? NATIONAL EN DQWMENT FOR THE ARTS Produced by Jazz at Lincoln Center / \*zzt / Supported by the Verizon Foundation verizon An initiative of the National Endowment for the Arts w NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE ARTS IN THE SCHOOLS For more information on NEA Jazz in the Schools, please contact the NEA at (202) 682-5762 or visit www.neajazzintheschools.org. Through the NEA Jazz in the Schools program, the National Endowment for the Arts presents a free educational resource for U.S. history, social studies, and music teachers. Jazz at Lincoln Center, a not- for-profit arts organization dedicated to jazz, produced the curriculum in partnership with the NEA and with the support of the Verizon Foundation. NEA Jazz in the Schools is a five-unit, web-based, multimedia curriculum that explores jazz as an indigenous American art form and as a means for I understanding American history. <3 It examines the evolution of jazz ° both as a cultural mirror of £ American society and as a I critical influence on American o I history. O- The curriculum is designed for high school students and includes a teacher's guide with teacher tips, cross-curricular activities, and assessment tools as well as a timeline poster, period photographs, musical excerpts, links to additional resources, and a brief video to introduce each lesson. All of the materials adhere to national U.S. history, social studies, geography, and arts education standards. In addition to being online, all materials are available in print and on a DVD and CD contained in a teacher's toolkit. As a cross-disciplinary resource, NEA Jazz in the Schools offers different points of entry to important information. Its multimedia components enrich the learning experience for students and provide teachers with varied tools to use in their classrooms. Lessons titles are: • The Advent of Jazz: The Dawn of the Twentieth Century • The Jazz Age and the Swing Era • Bebop and Modernism • From the New Frontier to the New Millennium • Jazz: An American Story The NEA Jazz in the Schools program is an important investment in jazz for the National Endowment for the Arts that will help connect young people to a defining American art form. The program represents the NEA's commitment to creating model programs of artistic excellence and broad national reach, especially for arts education. The NEA Jazz in the Schools initiative also further advances the mission of Jazz at Lincoln Center, which is committed to creating jazz listeners of all ages through education, concerts, and broadcasts. Jazz music and its heroes tell a different, homegrown mythology and provide a voice for some of the nation's most significant historic events. NEA Jazz in the Schools is released in partnership with the International Association for Jazz Education (IAJE). NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE ARTS AND JAZZ Through its annual support of jazz and its signature NEA Jazz Masters program, the National Endowment for the Arts has maintained a leadership role in the advancement and perpetuation of jazz for 35 years. The NEA Jazz Masters Award, the nation's highest honor in jazz, features a roster of 87 jazz greats. Some of those national treasures of jazz will be featured in the curriculum. Other jazz projects at the NEA include the following: • NEA Jazz Masters on Tour, a tour by NEA Jazz Masters featuring educational activities for every engagement, sponsored by Verizon in partnership with the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and Arts Midwest.; • PBS broadcast of Legends of Jazz: A Salute to the Jazz Masters and NPR's Jazz Profiles series, both featuring NEA Jazz Masters; and • Grants to jazz organizations, arts presenters, and educational institutions nationwide. NEA Jazz in the Schools is a five-unit, web-based, multimedia curriculum available in Fall 2005 at www.neajazzintheschools.org. / verizon JOIZZ / / *» NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE ARTS