in such manner that the longitudi- nal strain upon the implement shall be thrown upon the side beams li B, and front beam C, wdien the implement is unobstructed by stones, &c., but when the implement is obstructed by stones, &c., the sudden jar due upon the tongue A shall be relieved by the oblong slot c, and finally be sustained by the stay rod i, all substantially in the man- ner set forth. 2. — The arrangement, in a cultivator, of the automatically shifting brace rods /; /;, pin d, and vertical slot c, in the manner and for the purposes described. 3. — The arrangement of the inclined stay rod /■, beam C, and longue A, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 4. — A cultivator combining in its construction the tongue A, side beams B B, upper and under slotted cross-beams C C, V-shaped adjustable braces or stocks E E', brace rods A li, and stay rod i', the several parts being constructed and arranged as described. No. 39,724.— G. A. ERICKSON, Sweed Bend, Web- ster County, Ikw'a.— Cultivators- .'sc/'t,'//i/'cr i, 1863. The cultivator has two r.iws of shares and is supported on wheels. In the rear portion of the hinder bar is a recipro- cating rod with harrow teeth, which is driven by a pinion and link from teeth on the driving wheel. Claim. — The described combination of a vibrating har- row E with a cultivator, the whole being constructed and arranged to operate in the manner and for the puqjose here- in .specified. No. 41,562.— JOSEPH WILHELM, Muscatine, Iowa. — Cultivators. — February 9, 1864. This invention relates to that class of cultivators which are constructed with two wings hinged together and design- ed to cultivate both sides of a row at one and the same time, and the improvement consists in an arrangement of devices by which the distance between the wings can be readily in- crea.sed or diminished according to the width of the furrows. Claim. — Having the arms a a jointed at the centre, and combined with the clevis c, in the manner and for the pur- pose herein shown and described. Also, the arrangement of the spring latch ^1^, with the beam A and arms D D, in the manner and for the purpose herein shown and described. No. 42,737.— SAMUEL A. TOOMBS, assignor to him- self and SAMUEL M. PURSE, Ashley, Missouri.— Cultivators.— A/av 10, 1S64. This invention consists of a curved bar, the ends of which form the rear part, and are connected by a curved cross-bar. Longitudinal bars are [livoted to the front of the curved bar, and are provided with standards that carry at their lower ends cultivator teeth, the rear ends of the bars serving as handles to govern the cultivator. Claim. — A cultivator frame constructed of the curved bar A, united at its rear by the curved cross-bar l>, and provided with the stationary standards and cultivator teeth a, and pivoted standards for handles diich latter are Ini tlu |iiir|Mi., ni preventing a lateral movement of the eulli\atiir as it i^ .lia«n forw.ard, while the former or main share iiu.ves ihe earlh si,l,«isr i,i« the plant. Claim. — 'I'he eoml.inalinn ..lilu' a.liiiMaMe plmij;!! 1' with the ;niides M M, saiil t;\iides l)rini; L..nsiriu led and arrang- ed in the manner and for the imrpose sulisUuUially as de- scribed. No. 45,019.— JOHN M. HURKE, D,\nvii.i.e, N. V.— CuUivators—Xovcmhcr 15, 1864. This invention consists in fastening the wings of the cen- tral plough by wooden pins to projections on the under side of the plough. The upper surface of the shank of the cul- tivator tooth in the rear is curved out, leaving sharp edges, which bite firmly into the wood of the be ;m, so that it can be firmly .secured by a single nut. Claim. — I. — The shovel E, having a narrow central fin c and staples <■ <■ formed on its inner or under surface, in the manner described and for the purpose set forth. 2. — The teeth J, with cutting hooks / and concave ends/, in the manjier and for the purpose described. 3. — The arrangement of the shovel E c t\ wings G G, side beams B B, handles D D cross beam C, main beam A, and teeth J i p. the whole constructing an improved cultivator, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. 45,612.— HANFORD INGRAHAM, Naple;, N. Y. — Cultivators.— Dc 111 uiiiii.: 1 Ml ill. 1 III the neck yoke. \,,. ;..,,. II III I ARIIART, Coi,i,.\mi:k, N. Y. Claim. — Lhe aliu-iiMr pivote.l soles or plate D, attached to two or more I. filK- shares H of the cultivator, and ar- ranged with levels 1'. i.r llieir e-iuivalents, substantially as and for the piiiimsc specilied. No. 48,324,— li. M.TE.V.SDALE, Dansville, N. Y.— Cultivators.— June 20, 1865. In this invention wings extend obli(|Uely up from the front i.lons;h to the iiist almve Ihe rear plough. A remnvaMe iil.iU^li, « I'l I'^i n "f the coulter u, on it, slide, lUl »ilil a ,a.. ... I I anil I iv seiews. E', Miili il,,. ,!,iul.l-'h V .,yy ihe beams D U, in the e presented in Figs. 4 E /' il, substantially as \i, 4S, 7S; — PARKKR II. ALLSTOTT, Jefferson- viLtt, lM..-c>,.V/:„.v, ..-7«/7 iS, 1865. . This inveiuiiiii euiisi-ts in the arrangeinent of the connect- ing bars, bulls, screws and slots for changing the angle be- tween the shares and beuns. Claim.— 'Ilie lel.tvc arrangement of the shares and beam ..11' ill .:: iia n-n ml ai lan^enieiit of the connect- i,,,' , „ ,, I ,,,! I. w- Ml I'lap-, s,, far as they a.;, . I, . , I . , 1 I I II . - ami .iliec! nfiliangingat wUl the .11 h I.. ' ,- I . II lie ha. - and beams and thereby alter- in-lhe .liaii-lil of ihe llller. X.I. 4.1.111— ll.\XM dr//,ri//a. ..-./,v,,/./ I. 1S65. In this iii\. lit; 11 ih hahs are firmly attached at then- rear ends to : li II I I e, if the frame. The arms are elevated and i 1 : 1 will upon standards on the front cross pi -1 : ne secured at any height by a set screw, w. i 1 _ 1 . hated standard. Claim.— M 1 heams A anB, and centre for- ward beam . n 11 with the knee-braces C, as con- structed and iiiai,.a.|, -nhstantially in the manner and for the purpose set forth. No. 49,389.— RICHARD DEIGHTON, Jr , F airwea- •rilER, il.L.—Plollg/lS.— August 15, 1865. This invention consists in making the frame for a double plough in the form of a triangle, and extending the handles to form a brace for the standard, also in the form of a tri- angle. Claim.— The plough frame constructed of the two beams A and A', the cross piece B, the posts D and D', and han- dles C C, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. 50,093.— WILLIAM J. BURTON, Turtle, Wis. — Cultivators.— September 2(i, 1865. In this invention a straight frame carrying teeth to culti- vate two or three rows, runs at each end upon two bows or shoes affixed near the outside teeth ; thus doing away with wheels entirely. Claim.— The bows C C— this broadly— the whole arranged as and for the purpose described and set forth. >■,:. cn.ins— R, TIIAYKR .and f. MC CLELAND, Pi , I -. I I . , p I / ■,,, ', ■ ,.'...' . 1 1, /./', r in, 1S65. I I,, .,, ,,:,„ .\ h: :i, . II ... . .11 la. 111 the combination ami III iiie.mie . a -1 ."' -■ - iil p.. 11, ..I the cultivator for Claim, — The herein described iigeme nt and combina- 3f the beam A, standards B' B', handles C C, braces ', and bolls a ,1 h i, as and for the puqiose specified. CULTIVATORS. No. i;o,q!o.— STAKREV HALL, Russeli.vii.le, Ky. ~Cl,lti:a:,. .. \.r..i„l;r 14, 1865. 'Ilic xhlr 1m .iti 111 ill I, riilti valor are adjustahle laterally, and 111 iL.u i.l ill, , iiliiv.iiiir teeth is fixed an adjustable har- row. The lout;iic 1.-. ijuinteil, and by lifting up the handles the harrow is raised, and by depressing the handles the ploughs are raised, the ploughs and harrow respectively forming a fulcrum for the handles, which act as levers of the first and second order. Claim. — The combin.ition in a cultivator of laterally ad- justable ploughs, with a longitudinally adjustable hanow, having a rigid attachment to the rear of the frame, when constructed, arranged, and operating substantially in the manner and Inr the purpose set forth. No. S1.2M.,— IDHNT. I5EVER, Bethel, \\A..—Culti- valori.— n..,„.l.,r 5. 1S65. The liaiiM ,,( ihi, 111,1' liine is of a triangular shape, and hiiii;ed ,11 IK I ci, ,1 iIkU by removing a pin at one of the innci iiiiiKis 111! iiiaiiL;le can be reversed or doubled around, so as to reverse tlie position of the shares. Thus, by a simple movement the rigid teeth can be reversed. Claim. — I. — The inverting triangle frame AAA, con- structed w ith free working joints or bolts b b b b, or their ei|uivak-iits, for the |iui|»)se of reversing the order of the tiiiiiinK pluiiolis/ / / /. substantially as and for the purpose 2. — The iliiiil.le liuok or clevis ,/ ,/, with cross-bar or flanges I; k, or their equivalent, for the purposes herein spec- ified. 3. — The handles c r, in combination with the inverting triangle frame A A A, as and for the purposes herein set forth. No. 51.428.— JOHN COPELAND, Quasqueton, Iowa. — Cultivators. — December, 12, 1865. This invention consists in the attachment to cultivator beams of levers crossing each other and working on the pin that connects them together, and made adjustable by means of a perforated bar secured to one of the levers and passing through a slot in the other, the perforations in the bar receiving a pin to allow of its expansion and contraction as required. Claim. — The two cross levers H H, connected by a pin a and applied to the plough beams B B, to operate in the manner substantially as and for the purpose herein set forth. Also the combination of the levers H H, perforated bar J, lever K, and pin ;,', arranged to operate in the manner and for the purpose specified. No. 51,^67.— DANIEL DENNETT, Bu.xton, Maine. — (.V/;r.„A'/>.— /),,,v////v/ 19, 1S65. This invnitiiiii c. insists in a method of bracing the plough standards ti, e.uh uiher and to the beam. The from stand- ards are extended up to form handles. Claim.— The plough standards, constructed as herein de- scribed, in combination with the beam fastened by the to the front standards, and with the braces or ties that confine the rear standards to the front standards, sub- stantially as herein specified. No. 51,817.— RICHARD ELLIOT, Plainfield, N. J. — Combiiu;! /'/»«-// «"./ Scraper.— January 2, 1866. Attaclieil 1.1 Ihi- |.hiiii;h beam are a share, a scraper, and an olilii|ue ,L;ia,liiii; liar for levelling. Claim.— I hr srr,i|ii 1 composed of the bar E and bottom F applied to or coiiiliiiKd with a plough, to operate sub- .stantially as and for the purpose set forth. Also, the bar (;, in coniliination with the plough, sub- stantially as and for the purpose specified. No. 52,421. — ALF( )RD LAMB, Skaneateles, N. Y. — Cultivators.— February 6, 1 866. This invention consists of a triangular frame composed of iron rods and cross-timbers. The braces coming from the rear beam are united to the front standards ; the shafts are at- tached to the beam by a swivel, and by means of a guage it may be so adjusted as to regulate the depth of the cut. Claim — I. — The arrangement for attaching the shafts to the beam by means of the swivel F and guage G, for regula- ting the depth of the cut as set forth. 2. — The arrangement of the frame E D C and standards A B H, with the frame K and handles, all constructed and combined, substantially as and for the purposes set forth. No. 52,515.— CHARLES BELDEN, MiUDl-EBtiRG, Oww.— Cultivators.— Febniarv 14, 1866. In this invention the handles are bolted to the sides of the beam. This beam is made of a bar of iron, double and bent round at the front end, through which a bolt passes for attaching the device to the end of the beam. The bar is turned at the front end and doubled closely together, except- ing from where it is bent outward, and extends along so as to form a slotted opening. In this this opening is fitted and secured a curved standard, being secured by the bolt that connects the handles to the beam ; this standard curves down on (he inside of the double plough in front. The point is made of such metal as hardened steel, so as to be a self-sharpener. Claim — I. — The frame B F, in combination with the changeable and reversible blades H K, when constructed and arranged as and for the purpose set forth. 2. — The herein-described cultivator with changeable and reversible blades H K, when constructed and arranged as and for the purposes set forth. No. 53,212.— GEORGE W.ZEIGLER, Tifhn, Ohio. — Cultivators.— March 13, 1 866. This invention consists in the construction of a shovel ]ilough, with a movable cross arm or plate, and so arranging the same that the shovels can all be moved either to the right or left of the beam in oblique directions to the line of draught; and also in the application of spring braces to the pivoted shovels and standards. Claim. — I. — Constructing the shovel plough with a mova- ble cross arm or plate C, and so arranging the same that the shovels can all be moved either to the right or left of the beam in oblique directions to the line of draught, substan- tially as specified. 2. — The application of spring braces k to the pivoted shovels and their standards, substantially as described. 3. — The construction of the shovel-holding plate C, with lugs c <-, to receive the out-side shovel standards, and also with a flat upper surface having notches in it to receive spurs which project from the bottom surface of the flanged cast- ing B, substantially as described. 4. — The construction of the central standard g' with a pin e, so that the plates C B can be secured to the beam A, in the act of securing the central shovel to the plough, sub- stantially as described. 5.— The combination of the flanged casting B with the shovel holder C, these two parts being constructed substan- tially as described. 6. — The construction of the shovels with detachable points /, substantially as described. 7. — Providing for adjusting all the shovels about a cen- tral axis simultaneously, when these shovels are attached to standards that can be adjusted and secured in position in- dependently of each other, substantially as described. No. 54, 122.— H. W. CURTIS, Worcester, Mass.— Cultivators.— April 24, 1 866. The wings which follow the central share are expanded or contracted by segmental racks and a pinion. Claim. — The wings E E, connected at the rear of the plough or share D by means of joints, in combination v\'ith the segment racks G G, and the pinion H, for adjusting the wings E E, all arranged to opei^ate in the manner substan- tially as and for the purpose herein set forth. No. 54,191,— JAMES E. MORRISON, Washincton, D. C— Cultivators. — -Ipril 24, 1866. The cultivator beams have flexible connections to enable the standards to preserve their verticality and adjust them- selves to hillsides. Claim. — I. — A cultivator having double plough beams U U, hooks 0, clevis /, standards x .v. and cross-bars y y, constructed, combined, and arranged substantially as herein specified. 2 — In combination with double plough beams united at their front ends as described, the standards x x, and cross bars Y Y, constructed and operated substantially as and for the purposes set forth. 3. — The entire cultivator with its various devices, con- CULTIVATORS. slnictctl, combined, anil arraii^'eil sulistaiuinlly tlie ]iui'|ioses herein menlioneil. No. 54,280.— IlKNUV llAKNKS, Hi ui in — Cii//h;t/ors. — .\f,iv 1, iSf.r). The >t.inil,iMl- ol" tin ihno share.s are adjustal ed h\ cie\ i-f> .ml --I-in i" U lo the cross-pieces of the fr whii thf arrangement of the thills ;• II, rods L M.and con iniployed in the m.niiRr No. 54.;!';.— 1'. I'lll'li -//ors,- //,,.— 1/,/r 1. |N( TheM.lf |.1m„l;1,. ,ux- a. I, line lo v.ii\ ilic » Mil, Claim.— In con ;ards and frc the ilth. conil.inauon with a central plough carried by and adjustable on the beam, the side ploughs carried by and made adjustable on a divided frame, which is also c.irried by and made adjnstnble on the beam, substanlially as anc piii^ in themselves anil in the frame, anil are raided l^y iIk- i«itial rotation of the hoard to which they are altaclad liy chain,. Claii rhe which is con.s rear end of a frame of a .1 substantially in the niaim. 1 Jr^uil-L-d. 2. — Keeping the sh.nrKi.iiKl.iuU E in proper position during their passage ilnoiiglj ihc m.iI by means of the trans- verse rods //' and notches /, combined with the forw ard braces i, substantially as described. 3. — The pivoted board G, or its equivalent, arranged trans- versely across the cultivaior frame and connected lo the shovel standards E, substanlially as described. No. 55,256— EDWARU L. DORSEV, Union, Ini..— Cullivalors.—Jutu- 5, 1866. The devices cited refer to the attaching and adjusting the main shares, and in addition to these an axle in the rear is provided with shares which, when reversed, form harrow eth. and fo Claim. — I. — The rod E, arranged and used the purpose set forth. 2. — 'ihe reversible and adjustable ploughs and rakes M and N, secured to the axle K, said axle being attached tu the upright H by means of an adjustable plate H, arrangeil and used as and for the purpose set forth. 3. — The block R with the ploughs P, arranged in the manner substantially as herein specified 4. — The guides 7./, arranged and used as and for the |nir- poses herein set forth. 5. — The plough-beam A, wiih the guide wheel F, upright r., and shovel M, in combination v\ith the axle K, wheels L L, shovels m 11, and block R, when used as and for the yiurposes specified. No. 56,286.— E. M. SORLEY, Nicenah, Wis.— C«///tw- tors. — Jiily 10, 1866. The bars of the frame are capable of adjustment to as- sume various shapes. The sides are connected by a pivot ed brace and connecting rods, and the teeth present a con- vex edge to the soil. Claim. — I. — The jointed adjustable cross bar B, with arms h />, in combination with the shifting braces <- ,• c <- and the side frame A, constructed and arranged substantially as and for the purposes herein described. 2. — The construction and arrangement of the shifting screw-headed and sabre -shaped harrow teeth or cultivators w ith hollow backs, in combination with the frame A and the adjustable centre cross bar B, with its draught arms // /', applied and operated as herein stated. No. 56,288.— ESEN STARR, Roval Oak, Mich.— Cullivalors.— July lo, 1S66. The rear standards are laterally adjustable on the curved transverse brace-bar, and the front standard is adjustable as to its raking angle. Claim. — I. — The curved or segment bar B, at the rear end of the beam A, in combination with the curved stand- ards J J, provided with upper bent ends a* to abut or fit .snugly against the rear side of the said bar B, and to which they are secured by bolts, substantially as shown and described. 2. — The standard F, bent or curved as shown, and se- curcil ill p..,ili.iii l,\ a 1 i.i> c rod or bar II from the beam A, siilisi iiiii.ilK .1 .ml I"! ill' purpose specified. No. S", 5^;. I 1 \\ MI, HARRIS, Canaan, Maink.— II,., „ !/.■.: /.7 1 Ji, i.siMi. I In -li, 111 h.i- .1 iiihllh pmiiiui inclining forward and h ,1 III- 111 .mjiil.ii 111. 1,11 iiimi ; ii is followed by wings hIii.Ii li,i\r ,1 l.iiii ,1 ,iii|ii iiiHiii by means of .segments Ullll iifil with sides , /., h; the rear of the sliare C, and icialncil in position by the clamp F, and bar, <■ «■, all ariant;i.(l sulisianlially in the man- ner and for the purposes set forth. No. 57,341.— Z. W. LEE, Blakki.v, i:.\.—Ploiigli.— Aiit;iist 21, 1866. The flanges of the brackets are attached by shackles and wellies in the central beam ; the obliquity of ihe standards is ',;/, r.i. — Seflemh-r 4, 1866. Antedated Aii- \ i;ii,iol plai.j on an arm pivoted to the sides of the cul- iiiliiM IKS between the young corn and the outer share on that side lo keep clods from the ])Iant. tivalor, sub-tantially in ihemanneras and for the purpose herein set forlh, .\ls,., i1k- pixoiingthe bar F to which the plate or guard G is atliclie.l l.Ltweeii |ilates E E secured to the cultivator near its end and provided with a rest b, substantially as dtscribed. No. 57,792.- ADDISON F. STIIXWELI,, FayI'VPTF., Iowa.— Cultivators.— September 4, 1866. Forward of the rear plough are two lateral shares which are attached by a brace fr.inie to the beam, and are adjust- able as to presentation ami relative distance by the vibra- tion of the jointed standards and the pivoted share. Claim.— The bar E, lieani A, and cross-bars G, in com- bination with the bars I, projections b, spurs/, shares J and Ijrace rods K, all arranged to operate as and for the pur- poses set forth. No. 57,952.— W. D. NICHOLS, Cl-IICAOO, l\.l..— Cul- tivators. — September II, 1866. The side lieams of the plough are hinged to the middle beam, and are maintained at their lateral adju.stment by -slot- ted braces and a set screw, the forward ends of the scrapers traversing in a slot of the centie beam. Claim. — I. — Connecting the mould boards or ploughs A A, with a hinge joint, subCtantially as described. 2.— The slot s, or its ei|u:valeiil', in combination with the mould boards or ploiiudis, substaniiallv as .lescril.e 1. No. 58,476.— JAO'il! K. KElNK'k, Link, \'\.— Ctiltivators.^Oeto/>er 2, 1S66. A lateral adjustment of the beams is made by a movement of stretchers in converging slide bars. Claim. -The bars G G', having the handles H H attached and connected by the screw J, provided with the nut K, in comliination with the bars F F, attached to the inner sides of the beams A A, and passing through eyes a, at the end of a L, secured to the under side of the front bar G, with CULTIVATORS. the clamp liar M, attached to the under side of the rear bar C, all arranged sidjstintiallv as, and for the purpose set forth. No. 58,578.— THOMAS BEALE, Ni.:\v Mii.k.irh, III. — Cultivators. — October 9, 1866. By means of the lever, the share and the scraper are re- ciprocated, and the earth stirred and hilled against the plants Claim.— The bars A A having the bar B pivoted to them, with the spade or shovel C attached to the front end of the latter, in combination with the bar E connected to the bar F, which is pivoted to A A and connected to the pivoted bar B through the medium of the rod h and guide bar D, and the scraper and hilling device (J pivoted to the front ends of the bars A A, and operated from one of the pen- dants <■ by the rod H, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. ^ ^ No. 58,581.— JESSE C. BO\TJ, Mii.roy, Ind.— /V,w,7/,t. — Octolicr g, 1866. The side beams are pivoted to the fore-bar and adjusted laterally at the rear by slotted plates and set-screw. Claim.— The be.inis A .\ in combination with the upright shovels and handles, when connected to the beam C by means of the swivels II H, and attached to the beam B by slutted bars F F and set-screw /, arranged substantially as specified. No. 58,597.— JOHN CLARRIDGE, PANCAsiBURn, '.nwK— Double Shovel PloHsrh —Oi-tohcr 9, 1866. The plough has a lateral adjustment by slide racks and slide bar, and is held to any adjustment by tooth blocks and wedges. Claim — The combination and arrangement of the anus I, and M, the toothed blocks N and P, and the wedges or keys O anil R, with the beams B and A, the plough-head G, and the handle I, substantially as herein described, and for the purpose set forih. No. 58,803.— Jdll.V FRIDY, West Donei:al Town- silli', \'r.>i^.~Culli:alor>. — October 16, 1866. The pivot frame at the fn, 111 of the beams has journal bearing for a wheel ; lateral a.ljiisumnl ..f the outside beams is accomplished by nu■,^n^ .if hooked l.olix l.y ulueli lliev I'., supporting and em- ."iid.m.ui.m with the ' I'l.iles 1' and p, in i\\ II and specified.' .s.AiTLEioN, Maine. i'.aAv 16, 1866. •I I -.11 ling or .shallower follow i I I- loiioi,.,! |,^ n 111^, or shares attached mg in the re.ii. Il.u, ti.uliiit; in the rear, mellow tne ground. A toothed ,lisL, a,i|u,table as to depth, has side pms to work the slides at the bottom of the seed hop- pers. A draw bar is pivoted in the beam, which for deep ploughing IS carried up a rack at the fore end of the beam, and held to any one of the adjusting notches by a wedge Cla — Mltle ] I ons . Ut 111 \ tl e 1 e LI 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 lids like 1 e f 1 N 5S -111 — r 11 — Tl t 1 1 1 11 1 \ 1 1 1 |l 1 \11 \1 1 1 1 Cl 1 1 LI 1 I IF Ohio a 1 have ft tie 1 I le t kee^ \ 1 1 1 11 ly neans 1 te 1 to .oi,„eeted by two cross l.iis.,,,,, and provided u lih |],e ^au^e wheel C, in the beam .'\ liy the standards ,■ , anil the plough E, attached to the beam A', all being arranged substantially as and for the puqiose set forth. No. t;q,oi ;. — 1( ilIN B. 1II-;RR, WestLamfetreTown- SHIl', I'lSX- r',1'1, :„!.■,.. -Octvber 2},, 1866. CUuiii. rill toinliin.iiioii and arrangement of the paral- lel shovel be.iiiis A 1;. uniled by the tongue C, handles H, and braces I), when eonsimcted and operating in the man- ner and for Ihe purpose .peeilied. N' ve2' I \M' IS W, ROSS, NoRTHFlELU, Mass. I ii . ,; ! lie II s aie each adjustable, the latter on tl)r leiiie , ilh li.ii. - .ilso on iheii vertical bars. Inclined of a spreadini; adjiisimenl, and tinveil hoe bars connect to theendsof tliese hl.ides, adinsi.ilile at both A knife plate has a draught hook screwed to its shank. Slotted bars pivoted in the side beams are provided for lateral ad- justment. Claim, — I. — The combination of the adjustable wheels E, and adjustable supporting arms I), with each other, and with the front and rear enilsof the central be im B, substan- tially as hei-cin shoun and deserilied. 2. — I he teelh h , and adjustalile uprights G, in combina- tion « illi ihe euliiMilor lieams A B C, substantially as here- V lie loll- lioi , H, in combination with the central tooili I '. and ill, lear si.le teeth of the cultivator, substan- tiallv as heieiii shownand described. 4 — Ihe coinl.Nialion ol (he adjustable curved hoes 1 with the real ends ofihe long hoes II. substantially as herein rods I uiil, ilie,ui\ed hoes I. and the rear ends of Ihe side l.cani, 1; r, snlei,,nliall\ as herein sho» n and deseiibed. (..— Hie euiiil.inatioii o! the cenlial adjustable governor K with the central beam D, substantially as herein shown and described. 7— The comliination of the guu-d knife L and draught hook M uiih e.icli oiliei, with the forward end of the cen- tral l..,iin 1;. and \Mili ilie hint Central tooth F, .substantially as hrlein slioun and deseillied. ,X, I he e .uialion ol ihe slolted adjusting bars N, bolt «', and nut //■, «uh e.ich other, and with the beams A B C, substantially as herein shown and described. 9.— .\ coinliined horse cullivalor and hoe constructed and arianu'ed suhslanli illy as herein shown and described. No. 5o,55N— 1,\M.VN J. ( AsWKll., S.orr TnWN- I.i'nks and brace roil, 'conned ilie si,ie l.e.ims to the mid- dle beam to allow the loneitudinal adjusinienl of the frame toarran-ell.esl.aie in plou-h or cull. valor fashion. The obli.|niU of Ihe siandaids ,s re-ukilcd bv an,;ular l.iaces, and a slight n.lalion ellecis ihe she'd oC Ihe earlli l.oin Ihe shares. Ciaim. — I, -Ihe applKalion oflhe tuiinn- aimaUires F F F V V F lo the eullu.ilor. 1 , , l.aii^e the y -ilions of the side shovels, so .IS lo lorin a shovel plough oi a .ullualor. Theapiilicalion of the hiaccs 1 ) G 1,, sustain ihe side beams and side shovels in Iheir proper positions. 2.— The application of the braces E E E to the shovel standards, to elevate and depress the shovel points and turn the sod or suaid; the applicition of the curve to the extension mould plates; the lis,- in ilie ends of ihe sho^el suuidards. and the llalleinn^ t!ie point, of ihe shovels. No. s,,,5,S4. - Ji IH.\ OlFKikli, W.uiKi.AVN, N. V. — Horse Hoe- — Aovember 13, 1806. The adjust ible wings in the rear of the share are attached at their forward ends to the standard, and at the rear are adjusted by slotted plates proceeding from the handles and < I lie. \'<. I 1. isil.le uings I I, attached to and fol- lo\Mi I a. Ijiistably supported from the frame .\ 1;, iiliiiiii il!_\ Is ,|esi rilied and represented. CULTIVATORS. C C, applied , the GROVE, Tamks Cm .:k, Pf.nn.— 13. 1866. longitudinal movenie n hv which It in the lead. >i .uljiiMal.k' |>luu..;h .., shovel beams .lement, and u illi' Icvi r-,, .1 [heir eqiiiv- uuially a^ and l„i ihr purpose set alents, to operate forth. No. 60,422.— BARBARV S. RICH, Penfiki.i., N. Y, administratrix of the estate of J. C. RICH, deceased. — Cti/- tinttors. — Dfiim/nT II, 1 866] The shares have longitudinal adjustment on iron strips, and these strips have lateral adjustment at the rear by an expansible metal frame to which the handles are at- tached. Claim. — I. — The standard frame C, provided with lugs i' at the top, and the parts /< /i I n aX. the bottom, when com- bined with e.tpanding arms E E of a flexible metallic cul- tivator, the whole operating sub.stanlially as and for the pur- pose specified. 2. — The gauge wheel stirrups, composed of two counter- parts r r, and provided with the projections / t, when com- iiiued with the flat side of «, of the cultivator frame, as here- in set forth. No. 60,449.— WILLIAM T. WATSON, NoriiNCHAM, Mn. — Cultivators. — Dtcemher II, 1866. The teetli are curved forward, and are inserted in me- tallic plates in the rails. Claim. — I. — The teeth C of a cultivator when con- structed as set forth. 2.— The cumliination of the frame A, teeth C, and me- tallic sockets 1), when said several parts are respectively constructed, and the whole arranged substantially as set forth. \o. 60.982.— SAMUEL A. WRAY, Grkenkield, Inu.— Cultivator Ploughs.— January I, 1867. The beams are attached together by a flexible plate, and have a slotted adj istment plate near the rear end. Claim —The combination of the beams B and B', elastic plate D, and bint;e joint E, with a device for retaining the beam- in ]".viiii.n. substantially in the manner set forth. X 'I,-,, -.W \SM, WHITNEY, GAL?;snuRnH, III. -(V, ' :,::^.iyy I 5, 1867. Ihi -i! II ,11.1 i< srcuieil by eyebolts and sockets to the lieanis, and are braced liy eyebolts to angle pieces, fastened to advance points on the beam The plough is steered by a caster wheel at the rear. Claim, — I. — The securing of the standard D to the beam .\ through the medium of the sockets B and screw bolts C, provided with eyes a, all constructed and arranged sub- stantially in the manner as and for the purpose set forih. 2. — The braces E, applied to the beam, and standards, substantially in the manner as and for the purpose speci- fied. 3. — The caster or gauge wheel H, applied substantially in the manner as and for the purpose set forth No. 61,705.— JAMES C. BETHEA, Blakki.y, Ga.— Cotton Cultivators.— February 5, 1867. The shares are attached by rings and wedges to the stand- ards and braces, and the latler similarly fastened to the beams. The braces are thus rendered adjustable at either end. Claim. — I.— The mode, substantially as described, of fastening together the standard brace and share by a shackle 2. — The mode of adjusting the pivoted standard by slip- jjing forward the shackle and the upper end of the brace upon the beam. 3.— The reliitive lateral adjustment of the learn by means of the bolts with their collars, washers, and set nuts, substantially as represented. No. 61,760.— W. N. RHINEHART and H. FELKER, Miami City, Oii assignors aselv O. RUSSELL.— tV« Cultivators.— Khruary 5, 1867. The left side of the front plough and tlie ritjht side of the second plough are turned forward in projecting flanges. The former, which nms nearer to the cnm, turns the earth md thr 1.1 fends off the clods but throws (l.nni I 1m |Jii-Ii I I , when constructed substantial- ly as ikstiilml. an. I llirn airangement with reference to the plough I) andlrame, in llie manner and for the purpose specified No 6i,S2S-G W HATFIELD II.n i.> Irat , t hu li —I hui I t; 1S67 -(»/ by the clips I I ml lo I aiianged as Ikkui l1 I iili No 61,04, — l\m the w 111 n ni 1 1, i and 4, and secuiedin place by nut in I I l\ is k liiI lcI 3 — Ihe mode of widening 01 naiiowing the machine by slidin^' the teeth on the arms i i It h, m Fig 4, and the combination of all, forming the cultivator as lepiesented and 62 060 - T 0\FR Wii 12 1S67 c offoui pieces H 1 tni 1 k 1 IIAMSKIRT iNn— C«/ —a diaft piece cauying lis to which the reai X 1 11 llLUIll he 1 11 \ ( 111 consiiucted an 1 lace bar 11 or frame formed by 1 F, with each- othei , arranged subslantiallv as herein show n and described No 62,223 —JONAS POTTS Bum. n iRT W \\ — —Cultt,atots—I'ihuii\ 10 iSi>7 To each beam is itti I 1 \ I 1 tin In 1 I \ tl i use ofall, or theiemoMl l|il il Un m the c I ik ploughs and the Stan h I n ll c I ll c n 1 I Ik 1 I ujis the implement is convertilik into a tieble double 01 single shovel plough. Claim.— I.— A cultivator, provided with movable up- rights D D' D^ and their arms ,/ri,arv 26, 1867. The broad -edged shares are attached to the frame at the desired obliquity to the line of draft, and are succeeded by harrow teeth attached to the same frame. Claim. — The combined plows and harrows G H applied to the standards F F, substantially as and for the purpose specified. No. 62,405.— JOHN GILPATRIC, Biddeford, Me.— Cultivators.-— February 26, 1867. The triangular frame has transverse bars having pointed projections at their ends, to wdiich the shares are attached. Claim. — The iron cross bars B, provided with tongues a a, and the cast-iron teeth C, when constructed and arranged as herein set forth and for the specified. No. 62,808.— A. S. BARNWELL, S.wannah, Ga.— Cultivators. -March 12, 1S67. A transverse bar is attached under the beam, extending on each side and carrying two ailjusiable standards and shares. A central standard and double share follow in the rear, working the balk between the furrows just made. Claim. — The two adjustable shares G G, in combination with the fi.ved double share D, applied to the beam A. and arranged to operate in the manner substantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. 62,971.— LEVI REPP, Tiffin, Ohio.— Culii^'ators. — March 19, 1867. The three-beam cultivator is expansible laterally, the cen- tral portion having a hinged rear section with a shovel there- on. Pivoted clevises connect the points of the side beams to the central. The handle supports rise from the central beam. Claim. — I. — The construction of the central beam A of a three beam cultivator with a juinted extension A', having a shovel apiilied to It, and il . i~|iin. fci keeping it down and staMn- 11 late. alls. -Ill , 1 ,,.l.ed. 2.— l'l^..tll,^;the ,1 I ' I l„ams A li H to U-shaped .1,M. y\x\. , . In, t.ilK I, described. 3. — I h II II I I ilii sli,i\els III III, with narrow and « III. ill >t they ean be reversed at pleas- the thiee b. Ill \ i, 1, ill, 1 t. I il i\tinsi,,n braces CC,and stilt stand nils I n, , ti d ti 1 l.i im \ in Iront of the joint dhya l.i.h , .iiliMiniulU I ih-,nli,.I No (im; '.— 1 111 1 >l)iiKI 1. Ki 11. Ek.S, Wethers- field, I iiw (11/,- /i M — /'.;// 2, I Soy The cull, 1 1, ..Ml |iil1\ s, I, in, I 1, ,euiied by posts to the frame; the .leplh k ie.,ndile,l l.\ beaici^ Claim.— The fiameA, arm B, posts I), in combination with the blade E and bearers F, substantially as and for the purpose described. No. 6?,su— r. (; LATHROP, San Jose, Cai..— Weed Cn'' I 2 1S67. The \ lit d cutter has hooks .m the ends of its wine I t I a standard beneath the plough beam whu'i 1 tq | i[. I ,.n \\ heels. Claim — I — \ H,e,l oitter made and operating substan- tially .is lunm sli..un ami .le >e 1 llie.l. 2. — '111, \ ^lii| ,1 li,.ii/i.nlal cutter I, provided with knives K ■ I iiUtintially as and for the puiposes herein -1 1 I.e.l. 3. — 111 ' King coulter G, arranged in front of the ploiiel Mil III niliination with the cutters I and K, all made ami opeiatiiig substantially as herein shown and described. 4. — The adjustable draft attachment E and F, in com- bination with the cutters G I and K, as set forth. 5. — A weed cuttii sd consiiueled that either the knives or the wheels on whieh the \vli..le .levice is supported can be adjusted up and iliiw II SI. tint the cutters cm be brought more or less into ih ... mi I No. 63,610 — r M\-l I -I |. I WirLdN, MoNTcoM- ery, Al\.— Z'/, /, 1-,.; The %ertical en. Ill 11 nun h is pi il. nations for attaching the plough shank and lieam m liont, ami the handles and adjusting arm behind. To the arm and shank are attached perforated curved bars, to which cultivator or harrow teeth can be bolted. Claim. — The rim wheel A, constructed in the manner herein represenle.l, fir in any other manner substantially the same, when used with the necessary devices for forming a plough, as herein specified. No. 63,717.— ALEXANDER GORDON, Rochester, N. Y,, assignor to H. D. GORDON, same place.— C«//mr tors. — A/iril 9, 1867. The middle plough has adjustable wings; the rear ploughs, one on each side, are pivoted to the cross-bar and are later- ally adjustable by brace bars which connect them crosswise to each other. Claim. — I. — The adjustable or swinging clamps a in combination «ith the mould board B, for the ]nirpose of holding the wings -a.— Cultivators— April 23, 1867. The ruilder blade is attached to the rear end of the centre beam, ami is adustcd liy a lever held in ]iosition by a rack above. The bandies aie' altaclied to the cross beams, and united by a crossb.u lieliiml. Claim. — The combinatiun of the guide blade or rudder IJ, jilaced on the rear of the projecting centre beam li, and the handles C C attached to the cross beams a h, arr.inged and operating substantially as and for the purpose herein described No. 64,165.— J. v.. T.\TE, CdLUMBlA, "Xv.^^.— Cultiva- tors. — April IT,, 1S67. The forward teeth and the scrapers are adjustable to leave a wider or narrower row. The clevis hook is on one side to enable the horse to walk beside the row. The coverer is a transverse bar of wood concave beneath Claim. — I. — The adjustable scrapers F constructed as herein shown and described, in combination with the bars C and frame A of the cultivator, substantially as and for the ])urpose set forth. 2. — The c.ilton coverer L, constructed as herein shown and described, in combination with the bars E and frame A of the cultivator, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. 64,370.— ANSELL P. ROUTT, LiiiicRTY Mills, V ,\.~Cultivators —April 30, 1867. The adjustable and reversible share is secured by loop and key upon the curved sheath whose point enters a hole in the back of the shovel to steady it. Claim. — The changeable, reversible, and adjustable share secured by loops G and keys or wedges ,(,■- upon the curved sheaths or shanks C, whose points enter the holes or notches in the shovel or plough to secure and steady it in any posi- tion in which it may be adjusted, substantially as set forth. No. 64,429.— ABRAHAM K. KING, Camden, Ohio.— Cullivalors.—May 7, 1867. The two outer cultivators are coupled to the two inner ones by horizontal pieces, and have laterally-projecting independently-aitiched blades. Claim. — I. — The arrangement of thetwo outer cultivators F A S J Y'" A"' S'" y. and the two inner and smaller ones F' A' S' K ¥" A" S" K', so coupled to.:ether by the pieces C M D and their described accessories as to be held rigid, or to swing from side to side, or to In- -.cparalfd into two distinct double-share cultivators, inlh. inainai ;. ^. rilied. 2. — The arrangement on the inner di land^il. . and in rear of a cultivator shxre of one or 111.. re in.k|.inilcntly- attached lateially piojeLtinj,' blades or tiiltcr, T, suhstaiitially as and for the |aM|i..M- slate- 1, N.i. 6i,ShS— JAidl; HoLLINGER, Mn.i.KRsHt:Rn, Ohio. — Cu/li:;it,'rs.-A/ay 21, 18^7. The salient bends of the curved beam serve as points of attachment for the .st mdards which are adjustable on the beam and braces. Claim. — The curved beam A, as arranged in combination with the adjustable stanilards B and braces E H, for the purpose and in the manner substantially as set forth. No. 64,927.— ALBERT WILCOX, Maquokkta, Iowa. —S/iovel Ploughs.— May 21, 1867. The extra side shovel is atached and secured by a curved supporting bar and brace, and the equdibrium of the draft is maintained by the extra curve and size of the nigh shovel. Claim. — The atlaclmieni of the third shovel .\, by means of the curved iipiMntin;; liar i; Im llie beam C of the main plough, als.i ill. niaiiiiei ol ,,|u,ili/ing the draft of said plough, by niakint; llie leli li.iiil si.iinl.ird of the main plough more curCeil and the shovel on llie same a size larger, in the manner and for the purpose above set forth. No. 64,967.— T. ELZARE GARDINER, BRVANroWN, Un.—Floughs.—May 21, 1867. The two gang ploughs on each side bar of the frame throw the furrows into a ndge ; drags and rollers follow the ploughs. Claim. — .\ s^ng plough, constructed and operating in the maniKi -.iih-tantially as shown and described. \,, 1.5,72s ( ;i:( iRGE W. COOPER, Oi;i.;f.chi'I', Ga., assii;n..i"i.. luin-clfand JAMES V. JONES, same place.— //,.;", J/.:.^--/u,„' II. l"S67. Claim. -I —.\ i.l..u-hei horse hoe of four separate sec- tions, vl/ : l.ase .\, eenire plate B, and shares C C, construc- teil an.l airau.'ed substantially .as described and for the pur- - The s li, su ally the opi>osite sides of the i,\ anil for the puipose 3.— The metallic sole H secured to the base plate A, for regulaling the depth of furrow, snl.stanlially as .iescribc.l. No. 65,847.— THOMAS 1'. \V.\KKKN, N..R1...1.K, Va., assignor t.. WARRKN \ \V( H H U K U ^l^. same pbace.— Cow/./H.-,/ Co//o,i ri,.t<-l, ,u,,i S.,„,f,i .- Iiiiu^ iS, 1867. Siile scrapers an.l shares Lire atta.lie.l 1.. the sole bar in rear ..f Ihe hr..a.l share I., a.l.ipl the niaeliine to different phases of c.rn ..r colt..n eiillivali..n. Claim.— I.— The Stan. lar.l I; haxiiig the bro.ul flange .r, the slots /./'. and tlic ar n ;, sub-tanliaily as and for the pur- pose described. 2.— The combination of the standard 1! and the flanged su|)porting attachment C, substantially as and for the purp.jse spec- The scraper g uide K alia the the anner and for the purpose ai. No. 65,877.— GEORGE W. KKCIIKE, Ga ERNIK.N.G, assignor to himself and |AMKSV. )(iNl —Rice Cultivators.^ li,n,' iS, 1867. The plough beams are adjustable laterally to the rear of the frame. The pl..uylis are attached to standards having brace liars running from tlieir lower ends, and are followed bv curved teeth. 'Claim.— I.— The comliination and arrangement of the braces F F F' F', the beams A B B', and the braces G G, substantially as and for the purpose described. 2. The method above described of fastening the teeth E E E to the beams by two bolts, situated obliquely to the grain of the wood, substantially is and for the jiurpose spcified. 3._The inclining and bending of the cultivator teeth E E outward and backward upon the point of attachment to the beams A B B', substantially as and for the purpose described. No. 66,284.— HE.XRV K, KKMKNDEFER and GEO. SMITH, Attica, Oiii. .. — /"/,.«-/"■— /"A' 2, 1S67. The notched bar and spring catch allow oscillation of the plough standards. Claim.— I.— The bar D, .spring catch e, and spring, v when used for shifting the standards, substantially as s|iecilie.l. 2.— The arrangement if the beam A, b .1 - ' ', l.ii.Iaids, BB B',withtheirploUL;hsan.lthcr..ll. I '. .. - 1, '"'N'(!f'6(5,335.— JAMEs'm. IIAWI \ \ . II. i 1 ■ ., iNi..— Plouiihs.—Julv 2, 1S67. The plough standards have side bends by which they are attached to the plough beam when used in double-shovel form. WTien three shovels are used these standards are attache. I I., shle braekels and an additional plough added. The scraper mav be attached to the frame by standards. Claim. — I. — 'ihe standards Hand E, constructed sub- stantially as herein described, in combination with the shovels K and G and beam A, in the manner and for the purpose set forth. 2 — The combination of the handles B and forked and CULTIVATORS. the bca. ami iltM 4.— I forwnnl scribeil ; No. I . Iowa. The , |.er plate [' with the nicin shown ana tie ar lally in the E, the 1! the ma Nn.- thmtor _ ■ The .e to whii are atta h ch h ed and be lox draft. A 1, low pi. " 1^ ally adjusted on the transverse bolls, red by nuts. The ]3lough standards ims and secured with braces above stable wliccl ill front regulates the n ext,n,i.,n arm is attached for hol- Cl.lim.-I.- flie c..n,t,n 1 in combui.iii..n u ilh ilir substanl.alK :is and In,- the |an|i. 2.— The plMU^h S, »lll, Its ,11 for the pln-| si.ecilied. No. 6r.,,s,,v -V. MARION .SHIELDS, Macon, Miss. — Cull,.!, rioHc.ln ,.,- Ciillhators. — July 16, 1867. The triangular, convex, side-plated hoes are attached by stocks to a horizontal beam, to whose tongue a team is attached. Claim.— I.— The hoes D d d\ when con.structed in the manner and for the purpose herein described and repre- bstantially as and nted. 2. — The combination of the hoes D D D, beam A, shanks or stocks E E, draft tongue or beam K, and handles C C, all arranged substantially in the manner and for the purpose set forth. 3. — In combination with the above the fenders F F, ap- plieil in the manner and for the [lurpose set forth. No. (.7.,;,,, s\Mi Ml. llj'.ISEV, West DONKGAI,, Pa.— (>, ' 1x1,7. Thei-ii I! ;'i' hammer butt, and when the bnti -I il, ;.-ii^ 1: 1 1,1 ,.1 l.y the lever out of the recess of the senii circular slide plate it will swing about one- guide ,, reces, /'. in combination with the lever D, and springs .S 1, all airanijed and operating substantially in the manner and Imi the purpose .specified. No.— '.7.^ J J. -|i )1IX FR.\NK, Wi.;BSTiiR City, Iowa. — Clli:.:'. in :: / f. lS.f,;. The .1, i I i. I J 11, ill. ,1 bands are adjusted by the transfei n ih r ,,i ih, lii,.il., h ' Ilh II are adapted to Claim.— Ihe imnted dr.ilt pmI T. adjustable link G beam A slamlard ( ', Hith ,,1,1, ui- si,,t ,/, brace 1>, handles B, share E, wings F, cross rod c, and brace rods «*, combined, at ranged and operated substantially as described for the pur- pose specified. No. 67,84-, —ANDREW CANFIELD, Lyons, Iowa.— Con, /'/ v -''r. /,-.-;/?/ 2,,. 1S67. The n\ , I t III I. ii.iiitcl to backward projections frcim till II i 11 I , >> 111, h the single-tree is connected, ami are 1 1 ,1 i 1. n ii,-m i^elv upon lateral stays of the beams ami leiinll,-,. Claim —The a.ljustal.le beams A A, with joint at B, and the open link ( '. als,, the slotted bar D, with the clamps E E, when c,iiisiru, led, arranged and operating substantially as and fu ilu' piii |„,ses above set forth and described. No, 07,S|| .WKRFWCANFIELD, Lyons, lowA.— Con, ri:;ij,.. A„-i,^l 20, 1867. The side beams are so hinged by the double bolted clev- ises, to the central frame as to be adjustalde laterally or renio\able therefrom. Claim. — I. — The double bolted clevis B, lor the purpose described. 2. — The adjustable slay bar D, for the purpose above described. 3. — The conibinalioii and arrar.gement of a one horse corn pi, ,11 !, ih,,i m.n I,, readily changed to auy^ required width, ,il .iii\ number .if shiivels, from one to three, III l,,iible, ..r three shovel plough. No. 1, 7, ,117 1,1 I iki.l-: \V..S.\\V1X, NashII.\, N. IT- Horst'^ Ain_:„-I 10, 1S67. The frame is extensible at the rear end, its side beams being jjiMilcl in Iront ; ami it has a detachable rake hinged to the rear. Claim. — I. — The combinaiion as well as the arrangement of the r.ike I with the bla.hs H li' .\ an.l A', made substan- tially as described and the puipnse set forth. 2. — The combinaii..n and arrangeineni of the gathering in blades .\ .\' with the blades D and D', made .substan- tially as ilcscrilie.l ami for the purpose set forth. 3.— 'Ihe ,,,niliiiiati,,n of the movable blade B, with the adjuslaM ! 1 1 n i ( ', made .substantially as described am! 1,11 p, i.'i .1 f.irth. No. I,.,;, I WHS p. .STANTON, Pkiiricktown, N.J.— /', '. /',,,,:> -.SV/A'w/w 3. 1867. .Side ploughs turn the earth and ihe double mould board plough turns the potatoes .lilt. Ihe side plough beams are connected by Irars to the cential beam, and the bats; are in- clined, more or less, for lateral a.ljustment. Claim. — I. — Tile eni|,l,,ynient of a hand lever for shifting laterally the side pi,, u^lis. ^ulistantially as described. 2. — Such level I, mil, nil il with devices for locking the I i lie I 1 w ilh a slide connected with the with a side spring, operating as R. THOMAS, MiKFi.iNToWN, Pa. u,h,r 10, 1867. The |,iv,,i,,l 1 1 plough is moNc.l f Claim.— I.— Th above described, s :,,i,l, e pi., I lohl up under the franie when the L;h p.iiiits ,/ ,/, having the foriri lially as and for the purpose speci- 2.— The meth.i,| above desciihcl, 1. F, and the hi.lcs , the side beams li 1 described. 3.-The washer Cslib uslm- Ihe . if the ploughs, is .,fd,e bulls lit;, the braces F sing 111 ililiereiil .liiecliiins through stantially as and lor the purpose , substantially as ami for the pur- pose specified. No.iiS,,,,.!. W Md.- / The 1, II i-l.-i," slide lal.i.illv ,il,„ 1 1 1 \ \1 KM 1 lARDHON, Hookstown, i:.i.S67. 1 1 li,le verticdly in bo.ves which II Ml e rear bar of the frame. CULTIVATORS. inirpose desciilicil. 2— The gradunleil l>f.un C, I.m iho lairposL- spcci- tieil. 5. — TIk- i;i;uluaU'il plough shanks ov plough stanflards G' ("1'. I'lii- ilie pui|ni^f specified. 4. riie anaimeuient of the removable plough E with the a^l:u^talllc aiul lemovalile ploughs G G, sul^tantially as and for the purpose specified. 5. — The combination of the plough shanks G' G', the boxes V F, the set screws H II, and the crossbeam C, sub- stantially as and for (he |nir|-.n-ir -p.cified. N'o. 69,239. — IIKXm \V iinm;iiM, Gr-^nd RAfUis, Ml.H.— //,/;/w. (V, v,/v/- 24. 1867. The teeth are semi 1. I 1 iili. 1, ,1 imls of the bars that are huni,' upon a frame supported by wheels in front. The teeth rise and fall with the inequalities of the ground and are adjusleil by ihe levers above. Claim. — The combination of the frame A mounted on guide wheels B H, the bars n a suspended on the cross-rod /'. Ihe movable crossbar i/, and the cross bar m, attached to the handles /■ /■, aiTanged and operating as and for the pur- pose specified No. 69,314.— NATH.'VN A. CATKS, Thorndiki:, Mk. — Cu/lh;Uors.— Oclol>,r I. 1867. The coulter guides the front of the machine and stirs the ground, while the scraper clears the space between the fur- rows made by the ploughs, which throw the earth outwards to forma ridge that is smo thed by their overlying wings. Claim. — I. — The combination of the central beam, carry- ing the ailjustalile roller, the coulter and the scraper, with the Literally adjustable beams, carrying the ridging and Nmuothing ploughs, the combination being and operating substantially as described for the purposes set forth. 2. — The combination with the scrapers of the Taterally adjustable ploughs all constructed and arranged for joint operation, as described. smoothinj plmi./li-. .-. .n-irin i.-.l ,111. 1 .i|ii 1 niii.- 1- .]. -.■\\\u .1 4._Thec..,.,l. IMI1..1, »,il, iIm' ,. I- ■,„ II : I I oflhecleNi, ailiu-MMi, ^,li. imv 111. li.i. ing roller, all tui.sliiiclcd.airai.gc.l, ai»l ..peiuhiiL; a-, .In- scribed. No. 69.801,— DAN GUrTAIL, Ei.cin, Ii.i.., assignor to himself and H. N. MOSELEV, same place.— <;'«//««/«■.?. — LMohcr 15, 1867. The teeth of the cultivator are pliable and are supporte.l in the rear by pendent bars, which limit their backward Claim. — The clastic or spring-shovel li, in combination with wedge or key L, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. 9, 087. — DAN ini'TAII,. Elgin, Ii.i,., a.ssignor, by mesne assignmeiii-. !■ > 1 1 1 \ K I IS LA DOW. Original number 69,801. — Cn. '/.; 15, 1867. Re-issued February \1, 1880. |l il.l /' '13, 1S79.] Claim— I.— The ,uliMaiitially as herein before set forth, of the frame and ^priiiL;, wliicli port it and are adjustable relalivciy llKirtu, \\hciiliy iIjc ile].th of cut and extent of viliralicin ol llie sIi.ivlK hi i) he regulated. 2. — A V-shaped frame having spring-shovels mounted thereon. 3. — The comliimtion, substanlially as herein before set forth, of the jiivuted frame I ai-, ^| l; -Im.vcIs mounted ■ thereon, .inil mechanism, Mil iiiK m li .,s described, 4. — The combination, sulj-tauuall) a^ liLieinbefore set forth, of the frame and ranks of spring shovels supporting the frame, the shovels in each rank being arranged one in advance of the other. 5. — The combination, substantially as hereinbefore set forth, of the frame, the spring-shovels mounted thereon and arranged one in advance of the other, and supports for resisting rear\yard strains upon the shovels. 6- — The combination, substantially as hereinbefore set forth, of the frame, the spring-shovels having hooks upon their n|iper ends, and wedges or locking devices for secur- ing the shovels in place. No. 69,928.— E. F. MORRIS and R. I. GREEN, ClcK- RO, N. \ .— ComhineJ Hoes an,/ Poliilo Dh^i^frs.— Oil- o/ier 15, 1867. The double-mouldboard plough is associated with shovel ploughs on laterally adjustable beams. Claim.— The swinging beams I! and wings or shares F connected wilh yielding links ff. in connection wilh ploughs D (/, frame A, and braces^, all constructeil, arran- ged, and operating as herein shown and for the purpose set forth. No. 7.1 S7— I-.- 1-'. M'lRRIS and R. 1. CREI':N, Cick- K... N \ , a iLh. 1-. I\ 111. sue assignments, to T. R. POR- 11 1: iiJ I .1 . 1 \ I 1 il: I VM.—Comlnncil Hoesiwd Potiilo l>: I 111 111 \.i. i'.;,M-'S.— O./o^.-;- 15, 1S67. Reissued J„u. ii. 1S711. [1-ilr.l A;-iil 18, 1876.] inner uinys linkL-,1 I., the beams. N... OvaiNi. I IIRIMIAN Fl.ORY, E..\sT Dunki^.^i., r.\.— L\n II i ':i:;ii'.ii, . ( '.toher 22, 1867. The metallic licani^ an- pivoted to the tongue at iheir fore ends, and are adjustable between vertical bolls in cross beams. Claim. — The specified arrangement of ihe pole A, shovel lieams E F, straight cross-bars D D, with the screw bolls ,/, ail. I I. rniinal, straight edged .shovels .r, all con- .-nii.i.l .11.1 . iiiliiiied in the inanner and for the purpose N... yczj.S.— K, W. PIKE, GAi.KsiiuRnn, Ii.i..— C«///t.«- tors. — Oito/ier 2T, ante- dated October 13, 1867. The handles are connected together liy a )iivoied bar and bent springs to allow oscillation to regulate ihe space Claim. — The c. .nil .inalion of the curved perforated braces ami line, a^ sh.iw 11 in I i._;s. I and 2, for the of cul- livaliiiLi l; iiiIlii ami liil.l cr.jps in the best and most desirable X.I. yo.v.S.— S. .\. KRONER, Nkw Hrhwin, Pa,— — Ci,//i7'.i/,>i-. ,\;,r.,.////v/- 5, 1867, The secti.ins i.f ilu- m.ivahle frame are attached by bolts attachment of the frame on the licani. The handles are pivoted in the mi.ldle ^o as t.i rotate and work from either end. The long clevis is att idled to tlie hook on the pivot bolt of the handles. Claim. — I. — The trestle H, in combination with the handles 15 and beam A, for the purpose of shifting the handles, in the manner and for the purpose specified. 2. — The movable sides C and C, in combination with the plates D and F, the slide E, and pin G, in the manner and for the purpose set forth. 3. — The arrangement of the shares K, in combination with the movable sides C and C, plates F and D, slide E, trestle H, and clevis I, in the manner and for the purpose set forth. CULTIVATORS. No. 70,785— ALKRED C. BELT, GoRESVlLi.E, Va.— Cii/tiiut,',,.^Xo-Y,„l,cr 12, 1867. The culiv:Ui>i' teeth are ranged in reversed positions, hav- ing their mould Iroards presented to opposite sides. The mould hoards are perforated to pulverize and sift the soil. The coulter is adjusted to the reversed position of the land- side. Claim. — I. — The reversed arrangement of the alternate teeth of tlie culti\al..i, as described. le adjustable coulter. l.L-am, in combination with as described. s| will] ihe perforated sifter 1 a fdlliiH ing tooth having ibed, for the purpose set described, m LomliMialio 3.-The grooved u, , the flanged teeth sciuil-. 4 — The forward I. M, 111 mold board, in conil'ina the reversed anangemc forth. No.— 70,972.— JONATHAN B. DAVIS, ISIcKav, Ohio. —Ploughs.— Nmemhei- 19, 1867. The frame is of iron, and the sides are hinijed together so as to admit of single vertical movement, or of a side inclina- tion of the whole frame. Claim,— I. — Korniin.4 the beams A K, standards E, brace bars G, and handles ||, and a.ljusi.dily connecting them to each other, sulistaiiliallv in llu- Iwnn and manner herein shown and de-cribed and l.n the pui|iuse set forth, 2. — The combination of the jointed or pivoted bars C and I with the beams A and B and handles H, substantially in the manner herein shown and described and for the purpose set forth. No. 71,152.— JOHN W. ERNST, Heidelberg, Pa.— Adjustable Cullivators. — Nofcnihcr 19, 1 867. The four outside bars are hinged together, and the frame adjusted in which by a diagonal draft bar, which has move- ment between the front bars. The front bars have harrow teeth and the rear bars have cullivator teeth. Claim. — The diamond-shaped cultivatorjoined and adjust- ed a? herein described, when combined with the teeth, shovels, and regulating clevis, for the purposes set forth. No. 72,004.— WM. UUFFNER, Petersburg, Ind.— Cultivators.— Decanhfi- 10, 1867. The shaft is adjusted by varying the elevation of the wheel ; its hinged supporters are aciuated by the hind lever in the rear. Claim.— The cultivator, composed of the elements A B B' C D E F H I J N and the device for regulatmg the depth of the shovels, composed of the elements G K L M P, all constructed and arranged as set forth. No. 72,227.— CHARLES B. PETTENGILL, Hebron, Me., assignor 10 FREEMAN C. MERRILL, Paris, Me.— Cultivators. — Deconher 17, 1867. The side liars are hinged in front and expansible. The fore end of the frame has a curved beam giving support to a wheel. .\ hmgiiudinal ground bar runs backward from the front iduu-h.^ Claim. — I . — riiv cirtnl ir draw beam A, having the wheel straps «', draft bar- '. k I., 1 , '•. md ears «■•, cast solid there- with, subsiantiall\ 11 and described. 2. — The conil'ii: I I, 1,. I.L-nt adjusting rod F with the front tooth E an. I ,mi1i i!i, > . ntial beam C of the culti- vator frame, substantially as herein shown and described and for the purpose set forth. 3 — The combination of the ring bolt I, curved adjusting bars H, and beams C and D with each other, substantially as herein shown and described and hn ih. iiiii".-. set forth. 4. — The combination of the beiu I ', 1 , . ircular draw beam A, and teeth E K 1., ..1 .iii 1 ;. u^ihs with each other with the beams C and L) ul ilic Lidinaiui frame, substantially as herein shown and described and for the pur- pose set forth. No. 72,560.— CHARLES E. STORRS, W. E. KEYES, and DAVID W. JONES, Grandvii.i.e, U\cn.— Cultiva- tors. — Di-cember 24, 1867. The shares have "jumping" cutters attached to their up- per sides to enable them to ride over roots in plowing new ground. Claim. — I. — The scoop-shaped ploughs D, for cultivators, substantially as and for the purpose shown and described. 2. — A scoop-shaped cultivator plough D, secured to and forming part of a coulter or cutting eilge C, substantially as and for the shown and described. 3. — The ploughs D, in combination with the V-shaped frame, substantially as and for the purpose shown and de- scribed. No. 73,087.— WILLIAM FRANTZ, Pkjua, Ohio.— Cultivators. — January 7, 1 868. Claim. — The combination of the standards D D', and shovel ploughs E E', adjustably attached to cross beams C C, and the adjustable rake F, arranged to operate substan- tially as set forth. I AXDLER, Erie Town- '■„.;ary 14, 1868. iii'i\able and are adjustable and laterally by the wedge 1 the .standards and beneath No. 73,231. — Till SHIP, Ind. — Slii'i: The two fore st.n, vertically by sloltcl block, which is insei the beam. Claim. — I. — The notched beam D, for the purpose of ad- justing the handles to the desired height by a bolt passing through them and the notch. 2. — The double-slotted wedge F and method of applica- tion at the point G under the beam between the standards B H, to adjust them as to width, and the slotted rods E E securing a forward or backward movement of the standards B B and the shovels attached thereto, and fastened to the beam in the slots by a bolt or other similar device. X.I. 7.i,945.— F. M. BARRIER, Si'evenson, Aij\.— (laiin — Ilic Lunsination, arrangement, and combination of the ccnlral beam .\ with its shovel or plough, the side beams C C, with iheir shovels or ploughs, the U or arch- shaped brackets E E, and liraces a a, ail as and for the pur- pose described. No. 73,988.— JAMES W. MlLRi >V. CiAi.vESTON, Ind— The outer shares are al;,H I, li. ,1 iliuh are pivoted to the fore end of the licim in,, ■ 1. .1 by toggle levers to a notched hand lever by wincli llic\ are transversely ad- justed. Claim. — The movable arms D D, toggle jointed lever E, C, notched lever F, rod G, key j^, circular frame A, and self-ailjusting hoe shovels B B B B B, the whole as con- structed anil arranged, substantially in the manner and for the purpose as herein set forth. No. 74,00s.— ANDREW RUNSTETLER and AL- BERT WINDECK, Peoria, lu..~Cotto„ Ploughs and Ci,ll,vat„ys. — February 4, 1868. The fore ends of the siile plough beams are connected by universal joints IQ the frame to which the tongue is attached. The side beams are connected together and to a central removable beam l>y transverse bars which allow ad- justment. Claim. — The construction, combination, and arrangement of the frame pieces ABC, the iron gauge pieces D E F, hook and ring, and removable shovel M, as attached to the beam or piece B, all as shown and for the purposes de- scribed. No 74,031. -H. B. ARNOLDT and JOHN GRIMM, St. Louis, yio.—Cultivators.— February i^, 1868. The handles are pivoted to the beam, and slide on a seg- mental bar upon the rear end of the beam. An adjustable additional draw bar is provided for deep ploughing. Claim.— I.— The weed cutter C, when combined with a cultivator A B, as and for the purpose herein shown and described. 2. — The movable arm A', when combined with the plough beam K, as described, and for the purpose set forth. 3.— The plough handles \^. nml the curved rack A', for the pur|>ose- herein slI furth and described. No. 74,0;-', -ISAIAH 1:, AkllU'K, Sii.. .nskiri;. Pa. — Corn J'/oKx/l •11,,/ Cti/tn;,/,,, .— Fbnniry 4, iSllS. The central handle is h.\ed, but the other handle is hinged at the fore end and attached to one of two side posts to allow the operator to walk upon either side. The cross bars have slots traversed by bolts passing through the beams by which the beams may be adjusted, and secured firmly by engaging corrugations on the bars and beams. Claim. — I. — The combination of the fixed handle E with the shifting adjustable hamlle V.', when used in a CULTIVATORS. mm plough and cultivator, iubslantially as and for the pur- [loso specitkd. 2.— The wire guard C, when constructed in the form shown, hinged at its rear end, and allowed to rise and fall at its forwanl end, and, wdien held in position by rods <■' c' at iis fi.rward end, preventino; the two guirds from changing their par.dlel position to e.ich other, substmtlally in the manner nnd for die purposes set forth. ;. — The corni:;.ited plates , f, when used in combination with the side beams .V .\^ havini; corrugated ends, subst m- li.dly as and for the purposes indicated. .\o. 74,oS2.— JOHX R. HANIJ, Coi.i.kck Corner, Ohio, assignor to himself and JOHNSON ORU, !?ame place. — -Ciifthui/ors. — February 4, 1868. The fore end of the beam laps over the rear end of the tongue, and is pivoted thereto. The rear end of the tongue a rectangular sirap-ring in which the beam has ver- tical ad.ustment by a screw The standards are secured to cross-l)ars, the lower pair of which are adjustable in a frame at the rear end of the beini. The standards are adjustable laterall) upon the bars. Claim. — I. — The drau.;ht pole M, capable of adjustment n|.on ihe beam A, by mians of the clevis O and screw 1'. 2. — In combination with the elements of claim first, the shares G G' K K', and handles R R', adjustable in the man- ner set forth. No. 74,344.— THOMA.S GREEN and JACO:5 SOM- MER, Mkta.mor.^, III. — Cultivators. — Feliruary II, iS(>8. The ends of the singletree are connected by chains to the sides of the cultivator, and will assist in turning the lat- Claim. — The combination of the adiustable pivoted draught rod C and adjusl.ible draught chains E with the singletree 1) and with the p'ougli lieims A, pivoted to each oiher at their forward en. K. suK^t.inlially as herein shown and described, and for the ]iuri«ise set forth. No. 74, 441 —JOSEPH SXVDEK, Rock Lick, W. Va. — Ciittivalors.— February II, 1 868 Claim. — The cultivator, constructed with the curved main beam A and curved supplemental beam B, shares c d, handles C. and braces f, ^^ nnd ///, the whole arranged sub- lhi- No. 74,721,— n Y. R1-:a\I. \ii\,i mho.— .sy/.w/ZYiv/.V^ an,/ C„/ni„U'is.— /-,i:,i.,>: iS. iSoS. The side beams are ciiiillUiI In ihe central beam by a transverse bar, and are ciiJKr or boih removable. Claim. — The gauge beam E, constructed substantially as described, in combin.ition with the beams A and a, guide- bar G, shovels or ploughs C C, or any of them, and coulter D, substantially as and for the purposes set forth. No. 74,775 —C. F. TAYLOR, Vassal'ioro, Uv..— Culti- vators. — February 25. 1868. The bar of the A-shaped frame is connected with the apex by a centre piece and the flaring shovels thrown inward. Claim. — The A-shaped cultivator A with its centre piece a and cross piece a', in combination with the teeth /', so ar- ranged as to throw the earth inward, as and for the purjiose described. Xo. 75,185.— JOHN NEFF, Jr., Pultnky, N. \ .— Cul- tivators —March 3, 1868. The draw bar and the handles are adjustable Si) as to work the plough with either side coinciding with the line of draught. The fore end of the draw bar is supported on a spring. Claim.- -I.— The dr.mghtrol B, when made and applied and supported by a spring, as specified. 2. — The method of fastening and ad'usting the handles by means of the support E, as set forth. 3. — The teeth F, G, H, I and J, when constructed and arranged substantially as specified ; also, the furrow board, when made and applied to the teeth substantially as set forth. No. 75,211.- DAVID S. SL.\TER, Povnktt, Wis.— Cultivators.— Mare/i 3, 1868. The frame is constructed of iron, and has a central and two laterally adjiisteKNi)l.Ni-K, Mo.— Corii Cullivatvi .,■. — .)/,/,■,/, 24,1868. The beams are connected to a draw plate in front and to a hinged cross bar at the rear. The outer jiloughs have adjustable connection to the draw plate, and their standards are connected by an adjustable cross which is hinge'd to them by ring bolts. Claim. — I. — The semi-circnlar-.shaped plate .L 3cl loith. 2. — .Adjustably connecting the handles F to the beams A and plough standards D, by means of the uprighls G, con- structed and arranged substantially in the manner herein shown and descriln.I, .ml fi t!- 1 iiri -'-e set forth. No. 77,474.— ■^I'"'- '' l-l^'l - \l U-CUMI'.KRI.ANI., W. Vk.—Doi(b! '1 5. 1S68. The sole bar i^ liv-:- ! tM |!,, 1 , and its rear end is connected to the siamlard l.y an adjustable brace. The share is double winged, and the double mould board is removable. Claim.— I.— The combination of the sole D, double louble mould board F, with each .\M \V.\l.TON, East Palestine wmgeci other, M the pur| Uv a^ herein shown and described, and for to various widths of fur- \een the handles and the he combination of the adjustable brace G with the curved rear parts of the beam A and with the sole D, sul) stantially as herein shown and described, and for the jmr- pose sel forlh. No 7S..iS,. -Ill \K\- .\. G.VS'lnX, Stockton, Cai..— Cllllir.H. : : 1- I.SliS. When .. • '.1 "I • aiuiator i.ioili needs to be turned end for end. li.e Ue\ 1^ .iinui muI and llie bit slipped forward. Claim. In euniliinalion willi an inclined reversible bit for a culii\ator, the method of securing such bit to its stand- ard, sul.M.niliallv a. .el furlh. 2.— Tl Hi' ;n,il. Ml of the series of bits (.so applied to their x . r with the cultivator frame or car- riage. 11 k scribed. No. -:~ ri vl 1 \. CAMPBELL, Oxford, Ind.— Cor,, (V ,'w.'. 2, 1868. Tlie -I ; : I ;- I -rcured in mortises in the frames at anyiUs:o ' i,.!-. ' . means of wedges and .stay rods, so as to adinii 1 I" 111^ changed and adjusted as required. Claim. I lie alia. Iniig of ihe upper ends of the stand- ards 1: to ilie liame .\, by pivoting the former in mortises b in the lallei. ill connecUun with the rods R, EvERTON, \^T>.— Shields for C';>: ■■ ' ,, ,S68. An ,ii! II ; :i.i. ; M ii ,i', ,>i , the corn to be plowed as close a^ li'-ii I 'I \\!!ii-ii[ III m 111- 'jr covering it up. Claim.— I.— 1 lie adjustalile shield B, constructed and at- tached to the plow in the manner described, and operated by means of the slotted arms on the stay c, and the lever D, substantially as and for the purposes herein set forth. 2. — Tlir latcli bar -, in combination with the bent spring /;, for tin |.iii|.u , ,,i 111. Ming the lever D at any point de- sired, iIkhI-v ailiu^tiiiL; tlie sliield B, substantially as and for the puiiKi-e^ luictii set forth. No. 83,564.— WILLIAM H. STARTZMAN, Big Lick, \A.— Cultir.,tors.— October 27, 1S6S. The stay rods or the adjusting keepers of the pivoted shanks are attached to the respective ends of the oblique bar. Claim. — The arrangement of the standards B B, oblique bar C, rack bar I, and keeper E, with nuts^ and ploughs D, all as herein set forth. No. 83,719.— DON CARLOS MATTER.SON, and TRUMAN PANE WILLIAMSON, Stockton, Cal.— //orse //oes.— November 3, 1868. The cutter is secured in the ends of curved bars, which are pivoted to the beam and held by adjustable braces, by means of which latter a greater or less " rake " may be given to the cutter. Claim. — The combination of the reversible double-edged cutter D, the pivoted bars C C and adjustable braces E, with a beam A, substantially as described. No. 83,931.— LEANDER CLIFTON, Barry, III,— Cultivators.— Noveiitber 10, 1868. A safety spring clevis, which acts automatically, is formed on the forward part of the body. The handles may be adjusted to suit persons of different height and size. Claim. — I. — The safety detaching device for a cultivator plough consisting of the curved piece B and spring piece H, substantially as and for the purposes described. 2. — The cultivator constructed of the iron bow A A', curved piece B, spring piece H, ring I, pieces F F', stand- ards C C', having bent and slotted ends a a', rod D, nuts b c, brace K, and ploughs G G', all combined, arranged, and operating as and for the purposes described. No. 84,094.— THOMAS DILLON, Highland, Ohio. — Com Ploughs.— November 17, 1868. The plough blade is adapted to any kind of a plough, single or douljle shovel, sulky plough, or sub.soiler. Claim. — I. — The tenoned plough beam E, pivoted in the beam A, apd provided with a bent arm, F, by which it is adjusted at any height desired, substantially as herein set forth. 2. — The curved plough blade H, provided with an ear or lug, I, for the puxfjose of attaching it to the plough beam E, substantially as herein set forth. No. 84,238.- THOMAS WAITE, Plymouth, Ohio.— Cultivators.— November 17, 1868. The shares can be adjusted for ploughing furrows of dif- ferent widths. Claim. — The side beams C, when provided with slots D, for the insertion and adjustment of the standards E, in com- bination with the beam A, for the purpose set forth. No. 84,338.— THEOPHILUS ARNDT, Mount Joy, Pa., assignor to himself and E. L. FLOWERS, same place. — Culti7:i':-—y-',„/,cr 24, 1868. The |J II 1, 1-. an, .vtend backward through slots in the bolts will: i award through the curved slotted bar, and iuiiiiin- . hps and nuts at the under side there- of. This mode of attachment, in connection with that at the forward end of the beams, admits of the ready lateral adjustment of the beams together with the shovels. Claim.— I.— The ring or ring plate D, in combination with the central or main beam A of the cultivator, and with the hooked forward ends of the side or adjustable beams E, substantially as herein shown and described, and for the purpose set forth. 2, — The combination of the curved and slotted bar H, slotted bolts I, clips J, and nuts K, with the central beam A, and with the adjustable side beams E, substantially as herein shown and described, and for the purpose set forth. No. 84,499.— CALVIN LOBDELL, Fort Hill, III.— Cultivators and Seeders.— December I, 1868. An adjustable leveler is arranged to run between the shovels of an adjustable cultivator, so as to smooth the sur- face of the soil, and gauge the depth of the shovels in the ground. Claim. — I. — The leveler K K L, arranged to operate sub- stantially as and for the jnirpose herein specified. 2. — The combin.ition of the leveler K IC L, arm I, wings B, rods M G. and curved plate R, the whole being CULTIVATORS constructed and arranged substantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. 84,91 1.— SAMUEI, F. SEF.I.Y, Whitkforu, Mich. — Cii/thators. — December 15, 1868; antedated December II, 1S68. — An improvement on his patent of August 6. 1S67. A slotted arm attached to the cross rod, which secures the handles together, slides in a mortise on the end of the plough beam, and is held by a cam lever. The plough stand- ard is attached to the plough beam in such a manner as to readily change the direction of the ploughs. Claim. — I. — The tenon B', the cam lever C, the slotted am) F, in connection with the cross rod E, when operating •.ubstantially as and for the purposes set forth. 2. — The share (>, wings P, and braces R, in connection with the stand.ipl 1. when operating substantially as and ■the tenoned beam A, sulistan 4. — The combination W", the cam levers C an rod E, the slotted arm F. standard I, for the purpose the share O, wings P, and as set forth. e beam .\, the tenons B' and ', ihe handles D, the cross lut c; in the same, the slotted slide H, the standard I, the bolt and nut J, the eye and ring K, the draught rod L, the hook M, "the bolt N, the share O, the wings P, and the braces R, when arranged, constructed, and operating substantially as and for the pur- poses herein shown, set forth, and described. No. 84,946.— W. UPTON HOOVER, D.\ysvili.k, Ky. —Ploughs.— December 15, 1868. The two side ploughs admit of a reversal of position so as to turn the furrows to the right or left, and the implement is designed to be used for ploughing, planting, and cultivat- ing. Claim. — The combination of the three turn ploughs /, when arranged in relation to each other, and for adjustment, in the manner shown and described. No. 85,467.— JOSEPH MILLARD, WiNsuw, Inu.— Cultivators. — December 29, 1868. The side bars are connected at their front ends to the center bar by springs, and their rear ends are moved toward or from the center bar by means of connecting rods operated by a lever adjustably pivoted in a forked standard. Claim. — The arrangement of the side bars B B, rods D D and E, standard F, bar G, lever H, and bent notched bar I, all as shown and described. No. 85,469.-0. VV. MORTER AND EDWARD BERRY, HAKTVILI.E, Oh\o.— .Adjustable Shcr^l Ploughs. — December 29, 1868. Claim. — I. — The second beam E, pivoted to the main beam A by parallel bars G G G G, and having attached to it the standard F, with brace rod N, substantially in the manner and for the purpose specified. 2. — The rod I, with bent front end and plate K, with one or more holes therein when used in combination with the beams A and E, pivo'.ed to each other by the bars G G, sub- stantially in the manner and for the purpose specified. 3. — The double.shovel plough herein described, consist- ing of the beam A, handles B B, cross bar C, standard D, second beam E, parallel bars G G, rod I, plate K, standard F, braces O N, and shovels M M, the several parts being constructed and combined substantially as and for the pur- pose specified. 4. — .So constructing a shovel plough as that it may be charged from a double-shovel plough to a single-shovel plough, without any change of parts, e.\cept the change of the two shovels for a single-shovel, substantially m the manner herein specified. 5. — So constructing an interchangeable double or single- shovel plough, as that, when used as a double-shovel plough, the distance between the two shovels may be changed as desired, the several parts being so arranged as that the only change of parts required in a change from a double to a single-shovel plough shall be change of the two shovels for a single-shovel, substantially in the manner herein specified. No. 85,862.— CYRUS SCHWANGER, Mount Joy Township, Pa. — Cultivators.^January 12, 1869. Claim. — I. — The construction and arrangement of the slotted clamps C for the curved plate Nf, when made to straddle the beam, I, 2, 3, 4, and 5, adjustable by a screw- bolt, I., in the manner and for the purpose specified anil shown. 2. — In combination with the stirrup E and cross-plate b, the pole F, with its notch e, and shoulder/, when constructed and applied in the manner and for the purpose specified. No. 86,069.— JOEL H. JONES and HENRY P. JONES, HerndoN, G.\.—Plouglis.— January 19, 1869. Claim. — I. — The brace D, having the elongation D' and the holes at its upper end, when attached to the plough- standard and beam, so as to be adjustable, in the manner and for the purposes set forth. 2. — The harrows H H, projecting from each side of the beam A, when constructed with the bent teeth, wooden plate //', and iron plate k, and both fastened to the plough- beam by a single bolt I, so that they swing loosely on the bolt, and can be lifted, to clean their teeth, substantially as above described. 3.— The arched brace E, having the holes in its upper end, when arranged in connection with the plough-beam and the two handles, in the manner and for the purposes set forth. 4. — The arrangement of the forked standard C, beam A, arched brace E, and handles G G, the latter being clamped bet«een the tops of the standard C, and being adjusted upon the brace E, as described, when the form of the handles G G, from the bolt c' to the bolt e, and from the latter to their upper end, is substantially as described and shown. 5. — The standard C, when curved as shown in fig. I, bifurcated from its point upward, provided with lateral holes a, for fastening a mold board, and attached to the beam .\ and the handles G G, in the manner herein described and shov .\RK. No. 86,185.— JAMES SCOTT SMITH, Hf —Cultivators for Dirtm-r Cotton.— Jn ninny i^k iM"). Claim.— Ploughs A and B. beams C ami I >. hi.,,;e F, dividing plate E, and thumb-screw G, all l.hisii in tul. ar- ranged, and combined, as shown and descrilied. No. 86,502.— ROBERT I. BURBANK, Boston, Mass, — Cultivators.— February 2, 1869. Claim. — I. — The construction and arrangement of the removable and changeable plough-beams B and B', and the center-beam A, whereby the former may be applied or attached to the latter, at either end or side thereof, and changed from one side of the center-beam to the other, so as to turn or plough the furrows outward or inward, without removing the ploughs from their beams, all substantially as and for the purpose described. 2. — The combination with the removable and changeable plough-beams B and B', as shown and described, of ploughs C, forming a double series, for the purpose and substantially as described. No. 86,577.— JAMES W. NICHOLSON, Indianapolis, \liV,.— Combined Single and Double-Sl:ovel Ploug/is.— February 2, 1 869. Claim.— The convertible double or single shovel plough, having the .several parts of which it is composed constructed and arranged substantially in the manner and for the pur- pose herein set forth. No. 86,759.— THOMAS HICKS, Pf.catonica, Ii.i..- Cultivators — February 9, 1869. Claim. — I. — The sliding clamps /, in combination with the standards G, bars F, and set-screws /", as and for the purpose described. 2. — The cultivator above described, consistingsubstantially of the frame AAA' A', bars F F, wheels <■*, H H, with their attachments, clamps/, and standards G, arranged and operated as and for the purpose set forth. No. 87,060.— WILLIAM MUIR, Wauconda, 1 1,1..— — Horse Hoes. — February 16, 1869. Claim. — The vertical standards D, transverse beam C, and pins c, in combination with the rods E, slotted rods F', and and pin/', constructed and operating substantially as and for the purpose described. No. 87,347.— CALVIN LOBDELL, Fort Hill, III.— — Horse Hoes. — March 2, 1869. Claim.— The hiller S S, attached to the leveler, as and for the purpose set forth. CULTIVATORS. No. 87,373.— DAY II FIELD Township, Pa. — ( Claim.— The construe i Q with its side winij- I; with the connectiii ' -n ; with the win';-!,, stantially in the (.111 Ik, \\ iM' Hemp- , : , li-\ rl i.r scraper ' II ' , ill (-ombination . ,Lms B B', together I iiiul operating sub- |.ii. i"i,c set forth. No. 87,400.— 1).\M1,L .^, L.VKl.V, HuMMEI.STOWN, Pa. — Ctiltiva/on. — MitrcJi 2, 1S69. Claim. — The tongue <•, in combination with the clevis /;, a.s and for the purpose set forth. 2.— Til' 1 Ii \, in combination with the socket d, in the mil!' ' I :',' jiurpose explained. 3. — I I I' \. : I '\ided with the recesses a a and head -7', suli.i '! . libed. 4- — I I ' \ , I '\ided with the recesses rf sand head "', ill I '1 the conjoined slots bb' and key c. No. N;,., 1-1 [ Potato and Conn Claim— Frani. adjustable leg-, 1; bined, and arran. No. 88,02 S.- Ohio.— C«///;.<,',' Claim. — I. — 1 1 with one or mor( \1- DAVin )\, PliL.-\SKl, Pa. — III, 1S69. I r, rods Q' Q.\ 'I n instructed, com- III .et forth. 'IS, STEt'BENVlI.LE, ■ ;, IS69. I, a half shovel a, died to a beam, or standard, b, along the line of its inner or vertical edge, sub- stantially as hereinbefore set forth. 2. — A cultivating apparatus, having two or more half shovels a, connected with adjustable beams and handles, and with one or more cultivator teeth r, constructed substan- tially as above set forth. No. 88,034,— A \THn\v (;r()HMANN, South Sag- inaw, Mich. — '■" ('■ .'■, iSifig. Claim.— TIk- mi;.; 1 ,i, ,,'j,,i, having the sickle- back cutters J, i.n .m! „,;;, ;ir ,,.||Hstable beams C and F, and centre Ijcaiii .V, as dLscribed. for the purpose set forth. No. 88,045.— HENRY LANDES, B.M'H, Vk.— Cultiva- tors. —March 23, 1869. Claim. — I. — The arrangement of the beam A, bars D D, standard G, bar H, handles F F, wheel C, bar E, levers d, plate b, and hoes I I, all constructed substantially as set forth. 2. — The hoes I I, when constructed as described, and ar- ranged, two on each side beam and one on the centre beam, substantially as set forth. No, SS,iVi — \T FXAXTiRR CONNELLY, Milan, iND.— r, '•-,.- M. •: .,;, i.Seg. Clalni. Ill ' I'l 1; II I J K, secured to the rearwai.ll) >iii\'.| In,,, I, mss bar F, the said teeth hav- ing an outwardly-iiiniuiisliing length, as represented and de- scribed. No. 88,283.— A. J. TRAYER, Lisburn, V\.— Ploughs. — March 23, 1869 Claim. — The levers E E and spiral springs F F, as con- structed and arranged forward of the shafts or standards D D, substantially in the manner and for the purpose as here- in shown and described. No. 88,723.— ELI KNEPPER, Columbus, Ohio.— Shovel Ploughs.— April 6, 1869. Claim,— i.— The two slit bars I I, and rollers K K K, in combination with the beams B B and C, constructed and arranged as described. 2. — The springs H H, fastened between the middle beam C and outer beams B B, which bring the outer shovels always back to their normal distance from the middle shovel, when contiacted as herein described. No 89,565 —JAMES M DORMON, Cl,\iuorne Par- ish, L\ —/'/,«,//, — May 4, 1869. Chin III I iliiih foimed ploughshares F F^, in comb 11 iiRuKiting and adjusting braces E E' when I I I I , and said braces are constructed and o] 1 I I Itscubed. No 91,031 — \1 1 RED JOHN LEWIS, Pittsburgh, Vh—Cultnato> Phu<;h'. —ju)u 8, 1869. Claim.— I —The slides D, m combination with the shov- els T)' and 1 )^ siihstantialK as described. 2.— The slides D, with the rods E and F, pins G and H, in combination with the stilts B and B", substantially as set forth. 3, — The knife B^, rod B'', in combination with the beam A, substantially as set forth. 4. — The shovel C, when attached to the beam A, by means of clanips C and C, substantially as set forth. 5. — The combination of the above named devices in the construclion of a shovel plough, whereby the shovels can be set at any position, by means of the slides and rods, sub- stantially as described and set forth. No. 91,212.— BM. CLOSE, West Camden, N. Y.— Cultivators.— June 15, 1869. Claim- — I. — The combination, with the cultivator-frame, of the thills, pivoted to the same, substantially in the man- ner described, so as to be capable of swinging or turning upon their pivot from side to side, independently of the cul- tivator, for the purposes set forth. 2.— The combination, with the pivoted thills and cultiva- tor-frame, of the segment and its loop or guide, attached respectively to said thills and frame, and arranged to operate in connection therewith, substantially as and for the pur- poses shown and set forth. 3. — The combination, with the frame of the cultivator, of the thills, the hinged pivot or rod, on which the same turns, and the segment, and its loop or guide, under such an ar- rangement that the said thill may be Ciipable both of rock- ing and of being turned or swung from side to side, sub- stantially as shown and set forth. No. 91,303,— I. A. BENEDICT, West Springfield, Yk.— Cultivators.— June 15, 1869. Claim — The combination, with the plough .A, of the plates D, when arranged as specified. No. 91,471.— A. D. MICHENER and J. W. STEIG- MEYER, Attica, Omo.—Com Plotighs.-June 15. 1869. Claim. — I. — Adjusting the movable side-beams of a plough, by means of the handles, substantially as herein set forth. 2. — The combination of the adjustable side-beam D, plate G, ears b b, and handle H, all substantially as and for the purposes herein set forth. 3, — The arrangement on the under side of the handle H of the pawl c, spring d, rod c, and thumb-piece /, all sub- stantially as and for the purposes set forth. 4. — The combination of the centre-beam A, side beams D D, plates F, and G, and handles H H, all constructed and arranged to operate substantially as and for the pur- poses herein set forth. No, 91,847,— F S HPKF. Zanesville, Ohio.— /'/o?/.?// Cultivators.— yi: : ,, |S'. ,. Claim. — 'I'lic .,; I I the metal plate A, construct- ed with the bai- .1 |ii.ii< , n.nx , <■, supplied with the pivot- ed arms b b, in combinatiun with the handles of a cultivator, and arranged substantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. 91,963,— F. L. PERRY, Canandaigua, N. Y.— Cultivators. — June 29, 1869. Claim. — I. — The attaching of the teeth E to the beams A, by having the front prongs c of the teeth pass through the front ends of plates d, and the rear prongs/fitted in the rear parts of the plates, in combination with the arms g of the plates, the arms of each pair of plates being fitted together, and all constructed and arranged substantially a.s shown and described, to admit of the turning or adjusting of the teeth as the beams A A are expanded or contracted, as set forth. ■The adjusting of the clevis-plates /• k, by means of the bolt OT, fitted ' of; ubsL ies of holes, /, in said plates, ;ch G, all constructed and lent of the gauge-wheel C, ise set forth. i.ovi) County, Ga., assign- iid J. S. BLACK.— Z)o«(i/?- orto himself, I, F, .MAR' Footed Plough Stocks.— July 13, iH Claim. — I. — The within described plough-stock, consist- ing of the draught-beam A, the side-beams C, and C, the bolts c <-, and blocks D D, &c., the plough-feet E E, and support-rods G G, all constructed and arranged substantially as and for the purpose shown. 2.— The side-beams C and C. in combination with the CULTIVATORS. liolls <■ <■ and ,-, and blocks 1) 1), &c., substantially as ancrew^ (.), and their a]iplication 10, and co-operation with the |.l..ii^li., Ii aMli.-,, and c k'\ is. No. 93,042. — HIK^'ii II .1 hi' I', I )i I K"i I . Mn II,, assiL;nor 10 himself aa. I \i I I \ ' II \ \ lA", ^anio jilacc- Cuitivatoys am/ J/.n ... r...:„:J.-^July 27, iNi>y, — antedated _/«/]■ l6, iSby. Claim. — I. — The center bar A, the side bars D, and ntlier bars ('•, when pivoted together and arranged relative to each other, as shown, for the purpose of expanding the implement. 2. — The harrow-teeth M, in connection with the bars D and G, and the cultivator-teeth K and L, when arranged substantially as and for the purpose herein set forth, des- cribed, and shown. No. 93,203.— SAMUEL HUHER, Danville, Pa.— Comhintd Ploughs atid Cultivators. — .■ini;usl 3, 1S69. Claim— I.— The plate B. provided with several sets of holes, for the adjustable attachment of tin- |jl.itit;h -standards, substantially as herein shown and desciilicd, and lurthe pur- pose set forth. 2. — The combination of the adjustable plough-standards F with the plate B, substantially as herein shown and de- scribed, and for the purpose set forth. 3. — The ploughs E, constructed as described, in combina- tion with the adiust-tble standards F and plate B, stibstantially as and for the purpose set forth. 4.— The combination of the double muuid-hoinl plough I with the adjustaljle standards F and |.Iai, I;, nl. .uaiallva, lierein shown and described, ami loiil:: :.aili. 5. — The combination of the fingers J w I I I a in Is of the double mould-board plough I, adjii lal.jr -laipl.nds !• , and plate B, substtnlially as herein shown and descrilied, and for the purpose set forth. No. 93,507 -EDWARD WIARD, Louisville, Kv., assignor to B. F. AVERV, same place. — Expanding Doub- le- Shovel Ploughs. — August 10, 1869. Claim. — I. — Adjustably connecting the plough-standards to the plough-beam, by means of sockets, formed in the upper ends of said standards, and the hollow spindles E, substantially as herein shown and described, and for the purpose set forth. 2. — The plough-standards C, made of a thin plate, with a llangc upon both sides of its forward edge, substantially as herein shown and described, and for the purpose set forth. 3. — The slotted brace-rods F and posts or arms G, in com- bination with the standards C and beam A, whether said braces be placed in front or rear of said standards, substan- tially as herein .shown and described, and for the purpose set forth. I . \„ ,„|,,o>^,drM>.Mldi loal.I, ,1aA.l|,|onuh. formed handles 1;, « ■■r 7, 18159. -I. — Hinging the beveled forward ends of the pUnigh-beams K to each other by means of the eye or hinge- plates B, and elevis C D, substantially as herein shown and described, and lor the |air|.ose set forth. 2.— Adjusiablv eoiinecting the rear parts of the plough- beams A te) caeh other by the adjustable over-lapping hinged bars (.i, uprights H, and overlapping adjustable hinged bars I, substantially as herein shown and described, and for the purpose set forth. 3. — The combination of the springs K and ]irojcctions L witli the plou^h-be.uiis A ,ind adjustable overlapiiin- hinged the purpose s, 1 lonj, No.94,0(.', I Wll -s-sl id'm-.XS,AotN.vCiiv,I..WA, Claim. — 1 I'l hand one beanie lemoi.dde, and'so twisted the dirt to the "right or left as may be desired. No. 94,751.— WILLIAM HUNTER and DANIEL M. HUNTER, Meadville, Pa.— -W/ Tillers.— September 14, I l.nni III,' ,oii-!iN, 110,1 of the head-piece C, wdth the 1„ ^elc'l edL;e ,11 , 111 . oiiilanation with the tines or teeth, roll nil. |> d ,is de-.erdied, lor the |)iu-poses set forth. .\o ,;.-;;, I'sAAC J, MORROW, Everton, Ind.— ( ;,. ■.'.iiiber 21, 1869. Ilia li ad ustable standard G, so constructed that the 1 1 u-!i H may always work at a higher level than the plough C' of the rear standard B, in combination with the beam A and rear standard li, substantially as herein shown and described, and for the purpose set forth. 2.— The adjustable pivoted lever K and fender J, in com- ion Willi "ilie adaisi ilile standard G, bea.n A, and rear sLiii l.iol I:, sill, .1, 11111, ilK as herein shown and described. with the frame, constructed nged as specified, the right- throw all CULTIVATORS. No. 9'. oio.— E. A. KAMERER, Greentown, Ohio. -^Shm'cl r/ou^r/,s —OclolH-y 19, 1869. Claim. — I. — A shovel plough, provided with one side and Uvii niovalili; ^hovel^, i\ hen so constructed as that the mov- alilc ^lirurls may In- rcailily turned, so as to assume any re- (|uiiril aiii;lc willi the |il.]ni;h l.eam, and may be set at any lieMreil disliiicc iVcnn ^aiil Ihmiii. and, also, so that said nifxahlc s1i,.vl1s may lie readily nioveil into, or nearly into line with said fixed shovel, substantially as is herein set forth. 2. — The arm M, rigidly attached to the shovel-standard <;, and held by a hnlt, P. \\nrKin;; in a slot, n, in the plough- beam A, when Slid un, .x, . bnth to hold the shovel- standard G at the n i| in. . I «-//.f.—/),v,-w/i(v 7, 1869. Claim. — I. — .\ )ilough, provided with two adjustable mould boards, which may be moved nearer to or farther from each olher, which may be used either as a ditcher or plough, subsiantiilly as set forlh. 2. — The movable land side I., when used in the manner and for the purpose described. 3. — The mould boards H, cutter M, braces K, N and O, beam A, plates a, screws c, and sheath D, when combined to form a pl.iu.jh, sulistantially as specified. \.,, .C..1.M hdINc, HOLMES, Wyoming, Pa.— \ A, constructed as described, ,1 a, connected together at a suit- mi. le 1 at one end with ears b b, nis are joined together, substan- ich 2. — The combination of the beams .A A with ears b b, clevis B with ears c <-, curved bars C C, and bar G with ears //, all constructed as described and for the purposes set forth. 3. — The reversible handles E E, connected by means of the rod F, and provided with the rods \) 1), substantially as and for the purposes herein set forth. 4. — The combination of the beams .•\ A with the loops d d, clevis B, curved bars C C, bar G, reversible handles E E, and rods I) D and F, all constructed and arranged substan- tially as and for the purposes herein set forth. 5. — The reversible ploughs H II, secured to the beams A A, by means of the shanks I I, and plates // t, substantially as shown and described. 6. — The plate //, provided with projections ; /, and passed over the plough shank I, substantially as and for the pur- poses herein set forth. 7. — The combination and arrangement of the beams A A, clevis B, bars C C and G, reversible handles E E, and ploughs H H, all constructed and connected substantially as and for the purposes herein set forth. No. 98,202.— S. r. SPAULDING, N,>RTH COHOCTON, N. Y. — Cultivators.— December, 21, 1869. Claim. — The combination, arrangement, and construction of the central beam a, cross bars b b, and side beams e c, the doubly adjustable clevis, and the adjustable single and double teeth (/nw.— Cultivators.— March 8, 1870. Claim. — I. — The arrangement and construction of the beams A A, clevis K, brace D, double cross liar D', ami handles B B, substantially as described. 2. — The peculiar construction and combination of the mould-boards E E, share F, and braces G H I, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. 100,984.- JOSEPH CLUCKNER, Arcadia, Ind. — irnl-Giur^e for Ploughs. — March 22, 1870. Claim. — The i;;iuge D F, guard-loop or keeper E, and adjusting; ring G, in'combination with each other and with the plough-beam or frame, said parts being constructed and operating substantially as herein shown and described, and for the purpose set forth. No. 101,010.— HERMANN W. HA.SSLOCK, Nash- ville, Tenn. — Horse-Hoes. — March 22, 1870. Claim — The combination of the cross-bar E, standards F, hoes or knives G, nuts H I, braces J, wheel D, and adjustable standard C, with each other and with the plough- beam A and handles B, substantially as herein shown and described, and for the purpose set forth. No. 101,200.— JOHN WOLPERT, Louisville, Ky.— Comltined Ploughs and Cultivators. — March 22, 1870. Claim.— The combination of (ho swiveling bars C C, clips D, side beams B 1!', and brace E, all arranged to oper.ite substantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. 101,976.— JACOB BOWER, Dayton, Ohio.— Cultivators.— April 19, 1 870. Claim. — The combination of the cultivator-teeth shanks B, shovels C, and frame A, the parts being constructed, arranged and operating in the manner and for the puqiose substantially as described. No. 102,015.— HERVY S. ROSS, Millville, Ohio.— Cultivators.— April \(), 1870. Claim. — The construction, combination, and arrangement of the frame A .-V B C D d, the standard attachment devices y 2 r' s', and the teeth or Bukes F Fi, all as herein represented and described, for the purposes set forth. No. 102,223.— ALBION P. CLEMENTS and JOHN C. NEALEY, Monroe, U-n.-Cultivators.-April 26, 1870. Claim. — The combination of the cultivator proper, the CULTIVATORS. front adjusting-wheel a, and the adjustable guiding and smoothing-roUer E, all constructed and arranged to operate substantially as described and shown No loa.HS— LOUIS IIOMRK.HOUS, Baitimore, Ohm — Lulluiit I ' i ■, 1870 ( hnii — I — Ii li the frame \ B C of t douljkshu\Ll LuU I 1 to cultiMte simultr neousl) both skIl^ oI i 1 i I u m the tuo adjustable rotary fendeisN N, so combmcd an (;. HOLT, Morehouse Parish, La. — C'l: y,iiic 14, 1870. Claim.— I II .ii.iij. iiicnt of the adjustable standards F F' Y" V" 1-"". brace-rods H, cutters G G' G" G'" G"" , frames ABC, hounds J, tongue I, handles K, and wheels D D', when these several parts are constructed, united, and operate as herein described, for the purpose set forth. No. 104,729.— MARCELLUS B. GOFF, Dei.avax, y^\%.— Corn-Ploughs.— June 28, 1870. Claim. — The guide-iron E, having a standard, provided with flange a and elongated slot b, and having a base or runner made with a rounded front, /, substantially as de- scribed. No. 104,763.- JOHN WESLEY PHILP, Humboldt, Tenn. — Cultivators.— June 28, 1870. Claim. — The arrangement" of the frame A D, the arms E, set-screws^, keepers F, draft-bar B, handles H h' I, cul- tivator-teeth K, harrow-teeth J, and crossed or inclined teeth, all constructed substantially as shown and described. No. 105,358 — TOSEPH B MOODY, Louisville, Ky. — Cultivators — y,ih 12, 1S70 Claim.— I— Till 1 I 1, I the bars G H !' and »;, arms D, handles I v | 1 ,ughs R, when the sev- eral parts aie C( i, 1 1 ' 111 the purpose specified. 2.— In a cultu 11 , il 1, ,1 iiR lit nf the plates P and d, and clevis r;', when cou-ui h I ,1 li > 1 n and described. No. 105,745.— CII.AKl 1 - \ \\ Ml! 11. .Sharon Cen- tre, Ohih. — Cullivators.- , . 1-' Claim. — I. — The arr.iii;;ciiM m n n i-le of the stand- ard \ of two parallel staples, E E, the lower one slightly further forward than the upper, to form a rest for the plough- standard, and to enable the same to be adjusted by wedges vertically or horizontally, as set forth. 2. — The arrangement of the projecting points of fingers H below the edges of the shovels or shares of a cultivator, to pulverize the soil in advance, as set forth. No. 105,828.— ISAAC MILLER, Worth, Mich.— C«/- tivators.—July 26, 1870. Claim. — The arrangement of the frame A B C D, hooks a a, tongue E, wheels G G, bars b b, pins ,/, teeth H H, braces I I, and handles J J, all constructed and operating substantially as and for the purposesherein set forth. No. 106,004.— TACOB R. WAGNER, Manada Hill, ^A.— Combined Harrows, Cultivators, Whcelbarro^us, and Sleds.— .August 2, 1870. Claim. — I. — The arrangement in a harrow of handles B B, the cultivator-teeth c c, and the swinging, elevating, or clearing-bar B', siib.stantially in the manner and for the pur- pose described. 2. — The gravitating swinging bar B', applied to a com- liined harrow and cultivator, in the manner and for the pur- pose described. 3. — The arrangement of the sliding bar C, cultivator teeth e, hooks //, and forked props or arms/ upon the har- row, in the manner and for the purpose substantially as de- scribed. 4. — The arrangement of the harrow, having handles B, the wheelbarrow-wheel D, and the sleigh-runners G G, the several jiarfs lieinc^ constructed and arranged and operated siili-tiiiiiiillv in 111'- ,111, 111, cr described. \.. h ii.j;^. I AMI s i;. 'ITBBITS, Portland, Mich. a-M-i.ii I- hi,n-,.li aii-l JilSEPH STEBBINS, same place. — Cuilivalors. — .-iuguil y, 1S70. Claim. — I. — The combination of the hinges L M, with the ploughs K and standards E, substantially as herein shown and described, and fur the the purpose set forth. 2. — The combi,i,n; ii. \\"ili ili luam A and standards E, of the hinged plnuL' I. 1 ' i'>'K N, and pivoted ad- justable lever O. nH .ri ate as specified. No. 106,693.-111 \i;\ 11\RRIER, Indianapolis, \ti^.— Corn-Ploughs.— A ngiiit 2t,, 1870. Claim. — The combination and arrangement of the beams C C and A, the stocks D D and B, pivoted handles F F, bar G, and plates E E, substantially as and for the purpose hereinbefore specified. No. 106,702.— AUGUSTUS LEONARD, Newell's Run, OlIIii. — Potato-Ploughs. — August 2T„ 1870 Claim. — The jilough described, consisting of the beams A A' A', rigidly secured at the front ends, connecting beam B, arms e c', and handles d d', when all the parts are con- structed and arranged as described, for the purpose set forth. No. 106,733.— NELSON S. SHIELDS, Rockford, III. — Cultivators — .August 23, 1870. Claim. — The springs B B, with bar b, when constructed specifically as described, and employed to connect the evener C directly to the beams A A of the cultivator, as described. No. 106,837.— JACOB M. LANDES, Souders, Pa.— Combined Ploughs and Cultivators. — August 30, 1870. Claim. — The reversible ploughs J K, standards I D, draft-bar F, and beams A G G, all constructed and rela- tively arranged, as and for the purjiose described. No. loC,. ■;;(-.. -nEriirXL. PAYXE. Raceville, Va. -Cultii.! ■■ ;•<. iS;,!. Claim.- M' n 1 • hunt lit llin 1 iitcn-hangeable scra- pers J nd with the right and left-band teeth B, substantially in the manner and for the purposes set forth. 2. — The teeth B, constructed substantially as set forth. No. 107,142.— CHARLES L. WHAITE, Waverly, Vk— Cultivators.— September 6, 1870. Claim. — The arrangement, in a cultivator formed oT wrought iron, of the double curved central plough-beam B, split clevis C, braces m, horizontal brace K, handles H, CULTIVATORS. bent ,v, lhmnl)-iuil ?• an.i ^. k » I ^i. si.le |)lougli-lioams K, hoi-izDiUally j.iiiii. I U\ ini i n ili. ,i,lj.i cent ends of the sections at i-, all. .n u m i. .1 ,i . i i.nili. No. 107,409.— S.\MUK1. (;.\KRi:i KWL. .\..i.n.v <"irv, Iowa.— />r>«/'/i- S/iezx-/ JV,iivcls F, and F, tlio stirnips a and .iiul I'.i the piirposes set forth. No. 107.411. '.li'K'ii: II. SMITH, Des Moines, l..\vA.-cv:',': ' 13. 1870. Claim.— 11. .1 A, 1 liandles H B, braces rt ff rt (?, ,.,p /,, d, and for the purpose .set forth. No. 107,456.— IRA COPEL.A.ND, North IJiuncE- w.vTKR, U.hi'i.— Horse- Hoes —Septemher ■2.0. 1870. Claim. — I. — The combination of the clevis K with the lii.usings H H', the notched segments 1/ M, and the key- piece M', substantially as described, and for the purpose set forth. 2. — In a horse-hoe, the bars A A', when bent and arran- ged, in tombination with the clasps E E', and cioss bar J, substantially as described, and foi the purpose set forth 5 — The combinauon of the loo]>lx)lt N'with the bais C C, the eross Ini 1 , and the pointer Q, substantially as described, and foi the purpose set forth ^ — 1 he combination of the loop bolt N' with the cross bii 1 and handle bracket k K', substantially asdescubed, ind for the puipose set forih \o 107,484.- TUIES H HAMILTON, Sii\iv,on, \\ \.—Cu/ln;iloi^ —S f/.mKi 20 1S70 Chim— '\n impn\el luU \al 1 fum 11 n th i ml iin mm ol the thiee parill I 1 \ 1 ' | i 1 I) I Incelni 01 i I I 1 I ( II I I K I anl M N O InL 1 I 1 1 li 1 I ,. I i> «ith euh <(1 II liLrLiu h « 11 in Inscribe 1 No 107 s 111 ]h. \\l 1NI\ N \ — C:i/ei ,lln, — lS-0 ( laini — I he an \n.;tmLnt 111 \ cultivator of the beam A, the birs Faiid F, the teelh B, C, D, and E, cutters G, handles II, puts a, li, <, and <, all constructed to operate as .lescrdied No 107,754.— VICTOR BOLIS, St Mary's Parish, I \—Lullualoi P/oii^/i^—Sip/iiii/Hi 27, 1870 C 1 xim — I he hoe ploughs \ w hen mouuled on a diagonal front lar of a frame, I! tli^ ai 1 fnme bem;; | nnided with a cutler blade, C, m tnml ini 1 11 w ih tliL li iiiu n 1 liiv of the longitudinal bais |i |i' i ulti iliU miiiil 1 I ii bus, and the standads 1 1 wIkh 11 I Irinic is | 1 im k 1 with the adjusting elliptical lunncrs L, (j', and these htteis aie operited by a yoke frame, H, and a lever, I, and all the I arts are constructed, arranged, and opeiated substantially Is described, for the puipose set forth No 108,047— FLIER i; PARCELL, AsHMORr, III — S//,.-, //'/,«,//!- a/ A; 4, 1870 Claim. — 1 he anangenient of the beams A A', hook B, screw lod C, hindles I) D', round E biaces G G', ploughs H IK, bolls ,7 a', nuts / / b Its ,' and /; /i', and set sLicwsy /', \\\ cuiisliuclc 1 substantnllv as and for the pur posL heiun sa foith No roS 230 — WIl I I \M C ( I II ION, El K Ri\pr TiiWNsHM, I.iW\— r< nPlntJis—Oitihei 11,1870 ( laim — Ihe piilicuhi airin^'ement of the five shovels A, 1, ( I), ail 1 1 in an uon tun plou.jh located as desciibed, with the idjulible slutted bar F, when constiucted and anan.;cd sub tintnlU as for the purpose above set forth \o 10S273— ILPIE LUPPEN, V\.w\\,\\\ —Shmd Ploughs— Oilil I II, 1870 tlaim — The arrangement, with reference to each other, of the plough beams A A, sockets C C, drawbar D, and bolt E, substantially as and for the purpose set forth No ioS,398— HFNR\ M -sKINNER, RcxKiRon, \\.\..—Cullknilo>-s.— October l8, 1870. Antedated (hloh.r 12, 1870. Claim. — The machine described, having the longitudinal centre beam A, transverse end beams B B, supporting-wheels C C, hinged side levers E E, and teeth I, when combined and arranged as described, for the purpose set forth. No. 108,444.— WILLIAM THOMAS BUNN, HuM- liOLDr, Tenn. — Ploughs. — Oclohcr 18, 1870. Claim. — The arrangement of the draft-beam / with the plough-beams e a, the latter being composed of the sections li and c, which are connected by the coupling d, and so ar- ranged that the length of the beam ci may be varied at jl a fo tl e puri o e of placinn- the haul- /(either b o a of h ha I / 1 h I / / lie dj I I 1 / 1 11 1 1 on eld \\ 1 H I A I FONZO D HUM SEEIE\ 'C / —A Cla —A h el plo gh a 1 c I t o 1 1 eefnAhll BB |oC iefaeL n, 1 F IF, d 1 lo gh ha e G, r ge I I stand II 1 I ill N 1 ss imiN \ WALTER and ELI BUSH- M\N Win 1 1 11 I 1 V\—Coiii Ploughs.— Noi'iinbir \, 1870 Claim —The standaids D I)', articulated so as to fold backward, and pio\ided with the draft rod O, wheiebythey au set nil d in ihe \eitically inclined 01 folded position, ar 1 1 111 ilu I 1111 A, standard B, handles F, as shown HN' RFBM^N BiNh Bri 1 \— («// lulK, I' ac 1 \atoi,of a fulcium- I 1l brace G, cential I I hook bolts L (', all II \l \s MiirLiN, P\ — \ ihtl 22, 1870 II 1 \ 114 one straight and Uj IS and for the puipose one 1 evekd si le s specified No 109 8q3— THOMAS GUICE, Mot\r Andrew \l \ —( // „ PI ,1 h —n ml , (, 1S70 (1 I ' I ' ' I I I I w 1. 1 plough ( 1 II iianged 11 side. to scrap e a ong clean the iui N( 1 iM niM thi be II 1 , Wist Siring 13, 1870 of wings, D D, of turning upwaidly I I slutted at G G, lolifl, L\pind and No no Ohio — O/ Claim. I pivoted to 1 kllLFV 1( SHIP, r standards H, 1 w ith the shares CULTIVATORS. or wings E, substantially as described, and for the purpose specified. 2. — The adjustable slotted links H when pivoted to the vertically-adjustable cross-beam G, adjustable slotted links V when pivoted to the standard C, in combination with the shares E, in the manner as described, and for the purpose specified. 3. — The arrangement of the shares E, adjustable slotted links F or standards M, cross beam G, Ijeam A, and share I), in the manner as de^crilled, and for the purpose set forth. No. 111.250.— W11,1,I.\.\I BE-\j.A.MlX READ, Gal- L.\TIN, TenN. — ('/^///.-wAirj — /aliuarv 24, 1871. Claim.— A ciiltivati.r. conMsUn- of' llie reversible frame A, constnu led as, luiving the pivoted standards ^i- and adjustable braces / and the adjustable handles B con- nected thereto, all as hereni described. No. 111,793.— ROBERT PATEN VAN HORNE, Gra- tiot, Ohxo.— Double Shovel-Ploughs.— February 14, 1871. Claim. — In combination with the main beam A, branch beam B, ploughs H H, hook D, handles I I, adjustable braces L L, stretchers K N, and clamping-bolts E F, ar- ranged relatively one to the other, the removable plough- beam P provided with the shovel O, constructed as described fur llie purpose specified. 111,925.— WILLIAM GOWAN,, Tenn.— Cultivator- Ploi,i;hs.— February 21, 1 87 1. Claim. — The plough F, having the snake-head point, nar- row neck, and the long mould-board, gradually widening upward from said neck, as shown and described. No. 112,130.— FRANK PHILIP DAENPORT, Car- thage, III., assignor to himself, JOHN W. CHERRY, and THOMAS UdGPCii.—Meadoiv Cultivators.—February 28, 1871. Claim. — The combination of the bars E E E, cutting-fins F F F with the shear C, and the land-side bar D, beam and handles of the cultivator, operating substantially as set forth. No. 112,481.— DANIEL MO.SELV Osark, Arkansas, — Cotton-Choppers ami Grain-Cultivators.— Mareh 7, 1871. Claim — I. — The arrangement with each set of three chop- per-blocks A A, of the scoops a a, blades 16 /;, and plough (/, substantially as shown and described. 2 — The arrangement of the adjustable bars J J, runner K, standards I. 1., and adjustable tongue M, substantially as shown and described. No. 1 1 i.ooS.— HA^HLTON RONEY, DAYroN, Ohio. — Ploux'hs.— March 2.S, I.S71. Claim. — 111 a sod |iloUi;li, the arrangement of the frame ABC and auxiliary liume 1 . K F in relation to each other and to the roller H, cutters „ /., Neat J, beam I, share G, and rods s, substantially as described. No. 113,206.— BENJAMIN W.REMY and NOAH T. REMY, Brookville, Ind. — Corn-Ploughs. — March 28, 1871. Clami. — The combination of the beam A, shanks E C, ploughs E, handles G, braces E H, and double-tree I, all constructed and arranged substantially as and for the pur- poses herein set forth. No. 113.306— ALBERT H. KENNEDY, Oberlin, OUUK— Cultivators.— April 4, 1871 . Claim. — The combination of the rod F with the slides I I and the braces G G, substantially as and for the purposes hereinbefore set forth. No. 113,934.— GUILFORD D. ROWELL, Menomomee Falls, Wis.— //orse ami Hoe Cultivators.— April 18, 1871. Claim — A horse hoe and cultivator, arranged as follows : horse hoe M with wings N N, hoe-beam C, cultivator teeth K, plough-share L. in rear of frame A, serrated nuts O on the tooth-stocks, and joints D in rear of share L, and frame A, substantially as described. No. 113,960.— CHARLES A. BEARD and EZRA E. EVANS, Zanesville, Ohio. — Ploughs. — April 18, 1871. Claim. — A plough, consisting of the beam A, arms C C and E E, braces e e e e, and mould-boards B, D and F, all con- structed and arranged substantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. 114,040.— ISAAC N. PVLE, Pleasant Mills, Ind. — Cultivators. — .April 25 1 87 1 . Claim. — The bracket K, having the form and applied to the beams A, as shown, and the fender J and spring L ar- ranged therewith as specified, whereby the shank of said fender has a double bearing, and a vertical play in the bracket, for the purpose set Kirth. No. 114,221.— ARCHIBALD I,. W. STROUD, Mitn- FORU, Ala. — Ploughs. — April it,, 1871.— Antedated April 19, 1871. Claim.— The side-beams D D, with their feet E E, ploughs H or I, and braces G G. when attached to the cen- tre beam A by means of three bolts, ,; a, at equal distances apart, so that the side beams may be placed one in advance of the other or side by side, as may be desired, and the dis- tance of said side beams from the centre beam is regulated by the slotted washers /; b, all as herein set forth. No. 114,611.— MOSES R. SH ALTERS, Alliance, On\o.— Ploughs.— May 9, 1 87 1. Claim. — The arrangement of the plough beam A, pro- vided with the -seat a'" having a corrugated upper surface, the cross-bar a' , provided with the enlargement or body a" having a corrugated louer Nide, and the screw-bolt ff*, when the cross-bar is placed upon ilie beam, the two corrugated surfaces being in eoiu.ut, a^ specified. No. 114,726.— LKONARI) S. TEWELL, Ei.binsvili.e, V.K.— Cultivator-Ploughs.— May 9, 187 1. Claim. — The curved beams C C and standards D D, with the handles G G attached to the standards and to the side beams, in combination with the straps B B and centre-beam ed and shown and described. No. 114,064-- GEORGE W. PARSONS and WIL- LIAM S. FINXEV, Hakrishi'kc, Y\.—Cttltivators and Shm^el P!i,'': l/.-r 16, 1871. Claim I III ! \ ice for securing the front ends of the side-beam , > n 11 n .if angular ribs r c, in combination with gr - -. . . II. .. amsB B', bolt a, with a beveled head and triangular i\asher, W, substantially as described. 2. — The clevis C, provided with the angular ribs e (-and square-shouldered recesses R R, in combination with beams .A B B'and standards H, substantially as described. No. 110.147— nil iMAS E. C. BRINLY, Louisville, Ky. — Culli:'at,irs.—Jline 20, 1871. Claim. — file herein described shaft-cultivator, compo.sed of a rectangular frame, the elongated side-beams of which form the shafts .A .\, and carry at the rear the handles B B, fixed central beam D tied to the si.le beams by triangular stiy D^, laterally-adjustable beams E and K. slotted iron standards H, which are provided with atljustable shovels G and adjustably connected to their respective beams D E F, by braces I, and the gauge-wheel K, hung in a frame L, which is suspended from the side beams of the main frame, and raised or lowered by means of a brace, M, passing through the beam D, all the parts being constructed and ar- ranged substantially as set forth. No. ii6.«5.— ALFRED RODEN, Mumforu, Ala.— Ploughs.- 7n„, 2-. 1.S71. Claim, I he I i.niliiiiation, with a plough, H, of indepen- dent block (,. ,|ai,.1.0il plate F, and side brace I, to hold the shovel 11 linnly 111 the position required. No. 117,034.— PlIINEAS ORLANDO BALDWIN, Spring Lake, MKH.-Culti-'ators.-yuly 18, 1871. Claim. — I. — The arrangement of the spring C, provided with bolt (•, with the beam B, provided with the post w,and the tongue D, when each of said parts is constructed to operate substantially as and for the purposes set forth. 2. — In combination with the beams B K, the sectional extension guides G, lever F, and the extension of the spring E provided with latch-bolts g and g', substantially as and for the purposes set forth. No. 117,961.— WILLIAM J. ARRINGTON, L ULS- VILLE, Ga. — Cultivators. — August 15, 1871. Claim. — The circular perforated plates E and F, the two sets of pivoted perforated bars H, I, J, and K, the side beams B C, and ploughs, all constructed and arranged in the manner shown and described, whereby said side beams may be adjusted or in1 «ilh llu- vnn.i;- Claim.— Tliccenti.I A. .■ams K K, a.ljusialilv ,1. i.m-r,! »iil, ,>.|uvl 1,. il,.- f.„,nri. i >lescrilK-(I, fi.r the |uu|>>.„' ,.r l„i,,^ n.hliU ,.J,,|.u.l 1,. :rve the purpose of . I c.i^>M.■,. „,.nl..,..ii .iiliu,:i.u i,,n,,r. No. 118,159.— SAM L 1:1. 1;. SIIWK, Mil I iKsMi I I, X-'—Cii/livii/ors. — Aiixiis/ 15, 1871. , in coniliiiiatioii with the fvamc, consi-.liiii,' of tlie outer lie pieces .\ A ami inuer heams I! li, all i)ivoteil to the out bar K, ami made obliiiuely adjustable bv means of tlie irved slots in the bar K, ami lilted to receive citlier set of titivating devices, as shown. No. 118,186.— 15ENGT C. HI.tlMSTEN, W.\t;fACA, lis, — Ciillhuitors. — August 22, 1S71. — aiiledaled August rhe cuhi ith the ela condiineil anil arranged as and for the ]nirpose set forth. No. 11S.522.— J.\C013.S. FLEMINc;, Island CatiKK, Ollin. — Culli7;i/ors. — August 2Ci, 1871. Claim. — The coulter F formed .solid upon the forward end of the centre beam A of the cultivator by bending the said forward end dow nward, substantially as herein shown and described, ami for the purpose set forth. No, 119,206.— JAMES WAUDEl.I., I.ii.iuiv. Iml— (ii/ti-'iitars. — Septciulh-r 19, 1S71. Claim.— The within-descrihed adjustiblr culli^ :.l..r-n,uiR', to which the !■'. .;,:•!, ■: , h' - :i> II, iM,-';, ,..ii '• ■;:: . ,,r r, Aiurbeam. 11! 1 , ' 1 1 \ ; • A secured \,\ ■• !>,.■.::-■ .•:•■. .,,;, .ir, ■ , A^ A^. and tli.' ■^.^^ ,.;.• ^|..ii,-.! \.•.^..■. 1,1,. ,,11 , , ,1,., i-i,. ,. ,1 as and for the ises lu to operate subsi forth. No. 1 1 9.588.— CHARLES ESCUDIER, Parish oi- Ii;i:ki,\. \.\ —Cnlthators.— Odot'a- 15. 1S71. Cliiini. Ilir, in a cukivalor. of the main II.- ,', I. ;i III- V, Ik ,1 mil I bame .'. slandiinl plates iilii,, when conslruct- ci87i. t 1. III! la, . a. ;,, ,, a ot the beams A and B of a double , la. >el p.. .ugh. E', aiid brace E, wdien the latter is coiislnieted at each end with projections or flanges e c for embracing the edges of the beams, substantially as and for the i.uipose set forth. CULTIVATORS. No. 123,128.- AUT'II • I" ;:";\KTZ, Cf-nter- RUUY, N. H. — Cur iS73. Claim.— The CI, >, m of tlie sloUed bar A, the long i.i\ .1 1 i , i i , , 1 lie teeth /' i, the .short bars C C pivoleil to ihe bars li I; and to the adjustable yoke D, and carrying the adju.stable hoeing-teeth F, the whole constructed and operating substantially as described and specified No. I- 1 1 I, M I \ \i. MINTER, UN'roNvii.i.E, S. C. — Culti: .: I li, 1872. Claim. I iH M,|"i 1). gauges II, and wings G, com- bined, as ilescniied, with cross-bar E, and the whole applied to the standard of a cultivator, as and for the purpose described. No. i2?.qS;;.— S.\MUEL C. SHELLER, Lewisburg, Pa., as,iL',ii I hi \1 ll;ri> S. SHELLER, same place.— Cultivat.': i ,.; ; 1 ;, iS;^. Claim- 1;, III ' - ,nd shovels D with their bent shanks, I,;], 1:. , j,, ;:, 1 !ii.;im, (!. ill combination ;;illi the vheel sha standards K K, substantially as and fur the purpose herein specified. No. 126,815.— WILLIAM KLEFFEL, Creek, Neb. — Cul/ivd/ors. — Muy 14, 1872. Claim.— I.— Th. > mnlMi.iiwii .-1 I. /now F, with the cultivator handles In 1 handles ,/ />', making the l>raced and niulual-suppoitinj; frame-work of the beam, frame, and IniMl. ,, ,:- - ' I" aih. No. IJa.;^! > \ 11 - MARSH, 2d, N..\TC11KZ, Miss.— Clillivillvl > I :. lS;j. A combin iiiiii;..! liandles, having a jieculiarly- frame of the culti Claim. — I. — The machine described provided with the main frame .\ a a, the removable side beam C, having wheels and shovels attached, as described, and pivoted handles 15 13, provided with the V-shaped iron />, all con- siructed and operating .substantially as described. 2. — The pivoted handles B B, provide iiirsii. 1 1 :i 111 two furrows at a time, the front and rear M.i'i ^ched from the outside of the plates E an.l il; iicd between the plates and the Ijcam, tliu~ I r iijin^ lin m nearer tagether, while the central one is swung liack out ol the way. Claim. — The ccmiiiination of the beam C, pivoted and ad ustable standards A, in combination with the bent plates E, when the .said parts are so arranged that the standards ..iju-t. furr. substantially as set forth. No. ij2,?oi.— BOWMAN .S. C(1X, Paulshorcu N. ].—Cultiviitors.— 0(tobcr 15, 1872. This cultivator has a centrally fixed beam, to which ])ivoted two oblique beams, to which the cultivator-ti are attached. By means of a lever, placed in reach of the operator, the hinged beams can be moved cr further from the central one, desired Claim.-Tl lay at their rear end-. 10 tlit- beam C, and the operative devices for adjusting the beams and fenders, all substantially as and the purpose specified. No. 132,764.— GH.BERT JESSUP, Shortsvili.e, N. Y .—Cultivators.— Xovi-m/iL-r s, 1872. A beam is pivoted to the forward end of diverging side pieces of a cultivator-frame, the beam extending forward and carrying a bearing-wheel. The rear end of the beam is elevated or depres.sed and held in jjlace by a toothed seg- ment, thus regulating the depth of the cultiration. Claim. — The pivoted bar R provided with a bearing- wheel at its forward end, in combination with the cultivator- frame and segment D, as and for the purpose specified. No. 132,796.- WH.LIAM BROtlKS, I.k.xingtdn, Ga. — Cultivators. Vo.-.wAv 5, 1872. Tlic wiiil; 'ir sci.i|h r i, |u\utril luu^ely upon the bolt so ili.ii iIk- -,ii.i|ii-r iiii\ ai r.iiniiiM.Iaii- iNiilf to the inequalities Cliini. — The tiiiiiliinaii.iii, uiili an ordinary shovel-plough, A I! C, of the sectional laterally-projecting curved wings I) E, hung upon the fastening-bolt F, and adapted to be used in the manner set forth. No. 133,387.— WILLIAM 1). .SMITH, Homkrvii.i.e, Q\.-^Cullivators. — Xovemher 26, 1872. A zigzag bar, centre piece, and side brace, ailof wroughl- iron, fnvm the frame, which is provided with iron handles. Tht' .aillivainv tpr-lh aivl -hanks are each of one piece and seiia ! I 'i 'i iilinal angle of the frame. < :i \ n, ! ' iliivator formed by the combina- tion .1 i I I \ made in one or more parts or ]iiL( i , I);.- I " I I' ' irili-. r, braces D, and ploughs li Willi r 111' ■11 illv as herein shown and de- .\o \\\.v~ ' ' lil •" MARSll, 2d, Natchez, Miss. — I • r'aw/-,;-26, 1S72. II, Il I \ ciy narrow so as to cut into the ground, in o .1.1 iliL- machine and keep it .steady. Ill, I 111 i,Jiine described, consisting of the central bi.iai \, a 1 iii,,,,il,|e shovel-plough, wdieels a a, ell.o 1 1 - ' ,1 - 11, 11, bars C C, side beams D D, will, il,. ,1 I, 1 , Il mdles E, all combined and ar- ran^ial a> .1, ■ ', 1 a |iurpose set forth. No. i3-,.oi : I ! W I- R WRIGHT, Troy, N. Y.— Cultivator- .: /i.oomlwr 3, 1872. The stanilaiii 1- ■- , 111, a i,. the mould-board by rivet, the whole secured liy a nut. liy sliding the standard upward or downward through the eyebolt /; the mould-board is raised or lowered. Claim. — I. — The curved standard a, top bar M> <■. iioijsdx, iiMn.KA, 1 he liL-am- of tliL- cuhuali.i .ire parallel to each other, and are adjusted l>y means of Imlts and nuts. The shorter beam i^ secured against backward -train by means of a spring- brace, attached l)y a hinge joint to its forward end, and by riiim. — The lieams A B, when connected by the hinged and slotted sjiring-lirace C, in combination with the screw- bolts E E, all constructed, arranged, and ojierated as set forth. No. 135,301.— JOH.V TWEEDY, Vkr.wn, Isu.— Com Covercrs.— y,tnuaiy 28, 1873. A clod mover of a triangular or V-shape, loosely attached to the rear part of a cultivator-plough so as to adjust itself to the shape of the ridge and removes clods or other ob- structions that might prevent corn from coming up. ("laim. — I. — The clod-mover I, in combination with the srnii I in ular ni arched mould boardll and ploughs (1, sub- si.iiii!,ill\ .1- h.icin shown and described, and for the pur- 2 — Ihe LI mil.ination of the long staples I. ro.l K, and guide or keeper L, with the dod nil. VLT I. muii. n id ir or arched mould l)oard H, and beam .\, Mil i-iaiiii.ill\ a- herein shown and described, and for the puri"i-L-. -d luiih. No. 135,414.— IRA E.MRICK, Vi-.k.n...n, .Micii.— C«;-« Cultivators. — Fehytiory 4. 1873. The standards and beam of adjustable and reversible cul- a M ii'li , .ml .\,ln.;i . \\liieh may be easily loo.sened for pii '. .: • ,,■ ' . , -. ill I 1 method of securing the standards ail ! h. nil- 1 i-i ilii-i l'\ iiirans of the bar I, eyebolt K, and stajile I. a- and for the purpose set forth. No. 135,736.— WILLIAM TAYLOR, M.\Nsi-iiii.i), Mass. — Cultivators. — Fi-hrunry ir, 1S73. The expanding wings are connected by means of rods to a block sliding in the beam. Claim. — The block J, arranged in a longitudinal slot of the beam A. tile bars I, connecte.l therewith at the under side and pi^oted 10 ihe middle jmrlion of the wings H, the lever N, ami |ilai.- 1 1. all a- -h.iun and .!e-cribed. No. 135, s-2. I;KNJ.\M1.\ \V1II1-:K, Siii-;rrii.i.'s Mount, V>\\ \.^ Cnllir.iln \, l.i^:n.i:v II. 1S73 Claim.— 'Ihe beam E Mith -III I 1 1. mill a lNh.^M^ end, shoulder .r, and groove r, ill > n,. m ; a ■ ■'.. 1 iiLa\etantially as specilied. \ 1 ■,'.-- I KUWARD WIARl), Lniiisvii.i.|.;, Ky., a- : I II :i l;l\k\MIN F. AVERY, same place.— C«//«v;- justment to carry one, two, or three -IioncI-, and lo change the same to different po,itioi,s, as -lioun ,„ ike drawing. No. 136,897.- ZLCIIARIAII If. l;L.\CLIsn,L\L, .St. Mary's County, Md —Case K.—TohaL-co Hilkrs.— March .\ leveler, having a flat surface and central projecting rib for smoothing the ground and keeping the machine in a di- !•:, whe ded with a 2.— A hi ed substanl 3.— A k marking ri po-e--Jt k a, — .\ h IS desL ribe d, and for tlu ided \ g piet -et for intiall ■ith h.' V, side ribs /, m. substamially »ilh a runui described, f. .e -pecined. - 1 he combination of the leveler E an •, A, all being constructed substantia No. 136,898.- ZECIIARIAII 1). IJLACKI.STO.VE, St. Mary's Coun'IY, Md. — Tuhacco Cultivators. — March 18, 187.3- The weeding blades are attached to spring-arms, and may be raise and connecting rod or chain d, for the jnirpose set forth. No. 137,221.— MYRON LEWEI.LIN, BiiRciiN, N. Y. — Cultivators.— March 25, 1873. A jointed head armed with teeth for the purpose of rak- ing through the rows of corn, and thus freeing them from weeds and dirt; arranged for attichment to a coumion cul- Claim.— The cross beam C, « illi joinU-il C C, the No. 137,649.— IX)RENZO BALDWIN, Stone Mills, N. \ .—Cultivators.— April 8, 1873. Application filed November 23, 1872. A frame provided at the sides with bolts made to receive CULTIVATORS. slotted arms of lo render thi'iii atljiisi iMi is secured a line lilnilc l.i ill rear of tlie hue-blade 1.1 cultivator, and p.iri (.f the frame u- l,v rigid arms, ill a hook on the harrow or cultivator is inserted ; in front of the hoe-lilade is secured a caster-wheel for adjusting the depth of the hoe- l.lade. Claim. — The combinat on of the frame and its blade C ;\nd adjustable wheel E, when fitted for the interchangable plough and harrow substantially as specified. No. 137,782.— ."\UGUSTU.S I.KONARD, Nf.wku.'s Run. Ohio.— Cii/tivtilors.—.lpiil 15, 1873. Application tiled August 30, 1872. The said beams are rigidly attached in front to the central beam, depending upon their elasticity for the lateral move- menl in rear tu ailjiist them to a greater or less width. This niuvcmeni i- cini lolled by the handles pivoted to bars slid- ing through a mortise in the central beam and held in any desired position by a retaining-pin Claim. — I. — The combination of the central beam, the side beams, the sliding bars, and the pivoted handles, the handles being connected to the sliding bars at their front ends, substantilly as described. 2. — The machine described consisting of the central beam A and the side beams B, united thereto as described, the handles C C, standards c c, tie-bars <•', sliding bars D D, with holes, as described, and the securing-pin in the central beam, as set sorth. No. 138,838.— DEWtTT CLINTON BARKER, P^', N. \ .— Cultivators.— May 13, 1873. Application tiled March 24, 1873. -A corrugated brace-bar, by means of which the distance between the ploughs can be regulated, and which allows the plough-standards to be turned so as to throw the earth to or from the plants. Claim. — I. — The corrugated brace-bar G, constructed and arranged in combination with the stocks D D, substantially as and for the purpose herein specified. 2. — The combination of the adjustable and reversible hinged wings E E, constructed and arranged substantially as specified, with the shovel-stocks D D and brace-bar G, s.ibstmtially as and for the purpose herein specified. 3- — The herein described cultivator composed essentially of the central beam A, shovel-stocks Cand D D, adjustable wings E E, corrugated brace-liar G, and beveled-edge shovels H H I, constructed and arranged substantially as herein specified. No. 138,964— WILLIAM T. WALKER, Fontenoy Mills, ^ik.— Cultivators.— May 13, 1873. Application filed March 22, 1873. The side beams are pivoted at the center in such manner :hat the ploughman by the handles can increase or diminish ihe width of the space cultivated while the machine is in motion. Springs attached rigidly to the center beam serve to restore the frame to its usual shape. Claim.— The springs H H secured to the fixed central beam A, and connected at their free ends with the pivoted and handled side beams C C by means of staples or other equivalent guides, as shown and described, to operate as specified. No. 139,001.— EVNDER M.GRAH.\M, Vernon, La..— Cultivators. — May 20. 1873. .\pplicalion filed May 16, 1872. A frame adapted to receive interchangeable cultivating devices, so that the implement may be used in cultivating different crops. Claim. — I. — The combination of the frame A B, wheels U, axles .r hooks I rod L, and rack or frame E, adapted to receive ploughs H or other cultivating devices, substantially as shown and described. 2. — The combination of the bars E'' E', bolls and nuts i 2345678910, and blocks F with the frame A B, sub- stinlially as shown and described. 3. — The grooves 1' in the frame A B, in combin.ation with the notches b in the rack or frame E, substantially as and for the purpose described and set forth. No. 139,065.— THOMAS M. KING, Murfrkes- BOROUOH, Tenn. — Harrmus. — May 20, 1873. Application filed January 6, 1873. Two harrows, the frame of each being formed of a straight bar and a ' Claim.— Th' III. I- I li ". -1-IM1-..I 111. t»o like pans, each foi I "l i -Ii.hliIii Lii. I', pei Ioki1l-.1 sL-iiiicir- cular bar F, central brace bar (i, and leeth E, attached to the beam A by two adjusting bolts, /', as shown and de- scribed, whereby they may be set at various angles to each other horizontally, and adjusted so as to k-ave a wide or narrow space between them at then . ii.N. :is s|„ cificd. No. 138.320.— PHILIP LOM.. rixx l..ux,Hir, near Junction Railroad Station, Couiii\ ..I Ian. asi iit, Pknn., "assigner of one half his right to JOHN iM. PlULl'S, same yA^ce.-Cultivators.—May 27, 1873. Application hied Jaiiuarv 25, 1873. . , , r The side beams of the cultivator are pivoted at the front by a plate-hin-e. which a.l.K -licn.^th to the beam. 'Ihe large number. .r Iccth .11 sh..\,l- .uc narrow and pointed, set upon Ion.,' sian.lai.K h.r lli. | of deeply pulveriz- ing the entire s.,il tlir..ii..;li u hich n passed. bined : V at the rear, all com- 1 forth. /... HER, Augusta, Ga. o, KS73. Application filed — Citllon Cii/i:;-i/,irs.— .March 29, 1873. A series of notches or offsets, inclined backward and upward,. are formed upon the sweep so that it itself of trash. Claim.— The sweep B, having its cutting-edge notched and the iiortion of said edge between the offsets *' inclined, as sppcific.l. for the purpose of enabling the sweep to clear its. 'If ,,r .ili~iriicti..ns, as set forth. \,, ,;..--, UKNJAMIN F. MUSCHERT, Morrls- \ II I I , V\ - ! luiivators.-July 8, 1873. Application filed Decciuiur 7, 1S72. . The cultivator has a fixed center shovel and two side shovels adjustable as to width by having their standards placed movably upon two cross rods or liars with screw- ends and adjusting-nuts, the whole held firmly in position by rigid braces. Claim.— The combination, with the rods F F' and tlieir adjusting-nuts ami standards, of the rigid braces b' !>' , and the beam D, as spccihcl. No i4oSis — 1.\( i>i; lAVLOR, Fairview, as.signor ofone-half hii n-"lii I.. I IIARLES E. JONE.S, Redkey, U\K—Cu/tiv„/ori.—July 15, 1873.— Application filed Oct- ober 12, 1S72. lnler|iosing a transversely-recessed block having its outer faces |ilalcd with metal between the cultivator-shank and the lieain to render easy adjustment of the shank, in connec- tion with ihe adjustable brace provided with an eye, to which the brace is secured. Claim. III a cultivator, the combination of the trans- verscK 1... . ' .1 lil'"l. 1 1, Ii.niiig its outer face plated with smooth III. Ill, lii 1 ' .'i|Us(able shovel-beam E, pro- vi.le.l ^Mlh ill : a.ljusiable perforated braces F, suhstaiuialh ,.- sir. Ml III.! .hscril.ed. No. 141,199.— EPllKAIM BRIGGS, Cleveland, Onto. -Cultivators.- Julv 29, 1873. Application filed July 18, 1872- ^ ^^^^^^ .^^^^ . — Tl ble shovels camel ..11 teii,,iie.l secured to the beams by double grooved metallic sockets, all arrang- ed as described, and for the purpose set forth. No. 141,464.— FREDERIC ROY, Parish of St. Bern- ard, \.\. — Cultivators.— .4ui;ust 5, 1873.— Application file I ;,'■,•,■ s. 1S7;. I . I I, I, i|.ei-s are .secured to the frame by which till I ' I : I siile is thrown into the trench and a ridge foi I, ,. III. Ii 1 iiia.le uniform and pressed by a following plough and roller, the latier being adjustable in height. By means of a bent axle and lever the covering devices are raised from the ground at will. Claim.— I.— The combination of the frame A with the CULTIVATORS. regai-a lu « iilth by i place by a tapeiiriL^ | Claim — I —In u ufthe f.Mtll, No. \ I'll ■ IMS I'ER, Mass. I-;,, \n ..n filed Jan- I the frame by means of metallic if llie beams, the teeth being heUl ]nns The beanT- areailjii'-tecl in nl „,,t, iK-.i s,;,niuiits and held in -1114 tliinu.;li ll.n^Ls •tinii With tin ( iilin.itur frame, the I I I tl 1 ' iii.l wedije fur \\ ith the notched II, substantially as 142,655.— ALHERT SMITH, Providence Town- \\. — Comhiiuil Sho'vl- Ploughs and Cultivators. — ;-r 0, 1S73 — Application filed March 17, 1873. _omliin.itinn .il iIl-mccs whereby a cidtivator can in a ; and Hiihout ieii»>> iiig bolts or .screws be changed to 1, 1 . X. Q.—Ciilli- Jiled April 3, cini^tuated .iml ail I N.. i43,oig.— W III I I vators.~S.-ptemhc, jj, 1-7^ \xy\ A centre beam, with diverging side beams, supplied with curved harrnw-teeth, followed by flat shares, one in each beam. Asemicircidii l.h.U- 1^ ].l ir«n.^lin,d the shares, who-e length i, a, «id. I • 'I'll' III, \ial.M, by Iniksi,. tl , I,, I luii.KTii.^ H,L K ( l.ilni- III I 11, I I III I, I h >ultL\.iti.i ictth 1) IJ'. semiciiculai blade C, and lake h, as descnlied. No. 143,380.— FELIPE PEREZ, Havan.a., Cliha.— CW- tivalors. — September Tp, 1873. Application filed Ain^ust 4, 1873. scraper R, and fra I III . I 1 I I I 11 1^1, and lever P HI I ml 11111,11, the lever L, knives I 11 .mil described, whereby the two II iik.intniisly raised and lowered by It l.iith. un of the cutter T with the knives G, • A D, substantially as herein shown and 'RRFI.W WIWlO.CmiiroTHF, Mo. 11, ii,rhl 10 11-ssl- 11 11 Wis, same able standards B A, and the bent bi.i R and at the othei 'f>7j KyyW .111.11 tiled Sepl.ii,- portion of the beam-standards, rising from horizontal jiortion, are attached a cutting-share — being ti\cd 1 the hunt hv iixcts, clamps, and keys — and a sod-turner I imIiii,, t.i llh u.ii ri.ini the base-plate. The side-cutting ion C, having attached thereto fs, and the mould-bonrd-turner I I ■. having swiveled screw-joints, connect '. 111. .> nil tin- others, and also with the upper pait of l,.l,.|l.-s l.iini — I. — In an implement consisting of two or more in;li-. the combination of the diagonal braces D D, con- tiii till- fiont ]iarts of the beams with the upper parts of i. i 11. Il III II. -. md the diagonal braces G G, connecting 11 1 I 1 111 I I «. I parts of opposite handles, .sub.stantially tcLlll a, liLum shounand dcsLubed. No. 144,846.— LEVI HAVERSTICK, M/i Cultivators. — November 25, 1873. — Applicatior 23. 1873 V\.— April Lithe causes the wlieel t< turn and leleases the shovel-standaid. Claim.— The bea ms BE', held on a common centre-pin 01 pivot-bolt. A, in combination with the shovels C. ratchet M, and slip l.iace. 1 |.a«l L, all arian-e.l .mil upei.itiiK. sub- stantiallv in lli. m in. 1 ukI III. |illl 1 > .1. . 111.. .1 No. I44.'i;i 1 1 \l \ \ 1 i\ 1 111 1 il 1 M Wll s MALLON. Il.ii 1 \\....|i, 1 \ ( ,, . , and Scrap. I,. —A, !//...(/ 23, 1873. — .Vl.plu.ilK.u lilcd .//(,- „.t 16, 1873. rvecl, vertical cutter, designed to split the rows of sugar- ubble, is mounted upon a frame with runners. The s followed by a pair of oblique hoi izontal knives behind iipposite plough-beams, substantially as iient consisting of two or more ploughs, the diagonal luaces 1) U, connecting the 111 -.» nil ill. u|.|.. I |. ail Mil opposite hand- '.I .1111, III. ii|.pcr and lower I I 1 .1 in.l, .,1 wi.p.i.iu beams, all sub- \l;\ VON PHUL, JR., and JAME.S Will II), near Batdn Rouge, La. — Sui;- — January 6, 1874.— Application filed l-side runs parallel with the line of draft. p, and theie is hinged to it a broader I Immiil; 11, Lilge beveled and .shod with \ . iii\. I Ilm.1 and links expand or cim- ' ./t lioaid A and land-side C, I 114 levers D and studs F F^, with I , capable of being fastened at dif- 1111 111 .111 a stud, F', as and for the pur- CULTIVATORS. No. 146,848.— FREDERICK G. THRUSTON, New- York, assignor to M. MA DEL GADO ami JOAQUIN 1.1, ERA, same place. — J-'iinvw-Sirapers. — January 27, 1S74. — Application filed Au!;ust 23, 1873. The scraper-lilade oblique ends narrowing towards the rear, where tlio blade is sharply cut away, to gather the soil and allow it to fall over the centre. Claim. — In a furrow-scraper, the plate A provided with lateral vertical flanges a' //' converging to the cut away cen- tral portion of said plate, as and for the purpose set forth. No. 146,952.— JE.SSE B. RUMSEY, Washington, D. C. — Cultivators. — January 27, 1874. — Application filed December 2,'^, 1873. The handles are hinged to the rear of the cultivator-frame, and shovels attached to them, which may be turned in or out at pleasure. The tooth or plough is reversible, and has a narrow flange on one side, meeting the opposite portion or mould -board at an angle. Claim. — I. — The combination of the cultivator-frame A B, bars D D, braces E E, and handles G G, hinged to the rear ends of the beams A, substantially as and for the purposes herein set forth. 2. — The reversible cnnrnvi' nliuirfli m tnnth T, provided with the angular nano" ^l il -. -^iil.-t:intially as shown and described, and f.ii \' : mi . ' . i- in .t Inrth. 3.— The combinati-ii - 1 i!n ,i,,in. A 1;, i.ilh C, bars D D, braces E E, hinged 1i,uuIIl^ i, (.,. uikI ilie ploughs attach- ed thereto, substantially as and for the purposes herein set forth. No. 147,068.— CALEB M. RISLEY, Woodbury, N. J., and CLAYTON B. ROGER.S, Philadelphia, Pa.— O///?- vafors. — February 3, 1874. — Application filed Afay 18, 1872. The lateral adjustment of the drag-bars is effected by curved bars, extending inwardly ihruuijli slots in the braces which join the handles to the middle bar, a wedge or key securing them in the slots at anv dcMicl width. Claim.— The two sli'iling Ijack bars H H, the slotted stays I, and wedge-key K, in combination with the bars ABC, and handles of the frame of the cultivator, the said parts be- ing constructed and arranged as and for the purposes herein- before set forth and described. No. 147, 616.— .SAMUEL DAVIS DOUTHIT, Boyds- vii.LE, Ky. — Cnllivators. — Febriwrv 17, 1874. — Application filed December 6, 1873. A series of teeth arc anaiiL^Cil nlili |uely upon the beam in front of the shovel-plough, wlncli laiii.-sa wing or scraper for throwing the fine caiih u]i in (lie plants after the weeds and clods have been thrown aw a)- from the plants by the re- versely inclined teeth. Claim. — In condsination with the teeth a, beam A, and shovel D, tlie wing E, attached to the shovel D at an angle the reverse of that formed by the teeth a, substantially as described. No. 148,262.— BYRON D. TABOR, Wilson, N. Y., assignor to himself and C. D. TABOR, same place. — Culti- vators. — Marc/i 3, 1874. — Application filed January 29, 1874. Upon a rod connecting the rear ends of the frame-bars or thills the broad curved bearings of the plough-standards are pivoted adjustably, a brace-lever extending forward to a slot- ted hanger, also laterally adjustable. Claim. — I. — The plough-shank E, formed with the broad hook m at its upper end, in combination with the shaft li, eye-screw /, and nut r, substantially as and for the purposes herein set forth. 2. — In a cultivator, the clamp H constructed as shown, with bearings i, 2, 3 and 4, on all four sides of the cross-bar B, preventing any forward or backward movement, but al- lowdng it to move laterally on the bar, substantially as herein set forth. No. 148,845.— HORACE N. PROUT, Westfield, Mass. — Hoeing Attachments. — March 24, 1874. — Applica- tion filed February 19, 1873. The main plate or land-side runs upon its edge. The front end is beveled to form a sharp point. To it are attached a horizontal knife, and a curved wing or cutter, to operate be- tween the plants and the track of a cultivator. The whole is connected to the cultivator-beam by a curved standard. Kivhy the ud for the whole is attached to a plough or cultivai purpose described. 2. — The wing-spring B, con.structed as described, and at- tached to the land-side A, or secured directly to a cultivator- beam or mould-board of a plough, as and for the purpose set forth No 140 090 — ^^ II ' HoiSE, \ \ \pphcati I mgtoet . show n, an 2 — Th. 1 or wisher ird \ as s N 140 iSi \M C BELL, Orange Court- r u^hs— Match 31, 1874.— .- 1874 I IS slipped upon the standard, I la sho\ el which bears upon 1 1 Ld to the standard by Lk le washer. - rii 1 the standard A, hav- 11 I J mt B, having slot as 1 to standard, as set forth. lug (', and the right-angled bar I in combination with the stand- 11 ail I 1l uil ed -JOSEPH A. BARNETT, Ci.aysville, Oiiin— c „ T'/ «^ /« — ]/«;,/; 3 1, 1 874 —Application filed //;»», 4 1874 The side beams are hinged to the cross-bar and pass through a keeper bolted to the centre beam, in which they may be freely drawn together by the handles, and are thrown out again by the springs. A rear drag-bar carrying a plough is attached to the centre beam. Claim. — The combination of the centre beam A, with beam A' attached to it, aniis E E, frame H, hinged side beams A', handles G, and springs d, all constructed sub- stantially as and for the purposes herein set forth. No. 149,719.— WALLACE H. CARTER, Waterville- U-E.— Clay-Cutters.— Apri! 14, 1874.— Application filed Oct- ober 30, 1873. Upon a right-angled cutter-frame, attached at its ends to a runner-frame, an adjustable and reversible knife and mould- boards are applied. Claim.— I.— The sled A, frame C, mould-boards D, and reversible cutter E, the several parts being arranged and combined in the manner and for the purpose set forth. 2 — The cl ned netall c frame C fitted by its ends to an lu]. on the de faces of the runners as described, and con b ned the e th a d w th the mo able and reversible f tl e p i_o e et folh. M \ 1 \ I K^ W. \\\ . — \| le, Mass., LAY, s.ime 11 filed Feb- clay c tter E No 150 as g o f place- / Cla m —In a cult ato tl e bea A C D E F, hinged together at the r rear en Is in 1 prea ling towards the front, 1 Ij t ble b he b / /^ n 1 ] o led with the curved 11 1 If Is of the beams, in 1 1 IIILDS, Hashuqua, M I \ HOLMES, same jl — // / — / 1874. — Application filel O tol r 18 1873 Claim. — The w edge shaped plo gh ron ipport A, having flange E on its upper face, hollowed out and provided with points G on the lower, and having central slot H, as and for the purpose specified. No. 152,623.— WILLIAM H. FARMER, Rome, Ga.— Cultivators.^June 30, 1874. — Application filed June 9, 1874. Three beams, each carrying a shovel, are hinged at their forward ends. The rear ends of the outer ones can be ex- panded and held in place by set braces. On one side of the middle beam is an extra hook, into which the beam on that si le can be secured, and the set brace removed accordingly and placed at the rear. Claim. — The combination of the beams H B and the beam E, adjustable from the hook b to the hook e, with the adjust- ing brace or swinging plate F, substantially as shown and described. CULTIVATORS. No. 153,127.— WM. SPURGIN, Brownsville, Mo.— Comltiiidii Cultivators and Harrmos. — July 14, 1874. [Filed Jum- IS, 1874.] The hinged side beams liave jointed spring-bar connect- ions, which allow a rocking motion, and may be guided in or out by the handles. Claim. — I. — The combination of the side beams CC, cen- tre beam A, eye-bolts a, loops or straps b, and jointed perfo- rated spring arms D D, substantially as and for the purposes herein set forth. 2.— The combination of the beams A and C C, spring amis IJ D, ploughs t; G, and spring cutters H II, all constructed substantially as and for the purposes herein set forth. No. iS3,i68.— PETER P. HILL, Creston, III.— O/*/- valors.— lnlv \1. 1874. [Filed /v//;-H,?/-|' 29, 1872.] 1 li li ini .11, ;M^ of a l(ingue, and cross bars, to which ill' . : II : ' ; iiil.uil, aiL- attached. The depth to which tl" i i ii li-ti- ihi Miil i-. regulated by adjustable shoes or iiiiiiici., a|juii e.iuh side, and provision is made for the subsutution of a "gopher blade," in place of the shares. Claim. — The combination of the standards B B, frame A, sleds C C, gopher.lays U D, and spindles or hubs f, to which cultivator plough beams may be attached when desired, sub- stantially as specified. No. 153,586.— J. D. LYNCH, Independence, iMiss.— Cultivators.— July 2%, 1874.— [Filed May 16, 1874.] In addition to the adjustable swinging beams of a parallel cultivator, a fi.\ed plough standard is attached to the rear of the draft-tongue. Claim. — The central plough 1^ of a gang of ploughs, rigidly but removably attached to a draft pole. A, in combination with ploughs g g, of whith the beams D D are pivoted to a transverse cross bar, B, which is rigidly secured to the rear end of the draft pole A, which beams D D are laterally adjustable for different widths of rows, and which are con- nected together at or near their rear ends, substantially as and for the purposes specified. No. 153,942.-0. W. GO.SLEE, Buckingh.vm, Conn.— Cultivators and Ridgers.— August u, 1874.— [Filed May 21, 1874.] The draft may be applied to the other end of the adjustable cultivators bars, and a coverer and scrapers substituted for the teeth, forming a ridger and potato coverer. Claim. — The combination of the scrapers d' , double share teeth d and wheel and draft regulator c with the cultivator frame «, having hinged adjustable side bars and reversible handles, to adapt it to carry the scrapers e and curved hori- zontal plate g of a coverer and ridger, substantially as shown and described. No. 156,847.— THO.S. H. GARLAND, West Cleve- land, Ow.lo.~Cultivators.—Novemher l-j , 1874.— [Filed Sc/,lemi,er 7.1, 1874-] The beam, the handles, side bars, and braces, are con- structed of one piece of metal, and adapted for various inter- changeable cultivators. Claim. — The triangular frame A, constructed in the shape described and shown, the handles E, and braces a a, the whole made of one piece of metal, and adapted to carry a shovel plough having adjustable wings, or various forms of cultivator blades, with horizontal cutters and rakes, substan- as and for the purpose set forth. No. 157,196.— JAS. COPELAND, Bloomingd.\le, Ohio. — Corn Coverers and Cultivators. — Novemlier 24, 1874.— [Filed October 10, 1874.] The bars may be adjusted in width by their spring, and a shovel carrying standard replacing the wheel standard when used as a cultivator. Claim. — The combination of the beam^ .\ .\ with curved flexible front ends, and the draw beam li. ha\ iiiy a notched recess, with the spring braces C D, the perfoiatL-cl cross bar E, and the standard F, having a wedge shaped seat at its upper end, forming an adjustable cultivator, adapted to re- ceive a wheel when used as a coverer, or shovels of various shapes when used as a cultivator or shovel plough, substan- tially as shown and described. No. 157,398.— JAMES M. HOLLADAV, T\vvm.\n's Store, \ \.— Cultivators.— December i, 1874.— [Filed Oc- tober 19, 1874.] Adjustable standards with right angled shanks, work- ing between frame bars, and held by break-pins. Claim. — I. — The standards B, bent at right angles at their upper ends, in combination with the frame A of double bars a i, and the break-pins e, substantially as shown and de- scribed. 2. — In combination, the hook F, having its rear portion bifurcated, bent in the shape of an arc, and provided with adjusting holes, the brace and draft bar E, and the front standard, all having a common bolt, a", substantially as de- scribed. No. 159,331— MOSES JOHNSON, Three Rivers, Mich.— Culti7'ators.— February 2, 1875.— [Filed January 8, 1875. A cultivator-tooth is cut from a metal plate, and shaped to present a mould-board form with a cutting or coulter edge. The main frame, made of a single metal bar, has re- movable wings, the front of the whole being of diamond shape. Claim. — I. — A cultivator tooth, having the inclined coul- ter ?;, the concave mould-board ///, with its oblique cutting edge, and the sloping rear edges p//, forming the acute angle or notch X, substantially as described. 2.— The draft frame A, made of one piece of metal, con- sisting of the parallel bar> ,: ,:. niectiny in front and doubled to form the draft beam b. in Cimliination with the detach- able wings B and inner bar^ < , , sulistantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. 159,523.— JOHN O. MILNE, Minneapcjlis, Minn. — Cultivators. — February 9, 1875. — [Filed November 7, 1874.] The adjustable beams are moved by arms attached to a gear-wheel, and turned by a pivoted lever having a geared segment. Claim. — In combination with the hinged beams C C the lever d, having toothed segment x, gear-wheel m, levers n n', and connecting bars 0, as described, and for the purpose specified. No. 159,658.— M. EUSTACE, Hichfield, Drumcon- DRA, and JAS. KENNAN and T KENNAN, Dublin, Ireland.— yl/(7<7»V;,M for Thinning or Spacing Crops.— Februarys, 1875. — [Filed December 6, 1873.] A .series of longitudinal slotted bars carrying a runner or guide at each end, and a hoe with side c\itters in the centre. Two cross-bars adju^^tably connect the whole, being fasten- ed firmly to two, and loosely to the others. The machine is .liiven across the rows, and the curved guides allow the hiic^ III stiikr iliL- ridge of |ilanls, and then raise them to (IcpcMl ilie earth and plants in the furrow. The guides may be adjusted as to length and the hoes as to height. ClaiiTi. — X. — The combination of two guide-frames, II and IV, fixed to transverse bars B B, with other frames, I, III, and V, connected to the bars by guides I and springs, chains or links K, so as to be capable of indepen- dent vertical motion, substantially as herein described in reference to Figs. 5, 6. and 7 of the drawings. 2. — The guides A' A^, formed of metal bars, and secur- ed so that they can be adjusted in length and position, to suit drills of different widths, substantially as described with reference to Figs, i and 5 of the drawings. 3. — The combination of a straight guide, A^ with a cur- ved guide .V, and hoe-blade F. placed either behind or in front of .A.', substantially as described with reference to Fig. 14 of the drawings. No. 160,353— PETER D. ROQUEMORE, Panola County, ■\:¥.x.— Cultivators. — Marc/i 2, 1875.— [Filed .\oveniher 9, 1874.] Standards pivote, and limiteil in lateral vibration by the steady pins i" ,^, siili- slanlially as described. No. 163,921 — ALBERT DART, Rockvii.le, Cun.n.— Ciillivators. — June I, 1875. — [Filed April 17, 1875.] The frame consists of a central beam to the upper side of which the handles are attached. A cultivator-tooth is ad- justably secured to the front end, and a wing standard a little in the rear, to the upper end of wliiih is secured a spring, extending rearwardly, terminating in a l)ifurcation. which supports a bearing- wheel. Slaiionary wings are at- tached to the wing-standard, and ad.ustable wings are at- tached to pivoted arms upon each side of the centre beam. Claim. — The combination, with spring-adjusting wheel, of stationary win;;s I I and adjustable wings ( J, as and for the purpose specified. No. 165,552.— JAMES U. DUNNAVANT and W. A. HAMPSON, Byh.alia, ^X'i'i.—Cullivalors.—JulY 13, 1875.— [Filed March 15, 1875.] .\ light triangular frame strengthened by flanges, and se- cured to the front end of the centre beam by longitudinal plates and cross-bands. Claim. — The flanged metal frame C D E, with its con- necting-bands a a, adapted to allow of the adjustment of the side beams, all constructed and arranged as set forth. No. 166,044.— WILLIAM WEAVER, Greenwich, N. \ .—Cultivators.— July 27, 1875.— [Filed May 15, 1875.] An angular-shaped cultivator with alternate devices, to adapt it for use as a cultivator, hiller. or potato-digger. Claim. — I. — The angular bar^ A A, slotted in their front sections, in combination with the angular draft-bar B and standard D, fomiing a cultivator of nearly diamond shape, and adapted to receive alternate cultivating devices, as shown and described. 2. — The combination of an angular slotted frame A A, draft-bar B, slotted handle-sockets O, standards D F H, and l)loughs C G E, all arranged substantially as and for the purpose specified. No. 166,290.— EDWARD NAUMAN, Uniontown, Ohio. — Cultivators. — Aui^ist 3, 1875. — [Filed June 19, 1875.] A swiveled caster-wheel adjusted by a lever and notched bar. Claim. — The combination, with the cultivator-beams A, carrying shovels as described, of the gauge-wheel F, having an extended shank or tenon, the lever G, and notched round /(', joining the handles H, ail as shown and describ- ed, to o]3erate as specified. No. 170.549.— HERMAN D. GREEN, Ithaca, N. Y. assignor to FREEMAN, VALENTINE & GREEN, same place. — Cultivators. — November 30, 1875. — [Filed Mavz"], .875.. Claim. — t. — The beam a, cast in one piece, and consist- ing of the extensions or parts a', b, e, and "-, as shown and described. 2. — The beam a, constructed as shown and described, in combination with the cross-bars /and h, standards / /, and handles ik i', arranged substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 3. — In a shovel-cultivator, the beam n' b and arm c, cast in one structure, in combination with the front shovel-plough, and the two rear hoes and llieir stamlards /, the arm <■ sup- porting said rear standards near tlieir top, a^ ^ct forth. No. 170,882.— ENOS H. MiioKE, Bfm/s Mii.i.s, Ai.a. — Cultivators.— December 7, 1875.— [Filed Ain^iist 20, .875.] Harrow-frame in front of ploughs, with slotted bars to al- low the whole to be closed or ex|ianiieil. Claim.— The comlinin Iiln mun h. im \, -talion- ary slotted cross-V)ean I I: ■!-. 1 '• '• •■'■■- ' m 1 ,iiir -lot- ted beams D D, canvni, ■,. ; . :, '. ■ I -liMu,, and the adjustable harroH liai. ai'i III -ijiiii. ill) j- .md U:\ the purposes herein set forth. No. 171,391.— FREDK D. LADENBERGER, Glen-- inui.AH, Wis. — Harroiv .Attachments for Cultivator- Ploughs. — DecemberZl, 1875. — \Y\\e.A September 17, 1875.] In the rear of an opening or shovel plough are hinged two diverging beams, that are made adjustable by a curved brace-bar. These beams each carry first a share, which throws the soil outward. The rear ends of the beams carry harrow-teeth which level down the furrow made by the plough. Claim. — A combined ini|ilement, consisting of the shovel or breaking plough .\, sidi.- ])loni;lis 1!, and harrows C, the beams of the plough- 1! and ( ', being rigidly bolted together and made adjii-taMc m \\ )'lih by a curved bar D, and connected to the breakini; plough .\ by means of eye- bolts ,1 and brace rods /., all constructed as and for the pur- pose speciheil. No. 171,420.— lO.siRA IMERPONT, Bushnei.l, Iu.. -Cultivalors.-Deceiiiberll, 1S75.— [Filed .\Wember 6, 1875.] An adjusting-plate upon a cultivator-standard, for hold- ing the brace at various lengths. Claim.— I.— The block G, constructed, as described. lugs of holes ,»•', and prongs //, .substa ally as and for the purpose specified. 2. — The 1)1' ck G, ha\ int; prongs h and lugs g, with a series ofli.ilt.- ', l. nJ im I In- operation with the brace E, pin 7', Stan. In r, : i n;di-beams A, substantially as and for thf I'l.i, ■ | . 1, No. 171,50;. \V. CHASE, MinDi.EPoRT, Q>-HVK—CuUivators.—j:)ecember 28, 1875.— [Filed 7""' 25. 1875.] A clamp in two parts, to adjust the width of the cultiva- tor by sliding upon the beams, and permits vertical adjust- ment by a step-block. Claim — 'I he clamp 0, composed of the upper plate r, having the mortised lugs ti v w, and the lower plate 0', having the central morti.sed lug jr, in combination with the gib g, the set-screw v, and the plough-beams, as and for the purposes set forth. No. 172,869.— NELSON C. COLE, Beaver Dam, Wis. — Cultivators. — February I, 1876. [Filed ^K,f/M/4, 1875.] Devices for coupling together the drag-bars of seeders or wheel-cultivators, to form an ordinary cultivating imple- CULTIVATORS. Claim. — In a cultivator, the loops or clasps B E; the rods D and F, wedges G G, and draft-liooks H H, in combi- nation with the tooth bits A A, as and for the puiposes descubed iml slI louji No 17, _,s -I Wll s \ I Kli I III I ii\\s — Cultl .7 I ^ ' I I S 1875 ] Chni, \ li II , iihle side heanis 1)1 1 [ I l ' 1 1 i I 1 i '1 n jppobite M.i.s ..I the II, ,11, Uai„ |iM iL.l I,. ', „i , I I M l,ack »ii IK iI,mUi .,n -I. 1,1,1 li,i thL 1 „i, , ih 1 \., 17,4-1 — Wll I lAM \ sol II k t I IHM ^ \ tulll aloii—Jthiuim IS, lJi70 It-iled \o-uuhtl 4, 1875.] Devices for connecting the parts, whereby the thills are pivoted at their centres and vibrate vertically. Claim. — In a ciiltivatur, the loops L 1/, provided with the perfor.itions/, tlie elbijws ,', anil extensions.!, in com- bination with the viliratiiii; thills T, handles U, and cross- bars C C', arranged for the purposes substantially as .set forth. No. 173,554.— THOMAS J. MONTGOMERY and GEO. W. MONTGOMERY, Winchester, Tenn.— r«*/™/OT-.r. —February 15, 1876. [Filed September 17, 1875.] An extensible rear support or runner for a shovel-plough. Claim. — The combination of the outwardly, downwardly, and forwardly curved .standard B, the e.\tension-braces D a", and the flanged bar E ,', all constructed and arranged as and for the purpose specified. Xo. i7<,2oo.— loUX .S. SWANEY, Marengo, Iowa. —Root-eidtim: Ploui:hs.— March 21, 1876. [Filed Jan- uary IS, 1876.] Claim. — In a root-cutting or transplanting plough, the combination with two diverging beams, of the side cutters B B, inclined base cutter C, inclined plate E, and wedge- shaped sole D, substantially as herein shown and des- cribed. No. 175,216.— SILAS WALTON, Moorestown, N. J. —Cultivators.— March 21, 1876. [Filed February 5, 1876.] The curved standard and its combination with the curved beam. Claim. — I. — The standard S, curved downwardly, and outwardly and terminating in a vertically-inclined stem or blade holder, arranged as described, for the purpose set forth. 2. — The standard S, curved downwardly and outwardly, and terminating in an inclined blade-holder, in combination with the reversible blade h, cut away at c, as and for the purpose described. 3. — The combination, with the main beam A, having an offset at its rear end, of the curved standard S, for the pur- pose of centering the blade in such a manner as to allow obstructions to pass over the top of the .same, substantially as described. No. 175,251.— LEWIS MILLER, Richmond, Ind.— Corn-Ploughs.— March 28, 1876. [Filed January 24, 1876.] Ihe standard brackets, in two p.ut , iiini- I 1,\ .Iisks, one having a slot and the other a mi. , II ,; :, listenings clasp the round beam, giving n Claim. — I. — The arrangement ami . .i,iihiij. .11.11 of the arms U D, circular plates E, slot E', and arms D' D', in the manner and for the purpose set forth. 2.— The clutches O O. braces C C, and handles B B, in combination with the li,-.nni A, .is herein set forth. No. 176,072— h 111 \ I ^1 ARBROUGH, Favette- VILI.R, Al.A. — (. , .iiui Harrows — .-I fin'l 11, 1876. [Filed />,, . , ;. i.s;^.] Claim.— In a «.i„h„,c., pioa^h and cultivator, the adjus- table hini,Ted harrow. beam H. wiili its teeth E E, perforated a.ljustable arc C. and beam A. in combination with the ad- justable hin,>ed and slotted standard G, plough-point F, and adjustable abutment K, substantially as set forth and described. No. 176.240.— CASPER OEHRLEIN, St. Paul, Minn. — Cultivators. — April 18, 1876. [Filed N^ovember ig, 1875-] A plough as shown, capable of carrying interchangeable parts, to adapt it to various uses. Claim. — The combination, with plough-beam .\ and standard B, of the shoe C, with flat sole and curved sides rising to an edge, and having a triangular point, I, curved plate J, and eyes b' ^ the whole adapted to use as a furrow- opener, or to receive a pair of extensible mould-boards, M, or rakes K, all constructed as herein shown and described. No. 176,466.— ABK.MIAM Ci. W. FOSTER, Newman, iik.— Cultivators an,/ Subsoilers.-.-lpril 2^, 1876. [Filed December I, 1875.] The bar carrying the standards is pivoted under the plough-beam, to be swung around at any angle. Standards and bar are adjusted and held by serrated plates. Claim. — The cross-bar .4', swiveled to the plough-beam by the bolt /, and the ratchetplates b i, in combination with standards 2, having serrated top notched plate <>, and bolt 4, whereby said cross-bar is adjusted in line with the beam for a subsoiler, or at an angle with it for a cultivator, as de- scribed. No. 176,704.— F. W. STOSSBERG, Pond, Mo.— Culti- vators. — .4/>ril 2$, 1876. [Filed February 19, 1876.] The construction of cultivator-frame and combination with the guards. Claim.— The perforated adjustable H H, with screws on their outer ends, in combination with the stand- ards J, adjustable forward and backward in a vertical plane, braces K K, nuts h h, pin /, and guard-rods L L attached to the cross bars H H at their rear ends, and adjustable therewith, substantially as described and for the purpose set forth. No. 177,007.— A. RIGBY, Upper Stillw,\ter, Me. — Cultivators.— May 2, 1876. [Filed March II, 1876.] A harrow attached to an adjustable beam-cultivator. Claim.— The combination, with the adjustable side beams of a gang-plough, of the hooked rods // h, harrow G, with elongated staple /, chain h, and round w, with its hook, substantially as and for the purposes herein set forth. No. 178,826.— WILLIAM WRIGHT, LOCKPORT, N. Y. — Cultivators.— June 13, 1876. \¥\\^ii November 20. 1875.] The teeth made in two parts, having a beveled socket and tenon, and a web upon each, that receives a vertical bolt in the rear cavity. Claim. — The cultivator tooth I), constructed as described, in combination with the tapered tenon /; on the standard, the web ,/. and the bolt I. substantiallv as described. No. 178,840.- JOSEPH Gl.lDDEN, Lihertv, Me.— Cultivators. — June 20, 1S76. [Filed February T, 1876.] A centre beam carries two ploughs, the forward one nar- plough-standard capable of lateral adjustment. A ])air of handles are supported from a central standard from the main beam. Claim. — The described improved cultivator, composed of the handles C, bar 1), sup|OTi-t-piece ide beams and two cross beams. These beams and cross pieces are pivoted together in such a man- ner that, by pushing one forward and (he other backward, the distance between them is increased or diminished. 1 he outside beams carry each a share. An adjustable head- block, carrying another share, is secured to the under side of the middle beam, and which can be removed at pleasure. Claim. — I. — In combination with the beam A, the detach- able and longitudinally-adjustable bar D, provided w-ith a mortise, the foot E, provided with a tenon fitted into said mortise, and said bar and foot, secured to the frame A by the clips a, as and for the purposes herein set forth. 2. — The side beams B B, perforated and pivoted bars C r, and graduated plate (X in combination with the beam \ and the longitudinally bar D, and its foot E, ail substantially as and for the purposes herein set forth: No. 180,396.— DANIEL F. VICKERY, Oxford, Ai.a., assignor to himself, G. F. MATTISON, and A. 1). STARNES, same place.— Cw/Z/W/onv.— Jw/v 25, 1876.— [Filed May 8, 1876.] .\ beam is provided with a slotted cross bar, which is bolted to its rear end. and secured at any desired angle \vj curved slotted braces. The central portion of the beam is also slotted, to allow of greater adjustment. Claim. — The improved cultivator, fcirmed of the slotted beam A, curved braces E E, pivoted bar D, and share standards C C, said parts heing slotted in the manner shown and described, and the clamp bolts <- I ; : i.r.illx, directly under- neath the handles. Mil. . ' .:: 1 ImiiI, 2.— The liue pic . .;.|; : iL I. :i^c of the standards a and held faM 1- 11 ' \ ! :.: ' ' ,, ml lioll/, and having li.ies ,/,k I.". 1 : . i .: ■, < I. I set forth. 3. — The huu piLce . , Li'ja-, b.u ,;, and standard a, held together about the end of the brace »•, .substantially as set forth. 4. — The top joint piece /', and hoe piece f, made as de- scribed, in comliination with the standards a, handles c, braces .' //, and hoes il, as set forth. No. 181,041.- JOSEPH W, CHASE, Mii)I>, OHU>.— Oilti-'ators.—Aii!;^iist 15, 1876.— [Filed A/arrli 8, 1876.] The frame is made of iron, and consists of three bars, curved at the rear end to receive the shares. The outer bars are pivoted to the centre bar, and are adjustable out- ward and vertically. Claim. — The combination of the beams a d, handles c, guides, I, links I', Ijolts /, plates//, set screw 3, and a fa.sten- ing device for connecting the end of the links to the beam t.— Cultivators.— Oit- m-. the handles. Upon one side, near the rcai - 11 1, i- iniR-d an arm, secured by bolts, for the reception of ihe plou.^h-standard. About the middle of the beam, and upon the opposite side, is mounted another arm, to receive the forward standard. Claim. — I, — The combination in the double-shovel plough, of the single iron-beam, the two shovels, and the braced itayed brackets, all constructed and arranged as and for th( purpose : forth. 2. — The plough-shovel bracket F, constructed with the abutting side plate, the tubular stay, flanged plate, and diag- onal brace, in the manner and for the purpose described. 3. — The lever-bracket, as described made with an open loop, to receive the plough-beam edgewise, and with a pas- sage through its looped portion, to permit the insertion through it and the beam of a wooden pin, substantially as described. No. 183,147.— A. DEMARCE and TEUNIS VREE- LAND, Fairfield, Iowa. — Combined Cultivators and J larrmm.— October 10, 1876.— [Filed September 9, 1876.] A fiainc hinged centrally bv connetting-bais, operating \Mili\Liti ill\ Iju^table runners. 1 1 iini — I - 1 lie beams A, having teeth, as described, in 1 1 iitLt i 1 i\Cn othei hv the hinged bais B B', and an 1 ^t I I I 'lie with the iiinncis (,, substantially as de- 2 — 111 liciiii \ I \iii I ill IS described, handles E, 1.I1 Mil I h 1 1 h I I 11 I nil 1 I to each other by the each a shovel, or to curve inwaid and both support one shovel. Claim. — The combination of beam D with bent standards E E and shovel G, whereby said standards may be adjust- ed far apart or close together by simply transposing them, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. 183,202.— GARLAND A. PARSONS, Dover, Ark. — Cultivators.— October lo, 1876.— [Filed July 31, 1876.] Devices for adjusting and bracing the cultivator-beams. A cultivator-frame consisting of the central, intermediate, and outside plough-beams ABC, the beam B having the cross-bars G passing through beam A, and the beam C hav- ing cross-bars E F passing through both beams A B, sub- stantially as and for Ihe purpose specified. CULTIVATORS. No. 183,868.— MARK M. ROWELL, Oconomowoc, '^K.—Ciiltivators.— October 31, 1876. [Filed June 22, 1876.] A single beam supports upon pivoted hangers a series of share-bars, so coupled that an immovable obstacle will turn all the shares backward, to prevent injury to the parts. By removing a part of the cultivator teeth a horse-lioe is formed. Claim.— A ciiltii.n 1111,1., I «iil, name A, standards H, teeth D, ear, I .. :, i„.lt, C, connected with rods I, all in comi :. .. .,.i,[nlU ,,, Uescribed. No. 184,658.- a. LoUuL W. I'ARISH, Sav.\nnah, V-K.— Rice-Cultivators.— X,wml>er 21, 1876. FFiled Auic. 19, .876.] ^ Claim.— I.— The cultivator- teeth D, having horizontal blades «, vertical cutting-edges /-, brace ,, and .shanks rounded and adapted to form the pivot for their carrying- frame, substantially as and for the purpose described. 2. — The combination, with the frame E. composed of loosely-jointed parallel bars, of the cultivator-teeth D, hav- ing shanks rounded at the toi), and provided with nuts to form the front pivots of said frame, and having a rear- wardly-inclined brace, <-, extending to the rear pivots of the frame, and secured thereto by the same bolt d that forms the pivot for the frame, and secures the adjusting-bar, sub- stintially as described. No. 184,674.— THOMA.S I. TEAGLE, Independence, UhSi.— Cultivators.— A-m-ember 21, 1876. [Filed /iitv 3. ■875-] ' Claim — In a cultivator, the combination, with the ad- justable side beams C C and the upper and lower trans- verses connecting-bars T. of the iipiier and lower front transverse bars 6 b and the central draft-beam A, ex- tended m rear to rest on the lower or tr.ansverse bar J, con- necting said side beams, substantially as specified. No. 184,838,— ROBERT D. CHRISTMAN, John- ston County, N. C.— Gain^-Ptou^hs.-Xmiember 28, 1876. [Filed y„/v 29. 1875] Claim. — In conil.iinii..ii with the frame A or similar frame, the bolt^ w. iIk |.!.iIc 1 i, with the frame or stirrup G, msde with the l.inl --ilc in one piece, or adapted to re- ceive a land-side 111 a ,c],araie piece, and with wing/ for the attachment of the point //, all constructed and arranged substantialh as shown and described. No. 185.039.— rH( >MaS T. McALLISTKR and WIL- LIAM \V. iMcLUNAI.D, New Albany, Miss.— t«/rt- 7'atiHg Ploughs.— December 5, 1876. [Filed February 5, 1876.] Claim — In a cultivator the combination, with the beams A and colters F, of the fallow-blocks II, having the form specified, and arranged horizontally, as shown and de- scribed, to operate as specified. No. 185,211.— WILLIAM T. CHEATHAM, Rienzi, MKS.—Ploug/is.— December 12, 1876. [Filed October 14, J876.] The standards raised or lowered in loops; the construc- tion of the parts; an attachment for drawing off clods left upon the plants. Claim.— I.— The plough standards B, arranged to .slide in loops of the bars D E against a spring, H, as shown and described. 2. — The combination, with beam A and plough-stand- ards B, of the spacing-bars D and braces E, correspondingly adjustable, as and for the purpose set forth. 3- — The handle-bars F. attached to the upper part of braces E, and provided with an end hook, that connects with the loops of bars D, as and for the purpose specified. 4- — The knocker O P, arranged under, and at the rear of beam A, as shown and described, to drag the clods off the corn-row. No. 185,551.- THOMAS R. LANDON, Si.adesvii.i.e, N. C. — Cultivators. — December 19, 1876. [Filed August 21, 1876. V. / t * Claim. — The angular standard-bars F H, slotted in their vertical arms, in combination with the braces I, having slotted horizontal upper arms, and with the slotted adjustable cross-bar E and beam A, substantially as herein shown and described. No. 186,28}.— ROBERT WEBER, New Ul.m, Tex.— Plotigh- Stocks. —January 16, 1S77. [Filed October 14, 1876.] The form of the sockets for securing the standards, and devices for changing, to adapt the frame to various culti- vating implements. Claim. — I. — The keeper L, provided with a square socket in its forward part, and a round socket in its rear part, in combination with the beam A, for securing a stand- ard to said beam, substantially as herein shown and de- scribed. 2. — The combination, with the beam A, of the U-bars N and keepers P, the latter provided with square forward and round rear .sockets, as shown and described, so that standards may be fastened thereto by screws and wedges, in the manner specified. No. 186,611.— E. H. PERKINS and S. D. PERKINS, ViSALlA, Cai.. — Cultivators. — Januarv 23, 1877. [Filed June 6, 1876.] The beam is supported upon two standards, to the lower end of which is secured a slotted sole-piece, forming also a point. The forward section of this is horizontally slotted, and in which are pivoted two thin steel plates or blades, which overlap at their forward ends. A sliding brace moves fore and aft between the wings upon the sole, and is secured by a set-screw. By this means the wings are ad- justed. Claim. — I. — A pair of cutter-wings, D D, made to overlap each other within a slot of foot C, as and for the purpose set forth. 2. — The slotted adjustable bar E, having cross-head e' , in combination with wings D, having notches <.■•! " ii, ,■:-. Claim.— Ill coniliination with the cultivator-frame A, the rear wheels I) mounted on pivoted arms C, provided with slotted arms ,/ and set-screws n, and the caster-wheels D' mounted on tlie adjust.ible arms F, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. 187,665.— CHARLES W. ONEAL, Shop Spring, Tv.^^.—Phnncli-Coupliiiicsfor Double .Sliovels.-Febrnarv 20, 1877. I Filed Oc/ober 14. 1876.] Claim.— f he plouj^h Inxini; the lout; straight rudder- beam B, in line with tlu- ihalt, and the short laterally-bent beam A, haMiit; its clevis and leai ends jiarallel with the beam B, the handhs K connected to the parallel portions of said beams, the links K K '. and the clevis-pin c, whereby the clevis ends of the straight and bent beams are pivoted together, sulistantiallv as specified. No. 187,238.-;. \. LEES, Philadelphia, V\.— lVced- Destroyers.— April 3, 1877. [Filed February 28, 2877. A weed-destroyer combining clearing teeth and blades with sharpened side edges, for cutting weeds and grass even with the surface of the ground. Claim. — I'he teeth B and cutters C, in combination with the central beam E and [nvoted side beams D, and with the pivoted rear beams G, straps I', and rods d, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. 189,466.— J. C. JENKINS, Lkuanon, Tenn.— Ploug/is.— April 10, 1877. [Filed February 26, 1877.] Cultivator-beams loosely shackled together. A shield to protect the forward connecting-joiut. Claim. — I. — The beams of a double-shovel plough pivoted at their forward ends, said joint being protected by a bridge, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 2. — The combination of the plough-beams A B, bars C F, and bridge D, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. CULTIVATORS. No. 189,513.— |.\.MKS (.■, STEVENS, I'i.kas.vnt Hill, \.\.—Cullked, coni|)osed of the main beam I), the angu- lar beam (.', .adjust.ible oii the main beam, the slotted stand- ards A B, the adjustable cross-bais KG M, and the later- ally-adjustable handles K K', adapted to carry the covering ^levices f ) P Q or cultivator-teeth and shovels, substantially as shown and described. No. 190,092. — N. J. SKAGGS, TALLEOKnA, Ala. — Phiigh-Stoiks.— April' 2i„ 1877. [Filed March 24, 1877.] Claim. — The combination of pivoted standard F with brace-bar I and curved pivoted bar H, having a series of holes near its upper end, substantilly as and for the purpose set forth. No. 190,280.— A. BUSE.NGER, Mill Brook Depot, \ K.—CiilHvalors Mav I, 1877. [Filed March 17, «S77.f A shovel-jjlougli having three lieams, to be used in com- bination, or separated and used as single-shovel ploughs, ■each beam being provided with a set of handles. Claim. — The plough-beam K, constructed as described, and provided with the handles D, in combination with the plough-beam J, provided with the eve I,, perforated plate H, of plough-beam J, and upright Is.', hinged to the beam 1 at K'' whereby the cultivator may be transformed into a double-shovel plough with a single pair of handles, and the uiiright K' folded down on its plou.jh-beam out of the way, substantially as described. No. 193,593-1. R. J.\CKSON, CoLnvv.vrER, Miss.— Ploiii^hs.—May 8. 1877. [Filed March 31, 1877.] .\ double-shovel plough con-.triicted with devices to place both shovels parallel wuh each other, or to place one be- fore the other, as may be deemed best. Claim. — The combination, with beam A', handle E'.and tlxed standard F', of beam A having perforations a o' «' a'', brace I, standard F, having perforations//', and handle E, having perforations e ,•', substantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. 191,458.— THOMAS F. McNAIR, Worthvili.k, V„\.— Cultivators— May 29, 1877. VVW^A April 28, 1877. The plough-standards are interchangeable from front to rear, and can be turned up and held out of the way on a line with the beam. Claim. — I. — The combination, with the beam A and pivoted braces I I, perforated at their rear ends, of the slot- ted interchangeable plough-feet V, G, connected to the beam by the liolt d, and capable of being folded on a line with the beam and there secured, subst.mtially as and for the purposes herein set forth. 2. — The plongh-foot G', pivoted to the rear extremity of the beam \, and capable of bein^ thrown upward when not in use. as set forth. No, 191,990.— NELSON MESSENGER and JAMES ERWIN, Newark, \l.\..— Cultivators.— Juiic 12, 1877. [Filed Scptemher 29, 1876.] The shovel-standards are braced both to the frame and to each other. The draft is pendent from the d.iuble tree. Claim.— The combin.uinn. with the pule .\, Mationaiy cross-bar B, and pivoted duulrle-tree E, of the \'-shaped brace O, draft-rod K, link I., rod or chain M, and hook or clevis N, all constructed and arranged substantially as and for the purposes herein set forth. No. 192,029.— PEMBROKE S. TARTT and GEORGE F. WILSON, WiNGo's Station, Kw.— Cultivators.— June 12,1877. [^"iled .\'«7z-ot/w 13, 1876. Standards with cutting-edges, and horizontal shovels with jJiarp edges on all sides ; devices for fastening shovel and plough-feet. Claim. — I. — A cultivator constructed with stindards a a, sharpened on their front edges, and provided with horizontal flat feet li b, combined with shovels B B, slightly convex transversely, and with edges on a horizontal plane, a-s and for the purpose set forth, 2. — The shovels B B, of tlie form described and shown, with sharp rear edges e c, as and for the purpose set forth. 3.— The horizontal flat feel ' ' lumj I. |.u .-ion, .n cells iu the upper surface, wiili h-lrm nl cells, combined with the shoi<; |: l: 1. : :..|<.i 1 the under side to fit said deprts i^n . ,1; 1 ■ ■ 'I .m tin up|it:i side to receive the Hush hea-,d!\ -nljii-talilr caster-wheel G, the lever S, ex- leiiiliM- 11:111 i.'i ' 111 Aiirvl beyond the cross-bar of the liaiMilr ,111 i 1' ,!■ 1 . Iiinding the latter on the cross- culti the tr having a notched cro.s.-.-bar B-, of the vertically-adjustable and vibrating wheel G, its operating-lever S, and a spring binding the said lever against the said bar, substantially as specified. 4 — The combination, with the beam A having a triangu- lar oper.iting-handle, B B' B', and the laterally-adjustable beam C pivoted to said beam A, of the curved plate E, having slots ;' and perforated offset/, the threaded bolts/' secured to said beams C, the clamp-nuts iir 2C, iSyS ]^ i\^i\ 4u^'iiit \ 1878 Claim— Hu 1 11 1 1 ; ili ili ill uns I)', ofa cultivatoi and tl 1 ' ( I I ili i I the inde- pendent detach 1 I 1 111 11^ I ptifoiated stem , i> at th. t 1 ii.,k-. t - ihc bod^ of the cur- %ed iron, and 1 luiv\aid edge cutular and Liaced to them I ill constiuctedandairanged to opciate a-, --h 1 No 2094!m — |()H\ II \\l\(iS Jr N \i ick, Ma'sS. — Cultivators.— Oclobtr 2 r, no-third to each. — Ploughs. — December 3, 1S7S i ,■ : '' -■ n, 1878. CLuni ill ! I, i I iMii with the plough-beams A A' and pivot 111 I .1, i , , I 1 II, tlie adjustable braces E E', having hooked , il.l i~ /. i.iU- //. and nuts i. wIkivIiv ,:ii.l bunk- ed shuuM,. 1 . 111,,^ Ik- „.„,,-,| ,11 iIk- iiMiclu-, - ol ih,- m.i.hI- ards, SI ,1. 1-. I. .1111 .iiMniMi,,,] -uppuri, ,, :il miiiu.-mi -. 1u, the share's ui- .huvt-K .illixcl uj-un thr si.indaiiK. sul.^t.iiUially in the manner and lor the ouroose set forth. No. 210,718.- MATTHEW SMITH, Waxahachie, Tex. — Cultivators — December 10, 1878 Filed November 6 1878 Cla 1 — I A c It vator ha ng a forked e\pan ble beam A o e bra ich a of hicl 1 tern ate 1 v th a c r ed 1 o el I po -t (7 an 1 the othe brai ch a made stra ght and 1 adapted to have a remo - abl t t e tl er for vard of or abr t 1 o el suppo i a s fa- ta fo th 2 I t \ t 1 aft If tlei 1 tfo-tl. adj t gcle [late J le er- an 1 hoo a'' of the c Itivator tl e ] ri^o e set forth 1 1 te T havi g t shanl } 1 ertu es _) j'' n com- V slaved beai A, tl e T bolt fastei g W 1 LLE\ C \s\CK- I I <^htto s\MUhL J — De ember l-j [878 H 7 4 i^7S> Ch —I— Tlel a 1 tocl D const ucted 1 1 one p ece th t e I 01 1 1 n 10 1 se / lateral lecesses p p ert ca plte fo t 1 e le ear g rr a d bolt hole v 0' 1 ha ng a n forn dth j^tl V haped cutt ^ edges he m ddle a d the hole n the form of about a third-pointed portion of a band making one spiral turn around and from end to end upon a cylinder having its diameter about one-fourth of its length, as shown and described. 3. — In a cultivator, the improved blade having V shaped cutting end edges and the particular spiral form and propor- tions specified, in combination with the standard, and secureb thereto with all straight lines in the spiral working surface of the blade inclined upward, rearward and laterally, and with the lower middle point, b, and the upper side comer, m, in a vertical plane y y, coincident with that in which the blade is drawn forward in use, as shown and described. No. 211,397.— JOHN C. GUY, Fayetteville, Ga.— Cultivators.— January 14, 1879. Filed October 28, 1878. Claim. — The removable and adju.stable bifurcated stand- ards D, in combination with the adjustable braces . 217.597.— CHARLES E. ESTES, Columbus, Ga. — Colton-Wing Sweeps.— July 15, 1879. Filed May 13, 1S79. Claim. — The combination of the standard A, having wings a' and point C, with the thin narrow blades 13, provided with transverse slots b' , and bolted to the wings, so that their for- ward ends will be clamped between the said wings and the iioint, substantially as shown and described. No. 21 S.407.— COLUMBUS STEPHENS,C.iVE Spring, Ca. — Cullivators. — August 12, 1879. Filed November 5, 1878. Claim.— As the improvement in cultivators hereinbefore described, the combination, with the standards D and the beams A, having one or more rows of indentations, as speci- fied, of the braces G, having their upper ends made hook- shaped to embrace the beams, and the set-screws H, passing through said braces opposite the row of indentations, all as and for the purpose set forth. No. 218,482.— JAMES L. BUSKETT, St. Louis, Mo.— Cultivators.— August 1 2, 1 879. Filed June 28, 1 879. Claim. — The fixed central beam. A, bearing a shovel- plough at its rear end, and provided with cross-bars C C, bolted permanently to it, said bars being provided with recesses E E, in combination with two removable reversible beams, D D, carrying land-side shares near their forward ends, and capable of adjustment as a cultivator, ridger, or single-shovel plough as set forth. No. 218,568.— WILLIAM J. PIRKLK. (imminu, Ga. — Ploughs. — August 12, 1879. Filed Janiiary 14, iSyg. Claim. — I. — The combination of theailju-Lilik -I'lc lic.ims, A A, the sectional cross-bars B, with ho'ili^ h, the ^L■lr ailjust- ing clevis, composed of the doubled bars L L, the bolt /, and link L,' substantially as and for the purpose herein set forth. 2. — The combination, with tlie plough-foot D, of the II, ' by the slotted bar h, the lever I, having in :: ■. 1 : ilie plate !, substantially as and for the purjxj^i - ihum ■ 1 i-iitli. No. 219,227. — joSiAII |. I i|.AI,..MASSlLLON,a.ssignorto WILLIAM M.JOIINSTOX, W ii.mot, Ohio.— Cultiva- tors. — September 2 1S79. lilcl J/arc/t 3, 1879. Claim— I.— In a cultivator, till- liandles I) D, pivoted to the rear of the frame A at (/■', I : iii,:ii n with the bent pivoted beams C, said handk- i . mIiIv connected to said beams at ^', substantial!} 1 2. — In combination with tlic iViiii \, the pivoted bent beams C, the pivoted handles D.and the wheel, B, joumaled centrally to the front of the frame and adapted to be turned to either side by the movement of the handles, substantially as and for the purpose described. No 219,745.— WILLIAM E. LOWRIE, Clear Port, Ohio. — Plough^or Cultivator^. — September id, 1879. Filed May 22, 1879. Claim. — I. — The combination, with the beams A and B, connected together by horizontal and vertical pivots C D, of the handles E F, connected independently to said beams, as described. 2. — A double plough constructed with a main beam. A, a secondary beam, B, connected to the first by horizontal and vertical pivots C and D, handles E F, attached independently to the said beams, and a clip-brace, M, for fi.\ing the beams rigidly together when desired, all substantially as herein set forth. 3. — The combination, with beams A B, connected by hor- izontal and vertical pivots C D, and handles E F, of the clip- brace M and triangular hinged brace L, for rigidly securing the beams and handles, as described. No. 220,352.— WILLIAM J. DAVIDSON, Big Spring, Va. — Shovel Ploughs. — October 7, 1879. Filed February 14, 1879. Claim. — I. — The reversible standards B, carrying ploughs on one end, and curved at the other to form colters, as set forth. 2. — The combination, with the standard, consisting of a plain bar adjustable on the bars a a' a', of the securing- bolt and nut and gage n, adapted to be secured by the nut. as specified. 3. — The combination, with the standard, of the bull- tongue d and the broader-pointed end blade, h, constructed and adapted to be .secured by the same bolt, m, passing through both, and to be used together, or either separately, on the same standard, as specified. 4. — The combination, in a cultivator-shovel, of the shoe g and the thin steel facing-plate t, adjustable on the shoe, conforming thereto, and projecting slightly beyond the edges of the same, substantially as set forth. 5. — The combination of the shoe and adjustable thin steel facing plate /, provided with ears TO, adapted to clamp the edges of the shoe, as specified. No. 221,803.— PETER GERGES, Skiitack, Pa.— C«/- tivators. — November, 18, 1879. Filed August 14, 1879. Claim. — The combination, in a cultivator with single beam A, of the standards E F, carrying wide ploughs L, and the standards G H. carrying naiTow ploughs M, all of siul stindaicls 1 (.hie; bolted to beam through blocks, and th 1 I I . H bemg secured at different angles but I \ shown and described. I B SMALL, North Lubes, Me.— Uii Iloa and Cultivators. — November2<„ 1879. tiled Juh S, it>79 Chun — The tongue A, and end-slotted cross-bars BCD, in combination w ith standards F, plows G, .standards H, and hoes I, all constructed and arranged to operate as described. No. 222,367.— JAMES M. RICHARDS, Brundidge, Ala. — Cotton Scrapers. — December 9, 1879. Filed Sep- tember 24, 1879. Claim.— I.— The combination of beams A and D and in- termediate block, G, constructed to present bearings at dif- ferent angles, and devices for clamping the block and beams together, substantially as described. 2. — The combination of beams A and D, block G, and connecting-bolts, hook H, stay, and standards B, sub.stan- tially as set forth. No. 222,783.— MAKTIX HOT DRFnGE. Kent. Ohio. — CultiTators.—l\y " ' '' i"^7'i I'iled A!ii:ttst 5, 1879. Claim.— In a cull r, :, i' ' niatioii, with the center beam having a staiMln- ai,.i |.i..ii-ii, of two be.ams pivoted back of tluH 11. la eiiils lo a cross-bar, and each carrying tno -lio-xK an^l made adjustable, so that when the rear ploughs arc iiio\r,l .uUward the front ploughs, will move inwanl. and \kc \ ersa, substantially as show'n and described. No. 222,893.— GEORGE W. CIOODWYN, Petersburg, Va., assignor of one-half of his right to PASCAL DAVIE, same \Aace.— Cultivators and Cultivator- Teeth.— December, 23,1879 Y\\kA August \b,\%-j') Claim — I — A re\ersible cultnator tooth having practi- call) a straight landside and an enlarged shovel-shaped and cur\edfunol^ M.le. the ^tnic;ht line of the land side and the cur\ed lini . I tin Inn .» 1 k intersecting to form the cultivating p int- -11 It lli bein,' eoncave from point to point and\ i\ li m tli 1 iiid side to the furrow side, sub- stantialb i I 1' 11 |io-,e specified. 2. — A 1 ' I tooth having a straight land- side and II 1 shaped and curved furrow-side, thestiai'lii I ide and the euned line of the f,,,, Tl 1 1 li I i 1 . 1 h pd cul ,0 I II I I K. said 3— Aie\Li-ibk ailtiMtoi ti.oth hning i -tiaight land side pro\ided with a cutting share or mold boaid formed at nght angles theieto and an enlarged sho\el shaped and curxed fuiiow -nk til.- -tnic'lit line of the land-side and the cuiMilliin I til lull >i il lilt isi eting to form the culti- \atiii.,; I 111! Ill ulii III il Umg conca\e fiom point to point 111 1 I !i\< \ Il III ila 1 111 i>ide to the furrow side, suhstantialh a^ deseiibed 4.— A re\ersible eiiltnatoi tooth haxing a stni^ht land- side with a cutting shaie 01 inokl boaid loimed at iii;ht an gles thereto and an enkarged -h i\ el sln| ed ind cur\ed lur- row-side, the straight line ol il 1 I ii md the cursed line of the furrow sidemeein hue or chisel shaped cultivating points fo- 233,730.— .SIMON L. COCIGIN, O-xkord, Miss.— Harrmm ami CtMvators.— October 26, 1880. I'iled August 17, 1880. Claim. — In a harrow or cultivator, the front blades or sci-apers ]i, attached to the front teeth, and made both longi- tudin.illv aii.l vorticallv a.liust.ible bv means of the .slots ami M-t '-11VW- 1:, llie i\ar sciai>-ix, C. adjustably attached to till- roar tcolli. ami llio inlcniiL-iluitf teeth, a, all combined and arran;.;ed subManlially a^ iIcm ribed. and for the purpose specified. No. 233,849. — OZI.VS W. C.OSl.KK, Ui.astonhurv, Qyi-S^.— Tobacco- Hoes— Xovemhcr 2, 18S0. Filed July 27, 1 880. Claim. — I. — The Mil ~ ' 1, .11 1 '1 'I to and supported by the tooth K, in com! in i 1 '; h'nth E and the beam .\, .said bl ides bein;; ,! ! I i '11 nially by means of the bolts and >lots 1;', ;..:!-;. :;;. '!> a- l.-cribed. 2.— The combinati.m if la: hla k-, C, the supporting-tooth E, the beam A, and tin -ui'k 1 in ilic rear of the tooth E, to form a cultivating de\iiv. ^ui' lami illy as described. 3. — The combinatii.n m! (Ik t ■'•ili H, the supporting-tooth E, with the blades t;. aivl ilic -.n-le or cutter J, with the beam A and the rollLi 1 , ,ul' lamiallv as described. No. ^35,087.— SILAS C. lU N rKR, Chari.ottk, N. C. —Cultivators.— December, 7. 1880. I'iled May 6, 1880. Claim. — The forwardly-projecting diverging arm A', rigid- ly connected with the beam A, in combination with teeth arranged, the forward one to work in close proximity with the row and to throw the soil outward or away therefrom, and the others in a reverse position for throwing the soil in- ward toward the row, as described. No. 235,986— SMITH R liKIJ., T'MKsii\'K. Ark — Cultivators. — /',-".'' >,_'■<, i "^"^'i lii 1 '^ '' '-" .i-.iSS,i standard.,, • ai - . ■ ■ ' ' : !■ a.i . : ',,::•.■. attheir li.Hai ■ ; a.| ;'• a , . ■ . . :, ., ■ :a !• , ' a their U] I . : I . .,-:■•,. I a, ■ a i - ward thejilai,]^, -a' 1 >, a- -'aaaa an I ^.a.Mii'. .1 No. 236,^43.— lAMKS V. l.KWiS. Rn,KY llii.i. Ivv. —Combined Cultivators and Scrapers.— January 4, 1881. Filed August 23, 1880. Claim.— The herein-described cultivator, consisting of the bea'ii .\, the perforated plates B C, the laterally-adjustable beams D IC, the bifurcated slotted standards G. braces H', and coulters H, the said beam E adapted to be adjusted backward or forward to form a cultivator or scrajier, as de- scribed. No, 238,132.— FREDERICK M. LESLIE, Cf.d.vk Grove. G,\.— Cultivators.— Fetiruarv 22, 1881. Filed March lo, 1880. Claim. — The beam A. standards A' and shovels, the dif- ferentially-slotted and;ed bars F and E, the serrated slotted bars D I, the perforated beams C, the perforated tie-bar R, ami iho conneciing bolts and nuts, the whole constructed, arra.ngc-d. and combined to afford longi- tudinal, lateral, and diftcienlial adjustment at will, as and for the piirpo-,es set forth. No. 239,369.— AIKEN CURRIER, WiLi.SHORour.H, assignor of one-half to CHARLES W. WOODFORD, Es- sex, N. \.—Hoeing-Mn:-hines.— March 29, 18S1. Filed October 7, 1 880. Claim. — I. — In a hoeing-michine, the combination, with ihe frame hin:jed centrally, of hoes secured adjustably to said frinie, the means whereby they may set more or less obliquely, and the bands F F', adjustable with the thills and the handles, substantially as described. 2. — In a hoeing machine, the bands F F', p.issin-j, re- spectively, above and below the frame, secured thereto by bolts G, and having pivoted to their forward ends vertical slotted links K, attached adjustably to thills, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 3. — In a hoeing machine, the bands F F', .seciired to the 4,_nn; combination, with thills II, bands F F', and hinged frame A, of bolts G, passing through the same, and having on their upper ends projections G', as and for. the purpose set forth. No. 239.798.— RICHARD A. JOHNSON, Newnan,Ga. — ' '-/tivators.— April $, 1881. Filed February 12, l88i. Claim. — In a cultivator, the combination of the standard A, the cultivator B, the clamping bolt C, and the two wings, which have slots or openings made through them for the clamping bolt to pass through, and angles upon the top edge of the \nn" to catch a.niinst tlic under side nf the shoulder on 111, aan !aa!, ila' 'pa 1 1 • l"ia ; M'" '' and arranged to \ . ' 1. 1 i.,a ; \ ■>! I - I --i I \ w . la a r II' Centre, ha , ' / , la, INM, I ;l .1 l/./,-a/, 19,1881. ( I, ,a I ! a.l|. I > ulluana, lla' i kinaliun, with the Ix-an I t a. r. .a.i, I;. ,,1 iha 1,1,,, K, ,„-sli,les I) D, can., ■ ,' ,a aan,. ,,n,l ,, ,i a,l )ii-l,.l,ly upon the lii.,n ,,,nLal ,.iid.- L L ,ar the ar,:li, sul ,-.l,inli,dly as shown and described. No. 240,642.- ANDREW BEARD, Easonvii.i.e, Ala. —Double Ploughs.— April 2(), 1 88 1. Filed September i^, 1880. Claim. — I. — ^The curved standard or drag-bar H, formed of a douljle bar of iron and having a brace, J, inserted be- tween the sides and across the bend, whereby the standards are stiftened and braced in any position to which the swing- ing beam may be moved. 2. — The combination of the curved standards H, the braces J, the s^^ imain^ cioss-bar D, plough-beam A, and braces F, sul,.i n uAh , -V.wn and described. No. 24001; li.W;. 1: A TlaM.VN, Mills, N. T„ assign. , a 1, ' : a , IJ >\v,\RD S. BATEMAN, sam.' ,,laia . ' , ..a aa ..— J/.!r 3, 1881. Filed Npposite end upon another of said frame-l.n . ,ia. 1 ,1 shovels attached to the expan- sion bars, mil : ". a ! I",, r t'li- iMirpfase specified. 2. — In a , ■ ■ : '.i. a ,, ■ ,,, ,,f I, iv^imdinal frame- bars, expan-a , . • ' ; ' : , , |,n,,i, ,1 at one end to one of sail a ,, ■ ia, . ,,,,, h | „ai,!. iiilv a,ljustable longi- tudinalK ai la,' ,,|,i„.-ite end upon another of said frame bars, an, I -piiii,:,,, \il,,)ry shovels attached to the expansion bar,,,! |,r, .,,1 ii,,n,, substantially as and for the purpose ^'■"'K'''' „ dinal coupling bar or bars connecting the transverse expan- sion bars or spread h-ons, substantially as and for the purpose specified. 4. — In a culthatar, the combination of a longitudinal cen- ter bar, adjua :' '. :, a alin.d side bars, transverse expan- sion bars, or . I i\,ited at one end on the longitu- dinal side la, .,n,i I, naiui.linally adjustable independently at the opposite end upon the center bar, cultivator shovels attached to the expansion bars or spread irons, longitudinal coupling bars for connecting the transverse expansion bars, and an independently adjustable rudder tooth pivoted on the CULTIVATORS. rear end of the longitudinal center bar, substantially as and for the purpose specified. No. 24i,8<5.— JAMES W. FLEMING, Aspen, Colo.— Combined Cultivators and Harrows — May 24, 1881. Filed March 28, 1 881. Claim.— The triangular frame A, connected to the cross beam a and having the teeth d a.nd shovel or plough e, and at its rear end elongated slots i, in combination with the wings B C, connected to the beam a, said wings having con- nected hereto strap irons D, with holes g, and fastened to the frame by suitable bolts h passing through said holes and throuhg the slots i, as and for the purpose set forth. No. 242,279.— JOSIAH J. DEAL, Wilmot, Ohio, as- signor of one fourth to WILLIAM M. JOHNSTON, same place.— Co;« Cultivators.— May 31, 188 1. Filed April 6, 1 881. Claim.— In a cultivator without wheels, the frame A, having the double back bar, A', in combination with the independent beams B B' and the adjustable handles C, whereby each plough beam can be swung separately while in action, substantially as and for the purpose described. CUL T/r.l TOR—/) IS a:' riah- Claim no!e Claim ria. '^laim Anthony, S. E. 258 75 Ilcnigst. W. 278 82, J. F. 245 T> Asay, A.. M. and Wood Hill, I. L. 273 80 P..ii.', 1. V. 258 75 J. W. 266 77 llogle, S. S. 250 7^ Pool.j. 258 75 Atcliison, W. y. 271 79 llomri-housc, L. 256 74 (.Hiarf.n, \V. B. 24 ^ 69 Austin, J. 280 S3 Hoyt, B. C. 241 '9 Randall, S. G. .-43 69 Bayliss, E. 264 76 " " .' (A. I.) 242 69 (R.) 243 69 " " (R.) 265 76 lloyt, B. C. 25 S 75 Randall, S. c;. 263 76 Bean, S. 268 77 Hutchinson, G. E. 261 75 (R.) 263 76 Bbnchard, I. 164 76 Ives, 11. 2S6 85 Randall, S. G. 267 77 Bondeli, A." 254 74 lackson, A. and Irwin, R . 26-1 77 Randall, S.G. 26, 77 Bodley, 1. \V. 2S8 87 "leflerson, T. E. 286 85 Redlleld, U. li. 267 77 Branier, F. 264 76 K-ner-,on, T. E. 290 88 Rtvniilds, S. G. 273 79 Bramcr, V. ' 270 7« "lohnson, H. M. 241 69 RitVon, L. 247 71 " (R.) 270 78 "luhnson, M. 250 72 Rolxit,, M. L. 246 70 Bramer, F.& Badger, ().\V, 270 78 • '• " (R.) 250 72 Rudclaish, G. S. 244 69 (R.) 270 7« (R.) 250 72 St. juhn, G. 11. and Under- Bramer, V. 271 79 Johnson, M. 251 72 ' «n,.,i, I. K. 284 8.5 Bramcr, F. 276 Si (R.) 252 73 Sl.|„l,„,(.:P,. Bramer, F. 277 81 (R.) 2i2 73 .Sanders, T. and Nichaolds, Bramer, F. 277 81 '■ ■• (R.) 252 73 L. C. 274 So Bramer, F. 281 83 lohnson, M. 2=;3 73 S.itterlee, M. 241 6,, Bramer, F. and Crowle> lohnson, M. 250 74 Schlosser, J. 259 75 G. G. 2S5 85 lohnson, M. 260 75 .SchroelTel, |. and Dell, W. 2^5 74 Brewer, I. 249 72 lohnson, M. 26.? 76 .Scitz, P. ■ 289 87 Bush, W'. M. 251 72 Johnson, M. 265 77 Shaw, II. F. and G. F. 280 83 Bussell, E. T. 256 74 Johnsin, F. 278 82 Sh,i^ley,J. I). 2.S7 t6 Biissell, E. T. 261 75 Johnson, G. R. 283 84 .Smuh.J.l). 243 69 Bussell, E. T. 261 75 "Kirk, W. A. L. 245 70 .Smith, J. H. 276 81 Bussell, E. T. 262 75 La Dow, C. 272 79 Stevenson, G. 272 79 Canterbury, A. 267 77 •' " •' (R.) 272 79 Stevenson, G. 275 81 Coe, O. 243 69 I.a Dow, C. 283 84 .Strait, R. E. 2^4 74 Coleman, L. 247 71 La Dow, C. 282 84 Taveau, A. L. 255 74 Corliin, 1. S. 275 So Lane, D. H. 278 82 Tharp, C. and G. P. 260 75 .. ■'• (R.) 275 So Lane, \. 281 83 T.ce, I. P. 559 75 Corbin, J. S. 288 86 Lee, J.- 242 69 Tournier, A. 259 75 Corbin, J. S. 288 86 Lee, J. 242 69 Tracy, S.D. 244 69 Crane, E. 248 71 Lefeber, J. and Schultz Underwood, A. 267 77 .' '■ (R.) 248 7' G. W. 260 75 Underwooil. L K. 2t9 77 Crane, E. 248 71 Leonhard, F. A. 259 75 •' (R.) 269 78 " •• (R.) 248 7' Leslie, W. 257 74 Underwood, I. K. 271 78 Cravatl,,M. A.andl. M. 247 70 McCormicU, J- B. am Underwoo.l, |. K. and St. 1 R. ) 247 70 Baker W.^R. 243 69 lolin, G.' B. 287 85 Crowley, G. G. 284 85 Mallon, T. 277 81 Vairm, A. L. P. 254 74 Custer, J. 246 70 Martin, A. T., Jr. 271 79 Wall, 1. B. 274 80 Custer, J. 246 70 Masten, J. 268 77 West, "W. B. 253 73 Dalton, H. N. 245 69 Meeker, C. A. 280 83 West, B. J. 2S4 84 Daniels, T. T. 287 l\ Momany, O. F. 251 72 Danell, D. E. 290 88 Moody, S. A. 246 70 ENGLISH I'ATIiNTS SIRIWINT. DISK- Densmore, J. 248 7' Moore, L 275 80 CULTIVATORS. Emmert, E. 242 69 Nevill, G. \V. 244 69 Fisher, J. B. 276 81 Nichols, H. \V. 273 79 No. 3,687.— Abel, Dec. 20, 1869 Foster, C. R. 281 83 Kisliwitz, F. 253 73 " I,S62.— Clark, June 26, 1 862 Gait, T. A. and Tracy .\oble, W. 2SI 72 " 3,022 — Corbett, Oct. 14, 1S72 G. S. Green, B. F. 289 262 87 76 Norton, R. I). (R.) 2S0 289 83 83 " 731.- " Mar. 7, 1872 Godfrey, ]. S. 249 72 Olds, A. W. 245 70 " 3.'35— " Sept. 7. 1875 Godfrey, j. S. 254 74 Page, G. 241 69 " 3.831.— Greig, Oct. 3, S76 Godfrey, J. S. 255 74 Palmer, N. 276 8. •' 3.984.— Justice, Oct. 27, " i,737.-Lakeand .S77 Godfrey, J. S. 257 74 Palmer, N. 279 82 Godfrey, J. S. 257 74 Palmer, N. 279 82 Godfrey, J. S. 257 74 Pattillo, R. M. 279 82 Thomas, May 26, S68 (iordon. M. 249 72 Pence, I. W. 256 74 L,.bb, May I, 1S21 CULTIVATOR-DISKS. 69 No 5,218—0 r\GE, WvbiiiN. ION, U C — A / ///, M iiltlboiirds — Jk?-« t 7, 1S47 Chim — 11k employment of the fuciion rollerb in com liin-ition \\ uh the ie\olMrg mould boauU substiintull) is spcciht I foi idjustin^ the htel of the m jld I m 1 nil 1 in t leguhtc the fiiiiow \„ 0879— Mil ION ^\TIEkLl I I \\^\ \\\ — S ^/ I'liiiUrt—Jtih 26 iS>5j (-Uim — Ihe amngement of the drill ind coveiiUjj wheels or their equivilents on flt\ible i\lts, so th\t thty will n in I f-iU ti nccommoditt themselves to undulating 1 ^riin IS all thu fun iws is phn ed it t ya-\\\\ ci\ered \ 1 1 M lOHNSON C u 1 1 1 1 1 \ — / -^Ju,u 27 1854 Chun — \ \ tciii of shaipened disks 01 utai) coultei-- T jnrt of which nie iimed upon their pcriphci its with I nues projecting hteiall) slid knnes being set obli juely I I the riduis of the disl -, is -ibo\t descubed, the whole hting combined in 1 11 nn., 1 11 the two set^ -irmed \ ti 1 l of the soil substint ilU 1 t f No ,.;6,4_B e H()\ P 1 / / / 1/ «//;/— S // Is k K com th the the w h I ui^L 1 in ihi- imnner described N 1S4— B C HO\T P )RT W\sHiNrr n W is — A / ; \r H Uai is (V I) to pitent N 15654 — /,„uu^ 5 1858 Chini— The adjustible n\ I hijouimlsC IK and adjus ing arms I I m h the stii uip or standard D lot r\ 1 1 ^lound pro jelling or driMni; wheel N 1 purpose set forth ^o 17,144— EZRA. 1 MMERT Frvnkhn Ok\e In —Seu{D,ils — 4pnl2%, 185* 1 do not claim broadly the use of ed t i\ heels in seed m nnLiine>^ neither do I cla m 1 r ji Ih thi" u e of e\len t n tul c but I claim the arnngenunt an 1 l ml inati n fthi. wheels E w ith the e\ten on pieces a' m the mannei an 1 foi the ] uq ise sul tant all) a described ^J iS(gS— T ILL ( \iisnURr \\\. — Wh I I I H h —\ ,1 't 1837 Llaiin — I —The peculiar ar an ement, consisting of fricti n wheel / incline plane / g and level k for a 1 justing tl e pi Uj^h fram" to any required position sul slant alb as et foith 2 — Ihe !_ e liai arrangement consisting of the flange or guar 1 I and pi\oted a\le « 7 f r all 1 th t nun., of the front Ir ick to a position at 1 _,h \i 1 r I to t'le hind tiuel , so that the na liic 111 \ ti 1 i [uare ciinerw tho it lialjility of li'^tiiij, the plough 1 t of the groun I, sub tantially as set foith No iSSm— JOAL LEE G\Ll=tUR( In— S / ri,„f ,,—D ,,U, 8, 1857 Claim — Ihe bevel wheels D D' t t 1 ranged and operated in the mannei a I 1 I ined with the swivel tube C ( 1 the | | No 19489— OR\I\Nl COE \\\HN I N \\1 — A ti,) Hano —Ml / ' ibsS Claim — The coml n t n w th the bais A o'" a harrow fi aire of a series of ie\ 1 ng eiieulir conical or concave f rked hairow teeth a I teetl 1 t nt, airinged obliquely to ihe line of di aft an 1 1 lUi i iite lly, substantially as and for the purpose t tl No 21,3 9— T 1 M C II MlLkandW R BAkER, B isroN Mass- .i lui V, / / --/«,;«/ 31 1858 Claim — The arrangement and co nbination of the rola ting w heel G, w ith the stationary plates or shares, sub stantially as and for the purpose shown. No. 21,375.— J. D. SMITH, E..\NCASTER, Ohio.— 5m/ lu^ Mac/iiiics.— Angus/ 31, 1858. I do no; claim broadly the employment of two wheels for opening the furrow, the seed being dropped between the wheels Claim. — The arrangement and combination of the spout K, wheels M, frame H, antl Irame D, as and for the purposes shown and described. Ni w Brai 13 1859. iEE, of the series II \ 1 horizontal bar B, lnll\ 1 b \ 1 ai 1 le e il I so that, as the bar B nn along the plate wheels shall assume an oblique n as set forth ) 1— MI \^i K\NDALI, Nr.w Braintree, \ ptiinb t 13 1859. — No. 25, I I g platt wheels D, revolving \l 1 h ]ue t tl e lint of draught airangedin series, i\ er elv duplicated substantially as shown and describ- I the pur] OSes specihed -T 1 II ^enient and combination of the series of I ed boxes A and honzontal bar B, sub- I sciibed and shown, so that as the bar I e plate wheels shall assume an oblique I I I I I I \ \ Vernon, N. Y.— — The eomlinatun f the m m1 le r adjustable cut- t r D D and then si tte 1 su]-] urt with the zigzag sjiur wheel CC in the manner and for the puiposes herein spe- eihed , — The airangement of the seed box H, in grooves, in the 1 1 1 1 le fth hm^e 1 seat & so as to be adjustable 1 I m 01 turning up therewith, I d \ t ibutor I constructed, opera- t 1 Ih as and for the purpose liere- No jO 645 — C EORGE S ROUDEBUSH, Natchez, Miss — L tl 11 in / L n Snl/ Cutf ;t — Nmiemliir\T„ i860. Thi mxeit t th nil \m it of a biconical all the 1 foi joint I motion independent of the cutters and so constructed and placed on the shaft as to use or fall and accommodate them el t t t ' of the surface of the ground 111 I 1 I II they w ill each form a I 1 I 11 hng ridge, and thus II I tl Is E', cutters D, axle ! I III I I L seed box B, rollers I I I I ] I I I ill as shown and de- I I tl I I W NEVILL, Bath, Ii.i..— ill beveled edges tipped with 1 I uii 1 into which the grain IS li i_i 1 11 le 1 with spurs on their peiipheiie and a | rtion of their outer suifaee mr ves thi hopper and agitates the 1. 1 rin eau m^, U I 1 tl .,h openings, whence it falls into the con%e)oi In the lear of the conveyors are shte \\ \iled with jlates at their sides which cover the grain, the heel of the shoe pressing the soil down upon the same. Claim. — The wheels C and the wheels E, being fixed upon shafts, hopper B, conveyors D, and shoes F, the whole arranged and operating as set forth. No. 33,072.— H. N. DALTON, Jacksonville, Cal.— Secdint; Machines. — August 20, 1861. The hounds of the draught-pole are pivoted to the sides of the main frame. The front transverse bar of the hounds 1 .e uM ai inder, .inged 1 Mlel w th the ;nives mlti H, ""tVortli and w 1 in the ith or frame \rlin\ ille, LL.- 1 by side on a which is capable fixed of a CULTIVATOR DISKS. is connected to the front end of the frame by a vertical ad- jufting screw which passes through a rocliing nut, and is fastened at its lower end to the back edge of a bearing plate bolted to the bottom of a cross-bar of the hounds, so that by means of the screw the rear end of the frame may be de- pressed, and the ploughs adjusted to any depth or raised en- tirely from the ground. Claim. — The hounds J J pivoted at i i to frame A, and mounted on the caster wheel N, in combination with the bearing plate l\ adjusting screw K, and rocking nut J, all an'anged in the manner aiul operating as described. No. 33,103.— JOSEPH F. I'OND, Ci.evel.and, Ohio.— Seed-Planters. — August 20, 1S61. This invention consists in the construction of a dropping tube, to which adjustable or reversible arms are attached ; also, a bent bar, with stationary and reversible arms, upon which are disks or wheels placed obliquely to the line of draught, having cone-shaped bearings for equalizing the side draught and preventing friction on the axle, the cone being secured to the arm by a pin, and may be adjusted by shift- ing it to vary the width of tlie disks. Claim. — I. — The two serrated or plain disks W \V, oblique to the line of motion, upon stationary adjustable and re\tisililc arms ,; ,7, attached directly to the dropping tube T, and the stationary and adjustable arms attached to a piece P P, for the purpose of covering grain, cultivating and hoeing vegetables in different manners, as set forth. 2. — The application of the cone bearings B, and cap d and pin i in the hub H and disk W, when placed or run- ning obliquely to the line of motion, when applied to .seed- planters, cultivating and hoeing machines, for the purpose of equalizing the side draught to obviate friction and secure a more easy action of the machine or implement, as speci- fied, for the purposes set forth. No. 36,724— A. W. OLDS, Green Oak, Mich.— Cultivators. — October 21, 1862. The cultivator is so constructed as to be supported in part by one or more bearing; wheels, so arranged and ad- justed that a forward movement of the vehicle will cause a positive rotation of the cultivatior. The form of the teeth' is .shown in the engraving. Claim. — I. — The adjustable axletree L hearing wheels K and K', in combination with the cultivator frame A B, axis C, and pipe-box E, when these parts are arranged and operated as and for the purpose specified. 2. — The l)ell-sha|ied, round shanked tooth, constructed and operating as and for the purpose herein set forth. No. 45,926.— WILLIAM A. L. KIRK, H.\mii.ton, Ohio. — Sod Cu/I,rs.— January 17, 1865. Claim. — 1. — The arrangement of frame A, rollers B and C, and rod-cutting blade E ee' e", substantially as set forth. 2.— The parts A B C D D' 6> e' e" F G K and L, as herein arranged and combined. No. 55,826— JOHN CUSTER, Sandusky, Ohio.— Cultivators. —June 26, 1866. This clod-crushing roller has a series of cutters on its periphery whose intervals are occupied by hinged clearing plates which prevent the accumulation of soil. Claim. — I — The hinged cleaners H, in combination with the levers I, arranged to operate with the cutting rollers D, in the manner and for the purpose herein speci- fied. 2. — The combination of the cutting rollers D, hinged cleaners H, frame A, bar K, and chain J, arranged and operating as described. No. 58,951.— SILAS A. MOODY, San Francisco, Cal.— assignee to PHILIP E. DIVINE.— i'tfi/ Cutters.— October 16, 1866. — The revolving shaft, armed with disk cutters, has a cover and seat, which assist in forcing the disks in the ground. Claim. — A series of circular blades or knives upon a shaft or axle arranged to rotate, as described, in combination with the cover C and seat upon the cover, substantially as described. No. 62,367.— M. L. ROBERTS, Smithfield, CMi- \YiK.— Ploughs.— February 26, 1867. Claim. — I. — The friction wheel G, having its axis in- clined at an angle of go° or thereabouts, one bearing being attached to the beam, and the other to the heel of the mold board, so that the two faces of said wheel bear against the si S.jjj, .: :, .i .!/.■., 7, 1S7S.— Reissiel .// ■... n.-^. !i .: : ■: I,: ,-.:.,i t , : . I I .... r .,,. I li, .,: . : ,,:■ :lly as here l)L'ui, .1 r.iili. .,1 ,1 liiMi'ii, ,1 , M---!i.'.ini connec e I thLTcH iili, cuttiTii;-(l:sks -,ci_iii-eil u]ion tlir cross-beam a -ind, ami handles by the supportmg tne sanii which the implement 2. — The comliination, sub.-.tantially as hereinbefore forth, of a main frame, a draft-bar, cutting-disks arranged on opposite sides thereof and supporting the frame, and ha d les to vary the angle of the disks. 3. — The combination, substantially as hereinbefore e forth, of a cross-beam or frame, supporting stirrups or yoke in w hich the disks are mounted, and laterally-movable a 1 ju>ting-clamps, which permit the lateral adjustment of 1 e disks upon the frame or cross-beam. 4. — The combination, substantially as hereinbefore e forth, of a rotating concavo-convex cutting-disk with a pend scraper adapted to enter and clean the concavity of said d 5. — The combination, sul stamially a^ lieixinhcfnre forth, of a revolving concavo-Lum u\ di-k, a Mipimil which it is mounted, and a 111 -c ia|ni allaclicv 23, 1 87 1. Claim.— I.— The sini;Ie pivoted lever D, slotted disk A, and wheel G, all combined as described, for the purpose specified. 2.— The bracket K, hub H, and shaft B, all combmed as described, for the puqjose specified. No. 116,748.— JOSI AH POOL. Rio Vista, Cal — Po.'nry Sod-Ciittcrs.— July. 4, 1871. Claim. — In a sod-c tter provided with a series of roti ting disks, the series of beams .\ h g die u face, as and for the purpose de 11 No. 117, 485.— ADOLPHE TC URMER B R ^.^.— Gardm-Tools for trin S I — J I 5 87 Claim— The gardener's tool, con p I ff n \ 11 H attached, shaft B with cutter F a 1 1 II 1] vided with the auxiliary rollers I I on n k I 1 11 to be used by hand for the purpo e of n I 1 edges of sod, or of the lawn as pe fi d No. 118,749.— JOHN SCHIO SEP P 1 — Clod-Criishers.— September 5, 187 Claim.— The combination ai 1 a n n n II crusher, of the frame A, tongue I h ng C LI shafts or axles D D', and arms / / all a 1 1 1 described, for the {purpose specih 1 No. 118,758.— ISAAC P. TICE Nev \ RK N \ —Ploughs.-~Septemher^,\%-j\.K la d -^ 2 87 Claim. — I. — A series of parallel I k / 1 ng 1 tance of from three to twelve in h f o e ch o 1 an I projecting from the face of the lie abou he an 1 t ince, more or less according to he na u of h o I nd the work to be done, as and for he p rpo e p hed 2. — The scrapers D, when mad oh he pa e b « ee the flanges h, and held in conta 1 h f e of 1 e ol ler by a spring, d, or equivalent, as specified, 3. — The adjustability of the scraper D from cXo .r', as and for the purpose specified. No. 118,951.— FRANK A. LEONHARD, Columbia, '\—Cottott-Choppers,Scrapersn>idCiilthintors.— Septem- ber 12, 1871. Claim. — I. — The arrangement of the rollers I and scrap- er J, in connection with the arms F, whereby they are adapt- ed to oscillate, as .shown and described. 2. — The arran-emtnt of the two sets of rollers I nnd scrapers J and the vil pivoted frame E, as No. 120,446. — y.\ SHULTS.CAMr.R'n.i Ih,rrv-,.'s. — 0.:lobcy Claim.— I.— The strai-ht l.Ia.le.. with l-i-lil ,.n_-l. - :., y^^^ the III I :; ; . I S in connection with the II - MM i;l,R & GEORGE W. I 1 1 \ . i M K.— Earth-Pulverizers mid , 1S71. — Antedated Oetolierzi, 1871, iO sets of star-wheels A B, having loir broad ends spread out in planes at liLT, for the purpose .specified. H iih a set of star-wheel pulverizers, 1 I, arranged on the frame, as and for No. 121,021.— COLIN THARP AND GEORGE P- TUARP.— Bryan, Ohw.— Harrows.— Niwemher 14, 1871- Claim.— I.— The teeth D' D'^ D'^ attached to barsD D D. in combination with the rocking-bars E E', connected to- gether by suitable means, and operated by the mechanism F F', as and for the purpose described. 2. — The improved harrow herein described and shown, consisting of the platform A a a, knives G G', trucks i i, and the mechanism E E' F F' for operating the bars D D D, all in combination substantially as shown and described. No. i3^.^S!r -Mo'^F^ ToHN'^nN, Three .Rivers, Mirii. —/',-•- /• 1' • I^ 1S72. Claim-— I I ' . I I rombinationol aplough with thepiv..t<iurr-iii- iiars E, and the inclined separating wheels G journaleil therein, substantially as speci- fied. 2. — The combination of the centre-beam A, plough C. lat- eral beam E, draw-braces D, rear arch F, and inclined wheels G, substantially as specified. 3. — The combination witli the plough-beam A, of the lat- eral beams E, and the oblique draw-braces D, pivoted at both ends, substantially as specified. No. 125,681.— GEORGK V . lUTCHINSON, Cleve- land, Ohio — Culti-.: h 1 1 II 11 t 1 1 1 for 1 e 1. r No I 70 6— Sir AS C RAND\IL P FN t 1 r I -As i,n o to AMELIA A PANDALL i e ,h e 1 OWIV BAYLISS Ma il n I —S i M / M iS 1S7 -/ 6 1S74 [\,ll t hie I CI — I -11 1 1 1 1 ox an 1 the 1 ee I CO t 11 1 1 1 in 1 B etch 1 III of 1 cl 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 |1 ] 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 d ly e I e a Iju ted u -v c 1 e cl 1 ttle earth s y be e 11 III II 1 11 ,111 It 1 1 1 1 — 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 II 1 1 l| 1 — II l| 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 \ 1 1 1 1 11 ) ler 11 ^ D II 1 leel f the 1 1 he \ —MI -X I \M \LL Pk n n P 11 1 11 11 1 1 I A g o A A PAND\II T e \\z.zit~Se 1 I — 11 1 f 1 1 1 n 1 ct 1 M / — I 70 6 Ma 18 i87j Peisb ed Spi le 1 1 1 \ 1 1 1 1 tl IS .S74 ll 1 11 -n 1 1 1/ .S4I 1 1 1 Mil 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 11 1 1 ' 1 f 1 1 I 1 11) life 1 1 1 k t f I 1 1 ! 1 f ne tie 11 II 111 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 I 1 1 i M 1 tl I lyt,o al tie alj t ted 1 1 II 1 1 - 1 of ds 1 11 11 1 — 11 lee be manf 1 1 III If 1 f 1 1 el ) a d tie 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 ly terioel 1 tl 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t, I, V 4-11 f 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 to 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 e 1 f r et 1 1 1 tl e d k 1 II 111 1 1 II II 1 1 el hi 1 en L r tie d 1 shaft 1 Is mo ted 11 1 1 1 a 1 la p ill 1 1 111 1 i 1 1 1| 1 1 1 1 1 1 V 1 — 11 f 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 I f to u 1 1 f et 1 ) e 1 1 tl a 1 1 h 1 It ly t d I, tl ther 1 1 t 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IJPAMER Ltt le I all N s i1 S i -J 4 // / J 1S7 ] 1 1 1 1 1 I — 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 ' 1 t 1 1 1 1 CULTIVATOR-DISKS. connected with the main frame liv inKiiwl ^^]vc■ling hinge-connections, and adjustable cimi:. n ihe gangs and tongue, to adjust the angirs . , ! ■ i luivc- ly to the line of draft, and to limit tlun Mliiii.n t. luively to the main frame. 5. — Harrow-disks provided with polygonal sockets, or an equivalent adjusting device, in combination with the spacing ferrule constructed with projections interlocking with the disk-sockets, substantially as shown, and for the purposes described. 6. — The combination, substantially as hereinbefore set forth, of gang-bars, hangers having bearings enlarged at one end to constitute lubricating-chambers, friction-washers in- closed in said lubricating-chambers, and disk-gang spindles inclined to the line of draft, whereby wear of the spindles is prevented and lubrication insured. No. 146,908.— MOSES JOHN.-^ON, Thrkf., Mich. — Potnto Diggers. — January 27, 1874. [Filed Jan- uary 10, 1874. The beam is made of iron, the rear part forming nearly three-quarters of a circle, with a lug fir securini; the hand- les. The circle terminates in a straight arm projecting for- ward and downward, at an angle of about twenty degrees, more or less, and to which the digging-share is attached. The share is pointed, elevated in the' longitudinal centre line, and each wing provided with a separating-wheel with curved arms, and which are rotated by frictional contact with the ground. Claim. — The potato-digger consisting of the draft-beam having the extensions h and d, the angular ridged shovel D, having the corner notches E, the journal-arms G, and the inclined sifting-wheels having the perpheral finger-: s, all arranged substantially as specified. No. 151,192.— A. MERRITT A.SAY and lOHN W. WOOD, Phii.ADF.LPHIA, VA.—Cont-Phmtcis and Fcrlil- izcr-Dhtributers. — May 26, 1874. [Filed Dcccmhcr 30, 1S73] Claim. — The combination of the disk-wheels c c, adjusta- bly mounted and arranged in their frames, as shown and described, the pivoted bar O, and the furrow-opening plough P, mounted just in advance of where the corn and fertilizer are droiped, as co-operating devices for placing the plantings properly under the surface, substantially as set forth. No. 153,311.— ALEXANDER JACKSON and RICH- ARD IRWIN, MoRTONSVILLE, X^-D.—Lcvclers, Pulveriz- ers and Corn-Planters.— September 22, 1874. [Filed /«/i' 3. 1874.] Claim. — I . — The combination of leveling-beams a a a a a, arranged, as shown, to rest upon the ground, axlc^ or shafts h b, and a series of cutting-wheels c e, substantially as and for the purpose described. 2. — The combination of leveler and pulverizer .\, consist- ing of beams a a a a a, shafts b b, and cutting-wheels c e, with the corn-planter E, flexibly attached thereto, substan- tially as shown and described. No. 155,420.— ASA CANTEBURY, Gibson City, III. —Seed and Grain Drills.— September 29, 1874. [Filed July 3, 1874 ] Claim. — The combination, in a seeder, with sharp, deeply furrowing-wheels B, curved spouts D, to drill the grain, reversely-curved spouts D, to drill the grass-seed on the nearly-filled furrow, and small blunt wheels B' that press the pulverized soil to and shallowly over the grass- seed, all constructed and arranged substantially as and for the purpose specified. No. i55,975._R. B. REDFIELD, Harrisvili.e,Oiiio. — Clod-Crushers. — October 13, 1874. [Filed August 28, 1874.] A gang of cutting-disks in front ; several series of trans- verse oblique crushing-bars; cutters fixed to the transverse bars. Claim. — The combination of the revolving cutters I, sta- tionary cutters F, and timbers ABC, arranged obliquely in relation to each other, in the manner substantially tis de- scribed, and for the purpose specified. No. 160,129 — ANGELINE UNDERWOOD, Carroll- ton, III. — Land Pulverizers. — February 23, 1875. — [Filed iXo^H-mher 30, 1 874.] The pulverizing devices consist of a series of disks placed upon a shaft near together, and having cleaning-fingers be- tween them. Two of these are mounted in rectangular frames, and placed end to end, each being journaled upon the end of a bent rod, which constitutes the hounds of the Claim. — I. — In a land-pulverizing machine, the combi- nation, with the pivoted oscillating frames A A, having fric- tion-rollers H, of ihe bar G, having bearing-plates g' , as and for the purpose specified. 2. — The bent or V-shaped rods J, connected to the pole L and bar JC to form hounds or braces, and extended rear- wardly through the castings I and front bar of the oscillat- ing frames A to form the pivots or journals thereof, as shown and described. No. 161,060.— S. G. RANDALL, Greene, N. v.— />;>/!• Harrow-Cultivators. — March 23, 1875. [Filed February 26, 1875.] Two revolving shafts are secured to the under side of a frame, in a position oblique to the line of draft. Upon these shafts are secured a series of disks, with their faces looking inward and f.irwnvd A space is left between the inner disks ..: , ., I, .,,,,.. ,,,,1 K, uveen and forward of these is |.l,:. . 1 ,i',, l, ices of which look for- ward and riM' ' [ i . I- iliiown outward by the two innrr rlisi--^!:, ::,^ ,,: '., 1 1, r others of the series. ' ' li 1 - !i,;ili.r, the combination, substan- li.i' . ' I ! iili, of a frame, two series of re- volt,,,. .!i ■ ,:m ;n-. ■ .1 ,;;onallyto thelineof draft, with their axes inclined thereto, and leading disks interposed be- tween the two series, and arranged to throw the earth in the opposite direction therefrom. No. 163,527.— SILAS G. RANDALL, Greene, N. Y. —Dish -Harrows. — May 18, 1S75. [Filed March 17, 1S75.] The concave disks for each series are mounted upon a hollow shaft, which is hung upon short journals projecting inward from the hangers. A small rod with a head on one end, and a screw-nut or pin on the other, passes through both journals and the hollow shaft, to prevent the hangers from spreading. Claim. — The combination of the hangers, having the lat- eral journals (7, with the tubular axle mounted on said jour- nals, and the shaft G, passing through the axle and connect- ing the hangers together, substantially as and for the pur- pose described. No. 165,108.— JOHN MASTERN, West Alexandria, Omo.— I/arrows'— June 29, 1875. [Filed Aprilxi, 1875.] Claim. — I. — In comliin.ation with the outer coulters I and I of each section, the cutters O O, adapted to be secured at their ends to said coulters, and having their cutting-edges upon a line with the jieripheries of the same, substantially as and for the purpose shown. 2. — In combination with the main frame of the harrow, the check-row markers N and N, pivoted to or upon the rear side of said frame, and capable of being brought into or removed from contact with the ground, substantantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. 169,134.— SAMUEL BEAN, Clinton Valley, Owv^.— Corn-stalk Cutters.— October 26, 1875. [Filed Mun-h 27, .S75.] I 1. In .1 "'111 stalk iiittcr, the series ,,f serrated and llai; [. aii'l llir l!a 1 i-cl lull is 1 1 , a| .| ilied on each en. I 'I !i ' i;. 111 I oinliiiialioii «itli Micular cutters rt, scciii"! iilianiiiallv as .Icsciihcd, and for the purpose set forth. No. 169,499.— JOHN K. UNDERWOOD, Sauk Cen- tre, Minn. — Rotary Gang-Ploughs. — November 2, 1875. [Filedy«/,.3i, 1875.] Claim. — I. — The frame A C, having two sets of axles, D R, hook-bolts U, -Standard M, and keepers K, adapted to re- ceive rotary ploughs or cultivators, in the manner described. 2. — The combination, with rotary ploughs H, of beams I, pivoted upon the frame at J, and swinging in keepers K, the forked lever L, the bars O, standard M, and pin N, as and for the purpose specified. CULTIVATOR-DISKS. No. 7.Sf"i.—l K. UNDERWOOD, Anoka, Minn.— /Notary 6-,»/v /'/,./,;'//>. — u,<),.(09, X^rrm/u-r 2, 1875.— Re- issued' .//,;»./ 2S, 1S77.— [liiciy/,/,. 24. 1S77.] A pair 1)1 tiuck-whccK Mi|iiii)rt, in an adjustable manner, a gang of disU-wliecl ploughs having straight, smooth, flar- ing rims, standing at an angle of about forty-five degrees from a vertical plane. The rims are held by arms radiating obliquely from a central hull. A modification is shown and descriVied in which the disks are adjustably mounted in pails facin;,; inward, thus making a straddle row cultivator. (.hiini. — I. — In a rotary plougliing-machine, carried on truck wheels, the rotary ploughing-wheels H H, with flar- ing rims, having shar]., smootli, and perfectly circular per- ipheries, mounted on truck-wlieels, and working in planes diagonal to the line of draft, substantially as described. 2.— The rotary pluuglnng-wheels O O P P, arranged in pairs upon a frame mounted upon truck-wheels B B, and the wheels in each pair diverging from each other from the ground upward, substantially as shown and described. 3- — The combination of the frame A, truck-wheels B B, hook-bolts U, lever V, standard M, and wheels O O P P, combined and arranged to operate substantially as described. 4- — The combination of the rotary ploughing-wheels H, pivoted beams I, keepers K, lever L, and standard M, all mounted on truck-wheels B B, and combined and arranged to operate substantially as described. 5.— In combination with the truck-wheels B B, frame A, and ploughing-wheels H II, set diagonally to the line of draft, the caster-wheel F. w ill, its flange/, all arranged to operate substantially as descrilied. 6.— The combination of tlie frame A C, having two sets of axles, D Q, hook-bolts U, standard M, and keepers K, adapted to receive rotary ploughs or cultivators, in the man- ner described. 7- — The combination, with rotary ploughs H, of beams I, pivoted upon the frame at J, and swinging in keepers K, the forked lever L, bars 0, standard M, and pin N, as and for the purpose specified. No. 171,092.— F. BRAMER, Little Falls, N. Y.— VVheel-Harrmvs.— December 14, 1875.— [Filed October 6, 1875.] A series of disks placed in gangs upon two shafts, each gang facing in opposite directions to prevent side draft. A series of cleaners attached to a single bar for each gang, and arranged to operate simultaneously by a lever. Claim. — In combination with a gang or series of rotating harrow-disks, the clearers or scrapers united to a reciproca- ting bar, adapting them to be operated simultaneously by means of a lever, substantially as and for the purpose set No.— 8,299.— FRANK BRAMER, Little Falls, N. Y. — lV/ieel-Harro-u'S.—iTi,o^2, December 14, 1875.— Re- issued /«Ht- 25, 1878.— [Filed y«»^ lo, 1878.] Claim. — I. — The combination, substantially as herein- before set forth, of a series or gang of harrow-disks having concave faces or sides with a series of scrapers or clearers adapted to be vibrated or moved close to or in contact with .said concave sides and removed therefrom while the machine 2- — The combination, substantially as hereinbefore set forth, of a series of rotating concavo-convex harrow- disks, a series of pivoted, rocking, or adjustable clearers or scrapers, connected together, and a lever pivoted on the gang-frame, whereby the scrapers may be caused simul- tancDuslv to apiiroach or recede from the concave faces of the (l|,ks. 3. —In onil.ination w^ith a gang or series of rotating har- row-disks, the clearers or scrapers united to a reciprocating bar, adapting them to be operated simultaneously by means of a lever, substantially as and for the purposes set forth. 4- — The combination, substantially as hereinbefore set forth, of a draft frame, a gang or series of rotating harrow- disks connected therewith, a scries nf scrapers united to a bar mounted upon the gang ha r .! ^Ilvk frame and adapted to vibrate in contact with or el.isc i.. tlie sides of the disks, and a lever pivoted upon said gang Ijar, extending to within reach of the driver while in hiCseat on the machine, where- by the scrapers may simultaneously be caused to clear the sides of the disks, and then removed therefrom when the disks are free and clear, to prevent clogging by accumula- tion upon the scrapers. No. 174,767.— FRANK BRAMER, Little Falls, N. Y., and O. W. BADGER, Whitney's Point, N. Y.; said BADGER assignor to said BRAMER.— ;*7;ft/-//,»v-OTOT.— Marc/i 14, 1876.— [Filed l-ebrtiary d„ 1876. Upon each side of the tongue is hinged a triangular frame, the forward beam of which carries a gang of disk-teeth, whose axis of rotation is placed oblique to the line of draft. A seat for the operator is mounted upon a spring-bar, whose ends rest in stirrups that are supported in brackets rising from the rear beam of the triangular frame. Claim. — I. — The wheel-gang frames or planks, hinged by their inner ends to the intermediate pole or tongue, or a rigid extension thereof, substantially as described. 2. — The gang-wheel frames, hinged to the intermediate pole or pole-frame, in combination with the seat-support ex- tending transversely over said pole or frame, and connected with the gang-frames at points outside of the centres of their transverse length, for the purpose and substantially as de- scribed. 3. — The transverse seat-support or bar connected with the gang-frames by means of the swinging compensating links or stirrups, substantially as described. 4. — The combination, with the hinged wheel-gang frames of the swivelling supports E, stirrups/, and transverse seat- support or bar G, arranged and operating substantially as described. 5. — The combination of the hinged gang-frames A A', intermediate pole or pole-frame B, swiveling standards E, swinging stirrups/ and seat spring or bar G, all arranged and oiKiating as described. No S.oSo— FRANK BRAMER, Little Falls, and OKRIN W. BADGER, Whitney's Point, N. Y., said BAD(_;KR assignor to said BRAMER.— ;ra£'f/-jypi)rt connected with the outer ends of the gang-fianics, whereby the weight of the driver keeps the gangs down to their work without interfering with their vi- brations on their hinges. 4. — A transverse seat-support connected with indepen- dently-hinged wlieel-gangs by means of swinging compen- satnig links or stirrups, substantially as hereinbefore set forth, whereby the vertical movements of the gangs are limited. 5. — The combination, substantially as hereinbefore set forth, of hinged wheel-gangs, swiveling socket-pieces mount- ed on the gang-frames, and a transverse seat-support pivot- ed to stirrups in the socket pieces, whereby Ijoth the verti- cal movements and angular adjustments of the wheel-gangs are compensated. 6. — The wheel-harrow hereinbefore described, consisting of the combination of wheel-gangs hinged to an intermediate pole or pole-frame, swiveling socket-pieces mounted on the gang pieces, planks, or frames, swinging stirrups pivoted in said socket-pieces, and a transverse seat-support pivoted to the sti: , substantial! inbefore : forth. No. 177,668.— JOHN K. UNDERWOOD, Sauk Cen- tre, Minn. — Rotary Ploughs. — May 23, 1876. — [Filed March 13, 1876.] The shape and arrangement of the frame, the hanging, and means for elevating the disk-ploughs. Claim. — I. — In combination, in a rotary, the bent horizontal arm E, rigidly attached at its forward end CULTIVATOR-DISKS. to the truck, the diagonal brace K attached to the rear part of the arm E and to the forward part of the implement, the lient vertical part of the said brace forming the plough-beam guards or keepers, and the pivoted and diagonally-arranged plough-beam, having its free end arranged in the said keep- ers, substantially as and for the purposes specified. 2. — The combination of the bent arm E, pivoted plough- beam I, beam-guide F, lever H, ratchet G, pawl «, piece a', connecting-cord />, and dish-shaped plough-wheels J J, set diagonally to the line of draft, all arranged substantially as described, in a rotary gang-plnugh, for the purpose set forth. 3. — The combinalion of the plough-beam I, having a broad or I'lat central part, the separate axles c c, elongated loops (/W, Aliiany, N. Y.— — Hamnu-Cultivators. — 187,392, February 13, 1877. Re- issued April <), i878.--[Filed March 22, 1878]. Claim. — I. — In a harrow-cultivator, the disk-gangs hav- ing the inner ends of their axles flexibly connected together. 2. — In a harrow-cultivator, the disk-gangs jointed at their inner ends to allow both vertical and horizontal vibration. 3. — In a harrow-cultivator, the disk-gangs connected at their inner ends by universal joints, substantially as set forth. 4. — In a harrow-cultivator, the bearing di- rectly against one another at their inner ends, for the pur- pose set forth. 5. — In a harrow-cultivator, the disk-gangs having their pivotal bearings directly upon their axles and at points be- tween their ends, for the purpose of preventing bodily end- wise swing of the gangs when vibrating, as set forth. 6. — In a harrow-cultiv.ator, the disk-gangs doubly pivot- ed at points between their ends, and having their inner ends flexibly connected, so that opposite ends of both gangs may have corresponding vertical and horizontal vibration, sub- stantially as set forth. 7. — In a harrow-cultivator, the vibratory disk-gangs hav- ing the draft devices connected directly to their axles. 8. — In a harrow-cultivator, having gangs of disks mount- ed on through-axles, a draft tongue connected, by lateral extensions or hounds, directly to said axles, and having ver- tical vibration independent thereon, substantially as describ- ed. g. — The combination, in a harrow-cultivator, of the ad- justing devices, the draft tongue and connections, and the adjustable disk-gangs, whereby the angles of the gangs may be adjusted at will for wide or narrow furrows without dis- connecting any of the parts, as herein set forth. 10. — The combination, in a harrow-cultivator, of the disk-gangs, an adjusting-rod, and a pivoted bracket or hol- der, by which said rod and the disk-gangs may be adjusted, for the purpose set forth. II. — In a harrow-cultivator, the combination, with the adjustable disk-gangs, of a pair of bars rigidly secured to the draft-pole at their forward ends, and serving both as draw-bars and braces for the disk-gangs. 12. — The combination, in a harrow-cultivator, of the draft devices and vibratory disk-gangs with an intermediate hold- ing-piece, for the purpose of rendering the connection of the gangs rigid at will. 1 5. — The combination of the draft-bars G G and univer- sal joints, G' G' with the axleC C and the centre-joint D, connecting the axles, and adjustably connected to the rear end of the draft-pole, for the purposes herein set forth. 14.— The combination of the axles C C, universal joints G' G', braces G G, and universal centre-joint D with the pivoted rod /', adjustably-pivoted stirrup, H, pole E, and nuts a a, substantially as set forth. 15. — The combination of the draft-bars G, boxes G', braces J, pole E, and seat I with the flexibly-jointed axles C C and wheels A of a harrow-cultivator. No. 188,815.— H. W. NICHOLS, Northfield, Ind.— Cultivators.— March 27, 1877, \Y\\&& January 20, 1877.] Claim. — In a revolving cultivator-wheel, the combination of two alternating series of long and short teeth or spokes, substantially .as and for the purposes herein set forth. No. 190,104.— S. G. REYNOLDS, Bristol, R. I.— Ploughs.— Mnv 15, 1877. [Filed April 19, 1877.] Two revolving disks for the mould-board and land-side of the plough. Cogs on the inner side of the circumference of the disks engage with each other. Tapering journals pro- ject inwardly, .and work in tapering sockets, which compen- sate the wear. Claim. — I. — In a plough having the two rotary disks, h I, the journals made to cross each other, the bearings being ca-st in one piece, substantially as described. 2. — The two rotary disks h /, having their journals arran- ged to cross each other, one journal being horizontal and the other inclined downward so as to cause the land-side to act in opposition to the mould-board, substantially as set forth. 3. — The concave-disk mould-board /;, with conical jour- nals 0, and provided with cogs o', in combination with con- vex land-side disk /, also provided with conical journal, and CULTIVATOR-DISKS. vitli cogs that engage with llie cogged mould-board, substai y fort No 9 054— JOHN L HIII C k — p iG D —M y 2 1877 [F ed/ -The a 26 C m Q R he b he O h b of e o e I J ub an a y a h No 9 999 — T Ha B K I — // ■877 [F J 5 Th h p b up h tee of e pi g range a te na y e 1 of e e p o e con ect on w ha eve of h ch the h o Cam — I — The p s de flanges E E u 2 — The a hee h part each part con t ng of and rad a a n J and e one o mo e ug /^ 1 of he eed bo e M the de y nd i-T e ne of e ng b n on f h f e h-« h I I ele e e p pose ble up an -Sp ers M h o y as et fo h po efok W w hb a 1 n No 95 677 —JOHN C n 1H S i P if! 25 1877 [Fled/' o 1877 ] Cla 1 c n n n h f K \ a —The r « h he In No 197 545 — JA\ S CORBIN G rnc r \ \ — Wl I H ow —No br2^ ibyy [F e 1/ 4 1877.] The disk gangs have separate pivotal bearings in hungers firmly bolted on the main frame, and are adjusted in the line of draft by a pawl and ratchet and rods from tht niitr ends of the gang-shafts. Claim. — I, — The combination, with the main frame of hangers, rigidly connected thereto, and independent disk gangs, vibrating upon the hangers, sulDstantinllv as set foith 2.— The combination, with the main fr.ime, of hangera B B, rigidly attached thereto, and independent disks-gangs, pivoted to the lower ends of said hangers, and vibnting in both horizontal and vertical planes, substantially as set forth. 3. — In combination with the main frame and the disk gangs, the hangers B B, provided with the enlarged ))ivot bearings or seats, and the thimble-liearings /> l>, proMded with pivots, which are supported in said seats, substantially as set forth. 4. — The combination, with a gang of rotating hariow- disks, of a revolving scvaper-bar, placed in a different plane from the disk-shaft, to permit the scrapers to enter the con- cave side of the disks, substantially as described. 5. — The combination, with a gang of rotating harrow disks, of a lever, connected to the gangs for setting the same, at an angle with the line of draft, substantially as de scribed. 6. — The combination, with a gang of rotating harrow disks, of a lever for setting the same at an angle w ith the line of draft, and a rack and dog fur holding the disks m position when set, sulistantially as described. 7. — In a wheel harrow, the disks attached to an axle by means of .an irregular hole through tlie centre of the disk which permits it to touch the axle in but two points, and a FF N \ — K ed me of k forth g I' f, g P nb tl h d k f o ng ha ow a d iTe en ne n e he con e e a d h of he 7-Th disk-gan propel I e d f n he o g e po n t a f me o fort n a I nne e Is fo 1 n -X sued nn^lt t tl ported U| n ^\ 9-l„i«l 1 me "Ills ! 11 II \\hul I 1 I tipcrin 1 tl distant sul tantnl 10 — fhe combi dent disk-gangs, n or both lod 1 li it, end of one di 1 inner end of ll 11 -The L J the draft-plank or frame, a le\ tr lected with the inner end of the dog for holding the disks in I \\\ h m the Ml nk .loci them at the de- ind scrapers sup- lied to an axle by Lntre of the disks, wedge being equi- \n w, of indepen- in..,-uids F F, one iRiJy the inner s\li 1 I ^ M ^—Sod „ , I > 1S7S— [Piled frame A, with clevis B eel a D b, the circular . G' («■', all constiucted Ls herein set foith CULTIVATOR-DISKS. No. 200,iJ55.— GKf)R(;E STEVENSON, Zionsvti.i.k, lyv.— /'u/7rii:iiti;- Citllh'ntors. — Fihruarv 12, 1878.— [Filcay,,/,. .6, .S77.J Claim. — The ihiinl'les or tubes h h, in comliination with the rods r7 and the ssar-wheels I, having hubs /;, and the frame, whereliy the wheels may lie adjiis'ted to any desired distance ajiart in relation to each other, constructed and ar- ranged substantially as and for the inirpose set forth. No. 201,562.— JAMES H. SMITH, Mon ncRi.i.o, Ark. Stolk-Pullcrs.— March 19, 1S7S.— [Filed .//(;'»:?/ 29, 1877.] A reel operates nenr the rear inner edije of the disks to throw off the stalks. The broad sur'ace <;uidcs direct the stalks between the disks. The rake serves to gather up the stalks. Claim.— I. — In a st'lk-iiuUer, the dish-shaped and cor- rutrated wlic. U ( 1 . ir n > d at an angle with the line of mdticin of ilh 1' c purposes herein set forth. 2. — The cm;i, ;,;,,;; ii ; tiic wheels C C, arranged and operated as .!c>_iil.c.l. ,11 1 ili,- reel 11, substantially as and for ihe purposes herein m,i Imu'i. 3. — The rake com;-. .-._.] I llic sl-lc bars H H, pivoted as described, the cross-liar I, w th lilocks V, independently- pivoted bars K K, and the teeth L L, in combination with a stalk-pulling mechanism, all constructed substantially as and f. r the purposes herein set forth. No. 201,765.— JAY BOSTWICK FISHER, Daven- PdRT, \i-,\\\.—Siilkv-Ploi(shs.— March 26, 1 878.— [Filed Fchiiary 2, 1S78.] ' Attached to the mould-board are two ]iairs of concave disks, to cover the joint between the fuiTow, and also to cover the seed droiijied. A -iv !in device and spur-wheel to operate its seed-sli.k al, 1 a.tached to the mould- board. A revolving cuultLr, w iili concave cutiin-^^dges, is geared to a saw-cutter, and drives it at a higher speed. \arious special devices. Claim. — I. — In combination with a plough having a mould-board constructed substantially as described, the con- ca%e re\ol\m^ mould-l i iids T, arranged to scrape smooth an 1 fill up the Lie\ lee 01 j Mnt between the fuirows, sub stai tiall) as set forth 2 — In c m 111 1 n w th a 1 louc;h N constructe 1 sub stamalK I tl 1 I 1 iris 1 a see 1 11 1 \ , and opei iliii^ I tun ilK i nil tlieiui| e ] eeilied No 204,793— t RANK bRAMtk Ln tle Faiis, N \ —Whttl-Harnr^s—Jtnu II, 1878 - [Filed Ma\ 23 1878] ( Kim — I — A wheel harrow cultivator consisting of the combination of 1 p lie 01 t ngue a hi h main frame, wheel- gan^s supp itmg the h ^h frame thro igh the me 1 uni of rig- id h\td tin lai 1 mt i| el between the gang-bais and main frin c n^ the wheel-gangs against 2 — 111 iiitiilly as hereinbefore set f< rih 1 I tilt ic 1 11 li n c I c .,ing-bir, the interposed sup- poiting-standard the brace-ro 's, the slotted plate secure 1 to the brace-rods, and the ad usting-serew or set-bolt on the gang bar 3-Th 1 1 r fjith oft I cur ^ x\ \^ n iK Ih r 1 angle of the disks re- aried and the disks ad- ff Iraft 1\ as hercinbefare set 1 ( r bsk gangs and ju ted lateralh el t I 4 — The conil 11 f jrth of a main 1 1 mechanism for 1 ek lel v each gang m ly 1 e turned end foi en I 1 i 1 11 1 securely locked 5 — K wheel-harrow provided with reversible disk-gangs, the disks or wheels having concavo-convex sides or faces, whereby either the cone ive or convex faces of the wheels may be brought opposite each other, as set forth. 6. — .\ wheel-harrow provided with reversible disk-gangs, one on each side of an intermediate tongue or draft-frame, the gangs being also capable of independent lateral adjust- ment relatively to the line of draft to vary the space between the inner ends of the gangs. No. 205,498.— N. PALMER, New York, N. \.— No- tary Mould-Board Ploughs.— July 2, 1878. [Filed Dc- cci'iiber 20, 1877.] The beam and share are of ordinary construction. The mould-board is disk-formed, supported both on the convex and concave sides, having a radius greater than the depth of the furrow. The land-side of a single plough extends to some distance to the rear of the mould-board. Two ploughs or more may be arranged in a gang, and the beams con- nected by a spring-brace. When two or more ploughs are used, the advance ploughs have a short land-side to allow the turning of the furrow. Claim. — I. — In a gang of disk mould-board ploughs, the Ul, ,; I ,, uM-boarcl, lilting closely to the concave suit: i! I' I' nij both a support and a cleaner, as shown ;. I !■. iiii ■iiiiig spring-brace, in combination with the advance jiloiigh, substantially as and for the purpose de- scribed. No. 205,608.— FRANK BRAMER, Little Falls, N. W—inu'cl- Harrows.— July 2, 1878. [Filed May 23, 187S.I Claim. — I — The combination, substantially as hereinbe- fore set forth I f the tongue the wheel gangs pivoted on op- posite ! ;the II nfvlll ely there- wli'ch they th the wheel- and capable inbefore set 1 n opposite n advance of confonn to un lul ti pass, and the stifteiiin I 1 gangs and tongue t m 1 1 of being disengage 1 ta ren I 2. — The combination su forth, of the tongue and the sides thereof one gang-fram the other 3 — The coml ination substantially as hereinbefore set forth of} noted ^ang frames arched or inclined supports for the dnver s seat 1 ivoted at their outer ends to the gang- frames and at their innei ends to the seat, and adjusting de- vices by which the inclination of the bars and the height of the seat may be vaned 4 — The combination substantially as hereinbefore set forth of the tongue rr inteime hate frame gang flames pivo ted thereto an arched ar straddling seat supp rt pivoted upon the gang frames an 1 tr the scat beneath w Inch the ner ends of the Lippi in., bars cross each other and slotted porting plates provided with inclined surfaces mounted on the sup- md actui., upon the under surface of the seat, n thele f \M1 s M \T 1 ( IN Batton RourE, La I -s [1 kl Dicembti 22, 1877] 1 ill supported upon two 1 I h ultnat r 1 eams he 111 of draft. Un at r herein descnbed, pro I 1 ams L L', each furnished with re \ 1 lades of which are curved, substan 1 n 1 operated on an adjustable beanng, I 1 I ith No _o0 2is— IR\NK BRAMER, Liftie Falls, N \ —WhcdHar,ir s—Juh 23, 1878 [Filed Jith 8, 1878] Claim —I — ■\\heel r^-^s j n t 1 to a wheel or carrying frame and caj al I Iv laterally, relatively thereto, sul taiti II ct forth 2. The comliiii.iii II 1 I nil illv as hereinbefore set forth, of the wheel or caiijing tiaine, the couphng-frame sus- pended therefrom, and the wheel-gangs mounted on the coupling-frame. 3.— The combination, substantially as hereinbefore set CULTIVATOR-DISKS. forth, of the wheel or carrying frame, the tongue, the cou[i- ling-frame pivoted in front of and crossing the axle, and the wheel-gangs mounted on tlie rear of the conpling-fraine, whereby the gangs can swini; clear of the carrying-wheels. 4. — The combination, nl. iii.ii ;11\ i^ hereinbefore set forth, of the wheel or cnn . 1 i, . ilie coupling-frame pivoted thereto, and the \\ : : ■ ted on the coup ling-frame, whereby the .u:iiil; - .11 \uiii; vertically, later- ally, and at an angle, as w ell as be adjusted relatively to the tongue. 5. — The combination, substantially as hereinbefore set forth, of the wheel or carrying frame, the coupling-frame, the wheel-gangs, and the lilliiiL'-l. vi r, cm ilic carrying- frame, whereby the gangs ni.i\ In HTi .[ , l-ji mI ihr t;round. Mo. 2o6,8So.— FELIX |\idc-l wiili ic.^- ,, tlic veiiical shaft cutter-wheel /, sul.-t.iriti,ill\- .1- 'Ic-. iiliril. 2.— The combm.m m ,,f the .ullcr /, vertical shaft /^ hav- injr pinion ?', and the icvi.h ihl; niuuld li-ard /", having the teeth ^ upon its inner side, sulistaiitially as set forth. 3. — The combination of vertically-adjustable cutter /, toothed cyliniler/, long pinion 0, shal^t r, and frame s, sub- stantially as shown. No. 207,838.— WILLIAM HENIG.STO.uiMmis, Ohio — Cultivators.— September lo, 1878.— [Filed Mire/i 30, 1878.] Claim. — I. — In a grain-plant culiivatcir, the combination of the wheeled frame A and a series of veitically-swin.i;ing independent frames. I), each frame D liaving a series of loosely-turning pointed cutter-wheels, F, and cultivator- blades E, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 2.— The combiuatiin, witli the wheeled frame A, of ilie independent frames D, having the wheels V and Mad. s I-,, and the vertic.dly-swinging aims /I, carrying eillin di.clds or rakes, substantiallv as and for the purp >se di ,. nlii d. 3.— The combination of the cultivator-blades K, re\<.lMiig pointed cutter-wheels F, and the penduluous frame 1), car- rying the blades E and wheels F, sub,tantiil]y as descrilied. 4. — The combination of the see 1 hopper M, frame .-V.and frames D, havin,' bial.. T. ai 1 wheels F, substantially as and for the pur; h a a 5. — The coailaa i 11 .1 1 r, ,1 h;.pper M and fertilizer- hopper L, piovi'Ird Hi'li III I , iK-wliLcls /, incUncd spouts /', and adjustal.lL- shall /a the levolvin- pointed cutter- wheels F, cullivatoi-Ma Ics F, and frames 11, substantially as and for the puipM-,; 6.— The vertically swingin,' shields I, applied in pairs, in combination with the vertically-swinging frames D, having the blades E and wheels F, substantially as and for the pur- pose described. No 208,246.- nWII) II L\NE, Amok\, Minn — Rotan r/oii^/, —\ptc:i,bL, 24, 187S— [Tiled Jmu I -„ 1878] draft uliL Is til 1 I I I I i\ ]1 I liii.^ wheel, K, haMn_ 1 e 1 I next to the soil, in I \i ind said wheel (il ■ t'lLi 1 1 1 111 of the furrow, in I ln\ 111, 11 11 111, m iMt\ t 111 1 putly foi- ward, th. 1 tund\ a liasi ,Ml in I ..I tu cK-Unt i\1l I, car rying till u I [ I u,liin, \\\\ I 111 I lii\in,'th il hi the ta penng eullai [, an 1 i I ipte I it uk end to leLcuc 1 wiench, and the a\le bo\ I, veitically adjustable with lelitiim to the said draft wheels, the said bo\ being piovidcd with i clamp foi lendenng the saul a\lc tither loose 01 i^-id there in, substintnlh as and lor the pui| l specihed 2 — In eomi iintion the <_ is 1 1 wIrlIs, mounted on the rotary stock. >i taiiiei s', h uin, tluit .n the rigid notched collar /;, the pu.itL.I luLi (J i]i| lie.l t.. the frame canying the plough the purpose ed witi M a t. Ml. the sujiplemental frame E^, provid- . 1. and carrying a vibrating lever, Q', having .n :. i the caster .S, the removable leBau'l 11 ill il! n hi 1 I. I he removable dish shaped plough- ing-wheel K, the removal^le axle-box F and its clamps, the removable obtusely-bent axle J, and a locking device for engaging the lever Q', substantially as and for the purposes specified. 4. — The share K', arranged liehind a rotary concavo-con- vex or dish-shaped plough-disk, ami place. I f.r eutling through and under the sod or land next to the furrow turn- ed therefrom by the disk, substantially as and for the pur- poses specified. 5. — A cutting blade or share mounted on a vertically-vi- brating caster-stock or carrier, in combination with a rotary concavo-convex or dish-shaped plough-disk, the said .share being arranged to cut under the so.l or land before the sod or land so cut is turned liy the said disk, sulistantially as and for the purposes specified. No. 209,508.— ROliERT M. PATTILLO, VIH.E, V_,.\.— Collon-Seccl Planters.— Octolier 29, 1878.— [Filed Aii:.;„st 2(i, 187S.] No claims for the disks, described in the specification as coverers. No. 211,638.— NEL.SON PALMER, New York, N. Y. —Rotary MotM-Board Ploughs.— January 28, 1879.— [Filed December 13, 1S78.] A concave disk plough, with a convex-centre, either fixed or rtmovaljle. .\ removable coulter to fit over the share and land si. le, ami overlap and protect the joint be- tween the share and disk. Claim. — I. — In a machine or implement for turning the soil, the concave disk or mould-board E, provided with a convex centre, G, upon its front or concave face, substan- tially as an. I lor the purpose heroin shown and described 2. — The, with a cmcavc disk or mould- board F, .if a iLaii.Aalile c. uivex-ceiilre, (i, substantially as and for the herein show n and described. 3. — The combination, with the revolving disk or mould- board and the plougli-share and land-side provided with the bottom cutting flanges in m' , of the coulter D, provided with tlie rearwardU-]a-. 'i ■.aiivj angular flange d, and bot- tom cuiting-flana. '. I i;,' forward continuations of the cutling-llaiiL*' '. a iitially as and for the pur- No. 213,242.— -NFl.Si ).\ I'ALMER, New York, N. Y. —Rotary Gang-Ploughs.— March II, 1879.— [Filed Jan- uary 6, 1879.] An inner or second frame hinged at the front carries a series of concave disk ]ilouglis w itii cmivex centers. A third frame hinged at the rear carries sli aes, w hich work in front of and protect the c.!,'c ..f the ilisL,. lather frame may be raised or worked independently of the other. Claim. — I. — In an earth-turning machine, one or more shares immediately jireceding, l)ut detached from and ad- justable independently of one or more disks, substantially as shown and described. 2. — In an earth-turning machine, a series of concave disks, with convex centres on their front or earth-turning surfaces, attached to a separate frame and adjustable inde- pendentU .if shares .a cutting' .levices w hicli immediately prece.h-' tin m. -iilisianiiallv as ami lor the purpose set forth. 3. — 111 all .aiih milling nia.Jiine a series of shares or cut- ting-dex ii./> piv.ite.l ..r lunged to ihe front end of a frame, which is pivoieil at its rear end to an adjustable disk-frame, by which series of adjusting devices the shares or cutting- devices may be elevated or depressed in a horizontal posi- tion, substantially as shown ami .Irs, ril.L-.I, 4.— In an earth-turnin..; 1 a ' -■ a- - ..f-li-ks attach- ed to an a.ljustalile fraiii. . a : ; - i ii n. ■ ..r cutting- devices attache. I t.i a se|iai ,a . .nan aaiM. liana , 111 eombina- tion wdth devices for adjusting saul liamcs at different de- grees of elevation separately or together, or relatively lo each other, substantially as and for the purpose shown and described. CULTIVATOR-DISKS. 5. — In an enrth-turning machine, the princiiial fianie, C, secondary frame, U, and the third frame, G, incombinat on with the slotted hearings or guides /and the giddes b', all constructed and operating substantially as set forih. No. 2i4,iSo.— RICHARD D. NORTON, Nhw Sharon, N. ].—Piilvc-nzing Dhk-IIarrmvs.— April 8, 1879.— [Kiledylv connected at its froiit end to the ma n frame, and^ it- rear end in- flexibly attached to the bearing 1, ■.ub-l.uilially as set forth. 2. — The combination, wiih the main fr.ime, consisting of the tongue A and the cross-bar B, ol the holding or draw bar J, the slotted button M, and the disk-gangs, substantially as and for the purposes set forth. 3. — The combination of the cam-button N with the slot- ted button M and the flattened holding-bar J, substantially as herein shown and descrilied. 4. — The combination, substantially as set forth, of a main frame, disk-gangs flexibly connected at their inner ends, and also connected to the main frame, a le\er, a bar con- nectinij the lever and the flexible connection, and a button or guide-plate in whii h said bar works. Xo. 216,592.— lOHX ALSTIX, liii.v.;... In.— Ploughs.— June I7,'lS79. [Filed /,»//^-i/r 15, iSjs] Concave ploughing-disks with the cuUiuLiolL^Ls made in sections, and placed at one end of an axle with bearings at both ends; a mold-bo.ird which both scrapes the disk nn.l turns over the furrow ; the irre.;ular frame hinged in front, and connected by a lifting lever to an arched carri.ige-frame made ri ^id to the axle. Claim. — I. — The rotary ploughing-disks A' A', one or e, consisimg of the annular concavo-convex dish- shaped or flaring working or cuttin,' blades G' G', made in sections, removably ai'plied 1 1 the outer ends of radial arms or spokes, in combinatiim with one or more axles arranged at an angle to the line of draft, ami journaled in a vertically-adjustable beam or frame mounted on draft- wheels substantially as and for the purposes specified. 2. — The rotiry \ loughing-disks A' A', one or more, consisting of the annular concavo-convex dish-shaped or flaring working or cutting blades G' G', made in sections, removably applied to the outer ends of radial arms or spokes, in combination with and rigidly ajiplied to a axle, E', set diagonally to the line of draft, and having double bearings in a vertically-adjustable frame or beam mounted on draft-wheels, substantially as and for the purposes specified. 3. — The rotary ploughing-disks A' A', one or more, consisting of the annubr concavo-convex dish-shaped or flaring working or cuting l)lades G' G', made in sections, removably applied to the outer ends of radial arms or spokes, and set diagonally to the line of draft, in combina- tion with the mold-boards H' H', having convex faces arranged in or nearly in, cintact with the concave faces of the said disks or blades, the said disks and mold-boards being applied to a vertically-adjustable fr.ime carried on draft-wheels, substantially as and for the purposes speci- fied. 4. — The combin.ition, in a rotary plough mounted on draft-wheels, of the frame M, jnvoted or hinged at its forward end to the forwajd part of the carriage and carry- ing the rotary ploughing-disk .A.' A', one or more, mounted rigidly on the long axles E' E', set diagonally to the line of draft and journaled in double bearings in the said frame, and the lifting devices connected to the frame M, substantially as and for the purposes specified. No. 2i6,S78.-CHARI.F:S A. MEEKER, Grf.en's F'arms, Conn — Siiioot/iiiig - Harrmos. — June 24, 1879. [Filed l-vbrmiry 27, 1879.] Claim. — The combination of a front and rear set of rotary cutters, the latter closer together than the former, with ah intermediate smoothing-board or scraper, D, arranged in the fiaine A, as shown and described, to bring the soil into a fine tilth for the reception of seeds or plants. No. 220,255.— HEXRV ^- !^If AW, BossoN, Mass., and GEORC.E F. .SHAW, KiinivM, y\\^-^.— Wheel-Harrcmis. — Oc-toh-r 7, 1879. [Kde.l /»;/, <,. \^^<).■\ Claim. — I. — .\ harrow liavmg all ihe disks or wheels ar- ranged on one straight shaft on both sides of the central line of draft, and at an inclination to said shaft, as descrided, .so as to partially raise the soil, and adjustable, so that they may throw the soil, wi h one adjustment, toward said cen- tral line, or, with another adjustment, outward from said line, substantially as hereinbefore set forth. 2. — In a harrow, a straight shaft having thereon disks or wheels on both sides of the central line of draft, placed .at the angles therewith specified, and made adjustable, as and for the purpose specified, when said shaft is arranged at right angles to the pole or central line of draft, substantially as hereinbefore set forth. 3. — The combination of one straight shaft D, having the wheels or disks E, and collars G and H arranged thereon, as specified, portion of gear J, gear I, and lever K, subtan- tially as hereinbefore described. 4. — In a wheel-harrow, springs F, intervening between the shaft D and cross-bar B, substantially as hereinbefore set forth. Xo. 223,151.— TOSEPH LAXi:, (III. a.;m, Im,., assign- or of one-half of his right h< S.WH 1 1 sfRKET FUL- LER, Stratford, Ontario, (' \\ Ml \, A\::iiig Coulh-rs. Dci-eni/uT 1,0, 1S79. [Filed (V/,/.. - J4, 1879.] Claim. — The combination, with a mould-board plough, of a rolling coulter made in dished form and arranged with its dislied or concave side or. the mould board side of the plough, as de-cribed. Xo. 224,009.— CHARLES R. FOSTER, Chicago, III. — Kot.iiy Gang- Ploughs.— February 3, 1880. [Filed Aug- ust 2, 1879.] Claim. — I. — The crank-axle C, having upon one end the disk-plough B, and mounted at the other end diagonally up- on the wheeled supporting- frame A, in combination with the movable bearings D, the crank-lever E, hand-lever G, aad link-rods eonnecling the lever and axle, whereby the e ther rai-e and lower the disks or change their angle to the line of dral"l, subslanlially as described. 2.— The crank-axles C, ni..unted diagonally on the wheel-frame A, in combination witli the di-k ploughs B, mounted on llic T\le crank- nuiside of the supporting-frame, the ci ;ii! K .' I r, li iii.I-lex er (i, and link-rods connecting the 1' ,, hereby the disks are raised or lowered, Nu .2j:.;',i I i;ANK ISRAMER, LITTLE Falls, N. \ .— W'he.l-Uarrows.— March 9, 1880.— [Filed December 29. 1S79.] Claim — I. — The combination, substantially as hereinbe- fore set forth, of a slide having the capacity of moving free- line of draft, a bar support vhich slide moves, disk-gang bars, a frame, pivot-connections be- tween said frame anddisk-gang bars tX or near the outer ends of said bars, and the pivot-conneciions between the slide and the inner ends of said bars, whereby the angle of the disks relatively to the line of draft may be varied. 2. — The combination, substantially as hereinbefore set forth, of the tongue, the slide moving freely longiludinally thereon, mechanism, substantially such as described, for locking the slide in any desired position, disk-gang bars, a frame, pivot-connections between said frame and bars at or near the outer ends of the bars, and pivot-conneciions be- tween the slide and inner ends of said bars, whereby the disks may be adjusted as desired relatively to the line of draft and' locked in position. 3. — The combination, substantially as hereinbefore set forth, of the tongue or draft-frame, the slide having the ca- pacity of moving freely longitudinally thereon, the wheel or disk-gang bars or frames, their piv.its or hi CULTIVATOR-DISKS. with the shde, the connecting-arms and their pivots or hinge-connections with the gang-bars or frames and tongue. No. 225,-,94.— CH.-\KLES LA DOW, ALii,\NY, N. V. — Whecl-Han-mos.— March g, 1880. [Filed November 4, 1879-] Claim. — I. — The combination, substantially as hereinbe- fore set forth, of the main frame, the supplementary swing- ing frame, the disk-gangs mounted thereon, the lifting-levers and their detents on the main fr.ime, and the slotted section- al link-rods having set-screws connecting the disk-gangs and levers, whereby the supplementary frame may be left free to rise vertically or may be held rigidly in any desired position. 2. — The combination, substantially as hereinbefore set forth, of the main wheel-frame, the supplementary swing- ing frame, the disk-gangs mounted thereon, lifting mechan- ism, substantially such as described, mounted on the main frame, and the driver's seat mounted on the laterallv-swing- ing disk -frame to increase the pressure upon the disk-gangs. 3. — The combination, substantially as hereinbefore set forth, of the main frame, the supplementary frame, adjusta- ble in width, the driver's seat, and the pivoted .standards interposed between the seat and frame to compensate its ad- justments. 4 — The combination, substantially as hereinbefore set forth, of a disk-gang, its standard, a sleeve in which it rocks, a crank plate or arm on the disk-gang standard, a rocking lever, a link connecting the crank arm ami lever, and a stop to limit the movement of the lever. 5. — The combination, substantially as hereinbefore set forth, of the disk-gangs, their rocking standards, crank-amis, and links, with the rocking lever, whereby the disk-gangs move in harmony when changing their angle relatively to their line of draft. 6. — The combination, substantially as lu. 1. iiil.rim, „t forth, of the laterally-adjustable swinging h :i : 1. , disk-gangs mounted in sets, each set on u- n | .. •,.:.: i . m. the rocking standards, their crank-arms, \\n\^^, ,111 I luckuig lever, the latter being connected by pivoted links to the side beams to compensate adjustments of their distance apart. 7. — The combination, substantially as hereinbefore set forth, of the rocking disk-gang standard, its crank arm or plate, the link connecting it with the rocking lever, and the adjustable connection between the crank-arm and link-rod, to enable the driver, while in his seat, to vary the angular relation between the disk -gangs and line of draft. 8. — The combination, substantially as hereinbefore set forth, of a, its rocking standard, a fo >t-crank to rock the standard to vary the angle of the .1 -1. .in/ ivl 1,1, ly to the line of draft, and an adjusting;- i 1 i ,. the rocking stindard and foot-crank, to t , ; ,,; ..:,,; ; ments in the width of the supporting frame, and lu uiaiii- tain a proper relation to the driver's scat. 9. — The comliination, substantiallv as hereinbefore set forth, of the disk-gang shaft or thimbie and the adjustable sectional supporting-yoke to vary the incliii ii'. n fili. li.l,- gang shaft horizontally and transversely t'i Pi ; - Iifi 10. — The combination, substantially :i^ , t forth, of the axially-lurning rakes and the ^Iin l!- m mIucIi they are mounted. II. — The combination, substantially as hereinbefore set forth, of the laterally-swinging frame with the disk-gangs, the shields, and the rakes, all carried thereby. 12. — The combination, substantially as hereinbefore set forth, of the main axle, the main frame mounted therein, the swinging frame pivoted to the main frame in front of the axle, the disk-gangs hung from the swinging frame in front of the axle, and the driver's seat on the swinging frame in the rear of the axle, whereby the weight of the driver count- erbalances that of the disk-gangs. No. 225,526.— GEORGE R. JOHNSON, Russell, Iowa, a-ssignor to JOHN C. COOK, same place.— Cor« Cultivators.— March 16, 1880. [Filed June 6, 1879.] Claim. — The combination, with the tongue-yoke, of the pivoted seat-bar and its seat, provided with a guide-sup- port adapted to move up and down on the vertical portions to the yoke E, chains, and a hooked cross tree or bar on the tongue, substantially as and for the purpose specified. No. 226,233.— CHARLES L.\ FK )W, Alhany, N. Y.— Combined Seeders and Cull,i„lors.—April 6, 1880. [Filed November T, 1S70.] Claim. — I. — The comliination, substantially as hereinbe- fore set forth, of a straddling main frame, a gang of disk- cutters adjustable relatively to the line of draft beneath said frame, and guides mounted on the frame to counteract the lateral thrust of the gang. 2. — The combination, substantially as hereinbefore set forth, of a gang of disk-cutters adjustable relatively to the line of draft, a straddling main or draft frame, and guide- wheels on the frame adjustable relatively to the line of draft. 3. — The combination, subsiantially as hereinbefore set forth, of a gang of disk-cutters, and a reversible draft or 4. — The combination, substantially as hereinbefore set forth, of a gang of disk-cutters, a reversible draft frame, and supporling-wheels mounted upon said frame, whereby the frame is maintained in a horizontal position while being 5.^The combination, substantially as hereinbefore set forth, of a gang of disk-cutlers arranged to turn the earth in one direction, a rvversilile draft-frame, and mechanism for locking the frame iir the same position relatively to the cutters during the furwanl as well as the reverse movement of the machine, whereby the furrows are turned in a uni- form direction. 6. — The combination, substantially as hereinbefore set forth, of a gang of revolving disk-cutters, a reversible draft- frame, a circular track upon which said frame turns, and mechanism for varying the gang relatively to the line of draft. 7.— The ccrmbination, substantiallv as hereinbefore set f.iiili. i.r ,1 lmiil; 111' ili-k I'lilii'i--. ,1 ir\M-.iMi- (li.rft-frame, a I' ■.' II 'I ■' ' .■■■■! V '. :■ ' : ■ : r ' I . vable stops ■"■}" !■'''' "I"'!' il"- "■"' ■■ ■' •''^'-' ■■■'■ ■■'■'''■I ^•■■^ *■" engage \wlli ,^.iid ,-l..|i^ I.. luiL ilic >!]'i.iimi iii.;ii) desired position relatively to the disk-gang. 8. — The combination, substantially as hereinbefore set forth, of a gang of disi. -cutters, a circular track supported above the disk-gang, a straddliirg main frame above said track, and grooved puUevs depcmling Irom the main frame and embracing the edgei of the Irack, said ijulleys consti- tuting a draft-connection between the track and the frame. 9. — The combination substantially as hereinbefore set forth, of a straddling main or supporting frame, a seed-box supported beneath said frame, a disk -gang the shaft of which revolver in bearings depending from the seed-box, and 'ih I li 111! ni. substantially such as described, for simulta- . usiing the angle of the seed-box and disk-gang ! II. : I lire frame and to the line of draft. lu. — I lumml. illation, siibvtantially as hereinbefore set fortli. iif.i u.iiil; i.|"ili^k riitirr^, .1 sevd liox, a series of seed- wheeL .1 .,1,11111111.1^ ,1 fnrcu.l IcliI ca|.al.le of working either wav, iiKHlLiiiiMuhir .lri^,llL; -ud mIucI. in either direction dii-ecllv In.n. tlu' di-k- •; 1 11. -', i(. nl ,1 reversible frame, » li.'ix'li) tin- ^ced i, lipii I. I I, . iiii; llie forward move- niciiioftliL- inuiJiiiir ,1- iil; its reverse move- ment wilhi.iil inlerk-reiii I- Iniiii ilir irMr,al of the frame. II. — A gang or series of spoked or perforated disks mounted on a common axle, arranged to revolve together, substantially as described. 12. — The combination, substantiallv as hereinbefore set forth, of the di-k-gan- -li lii. n -mr- ,".r -puked .,r perfora- bles ii,Kri.i-cd l,a^^e.n I'm. . I. .'.-., ',i„i, 1.1,1, pin.4 mechanism, whereby l],e sp.ike, nlll,c ili-k-, LUii be adjusted relatively to each .llur a,i,l the d,-];- rigidly secured together on their shaft, «,lh ujiich tiKv iiirn. ^ No. 220,001.— 1;KM AM in f. WEST, New Orleans, "Lk.— Cultivators.— April 20, " 1 880. [Filed July 30, 1879] Claim. — I. — In a rotary cultivator, the right-angled stand- ards E E', the lower ends of which are turned and fitted with horizontal spidles F F'', of lln ii.,,~i,ii. 11.1, described, carrying revohing disks, substa,, 11, , . d. 2.— In a rotary cultivator, tl, p n, with the angled standards E E'. horizontal ,|jiiidi'_,, i k ', .and the CULTIVATOR-DISKS. with brace-; L attached thereto, substantially a-; descvibeil, an 1 for the purpose set forth. No. 223,839.— GEORGE G. GROWI.EV, Little, Kasi.1,, N. Y., assignor to KRANI., BRAMER, same place. — Whcel-IIari-.nm.— April 27, l88o.— Filetl May 23, 1878. Claim. — I. — The combination, sub-.tanlially as hereinbe- fore set forth, of a series of concavo convex harrow-disks with a series of scrapers or clearers fixed upon a turning bar or rock -shaft, whereby the scrapers or clearers m\y be operated to Ijring them close to or in contact with the con- cave sides of the disks, or to remove them therefrom, by simply rocking the scraper bar or shaft in its bearings. 2,— The combination, substantially as hereinbefore set forth, with a gang of rotating harrow-disks, of a revolving, rocking or turning scraper bar placed in a different plane, from the disk shaft or axle to permit the scrapers or clearers to enter the concavo sides of the disks. 3.— The combination, substantially as hereinbefore set forth, of a gang l)ar or beam, a gang of rotating harrow-disks, the shaft or axle of which has its bearings in supports on the gang-bar, a turning or rocking bar provided with scrapers or clearers mounted on the gang-bar in a different plane from the disk shaft or axle, and a lever for controlling the scra- ''"no. 227.070.— garland B. St. JOHN and JOHN K. U.\I)ER\VO(1D, Cedar Rapids, ''],o\sk.— Rotary rion^hs.— April 2T,\%%Q)'. Y\\itA February l(>, 1?,%Q. Claim. — I. — In combination with frame \), as described, and rotary disks F, the horizontal under revolving cutting disk, S, substantially as and for the purpose^ set forth. 2. — The frame D, Y-^^aped at the rear. Iiaving swinging side gliide-wheel, J, at the forward end, and carrying on the side the disks K, combined with lever K, ratchet E, and arm C, and w'heels .\, substantially as described. 3. — In a plough, the combination of a forward out ver- tically-cutting disk with a horizontal-cutting share-blade located behind said disk and adapted to cut under and to the bottom of the furrow, substantially as described. No. 227,724.— FRANK BRAMER and GEORGE G. CROWLEY, LiTTi.ic Falls, N. N .—Harrows or Ctihiva- /ors.—.t/ay iS, iSSo. F'ilcd Aprild, 18S0. Claim. — I. — The combination, substantially as herein- before set foil h, .if llir main fram ■ disk-i;niicTs innnnte.I ipon ■opi" ing each from the otlKi iimUmi, i- ;ii iiin -n oiaii, ,a liir \, ni w, the driver, witliuul luicniipiiug luc upciaUuii ul ilje ma- chine. 2. — The combination, substantially as hereinbefore set forth, of the main frame, the disk-gang, its vertical shaft, the socket therefor, the crank and pitinan, the rock-shaft, and a lever for operating the rock shaft whereby the angle of the disk-gang shaft relatively to the line of draft may be varied at pleasure. 3. — The combination, substantially as hereinbefore set forth, of the disk-gang,'jts vertical shaft, the socket therefor, and the draft-rod, whereby the gang-shaft is promptly re- stored to its working ang!e.^by the draft of the team after having been turned to move the machine sidewise. 4. — The combination, substantially as hereinbefore set forth, of the disk-gang, its vertical'shaft, the socket therefor, the adjustable slotted plate and set screw, the stop or pin, and the shoulder against which it abuts. 5. — The combination, substantially as hereinbefore set forth, of the disk-gaiiy, its \crtical shaft, the socket therefor, the adju^ta! !■ I ^et screw, the stop or pin, the -hMvil,l< 1 -uts and the draft-rod. o. — riic ~ i.uitiallyj as hereinbefore set forth, .if tin: II I Mirizontal arm .secured thereto, mechanism, substantially ouch as described, for elevating or depressing the outer end of said arm, and a disk-gang mounted thereon. 7. — The combination, substantially as hereinbefore set forth, of the main frame, the disk-gangs, their vertical shafts, the sockets therefor, levers for changing the angle of each gang, and draft-rods connected to the disk-gangs. 8. — The combination, substantially as hereinbefore set forth, of the draft-bar, the straddling arch or yoke, the hori- zontal arms secured to the ends of said yoke, the side brace;, disk -gangs mounted on the horizontal arms, and levers for controlling the angle of the gangs relatively to the line of draft. No. 233,419.— THOMAS E. JEFFERSON, Boston, Mass.— /Yo?<,'/M.—y«V 27, 1883. Filed June \t, 1880. Claim. — I. — Cutting wheals or disks, or the equivalent thereof, as at B, of relatively large and small diameters or size, in combination with a plough, wh?reby the ploughed soil is uniformly harrowed or cultivated, and also the pres- sure aiul friction on the landside of the plough are avoided, substantially as set forth. 2. — In a plou2;h, the fuirow-side bearing-wheel D, ap- plied to an auxiliary frame C, having a plough attached to it in combination with disks or wheels, as at B, applied to a main frame. A, whereby the frames are supported on the furrowside by the disks or equivalent contrivance while plough- ing and harrowing are going on, and by the furrow-side wheel when the said operations cease and the plough and disks are raised out of the soil, substantially as described. 3. — The combination of the seed-planting mechanism, as at E E', with the main frame, auxiliary frame, oblique disks or wheels, as at B, or an equivalent contrivance for relieving the plough from pressure and friction on its landside, and aK. I hanoH ill- or cultivating the soil, and a plough for iSSo. rotating pjiutjd rod-, or teeth, E, com .. . _ 11 _; 1 > n ,\ .nilly, and curved pointed rods or teeth K, an.ii; 1 ' uiilile distances apart on the outer side of the -..i- nl 1 itum.; inlh in planes parallel with the line of draft, uhtrcljy the giuuiul is opened or scaiified wdthout being turnetl over on both sides of the same row of plants and between the rows or hills, arch G, and the drag-bars H L, substantially as set forth. 2 The combination, with two sets of rotating teeth, E, of the connecting U-shaped bars G and arms H, whereby the ends of the bar G are connected with the frama of the machine-, sul.siaiilially as .set forth. 3.— I h, I iiniliiuitiiin, with the rotating teeth E, U-shaped coniieiiin,' !',ir I ,. and arms H, of the sleeve I, supporting. adji ing upon the teeth E are s S.-The c ins the hubst', to whr lly as set foith. I lie shaft a. of the whe No, 233,455.— JOHN K. UNDERWOOD and GAR- LAND B. St. JOHN, Cedar Rapids, \o\\k.— Rotary Ploughs.— October 19, l88o. Filed February 16, l88o. Claim. — I. — The combination of the plough-frame A with the pivoted caster standard F, finger i, and recessed guiding and locking arm G, substantially a-s and for the pur- poses set forth. 2. — The combina ion of frame A and plough disks C with the axle E, pivoted standare F, and finger i, as de- scribed, and wheel D, substantially as and for the purposes set forth, 3. — In a shifting axle, substantially as described, the collar O, stem S, nut n, and slotted cap L, in combination with the conical chamber or bearing K, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. 233,999.— THEODORE T.DANIELS, Morrison, III., assignor to himself, MARTIN V. AUSTIN, and HENRY S. FERGUSON, same ■^Xz.zc.—Corn-Phnters.— November 2, \%%o. F\]ed ^/y 2^, 1880. Claim. — In a corn planter, the combinations of the frame C, the seed boxes A, the hangers E, the disks H, the bent axle G, the rods J, the bar K, the slotted anns L, the bolts CULTIVATOR-DISKS. «, and wheels M, substantially as herein shown and de- scribed, and for the purpose set forth. No. 235,029.— J. UILL SHRIGLEY, lowA CiTY, lowA. — Combhu-i/ Seed-Drills and Rolling Cutters. — November 30, 1889. Filed September 22, 1880. Claim. — I. — The combined seed drill and rolling cutter comprising the frame .V, hopper B, shaft C, drill tubes or teeth (5, and the iiJIiiij 1:11. ' 1 1, the points of the drill- tubes being extcn : ! t ween and close to the sides of the cutters, an ' ; ;> openings located above the points and on tin [.. -11 1 I -iii~ cjf die drill teetli substan- tially as described. 2. — The curved drill tubes or teetli having flattened points, posterior grain orifices, and shields, subst.intially as set forth. No. 238,654.— JAY S. CORBIN, Gouverneur, N. Y. —Disk-Harrows.— March 8, l88l. Filed June 12, 1883. Claim. — I. — The combination of tlie following elements, viz : two or more gangs of disk.s, each having a separate axle, a draft frame and ti'ansver^e frame, joined rigidly to- gether and supported entirely upon the cutting disks, two or more swinging gang frames situated entirely in tlie rear of the transverse frame and connecte'l I'l 11 - m l< p n.lL-ndy of each other, and bearings for the ^:i I - '1 incly sit- uated between the ends of the a\l;-. ! : I ' I upon the swinging gang-frames, whereby sail i^ ,1:1:1-- iii-j and fall with the axles relatively to the main Uansverse frame, sub- stantially as set forth. 2. — In rotating disk harrow, the combination, substantially as hereinbefore set foitli, of the followini,' fl^^ment-, vi': a transverse connecting frame, two or more :i ■ ! , ! : : rying a series of cutting disks, automatical!) : 1 for supporting the cutting disks, and tlie l>:i- I.. iiai:> attached to the gang-frames and hinged at tiieir Iront ends directly to the transverse frame. 3. — -The combination of the following elements, viz: a draft-tongue, a transverse fram; ri^^inly connect.-d to said tongue, cutting disks arranged to support the entire weight of the transverse connecting frame, gang frames pivoted in- dependently of each other directly to the transverse frame on horizontal lines transverse to the lines of draft, whereby both ends of each gang-axle automatically rise together and fall together, and said axles swing independently of each other, substantially as set forth. 4 — The combination of the following elements, viz : rota- ting cutting-disks, a transverse frame supported entirely upon the cutting di-.ks, gang frames hinged to the transverse frame on horizontal Hues transverse to the lines of draft and arranged to rise and fall automatically, disk axles supported on the gang frames and an-anged to have both ends of each axle rise together and fall together, and stops which limit the auto- matic movements of the gang frames, substantially as set forth. 5- — In a rotating disk harrow, the combination, substan- tially as hereinbafore set forth, of the following elements, viz : a transverse connecting frame, two or more gang frames hinged directly to the transverse frame and arranged to freely swing automatically thereon, rotating cutting disks carried by said gang frarmes and arranged to support the entire weight of the frame, and an intermediate equalizing mechanism secured rigidly to the transverse frame and arranged to rest loosely upon the gang frames, whereby the weight of the frames is supported upon the cutting disks, and the gang frames are allowed to automatically conform to the surface of the ground. 6. — -In a rotating disk harrow, the combination, with a transvei-se frame and two or more disk gangs arranged to automatically oscillate vertically, of the gang frames E E', which at their front ends are hingdd directly to the trans- verse frame, and which, while oscillating, retain the gang axles in substantially horizontal lines, substantially' as set forth. ■ 7 — In a rotating disk han-ow, the combination, with a vertically oscillating gang of disks mounted On an axle, of an automatic adjusting mechanism, whereby the inclination of the gang axle to the line of draft is automatically altered by the vertical movement of the gangs, substantially as and for the purposes set forth. 8.— The combination of the followins elements, viz : a main frame, a vertically swinging gang frame, hinged to the main frame, a sliding axle supported on the hinged gang frame, a sliding bearing and a pivoted bearing for the axle, both supported on said gang frame, and an adjusting me- chanism, by which the position of said axle is adjusted both automatically and at the will of the operator, substantially as set fort;h. 9. — In : li if itin^ lUk harrow, the combinarion, with a gangfr.n; 1 : i a\le, of a sliding bearing and an os- cillatin- : ,11, : 1 nl axle supported on said gang frame, substamiaib. ,1- . t t: mli. 10. — In a rotating disk harrow, the combination of the following elements, viz : a main frame, a gang frame pivoted to the main frame, a rocking mechanism hinged to the main frame, a gang axle arranged to rotate in a sliding bearing and in a pivoted bearing, and a link connected to the gang svxle and attached eccentrically to the rocking mechanism. II. — The combination, witli the main frame and two or more disk gangs hinged thereto and mounted on sliding axles of the rocking bar I, connected to all of the disk axles, sub- stantially as set forth. 12. — In a rotating disk harrow, the combination of the foUowiUj; elements, vi.' : a main frame, a gang frame pivoted to the main lianie, a disk scraper rigidly attached to the gang frame, an. I a roLating cutting disk arranged to oscillate horizontally on the gang frame independently of the disk scraper, and to be moved toward the scraper when the disks are to be cleaned, substantially as set forth. 13. — The combination of the following elements, vi? : a main fram--, a L^an ; of two or more cutting disks arr-ingeJ 1 '!' :i ■ 1: ill\ .11 the main frame, a gang frame hav- : _ I ' :■ I. IV, -If i.ited between the adjacjnt disk,; and .■,l':i:liii^ 0,1. .i\- I ::Mn the central line of th':^ disks t:> their re.u- ei'.,'e, i ' : 'I secured to the r.'.-ir end; of said arms E E'. X, rigidly attached to the crosi-bar M, sul Dt'i. 14. — In ai ■ \. the combination, with a rotating cutting disk and nieclianism for adjusting the angle of said disk relative to the line of draft, of a scraper adapted to be brought into play by the angular adjustment of said disk. 15. — In a rotating disk harrow, the combination, with horizontally adjusting disk gangs and scrapers arranged to clean the disks, of mechanism operated by a single lever, whereby th^ inclination of the gangs is altered, and whereby the scrapers are brought into operation, substantially" as set forth. 16. — ^Tlie combination, with a gang frame of a rotating cutting disk mounted on said frame, a disk axle arranged to slide on said frame, and a bearing for said axle pivoted to the frame in front of the axle, whereby the axle is caused to move endwise when it is oscillated about the pivot of said bearini;. -ii: ■ 1 na 1 lil > a- set forth. No. j;-:: i\'. -s, CORBIN, Gouverneur, N. Y. — /)/s.; ;. /; 8, 1881. Filed June 12, 1880. Claim. — I. — la . I liis's harrow, the draft tongue, two op- posed disk gangs, and the braces C C, secured directly to the disk gangs and to the tongue, in combination with the trans- verse connecting frame, situated in front of the gang axles, and arranged to rest vertically upon the braces C C, in front of said axles, and connected to the tongue above the disks, substantially as set forth. 2. — In a disk harrow, the combination, with the tongue and two opposing disk gangs, arranged to vibrate veitically independent of each other, of a transverse frame formed of a single connecting cutting bar shaped to have the down- wardly projecting arms H' H* respectively connected to the outer bearings of the gangs and the intermediate part, H^, formed in one piece with arms H' H-, substantially as set forth. 3. — In a disk harrow, the combination, with the draft- tongue and two opposed disk gangs arranged to vibrate inde- pendently of each other, of a transverse connecting bar, which is flexibly connected directly to the gangs by horizon- tal pivots and is rigidly connected to the tongue, substan- tially as set forth. 4. — The combination with the disk gangs, of a transverse connecting bar or fram? hinged to the disk frames below the CULTIVATOR-DISKS. axles of llie^-s,sub,t.intially as and for the puiposL's set forth. 5. — Tlie combination, with the transverse connecting frame, of the dis"< gangs arranged to oscillate horizontally on a pivot situated below the axle of the gangs, substantially as and for the purposes set forth. 6. — The combination, with the transverse connecting frame, of disk gangs arranged to oscillate vertically on pivots which are situated bilow the axles of the disks, substantially as set forth. 7. — In a cutting disk harrow, tlij c.imbiiiation. substan- tially as herein set forth, of ill f >II '.< ii:.; i I. Ill ill-, \i/ : a transverse connecting framj, t ; (li,k gangs supported independently ;' 1 ■: n.iiis- verse frame, and each provide'! I wnli ,1 - [mui, i!ii,ui^li .i\le, and separate springs connected to tlie gang frames at points between the ends of said frames, to cause the gangs to oscil- late in vertical lines. S. — The combination of the'main frame, a ^disk'gang piv- oted to i;ie main frame at a point between the ends of the gang, and a spring, which is arranged to oscillate the gang vertically, and is situated at the center of oscillation of the g'-ing- 9. — The combination of the follow^ing elements, viz : the draft tongue, the main frame attached to the tongue trans- \ei-sely, the disk gangs pivoted horizontally to the transverse frame, and the metaUic bracJS C, pa^sint; Lwi^dy tln.>UL;li the transverse frame and connected bjth t . the Ji^k L;an',;, and to the tongue in front of the ll.ln^^cl^.: fianiL. 10.— The combinadon with the transxci^c ^'ang iVaiiiL- and the disk gang, of devices arranged, sub-tantially as de- scribed, to adjust said frame vertically upon the gangs, as set forth. II. — The combination with a main frame and disk gangs connected to said frames by vertical pivots, of mechanism, substantially as described, arranged to adjust the main frame oil said vertical pivots as set forth. 12.— The combination of the fraces C C, which jjass loosely through the main frame and through the lugs L-, and are b;nt upward to form the vertical pivots C for the gang frames. 13. — In a disk harrow, the combin ition, with a rotating di^k, of a scraper surrounding the axle and rotated therewith substantially asset forth. 14. — The combination, with a nilatint; .lisk, of a disk scraper which is supported at nn . n I ■■>']; . m ! lias it, fixed end at or near the center of till I ' n i h n , en 1 at or near the circumference of the ill- 1 i,i:.:i ,1- ,et fortli. 15. — In a fli-k harrow, the e .ii, 1 ...; ,.■ 1', i.,]], . •.,,„- elei-n.-m-., m- a -en,, uf nn.u.e • e ' . ■. ..• having a disk rigidly secured to its outer face and each beveled at the end contiguous to the adjacent disk hub, sub- stantially as set forth. 21. — The combination, with the rotating disk and a scra- per U,t ,aiJ .hsk. of the hub a' a'\ having the collar a form 1 \Mtli ilie leeess ii> , to receive the scraper, substan- 21. — riie Combination, with the axle B, the , connecting rod p, and the series of disks, of the inner disk hub. A', provided with the flange o*, wdiereby said hub is adapted to be loosely attached to the connecting rod D, substantially as set forth. 23. — The combination, with the axle B, the connecting rods D D, and the gangs of disks separate from each other at their inner ends, of hubs respectively mounted upon the gang axles and arranged to project inwardly from the in- nermost hub of each gang, to provide a fastening for the connecting rods D D, substantially as set forth. 24. — The combination, with the disk and fixed stops a^ of the ring N, having the inclined faces n^ ri^ arranged to bear against the said steps, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. -39,219,— I.\ME.S W. BODLEY, New Orleans, L,\.— A',.',/ r Cultivators.— March 22, 1881. Filed Jaim- arv 5. iSSo. riaini.-i.-In e. .mbination, the standard C, adjustably 2. I M i!,!.i;,ii. , ill the beams A and B, provided with : ■ ' ' . I M lards C C, con-structed as here- in sluwi:, iut.a) |jluu^li, I), and braces I K L, adjustably connected with the beams .-V and B by means of crank- nuts e e and e' e', substantially as herein shown, and for the purpose set forth. No. 249,993,— THOMAS A. GALT and GEORGE .S. IKM '^", Sriiu.iNf;, li.i..—Dhk-Harrows.—Mavi 1881. Ill -il lii^iist 5, 1880. ( l.iiiii. -I. — 111 a disk harrow composed of two gangs of cUsIn, I, I iiij liii 11 inner ends contiguous to or approaching eaeli ■ '> i '■ ■ ally a, shown, the combination of the two I'll, iniird on the tongue A, and the rods ^ endant g-, of the revolving scraper E, having a continuous unbroken surface on the side conriguous to the disk, and a unilateral journal, //, mounted in said pendant, said sera|>er arranged so as to be presented to the concave face of the disk, and operate between the axle and the perijihery thereof, and project slightly beyond said periph- ery, snb,taiitially as and for the purpose herein shown and deseribed. No. 2 + 1,074-— PHILIP SEITZ, Baton Rouge, assignor of one half to RICi I ARD W. BOLAND, New ORLEANS, La. — Cul ,va ■„',. — May 3,1881. Filed ^ .v,?;«s/ 6, 1 88 1 . Claim. — 1. — In a cultivator, the combination, with the carriage A B C, the U shaped bar F, and the draw rods E, ofthe short b:ams I, the swiveled l| shaped standards J, having locking turn-tables or disks N, the sets of rotating circular cutters or plough plates L, the long beams H,the swiveled IJ shaped standards P, having locking turn-tables or disks R, and concavo-convex rotating disks or plough plates (J, as and for the purpose .specified. CULTIVATOR-DISKS. 2. — The combination, with the disks, of the shaft K, the swiveled |J bar J, the turn-table N, having a number of holes for pins, and the beam I, as and for the purpose set forth. No. 241,086.— GARLAND B. St. JOHN, Cedar R,MTns, \o\:r\.— Ploughs.— Mav 3, 1881. Filed J-\-l>ni„rv\ II, 1881. Claim.— I.— In a plough, the half-share and mould-board C, cut away at c' in front on a curved line, its forward end or point extending about to the center of tlie disk C, and combined with said disk, which is mounted by sleeve E on the inclined arm F, extending from the plough-beam, sub- stantially in the manner and for the purjioses set forth, 2. — In a plough, the conibin.ition of the revolving con- cavo-convex disk with the half share and mould board ar- ranged to work in unison, said disk cutting in advance of the mould board, substantially as described. No. 242,115.— DAVID E. DARNELL.— Masonville, N. J. — Marking Out Sled for Agricultural Purposes. — May 31. 1881, Filed December 31, 1880. Claim. — r. — The brackets C, with rear disk-like portions H', the disks H having cup^ O, the sliares E haviiL^ hubs on their inner faces, the axl ■ |an- > ■^n^ M-rtical D, .11 con- portions, and tlie cups (1 fonncd wW.' ii 1 1 structed and operating as and Imi I ! 11 1 imth. 2. — The riding-sled with runnti^ , f ' ' ' " brackets C, with the rear'knees of the runiiLi pi . J lin m-h them, the disks H, shares E, pins J, and b jjts I), combined and operating as described, and forming an improvement in marking out sleds, as stated. No. 243,676.— THOMAS E. JEFFERSON, Boston, M.\ss — June 28, 1881. See Ploughs-Wheel or Sulky. CUL TIVA TORS— PARALLEL. Plate Claim PlaW Claim Plate Clai,, Alexander, R. \V 355 no Hooper, W. L. 351 io8 Pratt, E. 338 105 Avery, R. H. 343 106 Hoyman, 11. ,S. 358 no (K.) 338 Averv, R. 11. 345 107 Jenkins, J. (;. 35' ic8 Price, T. J. an, Hunt, A. 352 109 J3aini, E. A. a nd Gale i..y, E. W. 354 109 Reck, W. 341 106 A. T. 359 III Kendall, T. W. liZ 109 Reeves, W. F. A. B. an 1 Bennett, W. 11. and l.anham, \V. M. 341 106 M. T. 355 109 Ilei-lit, 11. 356 no Lnnham, \V. M. .543 106 Reeves, A. B. 353 109 Brown, \\'. 1'. 360 1 1 1 Louden, W. 353 109 Rol.elt^on, W. H. 35' loS Carson, R. 342 106 Ludlow, I. M. and Pruitt, Robert-, T. 11. 344 107 Carter, C. D. 354 109 S. ('. 358 no .Sin,p,on, M. P 344 107 Carter, C. 1). 359 McDill. T. \V. 356 no •Sl.fer, R. 11. 358 Cauthorn, I. N. 346 107 McGee, C. 357 1 10 Slo.v, L. L. 339 105 Cavett, R. S. 348 loS McNitt, M. 352 108 Slo^s, L. L. 342 106 Clark, W. 354 109 Markee, J. and Spic r, W. ,Slu-,ser, G. 348 108 Clawson, L. G. 351 108 E. 35° 108 Smith, A. 337 '°5 Cook, J. 339 ■05 Miller, R. M. 346 107 359 in Cooper, A. 34s 108 Morrison, ]. E. il'i •05 Stal.l.l'eilel,!. 1) A. and Crutcher, S. 347 107 Mourning,- F. G. 342 106 Luse, W. I. 34' 106 Eichholtz, M. 340 106 Owen, (_;. 337 105 ITrimblcJ • 357 1 10 " " (R.) 340 106 " " ( <■) 337 105 Tarkm-lMU, M S. 353 109 " " (R.) 341 106 " ", ( <■) 337 '05 Thonia-, 1. W. 349 loS Ely, B. M. 340 106 343 106 Tliomas, \. C. B. 357 no Evans, J. (;. 360 I II Parker, ]. A. |. \V. 360 III riua^her,' r. I 347 107 Gardner, I. M. 349 108 Pattee, ]. II. " 344 107, E. VV. 338 105 Gibson, R". F. an . Cowdei ( <.) 344 107 Ward, W.C. 356 IIU S. M. '360 III Pattee, J. II. 346 107 Warner, C. 354 107 Graham, J- I- and \Va Pattee, H. II. 355 109 Watson, C. H. 345 107 lace, S. J. 350 108 Pattee, 11. 11. 355 109 Watson, W M 348 108 Graves, J. M. 359 1 1 1 Pattee, [.11. 357 no Watson, W. M 350 108 HeIem,"T. 347 107 Peck, E. 339 '05 Williamson, S. D. 352 loS Hooper.'W. I,. 349 108 Polini;, T. 346 107 Vouni;, A. 339 105 CULTIVATORS-PARALLEL. \... 12241.— A SMITH, Siori^svii.i.i;, \\A..—P,iralU Cu/!:7:i\Ts.—y,tnU:iry 16, 1855. i'i:uMi,— Tin: manner of coupling plough I, with plough 2, liv hinged slide rods O, bar E, and rod F, for the p'lirpo.L' of allowing encli pl.mgh a somewhat full and inde- penilonl ni .lion, ,w\ vet liriii;' the plough under the control of on.- hand of the, and in some degree control l.oth ploughs, as set forth. No. 34,316. —GKORCJli OWEN, Jacksonvim.k, Ii.i..— Cou/ilirig/or Dou'il: J'/vu;/is. — Fe/irimiy 4, 1 862. i.e.l. lieces / /, and 1), in till 2. — The combination of th.> the sliding joints of the bars C for the purpose specified. 3. — Connecting the compound curved or bent bar C with th^ bar I), by of the chain x or its e piivalent, for the purpose set forth. 4. —The combination of the front curved stretcher bar B, an 1 jointed bars CD, for the purpose of connecting two ploughs, a-s set forth. 5.— Tne corabin.itio„ ,,r the front .Ir.dght bar T.. with the curved orb^-mj-in W ■ r mM ^n lijn j .in.r.I 1,,„I) for the purpose of i.-m; : ■ : i, .1 !■ mii ■!. No. i.59S.-i;Ko:: ,, . ./, . \ ,, : ., :, I , . 1, i.._ -// Co 5. iS6i meeting two single ploughs by means of ; piecei or rods s s attached to the beams . le rear of the standards thereof, so as to o,er together, and tiiereby form a double- subst-intiallyin the manner and for the bar li' her;in ^et forth. Xo. 3,705.— GEORCIE OWEN, Tacksonvii. /','Dll^-/,-C.„/:tin'S.-U -. F,-I,r,;arv % 1862 7'W»<^':r 5 rS6i, r s'o^'; >;im, ,,.,^m,/| V,.r. ■■:, coupling.., made of um„I ..1 11 , . 01 j,.Mll\' Ml" ^^ou,l .,1, 1 |>artly of iron, and coiniected w i h the ploughs by loose ur liinge joints, substantially as a id for the purpose herein specified. 2.— The combination of the curved or bent jiiece or pi.-ces//, and the sliliii-i iiul- ' r l!.L- l,ni, Cand D, in tile manner and lor the | U] - ii. 1 -y I'll -1 3. —Connecting the . in: ur.-.l .., Kent coupHng liarC with the um. r in, ■ li li. -uli-Hnlially in the 4- — Tile- I iirved or bent .Stretcher bar 1!', an.! , .; i,.u- C, for connecting two plough-.. ,..: ,^ uj.iiiuer and for the purpose herein set forth. N ). 4i,4;4— E. W. V.^NGUNDV, (i.M.ESiiUR.i, Ii.i..— Cultivator^. — February 2, 1864. Claim. — -The improved manner of connecting tie same by m;ani of the peculiar aiTangenients of the pivoted yoked connecting bars E w^ith shank/, working in and through the slotted or open .str.ii,dit bar F, in combination with the draught beams A .'V, tlie whole operating substantially in ihe manner and forth.- purpose herein set forth. No. 44,747.— EDWARD I'RATT, (;ranM) Dktoiir, Ii.i.. —Cu'.tivators. — October 18, 1864. Claim. — The two plough beams A A, connected together at a proper distance apart by means of bars D or II attached to the A by pivot bolts a, to admit of an independent longi- tudinal movement of the beams A, the latter being used : purp< either with or without tlie central liar !•: ant and all arranged substantially as and for thi set forth. No. 7,353.— EDWARD I'RATT, Rock (Irovk, Ii.i..— assignor to SAMUEL I. WALLACE, Kicokuk, Iowa.— rw/Z/Wf/o^-j.— 44,747 O.tob.-r, 18, 1864. Reis.sued Or/o*.?r 17, 1876. Filed 7?<'v 12. 187:;. Claim. — I. — In culliwitM,-, n mi vated L-nle and allow th.iini movement on the pivots, forth. 2. — The combination, in a walking str.i tor, of two plough beams, A A', each be. with an eleval ,1 cr, . , M,Vr, h.iMn ; .a i' and upper .iinl l',\( 1 l.;' i, n ;. I 1 . . niu r the curved or bent piece or lilt, of the bars Cand D, in the Jj;>;; lierein specified. iiii-, b,,r I), -nli.i.intially in the pur t'l • 1: ill! 1 UM. i -r Kent stretcher Cn ne jnanner and for the purpose U:.\ 1 :i n l.",andintei-- spa.... V . |. lough frames. A A', CUIHUM 1 .1 HI lil ,,. li,,|, li. nil crowding apart or togLii 1 .1- 1 li \ ,M" .Ir.iuii . .11^ 1 1 till. .» iii_; fur- rows to the r, , 1 r ..1 .. - Ill . -ill. I.iiih.ii 1 i.iiili. 4. —The eul nil t.Ml ]ll.lU li am-. ,\ ,\',Ciiiinected williiiut furvvai I tont;ut , and havin.^ th e fron plows C C com- i.iii..-.| Hitli ver tically adjustable runners M substantially as ' \'.'.. ;4.i>.i. -I AM I .S E. MORRISON Washington, 1 1. .■1, 1 /,'.; ,'24, I.SI16. ... ^ ...lil- il. ible plough beams U U, li...\ ■.'. ■ .1 ■■, i.i .i 1, and cross bars Y. Y, .uiai.^il ,111.1 .11 ranged substn ntially as herein specified. 2.— In comliination with double plo ugh .cams united at t'leir cml . a-; des ribed.the stan lards .1 .V, and cross lni.-l.:d and operated s ubstantially as and for .r with its various devices, con- ranged substantially as and for the i'liR, CoU.iNsviLLE, Ohio. — ; beams C C and the handle B', as and the staples e, for the purpose of E to the other portions of the plough. <1 I Ks;, iv-nv South Union, Ky.^ /-. •- .■ '7 1S67. 1. : ,, 1. lines to each other by I i I 1 . 1 i ill the same horizontal ,M, 1 .1 ,„ .11. 1 io|,l..ngh fr.imcsby •:cK. ci S07. work for carrying and drawing the l.iiigli- ..r ,! 11. 1.1. 11.,- row cultivator, supported on runners, ibstantially as described. 2. — The frame supported on runners, in combination w ith vo gangs of ploughs, substantially as specified. 3. — The main frame, supported on runners, i combina- CULTIVATORS-PARALLEL. and ii1oul;1is and pier 6.— II. and clew-,,,, „ elevation ul tli. specified. V.-TIk: an,; L- angle rod N adjusting the ibstantially as ".-.urn v.nn sa„l yoke and the I IV as and ibr the purpose specified. \M M. L.\NHAN, Noblf.sville, -o, iS6q. luent of the evener G, , . - ^ J. and elevated, pivoted No. S7 401.— BEN'IAMIN M, ELY, Perry, Mo., as- iignorto himself, L. t. TUl.I.EV, and WILLIAM A. and LVMANT ]. Ml'NCKR.— 0/Vt//A,.-c. — .l/,7r,/,.2, 1 Sfir, lly the C and G, cross-pieces arranged and combined ct forth. liLEFIELD and WIL- . Miss.— P/iiU^/is.—Au- A, B, and C, standards D, nifTirons F, and l)olts,t'-, when ;ed.and operated substantially len used in the con.struction structed substantially as and hen so constructed vator, substantially Mk Ii.i to be intiirchangeable, in a corn and for the ]Uirpose described. 5.— 11; ■ iVin. ,-,,n,iu.,,d of the bars A, B, and C, and : upri -'i nisE E. when used in the con- uctic-'i) , cultivator, substantia lly as and the upi for the No. -i-ting of the two rods A wo screws • : .: 1 1 . ii AM, Nom.ESVILLE, IXD. —Ploiirlr—'-'' . - -liiecled together double plough A, con- may operate in nected 1 , , ed rods E E. bar G, and forward in the bar C, ' \ by the vertical swivel Mi;h beam-, to bolts I. h .Ith, jiloughs in an No. 1 . - . ! ININS, B,\scow, III.— ctions or otlier C«, ■«./'/ 70. .. >ved indep;n- Clabi, , :l.s, asset forth, for culti- >ii t imbiii^d and op:rat- valiiii; i«" rl i ; . 1 - > -III 111, v, hen made and arranged 1 for the purpose speci- su!.-ln,U,dlv .i--.Hn,i],,an.ll,avingtheblnc:;s L M N O , .\ii>l I.' M' X' i )', 1 -_t luitli. ,iii the two connecting parts I JAME.S U. I'AI Monmouth, Jfrif 6. 1S60. >-|"!'EE, !;URV, --SS.557, I, 1874. No. I TO 4Ty.— ROliERT 11. AVERY, Galeshurg, III. — Ctillivaton. — Dt. ember 27. 1870. Claim. — I. — The comliination and arrangement of the elevated r,-.i,--!hi.- II', K. -ivl M. niwl .-. ,,,1. etiii.^r nr link- rods :v ' '' ■ ■•! -Ill -,. \ , . , , . 1, , ,,„-. ,,s.,k1 (bribe 1 li'- . I- . i - :: , i . :■ e 2. — I ■ ' ' 1-11 '. '1 1 1 oper- atewub 1' ■ ' ■ ' M \i I : '. : ' 1 1 . and cleva- I , I , , i , 1 1 1 , 1: eiibed, and for - ' : - -!:- ! ' \ ^ - , 1 1 i;s..NVILL!^, ILL. I ' . .. I.I. . eomp.osed of the ; I.. 11:. ii eyes L L, all ... 1! 1 I , i;.l 11...^,. ' nd for the purpose herein speeilied, 2 — The douli)le cultivators or ploughs, provided with the coupling-bars D and E. jointed thereto by the couplings K L L, with tlie cou))ling-l\ir (J jointed thereto by the slotted ted coi the pu CULTIVATORS -PARALLEL. il.»: II tl ;.. 1 1, ^-z;-, anil with tliesicL- clevises MM , I ;, lilted SHbstanti.iUy as ami for .W,. ii4.4S;. -MAI 111 KW W SIMPSON, RosiCM )NI), \Li..—O,//rj.t^0.s.~.U.n 2, 1S71. Claim. — I. — Tlio coupling-ties IS C D, each constnicted with vertical and hori/.ontafpivol'i and with slots /'and per- forations »;, to form a comjjound adjustment, and in connec- tion the shouldered standards v.. wheels, U 1), axles .\, and two |iiij;i^ii : . 1; 1 , l\ k. ; '1 heam carry- pendently Iiinged to the axle, i - ; i mol in work- ing position without cin li 1 ■) -upport, and mo>-e freelyin alat_'ial, \jiii. ■'.. .;i__;:ii l;ii,il direction, subst aitiall) a. m M. 1 I" I 2. — The :i ' \, I I '!_ urdraftplates B B so thai I a : of progres- sion by th,- 'jiaai _- l . , :-„i _-._■!, ui advance of the other, sub.slanti,dly ao deo^iibeJ, and for the purpose specified. 3. — In combination with whael D, draft plate B, operating to support and give direction to the wheel, substantially as and for the purpose specified. 4. — The combination of the plough beams K K, axle A, an.l wheels D D, the latter being hinged or pivoted to the axle to permit of one side mjvi a ; in a liaiicj of the other, sidjstantially as described, an I 1 . 1 1 , ; ;> -pecilied. 5. — The hinged axle .-^..^u-t I ! i a, 1 a .;lit or vertical poMtion by mjan^ofthe plou^'ii . a I. k al their shovels or ploughs an ! ili 1 a;i: laa ,\ a 1 • • , a 1 the beams to theaxicsir. la a ::. , : ,,: a I lorth. 6.— The a, I a - , ; i ii^ .;, , i a 1 arranged to operate with Lii- !an,_.: a.-!a .\, |,!.iU- IJ, .uij wheels I), substantially as and fur tlia purpose specined. No. 124,922— CHARLES W.\RNER, Monroe, Ohio, — CuUiv.itors. — March 25, 1872. Claim. — The combination of the adjuitable flexible coup- ling /^z'/and E E K with the two ploughs, substantially as and for the purposed specified. No. 127,293.— ROBERT H. AVERY, G.VLESiiUR(;, III. — Cultivators— March 25, 1872:. Ante-dated May 17, 1872. Claim. — 1. — The plates B, constructed, as shown, with a recess, b' and ring !> ''. and arranged to operate with flange E, eye I), .m 1 eyebolt C, sub^tantially a-; described, and for the purpose set forth. 2. — Tlie plate B. constructed as shown with a recess, b', anb rinas //' ' and anain-.-d to ,,p,-rair 'aith ll,in>re E, eye D, an.l,,,i.,lM ,,aahla. 1„.,.„ \ \ .„] M, ., a. M coupling K, sul-a • a a,, , , ,a„ . ,,i ;,,; a , ., ;i|, ,, specified. N . ■■: . 'a. 'H \i;i I .11, W ' ; a,. .N.Washington 1). C. -c/„:,l.w/c<,...-y„a 2, 15,72. Clann. — I , — The bent beams A A, as shown in Fig. 3, as and for the purpose set forth. 2.- Tlia beams \ A, when forming both beams and ton.jn , » ii ihai, I lant or straight, having an independent ver- tiaal aa III I 111 \a-ment, being hinged or jointed at their foiHii I . a i ., to maintain an upright position, for the puip I - I l-ii|a 3.— Tl;a beams A A, liinaad or pivoted so as to have a free independent vertical an I lai aal inav inent upon the bar or yoke B, and supportcil iniioaiian without wheels or frame, as and for the purpose ik-.Liina,l. 4. — The beams A A, hinged or pivoted to the bar or yoke B, and made adjustable upon the bar or yoke, as and for the purpose specified. V Til ■ ev 'HIT (", pivoted to the bar or yoke at the extreme front. aia a a.l a, alt, so a, t.. le.ive tha i'lcam, A A tree to ().-- i 11. II, I |. a, 1) 1), whan made longitudin.illy ad- justalile upiHi 1, a ,111 \ \. f.a I'l.. jiurpose set forth. 7. — The a. II I a . . .: ' laMe evener C, adjusta- ble single tl I I I ' \ \, I 1 chains E E, substan- tially as an, I |..i t'l aim. . ■! -, i,'.a,l. No. 126,418.— Kill! i;R r M. .\ULLER, Springfield, 0\\\o- Ploiif^hs— July 10. 1872. Claim. — The arrangament of arch A with its ends /> h, cros, i'la\i, a. Ii.ain •-. /. |ilough beams d, upright ^, nuts /? I manner described, as and for . I' )LING, CitiTHRiE, Iowa — C«,.., <,,.,,.,,, —.i',.^,-,j, 1,, I072. Claims — The bars A, constructed substantially as herein shown and described, and pivoted to each other at their in- ner ainK to ailapt tliani (o laacive the plough beams and .\s.v . ■ - : , a al.. liIORN, C.A.RTHAGE, ll < . ns E E' attached forth. No. 135,148.— TAMES H. PATTEE, Monmouth, Lll., .assignor to himself, HENRY H. P.VTTEE.and ITHAM- ER P. PILLSBURY, same T^Xxa—Cu'tiv.itors.— January 21, 1873. Claim. — I. — The braces K, adjustably attached between the l...tni, r, r; and stanlaiaL II [I b.- ratch -t^', L' and M', •■ ■ ■■ .1 . ii:,.I, .1, 1 Ta r,... |,lra,-.a -A Oivdl, No. 138,985— JACK HELM, Hochheim, Tex., as- signor to himself, and CHARLES TIMM.same place.— C,l-ni:i «;•, - -/.,a//22, 1X75 iMlail \'„vnih-r 16, 1872. I ■ . i ...II .. I ..1 ..,,.,1 .1- I' c, ,11 ,. '1 . I to the end of . I . la. |, -a I a. I I . -, Ls of said ga,i I , ! , r i I i , ., - ,11 , lor the purpose dese,n,ao No. 141,964.— THOS. L. THRASHER, Paris, Tex.— Ploi,i;h CoHplino;.— August ig, I873. Filed July 5, 1873. Claim.— The'l.cni bar, A. strengthened al their bends by tha .. a.l ifc.i ,,•', li,.... i I. i ., I'ai, I ,a a, . 1, 1, with swiveled cb.ii .• . a'.; ^;.i I I 1 I. •■ ' , . II 1 al Liiai- upper en-Is will, ■ .. ... ..■, i. . I , . . ^ ' \ ,1,1 .,..r,e thekey D, No. 144,321.- SEBERT CRUTCHER, LittleMount, Ky. — CuUivafors. — November i„\'&lT,. Filed September b, 1873- CUim.— Th> ,fi 111- row w I'ain ' ciiUivU,-, ,;,nnv,ed CULTIVATORS-PARALLEL. of the frame C 1' 1 | 1 1 1 \< ims arc at their and s 1 M 1 ' 1 1 \ \ 1 forwaid ends CM the bar C of the tois — 1 1 frame, and i\l II I' aie pnoted to Cliii - 1 the li\ed peiuknt i 1 1 i 1 1 ii I, of the frame, substantially a-, and h.r the inuiioscd speuihed /oiital i 11 li i 1 jettmy; nlih [ucl) lun\ ai No. 144, 740.— RICAARD b CAVETl, Bi dias, Tr\. tachcd to the under sid —Cultivators —Nov mber i8, 1873 Filed S,pt,.mhei 6," 2.— Theaiched\oke i«73. beams and licnt tn (lit r Claim —The combmaUon of beams A A A' A^ and on one or both U 1 1 standards B B B^ B^ with the loose like connections^/; e,-d arched center u| 11 1 1 and/ «, -is nnd forlhe purposed descnbed 3 —In 1 St, 1 11 No 14-f- -in SI USSFK ITii i si,orough, Ohio, ploujtf, , assign 1 It t 1 - 1 ML and JAMES with .1 1 1 H. AM 1 1 ( ' , — December \b. freeU 1 1873 I - ii-3 Claim — IliL Loiiil inition, m a dduide sho\el walking cultuator, of the beams B B, slotted at their front ends, the adjustable arched yoke D, adjusting pins E, and cuned fixed runners F, constructed, auanged,and operating as de scnbed. No. 145.848— ANDREW COOPER, Macomu, III., as- signor of one-half his right to MARTHA E. UPDEGRAFF, same place — CuUivalors, — Dccembtr 23, 1873. Filed October b, 1873. Claim. — I. — In a parallel cuIti\ator, the frames A A car- rying the wheel spindles ;;, the draft attachment I, and the plough beams C, all constructed and combined as shown, for the purpose set forth. 2. — The combination of the frames A A. draft attachment J, and center bar D, having arched arms, and connecting the frames by means of hinged joints /, substantially as shown and de^cril)ed, and for the purpose specified. No. 151,733-— WILLIAM M. W.ATSON, Tonics, III. — CuUivalo s — Jiiiii- g, 1874. Filed K-brtiarv 21. 1874. Claim. I. Ina-tra.ldk' tow Lukiv:it..r, the nock vnk,- G, with staple.;-, in ■ -:nln,,.ii..n i. iili ili,- Ji-.iit n.n-n/- 1 1. having long staples /■, iil -ijniialK ,i^.;n'l Imi- i!il- iiiii-|:. .,f, -,.t forth. the independent sUdiiiL; pluii-li .h i,i i .i:^;!i. , ..[ ,. uccky.oke connected to said anil ntt.-n-. .1 '.. ]ii\\L'nt lateral rocking of the ^.nn I : 1 '! ri ,1. No. 151,808 ; 'MX W i;i^\l\s. Silver Si'rings, Tenn.— /'/W/C' i'-:\ I ' 7'?«/(ari'5, 1874. Claim.— Thee..!,, I 1 Mill : ih. -LmLuds O with the bais or plates J M and their roUeis K 1„ attached to the beams .\ and rear standards D of the ploughs, and with the beams P of two shovel ploughs, substantially as herein shown and de- tcribed. N.K i;;s.; - II I 1 F.RSON M. GARDNER, Silver Sl'RiN.. I :i h-Conplings. — August 11, 1874. Filed : ■ I -- : Cla.lii I 1 , , .I'.lc s,vivH r,v,i;-,-,..:-,l ,,f th.- flant;e,l < . !!■ • 1. ■■.',.'!,■ i 1 . ,■■. u, kerto , . ..Ml, ,,1, K.ii.i .1... 1 ,,„ ., I, , , ,i,i,:ii,, block f. . nh.i. ni.,jK,ni,;,u . . lui ., ,1 |,,,ii ., .ill ,yn .,, .,,1 ,1. ,|,.- scribed iuhI set lortii. 2. — Tlie double swivel joint, as shown, in combination with standard B and connecting rods or bars II, all arrano-- ed as described, and for the purpose set forth No. 155,159.— \VM. L IIOITKR, M..nm.ii m. III.— Cultivators. — October lo, 1874. III.. I An ■us' 10, 1S74. Claim. — The combination of the ii,i.l ,i\l, ,\, Ivams I) D, cou])lings G G. draft platLs li [1. an.l 1 nnnci, C C, the run- ners journaled ill ill . 1 li ; I ,1 ,. il..' .ira't plates pivoted to the a.xle, and ili, ' 1, I . ,. n. .. \ and lateral mo- tion, all opennuu , , , , 1,11..-, .iiccihed. No. 1^7,0,4 1 --.;, .MAUivEEandWM.E. SPICER, Aleh. I, I . : lors.—Movcinber 17, 1874. Filed Septa,, r I.: iS;, Clai.n 1 1, .. 11, l.ination, with the plough beams A A, oftii., i.,i!..,i| ,,,~tn,^- [-l-r-r-. .uclied axle (.;, with spiniil. -,'/., line! linn 1, 1. si runners H, and draft hc.ik, /..all .,il. ,1,1,111 , . , , : ■ , il,. 2.— In aciilli\at..r, ili.i in 1. I.i. •. . I . t J. connected to the rod III, having a hook at its end, which clutches into a sta- ple in the plough beam, as and for the purposes herein set forth. No. 157,125.— JOHN L. GRAHAM. CarthaRe, III., ! .\> \ —Cultiva- I iS7 5 nil iKt hori- I 11 and pro- ith itai braces at- :t forth ;Ld to the plough rest b} bearings to support the I irth. nd ination of two iticall) held up, '.1 let them rock axis, with^' [ in 1 1 c thei holdin^ means, substantial- ly as set forth 5 — The comlmption of cultnating plough E, swiveled as descnbed, and with safety holding de\ice, with the revolv- ing collar E-^, substantially .as set forth. No. 157,895.— WM. MEDD WATSON, Tonica, III. — Cultivators. — December \c,, 1874. Filed September 26, 1874. Claim. — The tongues .\ A, jointed together at their for- ward ends, and capable of a rearward or forward move- ment independently of each other, in combination with the lunneis I" K. t 1 the upper horizontal parts of which are ].iiiii. .1. 1 \ tile clevis F, the plough beams C C, by which llie l.uti I are capable of a forward or rearward move- ment Hitli tile tongues A A, a lateral movement to ward or from each other on the horizontal parts of the run- ners, and also a vertical movement on the same, substantial- ly as described. Xo 162 577.— WM. H. ROBERTSON, Buda, lLi,.,a.s- si.jn,,, 1,1 !».. -thirds his right to RUFUS FORD and A. H. I, I \\. .xw: \\\iQ<:. — Cidt:vators. — Apri/ 2J,lS'J^. Filed ■/„„„„■ V ,, I.S7V Llaliii I In- I -r II, .iirv.l /5,an,l ,11, .,,1:,: 111, Il n I! plou.y-li i ..... '1 ' tially.-n.- ,,ii:.i..,iin. No. ib2.79S.— l.iMsc. L Uo.—Corn Plowrlis.—May 1874. Claim.— fwo frames A' A' elevated sliort horizontal part substantiallv .1 IS shown, to fonn a limner, ■ ranged to operate with the \. and wdieels B, substan- urpose specified. .AWSON, Pleasant Hill, ., 1S75. Filed April 11, niTvin,'agang of jjloughs .' ■, , ,,, '11 14 l.,>w L, I ,. ..that they , hint; 1 ..1. H, by unttally as ,KI ANoN.TE.N'N., \. same place.- 7. 1875. . .1- or gang .l...ksKK, ed t. . I wdiicli II ... I No. 166,278— |i isi'ni I' 11 \ assignor to himsell ,in.l I A M ! ~ 1 .. Cullivato:-s—.i„,,s' ;, i.^;^ I 1 Claim.— The .■ . n ,. ;, ,. . ,,, ploughs, of a ni .il ,11 ii 1 . . . n and pivoted bow i, ,-.1,.,. !... i... j, -j No. 167.458.- .MAR i l.\ .MeiN 111, -\l..i \\A..—Cultivalo,s. — Septvmlh-rT, 1875. Fi 1875. CUaim.— The cr.mbinati.:.n, with the latchetbars F and the rock liai I ', . .11 1 \in_. 1. t'l !■;. o," I'n , ..mlined handles and pawlK. 1 1 i . ,, 1 I . .11 . d to operateinthe mannei :,,,■., ,', , 1:, , No. i;...!.!!.. ^. |i WIM.I \Msi i.\, Milford, IND. — Double I'kvigliS — X.vember \(i, 1S75. Filed September 18, 1S75. Claim. — I. — The bars C, bolted to the axles B, and se- cured to the frame jiiece A by means of the flanged plate I), July 10, V A TORS-PARALLEL. niul the looped l»>li^ slanthlly as ami for 1 2. —The slioe I, [H the top, against whirl tiun with "the metallic whereby tlie >hoe em and down on the star N". i7".395— 11 1 1 and ananged sul)- ith. Ilangcs and stops at and connecting bolt, can he adjusted up ilA.s J. I'RICE, and ALMON -CiillivuUrs. — Novemlin- 23, 1873. K,Iolr.v,V22..87J. I l.inii. — I. — '1 he combination of the arch A, in two parts, and swiveled in or near its center, with the draft frames S S, rods I I, and pivoted links J J', as and for the purpose set forth. 2 — The lock i>late C, with circular grooves . ,v ' .M, 1S76. Filed May 18, , — The combination, with a plough beam, A, of bottom plates D D, slotted at their front ends, with tlio cyi-s ,f,f, the ]-iv..tfd ,",rved bar C per- ith axle A, ploughs B, dUs II, sub.staiitially 1, combined with axle A, ally as described, and for the i \b>N.V I \S, II, a straddle larly curved le ill close manner substantially as and for the purpose specified. No. 187,983.— WILLIAM F. REEVES, A. B. REEVES and M. T. REEVES, Coumius, Ifiv.- -Tongueless Plou,.lis.— March G. iS-; Til 1 1 \-/ober lO, 1876. Claim. — I— ihc ;: ,1 with a cap, ///, said caji ha\in.; an aTinuln - . . i ,\ > x-n its front edge and spindle tn I'll v .;, and having a pro- jecting lug, 1, 1 1 :.. i-.:,,i. :.-i".mling recess formed in til' ■ •'■'■'./ ■ ' ii ' il airanged as shown and ilc 1 .i, '. .1 r.. -;: ^ • .>i '1. 2. The spinJlc .', 1,11. i-d -.will L.ii. 'V. ,, Imli is provided CULTIVATOR3-Py\RALLEL. wiih a li: the end . furtlKi i the ar.n piirpo-.L p(l as.l. in the- I 4- ■ Y, all :,< shown, 5- -I being 1.1. fit on cur vided «ii ated n(;i. for the ].: 7- 'I' the cuiv backunr. V, and t. the pin]n and dec 8. -11 the arn 9- slotted thel...l D, and , 10. ot plali and ch .getlier rear b.j the manner set No, 190,179. CuHivators . — \ Claim— I ^-. D', r)'\ I ' former ;i . i . , shoe or . to 0]:t iiil:ir pace s', to incase ill 1 .lid spindle being . . 1 , .U its front end, to .qiled to be secured to 11 the manner and for the 1m." i\ arm 1! C, con.strucf- !'. ( ;, and stoj) F, I .ind described. ,ard X and hook d in the manner a downwardly project- d, and placed at or near II I'.e manner set forth I d to clasp the : , i'. provided with I I 1:1 . : d J .Ml i.-iir^; burnt or curved and adapted to receive the shovel \ el to be adjusted up or dow-n for the pitch of the shovel, as set forth n C, having a downwardly project- I near the inner end /', combined i a pin, F, adaj t:d to openings in ' , .1 1! C, haviuT a ,'' a lug, r, and 1 1.1 the slot of the arm front edges beveled off id ap.irt in case of the .leaking the lugs 2 0', in , DF.R, GAr.EsiiURO. Ii.i,, 1 Novcinher g. I.S76. tuds g. No. 1 W 1. MII.I,, nvrAVIA, InWA. CllHi: Chii const 111 tralp,.: 'dtivator, ileil cen- ...iient of the pi... . to the .!.d, sub.stantial- ly'asd. No. ,., ' '1 ITOWN Ohio assignor < ' .medi.dl 1 1, 1-1, .hi 1.. V. .\. KENNEL and E. LONG, s ame place. CiilUva ors.—Jtily 10, 1877, Filed April 23, 1877. Claim. - -I -TIh-c... liimlion «iilii:.- iirforated frames A l-I A' i! 1... kle bolt G, hav- '-g th. ind washer J. . nrvedboUG.^.f', No. 193,362.— W. n. ULNNLTT and II. R. HEIGHT, Lebanon, Tenn. — < ulfivator P/o'igAs.^Julv 24, 1877. Filed May 14, 1S77. Claim.— T.— The combination of the middle plough beam A. the outer beam C, the handle braces G H. the eyebolts I of the swelled arch K, and the bolts E, substantially as set fortli. 2.— The combination of the middle beam A, the inner beam B, the fender N, the handle beam F, and the bolt D, whereby the said parts are fastened together, substantially as set forth. 3.— The ,..i,il,iii:,t;..ii ..fil, n.- II I . .11- \. li.iierbeams B, han.ll. I..,. in i-. ,iiid ..Ii 1' ,. . I ■ .ill of the said |.ail-. .md , -.n ..d. .; I. , ,■ hi-reby a T can be used at pleasure, su'.siaiitially as and f.r the pur- pose described. 4. — The beams A. having hooks R, in comliination with the arrhel .li.iible fie.- S. bavin.; flat bearin,' ,.(, and outer hook^ . ' I i'. .1 ill. N.I ! '! -I.E., Ekwooo, Kansas. — Oi/tii 7 idled J/,?r,-/; 15,1877. Claim. III. 1,.., I \. |.! ... with the nick c, in com- l.inalii.n witli t!ie e nii .d 1 v uiMiwed colter or blade E, as ami l'..r tlie pui-|....e .1. ,. nl.e.l. No. i9i,iQei.— I. I', n. IdloMAS, rAi.,\iVKA, Mo.— CiiUi7'ators.-'.h<'.' >A '-:■ Tdl- . I /..,.■ iS. 1S77. Claim. — I. — ddi- :i.i ■ . ..j.liii. I .III iiirizontal arm provided wii': ' > 1 1 . 1 , ,1 lul upon theven'. 1. ; a tube and set screw to permit itsadjii ii lieights ujion the vertical part of 2, — li.. ..ji.i .1 11 of the three armed coupling C, axles B, cru.s.-. bar D. .md set screws r'^ r/', as and for the purpose specified. No. 194,482. J. SUMMER.S and J, TRIMBLE, Mun- CIE, \t^o.—C!////va/ars.—A!,g/ise 21, 1877. Filed A/>r/7 l6, 1877. Cl.aim.-I.— The comliination of th2 E, the boh; C F, ond the eve //-' witli the f.rwa..! en.K of the two beams A B.sul.^tuai.llv .1- ii.r.iii Ii..' I mI .1 ■. id. .;. 2-ni....|.!i. I .nil .! . d 'V, . ., I M ■. ,1 i.arsj J, and coin i ,■. r ... i .■ ■ . liie for- ward pn: idi i,,....,i .i.. v i; \ Id -I.I stantially ashen. No. 1. ; I ^d...\^I.lI:^r, Ii.i.., assign.. . i'.\fTEE and I. P. Pll.i.. :.. I; . ..;7V,^.-,u.— &/A;«^e;-II, 1877. Hied /.. Claim.— I.— i 1. . Is H and draft plates E, journalcd to th nji >rt the ploughs A at iinir.. ill .. ,. ' -'e i-itherside of the I ■ . -ulistantially as hoes G, ibed. may i.e -.- .... 1 1.1 : ■ . .-i- Bbea.Ii. II. : I .■■,.,:, form, nr 11 .1; I;, inii .-i in, li. i;.d.i .. lid l,i-i!l di_\ and for the purpose specified. No. 196,903.— HENRY S. HOY MAN, St,' Iowa. — Ciiltiptitors. — No7it~!i>hcy d, i,S77. Filed Scpltmlxr 27, 1877. Claim— . I itionofthe arch- ed axle .\, Midi li end, the frames B B, att.i. 1 1. I i.Tward thereof, the s|.iii.l' I. I s in front of the axle, an 1 . ' nil |.indles, substan- tially a- ...I : .1 ■;.. :..!,. . ^ I ..I . l.-.tli. 2. — 111 1 . iiih- ..i..r. ih.. . -.. .ii w I ill the arched axle A, having arms A' A', the frames 11 II, and the wheels C C, of the hinged or swiveled frames B' B', having spindles d d and the w'heels D D, substantially as and for the |:>urposes herein set forth. No. 19S, 204. — JOHN M. LUDLOW and S. C.PRUITT, Ham., \\\<.—C'ulliva!ors.—Dcci'mher 18, 1877. Filed Seplemb.r 17. 1877. Claim —I — Idn . ..mbinnli.m of the parts D D, E E, F F, and Id ' I -11. . 1'. '. 1 . I . nliivainr, and constructed ndoi. the device C, con- ning two slots, in CULTIVATORS-PARALLEL. H liich the boll- . ,■ arc operaud, the liolts <- c. ami he spin- No. 21 1,314 — EDWARD .\. li.MRD and .\LVIN T. .lie 15, constnicua anl I' I I ii>n greater pari of its length, and avvangeil Mll.M:U,li:lllv:;-s,H.cilied. II. — The c. iun illation of the forward end of the lever K with the device C, the sliaft H, and draft b.trs L M, substantially as herein shown and de.scribed, and for the purpose herein .speci- fied. No. 19 !,69S.— REUBEN n.HLIFER.Hni.DirN, M(..— C!,lli:'a',n—Dt'\, 1877. Fil.-.l .!.'-- 1 ; 1S-7. Claim.— I.— The co-iibinalion of m :. \. ' : : ' li/on- lal ends 1! 1!, bent forwanl and provi I ! ;■ n n ■ u slot- ted clips F, tubular vvnsh-jr-, C, adju^ta^l.. mnn 1 I .lad the double lieanis C 1), having clamp bolts t', sub^'antially as 2 — -The combination of the bar I, having a shoe formed up an its lower end and a notch in its forward edge, the con- necting liar or linlc J. the connecting bar J', having a hook formed upon each end, the hook pin L, and the locking but- ton K, wtth the inner plongli beams D, substantially as here- in shown and described. No. 199 97.'.— JEFFERSON M. GRAVES, Blossom Pr.mrie, TY.y^.— Cul!iva:ors.— February 5, 1878. Filed Xin'eniber 3, 1877 Claim. — The combination of 1-. ■:-':v- .\. birs G, having curved anus I, and the pivot ' ' li : ! I , all connected an-l arranged as and for the y\ I. No. 202,763.— TO.SIAH >\1 : I ! 1. ' ' •. \\,v.—C. >, ■. : 1 h, headed screw bolls r/,/and nuts ,/' ,/ dies B B and the slotted central ii|i!i secured to the ploughs A .A', ^u^i.tan scribed, and for the purpose sel luith. 2. — The double bowed erpialiier F an 1 disk or plate /;', pivoted to and in combination with the tongue of the cul- tivator or plough, and confined under the flange or plate i, and possessin-' n linvt ■■■] li a' ■■aifal ava-.-..m:nt in the arc of a circle, sul- ■ ' n ■ : , pecified. No. 204.^-; ' ' i'; ; ■ I' ' '. 'It; R, Alleg.^n, assignor of on !iai in i^ni n, 1. 1. 1 \|;IER, SPRING Arbor, Mich. — (u/nnfors — /«';■ iS, 1S78. Filed Jl/ay 2, 1878. Claim.— I.— The combination of the axle ; rigidly secured thereto, plough beams, upright e, passing loosely up through the outer ends of the plates, and draft bars/, fastened to the upright e, between the ends of the plates, whereby the front ends of the beams may be raised upward to any desired degree, substantially as shown. 2. — The combination of the sleeve v, having the serrations o upon its front edge, and a groove, i, in its lower front end, with the shovel block u, having the flange ;-, projection s, and clamping screw 1/. sub:tantially as specified. II ilctachably between the clevis D, and pro- \i 1 i I'. 1 li I i an ■' |oini at fl, and sliding collar /,in combi- II III III a a ■ I'l Inn _:cil pl.aigh beam / and hooked arm i, ,al, I all i!;> a. -at forth. I ; I in 111 lis I I, pivoted in the braces d h, in combina- iai \, lii Ian ila\i, D, Constituting bearings for the axles of a iM I a ileal cultivator, as herein shown, and for the purpose descvibjd. 4. — The sv.-iveled arches I I, adapted to turn in the arms i. provided with hooked ends, in combination with shoes m and clevises D, or equivalent supporting frame work for the arches of the carriages, substantially as shown and speci- fied. No. 219,509.— TOSEni A. J. W. PARKER, White- mi 11 Ti ■ - r ■'!,•.- S,f./,;i,bcr <),l?,-]g. Filed Au- ' : ■■■■■'■ 1. with the adjustably connected ol I I ' i!>- ' II a. I a liaii- adjacent ends, and p . : I a I , h , lal, substantially in the \ an, ;i i !■ 'I \::ii I . ..IliSiiX and SVLVES- Ti ; M ' ■ '\\ I 'I \, 1 I -> \i M,,-,A Cia-MV. Ai..\.— (V, - ill. 1S7,) blla.l /.v/l' 12. 1S79. I : ' n ' a 1,1 a Convertible cultivator, of t'a ■ ill; aal Us suppoitnig wheels, the draft bar B', till ' I . ihe plough beams A .A', the former having Its : ' ' ii veled, the plough b;-ams D I)', the ad- jii I: !i a- ,.'. the handles E, and their braces c e' , all II !. I oristructed, and operating sub-t.uitiallv as shown iili-d. ,, a:o.s7i.— WILLIAM P. BRoWX. Z\msvii,i,e, > —C.ilt;va:ors.— October 14, LSyo, Filed J/«i' 3,' 1379- Claim I — In a tongueless cultivator, the draft bar A, provided with the arm Band the spindle C, in Combination with the wh--'l of ;i mltivator and the clevis F, as and for the parpo- •- -ai«.i aai iii\ .- -•■' l-nh, 2. — In a I : I la draw bar A, provided with tiie sa,( 11 a a au.ia.n, 111 combination with the axle E, pidxaiai \Mth the liori/ontal portion f', and the clevis F, a. and for the purposes set forth. 3. — In a cultivator, the cultivator beam G, provided with the arm II, in combination with the clevis F, the axle li, and the ,11 111 I'., as and for the purposes substantially as set fort in No. a;7.',7ii — lAMES G. EVANS, Macomh III.— (■„■- a„.aa.— /:/.;' «„n' 8, i83i. Filed 7«.'r 6, iSSu. Claim. — I.— Thccomliinatioii, « itli 1 im h ,:ne o, .i^ridly prov dlh: B, . thcjoiiileiliaa,;;, .sub.iaiitial- hinged and handled standard ting devices, rods m «, runner ntiallv as shown and described. cTL/vr-iroA:^ -A-or.iA:i: /V,;/f a.i/m Plate a.un, /'/,//,■ Clain Ailnm., '. 412 129 Hall, 1. M. 379 121 E. 1:. 388 123 Altic'., W. 386 "^3 IlariieV, C. A. 388 123 Roii^e.-r. 4C9 129 Aiid|-c«,, W. I. 394 125 llaynes, J. 410 129 .Sack. 11, C. E. 414 130 Atwat.i, 1. Ii; 3^3 122 Hender,on, ]. T. 40 s 128 .•-ackai, C. E. 416 130 ]!a.l-cr, \. 3*^' 121 Ilesselbini, E. M. 403 127 Sackett, C. E. 4'7 ■3' liadiam. E. 3 ^'4 122 He«it,.S. 38J 122 Sackett, C. E. 417 '3' llatchcllrr, A. V. ^°A 128 Ilollineyev, A. li. and Sackett, C. E. 418 '31 l;L.i:;-tix-sM.-r, 11. 3S3 '23 .Sehniiilt, |. 402 127 Sackett, C. E. 420 132 licniingLT, C. 390 124 Hopkins, (;. li. 408 129 Saekett, C. E. 421 132 IJickle^hymer. L. 3S7 123 Hu-hes, G. R. and Wall, Sac!;elt, < '. E. 424 •33 IJlcec'cer, \V. K. 39« 126 " I. E. 412 129 Seheinierhoni, . and Po )!!ee;k.r, W. E. 404 127 llvde, W. Ii. 399 126 ter, R. 377 121 I'.ouine, E. 395 126 To!,ns.,n,J. ^ 383 122 Schuchard, J. 424 132 ]'.i.uen, 11. \V, 397 126 191 125 Schultz, J. D. a nd Adam lircLMlen.C. C. and lones I. G. 4 2 127 R. ' 387 ■23 Wheeler, ( >. T. 4n I ^0 Tones, H. and Yard, W. K. 404 128 Schabley, C. 384 122 iirnalnax, 1). W., Sr. 408 12S judd, .\'. r. 396 126 Sherman, D. B. 410 129 liureh, 1. \V. 394 1=5 Kent, E. H. 391 124 Sherwood, L. 392 125 I'.ussell, E. T. 3«7 123 Kcrshner, T. A. 409 129 Sivcrtsen, B. E. 393 '25 C'aL;\\ii', 1-'. 1,. 391 124 Locke, I). 414 '3° Skillings, 11. 413 '3° C'hamlerlin, \V. H. 3S8 123 I.vncl,, v.. F. 390 124 Smith, N. S. 380 121 Chenowelll, |. 395 126 MeCaui;lian, C. A. 386 '23 Soniat, 1,. 402 127 Coll. an, L. H. in "^^ 122 MeClean, T- B- and Spencer, II. H. 423 132 Collin,., [. W. and Will Maves C. A. 399 126 Stan.lish, P. H. 389 124 son, R, V. 3«i 121 McCrackcn, W. 386 123 Starritt, 1. D. 401 127 Cone, E. C. Coon, J. H 392 125 McCrav, T. H. 423 132 slevenrV'' ^' 392 125 407 128 McDonald, T. E. 39' 124 381 Cooper, ( r. W. 390 124 McDonell, A. S. 401 127 Stoddard, I. C. 380 121 Ci-ensliaw, M. 379 121 McKinlev, R. 401 127 Stone, J. C. 409 129 Daniels, C. J. 415 130 Martin, I'.. 414 130 Stoner,'A. F. 391 124 I)aw-,on, W. J. 393 125 Matbes, W. McC. 410 129 Tally, T. J. 420 '32 Decelle, .M. 397 126 Milroy, r. W. 389 123 Taplin, II. T. 393 125 Dikeman, I. K. and Ik H- Milrov, r. W. 400 127 :j;anmt-r,J^P. 387 •23 letl, J. I. 382 122, I.. 39^ •25 385 122 Eckles, li. P. 390 124 Morrel, A. H. 378 121 Thompson; J.' 396 126 Elliolt, I. C. 403 127 Morris, J. R. 397 126 Tilley, J. R. 129 EllistoniC. T 401 127 Myers, D. 384 122 ey, J. ant ^'■"r'' -[•. ^L 3S2 122 Nicbols, W. T. 411 129 ^""ca,'r,-'j.M." 396 126 Fenley, G. W. 407 128 Newsom, G. S. 395 126 Tronard, A. 400 127 Field, G.I!. 378 121 Nusbanm, A. I!. C. 394 125 Tuthill, T. J. 377 121 Filhian, L. S. 383 122 Pedrick, R. R. 419 131 Uehling, T. 394 125 Fitzgerald, J. C. 38s 122 Pelsor, P. D. and II. C 411 129 Vaughn, J. and Chamness Fo-sgard, G. A. 398 126 Phillips, J. 407 128 E. 389 124 Foster, A. K, and B. II. 386 123 Pitkin, J.' II. 403 127 Von Phul, H. Jr. and Mai Fove, W. H. 406 128 Piatt, H. M. 3S0 121 Ion, J. . 405 128 Fo'ye, W. H. 409 129 Pomeroy, H. A. G. ind Wadsworth, W. 383 122 Freeborn, W. 412 129 Hudson, R. F. 381 121 Whitehead, J. 379 121 Fraser, E. ]. 3S5 122 Poundstonc, C. N. 400 127 Winters, E. C. 407 128 Frazee, L. F. 396 126 Randolph, T. H. Ir., 400 127 Wood, N. S. 406 128 Gatlinc;, J. 377 121 Richardson", \V. C. B. 408 128 Young, J. 377 121 Graner.J. 413 130 Roach, L. 380 121 379 121 CUL'll VAl■ORS-ROTARY J. t;ATLINi;, MuRFRiciiSHOROUcil, N.C.—A^o/iiiy Cnl- tivitos.—JiincK), iSj5. Claim. — The manner in which I have combined Ihe oper- ation of the wheel and hoes m the interior of the frame so as to produce the application I have described ol ijiving mo- tion to the said hoes. No. 2,040. -J. F.jSCHERMERIIORN, Indi.\na and R. POTTER, New \o-B.K.—fiotaiy Ctillhators. — April 10, l8u. Claim. — I. — Combining the large or cutter cylinder A, and the revolving shaft of spiders I, arranged as set forth, in an open frame so constructed as to allow of their applica- tion to the purpose specified as herein describrd. 2. — In combination with the foregoing, the hopper L and operating cylinder J, the whole being constructed substantial- ly as dtscribed. 3. — In combination with the cylinder A, and shaft of spid- ers I, arranged as set forth, the mode of raising the frame and cylinders from the ground by means ol the shoes U, and levers Q, ihe whole being combined, arranged and operating substtntiallv in the manner described. No. 5,665.— J. YOUNG, jEFFERsiN, Maine— j^wA»j Cu'liv:lors.— 'July II, 1848. Claim. — I. — The combination subst.amially as herein set forth of the several series of spades or plough platesc e with the cutter wheels A A 2. — The manner of operating the spades or plough plates by means of the arms •■.', and ;/ it, projecting from each plough bar D, th: si..]' • Mc cnnliiiy from the axlctrce, the elastic armsr ;•, radi.uinL; liom tlic rings . -.hi. , -rill • V. Ii. . ;- ,,;i., 1,11,11 ill, ,i-li..;..ii, ..i forlh; Ihe sii .subsian No. 1 Cltiva by 1111 niILL, E1.MIRA, N. v.— AV„n' /. ,,,/. , (., 1840. Claim.— Ih^' i,>iary sutlers K K, and screw shaft 1 J. in combinitinn uilhihc wheel an. I handle shafts, arranged in the manner and fur llic luirp is; liLiein deserilied. No. lo,624.-C,. 1;. 1 Mill, ^1 l.i.ris, Mo.— r, w/'.»y/ riou'^luanj,:, . y : .; , ,, ,854. Claim. -I. -Th. u n.: ,., . ,,. ..| ihe'shield plates V and Q, on tlie shafi 1„ i 1 111 |,ii; . s.:i lorili. 2. — The arranyciii. Ill ..lil;,:i i.ii\ hai i,i\vs 1', i;, sii.i.uii.'d above the ground an.l in ili... ir.u .il'ili,. , :,li i\ ,,i m.; , ;, l:ii,l, r for breaking and [ him 1 1, mil; ih, lallii,.,; . n ili .1- . i I, iili. No. 12,690. — A. 11 M.iKKl.l, .\l\i;ii\, 'ii\\s — Kotary Ciiltivn/ors. — -// // 10, 1855. Claim.— I. — The comlnnalion of tlie adjustable ihmning point (or poinis) in, at the forward end nV the cultivating point (or poinis) ;, at the rear end of ihe eullivalnr, sidislan- tially as herein set firth. Juslable tliiiirni- 1 ..ini (,ir points) /«, and the cultivating point (01 [I ..III ) ,-:'.( intially in the manner and for the purpose h , 11 ■ No. \.\. -..,.. M I ill XSMAW, .Si'RiN'GFiF.i.D, Texas. — A''"'-' ■ ' ,./,■,// 25, 1S56. ily rise up over any obstruction w ilhuut danger of clogging choking, as set foith. No. 15,453.- J. ZIMMERMAN, Oswego, III.— AVnrv Cl.valors.—Jit'y 29, 1S56. Claim. — The revolving rake and cleaner, in combination with the series of elastic cutters c, and Hat cutlers C, as set forth. No, 17,091,— JOHN M. HALL, Warrenton, Ga.— Rolwy C.iltiv.i.o.-s— April 2\, 1S57. Claim. — The combination with the wheel P, of the ad- justable hoes / constructed, arranged, and operating in Ihe mann r for tha purposes set forth. No. 17,467.— JESSE WAITEHEAD, Manchester, Va. — Rotary Ctilliv.ilors. — Jim: 2, 1857. Claim. — In combiuali.m with the coulter E, and mould C.uhiili -.iip .fi.n.l iiMMiih the sides of the fur- iii\\ , iiid .< n . I,. ■ ni ihc machine along said luii.iu. ih.' h.iii I . ■ i , ■, 111, h shoves ofl' the top of llie fuimw ,111,1 1, , , n ' iM ill, 1 •. , ss of earth, and the dis- tributors II, for scattering ihe earth therelrom, so as not to leave it in ridges, the whole being combined and operating together, substantially in the manner and for the purpose set forth. No. 19,652.— L. ROACH, Covington, Yin.—Rolary Ciiltiva.'ors.—Minrh 16, 1858. Claim. — The described arrangement of spiral .splines G, (to which the ploughs are attached) and adjustable arms Ff. in combination with gravitating shaft E andguage wheels 1., as described and shown. No. 20,659.— HENRY M. PLATT, Darien, Cdnn.— Cu.'t:r„t,^r>.—yii,ic 22, 1858. Claim. — The arrangement of the screw shaped plough share A, having wings E, with bo.\es II and F, wheels I, and roller I ), the whole being constructed and operating conjiinlly in the nianm 1 ami I, n the purpose set forlh. No. 21,377.— N.\ I 11 \M1 1 .s. SMLIH, Buffalo, N. Y.— Rotary Cnlt. r ,•,,. . /,.. , ,,. ,' ji, 1S58. I do not claim the llanged or broad cutting cylinder, nor placing a gang of hoes behind such cylinder the combina- tion of the comb frame clearer with such cylinder. Claim. — The use of the double joint piece D, to connect the gang of hoes to ihe axle, when said joint piece extends beyond the axle, and subserves also the purpose of a foot lever to throw the hoes out of the ground, in the manner and for the purpose set forlh. No. 23,407.— J. C. si'i ilMi.VRD, \\'oKi|.,sTER, Mass. — Rotarv Ciltivat. r,.- A/ r -;_',,. I.Ssn. Cl.iim. — I.— The sh.ue A, aihl » ni-s.ii-IiladesC arr.anged relatively with the wheel m « heels l.ehiii 1 the share A .and between ihe wings or blades C, substantia ly as and for the purpose set forth. 2. — The adjustable rotating scrapers J, applied to thewings or l)ladesC, and arranged to operate as and for the purpose set forth. 3. — The combination of the lateral adjustable hoes m, share .\, adjusl.ible wings or blades C, ro*,ating scrapers J, wheels 11, line or nn ne. ,u 1 mil," d fir joint operation subslan- No. 2S,oS7 - 1 1 A ' I r All Ui iV, Providence, R, I., -J'l,>i operates asdeseiilied No. 50,721.-1. \V. Clinton, I,.\.— < ,' A' Claim.-i.-lhea .shaft 1) with the y eh poseofautiiin.itie.illy 1 pressed ly iI' ,,; , 1 1 2. — In . wheel fur li.. Ill - 1 d arrangement of the rotary screw lails II H H, arranged parallel with path of motion of the machine, with ;-',Vr|,uq\.sesetVmh.'"'"'''''' (il.l.l.XSaiid R. Y. \VIl,KIN.SON, .S.r,,./,;-,. — .\iiri, «/Vr27, 1866. ain-enieiit nfihe hoe wheel E and the a fie. \. ., .7;i r. ,sriA'i:N.S, |loM,.i;, Kw — Ciiltivators. - -\,-,-. ,.,,' . , 27, 18(10. Claim.— I he ai langement nf the bars 13 H, connected with the beam A by the clamps (;, in connection with the ad- feet or standards F I- and bars J J, allached to the bars 1! P., and havinj; ihe plmighs and sciapers respectively 1; and landsidesA/i, and all arranged as and for the purpose set forth. No. 34,473.— N. P,.\1)(;F.R, SiiLLiivviLLK, Kv.— yj/i,-- i\ll,irAA>r/l m-i.— /u/'r,„r,y 25. 1862. Claim. — I. — The cum ination of the oscillating guid; I, arms (/, and crank G, with cylinder F, as and for the pur- pose shown and described. 2. — Also, the combination with the parts of the pulverizing rolltrsN P, as shown and described. CULTIVATORS-ROTARY. ;,5,oS7 — ]. R. DIKEMAN and J. J. HEWLETT, ■ 11 \". X. V. Mariiiig and FiinoicKii^ Land. — i : 'iiibination of a reel or revolving marker ill J allached, orapplied to a frameniount- ni' I-. ' I ,ii),iii;:c,l i.i ujicrate substantially as and 'IJii l.ililf ilearers E, arranged as shown, iih the toothed cylinder D, for the piupose ;. ERNST, Yi Vk.—aod iliii.iti.iii and arrangement of thestation- r. I;, secured to frame work A A, shafts LiUii;r3 E E E E, and wheels or cutters ructed and operating, as and for the pur- \\\ WADSWORTII, Sa ro, Cal. of tines of the plates G G to the machin or more fitted on a bar F, and 5 shown, to admit of the; liavin- tlicii- bearings H M, connected to a )• be readily rendered Will 1AM 11. KKi; I ylinder V , and shovels a, arranged !> as and for the purposes herein II. Cf IT, BORN, Chicago, Ili,.— ; "I screw plough blades of the teeth or tines d, rotary tooth- II arranged sulwtantially as and Washingti 1M64. A'nVATER, Ci : ihc pl..ii.;h Mule.-, to the plough shaft, so 1.11 I sli.ill prni.ct in the rear of the shaft, <■ and unolisirua^d, substantially as de- ug the plnui-h shaft to the axle of the driving .; journal i"), so as tn allow the plough to at c;imes the plough A A', and « hicii is bulged at Us rear ulicil ends to the rear supporting axle D, and suspended ar iu front end from the beam C, substantially as j. — .\i ranging the augers in a line with and over the lints of the ploughs when b.ith augers and ploughs are siaiiicil beneath and by a vibrating frame, substantially as ce plates e c in combi- ly arranged slats tr^ sub- .\M, Ogdensdurc, N. uiging of the cutter in Ihciuaiuici and lor the pui po.e hociu -a lurtll. No. 51,757.— CHARLES SHABLEV, liKOOKi.YN, N. Y. — Pulvsrizing an! Fun-owing DevuL-s. — December 25, 1865. Claim — I. — The furrow openers or shares /, attached to a frame mounted on wheels in combination with reciprocating toothed plates G fl, arrrnge.l and applied to the machine, for iIh- th-'bci the slots wl J and braces ch riiide "'riac.:^^ -ignor to iry S:\id- ::'lu-i;. set \ itii rows bearer scribed. No. 60,164.— ]AMi;sc. 11 r/i;iT;AI.l), Wii.i,i;t, N. \'.— Rotary Cuf/ivulu. s. — i >.. ,-n,!u'r ^. 1 S66. Claim.— I.— The arrangement of the spirally and inclined arm pulverizer n, resting in the eccentric bearings i, when said paits are combined with a vertically adjustable frame G, 'L- n VA rORS-ROTARY. suspemloil from the main frame ami concenlric witlillie axle as set forth. 2. — In combination witli the frames G and C, the drauglit chains M, anil the gauge arms N, operating substantially as and for the purpose specified. No. 60,625— A, K. and B. H.KdSll'U. Mm 1 1 isvili.e, Texas.— r,:: is. iSi.i, Claim. — I. — The share E, compns, I ,1 \\\,- 1 m , ,/ (/, ar- ranged in V-form, with a space (• bel H L c n Ih. u licuit ends and attached to a standard fund t.. front end of the hamlles 1! B, in the manner shown and described, or in an etiuivalent way, to admit of being adjusted at a greater or less distance apart at their front ends, substantially as shown and described. 2. The reciprocating cutter L, oper<»ted from the wheel D through the medium of tlie screws ;' and the rock bar I, provided mIiIi i'h- Jiii- '• .'■'. ill 1 -iiiliiii.iii.iii with the share II. SUl-l.ll, !:::■•. .:- .'li ; I'l :'i 1 Ml,.,-' ^.Uhed. 3. 'I'll. ■ ,11: -1 ^. > i;i.i,- ■'. 1 ,. . 1 !■, - /. to the wheel Dbvnir.iii. >.: i!:. .. i,>. 1:11. hihiLm -i. -\ cs <• ^ ' in the side ofth't rim ■ lil i'. ul.r, h. ,,tvu> llK-iuit. <, of the screws 7, wheroliN ilir . h:». 111,1V !.,■ r.aililv ap|.lied to and de- tached lii'ui. till ,in,| -c.ui-J.l atan e-iuid di-tance apart, suli-l inliallv a, il-.rril c I. No. 61,845.- CHARLES A. McCAUGIIAN, Moscow, Tenn.— J/./f /?«c-/i';- 7 /Liming Coi.on Plants.— February 5, 1S67. Claim.— The double =crnpcr F, MtiHvd to Mi-pi-ndi-d frame E. comlincl «ilh iV; -l.-al,!-' irm v.a.- miKr - operated by llie s» .1,^^111- li.nn. ', La t'; |iii|.,-i' oltliiniii.i- cutton plant- ill .1 M'A ,u M 1. ..|,i iMii, I'Mi-tiuit d .iiiii Hin- ting siib-i mil .':-, .1 : 1 1 1 : . ■■' •k No. 6;.... W \; . ;:M L! N, l;AlM:l;nH;K, IND.— CoHoit C, ■'■■ '-, 1S..7. Claim. 1. 1 ;. 1 i. Ill i.imbination with theplough t!ie foimi I I- ill- I I.m d .it tlie roar of the latter and ar- r.inged 1 iIilhw ilh, sidistantially as and for the pur- thill . ■ substantially as and for the purposes No. 67,940.— I.F.MUEI. liECKELSHVMER, Li.;.\ven- wokTii, Kan., assiijnor to himself and GRANUEKSON T. llEERl.XC. -//,.v-ar. >.—.;»,/,.>•/ 20, 1867. Claim. I III liiiiMvi 111. K' or K, to wduch the teeth/'ai 1 1 1 with the connecting bars L. I. - 1 \:. , : \, and crank wheel (), by which 11 .n 1 - . aiiim I ,1 from the gearing to the said shoes or shoe, substantially as herein shown and de- scribed. 2. — The combination of lever G with the stationary frame C, or tongue D, and with the movable frame F, substantially in the manner herein sho-wn and described and for the pur- pose set forth. No. 68 410.— E. T. nUSSEl.L, Tm.iaxai', Ind., as- -i 11. 1 !- bin, iir. \v. 11. (■ wni'i- .ii.ii i.Ncon el- ng less II ions/, is at the fing the 4. — Ca~tnr wheel /^ and roller m, or their equivalents, w hell tlie same are used for graduating the depth of this rotary plough, and for transporting the same from place to place. No. 68,689.- HENRY BERKSTRES.SER, Quaker Bottom, Ohio.— /v'.v-n i- /'/.'i,-/i-.—S,-/'i,'i/iicrio, 1867. Claim.— I.— rill i^aiji . 1,11. 1 ii|ui,; the periphery of the wheel E, 1 a 1 1 1 ; a d as shown and described, as and |. .■ 1 !i i a | ■ i 11 '- 2. — The combiiiia Ml ■ .1 H, w I . i 1 !■ ■.\ iili the tilling frame dutch and be V.1 «1k wheel N,provlded^^ being constructed ai fied. 2.— \djusting the their grooves and th. purpose specilied. 3._The bar H. u teeth aresaciinai. u. 1 tin- pillion T, shaft W, and Ijiitable hoes, the .several parts as and for the purpose speci- O in the wheel N, by means of /', sub.stantially as and for the icli the ploughs or cultivator nncction with the grooved plates ills and lever J, substanlinlly as ilaim.-l.^ri iiil-niiiaai of the wheel D' with the lailtiiator frania \ I:, -al. I niii lUv as herein shown and des- cnlicd, and lor llu |aii]"i-,. ,,1 hatli. 2.— rhc conil.inatiou oi tlie spual or screw plate H with the wheel 1)'. and «itli the cultivator frame A B, substan- tially a, shown and described, and lor the purpose set No. 74001.— Wll I.I,\M II. Cll.V.M HEREIN, Meii- IN\, N. \-.— /ViA/.'a/n ,, li I 1; .iiii-i iiiiiilU ill ih. manner and for the . .1 AXIHSII, Marti /,„■ Kolury J'hujts.- purpo.e ,: No. 7S.4 I — 1 ,i,i a:\ NEZ, CAI.. M.jlifli.n^ In, May 26, 186JJ. Claim. — I. — The revolving hubs E E and the supporters F F, con.tructed and operating substantially as and for the purpose described. 2. — A llexible or yielding arm, having t!ie s] ring G, or its eijuivalent, together with the rotary cutter, substan- tially as and for the purpose described. No. 7S,.i: -II \l;\ri\ \\ M ^. I i;s, C.atsKU.l, N. Y.— r v . ,Av, 2, 1S68. Claim I. I,. ; . v. hen attached to .shafts K K. .uilI up-_i,Ucd -uliLieii ili} is and for the pur- pose specitied. 2. — The combinaiion of the shall. A nil K K, gear wheels I I, and H H, and fr.ame S.«h n iii.ei; d substan- tially as .lescrihcd. and f - •' -ivi.ijiiiy the paddles 111 pill,/, /■/", ,1, I.' tee"th M .M, seeured t... in . .,: 1 • !'■ .1,1,,,!, „,ih ill,- shafts K K, frame S, and ]iacl(lles / /, tor the piirp..' .-i cultivating or pulverizing the earth, and ridging iir Inli 1/ the same, at one and the same time, as her n \ forth. No. 80,604.— GEORGE W. COOPER, Ogeeciirk, Ga. —Rice CuUiva-ors.— August 4, 1868. Antedated /«()' 30, Cla ally ■The litter D of a rice cultivator when I, with upturned cutting sides a a. II II, when arranged ope ,,, 1 : !i 1 1 , when made as set forth, in comlii, ' 1 ,1 1 ■ i w '1 r /', and cleaners I I, all made and ■; iiiin^ -u' -1 iiiii,i!ly as herein shown and de- scribed. 5. — Making the arms F, in which the axles G of the breakers has its bearings, adjustable on the beam A, so that thereby the height of the breakers can be adjusted, as set forth. 6. — A rice cultivator, consisting of the bjam or frame A, with the cutters D E E, and breakers H H, all made and operating substantially as herein shown and described. No. 80,643 —GEORGE F. LYNCH, Milwaukee, \Nis.—Rot,tiy Cu'.fiv.iloi-i.—Aii^isl 4, l8i8. Claim. — I. — The shape of the tooth and the manner of finding the curve of the same, to suit any sized head or cyl- inder, as herein recited. 2. — Having the heads loose on the axle, to prevent cl..g- ging or choMiv]^. as herein described, in combination with the all. i> Mil t'. !i ,'ds to the truck by straps, so as to permit i i I ' .Under to act and move over obstruc- tions ill ! No. SI 5;; - 1 iKXELIUSBERNINGER, MlER,IU.., as,signor to himself, WILLIAM FRIEND, and GEORGE L. BAILY, same place. — Soil Pulverizers. — August 25, 1868. Claim.— The harrow teeth 1/ and toothed cylinder F providevl with the wheels (', d, when said parts are applied or attached to a frame, E, suspended to a mounted frame, A, and all arranged substantially in the manner as and for the pur|v,,e set forth. No. S;,45'..— FR.\NCIS L. CAGWIN, JoLiET, III.— .////<>«/ ,,'„ .V'v/./v;,, r:oii:;hs.— October 27, 1S68. Claim. — I . — The jiades a, when operating in the manner and li\ ill d \i force t the giM 7-— N.n' the upright lever c and , c.mtructed with spades a, sl.'iwii in ceimbination with I . nl 1 iiitially as set forth. II) as described, to . , ' \..< raise them out of the parts described, when KENT. PoRTi.,\Nl), O.iK- y- ■'-■• 1;. 1X63 ' i II, operated ■ ■ . le fare E, • ■ . v.iiiderB. by ! I lie eiiiicentric segment I li \,i!iiius parts as herein I 1 ,1^, \Ve.?t Unity, 1,11 ml.iiialion witii the No, Brunsv SOX I, — C,d:i .able in, justable iMiX.M.I), New irXMiX, roiiN- ',\V.W. same place. ""'' -1 swinging livali.r, when the id in contact with ith the cultivator dent, and a suit- retaining the ad- each set of teeth. combini 5- ■ id cap.ible of straddling a row of plants, and cultiva- if each side, as hereinbefore set forth. CULT IVATORS-ROTARY. N,.. S^oi.).-I,c)RIN(; MOODY,, Mass.— ■Vv ' , I. ..— AvvOTcV/- 15, i8iS. ' ! 1 1 1 iii^'in:;, upon cranks, spades, wi'li handles 1 ■ , t'le axle, which serves as their fulcrum, '■p. :..Mi^ ;i I i;iii.illy as and for the purposes described. 2. - i^'unaviiiiij; the spade handles with the crank by means ot the sockets and screws, in order to lengthen or sliurten them al pleasure, subst.mtially as and for the pur- poses described. 3. — The combination of the lever H with the axle, where- by the spades m.ay be inclined at any angle with the earth, or thrown out uf it. when desired, substantially as and for the pnrpose> .lescribjd. +. — riio c.rml)iiiation of the lever I, the rotating bar J, the and arm K. with the crank C, for throwing the machine out of or int.) gear, at pleasure, substantially as and for the pur- poses described. 5. — The combination of the movable blocks M with the cranks C and posts N, substantially as and for tlie purposes described. No. 87,721.— ABR.VH.VM J. STEVENS, El Dorado, Wis. — A'i.-;'i)/vin«^ Ctt.'tiv.ttors.—Mdnfi 9, 1S69. Claim.— The revolving clyinder E, adjustable standards «, casters c. bent rods s, teeth u, wedges t. cross bar D, and drums V, combined and operating; with the grooved wheel hul>->. and tiiebands or belts herein mentioned, substantially N '■ '^'^■.;''''^' I'RAXi'Is (' i~i 'X'A N\-,- Francisco, ' i ! -jiade, when I'.-.: : '■ ■■■■ ■. •: ■.: la ■ ,1:1, ! , :: .:it,n- ed^e, F, Ic, ofthe slots -iu described. Sl'RI.NGKIliLD, "■ I !■ '.;:-;''..■. ai,;! , ludsr, grooved 1~ ,:■, si')!s c ,; suli^tantially as herein described, lurposes set forth. t.itionary grooved wheels E, constructed and ar- t!i-ti!. I, !,•' and slots (Tt', substantially as herein 1 . ■■•■: la ■ 1 nil., set forth. a i'lc spades D, shank and toggles a Icr .4, aiTanged substantially as ^ a, fingers /, and slots itionof the •eribed. -.|.a.lL> H, sui.H.iKliaiiv 111 liie nuinner Iv.rain dc.-i No. 92,834.— (AMES G. JOHNSON, Cautilvci-;, III. — Ciiltivalo.s an I S.'n/i- Cuf:ers—/u.'y 20. 1S69. Claim —The c._.n-tructi,jii ,.f the macliiii.- herein describ- •;l-'"a..: fix: ■'■' r, „! n:..!, ,„ ...a,',- l>.i,;ie A, liiuged liaii!' < .■ i ■ ,'.' I M M, , 1; : ; i,,i;-- I) 0, whereby i ■'■'' .■■■■' ■■'■ ai ..■;■ M •. ' n , ,1 ..rii >tack cutter, "a: ■ ■ ' a ; : a : . 1 ; ']' , a- Lt forth, may be >' a ■ I ; ., ,!!■ I , ,|)ocitied. '^■■'ia'.a :a il •,;,| .;i-l.\. I'lTTSISURGH, '--aaa. .Va .::i;,.._. , ^.i ...u.i. .,.,.a^l. Coii.-.i-,tillg of the sev- er.d part., specilied, all combined, constructed, and arranged as described. No. 95,005.— WILLIAM T. DAWSON. Krookfield, Mo.— AV./Vj7«^' />,■■.>,/, • -■:■-• ,,;'., 21, iS-.g. Cl.aim. — I. — Aniav : ' : a, formed by the combin.ition of ti, ,t._, K, arms J, .shaft I, pivoted adju-t .:. . u .ai i . 1; .;. .1.1 1 fmme C, axle B, gear wlieels L M, and wlieei. .\, with each other, and ar- r.-.nged to operate as herein shown and described, and for the purpose- set forth. 2. — The co.nliination of the long bolts G and pivoted lever H with the adju^table frame F and stationary frame C, sub- sta itially as herein shown and described, and for the pur- P' sj set forth. N"- 95.39*-— HENRY T. TAl'LIX, South Nkw Mar- KKT, N. IL — C«/,';,-.,/..«._.S-,y».VOTV;-28, 1869. Claim. — I. — The combined cultivator and harrow teeth M m', constructed substantially as herein shown and de- scribed, and for the purpose set forth. 2.— The reversible teeth M and adjustable radial arms L, in combination with the revolving plate i, substantially as herein shown and described, and for the purpose .set forth. 3.— The combiiiail ..1 .f il,. ;. . il, M, adjustable arms L, revolving plate /■, .1, !! ii i , _;.,ar wheels E, and D, axle 15, wheels A, a;. , . , .;!, each other, substan- thilly as herein -sho.,,,1 n,.! ,;, ui;. ■!, and for the purpose set forth. ^ ' 4. — The combination of the detachable circular cutter N k' with the shaft H, plate /■, adjustable arms L, and teeth .M, as herein shown and described, and for the 5 ! . a lation of the bent lever O and lever C with tl' ; I I. i . a /•, adjustable arms L, and teeth M, sub- sLLiuuiic, .1, I. ^leiu shown and described, and for the pur- pose set forth. No. 95,956.— THEODOR UEHLING, Logan, Ne- DRASKA.— A',.A!//«,^ Cu'.tivatvrs.— October 19, 1S69. (.laim. — I. — Tlie cultiva.tor A, . onstructnl and operated sul)stantiallyas dcscril..:.!, lor llic |.m■|^ set forth. 2.— In combiiu-itioii wuh a r..i.uiii,. cullivator, the sUdc E, arranged and operated substaiuially as shown and described, for the purposes specified. No. 97,870.— ISAAC W. BURCH, Fayettf, Miss.— Colton CuHivatars.— December 14, 1869. riaiiii— I. — A cotton cultivator, having adjustable beams K. vil.iiiiiig on joints (', in the front part of the fr.ame, and, as to tlieir.lisiaiices apart, in the 2.— A cotton, with a vibrating frame I, and rotary cutter^ X, airan._;c.l as described, to cut close to the plant, an.l culii.,at. .aiVacli -ide thereof, as set forth. 3- — Ac..;ai: .-a';,., ! . ■'■::■.. ;.,,irof ploughs F F, to work on l..]- :. ., ^.lTanged in front of the frame, com! a .! ,, ii'|ue cutters N N, on the hinder pan tl./i...!. :, 11-. a 1 . a latc on disks, at a less dis- tance apart llian t!i.a [.L.ti-lis, an. 1 to cleam up close to the plant-, all as shown aivl described. 4.— I'lie combination, with the frame A, mounted on wheels 1;, of the vibrating frame I and rotary oblique cutters N, arrang >d for adjustment and for operation, substantially as specified. No. 100,183.— A. B. C. NUSBAUM, Sacramfnto, CAL.—r«///7«7.'<7rj.— /■;■/..■„„.■,. 22. 1870 riaim.-I.- The i-.tov .vlia.l.i ..,- |,.lvua.n H, h.aving itstectli or shares atl a l:..l a. .1 a- -l....,.ii ami described, ^" I'n.Iai- .,1 j .|',..!i I- 1 11 .! ■.al.iii a swinging fraa ' ' I .. medium of a . ' 1 X i i, . . : . .iicave periph- a ' I iia'. . I .. m!.-. s;;i. t .iiually as shown nation of the swinging frame G, cylinder t!i spirally attached teeth, driving chain F' liullevs F I. when all are constructed .and -a.l ill Coin,,.. 11..,, ^.,.■., . -likable frame C'llLU.VIH 1; with rock- ly as and for N.J. loi.O" - \VI! 1 ! \\1 [ ■. \ii TENN.— Ca- . . ■ _:j Claim. — I the purpose set lorth. 2. — The auxiliary frame M attached to main frame A, and arranged to operate sub.stantially as and for the purpose described. 3- — The auxiliary frame M, provided with scrapers N N and teeth O O, arranged to operate as and for the purpose specified. 4- — 'l"He combination of shaft A, screw rod G, boxes C E, wheel J with its adjustable hoes, frame A, and auxiliary frame M, all arranged substantially as set forth. CULl IVATORS-ROTARY. No. 101,710.— JAMES CHENOWETH,, T.-G/////r.,//...( —/„■«,. 4, 1S72, Ante.l.-.led Muy 29, 1S72. M,: — A'rt„rv .S>7,/, ■.>■.— .//r// 12, 1S70. CI. mi. 1 . 1 I.e ,11. .idle ii .1 iid 1 iiilrdiv as (_l:,i,n. — I,— riic wliccl K, spades G, hall and soc.ct .sh..v.n , , . . , , :. , dm : .■ m , m , ,.,t ,". .n . ,f j.,int(;', and slide (,". wIkh t.^niliincl and arranged as the I." ■ m e: 1 : '■ «lth 0]>cr,,l r. i "em,.,, ,,, ,; , ,■; ,'i , 1 ',•,,■,, idi lli.' .-ar- 2.— In couilMi: •! • III. Ill uliLX'K E and spades G, the riae.' 1 1 1,, a • ■ ■ ;,■••■ d, ••.,,' , ,,,,,,,; rotating coidle: | ,• : d. ineGi ,m .■•,;,.,, ; mm . m , m, ' d . ,aal 3.— In c.iui 1., ; ,. . ,1: dement, nf the first claim, 2. ' 1 , . ,iii! 11,, ;i,!, il, 1 ■•,■• id'. 1 , :, 1,11 ,■!,, ■ 1 ll,,.|. i-el-. the cam F, when ..p.. .amy as an.l f..r the purpose sped- 1'., ail..lie.. .1 II, ..mi 1,11 la. p.lip. .se ,is si,, ,u i, .lu. 1 e.v- lied. [ilaine.l. No. 106,195.— GODFREY S. NKWSdM. Nashvilli.:, N... I27,7,r,.--,M,\X1M1: Iii:GF,l.l,F,NK\via-i;.;,(>nio. TKNN.-.vJ.///V,'rv./..,.-./.v;.^'.,. .:-7-. ~M;r, ■'';";,'■;■'■; -^'?';ii'',-,;::r\.M.,^ pl,;,rd;';' '■/'. 1.":. , . ' '^ ''. ■.' ■■. . • ' ^ :' !,. drav.ii i.i , ]■•■■ -II di. II '1-1,1 1 |, . ,dl 1.., du p,„|;, ,■ ,,i cuttini' and hivakm- up unhi.iil iiiiMin ■ llie sud. IS' " ■ '■'' il, im d , 1 me, i 11,,;, .IiiMllg el;, , :- 1 1. ,m ,ind Ciilliv.ilor .. ~~ S. plai:l'.-r i ;, \ i.'., -; lei -.lippi.itin;; III. Imiiie w li. imi. 1 1 1 1 1 ,,',,, d ., 1 , 1 1 11. t- 1S70. ■ (■|.,j„-i, ,, -pile iletacliahlc r. itary phmdi -\~\c\ 11, .sl.aimi,^. ,l,^,,ii,G,p, ,,a,,,e_|ld,m|.,dl^ „^ :, ,. ,^ ,, ,,ii,,,,|. tiiladar simkes, as de^crihtd. a;'ims'im:M'|m^l..m,,. ■^,1 iV 1 m 1' : m M T \ i d, ' 1 d 1 1 '■ 'k : 2.^-nie arian-emenl nf' d-nhle spur » lieel H. pinl.m.' |.\\ W\': Id ! ; ' Is'l l;,ltu-|,'e.\\'|l'll'|',|..M,., TG, seed dn,pp_rM, and mtary |.lnn-lis 1. , p^ratui- as X. v'— A'.mmr " ,,.' 10 1S72. de'crihed. Claim. — 1.- 1 , ,, 11, e 1 mm.i du- cams »/ m an.l /• No. 107.'.;.! - h\Mi s rii.wrKR, T()Sh;i'ii Kix- with the pl..iud,r, 11, . i 1 . i,.l ,di ..n the tuo SEV.and |(>ll\ \l,i AhK, . IN(INNAM,"()|I1.|.— /v',A»-r si.les III the H Ik el .■, a- an.l I..1 d , '| Iierembelore Po'.iHr /•/oiiL.-': -•". iS/o. descrilieil. an.l .iperating in the ni ■ e i 1 id. Claim. — I.-- 1,1 1 III- Iliad ..!■ heads T J K, armed 2.— -Idle c.mlHnati.m ,.f th. 1 , , ,:i, 1 ,, ' and the wheels /. an.l /d uith the 1 ma 1 '. a,^ ; ', ,1. 1 m ; wheels <• <■, foith. " No. • 'd ,1 W 1 \. 1 .lU^GARl), II1HIST..N, Tex.— (7/, ;„•, 1... ;e;^2. 2.— The descrihed arran:.;ement of one or mure series of plnu di \1 1,1 \r, loi lime liead 1 J K, and li\ed cam X, Claim. -I - !!, i,„:' , 1 id., ,. .at,.ehe.l at thGr inner Zi^ih.' [ ' " ' !Mi,l'.nUMii''n'l,il' ."pail'lVin'and ,, in mat... n will, the eeeeiitne ,;', 1...I ,-', ami lexer //, parth' liiii ' '' |ii' ■ I'.iiiid. l..r pr..].a ling sin, h s| ii,:e . x\ leai t!ie iidli\al'.r is in use i.r 3. — In the deMiiliLiI ei anlan nii mi, u 11 li the elements. d e.iilie I'l ..1 r. till nine le ,m, 1 ,,. e 1 '. , 1 1, ,, 1 !,. the clause next prei.dni-, the .l.sod.d arr.nlLjenlent ..1" adjustahle Tidier 0, wheiel.) the peiieiralion .d" the id.meh 1,1111 .1 1:1 ;„ 11,, ,11 i„ I,!.,, II ,iii,,-,,in,l i, II,, La sill, taiitiallv No. 10027;. IilllX 'riKtMI'SiiX, 1,1 H"is\-ii 1.1", K\-. ,1, ,;„ , , . , 1, ,; 11, ,111,111-' ne.iit ..I t!ie spa.lcs may be — AV'<;m'"/V,,V, ;-/, 7-—. \-ri ;«'■/- IS. i>^l x (d.nill" — Idli' e.Mldeleili .11 .d"lhe pul\ eli,i.a h'. die i 1 ' , . e , . ,,aie .i.-.l 1.1 111, ir ii| pa- en.K t.i the h ,),i, ,:,i . .iimi,,, ,1 ll,i 1! lexm r . ind. the shah .'. .1 the re- adju.fih • . . I. ,■'..■ ^ ■ ■, - - , ■■ - ' M- ■ lid in, ,1,.,, wuh thegeaiing N'rVi, :p ' Mi - <-. 1 i! iMi, w \ ill , ,i.i,! 1.. im'am „, .1 a' m .11 in- .a deprel.aiii;'the ''said kin V(!:s,'sld,istan- C.-A,v ■:.:.', \ ' ' -■>. i^i;... li.dlv .is sit a.itli. rial ,1, I, 1 1. 1 .. ! , i 1-1 d , nnally ..ntlieaxle V. 4. — The intermiileiit reciprocating .stirrer /, constructed haxan;; .111 : ; 1 ; , , 1 ■ ,.:;i n 1, inied up..>n a transverse an.l iiperate.l sub'tanlially as and for the puiposes .set shaft at 11- u.u L lid, .Hid ,0 ,11 1, meed hy ailjusting its r.irth. front end, the pi nedis l.iIi he i.uscd ui lowered at will, sub- Xo. MI 4-,i. -WILLIAM Id IlVDh:, Oakland, Cai . stantiallvas />■,..',„,■ X,../-(Vr/.-.7..-.V ;,'.,,, v/de 17, 1872. 2,— ddie amine, inent . ,f a series . ,f ^em^s , .f ,. .|,iia p], ,m;h-. Claim,- 1 —In a s.,.l-eiillei , the Iw.. rotary cutters G F, substanli 11,- :s', uheiil.v th." |h.i d, -1 ,,|. ■', em;.; I, , ,,d ,1 111 . I..,.' pi.. Mill it V t.. eaGi ether and in op].ositc di- of the ede 1 - .,._ ill i: e .. ,| -, '.:>].. n . v,' ! , ' ' • mm, ' ' ' ''"'" ''■ '" 'l'^' iiimiiier an.l f.a the purpose niaeluli' 1 l-'m : d, m di-ml,. ,, d,. ivl,..|. ■■ i:e . m 1 l.m ;i mav Im ,.d|.i-l. .: 1 .1: i imimini e. 1 d , ,■■. s:l |,„lli. 2 — Ml. Ii.,ll..u- shaft l: with its r.-liaa .iiinr G an.l :;_ 1,,,.., , , ,,le, ;, e, 1 , :, •,•■. I •^er, ,:■ »ltl. tlimr be\.l uh.s 1 1), elil the shah l-:with it- imlin .nil. a Im.n.l pins.;.,eid; , „:;.,. 1, 1 1 e m e. .ad anali. m uitl. l.exel wh.,| II. in .■..inbinali, .1, with the Imnmerm' iiaU A front fr.ime ..1 rc.ueli G luu mg the ,eie\\ G and inchncs / eaiiain- llie l.e\el w lieeL t 1' an.l I, e. .ml mk.1 an.l airangeil ina'r..tarv s,,.l eiutm. mil elantiall v as an.l lor the purpose clutches'/;, all arrange. f to operate as an.l fur the purprise set above .lemail.e.l. forth. X... i;v;8.S.-I.\MF,S Id M. 1,1, AX ami CHARLES Nr. 112.91^- I,.\\VREXCE F. FRAZEE, Jersey A. .M.w'i'lS, Fi;,{m;i in, Kv - r ■ r..! Lr„J„rr, Ciilll Gn-V N. 1.— /'/e.vm'/i. I/„/r/; 21, 1S71. 'M/ors uiil Il.nyu-.,',- :• ;;, 1S72, Claim — 1 he .li^-eis |. the e. .niters 11, and the ploiigh.s Claim.— I,— dhe m.i; 1 < - ,1,1 1 , ,||ers 1 ) 1 1, arranged ll.arrange.l m relati..n t'.. eacli other sulestantially as de- •alternalelv ami rev..hin e, mm,-, iK ,A each ,.ther upon scribe. 1. acomnmn shah, ./, Ill In, ;mii;e.\. -ul .slanliallv as herein N.I. 1 1 1,!9-''. — 11 iSFFII R, MORRLS, Houston, Te.x.\s. set h.ilii. —Kotarv Phit Jn.—M.irJi 2':>, 1871. 2._|la/ ha.a J, 1 u.ite.l t- the L shape. 1 bar ,/ an.l com- Claim'. — \ shah ha\iriL; thereon a series of disks, to the bine..! with the I'.u ,'a Cutter- (1, an.l arms 11, allowing the circumlerLiice .,1 each ..f « liicli are attached at an an- depth of the cutters to be regulated and operate. 1 the gle t.. the ra. buses, spa.les, ..perating ,is set forth. front or rear, substantially 'as and h.r the purpose .le- No. i2(.,.m;.— lli;Xl;\ W. r.dWFX, I'u.iviiii;n-ce, R. scribcd. CL.'Ll 1 VA lORS-ROTARY. No. 135,002.— lAMKS \V. MII.ROV, IlAvwiuin, Cm.., asMmor to himiclf, Wll. 1.1AM K. .M llll KNKR, ami C. '1.. HOWARD, place. -A', ,'„;r Cii'tiva.'ors.— J„n:„:y 21, 1S7.?. (.■laiiii.— Tlie name A and axle 15, wheels I) D', and spindles C C, in combination witii the independent levolv- iiiy pKnisjhs or teeth I I on the axle, and arranged to be raned oi'lowered by lever E, all substantially as a"nd for the jiurpuse herein specilied. No. 135.174— ALCIDE TROUARl), Nkw, I.A.— .V«v'"- Oiiu- Cu!thi!lo:s.—Jan:„vy 21, 1873. Claim.— The improved machine for ■,Miilibiiii; -ii-ar cane stnl)ble, tile same con-i-iin^ of fianiu I ; I : ■. I ::n!i 1 I Liinl the cylinder A pi-v) Ir.l'Miili in ■, ; • , :• ; the axle shaft C journal, a in the ii,>.i..| I -. , , h. ■,- I,,, l, are adjusted at their free ends by the Mamlaids K and pin. ,/, all as shown and de>cribed. No. 135,661.— CHARLES N. POUNDSTONE, I.ivn- N'lA, Il.I.. — A'..A,-rr Culia% r:. — l-\li:„,i:-v IT, 1X75. Chum.— I —riir «:,... 1 11 li:ur.,,; ai n,s ,■ p, , n |. Ird u illi joint, and liy reason of the arrangement of the ;teins (,; G in the yokes H H, substantially as and for the purposes speci- fied. N.. itM--. \\IiUF\^ V. Hdl'KMl-VKR and an;■ I i i : i- and lowering -\... i44,vp. -.\l',I,\N S. MilioNELL, Osc«73- 1873- uul E. HLEECKLR, irustee, WiiiTKs roNi;, N. V, ly Ptoui'/is. — August 18, 1874. Filed A/tril li 1. — I. — The wheels ^/rt' carrying the ploughing forks c c, in combination with levers / / and catches i k, the whole constructed and operating substantially as herein- before set forth. 2. — The wheels d d, arranged as described, in combina- tion with the centre disk ,;, as and for the iHirposes de- scribed. 3.— The springs// in comliination with the frame ;', CULTIVATORS-ROTARY. tongue m, and wheels ,/ d, carrying plougliing folks c <-, substantially as hereinbefore set forth. No. i5+,489,— HEZEKIAH JONES and WILLI.^M K. YARD, ROJKFORi), Ii.L. — Ro.'ary Pl,m\;lis. — Auoiist 25, 1874. Filed May 18, 1S74. Claim.— I.— The cmliinatioi,, in arcv.,l\in;4 pi,,,,,;!,. ,,f the hand bell crani; K-vcr 1) I'", k'"-' I-L . 1, , ■ " '. .n.d circular grooved miidc 1'', with llic hamKim- j.|^l: -ii.iit and fir the imrj. , ,e Je^ nhed. 2.— Ihe Lli-!.- I-'. I, .,,,:. .- i i."''!, ■ ..1 |.,|. m their Jienpliei;, , an. I ill- I I '. : i .h ,, - ! - 2. — The combination of the digging mechanism formed of the teeth E', disks E, and shafts D. the sUding blocks a, guides /.. link ,i, rrank -h:^fl a. !r\ -v '", nnd curved notched rack v'. a, ~!a.\\n .mi. I ' . ■ ' ' \ the digger can be adjustcil t..,,iiil la'1.1 ai M.'. . .... 'i eat. No. i5^,;7.i. iwii - I !ll \i.| I ; ^i iN, Woodbury, Tenn.- ' ' ' I U'lg Harro-ws. — Janu- ary 5 1-7; I III, 1874. Cl.iiii, li a harrow, having a series of rcM.l^i :; . aa , . ai a transverse >haft jour- naled in the siile frame-. -! : 1 aa.a \\-\ . aam.' I.],ale- m- harrow teeth, arranged a- a a : i ing in a diagonal rearu.i a. I terminating lietween t!ie ie\aM!i_; eaiir-, a' . 1 ateili y as herein and ilesenhed. No. 15S4S2.— WILLIAM II. FOVE, S,\N' Francisco, Cal.— yl'../,,; r J'.'oii^ks.— January 5, 1 875. Filed Decem- ber 22, 1S74. Claim. — I. — A rotary plough consisting of a series of concavo-convex cutting blades arranged spirally around a supportin;> and dli^ing shaft, substantially as described, for!. 2. — 1; i.iig blades adapted for adjustment upon ll. : : I mrpose of regulating their cut, and the Clin, la nt \saaa .if the furrows, substantially as de- scribed. 3. — The combination of the adjustable collars and slotted wedges with the concavo-convex cutting blades and the main sn|ipiirting shaft, substantially as described, for the j... - II .sL' 4. — .\ ... _a h.aviiig two sets of concavo-convex blade, .1 .....l; a |aall\ around the supporting shaft, so as to extend ouf.\aul ni opposite directions from the centre thereof toward the ends, substantially as described, for the purpose specified. 5._Tlie Mades of a rotary pleaugh, each made with a spir.d e;ir\ .^ ilh .. .........a.,.-, f .aa t . ..nsversely, substanli .' a' ■ ,. a ; ' I ; ■ .1. N.I. 1', .....a \ - \\' '■ ■!.. 1: . • , . . .iv. Mo.— Rev..i:,,: Ca, .' . /a;a; ; la. >S75 I \d July 16, 1874. Cl.iim. — I. — 1 he combination ot frames I by yoke 2, shafts 8 S, universally jointed hoe shafts 9 an.Ile rods 2.- !i . : lieels, frame.', and arclie.l : 1-88, univei-sally joint,.] I. li.. . .. . a^. : a the purpose de- scribed. No. 161,057.— jAS. I'lIILLir.S, Thorntown, Ind.— Revolving J/arrOKS. — March 23, 1875. Filed .Uf^usl \, J874. , Claim. — I. — The wheel N' on vertically movablt harrow shaft J, coiiiliiiieil witli flange/and holding down wheel e, substantially as desciibed. 2. — 'fii '■ a.i.av.l- '1 .if the -.vliccl X'. provided with flange /, thex'l, .1 1 1 1 li'i I, pn.\ided with li.xed collar '.V, NA'JOCIIOCIIES, — May II, 1875. Nr.. ma ..I Te-\. Filed .1; Claiin, -I -l!a i),ai .a,Hdingbars H, the gear wheel, L F K L, ami the [.loi;gh shaU M with the frame D and the wheels A, substantially as herein shown and described. .fthe r.ackl No. 10 J,. volving Cut 1875. d gear wheels'i. slidin..,' bars II, that carry the . ; ■ i.;..u,.;li 'shaft M, substantially as C. WINTERS, CoLLTA, III— AV- -May 18, 1875. Filed February 3, No. 164.428.— lA.MLS II. rnox, i ,i,s Mhinks, L.wa. —Rotary Cultiv.iurs.—June 15. 1S75. Filed Ait^ut 0, 1874. Claim — I. — The nu\i!iavv frame F, cnrryirrg the cog tion wu!: la. . , .. .1- \. .. a , n I ] iia..n- ;. \.\< tantially 2.^Tli.; I. .a' a , : a 1 Case F with the crank w lie. '; a laiii!; di.-d,to alternately 3. — The ,li Ina; i .. . a 1 \ .a.^; I'.a ,eries of spades X', in combinatiun \sith the suspended case F, substantially as described. 4.— The frame or forked bars // n, when pi\(.ted to the fixed sla.a /.■. t!aii a||,er and front elal-. , a. I .. with pa , ■ : - ... extendiia^ fnimlh. a I , . . :.■ 1 .r ends I., a .... 1 .. ' ..aaili.iv frame F, !•., a , , , .. ..! to the ; .f -spades , stanti; poses specified. 5. — The combination of the hand wheel M, 1 iniuns v, shaft .r, auNiliarv frame F. and rach .v. -ul ■ tantiallv as de- scribed, an. 1 fill- the piirp.v,.-, s,.e, ll.a.l. No. 166.721. -WTLI.L\.\I 1. \\. Rini.VRDSON. Clkvm .\Mi, i '.11,(1 — ni A/ar .'./,;,., r..a — .U:c;i!:t 17, 1875. Filed Ja;::,l V II, 1S75. Claim— 1. -In e. lal in.iti.n with the hinged jp.ides J J', the scraper, cin-i-lna,' .if ihe jiivnted frame "M and hoes ,/', arranged tn.iiierate suli tantially as described, and for the purpose specihed. 2. — The shaker K, as arranged in relalion to, and in combination with, the spades J', as and for the | urpose specified. No. 170,661.— D. W. ERODNAX, Sr , Rockdale, TE.XAS.— A'„/,7rt' Spade Cul'ivato: s.—Deambcr 7, 1875. Filed Sep:eniher 20, 1875. Chain..- 1 Til ...aiiinai.n. uidi the fr.ime D, with siipp.iita ! i . .aiiiiunl lever F and yoke I, for r ■• • , ,:a , . . .,■..•, 1, ,.- .!e-eribed. 2. — i :, ...'a. ,,. .!. ...ilii, t.r e.ini|0,ed of frame 1), supporting arches F E'. jainle.! hinae.l hand lever F, yoke I, rods H, and wheel G, all,triutail. arranged, and adapted to operate as and for the le-aU.e.i. C'UL'l IVA lORS-ROTARY. No. 174.245.— GKORGE E. IlOl'KI.XS, Wai.i.a Wai.i.a Coum y, Wash., assignor of one-half his right 10 I. 1). t't)()l', same plate. -Iijla|. ;'.rm D, with roller stud G', as and for the No. 174,796.— WILLIAM H. FOYE, San Francisco, Cai..— AV.\L\s A. !^l i;^il\i:K, K, ■" a-siynorto himself and ALL.\ANi>K R CARR, .MKii..KA, Isi,._/>.T,>/r'/H<' Harrows ami Pitiveri^crs.—Jnne 27, 1S76. Filed y-0. Filed Janiiaiy 21, f 1876. Claim. — I. — In a rotary harrow, the combinatian of the , master wheel. A'. pir.i>.ns R', shaft R-. h.-.rrow heads R R, ,, vhich en-.i,. cans of the'K :t forth and di ends with a rack are ojierated by 11 for the purposes ! No. 179,918.— JACOB HAYNE.S, Basnf.ttsvi V.\.—Cn'tiv.ito--P:o:ig/is ami Ilarroius.—Ju'v I Filed .l/rtj 1,1875. Claim.— I —The combination of \Vr 1 ,,..,. n the iluiin. F, the coniRHinu md C. :' -Ij.i. ..K, W. 1876. in fr -ub itli tlu i.tiallv 2. — The pivoted frames X, and spring-catch bar V, in combination with the joitrnals of drive-wheels A, frame E, and rot.v.ory plo.ig'.is L, substantially asand for the purpose specified. No. i8i,870.-DAVID B. SHERMAN, C.^, Vr. -R-j^lviig Ga^dm a'ld Field IIocs.— September 5, 1S76. Filed //,/(■ 15, 1876. Claim. — A frame consi.-ting of sideboards A, front end Ijoard B, rear top board C, and handles K, in combination wi:h roller, rotary hoe, and wheel-axle substantially asand fjrthe pur| o-es s]iecificd. No. iSi,:,59.-\\TLl.IAM McC. MATHES, Caldwell, W] nor of 1 ;am his risht I Spadin-r. Fltug'ii :. bir 5, 1876. Fil:. Claim.— I.— A allel withth;axi>,ui L,,. ............ jjlanes at ri^dit angles tlieieto. all a cross bar and operating as herein : 2. — The combination of the ran THOMAS M. HUNT .ame place. — Combined r.^' Machines. Scptcn- ■ inged in a plane jiar- iu interposed spades [in ehed to a reciprocating forth. of spades X O and the O, of ihe .1 applied as in ;: lid out of gear, and the lock W t.', 1. -liilt ,;• .so as to retain the spades in 70— iETERD. I'ELSOU and HENRY C. 1 1: r.\.\l(iUE, Ind.— /v'o.'r?;j Spad rs, S:aH- CuHns oH.n.^Sepleiiibcr 5, 1S76. Filed /(ZA«<7r)' 15, , 111 combination with the '- iiud tongue B, MiM. v.illi li.,, .'lioliiL';'u-l;.l Ic Oicksliaft lie/', -ub.laiili..ll> a- and M- ilic — 1( )nN R.TILLEY, Di;Mi.;uAiiA, British \y\\L\i.\v.\.— Cultivators. — May 15, 1877. S76. ■ the forward pro- aftM, and slotted ,, I. ai.di^, sliding r.sub-t.mtially iled 18/5. .]/,/ hul Ini A, with its cir- oukl-boards B B, M, as to form a an. in combination 1 an.l hub A, as 1 l< UN E. WALL, ■■77. lie A, provided wilh the sectional E, alternately arranged on their the axes of the rollers and cutters I , substantially as described, and , I ).-\MS, Lkwisvili.e, assignor of CULT IVATORS-ROTARY. ;. SMEAR, W,- O. IS77. Filer tt-, .u,.i -i,u,aarris having tL-eth II II, an.l stai.tlallv a, IktcIh ^houii an. No. iqS, 1(1^ — 11. SKII.I —Rev k'iu^- /■/.•ii-/,s.—I>ei,-. 13. >«77. ■ Claim. — 'I In: nulc-jK-ndently rotating wheels D, h-iving narrow and bL-vLded rim.s, in combination with loose bands H, arranged Ijetween the wheels, substantially as and for the pnipose set forth. No. 198339.— C. C. BREEDEN and OWEN T. WHEELER. liKi.toKi.. Kv. — AW,;,,- C„//h>n>nrs.—n,-- cem/ier iH. j>i-j:. lilJ \ ,- m, ', , i, ,s-- Claim.-TI„ . :,, ,, ■ , „ ,..,.: I, .,l,.l.a„. halt H,and the |,I.Hi,:J, ,■. ;, .i. I i ,,,,,,,.,, .Min^m- l.ais r, the loops E, llic a.\le 1;, the hai^ ui li.iine t l/^and tlie driving gearing K L A, suUtantially as herein shown and de- scribed. No. 198,540.— JOHN GRANER, New Orleans, La. — A'evjvin,^ O,///. --;/,.;,,•.— /5,,, „/.,r 25, 1877. Filed Att- ( h\i]n. — I. — Tlie li.iiiie 1 1, liaviin; tiuigue E, arranged to of the -11 II side IVaiiM . applied at . thethtu^t .,1 and the In along said 1 ■.ubstantially as shown and described, s and haiallcs mav aet as levers of i.ldels alttvn;.telv 111 olliiisj the eiitter siibst.intially ving cutter and a to the axis ol said sjiade, whereby the eaith lilted liy the spades shall be conlined thereon, substantially as de scribed. No. 218,129. -CHARLES J. DANIELS, Lehanon, N. H.- Filed Clai ,'sa},ii Ploughs. — AuguU\2, 1879. mnected by bar G, in combi- rings E, cylinder I, having "a '-'^gS^'^' llangjs U, substaii- iMle.i r,::, 2 Claim— .1—1 ii es, the cylindei I > upon the shaft an disks being bolted i i between them, pose specified. 2. — The disks or rii IN, Lyons, N. Y.— yI/e y shafts, and fonmn-, « itl, llie handles 29 ;o, leveiC f„r en- | as tilled,, trolhng the depth of the spade and eutter, and for lifting stantialK them from the earth either sepaiateh 01 ji'iiulv, substaiitiaily • t, In as shown .and described. ' " ' ' 47" i„ ei.r 4.— In a tilllnj; implement, a revolvin- eiitter, revoK in- ' p.>'ts:;^:i spade, wheel, 10 11, ,ide frames 27 2S and handles 2Q ',0^ 43. and ": CULT IVATORS-ROTARY. vu^e aiul sustain it above the ground, substaiitmlly as shown n I dc.aibed. (, — 111 a lining implement, the combination therewith of •,i\ a.liu>lal>le triangular lifting anrt carrying arrangement cnnipiiscil of the T rocking lcvei-s8 9, supported on the axle 4S, the cultivating attachment liars 6 7, and ratchet-posts 35 36, whereby the carrying wheels ami axle serving as a ful- crum, the pliwer ol the team, acting through the 1" rocking levers at either end, alternaiely serves to raise or sustain the implement from the earth at will , substantially as shown and doscribed. No. 219,116.— CHARLES E. SACKETT, Matilda I'lKNAii;. Wavnk TnwNsinf, MiFi-LiN County, I'a. — (■«//;:, i;i "revolving with a central roller or ing-cranks 27, crank-shaft 28, angling-crank 29, connecting rod 30, controlling-lever 31, and stop-frame 32, substantially as shown and described. 4. — In a vertical whecl-harr verse removable bars nii.l tlir spaces are made adjii ' * ' m i- • !i'' ^-^ -■ • '■•■\'-'. 5. — A vertical wi; -i .' ■ . .'. '. ■ nilin.uii'ii with a \ui ■ ' ■■ I ' i|i;iv i')ihe implement, substan- being adapted to the inner periphery of the harrow, as se forth. 7. — A vertical wheel-harrow, 2, in combination with illv the ejecting the earth at each revolution, sulistantiaily as de- scribed and shown. S. — In a tilling implement having a revolving or fixed si.ade. tiie combination therewith of asifting-grate of unequal 1 1^ - u ■ i;, ■: i " 1 ;.-M :.. I) Ji, !.,.!■ .Ill ' l.ccIs2oand3I, sul.-U.hll.lii) a- r.l,..uii al,.| >1< . 11^ .1. revolving spadefand a siltii.L: ■ .:i. , i i - > . nil iinali. ,1, there- with ol an automaliccc.l-;, il'. ' , . ;,-, M-ait dcMCe for planting the earth ai ill' m- i' 1 : il m ., it, and in one No. 220,176. — ( li \i ; 1 I -'111', Maiii.da FfRN.\CE, Wavm 1.>', it. M:;!i:. C'Imv, I'a., — CumbincJ Ploughs, l/arnu'.; an J Drills.— S.-ptrmber 30, 1879. Filed May 14, 1S79. Claim. — I. — In a tilling apparatus, the combination, with a plough carried on a frame, of a wdieel supporting saitl frame prn .f making. a> set forth. hulv closed on the furrow side, ada|itc.l to receive the earth from the land side, and provided with internal pulver- izing apparatus adapted to pulverize the earth and to let it drop in the furrow behind the pnlverizing-wheel, as set forth. 3. — In combination with the revolving pulverizer having bars and teeth, as set forth, tlie shield 8, fixed to the shaft and operating in connecli"n \\\\'-\ iln |i';>iiL;h and the re- volving wheel, as ami fir tin ;;;!,- -I j-ilh. 4. — In combination wiili,' 'i /i , ;; ■ 'i:-, cniisi-iiiig of a jilough and a revolving puh._ii ci, ie._Lr, mg the earth from the plough, moving in the furrow last made, and leaving the pulverized earth therein, a seeding device, the parts operating together as set forth. 220,177.— CHARLES E. SACKETT, Matilda Fur- nace, Wayne Township, Mii-tlin County, Pa., — Com- hin:d Ploughs, Harrows, ani Se,-d-DrUls.— September 30, 1S79. I-'iled August 13, 1879. Claim. — I. — The comliin.iii ;: > i ., , 1 liage-frame, of a frame carrying ploughing am: li > m ; < \ ices, and of the levers 23, lifting-bars 26, -Im ' J, lining cranks 27, ai.d the shaft-crank, connLCtiiiL, i- I. nil itvcr, as set forth. 2. — In combination with the lifting apparatus and the suspended frame, the springs 24, arranged upon the bolts of the principal lever-bars 23, and operating with the controlling lever, to raise the frame, as set forth. 3. — The combination of a carriage-frame and combined plough and harrow-frame with the lifting-springs 24, the principal levers 23, lifting-bars 26, the shackle-bars 25, lift- 1-^h and i.ulveri.'ing-wheel, ;c*ion with each other, and of a seed- ited on the ojposite side, the whole I plough, pulverize, and plant at one I \RI) B. PEDRICK, Richmond, jS, 1879. Filed Marfh 25, 1879. I, ing plough I, of tubular form, for " 111, and rearwardly delivering the soil. iesci lied. ar linr- ill, ugh, the combinati ™ of the cutter 11;-^ V reviilvin- tu!,c [ i. ,'i: f.i -.v.iing the -linu -iiliiUL;li. a lulu . 1 . III ',the nl.-i »,lli a lip, K, p,.i|..M 1^ Mil., the tube, . the lip R, projecting i-earwardly il to prrsent an edge, r, obliquely iway therefrom, for the purposes I w ith ; edge, , ip R, and tube I, '. iii.l the .. -I ]-«hcel imliination of the revolving tube I, fixed cutter c-rods J, and rollers K, substantially as shown >:-;//', .I'lUgfi. the ribs or guides X, or lit any tendency of the soil to slide [ilough 1 and frame G 11 . |. .\ i.|i..l with regaining 15. — III a i.-m.Imii- iiiliil . ;l .1 looth or breaker W, subsLaiUially a- ilc-.uil.._.l, an. I Li il.. [. set forth. 16.— In a revolving plough, the cunibination of tube 1, rear collar, H. and tooth or breaker \V, substantially as shown and described. CULllVAlOPxS-ROTARY. No. 222,6oj.— CIIAKI.F.S E. SACKI lieiToraled liandles ro7is. — . Clain,. 1 a wheel !,,> > totuvnll.ciun. forward of the 1 3- nary h ploiigli ing w! made : the oil land,! ing, A. d';:; e-«lii .nd wlicel- -1 v.ith Ihe iiidl! 1 M:^ 1 .1 ede^rihed N/A, Ark. d Juy S, rlaim.— In a n.tavv i-lnu.,in- iiiaeliine. ihe cnnd,ination of the -4eel-iM-wlleel I", il.terme.ll U ■ year and pinion wheels, in I', the .lo„IJe r,v;.r,l ,-,.vl harC and idler wheel //'^ t,.sn-l:;n. I'lr raj 1 a,,.:nd ll,,- anrn|-.n v^hiJilhe shaft of the 1>1. a,, Im filial, ,- n-lMu.d.ail io„-t,r,aed and arrang- X.i. 23111,41'.— HENRY II. SPENCER. Mot^ND CiTY, III.. — 'elf ami JOHN ]. WELDEN.— >?«A7ry rioughi ■_/;//;,■ 22. I SSo' Eil.-.l ■;/.--// 22, iSSo. herein shown ah' I -.,::, ilie .lri\e w lieeK guard boards 1' ami yuar.l loas 1^, tiie eyliiideis L, carrying ploughs M, and the gear wheels N, whereby the plough cylinders are rotated by the advance of the machine, as set .le.l from the ,'ith the inner 2.— In a , ., ,,!,al,:l . ih. and tin , i,. swmyina , n ; : guar.l 1." '\ where!.. , ' ■;, , 111: saidaxi-. . .. a il - 3,-1,. „:,:_, ;:,■,:. lira ) '".^ » ith lileni upon the axle sul.. No. 2-,^So.a,--(dl.\ ■1 !'• FURNA. 1. !■■..-'■ ,-■ ralKs.'-'' '■ ' ^0, i"'^ 1 Clam..- I -11. la: coimecii..ii villi ,1^l from, saai « li, , 1 liaMU, 1 .-i li calfuri..w .,.,.., -nl. .1,11.1 11 \ 2. — '1 he 1 ..liil.inallon. 111 a 1 casting E, incline. 1 radia bars 7.., substantially .as, e-eri 3.-ln a coml.ine.1 pi iiL'hi in which the furrow-slie 1^ ti combin.ation of a pulvei /iiiL; lamlsidewheel ,..f the si me : iieyemer the ground, ahine, of the support- r, M.vriLUA tOgtthel. ,: ' n,^'Appa- N... j;s,: BURi;, 1 : . . .perate in iS8[ lil.l ,, lice there- Claim.— I. liusto-coni- tion of the si C, the rotary , of thehub- axle, and the ul transverse all as an. 1 |..i 2.— 1 ng apparatus supp,,il:i.. iiepiirp,,se ilescnncd. lUCHARD, Frederics- ;■ Mai-hiiu'S — March 8, 10 sai,l . : all. and a suitable elevating-arm, sub- 5. — I h. , .11:1 III, 111 n of the plough, the arm a, fixed di- rectly to saiil axle, the axle, and the double arm rr, sub- stantially as shown and described. 6. — The combination, with the plough-arm a and axle, of forth. 3. — In a rotary fp.iding niacliine. the curved tooth E, having a square chisel poinl and a triangular .section, the concave face being of uniform width.'and the thickness of the tooth increasing from the point of the l.inse, as and for the purpose set forth. CULT IVATORS-ROTARY. No. 2jS,970.— C'llARl.F.S K. SACKETT, Matii.ha ■rUNACM, V,\.—Comt>iiu\l Plnig/is. — M,iir/t 15, 1881. ilcl /,;««,»)' 14, 1881. Claim. — I. — The comliinalion of the pulvciizint; wheel. sul),-.tAmi.illy as described. 2. — The combination of the bent axle B, the tongue t', the yoke braces n <;, fixed directly to said axle and ada| ted for connection eitlier to the plough beam or to the tongue, as set forth. 3. — The combination of the plough beam, the yoke braces ,1 ,^ fixed direcllv I., the axle, the axle 11, the pivotal supports 5 5, ni 1 li:. > ,;ir, iiM ri.iiiio .; .iT tlu- imiilLd 4 4. .le thi ougn support., 5 S, substc ally a.s eomb.ination, with the wheels, the lient axle, and ■ <;, adapted for pivotal connection either to the m or the tongue C, of the described lifting 1 adapted to raise either the plough or cullivaloV forth. 5— jnt axle, lh( 1 i:in /, an, the devlLcs lul turn- d. a fixed and movable nt axle B and pivoted rame 6 6, adapted to 1 a and bent axle B, ;ue C and braces 3 3, ;" I ] 'if llic yoke 1. • .I'l'i .nLipled to ■ _'~ !.. 11.1, .Hid also ,...'l billiL: iearuf.said when desired, dev lion, with the plough and pulverizer furniw, of the seed tubes//, located e i-aid wheel, whereby the seed are if the earth as it falls from the wheel. CUL TI I A TORS—S TRAIWL E-RO JK P/„/f Claim AiKliew, \V. W. 4St 141 All-tin, R. C. S. 4S8 142 Austin, R. (i. S. 48S 142 Beaver, |. T. 470 13S lilack.f. 465 •37 Ikniton, A. 470 13S lireneman, M. 472 139 Itriggs, H. C. 475 '39 liroaihvell, W. li. 46S '3» Brown, J. 462 '37 Bullock, R. 471 ■38 Carr, N. Jr., and J. 468 '38 Carter, C. H. 4S9 142 Chandler, M. and Nickel J. B. 472 '39 Craft, R. IJ. 476 140 Creek, C. C. 474 '39 Croll, G. 486 142 Cummins. S. A. 4S0 141 Danner, J. 469 '38, C. 466 '37 1 >L-vo, r. li. 470 138 Dimla,., J. R. 487 142 Dwiglit, .S. 468 '38 U«i-ht, S. 47' '38 Dyzert, W. 461 '37 Ellis, T. 1. 481 14' Eshleman, A. 479 140 Frankeberger, J. T. 474 '39 Freeland, I'. F. 463 ■37 Ganong, L. M, 478 140 t;anong, L. M. 483 141 Geahr, W. 47' '38 Geisinger, J. B. and W Uams,-n. U.S. 467 '38 Graham, J. L. 481 141 Guthrie, L. 477 140 Hall, C. M. 4 S3 141 Plate Claim Plate Slaim Harris, J. O, and Slew. Rice, ]. H. 484 141 W. F. "' 46+ '37 Kighter, J. 462 '37 Hart, <;. ll. 473 '39 Robv, M. 487 142 Hen.lerson, \. T. 484 141 Rue, J. 463 137 Hernby.J. 46. '37 Shank, S. B. 475 140 Holl'edit/, J. C. 472 '39 Shaw, T. M. 486 142 Hoover, T. I and Henc er- .Sims, Z. B. 477 140 son, J. T. 486 142 .. .. .. (R •) 477 148 Hume, J. M. 473 '39 Sims, Z. B. 482 141 Ingersoll, C. P. 468 '38 Small, B. B. 48S 142 Jessop, J. W. 47 S 140 Smith, .\. 463 '37 Johnston, B. 478 140 Sn.ith, J. B. 461 137 Krauser, J. and C. 462 137 .Stahl, P.&Dnffen bacher.J. 461 '37 Kugler, f"). 483 141 Stnn,an, J. K. 464 137 Kugler, U. 483 141 Stansbury, A. F. and T M. 573 139 Kugler, 0. 48; 142 Steller, C. E. 474 139 Kuit., J. 473 '39 .Stoll. M. 479 140 Lechtenthaler, Ci. 462 '37 Taylor, \V. A. an d Gra ves. McEwen, E. S. and Ad W. W. 465 '37 O.K. '488 142 Thirhvell, J. 463 '37 Mason, R. E. 482 141 Thomas, J. S. 480 140 Matheny, R. G. and Barnes, Thompson, J. J. and Col- L. R. 466 '37 lier, V. F. 476 '39 Messenger, N. 467 '37 Thompson, J.J. 480 141 Minnich, E. 470 '38 Thompson, J. A. 486 142 Misner, F. and P. A. 464 137 Tower, A. C. 482 141 Moore, M. H. and Tower, A. C. 484 141 Satterwhite, A. 467 '37 Webb, T. U. 47' '38 Norton, C. P. 478 140 Weld, H. 481 '38 .' .< .. (R.) 479 140 Wilde, D. 469 '38 Owens, G. W. 4S1 141 Wilson, M. 474 '39 Palcer, J. 487 142 Winfield, H. and Flyn 1, W. Powell, J. 476 140 p. 48s 141 Ravenscraft, H. C. 467 ■38 Wood, J. F. 466 '37 Ray, J. I. and Young, J K. 477 140 Wottring, R. 478 140 Reed, M. 479 140 Wvant, 1). 476 140 Revnohls, P. B. and I. C. 469 ■38 Vjst, G.W.N. 465 '37 Rice. R. 4''9 '38 Zimmerman, C. 472 '39 CULTIVATORS-STRADDLE-ROW. P.STAHLand J. DUFFENHACIIER, TARiior Town- ship, VA.—CuMviitors.—Sephm/u-r iS, 1835. Claim. — I. — The sheei-s or mould boards (which are each cast in one piece and forming a coulter sheer and mould boanl). 2.— riie high stand.nrds C, D, E, F, G, and II, which carry the plough beams so far above the com or potatoes as not to break it down, so long as it needs cultivating. 3. — Placing them in such a manner as to plough or culti- vate both sides of a row of corn or potatoes at one and the same time, of going over the same ; We do not restrict the number of sheers or mould boards and standards to three on each side of the ploughs as their number must be increased or iliminished as the distance between the rows of corn or potatoes is increased or diminished. No. 1,031.— J. HERNBY, East Hampfield, Pa.— C«/- tivirlors. — Di-cvmbcr 10, 1 838. Claim. — The peculiar manner of constructing, affixing and connecting the mould hoards, so as to admit of their being sliifted iind turned su lis lo rL-guIalc t'lc di-tanco apart and the brea.llh..r the furrows a. iaivin ,! Xo. 1. 121.— I. H. SMITH, Prin.;kss Anne, \ k.—CuI- .'! valors.— AprUx^, 1839. Claim. — The arrangement of the perforated beams in com- bination with the shifting and rever.s-.ble ploughs for throw- ing the earth from or towards the rows of corn, regulated to any width required, in tlie manner before described. No. 3,709.— W. DYZERT, GETfSVBURG, V\.— Cultiva- tor. — Ati':;li!t 16, 1S44. -i:i. •. ■'■r': •. :n : • 11,! !■-!■.; 1 ■< r ', , 1 ' ■ ■ ,-1, i i!i ■ tongue. Claim plained. 2. — The longitudinal openinijs O, O, together with the metallic bo.xes H, H, as set forth. No.11,379.— G. LECHTENTHALER.LiMESTONViLLE, V\.— Cultivators.— J u!y 25, 1854. Claim. — The metliod herein shown and ilr.rriic'l of at taching the shares G, to the beams \ : . strips F, perforated with holes f, seci! the beams A, and sockets fonned ol i the upper ends of the shares and perl.,! ,1, I ...i,, ,,.,1^,, „, ,\. in which holes h, and in the holes f, in the plates E, wooden pins i j, are passed, securing the sliares to the beams as set forth. No. 11,929.— J. BROWN, Lawn Ridck, \\.\..—Culti- va!ors. — November 14, 1854. Claim. — The combination of the angular shaped frame a a' (having the two pieces a, a', united at their forward ends into a tongue,) with the long standards d, d', e e' , and short standards /;, h' , in the manner and for the purpose herein set forth. No. 18,928.-1. RKiHTER, Clarksburg, \\.—Culfi- vators—DcmUr 22, 1S57. Claim. — TliL t;ni|'l. i\ mcnt of the pinions e, and f, when in combinatiiin with the -trcw shaft h, and teeth or ploughs a, a, substant ially in the manner and for the purpose set forth. No. 24,411.— AZEL SMITH, Westfield, Ohio.— r«/- tivators. — fune 14, 1859. Claim.— The a l^M iin. In.:. j.I.iicsC C, frames B B, and cutters D D, when bribed, and in combina- tion with the adju-i : : , ! ik. No. 24,418.— Ji I- 11! I IIIIUI.WELL, Galesuurg, III. — Cultivators.— Junr 14, 1S59. Claim. — The arrangement of the frame A A, the iron bows B B, the hinge bow C, the tongue braces D D, and fitting chain F, when constructed ancl used in combination for the purposes set forth. No. 25,006.- PARLEY F. FREELAND, Newark, III., assignor to V. R. D.\V ID, Morris, III. — Cultiva- tors. — August g, 1859. Claim. — The arrangement of the tongue A, curved or seg- ment bar B, beams E E, with screw rod c, and pendents rt", and shares F, attached, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. 25,048.- JAMES RUE, Enghshtown, N. J.— C«/- tivalors. — August 9, 1859. Claim.— Tlie arr.uigcmLiit of the loose draft pole G, bracket /', - i:;ii> 'i.-;;. I: ! 1 , !,;n ■. ,1 1 . .,1-, ; ,■', .l.-v ic-s i'y /;, bracket ' ., . I : ;. : . I ! - ul.stan- tially in t!i- ■ :-■ ]•]••- - • ■, No. 2t..t.ii5. 1 . .MI-<\M:, Mi-i r, \. \il--.\I.K, Fox, III. — CuiUvalos.—Jnuuary 3. i860. Claim. — The arrangement of the beam h, wings m, trans- verse pieces E O, handles II, slotted standai-d 2, legs u, shovel R, castings C B, brace rods /', forked strap G, forked rod X, and transverse timber s, the whole being constructed and used together in the manner and for the purpose de- scribed. No. 26,796.— J. K. STAMAN, Mifflin, Ov.\o.— Culti- vators. — January 10, i860. Claim. — In combination with the bows A and D, arrang- ed relatively as specilied, and having their lower ends cham- fered as described, the cultivating teeth or shares P, and the connecting brace strap Q, wdien the whole is constructed and aiTanged as before set forth, for the purposes specified. No. 27,125.— J. O. ILVRRIS an.l W. F. SLEWDER, Ott.mva, III. — tv.'.' ,' - / ; : 14.1850. Claim — In comliii. IS ■. ■■■ n 1 ; \ 1 •! adjustable and reversible frame, till ! : ! i ' n mgh stocks B, wdien constructed ,11' ■ hl,' ■! - i'i-i,ii,i 1 ill) in the manner \o -M. ; .^ \ AV LOR and W.W.GRAVES, Fii!;i ,\i -, ' M ''ivators. — August \/i„ l%(>0. LLiiiii. l.-amsEE, ploughs;/ d, brace rods,^>..ii , I ;, with their standard braces b b, and t' II combined and arranged in the mannei li. X' . .- I - , i .- I5LACK, Princeville III.— (■ ■ .' . '■' - ■., 1S60. '■' \... I nt of the elastic traverse bow bar I . i 1 : I I .! . : .11 B, beams A A, double trees K, cliain I, lullcys H J J, beam A, guards G G, standards E, and shares D F, all as shown and described for the purpose set forth. Xm. 2Q.SdQ — (;. W. X. YOST. Yellow Springs, Ohio, .1 i ■ : i'dix I'', W \ TS! )X, Edwards -./■ • jS, 1 863. .. ,, ul ):, i liMMtion of the two ,.>...„., .i, e,..„ ,„,, ,. .,a,\ L, rnmaUe shares D, and wliccls G; the whole being con.structed as and for the pur- poses described. No. 30,173.— JOHN F. WOOD, Houma, l.X.—CuUiva- /.'. —,',', -' ; ■ . __.5, I.'si'o. i:i> ! : _ I i rit of the hinged adjustable wings I\, Ii I i I ' . '1 , turn with the adju.stable frame A, : I ' ' I , uh .tantinlly in the manner and for -^ ; I VRUSDEBOLT, Ottawa, III.— O^///- :■■■ -■ < ' <), 1S60. I : I ' M I, in-rment of the handles C C, the joints K Iv. I I I 1' I tliL- uprights P) D, for the purpose Xo. ;o,-M -. ,, i A IHENY and L. R. BARNES, Ll Kai i . M - • ^' - ' ■•• " 'Sso Claim,- : ■\ with the beam A :> 1- ' m able feet or -I HO 10- ; I ■ iiieb.ars B B, and having the plouf;h, aurl scr.rpers respectively secur- ed to them, the handles C C being attached to the liars B and landsides b b, and all arranged as and for the purpose set forth. No. 30,745.— NELSON MESSENGER, Newark, III. Cultivators. — A'ovcinbcr 27, i860. Claim. — The arrangement of the horizontal boss G G, with the pending feet or bars H, having the shares I attach- ed in connection with the standards F, being based by the rods a, and the bars G, braced by the rods D, as and for the purpose set forth. No. 30,748.— M. H. MOORE and ALEXANDER SAT- TERWHITE, Rome, V-,t^.— Cultivators.— Nmicmber 27, i860. Claim.— The arrangemenf of the bars D D D E E, beam A, and feet F, with the bars G' attached, the two latter parts CULTIVATORS-STRADDLE-ROW. being secured to the bars E E, as and for the purpose set forth. No. 30,758.— HARRISON C. RAVENSCRAFT, King- wood, Va. — Cultivators. — Novemlur Tj, i860. Claim. — The middle portion A, in combination with the outer sliding rings D and E, arranged and operating as above set forth. No. 30,963.— JOHN B. GEISINGER and D. H. S. WILLIAMS, MoNTViLLE, Ohio.— Cultivators.— Decim- ber 18, i860. Claim. — The arrangement of the curved slotted bar C, curved slotted braces M M hinged to bar J, standards N N, shares Q Q, eye bolts S S, links R R, bars K, bolt L, beam A, and handles E, the whole being contracted substantially as described. No. 31,305.— SOLOMON DWIGHT, Byron, III.— Cnltivntors. — February 5, 1S61. Claim. — The arrangement of the main frame A and ton- gue B of a single piece of timber, in combination with the re- taining strap C, shaping block D, cross brace H, and stan- dards E, the whole arranged and operating as specified and for the purpose set fortli . No. 32,S58.— NATHAN CARR, jR-.and JOHN CARR, MoNMolTii, III. — Cih'fn-n'on.^Jnlv 23, 1861. Claim.— I. — Mak.n-; th.- fr.ime in the form of a bow, in combination with su|ipi>ilini; it by castor wheels H H, as shown and described. 2. — In combination with said bow A and castor wheels H H, the hinged plough beams C C and tongue B, arranged in relation to each other, as shown and described. No. 35,434.— W. B. BROADWELL Springfield, III. — Corn-Ploui'lis.—Juiic 3, 1862. Claim. — In combination with the bar G and clamps H H the fender or guard I, applied to the beams .'\ A and bar G, is and for the purpose specified. No. 36,998.-0. B. INGERSOLL, Morris, III.— C«/ tivators. — N'nvi-mlh-r 25. 1 862. Claim Th • c nibination and arrangement of the draught pole, n. r : '! ■: ■ A, thebeams E, the cro.ssbe.mi F, the sLiii I ' ; ij iinrts C, andthewhiffletreesB, when all are cmii-11 II 1 !, ; i,inL;eil, and operating substantkally as and for tliL- |iuii ' in i.linc.ited and set forth. No. 37,219.-11 I ! iiii ■ I i.\NNER, Milton, III.— Cultivators—/' 2-. iNi.j. Claim. — Til • m 1 .ii -11 uhI .irrangement of the draught pole .\. tlh I K ams IJ, tlie standards C, and shares r, the >u| ; ■ I ' . i ilie bar E, and the strap F, or its equival. : , .1 and constructed substantiuUy as and for tile laui-.i L a.liucated and set forth. No. 37,789.— P. B. and L. C. REYNOLDS, Prophets- TOwN, Whitesides CoUnty, III., assignors to themselves and CLARK G. REYNOLDS, all of same p\^cc— Cultiva- tors.— February 24, 1863. Claim. — I. — The ajrangement upon adjustable beams B C of two or more pairs of perforated lever adjusting plates H k i, for the purpose of adjusting two or more pairs of shovel stocks G' G^ 1 1, in the manner and for the puipose described. 2. — The arrangement of the bent sustaining bars F F, side beams B C, and slots b c s s, in the manner and for the pur- pose described. 3. — The arrangement of the frime ABODE, swingle- tree I, draught rods J J, adjustable hangers K K, perforated lever adjusting plates H H H H, swivelling square or flat top standards G' G'^, bent sustaining bars F F, and slots b c s, the whole constructed and operatihg together in the manner and for the purposes described. No. 38,337.— ROBERT RICE, Georgetown, Vermil- lion County, \\a..— Cultivators.— .April 28, 1863. Claim. — I. — The connecting of the front ends of the bars a « of 'he implement to the draught pole B, by means of the elastic plates b b, in combinatinn witli the croi.s-bars fc fitted to the draught pole B aiil j. 1 1:1; ' > > ly ilirough the bars « a, and with the braces i 1 In- plough standards C C and the cross bars , .1 lulh. 2.— Thehandles E E, alt i,i,a ihrii fiunt ends to the draught pole B, by means of screws or bolts^, in combina- tion with the spring or elastic bar ;, and the upright D, on which the rod h bears, substantially as and for the purpose herein specified No. 45,549.— DANIEL WILDE, Washington, Iowa. — Corn-Cultivators.— December 20, 1864. Claim. — I. — The lever «, resting on the front bar of the frame, and supported near the middle by the notched plates 7V, secured to the uprights .v, and operating as and for the purposes herein recited, 2. — The arrangment of the rocking bar.;.', elevated bar m, in relation to the handles and the shovel stakes, for the pur- pose herein set forth. 3. — In connection with the arrangement of the rocking bar g, bar m, and the shovel stakes, the stirrups q, for the pur- pose herein named. 4. — The plate y with its inclined and horizontal faces k and /. for the purpose herein set forth. No. 46,376.— ELIAS MINNICH, McKees's Half Falls, Penn. — Cultivators. — February 14, 1865. Claim. — The arrangement of the braces M M, connecting the plough shares to the tongue, with the teeth or rake L, as arranged and combnicd with the angular-shaped frame E, as herein describcil and for the purposes set forth. No. 4S.35S.— Ji III.X r. I?K\LK, Bki iiEL \\A..— Culti- vators- — June 11, i86v Claim.— I. -The lever handles 1 1 containing ui,ri-hts ,/ d, with cross l.ars X X, made in soUd framiii- to Mlnate ui..,n 2.— The anan;.;ementuf the elevating elevis X, clevis guide 0, cleats or notches /• r, and correspontling notches ij, as and for the purposes herein specified. No. 50,217.— ANDREW BOUTON, Napa, Qkl.— Cul- tivators.— October l, 1865. Claim. — The right anil left cultivators .A A supported by the caster wheel F and adjustahle wheels H, and connected by transverse bars C,, all arrangeil stihstantially as andforthe l)ur|.)Ose herein set forth. No. 52542. -I \| \IXB. DEYO, assignor to himself and i;[ii.\l; 1. ic I X.XER, Marengo, III. — Cultivators. Claim. --!.-- rile eumbination and arrangement of the tri- angular frame B B C, draught pole A, standards D, and braces E, constructed and operating as and for the purpose.s set forth. 2.— In umiliinalion witli the draught jiole A, trian- gular frame l;( , I), ,u„l ,hove'N 1)'. the arrange- the lmlle^, ( ...nv\ , o.d o, eh.n'.i I. operating substantially'as and for tile |,lll|io,es .peeihed, 3.— The arr.o.-emeiit of the toothed plates L M, slot m, bolt N, ami < 1. w iili ilie draught pole A, crossbar C, and in- clined puits 1-, sliding in the loops «, all arrangedand oper- ating substantiallv as herein set forth and described. No, 53,592.— SOLOMON DWIGHT, Rockford, Ili . Cultivators.— .ipri I 3, 1866. Claim. — The comliination of tlie rii^id tongue, the curved side jiieces, the adjustalile re, 11 iiid nii'Mle cross-beams, the adjustable handles, the sv,i\ellm- |il.>ui;li^. and the yielding spring Corn guard, when eoii-triuteil, .irianged, and opera- ting as described. No. 55.185.— TIMOTHY U. WEBB, Springfield, III. — Cultivators.— May 29, 1866. Claim. — I.--The construction of the frame, the timbers A A and the crossbars or timbers li li B, so notched and halv- ed together on an angle that the face of the cross bars B will place the straight standards C C C C in the proper inclina- tion for supporting and bracing the ploughs or cultivators, substantially as herein described. 2. — Making corresponding series of hole (• c through the cross bars B B B for the purpose of bolting and bracing the cultivator standards C C C C, so that the cultivators may be changed to work eithar right or left and the spaces adjusted between them, as aud for the purposes herein set forth. No. 56,173.— ROBERT BULLOCK, South Mills, N. C- -Cultivators. —July 10, 1866. Claim. — The combination of the stock with the weeding shears, the iron rod braces, the eye-holes, and iron bolts, when these several parts are arranged, constructed, and ad- justed subsLantially as described. No. 57,698.— WILLIAM GEAHR, New Holland, VK.—Cultivalors.—September, 4, 1866. Claim. — The independent, adjustable, and reversible CULTIVATORS-STRADDLE-ROW. lieanis D D, in combination « itli llic upright E F, when coji- nected with a suitable framework, sul»tantially in the man- ner anil for the purpose siieeilicii. No. 58,534.— CM R1,STL\N ZI.\IMiMKRM.\N, Coi.- LiNsviLi.E, Ohio.— PI,m^'/is.— Oc/ol>cr 2, 1866. Claim. — I. — The manner of attaching the tounge to the plough by means of the perforated plates a a, anil pins h l>, arranged and operating in the manner and for the purpose described. 2, — The combination of the protecting plate r, enclosing the landside of the plough, with the mouldboard and land- side made of one piece of metal, substantially as described for the purpose specified. 3. — The hinged draw bars li J with their adjusting nuts and screws, in combination with the adjusting frame com- posed of screw rods^ e and cross bir^^' with their ..uts and adjustable handles, arranged and operating in the mannjr and for the purpose set forth. No. 60,892.— J. C, HOFFEDITZ, xMercershur.;, 1'.\. — Cultiva!ors. — Januaiy I, 1867. Claim. — The arrangement shown and described, con- sisting of the adjustable a!id pivoted spring standard C, removable shares I J, and adjii-tnlilc h.inrlle<; E. No. 61.512.— MARTIN liRKNKMA IP, Pa. ssignor Ml SAML^Kl. KiiV -J:,,u,.nv 29, 1S67. Elizabethtown, p. Claim.— The spoiii! an.u,:-,,,. „i ,,nM i,u,i„,i, oflhr frame A A' B C I '. ir .. ml. u, ,11,-1, «iil, il,,- i,-irr,il,lc handles P", and hulr. I, > I .' I ; \\ ,1,.! i:,, .,lii .,ii,,i, ,,l 1!,, ,i\lc aii,l wlu.K 1, M, scrapers O P, all cun-triictL.I .iii.l .ipLi.iting in the manner and for the innpose specilied. No. 62,181.— MOSE.S chandler, Corinth, Me., and JOHN B. NICKELS, Kenijl'skeag, Me., assignors to V. S. PAL.MER and J. B. NICKELS.— A^orjf Hoes. — Felii-uary 19, 1867. Claim. — I. — Adjustably attaching the wings or blades II, when formed as described, to the uprights C, substantially as and for the purpose set forth . 2. — The combination of teeth or cogs with the blades 11 and uprights G, substantially as herein shown and described, and for tbr ] i,i|.. > . 1 [".ilh. 3 — TIk , ,, ; , ,, ,1 ! ilic pivoted rake heads K with the blade- ! M :li-tantially as herein shown and described, .11, 1 f,,, il,, j,u,iin-,t; set forth. 4. — Securing the upriLjlus G to the caps C and to the slotted cross bar B by means of angular bolts E and steady pins I, substantially as herein shown and described. 5. — The combination of the stay braces J with tlie uprights G and adjustable caps C, substantially as herein shown and described. 6. — The combination of the adjustable slotted caps C and slotted cross-bars B, having bands D around their slotted ends, with each other and with the draft beam A, substantially as herein shown and described. No. 62.898.— ALEXANDER F. and THOS. M. ST.ANSBURY, Lewistown, Ihl..— Cultivators.— Mar./i 12, 1867. Claim. — The slotted shoe or bearer F, the double-trees K and G, the clevis bars H, draft rods I, and pendant staples J, all substantially as and for the uses and purposes herein- before set forth. No. 63,384.— GEORGE D. HART, Lycoming County, V.K.— Cultivators.— April 2, 1S67. Claim. — The combination of the standards A, attached to the plate C by hinge and standards A', with its tenon at the upper end, as shown in Fig, I, with the blades or cutters B, the plates C, when provided with the slots ^ and the notches h and the frame or support O, all constructed and arranged substantially as described and set forth. No, 6487S.— lAMES M. HUME, Colchester, III., a-ij, , i,i,i, , If and C. F. HOYT, same place.— C».W- :-• ei, 1S67. I i ,, 1 , i,ljiistable beams B, arran-ged in combina- tion \\\\\, il,, lijiiie .\, levers K, links L, bar G, and single tree M, as and for the purpose substantially as described. No. 66,717.— JOHN KURTZ, Clinton Township, Pa. — Corn Cultivators and Potato Ploughs. — July 16, 1867. Cl.aim.— I.— .The slotted side pieces II 1:, with their top and bottom bars or plates C C, and adjustable iipriijlus E E, as arranged and combined with the reversible pluughs II H, as herein described and for the pnrjjoses set forth. 2. — The slotted side pieces B B, with their- bars C C, for the i>urposes set forth. No. 6S,29o.— CHARLES C. CREEK, Liberty, Ind.— Cul'iv.,: r.- /..,.■,,•-, 1867. ' ' I', I,, n, in a corn plough or cultivator I'l I ',11 I '> ! \i. ., iiueted and attached substantially 2.— The I'loiij;!) irons 1! B', having the element b b' b", arranged as shown and described. 3. — The arrangement in a corn plough or cuUivator of the adjustable bar G, with its bolt and nuts Y /, substantially as set lorth for the purpose specified. 4.— In combination with the adjusting bar G F/, the ad- justing arrangement W V v of the tongue on the beam, /.—The frame R, consisting of the elements S s t. in com- l)i]iation with the racks U U and chains V V, admitting of a sli-lit forward or retrograde movement in the ploughs B B' inresiiect to each other and the lieam II. No. 68,678— MARMADl'KL WH.SON, Marouette, Wis. -Con,-C„lt,-v.:to,,.—S,f/.,„/>,r 10, 1S67. Chum.— I.— The levers 11 and 1 used in combination with the loiimie G and cross-bars 1; B' ,,f a cultivator frame, ar- ranged and operating substantially as and for the purpose set 2 — The combination ofthestandardsC C C C with the frame .\ A B B' and braces E E, as and for the purpose set forth. 3. — The clevis attached to the cross-bar B, in combina- tion with the adju.stable tongue G and levers H I, substantial- ly as and for the purpose set forth. No. 72,107.— C. E. STELLEK, Chicago, III.— CkW- vators.-Dcamb.-r 10, 1867. Claim. — I. — The hinged runners J W, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 2. — The slotted sides A A and B B, in combination with the shanks C D E, arranged to be set at diiferent angles, and fastened by set screws Z Z, as described, 3. — The combination of the guide bar E, arranged to be raised and lowered, with rear standards H H and sides A A B B, as descril>ed. 4. — The combination of standards G G, hinged runners J W, and sides A A B B, as set forth. 5. — The shanks U of shovel T, arranged to fit in a socket V, and bar S, in combination with standards G G and cross bar I, as and for the purpose set forth. 6. — The double evener L, arranged substantially as set forth. 7. — The double evener L, in combination with braces O O and P P, with or without braces Y. substantially as set forth. No. 72,622.— J. T. FRANK EBERGER, Henslv, III. -Cultivators.— Dec, mlh-r 24, 1S67. Claim.— I.— The combination of the beams G G, when hinged at their front ends to the bar A, substantially in the manner set forth. 2. — The beams G G, when combined with the standards H, the handles R, and bars F and .\. the whole constructed and operating substaiili.ilh as hnrin il,. „ No. 83,111.— I. J I Ih iMl'-,, >\ ,,,,.1 \ . K. COLLIER, RiCHWOOD, Ohhi. (,,.',, ,eJ , (',■:,/ I 5, 1868. Claim.— The cuml.iu.iUun ui a i|uadruple plough or culti- vator, of the inner movable beams B B, staples b b, rod F, ])lates D D, outer stationary beams B' B', tongue A, plate I, and handles L L, all applied in the manner and for the pur- pose set fortli. No. 84,165.— HORACE C. BRIGGS, West Auburn, Me.— //oein^ Machines.— Norember 17, 1868. Claim.— l'.— The combination of the cross bars A and B, djusta- mtially t forth. CULTIVATORS-STRADDLE-ROW. tially as herein shown and described, and for the purpose set forth. 4 — The combination of the adjust-ible bar or shde L v, ith the hin^ 1 I n u k m 1 fiont cro ■, bii \ siibstantnlly as hucni I I in It I thL iuiju LSLt r.uth N ssol II \i \i \ u I I (lllli — Cu// I i&oS Ch) 111 1 Lultmt 1 t thL 1 Ijll til li lon^MLiin II ji mIl 1 withmolil pl( n^hs.Lioss beams h and C, and standaids D, also pro\ided with plou^dis w hen the se\eial paits hei cm named aie crnstuiUed, combined and an it' i 1 i tl ) uiposc specilied N< 's I M \NOR Town SHIl 1 I 1 1869 Chill I at of the piotect mgboiid I 1 Li ji L s( 1 mil pieces L E, to which thtboaids A A' aie conni.Lti-d by pivots ^, when constiucted and applied substantially in the inannei and foi the purpose specihcd No ., N I II W \ W I I OHIO — Com 1 i I 1869 Clu I ims A A, ci , 1 t 1 '1 ' 11 1 U IV joint liac i alU n tiULt 1 an I ipi h d in the mannei and foi the puipase heiein described 2— Th ainn m^nt if the imi! ei G hook^', staples /; h beam V ^ > 1 ' t-i 1 laids D D' joint hnl 1 md apjihed md III Uiltt 1 uj Lhii I — 1 1 mis b, in eorabination with the chain ] I I 1 I le bohs C links D, and fiame \ as heieii I 11 I I 1 tl puipo e specified 2— In e mlimtim with the il x tii In II I adjustable bars H and chain I a li 1 11 il 1 1 ili purpose specihed No 91,718— ROBLkl D ei \I 1 1 \ 1 1 1, 1 1 — CuUivalors.—Jnne 22, 1869. Claim.— The side rails A A, cross pieces B B, C C, tongue D, shovels E E E E, rods b, braces c c, brace G, and ad juster ^, respectively constructed and arranL,'ed, a-; set forth. No. 94,350.— ZACHARIAH H. SIMS, I! . ;iiam, Te.x. — Cotton Ploughs. — August 31, iS 19. Claim. — I. — The curved flange^ 1' .'.in ei.nil iii.ilion with the ploughs F F, all constructed and operated as described. 2. — The flanged protector d, in combination with the curved flanges a a, as and for the purpose set forth. 3. — The ploughs F F, in combination with the curved flanges a a, and protector U, as and for the purpose set forth. 4. — The plough tooth I, in combination with the ploughs F F, all constru'cleil, arranged, and operated in the manner and for i'wi |mr| .(.,:- si forth. No. 5.51;,. — / \i IIAK.I.\H B. SIM.S, BoNHAiw, Tex. — CoHoii r;o:iJ:... ,|.j,350, Aupisi 31, 1869; July 29, 1873; tiled J/r./ 20, 1S7I. Claim.— I— r,i; , uived flanges K K combined with the ploughs I ; I ;, .111. i.intially as described. 2.— Tlij icni A alilc curved flanges K K .adapted to be bolted or ollierwise attached to the ploughs G G, substan- lially as set forth. 3. — The plough tooth I, in combination with the ploughs G I'l, constructed, arranged, and operating substantially as described. 4. — The flanged protector d, in combination with the curved flanges K K, as and for the purpose specified. 5. — The plouL'lis (.; ( ;, in eoinbination with the curved flanges KK a,id M-t ■-■ ■ ; 1 1', .i- set forth. No. 94,490.- ! I .\ W.VTEKLciO, iNl). —Double Cur J. , ,. ;. 1869. Claim. — I. — 1 lie li^..,i ,,.,,^„ .;, ..., ..ii.l for the purposes set forth. 2. — The combination of the head blod H, the sub beams I) D, and the posts C C, with the .sheaths I I, the rever- sible iliiij': T" F . : I M 1 guards G G, in the manner and for thepui]' '. ;i .ilied. 3.— I ii 11 of the posts C C, sub beams D I) and linii-ii, i: |;, -nl^.tantially as .set forth. 95,044.- JOHN J. RAY and JAMES R. YOUNG, New Orleans, La. — Cultivating Hoes. — September 21, 1869 Chun — The bh les \ connected and supported by posts, I I I I II I 1 I nil 111 the iii^uhi arrangement I nil \^ i mt 1 md wheels all K I 1 l'\ 1 il|\M('\ Nlw Ibiria, 1 \ — ' ' 5 '"^70 Chii ' 1 111 eulliMtii e instructed, arran^ 1 1 1 i.lU 1 heiein hoHU aud desculie .1 1 I i 1 1 1 t 1 ith No ioi 693 — KLL 1 1 \ W 11 iki NG IrosIECT, Ohio —L ultit atois — Ij 1 1 s 1^70 Claim— I — rhe i.le |i \ \ 111 emibination with cross 1 1 1 1 ( 1 1 1 «hen con- struete 1 t 1 itli 2 — 1 1 1 II 1 < 1 1 ' /,', hinge III bined n I (leseiibed No ' I WONG, Friar's POIM I l\ 12 1870 Chilli I I I 1 1 11 I I I in combination withsciajei L 1 1 1 loii^ii ( ( iinnged in the manner and for the puipose set forth 2 — A cultnator consisting of slotted beam A, handles B B standaid C bais D D', scrapeis E E, ploughs G G, and thumb sCi^w s a <7, all constructed and ai ranged as shown md descubed No loS 3S4 — ri( FRO r NORTON PRMncCiTY, InW \ - C ' iS tS-t Cl II I I ploughs F H Kill 1 I 11 B and jointed dou 1 tl I \ ' I \ II I le cribed foi the ' ""^ ''5557— CICEKO P NORTON, Prairie City, 1 « V assi^no. to II1IAMA.R P PILLSBUR\ , MoN- I 1 I I In —Lull ;'«i— 108384— 0(/o/;o 18, 1870. Ill IS likl>/, 22 1873 1 III 1 \ I md lunncis L auapged, 1 II 1 I 111 II ithei ide of the mam flame L , I 1 11 I III 1 I 1 h im d and either plou III I I 1 I II I 1 uilhiutdi turb- ing th I I I III h th 1 01 with the Uipo e 1 elil I No io8 5i8—MO'5LS RELD, Little KoLK Arkan- sas —Utton and Coin Cultivators —Octobtr 18, 1879. Claim — I — The combination of the arms r/ and staples G when au mge I in a cotton cultivatoi substantially as and forthepuipo t spetihed 2 — The combination ot the hairovv A s gment F, set stiew I mlhinllell when eonstiuet^d sub tantially as N I 1 I I \|i \\1 1 Mil I M \N Mm riNS- viLLi i \ I. ^ / — /' ini ?•() 1^79 Chim — llie in in^ements ot two sets ol shovels S ad- ju table oblique beam B and cioss beams A A « hen con- stiucted and opeiating as herein described, and for the pur- poees set forth No II J 109— MICH \EL STOLE CoNrsr^t A Town- ship P\ , assignor to himself and lACOB G PETERS, same place — Cultn ator^ — ^fa,,/,z?. 1 87 1 Ctiiiii Ml I. till II 11 111 I nil 11 lit f th three cur\e 1 I 1 I I 1 1 I 1 il I he pok ^ I I I ih M iiiial pan will I 111 I'l I 11 1 , II 111 1 i| 1 II liolt- the outei side of eieli 111 1 opeiatmg in the mannei shown and ft 1 1 1 1 1 1 No 113223— JACOI ^ 111 ) IV Mill LiNroWN, Pa. — Cultivitoi —Marc'i2't> iS^i Claim —The cioss bai d pio\ided with aseries of grooves 01 notehe to icCeu e the sprin^, shani "• b b of the shovels e c, and w 11 I I' I I 1 I f 1 the ehmp 1 ilt /" / all ar- lan, I I I 1 me .1,1 li n w ith the beam byniiMii 111 1 1 11 111 I liiiil jltheleini is set forth. CU LT I VATORS-ST RADDLE- ROW. No. 116.776.— JAMES J. •PHOMPSON, Columrus, Ohio. — Ciillivators.—July 4, 1 87 1 . Cl.iim. — I, — The boxes ,^. cnmposed of cells r .ind flanges _j/' y _)'* V^ in comWn^itinn with ■^^hovcl ^Inndnnk. henms, .nnd the confining bolts .v, ,iili~t,inti.illv ,1, .lr,riilK-il. 2. — The combination ..I \\w .lull y.-V- \. licinis 11 11, joints / A sectional .Trcli ( 1 , |.,int^ 7', ji 1), and loosely connected brace K, all constructed arranged, and operating substantially in the manner and for the purpose de- scribed. 3. — The combin.ition of the removable diagonal braces P P, brace E, hinged arch C C, beam A, and swinging side beams 15 H, substantially as and for the purpose described. No. 117,608.— SIMON A. CUMMINS, Vienna, N. J. —Ploii!;hs.—A)4Susl I, 187 1. Claim. — I. — The arrangements of the slotted frame B, ad- justable ploughs A A, adjustable colters D D, bars e' e', guards M M, and bars e e, substantially as and for the pur- pose set forth. 2 The adjustable bars e e and curved guards M M, in combination with the slotted main frame B and ploughs A A, combined and operating substantially as set forth. 3. — The tongue E, cross bar F, and thill iron f, in com- bination with the ploughs A A, frame B, and adjusting bars K K, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 4. — The tongue E, cross bar F, coupling /, and braces k h, in combination with the ploughs A A, main frame B, and adjustable bars K K, substantially as and for the purpose specified. No. 118,000.— THOMAS J. ELLIS, Decateur, III.— Cultivators. — August 15, 1871. Claim.— The shaft F, knee H. handles h h, .standards I I', rods K K K' K'. braces D D E E, and hinges h I, h' /,', in combination with the standards C C C'' C and forked pole A, substantially as and for the purpose hereinbefore set set forth. No. 118,549.— GEORGE W. OWENS, Fairfield, Iowa.— Cultivators.— Aii-nst 27, 1871. Claim, — The arrangeuienl of tlie cultivators A A, coupling device E E F, self adju>ting clod fenders B C C C," and spring D, as set forth and described. No. 119,904.— HENY WELD, Black Walnut, III. — Cultivators. — October 10, 1 87 1. Claim. — The combination of the double tree C, single tree d, the lever <-, the L, shaped adjusting plates e, and the ploughs E, all mounted upon the beams A and arranged to operate as set forth. No. 124,241.— WILLIAM W. ANDREW. La Porte, Ind. — Antedated February 22, 1872, — Cultivators. — March 5> 1872. Claim. — In combination with the central beam A, the draft attachment consisting of the bars O O', having central enlargement 0, brace T, and the vertical adjustable pieces P, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. 128,497.— ROBERT E. MASON, Norway, III.— Culiiators.—Jtily 2, 1872. Claim. — The combination of the shovel and gopher share D, made of one piece of metal, .substantially as described. No. 134,824.— AUGUSTUS C, TOWER, Mendota, III. — Cultivators.— Jamtary 14, 1873. Claim I. — The series of knives a (7 set at an angle, as de- scribed, and adapted to work upon each side of the hill, substantially as described. 2. — The combination, in a cultivating machine, .of the following elements — i. e.: A pair of beams adapted to operate upon each side of a row of corn, having a series of curved inclined knives set at an angle, as described, a pair of following smoothing beams and suitable means for con- necting the two substantially as described. 3. — The combination, in a cultivating machine, ul the following elements — i. e.: A pair of beams having knives a a, substantially as described, a pair of following smooth- ing beams, means for connecting said beams, and teeth adapted to pass the hill on each side and remove the clods, substantially as described 4. — In a machine of substantially the described construc- tion, an adjustable rod, D, carrying adjustable harrow teeth arranged one in advance of the other, substantially as de- scribed. No. 135.165.- ZACIIARIAII B. SIMS, Hcniiam, Tex. -Cultivators.— January 21, 1873. Claim. — The combination of the nn!;ulnr sliainxl iron P..'int,m1s:'' , ,v ,. ~ , .,'. ,S73 Claim. — 'I I'. ( • .iiil.:;' Ill III pl.iio F, grooves f ,■ an I n 1 ' 1 (/"a", asan.l loi ilir , n, ! ..I. No. 137,609— ^^R I ,s M, ll.M.l,. Vates City, III.— Adjustable Brace Coup!iiii;s. — .\hril ^, 1873. Filed March 8,1873. Claim.- Tin- f-omlM-.-ii ni of I'lr 'm-i- r,i'- .\ .\ bent, as dc-..a-,l., ,'. ; . ■ ..■•I 1' '. 1' ■ ... ^ ., II , ■), curved ends uith the beads tsC to forn, .u, ,,,l|ii 1,1.1, i„, ,-,-.,. I, |.hin,,n ina.ii, .iilorth. No. 141.1.1=; — I )|.l\ l.l; kli(.l,l':K, Kaiutan, assignor to liim-.ll, I \\li:s II. .M.IAflLEY, .and JACOH VAN Fl |-.i:r, (•niM,,x, an.l bUlN A. TI lOMI'.SI )N, Red- DlNcioN, i\. l. — («///rff/,.rf.— ////)' 22, 1873. F''«l Sef- tcmbcr 14, 1872. Concave scrapers are attached to runners, which converge in the rear. These are followed by shorter scrapers or shares, which throw the clean soil louar.i the row of plants. Cbim.— I.— The >..... !.ii. n - nl, il... ..ailna. i-. 1 I„ of arms M M, arrange. I .1 i 1 . 1: ;iini,.,. -i...!!.. .1. 2.— The hook cIkiih I, ..a 1.1 .|. . nn,- , n.l .,1 I ..n 1, ring h. assi.^nc.r tolnni,..;lf, 1 A M l.S I 1. M.CAll K^• an.l I.VCOB VAN FLEET, Clinhin, and JOHN A. TlIOMP.SlIN, Reddington, N. ].— Cultivator's.— July 22, 1873. Filed Ju„c 24, 1S73. (Jaim. — I— The combination of the runners A A, front aii.l I. M iin.l.uiK r. 1; . , r.iss bars C C, center draft beam D. .1 ' I 1 1 1 : unite the cultivator fraine, sub- own adjustable bar lalcrally adjustable K K, slolte.l as dc- as and for the pur- H, Willi lln- |..,.VM,n.l ., inu r...| bar 1. |.l..xv ^ I |. |.im.i-..|, an.l Inl.l l.y Vin- .,r ,. poses herein set forth. No. 145,862.— JOHN LINDSEY GRAHAM, Cartii- A(3E, III. — Ploui^hs. — December 23, 1873. Filed Jauuarv 27, 1873. Claim. — 1, III. I ill 1: R' R'', con.structed in the form shown, an.l .III '1 1 iii ! 1 .ime by bolts S S', arranged as th the teeth 1, I,' the Xo. I52,77,S.-A. sulistantially as described. No. 159,842.— J. H. RICE, KEiTHsmiRr, III — Cul- tivalors.— February l6, \^T^. Fil.-d /).■.-,■,../.■; 20, 1875. Claim.— The angular fram,.. \ 11 c. . KiNin.; IimmII,.. f), in combination with the arelu-. I 1. 1. 1 ./, I. n u..; 1 \i ■ . 1.. .11 in.;,, /), uponeach fr.ame, .and the piv..|...l t..r-. I' ami .liili .li'vice, all constructe.l .as an.l for the | .1. 1 , . , , !,. . ;. ;.. 11 .1 No. 161,882. -I, -IMIKMU I: . i-. . I 1 nx. — C.>///t'.;/.'; .;.— .-///v/ 13, 1S75 lil. i i.) I'-o^. two flexible . ... ii- . ( .' ■ - ||. n-. •! . 1 1 ' .■■ iv i....lh- F,a pairof s, 1 ' v ■ 1: 1, ' r. nor shovel-s, M, -. I 'I, " I ..II I ..',..,.,. . ; .. —2.— The i.iN..i...i..i a.ljii-l.iM.. i,.i|.. I, (,Jni,;..-.| n.lhe standards J, in combination with the adjusting screw K, hinged to the arm L, substantially as and for the purpose descrilied. No. 168,074.— HENRY WINFIELD and WM. P. CULTIVATORS-STRADDLE-ROW. ;any,Ohio. — mber 9, 1875. FLVNN, Pantego, N. Z.— Cultivators.— September 21, 1875. Filed y««. 5, 1875. Claim. — In a cotton cultivator, the slotted bars C C, lat- erally adjustable on the beam A, in combination with the standards I) C, wiUi showl I- ,: !in MM in il,r ^l^i, of the lur.C (■', ,ul,-taiin,dlv a- ,1: ,;;,., :,,nh. X... I6S,2^,6.-I. a; dll-Ml-.. ■: , l:i ^i.:..!.,N, N. J. — Cu!li-.\-.tori.—S,pt.:iiiba 2S, 1^)73. I lied August 20, 1875. Claim. — I.— The combination with the runner frame A R C, having the slotted wings H, of the adjustable plough beams d V,, proYidod with the spring straps a a and the bull, /' /). all suli^lantially as and for the purposes herein 2. — In c.iiiiliiiiatinn » illi a plow, I, having a round shank, /i,theslnii ,'1, :,, . , -;,,!i 1 ,,1.|,. . , ^^i ill" parallel flanges « «, sti i ii^lructed substan- tiallya.,,, . : ,, •. :■:, ,. : ,,,. ,■ i,.,,1k No. 10.,,..--, --,1 < .: :d'-i l;iii I Coml/i,,,.: ■ i:.i N„rro:i.s Filed .hi I ■■■■-.. i:-;-^ Claim -li>n of the beams .\, the slotted up- rights F an.: Li, liie |.i'..jicd draft bars H, and the braces K, with each other, in substantially the manner herein shown and described. No. 170,778.— TIMOTHY M.SHAW,LF.iiANON,TENN. — Gang- Ploughs. — December "J, 1875. Filed September \o, 1875- Claim. — 1 he combination of the handles B B and bars C, jiivotcd couplings e' . coupling blocks E, and vertical mova- lili i' I !i !i ■' iti! ill. I lough beams A, having the several i'i'i I ' ; ' i. I I liy the beams and handles may be I i, 11 4I1S opposite or in advance of one .in -r.i 1, rn I 'I) ..-' ■ -:\ forth. No. I7^,.)S=;. -Till i\IAS T. HOOVER and TAMES T. IIENDKRv .\, Wm ii.iiuRY. TEtin.— Ploughs.— April 11,1876. i lied f.uunirv I4, 1876. Claim —111 ciniliinnliMn. with the beam A. hnndh-s R, ami longitudinal I 1, llv li.nt arm- 1 ' 1 '. I'M..- < ", dmvel- I-'. and'di^ < ;, -uii^intiallv a- Ikhiii - t riMili No. iS.3,j5-V — iild\d-,R Klin.i-.K. Ii I Mi\<,]oN, N. I,, assignor of pan of his right to |. 1). .\k C L LLi';\' and MATILDA VAN Yl.V.K\\—Cu/tivators.—July 25, 1876. Filed June 7, 1876. Claim.— 1.— The combination, with the beams G G and standard I'., lili Lm- H, secured to the standard, and having,. \; ..', forming springs, which are con- nected 1 m!, i ': i ., substantially as and for the pur- poses llee e, ■• i '■ " ' 2.— I'l 1 : I liie iindardsB B' the beams G G, coriii I I : 1 . i!i jiiii . f the clevis, and the cross barl, j.i i. 1: . .,.:, .1. I 1 i .1- X, and the adjusting bolts and mil, ,1 ,.', .di iu:.,niiLi,dly .as and for the purpose herein set forth. No. 181,654.— J, R nUNLAP, Sherman, U.\..— Com- bined Ciillivatyrs and Harrows. — Au-^iisl 29, 1 876. Filed March 6, 1 87 6. Claim.— I.— The combination of the crank axles D and the rotary cutters E with the bar C and the V harrow A 1!, substantially as herein shown and described. 2. — The combination of the cross bar F and the lever G with the crank axles D, the rotary cutters E, the cross bar C, and the harrow A B, substantially as herein shown and de- scribed, 3. — d h. > .iimI.iii 11 .if ilie lever K and pivoted bar L with th 1 ' . 1 I , ', .\ .\ 1:, and the ploughs 1 J, sub- stantiallv .in aiirl d.'scribcd. 4. — 1 ! il 111 111 r tlv; 1 11 voted Imrs M with the cross bar C, tlie \ iioL.n I,-, 1 i;. ind the 1 .iinii-d bar L, die part raised, and an offset at t!ic end of said r.aised middle part, in cimliination with the V harrow A B and the levers (.; K, sulistantially as herein shown and described. No. 182,953.— JOHN PALCER,Ei. Dorado, Iowa.— Cu:liv.!lor':.. — O,!oh:,i, 1S76, I'dled .SV/.VwAv I4, 1876. ('Iiim — I'lie e iiinatinn. willi the front .and rear trans- K, iii,.iii;,v ■r,ely iliioiigh thesaid liars, and the pen- i dent eye rod K, having collars, as described, of the indepen- dent adjustalile |)lough beams F and G, having the plates or ears I, provided with a .series of elong.ated openings, J, substantially as shown and descrilied, for'the object specified. No. 191,613. MALACHIAH ROBY, Kosciusko, Miss. — Combined Cotton Scrapers and Cultivators. ^June S, 1877. Filed April Tfi, 1877. Claim. — The combination of the cross bars B D, the side beams C and their ploughs and standards, the bows and yokes E, the scrapers F G, and the bands H with each oth- er and with the central beam A, substantially as herein shown and described. No. 222,087.— BYRON B SMALL, North Lubec,Me. — Combined Horse Hoes and Cultivators. — A^ovember 25, 1879. Filedy«/^8, 1879. Claim.— The tongue A and end slotted cross bars BCD, in combination with standards F, ploughs G, standards H, and hoes I, all constructed and arranged to operate as de- scribed. No. 228,853.- RICHARD G. S. AUSTIN, Pine Bluff, Ark.— Co//fl« Cultivators.— June is, iSSo. Filed May 4, iSSo. Claim. — I. — In a straddle row cultivator, the combina- tion with the two semi circular wings C and the tongue arches A, of the pivoteil anns or frames D, adapted to slide upon the curved liars of said wings and be held adjustably thereon by the plates c, and set screws d, connecting the frames D to said wings substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 2. — In a straddle row cultivator, the combination, with the tongue arches A A, having inwardly projecting portions a of the semi-circular wings C, carrying the pivoted standard arms or frames D, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. 2-,6,970.— I;|i II \KI 1 1; S. AUSTIN, PineBluef, Ark.— (■./.','« ( v. i e 1 August 17, 1880. Claim. — The I ; ,, ,: h the frame A, composed of seniicirenlar \Miu I', eei ; : ' ', iinde in one piece, of til.' lieaiii I>. li.,ii;, ! ! . I ;i .i. :i beams H, carrying -i.iiidaoN b, li.e. ei I' .'ii. ■,:■:!,:, Iilysecured to satd No. 237,523.— t,/KA .S. MiEWEN, LISBON, and OLIVER R. ADAMS, Marseilles, \-l\..— Cultivators. Filed June 24, 1880. Claim. — I . — The plough standards G, adjustably attached to the main frame by the bent rods I, in combination with plough beams and suitable mechanism for attaching them to the main frame, which permits them to be adjusted laterally substantially as and for the purpose descriced. 2. — The plough standards G, adjustably attached to the main frame by the bent rods I, in combination with the plough beams F, adjustably attached to the main frame by couphngs f, substintnlh as and foi the pui-pose described. 3.— In 1 1 iillmloi, 1 Iihdi, 111 inmliinrtion with a fixed couplin^ M ' Il iMii^ II im im - it it Us outer end, and a shoeareli. it 110 | iiduitblln imi nUv of the coup- ling bio. I, 11,1 iil|ii,lilih atliiled th, i.toiiy means of a boit and I ,h t li.U.miiii; th, uii\ ilui ,i| the arch, and also ailjustibh ,.11 thL liliil, li\ 111, 111 I \ 111, Ills of a pivotal bolt .atcmeend iiidslot .It th. olhei, ^ulistantirlly as and for the puipose desciibcd. 4. — The blade J and the convex shoe K, provided with the pivot bolt k and slots k'^ and /, in combination with the couplinc; bloek M.haMne the c.mcave seat «'-, and with the stan.hi I . I I 1 I ill I I I loi the purposes described. 5. — II I I I 1 , ,1 as described, and pro- vided \\ 1 I lions rt", for the purpose of making ill, |il .u^li I, i.i.lle lii,iiU\ and vertically adjusta- ble indepLndenth .,f .ach ..ihei No. 242.508,— ( 11 VRLES II CARTER, Stranger, Tex.— fflwi'/n -l-iii 7, 1S81. Filed April ^, 1881. Claim. — In a ] ! ' 1' iiiluiiation of the twobeams A, provided with th 1 1'., which have their mould boards turned 1 i.ns, thetwo outside beams, G, having the sh.,^ 1 m I t them, and which are made to run deeper and in theieai of the ploughs and to throw the dirt inward toward the plants, the two beams A being ad- justable between the two outer beams, substantially as shown and described. cut. TIVA TORS— TEE TH. Plate Claim Phi, Shim PhU- Chim Aiken, G. C. 5'3 ISO Granberry, A. R. and El- Moodv, I. H. 523 '52 Aiken, C;. C. 5>5 150 liott, J. 535 ''^5 Morrise.n, W. 5'4 150 Alvord, C. 521 15' Green, W. W. 5'2 150 Odell, R. P., Jr, 535 '=5 Bannigan, J. C. 538 '55 Hamilton, T. F. 530 ■53 Owen, L H. 541 .56 Beckwith, W. G. 524 152 Hammon, T. \V. 5'5 150 Owen,'D. C. 545 '57 Beckwith, S. 52s 153 Hammon, H. B. 5'3 150 Parmele, E. and Curken Bertrand, F. T. 543 '57 Harding, T. 526 '53 dall, G. 532 '54 Billings, R. F. 538 '55 Harris, J. 522 '52 Peck, S. ';4i 156 Birdsell, J. 507 149 " " (R.) 522 152 Perry, G. 526 '53 Birmingham, G. B. 536 155 " " (R.) 523 152 Pickering. I. P. 537 '55 Brown, W. I'. 546 '57 Harris, J. 537 '55 Pierpont. J. 525 152 Buckingham, C. P. 539 156 Hartgrove, W. 534 '54 Pieriiont, J. and Tuttle Bucklin, M. S>i '49 Hewett, C. P. 537 '55 •S. .s. 528 '53 Burnett, R. A. 547 158 Hewett, C. P. 53> '55 Readv, W. v.. 520 '5' BushncU, S. S. 533 '54 Hisert, B. F. 5'8 '5' Rogers, I). li. 5c8 '49 Cameron, J. F. 512 150 Hoffeditz, y. C. 5'7 '5' (R.) 50S '49 Carnagy, A. P. 534 '54 Honey, J. S. 50S '49 " .' (R.) 508 149 Carson. 11. 543 ■56 Hooker, H. T. 5'5 i;o Rogers, D. P., .S. and L. 5" '■i9 Children, E. 536 '55 Houston, T. I. 535 '55 Rogers. 1). B. 5 '3 ISO Clark, P. 507 149 Hurlbert, W."M. 522 '52 Rogers, L. 519 '5' Coll, J. R. 5^0 156 Hyers, B. .S. 523 152 Rowell, I. S. and I. 516 150 Cramer, J. P. 510 '49 Ingraham, H. 516 150 '• "" " (K. 'i"7 150 Custer, G. 514 150 Johnson, M. 54' 156 Rowell. (;. D. 536 '55 Daley, 1.. 529 '53 Kelly, W. H. 5>5 150 Kowell.G. I). 540 15b Deaii, I). 520 '5' Kendall, F. B. 544 '57 Rowell. I. S. 545 '57 I)e Turk, |. I). 5'9 '5' Knowlton, W. A. 543 '57 Snnders.'H. 5'2 '5° Diekev, \V. H. 544 '57 Lafferty, J. W. and Brown Savre, C. H. 510 '49 Dicke'v, W. H. 5,4 '57 G. B. 544 '57 Sayre.C.H.andKlinck.t; 509 '49 Diekev, W. II. 543 '57 Lamborn, L. 509 '49 '■ '■ (R. 509 '49 Drvden, W. A. .,n d Turn- Lawbaugh, G. W. 525 '52 Sayre, C. H. 5'3 ISO ' liull, J. M. 524 '52 Leonard, E. 536 '55 Seward, E. 51S '5' Dry.len, \V. A. 52s '53 Little, T. R. 527 '53 .Smith, G. II. 53' '54 E,astman,J. S. 507 149 Little, j. R. 527 '53 Sniiler, S. 530 '54 Eddelman, I). 529 '53 Lowth, M. F, and Howe Speer, W. W. 547 158 Elhvood, K. L. 540 156 T.J. 5'9 '5' Stevens. C. M. 546 '57 Eslerly, G. \V. and Van De Lowth, M. F. and Howe Stoekdale, J. 509 "49 Water, J. 533 '54 T.J. 521 151 Stover, D. C. 520 15' Evans, D. Z. 531 '54 Lowth, .\I. F. and Porter Stroud, W. D. 5-9 '53 Everest, D. O. 546 158 0. H. 529 '53 Stroud, (;. F. 533 •54 Flynn, J. 537 '55 Lu,,pen, L. 527 '53 Thomas, J. II. and J. W. 534 ■54 Ford, W. P. and T H. 5" 149 Luppen, I.. 527 '53 Tollev, F. W. 533 '54 Ford, S. H. 542 '56 Lynch, E. P. and Wright Town', li. 54' 'Sf- I'orsvthe, F. R. 5'o 149 E. A. 538 '55 Turner. J. and Smith, T. V 5'4 150 Fountain,;. 1,. 516 '5° (R.) 539 '55 Van r.r.icklin, li. 524 '52 Fowler, J. and lia con, F. Lynch, E. P. and Wright Van lirunt. G. W. 521 '52 M. 516 150 E. A. 540 156 Van Brunt, W. A. am Francisco, H. 515 '5° McCall, E. R. 545 157 DaNis, S. E. 542 156 Francisco, H. 5>4 150 McCleu, |. J. 547 .58 Watson, C. II. 532 '54 Freeman, E. L. 510 '49 McCoUesler, B. F. 521 '5' We.t, K. and Paul, II. F. 5 '9 '5' Freeman, E. L. 523 '52 McSherry, 1). E. 53' '54 Wheat, M. K. 538 '55 French, II. F. 524 '52 Mallon, I. and Von Phul Wlnte, M. F. 534 '54 Friherg, A. 51S '5' H., "Ir. 530 '54 Wilkinson, |. E. 539 156 Friberg, A. 532 '54 Matteson, D. C. and Wil Wood, J. 531 '54 Gardner, C. O. 542 156 liamson, T. P. 5'7 '5' Wo.>d L. S. 545 '57 Gaston, H. A. 520 '5' ' (R- 518 15' Workman, W. and Hitch Garnett, T- M. (A I-) 507 '49 Maynard, G. 5" 150 cock, J. 528 '53 Gerlwr, /. 52S '53 Miller, H, 525 ■52 '• •■ (R. 546 •53 tJerher, J. 526 '53 Miner, J. G. 526 '53 Zeiglcr. t;. W. 5>7 151 (iorham, .M. L. 532 '54 Mitchell. J. 539 156 Zeigler. (i. W. 522 152 CULTIVATORS-TEETH. PKTER CLARK, Aurora, N. Y — Cultivator Teeth.— Atisciist 20, 1831;. Claim. — Tlie peculiar formation of the tooth without a flange, the mode of fastening it and giving it a forward di- rection suited to the graduated width of the horrow and the method of graduating the same. I. S. E.VSTMAN, Baltimore, U-D.—Cullhaloy —Jutif 2,0, 1836. Claim. — I. — The construction of the leg or shank and the manner of fastening it to the wood or frame. 2. — The manner of attaching the share to the leg by means of the straight groove and bolt as shown. No. 14.— I. M. GARNETT, Essex, \ k.— Cultivator Tcith.—Octoberl/^, 1838.— (A. I.) to patent of Fe/iruary 3. 1836. Claim. — The removable point on the double mould board plough of iron and the mode of attaching the two togethei. No. 3,819.— J. BIRDSELL, Hamorto.n, P.\ — Cultivator Teeth— .\o%K-ml>er 9, 1844. Claim. — The self sharpening convex cutter constructed, substantially as herein set forth in combination with thecul- tiv.itor tooth in the manner and for the purpose described. No. 4,24s— D. B. ROGERS, Stafford, X. \.— Cul- tivator— \ov.m/>er I, 1845. Claim. — The shank of the tooth so formed of thin metal as to receive a wedge in its recess in the manner described for the purpose of firmly connecting it with the beam in all directions as set forth. No. 815.— D. B. ROGERS, Stafford, N. Y.— Culti- vttor Teeth. — .Wn'em/ier I, 1845. Reissued Septewher 20, 1859. (. laim. — Making the shank or upper part of cultivator teeth of thin plate steel, U shaped, or curved round in front, substantially as hereinbefore described, for the purpose of securing the necessarv strength to permit the tooth to be m.ade, entire hank and blade of a single piece of metal, and also of enabling the tooth to be secured in its place in the beam by means of a wedge driven into the cavity of the shank, substantially as hereinbefore described. No. 1,274.— DAVID B. ROGERS, Ai.i.ECHANY, Pa.— Cultivator Teeth— Xovem/hr I, 1S45. Reissued &/.««/v;- 20, 1859, extended; again reissued Febru iry 11, 1862. Claim. — I. — Making cultivator teeth entire of thin pl.ite steel, the shank or upper part being Ijent or curved round in front, substantially as described and for the purposes set forth, irrespective of the mode of attaching the tooth to the beam . 2. — Attaching cultivator teeth to the cultivator frame by inserting the upper end of the shank (curved round in front for that purpose) into a suitable hole in the beam, and driving a key or wedge into the cavity of (he tooth, thereby i pressing the shank against the sides and front of the hole in ] the beam, and thus securing it in its place. | No. 6,336— J. S. HONEY, Hartford, Conn.— Cultivator Teeth— Apiil \-], 1849 Claim. — The self-sharpening four pointed plate for a cul- tivator, with its iron bed, each of the four to be used successively, but when two have been used the plate is to lie | turned over, bottom side up. (that is, the rear made front,) 1 in order to use the o;her two. No. 7,220 L L.\MBORN, Kf.nnett Square, Pa. — Cultivator Teeth.— March 26, 1850. Claim. — The manner of constructing the cultivator tooth, substantially as described, by which a separate steel cutter is eml raced between the two halves of the tooth, remova- 1 ble at pleasure, and by which wedges can be applied against i the shoulder ■; of the tooth and the under side of the beam, for the purpose of changing the angle of inclination of the share, in order to increase or diminish the depth of culture, the tooth turning on the bolt passing through the of the same, and the beam, whilst inserting the wedges, the wings of the tooth being secured to the four sided changeable ■ share, by meansof screws and nuts or other equivalent means. No. 12,332. -J. STOCKDALE, Ypsh.anti, Mi ch.— Cultivator Teeth. — January 30, 1 855. Claim. — The reversible cast iron plate, marked fig. 2, with the groove on the under side, marked K, round cast iron ~tay pin on the upper side G. Also the application of the top of the cultivator tooth in th-.- groove aforesaid. Also the application of the wrought iron bolt or shank passing through the said plate as described. No. 14.254.— C. H. SAYRE and G KLINCK, Utica, N. Y Cultivator Teeth.— February 12, 1S56. Claim. — So constructing a cultiv.itor tooth that, when m.a(le of thin or sheet metal, a part thereof shall form a tubu- lar shank B, whereby said tooth may be drawn up and securely attached to the frame substantially as described. No. 3,477.— CHARLES H. SAYRE, for himself, aud THE REMINGTON AGRICULTURAL WORKS, Utica, N. Y., assignees, by mesne assignments of CHARLES H. SAYRE and GEORGE KLINCK— C«/- tivator Teeth. — 14,254. — February 12, 1856. Reissued June, 1869. Claim. — I. — So constructing a cultivator tooth, that when made of thin or sheet metal, a part thereof will form a tubu lar shank B, whereby said tooth may be drawn up and se- curely attached to the frame, substantially as described. 2. — Forming shoulders or biaces (j from sheet metal, by bending or swagging it, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 3.— A cultivator tooth made from sheet metal in such a manner as to form braces G and tubular shank B, suljstan- tially as described. 4. — A cultivator tooth made of sheet metal, so as to form a tubu'ar shank, B, and brace G, in combination with the nut F screw thread (?, and plate A, substantially as and for the purpose described. No. 16,364.-]. B. CRAMER assignor to H. CRAMER, SCHUYLERVILLK, N. \ .— Cultivator Teeth.— Jariuarv 6, 1857. Claim. — As a new manufacture my improved cultivator tooth composed of a properly shaped sheet metal blade and shank B, with an iron head A cast upon the shank and em- bracing its outer and inner surfaces in such manner that the said blade shank and head of the tooth will form but a single piece substantially as set forth- No. 17,925.— F. R. FORSYTHE, Cape Vincent, N. \ .—Cultivator Teeth.- .■iui;ust n, 1 857. Claim. — The new manufacture of cultivator teeth, con- sisting of a sheet steel blade, bent to the required form with a cast iron boss li cast thereon, substantially as specified. No. 18,174.— E.L. FREEMAN, assignor to himself, I, and G. LORD S: CO., Watertown, N. Y .—Cultivator Teeth. — September 8, 1857. Claim. — I. — A lopped headed cultivator tooth A, (Fig. 2) made in the manner substantially as hereiu described. 2. — A brace, washer and stay pin (Fig. 3) in one pieca underneath the head substantially .as described for the pur- poses set forth. No. 18,471.— C. H. SAYRE, Utica, N. \ .—Cultivator Teeth.— October 20, 1 857. Claim. — The method described of securing cultivator teeth formed of sheet metal to the frame, by means of a head or cap piece, constructed in the manner substantially as described. No. 19,234.— M. BUCKLIN, Grafton, N. H.—Culti- ator Teeth.— FJiruary 2, 1S58. Claim. — A cultivator tooth having two shares, which rise with a curve so as to form semi-mould boards with their front edges terminating in a single perpendicular plane or cutter, and in combination of said plane or cutter, extend- ing forward with a straight cutting e.lge rising from the points of the shares at an angle of about 32- and termi- nating at the top in a flange on each side connected with the tops of the semi-mould boards, for the purpose of fastening the tooth to the frame of the cultivator. No. 19,584— D. B., S. and L ROGERS, Pittsburg, V.\.— CuttiTa:or Teeth. — .\!.,r h 9, 1858. Claim. — The coml.iiiaiion of teeth, braces, standards, spring clamp and gauge irons with ih.; frame of a culiiv.ator, the whnlelieing cim-tructed and arranged in the manner and forthe purposes set firlh. .\n 22,041.. -\VU.I,I.\M P.FORD and THEODORE II. lORl), ('..N. .,kii, .\. \\.— Cultivator Teeth.— February 15, 1S59. I his inveniion consists in so forming the front edge of a cullivator Inmh thai it shall tend to run iiilo the ground to !he required deplh, and yet shall not Ik- liable to be clogged, 15° CULTIVATORS-TEETH. 1 1 1 lun •\ ll 1 1 tlu 1 top oftlit «in£;stoTethei It piint s) 1 >\\ top to Kctn t a - mil U 1 III t thll ittlK uilut ll 1. n 1 s 11 ilii It 1 1 1 lti\ It 1 1 til 1 11 >. 1 ll tu W 1 s K M \\\ \M) IiluN, N \ 2b, iSi;9 t . I the to .th \, tn\ ( , in I Will 11 \\\ri-R III/ I 5 iS6i I ll I 1 1 1 Lultmt 1 tJutlitlnt till I th IS iiiested l)v nny Mid 1 ll the t3 til will lie iehe\i.(l 1 y .( )7 111 \K\ sVMil / //, — \ It 11,/ , 29 Ib^ 1 —The fliiiLhts ,1 a an 1 nil iiiiiiiiLrMiLsUntnlly I I itl vl N \\slIL v, N II — 1 ^ limit of the h\Lil hu \ 4 414 Wll I 1 \M II kl 1 1 \ 1 \SVM)1K, N , — (. I / I I / t —I. > 27 iS( J Lhim— llKt th 1 1 It i> 111 tiiii s Lilled, the point, CC ind ' ofthel 1111 111 I I i| i 11 k iitiiRt U u tnll\ is desciihed. No 4-i\l \^ ^\!1 \\i LDMLMilLkkl NiwiiRi N \\ —Lulu Uil tit — Jun 26 i860 (.him —I — The coulter A, with the identition or lecess \ L iistiuLtL 1 snhstintiilly as descubed — 11 iiliLi \ 111 Lombimtion With the concaxewing I th tl 1 1 1 lit (i, conbtiticted and opeiated sub t \\ I II \ ,2077 W 11 1 1 \M MORKISON, CHAnD'hFoRii, 1 \ —Liilli ,1 I ll ~ \p ll 16 It)6l ( Inn — \iilti It 1 t th hiMiii; i shaip fiont Ldsjt, lliiii, ik ml 1 Inn I i 1 111 \i liiptd opening al its Ihe I 1 1 beam \, shank liL I iits aie constuicted i I 11 I ises htiein speci- B, brace bai C , and bolt and auanged toopeiate is fied No, 2 909 — 1( )H\ s k( i\\ I 1 I 111 I Ik V K< tW I I I , BhAVll ll\M Wls-t/, // / / // -5(11 2 /iih -i, 1S66 Kli iR I 1// // ,1 1S6S Claim. -Ihe c ml imti n I the 1 ttL 1 Lcam \, shink B, biace Ini C, in 1 bolt I), w lien thi. ]iaits aie c m t111ct1.1l CULTIVATORS-TEETH. On Otil No. sS,533.— C.EORGE \V. ZEIGLER, Tii" —Cii/llv^itor Te^l/i—Octo/vr 2, IS55. Claim — I. — Securing a sliovel or ciillivatnr t< frame by means of a univer-^il :"ip'. ill -n-li ninimcr thnl the shovel can be inclined cii', ' . : l.iii^iiiiliii.illy with respect to its frame sill' I. M , I, .iil..:l. 2. — The concavo-convex ^ , .- i.n ;nr.i ,>ii m- ,l-cuiv(1 I.) a shovel or tooth, substantially as and lor tlie pur|)ose do- 3.- -The combination of the shank a concave plate D, con- vex bolt head,"-, nut c, and a shovel C, or its equivalent, sub- stantially as described. No. 63,893.— J. ^- HOFFEDITZ, Mercerseurg, Pa.— Ctitlhalor Teeth.— January I, 1867. Claim. — The arrangement of the cultivator st.indard C, han 'er B. and wooden pin c, as described and represented. N 1. 63.647.— DON C. MATTESON and T. P. WIL- M.VMSON, Stockton, CAi..— Culi;v.itor Teeth—April <), 1867. Claim— I.— The double pointed .adjustable bit A, and tlie beveled foot of the curved standard C, iLiin^r ,„, tli- -aid bit, ill cambinalion with the double mould biudorshovel 1), tlh i;'i h:iiM ; i,.M i!ii -Mndardandbit, substantially as de- 1 , I . ^hare D, in combination with the niaiui i ..I 111 ii::i: I'lu teith together by bolts passing thnni'Tii till-- muuld board bit or share, substantially as describ- ed. No. 3,097.— DON CARLOS MATTESON and TRU- MAN PANE WILLIAMSON, '~i\-ocv.\-^^^X W-.-Culiira- tor Teeth— Ap?-il (),l%bT—i2iMT- K'i-u.l .In.,./ 2:,. 1868. Claim— I. — The double pointed .nlju i.iMe lui A ..l.v lu.l to the beveled foot of the curved standard and for the purpose specified. 2. — The oblong blade or share D, in combination with the bit .-V, sub.-tantially as described, for the purpose speci- fied. No. 64,657.- ANDREW FRIBERG, Moline, Ii.i..— Cultivator Teeth— May 14, 1S67. Claim — Securing t!ie sliare to the stock by means of the No 75,436.— M. K. LOWTI-i and T. J. HOWE, OvvATONNA, HmK.— Cultivator Teeth.— Afarch 10, 1 868. Claim.— The combination of the beam A, having the mortises m », as described, with the link c, wedge w, and liin-.d tooth T, having the brace B, substantially as and for Ihr I'll 1 1 loses set forth. \i.. 7:;,66 7.— T. D. DE TURK, Exeter, Pa.— 6«/- //,■ .'• /■ ,■■:• TL: . ': 17, 1,-oS, ' 1 . Ml figs. I, 2, 3, and 4, ml 11 I 1 II I . li .liin aior beam, into which ill.' ii.iiih I- I'i 1h iii-i It -.]. iii'l 1,1 lined by the iron hinge bolt (/, ligs, I, 2. and 3, and the wooden pin or key at letter e, figs. 2 and 3, by the use of which the breaking of the tooth can be avoided. Xo. 7C\S)7.--li. r. sTiiVKR, Dayton, Ohio.— OJ- ' ' on - I 11' '■■ ioi_; 1 , iiii.'il between the .shovel B an ! 1 n :ii'! \. I'l ' iiii"ii,ii 'II with a slip joint fastening, .-p^Ll 1 A, the angles \; ith ; the axis of substantially ally unent of said shovel out uf it^ ti as described. No. 78,080.— HENRY A. GASTON, Stockton, Cal. _-r.v"'-:- ■'•'-: _ T.-y ,0, I S68. I ! In 1 I . I :' iiii'.n with an inclined reversible In i in tnod of securing such bit to its ~t 'n " I, ... : nil illv ,i . .nt forth. -; I II in.iion of the series of bits (so applied to til I 111 els) with the cultivator frame or carriage, Mil !'•, I .1 •.nribed. .\' . 7 j^,!, — HAXIEL DEAN, Brighton, Mich.— Ciii/i7,i:or /;,///. — /«;/,' 30, 18 ,8. Claim,— The revJr,ible cullivator tooth A, when con- structed substantially as shown and for the purposes No. 81,503.- WILLIAM B. READY, Sacramento, i\\i..—C„!tiva!or Teeth.— July 28, 1868, Claim — t.— The i;roove c in stock a. as a seat for an ad- I stable ]« 2.— Th' /. form in ■ tooth. ced with holes or slots i i 1 cultiv.itor tooth. loxed stock or support a I'urposes of a cultivator I 1':K, California, Mo. 'I'n.ilile pointed shovel ■ I', li;\in.- Iu"s ,- <■, ,, suli tamially'.as and nd r, I. HOWE, (hVA- 18OS. olt t ' 1 1 I : \ 1 ' , ub,tanliallyas N". 74.cOi.— i.UMA.X Kiil.hRs. I'lrrsnuRG, Pa.— CilLvUr Teeth.— Fel.ruarv i, 18C8; antedated y,7«;M;:j' 23, 1 86;, ( 'lai n. — I. — The rib /; on the back of cultivator teeth or of blades for shovel ploughs, for the purpose of adding strength to tire blade, or for forming a means of attaching it to its standard or frame. 2. — Attaching cultivator teeth or blades of shovel ploughs by means of a bolt in-erted ini'i a rib or ]iroj/etion on the back of the tooth, whinli fii, into a recess ,,r"e|,,i,ve in the st.indard or frame, suS-laiUi illy a, and lor llie purposes described. 3.-Thc I set forth. the bolt through the angle imbination with the drag bar ,, and for the purposes above CULTIVATORS-TEETH. No 86 261 —GEORGE W V\\ BR"U\T Horicin Wlb — Citltiva/ors ^Janttarv 26, 1S69 Claim — I — The notched and cnived aim B', of -i pi\ot ed cultivator tooth, m tombin-ition %\ith the locking bolt I, sul)-.tanti-ill\ lb and foi the piiipu cs, set foith 2 — Ihe amngement of the wtd^e ; riihlier 01 othei spung », and parts w ' nfthehnltl ^hLii tin siid piit^ aie emplo\eit uli t iiU IK i-- ml In th pni| . self..ith bofts/'an,l Ih |u I 1 .uliuu.ii tonth ubtinmllj a, and I. 1 ill , I] 1' 4 — I' I I II III I i| 111 the curved arm B', and opLi 111 1 1 I lamping plate C and bolt b',s\\\ till I inposL sho \n and desciibed ^o s, ,01. M I III kl hLRr, Winona, Minn — c« ' . 1 _ . 1869 ( 1,1111 — III I I I I I Ini B and tooth MMlMIt ClIY, OHlii . , Llann— 1 —In . ni^i. , shovels, by ma' ing the limit different lengths that the ten reaicn.luftlR beim \ b I the li 1 1 '1 ' '1 2 — The arrangement of the detached c'rcle iron C the tooth B ^\helLbvboth have common beanng on coui 1 1 Ciil A di I 1 I iiidepeiulent circle bii \, sub tantullyasand I-REEM\N, W ILLIAMbTDWN, N. — Ip ll 20 1S69 \ 01 cultis Ttor tooth herein described, 1 tnitll VMIN s H\ERS, PhiviN, III.— Chun— I- III I ,1 Hh. n 11-idly secured to the blade V in. Ill I I 1 I, 11 111 huo'. L, substantially as and foi the iiiii[ 1 1 in I i\\ n and deseiibed 2 — The phu 1 nil 111 Lombination with the loop B and hook C as heicin show n and desciibed, and foi the pur- poses sLt foith 3 — I lie lonp B, hook C, and plates F and G, in 1' I In 'it' blade A, and leg 1), when constiiicted I ' nil) as herein shown and desciibed. I H B MOOD\, PtMUROKL, Ky.— ^ ,860 foi tl . \i Cut, for the pi 5-11 and indi \ deMLc/' bai \ II 6 — 1 the d ■ I the hollow thimble beannj, with tnd notches .r in the opposite end, tile puiposes described able beanng B, in coml initiun with el standard D, con tun ttd sub tin IS, JvNLsMLLF, Wis — independent ciicle iron C ached circle iron C , w ith the iimon beanng on the pivot th 1 mcle lion C, and idependent ciicle .ibsfntially as and md auangement of the tooth B, m L , w hen jointed by the coupling SUbstllillllU IS desuib .1 No 4812- JA.MEb HA.RRIS, Jancsvilll, Wis — Cultvi'Oi — 87,101 /fi^/!(rt7-j 23, 1869 Reissued ^/«y(// 19,1872 Llaini — I — V vvooden diag bar, provided with a me talliL b^aiing bo\,secuied bv means substantially as desciib ed, foi the puipose set foith 2 — A diag bai, provided with an onfice at one end, and elongated beanng box, and a secuiing bolt, foi the puipose specihed. 3. — A drag bar, provided with an orifice and slot at one end, an elongated bearing box and securing bolt, for the purpose specified. 4. — The combination of the drag bar A, having an orifice and slot, as desciibed, with box D having the flange, as and for the purpose set forth. No. 4,813.— JAMES HARRIS, Janksvu.le, Wis.— Cultivators.— ^T,lOl. Fchru,nj 23, 1869. Reissued March 19, 1872. Claim. — I. — The iletached or indeiiendent circle iron C. led with one m po ition. \ I , ' 1 1 I i\L\LlI, Boston, Mass. — LW , I I \i \ 8t)9 111 I it 1 til ih luimed fiom a squaie bar, M ' I I in ! LLu\etl It tile point diagonally, as shown 1--,— WTLIIAM A DIUDEN and J. M. Ill si I M VoNMOuiH, III — O// v uor T,ali — Sep- I m'> ; 14 18 9 Lhm — I — The combination and arrangement of the shovel B, plate C, and cutt rE, substantially as desciibed and foi the pui|MSL sa foith 2 — I I 111 I 1 ^ II md the cutter E, in ,/i St,c/>- N. I II Alv- /w 2 ibb^ Claim — 1 — The leetangulai socket B, when constuict as an 1 foi the i uipisc st- (, ,tli 2 — 11, ' • I 'I '1 ' ii 11 , t inC kn 1 H MM I 1 k I ( 11 MULER ij H KllL—S/ioze ron^A P/a/is.- ends V tialU II No flee concave length- it at Us ends, sub- 11 1 1 I I 1 1 LL.sime place. « ,;, , J ui^„ i,l:ar s 10 Stand- nik-tal img D, with shank thread and I in connection and combination with 1 r, , ill Iructed and operated as and I w. 1; \l/i III, C;eneseo, III. — < M.!i.!i I, 1^70. Antedated I'cbni- DoiibL :• '■ /: :, .V- ary 26, 187,1. Claim, — The within described plough stock, consisting of the side beam A and A', feet C and C, handles H and H, and braces I, K, and L, all con.structed and arranged .-.ub- antially a^ anl for the jnu-pose shown. CULT IVATORS-FLETH. 2.— Tlic .Ic\iccs L-m|iloved for rendering tlie shovels ad- jiM ,!l.. Ml 1 ill.- uftlic block E, bolts /,/(>« Block for attach- <;■ Cu:ti:-n:or an.i o:hcr feeth.— December 13, 1S70. ik, C, .djstanlially crilu No. 9,638.— WILLIAM WORKMAN, West De Pere, and JASON HITCHCOCK, Rli'ON, Wis.; said HITCH - C( )rk as-i^nor to said WORKMAN.— /^rzrt/,.« Block for o'tajtht.; Cultivator and other Teeth. — 110,103, /)<■<, 7/;/', V 13, 1870. Reissued ^i/?-//5,iS8i. VWtA iVovem- her 22, 1880. Claim. — I. — As an iiiii..o\. am ill i iR.liiig cultivator and other slip teeth 1. 1 .1...L', I' i I '• .aiached to the drag-bar and continc I in 11 1 inni by friction, said block buiiig a ' ■■ m^ l-a sujiporting the bar, of the block car- its adjusted position Iv as ilescribed. Iha l.lo.k aua.hed to i.a -iipaoiuii.iatooth ck to a .b,.L; and adapted Ikaaait ..ii-lc^, 11, c. ai.bination with a el xMth the hiLiion block .and adapted independent of the friction block sub- bloclc provided with the intermediate lers < <■', in combination with a tooth or Ilk liltcil ill said socket, substantially as M A. DRVDKX, M. 11.1 joll.N M. rUK /:i)iiio||,,i,, (i.invs .V A and overlapping wi..ii.lii 11 . ' ' ' . 'I 'III ' 111. I .applied to the stand- ai-.l 11...^ .a. : ■ ■■ : •• |. ■ ■■■liie.l. No. lis.;. J- III.. ,.\s I. HAMILTON, Geneseo, Il.l.. — Ctiin:o:,.:i ,1,:, .■./le-Oii Tio:ii,'lis. — August 22, 18/I. Claim.— I— 111 a cultivator or shovel plough, an adjust- able shove! bl.ick 01 attaihinent, when provided with a ball CULTIVATORS-TLETH. and til' E', in shovel fur the pur which the and is l;-im'Ui.i11\ \\ nirm ,lnbe a(>le ■, ,n : i - 1 UKV, lUVTo.N. A, |., ,-,th.n of 11, c rcvei-sible hoe or M.Kd \Mlli Hani;esi;iS L. TrORHAM, RocKi'ORn, .''rr I, 1872. I liiin iilale B, constructed as de- the flanges il and slot c, \ el r, for the purpose of 1 rib B [lurpose escribed. No. 125,872.— JACK WOOD, Wkdowee, Ai.\.— C„l/i- va/ors.— April 16, 1 87 2. ^ 1 \.K\. 1 u. Wis • and lOSEI'H avin- th r.Kls F attached, ■-iuivalentsinthe ;;;;'|J; i.iMil liigether !||. . . i,.Ml.e lift- ' ■■ 1 1 '..: -.Mil, the ^. ill -mm; -.\M'KK\V FKIBERG, Moline, Ii // n: 11, 1872. thereor 3—1 the bea vilh the above described si til be adjusted up c ali.ive (k .1 in po-il -cribcd shank V,. \i onl.yabreak ) in. v '; 1 WATS( )N, W. 2. 1872. )M.\.'s. 30. 18 .\i.i:\.\\i)i:R r. (•.\i^\.\(;v..srMMiT «■ :■/,•.>. — A';;, 1(1. 1874. Filed F,/ - ,iili,;;.li,, aciiUiv.atnr, of tooth ,S U ip.ii. »iih Ihi; indqicndciit socka T. the I nil!. |,ilc Ciibcd, whereby the tocth is 1-1, and both secured to the beam, : : 1 ic drag liar A, 1 ifurcated ' ; ( .bent as show n, and piv- iicdliy bolt E, sulLstantially a? -W M II AR ICKDVE, Oxford, pose set forth. 2. — The standard B, provided with the head n and tkinge i, as and for the purpose specified. 3. — The standard B, having a suitable head, a, flange i. and in combination with beam A, the standard being pivoted to | the beam and held in place by a pin at c', substantially as and for the purpose described. ' ■ the i-:U ■5364 I : ■ ■ n I ■ n. h IV,. .n which ■: r. I , :■, ; , ni ,1 l.v iii.Mnsofthe ," ,,iin \' . - n ;, '1 | m ,• , u'- i,,iiiially as p.ise descrik.ed. i.— MOSE.S F. WHITE, I)oi,;i,.\ssVILLE, of one-fourth hi. li-l.i to A, |. r.l.A.XKEN- CUL'll VAIORS-TEETI SI 1 1 1', same place— /'/i).Vi'//.r.—y»/i' 2S, 1S74, Filed iMard, C'laiin— Tlio oniMiiation ofthcfoot U of the standard w ilh the liar 1 1 and the jilate or share C, the same being se- cured hy 1><>1n 'I ii, arranged as shown and described, for the ''''N'r'tsMo':.— A. R. CRANBERRY, and JOSEPH l^lliofr, 11 \/.i.iilll"l{ST, Miss. — CuUhator Teeth or llo s.—Scpaii:',r I, 1S74. Filed /«/)' 20, 1874. Claim.— The blade A, provided with the lip or tongue C and rib D, and the removable point li, attached to said ton- gue by means of bolts cr 22, 1S74. 1 i; >1 ;" f.' 7, 1874. Claim. — I. — '111. . : ' : nil the pivoted share or tooth BC D.aiid I.iii : i 1 .;lc I J K L M, of the cornigaledorsevraui | I :. I ,uhl I'.bolts Gand P, and the ,'pring .\. .iil.i| I. .1 III ! . :i i n a projection, O, from rod J,sub- 2. — I'lK . I ii'iin 111 Ml, w ilh the pivoted share or tooth 1! C Co^^TV,'(llii.^-t^,?.tv^;,;• S/>,vch,^J.,„,.a>y 5, 1S75. Filed Oa./rrT, 1874. Claim. — The eullivator shovel .shown and described, with the ui.ri^ht .V ami foot part C made in a single piece, so as to form the cavity a' beneath, having the angular sides <;, as hereinbefore set forth. No. I5S,5I2.— RODNEY P. ODELUjR., Pakm.^ Ci,x- Tiir, asM-nor of one-half his rights to S. K. Dl )l-:i.l„ NoUTll (.KKiiF, X. \.—Cii>:.v.:/or Teeth.— JaniMrv 5, l!S-5. likuy ■,.,/,■./,. -J, KS74. '9^"«75- he.l. No. i6o4u--EZRA LEONARD, Akuon. ()ii!0.— Grass Cidlivati,rTe,ll,.—Mnreh 2, 1S75. liled Vc.mbcr 16, 1S74. Claim. — As a new aiticle r,l niaimrai Uii . , the above de- scribed cultivator lii l!i. c. 11 i lint; e^ c lai.'ily of the .shank C, the coulter P., aiul ir hm > mi' .1' II, having the sharp rulli) ■ ■ .1^. 1 L . ' ■ ' v. ,:1, |..i,allel with the surface Mi !■ 1 , 1 i.. , 1 ., nil. C, «ith 11. ., n, 1 . ■ , ■ . : , •, ■ . ill,. 2.— The beam A, I .,:|li I; !■ ,m ' ■ ,,i < , .m I .11,, I 1, having indicator hgmes E, all 111 l iiiilauauoii suli-l.uUially as set foith. No. 161,745.— G. P. BRIMIXtaiAM, rui.NToN, Ti-.nx. —Ploiii;h Standard In te;iin:;s.— April b, 1875, Filed /.?«- /WO' 23, 1875. Claim. — In a standard-fastening for ploughs or cultixatms a plate A, having a perforated tapered boss formed 011 il, in combination with the plate B, having a socket portion, C, formed on it to receive said boss, substantially in the manner and for the purposes set forth. No. 166,979— JOHN FIA'NN, M.iNcin-s, ^Vls.— O^///- 1875. Fi and Harrcms, — September 28, . .:i .1. .11 L,;. I pnixided with -, vwilicaJi ..llicr, substantially .\RRIS, Marquette, Wis.^ :h.—Xoivmber 30, 1875. Filed \\l , !,•. • - ■, ,„■ ,,•„■,•■ I v;,^^,^..,.-i9f- l Mi:. I ' I r ',i,.n F and tiiggle arm F, having - i' ' -1:. amlad.M.teatobe pivoted, re- ;i, ,1.1: :...,i,,i.,,nd standard, substantially as 2. — 1 lie with the foregoing described slid- ing piv.ited anils l-; I', ol the screw boh e and double nuts, line above and the other lielowthe arm E, as and for the pur- pose set forth. No. 172,373.— J. C. BANNIGAN, Duni.kitii. III.— Cu:thhitor Teeth.— January 18, 1876. Filed ./«-;«/ 30, 1875. Claim.— The con, I ii,,ii „ , .„.-, ,,! I; ,.im1 i|, ball C with the socket I 1, ■ ^ ' 'I ' ■ 'limped together and secnr..-,; 1'. ., 1 ■ llii ' , - 1 , 1 ,,, lower K. WHEAT, P.\Ris, Ky.— .S-//v-«.- ; /i/7„»;i' 22, 1876. Y<\itA January 22, ■ lock bars P,, pnnided «ilh the iperends.pivoled to the plough ii-il,an-l having the plough plate C at- :ii,|s, substantially .is heiun shown and ( l.illii.— The s| shoul.ler, /' atth.i A o, the,, lough -t. No. 175,649.— RUFFS F. PILLINCS, Kix-cston Wis. — .SA,/<;- aiui L:iltiia:o,- Tcelh.—April 4, 1876. Filed f: .':::■ I^, i:s;l.. 1 1 ,, — I I he lexer C, pivoted at its center in the slot : • , N, l,i\ingits opposite ends engaged by the :,, [ I 11 I ind.iv.l 11, as shown .and described. J ' , 1 : IS., . I liie pixoied bar C, the rollers F, r ■ '. ■, 1 , 1 .1 It.iil'. 1:, -ulolantiallyas here- ;,. . 173,721,-1.1 A\,\l;i) p. FVNCll and En(.;AR A. WKIL.II1, D.vvh.MnkT, \><\\,\.—Cii/lirators.—,lprt-/ 4, lS7f-. 1-iled F.liruaiv 19, 1876. Claim.— The sleeve' 1), liav inrilie slots „ //, in combina- ti .,, '.Mr, r .11, ', 1:, 11 ,. !■ .\ ,.. i!iM lioxcl, and i.iovided 7,250— HI AV.\kl A \( II aail E. A. n.vvKMM,;r, b.w,x.-(V,v/,„/„.j._, 75,721. S76.-Rcissued A„:,u:,, I, i,S7h. File.l June . — The shank D, having a slot /', formed therein rout of the beam, .substantially a.s and for the 3. — 1 lie lilock i;. secured to the shovel A. .and provided witli the slot X, of a width corresponding to the square shank of the T headed bolt C, and having an enl.irgement at one CULTIVATORS-TEETH. end.inwhicK said bolt can be turned, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 4 — In combination with the block B, having the slot -r, the bolt C, provided with T shaped head o and the square shank c, said parts being constructed to operate substantially as set forth. No. 178,180.— J. MITCHELL,, N. \ .— Cultiva- tor Teeth.— March 30, 1876. Filed February 25, 1S76. Claim. — A cultivator tooth, with a wing or wings, a a, formed or cast thereon at right angles thereto, as and for the purpose specified. No. 183,121.— C. P.BUCKINGH.'S.M, Chicago, III.— Cultivators.— October 10, 1876. Filed August 17, 1876. Claim. — The wrought metal sleeve or shank K, formed from a blank bent or folded into the sh.-ipe described and shown, and provided with a lateral concavity b' , in its front side, at the lower end thereof, adapted to receive the convex surface of the wrought metal shovel block C, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. 185,152.— TAS. E. WILKINSON, Lisbon, III.— Ploughs.— December 5, 1876. Filed September 16, 1876. Claim, — A slant plant for the shovels of corn ploughs or scrapers, consisting of an olilic|UL cliint;atfd liodv portion I), havingtheadvanJ.Mii ,i,.v< 1 -I;, -|..:i M iM l.tMiinijs r.and endii slotted cylindrical I -^ Hv n, -[.ecilicl. No.i88,ooi.- I 1; ii'l I . I \ M--.-. Ill 1 , N. v. — C>^/- tivator Teeth.— M.,,. h 0. 1N77 l'il,.l C/.y..;- 17, 1S76. Claim.— A ciiltiv,it..i- tn,,tli luivin!,- its blade A m.idu in the form of an ec|uihiteial triangle, l.inaile^t .it it^ puint and tap ering back to the shank, and conviiucted \s ith a convex cut- ting edge, as shown and described, and for the purpose specified, No. 189,550. — R. L. Ellwood, Sycamore, III. — At- tachini; Cultiv.itor Shovels.— April 17, 1877. Filed _/,;«- «„,T24, 1877. Claim. — I. — The block A, having its back extended around tlie .standard, and fitting against the standard, where the pressure is applied, and \m,McA «itli the end holes b and suitable rivet hule-., sub^laiitiallv as ^peutied. 2._The combination of tlie Mock .\, constructed as de- scribed, with the clam]i li and scieu 11, arranije.l to clamp the standard against the back of the klock and support it un- der the set screw, sulisiantinllv as -et loitb. No. 191.451.— F.DWARli P. l.V.XCHand EDGAR A. WRIGHT, T>\VK\ioi;i, \,,\\\.—C„!;r.:i:ors.—A/ay 29, 1877. Filed \.-r. ,„/,,■ S. ,.S;h. Claim — I he . iiiAe^l lih.ek i !, having ilie transverse slot .r extended aomiidt.i ..iie s„le to permil'llie bolt C to be shov- ed forward to hum; it, loiiiid portion in the slot and allow be tu forward, subsl ally; No. 192,390. — (T'l Wis , assignor to API same place. — Cultiva May 21. 1S77. Claim.— The frictio edge through the eiuii is largest at its upper ei the tooth b, wdieieliv t ated by a sidewise mo No. i93-7.?5-— I'Vl' Devices for Braeim Filedy«/i' 2, 1877. )R1)1>. ROWELL, Appleton, R)N .MANUFACTURING CO., Teeth.— June 26, 1877. Filed I socket in its lower ocket d of Claii N TOWN. Fond du Lac, Cultivator Teeth— July 31 with the beam .\ 1877. ,th .ftlii nut F/, .and w.asheis C G. an the beam A and outside of the the purposes speciiied. 2. — The combination of the EE', washers G G, 1 iheenciri ■ tooth li, Led. nut F/, double brace the several parts c\d,ce.— Cultivator Teeth November 27, 1877. Filed October 26, 1877. Claim. — The cultivator tooth herein described, composed of the wing or mold board A and land-side B, having the flange ur sole (7, made of a single piece of metal, in combina- tion with the point C. provided with the beveled shoulder c and rounded seat /'. as and for the janpose set forth. No. I9S,',72.— C, (I. (iARHN'FK, Spkinckiei.i), Ohio, as-ignor to v. P. MAST and O '.. same place.— C»//n'rz/o?- and Serlii::' Macliins. — nceiiiher 1 8, 1 877. Filed Septem- ber b. 1S77'. Claim,— I.— The friction block .A, provided with the side flanges and the stud /', in c.inl.iiiation with the bolt G and the'standard, iierfovattd tot;t upiiU the .stud and bolt, as 4— Incoiiil>iiiali..n « iih veisihle shovel 1',, ha a inserted, as shown. 5.— In eoml illation XV ilh versible shovel block ada] t ard, and a tiansx else ta|.er block and seated in the not 1.' the side flanges, in combi- . I therein, in the manner i:,.- Ilan-es. ,e piece with the should- ,oa,ally as shown. notched standard F, the re- the shoulders g and the key Tth. I, sub ally 6. — In combination with a notched standard, a hollow lovel block adapted to (it thereon, and provided with a louldcr to .abut against tlie end thereof, and a tapering ansveisc- key lHa'iiie_' in the Mock and standard, and serv- I'Mo hohltlie block linnlv a.'ainsi the front and end of the ,v.\:> Wis. — (■«/// 7 1S77. ■Jeetb.— Claim. the surfa. r tlie pni]. ^ai,30p — •:k F. 1 M,:r,h 12, II. FfiRD. Be.-wkr Dam, 29, 1S7S. Fded Au;u,t 17, A. VAN BRUNT a RICON, yN\9..— Cultiv.1 Af-il i,. 1877. i>nior to \i,i;xamii-:r SI'1:1:R ,V si ins, same place. — Cn'liv !: ,,- y;, //,,_.!/„ •- 7, 1S78. Filed April 8, 878, Claim.— I.— Acultivato, tooth whose .shank is provided vithakey ' threaded transverse ends, which irojcct tlir ugh its H.I. ',:■> ar fa t. i., : ML:,e.l lo eug.age with a , u .M, Iv asset forth. 2.— The .r, ',.. '1 . . :i'i . 1 .1 li.iiiie, of a culti- ator-tootli the tuo -.s 111 •. to_., I'l, 1 :,\ ;:!,■ engagement of a nit or sim ar fastening .lev ce«it!i a key or bar, which lat- er has thr eiids 1 rojectiiig thn.ugli the sides r the toot '■s shank, sub ta Uially asset forth. CULT IVATORS-TEETH. No. 20i;,82S.— FRANK T. HI'R \\.\..— Cultivators.— July 9, 1S78. Claim.— I.— The comliiiialian, wii v.iised hvaiin-on nnc end for tlic adj llu-n.m ofllu- st;i„dnil>,y 2 J, <'l,iiin.— A cultivator-tooth having the coulter A, by means ..I which (lie tooth is secured to the plough-standard, and obliquely projecting cutter-blade I!, with curved prongs a a, substantially as shown, .tihI lor the purpose de- scribed. Nc. 232,850.— JOHN S, RiiWFl.F, liKAViiR Dam, Wi, (V,-/,Vr«A'/"/:.-.'/,._(V.v/',v s, 1S80. Filed March -The sli .\, the pivoted slipping- 11- bolt /'. and provided ■:v, ]^' .\J.„n,, 1^79- (.'laim.— As a device for securing a cultivator blade 1 ij to the -tandird, the her.:in described pait, E E' F, Mibinatl.n with tlie bolt ■' an 1 nut -■-. No. 214S25.-F. l:. K;:\iiAI,l,. M.iXMOUTH, Il.L.- •:i!!i:;J ors.—A;-rU 2:). 1^70. Iilcl ./.', ,r 12, 1S78. Cl.iiiii.— I'he conibiuiiio,,, uiih tl,.. J,o\cl A, of t! No. 21 , io c ^^ , 1 i W M 11. i.K Kl V, lACKSON, licit C lUiv :.o i. — .iji! .• 0, 1879. Filei JX-cM/t'H-r 4, S78. Cl.ii n.— The standard A, with it^ lower section, a, in- line 1 with a circular ace, in coinbi- jft in ..llset y the ■noLcl and cl,ini|.cd witliin a te bolt,, combined withahold- iilt C for the shank S, oulM.le S. WOOD, Marion, 1 ■■■r 5 1 88 3. Filed M, ,iliy ROW. '57.-.l-\f: iD \V. LAFFERTY and GEORGE MC-p.URC, Ohio, assignors of one- half of their right to JOHN C. BAKER, iaine place.— Dri'J-T,\th.—Sep!cmb.r 30, 1879. Filed Marth Ig, 1879. Claim. — I. — In combi nation with a standard having a shovel shank pivoted thereto, a spring clasp separ.ite and dctachabl; from the shank and stan.lard, provided with »tuds or pr.ijections adapted to engage with the shank I'AENS, Br.RLiN, Wis. , Tclh. January \, -WII. 1,1AM P. BROWN, Zani.sville, AlLirh:, ■Ills.— March 15, 18S1. Filed lit. the plate 1!, hiring up- rirovided with cu 'ved slo'.s 158 CULl IVATORS-rJLETH. C.aii.llocnlc.l uponnp,>,,, uf a m,cI;l-I, C, l,a^in- . , .,,> ,^ ,,..i..M." ii, 11..,, v.,,'.: ,',. J. .il,l .] ; 1 \. 1..!: - an arm, C extends laterally and rearwardly, sub- lie puiiH e specified. 'ii .', i;i 11 I'ull tongue or plate A, the ,11 in. 1 ', ,11, 1 adjustably secured to the \.i.' j.'Mii;. !i\\ III '1, \A 1 i;r'-r: k u ■.mI, , 1'!.'' ■ .\ '.. 1 ' 1 . \.. e 1 l:;], 1 M.n:'. G and bolts (/ and ,-, ^\]cn.—Oi//ivaU?-s.—.l/nVl2, iSSi. Filed 0,-Mkt 25, .1 1';. . .ai . . . . a. a, rieil. 1S79. No. J 1 : J , ' . . iiM ,: 1 \. I;; i;\!;tt, Washing- Claim. — I. — In comhination with a supporting frame F, a TON ( ',: , : 1 |. . !,.,.. , a 1 "f two-thirds to spring linviii" it- twn fvr'.> .--nfk n.lipleil to admit of an at- AMO.s 1 ! 1 ' i 1 ; \ 1 i\ ,,)i.l h 1-1 I'll |i. nf.I.E, same t.Hhn„,i,i 1',. -., ...t ■ ..!,,., J, M, , „ll,^,ltingtootllor blade place.- riau 1, 1 1,.- .1: l/a ;,i, ISS,. 1 i!,,l ,i,a.' . .'- 30, 1881. 2,— li, . ...1 ., 1 .M,i,t, .,.!,,., .la harrow, plough, v- ■•■ 1 M, 1 :. 11, ,,.111!. 111. 111. .11 vMih -liuNel bjam orculii'.;,|.ii, ., ;!,,!-., 1 1.1. I,^M ;.. mcL-.uiic free ends to said B,"arm ,1.1,1 .,p,ing F, .substantially as and for frame, til,. Ii,, n,i- ailajited for the attach- the pu, ment lluivi-, 1,1 ,1 )i.ii^li M.hl.. ..i-iullivaling tooth, substan- No. 2 , ., ,,) 1 \ VII.LIAM W. SPEER, PiTTsiiURn. tially a, an.l ( ■! ill,.. |.,,,|... ,. -',-..111. P,\.— ( 11/ .:■'] 01- /: /■-7. —.)/«;' 31, 1S81. FiUd April 7. .._riH , i,n..,l .]i ,1, . 1;. ,!i e lied at a point between its iSSi. end, IM :i -,, hull. ii,,,,in|.,i,ali..n « ith the link D, or Claii ,._The con biiialion, with a cultivator tooth, having it, e,niiM,l,i,l, .ni.l .1 |.|,„, lili.i.. .,r cultivator tooth, sub- a tului ar Khank a id an ani^idar-shapeil bearing and a btantialK .. ■ .n.i |.., .1,. ,.,■,] -Ii,,v,ii. |-i-|, ; bill rxl ■ i.lina iliiniiah said liiludar o" holli.w No. 21...!^, |,iil\l ^l..|d.;^^ RosEVir.T.E, IM... ..1,,.!,' , if 1 \\ -. ■ 1 r. 1 .il,' ■ l.i. at .,1 -.11 111.. I'll, 111;, r shank assignn, .. , , : -1 ! . \\I.KRKREIG andJOllX ll, ,,.., . ; >i ■' ,i| I'l . :.a-\ .| .1 I . .I'l ,1 1 1 11 jiae. PHIMiM U, ..:,., |i, . . .,■ ,.r.„A;r Tcdh.—April 12, oi|_. ,,1 , u 1 lil,'..', 1 1881. iMled Drcr:,.:. r 1;, l.SSo. ic, an.J the illier HUh an an^ular-shapcd opening Claim.— I.— A culiiN,u..i i.„ith in which a bull tongue or which ts the an-u ar bearing on the lower portion of the l^late, A, forms one -ile llieie,.!, and from which a wing, C, tubular shank, suil^l i.Uidlya,\et forth. CLJ/rilAIURt Plate Claim riafe Claim Plaie Claim Adams, II. A. 750 2.8 Bertrand, T. F. and Sanies Canfickl, T. 628 181 Adams, J. 75' 21S P. 659 190 Canfiekl, A. 687 198 A.lams, I. A. Sig 233 BcrtrandjT.F. and Sames.r .672 193 Candeld, J. and Hess. C. 656 189; W. r. 85... 243 " " ■■ (R )672 '93 Can lie Id, A. 801 240 AIMiioli. W. S27 235 " " " (K )r,72 '94 " " (R. 802 230 |. T. 1 ). 599 173 Bcucler, F. P. 828 235 Canfiekl, A. 829 236 Alky, I. A.' 703 203 Billinns. D. S. 5S2 169 Canfield, A. 854 244 Alli^un". A. II. 674 194 Bird, r C. ■97 Capp, T. F. 764 221 .. .. „ (K ) 605 194 Bird.C. 747 217 Carey, A. 59' 171 Allison, A. It. 692 207 Birclsall. F. M. 661 190 Cargo, H. 797 229 Allison. A. 11. 712 206 Black. A. M. 609 ■75 Carlow, J. H. 759 AKord, C. 719 Black, A. M. 662 190 CarFon, A. F. 772 223 Alyord, C. 749 217 Blauser, N. G. 752 21S Carlson, A. F., Shipps, C. Ament, W. I). 6^2 182 Blauser, N. G. 791 227 and Camron, W. 800 229 Ament, W. I). 643 1S5 Blodgett, W. W. a id Smils Carrington,S.E. andC. H 588 170 Anderson, A. V. and Et J. H. S67 248 Carr, D. F. 731 212 \yards, B. 662 191 Bloedel, II. 864 246 Carr, H. 746 216 Anderson. A. 667 192 Blod, A. R. HathaNyay, A Carr, H. 746 217 Anthoine, L. 8]4 240 and Beach. \ ,R. 706 204 Carr. H. 746 217 Anyan, li. 705 204 Blood, A. R. Hath iway, A Carter, C. L. 810 23' 729 211 and Beach, \ . R.' 706 204 Carter, C. L. 826 235 Archer', D., Jr. 840 239 " " ' (R. 707 204 Carter, C. D. 867 248 Argerbright, D. 852 243 Bohan, T. 739 214 Case, J. 621 179 Armstrong, I., [r. 729 211 Booker." T. \A'. 615 177 Case, J. 658 190 Armslrong, J.,jr. 649 187 Boughton, E. 583 .69 Case, J. 761 220 " " " '• (R 650 187 Bowers, H. 603 174 Cass, A. B. 607 ■75 Armstrong, T., Jr. Arnold, (). ) 676 677 663 625 66- 191 180 Boyd.^J. C. 699 (R.) 700 202 203 Cass, A. B. Castor, L. H. 63' 627 182 180 Aryin, J. N! Boys, II. 682 197 Caywood, M. & J. 725 210 Bradley, C. D. 849 242 Chamberlain, II. W. S84 254 191 253 Bradley, B. C. 870 249 Chapman, I. 646 186 Bachman, J. 1- DOj £83 Bradley, G. Bradley, G. 775 792 223 227 Chappell. i. H. and Mont gnnicry, J. 208 B.ailey, .S. Bailey, J. II. l?l 2.M Bradley, G. S25 235 Chappell, I. H. 774 223 250 Brannan, P. 868 249 Children, E. 667 192 Baker, [. M. 737 213 Brate, B. F. 7S6 226 Children, E. 676 '95 Baker, \V. T. 742 215 Bressler. G. W. 727 210 Children, E. 805 230 Baker, A. .S. and Landoi W. H. '79S Breuer. I. 640 1 84 Chnbb, A. L. 745 216 2^9 Brexyer. t- 644 1S5 Churchill, IX and Brewer Baltimore, I. T. 696 201 Breyysler.N. T. an d Neher .S. C. 648 186 Bankson, \V. l^l 183 A. D. ' S35 238 Churchill, D. 697 2Q2 Bannigan, J. C. Banni-an, J. C. 826 ^^l Briggs, H. C. 726 210 Clapp, H. W. 743 215 S30 236 Brinser, A. C. 736 213 Clark, M. M. 620 178 Barber, 1. " Barber, I. [r. Barber, I. " 69s 201 181 Brinton, J. H. 710 208 Clark, W.F. 675 '95 X'' (R) 720 209 Clements, W. 809 231 842 240 Bristol, H. C. 679 196 Cloyer, C. C. 856 244 Barc.xfar, G. 821 ^l\ Brittain, P. F. 686 1 98 Cochran, B.C., T.W. an 1 Bardel, J. A. Barker, .\. 64s 186 Bronson, G. W. 760 220 J. M. 683 197 795 228 Bn.oks, J. E. 696 201 Colburn, D. \V. 679 196 Barley, I. II. 665 191 Brolton,"R. 604 '74 Cole, J. H. 236 Barley.] H 2^° 199 Broxyers, G. S., G W. and Coleman, J. H. 723 209 Barnes. W , G. 848 242 E. A. 806 231 240 172 175 Cole, H. 868 249 Barnes, W. G. Barnelt, M. and Wood, E 839 . 694 239 201 Browne, R. T. Brown, G. \V. 842 597 606 Collins, J. Colyer, A. B. and Priest, ' 605 ■ 783 174 225 Barney, F. 628 180 Brown, F. E. Colyer, A. B. 810 232 Bar, O. and Cox, F. F. 660 190 'Brown. G. D. 765 861 Cone, T. S. and Potter Barsalow, H. 673 194 Brown, T. M. 246 H. S. ' 602 '74 Barton, L. B. Barton, L. B. Ba.sha^v, J. N. 639 647 S09 184 186 231 Broyyn.'W. P. l!m«n. W. P. b.Mun, W. P. 843 240 224 246 Conley, J. H. Connely, J. W. Connely, J. W. 764 677 691 796 199 Batcheller, A. F. 812 -.i- l;iin,. ,. M., Jr. 747 217 Conner, I.. W. and R. G . 762 221 B.\tten,J. P. 793 2;.S i;,.,n,.i. 73t Conner, L. H. 884 254 Bates, W. E. Baumann, J. N. 640 607 1S4 S. A. Buckley, R. C. 824 782 235 225 Conoycr. .S. B. Cook, A. M. 679 623 196 '79 Baum, C. C. 650 187 Bucknall,M.H. 665 191 Cook, G. W. 708 205 Bean, H. and Tyson, J. D . 693 200 Buckner, C. I. 624 179 Coonrod, P. 6,5 '77 Bean, E. C. and Weldei Euffington, M. C. 690 199 Coonrod, P. 696 201 F. N. 742 21S Buffington, M. C. 749 217 Coppage, W. 864 247 Behel, J. 784 225 Burdge, H. R. 868 249 Cormick, T. R. 597 172 Behel, J. 807 231 Burnham, J. and l.athrop Cormick, T. R. 616 '77 Belmont, W. 758 219 W. C ' 666 192 Cory, I. 793 228 Bell, .S. an.l Ilronson, ( Burnham. |. 702 203 Coston, W. M. 798 229 W. 730 211 Bulller. X: 7jS 213 Coston, W. M. 8.3 232 Bennett, A, 699 202 Butner. II. 821 234 Coulter, W. F., Trabue, G Benson, T- S. and \V. 6S7 lyS Byerly. I!. F. 661 190 F. and Lowrey, W. A 717 208 Bentley.V. A. 828 236 Byer/, J. E. 773 223 Coulter, W. F., G. ant Bergen, J. 664 191 Calkins, Geo. 645 i8s Lanery.J. A. 726 210 Bergen, J. 68c 196 Canaday, H. H. 852 243 Cowan, S. 617 178 ■CLrH'ATORS—lVHEKI. OR SLLKY. I'late Claim PlaU' aaim Plate Claim Cowing, H. 710 205 Emmons, W. and Wells Gross, J. 606 175 Cox, J. and Thror ,T. A. 62S 181 1). .-\. 735 213 Gross,]. andTunison,J.C 695 20 1 Cox, J. and Throj j- A. 601 174 Eno, E. I. 802 230 Crush, A. J. 743 215 Cox, S. H. and V ence , W Eshkman. ]. 752 218 Gulick, S. 635 183 H. 69S 202 Esterly, Geo. 584 .69 Gum, J. and St. C. 599 173 Cox, B. C. 812 232 Elter, .S. P. 666 192 Gum. J. and St. C. 603 174 Cropp, F. M. S50 242 Ewick, C. A. 693 Gustin,J. M. 790 227 Crowther, J. 704 204 Eylar. J. F. 593 172 Guthrie, T. D., ]x.. 839 239 Cunningliara, J. 5 88 170 Faning, J. and Legler, F. 769 222 Guy, B. F. and "|. V. 7'4 207 Cummings, W. H. and Farnsworth, F. 749 217 Haege, J. 624 180 Chiids, H. L 732 212 Fath, L. G. 876 2SI Hague, C. A. 883 254 Cummin^.s, W. 11 779 224 Fawkes, J. W'. 634 182 Halburt, W. (.;. 783 225 Curry, J. L. «37 239 Ferguson", |. 744 216 Hall, 1). F. 586 170 Daggett, D. P. 5S7 170 Fernald, ^. 648 :86 Hall, C. .VI. nn.l 1). K. 592 '71 Dahlbom, S. «ji 237 Field, B."F. 618 178 .. ,K. 592 171 Dale, W. P. 7S6 226 Fisher, S. 739 214 Hall, I. A. 669 192 Dale, W. P. 799 229 Fisher, S. 598 172 Hall, t. I. 738 214 Dale, W. P. 808 231 Fisher, W. D. 659 190 Hamilton', A. 82s 23s Damron, W. H., Massey Fitch, 0. F. 594 172 Hammans, ( ;. S63 246 R. H., and Whit nan Flenniken,T. M.and Hall," Hammond. W. 661 190 L. F. 69S 202 A. 856 244 H.ammon, T. W. 637 I S3 Daniel, C. 664 191 Forbes, J. 869 249 Hammon. A. P., Lincoln Daniels, T. T. 851 243 ■• •"• (k.l 869 249 T. H. and L., ant Davey, J. H. 708 20s Fountain, I. 1., 659 190 Hammon, T. W. 67, 193 Davies, E., Jr. 689 199 Frank, |. ' 704 203 Hand, J. R. 728 211 Davis, J. 627 180 Frank, J. H. 791 227 Haney, R. and Estes, |. .S 736 213 Davis, D. M. 62S i8i Franklin, D. D. 735 213 Hanover, M.E. and Bailey Davis, I. R. 620 178 Eraser, N. W. and Mcl.el D. D. 707 204 Davis, L. J. 797 219 Ian, A. J. ' 587 170 Hardgrave, C. 861 245 Davis, L., Ir. S57 244 French, J. C. 670 193 Hardgrave, W. O. 698 202 Day, S. 716 207 ?>ench, J. C. 727 Hardgrave, C. 860 245 Day, W. 725 210 French, W. and I. C. 756 219 Harding, T. 760 Degen, K. W. 8^0 242 Fuller, U. 755 219 Harmon. A. A. 717 208 D'Hast, E. F. 690 Furnas, W. 604 174 Harper, J. 63S '83 Denham, I. 647 186 Furnas, B. and C. 610 173 Harper. J. 638 184 Dennis, E. W. 705 204 Furnas, W. 623 179 Harper. 1. M. 75S 220 Denton, C. 657 189 Furst C. 765 221 Hams. ii. H. and Cleg Dever, E. M. and Pratt Ganse, H. D. 585 169 horn, J. 581 169 I.e. 626 I So Gardiner, C. O. and Dow Harris, \. P. 754 219 Dewey, W. E. Sj6 238 ney, W. C. 880 252 Harris, N. |. 706 Dickerson, L. W. 794 228 Gardiner, C. O. 879 252 Harris, R."S. 858 245 Dierdorff, J. 863 246 (Jarler, R. 697 201 Harvev, W. 708 20s Dodge, R.'D. 607 175 Gaskill. R. R. 608 175 H;-.rryman, N. S. 604 174 Doak, J. 630 l8i Gaylord.O. 1,. 740 Haskins, M. and Hart, 1) Donely, T. and Cressler Ge.n-e. V. K. 799 229 B. 684 197 J. B. 701 203 t;.:p|i>--rt,A. 852 243 Hatch,' E. I). 753 218 Doolittle, G. W. 667 192 763 221 Haughey, L. D. 637 183 Doolittle, E. 698 202' S. ' 845 241 HaAins, I.. E. 595 172 Dorsey, W. D. 593 171 Gibson, II. H. 781 224 llaworth, W. 11. 603 174 Dorsey, W. D. 6.5 177 Giflord, G. T. 665 191 726 210 Doud, J. W. 790 227 (Albert, I. B. 723 209 6!I 176 Dryden, W. A. 599 ■73 Gilchrist, H. H. 814 232 ;'.'"' ..■..•|R.) 611 176 Dryden, W. A. an IC. E. 68s ■97 Gillespie, G. W. C. 582 169 Hehton. C, W. .S. 612 176 " " (R.) 685 198 Gillies, E. S. 642 184 He.nton. C. W. S. 614 177 Dulaney, N. 881 253 Gill, T. G. B. 723 209 Hem, C. 701 203 Dundas, J. 588 170 Gil man, W. 754 219' Heflin, A. 1. 6g. 197 " " (R.) 589 170 ( lilnmre I S. 652 187 Hetlin, A. t. 713 206 Dnrant, A. P. 626 183 Cncn. l.'ll.ilnt.onpdie Hencb, S. N. 83S 239 Dwight, G. M . 721 209 ll.'nn.l Cilbert, C. ' 637 183 Henry, S. 636 183 Dwight, S. H. a. d Cham G..I1, S. M. 600 ■73 Henry, R. 11. 722 209 hers, W. B. 748 217 ( ;,iM,niith, S. 595 172 Ilcnton, 1. 655 1 88 Easterday, E. Sf. 704 204 (ioodrich, A. 1. 803 230 Henton, 1. 734 212 Eberly, D. B. 768 222 G,.rham, M. 1.. 770 222 Herman, 1. B. 668 192 Eberlv, D. B. 792 227 (:;orham, M. L. 800 229 Herndon,"]. T. 701 203 Edw.n'rds, W. 11. 716 Gorham, M. L. 80s 231 Hewitt, P. 76S Edward,, D. 785 226 Gorham, E. D. 8.1 232 Higgins, R. .S. 804 230 Ekstrand, C;. *i 1 Casse Gracev, 1. B. 873 250 Hig'gins .T. S43 240 M. P. 644 '85 Gr:U,am."l. 1.. 752 218 Hildreth, P. 657 189 Elder, T. M. 863 246 Graham, H. J. 694 201 Hill, T. H. 706 204 Ellett, T. E. 662 191 Graham, M. G. 844 240 Hincklev, 1. B. 783 22s Ellis, I. L, 609 176 Grant, B. A. 648 1 86 Hindmarsli, |. 673 194 Ellwoo.l, R. an. Pi che Graltan, C. 879 252 Hinds, I, and Gee, [. 721 209 R. L. ' 781 225 Green, I. A. 60s '75 Hinkle.'.S. I. 839 239 Ellw.KHl, R, and Pi che Green, M. 794 228 Hoagland.C. 70s 204 R. L. ' 7S9 227 Green, O C. 817 233 Hoake, S. 593 171 Elhvood, R. an Pi cher, Griffith, W. H. 778 224 Hodges, L. H. 828 236 R. L. 820 n:-, Griswold, A. M. 685 198 Hoffheins, L. 659 190 " (R ) 820 233 Griswold, A. M. 714 207 Hoisington, S. B. 752 218 CUf/riVATORS—iVnKEL OK SLLKY. Plate S/tu'm /'/.!/.■ Claim Plate Claim II..lI,„l;.y. j. ^[. t^oi 230 Knowllon.W. A. ai d Kut- Manny. A. ^L 770 222 1 lollillL^-WOltll, I. 639 184 ledge, A. S54 243 Manny. \. M, 770 222 Ilohnan.f. 657 1S9 Knox, T. M. 787 226 Manny, J. P. 788 226 Holt, I). E. 742 2'5 Koehn,' T. C83 197 Markel.J. 602 174 Molly, S. 1!. and Jones. J ,S5S 24+ Kring, (■;. W. 722 209 Markham,D.,A. L and El- lloltz, 15. and linocli, \V. 642 184 Kynetl, 11, B. 678 196 drid, D. 589 170 Hoover, 11. 666 192 Kvnett, H. P. 766 221 Markham, A. S. 616 177 Horning, S.G. 641 1S4 Kynetl. 11. P. S38 239 Markham, A. .S. 653 188 Howard, U C. 668 192 Lacey, J. 624 179 Markham, A. .S. 693 201 Howe, H. 641 184 Lacey, ]. 624 179 Marks, G. M. 871 249 Howe, H. 678 196 Lncey,J. 643 ■85 Marsh, T. 690 199 11,. wo. 11. 695 201 Lacey, J, 65S 1 89 Marsh, \V. W. an, Mcln- Howe, 11. 756 219 Lamar, M, B, 767 tvre, H. 777 224 11..»l11. W. H. 651 187 Lapliam, S, 583 % Martin, A. 6S5 1 98 HuMmi,!, w. r. S27 235 Lan,|„..„,F.J. 878 252 Martin, S. 781 225 llulluia. W. p. and Rob,^. V 1 807 231 Martin, T. ]. 724 209 ,„-..,. 1. W. S34 238 Lane.W. 1: .mmM'.J .r, W. 677 195 Matchel, 1." F. am Smith, ih.a.,.,,, 1. w. 872 250 l.arLje. ( ■. 621 179 P. W. 792 227 Hull, J, 209 Lanalier, 1, T. W. 773 223 Mead, C. E. and Stcven- S-'o Lawvcn.c,' 1,. I son, G. E, 616 177 llullin'i;or. M. H. 1 yg '1 lionias, i;. S. '"' S07 231 Meeks, G, 796 228 llullin-cr, M. 11. t'SS I 89 l.each, F. F. S06 231 Megquier, C. F, 678 196 Hum, 11. f. 671 193 Leber, L. 596 172 Meharry, A. 819 233 Hnnt, .'X. 738 214 Leeper, R. A. and Kidder, Meikle, T. 857 244 Hunt. .\. 763 221 Z. 15. 60 1 173 Mendenhall, C. 881 253 Hunt. .\. 829 236 11 • W. and W. Nelon. E. 686 19S keck, K. (>33 182 I. 797 229 Nciderauer. C. • 878 252 Keller, J. H. 1!. 714 207 McGlew, P. 622 N„ble, 1). J. 656 189 Kerschner, D.. Monger. 1 Mcllvain, |. 730 211 (R.) 656 189 .S. and F. M. ■ S51 242 McKay, N. 736 213 Noble, D. J. 666 192 Kessler, B. F. 651 187 McNahh, 1). 631 182 Norling, A. and C. A. 863 246 Kessler. J. 674 194 McNorl.,n. J, T. 877 252 Norman, I). 777 224 Kiddoo. W. 669 192 McOuiston,"T, 59' ■71 Norton. C. P. 674 194 Kin-, W. H. L. 647 186 (R-) 591 171 (Idell, .\. T. 581 169 Kintj.O.J. S7< 249 Macy, I. and \V,it i;|,urn, aylor,G. 586 170 Kiiivon, .\. 630 181 C. 84. 239 (i"l„.i-n 11 595 172 •■ ■• (R.) 630 181 Mahon, I, B. 675 '95 (.Mci. W. 11. 621 179 K,,l la.MI, I. 63 ■ 181 Mahon, I. B. 689 199 1 )ls,,n, 1 ). 861 245 1,1 M. 1.. M. and M. I. So I 229 Mahon, 1, B. 759 Dilaud,,, T. 8ri 232 K,-.,.ll. K. M.andM. L. 822 234 Mahon, 1. B. 759 220 OslH.rn, !.■ 11. 630 181 (K ) 822 234 Maier, P. 765 221 Ostrom.'lI.W. 750 218 Kissell, E. M. and M. L. 83s 238 Mallon, J. 715 207 Packard, L. 590 171 Knight, G. 669 192 Mangas, J. 875 251 (R.) 590 171 Knight, E. H. 680 196 Manny, A. J. 646 186 Packer, H. 816 233 :l:i.tivaiors—\viiei:l ok sulky. PhU- Claim Plat,- '~lnim Plale Claim Padon, J. S. 60S '75 Rcvnrrs,,,,, 1,11. 705 204 Schofield, S. C. 740 214 Page, J. G. 645 185, 1:. I). andU. 1!. 796 228 Schr.ider, A. 813 232 Paine, C. J. 715 207 Khanny.J.ll. S72 250 Schroeder, J. 691 200 Palmer, I. A. 636 183 (K-) 873 250 (R.) 691 200 Palmer, I. A. 688 199 Rhinehart, W. C. and Gas- " " (R.) 691 200 Palmer, I. A. 722 209 ton, R. 718 208 Seabrook, C. T. a nd Palm, J. H. 840 239 Rhodes, W. and Porter, M. 639 184 Hine II. 8'5 233 Pangborn, C. S. and Beer , Rice, I. H. 654 188 Sebring, T. C. 771 222 G. W. 657 189 Rich, C, and Neisler,O.L. 700 203 Seely, W. 591 171 Parker, H. S43 240 Richardson, G. R. and Be- Seger, E. S. and )rmis- Parks, R. B. and J. R. 673 194 hel, J. 7S8 226 ton,J.C. 670 193 Parks, R. B. and J. R. 732 212 Richardson, J. 834 238 Seibeit, G. and J 713 207 Parlin, W. H. 688 .98 Rickerd, J. C. 703 203 Sexton, J. B. 700 203 Parmele, E. and Patterso. Riddle, W. N. 824 235 Sexton, J. B. 728 211 R. N. ' 660 190 Rider, J. J. 629 181 Sexton, J. B. 757 219 Pattee, D. 845 241 Robbins, R. B. 725 210 Seymour, W. H. and L. 697 172 Patterson, J. 58. 169 Robbins, R. B. 743 2'5 Shaw, 1. 585 169 Patterson, E. C. 634 rS2 Robbins, R. B. 762 220 Shaw, A 732 212 Patterson, I.. M. 656 .89 Robbins, R. B. 790 227 Shcnill, r. 7S2 225 Paul, D. H. 733 212 " " (R.) 790 227 Sherrill, '\. 836 238 Payne, J. T. 876 251 Robbins, R. B. 833 237 Sherwood, L. 632 182 Peaboday, S. G. 697 202 Robbins, R. B. 8eo 245 Sherwood, T. N. 652 18S Peaboday, S. G. 717 20S Robbins, R. B. SS2 253 Sl.crwooil, A. T. 780 224 Pearl, J. C. 740 214 Roberts, A. A. and l.)a- Short, T. 634 183 Peirce, J. H. S70 249 vi>, B. 5S6 170 Shupe, E. Sir 232 Pelton, L. D. and liarrou Rolierts, C. 609 '75 Simons, A. D. 808 231 J. ' 683 197 Roberts, C. 610 Simpson, M. P. nd Ella- Pendley, W. 865 248 Roberts, C. 610 176 coU, J. P. 789 227 Pendley, W. and Moss, A 870 249 Roberts, C. 633 182 Sint? C. 754 218 Pendley, W. and Moss, A .877 252 Roberts, C. 633 1S2 Sisson, W. A 686 198 Perkins, H. H. 7S7 227 Roberts, C. 942 '85 SisM,,n, |.. E. 792 227 Perkins, H. H. 820 234 Roberls, C. S. 670 193 Skaggs, N. J. n nd True, Perry, G. 658 189 Robertson, and Can-, L. W. 798 229 Phifer, E. 641 184 C. G. 597 172 Skelly, J. 11. 709 205 Phifer, E. 68 1 196 Robertson, W. 1. and .Skiff, M. H. 619 178 Phifer, E. 707 205 Knight, P. " 835 238 Skinner, J. !!. 652 iSS Philler, W. W. 670 '93 Robertson, W. J. 826 235 Skinner, S. 'V . 699 202 Pierce, W. 834 238 Robinson, L. " 585 169 Skinner, I. B. 744 216 Pierpont, J. 866 248 Roljinson, J. 731 212 Skinner. [. H. 747 217 Pigg, H. L. 776 223 Robinson,]. 11. 73S 214 .Skinner, ]. B. 778 224 Pollard, J. L. 798 229 Robiiis.m, \V. R. 779 224 Sloan, S. 62s 180 Pomery, S. G. 867 248,,IVllu», S. 617 ■78 Slocumb, S. W. and Phil- Pond, 0. M. 763 221 Ro^er,, 11. 11, 5S2 .69 lips, E. 625 180 Pond, 0. M. 786 226 R„iiie,, A. !'., C. F. and Slosson, E. and E. C. 868 248 Poole, T. F. 832 237 lUuse.J.U. 771 223 .Smalley, J. 589 171 Potter,"H. S. 664 191 Romann, A. and Peterka, Smith, Geo. 593 '7' Potts, T. J. and Yost, P. t • 638 184 J., 685 198 .Smith, I. R. 594 '72 Powell, E. R. 757 219 Root, F. P. 582 169 (R.) 594 172 Powell, E. D. &74 250 Root, J. 753 2.8 Smith, N. E. 6.7 .78 Preston, H. 709 205 Root, B. M. 866 248 Smith, II. B. 618 178 Price, J. 669 192 Rose, J. J. 736 2'3 (R.) 618 178 Price, G. W. 674 '94 Rose, H. M. 760 Smith, r. D. 625 180 Prosser. T. T., Darling, Rowland,;. E. 68 1 197 Smith, 11. B. 66r 190 M. C. and K. A. 632 182 Rue, J. 775 223 Smith, P. W. 6S8 I 98 Prout, H. N. S14 232 l^iuffner, S. Soi 229 Smith, 1. A. 74' 215 Prugh, G. W. and Bearc , Russell, E. W. and J. N. 823 234 Smith, P. E. 759 220 W. H. 654 188 Russell, P. S. 856 244 Smithson, F. L. 5S4 169 Purdy, S. 822 234 Rulledge, A. 816 233 Snook, W. 733 212 Pusey, F. W. 848 242 Sabin, S. A. 739 214 Spain, T. 814 232 Rabb, J. W. - 795 228 St. Jnhn, < ■,.!!. 644 '8s Span^ler. T- W. 765 221 Rand, N. A. 708. 205 Si. lohn.C. 1;. 719 208 Spani:ler. '|. W. 774 223 Rankin, J. H.* 694 St.b.lin. C. 1;. 748 217 Siiarks, A. 1. 620 179 Raper, W. li. 745 216 SU John, W, W. 64S 186 Spies, A. 11. 7.8 208 " " (R ) 745 216 St. Iohn,\V. \V. 671 '93 Sprngue. G. 680 196 Rate, E. F. 714 207 Sandelin, N. F. 773 223 Spr.ngue.P. ^_ 730 211 Rayl, S. G. 743 215 Sandelin, N. F. 773 223 I. 619 178 Raymond, D. R. 844 241 Sanders, A. 857 244 Stafford, 1). S. 600 173 Redlinger, M. 6S4 197 Sandiford, R. 718 208 (R.) 600 173 Reed, J. J. 671 193 Sattley, M. 761 220 Stafford, D. S. 612 176 Reed, S. T. 709 205 Savage, W. G. 641 184 Stafford, D. S. 689 199 Reed, T. M. 755 219 Savill, J. 654 188 Stafford, f. 805 230 Reese, E. 766 221 Sawyer, A. and Barnes M. 605 175 Slalcnp, W. P. 824 23s Reichard,J. 7" 206 Sawyers, E. H. 613 '77 Stanlon. S R. 849 242 Reid, C. L. 74S 217 Sawyers, E. 11. 633 Slant. 01, S. K. 874 250 Renny, B. W. 684 197 Schanck, G. H. 618 I78 Stark. A. 667 192 Renny, B. W. and N. T. 814 232 Scheiblein, J. and Hcilz- .Staulfacher, A. 869 249 Renny, N. T. 855 244 man,J. 7'9 208 Slaver, G. W. 847 241 Reynerson, J. H. 678 196 Schenck, G.W. 813 232 Slaver, (J. W. 853 243 CULTIVATORS— IVl'l EEL OR SULKY. rUilc Claim P.atc Claim Plat, Claim Sieani^, (.'. (.'. 616 177 Totten, P. R. 7'5 207 Weir, VV. S., Jr. 635 ■S3 Stevens. I.. (). 66S 162 Town>en(l, |. 649 .86 (l< ) 6J5 ■83 Sicuarl, W. I.. 722 209 Travis, IJ. W. 72. 209 Welch, s. (;. 623 1-9 Slimuull, 1. SS3 243 Travis, I). W. 740 214 Wells, W. |. 7 i2 2.2 Stocklon, i;. W. 682 197 Trvis, A. H. S62 246 Welden, V. .\. 762 220 Stull. M. 779 224 Trout, J. H. 795 228 Wellman, I). L. '^tr --*', Si, UK-, O. 706 204 Trowl.ridne, |. T. 763 22. Wells, C. C. Sicirm, 1 ;, 837 238 True, 1.. W. " 809 231 Wells, C. 7-' 1 J' 619 178 Tucker, A. G. 627 .So Wells, P. F. Stover. A. I. 655 188 Turley, M. 5!^5 169 Welty, I. 73 207 ■' " (R.) 864 247 Whitney. J. M. 589 .70 Stiuler, 1'. 8ji 237 Unthank, D, 883 254 Whitehall, N. 584 169 Stnkey, J. S. <^53 1 88 Utter, M. L. 84. 239 Whitehall, N. 5S6 170 Sturciis. W. 1!. S29 236 Utter, I. 862 246 Whitehall, N. 590 .7. Sweet, M. 689 199 Van Pnren, J. 877 252 Whitehall, N. 767 SwiekanI, J. W. 785 226 Van Camp, W. A. 818 233 Wiard, E. 8.5 232 Swickanl, 'l. W. 876 251 Vandegrift, T. F. an I W 812 232 Widman, J. 699 202 TalH.r, li. 1). 794 228 Vandegr.ft, T. I-', an d W S03 230 Wilcox, i. 620 179 Taliaferro, C. W. 609 176 Van Meter, M. 730 2.1 Wiles, T. and McGi nnis, J. 632 .82 Taliaferro, C. W. 662 191 Verharen. F. T. S53 243 Wilkinson, L. II. 7 il 2.. Tanner. U. C. 821 235 Viar>, J. A. 768 222 Wilkinson, G. 8^3 232 Teller, I). C. 654 188 Vowle.,.|. 592 171 Willard, C. 676 •95 TheJe, C, 787 226 Vo« les, J, 602 174 Willerton, W. 786 226 Thomas, J- H. and Mast, Vowles, I 716 208 Williams, A. 626 180 P. P". 638 184 Wadsworth, II. 734 2.2 WiUmot, W. 5S8 .70 Thom.-vs, J. H., Mast P.P. Waggoner, G. 783 22s Wilson, W. I. 590 and Harding, T 649 187 Wagner, D. S. 845 241 Wilson, J. C. 595 .72 Thomas, J. H. and P. P. Thomson, P. W Mast, 651 623 187 179 224 224 233 ^^^ 177 224 172 Wagner, J. Jr. Walker, L. B. 859 646 :t^ Wilson. J, Wilson, N. 684 733 197 Walker, E. and Weed, A Wilson, J. A. 745 216 Thompson, W. L. Thompson, A. Thompson, L. P. Thiiniton, S. C. 780 777 819 M. Walker, E. and Piatt Walker. E. and Piatt Walker, L. ]:] 693 737 741 764 201 213 215 Wilson. W. C. Wing, I. Wolfe, A. K. Wolf, I. 769 683 706 222 197 237 204 Thornton, S. C. 754 Throp, ;. A. and Cox, J. 613 Tilden, II. ■"'S Wallis, T. R. Ward, P. J. Warren, G. W. 827 845 663 235 24. .9. Woodward, J. A. and Mason, T. S. S. 712 (R.) 712 206 206 Tinkham, B. 598 Waterman, L. B. Waterman, L. B. 606 6.0 175 .76 Woodward, J. A., and Mason, T. S. S., 733 2.2 " (R.) 598 (R-) 599 172 Waterman. L. B. 627 .So Wright, E. A. 865 247 " 173 Wattles. II. I. 72S 211 Wright, E. A. 882 253 1 i]ilon, L. K. 779 224 Wattle.. II. "I. 735 213 Wood, J. A. Young, W. B. Young, B. F. 848 242 Tipton, L. K. 880 253 Wattle,. II. 'l. 744 2.6 688 199 .90 Tobias, J. C. and W. N. Pxites, Way, S. 717 208 660 724 209 Webster, H. II. 645 .85 Yonnl, J. 847 24. Tomlinson, J. H. 769 222 Weems, T. P. S. 846 24. Young, B. F. 756 2.9 Tompkins, A. 767 222 Weir, W. S. Jr. 603 174 Young, B. F. 725 2.0 Tostevin, J. P. 617 178 Weir, W. S. Jr. 6.1 176 Young, S. L. 785 226 Tostevin, J. P. 646 .86 (R. 6.2 176 Zeller, J, P. 734 2.2 CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. 169 No. 4,459.— NATHAN IDE, Shelby, N. W—W. Cultivators.— April iS, 1846. Claim. — The arrangement of the teeth in two rows combination with a pair of wheels, the treads of which in a line mill h.i\ IkHmiii the points of the two rows tee suh- »N, Mh N. \.— Wheel No. 5,075 I I'A I ri'KS^ Ciilti-;itois.—J; i: 17. 1S47. Claim. — The arrangement of the cultivator teeth herein set forth, when such arrangement is combined w a wheel cultivator, in which the position of the wheels w reference to the teeth is such as herein set forth. No. 5,195.— A. T. ODKLL, Royalton, N. Y.— ;F/ Cultivators.— Julv 17, 1847. Claim.- 1.— The combination of twn doiihle-ioin hint;es. and wheel r;, wing fiaim - I, I, . -m lininj i'h ^ oullivators R, witli the , - il; third wheel w, and central > 1 1 1 , 1. 11 ■.. is^i Claim.— 11 : !i e : 1 - of the wheels to the cam. ; ' •\ . :■■■'■- 1 ; ■■ i^h^. seed drills, eV:c., to thelrinu -I tie- i ,11 1 i,it;e, - > .1- 1 ■ \ ihrate the axle or axles, or suffer them to vdjr.ate and heep them at right angles to the motion of the ploughs when moving in a direct line, and when turning the ploughs, to keep the axle or axles in the direction of the r.ulins of the cu-cle, or nearly parallel with the radius of the circle, formed by the track of the wheel turning upon said axle, when the ploughs constituting the gang are pl.iced diagonally one behind the other in succession, and the wheels to the carriage of the same are also placed diagonally, one behind the other. No. 9,003.— F. P. ROOT, SwEEDEN, yi.Y.- Wheel- Cultivators.— June 8, 1852. I am fully aware that there are other modes of raising and lowering the frame containing the teeth of cultivators in use, particularly that patented to D. B. Rogers, Jan. 16, 1849, which consists mainly of a combination of a crank axlelree extending across the centre of the frame, on the ends or cranks whereof are mounted the sustaining wheels. While I acknowledge the similarity of the lifting action of the cranks of the axletree to that of the pivoteil segment levers used by me, and which I .lisclaim, \ et I am not aware that Mr. Rogers is eiitnleii t,,! means for efiecting the same result, and 1 . mmi ej\ 1 ih.u mv impnne- ments differ in material points hum hi-, and w liieli luiin the subject of my claim, mounting the carrying wheels upon axles F, only when said axles are made to project from pivoted segment-shape levers at each side of the frame, in the manner and for the purpose specified. No 10,197.- SENECA LEPHAM, Salem, Ohio.— Wheel-Cultivators. — November I. 1853. Claim. — The combination and arrangements of the parts, consisting of the lever M, and its attachment to the brace K. and tile e. .nneeliun . .f the tongue a, to the lever by the 11 its ap])lieatioii to the purpose of IN. V. C1M1--IELD, N. changing the direction of tl No. 10,467.— E. IJOUG y.-Wheel-Cullivaton.-Jauu.nv ;,i, 1S54. I do not claim any part of the raising and depressing devices; nor do I claim the knife or the wheels separately. Claim. — The combination of the knife with the wheels for the purpose of cutting up the ground and destroying thistles or any other weeds, plants or grass. No. 12,163.— JOHN IMEL, Liberty, \^i>.— Wheel- Cultivators.^January 2, 1855. Claim. — The curved and adjustable guard or fender, hinged as described, to a tongue supported upon running gear. No. 12,653.— F. L. SMITHSON, Mfxklenburi:, Va.— Wheel-Cultivators.— April I, 1855. Claim. — The conibin.ition of the harrow teeth and cylin- der substantially in the manner and for the purpose set forth. No. 13,191.— N. WHITEHALL, Roj! Roy, Ind.- Wheel-Cullivators.—July 3, I IM 2 c S59— JA I I LM K I — — S X 9 \ I \ I - c — iV o 8 c — — n P h ban, I h p n ^ \ H C u N 8 59- t db 1 ba K — — w a n th d N g A s b d n 2 -The O d h n p k d ? h ^ \ _ - -T a e o pa u t d P pa a — b k n b an D I I » n w C b n e m a d h h N J 1 IFII N n p ^ u " -L R — 4 o 858 n h y — T nd D a a t E e \ 4 — o a op e ^ RR H u I — ¥• Can — Th p A 5 — e fum h hha d 1 h b f \ _ _ t — C — s T h t a Q No 23 35 —JOHN I VH T\E B Ma s — Cultivators.— AJarc/i I, i8=;q. Aeon 1- , ,■ 1., : >MH„CHCU I U UlC levers i\, substai tl, 1 ii! |ii)^es set forth. Claim. —The an-angement of the teeth a, adjustable 2.— 11 « 111! ill!' above, the brace-rods H, at- mould-board.s, D, frames A A', and cross-beam B, with the tached i-k^ 1', liv means of .springs a, and branchec swivel bar L, and frame H, the whole being con- fitted ii till- rcce^^rs /■. ill the sti.'cks, and a ranged substan- structed as and for the pui-pose described. tially a an.I fnr tlie pi rll|^^e^ set forth. No. 23,182.— DANIEL MARKHAM, A. S. MARK- CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. UAVII) Kl.DKKO, MoNMouTH, li.i,.— O////- ::,t.r,.-M„rr!, S. 1859. I laim.- Tlio frame A, formed of two parts a a, conncckcl by llu' ir:i\n^c liar> /'. and provided with the sliding or ad- ju-i 1! I ii mi. r r. ,, ill, Oil- bars E and ploughs F attacli- I'.l Mil lin llie purpose set forth. \ .;,i .■ imll\ -M ALLEY, Bound KuooK, N. J. — (■; . . I/,; , :■ ;.l, 1S59. 1 d- !■' !n the lar E so as to permit ofthe ploughs lieinp; mo\ ed in ,1 \ertieal ur lateral direction by lever G, as and fortlie|>i.ivi-e. -.1 haih. 2.— The uiier.lianue,.' le s:andards M, adjustably secured to the be,im- D. and l.raee. X. f-r il;- pmi- -e, set forth. -;, — The ciiniliinalnni ■■lllie ; n ;■ I ' m- 1) and abjus- tnble sLandauK M « itli pi .:e- . i, : : ■ K, bar E and lever G, sub-l -ntiallv as and f.., tl;, nir, ,,-, ,et foith No. 25,764.— \V1LL1 AM SLELY, Chillicothe, In, — Cultivators. — October 11, 1859. Claim. — The arrangement of the post D, arms C, cross bar F, lever H, wheels W, shovels B and C, chams R and Q, arms U, cross bar K. vertical lever Y and \ ' lods / whifflelreeX, and draft hook A^, the whole being constiucted and combined in the manner and for the purp 'se leseiibed No. 2q,s;jv TIInM \s M, lai'isTON, Murmnc Sun, Ollln— (■/,,; , ' I-, 1X59. (.'laim.- i: . :ie lit ofthe elevated a\le D, beams A A', l.i.i l,e:.i 1 ' Is B,Bi, the whole benig constructed in the manner and for the purposes set foith No. 4,383.- THOMAS McQUlSTON, Moknin( Sln, 0\l\0.— Cultivators.— Octolicr 18, 1859.— Reissued J/«i 16, 1871. Claim — I. — The combination, in a walking sti addle row cultivator, of the following instrument dities, viz Two wheels E, tongue D, axle B, and two plough-beams A A, each beam carrying a handle and one or more shovels or ])loughs, and independently connected or hinged by brack- ets C to the axle, so as to permit of their being raised or lowered independently or moved laterally by the handle, as set forth. 2 — '1 he combination in a walking straddle-row cultivator, of the following instrumentalities, viz: Two wheels E, tongue D, axle B, two plough-beams, hinged as aforesaid. and rear r.inne,;it,,( lies or links F, all operating on comliinali.ia, -it '1:: " 1, and for the purpose set forth. ^--TIr i' I M I osed between the shares G, and slandards „' h.i ii • \ iii|.. e set forth. No. 27,100— .\1;M-,K C.\REY, RoMli, C\.— Cultiva- tors. — Filiruary 14,1860. Claim. — The described arrangement of the ploughs H, beams (i, and perforated rails D, the whole being combined and constructed in the manner and for the purposes set forth. No. 27,174.— JOSEPH VOWELS. New Hudson, Mich. Cultivators.— Fchruarv 14. 1S60. Claim. — I. — In c.inil.iii eh.ii \\\\\\ the series of hoes or ploughs L L, the I .1 ploughs N N, con- structed, arranged, an i n;,, i 1 ! ;; i.ilile in the manner and for the purposes heieiii .ksoil'^d .md represented. 2. — The peculiar construction, eoniliinatinn, ar.d arrange- ment of the frame, the pulleys, and the 1. ickini; e.f the stand- ards to Hie frame, substantially as described and for the iA\' ) E. 1S60. un of the revolvin- coulter with knile-edL'ed arms, the shovels A made with flukes or barbs, the beam, i: b. llie cross bar X, str.aps S, rollers ;• r, treadles 1' 1', and tlie pin or pivot on which the beam B hangs, all cuniiected as described and for the purpose set forth. No. 5,601.— CYRUS M. HALL and DAVID E. HALL, Uniontown, III.; said DAVID E. HALL assignor to said CYRUS M. HALL.— C;<*;Vff/(;«.— 27,627, March 27, 1S60. — Reissued October 14, 1873. Application filed January 5, 1872. Claim — I. — In combination with the barbed share A, the revolving cutting-wheel or shield C, the periphery and arms of wdrich have sharp cutting-edges, constructed and arranged substantially as snown and described, for the purpose set forth. 2. — The combination ofthe hitch-bolt K, the bars m and «, the bolt e. and the axle-tree Y, and a suitalile device for holding and opeiatinc; the same as co-acting devices for rendering the pnim en, Is ofthe beam adjustable, both later- ally ■^x^•^\v^\:■. >Mn in i. ^.. ndent of the motion of their rear end- uel Ml I. I 11 i ' I 1 " h other, and for equalizing the iliMll Miiln- ini.l ■ 1' , instructed and all arranged sub- stantially 111 liie miimei .ie-eribed and set forth- 3. — The combination of the sliiling bar .x, provided with supports upon the rear face ofthe axle-tree Y and the pen- dent posts I I, as a device for communicating lateral motion to the ends of the plough-lieams, and of allowing and L'uid- ing vertical motion ihereof, independent of any motion of the front ends of the same, constructed and arranged sub- stantially in the manner and fi 1 the purp ise set forth 4 — 1 he combinat on of the fi nt li 1 11., I u 1 tlie fiont cioss-niect F' the 1 ai w an 1 u hit 1 1 li k I It the the ams as shown b\ the I nl / is e aelui 1 m e I 1 m 1 [jthL funtenlsofthebeims hleially md of -ivin^ the itical motio I eithei to elhei ,t indej endentlv of eai h 1 an! in ' 1 en lenth f the m itinn rf the aft ends L, si tted shovels II I 1 It S b ps /^ spiing detent t 1 . I il e 1 2 — In combmali 1 I II mi the 1 Ijust ment of wheels W on axle \. 1 ) 1 It ; and pms ,, as speci fied No. 27,654.— GEORGE SMITH, Baltimore, Ohio.— Cultivators. — March 27, i860. Claim.— The arrangement of the hinged teeth F, shanks G, ropes or chains I, roller J, and lever K ; the wdiole being arranged for joint operation as described, for the purposes set forth. No. 27,703.— W. D. DORSEY, Decatur, \\.\..— Culti- vators. — Aprils,, i860. Claim. — I. — So combining the hinged beams C D of a CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. poses dcsmhcl. -In combiiiAtioii with the pairs of hoes so hung and operated, tlie shields L L, for protecting the young plants from the sods, earth, or soil turned up by the hoes, substantially as set forth. No. 27,975.— JOSEPH F- EYLAR, Scott, Ohio.— Cultivators — .///// 24, i860. Claim.— The described arrangement of the ploughs E F, frames G, links ]I, chains I, standar with the tongue H and bent arms K, substan- tially .as and for the purposes specified. No. 29,762.— GEORGE W. BROWN, Galesburgh, \\.\..— Cultivators.— August 28, i860. Claim. — I. — So combining the frame, wheels, and ploughs wdth the levers L M, as that the driver or operator, from his seat, may turn or cramp said frame, wheels, and ploughs, on the tongue, to cause the ploughs to follow the crooks in the lows ol" plants, sal.slantially as described. J.- So eomliinine ihe seat and tongue with the frame, and with an axle ',ei in .nKance of its supports in the wheels, a^ that the ,lri\er or operator in his seat, by shifting his weight, may raise, hold up, and lower the ploughs sub- stantially as described. 3. — In combination with the ploughs, the convex cutters or shields N N, when constructed, arranged, and operating as set forth. No. 30,000.— WILLIAM H. SEYMOUR and LOTH- ROP SEYMOUR, Weymouth, 0-a\o.— Cultivators.— Sep- tember 1 1 , 1 860. Claim. — The special arrangement of the swinging or ad- justable frames Q in combination with the hinged arms M N and adjustable teeth, when constructed and operating as described. No. 30,589.— HENRY H. ROBERTSON and CYRUS C;. CARR, Kingston, Uo.— Cultivators.— Novem/>er 6, i860. Claim. — The arrangement for united oiieration, in a cul- tivator, of two or more ploughs G, or scrapers N, a -series of cross-bars L L', a series of adjustable buttons J, pierforated loops E, and stop pins I. substantially in the 'manner and for the purposes il.'^n ibe.f No. 30,72-,.— 11 II ^ R.CoRNICK, CapauGris, Mo. — Pl0Ug/,S. — .\0V,/„/;r 2-J. l.SOO. Claim.— The coniliinaliem and arrangement of the cross piece ii', toni;ue w. axle a, wheels x, piieces , , cro^s-pieCe t.', O Q Z Y, rod V, levers",- of, and seat /,' substantially as de- scribed, for the purposes set forth. No. 30,727.— SAMUEL FISHER, West Windsor, N. J. — Ploughs. — November 27, i860. Claim. — The combination of the pivoted beams G with the pivoted ploughs supported by a pin, when arranged to oper.ate in the manner and for the purpose set forth ; and this I claim whether the ploughs be made adjustable, and be raised or lowered, or held by the devices described, or by others accomplishing a similar object by substantially the No. 30,897.— BENJAMIN TINKHAM, Cameron, III. — Cultivators.— December II, i860. Claim.— I.— The combination with the axle B and plates e d of the beams E, plates a b, and pins or bolts/, substan- tially as and for the purposes set forth. 2. — In combination with the above I claim the pins or supports //, with the hounds D, as and for the purpose de- scribed. No. 4,231.— BENJAMIN TINKHAM, Cameron, as- GULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. signer to IIAPGOOD & CO., CmcAGd, \l.l..—Culthrs. — 30,897, Dcttiiilhr II, i860. — Reissued January 10, 1S71. Claim. — I. — The beams E, hinged or pivoted to the axle l)y a joint, substantially such as described, whereby the lieams, with their shovels, have a free vertical and lateral movement, and still be held in an upright position, as here- in .set forth. 2. — The rearwardly-projecting bars D, or their equiva- lents, for supporting the hinged beams above the gronnd, substantially as described. 3. — The combination of the axle B, rigid tongue C, braces or bars D, and the hinged beams E, all arranged to operate substantially as and for the purpose herein set forth. No. 4,600.— BENJAMIN TINKHAM, Cameron, as- signor to HAPGOOD & CO., Chicago, \\.\..—Cullivalors. — 30,897, DecemlH-r II, 1S60. — Reissue No. 4,321, Jan- 17, 1S71. Ltor, the tongue C rigid- 1 with bars D D rigidly aces to the tongue, and . alent bars extended to s E E with their gangs iiary 10, 1871. — Reissued Oa Claim. — In a stradille row i ly secured to axle 1:. in . >iiiii secured to the a\li , 11 having their rear en 1 1 the rear to support tin [I ii^l of ploughs above the ground «hen required, substantially as set forth. No. 30,966.— JOSEPH GUM and ST. CLAIR GUM, Marseilles, III. — Cidth'ators.— December 18, i860. Claim. — The lever E, in combination with the levers L L, the open slot standards S S, and the slots on the lower side of the cross-piece H, by which to control the central movement of the ploughs, when arranged as set forth, as is substantially described. 2. — The driver's seat D, in combination with the several elements of the preceding claim, when arranged as set forth and substantially as described. No. 31,101.— T. T. D. ALEXANDER, Maryenna, lY.-Wi.—Cultivators.—January 15, 1861. Claim. — The arrangement of the beams A .\, the bars B B and H H, as constructed, the shanks F F, the wheels D D, and the slotted crank axles E E, the whole being arrang- ed and connected in the manner and for the purpose specifi- ed. No. 31,112.— W. A. DRYDEN, Monmouth, III.— O//- tivaton. — January 15, 1861. Claim. — I. — The arrangement of the lever G with the dog/, in combination with the ^top ;,^ on the upper surface of the beam A, and with the plate c, at the under surface of the draught pole, constructed and operating as and for the purpose specified. 2. — The arrangement of the pin j, projecting from the beam A, in combination with a hole /■, in the lever G, sub- stantially as and for the purpose described. No. 31,133.— DANIEL S. ST.XFFORD, Decatur, III. — Cultivators. — January 15. 1S61. Claim. — I. — In coml.iiiati^in with the driver's seat and a tongue pivoted to the main frame, the arc d, with its pro- jections or braces <■ e, so that tlie driver may. from hii seat, cramp the main frame on the tongue, to cause it to follow the crooks in the row of plants, substantially as descrilicd. 2. — In combination with the seat and main frame, the construction and arrangement of the bent axle, for the pur- pose of allowing the driver to use the axle itself as a lever to raise or lower the frame upon itself, substantially as de- scribed. 3. — The long bent share blades or cutters H, for the jnu-- pose of cutting under and throwing the loosened soil to- wards the plants, when combined and arranged with a frame such as descrilicd and rejiresented. No. 5,827.— EI. 1/ \ s. idXKi.iN, Executrix, Ma- con county, and 11 1^1 III ^lAI FORD, Knox county, III., assignee of i.)AXli;i. h. > FAFFORD, deceased.— Cultivators. — 31,133, y««//,/rr 15, 186 1. — Reissued April 7, 1874. — [Filed September 20, 1870.] Claim. — I. — The combination, in a straddle-row cultiva- tor, of frame A, wheels B, series of ploughs G, arranged in two gangs, with a central space between the gangs, and elevated or bent axle C, constructed substantially as de- scribed, to permit the corn to pass under it, and to raise or lower the plough-frame, as set forth. J, - The cleialcd pole D, segmental slides e and d, and siirrii|is , . in c. ani lination with frame a a, as and forthepur- ;, — Willi tlu foregoing devices of second claim, the axle C and driver's seat E, in combination, for the purposes set forth. 4. — The combination, in a straddle-row cultivator, of the two wheels B, axle C, frame A, series of ploughs G, and supplementary wheels J, all operating in combination, for the purposes set forth. 5. — In a straddle-row cultivator, the share-blades H, con- structed as described, in combination with frame A, bent axle C, and wheels B, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. 31,382.— SILAS M. GOFF, East Addison, Vt.— Cultivators.— Febraarv 12, 1S61. Claim.— The arrangement of the adjustable shares I., bar M, and frame K, with the frame N, segment bar f), roller N', frame 1), share E, toothed shaft F, and hooks J, in the manner and for the purpose shown and described. No. 31,393.— R. A. LEFl'KR and /,. 1!. KlUDER, -San JOSR, III. — Cultivators. — Ffhraarv 12. lS()i. Claim.— I.— The employment of the laterally swinging bars I I and shares J in combination with the uprights/', beams L L, crank shafts M, rods / k, and lever N, in the manner shown and described. 2. — The arrangement with the above-named ]iarts of the arms a a, bars b b, and slotted plates I), and frame A, seat E, lever F, beams /// «. upriglits y, and standards G, in the manner and for the purposes show n and described. No. 1,996.— R. A. LEEPER and Z. B. KIDDER, San Jose, III., assignors to DILLIS, KERN & CO., Atlanta, \\.\..— Cultivators.— February 12, 1861.— Reissued_/««^ 13, 1865. Cl.iim. — I. — Suspending the share standards I I upon pivots or bolts at their upper ends, substantially as and for the purposes shown and described. 2. — The combination and arrangement of the share stan- dards I I, slotted supports /y, and beams L L, jointed at their front ends, as and for the purposes specified. 3.— The employment of the crank shaft M, provided with the arms .t and r, arranged and operating substantially as and for the purposes specified and described. 4. — The combination of the oscillating standards I I, beams L L, crank shafts M M, provided with the arms r s and rods t, arranged and operating as specified and described. 5. — In combination with said standards I, beams L, con- necting bar K, crank shaft M r s, and rod t, the rod O and and lever N, arranged and operating as and for the pur- poses specified and shown. 6. — The combination and arrangement of the oscillating standards I 1. supports //, cross-bar /■. rods //, and beams m m, substantiallv as and f ^r the purposes specified. 7_In conilmiaiion with -aid .,,cillaiin- standards I I, uprights ; /, cro,s-l,ars /•, lods / /, and beams mm, the employment uf the fulcrum h upon the ,!,', lever F, for the purposes set forth. S. — The arrangement of the spindles ,7 a, bars b b. and slotte.l plates D D, with the frame A and seat E, all arrani;e 1 as and for the purposes .shown and specified. No. 31,682.- J. B. TURNER, Jacksonville, III.— Cultivators. — March 12, 1 861. Claim. — I.— The arrangement of the frame A, with the draught-pole B, triangular frame D, and bar < ', substantially as shown, to admit of the independent lateral uiovement of the frame A, as set forth. 2. — The arrangement in the described connection with a cultivator of the double-tree E and stirrups G G, connected by chains F, the stirrups being fitted loosely on the rod H, at the front part of the frame A, to prevent the draught mechanism interfering in the least with the adjusting move- ment or frame A, and to render the line of draught per- fectly adjustable. 3. — The combination of the hinged guard-frame K, chain/, and seat I, constructed, arranged, and operating in the manner and for the purposes set forth. 4. — The combination of the curved bars O and it), and CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. si 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 n il opeiating as descubed tj to e nti .1 du xeltie d 111 1 hteiil mmemcnls of the ctdtiva- 1 1 1 k' 11 lid 11 u w Ih the ll] ii^ht h . lei nietillie lod ;, by 1 Ihe adjustable cutteis or 11 1 W 111 ll 1 1 1 11 I the eiilUMt 1 h in the t,i und, for su , II ,11. A -ind in fiont of the lelll Mil IIh nil ll leh iiiih t.|l ee w h< n the maehmc lollLi M \l 111 IS n t used in culli ll n ll nil 1 IK IS kseiibed b — Ih 1 Li s seit I with the No V) 129— 11 \M inwi ks \i« 111 i.boN, Mich. ciiltml 1 1 lie Iv -ittichel ineun ( „//, ,/ ; ( — A„ is 1 ntctiuii w 111 il 1] 1 1 i IS i„l foi the pu. lose C him— Ihe 1 1 tl 1 1 1' 1 11 , 1 111 i\le A neap C, specihed beams 1 1 ' M liii ^e 11 11 Till 1 1 umsK, biaees No 31.702— JOHN COX and I A. rHROP, TiiMi- N, plough 1 h es eonstiuele 1 e ml 1 11' 1 1 h 1 11 s 1 Ihe whole bemg Rl\ERs MiLH— C«/// me ins ef 1 K / ill combined tnllyasindfu ih. |, , and iiimi,e 1 1 1 j lilt 01 eim m IS mil 1 the 1 uijiose set No 31 725— l(ill\ M VI .KLL, M.Anenir, IiL — foi th Cidtnatoi^ AJmJi iq iSdi No 33Su-\\ I RENS( )N rURNAS,ONON\\ k, Iowa. Chun— I —The Lombimt on of deMcesCW W h I, foi —riouJn—Dui i/i I 3, 1S61 pe.minentl> 01 temporiuly 1. iustint; the woikni^ width of CI urn -The 1, m emellt . f the | nlle\ 1 lis N N, pul- the cultivatoi bhoveK, loiisIui lei lellled ml o|elltin,' le\sM tieidks 1 III 11 and m the manner subsnntnll) i 1 1 111 llels K k with ll 1 iihids 2_Ir combnnton with tli ll e 111 le\el ll 1 dl he 1 (. (, 111 1 the lin 1 led wheelb C is hilK Icsciih 1 1 1 lei Ull e et lollh \ ,S( — 1 II II 1 1 In — No 1 [ s 1 1 1 1 \(>\\1LS, NlW Hi 1. SON, ( ;//// Mich — lS( I eiiii 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 liime suppoited Chin 1 1 llicinehnelbiacesCCI- E 1 n md 1 1 1 1 uing as a roller standiul 111 1 Ik 1 11 ml liame A is show n and a wi el ( u ll e 1 1 ll 1 le 1 1 1^ 1 |l«.u^h flame and desculc 1, uIiluI \ the sc \ei ll 1 11 He n 1 1 t 1)1 lee I), contiulled b\ s id niim hame ul 1 1 nilh i ilesml ed. •\nd suppoit each ctliLi 111 1 i 2 — The combm lion of the piMt 1 lex s I I with a plementoLtiinel hoii7ontall\ hin,a I n^ue so thil the hiser ll m his No ^241; —1 S( (11 1 ( ehin^ 1 1 1 1 fi md the diiection of the Oniii,\ III — c 1/ 1 ^S iSdl Chim-UK 1 ^ . 1 1 ,11 ( ( k\ei D, pole B', , — lliean, 1 n Un holding the mould- beims E 1 -iiid 11 1 N u 1 1 1 i< 1 ,7 as descnbed, m boird 01 the bi 1 1 Ml 1, hen It also admits cmibinni n « t'l 1 1| ill | ^ tedl.iacketsJJJ and piv- of having the 1111. 1 til 1 1 1 iwe 11 Ihe m lid board ot 1 sh \l1 s cl (, 1 I,' ( ' ill auanged as shown and and the bi lee as a // f. 1 tl 1 I 11 IS 1 llU 1 dL tuUl 4.-1 aslennu' d e m iiin 1 1 1 111 |1 11, h liameby \ ,- 4,1 — liis.1 \1I Ml Ml OK]) and T W WIL means ol theciess lllee 111 :, ill 1 t l) k w 1th its M >\ I I \l 1 111 — M, S ISOI key in the mmn 1 ml 1 Ih 1 111] k ellle 1 Ml 1 1 thei s, S-lhe rem, X with the m ul 1 1 le 1 1 1 le e ill e ml initlOll tint i1r> iiiiv 1 1 1 111 III 1 11 1 \ t ,1 ^ \ s II \kk^ M W 1 1 Nki 1 1 Imj — 1 lent IS well is 1 1 11 ^ 11 1 1 1 1 It 1 1 1 111 III IM when so locked , 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 ( 1 11 II 1 111 1 111 e\el 1 1 lit e llstuicted int 1 or out of the ^1 ml 111 1 ll 1 111 1 1 1 e 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II Ihe 1 11 (. ] ivoted to and represented 1 ll liime h and standards E No 32,442 —WILI lAM S WEIR, JR , Monmouih, 1 1 1 II ul stintially as shown. III —Culliiatots.—Mny 28, 1S6I 1 11 1 1 INS, Farmington, III — Chim— I —The combimt on of a spiin^ catch V and C-ltth l>hte (J Wlt'l tin pi u^ liime 1 mdseatfiame, sub 1 1 1 111 11 1 the peipendicular st-intnlK is 111 1 1 il t 1 ui| es el 1 nil 1 1 1 tl 1 iiisNerse bar a a' 2 — Ihe I. ml 1 111 11 with the se ll 1 ime and plough III ll 1 w ei part of the fr-ime of tikh | 1 t 1^) 1 111 ^ eileli 1 111 1 adjusting blocks 1 1 11 II 1 I uetedandarrang- «- r/, cons iiRtc 1 ml iiiin^Ll to 1 elite in lelition to each ed IS tie 1 1 1 1 ll |U1| t 1 1 other as in) 1 1 the puij o,ls set f. ith 2 — 11 e 1 11 ll 11 1 ll 1 M 11 1 haught rods//, 3_ruuini;oi liin^int, the jku^h fianiL I to the front when e 111 liuet 1 1 1 1 1 nil 11 1 1 1 the purposes set of the seit-fiime, inl in h nt ol the seit-fiame and m forth fiont of the i\le of the imin ui 1 It 11^-wheil 111 eombi- 3 -The cank 1 XI 1 1 l]ii tl ^mits 1 constiuct- nition with ind pioMdin^ 11 1 liiiie I Willi t» > sets of ed and auanged 11 1 ll 11 1 lough on wheels pl.uijhsl I K K inan^. It 1 elate m relition to each inthemmnei an 1 1 tl 1 l| et 1 1th othe. as and foi tl , i 1 Uh 4— 11k 1 1 1 1 111 el ss-bar a a', diau^ht-rods No 32,560 — 11 1 1 1 \I md St CLAIR GLM, / /' Il ] il|u ting levers /• yf' and//', Marscilies, 1 1 1 fnnc IS, 1861 1 1 e It II all substantially as and Claim — Ihe . 1 le level /, the lexers /' /', f",' the. Ill, " CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. No. J4,52S.— ANDREW SAWYER and HENRY BARNES," lU'Rl.iNiiKiN, \N\i.—Cullivators.—J-e/'nui>y 25, IS(12. Claim. — The airanjjement of the peiululuus suspended frame C, attaclicd di-niight pole F, shares E, rods D, and chains D' XV, with the segments K K, rock shaft I, and lever J, in the m inner shown and described. No. 34,630.— I. A. GREEN, Hknry.I I.I..— 0//rt'rw/,;;j.— A/ar,/i II, 1862. Claim. — These four features combined in one machine in the manner described: the first feature consisting in the main frame, the bowed and cranked axle, and driver's .<:eat, arranged in respect to each other as described; the second, consisting in the arrangement of the tongue G, the lever H, and the drivLr\ -cu T, in relation to each other, asset forth; Ih, ill II I. . 1: i -I mil: '" iii.iKini; llie main frame in two parts, .111 : iiM iln\Lr\ seat J and the frame E II I :, \ ,1 , , iIk' Ihiw (if the a.'ile therein, as s,i huili ; il;,- li. mill 1,. nil,' cuiM^t- of the bars O O, the frame K V. I. Land N, iIk suucl I, .md the main frame, arranged in relation to each utlici a^ scl Imlh. No. 34,732.— F. K. liKoWX. lli.;iiisi,AVN, N. J.— Ciillivalors. — March 25, 1802. Claim. — I. — The combination of the adjustable slides F, plates G, slotted pendants E, and c nnecting rod H, with each other and with the standard I, in the manner shown and described. 2. — The arrani;ement of the jiendant-slotted bars E J, slides F K, plates G L, rods H M, standards I N, and arms i 0, with each other and with the arms i], links ;, arms ,<, shafts /, and lever O, as and for the purpose shown and de- scribed. No. 34,828.— JOHN GROSS. M.\niii.a, Tni..— (»///- -.uitors.— April l',\%(i2.— Tlie lever frame P.. h iili 1. vcr- C and adju>table points 1), when operated in ciniiKi w iili the frame A, with the guide bar F, and r.iUcrs I 1, by means of the standards E, the whole being arranged and operated as set forth. No. 35,272.— E. [. WHITE, LocKK,, N. V.— />/,.„.* — May 13, 1862. Claim.- The ploughs M (^). when attached to vertical sliding sianilar.K I. R, which pass luosly through the moiinl- ed frame or plallorm A. and arc coniicctc.l to adjusini- levers K S, in with llic vcilically adiustable coulters 1'' T and guage wheel X, all .11 ranged for joint operation, as and for the purpose .cl Linli. No. 35.2S2.— 1.. B WA'IF.KM.VN. CiiicACO, Ii.i.., assignor t I himself and JAMES S. BANGS, of the same place.— r«.'//r'«.',stan- tially set forth. No. 35,668.- A. B. CASS, iMuscatine, Iow.v.— Ch///- -•a/ors. — June 24, 1862. Claim. — The pivoted share standards a* a* and sliding share standards ;■ ;% connected to the jointed adjustable lever E, ii mImi liwn m ith the seat H ami lever F, con- nected to ,1 \ I ! lie seat support I, all arranged as and for the 1 ; i • iied. No. 35,0; ; 1; h liMDGE, Adel, Iowa.— Cu//mi- tors.— 7„„/2^, 1862. Claim. — The arrangement of the stirrups b, connecting the front ends of the beams G G', in combination with the treadles e, hand-levers i, and guide-bars m, all constructed and operating in the manner and for the purpose shown and described. No- 35.7'8. — C. A. UHL, Millersburch, Ohio. — Cnl- livators. — June 24, 1862. Claim. — I. — The arrangement of the lever L, rods in. beam I, and ploughs E, as described, for the purpose of lifting the ploughs from the earth as described. 2. — The guides F, for regulating the depth of the fur- rows, in combination with the pins inserted in the holes/, in the said guide-bands F, substantially a-s described and shown. (IWA.- No. ',5,985.- 1. N. BAUMANN, Must- Ci(!li-:ili>rs.—Jiilv 20. 1S62. ('iaini. — I —'Hie attaching of the double tree E to the cross-bar 1 of the stanilards G G when used in combination with the chains M M jiassing under adjustable pulleys N N, and a whiffletree V conneile.I to each cluain, substan- tially as and for the purpose set lortli, 2.— The guard or clod cuisher. consisting of the adjust- able bars R R provided with parallel rods «, and attached to the bar Q, which is also adjustable and secured to the cross-bar K, as set forth. No. 36,019.— J. S. PADON, Si'MMERFiEi.D, III.— C«/- tivntors.^uly 29, 1 862. Claim. — The arrangement of the adjustable frames C, anil beams F and G, in respect to each and under the main frame B, when constructed and operated in the manner de- scrilied and shown. No. 56,158.-1. B. JONES, Xknia, On\o.—Cullivators. -Auiinsl \2, lSb2. Claim— I.— The laleiallv movni- 01 .idiusiaMe ph.ugh frame IJ, when opeiaie- 1 a, -Ihum,. lo ,mi : \,^ ineaii, of the tooth segments E K on the unk sliall f, e,.,auie mi,, the ed frame A, as and for the purpose sel forth. 2. — The manner of attaching the plough standards H to the frame D, to wit : by placing the standanls in guides /, attached to pendants 1 seemed to the frame I), and secur- ing the standards at any desired height by means of the catches J, as and for the purpose specified. No. 36,600.- R. R. GASKILL, Wyankt. III.— t«///- 7'alurs. — October 7, 1862. Claim __,._-lhe plough bars F F, secured to the front cross-bar // of the frame A by means of the double hinges or universal joints ,/■:■ ,;"-. in combination with the rods G G, fitted in the beaiin-s II connected to the bars F F, and arranged witli the .Mljiistable bearings J', as shown to oper- ate as and for the puriiose s]iecified. 2.— The adjustable or n,o^,l Me < ,, ( , ul.eii ,n,inL;ed as shown, and used in eombiii, 11 1 : , 1 ! omIsG G, and levers J or K, as ami 1 I 1 .1 , li \. — The swinging or nd;usi,iMe .iiuel as'sli.iun with the 'holding lever K, in the l.r.ikes loniied of the levers O, rods 1 >\ itli tlie slioes S attached, all arranged I loi the pui-pose set forth. No. ;(,,7.S5.— W. H. JORDAN, Rose' Ir.'alor's.-O.lcbcr 2%. 1862. ed 1 pole 1 I. and cranks R o opera nd -Cul- uith the forth. Rivers, No. 36,859.— CYRUS RdBERTS, Wkw. — Cultivators.— Xoi'cniber 4, 1S62. Claim. — I. — Mounting the front feet in a frame having both a lateral and a vertical movement when arranged and operating substantially in the minner and for the purpose )f the front and rear lifting frames, ows of teeth are attached, with a in the manner described for the ml.i and fee ingf and front and rear lifting Iranies, when .uranged in relation to the wheels, substantially as herein described, for the pur- pose of balancing the machine, as set forth. No. 36,889.— A. M. BLACK, Aukurn, \\.\..— Cultiva- tors . — November II, 1 862. Claim.— The rock-shaft D, with the plough bars or beams E E attached to it, as shown, and connected at their back ends by the cross-bar F, in combination with the arm G and the lever I, the latter being provided with the arm J fitted between cleats or projections d d on bar F, all ar- ranged substantially as and for the purpose herein set forth. CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. No. 36,922.-0. W. TAI.l.XFERKO, Keithsburg, ll.l..— Ciillku7tors. — Xo-;-iii/'. r ir. iSiu. Claim. — I. — The plou<,'h Ihmhi^ i ;, rMnnected at their front ends by universal joln^ ,/ {•• | supports I at the front part of ilie fr.iiiic A, aii.l |iinM,kt\\.\.— Ci,/t;i;itors.—I-\-ln-i,ary 24, 1863. Claim. — The main frame C, guide rod G, melallic sup port J, levers 11 I, rods a a, plough frame F, and spindle /, the whole combined and arranged to operate in the manner and for the specified. No. 38,171.— ALFRED LEIGH, Clinton Station, Hunterdon Co., N. J. — Cidtivators. — April 14, 1863. Claim. — The arrangement of the frame K with wheels 3 B', adjusting levers C, furrowing shares E, hinged culti- vator teeth F, and swivel bar G, with marker H, all con- structed and operating in the manner and for the purpose herein shown and described. No. 38,261.— CHARLES W. S. HEATON, Bei.i.f.- vii.LE, St. Clair Co., III., assignor to JABEZ J. PIG- GOTT and HENRY RENTCHLER, of same place.— Cultivators.— April 21, 1863. Claim. — I. — The truss-frame A, coll^^nlct^;d in the man- ner described, in combinalion with sliurt a\li;s ami vertical outside hangers i i, as and for the purpnsL- M-t fc^rlh. 2. — The guard-biace E, arranged and operating suljstan- tially as described. 3 — The combination of the long tongues or poles K' K', neck yoke M, reach L, and brace N, substantially as and for the jjurpose set forth. 4- — The combination of the adjustable seat O, reach L, long tongues K' K', neck yoke M, and brace N, substan- tially in the manner described. 5. — A shovel beam formed of two parts B B', which make an angle, in combination with a slotted standard s, which is adjustable, substantially as and for the purposes set forth. 6. — The combination of the j ury-brace /, which is adjusta- ble, with the double beam B B', and slotted standard s, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 7- — The arrangement of the foot levers n, curved bars / /, notched y, roller m, and cords or chains 0, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 8. — The arrangement of the slotted adjusting pieces c, pendant share-beams, and (haught device I, with single swingle-trees and fi m. A. hhI .mtside hangers z /, in the manner and for tb. 1 , | I > :i!>cd. 9. — The combiiii ! 1: 1 il, .itted pieces C, brace rod E, frame A, and jkh Lmi li.M.Jrrams, substantially as and for the purpose set fortli. No. 38,295.— WILLIAM D. DORSEY, Decatur, Macon Co., \l.\..— Cultivators.— April 2%, 1863. Claim. — The arrangement, in the manner herein shown and described, of the two adjustable share frames I I and the operating foot levers L L with each other and with the bars E E, the pole A, and the driver's seat C, all as set forth. No. 38,651.— J. W. BOOKER, Fairmount, Vermil- lion Co., III. — Cultivators. — A/ay 26, 1863. Claim.— The pluugh-beam, E E connecte.l to the main frame A, as shoHii, inr 1 .in 1 d'mh vwili ili. ii|.ii-lils II, provided with the :■■ ; 1, I ', '• ' ',1, iit.iched to the plough-beam . i: ■ i i i I 1 ' iiranged for joint operatii'ii 1 mi i.,i ih, j.iii| h- ix-in set forth. No. 38,884.— PHILIP COONROD, Keithsburg, Mer- cer Co., III. — Cultivators. — June 16, 1863. Antedated June 2, 1863. Claim. — I. — The combination of the stationary frame D, and the rising ami falling frame E, when the latter is pro- vided with the lateralh'-adjustable ploughs F and guards M, arranged with the bars or leversyy, operated through the medium of the foot lever J or hand lever I, as herein set forth. 2. — The lever z/, connected with the frame E through the medium of the shaft L, crank s', and link s, but this only when used in connection with the laterally-adjustable ploughs F, and the means employed for operating as herein described. No. 39,276.— TULLY R. CORMICK, Cap-Au-Gris, Lincoln Co., Mo. — Cultivators.— July 21, 1863. Claim. — I. — The combination of the plough shanks and handles G G, draught chains L L, imiversal joints M, connecting rod H, and adjusting nuts A, constructed, ar- ranged, and operating substantially as and for the purposes set forth. 2. — The combination of the elevating levers I I, draught chains J J, and hinged plough-shanks F F, constructed, arranged, and operating substantially as and for the pur- poses spec fied. No. 39,412.— A. S. MARKHAM, Monmouth, Warren county, III. — Cultivators. — August 4, 1863. Claim. — I. — The frame A, having a draught-pole B at- tached to it, in connection with the rollers C, fitted in the lower part of said frame A, and the plough beams D attach- ed to the frame A, and connected at their back parts by the bar G, substantially as and for the purpose specified. 2. — The particular manner of connecting the plough lieams D to the frame A, to wit : by having the front ends of the beams slotted longitudinally with pins or bolts ^j- pass- ing through the slots into bars I, which are fitted loosely on shafts c, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 3. — The draught bars J, attached to the front ends of the plough beams D by bolts y, and connected at their upper ends to the frame A by chains /, and having hooks i se- cured to them, all arranged as shown, whereby the draught may be regulated, and the beams D adjusted longitudinally as may be required. No. 39,428.— C. C. STEARNS, Homer, Champaign, county, III. — Cidtivators. — .August i„ 1863. Claim. — The rising and falling bars F, having ploughs H attached to them, in connection with the guides G, pro- vided with the catches L, the above parts being arranged as shown, with the bars D D attached to the axle A and cross-bar E, as and for the purpose set forth. No. 39,450.— C. E. MEADE and G. E. STEVENSON, Denmark, Lee county, Iowa., assignor to C. E. MEADE, 3.'ioxe.%?:\&-— Cultivators.— August /^, 1863. Claim.— The slide bar G attached to the axle A, sub- stantially as shown, and provided with the pendants H H, CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. in combination with the lever I, plough-frames J J, shield or guarH L, and treadles K K, all arranged to operate as and for the purpose herein set forth. No- 39,553.— SAMUEL COWAN, Bloomfield, Davis COUNTY, Iowa. — Cu/liv.:/ . .'.■, ,■ ' iS, 1S63. Claim. — I. — In coml n 'le adjustable and hinged cultivator stocks, , d, the levers K, rods N O, and treadles M. ul i.'i;!, Ily in the manner and for the purpose set forth. 2. — In combination with the adjustable and hinged cul- tivator stocks, herein described, the lever H and transverse bar G, for the purpose of shifting said cultivators sidewise, substantially in the manner and for the purposes set forth. No 39 597 —JAMES P TObTEVIN Racine, Wis.— Culti atoi $ —Au list 1% 1863 Clinn — The combmation and nmns;ement of braces H, hook I nut T an 1 taples L operitnig substantially in the manner and foi tht [ uiposes set forth No S — \ E SMITH Sfrincdaie, Cedar CotN I ; 5 i86j Ch I the front l)ar A of th 1 end resting on the 1 1 It D attached to It s b ta t alh a nn 1 I 1 1 1 1 1st forth. No 39703— SAML LI k (k VII II i\\ Musca- tine Iowa, ass sjnor t II 1 If 1 | sHUA W. HOOPS of same place —t / t —li < / "5, 1863. Claim — I — I he comb 1 at on of the to is with the draught pole E p \ Jttd at its rcai en 1 to the cr s-bar A', and the foot Ie\eis I I arianged c n tuicte I nl operating as and foi the pui| o.e. heiein delineated an 1 set forth. 2. — The combination of the levers F and the rods H with the curved handle G, when constructed, arranged and operating as herein set forth and described. 3. — The combination and arrangement of the beams D D, adjustable at their front ends, with the rods H, the levers F, and curved handle G, as and for the purposes herein set forth and show n No. 39,760—11 I. sMIlH, Eureka, Woodford County, III — ( ' ,\ w;/vr i, 1863. Claim.— I — II 1 t I he plough handles NN, to rods M, fitted X, 1, I 1 , „ely in shafts L, which are allowi 11.1111, , I, , iM si, „„ and described. 2,— Theaii.,1 ,'1, il Inn , ,1 bars E I, axle C, and wheels li. ,,l ' , , , ' | , lating together in No. 40,761..- WcioDluRI. C.i 186^. Claim —The n lyad,,it.l. ... ed 1 ement and combination of transverse- li ■-, hinged plough beams D, notch- e I, ,ind liai r, and connecting rods 1 «ilh a numbei of hules A/;, intend- I l.ais, w huh the beams D D are attaehed l.y ine.ins „f pivots ,/, the s« ivel bars e c, ad- justable in the holes in the axle so that the beams can be brought closer together or further apart, according to the width of the furrows ; all constructed and operating in the manner and for the purpose shown and described. No. 40,776.— ISAAC and STEPHEN STOUT, Tre- mont, Tazewell County, III. — Cultivators. — December I, 1863. Claim. — I. — The combination and arrangement of a front and rear frame in a cultivator, when constructed in the manner and for the purpose described. 2. — Tlie combination and arrangement in the rear frame of the cultivator of a driver's seat made adjustable, and a standing sujiport fur the driver, a lever catch bar, sluds for the supp.irting wheels, and a projecting connection /, all operating substantially in the manner and for the purpose described. 3. — The combination and arrangement in the main or front frame of the cultivator, of the hinged lever, the cen- tral su] 1, ,11 11 ill uii.ldle plough handles and their braces, a level- 11 ilite the depth of ploughing, and an adjusiii,^ , .:, 1 , Jiange the line of draught, all opera- ting »ui;.,i.iiUi.ill> .11 die manner and for the purposes set forth. No. 40,859.— MILES H. SKIFF, Cornwall Bridge, Litchfield County, Conn. — Cultivators. — December 8, 1863. Claim. — The combination of the carriage F, that carries the cultivator teeth or ploughs, with the axle A, and with the main frame C carried on said axle, so that the driver from his seat may, at pleasure, move said carriage laterally or tip it up or let it down, and fasten it down, substantially in the manner and for the purpose herein described and represented. No. 40,909.— MARCUS M. CLARK, Industry, Mc DoNOUGH County, III. — Cultivators. — December 15, Claim.— The vf,-tirallv-ndiustable stiiTups/ and hinged plough beams I- . • , ■ .i. , ■,,,]i with the frame .A., running on wheels I!, w ! , ,, i.iiie,! in either direction by a hand lever I); :.ll , ,, • an, I ..peiMtin.L; in the manner and for ihe imii • ■ '■ ,., I-.... ...,1 ,1,. -, iili,il. No. 40,915.-' !■'■ 1 \ I' :'',',I^. ;:i . ■ ••.' : 1 I I., Davis County, Io\v,\. , i ,. is,.3. Claim. — In ,., huIi llie |ii\,.leil cultivator CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. rr.mie^ I J I' K I „ also the hooked foot levers N N' «', ichK r. .iii'i M.l|ilc^ Q, all construcied, arranjecl, and oper- ;iiiii.n .1^ -|>. ulicd, so that either or both the frames may be ica.iily laisnl liv iIk- feet of tlic driver, and retained, by lioi.lan.; til. ii.illi- iiismIu- -t.i] ilr iJ, as explained. N... 400 : \ I I \l;!,s^ WVANET, liURICAU Co., a joint fornii J .ii I'h .[..u,! |.l,,i, . .md ^ci;!!!! ni ici.l /, and attached lu ilu' | Imu^Ii luiin^ II 1 1 , ^ ,iiiiall\ .1, -.In.un, to admit ulauaiU nioMnuiu ..!' ihr saiur .1, «cll as the ready ^dcvaling of tht; ploughs al.o\e the siiilacc of the earth, as set forth. 2. — The suspending of the plough beams H H trom the frame A by means of the upright liars J J. and incline bars //. provided m ith rollers '" . ,il il;,'ii' iqiiK-r ends, which work on suilal.K; ways or yui i • : i ;i\ as set forth. 5. — The books M (in the ]■!> i- II. in connection with the pendent hook projriliMii^ \ .m ilic frame A, when said parts are used in combination with hiterally moving plough beams, for the purpose specified. No. 40,973.— ERASTUS WILCOX, Delhi, Delaware Co., \o\\\.— Ci,r 15. 1863. CUiim.— The comlilnation an.l arrani;emcnt of the frame A A B B, bars D 1). and adjiMaMc standards V V , wheels H H, inchned bars I I and | I, ^tands N X and T T, bars L and M, handles J' J', sh.'.vil v|,,cks g ami V, witii culti- vating shovels .S and X, tin- wliol, cimsrructed as described. No. 41,086.— JA.MKS R. MILLS, IJui. .MFILLD, I.iWA. — Cultivators. — Jiinu,7>y ^. i S04. Claim. — I.— In combination with the pivoted frame K K M R and drag beams H H', constructed and arranged as specified, the jiost N and lever P, constructed and applied in the manner described to adapt the cultivator frames to be moved laterally, or either or Ijoth of them raised by means of a single lever, as explained. 2. — The movable bar O, when employed in combination with the N, reversible lever P, and reversible beams H H', in the manner described, for the purpose of adapting the machine for furrowing the ground so as to prevent the settling of water around the roots of plants in wet weather. No. 41,159.— GEORGE LARGE, Rosemond, III.— Cnltivalovs.—J,niua>y 5, 1864. Claim. — The foot levers F, in combination with the tie G, the Ijars H, the bars P, the cross-pieces J and E, and the metal plates in, the whole constructed and arranged in the manner and for the purpose set forth. No. 41,389.- WILLIAM II. OLDER, Packwaukee, \\ls.— CiiltkHitors.—J„,!i < .V,^E, Laiavkhe, IND.— C«///- r.,tors.~F.I,ru,iry 2. I.SO4. f lann. — 1. — 1 he eomliination of the pivoted stocks D D' with the arms ( ) and pivnted bar N, operated by the stirrups K and lever .M, or by either of the same, substantially as set forth. 2. — Placing the treadle P Q and stocks D D' forward of the driver's seat, the same being arranged and operated sub- stantiallv in I'l m 1111 r 111 1 for the purposes specified. 3-— Thel I'ler H, for holding the stocks E, and alloNMii^ ; , : n ; i n-e in relation to the frame, sub- stantially a.s du elll^^l. No. 41,435— ilARTIX H. HUELINGER, Granville, lu..— Cultivators.— February 2, 1864. Claim. — I. — The peculiar arrangement of the shanks G, united by the double-jointed brace M, and provided with rollers T working in the slot x, substantially in the manner and for the purposes set forth. 2. — The double-jointed brace M for connecting the shanks (i, thereby enabling the driver to keep the ploughs in place when the shanks G are five feet or more in length, substan- tially as set forth. 3. — The combination of the rollers T and windlass D. the former operated by the driver's feet and the latter by his hands, substantially in the manner and for the purposes set forth. 4. — The arms L and shaft S, for making the driver's seat adjustable, as specified. No. 41,523.— PATRICK McGLEW, Des Moines, Iowa. — Cultivators.— Fihruarv 9, 1864. rinini,— i.^Tlie two plough standards H II fitted in the 111, lal ]ilatis G and eoiiiu-. lecj to tin- fiuiil part of the frame .\ In l.ais IC. ill c.iiiiuatii.n »itli ilie liaiidle I attached to file lials ;; \, \\ liicll ale liUed to the standards II, as shown, I ■ , ' i !i standards L L, connected to the front P 1' , ; A by the bars N, and fitted between the giiej. Ill . I in ed between them by the plates »< and bars u' t. in c.innecticin with bar o attached to the bars N by the rods u, and connected to the levers by the rod R, all ar- ranged to ojierate as set forth. No. 41.550,— P. W. THOMSON, Truro, III.— O////- -■afors.—/-\'/'r„„ry ,). I.S(i4. Claim. — The ciniiliiiiatinn and arrangement of the plough beams E E. pnoted at a a, the standards N N, the cross bar F, provided with the bands a a, and the lever L, all eimsiiueted and operating substantially as and in the man- ner set forth. N... 4I.555-— SAMUEL G. WELCH, Athen.s, III.— Clllli-uil,T^.—Fell li.ii^ GO, and transverse bars K K, all as herein shown and described. No. 41,709.— JOHN LACEY, Chicago, III.— r«/^/r',»- tors.—F-/,ruary 23, 1S64. Claim. — I. — The arrangement of the pivoted bolts or pins ,- .and e 1 It 11 IK 11 II", and thumb nuts n , is 111 1 1 1 tl l 1 uij ^ e et loith No 42,514— J D SMIUI, luiKiv, l\.\ —tultnators Apiil 26, 1804 Claim — I — The combination of the carnage swinging frame / //, driver's scat \, hin^'ed shovel canying frame 1> 11 I iinehme adapted Icir cultu tiii^ ^1 1 , ei | el iili //, m e Mnlmit'; n with the \L^^>AL^^^^^ 1 'shov^'el frime and tile leai v\ 1 1 I li 1 \\\ n the said flames are con structed and 1 nnei herein described, and all adapted foi il uh No 42,64(3 - 1 II and IRA C PRATT, Peoria In - I 1 10, 1S64 Claim- 1— II 1 t i\ ^u 1 Is , , mounted upon the stock I ill 1 eiii] I \e 1 m e )nil imtun v\ nil inner cultivators k k, in tl e mmnel an H 1 the [ Ul] , e deselll ed 2 — Ihe 1 ijt level \ fuleuimed upon the axle and exten- ding forvvaid beneath the bar m and backvv aid into conven- ient pio\imity with the seat F, as and for the object specified. No. 42,932.— A. P. DURANT, Atlanta, III.— C«///- vators. — May 31, 1S64. Claim. — The two share frames E E', when constructed, combined, and arranged in respect to each other, and the axletree A, as described, and when raised and lowered by the forward and backward motion of the draught power ap- plied to the doubletree R, substantially as shown and de- scribed. No. 43,123.— WILLIAM METTLER, Frankfort, III. — Cultivators.— June 14, 1864. Claim.— I.— The teetli G G, laterally movable bodily with out angular change, in combination vvitli fixed teeth F F, situ- ated further behind and outward than the said movable teeth, arranged and operating substantially as and for the purpose herein specified. 2. — The combination of the guide posts n, with the ad- justing screws P P, as herein set forth. 3. — The combination of the hinged or jointed controlling braces R R with the guide pos1s n n, and elevating devices L M M, substantially as and for the purpose herein speci- fied. No. 43,249.— Al.MoX WILLIAMS, Berica, Ohio.— Cultivators. — Jun. 21. i8, ,,ihI P. A. FISCHER, Chicago, III.— Culti;;i: '■:, '■ Jl, 1S64. Claim 1 ' II,> liiacesTT ane jointed bars T' T^ in comliinatiuii with the pendent shovels N, when arranged and operating as set forth. 2. — The auxiliary wheeled supports R at the rear of pen- dent shovel frames M, in combination v\ith the main sup- porting wheels C C, substantially as and for the puq^ose set forth. 3. — The combination of the half rolling beamsy with the pendent frames M and auxiliaiy supporting wheels R, sub- stantially as and for the purpose set forth. 4. — The combination of tlie jointed brace T T' T*, pen- dent shovel frames M, half rolling beams/, and foot lever / and hand levers O P, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. 43,288.— L. IL CASTOR, Eddinoton, \i.\..— Corn- Ploughs.— June 28, 1S64. Claim. — I. — Moving the standards// of the ploughs I laterally by means of the bail-shaped bar J, bent levers K K, and treadles L L, all arranged substantially as herein set forth. 2.— The comlin.iiion ,.1" ll c har, C C, frame D, driver's seat E, rock sl,;i|t V, links,./,/, nn.l levers (; ,-, all con- structed, arranged, and eiiipluyed, subst.mliaily as described, for raising the plon^lis when re.fuired. No. 43,395.— I'olIN DAVIS, Ai.i.EciiKNY Crrv, V\LKii.—Cultivafo,'s.—j!,lv 5, 1 8(1.1. Claim.— The'of the 1 ieces e and <■', uprights /and/', and bars :_-, w :ili teeth li , the whole being con- structeil, aii;iii,;ed. ;iiid Dpcr.iting substantiallv in the man- ner herein do enli,d and loi thepurpuse sel f..'rth. No. 4;,;.i.-AI.I KKI) G. TUCKER, RicHviEW, Il.l .— C„l/r.;:/. n.—July 5, iS6j,. Claim. — I. — Ihe beams E E', suspended by means of links /;; in' ami arms n 11' from rock shafts O O', in combi- nation with the vertically adjustable reversil)le ploughs G G', and hand lever H, constructed and operating in the manner and for the purpose substantially as herein set forth. 2. — The sockets / /' and set screwsy/, in combination with the standards F F' and ploughs G G', constructed and operating in the manner and for the purposes substantially as set forth. 3. — The screw-rods;', and nuts ^■•', in combination with the separate laterally adjustable section of the frame A, constructed and oiierating as and for the purpose speci- fied. 4. — The screw-rods i k' , with suitable nuts, in combi- nation with the laterally adjustable plough-beams E E', constructed and operating as and for the purpose speci- fied. No. 43,470.- -FRANK BARNEY, liLOOMiNOTON, III. — Cullivalors.—July 12, 1864. Claim. — The hand lever H, with its swivel fulcrum K, in CULTIVATORS. WHEEL OR SULKY. connection with the crank shaft G, hin!;ecl rear stanclaiil E, and swivel front siandarils E', all constructed and optratins; in the manner and for the purpose subst.inlially as herein specifieil. No. 43,635.— JAMES CANEIELD. Sabula, Iowa.— CnltiviUors.—Jiily 2C), 1864. Claim.— The combination and arrangement of the axle E E, the bow D, plough beam H F, cross-pieces K, and bow I, the removable bar J, drauglit pole A, bnr B, standards C, pivot .r, and seat (.), all constructed, arranged, and operating substantially as and for the purposes speci- fied. No. 43,836.— JOHN COX and JOHN A. THROP, Turkic, Mich. — Cultivaton.—AKgust 16, 1S64. Claim. — I. — So conslrucling the axle C that it c> insti- tutes a rocking lever support for the frame A and driver's seat G', and a me.ins by which said fr.ime cin be raided or depressed, substantially as herein described. 2. — The combinntion of the lever I), or its er|uivalent, with an axle, the points of support of which fur the 1 ' e ' eat d ho el f an e a e n e 1 o o| po e le of the f 1 m or a s of mo o of d axle ul ^ -A a ^ t, I If f n 1 1 1 h ne u] n | | 1 1 1 1 11 e 1 of one 1 f 1 I 1 1 1 1 11 1 — I 1 1 1 [ 1 1 f 1 f d c ly 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 ] 1 1 r ic 1 1 r 1 11 1 1 h f h 1 II 1 4— The CO c 0- ay od F 1 1 n 1 1 con b n t h the d ver s sea 11 11 de c bed 1 5 —The n b n f p ote 1 le H 01 1 1 1 1 J ^u le 11 1 1 1 1 « a p y ol 4 — ' an 1 1 11 constn ted 1 n ed 1 \ f b 11 1 1 1 1,1 No 4 qo — I M 1 \\ I 1 If IW 1 1 ll 1 L F JONE \ I — — 1 1 1 of llexilije connections or hinges (!', for the purpose of al- lowing the lieams M to receive a lateral movement from the stirrups (• independently, of the beams G, while both the beams G M may be moved veitically simulianeously by nienns of the arm S, siibstmtially as set forth. Nil- 45,--(.4.— lAMKS I). OSHORN, Goshen, Ind.— C,l/:i::,/rr,—X,^;ml.rr JQ, 1864. (hniii — I. — The t«(>-|virt axle E E', as employed in cnilniiiioi, V, III, III, i. ^, I, C C, lacks F F', and wheels ange.l the , op. 3. — In combinali'ui w lii a (uli:\al b a- CI EK I TO I r D r I ne ed o h n ally nl No 45066 — 1 —CI — CI n —I — Tl 1 I on V h he egmen 1 p II y F I I L f I ece CO d H 1 ) 11 y I 1 111 g £,1 ope e s b a ally d fo h [^ p 1 — The anne he e le c I e 1 f 1 1 y 1 II 1 o 1 a may 1 e Ij e 1 n 1 u 1 I h pi 1 by n e of he 1 f No 45 177— T I l^II cr \\ T I —CI — \ / S64 CI m— I— Ih e die I MM 1 Iju all rolle k and 1 e cha n III h n o I e 1 heaholeal 1 1 fne fa ul plo gl o u a he e gh of 1 e plo gh n 1 plough 1 e n n 1 en I le he o I e q II) 1 ell ele a 1 f om he gro d b 1 e 1 ve ub ta lly n he man e nd f he pu I o e he e n e fo h 2. — The cord/, pulleys 0000, angular lever W, spring bolt /, arc- shaped cross-beam S, and sockets m 111, when combined with each other and \\ illi ihe frame of a cultiva- lor plough, for the purpose of enabling the driver to adjust the direction of the draught, sul),taiitially in the manner herein set forth. No. 45,231.— JOHN DOAK, KEixiimiRC, \\.\.. — C,il/i- valor Ploughs.— Nmemhe I- 2(), 1864. Claim. — Connecting together the beams G M b means / 5 ^7 I let connec on I II g 1 1 he me h 11 Ij g 1 em e cally o 1 lly s -ALONZT I IN\ON A I — — 4S 503 D b o S64 — Re ued / I, fo - fo h, 2 — V 1 1 1 n e he e n de b- e 1 pi_ 1 1 11 end of he ong e by mea of 1 C 1 | len fi g upo or o he op o pi e 1 a f he ho e el ub an lly as and for the purpose set forth. No, 45,687.— IRA BARBER, Jr., La Porte, Ind.— Claim. — I. — The ]jiv(.t^ , , ]jivntcil with the pronged or forked, and arranged as sl„,«n in relation to the beam .ating as and for the purposes herein shown and set forih. 2. — Suspending the rear cmK of the plough beams L by the chains //, in combination with the |)iv ted front end of CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. said beams, fur the purpose of enabling the operator to give the shovels the lateral motion, substantially as and for the purposes herein specified. No. 45,700. — A. B. CASS, Chicago, III. — Cultivators. — January 3, 1865. Claim. — I. — The combination of the adjustable lever A, bar a, levers h, and ploughs M, arranged and operating substantially as and for the purposes set forth and shown. 2. — Attaching the scrapers J to the axle, by one or more arms K, substantially as and for the purposes shown and set forth. 3.^The combination of the adjustable lever A with the rod L, provided with the arms / or their equivalent, and the chains /; operating as and for the purposes shown and specified 4 — The employment of one or more rollers H to facili- tate the lateral motion of the lever A, operating substan- tially as shown and described. 5. — The empkiyment of the roller I in combination with the lever A, arranged and operating substantially as and for the pui-poses herein .shown and specified. No. 45,730.— DANIEL McNAB, Moscow, Mich.— Cultivators.— January 3, 1865. Claim. — Constructing a cultivator or drill tooth with an upper curved portion, which curved part shall have a bear- ing against some rigid portion (if the machine when it is in motion, so that the form i.f such curved portion of the tooth, and the position of the tonth, shall determine the amount of resistance which it may overcome without its being raised from the ground. No. 45,750.— T. T. PROSSER and M. C. Ii.VRLING, Chicaco, III., and K. A. DARLlXcl, Fund i>it Lac, \^K.— Cultivator for Gang Ploughs.—January 3, 1865. Claim. — I. — Guiding and regulating the movement of the tongue D by means of the pulley H, chain F, eye bolts G, attached to the side frame A and levers H, substantially as described. 2. — Connecting the pair of draught arms B B, without regard to the number of pairs used, to the forward main cross-bar of the frame A by means of the double-nutted screw bolt L L, and which forms, with the |ila(es M M, a hinge or other jo'iil, ■-.. tliat v\Iiilc lla- v.iid Iiai^ sliall have a free vertical mnii,.ii. i1k\ in u li.- .Mlju-t.d laicially « ithout being detatched or ivumin,-.! ini,n ilir s.u.l . rn,, 3.— Constructing a cultivalo,- ,,i- L;aii:^ plinigli s,, that the interval between tlie shank N N, which sujiports the ploughshares, may be increased or diminished, without removing the shaft bars B B, or their connection., fiom the main cross-bar of the frame A, when each |iair of shaft bars are capable of lateral adjustment, inde, endent of the other pair or pairs. 4. — The combination of lever T, rods and poles U U, operating the ratchet wheel S upon the roller O, for ele- vating simultaneously the several ploughs of the gang or gang^, substantially as set forth. No. 45,758.- LYMAN SHERWOOD, Marine, III.— Cultivators. — January 3, 1S65. Claim. — I. — The arrangement of the frame A A' A', with its teeth or ploughs c r, in combination with the rol- lers B B, all being constrmted and arranged to operate to No 4;,--/ I II' 'MAS WIl.KS and JAMES McGIN- NIS, M' I , \ ^Cultirators.— January 3, 1SO5. Cla.n, I:, .. I": niaiinn uf the rising and' falling or verticallv-a.l|u, |i|.iiiL;lis ( ), witli the rising and falling and later.i]lv plnu^h-, I, when the latter are i.ivoted to shafts 1) 1), and connected tn the shaft P, so as to rise simultaneously with the ploughs. \', on the turning of the shaft P, as and for the purpose herein set forth. No. 45,807.- W. D. AMENT, Muscatine, Iowa.— Cultivators. — January 10, 1865. Claim. — In combination with the standards D D, adapted to be operated by treadles so as to move the ploughs vertically and laterally, I cl.aim the adjustable blocks G, resting upon the plates E, and employed to vary or regu- late the depth to which the ploughs penetrate the ground, in the manner herein explained. No. 45,833.— ADAM KECK, Montgomery, III.— Cultivators.— January 10, 1865, Claim.— I.- The attaching of the axles C of the wheels B to plates D, secured to castings E at the under side of the framing A by means of bolts a passing through oblong slots c in the castings, substantially as shown and described, to admit of the wheels B being adjusted fur- ther forward or backward, to keep the machine in a proper equipoised state, as set forth. 2. — The plough beams G G, provided at their front ends with upright bars g connected by joints /; to the castings E, and provided at their back ends with upright bars H, having each a notch / to receive a catch I, all arranged substantially as and fir the purpose set forth. 3. — The s|irings K 011 the back part of the framing A, in combination with the upright bars H of the plough beams G G, .as and for the iniriiose specified. 4. — The atiai 111);.; f iIi | Inic^di beams L L by means of .'i:' 1 |iivoted plate N arranged the upri-lit- M .t ' on the rrainiii:; \ n ' working or mo\ in^ ol ilie | No. 4S,86o.— CYRUS Mich —Cultivators.— Jan Claim.— I.— The combi; 11, to admit of the ';l:1is Q, as set forth. OlSERTS, Three Rivers, ry 10, 1865. ion of the main frame, the shifting plough frame, the lifting lever, and the shifting machine arm O P, with the driver's seat, when arranged for joint operation as described. 2. — The shifting foot lever R, constructed and arranged to o])erate as and for the purposes described. 3. — The combination of the shifting frame, the ploughs, and the corn guard with the main frame when constructed and arranged in operating as describeil for the purposes set forth. No. 45,861.— CYRUS ROBERTS, Three Rivers, U\C\l—CulH-,'ators.— January lo, 1865. Claim.— I.— The combinntion of the double ended shovels with their stocks bv means of the reversible swiveling brackets ,■, and holi,",. n, ilie manner described, for the purpose of re\ersiiiL; the slio\ when worn or injured, and of turning them sidewise to throw the earth more or less towards or from the plants as desired. 2.— The combination of the .shovel stocks and shifting frame by means of the brackets J, bolts/', and clips /', as described, for purposes set forth. 3. — The combination of the shovels, the auxiliary or shifting frame, and the main frame, when constructed and arranged as described, for the purposes set forth. 4. — The combination of the plough stocks and shifting frame by means of the brackets J, slots y', and set screw/, as and for the puipo.5es described. No. 45,866.— E. H. SAWYERS, Orleans, Iowa.— Cultivators.— January 10, 1865. Claim. — I. — In combination with the levers L' and shaft L, the oblong slot /, formed and employed in the manner and for the lunpo^e s| ecified. 2. — The .les, iilied airangement of the adjustable cultiva- tor frame 1 1' I' 1 , the lirace rods /;, angular shaft M and draught oil \. tin whole being employed in the manner and for 1 !•• mi- ; . ■ - -1 forlh. No. -1; ;;; I M \s C. PATTERSON, Chicago, ILL. -Cul/r... /,,,,',..,,.■ r 17, 1861;. Claim.— i.— lhe Linwe.l h-M r. V.P, C, D, constructed 2.— The cSmbinalion o| ,, , , : mmI straight levers, 3. — The combination of the curved and straight levers with the ploughs, constructed and operating substantially as described. 6. — The peculiar form and arrangement of the middle rear ploughs, in connection and combination with the two outside rear ploughs, all constructed and operating substantially as described. No. 45,987.— J. W. FAWKES, Decatur, 'i\.i..—Culti- vators. ^January 24, 1865. Claim.— I.— the frame E a]iplied to the draught-pole C, as shown, in connection with the foot-levers H G, arranged CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. willi the frame, to admit of the latter bcini^ operated as and for tlie purpose specified. 2. — The pivoted plough standards J connected to seg- ments M by bars L and links J, in connection with the wooden pins / in the segments, all arranged substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 3. — Providing the segments M with handles N in connec- tion with straps O on the frame E, as and for the purpose set forth. No. 46,116.— CHRISTOPHER LIDREN, Aurora, XlA..— Cultivators.— January 31, 1865. Claim. — The rising and falling bar E, operated by the levei-s L L', and having the plough standards I I perma- nently attached to it, as shown, in combination with the adjustable plough-standards F F, attached to said bar as described, and operated by the crank shafts k, all arranged substantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. 46,274.— THOMAS SHORT, Fairmount, III.— Cultivators and Harr.K^'s.—Fc-h;,arv 7, 1865. Claim.— I.— The frimc^ HD, ].iovided with shovels E, and teeth F, the ci' . 1 screws or bolts «', in combination wiih I'n hanie G H, the latter ])ermitting the cullu.u i liuiii - to lie operated simulta- neously or independently, and adapting said frames when used as a harrow to be brought together at their rear ends, as herein specified. 2. — The combination of the treadles I, loops J, and con- necting rods or wires 2, for adjusting the frames D D, sub- stantially as explained. No. 46,285.— WILLIAM S. WEIR, Jr., Monmouth, Ihl..— Coin Ploughs.— February 7, 1865. Claim. — The curved rods M attached to the back end of the bars d d, and bent in the form of hooks k, at their lower ends, in connection with the lever attached to the back end of the draught pole C, all being arranged and applied substantially as and for the purposes specified. No. 4,489.- WILLIAM S. WEIR, Jr., Monmouth, III. — Cultivators. — 46,385, February 7, 1S65. — Reissued July 25, 1871. Claim — I. — The cross-bar F, when pivoted to the draught pole of a walking straddle-row cultivator in rear of the axle or truck frame, and connected with the draught in manner sull^l.lllti.lll\ a^ anil for the purpose set forth. J - - I li' ]ilaii~ //// secured to the forward ends of the Iilmi^h lic.ini-., a]icl blocks .i.'^;,'-, and journals/, constructed and (.pnatiui.; sulislantially as described, for the purpose of hinging or iiivuting the plough-beams to the axle by brackets 1, or their equivalent, as set forth. 3. — The pivoted rods M having the hooked ends k, in combination with the bars i/ rf, levers O, and draught-pole C, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. 46,349.— SAMUEL GULICK, Kline's Grove, Penn. Cultivators.— February 14, 1865. Claim. — I. — The frame D fitted on the axle A, and con- nected by chains or cords E E to fast pulleys F F, on a shaft G, which has its bearings on uprights C C, attached to the axle, and which serves as guides for frame D', all being ar- ranged as shown with a lever and notched bar, or their equivalents, whereby said frame may be raised and lowered bodily and secured at any desired height for the purpose specified. 2. — The pivoted bars Q Q when applied to and used in combination with the adjustable frame D, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. 46,355.— SAMUEL HENRY, Chenoa, III.— C«/- tivators. — February 14, 1865. Claim. — The arrangement of the levers J J, connected by straps /; to the pivoted frame F G, and by pendants K K to the plough beams L L, which are hinged to the axle, the said frame F G being further capable of lateral deflection by pressure of the feet of the driver, substantially as and for the purposes described. No. 46,378.— SAMUEL H. MITCHELL, El Paso, III. — Gang Ploughs and Cultivators. — February 14, 1865. Claim. — The split and expanded draught-pole C, in con- nection with the axle A and bar E and O and rods /;, all arranged as and for the purpose herein set forth. No. 46,383.— IRA A. PALMER, Monmouth, III.— Cultivators. — February 14, 1865. Claim. — I. — The draught equalizer composed of the rods D D, provided with arms il d' at their upper and lower ends, and placed at right angles to each other, with the lower anns projecting at right angles from the machine, with the upper arms d connected by a rod E, and the whiffletrees at- tached to the lower arms d' , substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 2. — Connecting the plough beams E to the bars e of the main frame A, through the medium of the liars l\ which work on adjustable pins or rods /, in plati-^ m. attached to the bars <•, and the pins /, which pass thr.iugh plates /, at- tached to the plough beams and throu-li tin bars I;, all be- ing arranged substantially as and for tlu 1 i:i|. . . | . iiicd. 3. — The particular manner of const n: k • . i iVame A, to wit, of the side bars rt n arrangi il 1: \ nncct- ed at their upper ends by cross-bar^ - , .ml muuntcd on wheels B, substantially as herein set forth. Mo. 46,537.— WM. BANKSON, Mount Pleasant, \0^\K.— Cultivators.— February 28, 1865. Claim. — The frame F F, the lever L, the suspension of the ploughs 3 and 4 on bar X and the moving of them with the lever N, when constructed substantially as described and for the purpose set forth. No. 46,657.-1. H. GIVEN, H. HUTSONPILLER and CHAS. GILBERT, Des Moines, lovi\.— Cultivators.— March 7, 1865. Claim. — The frame D pivoted or attached to the draught pole A, as shown in connection with the jointed set bar O, angle plates /, and the plates r, all arranged to admit of the ready elevation of the ploughs, as set forth. 2. — The uprights H H. connected at their upper parts to the lever I. and' cnntctcd at their lower parts to the plough standards']' F, and ]ii\.itLd t' ■ the frame d, substantially as shown and tlescrilicil. t" admit of the lateral movement of the ploughs G, as described. No. 46,666.— LORENZO D. HAUGHEY, Atlanta, l\.\..— Cultivators.— March 7, 1865. Claim. — I. — The pivoting of the axle A to the draught- pole D to admit of the lateral movement or adjustment of the ploughs, as set forth. 2.— The semicircular frame C attached to the front side of the axle, in connection with the friction-roller F and bolt or rod G, attached to the draught-pole D, substantially as and for the purpose specified. No. 46,675.— JOHN W. INGLE and R. W. WRIGHT, LiviNGST' N, \lA..Ciilli7'ators.— March 7, 1865. Claim.— The frame D, attached to the axle A by a pivoted bolt ,;, and jiinvided with pivoted plough standards H, connected bv rods /■, the segment bars J K, and levers L L, in combination with the levers G G, attached to the frame D, and draught-pole C, all arranged to operate sub- stantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. 46,752.— T. W. HAMMON, assignor to himself, J( iSF.l'll if. LlXr( il.X. S. l,I\(-( )LN, and A. P. HAM- "M(iX. MnNii,.i;i,, Wis. — C,-;,/ Ploughs .—March 7, 1865. ( laini— I.— riic tw.i scniicivcular frames B C, applied to the drau.du |i.ile \\ in the manner substantially as shown to form the main frame of the machine. 2.— The axle A, connected to the dr.aught-pole D, by the pivot bolt a', in the nnnner as .shown, of in any equivalent coHil'in aioii Mitli thr sjiaft f, an-l bar 11, for the purpose of moMu- c.r ailiustni.i,. the axle A, as set forth. 4.— The attaching of the ploughs T to the standards S, by means of the stems h, fitted in bearings ?, the former being provided with nuts/, and all arranged substantially as described. 5. — The method of adjusting and holding the frame k, by means of the toothed segment N, segment bar M, and lever Q, all arranged substantially as set forth. No. 47,016.— JOHN HARPER, Salem, Iowa.— Cor« Cultivators.— March 28, 1865. Claim. — I. — The frame F F, adjustable on the segmental guide rods C C, as specified. 2. — The manner in which the front shovels are attached to the bar B, turning them to or from the corn as may be required, in combination with the lever L, substantially as and for the purposes set forth. CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. Nn. 47.017.— KUIN HARPER, Hillsborough, Iowa. — (V///,. ■ . 'M.r./i 2S, 1865. Cl.iiiii li ; i..| shovel standards P, in combination with III. :> I i . 1 i|ic O S, and stirrup V, the several parts h^uij^ Lijiisuuticd, arranged, and operating as and for the purpose set forth. No. 47,055.-1. H. THOMAS and P. P. MAST, Spring- field, Ohio. — Cn/fira/on. — March 28, 1S65. Claim. — I.— "^M injMiL; ihr .ii-|.ciii1cin I I fr. mi the top of the standards <; I . \ ■, \\, i-:; -ci lurtli. 2.— The c.mi. ;, n: ' -1^ II H. si,,i..;,i.1li-s I I, and standards G II. .!- .i.-,iil«.ii an.l for the purposes set forth. 3. — So pivoting the rock-shaft O, from which the beams E are suspended as that, when the handle a is turned up and thrown forward, it shall remain in that position, and thus keep the iilou^li sus]. ended without the use of any catch or other dc\i. e, si,|.,iannally as set furlh. 4. — The adjusial'le -top /,'■. in eunilanaLinn w ith the ad- justable stretcher K and suspenders I I, substantially as set forth. 5. — The shaft and journals yy, in combination with the braces /"and; li.ns F F, whereby the supplemental tooth nia\ be n ililx J I n Ii. <1, maintained in position, and allowed 111 11 I 1 wlien the wooden pin c is broken. 11' in' 1 \^ d and set forth. No. 4S. ; ;-• I I. i 1 1 I I s and P. C. YOST, Hamil- ton, III. — Ci(ltiz;iloi\ — Jpnl iS, 1865. Claim. — The lever L, fitted in the slotted bar M, and connected at its rear to a cross-bar J attached to the standards e at the rear of each beam, the front end of said lever being fitted between the prongs /; >5 of a foot lever N, and all arranged to operate in the manner substantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. 47,380.— L. B. BARTON, Metamora, III.— 0. ^muilianeously therewith, so as to change the line ..t .h lULdit, in the manner and for the purpose herein sei l.aili 2.— The slot ,. vihe.elA il.e dr.iught maybe shifted at will from the tuuguc K lu tlic roller F, in the manner and for the purpose described. No. 47,641.— JAMES HOLLINGSWORTH, Chicago, III. — Cii/tivafors. — May 9, 1865. Claim. — I. — The use of a spring shovel beam, which will admit of a lateral .swinging movement of the shovels, substantially as described. 2. — Constructing cultivator shovel beams of wood and metal, substantially as described. 3. — The rock shaft E provided with loose arms c i/and lever E, for enabling the attendant to elevate the shovel beams singly or together, at pleasure, substantially as de- scribed. No. 47,6,5.- JOSEPH MILLS, Reading, III.— C«///- vaiors. — May 9, 1S65. Claim. — I — 'I'll vei|irnll\' alju^alile .and jointed posts D D, and ilie -.■.':.,'■ i :Me. jiiinled .and swinging posts E E, in c 'lie ., in , ii I lie im Is K, for the purpose of guidin,; and iiin 1 mil;, the si,, nels, substantially as de- scribed. 2. — The rotating axle B in combination with the jointed posts D D E E, substantially as described. 3. — The double screw rod F and swinging nuts G in combination with the swinging posts E E, substantially as described. 4. — The standard M in combination with the posts D D E E and the axle upon which they are mounted, substan- tially as described and for the purpose set forth. No. 47,693.— WILLIAM E. BATES, Elmore, III.— Ciillivators.—May 16, 1 865. Claim.— The swinging levers Q Q connected substan- tially as described, with the forward and rear shovel stan- dards, which are pivoted in such relation to the frame and laterally-moving mechanism that the two shovels thus connected are caused, by the action of the treadle, to approach to or recede from the corn in concert, as described and represented. No. 47,699,— JAMES BREWER, Albany, N. Y.— Cultivatoi-s.—May 16, 1865. Claim. — I. — Securing the central pair of cidtivator stan- dards to the plough beams by means of swivel hinges for the pur|)ose of admitting them to be moved in a vertical as well as in a lateral direction, substantially as and for the purpose specihed. 2. — In cnibinalion with the laterally movable standards O, adjustalile siiiiups ;•, substantially as and for the purpose specified. 3. — In Combination with the laterally movable standards 0, the extension jiieced/ and knee stirrups j, for the pur- pose of enaliling the ploughman to operate the ploughs by hand or foot, substantially as and for the purpose speci- fied. No. 47,904.— EDWARD PHIFF.K, Trenton, N. J., assignor to himself and JAMES M. GROVER, Lawkence- VILLE, N. J. — Ctil/ivators. — May 23, 1S65. Claim. — I. — The combination in a cultivator of longi- tudinal frame pieces, adjustable at both ends to cultivate any width of row, with an axle on wheels adjustable to any width of furrow, substantially as and for the purpose de- scribed. 2. — The combination of an frame, with one adjustment fur the tooth, with a se]iaiate adjustment for the shank, when both are flexilile when changing the position of the cultivator tooth, and rigid when the tooth is at work, substantially as and for the purpose described. 3. — The combination in the cultivator of one or more rigidly held teeth or ploughs, with an adjustable mechanism, substantially as described, whereby the driver can control at pleasure the operation of the teeth, singly or in series, as set forth. No. 48,066.— SAMUEL G. HORNING, Mount Car- roll, Tl.l .—Ci,/ti7-ators.— yu,tc 6, 1S65. Claim.— The combination of axle B, the bar E, the beams ,t .<. chains /. the beams C C, and braces O and I, the whole constructed and arranged as and for the purpose substantially as herein set forth. No. 48,068.— HENRY HOWE, Darlington, Wis.— Cultivators.— June 6, 1865. Claim. — I. — The oblique bars E E, connected to the draught [lole 1), ami to the short parts a a of the axle A, in connection with the bars I 1. and driver's seat L, substan- tiallv as and f.r the jiurpose set forth. 2.'— The jilou-h frames F F. connected to the bars E E I 1, and sliili l\. iili lantiallv as shown, and to admit of beingoperaeda, .le,cnbed. • No. 4S. 102. —WILLIAM G. SAVAGE, Clinton, III. — Cultivator^.— June 6, 1865. Claim. — I. — The arrangement of the plough standards G G, shafts F F, and levers H H, placed within the frame C, which is pivoted within the mounted frame A, substan- tially as and loi ilie ]iur|iose herein .set forth. 2. — I lie loniiei imil; of the frame C to treadles I I, in the maniiei -aio-taiiiialU as and for the purpose described. 3.— The of the two frames A C with the plough siandards, trea,,>l motion to ilu- rear end of the purpn> dj listing ]>ivot L ■ ])ermittini; said lever to be moved both vertically and htenll) and thus performing the operation of moving the ploughs without the use of more than one lever, K, and with but i single pivot for said lever. 5. — Connecting the drag bars in front by the stretcher F, provided with pivot screws and set screv\s, as described 6. — The combination and arrangement of lods G, the drag bars K, posts H, foot rests J, levers K and O, r ng /{, and joint L M, as shown and described No. 48,445.— CVRUS ROBERTS, THRtF Rulrs, Mich.— tW/'/rw/orj.— >H,- 27, 1865. Claim. — I. — The combination of the plough beams with tlie flaps and stay rods, substantially as desciibed foi the purpose set forth. 2. — The combination of the frame, the movable drivers seat, and the ploughs, substantially as and for the purpose described. 3. — The combination of the adjustable dines s seat an 1 hand lever with the adjustable link rod t ii 1 I tli ] iii pose described, 4. — The combination of the frame, the Unci cit ml the ploughs with the rear flap and stay lods substantiallv as described, whereby the driver can exert his whole w eight in raising the ploughs, as set forth. 5. — The combination of the frame and dnver s seat w ith the shifting |ilouL;h-. and clljow levers, when arranged and 6. — The Comlniiatioii of the plough beam and stay rod with the hinged -.ocImI and wooden pin, when airanged and operating as described, for the purpose set forth. No. 48,627.— JOHN L.\CEY, assignor to CONRAD FURSTand DAVID BRADLEY, Chicago, It.i..— C»///- vators. — Jiilv 4. lSfi5. Claim.— r—CoiiiirrtiiiL; tlie mov.iMe jarts of a mounted cultivator uii!i il,c xv hr, 1- .ii„l axle l.v tlie li..ri,roiiial swing- ing bars or ro.l, 1. -ulisuutiallv a-, ^hown and descril)L- h, cross-bar c, beams d d, shares in n, and handles, as and for the purposes specified. 2. — The combination and arrangement of the plough beams ti n, cross-bar /', slotted as shown, handles /;, con- necting strips (■ c', and shares w ?;, as shown in P'ig. 3, sub- stantially as shown and set forth. X.i. 40.547.— lollXG. PAGE, RoCKi-oRn, III.— C«///- Claim,— L — In eoml.iiuition wUh a cultivating machine for culiivat ns; two rous, il,r , mployment of the two shaft ■ '," ' til- ^ulisiaiilially as and for JolesD D, he impose oh ! : , .itor. anaiiged so as to circles M M. the connecting bar N, or its equivalent, and the front share standards J', operating substantially as and for the purposes specified. 3. — The arrangriurnt of the latch R with the rod m and arc V.. a ami l-i ilh I'urposes shown and set forth. 4._Thc .ill III-, i.h ni ■ I li.e lever/with the latch R and rod III', 11/ to I, Ic.i-.- the forward i.loughs when they 5. — The arrangeme ■ D' with the .NT, N. H.— No. 49,667.— H. 11. WMt^l I 1:, CuUh'iilpi-s. — August 29. 1S65. Claim. — I. — The shafts A, chains C and D, and cultiva- tor B, combined and arranged substantially as described and for the purposes specified. 2. — The spring in, lever 11, and slotted standard L, when used for the purpose herein set forth, substantially as de- scribed. No. 49,715.— GEORGE CALKINS, El Paso, III.— Ciiltivaloi-s. — September 5, 1S65. Claim. — I. — The combination and arrangement of the plough beams D, levers F, supports K, levers E, provided with the rods L, the cross-piece H, and frame O, when con- structed and operating substantially as and for the purposes set forth. 2. — The combination and arrangement of the plough- CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. beam levers E and F, provided with their fulcrums as described; cross-piece H, frame O, and the levers M and N, when constructed substantially as and for the purposes described. No. 49,845.— J. A. BARDEL, Freeport, III.— 0y the machine is adapted to the different kinds of work, as exjilaineil. No. 50,257.— ROBERT McCORKLE, Philadelphia, V¥.^Ti—Cii'Uivators.—OetoberT„ 1865. Claim. — I. — The metal pieces F, provided with the horizontal flange a, recessed to receive and hold the bolt c, and having the lugs or projections b, for the purpose of attaching the drag bars D to the slotted bar A, and adjust- ing the same therein, as set forth. 2. — The plates G and H, constructed and arranged to operate in combination with the drag bars D, as and for the purposes set forth. 3. — The plate I, in combination with the elbow levers L, and plates G, for the purpose of moving the ploughs I I, as herein described. 4. — The rubber disk, or its equivalent, in combination with the standard «, and head R, of the drag bar, when constructed and arranged to operate as and for the purpose set forth. No. 50,439.— L. B. BARTON, Metamora, \\.\..— Culti- vators.— October 17, 1865. Claim. — I. — The combination and arrangement of the lever /;, beam D, and double-tree P, .as shown in Fig. 4. 2.— The lever /;, in combination with the double-tree P, rod e, and beim D, the latter having its front end pivoted to the main frame, and all the parts arranged to operate as and for tlie purpose herein set forth. 3. — The harrows />, in combination with the central swinging ploughs, as shown and described. 4. — 1 he combination and arrangement of the standard L, lever O, and cross bar B. as and for the purpose set forth. No. 50,453.— DANIEL CHURCHILL and S. C. BREWER, Ionia, \\.\..— Cultivators.— October 17, 1865. Claim. — I. — The combination and arrangement of the draught rods G, the bar F, clevis a, and slotted pendant H, as and for the purpo e set forth 2 — The combimtion of the plough beam E, clevis a, and slotted pendant H, when arranged to operate as shown and desciibe 1 No ^10 I 1 UN 1 n N\LD, Frankfort, Ind.- Culti ,/ \ ■, Chun I I t M connected to the levers K k n I 1 i|ose described. 2 — 1 I 1 1 1 1 ng shields V V, whei 1 1 I il I i( ose described. N I \ w s 1 ll\ M Louis, Mo. — Cull I IS Cliim— I— M It 11 \ tl wheel stand B' the l^^ 1 1 t 1 I I 1 111 means of the bolt z 1 t I 1 t t I 1 joint, for the purpo c 1 ill 1 1 I t 1 c tunic I to either side to ass, I ,„ tl c 1,1 ut,hs I 2 — lie 1 heel stands B', and frame A A' \' mil e ( li li with the swinging frame E E' anil plough beams 1 is and foi the purpose set forth No 51,306— B A GRANT Moint Pll\sant, Iowa. Cultivators. — December 5, 1865. Claim. — I. — The combination and arrangement of the plough beams J, the arms K, the cross bar L, vertical-rods M, and loops tn, operating as and for the purposes speci- fied. 2. — The combination of the plough beam I J, clasps a, arms K, cross-bar L, uprights M, loops m, uprights P, rod N, arms n, all arranged and operating as and for the pur- poses specified. No. 5i,s'\v I\MI> r^WNSFNl), Head OF SASSA- FRAS, Ml.;— (■,v\ . r...,uber S. 1S65. Claim.— I.— I lie aiT.McMnient and combination of the lifting bar G, lever K, w ith the beams F, made adjustable up and down, and also capable of being run laterally by the stirrups, substantially in the manner and for the purposes set forth. CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. 2.— Theuseoftliobint;ea bar O. r;in vin^ tl..' -iKinks 1' vmiIi >.r|niiir:, mtows V, and operateil liv ihf Itmi S, suI. i iiiii.ill\ .1 .1. ,, i il.cil. No. 51,494.— 1; 11. ^llc»M.\^. I'. !•- MAM .M,.i mo.s. HARDING, Si>rinui.ii.;li), Uiiiu.—t ,«//;■„/,»,>.— /J,r,7«- li,-r 12, 1865. Claim. — I. — The independent short axles E, provided « ith the ]irojection F, and secured to the main axle B, in the manner slun\ n and de.scribed. 2.— The combination of axles E, rods c, and levers I, as ^liown and described. j,_Tlie lever (.;, in combination with the lever I, rods c, and axles E, arran-eJ ..n.l ..p^ 1 Hoil' ;i^ -et forth. No. 51,680.— l.Wl 1 ^ \!:m- I K' im; Jr., Ki mika, Ii.t.. — Cultivators.— J >. . e < . 1 - > -, . flaim.- 1.— The .shoveK .a 1 mm- frame U I >, with the driver's seat D', secm'ed lu 11- rear en^, -nel hame InniL', pivoted liy its forward ends to iw.i Iim 1 ~, w Ineli air ,e. nn.l ri_i;i(ll_v to the carriage axle li, ami are |iio\ele.l \miIi stirrups iii m, substantially in the manner ami lor the pur- pose described. 2. — The movable-.stepped block r, applied to the axle B of a cultivator carriage, for adjusting the shovel frame of the cultivator, substantially in the manner and for the purpose herein described. 3. — The longitudinal laterally rocking rods e e, in combi- nation with the pivoted cap .a! 1 a\lc it nn> requited dis tance on each side of its ccnti 1 1 1 mi 01 levers being pivoted or hinged, at then I i\\ 11 1 en 1 I the shovel carry- ing frame D D, substantiallv 1 Ic ciil c i 2 — The beams 01 levels t. C applied tithe axle of a cul- tivator, and extending both in front and in icar of said axle, so that when their ends aie depressed, tlie shovel-carrying frame is raised, substantnllv as descul c I 3 — Rigidly securing the li lu^l t ] I 1 veise brace C and front biace / I 1 1 e of a carnage cultivator, when 11 ch i front end, and It t 1 ' thi 1 «ith tli icii ul il I , lit pole, and with I dil) as the cultivatui teeth aie elevated I scubed 4 — In I li IV el standards G G to a trans verse biacc L I vel canvnig frame which is hinged at its front end, and has the di iii^bt \i Ic attrchcd to it, sub stantially as descriLed 5 — A cauiage cultiv It 1 ml 11 111^ 111 its i^ani/ati m two pairs of lon^it 111 1 thci at their front en I at located on extcn 1 I the axle of the i II the ploughs or shovel 1 t 1 le ciil c 1 6— The shovel 1^1 iie 1) D, with the diiver's seat D' secured to 11, rear eial, said frame being pivoted by its forward end to tuo levers, v\ liich are secured rigidly to the carriage-axle B, and are provided with foot-stirrups tn m, substantially in the manner and for the purpose de- 7.— The movable stepped-block .-. a]i].lirrl to the axle B of a cultivator-carri.age, for adjustiii.; ili' li ■' 1 limie of the cultivator, substantially in the maiuiei li in !■ - Ml.ean!.,iMl, I lln -la.wl 1) 1) C with the levers C C. vibrating standards C, (J, curved levers I I, and treadles H H, substantially as described. No. 51,682.— C. C. BAUM, Oxford, Iowa.— C«//««- A>;- P/,<„^'/,s.—D,Y,;,i/.n- 26, 1 865. 1 laiiii - I hr ,011, liiiiaiinn of the bars C, vertical .shafts D, , 1,1 111 - ',. ..Ilia I nil" mil K, lever ¥, heads I, and axles K, ,1, ,.liil 1,11 llie ] .111-.,,', ,a forth. No. S1.721.— W ll.l.l.V.M H. HDWELL, EwiNGSViLLE, N. ].— Cultivators.— J >,',-.'iiihrr 26, 1865. Claim.— I.— The fiaiiie, emisisting of the diagonal slotted bars A A, tongue H, and axle 1), arranged as shown and ever /', connected to the plough by the aleiil. ill eoinliination with the handle a, I Willi the h.Kik ,', when arranged to op- ■ibed ement of slotted bars A, as shown and described. IN, White Rock, III. 2.— The elliiAV lever /', and bar/, provided vmii'i ll erate as and for tin | m ; - - 3. — The comliiii. i pendants E, draurpcise set fcjrth. No. 52,222.— I \l \\ i I 11 s I k|(Kl,A\li, Tai.i.icv- RAND, Iowa. — ( V, 'y.inn.nv 2-^, 1866. Claim. — I. — Til. i::'i:L;hi hii- W .uiaehe.l tutlie ploui^h frames E E and connected at ilieir upper ends to handles K, the front ends of which, as well as the front ends of the plough frames, are connected to the framing D by staple joints, substantially as and for the purpose specified. 2. — The adjustable plates \, secured to the inner sur- faces of the bars W in connection with the eyes or guides /, arranged as shown, to regulite the depth of the penetra- tion of the ploughs in the earth, as set forth. 3. — The shoulders /, .attached to the rear sides ofthe bars H', in connection with the spring catches/ on the framing D, for the purpose of holding, when required, the ploughs above the surface of the earth, substantially as set forth. N. 52.348.— CHARLES C. WELLS, Lyons, Iowa.— Cultivator!:.— y,„im,ry 30, 1866. Claim. — I. — So constructing and arranging the hounds C C, front cross-beam ;■, and rear beam v', in combination with the axle A, that the same may be adjusted by the movable bolts and holes, substantially in the manner and for the purpose herein set forth. 2. — Constructing and arranging the standards D' D^ in connection with the hounds, so the may be shifted from the straight bolts//to the elbow ones e c, substan- tially in the manner and for the purpose herein set forth. 3. — The application of the stirrups F F to the rear of the standards D' D^, substantially in the manner and for the purpose herein set forth. 4- — The combination of the lever E with the stirrups F F and standards D' D'^ for raising the latter in conjunction with the feet, substantially in the manner and for the pur- pose as herein set forth. 5. — The arrangement of the rear cross-beam v", in com- bination with the stirrups and standards, so that the latter may be moved in a lateral direction independent of each other, substantially in the manner and for the purpose herein set forth. No. 52,429.— A. S. MARKHAM, Bush.nell, III.— Cultivators. — February 6, 1866. Claim. — The securing of the pendants J on the rod K by means of bolts / passing through any of a series of holes in plates N N attached to the draught pole, substantially as shown and described. No. 52,462.— JOSEPH S. STUCKER, Grove, Ohio.— Co;-« Cultivators.— February 6, 1866. Claim. — The combination and arrangement of the ploughs or cultivators, cross-bar, axle, and frame, when made adjustable, as and for the purposes set forth. No. 52,606.-1, HARRISON RICE, Springfield, Ohio. — Cultivators. — February 13, 1866. Claim. — I. — The combination of the three-sided double frame a a a a, and a' a', with the removable seat g, and adjustable axle bearings, in the manner described, for the purpose specified. 2. — The combination of the main frame with the vertical frame d, windlass e, chains/, and joints c c, arranged and operating conjointly, in the manner substantially as de- scribed, for the purpose specified. No. 52,743.— GEORGE W. PRUGH and WILLIAM H. BEARD, Armington, il.L.— Cultivators.— February 20, 1866. Claim. — I. — Combining and uniting in one machine the shaft J, fitted with a lever and pulley, and connected to the cultivator beams N N and S S for the purpose of raising and lowering them, and the bell cranks P P and stirrups 1 1, connected to the top of the two inside cultivator staffs V V, for the purpose of moving them laterally, substantially as described. 2. — Connecting and arranging the cultivator beams N S and N .S', in relation to each other, substantially as set forth. 3. — The adjustable connection between the front ends of the cultivator beams N N' and the hangers E E, when said hangers and beams are arranged in respect to each other and to the cross-tie Z and the main frame ABC, substan- tially as set forth. No. 52,754.— JOHN SAVILL, Monmouth, III.— C»//- tivators.— February 2o, 1866. Claim— I.— The lient axle A, provided with arms « ir, in combination with the brackets C C, containing the wheels D and fitted on the arms a, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 2. — Connecting the front ends of the plough beams E E, to the upper ends of the brackets C C, by pivot-bolt b, arranged with circle-plates c, substantially as and for the purjrase specified. 3. — The evener, :^r draught-regulator composed of the splinter bars I I K, connected by the rods J, and arranged substantially as described. No. 52,770.-0. C. TELLER, Terre Haute, Ind.— Cultivators.— February 20, 1 866. Claim. — The arrangement of the vibrating beams R, in combination with the spring sliding draw bars F and crooked arms m with the stop O, substantially as specified for the purpose set forth. No. 52,905.— ANDREW J. STOVER, Sandyville, Iowa. — Cultivators. — February 27, 1866. Claim. — The oblique bars D D, connected to the draught pole C, and having standards I and shares J attached as shown, in combination with the plough beams G G con- nected to the bars D D, and arranged to admit of being turned to give a lateral movement to the shares L, substan- tially as and for the purpose set forth. No. 52,998.— ISAIAH HENTON, Shelhyville, III. Cultivators.— Marck 6, 1866. Claim. — The combination and arrangement of the car- riage frame A, the vibrating frame B, pivoted to A, the beams l\ hangers i, standards «, and the hand lever 0, with the sheaves ,^, and cords or chains r, substantially as herein specified and for the purpose described. CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. No. 53,303.— M. II. HULLINGER, (Jranvii.i.k, 1i,i,. —Ciilthators.—Af„n/i 20, 1866. Claim.— I.— The combination and arrangement of the curved bar O and the rollers T T, operating substantially as and lor the purposes specified. 2. — The combination and arrangement of the beams II and I, the posts M, the standards L, curved bar (), and rollers T T, substantially as specified and shown. 3. — In combination with the above the employment of the bent levers P, the chains c, and stirrups Q, as and for the purposes shown and described. No. 53,322.— THOMAS H. MINER and SAMUEL IIE.WE.N'RIUGE, Greenfield ItiD.—Cullh'ator Ploughs. — Mar,/, 20, 1866. Claim.— I.— The sliding plates D D, with the plough standards K passing through them, and the plates connected to the crank I of a sh.ift J, by rods e e, said shaft having a cross bar K at its rear end provided with stirrups L, and all arranged to operate in the manner substantially as shown, to give a lateral movement to Ihc iilmii^hs. 2. — The connecting of the plmigli stamlaicK V {,1 cranks g, on the plates D I), l>y nxK/", the cranks having levers N attached, and all arranged sul)stantially as sliuwn, to admit of the raising of the ploughs. No. 53,326.-0. J. NOBLE, New Boston, III.— O////- Vitlors. — March 20, 1 866. Claim. — The springs F, applied to the pivoted plough st.mdards i, substantially as and for the purpose set forth . No. 2,683.-0. J. NOBLE, New Boston, \\.\..—Ciil/i- vators. — March 20, 1866. Reissued y«/)' 16, 1867. Claim. — I. — The combination of the adjustable plough beams E with a stationary frame A and a device whereby said beams may be locked rigidly at any desired height, substantially as and for the purposes specified. 2. — The levers H H, pivoted to the frame A and ar- ranged relatively with the plough frame E, as herem speci- fied, in combination with the notched plates I I, when all are constructed and operate substantially as and for the purposes set forth. No 53,328.— LEWIS M. PATTERSON, Jordan'.s Grove, \\a..— Gang Phmghs.— March 20, 1866. Claim. — I. — The combination of the two frames F H, one, F, being attached by a pivot bolt or screw to the pivoted bolster C, and the other, H, attached to the front end of F by a hinge or joint, and having a lever, J, connected to it, substantially as shown, for the purpose of keeping the frame H, and consequently the ploughs, in an elevated or working position, substantially as set forth. 2. — The bolster C pivoted to the axle A, in combin.ation with the frames F H and the lever N, or its equivalent, all arranged to operate in the manner substantially as and for the purpose herein set forth. No. 53,+o8.— JAMES CANFIELO, Washington, Iowa, and CHARLES HESS, Lyons, lo\iK.— Culti- vators.— March 27, 1866. Claim. — I. — The combination and arrangement of the inner beams F F, the slotted hangers H H, pivoted to the cross-bar C, and the regulating bar I, operating as and for the purposes described. 2. — The combination and arrangement of the plough beams E F, the hangers G H, the levers L L, cross-bar C, chains a h, arranged and operating as and for the purposes described. No. 53,445.— PAUL HILORETH; Beloit, Wis.— Cultivators. — March 27, 1866. Claim. — The adjustable cultivator bars F F, the bed pieces H H, the adjustable brackets W W, the movable gauges e e, and the scrapers q r/, when constructed sub- stantially as herein set forth and described, for the purpose specified. No. 53,446.— CHARLES HOLMAN, Cameron, III.— Cultivators.— March 27, 1866. Claim. — The buttons H' H', secured to the upper ends of the rods G G, in combination with the bar J, provided with the recesses h h, and the springs g, on the rods G, all arranged substantially as and for the purpose 5pecifieril 3, 1866. Claim.— The combination of the treadles L L, plough beams G G, suiM.1 sn,l.,l. II II, aim, | |, treadles 0<), ..\rv.\, -Cultivi No. 53,837- Ji>l IN tors. — April 10, 1 866. Claim.- I. — Attaching the shovels to beams having an independent vertical movement, and so connected to the movable frame L H, that by moving the latter sidewise all the ploughs are moved with it, said movable frame being pivoted at h, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 2. — Interposing the conical rollers a between the fixed and movable frames, to enable the latter to be more easily operated, as shown and described. No. 53,867.— GEORGE PERRY, Muscatine, Iowa.— Cullivaton.— April lo, 1866. Claim.— I.— The adjustable beams C C, in combination with the slutted crossbar A, and the slotted braces and notched latches M M, substantially as and for the purposes set forth. 2.— The foot levers G G, in comliination with the sup- plementary frame, substantially as and for the purposes set forth. 3, — The buttons O O, attached to the frame D D, and rigidly securing the supplementary frame either up or down when desired,' substantially as and for the purposes set forth. 4. — The levers H H, and the parallel bar I, in combina- tion with the hinged standards of the interior shovels .and oscillating beams C C, the hatter being also adjustably at- tached, substantially in the manner and for the purpose set forth. 5. — The mode of attaching the standards of the interior ploughs by the jaws L L to the beams C C, substantially as and for the purposes set forth. 6.— A hinged shovel attached to the standard by a wood- en pin, substantially in the manner and for the purpose set forth. No. 53,911.— EDWARO P. WHEELER, Nehr.vska City, Neb. — Cultivators. — April 10, 1866. . Claim.— I.— The arrangement of the levers F, pivoted standards L, and plough beams D, as described. 2. — Pivoting the levers F and standards L to the plough beams, by means of the longitudinally arranged pins or rods /, as and for the purposes shown and set forth. J. — Providing said levers, when arranged with the standards L, as set forth, with the knee rests /, as and for the purposes specified. 4.— The combination of the hinged beams O, standards L, levers F, and hook (/, arranged as described and shown. 5. — In combination with the beams D and standards L, the arrangement of the adjustable standard P and cross- bars Q R, as described. 6.— The combination of the cross-marking bar T, pro- vided with shovels V, with the dr.ags J, for the purposes set forth. 7. — The combination and arrangement of the standards L P, the levers F, beams D, cross-bar H, and brace I when arranged so as to render said standards L rigid, for the purpose of ploughing in grain, as shown and specified. CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. No. 53,947.— JARVIS C.\SE, Springfield, Ohio.— Cultivators.— April 17, 1866. Claim. — I. — Suspending the plough beams from the rock shaft F, mounted on the posts H, substantially as shown and described. 2. — The lock bar or brace c, arranged to operate in con- nection with the shaft F, as and for the purpose set forth. 3. — The standards I, connected by the chain L, and pro- vided with the foot rests s, as shown and described. 4. — Attaching the shields O by means of the bent amis n and staples /, as set forth. No. 54,099.— THEOPHILUS F. BERTRAND and PETER SAMES, Rockkord, \\.l..— Cultivators.— April 24, 1866. Claim. — I. — The combination of the ploughs, draught rods, and elbow levers O, with the frame and driver's seat, when constructed, arnin,;ed, and n; (.rating as described. 2.— The combination ..f tlic -taii^laid. braces, eye-bolt, and grooved block, when coii^tiuctcd and arranged as de- scribed, to vary the angle of the pluugli to the crop, as set forth. 3. — The combination of the standard eye-bolt /, loop /«, and draught rod M, constructed and arranged as described, to secure centre draught when ploughing at an angle to the crop. No. 54,139.— J. L. FOUNTAIN, New Milford, III. — Comhiiu'tl ai„l Cultivators.— April 24, 1866. Claim. — I.— Tlie arranL;ement of hanging the cultivator to the hounds C at (j, ami by links/ the levers S r, in com- bination with tliL- hiiiind^, axlL-, and cultivator frame, as and for the purposes set forth. 2. — The adjustable arms D, cross-brace F, and pieces E E, for extending and contracting the frame, in combination with the seeding apparatus, lever L, and seat O, arranged as and for the purpose described. No. 54,160.— .SAMUEL HOFFHEINS, Ha.milton TowNSHir, VY.ti^.— Cultivators.— April 2\, 1866. Claim. — The combination of the devices for raising the shovels from the ground, and consisting of the levers G G, foot boards H II, and n.cking seat I, operating substantially as described and represL-nted. No. 54,317.— WILLIAM D. FISHER, Freeport, III. — Cultivators.— May I, 1866. Claim. — The arrangement and combination of the drops C, equalizer E, adjustable frame A, regulating lever G, and fenders J, when arranged as herein described, and for the purposes set forth. No. 54,637.— BENJAMIN F. YOUNG, Toul(in, III. — Cultivators. — May 8, 1866. Claim. — I. — The inside frame B and the mode of con- necting it with the frame A, constructed and operated sub- stantially as described. 2. — The iron lever F hung upon a pivot by which the front shovels are swung to the right or left. 3. — The adjustable wooden wedges I, together with the crooked iron necks D, by which the front shovels are ad- justed so as to throw the dirt to or from the corn. 4. — The side or guage P, by which is adjusted the depth the shovels enter the ground. No. 54,659,— ORLANDO BARR and FRANKLIN F. COX, Bkldit, Wis.— C«//KY7A-r,f.— ,I//r 15, iSoo. Claim.— The rod B' B', as sliuwu in I 1 ;, i, the head blocks B B, sliding upon the sai'l i-l 1;' W. cnnected with the gear b b, and foot lever auil section pinion D, the slidnig rods A A attached to the beams A' A', and the de- vice and arrangement of the draught rods^^^, and chains e e, wdien constructed substantially as and for the purpose herein set forth and described. No. 54,751.- WILLIAM McCORMICK, Muscatine, \OWK.—Cultiz'a!ors.—May 15, 1866. Claim. — I. — The cast iron standards Z, provided at their upper ends with lips i, to fit over the upper and lower edges of the plough beams I, in order to avoid the use of the braces to retain the standards in position, substantially as set forth. 2. — The arrangement of the plough beams I, as shown, to wit : the rear ends being provided with rods J, to fit into staples or guides K, at the lower parts of uprights G, at the rear of the frame A, and their front ends connected by are attached by universal me A, the uprights G pass- the front bent parts a* of n, substantially as and for chains R to upriclit; C ^hirh joints^ to the fi ■ ■ : 1' -: \\:- IV. ing down betw i ■ :■ : i M , ud one of the clevi- - \. •<: . ,.l1i i..a and for the purpose si)ecitied. 3. — The attaching of the doubletree Q to the front ends of the beams I, when said beams are connected to the bar I*j through the medium of the uprights O, in the manner substantially as set forth. 4. — The arrangement of the treadles T T, with the beams I I, and levers W, substantially as and for the purpose speci- fied. No. 54,763.— EDWIN PARMELE and R. N. PAT- TERSON, Davenport, Iowa. — Cultivators. — May 15, 1866. Claim. — I. — Applying shovel standards to a carriage in such manner that that they are allowed to rise or fall bodily or independently of each other, and also of being moved laterally together by the feet of the attendant, sub- stantially as described. 2. — The slotted shovel standards D D, in combination witJi the treadles r r, and the driver's seat, substantially as described. 3. — Connecting the standards D D to the roller e, in such manner that their lower ends can be swung forward and upward in combination with contrivances for allowing said shovel standards to be .adjusted laterally, and also moved up and down in a direction with their length, sub- stantially as described. 4. — So constructing the two treadles r r, that each one serves as a lever, and also as a means by which both standards can be moved simultaneously either to the right or to the left, substantially as described. No. 54,842.— FRANCIS M. BIRDSALL, Martins- ville, Ohio — Furrowing Machines. — May 22, 1866. Antedated May :6, 1866 Claim. — The plough frames e, longitudinal strips e' , and levers d, in combination with ploughs g, frame A, and sliding straps h, constructed as above described and for the purposes set forth. No. 54,854.— H. F. B'VERLY, Clinton, III, assignor to ISRAEL C\y\V\WA\..— Cultivators.— May 22, 1866. Claim. 1- riu' - H- ling bolts /• /•, slots //, and pendants b b, cuiiiIhuc'I ,iihI operated substantially as and for the purpose .p.olK.i. 2. — I he roller L, lever/, and chain M and //, com- bined and operated substantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. 55,093.— WILLIAM HAMMOND, Marshall, Mich. — Wheel-Cultivators and Gang Ploughs. — May 21), 1866. Claim. — The employment, independently, or in connec- tion with each other, of the bent axle, bearing levers L, in . combination with the fulcrum pins F, and adjustable stop- t;auge plates G, connected and arranged relatively to and with the frame and wheels of a cultivator, or gang plough, substantially as and for the purpose herein specified. No. 55.381.— H. B. SMITH, Eureka, \i.l..— Cultiva- tors.— June s, 1866. Claim. — I. — The construction of the frame .\ in the maniui iil -luiiiillN as herein shown and described, to admit < 1 : !i : i ring expanded and contrai-ted laterally to adjh _ nearer together or further apart, as may In n |uiiitable prop C, and lever H, all arranged and operatini; in the manner and for the purpose set forth. ;. — The hook and eye-bolts, which project from the ins'ide of the plough beams B B, and fasten the standards m III, to beams B B, the connecting rod g, eye and rod fastening in cross-piece b. No 56,022.— THOMAS E. ELLETT, Monmouth Ii.i.. — Cultivators.— July 3, 1 866. Claim. — I. — The combination of wheel A, bar P, and axles G G, with the ends at right angles, for the purpose and substantially as described. 2. — The attachment of tongue with side movement, substantially as described. 3.— The bars H H for supporting axle-boxes F and clevis (), sul.-t.iniiallv a. an. I fur llir pmpu.c ae>cribed. 4._T1k. r.Ml 2. loi llu' julipo-r ,1 ■ inl.r.l. 5,— The c.unlaiiaiinn oi ilic avl.i,,lMi, II H, wheel A and tongue, in a niannrr tu [auducc iii< i\ cnient, for the purpose and suliMantiallv as rle^crileil No. 56,122.-0. W. TALIAFERRO, Kicithshurg, III. — Com Cultivators.— July 3, rS66. Claim. — I. — The particular manner of constructing the frame of the machine, to wit, of two parallel bars A, con- nected by semi-circular metallic bars B, with the axles E fitted between or having their bearings in said bars, sub- .stantially as shown and for the purp -se set forth. 2. — The connecting of the plou-li luanis F F to the axles E, by having the latter furnicdwitli -lots „, to receive devices r?* at the front ends of tlie be 11ns, with pins b passing throu.,Oi the axles and devices, substantially as and for the purpose specified. No. 56,1 1;?.— ANDREW P. ANDERSON and BYRON EDWARDS, Princktox, \-L\..— Cultivators.- July 10, 1866. Claim. — The beams D D, in combination with the jilongh standards H H, and the plough standards E E, substantially as and for the |,)ur|>ose set forth. No. 56,289.-0. C. STOVER, Lanark, Ihi..— Cultiva- tors.- July 10, 1866. Claim. — The arrangement of the uprights c c and bar D D', substaniiallv a- and f „- if,r ;,ii,|.,, < .|„ ilic.l. 2.— The combination of the pi.. ii,.|i l„ ,,,i- \ , .niivia'sal joints D D', doubletree or evener (', tin.- ili.iii, f, and pulleys <•*, all arranged to operate in the manner sulistan- tially as and for the purpose herein set forth. No. 56,511.— lOHN isr. ARVIN, Valparaiso, Ind.— Cultivators.— July 24, 1866. Claim. — The arrangement of the joints /;, universal joints H, links O, arms P, and chains J in combination with the curved plough beams G M and shaft E. operating in the manner and for the purpose herein specified. No. 57,484.— CHARLES DANIEL, Lamonte, Mo.— Cultivators.— August 28, 1866. Claim. — I . — The jointed handled and vibrating cultivators h It in combination with the plough beams c c, the axle B, and hounds a a, constructed and operated substantially as and for the purposes herein described. 2. — The suspended plough beam-i c c, in combination with the h.uiniK „ ,;, anil (ho stirrups fi^ ^/, consti'UCted and o| rial.-. I Ml I. -I iiilialh' :i^ ami lor ili.- ]nirposes set forth. ; I li.' n i,iii._;.iii. Ill .)! 1 111 ..111. pic hanging hounds « a, in I ..niiti 11..11 w nil ilic ..iiiir I.. .1111 A, the plough-beams c ,-, the side liraces e ,-. ami the axle B, constructed and applied substantially as and for the purposes herein speci- fied. 4. — The arrangement of the swinging seat C on the cen- tre lieam A, in combination with the vibrating cultivators // h, and their jointed handles m 111, applied in connection therewith, substantially as and for the purposes herein described. No. 57,563.— H. S. POTTER, Fairfield, Iowa.— Cora Cultivators.— Aui^ust 28, 1866. Claim.— I.— The frame .\, with the driver's seat B, placed on its rear end, and connected at its front end to the hounds D of the draught pole in front of the axle E, sub- .stantiallv as and for the purpose set forth. 2.— The frame J, in combination with the plough beams L L, connected by swivel joints to the rod K, above the axle E, arranged in conneciiiai w itii lliv frame A, to operate sulistantially as and for the puri.nsc sprcilieil. 3.— The lever Q, attached m the part of the frame A, and applied to or arranged in connection with the frame J, and the loop /, with roller m, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 4. — The connecting of the plough standards G M to the frame A and beams L, by means of the pivoted bars b g, provided with wheels f /;, 'substantially as and for the pur- pose specified. No. 57.619.— JACOB BERGEN, Plain Township, Ohio, assignor to himself and PETER KAUFMAN.— Cultivators.— Au!;ust 28, 1866. Claim. —I. — The peculiar arrangement of the bent axle H G F G H, in connection with the frame A and the wheels G, substantially in the manner and for the purpose speci fied. •The peculiar arrangement of the back braces E and frame A, in the manner and for the purpose specified. No. 57,660,— J. H. BARLEY, LoNGWOOD, Uo.— Culti- vators. — .S,-pl,:iiilier 4, 1866. Claim.— I.— The iron bars D D attached to the plough beams A A, to support the cross-piece E a suitable distance above the plough beams, in connection with the plough standards F F pivoted to the cross-piece, sub.-.tantially as and for the purpose set forth. 2.— The curved handles K K, pivoted to the adjustable bar I, and connected to the bars F, which are pivoted in the bar H and secured to the plough standards F F, sub- stantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. 57,700.— GEORGE T. GIFFORD, Monmouth, \L\.. — Cultivators.— Sfptcml'er 4, 1866. Claim.— I.— The arrangement of the frames B and A, and movable pivot L L, for balancing, substantially as de- scribed. 2. — The combination of the lever F, cross-bars E and C, and ]>loughs G O, with the inside frame, for the purposes ',.— Tlie arraiijLaiicnl of IViiiK-^ 1'. 1! and A A, by which the weignt i.f ilrivtr vupporis or tends to lift ploughs, sub- stantialfv as descnl.ed. 4. — The slide S, operating in the axles as described, and for the purpose set forth. No. 57,752.— L. B. MOORE, Janesville, Wis.— C«;-« Cultivators.— September 4, 1 866. Claim.— The construction of a corn cultivator by the combination and arrangement of the various parts, stibstan- tially as they are described in the foregoing specification, or their mechanical equivalents, when used to produce the said automatic reciprocating motion of the said levers/y and shovels X X, as specified. No. 57,856.— M. H. BUCKNALL, Darien, Wis.— Cultivators.— .September II, 1866. Claim.— I.— The lever frames B B, attached at their front ends by joints a a \.o the front end of the frame A, in combination with the segment guides C C and the stop pins (/, or their equivalents, substantially as and for the pur- pose herein set forth. 2. — The combination of the teeth J, standards I, CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. shoulder k, screw nut /, braces m, and frame A, substan- tially as described for the purpose specified. No. 57,858.— JOHN BURNH.AM and WILLIAM C. LATHROP, La Salle, \\A..—Cullivatoi-s. —September li, 1866. Claim. — I. — The attaching of the plough frames G to an upright mounted frame A by means of joints d and bars F, arranged as shown to fonn a universal joint connection to admit of the vertical and lateral movement of the ploughs, substantially as described. 2. — The connecting of the two plough frames G G by means of a yoke H*, having its ends pivoted to bars I* I* which are secured horizonlally i>n the frames G G by pivots e, to admit of the frames G rising and falling independently of each other, as set forth. 3. — The duple-x double tree arrangement, composed of the two double trees D E, attached to the draught pole C and connected by the rods <;, substantially as described. No. 57,906.— HENRY HOOVER, Hemlo, III.— C«/- tmilorf,.Septembcr II, 1 866. Claim. — I. — The arrangement and combination of the central beam O, shovel standards D', shovel Q', with the central roller F and shaft 5, when constructed substantially as and for the purpose specified. 2. — The segment guides J, having the grooves S, in com- bination with the inner beams G, rollers and shovel stand- ards D", shovels Q", cams L and shaft 5, substantially as described and set forth. No. 58,082.— .SAMUEL P. ETTER, Scotland, Penn. —Cultivators.— September 18, 1866. Claim. — I. — The compound levers R and Q, connected to the plough beams by the braces or rods U U, when con- structed and operated for the purposes and substantially as described. 2. — The compound levers R and Q, rods U U, and plough beams H H, in combination with the pendants G G, and pendant guides J J, substantially as and for the pur- poses shown and described. No. 58,125.-0. J. NOBLE, New Boston, III.— Cor« Cultivators.— September 18, 1 866. Claim — The adjustable foot pieces L L connected to the plough standards I I, and arranged with brace K, in com- bination with the mode of attaching said standards to the frames C and F, substantially as and for the purpose herein specified. No. 58,147.— ANDREW STARK, Topeka, Kansas.— Cultivators.- Sept, mber 18. 1866. Claim. — The pivoted bars L L having the driver's seat N attached to them, in combination with the plough beams H H, connected at their front ends to the front part of the frame of the machine, and the plough beams and bars con- nected by chains /;, or their equivalents, substanti-illy as and for the purpose specified. No. 58,188.— ALEXANDER ANDERSON, Lonuon, Canada \ •\ 11 |>li)iii;h or cultivator of /l'.y'nM''\,>rinK"'' caul, ''lever! c 1 1)1 man roil and hinge, to .lu.l .hovels, and the blade ovcl standards to the beams; c the inside shovels, and the 1 ilcscrilied, reference being submitted. rs.—.\m'emli,-r 13, 1866. Claim. — I. — The pivoted draught pole C, pro 1 1 rear end wiih a curved or segment bar I), ha\ g f rollers or wheels c inserted within it, and work ng o ing upon a semicircular way or track E fin the frame A, substantially as and for tlie purpose set forth. 2. — The bar or lever 1^ attached to the rear end of the draught pole C, substantially in the manner as and for the purpose set forth. No. 59,654.— JOHN J. REED, I'm.o, \\.\..—Stilkv Ploi,';l,s.—A\n, descrilieil. 2. — The combination of the wheel stands B', with the frame A C C D D', in such a manner as to admit of lateral regulat'.ry movement, substantially as and for the purpose f I 3 — 1 geme of he levers M', 1 b tially as I II 1 I M 1 I plough ill I II d c bel -•\ 1 IIWIM \ T H LINCOLN, .S. II W II \MM \ M N rx Wis.— 1 1 1 1 - si oved 11 ' II 1 for- fill h 1 EOIHILUS 1 BEITRAND and CKF RD I L -C / .— >«- to ub ta t ally a described, a anged as et fo th for the 2. — The combination with the trongue of the single cross- piece E, so arranged as that it shall serve as a brace for the that control the aux- l; bolts with two siip- -tlle |iur|iosi- set forth. Ill liiiir. substantially ^^ Inmii « ilh the ton- the forth. gue when the lor, and for the jjuriw 6. — The combination of an adjustable support for tlie driver's feet with the auxiliary frame, sub.stantially as and fill ilii pniiiose set forth. I III ,wiveled eye-bolt or double block constructed, 111(1 operating substantially as and for the purpose 8.— I'lie combination of the eye-bolt and standard with the beam of the au.xiliary frame, suLstantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. 4,:;oo.— THE( ll'HIl.U.S HERTRAND and PETER S.XMl".- Ki H K I 1 .1; 1 1. 1 1 1 - I !i'/r ,i/iii-s.^-6o,<)l6, jfanuaiy I, 1S117. 1;. ) ni'il I/..1 . ' J'-.. 1 8; 1. ( l:nn 1 I 1 1. 1 i.nil.niai Milistantially as described, iifi! n ;i |i iiii ilh a\le (_ . arranged in the manner i n ' 1)1.1 1. attached to the tongue D, sub- staniiili' inila iiiaiinrr a)iil for the purpose described and shown. 3. — The standards c and c\ having pulleys x and x\ when arranged upon and attached to the axle C, in combin- ation w itii eliains ami roils 7 and 8, and the hinged inclined au\iliii\ ii:i))i II a))il II , a rr.anged to operate substantially 4 II 1 liars li d', secured at their upper euil-. I J il)L 1.11)1.11 i . )iil 1 ' by rods 5 and 6, and to the CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. cross-piece E by rods 3 and 4, in the manner and for the purpose set forth. 5. — The combination of two supporting-levers F and F' with the spring-bolts and curved notched bars d and d\ with the hinged inclined auxiliaiy frame H H', when con- structed and'ananged to operate in the manner shown. 6. — Tlie adjustable foot-rest M, notched standards L, and holding wedge 9, when constructed and arranged to operate together in the manner and for the purpose described. 7. — Adjusting the auxiliary frame H H' with the plough standards, to ditferent widths by means of tlie arched coup- ling-bar K, and screw staple-clamps h, as described and shown. 8. — The screw eye-bolt P and socket-plate or block Q, in combination with bed-plate R, constructed and arranged to operate as shown. 9. — The standard O, screw-eye bolt P, socket-plate or block Q, and bed-plate R, in combination with beams H and H', substantially as shown and described. 10. — The saftypin /, in combination with the standards O, screw eye-bolt P, rings /, brace-rod k, and auxiliaiy frame H and H', in tlie manner and for the purpose de- 1 1 . — The combination of the rigid frame, consisting of the tongue D and axle C, the hinged auxiliary frame H and H', carrying the ploughs, and their means of adjusting the same lalLiailv, c(in--i-ting of the arched bar k and screw- staples h. with the li Hit-supports M M and the lifting and holdinL; ilcNice^ Mi|iiiorted upon the tongue and axle, in the manner and fur the purpose shown and described. No. 4,581.— THEOPHILUS F. BERTRAND and PETER SAME.S, Rockford, III.— O/Z/nw/wj.— 60,916, January \,\%i>l. — Reissue 4,309, J/ffrc// 28, 1871. — Reis- sued October 10, 1871. Claim. — I. — The cross-piece E, attached to tongue D and bracket a, substantially in the manner and for the pnqmse described and shown. 2. — The standards c and r', having pulleys x and x' , when arranged upon and attached to the axle C, in combin- ation \\ ith the chains and rods 7 and 8, and the hinged in- clined .III i'i II ^ fiiiiic H and H', arranged to operate sub- staiui.ili-. :i i ■ li iiiil described. j;.- I i : ' 11 itched bars d d', secured at their upper ends iii ill 1 Hi ' iiils <- and <•' by rods 5 and 6, and to the cross-piece E Ijy rods 3 and 4, in the manner and for the purpose set forth. 4. — The combination of two supporting levers F and F', with their spring-bolts and curved notched bars ^»ed to operate in the manner shown. 5. — The adjustable foot-rest M, notched standards L, and holding-wedge o, when construcled and arranged to operate together in the manner and for the purpose described. 6. — Adjusting tlie auxiliary frame H and H', with the plough standards, to different widths, by means of the arched coupling-bar K and screw staple clamps k^ as de- scribed and shown. 7. — The chains or rods 7 and 8, when their pendant ends are connected to bearings or supports that project outside of and are not affected by the adjustment of the beams H and H', as described and shown. 8. — The screw-eyebolts P, and socket-plate or block t^, in combination with bed-plate R, constructed and arranged to operate as shown. 9. — The standard O, screw-eyebolt P, socket-plate or block Q, and bed-plate R, in combination with beams H and H', substantially as shown and described. 10. — The safety-pin /, in combination with the standards O, screw-eyebolt P, rings /, brace-rod k, and auxiliary frame H and H', in the manner and for the purpose de- scribed. II. — The combination of the rigid frame, consisting of the tongue D and axle C, the hinged auxiliary frame H and H' carrying the ploughs, and their means of adjusting the same laterally, consisting of the arched bar K and screw- staples /;, with the foot-supporters M and .M, and the lifting and holding devices supported upon the tongue and axle, in the manner and for the purrose show n and described. No. 61,040.— HENRY P.ARSALOW, Saint Anne, \\.\..— Ciecified. 2. — The pivoted liars L, in combination with the ploughs K, and standards E E', and set screw «■, substantially as described for the |uiipnse sjiecified. No. 61,195.— 1< illX IIIXDMAR.SH, IIknrv, III.— Corn Ploughs. — j,!i:ii,:ry 15, 1867. Claim. — I. — The lever X, in combination with the stand- ard O*, for sustaining the plough in an elevated position when required. 2. — The rods O O, plough beams G G, cross-bar P, and screw Q, combined and operating as described. 3. — The combinition of the phmgh beams G G, .stand- ards L L, lever N, and lirace rods/, all arranged and .ap- plied to a mounted frame A, to operate in the manner substantial! as and for the purpose specifid. No. 61,450.— C P. NORTON, Roseville, III— r«///- vators.— January 22, 1S67. Claim. — I. — The pole B, arch C, and supporting wheels D D, constructed and arranged substantially as and for the purpose herein set forth. 2. — The pole B /», fi!i. i, sliding box f, loop F, and set screw '■, in rnnneiiimi w 't!i tin- jilmigh beam A, all ar- ranL^i-il ii'l i' iii- ! ■■ iii-' tiii 'lii' i nijiose described. .\ii '1, 'iiiijiil W n.-HK, Bloomington, ILI.-' ' , i. i 1, , -7,»/«,7ri'29, 1867. Claim. — liie i.iiiiiiiuatioii ul ilie vibrating beams G G and the braces 1 I, connecting them with the draught pole E, the liUtside ]il(iu_;lis K K. connected by the sheaths b h Mv\ the rods ,/,/ with the beams Ci G, and the inside ploughs 1, 1, connected by the swivel cou] lings ^^?- to the standards ,t .1, and the rods e e to the braces I I, arranged and o]iei-ating substantially as and for the purposes herein described. 2. — Forming the shovels or shares K K E L, in such a manner that if a line were drawn in its oblique section, as shown in fi^. 3 of the drawings, the same would stand at an angle of about 22° from the standards b b e i\ to which the shovels or shares r re attached, and said ploughs having such a bevel that the point of the cutting edge when throwing inw;u-dlv shall be u]ion the inside of a line con- tinue.! ill llii- ilii. i'liiiii ..f the length of the stan.lards b b e c, and -, ■ . i ■ ■■ '■ !■ tliri.wiii,' imtHanlU -hall be upon the outsi I II ! ii. liii- the |iUr|Hise of [.reventing any lateral y^~ - uf. -n' st.mtiallv as heiein set forth. No. 01.1.22.— I.\C( )B KE.'^SI.ER, York County, Pa.— Cultivators. January 29, 1867. Claim. — The arrangement of the teeth G G, as constructed with the bars E E, rods D and a, and the frame of the ma- chine, as and for the purposes specified. No. 61,649. — A. H. AI.Ll.SON, Charlottesville, Inii. — Cultivators. — January 29, 1867. Claim.— I.— The plough beams D I), suspended to the curved guide-rods f f, and connected with the stirrups or levers ;'"-, for obtaining Lateral movement in combination therewith and with the vertically sliding cross-heads F F, the levers H H, and the springs m m, constructed, arranged, and operating substantially as and for the herein described. 2. — The arrangement of the rotary perforated clod guards n n, combined with the ploughs b b and beams D D, con- structed and operating as herein set forth. No. 9,085.- ASA H. AI.Ll.SON, Millville, Ind., as- signor to Eagle Manufaclur'ng Company. — Cultivators. — CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. • 28, 1867.— Reissued I'.hnuirv 17, iSSo. .-S, .S79.] iho cultivator-beams is wholly iir paitially Willi I he xerlicalh-iMm;,!-.- lirij- I I . [.v, 1- II II, and -print;-- -.7 ..v, .u!.-! mtially a- an,l loi- the innp .se. described. J — 1 he . .> nhiii ition of a wheeled frame and vertically- .-w iii^iiii; diai; I'ar- jo'nted at their forward ends to the frame at a li.\ed heiL^ht, and springs interposed between and having connection with boih the frame and the beams, and exerting an upward strain upon the latter when the machine is in action. . 3. — A ctiltivator wherein the attendant is mechanically assisted in rai ing tie sho\els fr m the ground the same embracing the combination of a wheeled fiame vertically swmging beams and lift n^, ] h| t 1 in 1 ai 1 to lift the fiee ends of the 1 the r 01 erative | osition si 1 4 — 1 he combination 1 w heeled frame iw o inde 1 sw in,ing beams and sprin a 1 j t 1 1 1 i 1 1 ^^l 1 t \ rt an upward strain on the beans and peimit them to mo\e both \eiticall\ and lalLrilK while sul ject to the spring 111 6 — In a w heeled cult 1 mo\ ing beam | 1 1 substant ill I that the 1 °"7-l\' 1 v erticalU w in^, n ranged to rcce vc h the latter are ele te I S— In 1 le I I lei %, <^\ I It 1 g I pon an 1 eiial 1 ng hint cintiolthe cam ta tialh a dec bed No 61674— ISWC B M\H()\ DiNKiRK Ohio — Ciilti ators — Janiiai} 29 1867 Cla n —I — The sliding frame V fitt d on the r 1 F at the r u ol the a\Ic \ n c inbi at 1 tl ] 1 I I am I I L inecte 1 at th f ont ell I //tj arm ecure 1 to the Io\er ei 1 I 1 1 1 pr \ de 1 w th cui ed stanlirds H wh ch 1 ., 1 attache! to frame G substant ally as an 1 loi tie piipose specihed 2. — Ihe plou h beams N N, connected by puot bolts to the lower ends of the 1 a [ a 1 prjv led with curve 1 standarl 1 h I 1 forme 1 at one en I of thelolt vl 1 1 lit the axle A J — T he h It ( 11 11 ne t r t 1 ich the pi High bea n I I \ 1 ai d al o prov ided w tl I i connected by a cl ing an! lowering I I 4— The whffletree 1 r \ \ 1 n, tl e 1 ei ends pivoted to the lower ends of ihe bar J and their upper ends connected with the doubletiee U substantiallv a and for the ) ir| e spec he 1 5 — 1 1 e of the ploughs M t tl e 1 a 1 III n e I tl 1 ct / at the rear I tl j 1 1 tl 1 e et an 1 the s raw bolts 1 I (. tl I the lion si tb in the beam I I suhstintially a n 1 I i the purpo es set forth No. 6i,80j.— W. F. CLARK, Hagaman s Mills, N. \ . —Cii/twators.—Febriiaiy 5, 1867. Claim. — I. — The plank A, grooved at its under side to receive the bars B B', which have the teeth standards C C attached, as shown, in combination vviih the levers F F, having the wheels T I attached to the plank A, pivoted be- tween their front ends and the driver's seat H, secured to a cross-b ir G iittached to the rear ends of the levers, all ar- r.inged substantially as and for the purposes herein set forth. 2. — The perforated segments J K, attached respectively to the levers F F and ])lank A, substantially as and for the purpose spccine.l. No. 6i,Sjo.— TlKiMA.S JOBE, Ci.arksvillk, Ohio.— Cultivators. — J^ebniciry 5, 1S67. Claim. — The arrangement of the plough-beams G and levers II, applied to the frame of the device, in combina- tion with the adjustable bar a, at the rear of the axle B, all arranged to operate substantially in the manner as and for the purpo-e set forth. No. 61,906.— CHARLES WIIJ.ARn, Newton, Pa.— Cultivator. — Februarv 5, 1S67. Clani —I —The conil nation of the adju tal le arche 1 couplings N and O V ith the frame '\ and I and 11., I ]1 I 1 1 I It 11 L n liictel Iran el and 1 1 1 e et forth 1 11 I I ai 1 foi the PI • tl No 6-oc — F CHIIDREN L\n \ i lr A\ is — r«/- ti t —/■ i , I 1S6- Claim — I — fhc f ct on rulkr / in rtc 1 in the ] n ted Iraft pole C in coml i at on with the 1 ai H attache It tl e pivote 1 ai n ' ill ainni^ed to opeiate in the manner as for the 1 ii| ose 1 ere i set f rth 2 — The 1 nks I and T shaped levers T applied to the plough beams an 1 frame \ to operate in the manner sub- stantially a and foi the purpose set foith — I he ecunng f tl ] 1 Mi K to tl e standards I by It I ] 1 M I 1 I \ / all nuanged 11 1 111 t foith \ I — I \ II \l Msll \( iR ElMIRV, 1 I ) 1S67 — Im] rovemei t on I 1 o el cany ng frame D which I i to oj ei ate substantially as de- rlel tl 1 Iji tin level t 01 its enuiva lent vhcrelythe lr ve n re., date the leithofthe hovels at plea lie v hethei the machine le n motion 01 at rest il tmtialh 1 et f ith '' — Fiv til a lever ( v h ch ha an eccentiic bearing il_ in lie en 1 tl tl e Iraft tongue of frame D an 1 ). r V 1 1 1 f hie r Ith a loci ng device for hoi ling it in any 1 1 ] 1 tai t 11) as de ciil ed li tal le shovel carrying fianie D 1 f the lever C and an a Iju ting 1 a t 11) as descril e 1 4 — II I in a c Itivator of an eccentric lever,., for the I urp se de cut ed No e-'.iS.;— T W CONNELY, Ch-vrieston, In — C It It —h I 10 1867 Clai I — n I tl a cult vatorof tl 1 1 I 1 rbel ■^ — Tl 1 I 1 or iro 1 an 1 manner an 1 j 1 1 la r loubletiee on f r arU 1 f h I le 1 Ve 1 and hown , — T I ,. fle\ ble I F w ith amis O ( ) either by 1 oils j 1 In and describe 1 4 —The bar B ar O O 1 earn F F ai d stocl s T T as const ucted and shown an 1 descril ed No 6-. ^44 — W B I -VNF and W COI TOR Orcan s-rr I 1S67 1 c ge a a .fie H 1 1 o te I tl by transverse be laterally adjustable substantially as braces J so described. 2. — Arranging a vertically and laterally adjustable shovel frame, which is constructed as described, upon a two wheel carriage, in such manner that the shovels will be located beneath, and in a vertical line, or nearly so, w ith the axle .\, substantially as described. 196 CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. No. 62,387.— OMAR J. ARNOLD, Mount Ida, Wis. ~Cullhalors.—F,:hn,„ry 26, 1S67. Claim. — I. — The axle C, inclined downward from its centre outward in both directions, in connection with the extended draught pole A and brace rods b b, substantially as and for the purpose set forth 2.— The beams D' D', extending in front of the joints d and connected by a cross bar F, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 3. — The lever G, provided with the pin or rod/", in com- bination with the beams D' D' and cross bar F, all ar- ranged substantially as and for the purpose specified. No. 62,511.— J. W. TYSON, Lower Providence, Pa. Cultivators.— February 26, 1S67. Claim. — In combination with the adjustable cultivator frame, the use of the chains n and o when arranged to operate as and for the (purpose set forth. No. 62,868.— C. F. MEGQUIER, Eureka, \\.\..—CuIti. valors. — March 12, 1867. Claim.— The plough standar.N T' V. i:> .i.,] at tlKir upper ends in metal straps c, wli! : nisilyilu- shaft G in the frame A, so tli.ii : \, ; i- an. I iln- ploughs A attached may bemov.,1 \>!ih,j!\ ml laterally in con Iii latio 1 » ilh the the out er side s of tl e fra plough St in. la rds .iR com the pi. ":- h St n.lar. s, all A, th. the : to which the 1807 being arranged tu operate in iht and for the purpose set forth. , i,S67. Claim.— The ..,;:,, ii la. o .. ,1 cuttcrs F F, the shovels d d, ami tii p^.u-n 1. earns K L, arranged and con- nected for .adju-tmeiit ami operation, substantially as and for the purposes herein .leserihed. No. 64,s4_'— 1,1)M().\T) H. KNIGHT, Unadili.a, Mich. < -May 7, 1867. Clan I 1 I. Lams G, having plough and shovel stan.lai II, , I. 1 i n. them in combination with the frames F F, til' !.. nil- 111. I Irames being secured to the axle A, and used in connection w ith hand levers K, foot levers S S, and catches R V, all arranged to operate substantially in the manner and for the purpose set forth. 2. — The springs H* connected with the beams G, and attached to the frames F, substantially as and for the pur- pose specified. No. 64,563.— EDWARD PHIFER, Trenton, N. J.— Cultivators.— May 7, 1867. Claim. — I. — A cultivator frame composed of a series of timbers shorter than the diameter of the wheels and arranged parallel to the tongue, substantially as described. 2. — The comliination substantially in the manner de- scribed of a toiieue lateialh a.lju^tal.le ..n the axle with a series of frame tinil.^i> ..fa leiiL^tli less than the diameter of the wheels, arranged parallel to the tongue and adjustable laterally on the main axle. 3. — The combination, substantially as described, of the tongue and short parallel .frame timbers with a series of slotted adjusting plates attached to the front of the frame timbers and secured to the tongue. 4. — The combination, substantially in the manner de- scribed, of the iiarallel frame pieces arranged for adjust- ment in pairs with the slotted down hangers, front lifting rods and drag bars, for the purpose of adjusting the front ends of the drag bars. 5. — The combination of the frame pieces, down hangers, CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. drag bare, lifting rods, hand levers, and sector rack, when arranged, substantially as described, for the purpose of en- abling the driver to control each pair of ploughs by a single lever. 6. — The arrangement of the sector rack, hand lever, and spring detent as described, whereby the catch acts both as a detent for the lever and as a guide to keep it parallel with the sector rack. No. 64,576.— JOHN E. Rf)\VL.\ND, Hagkrstown, UD.— Oi/livators.—.^fay 7, 1867. Claim. — The abo\e-descril,ed cultivator, the beams C, levers N, and ^tirrup lever M, being all arranged and com- bined substantially in the manner and for the purposes set forth. No. 64,658.— A. J. HEFLIN, Monmouth, III— C«///- VtUois. — May 7, 1867. Claim. — I. — Forming the shovels I with win:;s, the outer wing of each shovel being curved or turned up, substan- tially as herein shown and described and for the purpose set f rth. 2 — Ihe combination ol the pivoted bar D with the beam i; ;iiul venic;il bar <;' of the frame A, substantially in the manner shown and described and for the purpose set forth. No. 64,721.-0. W. .STOCTON, Oquaka, III.— r«///- '•ii/ors. — May 14, 1S67. Claim. — The swivel rods G, in combination with the joint or pivoted clevises c, the draught-evening device K, and bent bars L, arranged and operating substantially as described and for the purpose specified. No. 65,158.— HIRAM BOVS, Rushville, Ind.— Ch//z- Taton.—May 28, 1867. Claim. — I. — The frame A, as constructed with adjustable tail piece a, arms //, with swivels for connecting the shovel beams and rollers E, with chains for attaching the .shovel bars, when combined, arranged and operating in the man- ner and for the pur|joses herein specified. 2.— The beams D D, shovel bars//', and shields e c, connected by the adjustable bars /// m, in the manner and for the purposes set forth. No. 65,719.— lO.SEPH C. BIRD, Rising Sun, Md.— Cultivators —June II, 1867. Claim. — I. — The arrangement of the share frame E, supported from the lever H II' and pivoted frame //, in such a manner as to lift vertically or independantly, as de- scribed. 2. — The trapezoid-shaped cultivator frame, consisting of the portions a a h h c c, arranged substantially as de- scribed. 3. — The share c, formed double without a weld, pinched in at the centre to embrace the standard F, and with flaring ends, in combination with the stirrup brace, substantially as represented in fig. 4; No. 65,875.-6. C, T. W., and I. M. COCHRAN, P.\N.\, \\A,.— Cultivators.— June 18, 1867. Claim.— I.— The metallic frame D, with seat E, plates a a, plough frames G G, and ploughs / i, all constructed, arranged, and operating in the manner and for the purposes herein specified. 2. — The shovel frames G G, arranged with rods H H' and /«, for shifting the loops b b and levers F F, for ele- vating the shovels in the manner as set forth. No. 65,918.— lO.SEPH KOEHN, Canton, Ohio.— Cultivators.— June 18, 1867. Claim. — I. — The frame .\, with diagonal bars A' A', for connecting the shovels D 1), when constructed in the man- ner and used fur the purpose set forth. 2. — The arrangement of the lever e, spring /, pin s, in combination with the axle b, rack s, for the purposes specified. No. 65,938.— LORENZO D. PELTON and JOSEPH BARROW, Harrison, Ohio, assignors to themselves and ALEXIS GREEN, same i;i[2ice.— Cultivators.— June 18, 1867. Claim. — I — A mode of construction whereby the wheels and secondary beam B may be detached, and by means of auxiliaiy bolt holes c in the handles C, and in the sheaths at c', the handles lowered to a convenient height to be managed by an operator on foot. 2. — In combination with the elements of the clause immediately pieceding, the provision of the described mechanism for lifting the ploughs from the ground, either temporarily to pass an ol stacle J J', or more permanently to allow of moving the implement on a road or otherwise F F' H // and I, and the position of the seat, which enables the driver to control these levers and manage the plough handle. 66,200.— ISRAEL WINC, Karlville, \oviK.—Suliy Ploughs.— June 25, 1N1.7. Claim. — I. — The i.iiiil I the inclined tongues C with each other, with the duuljle tree D and axle B, sub- stantially in the manner herein shown and described and for the purpose set forth. 2. — The combination of the plough standards G and H, bars I and chains K with each other and with the tongues C, substantially in the inanner herein shown and described and for the puipose set forth. No 66.J:;;— M \T1IIAS REDLINGER, Freeport, In — r - / , / , 2, iSf.y ( liiiii I I 111 Ml ilu lou \ «uh its roller I I nn til I, uid the tiL idle (, as arranged Willi ill I ' I ' nil 111! il with the beams G, as hu 111 I ill I I I 1 |i I iii| ivt set forth. \ I _ I M \l -li \l I II VSKINS and D. B. II \l I \Ii 1 I 1,11 , ' „_y„/,, 9, 1867. I lain - I - Ujl ihl ui 1 eiiij 1 ijment, specially, of cul- tuatui sho\eK or ploughs M, prusided «ith perforations or open interstices made trans\ ersely across the blade, or in any direction that will seive the purpose contemplated, as herein set forth. 2. — The use and employment of the blinds N N, provided with slots and with jogs O O, in combination with the above described perforated sTio\els or ploughs M. and operating r ■ . I : ■ ' ! i ii. 1 lilied perforated sli, . ' \l, •, ■ ■,■•;■:. I •. . i.i .i. -. iihedbhnds N N, tie I, luds (_; Ci, grooved clevis L, beam F, plough standards Pi, swivel braces Q, brace Q', slotted bands P* and P', and bolts P-, all arranged, combined, and operating as and for the purpose described. 4. — The graduated standards J, plough handles K, rod R, and joints in beam F, combined and operating as and for the purpose described. No. 66,627.— B. W. REMY. Brookville, \^vi.— Com- bined Seeders and Cultivators —July 9, 1867. Claim. — I. — The nmin frame, composed of the vertical arched iron bars C D, and the horizontal frame F, also made of iron bar-., and the whole combined with the short axles B B. by w hieli it i-. supported in the carrying wheels, substantially as and for the described. 2. — In combinaticm with the main frame composed of iron bars or straps and supported as described, the pivoted bars H I, to which a cultivator or seeding mechanism, sub- stantiallv such as described, may be attached, as and for fo- \" '.7, ,,- I \(ii!: WILSON, Somerford, Ohio.— ( I, inn -i 1 h.' ..Miiiliination and arrangement of the doubletree 1 1, rods , , levers E, and whiffletrees H, with the frame A, mounted on wheels, substantially in the manner and for the purpose set furtli. 2. — The two ploughs I J. connected together by the cross arms li, and connected at their front ends by bolts to the pendants G G, with the pendant guides O, passing through loops (/, at the outer sides of the beams I, substantially as and forthe pui-pose specified. 3. — The attaching of the plough standards M M to the cross arms /; of the plough beams I J, by means of the swivel bolts /, in connection with the straps P passing over the fixed pulleys Q, and the stirrups/, all arranged to oper- ate in the manner as and for the purpose specified. 4. — The raising and lowering of the plough beams I J, through the medium of the levers 0, semi-circular bars n, and straps m, arranged substantially as shown and described. No. 67,173,— W. A. and C. E. DRYDEN, Monmouth, lu..— Cultivators.— July 30, 1 867. Claim. — I. — The frame a a, in connection with the ex- CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. tended braces b b, substantially as described and for tlie purpose set forth. 2. — The slotted axle, in combination with frame a a, and seat pieces /; /;, for the purpose set forth and substantially as described. 3. — The sliding seat piece k, in combination with pieces // /;, for the purpose set forth. 4,— The vertical .idju^tment of seat as described. 5.— The arran-i in. 1,1 ,,r|,i,,,-. ; - :,-:.. and >■. for giv- ing circular niMti' . : 1 ilird. 6. — The skull - : ; . 1: 1 n iii with the frame a ff, for the purp. I-. -.1 li.iih.inJ miI.-i uiliallv as described. No. 4,252.— WIl.l.I.VM A. I)RV1)P:X and CYRUS E. DRYDEN., assignor to AUGU.STUS ADAMS, S.\nd- WICH, III.— C«///i'<;A)r,t.— 67,173, July 30, 1867.— Reis- sued February 7, 1 87 1. Claim. — I. — The frame of a wheeled cultivator, adjusta- ble longitudinally upon its axle or other support, for the pur- pose specified. 2. — In a wheeled cultivator, a driver-seat adapted to be thrown ini" ].M.itioii 1,, form a riding cultivator, and to be turned u|i -i m! ,.ut of the way of the driver wdien walking. 1"! iln i.iii|.i.e specified. 3.— 'ill' :,i; I :i.:. -r.ii li,\r I, in comliiiiation with the pivo'.ed -I I, ;. I i. :,., ,1,1 , uq...,,' spccilR-.l. 4.— I I ■ '!■ 'I ii 'il .1 I Liltix.Unr, adaptcil liir vertical adjustinriii, \i iili nliihui t,, tlic fraine, by the means sub- stantially as describeil, for the purpose specified. 5. — The combination of the cultivator-frame with the bifurcated tongue or extended braces, for the purpose speci- fied. No. 67,295.— A. M. GRISWOLD, Momence, III,— Cultivators.— July 30, 1SC7. Claim — I. — The ad'usiable rods o (7 and the adjustable brace rods //, for the purposes specified. 2. — The joints / /. when comliined with the rods o and /y and |iluugh be.niu;; beams E E, sulistantially as and for the purposes set forth. 3. — the cams fii 111, when combined with the braces u «, the rods .t s, and bar ;•, and operating in the manner and for the purposes described. No. 67,441.— ALBURTIS .MARTIN, Oquawk.'^, III., assignor to himself and I. I; M \!;ll.\. — Corn Cultiva- tors.— August 6, i?,6t. A i 27,1867. Claim. — I.— The plou;:, . ,1 ' lu supported by the rollers >n and «, an. I llic,^,;itii; reference to the frame A, axle B, and the plough beams D and E, in the manner substantially as described and for the purpose specified. 2. — The semi-circular cog wheel I, shaft Y, lever K, crank I,, and bar P, in combination with the cog bar II attached to the frame C, substantially as described, and for the purpose specified. 3. — lilt V Mn;i.i;ii; piece /, in combination with the straps :ii , 1 1 . ;, post I" and the beam D, substantially as and Imi :: ; ;. , ,rt forth. No. 117.1,11 ■ r I I;RITTAIN, Ge.veseo, III.— Cw« Culti7U!tors.— August 20, 1S67. Claim. — The marking device, c insisting of the bars li /,, beam G, and standards II, in combimtir)n with the frame A of a corn plough substantially as set forth. No. 68,104.— EDWARD NEVVLON, Monmouth, III. — Cultivators.— August 27, 1867. Claim. — The vertical adjustment of beams j'j', in combi- nation with the frame, constructed as described and for the purpose set forth, in connection with the mode of attaching the draught. No. 68,114.— ANTON ROM ANN and JOHN PE- TERKA, Wilton, Iowa. — Combined Ploughs and Culti- vators. — August 2"], 1867. Claim. — The form and construction of the cultivator and harrow combined, when arranged, adjusted, and operated with the bolt F, lieaiii <', and a\le M, as attached to the frame or bars (J, with the i.L;uliiin; h heels L, as herein described and fur tlie'js set ruitli. No. 68,124.— W. A. SLSSuN, Shei-field, III.— f-rZ/cf/- Cultivators. — August 27, 1867. Claim. — I. — A wheel cultivator, constructed so that the draught power shall be applied direct to the shovel frame, and the driver's seat muunted upon the carriage frame, which is attached tu the shovel frame at its forward encl by a loose conneetim, wliirli permits said carriage frame to rise and fall with the undulations of the ground in any direction without affecting the operation of the shovel frame. 2. — The friction rollers jc x ai the forward ends of the carriage frame, in combination with the loops H H, sub- stantially as and for the purpose set forth. 3. — The perforated plates P P, in combination with the legs k i of the driver's seat, fitted so as to be inserted into said perforations for the purpose of adjustment, as set forth. 4- — The handles O O at the sides of the shovel frame to enable the driver to raise said frame and free the shovels from the ground. No. 68,165. — AXDRKW CANFIELD, Lyons City, Iowa. — Ci>n: ('/////r,;/.';.. — .Itrgust 27, 1867. Claim. — I, — Ihe ailjustable extension guard to regulate the amount uf earth applied to young coin, 2. — The raising levers (i G, in combination with the double stirrups a a, for the purpiose aliove set forth, 3. — The principle of raising and lowering a seat, by means of a joint, in the support of the seat when used substantially as and for the purposes above set forth. No. 68,525.- W. A. MOODY, Montezuma, Iowa.— Cultivators. — September 3, 1867, Claim. — The fitting of the front ends of the plough beams G G on pendent rods F, and connecting the beams by chains M to eccentrics L on a .shaft K, the beams being cimnected by a bow-shaped rod or bar H, all ar- ranged to operate in the manner substantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. 68.54g.— JOSEPH BENSON, SAMUEL BEN- SON, and WILLIAM BENSON, Lebanon, Pa.— C«//;- vators.— September 3, 1867. Claim. — I. — The use of the blocks f ,f, more or less in number, and the blocks ;, more or less in number, arranged upon the rods /, and so conil)ined with the standards /as to allow the arrangement of either standards or blocks on either sile of the bars j .v when desired, and for the purposes specified. 2. — The guides // /;, when arranged, combined and used substantially in the manner described and for the purposes set forth. No. 68,643.- GILPIN MOORE, Moline, III, assignor to JOHN DEERE, C. H, fJEERE, S. H, VELIE, and G. W, YIN TO.X, same ^Uce.— Cultivators.— September 10, Claim.— I.— The axles B, constructed substantially as herein shown and described, for the attachment of the ploughs and wheels of a cultivator, as set forth. 2. — The double-acting clevis or device for attaching the ploughs to the axle, said device consisting of the plates « e and m, and bolt 0, all constructed and arranged to operate substantially as described. 3. — The plate h when constructed and used in connec- tion with the standard G and brace d, substantially as de- scribed. 4. — The cultivator, hivin,; its several parts constructed and arranged for joint operation, sulistantially in the manner and for the purpose herein set h.rtli. No. 68,648.- WM. H. r.\RLlX, C.\.\roN, III.— C«-« Cultivators.— September 10, 1S67. Claim. — I, — The strong, durable and economical frame of attichment betueen the tongue and axle or wheels, as secured by the simple bars A, in manner and form as .shown, or in any similar form, upon the same ])rinci|ile. 2.— The extension hooks k k in the lieam holder ( ■, sub- stantially as above described, and as in drawing shown, or any similar hook in similar connectiuns, and for the uses herein described. No. 68,662.— PERRY W. SMITH, Aiungdon, III.— Cultivators. — September 10, 1S67. Claim, -I. — The combin.ition of frame pieces A A, bars D D D D, knuckles E, and adjusting bars O O, substan- tially as describeil ami for the |iurpose set forth. 2, — The vertical adjustment devices, bars O O, and CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. knuckles EKE E, substantially as described and for tlic pur|>»>se set forth. ^— rUe metallic uprights D D U D, ariMnijed as de- scribed and for the purpose set forth. No. 0S,079.— \VM. li- VOUNG, Ciiicai;o, U.i..—Ciii/i- 7;i/.')-s. — .S\'/>/,-m/u-r to, 1S67. Claim. — I. — The combination in a .str.uldle-row cultiva- tor of the main frame, split tongue, jointed ploujjh beams, and wheels 2. — The combination of wheels and 'ointcd plough beams in a straddle-row cultivator, the beam on each side having its joint or point of attachment out of the line of motion -of its set of ploughs. 3. — The combination in a straddle-row cultivator of wheels, doubletrees, whiffletrees, jointed plough beams, and frame when the plough beams are jointed forward of the whiflletrees. No. 68,784— IRA A. PALMER, MoNM.unH, Ii.i..— Ciiltwalors. — September 10, 1867. Claim. — I. — The construction of the frame ADC B, substantiuly as described and for the purpose set forth. 2. — The adjust.ible hook s, as arranged and for the pur- pose described. 3.— The jaws P P, knuckle /•"/", adjustable pin a" I" , and plates T, constructed and arranged as described and for ihe purpose set forth. No. 68,803.— MORDECAI SWEET, Richland, Ind. — Cultivators.— September 10, 1867. Claim. — The arrangement of the shanks K with the shaft F with its arms, handle and connecting rods, and with the levers M M, substantially as and for tne purpose set forth. No. 68.848.— ELLIOTT DAVIES. Jr., Carthace, Il.l.. — Cultivators. — September 17, 1867. Claim. — I. — The lever S, in combination with the sliding cross head M, mounted on side pieces C C, and bearing l>ieces () O', connected by stay rods P P' to main axle A, and bearing the two inside ploughs R R', all sub.stan- t ally as specihed 2 — The Stat onary back ploughs p F' connected to the cro s piece D n coml ination with the side pieces C C, lie h hng CIO shell M th t | loi ghs R R' the wheels 1 H It K n 1 1 111 nged to ends of p eces < ( ' all 1 11 t II ] 1 N tSgio— lll/\ 1 II ID nic\riR Ili a Im 1 tr^t \ I I I I VFEORD de cease 1 i 1 n 1 1 SULLIV \.N BLkC r SS an I I iltti Jt s — S pt ml 17 l"^ 1S67 Claim —The 1 1 I cui e 1 1 1 J t 1 dards H con netted by the chains J sub tantially as and foi the purpose specihe I N 69003— ISJiA( 1 MMKiN Dunkirk Ohii — Culti itors — .S / I I Claim — I — C llic fnme of the ma chine in two | ait ^^ethei an 1 I raced n the manner ub tai I 11 1 Jdesciibed •' — Suspen lini, the tram t the axle \ by cl ps D ar ranged in connect on ith the I a c E and the pendintsy to which the outei [I I I at I I all 1 e ng ai I inged substant all 1 1 | eeifie 1 J— The loull t ]ole T 1 connection with t 1 tl e f me f the machine a 1 I II the 1 ul le t ee by 1 nks , all ai 1 „ 1 It II) et fo th 4 — The attaching o the inner plough beams J j to tl e front of the frame by means of universal joints e e, substan- tially as described. 5. — The fender bars L L, connected with the inner plough iieams J J, and universal joints e e, and arranged in the manner shown so ihat the fenders M may be set at any desired height and at a greater or less distance from the ploughs and ha\e an independent up and down motion and at ihe s.ime time retain their relative position with ihe ploughs, substantially as shown and described. 6. — The open or skeleton fenders M,when applied to the fender bars L L so as to admit of being adjusted further forward or backward on said bars, substantially as and for the purpose specified. ith the le connected liy a Cham «, with a pulley 0, .subslaniially as and for the , on the shaft ; J J K K, on shaft L all being ; purpose specified. ■ 8. — The guides G G, on the shaft F, in connection with the uprights N, pas-ing through said guides and the stirrups (), attached to said uprights, all arranged to operate sub- stantia ly as described. 9. — The .fixed guides R, attached to the frame of the machine, with the upriuhis Q, of the outer beams K, pa.ssing through the same, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. 69,071 —M. C. BUFFINGTON, La Harpr, Ii.i..- Corn Plous:lis.— September 24, 1867. Claim.— I.— The bent axle A, with the wheel arms C and dr.uight pole B a'tached, as shown, in cmnection with the pulleys r/ r/ ,• and draught chain or cord K. all combined and arranged to operate in the manner subsiantially as and for the ]nir|)0se set foilh. 2.— The attaching; of the plough beams F to the axle A, by means of the tubes // -, the latter being fitted on rods/ attached to the parts c of the axle, and the former secured by jjinsy between plates i i, at the front ends of the plough beams. 3. — The brace rods or bars i, connected with the ends of the rods /"and rear end of the draught pole B, substantially as and fnr the ]iur|«)se specified. 4. — The c.imliiiiati..n of the axle A, draught pole B, brace rods or bar- t. ami the universal joints which connect the plough beams with the axle, all being arranged substan- tially as and for the purpose specified. No. 69,081.- E. F. D'HAST, Swan Creek, III.— Ck/- tivators. — September 24, 1867. Claim.— r.— The frame A B G F, beams D D D D, cross piece M, rods o s s, connecting bar ;-", and levers I'" v", constructed as described and for the purpose set forth. 2. The levers «" «", in combination with the main frame and beams D, substantially as described and for the purpose set forth. 3. — The cross-piece M, in combination with the rods s s o oand beams D, substantially as described and for the purpose set forth. No. 69,109.— JOHN MARSH, Seneca, li.i..— Corn Pl„u^r/,s.-S '.' ;■ .M. 1S67. Claim.— I 1 ' - 1 timbers F F. with their holes I I I I, an-i ;: I I ! ns G G, substantially as and for the purpn-L- <1 -. : I" I III the foregoing specification. 2.— The iron strajjs or loops" H H, at the ends of the plough beams E E, in combination with the frame A, substantially as and for the purpose described. 3._The shnvels K K K K, with their upwardly project- ing tail en.l-, -11 i,;i!i: ll\ as and for the purpose described in the for, _ :. n. No. 60.1 ■ 1 1;. 1; \KLEV, Sicdalia, Mo.— C«///™- >rs.—.'>ep/c„Hu, 24. l.>0;. Claim.— I.— The conil.i >0]i or bent hook J, bent and arrangement of the I, connecting rod or chain 1 L with each other, and wilh the frames, sul.-tinli.illv as herein shown for the |in,-|.M,r -,,1 fMiili. rhe .mbma th the erate ip or Uent hook J and bent lever I, sub- shown and described and for the pur- pos, 1 with lh< lly as hei :t forth. ^. The comb' nation of the pi voted seat bars N, and adjusta- ble hoh'ers O. with the side bars of the cultivator frame C, substintially as herein shown and described and for the purpose set forth. 4._The shield F constructed with flanges/' and wings f, and connected to the frames E and D by the bar G and chains H, substantially as herein shown and described and for the purpose set forth. No. 69,186.— J. W. CONNELV, Charleston, III.— Cultivators.— September 24, 1867. Claim.— I.— The slotted adjustable crank spindles B in combination with the axle A and wheels C, substantially CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. as herein shown anil described and for the purpose set forth. 2. — Pivoting the forward ends of the beams K to the longitudinal b.irs D liy means of bent or elbow bolts S, sul)staiuiail\ a^ licirin sli'.wn and described. 3.— ruoiiii- ilic loniar.l cnils cf the beams K to the tongue i'- liv ine.ui-. ..r lliL- b. nt or elbow bolts U, sulistan- tially as herein shown an. I descnbed. 4. — Pivoting the forward ends of the beams K to the front cross-liar E by means of elbow or bent swinging bolts T, substantially as herein shown and described. 5. — Pivoting the forwani ends of the beams K to the front cross-bar E, by means of the strap or band X passing around the said cross-bar E, and secured to the ends of the .said beams K, sulislantially as herein shown and described. No. 69,255.— JOHN .SCHKdDER, KlcK.M-on, Ii.i..— Cultivators. — September 24, 1867. Claim.— I.— The mannei litrciu shown and described of securing the plough beams t . ili, h mi. \, h\ means of pendants G and a movalil. m -I 1 1 . ih I iilei being pivoted to the tongue D, siili t mil lilv 1 s, 1 1 iih 2. — '1 he above m conibinili.m wiih th. s« mj^ni|T draught No 7 . M I ;(EDER, KicKAPOo, assignor to H. H. P.\ I III 1 I 1 IH, Ii.L. — Cultivators. — 69,255. — Septciniu, J4, 1.^07.— Reissued iPf/<;-««rj 6, 1877. [Filed Januaiy 16, 1877.] Claim. — I. — Two plough beams B S, connected together by an elevated beam-yoke. A, so that cither ma\ operate in advance of tlte other, Hhile both n I n \. i\ irl ,n the line of progiession by diaugiil-n 1 10 each side of tile machine, so that eaeli 1 1 manner its adjacent plough, the attichnieii I 1 ' 1 h 1 tams to said yoke bemg liy lOints, \\liuh imniii oi ino\ dl; the beams freely and independent)) m 1 1 itLiil diuition. toni- bined and operating substanliall\ as ih siiihed, and lor tl'e purpose specified. 2.— Two plough Iieams, B B, connected together Ijy an elevated beam-yoke A, so that either may operate in ad- vance of the other, while b ith are drawn forward in the suppoit II ' I oscillated freeh m 1 1 1 mng sub- stanti.ill I I I I 11 I I I th I 111] . iiied. 3.— The t«o plou-h beims. P, 1), .oiinecle.l together by an elevateil beam-yoke. A, so either may operate in advance of the othei, while both are iliawn foiward in the side of ll n. ' I m ' ,' I '! 1 o " "' " ',!"'' support, and peimit ..I then Win, iuom I 01 oscillated freely in a lateial or Mitieal .liuilioii, tombmed and operating substantidly as desciibed, inr the I urpose set foilh. \ H \l 1 IM l\, CHARLOTTEiiVILLE, IND. -() / 11 ' iin;; di. diixer to raise and lower the ploughs, substan- , -|,^,l I K.\ BARBER, I, A Porte, Ind.— C;///z- /' - , / 3, 1867. Claim.— Ihe lieams B B, the chain C, and the pivoted I'at bar D, the double-curved shovel F and the slotted bar I I, as substantially arranged, connected, and set forth in the annexed and foregoing specification. No. 72,027.— JOHN CROSS and JOHN C. TUNISON, Decatur, \t.\..— Cultivators. — December 10, 1867. Claim. — I. — The arrangement and combined action of the two frnmes, so that when any permanent nlistruction comes .agaiiot ,in\- nf the |i|.ue.;li-. tli.- fiaiiie^ » ill discon- nect, and tile li.ielx Iriiiie inle m iii-Ae iiii nn ilir iVi ml one. 2. — .'V Ineih.iiil -|iiiii- hook upon the tongue or tongue frame, for .11. Inn- md liolding upon a cross bar of the " rear frame.' ~i i ili ii die two frames will not disconnect until the pre-Miie iqiiin die plough or ploughs exceeds that for which the hook has been adjusted, substantially as de- scul e 1 No 72 2g7— HENR\ HOWE Oneont\ N \ —Cul t, ,t — /; ,/ , 12 1867 ( li 11 — I — I \tending the rear end of the centiil beam I I I t e eive and support the 1 ear 01 centnl (lough i 1> It ntially as herein shown and de cubed 1 e wheel frame I constuicted ul stautially the th cut f the the cult It 1 me h n) i of the 1 nee ears /'anly" sub stantialK in the manner herein shown and desciibed and foi the I ur| ose sit forth No 72 4:;( — I 1111 11 CiK)Nk(iI) KiirHsitk Ili —Dull I IS Claim 1 igs of ] lou I bus all II ind Claim,— I —The arrangement of rods U with the frame the machine and the ploii-jh beams E E, substantially in ; manner and for the purposes set forth, 2. — The .irrant'enieiit of the draught cord b, sheaves (7 a, d ].iM,i,.l liiiijii-i I . so as to operate substantially as d fur llir I i,M"i- ■ .ii -• iil.ed. ;. — rill iiii'.iiiii 1) .iiiil arrangement of the plough .nils K, i..d, „ t. leiei L. cord K, rod J. and lever I, sub- intially as and for tlie purposes specified. 4. — The combination of the suspended plough beams E, Is U. and levers W, arranged and operating as and for ■ purpose .hown and set forth. 5. — The |ieculiar arrangement of and mode of attaching .■ Iiow \' to the rear part of the plough beams, herein -J. 1. IMDRE, Marble Rock, . — /', ,. w'i, ; ^1. 1S67. eiiiiihinaiiiiii of the beams G, pivoted at Mil .11111, ]■: of the frame C, and passing 1 . with the beams H pivoted to ily as described. . I ihe elbow levers L, cross bars M M.ino.iids I, connected to the beams, anaiiyed f n upeiaiing the shovels, substantially as described. \.e 72.S;v—R. GARTER, Grand Rapids, Mich.— Ci(llival,n-^. — D.,-ciHher 31, 1867. Claim. — 1— The arrangement of the wheels E E, hung on the inside of the frame beams A A, with an adjustable cast-iron slide /' working in uprights c c, having serrated or toothed faces for fastening it at any height, with correspond- l..w\.— ( id K, CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. ing serrated washers h h on the bolts d, by the crank nuts e, substantially as and for the pui-pose herein de- scribed. iiif nfliiisiable wipers ^ in combination with led and operating as and for the the w ti and clevis «', combined with ucted and ajiplied substantially as 3-— '• thediau-nc ,...,.■ set forth. No. 72,889.-8. C;. PEABODY, Ciiami'Aign, III.— CuUivators. — December 31, 1S67. Claim.— I.— The slide bolt E, applied to the draught pole B, and arranged in relation with the cross bar C, to operate in the manner sub.stantially as and for the purpose set forth. 2. — The arrangement of the front bar D with the standards F of the castor wheels G*, and the arms g of the cross bar C, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 3. — The cross I ar C, provided with the pendant arms G, in combination « ith the plough beams H H' and adjusta- ble frames T all arranged substantially as and for the pur- pose specified. 4. — The stay or brace bars j j, in connection with the bars C D and the standards F of the caster wheels G*, all arranged substantially in the manner as and for the purpose set forth. 5. — The bracing of the handles J ]' by means of the bars K, substantially as set forth. 6. — The placing of the draw bolt L at the rear of the draught pole, substantially a.s and for the purpose speci- fied. No. 72.975.— DANIEI.CHIIRCHII.T, I(inl.\, III.— Culti-'at.n-, ~-f„„,,.,rV 7 I.Sfi^;, Cl.iii! I n constructed and arraii . td. 2.- for securing :1 having also and; lml- ,k-::ui-. i.> u.c m.i.n i,:,! the slots lor atijusting tliem, as set forth. 3. — The combination of the bent rods T and cross rod H, pivoted to the main frame, and arranged to operate as described . No. 73,081.— WILLIAM H. DAMRON, ROBERT H. MA.S.SEV, and LORENZO F. WHITMAN, Macomb, III. — Ciiltivalors and Ploughs. — Jmuaiy 7, 1S68. Claim. — I. — The combination of the wheel a with the wrist e, sliding chases .f', and cross beam a', as and for the puipose described. 2 yhr , ,,"il,iuitiMi:r,fthe ploup-], I^eam c with the sliping crolrlh I : ,', ,!,. : nil' n. and slotted cross beam -■ 1 r.i:,. 3.— I li wi liu- |ilnn-li beam c with the crotches /. |.nni,n .1 « ui, the holes i' and pins k, as and for the purpose set forh. No. 73,C94.— W. O. HARGRAVF, Rii>..N, Wis.— CuUivrJ ,s.^/„^.,„7r,' 7, 1S6S. CliiK I! iinected to the tongue C by the Ini' ih can be elevated by the drivu 2.— 1 D D D, between which are hinged ih- : xided with their shovels « f ?, when u-c iih the board H, bars d d, securing the 1.0 . : (j, and operated by the rod ^ upon the ! :,,.,, i'.,_ hinge II', the whole con- structed and u,,ed in the manner substantially as sijeci- fied. No. 73,166. -.S. H. COX and W. H. PENCE, Mat- toon, III — Corn Ploughs.— Jaiiiinrv 7, 1868. Claim.— I.— Connecting the forward ends of t!ie plough beams H to ihe frame C by means of the clevis I, con- structed as described, and the long adjustable bolt J, sub- stantially as herein shovi-n and described and for the purpose set forth. 2. — The combination of the lever O and toothed pawl P with the shaft N, grooved segments M, chains L, and beams H, in connection with the clevises I and long bolts J, for raising the ploughs vertically from the ground, substantially as herein shown and described. 3. — ^The combimtion and arrangement of the ploughs V, having cutters v' attached to them, and turning the dirt from the hills, ploughs W running at a lower level than the ploughs V, and turning the dirt toward the hills, standards R and T and beams 11 with each other, substantially as herein shown and described, and for the purpose set forth. No. 7-5,172.— EDWIN DOOLITTLE, Pawnee, III.— Cnlth;itr- rn:,i,n-v 7, 1868. Clain . I i' ' ;n-cd slides M, friction wheels N, and bent 1'... I . , !i Dther and the plough beams I, and with 111' '■' ini ' :'!!> D, substantially as herein shown andde-in'M I. ,.n.i [.nihe purpose set forth. 2. — 111 I .Hill in uii.n \\ ith the above, the knees or bars O, crossbar!', an. I Il\ci K,all an'anged and operating in the manner .nn.l f. .r llie pur|iose set forth. 3. — The combination of the adjustable connecting and brace bars W, uprights V, and plough beams I, when arranged to operate in the manner herein described and represented. No. 73,217 JO.SEPH WIDMAN, PAnola, III.— Cultivators.— January 7, 1868. Claim. — I. — The detachable seat bars E E, secured to the main frame A of the machine, substantially in the manner as and for the purpose set forth. 2 The attaching of the front ends of the plough beams G G to the pendants I I by means of universal joints H, when this attachment i> 11 ■ '1 ui . iin. , ti.ii! w ith ilie pivoted arms O O, connecting bu I, ' > r 11, ;. h giving a lateral motion to the iih'i; !i. 1' r;:,i '1, :.^ .lL-,cribed. No. 73,224.— A. BF\.\ r 1 ! . Iv ■' 1. 1 . ii; ! .. 1 \\.— Culti- vators. — January 14, lS6g. Antedated January 4, 1868. Claim. — I. — The hitching iron a in combination with the ploufdi bcnnis C (". and the front cross beam U, ar- rang.d ■^^^^ I'l-.r linj .il . In li ;lly as and for the purposes herein ii lii. 1m:i, and ^lien |ini\ i.led willi handles _//, coniie. !• •! !]i,reials si.iliai iIk- teelh can be accomm.Hh.i. I i>. ,,;, ,i;;,,iilies in ilie lull, ..r eau be con- nected lor l.i„.ulc„i hallowing or tilling, substantially as herein shown and described. 2. — The device for connecting the harrow frame C with the axle A and driver's seat I, consisting of the bars E and Eon the .axle, of the link, C, Kn^i, II uM J, ami connect- ing rods /; and ;', all made and o; : ;i li. niially as and for the purpose herein show n .m : ! . ; 3.— Theabove, in conibiniitioi, „ a!, |1,, n.-h h, d l.arM, when made as and for the j)urpose ,;•'/:.,./... ., / ,.,„,-.•,• 25. IN(,S. Claim.— I.— E-,tcivlin,- Ur- |ilough beams D forward to form the tongue of the machine, substantially as herein shown and described and for the purpose set forth. 2. — The iron frames t), adjustably secured to each other, and sliding laterally upon a rod or equivalent slide attached to the axle B, in combination with the plough beams D, substantially as herein shown and described and for the purposes set forth. 3. — The combination of the foot levers Q with the plough beams I), and with the slotted irons or frames O, substantially as herein shown and described and for the purpose set forth. 4. — Adjustably securing the ploughs M to the standards K by means of soclvets N, substantially in the manner herein shown and described and for tlie |)urpose set forth. 5.— The combination ul tin- pu,.KM Irvrrs K, chain F. and pulley (.;, with ihe pL.ti^l, l,.ani- H an.! uiil, the bars c', connecting the forward vn U ul iljc li.u, 1 . -Lil.,iantially as herein shown and dcsciibcd and lui the puriiose set forth. No. 75,127.— JOHN CROWTHER, Oxkord Mich.— Culth'alors.—Ma.uli 3, 1868. Claim. — Raising and lowering the frame A by means of levers D and H, and bars C, F, and I, and shaft J, sub- stantially as herein specified. No. 75,647.— J. H. REYNERSON, Pleasant Plains, Xi^wk. — Cultk-atoys.^March 17, 1868. Claim.— I. — The liorizontal bar I, vertical bars H, rock shaft K, having arms/, arm/;, lever L, and chain i', in combination with the plough beams F G, all arranged and operating as described, whereby the depression of the lever L raises the outer beams G, through the medium of the arms ///and chain ,<■-, and the inner beams F, through the medium of the vertical bars H and horizontal bar I, as and for the |mr|xise herein set forth. 2.— Ihe vertical b.irs H and horizontal bar I, in combi- nation Willi the plough beams F (i and lever L, as herein descriljed, lor the purpose specified. 3. — The horizontal bars H, attached to the inner beams F, when the lower ends of said bars are provided with the projecting foot rests d, arranged and operating as described, for the .purpose specified. No. 75,826.— BENJAMIN ANYAN, Fitchvilli.;, Ow\o.— Cultivators.— March 24, 1868. Claim. — I. — The supplemental hounds /) b, with the draught pole G attaciud, and liuth said parts attached to the hounds proper D D, as shuun, when said parts are applied to or used in cunncLliuu w illi llie front running gear of an ordinary farm wagon, fur tlic purpose specified. 2. — The attaching of the standards I I of the front shovels H to the supplemental hounds b b, and the attach- ing of the standards K of the rear shovels J ]' to the bars L E connected to the hounds | roper D D, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. 75,911.— CHRISTOPHER HOAGLAND, Delit- VAN, \\.\..~Ciiltivators.— March 24, 1868. Claim. — I. — The combination of the jointed plough standards C C, plates d, links K, scrapers r, and connect- ing links / k, as herein described, for the purpose speci- fied. 2.— The links//', or other equivalent device, for con- necting the front and rear standards, for the purpose of operating the latter simultaneously with the former, substan- tially as shown and described 3-— The plates f the L-d and the yielding lie connections, and dile of being raised liner and for the pur- -Culti- 3.-The arr. axle A ami tor No. 78,243.- fors. — Miiv 26, 186S. Claim. — The combination frames, when united together the under or yielding one i^ and carried by the fixed one, pose herein described and re] No 79,119.— JUSTIN H. HILL, Clinton, III.- vators.—June 23, 1868. Claim.— I.— The frames A and C, and the lever F, com- bined an.l u|„ I iimil: -.:!.-! inn !ll\ a^ set forth. 2. — l !> I I : '. 111^ 11, and eunnccting bar I, arraiiL^' n -1 " nl.ed, in cnibination with the franr^ I .url ii- elj 1, uilisiantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. 79,304.— A. R. BLOOD, A. HATHAWAY, and V. R. BEACH, iNDEPKNiiENCE, \ \V, with r.uh .i.lui, Mu\ with the frame C ami hounds 1), Mihstanliallv .i-. luniii sluiwn and described, and for the purpose set forth. 3. — The combination and arrangement of the hounds D, frame C, lever hooks or catches E, coiled or equivalent spring F, and operating rod G, with each other, substan- tially as herin shown and described, and for the purpose set forth. 4. — The combination of the angular or bent brace bars T with the pivoted plough beams P, axle B, and frame C, substantially as herein shown and described, and for the purpose set forth. 5. — The bent levers A', pivoted at their angle points to the axle B, in combination with the connecting rod B' in rear of the axle B, draught rods C, horizontal bar E', hounds D, and slotted vertical arms D', all operating as described for the purpose specified. No. 79,387.— EDWARD PHIFER, Trenton, N. J.— Cultivators.— June 30, 1 868. Claim.— I.— The skeleton frame E G, constructed as de- scribed. 2. — The combination, substantially as described, with a tongue pivoted by a king bolt to the axle of a rock shaft, arranged parallel with the axle, to which it is connected by sectors. 3. — The combination, substantantially as described, with the tongue pivoted to the main axle by a king bolt, of a transversely-slotted plate bolted to the skeleton frame, whereby the tongue can turn laterally without moving the 4. — The combination, substantially as described, with a tongue pivoted to the main axle, of the rock shaft or skeleton frame, the treadles J, and the driver's seat, for the purpose of steering the machine, as set forth. 5. — The combination, substantially as described, of the tongue and driver's seat with the detent lever C and the slotted plate e, whereby the driver can release the tongue or hold it rigidly as required. 6. — The crank arms G, constructed and arranged for joint operation, as described. 7. — The combinalion. with the crank arms of the drag bars and removable sleeves /; //', for the purpose set forth. 8. — The combination, with the crank arms and sleeves, of the adjustable coupling arms G', for the purpose set forth. 9. — The combination, with the sleeves Ji /;', of the looped drag bars H, and adjusting clamps I, for the pur- pose set forth. 10. — The combination, with the skeleton frame E G and adjustable drag bars H, of the adjustaljle link bars L and slotted cross bars M on the lifting levers, for the pur- pose set forth. II. — The combinalion, with the tongue of the whifHe- trees, connected directly with the cranks G, as and for the purposes set forth. 12. — The combination, wnth the tongue pivoted to the axle by a king boh, of a skeleton frame carrying ploughs adjustable in pairs, with the wheels also adjustable on the axle, subsiantially as described. Xo. 79,450.— JOHN H. DAVEY, Rockford, Ili,.— Cultivators.— June 30, 1 868. Claim.— The frames B and C, the standards D D, pins E, the chains F F, the lever K, the chain K', all constructed, combined, and operating substantially in the manner and for the purposes set forth. No. 79,570.— WILLIAM HARVEY, Volga City. Iowa.— .9««,' Cultivators.— July 7, 1868. Claim. — I. — The combined arrangement of the shovels F F', supporting chains II', perforated straps J J', and wooden pins/, the rock bar K k .4', elevating chains L L', and treadle M //;', and the dodging chains O, and treadles 2. — The hooks P P' employed, in combination with the inner shovels F F, to adjust said shovels relatively to the row, substantially as and for the purpose specified. No. 79,598.- N. A. RAND, Wjnslow, I1.1..— Cultiva- tors.— July 7, 1S6S. Claim. — The arrangement of the pivoted bars C C (that connect with the cuhivator beams D D) and the movable seat bar K, between the axle and the frame piece I, whereby the operator can shift the shovels by the action of his fr.t, ihi- ■ipvcral parts being constructed to operate sub- ^'^ :i,.;'' I.KORGE W. COOK, Macon, III.— CV./,v,,,,, . . I„ V 14. 1868. An air.iijgeuifiit whereby the attendant may ride or walk while operating the shovels and managing the team. Claim. — The connecting of the standards F F of the plough beams E E, by cross-bars c c, as shown, in combina- tion with the craiik shafts I I, chains ,/, pulleys/, and treadles H H, all arranged and applied to mounted frame A, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. No.. 80,094. — y. H. .SKELLY, Aroma, III., assignor to himself and J.' C. DANFORTH, same place.— a<*Va- tors.—Juh 21, 1868. Claim. -I.— The beam C, in combination with the pivot rod E, brace F, and arm D, ihe lallcr bi-inu arraii<;ed to swing with the beam C, an^l tn IraMlun the tiack\\ by means of the roller M, sulistaiUialiv as shown and set forth. 2. — The combination of the beam C, chain <-, arm D, and the elbow lever H I, the latter being pivoted to the arm, and having a projecting nib for locking against its t.— SAMUEL J. REED, Camden, Ohio.— Sulky Ploughs.— July 21, 1868. Claim. — I. — The beam .\, pole A', caster wheels B B, arms /; /;, cross bar l^, lever C, and foot piece C, the whole being combined and arranged substantially as described. 2. — The plough beams E E, constructed and arranged as described, in combination with lever F. crank/, and guides /'..asandn.rthepurp..^. -.. f^nh. No. 80,502.— HlkAM TKl^STdN, Orfordville, Wi Claii nation with the r operated substantially as described and set forth. 2. — The lever /;, provided with the springs /, and the arm E, in conjunction with the parts C, and ratchet /•, for the purpose of controlling the parts C, .substantially as de- scribed. No. 80,556.— ROBERT McCORKELL, Philadelphia, Pa. — Cultivators. — August 4, 1868. Antedated July 15, 1868. Claim. — I. — The lever H, rack L, and connecting rod N, in combination with the plates E, for the purpose set forth. 2. — The lever c, in combination with the drag bars C, standard 11, and rubber spring ;•. 3. — The mode of attaching and securing the head b of the drag bar C, for the purpose of adjusting the angle of the ploughs. 4. — The mode of attaching and securing the standard x to til- Imi- 1. ,. ,nvl !'-r llir y^uy.-.- -et forth. \ . ^.'.7-: III \l \ ' I'WiMi, New Orleans, La. iibinati( of the CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. double block system of equalizing draught, as above set forth. 2. — The application and combination of the single block system, in combination with the double block system. 3. — Tlie quadruple whiffletree. 4. — The application and combination of the cross-bar IP with the tongue, for the purposes specified. 5 — Tlie slotted slide-bar O for the whiffletrees to slide upon, as set forth, 6. — The joint in the tongue, as and for the purpose set forth. 7. — The rotary grooved cylinder, as and for the purposes specified. 8. — The adjustable thuml) screw /, in combination with a slide valve for regulating the quantity of grain 9. — The application of a steering apparatus to agricul- tural machines, composed of the wheels I, crossbar K, sheaves / i' , standards K, rope or chain J, stirrupsyy", cross- bar /, and the levers L and 1/. 10. — The standards I' and the adjustable cross-beam K. II. — The standards D' D"-" of the canopy, the cross- bars provided with screws d d, for the purposes set forth. 12. — The curved standards t' and box straps c*, for the puri^oses specified. 13. — The semi-circular rack-lever E, and handle and stop-lever spring /; for the purposes herein set forth. 14. — The tripping lever/ and cord or chain /', for the purpose herein set forth. 15. — The application of horse or other power that may be employed to draw the machine, for raising the ploughs and instruments out of, and from the ground, as set forth. 16. — The application and combination of a scraper and presser to a gang of ploughs, for the purposes herein set forth. 17. — The cross-bars A' A*, for the purpose herein speci- fied. iS. — The construction of an axle, so that the wheels can be moved further apart or nearer together, to suit the widths of rows, as above specified. 19, — In combination with a gang of ploughs, the digging wheel K. 20. — The digging wheel, in combination with the ar- for sing: set forth. 21. — The threetoothed harrow G, or its equivalent, as and for the purpose set forth. 22. — Making the shares and coulter in one piece, as and for the purposes above specified. 23. — The application and combination of a canopy to a gang of ploughs or harvesting machines, for the purposes above specified. 24. — The manner of making canopies with an expansive cord, as and for the purpose above specified. 25. — The tube on which the main wheels revolve, for the purposes herein specified. 26. — Tlie curved plough standards and the springs, for the puqjose above specified. 27. — The constructing of a plough so that in raking a root or stone it will be thrown out and forced immediately back, as above specified. 28. — The nest of cups in the cylinder, for the purpose herein set forth. 29. — The combination, as seen in Figs, i and 2, for the purpose of planting or sowing, as above speci- fied. 30. — The application and combination of the cross-bar IF with the tongue II, Fig. 3, for the purposes herein set forth. 31. — The combination, as seen in Figs. 4 and 5, and the particular shape of the third plough with the incline for raising up the soil before turning over, as above set forth. 32. — The mole plough, in combination with the beams seen in Fig 15, wheel-raising apparatus, quadruple trees and their arrangement, for the purpose herein specified. 33. — The opening of the mould at different depths, and taking off the front moulds and using their standards only, and using them all at once or separately, as above set forth. 34. — The application and combination, as seen in Fig. 8, with its modifications, for the purposes herein set forth. 35. — The application and combination, as seen in Figs. lo and 1 1, of the gangs of ploughs, .and the tines in the cen- tre, or before or behind the ploughs, as above set forth. 36. — The stubble lowerer Q, and the arrangement herein set forth, for opening a deep furrow and turning the stubble into it, and the arrangement and combination of the ploughs, as seen m Fig. 12, or their equivalent, as set forth. 37. — The arrangement and combination, as seen in Fig. 13, for covering the caves, as set forth. 38. — The single-hinged arm, for the purpose herein set forth. 39. — The arrangement for ditching, as set forth, and un- der^ilraining by the mould plough, as set forth. No. 81,108.— JACOB REICHARD,F.\YETTEvn,i.K, Pa. — Cul/h',ito,s.—'Atigiist 18, 1868. Claim. — An improved cultivator, arranged, constructed, and operating substantially in the manner as shown and described, and for the purpose .set forth. No. 81,660.— ALEX AM )KR McCREIGHT, Tran- quility, Ohio.— Ccrw /■ ,v / ,■■/,«//.(■;- I, i868. Claim.— I.— The (Iri- i:l;. :iiiiged as described, when operated by means >,| .1 ii,i,l ,ii,.l movable attachment, substantially in the nianiiLi >cl luuli. 2. — Operating drag bars by means of levers having mov- able fulcrum, substantially as described. 3. — The drag bars B B', as described, as in combination with levers D and cross bar C, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. 82,060. — A. H.ALLISON, CHARLorrESVii.LE, Ind. — Cultivators. — September 15, 186S. Claim.— I.— The yoke (-.■secured to the under side of the tongue, and provided with tlie ail;ustiiig lihieks ;■ ;■, in in combination with the l.eams (; C, uiuiiiiits //, iinnided with adjusting holes, (h.uljle tree , , arms < ' c', and braces, connecting the ends of the yoke with the main frame, all constructed, arranged, and operated in the manner and for the purpose set forth. 2.— The beams G G, hinged tn the adjusting blocks ..'•,.'-, and provided with the shaiil.s / / and biaees // //, in combin- ation with the bails J J an. I fnnt pieces Z Z, all constructed, arranged, and operated as set forth. No. 82,191.-1. A. WOODWARD, S. S. WOODWARD, and THOMAS MASON, Sandwich, \\a..— Cultivators. — Septeml'er 15, 1 868. Claim. — I.— The reversible axle joints H H, pivoted to the frame A B, and arranged to balance the same, substan- tially as set forth. 2. — The combination of the above-described axle joints with the frame .A B and folding seat L, as and for the pur- pose herein described. 3. — The handles I) D, pivoted to the standards E E, and made ailjusiable to or from each other by means of the slot- ted plates F F and set screws I I, as described and shown. No. 3,541.-1. A. W( X II )W.\K1), S. .S. WOODWARD, .and THOMAS' MASDX, S\m.\vi. 11. \\.\..— Cultivators.— September 15, 1S68.— S2.I.)i .— KeisMied July 6, 1869. Claim.— I.— Broadly, the reversible arms K, hinged to to the frame A B, and arranged to balance the same, sub- stantially as set forth. 2. — The combination of the above-described reversible arms K, with the frame A 1! and folding seat L, xs and for the puqiose herein descrihed. 3.— The handles D D, pivoted to the standards E E, and made adjustable to or from each other, bv means of the slot- ted plates F F and set screws I 1, as .lescribed and shown. No. Sj,4o6.— AK(TiAI!.\LI) T. HEFLIN, MoN- Morrri. \\A..— CtiIli7;itors.—Sef'telllber 22, 186S, Claim.— I. — A two-wheeled elevated draft frame, with a draft |nile. (.', secured upon the cross B' of said frame A, swi\ellini; doulile tree C, applied to the draft pole, and connected to links li b, in combination with levers c and scraper-carrying beams D D, all combined, arranged, and operating substantially as described. 2. — The attaching hooks J J, applied to links />, which are connected to the double-trees C and to levers c c, said CULTlVA'l'ORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. irts luiiig oiiiiiloycd in a maclii lij substantially as described. 'No. 82,562.-1. C. STROUD vators. — Stp.'emli.r 20, iS.]S. L,uu.> G to the stationary frame K, and tlie pivoting crank 111 shown and described and Tor the 3.— TIio combination of the hand lever O, connecting rod or bar X, and lever arm R, with each other and with the red,. K and I,, by which the plough beams G are pivoted to the frame I), substantially as herein shown and described and for the I urpose set forth. Nc. '82,645.— GEORGE SEIBERT and lOHN SKI- BKRT, Ashley, li.\..^CHlt:va'„rs.Seffemk-i- zg. i838. Claim.— I.— The inali.H, ol fie frame, the wheels, and tv.o independent p\1ls, 1 I-. \\iihthe levers G, ratchet plates G',and pav.K II. miL i.mli.illy as and for the purpose set forth. 2. — The combination of the driver's seat K, braces I, and interior beams C" C", so arranged thr.t the latter may be moved laterally by the action of the driver, substantially in the manner set forth. 3. — The combination of ihe parts last aforesaid with the lever I., crank M, and connecting rods N, substantially asset forth. 4. — The combination of the frame B, the oscillating beams C" C, and friction rollers O, arranged to operate substan- tially as described. 5. — The combination of the connecting rods N N, tne os- cillating beams C" C", and the eye bolts N', for regulating tlie relative position ofthe ploughs, substantially as describ- ed. 6. — The arrangement of the tongue A, brace rod A', and stud .screw A'^, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. 82,938.-11. F. Ol'Yaiid J. V. GUY, Macomk, III. —Ciilliva:o ,"' ' .^ ■,' 13, i858. Claim.- : I ., ;tli |iluughs thus huUg in a framc,tl.i 1 1 m i hains or cords, as and fur the pu IV 2. — In ciiniliiii,iti« n v, illi tlii,- plciuLdis. their bifurcated rods, and spring bars, tlie shoes (• c, substantially as and for the purpose dc-^erilied. 3. — In combinatiou with spring bars and ploughs of de- cribed cultivator, the rack ; with its handle /', as and for the puipose described. 4 — The cultivator plough, when constructed of the several parts, all arranged to operate substantially as and for the pur- poses set foith. No. 83093.— EDWARD F. RATE, Cedar County, Io\\.\.— Corn-Cultiva:ors—O.tob,r, 13, 1868. Claim. — The levers A and J, roller F, and regulating bars 1), when con.structed and arranged substantially as and for the l)urposes herein specified. No. 83,487.— .\. M. GKISWOLD, MoMENCE, III.— Cult:valo>> :;, 1 oS. Claim. — I . the slides F, one or both, wdien arranged « :, md Dand I earns E, and to op- erate as ni;>l , , -,el forth. 2. — The extra sliu\ -A A, wdren arranged upon the beams E, ill ^tantially as described and set forth. \o. 83,^09 — JACOB H. B. KELLER, Chamhersiuirg, r.\ —Ciltiv.Uors.— October 27, 1868. Claim. — I. — The pivoted standards G, arranged in con- nection with the rods J, India-rubber springs I, and beams E, all arranged in the manner substantially as and for tlie puq)ose set forth. 2. — The levers K, attached to the beams E, and arranged in relation with the driver's seat D, .sulstanti,ir.y as and for the purpose specified. No. 83,519.— JAMES MALLON, Lockport, III.— C!:lliva:ors.—0:!ob.r 27, 1868. Claim. — I. — Tlie handles E, brace Q in combination with the bar 5, pivoted to the under side of the tongue, recipro- r,ii II I ire^ G', for giving a l.ll .Mill. I II with bars F F', sli I i : II I ■ !l_\ as set forth. o. — 'I'Ir e.iinliiiuili(Ki nfllie dr.uight rod I I, spools T, bars F F', cams V, and lever X, substantially as set forth. 4. — The hill (jrotcctor K, pivoted to the brace G', and ar- ranged subst-intially as set forth. No. 83.537.— CLINTON J. PAINE, Young America, assignorto himself and HENRY CRESWELL, Warren Co., \\.\..— Corn-Ploughs.— October 2-], 1868. C'lrdm. — 1. — The curved draught bar B, running from the inside of the centre of the wheels forward and upward, substantially as and for the purposes herein set forth. 2. — The an-angement of the curved plough beams F F, coupled to the curved draught bar B, as and for the pur- poses set forth. 3. — Tlie l:ar E, running from the outside ofthe centra of the wheels, and across the top, as and for the pui-poses here- in set forth. 4. — The combination of the forked ends a a oi the |ilough l.eanis, and the pins b b, and the plates c c, forming a iiinged eoupUng, sub.stantially as and for the purposes herein Set ftn-t' . \-,,. Sj.-fg.— P. R, TOTTEN, Adams, \l.u—CulHva- ./,;•,._(),,-/«• 27, i858. ( l.iim. — I. — The bow-shaped lever K, in connection with llir I , I'M I . I'll lil lined and arranged substantially as and fni : uhed. J I ng of the beams G G ofthe inner ploughs II !.,s passing through oblong slots e, to ad- niii 1 ivement of said ploughs, substantially as set forth. No. 83,675.- STERLING C. THORNTON, Macomb, Texa^.— Combined Cultiualor. P/ongk, Harrow and Roll- ICi d d, wdien constructed in the tn- ilicd and shown, and provided with mder edge, and used in connection with - of holes v' v"- v"- in the fi.xed frame, for ing the depth to wdiich the ploughs, &e.. ladon with the lugs d^ »• and 1 the rear end of the draught tted to operate in the manner Is L L, in combination with the I J, for the purpose and opera- drag iL(l method of att;i lime ofthe machine the 1 ilh tl _ ilh the Killy as inth or ■ni|iloy- .UL- the -\Y, Delevan, III. — Ciilti- tlie mode of guilding tht No. 83,:- valors. — .\ Claim. — i _ _ machine and siiuvei . uy niL-aiis ofthe crank D and connec- tions, with the lever 0, as and for the purposes abave de- No. 83,944.— WM. H. EDWARDS, Moline, III.— Joints and Couplings for Cultivators. — November ID, 1868. Claim. — I. — The joint and coupling for cultivators, con- sisting ofthe side plates G, the clasping plates^, and verti- CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. cal rod H, all constructed and arranged substantially as herein described, and for the purpose set forth. 2. — The method of connecting the vertical rod H to the frame of the cultivator, by means of the eye bolt I and plate J, or their equivalents, substantially as herein de- scribed, for verticnlly and laterally adjusting the shovel beams, as fuith. No. S.pij., liivKI'H VOWELS, Milford, Mich.— Cullt-.::. . lo, 1868. Claim I I M.uld-board L, constructed substan- tially as .-h^.^ii and ai;scribed. 2. — The combination of the mould-b.-'ard L with a culli- vator. 3. — The construction of the wedge N, and its arrange- ment with reference to the tongue of a cultivator, or for any equivalent purpose, substantially as shown and de- scribed. 4.— The arrangement of the hangers H H wiih their teeth M M, with rif.rrncr 1,. tlie wheels of the machine, substantially as s|i,j.,i II ,,,i-l ilr,M-il)ed. 5. — The ai laiiL^f III' III "I ilic sub-tongue F, frame E, sector II, lever ( . Ii.iii-ir- U and K, and braces I, substan- tially as sl„,„ „ ;,,nl Jrso-iI.ed. No. .S4. 184. — A I; RAM A. HARMON, Olnev, Ii.i..— Cultiva,on..^.\.-.n,!- • ,7. iSf.S. Claim. — I — II,. I'l i,.;li I] II. 111,1. bed by clevises to the front bar ol ill i » n frame A IJ D E F, and conncLici . ,1 I. ,iuli admits their ad- justment as to nl.iii ... ,1111 ..I ill. ii iiie, the plough beams I I, the cleaning bars ;■ /-, and tlie springs ,t, substantially as and for the pur- poses herein described. 6. — In combination w ith the rocking beams F and N, cleaning bars ;•;•, and drag beams I I, the hasp l: and staple k', an-anged, as described, on ilie tw., beams, and operating in the m.inner and for the piiri, herein ilescrilied. No. 84,935,— JOSEPH "• PRINK )N, Thornbl-rg To\vnshii','Pa.— C«///r. " ' ■.,. 15, 1S68. Claim. — I. — A tran-.\.. d: u,;- bar moving in in- clined slots, or their e.|iii , I ! . 1 .. purpose shown. 2. — A yielding pressure ,i| ph. . I t.. the arms or levers «, together with a transverse bar moving in inclines, whereby CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. to regulate the tleptli tlie ploughs enter the soil, and to ac- con>mo////r'rt/o;i.— 84,935, J^eamher 15, 1S68. —Reissued Jitn,- 11, 1S72. Claim. — I. — A adju.sting-bar, moving in in- clined slots, or tlicir equivalents, for the purpose shown. 2. — .\ yieldidg pressure applied to the arms or levers <;, together w itli a trans\ erse bar, moving in inclines, whereby to regulate the depth tile ploughs enter the soil, and to ac- commodate them to any unevenness of the ground. 3. — The hollow or U-shaped shank x, provided with suitable apertures for pivot and break-pin, for the purpose set forth. 4.— The hollow or U-shaped shank .v, pivoted to the plough beams ^^ substantiallv as described. 5.— The hollow or U-shaped shank v. provided ^^\\\^ ihe break-pin -.s as shown and descrilied. 6. — The hollow or U-shaped shank .v, pivoted to the plough-beam g, and provided with the break-pin iv, as shown and described. 7. — The plough r, consisting of the share ; and hollow or U-shaped shank -r, provided with the break-pin k', and piv- oted to the plough-beam g, substantially as shown and de- scribed. No. 85,001-- (iFXiROE M. DVVIGHT, Orecon, III.— Cu/th;ilors.—D,;. ;,/■!- \^. i.Si.S. Claim.— I.— The cniriiKiUmi of the body platform C, with the draft bar Ii, the tun-UL- K, and the guiding lever K, in such a manner that, when the said body platform is combined with the bent axle A, the said draft bar will be in the proper relative position for the combination there- with of the i.aiallel beams G G, and the notched arch plates /■ :. ,;'i 11' 1 :i iLilly in the manner and for the pur- poseh.,,M, . ■ Claim. I I :,. , I ,,. : . ; :' : It, D D', pulleys F E', ami l'\.i- I. -!'l>-i,iiiu,i;,\ ,1 .iii'i Inr the purpose 2. — The combination, v\ith ]ilou,L;h-Mipporting anus L, pivoted to the beams A, of the adjustalile supporting anus N, when provided with a luup «l'.iLli slides upon the arms L, substantially a, .ini li r I'r | iii]«ise described. No. 85,189.— I 'I I I I '. W I i;.\VIS, Enfield, N. Y. — Corn Cultiva! 11. 1868. Claim. — The 1ili_i:i :. .::' ~..\ mode of adjusting the ploughs and hoes, in coml'iii.itiMi! \\it)i the jiosts or stand- ards H and I, bars F G, and rramc- 1 1. \\ lien the whole is constructed and arranged -iil' t.inti.illy in the manner shown and descrihttl. --r! r r ;!;, puipuse set forth. No. 85,233. — I !' W ' \ I \ 1 1 iCK, Glenvvood, Iowa. — Cuitivtitors. — /' --■- I ^''S. Claim.— The 0.: , . . l:,- double plows ««. hand- les • i. No. Si-.-'-. ! II I iii.EMAN, CoLUMiUA, Mo.— O//- tivaton 1 1, iNfig. Claiii. I II I iiigement of the curved coulters H upon till -1 III I I ' 1 nil the front side of the shares G, as 2. — Til, .1. I 11! ,1 .niangenient of the hinged plough ex- lending .il.iAc ilic axle, the beams F, the ti-eadle I. cords /;, and standard /x, whereby the ploughs an- In-ld dnwn by the |)i-essure of the driver's feet upon tiu- n\tnnihil liuanis, and raised simultaneously above the gi-nnml liytlie same pres- sure applied to the treadle Ix, as hereni shown and de- scribed. No. 86,160.— JACOB HUFF, Young America, III.— Cultivators.— January 26, 1869. Claim. — The combination of the axle A with support B the .slide S, braces C, and tongue E, substantially as de- scrilied, and for the purpose set forth. No. 86,170.— THOMAS TACKSON MARTIN, Willow Hill, \\.\..— Cultivators.— January 26, 1869. Claim. — I. — The arrangement of the plough F and crank bar H, treadle O, armed rock-bar J, arms I L, and treadle K, in the manner as set forth. 2. — In combination with the rock -bar J and arms I L the perforated bar M and arm N, substantially as described and ;,-- Tlir III in-ini III uf the beam F, rock-bar J, and 1 : I initially as descvii.e.l. \o s.,' • ' \1 Ml WKl.LS, Samiwich, III.— O//- Claim.— I.— n-i iiiiiiluiialiim ..I ihc clevises D D, Tlever C, axle-beam .\, sl„nd heam, ( i 1 i. Maiidai-ds M, and shovels K, as .unl fur tin- iiin|iiiM- lariiii ,|n-i itied. 2— The combin.uiun of the clcNi.-es D IJ, T-Iever C, rod U, chains V V, sheave-blocks T, bars E' E', and stir- rups S, as herein set forth. 3. — The combination of the beams G G, standards M, levers P P, loop m, axle-beam A, and rod O, arranged to adjust the shovels K in the ground, substantially as set forth. 4. — The combination of the plates J, bearings L, and shovels K, the latter arranged to turn on the pivots a', as set forth. No. 86,329.— JOHN C. TOBIAS and WILLIAM N. BATES, El rAs h li, brace posts y y, gauge blocks//, slotted guides w «/, foot levers » 0, and swivel clevises c c, all constructed and operated sub- stantially in the manner and for the purpose as herein set forth. 2. — Beam gauge blocks /■ i, gil)s \ i I i , fur holding the cultivating tools, when arr.iiiLv :■ i ! ; "ii and removable from the longitudinal bar- I: I;, n u iiu.illy as and for the purpose herein shown and described. No. 87,296.— RICHARD B. ROBBINS, Adrian, Mich. — Com Cultivators. — February 23, 1869. Claim.— I.— The frames H E I K 'l, and H' E' I' K' \/, in combination wiih the'r respective links „ and /', and ,;' and /'', for tlie pur|)oses .if raising and lowering the teeth, substantially as set forth and dcscnlicd. 2. — The combination of tlie rods ;- and r' with the rames H E I K L and II' K' I' R' I/, or their equiva- lents, substantiallv as set fortli and descrdied. 3.— The levers R and R', in cmbination with their re- spective frames H E I K L and II' E' V K' L', substan- tially as pescribed. 4.— The chains C C, or their equivalents, for the uses and purposes herein described. No. 87,!92.— r,LOR(;E J. HAYES, loNiA, MiCH.— Cultivators.— .Man ii 2, 1869. Claim. — I. — Tlie combination of the tongue, axle frame, and cnltnatnr fmnic wlicn united to each other and the cultivator riaiiie 1- (aii.ililc i.f U-ini; raised upward, and swung sli^liily 1 .Kkwiol, li\- ;\ U'wi and its appliances, operating , is iKrLiii de-cnlicil and represented. 2. — In coinlanatioii \\ ilh a cultivator frame, that is moved backward as it is raised upward, as herein described, a drag, or harrow, attached thereto, and moving therewith, but capable of being raised or lowered independently of the cultivator, substantially as and for the purpose de- scribed. No. 87,627.— HORACE C. BRIGG.S, West Auburn, Mk. — Hoeing Machines. — March 9, 1S69. Claim. — I. — The combination of the axle O and wheels E' with the frame A U C D E F of the cultivator, substan- tially as herein .shown and described, and for the purpose set forth. 2. — The combination of the arms and supports Q, levers R r' , and chains S, with the axle O and runners D, sulv stantially as herein shown and described, and for the pur- pose set forth. 3. — The combination of the foot lever Z, pivoted toothed plate Y, toothed bar T, arms V, standards W, and ploughs, or hoes X, with each other, and with the forward cross-bar A of the cultivator frame, substantially as herein shown and described, and for the set forth. 4. — Forming the standards W with two separate and distinct seats, for the ploughs, or hoes, substantially as herein shown and described, and for the purpose set forth. 5. — The draught bar N, constructed in three parts, and operating in coneclion with the tongue K and draught irons H, substantially as herein shown and described, and for the purpose set forth. 6. — The combination of the roller D' and detachable arms A' with the rear cross bars H and runners D of the cultivator frame, sulistantinlly as herein shown and de- scribed, and for ilie iniiinise set lunh. 7.— The combiuata..! i.l tlie adjustable wedge block L with the forward cross-bar .\ and inclined rear end of the tongue, substantially as herein shown and described, and for the purpose set forth. No. S7.6QO.— WILLIAM LOOKER, GRAHAivi, Mo.— r:il;n:J.-:- /V,v, ./>. March 9, 1869. I l.ii::i I : ! . on of the axles A, frame C, arms II I. . :;:.,; .. o I. i-lough beams F, and E, chains N, amis 01 le\ei-- M, short .shafts K, and levers L, with each other, as herein shown and described, and for the purpose set forth. No. 87,824 COULI I.U. iND.— /; Claim. 1 of the .loiu. -WILLIAM F. COULTER, GIDEON 1 I'lilN A. LANERY, Haruinsiiurg, :^— March 16, 1869. liar a attached to the rear end 1, in combination with the notch axle. id for the purpose b in the upper slide of described. No. 87,923.— JAMES C.FRENCH, Monmouth, III. Cultiv,. Claii for the jf the join with said joint piece, the plough ht standard C, substantially as shown beam D and the and des,scribeni\v-ilirf,iiled tie-rods G '^',gg', slotted plaies H II', // //', 1 T. shiftable braces J J', beams K K', k K' , standards L 1/, sIi.uls / /', r ids ^i, handles N N', perforated bars, O U', u' , and set screws P P', for the purpose of producing an improved ad- jusiable cultivator. No. 88,915.— I.A.MES B. .SEXTON, Pei.I-.a., Iowa, as- signor to himself and J. E. ANDREWS, same place.— Cultivators. — April 13, 1869. Claim. — I. — The slotted draught-bars M, constructed and operating in connection with the frame 1) E, plough-beams I, and draught-device N O 1' IJ. sul>-tamially as herein shown and described, and for ilic iniiiio^c ^it fc.rtli. 2. — The bars N, havmg one or nion- holes formed in them, hooks Q, and loops ( 1, in eonilnnation with the draught-bars M, and double-tree 1', Mdiviantially as herein .shown and described, and for the purpo-e set forth. No. 88,940.— JAMES ARMSTKoMi, [r,. E1.MIRA, \\.\..— Guard-Attach, unit for Cultr.-.itor^.— April 13, 1S69. Claim.— I.— The venieallv-a.oxable standard J of the plant-fender, attached l.> ihe tn,s, I.eam C by means of a sliding joint formed !\ ;le -loi ;;. ii\oi-pin >. and adjust- able bearing pin /, -nl : m ), \'.\ n . 1 ; • ! ,,1 bar ;■-, with its hooks /;/;, substantially as lierein set forth. 2. — The arrangement of the forked tongue A, plough beams F F, handles P P, and adjustable brace T, all con- structed and operating substantially as and for the purposes herein set forlli. 3. — The arrangement of the plough beams F F, station- ary shins I I. pivoted shins K K, and adjustable cross-bar M, to which a centre shin N is secured, substantially as herein set forth. No. 90,112.— J. McILVAIN, Hancock, III.— C«/C«'<7- /,»-.,.—.)/„,. 18, 1869. Claim. — I. — The standard and brace I, when at- tached at front and rear as described, for the purpose set forth. 2. — The screw hooks K, when arranged as described, for the pur] lose set forth. No. oo,20,S, — IIIRAM VAN METER, Macomi!, III.— Cult,i'at,n-,.—May iS, 1S69. Claim. -I. — The combination of the plough beams I I with a cultivatcr frame, constructed as shown and de- scribed, with the plough beams attached to the frame, as set forth. 2 — The sockets ex, arranged as described, upon the cross-bar A, whereby the elastic bars D of the seat are adapted to be held upon the frame, with their centres resting upon the boxes c of the axles, as herein set forth and shown. No. 90,905.— L. H. WILKINSON, Michigan City, Ind. — Cultivators. — June i, 1869. Claim. — I. — The rod G, in combination with the lever V, sheave block and pulleys H, beams B B, shovels L, standard N, and catch R, the whole being constructed and arranged substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 2. — The combination of the loop bolts C, beams B B, shovels L, and cross pieces D E, the latter having a series of holes through them, for adjusting the beams, substan- tially as herein described. CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. 3. — The combination of the frame A A, cross pieces D E, loop bohs C, beams B B, shovels L, and axletree arms F, said arms being adjustable on the frame, and constructed as and for the purpose descriljed. No. qo,q2I.— lOHN BRYAN, LEBANON, lLl..—A/a- ,/iiiu-s for r/oiii;/iii!'; ami Breaking Up Groum/.—Jiciie 8, 1869. " Claim. — I. — The pivoted frame or hounds A A, in com- bination with the plough beams and main frame J J, as constructed and arranged. 2. — The lever and link i i', in combination with the hounds A A, and main frame J, as shown. No. 91,084.— DAVID F. CARR, East Union Town- ship, Oiuo.—Ciiltivalors.—Jiine 8, 1869. Claim. — I. — The combination, with the axle B, of the beams C, loops E, braces G, and shovels F, when adjusted and arranged substantially as and for the purpose speci- fied. 2. — The lever M and link M', in combination with the axle B, and parts above claimed, as and for the purpose set forth. No. 91,566.— JOHN ROBIN.SON, Plainfiei.d, assignor to AARON SNELL and ARTHUR T. I). AU.STIN, Will Co., III.— 5««t (■»///:,//,.;■>. — //,«, 22. 1S69. Claim.— I.— The coml.inaliou ,,f the sImIu.I metal seat ,t, post V, and swivel brace /, with the shovel beam - 'unin et forth. No. 92.350.— I). H, PAUL, DeWitt, Iowa — Ciiltiva- tors.—Julyb, 1S69. Claim. — The application of reciprocating saws to a cultivator, in the manner substantially as shown and described, for the purpose of cutting or severing weeds or trash, which may adhere to the plough or share standards, and stripping it from the latter, as set forth. No. 02,.;20.— IS.MAH HENTON, Siielbyville, III. — Cul/iv„'tt'r>. — /utv 13, 1S69. Claim.— The Cmbination of the pivoted levers P, piviited cruss.liai R. and chains Q, with each other and with the pivc^ted bars I and plough beams E, substan- tially as herein shown and described, and for the purpose set forth. No. 92,686.- JOHN P. ZELLER, South Bend, Ind. — Cultivators. — July 13, 1869. Claim. — I. — The' arrangement of the bar A, stationary buttons B B, and movable buttons C C, substantial!, as and for the purjioses set forili. 2. — The arrangeiiieiil nf the bar A, vertical pins a a, and beams D 1), tlie Litter luning the plough beams E E, ploughs F F, and braces G G, all substantially as shown and described. 3. — The arrangement of the beams D D, brackets /' /', bars H H, and chain I, all substantially as shown and de- scribed. 4. — The arrangement of the brackets ,- c, bar J, handle K, armsL L, and ch.ains,/,/, all substantially as shown and described. 5.— The combination of the bar .\, buttons 11 C, Ijeams D D, ploughs F F, connecting; lais II. I.i.akels , , , bar J, handle K, arms L L, and ehaiiis ,/ ,/, all eonsiructed and arranged as described, on an adjustable carriage, so that said carriage may be used h ith any other agricultural implement, if properly constructed, substantially as herein set forth. No o-,^iS iniiN; y I,INDLY, Lebanon, III.— Can '■' . : : ,S(.9. ( 1,0 I 1:1 1 II iiRiit of the bars G G', with the ploii'l, ll.jihl nl.iiue to the frame A C, and the draught altachnient N, suiistantially as and for the purposes set forth. 2. — The crank bar L, its lever /', and straps M, arranged to raise the plough bars H, substantially as set forth. No. 93,374.— HENRY WADSWORTH, Du.\hury, U.\s^.— Cultivators.— August 3, 1869. Claim.— The cultivator G ,;,•- H, connected to the axle A CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. by the single universally turning eye K anil vertical sliding belt C, adjustable by means of the nul C or its equivalent, and ]irovided with the handles I, or their equivalents, whereby it may be manipulated, all substantially in the manner and for the purpose herein set forth. No. 93,412.— NATHAN liUTTLER, Oitkrvii.le, Mo., assignor to himself and D. S. BUTLER, same place. — Cultivators. — August lo, 1869. Claim.— I.— The bolster E, hinged to the axle B, and beveled upon its rear lower edge, substantially as herein shown and described, and for the purpose set forth. 2 — The combination of the rearwardly ])rojecting arms J, sliding seat L, and foot rest or platform M, with the hinged bolster E and axle B, substantially as herein shown and described, and for the purpose set forth. 3.— The notched plough standards G, adjustably secured to the hinged bolster E by means of the detachable loops H, in coml)in"ui(.ii uilh the said hiiii;ed bolster E and axle B, substanliallv as IkilUi slu.wii and described, and for the purpose Ml fortli. 4. — An inipnr, ccl caltivalor, fomied by the combination of the wheel A, axle B, tongue C, hin-cil li.jlstur E, arms J, sliding seat L, fe.ot rest or platform M, and plnii^h stand- ards G, with each other subslanlially as laicin shuwn and described, and for the purposes set furtli. No. 93,605.— WILLIAM EMMONS and DAVID A. WELLS, Sandwich, III. — Corn-Cultivators. — .August 10, 1869. Claim. — I. — The combination of the frame A, axle C, and pivoted bars D D, all substantially as set forth. 2. — The lever L, in comliinaliun with the cams, or their equivalents, when used to ele\ate h(A\\ beams at once, sub- stantially as specified. 3. — Securing the handles to the beams, by means of a thumb screw, so that they can be regulated at will, substan- tially as set forth. 4.— The levers L, M, and N, rod O, pawl P, and ratchet H, when arranged to operate substantially as set forth. 5. — In combination with the above, the beam I, bars E, chains R, frame A, metal plates I ), and shoes H, when all are combined, as set forth. No. 93,611.— DANIEL 1). FRANKLIN, Flora, III., assignor to himself and T. S. UNDERWOOD, same place. Cultivators.— .liignst 16. 1869. Claim. — I. — The combination and arrangement of the draught-bar A', bent-rods C fastened to the lower ends of the standards E, so as t.> vilaale Ireely, and permit the driver on his seat to rock tie m > Imie and raise the cultiva- tor teeth, substantially a. ,le- rd.ed 2. — Hinging the cultivaiov lieanis II and N, and the piv- ots of the rods C, in the standards F, so near the axles of the carrying-wheels that the machine can vibrate freely on the pivots of the carrying-wheels, while in motion, substan- tially as described. 3. — In combination with the stock and removable share, the lip on the stock, for covering and holding the point of the share, substantially as described. No. 93,651.— HIRAM J. WATTLES, Rocki'ord, III. — Culliiuilvrs. — August 10, 1869. Claim. — I. — The frame C, when constructed substantially as described, for the purpose set forth. 2. — The arms F F, when provided with the pulleys / /, and used in connection with the lifting levers E E, as and for the described. 3. — The slotted wedge //'', when used in combination with the bars /;, as described, for the purpose set forth. 4. — The evener K, having the clevises i k, when com- bined with the draught bars k^ /■', in the manner and for the purpose set forth. 5. — The cultivator described, consisting substantially of the frame C, lifting devices E E, beams H, standards I, and draught devices K k, when combined and used as and for the purpose described. No. 93.730.— NEAL McKAY, Columbia, Mo.- Culti- -.•ator-Plouglri. — .-iugyst 17, 1S69. Claim. — The combination and arrangement of the rear ploughs II. fastencil tn the main frame, the inner and front plouJ;lis C. ad|n,laMv Msnnd U]ion the rock shaft B, the handde\.i (;,|ii\oi . .ind . Ii.nns F F to the inner ploughs, and the liuid-Kxer II, ^Mlil Us f.iur armed rock shaft, and chains h h h h lor hftitig the lour ploughs, secured by the catch /, with the adjustable seat K. No. 92,749.— JOHN J. ROSE, Ei.mwood, \\.\..— Culti- vators. — .August x-], 1869. Claim. — \. — The right-angle hinges L L, in combination with the beams E E, ploughs N N, shovels M M, and chains I V, of a riding cultivator, all substantially as and for the purpose shown and described. 2. — The spring U, chains I', when combined with the cross-beam or axle-beam G of a cultivator, and the plough beams E, all substantially as shown and described, and for the purpose set forth. No. 94,067.— A. C. BRINSER, Middletown, Pa.— Cultivators.— August 24, 1869. Claim. — I. — The combination of the platform F and G and seat H, substantially as shown and described. 2. — The axle A A' in combination with the curved arms C and E, when constructed substantially as shown and de- scribed. No. 94,106.— RICHARD HANEY and JAMES S. ESTES, Peorio. \\.i..— Cultivators.— August 24, 1869. Claim. — I. — The axle /, with flanges /' and z^, substan- tially as shown and described. 2. — In combination with a ])lough beam, the plates e e, with flanges, bolt tl, box /' /', and journals a a, sub- stantidly as shown, and for the purposes specified. 3. — In combination with an axle /, and flange 2', the box li b, journals a a, plates e e, and bolt il, as shown, and for the purposes specified. 4. — In combination with an axle /, having flange /', and cap/, having flange v' encircling and covering the tapering ends of the hub, the wheel L, as shown and described. 5. — In combination with the bars M M, and adjustable connecting-rods m' m' , the cross beam A, standards B B B B, pole D, with branches E E and braces c c c' c', substan- tially as shown, and for the purposes specified. No. 94,456.— ELISHA WALKER and JOSIAH J. PIATT, La Porte, l^v.— Cultivators.— August 31, 1869. Claim. — I. — The mode of elevating and lowering the ploughs by the self-acting double eccentric M, substantially as set forth. 2. — The mode of turning the .shovels t* in or out by the double adjusters N N and single adjusters O O, substantially as set forth. 3. — The combination of the tongue D, posts L L, braces (7 (T, knuckle joints J J, hinges E E, bars b />, self-acting double eccentric M, double adjusters N N, and single ad- justers O O' respectively, constructed and arranged substan- tially as set forth. No. 94,542.— JOB McNAMEE BAKER, Fayette- VILLE, Texas. — Cultivators. — September 7, 1 869. Claim.— I.— The blades or ploughs E, F, and G, arrang- ed and operated substantially as and for the purposes herein shown and described. 2. — A combined cultivating, ridging, planting, and roll- ing machine, arranged and operating substantially as de- scribed. 3._In combination with a cultivator, the stalk-cutter S, substantially as described. 4. — The method of adjusting the beams H, with the blades substantially as described. 5. — The method of operating the slide of the planter, in combination with the rollers R, substantiantially as de- sciibed. No. 94,623.— EDWARD P. LYNCH and HENRY R. RAFF, Davenport, Iowa. — Walking-Cultivators. — Sep- tember 7, 1869. Claim. — I. — The curved frame A and the adjustable axles B, constructed and arranged as herein described. 2. — The curved cast-iron frame A, with the forked or V- shaped tongue H secured thereto, by means of the flanges or lugs thereon, substantially as described. 3. — The pieces C, formed with the grooves in their sides, and the series of holes for receiving, holding, and permitting the adjustment of the beams D, substantially as described. CULTIVATORS^WHEEL OR SULKY. 4. — Tlie combinatiion of the piece C, boxes a and <-, and clip-bolt b, witbtlie axle B, all arranged as described. 5. — The shoulder-piece or block I, secured to the axle B, substantially as described. 6. — The shovels F, provided with the grooves and.recessT ed block h, and secured to the beam by the.T-headed bolts u and strap v, as set forth. 7. — The piece «, in :combination with tire grooved block h, for the purpose of adju.sting the inclination of, tlie shovels, substantially as described. 8. — The piece C, cast with its arms w at the front, said arms having holes therein to receive and hold the journals of the boxes a and < , as herein ilescribed. No. 94,903.— El)\V.\Kli I'. UVt^CH, DAVEi;Ji;ori-, , low.^. — Cidlivatoi-s. — S,pl.iiit;r\j„\?,(i().,_ Claim. — I. — A walking cultixatur, having the central or fifth shovel applied therct.i, substantially as describvU 2. — The combination of tin- lais (' and the beam IJ, the the latter being curved, a.s shown, and secured tu the former by the bolt and pin .-, as set forth. 3. — Securing the beam D to the bar B, by means of the bolt and clip a, with the pin e, as describefl. . , 4. — Constructing the beams of cultivators of wrought- iron bars, made tliicker on their lower edges, as herein shown and described. No. 95,142.— J.'\ME.S H. ROBINSON, Selma, Ala.— Corn and Cotton Ciiltrralon.— September 21, 1S69. Claim. — I. — Attaching draught-pole by means of two piv- ots, substantially for the purposes described. 2. — The construction and combination of draught-pole K, rock -shaft B, and hand-operating lever J, so as to form a joint, through which a universal leverage may be conducted, by means of a single hand-operating lever, for the purposes substantially as described. 3. — Mode of aiTanging the ploughs in front and rear of rods D and r, and having plates of diflTerent length, and projecting to the front and rear, the rods passing through them for the purposes described. 4. — Rock-shaft B, arms C, rods D and r, arranged to counteract each other under pressure, and to move the ploughs up and down at a uniform angle, for the purposes describd. 5. — The treadles H, and their aplication to rod c, for the purposes described. 6. — The combination of the rock-shaft B, arms C, rod 0, plates E E', standards F F', r»d c, treadle H, and hantl- lever J, substantially as and for the purpose described. 7. — So arranging the ploughs as that they will operate in the ground parallel with or nearly opposite to tlie axis of the draught-pole and hand hand operating-lever, for the pur- pose described. 8. — Mode of securing standards by means of hooks and cross-chains, for the purposes described. No. 95,338.— THOMAS J. HALL, Bryan Tkx.\s.— Cultivators.— Scptcmln-r 28, 1 869. Claim. — I. — The cultivator-beams A, arranged either singly or in pairs, and suspended, by the adjustable rods B, from the levers C, vibrating laterally, and arranged to be operated by the feet, subslantially as specified. 2. — The combination of the levers C, transverse beam I, and springs H, when arranged substantially as specified. No. 95,352.— ALMON HUNT, Macomis, \\,\..—CnIti- vators.— September 28, 1869. Cl.aim. — The cultiwit >i herein described, having frames C, bars D, equ.ili/nig l.ais K, clamps P, and plates <■, ar- ranged, Willi referenee Im the beams O, as described, con- structed and an..nge.l s„ .ntiallv as set forth. No. 95,453.— SAM hi; 1. KISIIKR, lliiiin s |. -wN, N.J. — Wheeled Cultiv.ilors „„.l flou-ln. -(;,/,./', r s. I.Si'>9. Claim.— In u ;ili ,1 main axle, a pan- of car- rowed, and a.ljuslal.le beams and |,luUL;hs tlie.eon, tile hub. pulley, lever, an.) eliaiii, and llieir appliances, f,,r raising or frame or axle, subslanlialiy as described. No. 95,520. — SIDNEY A. SABIN, Pecatonica, III. Cultivators.— October 5, 1869. Claim. — I. — The sliding attachment described, by means of which, the lifting chains and the shovel beams are united consisting essentially of the clevises / and irons K, or their equivalents, as or for the pui-ji^ise deseril>ed. 2.— The shield P, having the arms / /, in combin- ation with the baj- /', as and for the purpose de- scribed. 3. — The machine described, consisting essentially of the frame B B C D, lifting devices // /;' li' /;' I, clevisy, irons K, beams L, bar M, standards N, and shields P, the whole be- ing comVjined and arranged as described. No. 95,762.— JEREMIAH BOHAN. Nkw Hart- ford, Iowa. — CiiltiTafors. — Oetober \2, iSCv). Claim.— I.— The evener V.. pivoted upright 1!, metallic straps c, and sweep !•', wlieii cimstrueted and arranged sub- stantially as herein ileserilicd. and for the purimse set forth. 2. — The braces /(, having their lower ends connected to' the shovel beams H, by means of guage-nuts /, for adju.sting the beams laterally, and their upper ends hooked or joumalecl' to the frame to allow them to swing, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. "' ' 3. — The bent arms «^, in combination with the block N^ lever K, and sweep F, when constructed and ariringed sub- stantially as herein described, for the purpose of spre.ilding the shovels, as set forth. 4. — The lever K, in combination with the sw'eep F, piece C), shovel-beams G and H, and cord i; when con- structed and arranged to operate snhstantially as and for the purpose set forth. 5. — The treadle-hook 1., and spring /, in ccmbinalion with the lever K, cross piece t), and sweep F, when con- structed and arranged substantially as herein described, and for the purpose set forth. 6. — In combination with the sweep F, and the devices for operating the shovels, the block I, having friction-rollers therein, when constructed and arranged substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 7. — The shield M, and slotted braces P, when con- structed and arranged substantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. 95,790.— OSCAR L. C.AVLORD, ri.viNi-ii.;i.i., \lA..—S!lliy-ClllfiTators. -O.loiur 12, 1869. Claim. — The comi.inaliun of tlie main frame a, diagonal axles <■<■, cross bar /', dcnilile tree I, straps 2', pulleys 3', and suspended arms 4\ arranged to operate as and for the purposes set forth. No. 95,831.— JOHN C. BEARL, Menixita, III.— O//- tivators. — October 12, 1869. Claim, — r. — The standards D, with sleeves \i', when constructed and arranged substantially as shown and de- scribed, for the purpose set forth. 2. — The axles C, when constructed and arranged scbslan- tially as shown and described. 3.— The clevises F, when constructed .is shown and de- scribed, in combination with the plates F', both arranged to operate as and for the purpose set forth. 4. — The combination, with the whiffle-tree, of the thimble wdiereby the former may be raised or lowered, as set forth. No. 96,167.- DUDLEY W. TRAVI.S, Enfield, N. Y. — Corn-Ciillivators. — October 26, 1869. — Antedated October 12, 1S69. Claim. — I. — The combination of the adjustable ploughs G and H frame D F F', and rods C, substantially as de- scribed. 2. — The arrangement of the lever L, in combination with the ploughs, frame rods, and carriage as set forth. 3. — Th, >-iiiiihia;i ..I the spring K, in combination with a can , , : ! uue, as -.el luitll. 4. — 11 ,,i 1 <•{ tlie -Hli.ile, made by the two- wdieeled (.1111 i_^. ,\, . i.,,.-l,ar 11, rods C, longitudinal pieces I), posts E, adju.,t.xble ploughs G .and H, seat I, spring K, and lexer L, arranged and operating together, substantially a. set forth. No. 96,271.— SILAS C. SCHOFIELD, Chicago, III. Combined Cultivators and Seeders. — October 26, 1869. — An- tedated October 16, 1869. Claim. — I. — The combination of the main beams F and CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. angle beams H, when constructed and operated substantially as and for the purpose specified. 2. — The clbow-|iI;ilcs I, when constructed substantially as ipcr ally 4. — 1 ne mctaiic M.iii 1, wn.ii ,..nnii. alint; substantially as and Un liu |uii|>M-r, 5. — The combination of tlu in .i.Mi 1.^:1. tallic stall P, when arranged an.l 0111.1.11111- set forth. No. 96,279.— J. A. SMITH, Lacdn, U.\..— Ctt///va/ors.~ October 26, 1869. t'laim. — I. — The frames I) D, when provided with plates s; ,i;, and adjusting holes at the top and bottom, substantially as and for tlie ]nirpose described. 2.— The coniliiiialion of the beams B B with the vertical cylindrical 1 1 .\\\~~\\ il In-, are provided with the plates (; .111 i I . I 1 : : i.< led together substanti- .ally,asan.l I. ; i . ; i, . , .1 i, 3. — Tile .l.'iil>l -II ■>■ lijovrl I with pendants ?« 7«, in ccmbination with i\rU I 1, or tlxir cpiivalent, the said rods being connected with a pulley, /, on double-tree H, in the manner and for the purpose set forth. No. 96,299.— ELISHA WALKER and JO.SIAH J. FT La PR — C —Ob 6 69 C n — Th hp S, having the projection s, as and for the purpose de- scribed. 3. — The combination of the flanged bearing block with the recessed bearing plate, as described, for the purpose set forth. 4. — The combinalion of the flanged bearing block, recessed bearing plate, and hook bolt, with the shovel beam and standard, as described, for the purpose set forth. 5.— The band O, provided with the staple-shaped projec- tion ,'' o\ as and for the purpose described. 6. — The employment of wings or arms, or their equiva- lents, substantially as described, for the purpose set fi rth. \ii. .,'.,; II \A' n \VV. Nr-RTHAMPTON, MASS.— // :, ■ • '•. I'-ViQ. I ; nil 1 i ; m: III I i h, mi a truck, of two or 1111.1 !i . ,1 I . I iiii-ed for operation by mo- tiiiii ileii\''' fi-iii 'III wIm-'N 111 the truck, as herein shown J. — The roiiiliiiKiii with a pair of spades or hoes, operatiiiL; a, de-ci ileil. of a guard or shield Q, moving and adjustable vertically, as described. 3. — The combinalion, with the spades or hoes, arranged for operation as described, of the vibrating cultivators V V, as specified. 4— T d h e — h E E r g I ^ 9 8 9 T e b I on b a on h F nd n nt. Ah n d g b 2 n u d a g d p nb d h p q h — Th ab n gp ug J an h pp na n n an <»i b g h h d h L d and ng h h b a a y a d nb h N 96 79— WM r B\KEP L R T — — Th u ma b N 4— Th d y d 5-Te no h G d b m D n h dph n ag o n p ough n n nn h 6 — I con bnnwhau h A adangd bn y n h n and b d N 96 82— E CH R E BrW n F ANC N WELDEN, RockioRD, \\.\..—Citltio and recess ;', with the standard r LB N 9 869 P nd P h d N 96 So —A T PUSH S R N n A d A a d p d d 4 — The pi\otm^ rods Z, peifoiated swinging plates B', clevises C, and bars D', with each other and with the plough beams A and carriage T U V, substan- tially as herein shown and described, and for the purpose set forth. 5.— The carriage T U V X Y, constructed substantially as herein shown and described, that is to say, in such a way CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. that the forward ends or the jilough beams A may project in front of the cross beam V and knees V, as and for the purpose set forth. No. ii7,;77. T \MFs rn:,. » ; :- i\ idcl « ith joints ci ip .1 iViiiii ,iimI iiai. .1, '1. -. I il'i(i. r.ii- ilie purjiose set forth. 2. — The standard H, bar I, and sprinjr ^'. when con- structed substantially as described, for the purpose set forth. 3. — The standard H, bar I, and spring //', when com- bined with the beams D', substanlially as ami for the pur- pose set forth. 4.--The machine described, consistin;^ of the frame Ana a', wheels U B, pole C, beams D D', shovels L, rock shaft E, hand lever F, standard H, bar I, spring k', the whole being combined and arranged as tl escribed. No. 97,573.— HIRAM J. WATTLE.S, Rockford, 111. — Cultivators. — December 7, 1869. Claim. — I. — The frame described, consisting of the longitudinal beams A .A., transverse beams ^ b b, and braces C C, the whole bein.; combined and arranged as described, for the purpose set forth. 2. — The brace M, constructed as described, with the half circle iii ii^, and hinge m-, for the purpose de- scribed. 3. — The machine described, having the frame A B b C, lifting devices E i- G H, beams J, standards K, the whole combined and arranged as described, for the purp.'se set forth. No. 98,112.— JAMES B. .SKINNER, Rocki-ori>, III. —Cultivators.— December 21, 1869. Claim. — I. — The combination of caster wheels with a rigid frame, having vertical movement, substantially as de- scribed. 2. — The combination of a cultivator frame having ver- tical movement, with a lever, where said frame is adjusted vertically by said lever, substantially as and for the purpose described. 3. — -The combination of a cultivator frame resting upon wheels attached by swinging bars, with levers, when said levers operate to raise or depress the frame, substantially as described. 4. — The cultivator frame desciilied, ccnsislint; of the cross beams B B, shovel be.anis C C ami cross bars c <-', when arranged for adjustment, sulistantially as described, for the purpose set forth. 5.— The adjustable standard /, in combination with the levers F and wheels A, as and for the purpose de- scribed. 6. — The levers F, wiih spring stop devices described, in combination with a standard/and yoke standard a', sub- .stantially as described. 7. — 'I'l- ■ ■■ - > c; when constructed as described and used ii h ilie levers F and the frame, as and fortb> 1. 8. — 1: -cribed, consisting essentially of the wheels .\ ,/ „'. Irame B B C C c f», lifting . devices F/, H //, standards M, and shovels ;«, the whole being combined and arranged as described, for the purpose set forth. Nu. ..s. ;jii. M-^-'l'; A. WILSON, Hamiutroii, Iowa. — Ci,:: '/',;• 28, 1869. Clain;. I I ! . istings E and I, constructed and securuil ij ill'. Lii Is of the beam C, substantially as herein shown and described and for the purposes set forth. 2. — The bows F G an.l K L, constructed and arranged substantially as herein shown and described, in combination with the castings E I and tongue H, as and for the purpose set forth. 3. — The slide-bar 1' O and adjustable bows M, in combination with the tongue H and beams C, substan- tially as herein shown and described and for the purpose set forth. No. 98,560.- A. L. CHUBB, Grand Rapids, Mich.— Cultivators.- Jantiarv 4, 1870. Claim. — The side bars B B, when cast with recesses cm their inner sides, to receive the cross bars or beams A A, substantially in the maimer specified. No. 98. 70S. Wll I I \M r.. R.\PER, Carthage, III. -Coni-Plon.;: . II, 1S70. Claim. — In a , . . ic dimbination and arrange- by wh the tlle E E', with their .Iniil.le ]iiiiu;inL; i-arl, ( , t , . Ii,. mi, Mlieir series of holes ^r;'' ;'". tVt, : llu- rauliete^l niaiinerol adjust- ing the plough standards /} 11 h' 11' up ami down on the plough lieams F F' ; and iIk- (Ir.uMelrce, having .lependent parts L L', to bear the sni<;htrees M M' ami draught rods N N', reaching back to the wheel frame B, all substantially as set forth. No. 5,018.— WILLIAM B. RAPER, Carthage, III, a.ssignor to JOHN JAt KSON.—r»/^/™/fl/-.v.— 98,708.— January II, 1870.— Reissued July 30, 1872. Claim. — I. — In a whecl-culiivaiur the axle beam B, made extensible in the manner ilescrilied, in combination with y\\..\ nil,. FT. il.n-l, beams F F, .and adjustable conne, ii'. II. 1,: .It :.\\ - -Ii,,\\ 11 and described. 2. — III, , i I,,,,.;. ii. :;,,., pari,, and provided with the serrated -mli,,-, .'le: I,,]! h\ aiiv suitable devices, substan- tially as shown ami describe.l. 3. — In a straddle row cultivator having a raised or arched axle, I claim the slots and bolts, in combination with the serrated surfaces, for the purpose of making the wheels extensible, substantially as set forth. No. gS..i7ei.— BENIAMIN S. IIVERS, Pekin, III.— Cultivalvrs — Jauiiarv iS. 1S70. Claim.— I.— The two straight axles B B^ independent of each other, in combination with the straps C C, substan- tially as herein shown and described, and for the purposes set forth. 2. — The two adjusiable, laterally inclined braces S S, in combination with the stra],s cr clamps C C, and tongue F,, substantially as shown ami describi ,1. ami for the purposes set forth. 3 — I li, .[,,1,,,,. 'ii- I, ,v iiliii, tlie Hi, r,,ek-cye M, provided with h h.. 1,,^. ,, ,,1,. al|,,«- it to pass by the clevi~ II. - 1 1,1 d\ a- 1,1 I' III d,,,\\ 11 ami described. 4. — lliee,,eki\e \1, 111 e, -ml iiiuitioii with the sliding lug J, and roil cr link, W, substantially as and for the pur- poses set forth. 5. — The c,imbinali,,ii and arraiiL'ement of the clevis H and sliding Iul; I. ],M,.i,led uiih holes for pins or bolts, so as to make the jil,,. Is n-id 1,, the line of draught sub- staiuially as herein sl„ ,„ i, '..lal ilescribed. No. roo.4.11. l|i,K\( I c.VRR, WoosTER, Ohio. — C,tltiv.,— \: V r-. Claim. — I. II . ,,,1111.4 and arranging the two jniddle beams .,,, i -I; > ;. . ! ,, irnss row.orseries of beams and shovels III .\ n heei iiilli\ator, in combination with a suitable u|ieratiiig luimlle or lever, that the points of said middle shovels inay be tuiiieil oiitHard from or inward to- ward caeli other ^iiiailtaneoiisly. as ir/i 8, 1870. Claim.— I. — The combination in a wheel-cultivator of the shovel beam F" F" arranged to work on perpendicu- lar axles, toggles H' H', lever I, and connecting link or links H" H"', when so arranged that the said beams may be turned simultaneously in contrary directions without raising the shovels from the ground, substantially as speci- fied. 2 — Connecting the shovel beams F" F" oscillating on perpendicular axes or ]iivots by toggles H' H', so as to give said beams simultaneous movement in contrary directions without raising the attached shovels from the ground. 3. — The combination in a wheel-cultivator of a turning axle B, rigid shovel beams F', movable shovel beams F'", arranged !■■ 1 mi -Iinullaneously on vertical axes in con- trary din. f I I: 1 1, and lever M, substantially as and for the pui I ■ ■ . : • .' I 4, — Til. h, ;:. >> > I I . 1. or their equivalents, in combi- nation wiih the lo.i|i~ /■■ and movable beams F", as and for the purpose se( loiih. 5.-The e.npl beams F", in llie 6.— The sprin. beams F", as am No. 100,501.— Cultivators.— March 8 1S70. Claim. — I. — In a wheel-cultivator having an axle or equivalent cross bar or bars sustaining the shovel beams with their shovels, and which axle or cross bar may be so turned on its bearings as to raise or low er ihe sliovels from the ground, as set forth, so arrangin,' or .11 1 u iil.iting the shovel beams on separate bearings lli.u lln-\ m ly lie raised or lowered either singly or in sets of iwo 01 more, inde- pendently of the llloxenienl ol -.lid axle or eioss liar. of ihe loops /"" as pivots for the sei forth. eoinl.iiialion with the lever I and- |uir|iosr set forth. 1-; ( .\RK.— WoosTKR, Ohio.— levers F' 1 tially as an 3— The G', lever 1- lis Iv alion and arrangement of the device jeiiiii; rod (;. and link F, wiih a single beam W . so that said beam may with its shovel be raised or lowered independently of the rest, substantially as set forth. 4. — In combination with the articulated beams E'", the hangers E, constructed and arranged substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 5. — In combination with the independently-articulated beams E'", and axle B, the lever D, link L', and arm \:\ substantially as and for the purpose specified. 6. — The lock bar- R, in combination with the arms I and beams E'''^, for the ] an pose set forth. 7. — The springs 11. -,\ hen ai ranged as and for the pur- pose descrilied, in combination with the rocking device (J', and beams £'■'''. No. 100,720.— MARTIN BRUNER, Jr., Fremont, Ohio. — Cultivators. — March 16. 1S70. Claim.— The rod Q, beiu ,i- -l,-nii, puoted ,11 in ends to the hounds E, an. I '. , I'li .1. .1 ih.n 1.. ,iinl to the beams H, whereby il, 1 . ■ n i... -.. m.-m ol -.ii-l rod will elevate, and the !.■..!,.■ in<.\.iiHnt lower the ploughs, as set forth. No. ioo,8i2.-JAME.S B. .SKINNER, Rockkoru, III. — Cultivators. — March 15, 1870. Claim.— I.— The combination of the main frame, the laterally-reciprocating shovel frame, always moving parallel to itself, the traversing roller beneath the tongue, and the supporting rollers upon the axle, all these parts being con- structed to operate as set forth. 2. — The combination of the tongue, the guide bracket, and the traversing roller on the shovel frame, all these parts being constructed to operate as set forth. 3. — The combination of the shovel frame, the guide bracket, the guide rails on the axle, the supporting rollers, and the lifting levers, all these parts being constructed to operate as set forth. No. 101,216.— (11, \.RLES BIRD, Acklev, Iowa.— Cliltiial'rs. — March 2<|. 1870. Claim.— I.— The coiiiliination of the ploughs D, bars E, and screw spin.Hes !•:', cross head G', all arranged to operate snl.stanlially as and for the purpose set forth. 2. — Ihe eomliinaiioii of the plows F, .swinging beams (i, cross hea.l (P, nuts t;^, and screw spindles E', all arranged to operate sulistantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. 101,240.— SO LOM AN H. DWIGHT and WIL- LIAM B. CHAMBERS, Decatur, \\.\..— Cultivators.— March 29, 1 870. Claim. — In combination with an elevated truck frame constructed and arranged as described, and supported and carried upon a pair of w heels .as herein stated, the pivoted lieaiiis 1; 1;. iii.l ill. . ulii\ator leelh or piloughs, and inde- ]i. ii'l. iiiK I '. 1 ' 11 p.ii.le.l i^ I-: connected there- wiili. ,11. I .11 ■!. I ! i l.e drawn by or carried on said elexale.l flame, a. .Icsl 1 ihed. No. 101,380.- C. L. REID, Louisville, Ky.— Culti- vators. — March 29, 1S70. Claim. — I. — The bedder E, constructed substantially as sho\\n and described. 2.— The combination of the frame C with the hanger O and bedder E, sulistantially as set forth. 3. — The arrangement of the hangers C^ and C^ bedder E, and ciilm.-i i- I, nli.ii combined with the frame C, so that the III . .inverted from a cultivator into a bedder. ..i it forth. No. 101,530 I, \l;l AND B. St. JOHN, Kalamazoo, Mich. — Cullivators. — April 5, 1870. Antedated ^/;-z7 I, 1870. Claim.— I.— The combination of beams C C C* C*, together with beams A .A and H 11. arranged substantially in the manner and lor tin- pni! -- 1 i-nli 2. — I do not claim a s. |. , .i. 1 . I .. ^^ ith drag teeth inserted to form a in, 1 -i 1. \i and cultivator, but what I do claim is the e.msiuuiion ail. I arrangement of ploughs or shovels !•; !•;, sul.stamiallv as lieieinbefore specii iibina ,f 1,1 bolts /- b and c r, ubstantially in the laim.— I.— -1 ars q, which trees on perforate purpose herein sh. 2. — Making an. the ends of the p en pivoted at the ends w hull carry the single- ,iiitiall\ as and for the iversal-hinged joints on the several parts and No. 101,720.— ik.\.\lx l-.VK.NSVVGRTH, Frankfort, III. — Cli/til'a/crs.-Jfri/ 12, 187O. Claim. — I. — The combination of the shovel posts a, axle (/, boxes ,-, chains >,. jiivoted cross bar /, and lever m, arranged, operating and constructed as and for the purposes set forth. 2.— The main frame C, in combination with the roller b, segment u, lever c, and chains v. arranged, operating, and ... list meted as and for the purposes set forth. N.. 102,201.— CLARK ALVORU, Courti.and, Wis. -( 'ii:ii:-atcf the of .HELL, El Paso, frame A, to ojiL-i-atL- a-. hei-Liii lk■^cnl No. 104.354.— .S.\.\1L EL 11. M \\.\..— Cultivator^.— June 14, 1870. Claim.— I.— In combination with the bent axles D D, herein described, the adjustable scalloped plates j'v and eye bolts s z, whereby the plough beams are attached in such a manner as to have a double vertical adjustment, as specified. 2. — In cimbination with the clamp s and connecting rods r r, the eye bolts :' and the excavated slotted thimliles i t, provideil wiih the spikes or points i i whereby they are jrivented from turnmg on the wood of the plough beam, as specified. No. 104,399.— JOSEPH ADAMS, Manteno, III.— Cultivators. — June 21, 1870. Antedated y««c II, 1870. Claim. — I. — The crank screws G and nuts F, to which the forward ends of the plough beams are jointed, in com- bination with the frame work of a cultivator, substantially as herein shown and described, and for the purpose set forth. 2. — The right-and-left screw C, provided with a lever or handle, D, in combination with the adjacent ends of the axles H, substantially as herein shown and described, and for the purpose set forih. 3. — .\n improved cultivjtor, formed by the combination of the wheels A, axle^ B, right-and left screw C, provided with a handle or lever, D, plough benms E, jointed to the nuts L, and sniveled crank screws G .^, with each other, and with the branched tongue M, sub.itantially as herein shown and ile-.cribe(l. No. 105,22:; -IdX.VTHAN LEWIS, Washington, D. C— Cultivator..— Jnlv 12, 1870. Claim. — The . . ni-irii. ti.n and arrangement of the plough vtaiidai.l- II II, beam, G G', levers L, coupling rods L'. and bar. M. with the hangers F F', rod I, and adjusting pins a a, all as and for the purpose speci- fied. No. 105,630.— NOAH G. BLAUSER, Etna, Ohi.).— Sulkv-Cultivators.—Julv 26, 1870. Claim.— The improved cultivator, consisting of the tongue C, honnds D, axle B, wheels A, triangle F, plough beams E, pivoted adjustable ploughs G i;'^ g^, rollers Q, lever S, chain R, foot levers O. rods N, bar K, standard M, bar J, uprights H. adjustable bars I, and scraper Y, remova- bly attached to the tontine ( ', all constructed and relatively arranged as shown and ileMaibed. No. 106,039.— |EMi;i: !i, .!,,,■,', ,a 1 ,111 s . I „, iIlii ,11 each turn of the wheels with the machine moving forward the forks// are, by means of the crank-axles, forced into and brought out of the ground to break up the .soil. 2. — The digging-forks f f. in combination with the sus- pended frame r/and the crank-axles I, h. arranged and oper- ating as and for the purpose ileseiiled. 3. — The cultivating-machine, su emisiructed as to allow the use of interchangeable parts, a, dcserihed. CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. front shovcl-|iiiiii substantially as ;ii No. 110,256.- Cultivators.—I> Claim. — The a ed pivoted beaiii forth, for the pui] readily removed ■ plouglis. [10,257.- )N, Dunk RK , Ohio.— a .i-branch- "^ly " t .\' to be the othe .'iAAC B. M.MION. Dunkirk, Ohio.— 20, 1S70. — Antedated December Cultivators.— Decembe 15, 1S70. Claim. — I. — The combination of clip E and washers F with braces D D and wheels B B, as and for the pu pose described. set forth, I J, for Neck, -The curved connectin- Iim I'. combined with a pair of ]'iv-i' 1 > n the purpose of rendering; lli I 11 1 m with respect to each otliLi in ,1 \. hk No. 110,302.— PETI':R K. .S.MI'l N. C—Ci,llivalors.—Deeeii,b,r 20. ] Claim.— I.— The liftin-arai, .M. dependent shaft I., uiili ili to enable the di-i an. . i.- 1 ... 1 1'.. uated without d.i .. '.r. .'i ... 1'. 2.— The perfo,.,!. .1 -, .^; ,,,.. 1;, to an independent luuk-sliali. L, the pose of enabling said arms and shaft desired point of adjustment. No. 110,548.— TOSEPII IT. CARLOW, Kidder, Mo.— Cultivators.— r>,: •■v., _-, iS;,,. Claim.— I.— II i, and arrangement of the beams J K, adju 1 ; II. ].in / ', strap 1,. and pin j^, allowing the eas\ ,i. I|ii.i mi.'iiI ..i lemnval uf tlie lieams, sub- stantially as descrilied. 2. — The combination of the beams J K, upright N, rod O, chain or cord P, and treadle R, as and for the purpose described No 10 85 —HUGH P JOr DAN \ tor Te a M ators to be grad- [ilied, as described, lis M, for the pur- be secured at any —5 If- C It Cla n — - ofth t t anil 1 r g 1 1 fo tl , 1 2— TI i_l ad R and d ed n e t sta t ally a 1 po e et forth 3 -The -Th f -J 10 871 1 of e It ato CO t ng C ea s-1 a N tongue E pi t be g CO t u t 1 a d a e sho n an I de c bed ad ng od V of the 1 aft o tl the^lo 1 f tl 1 b C of the f he hown 1 I I I H 1 I I 1 4— The o 1 I 1 I / 1 I Y th tl e pi I 111 III 1 V atta hed to tl e 1 1 ot 1 i 1 t tl 1 t sub ta t Uy a he e 1 o n a d le be 1 I fo tl e pu po e et fo th No. 111,037.- GEORGE WALTER BRONSON, Ot- TAW.A, \\.\..— CHltivalors.—Janiun-v 17. 1.^71. Claim. — I. — The slide-bars II II, in conil.inalion with the boxes I I, the stem, J J, the chain- 1' I'.and [he plough- beams K K, substantially as and fur the purpose described. 2. — The sliding braces R R, in combination with the plough-handles L L and the plough-beams K K, substan- tially as described. No. 111,056.— THOMAS HARDING, La F.-vyette, Ind. — Ploti<;hs. — January 17, 1871. Claim.- end pie ■The b b. vhen constructed with the cast-iron end pieces are provided with .1 (lie purposes described, and i'>r, the draft-pole A and a ined together substantially as descrilied, so tliat sairl draft-pole and axle can be adjusted in lieiL^lil. hir llie |.ni]H,se set forth. 3.— I It. i. Ill, lion of the double crank-axle B, tongue -\,juini;.l 1I1..11I.. I.\ III. ans nf the strap D, and the braces li, fortliejiui] I ' II fill. lit. as set forth. No. 111,2511. il, ■.'! I MX ROSE, Clinton, III.— Cultivators.— ). : .'i, 1 -i- Claim. — I.— I! '. 1 !i of the seat and its adju.sta- ble arms C- Willi tile 1.1. '\i. .1 .i,.i -.1 lii.'.ue C, sub- stantially as desevil.ed, Ini 1 !,. |..||.. 2.— 'fhe end. illation .1 i!. M' with the cified. 3. — The ploughs and beams of a wheel-cultivator sus- pended beneath the axle from the upright frame E, mount- ed thereon by means of the bent adjustable bars H, and adjustable frame I, substantially as herein shown. and de- scribed. 4. — hi coiiibinalioii with the adjustable pendent bars H and plough li. .1111-. llir adjustable frames I, slotted bar J, and adjii i.dil. Liop-, K. substantially as described, for the purpose -|«,n:.. .!. 5. — ill . .III! III. ill. 'II with the adjustable frames I, and slotted li,s! i.ili. w..;..,/, siilistantially as described, for the pur, ■■ |...ri. 6. — I ! . . ,. ' I .1 |.l.,cks X and eye-bolts V, con- structed I- .1. -. 11. . .1, ,;iii! ,i|.|ilie(l to the beams and stand- ards ill the iiianiiji lier.jin s^t forth and shown, for the pur- pose speeitled. 7. — The loot horns I', eon- triicted as described, and adap- ted for a. '-e :ii. li' 11 ,n !'; |doiigh-beams in the manner set fovlli. I.. I I . : ..II . . I.. . : i.'d. 8.— I 1 . .; I . I : : !. \eis K', con.structed as de- scribe. I. I I , ;i lii.tiun rollers ;«', in com- bination II. .:. Ill . II I.. I ,,ii.I ]ilough-beams, sub- stantiall'. 1 '■ 1 : 1 . . ■. '..'.':. .i. 9.— I : I d at their forward ends to 111. .Ii,. I [«il,. i.\ III. .Ill-, oi 111.' |. noted plates (/ and pivoted block ( ), substantially as described, for the purpose -specified. No. 111,432.— TARVIS CASE, La Fayette, Ind.— Cultivators- /aa'aarv M 1S71 CI — — \ I 1 1 1 \ 11 Uy t 1 I I I 1 1 1 A 1 J, wh 1 II 111 1 L, 1 o the I l> \ I 1 I ] I II gl to a 1 I 1 po t to 1 1 1 I I 1 I of the ally p o ec ng be tache 1 1 Le ty to o e 1 11 1 I 1 h hul 11 fo tl 11\RD B ROBBINS Adr AN t _]/,,,,/; 7, 1S71 I niKili 1 wiih the shank of the |i 1 1 I ] I lit aim of the cross- 11 ill I il 111 1 ujtially as specified. \\( Is \ \\ I I HEN, RoCKEORl), I/// ; 21 1S71 lehe 2. I lie scribed th about til level f bolt 1 1 3- ' lesei II I .Liil ed in combiiia- tn the tongue at or s[ iilieally as de- eMeiiding over and ,e ul 1 reveiiting the jtecling the internal standard i, rack bar I, Its being arranged as de- CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. scribed, that is, the rack bar being secured above lo llie standard, and held below from vertical and lateral move- nienl by the brace rod, without other support, the lever also being hinged lo the stand.ird and secured to the rack liar as described. No. 113,019.— LEE W. CONNER and RICHARD C. CONNER, Troy, lo\\'\.— Cultivators.— Man /i 28, 1871. Claim. — I. — The axle A, constructed as described, and combined with the beam D and eye bolt '//.-'r iS, 1S71. Claim. — The arni~ I I Ilimi:;', llieir lower extremities constructed with a il.iuMe 1 urve, ,i, -Inuin, in combination with the plough ^llank^ ,- / con.mute.l with slots and slotted elbows, as descriijed, substantially as and for the purpose specified. No. 117,279.— NEWTON J. H.-VRRIS, Mereoosia, \\.\..— Cultivators.— July 2^, 1871. Claim. — The frame D, constructed as described and having plough beams O attached thereto, in combination with lever E and perforated bar H, as and for the purpose specified. No. ii7.i;47.— MENRV P. KYNETT, Lisbon, Iowa. I'laiin— I. — In a ciillivalor, the devices for attaching «ilh hiii'T, 1;. . rr-- l.,,li ,, ,ni. II-:, ! \ I 1 1 B. EBERLY, Pine Village, Inii.— ( ,/ ■', V- 10, 1871. •.laiiii, I 1 i I. 'Ii\ ,Le formed by the shovel pro%uled ^vuli tlir >]'iiii^ cap P. the standard K ha\ iiit; a \ utu .il aiiil Imhi ohtal jH.rtion with an open slot, L, at il- licml ui-i, punt, . I al M and clamped at N, in combiii.aa 11 « iili tin beam 11, cjn^tructed to operate as heicinljLluic ik- scribed. 2. — The slotted angular arms D D, loop F, with nuts and screws d, slotted braces G G, perpendicular journals E E, and plough-frames II H. arranged id.tixeh one to the other, as and for the purp..-.L- liercinbLf.n- scl Niilh 3.— In combination willi the iIi.uIiIl pi.inted shovel O, the spring-cap P secuiL.. — (»,/<./,;■ 17, iS7i Claim.— The anaii-cnKiu ..f (he fiame D E at an eleva- tion above the axle m llie I'-ai. and at a depiession below the same in from. hIiiI. i,j;mI1\ supported on the axle at about one-thill! the .listani t linm the front of said frame, as and for the purpos,- sp,, iln.l. No. i2o,4 5s.--l'llll il' III WITT, Farmland, Ind.— Sulky-Cu//i: „/.<:..- r ^1,1X71. Claim. — I. — |iim!.i.. i •.:i 1I1C inside of the cultivator-ploughs, as and r.n :'i ,:■,..-, -pnatied. 2. — 111 : 1 I, .1 liame S provided with levers V V and hax ID:; i.i- ihnsin. the beams I I provided with levers U U passing through said slots, and the frame D having seat F on the rear thereof, all constructed and ar- ranged as and for the purpose specified. No. 120.684.— TEROME H. TOMLINSON, Moiint Carroll, III.— O^/z/twAtj.— .\-,.7,wA v- 7, 1.S71. Claim. — .\ wheel ciillivatur bavin ' the cinl-pivnted beams E E of the ploughs altache.l bv'ihe .lescribed c.,n- necting mechanism in the ].ivMted axles of H heels C C, as described, s., that a, t!ie ploMman moves the handles of his ploughs latcrallv boll, plnuL^hs and wheels will coires- pondingly adapt themselves to the sinuosities of the rows and avoid cutting up the plants. No. i2o,692.-^WILLlAM C. WILSON, Brunswick, III. — Cultivators. — .\'<)r'<7///',;- 7, 1S71. Claim. — I. — The shovel //, having the pins or bolts /■ k eyed loosely to a strap on the back thereof, in combination with the shoe I provided with the o\ al slots or holes «/ w and ears w ith holes / ; foi recei\ ing the bolts or pins, sub- 2. — 111 1 , '_ '1 1 I'l . onsiiucticjn and arrange- ment ol t' I , and d J, holes e e e e, tongue I /;. wheels, A A and the beams hi ^^^\,, 1,1 1 1 111,1 sliuv el-stems G H, all asshov\nand dcs, iibed. No. 120,732.— JOHN F.A.NING and FRIEDRICH LEGLER, Burlington, V^\\\.— Cultivators.— Xovember 7, 1871. Claim.— I.— Till s, n,i 1 , ,,1,0 m e J, with its ap- pendages « and ^ . 11 II 11114 as described. 2.— The combiii iiioii 1 , _ m u ,,l the axle B C with its perforation, pin-. 01 l.oli, , , tnlmlar devices r r, beams P P, wheels \ .\, .mil puts // h, all constructed, ar- ranged, and opeiatin,; siili,i mtiallv m the manner and for the purposes hciein iksci iln d 3. — I he loniliination ol ilie iniici ami outer perforated arms ol the ixl, I; ( , I oil, 01 pins , ,, and the grooved parts /Wi ol 111, Mheils 1,11 i,l|iistiii4 the height of the axle beams an,l sh,i\Lls t, , ili, .;i,,iiii,l, as hcicin set foith. No. 121. 114- \l.l;\\I M .M \NNV, LiN'\, In.— Cullivatoi'..— \ ' / Ji, isyi Claim— I— Ihc comliiiiition ,,r ihe beams E', having bent rods E' pivoted on tlu uielei -i,l, ,,1 the tongues c to bolt (/, V brating lever I) ln\ mil; Imol ,■" at its rear end, segmental supporting bai H', .iii,l diinis // /», constructed and arranged to ojierate in the niannei descnbed. 2. — The arched adjusiing-ind G, having auxiliary rod ..i'' attached theieto, in combination with the hook ^ on tongue .WNV, \, ILL.- "7' ( I, inn —111, 11 I, I 11 iiiK ,.l the cultivator, composed of the bent I , ( 1 , I ,,, stilts t and e' , and curved metal part C ' I '■ t I 1 1 \ lid ends to pieces C, and clamped to the u| 1 ' I 1 1 il , aiched axle 1! by clamps a, in the mannei ,1, , 11 No. 121,01- -\l\kijLTS L. GOftHAM, Rockford, \\.\..— Cultn,ilo)s —lh,,iiil>Li 5, 1S71. Claim. — I. — The coml.ination of the beams C and cross- brace I) v\ itli the pl.ili ,/ ami haniniLi-stiap b, constructed in the m 11 1 1 u I , il, pin po-^ s a- shoun iml described. 2. — 111 1 1 ill, sl,,(t, ,1 a iiiistiiiL; plate o and stud I'll, 1 11. cue tlu ph.ii-h Stan, lard with the Stan, L 1,1 I I, 1 1,,1 i--1i,ihii iii,1 ,ksenlied, 3._The cumbinition ,1 lli, ihloiI n beams 'I bearing upon axle B with the ailpi tm,; -, o -x l"ilt / and beam C, constructed and aiiangeil in ih, niinnei and for the pur- pose shown. 4. — The hangers E with sockets e connected to vertical sockets F by stud (/, arms I, and links e, in combination with the lifting levers J and L an, I fulcrum-bracket K, all arranged to operate in the 1 , 1 ,]< ., lil.eil. 5.— The swav bar S ami 1 Mi , 1 , , mibination with the slotted a,liustal)le plai, , -.r drag-bars II, constructed an.l an;mge,l 111 ili, m nn,, i ., . , lescribed. 6. — The lever L having lip ; and button /{■ thereon, in combination with lever J and fulcrum bracket K, as de- scribed. 7. — The shields W piivoted to the forward ends of beams II, and sus|)ende,l anil aiilii-'cl b\ , .ik \ passing through the beams r, an,l by w hi, li ,.,i.|., ih, liiehls are" raised at the will of the operator .uel iml, piiiileiitlv of the beams Cultivators.— J>. Claim. — The cal groove at il semicircular forr iMr--i Nl r.klXG, MlLKORU, W Al lER D. KING Mi\i , U\ai.— n7ieel- dard J, having a verti- 1 at the top, bent in a e frijme, and secured to CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. llio finuhu -haU C by means of the semicircuUir bolt d, whiJi 1^ ii.i--i,l tluoiiyh an opening in the stnmlanl below ihc -hall aibi i linched, and by the nut c above the shaft, 5lll)^uuunll^ as anil for the purposes set forth. No. I22;2S4.— AURAHAM P. ROHREU, CHRIS- TIAN F. ROMRER, and JOHN H. I3L0SE, Clakkk County, Ohio. — Fiimnaing Ploughs. — December 26, 1S71. Claim. — I. — The arrangement of the pivoted or balanced frame C, projecting frame b, foot board b', slide /, slot «', and loopy, as shown and described, as and for the purpose set forth. 2. — Spring citch s, guide plates s' and plates 0, arranged and combined with back rail a', plough beams c', and handles 111, substantially as shown and described, as and for the purpose licreinbefore set forth. Xu. 122,4:0— OSCAR L. NEISLER, I.noianoi.a, li.iWA. — Cn.'nrii/ins. — January 2, 1872. through one of the opt-n spacts in llio h.unr 1 1 up! , . imir. 1 ing the same with thi' ex cnrr 1'', in ilu mjiuri ,1, -, 1 il .rnuiii up-and-iluwii motion. Xo. 12J.235. — \D()LF F. CARLSON, Attica, Inh.— CiiUi-,a/i>r.s. — Jaiuiarv 30, 1S72. Claim.— I.— The climl.iriat ..11. in a ..oi-ii-].lnu:Ji, of the or stay rod G, ami foiheil j'au II. all cni,,iiULUM an. I arranged substantially as and lur ilie |iiiri.nses herein set forth. 2. — The combination of the bent axle A, wheels B B, tongue C, boxes D D, collars E E, braces G G, jaws H H, plough beams I I, doubletree J, and singletrees L L, all constructed and airangod substintially as and for the j ui poses herein set foith No 123 715— A S McDERMOTT, Ocden, Iowa — Culli J/ > — / hum I J 1872 Chim — I — The loose lurning n 1 slid ng collais /C / ni combiniti m w th the independent cianks ^ g, chains / f and in e| cndei t hte all\ adju lille cultivator beams C m lepen 1 nth 1 Ij II ^ I ( ( I tei lly ad|usta ble loo e cclhis i / ch\in / / in le| endcnt crinl s .^ , adjusting stop leiers L/ L/, and toothed segments t c all arranged subst intially in the manner and foi the puipose described No 124 014 —NILS t S^NDEIIN Ntw \ork, N Y — Cultwalors — Fibruar) 2-J 1872 Antedated / / riiar\ lo, 1872 Lhim— The aiiin^ 1 nt f the «heel L spmdk M crank (2 le\cr N t t 11 Is md notehed stud 1 in connectan with th I \ 1 \n and described No 124329— I(ill\ f M I ks BifLFK V\—Cii/li a tors — ji/iin /i i i S 7 ' Claim — The combination of the bus 20 and 22 double tree 23, and chains 14 and 21 and plou h beams 4 and 5 substantially ns and f 1 the | u |_ e s| ceihed No 124,831— 1< Mil W l\kk\IEI Nlw TON I\D Cu/t iS- Claim — Iheb I 1 osed of t« pivoted or hinged a le 1 t the axle B in combination with the adju tal k 01 \aiiable we j^ht G driver s seat G', and dog H, 01 Us e^iuivalent as and for the pui pose set forth No 125 087 -NILS F SANDELIN Morr Hwln N \ assignor to himself EDW A.KD O JENkIN'3 New York, N. \ ., and JOHN PAULSON, Vasa, Minn. — Cotton Cultivators. — March 26, 1S72. Claim. — The combination of the adjusting bars K K with the gangs F F of weeders and ploughs, the bar H, the lever I, the legs or bars i i, and the stop or cross bar J, sub- stantially as shown and described. No. 125,093.— JACOB W. SPANGLER, York, Pa.— Cultivators. — March 26, 1872. Claim. — I. — The slotted sector plates E' provided with right angled arms E«, in combination with wheels E, axle • \. , , I... Its , ', foot treadle G, rock shaft F, and links V . -iil-[,iii[ij|l\ as described. I III ih|i, //, provided with shoulders, as described, ill'iii.itiuii with the slotted rib H' and drag bars H, substantially a- set forth. No. 125,271.— ISAAC H. CHAPPELL, Lawrence, ViK^.— Cultivators.— April 2, 1872. Claim. — I. — The cultixatur frame composed of the by the en.— I .ar 1 . ', aii.l at then IVont ends by the cross bar- G I ;, where the lianie is |iiviiled to the longitudinal beam C, which rests on the axle A, all substantially as set forth. 2. — The bent plough beams H H' pivoted to the adjusta- ble bars C C, and the slotted guides I P, which are extended .l..vMmai.| l..| the rear ends of the beams C, X.. i2s..r>i III '.II I' \\l< IX JORDAN, Victoria, I I inn 1 III. |.li.nL;h aainlanl- K K, connected by lh..ii... I ,' .111.1 iiaxiiiL' n.l.' I,.'. |i, I ,, . .,niii:n,...| with pivoted I 1, |.lv..le.l liai- 1 In.Mn- l...,l ,e-t- I/, bars B' N pro- vide. I Willi keepers, aiul lever F', all arranged as described, and applied to the frame of a sulky cultivator, for the pur- pose set forth. 2. — The band and set screw C, in combination with the .liauL;lu l-ai- 1 > nf the outer plough, standards K, and with the l.x>ei lii.ii iiital parts of the axle B, substantially as luiein -h.wii and described, and for the purpose set lollb. Xo. 126,156.— JAMES RUE, Englishtown, N. J.— Cultivators. — April 30. 1872. Claim.— I.— The plates A' and their holding means A*, changeable in ]...-iiion. as shown, in combination with the inc'iied I \ 1 teeth B and suitable secuung means/ erve therewith as and for the puip e I -■ — 11 e\e M n or parts M' M' crnnected by the m \al 1 1 a Iji t I k U tenings m as shovv n in com 1 nat en with th linl k and pole ir tongue E when the hltei ha lile;t) t mr\e foiwaid and bclwarl to a liin te 1 e\t nt all ai am,ed and 0| elating sul st ntnlly as an 1 I I the puip ses here n S] ecihed ,—lht an an^emeit cf the wheels C and levers U I )' an 1 n tches er hoi lin., po nt ' 11 lel t vtl) tc the teeth I flame \ ton.,ue 1 | I I 1 I adju tal le eve M as ai 1 foi the j ui| I N ,,r S S— WII I I \M II II I I I \ Li inilfcAi), Wi til ,U t sVMUEL M. I M\ — )/;i 14, 1872 lods M drrft pole C, 1 bent plate , substan- all 1 1 I I 1 t No 127074 — -Lult It t — Claim— The 1 of ll e 1 I I \ all eonsliuetel No 128499 ' I 01 to DEERE eV I 1 ER RocKFoKD, III. 1 tedated June 5 1872. te 1 cjncave ; plate md bolt ;' in I nd beams of -Juh 2, Claim — I — The combined Irame and a\le tree B com- posed of the two bows /; /' and spindles h' b' , when con- structed in one piece, in the manner and for the purpose specified. 2. — The coupling or joint-piece composed of the parts K, L, M, and N, constructed substantially as described, and ar- ranged to operate in combination, for the purpose speci- fied. No. 128,653.- HOWARD L. PIGG, Knobnoster, Mo., assignor to WILLIAM L. PIGG, (for the use of MARY F. PIGG,) same \i[!LC^.—Cultirators.—Julv 2. 1872. CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. Claim. — I. — The combination of the yoke B conneciint; the plough-beams, connecting rods or chains C f, cranked rock-shafts D D' and siipporling-hooks ¥ ¥'. substantially as and for the purpose specilied. 2. — The combination of the yoke B connecting the plough-beams, connecting rods or chains C C, cranked rock-shafts D 1)', hooks F F', and adjustable arms G G', subslaim,i[l\ a- .ml i w II I, I AM P. BROWN, Malta, Ohio. — 0,//r.: ;., : .,. 1S72. Claiui. ^pnii^-Mui. jihI chain- fur sustaining the weight ofshovL-l-hcaiii-. -ulivtantiallv a- .1..-.. nl .cd. No. ijS.cjo,,.— WILLIAM W. M.\RSH and H.A.RRI- SON .Mt IXTVKK, Sv,,, It i..— cV/Z/kw/oa-j.— ?«/v 16, 1872. Claim. — The adjustable foot-rests r, when constructed and attached to the plough-beams, sub.stantially as and for the purposes specified. No. 129,420.— DAVID NORMAN, CRAWi-oRnsviLi.ii, Ind.— 0////rw/(>ra.— 7«/)' 16, 1872. Claim.— The anL^uIai levers ,;, in combination with the adjUStalile l-ala„MllL; M, ,-,,;aIi/M,^ ]..U K. • aa.lln- r..:U I.,'and th,' J.,»i,,., i • • ,,_■,,,„- < . , ... a , ,1 „,il) ilie forward and uiai aid -aa' . 1 ' all -fm, i«'r| .nal arranocd suli,t.ii.tadl> ..- .,,al La- ila.- ^.my...r. ,. t f,„th. No. 129,693.— A.\DKEW TUUMPStJN, Otiawa, III. — Ciilliviitors.—July 23, 1872. Claim. — I. — The general combination of the following parts with each other, to wit : the tongue A, cross piece B, the frame castings C C, the cross heads E E, the beams H, H, and the adjustable slides D D, substantially as and for purposes described. No. 129,730.— WILLIAM H. GRIFFITH, Lock- hart, Trxas., assignor to himself and STOKE.S MIN- CENHOMMER, same place.— 0//CK'a/'o;-j.—y«/)' 27, 1872. Claim. — The c.niliiiaita.n ..f the three adjustable up- rights K M K, cr—- liii L. .idiu-lable lever N, and stand- ards O P with caji >, tin 1 .aid with the plough beams G, tongue C, and a.\le li. -.uliM.intially as heMn .shown and described, and for the purpose set forth. No. 129,759.— JAM E.S W. SKIXNER, deceased, (CHARLOTTE L. SKIXNER, administratrix,) RoCK- FORU, III. — Cultivators,— Jidv 2j, 1S72. Claim. — I. — The beams F, pivoted or hinged at their forward ends to horizontal and adjustable bars or brackets E', forward and aliove the axle A, in the manner and for the puriM.-a -a'.-aaa; ilU ,, da.,. ril)ed. 2. — III . . ail . 1 a . II . I da Ira me or tongue C C, braces E E'. 1 I all I,,, aMrizontal and adjustable bar or bra. 1.1 1 I. a- iiiaicd and arranged in the manner and r.a 1 M libed. 3.-11 a.: ai of the horizontal bar or bracket E^, haviaa a |ii. ma lilies e' therein, with the pivot plates /, pivot pm or bolt J', and beam F, substantially in the manner described. 4- — The plough standards H, having the irregular form shown in Figs. 2, 5, and 6, with the ploughs H' attached thereto, and secured to the beam of a cultivator by means of the faced nut I, eye 5, screw bolt 3, and screw nut 4, substantially in the tnanner and for the purpose de- scribed. 5. — The plough standard H, shaped as above described, and wedge 6, in combination with the faced nut I, eye 5, screw bolt 3, and screw nut 4, substantially as described and shown. 6. — The fi.inged rose or corrug.ited plates I and 2, handles G, screw bolt 3, and nut 4. in conibination with the beams F, in the manner substantially as described. 7. — The shields J, draw barsy, and lient bar /", in com- bination with the adjustable bent and slotted bar ?, con- structed and operating in the manner substantially as shown and described. No. 130,337.— HENRY TILDEN, Davenport, Iowa. — Ciilfivalors. — August 6, 1872. Claim.— I.— In combination with the plough standards of straddle row cultivators, a harrow attachment for each standard, composed of two or more adjustable toothed beams, D, substantially as described, for the purpose speci- fied. 2. — The combination of the adjustable rod J with the cultivator and harrow, substantially as described, for the purpose specified 3— The hairows, eoiisist ng of the jiarallel beams D, two or I Id 1 111 1 I 1, E, substantially as de- N(i 1 1 I 1 I I I I I iNEsriK.A TowN- Claini — irmed level A B, I seat E, in combi- tlmged and per- il.. n with the a\leG trueted and operated nation uith the forated teimmus 1 n I Im,., of the wheels H, ,11 sub-tint. in the manner an.l fi.i tin | iiii No l-,04>;4— I \l V\l 111 K UPTON, Easton, Mo. — ( Ill/rat, I . — /;/.,« / 13, 1S72 Chini — I — I he iinngemeut of the a\les B, braces M, beam II in. I fnme wi.rk C D E F (J to adapt the machine to le.tu. ih ]1 11 ||.- in.l a fiee passage foi the ] linf 1 1 I I Ml 111.1 deserihed. I 1 -hulls, S, and set screw L \v 1 I 111 lined in the lower end I I 1 utnll) as herein shown et I. nth. N.. I I M I M II IMl\(,s, BooNEs- Claiiii— II .mdii.ii. n .1 the en eum'ferentially groo\eil meni blakt,, with its llmge /. placed loosely upon the a\lc ami the twi-te.l wmught uon biace D, with the shoit a\le a an-l frame A B C, all substantially as set forth. No. 130,869.— WILLIAM R. ROBINSON, Mattoon, III. — Cultivators . — August 27, 1872. Claim. — The combination of the pivoted step Q and adjustable brace R with the handles P and beam K, sub- stantially as herein shown and described, and for the pur- pose set forth. No. i',i.404.— (lEOKCE HFXRVLUND, Macford, Wis.— (:V////rv;/a;a.— .Va//a///Av- 17, I,S72. Claim. — I. — The .liai; bar- .\. each being independently pivoted at the forward eii.l. an.l with perforations having more or less bars in e.uli -ecti.m. li\ means ..f the pin or bolt B, substantiallv as an.l the purpose s|ieci- fied. 2. — The combination of the beam A, standard E, brace F, and gauge D, the .several parts being constructed as described, and arranged so that the gauge may be adjusted high or low, and to or iV.un tlie shovel or plough, substan- tially as and for the purp.! e -. t l.nili. 3. — The bars ,\, chain- and Ituk- M .\. in combination parts K (/ S T (■ c. and le\ci L, all . .ai-nucted and arranged substantiallv as ami the ]niipiise herein described. No. i,;i:72o— WILLIAM 1.. TlloMP.SON, RocK- I VILI.E, l\li, — ( V////7'.;A>;.(. — Scf-I,- lill'cr 24, 1S72. Claim — Idle .-..nd.inati.,11 ..f the bar- A A, the bar B providcl aidi il,,' .l.■^i-es R R. the bar C, seat D, axle- tree E. I.. -,. ! .|aiill.. KL wiih clevi-es H H, and til. iiiMa.l l.i.i.e- I' T, when so constructed and arrana. I : lapted to receive the parts used for markina 1 1 an.l breaking, in the manner herein shown No. i;i. WhKEWT. SHERWOOD, Amador, CaI..— («///7Va- . ' 1. KS72. Claim. — The 1 U I a I . ultivators E E, in combina- tion with the -.1 ,in.| springs w, so arranged that the driver- a .ah; . 1; 1 applied to force the cuhiva- tors into the gr. mil I, Mil a III! I dlv as described. No. 132,277. - 111 Xk\ II. (";iBSON, QuiNCY, III.— Cultivators.— I \ ■ \\. 1 •■;;_.. Claim. — I — Iha lil.,cLs II and I provided with the shoulder- , and -at -ciew ./, for the uses and purposes shown an.l -liccilied. 2.— I he of the levers O, blocks H and I, rods II and C. plough beams N, chains y*., crank P, lever R, CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. ami frames B, for the uses anil purposes siilistamiallv as shown and described. No. 132,527.— REUBEN EIAVOOI) and KK'll.VKI) L. I'lrCllKR, Syc.\M()RE, U.\..—Cultiv,)/Ois.— O,lol',r 29, 1872. Claim. — I. — The combination of the movable bearings/ with the bars M of the tongue or frame aad the plough beams C, so tliat the ploughs may be moved back and the machine changed to a walking-cultivator, substantially as described. 2. — The jiivoted frame « in combination with the beam C, h^x g, brace i, arranged to move on the bolt // of such fr.ime, substantially as and for the purpose specified. 3. — The combination of the arm /, |irovided at its outer end with the arm /■. arm r. friction nut or clutch in, and beams C, substJiiii liU .i-~i>.> inH, 4.— The comlMi, : : 1 i 1 , with the arms ;• /f'y and beams C, subst.iun.^ ;\ , ~ ; , . ;i,i .I, 5. — The ui iIil .unis i,J, and r, rod j-, arm /, and beam C, for making the machine rigid, substantially as described. 6. — The combination and arrangement of the standard I) with the arm a, ii|.Miii!- ■'. ,11 ! niciion-nut e, substantially as and for the pm | ' 1 1 . i No. 132,845.— "^ . \ i I I \I \ i; riN, Knobnoster, Mo. — Comliiiiei/ S<,.i ,' ' /i;.(. — A'n'cm/ier $, 1872. Claim. — I. — The combination in one machine of a har- vester, stalk-chopper, cutters, pulverizer, and seed-drills, substantially as and for the purpose herein specified. 2. — The axle A and wheels B in combination with the short shafts B' B' and pulverizers A', as and for the pur- pose set forth. 3. — The bent guide G', chopper E', and shaft F', arrang- ed and o]ierating substantially as and for the purpose here- in described. 4. — A series of revolving cutters, C, arranged between the chopper E' antl pulverizers A', and supported from a rigid frame iliicah hciiealh the axle A, as and for the ])ur- 1cm;1 id 1; nbination with the fri ; outside of the wheels of the axle A, and com- erse b;irs D D, substan- ;d. truction of the frame, ■d, to receive the differ- g the ground, planting, •in .Ir-cribed. I , li "iMiNCTON, III., :u i .u:c.—Cu//h'a(ors. .■:'',, II, 1S72. structed ami arranged as nii 1 6.— The combination nl li pulverizers A', and drills 1;' herein described, and for ilie 7. — The chopper I^, euttei bination with the dull, l;>. , stantially as and fni ilie imiii 8.— ThesidelMi- ■ ■■ . . -a B B and supporte I '. bined with the ton, ;; I , tially as and for il.. ,1 1 9.— The armne n : wheels, and axle ent devices for op j .; :. :. and harvesting, su!j i.iiiii.i.]\ No. 133,067. — |AME> < . assignor to KER.SEY HI! — Aovei/iAt-r 12, 1S72. Am Claim. — I. — The i ihii(m'i ,1 i h and circumfei 1 1 ' .1 1 i [ L i\ m ■ ears/Zanda yn.,., .. 1. nu,. , • .i..:,,.: - ponding with the li .1 I ih; liie eii.e -iih^i.i nil.! 11) ,, - ,ind Im the purposes herein set forth. 2. — The combination of the shovel, carrying-block x, tube /;, cross-slot 2, bolt k with bead inside the tube, with the tubular beam L (or tubular piece 111) with open-end slot y, all secured together by the nut on the exteiror, substan- tially as set forth. No. 134.248.— ROBERT C. BUCKLEY, Pk'iria, lit.. — Cullivators. — December 24, 1872. Claim. — I. — The frame B and jourmls /) and <•, in com- bination with the free axle E, hook-bolt /, plates n and g, and beam F, substantially .as and for the purposes htrein set forth. 2. — The beam H, constructed in one piece and provided with a shovel /, and branching arms, each of which being provided with a hook for the purpose of being connected with the axles E E, substantially as and for the heicin set forth. No. 134.615.— JAMES SHERRILI,, Harrisdurg, Claim.— I. -I Ik- lorl.ed .., eluleli 'rod Y, cross-head lever B'. -i-i in-, .11.1, II'. md ,.iieh I', in combin- ation with llie seed I MX I, .^ uheel W . sliding plate G', and roller .M, sul,slLint ally as herein shown and described, and for the purposes set forth. 2 — The diaft frime E, pendent from stationary frame and axle md hiMn..; the ])lough-beams pivoted thereto, as and fui I'l I 1 1 1 1 111 ed No I \vll M\M G IIAIBURT, CoHMius, Miss-, /„»,7,i873 Chin. I [1, M, I mtion with the frame A B C, the sliding ele\ ( m mii, m the slots 1, and the curved ton- gue I all eunstiiitted nnd airanged substantially as and for the ]Ulipose set foith 2 — I he wid^es// in combination with the cultnator I'll III 1 seien-bolts .^ .,', substantially as and foi the 1 — (,l-OR(.F W\f GONER, Nrw KiM frame II , 1 il ited jihte 1 all auanc,e I 1 1 1 iL | m | | 1 1 I No': 1,5204— AMDS F (()I\ER and JOHN PRIEST, Aliuny, Oregon— 0///n«/o;-r.—7a«Hff)^ 28, 1873. Claim- 1— The combnition with the cultivator, the tuiek ind the 1 If' li I ,1 the lexer D I, 1 the pins P and the aliu nl 1< md le\ei Litied I nCHES 11 11 ^^llll till Inme of a wagon or cait, foi the puiposes \ I ,s ii 4 — I V( ( )Ij 1 I III I RocKroRD, assignor to himsell Ml ' I 1 I i| I I I in IIA.RDSON, Earlmlie, Iii-( I 1873 ( hiiii I I 11 of the axletree B, the c in\ 1 II 1 I Uie cross brace D, the I I 111 1 1 1 the bi ace rods (/, all these mem- 1 I 1 1 111 1 opeiating as set forth - — 111 111 I 11 of the perforated tongue, the elongiteii t 111 til iiunil le i, the forked turning shank /;, the trans\er e loel m^ pins I, and the neck joke H pivoted on one sule I the axis of the shank, all these members lieinj eon tiiiete I ml ipeiatng as set foith, to laise 01 > — 111 ml in 111 11 I ill 1 endants E, the sockets ineliiK 1 1 uiwul 111 I I i\ III the eye bolts /turning in ill lit il li 1 1 11 111 I the plough standaids, all ill ni ml I 'mil 11 ructed and operating as set foith, 1 III III II I I ti iverse a gieater aic than the drag 1 11 1 I I'll 4 — llie e mil HI 111 11 of the dng bar I the long shovel stimlaid \I s»i\ele I thereto the ndius m,I e I sniveled to thestindiid the iidiiis link 1 md the detent level O and rack N all these nieml eis being eonsirueted md operating substantiallv as set ioith 5 — The combination of the long standards M, their swivel yokes R, and radius links V with the rod Q, all these members being constructed and operating substan- tially as set forth, to maintain the proper relation between the standards, while allowing them free adjustment in all directions. 6. — The combinalioii of the long stand^ards M, the drag bars I, the iiL;idlv c.mneeted shields T, the* draught chain /, the link r. d ,'. ,iiid llie pivoted arms /^ connecting the shield an ! ili.i- l.u-. .ill these members being constructed and o|ieratiiig substantially as set forth. CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. 7. — The combination of the rocketed rings / on the standards with the rigid draw rods P inserted therein and secured In- frangiljle pin, these members being constructed and operating as set forth, to prevent bending or yielding of the draught connections by back pressure on the standard. No. i-,5,997— T-\MES MILLS, Johnstown, Wis.— Cultht^' • /'■■■! iS, 1873. CI Mil I .ii.jn of the upright lever^ G G, the lower 1 1 Idtted plates attached to the shovel bars LI \. 1 I lui 1 1 1 at the axle, and ad|iistable cross- bar L at ilie tup In spicad and contract the shovel bars, sub- stantially as described No. 136,047.— DAVID EDWARDS, Mki.bovrne, Vic- toria. — Cultivators. — I^.hniaiv i.S. 1S7- Claim.— I.— The spindle Ii; ]m .1114 ,1 ,«„ through the slot E in the axk 1 n I | i\ .I. i tliLiein, and having Its iiee likI guukd in \.W -. 1111 luluI.ii slutted bar F, as ami for tin: jjuipose set foith. 2. — The inclined links K K. flap N. and link L, in com- bination with the spindle H, slotted axle C, and semi-circu- lar blotted bar F, all constructed and arranged as herein shown. No. 136,108— JOHN W. SWICKARD, G.\i,v.4, III. assignor of one-hall his right to JOHN HOUGH, same ^\Ti.CiL.~Cultivalors.— February 18, 1873. Claim. — I. — The combination of pbites K, bars h //, and beams E E with the iiivoted handles N, substantially as and for the purpose specified 2 — The handles N N and yokes M M, when combined and arranged to operate with the journals b b, plates K K, bai-s /; /i, and beams E, substantially as described, and for the purpose specified. 3. — The guards P P, when conilini;.! mil ,;iianged to operate with the vertical parts «' .' < ili 1 !■ A, substan- tially as described, and for the |Hii| -|ii;ii> i. No. I VV207 — ^I\i ;i VV< i\ 1 M It .\ij, .So-.TiviLLii, III.— ' ^ ■ ■:. is;;. Claim. I. I: 1. 1 the lever E having pinion 1 ' 1. I ,; ; lii ,i\lc arms B B having racks i..n iii'.ii uhp r > 1,1 , . 1 i.m-. >i .m the axletrees A of a ' wheel-culii\ al.H. .is hhI j,ir tlir puri'usij 'lescribed. 2. — TIk' il.-.iic r. 1; Ii I-', ci i.iJ'iiiLd with the guide F pendent Imni tin- 1111, MIc i.jthe .wlctree, as and for the purpose set forth. 3. — The dr.iught bars H and adjustable braces I com- bined with and pivoted to beam .A., as and for the purpose specified. No. 136,409.— BALTIS F. BRATE, New .Scotland, N. N .—Cultivators —March 4, 1S73. Cl.iim. — I. — The pickers m m, arranged to revolve between the wings H H, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 2 —The combination of the wheels C C, pole B, frame A with the suspended beams F F carrying the double mould-boards G G and heaping wings H H, when all are constructed and arranged substantially as and for the pur- pose set forth. No. 136,477. -WIT T I.\\T Wll T.FRTON, T\i-ks,.n-- viLLE, li.i.--r ■ ■ I. I'-:; Claim. — Til, .:. ! : . :: .,: i . ', 1-, i 1. hiLr II. hcd chain 1' S, piiili;. I. iii.i.iilv .iniin,' pullcss (I (). and keeper V, all arranged as an 1 lor the purpose de- scribed. No. 136,708.— WILLIAM P. DALE, Agricultural College, Pa. — Cultivators. — March ii, 1873. Claim.— I.— In a cultivator, the caster wheels B=, brackets B<, friction rollers a and fifth wheel B', suhstan- tiallv a, specified. 2.'_T1,,. ,!,■,,„ hin^c-, T. a, dcsciibed, connecting the Literally aivl V'itiiill\ ailiii-t iM ■ sli,,vol beams I to the 3. — Tin- |ni:(iratii| llanyi-,1 cn.s, piece F', in combina- tion with the perfor.ited longitudinally-adjustable beam braces K and adjustable shovel beams I, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 4. — The bar d, arms n" e, bar e\ lever H, and rack H', in combination with the frame D and hounds B, substan- tially as specified. No. 137,094.— ORLANDO M. POND, Independence, Iowa. — Cultivators. — March 25, 1873. Claim. — I. — The forked hook a with projecting circular prong b to form an adjustable connection between the tongue D and shovel beams E, substantially as herein set forth. 2. — The combination of the flanged plate H, concave ratchet piece I, eyebolt //, and shaft /, with ratchet pinions k k, to which the clamps for holding the shovel arm are attached, substantially as and for the purposes herein set forth. No. 137,478.— HAZEN H. PERKINS, Osceola, III. — Cultivators.— April I, 187-,. Filed Octob.r I, 1872 Claim.— I.— The I, can, 11-, -,,iixing the shovels or ploughs, and adjustable i, 1 1 1 i, slotted plates ii /i, provided with ratchets I li,,l to the axle, in combinaiion with,.ai;. 1 I I . aimsfy",and brace rods lo' 1' r , ,^i,iiiii,ill\ ,1- ,rt fcii-tb. 2. — I '. I, : ii -i, \'. iiruvided with screw cranks tlna hav le pur th the shovels I. rided with a cross antially as and for I connection with by braces ^' 2' , in d cross-bar r, sub- ALD, Nevada, Filed September of cross bar M all n I. ' ' - 'a. '.' a\\\- V. \-. combination w il', , \ i ,'i : a stantiallv as an i i..' :' . ■ m | • -<. .1 li.n No. '137,70;.--- I Wll ^ U. .Ml li( low.l. — Culli'.iitors. — April S, 1873. 14, 1872. Claim. — In a cultivator, the combination, with the adj able pole, the plough beams, and the pivoted brace rod the adjustable axle bent upward at e to connect with the pole, and relatively downward and outward at /; to receive the wheels, substantially as specified. No. I ;7,ov, — I"IIN' M. KNOX, Rensselaer, Ind., assignor t- liiin-dl and 1R.\ C. KKI.LV, same place.— Cul/i-.i; . . /• .'. It, i.S;;. filril August 6, 1872. Claim.— 1. -I Ir ...inliiiKuuiii. h itli the beam' G and standard G', ol the saddles a- r, hook x, stirrup jr', and links .1-^ z, as described, for the purpose set forth. 2. — The combination of the pivoted beam G with the post I, h.iving the spring catch, and the end bar J, as shown and dcsciiheil. l-r tin/ i,iii|K.,r set forth Nu. i;S.isi -I IIUI^I I IlKDE, Aledo, III.— 0(///- vator,.— / / Ji). L^;; I ucd August ^i, 1S72. CKiini Mil' I l,iii.,iiiai ui the laterally adjustable axle s, .■,,, I ,, . i'k- ||,-. .lilr.l iiiiss piece B with the .\, ,iiid plough frames Hii and described. ,V, R-. KF"RD, III.— .1/,-,':. 21. 1S72. n .1 oilin.itor, of the ly-ailusial.le draw bars nging pivoted brackets d e, all these members stantially as set forth, of the swing frame G .^, drag bars ind radius bars J, sulistantially as GcariMUL, lln y\...J,^ I' i^ .1, No. M4,471.— |i.ill.\ r. M.\ Cultivators.— June 3, kS; ;. 1 1 Claim.— I —The conilaiaUim bifurcated tongue frame, tla. \lii E pivoted to the hori/ontally E', and the hinged connecting being constructed and 1 2. — The combinatioi H, suspension rods K, set forth. 3. — The combinatioi suspension rods K, ra stantially as set forth. 4.— The combination of the swing frame G g, radius bars J, drag bars H, suspension rod K, and locking treadle L. substantially as set forth. 5. — The combination of the drag bar H, cap /, radius bar J, thimble j\ and bolt /', substantially as set forth. 6.— Til, ,,,iii!, n,:ii,.n of the drag bar H, the friction sock 1.1 '. , ! ,1 hollow plug /;■', the eye bolt /i^, and ! of the swing frame G^, shields M, bus bars J, and drag bars H, sub- the hese parts being constructed and 7.— The c.niliination of the drag bar H, the crank shaped standard /. the socket i-, and the shovel I, these parts being constructed as set forth. No. 139,478.— GEORGE R. RICHARDSON, Earl- CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. VIU.K, ami JACOH BKIU'I iors.^Jiine'i, 1873 Fird Claim.— I.— The coiiil.ini pivoted on the tongue liml ards E swivelcd on the rocUii n, \\.\..—Cultiva- 1 S69. rocking bail D, liner shovel stand- ■ shovel standards E", each pivoted to its respective inner standard at top, and connected with it by a link, /', near the bottom, and draught rods e connecting each standard with the tongue timbers, these members being constructed and operating substantially as set forth. 2. — The combination of shovel standards E, swiveled on a rocking bail, D, with hand levers G pivoted to the stand ards and suspended from the main frame by a swivel link, H, these members being constructed and operating sub- stantially as set forth. No. 139,985.- PHILIP F.WELLS, MiLKORu, Mich., assignor to himself and D. WEBSTER WELLS, same XAACe.—Cu/tivators.—June 17, 1873. Filed April 12, 1873- Claim. — I. — \;h ^, G, pivoted to the upper end to bar C, ami IkM iiL;i.lly in a vertical plane between the bifurcations of a ^liul, J, on the cross bar, as and for the purpose descriljcd. 2. — 'ihe front plate F upwardly flanged and constructed to receive and retain the tongue and longitudinal bars, in the manner shown and described. No. 140,353.— RKIHFX FI I.WOOD and RICHARD L. PITCHER. .SN> \M .i;i. \\ i .—Cultivators.— Ju/y I, 1S73. Filed /A.. 7. I^7J. Claim. — I. — Ihi i ..MihiMaiion .md arrangement of the beams G, rods N, and hrackets M with the arms a, provi- ded with the slot or holes c and rod d, substantially as and for the purposes specified. 2. — The combination and arrangement of the beams G, rods N, brackets M, with the arms n, rod d, and locking device ef, substantially as descrilied. 3. — The swing-bar K, in combination w ith a beam, G, and chains L, substantially as specified. 4. — The combination of the rack widi the bracket /( by spring / and piny of the lever, constructed and operating sulwtantially as described. 5. — The fiiit-rc-t T. when provided with proieciions above anl * i 1'. ,1 aiyh-beam, in combination with the clamp//. ■ . ! : : :: : l.rl.oth vertically and Laterally ad- justed, Ml ■ ii.'i :-. ,:■ .l.;,Lribed. No. M-.i;;- \1AI rilKW I'. SIMl'SdX, Tana, and JO.SEril I', ILI.MiiI 1. Sin iii^Mii i.asM-noi, loTiiF. SHELliVNiiii Mam I \. 1 1 i;iM, hanks i of the drag-bars, passing through ilu I y. - it ilu jiendent arms 0, in combination with adju.^urig-iiuia and .spiral springs, substantially as de- scribed. No. 141,786.— JONATHAN M. GUSTIN, Wilming- ton, OhK). — Cultivators. — August 12, 1873. Filed Jan- uary 28, 1873. Claim. — I. — The yielding beam-supporters, consisting of the bent plates M, swiveled to the beam E, and holding the adjustable screw-rods N and springs O, substantially as and for the purpose specified. 2. — The yielding beam-supporter, consisting iif the bent plate M', hinged to a swiveled horizontal shank, and hold- ing the adjustable screw-rod N and spring (.), substantially as and for the purpose specified. 3. — The arched or bent brace H, constructed and arranged as shown and described, in combination with axle A, axle-arms C, and clutch-plates B B', substantially as and for the purpose .specified. 4. — The adjustable and removable seat G G^, loop G', and rack G^ combined, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 5. — The axle A and axle-arms C, in combination with the clutch-plates B B', bolts b'^, and the combined walking and riding cultivator herein described. No. 141,988.— NOAH G. BLAUSEK, Etna, Ohio.— Corn-Cultivators. — August 19, 1873. Filed May 14, 1873- Claim. — The combination of the beams L, plates h h, ball (-, braces//, stirrup /•, and rod in, for making a joint and adjustable connection for the front end of the beams, as is herein set forth. No. 143,338.— JOHN H. FRANK, Mili.heim, Pa.— Cullivntors. — Scptcmlwr 30, 1S73. Filed -•/«;,';«/ 9, 1 873. Claim.— I.— The combination of the frame-bars J J', the single and double pivoted joints, and tlio screw bofts/' for rciulLM-ing the drag-bars laterally rii^id, tin icliv .idapting the machine to be used as a field-cultiCaloi . .1, d. ., 2 — The combination of the fraiiR I ill- I J', ilic double and single pivoted joints, screw boll-/', dra^bns H H', and shovel-standards (i, as and for the purpose described. No. I43,r ji.— lAMES F. M.VPCHET and PERRY W. SMITH, Paris," \hK—lVheel-Cultivators.— October 14, 1873. Filed/;/;,,- 7,1873. Claim.— The double bow C C, tongue D, cross-bar E, and arms F, all pivoted together and moving freely upon each Dec eit afte •iber 9, 2.— The 1. combination I>, arranged : rising above the drag bars c, as specified. No. 141,462.— RICHARD B. ROBBINS, Adrian, Mich. — Cultivators. — August 5, 1873. Filed December 20. 1872. Claim. — The anchor-shaped pendent hooks e, in combi- nation with the staples/, when used in a lateral moving cultivator, substantially as described. No. 5,676.— RICHARD B. ROBBINS, Adrian, Mich. — Cultivators. — 141,462. — August 5, 1873. — Reissued De- cember 2, 1873. Filed October 13, 1873. Claim. — In combination with the bent axle B and frame E, the forked slide G, screw-bolt D, lever and nut F, ad- justable standards and shovels G K, and subsoilers L, as and for the purpose described. No. 145,636.— DAVID B. EBERLY, Pine Vill.\ge, \^D.— Cultivators.— December 16, 1873. Fi'^ 1873. Claim.— I.— The expansible axle-tree B, consistmg of the slotted links b, substantially as specified. 2.— The combination, with a drag-beam, D, of the shovel- plough and the adjustable weed-cutting knife-blade attach- CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. ed to the sides of said drag-beam, and extending rearward- ly of the share, as shown, and for the purpose mentioned. 3. — In a cultivator, the detachable middle slotted link b, in combination with the arch J, substantially as specified. 4. — The fulcrum/', with its connection-pin Z, in com- bination with the blotted extension-axle B, substantially as specified. No. 146,030.— WILLIAM H. STRONG, Cunion Township, Seneca Cou.ntv, ( iiiiu.— Wlu-el-Cidtivators. — December ■^o, 1873. Filed A/,:y 19, 1^73. Claim. — In a wheel-cultivator, tlic lugs A A, cranked levers D E, bar F, chain G, and liooka I I, arranged and attached in the manner described, and for the purpose hereinbeTore set forth. No. 146,576.— ISAAC CORY, Dalton, I^d.— Cultiva- tors. — January 20, 1874. Filed September 27, 1873. Claim. — I. — The combination, with seat-bar D and stir- rups G, of the clamps F F, to hold both seat and foot-rest adjustably to the frame, in the manner described. 2. — The front bar K, bowed in the center, and the mid- dle bar H, bowed on each side, combined with the side bars C C, to allow the ploughs to be pivoted in front, the handles to rise up, and the implements to be moved lateral- ly or vertically, in the manner described. No. 146,638.— lA.ME.S P. BATTEN, Union Precinct, assignor of one-half his right to THOMAS M. TURNER, Fremont, Nebr. — January 20, 1874. Filed November 25, 1873- Claim. — I. — The equaUzer or curved yoke D, chain li, and pulley e, in combination with rods^' and hinges /, as and for the purposes set forth. 2. — In combination with the hinged plough-beam and standard, the curved bar k, acute angled scraper F, and shovel G, constructed and operating as shown and de- scribed. No. 146,822.— MATTHEW GREEN, Walker Sta- tion, Mo. — Co7nbmed Cultivators, Stalk Cutters, Harroxvs, and Corn Planters. — January 27, 1874. Filed Septem- ber 6, 1873. Claim. — In a wheeled implement, the supporting frame a b d, the beams and guide rods / vi, the arched axle C C, combined and adapted, as set forth, for the attachment of a cultivator, stalk cutter, harrow, or corn planter. No. 147,245.— LYMAN W. DICKERSON, Manlius, N. \.— Quack Diggers and Cultivators.— February 10, 1874. Failed September 20, 1873. Claim. — The segments F and G, with teeth //, in combi- nation with the frame A, ratchets M M', and ropes s s, sub- stantially as and for the purpose hereinbefore set forth. No. 147,669.— JAMES B. LUCAS, Pellsville, III.— Cultivators and Ploughs. — February 17, 1 874. Filed July 19, 1873. Claim. — The combination of the br.ices W, couplings X, brace Y, and couplings Z A' with the tongue C, hounds D, bent axle B,and braces F, substantially as herein shown and described, and for the purpose set forth. No. 148,261.— BYRON D. TABOR, Wli.soN, N. Y., assignor to himself and C. D. TABOR, same place.— O////- vators. — March 3, 1874. YWtA January 29, 1S74. Claim. — I. — In a cultivator, the arm G, with its short axle D, spindle /), journals (.i:E, Fairi.EY, IoWA. — Cultiva- tors.— Jum 9, 1^74. liled October 21, 1873. Claim. — In a cultivator, the combination, with hanging frames or staples F, of vertically-hinged drag-bars C D, braces G, and laterally-hinged guide-plates I, as and for the purpose set forth. No. 151,839.— HUGH CARGO, BowlingGreen, Ohio. — Cultivators.— June 9, 1874. Filed Febriiar)' 24, 1874. Claim. — I. — The combination, with the frames A A' ami shovel-beams C C, of the frames E E. i.iviHt'd 10 the bell-cranks F, and ang the said shovel-beams, substantially as ilLscnbt'l 2. — The herein-described adjustable cuhivatin, wherein the frame ••K .\' , wheel B, beams C C, clevises D D, frame plates E E, bell-cranks F F, and bail G are constructed and combined substantially as shown and set forth. No. 152,343.— LEVI JUDSON DAVIS, Ellsworth, Ohio. — Cultivators. — June 2t„ 1874. Filed December t,, 1873- Claim. — I. — In a wheel-cultivator, the combination of the hinged axle A and shovel-standards rigidly attached thereto with the arm H and evener E, connected by the draft-rod C't, and the tongue B, substantially as shown and described. No. 153,621.— N. J. SKAGGS and L. W. TRUE, Tall- ADECA, .^LA. — Combined Sulkv-Ploughs and Cultivators. — Julv 28, 1874. Filed May 29', 1874. Claim.— I.— The combination, with axle-frames A, of frames G, hinged at one end thereto, and extending, as well as receiving, ploughs on both sides of the axle, as shown and described. 2. — The combination, with plough- frames G, hinged within axle-frame A, of draft-chains attached to a staple on and under the said plough-frames, as and for the purpose specified. No. 153,751.— WM. M. COSTON, Quitman, Mo.— Sulky-Cultivators.— August 4, 1874. Filed March 28, 1874. Claim. — The carriage or frame of a sulky-cultivator, composed of the perforated side beams C C, adjustalile wheels A A, front connecting bars D IJ, and rear metallic plates or bars R, bent at their ends around the side beams of the frame, and having rearwardlv-projecting central arm S for the adjustable attachment of the driver's seat, all the parts being constructed and relatively arranged as herein shown and described. No. 154,001.— ABNER S. BAKER and WM. H. LAN- DON, Kalamazoo, Mich. — Gang-Cultivators. — August 11,1874. Filed J/,n' 5, 1874. Claim. — The combination, wdth the wheel I and slide J, of the slotted lever K, wheel or roller/, headed pin s, slot- ted and notched plate M, and standard L, all substantially as and for the purposes herein set forth. No. 154,081.— JOHN L. POLLARD, Scott's Hill, Tenn". — Cultivators. — Augiist II, 1874. Filed February 28, 1874. Claim. — The plough-beams G G', pivoted at i to the rear portion of the draught pole D, and connected together at their front ends by a bolt, b, the guides ^^^ the rod H, and hand-lever L, all constructed, arranged, and operating as described. No. 154,404. — JOHN LUX, HoPKiNTON, Iowa. — Cul- tivators. — August 25, 1874. Filed March 21, 1874. Claim — In a wheel cultivor, the laterally and longitudi- nally slotted vertide pendants H, in combination with the sliding sheaves and pulleys i, substantially as set forth. No. 154,472.— V. K. GEORGE, Geneseo, III.— Eveners for Cultivators. — August 25, 1874. Filed Jtily 7, 1874. Claim. — In combination with the double-trees D E, ar- ranged on each side of the axle and connected by rods d d, the depending bars a a, braces b b, and single-trees G G, all operating together as and for the purposes set forth. No. 154,586.— WILLIAM P. DALE, Agricultural CoLLWJE, Pa. — Cultivators. — September I, 1874. Filed February 21, 1874. Claim. — I. — In a cultivator, the beams D D pivoted at their front ends to rods c", which pass through slots e' in arms C, in combination with laterally vibrating arms F, and staples /, which suspend the rear ends of said beams, sub- stantially as described. 2. — The beams D, hung so as to be movable longitudi- nally, as described, and having single-trees connected to their front ends, in combination w ith the chains k n, ar- ranged as described. 3. — The guards I I, staples/'/', and plouijh beams D D, arranged to be movablL-, as .Irsml,,!. m ...mbinalion with the laterally and vertically Mil 'Mil- , - 1-, connected by slots to said staples //, subs(aiil;all\ as ,ei iMilli. 4.— The laterally and vertically vibrating arms F, with studs /;, suspending the rear ends of plough-beams D, in combination with the pivoted treadles,!,^, and the perforated connecting rod H, substantially as shown and de- scribed. No. 154,666.— MARQUIS L. GORHAM, Rockford, III. — Cultivators. — September II, 1874. Filed iT%/ 17, 1872. Claim. — I. — The combination of the hangers E, recessed disks F, disks a, and their necessary holes and studs, with the drag-bars I, to allow of a vertical motion to the drag bars, as described. 2. — The suspension rods d, regulating springs g, and drag-bars I, in combination with hangers E, to which they are attached, substantially as described. 3. — The bent sway-bar N, having right-angled piece /, in combination with pin r and axle B, as and for the pur- pose described. 4. — The shields u, beams S and R, in combination with the drag-bars I, as and for the purpose described. 5. — The clamp-bloCK K, having vertical and lateral sock- ets, with shovels / attached thereto, and eye screw-bolt n, in combination with the standards H, constructed and oper- mgi described. Ng. 154,835.— A. F. CARLSON, C. SHIPPS and W. CAMRON, Attica, I^d.— Wheel-Ploughs and Cultiva- tors.— September 8, 1874. Filed March 23, 1874. Claim.— I.— The bent and twisted bars D' attached to the double-tree D, which has its ends bent downward, forming a convenient attachment, to which to couple the cultivator-ploughs G and the eveners H, substantially as herein set forth. 2. — The combination of the bent double-tree D, bent and twisted arms D', hook-couplings /;, pins or bolts b', and the cultivator-ploughs G, substantially as and for the purposes herein set forth. 3. — The combination of the cultivator-plough G, bail e, rod or bar e', lever I, and the axle B, provided with a groove on its under and rear side, all substantially as and for the purposes herein set forth. 4. — The combination of the circumferentially-grooved axle B, stirrup J, with hooks formed at its ends, the set- screws /"/; adapted to carry bars J' ]', pins/'/', and break- ing-plow K, all sulistantially as and for the purposes herein set forth. No. 154,915.— SYLVESTER RUFFNER, Carthage, Ohio. — Cultivators. — September 8, 1874. Filed June 29, 1874. Claim. — I. — The combination of the pivoted tongue H, trigger K, and pivoted handle P, constructed and operating as and for the purpose set forth. 2. — The combination of the pendants F F', whifllletrees G, and flexible stays T T with the swinging tongue H and beam C, as shown and described. 3. — In combination with the beam C f of a cultivator and the pivoted tongue H I, the draw-bolt J, trigger K, per- forated bar L / N, circle plate M O O', and stops 0', as and for the objects stated. No. 155,159. — EMANUEL M. KIS.SELL and MARTIN L. KISSELL, SPRiNOFir.i.n, Ohio.— /f/w/- CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. Cullivalors. — September 22, 1 874. Filed January 12, 1874. Claim. — I. — A ."iquare draft-post, forked to receive the cross-beam in a cultivator, and secured to the latter in such manner as to allow of a vertical as well as lateral adjust- ment of the same by the clamping devices described, con- sisting of links m m above and below the cross-beam B, edge plates 11 11, jjrovided with s(|uave grooves or guides n" for the recejitioii jimI -t i tii iiu: ( if tlie post in a j^erpendicular position, and a- -i:. : -.i ;! \Lrtical adjustment ol the same, block ;^ an ' - 1 1 fastening it at any point, all arranged in Ur iikuiuli II Liibcd,as and for the purpose set forth. 2. — A plough-standard having a lateral brace extending across the inner angle of the same, and secured to the beam- plate by the same bult which pivots the standard to the beam-plate and beam, in the manner described. 3. — The flanged rhomboidal beam plates O, provided with ratchet parts ;- and gains j'', in combination with beam C, brace /'', and standard s, as shown and described, as and for the piir|H,,e ,rt iMitli. 4. — Piaic 1 1 ami |iait^ 5' s'' e' e e" , in combination with beam C, brace h' , ami standard s, arranged in the manner shown and descrilied, for the purpose set forth. 5. — The journal -• and plates i' i' and /, in combination with the forked draft-post E and the clamping device, as described, by winch the same is attached to the cross beam B, in the manner shown and described, as and for the pur- pose set forth. No. 155,419.— A. CANFIEI.D, Garnett, Kansas.— Corn-Cultivators. — September 29, 1874. Filed June 20, 1874. Claim. — I. — The vertically-adjustable arched irons a o, in combination with the tongue D and seat beam E', sub- stantially as and li.r iIk- iiur|i..M- set forth. 2. — The revcrsiblt |i>ni ,.v ,[i,-ni\> braces, condsined with the shovel beam^. Mibsiantiall\ a, described. No. 7,513.- .v. ( A.MIl Idi, Davenport, Iowa. — Corn-Cultivaton.— 1 55 ,4 1 9. — September 29, 1 874. — Reis- sued February 20, 1877. YW^A January 16, 1877. Claim. — I. — The pendant bars F, curved as described, and arranged to operate with the plates C", carrying the bolt/, bar O, and having the holes/-", -for the adjustment of the beams (5 G' substantially as described, and for the purpose specified. 2. — The vertically-adjustable arched irons a a, in combi- nation with the tongue D and seat beams E', substantially as and for the |nirpose specified. 3. — The arched plates a, secured to the tongue, as described, and having slots c" combined with the bar E' and bolts c', substantially as and for the purpose speci- fied. 4. — The reversible foot or stirrup braces, combined with the shovel beams, substantially as and for the purpose specified. No. 155,717.— EDWARD I. ENO, St. Louis, Mo.— Cultivators.— October 6, 1874. Filed July 14, 1874. Claim. — I. — The combination of the bars D and G, tongue E, lever I. and lever frame K, all constructed and operating substantially as set forth. 2. — The combination of the double-ended lever M, link N, and hook P with the plough beam and ^axle, all substan- tially as and for the purpose set forth. 3.— The combination of the plough beams (), clip S S T, and round upright U, all ■iil>iaiiii iliv a^ ^1 ; l^ii ili. No. 155,905.— THEdl" >!: I i \ A \ i ' I > . l;l FT and W. VANDEGRIFT, W ,, > i;, i i . :; . /•loughs. — October I-.,. 1S74 Fik<] /.v,;, • --5, iN;4 Claim.— I.— The tongue, cumpo^ed of sections D D', jointed together and combined with the pivoted sheath DS the hand lever F, and its connecting rod b, substantially as described. No. 155,956.— SAMUEL JONES, Linx'oln, III.— C?i the purposes set forth. 2. — The L-shapeil bars 27. constructed and operating as described, in combination with the plough-beams 7, loops 31, transverse bar 24, and nuts 25 26, substantially as and for the purposes set forth. 3. — The nuts 25 26 and screw-protecting sleeves 28, in combination with the L-shaped bars 27 and transverse bar 24, for adjusting the plough-beams as to their distance as- under [be c f the hf 1 1 8 and pivoted bails 1 lie 17 learn 7. and draft appara- , hieh the pi Uj^h-beams are support- th )iit iHcctmg the application of the 1 H SIOI FORD, Galeseurg, III. Junnry 12 1875. Filed Augtist — Jl« 21 1874 Claim — I — In a walking straddle-row cultivator, the combination of the pivoted pole C rigid axle A, wheels B, and plough beams D D, so that the operator may control the direction of the machine by the plough handles, and permit of the tongue vibrating freely, substantially as and for the purpose specified. 2. — The suspending rods E E, secured to the forward ends of the plough beams, and projecting forward of the axle, and operating in combination with the brace rods rt' n', substantially as and for the |iurpose specified. No. 159,500.— EDWIN CHILDREN, Dunleith, III. — Cultivators. — February 9, 1875. Filed October 9, 1874. Claim. — The combination of the pivoted draft-pole C and lever E with the swing arms J J, provided at their for- ward ends w ilh rollers i i, resting'upon the front timber d" of the cultivator frame, the said swing arms being pivoted at the centre beam d' and to the plough beam, supporting CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. sway IH pole, su No. 1 by a the ilrafl- L. GORHAM, RocKi.-.)RD, ll.L.—Cu:-:. ■'■"■f 9, 1875. Filed September 21, 1874. Claim. — I. — The removable centre beam U, with its plough h, hinged to yoke C by the swivel joint formed by cyebolts e' and c" and attached loosely to drag bars A by the yoke C and eyebolts <-, combined and operating sub- stantially as and for the purposes described. 2. — The free sway bar 1), with its terminal ends d, in combination with the sockets d' d" , constructed as de- scribed, and adjustable on drag bars A of a cultivator, sul> stantially as and for the purpose described. No. 159,560.— GEO. S. BROWER, G. W. BROWER, and E. A. BROWER, Cr.wvkordsvii.i.k, Ind.— f F//tv/- Cii/liv,ilois. — /^eliriian> 9, 1875. Filed Nmembcr 14, 1874. Claim. — I. — The slotted frame-pieces B, having curved rear sockets, E, in combination with the seat-bar F, short axles A, and bolls C, as and for the purpose specified. 2. — The combination of the yokes I M \\ ilh the cross- bar J and pins L L, arranged as and for the purpose speci- fied. 3. — The combination of braces R, stay-rods T. and hang- ers U with rod Q, to support the plough-standards, as set forth. No. 159,689.— EDWIN E. LEACH, Ced.\r Rai-ids, Io\V.\. — Wheel-Cidtivators.—Fthriiary 9, 1875. Filed October 17, 1874. Claim. — The combination of the elevated vertirally-ad- just A of the ; uandards C, and combined supporting or draught bars and braces E E' E'', substantially as and for the purpose specified. No. 160,142.— JACOB BEHEL, Rockford, III., as- signor of one one-half his right to RALPH EMERSON same ^^z^.— Cultivators. — February 23, 1S75. [Filed January 26, 1875- Claim. — I. — The handle E, pivoted to the beam or drag- bar D, in combination with the rod or connection F, sub- stantially as and for the purpose specified 2.— The combination of the h^nni or drag-bar D, handle E, and rod or conn- ■ :i ii I W !:!i ili< iatcln:t--egment G and pawl or catch /5, fur < 1: njiii: i' ^ li I. lini; the beams in dif- ferent positions, suli-t.,iiti.-llv ;!-, ^1' -.cnlie'l. No. 160,210.— L. L LAWRENCE and G. .S. THOMAS Dublin, Ind., assignors to Wayse Acricultural Com- pany, same place. — Cultivators. — February 23, 1875. Filed /«««ao' 2, 1875. Claim. — I. — The described combination of bed plale E, turn table G, tongue H, bolt K, lever M, anii.'li- .m-l hoes attached .as descrilicd, aihl lin- ■■\\i.\. . 1 iiii|.- > ,. 11 il.ina- tion with the arched -upi"..! I. i-i- I , Ii.h . s M. .mmI ^tuds N, substantially as sin I » 11 ..im1 J-- rnlurd. 3. — The combinnli' 11 ■■! . nliuitors AD, arched beam C, lever O, and s|.riiiL; t.iicli I'mhIi the truck frame and tongue, substantially a.^ stt luiili. N.). 161,047.— CHARLES M. LUFKIN, Langd(in, N. H. — Machines for Digging Stones, Stumps, Roots, &'c. —A/arch 23, 1875. Filed February 24, 1873. Claim. — The combination of the hook or prong B, draw- iron D, swivel G, beam A, stay iron I, handles C C, rod J, braces E E, and brace F, substantially as and for the pur- pose hereinbefore set forth. No. 161,102.— WILLIAM P. DALE, Pennsylvania State College, Pa. — Wheel-Cultivators. — March 23, 1875. Filed August 29, 1874. Claim.— I.— In combination with hinged or pivoted shovel-carrying beams D D, the vertically and Laterally vibrating arms" F F, connected together at their front ends by means of a hand bar, G, substantially as described. ' 2.— Beams D D, connected by joints C C to longitudin- ally-vibrating arms E E, having independent bearings on the hounds C, substantially as described. 3. — The supports S' S', pivoted to the seat S, and having hooks J i on their ends, in combination with plates / / and hounds C C, as described. No. 161,592.— WILLIAM CLEMENTS, Fiskville, ■\l.yi.— Combined Gans^-rioui^hs and Cultivators.— April 6, 1875. Filed/)... , j;. l^74 Claim. — The cro--- ■ -i. 1. -l to straddle the row, and rising up to fill I, : ;; . n.l journaled in theframe I L, in combination vmiIii;,. . ii;;iv ,Uor-standards N, pivot- ed at or near their lliiLji^ hi ihc bar M, and near their up- per ends to a coi^— hai, < 1. whereby they may be lilted or laterally adjusted, >uli>l,nitially as and for the purposes set forth. No 161,855.— JOHN N. BASHAW, Geneva Lake, ^N\?..— Cultivators.— April 13, 1875. l''''et' March 1, (■l.iiii I. Ii; ,1 I ii!ti\ii'.r. ihi combination of the beams ],. 1-. ,, : ;.,';.] .. .1, whereby the beams D^ an : i . : I 1 . 11 to each other, and in i^l : 1,1 ti). I..., IN 1 ', ,.ii . .11-11 ii..!L-d as and for the pur- poM 2. — The split tongue A, hinged beams D D, each having adjustable beams D' D^, in combination with the flexible brace E, chains « n, elbow levers H, and T-joint a, all as and for the purpose set forth. No. 162,126.— LORENZO W. TRUE, Talladega, \l.\.—Sulkv-Floughs.— April 13, 1S75. F'led February 27, 1875 Clann — I — In combination w ith the beams E, pivoted to Clanks /, the diaft-iod^ , , slotted aims h, and links /, the lod- c p^ssm..; thiou,h ..1 U t siandaids d' of caster wheels ,/, iiK II t ' 1 II 2 II 1111 \ I i_, lounded ends ?;, secured t , il 11 i I 111 1 1 blocks/ L, clips ;• ?•', .„!, 1 il I 11 le Liibed T. — S] nil IS , a|iplie I to the ends of plough beams E, as and foi the puipose descubed. 4. — 1 he levers J, having lifters //' on their lower ends, and connected to arms m on cranks/, in combination with the plough beams E, pivoted to said cranks, substantially as described. No. 162,151.— CLEMENT L. CARTER, Union City, \liv.— Ploughs.— April 20, 1 875. Filed January 12, 1875. Claim. — I.— The combination of the wheels g, having long stub axles /;, wiih the frame, having the vertical slotted posts k and guides /, and with the cranks n, rock shaft o, and lever /, as shown and described. 2.— The combination of the inner standards B, pivoted at their middle to a rigid support, having the arms //and CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. I th 1 1 1 tl "t'"g ^^'>' '-^■' '' I I 1 t. set forth I \ I I M 1 AW ORtGJN ij> 5 Iildl Januaiy 30 the "itM substii 11 I ^o I — \M s — Lull I I J I -L 1875 Claim — 1 — Ab an impio\ement in cultivators the com biintion of tl nhl q el\ iinngc 1 | Inugh fnme \ liding n f 1 1 11 If the 1 eir 1x1 I tilting fiame A with H operated by frame in lai ed and t segnit stantiill 2— Ii slo ted t ally 1 N 1 Ma s- A/ CI ■ind I Mil LI \ iiF Mil 111/ /I, 1S7S 1 if I 1 I 1 \\ th the handle C on frime A the I t p n / on the foot 1 ar F i b t n 1 1 ses debcnbed UN ()RL\NDO WcbT \ \r\iclih i'o>s—Mn 4 1875 l-'li-d teeth II III plained •> — In combination wilh the w heel caiTnge A the vibra- toiy rike in 1 the frame C nrnnged and applied togtthei ab specified the arns /' / an 1 the levers ; m pivoted to gethc II 111 1 1 and described \ I 1111 Mil lOKHVM nADLC\ III —Lilt -1/ 1 1 Iiled -^/;;/i2 1S75 (.1 II 1 hoe described consisting of th 1 I I Loultei i heel su] poit rt, and t I iinnged and operating, —Sulhy I '^75 and lly as and Culti Clai plate fortl N Cel 1 \A\DEK F PA rCHELI ER, (oriC lit I to -Jin "g 1875 Clai — I I 1111 m com biratioi Mtl I II l| I I 1 dies G hiin., fioni tl II II I II 2 — Handle I a l| til U | note I to 1 ame O and con nected to tlie spindles O in coml niation with the suspen sion links u lods and spring j substantially as de- sci b d , — In combination with the levohmg [loughs /; the nllin^ cleareib/ and the segment rack J sul stantially as bel ^ \ — I N I Oh — i!57S \ ANDK Rirr and 1 101 of 1 1 — C lllll ! WU lvlNM)\ (II IN \ 187s Filtd -4/n/ 17 1 of the pivoted and lomted N and the spiings O with I u^h beams I substantially L « itl here 1 M substantially as im r and the adjusting bars adju tal 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 tl R bubstmt all) a he e n h n ai I le ci bed No 166417— OEORt E W SCHENCk Geneva L\KE Wis a signoi to (_ E bK \ND()\ ame place — mielCiilttvitms—Aii^ut j, 1875 Filed A/iy 15, 187; Claim — In a cultuator substantially as described the combination of the le\eis Is. for lifting each set of shovels, both placed at u e 1 1l of ll t fianie ont I eing rigidly secuied to a r 1 I if ai I the othci tuiiin^ in le pendently of sai 1 1 i_l I if t 1 1 u e 1 | 1 itely r to be biniultaneo 1 1\ Ira n 1 acl I) nc. 1 in 1 il tin tan tally as descr bed and shown No 166636— ANDER SCHRADCK \\\ii\\\alh Wash — Cultt atois — 4u^ust 10 1S75 Filed Jin 7 187^ CI - II 1 t 1 11 1 111 i, rid D and Nil I I I I 1 rear wheels of the ucl 1 I II 1 1 1 \ n^ oblong slot / tl 111 111 111 e 1 11 connec h I CI 11 and I I and I A lie II 1 wheels I ul ti t 11 No 168 105 —H N Hotin^ Matlnnes — S pi 13 iS?!; Cla II I loul It 1 slide 1 2—1 I //; It . \\ 1 TFiELD Mass — iS 1; Filed I-thuary \\\ \ I I I I rvvisBiRc Ohio t I 5 1875 Filed July 24 nd slotted pla I 1 I t tie frame ton 1 r 1 I ted guides /; / and f I N I —Siill I t nil 1875 Claim — The combination, with the connected plough beam I f tl e r 1 lit/ with tieadles / and handles N 11 1 I p and adjustable pins s, subs I ! I e set fuith N II II II II CHRIS 1 Swan Crelk, assi, II .,1 t to JOHN I WORDEN, \oiM.,bi \\N 111— C n Ln is —Dl tml ct T,\%Ti Filedy«/i ^4 1875 Cl im — I he c mbmation nf the j late A ) ar B and I rontrq ( th nr ntl Itl 1 in shown an 1 1 I I 1 1 I 1 t to the il u 1 11 Nd I — 11 \| \ ll\ W 1 1 \ )\II T KLM\ Ik R\ nil I II I in or to said b W REM^ I 1 to REBECC \ A I 1 1 1 1 I 1 \ NOAH T REM\ \ I 11 I I I 1 Mil K — Wh l-Ciillmton—y , iS ( 1 ik 1 /» . / 2b 1875 Claim — I — In combination w ith the tongue C and axles A A tl c blocks F outei arches D D innei arches D' D and lo 1 ( ( II 1 t nt illy as and for the purposes 11 m ft lined as descubed and curve I cl le ends as an 1 for the puiposes herein mbmation of the plough beams J J curved 1 as le Cl I c 1 the 1 1 1 le ad]Ubt able standard tl 1 1 1 1 1 I n .» all substan 1,1 f ith J. I I W \l I \\ 1 \ M I UlbVILLE K\ I \\ I M 1 1 ;;/ I Liiiti at tl IS 111/ I iS s — I I 1 II k I tl 1 1 f ho el I m II wn 11 1 le cr 1 e 1 ml united ly as ij,n — / / CI Stan 1 metal CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. screw-bolts //passing Ihrougli branches of the beam, and through the bowed portion of the pair of standards, sub- stantially as and for the purposes set forth. 2. — The curved slotted shovel-standards L and N, hay- ing beveled or concave seats n n, with separate bearings, in combination with the shovel-block /, having convex ton- gues /', and the yoke q, substantially as described. 3.— The pivot-standard //, attached to the socket of the beam, and formed with a central channel and stops, //' h', in combination with the fender bar I, as shown and de- scribed. 4. — The arch A, rising from the inner ends of the axle- arms, and bowed outwardly and upwardly to support the tongue D, in combination with the arched brace C, attached to the front of the axle, and extending first forward, then upward and backward, and yoked to arch A, and clamped to tongue D in rear of said arch, substantially as shown and described. 5. — The double-eyed yoke-clip a, in combination with the arches A and C. suli'-tanli.illy as described. No. 174,013.— CH.VRl.KS (. SEABROOK and HENRV HEINE, Tai.i aiii-,.;a, A\..\.-Comln)ieJ Sftul- Planters and Cullivalors.—fdnuary 22, 1876. Filed Jau- iiarv 8, 1S76. Claim.— The lifting-frame M, constructed as shown, pivoted to the frame A, and capable of being reversed, so as to arrange the ploughs connected thereto in different positions for different kinds of work, as set forth. No. 174,563.— HARVEY PACKER, S.vndwich, I1.1.., assignor to the Sandwich Entkrprise Comi'ANY, same place. — Cultivators. — March 7, 1876. Filed August 2, '875. Claim. — The combination, with the plough-beams F, of the brackets O, having outward-projecting tubes O' O', ca-st therewith, the plough-standaids M, and the bolts and nuts O' 0^ all conslrucied substantially as and for the pur- poses herein .set forth. No. 174,577.— ANDREW RUTLEDGE, Rockkord, III., assignor of one-half his right to WM. A. KNOWL- TON, same ^X^^ct.— Cultivators.— March 7, 1S76. Filed June 23, 1875. Claim. — I. — The combination, substantially as before set forth, of the main frame, the hand-lever, the flexible connection, and the shovel-beam, provided with an inter- mediate bearing, to which the flexible connection is applied. 2.— The combination, subst.intially as before set forth, of the vibrating evener, the whifflelrees, the clamp pulley- blocks, the brackets therefor, and the flexible connections between the whiffletrees and the evener. No. 174,686.— JAMES C. LEIDY, Galesburg, III.— Cultivators. — March 14, 1876. Filed November 10, 1875. Claim. — I. — The axle of a straddle-row cultivator, con- structed of a single bar of iron, bent so as to form a rect- angular frame, with downwarilh-|inijectiii^ parts a a, be- tween which the spindles of the ^up|i(irling-wheels are secured, substantially as and for the purpose specified. 2. — The pendants E, having spherical heads e, in com- bination, with the clamp-plates D and bolts d, substantially as and for the purpose specified. 3. — The standard-plates L, placed diagonally on the standards, and combined with the plates M, beams F, standards J, and bolts N, substantially as described, and for the purpose six-ciFicd. 4. — TIk- 1 ''inli 11 ii-ii III ilh -|iin///•/■ Corn- Ploui;hs.— March 21, 1876. \-\\ei\Jauiiarv 22, 1S76. Claim.— I.— In a cultivator, an archeil axle, made in t\\'0 sections, B B, overlapping eacli ni!" 1 m iln • miie and adjustably connected together by ilan 1 ' 1 I 1 -crews a, substantially as and for the purpu-L l;. ; .:i : 1 iih. 2. — The combination of the ad,u-.ial,L .ixlc sections B B, Ijeams A A connected thereto by staples b b and braces d d, with clips e e, the loop m, connecting the front ends of the beams; and the wedge I, all substantially as and for the purposes herein set forth. No. 175,370.— ALEXANDER MEHARRY, Pleasant Hill, Ind., assignor to himself and WILLIAM BROWN, same place. — Draw^ht-Equalizers. — March 29, 1876. Filed July 17, 1875.' Claim. — The combination, with bent axle A havmg pulleys F F, and pole B having pulley E, of the centrally- pivoted bar I and connections D G J, arranged as and for the purpose specified. No. 175,392.-1.. P. THOMPSON, Phelps, N. Y.— Cultivators.— March 29, 1876. Filed January 26, 1876. Claim. — I. — In combination with the primary and secon- dary frames hinged together in Iront, the fixed pole, hinged seat bar H, and pivoted standards J, and adjusting segment or bar N, constructed and arranged to operate conjointly, substantially as and for the purposes set forth. 2. — In a combined fallow and crop cultivator, the secondarv frame, provided with coupling loops n on the ui'pci- anil b.wtr nJiIc >>\ the foi.i liar K, and otherwise con- sliuanl a~ sli,,«ii an. I discnbed, whereby it may be at- laclic.l ti. llie piimaiy fiaiiie, a-. ^Ii.iun, for cultivating (allow ground, or attached thereto ni an inverted position, so as to receive longer shanked teeth or " hillers," to adapt the same machine for cultivating growing crops. No. 175,636.— JOHN A. ADAMS, Battle Creek, Mich. — Cultivators. — April i^, 1876. YW^A December 2t„ 1875- laim. — I. — The combination of the stationary main frame .'\, braces D D, tongue G, jiivot bolt ;', and movable cultivator frame H, all siii.stantially as and for the purposes herein set forth. 2.— The notched ^uidc plale // attached to the under side of the frame II, in omibinatii m with the bars L and and I/, as and f..i- il.r |,ai|i..-,i - linriii -, 1 forth. No. 177,063.— Kl.ri:i:\ 11 lAVDdliand RICHARD L. PITCHER, Sv. \MiiKi , In . ; said riTCHER assignor to said ELWOOD.— (;>(//'/f<7/<»-,t.— J/.y 9, 1876. Filed N■ cof a wheelcultival and //' clevi, -plates and spccille'l, fur tin 2.— Hnok-bars „ links / /', set screw . >ii),; I «iih .h-auL;lU-post 6 and rod w nil lis key V, the frame-bars// and and e.mnecting-bolt g, as shown U|M„e ^et forth. 1 cnniliination with draught-post 3, nd the cross-bar x of a wheel-culti- vator, as shown, as and for the purposes set forth. 3. — The suspended draught-bar ' iS, 1877. Claim. — I. — The plou;^h-beam frame composed nf the bars /i /■', liolied together at their forward ends, and self- braced in the rear by the I ent angular portion of the bar /;', substantially as shown, and for the purpose set forth. 2. — In combination wdth the draught post E and rod a of a wheel-cultivator, the frame bars /; /;', clevis-platesy"', and connecting bolt //''', .1- -Ii"-'. u and sin-cified. 3. — The comliiii :;: 'ii .'iiii i!:e l.iteially and vertically adjustable drauglii ; I i ih- iMmk^-d bars r, attached thereto, so as to I ie .ha-i I 1 iin illy with the posts, and always occupy a relative i)0-ition with the plough-beam frame, substantially as set forth. 4. — The combination of the hooked bars <-, posts E, links e, set-screws d, and the elevated axle of a wheel-cultivator, substantially in the manner and for the purpose speci- fied. 5. — The suspended draught bar/, provided with a T-head for the p 1 pose of allow ing f two separate points of attach- ment thereto foi the draught lods ly their front ends, in order to e jualize the draught sub tantially in the 11 1 I I I 1 with a T-head, in com- 1 e diaught-iods, to form tl e wheel-spindle and ' N IS o 1 1 1 W 1 L sst LL and JOHN N. RUS- SFl L \siiL \ M SilhPli I antl Cultivators.— Jure 20 1876 \ led Sp I 10 1876- Claim — I — n e c ml mt on of the axle A, bent six times at It le (t at on end and four times at the otl er ) tl e wl eel 1> C tl e eve I rs D, and the board E witl II f tl e fr e \ ork of the machine sib tai I II cribed. 2 — II I \Ie and the plough-beam of the 1 L I with a hook shaped flange /;■', ml ;l;' i l|^-ti 1. collar or clamp N, as shown id described. 3. — The combinatic of the lever L and chain M with the bent axle A, the bars D, and the board E, substantially as herein shown and described. No. 179,133.— STEPHEN PURDY, Kewanee, III.— Cultivators. — June 27, 1876. Filed August 30, 787s. Claim.— I.— The combination of the boxes H and the pivot block L, formed in two parts, each having a trunnion, /.and ponided with suitable oil passages l" l^, with the a vle^ i 1, (iin-iiueted to operate substantially as and for the 2. — The combination, with a pair of cultivator plough beams, pivoted together subsLmtially as described, of the standards /;' tn of the plough beams and journal boxes, and the adjustable or extensible links N N, consisting, essentially, of two metallic plates having a series of bolt holes formed therein and provided with ears or projections at their extremities, wdiich, when bent over, clasp the two plates together, as described, all arranged and constructed CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. .louglis, Apiii substantially as and for the purposes set for No. 170.578.— LEVI WERTENBERG INI..— .S«//t-/Y,^«-/«.— 7//«.- 27, 1S76. 1S76. Claim. — In combination with the shovel carrying beams of a sulky-plough, angular levers J, constructed and apjilied as described. No. 180,271.— WILLIAM N. RIDDLE, Caddo Grove, Tv-ws. — IVAeel-Cullivators.— Jiih' 2S, 1876. V\\eLrihed. 3.— The combination ..| tiK l;ciil lever (^ witli the lever L, pivoted to the upii-lu~ M.jihI «ilh tiie pin 1 of the rear bow H, substantially as herein shown and de- scribed. No. 180,319.— SAMUEL A. BUCHANAN, Jeki-krson, Wxa.—Sii/ky-Culliva/ors.—July 25, 1876. Filed .//;// 15, 1S76. Claim. — I. — The adjustable hinge and couplmg, con- sisting of the tenoned post G' hub d, with arm G, and lug e, and the adjustable pivoted casting I, in combination with the drag bar H and sway bar J, as and for the purposes herein set forth. 2. — The hinge and coupling, consisting of the lug i, shaft /«, with eye 11, and forked pivoted arm L, in combi- nation with the drag bar H and lever K, as and for the purposes herein set forth. 3. — The combination of the pivoted plate R, carrying the plough standard, and having its free end inclined, and slotied plate S having inclined shoulder md lip y, substantially as and for the purposes herein set forth. No. 180,438.— WILLIAM P. STALCUP, Brookvii.le, IND., assignor to WILLIAM A. LINDSAY and J. W. REYNOLDS, same p\3,Cf:.—Cultwators.—Aiii;iist I, 1876. Fded>«. 15, .875. Claim. — I. — The combination of the hinged axles and rods D D with the blocks E, as described. 2. — The combination of an axle, hinged at its inner end to a fixed support, with a supporting socket at its outer end, adapted to ijermit vertical adjustment, substantially as de- scribed. No. 180,987.— G. BRADLEY, Rockford, 111., as- signor to C. R. chandler, same place.— Co/«-D(//rort- tors. — August I S, 1876. Filed J'W'ruiiry 14, 1876. Claim. — I. — The rods or bars G G, yoke G', pivoted to each other and to the axle A, as described, in combination with the loop H and shovel beams, for controlling said shovel and permitting their free lateral movement, substan- tially as described. 2. — The concave and convex ribbed plates J, in combi- nation with the shovel beams and standards, for ad'uslini; the angle of the shovels, substantiallv as .Usci iln .1. No. 181,069.— ALi;X. HAMILTON, 1 1 \i;Kis,ia i;(„ ARK.—Su/iy-P/oug/is Augiis/ 15, iSjb. Filed .)/,/!■ 22, 1876. Claim. — I. — The combination of the rods J, the arms L, the shaft M, the levers N, and the slotted foot-board K with the upper ends of the plough-standards I, and with the bars C D of the frame, substantially as herein show and de- scribed. 2. — The combination of the curved and slotted arms O, having notches or a series of teeth, and connected at their rear ends, by a transverse bar, with the braces P, the seat Q, the plough-frame, and the plough-raising devices, as and for the purpose set forth. No. 181,106.— WM. J. ROBERTSON, J.\sper Co.. Mo., assignor of one-half his right to PHILLIP KNIGHT, same place. — Prairie-Sod Cullivators. — August 15, 1 876. Filed May 13, 1876. e 1 1 u.,h be ms d esciibed No iS ,494 — D Lull, 7 -Au th.m -I — ■Ihe Claim. — The combination of the double beam I I, con- structed as described, the colter J, with shoe K and clasp L, all sub.stantially as herein set forth. No. i8i,24S.—CLEMENT L. CARTER, Union City, iNn. — Cullivators. — August 22, 1876. Filed May II, 1876. Claim. — The rock-shaft g, with its cranks «, in combina- tion with the connecting-links m and bars /, thus uniting the frame M with the tongue-bars /, as and for the purpose specified. No 181302— TOHNC BANNIGAN, DuNLEiTH, III. —( ," —-I t ^^ 1S76 Filed J/rtjr/; 21, 1876. II I I ' I lion, with single-trees M Q, ol tl \ I nd lever O, the latter pivoted ti 1 led 2 — Ihe e in bin \\.\ m \\ ith tongue and yoke, of the pin S and ling /', connected and ananged as and for the purpose set foith ; — 1 1 e t ml iinti m of the plough-beams, having front el 1 I I md socket joint, and u illi eaeli other, I II as and for the,- -|nMlir(|. I n of the pivoted leN . a - J , ihr s„ ,veled 111 I nnecting luds I L, with llie axle 11 and F, substantially as herein shown and -DANIEL C STOVER, Freeport, III. 1876 Filed March 4, 1876. fnine and beam I), in combina- tion vMlh the I t,id 1 ir E j n .te 1 al one end, and arranged 10 sh le biek and f ith upon the axle at the other, for hold- ing the beam up when not m use, and regulating the depth of the ploughs when at work, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 2. — The combination of the axle or frame, bar E, beam D, and slotted plate /, substantially as and for the purposes specified. No. 181,944.— THOMAS J, JONES, Blairsburg, lowA. — Cultivators — September ^, 1S76. Filed June (), 1876. Claim. — The combination of the Iwa. beams ,/, united at their front ends by the bow ;,', -,iiii;l. -d. es //, attached to the ends of the bow, lever /, shah /,■, .nul ehaiiis or rods t, substantially as shown and deseribeil. No. 182,138.— THOMAS R. WALLIS, Egg's Point, Uiss.— Wheel-Cultivators.— September 12, 1876. Filed May 22, 1876. Claim. — I. — The axle-frames, consisting of eliptical plates G and connecting-bolts H, combined with the short axles B and the arch standards C, substantially as herein shown and described. 2.— The bolts H, formed on the arch-standards C, and combined with plates G, substantially as herein shown and described. No. 182,443.— WILLIAM P. HUBBARD, Farmland, \'AVi.— \Vhetl-Cultiwitors.September 19, 1876. Filed Augusts, 1876. Claim. — The combination of the pivoted tongue G, hav- ing the toothed segment-plate H, the circular bed-plate F, the lever I, provided with toothed plate i and r.ick-bar J, whereby the tongue is deflected, and retained at any desired angle, substantially as described and shown. Xo. 1 82,(123— W.\I,ES .^LDRICH, Dayton Ohio., as-in I.. Dwii'N Mai iiiNE COMPANY, same place. — //7,v, /.(>,///.-.//,-/-.<.— .V, /■/,«/.,•;• 26, 1876. Filed //m^ 23, 1870. Claim.— Til.' )iP^ :' resented, ea. I, ! ends of the , i bars b, the wl.ule uuu pose specified. No. 182,988.— FREDRIC P BEUCLER, Charleston, \o\i\.— Cultivators.— October 10, 1876. Filed April 24, 1876. Claim.— I.— The cultivator-holder having a breaking- pin connection with a pin above arranged to break, com- bined with a hook below, which admits of removing the plough, substantially as set forth. 2. — The combination of parts E F, having an elbow- shaped space between them, with the wheel-frame C C and wheel-axle E, substantially as set forth. and D, of tlig shape rep- iraced by the tongue E and intially as and for the pur- 236 CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. 3. — The combination of the tongue, the wheels, and the tubular pipes C C, bent and connected, substantially as set forth, to form a cultivator-frame. 4. — The cultivator-plough beams formed of tubes having the joint-connection in front, and curved down to receive the cultivators, and having the curved portion enlarged, substantially as set forth. No. 183,004.— LUDIA H. HODGES, Tarrant Co., 'i^y.k%.— Wheel-Cidtivators.— October 10, 1S76. Filed July 20, 1875. Claim. — I. — The clevis K, having four sides in the form of a parallelogram, and pivoicd eccentrically between the vertical bars E 1', a- set lurth. 2. — The>le clevis K, eccentrically pivoted on the vertical bars E and F, in combination with the plough beam and frame, whereby the front end of the plough beams are attached and provided with both Literal and vertical adjustments, as specilied. 3. — The bent plate .S, forming a keeper for the marker and a drauglit hook, in combination with the draught rod R, chain /', beam B, and bar E, as shown and de- scribed. No. 185,251.— JACOB HENRY COLE, Danville, Vp..— Combined Cu/tivalors ami Sulky-PloKgks.— October 17, 1876. Filed September 5, 1S76. Claim. — 1. — The combination of the pivoted tongue D, the sliding and rotating shaft /', connected to the tongue and to the beams, the lever I, shaft k, with arm k', and link /, substantially as and for the purposes herein set forth. 2. — In a cnltivator or sulky-plough, a single shaft, b, sliding and rocking in boxes a a, and connected to the plough beams, in combination with two separate and independent levers, whereliy the ploughs may be raised and lowered and moved laler.iUy, substantially as herein set forth. No. 183,280.— CHAS. A. BENTLEY, Canton, III., assignor of one-half his right to MARTIN HOFFMAN, same place. — Cultivators. — Oetober 17, 1876. Filed Au- gust 29, 1876. Claim.— I— The frame C, carrying the ploughs G ami I, and tongue IJ, pivoted to the frame A, and arranged to operate \\\\\\ tlie vock shaft M cranks m, and hand lever m'' , subst.inlially as nnd for the purpose specified. 2. — The seat support, constructed as described, of a truss frame, and adjustably seated on the bars C, substantially as and for the purpose specilied. No. :83,639.— ANDREW CANFIELD, Daveni'ort, Iowa. — Riding and Walking Cultivators. — Oetober 24, 1876. Filed August 26, 1876. Claim. — I. — In a cultivator, the seat sustaining rods ¥ F, ill combination with the double stirrup G, having openings g g, and perforated plates H H, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 2. — In a cultivator, the seat-sustaining rods F F, double stirrup G, having openings <'.•,■, and perforated plates 11 H, in combination with the laterally and vertically vibrating shovel beams L, provided with foot rests (j', substantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. iS^.,042.— A1M< i\ HINT, Macomb, assignor to SMITH C. .1 M i\. Ri WANEE, I1.L.— Cultivators.— Noztembery, iSju. I'll.-I .l/,.v , // S, 1676. Claim. — I. — 1 lie sleeve (., operating as a connecting plate between the detachable pole I and the ploughs D, when the latter are suspended, as set forth. 2.— The sleeve G, having plate g H on its ends, .and stops A operating, in combination with the detachable pole I, axle A, and ploughs D, having hooks L for engaging studs K, substantially as and for the purpose specified. 3. — The sleeve G, having plates^' H, and stops// be- tween the plates, operating in combination with the sections A' A' of a divided axle to hold them in place and limit their motion, substantially as and for the purpose speci- fied. No. 184,155.- ORLANDO HUFFMAN,;;Friend, Ne- braska, .assignor of one-half his right to BAILEY G. McKINZIE, same place.— H7/eel-Cultirators.—Aoivmber 7, 2876. Filed A/are/i 23, 1876. Claim. — I. — In combination, the beams A A', having bifurcation < at their rear ends, the plough standards C, having reduced spindles b, and the pivoted cross bars D E, substantially as specified. 2. — In combination wilh the beams .\ .\'. pivotal bar D, and vibrating standanK (_', tlie rotating eyebolt F, handle livotal rods 11 ecified. No. 184,441.— WILLIAM 1!. .STURGlS,SUELiiYVlLLE, III. — Cultivators. — jVovember 14, 1876. Filed August 21, 1876. Claim. — The tubular or bored coupling blocks M, the short crank axles B, the curved bar C, having perforated ends, the set screws D, for securing the axles in any adjust- ment, the pair of front liraces 1 J and the rear brace K, inclined as specified, and the frame F, all constructed and arranged as shown and described. No. 185,471.— J. C. BANNIGAN, Dunleith, III.— Cultivators. — December 19, 1876. Filed _/««<■ 17, 1876. Claim. — I. — In a cultivator, the combination, with the verdcally and horizontally vibrating shuvel beams I, of the tripping levers J, the angular juurnal rods /, depending from and rotating axiidly in the rear ends of the bars C C, and affordin.; I'enriiigs for the ^md levers, and the pivoted rods/«,.uhM.Ull)nlU':,ss|,rcir.ed. 2. — Ilie leMi- I, j.iMieil u> vibrate vertically On the axletree. in w illi the angular rods E, the evener l.J', drauglil rod^;, >ee«red to the lower end of the said lever, and sll^tal)led liy llie \ertical arm of the angular rods E, sulislintially as speciheii. 3. — In combinaliun, the sho\el |ioiiu P, having metallic bridge/ and set screw q, with enlarged rounding head i', and the stamlard //, having a concave recess in its lower end, adapted ,to receive the said head, substantially as described. 4. — In combination with the beams 1 and levers J, the rud w, connecting the same, and [irnv ided %\ ith an e\e, ;/, upon its upper end, adapted to engage wiih a pi., ectiiig spur /■, upon the ends of bars C C\ substantially as speci- fied. No. 185,9^2.-}. H. lONES, RocKKORii, III., assignor to R. EMERSON and" W. A. TALCOTT, same place.— Cultivators.— Januar)' 2, 1877. Filed October 5, 1876. Claim.— I.— The combination of the evener, provided with double draught-hooks, the |)iv(>l |.in cmneeting it to the machine, the elongated broad-basecl tubular sleeve en- veloping the pivot-pin and bearing upon the upper surface of the evener, and the strap-iron or brace, these members being constructed and operating as set forth, for the purpose specified. 2. — A downJianger for the attachment of the shovel- beam, constructed as described, adapted to be secured at its upper end to the frame of the machine, slotted at its lower end, provide! with V-shaped ribs or centrally-raised projections upon the opposite sides or inner walls of its slot, and a cross-puee ..r piii spjnning the slot at its lower end, for the purju.s, spu ilie.l- 3.— The broa( phi).-, :i.lapie.l t.> be secured to the shovel-beam, c. II. I11I..K'.!. , is .1, -. ril„ ,1, n iih .1 h..okatits under front edge. I./imh^ Us iippir e.lL;e curved from the front l.aekwar.l, f..r (he s|. ecified. 4. — The combination subsl iniially as hereinbefore set forth, of the slotted inteiniilly-rilibed down-hanger, its cross- pin and the broad hooked plate secured to the shovel beam, fitting in the slot in the down-hanger, between the vertical centrally projecting rilis thereof, and resting upon the cross-pin, whereby, while allowed to swing sidewiseand rock vertically, the beam is prevented from wabbling, as set forth. 5. — The combination of the shovel-beam, hinged at its fr.nt end ti the machine, a lever for raising and lowering said beam, located upon the machine in rear of the point at which the shovel-beam is hinged, and the lifting connection secured at its lower end to the beam, remote from its front end, nnd at is opposite end attached at a point substantially in the vertical plane of the said hinged connection between the beam and frame, to a support operated by the lever, these members being constructed and operating substanti- ally as hereinbefore set forth, whereby the beam, in swing- ing sidewise, moves substantially in a horizontal plane, and CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. the depth at which the shovels are working at the lieginning of said movement sideways remains un- changed. 6. — The combination of the down-hanger, the shovel beam hinged thereto, the lifting connection, the thrust-bar, and the lifting lever, these members being constructed and operating substantially as hereinliefore set forth. 7. — The combination of the hinged shovel beams, the lifting levers, their supporting detent-brackets, the thrust bars, the lifting connections between the tlirust bars and the shovel beams, the yoke connecting said beams and the curved rods passing around the ihrust-bars, secured at their upper ends to the lever-supporting brackets, and at their lower ends jointed to the yoke, these members being con- structed and operating substantially as hereinbefore set forth whereby the levers and the yoke are both supported by the detent-br.rckeis without interfering with the movements of the yoke, levers, or thrust bars. 8. — The combination, as liereinbefore set forth, of the shovel-beam, the l)r.icket, yieldingly attached, by its upper portion, to said beam, ami liavinij; a serrated face upon its lower pendent poninn, which projects below the beam, the grooved and M.rinud pI.Uc, the short shovel-standard and the cyel.olt and mil In which the standard is secured in the groove of V. Lid iilaic an I the serrated face of ihe plate se- cured to the conc-jionding face of the pendent portion of the bracket beneath the licani, u hereby a high swung beam may be employed, a ^aiing is ctkcted by reducing both the length and size of tliL- standard, and the range of adjust- ment of the standard is incrca>Ld, as set forth. 9. — The slip-casting or bracket M, constructed as de- scribed, centrally perforated for the passage of the shovel - standard eyebolt. and provided with two inclined arms of corresponding length, radiating from its center and slotted at their outer ends, whereby the casting is adapted to be se- cured to the beam upon either side, with either arm in ad- vance, in the manner and for the described. 10. — The combination of the shovel-beams, the slip-cast- inge, their inclinad slotted arms, the bolts pa.ssing through the slots and beam, their nuts, and the shovel-standards connectet^l with the onstings, these members being con- structed an! .|" 1 iii!_; I- set forth, whereby the castings are rendered r. . 1 1 m interchangeable, adjustment of the inclination ..i il,, independently of the castings admitted, and injur\ lu the machine avoided. No. 186,065.— PHILLIP STUDER, Mechansville, Iowa. — Cullivators. — January 9, 1877. Kiled October 14, 1876. Claim. — The combination of the bent bar C and the braces E F with the tongue D and the axles B, substantially as herein shown and described. No, 186,713.-8. DAHLBOM, CARPENTERVI1.LE, III. — Wheel Cullivalors.— January 30, 1877. Filed June 12, 1876. Claim. — I. — In a wheeled cultivator, the draught-bars of which e.rleiKl in Iront of the axle, the condiination of the draught liars I 1, i.ros,.liar F, constructed as described, and connected to hoili draiiglit-liars, and evener E, attached to and suppintcd by tlic cioss-bar on the forward ends of the draught bars, sulistantially as and for the purpose set forth. 2. — In a wheeled cultivator, the draught bars n, arranged between the wheel-, and pyt<-ndin No. 189,266.— JOHN klCHAI Township, Wentworth Oh nm', i Fallow-Cullivators.— April 3, 1877, 1876. Claim. — I. — In combination with the frame D, adjustably secured to the rear of the cultivator by the rod O and pin c, the rods P and nuts R, for adjusting the height of said frame, and the chain Q, and wheel M, and its pawl for elevating said frame, suljstantially as herein set forth. 2. — In combination with the draft-bar (1, the center-bolt, and rear adjustable liar O, the bar J, for preventing the frame from drawing oMiiiujly, sul)?tantiallv a> set furth. 3. — The combination of the draft-bar G, bolted to the tongue, the link H and hook I, attached to the frame D, and the bar J, secured to the rod O, as and for the pur- poses set forth. No. 189,896.— J. M. LONG, Hamilton, Ohio.— O//- tiva/ors.— April 24,, iSy-]. Filed Vl/ry 31, 1876. Claim. — I. — The frame consisting of rigidly-connected parts A B, in combination with flexibly-connected parts C E D' O and stay D, substantially as and for the purpose described. 2. — The combination of the draft-bar D' and stay D with coupling O and double-tree E, as and for the purpose specified. 3. — The hinged coupling-block F, in combination with pivoted axle-arm supports C, draft-bar D', .stay D, double- tree E, and plough-beam H, as and for the purpose de- scribed. 4. — In combination with the upper branches of pivoted axle-supports C and shaft 3, the collar/, with its set-screw for laterally adjusting the ploughs and carrying-wheels, in the manner and for the purpose specified. No. 190,247.— WM. PIERCE, .Stoneiiam, Mass.— Slriui'berry and Vegetable Cultivators. — May I, 1877. May 5, 1876. Claim. — I. — The stationary and vibrating blades and cam-grooved roller, in combination with the belt to pick and thi in, the vines severed from the row, 2. — 1) I : , ,: h I'n viliiating vine cutting blades, the cuUi\ ' , 1'. It, and the box or receptacle.! to o,nta)i ;n. ■ 11 -jintiallv ;vs described. No. 190,328.— \V. V. HUBBARD and J. W. ROBIN- SON, Farmland, Ind. — Cultivator Attachments. — Mav I, 1877. Filed January 6, 1877. Claim. — 1. — In combination with the extensible lever I and adjustable rack bar J, the plate D and the tongue and lever gears E G, substantially as described, and for the purpose set forth. 2. — In a wheel-cultivator, the supporting plate D, with its extension D', made in one piece, and attached to the transverse braces of the wooden frame A, in combination with the pivoted tongue F, having gear E, and the pivoted Icvrr T. h-viiiL: i;car G, whereby the gears are supported by sa.l I 1 ! . il , ^ held in engagement with each other, and sill I' t-liuctions from below, substantially as de- si 1 •• u \ ) 1 he purpose set forth. N.. lo ',o7J. -1;. M. KISSELL and M. L. KISSELL, Sii;i\ i,i II I h, ( ^\\M.— Wheel-Cultivators.— May 22, 1877. Fll-I .\: r /v.-', II, 1876. Claim. — I. — The safety break joint B, pin c, slot tl, gutta-percha blocks e e, or their equivalents, shields //', screw bolts ^^, substantially as described and shown. 2. — Hitch bars E, arched axle C, and brace rods D, in combination with the beams and tongue of a cultivator, constntcted and arranged substantially as shown and de- scribed. No. 191,101.- NATHAN T BREWSTER and A. D. NEHER, RosEVlLLE, Cal. — Cultivators.— iVay 22, 1877. Filed April 11, 1877. Claim. — I. — The double separable frame A A', com- bined with the detachable blocks B and the cultivator teeth C, having reduced shanks passing through the said blocks and bars, to be secured above the same, and pro- vided with braces D, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 2. — The combination, with the double frame A A', of the detachable blocks B', held by the shank of the cultiva- tor tooth, and the axle of the transporting wheel, arranged in bearings in said blocks, as and for the purpose de- scribed. No. 191,179.— WM. J. ROBERTSON and PHILIP KNIGHT, Jasper County, Uo.— Cultivators.— May 22, 1877. Filed April 13, 1877. Claim. — I. — A plough beam g, consisting of two parallel plates, the end of one being fastened to the inside of the mould-board, and the other to the inside of the land side, in combination with the interposed plates / and the plates e, for connecting the beam to the axle, substantially as shown. 2. — The i>lough beam g, consisting of two parallel plates that are separated by the interposed plates /, and which have their front ends turned outward at right angles, so as to receive the clevis //, substantiallv as set forth. No. 191,347.— JOHN JONES, .Stoney Point, Cal., assignor of two-thirds his right to SIDNEY B. HOLLY and WM. H. n\GOOTi. ,1 I-, .11,,, C, and toggle -connec- tions, substantially a^ .uil In iIil purpose set forth. 2. — The conibinaiiou of beams G with braces J and L, standards H, rock shaft M', and adjustable toogles, subst.intially as and for the purpose set forth. 'Xo. 192,922.— HENRY P. KVNETT, Lisbon, Iowa. — Cultivators. ^uly lo, 1877. Piled y«Hf 20, 1S77. Claim. — t. — The devices for connecting the beams to the cultivator, consisting of the combination of sockets <7, pivoted to the front ends of the beams, the round bolts h, having heads at the lower ends, the single bearings c, having lugs 5 and semicircular grooves, and fastened by the eyebolts c' , which eyebohs hold in place, also, the connect- ing bolts b, substantially as described. 2. — The cultivator mould K, having the upper part of the mould concave and at the upper part of the beveled point straight, subst.intially as and for the purposes de- scribed. No. 192,992.— SAMUEL N. HENCH, IcKESBtiR.;, assignor of one-half his right to WALKER A. DROM- GOLD, Pattkrson, V.\.— Cultivators.— July to, 1877. Filed March 10, 1877. Claim. — I. — The combination of pivoted adjusting-lever R, having diagonally-opposite lips r r,' with locking plate S, having notch s and reversed notches s' , whereby said lever is adapted to raise the cultivator teeth out of engage- ment with the ground, or 10 adjust them to any depth re- quired, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 2. — The combination of drag bars W with pivot rod W, supplemental drag bar Y, and spring plates Z Z, substan- tially as and for the purpose stt forth. No. 193,912.— WALTER G. BARNES, Frekport, \l.\...— Corn-Cultivators.— August 7, 1877. Filed June 19. 1877- Claim. — I. — As an improvement in cultivators, the com- bination of the hinged beams D, having .spring loops G, axle B, and tongue or frame A, having hooks i i, substan- tially as and for the purpose herein shown and de- scribed. 2. — In combination with the beam^ Ii nn.l n\l V,. i1i< adjustable coupling jaw herein descril i uiJ . < mm- bined to operate substantially as and for the purposL- litrcin shown and described. No. 194,146.— T. D. GUTHRIE, Jr., Galva, III.— Cultivators.— August 14, 1877. Filed June 2, 1877. Claim. — The combination .^f the coupling A, rigid beam B, and .beam D, with bent standard F, pivoted to the beams, piece I, and brace G, substantially as described, and for the purpose specified. No. 194,150.— SQUIRE J. HINKLE, Saratoga, Ind. — Riding-Cultivators. — August 14, 1S77. Filed June 4, 1877. Claim. — I. — The combination of the arched axle B, arched and bent bars K, the cross bar L, and caster-wheels, as shown and described. 2. — The combination of the bent bars K, seat N, plough beams U, with foot rests j-', levers A', and chains Z, sub- stantially as and for the purpose specified. No. 194,366.— JAMES H. PALM, Lexington, Ohio. — Riding-Cultivators. — August 21, 1877. Fi\ed January 17, 1877. Claim. — I. — The tongue E, provided with the contrac- tion and swell, substantially as shown and described. 2. — The handle/, compi>sed of the parts / /, in combina- tion with the flanged quadrant a, the lower portion of the handle being provided with a spring,^"-, arranged to project a pin, e, beyond the end of the handle, substantially as show-n and described. 3. — A cultivator handle pivoted upon its bolt and pro- vided with a spring device to engage it rigidly with its plough beam, wliercljy the handle is held in working posi- tion or rclc.M ! m,! I'iiu ud .it various heights by elevating the handle ;i : 1 1 illy as set forth. 4. — A cull i I h : , /, provided with the springy and i)in ,. :ii . n: r, n nn with the flanged quadrant «, 5 I'l. I,.. i :. 111., ted on the centre pin 7 of the cm III, 1 1 !.,(. li. ; . , \, Imh I Minis a bearing for the lever upon one ,i,lc .md .111 eny.cguig lalchet upon the other, and pro- vided witli the spring 3 and stud iv, substantially as shown and described. No. 194,570.— DAVID ARCHER, Jr., Brier Hill, N. \ .—Adjustable Wheel-Cultivators.— August 28, 1877.— Filed June 30, 1877. Claim. — The combination, in a cultivator, of the tongue I and standard G, having wheel H, with the front bar F, pivoted between beams A A, and provided with lever J, as and for the purpose specified. No. 196,818.— W. METTLER, Frankfort, III.— IVheel-Cultivators.-Noz'ember 6, 1877. Filed June 21, 1877. Claim. — The cross-bar e, pivoted at its centre to the top of the adjustable main frame B, in combination with the cross rods a and frame c, for the purpose of moving laterally the frame e, with its two shovels attached below, having rear push braces with break pins, in the manner and for the purpose set forth. No. 197,038.— IRWIN MACY and J. C. WATKINS. Harrisburg, Oregon. — Wheel-Cultivators. — November 13, 1877. Filed July 13, 1877, Claim. — I. — The combination of the inclined or diagonal bar J, made in two parts or sections, the draw rods I, and the braces T, with the plough-beam S and the frame-work of the machine, substantially as herein shown and de- scribed. 2. — The combination of the adjustable perforated bars L N P with the inclined or diagonal bar J, to which the plow beams are attached, and with the frame work of the ma- chine, substantially as herein shown and described. 3. — The combination of the levers X and catch-bars Y with the arms W, the diagonal bar J, and the plough beams S, substantially as herein shown and de- scribed. No 197,503 —MORRIS I UTTER, Rockiord, III. —Cultnatoti — \, tmbti 27, 1S77 \\\fti August 14, -I —The cmbmi iLU With the axle-tree, tlie 1 earns L secuin thciLt and cross-bar E, of 1 t Hrs / St cuiLd t the ends of cross bar E by 1 1 th In t 1 1 ml/ the brace-rod y being tl , I 11 1 1 • ' 1 1 1 1 the axle, while the i 1 e 1 cndent arm with the brace conn cross bars u i i U I 1 e I 2 — The join -\ htcs < an 1 ; « asher f , and joint-bolt e', these parts constiucted, arranged, and operating, as herein described, to produce a double hinge-joint, reversible and interchangeal Ic lij al le of use on either side of the ma- chine, as 11 I 1 I I e hereinbefore set forth. 3 — 1 Ik h the levers M, located in front of the din | poitmg chains or linked rods, connecte 1 ends to levels M, and also to the fiame at a p int prictieiU) in the same vertical plane with the forward ends of the drag bars and at their rear ends connected to the longitudinally-adjustable plates K, substan- tially as described. CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. 4. — In a standard bracket, the combination of the bed- plate H, the slotted slip-arm //, fitted to receive the shovel standard, screw-bolt /;'', upon which the slip-arm works, swivel-sockets^', and eye-bolt^", whereby the shovel is al- lowed to turn back to pass obstructions, as hereinbefore set forth. S- — The swivel block /'', in combination with the shield and chambered socket, substantially as herein described, to limit the oscillatory movement of the shield, as hereinbefore set forth. 6. — The chambered socket secured to the drag-bar, and made adjustable thereon by means of the screw eye-bolt, as herein described, in combination with the swivel block, se- cured to curved supporting b;ir to limit the downward movement of the shield, as hereinbefore set forth. 7. — The rosetle-platus liercin described, secured lo the inner face and rearward pinjei ting ends of the converging beams, the inner pi, ite made adjustable to raise or lower the stud projecting eccciUvically from its inner face, for the pur- pose of raising and lowering the driver's seat, as and for the purpose hereinbefore set forth, 8. — The adjustable seat-plates P, in combination with the curved bars N, pivoted at their forward end to the frame, and the seat O, made longitudinally adjustable on the seat- bars, and arranged to turn the seal forward, substantially as set forth. No. 198,069.— IRA BARBER, La Porte, Indi,\na, — Cultivators. — December 11, 1877. Filed March 12, 18/7. Claim. — I. — The combination of the axle and the plate I with pivot post H and cross-bar G, all being constructed, arranged, and combined substantially as shown and de- scribed. 2. — Thf ^■\'2\^^ hnr I , attached to the upper frame-work by a p!\"i -■' ', 1-! j.i Aided at is lower end with notch s' and sevci '. : m ', . , .mil a jiin, such lower end passing through .1 I- I. . r,.,.-|.late w, securep in the phnigh' beams, in cuniUiii.uion with saul framework and the plougli- beams, siil.-.iaiilially as described, whereby the plough may be hitched up w hen not in u^e. and may also be adjusted at different to regulate the the depth of No. 198,563.— ROBORT T. BOWNE, Feliston, Mn. — Oiltivntors. — December 25, 1877. Filed Kovcmber 20, 1877.. Claim. — I. — In a straddle row cultivator, two gangs or groups of drag bars, each provided with a cultivator tooth, coupled together by a link rigidly secured to one group and movably attached to the other, and operated by a hand- lever, so that the driver may at will cause said groups to recede from or approach each other, as set forth. 2. — The gangs or groujjs of drag bars, each provided with a cultivator tooth, connected together by a link rigidly at- tached to one group and movably attached to the other, combined with the slotted bell-crank M, connecting rod O, and hand-lever N, whereby the driver can shift the relative positions of said groups at will. 3- — The main frame, provided with a seat and separate gangs of cultivator drag bars and their teeth, and a main axle, C, pivoted 10 said frame, combined with the toothed segment F and |iMii,,n ( ,. . r ,,,d thereto, and a double foot lever, H, .ittacli. .1 1 , ; , : . the pinion-spindle, so that the driver, while niin. h| lus ,c-at, can rest his feet upon said lever, and ilicicOy cuiiirol and guide the appa- No, 198,616,— JAME.S HIGGINS, Westfield, N. J. — Cultivators. — December 25, 1877. Filed April 2, 1877. Claim. — The axle of a wheel cultivator, provided with rigid arms I, to wdiich are pivoted the forked drag bars E, the pivot-rod H, stay-rod G, and pivoted link J', in combi- nation with the rock-shaft K, having rigid arms J, lever L, and scribed. No. and ratchet 711 n, substantially as de- TOIIN .S. JOHNSTON and C. A. I ' 'I 1 1. I M.. — Cultivators. — December 25, --'. 1S77- h ii.iiion of the adjustable eye or socket cctiiig bars G, the b.ars H, and the bar or block N,with the plough beams A and the axle I,wherebythe plough beams are allowed to oscillate laterally and are raised by the driver's weight, substantially as herein shown and describrd No. i-,s:-;. Hii;il PARKER, Ottawa, III.— Goplui . ■);i/cii/s for Cultivators. — January Claim. — I. — III '. I ;i, '> i I ibcd g(>]ihcT or ridging at- lachmem forcuhi, • :iiu -I'lhc .vljustable blades CC, bars D D, ].i : - u-i; II 1, and adjustable bars G, substantia I i\ i- n; i I 1 ija- iiui|i'i>c- spculicd, 2.— The combination, with the Made, ( '. nf the bars D, provided with the vertical slots a, and llic dolled 1. race-bars E H I, substantially as .and for the piii] ..,,■ s|Hcilicd. 3. — The combination of the bars I), provided with the slots a and slotted brace-bars, and the horizontal bars G, provided with the slots ,j-, substantially as and for the pur- pose specified. No. 199,025.— WILLIAM P. BROWN, Zanesvili.e, Ci\uo.— Culti7;tlor-To,ii;ucs.— January 8, 1878. Filed April 2^, 1877. Claim. — I. — .\n adjustable device located upon a culti- vator-tongue, and extending rigidly across the same, so as to separate the team without being turned from a horizontal plane, substantially as described. 2. — A separating wdieel or disk, combined with the ton- gue of a cultivator, and arranged to rotate substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 3. — The separating-wheel B, arranged to rotate, and mounted upon a standard fixed to the tongue of the culti- vator, as and lor ilie ]iinpose described. 4. — I Ih !i iiidle- 1 . Ii iving hooks e' in combination with the culti\ aioi-icineue, ilie bar E, and crank-shaft C, sub- stantially as and lor the purpose described. No. 199,680.- LOUIS ANTHOINE, Epworth, Iowa. — Cultivators. — January 29, 1878. Filed October 30, 1877.. ("laiiii. — The combination, with cross-bar B, of a plough- .\', connected therewith by the U-bar K, lug-pivot L, and olTselted bar M, substantially as and for the imrpose soecilied. ■ No, 199,701.— ML'CKER.SIE G. GRAHAM, MoN- MdUTtr, III. — Cultivators. January 2g, 1S78. Filed October 15, 1877. Claim. — I. — In a cultivator, the side frames to which the ploughs are hinged or journaled, combined with one of more bars B, having guides, by « hich they are connected with the side frames, and whereby the said side frames may be slid or reciprocated upon the bar or bars li, to advance or recede either of the side frames while they are held at uniform distances apart, and the bar or bars B remain at right angles to the line of progression of the machine and in ahori/oiiiil |,o^iii 11, lib, i.uit'ially as specified. 2.— 1 ! I io,,;^iie 1. belted to the bar B,and arrani;i'l ' . • i . n'l the ^lidini; frames .-\, ploughs J J, and wheel- h, hiiIk.iu nnerferiiig wiili the sliding or par- allel motion of the frames, substantially as and for the pur- pose specified. 3. — The extensile and contractile yoke C D, arranged to operate wdth the standards A', to which the cultivator- ploughs J are attached, substantially as and for the purpose specified. 4. — In combination with an extensible yoke C D, and bar B, to which the tongue E is bolted, frames A, having ploughs J and wheels F attached thereto, and arranged to operate substantially as described, and for the purpose speci- fied. 5. — The bar or bars B, combined with the bars a" , on which they slide, and with the standards A', ploughs J, and wheels F, substantially as described, and for the specified. 6.— The bars B B', having adjustahio loops b on their ends, combined with the fi.unes .\, ploughs J, and wheels F, substantially as and for ilie luriio^e specified, 7. — The draft-plates II. 11-,, IK attached to ihe standards A', and Iia\ ill'.,' eN lei! 1. e 1 in U //', to which the ploughs J are connecie.i. . . ■ ! ■ ih ilic sliding frames A, wheels F, bars I;. .,„ , lou^m I , substantially as described, and for the iniriiose sireeined. CULTIVATOrvS-WHEEL OR SULKY. No. 200,089.— DAMKL R. RAVMOND, Osck.oi.a, \o\s\.—CiiUivalors.—J-tbii„iiv 5, 1878. l''ileil l>,;cmhci- 6, 1S77. Claim. — In a cultivator, the combination of the arclieil axle A, with pcrloiated castings // and lugs h, the iiiclineil braces G, forming horizontal perforated bars KV , the later- ally-adjustable pivoted bars H, and the veitically-adjiistable cultivatordieams I, forming L-shapcd clips /■ at their fur- ward ends, all constructed substantially as and for the pur- poses herein set forth. No. 200,955.— PA TRICK J. WARD, Sr. Mary's Ind. — Cullivators.— March 5, 1878. Filcl /' ,■;'■ - ?;. 1S77. Claim.— 1.— The combination of t:.' v-v.fv. ' !:. 1 nivided with the upright arm /'• and the luM I. ni in -lir^leeve C, provided with the lug <', the cuialh nm . ,iii, «ith the draught frames N, made ,i. li , . ! I'le .liauglit bars H, pivoted to the outwardly I ee, 1 ; : iiieties of the curved side pieces q, substan- ' \., a.ij.vs; — GEO. W. STAYER, Monroi!, Wis — A'i.iiiii; Corn Cultivalors.— April 16, 1878. Filed June 15, 1877. Cl^im. — I. — The hiind and foot levers, connected by a chain passing over a pulley direct to each, and so arranged that the iLMileNM . uii. - the drag bar. 2. The ' I , aided with the spring/upon one side of tia ;.i.:,i I 1 1, and the projection c upon the oppodte sale, lu euiulaiiation with wheel F, chain H, and loot lever, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. 20:5,394.- DAVID L. WELEMAN, Frazee City, Vim^.— Cultivators.— May 7, 1878. Filed January 19, 1878. Claim.— In a wheel cultivator, the axle A, having its wheels lalerally adjustable thereon, and carrying a series of ,,,,,; , e, ,; ,, !• i: ,i, a e," • 11, . I 1 lie i I i i , llie clc-' ^ ,,, 1 , ,, , I ;; I . I lie Ir la \. :. ■. . 1 M , aiiides/. — liisi'.ni \ ]uv JN. 1S7S. A'cuUivaMi fi S-, MrcH.- .Iiieh the ploughs are allailuel. -aal lianie heine pivoiea ai ils rear end to side lieaiii-. Ml 1,1 a h iiiie piviitcd or hinged to the axle, and at ii- h, an end 111 piMit. 'I le\ers, whereby the frame may have an iil>li<]ae lurwanl falling motion and a correspondingly oblique backward rising motion, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 2. — The combination, with the cultivator frame C and side beams B, constructed to operate as specified, of the seat or seat l.uard, connected to said frame and beams by pivoted standaids J ami straps ri/ 15, 1878. Claim. — In combination with the side beam I, pro- vided with the bend d, the plough foot L, formed of a melal bar, bent double in the centre, with one arm on each side of the side beam, and provided with rearwardly and downwardly curved tops, aJid connected to the beam at two points, as shown at /i i, as and for the purposes set forth. No. 206,040.— FRANCIS W. PU.SEY, Carthage, l-^\>.— Wheel-Cultivators.— July \b, 1878. Filed June i„ 1878. Claim. — I. — In a wheel plough, the vertical shaft K, having a crank, K^ above, and a cranVc, K', below, and a crank axle or hinge, K', at the reaj end of the crank K*, combined with the plough beam R. in the manner and for the purpose set forth n.nd riescribcd. 2, — In a whoc1-|'l N-lt, ihr arms m tk, having clamps 00 and vertical ^l.-r, I I , cumbined wiih the arched axle B and -iiiK- 1^ l^, in the manner and for the S.^-lii .1 «la , l-| ^h. (li, iont;ue F, with lever E and ciniKctiuL; n.!- .' .-■. conil.iiM .1 with the cranks K^ K' and jildugh l-eani-, K, in tlie manner and for the purpose set forth and described. 4. — The rods K, with cranks K' and K', combined with the rear end of the tongue F", in the manner and for the purpose substantially as set fnrih nnd d>-srrilied. 5. — The plough beams I;, I. •■ 1 "nl, the crank bar K' K K^ and rear end of ili< hji 1 la ihe manner and for the purpose substaniiall\ - ^Im -, n ual described. No. 206,409. — JAMES A. \\(>(.)i), Gaynorsville, Ind. — Han\mi Aitackmcnls for Wheel- Ploughs. — July 30, 1878. Filed May 27, 1878. Claim. — The herein described harrow, constnicted as shown, and having its beams pioviilcd witli transvcisc elongated slots C C, and fa-lriiini; J.mcc, lia^-ni- th)va\-li .said slots and adapted tu l-.: apiil! ■! !■> .lifkrrnt -liapi'l beams of double or other iil.mgh^, -uli^ianiiallv a^ ^pici- fied. No. 206,763.— WALTER G. BARNE.S, Freeport, \\X.— Riding-Cultivators.— Aiii:;usl b, 1878. Filed Feh- ruary 28, 1 878. Claim. — I. — As an improvement in riding-cultivalors, the combination of the tongue A, having adjustable rose- plates E E' E E', connecting arms I) D, and pivoted con- verging seat bars C C, carrying ibe seat C , whereby the throw and elevation of the seat may both be regulated, substantially as and for the purpose herein shown and de- scribed, 2. — The combination, with the flanged rose plates E E, of the arms D D, having perforations /", bolts g g, rose plates E' E', having recesses h h and thumb nuts i i, substantial! as and for the purpose herein shown and set forth. 3. — The combination of the adUistable arms D D, flanged wedge plates d d, bolts c c, and pivoted converging icat arms C C, substantially as and for the purpose herein- lefore set forth. 4. — The ci>ml)ination of the pivoted cultivator beams K K, havin- keepers V P, hin red sw.iy bars N N, per- orated CM... iMrd, an I a.Iia.iiu: 1 ..,!( w, //. M.b.lantially IS and l..r tiic piii| -. . h, M'ln -la.v.i, a.i.l .ir-, nli,.l. 5.— Ill- ..a.ii.inii !la -1..II..I |.;,u. ^ U, adju.stable 'oot piece I'. lia\iML; licai. S. aihl jam lull, re, substan- ially as and for the purpose herein shown and de- cribed. No. 206,903.— SPENCER R. STANTON, O.vford, Mich. — Cultivators. — August 13, 1878 Filed November 9, 1877. Claim. — I. — In a cultivator, the combination of the main frame A, the movable cross bar K, held in guides attached to the main frame, the plough feet or standards J, rigidly attached to the cross Ijar, and the lever L, attached to the bar Iv and |ii\otcd on the main frame, whereby the bar K, with the plough statidards, can be moved laterally in either direction across the frame, for the purpo-ses herein set forth. 2. — The combination of the frame A, crank axle D, with arm D'', rod a, and lever G, the laterally-sliding bar K, with plough feet J J, and lever L, all constructed and arranged to operate substantially as and for the purposes herein set forth. No. 206,925.— CARLOS D. BRADLEY, Macedonia, lovvA, assignor of one-half his right to THEODORE E. BRYANT, same ^\is.ct.— Cultivators.— August 13, 1878. Filed 4(>/-// 5, 1878. Claim. — I. — The combination, with the laterally adjusta- ble plough or slu.vel beam 1 1. nf the ^haft 1'. pn.%ided with arm Q', having a .ludcl plate ur lateial, R, and threaded and nntld rml .■ . i uiincctinL; liy .wivel joint the said beam to the lateral slutted exten.ion R of the shaft arm Q', substantially as shown and described, for the pur- pose set forth. 2. — The combination, with the laterally and vertically adjustable handle I, of the extensible yoke consisting of the rods i k and the collars / /, provided with adjusting or holding screws vi m, and coirespnncUr.ely adjustable or movable shovel beams K K, to which the yoke k k \s swiveled, substantially as shown and described, for the purpose specified. 3. — The combination, with the shovel-beam-securing casiinsjs /"/', bifurcated at their forward ends, and having their fastcnim; bolt, with mlleis or pnlleys e e, of tlh ill ifl-e. pull/, r. c..n.l-tini: nf the lever- D D, rods F F, aii.l 1- ■ I', ilic, I- I' CKiiiiectecl together by cross tree c, cliains ./(/, .iml whililelrees G G, substantially as shown and described, for the purpose specified. No. 206,961.— JAMES E. MUSTARD, Gi.en Hall, I ND.— Wheel- Cultivators.— August 13, 1878. Filed March 4. 1S78. Claim. — The combination of the arched draw-bar E and fifth-wheel (.: 1) with (lie arched axle B, the plough-beams G. and the independent draft-connection I J K L, substan- tialK a. .Imun and described. N,, 2..;.;.,,s.— FREDRIC W. DEGEN, New Athens, \i \ . -Si, fiv-Cultivators.— August 27, 1878. Filed Fel>- Claim. — I. — IhelilDck J, swiveled upon the hanger I, and having two beann ' Inc., in combination with the two plough-beams R K, and u iih tlic arm L\ having a vertical notched cross-head, and tlic angular plate or keeper V, whereby two separate plough-beams are attached to one hanger, and allowed independent movement or vertical ad- justment w ith respect to each other, a. shown and described. the conn . 1 I , ' 1 i,.' " | . and the slotted plate. II I . li: iMe plough-beams having l;iii. I. plai.- K, miiilie .iippiaiing frame, as and for Ihe purpo-e set forth. No. 208,073. — FR.'\NCIS M. CKOPP, Platte County, Mo.— Cultivators.— Septemlier 17, 1878. Filed February 16, 1878. Claim.— The roiipliiij . n^ ;ia .1 ili. .leeve /;, having the perforated rill /, the I ■ i : , I -.haped yoke m, and bolt /, comliined ami ,11 ,,,i,^. ; a, laiitially as specified. No. 208,320— DAM l.L kLls.->LlL\ER, THOS. S. .MONGER, and FRANCIS M. MONGER, Connersville, ItiD.-P/ouichs.-Septetiiber 24, 1878. Filed March II, 1878. Claim.— I.— Th.rJicJ isle 1: and it. pins <■, combined with the clain|iiiij ' I II' . ii imh - .. ■ ...e. / /, and pivot- ed to the adju.til : 1 .n ' 1 ili< ■ ' n-h., and arranged to form an in;cr\eiii„- .pi.i h.i tin pi-aqeof the pins e, all substantially as set forth. 2. — The combination, with the parallel beams C C, of the plate D, ears i i. and bar I, bolted to the plate between the ears, and extended backward and forward to form the standanl. . iii.-i iniially as set forth. 3. — I, II n iif the plate D, ears ;', and pivoted arms ,/. hi. in- . 1 ..;cments d' and bolted to the beams C CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. No. 208,377.— THEOIJORE T. DANIELS, Mdkrison, \\.\..—Comliiiut/ Cii/tivators am/ Corn- Plou 1,^/1 s — Seplem- her 24, 1S78. Filed July 6, 1878. Claim. — i.^The plough-beam coupling consisting of the bolt or rod b extending through the ears of the beams, and the clip <■ around said bolt, crimped in front of the same and extending forward, in combination with the axle-plate .!,'■ and its bolt, substantially as specified. 2. — A cultivator having an arched axle, side-beam sec- tions, and detachable centre beam, connected to the arch of said axle by means of a transverse bar, the perforated guide-bar A', extending transversely across the rear ends of the beams, and the vertical hanger-rods g', extending through the perforations of said bar into the beam ends, substantially as specified. 3. — /V cu'lli\aloi li.uiii;; a ^iiiii.I ml ccnlrallv-avched axle and ;i .r.ii.m ,,rs,VLi.i! ■ ' ■ 1 Lkdioe'ach end of Slid axir \•^ ,1 ~in,Hr dip . n < . :■ .,il pivot on the axle and a vertical , k>.i ..;, - : ^ i , i-ii ..ntal rod pass. ing through the en- ■■! - : hhI > .1111. 1 i ip^' ihv Imi- ward ends of said I-' iii.n wiiliih^ .ni-,--li,M A', screw-bolts -'■.■■■ ■ ■ ul. i,i.nii,ill\ j-. ,|.>','iiir,l. No. 208,921.— ( 1 1 1 -. i I : .\ AMI, Hw'is Ji\.iimn, III. — Ciillivators. — Oitoba- 15, 1S7S. Filed An^'ust 17, 1878. Claim. — I. — The combination, with the main frame of a cultivator and slide-ways arranged 1 1 project above and be- low the m.iin frame in front of the a\!c. uf drag bars, each having a slide secured to il^ I' irw .lid end. -.lid slides pro- vided with bearings or sleeves. « hieh ^urmund the slide- ways at pouiLs above and below the cultivator-frame, sub- stantially as set forth. 2. — The combination, with stationary slideways attached to the main frame of a cultivator, and arranged to project above and below the main frame, of dr.ig-bars, each having a slide secured to iis forward end, said slides provided with bearings or sleeves, which surround the upper and lower portions of the slideways, and are adapted to be ver- tically adjusted thereon, and hand-levers attached to the upper ends of the slides and arranged to raise and lower the same, substantially as set forth. 3. — The combination, with the main frame of a cultiva- tor, provided with slideways located in advance of the axle and arranged to project above and lielow the main frame, of flexible connections having thetr opposite ends respect- ively attached to the slides and drag-bars, substantially as set forth. 4. — The combination, with the drag-bars of a cultivator, of shovel-frames pivoted to the rear ends thereof, and con- nected by a pivotal sway-bar, whereby the shovel-frames are adapted to have independent vertical movement and a lateral movement in unison with each other, substantially as set forth. 5. — The combination. « it], the drag-bars and shovel- frames pivoted therel'i. 'i| a ~\va\-liar, to the opposite ends of which the shovel-lraaic- are adapted to be pivoted in a laterally-adiustable manner, substantially as set forth. 6. — The combination, with the drag-bars and .shovel- frames pivoted thereto, of a sway-bar composed of two transverse bars, between the opposite ends of which are pivoted the upper ends of the shovel-frames, substantially as set forth. No. 209,118.— ALBERT GEPPERT, Sprinc; Prairie, \^l%.— Wheel-Cultivators.— October 22, 1878. Filed March 23, 1878. Claim. — The combination, with the tongue C and beam D, of the casting F, with jaws d d, the casting J, with hubs /', the swiveled pin (j, having a flattened eye at its upper end, and the pivoting-bolt e, all constructed substanti.illy as and for the purposes herein set forth. No. 209,210.— DANIEL ARtlERBRIGHT, Troy, OH\n.— Wheel-Cultivators.— Octoier 22, 1878. Filed March 16, 1878. Claim. — The box /«, secured on the axle to cover the inner end of the wheel-hub, and provided with drag K and arm L, substantially as set forth. No. 209,224.— HUGH H. CANADAV, Fairfield, loWA.—Riding-Cultivators. — October 22, 1 878. — Filed December I, 1877. Claim. — In a wheel plough, the frame A, having the hor- izontal side bars, a, extending from end to end, the front bar, B, bent downward at each side at a', and horizontally at c, to receive the devices d, thence upward at the middle to form an arch, /', for the tongue, the adjustable wheel- clamps h on said bars, the rear bar, C, having the seat G and the foot rests J, connecting the rear ends of the plough- beams and depending therefrom in rear of the shovels, sub- stantially as specified. No. 209,401.— MOSES JOHNSON, Lockfort, N. Y., assignor of one-half his right to MOSES C. RICHARD- .SON, same place.— O^/Z/iw/w-j.-Cc/ofer 29, 1878. Filed July 19, iS7,S. Claim. — The cultivator tooth F, made of one sheet of metal, bent nearly at riglit angles, forming a vertical sec- tion //, corresponding to the land side of a plough, which inclines rearwardly from the point to the top, and is pro- vided with a rear extension, curved inward toward the fur- row, and havint; a lu.ri/.intal or share section, //', with a I 111 in--iMiL''- iiiiihii- lM.!\\,!iil Ml,li,|uely from the point, IS/N. Claim. — In a wheat- cultivator, the combination of the pivoted cross-bar D, having hinged cultivator beams F F, provided with the shanks I J, having points U, notched cross- piece H, standards K, having pins b, and pivoted handles M, provided with loops X, constructed and operating substan- tially as and for the purposes set forth. No. 209.527.— FRANK T. VERHAREN, Vinton, IviwA, — Corn-Cultivators. — October Zi), 1878. Filed Aug- Claim. — I. — As a means for connecting the axle arm C with and givini,' to the same a certain degree of motion upon the frame bar B, the sleeve c, provided with the slot c' , the the brace bar E, and the screw F, said parts being com- bined to operate in the manner and for the purpose speci- fied. 2. — In combination w ith the axle arm C and plough- beam I, the sleeve G, provided with the plate g' , having vertical openings g" , the ears g, provided with horizontal openings g"' , and the bolts H and K, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 3. — .^s an improvement in wheel-cultivators, the pole A, frame bar B, axle-arm C, sleeves <-, having the slots c' , ground-wheels D, brace-bars E, screws F, sleeves G, hav- ing the ears ^', plates .i,'', and openings .f" and ^'", plough- beam 1, L, bolts H and K, and hooked bar N «, all constructed and combined to operate in the man- ner and for the purpose substantially as s]5ecified. No. 209,780.— GEORGE W. STAVER, Monroe, Wis. — Cultivators. — November 12, 1878. Filed January 9, 1878, Claim.— The plates I I and sway-bar F, said plates clamping the sway-bar and inclosing the balls H, in com- bination with plates G, post E, and the beams C, substan- tially as set forth. No. 210,073.— WILLIAM T. ADDISON, Newcastle, Ind. — Cultivators. — A'ovember 19, 1878. Filed September 23, 1878. Claim. — I. — In a cultivator, the combination, with its axle or beam, of the cranked arms or bars C, having set or adjusting screws d, substantially as and for the purpose specified. 2. — The combination, with the beam or axle of a cultiva- tor, of the cranked bar C, set-screw d, and adjustable rods or braces E, substantially as and for the purpose speci- fied. No. 210,861.— WILLIAM A. KNOWLTON and AN- DREW RUTLEDGE, Rockford, \i^i..— Cultivators.— December 17, 1878. Filed April y:,, 1878. Claim. — I. — A pendant provided with bracing arms adapted to be secured to the side of the tongue beam and to the under side of the cross bar connecting the tongue beams the lower end of said pendant provided with a socket, in combination with a joint bar having a journal, b' , which turns within the socket on the pendant, the lower end of the joint bar provided with a stud, b", and the plate of the CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. cirat; lur joiirni-l.-d on said stud and secured by a bolt, sub- -.lllIlM,;!!-, J- -. I (nrth. ! ' ' 1" I having end hooks rigidly secured thereto I'.i iii . ;i ;> iii.i 111 of the whiffletrees, in combination with rcimn.iiilc eveners pivoted to the stra|is of the end hooks, the lu\\i:r ui.ils of said vertical ixiiiur^ pmvided with hool .1 -hovel on the front side of the for- ward bin, k, ; 11, I L _i iliereon and made vertically ad- justable uu lU. .m.a.iul by a screw bolt or bolts passed from the front through the parts between the side plates of the standard. 4-— The combinaiion, with the three-part shovel-standard herein described, of grooved blocks ad.ijite.l |u receive the forward and rear edges of the side j kiu- if tin tandard, the front face of the forward block a.kiil.d t.. iLiei\e the convex surface of the shovel block sri ured tn ihe shovel, and held in place .and made adjustakl.- ..„ the standard by means of the screw bolt in the -h.t of ilie .hovel back pass- ing through the grooved 1.1, .ck, and beiHcen the side plates of the shovel standard, subsianiially as and for the pur- pose hereinbefore set forth. No. 210,993.— ANDREW CANFIELD, Davenport, \o\VK.— -Cultivators.— December 17, 1S7S. Filed Ortober 26, 1878. Claim.— The combination of the tubular axle-tree A, the tubular T-couplings t, passed over the ends of said tree and secured thereto, and the horizontally and vertically bent tubular arms B, the horizontal end screwed into said T- couplings, and the vertical end having the vibrating collars c, adapted to receive the plough beams E, substantially as specified. No. 211,646.— STEPHEN BAILEY, Lebanon, III.— Cultivators. ^January 28, 1879. Filed Notie/nber 16, 187S. Claim. — I. — The combination of the frame B, hanger D, bearings d d, beams C C', lever I, link J, and arm K, sub- stantially as described. 2.— The combination of the beams C C, arm K, joint /•, eye k-, link J, and lever I, substantially as described. 3. — The coniliination of the axle a, arm G, standard a', beams C C', and eyes c' c' , substantially as de- scribed. 4. — The arm G, having the forks g^ g^, jointed together at ^>^, and provided with the nut g^, in combination with the beams C C' and eyes c' c' , .sub- stantially as described. 5. — The combination of the axle a. bearings a' «', pivoted levers M H, clips // /;, and forked arm G, sub- stantially as described. 6. — The combination of the axle ^ace.— Cultivators.— February 25, 1879. Filed A/ri/ 18, 1878. Claim. — I. — The combination, with the drag bar and hanger, of the flaring topped sheath i and the sleeve or holder b^, the sheath enclosing the sleeve and being sup- ported by trunnions on the latter, and both encircling the hanger, and held thereon by a suitable device, substantially as set forth. 2. — The combination, with the shield, of a hound holder piece provided with means for supporting the shield in any horizontal plane, and held to the bar or other supporting part of the frame by a device which permits the holder to be turned for the insertion or removal or adjustment of the shield. 3. — The shield holder having a longitudinal opening to receive the projecting pin upon the shield and a U-!oop at .id lo )p servmg the one side of said openi; _ shield and to retain the pin in the opening, substantially as set forth. No. 213.675 —THOMAS MEIKI.E, Louisville, Ky. — Carriage- Cultivators. —Ma re/i 25, 1879. Filed October 25, 1S78. Claim.- The universal fulcrum K, constructed substan- tially as described, in combination with the foot lever H and Ihe cultivator beam L, constructed, connected, and operating together as and for the purposes substantially as described. No. 213,943.- ALEXANDER SANDERS, El Do- rado, III. — Wheel-Cultivators. — April I, 1879. Filed February 8, 1 879. Claim. — I. — The double gangs of ploughs K a a^ I), r..ds f, elongated staple a, ar- ranged on the riglit IijikI rail i-f the frame, phate h, block /■, and adjustable brace ( ;. \\ liLieh\ tlie implement is convert- ible and adapted id operate eillier as a cultivator, a gang- plough, .-;r a seed planter, suljstantially as described. No. 219,326.— ISAAC UTTER, Rockford, III.— Cultivators. — September 2, 1879. Filed February 8, 1879. Claim. — The combination, with the main frame, the divided crank axle journaled thereto, and capable of independent back-and-forlh swinging movement, and the plough beams, of the limiting slolted brackets /<, the branching cross-b.irs, and vertical evener bars, pivoted at their upper ends to the main frame, and at their lower ends connected with the forward ends of the branching draught rods, subst.Tntially as set forth. No. 2i9,S82.ANDRE\V B. TRAVIS, Brandon, Mich. — Cultivators. — September 23, 1S79. Filed April 29, 1879. Claim. — I. — In combination with the frame P" G, flexi- bly connected at its forward end, the frame J, rock shaft/, handles L, and slolted arm K, substantially as and for the purposes herein set forth. 2. — In combination with the frame F G, the track clevis a' a', chains t, with rollers j, and a mechanism for raising and lowering said chains, for the purposes herein set forth. 3. — The drag guards V, pivoted to an arm, T, attached to and projecting in front of the tooth R, for the purposes set forth. 4. — The adjustable tooth R, formed with the flanges /', and provided with the removable point S and pivoted drag guards V, substantially as and for the purposes herein set forth. No. 220,463.— WILLIAM P. BROWN, Zanesville, Omo.— Cultivators.— October 14, 1879. Filed April 12, 1879. Claim. — I. — In a riding and walking-cultivator, the lever F, provided with the spring pawl/and arm F?, in combination with the segment ratchet F', the lever K, connecting rod L, toggles H H', and draught bolt D, as and for the purposes set forth. 2. — The lever K, provided with the lug /f' and hole /(•», engaged with the lever P by the hook-and-eye joint k, in combination with hook bolt K', cultivator beam E, and the connecting rod L, substantially as and for the purposes set forth. 3. — In a riding and walking-cultivator, the bracket C, attached to the tongue B and to the axle A by the brace C. and provided with slots C^ in co,„l,i„ation with the (haught holt [), the sleeve D', and the ailjustable clevis E', provided with the set screw D", substantially as and for the purposes set forth. 4. — In a riding and walking-cultivator, the combination of the lever F, the connecting rod N^, the lever N, pro- vided with the segment gear N', the stirrup M, provided with the rack M', and the draught bar D, constructed and operating substantially as and for the purposes set forth. 5 — In a riding and walking-cultivator, the combination of the lever F, provided with" the s|,ring pawl /' and the arm F-, with the segment rack F', lever K. connecting rod L, toggles H H', and draught rod 1), and the conne'cting rod N', lever N, provided with the segment gear N', rack M'. and stirrup M, substantially as and for the purposes set forth. No. 220,985.— AUGUST NORLING and CHARLES A. NORLINC;, Stanton, \oWA.— Cultivators.— October 28, 1879. Filed April ^, 1879. Claim. — I. — The combination of the divided adjustable axle C C with the perforated connecting-bars B B, the ver- tically-adjustable arms w m on each end of the axle, the four-armed block 1, and the cultivator-beam having arms p p, all constructed as described, whereby the cultivators can be adjusted out and in and up and down, and can be man- ipulated in any direction wuhout twisting, substantially as and for the puqaoses herein set forth. 2. — The double eccentric G, having on each side the points h i, at difierent distances from the pivot, and a cer- tain portion on each side, from / to .r, on a true circle, in combination with the chains, rods, and doubletree, sub- stantially as and for the purposes herein set forth. 3.— The combination of the jointed beam H H', link L, spring jaws or snap O O, and the rod P, with cone v, whereby when the joint of the brace is broken the two parts do not separate, but remain together, substantially as and for the purposes herein set forth. 4. — The combination of the beam, the shovel R, pins ii\ stationary plate S, and adjustable plate V, as and for the piiqjoses set forth. No. 221,058.— GEORGE HAMMANS, Gosi'ORT, Iowa. —Cultivat0rs.— Oetolier2&,\'&T). Filed /««.• 16, 1879. Claim. — I. — The combination, in a three-horse cultivator, of the dotil']e-tr.-.- iiiTif in two parts, F Y. pivoted on the poles (; (,. ■ •■ er en. I- Connected by the link A, the arm-. i ..: ! ! i iM -in-le-trees J j J, al! substanti- ally as ami l. r :).. J.iir].- -<■- herein set lolth. 2. — The comi.intion. in a cultiv.itor, of the plough- beams A A^ A^, rods /, and triple crank -shaft /■, and the plough-beams .\' A' and iV A', and the divided rods ,t f, wdth separate handles L L, having sockets v v for adjusting the divided rods, whereby the centre beam A, and outside beams A^ A^, may be raised and lowered independently of the beams A' A' and A' A^, and vice versa, substantially as herein set forth. No. 221,289.— JONAS DIERDORFF, Goshkn, Ind.— Cultivators— November 4, 1879. Filed _/«/v 8, 1879. Claim. — The combination, in a cultivator with an arched axle and tongue, of the draught block B, the bars A A, hinged thereto in fn.nt. aii.l pr..\i.led with the side loops or clips a', at the other en 1. .nl the screw C, having nuts c', as shown and de-criLe. I. \\ hereby the bars A and block B may be elevated or depressed, to suit the height of the growing crop, without affecting the depth or position of the ploughs. No. 222,391.- JAMES M. ELDER, Indianapolis, Ind. — Cultivators. — December 9, 1879. Filed August 30, 1879- Claim. — I. — The adjustable bracket O, combined with the universal joint L L', spring K, cup J, rod I, and coupling G, as and for the purpose specified. 2. — In combination with the arched axle of a cultivator, the bracket O, with arms n-^, the universal joint L L' the spring K, the cup J, the rod I, the rod H, the serrated lugs G G', the coupling F, and plough beams W W, as and for the purpose specified. 3. — In combination with the coupling F of a shovel beam, the jointed rod H I, spring K, universal joint L L', and bracket O, as and for the purpose specified. No. 222,446.— HENRY HLOEUEL, Fonk du Lac, Wis.— Cultivators.— December <), 1879. Filed August 1^, 1879. Claim. — I. — The combination, in a cultivator, of the axle mounted on wheels and provided with a rigid tongue, with the V-shaped frame having the series of beams D independently hinged thereto, said frame, with its hinged beams, being rigidly suspended underneath the axle, and all being arranged to operate substantially as shown and described. 2. — In combination with the series of independently- hinged bars D, arranged in V form, as shown, the rotating shaft E, provided at its centre with the arms « for raising the central beams equally with the remaining beams which are connected direct to said shaft, as set forth. 3. — In combination with the pendants m, h.aving the bars D hinged thereto, as described, the connecting bars CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. or braces /•, arranged in the scribed. i\o. 222<650.— DANIEL UNTHANK, Siiii land, Ind. — Ciiltinilors. — Deccmher 9, 1879. Filed Jim.- 25, 1879. Claim. — I. — The combination of the set of three parallel bai-s, H, provided with double jointed couplings G I at the ends of each bar, with the frame J, to which the plough standards K are attached, and with the bars !■' E ami D, by which they are connected with the axle IJ, substan- tially as herein shown and described. 2.— The combination of the notched plates iP e' and (■» /' with the connecting bar E, the crank arm I), attached to the axle B, and the bar F, with which the forward ends of the parallel bars H are connected, substantially as herein shown and described. 3. — The combination of the double notched plate M M' and the notched plates j* and n' and their bolts ».•' «'' with the handle N :ind the frame J. to which the plough stand- ards K nri .iiia< lirj, iiid w itli which the rear ends of the parallel Imi. M m 1 . nincctecl. substantially as herein shown anil .Ir^i 1 iln ,1. No. 9.007. — DAMLl. UNl'HANK, Spiceland. as- signor ol one-half his right to FRANCIS A. COFFIN, Richmond, I.nd. — Cultivators. — 222,550, Dccembci- 9, 1879.— Reissued M.irch 15, 1881. Filed Xorimber 17, iSSo. Claim. — I. — The combination of the set of three parallel bnrs, H, provided with double-jointed couplings G I at the ends of each bar, with the frame J, to which the plough st.indards K are attached, and with the bars F E and crank D, by which they are connected wiih the axle B, substan- tially as herein shown and described, 2. — The combination of the notched plates d'- e' and c^/' and their bolts f^ f with the connecting bar E, the crank arm D, attached to the axle B. and the bar F, with which •the forward ends of the parallel bars H are connected, sub- stantially as herein shosvn and described. 3. — The combination of the double-notched plate M M' and the notched plates y'2 and n' and their bolts m' iii' with the handle N and the frame J, to which the plough stand- ards K are attached, and with which the rear ends of the parallel bars H are connected, substantially as herein shown and described. 4. — The parallel rods H H H', having pivotal bearings at each end, and pivoted to the coupling blocks C; G G' I I I', combined with the plough frame J and bar F, with side projecting s\.uAs f^ f f j' j' f, as and for the purpose specified. 5. — The combination, in a cultivator, of the ploughs L, a laterally and vertically adjustable frame I, to which the ploughs are attached, the upright F, and the parallel rods having double-joinied couplings at each end and connecting said frame ] and upright F, as and for the purpose speci- fied. 6. — In a cultivator, the frame J, m combination with the parallel rods having double-jointed cou|ilings at each end, and attached thereto, whereby the frame may be adjusted vertically and laterally without changing its vertical posi- tion to that of an inclined one, sul:»tantiallv as shown and described. 7. — In a cultivator, the frame J, with stud pins / J' projecting from one side at the top and bottom of said frame, and also having a stud pin p, projecting from its opposite side midway between the < ther two studs, com- bined with the coupling blocks III', the parallel rods H H H', the coupling blocks G G ('•'. and corresponding stud pins/''/-' y2 on the upright F, as and for the purpose specified. 8. — In a cultivator, the combination of the upright F, having parallel rods H secured thereto by double hinge joints operating at right angles to each other, the notched plate/', and the crank connection E, with notched plate 'inlly as shown, attached to one of said n roller or bearinsj adjustably connected v ;. ;;ilier, as shown, whereby the action of the ^pHl,^ ..i.v, i..,,,i,,.n of the beam may be modified. lo. — The combination of the main frame, the vertically- movable beam, and the automatic vibrating spring jirovided with shoulder .-, said spring Ijeing located between the frame and beam in the manner shown and described, so that the shoulder e serves to limit the descent of the beam, and thereby control the depth to which the plough or hoe enters the ground. II. — In a wheeled cultiv.ator, the combination of an arched axle and an arm extending outwardly therefrom, and adapted to co-operate with and permit' the lateral adjustment of a spring operating upon the beam, substan- tially as described. 12. — In a cultivator, the combination of a Trame, a vertically-swinging beam, a vibr.iting lifting spring or spring arm, and a roller or equivalent bearing riding on the spring, said parts arranged, substantially as de- scribed, so that the distance between the roller and the fixed end of the spring decreases as the beam rises. No. 222,940.— WILLIAM PENDLEY, Ludvillk, G.a. — CuUivators. — December 23, 1S79. Filed July ■ 24, 1879. Claim. — I. — The combination of the draw bar A, the notched cross bar C, jirovided with the arms c^ c^, and the key c' , the bent bars or beams B, slotted at their forward ends, and one or more pairs of bent bars or beams, D E, having their rear ends bent inward, slotted, overlapped, and set-ured by a bolt \vi;h each other, to form an adjusta- ble frame work for a cultivaior, substantially as herein shown and described. 2. — The combination of the adjustable hangers or up- rights K, the levers M, and their adjustable hangers N^i .ind the levers O with each other and with the wheels and axles I I, the arms , -' < ' of the cro.s bjr C, and the frame I! I) E, v.ji.,t.inii,lly OS herein sliown and described. 3. — riie iliiugh frame ]irovidtd with hangers K, bifur- cated al tlic lower end and tilling on the axle, as shown and described. No. 223,755.— JOSHUA PIERPONT, Bushnell, III., a5>ignor to 1'ikrpont & TuiTLE, same place — Combined Jiiiibig ,";./ Wnlhli,' Cnllivalors. — January 20, 18S0. Filed.// , ,- Claim li.ition with the main frame A B B', having I i nd thereto by pendants F, forward of the a\ie, ,11c axil. ._ , eoiistructed substantially as describ- ed, and journaled to the bar B, so that it may be adjusted to fix the wheels D forw.ird or in rear of the bar B, sub- st.intially as shown and described, and for the purpose specified. 2. — In combination with the main frame of a cultivator having the ploughs secured thereto at their forward ends forward of the axle by the independently-oscillating pen- dants F, the pendants E, slotted lower ends, adapted to receive the side parts, c'. of the axle, and to act as stops in adju-tin.T the axle, substantially as and for the purpose specifitd. J — li! !'!i the main frame and oscillating ■ix!e ,11; ii-ed to ■lycillaiin,' pendants for- waulMii;, I l!/ini;-bar pivoted beneath the axle and coiinetic.i ny imks ■•.ith the plough-beams, substantially .as described, and for the purpose specified. 4. — In combinrtion with the main frame of a cultivator having the oscillating axle C, so that it may be adjusted to lix the \«iK. I- Ml l:« 111 I r rear of bar li, by means of pen- d iiit>. 1;, . I. i I ,\ iih ploughs secured 10 the main fr.inie'^'i. ,! :' li_ r.t their forward ends by means of o.cillilMi.^ 1 . n*. between which and the box-casting P the double-tree ih placed and secured by bolt/", in combination with the pole M and double-tree/, all constructed as shown and described. 2. — A box-ca>ting, P, of the peculiar shape shown and described, having two uprights/', and a projection/', cast ujion it, in combination with a metallic bar/^, for the pur- pose of supporting the cross-tree/, so that the cidlivator is guided by the ffole which rests between the uprights / and pulled by the cross-iree which rests upon the bar/*, and is secured to the hox-c.^sting and said bar, substanti.tUy in the m.iimer and for the purpose set fortli. 3. — A metallic casting P, constructed as described, in combination with the frame of a cultivator carrying a num- ber of spades, substantially as and for the purpose specified. 4. — In a cultivator, the combination of the de.scribed box- casting 1>, pole M, bar/*, and double-tree/ with the frame of the midline which carries the spades, substantially as shown and described. . No. 223,982.— WILLLIAM W. BI.ODGETT and JOHN H. SMITS, Br Centric, Wisconsin. — Cu/iivators. — February 3, 1S80. Filed October 20, 1879. Claim. — I. — 'Die combii.ation, with the wheels and bent -axle, of the levers F' and ('., connected as de- scribed. » 2. — The combination in a culiiv.itor, of the wheels, bent axle, curved standards II H, and levers F' and G, as set forth! 3.-p-The combination of the wheels, bent axle, curved standards, brackets I, and locking mechanism K K'K. No- 224,039 —SENECA G. PO.MEROY, King's Fer- ry, N. N. ^Cultivators.— February 3, l88o. Filed Marck II, 1879. Claim. — I. — A sulky-frame provided with brackets E and the sliding doul.le-tree, combined with the cultivator-beams F, pivoted to said bracket between the point of draught attachment and the point of attachment of the standard iVI. 2.— The sidky-frame and the cultivator beams F, pivoted thereto at a point between the draught attachment and the standard attachment, as set forth, combined with the sliding douhle-tiee above the forward ends of said beams and the connecting chain or rod. No. 224,074.— CHARLES D. CARTER, Allegan, Mich. — Cultivators. — February 3, 18S0. Filed December 18, 1879. Claim. — I. — The beams d, having the hooksyformed on their front ends to catch under and around the axle, in com- bination with the castings g, secured to the top of the beam and catching over the top of the axle, substantially as shown. 2. — The combination of the axle c, nxl s, sockets;-, levers V, and gangs, substanti.-illy as specified. 3. — The combination of the levers -■ and adjustable boxes u, with the connecting rods w, substantially as shown. 4. — The combination of the levers i-, boxes u, provided with the weights or balls .r, moving thereon, and connecting rods w, substantiallv as described. No. 224,111.— EUGENE SLO.SSON and EDWIN C. SLOSSON, VERnN.\, \\.U— Citlli-vators. — February 3, 18S0. Filed .-?/r// 16, 1879. Claim. — I. — The draught beams, in combination with the diverging tooth beams F, pivoted posts E, and the brace- rods H, substantially as described. 2. — The cnltivator draught beam P, in combination with CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. t;)Oth-lK':i ilrau^ht-1 lliereon suhslaiuially as described and sli No. 225,304.— ANTONE -STAUKFACHER, Juda, Wlii.—Ct///h'i>/0/s. — March 9, 1880. Filed October 24, 1879. Claim. — The ratchet r, having an extension, s, on its rear end to receive the pulley or roller /, sul)stamially as described. Insert after claim 3, No. 222,940. WILLIAM PEN- DI.EY, December 23, 1879. (I'age 248.) the following omitted uI;iiniN : ^ Til li ■ 'M, :i-iL, with levers O, pivoted to the front of the pi" ! u|iported on axle S, of the levers ■ M M, rulcnii i ' i le, pivoted at the rear to hangers of the fraim-. hl! . -iiir ucd at the front with the levers O, as set forth. 5._fhe combination, with frame B, standard F, and shaj-e H, of an adjustable brace G, having rivet -head and shoulder, by which the share is held to the standard, as shown and described. Filed September ^.. ,' .luuyl, l,c.u.„ 1 front of the III. — Corn- Ploughs. — February 17, iS 3. 1879- Claim.— I.— The shaft /. journaled in bea the driver's seat, iIk- ni-\ il'l.' OiiTi ,;. ~~-\.. connected with the -!liii i ,:- >. 1- . i ^ iln «and nt each end ,|L..M",ni. /. ili. I. . i u. combination with the tijiiiiei.tint;-iu.l3 1. am I, substantially as set forth. 2. — The shaft /, journaled in bearings dtiver's seat in combination with the movable shaft ///.sep- arated from and connected with' the shaft i at its centre by the .shank of lever « and at each end by the quadrants / the lever «, hook w, rods L, plough-be.injs I, and sus- pended frame N, substantially as specified. No. 224,773.— JAMES FORBES, Mooer.s, N. Y.— Cultivators. — February 24, 1880. Filed December 26, 1879- Claim. — The triangular cultivator frame G G CJ', carry- ing the ploughs I J K and gauge cutters N, and provided with the slidmg tr.insverse bar E, in combination with the slotted bars D and rotating transverse bar F, attached to the frame A, and having hand lever // and curved arms or rods c substantially as and foi fied. \o. 9,530.— J.AMES FORBES, Mooers, N. \'.—Culti- :.:lors. — 224,773, Febriiarv 24, 1880. — Reissued Jnnuniv 11,1881. Filed J.v/r 15,' 1880. Claim.- -I. — In combination with the slotted metallic pl-'.tes e e, rotatiu;^ transverse bar F, rods /•, hand lever //, and sliding transverse bar E, the triangular cultivator frame G G G', carrying the ploughs I J K and gauge cutters N, the s.iid frame being arranged, as shown and described, so that its wkle end travels in advance of its narrow end, as and for the purposes set forth. 2. — The triangular cultivator frame G G G', carrying the ploughs I J K and gauge cutters N. and provided with the sliding transverse bar E, in combination with the slotted bars D and rotating transverse bar F, attached to the frame A, and hand lever b, and curved arms or rod c, substantially as and for the purpose specified. rpose speci- \A^ct 15, 1879. Claim.— I.— In combination with the main frame A B B'. haviiit; the plou.;hs secured thereto by pendants F, forward of the'^axle, the axle C, constructed substantially as describ- ed, and journaled to the bar B, so that it may be adjusted to fix the wheels D forw.ird or in rear of the bar B, sub- stantially as shown and described, and for the purpose specified. 2. — In combination with the main frame of a cultivator h.aving the ploughs secured thereto at their forward ends forward of the axle by the independently-oscillating pen- dants F, tht! pendants E, with slotted lower ends, adapted to receive the side parts, c', of the axle, and to act as .stops in adju-ting the axle, substantially as and fur the purpose specified. 3 — In combination with the main frame and oscillating axle and plough-!;angs hinged to al!/in--b:u and Co;.! ■ : beneath the a; ms, substantially , de. 4.- 1 11. of a cultivator h.ivin" 1 ■ \ be adjusted to r,x the ■. • - ::. : I • 1 FL-ai ..f Lar I;, I .y means of pen- .lint^ 1. ,111.1 1 i..-,i.!..l uith ploughs .secured 10 the main bamc r..i ,\ il ..I 111' i\le r.t their forward ends by means ofo^cill.Uing I ci.a..iit, F, the levers K, hinged at their for- ward ends to the main frame, and their rear ends connected with the ploughs bv chains or cords, for the purposes spe- cified. 5. In i:-nil>innti(in \\\\\\ the miin frame having the axle- •.,:"' ,.'i' ii!l', ..,..II,.iiiii"l; |'..iMljnls F for- . . ,i..i t.. hIikIi ill..- r..i».ii-.l unds of the c attached, the dualizing liar |., connected provi.l. ward .. plough ombination of the wheels, ben brackets I, and locking 1 axle, curved >tandards H H, and lev forth: 3.— The standards, brackets I, and locking mechann K' K. No- 224,039 —.SENECA G. POMEROY, King's Fer- ry, N. \. ■^Cultivators.— February 3, iSSo. Filed Marc/t II, 1879. Claim. — I. — .\ sulky-frame provided with brackets E and the sliding double-tree, combined with the cultivator-beams F, pivoted to said bracket between the point of draught attachment and the point of attachment of the standard M. 2. —The suli;v-fiame and the cultivator beams F, pivoted '. 1 : :.. . L-ii the draught attachment and the -i-l forth, combined wi;h the sliding I .lu.ird ends of said beams and the thereto douhK--! conned No. MlCH.- ;24,o74. \RLES D. CARTER, Allegan, Cultivators. — February 3, 1880. Filed Derember 18, 1879. Claim.— I.— The beams d, having the hooks/formed on their front ends to catch under and around the axle, in com- bination wnth the castings g, secured to the top of the beam and catching over the top of the axle, substantially as shown. 2.— The combination of the axle c, rod s, sockets ;•, levei-s V, and gangs, substantially as specified. 3-- ; combination ' of the levers ?• and adjustable with the connecting rods re, substantially as shown. . 4.— The combination of the levers v, boxes u, provided with the weights or balls .r, moving thereon, and connecting rods ?ame place. — Siii^y-Citltivntors. — Febtitary 2)t iSSo. Filed Xcc'cmber 22, 1879. Claim. — 1. — The combination, with the axle B and half- kcepLMs 1", of the bars E, pivoted to the axle and adapted to idiiiKcl with the single trees and the draw bars of the pUmgh--. as shown and described. 2, — The branched draught-bar K, pivoted to the beams iliovethe plough and connected byaslot with the clevis-pin N. in combination wiih the cultivator beams L and the clevis pKite M, as and for the purpose specified. 3. — In a cultivator, the conjbniation, with the draw bars K of the plough l>eams and the axle B of the sulky, of the pivoted draught bars E, sul)stanti:illy as herein shown and described, to keep the jiloughs at a uniform depth when working upon uneven ground, as set forth. No. 224,390. — H. COLE, RoYALTON, Ohio. — Riding AHachnu-nt for Cultivators — February lo, 1 880. Filed Dett-mbcr 6," 1879. Claim. — I. — The combination of the bars A, provided w ith the U-bolls B, the cross-bars C, and the cross bars D, the caster-wheels E F, and the adjustable cross-bar G, that carries the driver's seat 11, substantially as herein shown and described, to adapt the device to be attached to a cultivator as set forth. 2. — The combination, with the bars .\, the cross-heads C, and the cross-bars I), of the connecting bar Iv, substantially as herein shown and described, so that the device may be used with a cultivator provided with a split tongue, as set forth. No. 224,639.— P.\TRICK BRANNON, FREtrpoRT, Xvi..— Corn-Ploughs.— February 17, 1880. Filed September 3- 1S7Q. Claim. — I. — The sliall /. iciurnalcd in Ijeariutjs in front of tlh' .!.,.-■: ■ ; I ,, ,icd from and cuiiiMui.iinji, u un uiL l. .1, , icU . 1,^- 1 uu » i. ..j.u pluugh beaffls 1, substantially as set forth. 2. — The .shaft ;', jovu-naled in bearings in front of the dtiver's seat in combination w.iih the movable shaft ;«, sep- arated from and connetted with the shaft i at its centre by the shank of lever n and at each end by the quadrants / the lever «, hook w, rods L, plough-beams \, and sus- pended frame N, substantially as specified. No. 224,773.— JAMES FORBES, Mooers, N. Y.— Cultivators. — February 24, r88o. Filed December 26, 1879- Claim. — The triangular cultivator fr.irr,c C f. '.'. rnrr\-- ing the ploughs I J K and gauge cutler \. iinl pi-vil. I with the slidmg tr.msverse bar E, in i ! ::,,! :i w : I, !i slotted bars D and rotating transverse l-.a 1. aiinli." 1 > the frame A, and having hand lever /' and curved arms or rods c substantially as and for the purpose speci- fied. No. 9,530.— JAMES FORBES, Mooers, N. \.— Culti- vators. — 224,773, February 24, 1880. — Reissued January 11,1881. Filed 7«/r 15,1880. Claim.--!. — In combination with the slotted metallic pl.-.les e e, rotatin;^ transverse bar F, rods c, hand lever b, and sliding transverse bar E, the triangular cultivator frame G G G', carrying the ploughs I J K and gauge cutters N, the said frame being arranged, as shown and described, so that its wide end travels in advance of its narrow end, as and for the purposes set forth. 2. — The triangular cultivator frame G G G', carrying the ploughs I J K and gauge cutters N. and provided with the sliding transverse bar E, in combination with the slotted bars D and rotating transverse bar F, attached to the frame A, and hand lever b, and curved arms or rod c, substantially as and for the purpose specified. No. 225,304.— ANTONE STAUFFACHER, Juda, \Nk. — Cultivators.— A/arc/t 9, iSSo. Filed October 24, 1879. Claim. — The ratchet r, having an extension, s, on its rear end to receive the pulley or roller t, substantially as described. No. 226,321.— DAVID M. JOHNSTON, Red Bi.uff, Cal — Cultivators. — April d, 1880. YiXzA A^ovember 2,1, 1879. Claim. — The cultivator A, composed of metal bars or sections a, having their forward ends, ..i, ,1 I- iIm Mde frames, B, by the horizontal 1H\ : I 1 ■ I'l. lear of the wdieel-spindles, and li.'. : : :■ I I'l \ I ailachment in front thereof, while the ; I'll jl- ,11 111 iJie.l I I -aid bar or frame at an interme- diate iiiiint. all substantially as shown and described, and for the purpose specified. 2. — In a corn plough, the wheels A, frames B, arch D, hounds F,. toncjue F. ioosely-))ivoted bars or frames C, and pl.iH li- I,, II inine, 'i hkI ..|ieraiing in combination wi:' ' I ■ 1. - ■ - :; I .;\ ,,, ,le,wn and specified. ; - 1 e . ,, ■ 11 ,' 1 lie — frames of a corn-plough lue.^cl) |ii\'i ■ 1' I ' 11 I li ^N le." file 'Iraught bars or frames loo-< I ; ■ ' , 1 , . 1 e e ; : ,, ,1 in the man- ner shown. - . I i' I 1 I ,e . ell acted to al- low each ef 1 1 ,,. : I ■, ■ . I ■ III lie.,,, to the others, .ill -iileeiiin, IIn ... v.e, ■ , I e.llh. \m ee-,::' ' 1 M '. M " 1 1 , I I \G, CHARITON, loWA. _)/ I 1. I \ led .March 20, 1880. I 1,1 1 in - 1 - 111: I ..111 e, ,11 ei .if ilie straddling beam A in a ndtivator with the standard 11, coupling pLaie K, and the long and short shovel beams, arranged as herein de- scribed, the said long beams being rigidly secured to the coupling plates, and the short beams being pivoted and connected with levers, substantially as herein shown and set forth. 2. — The combination of the straddling bar A in a cultivator with a series of fixed and adjustable beams, arranged to be raised or lowered by hand levers e and segment levers a, the coupling ]ilales K, holding the for- ward ends of the beams and pivoted between the stand- ards B, and shaft (/, substantially as _ herein shown and set forth. No. 228,659.— GEORGE M. MARKS, Fowler, Pa. —.Sulkv-Plou<;h=. — June 8, 1880. Filed December 8, 1880. ' Claim. — In a wheel-cultivator, the combination of the axle C and the two pairs of guide hangers /( h with the wheel spindles H H, the sliding bars I I, having notches CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. t', the levers K K, pissing through the bars I, the pawls i i, and the frame A B, substantially as shown and de- scribed. No. 229,534.— JOHN W. HUDSON, Wellington, \\.\..— Wheel-Cultivators.— July 6, 1880. Filed March Claim. — I. — The sleeve D, cut away for the passage of spring G, the latter nttached to bar ^/ and coiled around and secured to n\l. A umI arm F, constructed and ar- ranged as shown all I ie tongue Q Q, pivoted or hinged to the arch .A., as shown, in combination with the hinged adjustable neck yokes R R, ring Y, and the front arch, .S, substantially as and for the purposes set forth. 5. — In a wheel-cultivator, the plough lieams hinged to the central arch, A, in combination with chains F, weights P, and pulleys O. 6. — In a wheel-cultivator, the combination of chain H with pulleys I, connected to clevises X, pulleys J, secured to head blocks \V, pulleys K, secured to top end of half- arches B, an 1 pulleys L at the tip nf central arch, A. 7.— In a wheel culti\at-i. ili. , . airination of hinged plough beams, the half an la- Imj -iipporting the wheel arms, and the drau^lu-atiaLliuKiit i Ilm^is, with a washer between the clevis and the head blocks, whereby the height of the beam may be varied. No. 230,414.— TAMES B. GRACEY, Richmond, Va. —Agricultural Implements.— July 27, 1880. Filed De- cember 31, 1879. Claim.^l. — The slotted bars B B, with plates a, in com- bination with bar T, connected to both front and rear of beams Q by .toggle-joinis U. and operaterl hv lever V whereby both of said beams, throughout their length, can be moved to and fro in opposite lateral directions, for the purpose set forth. 2. — The combination of beams Q, toggle joints or arms U, perforated sliding bar T, bar W, lever V, and pin Y, all as described. 3. — The mould-board, share, and landside, made in one piece, and comljined wiih -.taudnrd ( >, provided with arm P, which extends ah ni;^ I'n !an,l-i>lr in strengthen the same, and projecls beyoii.i i1h_ h .la, -1. that a socketed point H', may be fitted thcjeh., -uli-ianii illy as set forth. 4. — The longitudinal bar 1, provided with slotted plate /, in combination with beams Q, provided with plate d, per- forated arm U, and pins e, substantially as and for the pur- 5. — The perforated arms U, and pins e, in combination with longitudinal bar T and plate f, substantially as set forth. No 2?i S,4b— r/I KIEL D POWELL, Yates Town- ship, \1 I \ III — Cultuatoi<: — Augusts^, Chi. I combmu il D D, ofditluLnl shares facing out intermediate an 1 mg in«ard 1 1 t Htivelv imn I pose hei Lin h 2— In 1 c 11 with pnotcd pli adjustable connecti guide and connected heiein sh No . addle 1 nator, the ' n f I 1^ f- 1 1 1 ugh beams 1 I ingular md the I 11 Ls fac- ill L ustiuutd and re- nti tUy as and for the pur- 1 Itivator, the combination, Ijl im and their handles, of the bnce G, having pulley H and the cham I, passing over said pulley and beim substantnlly as and for the purpose . H BA.ILEY, St. Louis, Mo., assignoi 1 hi 1 kl MVNSUR .V CO., same place — C I'ti ,1 ( ., iSSo liled///«f28 18S0 ( him — 1 liL t 111 inti n I tliL Lur\cd scraper A, hum, th ln| li mi nl de ci K 1 «ilh the block B, attiLhtd s> 1 t s« vel n the Lis and having the sti light slot 1 and curved slot/ ri.CLiving respectively, the sciew bolts ; and li.iln- fi.r a-ljii-tiiiL; -aid rods, llie -iile laaee, /. .iml lin.vaMe dip. ,. >ul„lamially as .uid lo, ihc purpu.ei, herein set forth. 2. — Ihe flanged casting R, having slot ;•, laterally adjustaljle, as described, in combination with the ver- tically-adju-table handle P, as and for the purposes set forth. No. 233,931— JAMES H. JONES, Rockford, III.— Comhineil Cultivators and Seeders. — November 2, 1880. Filed April IS, 1S80. Claim.— I.— The enmbinatinn, with a main frame and a drag bar, of a liraeiiii; ]ienilant i>ivoted to said main frame, to have lateral ailjiKlmeiU in a horizontal plane, said pendant m uniaiinii _■ a 1 nnvMni aiiL'le relative to the main frame liiiiui" - "' ■■i-i r,' n, -nl.-i .m, illv as set forth. 2- — 1 1. i; . ; '1 ! a I Mr, of a bracing pendant -1 ' 111, ■ 1 .lin ,, , h, 1 has one portion vertically pivntei I n, ih nn Irauie and another portion horizontal points of adapted to be 1 said frame, suli- 3.— The con penda irlh. the in fri ts fo drag ing its : in whici: r, of a bracing r portion pivoted ird portion provided with a a bolt adjustably connect- frame, substantially as set curve sic ing the forth. 4. — The combination, with a shovel standard, a slip bracket, and a bolt fastening the latter to the outer side of a drag bar, of a handle fitted between the inner side of CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. plM being seciiretl sses thi'ouj^h an orth. bracket Ii^iviiiy t«o anus, ami bolts fastening the latter 10 a drag bar, of a handle fitted between the drag l)ar and a clam)), said clamp being secured to the tlrag bar by the same bolt which passes through one of said sli|i arms, the bolt of the other slip arm passing through the handle iiself, substantially as set forth. 6. — The herein described slip brackets to support the shovel standards, having their slip arms provided with a recess to receive a pivot washer, substantially as herein- before set forth. 7. — The combination, with a shovel standard and a slip bracket, of a pivotal washer fitted to the recessed slip arm, substantially as set forth 8. — The combination, with an oblong socket secured to a drag bar and having its sides provided with arched grooves, of a bracing pendant having lateral projections which fit in said arched grooves, substantially as set forth. 9. — The combination, with a transverse roller extending between the two side drag bars, nf a slip bracket centrally secured to said roller, and a shovel standard secured m vertical adjustment to the bracket, substantially as set forth. 10. — The combination, with the slip bracket carrying a shovel standard, with shovel thereto attached and fixed to the transverse roller, of a lever handle pivoted to the slip bracket and held in position thereto by a safety slip bolt connection, substantially as and for the purpose herein- before set forth. II. — The herein described centre shovel, consisting of a slip bracket fixed to a transverse roller, a sho\ el >tan^■- I 1 / h, 14 i^ CKun 1 1 their en I I 1)1 ind opentii)^ II ci uheieb) ihi. the i\le, substintiall) as de cnbe 1 2 — The combinit on f the I Ir axle, and haMnu; 1 1 t n I \ the blocks L \ and made laterall) 1 I No 235,593 ^101 1\ N \\ I I — Wheel Ciiltiuatois—D ml t \ L\ and ANDER- (/ ,S—D.CUH H placed upon the I 1 I tL them,%Mth the blocks H setfoith \ 11 NLO\E N \ I bio Filed 4iuu I Claim — In a wheel-cultivator, the combination w ith the oblique side bii, C, of the obliq lely grooved side iron U engaging the outei edge 1 1 sail si I I 11 and hasm^ the bioad cheek fluige / e\ti.n I 1 [_ 11 Ikl tli the « licel spindle /«, and supporting flini^L / c\ten ling un Ici sail side bar and bolted theieio, subsiantiiUy as specihed No 235,692— JOHN T McNORTON, LLORENCt, i:z\k%—Ploi,j/i-Lan tarts— December 21, 18S0 Filed A/a} 31, 18S0 Llaim — I — 1 he coml in I 1 11 1 | 1 i^h l iriajje f the bifuicited aims b, 1] i I It then U| j ci ends to the undei si le I 1 \ « th Lipi bdityot movement thciLil 1 ., 1 \ 1 li then 1o«li ends bein^ el I I iIlwIici-I ixli. is dLseiii ed an 1 mtially a set luith a plou^h-L the adju 2-11 lec|us 1 1 1 h en 1 bdl I 1 of the Li and upii keepers a substanti nd IK Ut eai No ; _ Granoi I 1 STUDLM \\N 1881 ixUlJu,, ' Chim a I cf the 1 lock — I the aiju 1 I Ta, of the II 1 1 kVLER L\ md HLNR\ -J>nuan 4, t hmged plough H 1 I le segments /, I lever /; the rod /, ei / cjnnecting, by II lie having pawl 1 les nbed — 1 "1' "&I1 tin lard hinged to frime / ot the 1 tte 1 j noted 1 loek ^>-, and the segment / adjustably connected therewith, as and foi the purpose specified No 230 341 — FLAVIU& J LAMPTON, Hammon- MIIL R\ —U/ncl Cullnatois-yaniian A 1881 Piled O / / ; 28 1S80 ( lami — I — 1 he combination of the frame A having the holes H, with the U shajie 1 adjustable frame I and wheel D, having a shank uhieh projects up through the frames A I, substantially is sh )\\n 2 —In a wheeled eultnatoi the co lib nation of the fiame A, havmi; the h les H the \eitieill)-i l|u til k U shaped frame I, and wheel D ha m^ a shml whieh passes up thiough both frames with the 1 _)\es F 1 1 m le I with tne levels O, Conneetin^ ro 1 1 levels K coils 01 chains Q, and the plough beams, substantially as de- scribed No 237,179 -CHRISTOPHER GRATTAN, Stock- ton C-iL — Ploughs — J'ebiuary i, 1881 Filed Novem- l S 1S80 I I 1 II — I — A. gang plough consisting of the diverging 1 1 I liames or beams A with the opposing series of 1 ^1 1 md left plouL,hs seeuie I tD the tv o beams, respec- tivelv said fianie I u 1 11 I 1 I 1 1 n I) in combina- tion with the thiee 1 vl 1 1 i nl S, whereby the front, eentie 11 I i 1 I 1 are supported mdependentlv sul I 1 11 llv I le 1 e iibed 2— The divei^m 1 le 1 \\ u^l liime a I, with its opi ositely-phee I j lout,h nil the line | ins of wheels lis me mlunti n w th the level | k T, with their V liereb) the liDnt centre, and rear of the ] V be elevated 01 depiessed, substantially I I 1 ed plough flame « /^ jointed at D, and 1 \ 1 1 poition su| polled upon ihe two pairs 1 1 111 ml the leai portion piovided with the w! I s 11 ml inatien with the lever i and rack K, wl lel V ll e I ai poition of the hame /, with its wheels S, nn> e elev te 1 fiom the ground, substantially as and for the 111] e h I 111 described No 7 7,,— CHXKIES n GARDINER Spring- uni iHu 1 11 t 1 I M\srvto same place. — t ///// It —I 1 1 I 1 le 1 / 7, iSSo. tl I I e m, the lever - " its upper the frame, and [ _j ] huwn, uniting the 11 m uid the level with eieh ther and tending to thiow the beam upward 2 — In eombinalion with the wheeled frame and the s II 1 11 1 t 1 tl el 1 1(1 aim connected with I t id aim and rest- tle liime, and a I I levM, uniting the I 11 ill md Irom their point of , — II he fi ime the beam having the II vMth the lever j inled to the I I ul le-i ji ineline real one end, the the 11 m md level and the roller or \ I 11 V Uh the 1 vei (. a le eribed anel I n ll 1 1 ]_! Vl le I V I ll 1 < I n tches, the sjiiii ml the il|i lille I S — In e nmitinwilh I III lie nd i beam or dii.,bii i iineelel ihei t I I p and an arm 1 1 VI le 1 w th m 11 eline i I II i I dipted to be ait tel l\ th s|rn^ 1 1 I I ! I im in an eleva- ted p . tl n I V 1 e I I 11 Mr ub tantially as desculel ill I No 2,7 4 < ll\l lESO GARDINER and WIL- LIAM ( ll i\\\I\ siKiNiFlfLi) Ohio, assignors to P P MASl V to line \>\ac(i—Ciiltnatois—Fel>riia>v 15 18S1 1 ll I / ; S 1880 Clam — I — Ihe eultiv ilor coupling having the rigid arm wiihil u] | e enlpovided with the seiies of holes dis| o ed in lilteiei t vertieil and houzontal planes, as de- - — lie irmlinit 1 f the fi mie the 1 eam-coupling I 1 in tl e ujri^l t 111 I m I 1 .,1 llv theiec n the spiral n I I 1 1 lU I 1 n^ 11 1 winding rod, hav- II Iv tl f I 1 1 the other end I I I I ] I I tl I I I 111 by an adjusta- II I I 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 V e 1 forward and 1 1 I I the coupling having tl 1 and the spring, the I and the rod adjustable f r 111 ill 1 vv 11 I It It 1 lit of connection with the 4 — In e ml ination with the axle the draft frame, and the 1 eiin 1) ei itint, 10 I the flanged plate f, constructed as CULTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. described and shown, with the lip or flange, whereby it is adapted to serve the double purpose of uniting the frame and axle and of holding the rod and its spring. 5. — The combination of the parts / , lli. , nun, rthiL: pivot, and the screw /, applied to hold ilir |u\>.i. 1 lioi,ii No. 238,989.— LAFAYETTE K. 11 rhi\. \I^^^1M 1 , "Mo.— Cultivators.— March 15, 18S1. 1 il.-"', having its fulcrum on the axle tree B, in combination with the sub-axle D the shdm_ ng in the arm D", and with the quadr; block worki on the top frame, substantially as shown and for the pur- pose specified. 6. — The pulverizing double-tined harrows P, constructed and adapted to be used in combination with the shovels H', as specified, and substantially as shown. No. 241,319.— NELSON DULANEY, Lvnnville, \\.\..Sulky-Cultivators.—May 10, 1881. Filed y,7«««/-i' 5, 1881. Claim. — 1. — In a sulky-cultivator, the combination, with the main frame F, of the pivoted seat frame C D, the bars M, having stops N, and the adjustable slotted bars O, bent to form stops P, as shown and described. 2. — The standards W, supporting ploughs at their lower ends, connected at the top with hand lever pivoted be- tween the standard connections, and immediately attached to a rocking beam X, to provide means of throwing the plough points toward or from each other, as de- scribed. No. 241,687.— CLINTON MENDENHALL, Mar- TlN.siuiRn, W. Va. — May 17, 1881. Filed February 17, iSSt. cViini In n cnltivninv, the wheeled frame A, having III ill ' I I !! ' . : '1 - ./' at its forward end, in combi- .1 I : 11' . :. xrrs e, <•', 6•^ ^1, and c\ shafts a', liii a |ii. ( , , . ,iihl |.l,iiicji , , substantially as shown and de- No.' 242,134.— JAMES JOHANESON, Beloit, Wis.— Sulky-Cultivators.— May 31, 1 88 1. Filed March 9, Claim.— The standard E, with ball joint thereon, as shown, the device D and vertical lever K. with ball joint, as shown, the side lever, x, coupling chain .1^, the foot lever g, and hand lever T,, whereby the cultivators are manipulated Ia '}••■ InnNor feet> of the operator from his seat upon th, ,1 ! i. ,: -tantially as and for the purpose herein pariicul uU lii-. mmcI and shown. No. 242.478.— KICUAKI) B. ROBBINS, Adrian, yi\c\\.— Cultivators.— June 7, 1881. Filed March 29, 1880. Claim. — I. — The lever R and chain S, in combination with beam T, lever L, rack P, and roller /;, substantially as set forth. 2. — The foot lever W, in combination with lever L, rack P, and locking bolt U, as described. 3.— The lever L, provided with sliding rod U, and operating spring, in combination with rack P, lever V, and foot lever W, the several parts operating as de- scribed. 4. — The reversible .shovel C, constructed with one end wider than the other, and provided with sleeve 3', slotted as described, for the purposes set forth. 5. — The standard Z, in combination with sleeve A', provided with lug q, and a shovel or tooth provided with sleeve B', slotted as described, for the purpose set forth. 6.— The standard iron Y, constructed as described and sesiue.l to the bottom and the side of the rail, in coin hi nation with the plough standard, substantially as 7. I he c Minliination of a cultivator beam, standard iron \ . :iii '.1 and secured to the beam as described, ami tiic ,i.uMi.;i,l Z, slotted and beveled along the slot and =ccuied to ,aid iron, as described, for the purpose set forth. 8.— The sleeve B', provided with one or more slots at both top and bottom, in combination with a double pointed sh 1 r 1 1 I 1 foith I \ I I 1 with lug/ in combination \ tl I I e B slottc I at one 01 1 oth the lint n ofa \eitic aliv ^ I lit 1 5, piing ibstanmll) as de scril ed w hei el y an increasing up\\ aid tiam m communi cited to the beam as the lattei rises 3.— The combination of a wheeled frame, a vertically moving lie.un .a drag bar attached thereto, and a lifting sprin.;'. Mil. Manually as described, which exerts a greater strain .a elleci iq inn the beam when the latter is elevated than wlien it 1- 1. |.re--ied. 4. — The cniii.i.iiiai r III i.l a \eii.iall\ iiMAang beam, a lifting sprin-, 1 - ' 1 ng or fulcrum, whereby the ,..:...,. :i . -. i i n ' ,'inig upon the beam is increase, 1 .1., llie l.caui n, elei.iUd, .ul.stantially as described and shown. 5. — A vertically movable beam, in combination with a lifting spring, connected therewith by a changeable or shifting bearing, substantially as described, whereby the lifting force or effect of the spring upon the rising beam is maintained notwithstanding the decreasing tension of the spring. No. 242,678.— ISAAC S. MUSSETTER, Oakland, I.ILTIVATORS-WHEEL OR SULKY. <)M. - / Si I 1 I ;/• /4 iSSi A a 1 1 1 1 tl 1 I 1 nl ( CI 1 1 uli 1 1 ih the clip with tl 1 1 I 1 I t the 1) nfll 1111 1 11 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 II 1 I in 1 11 1 \el littei 1 tiiUj 1 1 =, 1 1 1 II ^ lit L tin 1 1 11 11 Ik f N 24j 21C— L\Uk •\NCE H CDNNEK ( ranp 1 1 1 1 1 ttt 111 View 1 E\ \b— 1«/// If —/„/, 21 1S81 I lied 1/7V 1 ' ' .4 1881 N 4 -- 1 \M| 1 I \ 111 V\K s 11 \M Chill -I In 1 ci 1 1 lit 111 11 pk iND— / // i ll t J I ISS, 11 1/ „ ml nit 1 \ \ 1 C ll 111 Ull\ '2 iSSl i\Il c s t g f ,11 1 t 1 ei ig CI 1 —1 —I h t 1 tl 1 ci r lit 1 ,1 Mlel 1, n It inn 1 teeth inl Tit 1 1 11,1 t n Mng in uitille g 1 tilt ^ 1 I ter cirued 111 1 1 II 11 1 11 1 th ic n n 1 Lei e 1 1 n 1 I lice 1 between the cogged 1 1 i 1 , II 1 1 1 111 ect ons r the i\le tl c , Tit being airanged for joint II 11 1 1 11 111 1 1 tl s 1 tilt lly 1 set f rth tl 1 1 tl 1 1 11 11 11 1 1 1 11 1 II 11 1 1 — lie I 1 |1 1 1 1 ll in 1 cultivatoi 01 othei agricul cii lying wheels t«o movable le 1 ,ini n 4 heel between said ~ll II 1 1 1 M 1 1 ^11 1 1 bolstei cii ^ 1 lis foi the C 1 1 11 1 1 1 ll 1 ll tl 1111 (11 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ixle ind f the section fiiction 1 11 lilt ting the s of th 1 1 Ih IS set II 1 1 1 ll 1 1 1 n t 1 e 1 isle 1 e-l el 1 1 1 III n N 1 11 1 1 1 \ 11 \ I 1 ( 1 III t t n 1 1 1 1 1 11 III 1 s ^n 1 1 1 1 V 1 \ N M\M1 \ KIN C M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 , tl n, I \N\ '^i lie 1 1 Lc — C ill ,t -y.n ■>! 1S81 Iilel 1 1 II 1 1 1 \ / 2.; 1S79 N 4 11 \l \ \ W ( 11 \M1 I 1 I \IN LrcK Ch 11 -I -The aui II t \ ll 1 1 V til 1 y S Ibbi 1 lei / / ,nn L inection tI t 1 1 III 1 1 tl IS iSSi cult itoi in 1 1 1 1 1 ll ( ll — le 1 n th the 1 111 n inl 1 11 Loml 1 1 t uii tl 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 \. 1 1 1 1 li\ ng the 010 NP 1) 1 fi 11 11 1 a m 1 1] 1 1 1 1 n lo ch CO inecte 1 it lots 11 II 11 ml th I , hiir onee. 1 %vith the up, e. |o.ton 1 the litter substintially is ,1. 1 1 1 111 (It inifoi theiuipo e lebLiibel ng tl 1 1 1 11) ting 2 —The combimtion of 1 lOcl ingirmorswingmgsupport saiU t II 1 1 1 FL O i 'CHS— CO C'I'L /.VGi Crossle) ,S. Dryden W. Dry.len \V. Fawcai (;. Feltmii H. Fox, T. Fril,L-i- A. Ualc~, 1 .\. Hague, C. A 939 29S* 942 299 935 298 94" 299 943 300 941 299 933 297 940 209 937 298 934 297 932 297 937 298 93S 29S Hartman, C. R. 931 297 Hilesabeck, Holland, L. M. Kinsey, C. Letz, J. P. Lueth, J. Luppen, L. Liippen, L. Lynch, E. P. Manlv, F. H. Manly, F. B. Needham, B. F. and Osborn, B. F. Paradis, J. B. ,^, _,_ Pcrrigo, A. S. 941 299 I Pierpont, f. 935 29S I Pitts, y. K. 936 29S Piatt, "\V. H. 935 29S I Porter, M., lenki 944 3x0 and (.;. F. 942 932 940 935 934 936 936 939 943 943 942 935 944 934 932 93« 939 Claim Plate Claim 299 Potter, H. J. 942J 300 299 Ray, G. W. 942 299 297 Rockafellow, S. 937 298 299 Sanders, J. R. 938 298 298 Smith, W. E. 932 297 297 Smith, A. 940 299 29S Stover, D. C. 934 297 298 Tipton, J. B. 933 297 299 300 Underwood, F. J 933 297 300 " ('^•) 933 297 29, Vanhivanee, T- ai d S iiith. 298 H. 937 298 300 Van Siclde, (;. W. and 297 McConaugIn c. 940 299 297 \'an Sickle, V,: w. and 298 McConaugh) c. 943 300 29S Weir, W. S., Jr. 931 297 Weir, W. S. " 939 299 297 Wliitney, S. M. 931 297 PLOUGHS-COUPLINGS. No. 5;, 205.— W. .S. WFIR. Jr., Monmouth. In — Cultiv,Uors. — March 13, 1866. Claim.— The combination with the plats D,_ ears .!,'.•'. and journal <■, ol the grooved bearing plats C C, cylindrical projections c c, plates K U, and screw holt f. all consiructed and arranged to operate in the manner and for the purpose siiecilied. No. 57.562 -MICHAEL PURTKR, C. K. JENKINS ;ind G. I . JF.NKINS. Terre Haute, l\.\..—Cu/livntors. August 28. T' 66. Claim I he combination of the .adjustable swivel brack- < IS (7, plough beams E E. and axle A, arranged and opera- ting in the manner as and for the purpose herein specified. No. 57,668.- J. W. BOOSINC.FR, M.irine, Ii.i.— C«/- livators.— September 4, 1866. Claim.— I — The clevis D' and strap D- when construct- ed and employed sulistnntially as described and set forth. 2 The comliin.ition of the plough beams D with the clevis 1) , also, the combination of the said beams with the devices R .7 «' a^ for the purposes and in the m.anner sub- stanlir.lly asdescribed. No. 59,698— SILA-^M.WHTINEY, G.M.ESBUKn, Ii.i. — Coupling /'or Cultivators A'oveiilier i^, 1866. Claim.^The adjustable rectangular frame C, eye bolts D and E, and connecting bar B, when said parts .ire construct- ed substantially as herein shown and described, in combin- nd a.>:l of frame -Cnlli- .irpose with the plough beam and for the purpose set forth. No. 67,07S._W. E SMITH, Oqu. vtitors — July 23, 1867. Claim. — The couplings G, composed connected by a vertical bolt /i. and !i:iv posed between them .ind ihe pin /, ,niil axle and plough b anis. substantially a- sel forth. No. 69,697.— JOSHUA PIERPONT, l.A. Harpe, III., assignor to himself and SIDNEY S. TUTTLE, same place. — Cultivator Couplings.— Octo/ier 8, 1867. (_laim,— I.— The turntable clevis, with the head g. in combination with the axle arm a both constructed ami operaiing substantially as and for the purpose herein de- scribed 2. — The combin.alion c.f the clevis and the axle arm a with the cmnecting bar E, ar.anged and operating as and for the purpose described. No. 76,634.— LEWIS M. HOLLAND, Galesburg, \\.\..— Cultivators.— Ap. il i ■, 1868. Claim. — Coupling the shovel beams 15 with the axle of the cultivator by means of the screw pivots /', with cross pieces e' fitting in the sockets of the pin- .■. ^ iL-i unially in the manner and ft)r the purpose ns ' ' > i. No. 85,292.— W. A. DRYDEN, '.'.■■ iii, I ' 1 -. as- signor to himself and JOHN N. TL-KM;L I I , ■ i"< place. — Cultivators — Dceevilier 29. 1868. Claim - The metal axle, with a vertical coupling spindle, F, cast thereon as a part of the same, substantially as de- scribed and for the purpose set forth. No. 85,412.— FL.WI US J. UNDERWOOD, Rock Island, III , assignor to B. D. BUFORD, same place- — Cultivators. — December 29, 1 858. Claim — I. — The cult vat r frame, consisting of the bars A and the bent bar B, with the axles C attached, the part A being made adjustable, substantially as shown and described. 2.— The manner of r.ttaching the ploughs to the r ' '" by means of the plates h, grooved boxes .i', and studs or pins i, all constructed and arranged to operate as described. 3. — The shovels F, provided with the boxes /', bolts f, and bar c, in combination with the rounded shank a of the plough beam, whereby the shovels are rendered capable of being adjusted and s.cured in, substanlially as herein described. 4 — Connecting the handles of the two sets of cultivator shares by means of the bar I, when so arranged as to limit the distance to which said handles may move apart, and yet leave them free to approach each other, substantially as shown and described. No. 4,665— FLAVIU.S J. UNDERWOOD, Rock, Island, III., assignor to KASIL D. PJUFORD, same place.— G,//m7/o/-j -85.41 3.— /J^rrmV;- 29. 1868. Re- " ! issued Deccm'-er 12, 1S71. Claim I. — In com' ination with the plough beams K and round axles C. a coupling joint, (J, which, encircling 2. —In r '>iii him;, w II 1i I hi- rlnnents last aforesrid, a j >int uponwhi'li'i I ' II ■ 111 IV suing horizontally as well as have a v.-i ; 1. I - i' ; ,i i- -i, 3._Th'',i :1. /ill. n ilii -ivli-, in conformation with the plough beams and gro,)ved 1 o\es ^■•, forming part of thejoint coupling C;. 4. — A series of studs. /, arranged along the axle C, in com- bination with the plough beams and adjustable grooved 5 — Ti e coupling G, including in its construction the parts g.p. /'.and f. 6. — In combination with the bent beams E and shanks F, the bolts ■, boxes. /'. and plates c for adjustably connecting the shanks and beams. 7. —In combination with the shanks F and a device sub- stantially such as set forth for connecting them . the bent beams E, when made round at their lower ends so that the shovels may be adjusted to throw the eart]i to either side and be raised or lowered to regulate th ' de th of plowing. 8 — In combination with the plough beams E, a frame, B C. to which the said beams and the wheels are att.ached, and a frame. A, .adjustably connected with one another so that Ihe frame A can be raised or lowered without affecting the position of the plough beams and ploughs, substantially as set forth. 9 The ]5arts last aforesaid when adjustably connected hor- izontally in relation to one another, substantially in the 10. — The axles C C and bar B when re pectively so con- structed that axles may be attached or detached, substantially as set forth. II. — The bar I and plough handles in combination when so arranged as to limit the distance 10 which the handles may b -separated, lut leaving them free to be approached at the will of the operatcr. No. 85,509. -NATHAN CARR,jR , and JOHN CARR, MON'MOOTH. \\.\.. — Ci"iv}'>r^. — ya'unrvl, 1869. Claim. The plate E, cylinder M. and hook S, with nut H, constructed and arranged as described, and combined with spindle B, wrench T, and casting A, the whole being con- striKlcd. npiiated. and arranged in ihe manner substantially ,i. ■ ' 1,1 r.r the purpose set forth. liiHN B. TIPTON, Peora, III. CkW- I 16, 1869. 1 ; 1, 1 111 I omijination with a cultivator, theslotted springsC, iin. 1th, -lull in-] ,1 ., k- 1 j, ,ints F, constructed and operating substanti ,! 1 2.— A cnltivatoi. i I 111. - i-i il ,ocket joints F, springs C, elevated axle, ,i-l n 1, nil rest H, constructed, ar- ran-^ed, and oper.iting substantially as herein specified. No. 87,724.— D.C. STOVER, Lanark, \\.\. — Cultiv.,- I.,rs.-M.,r III), 1869. Claim.— The combin.ation of the pivoted adjustable yoke D with the bent rod C, bracket B, and carriage A, arranged and operating as described, for ihe purpose specified. No. 91,727.— WILLIAM A. DRYDEN, Monmouth, III., n.signor to himself and I. M. PURNBULL. Cu!ti- Vlt'r^ -Jo i;/!.^-! inn- 22, 1 869. t.'laini. — The conibinalion and arrangement of the plates Eand K, with their respective projections H, and s, and tongue .•, with the eye bolt C, nut D, grooved journal spin- dle A, and beam plate J, substantially asdescribed, and for the purpose set forth. No94,497,— JOHN LUETH, Kankakee, III Ciil'i- vat rs. — Septe?iibir 7, 1S69. Claim.— I.— The wedge shaped plate I, provided with grooves h li, in combination with the grooved back pLate 11 shovel H, bolt m, and standard C,', as set forth. 2. — The reversible stirrups F, provided with pivots b b\ placed at one side of their center, in combination with the beams G, standards G', shovels ri, depending standsirds B, and vertical parts B' of the elevated axle, as and lor the purposi forth No. 95 505.— A. S. PERRIGO, Sandwich, III.— C«/- Octob.-r 5, 1869. PLOUGHS-COUPLINGS. I 1, Hill— I, — 1 lie two part devises Q, pivoted to the I" II \ - I 1 I llie clips M, and provided with slotted ends I . I : ilir depth which the shovels are to runinthe j^P-iii.^i. ,•- .1 ■■nh. 2. — lliL- combination of the clevises Q, clips M, and standards K, as described. 3. — The combination of the clevises Q, standards K, clips M, and rods B' E, as and for the purpose set forth. 4. — The combination of the rods li c, standards V, shovels U and ca fo 1 ol 1 g the shovel the required distance apart ] e "ie 1 5 — T \ \ n combination with the t la \ a guhr bar O, and shovel U, fo 1 1 1 sho el as described. \ Ck NiANTic, ll.\..—Calth'a- 1 strap H, pin or key I, bar F, e ch other and with the slotted I tan la ds C attached to the CO \ t t 1 } as here n shown and described, an 1 for the p rpo e et fo th No 9707J— I N C\TES BuRNsiDE, \i.h.—Cultiva- to s — \o 23 1869 Claim. — The knuckle D and adjustable knuckle holder E e^, constructed and operating; in connection with the plough beam and truck frame of a cultivator, substantially as herein shown and described, and for the purpose set forth. No. 98,604.— JOHN P. LETZ, L.\coN, l\.-L.—Culliva- ton. — January 4, 1870. Claim. — The plate d, provided with the circular head d' and orifice e' , in combination with the rounded recesses c and bolts and staples, in the manner and for the purpose de- scribed. No. 106,864.— BENJAMIN F. OSBORN, N.a.shvii.le, TE.NN., assignor to T. H. JONE.S & Co., same place.— C«/- tivators. — August ■^o, 1870. Claim. — The arrangement, with respect to the beams A A and bars U E of a cultivator, of flanged vertical stud plates F G H, grooved joint K L M, horizontal stud plate O P, and bolts N G, to admit of lateral and vertical adjustment, as shown and described. No. 108,274.— LUPPE LUPPEN, Pekin li.-L.—Shovel- PlOHghs.— October 11, 1870. Claim. — I. — The clamp, composed of the plates G' G^, wliich arc constructed with central pins and annular flanges sun iiih ;mi- t!i. s.imeupon their opposing faces, in combin- ni I 1 1 ill ill socket F, to form a coupling, substantial- - — II J. iiient. relatively to each other, of the axle socket 1* , I ' I,' I J I, I » bar G, socket G- G''', and plough beams G • I ' , I us set forth. No. loS,;; ! : 11 I, i.UPPEN, Vv.v.\^,\\.\..—Shofd- Plougln. — c'.,,,., n, lijo. Claim. — I. — The socket D, having u|)on its side one or more projections D', sub.stantially as and for the puipose set forth. 2. — The combination ot the socket D, shims D^ and D-', and beam or draw bar A, substantially as and for the pur- pose set forth. 3. — The combination of the socket C or beam A, brace F, and socket D, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. II f,627.— ANDREW FRIBERG, Moline, III.— WaIk;,i:j^C„ltival„rs.~rel>.unrv 7, 1871. (l.iini — I. — "lii ...iii.iiir !■..., Ill 1 i.f the pieces a aii'l /'. li.iMii- ill . Ill , M ' .1 . . s itli lateral space 7', L'^nih I tiML,' - .I'! I'l' " ''. , !• > I II,. ■,! 1 ' M iliiij^ to be ad- lank ai iiiiki..-iii 111 i!,i .1 will I \ jiMh.Mii. ill i^;t I III lis low- er pomt, substantially as described. No. 112,990.— JOHN VANLUVANEE and HUGH SMITH, MOLINE, \\.\.. — Walking-Cultivators. ^March 21, i8;i. Claim. — The combination of the grooved hub D, made adjustable on the axle A, with the circular T head F, secur- ed to the hub by means of the segmental clamps e, substan- tially as set forth. No. 124,701. -^\\Ii|;L CROSSLEY, Rock Isl.inp, III. — Cm.. ,7; 19,1872. Claim. I i I ii|. B, constructed substantially as and for 111 t |,,ith. III -<_■ C, when constructed with convex outer III . : , I , ]iiupose of retaining them within the clamps "li ;. ill I ii.i.n use, and also for causing them to separate s.iiil 1.1.1U1J.,, u liLii the ploughs meet with an unusual obstruc- tion, the parts being arranged stil.stanti.TlK a- -■ t lurtli. 3.— The clamps D D', constructed «iili .miraM- cavities upon their inner surfaces and «ith slut^ in tiieir In ml ends to allow the bolt to pass out through, substantially as and for the purpose set forth . 4. — The combination, in a plough or cultivator, of the two portions of the clamp D D' and the clamping bolts, when one of such bolts is provided with a wooden pin, substantial- ly as and for the purpose set forth. 5. — The combination of the clamp D D',the boxes C, the clamp C, and the axle of a plough or cultivator, substantial- ly as and fill iIm iMiri ~it forth. No. 12 III >j ~ \ ' 1 11, ROCKAFELLOW, Moline, III., assu.;;!.,, ; .: ;,i, I;, ilEMANA. BARNARD, and J. SILAS LL.^S, ,aiiie ^,U^^.— Wheel-Cultivators.— Api il 2^, 1872. Claim. — The single coupling D, having the recess E and hollow tube d, used'^in connection with the beam A. and clamped to the pivoted axle G by the bolt and nut // /', all as and foi the pui poses set forth No 126276— GEORGE F<\^\C^T^, I-UMiMiov, \\.\.—Cultni 01 ~ \p /jO lS-2 Claim — Theie 1 I haMng curved arms rt :;t.;ntial!y a'- ilescribed. 3. — The socket M, cast in a single piece, adapted for holdiir"^' a plough beam, and for connection with a sleeve, H, and liaving serrations, as slionn to operate in conjunction with (he clamp I' for holding a clod fender, substantially as described. No. 143,172.— En\V.A.RU P. LVNCII, D.WENroRT, Iowa. — Cu.'tiv.i'ors. — Sep.'em/ur 2^, 1873. Filed October 19, 1870. Claim. — I. — The clevis or attachment for fastening the front end of the beam to the axle, said clevis consisting of the bar IS witli an upper rigid arm, <;, and a lower hinged arm, /;, said arms being perforated to receive the journals of the swivel bo.ves c, and being secured together by means of a bolt or screw, sub.tantially as set forth. 2. — T'iie shank D, provided with a vertical slot, », and the holes 0, whereby it can be adjusted veitically on the beam, and r.lso pivoted and locl;ed by a break-pin as set forth. No. 148,787.— WII.LI.\M S. WEIR, Monmouth, III. — Cullivalors. — March 17, 1874. Filed February 7, 1S74. Claim. — The spring bolt J, arranged to operate with tlie recessed plate C, journal B, ami plates E E', substantially as described, for the puqjose specified. No. 153,404.-0. \V. V.-VN SICKLE and C. McCON- AUGHV, BiRLlNCToN, \o\\,\.—Ctillivators.—July 21, 1874. Filed March !7, 1874. Claim. — I. — In a cultivator, friction couplings for secur- ing the beams to the axle, composed of the plates for eml)rac- ing the axle and the friction rollers attached to the beams and wording on sai I plates, substantially as shown and de- scribed. 2. — In a cultivator, the combination of friction couplings D F G, beams A, and arched axles G, substantially as and for the jjurpose described. No 154,257.— CYRUS KINSEV. ■;■-'--■ ^. , ^r..i- lh'ators.~Aiii;uit \'&,\%-ja„ Filed,' ■ -■ Claim .— I .—The combi nati Dn , v i : : beam C, of the slotted plates D D, 11' I . n . and pin/;, all substantially as and for tie puipj-o iiL-rjui set forth. 2.— The combination of the plates D D, provided with Lolt holes and curved slots «, as described, the' notched bars (j G, bolt b, and pin//, substantially as and for the purposes herein set forth. No. 157,234— ALEX. SMITH, Cuba, O»\o.--Ploughs. —.\ov^mberZ\, 1874. Filed Septembers. 1874. Claim. — The coiiibinalion of the plough sheath or stand- ard B, curved slotted arm E, spring i, and nut »/, substan- tially as and for the purpose hci\in set forth. No. 182,642.— SA.\i LEL P. COONS, Winchester, III. — IVhccl-Oiltivattrs.— September 2b, 1876. Filed March 27, '87 J. Claim. — I. — The link D, arr.mged to embrace the swivel pie.e C, and adjustably connected therewith by means of the assembling bolt c', and arranged to connect with the tubular axle piece E by means of the screw strap F, as described and set forth. 2. — The straps B B', swivel piece C, link D, tube E, and axle G, combined and arranged as and for the purpose set forth. No. 183,301.— CHARLES R. HARTMAN, Allison, III. — Cultivators. — OctobcrX"], 1876. Filed /?/«£• 26, 1876. Claim, — I — The coupling C, made of two plates having half round grooves near the front and semi-circular grooves near the rear, in combination with axle and continuous double beam, as and for the purpose specified- 2. — The curved bars E, provided at their lower ends with grooves to receive the plough standards F, pivoted to the rear ends of the plough beams D , and provided at their upper ends with wooden break pins, substantially as herein shown and described. 3. — The combination, with the axle B and the guide- pulleys O, of the coupling P, made in two parts, and pro- vided with recesses in tiitir inner surface to receive pins at- tached to said axle, sub.-tantially as herein shown and de- scribed. ofthecnpl ;: ''1 ,1:1 ••'.! I... |.M' . •!, '•' '"I '• i ""uh re- cesses ill li • , in ■• ■ .:■ , . '-I . ! j I,. 1: , I t,, sajcl axle. B; sill. i,,ni,.,ilv 1 I, •; •.,, I,...>n „„ i .I,--, i,;..-!. No. 184,960.— I'l EN KV FELTMAN, Plkin, III.— C«/- tivator-Ccnpliii^s.— December 5, 1876. Filed October 6, 1876. rliini — 'fhf Ivivin d.-^nili.-d coupling for cultivators, '"'I III 'Hi, i.,>. 1 I, ii HI- ,ine or more leaves or II ,'. ■ ■ •'■ ••'''■' ' ii' "I holes, in combination lies of perforated ears ibcd. No. 190,816— W. P. BROWN, Zanesville, Ohio.— Coup/m-i for Cii//ivatoi-s.—M»y 15. 1877. Filed April 6, .S77. Claim. — I. — 11k I 11 I 1 \ ] 1 vided with a projection adapted to co-opt 1, 11 r: : m:, weight, or the draft, to rock the said pipe I h 1 . 1 ,iitli the weight of the rear cuUivators or plou^ii iJ. ijnU ;liy c;s and for the purpose described. 2. — The combination, with the crank axle and the gangs or ploughs, of the pipe-box, having arm M, the spring N, at- tached to the main frame, the head I, 2nd the stirrup G, or its equivalent, having brackets II and pivot bolt b, and fastened to the pipe box, substantially as and for the purpose .\li'. — l':,Ji'jj,\'rs. — Lhtvber <). KS77. \:\\t:i\ January 10, 1877. Claim. — I. — The coupling e, composed of the plate e^, having ears e'^ e^, and of the lower plate ^, which is looped around tiie bolt d, substantially as herein .shown and de- scribed. 2. — The combination of the ploughshare G with the sliitti-d ^tniii w. which embraces the standard, and with the I I ' I!!'. ' '! IK inner bearing plate w, and with the nui II lilt I a groove in the standard, all arranged so 111 I ill - l■^- // I.ears against the plate ju, substantially as No'. 197,032.— FREDK. L. HILSABECK, Shelby- VILI.E, III. — Cultivators. — Xovember 13, 1877. Filed .4tii,'ust 2^, 1877. Claim. — The combination of U-bars E and bent bars H, bolted together, to connect the axle and plough beams, as shown and described. No. 199 565.— BENJAMIN F. NEEDHAM and LA- BAN W. NEEDHAM, Newcastle, Ind.— AK// til'' I'l. I It,' iln i| ,] i.'il down below' the Ih I :. 1 " . ..• 1' ■ ; I ;. • ■ li, I , i. t forth. I . I: - ■ I ■, . ■ .ill .''1, 'I .1 :. Mm, of a clevis, .11 ,t- r Mii\,;l-iii. Ii.mii- !i,iii^i;i- .itinlinil to or projecting PLOUGHS-COUPLINGS. the pivot below thi ■I'll ■ . M,l,!l n.ili . Ml the s« iveled bar C, w th arm //. the 1.. in, II \-, 1 1 1 . I,\ , 1^ , hange rs L, and pivot i all as and for tlic V"'\' tiiin ^et forth. No. 216, 45-- -WII .LIAM P. BROWN. Z.\NESVILLE, Oh —p/ ) a t C I t Co jr -J n 3 1879 I lei Va 2P .S79 CI A t e ar C toal lo bea an 1 1 „t e e d con ctel 1 2 — C !a ce al e el th le bac 3 — b c et \ 1 B al h 1 No R I N A — \ 2 i88o Cla oft C a df ' 1 _ p o 1 d th f olle 1 t. el tot) e na n a 1 on h 1 y ul b a t Uy an 1 fo tl e pu le c bed No 2 9 258— JOHN B PARADIS M f\ r II Co p n C It a —Ma / 22 881 V\e\Jne 1880 nat on CO p 1 c b No 2 8943— FR\Nlv D b E b H nl ' the p e C an han e I fo th: M ANL\ M p po e pec e 1 1/ / 15 CI pi te 1 Fie y CO b ; 1 E E Z No 238944— FR A. \ I B MA\L\ Wk I C It —1/ / 15 I88i 1881 plo M r IP \VM z 9 SS Y s\ri the 10 , t lly a cliall, (';." 1 147 366 liaird. E. K. 1085 350 r.aker. 11. H. 974 319 lukewell. C. X. 1016 333 Halla-h. A. H. 1082 350 Kartletl, I. \V. r.attell, W. llaxter, R. Heal, L. \V. lieckelhymer, E. : Canaday, H. 1 Seers, E. A. lieers, E. A. Heers, E. A. Helden, C. Helrluke, J. Benjamin, E. D. I'.enson, 15. S. Kequeret, D. and moulin, C. ISerdan, I. ^.ergq^ist, A. F. Derrv. W. (). M. Hcithi.nime, L. 1214 388 looi 328 1 172 374 1000 32S 995 326 H. 1117 358 1091 352 1 109 356 1124 360 988 324 1 187 379 1029 337 ■104 355 (R.) 1104 355 328 999 1.63 1212 1094 eltel irf. \V (). M." P.lack, T. F. and W. L. Hlack, j. F. and W. L. Hlack, J. P. and Pates, 1 Black.stone, W. Blackwood, J. Hlanchard.A. D. Hond, J. L. Borchen, H. liorcheit, H. Borland, A. |. Borland, A. J, Bowen, S. B. ar bolt, A. M. Bowman, L. D. Bowman, R. J. Bovce, W. I . and Haines", G. W. Boyd, J. G., Bradley, B. C. Bradley, B. C. Bradley, B. C. and Hague, C. A. Ab- 197 382 1 186 379 1083 350 975 320 988 324 1176 376 1082 350 1061 345 "74 375 1056 344 1200 38; '211 387 I061 345 1068 346 1067 346 I 1 23 360 I2I6 3S8 1042 341 1046 342 "35 363 "87 379 1152 367 Bradley, B. C. and Hague C. H. Bradley, li. C. Brewer, ). Brinckeriiofi; C. R. (R.l Brinly, T. F. C. Brown, 11. Brown, J. C. and Slim- pert, G. H. Brown, C. and Gerth, L. Brown, W. J., Hayzlett, J. G., and Seatou, B. F. Brown, E. C. Brown, M. Brown, L. Brown, M. Brown, E. Brown, J. 11. Bruner, T. Bryan, J. Bryan, "S., Bryan, F. C. Bucklev, R. C. Budd. E. C. Burke, I., A. H. Burlin^ame, A. H. Burlingame, A. H. Burton, X. F. (R.) Bushnell. \V. K. Bushnell, \V. K. and D. Bullitt, 11. M. Bumgavner, H. Burket, G. and Gaskill, S. M. Button, A. T. and I.undy, S. J. Cahill, 1,. Cahill, M. and Morey, A. F. Cahill, M. Cahill, L Cahill, L. Campbell, J. Canaday, H. H. Canaday, H. H. Canad.,y, H. H. Canaday, H. H. Cams, r. C. Carr, 11. C. Carter, G. R. Carver, H. E. Casaday, W. L. " '. (R , Case, J. Case, P. L. Chace, E. A. Chamberlin, T. B. Chambers, C. F. Chambers, C. F. Chapinan, I.. Chapman, L. Chapman, L. Chapman, 1,. Chapman,!.. Chapman, I,. Chapman, L. Chapman, I.. Chapman. L. Charles, F. G. Cheasebro. ]. E. Clark, R .\i. Clayton. J. Clayton, J. Clees. J. 985 323 9'''3 3 '7 964 1097 1098 353 "■7 358 1 130 361 "74 375 II So 377 1 200 383 1206 385 1 142 364 1036 339 "H 358 1 196 3S1 "52 367 1151 367 1 192 381 995 327 1092 352 1 1 30 362 976 320 976 320 ^^19 364 1 146 366 1082 350 1097 353 looi 329 1 122 360 1214 387 1027 336 1207 385 not 354 1049 342 'oj6 339 "37 i'^}, "iS 359 "■9 359 967 318 1 190 1004 "55 368 1099 354 ^n}. 362 1037 339 1057 344 ■063 345 1065 346 1084 350 1129 361 1 132 362 "43 365 1 198 382 10O6 346 998 3 28 1 20s 385 1176 376 Cochrane. J. Cole, J. H. Colton, G. n. Colton, G. I). Colvin, II. II. ai son. I. R. Connor, W. I. Conrath, P. Conway, C. R. Coreth, R. Coreth, R. Coreth, R. Cornell, T. J. Cornell, T. J. Corr, C. W. Cotton, J. Covell, A. T. Cgx, J. and S. Crane, B. J. Cravath, M. A. Cremer, F. Crossley, W. G. (R.) "59 1032 369 Crossley, W. G. Crothers, F. R. Cruthers, F. H. Crothers, F. R. Crump, T. J. Cruttenden, A. E. Culver, H. Cummings, \V. H. Cummins, W. B. Cummins, J. R. Cummins, \. R. Cummins, A. G. and ]. R. Cummins, W. H. Cunningham, A. Curkendall, G. Ciuu>.,, M. S. : Curtiss, M. S. Dahl, G. J. iJailey, A. A. Daltnn, H. N. . H.N. . L. F. S. F. S. (R, Davlnport, F. S Davenport, F. S. Davison, G. A. (R.) Davison, J- M. and Spen- cer, N. Jr. Davison, A. Dawson, C. H. Derwent, E. Jr. Dick, C. D. and Woehl, M. 1215 Dickie, \V. I099 Dils, O. P. Dils, O. P. Dixon, S. Dodge, R. L. er, E. M. Doming, L. Domschke, C. Donaldson, J. W., Shee D. and M"' Donald.son, I. Doud, J. W. Plate Clain 1068 346 1045 342 969 3'9 970 319 1062 345 1040 340 ^m 362 1062 345 1081 349 1 106 356 992 325 997 327 986 323 1224 390 1008 331 1044 341 107 1 347 96S 3'S 1055 344 1012 332 1013 r^-^ 1064 345 979 321 1038 339 1092 352 1 140 364 103 1 338 1033 338 1218 389 1066 346 1176 376 1136 363 1083 350 121S 3S9 1044 341 112S 361 "54 368 lOIO 1074 348 1079 349 IIOO 354 II23 360 II4S 366 IOI7 III 1050 343 997 327 1041 340 1 150 367 1178 376 1220 389 979 321 998 327 ) 998 327 "33 362 1211 3S7 1021 334 1022 334 1028 337 1033 338 970 319 1099 354 nd W: 996 327 999 328 loio 331 1 1 48 366 , A. C. )outh 996 327 IOI2 332 IOI4 332 1002 329 PLOUGHS— U'llEEL OK SULKY. Plalc Claim Plalf Claim Plate Claim Drake, S. E. 1150 367 Fuller, H. and Boyd, T. Harris, M. W. 1070 347 Duane, J. B. 970 319 L. "35 363 Harris, M. "57 369 DuBois, N. 1093 352 Fuller, H.and Boyd, T. Harris, S. M. "45 365 Duclos, V. C. 1028 337 L. "47 366 Harris, M. "79 377 Durant. A. P. and Buck- Funk, \V. T. 1042 34' Harrison, J. D. loSi 35° ley, D. M. 983 322 Funk, D. .\I. 1 146 365 Harrison, I. D. 1088 35' Durant, A. P. 989 324 Gale, A. H. 1141 364 Harrison, T. T. 11S5 379 Duval, G. R. 1044 342 Gale, A. J. 1225 39' Harrison, T. T. 120S 386 Eastham, C. L. 1006 330 Gale, A. H. 1.S7 379 Harrold, M. i°95 353 Eaton, E. C. II13 357 Gallagher, W. 1019 334 Hart, R. and Nicholson, Eaton, E. C. II16 358 330 Gaskill, R. R. 989 324 M. P. 1 186 379 Ebaugh, H. H. 1007 GaskiU, R. R. 996 327 Hasbrook, F. 1078 349 Eberhart, J. W. 1159 369 Gatlin, W. S. and Hub- Hasbrook, F. IC82 350 Eckert, J. H. Eddleman, J. P. 990 1046 32s 342 bard, B. R. 1017 Zll Haslup, W. 1070 347 Gay, C. F. 1038 339 Hay, W. and Freeman, Edgell, J. B., Alexan- Gesley, S, 1 201 383 T. B. 1059 344 der, J. W. and E. A 997 327 Gibbert, P. M. 984 322 Hemme, W. 1215 388 Edwards, C. A. 1043 341 Gilbert, I. R. 1090 35' Henry, W. 1121 359 Edwards, W. L. 1:38 363 Gilbert, I. R. 1 100 354 Henry, W. 1121 359 Eldred, D. 97' 319 Gilbert, I. R. 1131 362 Henry, W. "39 364 Elam, J. T., P. and J. A Elliott, M. A. 1196 105s 38? 344 Gilbert, I. R. 1178 376 Heptinstall, T. S. 971 3'9 Gilbert, 1. R. 1206 385 Heptinstall, T. S. 972 3'9 Elliott, M. A. 1207 3S5 Ciilbert, I. R. U84 379 Herbert, P. 1040 340 Ellis, G. A. 1 145 365 GiUham, S. 1. and G. M. 1009 33' Herman, J. B. 1098 354 Ellison, A. 1 040 342 Gilham, S.J., Taylor, W Hess, C. 1016 333 EUiston, C. T. 1098 353 390 C. and Stolle, J. W. 1059 344 Hewitt, 11. L. "55 368 Ellwood, R. 1223 GiUiland, A. L. and B. Higgins, W. F. and Per- Elmer, N. 1152 367 F. 990 325 „■ '^'K . 1019 334 Eustice, E. A. 1219 1 123 1126 1067 1036 1015 1067 1 104 1120 975 985 mo i'5' 1225 389 360 360 346 339 346 355 359 320 323 % 39' Glass, J. H. '059 345 Higgms, R. S. 1 164 37' Evans, W. Glasscock, M. "99 382 Higgins, R. S. 1216 388 Fagan, T. B. Fanning, S. A. Fargo, C. A. FaiTow, A. Fay, D. M. Felker, V. Felker, V. Fenner, R. R. Ferguson, S. T. Ferguson, S. T. Gleeson, D. H. Glidden, J. F. and Vaughn, P. W. Glidden, J. F. and Vaughn. P. W. Goddard, C. F. Goldthait. E. Gollyer, 11. '043 1.58 "44 1209 963 1210 341 369 SI Hildreth, G. W. (R.) Hill, F. A. Hdl, F. A. ■• " (R.) Hill, F. A. Hill, F. A. Hill, F. A. 966 967 1040 im '139 1223 3'8 318 340 357 357 364 389 390 Goodell, 0. E. tioodwin, I. H. and • Woodard, D. Gore, E. E. Graham, S. 1218 "44 '043 1023 1007 389 365 34' 335 330 Hoke, J. 1. Holgate, R. Holloway, L. Holloway, L. Horn, G. L., Jr. and Mancy, L. 1202 983 1038 383 3S3 322 339 Filkins, J. D. and De Graves, R. R. 1026 336 Puy, W. H. 964 3«7 Green, 1. B. 1079 349 Howes, R. N., Dorr, \V. Fisher, S. 973 3'9 Green, 1. B. 1085 350 A. and Webster, I. B .098 353 Fisher, D. S. 1005 330 Greenfield, [. T. I188 380 Hoyi, B. C. 1058 344 Fisher, J. B. 1 164 372 Greener. G. W. I172 374 Hoyt, A. W. 1072 347 Fisher, J. B. "59 369 Grimes, T. W. II22 359 Hubbard, B. R. 1049 343 Fisher, J. B. 1156 368 Grimsha'w, \V. S. 1076 348 Hughes, D. W. 1014 333 Flansburgh, P. H. 1046 342 Gritanner, F. I217 388 Hughes, D. W. 1079 349 Fleming, S. W. 1208 386 Ground, R. B. 1078' 349 Hughes, D. W. 1169 374 Fletcher, J. J. and Sursa Groves, G. .\. 1074 348 Huie, H. R. 977 320 J. W. 1 184 378 Grove, M. 1095 353 Huie, H. R. 1027 336 Flinn, M. 1019 334 Haege.J. 974 320 Huie, H. R. 1041 340 Florance, J. L. 1 140 364 Haege, J. 977 320 Huie, J. M. and Card, E 1063 345 Flow, J. mo 357 Haege, J. 977 320 Humphrey, A. N. 1076 348 Fosgate, D. O. 1 164 372 Hague, C. A. "49 367 Hunt, G. W. 97' 3'9 Fosgate, D. O. 1 174 375 Hague, C. A. 1224 39' Hunt, G. W. 978 321 Foster, W, I0I2 332 Haight, G. C. 1087 35' Hunt, G. W. 1094 352 Foster, F. .\I. 1162 371 Haines, G. W. 1067 346 Hunt, L. 1020 334 Foster, F. M. 1200 383 Hale, A. 999 328 Hunt, L. 1040 340 Fowler, A. A. 1139 364 Hall, T.J. 964 3'7 Hunt, F. B. "73 375 Frank, C. H22 360 " .' (R.) 964 3'7 Hunt, F. B. 1209 386 Franklin, B. II76 376 Hall, T. J. 1035 338 Humer, T. B. 993 326 Fraser, E. J. 973 3'9 " " (R.) '035 338 Hunter, }. B. 1042 34' Eraser, E. J. 975 320 Hall, 0. D. "37 363 Hunter, J. B. 1 102 355 Freeman, W. H. 982 322 Hamaker, J. "47 366 Hunter, E. T. 1127 360 Freeman, A. 1068 346 Hammitt, J. M. .and Hunter, E. T. 1168 373 Freeman, H. M., Lowe, Miller, H. T. 1000 328 Hutchinson, S. 995 326 J. and Stevens, J. F. 1075 348 Hammond, A. 985 323 Ingalls, A. 993 326 Freeman, M. J. "73 375 Hammond, A. 99' 325 Ingham, J. and \. 1005 Ti'^ Freeman, H. M. "59 369 Hammontree, J. F. 1136 363 Isaacs, W. H. and Ban- Fruhling, W. "34 362 Hance, R. IIOO 354 ner, G. E. 103 1 337 (R.) "34 363 .Hardin, W. E. 1017 333 Isaacs, F. H. "'3 357 Frye, J. 965 3'7 Hardy, J. 973 3'9 Isaacs, F. H. 1 166 372 Frye.J 965 317 Harris, J. 1012 332 Jackson, J. R. ^°ii 338 Frye, . 96S 318 Harris, J. IOS3 343 Jackson, C. L. 1150 367 ri.OLGIJS—HJIEI-.l. OR SI /AY. Plate Claim r/au Claim Plate Claim Jncoby, 1>. 995 327 McCool, \V. C. '073 347 Newton, E. W. 1182 378 T.nnies, W, .\. "94 38 « McCormick, 1. K. III2 357 Nichol, T. M. 1104 355 (K.) 1 194 38" McCormick, 1. R. "49 366 Norton, N. B. 1027 336 Janes, T- H., Tucker H. McCoi-mick, 1. R. I2I2 3S7 Nutting, L F. 987 324 and Terry, T. D. 1077 349 McLennan, I. K. 1075 348 Oldendorph, H. and J. 1089 351 Japs. W. U. 1 196 3S2 McMahan, M. S. "35 z(>z Oler, J. 1057 344 Jeffries, W. L. 1034 338 McPike, T. M. "56 368 Olmsted, H. A. 120? 384 Jefferson, T. E. 1177 376 McTarnahan. F. 1030 337 Opp, H. 1 108 356 Jefferson, T. E. 118. 377 Malinn. I. li. 1018 334 Orr.J. and Martin, H.H 1027 336 Jeffei-son, T. E. 1179 377 Manuel, C. W. 1020 334 Orr, W. T. "43 s ■Jefferson, T. E. 1204 3S4 Manuel, c;. W. 1077 349 Osborn, 0. .1032 Jefferson, T. E. 1226 39" Manuel, ll. A. 1069 346 Osborn, 0. 1 106 356 1227 392 Manuel. I). A. 1 109 356 Ough, W. 1076 348 enni^"^; b'. 1043 341 Markillie, T. R. 972 319 Oyershiner, G. J. 1090 352 ohnson, P. G. 1117 358 Markillie, T. R. 9S0 321 Owen, C. N. 1066 346 udkins, M. D. 1136 363 Marr. I. loSo 349 Owen, C. N. 1073 347 Jiidson, A. C. 1041 340 Marsb, W. W. 1 170 374 Padon, J. S. 977 320 "Kay, J. 1028 336 Marshall,;. D. lOII 332 Padon, J. S. 987 324 Keasor, J. I.. lOII 332 Mason, W. 103 1 337 Palmer, D. W. 1 165 372 Keasor, [. I- loiS 333 Mason, W. 1052 343 Parlin, W. H. "51 367 Keith, A. 9S7 324 Mason, W. 1072 347 Parr, .S. E. 1075 348 Kellv, I.. M. "77 376 Mason, H. W. 1050 343 Parrish, W. 1058 344 Kenilig. D. iiii 357 Mathews, W. W. IOI5 333 Parrish, W. 1070 347 Kennedy, ]. "47 366 Matteson, U. C. 969 3"8 Parrish, \V. H. and J. G. 1064 346 Kennedy, L. B. 1 162 371 (R.) 969 3'9 Patterson, T. 975 320 Kevvin, C. 1073 348 Matleson, D. C. I02I 334 Patterson, C. and Abra- Keys, T. and DeMier, Matthews, E. G. "95 381 ham, H. L. 1212 387 J."R. I I07 356 Mead, |. F. 1 142 364 Pattyson, P. "■3 358 Killan, H. and Valleau, MechaAn, O. ,S. 116S 373 Payne, J. M. 1 124 360 G. 963 3'7 Medaiis, T. A. 1054 343 Payne, J. M. "45 365 Kimball, G. "74 375 Meharry,"\V. J. 1190 380 Payne, J. M. 1 148 366 Kincaid, T. D. 1009 331 Meikle, T. 1167 373 Payne, J. M. 1 178 376 King,G.S. "SI 362 Meikle, T. 1218 389 Payton, J. H. 1093 352 Kingston, S. L. an Van Winkle, G 1 102 354 Richardson, H. i"3 357 Smith, F. P. 1026 li(^ Volkmann, B. Richardson. T. and Smith. H. C. 989 324 (R.) 1000 328 Mclnnis, M. 1 120 359 Smith, (;. H. 1141 364 Volkmann, F. 1006 ^^8 335 347 Richardson, W. M. II 11 362 Smith, 1). 1 166 372 Wade, T. I. "55 1024 1072 Riddle, W, N, .136 I'^'i Smitli, F. F. 1213 387 Walker, A. Riggs, D. C. 1008 331 Smith, F. F. 1206 385 Walker, R. Rinev, '1'. L. 1191 3S0 Smith, F. J. "97 382 Walton, E. W. "33 1047 "97 362 ^82 Rolibins, ]. H. and S. 1064 346 Smyth, H. ^f^ 324 Walton, E. W. Roberls, M. 991 32s Snow, W. 1086 351 Warren, G. H. Robertson, H. H. 972 319 Snow, C. P. 1 162 371 Warren, G. PI. 1222 390 " (A. I. 972 3'9 Sparks, 0. 974 320 Warren, CI. H. 1222 3"^° Robertson, E, 1003 355 Spencer, J L 1007 330 Warwick, ;. II2I 359 Robertson, S. M. and Spencer, N., Jr. 1050 343 Warwick, J. IOI3 332 Hamilton, A. A. 1219 389 Sprague. E. J. Stafford, H. V. Standish, P. 11. Stanley, A. R. and En- sign, W. H. Stanley, F. 1 105 356 Warwick, ;. an 1 A. T. "77 376 Robinson, T. G. Robinson, J. G. Rockwood, L. O. Rogers, W. T. Rogers, J. C. Rogers, W. C. 973 1034 1 105 994 1006 319 338 pi 330 ^^\ 348 337 3S0 371 359 321 1009 1024 1025 1.98 331 335 336 382 Watkins. f. T. Watson, W. M Wattles, H. J. Watt, G. Way, S. 1022 992 lOIO 994 1014 335 325 ll\ 326 332 1 1 60 Stearns, J. L. 1030 337 Weaver, T. 1095 352 Ronat, M. E. 1127 Steinegger, G. 1016 III Webb, T. W. 1030 337 Rood, E. Root, T Rosencr.uiz, A. C. 1074 1031 1 189 1161 Sterling, W. Stuart, H. C. 1094 1191 % Weber, H., Jr. Webster, H. 1222 983 390 322 Stevens, C. B. 1078 349 Webster, L. T. 1045 342 Rowen, N. and Amis, C. Stevens, C. B. 1096 353 Webster, L. T. 1060 345 Riiddick, \V. A. Stock-still, S. L. and Weir, W. S. 1138 363 Runk, T. L. '97S Kurtz, H. D. 1077 349 Welch, S. Welch, S. F. 1044 1128 341 36. 355 372 235 Runk, J. L. 979 321 Stoiie, D. 980 321 Wells, I. T. 1 103 1 164 Runk, ]. L., Brown, J. 11 Stone, J. 980 322 WeKh,"l. C. and Morgan, E. M. 992 325 Stone, J. 1089 351 Wharlon, C. 1022 Rush, R. D. and E. W. 1117 358 Stout, S. 996 327 Wharlon. V.. 1034 338 Russell, E. W. mo 357 Summers, R. B. and Whitnev, J. M. 970 3'9 Ryer, W. H. 1212 387 Dement, S. 997 327 Whitney, ;.R. "75 375 Sachse, L. 1076 348 Summers, L. M. and Whittlesey, W H. an( Sampson, O. 1055 344 Wilson, M. 1188 3S0 Noble, C. T. 1158 369 Sattley, M. 979 321 Sursa. T. W. 1005 329 Wiard, E. and Ayery, G Sattley, M. 988 324 Sursa, j. W. 1046 342 C.' 1 161 371 Sattlt-y, M. 1075 348 Sui-sa, I. W. 1050 343 Widman, ;. an 1 Mullica Sattlev, M. 1114 358 Sursa, '(. W. 1055 344 690 Scheamack, S. S. 1 103 355 Suthevlen, W. li. 1019 334 F. 324 Schlag, E. 1183 Sutherland, f. A. 1 105 355 Willey, G. F. 1018 334 Schmeiser, H. T. "34 362 Sutter, T. 966 317 Wilson, R. 9S3 322 Scofield, B. I!. 969 319 Suydam, \. H. 1053 343 Wilson, G. H. '■38 -M Search, C. F. "75 375 Swallow,";. E. 1052 343 Witt, ;. w. 390 Sears, D. A. 1047 342 Sweenv, W. 1'. 1078 349 Wolcott, G. E. mS2 37S Sears, D. A. 1093 352 Sweet.' Z. T. 1030 337 Wolf, L. 978 321 Scibel, J. 984 323 Tap pan, G. S. 1216 388 Wolfe, T. 989 324 Seibert, G. and J. 974 320 Taylor, S. H. 1214 3S7 Woods, S. E. and Whe Seibert, G. and J. 1035 339 Terry, T. D., Case, A. well, A. H. 11S3 378 Sexton, E. 1004 329 and Larkin, C. 1081 349 Woodworth, S F. I I to 357 Shepard, J. 1037 339 Thompson, T. N. and Wooldridge, S H. I2IO 386 Sherrill. J. 1169 374 Kenady, W. 1041 340 Worrell, ;. and Rynerson Short, T. 9S2 322 Todd, G. M. 357 ;. H. 1056 344 Siegordner, C. 1 165 372 Totten, ;. 1032 338 Worrell, y. and Rynerson Skinner, J. B. 9S6 323 Tozer, G. 1071 347 J. H". 1056 344 Skinner,}. B, 991 32s Travis, ;. E 984 322 Worrell, J. and Rynerson Skinner, H. M. 1079 349 Travis,;. E. 990 325 J. H. 1063 345 Slaughter, \V. J. "15 358 Treadw'av, T. W. 105 1 343 Worrell, J. and Rynerson Slosson, E. 1115 358 Trenery, N". ;. an.l J. II". 1069 347 Slusser, B. 1023 335 Sisley, ;. P. 1186 379 Worrell, [. 1074 ,34s " " (R.) 1023 335 Trumble. H. F. I2?4 390 Worrell, J. 1077 348 " " (R.) 1023 335 Tucker, A. W. IISS 369 Worrell, J- III2 357 Slusser, B. 1039 340 Tucker, A. W. .189 58o Worthen," S. A 1060 315 Smalley, D. A. and J. H . 1092 352 Turley, M. 065 317 Wright, G. W I162 ^7i Smith, H. B. 1002 329 Turlev, M. 968 318 You'ng, P. 994 326 PLOUGHS-WHEEL OR SULKY. other land witli soft i smoothly and No. 3.474.— II. BROWN, PAYSdN, h.i..— ;;7/.v/-/V,.T,..f. — Mtir,/t 9, 1844. Claim. — I. — Const I ucting the plough in the manner de- scribed, that is to say, constructing arid arranging the pro- jections H and I, upon the mould-board, so that the plough m ly be used either side up, a right or left. 2. — I do not claim combing a number of ploughs and at tacliing them to a frame. No. 8,544.— E. GOLDTHAIT, Fort Wayne, Ind.— Wlifcl-Ploughs. — Nmemher 25, 1851. Claim. — I. — The cutter, C*, or its equivalent, to separate the sward for the first furrow at a proper distance from the coulter, acted upon by the droji, «' and lever, C. or their equivalents. 2. — The piece, Ds, fastened to the heel of the mould- board in combination with the coulter, C*, to turn wide fur- rows. 3. — The mode of connecting the tongue and plough, re- spectively, to the axle, by menns nf the links and the loose ati, and make the plough run ind -.o as also to enalile the »hman to take an exiiaDrdinaiily wide furrow, with one member of the teim w.ilking in the furrow with a common yoke, thus dispensing with the long yoke now commonly used for purpose. 4. — The rope, D, and lever, D', or their equivalents, in combination with the mode of connecting the tongue and ploMgh to the axle, substantially as described, for the pur- )ioies set forth. No. 8,Sj4.— H. KIIX.WI and G. VALLEAU, ScoTTs- viM.K, N. V — /r;,. /-/'/./,;,'/>.-.— j/»,/, 30, 1852. Claim. — I — NL.timiiiL; thi-- tMiiL^UL- ..r pdc. A-, upon the timbers, II, K, an I unit 111:; tlic ■~a!inj hy an intermediate jointed conneet.HL; ro,l, W, lu iIil- hoi U'lnlal coupling rod, L, which unites the front and rearward ends of the pivoted arms J, J, of the axles Iv', whereby the direction or guiding of the gang of plouglis is regulated by the action of the team itself, in moving in any direction the attendant may require. 2. — Confining the tongue or pole. A'', between the hori- zontal plate, S, and timber, D, by means of a fulcrum bolt, U, for the purpose of allowing the tongue or pole. A'', to vibrate or move right or left with the direction of the team, whereby the rj |uired direjtion is given to the propelling and -upportin ; wheels ; and whereby the tongue or pole may be shifted or adjusted in its position to accomodate two or three horses, and yet mtintain its central draught with the ploughs. No. lo.ioi.- C. K. TiRIXCKERHOFF, Batavia, N. \ .— mu-e.'-P/oiigfis.— i I/. /■ , II, 1S53. Claim. — I. — Combm n,' h itli t!i ■ [ilough-beam, between the plough and the clc\i^, luo hIkcIn one on each side of the beam, and of different dianieicr.-^, the one resting in the furrow and the other on the land, for the purposes set forth. 2.' — Making the tread of the furrow-wheel narrow, so that it m.ay press lightly against the land, and guage the width of the furrow-slice, and cast aside any small stones that may roll against the land. 3. — Making the wheels, especially the furrow wheel, ad- justable in the direction of its axi-., (or the |iurpose of adapt- ing its position to furrows ol iliirLrcul widths. 4. — Making the funo«-\\ IkcI lievelhng outward on the side which presses against the land ; aUo, making the small wheel adjustable vertically with reference to the shaft B, and the large wheel. No. 291.- C. K. BRINCKERHOFF, Batavia, N. Y. — Wheel-Ploughs.— October II, 1833. Reissued yff««ff?y 3°. 1855- Claim. — I. — Combining with the plough beam between the plough and the forward end of the clevis, by means of a single shaft, two wheels, one on each side of the beam, and of different diameters, the one resting in the furrow, and the other on the land, for the purposes set forth and de- scribed. - M 1' III. Ill I Head of the furrow-wheel narrow, for the a ■*! II, ill- furrow-wheel beveling outward on the siil>' "lull I'lL M_, against the land as above described and for the purpose.-, hereinbefore set forth. No. 10,153.— J. D- FILKINS and WILLIAM H. Dk PUY, Lima, \^mKV,K.— lVheel-Plottf'hs.— Oclober2'k. ■853. ^ Claim. — The combmation of the limber tongue h' and stiff tongue h with the running gear, to ad.npt the plough to being drawn by two teams abreast. No. 12.701.— f. |. HALL, Tawakana Hills, Te.vas. — i:,i„:^-riri,-hs—Aray I, 1855. Claim.— TiiL- arrangement of the ploughs and pivoted Ijeaiiis » iih adjustable cross-beams, so that the ploughs may have a convenient permanent adjustment, in connection with their self-adjusting property in the plough beam, as set forth and described. No. 3,716.— THOMAS J. HALL, Bryan, Texa.s.— Gai!i;-P/oiighs. — May I, 1855.-12,791 extended seven years. Reissued November 9, 1869 Claim. — I. — The arrangement of the ploughs and pivoted beams with the adjustable cross-beams, so that the ploughs may have a convenient permanent adjustment, in connection with their self-adjusting property in the plough beam, as set forth and described. 2. — Limiting the lateral vibration of the revolving cutter or coulter, that it may not, when out of the ground, vibrate .so far that it would not recover its true position when again in contact with the ground, substantially as de- scribed. 3. — The bent brace i, when constructed in the form as described and attached to the frame of the plough in the manner and for the purpose substantially as de- scribed. No. 14,373.— AARON anfl THOMA.S .SMITH, Troy, \\,U— Wheel-Ploughs.- March 4, 1856. Any number of shares may be used, and the front axle B may, by loosening the nut on the bolt, be adjusted so that the shares will be in line with the centre of the axle. Claim. — Comliining the axle B and wheel J with the bed piece A, when constructed and arranged substantially in the manner and for the purpose set forth. Xo. 1 I.JIM \[. TURLEY, Galesburg, \i.\..— Wheel- I'lr:, • r 9, 1856. < ! 11 I 1 1 ingement of the standard, mould-board, ami li i' I ml 1 Iv with regard to each other, and to the other parts of the plou^jh, so that they will operate as set forth. No. 16,912.— TES.SEFRYE, Springfield, \i.i..—Ga}ig- Ploiighs.— March 31, 1 857. Claim. — The so hanging of a gang or series of ploughs U])on their stock and beam as that the conductor upon his seat, may, by a system of hand-levers and connecting rods substantially such as set forth, adjust said series of ploughs to any desired depth or w idth of furrow, as set forth. No. 16,913. — T- FRYE, SPRiNciFiELD, III. — Wheel- Houghs. March 31, 1857. Claim. — r. — Supporting the after end of the plough-beam A, upon a vertical journal at the left hand end of the axle T, when the bearings at the opposite end of said axle are so arranged that the position thereof may be varied and adjusted, substantially in the manner and for the purpose set forth. 2. — Arranging the bearings of the rollers e e e f, und g g g in such a manner that their positions may be varied and adjusted, substantially in the manner and for the purpose set forth. 3. — In combination with the mould-board, composed principally of the series of adjustable rollers ns set forth, I claim the adjustable triangular plate 70, for the purpose of making the whole conform to the position in which the fur- row slice is to be laid or tumed substantially as set forth. No. 17,591.— J. SUTTER, St. Louis, Uo.— Wheel- Ploughs.— June 16, 1857. Claim. — The combination of the ploughs D, with the 318 PLOUGHS-WHEEL OR SULKY. frame B, and pivot O, arranged and operated in the manner and for the purpose set forth. No. iS,343.— SAMUEL L. KINGSTON and DAVID GORE, Plainview, \\.\..— Gang Ploughs.— October 6, 1857- Claim. — I. — Attaching the bar F to the bars A by means of the lever D and arm.G, and having the ends of the bars K connected by chains n: to arms n, connected to a bar L, to which a lever L', is attached, the lever O being attached to one end of the bar A and to the rod q as shown, and the screw rod V attached to the bar B, and passing through the bar », whereby the shares may be adjusted vertically and laterally, and also raised temporarily when necessary as shown and described. 2. — A mould board, constructed of conical wire rollers X' X', arranged as .shown, or in an equivalent way, for the purpose of raising and turning the sward, as set forth. No. 18,397.— GEORGE W. HILDRETH, Lockport, N. \ .—Gang Ploughs.— October 13, 1857. I do not claim the arranging of ploughs in a gang so as to turn several furrows at the same time, nor the carrying it on wheels changeable in heiglit. Claim. — The axletree having a triple motion, in combin- ation with the centre bolt and bolster plate, constructed and arranged substantially in the manner and for the purposes set forth. No 4,222.— GEO. W. HILDRETH, Lockport, N. Y. — Gang Ploughs. — October 13, 1857; reissued December 27, 1870. Claim. — I. — The combination with the frame A of a gang plough of crank supports, M M', for the main carry- ing and supporting- wheels, whereby the height of the frame from the ground can be adjusted substantially as described. 2. — A crank a.\Ie-tree, for supporting the frame in a gang-plough, provided with a crank upon each end, one of which is adjustable and so secured to the axle-tree that the supporting wheels which turn upon the ends of .said crank axle-tree, can be adjusted in the arcs of circles, to run upon the same or different horizontal planes, for the pur- poses above described. 3. — The combination, with the supporting axle-tree H in a gang plough, provided with cranks at its ends, one of which is adjustable independently of the other, of a hand lever for turning said axle-tree, for the purposes above described. 4. — The combination in a gang plough of the following elements, viz : A supporting axle-tree, provided with a crank at each end ; two supporting wheels, one on each crank ; a hand lever for turning the axle-tree and cranks, and a holding device for relaining the axle-tree and cranks in position when adjusted. 5. — The combination, with the frame in a gang plough, of a tongue or draft pole, which can be raised and lowered, and also moved to the right and left, for the purposes stated. 6. — The combination, with the plough frame of a later- ally adjustable supporting axle-tree H, for the purposes stated. 7. — The combination, with a crank axle-tree Q R, in a gang-plough, of an eye bolt and nut, for retaining the crank and its supporting wheel in any desired adju^-ted position. 8. — A cast metallic frame, for carrying the gang of ploughs, Constructed substantially as above (lescribed. 9. — A combined cast and wrought iron frame for gang ploughs, constructed sulistantially a^ --bown and described. 10. — The combination, with the cast iron main frame, of a tool-box cast with said frame, substantially as shown and described. II. — The combination, with the frame and axle-tree in a gang-plough, of a metallic-plate connection J J'. 12. — The grooved and tongued plough attaching plates D E, substantially as and for the purposes set forth. 13. — The combination in a gang-plough of a series of ploughs, having short and long land-sides, substantially as and for the purposes set forth. No. 18,698. — JOEL LEE, Galesburg, III. — Gang Ploughs. — November 24, 1857. Claim. — I. — The peculiar arrangement consisting of the friction wheels (/, inclined planes/, and lever K, for ad- justing the plough frame to any required position, as set forth. 2. — The peculiar arrangement consisting of the flange or guard e and pivoted axle a «', for allowing the turning of the front truck to aposition at right angles, or nearly so, to the hind truck, so that the machine may turn a square cor- ner without liability of of lifting the plough shares out of the ground, as set forth. No. 18,803.— JARVIS CASE, Sprincfield, III.— Wheel Ploughs. —December 8, 1857. Claim. — I. — Hinging the tongue to the beam of a plough, and extending a lever or lever seat from one to the other, so that the driver mounted on the plough may, by said lever, throw the plough or ploughs out of the ground, as set forth. 2. — Supporting the front of the beam on the centre of an axle (-, supported in wheels c c, so that said beam may be raised or lowered on said axle, but not affected by the pass- ing of said wheels over the rough ground, as set forth and explained. No. 18,820.- J. LEE, Galesburc;, III.— IVheel Ploughs. —December ?,, 1857. Claim. — The combination and arrangement of the two wheels E and E', attached to the different sections of the beam, swiveling quarter around in opposite directions, and bracing the ploughs as described, when used in the manner and for the purpose set forth. No. 19,077.-- .\1. A. CRAVATH, Loda, \i.u— Wheel Ploughs.— January 12, 1S58. Claim. — I. — The method substantially as described, of attaching the ploughs to the frame whereby they .nre made capable of being thrown out of and into action by partial rotation on their axes, as exhibited. 2. — In combination with the above, the described arrange- ment of the wheels E F G, whereby the chief weight of the implement devolves upon the wheels E F, which run on the level bottom of the furrow. 3. — The described construction and arrangement of the jointed land side beam A A', in combination with the lever t, and -j rack, or equivalent devices, operating sub- stantially as set forth. No. 19,388.— M. TURLEY, Galesburg, III.— ;r//,v/ Ploughs.— February 16, 1858. Claim. — I. — The combination of the beams, ploug-shank, lever, and brace or adjusting rod, arranged behind the axle substantiallv as set forth. 2.— The combination of the wheel B, for holding with the cutter ni, for cutting the stalks, substantially as de- scribed. 3- — The combination of the weed gatherer k with the plough or ploughs, when arranged and operating as set forth. No. 20,342.— JESSE FRYE, Mendota, li.i..— Gang- Ploughs. — May 25, 1858. Antedated A/arch 18, 1S58. Claim. — I. — The attachment of the tonj^ues to the for- ward and rearward plough-slocks, and the connections be- tween the various plough stocks, so that when the team is turned, the plough shall be turned so as to point towards a common centre, substantially in the manner and for the pur- pose described. 2. — The connection of the forward furrow wheel with the tongue by means of the curved slotted arm R and bolt I, in combination with the cranks and connecting rods between the wheel shafts, so that when the team is turned, the for- ward wheels shall be turned in the same direction, and the rear furrow wheel shall be made to track the forward wheels, substantially in the manner and for the purpose set forth. 3. — Hanging the hinged coulter / to the rear of the front furrow wheel by means of a chain, which, when the team is turned, will raise said coulter out of the furrow, substantially in the manner and for the purpose set forth. No. 20,647.— DON C. MATTE SON, Stockton, Ca. — Gang-Ploughs.— June 22, 1858. Claim.— The arrangement, as described, of the false beam N, goose-neck G, axle w, lever /, catch L, and the system of ploughs attached to their frame, as set forth ; the PLOUGHS-WHEEL OR SULKY. whole being conslrucied and operating siilislaillinlly -is ami for the purpose specifietl. No. 3,114.— DON C.-\RU)S METTESON, Spikkihn, C\l..— a,iiig.I'loiig/is.—Jiiiu- 22, 1858. Reissued S,-//,///- />,■>■?,, 1 868. Claim. — The arrangement, a.s described, of the false beam N. goose-necU C;, axle 7<^ lever /, catch L, and the system of ploughs attached to their frame, as set forth, ihc whole being constructed and operating substantially as and for the purposes specified. No. 20,93-.— G. D. COLTON, Gai.eshukc:, III.— ll-/u;-/-P/oi . 1. ii!„(l. No, 29,104.— Ill \l:\ II. 1;. iKERTSON, Kingston, Mm. r:.„ '.'..— 7ll V M, iSjO. < i.iini. 1 Ih II r.iii . in iiii of a hinged plough F, car- rijL;> \ A' 1;. \ciii.m1 .I'ljusting screw d, segment guide fr;inn . f,, i.'i.ilicil -.•^inriiial adjusting bars i /, cog pinion /■, ]iawl ,). Ill slop M, substantially as and for the purposes set forth. No. 304. -A. I., 10 original Letters Patent No. 29,104. — Ploughs. Claim. — The arrangement of a hinged frame, consisting of a cces ion of angles A \ A' A"* A* A' in ombina- t on th tl e beams I of an e 1 al i imber of ]_1 ughs, all c cte 1 1 a et fiith N I - I IINMAI L, Men- I I — 18 CI —11 I tie frame A, I lo igh I arms 1 t acl e 1 le\ t C, with castoi wheel on t lo\ er end comec ng ro 1 H lever «, cui e 1 aek ; and pii ion i operat ng by means of crank 1 a 1 / 1 tl 1 I a re connecte I substan- I 1 I I gl G, beam I I M a t r wheel II lie bed, for I - I IK^/lk kxNsvs City, Mo. -G/ iSoo ell — I 1 gh I ea 11 k to the bar G, u 1 tl 1 le J endant bai I piovided with e h le ; an I b It / in connection with the clip J, tiche 1 to the plough beam K and provided with the slot No USHER West Windsor, ^7 i860 f the I voted beams G with ^5 jObj7— JOHNG ROBINSON Pmiii RU, Me. —Iloujis.—Dnanbei 4, i85o. Claim. — The arrangement of the arm h, slotted pendant C, and axle A, with the plough frame G, adjustable bar J, and adjustable lever K, as and for the purposes shown and desob I \ 11 II I \KER, NlwMvrkct, N J — / T of the plou.,h shares upon 1 1 I show 11 bv B and C through tl hiLl hk N iliLilh within, 1 1 1 In m Ml, . I icipil motio I ol ism, substi 3 -The h 1 I tl thiough the illy il 1 fir 1 her th(. wIkUs B an J C fiame \, \men I the spiing E for the 1 n,ilit)of illc s|imT E the t e puipjse et PLOUGHS-WHEEL OR SULKY. No. 30,892.— OLIVER SPARKS, Sheliuna, Mo.— Ploughs — December II, i860. Claim. — The two ploughs, .irranged one in front of the other, as and for the purposes set forth, in combination with the levers F G' H ami G, arranged, supported, and operating as described. No. ^0,967.— J.VCOB HAEGE, Shiloii, \\.\..~Gang- l-lo,i.^hs.— December iS, i860. Claim. — I.— The eni|.l,.vment or use of vertical pivots l^a--in- iI,:..i;l'I, iL. ■. iii-.-^f i1m-,,x1. . in > . .,,,1 >.nal inn with and operating in the manner and fur tlie pai|i,.,e set forth. 3.— The arranijem.-nt of the swini^iii- v..,K /i. in o-ml.i- nation \>iili tiw I. \ rr 1', .md li-am- 1 , ,,,nxtruclrd and operatint; .■- .m.l l-i ili> (.m | . .-. n,-, ii,, ,]. 4._Tl,c ,M,,,n,vMKHi Ml il„. i,;Hv ,i,a|. I. in c.,nd,iu.,- tioii with llu le\r, I', iicadle 11, an;i beams C, constructed and operating sulixtaiitially in the manner and for the pur- pose descrdicd. No.— i;i:('U(;e seibert and iohn sei- BERT, Ashley, \\A..—Ploiii:hs.—Febn,arv M iS( i Claim.— I.— .-\vran-ing the piece I villi tl I Hani tongue .r' in the nianiief described, lia ilic [ 1 l 1 ec - fied. 2.— The brackets h b, set screws a a. an 1 htch E arranged in the m.inner described, for the 1 uipo c si eci fied. 3.— The slot P, the studs G G, and beam A' when arranged to the respi ■d, f,i. parts substan purpose speci tially in the manner de fied. No. 32,129.— EliWIN T. FR.A.SER, Kansas Mo — /Y.v/c/'.f.-. //>.'// 23. 1861. I'lami.— Nil- arrangement of the levers N I O and detriiis 1' I) uitli each other, and with the slotted bar I rod M, cold,//, and iilougli, in the manner and foi the .\o. ;j,2;i — \ AITM'INK FELKER, as ignoi to himself and KUFU.S JUNES, Carmkl, ME~Dnt^/s — April 30, 1 861. Claim. — The arrangement of the plough holder as con structed, of parts N H I F E and I, attached to \ lough A with plough governor B, operating as describe 1 an! for the purposes set forth. No. 32,311.— THOMAS PATTERSON, Kisii III — Ploui;hs. — May 14, 1801. Claim.— The plough liodv G, secured to jo 1 I I as described, in t-mil'iiialion « iili .iia|.. , 1 1 jointed • bar /;, chain- k K. ami loiiitid D', all arranged and combined uilh tlie « he 1 1 \1 A, and draught pole D, as and for the puqoses et forth. No. 32,958.-;. F. and W. I,. BLACK L^N \hrfcl III. — Gang-Plouglis. — July 30, 1861. Claim.— The toggle L, with lever N attached draught pole F, foot board J, driver's seat I, plough beams C C and axle A, combined and arranged to operate as and for the purpose set forth. No. 33,568.— N. F. BURTON, Plym ltii Iil — Ploughs. — October 29, 1 86 1. Claim. — I. — The combination of the sub oil plough I with the surface plough M, when said ploughs are attached to adjustable beams A A, arranged substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 2. — In combination with the subsoil and furrow ploughs I M, the roller K attached to the frame J, and arrange 1 to opei-ate conjointly with the ploughs, as set forth 3.— The .attaching of the axde 1) to the 1 ams \. A through the medium of the lul -li i|i.d rod 1 1 tion with the arm II attaclicd to tlir ,i\lr I i. . II beai-ing or fulcrum on the lol I . ,1 - d^^nil -od ] I I depth of the penetration of loth sliaiL^nia) I ^ul 1 as desired. No. 2,221.— N. F. BURTON, Galksrur.., III.— 6'««^'- Ploiii^lis.— Oe/obei iSj6. CLiim.— I.— The .lev 29. 1861.— Reissued April lo. ee fo adjusting the beams A K', by means of plate /. and clami s , ,. and bars ^o•.^substan- tiallv ae set forth, where >v the depth of penetration of the ph.ughs M and 1 mav be eliaii ,od al pleasure. 2.— The combination of til ■ sub,oil plough I, having a long winged mould boa d, «il 1 tin- .urfacc ■ plough M,a>-- ranged a^ and for tlie pi ■po.e ot follh. :;.— The atta, limu V 1) to the beams A A', thi-ough the medi .: tiou witli tlieann 11. :i ; diaped rod L in combina- 1" the axle D, and having il^ bearing or fiih n,::, whereliv Tlie ilcptli oi 1 ' "v 1 L, as herein described, 1 1 nil m of both ploughs m.ay l>e ivgulale.l al |X,,,i,i, , ,,ad 1 . \ may also be made to run .o.-'iSi -/'/,•, AHV, ,, i85l. Sacramknto, Cal llaim. — I. — IIk lurved beams A, when used in con- nection with a gang plough, or a series of plou^dis, con- nected together by cross liars B B B', constructed and oper- ating as and fur the pur|iose set forth. 2. — The arrangement of the arms G, wheels I, and the lever J, wdien attached to the right hantl arm G, and connected to the central beam A, as and for the purpose set forth No 2992— WILLIAM B READY Sacramenri, Cai —h II I —D tmUi 3 iSoi 33851 Re- 1 / I I 1 earns A when used in connec- 11 1 a senea of ploughs c nnected t II I I 1 ' c nstiucted and operating as a 1 I 1 1 I I t f rth — 11 r t I tl rm G wheel I and lever I 1 atl 1 1 t tl Jt I nliimsG and c nnected to the eel tial leim V as ml f)i the puipose et forth f^c j7.75o— JACOB IIAEGE Smi ih, Si Clmr C iNr\ 111— G'w J I ii^hs —FJ um 24 iS6j flam — I — 11 It hmg of the plough beam to the I \ 1 1 il e stiiiup or loop (,) \ in S and h / 111 1 1 Moodeu pin f' in comb nation II tl 1 It II I all ail in., 1 as n \ hereby .,1 n, 1 e 1 1 1 11 the the ill gh t suifice of th [_ laced on a scien rod or mb nuts ( and sa d shaft xUy as and f >r the puipose No j8 161 - C I MY II L — Cla m— I —11 and h througl ai Z, cutte 1 in I B' % vhen ip- lon w ith r ii 1 s 1 s 1 Clmr 1 14 Oj t of the 1 1 ht 1 1 1 sub- 1 1 1|U tment of ll 1 ct fo , 1 ith ( to the ADON I El an N Si ti \IR InSff I I i86j Vn Claim I— Ihe c ml 11 at on of the mo all consisting of the sills K R, with ihe main fiamc, \ PLOUGHS-WHEEL OR SULKY. .Ily arc aiiansjccl on said frame, as described, am frame is muuiiled on truck wheels, as doscriluc 2. — The combination of ihc ni.nalilL- an. lilough beams U with the sill. K. ulnii sni. made to opei-ate in connection wiih -aid -III., as described. No. 39,929.-0. W. HUNT, MuscATiNK, Iowa.— /'/oiig/is. — Scpli-mlicr 15, 1865. Cl.aim. — I. — Inchning the pkiiigh to suit the inclination of the land, by means and in the manner herein sliown ami described. 2 — The friction rollers H I, in combination with the sliding plate J, fixed plate C, and rod F, for tlie purjiosc specified. 3. — The employment or use of the two wheels V V, at the rear or back end of the beam D, when said wheels are used in combination and in relation with the plough E, and dtiver seat W, as set forth. 4. — The arrangement of the T, branched at its lower end to receive the axle n of the wheels v v, as and for the pur- jiose set forth. No. 39,961. — J. L. RUNK, Nashville, Washington County, III. — Gaitg-Plousr/is. — Sepu-m/ier i-^, 1863. Claim.— The employment of llie inclined bolster D, in in combination with the scrn\ ", iIiifMim F, and beams H, all being constructed and an ii ; ',.■ substantially as herein described for the I ill I'l. No. 40,625.— WILLIAM kl i !IN. In i.i.v, St.Clair County, \\.l..— G,i„,!;-P/oi,^/is.—A\<';iiil>ei- 17, 1863. Claim. — I. — Pivoting or hinging the front ends of the beams E E' to the toj) of the axleirce A of two carriage wheels in such m.anner that a lifting bar c, or its equivalent may be applied beneath them to allow the licains to have ble them to be operated by said bar, suIj: lanli.Jlv as dc- scribed. 2. — A driver's seat arranged over the axle A,- and attach- ■jii to the hounds C C, which are secured rigidly to said a\le, in combination with swinging plough beams E E', substantially as described. 3. — The arrangement and combination of the pivoted ])lough beams E E'. pivoted draught pole D, and extended honnds C C. with the supporting bar c, whereby the driver is enabled to raise the rear ends of the plough beams, by priissing upon the rear end of the draught pole, the driver's ipported by and upon the hounds, substantially ;des ibed. 4. — .Applying the level age povi'er to the lunged b-ams E E' in rear of the axle A, beneath said beams, by means substantially as described 5.— The combimt f 1 i 1 1 F 1 hinged to the a\l \ pivoted draught ] I / kj all an'anged m I No. 40,721- LOKI \/ Wolt- sr 1 1 is \1 — Gaif^- Ploughs — A'"ot mbii 24, IJ63 — Antedated N 11 /v;-ii, 1863. Claim. — I. — The employment of the standard box //'/ ' <' /, constructed and arianged as herein desciibed for the purposes set fjith 2. — The within described arrangement and combination of the levers ;« with refeii-n t ll 1 nm ( and stem 01 wheel standaid /of the inii li substantially in the manner and f jr iIk | 3. — The use of the r l1 1 constiucted and arranged to operate sul tali 1) m 1 1 inmnci and for the purposes herein set forth No. 41,449- M iRSHALL SVTI L\, Twi .rb\ ille III. — Gang-Ploughs — Pebiuaiy 2 18^4 Claim. — I. — Attaching the beam K to the fiame by means of cranks S V, operated by a le\er T, in the mannei explained. 2. — The draught chains R R, attached adjustably to the axle B, and adapted to be drawn tight by lo«erin^ tliL ploughs to their working position No. 41,491 —F S DWENPORT, Jersey VI LLE, Ili — GaHg-Ploui;hs —1 1 1 1 tiai yg 1865 Claim.— I —The h nged or swinging asletree 1) at tached to the rriii ^ a ho n 111 c nn ct n \ t th le sill nd fo purpos 2. — The caster wheel II attached-to the shaft G, which is connected to the sliding bar F, having a lever J attached, wdien said parts are used in combinalion with the sw-inging nxIfivM- 1>, n-- nnd for the purpose specified. \ ,1.' 1; I. L. RUNK, Nashville, lhi..— G,/i/g. I : ■ : :in-v 16, 1864. I I ■ I 1 hr combination of the pulleys//, endless 'III: "I '■ I I'll- I. A.ri;, Mill] pivoted plough beams Ilk I r ,. I 1 Ml linnt of the axletree, all 3. - IIk l,.ui\ill)-.Klju4ab!c pulley standard E, in com- I'ination with the laterally adjustable hounds C, plough licariis I) I)', and extensible axletree B, substantially as de- 4. — The combination of the pivoted plough beam D, extensible axletree B, and laterally adjustable hounds C, in the manner and for the purpose speci- 5 -I hi' -|i' I III' ll I liii-iiui ti'ii of standard boxes N, so ill I' i I II' ' u I iports « k' while made ill I i ;! I I lite, with wedges or set- "'■'■■ ^^ ■■ ' ■• ''' I "M"' '■ -■' l'"i'''- i\u. 4i,o,Si.. — I', k. 1 'R( I'll I i;rs, Sparta, III. — Gang- Ploi,y:'!i. — Fdn-„,,rv 23, 18(14. ria m. — I. — lIiiiL',in^ ilic a\lelreo to the frame of the niachiui' ,0 ilial the Imni r will .wing forward of its hinge- eoniRclinii, in coinliin , w illi ihe thrusting connecting mil N, C'ir.l or chiiin ,//, and w 111 llass/, all applied and kl 11 1.1 : hit rod N, in combination with a uii, I, ;i .] i\le D, operating substantially as ai,.i ; ■ ^ ,1]. :.-, iibed. J. Mil iii.uiii'.i III ;Ulai.hing the draught pole P to the plough beams, substantially as and for the purposes de- scribed. No. 42,25s.— ROBERT NATION, Cheranse, III., assigm.i 1.. Ii;m,elf and JAMES N. OK^.—Gang-Plovghs. ( 'laiiii — I lie combination and arrangement in a gang- plou ||i 111 thr plough beams D D, the guides F F, provided w I ll I ( the axle H, provided w ith the slots s s, ll 1 iK lollei R, the lever / all con tiucted and 111 1 I jr the purposes herein delineated and set 1 PlTPSl ri), N \ — ) 1S64 htive ai angement of 1 1 1 m r, ubbed 1 CDnnected to eed box P, 1 nd opeiatmg et forth 1 1 1 W IN( III s- s 1 am I E' 1 \ by to tile ll inii. beams L i , on boti means of aims ji ^', and auangin., 1 1 so that they will extend out on each i to leceive the forward and rear plout,h^ s b u U ill> is de- seiibel 2 — 1 he lever G and arm h, and pin /, in comuuntion wilh lie lin.,el buini F 1 ' l tiucte 1 an 1 opeiattng 4 11 1 al 1 \ Heal L,ui L phte / on the axletree \ adai t ll leeeneaslot in the rear end of t le pivoted liaught 1 le C, sul stintially as and for the puiposes de- 5 —Ihe eombin tioii of bent le ei D nei'^ira el eh ck pi t n' ml .^uik phte /, »iti the pivote 1 di iut,ht pole PLOUGHS-WHEEL OR SULKY. C and frame beams B B, arranged and operating substanti- ally as and for the purposes described. No. 44,351.— JOHN .STONE, Plattsrurg, Uo.— Gaii^ Ploughs. — September 20, 1864. Claim. — I. — In combination with the levers E and ploughs I, the catches F, constructed, arranged, and operating substantially as and for the purposes herein set forth. 2. — The standard D', which sujiports the seat, in combi- nation with the levers E and catches F, the same being arranged substantially as and for the purposes set forth. No. 44,924.-8. H. ADAMS, Coultkrvii.le, Ii.i..— Gang-Ploughs. — Novemher 8, 1864. Claim. — I. — Pivoting the forward ends of the plough beams E E to a slotted lever U, and supporting the rear portions of said beams upon a slotted lever D', Ijoth levers I) rnd D' being capable of receiving a lateral or endwise adjustment, substantially as and for the purposes de- scribed. 2. — The combination of the intermediate beam, G, lever D, and hidged plough beams E E, with the adjusting lever J, substantially as described. - 3.-7The laterally and vertically adjustable levers D D' pivoted to the supporting frame A B, and adapted to form a forward pivot connection and a rear support for the plough beams, substantially as described. 4. — The vertical guides e e applied to the laterally adjustable lever D', in combination with the pivoted pleugh beams E E ana lever D, substantially as de- No. 44,969.— JABISH PIERCE, Wyanet, III.— Ploughing- Machines. — November 8, 1S64. Claim. — I. — The combination of the plough F F', clevises G G' and axle D, with the frame A, a.\le D', seat M rnd wheels B, substantially as and for the purposes set forth. 2- — The combination of the lever H, link J, clevis I' and pin K, the whole being employed in the manner and f'or the purposes herein specified. No. 44,971.— GEORGE QUIRIN and LORENZ BER- KEL, Smithson, \\.\..— Gang- Houghs. — Nm/ember 8, 1864. Claim. — I. — The combination of the vertically-adjustable bar E, pivoted bar F, and laterally-adjustable pivoted con- nections G e, with the plough beams H H, all arranged and operating substantially as described. 2. — The combination of the sector pla;e supports G G, with plou^.;h beams H, which are capable of being expanded or contracted laterally, substantially as de- scribed. 3.— Securing the axle of the rear supporting wheel J, to a lever /;, which is connected to a sectory by means of a rod /■, the whole operating substantially as de- scribed. No. 45427.— LEANDER MILLER and HERMANN KALLER, Camp Point, \\.\..~Ploughs.—Detember 13, 1864. Antedated yanuary 10, 1 863. Claim. — I. — The axle C, provided with the cranks D D, having the wheels E E attached, in connection with the lever F and stop bar G, all arranged as and for the purpose herein set forth. 2.— The bar I attached to the bar a of the frame A, as shoM^n, and secured at the desired height by the catchy and notched segment bar J, in connection with the adjustable plough beam K attached to the bar I, substantially as and for the purpose herein set forth. 3- — The combination of the adjustable beam K, bar I, and adjustable axle C, all arranged as and for tlie purpose specified. No. 45,520.— TABISII PIERCE, Wyanet, III.— Wheel-Ploughs.— December 20. 1S64. Claim. — The rod O, links T and R, in combination with beams L, links N, hounds B, standards H, lever ,-, \\ lien constructed and arranged as herein described. No. 45,897.— THOMAS SHORT, Fairmount, III,— Gang- Ploughs. — January 10, 1865. Claim. — The arrangement of the double crank shaped connecting rod G, devices e e, links a' a', beam E, lever H, and operation, in the whole being employed for joint nanner and fur the purpose speci- No, 45,988.— W. H. FREEMAN, Bloomfield, Iowa. Gang- Ploughs. — January 24, 1865. Claim. — In combination with the stationary frame A, the hiii:LuriH,sc, (iL-tiibcd. No. 46,137.— JOHN C. PFIEL, Arenzville, III.— Gang-Ploughs. — January 31, 1865. Claim. — The arrangement of parts by which the relative positions of the ploui,di beam and the draught pole are maintained after tlie Ir'nU i.l lln- f unier li:i^ been depressed by the foot of the iliuei, and r,,n,i-ti!i- of the tension chain K an I lever I ;, u ith il, ixliiiini.; i.ic\ J, the points of attachment beiny; the diaugl.t pole 11 and the frame A, the whole constructed and operated as described and repre- sented. No. 46,164.— HENRY WEE.STF,R, Beetown, Wis.— Gang-Ploughs. — January 31, 1865. Claim, — I. — The employment or use in a mounted gang- plough of an oblique adjustable axle so arranged as to admit of the ready adjustment of the wheels for giving the ploughs more or less land, substantially as set forth. 2. — The frame II. applied to or connected with the draii',;ht jiole A. bv menus of a joint in connection with the r:K ' • i"l [.- H, ,i i!ts, when applied to gang ploughs. \^> \ ,41- I-' ii \Uli.SON WILSON, Fowler, N. \ .— i\ „c,Ua-i;vu:c„>.—J-ebytiary 14, 1865. Claim. — The arrangement of the vertical adjustable sup- ports D J, with regard the beam E and the axles of the sup- liorting wheels .\ H, as and for the purpose herein described \-. 4i'..S5o— A. P. DURANT and D. M. BUCKLEY, .\ I I \\ I II . I iiiiM. — Cultivators. — February 28, 1865. ( laiiii. — I he plough frame B B when arranged under the main frame in front of the axletree, and the power applied directly thereto, and when attached, adjusted and operated in rel.ition to the main frame, substantially as set forth. No. 46,903.— L. HOLLA WAY, GiLRov, Cal.— Cot/i;-- Ploughs.— March 21, 1865. Claim.— The link joint I, in combination with the ad- justable rods // /, lev r I,plr,:^-li fr.irie 1[, ami truck A, constructed an J ,.]. , , ,V u il- ;,.,, , ..,,.1 fur 1 he pur- pose subslanti.dl\ ,i ■ . " II I l.liL'l No. M. CAMPBELL, I). iMOOliLKY, E. E.MERSON, and H. REEVES, MoRiiiN, \-su.— Sulky Gang- Ploughs.— March 21, 1865. Claim — I. — Attaching one or more ploughs E, direct to the draught pole C. when the latter is connected to the main frame A, and all arranged to operate as and for the purpose set forth. 2. — The oblique bar D, attached to the rear part of the draught pole C, and having a plough E secured to it, and ananged as shown, so as to be capable of being adjusted substantially as and for the purpose specified. 3. — The lever H, with cam I attached, arranged and ap- plied to the draught pole to operate in relation with the axla a of frame A, and for the purposes sjiecified No. 47,686.— JOHN E. TRAVIS, assignor to himself and ELON FRANCISCO, Greenville, \\A..— Gan^^- Phughs.—May 9, 1865. Claim. — I, — The combination of the plough frame B and its attached ploughs wi:h the fixed frame A, by means of a fulcrum piece .X, or other similar hinged joint, sub- strntially in the manner and for the purpose herein set (urth. :',— I ho employment of the levers / and /', with their fuh rums /and /'.and their connecting links ^ and c', and IIkii li II /.ml f\ ween combined wdth the frame B, sub- stamialU as and lor the purposes set forth. No, 47,942.— I'HILO M. GILBERT, Kkw.\nek, III. — Gang Plou:^hs.~Mny 30. 18 .5. PLOUGHS-WHEEL OR SULKY. 3^3 Claim. — I — The combination and ananijenient of the plough beams I) D, the connecting ;,.lju-i,.l,k- snaps//, anil the removable pivoted connection /, «illi tin- Imii^iic (), as and for the purposes herein specifice-, into the axle at one end, in connection with the slotted pl.Uc C, through which the axle passes, and the lever F, attaciied to the plank and bearing on the axle, substantially as and for the purposes set forth. No. 49,911. — [. S. PADON, SUMMERFIELD, Il.L. — Gang- Ploughs. — 'Sof:':i!':r 12, 1SI15. Ciaim.— 1.— The -\~l.i lui, (' (', seat standards D I>, slotted axle A, and slotted liacei', in combination with the pivoted plough beams V V . and rocking levers (J ("., all arranged and operating substantially as described. 2. — In a wheel-cultivator, providing for expanding or contracting plough beams V V , the supporting frame thereof, and the contrivances for elevating or depressing the said beams, substantially as described. 3. — Supporting the plough l.e.iiiis V V in an elevated position by means of levers (_; G, linlvs ,/ ,/, and a spring catch lever g, which is pivoted to a post projecting from the draught pole, substantially as described. 4. — Pivoting the plough beams F to side beams C C, which are susceptible of being separated or contracted without detaching them from their axle A, substantially as described. 5. — The use of slotted .standards J J, in combination with the slotted sector plates 77, and fastening k k', subst.inlially as described. 6. — The clamps K, applied to the standards J, subst ni- tially as described. No. 50,828.— ALBERT KEITH, LisnoN, \u..— Sulky- Ploughs.- November 7. 1865. Claim. — The combination of the lever i' with the sliding brace z, guide st.mdard a and standard M, and the arrange- ment and combination of the standard I. with the arm K and standard M, substantiallv as set loiili. No. 50,837.— ISA.A.C F. .XL 1 I l.\i;, Talmicr, Mass.— Wheel-Ploughs.^Xovemhei- 7, 1865. Claim The combination of the head lever E, connec- tions a h F, with a plough I), ami axle B, and draught pole C, when mounted on the wheels A A, substantially in the manner and for the purpose tiescrib -d . No. 51,358.— MARSHALL SATTLEY, Tayi.oks- VII.LK, \\.\..— Gang-Ploughs.— December 5, 1855. Claim. — I. — The frame J, in the described combination, with the a.l \. 1 .1. n jl, 'beams M M, levers L L, and uprights V - • ! •■• ' ! i and operating as described. 2. — The ,1 i I draught pole W to the frame J by means of |ie ,l,,it,sl plate X and bolts in' m',ior the purpose of adniitting the lateral shifting of the pole, and the setting of the ploughs more or less to land, as de- scribed. No. qi,536.— CAROLL ATWOOU, Lebanon, III.— Gang-J'li'ughs. — iKcember 19, 1S65. the clamp |, all arranged substantially as shown, to admit of the lateral adjustment of the plough beams with the sills F F, for the purpose set forth. No. 51,543.-1. F. and W. L. BLACK, Lancaster, \\.\..—Gang-Plowrhs.—Deeember 19, 1865. Claim.— I.— The connecting of one of the wheels C to its axle A by means of the bar E, fitted in the socket D, and connected by a chain G to a lever H, in the manner sub- stantially as described, to admit of the vertical adjustment of the i^loughs, for the purpose specified. 2. — The adjusting of the draught pole M laterally through the medium of the screw .;.', plate //, and nut /, sub- stantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. 51,790. — CIIARI.KS IlKLDEN. MimiLEHURG, Ohio.- (;„;,v-(V////rvAv,. -/.uuiarv 2, 1866 Claim.— The blades „, eon-tiueied as shown, with a rib /, and arranged 111 relation to each other diagonally across the machine, in combination with the standards «/ and diag- onal frame C', substantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. 51,875.- H. C. SMITH, Ridge Farm, III.— Gang- Plou^'hs— January 2, 1866.— Antedated December 2S, 1S65. Claim. — I. — The connecting; of the plough l>eams A A to the axle C by means oi the l.iie; l.cilt II. strap E, and plates F F', allconslructe !.. :, : t arranged in the man- ner and for the purp' - I : etll. 2. — The plough-be.iiii \ \ , 111. bed to the axle C as shown, in combination with the frame H, the latter being connected at its front end to the plough beams by the rod b and its rear end supported liy the caster wheel I ; the above parts being used in connection with the cord or chain e, pulley /', lever J, and the strap K, or its equivalent, for the No. 52 104.- THOMAS WOLFE, Girarii, III.— SulkvPloU'^hs.— January 16, l856. Claim— I.— The connecting of the front ends of the plough beams G G by hinges if, to springs I attached to the framing of the device, in combination with the shafts cap, herein set foitli. 2.— The raising and limering of the plough beams through the medium of the rods K K", cranks K' K'", shafts L L', and levers M M' all arranged substantially as d escribed. 3. — The adustable frame S, constructed and applied to the plough beams G G, substantially as and f,.r the purpose specified. No. 52,401.— A. P. DL;RANT, Atlanta, III.— Gang-n,.ughi.—Kbru„rv 6. I.S66. Claim. — I. — Ciiiting the two ploughs M N to a .single beam ( ;, where s.iid btani is arranged between the frame C C. and hung on a pivot to the front end thereof and for- ward ofthe axlelree, substantially ns sliou „ and described. 2.— The two levels S S' when iiiiUe.] i.igelher in the manner described, and connecteil to the rcir end of the twisting, or tlic ploughs Ironi slewing or "creeling" out of their |iroper patli. and for the purpose of raising them out of liASKII.L.EL A to plough 1 the tion with liraic I ,, hinge 1 i", liars V F, brace K, and axle- tree (i, the several parts being arranged as and for the pur- pose set forth. No. 52,63?.- loSEPH WIDMAN and FRENCH MULLIC.'V, El" Paso, \\.\..—Ploui;hs.— February 13, 1866. Claim. — I. — The attaching of the plough beam E to the axle A, through the medium of the hounds C C', in combi- nation with the draught pole F and bar K, attached to the plough beam, and all arranged to operate in t' substantially as and for the purpose set forth. PLOUGHS-WHEEL OR SULKY. 2. — The anangement of the cord or chain I, pulleys C H, aiul lever J, arranged and applied to the plough beam E, draught pole F, and liar K, substantially as and for the pur- pose specified. No. 52,6t;"— JOHN E. TRAVIS, assignor to himself and ELON FRANCISCO, Greenvh.i.k, III — A/«i'- Ploiit;/is. — Fehniarv 13, 1866. Aniedateil Februaij 5, 1866. Claim.— I.— The sliding bar C, when used in connection with the axle B and bolster I) and regulating bolts ,1 a', as and for the purpose set foith. 2.— The hinged braces 11 H, ihc lovers II" II ''. and posts V F', for the purpose of alt.i ': ; .; 1 < 1 !' "^h frame of gang ploughs to the bolster ther. IMitsare constructed and employed as de-Liil ili. No. 52,990.— A. L. and B. F. i...\l.l.a..VM '. Little- ton, III.— 6-<7H--/'^«.'/;.(.— .1/-//r/; 6, iSjo. Claim.— I.— Attaching the plough beams to the axle B by means of the rock .shaft D, provided with the arms e e aiid lever C. arranged to operate substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 2.— Supponiug one end of the roc\ shaft D in the adjust- able lvaiin.4 .>, in combination withtlie lever E. arranged as ;.— I I il , 11. icbed tothefrontend of the plough beams, m 1 w iili the segment G and rod m, pro- vided « ill, ;1:. '. as -how n and described. No. 53,424. !■ I I \ II I I KHRI', Lf.HANON, III.— Cang-rioiighs- 71 Claim. — ^l. — 'W- 1 ■■■■■•■■' "f the plough beam E E, lever M, adjust.; l i„; ■ , Hliii-inhl,- -ni.!.- II. rod K. screw rods G G. in i .n,,' i-;i \\\:\' u-.'- ^1 ni'.'^'K j. roils K, sockets/, plriu 11, l.,Mi'l l,i> ■ I ,< ,111-1111. 1, 1 anil op- erating in the manner ami h 1 tin: 111 ]iii-c Ikh- in speci- fied. 2.— The combin.-.tion of the lever .N. cro« bar 0. notched plate/, and frame ( ', constructed and arranged to tipcratc in the manner and fur th-- purpose herein specified. No. 5?,44.;. — \ i 1 \ MM |\ I). J.\ctKS. ■ m ,1 piaie C. having slots <;' in it for the passa- ii n ,- i n,. ,1 ■ue,- ,; and (7^ so that the equ .... L, ievers E' and E^, , then- equivalent devices, ploughs, for the purpose 4. — ihe combination of the strap piece c and set screw c', with the beam H and with the braces H-', as and for the purpose set forth. No. :;4,4i;;.--\V. M. WATSON, ToNic.\, III.— G-<7«§' /■,,,,■,,; J.'.ri.i866. I ; I lonibination in a gang plough of the hinged I ,. J- ,■ e e e e e, or their equivalents, and side 1! . I, i : It /; ;;' K. all arr.uiged sulistantially as and \S T. CORNELL, Df.cati'r, III. ,^.■1866. ,in:llioM,.f the le^•l■ • \I. and bent 1 p.ain in the .1- lo l.e vibra- .ie- 1, ,; 1-, .1 M.a^lil .ipplieil to the "the link H attached to the for- il to the carriage, and operating keep till ckct and the guides, 5.— I he .,.iiii,ai.,i;.,i, .,i il;,. links H and standards G, whose liolesadmil ol ilic .adjustment of the links therein. 6. — The arrangement of the foot lever R, the links H and beams .\, operating as described. No 1^4. , ; f \r, ,11 I,. RUNK, JAME-^ H. BROWN, and F.I I ■, ili'.AN, Nashville, III. — Gimg Ploughs ■ ■ 1 ■ , I Claim. ! I i^li beam attiched to a bolster, the latter ben; In ; I voieil to the axle or carriage, sub- siantialK , : : ' ' m ^ ,,„. ,|,;scribed. 2. — .\'. i: , i:, lu-lii r,"l to the beam in such a manner a- 1,- uiil,- e ilie iliaught of the team in raising the ploughs from the ground, when the forward support of the beam is removed. 3. — The combination of the A and tongue G, or its 326 PLOUGHS-WHEEL OR SULKY. equivalc, htter fiii Hection. 4- — 1 ■ equivali.1 5.-n rod T, l)e sci-ibed. 6.— TI rod T, h c-..t of the carriage o togfjle V U, the means, liy de- liand lever H, connecting ;r S, connecting ■ equivalent, sub- from the l"..;e ..n ' ..ii!,, ■ of vibration of ilie Inltcr, ,: when the ploughs are out samehci-htas when in ^i , , 8.— The combination of the beam, iiing of the foot-board and pivoted hand lever, represented. nti-ill ^' • : ■ ■ • .1 „„] beam, sub- I tment of the m the pivoting ^ t L 1 1 h tl L I k and the side st^l 1l ns to lenglh as desciibed and repiesented S — \ IN(,\LLS, iNDLlMNUrNCC, lOW \ — -1 i866 1 ndaid E, rod J, ])ulle}s ;i ?;'', in I oi cord I guide plate D, and lully aa and foi the puipose set conibm plougli foith No 55 bOo.— JAMES B HUN 1 Grttnj riou^hs —Juiu 19, 7 856 Claim — i.—The bolstei (., scie\ beams J f when usid in combinilio sub t-n md foi ihi and all ai foith 2— The attach 11 I' j I i 1i 1 1 M I tli 1 1 t 1 G through the 11 ' I I u lli iiii 1 1 sides of the beai 11 1 I iit lh I n aiod L at the 1 . 1 1 1 1 I 1 i. IK m I I 1 the pui-pose specilu I 3 — Ihe laisinn of the plou.,dis P out of the ground by means of a lod M eiank shaft N, and le\er (), all airinged substantiall) in the mannei as and for the jiuipose set forth 4 — The adjusting of the shaies or points of the pi lughs m a gr<.atei 01 less inclination downwaid by means of the screw 10 I 11 I ] ici the upper pnrts of the standaids Q sub t nd dfsuibed No I 1) SMITH F'KiKU, In — r iS (1 ins I) D ich aie MS D, ^lueh IS which l> D catches d d, or tin k-vers E E, vibrati r/, subitantially as c 6.— Providing for adjusting the forward end of the carriage frame for regulating the jMteh of the ploughs by means of draught pole G and lever H, substantially as described. 7.— Connecting the rear end of the pole G to the a.\le B by means of a pin e and a laterally adjustable plate/, sub- stantially as described. 8. — The adjustable draught rod K arranged and applied to the plough carriage so as to operate substantially as described. 9. — The combination of a pole G, which is adjustable at its rear end, with a draught rod K, which is adjustable at its front end, sub--lantially as described. No, r,r,,:,,:. -i;r. iKCE watt, Richmond, Va.— Plough.. , , 1.- ,M.,. Claim, i. Ill 1, -lie rt ff/; /, cast in one piece, and con- structed .1 i -liKl'I. m combination with the mould board e, landside g, and point k, the whole being con- structed and operating in the manner and for the purpose set forth. . ■! Miiiwiili tlie brace w and the plough in and out of land, substantially as de- In Luiiibinatiun with tlic curved beam c, the slotted '. ■ Mn.dcd tu and between the -\VI \M nd between the plough IGCRS, QuiNcv, III — Gan^-Phiij!^^J„l\ z\, 1S66 Claim — I — The imnnei as heiPinbe''oif» set forth, of 111 1 n 1" u" 1 1,1 n of the 1 I .1 I ..uualuits, I „>l„|enting iqipoi ing ind then I. 0(12— PI lER \OU\G, El Pavi, 1m — ' — A /I 24 1806 -1 —Ihe cold,; and;, sliding lod/ le\ II irranged and opeiatmg as and foi thi ion \Mth the above t 1 tting substantially - stead\ ing Clan I ' VM UAITELL, Qiumy, Ii i .— - 1S66 ing of the a\les of the wheels 1 1 the leai pit .1 Ui 1 i.s C C, n ' t ^llKl aie atla 1 t. the 1 il of the fi ime A, in li se.j I I) attiehed to the reii 1 and -. F L attached to the I 1 sub t u tnll} as and for the 1 u 1 , I 2 — Tie aiiangement it III attiehed to the plough beams by Ini' M 1 I '^ with 1 Ueisy fitted in them, and the lnei, u 11 ui m^cd to opeiate substanti xlly in the mannei as and for the puipose heiein set forth 3. — The construction of Ihe clevises H, as shown and ilcscribed, to admit of the adjustment of the plough beams, as set forth. 4. — The, thimbles .;'■, provided with set screws //, in combinatiiu with the clui-js II, rod 1, and adjustable stays (^>. : :]-.■ | iir|Ki-e set forth. No ; ■ .ii\-iiX.i;ui,;,;sviI,IK. III.— ;, Claim 11- of the fr.ame A of the machine in n iirder to regu- late the depth of ih 1 ughs, by means of levers H II, |n .»- I .1 , ,. nt ends ff, and secured to the sides ul L.tin. .\, u. ^>.ijiijiiiation with the pendent pins E E, attached In I'ramc A, and passing loosely through the axle D, subslantially as shown and described. PLOUGHS WMEEL O i-^ SULK' 2. — Tlio plougli frame I, fitted williiii tlic rrainc A, ami connected by a cliain"(> with the |ilate N, allAihed to a shaft L, over frame I, whereby tlie |ih.ugl\ fraiiic and ploughs may be raised when dcsircil.and the jjloir^hs when at work retained in the ground, sub-taniiallv as set farth. No. 57,oSi.— A. H. :iURLINGAME, Spauta, Ii.i..— Caii_!;-I'/oiig/is. — August 14, 1S66. Claim. — I. — The com!iination of the tongue C, pivi.ty, rocking bar G', plough beams D D, and laterally adjustable support J, su'istantialK' as and for the purpose de- scribed. 2.— The rear under -11 11 ;. ' ! tnd operated sub- stantially as herein desi 1 oscs set forth. 3. — The perforated 1 ngue G. plough beams D I), laterally a^lp i cit J, and the de- vice / 11 II, inl connecting rods /; /;' wit!i u|i :;iii 11- i K -:ii' I .:■ i!i turn plate H, in conibinati.^i h ah ihr m, ■ ep I ,, sul.-i.inhilli as described and for the purpose set iorth. No. 57,878.-0. R DILLS, Falmouth, Y.\.— ]Vhccl- Glflu^hs.—Sffilfiii/h?)- II. 1866. Claim. — the slotted adjustaMe bars C F, with wheels D F, attached, and the brace rod K, provided with the loop or eye i, all arranged and applied to a plough, S'.bstantially in the manner as and for the purpose set forth. No. 57,889.- ROLAND R. GASKILL, Mendota, U.\..~Sull:y-Ploughs.—Scpiem6er u, i836. Claim. — I. — A siill:y ])hmgh. having the driver's seat K so attached as to ji- 1 uiit u 1. --cillate freely, horizontally, substantially a; ,ti; i 1 1 1' m' is set forth. 2. — The herei ■ -I mech' for adjust- ably suspending I'l |'!'':i„'i \ I'y a sy.stem of levers C E and F, and a chain V, said several parts being respectively conslnicied and the whole combined substantially as set forth. No. 57.992-— STEPHEN STOUT, Tremont, I1.1..— Sulky-Pl.ughs.—Si-ptcmtH'r II, 1 866. Claim. — I. — The attaching of the draught pole K to the plough beam F by means of the univei-sal joint L and flex- ible strap .M, in combination with the mounted frame in which the plough beam is fitted, substantially a=; and for the purpose specified. 2. — The button I applied to the bar C. and in relation v.-ith the handle K of the plough, substantially as and for the purpose specified. 3.— The brace rod N a;.nlied to the plough beam F ami to the mounted frame, substantially as and for the purpose specified. No. 58,318.- R. B. SUMMERS and S. DEMENT, San Josic, \\.\..— Ploughs.— September 25, 1 856. C'lain).— I.— ilie manner of attaching the beam B to lever and 11 i ' MM or lowering the plough D by the lever II i.iichet F, as set forth. 2. — 1 I ling //, as described and for the pur- poses ,,u ...,„. No. 5ii,j84.— niuMAS J. CORNELL, Decatur, III. —Gang- Ploughs.— October 2, 1866. Claim. — I. — The plough standard I, journaled on a hori- zontal axis.K, to vibrate rearward under the circumstances described. 2 — The catch Q in combination with the standard I, 3. — 111. -]ii n; K, in combination with the standard I, operalin. I : 4. — 1 lament W, in combination with the beam 01 ! 1 n o; il;,_ plough, and operating substantially as described. No. 58,386.— H. N. DALTON, P.A,ciiii;co,CAL.— C««»-- Plaughs.— October 2, 1S66. Claim. — I. — The plough frame F, parallel arms E, beam H, links // (-, vertical bar I, and pins il e, combined and op- erating substantially as described, for the purpose speci- > ,1 I, arms E E, beam H, and frame F, com- iiing substantially as described, for the pur- so. -, ,. ,v-, — J. B. EDGELL, J. W. and E. A. ALEX- ANDER, Independence, Iuwa. — Ploughs. — October 2, Claim.— supponi'i : ceat C-. 1 .—The •Iin; ,li. constructioi of a jdough cajriage for t.._r A. wheels B, beam C, ;, li.uhl lever H, and con- ble 'plough described. 3.-Pivo ing a 1 , winch is lough to an lli. beam Dof anadjusta- constructed substantially as adjustable beam of a car- 5EYVILLE, III. Cl.iiiu I :, I I', rod (J, an.lbrake R, arranged il opt latin- as and Un the purpose described. -' - The hinged board G, in connection with the re- ! Ic axles, substantially as and for the purpose de- j. — The lever O, and quadrant N, for regulating the fpth of the furrow, substantially as and for the purpose of the machine by means of the On 1' ith the chain J, wheel K, i I 111!^ together substantially as and levur I ,, tia •■ p n I 5. — Hinging the tootboard M to the plough frame, as de- scribed. 6. — Securing the tongue or draught pole to the foot- board M, in the manner and fur the purpose de- scribed. 7. — The sliding plough .standard U', guide block O*, lever A*, and notched seat standard C, when used to- gether and in connection with the other parts. 8. — Connectinp^ tin- I. vi r 1, h ith the tongue or draught pole by fastening' ii i- tin fontliiaol, the whole operating together substantially as and loi ihe |un| ose set forth. No. 8,986.- FRKDLKlCK S. DAVENPORT, Jersey- viLLE, III., assignor to ROBERT NEWTON.— Gaw^^-- Ploughs.—s%fi\2, October 9, 1866. Reissued December 2, 1S79. File'' October 15, 1879. Claim. — I. — In a wheel plough, the combination, with a swing axle and ground or carrying wheel, of friction clutch mechanism and means for engaging and disen- gaging the latter with the ground or carrying wheel, said parts being constructed and adapted to raise the plough by locking the swing axle to the canying wheel by friction clutch engagement, and raise the plough beam by the 32S PLOUGHS-WHEEL OR SULKY. draught or power of the team, substantially as set X... 6o,o.)S — |;KI \i > Vnl KMANN, New York, N" forth. v., a, sign.. lb I.RI.hl. |.;|i K \iil.KMANN, same place- 2.— In a wheel-plough, the combination, with a ground — /'/,'lr^/is. — . wheel, a swing axle, and a |ilnugh henm connected to the Claim. I.- -Tile |.l..ii...!', h, nil. ..r plough cart A BCDE latter, of clulch mechanism eonnecled to the axle and sul.-isiiii ilk I .l.scribed in combination adapted, by engagement witli the wlieel, to utilize the with 'I'll^pl"".^ h l;..,m 1,, I..r III.- purpose set fonh. draught of the team in turning the ^\\ iiig axle iiit" ii|iiight all I..1I. i..."n . Ill cumbination with the position, and thereby raise the plou-h 'l.< im, -uli.i.M.ii.illv - 1 . ' ... . 1 1 ,1 i 1 1 ,... til. ,> ■. Ml 1 i.l..u._.l, L, substan- as set forth. 1 1 1 1 : ... ~ : . - . .. .1 r. .1 ill ; .11 M, .-. -. 1 i. .1 ill. 3. — In a wheel-plough, the comlmi .ii'iii. wiih a -hmml ; I li.' 1 .. II.. 1. .III. Ml III:. 11 u.tli the tuohori- wheel, a swing axle, and a plough o.nn,, i i t- ihc .'..III il 1: nil 1.. ■ .■ . .M..I MM |.| .ae;li iM-a.n I., substui- laltcr, ..r a Iriaion clutch connectcl t.. tl:..- axl- and ii.i:; . , ■ I..1 1' . !■■.,. ..■..! forth. a'l,i|itiil, h\ . iiiiiaet with tile wheel, lo turn the a\l- iiitu ii|ai,;lit '|..:il.^.i,, and therebv raise the pl.uigh hea;, !,,■ aid of tilc d,an;.|,l .,r tlie team, sni.stanl lal tv as ^et loril,. 1' 1 .: ;.|..: 1. 1 . ir.-l.llU ■. -s .ml .Mill ill, |,l,,ugh frame A B C D illy 111 the inaniier and for ih-i purpose de- N,,. i^ r: ; 1 \M1 -- 1 . 1 Ml \-l IM.!' 1, ",1 , \i .-. -. ! r . 1. X. \'.- '■'■'.■,' ' -." . . .■■/ ■ ( '.. ■ 11.. IS.." :;. The ca rt axle D' D^ in combination with the move- Claim, 1, II:. Ml, 111. .11 ,iii.| ,mi,.liimaii ..| , ,.l.l. .1.1,, piece E and regulating screws T, f .r th; purpose pl.iii^li 1.. ,1 ^ull.v 111 Mich manm-r lint tlic |.l..liLdl l.caiii mann^r^lell^i he furrows as required, s ibst int. ally in the ,li .11 |.,i-- iiii.!.-i- tlie axle oi the sulkv an.l projccl Inniav.l. aii.l til. ].l..ii-li handles project in rear of (lie axle, an.l 111 cm-, uimiil L;i-i-p ..f the |)!i..ugliman a, he Mt^ up-m his -FREDERICK VOLKMANN, Hoboken, \ I e of BRUNO VOLKMANN'.— /7fl»../".— X..'i„^,r ij. 1 866. Reissued >/,/ 30. 1 8 .^7 . J.— The c.mi.nialion ..f the gui.le ~tiriii|. K » illi tin 1 '1,1. 111. — I.- -A plou-li cart that is made an.l operating Mil.-mnlinllya s and for the purpose herein shown and dc- forward'end of the plough beam with a sulky, :,ui.,t.iiui.ill)' scj-jli....!. as set forth. J, -Tlic .1, lee (.11 1.11,111 : ,111. 1 li.\M.nii- tlie Ir.ilit end iil 3.— Connecting the rear end of the plough to a brace the pLuiL'^ 1 . 111 1 |.\ In .111- . .1 ill.- .. . w -'i,.ll 1. (lute 1 m or footboard D, projecting from and in rear of the axle, for the ,i-.l'.- li, ,.[ hill. , m.... ' .1 ill. nm . . ,M..| /, iial- the purpose and substantially as described. aiue liai- ..In ., ,, aiel ,'.-...11 iii.i.le ,iiul M|ijrating siilntanti- 4. — The driver's seat A'' and footboard D, projected and ally as herein ,llii\vil and cleselil.eil. sup]iorted in rear of the axle, for the purpose and substan- 3,— Th.- ad iistable link- ;;, ulien so made by the applica- tially as set forth. tion ..f a set -t ew /;', sul si niiallv as and for the purpose 5._The combiii,iii..ii ..f . liiri..u M u ith a sulky, for hei. in sli..»n m 1 .leser.l.e.l. the purpose and Mil. , : . '.'.', . 1 4 — The .li, llgllt eliaill k. .ittaelir.l In the un.ier-lde ol the No. 58,788.— K 1'.i 1 .\l. WALKER, pli.ii-'i I.. an.l !.. ih.- laii.l-i 1.. ..I the same, nr m uther Gai,t.atin, Mo.- (,,...,, ...v.. ..;,..,.. J W ^.,;;s.~ Oc/o/u'r 16. i865. Claim. — I. — The construction and arrangement of the pole H in connection with the standard I and axle B, oh' y el 1 a d 1 1 1 a ' lly a e c e 2 — 1 e poe H hen h nge e scribed. S.-The pi frame B A E, for the purp),e h -rein shown and de- rforated axle D', in combination with the and sliding block //, for the purposc of allow- n h h t I (0 e V- po e id f me oa fom epo h st- n n he p ough b E E g C e h p p d y ni b- — \7 F — — le ~ — an L 1 pu po h h an d b b — ly 2_TehnY\nmb n ea T b ;, eel n oQfohp e a d a h in fo h N 598 — D BEQUEPEr and E DEMOLIIN 9— T e ec gh I E VN I — C « /■ A — \ » 20 866 b n e a ly C — \ g po d ong n e a e h b et h h h p b e Q h e C No 6046 — IPA W B^rXIEH Crfek. h and —P —D iS 1866 h The e n h e I on ed ub a h d e e I oyed c on No S L — go e n g he d h h as Ga Can — — Ma c ew Ihsam b n I b a ig s an a y a de h -T u N HENB-i T. hed -7 a,y C b 8 — n er ■W 1 lELL Ol; bu' LKY. Claim. — 1. — The arrangements herein dcscrilifd nf a combined cultivator and suIUy-plough connected, and operating se])aratcly wlien the parts arc shifted, substan- tially as herein described. 2. — The arrangement of a shifting plough E, connected with the beam o by the adjustable plates « «, and suspended in the front by the joint // and the bar r, and in the rear by the hook <• to the arm/, and the vibrating bar ;■■, substan- tially as and for the purposes herein described. 3. — The arrangement of the shifting cultivators 11 n attached out of line with each other to the bent iron be.ims /, and suspended in front by the jointed connections r, and behind by the hooks / to the arms/'/' on the vibrating l)ar _!,■-, substantially as and for the purposes herein de- scribed. 4. — The arrangement of a guide rod or lever /;, con- nected with the draught pole D, substantially as and for the purpose herein S])ecified. No. 61,151.— GEt:)RGE BURKET and SAMUEL M. GASKELL, UluI'TTON, 0\uo.—Suay-/'/aui^'/is.— January 15, 1S67. Claim. — I. — The attaching of the rear part of the plough beam by a chain or rope i to a pulley li, on a shaft H, on the hounds a a of the draught pole, said shaft H having a lever I attached, and all arranged substantially as and for the purpose specified. 2. — The slotted plate K attached to the platfonn D, in such a manner that it may be turned fovwai.l lo cmlirarc the plough handle and serve as a hcnin!^ ni lulcium fur il, and be turned backward free from iIk- [loiii;!! Ii.ui'llc uljcn it is necessary to liberate the latter, subsUintially as set forth. No. 61,408.— J. H. DOUTHIT, Ai-iiANY, Oregon.— Gtin\;-Ptoiighs.^aiiunry 22, 1867. Claim.— I. — Tlie attaching of the plough beams F F to .slides II H, fitted between suitable guides c c, at the inner sides of the bars A A, in connection with the foot lever I attached to one of the slides II, and the pin K, passing through any of a series of holes in the other slide H, .sub- stanti-.dly as and for the purpose set forth. 2. — The windlass L, having the cords or chains M M, attached, and (he latter connected to the plough beams F F' to operate in the manner substantially as and for the pur- pose specified. 3. — The windlass R having a cord or chain A* attached, which is connected to the |ilo«f;h beams I'" F, one of the bearings of the windlass \n:\n\: lutr.l m a slide S, and having a puUy U on one eml. .ir.iuui wliirh end a pulley \V, on wheel D, a belt // pa l- la . _lh:,! ination with the lever T, attached to slide .S, .11 b.iug .uian,;cd to operate in the manner substantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. 61,470.— ISRAEL LONG, Terre Haute, Ind.— Ploughs.— January 22, 1867. Claim. — I. — The adjustable beams E F, occupying posi- tions at opposite sides of the machine and outside of the wheels, and each adapted for the attachment of one or more ploughs, substantially as and for the purpose herein specified. 2. — The combination with the ploughs G G', beams F F, of the collars E E, fitted to turn upon the ends of the axle, and adjusted by menns of levers or otherwise, as and for the purpose specified. 3. — The combination of the plough beams F F, collars E E, levers H, and notched bars I I, all arranged and operating in the manner and for the purpose herein set forth. 4 The adjustable doulile-tree K, in combination with the independent hounds D D', whereby the draught m.ay be transferred to either side of the machine, substantially as and for the purpose described. No. 61,885.— H. !'• SMITH, Eureka, \\.\..—PIou!;h Attachments. — February 5, 1S67. Claim. — 1. — The tongue O, attached to a curve 1 bar M on the plough beam A, by means of a clip N, in such a manner that a universal joint connection will be obtained, substantially as and for the purpose sec forth. 2. — The attaching of the plough beam A to the frame I), through the medium of the clip H, attached to the frame, and having the plough beam fitted in it, substantially as described. 3. — The adjustable wheel E, filted on the crank arms a, and adjusted by the lever I'", substaniially as and for the purpose set forth. 4. — The bar K, or an i^inniln ■ Iinn attached to the clip II, and extending alon: iIk plough beam, and connected at its front i n 1 > x'-.- ■ !■ . 1 at the front end •if the plough beam, .sulislajiluilly .i^ aiid for the purpose herein sei forth. No. 62,430.— C. H. LITTLEFIELD, Turner, Me.— Sulky-Ploughs.— r,'h,:ni,v 26, 1867. Claim.— The si. „ ' ; 1, ,;,.■. . in' fa 1 '■• ilio cross bar D, and the m ilh the axle B, in combin 1 ; I :, L Kcam G, arranged and opei 1 : . ;: , , n ; ; .1 1 1. [anposes herein described. No. 62,615.-0. P. DIES, Falmouth, \iy. Sulky- Ploughs.— March 5, 1S67. Claim. — The arrangement of the draught pole E and bars F C with the land and furrow wheels D K respectively attached, the brace rods O P and plough beam A, for the purpose of forming a new and improved sulky-plough, as set forth. No 62 641 —RANSOM K I ARAWA\ and JEROME LARA\\A\, B\rrLL Ckcck, \\\CK —Ploujis —Match s iS^7 I —11 1 1 lescubcd of ittachmg ing I y mean 1 ' I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 an 1 nap n and di i 1 I 1 1 tU \ 1 1 I 1 Ih 1 1 1 1 c 1 cl No 6j059— CII\KLLS KlNKFUNiw \oriv, N V., as 1 nor to \LE\\NDER WEHLE, same place — Plugh^—Ari, h 19, 1867 Climi — I — The general construction of the plough, con 1 ting c f the plough fiame C m connection with the a\lt D the I lough beam U, screw tree F, and shaft II, ith the scrcv t f.ith I 1 u^h 1 cam I -Tl tiee F 1 3 — 1 and SCI ith the plough frame C 5-TI I 1 1 vement to ploughs of the usuil t u 1 r the cist iron shoe R, substantially as de luI l 1 No 64,152— E SCMOV ^Ii Nso\ Mass— G(7«?-- Plou^hs — //; il 23 1S67 riaim— T— rhe aljustdile bars B, provided with tic till hi 1 11 supports F foi supporting the ploughs, il 1 It Ih ho«n 2. — In coinliination with the laterally adjustable bars B, the spring rods /and levers L and «, arranged to operate as set forth. No. 64,358.— HORACE L. PERRY, Aurora, N. Y.— Gang-Ploughs.— April 30, 1867. Claim.— I.— The cast-steel plough D, when constructed and used in combination with the hinged plough frame C, main frame A, and wheels B B, for the purposes and sub- stantially as herein described. 2. — The combination and arrangement of the pinions E E, crank shaft F, hinged racks G G, ratchet wheel H, and stop lever H', for the purposes and substantially as herein set forth. No. 64,839.— ELISHA A. CHASE, Rosemond, III.— Wheel-Ploughs.— May 21, 1867. Claim. — A wheel-plough having the stationary frame A, pivoted frame F F' F', plough beam D and elevating devices G G' G^, arranged to operate substantially as and for the purpose described. No. 64,923.— J. W. SURSA, San Leanuro, Cal.— Gang-Ploughs.-May 21, 1867. claim. — I. — The combination and arrangement of the shaft c, the segment .arms d d', the axles j,"-, 5^ of the wheels PLOUGHS-WHEEL OR SULKY. D D, (he hand lever h, and the rack k, for raising and lowering the gang-ploughs A A, substantially as herein de- scribed. 2. — The arrangement of the draught pole F, pivoted to the plough beams B B, and depressed and elevated by the screw a, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. 65,087.— JOSEPH and JAMES INGHAM, San- Jose, Cal.— Grt«5'-/Vo«i,'-/;f. - ,1/-7r 2S. 1S67. Claim.— I.— The movabl. . ■< .' 1,1% C C with the segments D D', wheels E I ', 1. i I F' to raise and lower the ploughs, substantuliv .1- !■ ^1 iiplmI. 2. — The two-part axle G with the vertical connecting necks K K', to make the ploughs cut to an equal depth, as described. 3. — The eyes L L', together with the bar M and screw ;«, for the purpose of regulating the draught, substantially as described No. 65,094— L B LATHROP, San Jose, Cal.— Grr;^ r' , > 1^ 1 "S 1867 riiim 1 II I \ cutters (/, attached to the wheels i„ mil 111 1 UiLieon, for the purpose of acting 1 hnil ill I ii^hs, substantially as set forth. 2 — 11k I 1 wiaii auanged obliquely below the tongue \ 111 I \\\\ 11 1 !|iistihle by means of the screw bolt (7 and si It 1 11111 ul ^tmtiall) as and for the purpose herem sli wn m I lisuibcd 3 — The devices for 1 -using and lowering the ploughs, consisting of the screw K, rods t and /;, and of the axle B, lugs / and g, bar F, and bolts c, respectively, as set forth. 4. — The double tongue A M, in combination with the wheel I, supporting the end of the main tongue, and with the hinges / w; « and ops, substantially as herein shown and described. 5. — The plough beams E, when bent so as to form offsets at the top of the mould-boards, substantially as and for the purpose herein shown and described. No. 65,198.-0. S. FISHER, Cedar Spring, Ind.— Ploughs.— May 28, 1 867. Claim. — I. — The rising and falling or adjustable plough bars E F, one or more arranged with a lever or levers C D, and having rotary coulters 1 attached, all arranged substan- tially as aii.l for Die inirpos'c set fnrtli. 2.— The spiing catches \\ ..„c,,i more, arranged with the liars E K and levers C 1), substantially as and for the ;, l'M'\nlinL; the coulter J* with the radial ribs ,■?, sub- si, uiiulU I, and for the purpose set forth. No. 05,709.— F. VALKMANN, Hoboken, N. J.— Ploughs.— Jitii,- II, 1S67. Claim. — I. — Securing the upright .screw shaft D in the axle A, in the manner set forth, and clamping it by means of a set screw a' and clamp E, substantially as herein shown and described. 2. — The link J, when arranged laterally adjustable on the plough beam, substantially as herein shown and ^le- scribed, and for the purpose of changing the draught of the chain I. 3. — The adjustable draught bar G, when secured by a bolt / to the solid nvle .i^. and when connected with the draught cli Ml I ;■• 1 iiiiially as sjt forth. 4. — Sc '1 h Mil r. 1! d ■■ ii'i die lever /, and having the ploughs tiitajhed '1. ■. ' . , . nlied. all eoii,ti acted and arranged to operate -nl .Maniaiiv a- set foLlh. 2. — The combination of the lever L, connected to the plough beams and having a fulcrum at or near the axle, with the elbow lever E, pivoted to the tongue, or equivalent part, arranged to operate as described. No. 65,834.- JOHN C. ROGERS, Alden, N. Y.— Sulky- Ploughs.— J„nc 18, 1867. Claim. — I. — Connecting a sulky to a plough by means of the link or universal joint D^, or equivalent, for the purpose and substantially as herein described. 2. — The comliination and arrangement, with a plough of common conslniction, of the rack D, link D^ pinion E, crank shaft E' F, weighted pa«d G, and ratchet wheel G", all arranged upon a sulky, in the manner and for the pur- pose substantially as described. 3. — The projection ose substantially as herein set forth. 5. — The jaws J, in combination with the pole of a .sulky-plough, for the purpose and substantially as de- scribed. No. 66,039.— JOHN C. PFEIL, Arenzvii.le, ILL.— C«7^f-/'/o«vy/-t.— /?<«-• 25, 1867. Claim. — I. — The lever a, having the cam e attached and arranged to oper.ate in combination with the tongue C and beams B and B', as shown and described. 2, — Constructing the crank axles E with a tubular portion to fit on the end of the wooden axle A, as shown and de- scribed. No. 66,155.— JOHN T. LEGG, Lewis County. Mo.— Gang-Ploughs.— y,me 25, 1867. Claim.— I.— The ploughs A A', beams <• <•', rods F F' and G G', the compound lever H H', lever handles K K', and ratchets M M', arranged, combined and operating for the purpose and in the manner substantially as de- scribed. 2. — The lever « «' and ratchet ni m', arranged, com- bined and operating for the purpose and in the manner de- scribed. 3. — The stay chains P V, the beams E E', the tongue Q, the strap R, and the stiffening pole S, arranged, combined and operating in the manner and for the purpose as hereto- fore described. No. 66,477.— HENRY H. EBAUGH, Herkford, Md. —Ploughs — July 9, 1867. Claim.— I. — Mounting the supporting wheels B C in swing frames D E, pivoted I0 the main frame A, arranged and operating substantially as and for the purpose herein specKed. 2. — The winding pulleys N O, of dilTerent sizes, in com- bination with the chains, bands, or ropes n 0, and swing frames D E, substantially as and for the purpose herein set forth. 3. — In combination with the foregoing, the pulleys P R, crank S, and its ratchet and pawd, substantially as and for the purpose herein specified. 4. — The guage wheel I, when arranged and operating with the swing frames D E, as and for the purposes set forth. 5. — The arrangement of the pole or tongue G in the roller H and guide socket.;,', as herein specified. No. 66,583.— ROBERT R. GRAVES, Montgomery, A\.X.—G,7Ug-/-l,.ughs. — yuly 9, 1867. Claim.— I.— The combination of the draw beam C. hav- ing the segment spur wheel ,' with the vertical shaft L, having the spur wheel /, substantially as and for the purpose described. 2. — The combination of the movable frame F F, with the shaft I, wheel M, endless chain M' and wheel m, worked by the crank /«', substantially as and for the purpose speci- fied. 3. — The combination of the rails K K, springs i' k', arms k k, trucks //and frame F F, substantially as and for the purpose described. 4. — The combination of the rod N, spring /', lever P and arms r r', substantially as and for the purpose specified. No. 66,748.— JAMES L. SPENCER, Wellville, Va. Sulky- Ploughs ami Tobacco-HUlcr Attachment.— July 16, 1867. Claim. — I. — The combination and arrangement of the PLOUGHS-WHEEL OR SULKY. ploughs G G' G> G", with the arms M M", and / /, sulistan- lially as and for the purpose described. 2. — The roller L, having the short arms //adjustable in position, and having the handle /', substantially as and for the purpose described. 3. — The pole T, having the shovel /, and the blunt arm /', substantially as and for the purpose specified. 4. — The combination of the gear wheel P, the pinion ,(,•-, the lever R. the shaft Q, bearing the wheel S, and the piv- oted pole T, lie.iring the shovel /, and the blunt arm /', sulv stantiellv as and for the purpose described. No. 67,351.— D. C. RIGGS, St. Joseph, Mo.— Crti,^- Phughs.—Jiily 30, 1867. Claim. — I.— In combination with the ploughs B, the employment or use of horizontal cutters D G, arranged and applied to operate in the manner substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 2. — The lifting or elevated bar K, when arranged in con- nection with the axle, draft pole and plough beams, to op- erate in the manner substantially as and for the purpose specified. 3. — The shaft L on the axle H, provided with the anns /• /• /, and arranged in relation with the elevating bar and plough beams, to operate in the manner as and for the pur- pose set forth. No. 67,483.— ROBERT BAXTER, French Camp, Cm..— Gang-Ploughs.— August 6, 1857. Claim. — The head piece or flange, in combination with and forming part of the standard, in the manner and for tne purpose set forth. No. 3,244.— ROBERT BAXTER, French Camp, Cal. — Giing-P/oug/is. — August 6, 1867. — 67,483. Reissued Di-cemhr 2(), 1 868. Claim. — A standard for the support of the mold board, or other like part of a plough, formetl in one piece with a pro- jecting head, for the attachment of the beam, sulistantiaily as described. No. 67,501.— AT T rx T. rriVELL, San Leandro, C\-L.— Ga>ig.F!o„, • ' , 1S67. Claim. — I. — ."Xit .' 1- .\ A to the pole B be- tween the reaches iifd.—0,h>ber 29, 1867. Claim. — The carriage A, ploughs 15, vertical posts a, swing frame D, and stirrups L D, FuRRESTVii.LE, Iowa. Luinl>ui.iti.iii of the frame C, strenglhen- ilia^onal plough Iicam E, to which the jl.iu^'lis G are attached, with each other, ' constructed and arrangerua}y II, 1868. Claim. — I. — The serrated link B, or its equivalent, for the purposes and substantially as herein described. 2. — The lever and bar D, or its equivalent, used for the purpose substantially as herein sot forth. :;. — The Lomliinatiiiii and arrangement of the guide bars I' ihl '1:. r .;i. !i iii'l li \i.i (',, for the purpose and substan- ; III !i.: i. : !i 1 the several parts, for the purpose an. I -',i!.-i )nii,ilK ,1 \^.^. .n ^et forth. .\n. 74,554.— Kl. IAS LEVEE, West Point, Iowa.— Sulky- Ploughs.— February 18, 1 868. Claim. — I. — The combination of the sliding guard or guide bars J and K with the i.lnu.^rli In am A and with the tongue F or frame of the -nil',, nl-i nijally as herein shown and described, and f. n i ■ 'i 1 forth. 2. — The coml>ina;ion of tlr^ ,1 |.i.,,,,l, ;,,,, R, adjustable bent lever S, and bar or liaudlc U uuli each other, and I witli the plough beam A and support T. attached to the tongue F or frame of the sulky, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 3. — The combination of the crank journal g^, slotted support g^, wheel I, and axle, substantially as described and for the purpose specified. No. 75,069.— GEORGE STEINEGGER, Highland, III.— 6-<;;.-;-/'/,v/-/;j.— jy,,;-,-// ;;, 1S6S. Claim.— 11k. v«iii-in- licams B B', when lifted by the lever li and link v, ~uli-.t.iiuially as shown and described, in combination w ilh the lateral braces /, eye plates /, and bolts k, or their equivalent, all as and for the purpose set forth. No. 75,268,— CHARLES HESS, Lyons City, Iowa.— Gang- Ploughs.— March ID, 1868. Claim. — I. — The slot T in the head piece, and axle to adjust the tongue. 2. — The iron beams, when used in a gang-plough. 3. — The combination and arrangement of the parts, when constructed and use.l a-, above set forth. No. 75. !;67— WILLIAM NELSON, Cacherville, Cal., .assignor to himself, C. E. MOORE, and A. J. VK\'-r^^\K.— Gang-Ploughs.— .Varcli 17, 1868. Claim. — I, — The attaching of the plough beam N N to the axle A by means of the boxes L L, constructed sub- stantially as shown, in combination with the frame C, to which the draught jiole D is attached, said frame being connected to the axle A, as shown, and all arranged to operate in the manner substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 2. — The notched segment bar G, in combination with the lever H and arm J, connected by the chain I, and attached respectively to the draught pole D and the axle A, and all arranged to operate in ihe manner substantially as and for the purpose specified. 3. — The yokes or frames O, provided with the screws/, and attached to the lower plates b of the boxes L L, with the plough beams N passing through them, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. 75,832.— C. N. BAKEWELL, Normal, III.— Sulky-Ploughs and Harrows— March 24, 1868. Claim. — I. — Broadly attaching the same draught to both the plough beams and carriage, by divided tugs, in such manner that each draught is independent of the other, as herein specified. 2. — The combin.ation of the frame A, supported upon wheels B, driver's seat E, and lever F and chains G and li, for suspending adjustably a plough or harrow', substantially in the manner set forth. 3. — The combination of the chains G and H, for suspend- ing the plough or harrow, and lateral chains H', attached to the franie, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. 75,871.- GEORGE J. DAHL, Stockton, Cal.— Gang-Ploughs. — March 24, 1868. Claim. — I. — A plough standard, constructed substantially as shown and described. 2.— The orifices n n of the offset m, as and f..r the pur- pose set forth. 3.— The tenon hooks «' n' of the adjustable landside in', as and for the purpose set forth. 4.— The head piece /; of the standard D, constructed as described, and made with the central opening /, as and for the purpose set forth. 5. The adjiisl.ihlc landside m' , in combination with the standard L), arrant;eil in the manner described. 6.— The scraper ,-, in comliination with the caster wheel d. as and for the purpose set forth. 7. — A series of ploughs, constructed and operating as set forth, in connection with a frame of the kind de- No. 75,89:;.— WILLIAM -S. GATLIN and BENJA- MIN R. IIL'BBARD, Green Top, Uo.— Gang Ploughs. —March 24, l858. Claim — I. — The construction and arrangement of the draw bars h, the links C, the levers C, and the racks C2, with reference to the frame A' and the plough beams B. 2.— The device, D, D^, D'^ D', and li:. jilough beams, substantially in the manner as and for the purpose set forth. 5. — The beam (J, attached to the draught pole, and con- nected with the plough beams, in the manner substantially a< and for till' |.\ii-pi.-c li.Tein set forth. \. -',-;■ lU'M'T-: F. WILLEY, Laconia, N. II. /' .1, i\, 1868. I I, II I. 1 > 1 1 nil ih lain of the carriage A A A, with tlic ]iliiugli I' and attaeiiments, combined and adjusted as shown in the drawings. No. 76,447.— W. h. HIGGINS and JEROME PERRY, Watsonvii.i.f., Cm..— G,n,i;-rioir^hs.— April 7, iSf.S. Claim.— I.-The aimliinai,. ni ..f ili-' im :i,ii .1 l.-.nn, 1 and K, braces or ^upiinriiiu ' ' a I . .ir ; i !■ , , oted M, and pivoted liai - 1 1 . ■ a : ' ' ■ .'• .'w plough frame F, sulky or "a.-a I A, , lai if- I;, -ah stantially as heiein .shown and described, and for the [air- pose set forth. 2. — The combination of the lever P, connecting bar O, and arm N, with each otlna « illi Ilia axle B and frame- work of the sulky or wagon, -iili-ianii ilU as herein shown and described, and for the |aii ]"i I -1 any consiructinn being suspended by the chain ,' a', and diauii by the chains'", substan- 2.— The frame I, in combination with the puUy G and lever L, suhstintially as and for the purpose de- scribed. 3. — The combination of the lever L, frame I, pulley G, chains c c' , and plough A, substantially as and for the pur- No. 77,272.'— WILLIAM GALLAGHER, .SHUi.i,st;uRG, \\\^.—Plo,f^ln.—Api-il 28, 1868. Claim.— I.— The combination of the vertical bar E with the axle B and forward end of the plough beam F, substan- tially as herein shown and described, and for the purpose set forth. 2. — The combination of the levers K with the plough beams F and vertical arms or bars E, substantially as herein shown and described, and for the purpose set forth. 3. — The combination of the braces O with the axle B and plough beams F, substantially as herein shown and described, and for the purpose set forth. No. 77,617.— LEAVITT HUNT, \Vf,athi!Ksfif.i.d, Vt. —Sulky-P!oi,'Ii<.—Alav 5, 1S6S. Claim.— 1.— The hinged beam 1 >, and the plough beam E, provided w ilh and connected by the oval axle c, and the equivalent, ; taiitially described and set chain forth. 2. — The combination of the iron lever /with the bar /5 and the beam D, substantially as and for the purposes set forth. 3. — Providing the beam V. and the pole C with the slots .S anil, /.til act ill conjuiulion, lliereby giving the plough s,,riK longiiiulinal ]ilay, when llie beam E is connected to the wliillileliee or bolt /, by the chain F, or its equiva- lent, sulislaiilially as described and for the purposes speci- Ni.. yS.ii 1 . -GEORGE W. MANUEL, San Francisco, Cai I/.;/,' /'■ a May 19, 1S68. 'Inn, I ia I ingement of the crank arms d e f, uimIi I 111 I II i I , 11-, and in relation thereto, as and ies of ploughs, ar- caeli other, placing L- uf the wheel a, X the purposes re- ranged on bars or hounds y.tx the one plough on the bar ; and in front of the axle, at cited. 3. — The combination of the extended crank arms «? and e, with the lever / and curved bar 0, as and for the purposes herein set forth. and dejiressiiia tlic toiinue, as described. No. 7S,j(ici!— 11. WALKER NEAL, Siunev, Ohio.— /'■.;,/',— vl/.n- 26, 1868. ' am. — I. — The lever E, when pivoted upon the n I i\le, as set forth, for raising and lowering the 2.— Tin- wheel A' 1. of the levers E and E, notched for the purpose of holding the Hull of the tongue B, lever G, clevis H, anil |>l,iu;'Ii licani C, arranged and operating as and for the piirpnsn sii fiatli .\i,. 7 mil 11,1 . i 1, |,> ,i|ii late and be reversilile, sub- 3. — 111, Liiml iiiatniii ,,l , iil ,11 more ploughs, A, con- stiucted sulistlaiiiallv as .kst nlii.d, w ith a frame C, and wheels W, substantially as set foith. 4. — Seeming the axle E to the frame C in such a manner as to be adiustlil .^t pleasuiL, |i. \aiy Us diieetion across the fiiniL, sulislmlidK IS bLUiiisLi I..11I1 mil dcscnbed. W \\ I IX, SA ( lum I Kcgulaling llu Ilm^IoI iIr m.ichme by the deMce ()()', and set sciew P, 01 their equualents, substan- tially as set forth. 2. — The rigid arms H H' and G, attached to the axle, and connecting the lever or sweep J, either directly to the arm (.'., or liy the link I, substantially as and for the purpose scribed. No. 3, 669.— GUSTAVUS A, DAVISON, San Lean- PLOUGHS-WHEEL OR SUKLY. ]>v.<^,V.\L.— a,!ii!;-/'/oiix/is.—J/i/\' 7, 1868—79,639. Re- issued October 12, 1S69. Claim. — I. — Regulating the lever of the machine by the device f) O', and set screw 1', or their e(|uivalents, substan- tiallv as set forth. 2.— The rigid arms II, H', and G, attached to the axle, and connecting the lever or sweep J, either directly to the arm G, or by the link I, substantially as and for the purpose speci fied. Cl..Mi.l No. 79,880.— JAMES T.W ATKINS, C\\..— Gaiig-Ptoui;ln.—Jiily 14, 1868. Claim.— i.— The plouijhs'U H, in combination with the blocks K E', the holding screws I I, by which the ploughs arc adjusted, and the wedges a ,r, constructed and arranged substantially as described. 2. — The blocks 1". I".', iii.iiiiiud upun the axles C C, and the bent arms J J', \vii!i 11 . -it -vhm^ K K', for regulating the depth oftlie'funou , -nl^ nmilly .is described. 3. — The bent arm \. .ml i .iniKCting rod O, with the handle M and the cntch P. for disengaging the ploughs, substantially as described. 4. — The bent axle R, with the nut R' and the screw S, for raising and deprtessing the furrow wheel, substantially as described. No. 79,917.— JOHN F. PORTER and Al.ONZO NORTON, TiEMrtUTE, V\.— Gnii!;-Plous/is—jfiify 14, 1 868. ■.. v*'- Claim.— I.— Tha hirtged coulter I,. attached to the plough, and operating as described. 2. — A plough so constructed and operating that the draught is mainly or wholly upon the point, as herein set forth. 3. — The combination of the hinged standards K K' with the plough D, substantially as described. 4. — The combination of the rack ii, socket S, cam 0, lever /, standard K, and plough D, substantially as de- scribed, and for the purpose set forth. No. 80,039.- GEORGE WHARTON, Jerseyvii.i.e, \\.l..— Gaiis-P!oii!^'h!-.—/i,/v 14. tS68. Claim. — I. — ConstruJliu!,' the axle of two parts, H I, connected by a joint, . . in combination with the two levers J y, all arranged and ap])lied substantially in the manner as and for the pur|iosc set forth. 2. — The foot lever M, connected with one of the beams A and to the p, 1!,. ■ -(1. 3._The Ufadlc plalforni 1 1. .!,,nr.:l,! j-lc E, and the lever F, connected to the drauglil polt- liy chain /', all com- bined and arranged substantially as and for the purpose set forth. No Sn.4n.. —SMITH GRAHAM, Fennimore, Wis.— (/„»,-/":Vv/' - -7:./v J^. 1S68. Il nil. I h liii;_;. 1 ir.iine beams g g',h3.r !, lever/-, linl ;. ,111.1 :ii|. lii Imi- .t, all combined and arranged sui.-lant.allv as ;,,i.l Im ilh |iiirp-i-e described. No. 80,427— lii:M.\M IX SI ISSER, Sidney, Ohio. —Slllkv-Ploug/ls — Jii.'v IS. iSdS Claim.— I.— The ,,l the lever L, having the shoulder n, with the , , having the projection m, and supporting the standard to which the |ilow is attached, when the several parts are connected and arranged so as to oper- ate together, substantially in the manner and for the pur- pose specified. 2. — The combination of the crank <■, standards ^?-^', scat G, rod H, and hinged post I, substintially as and for the purpose described. 3. — Supporting- the plough upon two standards, E F, bent in the form ami "attached to the rear side of the plough in the manner described. No. 6,563.-!-RENJAMIN SEUSSER, Sidney, Ohio, assignarto NORMAN DU BOIS and A. F. KOOP.— Sti/J!.y-/-/oin'/!s.—8o,.\2-j, J„ly 2S, l858. Reissued Jiilv 7, 1875. Filed April \-j, 1857. Claim. — I. — The combination of the crank-axle S S' P and jointed bent lever L «, for the purpose of raising the plough, and permitting it to rise automatically out of the ground, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 2. — The combination of the crank-axle S S' P of a sulky- plough, with the beams or frame of the plough loosely pivoted thereto, to permit the plough to rise automati- cally out of the ground, substantially as and for the purpose described. No. 7,973.— BENJAMIN SLUSSER, Sidney, Ohio, assignor, by mesne assignments, to F. H. PIUNT, J. 15. FISHER and A. McC.\.LI,UM.—.sV///t-/7,v/v/m,— 80,427, J„lv 2S, 1S68. Krisnii (.,;.i;. A, , _•-. iS;^ Reissued X,'-:-inl..'r2~i, ifiy-J^ \ \ ' \ :. 1-7, craiil:-i\)<' :'i!'l i'liiii:;li li^.iiu, 01 ii.imc oT llie plough, the laltn ' II '1: : I 111 loosely pivoted to the former, so as to jxiiii ■ ' I : : '1 1 . rise and fall, substantially as and for plough-beaiii . 1 ' , 1, lo raise and lower the I'l- n '1 ■.■'.• r -• .-i '1. ''\ ■,., 'i l.-nt interfering with its iiiili|.. mil III ., 1 -n', i.iiaially as set forth. 3 — In a sulky-plough, the plough supported by means of a beam, bent as described, and a crank-axle mounted on wheels, the beam being pivoted to the crank, so as to move therewith, substantially as and for the purpose speci- fied. 4. — Tlie seat G, supported on standards pivoted to the a.\le, as described, and connected with the draft ]iole by means of the rod H and hinged post I, so that tlie seal will always be maintained in proper position. Milistanlially as set forth. .;,_I„a Mdkv li.iNinLi :i .i.inl, ,i Ii amlavevti- tially a-, and f .r tlie purpose specified. N.I. .So.s;!.— .\NliREW WALKER, Claremont, N. U.—G,i!ij;-/'/>'/'.^^'>-— ./"('' =8, 1868. Claim.— I. — /\ stationary fr.anie, with adjustable plough beams underneath, jiivoted to tlie main frame at the rear end and suspL-n.le.l l.y the ratchet E. 2. In conihiiialioii, the L;.ai 1 ', L;ear circle I), leviv V. an.l spiiiiL; catcli /'. 'i ■ 1 ■ iili the ratchet E, fa the iiui-p.-e'if a.IiiiMiii- :li '1 | I ili.- furrow, and lockiny or sa,, .n.lm,. ll„- I'l'ii;.' a ny -.ven point, the ■ 11' n' ''In iiur|i.>sc set forth. No. Sc-s-.s .\hi;l W .■sMini and WILLIAM P. WATSoX, r. .i;ii \M., ( Hii-.ooN, assignors to WILLIAM P. WA'l S( IX and T. J. CARTER.— Giing-P/oug/is.— Au-iif/ II, 18 iS. Claim. -I.— 11 through which tin the hinge joint I af the rod K, plate J, \i, : I III 111.: rear end of the tongue to the axle by : , , .-, and a series of holes arranged as de- ' ; I II ihe draught can lie adjusted, substantially I. 1.;^]. \LEXANDER VAIL, Henry, III.— ,, :,. -' l„:„.f 25, 1868. laiiii. — 1. — llie beam C, supporting the plough D, and llv secure. 1 to the axle A, in combination with the Li'\ ~eai S, llie hinged hounds E F/, and tongue e.l hounds E E', in conibu ■.1 from a beam, rigidly secure rmnds E E', ton No 81,700. — 1 igh D, hinged hiver's seats. 336 PLOUGHS-WHEEL OR SULKY. signor to himself and OLIVER C. COFFIN.— C-,7«v- Plo„«hs.—Sfplciid'er I, 1868. Claim.— I.— The wheel E, lever M, willi pawl I and foot pawl N, and manner of arrangement thereof. 2.— The tongue-adjusting rod J, clevis K, jilate P /, as arranged, and secured to the bed or beam 1'.. 3.— The construction and arrangement of (lie lied B, and the manner of atlacliing the standards therelo, in combina- tion with tlie ton,;uc-ail;usting rod J, clevis R, and plate P/, assh.Avn and described. 4.— The standards, with slotted end and set screw, substantially as set forth. No. 81,701.— A. R. STANLEY and HENRY W, ENSIGN, Shullsburg, ^\%.— Sulky- PloUj^hs.Sc-p/embcr I, 1868. Claim. — I. — The pivoted plough beam N, spring catch O, and eccentric, H, arranged to operate in the manner substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 2.— The combination of the lever G attached to the eccentric II, the shaft F, pinion E', rack D, and spring Catch O fitting over the end of the plough beam N, sub- stantially as described for the purposes specified. No. 81,724— JAMES H.ANDREWS, Benicia, Cal. — GiiHg-l hnighs. — September I, 1868. Claim.— I.— Pivoting the pole C to the hounds O D by a rod, E, and linking the rear end of the pole to the arm G, of the shaft F, or equivalent device for raising and lower- ing the ploughs without lifting other parts of the frame, substantially as described. 2. — The double-jointed frame I, having an apron, J, attached and arranged to operate in the manner substan- tially as and for the purpose set forth. 3. — The manner of connecting the ploughs to the frame by the clips M M. slots N N, with bolts and nuts, .substan- tially as described. No. 81.799.— J. B. LEWIS and J. E. UDAI.L, Con- cord, III. — Sulky-Ploughs. — September i, 1868. Claim. — I. — The flanges G, eccentrics I, wrist pins J, and pins L, when constructed, arranged and operating substantially as herein described, and for the purposes set forth. 2. — The compound lever M, when constructed, arranged, and operating substantially as herein de.scribed, for the purpose specified. 3. — The combination and arrangement of the above- named parts with the frame A, axle B, bolt H, seat C, traction wheels K, plough beam D, plough E, and quadrent N, substantially as and for the purposes speci- fied. No. 3,336.— J. B. LEWIS and J. E. UDALL, Con- cord, \\A..-— Sulky-Ploughs.— '&\,-ji)e), September I, 186S. Reissued March 23, 1869. Claim.— I.— The flanges G, eccentrics I, bolts H, wrist pins J, and pins L, when constructed, arranged, and operat- ing substantially as and for the purposes herein described and shown. 2. — The compound lever M, when constructed and operating substantially as and for the purposes de- scribed. 3. — The arrangement of the above named parts with the frame A, a.xle B, seat C, traction wheels K, wa.shers F, plough beam U, plough E, and quadrant N, when combined and operating substantially as herein set forth. No. 82,140.— J. R. McCONNELL, Marengo, Iowa.— Sulky-Ploughs September 15, 1868. Claim. — I. — The construction and arrangement of the pivoted draught pole K, adjustable side bar E, beam A, and lever L, as herein descniied, for the purpose speci- fied. 2. — The adjustable right angular bar E, seed bar I, adjustable bar J, brace G, and lever L, in combination with the beam A, pivoted draught pole K, and plough C, all ar- ranged as described, for the purpose specified. 3. — The adjustable right angular bar E, adapted to sup- port the seat and bar H I, the bar J, brace G, and pivoted draught pole K, as herein described, for the purpose speci- fied. No. 82,165.- 1'REDERICK I'. SMITH, Petaluma, C\\..~Gaiig-rio,(ghs.— September 15, 1868. Claim. — I. — The arrangement of the devices and means herein recited for raising and lowering the frame and ploughs. 2. — The bars, w ith spaces on the end of the beam, and on the tongue, with the bolts and nuts for the adjustment of the land wdieel axle, and the caster wheel's arm, as herein set forth. No. 82,166.— F. P. SMITH, Petaluma, C\\..— Gang- Ploughs.— September IS, 1868. Claim. — The combination of the several means and devices herein set forth, for raising and lowering the ploughs. No. 82,223.— CHARLES L. HORN, Jr., and LEON- ARD MANCY, St. Morgan, III., assignors to LEON- ARD UX'HCY .— Gaiig-Plou<(hs.— September 15, 1868. Claim.— I.— The frame A A' A', the wheels B and B>, adjustable arms b b', post B', and brace B', when combined and arranged as herein .shown and de- scribed. 2. — The plough beams C, their posts C, and the frame beam As, when constructed substantially as herein shown and described, for the purpose set forth. 3. — The beams C, post D, and seat I)', when constructed and arranged as herein shown and described. 4. — The arrangement of the beams C, rod E, and lever E', in the manner and for the purpose herein described and set forth. No. 82,241.— NELSON B. XORTON, Burlington, Wis.— Pour-7liheel Plou-Zr V -,, ,, V, 15, 1S6S. Claim. — I. — The an;iiiL 1 1 ' lever H, jaws T, and metallic straps K, w Hi, ■ . i i aui F, frame C, post or standard i,, straps \1. .m.l . ,ii, li v, when constructed and used as and for the |)urpose set forth. 2. — The adjustal)le rod g, in combination with the frame C, and plouijh beam F, when arranged as and for the pur- pose specified. No. 83,036.— JAMES CAMPBELL, New Town, III. —Ploughs.— October 13, 1868. Claim. — I. — The partially-revolving square beam B, carrying ploughs or shovels, secured to the plough frame at an acute angle to the line of the draught, constructed and operating substantially ns and in the manner set forth. 2. — 111 . .,i,il,iii,ii;,,,i with the above, the stirrups F F, lever Ii. n. !. 1, i ^1 I., Iirace chains M M, cross piece P, and thr 1 ' \ \. the whole arranged and operating No. N ; Plou-A,. CKiini. axletree , scribed. 2.— TI . UUIE, Hayward's, Cal. — Gaug- isr,8. 1- the arm <■ of the axle / to the ■r the eye bolt /, as shown and de- < bolt (/, in combination with the eye bolt r, for adjusting the tongue, as herein set forth. 3. — The arrangement and construction of the plate /, ears m, and boxes ti; which allows of their being cast as one piece, .is herein described. No. 83,404.- JOHNSON ORR and HENRY H. M^V^- Tl^, 0\Fe,Ri,. t)t]\n.— Convertible Ploughs and Cultiva- tors.— Oeloler 27, 1868. Claim. — I. — The combination and arrangement, substan- tially as described, of the frame A C, r c' , swinging hangers D txvn iiig tlij pi. >kMt st-imlanls c' , substanliallv as ami for llie purposes de- .u-a.eil. 5. — The adjusting screw rods c c, applied to the hinged liame C, and supporting this frame upon the axle A' of a single riding plough, s'ubstantially as and for the purpose l'^"iei"upp ich are fittu hich the brae I for the pi No. S4,74S.— I'KANC'I.S Mr J'ARNAll AN. SANTA Cl.AUA, Cai.. — Can!;; J'ioug/i?,. — December 8, 1 868. Claim. — I. — The frame or ground work of the gang plougli. ;, Hi- r,.„,l u:,.l]..,: ll|.i ,:::, '!,:•- h,-l:l ,.| I^m I.,,mi, K, lo vl.r! ;'•.• I ; ,:J •■ . Ii sai.l . ,- ; \-.l'ri; X. n.VVISON and NAAMAN !:, Ji , i;i I iM (1, \\A..— Cang-Ploughs.—Nove7n- — I. — The combination of the plouglis, the beams, ible idatform, the lever E and the tongue so arranged )ngue shall be llexible when the ploughs are at I ..Illy Mii|« li- 11 uscmI |., ran-y the ploughs above !' . ,1 Ki.iiig independently regula- Mllv nent of the notched standards J purpose of regulating the plough, >f the axletree A, wheels Q and t H, lever G, chain I, and brace beams D and E, all arranged as , I . WEBB, Springfield, ..w jr,, 1868. :' i liame, A, the spreader and 1: ■-, iiKl working as a gang a ' , ' ■ ii-tiucted, arranged, and iiMi.iM 1 and for the purposes •;r, KroENii City, Oregon.— mgh, when the s etion therewith, ■ibed. 2. -Tl,e levers 1 '!;■ !. !M,^ <■('. hinged beam F, : 1 . ill ( iii-lnicled and oper- i .: ill I'liii 111.-, liLVcin set forth. ;l)D. DENIAMIN, Old Town, . r24, 1868; illation of the whifflctrees with the L".''l and operating as t AX, RiniviKW, Ii.i, iT, Hart LAND, N. \ .—Siilkv iMiii and arrangement, with a plough, le C, and arm F, substantially as set No. 85.838.— WILLIAM MASON, iNDEi'ENDENrE, Ri:., ON. — (/,..,,- l'l;,^hs.—Ja>uiilt C, cross bar A'', and axle D, the axle being behind the N. J.-.' and arrr L-rs / attache 338 PLOUGHS-WHEEL OR SULKY. No. 86.370— A. E. CRUTTENDEN, Canasarai;a, N. v.— /'/,«,■-// AlUi,:hr„.iils.—-j;hni.n-v 2, 1S69. C'laini. — I.'— The arm H, >U|.|u„liiiL; the guidiin; wheel D ailju.-lalilv, and allachcd In llic |il,niL;h beam, iu the manner bell CL.ii' , draught ti..]i i.r the wheel A, axle B, : ;inil I', constntcted as described, 111 . I : 1I\ as herein shown ^ 1 I \, I ' -i: I I A\]:, Oregon. — "1 l> 1:. tlie li)lk^ C, and F, I . 1,1 ,.\lc 1;. I tile he)U axle R, i in liir manner deNCril>eil, and for ;i)RN, Trumansiiurc, N. Y.— [869. e .iirangement of (he plate />, cogged sliding box D, ■■l^' ' • '^"agcd cam F, and handle d, all constructed ting suljstantially as and for the purposes herein e arrangement, on a plough carriage, of the .slotted iiinig plate A, and loop in, for the purpose of hold- ough Ijcani, substantially as shown and described. e arrangement of the lever I-, arm M, and spring the purpose of steadying the plough, substantially set forth. ;y;S.- J( iSFI'ir CI.FFS, Darbyville, Ohio.— -I— \ ; i ii 1 :, , lining the axle constructed t,, an i ,11; 11; 1 iM .n||i|^t either part vertically, .an^m'theniher, .ul i,|antiallv as .peeilled. e part I) nf tlie axle, earrying tlie gniding wheel, of the other part e.fthe said axle, sulisiantially as e part C of the axle, cari-ying the small wheel, ;lit angles, and arranged for adjustnierit in the plate all III. Df the Ml l- •is C and 1) of the ts D .and r, of the E and \\ ^nl,-tanli.illv as No. 87,041. -IIIR.VM CULVER, D.\NSvi I.I. E, N. V.— y'/e«v/,'A. —,)/./;•,-// o. iS6> Claim. — The eumbiiialiem and arrangement of the bar <-, ])endant s, chain IJ, anri handle E, with a single or gang- plough, as herein described, for the uses and parposes speci- fied. No. 87,677.— JOHN R. JACKSdX. PKEAiEvrciiEi; Dki'c.r. \I1ss.~.W/t /y,.7A'//).— .!/..■ , :• II. iShM chable center plough E-', 3.— The arrangement of the yoke I), axle A, and the clips E, all Mili.l;il,llallv as and Inr lheplir|,„se described .No. 8S,:8i.--.VR'I1:M.\S D.WISdX, San I,i.;ANnRO, Cai,.— (;„•'/;,' /■/-.«-//;. — -l/." I 1' and axes <7„', on the bart-.tlieeliilih, ei.n-i-lm-,.ril.e kui s V and (ion the wheeland axle, le-peauJv, sul. laiili.dlv as and rui-^thep.,-i I.. .,1,1.,.,!. E.we^;!' ■■" ■ .i '■\'u"\:l^J-l"'i:u:\ disengaging X 3.— 1 : iiiieied with the lip K together with the hull in I I . 111! Ihe lever E, for retaining the jaws !■ ,11 1.1, 1 ' . 1 iii.iil the jiloughs are raised, sid>- 4. — 'I i. ■! .1 !i,\iiiiii - I 1 n.A\ .. ,- i-, to raise and lower til' ' • 1 : 111 1 , 111' laiilially asand for the 1 '. : . — Gini'^ ,ni.i' /:■, n !i ri.ii h.. — M,ii\h 30, 1869. Ante- dated .')/./< r'; 2\. 1800, Claim.— I.— Ihe e. .11,1 innti.m of the angular lever A, ratchet C. and spring I;, h ith the ) itman 1 1 and sli.liiig axle- tree arm E,in the manner .le tril.ed, an. I for the [lurposesset forth. 2. — The combination nf ihe vntical e.uqiling F, and pivot M, and horizontal bar II, « 1th the vu.ieal lever G, ratchet I, and spring K, in the maniiir .le eiibe.l, ami for the purposes set forth. No. 88,486.- \Y. L. IFII klHS, I,A\c.\sTEK, Ohio.— l':mi-h-C.:rr;.,:,C'.-M:, , '1 ; .. I S' .9. Claim.— The i.ii' 11. 1 . .ml . w hen constructed, combin- e.l, anil o|ieratiiiL; -nl' tii.iijll\ 11- and for the sp^ci- No. N-,.M)'s I, I 11;., I \\ll\l'lllN. Jl'-.RSEYVII.LE, ILI.,— (, . ' / ; ■ 1 ;. iS„, Claim, I,.. I 111 ,. .ii:...i. I'll I ling substantially of the lever ■', aim C, liiilv 1), and eateli !■:, wdicn arranged and operating substantially a.s tlcscribed and for the purpose set forth. No. 89,144.- THOMAS J' HALE, Rryax, Texas.— Gang-r;o,iJn-- / ■ '■/ J... iSn.,. Claim. -I.- lb ' I. 'I ■ I 1. I, "llhe U|. ami d.iwn adjust- able slotle.l er. .- i 1 I I li 'l' perlnrate.! plate A « ith i.ljustable plough bar,'/-, '. for the \iiii;-l'lfHi;lis. — .Ipi a 20, I S6g.— 8g, 144. ■W.,.r30.'i8(-9. to the up anil down adjustable • front ends \, itli the plough ir reir .'n I. .m .1 ems, bar, /■, ■■■I ' • '• •'••■ - 'le.'l. for the nnglhen the -toek I 1. in the manner substan- M.VCRK M MCRl'UV, Vacavim.e, Cai.. Claim. — I. — In ..ninl in.iti 11 h ith the arm or lever C, rig- i.lly lived up.iii the . link r..i- lai-iiig the plough frame, the adjustable e.mneeti n ..fthe er.iiik E to the axle, by a poly- purpose set forth. rL,OUGH.S-VVHEEL OR SULKY. substamially i ami ll>o eye or socket II, co ■r the ])urpo>;e itescribetl. 3. — 'I'lie ii tip ! i ii'. ly to the draught pole, >. - "J ' >;■ Ii \ \ i ARGO, SoQUEL, Cat., : .n! i;a!;i;i:r DARLING.— Cn«,.- 1, iS6j. : : bent plates D D, attached to the outer I, the vertical set screws W \^', wliich forth. 5. — In combination with the levers L I/. n\ double rack M, the pawls R R, for un,liii.|,iii- , lover- nlt'TuM-l;- from the notches 1" :,ubst.i (■- .... !.■ ■ ■ I : ■ . I .0:0 I ' Ml l\N (JMll'ANV, ' '. \ I I I ;i ■ . ■: :': :':■!:, i:ic of the gaiig- ii'!'' ' :■ '!. , 1 1^. i !, I !ir w 111 .|.- I ' .11 tMiL'tcd to operate .,1! ■ ■: ! '.lore setfoitli. ; , slotted substantially as described, for the 3. r ' i:\Lr /, jointed in the manner described, to tliL- ci-.iiil. , ,: '•''■ it- lower cxtranity to the axle of ill- 1;. 4. — 'I'lh- :■■■'■• 1 II ■ ' ilir jointed wliecl lever, the crank arm ' . .iiiii 1 I I ' , I'lr whole constructed to operate ; '■ : !i lull, the former to the frame .' . the liftin;; frame, the differential pulleys, ai..! I'm .Imi:: il, i.S.i.iiif uliol.i uiii-tructed to operate 7. I ; I II , ': u 111 ill. (1.1111. . .r tip; i;ang-plough, the 11' ■ ■.! I, . ■ :'. hlliiii; fi line, til.- >eat, the jointed villi I. and racks, the whole constructed 1 11 it forth. ■ ,j 1 I. 1 1. 1 l;i I'lTIERS, Sparta, III. — Gnng:- 2 — I'lie beam- L and 1/. and the brace N, and link O, when arranged adjustably, substantially as and for the pur- 3. — The foot lever P, its attachment q, and chains Q, acting to raise tlie beams L and L', and condjined with the detent R, for holding the ploughs out of ground, substantially as set forth, 4.— rile axle A. and the adiu-taljle sub-axle C, and frame II lull:! 111. .1 \Mil. I'l. Im'iiii- I, and 1/, by attach- in ' , . , I .. . I.i.aiii- an indepcntlent o. - I'.. I: 1. i . nil MO,- beam of the outer frame, for inii'.i:' • ■' I ;....,■ iiole, axle, and crank axle of the liii.i ,, I 1. I 1 uith the crank axle S' and .1111:. ' '. I ■ iiitiiiti.j.l ,ind arranged to ..; !M- • ■ • :• a .\ I. o.'iji I i l;U\.\N, l,ii;\N..x, III. — •]/„- ,hii,,s f..:- l'i::,J::n .nnl b.-aH,,^^ UP Gro„m1.—J,mc%, 1869. Claim. — I. — The pivoted frame or hounds A .A, in com- bin.ation witli the plough beams and main frame J Ji as con- structeil and arranged. 2. — The lever and link i i', in combination with the hounds .\ A. anrl main frame \. as shown, X,,, 01 ^4^— I. W', LKWIS. Okkhon City, Oregon.— — fhe cm the hand 1 nd for tl'.e 1 heel/, all -ub No. 92 96S.— A,.,_r/.,/; -/■'■ II coniliiiialion with the I K, plate h, upii-htsfor iL;e < , hinges (/ /.'/-.'/,.;■.(, ami Potato-Dixs;iri.—July 2-], 1869. PLOaGHS-WHEEL OR SULKY. ngi.e I., roller K, A', and catcli-bar 11 shown and de- ingbar T, when • plough-beams, aliachcil. l.-'vcr G, keeper !•, .iiul other and with .the frame E, sub- n and described, and for the pur- Ml\ sl.l'.SSER, Sidney, Ohio. ii such crank-axle, the lug ,1:^ I as for the purposes set P, levL- and gr> 1.. Vt. cin de- 0. of a »•, and at the IS hing- m, and bed, .so igh.' device the sai r.rlh- /, axle A, specified. II -enient of the plough-beam 1 laps (■ c, and brace B, all con- ally as and for the purposes The weighted treadle N, in combination with the lever M, rack K, catch o, and crank a a^ n', all constructed to operate substantially as and for the piurposes de- scribed. 5. — The jointed tongue T, in combination with the slot- ted plate u. cross lini" V. and arm e, all operating .substan- l|i I.I LSON, AsiiL.^ND Mills, ;, •(,«.!/ 10, 1869. iL. im lit. ingether with the tongue ,Mi IimIi 1), yoke E, and set screws \Mih the frame and axle, of the levers M O, when arranged sub- led in two p.irts, hinged together, IS specified, for governing the plane and the frame, n F, all substantial! No. 93,549.— H. \V. NEAL, .Sidney, Ohio, assignor to JASON McVAY, same it\acc. ~P/oii«-^is. — A !ig:ns/ 10, 1S69. Claim. — I. — In combination with the swinging beam E, lever /;', operating substantially as and for the purpose speci- fied. 2. — The levers;;'', pullev G, chain If, and .swinging- beam K, all , i.iiil iiiea ii. ciper.iie sulistanlially as and for the purpose spi , nail. 3. '111, , Mini inaiaii! (,f Im.ii lever /;', with pivotcd pawl s'lanlViVl"' : ; , ' ' ' l' 'forth.' No. >i;, I-. ; li'i ;: I III !;l;KRT, St. Louis, Mc— C'la m cenjunc- segmcntal ,lut/and ■er I.', bar ,'■', fulcrum K, links /, on with the plough- tinllv a 5- pivot // No. — G:JI, Clai' when > and fo. /;, pin; «•>, arms 11' illy as set forth. .\TII, Frkehuroh, Gam:-. Clan of the stock E, bolt clevis L, and fied. lie P to the cross bar C, s i. so that they may be HORACE R. UUIE, Havw-vriis-, assignor L. TREADWELL and (iEORCiE R. Francisco, CM..—Gnn^'-/\'ou^'/is.—Sc/- ugh l>eam of a link. the mannu DAI.TOX. fi.ith. No. 95 539.— J. N. THOMPSON and WILLIAM KENADV, BuLrASsi, assignors to D. W. FRARV. Port- LAN'ii, Oregon— (•/>/.;,'■-/•/««,'/«.— ftv't'.'o- 5, 1S69. PLOUGHS-WHEEL OR SULKY. Claim.— -l-he Icvlt. A nn 1 1!, t!ir <;«ivel joint 1), nut and nvw 1-:. link K, ruuiiini li 1" iin 11. antl hook I, togullu-r illi llu- aijiiMiiii; kc>- I. - 1 t'h 11 ( [uivalents, substantially ^ llo^Clill'.'ll, ailii f.M ill-' jl 1— .■ sa lurth. No. 95.107 W M I ! \\ I. I'Li.NK, Portland, Ore- ON. 0,;a Ax 19, 1869. Claim.— 1 1 of the rock sh.ift M, the eye M. 1;, roller I, incline L, and ir. \ 1, ..:. 1 .'i •:; :,, -. n 1 1 li> 1 to a gang-plough an N , ■ ' ;; 111 ■.;,', I \l r|,EAVE, Tomalks, Ca: (,. ' , ■ :.■ : i ■;.■ : ■■ ■ \: :■ -w^c/- 2. iS ;0. Claim.— The frame A, coiitiiici-l nt 1,11, ;!iv m the manner described, with paralkl kr,. 1. t: 1:, ; i-nnal .-trap I, through which the end- i<( tin ,:i ;.; y -. and the draught rod 1), attn.-he.l t.. il,:. ,,..u .1,,,, 1,..„„ i;. as specitieii. for the piiviM t - : i. -i!! No. 9659J.— JA.Ml - 1;. Ill \ IKR, Asiii.i-.Y, Il.i..— C,»!:-/7o:,x/'S.— A\>:.,'r r o, iS;,.,. Claim.— I.— The slottjil platjs !• and draught rod G, in coml,in;.tion with the plough beams D E, substantially as herein shown and described, and for the purpose set forth. 2.— The adjustable Imme C ,' ,-, in cumkinalk.n « ilh the a.\le B, plough ]i, and tun'vie M. Mil.,l,iiili,illy as herein shown and dt-cnlied, ami l.n the ]iiM[«.,e -it forth. 3. — The combination of the bent crank lever L with the frame C and plough beam D, substantially as herein shown and described, and for the purpose set forth. 4. — The combination of tlie draught rod O with the tongue M, double tree N. and plough beam D, substan- tially in the manner herein -ei forth and described. No. 96,875.— WORDEN J. BUVCE and GEORGE W. H.MNES, Maine Prairie, Cal. — Gan;;- Ploughs. — Ko- -nmli.r 16, 1869. (.'laiin. — I. — I'he machine described, consisting essen- li.:ll> '- 1 : ii. 111. .■ ■. i ii^ue <', adjusting devices <■ .^^ i' /•, "li 1 , : being combined and ar- strajis ( rays //a • 111, 1 : 1 I . |. .. c. C. and D, E, ir^.ii ; . ' I . ' ,. i, ; a;li beam J, and chain oi;:i]e M. ill ii. 111! ;, .. iiiihii,i-l, and arranged asset forth. No. 97,500.— DENNIS H. GLEESON, San Leandro, Cal., a.ssignor to himself and DENNIS GANNON, same ])lace. — iian^-PliU In. — JJ.-iciti/nr 7. 1S60. Ckaim.— The comkm m .1, .m.l m 1 )'r,rnh'iii i.t iImmmh- of my gang-plough, 1 il 1 1, No. 97.646.— IJVRON JENNINGS, (^u.roy, Cal., assignor to himself and HENRY W. BRIGGS, s.ame \.\xcc.—;-Plot^hs.— December 7, 1869. Antedated D.cemlnr I, 1S69. Claim. — I. — The combination, with the arms //, on the shaft C, of the plates d, provided with holes c, for making their connection adjustable, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 2. —The curi-ed arm E, attached to the shaft C, sliding bar .;', and guide /;, substantially as and fiu' the inirpo-e ri,'idlv to t!ie the piou-l, 111 m'V,;!,.;'!i,,n^;:n';i,j'i-uie pa-,esthr,i.ri 11 1-1 .\ .11 1 -I m ku-J o| ih the drauj.t 1 li 111 .iil\ ,inee ol tile axle. beam - ,ii ■ i,,- 1 11 .1 l)v a roller -halt ai ^'"""''...''V: .1 the part- being comb .1 1 -ub--tantially as d_-e 3. — The bent lever F, with its slotted inclined lug ;, |i>L;illua with the bent pin or staple n, substantially as de-erii.ed. .\,,. oS ',70.— EMERSON E. GORE, Phcenix, Ore- ca.X, ,:.::: !■'.:. ' - - i \ . , illkr 2%, 1869. Mil. I 111 . .11,1 II. .Hi. in of the stops R' R' with till 11 II \ II \ , 111 .irms IJ' and E', whereby the lall' I ii i' 1 111 lii im lined position, and the ploughs thereby prevented fr.ini ri-iiig or falling, substantially .is and for the purpose -pecified. 2. — The links D' F', connecting the frame A A', the hind links being slotted, for the purpose of allowing tlie ploughs to be raised in an inclined direction, as speci- fied. 3. — The hoisting lever M', link K', and crank I', in combination with the links X)' F', and frames A A', of a 4. — The spring eauh ( )', pivoted to the frame A, for the purpose of locking the frame A' in its elevated position, as specified. 5. — The frame A, supported on the front axle by the rods C, and on the swiveled caster whfeel O, substantially as described, so that it can be raised or lowered at will, to ad- just llie po-ition of either plough, or of both, sub-tantially as 0.-- riie lever- 1 >, connected separately with the a.vle and w illi the frame .\, for raising or lowering the latter, as speci- fied. 7. — The lever P, connected with the swiveled shank N of the caster wheel O, and pivoted to a jointed arm Q, that priiii-rt- from the fvnmi> A, to adjust the latter, substantially N 1 11,. illi the frame A and a.\le B, of tile I'lm 1 .1 11. 1 .jii 1 il'le rod I, and jointed rod J, sub- 'no. 9S569.— ARTHUR CUNNINGHAM, Cincin- nati, ^)\\\o.— Ploughing; an.l Harrowhig Machines.— (Ill II — I. - llie ...iinoti.iii ,,f tlie pl.iunh beam to the 2.— The eumbinalion with the plough beam and platform, of the levers N K, rod M, and chain I, substantially as specified. 3. — The combination, with the plough handles and platf'inn, of the beam T, perforated bars R, and de- tachable roil Q, when arranged substantially as speci- fic 1. 4. — The combin.alion, with the truck and plough, of the vertically adjustable guide W, substantially as speci- fied. 5. — The combination, with the guide, arranged as de- scribed, of the lever K, i.,d V, lever Z, and foot piece Z'-, subitantiallv a- -pecilieil. 6.— The' with the truck and plough, of the harrow, -ub t niii.illv ii, -peeihed. 7 1 III 1 I'll' 111 ill -11 111 tlie harrow, .su.spending rod X*, 1 i . I \ . md \', and notched post Y», all .igh and beam V, of Belpassi, Oregon. No 99. — Oan-.;-!',..,, .. .— ,■ ■ :, :■^ 1. iS;.,. Claim.— 1 he ci.ii-liuiiii.ii., ami airan..^ement of the axle A, houiul, N, p.i,t ( 1. uilli liiili.iii roller, sli.Iing groove F, plou-h IVame F, leve.- P.. loiiil bolt K, lever C, post I, an.l fulcrum 1 >, a- -liowii and de- No. ' 99,538.— JOHN COX .and SOLOMON COX, Eiir.ENE City, i^^\\\'.i:.n>i.— Cm '-Pioic-hs.— February 8, 1S70. Claim. — I. — The bars/n- //, when combined with the upright bar E an.l plough beams D D, substantially in the manner and f.jr the purpose herein shown and de- .scribed. 2- — file ratchet wheel / and lever H, when used in combination willi the pawl h, and with the ropes or chain- tii, -ul.-tantiallv as herein shown and described. PLOUGHS-WHEEL OR SULKY. No. 100.3S3.— GEORGE R. DUVAL,, Orf.oon. C, levers E, fn me D, and pivoted frame S, to which the — Gaiv^-Plo:ighs.^.\f„r,h i, 1S70. pl..u^disai-eall,, he.l, sni.stanliallv as herein shown .and de- Claim.— The hiii;^!..! ami adjiistal.le axle C and the lever Ihe pll.p..,e se. hall,. G, with the i)arl.. o.iiiieeUMl ilieicwith, that i-, to s.av, the 2,-1 lie ..1.11 .,,.,,l,..n..r Ihe h.ipper, K, .Ir, .ppmg slides chain J, bars 11 an.l ,-, tont;ue K, and brake in, in cond>ina- 1 ,, 1 |-.i,s li.n M, .,w ..r l.e,,l N, spnn-s O, pi. >ugh stand- tiuii \\\y\\ a •jantj-pliiii.di, arranged and operating substan- iL.llv a. drM-iiI.ed. ;ie'i-',;n;."l','ie in..!. ,r sp,,ni, R, will, each other and with ers K, i,p,,-l,lsC, spin.lles K, and wheels A, .\u. lou.f.y.,. — I.KWIS T. WEBSTER, NoRTHiniaD, snIi-i.uiii.ilK as ,eieiii sl,.,„nai,.l .le-cnl.e.l, and forthepur- Mass. — /•/,/,7;.//j.— .I/,?/r// 8, 1S70. p.ises,,,. Claim.— I.— Tlie compound bifurcated tongue and beams ;.-ri,e .■..,„ .iiiali..n.,rtlieUiri,.., h, .' ,.... 1 h ..n^hs U V A A' A", when constructs a- herein set forth. W, ami lever b . wiih the piv.,ie.i h :,. - .• ., Ii, levers 2.— The draught rod O, i.i condjiiiation with the shaft C E, up,ii;lUs C. spin.lles li, an.l u!;.. . \, „. ; ,,,.i.illy as and adjustable collar N, as .specilie.l. he'rein .sh..wn a' .l.le .,.l..-.|, an.lh.i Ih. p.,,p.,.e s, I h.rth. 3.— The guide I., constructed and arranged as de- 4.-TI,..eii„il ,,,..:,. .,,..! ih. •.,..,. , , ,,1,,.,,,,,,, pl..u;4l,,A' r,'. scribed. inner culi,x,..i il.-ii-h- 1 ■ 1 ,', .m.M \. , f ', w ,lh ihe piv.ile.l 4.— The arms D and D', in c.mbination with the wheels frames, l,^u 1 B and B', ami tli> ii 1 ji ■ il.< .i\Ies, and lifting device C and wheels ,\. s ,l,-l:,,,li,,llv as In 1X11, and described. FGI,whenan,,n , ,1. and for the pari .se set halh. No. ico.Soo \ 1 I'l II R and A. L. PORTER, No. 105,528,^ -ELLSllA W. \V,\LToN, San Li.;andr.i, L\Mi) L1.I-. III. / ■ ,' A Li.hmeiUs for J'/ouj/is.^ Cm.,— (_;„„::- J'/o„x/,~.—/„/r 10, 1X70- M.n.-h IS, iS""- Cl.aim,— The levice f..r elevating and L.weiing the plough ( hiini.- 1.— riu- ridiii'^' attachment for ploughs herein- fr.ame, cnisistoi of the si. tte.l plates E, llie pla'ies ,, and the beloiv dcsrnb.-.l, c. imposed of the standard A, with pin or cams c;, with t uir arms /"ami r.,.ls . , sai.l r.,.ls being at- boll /-. avlurce 1; uilh scat (i, and arc of holes |.',I,( 1,-. ,\, SE,VRS, R.i.Ki.ORi), Ii.i..— and foi-tiie purposes bcr./inl kI,,, , ,K ., iiiu.l. 6''7«,-/'/<.«v//i,- -/, n h ilic fiMii 1 ;, levrrs b. |-|a,,l,.— I.— Ihe lever,/ and staple .', when arranged as b-'^iii>s 1;, .' 1 1 ■ . , ^ 1 ' nOli ,,, hrivin sl,o»„ and .i.■se,,l.e.l. ill c. „il.inui,.n with the plough and sulky, herein No, ioi,4;3 -|ii1|'n 11. < . iLE, Vacavilli.:, Cal.— 2. — The leve II, will, it~sl„i , and Ihe stop ;•, in combi- S„/tv yY,./^vv,,— ,.//./// 5, iSyo. nation with the il..UL;li a,,.l snikv herein sli.iwn and specified. ( laim.— The plumdnii^ snlkv above described, con.sisting 3.-Tlie cl.-x , «ran.l ;,, 1,1 canbination with the of tl.e«lKcls A upnn a smlalile axle, the tongue B, the sulky pi .u,d,, as.lescni.e.l. ,|uadiant C, the ro, k ,lia fl 1 1, ihc in,:k arms E, the clevis Not ''105,870 — lolIX ALLdWAVS Decatur, I1.1.., plate l'',llic kiin' I1..I1 G, ihelrxcr 11, tile frame I, the socket assignor to hii iself an.l W, Cl'MMINGS, same place.— K.ihe s«,vd l.nux L. Ml cn„,usli,iii «ilh one or more <;<»./--/•/..«, /a,, - -./„:,«../ 2,1.870. ph.n-lis, and ponnled will, a diiver's seat, when anam^ement, » itli relation to the beams F the p 01 , .11 -■ 1 .ni tiiuled as descrilud, and combined K.shafJ'o, and axle ,\, .,fthe piv.,ted pendant N, and arm and;^ .1 ■ .is and f M" ihr purpose set forth. (1, a.ljustal.lvc. nnesle.l at their lower or outer ends as and No, i...,;;o, |\Mi:.^ W. .SL'RSA, Sa.x, h.rthepurp.'.se n-.-iiie.l. Cai,.— o'.»/, /'.'a.,;,-:., -.//,-// s. isSyo, Claim— In conil.malion willi the axle E, lever L, ploughs S, and frame of the plnu-h. lli- colter „, all arranged sub- .stantially as and for the lunpusL. specilie.l. No, ioi,s-4.-l, and se-meuts !•■ b', the levers G G', ... ,, . ,, . :i .levice, oi'.erating substaiilially as an. 1 for ili. |..Mp..e lieruin de- "2.--rh'"ean'r ,-.,.;. Ill I.I 111. i.anis B, rock shaft E, arms serihe.l.' E' le i-olle,-, l.>',sul..lai,lially asset f..rth. 2,— The braces /. /-•, attache.l f. the 1 l.iughs at one end. No, 106 790, — \11R-\M El lISiiN. M,\KVs\ 11.1 e.Cai,. an.l opcralm-l., lln.uv llie pl,.UL;lis ,,ut of the ground in — (;./«v-/',',.7;. s.-.l„-,r:/ :;<>, 1S70. raising, -nli.hli.lK ..- berciii described, in combination eombii,ati.,n, with the bent arms .,r bars I, with the 111' : ' '...^e chime. 1. piv..le.i af one i n.l, an.l li.ibling the axles/ of the lever K, No. 1..; s; • \ '. 1 ^ 1', l-'.ltlil.EMAN, Pilot Point, e curve, 1 sl.,tte."l aim .r link l,aml held by Texas. — (.. .,,,/,,/ ... , ; y, I'hmln!., Cullivalors, Scrapers, arack,"ore,|ui. .lent .levice, substantially a^ and for the anl C,»/.c/V"«s'/'- -/«'.■■■ 7, iS;o purpose speci'ie 1. Claim — I.— The combination of the seed box H, recessed No, .06982,- -L\MES H. ANDREWS. Benicia, Cai.. roller I, and band 1. with the wheels A, spindh.-s lb uprights — C(? «/./'/,>«;-/ !,—.'ic-/Um''r6. 1S70. PLOUGHS-WHEEL OR SULKY. Claim. — The comhiiuuion, witli the levers E, connected til the ploiigh-franie by links G, of the levers H, provided w ith friction rollers c, and held by a rack, J, or other ecjuiva- Icnt device, substantially as and for the purpose herein set forth. Xo, 107,052.— BENJ/VMlN R. HUBBARD, Hii.Ls- iiORdl'oii, Ii.L. — SiiUy Ploiig/is. — September d, 1S70. Claim. — The construction and arrangement of the metal- lic ^up|lort B, the tongue F, and the wire or chain atlach- niont W, substantially in the manner and for the purpose de- >cril>ea. .\i. 107,228— .ALBERT A. DAILEY, Wii.soN, N. Y. — /Vo.Yi.'/;.(. — SvpUmhsr 13, 1S70. Claim. — The combination of the curved or inclined axle M', slotted pivoted arm N', and gauge plate I", with each other and with the plough-licaiii A. snlivlnntially as herein shown and described, and Jttr i' < in ... . t l.trth. No. 107,560.— lAMES W ^i i; \ \ 1''r..\ncisco, C,\\..— a ^' \\ :]\(1;K, Ir., Eagle I'lilNT, \\.\.— aa,2 : iv.r 27, 1870. Claim. — I.— In a -..u, ; ! i;j' . : !.■ Mhr.uing platform C, in combimation with ihalt i.caiu .11 iilaiik F, bolt standards ('', antl adjusting nuts. suli--tantiall\' a-, set f.nth. 2.— 'Ihe combinati.iiii ..f the a.ljuslable-.liaft beam E, disk coulters H, standards H', and draft rods I substantially as s£t forth. 3. — The combination of the coulters H, standards H', connecting rod H'-', and draft rods I, substantially as set forth. Xo. 107938.— HENRY W. MA.SON, Hagerstown, Ml).— .S«//t]. rioughs.— Oclober i^, 1870. Claim.— The bar /, pi.j\i.!ed with tlie slotted flanges /, the l.l.iij. :. 'ii: ; I', ■ il.:i - ■, 1 : ^;.;e.I »ith the lugs e and \' . ! . > - , J 1 1 \ ., 1 ] . ! Ix lAHWAY, Crown \ , ,. ., II.. I I. .Ill 1\ FR A. WHITTE- KiRK, l)KN\iR, C.11...1K \!ii — Ci ng- Ploughs. - - October ., 1870. Claim.— I.— The combin tioi oftl e beams D, ploughs ;, a.lju»table gauge wheels • pi voted draft bars 1, upright. :, pivole.l guar.l ba 1- K, a Ulp erforn te.l Inn 1,,'u itli eaeh ther, a. 1.1 with the lame 1, le tr e A, an.l « heel, C, ulisiaiiliallv as liere n sli.jw 1 an 1 .les nbe.l. aiull.i Iheiiur- ose set forth. 2 —The cam leve -sNh', rope> or e hain- ( 1, and U, and S, crank drum V, drum T, and roller R, with the plough beams D, all arranged substantially as shown and described, whereby said beams may be in;.;!:, .ir collectively elevated. Xo. 10S311.— C.VRIJ.L .\l'\V. ml), Lebanon, III.— 6V;,v.../V, rock-shafts^'^, bolts //with the plough standards, con- structed to operate in the manner and for the purpose sub- stantially as described. [ 2.— 'Ihe sl.iiie.l i.laies C C, with bolt or bolts a', for ad- iusiinf;ih. .ii .1 n m .1 Lit, substantially as and for the jau-po^e h .. ' . : |..lth. X.i ' ' with the lugs i i, substantially ; 4. I li. -I'MiiL; 111!^ k. connecting the rear endsofthe pl.ui-li lit.iiii,, ,iil. i.iniiiill) a, and for the purposes herein 5. — The arrangement of the shaft, with its bearings in the tongue D and bar/, tlie lever /; and chains or rods i, substantially as shown and described and for the purposes .set forth. 6. — The stay or siele rods rn in, connecting the plough beams with the axle, substantially as and for the purposes herein set forth. No. 109,048.— JAMES O. rt)TTER, Rouseville, Pa. — DcT.ncefir Operating Ploughs. — iVovember i, 1 870. Claim. — .\n axle C, bent to fo.rm the central recess D, combined with a ploUL'li and beam hung under it, and movable upwanllv inL' n. ;i, .1.-. nlied. X... 109,136. — W II I i \\1 \l \S()N, Indepi Ori:.;..n. -(/.;«,' /'.■ // ■: .\.'r '•: Claim.— rhe ton;;.!.' .\, .M. 1.-1. and a „, and axle .\', ciusiui.t,; bined with the pl.uinh l.eani, 1' ( L;ed, and Com- intern of levers led, and for the N I. ... i JOHN E. SWALLOW, Hagerstown, Ml ,' u:hs. — A'tfw.7«to- 29, 1870. ( ! :;.;.. I I lie coupling G, connecting the tongue and foru.iil eii'l .if Ihe plough beam, and constructed with segmeiii.U rack, G-', in combination wdth the pinions H H sub,tai.ti.illy as ,et forth. 2. — The sl.itteil plough beam D a", in combination with the guide l-ars C^ .-, sliding bolt D', provided wdth a sleeve, D* (/, and means substantially such as described, to operate upon the sliding bolt to raise and lower the rear end of the plough beam. No. 110,281.- THG.MAS PEPPLER, Hightstown, N. J. — Gang' J'lough:. —December 20, 1870. Claim. — ihe gang-plough, composed of the square axle A, adjustable l)ox C, caps e e, movable pendants D D, the double joint, or jaws E E, constructed for the purpose herein set forth. No. iio,356._IAMES HARRIS, San Francisco, Cal.-6-<7„-/''<>"^/1s._/v,./v ,/ .:... 1N7". with th. p 'RCEI.L TiKlMI'SliN, ^■[.,il,, I _ ,s. „ rt wheels Ii 1, of the slot- substantially a . ■ ..." , B, rods_4>-N, 2.— The ar ... i. I. ( 1 S, and stand- cultivator pi. ,u r a.ljustini; the ].' .■;.,;i n.i.: , ,eat, and the e pl..u-li,, sulistanii.ilK as above described. 4.11.— Ji illN II. SI VHAM, Atwater, Minn. '.■',.«,■;..'-/'■,,//;-'■. I 2 1, 1870. Ihe within .lescribeil attachment for ploughs, .1 the w heel I, axle G, elongated seat J, brace K, ell, aii.l clamp 11, all constructed and used sub- ,12... — IiiHN R. McCQNNELL, Marengo, :i:./\':'iighs. — Jamiary 24, 1871. Antedated S, I S71. 1 I;. irraiigciuent in a gangi.l.mgh, and with 1 ■ r . 1, I. .'.I,.; ^ii,.li ii...: 1!.- wheel Land the .|. '■' K, as shown i,.„:;h> „uJ Cnlttvalors.—Janua i-an.'emeiit ..f the axle A with ratchet lever,/, rack Y,"i. ard.s I > O, as an.l lor the purp.ise set l.atli. Xo, 108,724-- Wll, 1,1AM NEWLIN, Attica., Ind.— C, «; Ploughs. — Oct. ber 25, 1870. — I.— Ill comliini.tion with the axle A, the clevises II II, connected by the strap joints e e, and secuiing the plough beams I 1, all substantially as set forth, 2.— The combination of the bent axle .\, tongue D, bear- ing bar C, cogged staple G, and bar i,, with slips « and set screws 0, all as shown and described. 3. — In combination with the strap joint clevises H H, the plough beams! I, the front ends of which are curved as de- i-ani;eiiieiit ..I the li.ime G, side blocks I I, Ljhs^j an.l J', pl..iiL;li, K, and subsoilers L, all ; 1 : . hi. lit, with the frame or platform G, of . . ;,■ ..., |.|.,ii-lis 1 I', ro.l //, f.jut lever/, rods ; ;-. .:.... I .1., X, .l.i.ililetre'e 1 ), and singletrees P P, i-t.uitnllv a. sli,,„i, an.l .lescribed. X.,. iii>,66.— FliW.VRl) .MFI.OY and ABRAM R, ■.\XI,F^■', Sim i.siiiR.^ Wi-^.—.SliliyPloughs.-Jami- V 31, 1 87 1. ;'l,iiiii. — 111 a c.iinliiiiali.iii with the plough beam, the ';v fraini , an.l the kin^ b .It ( '•, the levers J K, chain and .1 r...l ilt the fn: • ends PLOUGHS-WHEEL OR SULKY. of the plough l)eam, substantially as described for the pur- pose specified. No. 111,799.— ASA H. ALLISON, Chari.ottesvili.i;, IND. — Sulky Altacliment for Breaking-Ploughs. — February 14, 1871. Conn., assignor to himself and The Collins Comi\\ny. — ii„ii:-rl'W^Iii.—Ajril\\. 1S71. (■lain,. — I. — Ina gan- plmigh, the c..nil.inali..n of the tiin-lVu'. l' .1, n'rr.,ii-ol, and upLTi.tcl sul-lanlially as and for .f tin/ ikcd {'laini. 1. — I'ln- i Dinbuialinn of the su.spended adjustable •anis (; (I, cici^^ liar II, s«i\iKd vertical screw I, upright ate C , ,/. and -nnlLs , /, «ilh the axle B of a wheel ,oUL;h. to admit nf a veitiLal adjustment of the shovels F, 2. — '['ln_- up ninl d^u 11 adju-laMc cross bar H, .supporting ic VLilii il il.ii 1, 1 111 , ; ■ I inlially as and for the pur- :;. II I I ii; . In'cl plough, of the chain •inil piill.\,. , .11 i,;iu. .1 .ml described, to equalize the raught. No. 112,079.— ORESTES SAMPSON, Petersi-.uro, l.L. — Com/iiiu-il Gang- Ploughs and Cultivators. — February ,871. 20, 187 . V an. I, who ilhout A. ELLIOTT, Strati-ord iighs.— March 7. 1871. 'i''''ii ' "" 1 r 'Ir run tllU ■ 14:033— 1" /'/„„ ./,(._,;/ n,.-I.— In c s beam,, til- 1, U,-alh-adj,r ith the Laterally ailju^t.d)le tal.le coulters, sukstantially 2. — riie eondmiatiun of the platform C, the movable tongue E, the doul)le nr revei il.Ie ratchet .standards F^, sec- tor lever F', and the tiingue liii>]i^ K F, substantially as set forth. 3.— Thecumlinntiiin. in a :;.inj -| .lough, of yoke N, coul- ter M,.el " ', l...l,.e I I) • lel , iideuuIterM. No. It:,... ,- ,:l .. \l M: I III 1\ r, f-KT AlKINSON. K, Inili II, an No. Ii^.-,37.— lIKid;;;!', .\I. SMI rii, -in— .S«'/t Alt.irhiii ir t^> /'.'. u IK. — Mav Y Clninn— The rev. r ,M,; slide. C, ailp. til.l friction r.. fied. No. 1 1 -, ler i)8j ■-', -uli-tantiallya —WILLIAM 1 \KUISI i;oN'.— (■;,/ •g- 1 ■/,.„,.-/,,_/„„ . , .1N71. ;;e. MH II.M-d. I IK ;, ; - //,;..■ 1'. IS;,. |(I11N WORRELL and JAMES RY- )N, iNIi. — Sulky Atlachments for Ploughs. nent for ploughs, the combina- block M d', level (. ,, l-.n-ue II, beam J. ploughs K, tan.hnls I . ._ .itlier. said parts being contructe.l tiillv as herein shown and descrilit sa fin til. Nn iif.,42S. -SAMUEL I. (; C. I \\ I I IK. ,1.1.1 I \MKS "W. Ii I., .v li.s.i.i I,II.I,1L\M the pu WILl TAM lis K k L / M N I adjustable n-i k K', li,i.)i> I ,1 n ,, 1....]., N, an..l gau-e wheel M, all constru.te.1 an stantlally as set forth . No. 113,627.— LUKE CHAl'MAN, with the , s.t f.irtli N .. iKnosn.-WIld.I.VM HAY .and THOMAS li. KR1;|;M.\N." IIh i .e .k... r.^^^^^^^K■,o^^.— Gang-Ploughs.— /„v II, 1.S71. — .\iite.late.l /.7/r4, 1871. (I, inn. — I. — The liaiiie 1- having the ploughs G attached, in c..iiibinali..ii \>itli the axle .\ ha\ing the arms/ attached, the liaiii..' an.I a\le beiiiL; e. .1111 eeted by the hinged rod or ' ''2.-d-i,eVxle'A.\!aNang't:i'e''i'l.u'es , secure.l lo each end, incomlinati.,!, «itli the bent arms 1 ' h.,N in..; tlie lever E an.I catch ,/ i-i-i.IIv .itlache.l th -lel... s:,i.i amis being piv.Ie.I one PLOUGHS-WHEEL OR SULKY. lu ihe upper ami ihe other to the lower side of llie axle, siib- st.intially as set forth. No. 117,404.— J.V.MES H. GLASS, McCREGOR.Iow.v, as.'ignor, liy mesne asi-igiimeiit, to LOUISA J. GLASS. — i:- "i -ii.'ii MM 11 , ir I Ml |. 1 I 10 [uu-pose set forth. 3. — 1 nc arraiigcmcni 01 tiie adjustable springs m and « in rcl. tion to the ploughs, as described. No. 117,711.— SAMUKL A. WORTHEN, Thomson, Ii.l.. — Gaiig-J'loug/is. — Augusl i, 1871. Claim. — Ihe curved bar M, axle I, cams L.-lever N, and segment R, for tire purpose of operating the plough-beams B, i.i tire manner and lor the uses and purposes shown and de- scriljcd. Nc. 117. 7^4 \\!'!;! W J. BORLAND, CHARLESTON, \o\\\.— ll . -n^nj?,, 1871. Claim. — 1 I I //and bar J, combined as desLiiied. V ! t. i n.lin-t the plough laterally at the point I'l 1 . . :, ' ■ ■ ' ' !":-!. 2. — I'll, i :: I : \, wheel B, tongue C, and L. , :, il.c roeU-shaft G, seat L anl K-l :, I .! I!,: I ■ • 1 ; ,1,1, and with the plough In .!-: i , ;i ! ! \' ; . 1 i-i ii, all arranged substan- N'.. I 17. ,7.' |M,| 1,1 \> ;,\,( 11 in, Madison TovvN- . \OR, liKNTON, II able standards C C, swinging-seat D, ar- 11 i, TRE^ r. III.- I'lie arrangement of the wheels A, double crank axle r C, caich bar r\ forvvaid frame D, tongue E, adjusta- sianlially as herein shown and described, and for the pur- poses set forth. Xo. ii,S.563.— T-VMLS L. VAN GORDER, SiDNr.v, i-hs, the beams M M, 'I I' having long upper .1 middlc-liorsc single- Miii- the middle horse the ^nd . PITTS, H olden, Mo. 26, 1S71. LLl (^ constructed and se- liilly in the manner herein ic -,cniper jilates S, as set 1S71. .f [he te M Hand hinge F, in combina- M E, bar U, and arms C C, ;ed substantially as and for the CHAPMAN, COLLINSVtl.LE and The Collins Company, ,-.\-,v.v«/.,v 7,1871. Ml I'lr reversible and provided Ion anil iieliind the point of sus- ;ls, Ti Claim. vers \-, ally tanilard ,/ luniiig a reversible beam a hung made uscillatiiry sidewise upon the main axle .(.•• the bed-plate/pivoted to the axle-plate/', and m/' and worm-teeth /°, substantially as de- . ith a reversible plough-beam attached adjustably thereto, substanlir levers A', 2. — The li.iiui Willi, II .: ', li.ii I J I ,,i,,,id)ar K, and :atch-lever R, in combination with the frame C, to which the •evolving 1 lough-frame B A is pivoted, and crank-axle E, sub- ;tantiallv as herein shown and described, and for the pur- .o.e set' forth. 3. — The ■bent bars M, pivoted cross-bar O 0', spring Q, .ud slotted standard P, in combination with the double crank- i\L- E, frame C, and the teeth formed upon the lower parts No. 122,442.— WILLIAM G. CROSSLEV, Aiti.k River, \\.-\..— ]Vhc, I- riou-h^.— January 2, 1872. Claim.— The combinalion of the centrallv-ndin-tablecuides M M with tl,e dcpondin- lateral]va.l|n,!,dile -I imlanl J J, said .tamiaril b.inL- .irraneed tu hMd i!m lurr,,!,-! . nd. of will 346 PLOUGHS-WHEEL OR SULKY. same free when the ploughs are elevated, as set forth and axle for one wheel and the lower one an axle for the oppo- slMiwn Mt.- whe.L in c.uil.ination with the arches N N and screws '■'\,,. ',2;, I, 4. -WILLIAM II. PARRISH and JOHN PP. wi, 1. -Ml .1. In-, aiv b .ih hnnly liolted to the lower c. r\uKisii, roRTL.^Ni), orr(;un.— /;7,.v/-/y,.»c //,(.— ax'i i,.i- Mill ill.- ii.w- swiveled lei the Upper One, as J.nlu.nY V'. 1^7-- Cl-iiin 1 --111 .. Mill.v-i.lou.di, we claim tliu c.niliina- .\n. i'j4 4Su.— ^.\.MUEE B. Bi >\VEN and AMERICAS tionan.l .: ■. !;■ 1 -lilic link M, i-ivk-a tu ihc hind M. ABBtjT, .ST..1C1VTON, C.M..—Ga>ig-J'lo«g/is.—Man-h 12, part of il, , ■ : ■ 'ii. the U-xer 1, iav,-led t.. llic link M, the 1 .: . : /til, and the ratchet liai' C, as and 1872. Claim.— The bent or crank axle A, having rigid st.andards foi-the 1 :,,,■• 1 1 d ./■/.ei.lir,il 11. 11 ,1 >SU'. ..ill il.Mi. . in ei.mbina- 2.^l„ :i 1: .: ^^ith the mould-board of a siilky- 11 Ml \\ nil il,e j.f , / ■ ■ ■: , i 1 1 1. .1 i, ., '■ , 1 i li.'ains are plough, ^•. ' i 1 .Iditional plate ov heel S, constvucted and anally. >i .1 >! . 1 ilnd. to assist in supporting the plough, piMiiiii !■, ihe !■ 1, :■ 1 ■ ,: 1 I 1. : ■, 1. ,..e.l to the mule, u ; : .: 1 .., 1, ni |.iir, liy the andinallMui,,^ u 1.. i.clunied amund. lever II m ', ■ 'l n iii'.-a\le, sul.stantully ui No. I2'„— [olIX 11. Rnl'.llINS and SAMfEL the niaiiii- ,, . i 1 , iilied. ROBl ! 1 N s, 1 ; 1 . 1 1 1 1', 1 , n R !■ , ;oN .— ; / lun-Ploughs.— January N... ij;,^;i ',:.ii ,1 w , II, \IM:.s, Maine Praikie, Claim.— riic adju'ialde front yoke F and pin/, and the Cai.— (/I.... .,,.7,,: . -J/,,,,: 12,1872. Antedated i)/,;;r/; 7. 1872. lover-lVamc (i ;■-, h.iving hook jf', combined witli beam (.'laim. — I. — The opcratini; device for elev.iting and 1 ) 1 )i I ) ■. !i;iv iir^ cliain ,v ', all arranged as and for tlie pur- de|ire-iiiL; the phmghs. c..n,sisting of the levers M E II and the link " 1 N, .ir'"an e.iuivalcnt device, sulistantially as \,,, I.",.;;. 1,1 Kk, Cli.APMAN, Coi.LlNsvii i f. lie 1 ll!,i..l. (,,,■,., I in, : \.^ 1 and TlIE Coi.LINS CoMTANN , 2. rill v.. supp.iiteil directly upon the axle 1 >, s, ,,,!,■ |.!,i. • ,--/"/,'/^,:.,,. -r.h: li.irv 6, 1872. ,1 ,li,..Mi. ,Miil K^ele.ll.y^nieanM.f the slotted standard, C 1 l,,,!,i I. 1 lie li, line ,/,/■./-, in.vidcil with the ii'liv- ,,,.1., 11 Miv ..u.uli. ii lln 11 111. ill eiiiiiliiiKUi.iM «il!i the r.ilaiy II.'- ,1,11, k k an.l the doul.le \ilirating lever R, 1 'loiij; lu 'ill ,/. | Mitli tile n,;lit and left plmi-li'-^ ,,,,,, 111, 1 viihili, ilniiijlit rod Sand the ..pcraling-lever, as /, ,, lul.-.I,n:li.ilN .1- ile-inl'ed. 2._-|lie ioi.iIiiil; -1 Mil, 11.1 ,', ]l^l^i,lel| » itli wheel or 4. — 1 claim a gang-plough having, in comliination, the crank ami IlhiiIIi" -' ■ \ . 111:11. -ed In Ih; ,i|.er,Ued by the seat, sujipoited as shown, together with the herein-described driver, 111 iiKiiieii with the lieaiuie /" and rotating device for giving a vertical and a side or curving move- ploughdicam Mlli the yoke C, ''no.'i^'!28., — .XnImI'iAV l-REE.MAN. lluMKU, III.— 6V«i--/Vi'/,:,//;.— .;/M7/2. 1S72. ;',',^!',i ':.;:; .y;'',:;, '■:.::.:'-.\^y:.xl,l.^\<.^ Claim. khe c..lnl.|lr,itiiili, in a e.iHL: or-nlkv |iliaiell, "f the lever 1 , Ic.n.s P I-'. In 1, 1. 1. 1 i.",il , , i i:'!- iie.'s, bar 3._|n ciinihin.itu 11 ^Mth the xnkeC, and the hand-lever and le\.i-, .i|iir.iliii- .i^ -t huth, llie .stop /', ratchet- M, theion^iK. Iii-aee e, 1. ,..-, 11, -l .-, ...1 -la|.les or loops IC K, all snk-l .1,1. , . - ' -■ . ■ ik. d. wheel <-, and weighted pawie', fur lucking the plough in No. 120.2^ v-,\ N 1 ii;i \". 1 ki. '1.1 \\i', 1 '. i\ M iisiiN, an elevated position, substantially as set forth. 4 —In combination with tongue B^ beam D, and drop- (Jkiim I 11, .lit e comkined with the iron D', the adjustable stop a", substantially as de- axle/, plate .M... , . ' 1 , , 1 - «. as si,ecihed. scribed. 2,— dhe i.ii ', h Ml ,, .1 iii-ii with the elbow lever -'',c-'. No. 123,616.— WILLIAM B. CE^MMINS, Leon. Iowa. strap;-'. .1 iii.eaiii.; 1.1.1 J, le^.l- r. |. late ,/, as set forth. —Sulky-Ploui;/is.— February 13, 1 87 2. 3.— 111.- 1 kill- ,,-■ l.iMii^ ..11 iniiei -i-Ks of holes, ,/', and Claim.— 1 —The airan-ciiKiit of the trmgue A, curved barl!, 1.,.. 1.1 n. 11.11 '■. . ■'.Ill ' 1 :■ 1 '■ -Ml.,.! r,a,iie 1>. scat E. , . I,- : II, : ., , 1, . . - • . 1 ■; lav X. comkiiieil uiil, ll.e r..,I -:, sirap , ', .iml the land-pin as '"n,','," 1211,117- k iM-.kll CiiCllk.V.XE, IM.IANOIA, lever (i,.:, 1.. ■'. ■ I.- ','■ ! •■' '■■ ..Mlili-I barSwir iN , L . .:,' '. .1 1, '■ 1 in V, ,. ,,i,l for ihe CI, Ml,. Ill i.,M li.inie |), invoic-il lo the from frame E, pui-jxi.e 1 , . ,■, ,,,!,,., Mipiii 11 1 ; -, 1 „ ',.1 l.ilik,- wheel X-. and li.uing the -eat 2._'|i , ,,, ... .1 ... • Ml ^ , 1.. .11.-1 l.lilliill-li.ller , ii 1 k : - , 11, nil. rod 'S', k 1 .:.'..., ^ 1 I ..■.': 1'- '.:,l, , . ;4lii..lil,il IMck S, Xo 121- 0-11 \-, 1 1 1 S( M, ('{ )( ll,. <:i IllRll- Cl-MRF, and frame (,' willi the iil.iu.;li li.,iiii 1. ,.ili-tiiili,ilK- as shown lowA,— // :,-■,■ /■:-,-,-,:--.-. 1/,/r 21. 1872 and dc-sciilied, h.r ihe |.nii»..e -| Claim,— Ihe e.|naliei k. proxi.led With a clevis. C. and No. I23,S6<)— EK,\\K, (., ( 11,\RMN, ( i Ai,i.;si![iR(;, hook 11. either or In tli. and a swi\Ll. .X, lo| t it lor at- tachment |o a s„lkv, A l;C 1) E. and plough Ik' K E, sub- Ckiiiii 1 1 ' ' ,11: 1 '■ ■■■■'■ ■ '■ ^VlM'ted to the rod .-t.rmiallyas herein shown and descnbjd,' ami lo. llie pur- II hv y\ : 111.' !. 1 1.1 ....n-.a with plates G pose sct'foith. and 'M. .1.111 1 II 1 1 .< 1 i ,.1 - 1, I. I. 1- K. ami staples /■, sub- No. I2;.495— LAVII) A. MANLEE, Napa, Cal.— stantiallv a, and lor the purpose ..pecihed. Ga„g-/;-o„^';is.—j!„ie 4. 1872- 2.— The axle-tree A A, made m two sections and placed Claim.— The combination of the beams C C, caster-wheel cmc al.'ovc the other, as shown, the upper one having an socket ,-. arms /; i L' . shaft /•, rod /;/. and lever /■■-•. arran;ed PLOUGIia-WHEEL OR SULKY. l.l.nii;hs. 7,538.— JOHN WORRELL niKl J.VMES IL RY- X. 11, \M ON. IM, . — .Vh',;;,/Y,.//;' //;.—//,» -4. IS72. axk- 11 haxin;; the _-il .iiljii-t.Olu frame It K fur thi; purpose either a left or right ; pivoteil to its lower t foot-plate K, siib- . r27.7l>5.— .\lUiL MERRILL, Ini;krslalile hanger G, the plough, viee^lor jnvnting and adjusting said r (,.all -iil.-Miiliillv a- ile-cribed. 1,1, i.f iii.liii r^iiM lit . ,llie pawl ,1, and halalh, , ■ «llllt!K >.--^e.l wheel E>, le Mike, and ,,pei.aiiig\ievice»,.-ubstan- .111 i)f the hanger G, the pivoted angu- i lew - ,' for adjusting the position of the Xo. I29,i'6i.-^11. \V, XKAL, \VkLi.-\ ii.i.i:, 1'a., as- signor to [ASflX McVAV. Sii.NKY, Ohio. — n7„vA ri,nii;:ii.~ju'.y 16, 1872. Claim. — The frame firmed liy the |iai|v //,-, 0, when piv- back and forth, in imhI in 1: 111 v. u anl rod /■, the seveial paU, i-eln.; : and for the purpose set Inith. Xo. 130,177.- JAMES AK.M.STROXG and GEORGE ARMSTROXt;. Ei.MiRA, \\.\..— Ga„i;-P:o:,^l,s.— August 6. 1S72. am G, lever substantially ,\-. i32,S4-\— |i i>i;ril LANE, Ei;gene, L\d.,— Cir;??- I'l „Ji,,—.X„rc,iihcr 5 1872. • Iiim. — I. — The bar^ I' connected to the bars R by a rule-joint, S. as deseiibe.l, whereby the wheels Q P may nperale lo-uppoit llie iiin._;ue anil also be suspended by mean, of the ln.,.1. W a, ,etli.itli. 2.— file plou-li-| »ali beams E and levers II, 348 PLOUGHS-WHEEL OR SULKY. described, of the rods M and shifting evcner K, :iily as specified. iL- cunilsination of the notched diagonal beam C, !■', liluughs 1), beams E, and levers F, substantially ;j,oio.— rilARI.FS KKWIN, San Franci-sco, ■:■ -/';;,.;:., .W : ■:.:■.,- 12. 1S72. - 1. Ill' I iiiii.'' ,!\h 1; will] its rigid arms yy, in witli the frame A a' h' ,', vertical post III the niiicliiiie, siilrinntiallvas b\. IIMI herein .shown and d ■scribed, and for the purpose set level- 1 forth. the |iiii 2.— The combinatior of the armed plate F, rod G, bent Xo. bar 11, n.i.l shoii bur I, with the tnnmie 1) and pivot, d — ;///, draught-l 1- 1, 1 , 1 ■- .1 l\ .-iib-ii,i,ti:illv a. shown Clai and d. itlll'.,^ the |.|.,lli;li-|.e,iins R with \'ertica vie ,\,ai,d plate ion \Mlh the ev<. k, subslaiitiallv -l.iil l.-s ;s.\(llSl-, MuNMiirTii, Oregon. s~M„:,!i II, 1S73. ilierls R, ha\ini; axles N (}, connected inaiiiiii with the plough Iranie A, as and lor -Idl'lX WORREFE, l!i.;i,i.KVii.i,F, Ixi.. 1.— lA.V.// 18, IS73. ill ii>l. .\ l,a\iii(' the arm, II W projecting No. MS iS/.— .-s-V.Ml 1:1. F. r.\R G„l,:^^I'Ull:^ln.—J„,ui.,ry 2S. 1S73. PLOUGHS-WHEEL OR SULKY. mil plougli-beam R, siib- joiiitet-l pole M, ooimoctin;^ stantially as shown and .kscnboil. 3. — The combinaiioii witlitlic jointed pole and lever, of the elbow-lever II, r.nliil liin^c brace DUE, plough-beam and connecting device^ 1 ami G, siibitantially, as specified. No. 137,611.— JDAIJ II. I.A.NES, H.VKVEY TUCKER andTILGHM.\.\l). TERRY, Knohnostkr, Mo.— ;-J7/.r/- Phiighs.— April ■&, 1873. Filed F.hnuiry 27, 1873. Claim — i. — ^The arrangement of the axle A, beam C with caster-wheel D and seat E, tongue K, and plough-frame G, all substantially as shown and described, and for the pur- poses herein set forth. 2. — The arrangement upon one axle. A, of the plough- frame G, and drum or roller L, substantially as and for the purposes herein set forth. No. 137,697.— GEORGE W. MANTEl.. Nai-a, Cai,.— Gan^-Pluughs.— April %, 1873. Eilc.l .s:/', «;/.,/ 20, 1873. Claim. — In a gang-plough, of sul.-.! iniiallv llu .k'scribed construction, the lever m, adapted in ^lidc in notclie-, of its r.ick, in comliination with the levc-i w', a.lLiplijd tu be moved forward and backward, and tlie c.nnccting parts, arranged as described, for the |hm |.n,c set r..,ll,. No. 137,870— MKl'llKN 1.. SroCK.STILL, Medway, Ohio, and HENRV U. KLTZ, Hakkishuru, Pa.— Ploughs.— April 15, 1S73. f''!"^'' September 7, 1872. Claim. — The plough-beam, provided with perforated ears a a, and the pin li formed on tlie end of the axle C, the sleeve e, and set-screw d, all arranged as shown and de- scribed, for the purpose of allowing vertical adjustment of the axle, as specified. No. 137,915.— RICHARD B. GROUND, Edvvarus- VILLE, assignor of one-half of his right to CHANCY G. S.VUNDERS, assignor, by mesne assignments, to NEL- .SON D. .SWEENEY, Marine, 111.— PloiigAs.— April 15,1873. Filedy««^27, 1S72. Claim.— -V plough in comliin.ation with the sulky attach- ment A K, clamp conipcjsed of the bolt, a b and slotted plate ,- .', slotted lever 1! b' . lock lever E, elevated bar D, and perfor.ated arc C, all the pail-, being conNUnctcd and arranged sidKtanlially as and for ilie |iiir|iose ^iiecilied. No. 137,975.— WILLIAM v. SWEIO.W, Makink, li.i,. — lVlu-d-PloHglis.—.4pnl 15, 1S73. Filed S,pt.-mhcr 2-], 1872. Claim. — The beam of a wheel-plough in combination with caster-wheel A, lever B, a locking-latch attached to the lever, and a fixed notched arc C c', all arranged and operating substantially in the manner and for the purpose specified. No. 138,329.— FRED. HA.SBROOK, Stokes' Mound, Mo. — IV/i eel- Ploughs. — April 29, 1873. Filed August 13, 1872. Claim. — The combination of the bar or rod A, box C, block G, chain F, and lever E, substantially as and for the puri.oie sjiecified. No. 139032.— CHARLE.S B. STEVENS, Donnki.son, la\\.K.— mt::el-Ploughs.—May 23, 1S73. Filed January 16, 1873. Claim.— The frame A B, supiiorting-wlieels E F and slidii ., in combin N, the on the rear of the frame to .assist in raiding the plough, all substantially .as described and fur the purposes set forth. No. 139,059- ISAAC B. GREEN, (iiiiicsiii:, III .— Wheel-Ploiii;hs.—May 20, 1873. Filed March 15, 1873. Claim.— The i)endent standard K and guide (J, arranged under the axle, in combination with a two barred plough beam, as and for the purpose describeil. No. 140,480.— MARSHALL S. CURTISS, Bradford, III. — G ang- Ploughs. ^uly I, \%'JT,. YW^A Nuvember 13, 1872. Claim. — The plate B provided with teeth or cogs k, and pivoted to axle A, in combination with lever B B, and trans- verse arms/yofrod b having transverse arms (/arranged in guides e e of beams C C, the whole constructed to operate substantially as set forth. No. 140,505.— DAVID W. HUGHE.S, Mexico, Mo.— Sulky- I'loiigh^.— July I, 1873. Filed October 12, 1872. Claim. — I. — In a wheel-plough, the transverse bar D, con- | rile 1 npport the driver's seat 1 mlially as described. ,, |il«,-2i, 1S73. Claim. — I. — The standard -racks F F, mounted on the cranked axle B', applied to the standards E E on frame .\ A, and having combined with them the paw Is //and the tlevices for operating these pawls, substantially as de- scribed. 2. — The steps s, applied tn a rack rod, ;•, having a hand- lever, G, on it, in combination with the revolving frame, suspended in front out of the way of said fianie, substan tially as described. 3. — The standards E, perforated and provided with adjustable stop-pins /, in combination with the standard racks and their pawls, and witli lifting -arcs d' on a turning plough-frame, snlisiaiiti dh a- il.scribed. No. 142 964.— 1 I M . 1 1 M \ \ I ). TERRY, ALONZO CASE, and CII.VKI I "s 1 \l:klX. Knohnoster, Mo.— Wheel-Ploughs. — S.pi:::!. I 10, 1873. YWftA April 5, ««73- Claim.— I.— The combination, with the tongue A, axle B, and wheels C C, of the bar G, hinged .it its front end to PLOUGHS-WHEEL OR SULKY. the tongue and supporting the seat E, and the bar (1' pivoteil to the rear entl of the bar (j, and having the jilougli H and coulter J attached to it, all substantially as herein set forth. 2. — The lever J', with arm // and studs i i', and bars G C;', staple /', and support i, the several parts being constructed and arranged as and for the purpose speci- fied. • 3, — The wheel 1), constructed as described, with the outer and inner uminL; inns d e, substantially as and for the purp0se^ Ik n m ■> t hrilh. 4. — In I Mini in.iii.iii Willi a plough arranged on one side of the cciilri, as ^Iicami, the double-tree K, equalizing-bar L, single-trees M, rollers j/ z, and chain x, all arranged and operatijig substantially as and for the purposes herein set forth. No. 143,147.— JOHN D. HARRISON, Middletown, Ohio.— pyheel-Plotig/is.—Seplember 2T„ 1873. Filed .^«- giist 2, 1872. Claim. — I. — Tlie combination of arm /, link /, lever ?ii, pawl /•, and short arm /willi sluiU 11 /', > i.inl, . .nil i.iIcIkI- — One- Il7ie.-M 7hrc:-Horse Riling- PLu;hs.—Jan:iary 20, 1S74. Filed Xin'Ciidhr "i. 1873. Claim. — I.— The combination, with the hinged plough- learn G.hin[;ed.-,rc-lar M,levu-K, and locking device N (J,of tlie hMi-i/niitil lever 1', rod R, and adjustable Ueeper O, as shown ,in ! 1. ■> liS ■! 2. — Tin : , I Itlie slotted beam E, arranged dia- gonally \^.l ' : i ' I a\le (.".adjustable keeper O, hing- ed plo 11.; 1 1 :<-, 1 lie lur M, lever K, and locking device N 1 i 1;. .. ^i -1. No. 140, -,,17. MM- -, ., ' IMMIXSand TdllN R. CUMMIN:-, MM. ; , I t;.ui.;ruu^hs.— January 27,1874. Fll,-,l IM: l^. lS;j, Claim. — Tlie cmiil iii.ilMii. with the hinged plough-beam or frame F and thet.mgued, of tlie king-bolt H extended upward, as shown, the lever 1' hinged thereto, and the con- nerting-link Q, all as sli..«n and described, wherebv the said lever can be swun;; ..ver .aito llie kin-bult and the parts locked, as andlor ll,e |,ur|..„e speulie.!. No. I4'),9^,9.— WiLII AM \i:\ ./"/■•3. i«73- X... i414;4--IU-;NKV .\l, ULI.I.ITT, l (.:isvii.i,r, Kv. — /•/7/v'''-''"''"',s'.---('<''"^'.'-7. >S73- V\\>,>\ Jiiiu- 28, ii^73- Claim.— The n-n Li '. ].i-xi.led with axles B at their lower ends, an : ! .. tlierat tup byaii axle, D, upon which depeml :,.;,_. 1, I., 111 comliinatinn with the stirrup L L M, bi.iee i.<,i., C. t.,and ailjusting-holes H P, and plough-beam F, constructed and arrange■ / • u- f..y Plough:.— Deeem. ber2, 1S73, 1m1>.: . -M , ■ V ?■ Claim.— The inaii^i:i,ii ;;, n,. ,\, caster-wheel B, beam D, and draft-rod F, comlnned 111 a nding-plongh, as and for the purpose described. No. 145,147.— TACOB BINGHAM and ORLANDO M. POM), Waterlho, Ii>w,\.— Wheel-Ploughs. —December 2. 1873, Filed (),/./«- 30, 1873. ( laiiii. — 111 a pliiuL;!i carriage, the axle A, having the ad- jusial'le screw liUiiiL; device ii h ,/at one end, and the plate and box a' with set' screw // at the other end, of the axle, in conibmatinn «ith the plough-beam D and staple.-, slidin- ted guides (.11 the axle, substantially in the manner and Inr the purpose heiciii set f.ilh. No. i4-,,',bi.— rilRISTIAN MYERS, M.\rysville, CAL.,assi;L;MMrtu inn, self and FRANCIS J. .SCHAEFFER, D.WEM'ici; I , l.,\\ \ Snh^oil Gang- Ploughs. — December ^, 1873. li! ' v.. 1S73. Claim. 1 !■ lion of detachable share G, having hoo'is t- an 1 1 , 1 ,1. hriii of point H, with under side G' and land-side U ', by rucuiis of slot ^', apertures / /', and wedge-))iece 4', for the purpose set forth. No. 146562.— ROBERT C. AIREV, Hir.iii.ANr., Ili . 2.— fh ,n I, :. :,,, ■■■ .-,..,• ■•!:, ; t-l-lli;h, of theton-ii '■, ,;■ I 1: .. : , ' I ■ bar D, beams ,/,,',,,■, . ; . ; n i and its brace /. .u' .: : .', lil > -n iiu 1 I .'inl operated sub.,taniiir ' . ■ ■' i-aiii-'-es set forth. No. i.r "": iii.i I ii.M'MAN, CoLLiN.svn,i,E, Cdnn.. ,1 '.I ami fiiE C'-LLiNs Company, same iiUiLj. — y ', . .'.. /,/;;.;»' /Vo.ighs. — February 3, 1874. F'iledyw.'r 28, 1873. Claim.— I.— The forked lever -/, carrying the wheel e bj- tween the plough,, and having a spring-adjusting device, in combinaliun «ilh the frame lc in the hcims P, as described, to form a bame adapted to be used with a planter, ploughs, or culti- 'no!"h8.i49.— WILLIAM SNOW, W.weri.y, Ii.i..— Th: e,-- U //f,/ KUlin^- Ploughs.— March 3, 1 874. Filed Dc- cemlcr 1, 1S73. Claim. — I. — In a wheel-plough, the combination, with wheels A D and tongue Ji having swiveled cross-bar H, of the swiveled st-indirds B hiving the wheel-journals and the aims r t, connected by lodsG as and for the puipose de cubed ■' — The con 1 nntion with the t uck frame and plough I 1 I 1 1 I I II 1 1 1 ^ arm O and the joui 1 II II tl I N and the standar 1 II M I I I 1 the tongue as and for tl 1 I tt I J — 1 1 I III II le 1 haft L 1 ) ( I ( I I 1 1 I I I ft K' J' M 1 I I \ ll tl |l 1 I I fiiiic ^^ork C lit II I 11 h 1 Ic c lU I \ 14S gS—i \.IM\ ALl LKTSON Dait n Ind — / / / —Mirhio 1S74 YMA Jmu ry ji lb 4 Lhi 1 — The sulkj frame B B and tongue A, in con bi nati n \ ith biaces 1), pucted both on the spindles ml 1 lu ^h beam rods b and spindles a j when con tiucted in 1 uai ged as and foi the ] uijose heiein pecified No Mb 448 — GLOKGE C HEIGHT Ncvvvrk Wis — Whe I Ptoujts—Mii h 10 1874 tiled Septe itbe, 8 ci 1 —I —11 1 I (1 tl I I r c of \ i( 11 I 1 tl a le A A wlitels C C I 1 II 1 Hr ( G an I foot I I t t Uya anlfoi I \ I 1 C C tongue I I I C I ot levtr I stii 1\ a an 1 f tl 1 1 1 1 in set foith 14b 5Sj — ( 1 1 L 1 W \ -W GORDEK \\ \iu I N / ^h mi Uir u —Varh 17 1874 ■ ^^n 1 111c A D, haMiigthe wl eel [ in Ik at t t iK 1 11 1 tU 1 iir No 149 140— |GI1\ K \l LONNLL WuKlioo liWA—iUeel/loii^hs — ha /; ji 1874 I iled I ^iisl 9 1873 Claim — I — In coml niati 1 itl tl e 1 t 1 1 til triangulai fiame f 1 11 1 I tl 1 \ I ^ albirC cairjingthc Iraft I 1 k I I II t I t 1 an 1 aiian ed is shown and 1l eril c 1 t r the 1 1 lied iibination of the lear plough beam h lever I t 1 1 I 1 I to alu t latciall) I tl consisting of two side pieces, each composed of three bars, A, B, and C, pivoted together at their front ends, the bars, A A having spindles for the driving-wheels K K, the bars B B connected by cross-bars D D' D'^ and the bars C C con- nected by a shaft to winch the plough is attached, all com- bined substantially as lierL-in set forth. 2. — In combination with the plough-sulky frame herein described, the shaft j with arms n 11, connecting-bars ni m. dr ft sul til tl ill) a heie Ni 150702 — H 01 DLNlJOkl H Mn 12 1874 ] tt.,.h,iunts^-M.iv 5, ii;74. Filed iii.itinii of the draft-beam H, with iMLcteil with the plough beams J J' . Ij' with the diagonal timber I, the , n and hand lever L operating in \tion of the frame A, standards F and G, H ll ugh beams J J' ploughs K Is. le\er L, hnl ; 1 chains 1 L an 1 the a Iju ting device h n shown and de cube 1 i50 4-5-l'l' rv 12, 1S74. sting aL•^ice //, . bai / torme 1 [ a f ith " -The coml / P / tl 1 lanch aim ia\lle\er ill an 1 f 1 tl e pi 1 N iS0 7-'7- G71 11 J - Clan -I — Nl \ ( IDI NDOkPH and JOHN \1 1 I — G;k^ Iloitjs — I 1^74 -I — Tl i si 1 1 ovi lei with rack t I I 1 s 11 1 foi the puipo e set ^tion of the [ iv ted axle arm F its rack 1 u 1 1 k\ 1 C ha\ing lianch aims I Ue/" ciank haft/' / compoun i level C I sleaim F with lack/ 1 ll 1 ri t forth ati n fe i) o 1 1 le\er C consisting of h 1 / 1 11 > / hand lever E, Its ping tt pi te ' \11 constructed to o\ erate as VMts STONE BoNDCoi\r\ Ii i — 1/ 12 1S74 riel J/ / I 1S73 1 of ^ a I y lol C lo [s E tally a I Ihe ilougl I with the p t 1 iitchetC I uri o e all 1 f«th connections m combi loss bar M brake lever tantially as shown and No 151 054 —JOHN B RALSTON and MATTHEW n\k\L\ k Ki n \\\ —Wht I Ploujis — Miy 19, 1S-4 III/ 1S7, I I —I —11 I I II with the stud i m I I tl I cte 1 to the fiame ly 1 II II I I i_,h both a latcial and t 1 I I I 1 mp compo ed of \ lates I \\ 1 b3s Y.' an 1 hnl E 11 1 t 1 IH It cubtl ,—11 1 1 I I I I I 1 i 1 I 1 / ai 11 L' ai 1 C II I Lkl 19 ib74 Y ,g the 11 the .11/ / 19, II ow lc\ei/' , I t 1 1 Lv 1 )L 1 11 nit 1 latt — .b / oil h 4p it 21 1874 O ob r-x, 1873 iini — I — 1 he 1 lough sull y frame heitm lescul e 1 ation of the 1 cam V cioss bii I t ngut iu tal le wheels K E' and a Iju tal It tat PLOUGHS-WHEEL OR SULKY. H, all constructed substantially as and for the purposes herein set forth. 3. — The combination of the foot-lever J, chain /*, arm /', shaft /'^ elbow-lever/', rod/, and a plough, G, sub- stantially as and for the purposes herein set forth. 4, — Tlie couiliinaliiin, with the plough G, of the shaft »;', rod m\ Willi nut> j v, lever iiiK and sleeve iifi, all substan- tially as and fm- the |,in-i»iscs herein set forth. No. 151,125.— GIDKdX J. OVERSHINER, TEK, Cal. — 'Gaiig-Ploiig/u.^Mav 26, 1S74. Filed Aj>ri! 16, 1873. Claim. — In a gang-plough, the combination of the springs I I and lever G,"for lifting the frame .\ and ploughs B, con- structed and opcr.itint; sufistantiallv as set forth. No. 151,649.— EliwiX A. I1EEK.S, Sycamore, III., assignor of one-half his right to E. T. NVE, same place. — Gang-Plou:^hs.—jHii,- 2, '^1874. Filed February 25, 1874. Claim.— I. — In the combination with the plough-beams S and S and laterally adjustalile blocks I' and P, pro\ided with the slots/' anistable. No. 153,037.— WM. O. M. BERRY, San Francisco, C\L.—GaiifPloughs.—July 14, 1874. Filed May 12, 1874. Claim. — In combination with the plough-beams H H' with its ho) i/ lude «, crank-lever n, anil connecting- rod/, suh-lanliallv as and for liie above descnl.e.l. No. 153,256— (lEoRC.K \V, HUNT, .Muscatine Co., h>\\'\.— Carriage PIt'Ugks.—Julv 21, 1S74 Filed PJnti- ary 17, 1874. Claim -I. — In combination with the gallows C C, tongue B, and beam .\, constructed and arranged as herein de- scribeil, the adjustable connecliiig gauge bolt E, with lever J and chain/, as and fo, ihe purpo'se set forth. 2. — In combination with the i>lougli-bcam A, mounted as described, the hinged bar P and adjustable axle Q, provided with wheel N, constructed and arranged as described, and for the purpose set forth. 3. — In combination with the plough-beam A, axle-stand arc! O, and wheel .M, the upright hand-lever L, U, axle or bar P. and brace //, constructed and arranged as herein described, and for the jjurpose set forth. 4. — \ carriage-plough, consisting of the fore wheels D D, gallows C C, tongue B, connecting adjustable gauge-bolt E, j.lougli-beams A and V, wheel M,' and adjustable wheel N, all constructed and arranged substantially as herein dc- 154 29^.— WILLIAM STARLING, La Prairie, III. —S:,H-v-^J'h'uglis.— August \S, 1S74. Filed March 14, 1874. Claim. — I.— The crank-bar K, combined with the plough- beam N, lever L, and axle A, as ami for the purpose .set forth, so that the horses are made to raise the plough out of the ground. 2. — The combination of the jointed lever U V and stop W, with the brace J, tongue I, and plough-beam N, sub- stantially as herein siiou n and desciibe.l. 3. — The quadiail 1', proinled with the long keeper />, the open keeiier /'. and the two bolts /■' i", in combination with the siandard S of a rotary cutter, for connecting said cutter adjiisiablv lo a plough-beam, substantially as herein shown ami .lescVibed. No. 154,306.— r.WE.VVER, Hakrisburg, Vx.—Sultv Atlachmcnls for J'loui^lis.—Au^n t 18, 1S74. Filed Ju„e 26, 187s. PLOUGHS-WHEEL OR SULKY. flaini.— I.— -nie cl;ui)p-Iiol>kr n> liorcii\ set fortli, in combinaliaii ami the sulky aUacbmL-nt pvopor, .. i ..^ .....JU. ^.,J. „. ,. t, !„,.,..,. I ,, ,. ..,IM U', in couiljiiialioii with the slays !■ 1' oi i!j^ tix.iillc II united by the axle-clips Q Q', of their equivalent-, tu fur the rolling joint, suhstantially as and for the purpose here the rolling joint, suhst'antrally set fortl- 3—1 nation \ 1' 1",1M axle i. for the 1 ' y', and hechnir 1 of the main,., >l,-,r,,Sca. 0.— Ihc.orau^emcnt form the t,-.a„^lc o, .[ua sulstarli.llv .',. liuu,, s y.-The con,Kii,al,o„ frame E E', and axle W jointly to contiollhcl. No. ISM76.— MiCI assiijnor of unc-hali hi- — .V«//-)'- Ph^ug.hi.—A 1874. - u ,„.! nut./ ,/', or their e.iuiva- I -,,e loi-th. ■c-meni E E', having detents D . . u-o lever A N and plunger B*, having o leaeh through said slotted lever, and hold ipplied to the segment, substantially in the liv.t- W, W, V. and V to ilh slots s s and notched 1 and described, for the of the coulter by means li the plate M, constructed as voted bar Q, and hand-lever R, substantially as shown and de- 3.-ln combina described, the cou all arranged and c scribed. No. 155,418.— HENRY BUMGARNER, Decatur, liiwA. — Gaiig-Pltmghs. — September 29, 1874. Filed _/«;!,, '. l..i,;,i,,^ .■ ,u, i...,i fnrthe !..i :•• ■' '< > . \i ■ : •• I.' .! ^Mlll the ally AYZLETT, iiii;-Pioi,ghs. 1 ose described. No. 155,134.— JAMES ARMSTRONG and GEORGE A RM ST RO iVG, E i.M I R A, I i.i..— Gang- Ploughs.— Seplait- bcr 22, 1874. Tiled D.xembcr 22, 1873. Claim. — I.— The combination of the notched plate D, attached to the tongue, the spring-bolt c'-, hand-lever <■', grooved sector E, chain /, and arm _;••, attached to front dSldX, CiiMoN, Mo. I ,le,! ./.-,,,«/ 3, 1S74. . illi the axle .\ and tongue 1 ar K and plough-beam nnd for the purpose herein iller a and the mortised , passing thrriu^li slot- in ;i;,sid;stanliallyas,l,nwn 354 PLOL'GHS-WHEEL OR SULKY. 3. —The coml-inatinn of tlie colter N, hinged bar 0, hinged 3.-The braces I H', bolted or secured rigidly to the ]-.. 1 V, ,ui.i .'ill 1 :! 1. quruiis S S, subotantially as and for plou„d,d,ca,n, and , ivuted t,. either end of spindle G% for (],,, 1 III |„ ■ . • :i 1 r,.ill!. tliepui|iu,e id h.ild in; the iilouuli dieaiii in iil.iee. ' X. , 'i^i.i.i I. 1: [11 KMAX, B1.AIR, NEliR IV/u-c/- No, 158 2,;,, -M ,\Ksll.\l,l"s.(d'!;ilSS, E\KLVIL1.E, !•: V : 17. ^•■-,\. Y\\t& August to, 1S74, 1, — /',r,«//.,7- 29, I ^74. Eded May 27, (LuMi 1 ! :i:: mil rtl,e levcT Sand cal.dl 1S74. li.ii '1 \Mi'i •' 1 ■. . ; " III llii- iiliiiiidi-lieam ( 1, Milistaiilially riaim,— I.— The adjustable drau-ht-beam F, pivoted a- lirii.'iii :,.,■. 1 :i . .1 Mii'.l, eentrally to the en ,- liar /' /', allaehed to the head of the 2 —1 ,1 I ■;■ i . ! .: Ill ill ■ Nd. W, sliilii,.^ bar \', and , in eond.ination « ilh the cross-rod i. ami lull. 1 >ii \,, ••. :•, ; , .1. ii 1,1 n : -^, ,il,ii l-li.ULd. ai|-.ini.;,id 11, llii- d ii.i.l -in il I , :;. aml^ regulator/;, con- '"'\M."i;;','ii.i''" 1' id 1 V> "\\ 1 ' V' /Vi'i '' '■'•■. In.. '"2!— lllii',''.! I'lv! 1 iii.i K K: li.iMii; limn- standards pro- as-.].^iMi Li'i riii 1'- 1 d rw 1 ■.. 1 . -''■-,• •ill • 1 \ idi'd « nil lln.| 111..; ,/, Ml L.iinliiK.iion with the adustable Sulky- rio:i;h.. \ .■ ;, I'-.; 1 ! : • 1 ^. iS; 1, ■1 pl.ile, ;• ,in,r ■ 1. ii\cted lo tile beam (1, |ilate;-r (.daini.--I. — d !■■• 1 ir 1 - : .,• 1' . . • m' , i| ., : \, 1 . ■1 1 li.illl. '"'"■"' ' .i-.....i-.iii..ii.i.ii, «:,i,!i ,:i ;i',i.,.d , .||( |. li.d liy li.dl ,,nd -.1 .rVn j, ,i,ii, ;i , ,i,„ I l'o"V^'"''''i oi'oi' ';L§:f;:S:::;;|;^ "'j,-ri,',|', ,.,„' .I'.r^u' .\. iiM..di,.Md v. |.lalc and ludl- of dr,uit;hl-liiMni V , Mil.slanli.dlv'a. deseili.ed." i, 111 11 1 1, :iiid ill iiil;i lir.ini 1 ., Ml r .niliiiiatnm « nil iIk- raid 11.; -\o. 1:58,587,— 1 1RISI1.\N MNl.RS, .M,\Rvs\n,r.ii, and Iiuv.ihiil; diUL^s a. d/sMil.i..d,aiid fur the |ui|-|.,r,|| sa Cm .-(;,»/V/'/e«i. ,,. — lau:,n,y 5. 1875. Eiled OdJ.yr l.iith. 20, 1874, No. ,57,J72.-CHARI.ESF. CIIAMBEK.S, IIutson- ( laiin, — In a l;,,!, 'pluimli, the fixed a\le < ', pnnidid yu.LK, III.— P/Mig/iS.—Dca-mie,- 1, 1874. Filed OU.i.-,- wUh the ai 11'. Ill, 11 id J'j. 18/4. to tlioeniUol 111!.- di iMr I IMIll. liii '.111.; dl.ili 1 1, piio ided Cl.ii,,,. — I. — Asidkv-ldou-h,whoseplouc:h proper. A C will, tllrlund L■^el ., « 11'. Ill ; Ml 11 n .1 ii 1,1 on 'v .\1, .-ul.i - (■I.,,,|„v..l.linlh.i;ilu,ritodl.,n^n: K. and the point ol -itinliid'.xi as and foi lie |ilii|. .. I lua inli ■lui'.' set follh. Mlhi-.e plnii-hdieain l> 1, lapalile nl l,Lin- ^eclu-^d in the \i., I vS 7;:;,— Id d I'.U^i i\ 1 i; \\\ 1, .Old 1-K.\N'CIS caniy-kelj. 11. w I'.Midd:. w \ \ i 1; 1 \ . Ill, - .'.' :■ .' rUm 'hi. —/iiiin- 2.^l1,eplim..|. pniper A li C \U who,e h.-am is bih.rcat- ary 12, 187s, I'di ; ( ', a ■ /- ' I iS- 1 ed lorivi.c'ov wheel. K, ..perainn; in rear ol" the Claim,— 1" — din- '■"I. ' I'ln '1 ' Mi\'.i d on a\l ■ C an 1 hhaie, and i, eontained in nn,l pi\nH.-d to the hifurcated sHixeled iM ri-a 1 .111 , C, a,,in,Vliii i:,e y.mynSc deseril'.ed. 2— Ih.iei.mli.iial III, Mftlni iinii M, h^,r N.. lever-caleh V —In ii id" ^ 1''"" ''■'■ ''■' ''''■' '■'"" "1 '''^' ton^'ue E 0, lever.|,a»l 1'. am nolehed bar i). with the avle C, the an'l li.Mn, M, . 1:1 1 1 . ■ : ||M,i.«.«h...el E. «nli 111. . .1 . i. II .. ■ . . II., II.. ■ 1. 1; s, ,1,1 the fiH- amis I K.aid ih..- p shown and de-cniie .u^h-l.eam.\, sul„lantially as herein j-,,„. -i |i.-. .1 .iliii ■, .1 ;i| ii." ,. , 1 ; III' eiil ofthe ti-ansportin^-wheel, E 11, in 1 S7 ■'"'4-. l.Nl 1. -\- k \ 1 1 1 M 11', 1 .1. \N 1 . \'\ —S:t/ky. eiiiiiuatn.n w all 7lie ill. UL;hl. tain .\ and |'.longli 11, t .enable JV..'f^/r..-/>':rm\ l^lS;i. 1 ll> - 1 ( • .', 7' r ,; , I .S74. (daiin — ddie 1 i.iiiImm.iI ! . i.inl. l-l , d.niM--'. I„ l.iith of said Hheeh 1. itin in biin.w,, siib-t.Mit"ally as hLa'eill c,,niKii.-|n^ Mil \1, . nd 1.-. 1 \ y.r.'' liniml 1 .m.oih I'd ligid .\.i, IS8,8S9,-CI l.riN MdilRE, M..1 INF, ll i.-f,»,..-- hal 1 , ,1111, r 1 ,, . ..lid 1 ■! 1 '1 ji., 1 .' 1' III... PlouyI,i.^l.u,n„ry 19, 1875. Ede.l C,,-e-,;-2S, ,8/4. 1! i.y/ r. .,7.,'v.. /'. .■-.••i.- 11. i^7i- 1 II'- ■ ' •'•■'' -4. Clanu, — i.-dhe 1874. Claim.— I.— The combination of the bracket- ( \ adinsialih pi.iliii, \. Mivm-'ilK, viMlKl b.u-'and pivoted arms P, and adjnst.^ble collars Q.with the plonj,- 1 1 1 1 i 1 . ■. 1 ■ . 1 1 1 1 I 1 . 1 1 . . ..1 1 \ 111;; 1 le |. ..iiL;n .eains ;.nd beam J and the ero-,- ro,h 1! of the frame A H. ,ul..t..nt,ally .a I'lic |'ni'iV,^,|''^^l'hi-|!o''''^ '"' ''""^'■"' "2.-^11 ' ii. 1 i.ii 1, 1 : In I.MO R.the lever-paHl ,S,an.l 2.-nie hanl K■^ foot on ns liuMi- em r !■;, eiin-liiii.l.i.l a, . l.-i 1 ,1 1, , 1 , with a t:,|. null i| 1 1 •: ■ ll-i iduuhdiean, J, the fonvaid ' ^'.!'''i','|!'\'';y|V.i,'ii''':|'i\i"".'',j'^|'i'.^^ puut.i.l .0,1. 1'. ..1, 1 : 1 1 1, .v.uo ., ii. ,-nMl 1'. .,1 the Ir.onr .\ E, M-ilnn,,,l ,o.C \ > , .111 1 ill 1,1 1.1, un, nil, .nbst.mtlally ''\;"^-i'n'i:i:':','i..'.'i 1 , II I I 1 1 ,.s demibid, with a di- ?u^;y.V!!uy^n'ld''n!vd"'''"'''" '•"^■'■■">'^"''^'-"'^'-'">^'~ lu^,^'^,:'.'n',n:d"axl ■ A''\,i;iii'l 'pi'ai'lh b''m,s"l,"l')'snb; ISSulK,,— R( )\d\l. il.\N(di;. I'll ,\|i.\.e\, II 1 . — (/./^^v'- A I'lu. ll 1, , I ; I ' C", ,11 'Id 1 . 1.1. ■ with the sec- r:', ■: .'- n . •, ■.. 12. 1S7,. ImIh.i /« 'r n, 1S74. 1 li;.,,. li|. 1.1, ..III M .1, III i'l 1 Ii 111 1, Mil li ,r,l.- II, Inili.d y\\.- \ \' , li-.i d i ■ 1, llii \ i d |,l.'.ii;!i-li?,,iii, II D.sub-tantiallyas :i III ll 1 iiMiie 1, 1 i voted ]ilate,/, and III - . nod ll. die pl.t.- ,/, so as to os- tiii axil- linn k'hih! i 'hi i 1 .1 h':. i 'i '. ' id l«dt edlalv -,i ll' 1'. , . 1 1. .nijiilablc lat..rally, -ulatantiaby in.; ai-aiad ll, ■ ad om il ' ■ i ', 'di v,-ood axle, all as and l.n 1 . ; ■.. 1 ii.ttli. No. I v' ' ; -' 1 I 1 i -- 1 ( '.VRNS, MlLI llUliiiK, ll 1,, — .No. 158 2 ,7. — ;.s.\.\f l;, i,'li.l;i:Kl.Cii.\.MP.\iGN, III. yu'ky l\ ...I . —: -, :y .), LS7 5. I ihsl /,„„/,?ry 12, — Wlucl Ploughs. -Dcicmbcy 29, 1S74. Eiled November '^'3, 5. 'Sy-i- , . (- lain:, — 1 lie emn inafion, \i 111 1 ill.- Inline .\, aiehed a\le ri.ii„,.-,._The extended spindle G'^ provided «dth 11, ploiii^di l.r.ini f, 1 n.l |i lie k, . 1.1 s 1 111 1 .1 as de>enl.ed, ol,inc pnn, / i at it 1 end. in rondinadon with the braces the lever j.' h 111 p. rl..i,i| ..I .;iii 1.1 .". anil le\er t), all eonstiiulnd ,01 1 ,ip,|, "'";■■; ■''"^'■";""l 'I''->ihed. Idle lever h", villi ik 1 1 t. the lever, the -pindL all combined ^ub tint ally Avon, Ii I.. 10, 1S75, m f /i, rod I j ~S„/.yy .1//,, /i',yw s ,e /'/,./ -be- /a K, having a | Eiled y?;/.. 22, 18/4, ic purpose set , CUum. -i. — I'he frame (i, con tructed as described, |.iv- I otetlto the bar 1)', ami laterally adjustable upon the axle A, PLOUUHS-WHEEL OR SULKY. a-uiluillyasaiul r< 2. -TUc b.iis r, conibiiicil w itii tlu ploughfrauie aiul itli (lie pIou5,rli M and bar K, sub- '• I! I !m I to the bars «, and ' i i I', for adjusting the I r , substantially as de- 3. — The dr.ifli"ih I, . ,!i^I icversibly attached to llu'l).ir D' an.l a\l.' A, , : ,; 1 to operate with the said parts and with thf riilii, I H pi iijli, I' and frame G, inter- changeably, sab.-tantiallv as ilociilud, and for the purpose speci'lied. 4. — The hand-lever K, rac'is/, K', and k' , bar J, sleeve I, and plough M, in combination with the pivoted frame G, axle A, and bar 1)', substantially as and for the purpose biecified. No. 160,099 —JAMES B- IIUNTEK, Ashley, III.— Goii:i-P:ou^hs.—Fcbni,.ry 23, I875. Filed October 24, 18,-4. Cl.iim — -The combination of the fi.'ied U-bar G, the slot- l.-d v.;rtically-adjustable forward standard K, and slotted rear standard J, with the axle l', t!i: i.!r.,i,-l:-! cams A B,and the tongue I, a"s herein -Ixiu 11 .:!i 1 1 • .\\> I Xo. i6o;2jo.— 1). \V KAl-^l.iN, 1; ' kiMRi), III.— rieti^li-Canla^.s.^I :>u..: e.; I i! i . - • A ;- 2j. 1874. combination with the axle and |iiik- tn receive and guide plough-beam, .nl.-t .iiii iMv' '^ ,|,„ 1 il.r.l. md.-..//",' i' .■ , '1 '.■,„. is-s': ' Claim.- II i;:i .1 i.l.amh, of an i clilicl w li. . 1 1 •: .1 i:]. .; ■,■. mill. ■ groiivc lli.i r.'i I ' . :: , ' : 1 i; .•:, ■; ■: N. M. C. — y-v ■ i.o, ,5 .//../ i;. 1^7 .- R 2. — The elamp whieli connects the plough-beam with the vertical swivel and bail, composed of the slotted angular for the ilky-Plou, M: isl'. n.n.k K, mounted upon IM 1:1c ccceiilricallv-sloited 11, 11. lo.riMiiation with the 1 r.r iiuii 1(111- the a.xle K, 1;. ijl 1i;K. Si. Lnuis, Mn. 1S75. Filed Djccm/iL-r 7, 1874. Claim. — I. — The plough-beam C, arranged in relation with the axle a a... Iierein shown and described, and hinged by it> brae, , i > I'.c li.iin: 1! and sub-beam D' in the man- 2.— TIk . Ill .11 .,: :. : tlic adjustable frame B, its braces 1;' 1!-', lever- . , , uj.L, .-', and axle a, as herein shown and descriljcd, to operate as and for the purpose set fmth. .\o. i3i.2S|.— S. S. SCHEUMACK, Victoiua, Texas. — Gang- Ploughi.— March 23, 1875. Filed December 12, 1874. Claim. — The plough-frame A A' E, and saddle H, having adjusting hangers /; //, and pivoted braces 1 1, combined witli the axle K, as and for the purpose specified. No. i6i,44D.— EDWIN RUBER fSf^N, Fairmount, \\.\.—StilhvPloHglu.— March 30, 1875. Filed December 5. '8/4- Claim.— Thestraijl.i ,ii,.i iiii 1 -: .:i 'li !.- m, ( ,. in nation wuh llie di.i, 1, ... ■ : callyadju-iable bv t 1 m 1, ,. ii .: 1 ; pii,. , ; .i . 1. Xo. 161.645— I. V.\1L,-. 1. WLL!..^. :-.... 11 L..i..;\, \\\..^Kiiiii At'la hiuiiti /or J'luiighs. April O, 18/5. filed X,7'.,„;cr 13, 1S74. Ci.uni. — 1. — i;hjc< (• , 111 combination with lever D', rod (', and upright (/', sub.,tantially as and for the purpose set 2. — Levers D' and O, upright a", rod c', and block c', in combination with pieces C C, B B', b b', all constructed and arranged to operate substantially as and for the purpose set foith. X.v. 161,770.— JOHN FAY, New Bo.ston, Mr:h.— Sulky- l\ou^hs. — April d, 1875. Filed y«;i»<7;7 22, 1875. Claim. — I. — The pulley G, lever II, ratchet ^, pawl /;, and chains I 1', in combination with the t nigue and plough- beam of a sulky-plough, substantially as aiul for the purpose sttfoith. 2. -The combination of the bolt n. swiveU, guide-bars HI), set-screws ,• ,-. eyeholl d nut, ,-. an 1 braces E K', in ying liecls ..hed t;, 11. A and the Ga.:^, /'..,.,: ,-./,- -'13, i',73 111. 1 -■ .-.■.7-24, 1874. Claim _ .-.—The comliinatir.n, with crank axles F, of the bent bar C, lug plates D, anil bolts E, as and for the purpose described. 2. — wil'i th'> -wiv.-h-l ;i|oii;;h-beam hold- -rUnr^hs.—Afrii 575. filed December 5, 1874. Claim. — I. — In a four-wheel gang plough the axle-trees B C, having standards a, provided with pins U, in combina- tion with bolsters T ro ai.d adjustable plough-frame G, con- structed to operate suhslaiilially a, and for the purpose set forth. 2.— The combination nl the adju,table plough-frame G, . iiv.ii- ilie |i!n,inl,s I I. ,1,1.1 eoulur. I K. seat-hail, e O, l^ i , ,; ,i,,L la,,Uallv ,1, lis (/, No. 162,254.— LORIXi; (J. RiiClvWlJDU, OlIAWA, III. — Gauii-Phtf^hs. — April 20, 1875. Filed Fibruarv a,, 1875. (.'lain,. — I. — Tlieilli, |..\er iianie E, secured in a ver- tieal ] .1- 111.1,1 11] .ill (he a\l.' .\, 1,1-1 a. I instable upon it by the >li.l. I\ in I (lie . .11.11- 1 I. sil. -I i, It, .illy as and for the pur- 2 I i, 1; ii. il IVame E, in combination with the lever J, I' . I . i (he lever X, in the manner and for the 3. Ml. ,l!i[ frame I'ii. in combination with the plough-beanib .M M, the slotted plat , N X. (he gauge-piece or clevii R, the balance level 1^1, (he ,.\ ay 1...I .S, the sleeve F, and the brace-rod T, in the ni.m,,. 1 i,,.l li.v the purpose set foith. 4. — The solid clamp O, having the ends cut away to re- ceive and secure the plough-beams M M to each other, with 356 PLOUGHS-WHEEL OR SULKY. ]in^sjni; through the flnngeil inner enl,u LU:K ....nii.aiUL; linl.s H. an,l the veitiLallv-:,d,u lallr MK» 1, :ill n|,ri;,i,n- ^nlKnnti.illv as and fur ilh: pur|.ns:, .. i i,„il,. No. 102 942.— ORN.VN OSlioRX, Trum.vnsiicrg, \. \. —Sul/.y- Ploughs.— Ahiy 4, 1S75. Fi'i^'' l''cbriM>y 4, 1875. Claim. — I. — The swinging frame, eonsisting of the sleeve plm?,d,'-Kain'K,''i'.iuit.d''io'th..- am, I, and held In the 1..,,,, r^all Mil. a, Iki.!.. s.l lo.lh. if the chain T, the pawl U. and the omplex lever M NOP (J U, and lially as herein shown and de- V, the Avith ll, herein dplaleX.the standard \ . 1! ,. I,: ,1 l.arl!'. and the stud C', :,.! tl,- h,i,i;ae \V, substantially as I.IA.M K.ALLEN, Kansas City, |.\MI\ v. HILL.— IV, iij/is.—Jiiy No. 16^,464.— R. CCJKETII, WF.ST Bkli.kvii.i.k, Ii.i.. ^JVo.-/!;/i-Oini,!j,vs.—A/,n' 18, 1875. Filed Ot/yAv 24, A, 1S74. sai Claim —I. -Th,.' cn-nbination .,f t'„- 1. ■■,■,.:• J, having n -^p, link, L, ■.ii'h !',,• ,,i!',i .. iV,.,,, • r. 1: •■ 1:, • 1',. :•' -1 -1, Mm, 11 ■ slanti.i 3 — piece , CI:, I rying oppo-i aA S and JOHN K. DEMIKR, '/ /'/inig/is. — Mtiy 25, 1875. I \le A, constructed with the ;.Mi ^^ilh the short crank-axlcs C, . ,,,a, r, in the manner and for the ^,l ,1 10 the sides of the arched 187s. claim. — I —I and W. 111,. ,l.a foot-levor r', an. of the n.„l / ,, specified. 2.— In cml 11 1 . be -imultaneously regulated, in the ,\\iX A. r.EEK.'^, DiTvAi.n Ci-ntrk, .-ju-y 27. 1875 Filed J,,,,.- 17, r, and for the purpi ■I, beams N and N.I , ', la.n -liall ,- deith of 1,1 sha't 1!', -lecve ,/, of 31, 1875. filed /',-i-cm/u-i- 21, 3-1 cline, 1. .sub-lam: PLOUGHS-WHEEL OR SULKY. t.; tlic lever 1 1 .lilough-huam guc 1', a > ^liuHji and de to any desirable point upon tlio w illi fulcram-irons , clevisj, bars v, tube :, and voke /, in cmnl inatiim wiih the axle and plough-beams .ad- ju-t.rble tllerenn, a. de-eril ed. No. 16^,646.— DANIEL KENDIG, Napa City, Cal. — Gang- Ploughs.— October II, 1875. Filed July 28, i8;s. Claim. — The semicircle or rack B, in combination with the lever C, having the sliding boxes D and F, and their connecting-arm E, and the pawl G, rod M, and operating lever I, the whole constructed substantially as and for the purpose herein described. No. 169 313.— G. M. TODD, Waterloo, Iowa.— PUmgh Attachments. — OctolKr zd, 1875. Filed October I, 1874. Clai n.— I.— In a sulky-plough, the angular draw-bar b b, suspended lielow the fr.ime bv tlie long bolts and sleeves e c, and bmc -s /Van 1 „ „. a. sa foith. 2.— Tlie c„n,l,ii,ation of the draw-bar b b and braces a a with tlie sulky-framo, and witli the plough-beams c c, and the adju-.t.xide connecting-bars g g, substantially as shown an 1 described. No. 170,262.— FRANK A. HILL. .San Leandro, ZK\..—Gang-Pliiighs.— November 23, 1875 Filed Auriist 19, 1875. Claim.— I.— The standards F F, which support the shaft I), and to which the beams M M are secured, having the sloti //, through which the axle A passes, in combination with the cranks K K, connecting-bars I I, shaft D, and lever L, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 2. — The lever L, crank-.shaft D, link e, and crank-axle .\ (/ c, in combination » ith the slotted standards F F, cranks K, links I, and plough-beams M M, all constructed and arranged substantially as and for the purpose described. No. 7,204.— FRANK A. HILL, .San Leandro, Cal.— Gaiig-Ploiii^lis. — 170,262, November 23, 1875. Reissued Julys,. iS'76. Filed ^/ffjv 23, 1876. Claim. — I. — The standards F F, which support the shaft D, and to which the beams M M are securred, having the slots //, through which the axle A passes, in combination with the cranks K K. connecting-bars I I, shaft D, and lever I, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 2, — The lever I, crank-shaft D,link e, and crank-axle A lie, in combination with the slotted standards F F, cranks K, links I, and plough-beams M M, all constructed and ar- ranged substantially as and for the purpose described, 3. — The vertically-grooved block or casting P, perforated as described, and arranged to be adjusted laterally between the beams M M, in combin ition with the pole O and jour- naled plate N, substantially as and for the purposes de- scribed. No. 170,487.— GEORGE MOOR, LaFayette, Oregon. Sulky-Plcughs.— November Tp, 1875. Y\\e.& June 18, 1875. Claim. — I, — In a sulky-plough, the branched and curved plougli beam E, lia\ing the slots J' L, in combination with the rods J and K and (he sleeve or spreader I, substantially 2, — In coinl ii ,:ii .,; Mil', il:, ,,■.,;, ,M,d flam c, thc branchcd beam E, eui I . ; i l,ar F, arms C, and rigid level A, , ! !. 11 or raised in a hori- zontal or level;.. i,i:,„, , ', 1 ,,.n,:;i, ,,-,|„,wnand described. No. 171,205.— JOHN WdKKF.I.I., Clayton, Ind.— Ploughs. — December (4, 1875. Filed November 27, 1875. Claim. — The plates c c, secured to the plough-beam O by means of staples and nuts d, and having pivoted between them the oscillating bar e, in combination with adjustable bearings/, arched bar D, and arms E, pivoted to the vertical portions a «' of an arched axle, B, substantially as de- scribed. No. 171,299.— J. R. McCORMICK, Georgetown, lEX.-Gang- Ploughs.— December 21, 1875. Filed October 9, 1875. Claim. — I. — In a gang-plough, the beams E, pivoted to the rod a, in combination with the bifurcated connections C;, adjustable on rod A, 1.x. ". Sulky-rloughs.— Fcbriiayy I, 1876.— l-,l.l .•• 2i., IS75. I 1 .lis li, having perforated ears E', the swiv- ehsi ; I , \\;:!i lis clevis device !•', and the friction-pulley e": 11. ouiii.iii.uion Hith llu-an-ular lever F, or it, ei|uiv- alcm. and with the lilou-li-lieani' and franie, all instructed sulisunlialh as sl„,wii and drsaibcd. N... 17;,I;S.-.M.\KS1IA1.L .S.VTTl.EV, Tavlor- VII. 1. 1:, l\i.~-]]'h.^,l-l'l.u;hs. — l-\l;uaiy 8, 1876. Fded Xov.'illlwr 8, 1S74. Cl.iiiii.— I.- Ill a lidlii- lilnu-li, the ombinatinn of the ■s / /, plou"l. Iicun 1;. luw.ird lar w. slides / /, and !.i,,., • . rl. , .|,ii .11-. .- Jr-i nl>,.d. -\2>~\ -'i''!! i i l;l'i \\. I w 1 \ CiiovE, Wrs. ,'..,., , - , .x iNyu. 1 iL.I//,/i' 13, 1875. . — 1. — llie |.l..iii^,u.l,uds 1, extending up tlie pluugh-framc, and pivoted to the top of the stand- 1 above said frame, substantially and for the purpose .lock H. iirovided with the nping-screw I, with the axle ic fianic !•■ Ill a L;ang-plough, substantially as he I and desirilic.l.' 7.t.t7;. — l.i:kI \utually, or at an inclined angle from the oilm, ul-Lii.ti.illy a^ ^lio« u 2.- fhe skeleton axle-tree C, p: ■ c, in combination with the slotted led .h the gulde- ns If <; sliding K, whereby 1 and width i, I ' ' . ,; ■ 11 •■ :'.. : . . ti: ,.. I,. .,m. A, plates c c, axil 1!., 1 ,:;;',. .1 111 I 1, I I". I'k'l u nil arms ^^i- ^j;', and lever II, whereby the said axle-tree i> operated, substantially in the mannbr hereinbefore described, for the purposes set forth. 4.— The block ,/■-' swiveled veilicallv iipnn the axle a. ami ,n with th( ith. the two hereby the w li angular pointeil rim, r, in combination with the frame C, having the adjustable spindle and axle a, and the wheel- spindle ((", substantially as shown and described. .No. 176,945.— jdl IN lAV, W.WNK, Mich.— i«%- /VV,-, ,-■ . 1 ,■: J.'l.S;.- I ;:,,; / :::i.,ry 28, 1S76. ( I ,iu 1 : :: ;. I., eumbination with the fraiiM |i I ' I ■ I li.ning arms adjustable inn: 11;, ill. liiace-rods J J, and the pl.ur : ;, I -;i, !L ! .1.1 ilied and shown. 2. II .1,! I i 1 lie guide E, laterally adjustable at ill I I', I < ...inked shaft i5 and lever <-, sub- 3.— Ill, ...,.::. Ill the frame D and beam C of the verlie.ill'. 1 IJ, the gang of ploughs G' G', the lever II. ,111.1 ili. . linns 1 I' 1^ P, all substantially as described and shown. No. 177,078.— THOM.\.S RICHARDSON and MAL- COLM McINNES, Fergus, CKi^AXiX.—Gan^-Plou^hs. —jV<7vg, 1876. Filed Mn-<-/i n, 1876. W.VRWirK, Fk.\ rii;hl In MdSKS v//-V-/'/,w-/,..:.— J/,7 1S76. "i'cally oiigh, Ohio, I and 1876. 1 hinged frame F, in combination with sting yoke i/, to which the ploiifjh is llv as and for the purpose described. 1 1.1 AM HENRY, Trenton, Mo,, III m GEORGE W. MOliERLV, — /«7!f 13, 1876. Filed /,?H- S[ilU le,/'. -: N ). 7.04 - .~ LIsI. .;, iM'. Rcis —A to is a Ijuslable ai:tiallv IS an 2 -Thc's iclet prop er by th post Cau- 1876. —/"'"• ixle A ally .as W. MOHERLV, 1S76. Filed £>,- :by the wheel is adjusted lu slai.d ^e, ned angle from the other, substanlially in..l lullh I lever H, ully in the -The Liuck i , //"and guide-luup J, the pivoted tongue H, strap.s .'(I lever K. and ratchet and pawl /!■ /, as and for fori M. I'AVNI 15. 1.S76. I -rod P, jilough-beam G, di h, substantially as de- pur No. 181,931 — FDWiN A. BFFRS, DiKalii Ci^ntrl, \\.. — (;aii^'-J'loi,i;hs.—Scph-iii/hr^, 1876. Filed 7«;/<- 2, 8;-6. Claim.— 1— In cumbinatiun with the bar W, the pole V, rovided at its rear end uitii the furked plate V, which is iM.ted ui.un said bar, and the adiusial le collars w and w ■ forkt iiepi plou,^li-bea, 2. — rhe ter plate Z, l.loue 182,248— W. .' .the aim 1),/, the main frame A, A', baiiie I., L, M, N, N, Q, and R, .d in the manner and forthe purpose consi ting of the beams L, L, and M, V i), plate R, and pivotal bolt, all ibstantially as and for the purpose ith the i^low-frame, hinged to or upon SDFl.l., McAi-KK, Kv.— S76. filed Juiiuaiy 22, f the axle-tree D, slotted « ith collar c, box G, with lid for the purpose herein ,d opera ting as de- No. 182,569.- -THOMAS B. FAGAN, Van Wkrt, le rear end of the Oiiio.— .V«//'f Gi iig-Ploug/is.—SfflL-m/>er 26, 1876. Filed t hath. Au,r,„n.iS76. am G, ri voted coul- li. V .,n.:a-,.l..n.d,, the combim.lion of the all cons .,..] . .., .] ,.1,1, ■ '. ■ . •'■■■ V.:, Mw.and of curved and slot- f holdii g the cuul- 1. . ■ i ,.l. • :■ i . : 1 1 Is 11 nil the svin-ing plough- djusting "it thereon. I.eun-.. .,,1. 1 ., !;,■ li II, 1! . ,,, 1 :,n 1 lur llie |urpose set .\1, w. .CURTISSand EDGAR ,., assignors of one-third their right to ]. i;. lii)\l,F, same pUce.— Caiig-PloUghs. A„i;usl 1,1870. h'iled /V 1 u ith a slot u and pivot ^, the arc-headed bai F, Us be.inng-slot /, and the lifting- lever H and its detent-jaw h, substantially arranged as de- scribed. 3. — The plougli-beam K, provided with the loop /, in combination with the lifting-bar D, and with the slotted link F, arc-headed bar E, keeper /, lever II, pins /, and with the frame, substanti.rllv as shown and described. forth. tile si, tted arms f e and beams/ ^, provided with ited ends, in combination with the bars 12 12, arms , and shaft E, substantially as and for the purpose set No. 182.S29.— E. T. HUNTER, Hallsville, III.— Wheel- Plough. — Oolober -^.li^d. Filed /«.> 22, 1^76. Claim. — I. — The combination of the axle G, provided with the cranks ^' i;'-', the lever O, the hcok-rod 0', the notched PLOUGHS-WHEEL OR SULKY. bar r, ami the coupling Q R with the bars H, the wheels F, ami ail ordinary plough, substantially as herein shown and described. 2. — The combination of the reversible board I, provided with the slotted corrugated plates K, and the tongue J, pro- vided with the corrugated plates L L', with the b.xrs H, at- tached to the axle G, ^ g^, substantially as herein shown and described. No. 183,178.— JOHN L. LAUGHLIN, Peru, III.— Sulky-Floughs.— Oaoher 10, 1876. Filed y««^ 23, 1876, Claim. — 1. — The combination of the U-shaped frame F and the plough hung to the central portion d of the same, with the pivoted lever H, from opposite ends of which the arms e c of the said frame are suspended, substantially as described. 2. — The combination of the lever H, hung to the frame A of the plough, with blocks G, connected to said lever and adapted for the reception of the side bars of the plough-carry- ing Irame K, as set lorth. No. 183,213.— MARIE E. RONAT, Rochf.i.le, III.— Ploujht.— Octohtr 10, 1876. Filed /«/i' 17, 1876. ■ Claim.— I.— ThL- ccnil.matinn ..f the plcUi^h-lirams A A, the plough-standar.l^ .111.1 iiioul,! luMrd-. 1. M, iivute.l thereto, with the chains 1', ^hc.>vcs 1 1, ami \\in.ll.i-,s (J, lor throwing the ploughs in and out of working position, in the manner described. 2. — The combination of the axle C C, plough-beams A A, cross-bari b 11, main cross-beam E E, standards F F, and adjusting screws D D, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 3. — The combinauon of the axle C C, detached axle-sec- tion C guiding-standard F, and adjusting-screws D and H, and as for the purpce set forth. 4. — The combination of the plough-beams A A, cross-bars 13 «, and draft- chains P attached thereto, as and for the purpose set forth. 5. — rhe combination of the axle C C, carrying-wheels G, G, G', and F, the gauge-wheels S S, with the ploughs A L M, as for the purposes set forth. 6. — The combination of the pivoted ploughs L M, beams A, short beams L', lugs /', and locking-bar R, as and for the purpose set forth. 7. — The combination of the pivoted ploughs L M, chains P 1', win.lla,, (J. lockiag ^haft W, arms X, and pins jr, as and for the purpoM. s.i |,,ith. 8. — llu c.iiiilim.uiiin, wuh a gang-plough, constructed to operate sub-laiitially a^ hLix-in set forth, of the platrorm U, driver s V, and operating-arms q R'' .c, projecting above said platform, within reach of the driver, substantially as herein set forth. No. 183 254.— GEORGE CURKENDALL, D.^ven- PORT, Iowa. — Sulky- Ploughs. — Oclobcr 17, 1876. Filed May 24, 1876. Claim. — I. — The axle A, having a central crank, a, and side cranks a' a'\ and the horizontal parts A' A^', arranged to operate with one or more ploughs, L, attached to the cen- tral portion of the axle, and with arch C, substantially as de- scribed, and for the purpose specified. 2.— The axle A, havui- crank a and si.le crank ,/' rigidly connected tliui^jtol an.! >ide crank a" a.lju.taMy at tached thereto, for op._-ration vvit'a one or more ploughs, L, arch C, and wheels U 13', substantially as ilescribjd, and for the purpose specified. 3. — rhe lever J, arranged to oper.ate with the cranks,? a' , arcii C, plough L, wheels B 13', and crank a" , sub^tantially as and lor the purpose set forth. 4. — The lever K and the adjustable crank a" combined witn the axle A, having cranks a a', substantially as and for the purpose specified. 5.— Levers J and K, att I. n i n jiiiMlyto theaxles a, a', and ii", and arranged i 1. 1 ; 1 : ii|ion the s.ame seg- ment-bar H, as and fortiK [ ' ita. 6.— The braces M, attac!! i ai lU' 11 I -i ward ends to the axle A, and at their rear ends to the beams L' by a pivotal bolt, HI, a ad a bolt, i/i', through a slot, m", substantially as and for the purpose specified. 7. — rhj arch C and tongue G, combined with the triple crank-axle A, plow L, and wheels B B', substantially as and for the purpose specified. 8. — "Thj arch C and ton';ue G, combined with the triple crank-axle A, plough L, wheels B B', drivers seat D, levers J K, and segment H, substantially as ami for the purpose spe- cified. No. 183,610.-8. F. WELCH, Ottawa, III.— H-7;f. Filed October 23, 1876. Claim — I. — The wheeled frame C, as described, in combi- nation witli the lever F, having a lifting-chain/, the plough- beam G, having a ilr.ift clevis, ^f, and links K.and the lever M, sulKtLiiili.illy a^ s,t IV.rth. 2. — The « heeled IVanie C, as described, in combination with the lever M, having a link, N, the plough-beam G, hav- ing a draft-clevis^, and links K, substantially as set forth. No. 184,610.— ISAAC R. GILBERT, Louisville, Ky. — Wheel- Ploughs — November^x, 1876. Filed October 31, 1876. Claim. — I The combination of the plain half-ch-cle R, provided with the stop-hig, as described, the mo\abIe lock- notch Z, adapted to be fastened at any point on the circle by a s;t-screw, and the lever L, all as and for the purposes here - in set forth. 2. — The combination of the horizontal sockets B B', socket or box A, and the platform su|>|iortint,' llie beam P, all in one solid arch, 1^-, substantiallv ,1^ li' i< in -■ 1 hmli. 3. — The combination of ill 1 , " '.et B', with ad- just.-ible plug having ecceni II ,1;. i; n inner end, and the crank-shaft II, with nvni |.Liee.l on .,.a.l sukstantially as and f,r the forth. .J.— Ihe iil; wheel . .11 the wheel W, the pawl K, provided willi sprin;.; .mil extenileil lug, the brace J, with inclined lug end, and their connections with the lever L and latch M, substantially as for the purposes herein set forth. No. 184,629. — G. .S. KING, MiNNF.APDLis, Minn. — Ploui;h-Att,i(hmeHts.— November 21, 1870. Filed Septem- ber 30, 1876. Claim. — I. — The combination, with a plough-beam, of attaching-plate A with segmental geared levers B and C and gauge-wheel I, snb-tintiillv n- ^-t foith. 2. — In a pli.n-!., i' .ii'i-iinn of fixed stand.ird A' with pi\oied ^i.uiIm.! 1 . Ming-rod F, pl.ate A, and 3. — In a plough, liie conihniation, with geared lever B and gauge-wheel I, of an actuating geared lever, C, adajrted to be operated both by hand and by foot, substantially as set forth. 4._Tlie < Mini. Mill I -Inei.lnl E with rod G, cap.ible III ; .1 :i '1 \\^:.\-.. :.:[ .\ I secured to the lower eiil I i^ed standard A', and scgnijiiLiil)^' ai'ni '!e\_i- J'. <. . -iil>stantially as set forth. No. 184,655.— WILLIAM M. RICHARD.SON, Ros- COE, III., assign,. r ..f one-half of his right to F. \V. ^^■ .\ R X r I ; . me ^A, ;_^G„ng- Ploughs.— November 2 1 , 187... FiK 1 ;. :: :~.. ,S/6. I'l.iiin- '■ i,;h herein described, consisting of the lient 1 1:1 11. I 1 , 1 , .\ .\', connected by the bars C D, all made ininie piee ■, and standards F F', having upper e\len-i,„,s /and 1. .wei extensions /-2/3 bolted to the land- siile^ (i C of ploUL;lis, snli-lanlially as described, and for the purp.x.e set forth. ' No. i8-,297.— HANNIBAL II. COLVIN and ISAAC R. JOHNSON, WiNFiEi.D, \m\'h.— Ploughs. De.cmber 12, 1876. Filed October 12, 1876. Claim. — I. — The combination of the rigid frames A D, the plough-beam H, pivoted frame L, rod ;, double-crank M, rod m. and lever N, substantially as and for the purposes herein set forth. 1 — riu I mil 11 Ml I 11 of the frames A D, connected rollers (; I'.'. .11 . i I le connection I P, sliding connec- lio:i.|.|! ,11. mil lever K, substantially as and for PANY, same place. — Gang-Ploughs December 19, 1876. Filed .April 14, 1S75. Claim. — I. — The main shaft e, centrally enlarged and shouldered, as desciibeil, combined with the plough-frame through the mediuniorthe journal-boxes //andthe U-bolts ,<.■■, subsl, ml; ::i-, ;i: 1': - liialilra- ,ael h .r ! 1 : i ■'] II 1 1 ■ i^i- set forth. 2.--|te , ,, I,: ei.iUon with thejoini. li :. M I :.: r , lai • i i . i •, : , ~ '. , , .ind wheel A; suba.iiilialU ,,- ,ii;il I. a lii • piirpo-e ,].■ , ,in..,|. 3._The cond.ination of tlie a. n,s / and //', the lever s, the rod t, and the frame of the machine, substantially in the manner and for the purpose set foith. 4 — The combination of the arm //, the shaft ^, the perfo- rated disk u, pins 7'. and side bar ti. substantially in the man- ner and for the pui|)o^e set forth. j.—The sent-lan.lard a, in eoml.inalion with the cross- piece 7ii. -i I I ; 1 , and brace x', arranged as .shown, .' , I lid and axle are mutually supportiii a i ; ,1 o : . , ■ : aied. No. I.^v'"'! 1 \\ , WAl ll l\, COLLINSVILLE, CaL. — Gaiig-Phuhs.— December 19, 1876. Filed May 16; 1S76. Claim. — I. — In combination with the plough-beam D, supported above the axle A and p.jle C, and operated by the earn I lal f . 1 1 . the inclined links ^r ^r_ substanli.rlly as and fa i ' n: i!e,eribed. 2.— I la , la, la ,1 a ,.| tongue C and slotted plate I, rig- idly bolted I,, e.a.a oti,. 1 . one end of the plate being pivoted to the axle-tree, and the > iher en 1 moved l.y the lever 1, thus giving the plough more or less land, as desire.l. No. iS5,725.— C. F. CllAMliKR.S, Ih tson vii.1.1:, III. — Wheel-Ploughs.— December 26, 1S76, Filetl Jtiiie 20, 1876. Claim. — I. — In combination with the pivoted plough A, h.iving the liandle L' and catch V, and the W, the adjustable in 1 1 ! .1 a! 1 ■ < mi ; , , .e .\, connectetl with lever I, capaM , II ■ a, ,11 1 ,! a, 111 the manner set forth. 2.— 'Ill I a ■ ; 1', i.iteil plates 8, 13 and 14, rods.). II..,, a I J,, a a a i uee lo. tor regulating the width of iunuw ami tlie .inioiini ,1 omrt, .,s explained. No. 185,729. — Cll.Vki.laS K. ( I i.NW.W, .MuiWAY, Wis., assignor lo |.\\f I •, CdN \V.\ \ . s. na ■y\^^^, — i■ulkv- Plon^-h^.- n.:.-:- _o. iS-a 111,,! (,,,,',,- 2;, 1S70. ,1 la aijli scriba.l, for the pinp No. 1S5S21. I . - \\A..— Uluel-Pl.,,.:. 28, 1S76. Claim The axle-arm C. so as to admit of an , ol a tongue, ItiLie t nixing upwardly, aanged as shown and de- vPORT, JERSEYVILLE, '.. i»77. Filed Ochber ,1 i,a uinu raising o: .!.,,! 1, \ei 1;, the .ski;. lilRLJNGJON, as |. SI. il.MElSLR, Ui.> -rUnirhs.— January 2 ;sia M , 11; , , ,, ,11 I, , ,11 of the flames,; ,'• ,^ <■ and the Xo. 1S6269. — lOZKA PFAK, Montana,;-.— Gaii!;-Plju"hs. — Januarv 16, 1877. Filed July II, [S76. Claim. — The combination of notched wheels A with the g^'iy-i iigh, substantially here sho b.-ndsof si, „a axl-^. aiil fa- ,1, ,.■ l;-., by two bolt., ia , alilaaai a, >,il', lla 1 v. thro«ghhxe,lpaia,lMt.d pl.U.M -, aiai ,,; cat:d lever E, as and for the ])urpose sped led. No. 185,493.— LUKE CHAPMAN,., Conn., assignor of one-half of his right to the Collins Com- !',"|us .vthe fi and described No. iS6,33<.— WILLIAM FRUHLING, .san Jose, (M-. — Gang-Ploughs.— Jaimary 16, 1877. Filed Decem- hrr 6, I 8; 6. Claim.— I. — The forward fjame n, ) rovidcd with the uhejl- .\ .V, .seat B, and lever E, in combination with the pa,u ;li fr line I', ] ivotcd as described, and provided with tlia r.i'e V ,111, 1 lever G, all constructed to operate ^ubstan■ liallv .is ,111,1 loi ihe purpose set forth. PLOUGHS-WHEEL OR SULKY. 363 2. — The plough consisting of the parts a and C, con- structed as described, in combination witli the swinging harrow H and lever K, all constructed to operate substan- tinlly as and for the purpose set forth. No. 7,931.— \VII,I,1.\M KRUHI.INC;, .San JosK, Cai.. — G,iiii:-/'/i>u:,'.'is — iS6,335, y<;H«i,.;!'. -/, ,:i..i ..i.iirl .', sub, tantially as sei forth. Xo. 1S6673.— H. FULLER and T. L. BOYD, Frank- lin, Ohio. — Sit/ty-Plong/is. ^January 30, 1S70. Filed .]/«l'l2, 1S76. Claim. — I. — The combination of the plougli-beam D, provided with the standard E and friction wliecls a 6, and the frame .-\, provide 1 wit!i tlie st.ind.ird B and draft-stud F, sul>st.uui.illy as and for the purpose herein specified. J T'] >. iMi in.ition and arrangement of t!)e plough-stand- .-.!■!. : 1;. 1 'Ops H I, and suspending and elevating 111 i M \, substantially in the manner and for the .\.i. iS6,S67.— W. B. NEWMAN, Pittsvili.e, Mo.— Sulky- Ploughs.— JanuAiy 30, 1877. Filed September 2, 1S78. Claim. — I. — The combination of adiusting lever C. wilh the draft-tongue, the pivoted piough-btan!. and the bars ,.', whereby said lever is adapted to ailju-t tlic .liaTt l'.nL;\ic vertically, and the plough-beam and [jloui^h lal>.iallv, sub ..^tantially as set forth. •' 2. — The coaibination of lever Owith pivoted plate Q and and loop R, having rock ;-, and with plates 0, rod /, and segmental rack O'^, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. ,\o. 187,032.- M. S. McMAHAN, Sw Jdse, Cai..— Coph,-?- aniis--fio!,i;h:.—Fili,u,.rvb,\^Tj. Filed Decern- /vr4.i875 up ,nX'a ■..'■.■•■ I./,''"'" ''.'': '" !;' .."'"■, ,'.'ii'V ''!!: M andwita '', : ! , ' • •, , • ,.,■.;,' r , plough-fraua- "1 lulL.. a .al . i 1 > :..a i ,1 a v,a ahca.a^a.a;., allsulistanliallyasslKAvn anl .Il^uiI-oI. , 2.— The spiiaally curved rcvai-iMc plnuL;h-sliare A, having an angular slat upon its edge, in Ki:iibi]iati.)n with the stand- ard B, bent and notched at its l.nver end, and with the key [ C, arranged to hold either end of the share in proper work- ing poshion, asshow n and deseiibed. No. 187,132 —JACK.SON F. HA.MMONTREE, Har- i;s ,_\\ i 1 I r. M,,. — Sulkv-Plou^hs. — February 6, 1877. 1-1 cl l:,„ ,-. 1S76. I laia. -In t . aiiliination with a plough-beam, G, the 'lciiil>lc t lavis 1; (' attached to the loop N and to the lever I, sulKtanliallv as described. No. 187,518.-1. R. CUMMINS. McKiN.NF.v, Tkx.— [ Ganr.Plo.tghs.— ' February 20, 1S77.— Filed December 4, 1876. j Claim. — In a gang-plough, the crank-axles G, provided i with a mortise upon their front and rear sides, in coniLinA- | tion with the removable levers II and fiolche-tantially as shown and described. 3. — The sliding clam]i V , carrying the draft-l>ar E, pivoted connecting-bars G. N, with arm I, lever H, and bar K, in combinatiMii with plough beam B and frame-bars A, substantially a- -li.iwn an. I de-ciibed. No. 193,98^.-1. V. MEAIi, I)kKalb,Ill.— /'/,7y7;.r.— .-i»,«./7. 1877- 'lil-'l >"<■ ^8,1877. Claim. — The combination ofthe axle A, having the for- ward-j rojecting arms c' c', the plough-beam E, pivoted to axle arms c' c', and the elbow-lever F, hinged to the axle and linked to the rear end of the plough-beam, substantially as shown and described. No. 194.029— T. BRUNER, RiriiFii.i.D. Minn.— ^«- gust 14. 1877. Filed .S, p:eii:liei- 16, 1S76. Claim. — !n conibinati.m Willi the frame A, having open- shown. ai:d prci\i(led with the perforated plates b and bolt r, as and for the purpo-e set forth. No. 194,072.-11. II. CANADAY, Fairfield, Iowa. — Sulkv-Plou:;hs^A,i:,Ht \i,. 1S77. Filed /»;.<• :,o, 1877. Claim.— rhe M.nil i,,.ai..ii, v.ii,, ., -ulL^ ■,in.,i:.;e. the ver- tically vibratiiiL; 1 : '., ■ ; ■ ' ' :;i b, of the adjustable clam] I : 1 1 ; :^ ' loosely straddling the en>l 1 1 - n ! h 1..1 , ~:ii i t u;n .K, .1- -iiecitied. No. 194,167.- S.\MUEI. I'EN.VfiCK, Ii'uaca, N. Y. —Plu'h-Sulkies.— August 14, 1877- Filed June 18, >«77. Claim. — 1. — 1 he comliination, with round bar G, sup- ported under frame A. of the unnin- and sliding sleeve H, provided with lon.;itu liiial cii.;-/anil teeth ^'j and having arm I, attached to the ploagh-beam, a- and for the purpose described. 2. — The combination, with the sleeve H, having rack and longitudinal cogs, of the pixoted sector //, ha\ing lever PLOUGHS-WHEEL OR SULKY. 36s t, and the lever K, having toolhed sector m, as and for the inM-iicc specified. No. 19 (.258.— WILLIAM T. ORR, Kewanee, Ii.i.., assignor to K).SEPH ORK, same ^\^ce^.—SHlkvPlouglis.~- Aii^iisl 14. '1877. l'"iled Dcambcr 2, 1876. Claim. — I. — The vibrating ami I, joiirnaled in front of the axle-tree, and having botli vertical antl horizontal mo.-ement, adapted for use suli^lantially as specifiod. 2.— In o.niMu.ui.m « ill. the v crtiLMllv-vilM.uin- I'^nni having a cuiM'^i .rii.a..^ luj. \. an.l iIk x ulK.ilU-Mliraluig staple (', a jia\\!, /', and a mechanism for actuating the same, sub.stantially as specified. 3. — The arm 1, having universal movement relative to the axle-tree, in combination with a vertically and horizon- tally vibrating beam and a ro;l for sustaining its front end, as set forth. 4. — The rod I, pivoted to the axle, and having a vertical eye, /, in its free end, in combination with the T-shaped bolt ///, having tubular arm n and an attaching-nut, 11, the forl;ed front end of a plough-beam, and a bolt passing through eves in tlic fork, regi^ering with the bore of the :,!. .uii-lu.lnllN a. ^iMaiCicd. q.^-l'lu' . :ii,', I. ..aii^iing of the walkin<; T, ha^ill_;al.n. a- , • ..I nii|ual lengths, the rods' x x', con- .No. I940i,,.-i<. A. I<1:N1-I;(I, R,i, KWil 1, liw,. - S.,lky-rio„,;h, A„iii,sl 28, 1S77, I ikal June II, 1 877. Claim. — I'he combination with crauk-axlc, frame, and beams, of the stirrups E, bearings F, clips(., roil, II, armed shalt 1, pivoted rod J, and lever K, as an.l f..rtlic purpose speci.'ied. No. 191,833.— L. CH.\PMAN, Coi.i.insvii.le, Co.nn., assignor of one-half his right to the Collins Company, same ^f\^<:e.— Wlleel-l'li,lgl,s.—S,■plcmberi„ 1 877. Filed Decauhcrzi, 1876. Claim. — I. — In a wheel-plough, the combination of t!ie ploughbeam /. sleeve /, embracing and rotating on the main axle a. nn.i t!i:- l.-vt r /■. a.Iaritcd to lie opcrate.1 by the driver's fiol, all a^an a-.l a- .la-, ..ha, I, ■ Whed-Plougli.—Septemh. 1877. Filed ■)/«)■ 1877. Claim. — The combination, with the crank -axles J arrang- ed in bearings supported on cross-bar B, of the rack levers L and sprins-pawls N, as shown and described. No. 195.389.— JOSEPH M. PAYNE, Dallas, Tf.x.— Sttlkv- Ploughs. —Sfptember 18, 1877. Filed July 28, 1S77, ilai.... -1— T.. a sulkv-|.l..u-l., ll..; t.Miiliiiiation, with the pl-a-l. hail. a. ol" tl„. pn , ^aii ,,11111, alma liai's D U', hav- iiia l.,ii,'. 1 in ih, 11 .ii.i,a ,..i,l-. I.n ,.A I- aiiJ I ii.h"t segments K Ka a ■•■■■■ , , - . ,!.'a |.,a;,, , ., I,„th. \.. I.,^4,, . i,]i.l;i,[ \. I I I 1>. I'lllLADELPfUA, i'A.,;,i,,i ..I one liall ..I Ins nylit to T. L. RICART, same place. — Sii/kv-P/oug/is. — .September 25, 1877. l'"iled Auirc/, 20, 1877. ' Claim. — I —In combination with the bars D D, arms d\ an,i -iii.ilai 1- '/', ill,' lux..-. V, rod r/, and spring E', : , . laai Willi ila hameAand axle C, the II 111! la\i[!L; ' ij' aiiiii^^- fill ilir j.iurnal-axles, and slots c^ ,111,1 I" 111,; sccuicl to said frame and axle, respectively, by 111. .111- ..I bolts ," and screws r", substantially as shown aniit;li-fi-ame A may be raised and lowered, substantially as htrciii ilc- scribed. 2. — The levers P and L, with their operative devices, as shown, in combination with the sliding guide T and con- necting rods S and U, .substantially as and for the purpose herein described. No. 197.160.— CHARLES MOWREV, Stockton, Cai . — Gang-Ploui;hs. — Nivcmher 13, 1877. Filed March 23, 1877. Claim.— I.— The plough-beams A, having the shaft Land arms F, connecting tliem u ith the axle, in combination witli the arms J, united by the links K to the axle H, and the operating lever L, Hhcrcliy the ploughs are allowed to eiitur the ground or causeil to rise out of it, substantially as herein described. 2._In with the beams A, connected with the 1 axle H by the shall F., arms F, the links K, arms J, and o| elating level 1„ llic wheel, with its crank arm (,», mounted ami s,, fated 1.1 the iVaiiie A A as to support each other and 4.--I'Ik ii.i\ \\ , liiicd lo the shaft E so .as to bj moved from side lo side, ill e.iiiil.iiiatiMii with the lever W, tongue T, anil serew \', sai.l bo\ being constructed to receive the end of the tuiigue, ami tn form journal boxes, within which the crank-screw \' lunis, and elevates or depresses the pole, sulisiantially as herein described. .No. 107 3Ss._)AMES KENNEDY, Minnesota Citv, M ws. — Kuimg-i'toughs.— November 20, 1877. Filed Octo- ber 13, 1S73. Claim. — I. — In combination with a plough, the sulky attachment, consisting of the slotted beams D D, axle o, wheels E E', adjustable seat C.', swiveled hook I, and bar H, all substantially as and for the purposes set forth. 2. — The rod L, with arms /; //, forked at their lower ends, forming clamps, and provided with bolt i, in combina- tion with the handles of a plough, substantially as and for the purposes set forth. No. 198,017.— JOHN HAMAKER, White Cloud, lovi.K.—Sulky-Pl.iighs.— December 11, 1877. Filed .Vo- vember 6, 1877. Claim.— The bail /, having the journals 5, in combina- tion with the plough h, lever 6, and chain 7, substantially as described. No. 198,068.— |(tl IN I'.AIIF.V and GEORGE MAR- SHALL, Bf.lija nil. Ill . — Riding Attachm.n's for Pl,ug/is.—Dec.mi'r, 11. 1S77. filed J/an// 21, 1877. Claim. — I. — In a line wheel plough attachment, the cross- bar C, rigidly secured to the plough-beam by means of a broad ber.ring-plate, C, and tonstructed with an arm C", adapted to foim a support for a seat and a frot-rest, and a stud or spindle, c. forming a bearing for a crank-lever. or equivalent, and notched quadrant or rack F, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. igS.ioc— HEXKV FILLER and THOMAS L. Ii( )\l), Fkankmn, I )HU>.—S„/tv-P/oughs.— December II, IS77- File.iy;.^,' 5, 1S77. Claim.— The frame consi ting of the plates B, guides /^ and tongue \, in combination with the pivot provided with grooved rolls ,, upon which the plough-beam C works, sub.tantially .as described. No. igS.igo.- >L\RSMAL1. S. CURTISS, Bradiord, III., .is-ien,ir of two-thirds of his right to JAMES B. DOYLE and HARMON I'llKNl.X, same place.— (7ff«n-- Ph, 3. 1 877. Claim. — I. — -\ beam ailjn-ting levtr as a connection between the ])lough-lieam and its draught-bar B or trans- verse hitcliing-bar, said lever ] Im ted at its forward end to said draught-liar, and behind, said bar again jivoltd to the l.lough beam, and haxing a detent at the rear, for the pur- pose of the lateral adjustmenl of the head of said beam in taking more or less width of land in ploughing, substantially as and for the purposes descrilied. 2. — The combination of the lever F with the plough- beam A and a transverse draught bar, adatted to swing the front end of the plough beam lateral!) , su'l stantially as and ;.— I he eonil ination of the lever F, to move the plough- l.eaiii hoii/oniallv, with the duei.t-l ar M and the drauglt- bai or le.ider II, substantially as and (or the puq oses de- 4.— The combination of the lever F, bar 1'., dUent-l ar ti. nil the the M teh ,ini K, e, 6.— The cou.biii..lioii, lever F, and connected t detent-bar i;, of the lifter necting-rod I, and lc\er II, attached to the tongue, suf-lan- tially as desenbed. No. I9'-',193— CHARLES DOMSCIIKE. Aii tin, 'If, AS —(; transporting-whefl 1 1' .ni.nii^iil on s between the side-lui^ ,; ./'. iiih.ii s,,1i 2.— Thc'c.iulniMihm. wiili Ihc a\l. ou'ter bcml m '-ai'l > rank, woikini; bet'u fen the siilc b^'am- o a' of the |ilou;.;h beam baine, ami the conneclini;-iods ;• r' , pivoteil, respectively, to the said sidebars, and to the end and inner bend of said crank, substantially as specified. No. 199 153.— CH.-^RLES A. HACUK,, Ii.i . —SuU-v-Plou^'/is.—Janimrv 15, 1878. Filed J„lv 28, 1877. • • - Claim. — I. — The independent spindle^, carrying the land- wheel A', and connected with the machine by arms V E, in combination with lever G and rack d, for vertically raising or lowering that portion of the frame and crank next to the lind-wheel, for the purpose of leveling the plough trans- verselv, and .-,t the same time keeiiini; the axles of the wheels in the'sam, ^.•l.^,l: |.l,,,, . u! i.illv ,,. ,|,-.,:..; 2.— -ill., ' <■ ' , . li.v.n; 1:1. I'li.i v.!i' ■ '. . I!, frame (' 1 I >. II, : , ' > : , ilie arm Kbein-^'. Ill ••; ^^ r. ,.,i: :l • .| ili^' ,,111, I- being hinged to tlie's 1'., 111 r-ml .nation imiI, devices for rais- ing and li.weiin,; I'll einl oltli.' Iianie and axle next to the land-wheel,,dly a. -peui.ed. 3. — The spindle ;,', carrying tlie land-wheel, in combina- tion with the crank 1!, frame CC- D, rack i/, arms F E, lever G, and sector ?, all constructed and operating .substantially as described. Xo. I99,U3-— CORNEAI.IUS L. JACK.SON, Mii.i.krs- BIK<:, ]\.L.— Il7,.v/-P/oi,^/r^.—y,7>!unrv 22, 1878. Filed .//.•77 23, 1877. Claim. — I.— The combination of the V-levcr D, crank axle H, V- liap 1, and sining | with the plough-beams and wheels,.-'^ and lor the pui|.o.e described. 2. — The tanilard K , made with a lateral offset or bend, and provided with a slotted top |)late, the curved brace /•', the handle-seat /•*, an■— /""'""r 29, 1878. Filed A'.' <•«'„, 3. iSyy. and clips /;, and the sulky frame, in cond.ination with the beams G, draught-bar I, and operating' kvcr-- II H', con- structed and arranged .subsiantiallv a> and for the purj-ose set forth. No. 199.626— SAMLKI. E. DRAKE. CAvrcN. Iii,., assi^Miorofone half In, ri-htto GEORGE II. PI, ATT, same place. — .V«/;r /'/,./,-/' .—A/'/m;1' 29, 1878. Hied //ni,- ;•>. 187 6 18,7. 199689— ELIJAH C. lilDIi, Prairie; (Jrw; -Sii//n--/'/'ii,i,':'is.—J,rnufrry2g, 18/8. Filed O'oV 1 plough-beam G, pivoted ;4ing yoke 1), attacheil to , thereon, as shown and to frame I), of the I plough-beam by a I... .]. t dv'scribed, for the | iiip i,j -|.LUiieil. No. 199,930— WILLIAM 11. I'ARLIN, Canton, III., assignor to I'ARLIN ,v oRENDORFF, same place.— Si,!kvl'loi,Jii.^h,h.u,irv 5. 1878. Filed Ocloher 12, ilkv whereby the wtight of the driver and frame is utilized in rai-ing the plough frimi the ground, substantially as and for the purpose specified. 2.— The axle A having central double crank rt, to which Ldiistrneted as described, and com- iid 1, levers H and J, rack -bars F wheels P. I!', sidistantiallyasde- id lo I 4. — The a\lc \, lia\ iiiL; crank a and crank G in the ]« -iin iii, iK-i iiliid, arranged to operate with the crank 1, arch ( , and |i1.uil;Ii K, substantially as described, and for the purp.ise specified. No. 200,038.— SAM T. FERGUSON, Minnkapolis, Wm^.—Siilky- Ploughs.— February t,, 1878. Filedy«««(70' 8, 1876. r| ,i,i,,l. .mn, I and C, hav- ing diffei-ent leni^tlis of u ,1 n I . !i , .ail-llird with the running-u heels and the pl.i i mled past each other in parallel position, to I, ,1,1, ., nil v,ii:p.,it for said plat- form, .as described. 2. — the crank arms made of bent tubular sections a and b, of different diameters, secured the one within the other, with the joint in the radial portion, substantially as described. scribed, so a, I.Tsw ini; over liie platlorni iiTa rev ri4d posi- tion, in eoinlnialion vvillia laterallv adiuMafle, sub- siantiallv as and for the purpose deseiilied. 4.— The combination, with .in adjustable lifting-frame, sulistantially as described, of a plough having its beam ])iv ted to said frame in the rear of its (Iraft connection, so as to swing over the platform in a reversed position, as and for the purpose -et forth. 5. — The sli)tted and adjnstable gauge-bar I, located upon the lever 11, and provided with a foot or stop, in combina- tion vv ith the platlorm, the lever, and the plough, for the pur|ioses of adjusting the latter as to, as stl forth. .\o. 20x249— IIVRON C. HRADl.LV aiuK llARLES A. IIAGL'K. CiiiiAiai, III— .SV/f-r /'A-;,^'''* — '''■'^'''""T 12,1878. Filed y»V 28, 1877. Claim. — I. — In a sulky or gang-plough, a plough hinged upon a crank, in combination with a lever permanently se- ;aiii. lor the purpose ol (lepeiidentlv of the fui . — .\ |ih.ii;.;li fe.uii liiii-ed t.i a crank, B, in combination 1 tlie iV.iiiie < h. .ii|>|i.. 11111- a seat, tongue M, stop D, .-r I., and lark |, -iif Loiii.illv as and for the purpose set h. recess in the s|iindle-arm. and having the hole that re- •es the spindle di.agonal to or not concentric with the cir- ifereiice of the -K ■ v e, vv I,, 1 rf v ilie -leeve is prevented n larnin- uiion il,e -i If. ,om1 the 1 itdi or eather of the No 2005.2— koBLRl ( . liLCKLEV, Pkori.\, III. —Sii'hv- ri. II // . — Fc/iriHiiy 19, 1878. Filed Sepleiiiher 2i,, 1S77. Claim. — I. — rile bar or platform F, one end hinged to 368 PLOUGHS-WHEEL OR SULKY. of a diverging plough l)eani constructed with downwardly- projecting rear end, between the plates of which the standard i., pivoted, tlie lower rear portion of said lueam serving as a stop to limit tlie movement of the plough standard, substan- tially as described. and removal in the frame A, substantially ig the position of the spcci.ien. No. 201,227.— THOMAS K- CHAMHERl.IN, Ci,.\R- INli.\, \i^v.'^.^Stl/kv-J'/o„'/l':.—^/ar,■/, 12, 1S78. Filed J„ly :. 1S77. ; liiMii- i1k- .l<^ice^. substantially as de- -I ! I pl'niL,'h 1(1 11 i-iii'ni or allow its limited or desci- 5 - iljusted either r the purpose .:oi.c;76. -'l IIDMAS I. \V.\1 i-lii U of two .cribed, i Ihalthe lav ovcil- 11 -1 •"■ ■l.M.lially Ml, ,,s, KAN'SAS, M ( '< KMK'K. «./■ --1. 1877. I' '^Ki ic.uriage II. : . ': - '- ■ '|. ,..| l!i.-,liaw-har, i.m-lnRU-il of the tjam m.iy be vinpluyLd to rai-e the lock and plough, substantially as described. 7.— The cumbination with the rock-shaft provided with the hand-lever and curved arm, the lifting-lever G, and curved link /", (.fthe dr.m Imi. ( niisiiiKtsd and arranged ,,i„.i-iiur and team iiiav lie cuipliiw.l 10 iai-,e and lock the uide rile c purpose set forth. No. :oi,670. — IKlKACi-: L. IlKWT f f, Ai.tijn, In.. avsi,n„,r.>f„nc-halfla. njlu In I.KWl.S \I. KrM.SKVand .M(i.Sf;s KTMSfA', SI. l.-M-,, M i. — .V//,',(;r-/7./<:;//.(.— Claiai, -' I. -llie arrlicl a\lr I', 111 'cnnibi.iati;m » ith the igeu to oper ,,f.[ ii.'.'.L'l _\"l.i in-iLiiiii- ; . :i axle or frame, lever, sj as to permit the plough to rise and lower by the oscillation of the yokes, substantially as and for the pui-poses ipecified. 2.— In combination with a plough connected to the axle point end fust, substantially as describ-d, and for the pur- pose specified. 3. — The lever K, arranged to operate with the yokes G H, lever I, axle A, and wheels C, substantially as described, and for the purpose specified. No. 2M,o2;.— lAME.S C. LEIDV, GAi.EsnuRr., Ii.i..— Sulky- Pint ;hl.—.\L,n I, 5, 1S7S. Filed Octoh:r 12, 1S77. Claim.— I.— The bar I I', arranged to operate with the rjck-shaft J, independent cranks > k' , connecting-rods/" L, and sulky A B, substantially as and for the purpose specified. 2. —The levers k and M and their respective cranks or arms /(■'/. and links /"l„ conil.ine.l with the plough 1), hing-Hl 10 the sulkv-fi-anic, so as to ha^e lateral oscillation. suljst. id f. -inch with and for the purpose speciSed. nation with the frame A, the yoke E, haviiiT iir curved as described, to facilit.ite jilacing c M-nci- brackets coiisimaed to emlaacr and 'laiu;then the axle at the knejs F-, and serve as a connection for the frame J, all subaantially as and for tlie purpose set forth. No. 201.694.— JOHN M. McPIKE, St. Helena, Gai .—Hanv7u At'tac/imeiits for Ploii};lis.— March 26, l8;8. I-'c'iiuary 1 6, 1878. Claim.— I. — file harrow consisting of the single-tooth of the'"siiin- :,ims 1! (1 and the vt iticaT standards 1>, sub- staiitiallv as' herein described. 2 — fhe 'ingle-beam harrow F. «iih its vertical stand- p-ovided with the adlu-tiii/ collars and se'rews F, substan- No. 201.765.— l.\N' r.dSfWHK FISIIFR, Havkn- [■oRT, bnvA.--.SV;,''/-f-/Y,v/v,''.v — .!/.;/■,// 26, i8;8. Filed l-\-hn,.,ry J. 1S7S. (I;, ill! — I, -A |,|,,u> li having a mould-board constructed, sul st.oiiL.llv as ,lr,enKcd, with the parts O O' ()", so as to f.ini o\ei tiie riiiio\'. ,lice smoothly and evenly without 2. — 111 roiiil. Illation witli a iiioagh having a mould-board iiig iiioiiM-lioards T, arranged to scrap? smooth and fill uj> the crevice or joint between the furrows, substantiallv as s,i foith. 3.— In combination with a plough, N, constructed sub- stantially as de.scribed, and with the revolving mould- boards T, a seedin'r device, U. consisting of the rimless wheel V. rod V, spring -.■' , an 1 seed-cup slides W W", PLOUGHS-WHEEL OR SULKV 369 coiistrucleil ami oper.uiiii; siilistamially as and for ihe |iiir operat u"cli"'; liMlu- ,,l«ML;h Ik am 1., clamp /, h' and )«.,i- 1) cirted. Cliff- , thr 1 in- ■ H- h,t;s // nn the cicvi-. 4— The combination in a plougli, of the- u..hi1,1 l.oar.l sul.-l,1 nliall\ ,1 - ,11 (I fol Ihr imiiii.- c-lin'vin -n fonh. () ()' D", plates 1' 1", point Q, post 11, an.l lieani 1;. 4- Tiu'lirl t .M I III V cd axir. y luMilcd Hltii a ri.^id trank siil)~tantiallv as am! Un the purpose specified. luariM at i\kIi cihI.|.|-o|' LLtiiii; 111 li|i,»/ ',■// Alhi h;,.;:ll\ r J'/„i,^'!i-.—[)fiir, !, ;6, 1878. l-iled J/»,vi I. 1873. Claim.— I. — .-^ draught attachment to operate in front of a ploug'i-beani. con-i-ting of the truck K, the perforated and desciil.'ed. Mtclu h the lie tin parallel | il the lex plough-beam C, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. 21.3,027.— HARl.OW M. I'KKKMAN, L.^throp, M...— A'/7V//- A/t.u/iment 10 /•/„„x-/i^.~-April t,o. 1878. /■.h lu-cl V. an.l tlu- Ilk D, the axle E, the plough-beam ntiallv as herein .\o. 2.15,420, — 1(11 IN (LAN ION, iHi; (;r.\n.-.f. F,\rm, I. wi.i.s' l.\Ki , 'innALX.xKii r. t).,) Mi.sN.— ;(■//<','/ .-//- .;.■/////,■/,/. /; / /'/Ih:,-..p 1 .,1 ph.u^h- b. an,-, o.-cul.iv.u..r bean,-.,. ,1,1 ,.p.-i.U,. I by niea.i- .,f the a.ljustable lever I)', lockin- pin .; ', -pii,ii;-han.ll.- //, an.l p.-rfoi'aterl segment K. -ubsi iiitialU a- .iiid I.., the }nir|>o-e- h-reiii set forth. 2.-ln a sulky plough an.l .ulii^.tu,. the frame (.;, con- a- well a- ta; paralld pait-,/' which tne adju-table tongue I is fasten -.1. substantially a- herein -tt forili. ringing -til '"!' a.lju-l.ible hclLin -tt K, DwiM ■.,KI j,,^V\.— i'lk.i a;,. ■7 6, '187S. No. 2j;..)...S 1 \^ H. (luim. — I, — A -uikv-franie con-i-ting of the axle A' ic -hape.l lea.h ,\". wli.-.-l- C C, -oin.lle- /. /-'. an.l ca-ter PLOUGHS-WHEEL OR SULKY. guide-wheel B, constructed substantially as and for the pur- pose specified. 2. — A caster guide-wheel, B, having projections n and knife-cutting edges between them, substantially as and for the purpose specified. 3. — The caster guide-wheel, B, having projections a, and cutting-edges between them, and having the upright stand- ards /"" fastened to the rear end of the lengthwise plate /"", having wings a' and slot /" between the said stand- ards /"", and having the vertical journal-shaft a"" , on which the caster guide- wheel B operates, secured to the front end of said plate i'"", in order to form a long bear- ing-crank shoulder a" , and strong lockage at the rear end, formed and operating substantially as and for the purpose specified. 4, — The caster guide-wheel B, having projections «, and cutting-edges between them, and having the upright stand- ards i'"' fastened to the rear end of the lengthwise plate ] i'"" , having wings a' and slot /" between the said stand- 1 ards, and having the vertical journal-shaft a"" , on which j the caster guide-wheel turns, secured to the front end of said plate i"'", in combination with the bearing-box a'" and lock-pin i', pivoted to the lever F, all operating to- gether for the purpose of cutting a straight furrow across the field, substantially as shown, and for the purpose specified. 5. — The coniljinatioii of an arc-shaped reach A", with the seat D, convolute-^piini.; support <", foot-rests, clasp-band t' , bolted so as to be adjusted back and forth, and arm- bearing band /, bolted to the seat-spring e, to hold and ; adjust the top W substantially as and for the purpo.e speci- • fied. 1 6 — The combination of the arm-bearing band /with the i seat D, elbow-sleeve/', jointed stem/"", adjustable rod- I band g'', adjustable arm-rods g, plate g' , plate /;, and collar-block //", substantially as and for the purpose ' specified. , 7.— 'I'he combination of the top D', consisting of the ] elbow-sleeve/', jointed stem/'", adjustable rod-band/"', j plate ^n-', platt /;, rim-rods //', circular-rod /;'', and collar- blocks /;"', all constructed substantially as and for the purpose specified. | 8. — I.ever ()', having an elbow-support bearing, u' '", provided with hinged arms u'", which have the other i-nd pivoted to the sleeve of cup «'. to allow the friction spring (.) to rise and lower willi the ]>lough, and i>late 11"", hinged to tlic lever ( >', fur it^ fulcrum adjustment, .ubstan- tially as and for the purpose specified. 9. — The coil-spring (), having cup-caps « «', sleeve- bearing 11", and bent or doulile-rod u""", substantially as and for the purpose specified. j 10. — The combination of the friction coil-spring O, having \ cup-caps « 11', sleeve-bearing «", and bent or double-rod u""", with the post Q', lever O', rod O", and rack <)'", ' substantially as and for the purpose specified. | II. — The combination of rod O" with the axle-lever O', j having plate ;/'" and journal shaft a"", substantially as and for the purpose specified. 12. — The comlnn.-iliim of the furrow-guide support N, j having its lowjr end ilivideil, as shown, and uyper end j perforated, with the bar N' and plough P, to operate sub- stantially as described, for the purpose set forth. | 13. — In a sulliv-plough, the combination of an adjustable bar N', with the axle, furrow-guide support N, and jour- nal-shaft n with tongue E and braces G G' (J^, substantially as and for the purposes set forth. 2. — The combination of the bars A A, forked plate or bar I, with roller «', plough-beam J, and the dog /, taking into notches on one of the bars A, substantially as and for the purposes set forth. 3. — The combination, with the forked plate I and plough- .beam J, of the plates /; //, nid /', pivoted stirrup L, the quad- rant M, formed with the calch rn. and a laterally adjustable device, all substantially as and for the purposes set forth. No. 204,517.— EDWARD WTARD and GEORGE C. AVERV, Eoilsvu.LK, K v., assignors to B. F. AVERY & SONS, same \A2iCii.—.Su/ky.PUug/,s.—Jutf 4, 1878. Filed April 29, 1878. Claim. — I. — The double-crank-axle frame, consisting of the arms C C and E E', whicli form angles at or about the center of the wheels of the plough, the front and rear con- necting-bars F and F', and the short a-xles B and B', one of which is adjustable, saiil frame being adapted for having the plough proper hung upon its rear bar and the tongue-support to rest and rock upon its front bar, substantially as and for the purpose described. 2.— Th> adjustable axle-arm li', havin- the clasping or slotted slide attached to it, and connectcil lo tlu' divergent perforated arm E' of the double-craiilv-a\lf IraniL-, ;is shown .so that when the plough proper i^ r.iised ami the arm is nearly horizontal the slide with axle and wheel are capable of moving backward until the axle B' coincides with the axle B, substantially as and for the purpose described. 3. — The rocking double-crank-axle frame having a brace or supfort, c, attached to it, in coml.inalinn with the link w', lever M, rocking frame (1 (i', ami driver's se.n, whereby facilities for raising the pKmgh are afionled, and the « eiglit of the driver, when on the seat, assists to lift the plough, sub- stantially as described. 4. — The combination of the short axles, one of which is adjustable, as described, double-crank-axle frame having arms which form angles at or about the center of the sup- porting-wheels, and the rocking support or seat-frame G ('/, substantially as and for the purposes described. 5. — The combination of the tubular bracket^ J J, attached to the beam of the plough and to the rear bar of the double- crank -axle frame, the tubular stop J' on said bar and between the tubes of the brackets, the set-screw /', and the braces K, substantially as ami forthe purposes desciibed. No. 204612. — NELSON ROWEN and (iARRET AMES, (Kwi-.c;.., Kansas.— ;;7;c,.//Yo«i,'/«. — //,;/,.4, 1878. Filed J/,;;,// 30, 187S. Claim. — The comliination of the stirrup H, with plough connected thereto, the rod or link m, lever 1; rod or link li, slide C, and wheel D, all con>tructed and arranged substan- tially as and for the purposes set forth. .No. 204,893.— FK.\.\( IS M. FOSTER, Montgomery .CfNTV, assignor ol u.-e li.ilf liis ri-l.t to W. A. PEFFER, C()I--FEY\-11.I.K. K\ss\..~S„//.-y / /oiix/is.—Jiiin- 18, 1878. Filed A/ri; 25, 187;. Claim — I. — In a sulky-plough, the combination of the axle A, rigid arms B B, plough-beam C, pivoted between sai 1 arms and provide 1 with segment-gear/' and elbow-lever K, having geared segment , tongue -up] .,11 1)', .,nd t..nguc E in a siilky-plcugh, foot-piece below its fidtnun in cunii.inalionuith the tongue as show n and desnil.ed. rfand lever /■, having pin /, as and lor ihe purpose specified. 2.— riie frame A. having t No. 207.59S. — lAV 1;. MSHI-k, liAMM'oKT, b.\v\— li..n»ilh the ph.ugii l>eani pi .S«'/!'V- /'/<'«;'/". --V. A'' ""'"•' ;■ '■'^7''^- l-'il'--'' /"/'■ ">■ '^76- suiv.rle.l at llie front of frame, sul,.|antialh asslu.wn and flaim.-'l -A tubular axle li.iMuga sl,„, „-■, ,;,,i„irucled de-cnbcl. substantiallv as and f.i the pu,|n„r s|„-,,ned. , No. 207.074. -UK.NMS W. rAlAlKK, Dkikoit, Mo. 2._ThL- '.rank pmdle 1 I. Iia\ing ilu- grooves , /and ,/'. to Siilkv- I''r _;, 1S7S. Idled //».■,■ 17. operate sufsiaiuialU .1^ m\<\ l.ii llie puip.i.t- sj^eohed. I 1S78. -.^The c.inl.iiruu.n ufdK . rank-spin, lie 1), having the I Claim.—I.—The combination, with snlkv ami plough- rro-,vcs,/and ,/i,«uli the tubuku- axle A, having slot ,;'-', beam. . if the tongue K, having central -h.ts /• , , the braces scr.w ,/■■. and wheel to a.lju-l the s| indie 11, substantially as I J K M \, llic pu. tol bars j. ( ). having jaws // „,, nnd the ""4 -In combination, the crank -spindle D, having the No. 207 oj i. - M f I 'il b \ I I IXt l\. Ro IM 1 1 1 . 1 1 I..— grooves >:^li^.~ Srff. ii;/'ii- 17, iS7S. 1-ikd /iii.e specified. I 7. '878. q —The combination .,f the liruicated arms /with the Claim. — In a sulkv-ph.ugh. ihe sl,,iien arm /. hung l,>,)sely v',!k','(l'-,'il'!-l'iil,',ll'v a- ,,n,ri,a 111, |,a,| -pcllied. ' ' [he |.-un,al fu'lhe w heel c. subManlrdIv as ami foV the 'pur" I,, III ,,imfii..,ll,,ii,llic s|.niig Icvii N wltli the lever V p. s ■ sU ioltll. aii,i 1 iluicau.l l,Kk lever M. .Ls ami I,m the N,.. 208,420— (ON R A 1 ) .SlKl ;< IK 1 )N Kb, bi ti.kk ( .i.., pinp, s: s|ifcific,l. , IIUii. — J'lJ.ix'/i-Siiliirs. — .SV/Z-v/z/v/- 24, 1879. Idled /ii/v 1 1.— I he yoke I ), having a swivel bearing neck i>, pro- 2,1878. jetting rearward, forthe purpose of freeing the plough fnnn Claim. — 1. — In a sulkv-plough. the combination, with ..b-tacKsliv ihoiwin'^thesulkv-frame forward, .substantiallv the main frame and phjugh beam, ,.f tiie sub frame I. the as .11 ,1 fathe puip-.^e specified. ' ,^ the iifting-levcr ami chain M O. aiul the ad- 1- --flu- onibinalioiuif the voUe O, having a swivel jusUd.le 11,111 lifting ,lepicss„r f S. subsiaiiliaiitllv as shown lot F, all c omfiiu-d sill, -lalih lib of N... 2oS4o.S-l« will > M. a^igiMi 1 i,.Mi)Si:s 1 \ s\ll 111 ■e- — ("/./ '',■>- 1, 1S78. i-ii,-,i /ir , ,i-,,-i-,i] ■ ~iio-i I iiii.illv a- ami for the purpose specified. mer-str.i]> 1 .. ,,ti. i' auacHv ,,\'i -,ii,l Ikii top. 1; I li, , oiiikniiUoi, ,,f the tubular axle A, having slots ' formcl » if I • '.1 i^, , -i;l - t iii, illv ,,s -,, i t, nk. -'. w nil ill,- -|. 111,1k- b, piu ,/', and wheel, substantially asand [ No. 2 So;-. Illhlbir 1 1 |s.\.Ai 's. N 1 vv vi;t 10— In ,,,iiikni;ii,,n. ilu- lubukuaxk- .\, having slot ,r. ' "1877. ,ith the soimlk- 1; 01,1 ,/i, »li,-,-k ,111,1 siaolc .-, having sl,,t , Claim. -I.— The lever C, l.av me the ci,t-..Hs A ami PLOUGHS-WHEEL OR SULKY. 3. — The combinatton of the ratchet K and gear-wheel I,, riyid upon the driving-wheel or a.\le, with the ratchet R, gearwheel S, lever C. cut-offs A B, pawls I Q, springs H P, hi_'s K /■, and notched segment D, .substantially as set forth. No. 209,067.— CHRISTIAN MYERS, Napa City, Cai.. —PUmglis.—Oitober 15, 1878. Filed August 29, 1878. Claim. — I. — In a plough.the combination, with the axle D, provided with the arms A A, having spindles B B and studs C C, and the plough-beams E E, of the rod G, for connect- ing said beams at their forward ends, racks H H, having the lower right-angled portions /; /( secured to said rod G, curved spring-levers K K, having detents L L, and the perforated arms M N, the several parts constructed and relatively arranged to operate substantially in the manner herein shown and de- scribed. 2. — In a plough, the slip-share P, having tongue Q and lug U, the frog S and fixed portion T, having groove R and slot V, in combination with sliding portion W of land-side W, having stud «, and bolt and nut X Y, constructed and operating substantiallv as and for the purposes set forth. .No. 209J7< — 1( 111 N LANE, Hyde Park, \\A..—Sulky- Plou.'hs.— O I /'// 22, 1S7S. Filed ytme 13, 1878. Claim. — I — 111 a sulky-plough, the frame consisting of arch B, foot-rail C, tungue-braci C, and elbow E, combined with the axle A and tongue I), all arranged and bolted or riveted together as shown, and operating substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 2 — The combination of the bent axle A, the arch B, the latter adjustably attached to the former by means of the bolts /', substantially as shown, the crank-axle A', the segment- sleeve rt-', and the lever a*, substantially as and for the pur- pose set forth. 3. — The rod-brace F, havirrg an eye at one end and a nut and screw-thread at the other end, combined with the arch B, elbow E, and tongue I), all arranged substantially as and for the pur[}ose set forth. 4. — The hanger M, having slotted eye m and grooves v, all substantially as shown, xaA for the purpose set forth- 5. — The foot-lilt L, locked in position by the lever R, lock-lever;-, and link 1.', and the yoke J, hinged to the foot- lift I, by the bolts at /, and limited by the stop-hook //', and the yoke J, pivoting on the pins /( and arch B, and the K, connected to the yoke J liy means of the saddle P and hangers M, having slotted eyes w, all arranged and o,j.-r.atin^ sub^tintially as shown, whereby the depth of ploughing is controlled and the plough kept in its steady forward progress while the land-wheel is passing over ridges and furrows and the tongue is swaying laterally, as set forth. 6.— The combination of the bail-yoke J, having both liiTibsy /' extending forward of the axle, and the extensions havinj two perforations,//, and havingastop-hook, //', formed offset at the bottom of the extreme forward end, all as shown with the foot-lift L, connected therewith, substantially as shown, whereby they are made rigid or flexibly connected, as shown, and with the arch B, the axleA, and the plough- -beam K. all substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 7. — I'he foot-lift L, bciit shape, having two arms and a end, and rear endi of thj amis ii .t,h,r \2. 1S78. Claim.— In a jiloigh sulky, the combination of the frame F, composed of the arms /' /' .and the short arms /V', provided with the removable frame ; ', the short armsy"^ f' being adapted to lie sprung into and removed from holes in the frames I) IJ, in combination therewith, and with the I frame E, composed of the arms E' ic' elands, removably I connected to a clamping-frame upon the plough-beam near PLOUGHS-WHEEL OR SULKY. its end, and adapted to be operated by suitable levers, as G J, for the purpose of permitting the plough-beam to be re- moved and replaced by cultivators, as set forth. No. 210,425.— DAVID \V. HUGHES, Butler County, Oiuo.— Riding Ploughs.— December 3, 1 878. Filed Fehin- ary 9, 1 878. Claim. — I. — The combination, with an axle of a riding- plough sulky, of a bitantially as specified. 6. — The combination of the slotted circular leveling-block E and the adjustalile pivoted blocks F F, provided with in- terior bearing for supporting said leveling-l>lock, substantially as specified. 7. — The combination of the seat-arch provided with the lug N and the slotted seat or foot-rest suspended thereon, and the bolts or .screws for adjustably securing the seat nr foot rest in any desired position, substantially as specified. 8. — In a wheel or sulky-plough, the combination, with the plough-beam and seat-arch, of the leveling and pivoted bear- ing blocks and crank and furnnv-wheel axles, directly at- tached to said seat-arch, one above the line of the other sub- stantially as herein shown and described. 9. — The seat-arch provided with two extended socketed bearings, P P, cast with and forming a part of the seat-arch, as and for the purpose herein shown and described. 10. — The quadrant attached to the seat-arch in rear and to the tongue-bearing in front, in combination with the lever and the segment K, pivoted to the lug I/, attached to the -seat-arch, .substantially .as specified. II. — The seat-arch provided with the bearings for the crank and furrow-wheel axles, tongue, segment K, and quadrant M, substantially as specified. 12. — The seat-arch provided with the bearings for the crank and furrow-wheel axles, quadrant M, and double bear- ings for the tongue, cast as integral parts of .said seat-arch, substantially as .set forth. 13. — The pivoting-blocks F F, attached to the crank-axle, in combination with bolts or screws, by means of which the leveling-block E, attached to the plough-beam, is clamped and held in position when adjusted, substantially as set forth. 14. — In combination with the crank -axle and segment J, a detachable segment, K, whereby the plough may be per- mitted to play automatically, substantially as shown and de- scribed. No. 211,666.— I.EROV BROWN, Waitsburo.W T.— Sulky- Ploughs. —January 28, 1 879. Filed Junel^, 1 878. Claim. — The plate I, bolted adjustably to the frame E, in combination with the tongue K, the lever L, and the hinged pin N as and for the purpose described. No. 211,724.— DANIEL O. FOSGATE, Rochkstkr, ■S\\\V.~Sull.y-Ploughs.— January 28, 1879. Filed Xo- j vemher 15, 1S78. Claim. — The combination of the centrally pivoted tongue embracing and sliding on the post J, the curved bar (1, hav- j ing notches formed in its convex slide, the sliding bolt P, and I the pivoted lever (^1 with the horizontal bar K, brace L, I frame K, and axle A, whereby the tongue may be fixed or freely vibrate in a vertical plane, substantially as shown and i described. I No. 211,968.— ALBERT D. BLANCHARD, Hutch- inson, Kansas. — Wheel- Plouglis. — Fehritarv 4, 1879. Filed /««<• 20, 1878. Claim. — I. — The combination of the eccentric ;/, lever *, I and ratchet c with the slotted lever a, catch «, standard b, I plough-beam h, and frame, substantially as shown and de- scribed. I 2. — The eccentric d, made rigid upon the lower end of the j lever e, and provided with the ratchet-plate <-, having a slot, I i, and being actuated by the spring-catch/, substantially as I shown and described. j .No. 212,234 —GEORGE KIMBALL, Lawrence. Y.k^- ^/^■^.— irheel-Phughs.— February II, 1879. Filed Decem- ber :io, 1878. ! Claim. — The frame A, having the plough connected to its outer side so as to run just in front of the small wheel () by means of a pivot-plate, R, the front end of the frame being made to catch in the clasp or clip U, secured to the jilough so as to limit the distance which the plough will turn substantially as described. No. 212.341.— JAMES R. WHITNEY, Magnolia, Wls.Sulky-F/oughs.— February 18, 1S79. Filed Oc.'obcr 23. '877- Claim. — The combination, in a sulky-plough, of the beam formed of two b.ars, a a, standing edgewise, having the rear ends bolted to the axle and their forward ends cursed, as shown, the standard-socket B, arranged between and bolted to said bars, and the shank of the plough adjustable ver- tically in said socket, all constructed and operating as de- scribed. No. 212,750. -CA.SPER F. .SEARCH, Chicago, III., assignor of one-half interest to JOHN C. COONLEV,same pl.ace. — Suliy- Ploughs. — February 25, 1879. Filed Sep- Claim. — I. — The combination, in an adjusting device, of a crank-axle journaled in swinging bearings, a spur-wheel mounted on the said axle, and a rack engaging the said wheel, substantially as specified. 2. — The combination of the swinging bearing B, the 376 PLOUGHS-WHEEL OR SULKY. axle D, carrying a crank-arm, the wheel C, mounted on the said axle, and the rack G, all operating together sub- stantially as specified, in connection with an adjusting- lever and a bolt or catch. No, 212,919.— BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, Jamestown, N. \ .—Ploughs and Farm Trucks.— March i„ 1879. Filed December 4, 1878. Claim. — I. — The combination, in a farm truck, of the draft-pole A and U-shaped clevis F, having slots f, and adapted to embrace and slide vertically upon the rear end of the draft-pole, the draft-rod I, pivoted to said draft-pole, extending rearwardly through said clevis, and provided with look k, substantially as specified. 2. — The combination, in a farm-truck, of the draft-pole A, curved sectional frame B, forming journals c' for the axle C, carrying the adjustable wheels D, the U-shaped clevis F, provided with adjusting slots /, engaging bolt c on the rear end of said pole, and the longitudinal draft-rod I, passing through said clevis, connected to the draft-pole, and provided with a loop, k, whereby a plough or other farm im,plement maybe attached, as specified. No. 213,178.— JOHN R. CUMMINS, McKinney, Texas. — Attachments for Ploughs.— March II, 1 879. Filed December 21, 1878. Claim.— The combination, with a ploug-beam, A, and a circle-plate, B, provided with transverse rib a, and having said beam clamped thereto, of the bearing-plate C, having transverse sleeve d extending beyond the edges thereof, an axle, D, extending through said sleeve, a pivot-bolt,/, con- necting the circle and bearing plates, and adjustable collars (/', substantially as specified. No. 213,614.— JOSEPH BLACK and T. PATER, Al- ton, III., assignors to HAPGOOD & CO., Sr. Louis, Mo. — Sulky- Ploughs. — March 25, 2879. Filed February 13, 1878. Claim.— I.— The foot-rail C, consisting of a bent bar, U-shaped, and the end of one of the arms extending bent upward, forming the seat c, for supporting the tongue, and both arms attached to the arched axle A, all substantially as shown, in combination with the arched axle A, tongue D, and brace E, all constructed to operate as described. 2.— The brace E, provided with flanges / /', embracing the sides of the tongue, and with seat c' , in combination with the tongue D, foot-rail C, and arched axle A, all constructed to operate as described. 3. — The sulky-plough frame consisting of the arched axle A, tongue D, and foot rail i\, provided with one arm ex- tending bent upward, forming the seat c, and both arms at- tached to the axle, and brace E, provided with flanges//', all constructed and arranged to operate as shown. 4. — The combination of tht beam K, adjusting-rod I, bail J, provided with extension P', link P^ and lever S, provided witli means for adjustable stoppages, segment R, tongue D, and arched axle A, all constructed to operate substantially as shown. No. 213,623.— JOHN CLAYTON, Clayton Grange Farm, (Brainard P.O.,) Ulfi^. — Gang- Ploughs.— March 25. J879. Filed December lo, 1878. Claim. — I. — The arms A A, provided with the slots D, and pivoted at their centers, and through the said slots to the, under side of the beam, and at the ends to the side beams, B B, substantially as herein shown and described, and for the purpose described. 2. — The flanged side beams, B B, attached to the ends of tlie arms A A, and provided with slots, by means of which, and bolts and screws, the hangers C C and the posts B^ B' may be adjusted and secured at any desired inclination, suljstantially as herein shown and described. 3. — The side brackets, substantially as shown- and de- scribed, on the clevis end of the beam, for preventing the rods from being pulled out of upright position by the action of the lever. No. 213.717.— JOSEPH WARWICK and ALFRED T. WARWICK, Franklin, assignors of one-half their right to SARAH CLEAVER, West Carrollton, Ohio— Plvugh-Siilkies.— March 25. 1879. Filed March 30, 1878. — I. — The combination, with the seat, of the sup- r.ortin ' cro,, liar provided on one of its vertical sides with a pivot or lug, upon which said seat is pivoted, substantially as shown and described. 2. — The combination, with the seat-support, of the seat- pivoted thereto and adapted to be rocked or vibrated later- ally thereon, substantially as shown, and for the purpose set forth. 3. — The combination, in a wheel-plough, of the laterally- vibrating plough-beam and the pivoted seat, adapted to vibrate or rock laterally upon a horizontal axis, substantially as and for the purpose described. 4. — The combination of the loosely-sliding stirrup J, cast- ing K, with tube k and recess x, the adjustaljle leveling- plate L, and the bolts /;, plate w,and nuts;', all substantially as and for the purposes herein set forth. 5. — The combination of the stirrup J, which slides loosely through the pivoted tubes d d', and the elbow-lever N, with eye «, substantially as and for the purposes herein set forth. No. 213,936.— LEMUEL M. KELLY, Litchfield, Ky. — Gang-Ploughs. — April I, 1879. Filed December 7, 1878. Claim. — The combination of the tongue and axle frame, having rod (/, with eyes/ /;, the plough-beams o, connect- ed at tlie rear by a laterally-adjustable lift-frame, and in front with the eye^ of tongue-frame, and the lever /, arrang- ed as shown and described. No. 214,396 —THOMAS E. JEFFERSON, Boston, ^\K^'i.—SulkY-Ploiighs.— April 15, 1 879. Filed October 28, 1878. Claim. — I. — In a plough, the chain or its equivalent k, arranged as shown, for the purpose of securing the mould- board firmly in place to the fulcrum g, around which it swings, substantially as set forth, by which the ordinary sup- port from the land-side is dispensed with. 2. — A wheel-plough having two supporting-wdiecis in the same transverse line, one of which is arranged to run in a land-stde furrow and the other in an open furrow previously formed, and one or more ploughs having the long mould- board or mould-boards adapted to extend back and sidewise suflnciently to embrace the entire space between the wheels, and to invert the soil behind the furrow side wheel, substin- tially as described. 3. — In combination with the swinging mould-board H /; and its stationary frame n, the stationary knife or cutter j, as and for the purpose set forth and de^cribed. No 214440.— loSEPH M.PAYNE.Boonvjlle, Mo.— Siilkv-Ploiii;hs.— 'April \<^, 1879. Filed Oc/c/w 23, 1878. Claim.— The plate (.), having bearings N N, bolts T T, and platL- S, in ci.nil ination with the slotted rack R, strad- dling the bolts T T, and having eye Q, caster- wheel L, having shank M, sniveled in the bearings N N Q, and the segment-lever W V, for operating the rack, the whole arranged and operating substantially as described, for the purpose set forth. No. 215,268.— EDWIN S. DANIEI , Bltler, Mo.— Sul'.y-Ploughs.—Mav 13, 1879. Filed Kbruarv II, 1879. Claim I.— The combination, with rock-shaft L, provid- ed with a rearwardly-extending arm, M, and forwardly-ex- tending slotted arm K, and lever I. provided with a stud «, working in the slot /(■ in arm K. of the plough-beam N and chains S S,vul)stantially as described, for the purpose set forth. 2.— The combination, uith the sulky-frame, having de- pending brackets ui l)anger^ R R, crankshaft (J, and rock- shaft L. provided with amis M K ami levir I, of the plough- beam N and chains S S, substantially as ilescrilied, for the purpose herein set forth. No. 215,346.— ISAAC R. GILBERT, Lf.ursviiLE, Kv. — .Sulky- PliUghs. — May 13, 1879. Filed March 13, 1879. Claim.— I.— The flanged bracket L, removably attached to the elbow-lever K, as and for the purposes herein set forth. 2. — The movable arm M and rock-shaft h', in combina- tion with plough-beam A and tubular bearings B' B', sub- stantially as and for the purpose set forth. 3. — The lever O, combined with the elbow-lever P, spring-paw I /, and roller r, substantially as herein set forth. 4. — in a sulky-plough, the arrangement of devices, sub- stantially as herein described, whereby the spring-pawl that engages with the rack and the pawl that engages with the PLOUGHS-WHEEL OR SULKY, ted space, iv.tchet-wlieel on the hub may be operated sinniltaneou b' and the coulter-be.iiing whee's d ,, whereby the lateral strain is resisted at botli ends of the plough, and the same caused to run straight, sub^tantially as 3. — The combination of the two rear bearing-wheels, hh' , and the self-locking levers 11 u', for the purpose of elevating the ploughs, substantially as set forth. 4. — The combination, with the pivoted or fulcrumed ploughs, of the rigid adjustable braces or stays v v' , con- nected to the rear end of the mould-board S S, whereby the mould-board may be adjusted in either direction and firm ly held in position, substantially as described. 5. — The comljination of the adjustable braces v v' with the double bearings and fulcrumed in the bifurcated levers u «', for the purpose set forth. 6. — The bearings and fulcrum in levers u 11', ai constructed with hanging brackets ;; ri 11 it from the main axle o, as and for the pur; ose stt forth. 7. — ( )ne or more revolving disks, .v, arranged at the rear end of the n.oulcl-Loard, lor the purpose of pulverizing and inverting the soil, sub-tantially as described. 8. —The coml)in.^tion of one or more ploughs, S S', mova- ble on fulcra w /«', with braces or stays 16 16 and v v' , as and for the purpose stt forth. 9. — The combination of the notched arms or levers 19 19, rocking win, I- 1. o en J,,,;i S, main shaft 0, and levers »< /(', I J — III ' : ;:ir: II iili rockiug-ploughs S, lockiug-lc- ver «, au'l -li ;i;i_; !,..'i,. inl notched link, 19, as and for the purpose set forth. 1 1. — The combination or sliding-pole 12, pole-shaft 8, and disks 9 9, as and for the purpose set forth. he combin of the poif mg I5,pol. e-shaft forth. 8, di>ks 9 9, and notched levers or links 19 19, i;. — '1 he wheel c, having projecting Irom its perijjheiy the continuou-^ annular cutting and bearing rim, having a sharp edge and concave faces, substantially as and for the 14. — The herein described self-adjusting elastic seat I, with it^ adju-lable foot-rest 3 on the foot-bar 2, ear 4, bolt 5, s )ring 6, and strn lard 7, as and for the purpose set forth. 15. — T le comb n.rtion of sliding-pjle 12, pole-shaft 8, os- cillating disks 9 9. link 19. and self locking lever « n' with rear bearing furrow wheels b b, for the purpose of elevating the ploughs, substantially as set forth. 16. — The plough having the upward-projecting bifucated standard fulcrumed to and embracing biacket crsupport nii, projecting downward from the frame, substantially as de- scribed, and for the purpose set forth. No. 216,375. — -MERCER BROWN, Grove, Ii.I.. — Sulky- Ploiii;h Attachinfiils.—Jutu- 10, 1879. Filed April T. 1 879. Claim. — I. — In a sulky-plough, the axle A, having the right angular bend /!■ at one end and the obtuse-angular bend b at the other, in combination with a slide, E, working on the latter bend, and actuated by a lever inechanism to tip or tilt the plough, substantially as specified. 2. — In a sulky-plough, the sub-frame consisting of the bail H, the sliding cross-rod G', the axle A, having incline b at one end, the slide on said incline, a lever mechanism raising or lowering said slide, and a plough-beam suspended from said bail, substantially as specified. No. 216,415.— THOMAS E. JEFFERSON, Boston, Mass. — Sulky-Ploughs. — June 10, 1879. Filed J/oj' 17, 1879. Claim. — I. — The axle B, anti-friction pulley C, arms C, and friction-roller C'^, combined with the knife-arm D' pivoted at if, to give upward stroke to the knife, as and for the purpose set forth. 2. — The knife-arm 1 )' D, having knife D'^, as shown, com- bined with the eccentrics C C C^ and cutting-guides d"', .as set forth. 3. — The curved bars E, carrying the ploughs, combined with the adjustable frame F, as set forth. 4 — The adjustable frame F, combined with the operating thumb-nut /', and with springs f above and below, as specified. 5. — The adjustable harrow composed of the shaft T and di^ks '1^ combined with the slot t' in the frame T' and proper securing devices, whereby the said harrow mav be adju-ted independent of the mould-board, as si>eci'- fied. 6. — A double-slotted sliding tongue, combined with a double-tree and an intervening spring, J, as and for the pur- pose specified. 7. — The sliding slotted tongue and double-tree and spring J, combined with an elbow -lever, H, and chain I, for rais- ing the points of the ploughs out of the ground, by the draught, as specified. 8. — The tongue, draught-chain I, and elbow-lever H', combined with a self-adjusting king-bolt, K, pawl K^, and t notches K'', as stt forth. 9. — The self-adjusting king bolt K, pawl K', and notched tongue K-', combined with pedal L /, elbow-lever H', and 10. — In a sulky-plough, the combination of the slotted hollow king-bolt K, pawl K', pedal-lever L, and draught, .as specified. II. — The spring draught-bar M', combined with the king-bolt K, frame M M', and draught, as and for the purposes set forth . 12. — The elbow-lever H' H, having pulleys^', and the draught and connecting-chain, with the plough-frames G, with jaws G', as and for the pur)50se set forth. 13.— The elbow-lever H' H and ))loiigli frames ( , C,' g\ combined with the rod II, nut 13, and ^iiriiii; 12. which overbalances the soil, as and for the pur|iovc^ ^tt loitli. 14.— The spiing 12, rod II, and adjusting-nut 13, to counterbalance the soil upon the ploughs, combined with the plough-frames and the main frame A, as set forth. 15.— the cu-hions /;* on bar A of the elbow-lever H', to allow and modifv a yielding lateral motion to the front end of plough., a. -I'ltcified. 16. — The ^pinig 12 and connections H and 13 on the elbow H' and Irame, in combination with the cushions/;* on the bar H, to regulate and modify the perpendicular and lateral motion of the front of the ploughs, as speci- fied. 17. — The combination of the draught-spring J, spring 12, and cusliions h' . with their connections, to prevent concus- sion frnni the Inirit of the ploughs coming in contact with rc-i lin^ -ub-taiR',--, asset forth. 378 PLOUGHS-WHEEL OR SULKY. 18. — A furrow side wheel attached to or journaled in an oscillating standard, and adapted to automatically adjust itself with its connections, as and for the purpose set forth. 19. — The standard X, carrying furrow-wheel 25, pivoted loosely at Z 0, and adapted to swing in a modified degree in a curved slot, .<-, as set forth. 20. — The combination of the standard X, furrow-wheel 25, curved slot x, and pulleys w z with the arm W of the frame, and arm V, as specified. 21. — The pivoted frames E and pivoted levers G>, com- prising the plough-.supporting-frame, as set forth. 22. — The springs/'-' f and frame E, combined with the rear portion of the plough-frame E G', to cushion the ploughs vertically in either direction, as specified. 23. — The frame E, pivoted to the cross-bar A' of the frame A, and the frame G', pivoted at G to the frame E, adapted to support the ploughs, and having a double pivoted joint, as shown. 24. — The vertical bar F', nut/', and frame F, combined with the springs /» above and below the nut/', and with the plough-frame E, as set forth. 25. — The bifurcated frames G' 28, pivoted to the horizon- tal shaft G, combined with the ploughs, and with the bar H, to afford a firm support to the ploughs, as specified. 26. — The combination of the springs /^/^ and the cushion k* with the plough-frame and frame A, to cushion the plough- frames both laterally and vertically, as shown and described. 27. — In combination with the plough having a belt or end- less-chain mould-board, the seeder and planter V, having automatic feed-bar v, combined w ith the harrow T T^ and connecting-tubes 7/, as set forth. 28. — The point R, held upon the share R' by the point R^ and the securing-wedge R^ R', as and for the purpose set forth. 29. — A reversible adjustable flexible coulter, N, inclined as shown, combined with the frame G' G' and plough, as set forth. 3(1. — A plough mold-linard consisting of one or more tr.iveling liell^ or endlt-ss ;^]>nin-, running over a forward ap- proximately hori/untal rull ami a rear vertical roll adapted to receive the soil buni the ^lla^e nt.ii" the point and elevate, carry, disintegrate, and invert the sam-, a-, specified. 3t. — The harrows T T-, inclined as shown, combined with one or more carrying-belt^, a-, -.huwn, for the purpose ^ S' a-, sl„,«n, combined with d adapled tu automatically clean both at the same time, as sptcilie.l. 33. — One or more cleaner^ sit adapted to clean the harrows T time, as set forth. 34. — The chain fiirmed of the metal plates P', having sharpened edges and end loops, and endless chains passing through said loops, as and for the purposes set forth. 35. — The roller 14, having slots 15, 19, and 20, combined with flanged cap 16, 18 and cup-cap 21, as set forth. 36. — The cup cap 21, combined with cap or cover 23, cut away at 23 i-, and with the covering securing-rap 24, adapted to serve, with tlie roller 14, as set forth. 37. — In a plough, the combination of the self-lubricaiing roll 14 described with one or more traveling belts, as speci- fied. No. 216,442— EDWIN W. NEWTON, Franklin Grove, \\.\..— Sulky- Ploughs.— June 10, 1879. Filed / 3. substantially as described. 4. — The combination, in an agricultural impleme , ofle- 2 with , of the balancing beam 7, chains 6 6. and frame^ stantially a^ described. No. 217,491.— EDWARD SCHl.AG, ( AgriiiillH-al Implein Ills. —July 15, 1879. to, 1879. Clann. — I.— The rolarv plough or culliv the form of a spiral or screw of unlv one ( ■bars 33, culiiv.xtor D, made in one convolution, and provided with the cutter 1)'. substantially as shown and de- I 2. — The combin.ation, with the frame A, of a series of I rotary ploughs, U, each made in the form of a spiral or screw ■ of only one convolution, arranged obli |uely, and provided with the cutter W , -.ub^tantiallv as shuwii and described. 3 — The cunifinaliun. with tile hanie A, trucks |, f.ameJ, a vertical si.uulle //, and crank „,, ul .Inviug wheels 15 W, D, substantially as and fur the pur- ys C, and -The rolle I'lever /, si I.jou sh.i nd ng frame /, rod M( K 1 4, 1878. I,t-angled .\u. 217,893- JESS l-.l S„lkvrlcu;tn.— 'l„h 29, Clai.i,.-I.— Tlieaxle fe bends, forming the cross-p.,rti..ns ( ' K I ) and the l.jiigiti sections V t;, in combinati'Hi with llie scat support (i upon the mi.ldle section of the axle, wherein the weight of the driver is equalized, and ufieis im resistance in raising the plough, as and for the purpose speeiiied. 2. — The bent axle, as shown and described, in combina tion with the furrou'-wheel .\ and its spindle-arm L. pro- vltled w nil a bearing for the axle at each end, to adjust the wheel straight from the axle or to provide a crank, as shown and specified. 3 — The seat support b, having a loose bearing upon the axle, in combination with the bar \', loop W, cross-bar T, and bent axle, substantially as shown and described. No. 2i8.2jo.— JOHN J. FLETCHER and JAMES W. PLOUGHS-WHEEL OR SULKY. SL'RS.', Venicic, ii.i.. — GangP/oiig/is. — An^'iis/ 5, 1879. Kileil Amaii/ier ^, 1878. C'lniin. — I. — The axle B, having cranks of unequal length ami provided with the arms B^ in coml.ination with the ploughfiiime having the cross-har E, with earst', and lever !■', ^ul>^tanlially as shown and described. 2 — The comliination of the solid body C, rigid plough- beam 1.. and the removable plough-beam M, the latter being adapted to be entirely removed from the body to form a sin- gle plough, said beams, when in use, being secured together by the inclined brace-bar O, and to the sides of the solid body by through-bolts N N', as shown and described. No. 218,516.— 1.S.AAC R. GILBERT, LouisviLLii, Kv. — Sulky- Plouirhs. — Atigust 12, 1879. Filed Alardi 13, 1879. Claim. — I. — The curved rack-bar G, provided with the clip or bracket b on its inner side, for the purpose of fitting over the end of the arched axle, and bracing the rack-bar both lengthwise and transversely, subst.mtially as set forth. 2, — The combination of the arched axle A w ith the curved guide H, rack L and anny', when said guide, rack, and arm are cast in one piece, substantially in the manner and for the ]iurpose set forth. 3. — The combination of the I.-shapcd lever K, curved guide II, link ^ |i\<,tLd kvti J, and spindle,;', all arranged 4.— Tlie cunil ination of tlie plougli-beam \\ plates R, with lugs ;•;■, the automatic adjusting seat s, and the clip I, with liilts 7', substantially as and for the purposes herein set forth. 5. — The clevis composed of the plates S S and T and open lul L- \ . and llie laterally-adjustable coupling W, provided with the extension x, substantially as and forthe pur- p.^.s huxin sa forth. No. 218,734.— THOMA.S T. HARRISON, Aikrev, K\ss.KS.~Sii'iy-/'/oiig/is.—Aiij^iisi 19 1879. Filed y)/,n' 24. 1879. Claim. — The sulky formed by the combination of the wheels A, the swiveled crank-axles B, the frame C, the short side bars, D, the cross bar K, and tlie pivoted tongue R with each other, to adaj.t it to receive a breaking-plough or cultivating-ploughs, substantially as herein shown and described. No. 218,840.— NELSON J. TRENERY and JOHN I.. SISLEY, MlKKLiN, 'WK.—Sulkv-CuUivatoi-s.—Am^'iist 26, 1879. Filed 0,ty/H-r2. 1878. Claim. — The coniliin.ition of the uprights n and crossbar Aan.l J with a pL.ugh and sulky-culti'vafr, means being provided for the adjustable attachment of the parts to the axle and lifting-chains of the cultivator and to the beam of the plough, all substantially as described, and forthe purpose set forth. No. 218.856.— MORTIMER CAHILL. .Sterling, Ii.i.. — Siiliv-P/oii!;/is. — Angus/ 26, 1879. Filed December 9, 1878. ' Claim. — I. — The clamp D, capable of lateral adjustment upon the crank e, said clamp having the horizontal section (•' and vertical sleeve c', collar,!,', and set-screw/, in combi- nation with a clamping dexice for holding the plough-beam secured to a bolt passing through the vertical sleeve e\ substantially as and forthe purpose described. 2. — The ratchet wheel n. connected to the pivotal hori- zontal crank e by link ///, working in combination \\'\\\\ le\'er F, slotted plates' (1, and stop H, all constructed to operate substantiallv as and for the purpose set forth. ,._The' combination, with the clamp I), fnme.l with h..iizuntal sectinn ,', vertical sk-eve e^. and the cllar v, with -ct-screwy. of the pivotal bolt //. angle in.n I, plates ?■/(•, and set-screws/, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. No. 219 381.— WILLIAM P. BETTENDORF, PiCRf, 1 \.\..—CullivHlors and Phuf/is.Sep.'eiiibei- 9, 1879. Filed Dee'„ghs. — Seph-nihn 16. 1S79. Filed Feb- riiarv 18, I 879. ( laini. — r. — I'lie phiugh-licanis G I of a gang-plough, connected liy the real angular liracey, with its slot-and-pin fastening, and liaving the bridge-shaped braces K, said beams and l>raccs being connected by a crank-rt>d, L, ; and the loiward cnd> of tlie beams being ccmncelefl with arm, (■ 1 1, of iiiic.|ual Icngili. sub,tantially as and for (he pur| described, 2. — The axle .\, with its arms C D of unequal length, in I combination with the plough-beams G I, which are loosely connectetl at tlu- rear ends, substantially as and forthe pur- pose desciil>e'l. No. 219 709 —ANSEL HAYES GALE, Frf.kiort, 111 .—SnIky-l'hKghs.— September 16, 1879. Filed Novem- ber I, 1S77. L'laiin. — I. — The combination of the iron frame n n', the I stationary side plates, /' b, bolted thereto, and the adjustable outer plates. <■ e, turning upon rigid sUuK /.'", jnojecting from the faces of the inner plates, ,■ c, as described. 2.— The combination, with the iron IVanie . — iVheeirioughs. — Oc:ober 7, 1879 Filed Alr^u-it 10, 1879. Claim. — I. — The side-wheel, r, having its supporting standard passed through the socket of a swinging plate or bar and i.ivoted to tlie adjustable lever /, whereby the wheel may be to level llie plough and to regulate the side draf. upon l;ill sides, substantially as set forth. 2. — The ciubinatiMii uf (he wheel ;• with the standard r' , iiivoted iil.ilL- J. Kmi /, b.u 1.1, rack liar s- ~w, and spring- catch uj.on ll.L' No. 22J,440. assigntr to C L P:o„il,t:—0,:c Claim. — I.— opposite crank ly as sa forth. l\i KKK, Waxahachie, iRIl. llM.IAS, Tkxas.— ,inl iiL.ll.M, .,t i::e auhola^.!.. E, with s/', i;Misd\ aaju-ti.l by luxLV I'^and ; 111 Iheir hubs, sub-tantially as and 1 set furth. Ill III the arched axle E, rocked by the lever 1-', the t"'i iii.le]irii(k-iit liails or clevises G H, levers I 1', and lack-bais I. 1.', all mnsiructed and arranged sub- 3. — The conibiiKtiiiii. w itli a sulkv-frame, of one or more plough-beams, |, rlcMs. G.with clips .-, rear clevis, H, with plates /;« and bulls „, ali.l the operating-levers 1 1> 1'^ substantiallv as ami llie piirpnses herein set fmtli, No. 22?,633.— WILLIAM J. MLllARRV, Si .w K Link, Ind., |Slli;i.IH)N, III, r, '.y\—Sulky-PL K. MUX.SdN, .Marysvii-LK, s.—Xo'Ymher II, 1879. Filed -frame having the slotted hangers ^, I. tied voke /; and shackfe'/j'titWng if I'll, I lough frame c f. slotted ,' •. , ^,M■b^ Mil Iv.l plate A I' I :. -Kill ■, ! Ill ,-', .Mill bent cross-bar i, as and for the pur- \., .•..:, ;!. rilnM..\S L. RINEV, Laddonia, Mo. -- ; v . /,,■,:.-/',, vw/^r 9, 1879. Iiledy«V8, 1879. Claiin. Ill ,1 siilk\- -pl.iii-h, liie euiiibiiiation of the crank- bar /', li.iMii^ the e^teii-iuii m bi:4 '''-. I'lnieeling forward of ils beaiili-s , 1, .xle- ,,-, ihe le\er /:■, lulenimed on the part of the crank b luruaiil ot its center uf motion, and the brace //-, connecting the lever with the crank in the rear of said center of motion, substantially as and for the purposes set forth. No. 223,186.— HENRY C. STUART, Warrenton, Mo. — Sulkv-Ploughs. — December -^o, 1879. Filed October 28, 1879. Claim. — I. — The combination of the axle A, with arms A', having an eye in its end, the vertical frame C. with side rod, b, the brace d, levtr D, and chain e, suh.un tially as and for the purposes herein set forth. PLOaOHS-WHEEL OR SULKY. 381 2.— The combination of the vertical adjustable frame C, kceiKiN // /;. U|)iii;ht I, with plough-beam attached thereto, anil ihi' lever 1 ), as ami for the purposes herein set forth. 2j.;..s>Si.-iSAACl!URKE, Sacramento, Cal.— i-««7- /:■,'«,'//..—/..'/;.■(,/';)■ 27, 18S0. Filed /,7H«nrv 31, 1879. (_ l.iiin— 1. — The combination of the axle C, constructed as iic>ciilic(l, the guide-standard K, guage-standard G, and frame .M, suh.->ta)itially as and for the purposes set forth. 2. — The axle-tree or bar C, having the sockets C and the boxes F formed with or upon it, to receive the standards G and K, so that the ploughs are guided and the pressure is applied to them directly through the lino of the axle, sub- stantially as and for the ]uii|i(.,c l]erein de^eribed. No. 223,833.— GKitRCK AKMSFRi iNT,, Elmira, and DU.VCAN L. MURi'l I i;si i\, W K A 1 11 iksi. iKLL), III.; said MURCHESON assii^noi t.. ^aid ARMS rkoXG.— C««jr- Phughs— January 27, 18S0. Filed Fehruary 8, 1878. Claim. — In a gang-plough, the pulley C D,in combination with the bar B, lever F, and rod H, substantially as and for the purpose specified. No. 224 934.— jO.SEPH B. NEFF, Cuba, assignor to REUBEN ELWOOD, .Sycamore, \\.\..—S,ilky-Plougks. —Feiji-mny 3, l8Sj. Filed December 16, 1S7S. Claim. — I. — The combination of the brackets c, attached to the pljugh-beam with the rods a and adjustable collars d, for allowing the bracket-; a limited free play on the rods, substantially as described. 2. — The combination of the brackets r, rods a, and ad- justable collars (/ with the collar iJand rock-shaft C, substan- tially as set forth. 3. — The plate k, having the ears /, in combination with the beam D and bar or rod O, substantially as described. 4 — The extended bar k, for supporting an evener inde- pen lently of its clevis-support, con-tructed and applied sub- stantially a-i specified. 5. — The cjmbinalion of the bent axle or frame A, arms X, rod O, adjusting-bar P, and bar F with the cranked or bent rock-shaft C. lever, J, one or more rods, a, one or more brackets, c, and plough-beam D, all constructed and operat- ing substantially as speci.ied. No. 224033.— lOSEPH B. NEFF, CuiSA, assignor to RKUIJEN KI.WoOD, Sycamore, \\A..Sulky- Ploughs. — / ■ .7 ■- ; ;,, iSS .. Filed December 16, 1878. I ! : i. ul' with the pivoted tongue F, the al:.: ' t I stirrup e, and slotted bracket a, the pi\f the crank-axles, and having an independ- ent lifting levti, I, whereby the a,\les are turned to level the frnme and the front end of the plough-beam lifted by the 2.— The li;\il I ;, provided with a swivel coupling for at- tacliment uftho ploULjh-beam K, combined with the bail H, proviilcl Willi the iMd ,-, t.. firm a hmg loop or slot, in which X-An .,dja,l,.h|.;s»ivcl-c.uiphni; foith. ally 4. — In combinaticm, in a ^ulky-plough, a frame upon wheels, two laiK \\ herebv the plough is connected to the sulkv-frame, mv\ a plough the land-side whereof is arched fi-um tlie front its lower edge, so that it docs not boar u|iiin llie l«.lloin uf the furrow e.\cej:t at its point, for the No. 225 207.— LOUIS P.ERTIIIAUME, St. P.m'i., Vimii.— Sulky- I'hn^hs. — March 9, 1S80. Filed ,\;.7r/«- ber 29, 1S79. Claim.— I. —The combination of the coulter-shaft K- and the collar, with heek-pLUcsy^V^ lly as .lesc. ion, with the right an-le.l frame M', R' bolted theiLto, uf the vertical h.ilt am U, substantially as desciilied, and for .-The .ugh ha sho l.ird ■ clamp att.rched to the ploU;.;h In. 1111, ol the beaiii I., att ulieil to the pivoted bail I' by a s\\ iv ,1-l1.iiiiii, and the sull.y- purpose set forth. No. 225,5 ;S.-FRE1)R1CK f. SMITH, Cnic.\oo, Ii.i.. —S,i:kyrlo:,:^h'.. — March 16, iSSo. Filed December 5, 1S79. Claim. — I. — The combination of the vertical inclined bracket with screw c' with the .adjustable lever fulcrum- block (', adapted to move up or down on said screw, the connecting rod 5, clamp 6, and the plough A, as and for the purpose set forth. 2.— The combination, with the hand-lever ,7, having the of the ailjustable fulcruin ,-, the vertical inclined screw c' , the connecting-rod 5, clamj) 6, and the plough A, substan- of arms 8 and 9, and having the foot lever 11 integral therewith, of the arc 10, perforated in the manner shown and adapted to secure the arm 9 in ditfereni positions, as herein described, the vertical arm 12, the horizontal con- nection IJ, sliaft 14, connecting-rod 15, clamp 16, and the plou-h A, substantially as and for the purpose herein de- 4. — In a sulky attachment for ploughs, the combination of the following elements, consisting of the hand-lever a, having extensions a- and (?■', the adjustable part c, the vertical inclined screw c' , connecting-rod 5, clamp 6, the rectangular lever consisting of arms 8 and 9, the arc lO, vertical arm \2, hori/ontal arm I j, shaft 14, connecting- rod 15, clamp 16, and the plough .\, all constructed and nge.i No. 225,668.- GEURGE 11. WARREN, Tam.\ City, XoviS. — Sulky-I'loughs.— March 16, 1880. Filed Decem- ber 18, 1879. Claim. — I. — In a sulky-plough, the combination of the pi\oted bail F with .inn H, the braces I I, roller .-/■,<»«/;,. —.■;//-// 20. 1880. I'iled F.biuary), wlne'-plongh, the curved braces C C, PLOUGHS-WHEEL OR SULKY. 383 pivoted toihe lioii/.onMl ends of tlie arched axle A, and hav- ing; tlio end l)eannijs, r , , anani;ed to clamp the plough- iH-am, -nli-t:uui,dly as show n and described. 2. — The cumliiiiaiion of the arched axle A, the bearing- bloc!nt of cultivator-beams, substantially as shown and de- saibed. No. 226,70<.— LEROY BROWN, Waitsburg, \V. T.— Sii/iy Ploughs.— April 2.0, 1883, Filed Sepkmber i8, 1S79. Cl.iini. — I. — The combin.ation of the pivoted bar V and the sliding koeiKT 1- witli the bar O, the axle C, and the cr.i^^ luail 11' . pro\iJid with a number of holes and formed u,in!i t!K nar lii I .iltlu U, which passes around the off wheel .\, an 1 « itli w hicli tlie ])lou^h beam L is connected Hk- 1 l-.R, CO"FEYVII.LE, SHA c;ALLUP,same i8o. Filed July 22, bar Z wilii tic ui 1 mI iIk- l,ar i;, tl,c pivoted bar V, the sliding keeper 1-. .mil tlir 1mi r.wlinh passes around the on' wheel .A, and wiih wliuh llic ]il.iiiL;h I. cam I, is connected, substantially as herein -h.iwn an 1 d.--.iilird. No. 2-6,739.— KR.VXLlS M Kan'.s.\s, a.s.signor to himself anc )>\Tvc, with its o| shaft (>'. havinr; ; forthepnr|.oselu callv alju- AHll.l.,\zoo, Mich. -June 2^. 1 88 3. Filed .-?/;•// 2, iSSj. Claim. — I. — In a sulky-ploui;h carriage, the device herein described, consisting of the socket or collar 1 ), disk 1 )', and semistube D-, and provided with means fm adjiistinjr the lever thereon. 2. — The combination, with a crank a\le. of the de\ice D D' I)^ having the part D' corrugated, as described, the corrtigated washer I, lever G, and bolt and nut, sulistantially as herein set forth. -No. 229,816.— S.ABER GESLEY, Beloit, Wis.— .S'/zZ/fv- PUmglis.—Jiily \l,\'&'ia. Fded /■^//-;7 26, 18S0. Claim. — I. — The axle B, having one long angle or crank, to whicli the plough K is attaclied, and a shorter angle or crank carrying the land-side wheel, the axle li being bent and constructed in one piece, in the form shown and de- scribed, whereby, in this peculiar form of construction and arrangement of the axle, the plough may be raised and the land-wheel lowered by slightly rotating the axle by means of the lever F, substantially as shown as herein particularly specified. 2. — The bo.'i and clip H, having the downwardly-project- ing arm, in combination with the bar G, lever F, and ratchet E, substantially as and for the purpose set foith V-The i.lough and beam K, with the axle P, and wheels A,^.. the Inng'an^leor crank of win, li .ixlr ili,- phnigh- beam K is journaled and seemed bv in, an- .il ih. I„,x and clip 11. ill combination with the wed^e /. do« nwaidlv-pro-. jeclini,r arm ..f the box and clip H, bar G, lever F, and rati hit 1:, suli,tamially as and for the purpose hereinbefore liailn ul.irlv described. No. 22y 822. — REUBEN HOI.G.VrE, Nei-onset, I1.L, ~U,iii--/'/oii-^'/ii.—/ii/v I^„ 1S80. Filed Aii-iisl 16, 1879. CLim.— I.— In o.mbiiiatinn with a telescopic axle. A' .\", and jiloughs, a teleseojiie bar. .\"', adapted to be raised and lowered to allow the ploughs to rise and lower and to adjust their depth of ploughing, as and for the purpose 2.— In cond inatiou with the telescopic bars A' A" and the ploughs, the bar A"', adjustably secured to the bars A' A" by yoke H and sliding plate c', substantially as and for the purpose specified. 4. — In combination w ith the bars .\' A" and adjustable bar .-\'", the hollow shaft V.. having pinions / /', and end a' of the bar .\". having pinion /"'. substantially as and for le ,,urpose 4.— The to the V plough ibination h pinion ', having purpose a plate K', hinged to the shaft /. connected substantially as and the shaft K, yoke K," beam /, /■'. and the cord w", for adjust- i-taiilially as and for the purpose ', and coril in", in combination ed disk ;/. and with the sh.aft K, sub- iii eonibinatioii with the sleeve N, ■vei \1. block /."". link P", bars P I I. as and IVjr the purpose described. S' S", hinged to the block J and ctively. ill cKI'1I 1;. XEFl', r.isuNKi.i,, Ii.i,.— ,S;, ',-/',,., :,. — 7;,,V I^ INS., I iLI /,-,;.; 1 20, 1S80. . ■ .,,:, 1. Il: ,..,.,1 .,,, M „, ■. ,l', P , .:,..! i, ! ,,\lcofa sk I 1-, ll: « ith ith ajiaul, l.v uiLans .jf which the to-gle-bars may be locked at 20— 111 plough on. 7,theo.u as and f,n y;u,,^c-Mup a, piled to the windlass- shalt 1 1', in comliination with the plough-frame and hinged- lilough. sul.staiitially as described. 21.— In a plough, tlie combination of the stem J of the front wheel, .A.-, laterally-adjustable bearing-block J^, and the pole or tongue K, whereby the center draft of the pli>iii;h and its appliances may be regulated, substantially as set foith. 22. — In a plough, the spring-seat I, comprising the rear- ward-e.xtended st.iy-bar/', spring/S pendent rod/', stand- ard /)', spring /"', and guiding-eye /', substantially as and for the purpose described. 23. — -V removable box for journal-bearings having screw- threads on its outer surface for insenion into a hanger or frame, in com) inr.tion with the levohine shafts or axles and -the fi-ittion-roller-, -"l>-i:-rti.illv n. -b.v^ nnJ .l,:-rril„ .1. 24. — The conil'iii. '; ■!. • ■ :'. - ■'-;•'. : iir" n.- • I:. 1:1^111. asat E E', with ihv m -. :: ' ■ '; n , i>, n, , ..;-!i ;i;. ii. or wheels, as at r., ' ' : ■ ' : r.. ;■■ i.l:.\iii- the plough from j 1 1 1 ; . , . ; ;i l.uid -idc and aho harrowing or 1 11 i i: ! ; i |>lMugh fur turn- ing over the soil, ^i ' "No, 230437.— II' '. '■' II i I I \ I -. l..ur Ii,,i„,r, In'vyA, assignor t(i 1 i 1 ' 'I ' ■ I I ' - II I I; M \ N. iiii.' | l;ur — Suliy-Ploilg/lS.—J: :■ 1- !:'..i / ;. ; 1 i. iSSj. plough-beam N, haMii^; 11 , h.i .. ..i.K iiil Iilhi iipw aid, niid and the bearings L, 'of the coniKxlii - liar 1' and tin- lever L', pivoted upon said bearing, ^uli^tintially a^ hcrL-iii shown and described, whereby these parl^ all rock iip.m the axle, as specified. 2. — In a sulky plough, the combination, with the lever U and inclined bar d, of the slotted and notched platey', liaving its forward end beveled, the wooden pin /, and ^top pin J, substantially as herein shown and described, whereby the plough is allowed to swdng back should it strike an obstruc- tion, as set forth. No. 230,528.— ROSWELL M. CLARK, McPhf.rson, KAKSAS.— miee/-F/:^-.r the two plates l)y the shaft or ed free lateral n and coupling tilting of the ch other is pre- iiy <;, cnmposcd of the plates i b\ united jL-d, and having the rear central bearing, c, ', in combination with the axle or shalt .\. plough-beam H, substantially as shown lation of the coupling device C, axle \ of ;e, a plough-beam, B, stop-pin holes i i, adjustable" collars D D', substantially as 880. all substantiall Claim.-I —The combina ion, with the frai le of the 2._The con .lough, of a wheel. p.. l.ehin. ibepl.Hi-h.hnvin-' ■-'. r.-'.tnnnn-joi; -In'ii'taxi, to the cania-i being pi^utr.i pivoted al : ■ ' 1" mhU « In d tn be brought at iiLia ,iiil,i< - i" lin 11. nn. atmiL- --idc tlK-icof, sub- stantially as sc-t loith. 2. — The bifurcated push-rod or brace I, in coml ination with the frame A, plough C c, and the adjusting device, substantially as described, for moving the plough-beam ver- tically, substantial K . - I 1- nil. 3.— The combinaii i ■ 'ind lever G, rock-shaft F, sleeve E, and con m II' 1 ith the plough C, having abeam, 1', extending 1'i.-.|n mn, ,aid sleeve, substantially as herein set forth. 4. — In a wdieel-plough, the combination, -with the frame, of a plough and push-rod arranged substantially as shown, whereby the plough may be propelled from the rear, sub- stantially as set forth. 5. — The combination of the frame, plough, and a push-rod I, arranged to propel the plough from the rear, the said plough bti 11-^ piv.itcd t'l said rod to vibrate from .side toside, and adju-tal'! . ,1- -> 1 l-.i th. No. 230,7 .7 -I>.\ Al R. GILBERT, Louisvii.i.E, Ky. — M7;f,7 /■/.//,/;..-. //(;w.(/ 3, 1880. Filed April 2.b, 1879. Claim. — I. — The combination of the sliile (', having spin- dle ^ and rack-bar D attached tlKr,t.wn, witli the pivot:-d hook /,, shaft H, lever L. sockets M and Ik k.Mi,^ their lower edges projecting on and pjl-ani t..,i;.;ue 1! /, sul.stantially a. an! for the pur- buth H.le- |.. kinn ,i stmiig support for the tongue and per- pD;es set forth mit the nuskaiii-ivi to lie reversed to adapt it to a right \o. 2ii,v>2.— SAMUEL W. FLEMING, Dunkirk, or left li.ind pkiii-k. rk i:iritii!lv as described. (1 a^M'ihirof one-half of his right to JAMES RUSH, 8._Iii a >ulk\ ■ : : k 1' ;t .in h Wk ] onided at one s,,n, yVm" ^Phmsh-Ti-ucks.— August 17, l88o. Filed side with a bi.n!' 1 i , . ei;, 1 uith the .1, uble-ended J//r 0. i.SSo. stud N' N-, Me 1 .Me ,,,MOi-ant j, and lever H G, Claim. ^In a pl-iuli nu. k. ilir > . ,nikin,.tl- .it. ^^llll the axle ,1 k ' .:■ 1. Inrthe purpose specilied. B thereof and thi : "1. ii. : .1 . i, ftherear- 9.— Ill . ! ell. the quadrant J, ha\ing retainers loopdiolt II, h.iMM :.■' riiL::,iM!. 1, •nuied'and for the 1 , 1 1 i i.e side of the arch and a down- ward-pr-i .iiiii, Ik provided with a hcle, a', and a o;-.-r,Ui;l- -ill i-.tJilll.i i 1 ^ .V- ,m'i Imi llir purpM.,,, -,.l iMrtll. notch, rr, at its lower end, substantially as shown, for the ■ \>, j;j .:^J. -W 11,1,1 AM \ , Ml iR(..\N .iihl IllO.MAS purpose specified. W, ll,\rKM\\, ,\iii:uii and described, consisting of specified. , , . ^. , the hook-bolt 0, tlir ll.ii.i:.- 1 pl,;i- 1,1. and the nut R, where- II. — In oaibinrtion with the horizontal longitudinal by the plow-beam 1' will k ■ k k! ■ up Iv. a, stt forth. pivot III, the pivot-plate /, the j ivot-jdate y, the stud-bolt 2.— In a sulky-plou-h, ik • ,.'1, ::.ii. «iih Ike bent II, and the seat-springs K and K', substantially as de- axle B, of the bail K, the :iii:: \ 1 . ! Mr M , tlie sueket- scribed. bloek L, and llie elamo d 1,1 k, n . iii\- as herein shewn 12. — In a sulky-plough, the combination of the plough- anddeMik. k'.ve ; ' '. ik'ik.i^ii will be connected with k . in ep:. iiing devices T T', the oblique adjusting de- \, e;. : ■• 11 i\l\- I HARRISON, Aubrey, K\N,\.. ,,v r /,\v,: — s,v,v///vr 14, i88j. Filed 7/r/, 17, iS o.' Claim. — I.— The spindles B, axles D, having vertical end post^, C, the arched E, having end hole.s, the plate H, crank-screw J, and cross-beam F, combined, as and for the purpose described. 2.— The braces Q, plate R, loop S, pin V, bent lever W, and plow-beam T, combined to adjustably support the front end of plow-beam, as shown and described. No. 232,345. — CHARLES F. GODDARD, Wi;.T- MrrcHELL, Iowa. — Ploughs. — Sephmber 21, 18S0. Filed March IS. 1S79, i\o. 232535.-1 isAMvl.l.N Ik UL.Xr, Rkumon: Ind., as.signor of one-half of his right to D. B. ROBBINS,- Sa'kv Ploughs.— September 21, 1 880. Filed March ition with the pendant or jiloiigl,- levice T T' attached to the crank, the side arms of the crank, and the vertical adjustmg-crank 1 I I', and slotted plate E', as and for the pur- a £en- ally by rojtct- ing ar 1', sul No. il.PHUS LATHAM, Tipp: fnichs.— .September 21, 1S80 \ itli a thimble-arm, E, on at I cth w heels may have alion, or both may rotate iigle wheel on the oppcsite \ 111 , ^M.. KION, CAI.. , Ik I ,- ,..1879. ■ me. I, the sidepai.illel lui, .-,- ke.,in-. C 1>. and li.iMiig tke angukr Icver-arni 1' ll.ol- the kanuw (J, kaMng it. ligl t-an^kd bars J- ,1' liiiiged ..r pn, ted to the keam A, and lia\iiig the operating-lever x x, as and for the purpose set forth. No. 2'32,8'!7.— SILAS H. WOCJLRIDGE, Vunice, Ii.i. — Gain;- Plou!;hs.— October ^., i88o. Filed lebn.ary 14, iFSo. ' CI.Hin.-I.-'Ik.. k.niM ,\. liv.l k ,,.k,e,:.k. ..I ,;'. .:.u.\ wheel , , comlin. "for the and a Ij 6.-1 n a sulky-plough, the oblique adjusting device V R', ;d with the oscillating or rotating adjusting device X plough-beam, the pendant T T', the crank, I I V, notable lilock V/, as and for the purpose specified, n a sulkv-iihiugh, the beam D, provided with the V, e. unbilled with the oblique adju ting device com- plough-beam,ofil thtr to, and slolte stantially a, and f 2.— n a wheel the plough-beam e I 11 Ml \' nil two or more in- ;, i ,,, . 1; Ik, i.f unequal length, I : . \\, inner .-hies of the beams «' e , \ iblorg loops, as at e and (;", I I e the axle, and also being , ; I. . k -kaft U, and to a hand lever ,'. subsianiially in the manner and \RV GOLLVER, White Hail, 12, 1880. Filed June 19, 1S80. .\ lileaigh. t' e CO 111 ination, v\-iththe 4i;lai !e\ir .,11'! elniin, both connected ink, id V. I niid up. 11 the bar A, sub- .;li, tile -tandard H, adapted 10 hold ■I 11 it. \eitieal parallel arms, and I av- .-,1 t..the axle, the lever 1, pivcted to PLOUGHS-WHEEL OR SULKY. 387 the standard H, the claim ///, and Hnk /, airangeti to operate su'istaiitially as and for the purpose set forth. 3. — In a wheel-plough having a slotted standard, H, the aljustable clamp 1*, composed of plates//' and holts y'^, the plate /' being furnished with bearings K, and a lug, y', and the friction-rollers i', arranged in pairs to bear against the ront and rear edges of the side bars of the standard, sub- s antially as set forth. No. 233,276— SAMUEL PETERS, Ckown Point, III., assignor to GEDRGE SANFORD. same place.— Plugh.Tjiuks.— Odober\z, :8So. Filed September 13, iSSo. Claim. — In a plough-truck, the combination, with the axle, of the standard D, provided upon its front edge with open notches d J, the slip-link F, closed at both ends and provided at its rear end with a screw- threaded seat,/, and the eyebolt G, screw-threaded to fit the seat /, and adapted to engage with the standard D at one end and to receive the plough-clevis at the other end, f', substantially as set forth. No. 233,722. -HENRY BORCHERT, Aurora, Minn. — One Wheel-Ploughs.— Oclcber 26, 1880. Filed y«Hf 23, 18 o. Claim. — I. — In a one-wheel-plough, the combination of beam or bar E, having boxes e and shaft or rod <•', with lever H, fixed to one end of said rod, and tongue G, fixed to the other end of said rod, and plough-beam a, substan- tially as and for the purposes set fortli. -The combination of plough A, axle B, wheel C, and e', and tongue C;, j^intfil tlv of tonge a, and k\' 1 ! I , ' n line with the re;;i - ! 1 1 , substantially as ami 1 1 1 1 No. 234,176.— FK till-. R or near the forward end the beam E about on a irward end of tongue a, set forth. DAVENPORT, Jer- SF.YViLLE, Ii.i H'heel-Flou'hs.- November 9, 1S80. Filed y«.^. 9, i;s3. Claim. — I. — In a wheel-plough having an axle adapted to turn and thereby raise the plough from the ground, the combination, with the axle provided with a n^id arm, a platform, journaled on the axle, and a plough-lieam mounted on the platform, of draft mechanism directly connected to the axle-arm and a locking device which detachably secures together the platfunn and the axle-arm, said locking device being connected to the platform at a point forward of the axle-arm and adapted to transmit the draft to the axle in a line passing through the latter, substantially as set forth. 2. — In a wI-.eel-,ilough having an axle adapted to turn and thereby raise the plough from the ground, the combination, with said axle provided with a rigid arm, a platform journaled on the axle, and a plough-beam mounted on the platform, of a pawl pivoted on the latter for engaging or disengaging with axle-arm, a longitudinally-sliding draft-rod, and a con- necting device between the latter and the axle- arm, sub- stantially as set forth. 3. — In a wheel plough having an axle adapted to turn and thereby raise the plough from the ground, the combination with said axle provided with a rigid arm, a platform jour- naled on the axle, and a plough beam mounted upon the platform, of a spring-pressed foot-paw! pivoted on the plat- fonn and ,n','iL-iM.j- v ith n''fl"-^ Otiii-] ■•11 the arm, a longi- tudinally -:; ■ , .. I , , ;,, I : 11. cting the latter with the a ■ I , 234,32, - -I !| \i;;.|. .\ I \ i II I,-,. .N and HERMAN L. AhRAHAAI>. ki>si.i.i . \~.\^<-\>.—Sulkv-P:ouyhs.— A'o:'cV«/«v9 iSSo. Filed /a > 2, 1880. Claim.— The arch .\, having the rack M, the parallel bars B, provided with li-.-ariiigs, .iiul the vertical bars C, forming a slot or mil . Ill ''' . Ill II :i V I'll the axle-ai"m D, having the cro.- !, : , 1 ,, and the elbow-lever H, substanii ill'. : :, i. . I. No. 2j4hi; WiiiiW! II. RVEK, La Crosse, Wl?., as^ign..r tu him-elf and ALBERT HIRSHHEI- MKR, same place. — Siilkv- Ploughs. — Xoz'cniber 16, 18S0. YWtAJuly 19, lS8o. Claim. — The combination, v^■ith the arched cross-bar A, having the tninnions /«, of the U-shaped cross-bar n, con- necting vvith lever r and extending backward to support the plou^^h, the pl.rte p, and half-tube r/, the rod S, having spiral spring u, and the frame having lug t, substantially as and for the purpose specified. No. 234,683.— JOHN R. McCORMICK, Georgetow.v, Tv.}^,\s. — Si,ay-Ploughs. — November 23, 1880. Filed May 25, 1S80. Claim — The combination, with the crank-axle and tongue, of the angular guide-braces D D, diagonal brace E, and the adjustable collars G G, substantially as and for the purposes set forth. No. 234,743.— AXEL F. BERGQVIST, Fairfikld, Iowa, assignor to himself and DAVID LOCKE, same place. — Siilky.Ploughs. — November 23, 1880. Filed Set- teinber/^, 1883. Claim. — I. — The combination, with the bail having a crank-extension, ^>-, and the wheel B', carried by a rock- shaft, C, having cranks i and /, of a lever, F, connected above iis fulcrum with the crank i by a link, //, passing over the axle, and connected below its fulcrum and below the axle with the crank of the bail by link-bar/, substan- tially as shown and described. 2. — The combination, with the bail and the plough-beam, of the clip-plate vi, fastened to the beam, and the swinging- plate «, connected at its middle to the bail and jointed to the clip-plate, and a chain, 0, connecting the upper end of plate n with the forward end of the clip-plate, substantially as shown and described. 3. — The combination, with the axle and the bail, of the U-shaped frame D, bent over and extended down below the axle in the rear thereof, and provided with bearings for the bail, and the braces <■. passing beneath the axle and con- necting the side linrs of tlie frame D with its rear and pendant ends, as vIimw n ,;i!'! ,]<-< lihed. No. 235,175.— lie \\i I-- I ■-M1TH, Aurora, III.— Sulky- Ploughs.— I h.iir. 7, iSSo. YWti May 22, 1 880. Claim. — I. — The cumhmaiion, with the supporting-bar A and crank-shaft -f ', of sector Ifi, having a bracket, B, which binds against the side and edges of the supporting-bar A, substantially as and for the purpose described. 2. — The combination of the lever M, toggle-lever m /«', sector /•■'', having a bracket, /C"^, and the crank-shaft h', and supporting-bar A, substantially as and for the purpose de- scribed. 3. — The combination of the sectors /!■*/•*, having brackets /!■■' X-Mn combination with the slide B, having a bracke), l)\ the axles h.' A- of the sulky-carriage, set out of line with one another, and the crank-shaft k' , having its arms in line with each other, substantially as and for the purpose de- scribed. 4. — The combination, with the supporting-bar A and crank -shaft k' , of sector /♦ on the landside of the carriage, piovided with a bracket k"-, which serves both as a set guage for the sector and as an extended support for one end of the crank-shaft, a lever, link, and a slide, B, the parts being arranged to limit the extreme up and down movement of tl.e slide, substantially as described. 5. — The spring check-roller J, suspended upon a sup- porting-frame, provided with stops, in combination with the plough-beam K', whereby a spring-roller and a laterally \il)rating plough-beam are adapted for operating together in a sulky-plough, substantially as and for the purpose described. No. 235,205.— I.F. ROY CAHILL, Kalamazoo, Mich. —Sultv-J'loiii^hs. — December 7, 18S0. Filed A/ri/ 2S, 1870. ' Claim. — I — The combination of the axle I, crank or arm J, provided w ith the ratchet-disk d, the lever L, pro- vided with similar ilisk /, for preventing lateral deviation of the plough, substantiallv as herein described. 2.— The 'combination of the bars H, provided with the foot-boaru or cross-bar K, and the axle B and plough-beam G, for raising the plough from the ground, substantially as herein described. No. 235,490. — J. VV. B.A.RCLAY, Aberdeen, and ROBERT SELLAR, HuNTLY, County of Aberdeen, Scotland. — Combined Plotighs and Diggers. — Decembe}- 14,1880. Y'\\^A August II, 1880. Patented in England July 24, 1876. Claim. — I. — The combination, in a plough, of a share, a segmentary mould-board, and one or more interposed hori- zontal, or substantially horizontal, blades or tines twisted obliqiielvto the line of draught, the lower liaxing a cutting-edge, and the blades or tine, sq-arated hum cacli other and from the share and mouM-lioaid l.\ iiilervcning spaces, sub-tanlially as an.l for the purpMsc spcLilnd. cari^ing-w hcL at the o|ipciMl •ith the hinged arm E and furrow- having lugy, and set-screw K,as the \ertical bar H, foot-lever I, il E, and plough-standard, as and 2.-The combination, wheel, of plat.- and for th. p;,,,.. c -. i I 3.-Th. ,-.,nl-,nM,.m hinged arm K, furru« « for the purpose set forth, 4. — The scraper L, having horizontal portion /, hinged on the top of the ploagh-beam n, formed with lateral exten.sion /', and provided with set-screw M, in combination with the furrow-wheel F. as set forth. No. 236,193.— GEORGE S. TAPPAN. P.^i.mvr.^, ^mY,^'iV.^.—Sulh■^Ioni;l,s.—Janllarv 4, 1S81. Filed June 21, 18S0. Claim. — The combination, in a .sulky- plough, of the block D, hinged tongue E. frame A B C, having bail T, hinged frame U, having stem V. lever Q. connectin:;-rods .S W, and the pl.m-h, the beam of which i. proMdcd with a l■an,^ev,el^-pJllM|-.,lcd IjaU or hracka, hx ul,„ I, u „ pivoted iiiHMi tlie slcin \' ..r the frame L', .uliM.uai.dlv as and for sha ha^i A gang pi •il haMiii,' a n,uil,-lL\cr and conveymg- ^-ai-ing the jiluu^lis .ait of the furrows, and a'l independent pivoted guide-wheel, the shaft of wdiiih has a limited vertical movement in the collar by which it is attached to the frame, substantially as and for the purposes described. No. 235,767. — WM. HEMME, MiciiiniN Valley, '^Kti%h%.— Sulky-Ploughs.— December 21, 1880. Filed August 7, 1880. Claim.— In a sull v-plA,ig),. H,p combination of the axle A, the lever, N. Im/ ' '. ! ' ! \v•\.V■^- V . in which the plough-beam Q i- ' i :.:; ■' n ai, ..f ilie li-iu J, llie sup- porting-rod S, and iiii>.' i;. IIP i. am being adpi-l.ilile later- ally upon the axle, suostaniiallv as shown. No. 235,890.— CHRISTIAN MYERS, San Francisco, Ck\..— Gang- Ploughs. —December 28, iSSo. Filed October 2, 1 880. .dtivator, the cninl n eams K, and the ge earns. bolt. M. .and the g ends as herein sho« n g the are am -pole. beam, as srt forth 4.-In a coml r the the comtniation .both cross-beam, P, ■ed to d specified. J. BOW.MAN, Alexandria, •rs and Cultivators. — January \ . ■■; :^ ■ - ^ 111. P, the i.|iia; , liia.i i N ,- V, and the rlly as liercia shown and de- i of the plough-beams will be by the same movement as the and cultivator, nd the forward , the two eye- I ), substantially -■ plough-beams cr, and cultivator, K and the rear aperture, and the ^ n ami described, il with the rear .-Ja :S8i. Claun I. II. I \ plmigli, the combination, with the Mi-i-al :i,,ir- 1: I 1'. 1 I iMdnl with the short axle C, of the fcru.ii I II- upwardly curved arm IV, having a short la i .1 i I i 11. |io\ided with an upwardly- extendel ' , . > uim.I and perforated rack-arm Y. ..linii ,r,; lo : : ,,, -la. 11 vertical arm H. provhled V\ ',:''■ \ M.- a i .'la' I, :'a. ! a,"; : ■' \ la, ''a ; ,' 1 ait Nf, JJ c.ale s'ui'suiiuaU) lu llie' liiamici liciuii .,liouii .aid de- 2. — In a sulky-plough, the vertical sliding frame N, having the bearings O, the shaft P, carrying loop P', and ill • pf; I foil,, 1 ,)im T', .lining the loop U, in com- |,a,.ii,a ..all ■'. 'I I a I,,:,,, fever S, vertical arm R, ],, I : I ■ I a 1. 1 tongue V, constructed .111 i ,,p: a,ii,,,_, -111, I, u. a ill., ,1- ,111-1 for the purposes set lorlh.' No 236,157.— ROZ.^J^DER S. HKIGINS, Nkoga, III. — Sulkv-Ploughs.— January 4, 18S1. Filed Oitober 25,1880. ■ Claim. — I.— The combination of hinged arm E, standard B, the furrow-wheel F, and set screw K, as and forthe purpose set forth. nd cultivator, and the rear plate m, the .1 the wedge- i bed. whereby movement, as forth. No. 236,574.— FRITZ GIRTANNER. Big Stone City, Dakota T.— 7/ <7i// Gatherer:. -Janiiarv n, iSSl. Filed .higiist },\. i;So. ( laini. — I. — The trash gatherer X, having its upper por- duwnwardly, and back\^■ardly, substantially as shown and described. 2. — The plough W, in combination with a trash gatherer fastened to the face of the plough-standard and having its upper ]i. ilion tui^lcd toward the mould-board side of the pli.iigli. -ai.l iip|i..i- |ioition being twisted obliriuely to the l.o.l\- ]. ,iu..ii, wliialiis secured to the forward face of ill.' pi. iiiali 1,111.1. U.I, then outwardly, downwardly, and l.a. \\'.^\^V^.\. as set forth. No. J ;/.,(.. I. —BENJAMIN F. LITZENBERG, Rus- siii, \:.\\ \.- .Sulky-Phughs.— January ii, 1881. Filed — In a sulky-lJlough, the frame or side pieces, A A, having four ecinidistant adjusting-perforations, B D E F, in combination with cro-s bar G, bail C, and wheel-spindles PLOU'GHS-WHEEL OR SULKY. 389 No. 236,907. — CH.\kl Cu.. — S.i/,iy- /'/ou^/ts.—Jiiii .Mo\\Rl'.\, .MuckU'.N, 25, 18S1. Filed Septem- Claiir. — I. — The combination of the plough-l)eani A', t'lc ^wivel-suppoit D', securetl to the .shaft D, the sliding sup|iurt C, SLCiired to the forward shaft, J, and means for nKi\in.; the :ame laterally, substantially as set forth. 2. —The combinotion of the plough-beam A', the swivel- support D', the sliding swivel-support C, secured to the shuft J by plates a b, and sleeve E', and crank-screw (.'•', sul stantially as described. 3. — The hinged tongu; H', in combination with lever N, arm M', lod L', braces 1' and J', and a rest for the rear end of the tongue, substantially as described. 4.— The combination of movable frame A and plough- 1 eam A', lever N, shafts J and I, and connecting-cranks, hinged tongue H', arm M', and rod L', substantially as de- scribed. No. 237,010.— OLIVER E. GOODELL, B.\ngor, •^\\cn. — P:ough-Ctirnages.—Janu.,ry 2-., 1881. Filed April I, 1879. Claim. — In a plough-carri.ige, the bail J, reversibly se- cured within the frame A, substantially as described, in c jmbination with tlie Icvlt 1,, arm K, and link .N, ,is and for the purposes set foiili ami sh.n\ 11. No. 237,765.- Tllo.MAS MKIKLK, Ijhisvili.k, Kv. —S:My-P/oug/u.—J-,:!>,u,tiv 15, 1S81. Filed Dcc.;„hcr 6, 1S80. Claim. — 1. — In a sulky-plough, the combination of the axle A, vertical frame or standard U, the double bars C'' C^, wheel 15, and caster-wheels G G' substantially as shown and de-cribed. 2. — file combination of the triangular frame C C C'^ C^, havin ■ the vertical standard U, forming a guide for tlie plougii-clamp and slide, the bell crank lc^er L, link ( \ and plough-beam P, substanlially as -,hou n and ilc-ciibcil. No. 237,824.— WILLIAM II. (/LMMINCS, li,„,NKs- HiiROl'GH, \o\s\. — Siilkv-rloiii^hs.—FLlnuarv 15, iSSl. Filed Oitvher 2^, 1880. (laini. — fhe combination, in a sulky-plough, of a lever- frame fulcrumed to the axle and carrying the plough at its low er end and the seat at the other, with the upright pivoted to the foot-sup];ort and the frame of the machine, and suita- ble levers and devices for operating the lever-frame, sub- stantially as and for the purposes specified. No. 237,842.— EDWARD A. EUSTICE, Greunvale, \\.\..Sulgv- Ploughs.— Fcbntary 15, 1S81. Filed October 13, iSSo. Claim. — I. — The combination, with the wheel-spindle hav- ing the vertical arm D, and the link and lever H G, of the angu- ular flanged bar E, its vertical jiart forming a groove for the spindle-arm, and a rack to secure the wheel in vertical adjust- ment, and its horizontal part slotted and seated upon axle I!, whereby the axle may be extended, substantially as shown i and described. 2. — The combination of the grooved and flanged l>ar M, , bolted to axle, the bars N, having flanges to rest against said bar M, and slotted extension-plates O, bolted to the plough-beam and forming a slide to lift the beam P, and the bolt Q, all substantially as shown and described. 3. — The plough-standard c, having a rear hole h< receive bolt J, a curved front slot, e, the corru^.itinn^/, the t.joihed I washer §■ /;, and the boh ;', as and for the iiurpc^e ckvcril)ed. I No. 238,053.- SAMUEL M. ROHKKfSdX an, I AU- t;USTUS A. HAMILTON, Lvnnvii 1,1:. I.iwa.— .SW/f-.'- \ Pleiighs. — February 22, I'fi'Al . lilid Sf/-/c-in,'ur 13,1880. Claim. — In a sulky-plough the comliiiiation of htam I), frames C, lever K, link /, arm ,, and I' shaped fra)ne J, having bifurcated ends, as sh.iu n and described, for attach- ment to the frames (', as stt lurth. No. 238,765.— IK IR.\(.L I.. DANIELS, Rkhwood Falls, Minn.— 5«/./|.-/Vc«,,/«.— J/o/r/i 15, 1881. Filed June 9, 1880. Claim. — The lever b, of curved form, and pivoted at its center and provided with the foot-rests x x' , m combination 1 id fu No, jiS.N S.— l.NHA (;.sre)Mi:i 1... ,ii.I 1 l.,ii 111 ! Ml liavinga rack formed on its rear si! 1 II I 1 located in horizontal t;i' 11; ii I I. II way and adapted to engage the U, lii >.i ,,i.i III 1, : i . li , lever pivoted at; one end to the K,> kill- plak, an. I a ind attaelie.l f. llie other end of the bell-ciank lever and e.vleiidii,^ l.,i „ aid and adapted to be oiieratcd by the font (if the diuri, siibsiaiitially as set forth. 2, — 111 a sulky ]ilciUL;li. the r. .ml lihaih .11, with a pivotal bcim, .111.1 .1 l.iiiiijii, ."s, .me III. I l.i the plough- beam an. 1 haviiiL; Its ,.|i|,tc en.l attadied to one of the hangers M, ami a bcllerank lever for raising and lowering the plough, suli-tantially asset forth. 3. — In a sulky-iil.nigil, the c.iiiiliinali.iii, viith the pivotal jilate or bracket N, ol ihc .li\. iLinL', li. n'. is M, secured at one end to said plate or lua. 11 1 11 lower ends rigidlysecured to the plough I , 1 ^. secured at one end to the plough beam ami ,11 11 uppi . ml t'l the plate or bracket N, and a bell crank lev. 1 ,111. 1 chain for raising and lowering the plough, siil.sianliallv as set forth. No. 238,993.— CilARl.KS V.\.\ 1)E MARK, HiLi.s- DAI.1.;, ^\\i:\\.—KiJing-rlcu-h,~-. March 15, 1881. Filed September 14, 1880. Claim. — I. — In a riding-plough, a centrally-pivoted tilting frame having the 1 ough supported by the rear end, and the driver's seat sup])orted wholly by the forward end thereof, and adapted to tilt independently of the tongue and main frame of the machine, whereby the weight of the driver is. utilized to counterbalance and raise the plough, substantially the spec ii^h ilting frame G H H I and K, su|ip.iHe.l by the rear end thereof, the if the driver's seat, arranged to be adjusted forward and backward on the said tilting frame while the pivots of the latter remain substantially in the vertical plane of the axle-support, substantially as and for the purpose herein specified. 3 — In combination with the centrally-pivoted tilting frame G H H I, the plough K, suspLii.kd from the rear end thereof by means ..f a sUspcniling-lever, L, pivoted to the said frame so as to im|iart a lateral angular adjustment to the plough, substantially as and for the purpose herein specified. 4. — The block or hanger d, having the round bearing e' aiul vertically-oblong bearing /, for receiving the pivot e of the plough-suspending lever L, in combination with the tilting frame, substantiallv as and for the purpose herein specified. No. 239,249.— FRANK A. HILL, San Leandro, Cai.. -Snlkv-rUu'hs. — March 22, 18S1.— Filed November 5, i88d, ■ Claim.— The axle C, having the arms D D', and locking- lever I, in combination with the bolster B, carrying-beams A A', and also pivoted on said arms, and with the lever F, bell-crank E, connecting-link G, and wheel K, all as and for the purpose set forth No. 239,q30.— JOHN A. MORSMAN, Centralia, \\.\..— Sulky-Ploughs.— March 29, 1881, Filed January 4, 1S81. Claim.— I.— The o.mbinati.m, in a s»lkv-pl..u^h, ..f the lilough-beam.with tlu' li,.m.> .\ ' I links 1" l.,r supporting it, the lever I)', c..iiii.-.tin- uiili -1.1. 1 link an. I lulenimed upon the main li-aiii.', llie link 1- ' c.imectiiiu «ith the forward end of sai.l lexei, winch is cxlcn.le.l in a.lvanee of its fulcrum, and the cuntci-balaiice M', sai.l mendjers being constructed and a.laptc.l fur ..pcration, subslaiitially as described. 2- — The combination, in a sulky-plough, of the plough- beam, supported at a point between its f irward end and the ploughshare, with the pivoted kver D', fulcrumed upon the PLOUGHS-WHEEL OR SULKY. main frame, a link connecting said lever witli the forward end of the ploughdieam, a notched arm, G', connected with the forward end of tlic lever by a link, the pawd K', for engaging the notches of said arm, and the counter-balance M', all constructed substantially as descrdied. 3. — The combination, in a sulky-plough, of the main frame with the pivoted lever S, the rod or link V, connect- ing the rear end of said lever with the plough-beam, the counter-balance M' at the forward end of the lever, the notched arm G', the lever D', carrying a pawl adapted to engage the notches of said notched arm, the link F', the forward end of the lever D', with the lever S and with the notched arm, and a link connecting the lever carrying the pawl with the forward end of the plough-beam, substan- tially as described. 4. — The combination, in a sulky-plough, of the frame A and the cross-bar H with the plough-beam W, its support- ing-frame A', hung upon the swinging frame B', the rod or link V, the adjustable segment U, pivoted lever S, link F', notched arm G', pivoted lever D', carrying a pawl, K, the counter-balance M', and the link C, connecting the lever carrying the pawl with the forward end of the plough-beam, said members being constructed and organized for operation substantiallv as described. No. 2:;9',5S7 — loll.V W. WITT, Grenoi.a, Kansas. —S!il/-y-J':>'ii-/is.—M,j)\/i 29, 18S1. ViUA Novi-iiibcr 26, Claim.— Idle combination, with the arched axle B, plough 1-cam E, and lever M, of an angle-bar, having its vertical aim attached to the top of the a.\le, extending downward ])arallel to and below said axle, bent twice at right angles and secured to the spindle-arm to form a beam- guide, adjustalile to either .side for a right or left plough, substantially as described. No. 246,207.— G0R(;E H. warren, Hampton, \o\\\.—C:am/'S for Sulky- Ploughs. —April 12, i88l. Filed August 14, l8Ss. Claim. — I. — A clamp for securing the plongh-beam to the bail of a sulky-plough, the same consisting of two jaws pro- vided with shoulders to form a seat for the beam, the said jaws liciuL,' slotted at their upper and lower ends, the up])er ends having an adjustable clamping-bolt, and the lower ends adjustable clamping-blocks and a clamping-bolt, wdiere- by the jaws may be clamped upon the beam and bail, sub- stantially as herein specified. 2. — In combination with the clamping-jaws, adapted to embrace the plougli-beam and bail, the ailjustable clamping- blocks, corrugated as desciibeil, and the corrugations on the outer faces of the jaws, with the clamping bolts, by means of which the jaws are clamiied to the beam and bail, substan- tially as and for the purposes specified. No. 240,290.— GEORGE H. WARREN, Hampto.«j, Iowa. — Sulky- Plough Atlachments.—Apnl \(j, 1 881. Filed August 20, 1880. Claim. — I. — In combination with the foot-lever of a sulky- plough, the angle-lever M, pivoted in a slot in one arm, K, of the same, and provided .with bearings at opposite ends, by which it may be operated to lock and unlock the said foot- lever, substantially as specified. 2. — The combination, with the foot-rest A, constructed with recesses C H, the foot-lever K, pivoted therein, and having an angle-clutching lever d M, fulcrumed in a recess in the upper arm thereof, the other arm being connected with the forward end of a plough-beam by a pitman, L, ar- ranged as set forth. No. 240,925.— HORACE E. REEVES, Fort Dodge, Iowa, assignor to GEORGE B. SHERMAN, same place. —Sulky-Ploughs.— March 3, 1881. Filed Octoler 19, 1883. Claim. — I. — The combination of the hollow sleeves or casings B B', the notched plates F, rigidly attached thereto and the double-crank axle C, substantidly as described. 2. — The yoke H, provided with the swivel G, screw-pin g, and tail nut i, in combination with the plough-beam D, sub- stantially as described. 3. — The combination of the lever S, vertical spring-catch c, jointed straight arm T, curved arm U, and plough-beam D, substantially as described. 4. — The combination of the jointed bar or arm T, lever S, 5. — Tlie combination of lever S, arm T. curved arm U, clamp V, and plough-b.-am D, substantially as descril)ed. 6. — The combination of the yoke II, sujij^wrting-frame L M N N, and sleeves B B', the latter provi.led" with the bosses//, to which the rear end of the supporting-frame is No. 241,103.— HENRY WEBER, TR-. Grand Me.\dow, UlKJi.—Plough-Sulki(s.—A/ay 3, 1881. Filed February 19, 1881. Claim. — I. — The combination, with axle, seat, and arms M, of the brace G, provided with a bearing for said axle, and the collar H, provided with a projection, J, as and for the purpose specified. 2. — In a plough-sulky, the combination, with the axle D, the tongue-brace G, and the driver's seat, K of the arms M, the hinged nids 1, and the inclined bar O, substantially as herein shuu n .m.i .;> m, whereby the driver's weight is made to 1. 1' , :' i-ht of the plough, as set forth. 3. — In ,1 I : I I, ii!! , liie combination, with tlie lever U, theaxb- 1', .n,.: il.L ,,,uik-axle C, of the arm V, substan- tially ashinii.sliuu,, .in.l described, whereby the cr,.nk-axle (' is loLkrd ill |]|,iLC when both cranks are in vertical posi- No. 241,848.- REUBEN ELLWOOD, Sycamore, III. —Sulkv-Ploiii;hs.—Mav 24, 18S1.— Filed Janiiaiy 10, 18S0. ' Claim.— I.— Ina sulky-plou(;h, the arched frame C, pro- Lnniliiii.iliMii with lliij Ci'iiii . .lid rnd of the pKm.di lieani, lurmed by |ia.-.,,; 11; '.:i.- > ■ • ■ '■I t "^hthe clevis and connecting its ends tOtJK' i ', ' 1 . :: ..nsofthe arched frame, substantially a desuii .-. ■,- 1. A whenthe plough IS locked the forward connL-ai..ii !■ il;ld, sub- r.irlli. escribed, whereby No. 242,320.— FRANK A. HILL, San Lkaniiro, Cal. —Slile/Hll Plou^'hs.—Mav II, 1881. Filed Ocloler 18, 1880. Claim. — I. — In i- .m' iinii .i, I'v litm, W I!', m. ,,s-pieces fl /*, connected tn I'l 1 ■:' ! i! ■ '■ ■ ' : ■ 1: ilie frame which support, lii. I , • 1: Mi . , ; .i,,] to the straight axle :\ on .,:i< i,l,- ,.n<| iim-mh- in -nnlr/un the other side, the rod k, and the hand-lever, suljstantially as described. 2. — In combination with the plough-share having the inclined recess s and projection /, the detached portion m, with corresponding recess and projection «,and the fasten- ing-bolts. No. 242,431.— JOHN CATTON, West Jersey, III.— rhu:.^h r,u:ks.—Juncl.\?,'A\. Filed December 2, 18S0. (laim.— A -iilky-plnugh provided with an adjustable plate t;, altaclied to the plate C, and laterally-adjustrble crank- axles F F, provided with levers H, and bolts or stops I, working upon said segments, substantially as and for the purpose specified. No. 242 4S9— HENRY E. TRUMBLE, Kalamazoo, Mich., assignor of one-half to G. EDWIN DUNBAR, same place.— A'/,///?!,. Sulkies for Phu-hs—Jun^ 7, 1881. Filed .4 //-//.(/ 10, 1880. Claim. — 1. — Tlie frame with its perpendicular and ob- li.|uely an-led looiis, and the recesses or ways, the lever having the obli |uely-angled slotted extension, and its ratchet secured to tile side of the forward loop of the frame, the bail -rod having its ends loosely located in said ways of the frame and slots of the angled extension of said lever, the bail having the rear plough clamp or holder located thereon, PLOL'GHS-WHEEL OR SULKY. J9I all in combination, substantially as described and shown, for tlie olijects set forth. 2 — The bail-bar supporting the rear. clamp, the ends of said bail located both in the ways of the looped frame and the slot of the angled extension of the lever, the lever havin;.^ tlie hookrod and adjusting-chain, said chain connectMV^ with the bail near where the clamp is located all in combination substantially as described. 3. — In a liding-sulky for ploughs, the frame having the ways or recess shown, the nut with its eye or loop end adjustably located in said way and supporting and securing together the clutch-joint, and also adjustably retaining in its eye the angled extension of the wheel axle, all con- structed and combined substantially as specified and shown, for the object set forth. 4. —In a sulUy-plough, the bail-bar ht.ving either end loosely located both in the ways of the looped frame and in the slot of the lifting-lever, all substantially as described and shown. No. 243,125.— CH.\RLES A. HAGUE. Chicago, III., assignor to & Bradley Manufacturing Company, same place.— 5«/4i'-/V(«<.j-/(j.—y««f 21, l83l. Filed Octo- ieriz, 1S79. Claim.— I. — In a snlky-plnusrh baviiic; a frame or arch, B, mounted on wheels and a mii;^1c iiiM,|.(niliiii or bail, A, carrying a plough-bfani. 1 ;. ,\iul a |iloii-li, a pivoted connection for the plough bjam ii. the i laiiU. w Im h will carry the beam in the arc of a circle on a line passing through or near the centre of the axial supiiorts for the frame or arch, substantially as described. 2. — In a sulky-plongh, the frame or arch B, horizontal supports or arms C, and crank or bail A, carrying the plough-beam G, in combination with the lever K, directly attached to one end of the crank or bail, suljstantially as specified. 3. — In a sulky-plough, the combination of the arch or frame mounted on wheels, the tongue rigidly connected with the arch or frame, the crank having a connection with the plough-beam which carries the plom^h in the are of a circle on a line passing through or ik " H- .mi ,a iL, axial supports, the rack rigidly attacli> i i i : i. tongue, and a hand-lever rigidly altaeli. 1 iril,, ,,, ,1, , arranged to engage the rack, all suljslaiUially as ilescjibed, for the purpose set forth. No. 243,140.— JOHN L. LAUGHLIN, Racine, Wis. — IVheel-PUm^hs.—Jiine 21, 1881. Filed April 7, 1880. Claim. — I. — The arm a'", journaled on the end of the axle \, and carrying the wheel B' at its lower e)i, liavmgthe literally- projecting pin, the siaiug lor Ijeaiing ag.unst said pin to force the lever outward, and the stationary shouldered locking- vilate, with wdiich s.aid lever automatically engages when the plough is raised, substantially as described. 9.— The eomliinatioii, wiihe loose inilley on the revolving axle, of the ^tup ,,n the frame, adapted to automatically en- gage with the 'tud on tlie pulley w lien the ]ilough is lifted to its highest point, so as fj throw the said pulley out of en- gagement with the clutch on the revolving axle, substantially as described. ic. — The combination, wiih the fixed pulley on the sus- PLOUGHS-WHEEL OR SULKY. pending cross-shaft and the loose pulley on the revolving axle, and their connecting-chain, of means, substantially as described, for automatically disengaging the loose pulley from the revolving clutch when the plough is elevated, and other means, subst.intially as described, for automatically locking the cn>s^-shaft from backward rotation at the time when or ininieiliately after such disengagement of the loose II.— The cumljination, with the main frame and a plough flexibly suspended therefrom so as to be capable of vertical movement, of a rocking frame pivoted to or hung upon the main frame, and having chains or their equivalents extend- ing to tlie standard of the plough and to the plough-beam, substantially as shown, whereby, when the plough meets an obstruction, its point is automatically caused to rise and its rear portion to descend so as to clear the same, substantially as described. 12. — The combination, with the main frame and a plough suspended therefrom so as to be capable of a slight lateral miivement, of a rocking frame pivoted to or hung upon the niniii Iviii!.', aiiil liiuui!; chains or their equivalents extending to llir |>|.iUjli-.i iiiiLinl ;iihl to the plough-beam, substantially as -,1m\\ li, u luri!.\ il)r plough is caused to automatically again pende tile rockiiiL; frame and the chains con- 1, substantially as described. le .if the machine and the plough sus- combination with the revolving axle, : side draft or side thrust of the ma- ul, at or near the center of the machine led. ugh, the combination of a main frame, e'lcfroin and adapted to be raised by e team, with one or more of the sup- i peripheral flange or flanges thereon the side pre sure of the plot t,h ■ lifting power of said wheel chine upon it^ substantially a I5.-lnas a plough susiiended tin power derived iVoin tin. porting-wheels, having and adapted to resist and thus increase thetrai substantially as described. 1(1.— The combination, with a plough of acoilter ton sisliii;.; ol a com a\ o-convex disk arrange 1 o i a i b tai t ally hoii.'oiii.daM. oliliquclyto theUne of Inft a 1 a iaj te 1 to aulouialirally yield readily to rocks orotic ol ti ctionsv tl which it comes in contact, substantially a le cribed 17. — The combination of the conta oc nvex bla le of the coulter with the inclined arm in which the bh le 1 no 11 t ed, the vertical arm to which the incline 1 arn 1 ait ulate I the horizontal arm above the plough beai 1 the t tl n ry metal straps, and the nuts and bolts, ti their e luualtnt fir adjusting the blade to the desired angle with resj^ect to the line of draft, substantially as described 18. — The combination, with the plo igh of one or more revolving disks arranged at the rear of the mould boaid, and having openings through them to permit of the pa age of the soil for the purpose of securing more thorough pulveuza tion of the latter, and also to render said disl s self cleai ing substantially as described. 19. — The comliination, substantially as de cubed of the mould-board of the plough, the plale 1 hi „ tl e 1 ] socket, and the part r, carrying the d 1 r 1 I 1 1 dered adjustable in ami out and fo.wa I Ilk 11 > means of the adjusting-bolts, substanti II) s le cube 1 20. — The plate R, having the loop or socket and haMng segmental slots and liolts, whereby to alju t it so as to cat se the part P and its disks to be moved i- 01 lown sub tan tially as described. 21.— The combination, with a main fiame an 1 a plou h suspended therefrom, of a series of ol lique lotary h 1 s placed directly opposite the mould 1 o 1 1 ail uj on the ploughed furrows, for di\iiling and 1 ir j, th ti rne 1 .soil, and for the luillier purpose of re it tl e te 1 h icy of the side thrust of tin- plou-li to ih ist ar 1 tl e t a 1 e and tongue and exert a side pressure upon tl e tea 11 1 tai tially as tlescribed. 22. — The combination, with the main frame the j lough suspended therefrom, and the supporting-wheels, one of which has a peripheral flange, of a series of obliquely- positioned rotary disks arranged abreast the plough, and operating in connection w ith the flanged wheel to op| ose in direct line the side pressure of the plough, substantially as described. 23.' — The oblique harrowing-disks mounted in arms which are hung upon diagonal axes, substantially as de- scribed. 24. — The oblique harrowing-disks mounted in arms hung upon diagonal axes and kept down to their work by means of springs or their equivalents, substantially as de- 25. — The combination of the heads V V, clamped to their shaft, and having ears v' v', and guide-loops i^, with the arms -J'-, curved arm w'', and springs t/', substan- tially as described. 26. — In a sulky-plough, the combination, with the series of obliquely-arranged harrowing-disks, of the io;k-shaft mounted in the extension of the main frame, and upon diich thi ban support 3f said disk aited. the sup- har- iwing ption mted ol the seed, the seed and fcrtili^ upon the frame between the plou^!' 1 ; 1: , j oiting- wheel on the furrow side, and d.-n,! i 1 1 omi the rotating axle, and the series of obli jii- I, n -i, ,:,- .!i,ks for further liai 1 ■ .\miil: iln "il and covering tlie seed, all ar- ranged .111 : , laiuially as described. 28.— Ill I. :: I :i,\\ith the main frame of the ma- chine, llie pi ii.,i', iiio, liic oblique harrowing-disks, of seed and reiuii . r sow ing meclianisms arran-.;ed upon the main fr.inie, and tlie levers .v' .r', under the control of the driver from his seal, lor throwing into or out of operation at will oth of mecha ally de- :n a ^ heeled plough the 1 1 ui po t ng lei 111 I lie 1 y fl 11 tie aipl pr 1 ci 1 cally 1 r f tl f t ul ta -J f om the their 1 cctly I) by 1 the 1 1 ai 1 the . t^^ ol the lie the / B 22 1 1 r N, 8S1 n cut f the ith the 1 al.o lethe t iniig fthefuiiov. \ 1 1 1 rl 1 1 1 1 g means and 1 1 1 1 t 1 \ for n m 1 ' J 1 1 1 tl r to 1 > a 1 1 1 1 1 1 et f tl 4 — II It ll ij H la I tt ng- e Ige / / 1* s id / comfiiel tl t t / aid tl 1 1 lein set ere 1 rear of th h cof lavel a ho n a 1 t 1 tl 5 — 1 he ] loughshare A', cut a\ay 1 [ on its forward surface at in romlii ation with the jointer H piovided with dovetailed flange //", as and for the purposes specified. PLOU'GHo-WHEEL OK SULKY. •disks, as villi ailju>ta!)l .nil. Is liaviiig a single ridiiiij-wheel airow disks upon tlie furrow-side, if Ihuil; converted into transixirt- holdin^-lkii-c, r and for tliu inui.,. 7.— A sulky r. upon the land si. s.iid disks lieini; 8. — In a sulk) 1I..U-I1 i!n li,irio\v-di.sks operated auto- matically to serve as [.ul\tii/crs or transporting means as the plough is in or out of service, as specified. 9. — A sulky-plough in conihination with harrow disks operated automatically to serve together in action, s.iid disks serving as bearing-wheels when not in service, combined witli operating means, substantially as set fortli. 10. — The combination of the plough A A' and harrow disks (/* <^' with the crank-lever C C'^, lever D, rock-shaft D', and bevel-geai-s, or e'ciuivalent means, for simultaneously placing tlie di^ks and plough in and out of operation, as set forth. II. — In a sulky-plough, the loose loop 13, combined with the elbow-crank lever C, spring-rod/" /'. ami rack-bar E E', and plough-be.mi A, .as and for the ].ui!"i . , .1 1 ii!.. 12. — In a sulky-plougli, the coiiil.i;i 1 n lucland plough-beam with the springs i' c'. , |;,i\alents, upon the rod E, acting with a constant luicc m inverse di- rections to allow either the plough or wheel to ride over ob- stnictions without disturbing the other or affecting the line of travel, as specified. I3.-^In a ,..1Kn-|.1..u;Ji,i1h- . -n,' .inaii-ai ..f i!,./ l..Mni A lateral\ I . I'l : ., ,1:;; x', i! -,:i.l I'i.n- ii !|,i ■. -f travel or affectint; the wheel as the pL.ti^li passes .>!i ti victi in -, .as set forth. 14. — In a sulky-plough, the comliination of the beam A, wheel X x, bail B. and ro.l K v.ith the spiinc;s e' li. or their 15.— The 'vein. .: ::.:'■ '"... , 1 ,!■ !;',^' ,-,,llar, ,-, com- bined with the fiaii,. 1 , ;,, j! ,i^.i,i, c .nia-c, ami the duplex springs, ami with liic ui..,iii-. fi.i Uijulatiiig the depth of the funow, as specified. 16 — The combination of the draft-bar M, or its equiva- lent, having suitable dr.aft attachment, with the |)l.>u^;Ii and the sulky-frame, by means of which i ..n iin. 1 . .. i!.. ; \..\\A\ is forced into the soil by reason of tli. .1 ' - 17. — The combination of the l.i . nii 1 . draft mechanism M 1) ami the i.L.ul;!. I m, \ r! I'l .ir,\ frame, whereby a \..iii> .1 i, i.:',li 1 rclati..ii IilIwc. 11 llic sai.l part m and frame 1 ■ m.d, and the .haft e.\erts a constant influent 1. : .l..wn, to hol.l the plough inits most operaliv.j ;■ ^,:i-.i;. I . i< m sp,. ific.l. 18.— In a sulky-plouyh, i! il.'i.i. .f the liamnv- disksi/' with the pulveri/iii/ . I ' .: • -1 i!i./ ii...uM-l..,ai-.l, each being so inclined fi...., in ,,.1 ■■, ihc line ..f tiivcl that the side pressure of eitlici \\ ill .cppioxiniately counter- act the side pressure of the other, as herein specilieil. 19. — A revolving coulter swiveled to a frame or beam and held in contact with the soil by the constant force of a spring, in combination with the plough-beam, wherebv ,ulter .ib-.taii- tially : 20. — Ill .. |.l'.ii;.'ji li.ii.', 1!.. if .\ I i.iil. J ,|.accs 2, lip-spaces I, and aim-. ,;. lii.i.l wiilijn 11.1. 1 in.. liate point having correspomlii.^; . ..nn,. in.n,, ami ilu; wli. .Ic adapted to serve as and for the purposes set forth. 21 — The share A', having spaces I 2 and arms 3, dove- tailed or otherwise, combined with an intermediate point 4, and a toe-point, 7, and with connecting devices 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, and II, and holding means 12, as and for the purposes set forth. 22. — In a plough, a revolving coulter, swiveled or jointed to the plough by compouml i..inl^, an.! pr.ivi.lcd with a spring, in combination with tin- |.|..u;_;li, h hcivliy the coulter will accommodate itself t.. tin ~\m.i. ..f the jilough in turning without wrenching; the c.ultcr while in the ground, and will be held in constant contact with the soil by the force of the spring, as specified. 23. — A lever, D, and connections D' d' d', combined with lever €'■', and harrow-disks d*, and adapted to throw said disks into service as harrows or transporting means at will, as and for the purposes set forth. 24. — The toe-point 7, having cut-away portions 8 and 10, and arm 9, with beveled edges, combined with a share or intermediate point having corresponding recess, substantially as shown and set forth. 25. — The 7, having cut-away portions 8 10 and beveleil arm 17, .1 with the share A' or point 4, and with hit 1 ■ I 17, ..perating through loop or lugs 11, .IS ami f.i :' .1 forth. 26. — 111' .1.1' ill 1. Ill of the frame C with the bail or loop B, suspen.le.l therefrom, and side springs, /', or their equivalents, and with the beam A, as and for the purposes set forth. 27. — In a plous^h, a moald-board having sockets or other 28.- and att Fig. 5. d, as shown in Vv-. 24, as hcicin set forth. ;o.— Incombin.iti..ii uith the ph.ugli beam, the revolving liter, attached llKict.iljy the compound swivel-joints «' ^'^ I pr..\ii|o.l with a spring or springs, substantially asshown if. -riie" combination of the draft mechanism, the rod E, I splines Mith the beam .\. whereby the .priii-. ^