UMASS/AMHERST # il:l n ' vi : iiH ':i; : 1.'"i ! !:'- : ' : - ■•'; '■ .■ ■ ■ HARVE TRABS 677 i rs CATALOG U -* *J INTERN INTERNATIONAL CORN PLANTERS M. r £?r$b-rv 73_ X^A\^F~*IL TT ¥ Z&L ^fe %ih AMERICAN LITHOGRAPHIC CO,N Y INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY OF AMERICA CHICAGO ••"_"■" USA A 93 E INTERNATIONAL CORN PLANTERS International Corn Planter No. 1 The No. 1 planter is the regular International planter. It is adjustable to plant rows 40 inches, 42 inches and 44 inches apart. This planter is fully equipped, including reel and 80 rods of check wire, automatic marker, variable drop clutch, and can be used for checking, drilling or automatic hill drop work. The automatic hill drop is furnished only on special order. The No. 1 is the regular type of International corn planter INTERNATIONAL <%gf CORN PLANTERS I! ii i ii m I ii i ii ill ii inn 1 1! ii tn ii i till i mi i ii tn mi 1 1! i huh i ii i inn inn u International Corn Planters Are Well Constructed Built in 5 Styles The planters are all steel with the exception of the tongue. The frame of the planters is one continuous piece of high grade steel, the rear portion being circular in form, giving the frame exceptional strength and stability. The frame is attached to the runner frame by two large pins, making a strong connection but allowing the runner frame to pivot independently and to con- form to surface irregularities. The entire construction of the International corn planters is simple, but very efficient. When the kernels are well planted, more than half of man's battle in securing a good crop is won. The International corn planter was designed for the one purpose of putting the corn in the ground in the best possible manner for rapid growth. It is in the field that the International corn planter proves its superiority. Provided with variable and automatic drops, and with edge drop, flat drop, or full hill drop plates, the corn is put into the ground according to the power of the soil to develop it to full maturity. Practically all fields vary as to the producing ability of the soil. A planter with an assortment of drops, there- fore, becomes of great assistance in securing a uniform crop and enabling the soil to develop the seed to its fullest extent. The Automatic Marker Is A Great Convenience and Time-saver In turning on the ends the driver can devote his entire attention to his team without the necessity of hooking one arm around the marker standard to hold the marker up. The handling of the marker on the International corn planter is entirely automatic. When the runners are raised from the ground the marker is also raised by means of a malleable iron crank which is keyed to the end of the shaft and comes in contact with the foot lever, this in turn being con- nected with the lifting lever. The action, therefore, of raising the runners out and of raising the marker is controlled by the lifting lever. The marker assumes a vertical position and is held there until the runners are again lowered into the ground. The marker is a concave steel disk 11 inches in diameter and is held in position on the marker pipe by two sand collars, one on each end of the hub. On the various planters it is adjustable to suit the various row adjustments of the planter. SEED PLATES FURNISHED WITH CORN PLANTER No. 1 No. of Cells in Plate Size of Kernels DRILLING AUTOMATIC DROP No. OF Space of Single Kernels Sprockets Used Spacing of Hills Sprockets Used 20-Tooth 14-Tooth 11 -Tooth 20-Tooth 14-Tooth 11 -Tooth 1006A 1007A 1154A 1284A 16 Edge Drop 16 Edge Drop 4 Hill Drop 16 Flat Drop Small Medium Medium Medium 6" 6" 6" 10" . 10" 10" 12" 12" 12" 28" 28" 28" 28" 41" 41" 41" 41" 50" 50" 50" 50" 1186A — Filler rings used with tlat drop only. INTERNATIONAL CORN PLANTERS inn M Ml 1 1 ii 1 1 ii 11 Mill mi inn M ii MM mi mi ii ii ii i mm ii ii ii i mill iin International Corn Planter No. 2 The No. 2 International corn planter is the same in all essential details as the No. 1. It is the narrow type of planter and will plant in rows only 28 inches apart. It is adjustable, however, to plant rows 44 inches apart as well, the adjustments being every 2 inches. To make these adjustments possible the frame has been made 3 inches narrower than the No. 1 planter. It is provided with an automatic marker. The marker, however, is guided by a steel loop from one end of the runner bar to the other. The International corn planter No. 2 Is a narrow row planter S> INTERNATIONAL CORN PLANTERS 1 1 11 ii in in in ii i ii n in in ii in ii in n in ii in ii in ii in ii in inn ii i mi tu in SEED PLATES FURNISHED WITH CORN PLANTER No. 2 Size of Kernels DRILLING AUTOMATIC DROP No. OF Plates No. of Cells in Plate 20-Tooth Sprocket on Axle to 11 -Tooth Sprocket on Axle to 20-Tooth Sprocket on Axle to 11 -Tooth Sprocket on Axle to 6 -Tooth 8-Tooth 6-Tooth 8-Tooth 6-Tooth 8-Tooth 6-Tooth 8-Tooth 1006A 1007A 11S4A 1284A 16 Edge Drop 16 Edge Drop 4 Hill Drop 16 Flat Drop Small Medium Medium Medium 6" 6" 6" 9" 9" 9" 12" 12" 12" 16^" 16^" 16^* 28" 28" 28" 28" 37" 37" 37" 37" 50" 50" 50" 50" 67 K" 67 K" 67K" 67^" 1186A — Filler rings used on flat drop only. r *& ■ The Equalizing Spring Carries the Load The equalizing spring is located under the rear of the tongue and is connected to the lifting lever with a compensating link which equalizes the power at the different points of the movement. This makes it much easier to operate than if the spring was attached directly to the lever without a compensating link. In placing the spring under the pivoting points of the frame, the load is taken from the pivot and placed on the spring. This insures longer life of the pivoting points and keeps the runner frame secure and solid with the drive frame. The spring is adjustable to suit the weights of different drivers. The spring also assists in the raising of the automatic marker. The runner frame is pivoted between the equalizing and compression springs. The compression spring holds the runners in the ground, but when an unusually soft spot is encountered the runners cannot go too deep because the equalizing spring holds the frame in the correct position. The movement of the runner frame is, therefore, controlled by two springs. This con- struction materially assists in securing a uniform depth of planting. Adjustable Tongue Assures Even Planting The spring does most of the lifting 13 Even spacing and checking corn requires that the seed cans stand level. This requires that the planter be adjustable to suit the height of different teams used. The International corn planter is, therefore, equipped with an adjustable tongue. The tongue is connected to the runner frame with large serrated adjusting brackets and heavy steel braces which make the tongue con- veniently adjustable to suit the various teams and planting conditions. Below the pole is a heavy steel bar which extends underneath the square pipe of the runner frame and rearward to the lifting lever crank, to which it is connected by a powerful compression spring with a large plunger bolt. This virtually causes the runner frame to float and permits of an elastic move- ment which causes the runners to conform to the uneven surfaces of the ground. INTERNATIONAL js& CORN PLANTERS mm n.iiii ii i in n milium n II I Muni mini m International Corn Planter No. 4 The No. 4 is the large sized International corn planter INTERNATIONAL CORN PLANTERS IIIIIMIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIINIINIIIIIIIIIII International Corn Planter No. 4 The No. 4 planter is practically the same as the No. 1 except in size and with reference to the marker. The No. 4 is larger both as to frame and wheels. The frame is 6 inches longer than the No. 1 and the wheels are 36 inches in height as compared to 30 inches for the No. 1. The boots on the No. 4 are made correspondingly larger, to suit the larger size of frame and wheels. The No. 4 is equipped with a regular marker. It is not necessary, however, to dismount from the seat with this marker because of a steel wire loop which guides the marker chain from one side of the planter to the other. The 36-inch wheels on this planter are especially adapted for use in fields where the seed bed has been prepared by a lister. SEED PLATES FURNISHED WITH CORN PLANTER No. 4 No. of Cells in Plate Size of Kernels DRILLING AUTOMATIC DROP No. OF Spacing of Single Kernels Spr'ockets Used Spacing of Hills Sprockets Used 20-Tooth 14-Tooth 11-Tuoth 20-Tooth 14-Tooth 11 -Tooth 1006A 1007A 11 54 A 1284A 16 Edge Drop 16 Edge Drop 4 Hill Drop 16 Flat Drop Small Medium Medium Medium 6" 6" 6" 10" 10" 10" 12" 12" 12" 28" 28" 28" 28" 41" 41" 41" 41" 50" 50" 50" 50" 1186A — Filler rings used with flat drop only. The Automatic Drop Deposits 2, 3 or 4 Kernels in a Hill An automatic or power drop is provided on the International corn planters. This makes it possible to use the planter without check wire and drop either two, three or four kernels in a hill. The large sprocket on the main shaft with 20 teeth will plant a hill every 28 inches, and the medium sprocket with 14 teeth will plant a hill every 41 inches. The small sprocket with 11 teeth will plant hills 50 inches apart. Sprockets can be furnished to give any spacing required. In adjusting or changing the machine for the automatic or power drop, it is necessary to place the small lug No. 1087A in the U-shaped clutch opening of casting 1081 A. This lug is attached with a 3g-inch cap screw. It is also necessary to place a 3 4 ' x p^-inch bolt through the holes in castings 1044A and 1045A. These stop lugs are part of the trip spring brackets and must be bolted to avoid all lost motion. The bolt and lug should be removed when using wire, otherwise the corn will string out, as the valves are partly open. The power drop lug, 1087A, the J4 x ^-inch machine bolt will be packed extra, and can be furnished as an extra on No. 1, No. 2, No. 4 and No. 5 planters. INTERNATIONAL CORN PLANTERS llllllMlllllMIIIIIIMIIlllMIIIIIMIIIIIMIIIIIIIIUItimilHllllllllllMM International Corn Planter No. 6 International corn planter No. 6 Is adapted only for drilling 8 INTERNATIONAL if !> CORN PLANTERS Ml I I | Mill I II Mi Mill MM International Corn Planter No. 5 The No. 5 is the wide row planter. It is the same in equipment as the No. 1 except the tread is wider, being adjustable to widths of 42 inches, 44 inches, 46 inches, and 48 inches. It is equipped with the automatic marker, but the steel loop used to guide the marker chain is used, the same as on the No. 2 planter. International Corn Planter No. 6 The No. 6 planter is a straight drill drop only. The drop clutch is discontinued on this planter, and no reel or check wire is furnished. The No. 6 planter is designed especially for the use of the farmer who wishes to drill his corn instead of checking it. The runner frame is cut off on each end and the check heads removed. The clutch feature is entirely eliminated, and the No. 6 planter is used only for drilling. Plates are furnished having the necessary number of holes for dropping two, three, or four kernels in a hill. This planter is also regularly equipped with the automatic marker. Below is a table of the seed plates furnished with this planter. SEED PLATES FURNISHED WITH CORN PLANTER No. 6 No. OF No. of Cells DRILLING 20-Tooth Sprocket 11 -Tooth Sprocket Plates in Plate on Axle to on Axle to 6-Tooth 8-Tooth 6-Tooth 8 -Tooth 1000 A 8 Edge Drop Small 14" 18K" 25" 33 K" 1001A 8 Edge Drop Medium 14" 18K" 25" 33^" 1003 A 12 Edge Drop Small 9" 12" 17" 2iy 2 " 1004 A 12 Edge Drop Medium 9" 12" 17" 22 K" 1006A 16 Edge Drop Small 6" 9" 12" 16K" 1007A 16 Edge Drop Medium 6" 9" 12" 16K" 1284A 16 Flat Drop Medium 6" 9" 12" 16K" 1186A — Filler rings used on flat drop only. International Corn Planters of the No. 6 Type Are Thrown Out of Gear Automatically International corn planters are constructed so that they require the least amount of atten- tion from the driver while operating them. The automatic throw-out on the No. 6 type requires no attention from the driver. When the runners are raised from the ground, the automatic throw-out releases the drive clutch and the feed shaft remains out of gear until the runners are again lowered into the ground. The latter action releases the clutch, and the planter is again ready for operation. 9 INTERNATIONAL IKhlllh!IIMIMIUIlnN!ll!MUIIIIUIillMIHIIIMINII!IM!H>:ilUKUIi{inilNIMMHI!hnilUI!IIU!HIHIinilMI!inii:MIIIIUIl>IUIIUHII!MINIUiniUNhUlllin,'llnillllNIHUIIIIIIIIU BRANCH HOUSES INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY OF AMERICA (INCORPORATED! milIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIMI(IIHItlMlllltltllllllltlllltl1ltlllltllltlllllllllllllllll1IIIIIIIIIIIlinllliniltlllllll1IIIIIIIIIlflllllllJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllltlHIIUIIIIIIIItllIlllll]ltllllllltlllMllt]||iri? iillllilliilllillllHIIIIllllllllilllllllllillllM ABERDEEN. S D. DETROIT. MICH. LINCOLN. NEB. RICHMOND. IND. ALBANY, N Y. DUBUQUE. IA. LITTLE ROCK. ARK. RICHMOND. VA. ATLANTA. GA EAST ST. LOUIS. ILL. MADISON WIS. ROCKFORD. ILL. AUBURN. N. Y EAU CLAIRE. WIS. MANKATO. MINN. ST. CLOUD. MINN. ■ AURORA. ILL. ELMIRA, N. Y MASON CITY IA. ST JOSEPH. MO. F BALTIMORE. MD. EVANSVILLE. IND. MEMPHIS. TENN. ST. LOUIS. MO. BIRMINGHAM. ALA. FARGO. N D. MILWAUKEE. WIS SAGINAW. MICH. BISMARCK. N. O. FT DODGE. IA. MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. SALINA. KAN. BOSTON. MASS FT WAYNE. IND. MINOT. N D. SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH BUFFALO. N Y. GRAND FORKS. N. D. NASHVILLE. TENN SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. CEDAR FALLS. IA. GRAND RAPIDS. MICH NEW ALBANY. IND. SIOUX CITY. IA. CHARLOTTE. N. C GREEN BAY WIS NEW ORLEANS LA. SIOUX FALLS. S. D. CINCINNATI. OHIO HARRISBURG. PA. OGDENSBURG. N Y. SOUTH BEND. INO. CLEVELAND. OHIO HELENA. MONT OKLAHOMA CITY.OKLA. SPOKANE. WASH. COLUMBIA. S C. HUTCHINSON. KAN OMAHA. NEB. SPRINGFIELD. ILL. COLUMBUS OHIO INDIANAPOLIS. IND. PARKERSBURG. W VA. SPRINGFIELD. MO. CONCORDIA. KAN JACKSON. MICH. PARSONS. KAN. TERRE HAUTE. IND. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IA JACKSONVILLE. FLA. FEORIA. ILL. TOLEDO. OHIO CRAWFORD. NEB. KANKAKEE. ILL. PHILADELPHIA. PA. TOPEKA. KAN. DAVENPORT. IA. KANSAS CITY. MO PITTSBURGH. PA WATERTOWN. S. D. DENVER. COLO KNOXVILLE. TENN PORTLAND. ORE WICHITA. KAN. OES MOINES. IA. LANSi.NG. f-^CH OUINCY. ILL. WINONA, MINN. lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliillllillllllilllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllH SJiiHUiiiiumiiiniiiiiuuiunitimininni.nmniiiimiriiii itiinnimtiitinitmuiiinininnniimiiiinn nii:iii]iiinriitn iii)iniujnititiitniniimmiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiit£= iiiu§"[ Jijjiiiii p |illlliiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i niimmniniiimi niiiininmniiniiiiiiiiiiiinwnHE| M HARVESTER PRESS