UMASS/AMHERST 315Qbt.D05Dt,b215 H ARVE ST TRABS wyr-: ^-^Ji'-r.=:}i^ 677 i 15 CATALOGUES ■ niHIUUIUIUUIHUIipiM INTERN ^ICK *ij-' i-f V ^'^iUJitiAndel^li&J!lH^ «• ,! ; A72E Ill A^ JIl yW^CORA^ICK McCormick Improved •' Binder McCormick Improved left-hand binder 5 and 6-foot cut IT'S in tough cutting, in fields where the grain is tall, heavy, and filled with green undergrowth, or in fields where the grain is short and thin in spots, that the McComiiek Improved binder shows its superiority. The wide range of adjustment of reel and i^latform, and the enormous capacity of the floatmg elevator, account for the excellent work of the McConiuck in heav>' grain. Its good work in extremelv short grain is due principally to the construction of the cutter bar. The guards are almost on a level with the top of the ]latform can\-as. Short grain will fall upon the platform canvas when cut instead of accumulating in front of the guards or jarnng down between the guards and the platform canvas. McConnick binders are made in 5, 6, 7 and 8-foot sizes, in right or left hand cuts, as desired. One of these machines is sure to fit the conditions on vour farm. McCormick Improved right-hand binder 5 and 6-foot cut i iW^CORiWICK > McCormick Improved 8-Foot Binder McComiick Improved 7-foot binders, right and left hand cut. are equipped with outside reel supports McCormick Improved 8-foot binder, left hand cut. Right hand machine can be furnished in the same size THE McCormick Improved 8-foot binder has the good features of the smaller McComiick machines, and in addition, is equipped with an outside reel support and a tongue truck. The outside reel support holds the reel perfectly rigid on the roughest kind of ground. The reel slat cannot whip down and catch on the guards when the main wheel or grain wheel drops into a dead furrow or ditch. The reel support prevents any sagging of the reel that might take place after the binder has been in use for some time. The reel on the 8-foot machine can be raised and lowered just as easily as the reel on the small machines. The tongue truck regularly furnished with the 8-foot machine is a valuable addition to the binder. It does away with tongue weight and side draft. It is a great aid in turning corners, and gives the binder the advantage of that steady motion which is so essential to clean cutting. The McCormick Improved 8-foot binder can be drawn either with horses or a tractor. It is a practical machine to use with a tractor because of its simple tractor hitch, its ease of operation, and its ability to harvest grain under all conditions. The McCormick Improved 7-foot binder is regularly equipped with an outside reel support similar to that used on the McCormick 8-foot binder. :i Main Wheel THE McCormick main wheel is built on modem, scientific principles. It is a perfect unit. The weight and strain it has to bear is resisted by the entire strength of the wheel. It is well lugged, and distributes ample tractive power to the countershaft. Both the main wheel and the grain wheel are fitted with roller bearings. The bearings are held in cages, and can be removed and replaced easily. These roller bearings have much to do with the lightness of draft for which the McCormick is so widely known. Hot-Riveted Steel Main Frame litted wiLh ruller bearings One of the reasons why the McCormick Improved binder is so far famed for its dura- liiilitv is that it is right at the foimdation. Upon the main frame of a binder depends to a great extent the good work of the entire machine. The main frame on the McCormick Irinder is made entirely of steel, hot -riveted. It is trussed and braced, like a bridge, in the places where the greatest strain comes. This construction insures an absolute aUgn- ment of all the gears and holds the countershaft firm and true, thereby reducing friction to a minimurn. Should the gears ever get out of mesh from constant wear, The main wheel is lugged well for tractive power ^^^ adjustment is pro^dded on the countershaft which enables the operator to bring the gears into proper mesh again. This adjustment is easily made with a wrench. Making a rigid main frame for a binder is like laying a substantial foundation for a house- it takes a little extra time and costs more, but it pays in the long run. , ^ , . ^ , ,^ Look well to the main frame of a binder when bujnng. It has a wonderful influence upon draft and upon durability. Durable Driving Mechanism Power is transmitted to the various parts of the McCormick Improved binder in sucha manner that there is an even distribution of motive force. This equalizes the strain on the vanous parts of the frame making both the frame and the driving mechamsm exceptionally durable. The pitman is diiven direct from the bevel gear, connecting the gear on the countershaft. It drives the knife with a direct stroke. A wood pitman is used. It is made of seasoned second growth hickory-. The wood pitman is preferable because wood absorbs vibration. Another advantage of the wood pitman is that when it strikes an obstacle it will not bend and throw the knife out of ahgnment. McCormick steel main frame. Notice how thoroughly it is braced 4 iVVcCORiV\ICK Steel Platform THE platfonn frame of the McConnick Improved binder is made almost entirely of steel. It is reinforced strongly with cross sills to withstand the hard knocks of the harvest field. The one-piece steel platform bottom is riveted to a Z shaped sill underneath. The platfonn bottom is fastened in such a way that the sills and braces receive the greater part of the wear. The steel main frame and steel platform make the strongest possible foundation for a binder Knife Easily Removed A feature of importance on the McCormick Improved binder is the ease with which the pitman can be connected and disconnected from the knife. There are no bolts or nuts to loosen. The operation is accomplished by pushing down the latch, and releas- ing the pitman at the wrist end. The pitman can be removed from the wrist pin, and by pulling the knife head con- nection past the sliield, the pitman can The connection at the knife head and pitman is protected by a steel shield be removed from the knife. This feature saves considerable time in removing the knife. A shield is provided which protects the knife head from dust and trash, thus preventing wear and saving power. Strong Drive Chain The main drive chain of a binder must transmit power for the entire machine from the main wheel to the countershaft. The countershaft drives the bevel gears, which in turn transmit power to drive the knife, reel, elevator, and binding attachment. To do this well, day in and day out, the chain must be exceptionally strong and flexible. It shoidd be made of material that will wear well and still not cause undue friction on the sprockets. The McCormick main drive chain is made of high grade malleable iron links with steel connecting pins. This gives the chain unusual strength and excellent wearing qualities, and causes the minimum wear on the sprockets. An adjustable spring tightener, which works automatically, keeps the main chain at the proper tension for good work. Unusually durable drive chain iW^ C O RA/S.I C K Wide Range of Reel Adjustment ALMOST any binder w ill give fairly good service . when the grain is standing and conditions are right, but when it comes to cutting extremely short grain or grain that is down, tangled, and lodged, the binder must have a reel with a wide range of adjust- mcnt and one that is exceptionally rigid. The reel on the RIcCormick binder can be ad- justed very close to the guards so that the operator can force short grain, or grain that is lodged and tangled, onto the platform canvas. There is never any accimiulation of grain on front of the cutter bar. No matter how badly the grain is down, the McConiiick binder picks it up and binds it all. There is an outside reel support on the McCor- Long reel bearing holds the reel rigid mick Improved 7 and 8-foot binders. This support makes it impossible for the reel slats to whip down on the guards when cutting on rough ground. This feature gives the operator the advantage of adjusting his reel close to the guards when cutting short grain. The inner end of the reel shaft is provided with a conven- RlcI raised high for tall grain can be instantly changed to meet the most Keel adjusted low for short grain ient device for keeping the reel in perfect align- ment with the guards. Long Reel Bearing The McConnick reel is fastened both to the tubular steel brace which supports the seat and braces the elevator, and to the front of the elevator frame. This construction insvires a rigid reel base. The bearing on the McComiick reel shaft is long. This insures durabilit}-, and practically eliminates sag. Should the reel ever incline, due to long wear or accident in the field, the McCormick has a simple adjustment to take up the sag. The McConnick reel is tmusually strong and effective. It will handle tall, short, dowTi or tangled grain by merely shifting the levers which are within convenient reach of the operator. By means of these levers the reel adverse field conditions. Elevator Construction THE AlcCormick Improved binder has an elevator that floats at four points. This means that if the grain is thick, tangled, or matted, the elevator will expand to allow the in- creased volume to pass through, an tl then drop back to its original position for short, thin grain. There are no changes or adjustments to make. The movement is entirely automatic. This feature insures perfect elevation of the grain under all conditions, and prevents unnecessary wear of the can- vas. The floating elevator has gained for the McComiick Improved binder a reputation for large capacity and light draft. The McCormick elevator is open at the rear. The upper elevator floats at four points permit tmg , , j the elevation of tall grain without threshing the heads. Easy to Tighten Canvas It is easy to adjust the elevator convases on the McCormick. This is done by turning up the lower rollers which are connected on hinged boxes The platfonn apron is held in perfect tension by means of an automatic spring tightener. In order to remove or loosen the canvas it is nec- essary only to turn the hand lever which con- trols the spring Elevator canvases can be quickly tightened or loosened adjustment. The canvas tighteners make it unnecessary to remove the canvases when the machine is not in use. Equipped with Bearings Roller bearings with which the ele- vator rolls are equipped make an easy- running and noiseless elevator arrange- ment. There is no binding of the boxes when heavy grain is being ele- vated. Elevator Chain Tightener It is a matter of but a few moments' time to adjust the McCormick elevator chain to the proper tension. The chain tightener consists of a sprocket which can be moved up or down on the brace of the McCormick frame. A simple turn of the handle tightens or loosens the platform canvas 7 ■^ ^ .,^-W^ 1^ ^ t .^ ^^ J^lilll IlllllllPllliililll AA^CORA^ICK McCormick binding attachment is adjustable to all heights of grain Simple Binding Attachment THE McCormick binding attachment is of the bevel gear type. It is one of the simplest binding attachments on the market. Every part that was not essential to its good work has been eliminated. Adjustments can be made easily, so that grain of an 3' length can be handled and the band wiU be placed properly around the bimdle. The McConnick ties a neat, compact bundle. Tight binding saves twine and prevents shat- tering when handling bundles. It also makes shocking easy. Another feature of impor- tance on the McCormick binding attachment is the range of adjust- ment that can be made on the trip hook for different sizes of bundles. This feature makes it possible to have large bundles when the grain is ripe and in good condition, or small bundles can be bound when the grain is filled with green undergrowth. Twine Tension The roller tmne tension used on the McCormick Improved binder consists of two corrugated rollers, held together in the frame by a spring. The spring pennits the twine to be drawn between the rollers with uniform tension. This tension has much to do with accurate tying of the McCormick. It straightens out all ciu-ls and kinks in the twine. Grain Delivered to the Knotter Without Threshing The packers and the vibrating butt ad- juster run at the same speed. This dehvers the grain to the knotter uniformly and with- out unnecessary threshing of the heads. The butts and the heads of the grain are pulled down at the same time and at the same rate of speed. The packers are so timed that one of them precedes the needle in starting to form the bundle. This takes much of the strain off the needle and gives it the advantage of motion before starting to do its work. It also means lighter draft. One of the packers raises the grain over the point of the needle, which prevents clog- ging at this point. It is absolutely impossible for grain to catch on point of the needle on the McCormick binder. The packer raises the grain over the point of needle Simple knotter does away with trouble in the field There is a hard- e n e d steel roll in the eye of th e Mc C o r- m i c k n e edle The Needle The needle used on the McCormick Improved binder has special hardened steel surfaces inserted to insure a smooth-running surface for the twine. These hardened parts withstand the continual wear of the twine for a long time. After several years of work, these hardened steel rolls may be reversed easily or replaced, and the needle will be as good as new. Accurate Knotter The McCormick knotter is the last word in simplicity. It has only two moving parts — the bill hook and the twine disk. These two parts work in a substantial and accurately constructed frame. In tying a Imot the twine is fed toward the bill hook by the twine holder. This relieves the strain on the twine and eliminates the danger of the twine pulling out of the twine holder or brealdng when tying a Imot. This action reduces wear on the driving pinion. Another feature of importance on the McCormick knotter is that it does not require as close an adjustment in order to tie effectively as other knotters. This is due to the great amount of surface on the cord holder which is in contact with the twine. The advantage of this to a fanner is that if it should ever become necessary to adjust the knotter it can be done without making as close an adjustment as it is necessary to make on other machiiies. Every McCormick knotter is tested thoroughly before being shipped. This fact together with the simple construction accounts for the excellent work of the McCor- mick knotter in the field. Easy to Oil AU the working parts of the McCormick Improved binder are accessible to the operator for oiling. The oil holes are placed within easy reach of the operator so the binder can be kept well oiled at all times. A feature of this machine is the ease with which the operator can oil the packer shaft bearings. This is done tty removing the center board in the deck, as shown in the illustration. This feature also permits easy access to the needle for threading. Board removed for oiling the packer blwU and for threading the needle 9 Illllldlll AA<= C O R A/\. I C K Tongue Truck A TONGUE truck, especially if it is a good one, is a great convenience and a saver of horse flesh. The McConnick binder tongue truck is built substantially and meets all field conditions successfully. It does away with tongue weight, whipping of the pole and side draft. The wheels on this tongue truck ha^•e a deep side flange. This feature in connection with the adjustment, which allows the wheels to be set at any desired angle, relieves the horses of all side draft and gives the binder a smooth steady motion when cutting. The McCormick tongue truck is furnished regularly with the McCormick Improved 8-foot binder. It can be supplied with the 5, 6, and 7-foot ma- chines on special order at addi- tional cost. The short stub pole and all the parts necessary to attach the tongue truck to the binder are furnished regu- larly when the attachment is ordered. The holes in the pole are properly bored and adjustments are made to make it easy to fit the tongue truck to the binder when it is ordered as a separate attachment. The tongue truck gives motion while the binder a steady cutting McCormick Bundle Carrier The McCormick bundle carrier is simple, light and accurate. It is controlled by means of a convenient foot trip. When tripped the carrier drops down and the bundles slide gently to the ground in rows. The earner is so constructed that if it comes in contact with a tree, fence, or any other obstacle, it will swing out of the way automatically. When the obstruction is passed, it will swing back to its original position. It folds compactly for transportation. The McConnick tongue truck inakes it easy to turn comers 10 [iiinill IllliiHlll im 7W^ C O RiV\ I C K Convenient Transport Trucks By pulling out two spring latches the tongue is removed The inside and outside dividers fold for transportation It requires oiily a very short time and little effort to prepare the McCormick Improved binder for transportation over the road or from one field to another. The inside and outside dividers can be folded, as shown in the illustration. The tongue can be removed by releasing two spring latches. There are no nuts to unscrew and no bolts to remove. All that it is necessary to do to mount the McConnick Improved binder on transport trucks is to raise the machine, put on the truck wheels, and change the position of the tongue. The binder is raised easily by means of the main wheel and the grain wheel raising and lowering device. The whole operation requires only a few minutes. The transport wheels are fitted with stub axles w hich fit into the main frame of the binder when it is to be transported. When mounted on transport trucks, the McCormick can be moved thiough narrow lanes and roadways U McCormick Header i The McCormick header, furnished in 10, 12, and 14-foot sizes THE McCormick header is designed for the man who has> large fields and wishes to cut and deliver the grain to the wagon without tying it in bundles. It operates with the minimum amount of power. The McCormick header has features that recommend themselves to the respective purchasers — a tubular steel main frame, strong and securely braced; convenient leveling device enabling the operator to raise, lower and level the platform; a dtirable platform, having a sheet steel bottom; reversible sprocket, permitting two speeds on the reel; convenient device for adjusting platform apron; direct dri\'ing mechanism, which increases the durability and insures light draft. All these features make the McCormick a desirable machine. The guards are fastened to a Z-shaped cutter bar. This brings the knife almost on a level with the platform apron — a construction that is especially valuable in fields where the straw is short because there is no projecting part on which the grain can catch and fall from the platform. The reel works close to the guards so that all the grain is forced upon the platfonn canvas. Roller bearings are placed on all moving parts where it is practical to use them. The other prin- cipal moving parts ax-e equipped with self-aligning bearings. This reduces the draft of the machine and increases its durability- The header eliminates much of the Iiard work of the harvest field 12 Thirty-six Highest Awards to International Harvester Exhibit ^^ Decision of San Francisco Exposition Judges In Line With Popular Opinion A New World's Record Thirty-six First Prizes, the largest number of Highest Awards ever given for an exhibit of farm implements any- where — that is the new World's Record made by the International Har- vester Exhibit at San Francisco. In 1851, when Cyrus H. McCormick exhibited the first practical reaper at the World's Fair in London, he was not only given the highest award of that great Fair, but the judges in ren- dering their decision said — "The McCormick reaper is the most valuable article contributed to this exposition, and for its originality and value, and for its perfect work in the field it is awarded the Council Medal." Since 1851, it has been the Company's practice to show and demonstrate its machines at every opportunity in_ competition with any and all comers._ The idea then and now is to let the people judge, after open test and trial, which rnachines are best. Invariably, at every expo- sition, exhibition and.test, the expert, impartial judges appointed to maUe the awards have given International Harvester rnachines the highest honors. a a • —mmm%%m—— The judges of agricultural exhibits at the Panama-Pa- cific Internationa! Exposition gave to the International Harvester Exhibit as a whole, and to practically each ma- chine in particular, the high- est award of the Exposition, thus approving the good judgment of the dealers and farmers who believe Interna- tional Harvester machines to be the best the world affords. On these pages we show photographs of a portion only of the awards made to International Harvester machines in open competition at previous world expositions and demonstrations held since 1851 in every part of the PI civilized world. To these must now be added the recent decision of the judges at San Francisco, who awarded to International Harvester machines the highest prizes given on the following exhibits: Highest Awards Given To These Machines Grain Machines Grain Binders Reapers Headers Header Binders Genera/ Oil Engines Wood Sawing Outfits Oil Burning Tractors (whcc-l type) Manure Spreaders Farm Wagons Feed Grinders Motor Trucks (Binder Twine Corn Machines Corn Planters Corn Cultivators Corn Binders Corn Pickers Corn H uskers ^" cream separators our machines were awarded the gold „_j CL J I mcdiil; on ensiliige cutters the medal of honor. This corn- ana onreaaerS pany's exhibit ofgrain drills, corn drills, and cotton drills Corn ShellerS manufactured for us bv the American Secding-Machine c 11 r- 4 <, Company, RichtVinnd. Ind., also n-cciv.'d the htvihi-iC btalk I Utters awards given on these. m,« hine.. Hay Machines Mowers Hay Rakes Side Delivery Rakes Hay Tedders Hay Loaders Hay Pre^>(.5 Tillage Implements Disk Harrows Cultivators Spring-tooth Harrows Peg-tooth Harrows Combination Harrows Kny:ino Disk Harrows INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY OF AMERICA ( Incorporated) CHICAGO , USA This is a general view of the International Harvester Exhibit at San Francisco Exposition The most comprehensive exhibit of farm machines and implements ever made Would you like to be sure that the machines used on your farm are abso- lutely the best pro- duced on earth ? Tliis fuldei lliruws a great white light on this big ques- tion — Read what the world says Household Words CI\Cames Vhat Win Champion Deering McCormick Milwaukee Osborne Piano International Keystone Mogul Titan Columbus W-«Wr Lily Primrose Low Cloverleaf Low Corn King Low 20tK Century Hoosier Kentucky Empire These, are the machines that won the honors at San Francisco I Exposition. The greatest Exposition ever held Thfi largest number of honors ever granted one exhibitor i„, ,,,.ii-ii:iiiMII^^ iW^CORiWICK McCormick Header Binder McCormick header binder, furnished in 10 and 12-foot sizes THE McConnick header binder is really two machines in one because by removing the binding attachment and adding a header attachment, it is converted into a thoroughly efficient header. This machine is designed for those who desire a practical machine of large capacity. It will cut and bind exceptionally tall or short grain because it has a wide range of reel adjustment. The platform can he adjusted to cut high or low stubble. The main frame is built of large steel tubes. These tubes are substantially braced and are of ample strength to withstand all torsional strain. The platform main frame, which is securely braced, is made of angle steel. The bottom of sheet steel is riveted securely to the platform main frame. The reel can be easily moved backward or forward, up or down. The device for giving the reel this range of adjustment is made by means of two levers within convenient reach of the driver. The binding attachment on the McCormick header binder is simple and easily adjusted. The metalHc apron butter is durable. Its action assists the packers in delivering the grain to the knotter. It makes certain the formation of square butted bundles. The knotter is simple and acciirate. The flax bunching attachment is furnished with the McCormick header binder on special order. With this attachment, the operator can leave the flax in gavels instead of in a swath. A very convenient bundle carrier is furnished regvilarly with the McCormick header binder. Ask for a Special McCormick Header and Header Binder Catalogue 13 All of the levers are convenient to the reach of the driver iW^ C O R.^V^. I C K McCormick Daisy Reaper THE McComiick Daisy reaper is designed to meet the reqiiirenients of those who prefer to leave the grain in gavels on the ground vmtil it is thoroughly cured and dried. This machine is in great demand for use on small f anns or where a man wishes to cut timothy or clover for seed. It can also be used with success in cutting wheat, flax, buck- wheat, rye and barley. The main and grain wheels are fitted with self -aligning roller bearings; conse- quently, the machine is light in draft and can be drawn with two horses. The McCormick Daisy reaper is driven by bevel gears. This method of transmitting power elimin- ates lost motion and reduces draft. The gears of the Daisy reaper are heavy and will give long wear- ing sen.'ice. The rake arms can be regulated to deliver gavels of any size. McCormick Daisy folded for transportation This reaper can be folded easily when it is to be moved from one field to another, when passing through narrow lanes or when it is desired to store it in a limited space. It can be adjusted to cut high or low stubble according to the condition of the field and grain. The raising and lowering device consists of a combina- tion worm and bevel gear — something like a jack screw which is the most powerful lifting device known. McCormick Daisy gear drive reaper, furnished in 5 and 5>^ foot sizes 14 McCormick New 4 Mower McCormick New 4 mower, regular lift — 4Vi> and 5-foot cut THE McComiick New 4 mower is known for its simplicity and durability wherever hay is grown. Simplicity is the keynote in its construction. There are several good reasons why the experienced farmer selects a mowing machine that is simple in construction. The more simple the mower is the easier it will work. The fewer fancy trappings it has the less likely it is to get out of order. The McCormick does not have a number of so-called talking points to attract the prospective purchaser on the sales floor and disappoint him later, when the machine is put to work in the hay field. It has fewer parts than any other mower. Main Frame To do good work for any length of time a mower must have a well constructed and substantial main frame. The main frame holds the shafts, gears, pinions, etc., in the proper working relation. If the main frame did not remain perfectly rigid, the gears and shafts would be thrown out of alignment, causing heavy draft and undue wear. The frame on the McCormick mower is cast in one piece. It is strongly braced. It wiU withstand the most adverse conditions in the field. All the holes in the main frame are drilled at the same S^L time in special machines to insure JW^ ** absolute accuracy in the fitting of the crankshaft and counter- shaft. The main axle is equipped with roller bearings. The crank- shaft and the countershaft run in remova- ble steel babbitt-lined boxes. These boxes are of softer material than the crank shaft, consequently the boxes, instead of the crank shaft, receive the wear. flit Substantial main frame .^W^ C O RiV\ I C K A guard that will stand hard knocks in the field Cutter Bar THE McCormick cutter bar is built to stand hard knocks. It is right all through. It is constructed entirely of steel. A special heat treatment makes it extra rigid. It is reinforced with a taper rib which extends the entire length of the bar. This rib strengthens the bar so that a smooth running knife is insured. There is no danger of whipping the bar out of alignment when raising or lowering it quickly. The McCormick pitman and knife are always in a direct line, regardless of the position of the bar. This means that the knife works in the middle of the guards always. The cutter bar does not sag, no matter whether the guards are tilted up or down. This insures an easy running knife, reduces friction to the minimum, and prevents the breaking of knife heads. Notice the substantial connection between The cutter bar is connected to the the cutter bar and main frame main frame by a hinged coupling mounted on a long horizontal bearing. This coupling is made of steel and forced into one piece. The substantial construction of this coupling has much to do with holding the McConnick cutter bar in perfect alignment. Clean Cutting Short prairie grass or wire grass has a tendency in cutting to clog between the knife section and the rear of the guard on some mowers, particularly after the knife has become worn. This is not the case with the McCormick. There is a clean cutting surface the entire length of the ledger plate. This ledger plate is fastened to the guard by means of a rivet and a center lug, which always holds it substantially in place. The section and the ledger plate make a sheer cut that is very effective no matter what the condition of cutting. After the ledger plate has been worn for some time it can be replaced. This does away with the necessity of buying an entirely new guard. The McCormick guard is curved upward near the end for close cut- ting. The pitman is made from second growth hickor\-, dried and seasoned. It drives the knife with a full stroke, which prevents clogging, no matter how heavy the grass or how tough the cutting. The draft bracket is located un- der the pole, which brings the pull in a direct line from the cutter bar. This means of draft connection has a tendency to lift rather than drag the bar along. 16 Notice the long-wearing plates on the McCormick cutter bar be raised inner and TW^ CORAAI C K . Convenient Foot Lift BY means of a convenient foot lever, the cutter bar of the McCormick mower can easily to pass over stones, stumps, and roots, and for turning comers. Both the the outer shoes of the cutter bar are raised at one time. For this reason the cutter bar is always in perfect alignment regardless of the position of tilt. Another advantage of the inner and outer shoes raising together is that all strain is removed from the cutter bar when tilting. Oil cannot splash out of the McCormick pitman box The cutter bar can also be raised easily by means of a hand lever which is within easy reach of the driver. Close Tilting Adjustments The tilting quadrant on the McCormick mower is made with fine notches. This gives the operator close control of the tilt of the cutter bar. It means that a very close stubble can be cut if desired, and in seasons when the grass is short it has been known to make a difference of several tons in the A foot lift makes it easy to raise the McCormick cutter bar hay crop. Close tilting adjustment is a particularly desirable feature on rough and stony ground. Close cutting can be done without danger of dulling the knives on rocks, or of breaking the bar by running into short stumps that the driver cannot see from the seat. Full Swath A feature of the McCormick mower that will appeal to every farmer is the fact that there is ample room between the pole and the inside shoe. This makes it un- necessary for the off horse to walk in the grass when a full swath is being cut. 17 ililiii .^W^CORiV\ICK|^ Large Bevel Gears THE large bevel gears of the McCormick mower are a noteworthy feature. The bevel gear and spur pinion are mounted on the countershaft, which runs in a removable bushing. For this reason the gears run smoothly and without noise. These gears are well covered with large shields, which protect them from all dust and dirt. The oiling facilities throughout the entire mower are easily accessible. Wherever possible they are placed within plain sight of the operator and can be reached while standing back of the machine. The clutch on the AlcCor- niiek mower is equipped with four clutch dogs. These clogs engage and release quickly. The mower can be stopped and started in heavy cutting without backing the team. For durability and ease of operation the McCormick clutch cannot be equaled. McCormick clutch in gear McCormick clutch out of gear. There are four* prongs on the clutch The McCormick New Big 4 Mower The McCormick New Big 4 mower is designed for those who have large meadows and for those who wish to cut heavy crops of clover and alfalfa. It is furnished with 43^, .5, 6 or 7-foot cutter bars. This mower is of the same design and built of the same high-grade material as the McCormick New 4 mower, the only difference being that it is furnished in larger sizes with a heavier frame and the wheels are heavier and farther apart. McCormick New Big 4 mower, regular lift— 4Vi, 5, 6 and 7-foot cut 18 McCormick Vertical Lift Mower McCormick vertical lift mower, furnished in 4>6' and 5-foot sizes THE McCormick vertical lift mower has all the good features of the regular McCormick mowers, and, in addition, it is so made that the cutter bar can be raised to a vertical position and low- ered without stopping the team. This makes the McComiick vertical lift mower one that is meeting great demand for cutting on rough and stumpy ground. It permits the driver to cut close to the tree, stump, or rock, and save all the hay without loss of time or inconvenience. The cutter bar also can be raised high enough to pass over stones and stumps by means of a very convenient foot lift. While the McConnick vertical lift mower is an exceptionally good machine for cutting in rough and stony ground, it is practical for all kinds of grass cutting. It will do good work in any place where the machine can be drawn by horses and under conditions where an ordinary machine could not be used. As an all-purpose mower it is unsurpassed. The cutter bar on this mower is especially strong and durable. It undergoes a special heat treatment, which makes the bar unusually rigid. There is no danger of it whipping out of align- ment when it is raised and lowered. This is a feature that is of great advantage on the vertical lift mower, because when it is used on stony or stumpy ground the bar is being raised or lowered con- tinually. The lifting lever on the McCormick vertical lift mower and the connections of the cutter bar have a powerful leverage, making it easy to raise the cutter bar to a vertical position. The lift is positive, so that the bar comes to a perpendicular position, not part way up. This machine is automatically thrown out of gear as the bar is raised. It is thrown in gear again when the bar returns to the ground. This is a very convenient feature, and one that every user will appreciate. 19 McCormick New Little Vertical Mower McCormick New Little Vertical mower is furnished with 3^5 or 4-foot cutter bar THE McComiick New Little Vertical mower has been designed to meet the demands for a mower of small capacity that can be pulled by one horse. It is a practical mower for small acreage and for mowing lawns, parks and orchards. It can be operated in places where a large two-horse mower could not go. This mower is equipped with a vertical lift, which enables the operator to raise the cutter bar to a vertical position while the machine is in motion. This lift is similar in every way to that used on the two-horse vertical lift mower. The singletree on the New Little Vertical mower is connected to the draft rod in such a way as to give an even distribu- tion of power between the machine and the shoe hinge. The thills can be shifted to the center and two horses hitched to the machine if desired. The general construction of the McCormick New Little Vertical mower is the same as that of the McCormick two- horse mower. Great care is taken that all the parts be built in the same careful manner and of the same high-grade material as the larger machines. McCormick Knife and Tool Grinder The McCormick knife and tool grinder enables the farmer to keep sections and knives sharp at all times. The time required to sharpen knives with a McCormick knife grinder is less than when an ordinary grindstone is used. Stone for gumming saws can also be furnished on special order. If desired, a foot power attachment can be supplied at a small additional cost. Unless the knives are kept sharp it is impossible to secure the best results with a mowing machine. When the knife is dull the draft of the machine is increased, and the driver often thinks that the mower is at fault. By keeping the mower knives weU sharpened these difficulties can be avoided. 20 McCormick knife grinder attached to the mower wheel 1^ (niil: I I |||iiiiiiiiiiii'''''iHI iVV^CORiV\ICK£4 McCormick Hay Tedder McCormick hay tedder-supplied with 6 or 8 forks THE best hay is made where the grass does not lay in the swath long after it is cut. There should be a free circulation of air through it, but it should not bleach in the sun. ^ If it is gathered up quickly it will retain its rich green color and be much more valuable for feeding. It follows that it will bring a better price on the market. With the use of the jNIcCormick hay tedder, grass can be cut in the morning, turned Ijy the tedder later in the day and put in the bam or stack on the same day, making a great saving of time over the usual methods employed. All the hay is stirred when the McCormick tedder is used. Light or heavy crops can be tedded with equal rapidity and the hay will be cured unifomily. The wheels, frame and forks of the McConnick tedder are made of steel, which insures a sub- stantial construction. The machine is driven by a chain and gears. The gear wheel is mounted in the center of the axle and drives the crank shaft to which the fork arms are attached. All the forks are thus given the full driving force of both wheels and the motion of the forks is steady and unifonn — the heaviest hay will not retard them. Each fork arm is equipped with_a coil spring. This spring takes the jar from the forks and protects the machine from the alternating movement of the fork anns. The McCormick tedder is so constructed that heavy windrows can be tedded -without dif- ficulty — none of the hay is left unstirred. The forks extend outside of the wheels so that they stir the hay that is run over by the wheels. The forks continue in motion when comers are being turned. By means of a convenient lever within reach of the driver the forks can be regulated to work high or low as desired. The IMcComiick tedder often will pay for itself in one season by the better grade of hay which it helps to make. If the season is rainy, a tedder is indispensable. It scatters the hay lightly so that it win dry out very quickly. 21 Ill Fl ii' '"\ lill llllliiiiiiMlllllll /w^cor;v\ick (^"iilllllllliHnllllllPllllilili III' as< The McCormick Self- Dump Rake McCormick self-dump rake. The thills can be moved to the center for two horses if desired The McConnick self-dump rake does good work in all conditions of hay. It dumps quickly and the teeth return to the ground close to the windrow. As the rake fills, the cleaner rods float above and retard the hay, so that it does not roll into a ropy fonn. McCormick rakes leave a neat appearing field, due to the ease vnth. which the teeth can be kept in position. The teeth can be adjusted to work on or off the ground, as the operator desires, or they can be locked down by a slight pressure on the foot lever so that the hay can be bunched from the windrow. In order to dump the rake the driver simply presses a trip lever, which throws the pawls at the end of the trip rod into engagement with the ratchets. The teeth then lift and discharge the load. The dump rods on the McCormick rake are in two parts and can be reversed end for end. This gives double wearing surface. The ends of the rods that engage in the ratchets are temper- ed, furnishing added durability. Interchangeable Wheels The wheels on the McConnick rake are interchangeable, so that when one side of the ratchets are worn the wheels can be changed. This gives practically the wear of two rake wheels in one. The wheels have staggered spokes and heavy steel tires. They are large and keep the rake run- ning smoothly even when used on the roughest ground. The inside ratchets are covered with shields which prevent the hay from winding or interfering with the tripping device. 22 iW^CORiVMCK Strong Main Frame The McCormick rake has a strong frame THE good work and lasting quality of a hay rake depend to a large extent upon the material that is put into the main frame'. The main frame of the McCormick hay rake is made of angle steel, which resists twisting. The rake head is made of angle steel, strongly trussed to prevent sagging. The frame and rake head are connected by heavy hinges. This construction produces a frame which will withstand for many years the twists and strains to which it is sub- jected in the field. Durable Rake Teeth The rake teeth are made of high-grade oil tempered steel. They must undergo a severe test before they leave the factory. A pull of 29 inches, almost 2i'-2 feet, is put on the point of every McComiick rake tooth, and it must spring back to_ its exact original shape. A tooth that has the stuff in it to with- stand this treatment will not break when it catches on large stones, stumps or roots. It will straighten out to pass over the obstruction and then spring back to place. The teeth are held in place by sectional clamps. The ad- vantage of this is that should a tooth become worn or broken it can be replaced by taking off only a few teeth in the rake. The McCormick teeth have a graceful cur^-e which brings them well mider the load where they carry it rather than drag it along. They are so shaped on the end that they ride over the ground instead of digging or tearing it up. The frame and rake head are strongly connected The foot trip and locking lever are within easy reach of the operator Meets All Conditions Successfully The McCormick hay rake meets all re- quirements of the most critical farmer. It has gained a reputation in every locahty for its durability and ease of operation. The McCormick hand dump rake is similar to the self dump rake with the excep- tion of the tripping device. It is made in the same sizes. McCormick rakes are made in 8, 9, 10 and 12-foot sizes. 23 Illlllllllll iVVcCOR7WICK£4 McCormick Sweep Rakes McCormick 3-wheel, side-hitch sweep rake No. 2 WHEN hay is stacked in the field, the most economical equipment for handling it is the McCormick sweep rakes and stackers. No other method equals this in the saving of time and labor. Sweep rakes as a rule, are subjected to a great deal of hard usage and severe strains, so it is essential that the right kind of materials be used in a right way to insure great strength. A careful examination of the McCormick line will convince anyone that these tools are built to stand the hardest kind of treatment. Plenty of material of the best kind has been used in con- structing them and they are thoroughly braced throughout. McCormick Sweep rakes will gather hay from either the swath or windrow and are made in a number of styles so that every field condition can be met. Rakes Nos. 1 and 5 are of the 2-wheel, side-hitch type. The teeth are raised and lowered by sliding the seat back and forth. Nos. 2 and 6 are of the 3-wheel type. Nos. 3 and 7 are 3-wheel, and Nos. 4 and 8, 4-wheel, rear-hitch. All rakes, except Nos. 1 and 5, have a lever for raising and lowering the teeth. The McCormick sweep rake teeth are made of straight-grained yellow pine, and are provided with metal points. They are interchangeable and reversible. These features reduce wear and insure durability. The metal wheels are mounted on a square tubular steel axle which extends across the platfonn, on rakes Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4. On rakes Nos. 5, 6, 7 and 8, the axles are wood with the wheels mounted on short steel shafts which are held securely in place by braces. The wheels on rakes Nos. 5, 6, 7 and 8 are equipped with removable bushings and provided_with shields so that hay will not wrap around the axle. Rakes Nos. 5 and 6 are equipped with floating poles. McCormick 4-wheel, rear-hitch sweep rake No. 4 24 iW^CORTV^ICK > McCormick Junior Hay Stacker T- McCormick junior hay stacker ^HIS stacker is known as the "over- shot" type, and consists cf a ground frame and A-frame, also lifting arms which carry the platfonn or pitcher head. The load is carried up on this stacker over the A-frame with- out sagging the platform and is thrown directly back upon the stack. The platform is held in position by a heavy rope. A coiled spring device is pro- vided, which may be adjusted by the operator to give the desired pitch to the platform in delivering the load to the stack. The pitcher teeth can be easily adjusted, and the height of the lifting arms can be reduced and increased. This is a feature that is readily appreciated, because in mak- ing a stack the operator can begin by having the lifting anns at the lowest point, and as the stack is built up, the arms may be extended. This stacker can be operated with either one or two horses. When folded it can easily be trans- ported and takes up very little room. A hay retainer and transport are furnished on special order at additional cost. McCormick Swinging Hay Stacker The McCormick swinging hay stacker permits the load to be locked in place at any height, and swung to one siide over the stack. When over the stack the load may be dumped and the forks swung back and lowered into place. These stackers are very handy, as they can be used to load into, a wagon. They are strongly laraced and twisting is prevented by truss rods. The swinging stacker is especially adapted for building long stacks because it has long swinging arms. When the load is placed upon the pitcher head, the horse is driven forward until the load has been lifted to the desired height ; the load is then swung over the stack, and dumped by means of a lever. When being lowered, the pitcher head can be controlled by means of a band brake which is attached to the pulley, around which the raising and lowering rope passes. A sledge and stakes are furnished with each stacker. A trans- port and hay retainer are furnished at a slight additional cost, upon special order. > Brake McCormick swinging hay stacker 25 iW^COR7V\ICK The McCormick Corn Binder Ask for a Special Corn Machine Catalogue McCormick corn binder ' I ^HE McCormick com binder is simple in constniction, light in weight, and compact. The main -'- frame, which is made of square steel tubes, is symmetrical in design, and thoroughly braced in such a manner as to give almost unlimited service. All parts are held rigid, consequently the shafts and boxes are held in perfect alignment. The McCormick com binder binds the com while the com is in a vertical position. The com is cut and moved in a position upright to the binding attachment. It requires a minimum amount of power to bind com in this position and insures evenly butted bundles which are easy to handle. Another feature that every com grower will appreciate is the fact that this machine straddles only one row of com in opening up the field. It leaves only one bent row to cut. The McCormick com binder has an extremely wide range of adjustment. It will cut short and tall com, and corn that is down and lodged. This adjustment for different lengths of com can be made from the driver's seat. It is not necessary for the dri\'er to stop the machine to make the adjustment. This is a decided advantage, because frequently the operator finds both tall and short com in the same field. Cutting Mechanism The cutting mechanism on the McCormick com binder consists of three knives, one reciprocating and two stationary. The stationary knives being curved outwardly, from the rear, cause them to cut the stalks with a gradual drawing stroke as the machine is drawn forward. The reciprocating knife completes the oper- ation, and cuts all weeds, vines, and green undergrowth between the hills of the row, leaving the field in a Sectional view sliowing the knives neat condition. 26 Conveyor Chains THERE are three sets of conveyor chains on the McCormick com binder. Each set of conveyors comprises two chains — one being placed on each side of the divider on the inside. These chains are so geared that the upper chains move faster than the lower ones. In this way the bent stalks are readily straightened up. The faster motion of the upper chains carry the top portion of the com back be- tween the dividers so that the stalks are perpen- dicular when they are cut. They are, therefore, conveyed to the binding attachment in an upright position. It is an easy matter to tighten the conveyor chains Two Spring Rods Hold Com Against Conveyors Another feature that adds greatly to the satisfactory work of the McCormick corn binder and insures positive elevation of all corn stalks is the spring rod feature. There are two spring rods so constmcted that they hold the stalks against the chain until the com gets to a point where the packers are sure to get hold of the stalks. This insures positive elevation of all the com. Tongue Truck A tongue tmck is fumished with the McCormick com binder on special order at additional cost. A stub pole and all parts necessary to attach it to the com binder are fumished regularly when the attachment is ordered. The holes in the pole are properly bored and adjustments are made to make it easy to attach the tongue tmck when it is ordered as a separate attachment. When , % -- / ::lt 't/ 1 V i .'./. ... '<5Ll_ "If View of the lower spring rod. The up- per spring rod is similar in every way equipped with the McComiick tongue truck the weight of the com binder is evenly distributed to the ground and the binder runs steadily. McCormick corn binder tongue truck which can be supplied on special order 27 4%, 'III liii iifiiiiiiii^ yii^^ .^W^ C O RiV\ I C K McCormick Improved Huskers and Shredders These shredders are built in two sizes— Improved 6-roll and Improved 8-roll. The Improved 8-roll is furnished with "Farmers Friend" blower. McCormick Improved 6-roll busker and shredder. THE McCormick Improved husker and shredder has many features that make it durable and easily operated. The frame is strong and well braced. It is equipped with a practical self- feeder. A ball-and-socket joint fifth wheel pennits the machine to be turned around in a small space. Snapping rolls are hung on a cushion spring, which prevent the ends from pounding. A hand wheel attachment makes it possible to turn the blower pipe in any direction while the machine is in operation. The quality of the work done by the McCormick husker and sliredder cannot be equaled. The separating device is so constructed that aU foreign substances, such as dirt, smut, weed seeds, etc., are delivered to the ground and not to the bam with the stover. It cleans and saves all the shelled com and delivers it to a bag at the side of the machine. All parts of this machine are readily accessible. The husking rolls are arranged in pairs and placed parallel with the length of the machine and have large bevel gears wliich remain in inesh. Each pair of rolls can be taken out independently of the others. McComiick huskers and shredders are well equipped with safety devices. The oil cups have long pipes, so that the oiling can be done without going near the moving parts. The husking and snapping rolls are protected, and gear shields are used where necessary. Safety clutches are pro- vided for throwing the snapping rolls and self-feeder out of gear. The speed of the shredder head is about 1,000 revolutions per minute. The quality of corn, weather conditions, etc., determine to a great extent the amount of com that can be husked in a day. Under favorable conditions, however, the 6-roU machine will husk from 50 to 75 bushels per hour; the 8-roll from 80 to 100 bushels per hour. The 6-roll requires a 20-H.P. engine for operation; the 8-roll about a 25-H.P. Ask for a special McCormick Corn Machine Catalogue. .^W= C O R7V\ I C K McCormick 8 and 10-Roll Special Huskers and Shredders THE McCormick 8-roll Special husker and shredder is the same machine as the Improved 6-roll, except that it is equipped with eight small rolls instead of six large ones. The capacity of the 8-roll Special is no greater than that of the Improved 6-roll, but the rolls being small make it very effective in small com. It does exceptionally clean husldng, and shells very little com in the oper- ation. The reason that this machine is a desirable one for small corn is that the extra pair of rolls give it a larger husking surface; but the small rolls are not as aggressive as large rolls, consequently the same amount of corn is handled, with very little of the corn shelled. The McConnick 10-roll Special husker and shredder has ten small rolls instead of eight large ones. The capacity and other features of this machine are exactly the same as found on the Im- proved 8-roll. The advantages of the 10-roll Special are the same as those mentioned for the Mc- Cormick 8-roll Special. The equipment and required power for operation is the same on the McConnick 8-roll Special as on the McCormick Improved 6-roll. The 10-roll vSpecial requires the same power and has the same equipment as the Improved 8-roll. Ask for a Special McCormick Corn Machine Catalogue Husking rolls used on the Improved 6 and 8-rolI machines Husking rolls used on the McCormick 8 and 10-roll Special machines 29 iWcCORA^ICK McCormick Little Giant Husker and Shredder T^ HE McConnick Little Giant husker and shredder is designed for individual work, or for those who wish to do custom work on a small scale. It can be furnished with 4 or 6 husking rolls. The husking rolls on the McCormick Little Giant are placed at right angles with the machine. They are arranged in pairs and are readily accessible. Each pair can be taken out independently of the other and the rolls can be quickly adjusted. The ear elevator operates from the side of the machine. A reciprocator keeps the ears mo\ang along the rolls evenly. This insures clean husking and a uniform deHvery of the ears to the carrier. The reciprocator keeps the ears moving no matter what condition the com may be in. The Little Giant husker and shredder makes per- fect fodder and saves all the com. The capacity is sufficiently large to turn out a good day's work without requiring a large number of men and teams to keep it in operation. It is the most practical machine for the man whose power is limited. The Little Giant is regtdarly equipped with an 8-inch drive pulley. On special order a 6, 7, 9 or 10-inch drive pulley will be supplied. The speed of the shredder head is about 1,000 revolutions per minute. Under average con- ditions the 4-roll machine vn]l husk from 25 to 50 bushels per hour; the 6-roll will husk from 30 to 60 bushels per hour. It requires from 12 to 15-H. P- to operate the Little Giant to its full capacity. The snapping rolls can be thrown out of gear instantly by means of the lever in front of the operator Rsk for Special McCormick Corn Machine Catalogue McCormick Little Giant 4-roU husker and shredder 30 McCormick Corn Picker >> THE working principle of the McConnick com picker is very simple. It consists of long, projecting gatherers. These gatherers are equipped with elevating chains. The chains are provided with long steel fingers which catch and hold the com after the steel gatherer points have raised it from the ground. By means of the operating lever, these gatherer.; can be easily adjusted for working close to the ground. Under ordinary conditions, however, it is unnecessary to operate the machine with the gatherers adjusted extremely low. The McConnick corn picker will not only meet all field conditions successfully, but it will husk com cleaner than it is usually done by hand. Draft is reduced by means of roller and self -aligning bearings, and by the proper ar- rangement of parts. On this macliine are found many desirable features which are readily appreciated by the farmer who uses it. The snapping rolls are equipped with The cleaner chain delivers the husks to the ground Wif/i fhe use of the corn picker one of the mosi disa- greeable jobs on the farm is disposed of, and many farmers are solving the "help question" in this manner. a convenient device which pennits them to spread apart in case an obstruction should become wedged between them. This feature is of exceptional valvie since it pre- vents breakage, which would result in case hard substances were picked up by the gathering chains and delivered to the elevators, which would carry them to the snapping rolls. A special device which is of unusual importance is the lever to throw the wagon elevator out of gear. This enables the operator to husk to the end of a row with out allowing the husked ear corn to fall to the ground while the receiving wagon is being turned for the next row. Ask for a McCormick Corn Machine Catalogue McCormick com picker 31 7W=CORiV\ICK McCormick Twine G Watch for the McCormick label on twine under careful inspection mick label on a ball of twine is known wherever binders are used, as a guarantee of good spinning and the best material. Every lot of McCormick twine is weighed, measured, and tested to insure full length and full strength. It is a twine that is reliable and depend- able. It will not clog, does not kink, is free from flaws and wUl not pull thin and break like cheap inferior twine. 00 D binder twine has a wonderful influence on the success of the harv^est. It gets in its inlluence ever>' year, whether the crop is good, or whether it is poor. It saves time in the harvest field when time is at a premium. Inferior twine is not a bargain, even when it can be purchased for a few cents less a ball. Sup- pose it does cost a cent less a pound, it takes about ^Yi pounds of twine for an acre. Compare the value of an acre's crop with the 23^ cents saved, then is it worth while to run a chance for such a small amount ? When considering binder twine this year, just remember that McCormick twine is made from the most carefully selected Sisal and Manila fibres, that every step in their mamifacture is taken This is why the McCor- Testing McCormick twine for length and strength Drying sisal fibre Buy McCormick twine if you wish to avoid twine troubles. It does away with some of the most try- ing problems in the grain field. McConnick twne is made in the five following brands and lengths : Sisal 500 feet Standard ^^^ ^/""l Extra Manila 550 feet Manila J^OO feet Pure Manila 650 feet 32 ■mm ^ % f Sold by INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY OF AMERICA (Incorpoiated) CHICAGO USA For further information write International Harvester Company of America Chicago, III., or write our nearest branch house. 11 piiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiHtHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig BRANCH HOUSES INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY OF AMERICA IINCORPORATEOI iniiiiniiinininMrinMniiininiiMiiiiiiiiiiniiMiiiiHiiiiiJMiiinMUMniMMnniiiiiiiiHiiinniiMMiiniiniiiiiiiMiiiMiinniiniiiMiiMiMiiiiiiMHiiiriiiiiM llllllllllllllllllllllllillillllillllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH^ illllllillllllllRllllllllllinillllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli aiHIHIIIIUIIHnHIMHIIUUIIIMmMIIIIIIIIHIMIIIIUUIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIHUIIIIIIIIIIIIirilllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIinillllUlllllllllinillllllllllllllllHIIIIHIIIiiniMnilllllMIIIIIIHIIHIIHI^ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiipiiili ABERDEEN. S O. ALBANY, N Y. ATLANTA. GA, AUBURN. N. Y AURORA. ILL. BALTIMORE. MD. BIRMINGHAM. ALA. BISMARCK, N. D. BOSTON. MASS BUFFALO. N Y. CEDAR FALLS. lA. CHARLOTTE. N. C. CINCINNATI, OHIO CLEVELAND. OHIO COLUMBIA. S C COLUMBUS OHIO CONCORDIA. KAN COUNCIL BLUFFS. lA. CRAWFORD. NEB. DAVENPORT. lA, DENVER. COLO OES MOINES. lA. DETROIT. MICH. DUBUQUE, lA. EAST ST. LOUIS, ILL. EAU CLAIRE. WIS. ELMIRA. N. Y EVANSVILLE. IND. FARGO N D. FT DODGE. lA. FT WAYNE. IND. GRAND FORKS. N. D. GRAND RAPIDS. MICH GREEN BAY WIS. HARRISBURG. PA. HELENA. MONT HUTCHINSON. KAN INDIANAPOLIS. IND JACKSON. MICH. JACKSONVILLE, FLA. KANKAKEE. ILL. KANSAS CITY. MO .KNOXVILLE, TENN. LANSi.VG. C'ICH. LINCOLN. NEB. LITTLE ROCK, ARK. MADISON. WIS. MANKATO. MINN. MASON CITY. lA. MEMPHIS. TENN. MILWAUKEE. WIS. MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. MINOT. N D. NASHVILLE. TENN. NEW ALBANY. IND. NEW ORLEANS. LA. 060ENSBURG. N Y. OKLAHOMA CITY.OKLA. OMAHA. NEB. PARKERSBURG. W VA. PARSONS. KAN. FEORIA. ILL. PHILADELPHIA, PA. PITTSBURGH, PA PORTLAND. ORE OUINCY. ILL, RICHMOND. IND, RICHMOND, VA. ROCKFORD, ILL, ST. CLOUD. MINN. ST JOSEPH. MO, ST. LOUIS, MO. SAGINAW, MICH. SALINA. KAN. SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, SIOUX CITY. lA, SIOUX FALLS, S. D, SOUTH BEND, IND, SPOKANE. WASH, SPRINGFIELD, ILL, SPRINGFIELD, MO, TERRE HAUTE, IND. TOLEDO, OHIO TOPEKA, KAN, WATERTOWN, S. D. WICHITA. KAN. WINONA, MINN, iiiij l [ail BJsilllHIMIIilHIIWMHMIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIBMIMIIIIIIIIHinMIIIIIHMIIIimiimillinimilimniUniMIIIIMIIIIIUIIIIMIIIIIIIMIIIIinMIII^ HARVESTER PRE89