MASSACHUSETTS STATE COLLEGE GOODELL LIBRARY ~}'A PUBLIC DOCUMENT, 1881 ...No. 15, SUPPLEMENT. THE ^^^ Census of Massachusetts, 1880. Compiled by Authority of the Legislature, Chap. 26, Resolves of 1882, FROM the Returns of the Tenth Census of the United States. BY CAREOLL D. WRIGHT, Chief of the Mass. Blreau of Statistics of Labor, Supervisor of U. S. Census, etc., etc. BOSTON : WRIGHT & POTTER PRINTING CO., STATE PRINTERS, 18 Post Office Square. 1883. 3 1 T>4 4 \% %(^ TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page Introdnction, ix-xxiv TABULAR PRESENTATIONS. Population and Sex : by Towxs 1-14 County and State Recapitulation, 8 Villages in Massachusetts, 9-14 PopvLATioN FOR 1870 AND 1880 : Increase and Decrease : by Towns, . . . 15-26 Towns showing Increase, 17-19 Towns showing Decrease, 20, 21 County and State Recapitulations, 22, 23 Families and Dwellings : by Towns, 27-36 County and State Recapitulation, 34, 35 Place of Birth : Native and Foreign Born : Color and Race : by Towns, . 37-90 County and State Recapitulation 88, 89 Parent Nativity: by Towns, 91-100 County and State Recapitulation, 101 Foreign Parent Nativity : by Towns 101-212 County Recapitulations 206-210 State Recapitulation, . . ... . . , 210 Ages: by Towns, 213-256 County and State Recapitulation : by years, 250, 251 State Recapitulation ; by years, with Sex, Native White, Foreign White, Colored and Aggregates, 252, 253 Classified Occupations : by Towns, 257-280 County and State Recapitulation, 279 Occupations, Manufactx-ring and Mechanical : by Industries, . . . 281-338 Agricultural Implements, 283 Arms and Ammunition, 283, 284 Artisans' Tools, 284, 285 Bakeries, 285, 286 Bookbinderies, 287 33375 IV CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. Occupations, etc. — Concluded. Page Boots and Shoes, 287-290 Boxes, '. 290, 291 Brooms and Brushes, 291, 292 Building 292-294 Carriages and Wagons, 295-297 Carpetings, 297 Clocks and Watches, 298 Clothing 299-301 Cooking, Lighting, and Heating Apparatus, 301 Cotton Goods, 302, 303 Cotton and Woollen Goods, 303, 304 Flax, Hemp, and Jute Goods, 304 Food Preparations 305, 306 Furniture ' 307,308 Glass 308, 309 Hair, . 309 Leather, 309-311 Linen, 311 Liquors and Beverages, 311, 312 Lumber 312-314 Machines and Machinery, 314-316 Metals and Metallic Goods 316-319 Musical Instruments, .... 319-320 Oils and Illuminating Fluids 320 Paper, 320, 321 Printing, 322,323 Print Works 323, 324 Publishing 324, 325 Railroad Construction 325 Rubber 326 Scientific Instruments and Appliances, 326 Silk, 327 Stone, 327,328 Tobacco 329 Vessels 330 Wooden Goods 331, 332 Woollen Goods 332-334 Miscellaneous Manufactures, 334-336 State Recapitulation of Aggregates, 337 Principal Occupations with Sex and Nativities : by Towns, .... .339-374 Principal Occupations, with Sex and Ages : by Towns, 375-394 Persons Engaged in Agriculture, with Sex and Nativities : by Towns, . 395-410 County and State Recapitulation 408, 409 Persons engaged in Agriculture, with Sex and Ages: by Towns, . . 411-418 County and State Recapitulation, 418 TABLE OF CONTENTS. V Page Occupations by Name, with Sex and Nativities : for the State, . . . 419-444 Recapitulation of State Aggregates 440-443 Classification by totals 442, 443 Occupations by Name, with Sex and Ages : for the State 445-458 Recapitulation of State Aggregates 456, 457 Classification by Totals, 458 Illiteracy: by Towns, 459-498 County and State Recapitulation, 496, 497 Percentage of Illiteracy, for the State, 498 Ages of the Illiterate, for the State, 498 Agriculture : Products, bt Towns 499-516 County and State Recapitulation, 512, 513 Farm Products : for the State, 512, 515 Barley, 515 Buckwheat, 515 Butter 512 Cheese, 512 Eggs, 513 Hay, 512 Indian corn, . . . ^ 513 Milk, 512 Oats 515 Potatoes, Irish 513 Rye, 515 Tobacco, 513 Value, estimated, of all agricultural products, 513 Wheat 515 Farm Property : for the Sfate, 512-515 Farms ; number of, 512, 514 size of, 514, 515 owned, 514, 515 rented for fixed money rental, 514, 515 rented for shares of products, 514, 515 value of, 515 Fences, cost of repairing, 515 Fertilizers, cost of, 515 Implements, value of, 515 Land, improved, 514 tilled 514 meadow , 514 Land, unimproved, , 514 woodland and forest, 514 other unimproved 514 VI CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. Agriculture — Concluded. Page Live stock, value of 515 Milch Cows, 514 Mules and Asses, 514 Other Cattle, 514 Sheep 514 Swine 514 Working Oxen, 514 The Fisheries : by Customs Districts, 517-532 District and State Recapitulation, 530 Manufactures : by Towns, 533-598 Recapitulation of Town Aggregates, • . 592-597 County and State Recapitulation, 597 Manufactures : by Name, 599-690 Agricultural Implements, 602 Arms and Ammunition, 603 Artificial Teeth and Dental Work, 603, 704 Artisans' Tools 604, 605 Awnings and Tents, 605, 606 Boots and Shoes 606-609 Boxes, 609-611 Brick, Tiles, and Sewer Pipe 611, 612 Brooms and Brushes, 612, 613 Building, 613-616 Burial Cases, Caskets, Coffins, etc. 616, 617 Buttons and Dress Trimmings, 617 Carpetings, 618 Carriages and Wagons, 618-622 Cement, Kaolin, LimCi and Plaster, 622 Charcoal 622 Chemical Preparations, ..." 623 Clocks and Watches 623, 624 Clothing, 624-626 Concrete Walks, Paving, etc 626 Cooking, Lighting, and Heating Apparatus 626, 627 Cordage and Twine 627,628 Corks, 628 Cotton Goods, 628-630 Cotton, Woollen, and other Textiles, 630, 631 Crayons, Pencils, Crucibles, etc., 631 Drugs and Medicines, 631, 632 Dyeing and Finishing Textiles, 633 Dye Stuffs 633 Earthen and Stone Ware, 633, 634 Electroplating 634 Emery and Sand Paper and Cloth, etc., 634, 635 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Ml Maxufactukes : by Name — Continued. Page Fancy Articles, 635 Fertilizers, 635, 636 FireworlvS and Matches 636 Flax and Linen Goods, 637 Food Preparations, 637-641 Fm-nitnre, 642, 643 Glass, 643, 644 Glue, Isinglass, and Starch, 644 Hair "Work, 644,645 Hose; Rubber, Linen, etc., 645 Industries not specified 645 Ink, Mucilage," and Paste 645, 646 Ivory, Bone, and Horn Goods, ..." 646 Jewelry Burnishing and Lapidary Work, 646, 647 Leather 647, 650 Liquors and Beverages, 650, 651 Liquors, Malt and Distilled, 651 Lumber, 651-655 Machines and Machinery, 655, 657 Metals and Metallic Goods 658, 662 Mixed Textiles, 662, 663 Musical Instruments and Materials, 663, 664 Oils and Illuminating Fluids, 664, 665 Paints, Colors, and Chemicals, 665 Paper, 665-667 Perfumes and Toilet Preparations, 667 Photographs and Photographic Materials 667, 668 Polishes and Dressing, 668, 669 Printing and Publishing, 669, 670 Printing, Dyeing, and Bleaching, 671 Railroad Construction, 671, 672 Rubber and Elastic Goods 672 Salt, 673 Scientific Instruments and Appliances, 673 Shipbuilding, 674 Silk and Silk Goods, 674 Sporting Goods, 674 Stone 675, 676 Straw Goods, 676, 677 Tallow, Candles, Soap, and Grease, 677-679 Tobacco, 679,680 Toys and Games, 680, 381 Trunks and Valises, 681 Whips, 81,682 Wooden Goods, 682-684 Woollen Goods, 684-686 Vm CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1S80. Manufactures : by Name — Concluded. Page Worsted Goods 686-687 Recapitulation of Aggregates, 688-690 Manufactures by Towns : United States Census Aggregates 691 Manufactures by Name : United States Census Aggregates, 692-698 NOTES, EXPLANATORY OF TABULAR PRESENTATIONS. Villages in Massachusetts, ; . 9 Towns showing Increase in Population, 17 Changes in Town Names, Areas, etc., between 1870 and 1880, 23-25 Foreign Parent Nativity, . 103 Ages, • . . 215 Classified Occupations, * 279 Occupations. Manufacturing and Mechanical, 283 Principal Occupations. Sex and Nativities, . 341 Sex and Ages, 377 Persons Engaged in Agriculture. Sex and Nativities 397 Sex and Ages, 413 Occupations by Name. Sex and Nativities, 421 Sex and Ages, 447 The Occupation Tables, 458 Illiteracy, 461 Agriculture, * 501 The Fisheries, ^ . . . 519, 531 Manufactures by Towns, 535 Manufactures by Name, 601, 687 The Tables of Manufactures, including United States Census Aggregates, . . . 691 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS. 1880. INTRODUCTION. This supplement to the thirteenth annual report of the bureau of statistics of labor consists of an abstract of the leading features of the social and industrial statistics of this Commonwealth, as shown by the tenth United States Census ; and, in accordance with the in- structions of the legislature, by Resolve, chapter twenty-six, Re- solves of 1882, such statistics are given for the several cities and towns of the Commonwealth. With the exception of a table of total population, the tallies pub- lished by the United States Census Office exhibit, as a rule, only state and county totals. The States, therefore, do uot have the general statistics of their municipalities, under federal censuses. It would be almost an impossibilit}' for the federal census to report even the most important features of the decennial enumerations for cities and towns ; yet, to New England at least, such presentation is of the greatest value. By the provisions of the Resolve referred to, Massa- chusetts has secured the results of the last federal enumeration for the benefit of her cities and towns. The tabulations for this work have occupied the Bureau for a full year and have called for the most arduous labors. These tabulations have been made in this office, either from original tally sheets, ob- tained at Washington, or from copies of original schedules, so that the work herewith presented is almost entirely original work by the office. General Francis A. Walker, Superintendent of the Tenth Census, and his successor, Colonel C. W. Seaton, have at all times extended every facility to enable us to prosecute this work, and their uniform X CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS— 1880. courtesy, as well as that of the various chiefs of division of the Census Office, deserves the warmest thanks. They have each and all taken great interest in the work, and assisted us in every way possible to secure its early completion. The prosecution of this statistical work has made me familiar with the character of the Tenth Census of the United States, and I do not hesitate to say that when its results are fully before the people, its real educational value will be realized, and it will be found that although it may have cost the country a great sum, the same amount of money could not have been spent more effectively in bringing all parts of the country to a knowledge of its true condition. I coniidently look for an increased interest in all educational forces as the lee:itim:ite outgrowth of the Tenth Census. And when the time consumed in other countries in presenting simply the population tables of a census is taken into consideration, we shall feel that the publication of the many volumes of the Tenth Census has been ac- complished in an unprecedentedly short time. After the first tallies frcmi schedules, but a limited force can be em- ployed upon a census, and as the work advances the limit grows narrower, and the importance of the work broader, until, finally, ojie mind alone must complete the work. This necessity is not generally understood, and often subjects the statistician to unjust, though not necessarily unkind, criticism. This Abstract shows the most important facts for our State con- cerning the people, agriculture, the fisheries, and manufactures. We have not incorporated in this volume the census statistics relating to mortality, crime, pauperism, insanity, wealth, indebt- edness, taxation, railroads, etc., because our own State Government gathers and reports such statistics annually. Every part of the work has been compressed to the last degree compatible w'ilh town showings. Notes of explanation will be found wherever essential to the proper understanding of the tables, yet a brief analysis of some of their more salient features may be of value to the public and supply data which is usually to be found in works of this kind. The endeavor has been, so far as possible, to arrange the tables to correspond with the tables in the volumes of the State Census of 1875 ; for purposes of comparison, the value of this is readily seen. In some cases, more especially in regard to the industries of the State, such arrangement, owing to the differences in classification INTRODUCTION. XI under the federal and under the state systems, has been quite impossible. The accuracy of all the statistics relating to the population cannot be doubted ; and as to the industries, they are far more perfect than those of any previous federal census. The industrial statistics of our censuses, state and federal, are the features which place Amer- ican enumerations far ahead of all others in the world, and while not so perfect as one might desire, they never deceive by over-state- ment ; the real truth is alwa3^s greater than the statistics indicate. For this reason they cannot be vicious. All the tables should be used in connection with the notes ac- compan3'ing them. Under Population, p. 1 to p. 26, are shown the population of the State, by sex division, for each town, ward, and city: the total population of a large number of the villages of the State as distinct from the towns in which they are situated ; the population in 1870 and 1880 for towns and cities showing increase or decrease ; and notes giving changes in town names, areas, etc., between 1870 and 1880. By these exhibits it is found that the population consists of 858,440 males and 924,645 females, an excess of females of 66,205 in 1880 as ao-ainst 49,793 in 1870; but while there has been a g-ain in actual numbers in this excess, the proportiou has not changed much, for in 1870 the females made up 51.7 per cent of the total population, and in 1880 they were 51.8 per cent of the whole ; in 1865 this percentage was 52.48, and in 1840 it was 50.52. The total population in 1880 was 1,783,085 as against 1,457,351 in 1870, a gain of 325,734, or 22 -f- per cent. The gain in the decade from 1860 to 1870 was 226,285, or 18-(- per cent, thus showing that the progress of population, during the past decade, has been superior to that for the decade preceding by 4 per cent. ISIassachusetts shows a larger percentage of gain than any other of the New England States, excepting Ehode Island. Her population constitutes 44 -|- per cent of the population of New England. The territory within a radius of twelve miles from the State House contains 654,034 people, or 36.6 per cent of the total population of the State and one-sixth of that of New Euo-land. The cities of Mas- sachusetts (including Brockton and Maiden) have a population of 943,639, or 53 — per cent of the whole population of the State; 202 towns and cities show a gain and 143 a loss since 1870. Xll CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880, Barnstable and Nantucket are the only counties showing a loss ; the net gain, in percentages, in the other counties has been as follows : — Suffolk, . 43.25 Diikes, . 13.55 Bristol, . 35.14 Plymouth, . . 13.24 Hampden, . . 32.82 Franklin, . . 10.31 Essex, . 21.75 Norfolk, . . 7.90 Worcester, . . 17.74 Berkshire, . . 6.49 Middlesex, . . 15.85 Ilamjishire, . 6.41 The percentage of gain in Suffolk County has been abnormal from the annexation of Charlestown, Brighton, and West Eoxbury, while in Middlesex and Norfolk the percentage has been correspond- ingly depressed by losses of territory and population. The most striking instances of growth, independent of the influ- ence of annexation, occur in the following places : CITIES AND TOWNS. 1870. 1880. Porccnfage of gnin. Fall River, Montague, Orange, . Holyoke, . West Springfield, F/verett, . Lowell, . Somerville, Hyde Park, . Quincy, . Brockton, Gardner, . Spencer, . 26,766 2,224 2,091 10,733 2,606 2,220 40,928 14,685 4,136 7,442 8,007 3,333 3,952 48,961 4,875 3,169 21.915 4,149 4,159 59,475 24,933 7,088 10,570 13,608 4,988 7,466 82 119 51 104 59 87 45 69 71 42 69 49- 88- The number of persons to the square mile is 221.78 against 181.26 in 1870, 153.12 in 1860, and 123.70 in 1850. The area of the State is put at 8,040 square miles in these averages instead of at 7,800 as in previous censuses. Massachusetts has no territory with less than 18 persons to the square mile ; she has 300 square miles with from 18 to 45 to the square mile, 4,840 with from 45 to 90 to the square mile, and 2,900 square miles have over 90 persons to the square mile. Families and Dw^ellings, pp. 27 to 36. The whole number of families in the State is 379,710, being 4.70 persons to each family ; in INTRODUCTION. XllI 1870 this ratio was 4.77; in 1860, 4.90; and in 1850 it was 5.16. The whole number of families in 1870 was 305,534. The whole number of dwellings in 1880 was 281,088, being an average of 6.34 persons to a dwelling; the ratio in 1870 was 6.16; in 1860, 6; in 1850 it was 6.51. This table gives the number of families and dwellings for each municipality, and the number of families, dwellings, and persons, to a square mile, persons to each ftimily and dwelling, and acres to each person and family for the whole State, by counties. The ratio of persons to families is, to a large extent, fictitious, for the family for census purposes includes asylums, hotels, etc., and as such institutions grow in number and size the census family is reduced in size. The race composition of the population is shown, by towns, under Place of Birth, Native and Foreign Born, Color and Racp:, pp. 37 to 90. Of the whole population of the State, 1,783,085, the native born comprise 1,339,594, of which 1,088,565 were born in Massachusetts and 187,089 in the other States of New England. Maine has sent 68,226 of her people to dwell here, and New Hamp- shire 54,088 : Vermont, Rhode Island, and Connecticut have sent 26,943, 17,258, and 20,574 respectively. New York has loaned us 35,628, while from all the other States and Territories we have received but 28,312. While Massachusetts takes 251,029 from other States, she has contributed 267,730 persons born within her borders ; these native born Massachusetts people are distributed as follows : — States. Alabama, . 368 Maryland, . . 1,337 Arkansas, . 374 Michigan, . . 9,591 California, 19,145 Minnesota, 7,223 Colorado, . 3,638 Mississippi, 195 Connecticut, 22,643 Missouri, . . 4,765 Delaware, . 264 Nebraska, . . 3,524 Florida, . 852 Nevada, . 1,037 Georgia, . 625 New Hampshire, . 20,561 Illinois, 20,481 New Jersey, 6,583 Indiana, . 3,195 New York, 42,501 Iowa, 9,378 North Carolina, 336 Kansas, 5,395 Ohio, . 10,854 Kentucky, . 797 Oregon, 1,291 Louisiana, . 6-Jl Pennsylvania, . 10,010 Maine, . 10,0GG Rhode Island, . 2J,320 XIV CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS— 1880. South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, . Arizona, Dakota, District of Columbia, Id:Uio, Montana, . 350 Virginia, . 519 West Virginia, 1,568 Wisconsin, 8,295 Teuritokies. 564 New Mexico, 1,292 Utah, 1,693 Washington, 261 Wyoming, 523 878 450 8,274 237 645 805 396 The foreign born number 443,491, or 24.87 per cent of the total population. In 1875 the percentage was 25.36, and in 1870 it was 24.24, showing an increase of -^^^ of one per cent since 1870 and a slight falling off since 1875. Of the total foreign born 226,700 or 51-)- per cent were born in Ireland; in 1870 the Irish born were 61+ per cent of the whole foreign born. The Cana- dians are now 16 per cent, while in 1870 they were l>ut 10.9 per cent of the whole foreign born ; these two nationalities are thus gradually exchanging their individual ratios to the foieign born population of Massachusetts, the Irish having lost about 10 per cent, and the Canadians having gained about 6 per cent in the ten years from 1870 to 1880. The English constitute but 10 -f pei' cent, and the Germans but y^^ of one per cent of the foreign Ijorn. The nationalities of the fore imi born are jjiven under jjcncral class- o o f? ification in the tables, but in order to have at hand a minute classifi- cation we have prepared the following table of the birthi)laces of our foreign born : — Total, • • • 443,491 Africa, .... 124 British America, not speci- Asia, .... 54 fied, 173 Atlantic Islands, 2,421 Central America, 27 Australia, . . . . 107 China, 314 Austria (proper), . 308 Cuba, 158 Belgium, .... 219 Denmark, . . 576 Bohemia 279 Europe, not specified. 93 Canada, .... 71,504 France, 2,212 New Brunswick, 12,006 Baden, 1,588 Newfoundland, 2,699 Bavaria, 1,291 Nova Scotia, . 29,307 Brunswick, .... 136 Prince Edward Island, . 3,613 Hamburg, .... 118 LNTRODUCTIOX. XV Hanover, 415 Hungary, 82 Hesse, .... 441 India, • 231 Liibeck, .... 2 Italy, 2,116 Mechlenbiu-g, . 64 Japan, 27 Nassau, .... 90 Luxemburg, 13 Oldenburg, 15 Malta, 17 Prussia, not specified. 3,581 Mexico, . 21 Saxony, .... 1,550 Norway, . 639 Weimar, .... 15 Pacific Islands, 68 WUrtemburg, . 1,018 Poland, . 681 Germany, not specified, . 6,548 Portugal, . 1,161 Gibraltar, 24 Russia, 462 England, . . . 47,263 Sandwich Islands, 99 Ireland, . 226,700 South America, 220 Scotland, .... 12,507 Spain, 211 Wales, .... 873 Sweden, . 4,756 Great Britain, not specified. 89 Switzerland, . 604 Greece, .... 41 Turkey, . 102 Greenland, 3 West Indies, . 676 Holland, .... 686 At Sea, . 153 Closely allied to this table on Place of Birth, etc., are the two succeeding it, — Parent Nativity, pp. 91 to 100, and Foreign Parent Nativity, pp. 101 to 212, both by towns, by which the complete composition of the population of the State, as regards these points, is shown for the first time. In 1880 the number of persons having both parents foreign born was 798,652, or 44-}- per cent of the whole population, and those having one or both parents foreign born was 882,832, or 49.5 -f- per cent of the whole. In 1870 these percentages were 40.5 and 43 — respectively. Ages, pp. 213 to 256, are given by towns for each year up to 60> and then by quinquennial periods. Massing upon the fives is ap- parent in this census, as in all others where ages have been shown by years ; for instance, there would seem to be no A'ery good reason why there should be 37,120 people 35 years of age and only 22,897 and 23,631 of 34 and 36 years of age, respectively. This feature can be explained only on the grounds of ignorance of real age and the ease with which reckoning by fives is carried on. The recapitulation for the State, pp. 252 to 255, shows the ages for males and females and for native white, foreign white, and colored, distinguished also by sex, and for each year up to 110, there being one person of that age in the State, and 27 in all over 100 years of age. XVI CEI^SUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 18S0. There are 502,648 males of 21 years of age and over, divided as follows: Native white, 326,002; foreign white, 170,690; colored, 5,956. By counties, the males of voting age are thus dis- tributed : COUNTIES. Native While. Foreign White. Colored. Total. Barnstable, 8,445 985 127 9,557 lieikshire, . 12,412 6,744 357 18,513 Bristol, 23,190 14,050 599 37,839 Dukes, 1,2.^2 72 102 1,426 Kssex, 47,872 21,271 410 69,553 Franklin, . 8,783 2,526 21 11,330 Hampden, . 17,382 10,071 304 27,767 Hampshire, 9,284 3,594 96 12,974 Midtllesex, 55,183 31,962 782 87,927 Nantucket, 1,024 80 16 1,120 Norfolk, . 18,748 8,529 216 27,493 I'lvmouth, 19,011 3,584 158 22,753 Suffolk, . 61,328 46,566 2,352 110,246 Worcester, 42,088 21,656 416 64,160 Totals, 326,002 170,690 5,956 502,648 The federal census did not take into account the question of nat- uralization, but on the basis of the State Census of 1875, of the foreign born males of voting age at that time, 46 -|- per cent were legal voters; probably 50 per cent or more of the 170,690 foreign born males of votino; ao^e in 1880 were lesral voters. This would make the real voting population of the State to consist of native vot- ers, 326,002; foreign voters, 85,345 ; colored voters, 5,956 ; total, 417,303. The OccuPATioxs of the people are shown in eight presentations, pp. 257 to 458. These tables are so full and complete that no necessity exists for their analysis, especially as all points concerning which doubts might arise are explained by notes. These presenta- tions have never been equalled in any census. The material w^as so rich, and so perfectly in the line of the statistics expected of this Bureau that I did not hesitate to enlarge this supplement to such proportions as should allow of the most satisfactory showings jxjssible from the data. Under Classified Occupations, pp. 257 to 280, are given the grand divisions, by towns, classified as govern- ment and professional, domestic and personal office, trade and trans- portation, agriculture, fisheries, manufactures, etc. INTKODUCTION". XVll In the purely productive occupations, manufactures, agriculture, fisheries, and laborers generally, there are 494,654 persons engaged, or 27 -f- per cent of the whole population. These producers are divided as follows : engaged in agriculture, 68,813 ; in the fisheries, 6,375 ; in manufactures and mechanical industries, 344,889 ; as ap- prentices, laborers, etc., 74,577. See p. 279 for details by counties and sex. The second presentation is entitled Occupations : Manufacturing AND Mechanical, by Industries, pp. 281 to 338. This gives the number of persons engaged in the several industries and the towns only in which such industries are respectively carried on, with distinctions as to sex. A State recapitulation will be found on p. 337. Under Principal Occupations, with Sex and Nativities, by towns, pp. 339 to 374, is shown the number of persons eng.iged in the leading occupations in each town, distinguished by the birthplace of those so engaged, while the next table, pp. 375 to 394, gives the sex and age of persons so engaged, the age periods being from 10 to 15, 16 to 59, and 60 and over. The two tables, Persons Engaged in Agriculture, first by towns, with sex and nativities, and second, by towns as to sex and ages, pp. 395 to 418, give data corresponding to the details shown for persons engaged in manufactures. Two exhibits. Occupations by Name, with sex, nativities and ages, for the State, pp. 419 to 458, complete the divisions under the gen- eral title. Occupations. These two tables are too elaborate to have warranted the Bureau in extendinor their features to towns and cities, but the facts shown by them can be given for any town or city on application. In the various showings of occupations the classification adopted in 1875 by this office has been applied, and the result is a slight variance (explained on page 458) from the results stated by the Cen- sus Bureau at AVashinofton. A casual examination discloses the fact that women have entered nearly every calling in which men are engaged. In government and professional employ there are 33,219 persons of both sexes ; of this number 11,330 are females. Of course the larger proportion in d.)mestic and personal service is made up of women. In trade and transportation 6,634 out of 118,385 are women, and in manufac- tures and mechanical industries 97,122 of 344,686 are women. In XVlll CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS— 1880. nearly every sub-division of the great departments of employ- ment it will be found, as stated, that women are competing with men. Illiteracy, pp. 459 to 498, shows the facts, so far as the federal census took account, for each town and city. The census of 1880 did not give the number neither able to read nor write, but states the number of those who cannot write, classified as to age and nativity, and those Avho cannot read simply for those over ten years of age. This may have been so determined because those who cannot write are usually largely in excess of those Avho cannot read. It is to be regretted that no statement is made as to the number who can neither read nor write. The number ten years of age and over not al)le to read is 75,640, or 5.3 per cent of all over that age ; the number unable to Avrite is 93,065, or 6.5 per cent of all ten years of age and over. In 1870, the number of persons ten and over unable to read was 74,935, and unable to write 97,74:2. The number of native white persons in 1880 ten and over unable to write is 6,934, or seven-tenths of one per cent of all of such age ; the number of foreign born white persons ten and over unable to write is 83,797, or 19.6 per cent of the whole population of such age. The colored popu- lation ten and over unable to write is 2,334, or 15.1 per cent of the whole colored j)opulation of such age. Of the native white per- sons ten and over unable to write 68 per cent are twenty-one and over, and of the foreign white 92 per cent are twenty-one and over. Agriculture, pp. 499 to 516. The following instructions were given enumerators in the tenth census : — " Farms," for the purpose of the agricultural schedule, include all considerable nui'series, orchards and market-gardens which are owned bj sepai'ate parties, which are cultivated for pecuniary profit, and employ as much as the labor of one able-bodied workman during the year. Mere cabbage and potato patches, family vegetable gardens, and ornamental lawns, not constituting a portion of a farm for general agricultural jjurposes, will be excluded. No farm will be reported of less than three acres, unless five hundred dollars' worth of produce has bein actually sold off from it during the year. The latter proviso will allow the inclusion of many market-gardens in the neighborhood of large cities, where, although the area is small, a high state of cultivation is maintained and con- siderable value produced. A farm is what is owned or leased bv one man and cultivated under his care. A distant wood-lot, or sheei>pasture, even if in another sub-division or district, is to be treated as a part of the farm ; but wherever there is a resident over- seer, or a manager, there a farm is to be reported. introductio:n^. xix Under these definitions the enumerators returned 38,400 farms, classified us follows : — Undex' 3 acres, 85 3 and under 10, 2,366 10 and under 20 3,865 20 and under 50, 9,632 60 and under 100, 10.587 100 and under 500, 11.5>^8 600 and under 1,000, 2-43 1,000 acres and over, 40 The number of farms returned by the State Census of 1875 was 44,549, or 6,143 more than by the federal census of 1880 ; but the State Census did not make the distinctions contained in the quoted instructions to the enumerators for 1880, but " considered a farm as the home of a farmer, his workshop and his means of obtaining a subsistence ; this necessitates certain appliances to enal)le him to carry on successfully the work of the farm ; these necessary adjuncts comprise arable soil for crop land ; pasture land for stock ; wood- land for material for fuel, fencing, etc., and all the buildings requisite for housing family, products and animals.*' Where these features existed the farm existed, whether there was employed as much as the labor of one man during the 3^ear or not, or whetlier, if under 3 acres, five hundred dollars' worth of produce Avas sold off during the year or not. In 1875 the 44,549 farms returned were classified, as to size, as follows : — Under 3 acres, 724 3 to 10 acres, inclusive 3,590 Above 10 to 2i), 6,196 Above 20 to 50, . 11,633 Above 5'J to 100, 12,219 Above 100 to 500, 10,054 Above 500 to 1,000 122 Above 1,000 acres, 11 The chief difference between the number of farms shown at the difierent censuses named comes upon farms under 50 acres. The statistics of farms, as were all statistics of the State Census of 1875, were taken by enumerators, who were paid by the day; under the federal census at so much per farm, the price being 12^ cents or 15 cents, according to location. Agricultural statistics can- not be gathered successfully under the federal method, for it often XX CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. requires several hours to take the account of the products of a single farm. The estimated value of all agricultural products was returned in 1880 at $24,158,881, but this amount was not arrived at by obtain- ing the value of each product, but by a general estimated statement as to the value of all products. Of course the result is unsatisfactory, for without doubt the products of the farms of Massachusetts for the year ending May 31, 1880, amounted to nearly twice the sum stated. The agricultural statistics of the Tenth Census while collected Avith more care and thoroughness than under any previous Federal Census cannot be given the very high statistical value, perfection, and com- pleteness which belong to the social statistics of that census, or to the statistics of manufactures, yet the main difference between them and our own for 1875 belongs to differences in classification and methods of enumeration, and these remarks are made that the people of this State may understand clearly and not criticise unjustly. It should be remembered that the classification of the Federal Census must be made to conform to the Avhole United States, with all the vast interests of great farming States considered, while in our own State Census a more minute classification can be adopted, and one in harmony with the comparatively limited pro- portions of our agricultural industry. It must be that the census of 1880 secured returns from the most valuable farms, for their total value is stated at $146,197,415, while, in 1875, at the high valua- tion of that period, and with gold at 1.12, the total value was only $182,663,140. The average value of the farm in 1875 was $4,100 ; in 1880 it was $3,806. Of the 38,406 farms returned under the last census, 35,266 are carried on by- the owners, 2,292 by lessees for a fixed money rental ; and 848 by lessees for a share of the products. The Fisheries. By Customs Districts, pp. 517 to 532. The statistics of the fisheries of the State are more complete than those of any preceding census, State or federal. The aggregate value of the products of this branch of our industries is $8,141,750 for 1880, as compared with $6,215,325 in 1870, and $7,684,716 in 1875. There are several industries in this State closely related to that of the fisheries, the statistics of which are not included in the tables. Quite an important industry is that of the manufacture of isinglass from dried fish sounds and of liquid glue from fish skins. There are eight establishments engaged in the production of these goods, INTRODUCTION. XXI employing 182 men, which produced during the census year $450,000 worth of products. Another industry largely dependent on the fisheries is that of the manufacture of commercial fertilizers. The value of fish entering into their production, in a prepared state, is $198,333. Manufactures. By Towns, pp. 533 to 598. The industries of each city and town in the State are enumerated in this table, the number of establishments and of employes, the total wages paid for the year, the capital invested, the value of stock used and the value of product for each industry being given ; when there were but one or two establishments of a particular industry in a place, the wages and the value of stock used have not been given ; these omis- sions have been made that private business may not be exposed. In the occupations showing on p. 279 the number of persons engaged in manufactures and mechanical industries is given as 344,889. On p. 690 it will be seen that the manufacturers of the State report their average number of employes as aggregating 352,516, being an excess of 7,627. This variation is easily explained. The same em- ployes may work for more than one firm in the course of a year, and each employer would count him as one in his schedule, while on the family, schedule from which the occupations are drawn, he would be counted but once. Again, the manufacturers' returns beincr averages would necessarily vary somewhat from an exact enumeration. It will also be noticed that in some cities and towns more are reported by manufticturers as being employed in a certain industry than the occupation returns indicate, and in some places less are so reported. This is explained when it is borne in mind that the employes do not always tcork in the city or town in which they live. For instance, ten boot and shoe makers might appear in the occupation returns of a town, and yet there might be no boot and shoe factory in that town, the operatives being employed in an adjoining town. The recapitulation on p. 597 will not agree with the totals given under the next showing of manufactures by name, for the reasons stated in notes on pp. 535 and 691. The county of Nantucket is omitted in the tables of manufactures ; for some unexplained reason the manufacturing establishments of the town of Xantucket were not accounted for in the census. At a late day we took steps to secure the industrial statistics of Nantucket by mail, and the result is as follows : — XXll CENSUS or MASSACHUSETTS — 1S80. Town of Nantucket. AVERAGB NL'MBER OF Employes. Wages. INDUSTRIES. ° s SI la X .—1 Youth niid Cliildren. Total paid during the year. Capital invested. Stock used. Value of rrodutt. Building, .... 5 33 33 - - $16,569 $5,900 $41,444 $60,126 Carriages and wagons, 1 6 6 - - 2,000 5,000 Clocks and watches, . 1 1 1 - - 1,000 1,000 Clothing 2 88 5 83 - 2,400 13,000 Metals and metallic goods, . 2 1 1 - - 2,500 2,200 Photographs, 1 2 2 - - 1,000 2,000 Printing and publishing, . 2 7 7 - - 4,600 4,000 Soap, 1 - - - - - 200 1,000 Totals 15 138 55 83 §27,649 §19,000 $47,844 $88,326 This total, of course, should be added to that stated in the recapit- ulations referred to on pages 597 and G90. In 1875 the manufocturing estal)li.shnients in Nantucket were (i9 in number, with 327 employes, 223 males and 104 females ; capital invested, $106,200; wages paid, $146,774; stock used, $58,^00; value of product, $173,983. We are informed that but one indus- tiy, the manufacture of straw goods, has been discontinued in the town since 1875, and we are confident that the figures given are under Avhat a careful personal enumeration would have supplied. The industrial importance of the counties is in the following order: Suffolk, Middlesex, Essex, Worcester, Bristol, Hampden, Norfolk, Plymouth, Berkshire, Hampshire, Franklin, Barnstable, Nantucket, Dukes. Manufactures. Br Name, pp. 599 to 698, is a table* of in- dustries and the towns in which they are carried on. The con- solidation for the State, p. 688, gives the manufactures of the State, by name, with all the facts as to number of establishments, average number of employes, total wages paid, capital invested, value of stock used and value of product, stated for each industry. The unreliable feature of this table is that of capital invested ; it is only a comparative figure and does not really represent the actual capital essential for the prosecution of business. Practically it INTKODUCTIO]S'. XXIU might as well be left out of census schedules. It is only valuable in comparison with other years. By this table it is seen that the total number of establishments is 14,563. It must not be supposed that because the State Census of 1875 reported 22,228 establish- ments ensraired in manufacturino; and mechanical industries that there has been a falling oft* — there has not been ; but in 1875 the industries were classified as Manufactures and Related Occupations, the latter term meaninc: " those industries where an added value is given an article by new processes or manipulations, with the use of little if any additional stock." This classification in 1875 brought a great many minor industries under the enumeration of that year, for which statistics were not demanded under the federal census of 1880. The total value of all products in 1880 was $631,135,284. This shows steady and rapid progress in our industries. Since 1850, a generation, by United States censuses, the product has been as follows on a gold basis : — 1850, $157,743,994 1860, 255,545,922 1870 443,1 3U,055 1880 631,135,284 In 1870 gold was 1.25, or 25 per cent average premium for the census year ending May 31, and the products were reported at $553,912,568, currency. The increase in the quantit}'" of goods made has been, undoubt- edl}^ much larger in proportion than the increase in value of product. The margin of profit has diminished in almost the same ratio that quantity, per dollar of product, has increased. The manufacture of boots and shoes is the leading industry, the product reaching $105,118,299; cotton goods come next in rank at $68,566,182; then food preparations, $68,035,755 ; then woollen goods, $47,473,668; metals and metallic goods, $40,190,569; leather, $30,188,859; clothing, $27,253,582 ; mixed textiles, $21,- 601,038; machines and machinery, $20,894,545 ; paper, $18, 358,- 361; furniture, $11,196,827; printing and publishing, $10,474,684. These twelve industries produce $469,352,369 worth of goods out of the total product of the State. XXIV CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. The totals given in this Abstract may vaiy in some instances, and in slight degree, from those published in census Ijulletins or volumes ; but such variations are due to revisions either after the publication of bulletins or before that of final volumes and after tally sheets were furnished this office. No general results are affected, however, by these slight variations, and they are fully explained by notes wherever they occur. A few errors, either of transcription or from foiling out of type, should be mentioned specifically. Brookline, p. 71. The number of persons born in Maine should be 303 instead of " 03." A typographical error. Dennis, p. 536. The building industry should give 2 employes, males. Nahant, p. 504. In a few copies 134 farms are given Nahant which should be credited to Newbury. This error w^as discovered while the pages were passing through the press. JVew Bedford, p. 284. Under the heading "Arms and Ammuni- tion," as shot, cartridge and fuse makers, 102 males and 5 females em- ployed as boot and shoe fixctory operatives appear. These should be added to the boot and shoe operatives, so that, as corrected, the items would read : Arms and Ammunition, 2 males ; Boots and Shoes, 220 males, 5 females. This error was one of transcription and was not discovered in time for correction. Mr. Charles F. Pidgin, chief clerk, and Mr. Horace G. Wadlin, have been as faithful in carrying out the details of the preparation of this volume as in all their past work for this office, and it is with gratitude I acknowledire their services with those of the various clerks employed on the tables. CAEKOLL D. WRIGHT. BuEEAr OP Statistics of Labor, Boston, Mass., Feb. 6, 1883, POPULATION AND SEX. POPULATION AIS^D SEX. Counties, Cities, and Towns. Malos. Females. Total. Counties, Cities, and Towns. 1 Males. Females. Total. Rarnstable County, 15,508 16,389 31,897 Berkshire Co. — Con. Barnstable, 1,973 2,269 4,242 West Stockbridge, 997 926 1,923 Brewster, 544 600 1,144 Williamstown, 1,651 1,743 3,394 Chatham, 1,085 1,165 2,250 Windsor, 356 288 644 Dennis, . 1,600 1,688 3,288 * East ham, 362 330 692 Bristol Colntt, 66,792 72,248 139,040 Falmouth, Uarwich, Mashpce, Orleans, . Provincetown, Sandwich, Truro, . WcUflcct, Yarmouth, 1,156 1,663 180 604 2,164 1,714 472 927 1,064 1,266 1,602 166 690 2,182 1,829 545 948 1,109 2,422 3,265 346 1,294 4,346 3,54:5 1,017 1,875 2,173 Acushnct, Attleborough, Berkley, . Dartmouth, Dighlon, . Easton, . Fairhavcn, Fall River, . Ward 1, . 557 5,581 472 1,685 875 2,037 1,345 23,163 3,856 548 5,530 455 1,745 916 1,865 1,530 25,798 4,124 1,105 11,111 927 3,430 1,791 3,902 2,875 48,961 7,980 Berkshire County, 33,708 35,324 69,032 Ward 2, . 3,755 4,170 . 7,925 Adams 2,662 2,929 5,591 Ward 3, . 3,326 3,973 7,299 Alford, . 167 181 348 Ward 4, . 6,096 6,523 12,619 Becket, . 578 545 1,123 Ward 5, . 2,639 3,131 5,770 Cheshire, 808 729 1,537 Ward 6, . 3,491 3,877 7,368 Clarksburg, . 367 357 724 Freetown, 655 674 1,329 Dalton, . 898 1,154 2,052 Mansfield, 1,317 1,448 2,765 Egrcraont, 415 460 875 New Bedford, 12,371 14,474 26,845 Florida, . 236 223 453 Wardl, . 2,724 2,949 5,673 Great Barrington, 2,216 2,437 4,653 Ward 2, . 1,960 2,256 4,216 Hancock, 323 319 642 W\ird 3, 1,836 2,241 4,077 Hinsdale, 773 822 1,595 Ward 4, 1,657 1,863 3,520 Lanesborough, 676 610 1,286 Ward 5, 1,974 2,580 4,554 Lee, 1,885 2,054 3,939 Ward 6, 2,220 2,585 4,805 Lenox, . 1,023 1,020 2,043 Norton, . 842 890 1,732 Monterey, 323 312 635 Raynham, 851 830 1,681 Mount Washington 106 99 205 Rehoboth, . 965 926 1,891 New Ashford, 105 98 203 Seekonk, 620 607 1,227 New Marlborough, 964 . 912 1,876 j Somerset, 1,026 980 2,006 North Adams, 4,985 5,206 10,191 Swansea, ' 670 685 1,355 Otis, 402 383 785 Taunton, 10,328 10,885 21,213 Peru, 215 188 403 Ward 1, 1,845 2,002 3,847 Pittsfield, 6,308 7,056 13,364 Ward 2, 716 835 1,551 Richmond, 562 562 1,124 Ward 3, 1,546 1,619 3,165 Sandisfield, 584 523 1,107 Ward 4, 827 1,013 1,840 Savoy, 368 347 715 Ward 5, 851 752 1,603 Sheffield, 1,114 1,090 2,204 Ward 6, 1,120 1,158 2,278 Stockbridge, 1,109 1,248 2,357 Ward 7, 1,083 1,074 2,157 Tyringham, 263 279 542 Ward 8, 2,340 2,432 4,772 Washington, 269 224 493 Westport, 1,432 1 1,462 2,894 1 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 18S0. POPULATION AND SEX — Continued. CoCNTiES, Cities, and Counties, Cities, and Towns. ilales. Females . Total. Towns. Males. Females . Total. • Dukes Codnty, . 2,104 2,196 4,300 Essex Co. — Con. Chilmark, 247 247 494 Lynn: Co7i. Cottage City, . 3S9 333 672 Ward 5, . . . 4,404 4,848 9,252 Edgartown, . 621 682 1,303 Ward 6, . . . 3,740 4,224 7,964 Gay Head, 78 83 161 Ward 7, . 611 552 1,163 Gosnold, . . . . 1 88 64 152 Lynnfield, 339 347 686 Tisbury, . . . . 9 731 787 1,518 Manchester, . 771 869 1,640 Marblehead, . 3,655 3,812 7,467 Essex County, . 116,768 127,767 244,535 Merrimac, 1,109 1,068 2,237 Amesbury, 1,607 1,748 3,355 Methuen, 2,118 2,274 4,392 Andover, 2,439 2,730 5,169 Middleton, 510 490 1,000 Beverly, . . . . 3,968 4,488 8,456 Nahaiit, . . . . 340 462 808 1 Boxford 427 397 824 Newbury, 801 765 ; 1,566 Bradford, 1,198 1,445 2,643 Newburyport, 6,093 7,415 13,538 Danvers 3,180 3,418 6,598 Ward 1, . 1,062 1,193 2,255 Essex, . . . . 826 844 1,670 Ward 2, . 914 1,188 2,102 Georgeto-wn, . 1,079 1,152 2,231 Ward 3, . . . 985 1,321 2,306 Gloucester, 10,197 9,132 19,329 Ward 4, . 979 1,269 2,248 Wardl, . 1,320 1,231 2,551 Ward 5, . . . 1,186 1,353 2,539 Ward 2, . . . 1 1,716 1,548 3,264 Ward 6, . . . 967 1,121 2,088 Wards, . ! 1,647 1,366 3,013 North Andover, 1,629 1,588 3,217 Ward 4, . 1,603 1,184 2,787 Pcabody, 4,539 4,489 9,028 Ward 5, . . . 1,496 1,459 2,955 Rockport, 1,927 1,985 3,912 Ward 6, . . . 912 938 1,850 Rowley 614 587 1,201 Ward 7, . ! 902 840 1,742 Salem, .... 12,589 14,974 27,563 Ward 8, . . j 601 566 1,167 Ward 1, . . . 2,081 2,363 4,444 Groveland, j 1,070 1,157 2,227 Ward 2, . 1,993 2,. 534 4,.527 Hamilton, 1 476 459 935 Ward S, . . . 1,515 2,001 3,516 Haverhill, 8,848 9,624 18,472 Ward 4, . 2,178 2,556 4,734 Ward 1, . . . 1,287 1,354 2,641 Ward 5, . 3,082 3,679 6,761 Ward 2, . 1,020 1,235 2,255 Ward 6, . . . 1,740 1,841 3,581 Ward 3, . 1,644 1,756 3,400 Salisbury, 2,006 2,073 4,079 Ward 4, . 1,226 1,308 2,534 Saugus, .... 1,278 1,347 2,625 Ward 5, . 2,018 2,106 4,124 Swampscott, . 1,213 1,287 2,500 Ward 6, . 1,653 1,865 3,518 Topsfield, 585 580 1,165 Ipswich, .... 1,783 1,916 3,699 Wenhani, 432 457 889 Lawrence, 17,785 21,366 39,151 West Newbury, 1,028 961 1,989 Ward 1, . . 3,109 3,709 6,818 Ward 2, . 2,784 3,302 6,086 Franklin County, . 18,573 17,428 36,001 Ward 3, . 3,553 4,631 8,184 Ashfield 545 521 1,066 Ward 4, . 3,182 4,032 7,214 Bernardstoii, . 458 476 934 Ward 5, . . . 3,129 3,450 6,579 Buckland, 870 869 1,739 Ward 6, . . . 2,02S 2,242 4,270 Charlemont, . 471 461 932 Lynn 18,243 20,031 38,274 Colr.iiii 881 896 1,-J7 - Wardl, . 390 396 786 Conway 1,013 747 1,760 Ward 2, . 999 1,049 2,048 Deerfield, 1,977 1,566 3,543 Wards, . 3,699 4,098 7,797 Erving 471 401 872 Ward 4, . . . ' 1 4,400 4,864 9,264 Gill 394 339 733 POPULATION AjS^D sex. POPULATION AND SEX — Continued. CocsTiES, Cities, and Males. Towns. Females. Total. Counties, Cities, and Towns. Males. Females. Total. Franklin Co. — Con. 1 Hampden Co — Con. Greenfield, 1 1,897 2,006 3,903 Springfield: Con. Hawley, . 312 280 692 Ward 5, . . . 2,630 3,021 5,651 Heath, . 278 282 560 Ward 6, . . . 1,181 1,285 2,466 Leverett, . 367 375 742 Ward 7, . 799 880 1,679 Ley den, . 244 263 507 Wards, . 1,397 1,526 2,923 Monroe, . 95 71 166 Tolland, .... 258 194 452 Montague, 2,552 2,323 4,875 Wales, .... 532 498 1,030 Xcw Salem, 422 447 869 Westfield, 3,597 3,990 7,587 Xcdtlifield, 791 812 1,603 West Springfield, . 2,006 2,143 4,149 Orange, . 1,6.58 1,511 3,169 Wilbraham, . 768 860 1,628 Howe, 275 227 502 Slielbiiriie, 806 815 1,621 Hampshire Countv, 22,678 24,-554 47,232 Shutesburi", Sunderland, Warwick, Wendell, WhateJy, 252 376 346 221 601 277 379 367 244 473 529 755 713 465 1,074 ' Amherst, Belchertowii, . Chesterfield, . Cummington, . Easthampton, 2,160 1,162 395 442 1,827 2,138 1,184 374 439 2,379 4,298 2,346 769 881 4,206 Hampden C OLNTV, . 49,696 54,446 104,142 ; Enfield, .... Goshen 516 171 527 156 1.043 327 Agawam, 1,097 1,119 2,216 Granby, .... 380 373 753 Bhindford, 517 462 979 Greenwich, 310 323 6.33 Brimfiold, 599 604 1,203 i Hadley, .... 970 968 1,938 Chester, . 766 707 1,473 Hatfield 792 703 1,495 Chicopee, 5,236 6,050 11,286 Huntington, . 612 624 1,236 Granville, 607 598 1,205 Middlelield, . 313 335 648 Hampden, 479 479 958 i Northampton, 5,643 6,529 12,172 Holland, . 146 156 302 Pelham, 298 316 614 Holyoke, . 10,308 11,61)7 21,915 Plainfie'd, 231 226 457 Ward 1, 1,251 1,463 2,714 Prescott, .... 235 225 »460 Ward 2, 1,436 1,495 2,931 South Hadley, 1,735 1,803 3,538 Ward 3, 1,-574 1,544 3,118 Southampton, 522 524 1,046 Ward 4, 2,121 2,585 4,706 Ware, .... 2,191 2,626 4,817 Ward 5, 1,595 1,919 3,514 Weslhampton, 268 295 563 Ward 6, 1,520 1,727 3.247 j Williamsbur,', 1,125 1,109 2,2-34 Ward 7, 811 874 1,685 Worthington, sso 378 758 Longrneadow, Ludlow, . 709 729 692 797 1,401 1,526 Middlesex County, 151,528 166,302 317,830 Monson, . 1,850 1,908 3,758 Acton, .... 917 880 1,797 Montgomery, 161 142 303 ArlingliMi, 1,943 2,157 4,100 Palmer, . 2,624 2,880 5,504 Ashby, .... 452 462 914 Russell, . 378 445 823 ' Ashland, .... 1,221 1,173 2,394 Southwick, 562 542 1,104 : Ayer 931 950 1,881 Springfield, 15,767 17,573 33,340 ' Bedford, .... 470 461 931 Ward 1, 3,915 4,216 8,131 Belmont, .... 783 832 1,615 Ward 2, . 1,991 1,968 3,959 ' Billerica 991 1,009 2,000 Ward 3, 2,081 2,400 4,481 ! Bosborough, . 161 158 319 Ward 4, . 1,773 2,277 4,050 Burlington, C90 321 711 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS 1880. POPULATION AND SEX — Continued. Counties, Cities, and Counties, Cities, and Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. Towns. Towns. Middlesex Co. — Con. Middlesex Co. — Con. Cambridge, . 25,024 27,645 52,669 Somerville, 11,873 13,060 24,933 Ward 1, 4,193 5,362 9,555 Ward 1, 3,755 4,091 7,846 Ward 2, 7,051 7,790 14,841 Ward 2, . 3,970 4,228 8,198 Ward 3, 5,073 5,061 10,134 Ward 3, 1,978 2,294 4,272 Ward 4, . 5,837 6,546 12,383 Ward 4, . 2,170 2,447 4,617 Ward 5, 2,870 2,886 5,756 Stoneham, 2,325 2,565 4,890 Carlisle, . 246 232 478 Stow, 527 518 1,045 Chclm.sforrl, 1,290 1,263 2,553 : Sudbury, 596 582 1,178 Concord, . 2,310 1,612 3,922 Tewksbury, ■ 1,106 1,073 2,179 Dracut, . 876 719 1,595 Townsend, 974 993 1,967 Dunstable, 229 224 453 Tyngsborough t 303 328 631 Everett, . 2,047 2,112 4,159 Wakefield. . 2,638 2,909 5,547 Framingham, 2,891 3,344 6,235 Waltham, 5,440 6,272 11,712 Groton, . 908 954 1,862 ; Watertown, 2,578 2,848 5,426 Holliston, 1,494 1,604 3.098 Wayland, 1,004 958 1,962 Iluplviiiton, 2,320 2,281 4,601 , Wcstford, 1,070 1,077 2,147 Eludson, . 1,862 1,877 3,739 Weston, . 732 716 1,448 Lexington, 1,219 1,241 2,460 Wilmington, . 463 470 933 Lincoln, . 467 440 907 i Winchester, 1,857 1,945 3,802 Littleton, 506 488 994 ! Woburn, . 5,502 5,429 10,931 Lowell, . 26,853 32,622 59,475 1 Ward 1, 4,947 6,768 11,715 Nantucket County, 1,642 2,085 3,727 Ward 2, 3,802 5,190 8,992 Nantucket, 1,642 2,085 3,727 Ward 3, 4,845 5,246 10,091 Ward 4, 4,134 4,727 8,861 Norfolk County, . 46.476 50,031 96,507 Ward 5, 5,109 5,791 10,900 Ward 6, 4,016 4,900 8,916 Bellingham, 600 623 1,223 Maiden, . 5,590 6,427 12,017 Braintree, 1,860 1,995 3,855 Marlborough, 5,171 4,956 10,127 Brookline, Canton, . 3,470 ' 2,166 4,587 2,350 8,057 4,516 Maynard, 1,154 1,137 2,291 Medford, . 3,688 3,885 7,573 Coh.isset, ' 1,056 1,126 2,182 Melrose, . 2,081 2,479 4,560 Dedham, Dover, . ; 2,917 334 3,316 319 6,233 653 Natiek, . 4,251 4,228 8,479 Foxborough, 1,283 1,667 2,950 Newton, . 7,580 9,415 16,995 Franklin, 1,958 2,093 4,051 Ward 1, 1,099 1,334 2.433 Holbrook, 1,092 1,038 2,130 Ward 2, 1,287 1,596 2,883 Hyde Park, 3,340 3.748 7,088 Ward 3, 1,156 1,404 2,560 Medfield, 633 738 1,371 Ward 4, 1,161 1,512 2,673 Medway, 1,947 2,009 3,9.56 Ward 5, 925 1,017 1,942 1 Milton, . 1,495 1,711 3,206 Ward 6, 1,136 1,408 2,544 j Needham, 2,384 2,868 5,252 Ward 7, 816 1,144 1,960 Norfolk, . 466 464 930 North Reading, 454 446 900 Norwood, 1,207 1,138 2,345 Pepperell, 1,178 1,170 2,348 Quincy, . 5,407 6,163 10,570 Reading, . 1,445 1,736 3,181 Randolph, 2,006 2,021 4,027 Sherborn, 510 891 1,401 Sharon, . 741 751 1,492 Shirley, . 637 728 1,365 Stoughton, 2,428 2,447 4,875 POPULATION AND SEX. POPULATION AND SEX — Continued. Counties, Cities, and Counties, Cities, and Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. Towns. Towns. Norfolk Co. — Con. Suffolk Co. — Con. Walpole, 1,239 1,255 2,494 Boston : Con . Weymouth, . 5,256 5,314 10,570 Ward 13, . 10,669 10,793 21,462 Wreutham, 1,191 1,290 2,481 Ward 14, Ward 15, 9,889 7,179 10,116 7,723 20,005 14,902 Plymouth County, . 36,853 37,165 74,018 Ward 16, 7,090 8,094 15,184 Abington, 1,844 1,853 3,697 Ward 17, 6,331 8,114 14,445 Bridgewater, . 1,835 1,785 3,620 Ward 18, 5,367 7,775 13,142 Brockton, 6,823 6,785 13,608 Ward 19, 9,617 10,354 19,971 Carver, . 525 514 1,039 Ward 20, 8,379 9,012 17,391 Duxbury, 1,053 1,143 2,196 Ward 21, 6,246 8,465 14,711 East Bridgewa ter, . 1,366 1,344 2,710 Ward 22, 6,021 6,694 12,715 Halifax, . 279 263 542 Ward 23, . 6,389 7,643 14,032 Hanover, 918 979 1,897 Ward 24, 7,709 9,162 16,871 Hanson, . 655 654 1,309 Ward 25, . 3,333 3,360 6,693 Hingham, 2,149 2,336 4,485 Chelsea, . 10,023 11,759 21,782 Hull, 208 175 383 Ward 1, 2,342 2,645 4,987 Kingston, 717 807 1,524 Ward 2, 2,767 3,274 6,041 Lakeville, 494 514 1,008 Ward 3, 2,319 2,639 4,958 Marion, . 450 508 958 Ward 4, 2,595 3,201 5,796 Marshficld, 874 907 1,781 Revere, . 1,193 1,070 2,263 Mattapoisett, 644 721 1.365 , Winthrop, 511 532 1,043 Middleboroug J. 2,553 2,684 5,237 Pembroke, 729 676 1,405 Worcester County, 112,119 114,778 226,897 Plymouth, 3,484 3,609 7,093 Ashburnham, 793 873 1,668 Plympton, 339 355 694 Athol 2,112 2,195 4,307 Rochester, 504 539 1,043 Auburn, . 645 672 1,317 Rockland, 2,321 2,232 4,553 Barre, 1,208 1,211 2,419 Scituate, . 1,240 1,226 2,466 Berlin, . 498 479 977 South Abington, 1,573 1,451 3,024 Blackstone, 2,340 2,567 4.907 South Scituate, 925 895 1,820 Bolton, . 447 456 903 Wareham, 1,509 1,387 2,896 Boylston, 431 423 854 West Bridgewater, 842 823 1,665 Brookfield, Charlton, 1,387 970 1,433 930 2,820 1,900 Suffolk County, 183,995 203,932 387,927 Clinton, . 3,676 4,353 8,029 Boston, .... 172,268 190,571 362,839 Dana, 362 374 736 Ward 1, 7,277 7,496 14,773 Douglas, . 1,132 1,109 2,241 Ward 2, 7,898 7,255 15,153 Dudley, . 1,358 1,445 2,803 Ward 3, 5,569 5,945 11,514 Fitchburg, 6,052 6,377 12,429 Ward 4, 5,509 5,748 11,257 Ward 1, 1,216 1,222 2,438 Ward 5, 5,212 5,748 10,960 Ward 2, 1,056 1,148 2,204 Ward 6, 8,636 8,268 16,904 Ward 3, 979 1,049 2,028 Ward 7, 6,587 5,963 12,550 Ward 4, 778 906 1,684 Ward 8, 6,277 6,515 12,792 Ward 5, 922 946 1,868 Ward 9, 5,425 7,186 12,611 Ward 6, • 1,101 1,106 2,207 Ward 10, 5,953 5,550 11,503 Gardner, 2,.543 2,445 4,988 Ward 11, 6,648 9,954 16,602 Grafton, . 1,986 2,044 4,030 Ward 12, 7,058 7,638 14,696 Hardwick, 1,164 1,069 2,233 8 CENSUS OP MASSACHUSETTS — 1880, POPULATION AXD SEX — CoiicIiuUmI. Counties, Cities, and Towns. Males. Females. Total. CocNTlES. Cities, and Towns. Males. Females. Total. Worcester Co. — Con. 1 1 WORCE.STER Co. — Con. Harvard,. 595 658 1,253 1 Soutlibridge, . 3,140 3,324 6,464 Holden, . 1,277 1,222 2,499 Spencer, . 3,864 3,602 7,466 Hubbardston, 706 680 1,386 Sterling, . 695 719 1,414 Lancaster, 923 1,079 2.008 Sturbridge, 996 1,066 2,062 Leicester, 1,321 1,458 2,779 Sutton, . 1,574 1,531 3,105 Leominster, . 2,872 2,900 5,772 Templeton, 1,414 1,375 2,789 Lunenburg, . 5.51 550 1,101 Upton, 914 1,109 2,023 Mendon, . 546 548 1,094 U.xbridge, 1,522 1,589 3,111 Milford, . 4,642 4,668 9,310 Warren, . 1,970 1,919 3,889 Millbury, 2,326 2,415 4,741 Webster, 2,779 2,917 5,696 New Braintree, 324 286 610 Westborongh, 2,62o 2,588 5,214 Northborougb, 813 858 1,076 West Boylston, ' 1,473 1,521 2,994 Nortlibridge, 2,060 1,993 4,053 West Brook field, 925 992 1,917 Nonli Broolcfield, 2,201 2,258 4,459 Westminster, . 792 860 1,652 0.^1.rd, . Middlesex, 257 Four Corners, . Miildleborouirh, 1'In mouth, 691 Fryo, .... Audover, . Essex, 285 Furnace, . . . - . Easton, . . , Bristol, 2tt2 Furnaee Orange, Fr:inklin, . 89 Furnace Hardwick, Worcester, 70 Gilbortvillc Hardwick. Worcester, 1,0.30 Gleudale Stockl)ridge, Berkshire, 417 Goose Ipswieh, . Essex, 52 Grafton Centre, Graltori, . Worcester, 629 Grai.itcville, .... AVestford, . Middlesex, 533 Granville Centre, . Granville, . Hampden,. 234 Great Harrington, . GrcMl Barrington, . Berkshire, 2,715 Greeubusli, .... Scituate, . Plyniontli, 303 Greenville, .... Sandwich, . Barnslable, 82 Greenville Leicester, . Worcester, 177 Halfway Pond, Plymouth, Plymouth, 76 Hiincock Hancock, . Berkshire, 129 Hanover Four Corners, . Hanover, . Plymouth, 1,211 Haivard Centre, . . Harv.ird, .' Worcester, 190 Harvard Shaker Community, Harvard, . Worcester, 59 Harwich, Harwich, . l^arnstabb-. 612 Halihville, .... Fahnoulh, Barnslable, 115 llicksville Dartmouth, Bristol, 120 Hopedale, .... Milford, . AVorcester, 399 Housatonic Great Barrington, . Berkshir. , 1,108 Huntington, .... Huntington, Hampsbin', 714 Hyanuis. Barnstable, Barnstable, 1,260 nVainiisport, .... Barnstable, Barnstable, 123 Hydeville, .... ■\V'iQcheudoii, . Worcester, 80 Indian Orchard, Springfield, Hampden, 2,243 Inwood, Northbridge, Worcester, 27 Ipswich, . . i Ipswich, . Essex, 1,196 Jeffersonvill<', .... Holden, . Worcester, 254 Jenksville, i . . . . ( Ludlow, and ) Springfield, Hampden, . 947 Jericho, . ; . Dudley, . ^^ Worcester, 710 POPULATION AND SEX. 11 VILLAGES IN MASSACHUSETTS — Continued. Xame of Place. Town. County. Population. Lanesvillc, Leeds, Leicester Centre, Lenox, Limleii, Line Brook, Liiiwoofl, . Long I'lain, Lovoll's Corners, Lynnlield Centre, Madilaket, W:ignolia, Mansfield Centre, Mapk'wood, Marland, . Mattapoisett, . Mendun Centre, Wereno, . Mclhnen, . MiddUton, Middletown, . Mill, . MillerV Falls, . Millinnton, Willviile, . Witlinristol, 201 SouUi E<»reniont, Egremont, Berkshire, 384 South Iladley Fall8, South lladley, . Hampshire, 2,750 South Lynntield, l.ynnfield. Essex, 287 Soutli Tcabody, Peabody, . Essex, 895 South Sandwieh, Sandwich, , Barnstable, 56 Soutli Sudbury, , Sudbury, . >fiddlesex. 217 Southville, 1 Southborough, . Worcester, 360 South Wellflecf, 1 Wellfleet, . Barnstable, 353 South Yarmouth, . Yarmouth, Barnstable, 859 Sprins: Winchendon, . Worcester, 336 Squantum, Quiiicy, Norfolk, . 59 Still Uiver, Harvard, . Worcester, 140 Stockbridge, . Stockbridge, Berkshire, 733 Stone District, Northbridge, Worcester, 129 Sndbury Centre, Sudbury, . Middlesex, 150 Teatickett, F.almouth, Barnstable, 141 Tewksbury, Tewksbury, Middlesex, 2,179 Thorndike, Palmer, Hampden, 1,156 Three Rivers, . Palmer, Hampden, 1,306 Tippican, .... Marion, Plymouth, 375 Towiiscnd Centre, . Townsend, Middlesex, 1,142 Townsond Harbor, . Townsend, Middlesex, 296 Tuckernuck, . Nantucket, Nantucket, 37 Turkey Shore, Ipswich, . Essex, 162 Van Deusenville, . Great Barrington, Berkshire, 146 Vineyard Haven, . Tisbury, . Dukes, 934 "Waquoit, .... Falmouth, . Barnstable, 224 Ware, .... Ware, Hampshire, 2,053 Warren, .... Warren, . Worcester, :,.520 Warwick, Warwick, . Franklin, . 266 Water vi He, Winchendon, . Worcester, 473 Waverly, Belmont, . ^fiddlesex, 316 Wendell Depot, Wendell, . Franklin, . 103 West Abiiigton, Abington, . Plvmouth, 347 "West Acton, . Acton, Middlesex, 391 West Bosford, Boxford, . Essex, 316 West Chatham, Chatham, . Barnstable, 198 West Chelmsford, . Westford, . Middlesex, 67 West Chesterfield, . Chesterfield, . Hampshire, 85 West Dennis, . Dennis, Barnstable, 756 "West Dudley Dudley, Worcester, 200 West Falmouth, Falmouth, . Barnstable, .372 Westford Centre, . Westford, . Middlesex, 273 West Gloucester, . Gltjucester, Essex, 71 West Granville, Granville, . Hampden, . 392 POPULATION AND SEX. 13 VILLAGES IN MASSACHUSETTS — Concluded. Name of Place. Town. County. Population.. West Groton Groton Middlesex, 276 West Longmeadow, Longmeadow, Hampden, 408 West Orange, . Orange, Franklin, . 67 West Peabody, Peabody, . Essex, 5oa West Sandwich, Sandwich, . Barnstable, 283 West Stoughton, Stoughton, Norfolk, . 38S West Town, . Sandwich, Barnstable, 258 West Townsend, Townsend, Middlesex, 529 West Wrentham, Wrentham, Norfolk, . 140 West Yarmouth, Yarmouth, Barnstable, 29» White's, . Easton, Bristol, 195 Whitinsville, . Northbridge, Worcester, 2,34a Williamstown, Williamstown, Berkshire, 984 Willow Dale, . Ipswich, . Esses, 59 Winchendon, . Winchendon, Worcester, 1,922 Windsor, . Windsor, . Berkshire, 33 Wollaston, Quincy, Norfolk, . 907 Wood's Holl, . Falmouth, . Barnstable, 508 Wrentham, Wrentham, Norfolk, . 825 Yarmouth Port, .... Yarmouth Barnstable, 536 POPULATION FOR 1870 and 1880: IKCKEASE AND DECEEASE. BY TOWNS. POPULATION — 1870 and 1880. TOWNS SHOWING INCREASE. [The asterisk indicates new towns, changes in names, area, etc., since 1S70. Those towns and cities marked with a douhle asterisk have been incorporated in ihe city of Boston. See "Notes," on p. 23] Counties, Cities, akd 1870. 1880. Increase. Counties, Cities, and 1870. 1880. Increase. Towns. Towns. Barnstable Cocnty, 13,119 14,013 804 Dukes Co. — Con. • Dennis, .... 3,269 3,288 19 Gay Head, 160 161 1 Eastham, 668 692 24 Gosnold 99 152 63 Falmouth,* 2,237 2,422 185 Harwich, 3,0S0 3,265 185 Essex County, . 175,295 221,821 46,526 Provincetowii, 3,865 4,346 481 AndoTcr,* 4,873 5,169 296 Beverly, .... 6,507 8,456 1,949 BERKsniRE County, 28,150 42,323 14,173 Bradford, 2,014 2,643 629 Clarksburg, . 686 724 38 Danvers, 5,600 6,598 998 Dalton, .... 1,252 2,052 800 Essex 1,614 1,670 56 Great Barrington, . 4,320 4,653 333 Georgetown, . 2,088 2,231 143 Lee, .... 3,866 3,939 73 Gloucester, . 15,389 19,329 3,940 Lenox 1,965 2,043 78 Groveland, 1,776 2,227 451 New Marlborough,* 1,855 1,876 21 Hamilto! 790 935 145 North Adams,* - 10,191 10,191 Haverhill, 13,092 18,472 5,380 Pittsfield, 11,112 13,364 2,252 Lawrence,* . 28,921 39,151 10,230 Richmond, 1,091 1,124 33 Lynn 28,233 38,274 10,041 Stockbridge, . 2,003 2,357 354 Merrimac,* - 2,237 2,237 Methuen, ^ 2,959 4,392 1,433 Bristol County, 93,136 129,511 36,375 Nahaut 475 808 333 Attleborough, 6,769 11,111 4,342 Newbury, 1,430 1,566 136 Berkley,* 744 927 183 Ncwburyport, 12,595 13,538 943 Dartmouth, . 3,367 3,430 63 North Andovcr,* . 2,549 3,217 668 Easton, .... 3,668 3,902 234 Peabody, 7,343 9,028 1,685 Fairhaven, 2,626 2,875 249 Rockport, 3,904 3,912 8 Fall River, 26,766 48,961 22,195 Rowley 1,157 1,201 44 MansfieU, 2,432 2,765 333 Salem, . . . . 24,117 27,563 3,446 New Bedford,* 21,320 26,845 5,525 Salisbury, 3,776 4,079 303 Seekonk, 1,021 1,227 206 Saugus 2,247 2,625 378 Somerset, 1,776 2,006 230 Swampscott, . 1,846 2,500 654 Swansea, 1,294 1,355 61 Taunton,* 18,629 21,213 2,584 Franklin County, . 14,988 19,784 4,796 ■Westport, 2,724 2,894 170 Colrain 1,742 1,777 35 Conway, .... 1,460 1,760 300 Dukes County, 735 1,479 744 Erving 579 872 293 Chilmark, 476 494 IS Gill 653 733 80 Cottage City,* - 672 672 Greenfield, 3,589 3,903 314 18 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — ISSO. TOWNS SHOWING INCREASE — Continued. CocNTiKs, Cities, and Towns. Franklin Co. —Con Mont.igue, Orango, . Bhclburne, Whatcly, Uampden County, Agawam, Chester, , ■Chicopee, Ilampflcn,* Ilolyokc, Longnicadow, Ludlow, . Monaon, . Palmer, . Russell, . BouUnvick, Springfield, Wales, . Wcstfield, "West Springfield, IIampshire County Amherst, Easthanipton, Enfield, . nuntiiigton, . Norlhanipton, South Iladley, Ware, , Williamsburg, Middlesex County Acton, Arlington, Ashland, Ayer, Bedford, . Belmunt, Billerica, Burlington, Cambridge, Chelmsford,* Concord, Everett,* Framiugham,* Holliston, 1870. 2,224 2,091 1,582 1,068 71,301 2,001 1,253 9,607 10,733 1,342 1,136 3,204 3,631 635 1,100 26,703 831 6,519 2,606 29,252 4,035 3,620 1,023 1,156 10,161 2,841 4,259 2,159 226,732 1,593 3,281 2,186 849 1,513 1,833 62S 39,63* 2,374 2,412 2,220 4,968 3,073 1880. 4,875 3,169 1,621 1,074 98,070 2,216 1,473 11,286 958 21,915 1,401 1,526 3,758 5,504 823 1,104 33,340 1,030 7,587 4,149 33,544 4,298 4,206 1,043 1,236 12,172 3,538 4,817 2,234 307,721 1,797 4,100 2,394 1,881 931 1,615 2,000 711 52,069 2,553 3,923 4,159 6,235 3,098 Increase. 2,651 1,078 39 6 26,769 215 220 1,679 958 11,182 59 390 554 1,873 188 4 6,637 109 1,068 1,543 4,292 263 586 20 80 2,012 698 558 75 80,989 204 839 208 1,881 82 102 167 85 13,035 179 1,510 1,939 1,267 25 Counties, Cities, axd Towns. Middlesex Co. — Con Hopkinton, Hudson, . Lexington, Lincoln, . Littleton, Lowell,* . Maiden,* Marlborough, Maj-nard,* Medford,* Melrose, . Natick,* . Newton,* Pepperell, Reading,* Sherborn, SomerTillc, Stoneham, Tewksbury,* Townsend, Tyngsborougl: Wakefield,* Waltham, Watertown, Wayland, Westford, Weston, . Wilmington, Winchester,* Woburn,* Norfolk County, Brookline,* Canton, . Cohasset, Dover,* . Franklin, Holbrook,* Hyde Park, Medfield, Medway, Milton, . Needham, Norwood,* Quincy, . Walpole,* Weymouth, Wrentham, 1870. 1880. Increase. 4,419 4,601 3,389 3,739 2.277 2,400 791 907 983 994 40,923 59,475 7,367 12,017 8,474 10,127 - 2,291 5,717 7,573 3,414 4,560 6,404 8,479 12,825 16,995 1,842 2,348 2,664 3,181 1,062 1,401 14,685 24,933 4,513 4,890 1,944 2,179 1,962 1,967 629 631 4,135 5,547 9,065 11,712 4,326 5,420 1,240 1,962 1,803 2,147 1,261 1,448 866 933 2,645 3,802 8,560 10,931 51,986 70,922 6,650 8,057 3,879 4,516 2,130 2,182 645 653 2,512 4,051 - 2,130 4,136 7,088 1,142 1,371 3,721 3,956 2,683 3,206 3,607 5,252 - 2,345 7,442 10,570 2,137 2,494 9,010 10,570 2,292 2,481 182 350 183 116 11 18,547 4,650 1,653 2,291 1,856 1,146 2,075 4,170 506 017 339 10,248 377 235 5 2 1,412 2,64T 1,100 722 344 187 67 1,157 2,371 18,938 1,407 637 52 8 1,639 2,130 2,952 229 235 523 1,645 2,345 3,128 357 1,560 189 POrULATIOX — ISTO AND 1880. 19 TOWNS SHOWING INCREASE — Concluded. OoUNTiKS, Cities, axd Towns. 1870. 1880. Increase. Counties, Cities, and Towns. 1870. 1880. Increase. Plymouth Countt, . 35,413 51,022 15,609 Worcester Co. — Con. Brockton,* 8,007 13,608 5,601 Clinton 5,429 8,029 2,600 Hanover,* 1,628 1,897 269 Douglas, . 2,182 2,241 59 Haneon, . 1,219 1,309 90 Dudley, . 2,388 2,803 415 Hinghatn, 4,422 4,485 63 Fitchburg, 11,260 12,429 1,169 Hull, . . . 261 383 122 Gardner, 3,333 4,988 1,655 Marion, . 896 958 62 Hard wick, 2.219 2,233 14 Marelil'ield, 1,659 1,781 122 Holdon, . 2,062 2,499 437 Mattapoisett, . 1,361 1,365 -4 Lancaster, 1,845 2,008 163 Middlcborough, 4,687 6,237 550 Leicester, 2,763 2,779 11 riyniouih. 6,23S 7,093 855 Leominster, . 3,894 5,772 1,878 Rochester, 1,024 1,043 19 Millbury, 4,397 4,741 344 Rockland,* . - 4,553 4,553 Northborough, 1,504 1,676 172 Scituato, . 2,350 2,466 116 Xortlibriilge, . 1 3,774 4,053 279 South Scituate,* 1.661 1,820 159 North Brookfield, 3.343 4,459 1,116 South Abington,* - 3,024 3,024 Oakham, 860 869 9 Rutland, . 1,024 1,059 35 Suffolk County, . Boston,* .... Chelsea, .... Revere,* .... Wintbrop, 270,802 250,526 18,547 1,197 632 387,927 362,839 21,782 2,263 1,043 117,125 112,313 3,235 1,066 511 Southborough, Soulhbridge,* Spencer, . Sutton, . Upton, . Uibridge, 2,135 5,208 3,952 2,699 ' 1,989 3,058 2,142 6,464 7,466 3,105 2,023 3,111 7 1,256 3,514 406 34 63 Worcester County, 141,419 179,870 38,451 Warren, . Webster, 2,625 4,763 3,889 5,696 1,264 933 Aihol 3,517 4,307 790 Wcstborough, 3,601 6,214 1,613 Auburn, . 1,178 1,317 139 West Boylston, 2,862 2,994 132 Boylston, , 800 854 54 West Brookfield, 1,842 1,917 75 Brookfield, 2,527 2,820 293 Wincbendon, . 3,398 3,722 324 Charlton, 1,878 1,900 22 Worcester, 41,105 58,291 17,186 20 CENSUS OP MASSACHUSETTS 1»80. TOWNS SHOWING DECREASE. Counties, Citiics, and ig70. Towns. 1880. Decrease. Counties, Cities, and Towns. 1870. 1880. Dcciea-e. Barnstable CouxTT, 19,655 17,884 1,771 Essex County, 25,548 22,714 2,834 Barnstable, 4,793 4,242 551 Amesbury,* . 5,581 3,355 2,226 Brewster, ],2r,9 1,144 115 Boxfurd 847 824 23 Chatham, 2,411 2,250 IGl Ipswich, .... 3,720 3,699 21 Mashpee,* 348 346 2 Lynntield,* 818 680 132 Orleans, . 1,323 1,294 29 Manchester, . 1,665 1,640 25 Bandwich,* . 3,694 3,543 151 Marbkhead, . 7,703 7,467 236 Truro, . 1,269 1,017 252 Middleton, 1,010 1,000 10 Wellflect. 2,135 1,875 260 Topstield, 1,213 1,165 48 Yarmouth, 2,423 2,173 250 Wenham, 985 889 96 West Newbury, 2,006 1,989 17 Berkshire County, 36,677 26,709 9,968 Adams,* . . 12,090 5,591 6,499 Franklin County, . 17,647 16,217 1,430 Alford, . 430 348 82 Ashti.'ld, 1,180 1,066 114 ■ Becket, . 1,346 1,123 223 Bernardslon, . 961 934 27 Cheshire, 1,758 1,537 221 Buckland, 1,946 1,739 207 Egromoiit, 931 875 56 Charlemont, . 1,005 932 73 Florida, . . 1,322 459 863 Deeriield, 3,632 3,543 89 Hancock, 8S2 642 240 Hawley, . 672 592 8a ninsdalc. 1,695 1,595 100 Heath, . 613 560 53 Lancsborough 1,393 1,286 107 Leverett, 877 742 135 Monterey,* 653 635 18 Leyden, . 518 507 11 Mount Washii gtoii, . 256 205 51 Monroe, . 201 166 35 New Ashford, 208 203 5 New Salem, . 987 869 118 Otis, 900 785 175 I Norlhlield, 1,720 1,603 117 Peru, 455 403 52 Rowe, 581 502 79 Sandisfield,* 1,482 1,107 375 Shutcbbury, . 614 529 85 Bavoi', . 861 715 140 Sundcrlaiiil, . 832 755 77 Sheffield,* 2,535 2,204 331 Warwick, 769 713 5& Tyringham, 557 542 15 Wendell, 539 465 74 Washington, 694 493 201 West Stockbri dge, . 1.924 1,923 1 Hampden County, . 7,108 6,072 1,036 Williamstown Windsor, 3,559 686 3,394 644 165 42 Blandford, Brimlield, 1,026 1,288 979 1,203 47 85 Bristol Cc (UNTV, . 9,750 9,529 221 Granville, Holland, . 1,293 344 1,205 302 88 42 Acushnet,* 1,132 1,105 27 Montgomery, 318 303 15 Dighton, . 1,817 1,791 26 Tolland, . 509 452 57 Freetown, 1,372 1,329 43 Wilbraham,* 2,330 1,628 -.02 Norton, . 1,821 1,732 89 Raynbam, 1,713 1,681 32 Hampshire County, 15,136 13,688 1,448 Rehoboih, 1,895 1,891 4 Belchertown, . 2,428 2,346 82 Dukes Cou NTY, . 3,052 2,821 231 Chesterikbl, Curamingtidi, . 811 1,037 769 881 42 156 Edgartown,* 1,516 1,303 213 Goshen, . . 368 327 41 Tisbury, . 1,536 1,518 18 Granby, . • 863 753 110 rOPULATION 1870 AND 1880. 21 TOWNS SHOWING DECREASE — Concluded. CO0KTIES, Cities, and 1870. 1880. Decrease. Counties, Cities, and 1870. 1880. Decrease. Towns. Towns. Hampshire Co. — Con. I 1 Ply.moutu County, . 29,952 22,996 6,956 Greenwich, 665 633 32 1 Abington,* 9,308 3,697 5,611 Hadloy, . 2,301 1,938 363 Bridgewater, 3,660 3,620 40 Hatfield, . 1,59-1 1,495 99 Carver, . . 1,092 1,039 53 Midtllefield, . 72S 648 80 Duxbury, 2,341 2,196 145 Polham, . 673 614 59 Eapt Bridgow Iter,* 3,017 2,710 307 Plainfitld, 521 457 64 Halifax, . 619 542 77 Prcscolt, . 541 460 81 Kingston, i 1,601 1,-524 80 Southampton, 1,159 1,046 113 Laljeville, 1,159 1 ,008 151 ■Westhampton, 587 563 24 Peiiibroko, 1,447 1,405 42- Worthington, . k 860 758 102 Plympton, 804 694 110 Waroham, 3,098 2,896 202 Middlesex Counts-, 47,621 10,109 37,512 West Bridgewater, 1,803 1,065 1.38 Ashby, . . . . 994 914 80 Boxborough, . 338 319 19 Worcester County, 51,297 47,027 4,270 Brighton,** . 4,967 - 4,967 Carlisle, . 569 478 91 Ashburnham, 2,172 1,066 506 Charleslown,** ■J8,323 _ 28,323 Barrc, 2,572 2,419 153 Dracut,* . 2,078 1,595 483 Berlin, . 1,016 977 39 Dunstable, 471 453 18 Blackstono, 5,421 4,907 514 .Gi-oton,* . 3,584 1,862 1,722 Bolton, . 1,014 903 111 North Reading, 942 900 ■42 Dana, 758 736 22 Shirley,* . 1,451 1,365 86 Grafton, . 4,594 4,030 564 Stow,* . 1,813 1,045 768 Harvard, . 1,341 1,253 88 Sudbury,* 2,091 1,178 913 Il^ubbardston, 1,654 1,386 268 l^urenburg. 1,121 1.101 20 Nantucket County, 4,123 3,727 396 Mendon,* Milford, . 1,175 9,890 1,094 9,310 SI 580 Nantucket, 4,123 3,727 396 New Braintrec Oxford, . » 640 2,669 610 2,604 30 65 Norfolk County, . 37,457 25,585 11,872 Paxton, . 646 592 54 Bcllinghara,* . 1,282 1,223 59 Petersham, 1,335 1,109 226 Braintrce, 3,948 3,855 93 Phillipston, 693 621 72 Dedham,* 7,342 6,233 1,109 Princeton,* 1,279 1,100 179 Foxborough, . 3,057 2,950 107 Royalston, 1,354 1,192 162 Norfolk,* * . 1,081 930 151 Shrewsbury, 1,610 1,.500 110 Randolph,* . 5,642 4,027 1,615 Sterling, . 1,670 1,414 256 Sharon,* . 1,508 1,492 16 Sturbridge,* 2,101 2,062 39 Stoughton, 4,914 4,875 39 Templeton, 2,802 2,789 13 West Roxbury,** . 8,683 - 8,683 Westminster,* 1,770 1,652 118 22 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — ISSO. RECAPITULATION — Txckease. COUNTIES. Towns. No. slKiwIiif; yaiii. 1870. 1880. Increase. Per cent. The Statk, 345 202 1,162,328 1,558,007 405,679 35.21 Barnstable, 14 6 13,119 14,013 894 6.81 Berkshire, 32 10 28,150 42,323 14,173 60.35 Bristol, . 19 13 93,136 129,511 36,375 39.08 Dukes, . 6 4 1 %jO 1,479 744 101.22 Esccx, . 35 25 175,295 £21,821 46,.V26 26.54 Franklin, 26 9 14,988 19,784 4,796 32.00 Hiimpilon, 22 15 71,301 98,070 26,769 37.54 Hampshire, 23 8 29,2.^2 33,544 4,292 14.67 Miil>lleR5 17,884 1,771 9.01 Berkshire, 32 22 36,077 26,709 9,9G3 27.13 Bristol, . 19 6 9,750 9,529 221 2.27 Dukes, . 6 2 3,052 2,821 231 7.57 Escex, 35 10 25,548 22,714 2,8.''>4 11.09 Franklin, 26 17 17,647 16,217 1,430 8.10 Ilampden, 22 7,108 6,072 1,036 14.53 H.iinpshiri', 23 15 15,136 13,688 1,448 9. 57 Middlesex, 54 10* 47,621 10,109 37,512 78.77 Nantucket, 1 1 4,123 3,727 396 9.60 Norfolk, . 24 8* 37,457 25,585 11,872 31.70 rij-moulh. 27 12 29,952 22,996 6,956 23.22 Suflolk, . 4 - - - - - Worcester, 53 24 61,297 47,027 4,270 8.32 [* The decrease in population in 143 towns is shown to be 79,945. This loss is apparent rather than real, and is due principally lo changes iu boundaries, .innexations, the setting off of new towns and the compute absorption of populous towns or cities in other towns or cities. For instance, Adams li st. 6,499 by the formation of the town of North Adama. Amesbury gave 2,229 to Merriman. Brighton with 4,967, Charleslown with 2?, 323 and West Roxbury with 8,6S3 were absorbed in Boston and are dropped in the recapitulations. Groton gave 1,722 to Aver, and Abington 5, 111 to Rockland. These few towns and cities represent 58,031 of the apparent decrease. Irrespective of the causes above men- tioned the actual loss in population in the 143 Massachusetts towns between 1870 and 1880 probably did not exceed 14,000, or 4+ per cent of their population in 1870.] POPULATION — 1S70 AND 1880. 2S COMBINED PvECAPITULATION — Increase and Decrease. COUNTIES. o X .' « « 5 >> ^ ", — CO CD a =^' c £§ rH5f' 1^ Ml ' c .2 50 "Hi "^■^ _2 S's ,= 5 ,= ~ 1=^ H ^ 'A U a ^ c S'-3 » .^ •S c a: « 00 :- 4< ^ CO 3 00 Mo- . ^ ft " 1^ p o The State, Barnstable, Berkshire, Bristol, . Dukes, . Essex, . Franklin, Hampden, Ilampsliirp, MiJillese.x, Nantucket, Norfolk, Plynioull), Suffolk, Worcester, 345 14 32 19 6 35 26 22 23 54 1 24 27 4 5S 202 5 10 13 4 25 9 15 8 44 16 15 4 34 143 1,457,351 1,783,085 327,007 1,273 22.44 9 32,774 31,897 _ 877 - 22 64,827 69,032 4,205 - 6.49 6 102,886 139,040 36,154 - 35.14 2 3,787 4,300 513 - 13.55 10 200,843 244,535 43,092 - 21.75 17 32,635 36,001 3,366 - 10.31 7 78,409 104,142 25,733 - 32.82 15 44,388 47,232 2,844 - 6.41 10 274,353 317,830 43,477 - 15.85 1 4,123 3,727 - 396 _ 8 89,443 96,507 7,064 - 7.90 12 65,365 74,018 8,653 - 13.24 - 270,802 387,927 117,125 - 43.25 1 24 192,716 226,897 34,181 - 17.74 .osr 2.68 9.01 :n^ote s Giving Changes in Town Names, Areas, etc., betm'een 1870 and 1880. BARNSTABLE COUNTY. Falmouth. — Boundary line established between Falmouth and Sandwich, March 19, 1880. M.iSHPEF.. — Formerly the " Plantation of Marshpee." Incorporated as the town of Mashpee, May 28, 1870. Part of Sandwich annexed to Mashpee, March 19, 187-2. S.\xDwicii. — Part of Sandwich annexed to Mashpee, March 19, 1872. Boundary line between Sandwich and Falmouth established, March 17, 1880. BERKSHIRE COUNTY. Adams. — Town divided and one part incorporated as a new town (North Adams), Aprit 16, 1878. Ne-sv Marlborough. — Part of SheflSeld annexed to New Marlborough, April 10, 1871. North Adams. — Made a town, April 16, 1878. MoxTEREY. — Part of Sandisfield annexed to Monterey, April 24, 1875. Saxdisuield. — Part of Sandisfield annexed to Monterey, April 24, 1875. Sheffield. — Part of Sheffield annexed to New Marlborough, April 19, 1871. BRISTOL COUNTY. AcusHXET. — Part of Acushnet annexed to New Bedford, April 9, 1875. Berkley. — Part of Taunton annexed to Berkley, April 1, 1879. New Bedford. — Part of Acushnet annexed to New Bedford, April 9, 1875. Taunton. — Part of Taunton annexed to Eertley, April 1, 1879. 24 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS 1 S80. CHAXOES IN TOWN NAMES, ETC. — Continued DUKES COUNTY. Cottage City. — Made a town, Feb. 17, 1880. Edgartown. — A portion set off as a new town, (Cottage City), Feb. 17, 1880. ESSEX COUNTY. Amesbury. — Part of Amesbury incorporated as a new town (Merrimac), April 11, 1876. Andover. — Part of Andovcr annexed to Lawrence, Feb. 4, 1879. Lawrence. — Parts of Andovcr and North Andover annexed to Lawrence, Feb. 4, 1879. Lynnfield. — Boundary line between Lynnfield and Reading (Middlesex Co.) defined in 1870. Boundary between Lynnficid and Wakefield defined, April 2, 1870. Merrimac. — Made a town, April 11, 1876. North Andover. — Part of North Andover annexed to Lawrence, Feb. 4, 1879. HAMPDEN COUNTY. Hampden. — Made a town, March 28, 1878. WiLBRAHAM. — Southem part set off and incorporated as the town of Hampden, March 28, 1878. MIDDLESEX COUNTY. Ater. — Made a town, Feb. 14, 1871. Brighton. — Formerly the southem part of Cambridge, called " Little Cambridge." An- nexed to Boston, May 21, 1873. Charlestown. — Annexed to Boston, May 14, 1873. Chelmspord. — Part of Chelmsford annexed to Lowell, May 18, 1874. Dracut. — Parts of Dracut annexed to Lowell, May 18, 1874, and April 1, 1879. Everett. — Part of Everett annexed to Medford, April 20, 1875. Framingham. — Part of Natick annexed to Framingham, April 22, 1871. Groton. — A portion set off, with a part of Shirley, and incorporated as the town of Ayer, Feb. 14, 1871. Lowell. — Part of Tewksbury annexed to Lowell, June 5, 1874. Parts of Dracut annexed to Lowell, May 18, 1874, and April 1, 1879. Part of Chelmsford annexed to Lowell, May 18, 1874. Malden. — Part of Medford annexed to Maiden, April 20, 1877. Boundary line between Medford and Maiden changed, Feb. 20, 1878. Maynard. — Made a town, April 19, 1871. Medpord. — Part of Everett annexed to Medford, April 20, 1875. Boundary line between Medford and Maiden changed, Feb. 18, 1878. Natick. — Part of Natick annexed to Framingham, April 22, 1871. Newton. — Incorporated as a city, June 2, 1873. Part of the city of Boston annexed to the city of Newton, May 5, 1875. Reading. — Boundary line between Reading and Lynnfield (Essex Co.) defined in 1870. Shirley. — A portion set off, with a part of Shirley, and incorporated as the town of Ayer, Feb. 14, 1871. Stow. — A portion of Stow and Sudbury set off as the town of Maynard, April 19, 1871. Sudbury. — A portion of Sudbury and Stow set off as the town of Maynard, April 19, 1871. Tewksbury. — Part of Tewksbury annexed to Lowell, June 5, 1874. Wakefield. — Boundary line between "Wakefield and Lynnfield (Essex Co.) defined, April 2, 1870. Winchester. — Part of Winchester annexed to Woburn, May 12, 1873. WoBURN. — Part of Winchester annexed to Woburn, May 12, 1873. NORFOLK COUNTY. Bellingham, — Boundary line between Bellinghara and Mendon (Worcester Co) estab- lished, March 7, 1872. POPULATIOX ISTO AXD 1S80. 25 CHANGES IX TOWN NAMES, ETC. — Coucluded. Brooklixe. — Part of Brookline annexed to Boston, 1870. Part of Broolvline annexed to Boston, May 8, 1874. Boundary line between Brookline and city of Boston changed, April 27, 1872. Dedhaji. — A part set oflF with a part of Walpole as the town of Norwood, Feb. 23, 1872. Dover. — Boundary line changed between 'Walpole and Dover, Feb. 27, 1872. HoLBRooK.— Made a town, Feb. 29, 1872. Norfolk. — Boundary line between Norfolk and "Wrentham changed in 1871. Norwood. — Made a town, Feb. 23, 1872.- Randolph.— A portion set off as the town of Holbrook, Feb. 29, 1872. Sharon-. — Part of Sharon annexed to Walpole, May 1, 1874. "Walpole. — A part of, with a part of Dedham, set off as the town of Norwood, Feb. 23, 1872. Boundary line between Dover and "Walpole changed, Feb. 27, 1872. Part of Sharon annexed to Walpole, May 1, 1874. West Roxb^rt. — Boundary line between West Roxbury and Boston changed, April 2, 1870. Mount Hope Cemetery, in West Roxbury, annexed to the city of Boston, April 12, 1872. The town annexed to Boston, May 29, 1873. PLYMOUTH COUNTY. Abington. — North and east parts set off as the town of Rockland, March 9, 1874. A part set off as the town of South Abington, March 4, 1875. Brockton. — Formerly called North Bridgewater; name changed and incorporated as a new town, March 28, 1874. Part of Brockton annexed to South Abington, April 24, 1875, and a part of South Abington annexed to Brockton, April 24, 1875. East Bridgewater. — Part of East Bridgewater, and parts of Abington, set off as the town of South Abington, March 4, 1875. Part of East Bridgewater annexed to Brockton, April 24, 1875. Hanover. — Boundary line between Hanover and South Scituate changed Feb. 11, 1878, annexing a portion of Hanover to South Scituate. Boundary line between Hanover and Rock- land established, March 23, 1878. Rockland. — Formed as a new town, March 9, 1874, from the north and east parts of Abing- ton. Boundary line between Rockland and Hanover established March 23, 1878. SorTH Scituate. — Part of Hanover annexed to South Scituate, Feb. 11, 187S. SoiTH Abington. — Made a town out of parts of Abington and East Bridgewater, March 4, 1875. A part of South Abington annexed to Brockton, April 24, 1875. SUFFOLK COUNTY. Boston. — Part of Brookline annexed, 1870. Boundary line between West Roxbury and Boston changed, April 2, 1870. Mount Hope Cemetery, in West Roxbury, annexed to the city of Boston, April 12, 1872. Boundary line between Brookline and Boston changed, April 27, 1872. Charlestown annexed to Boston, May 14, 1873. Brighton annexed to Boston, May 21, 1873. West Roxbury annexed to Boston, May 29, 1873. Part of the city of Boston annexed to the city of Newton, May 5, 1875. Revere. — Part of Chelsea ; former name North Chelsea ; changed to Revere, March 24, 1871. WORCESTER COUNTY. Mendon. — Boundary line between Mendon and Bellinghara (Norfolk Co.) established^ March 7, 1872. Princeton. — Part of Westminster annexed to Princeton, April 22, 1870. SorTHBRiDGE. — Boundary line between Southbridge and Sturbridge changed in 1871. Sturbridge. — Boundary line between Sturbridge and Southbridge changed in 1871. "Westhinster. — Part of Westminster annexed to Princeton, April 22, 1870. FAMILIES AND DWELLINGS. FAMILIES AND DWELLmGS.- CotsTiES, Cities, and Towns. Families. Dwellings Counties, Cities, and Towns. Families. Dwelling*. Barnstable County, . 8,418 7,585 BERKSHinE Co. — Con. BarnBtable, . Brewster, . Chatham, . 1,151 308 596 1,107 285 523 West Stockbridi;e, Williamstown, . Windsor, 391 699 155 391 61T 144 Dennis, Eastliam, 823 185 778 165 Bristol County, 30,015 22,093 Falmouth, . •Harwich, Mash pee, Orleans, rrovincctown. Sandwich, , Trnro, . Wellfleet, . Yarmouth, . 597 838 96 389 1,076 864 276 544 675 528 775 86 364 834 820 234 526 560 Acushnct, . Attleborough, Berkley,. Dartmouth, . Digliton, Easton, Fairhaven, . Fall lUver, . Ward 1, 270 2,327 237 856 441 862 708 9,706 1,706 218 1,701 215 805 371 703 609 5,594 1,130 Bebkshibe Codntt, 14,732 12,143 Ward 2, 1,652 1,023 Adams, 1,046 673 Ward 3, 1,431 644 Alford,. 87 83 Ward 4, 2,290 1,068 Becket, 235 234 Ward 5, 1,186 592 Cheshire, 369 299 Ward 6, 1,441 1,138 Clarksburg, . 140 120 Freetown, . 369 324 Dalton, 418 361 Mansfield, 665 579 Egreinont, . 211 193 New Bedford, 6,147 5,03S Florida, , 100 92 Ward 1, 1,179 1,055 •Great Barrington 973 835 Ward 2, 1,034 835 Hancock, 138 136 Ward 3, 1,145 789 Hinsdale, 305 292 Ward 4, 707 593 Lanesborough, 263 241 Ward 5, 976 747 Lee, 845 747 Ward 6, 1,106 1,014 Lenox, . 424 328 Norton, • 388 360 Monterey, . 131 125 Raynham, . 306 306 Mount WashingK )n, 47 44 Rehoboth, . 456 399 New Ashford, ^, 46 45 Seekonk, 301 254 New Marlboroug h. 399 371 Somerset, 459 364 North Adams, . 2,032 1,425 Swansea, 365 317 Otis, . " 180 170 Taunton, 4,450 3,261 Peru, . 97 82 Ward 1, 850 580 Pittsfleld, . 3,012 2,292 Ward 2, 347 223 Richmond, . 236 231 Ward 3, 686 386 Sandisfleld, . 259 246 Ward 4, 410 320 Savoy, . 174 157 Ward 5, 363 311 Sheffield, . 511 475 Ward 6, 618 373 Stockbridge, 673 474 Ward 7, 493 394 Tyringhant, . 123 108 Ward 8, 753 674 "Washington, 113 111 Westport, . 702 645 30 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. FAMILIES AND DWELLINGS — Conti niicd. ConNTiES, Cities, and Counties, Cities, and Towns. • Families. Dwellings. Towns. Families. Dwelline« Dukes County, 1,223 1,148 Essex Co. — Con. Chilmark, 133 124 Lynnfield 176 163 Cottage City, 194 185 Manchester, . 430 316 Edgartown, . 386 347 Marblehead 1,856 1,101 Gay Head, . 36 36 Merrimac, . 514 4.-57 Gosnold, 34 32 Methuen, 947 706 Tisbury, 440 424 ; Middleton, . 234 20S Essex County, 62,963 39.223 - Nahant, Newbury, . 147 351 147 294 Ameabury, . 848 552 Newburyport, 3,007 2,647 Andover, 1,028 938 Ward 1, 619 424 Bevprly, 2,003 1,356 Ward 2, 452 352 Boiford, 196 172 Ward 3, 601 439 Bradford, . 596 461 Ward 4, 522 478 Danvers, 1,320 987 Ward 5, 509 408 Essex, . 442 369 Ward 6, 604 456 Georgetown, 671 464 North Andover, 682 645 Glouccfctcr, . 3,825 2,647 Peabody, 2,008 1,543 Ward 1, 611 360 Rockport, . 936 750 Ward 2, 667 343 Rowley, 243 202 Ward 3, 568 346 Salem, . 6,167 4,241 Ward 4, 487 312 Ward 1, 1,008 803 Ward 5, 617 418 Ward 2, 1,126 768 Ward 8, 430 323 Ward 3, 842 660 Ward 7, 372 327 Ward 4, 1,051 714 Ward 8, 273 218 Ward 5, 1,332 762 Groveland, . 600 312 Ward 6, 808 634 Hamilton, . 212' 200 Salisbury, . 1,069 074 Haverhill, . 3,979 2,888 SaugUB, 608 621 Ward 1, 390 282 Bwampscott, 661 455 Ward 2, 616 440 Topsfield, . 267 229 Ward 3, 724 426 Weiiham, 218 187 Ward 4, 658 472 West Newbury, . 466 899 Ward 5, 987 688 Ward «S, 804 681 Franklin County, 8,182 7,003 Ipswich, 861 694 Ashfield 242 232 Lawrence, . 7,488 4,608 Bernardston, 239 218 Ward 1, 1,330 829 Buckland, . 404 S2S Ward 2, 1,183 673 Charlemont, 241 204 Ward 3, 1,576 806 Colrain, 400 S09 Ward 4, 1,197 763 Conway, 34S 290 Ward 5, 1,323 955 Deerfield, . 705 (42 Ward 6, 879 682 Erring, 204 ICO Lynn, . 8,209 0,315 Gill, . 173 1&8 Ward 1, 183 160 Greenfield, . *eo 662 Ward 2, 481 419 Hawley, ISO 122 Ward 3, 1,828 1,332 Heath, . 131 126 Ward 4, 1,889 1,225 LeTcrett, fiOl 187 Ward 5, 1,936 1,530 Leyden, 110 101 Ward 6, 1,652 1,452 Monroe, S4 . S3 Ward 7, 238 197 Montague, . 979 MO FAMILIES AISTD DWELLIN^GS. 31 FAMILIES AND DWELLINGS — Continued. CouuTiES, Cities, and CousTiES, Cities, asd Towns. Families. Dwellings. Towns. Families. Dwellings^ Franklin Co. — Con. Hampshire County, . 10,035 8,473 New Salem 251 232 Amherst 868 809 Northfield, . 395 362 Belchertown, 548 49» Orange, . 831 531 Chesterfield, 189 180 Rowe, . i 107 101 Cummington, 234 22d Shelburne, 365 ; 304 Easthampton, 883 637 Shutesbury, 1 139 126 Enfield, 367 323. Sunderland, 162 157 Goshen, 74 70 Warwick, . 177 171 Granby, 179 16» Wendell. 132 122 Greenwich, . 161 14» Whately, . 222 205 Hadley, 425 400 Hatfield, 299 295 Hampden Cocntt, 21,807 15,443 Huntington, 285 252 Agawam, . . . . 506 479 Middlefield, . 131 113 Blandford, . 224 218 Northampton, 2,286 1,958 Brimfield, 278 262 Pelham, 154 14a Cheeter, 335 298 Plainfield, . 127 115- Chicopee, 2,146 1,402 Prescott, 116 90 Granville, . 295 255 South Hadley, 725 515 Hampden, . 227 210 Southampton, 252 227 Holland, 70 64 Ware, 950 602 Holyoke, '■ 3,881 2,084 WesthamptoD, 116 lU Ward 1, 478 171 1 Williamsburg, 479 411 Ward 2, 464 464 Worthington, 187 17ft Ward 3, 537 289 Ward 4, 820 216 Middlesex County, . 65,573 52,140 Ward 6, 655 214 Acton, 433 381 Ward 6, 589 439 Arlington, . 846 677 Ward 7, 338 291 Ashby, 245 23ft Longmeadow, 339 331 Ashland, 533 442 Ludlow, 334 235 Ayer, . 432 347 Monson, 745 580 Bedford, 205 192 Montgomery, 67 65 Belmont, 301 282 Palmer, 1,106 725 Billerica, 449 43ft Russell, 168 133 Bosborough, 83 76 Southwick, . 267 257 ' Burlington, . 143 127 Springfield, . 7,368 5,033 i Cambridge, . 10,833 8,260 Ward 1, 1,853 1,146 Ward 1, 1,880 1,562 Ward 2, 871 498 Ward 2, 3,102 2,142 Ward 3, 1,053 603 Ward 3, 2,079 1,467 Ward 4, 867 613 Ward 4, 2,630 2,167 Ward 5, 1,273 j 1,122 Ward 5, 1,142 922 Ward 6, 530 375 Carlisle, 128 121 Ward 7, 416 386 Chelmsford, 557 449 Ward 8, 505 290 Concord, 665 584 Tolland, 101 94 Dracut, 293 272 Wales 239 174 Dunstable, . 171 107 Weslfleld, . 1,809 1,560 Everett, 780 676 West Springfield, 953 688 Framingham, 1,366 1,077 Wilbraham, 349 296 Groton, 463 439 32 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS 1880. FA:\ITIJES and DWELLTNGS — Continued. Counties, Cities, and Counties, Cities, and Families. Dwellings. Families. Dwellings. Towns. Towns. Middlesex Co. — Con. Middlesex Co. — Con. Holliston 719 639 Wilmington, 233 207 Hopkinton, . 974 792 Winchester, 743 730 Hudson, 818 667 ' Woburn, 2,1.52 1,648 Lexington, . 515 462 Lincoln, 171 159 Nantucket County, 1,099 966 Littleton, 226 205 Nantucket, . 1,099 966 Lowell, 11,537 8,242 "Ward 1, 1,847 1,004 Norfolk County, 21,151 17,271 Ward 2, 1,941 1,339 Ward 3, 2,034 1,634 Bellingham, 327 265 Ward 4, 1,807 1,344 Braintrce, 908 819 Ward 5, 2,023 1,587 Brookline, 1,620 1,205 Ward 6, 1,885 1,334 Canton, 729 565 Maiden, 2,695 2,287 Cohasset, 506 435 Marlborough, 2,001 1,423 Dedham, 1,229 1,053 Maynard, 421 3S6 Dover, . 146 135 Med ford, 1,548 1,402 Foxborough, 727 589 Melrose, 963 899 Franklin, 873 655 Natick, . 1,786 1,460 Holbrook, 508 425 Newton, 3,250 2,862 Hyde Park, 1,627 1,254 Ward 1, 481 386 Medfield, 338 267 Ward 2, 574 480 Medway, 901 818 Ward 3, 372 310 Milton, . 642 543 Ward 4, 618 492 Needham, 1,012 802 Ward 5, 422 348 Norfolk, 211 186 Ward 6, 601 472 Norwood, 499 415 Ward 7, 382 344 Quincy, 2,303 1,786 North Reading, 221 195 Randolph, 930 771 Pepperell, . 548 486 Sharon, 330 288 Reading, 761 631 Stoughton, 1,178 1,073 Sherborn, 254 215 Walpole, 598 471 Shirley, 315 276 Weymouth, 2,392 1,938 Somerville, . 5,417 4,106 Wrentham, . 617 51S Ward 1, 1,699 1,245 Ward 2, 1,779 1,222 Plymouth County, 17,573 14,919 Ward 3, 928 778 Abington, . 867 68S Ward 4, 1,013 861 Bridgewater, 745 673 Stoneham, . 1,225 880 Brockton, . 2,999 2,262 Stow, . 240 227 Carver, 257 22T Sudbury, 281 247 Duxbury, . 578 62* Tewkebury, 286 266 East Bridgewater, 660 578 Townsend, . 512 453 Halifax, 147 128 Tyngsborough, 153 141 Hanover, 462 431 Wakefield, . 1,229 1,006 Hanson, 356 29« Waltham, . 2,302 1,581 Hingham, 1,062 081 WatertowB, . . 1 1,110 954 Hull, . 100 09 Way land, ; 283 184 Kingston, 399 S«T Westford, . 478 405 Lakeville, . 244 224 Weston, 280 236 Marion, 242 216 FAMILIES AXD DWELLINGS. FAMILIES AXD DWELLINGS — Continued. 33 CocsiiKS, Cities, asd Counties, Cities, and Families. Dwellings. Families. Dwellings. Toivxs. Towns. Plymouth Co — Con. Worcester Cocstt, . 48,719 34,443 Marshfield, . 485 1 447 Ashburnham, 438 393 Mattapoisett, 351 306 1 Athol, . 1,125 853. Midilleborough, . 1,317 1,144 Auburn, 277 215 Pembroke, . 389 358 Barre, . 564 463 Plymouth, . 1,724 1,318 Berlin, . 1 220 219! Plympton, . 176 163 Blackstone, 1,077 624 Rochester, . 228 215 Bolton,. 219 206 Rockland, . 1 983 845 Boylston, 184 159 Bcituate, 593 536 Brookfleld, 670 529 South Abington, 701 543 Charlton, j 472 419 South Scituale, 1 458 431 Clinton, 1,458 987 Wareham, . 1 668 571 Dana, . 199 177 West Bridgewater, 382 355 1 Douglas, Dudley, 540 578 40S 418 StFrOLK COCXTV, . 78,218 48,238 Fitchburg, 2,719 2,051 Boston, 72,763 43,944 Ward 1, 472 3S0 Ward 1, 3,197 2,125 Ward 2, 456 301 Ward 2, ! 2,842 1,651 Ward 3, 464 328 Ward 3, 2,511 1,522 Ward 4, 430 344 Ward 4, 2,451 1,796 Ward 5, 434 283 Ward 5, 2,327 1,449 Ward 6, 463 415 Ward 6, j 3,417 1,407 Gardner, 1,116 797 Ward 7, j 2,340 1,075 Grafton, 872 684 Ward 8, 2,748 1,301 Hard wick. 452 330 Ward 9, 2.502 1,563 Harvard, 291 262 Ward 10, 1,740 1,139 Holden, 522 383 Ward 11, 2,729 1,952 Hubbardstor *i 349 335 Ward 12, 3,226 1,330 Lancaster, 424 374 Ward 13, 4,530 2,023 Leicester, 638 508 Ward 14, 3,868 2,539 Leominster, 1,415 1,132 Ward 15, 3,097 1,862 Lunenburg, 282 268 Ward 16, 3,133 1,472 Mendon, 261 225 Ward 17, 2,905 1,541 Milford, 2,027 1,605 Ward 18, 2,356 1,737 Millbury, 958 663 Ward 19, 4,368 2,333 New Braintree, 125 118 Ward 20, 3,454 2,302 Norihborough, i 129 113 Ward 21, 2,914 2,278 Northbridge, 822 454 Ward 22, 2,514 1,453 North Brookfleld 967 614 Ward 23, 2,832 2,306 Oakham, 217 181 Ward 24, 3,458 2,776 Oxford, 614 614 Ward 2», 1,304 1,012 Paxton, 147 129 Chelsea, 4,834 3,725 Petersham, 301 270 Ward 1, 1,138 838 Phillipston, 145 133 Ward 2. 1,383 1,013 Princeton, 270 252 Wards, 1,058 890 Royalston, 303 271 Ward*, 1 1,257 984 Rutland, 247 220 Revere, 401 356 Shrewsbury, 374 331 Winthrop, . 220 213 Boutliborough, 440 388 34 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS 1880. FAMILIES AND DWELLINGS — Continued. Counties, Cities, and Towns. Families. Dwellings. Counties, Cities, and Towns. Families. Dwellings. Worcester Co. — Con. Worcester Co. — Con. SouthbriJge, 1,126 695 Upton, 479 36& gpcncer 1,526 848 Uxbridge 630 441 Sterling 358 350 Warren 796 504 Sturbridge, 475 357 Webster, .... 1,227 752 Button, 659 545 Wt'Stboroiigh, 1,011 734 Templeton 649 534 West Boylston, . 632 445 RECAPITULATION, ; COUNTIES. rersons. Areas.* Squaremiles. Families. Dwellings. Persons tea square mile. The State, 1,783,085 8,040 379,710 281,088 221.78 Barnstable, 31,897 290 8,418 7,585 109.99 Berksliire, . 69,032 1,000 14,732 12.143 69.03 Bristol, 139,040 530 30,015 22,093 262 34 Dukes, 4,300 120 1,223 1,148 35.83 Essex, 244,535 600 52,965 39,223 489.07 Franklin, . 36,001 680 8,182 7,003 52 94 Hampden, . 104,142 670 21,807 15,443 155.44 Hampsliire, 47,232 540 10,035 8,473 87.47 Middlesex, . 317,830 805 65,573 52,140 394.82 Nantucket, . 3,727 60 1,099 966 62.12 Norfolk, . 96,507 526 21,151 17,271 183.47 Plymouth, . 74,018 725 17,573 14,919 102.09 Suffolk, 387,927 44 78,218 48,238 8,816.52 Worcester, 226,897 1,550 48,719 34,443 146.39 • Land surface only. FAMILIES AND DWELLINGS. H5 FAMILIES AND DWELLINGS — Concluded. Counties, Cities, and Towns. Families. • Dwellings. Counties, Cities, and Towns. Families. Dwellings. WORCEBTKK Co. — Con. Worcester Co. — Con. West Brookfield, 456 396 Worcester : Ward 3, . 1,551 805 Westminster, 416 363 Ward 4, . 1,395 767 Winchendon, 891 719 Wards, . 2,100 1,036 Worcester 11,931 6,634 Ward 8, . 1,308 912 Ward 1, . . . 1,306 770 Ward 7, . 1,406 771 Ward 2, 1,639 781 Wards, . 1,226 792 RECAPITULATION — Concluded. Families Dwellings Acres Acres Persons Persons COUNTIES. to a to a to a to a to a to a square mile. square mile. person. family. dwelling. family. The State, 47.23 34.96 2.89 13.55 6.34 4.70 Barnstable, 29.03 26.16 6.82 22.05 4.21 3.79 Berkshire, . 14.73 12.14 9.27 43.45 5.68 4.69 Bristol, 66.63 41.68 2.44 11.30 6.29 4.63 Dukes, 10.19 9.57 17.86 62.81 3.75 3.52 Essex, 105 93 78 45 1.31 6.04 6.23 4.62 Franklin, . 12.03 10.30 12.09 53.20 5 14 4 40 Hampden, . 32.55 23.05 4.12 19.66 6.74 4.78 Hampshire, 18.58 15.69 7.32 34.45 5.57 4 71 Middlesex, 81.46 64.77 1.62 7.86 6.10 4.85 Nantucket, 18.32 16.10 10.30 34.93 3.86 3.39 Norfolk, . 40.21 32.83 3.49 15.97 5.59 4 56 Plymouth, . 24.24 20.58 627 26 40 4.96 4.21 Buffolk, . 1,777.68 1,096.32 .07 .36 8.04 4.96 Worcester, 31.43 22.22 437 20.36 6 59 4.66 PLACE OF BIRTH. NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN. COLOR AND RACE. 38 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS 1880. PLACE OF BIRTH. NATIVE AND FOREIGN. COLOR AND RACE. Classification. County of Barnstable. Barn- stable. Brew- ster. Chat- ham. Den- nis. East- ham. Fal- mouth. Har- wich. Mash- pee. Place of Birth ^fas8achu8ett8, . Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, . Khode Island, . Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, I'ennsylvania, . Maryland, . Virginia, . Ohio, . Illinois, United States, n. n. Canada, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, ' rrince Edward Island, British America, n.«., England, . Ireland, Scotland, . Wales, . 6t. Britain, n.»., and Colonies, Africa, Asia, M.S., Atlantic Islands, Austria, . Belgium, . China, Cuba and West Indies, Denmark, . Prance, Germany, . Greece, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, . Pacific Islands, Poland, Portugal, . Russia, Spain, South and Central America, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, . Other Foreign Countries, Totals Native and Foreign Horn. Native, Foreign, Totals, Color and Race. White Colored (African descentonly), Chinese Jajianese Indians Totals 3,886 46 15 2 19 15 26 6 10 2 8 7 23 2 21 2 6 41 72 6 2 10 4,242 4,065 177 4,242 4,185 67 1,058 4 3 4 1 4 1 1 2 1 11 33 2 1,144 1,083 61 1,144 1,139 5 4,242 I 1,144 2,137 16 6 10 10 12 3 1 4 2 2 2 7 2,250 2,217 33 2,250 2,246 4 2,250 3,136 14 4 20 6 16 1 1 2 1 4 3 14 2 16 18 1 3 3,288 3,207 81 3,288 3,2S7 1 3,288 653 9 2 1 2 10 3 3 692 669 23 692 692 692 2,100 27 19 9 9 24 5 6 2 8 5 1 16 4 3 13 32 106 6 6 10 2,422 2,231 191 3,144 18 5 6 7 8 5 10 2 18 24 1 3,295 3,199 66 2,422 3,265 2,399 i 3,250 23 13 2 2,422 I 3,265 321 2 4 10 346 343 3 346 40 317 89 346 [ * The letters n. «. indicate " not specified." ] PLACE OF BIRTH, ETC. COLOR AZSTD RACE. 39 PLACE OF BIRTH. NATIVE AND FOREIGN. COLOR AND RACE — Con. County of Barnstable — Concluded. COCSTT OF Berkshire. — Or- Province- Sand- I Well- Yar- Chesh- Clarks- Dal- leans. town. wich. Truro. j fleet. mouth. i Adams. 1 Alford. Becket. ire. burg. ton. 1,232 3,234 3,088 889 1,730 2,050 : 2,877 220 ; 852 1,131 I 445 1,390 1 9 74 ' 35 12 ' 17 14 1 16 5 3 1 2 4 17 19 3 9 _ 1 32 3 4 5 3 3 - 10 — _ _ _ 251 _ _ _ 60 6 4 1 22 _ 8 16 32 _ 8 2 3 1 5 7 6 1 1 9 68 26 35 13 8 29 6 13 26 3 5 12 490 91 37 70 34 130 7 2 2 . 2 1 7 _ 1 2 6 9 8 9 4 6 _ _ 3 18 _ 3 2 1 8 2 1 _ 1 1 _ _ 1 _ _ _ 10 4 6 3 4 1 8 1 3 1 _ _ n 4 3 _ - 1 5 _ 3 1 _ 2 12 - - _ - _ 5 _ 1 3 _ - 13 — 9 9 1 3 8 27 2 4 7 1 9 14 2 2 8 _ _ 5 725 2 25 52 94 94 15 3 6 5 _ - _ 1 - _ _ _ 1 16 8 283 13 10 - 2 1 _ 3 _ 1 _ 17 - 2 _ _ - 1 _ _ _ . _ - 18 1 6 1 1- - 1 - - - - - - 10 — - - 1 - - - - - - - - 26 6 32 59 I 83 15 125 _ 13 14 5 27 21 8 85 J85 4 3 20 591 6 108 196 64 282 22 3 5 13 3 3 3 216 _ _ 8 2 13 23 - 1 1 - - 1 5 - 1 1 - 7 24 ~ — - - - - - - - - - - 25 - - _ _ _ _ _ ^ _ _ _ _ 26 — - _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ 27 1 625 1 76 - - - - - - - - 28 - - 2 - - - - - - - - - 29 — - 5 - - _ _ _ _ « _ _ 30 — _ 1 . _ 1 _ _ _ . _ _ 31 .— 7 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 32 3 - 1 - - _ 5 _ 1 _ _ 1 33 — 1 9 2 - 1 8 _ 15 16 2 6 34 - 2 10 3 1 2 81 _ 7 4 22 35 — - - - - - 1 - _ _ - 36 - - - - - - _ _ _ - _ - 37 - - - - - _ _ _ . _ _ - 38 ■— - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ - 39 - - - - - _ .. _ _ _ _ - 40 — - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 41 — 1 _ 1 - — 1 _ _ _ _ _ 42 - - _ - - _ _ _ « _ _ _ 43 - 2 - 1 4 _ — _ _ _ _ _ 44 — 1 - - - _ 1 _ _ _ _ - 45 - 3 _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 46 - 1 _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ « _ 47 - 1 2 _ 1 3 _ _ _ _ _ 9 48 - - 1 - - - 3 - 1 4 - 2 49 — — — — — — _ _ _ _ _ — 50 - 1 1 - - 2 1 - - - - - 51 1,294 4,346 3,543 1,017 1,875 2,173 5,591 348 1,123 1,537 724 2,052 52 1,260 3,381 3,223 912 1,780 2,116 3,826 340 956 1,239 562 1,588 53 34 965 320 105 95 57 1,765 8 167 298 1,537 162 724 464 54 1,294 4,346 3,543 1,017 1,875 2,173 5,591 348 1,123 2,052 55 1,294 4,331 3,474 1,014 1,870 2,156 6,578 347 1,119 1,533 719 2,016 54 - 15 69 3 5 8 13 1 4 4 5 36 57 - - _ _ _ . « _ 63 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 59 I - - - - 9 ~ 1 - 1 - - - - - 60 1,294 4,346 3,543 1,017 1,875 2,173 5,591 j 348 1,123 1,537 724 2,052 01 40 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — ISSO. PLACE OF BIRTH. NATIVE AND FOREIGN. COLOR AND RACE — Con. County of Behkshike — Contuiiiod. Classification. E«re- Great nan- Hins- Lancs- i moiit. Florida. Har- cock. dale. borougli. Lee. Lenox. 1 rington rUxve of Birth. 1 ^faspachllsctt8 520 332 2,678 815 1,126 902 2,756 1,355. 2 Maine, 2 4 7 - 3 - - 6 3 Ni'w Hampshire, 1 6 9 3 4 2 3 a 4 Vermont, . 2 19 44 16 8 4 24 10 6 Kllnile Isl.itul, . 1 1 26 - _ - 3 U 6 CoiiMtctiuut, 48 2 359 10 31 12 72 42 7 New York, 20 1 10 587 230 6S 77 267 isa 8 New .TeiHcy, 3 'i 14 2 3 . 8 16 11 9 lViinsvlv:mia, . 2 1 20 4 _ 3 9 » 10 Nfarylaiul, 1 _ 1 - _ 1 1 1 11 Vir<,'iMia, . 7 1 10 _ _ _ 8 lO' 12 Oliio — _ 10 2 1 5 3 3 13 Illinois, _ _ 6 _ 1 _ 3 3 14 Uiiltcil States, n.s., . - 3 35 6 13 6 22 &. 15 Canarla, % . 3 26 21 17 35 25 60 35 16 New Unmswick, _ _ _ - _ - - - 1" Xova Scoiia, _ _ 1 - - _ - - 18 Nenfoiiiiilland, _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ 19 I'ritice Ivlward Islaml, - - - - - 1 - 20 Uiilish America, «.»., - - - - - - - - 21 Eneland, . 1 2 74 3 23 44 40 33 22 Irelaml, 28 32 552 13 260 98 575 274 23 f^collaiul, . 2 6 15 - 1 4 11 7 24 \Valc-8, _ _ - 1 _ - _ 25 Gl. Britain, n.i , and Colonies, - - - - 1 - - - 26 Africa _ _ _ _ _ — _ _ 27 Asi;!, H.S., - _ - - - - - - 2S Atlantic Islands, - - 9 - - - - - 29 An^tria, . - - 5 - - 4 5 - SO Helicium, . - - - - - 46 - - 31 Oliina, _ _ _ - - - - - 3-2 (;nl)a and West Indies, _ _ _ 1 - - - 33 l^enmark, . - _ 1 - - - 3 34 France, _ _ 44 11 4 21) 16 24 35 G> 57 - - - - 19 _ _ _ _ _ _ i - 58 - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - 59 — - - - - - _ 1 - ' - - - 1 ■j.-'ij+ 60 635 205 203 1,876 10,191 7S5 1 403 13,364 i 1,124 1,107 7 1 ■"■ 61 42 CENSUS OP MASSACHUSETTS — ISSO. PLACE OF BIRTH. NATIVE AND FOREIGN. COLOR AND RACE— Con. County OF Bkekshire — Concluded. Co. OF Bristol. Classification. Stock- Tyring- Wash- West .Stock- Wilinms- Wind- Acush- Attle- bridge. ham. ington. bridge. town. sor. net. borough. Place of Birth. 1 Massachusetts, .... 1,411 .^8 348 1,172 1,842 544 1,009 6,055 2 Maine, . . . . . 1 1 5 1 6 1 7 139 3 New Hampshire, 1 _ 1 3 12 1 3 85 4 Vermont, 18 _ - 19 228 9 4 69 6 Rliode Island 6 1 1 - 8 1 33 1.664 » Connecticut 88 32 9 58 50 7 9 151 7 New York, .... 297 25 29 256 449 34 3 245 8 New Jersey, .... 11 9 - 4 7 1 1 45 9 Pennsylvania, .... 16 6 1 3 24 2 - 82 Maryland, .... 4 - - - 1 - - 8 1 Virginia 5 - - - 1 - - 37 12 Ohio, 7 1 1 12 - - 8 3 Illinois, - - - - 6 - - 3 L4 Unit(jd States, n.s 40 - 3 6 24 1 f> 74 5 Canada, 8 1 10 10 335 2 3 634 6 New Brunswick, - - - - - - 36 7 Nova Scotia, .... - - - - - 4 115 8 Newfoundland, - - - - - - - 1 9 Prince Edward Inland, . 1 - - - - - 1 28 !0 British America, j».s., - - - - - - - - il England 58 3 2 34 53 _ 9 411 '2 Ireland, 279 23 74 338 215 14 7 1,025 3 Scotland 16 - - 2 25 - 1 98 i4 Wal.M 4 - - - 74 - 6 lb Gt. Britain, n.s., and Colonies, - - 1 - - - - 1 6 Africa, - - - - 2 - - 1 7 Asia, n.s., .... - - - - - - - - 8 Atlantic Islands, - - - - - - 5 - 9 Austria, - - - - - - - 6 Belgium - - - - - - - - 1 China, ..... - - - - - - - 1 2 Cuba and West Indies, . 2 - - - - - - 2 3 Deimiark 5 - - - 1 - - 1 4 France, 16 _ 2 9 3 17 - 31 5 Germany, ..... 53 2 7 5 11 8 - 202 6 Greece, - - - - - _ - - 7 Italy, - - - - - 1 - 4 8 Japan, 1 - - - - - i - 9 Mexico - - - - - - - - U Netherlands - - - - - - - 1 1 Norway, - - - - 2 - - 3 2 Pacific Islands, _ - - - - - 3 - 3 Poland, - - - - - - - 24 4 Portugal, - - - - - - - - 5 Russia, - - - - - - - 3 6 Spain - - - - - - - 1 7 South and Central America, . 1 - - - - - - - 8 Sweden, . . . - - - - - - 1 13 9 Switzerland, .... 6 _ - 2 1 1 - 8 Turkey, 1 - - - 1 - - - 1 Other Foreign Countries, Totals 1 - - - 1 - - - 2 2,357 542 493 1,923 3,394 644 1,105 11,111 Native and Foreign Born. 3 Native 1,905 513 397 1,523 2,670 601 1,071 8,556 4 Foreign Totals 452 29 96 4U0 724 43 34 2,556 5 2,357 542 493 1,923 3,394 644 1,105 11,111 Color and Race, 6 White 2,295 541 480 1,895 3,298 640 1,097 10,972 7 Colored (African descent only). 60 1 13 28 ^ 96 4 8 138 8 Chinese, ..... 1 - - - - - - - 9 Japanese 1 - - - - - - - Indians Totals — — 493 ■ *- 644 ~ 1 1 2,357 1 542 1,923 3,394 1,105 11,111 PLACE OF BIRTH, ETC. COLOR AND RACE. 43 PLACE OF BIRTPL NATIVE AXD FOREIGX. COLOR AND RACE-Con. • County of Bristol - -Continued. 1 ciTr OF FALL KIVER. Berk- Dart- mouth Dighton Easton. Fair- . haven. 1 ley. 1 Totals. !ward 1 . Ward 8 . Ward 3 . Ward 4 . Ward 5 Ward 6 813 2,907 1,438 2,819 2,576 20,443 2,869 3,345 3,063 4,373 3,348 3,445 1 12 21 27 81 33 472 69 45 106 126 58 78 1 2 9 8 6 38 13 371 : 77 14 55 126 51 48 3 6 10 7 18 4 234 43 15 44 S3 18 31 4 40 150 99 24 53 2,224 520 262 435 359 284 364 5 5 8 9 6 13 276 20 45 51 69 58 33 6 3 28 13 21 19 796 118 117 121 22S 112 100 7 6 6 1 5 3 103 22 19 3 40 10 9 8 _ 4 3 3 2 130 8 24 27 37 25 9 9 _ _ 2 _ 20 _ 5 - 4 3 8 10 _ 3 1 _ 3 39 6 2 5 12 2 12 11 _ 3 1 4 _ 42 3 4 10 2 13 10 12 _ 2 _ 14 6 2 1 2 3 _ 13 1 13 4 16 23 222 38 23 46 55 32 .28 14 4 45 _ 38 8 6,738 1,313 682 663 2,832 164 1,084 15 - _ 2 5 _ 71 18 17 8 12 4 12 16 _ 9 10 17 8 190 36 31 43 35 21 30 17 _ _ 1 10 _ - 4 - - 6 18 1 _ 1 1 6 12 1 6 4 - - 1 19 - - - - - 1 - - 1 - - - 20 8 71 62 26 14 7,521 1,605 859 970 2,303 633 1,151 21 13 24 79 641 39 8,118 1,043 2,244 1,485 lj723 844 779 22 1 3 4 36 3 570 95 69 104 147 62 93 23 _ ._ _ 1 _ 50 1 26 10 3 5 5 24 - - - - 9 1 1 - - - - - 25 _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ 1 _ _ 26 _ _' ^ _ _ - _ _ _ _ ■- - 27 _ 104 _ _ 36 7 . 2 _ _ 5 _ 28 _ _ _ _ _ 9 1 1 2 - 2 3 29 - - - - - 2 - 1 _ 1 - 30 — _ ^ _ 3 — . — ~ — — — 31 _ 1 18 _ 1 11 _ 1 _ 9 - 1 32 1 _ 10 2 1 2 4 1 - 83 1 1 _ 1 _ 14 3 1 2 6 2 - 34 - 3 5 2 60 28 9 8 8 3 4 35 _ _ _ _ _ — — — — — — — 36 - 1 - - - 12 - N. — 12 - - - 37 - - - - - - - - - - - - 38 _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ _ — _ — — 39 _ _ _ _ _ 5 _ _ 2 3 _ _ 40 _ _ J. _ _ 8 1 _ 1 5 1 - 41 1 1 _ _ _ 6 5 1 - - - - 42 _ _ „ _ _ 4 _ _ 4 - - - 43 _ _ _ _ _ 97 32 41 2 _ - 22 44 _ ^ _ ^ ^ 3 _ 2 1 _ - - 4.% - - - - - 10 - 3 - 7 - - 46 _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ — — — — — 47 3 6 1 95 3 15 2 7 - 3 1 2 48 - - _ - ; - 2 2 - - - - - 49 _ _ _ 1 „ _ _ — - _ — — 50 - - - - - 11 2 - 3 2 12,619 4 - 51 927 3,430 1,791 3,902 2,875 48,961 7,980 7,925 7,299 5,770 7,368 52 895 3,163 1,611 3,035 2,742 25.386 3,789 3,922 3,967 5,516 4,017 4,175 53 32 267 180 867 133 23,575 4,191 4,003 3,332 7,103 12,619 1,753 1 5,770 3,193 7,368 54 927 3,430 1,791 3,902 2,875 48,961 7,980 ! 7,925 7,299 55 927 3,405 1,782 3,890 2,855 48,801 i 7,954 7,925 7,292 12,571 5,760 7,299 56 ^ 25 9 12 17 144 ! 26 — 7 32 10 69 57 - _ - - - - - 68 _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ . — — — 59 - - - - 3 2,875 16 - - - 16 - - 60 927 3,430 1,791 3,902 1 48,961 7,980 i 7,925 7,299 12,619 1 5,770 1 7,308 61 u CENSUS or MASSACHUSETTS — 1S80. PLACE OF BIRTH. NATIVE AND FOREIGN. COLOR AND RACE-Con. Classificatioji. Cod NTY OF Bristol — Continued. Free- Mans- CITY OF NKW BEDFORD. town. field. Totals. Ward Ward Ward Ward AVard Ward J. 2." 3. 4. 5. «. Place of Birth. 1 Massachusetts 1,184 2,110 17,957 2,883 3,210 3,106 2,500 3,227 3,031 2 Maine 5 75 273 37 44 55 32 43 62 3 New liarapshire, 9 48 185 33 14 28 42 45 23 4 Vermont, 4 16 120 32 16 25 14 13 20 5 ! Khode Inland, .... 34 86 976 203 129 163 132 165 179 6 Connecticut 6 25 153 9 12 36 27 19 60 7 New Tork, . . . . 10 47 399 62 63 65 87 77 45 8 'New Jcrsej-, . . . . 1 11 63 12 4 13 11 12 11 9 I'enn^ylvania, . . . . 1 5 99 16 15 17 15 23 13 10 Maryland 1 2 145 5 12 67 31 15 15 11 Virginia, 2 3 286 - 38 121 75 37 16 12 Ohio 1 1 17 3 1 5 6 2 13 Illinois _ 6 7 _ _ 2 1 2 2 14 United States, n.s 7 13 242 22 21 53 35 53 58 15 Canada 7 14 - 1,043 816 34 24 21 33 115 16 New Hrunpwick, - 11 39 5 3 6 14 4 7 17 Nova Scotia, .... 1 81 81 26 7 14 15 11 8 18 Newfoundland, _ _ 16 1 _ 1 1 2 11 19 Prince Edward Island, . _ _ 49 9 17 3 13 5 2 20 British America, «.», - - 1 1 21 Enelaml 31 60 - 1.124 574 144 34 54 57 261 2-2 Ireland 12 136 ^ 2,196 702 347 159 277 388 323 23 Scotland, 8 15 276 131 16 12 24 21 72 24 Wales _ _ 15 11 1 ^ _ 3 25 Gt. Britain, n.s., and Colonies, - - 1 - 1 - - - 26 Africa _ _ 1 _ _ 1 27 Asia, W.S., .... _ _ 2 _ _ _ _ 2 _ 28 Atlantic Islands, 2 _ 635 28 8 80 24 181 364 29 Austria, _ _ 10 6 _ _ 1 1 3 30 Belgium _ - _ _ _ 31 China _ - 6 _ 2 _ 2 2 _ 32 Cuba and West Indies, . 2 _ 68 1 _ 1 2 7 57 33 Denmark — _ 16 5 7 _ 2 2 34 France, _ _ 17 1 3 2 1 3 7 35 Germany - - J 44 29 11 16 41 20 27 36 Greece, " - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 37 Italy _ _ 11 _ 2 2 _ 5 2 38 Japan, - - 1 - 1 - _ - 39 Mexico - - - - _ - _ - _ 40 Netherlands, .... — _ 4 _ 2 _ 1 1 _ 41 - - 4 _ 4 _ _ _ .. 42 Pacific Islands, _ _ 15 _ 2 6 _ 5 2 43 Poland _ _ 1 1 _ 44 Portugal • . _ _ 61 1 13 _ 1 41 5 45 Russia _ _ 2 _ 2 46 Spain _ _ 8 -. _ 1 3 3 1 47 South and Central America, . — _ 11 _ _ 2 2 4 3 48 Sweden, _ _ 56 9 11 3 10 19 4 49 Switzerland „ _ 3 _ « _ 3 50 Turkey, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 51 Other Foreign Countries, Totals 1 - 6 1 1 - 2 1 1 52 1.32U 2,765 26,845 5,673 4,216 4,077 3,520 4,554 4,805 Kative and Foreign Born, 63 Native, 1,265 2,448 20,922 3,317 3,579 3,761 3,008 3,733 3,524 54 Foreign, 64 317 5,923 2,356 637 316 512 821 1,281 55 Totals Color and Race. 1,329 2,765 26,845 5,673 i 4,216 4,077 3,520 4,554 4,805 56 Vrhite 1,314 2,760 25,290 5,652 ! 4,051 3,521 3,126 4,288 4,652 57 Colored (African descent only) 15 5 1,541 21 164 550 393 266 147 58 Cliinese, - _ 1 _ - - 1 - _ 59 Japanese, - - - - - - - - - 60 Indians Totals - - 13 - 1 6 - _ 6 61 1,329 2,765 26,845 5,673 4,216 4,077 3,520 4,654 4,805 PLACE OP BIRTH, ETC. COLOR A:N"D RACE. 45 PLACE OF BIRTH. NATIVE AND FOREIGN. COLOR AND RACE— Con. CooNTY OF Bristol — Continued. ~ Rayn- liam. Reho- both. See- konk. Somer- set. Swan- sea. CITY OF TAUNTON. Norton. Totals. Ward 1. Ward 2. Ward 3. Ward 4. 1,268 31 1,480 11 1,392 18 768 20 1,511 24 952 15 14,2.39 316 2,693 63 1,072 44 1,913 37 1,358 36 1 o 27 11 10 5 3 3 185 35 22 21 15 3 11 5 13 9 3 8 124 15 12 28 19 4 149 30 287 274 86 194 5«9 151 49 84 40 5 10 3 19 21 5 6 158 37 25 33 17 6 17 7 23 17 18 18 252 68 31 35 21 i 1 1 _ 20 3 51 20 - 10 4 8 6 2 2 — 1 1 60 14 5 9 4 9 1 _ _ _ 9 1 12 1 2 1 4 10 1 1 8 1 2 2 10 _ 1 4 4 11 1 » 1 _ 1 2 3 7 1 _ 1 1 12 1 1 6 _ — 3 11 5 _ - 3 13 5 2 6 10 14 11 70 12 9 8 7 14 32 14 8 10 14 4 675 38 3 62 17 15 6 3 2 5 5 _ 81 7 11 11 10 16 17 3 1 5 7 10 144 10 6 15 14 17 - _ _ 3 2 _ 13 1 _ 7 2 18 • 5 3 - - - 3 136 17 1 12 7 19 20 27 13 24 n 39 54 768 149 46 137 40 21 li'7 68 40 33 221 44 2,951 462 205 696 160 22 2 3 _ 5 3 11 166 24 4 16 8 23 - _ _ _ - 1 4 - _ - _ ■2i - - - - - - - - - - 25 - : - - - ~ :o 10 - - - 26 27 - *~ - 3 — - ♦ 't 3 — 1 ~ 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 - 1 13 1 - _ 38 1 7 - - » - 37 1 2 I _ 1 I I 1 _ 2 4 - 15 - - 2 60 6 - 16 4 35 36 37 38 39 40 - - - 1 - 4 - - 4 - - - - - - - 1 1 1 - - - 1 _ I _ I I I z „ _ 41 - - - - - - 2 - 1 - 1 42 43 44 _ 14 z 3 5 6 6 z _ 4 - - 1 - _ 2 2 _ - - 45 - * — - - _ _ 1 1 _ - - 46 1 _ _ _ _ _ « . _ - 47 _ 2 3 22 10 _ 4 _ 1 1 - 48 - - _ - _ _ 6 _ _ 3 - 49 - - _• - _ _ 1 — _ - 1 50 - - - - - - 3 1 - - _ 51 1,732 1,681 1,891 1,227 2,006 1,355 21,213 3,847 1,551 3,165 1,840 52 1.529 203 1,555 126 1,784 107 1,126 101 1,698 308 1,220 135 16,084 5,129 3,115 732 1,272 279 2,184 981 1,533 3U7 53 54 1,732 1,681 1,891 1,227 2,006 1,355 21,213 3,847 1,551 3,165 1,840 55 1,726 6 1,648 33 1,868 23 1,187 40 1,992 14 1,337 18 21,102 lOS 3,840 7 1,544 7 3,138 27 1,826 14 56 57 58 - : - - ~* : 3 - - - - 69 60 1,732 1,681 1,891 1,227 2,006 1,355 21,213 3,847 1,551 3,165 1,8411 61 46 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. PLACE OF BIRTH. NATIVE AND FOREIGN. COLOR AND RACE — Con. Classification. County of Bristol - -Concluded. CoL'NTY OF Dukes. TAUNTON- ■concluded. Wesf- Chil- Cottage City. Edpar- town. Ward 5. Ward 6. Ward 7. Ward 8. port. mark. Place of Birth. 1 Massacluisetts 1,254 1,745 1,568 2,636 2,31& 470 512 1,164 2 Miiiiie 8 20 37 71 18 1 31 24 3 New Hampshire, 8 14 13 57 12 2 4 4 4 Vermont, 3 6 11 30 3 3 5 3 6 Rhoilc Island, .... 16 32 105 112 247 3 25 8 6 Connecticut, .... 4 3 6 33 6 2 11 9 7 New York, .... 11 27 18 41 13 3 14 13 8 New .Jersey, .... 5 9 1 2 7 _ 2 1 9 Peniisj'lvania, .... 2 6 5 15 2 1 2 _ 10 Maryland 1 2 _ 1 _ _ 4 4 11 Virginia, - - - 1 2 1 1 2 12 Oliio _ _ 2 2 1 2 1 _ 13 Illinois, ..... 1 - 1 1 1 _ _ 1 14 United States, n.s 4 21 2 7 7 2 11 7 15 Canada, 5 2 144 404 156 _ 4 2 16 New Brunswick, _ 6 11 25 _ _ _ 17 Nova Scotia, .... 9 13 68 1 _ 1 1 18 Newfoundland, . . , - 1 2 _ . _ _ .. 19 Prince Edward Island, . 2 1 5 . 91 5 _ _ * _ 20 Ijritish America, n.s , - - - - - - - 21 Entfland, 18 13 69 296 32 1 9 10 22 Ireland, 226 330 122 750 27 _ 8 •4 23 Scotland, 1 12 17 84 2 _ _ 2 24 Wales - - 4 1 - - _ 25 Gt. Britain, n.s., and Colonies, - - - - - - - - 26 Africa . _ _ _ _ „ 1 _ 27 Asia, n.s., .... - - _ _ _ - _ _ 28 Atlanticlslands, 23 « 2 12 6 _ - 11 29 Austria - - - _ - - - 30 Belgium - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 31 China - - _ _ _ _ - _ 32 Cuba and West Indies, . - 1 _ - 20 _ - 1 33 Penmark, .... - 1 _ _ _ _ - - 34 France - 3 1 - 1 _ 1 - 35 Germany - 7 2 25 3 - 2 - 36 Greece - - - - _ - - - 37 Iialy - - - - - - - - 38 .Tapan - - - - - - - - 39 - •- - - _ - - - 40 Netherlands, .... - 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ 41 Norway, _ - _ - _ - _ _ 42 Pacific Islands, - - _ - 1 - - - 43 Poland, _ _ _ _ _ 22 _ 44 Portugal - 1 - 1 _ 3 - 32 45 Russia - - - - _ - - - 46 Spain - - _ - 5 - - - 47 South and Central America, . - - - - _ - 1 - 48 Sweden _ 2 _ _ _ - - - 49 Switzerland 2 - _ 1 _ - - - 50 Turkey, - - - - _ - - - 51 Other Foreign Countries, Totals - - - 2 - - - - 62 1,603 2,278 2,157 4,772 2,894 494 672 1,303 Native and Foreiyn Born. 53 Native, 1,317 1,885 1,769 3,009 2,635 490 623 1,240 54 Foreign Totals 2S6 393 388 1,763 259 4 49 63 55 1,603 2,278 2,157 4,772 2,894 494 672 1,303 Color and Race. 56 White, 1,603 2,228 2,154 4,769 2,875 488 578 1,240 .17 t olored(Africandescentonly), _ 47 3 3 19 3 94 63 58 Chinese - - - - - - - - 59 Japanese, - - - - - - - - 60 Indians Totals - 3 - - - 3 - - 61 1,603 2,278 2,157 4,772 2,894 494 672 1,303 PLACE OF BIRTH, ETC. COLOR AND RACE. 47 PLACE OF BIRTH. NATIVE AND FOREIGN. COLOR AND RACE — Con. Count? of 1>lkes — Con. CoDNir OF Ess EX. Gay Gos- Tis- Ames- An- George- Head. nold. bury. bury. Uover. Beverly. Boxford. Bradford Danvers. Essex. town. 155 117 1,348 1,937 3,127 6,571 679 1,612 4,433 1,498 1,721 1 - - 51 214 207 332 27 194 335 16 76 2 _ _ 4 283 271 224 35 347 350 18 193 3 1 _ 3 36 77 44 4 45 59 5 17 4 1 2 3 20 14 9 3 5 13 - 4 5 - 4 13 14 49 17 1 12 32 1 8 6 1 5 8 35 110 48 7 30 45 3 10 7 - 1 2 3 26 9 3 9 2 _ _ 8 - 1 4 3 36 9 _ 8 12 _ 1 9 - 1 3 _ _ 3 4 3 8 _ 2 10 - - - 2 13 4 - 11 4 2 S 11 _ _ 2 3 20 4 _ 4 3 _ _ 12 _ _ 1 2 7 6 _ 7 5 _ _ 13 - i 11 22 54 31 4 14 29 6 13 14 1 1 4 23 37 21 2 14 103 10 21 15 - - 1 18 19 38 2 18 29 8 _ 16 _ _ _ 41 51 335 13 33 206 49 19 17 _ _ _ 1 1 29 _ o 3 _ 1 18 : 1 - - 4 12 - - 11 - 2 19 20 1 29 142 184 68 5 26 82 11 9 21 - 4 11 511 542 550 30 212 725 39 119 22 _ 3 6 35 271 28 2 22 46 _ 2 23 — - - - 1 1 2 - 4 - - - 24 25 1 1 26 _ _ - - 4 2 _ _ - _ _ 27 - - - - - - - - 17 - - 28 29 30 31 32 - 1 - - 1 7 2 - - - - - - _ _ _ _ 2 __ I 3 I _ _ _ 3 _ _ 3 _ 1 1 _ _ 33 _ - 1 1 8 5 1 1 2 _ 1 34 - - 1 7 10 13 - 4 27 2 7 35 36 37 38 - - - - - 2 - - 1 - - t - - — — 1 1 — — - - ~ 39 40 41 42 I 2 _ I 1 1 I 1 I _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ 1 43 - 3 7 - - 9 - - - - - 44 45 46 _ _ _ _ I 2 I z 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ 47 _ _ 1 _ 5 16 _ 2 8 _ 1 48 _ _ _ _ 2 2 _ _ 2 _ - 49 _ _ _ _ 2 _ _ 1 _ _ - 60 - - 1 2 3 3 1 .') - 2 1 51 161 152 1,518 3,355 5,169 8,456 824 2,643 6,598 1,670 2,231 62 158 135 1,453 2,574 4,011 7,311 767 2,301 5,330 1,549 2,047 53 3 17 65 781 1,158 1,145 57 342 1,268 121 184 54 161 152 1,518 3,355 5,169 8,456 824 2,643 6,598 1,670 2,231 55 12 146 1,490 3,351 5,127 8,431 822 2,630 6,582 1,658 2,224 56 81 6 28 4 27 25 2 13 16 12 7 57 - - - 7 - - - 58 69 60 68 - - - 8 - - - - - - 161 152 1,518 3,355 5,169 8,456 824 2,643 6,598 1,670 2,231 61 48 CEN-SUS OF MASSACHUSETTS ^ ISSO. PLACE OF BIRTH. NATIVE AND F0REIf4N. COLOR AND RACE-Con. , Cou STY OF Essex — Continued. Classification. CITT OI GLOUCESTER. AVard 1 Ward 1 Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Totals. 1. ' a. 1 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. j s Place of Birth. 1 Maspacliusetts, .... 12,550 1,735 2,092 1,695 1,457 2,005 1,451 1,156 968 2 Maine, 1,041 183 149 151 143 161 74 142 38 8 New Hampshire, 197 6 10 23 35 27 30 44 22 4 Vermont 34 3 - 2 9 7 3 6 4 5 Rhode Island 12 _ 1 3 6 _ _ 2 1 6 Connecticut 22 2 2 5 3 5 1 3 1 7 New York, .... 84 8 5 17 22 15 8 5 4 8 New Jersey, .... 14 1 - 1 1 6 _ 4 2 9 Pennsylvania, .... 19 1 1 2 1 3 7 4 _ 10 Maryland, .... 4 1 _ 1 _ _ _ 2 ^ :i Viricinia 14 1 2 2 _ 2 2 5 _ 12 Ohio 4 - _ _ 2 _ - _ 2 13 Illinois, 5 2 1 _ 2 - _ _ _ 14 United States, n.s., . 45 1 6 14 6 3 8 1 7 16 Canada 104 3 6 4 17 5 4 60 6 16 New Brunswick, 110 24 14 20 6 16 21 3 6 17 Nova Scotia 2,383 291 413 560 539 365 122 39 54 18 Newfoundland, 368 10 39 101 121 67 22 5 3 19 Prince Edward Island, . 195 11 10 82 68 5 14 _ 5 20 - - - - - . - - 21 England 2fi0 26 34 23 43 16 19 86 13 22 Ireland 802 74 113 143 184 174 29 127 18 23 Scotland 144 21 11 20 13 11 17 42 9 24 Wales 4 _ 1 1 _ _ 1 1 25 Gt. Britain, n.s., and Colonies, - - - - - - - - - 26 Africa _ «. _ _ _ _ _ _ — 27 Asia, n.«., - - - _ _ - - _ _ 28 Atlantic Islands, 809 _ 277 12 6 10 2 _ 2 29 Austria 2 2 _ _ _ •" _ _ 30 Belsium 1 - 1 - _ _ _ _ _ 31 China 1 - 1 - _ - _ _ _ 32 Cuba and West Indies, . o 1 1 _ _ _ _ ^ _ 33 Denmark 35 8 4 10 6 5 3 _ 34 France 19 1 2 4 6 4 1 _ 1 35 Germany 56 7 6 22 10 6 3 1 1 36 Greece, 1 - _ 1 _ _ _ _ 37 Italy, 18 - 8 - 9 - - 1 _ 38 Japan - - - - - - - - - 39 Mexico, - - - - - - - - _ 40 15 7 2 4 _ 1 1 _ _ 41 Norway, ..... 90 17 18 32 15 4 4 _ _ 42 3 1 - 2 - - - _ _ 43 Poland, 1 - _ 1 - - - _ _ 44 Portugal, 5 1 o 1 1 _ _ _ _ 45 Russia, 13 1 1 3 3 3 _ 2 _ 46 Spain, 9 _ 2 6 - 1 - _ _ 47 South and Central America, . 3 _ 1 2 - - - - _ 48 Sweden 252 101 29 39 51 28 3 _ 1 49 Switzerland, .... 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ 50 Turkey, _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ 51 Other Foreign Countries, Totals, .... 9 - - 4 4 1 - - - 52 19,329 2,551 3,264 3,013 2,787 2,955 . 1,850 1,742 1,167 Native and Foreign Born. 53 Native, 14,054 1,944 2,268 1,916 1,686 2,233 1,584 1,.374 1,049 54 Foreign Totals 5,275 607 996 1,097 1,101 722 266 368 118 65 19,329 2,551 3,264 3,013 2,787 2,955 1,850 1,742 1,167 Color and Race. 56 White 19,309 2,549 3,260 3,013 2,787 2,954 1,848 1,739 1,159 57 Colored (African descent only) 20 2 4 - - 1 2 3 8 58 Chinese, _ - - - - - - - _ 59 Japanese, - - - - - _ - - _ 60 Indians, Totals, .... - - - - - - - - - 61 19,329 2,551 3,264 3,013 2,787 2,955 1,850 : 1,742 1,167 PLACE OF BIRTH, ETC. COLOR AXD RACE. 49 PLACE OF BIRTH. NATIVE AND FOREIGX. COLOR AND RACE — Con. County of Essex — Continued. CITT OF HAVERHILL. Grove- TTam- Iftud. ilton< Ipswich. Totals. ■Ward 1. Ward 2. Wards. Ward 4. Ward 5. Ward 6. 1,547 727 9,708 1,385 1,256 1,631 1,556 2,002 1,878 2,793 1 60 56 1,417 233 213 209 152 364 246 316 2 171 60 3,453 653 400 573 354 831 642 87 3 27 5 250 52 28 38 j 22 50 60 29 4 3 _ 42 9 8 7 5 2 11 1 5 3 1 43 9 13 8 • 5 1 7 2 6 14 5 200 17 29 28 26 51 49 18 7 _ 1 3 1 1 _ _ _ 1 1 8 3 _ 31 8 3 6 5 5 4 1 9 _ _ 20 _ 9 6 2 _ 3 _ 10 - - 90 5 23 24 2 16 20 1 11 2 - 14 1 6 2 1 4 — 1 12 2 _ 18 2 1 1 6 7 1 _ 13 14 1 75 9 14 11 6 23 13 7 14 11 1 1,121 92 64 345 116 360 144 54 15 _ 5 54 ■ 19 14 - 12 _ 9 - 16 2 38 271 46 20 47 33 90 35 16 17 _ _ 4 _ 1 2 _ _ 1 2 18 _ _ 16 2 3 3 2 6 _ 1 19 - - 1 - - - - 1 - - 20 153 19 250 20 32 61 61 55 31 129 21 178 17 1,235 59 95 370 153 208 350 219 22 34 6 56 6 6 16 5 18 5 11 23 _ 2 3 _ . 2 _ 1 _ _ 24 — ~ — — ~- - ~ ~* ~ 25 26 27 28 29 - - 2 - - 1 1 - - - - ~ 3 3 - - - - - - 30 31 _ - 5 „ _ 2 _ 2 1 _ 32 _ 1 6 3 _ _ 2 1 - - 33 _ 9 2 1 3 3 - - 1 34 3 - 48 2 12 10 3 16 5 6 35 36 37 38 39 - - 11 - - 2 1 8 - 1 - - 1 *" 1 - - ^ : - 40 41 42 _ - _ _ _ _ — _ _ _ 43 _ _ 1 ^ -, 1 _ _ _ _ 44 - - - - - - - - - - 45 46 47 _ _ 1 I _ _ _ I 1 _ 1 - 3 1 - 1 1 - - 1 48 49 - "* 7 o 2 ' ~ ~~ 2 1 1 50 51 2,227 935 1S,472 2,641 2,255 3,4uO 2,534 4,124 3,518 1 3,699 52 1,845 846 15,364 2,384 1 2,004 1 2,544 2,141 3,356 2,935 3,257 53 382 j 89 3,108 257 251 856 1 1 393 ' 768 583 442 1 54, 2,227 935 18,472 2,641 2,255 3,400 2,534 4,124 3,518 3,699 j 55 2,227 927 18,302 2,632 2,214 3,351 2,532 4,087 3,486 3,674 56 - 8 M67 6 41 49 2 37 32 25 57 _ _ 3 3 _ _ _ _ _ - 58 - - - - ' - - - - - 69 - - - - - - , - - - — [ 60 2,227 935 18,472 2,641 1 1 2,255 I 3,400 ; 1 2,534 4,124 3,518 1 3,609 : 61 50 CE:isrsus of Massachusetts — isso. PLACE OF BIRTH. NATIVE AND FOREIGN. COLOR AND RACE. County of Essex— Continued. CITY OP LAWRENCE. Classification. X^ MJ *^ -^ O A JL *X^ ^i A. A v/ A.1 • Totals. Ward 1. Ward S. Ward 3. Ward 4. Ward 5. Ward 0. Place 0/ Birth. 1 Massacliusetts, . . . . 15,366 2,619 2,371 3,326 2,401 2,620 2,029 2 Maine, 2,526 564 417 279 598 440 228 3 New Hampsliire, 2,236 .399 351 312 483 454 237 4 Vermont, 662 107 103 72 130 104 46 5 Rhode Island, . . . . 187 35 36 21 30 44 21 6 Connecticut 112 30 21 12 29 12 8 7 New Tork 455 76 82 72 93 90 42 8 New Jersey 62 10 16 4 16 11 5 9 Pennsylvania 71 16 18 12 8 8 9 10 Maryland 19 _ 2 11 - 6 1 11 Virginia 82 2 5 19 31 25 - 12 Ohio 34 9 9 5 6 4 1 13 Illinois, 33 6 9 1 4 9 4 14 United States, n.s 140 16 23 33 31 29 8 15 Canada, 3,067 309 116 829 1,369 243 201 16 New Brunswicli, 153 47 39 19 15 26 7 17 Nova Scotia 207 27 27 46 50 54 3 18 Newfoundland, 22 1 1 5 2 5 8 19 Prince Edward Island, . 49 27 3 6 1 12 - 20 British America, n.s.. 1 - 1 - - - 21 England 3,579 539 339 414 564 1,438 285 22 Ireland, 7,951 1,046 1,647 2,538 1,190 623 907 23 Scotland, 909 190 151 90 118 263 97 24 AVales 27 9 4 3 1 8 2 25 Gt. Britain, ?i.s., and Colonies, •7 - - - - 1 1 26 Africa, _ _ _ _ _ - - 27 Asia, ?!.« _ _ - _ - - - 28 Atlantic Islands, 2 1 _ _ 1 - - 29 Austria 25 18 6 _ 1 1 2 30 Belgium _ _ _ _ - - - 31 China, 5 _ 4 _ 1 - - 32 Cuba and West Indies, . 5 1 3 - - 1 - 33 Denmark, 1 1 _ _ _ _ _ 34 France, 34 2 _ 1 14 6 11 35 Germany, 1,117 700 258 16 20 24 99 36 Greece 1 - 1 - - - - 37 Italy 1 - - 1 - - - 38 Japan - - - - - - - 39 Mexico, _ _ - , _ - - - 40 Netherlands 3 1 1 _ _ 1 - 41 3 » _ 1 2 - - 42 Pacitic Islands, 18 -. - 18 - - - 43 4 4 - _ - - - 44 Portugal 37 _ 19 10 _ 1 7 45 Russia 3 _ 2 _ 1 _ - 46 Spain, 5 3 _ 2 _ _ - 47 South and Central America, . 2 _ 1 _ - 1 - 48 Sweden 24 4 - 2 3 15 - 49 Switzerland 1 1 _ _ _ - 50 Turkey, _ _ _ _ _ - - 51 Other Foreign Countries, Totals, .... 8 1 - 4 1 1 1 52 39,151 6,818 6,086 8,184 7,214 6,579 4,270 Native and Foreign Born. 53 Native, 21.SS5 3,889 3,463 4,179 3,860 3,855 2,639 54 Foreign Totals 17,266 2,929 2,623 4,005 3,354 2,724 1,631 65 39,151 6,818 6,086 8,184 7,214 6,579 4,270 CoTor and Race. 56 White 38,996 6,816 6,068 8,152 7,171 6,523 4,266 57 Colored( African descentonly). 150 2 14 32 42 56 4 58 Chinese, 5 - 4 - i - - 59 Japanese - - - - - - - 60 Indians Totals, .... - - - - - - - 61 39,151 6,818 6,086 8,184 7,214 6,579 4,270 PLACE or BIRTH, ETC. COLOR A2U) RACE. 51 PLACE OF BIRTH. NATIVE AND FOREIGN. COLOR AND RACE — Con. County of Essex — I'ontinuec 1. CITr OF LYSN. Lynn- field. Man- Marble- head. Merri- mac. Totals. Ward 1. , Ward 3. Ward 3. Ward 4. Ward 5. Ward 6. Ward 1 7. chester. llethuen 23,S03 548 1,413 5,193 4,991 5,763 5,147 748 528 1,292 6,522 1,571 2,179 1 3,5.i9 110 193 658 1,120 879 631 68 41 24 78 98 233 2 2,335 49 131 438 753 679 329 56 39 40 64 282 623 3 294 10 13 47 92 61 65 6 4 3 13 12 89 4 105 - 5 19 21 30 29 1 1 _ 6 _ 6 5 163 2 12 29 30 57 30 3 7 - 10 5 14 6 - 435 11 25 63 117 104 111 4 5 11 18 10 46 7 68 - 1 20 10 19 18 _ _ 4 5 2 6 8 102 3 6 13 30 22 24 4 2 6 3 _ 7 9 42 - - 16 6 10 9 1 _ 3 1 _ 2 10 63 - 2 23 12 7 16 3 1 1 . _ 3 11 32 1 _ 5 3 13 8 2 _ _ _ 4 5 12 35 1 1 6 7 14 5 1 _ _ 3 _ 3 13 198 6 4 45 57 44 41 1 3 13 5 5 11 14 396 4 25 93 131 84 46 13 _ 6 10 23 397 15 388 - 11 37 161 117 56 6 2 5 17 13 39 16 1,568 12 111 366 402 341 274 62 29 44 240 27 43 17 30 - 4 8 7 3 4 4 1 1 1 4 18 41 - - 8 9 16 8 - 1 2 3 15 - 19 - — - - - - - - - - - - - 20 452 7 27 105 no 103 85 15 3 24 39 54 220 21 3,787 19 53 520 1,073 905 1,059 158 12 121 398 103 334 22 121 1 2 19 40 31 22 6 _ 10 10 4 ■ 81 23 11 - 1 5 3 2 _ _ . _ _ 24 25 - _ - 19 3 3 - - - - - - 25 4 - - 1 _ 1 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ 26 — — — — ~ — — _ — — _ — . 27 4 - 2 2 _ - _ _ _ 3 _ _ 28 2 - - _ _ 2 - _ _ _ _ _ 29 3 , - - 3 - - - - - - - - - 30 — — — — — _ — — _ _ _ _ _ 31 4 - - - 3 _ 1 - _ _ _ _ _ 32 4 - 1 - 1 _ 2 - _ 1 _ _ _ 33 26 2 4 4 7 2 6 1 .„ 4 6 _ 1 34 81 - - 34 16 21 10 - 1 8 2 1 48 35 — — — — . _ _ — _ _ _ _ _ 36 10 - 3 - - 6 1 - - - 1 - - 37 — — — ~ _ _ _ — . 1 _ _ _ 38 1 - - _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ 39 7 - - 3 4 _ - _ 3 _ 1 _ _ 40 4 - - 3 1 _ - - _ - 4 _ 2 41 4 - - 1 1 1 1 _ _ _ 2 _ ~ 42 6 - - - 4 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ 43 5 - - - 5 _ _ _ _ 12 _ _ _ 44 5 - - - - 5 _ _ _ - « _ _ 45 1 - - - 1 . _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ 46 1 - - 1 _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ 47 43 - - 6 13 6 18 _ 2 3 _ 4 _ 48 1 - - - 1 - - - - - - - - 49 — — — - — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 50 5 - - 3i 1 1 - - 1 - 1 7,467 4,392 51 38,274 786 2,048 7,797 9,264 9,252 7,964 1,163 686 1,640 62 31,234 741 1,806 6,575 7,249 7,602 6,363 898 631 , 1,397 6,728 1,989 3,227 53 7,040 45 242 1,222 2,015 1,650 1,601 265 55 243 739 248 1,165 54 38,274 786 2,048 7,797 9,264 9,252 7,964 1,163 686 1,640 7,467 2,237 4,392 1 55 37,710 786 2,036 7,549 9,175 9,229 7,781 1,154 675 1,633 7,450 2,237 4,390 56 564 - 12 248 89 23 183 9 11 7 17 - 2 57 - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - 58 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 59 — — - - - - - - _ 1 - - - - 60 38,274 786 2,048 7,797 9,264 9,252 7,964 1,163 686 j 1,640 7,467 2,237 4,392 61 52 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. PLACE OF BIRTH. NATIVE AND FOREIGN. COLOR AND RACE — Con. Classification. Con.NTy OF Essex — Continued. Middle- ton. Nahant New- bury. CITr OF NEWBURTPORT. Totals. Ward 1. Ward a. Ward 3. Ward 4. Place of Birth. 1 Massacliusetts, .... 764 470 1,298 9,467 1,835 1,468 1,582 1,5.59 2 Maine, 59 57 55 600 76 20 125 125 3 New Hampshire, 48 20 72 702 67 78 134 137 4 Vermont 9 3 10 69 9 5 15 18 5 Rhode I.sland - - 1 33 2 2 10 3 6 Connecticut, .... 3 4 - 31 6 - 2 6 7 New York 7 20 3 102 30 20 IS 12 8 New Jersey _ - _ 8 _ 2 4 _ 9 Pennsylvania, . . . . - 2 2 29 6 2 8 10 10 Maryland, . . . . 1 1 1 9 2 3 _ _ 11 Virginia — _ _ 7 — _ « 6 12 Ohio _ 3 1 6 _ 4 _ _ 13 Illinois, _ _ 6 _ 2 1 2 14 United States, n.« 2 4 5 61 5 5 16 17 15 Canada, 34 2 5 179 67 88 1 _ 16 New Brnnswick, 1 h 4 24 3 4 _ _ 17 Nova Scotia, .... 37 13 9 193 24 24 _ _ 18 Newfoundhind, _ _ 47 28 _ _ 19 Prince Edward Island, _ 1 1 60 2 3 _ _ 20 British America, n. s., - - 95 - - 95 - 21 England 9 16 18 o05 35 36 36 91 22 Ireland, 22 164 71 1,381 71 290 229 245 23 Scotland, 2 12 5 68 6 5 7 7 24 Wahs _ _ _ _ - _ 25 Gt. Britain, n. «., and Colonies, - - - - - - - - 26 Africa _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ 27 Asia, n. s. - _ _ _ - - _ _ 28 Atlantic Islands, _ 1 _ _ _ - _ _ 29 Austria, . • . . . _ _ - 1 _ 1 _ . 30 Belginm, _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ 31 China - 1 _ 2 _ - 2 _ 32 Cuba and West Indies, . _ _ 1 9 3 4 _ 1 33 Denmark _ _ » 1 _ - 1 _ 34 France, _ — _ 11 o - 4 3 35 Germany, 2 1 2 26 _ 5 13 6 36 Greece, _ 1 - _ _ - _ _ 37 Italy - - _ 2 _ - 2 _ 38 Japan - - - - _ - _ _ 39 Mexico, — _ _ _ _ - _ _ 40 Netherlands _ _ _ 4 3 - 1 _ 41 Norway, _ 1 \— « _ - _ _ 42 Pacific Islands, _ 1 1 _ _ - _ _ 43 Poland _ — _ _ _ - _ _ 44 Portugal, _ _ _ 1 _ 1 _ _ 45 Kussia, _ _ __ 2 _ - _ _ 46 Spain, _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ 47 South and Central America, . _ _ _ 1 _ - _ _ 48 Sweden, _ 3 1 3 1 1 _ _ 49 Switzerland _ 1 _ _ _ - _ _ 50 Turkey, _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ 51 Other Foreign Countries, Totals, . ... - - - 3 - 1 - - 52 1,000 808 1,566 13,638 2,255 2,102 2,306 2,248 Native and Foreign Born. 53 Native, 893 584 1,448 11,130 2,038 1,611 1,915 1,895 54 Foreign Totals * 107 224 118 2.408 217 491 391 353 55 1,0 JO 80S 1,566 13,538 2,255 2,102 2,306 2,348 Color and Race. 56 White 991 808 1,566 13,470 2,251 2,100 2,298 2,210 57 CoIored( African descentonly), 9 - - 66 4 2 6 38 58 Chinese, - - - 2 - - 2 - 69 Japanese, - - - - - - - - 60 Indians, ..,.-. Totals, .... - - - - - - - - 61 1,000 808 1,566 13,538 2,255 2,102 2,306 2,348 PLACE ON BIRTH, ETC. COLOR AK^D RACE. 53 PLACE OF BIRTH. NATIVE AND FOREIGN. COLOR AND RACE — Con. County of Essex — Continued. NEWB'T — Con. CITT OF SALEM. North Andovei Pea- body. Kock- port. Rowley Ward 5 Ward 6. Totals. Ward 1 1 .Ward a . Ward 3 . Ward 4 .'ward 5 l,!i82 1,441 1,838 6,097 2,923 1,048 17,837 2,910 3,348 2,358 3,238 3,468 1 104 150 193 236 272 38 843 113 199 170 76 188 2 138 148 177 343 62 52 752 76 174 125 97 137 3 14 S 42 35 19 3 118 15 40 12 19 18 4 15 1 12 17 14 • 1 96 20 16 10 11 30 5 5 12 13 15 10 1 43 3 7 8 8 14 6 V 12 32 50 15 2 162 33 29 13 36 27 7 2 7 22 8 - 17 1 3 3 4 4 8 3 - 3 4 4 _ 48 3 12 13 7 8 9 4 - 1 2 - _ 26 1 2 9 8 10 - 1 2 5 3 1 17 4 3 1 _ 7 11 1 1 3 6 1 2 28 1 9 2 7 3 12 1 - 3 1 1 2 12 1 3 1 1 13 9 9 12 18 7 2 116 16 24 21 18 28 14 18 5 58 58 58 2 1,855 23 20 15 68 1,701 15 11 6 21 37 14 1 151 13 24 23 25 53 16 59 86 34 238 142 7 433 39 86 63 83 102 17 13 6 - 6 6 _ 31 5 3 4 3 10 18 12 33 - 4 14 2 38 11 1 5 2 8 19 — — 1 2 - - 1 - - - - - 20 69 38 303 127 60 12 508 258 49 30 43 92 21 432 114 378 1,6:8 190 22 4,120 835 411 590 952 767 22 34 9 55 20 30 - 91 19 9 16 14 27 23 - - 1 - 1 - 17 2 2 2 2 9 24 — — - 3 - - 4 1 3 - - - 25 - - 1 - - - 9 - 4 _ 1 4 26 — — — — — — — — — — — _ 27 - - - - 26 - 5 - - 4 - 1 28 - - - - - - 1 - - - - _ 29 - - - - - - 3 - 1 1 - 1 30 - - - - - - 6 1 1 - _ 3 31 1 - 1 - - - 10 - 3 _ 5 2 32 - - 4 1 1 _ 14 2 3 1 3 4 33 1 1 2 1 1 _ 15 2 3 4 2 4 34 1 1 17 11 2 - 49 21 6 2 3 17 35 - - - - - - 2 - 1 - - 1 36 - - - 1 - - 16 4 6 5 _ _ 37 - - - - - - 1 - - - _ 1 38 - - - - - - - - - - _ _ 39 - - - 3 - 1 3 - - - - _ 40 - - - - - - - - - - - _ 41 - - - - - - 3 - 1 - - 2 42 - - - - - - 1 - - - _ _ 43 - - 2 - 1 _ 2 _ 2 . „ _ 44 - 2 - - 11 _ 5 4 1 _ _ _ 45 - - - - 1 _ 4 - 1 1 _ 2 46 - 1 - - - 1 14 1 12 _ _ 1 47 1 - - 5 15 1 29 6 2 4 4 9 48 - - - 1 - - 5 - 2 - 2 49 — — 1 ~ — - — — _ _ _ „ 50 1 1 1 1 - - 2 - 1 - - - 51 2,539 2,088 3,217 9,028 3,912 1,201 27,563 4,444 4,527 3,516 4,734 6,761 52 1,886 1,785 2,338 6,851 3,339 1,152 20,115 3,197 3,869 2,746 3.522 3,940 63 653 303 879 2,177 573 49 7,448 1,247 658 770 1,212 2,821 54 2,539 2,088 3,217 9,028 3,912 1,201 27,563 4,444 4,527 3,516 4,734 6,761 55 2,525 2,086 3,208 9,o!4 3,910 1,200 27,352 4,412 4,497 3,479 4,727 6,667 56 14 2 9 4 2 1 208 31 30 37 7 93 57 - - - - - - 3 1 - - - 1 58 59 60 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2,539 2,088 3,217 9,028 3,912 1,201 27,563 4,444 4,527 3,516 4,734 6,761 61 54 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — ISSO. PLACE OF BIRTH. NATIVE AND FOREIGN. COLOR AND RACE. Classification. COUSTT OF Essex — Concluded SALEM. Salis- Swamp- Tops- West Ward 6. bury. Saagus. scoft. field. Wenham. ^Newbury. 1 Place of Birth. 1 1 Massacbui-etls 2,515 2,871 1,874 1,831 941 734 1,470 2 Maine 97 185 152 101 57 58 45 3 New Hampshire, 143 501 138 91 62 35 119 4 Vermont, 14 34 25 26 8 2 9 5 Riiode Is'binil 9 16 . 10 6 1 ' 1 6 6 Connecticut 3 17 2 7 3 - 2 7 New York 24 17 41 53 6 4 17 8 New Jersey, .... 2 4 - 5 2 _ _ 9 Pennsylvania, . . . . 5 6 1 9 4 _ 2 10 Maryland 6 - 1 3 - _ - 11 Virginia, 2 1 - 4 2 _ I 12 Ohio, 6 5 2 3 1 _ 1 13 Illinois, 6 _ 8 - - _ 2 14 United States, n.s., . 9 15 6 11 2 2 " 15 Canada 28 46 11 18 4 _ 6 16 New IJrunswick, 13 20 24 12 1 1 1 17 Nova Scotia 60 27 50 96 23 18 6 18 Newfoundland 6 5 - _ 3 4 1 19 Prince Edward Island, . 11 3 8 6 _ - 4 20 British America, n.s., . 1 - - - - - 21 England 36 74 99. 36 3 3 61 22 Ireli.nd, 565 151 130 151 33 21 213 23 Scotland, 6 62 26 10 4 1 13 24 Wales .. _ 4 - _ _ 2 25 Gt. Britain, «.«., and Colonies, - - 1 - - - - 26 Africa _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 27 Asia, n.s., _ _ _ - _ - _ 28 Atlantic Isl.ands, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 29 Austria, 1 1 - 1 - - _ 30 Belgium, _ - — - - - — 31 China, ..... 1 _ _ - _ _ . 32 Cuba and West Indies, . _ _ 1 » _ _ 33 Denmark, 1 _ 1 1 _ _ _ 34 France _ 3 3 6 _ 1 _ 35 Germany, _ 21 7 3 2 4 2 36 Greece, _ _ _ — - _ — 37 Italy 1 « _ - _ _ _ 38 Japan, . . . • . - - - - - - - 39 Mexico, _ - - - - _ _ 40 Netherlands 3 _ _ 1 _ _ _ 41 Norway, _ _ _ 4 - . _ 42 Pacilic Islands _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ 43 Poland, 1 _ . _ . _ _ 44 Portugal _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 45 Russia « _ _ 1 1 _ _ 46 Spain ^ 3 _ - ■_ _ _ 47 South and Central America, . _ _ _ _ .. _ 48 8«^eden, 4 _ 1 2 2 _ _ 49 Switzerland 1 _ _ _ _ _ — 60 Turkey _ 1 _ - _ _ _ 61 Other Foreign Countries, Totals 1 - - - - ~ 2 52 3,581 4,079 2,625 2,500 1,165 889 1,9S9 Native and Foreign Born. 53 Native, 2,841 3,672 2,260 2,150 1,0S9 836 1,677 54 Foreign, Totals 740 407 365 350 76 53 312 55 3,581 4,079 2,625 2,500 1,165 889 1,989 Color and Race. 56 White 3,570 4,077 2,6U 2,486 • 1,163 888 1,985 57 Colored(Africande8centonly), 10 2 11 14 2 1 4 58 Chinese, 1 - - - - - - 59 Japanese - - - - - - - 60 Indians, Totals, .... - - - - - - - 61 3,581 ^4,079 j 2,625 2,500 1,165 889 1,9S9 PLACE or BIETH, ETC. COLOR AXD RACE. 55 PLACE OF BIRTH. XATIYE AND FOREIGN. COLOR AXD RACE — Con. CocNTT OF Franklin. Ashfield Bernard ston. Back- land. Charle- mont. Col- rain. Conway Deer- field. Erving Gill. 1 Green- field. Haw- ley. Heatb Lev- erett. 980 4 21 1 9 690 6 30 133 8 1,169 9 21 50 1 20 763 7 5 71 9 1,199 23 182 2 9 1,162 14 8 64 2 42 2,311 \l 39 128 3 49 603 6 41 64 3 20 588 7 24 47 6 2,585 27 112 305 11 73 528 2 6 29 7 430 2 3 84 2 684 2 6 16 2 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 28 1 1 2 2 24 2 1 3 17 26 4 1 4 5 3 7 23 1 5 2 5 10 56 O 3 3 5 3 9 45 2 1 1 1 12 107 3 11 4 1 18 2 22 13 1 6 1 3 1 16 1 1 8 121 6 19 3 11 2 25 5 3 1 2 3 15 2 1 4 15 3 3 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 6 3 1 3 30 2 1 10 2 241 63 1 56 1 5 35 2 11 73 1 12 - 9 1 1 15 16 17 - — — - - - - - - - - - - 18 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20 1 3 12 1 144 107 6 14 19 14 7 33 125 11 49 470 5 3 12 47 5 1 11 8 50 327 8 1 2 4 4 1 3 21 22 23 24 25 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 26 27 - - 4 - - 11 1 - - 2 - - - 28 39 30 - - - - - - - - - — - - - 31 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 32 5 1 122 3 2 - 25 9 2 113 1 2 5 3 111 - 1 - 33 34 35 ~ _ ~ : : 126 114 ~" _ 3 _ : ^ 3b 37 _ ~" : : — — 9 ~ ~ : — _ _ 38 49 — ~~ — — — — _ 2 — — _ ~ — 40 41 *" _ ~ : — — 1 *" — 4 ~ ~ _ 42 43 - : ~" "~ - - - - - ~" ^ - : 44 45 46 1 1 ~ 1 - 2 1 - - 1 1 5 ~ 1 1 2 733 6 2 3,903 592 1 - 47 48 59 50 51 1,066 934 1,739 932 1,777 1,760 3,543 872 560 742 52 1,049 IT 1 913 21 1,320 419 901 31 1,496 281 1,354 406 2.709 834 762 110 698 35 3,.'i00 603 586 6 543 17 738 4 53 54 1,066 934 1,739 932 1,777 1,760 3,543 872 733 3,903 592 560 742 55 1,064 2 934 1,739 921 11 1,777 1,758 2 3,524 19 872 733 3,876 27 592 557 3 736 3 56 57 - - - - - - - - - - - - - b& - - - - _ - - - - - - - - 59 - - - - - - - - - - - — 3 bO 1,066 1 934 1,739 932 1,777 1,760 3,543 872 733 3,903 592 j 560 742 61 56 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — ISSO. PLACE OF BIRTH. NATIVE AXD FOREIGX. COLOR AXD RACE. Classification. 1 County of Franklin — Continued. Mon- New North- Leyclen. Monroe. tagne. Salem. field. Orange. Eowe. Place of Birth. 1 1 Mass.ichuseltB, .... 395 123 2,711 764 1,238 2,367 393 2 Maine - - 44 14 n 32 2 3 New liampsliire, 5 2 72 24 106 214 11 4 Vermont 65 20 1 201 23 93 2-39 To 5 Klioile Island _ - 12 _ 2 24 _ 6 Connecticut 2 1 60 7 9 29 2 7 New York 4 10 145 9 19 58 11 8 New Jeri5 907 994 59,475 11,715 8,992 10,091 8,861 10,900 8,916 Color and Race. >6 White 892 985 59,292 11,707 8,934 10,075 8,850 10,856 8,870 )7 Colored( African descent only"), 15 9 177 4 57 15 11 44 46 38 - - 6 4 1 1 - - - )9 Japanese - - - - - - - - - 30 Totals - - - - — — — - — 51 go- 994 59,475 11,715 8,992 10,091 8,861 10,900 8,916 PLACE or BIRTH, ETC. COLOR AXD RACE. 67 PLACE OF BIRTH. NATIVE AND FOREIGN. COLOR AND RACE — Con. ConsTT OF Middlesex - -Continued. CITY OF NEWTOX, Marl- borough. Maiden. Maynard. Medford. Melrose. Xatick. Totals. Ward 1. Ward 8. Ward 3. Ward 4. 7,184 6,733 1,125 4,542 2,874 5,557 10,179 1,387 1,738 1,570 1,.545 1 l.OOi 183 70 604 492 4.52 867 108 143 115 190 2 609 263 68 379 236 386 540 •82 89 75 95 3 172 129 29 122 86 104 229 •^ 65 34 29 4 93 37 13 39 42 22 105 15 12 10 15 5 90 25 53 34 32 38 •164 33 24 23 21 6 198 75 57 110 62 1.37 as7 52 61 65 43 7 30 4 7 9 5 10 66 12 9 16 17 8 25 10 2 30 15 17 65 9 . 9 6 16 9 18 4 2 6 2 37 3 . 8 18 5 10 31 8 _ 7 17 10 79 8 19 26 16 11 19 5 _ 16 3 8 48 2 10 7 15 12 10 8 _ . 11 12 11 20 4 - 1 1 4 13 86 94 7 59 61 26 169 25 31 20 34 14 144 862 54 351 33 93 95 8 20 19 20 15 97 34 26 75 35 54 203 44 36 28 20 16 266 121 21 185 86 107 500 -84 72 71 90 17 8 5 1 4 4 - 32 7 10 6 2 18 29 6 5 31 3 16 79 10 13 24 4 19 2 - - - - - - - - — 20 313 92 192 144 138 100 461 84 50 62 74 21 . 1,332 1,402 429 675 242 1,120 2,439 401 438 327 358 22 64 11 92 57 20 54 86 •18 17 7 9 23 5 3 2 1 6 9 2 - 3 - 24 1 - 1 2 - 20 - 1 - 18 25 _• 1 _ 1 _ _ ,_ 1 26 !• _; ^ _ _ 4 _ 3 27 1 _ _ _ •_ _ - - - - - 28 2 , _ 1 6 _ 7 _ _ . _ - - 29 4 _ « _ - _ _ - - - 30 2 _ ^ _ _ _ 5 _ - ,- 4 31 5 _ _ 2 _ _ 10 - 3 3 - 32 8 1 1 _ _ 1 5 - - - - 1 33 12 3 15 5 8 2 - - - 2 34 88 6 27 29 21 91 73 9 4 12 6 35 1 _ 1 _ _ _ _ - - - - 36 1 4 _ « "7 2 . - , _ 2 - 37 1 _ „ ^ _ _ 1 . . . _ - 1 38 _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ - .39 1 1 _ _ 1 o 2 • 1 1 - - 40 „ 1 2 _ _ 3 . - - - - 41 1 _ 1 2 _ 4 - - 3 1 42 _ ^ : «, ■_ 1 _ - - - - 43 1 _ _ - _ - _ _ _ - ~ - 44 _ ^ ' ■ i. __ _ 1 _ . _ - 45 2 1 _ ^ _ _ 2 . _ _ _ 1 46 3 _ " 16 _ 1 3 .. 3 - - 47 35 3 2 13 22 22 26 1 3 3 6 48 13 ' 1 _ 7 8 . _ 2 1 1 49 1 _ _ _ _ 9 _ - 3 6 50 4 - - - 1 o 5 - 1 - 51 12,017 10,127 2,291 7,573 4,560 8,479 16,995 2,433 2,883 . 2,.560 2,673 52 9,569 7,578 1,431 5,964 3,943 6,780 12,905 1,764 2,209 1,986 2,045 53 2,448 2,549 860 1,609 617 1,699 4,090 669 674 . 574 628 54 12,017 10,127 2,291 7,573 4,560 8,479 16,995 2,433 ^ 2,883 2,560 2,673 55 11,960 10,111 2,291 7,552 4,539 8,432 16,779 2,422 2,813 2,475 2,644 56 55 16 _ 21 21 39 212 11 66 85 29 57 2 _ _ - - 58 _ _ _ _ _ , _ - 59 - - - ~ - 8 4 •■ - .4 - - 60 12,017 10,127 2,291 7,573 4,560 8,479 16,995 2,433 2,883 2,560 2,673 61 68 CENSUS OY MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. PLACE OF BIRTH. NATIVE AND FOREIGN. COLOR AND RACE — Con. Classification. CocNTr OF MiDDLKSEX — Continued, CITY OF NEWTON — COD. Ward 5. Ward 6. Ward 7. North Pep- Keading. perell. Reading. Sher- born. Shirley. Place of Birth. Massachusetts, . Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, . Rhode Island, . Connecticut, . . New York, New Jersey, Pennsylv^ania, . . Maryland, . Virginia, . Ohio, .... Illinois, United States, «.»., . Canada, New Brunswick, Nova Bcotia, Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, British America, ».«., England, . Ireland, Scotland, . Wales, Qt. Britain, w.«., and Colonies, Africa, Asia, ».«., . Atlantic Islands, Austria, . . . Belgium, . China, Cuha and West Indies, Denmark, . . France, Germany, . Greece, Italy .Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, . Pacitic Islands, . Poland, Portugal, . Russia, . Spain, South and Central America, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, . Other Foreign Countries, Totals, ... Xatire and Foreign Bom. Native, .... Foreign, .... Totals, .... Color and Race. Wliite Colored( African desccntonly) , Chinese, Japani'se, Indians Totals 1,215 83 61 22 21 25 31 5 2 1 10 12 17 29 89 279 12 16 1,942 1,482 460 1,942 1,942 1,942 1,520 123 76 32 14 9 47 1 7 1 5 4 4 19 10 22 8$ 6 16 35 437 20 2 1 1 3 3 25 2,544 1,862 682 1,204 105 62 33 18 29 38 6 16 1 5 4 6 30 6 36 66 1 9 67 199 3 2 1,960 1,557 403 2,544 2,534 10 1,960 1,949 11 2,544 1,960 747 42 31 3 4 4 39 2 18 1,618 86 258 28 6 18 34 4 7 4 5 2 8 42 6 7 1 32 173 3 900 831 69 2,348 2,077 271 900 900 2,348 2,329 19 2,214 212 295 62 9 11 44 2 1 10 16 20 13 94 1 7 23 98 10 1 4 10 16 1 1 3,181 2,877 304 939 64 60 18 7 9 25 4 4 2 1 8 14 35 42 143 13 1,401 1,141 260 3,181 3,178 3 900 2,348 3,181 1,401 1,387 14 902 25 93 41 12 10 11 3 3 8 14 107 6 6 39 82 3 1,365 1,122 243 1,365 1,343 17 1,401 1,365 PLACE OF BIKTH, ETC. COLOB AND EACE. G9 PLACE OF BIRTH. NATIVE AND FOREIGN. COLOR AND RACE — Con. COCSTT OF Middlesex - ■Continued. CITY OF SOMERVnXE. Stone- Sud- Tewks- Town- Tyngs- borongh. Wake Totals. Wardl. Ward 8. 1 Ward 3. Ward 4, ham. Stow. bury. bnry. send. field. 14,297 2,152 1,290 485 91 118 4,459 736 426 175 36 40 4,683 582 320 115 30 31 2,422 453 2.84 108 13 31 2,733 381 260 87 12 16 2,833 405 562 113 15 19 762 47 28 31 4 8 913 43 30 22 1 7 1,016 89 95 &4 1 17 1,356 72 292 40 12 7 401 29 98 15 1 3,350 418 316 64 38 23 1 2 3 4 5 6 431 42 59 21 24 26 41 175 127 10 14 8 8 10 16 40 131 16 22 8 3 7 9 61 71 9 13 2 1 4 5 33 102 7 10 3 12 5 11 41 33 10 5 3 12 7 11 35 15 2 3 3 2 12 3 3 1 1 5 42 1 3 3 4 27 2 3 1 1 3 1 7 9 2 3 5 62 11 15 4 11 5 2 31 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 398 343 783 63 110 111 235 33 15 217 116 177 25 44 62 51 202 1 15 42 65 169 4 36 76 45 85 4 11 1 2 16 2 7 4 22 34 16 42 5 23 4 21 1 1 9 2 46 55 156 15 16 17 18 19 20 504 2,870 177 4 8 124 977 35 195 1,161 80 1 i 88 363 16 3 1 97 369 46 95 463 22 4 2 26 77 6 17 76 3 74 593 22 9 71 5 17 24 5 175 634 69 1 1 21 22 23 24 25 4 3 1 - - - - 2 - - 2 26 6 16 2 5 5 1 9 1 - 4 2 - - 27 28 29 5 11 9 25 199 1 4 3 10 41 3 6 5 8 84 1 3 •1 1 1 4 70 1 1 1 6 - - 6 1 2 1 8 1 9 9 30 31 32 33 34 35 22 8 13 1 - 1 - - 1 - - 2 1 37 38 2 6 8 2 3 2 4 1 4 1 8 - 1 - 1 2 5 39 40 41 42 16 10 3 - 3 5 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 17 2 - - 43 44 3 3 76 5 1 1 45 2 9 3 1 8 1 14 2 2 i 3 9 11 46 47 48 49 5 - 4 1 - - - - 1 - - 10 51 24,933 7,846 8,198 4,272 4,617 4,890 1,045 1,178 2,179 1,967 631 5,547 52 19,252 5,681 6,105 1,741 6,018 2,180 3,449 823 3,680 937 4,063 827 905 140 1,041 137 1,321 858 1,824 143 563 68 4,350 1,197 53 54 24,933 7,846 8,198 4,272 4,617 4,890 1,045 1,178 2,179 1,967 631 5,547 55 24,852 77 4 7,829 16 1 8,167 28 3 4,269 3 4,587 30 4,849 41 1,045 1,177 1 2,163 16 1,957 10 628 3 5,513 34 56 57 58 59 - - - - - - - - - - - - 60 24,933 7,846 8,198 4,272 4,617 4,890 1,045 1,178 2,179 1,067 631 5,547 61 70 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. PLACE OF BIRTH. NATIVE AND FOREIGN". COLOR AND RACE — Con. Classification. COUNTT OF Middlesex — Concluded. Wal- Water- Way- West- Wil- Win- Wo- tham. town. . land. ford. Weston mingtoi chester. burn. Place of Birth}' 1 M.issachusotts, .... 6,772 3,133 1,384 1,358 990 684 2,214 6,547 2 Maine, 807 288 77 79 70 57 224 351 3 New Hampshire, 499 180 72 139 64 36 233 447 4 Vernioiit, 204 78 19 52 3 21 31 120 5 lihoUe Island, .... 77 23 () 5 2 _ 10 23 6 Connecticut, .... 56 30 15 13 3 2 23 . 24 7 New York, .... 185 88 25 22 22 14 40 123 8 New Jerney 23 12 2 6 4 1 7 15 9 PeiniKylvania 28 10 5 «> 3 1 5 18 10 Maryland 5 3 _ •2 _ 3 5 U Virtfinia, 7 18 1 1 1 _ (i 15 12 Oliio 13 11 1 1 1 _ 13 6 1.3 Illinois 17 4 •7 1 •2 _ 4 10 14 United States, ra.»., . 43 37 5 11 2 7 20 26 15 Canada, 84 24 105 143 15 4 83 145 16 New Brunswi. k, 152 77 3 15 9 4 62 97 17 Nova Scotia, .... 186 160 ■ 74 19 88 20 127 247 18 Newfoundland, 3 •> 1 1 1 3 19 Prince Edward Island, . 38 25 1 1 _ _ 16 57 20 Britisli America, ;t.s , 2 - - - 21 England, 302 96 17. 101 35 21 67 122 22 Ireland, . , . . . 1,982 1,026 118 133 113 53 549 2,417 23 Scotland, . . . 55 39 4 34 8 1 19 58 24 Wak'H, 2 1 1 1 _ 1 2J Gt. Britain, n.s ,and Colonics, 1 1 - - - 1 26 Africa, . . . . _ ^ _ 27 Asia, n.n 1 _ _ ■ _ _ _ _ _ 28 Atlantic Islands, 1 _ _ _ _ _ « _ 29 Austria, 4 1 5 _ _ _ „ , _ 30 Belgium, 1 1 _ «. _ _ 2 _ 31 China, . . . - _ 1 _ 2 _ _ 1 32 Cuba and West Indies, . 3 o _ « _ 1 1 33 Denmark, . . . . . 1 1 _ 1 _ 5 8 34 France, 11 : _ 1 2 f 3 3 3.5 Germany, 42 28 12 5 2 4 16 17 36 Greece, ..... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 37 Italy, ... , - . :. . 2 5 - - - - 1 1 38 Japan, . \- , •'.' • 1 - - - - - - — 39 Mexico, . i . I . - _ _ _ _ - • _ _ 40 Netherlands, . . . 4 _ 1 _ _ _ _ 3 41 Norway, - 1 _ _ 1 _ 3 _ 42 Pacific Islands,. - . _ _ _ _ 1 43 Poland, . i . . . 1 _ . _ _ _ _ - 44 Portugal, . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 45 Russia, _ 2 : _ _ _ _ 1 46 Spain, 2 _ _ ^ _ _ 47 South and Central America, ^ _ 1 _ _ .. _ 1 48 Sweden, ..... 26 6 5 _ 5 1 15 49 Switzerland, 1 Turkey, . \ . . 7 1 _ _ _ - 3 _ 50 - 3 _ 1 _ - - 1 51 Other Foreign Countries, Totals 2 •7 - - - - - - 52 11,712 5,426 1,962 2,147 1,448 933 3,802 10,931 ' Native and Foreign Born,. 53 Native, . . . . . 8,736 3,915 1,614 1,692 1,167 823 2,833 7,730 54 Foreign Totals 2,976 1,511 34S 455 281 110 969 3,201 55 11,712 5,426 1,962 2,147 1,448 933 3,802 10,931 Color and Race. ' 56 White, . . . . 11,693 5,402 1,960 2,142 1,446 933 3,783 10,900 57 Colored (African descent onlj-) , 19 24 1 5 2 - 19 31 58 Chinese, - - 1 - - - - - 59 .Japanese - - - - - - - - 60 Indians, . . . . Totals - - - - - — — — 61 11,712 5,426 1,962 2,147 1,448 933 3,802 10,931 PLACE OF BIRTH, ETC. COLOR AND RACE. 71 PLACE OF BIRTH. NATIVE AND FOREIGN. COLOR AND RACE — Con, County hf Nantl'cket. County of Xokfoi.k. Nantucket. Bell- ingham Brain- tree. Brook- line. Can- ton. Co- hasset Ded- ham. Dover. iFoxbor- ough. Frank- lin. Hol- brook. Hvde Park. 3,270 25 911 10 2,921 163 4,539 03 2,873 183 1,745 35 4,093 177 464 19 2,098 • 228 2,474 220 1,823 59 3,937 536 1 2 9 7 68 177 47 17 79 7 79 100 5 277 3 3 15 26 56 30 7 58 6 37 44 13 105 4 49 104 18 33 37 4 35 1 76 241 3 77 5 27 10 9 25 27 11 40 1 33 73 - 90 6 68 9 32 148 48 14 02 2 26 70 5 111 7 21 1 — 2'^ 5 2 o _ 3 2 _ •>o 8 10 _ 2 34 13 8 14 1 5 6 _ is 9 6 _ - 12 5 2 11 - 4 1 - 7 10 7 _ 4 10 - 1 11 - 1 1 1 48 11 17 _ 2 11 _ 1 3 _ 4 _ _ 24 12 1 _ 4 9 6 2 4 _ 2 2 _ 18 13 22 - 8 42 16 IS 26 1 25 6 - 115 14 4 15 31 45 52 4 60 4 »7 89 44 70 15 _ 1 14 97 21 14 51 2 5 11 - 90 16 _ 17 69 219 57 17 76 27 29 114 _ 174 17 _ 1 3 18 6 4 3 _ 1 1 _ _ 18 - 1 9 31 8 4 14 1 2 3 - 13 1 19 20 10 8 69 156 148 19 138 13 54 51 7 225 21 112 98 341 1,891 883 136 998 74 216 443 169 860 22 1 6 39 49 21 2 34 15 4 28 _ 107 23 _ _ _ 3 6 _ 6 _ _ _ _ 7 24 1 T - 2 - - 1 - - - - 1 25 - _ - - - - _ - - - - 4 26 * — - — - — 1 - — — — 5 27 41 _ _ _ _ 106 _ - _- - _ _ 28 _ - _ 2 - _ 10 _ 1 _ _ 1 29 _ _ 1 2 _ - _ - 4 _ _ _ 30 . - - 4 - - _ 1 _ _ _ _ 31 ^ _ _ 4 1 2 2 _ _ _ _ 5 32 _ _ 4 1 _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ 4 33 6 1 3 12 4 1 33 _ _ ■ 4 _ 9 34 2 6 6 54 12 1 168 12 3 3 ■ 1 4 1 60 35 36 37 38 - - - - - - 6 - 1 - 1 1 - - - - 1 1 - - - - 3 39 40 1 - 1 5 - - 2 - - - - - 41 42 - , .~ 2 - 1 - 1 - - - - - 43 44 ." 1 . : _ _ 1 _ _ 1 - _ _ _ _ 45 _ ■ _ _" _ 2 1 1 _ - _ _ _ 46 8 L 2 6 _ - _ - - 1 _ _ 47 3 1 3 25 4 1 8 2 2 55 _ 52 48 _ . _ 3 _ 2 4 _ _ 1 _ 10 49 _ _ - 1 _ _ _ - _ _ _ 1 50 2 1 1 5 - - - - - ] - - 51 3,727 1,223 3,855 8,057 4,516 2,182 6,233 653 2,950 4,051 2,130 7,088 52 3,535 192 1,067 156 3,257 598 5,421 2,636 3,290 1,226 1,867 315 4,615 1,618 502 151 2,621 329 3,240 811 1,909 221 5,385 1,703 53 54 3,727 1,223 3,855 8,057 4,516 2,182 6,233 653 2,950 4,051 2,130 7,088 55 3,651 76 1,223 3,846 9 8,040 17 4,491 18 2,167 15 6,169 64 652 1 2,949 1 4,036' 15 2,126 4 6,939 149 56 57 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - 58 . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — - _ 59 - - - - 7 - - i - -• - - - 60 3,727 1,223 3,855 8,057 4,516 2,182 6,233 653 2,950 4,051 2,130 7,08S 61 72 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 18S0. PLACE OF BIRTH. NATIVE AND FOREIGN. COLOR AND RACE — Con. County OF Norfolk — Continued Classification. Med- Med- Need- Nor- Ran- fleld. way. Milton. ham. Norfolk wood. Quincy. dolph. Place of Birth. 1 Massachusetts, . 972 2,869 1,997 2,906 702 1,607 6,542 3,017 2 Maine, .... 129 130 132 242 3 74 457 70 3 New Hampshire, 48 82 97 204 10 52 240 60 4 Vermont, .... 35 63 27 71 4 31 52 47 5 Khodc IslanJ, . 28 40 17 30 29 18 40 11 6 Connecticut, 16 34 9 73 1 15 39 3 7 New York, 15 49 45 97 9 _ 101 32 8 New Jersey, . 2 4 3 15 — 7 11 1 9 Pennsylvania, . 1 4 7 64 _ 6 28 _ 10 MarylanJ,. - 1 3 11 1 1 18 1 11 Virginia 1 6 15 5 1 1 79 2 12 Oliio 2 3 3 25 1 - 14 2 ]:i Illinois . 9 4 25 - 2 10 3 14 United States, n.s., . 13 15 13 73 3 34 84 15 15 Canada, .... 3 33 36 37 19 13 228 17 16 New Brunswick, 7 4 33 42 1 20 66 14 17 Nova Scotia, 21 113 105 98 4 62 248 30 18 Newfoundland, - •) 1 5 _ 2 12 1 19 Prince Edward Island, . - 2 12 13 _ 9 57 6 20 British America, «.«., . - - - - - - - 21 England 5 56 61 499 38 27 257 28 22 Ireland, .... 65 417 490 512 74 288 1,532 647 23 Scotland, .... 5 7 59 71 11 8 249 7 24 Wales, .... - _ - 1 _ - 60 _ 25 Qt. Britain, n.s., and Colonies ~ - 1 4 - - - - 26 Africa, .... _ _ 1 _ - 5 • 27 Asia, n.s., .... — * . — — — — — 28 Atlantic Islands, - - _ 1 - - 5 _ 29 Austria - - 1 1 - - 1 - 30 Belgium - - - - - - 1 - 31 China, .... - - 2 2 - - 2 - S2 Cuba and West Indies, . - _ 1 2 - - 1 1 33 Denmark - 1 - 2 - 3 5 34 France, .... - 1 7 11 9 1 6 1 35 Germany 2 14 12 67 5 55 35 6 36 Greece, .... — — — — — — — — 37 Italy - - 2 - - - 18 1 38 Japan, .... - - - - - - - — 39 Mexico, - - - - - 1 - - 40 Netherlands, . . - - - 2 - - 1 - 41 Norway, - - - - - - 7 - 42 Pacific Islands,. - - - 1 - - 3 - 43 Poland, .... - - - - - - 5 - 44 Portugal, .... - - - - - - 3 - 45 llussia — — — — — — — — 46 Spain, .... 1 - - - - - 2 - 47 South and Central America, . - - - 1 - - - - 48 Sweden, - 7 10 29 5 8 45 6 49 Switzerland, . . . . - - - 7 - - - - 50 Turkey, - - 1 1 - - - - 61 Other Foreign Countries, Totals - - - 1 - — 1 - 62 1,371 3,956 3,206 5,252 930 2,345 10,570 4,027 Native and Foreign Born. 63 Native, 1,262 3,299 2,372 3,841 764 1,848 7,715 3,264 64 Foreign Totals 109 657 834 1,411 166 497 2,855 763 65 1,371 3,956 3,206 5,252 930 2,345 10,570 • 4,027 Color and Race. 66 White 1,369 3,956 3,171 5,227 925 2,345 10,479 4,016 67 Colored (African descentonly) , 2 - 27 25 5 - 91 10 68 Chinese, - - - - — — — - 59 Japanese, - - - - - - - - 60 Indians Totals, . . . . — — 8 ~ ~ "" ~ 1 61 1,371 3,956 3,206 5,252 930 2,345 10,570 4,027 PLACE OF BIRTH, ETC. COLOR AND RACE. 73 PLACE OF BIRTH. NATIVE AND FOREIGN. COLOR AND RACE — Con. County of Norfoli ; — Cone uded. County of I'LYMOUTH. Stough- Wey- Wren- Abing- Bridge- Brock- Dux- East Hali- Sharon. ton. Walpole muiith. tham. ton. water. ton. Carver. bury. Bridge- water. fax. 1,120 3,783 1,814 8,442 1,649 2,902 2,686 10,272 950 2,098 2,185 494 1 66 193 79 312 69 201 63 654 6 15 85 11 2 37 71 57 133 22 47 41 247 8 6 41 9 3 8 37 17 85 27 17 22 82 6 4 13 4 4 24 15 17 32 242 11 32 88 9 2 12 1 5 7 9 10 18 22 18 17 34 - - 13 4 6 10 23 20 68 48 16 32 98 5 4 22 2 7 1 _ 2 3 12 1 11 15 ,_ 3 2 _ 8 1 8 1 16 7 6 5 19 1 1 2 _ 9 - 2 16 3 7 _ 3 3 _ _ 1 _ 10 2 1 1 15 _ 2 4 3 _ . 2 1 _ 11 1 6 5 _ 1 ' 5 3 15 1 _ _ 12 1 2 - 5 3 6 1 9 1 _ 1 1 13 12 25 8 22 13 17 12 46 7 8 3 - 14 7 8 9 44 52 10 12 56 _ 1 93 5 15 14 13 17 32 3 15 9 63 3 3 6 _ 16 23 26 44 177 48 28 25 112 8 3 13 _ 17 1 1 1 12 _ _ _ 10 _ _ _ _ 18 4 7 - 6 3 2 2 15 5 3 1 - 19 — - - 1 - - - -. - - - - 20 30 55 43 63 64 9 , 79 122 4 14 21 6 •il 62 570 299 1,003 104 372 512 1,235 3 21 165 5 22 8 9 7 31 12 3 22 26 1 3 9 « 23 ^ : — - - - - 3 - 1 - - 24 25 _ _ _ « _ _ 1 _ _ 1 _ _ 26 — — — _ . — ~ _ _ _ _ _ 27 - 1 _ 4 _ 1 1 _ _ _ 7 _ 28 1 - - - - - - 1 - - - - 29 - - - - - - - - - - - - 30 81 32 _ 1 ] 3 I I I 2 I I I I 2 1 1 1 3 _ — 2 _ _ _ _ 33 - 3 2 4 12 1 2 12 _ _ _ _ 34 13 o 5 4 48 - 15 16 - 2 4 - 35 - - - _ _ — — - _ . _ _ 36 - - 5 3 - 1 2 4 - 1 - - 37 - — - — — — - — . — _ _ 38 - - _ _ _ _ 1 _ . _ _ _ 39 - - _ 3 _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ 40 - - 3 _ _ 2 _ 2 _ _ _ _ 41 - - - - _ 1 _ 10 _ « _ _ 42 - 2 - - 4 _ _ 11 _ _ _ _ 43 - - - - - - - 2 1 - - - 44 — - — - — — - - — — 1 _ 45 - - - 1 - - - 2 — _ _ _ 46 - - - _ _ _ — _ _ _ _ _ 47 3 1 4 OO 4 1 4 316 20 _ 9 _ 48 3 - - - 2 2 - - - - - - 49 — — — - — - — _ — _ _ _ 50 1 - 1 2 - - - 1 - - - - 51 1,492 4,875 2,494 10,570 2,481 3,697 3,620 13,608 1,039 2,196 2,710 542 52 1,290 4,175 2,053 9,154 2,122 3,249 2,932 11,585 994 2,143 2,381 526 53 202 700 441 1,416 359 448 688 2,023 45 53 329 16 54 1,492 4,875 2,494 10,570 2,481 3,697 3,620 13,608 1,039 2,196 2,710 542 55 1,473 4,867 2,475 10,520 2,457 3,693 3,584 13,569 1,029 2,189 2,704 542 56 14 8 19 50 24 1 36 39 10 7 6 - 57 — - - - _ _ - _ -_ _ _ - 58 - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 59 5 - - - - 3 - - - - - - 60 1,492 4,875 2,494 10,570 2,481 3,697 3,620 13,608 1,039 2,196 2,710 542 61 74 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS 1880. PLACE OF BIRTH. NATIVE AND FOREIGN. COLOR AND RACE— Con. Classification. County OF Plymouth — C sntinued. Han- Hing- King- Lake- Marsh- over. Hanson. ham. Hull. ston. ville. Marion. fleld. Place of Birth. 1 Massachusetts, .... 1,732 1,218 3,597 298 1,337 901 841 1,642 2 Maine, 22 31 138 15 24 15 20 36 3 New Hampshire, 12 5 36 7 9 5 4 20 4 Vermont, 4 5 9 _ 2 6 9 3 5 Rhode Island, .... 3 1 11 3 3 11 9 6 6 Couiiecticut, .... 8 - 8 - 2 3 3 6 7 New York, .... 4 6 28 2 6 6 22 6 8 New .Jersey - - - - 1 1 8 - 9 I'ennsylvania - 1 5 - 4 - 3 2 10 Maryland 1 - 1 - _ _ 2 11 Virginia, . . t. . . 1 - 1 _ 3 3 - 2 12 Ohi - 1 1 - - - 3 - 13 Illinois, _ - - - 2 4 - 2 14 United States, n.s 4 1 22 - - 8 1 1 15 Canada, 3 3 9 1 2 3 1 10 16 New Brunswick, 4 - 9 _ 1 1 3 - 17 Nova Scotia, .... 7 10 44 14 13 9 4 7 18 Newfoundland, ... _ - - - - 1 - - 19 Prince Edward Island, . 6 1 4 «. - 1 _ 2 20 British America, n.s.. - - - - - - - - 21 11 4 61 4 11 7 9 3 22 Ireland, 80 15 457 21 85 13 3 25 23 t>colland, _ 1 11 1 7 6 - .1 24 Wales _ _ _ _ - 1 - - 25 Gt. Britain, n.s., and Colonies, - - 2 - - - - - 26 Africa, _ _ _ _ - _ - - 27 Asia, n.s , _ - - - - - - - 28 Atlantic Islands, - 2 _ - - 2 6 - 29 Austria, - - - 3 - - - - 30 Belgium _ - - _ _ - - - 31 China _ - 1 - - - - - 32 Cuba and West Indies, . _ _ 1 _ 1 - 1 - 33 Denmark _ _ 1 1 - - - - 34 France, _ - 2 _ 1 - - - 35 Germany - 1 15 2 8 1 2 1 36 Greece, _ - - - - - - - 37 Italy _ - 3 1 1 - - - 38 Ja| an - - 1 - - - - - 39 Mexico, - - - - - - - - 40 Netherlands, . . . . - - - - - - - - 41 Norway, - - - - - - - - 42 Faci tic "islands, . _ - - - - - - • - 43 Poland, _ - - - - - - 1 44 Tortugal - - 1 - - - - - 45 Russia, _ _ - - - - - - 46 Spain _ _ - - - - - 3 47 South and Central America, . _ _ - - - - - - 48 Sweden _ 3 4 10 1 - - - 49 Switzerland _ - 2 - - - - - 50 Turkey, _ - - - - - - - 51 Other Foreign Countries, Totals - - - - - - - - 52 1,897 1,309 4,485 383 1,524 1,008 958 1,781 Xative and Foreign Born. S3 Native, 1,786 1,269 3,857 325 1,393 963 929 1,728 54 Foreign Totals 111 40 628 58 131 45 29 53 65 1,897 1,309 4,485 383 1,524 1,008 958 1,781 Color and Race. 56 White, 1,865 1,309 4,438 383 1,524 994 957 1,779 67 Colored (African descent only ), 32 - 47 - - 7 1 2 58 Chinese - - - ~ - _ - • - 59 Japanese - - - - - — 60 Indians Totals - - - — — 7 - ~ 61 1,897 1,309 4,485 383 1,524 1,008 958 1,781 PLACE OF BIRTH, ETC. COLOR AXD RACE. 75 PLACE OF BIRTEL NATIVE AXD FORETGX. COLOR AXD RACE — Con. County OF Plymouth — Concluded. Matta- poisett. Middle- borough. Pem- broke. Plym- outh. Plymp- toii. Eoches- ter. Rock- land. Scltuate. South Abiiig- ton. South Scituate. Ware- ham. West Bridge- wat. r. 1,210 4,477 1,278 5,791 657 961 3,632 2,099 2,523 1,671 2,382 1,293 1 24 133 35 106 7 16 133 33 111 37 27 58 2 6 41 ■ 9 100 2 4 48 22 35 9 17 16 8 9 35 3 41 2 9 17 10 13 . 6 7 15 4 19 61 5 33 3 3 12 13 6 5 14 4 5 6 32 5 23 - 3 9 6 10 3 4 12 6 21 37 3 •1 2 10 23 18 20 6 29 8 7 _ 10 _ - 1 8 - 3 1 6 1 8 1 11 _ 17 _ 2 5 4 8 _ 6 1 9 _ 5 _ 17 _ 1 _ 3 - 1 3 _ 10 2 8 1 22 1 _ _ 2 6 7 6 _ 11 1 3 1 7 - _ 1 2 - 3 4 _ 12 1 4 2 3 - - 2 3 - - 1 4 13 8 24 3 35 2 1 9 12 4 2 11 3 14 _ 19 1 26 _ 1 14 7 2 1 4 14 15 1 8 _ 21 - _ 7. 4 8 1 - 4 16 9 18 12 149 - _ 11 11 24 7 32 6 17 - _ _ 26 - - 1 - - - f> _ 18 - 6 5 2 - - 2 6 10 10 - - 19 20 9 44 18 88 3 13 36 15 8 13 30 18 21 15 191 21 270 13 7 569 170 220 32 261 184 22 1 12 1 53 _ 6 5 2 4 1 1 4 23 - 2 ] 1 1 — — - — — — 1 - 24 25 4 1 1 _ _ _ 1 26 _ 1 _ 8 - - _ - — - - _ 27 - 1 _ - - 2 - 12 - 2 5 - 28 _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ 1 1 _ _ _ 29 - - - 2 1 - - - - - - - 30 31 32 14 I ^ 1 _ _ _ ^ _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ 4 - 1 _ 5 1 - - 1 33 2 _ - 33 - - - - 5 - - 1 34 - 46 1 135 - 1 1 1 - - - - 35 36 37 1 - - 7 - - 3 1 - - - - — — — — — — — — — — — — 38 « _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ - _ _ 39 1 1 _ 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 40 _ _ _ 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 1 41 _ _ _ 1 _ _ 1 - 1 _ _ - 42 _ _ _ _ - _ _ 1 1 _ _ _ 43 - 1 - 1 - - 3 — - - - 1 44 45 - - - 1 - - - - - 1 1 - 46 47 - 5 - 5 2 1 1 - 3 - 1 37 15 45 49 - — ~ 2 ^ ~ 1 - - ~ 1 - 50 51 1,366 5,237 1,405 7,093 694 1,043 4,553 2,466 3,024 1,820 2,896 1,665 52 1,308 4,881 1,345 6,246 - 676 1,011 3,899 2,227 2,739 1,751 2,517 1,415 53 57 356 60 847 18 32 654 239 285 69 379 250 54 1,365 5,237 1,405 7,093 694 1,043 4,553 2,466 3,024 1,820 2,896 1,665 55 1,349 5,210 1,398 6,929 6S9 1,030 4,542 2,460 3,006 1,723 2,886 1,660 56 16 27 7 131 ' 5 13 11 6 18 97 10 5 57 58 ^ ~ ~ 33 — - ~ ~ - - ■■ : 69 60 1,365 5,237 1,405 7,093 694 1,043 4,553 2,466 3,024 1,820 2,896 1,665 61 76 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS 1S80. PLACE OF BIRTH. NATIVE AND FORETGX. COLOR AND RACE — Cm. C'LASSIFICATIOy. County of Suffolk. CITT OF BOSTOX. Totals. {ward 1 Ward 8 Ward 3 Ward 4 Iward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7. Place of Birth. 1 Massachusetts, . . . . 196,256 8,030 8,013 7,055 6,737 6,192 8,605 5,729 2 Maine, 20,529 1,564 892 647 1,052 755 281 517 3 NoM' Hampshire, ' 9,831 411 260 384 544 490 62 350 4 Vermont 3,524 78 60 129 191 147 31 104 6 Rhode Island 1,049 35 49 51 26 43 24 47 6 Connecticut 1,759 37 43 47 39 33 14 36 7 New York, . . . ' . 6,160 144 201 199 tt2 190 129 199 8 New Jersey, . . , . 734 55 29 11 17 13 6 14 9 Pennsylvania, . . . . 1,309 48 38 36 21 40 30 37 10 Marylaiid, (547 24 25 13 4 12 12 19 11 Virginia ■ . 2,007 15 19 17 17 13 28 24 12 Ohio 518 13 8 12 13 10 6 13 13 Illinois, 396 17 14 11 13 6 6 7 14 United States, n. s.. 2,724 59 57 47 57 34 63 76 1ft Canada, 4,234 261 115 99 124 136 78 181 16 New Brunswick, 5,878 401 387 210 114 185 285 281 17 Nova Scotia 9,992 744 616 233 270 295 473 231 18 Newfoundland, ■ . . 1,495 50 185 39 29 16 42 32 19 Prince Edward Island, . 1,535 242 83 37 25 26 85 45 20 British America, n.s.. 22 - 1 - - - - - 21 England 8,99S 547 537 245 163 168 300 249 22 Ireland 64,793 1,489 • 2,754 1,744 1,501 1,929 4,119 3,558 23 Scotland, 2,1562 127 153 85 38 42 99 73 24 Wales, 221 3 13 8 2 9 6 4 25 Qt. Britain, n.»., and Colonies, 151 27 1 3 4 - 30 4 26 Africa, 45 4 2 ^ _ _ 3 2 27 Asia, n..«., .... 7 _ - 1 _ _ 1 - 28 Atlantic Islands, 284 47 17 . 4 6 146 4 29 Austria, 221 4 22 - _ _ 6 11 30 Belgium, 58 2 2 3 _ 1 1 1 SI China, 133 1 3 1 _ 12 6 6 32 Cuba and West Indies, . 271 5 23 1 3 1 20 6 33 Denmark 196 15 29 10 1 1 32 9 34 France 795 4 23 11 10 5 27 17 35 Germany, 7,396 80 210 63 34 90 163 116 36 Greece 24 _ 2 2 _ 3 2 1 37 Italy 1,277 11 5 7 8 3 780 248 38 Japan, 4 _ \ - _ _ _ _ _ 39 Mexico, 5 _ _ 1 _ - _ 40 Netherlands, .... 408 5 14 _ _ 1 7 4 41 Norway 230 13 34 4 4 1 36 6 42 Pacific Islands, 104 1 1 4 3 3 _ 6 43 Poland 437 _ 6 _ _ 2 76 163 44 Portugal, 597 14 35 5 14 16 452 7 45 llussia 345 1 11 3 1 1 104 55 46 Spai'i, 92 _ 8 3 . 8 4 5 47 South and Cintral America, . 93 1 8 2 1 5 8 1 48 Sweden 1,450 47 131 31 26 14 214 27 49 Switzerland 245 _ 3 _ 3 2 2 2 50 Turkey, 17 2 1 _ _ _ - 2 51 Other Foreign Countries, Totals 75 5 1 1 1 1 - 21 52 362,839 14,773 15,153 11,514 11,257 10,960 16,904 12,550 Native and Foreign Born. 53 Native, 248,043 10,530 9,708 8,659 8,873 7,978 9,297 7,172 64 Foreign Totals 114,796 4,243 5,445 2,855 2,384 2,982 7,607 5,378 55 362,839 14,773 15,153 11,514 11,257 10,960 16,904 12,550 Color and Eace. 56 ' White 356,826 14,712 15,112 11,470 11,149 10,927 16,805 12,456 57 ! Colored (African descent only), 5,873 55 36 43 108 22 94 82 58 i Chinese, 118 - 3 1 - 11 5 6 59 1 Japanese Indians Totals, .... 3 - - - - - - - 60 19 6 2 - - - - 6 61 362,839 1 14,773 15,153 11,514 11,257 10,960 16,904 1 12,550 PLACE OF BIRTH, ETC. COLOR AXD RACE. 77 PLACE OF BIRTH. NATIVE AXD FOREIGN. COLOR AND RACE — Con. County OF Suffolk — Continued. CITY OF BOSTON — continued. Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward AVard Ward Ward Ward 8. 9. 10. 11. IS. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 6,402 6,318 5,172 8,523 7,210 11,458 11,372 8,.500 7,489 7,266 7,148 10,527 1 758 685 975 999 747 272 1,171 796 1,047 1,169 1,153 991 2 418 356 581 534 334 108 402 331 381 584 679 421 3 187 180 216 200 91 45 172 140 143 230 189 205 4 37 89 113 120 50 31 101 60 60 94 104 83 5 58 82 125 113 64 28 78 47 80 65 164 100 6 236 297 352 409 273 180 296 184 340 279 358 390 7 17 31 29 45 18 38 33 33 28 61 38 40 8 58 97 114 106 46 33 56 51 52 65 69 48 9 30 104 36 52 5 24 30 17 24 42 25 39 10 102 581 99 215 32 18 27 23 100 263 105 136 11 13 19 48 41 11 7 30 5 29 28 32 17 12 15 12 23 27 12 5 26 17 4 21 36 11 13 86 315 170 279 75 69 130 50 118 197 172 141 14 324 277 118 166 174 189 167 187 301 130 122 388 15 237 136 216 318 245 234 291 272 217 389 264 280 16 278 429 327 579 357 370 575 331 515 502 408 399 17 35 20 24 94 114 425 86 56 17 47 27 29 18 44 39 68 120 19 56 57 40 53 93 60 55 19 3 2 1 - 1 - - - 11 - - 20 257 345 295 401 414 479 638 415 390 320 176 756 21 2,728 1,799 1,810 2,240 3,865 6,550 3,585 2,675 2,587 2,013 1,415 3,490 22 107 90 77 122 115 128 244 152 100 101 59 191 23 - 12 4 8 13 35 20 23 14 4 9 9 24 2 5 5 12 - 4 2 1 16 1 7 2 25 - 4 1 6 - 2 2 1 3 2 1 6 26 — — 3 1 — ■" — — — — — _ 27 3 2 - 5 2 7 10 1 6 4 1 _ 28 8 1 3 9 9 9 8 ■ 45 7 6 4 17 29 • 2 4 5 4 1 4 1 _ 1 _ 3 7 30 7 _ 23 12 17 6 5 „ 12 5 5 3 31 22 29 20 18 8 6 .12 9 20 18 6 9 32 2 7 3 10 1 1 12 1 14 7 5 7 33 21 42 77 97 55 24 26 23 52 26 23 67 34 127 100 230 508 188 443 241 320 714 300 158 802 35 1 - 1 1 1 3 _ _ - 1 1 1 36 34 9 22 14 33 1 10 3 22 26 11 1 37 - 1 1 1 1 - - _ _ - _ _ 38 - 1 - 1 - 1 - _ _ _ _ 1 39 2 2 3 9 19 59 3 3 71 2 9 42 40 7 5 5 12 _ 13 1 2 4 6 4 17 41 3 4 1 16 5 4 10 7 _ 3 2 6 42 55 2 10 25 19 12 5 3 28 12 _ 6 43 3 1 2 2 5 2 8 15 1 3 _ 1 44 19 3 16 5 4 5 2 3 35 10 14 27 45 7 1 6 14 2 4 4 5 5 4 5 46 6 5 6 14 4 _ 10 2 2 2 5 1 47 28 58 53 78 26 53 34 45 52 32 54 173 48 1 8 13 15 10 9 5 6 16 9 3 22 49 - 1 - - _ 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 50 2 1 1 2 1 4 6 1 2 2 8 6 51 12,792 12,611 11,503 16,602 14,696 21,462 20,005 14,902 15,184 14,445 13,142 19,971 52 8,417 9,166 8,053 11,663 8,968 12,316 13,924 10,254 9,895 10,364 10,272 13,149 53 4,375 3,445 3,450 4,939 5,728 9,146 6,081 4,648 5,289 4,081 2,870 6,822 54 12,792 12,611 11,503 16,602 14,696 21,462 20,005 14,902 15,184 14,445 13,142 19,971 55 12,301 10,489 11,167 16,070 14,614 21,452 19,970 14,884 14,929 13,932 12,910 19,539 56 485 2,120 311 521 65 6 30 18 243 509 227 426 57 5 1 24 11 17 4 5 - 12 4 5 2 58 - 1 1 - - - - - - - - - 59 1 — - - - - - - - - - 4 60 12,792 12,611 11,503 16,602 14,696 21,462 20,005 14,902 15,184 14,445 13,142 19,971 61 78 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. PLACE OF BIRTH. NATIVE AND FOREIGN. COLOR AND RACE — Con. Classificatiox. CODNTT OP Suffolk — Continued. CITT av BOSTON — concluded. CITY OF CHELSEA. Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward 20. 21. 23. 23. 24. 2». Totals. Ward 1. Place of Birth. 1 Mansachusetts 10,152 8.814 6,646 8,247 10,655 3,906 12,823 2,880 2 Maine 794 1,122 311 655 889 287 2,201 598 3 New Hampshire, 389 595 158 384 460 215 911 249 4 Vermont 148 195 59 124 180 80 194 55 6 Rhode Island 68 123 56 79 95 11 144 47 6 Connecticut, .... 120 139 50 63 107 27 98 13 7 New York, .... 235 343 212 199 263 110 363 76 8 New Jersey, .... 21 36 27 22 55 17 49 5 9 Pennsylvania 38 63 34 64 54 11 68 16 10 Maryland, .... 30 31 6 10 18 15 29 3 11 Virginia, 25 32 8 36 31 41 105 7 12 Ohio 32 39 20 35 20 17 18 2 13 Illinois, 12 29 15 18 30 9 14 2 14 United States, n.s., . 86 111 62. 107 115 48 170 39 15 Canada, 127 96 159 125 115 75 178 36 16 New Brunswick, 199 159 110 157 178 23 388 111 17 Nova Scotia, .... 371 402 247 344 509 187 714 185 18 Newfoundland, 30 33 10 17 32 6 56 2 19 I'rince Edward Island, . 63 66 29 28 83 19 74 26 20 British America, n.8., . , - - 1 2 - - - 21 England, .308 289 399 341 380 186 710 1.31 22 Ireland, 3,385 1,527 2,507 2,111 2,237 1,175 1,932 369 23 Pool land, 102 73 109 100 131 44 185 28 24 Wales, 12 2 4 3 4 _ 15 5 25 Gt. Britain, n.s , and Colonies, 10 6 - 3 5 1 1 - 26 Africa, _ 3 1 _ 1 1 4 _ 27 Asia, n.s., .... _ _ _ _ _ 1 1 - 28 Allantic Islands, _ 10 1 4 4 . 7 3 29 Austria, 7 6 28 9 2 _ 2 1 SO Belgium, 3 1 7 _ 5 « 4 ■ 1 31 China, 1 6 1 _ 1 17 8 32 Cuba and West Indies, . 4 ■ 13 1 6 6 5 35 1 33 Denmark, 4 5 8 4 8 _ 22 14 34 France, 42 19 48 27 28 1 11 1 35 Germany 421 246 1,102 578 116 37 116 34 36 Greece 1 _ 2 1 - - 1 1 37 Italy 13 1 6 1 7 1 14 3 38 Japan, - - _ _ - - - - 39 Mexico, — _ _ _ - - - - 40 Netherlands 12 1 136 4 — _ 3 - 41 Norway, 38 5 12 2 2 3 6 - 42 Pacific Islands, . 9 5 1 9 1 - 4 - 43 Poland, 2 2 8 1 _ _ 6 1 44 Portugal 3 i 1 2 3 1 3 1 45 Russia 3 4 5 - - 14 - - 46 Spain, 2 2 2 1 _ _ 6 3 47 South and Central America, . i 6 1 1 1 5 2 48 Sweden, 45 36 52 81 33 27 67 28 49 Switzerland, .... IS 13 54 26 5 _ 6 - 50 Turkey _ _ _ _ 1 - - 51 Other Foreign Countries, Totals 5 1 1 - 2 - 2 - 52 17 391 14,711 12,715 14,032 16,871 6,693 21,782 4,987 Native and Foreign Born. 53 Native, 12,150 11,672 7,664 10,043 12,972 4,884 17,187 3,992 64 Foreign, Totals 5,241 3,039 5,051 3,989 3,899 1,809 4,595 995 55 17,391 14,711 12,715 14,032 16,871 6,693 21,782 4,987 Color and Race. 56 White, 17,300 14,659 12,710 13,885 16,813 6,571 21,250 4,917 57 Colored (African descent only) 91 50 5 146 58 122 519 64 58 Chinese - 1 - 1 - - 13 6 59 Japanese _ 1 - - - - - - 60 Indians ToUls - - - - - - - — ei 17,391 14,711 12,715 14,032 16,871 6,693 21,782 4,987 PLACE or BIRTH, ETC. COLOR AND RACE. 79 PLACE OF BIRTH. NATIVE AND FOREIGN. COLOR AND RACE — Con. COnXTT OF Suffolk — Concluded. COUNTT OF WORCKSTEK. CITT OF CHELSEA — COn. Win- Ash- Black- 1 Revere. Athol. Auburn. Barre. Berlin. Bolton. Ward 2. Wards. Ward 4. throp. burnham. stone. 3,4.39 2,873 3,631 1,282 672 1,168 3,357 861 1,945 823 2,606 720 1 475 495 633 156 78 28 35 2 3 9 16 17 2 264 172 226 103 38 180 215 8 27 33 16 39 3 63 30 46 31 16 81 208 30 25 10 43 12 4 37 35 25 16 2 2 17 14 14 437 7 5 40 23 22 10 2 7 35 58 22 1 45 1 6 102 69 116 33 19 18 63 15 46 12 41 10 7 19 15 10 _ 2 : 1 4 2 13 1 8 24 2 26 3 5 _ 4 4 5 5 12 1 9 9 5 12 1 1 _ 2 _ 1 2 10 15 11 72 3 9 1 2 _ 1 _ 2 2 11 8 6 2 3 3 2 1 _ 2 1 2 _ 12 4 5 3 4 5 2 5 ^ 1 _ 1 _ 13 39 20 72 16 8 5 25 1 32 - 9 6 14 39 55 48 95 10 62 76 194 59 5 323 2 15 108 77 92 23 17 5 3 1 5 _ 2 5 16 231 116 182 106 45 2 8 1 18 6 10 7 17 33 9 12 - _ _ 1 _ _ 1 18 15 8 25 4 33 - - - - - - 19 - — - - - - - - - - - - 20 150 284 145 61 27 6 28 23 37 14 165 6 21 778 507 278 278 27 76 198 98 158 43 1,136 50 22 48 63 46 15 15 7 3 2 6 9 18 5 23 4 4 2 2 _ - _ - _ ~" 2 _ 24 1 — - - 1 - - - - - - 25 - 2 2 _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ 26 1 - - - - - - - - -. - _ 27 4 - - - - - - - - - - 28 - 1 - _ - _ - - _ _ _ 29 - 1 2 - _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ 30 6 - 3 - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 31 10 8 16 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 32 6 2 _ _ 1 _ 1 _ 2 _ _ _ 33 2 5 3 1 _ _ _ 4 _ _ _ 34 26 36 20 10 4 9 9 1 2 6 3 7 35 — — — — _ 1 _ _ _ ^ . 36 8 - 3 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 37 - - * _ - - - - - - - - 38 - - - - _ - _ - _ _ _ _ 39 1 2 - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 40 4 - 2 - _ 1 _ _ ^ _ _ _ 41 2 - 2 1 _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ 42 4 1 - - _ _ _ 2 _ _ _ _ 43 1 - 1 - _ 1 - - _ _ _ _ 44 - - _ _ „ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 45 - 2 1 - _ _ _ _ 2 _ _ _ 46 1 - 2 _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ 2 _ 47 16 12 11 3 3 _ 5 _ 1 _ _ 48 2 2 2 - _ 1 1 1 1 - - - 1 - 49 — — — ^ 1 1 _ _ . _ _ _ _ 50 2 - - - - 1 - - - - - 51 6,041 4,958 5,796 2,263 1,043 1,666 4,307 1,317 2,419 977 4,907 903 52 4,538 3,761 4,896 1,661 859 1,495 3,973 995 2,124 894 3,243 818 53 1,503 1,197 900 602 184 171 3.34 322 295 83 1,664 85 54 6,041 4,958 5,796 2,263 1,043 j 1,666 4,307 1,317 2,419 977 4,907 903 55 5,927 4,940 5,466 2,253 1,033 1,661 4,305 1,317 2,411 971 4,905 901 56 108 18 329 10 10 5 2 _ 8 6 2 2 57 6 - 1 - - - - - - - - - 58 - - - - - - - - - - - - 59 — - - - - - - - - - - - 60 6,041 4,958 5,796 2,263 1,043 1,666 4,307 1,317 2,419 977 4,907 903 61 80 CENSUS OP MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. PLACE OF BIRTH. NATIVE AND FOREIGN COLOR AND RACE— Con. Classification. ConKTV or Wokcester — Continued. Boyl- Brook- Charl- Clin- Dana. Doug- Dud- FITCHBURG ston. field. ton. ton. las. ley. Total. Wardl. Place of Birth. 1 Massachusetts, .... 607 2,096 1,484 4,167 651 1,3-59 1,340 7,869 1,506 2 Maine, 13 32 25 109 3 48 4 204 44 3 Ne>v Hampshire, 17 50 24 279 26 29 10 908 192 4 Vermont, 18 40 42 163 13 43 28 449 106 5 Rhode Island 3 20 40 27 1 165 75 75 9 e Connecticut 6 62 94 66 10 97 199 124 18 7 New York, .... 13 34 27 136 13 34 34 217 32 8 New Jersey, .... 4 2 _ 6 _ 4 9 13 - 9 I'ennsylvaDia, .... _ 10 1 80 4 5 4 25 4 10 Maryland, .... _ 3 1 5 - 2 - 5 - 11 Virginia 3 2 _ 7 - _ 1 4 - 12 Ohio 1 4 1 9 - 2 1 16 2 13 Illinois, _ 1 2 10 •1 1 1 S 3 14 United States, n.s., . - 5 7 15 1 3 1 41 14 15 Canada, 52 233 32 137 8 350 619 486 23 16 New Brunswick, 1 _ 15 _ _ - 26 3 17 Nova Scotia, .... 8 3 2 59 _ 14 2 . 46 9 18 Newfoundland, _ _ 2 - _ _ - 6 2 19 Prince Edward Island, . _ .. _ 1 - _ - 6 - 20 British America, n.s., - - - - - - - 1 1 21 Enfjhand 17 20 13 204 1 10 37 290 38 22 Ireland, 70 186 96 1,802 2 69 315 1,505 417 23 Scotland 14 4 i 306 - 2 26 59 9 24 Wales _ _ - _ - - - 1 - 25 Gt. Britain, ?j.«., and Colonies, - - - - - - - 1 — 26 Africa, _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ - 27 Asia, n.K - - _ - - - ^ - - 28 Atlantic Islands, _ _ _ _ - - - 1 - 29 Austria, _ _ _ _ - - 2 2 - 30 Belgium _ _ _ _ - _ i - - 31 China, - - _ - - - - - - 32 Cuba and West Indies, . _ _ _ _ - - - 2 1 33 Denmark, _ _ _ 1 - 1 1 - 34 France, _ _ _ 6 1 _ 3 6 1 3.T Germany, 7 3 _ 353 - 1 69 18 2 36 Greece, ..... - 1 _ - - - - 1 - 37 Italy _ _ _ 1 - _ - 3 - 3S Japan _ _ _ _ - - - - - 39 Mexico, _ _ _ 1 - - - - - 40 Netherlands, .... - _ - - - - - - - 41 Norway _ - _ - - - - - - 42 Pacific Islands, _ _ _ 1 - _ - 2 1 4:5 _ _ _ _ - - 15 - - 44 Portugal - _ _ 1 - - - 2 - 4.1 Russia _ - _ _ - - - 4 - 46 S[)aiii, ..... _ _ _ 1 - - - - - 47 South and Central America, . _ _ _ _ - - - - - 48 Sweden _ _ _ _ 1 1 6 2 1 49 _ 2 _ 1 - - - - - 50 Turkey _ 1 _ _ - 1 - - - 51 Other Foreign Countries, Totals, . . . . - - - - - - - - — 52 854 2,820 1.900 8,029 736 2,241 2,803 12,429 2,438 Xative and Foreign Born. 53 Nalive, 685 2,361 1,748 5,079 723 1,792 1,707 9,958 1,930 54 Foreign Totals 169 459 152 2,9.50 13 449 1,096 2,471 508 55 854 2,820 1,900 8,029 736 2,241 2,803 12,429 2,438 Color and Race. 56 White 846 2,810 1,894 8,018 735 2,233 2,792 12,392 2,422 57 Colored(Africande8centonly), 8 10 6 11 1 8 11 37 16 58 Chinese - - - - - - - - - 59 .Japanese - - - - - - - - - 60 Indians Totals - - - - - - - — — 61 854 2,820 1,900 8,029 736 2,241 2.803 12,429 2,438 PLACE OF BIRTH, ETC. COLOR AisD RACE. 81 PLACE OF BIRTH. NATIVE AND FOREIGN. COLOR AND RACE— Con. Cc )L->'Tr OF Worcester — Continued. CITT OF FITCHBCBG — concluded. 1 Gardner. Grafton. Hard- wick. Harvard. Holden. Hubbard- stou. 1 Ward 2. 1 Ward 3. Ward 4. Ward 5. Ward 6. 1,393 1,464 1,066 1,158 1,282 3,258 2,714 1,424 958 1,565 1,147 1 21 10 43 50 36 66 62 11 38 41 29 2 58 116 199 225 118 375 51 14 42 67 19 3 31 36 121 99 56 236 85 28 28 110 29 4 7 19 16 14 10 13 85 6 7 28 9 5 15 15 20 30 26 27 94 27 4 45 9 e 36 30 34 48 37 96 31 58 15 S9 23 7 _ _ 5 4 4 2 5 2 2 1 - 8 1 5 4 9 2 9 8 10 3 _ 1 9 1 1 - 1 2 4 ^ - - _ - 10 _ _ 1 2 1 3 - - - - 2 11 4 1 1 5 3 6 5 - - 3 3 12 1 _ 2 1 1 5 1 1 - 1 1 13 1 4 12 5 5 17 13 6 9 - 15 14 132 145 31 37 118 331 441 343 34 343 13 15 4 9 4 2 4 5 3 - - .- 1 16 11 6 7 6 7 43 7 - 19 3 1 17 _ 1 _ 3 _ _ - 1 1 - 18 1 1 1 3 - 4 - - - - 2 19 20 108 33 29 37 45 38 74 40 7 43 16 21 339 118 84 112 435 427 321 202 85 173 58 22 27 8 2 10 3 5 23 35 1 15 2 23 1 - - - - 1 - - - - - 24 ^ — ~ 1 *~ " ■ " ■ " 25 26 - - - - 1 _ 1 - - - « : 27 28 — 1 1 — - — — — ~ — _ 29 30 - 1 - 1 - 2 — - 2 - - 31 32 2 1 _ 2 _ 1 1 _ _ _ CO Si 5 3 1 3 5 8 2 24 4 20 1 35 3( - - 1 3 1 - 1 - - - 37 38 39 4C 41 42 4 1 ; ; 1 1 1 4 4 - 4 1 1 1 3 45 44 45 4e 47 4? 49 : : : : : - - - - - - 5C 51 2,2C4 2,028 1,684 1,868 2,207 4,988 4,030 2,233 1,253 2,499 1,386 55 1,569 1,701 1,524 1,651 1,583 4,117 3,154 1,587 1,106 1,900 1,287 52 635 327 160 217 624 871 876 646 147 599 99 5i 2,204 2,028 1,684 1,868 2,207 4,988 4,030 2,233 1,253 2,499 1,386 5S 2,201 2,023 1,671 1,868 2,207 4,944 4,014 2,228 1,231 2,497 1,371 56 3 5 13 — _ 44 16 5 22 2 15 57 58 - : : : : - - - - - - 59 60 2,204 2,02S 1,6S4 1,868 2,207 4,988 4,030 2,233 1,253 2,499 1,386 61 82 CEXSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1S80. PLACE OF BIRTH. NATIVE AND FOREIGN. COLOR AND RACE — Con. Classification. CoLNTT OF Worcester — Continued. Lancas- Leices- Leo- Lunen- Mill- New Mendon. Milford. Brain- ter. ter. minster. burg. bury. tree. Place of Birth. 1 Massachusetts 1,324 1,814 4,226 866 837 6,204 2,512 501 2 Maine 42 19 82 16 30 151 67 5 3 New Hampshire, 1215 49 301 95 14 144 88 2 4 Vermont, 49 45 197 39 16 129 111 4 6 Rhode Island 14 39 43 6 62 253 135 1 6 Connecticut 10 38 42 2 21 83 136 2 7 New York, .... 28 40 77 10 ( 100 57 3 8 New .Jersey, .... 13 8 9 _ 9 9 Pennsylvania 1 3 11 1 3 6 10 2 10 Maryland, 1 1 3 _ - 2 _ - 11 Virginia 7 - 3 - 1 3 3 12 Ohio, 2 2 4 1 _ 6 4 _ 13 Illinois, 1 2 5 2 1 13 7 _ 14 United States, n.s 7 6 37 5 3 20 16 1 15 Canada, . . ... 119 115 141 i: 4 142 705 4 16 ' New Biun8\vick, 5 6 10 5 1 30 4 17 ; Nova Scotia, .... 14 8 20 1 4 37 22 13 18 Newfoundhirid, - 3 2 - _ 1 1 19 Prince Edward Island, . _ 2 1 _ _ 4 _ 20 British America, n.s., - - - - - 21 England 23 98 72 18 10 72 192 2 22 Ireland, 189 457 446 15 79 1,769 541 64 23 i Scotland, 7 11 23 i 1 17 29 24 Wal-s 6 _ _ _ _ 1 1 _ 25 Gt. Britain, n.s., and Colonies, - - - - - 26 Africa _ — _ _ _ _ _ _ 27 Asia, n.s., .... ( 1 - - _ _ _ 28 Atlantic Islands, 2 . _ _ _ _ _ _ 29 Austria, - - _ - - _ 5 - 30 Belgium - - - - - - 1 - SI Chitia _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ 32 Cuba and West Indies, . 2 _ _ _ _ 4 _ _ 33 Denmark, .... - - _ - - - _ _ 34 France, - - _ - - 2 2 - 35 Germaiiy 15 9 10 1 - 8 39 _ 36 Greece _ - _ _ - - _ _ 37 Italy _ _ 3 _ _ 3 _ _ 38 Japan, - - - -• - - - - 39 Mexico . _ _ _ — _ _ _ 40 Netherlands _ _ _ „ _ _ ^ _ 41 Norway, - _ _ - - _ _ _ 42 Pacific Islands, _ _ 2 _ — 1 _ _ 43 Poland _ _ _ _ _ 5 1 5 44 Portugal _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 45 Russia - 1 _ _ - - _ _ 46 Spain, _ _ _ — _ _ _ _ 47 South and Central America, . _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ 48 Sweden 1 1 _ _ - _ 25 1 49 Switzerland _ 1 _ _ _ 1 _ 50 Turkey _ 1 _ _ 24 _ 51 Other Foreign Countries, Totals - - - - - 3 - 62 2,0US 2,779 5,772 1,101 1,094 9,310 4,741 610 Xative and Foreign Born. 53 Native 1,625 2,066 5,040 1,043 995 7,213 3,146 521 54 Foreign Totals 383 713 732 58 99 2,097 1,595 89 55 2,008 2,779 5,772 1,101 1,094 9,310 4,741 610 Color and Race. 66 White, 1,971 2,779 5,752 1,101 1,070 9,207 4,739 610 bl 10 90 5 1,059 942 117 1,059 1,058 1 1,217 10 27 30 13 16 28 1 1 1 2 i 4 57 71 1 1,500 1,351 149 1,500 1,499 1 1,059 1,500 61 84 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1S80. PLACE OF BIRTH. NATIVE AND FOREIGN. COLOR AND RACE— Con. Classification. County of Worcester — Continued. South- South- Stiir- Temple- borough bridge. Spencer. Sterling. bridge. Sutton. ton. Upton Place of Birth. • 1 Massachusetts, .... 1,515 3,103 4,583 1,138 1,241 1,852 1,981 1,546 2 Maine, 47 10 83 26 14 6 54 59 3 New Hampshire, 66 58 45 48 21 34 136 27 4 Vermont, 15 77 118 40 56 33 158 35 5 Rhode Island 18 171 36 10 47 88 3 52 6 Connecticut, .... 12 394 93 3 144 62 18 29 7 New York 38 109 94 22 45 63 52 18 8 New Jersey, .... 2 12 3 - 5 3 4 - 9 Pennsylvania, .... _ 6 10 5 4 6 3 1 10 Maryland, 4 _ 4 1 - - - - 11 Virifinia, - 10 1 - 1 - - - 12 Oliio 3 _ 8 - 1 1 4 2 13 Illinois 2 3 14 - - - 1 1 14 United States, n.s 14 10 11 3 2 6 4 8 15 Canada 107 1,637 1,662 11 254 76:) 135 20 16 New Brunswick, 6 9 13 2 - 1 15 6 17 Nova Scotia 61 12 33 7 3 5 6 0'> 18 NewfDundland 1 _ - - - - - - 19 Prince Edward Island, . 7 1 _ _ _ - - - 20 British America, n.s.. - - - - - - - 21 England, 23 126 89 13 63 42 20 63 22 Ireland, 187 603 525 78 1.34 list 174 125 23 Scotland, 5 92 17 1 26 8 6 2 24 Wales, _ _ _ _ _ - 1 - 25 Gt. Britain, n.s., and Colonies, - - - - f - - - 26 Africa, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5 27 Asia, U.S., _ _ - - - - - - 28 Atlantic Islands, _ - - - - - - - 29 Austria, - _ 2 - - - - - 30 Belgium, - - - - - - - 31 China, - - - - - - - 32 Cuba and West Indies, . 1 _ 1 - - - - - 33 Denmark, _ _ - - - - 1 - 34 France 1 _ 3 _ - - - - 35 Germany, - 17 16 1 - 4 8 2 31} Greece _ _ - - - - - - 37 Italy 2 3 2 - - - - - 38 Japan, . . . • . - - - - - - - - 39 Mexico, « _ - - - - - - 40 Netherlands _ _ _ - - 1 - - 41 Norway _ _ _ _ - - - - 42 Pacific Islands _ _ - _ 1 - - - 43 Poland _ 2 - - - - - - 44 Portugal, _ _ - - - - - - 45 Russia, _ - _ - - - - - 46 Spain _ _ _ _ - - - - 47 South and Central America, . _ _ _ - - - - - 48. S ' eden, 5 _ _ 5 - 6 4 - 49 Switzerland, .... _ _ _ _ _ - - - 60 „ _ _ _ - - - - 51 Other Foreign Countries, Totals - - - - - - 1 — 52 2,142 6,464 7,466 1,414 2,062 3,105 2,7S9 2,023 Native and Foreign Born . 53 Native 1,736 3,962 5,103 1,296 1,581 2,154 ^•il? 1,778 54 Foreign Totals, .... 406 2,502 2,363 118 481 951 371 245 55 2,142 6,464 7,466 1,414 2,062 3,105 2,789 2,023 Color and Race. 56 White 2,136 6,433 7,459 1,411 2,000 3,104 2,787 2,013 57 Colored(Africandescentonly), 6 30 7 3 66 1 2 10 58 Chinese, ..... - - - - - - — — 59 Japanese, - - - - - - - — 60 Indians - 1 - - 6 — ~ — 61 Totals 2,142 6,461 7,466 1,414 2,062 3,105 2,789 2,023 PLACE OF BIRTH, ETC. COLOR AIKD RACE. 85 PLACE OF BIRTH. NATIVE AND FOREIGX. COLOR AND RACE — Con. CocKTT OF Worcester — Continued West West City of Worcestf.b. Ux- Warren. Web- ster. West- boroiigb. Boyl- ston. Brook- fleld. West- minster. Wln- chendon. bridge. Totals. Wardl. Ward 2. Ward 3. 1,899 2,347 2,529 3,.527 1,643 1,413 1,346 2,114 34,710 3,804 5,013 4,658 1 43 41 22 262 68 28 31 28 1,249 248 275 141 2 26 42 49 127 46 16 52 594 1,219 148 277 88 3 49 142 113 125 71 29 47 196 1,324 155 293 133 4 253 43 136 50 36 13 4 7 733 76 115 74 5 76 91 417 82 34 71 6 17 1,254 123 197 86 6 34 102 127 67 43 44 16 73 1,165 133 180 112 7 5 2 8 6 2 3 _ 4 138 19 19 15 8 3 6 17 4 2 4 2 2 208 43 54 8 9 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 60 15 15 4 10 2 4 2 10 4 3 _ 1 115 35 24 8 11 5 6 5 1 4 5 1 69 13 16 3 12 1 5 9 1 3 7 7 74 13 13 15 13 12 11 19 26 12 7 5 13 319 83 60 25 14 197 509 1,321 207 840 76 19 312 2,733 138 420 736 15 2 2 9 55 13 3 1 - 165 17 23 14 16 2 7 8 108 1 4 9 1 281 27 53 15 17 _ 6 1 1 . _ _ - 9 1 1 2 18 1 1 2 - - - - 2 32 3 4 4 19 20 51 72 144 41 28 5 8 32 1,207 149 172 100 21 423 374 455 460 133 174 75 291 9,329 805 1,019 1,976 22 24 63 15 6 10 1 7 11 251 34 43 23 23 _ 2 _ _ _ . 1 18 10 4 1 24 - 1 2 - - - - 20 - 7 1 25 . _ _ _ _ _ _ - 6 1 2 1 26 - 1 - - - - - - 4 - - - 27 _ _ _ _ - - - - 5 5 - - 28 - . 12 1 - - - 18 2 - 3 29 - - 14 - ■" - - - 8 - 1 - 30 — _ _ _ _ . - - 1 1 — — 31 _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ 14 4 5 1 32 _ 1 _ 2 _ _ _ 16 5 6 - 33 3 •2 1 _ _ 3 45 6 14 6 34 5 12 208 9 2 2 7 4 370 26 64 52 35 36 - - 2 - - - > - 83 - 3 62 37 ^8 _ _ ^ _ _ _ 2 _ .5 1 2 - oo 39 _ _ _ _ _ _ — — 2 1 — — 40 _ _ _ __ _ _ _ 2 82 14 42 - 41 _ 1 _ ^ _ _ _ 1 1 - 1 - 42 _ _ 40 _ . _ _ - 23 - 3 - 43 _ _ 1 _ ^ _ _ _ 13 11 2 - 44 _ _ _ _ 12 _ _ 2 - 1 - 45 _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ 1 - - 1 46 _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 7 2 - - 47 _ 1 4 28 _ _ 2 _ 848 196 142 21 48 _ 4 1 1 _ 1 _ 13 - 1 4 49 - _ 3 _ _ - _ 10 2 - - 50 - - 1 - - - - 1 2 _ - — 51 3,111 3,889 5,696 5,214 2,994 1,917 1,652 3,722 58,291 6,369 8,586 8,393 52 2,403 2,837 3,451 4,291 1,964 1,639 1,521 3,058 42,667 4,908 6,-551 5,370 53 708 1,052 2,245 923 1,030 278 131 664 15,624 1,461 2,035 3,023 54 3,111 3,889 5,696 5,214 2,994 1,917 1,652 3,722 58,291 6,369 8,586 8,393 55 3,094 3,869 5,652 5,178 2,989 1,901 1,643 3,721 57,.524 6,144 8,3.50 8,321 56 17 20 39 23 5 16 • ! 1 763 2 223 2 235 72 57 58 _ _ _ _ _ - 59 - - 5 13 - - - - 2 - 1 - 60 3,111 3,889 5,696 5,214 2,994 1,917 1,6.52 3,722 58,291 6,369 8,586 8,393 61 86 CEISrSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1S80. PLACE OF BTRTII. NATIVE AND FOREIGN. COLOR AND RACE — Con. CoDNTT OF Worcester — Continued. ciTT OF wouCESTKR — Continued. Classification. Ward 4. Ward 5. Ward 6. ■Ward 7. Ward 8. Place of Birth. 1 Miissachusette 3,871 6,405 3,789 4,155 3,925 2 Maine, 78 116 lOS 117 166 3 New Hampshire, 70 163 1G3 151 189 4 Vermont, .... 126 163 140 129 185 6 Rhode Island, . 83 134 H7 70 94 6 Connecticut, 88 185 1«5 171 219 7 New York, 91 184 172 168 125 8 New Jersey, 16 23 18 13 15 9 I'ennKylvaiiia, . 10 33 18 16 26 10 Maryland, _ 4 10 7 5 11 VIrijinia, . 1 7 8 12 20 12 Ohio,. 2 14 8 3 10 13 Illinois, . ... 8 7 9 3 6 14 United States, n.s., , 22 26 32 39 32 15 Canada, 207 727 202 143 70 16 New Brunswick, 9 30 15 21 36 17 Nova Scotia, 10 40 37 55 44 18 Newfoundland, _ 4 -, .1 _ 19 Prince Kdward Island, 2 7 5 7 _ 20 British America, n.9., - - - - - 21 England, . 134 200 ISO 119 63 22 Ireland, 1,845 2,197 6S5 512 290 23 Scotlaud, . 24 68 19 22 28 2-i Wales, 3 _ _ - _ 25 Gt. Britain, ;i.«., and Colonies, 1 6 2 2 1 26 Africa 1 _ _ 1 _ 27 Asia, n.x., 3 - _ _ 1 28 Atlantic Islands, _ _ _ _ _ 29 Austria, . 1 10 1 1 _ 30 Belgium, . 1 5 _ - 1 31 China, - _ - . _ 32 Cuba and West Indies, — 2 - - 2 PLACE or BIRTH, ETC. COLOE AND EACE. 87 PLACE OF BIRTH. NATIVE AND FOREIGN. COLOR AND RACE — Con. CouNir OF Worcester — Concluded. 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 62 53 54 55 56 67 68 59 60 61 Classification. CITY OF WORCESTER — Concluded. Ward 4. Ward 5. Place of Birth. — Con. Denmark France, .... Germany Greece Italy, .Japan Mexico, .... Netlierlands, Norway, .... Pacific Islands, . , Poland Poriugal, .... liu(isia, .... Bpain, .... South and Central America, Swe 383 298 681 B. A. B.A. Ire. B.A. 1 2 1 2 Town OF Cl .ARKSBURG. O.C. U.S. 3 - 3 O. C. Totals, O.C. 3 3 U.S. Ire. 3 3 73 37 110 U. 8. Ger. G.B. 1 5 - 1 5 U.S. U.S. B. A. 3 _ 3 Tows- of Florida. U.S. O.C. U.S. 3 7 - 3 7 Ire. Ire. Ire. 68' 53 121 U.S. U.S. _ 2 2 Ire. G.B. _ 1 1 U.S. Ire. 6 _ 6 Ger. Ger. 1 2 3 U.S. G.B. 2 _ 2 G. B. U.S. 2 _ 2 Ire. Ire. 34 37 71 G. B. G.B. 14 9 23 Ire. B.A. _ 1 1 G. B. B. A. _ 1 1 Ger. Ger. _ 3 3 B. A, U.S. 7 7 G. B. U.S. 5 5 B. A. B.A. 38 93 131 G.B. G.B. 2 8 10 O. C. Ger. 8 _ 8 G. B. B.A. 5 5 10 O. C. B.A. _ 1 1 B.A. U.S. 2 _ 2 0. C. O.C. _ 2 2 B. A. Ire. 5 _ 5 B.A. B.A. 13 13 Totals, 160 162 322 Totals, . . . 61 69 130 Town of . Dalton. Town c f Great Barring TON. u. s. U. 8. 1 1 U.S. Ire. 16 16 U. S. Ire. 3.5 - 35 U.S. G.B. 8 6 14 U.S. Ger. 11 - 11 Ire. u. S. 20 20 U.S. G. B. 46 - 46 Ire. Ire. 438 283 721 1 U. 8. B. A. 8 1 9 Ger. U. S. 6 5 Ire. U. 8. 37 - 37 Ger. Ire. 8 8 Ire. Ire. 633 5.59 1,192 Ger. Ger. 21 22 iS Ire. G.B. 2 1 3 Ger. B. A. 13 i 13 Ger. U. 8. 4 - 4 G. B. V. 8. IS 1 ia Ger. Ire. 1 - 1 G. B. Ire. o 2 Ger. Ger. 102 92 194 G. B. Ger. 4 4 G. B. U.S. 30 1 31 G. B. G. B. 47 42 89 G. B. Ire. 13 4 17 G. B. B.A. 4 4 G. B. Ger. 1 - 1 Bean. Scan. 9 9 G.B. G.B. 49 83 132 B.A. U.S. 21 21 B. A. U. 8. 12 1 13 B. A. Ire. 4 ^ 4 B. A. Ire. 2 - 2 B.A. Ger. I 1 B.A. G. B. - 1 1 B.A. B. A. 6S 90 158 B.A. B.A. 16 15 31 O.C. U. S. 4 , 4 O. C. U.S. 10 - 10 O. C. Ger. 8 8 O.C. Ire. 6 1 7 O.C. , O.C. 7 10 17 0. C. Ger. 4 - 4 ' ' ' O. C. O.C. G. B. B. A. 1 1 1 2 Totals, 717 464 1,181 1 1 O.C. Totals, O.C. ■ • • 28 86 114 Tow» OF E GREMONT. 1,051 847 1,898 Tc )WN OF Hancock. U.S. U.S. _ 1 1 U. 8. Ire. 13 _ 13 U.S. O.C. 3 _ 3 U.S. Ire. 2 _ 2 Ire. U.S. 1 _ 1 U.S. G.B. 1 ^ 1 Ire. Ire. 39 28 67 U.S. B.A. 1 - 1 108 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY — COUNTY OF BERKSHIRE — Con. Persons Persons Total Number of Persons Persons Persons Total Number ot Persons Father Mother born in born in (Native and Father Mother born in born in (Native and born ill born in United Foreign ForeiKU born), with such Parentage. born in born In United Foreign Foreign born), States. Countries States. Countries. with such I'arcntage. Town of Hancock — Concluded. Town of Lee — Concluded. Ire. U.S. 1 1 U.S. G. B. 13 13 Ire. Ire. 19 13 32 U.S. B. A. 10 3 13 Ger. Ger. 7 4 11 U.8. O.C. 1 _ 1 G. B. U. S. 5 1 6 Ire. U.S. 95 _ 95 G. B. Ire. 1 _ 1 Ire. Ire. 779 6S0 1,359 G. B. G. B. 3 3 6 Ire. G. B. 6 1 7 6. B. B. A. 1 _ 1 Ire. B. A. 1 _ 1 B. A. U.S. 12 _ 12 Ger. U.S. 14 _ 14 B. A. B. A. 34 Totals, 5,400 13 1 6 3,050 1 1 1 52 2 1 14 6 8 5 3 1 959 1 112 6,129 1 98 1 3 3 13 1 1 12 228 13 166 3 126 3 90 210 6,496 69 29 15 8 84 6 2 195 63 2 1,454 12 1 1 2 6 ino 16 15 1 1,166 9 5 2 13 146 10,529 City of Taunton — Ward 1. U. 8. U.S. U.S. U. 8. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. Ger. U.S. _ Ire. 80 G. B. 36 B. A. 16 U.S. 46 Ire. 652 G. B. 3 B. A. 14 U. 8. 1 Ger. 7 O.C. 1 476 1 6 80 36 19 46 1,128 4 14 1 13 2 Father born in Mother born in Persons born in United States. Persons born in Foreign Countries. Total Number of Persons (Native and Foreign born). witli such I'arentage. City of Taunton — Ward 1 — Concluded. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. B. A. B. A. B. A. B. A. B. A. ' O.C, O.C. O.C. Totals, U.S. Ire. G. B. B. A. O. C. U.S. Ire. G. B. Scan. B. A. U.S. B. A. O.C. 7 144 3 17 3 1 1 109 1 1 1 2 1 48 14 313 4 1 18 3 3 1 67 4 3 20 1,121 732 1,853 City of Taunton — Ward 2. U.S. U.S. U.S. Ire. 1 U.S. G. B. 6 U.S. B. A. 7 Ire. U.S. 3 Ire. Ire. 183 Ire. G. B. 5 Ger. U.S. 1 Ger. Ger. 1 G. B. U.S. 6 G. B. Ire. 2 G. B. G. B. 21 Scan. Scan. _ B. A. U.S. 4 B. A. B. A. _ O.C. U.S. 1 O.C. O.C. - Totals, 241 1 214 6 36 1 18 o 1 1 6 8 3 397 5 1 1 6 8 57 1 4 18 1 279 520 City of Taunton — Ward 3. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. G. B. a. B. G. B. G. B. Scan. B. A. B. A. B. A. O.C. O.C. I O.C. O. C. I I Totals, Ire. 24 G. B. 17 Scan. 1 B. A. 5 U.S. 81 Ire. 894 G. B. 11 B. A. 1 Ger. 6 U.S. 23 Ire. 13 G. B. 78 B. A. _ Scan. _ U. S. 9 G. B. 2 B. A. 47 U.S. 2 Ire. 1 G. B. 2 O.C. 4 • • * 1,221 718 1 16 3 133 1 1 1 98 931 24 18 1 5 81 1,612 11 2 22 23 16 211 1 1 10 2 145 2 1 2 12 2,202 rOREIG:N^ PAPtENT NATFV^TT. 119 FOREIG?^ PARENT NATIVITY — COUNTY OF BRISTOL — Con. Persons Persons Total Number of Persons Persons Persons Total Number of Persons Father Mother born in born in (Native and Father Mother born In bom in (Native and born in born in United States. Foreign Countries. Foreign born), with such Parentage. bom in born in United States. Foreign Countries. Foreign born) , with such Parentage. CiTT OF Taunton — Wabd 4. City of Taunton — Ward 7. U.S. U.S. 5 5 U. S. U.S. _ 1 1 U.S. Ire. 11 - 11 U.S. Ire. 1 - 7 U. 8. G. B. 4 - 4 U.S. G. B. 28 - 28 U.S. B.A. 8 1 9 U.S. B. A. 5 - 5 Ire. U.S. 11 _ 11 Ire. U.S. 4 - 4 Ire. Ire. 170 165 335 Ire. Ire. 127 126 253 Ire. G. B. 1 - 1 Ire. G. B. 5 - 5 Ire. B.A. 6 - 5 Ire. B.A. 6 - 6 Ger. U.S. 1 - 1 Ger. U.S. 1 - 1 Ger. Ger. 4 5 9 Ger. Ger. - 2 2 G. B. U.S. 19 - 19 G. B. U.S. 34 - 34 G. B. Ire. 6 1 7 G. B. Ire. 3 1 4 G. B. G. B. 49 50 99 G. B. G. B. 61 82 143 G. B. B. A. 1 _ 1 B.A. U.S. 8 - 8 B. A. U.S. 13 2 15 B.A. B.A. 44 173 217 B. A. G. B. 1 - 1 O.C. O.C. - 3 3 B. A. B.A. 7 35 42 O.C. O.C. 17 43 60 Totals, • • • 333 388 721 328 307 635 Totals, City c F Taunt ON — Ward 8. CiTT C )F Taunt ON — War D 5. U.S. Ire. 1 1 U.S. U.S. Ger. G. B. 3 21 - 3 21 U.S. Ire. 14 _ 14 u. s. B. A. 21 - 21 U.S. B.A. 6 1 7 Ire. U.S. 29 - 29 Ire. U.S. 3 3 Ire. Ire. 661 783 1,444 Ire. Ire. 302 229 531 Ire. G. B. 35 - 35 G. B. U.S. 1 1 Ire. B.A. 1 - 1 G. B. Ire. 2 _ 2 Ger. U.S. 5 1 6 G. B. G. B. 19 19 38 Ger. Ire. 3 - 3 B. A. U.S. 3 3 Ger. Ger. 10 16 26 B. A. Ire. 1 _ 1 Ger. B.A. 6 - 6 B. A. B.A. 2 12 14 G. B. U.S. 36 1 37 O.C. U.S. 1 1 G. B. Ire. 8 2 10 O.C. O.C. 7 25 32 G. B. Ger. 2 - 2 G. B. G. B. 173 379 552 Totals, • • • 361 286 647 G. B. B.A. 5 1 6 Scan. G. B. Scan. 1 2 1 2 Scan. — CiTT ( )F Taunt ON — WaB D 6. B.A. B.A. U.S. Ire. 31 7 3 6 84 12 B.A. G. B. 8 - 8 U.S. U.S. U.S. Ire. G. B. Scan. B.A. U.S. 28 13 2 16 33 - 28 13 2 16 33 B.A. O.C. O.C. Totals, B. A. B.A. O.C. 98 9 562 1 7 660 10 7 U.S. Ire. 1,174 1,763 2,937 Ire. Ire. 457 339 796 Ire. Ire. G. B. 8 8 1 To WN OF "^ (''ESTPORT. B. A. 1 ^ Ger. U.S. 5 . 5 U. S. U.S. - 1 1 Ger. Ire. 5 _, 5 U.S. Ire. 4 - 4 Ger. Ger. 4 7 11 U.S. Ger. 4 - 4 G. B. U.S. 6 6 U.S. G. B. 2 - 2 G. B. Ire. 8 _ 8 U.S. B.A. 5 - 5 G. B. G. B. 21 20 41 U.S. O.C. 4 - 4 Scan. U.S. 1 1 Ire. U.S. 1 - 1 Scan. G. B. 1 _ 1 Ire. Ire. 20 30 50 Scan. Scan. 2 2 Ger. U.S. 8 - 8 B.A. U.S. 7 1 8 1 Ger. Ger. - 3 3 B.A. G. B. 1 1 IG. B. U.S. 11 - 11 B.A. B.A. _ 13 13 G. B. G. B. 14 34 48 O.C. U.S. 1 1 B.A. B.A. 31 160 191 O.C. Ire. 4 ^ 4 O.C. U.S. 7 - 7 O.C. O.C. 10 10 O.C. Totals, O.C. 3 31 34 Totals, 621 393 1,014 114 259 373 120 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 18S0. FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY — COUNTY OF DUKES. Persons Persons Total Xumber of Persons Persons Persons Total Number of Persons Father Mother born in born in (Native and Father Motlier born in born in (Xative and born in born in United Foreign Foreijrn born) , born in born in United Foreign Foreign born) , States. Countries. with such Parentage. States. Countries. with such Parentage. Town op Chilmark. Town of Gat Head. U.S. G. B. 1 1 G.B. U.S. 1 _ 1 U.S. B. A. 1 _ 1 G. B. G. B. - 1 . 1 Ire. U.S. 3 _ 3 B. A. U. 8. 3 - 3 Ire. G. B. _ 2 2 O.C. U. 8. 5 - 5 O.C. U. 8. 1 _ 1 O.C. O.C. - 2 2 0. C. O.C. n 2 Totals, 9 3 12 Totals, . . . 6 4 10 Town of Gosnold. To-n •N OF Cottage Cit Y. U. 8. Ire. . 1 1 U.S. G.B. 1 1 U.S. O. B. 4 _ 4 Ire. U.S. 2 - 2 U.S. B. A. 1 _ 1 Ire. Ire. 3 7 10 Ire. Ire. 9 6 15 Ger. Ger. — 1 1 Ger. Ger. 3 3 G.B. U.S. 2 - 2 G.r. G. B. 1 1 G.B. Ire. 1 - 1 G. B. U.S. 8 _ 8 G.B. G.B. 5 8 13 G. B. G. B, 17 19 36 B. A. B. A. 1 5 6 G. B. B. A. 1 _ 1 B. A. O.C. - 1 1 G. B. O.C. _ 1 1 O.C. U.S. - 1 1 Scan. U.S. 2 2 O.C. O.C. - 3 3 B. A. U.S. 2 . 2 B. A. B. A. _ 1 1 Totals, 15 26 41 O.C. U 8. O.C. 6 7 13 3 O.C. 3 Town of Tisbcry. Totals, 52 40 1 92 U.S. 3 To WN OF Edgartown U.S. _ 3 U.S. U 8. Ire. Ger. 1 2 — 1 2 U.S. G.B. 2 _ 2 U.S. G. B. 15 _ 15 Ire. U. 8. 2 _ 2 Ire. Ire. 19 11 30 Ire. Ire. 4 8 12 Ger. U.S. 1 _ 1 G. B. U. 8. 10 2 12 Ger. Ger. - 1 1 G. B. G. B. 2 5 7 G.B. U. 8. 8 1 9 B. A. U. 8. 1 _ 1 G.B. G. B. 8 31 .39 B. A. B. A. - 1 1 Scan. Scan. _ 1 1 O.C. U.S. 9 _ 9 B. A. U.S. 1 _ 1 O.C. Ire. _ 3 3 B. A. B.A. _ 2 2 O. C. G. B. 3 ! 3 0. C. U.S. 1 _ 1 O.C. O.C. 22 44 66 0. C. Totals, O.C. 6 15 21 Totals, 55 63 118 62 65 127 COUNTY OF ESSEX. Town of Amesburt. U 8. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. Ger. G.B. U.S. Ire. G.B. B.A. O.C. U.S. Ire. G.B. B.A. U. 8. Ire. Ger. U.S. 13 20 13 1 31 541 11 4 1 1 40 1 548 4 1 7 13 20 14 1 32 1,089 15 1 4 1 7 40 Town op Amesburt — Concluded. G.B. G.B. G.B. G.B. B.A. B.A. B.A. B. A. B.A. O.C. O.C. Totals, Ire, G. B. B.A. O.C. U.S. Ire. Ger. G.B. B.A. U.S. O.C. 26 112 14 4 27 5 2 2 16 1 885 2 144 2 1 63 28 256 16 4 27 5 2 3 79 1 1 781 1,666 FOREIGN PAEENT XATIVITT. 121 FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY — COUNTY OF ESSEX — Con. Persons Father Mother born in born in born in United States. Persons born in Foreign Countries. Total Xumber of Persons (Xiitive and Foreifrn burn), with such Parentage. Town of Andover. U. S U. S. v.s. U. 8. U. d. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. G48 CiTT or Gloucester — Ward 3. U.S. U.S. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. rr... 10 : G.B. 6 1 B. A. 92 ; U.S. 5 i ■re. 112 G.B. _ B A. 4 1 1 167 3 9 10 7 93 5 279 3 13 Father born in Persons Mother j born in bom In United States. Persons born in Foreign Countries. Total Number of Persons (Native and Foreisrn born) , with such Parentage. City of Gloucester— Ward 3 — Con. Ger. Ger. Ger. Ger. G.B. G.B. G.B. G.B. G.B. Scan. Scan. Scan. Scan. Scan. B.A. B.A. B. A. Totals, U. 8. 8 Ger. 10 G.B. 2 B.A. 10 U.S. 14 Ire. 11 G.B. 16 Scan. - B.A. 15 U.S. 2 Ire. 9 G.B. 2 Scan. 13 B.A. 15 U.S. 55 Ire. 17 G.B. _ B.A. 243 U.S. 12 Ire. 9 Ger. 7 B.A. 14 O.C. 20 733 1 21 2 2 65 1 7 71 1 6 2 687 51 8 31 2 10 16 13 81 1 22 2 9 2 84 16 55 23 2 930 12 9 7 14 71 1,097 1,830 City of Gloucester — Ward 4. U.S. U.S. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. Ger. Ger. G. B. G. B. G. B. G.B. Scan. Scan. Scan. Bean. Scan. B. A. B. A. B.A. B. A. O.C. O.C. O.C. O. C. O.C. Totals, Ire. 21 1 22 G.B. 16 ~ 16 B.A. 59 1 60 U.S. 8 - 8 Ire. 180 218 398 G. B. 7 _ 7 B.A. 11 22 33 U.S. 5 - Ger. 1 10 11 G.B. 2 - 2 B.A. 9 - 9 U. S. 22 5 27 Ire. 10 2 12 G.B. 33 110 143 B.A. 22 9 31 U.S. 2 - 2 Ire. 3 - 3 G.B. 10 _ 10 Scan. 16 68 84 B.A. 65 - 65 U.S. 24 _ 24 Ire. 33 4 37 G.B. 2 - 2 B.A. 107 596 703 U.S. 3 - 3 Ire. 4 _ 4 G.B. 3 _ 3 B.A. 15 23 38 O. C. 5 32 37 . . . 698 1,101 1,799 City of Gloucester — Ward 5. U.S. Ire. 10 U.S. Ger. 1 U.S. G.B. 2 U.S. B.A. 72 10 1 124: CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS 18S0. FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY— COUNTY OF ESSEX— Con. Father born in MotluT boru in ' United States. Persons Persons born in i born in Koreifrn Countries. Tfitiil Number fit' Persons (Xiitive and Foreign born), witli such Parentage. City op Gloucester — Ward 5 — Con. Ir . U.S. 3 Ir . Ire. 163 Ir.. G. B. 2 Ire. B. A. 17 Ger. U.S. 6 Ger. Ger. - G. B. U.S. 13 G. B. Ire. ]6 G. B. G.B. 25 G.B. B. A. 33 Bean. U.S. 23 Bean. Ire. 9 Scan. Scan. 4 Scan. B. A. 13 B. A. U.S. 4.5 B. A. Ire. 25 B. A. B. A. 168 O. C. U.S. 6 O. C. re. 4 O. C. B. A. 7 0. C. O. C. 11 Totald, 678 180 3 3 47 2 32 2 431 15 3 343 5 20 6 13 16 72 35 23 9 36 13 47 25 599 6 4 7 26 722 1,400 CiTT OF Gloucester — Ward 6. U.S. Ire. U.S. G.B. U.S. B. A. U.S. O.C. Ire. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. O. B. Ire. B. A. Ger. Ger. Ger. G. B. Ger. B. A. G. B. U. S. G.B. G. B. G. B. B. A. Scan. U.S. Scan. Ire. Scan. G.B. Scan. Scan. Scan. B. A B. A. U.S. B. A. Ire. B. A. B. A O. C. U. 8. O. C. B. A. O.C. O.C. Totals, ' 8 2 57 3 1 36 1 3 12 9 15 9 1 5 35 11 98 4 11 11 37 1 3 3 32 9 159 338 266 2 60 3 1 73 1 9 3 1 3 12 41 24 9 1 1 8 5 S6 13 257 4 11 18 604 City of Gloucester — Ward 7. IT. S. U. H. U.S. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. I Ire. 4 G.B. 4 B. A. 23 O.C. - U.S. 15 Ire. 177 G.B. 2 B. A. 9 . .S. 2 5 128 2 4 4 23 5 15 305 2 11 2 Father born in llotlier born in Persons born in United States. Persons bom in Foreign Countries. Total Number of J'ersons (Native and Foreif.'n liorn), vitli sueh Parentage. City of Gloucester — Ward 7 — Con. G.B. G. B. G.B. G.B. G.B. B. A. B A. B. A. O.C. O.C. Totals, U.S. 22 Ger. - G. B. 41 Sean. 3 B. A. 3 U.S. 15 Ir . 7 B. A. 20 I . 10 O.C. • • ■ 3 360 1 130 98 4 368 U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. G. B. G.B. G.B. G.B. Scan. Scan. B. A. B. A. B. A. O.C. Totals, B. A. U. S. Ire. 1 B A. O ; ;. Ger. 1 IT. 8. Ire. 1 G. B. B. A. U. S. Scan. 1 U. s. Ire. 1 B. A. O. C. 39 1 9 3 3 18 5 4 1 20 7 14 19 1 1 24 1 1 1 2 63 4 124 118 Town op Groveland. U. s. U.S. U.S. Ire. 6 U.S. G. B. 34 U.S. Scan. 1 U.S. B. A. 5 Ire. U.S. 13 Ire. Ire. 251 Ire. G.B. 19 Ger. U.S. 6 Ger. Ger, 1 G. B. U.S. 15 G.B. Ire. 7 G. B. G.B. 109 Scan. Scan. _ B. A. U.S. 3 B. A. B. A. _ O.C. U.S. 1 Totals, 471 1 189 1 1 1 184 1 382 Town of Hamilton. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. J re. Ire. 6 Ger. 1 G.B. 2 B. A. 5 U.S. 3 22 1 171 3 3 15 7 118 10 7 728 City of Gloucester — Ward 8. 39 1 28 4 3 1 18 1 29 5 2 1 23 7 77 4 242 1 6 34 1 5 13 440 20 6 2 16 7 293 1 3 4 1 853 POKEia:N" PAKENT NATIVITY. 125 FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY — COUNTY OF ESSEX— Con. FatlKT born ill :Motiipr born ill rcrsons born in United States. Persons born in Foreign Countries. Total Number of Persons (Xative and Foreign born), with such Parentage. Town op Hamilton — Concluded. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ire. G B. G. B. B. A. U. 8. B. A. G. B. B. A. B. A. O. C. O. C. Totals, • • • 12 17 1 _ 8 34 9 1 _ 1 7 34 - 1 54 89 CiTT OF HaVBBHILL. U. 8. U.S. U. 8. U.S. U.S. U. s. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. Ger. Ger. G. B. G. li. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. Scan. Scan. Scan. B. A. B. A. B. A. B. A. B. A. O. C. o. c. o. c. o. c. o. c. o.c. Totals, u. 8. Ire. Ger. G. B. B. A. (). (;. u. 8. Ir .. G B. B. A. O. 0. U. 8. Ire. Ger. B. A. U. 8. Ire. Ger. G. B. B A. 0. C. U. 8. Scan. 1 B. A. U. 8. Ire. 1 G. B. B. A. O. C. U. 8. Ire. Ger. G. B. B. A. O. 0. 74 7 87 114 2 "4 1,631 30 9 4 12 6 15 5 88 39 5 126 15 3 1 1 195 48 4 583 26 1 1 6 18 24 2 4 10 4 1,285 7 19 29 7 7 1 28 1 17 1 9 ft 1,344 3 1 34 3.231 3,108 29 1 42 10 1 41 1 143 24 76 91 124 2 78 2,019 37 28 4 12 6 44 5 95 46 6 410 32 4 1 3 1 203 55 9 1,927 3 26 1 1 1 6 6,339 City of Haverhill— Ward 1. U. 8. U. S. U.S. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. G. B. G. B. G. B. Scan. Scan. U.S. Ire. G. B. B. A. U.S. Ire. G. B. B. A. Ger. U.S. G. B. B. A. 8i-an. B. A. 4 6 14 3 70 1 2 1 15 16 3 63 1 3 2 32 2 1 5 4 6 14 3 133 2 5 1 17 48 5 1 1 Father born in Mother born in Persons born in United States. Persons born in Foreign Countries. Total Number of I'crsons (Native and Foreign born), with such Parentage. City of Haverhill — Ward 1 — Concluded. B. A. U.S. B. A. B. A. O. C. U.S. O.C. Ger. O.C. G. B. O. C. B. A. O.C. O.C. Totals, . . . 31 47 2 1 219 138 1 9 31 185 •1 1 1 2 9 257 476 City of Haverhill — Ward 2. U.S. U.S. U. 8. U.S. U. 8. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. B. A. B. A. B. A. B. A. O.C. Totals, u. 8. Ire. Ger. G B. B. A. U. 8. Ire. 1 G. B. B. A. Ger. 1 U. 8. Ire. Ger. G. B. B. A. U. S. Ire. 1 B. A. O. C. U. 8. 2 2 14 17 1 4 22 1 6 15 16 5 41 237 2 4 98 3 12 37 3 86 3 251 City of Haverhill — Ward 3. u. s. U.S. U.S. Ire.* U.S. Ger. U.S. G. B. U. 8. B. A. Ire. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. O.C. (ier. U 8. Ger. Ger. Ger. B. A. G. B. U. S. G. B. Ire. G. B. G. B. G. B. B. A. G. B. O.C. Scan. Scan. B. A. U. S. B. A. B. A. 0. C. U. S. O.C. O.C. Totals, 6 3 3 15 16 158 1 2 1 5 7 5 27 26 59 10 2 349 157 3 3 56 2 1 1 160 7 393 3 2 2 14 19 5 184 3 3 16 22 1 5 52 3 16 5 127 3 3 4S8 3 6 3 3 15 16 315 1 2 4 5 10 5 83 2 4 1 26 219 10 9 742 City of HA\'ERHrLL- — Ward 4. U.S. U.S. Ire. G. B. 19 15 1 19 16 126 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY — COUNTY OF ESSEX — Con. Persons Persons Total Number of I'ersons Persons Persons Total Number of I'ersons Father Mother born in born in (Native and Father Mother born in born in (Native and born in born in United Foreign Foreign born), born in born in United Foreign Foreign born), States. Countries. witli such Parentage. States. Countries. with sucll I'arentage. City OP Hav] :rhill — Ward 4- -Concluded. City OP Haverhill — Ward 6- Concluded. U.S. B.A. 13 1 14 Ger. Ire. 6 6 Ire. u. S. 30 _ 30 Ger. Ger. _ 6 6 Ire. Ire. 485 386 871 G. B. r. s. 11 _ 11 Ire. G.B. 9 2 11 ICE — Ward 2. City of Lawren CE — War U.S. U.S. U.S. _ 2 2 D 4. Ire. 26 1 27 U.S. Ger. 1 1 U. 8. U. 8. _ 4 4 U.S. G. B. 12 1 13 U.S. Ire. 47 47 u. s. B. A. 13 4 17 U.S. G. B. 33 _ 33 u. s. O.C. - 1 1 U.S. B.A. 37 2 39 re. u. s 61 51 U. 8. O.C. 1 1 128 CEXSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY— COUNTY OF ESSEX — Con. Persons Persons Total Xuinber oj' Persons Persons Persons Total Number of IN'Vsons Father Mother born in born in (Native and Father Jlother bom in born in (Nativi- and born in born in United Foreign ForelKii born), bom in bom in United Foreign Foreifjn born), States. Countries. with such Parentage. States. Countries. with such Parentage. ClTY OF Law BENCE — Ward 4 — Concluded. City OF Lawrence — "Ward 6- -Concluded. Ire. U. 8. 25 25 U.S. G.B. 12 12 Ire. Ire. 1,024 1,311 2,335 u. s. B. A. 24 1 25 Ire. G.B. 31 15 46 Ire. U.S. 39 2 41 Ire. B. A. 16 4 20 Ire. Ire 1,037 987 2,024 Ger. Ger. 7 18 25 Ire. G.B. 14 _ 14 tier. G.B. 3 _ 3 Ire. B.A. 6 5 11 Ger. B. A. _ 6 6 Ger. U.S. 1 1 G. B. U.S. 47 1 48 Ger. Ire. 5 _ 5 G. B. Ire. 11 11 25 Ger. Ger. 40 99 139 G.B. Ger. 1 1 Ger. G.B. 3 _ 3 G. B. G. B. 186 560 746 G.B. U.S. 36 _ 36 G.B. B. A. 20 6 26 G.B. Ire. 21 2 23 G.B. O.C. 1 1 2 G.B. G.B. 169 329 498 Scan. U.S. 1 _ 1 G.B. Scan. .. 2 2 Hcan. Scan. _ 6 6 G.B. B.A. 4 3 7 B. A. U.S. 60 6 66 B. A. U.S. 21 5 26 B. A. Ire. 15 5 20 B A. Ire. 14 1 15 B. A. G.B. 6 7 13 H A. G. B. 2 1 3 B. A. B. A. 234 1,371 1,605 B. A. B.A. 73 160 233 B. A. O.C. - 1 1 O.C. U.S. 2 _ 2 O. 0. U.S. 7 _ 7 O.C. Ire. 6 _ 6 O.C. B. A. _ 2 2 O.C. B.A. 2 _ 2 O. 0. O.C. 1 17 18 0. V. Totals, O.C. 3 20 23 Totals, 1,817 3,354 5,171 1,556 1,631 3,187 City oi p Lawre' WE — Wai ^D 5. City of Lynn. U.S. U.S. 3 3 U.S. Ire. 20 1 21 U.S. U. 8. _ .52 ^2 U. S. Ger. 1 - 1 U.S. Ire. 303 2 305 U.S. G. B. 45 - 45 U.S. Ger. 8 8 U. S. B. A. 12 1 13 U. S. G.B. 145 5 150 Ire. U. S. 26 1 27 U.S. B. A. 407 62 459 Ire. Ire. 682 669 1,251 u. s. O.C. 37 3 40 Ire. G. B. 38 8 46 Ire. U.S. 294 3 297 Ire. Ger. B. A. U.S. 7 5 — 7 5 Ire. Ire. Ire. G. B. 4,429 76 4,036 9 8,465 85 Ger. Ire. - 1 1 Ire. B.A. 91 44 135 Ger. Ger. 17 23 40 Ire. O. C. 4 1 5 Ger. G.B. 1 - 1 Ger. U.S. 15 15 Ger. B. A. 1 3 4 Ger. Ire. 11 _ 11 Ger. O.C. 1 - 1 Ger. Ger. 42 49 91 G.B. u. S. 76 1 77 Ger. G. B. 1 1 G.B. Ire. 60 14 74 Ger. O. C. 1 _ 1 G.B. G.B. 848 1,679 2,527 G. B. U.S. 283 3 286 G. B. Scan. 1 - 1 G. B. Ire. 99 23 122 G.B. B. A. 16 6 22 G. B. Ger. 7 7 G.B. O.C. 1 - 1 G.B. G.B. 325 674 899 Scan. Scan. 10 15 25 G.B. Scan. 4 6 10 B. A. U.S. 49 4 53 G. B. B.A. 21 63 84 B. A. Ire. 11 - 11 G. B. O.C. 4 5 9 B. A. G.B. 6 1 7 Scan. U. S. 6 1 B. A. B. A. 67 286 353 Scan. Ire. 6 _ O.C. U. S. 2 - 2 Scan. Scan. 11 44 65 O.C. B. A. 1 - 1 B. A. U. S. 288 36 324 O.C. O.C. 5 8 13 B.A. B. A. Ire. G.B. 76 16 19 19 95 35 Totals, . . . 1,909 2,724 4,633 B. A. B. A. 444 1,873 2,317 O.C. O. C. U.S. Ire. 46 18 1 2 47 20 City o F Lawre' s'CE — Wai M> 6. O.C. G. B. 2 1 3 O.C. O.C. B.A. O.C. 10 46 14 101 24 147 U.S. u. s. U.S. Ire. 10 4 10 27 23 Totals, . . . 7,576 7,040 14,616 rOEEIGN PAEEXT NATIVITY. 129 FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY— COUNTY OF ESSEX — Con. Persons Persons Total Number of Persons 1 1 Persons Persons Total Number of Persons Father Mother born in born in (Native and ' Father Mother bom in born in (Native and bom in bom in United Foreign Foreignborn), born in bom in United Foreign Foreign bom). StiUes. Cotui tries. Avith such Parentage. States. Countries. with such Parentage. City OF Lynn — Ward 1. CiTT OF LyivN — Ward 3— Concluded. U.S. U.S. 2 2 B.A. U.S. 75 8 83 U.S. Ire. 5 _ 5 B.A. Ire. 9 5 14 U S. G. B. 6 _ 6 B. A. G. B. 4 5 9 U.S. B.A. _ 1 1 B. A. B.A. 112 397 609 U.S. O.C. 1 _ 1 0. C. U.S. - 11 1 12 Ire,. U.S. 2 — 2 O.C. Ire. 6 - 5 Ire. Ire. 20 19 39 O.C. G. B. 2 - 2 G. B. U.S. 10 _ 10 O.C. B.A. - 3 3 G. B. Ire. - 1 1 O.C. O.C. 8 16 24 G. B. G. B. 2 8 10 1 1 G. B. B.A. 1 _ 1 Totals, • • • 1,347 1,222 2,569 B. A. U. S. B. A. 2 2 1 11 3 13 B. A. O.C. O.C. - 2 2 City OF Lynn — Ward 4. Totals, 51 45 96 U.S. U.S. - 6 6 U.S. Ire. 39 _ 39 CiTT OF LTX3 V' — Ward 2. 1 u. s. Ger. 1 - 1 u. s. U.S. G. B. B.A. 20 99 I 21 104 U.S. u. s. - 5 5 u. s. O.C. 7 1 8 U. S. Ire. 9 - 9 Ire. U. 8. 106 1 107 U.S. G B. 14 - 14 Ire. Ire. 1,027 1,1.54 2,181 U.S. B.A. 30 5 35 Ire. G. B. 15 3 18 Ire. U. S. 3 - 3 1 Ire. B.A. 21 17 38 Ire. Ire. 43 60 103 ;Ire. O.C. 1 _ 1 Ire. B. A. 1 2 3 iGer. U. 8. 1 _ 1 Ger. Ire. 4 _ 4 j Ger. Ire. 5 _ 5 G. B. U. S. 25 _ 25 iGer. Ger. 2 15 17 G. B. Ire. 2 t 3 ! G. B. U. 8. 46 46 G. B. G. B. 16 30 40 G. B. Ire. 32 8 40 G. B. Scan. - 5 5 ; G. B. Ger. 7 _ 7 G. B. B.A. - 1 I 1 G. B. G. B. 45 135 180 B. A. U.S. 32 2 34 1 G. B. Scan. 4 4 B. A. G. B. - 3 3 G. B. B.A. 4 22 26 B. A. B.A. 38 118 156 G. B. O.C. _ 2 2 O.C. U. S. 3 - 3 8can. U.S. 1 1 O.C. O.C. 3 10 13 Scan. Scan. 1 14 15 B.A. B.A. U.S. Ire. 64 31 1 5 65 36 Totals, 223 242 465 1 1 1 B.A. B A. G. B. B.A. 9 101 5 577 14 1 678 CiTT OF LTNI •f — Ward 3. O.C. O.C. U. 8. Ire. 3 3 5 — 5 U. S. U.S. 17 17 O.C. B.A. 1 - 1 U.S. Ire. 32 1 33 . O.C. O.C. 21 43 64 u. s. Ger. 1 1 U.S. G. B. 22 2 24 Totals, . . . 1,719 2,015 3,734 U.S. B.A. O.C. u. s. Ire. 113 20 27 645 23 1 1 562 136 21 28 1,207 U.S. Ire. City OF LyTsI >r — Ward 5. Ire. Ire. G. B. 13 1 14 U. S. U.S. _ 15 15 Ire. B.A. 33 13 46 U.S. Ire. 75 75 Ire. O.C. 3 1 4 U. S. Ger. 6 _ 6 Ger. U.S. 7 - 7 U.S. G. B. 35 2 37 Ger. Ger. 3 2 5 U. 8. B.A. 72 10 82 Ger. G. B. 1 - 1 U.S. O.C. 5 5 Ger. O.C. 1 - 1 Ire. U. S. 77 _ 77 G. B. r. s. 83 _ 83 Ire. Ire. 1,083 960 2,043 G. B. Ire. 15 2 17 Ire. G. B. 31 2 33 G. B. G. B. 84 132 216 Ire. B.A. 29 7 36 G. B. Scan. - 1 . 1 Ger. U. 8. 2 2 G. B. B.A. 6 19 25 Ger. Ire. 2 _ 2 G. B. 0. C. 4 3 7 lOer. Ger. 23 23 46 Scan. U.S. 3 . 3 G. B. U. 8. 44 3 47 Scan. Ire. 5 - 5 G. B. Ire. 23 3 26 • Scan. Scan. — 6 6 G. B. G. B. 82 147 229 130 CE:N"SUS of MASSACHUSETTS — 18S0. FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY — COUNTY OF ESSEX— Con. Persons I'ersons Total Number of Persons Persons Persons Total Number of I'trsons Father Mother born in born in (Xative and Father Mother born in born In (Xative and born in born in United Foreign Foreign born), born in born in United Foreign Foreiftn born), States. Countries. with s\ieh I'arentuge. States. Countries. ■with such Parentage. Cn PY OF Ltnn— Ward 5 — Concluded. Town of Ltnnfield. G. B. B. A. 4 9 13 U. S. Ire. 5 Scan. Ire. 1 - 1 U. S. G.B. 1 _ Scan. Scan. 2 6 8 u. s. B. A. 3 _ B. A. U.S. 65 9 64 Ire. U. 8. 1 _ B. A. Ire. 11 6 17 Ire. Ire. 26 11 37 B. A. G. B. 3 1 4 Ire. G.B. _ 1 B. A. B. A. 95 423 518 Ger. U.S. 1 _ 0. C. U.S. 12 - 12 Ger. Ger. _ 1 O.C. Ire. 6 2 8 G.B. U. S. 3 1 o.c. G.B. - 1 1 G. B. Ire. _ 2 2 O.C. B. A. 6 5 11 G.B. G.B. 4 6 10 o.c. O.C. 9 16 25 G.B. B. A. _ 2 2 1 O. B. Scan. O.C. Scan. 1 2 1 2 Totals, . 1,793 1,650 3,443 _ B. A. B. A. U.S. G. B. 6 2 6 2 City OF Ltnn — Ward 6. B. A. O.C. Totals, B. A. O.C. • • • 9 5 23 3 b2 8 U.S. U.S. 6 6 64 55 119 U.S. U.S. Ire. G.B. 113 36 1 114 36 Toi VN OF Manchester. U. s. B. A. O.C. 67 4 8 1 75 5 U.S. Ire. U.S. 68 1 69 U.S. U.S. _ 2 2 Ire. Ire. 1,435 1,109 2,544 U. 8. Ire. 6 - 6 Ire. (}. B. 6 1 7 U. S. Ger. 6 . 5 Ire. B. A. 1 4 11 U.S. G.B. 7 _ 7 Ger. U. S. 5 - 5 U.S. B. A. 29 _ 29 Ger. Ger. 14 9 23 U.S. O.C. 2 _ 2 G. B. U.S. 56 - 56 Ire. U.S. 4 1 5 G. B. Ire. 17 3 20 Ire. Ire. 79 126 205 G. B. G.B. 80 100 180 Ire. G.B. _ 2 2 G. B. B. A. 6 11 17 Ire. B. A. _ 1 1 Scan. U.S. 2 - 2 Ger. Ire 1 _ 1 Scan. Scan. 8 18 26 Ger. Ger. _ 2 2 B. A. U. S. 44 10 54 Ger. O.C. _ 1 1 B. A. Ire. 21 1 22 G. B. U.S. 8 _ 8 B. A. G.B. - 5 5 G.B. Ire. 8 1 9 B. A. B. A. 78 293 371 G.B. G.B. 18 41 59 O.C. U. 8. 17 - 17 G.B. B. A. - 1 1 O.C. Ire 2 - 2 Scan. Scan. - 5 5 O.C. B. A. 3 6 9 B. A. U. S. 10 1 11 O.C. O.C. 5 14 19 B. A. O.C. O.C. Totals, B. A. U.S. O.C. • • • 11 1 21 39 50 1 41 Totals, . . . 2,094 1,601 3,695 20 ' 210 243 453 CiTT OF Ltxn — Ward 7. Tot 49 667 658 1,325 Totals, ClTT OF Sale M — Ward 6. City OF Sale M — Ward 3. U.S. U.S. U.S. Ire. 35 7 7 35 U.S. U.S. _ 6 6 U.S. G. B. 16 1 17 U.S. Ire. 18 2 20 U.S. B.A. 38 3 41 U.S. G. B. 9 _ 9 U. S. O.C. 1 1 2 U. S. B. A. 31 1 32 Ire. U.S. 42 1 43 U.S. O.C. 4 1 6 Ire. Ire. 706 819 1,525 Ire. U.S. 32 1 33 Ire. G. B. 22 6 28 Ire. Ire. 649 606 1,156 Ire. B.A. 7 6 ^f Ire. G. B. 9 1 10 Ger. U.S. 5 _ Ire. B. A. 5 4 9 Ger. Ire. 4 _ 4 Ger. U.S. 4 _ 4 Ger. Ger. 21 17 38 Ger. Ger. 2 1 3 Ger. B.A. 1 1 G. B. U. S. 21 1 22 G. B. U. S. 25 2 27 G. B. Ire. 6 6 12 G. B. Ire. 21 3 24 G. B. G. B. 22 46 68 G. B. G. B. 58 112 170 G. B. B. A. 1 4 5 G. B. Scan. _ 1 1 G. B. O.C. _ 1 1 G. B. B.A. 1 1 2 Scan. U.S. 5 5 Scan. U.S. 7 7 Scan. Ire. 1 _ 1 Scan. Scan. 3 8 11 Scan. Scan. _ 2 2 Scan. B.A. 3 3 Scan. B. A. _ 1 1 B.A. U. S. 12 1 1.3 B. A. U.S. 25 2 27 B.A. Ire. 2 2 B. A. Ire. 5 2 7 B.A. G. B. 8 _ 8 B. A. B. A. 14 70 84 B.A. Scan. 1 1 B. A. O.C. - 1 1 B.A. B.A. ISO 1,803 1,983 O.C. U.S. 26 1 27 O.C. U.S. 19 _ 19 O.C. O.C. 4 10 14 O.C. O.C. O.C. Ire. Ger 12 1 1 - 12 1 1 Totals, • • • 793 770 1,563 B.A. I O.C. Totals, O.C. 2 27 29 City OP Sat.-r M — Ward 4. 1,251 2,821 4,U72 U.S. U.S. 3 3 City OF Sale M — Ward 6. U.S. Ire. Ger. 21 1 21 1 U. S. U.S. G. B. 18 _ 18 U.S. U.S. ^ 1 1 U.S. Scan. 2 _ 2 U.S. Ire. 52 _ 52 U.S. B.A. 40 1 41 U.S. G. B. 12 ... 12 Ire. U.S. 51 4 55 . U. S. B.A. 34 1 35 Ire. Ire. 1,125 969 2,094 'U.S. O.C. 6 - 6 Ire. G. B. 4 1 5 Ire. U. S. 19 ~ 19 136 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY — COUNTY OF ESSEX — Con. Persons Father Mother born in. born in born in tJnited States. Persons born in Foreign Countries. Total JJ'umbcr of Persons (Native and Foreign born), wiiii such Parentage. CiTT OF Salem — Ward 6— Concluded. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. Scan. B. A. B. A. B. A. B. A. O. C. O. C. O. C. Totals. Ire. 714 G. B. 9 B. A. 18 0. C. _ U.S. 33 Ire. 32 G. B. 18 B. A. - Scan. 3 U.S. 29 Ire. 15 G. B. 1 B. A. 35 U.S. 16 Ire. 4 O.C. 3 1,053 587 4 1 3 ■ 2 4 33 1 4 2 1 84 12 740 Town of Salisburt. U.S. U. S. U.S. Ire. 9 u. s. Ger. 2 U.S. G. B. 15 U.S. B. A. 23 Ire. U. S. 29 Ire. Ire. 170 Ire. (J. B. 7 Ire. B. A. 7 Ger. U. S. 5 Ger. Ire. 7 Ger. Ger. 5 Ger. G. B. 1 G. B. U.S. 55 G. B. Ger. _ G. B. G. B. 81 G. B. B. A. _ Scan. U. S. 1 Scan. Scan. 1 B. A. U. S. 28 B. A. Ger. _ B. A. G. B. _ B. A. B. A. 26 O.C. U.S. 3 O.C. O.C. - Totals, 475 1 3 155 1 15 1 3 134 1 1 1 79 1 5 407 Town of Saugus. u. s. U.S. U.S. U.S. u. s. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. Ger. G. B. u. s. Ire. 17 G. B. 28 B. A. 14 O.C. 5 U.S. 9 Ire. 109 G B. 1 B. A. 1 U.S. 1 Gtr. 1 0. C. _ u. s. 58 1 127 1,301 13 19 3 35 36 51 1 7 29 17 2 119 16 4 15 1,793 2 16 26 29 325 7 8 5 7 20 1 56 3 215 1 1 4 28 1 1 lO.T 4 882 6 17 28 16 5 10 236 1 2 1 7 1 61 Father born in Mother born In Persons born in United States. Persons born in Foreign Countries. Total Number of Persons (Native and Fon-ign born), witli such Parentage. Town or Saugus — Concluded. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. Scan. B. A. B. A. B. A. B. A. B. A. O.C. O.C. O.C. Totals, Ire. 14 Ger. - G. B. 93 B. A. 14 Scan. _ U. S. 9 Ire. - G. B. _ B. A. 19 O.C. 1 U.S. 3 G. B. 1 O.C. - 398 4 1 133 4 1 5 1 1 66 365 Town of Swampscott. U.S. U.S. U.S. Ire. 17 U.S. G. B. 16 U.S. B. A. 62 Ire. Ire. 179 Ire. G. B. - Ire. B. A. 1 Ger. U.S. 6 Ger. Ger. 9 G. B. U.S. 22 G. B. Ire. 3 G. B. G. B. 24 G. B. B. A. 8 Scan. Scan. - B. A. U.S. 12 B. A. Ire. _ B. A. G. B. 1 B. A. B. A. 21 O.C. U.S. 6 O.C. G. B. 1 O.C. B. A. 3 O.C. O.C. 7 Totals, 398 2 156 3 1 4 2 50 6 6 1 4 103 10 350 Town of Topsfield. U.S. U.S. U.S. Ger. 1 U.S. G. B. 1 U.S. B. A. 11 Ire. U.S. 1 Ire. Ire. 24 Ire. G. B. 2 Ger. Ger. - G. B. U.S. 5 G. B. G. B. 3 Scan. Scan, _ B. A. U.S. 17 B. A. Ire. 1 B. A. B. A. 3 O.C. O.C. 1 Totals, 70 33 2 1 6 2 29 1 18 1 226 18 1 14 1 1 85 1 3 1 2 763 2 17 16 64 335 3 2 6 13 24 3 74 14 6 13 4 1 124 6 1 3 17 748 2 1 1 11 1 57 2 2 6 9 2 17 1 32 146 FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY. 137 FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY — COUNTY OF ESSEX -Con. Persons Persons Tot.\l Number of i'erhons Persons Persons Total Niuiiber of I'ersons Father Mother born in born n (Native and Father Mother born in born in (Native !ind born in born in United States. Foreign Countries. Fort-iKn born), with su h Parentage. born in born in United Stages. Foreign Countries. Foreign born), with ^uch Parentage. T OWN OF ^ ;Venham;. Town of West NEWsuiiT. U. S. Ire. 4 4 u. s. Ire. 8 8 U.S. Ger. 7 - 7 U. 8. G B. 8 1 9 U.S. G.B. 2 _ 2 u. s. B. A. 11 — 11 U.S. B.A. 11 _ 11 Ire. U.S. 26 _ 26 U.S. o. c. 5 _ 5 Ire. Ire. 252 219 471 Ire. Ire. 17 23 40 Ire. G.B. 9 - 9 Ger. 6 G. B. U.S. 6 _ 6 G.B. U. S. 49 _ 49 G.B. G.B. 3 6 9 G.B. Ire. 11 _ 11 G. B. B.A. 2 2 4 G.B. G.B. 55 74 129 Scan. U. S. 1 _ 1 G.B. B.A. 2 1 3 B.A. U.S. o - 2 B.A. U. S. 17 _ 17 B A. Ire. 4 - 4 B.A. Ire. 6 - 6 B.A. B. A. 6 17 23 B.A. B A. 3 14 17 0. C. 0. 0. - 1 1 0.0. (). 0. 0.0. t Totals, U.S. B.A. 0.0. 1 1 1 1 1 Total*, * 80 53 133 1 463 312 775 COUNTY OF FRANKLIN. Town of Ashfield. Ire. Ire. Ger G B. G.B. Scan. B.A. B.A. 0.0. Totals, u. s. 1 Ire. 11 Ger. 7 U. S. 8 G.B. 1 Scan. _ U. S. 2 B.A. 2 0.0. - 32 17 Town of Bernahdston; U. S. U.S. U.S. U.S. Ire. Ire. G.B. G.B. B.A. O. O. TotalH, U. S. Ire. G.B. B.A. Ire. G.B. U. S. G. B. B.A. O. C. 24 1 _ 3 _ 2 _ 2 1 — 2 1 _ 10 10 5 6 - 1 21 Town of Buckland. U.S. U 8 U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. U.S. Ger. 3 G.B. 12 U.S. 18 Ire. 119 G B. 1 B.A. - 112 6 I 14 12 8 4 1 2 49 1 1 3 2 3 2 1 20 11 1 45 1 3 12 18 231 1 6 Town of Buckland — Concluded. Ger. U.S. 6 _ 6 Ger. Ger. 118 121 239 Ger. G.B. 18 1 19 Ger. B.A. 2 - 2 Ger. O. 0. 2 _ 2 G. B. u. s. 10 _ 10 G. B. Ire. 7 1 8 G.B. G.B. 84 148 232 Scan. Scan. 1 2 3 B.A. U.S. 10 1 11 B.A. G.B. 4 1 5 B.A. B A. 6 20 26 O. 0. 0. C. - 5 5 Totals, 421 419 840 Town of Oharlemont. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. G.B. B.A. B.A. B.A. O. O. Totals, B.A. 2 U.S. 7 Ire. 9 U.S. 2 Ger. «, O.B. 3 U.S. 4 G.B. _ B.A. 2 O. 0. 3 ! 32 14 2 2 10 3 31 Town of Colrain. u. s. U. 8. U.S. U. 8. u. s. Ire. 6 G B. 2 B.A. 16 2 7 23 2 2 3 4 2 12 6 63 2 6 2 21 138 CEXSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY — COUNTY OF FRANKLIN — Con. Persons Persons Total Number of I'ersons Persons Persons Tot.Tl Xiimber of lViso?i.s Father Mother born In born in (Native imd Father Mother born in born in (Niilive and born in born in United Foreign KorciLTU t)orn), born in born in United Foreign ForeiuMi burn), States. Countries. wiih sucli Parentage. 1 States. Countries. with such Parentage. Town ( )F COLRA 1 IN — Concluded. Town of Erving. Ire. u. s. 1 1 U. S. U.S. 6 6 Ire. Ire. 18 16 34 U.S. Ger. 1 « 1 Ire. G. B. _ 1 1 U. 8. G.B. 2 _ 2 Ger. Ger. 3 _ . 3 U.S. B.A. 9 2 11 G. B. U. S. 6 _ 6 Ire. U.S. 8 _ 8 G. B. Ire. 8 - 8 Ire. Ire. 68 50 lis G. B. G. B. 21 25 46 Ger. Ger. 1 2 3 G. B. B.A. 6 6 a. B. U.S. 4 _ 4 G. B. O.C. 1 _ 1 (}. B. Ire _ 2 2 B. A. U. S. 10 _ 10 G B. G. B. 12 14 26 B.A. Ire. 2 8 10 Scan. _ 3 3 B.A. G. B. 1 _ 1 B. A. I'. S. 23 1 24 B.A. B. A. 61 224 285 B.A. Ire. 2 „ 2 B. .\. B. A. U. S. 26 4 27 53 4 Totals, . . 162 281 443 ( )'. C.' O.C. Totals, O.C. • • • 2 3 5 1 'OWN OF CONWAT. 162 110 272 G.B. 18 _ 18 U.S. U.S. B. .■\.. 10 _ 10 Town of Gill. Ire. U. S. 8 ~ 8 Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. Ger. G. B. G. B. G. B, Scan. B.A. B. A. O. G. Ire. G.B. U.S. Ire. Ger. U. S. Ire. G.B. Scan. U.S. B.A. U.S. Ire. (fer. 146 1 6 2 1^2 5 22 12 40 I 127 8 44 1 62 1 273 1 5 2 15 12 5 66 1 12 102 1 3 1 U.S. U.S. U.S. Ire. Ger. G.B. G. B. G. B. B.A. B.A. O.C. Totals, U.S. Ire. B. A. Ire. Ger. U.S. Ger. G.B. U.S. B.A. U.S. • • • 2 2 6 3 1 1 7 6 6 1 4 7 6 11 7 4 2 2 13 9 1 1 18 6 13 1 O. C. 0. C. 35 35 70 o. c. O.C. • • • 9 163 172 To WN OF G REENFIELI Totals, 301 406 707 >. U.S. U.S. ^ 6 To WN OF D EERFIELD e U. S. U.S. Ire. Ger. 24 4 — 24 4 U.S. U.S. - 10 10 U.S. G.B. 17 — 17 U.S. Ire. 18 - 18 U.S. B.A. 5 _ 5 U.S. G.B. 14 - 14 U.S. O.C. 2 1 3 U.S. B.A. 4 1 5 Ire. U.S. 29 29 Ire. U.S. 25 - 25 Ire. Ire. 357 334 691 Ire. Ire: 490 477 967 Ire. G.B. _ 1 1 Ire. G.B. 2 _ 2 Ire. B.A. 1 1 2 Ire. Scan. 2 - 2 Ger. U.S. 7 7 Ger. U.S. 14 - 14 Ger. Ire. 4 _ 4 Ger. Ger. 98 112 210 Ger. Ger. 158 111 269 Ger. G.B. 3 - 3 Ger. G.B. 3 3 G. B. U.S. 12 _ 12 G.B. U.S. 35 _ 35 G. B. Ire. 1 _ 1 G.B. G.B. 18 55 73 G. B. G.B. 22 68 80 Scan. Scan. _ 6 6 Scan. Scan. 5 6 10 B.A. U.S. 20 1 21 B.A. V. S. 6 2 8 B.A. Ire. 12 4 16 B.A. Ire. 6 - 6 B.A. G.B. 1 1 B.A. G.B. 2 _ 2 iB.A. B.A. 25 69 94 B. A. B.A. 26 45 71 B.A. O.C. 1 1 O.C. U.S. 1 . 1 O.C. U. S. 2 2 O. C. G.B. 5 _ 5 lO. C. Scan. 2 _ 2 O.C. B.A. 1 _ 1 'o. C. B.A. 2 2 O.C. O.C. 6 124 129 O.C. Totals, O.C. 3 11 14 Totals, 762 834 1,596 729 603 1,332 FOIIEIGX PAEEXT XATH^ITT. 139 FOREIGN PARENT NATIYITY — COUNTY OF FRANKLIN — Con. Father born in Mother born in Persons born in United States. Persons bom in Forcijni Countries. Total Number of Persons (Xative and Foreign born), with such Parentage. Town of Hawlet. U.S. Ire. 5 Ire. Ire. Ger. B. A. 1 G. B. G. B. - Totals, " ! Town of Heath. U.S. Ire. U.S. G. B. u. s. B. A. Ger. Ger. G. B. U.S. G. B. G. B. B. A. U. S. B. A. B. A. Totals, 32 Town of Leverett. Ire. G. B. B. A. B. A. Totals, I Ire. B. A. Ire. B. A. I 11 Tows of Leyden. U.S. U.S. U.S. Ire. U.S. B. A. Ire. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. B. A. Ger. Ger. G. B. U.S. G. B. Scan. Scan. Scan. B. A. U.S. 0. C. B. A. 0. C. O. C. Totals, 9 3 9 30 6 1 1 26 2 1 1 1 1 64 34 17 1 1 10 1 4 12 9 11 49 15 2 9 3 9 56 6 3 1 1 1 5 1 1 9S Town of Monroe. U.S. U.S. 1 1 U.S. G. B. 1 1 U.S. B.A. 1 „ 1 Ire. Ire. 9 6 15 G. B. G. B. _ 2 2 B.A. U.S. 9 9 B.A. B.A. • ■ - 1 1 Totals, 20 10 SO Father born in I Persons ilother boni in boru in United I States. Persons born in Foreign Countries. Total Number of Persons (Xative and Forcif.'n burn), with such Parentage. Town of Montague. S. s. s. 8. 8. U. u. u. u. u. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. Ger. Ger. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. B.A. B.A. B. A, O. G. O. C. 0.0. Totals, U.S. Ire. Ger. G. B. B.A. U.S. Ire. G.B. B.A. U.S. Ger. G.B. O. (). U.S. Ire. Ger. G.B. B. A. O. C. U.S. Ire. B. A. Ire. B.A. O. C. 4 4 19 _ 19 5 - 5 13 - 13 9 2 11 34 _ 34 573 467 1,040 7 - 7 6 1 7 20 _ 20 192 282 474 1 _ 1 1 _ 1 24 _ 24 11 3 14 2 3 5 18 60 78 _ 1 1 1 _ 1 60 _ 50 11 _ 11 259 628 887 4 _ 4 1 1 2 37 106 143 1,298 1,558 2,856 Town op Xew Salem. U.S. U.S. U. s. B.A. 2 Ire. U.S. 3 Ire. Ire. 1 Ger. Ire. 4 Ger. Ger. _ G.B. G.B. 6 B.A. B.A. _ O.C. Scau. ~ 1 Totals, 16 1 1 12 1 1 18 Town of Xorthfield. U.S. U.S. U. B. Ire. Ire. G. B. Scan. Scan. B.A. B. A. B A. O.C. Totals, Ire. 2 6. B. 3 B.A. 2 U.S. 3 Ire. 106 G. B. _ Ire. 1 Scan. _ U. 8. 3 Ire. 6 K. A. 5 O.C. ■ ■ • - 131 4 22 1 103 Town of Orange. U. S. U. 8. U. 8. U.S. U.S. _ Ire. 2 Ger. 1 G. B. 6 1 2 3 3 4 1 18 1 1 34 2 3 2 3 181 4 1 1 3 6 27 1 234 140 CEXSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 18S0. FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY — COUNTY OF FRANKLIN — Con. Persons Persons Total Xumber of Persons Persons Persons Total Number of I'ersons Father Mother born in born in (Native and Father Mother born in born in (Native and bom In born in United Foreign Foreign born), born in born in United Foreign Foreign born), States. Countries. with such Parentage. States. Countries. with such Parentage. Town of Orange— Coticl uded. Town of Shdtesburt — Concluded. U.S. B. A. 17 1 18 B. A. U.S. 10 10 U.S. O.C. 15 - 15 B. A. B. A. _ 3 3 Ire U. 8. 7 89 7 150 Ire! Ire. ' 61 Totals, 21 11 32 Ire. G. B. 2 - 2 Ire. B. A. 1 — 1 Ire. Ger. O. C. U. S. 1 5 - 1 6 Town of Sunderland. Ger. Ire. Ger. 1 9 12 1 21 Ger. G. B. U. 8, 15 15 U.S. U 8. - 3 3 G. B. Ire. U _ 14 U.S. B. A. 1 - 1 G. B. G. B. 18 38 56 Ire. Ire. 79 39 lis G. B. O.C. _ 1 1 G. B. U.S. 1 - 1 B. A. u. s. 21 1 22 B. A. B. A. - 2 2 B. A. Ire. 1 1 O.C. Ire. 2 - 2 B. A. B. A. 13 49 62 B. A. O.C. 2 _ 2 ! Totals, . 83 44 127 O.C. U.S. O.C. 1 2 • 9 1 11 O. C. Town or Warwick. Totals, 213 177 420 U.S. G. B. 2 _ Town of Rowe. 2 u. s U.S. B. A. O.C. 4 2 1 6 1 1 U.S. Ire. 2 _ 2 Ire. U.S. 3 _ 3 U.S. G. B. 1 ^ 1 Ire. Ire. 2 3 5 U. 8. B. A. 1 _ 1 Ire. G. B. 1 - 1 Ire. Ire. 7 3 10 G. B. G. B. 4 6 10 G. B. U.S. 2 ^ 2 B. A. B. A. - 1 1 G B. Ire. _ 1 1 G. B. G. B. 4 3 7 Totals, . . . 16 13 23 B. A. U.S. B. A. • • • 3 1 "" 3 1 B. A. Town of Wendeli,. Totals, 21 1 28 U.S. Ire. 4 _• Town of Siielburne 4 U.S. Ire. B. A. U.S. 8 2 ^ 8 2 U.S. U.S. _ 2 2 Ire. Ire. 2 8 10 U.S. G. B. 1 _ 1 Ger. Ire. 4 - 4 U.S. B. A. 5 1 6 Ger. Ger. - 1 1 Ire. Ire. 22 23 45 G. B. U.S. 1 - 1 Ger. U.S. 2 _ 2 G. B. G. B. - 1 1 Ger. Ire. U _ 11 B. A. U.S. 3 - 3 Ger. Ger. 60 47 1U7 1 B. A. B. A. 2 11 13 Ger, Ger. G. B. Scan. 6 1 6 1 O.C. U.S. 1 - 1 6. B. U.S. 5 _ 5 Totals, . . . 27 21 48 G. B. G. B. Scan. 10 14 1 24 1 Sciin. B. A. B. A. 5 34 39 Town of Whatelt. O.C. U.S. 1 — 1 O.C. O.C. - 63 63 U.S. U.S. Ire. G. B. 1 5 _ Totals, 129 185 314 1 5 u. s. C 4 4 8 Town of Shutesburt Ire. U.S. 8 _ Ire. Ger. Ire. Ger. 153 108 8 261 8 U.S. G. B. 2 _ 2 G. B. G. B. 1 4 5 U.S. B. A. 6 - 6 B. A. B. A. 11 7 18 Ire. Ire. 1 - 1 O.C. O.C. 1 ■ 20 21 G. B. G. B. U.S. G. B. 2 2 8 8 Totals, . . . 184 147 331 FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY. Ul FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY — COUNTY OF HAMPDEN. Persons Persons Total Number of Persons Persons Persons Total Xumber of I'ersons Father Mother born in born in (.Native and Father Mother born in born in (Native and born in born in United Foreign Foreign burn), born in born in United Foreign Foreign born), States. Countries. with such Parentage. States. Countries. with such Parentage. Town op Agawam. Town of Chester. U.S. U S. 4 4 U.S. U. 8. 1 1 U.S. Ire. 23 _ 23 ( U.S. Ire. 4 _ 4 U.S. G. B. 10 1 11 i U. 8. Ger. 3 _ 3 U.S. B. A. 5 _ 5 1 U.S. G. B. 14 _ 14 Ire. U. 8. 5 - 5 U. 8. B. A. 1 _ 1 Ire. Ire. 268 290 558 Ire. U. 8. 13 _ 13 Ire. B. A. 2 _ 2 Ire. Ire. 101 75 176 Ire. O.C. - 1 Ire. G. B. 3 _ 3 Ger. u. s. _ 1 Ger. U. 8. 1 _ 1 Ger. Ger. 5 12 Ger. Ger. 1 4 5 G. B. U. 8. _ 1 G. B. U.S. 4 _ 4 G. B. G.B. 17 41 58 G B. G.B. 8 18 26 G. B. B.A. 2 1 3 Scan. Scan. _ 2 9. Sean. Ger. 1 1 2 B.A. U.S. 11 _ 11 Scan. Scan. _ 3 3 B.A. Ire. 3 _ 3 B. A. U. 8. 12 _ 12 B.A. G.B. 2 _ •> B A. Ire. _ 3 3 B.A. B. A. 34 55 89 B. A. G. B. 3 - 3 O.C. O.C. 3 10 13 B. A. Scfin, 3 3 B. A. B. a! 122 230 352 Totals, • ■ ■ 206 165 371 O. 0. U.S. 3 - 3 G. C. Ger. 4 — 4 0. C. 0. C. _ 8 8 Town of Chicopee. Totals, 490 5S7 1,077 U.S. U.S. 16 16 U. 8. Ire. 55 _ 55 To- n-X OF Bl .ANDFORD . U.S. U.S. Ger. G.B. 4 40 - 4 40 U.S. U. S. Scan. B. A. 75 3 7 3 82 U.S. Ire. 6 _ 6 U.S. O. (!. 6 1 7 U.S. Ger. 1 ^ 1 Ire. U.S. 97 97 U.S. G.B. 7 _ 7 Ire. Ire. 2,316 2,183 4,499 U.S. B. A. 4 _ 4 Ire. G. B. 31 8 39 Ire. Ire. 19 12 31 Ire. B.A. yz 4 18 Ire. G.B. 1 I Ire. O.C. lo 6 21 Ire. B. A. 1 1 Ger. U.S. 7 - 7 G. B. U.S. 1 _ 1 Ger. Ire. 3 - 3 G. B. G.B. 8 12 20 Ger. Ger. 42 t6 98 B. A. U. S. 2 2 Ger. B.A. 2 - .7 B.A. B.A. 1 _ 1 G. B. U.S. 49 - 49 O. C. U.S. 1 _ 1 G. B. Ire. 49 9 58 O.C. B.A. 1 _ 1 G. B. G.B. 110 337 447 G. B. G.B. B A. O.C. 1 3 4 7 5 Totals, 52 25 77 10 Scan. B.A. Scan. U.S. 3 2 5 101 18 119 B.A. Ire. 13 _ 13 Tc )Wii OF B RIMFIFLD. B.A. Ger. 11 _ 11 B.A. G.B. 6 - 6 B. A. B. A. 487 1,781 2,268 U. 8. U. 8. 2 2 B.A. O.C. 3 _ 3 U.S. Ire. 2 2 O. C. U.S. 4 1 5 U. 8. G. B. 4 O.C. Ire. 14 2 16 U.S. B. A. 11 11 O.C. G.B. 1 1 2 Ire. U. 8. 1 _ O.C. B. A. 4 1 5 Ire. Ger. Ire. Ger. 79 55 134 O.C. O.C. 11 59 70 1 3 4 G.B. U.S. . 4 Totals, . . . 3,575 4,506 8,081 G. B. Ire. G. B. 7 1 6 G.B. Scan. Scan. _ 1 Town of G RANVILLE. B.A. U.S. B A. 14 44 1 56 15 100 B.A. O.C. O.C. " 2 2 U.S. U.S. U.S. Ire. G. B. B.A. 1 13 1 - 1 13 Totals, ... 168 126 294 2 3 U2 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS IS SO. FOREIGN PATIENT NATIVITY — COUNTY OF HAMPDEN — Con. Father born in Mother born in Persons born in United States. Persons born in Foreign Countries. Total Numl)er of I'crsons (Xativc and Forci'-'n lioni), with siK-li Parentage. Town of Granville — Concluded. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. 6. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. B. A. O. C. Totals, U.S. 8 Ire. 113 U.S. 5 Ger. _ U 8. 15 Ire. 1 G. B. 2 B. A. _ U.S. 2 B, A. _ 0. C. " 1 161 76 5 10 1 1 99 Town of Hampden. U.S. U.S. U.S. Ire. 3 U.S. G.B. 9 U.S. B. A. - Ire. U.S. 5 Ire. Ire. 171 Ger. Ger. 2 G. B. U.S. 3 G.B. G.B. 14 B. A. U.S. 2 B. A. G.B. 1 B. A. B. A. 6 B. A. O.C. 1 O. C. U.S. 1 O.C. O.C. • • • 1 Totals, 219 109 4 11 1.35 Town of Holland. U.S. U.S. Ire. G. B. G. B. B. A. Totals, Ire. 1 G. B. 7 Ire. 6 U.S. 1 G. B. _ B. A. • • ■ 10 25 u City of Holyoke. U. S. -tj;- s: U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. Ire. Ire. —ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. Tre. 110 Ger. 5 G. B. 47 Scan. _ B. A. 111 0. C. 1 U. s. 153 Ire. 3,804 ^er. 9 G. B. 85 Scan. 1 B. A. 46 O c. ^. 8 U.S. "16 Ire. 13 15 2 2 1 21 5 4,523 29 24 8 189 5 5 15 1 12 1 3 2 o 260 1 3 9 1 5 280 6 3 25 2 1 11 1 2 4 3.54 11 1 2 17 39 15 112 5 49 1 132 1 158 8,327 9 114 1 70 8 16 13 Father born in Mother born in Persons born in United States. Persons born in Foreign Countries. Total Number of Persons (Xativc and Fori'i}.'n born), ■with such Parentage. City of Holyoke — Concluded. Ger. GeK — Ger. Ger. Ger. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. "5. B. Scan. Scan. B. A. B. A. B. A. B. A. B. A. O.C. O.C. O.C. O.C. O.C. Totals, Ger. 278 G.BT 4 Scan. 1 B. A. 6 O.C. 6 U.S. 86 Ire. 49 Ger. 1 G^JB. 380 B. A. 24 U. S. 1 Scan. 4 U. S. 207 Ire. 27 G. B. 3 B. A. 1,110 O.C. 5 U.S. 1 Ire. 7 Ger. 4 B. A. •> O.C. 26 . . . 6,647 502 175 7 23 778 16 13 19 8 2 4,663 1 3 83 10,915 780 179 1 6 6 93 72 1 1,158 40 1 17 226 35 5 5,773 5 7 7 5 5 109 17,562 City of Holyoke — Ward 1. U.S. U.S. U.S. Ire. 21 U.S. G. B. 7 U.S. Scan. _ U.S. B. A. 3 Ire. U. S. 42 Ire. Ire. 620 Ire. Ger. 1 Ire. G.B. 35 Ire. B. A. 15 Ire. O.C. 8 Ger. Ger. 1 Ger. G. B. 3 Ger. B. A. 4 G. B. U. 8. 20 G.B. Ire. _ G. B. G. B. 74 G.B. B. A. 4 Scan. Scan. _ B.A. U.S. 38 B. A. Ire. 4 B.A. G. B. 1 B.A. B.A. 112 O.C. O.C. 4 Totals, 1,026 , 1 5 1 669 11 4 1 1 162 6 1 2 41 9 6 3 21 7 1 8 43 1,298 1 46 19 3 4 21 1 236 10 1 40 4 1 531 10 1,299 2,325 City of HoLroKE — Ward 2. U. S. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. U.S. Ire. 13 Ger. 1 G.B. 7 B.A. 11 U.S. 25 Ire. 301 Ger. 8 G.B. 12 2 298 1 14 . 1 7 11 27 599 8 15 rOKEIGN PAREXT XATIA'ITY. U3 FOREIGX PARENT NATIVITY — COUNTY OF HAMPDEN — Con. Father born in Mother born in Persons born in United Slates. Persons born in ForeifeMi Countries. Total Number of Persons (Xiitive and Foreifjn born), with such Parentage. City of Holtoke — Ward 2 — Concluded. Ire. Gcr. Ger. Ger. G. B. G. B. G. B. Scan. B A. B. A. B. A. O. C O. C. Totals, Scan. 1 B. A. 2 U.S. 3 Ger. 32 G. B. _ U.S. 12 G. B. 65 B. A. 4 Scan. 4 U.S. 34 B. A. 272 0.0. 2 U S. 1 0. C. 4 814 31 175 3 5 999 1 3 3 63 175 12 65 7 9 34 1.271 2 1 9 1,524 2,338 City of Holtoke — Ward 3. U. S. U. S. U. S. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. Ger. Gi-r. Gir. G. B. G. B. G.B. G. B. Scan. B. A. B.A. B. A. B.A. B.A. O. 0. O. C. O.C. O. C. Totals, U.S. Ire. 19 G. B. 4 B. A. 20 U. S. 11 Ire. 470 G. B. 12 B. A. 5 U.S. 2 Ire. 13 \ Ger. 187 B. A. 1 O. 0. 6 U.S. 9 Ire. 6 G. 8. 93 B.A. 8 Scan. - U.S. 36 Ire. 8 G.B. I > B. A. 98 O.C. 3 u. s. 1 Ger. 1 B. A. 1 O.C. • • • 14 1,029 547 1 399 202 1 2 11 3 571 1 39 4 19 4 20 n 1,017 13 5 2 13 586 1 6 9 6 295 9 2 47 11 1 669 3 1 1 2 53 1,781 2,810 City of Holyoke— Ward 4. U.S. U.S. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. G. B. G. B. G.B. G. B. Scan. Ire. 9 G.B. 4 B.A. 36 U.S. 15 ;ire. 513 1 G.B. 2 B. A. 12 Ger. 1 U.S. 7 Ire. 15 G.B. 45 B. A. 2 jU. 8. 1 3 2 785 4 4 136 9 4 39 17 1,298 6 20 4 7 19 181 2 1 Persons Father Mother born in born in born in United States. Persons born in Foreign Countries. Total Number of Persons (Native and Foreign born), with such Parentage. City op Holyoke — Ward 4 — Concluded. I Scan. B. A. B. A. B. A. O. C. O.C. O.C. O.C. Totals, Scan. U. S. Ire. B.A. U.S. Ire. B.A. O.C. 42 5 5>0 1 7 1 1 1,229 2 3 1 2,142 3,100 2 45 6 2,652 1 7 1 8 4,329 City of Holyoke — Ward 5. U. S. U. 8. U. S. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. Ger. G. B. G. B. G.B. B.A. B A. Totals, 1 Ire. 16 Ger. 3 G. B. 7 B. A. 7 U 8. 23 1 Ire. 1,283 G.B. 17 B. A. 4 U. S 1 Ger. 1 B.A. 1 U.S. 1 Ire. 3 G B. 2 U.S. 14 Ire - B. A. 71 O.C. - 1,454 1,609 5 9 13 4 1 301 1 16 3 7 11 23 2,892 22 13 1 2 1 1 16 6 14 1 372 1 1,948 3,402 City of Holyoke — Ward 6. U.S. U.S. u. s. u. s. U.S. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. I Ger. Ger. ; Ger. G. B. I G. B. > G. B. I G.B. I G.B. Scan. B. A. B.A. B.A. B.A. O. C. O. C. O.C. O. C. Totals U.S. Ire. 18 Ger. 1 G. B. 11 B.A. 18 O.C. 1 U. S. 20 Ire. 375 G.B. 2 B.A. 8 U. S. 9 Ger. 23 G. B. 1 Scan. 1 U.S. 26 Ire. 9 Ger. 1 G. B. 71 B. A. 2 Scan. _ U 8. 33 Ire. 8 G.B. _ B.A. 38 U.S. 4 Ger. 3 B.A. _ O.C. 3 686 429 1 2 30 6 1 195 4 1 3 3 2 163 1 1 16 874 6 19 1 12 26 1 20 804 3 10 9 53 1 1 32 10 1 266 6 1 36 11 201 4 4 1 19 1,560 144 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS 1880. FOREIGN PAREXT NATIVITY— COUNTY OF HAMPDEN — Con. Persons Persons Total Number of Persons Persons Persons Total Number of Persons Father Mother bom in born in (Xative and Father Mother born in born in (Native and born in born in United Foreign Forci»ni born), born in born in United Foreign Foreign born), States. Countries. with such Parentage. •States. Countries. with .such Parentage. City of Holtoke — Ward 7. Town of Ludlow — Concluded. U.S. U.S. 1 1 B. A. G.B. 3 3 U.S. Ire. 14 _ 14 B. A. B.A. 63 183 216 U.S. O. B 7 1 8 O.C. O.C. _ 1 1 U.S. Ire. B. A. U.S. 16 17 1 17 17 Totals, • • ■ 294 326 620 Ire. Ire. 233 186 419 Ire G. B. 4 9 Ger. Ger. U.S. Ger. 1 33 31 1 64 Town of Monson. G. B. U.S. Ire. 11 1 - 11 20 O B 10 4 G. B. G. B. 30 79 109 U. S. U. S. - 2 2 G. B. B. A. 4 2 6 U. S. Ire. 5 - 5 Scan. Scan. 2 2 U. S. G B. 3 - 3 B. A. U.S. 10 10 u. s. B.A. 5 1 6 B. A. Ire. 2 _ 2 Ire. US. 25 - 25 B. A. G.B. 1 _ 1 Ire. Ire. 515 372 887 B. A. B. A. 9 68 77 Ire. B. A. 2 4 6 O. C. B. A. 1 1 Ire. O. C. - 1 1 O.C. O.C. _ 9 9 G.T. U.S. 3 - 3 Ger. G.B. Ger. U.S. 6 38 16 22 Totnle, 409 389 798 3J G. B. Ire. 2 — 2 G. B. G.B. G. B. B. A. 31 1 55 86 1 Town of Long me ado v r. Scan. Scan. 6 23 29 B. A. B A. U.S. Ire , 20 4 1 1 21 5 U.S. U.S. - 1 1 B.A. B.A. 13 39 52 U.S. In-. 10 - 10 O.C. U.S. 1 _ 1 U.S. H. \. 3 - 3 O.C. Scan. 3 _ 3 Ire. U. B. 5 - 5 O c. O.C. _ 7 7 Ire. Ire. O.C. 137 1 123 260 1 Totals, Ire. 683 522 1,205 Ger. G. B. Ger. U. S. 5 11 16 9 — 9 '- 6. B. Ire. 1 _ 1 G. B. G B. 23 30 53 Town of Montgomery. G. B. B. A. U.S. 1 1 1 1 Bean. Scan. Scan. _ 3 3 U.S. Ire. 1 - 1 B. A. U.S. 4 1 5 U.S. G. B. 4 - 4 B. A. Ire. 7 7 1 Ire. Ire. 2 6 8 B A. B. A. 13 30 43 G B. Ire. - 1 1 O.C. U S. 1 1 Scan. U. S. 4 - 4 O C. O.C. B. A. O.C. 1 2 1 Scan. Scan. - 1 1 2 • Totals, • • • 11 8 19 Totals, 221 202 423 Town of Palmer. * Town or Ludlow. U.S. U.S. 1 1 U.S. U.S. - 2 2 U.S. Ire. 60 _ 60 U.S. Ire. 18 - 18 U.S. G.B. 18 - 18 U.S. Ger. 5 _ 5 U.S. B. A. 35 4 39 U.S. G. B. 9 _ 9 ,u. s. O. C. 1 _ I u. s. B. A. 12 1 13 lire. U.S. 46 - 46 Ire. U. S. 4 _ 4 Ire. Ire. 946 793 1,739 Ire. Ire. 102 80 182 Ire. G. B. 7 _ 7 Ire. B. A. 5 - 5 Ire. B.A. 15 1 16 GlT. U. S. 1 _ 1 Ire. O.C. 1 _ 1 Ger. Ger. 7 4 11 1 Ger. U.S. 1 _ 1 G. B U.S. 24 _ 24 Ger. Ger. 7 10 17 G B. Ire. 2 2 4 G. B. U.S. 31 _ 31 G.B. G.B. 28 53 81 G. B. Ire. 8 _ 8 B. A. U. S. 9 _ 9 G. B. G. B. 66 125 181 B. A. Ire. 2 — 2 G.B. 1 B.A. - 2 2 FOREIGN PAREXT NATIVITY. 145 FOREIGX PARENT NATIVITY — COUNTY OF HAMPDEN — Con. Persons Father Mother bom in born in horn in United States. Persons bom in Foreign Countries Total Number of Persons 'Native and Foreiirn born, , wiih such Parentage. Town of Palmer — Concluded. Scan. B. A. B. A. B. A. B A. B. A. O. C. O. C. O. C. Totals, U. 8. U. 8. Ire. G.B. B. A. () C. r. S. Ire. O. C. 1 1 38 3 41 19 _ 19 1 . 1 220 680 900 - 1 1 4 - 4 3 _ 3 6 12 18 1,514 1,632 3,146 Town of Russell. U.S. U.S. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. G. B. G. B. G. B. Scan. Scan. B. A. B. A. O. (-'. O. C. Totals, 1 lire. 20 6. B. 10 B. A. 3 U. 8. 9 Ire. 107 B. A. 7 Ir^. 1 Gor. _ U. S. 8 Ire. 10 G B. 20 Ire. 1 Scan. - Ire. - B A. 11 U.S. 2 O. C. 3 . . . 212 117 46 3 1 21 190 Town of Southwick. 20 10 3 9 224 7 1 1 8 10 66 1 3 1 32 2 4 4U2 U.S. Ire. 2 2 U.S. G. B. 4 -, 4 U.S. Scan. 2 _ 2 Ire. U. 8. 12 _ 12 Ire. Ire. 39 52 91 Ire. 6. B. _ 1 Ger. Ger. _ 1 Ger. B. A. 4 G. B. U.S. 1 _ G. B. G. B. 7 18 25 Scan. Scan. 2 13 15 B. A. U.S. 5 _ 5 B. A. B. A. 3 3 6 O.C. U.S. 2 - 2 Totals, 89 88 177 City of Springfield U.S. U.S. 42 42 U.S. Ire. 231 5 236 U. S. Ger. 23 _ 23 U.S. G. B. 175 6 181 U.S. Scan. 12 _ 12 U.S. B. A. 186 19 205 U.S. O.C. 15 2 17 Father trarn in Mother born in Per.oons bom in United States. Persons born in Foreign Countries, Total Number of Persons (Xalive and ForeJt'ii bom), with 'uch Parentage. City of Springfield — Concluded. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. Ger. Ger. Ger. Ger. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. Scan. Scan. Scan. Scan. B. A. B. A. B. A. B. A. B. A. B. A. CO. O.C. O.C. O.C. O.C. O.C. Totals, U.S. . 260 Ire. 4,773 Ger. 1 G. B. 39 Scan. 3 B. A. 22 U.S. 87 Ire. 34 Ger. 363 G. B. 15 B. A. 3 O.C. 12 U.S. 256 Ire. 48 Ger. 1 G B. 356 B. A. 23 O. C. _ U.S. 6 G.-r. 2 Scan. 8 B. A. - U 8. 209 Ire. 68 Ger. 6 G. B. 18 B A. 842 O. C. 5 U.S. 34 Ire. 11 Ger. 16 G. B. 9 B. A. 7 O.C. 76 8,255 4 4,311 5 11 1 420 3 1 2 3 12 6C2 15 3 38 1 6 4 4 1,783 5 1 1 8 3 138 264 9,084 6 50 3 31 87 .'^5 783 18 4 14 259 60 1 1,018 38 3 6 2 46 1 215 72 6 22 2,625 10 35 12 24 14 10 214 7,533 15,788 City of Springfield — "Ward 1. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. G.'r. Ger. Ger. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. Scan. Scan. Scan. B. A. B A. B. A. B. A. U.S. Ire. Ger. G. B. B. A. O.C. U.S. Ire. G. B. Scan. B. A. U.S. Ire. Ger. B. A. O. C. U.S. Ire. G. B. B. A. U. S. Ger. Scan. U.S. Ire. G. B. B. A. 81 4 29 43 1 104 1,934 13 3 6 12 1 22 1 1 53 8 72 3 2 1 34 8 2 116 13 1 1,674 22 1 1 1 3 106 1 4 1 2 192 13 82 4 32 50 1 104 3,608 13 3 11 12 1 44 2 2 54 11 178 4 2 1 4 35 8 4 308 146 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS 1880. FOREIGN TARENT NATIVITY — COUNTY OF HAMPDEN — Con. Persons Persons Total Xumber of Persons Persons Persons Total Number of persons Father Mother born in born in (Native and Father llotlier born in born in (Native and born in born in United Foreign Foreitrii Ivini), born in born in United Foreign Furei^'u burn), States. Countries. with such Parentage. .States. Countries. with .sucli Parentage. City c F Spkin GFIELD — Ward 1- -Concluded. City op Springfield — Ward 3- -Concluded, O. C. U. 8. 1 1 G.B. G.B. 26 91 117 O. C. In'. 3 _ 3 G. B. B. A. 4 4 8 O. C. Ger. 1 _ 1 G. B. O C. - 1 1 O. C. (J. B. 3 _ 3 Scan. Ger. 1 _ 1 (). C. B. A. 4 _ 4 Scan. Scan. - 2 2 O. C. O.C. 10 21 31 Hcin. B.A. - 1 1 B.A. B. A. U.S. Ire. 34 4 2 36 4 Totals, ■ • • 2,576 2,058 4,634 B. A. Ger. 1 - 1 B. A. G. B. 3 1 4 City of Springf lELD — Wj ^RD 2. B. A. j B. A. I O. C. B. A. O.C. U.S. 106 5 195 301 5 3 — 3 U. 8. U. 8. _ 4 4 ! O. C. Ire. 2 - 2 U 8. Ire. 27 27 ■ O. C. Ger. 7 6 13 U 8. Ger. 8 _ 8 0. C. G. B. 3 - 3 U. 8. G. B 14 1 15 O. c. B. A. - 1 1 U. 8. B. A. 10 10 O.C. O.C. 18 52 70 Ire. U. 8. 24 _ 24 Ire. Ire. 474 410 890 Totals, • • • 1,181 1,118 2,299 Ire. Ger. G. B. 4 3 1 3 5 Ire. Ire. B. A. 6 - 5 City of Springf ELD — Ward 4. G.r. U.S. Ire. 14 6 1 14 7 Ger. Ger. Ger. 66 94 160 U. 8. U.S. - 6 6 Gt-r. G. B. 1 3 4 U. 8. Ire. 20 _ 20 Ger. B. .\. 1 _ 1 U.S. G. B. 12 _ 12 Gt-r. O.C. 1 _ 1 U. ri. B.A. 22 o 24 G. B. U.S. 21 1 22 ' U.S. O. c. 1 - 1 G. B. Ire. 2 1 3 Ire. U.S. 29 1 30 G. B. G. B. . 66 89 145 i Ire. Ire. 397 514 911 G. B. 15. A. 4 1 5 ilre. Ger. 1 _ 1 Scan. U. 8. 3 - 3 Ire. G B. 6 - 6 Scan. Scan. - 1 1 Ire. B. A. 6 1 7 B. A. U.S. 15 _ 15 Ger. U.S. 6 _ 6 B A. Ire. 12 _ 12 Ger. Ire. 6 _ 6 B.A. G. B. 4 _ 4 Ger. Ger. 19 21 40 B. A. B. A. 56 122 178 Ger. G. B. 5 - 5 B. A. O.C. _ 2 2 Ger. O.C. 1 1 2 O.C. U.S. 2 1 3 G. B. U.S. 25 _ 25 O. C. Ire. 2 _ 2 G. B. Ire. 2 1 3 O. C. Ger. 3 - 3 G.B. Ger. 1 _ 1 O.C. B. A. _ 1 1 G.B. G.B. 40 77 117 O.C. O.C. 10 24 34 G B. B. A. - 6 6 Scan. B. A. Scan. U. S. 1 1 \ Totals, . 845 766 1,611 24 25 B.A. Ire. 7 - 7 B. A. B. A. 30 49 79 City op Springf lELD — Wj LRD 3. B.A. O C. - 1 1 ! o. c. O.C. U.S. Ger. 11 5 1 11 6 U.S. U.S. - 7 7 O.C. B A. 1 1 2 U. 8. Ire. 27 3 30 O.C. O.C. 6 6 12 U.S. U.S. Ger. G. B. 1 12 1 12 _ Totals, 683 690 1,373 U.S. B.A. O.C. 11 1 1 12 1 US. Ire. U.S. 24 2 26 City of Springi lELD — W. iRD 5. Ire. Ire. G. B. 7U9 2 612 1 1,321 3 Ire. Ire. B. A. 3 1 4 U.S. U.S. - 6 6 Ger. U S. 23 _ 23 u. s. Ire. 28 1 29 Ger. Ire. 6 - 6 u. s. Ger. 2 - 2 Ger. Ger. 94 133 227 u. s. G. B. 52 1 63 Ger. B. A. 1 - 1 U. 8. Scan. 2 - 2 Ger. O.C. 8 » 8 U S. B. A. 30 3 33 G. B. U.S. 33 — 33 U.S. O.C. 6 1 7 G. B. Ire. 9 2 H Ire. U.S. 26 ~ 26 rOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY. 147 FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY — COUNTY OF HAMPDEN — Con. Persons Persons Total Xiimber if 1'iT.Mins Persons Persons Total Number of l'('r.sons Father Mother horn in born in (Xativc a. Hi Fatlier Mother born in bom in (Native and born ill born in TJiiiled Foreign Foreifin licirn), born ill born in United Forcifiii Foreiaii born), States. Countries. with Mich Parentage. States. Countries. with such I'arentage. City c )F 8PRI^ GFIELD- -Ward 5 — Concluded. City of Springfield — Ward 7- — Concluded. Ire. Ire. 514 463 977 U. 8. B. A. 19 19 Ire. G<-r. - 2 2 U.S. O.C. 6 1 7 Ire. G B. 7 7 14 Ire. u. s. 8 8 Ire. B. A. 1 1 2 Ire. Ire.. 138 124 262 Ger. U.S. 19 - 19 Ire. G. B. 4 _ 4 Ger. Ire. 4 - 4 Ger. u. s. 2 _ 2 Ger. Ger. 78 68 146 Ger. Ire. 4 „ 4 Ger. G. B. 2 _ 2 G(r. Ger. 4 9 13 G. B. U.S. . 78 _ 76 G B. u. s. 18 1 19 G. B. Ire. 16 3 19 G. B. Ire. 4 4 G. B. G. B. 79 164 243 G. B. G. B. 31 23 64 G. B. B. A. 9 2 11 G B. B. A. 1 1 2 G. B. O. C. _ 1 1 B. A. U. 8. 7 7 Sciiii. U. S. 1 - 1 B. A. Ire. 6 _ 6 Bciin. Scan. 4 6 10 B. A. B. A. 11 26 37 B. A. U. 8. 20 - 20 O.C. U. S. 2 2 B. A. Ire. 6 _ 6 O.C. B A. 1 _ 1 B. A. G. B. - 1 1 O.C. O.C. 4 _ 4 B. A. B. A. <) C. 24 48 1 72 1 Totals, • • • B. A. 300 200 500 0. C. O. C. Ire. G. B. 4 2 1 5 — 2 O. C. O. C. 23 22 45 City of Springfield — Ward 8. Totals, 1,035 802 1,837 U.S. Ire. 27 _ 27 City of Springf FELD — Wj IRD 6. U.S. Ger. 2 - 2 U. 8. U.S. G. B. Scan. 16 10 — 16 10 U.S. U.S. __ 1 1 u s. B. A. 47 6 53 U.S. Ire. 13 13 Ire. U.S. 27 1 28 U.S. Ger. 5 _ 5 Ire. Ire. 351 268 619 U.S. G. B. 19 1 20 Ire. G. B. 3 1 4 U.S. B. A. 4 . 4 Ger. U.S. 1 _ 1 Ire. U.S. 18 _ 18 Ger. Ger. 2 3 5 Ire. Ire. 2i6 240 496 G. B. U.S. 6 _ 6 Ire. G. B. — 1 1 G. B. Ire. 3 2 5 Ire. B. A. 1 1 2 G. B. G. B. 30 47 77 Ger. U. S. 10 _ 10 Scan. Scan. 2 17 19 Ger. Ire. 7 _ 7 B. A. U. S. 68 2 70 Ger. Ger. 78 70 148 B. A. Ire. 8 4 12 Ger. G. B. 7 7 B. A. G. B. 9 _ 9 Ger. O.C. 1 _ 1 B. A. B. A. 42(3 955 1,381 G. B. U.S. 24 _ 24 B. A. O.C. _ 1 1 G. B. Ire. 4 „ 4 0. C. U.S. 1 _ 1 G. B. G. B. 22 55 77 O.C. O.C. 2 2 4 G B. B. A. O.C. 2 1 2 1 Totals, G. B. 1,041 1,309 2,330 Bean. Scan. 2 7 9 B. A. U. S. 7 _ 7 B. A. B. A. Ire. Ger. 17 - 17 Town of Tolland. B. A. B. A. 73 196 269 14 O. C. U. S. 14 O.C. Ger. 1 1 U. 8. U,8. - 1 1 0. C. G. B. 1 5 6 u. s. Ire. 5 - 5 O.C. B. A. 1 1 U.S. G. B. 2 - 2 O.C. 0. C. 3 11 14 Ire. U.S. 1 - 1 Ire. Ger. Ger. G. B. G B. Ire. U.S. Ger. U.S. G. B. 11 1 1 6 1 20 31 Totals, 594 590 1,184 1 1 6 4 City of Springf [ELD — Wi RD 7. 3 B A. O. C. I B. A. U. S. 3 13 3 6 13 U.S. U.S. - 5 6 o. c. Ire. 5 _ 5 U.S. Ire. 8 _ 8 O.C. O. C. 6 25 31 U.S. Ger. 1 _ 1 U.S. G. B. 21 - 21 Totals, . . . 55 52 107 us CENSUS OP MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY — COUNTY OF HAMPDEN — Con. Father born in Persons JIotllCT born in born in Unit<'d States. Persons born in Foreign Countries. Total Ximiber of Persons (Xative and Foreifrn born), with such Parentage. Town of Wales. U. S. U.S. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. G. B. 6. B. G. B. G. B. Scan. Scan. B. A. B. A. Totals, Ire. 3 G. B. 18 B. A. 2 U.S. 5 Ire. 72 Ger. 1 B A. 1 U. 8. 3 Ger. 10 U. S. 9 Ire. 9 G. B. 2-2 B A. _ U.S. 1 Scan. - U 8. 1 B. A. • • • 23 180 61 1 61 1 1 37 156 Town of Westfield. U.S. U. 8. U. 8. U.S. U.S. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. <}er. Ger. G.r. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. Scan. B. A. B. A. B. A. B. A. O. C. O. U. O. C. Totals, U.S. Ire. 48 Ger. 5 G. B. 37 B A. 25 O.C. 1 U S. 33 Ire. 761 G. B. 10 0. C. _ U 8. 17 Ger. 80 G. B. 2 U. 8. 46 Ire. 9 G. B. 121 B. A. 1 O C. - Scan. _ U.S. 31 Ire. 5 G. B. 6 B. A. 70 U.S. 14 Ire. 2 O.C. 9 1,332 17 664 2 1 120 2 1 247 3 2 6 118 23 1,110 3 18 2 5 133 1 1 3 14 9 10 73 1 1 1 1 6p 336 17 48 5 38 28 1 33 1,32.5 12 1 17 200 4 46 10 36S 4 2 6 31 5 5 188 14 2 32 2,442 Father born in Mother born in Persons born in United States. Persons born in Foreign Countries. Total Number of Persons (Native and Foreiirn born), witli such Parentage. Town of West Springfield. U.S. U.S. U.S. Ire. 50 U. 8. G B. 14 U.S. B. A. 27 U.S. O.C. 5 Ire. U.S. 43 Ire. Ire. 606 Ire. G.B. 3 Ire. B. A. 1 Ire. O.C. 1 Ger. U. 8. 4 Ger. Ire. 9 Ger. Ger. 2S Ger. G. B. o G. B. U 8. 31 G. B. Ire. 22 G. B. Ger. 4 G.B. G. B. 49 G. B. B. A. 19 B. A. U.S. 62 B. A. Ire. 9 B. A. B. A. 167 O.C. U. 8. 8 0. C. Ger. - 0. C. G.B. 5 O.C. B. A. 2 O.C. O.C. 11 Totals, . . . 1,172 644 1 30 1 1 199 1 39 910 Town of Wilbraham. 5 60 15 28 5 43 1,160 4 1 1 4 9 58 2 31 23 4 135 20 53 9 368 8 I 5 2 50 2,082 U.S. U. S. 7 7 U.S. Ire. 8 - 8 U.S. G. B. • 4 - 4 U.S. B. A. - 5 Ire. U. 8. 1 - 1 Ire. Ire. 19.5 156 351 Ire. B. A. 1 1 2 Ger. U. 8. 2 - 2 Ger. Ger. 1 - 1 Ger. G.B. . 1 - 1 G. B. U.S. 7 - 7 G.B. Ire. _ 1 1 G B. G.B. 20 34 64 G. B. B. A. 1 - 1 B. A. U. 8. 7 6 13 B A. Ire. 2 - 2 B. A. B. A. 26 68 84 O.C. U.S. 5 - 5 O.C. O.C. ■ • ■ 1 1 2 Totals, 287 204 651 COUNTY OF HAMPSHIRE. Town of Ajiherst. Town of Amherst — Continued. U.S. U.S. 26 26 U.S. O.C. 1 1 u. s. Ire. 6 _ 6 Ire. U.S. 6 _ 6 U.S. G. B. 11 - 11 Ire. Ire. 319 260 579 u. s. Scan. 1 _ 1 Ire. G. B. o _ 2 U.S. B. A. 10 1 11 Ger. U.S. 16 — 16 FOREIGi^ PAREXT NATIVITY. 149 FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY — COUNTY OF HAMPSHIRE — Con. Father 1 bom in ilDther born in Persons born in United States. Persons bom in Foreign Countries. Total Xiimber of Persons (Xative and Foreitrn born), with such Parentage. Town of Amherst — Concluded. Ger. G. B. G. B. Ger. U.S. Ire. G. B. G. B. Scan. U. 8. B. A. U.S. B. A. Ire. B. A. B. A. O. C. U.S. O. C. Ire. O. C. O. C. Totals, 21 1 19 2 7 3 10 1 1 26 23 1 436 358 Town or Belchertowk. U 8. U.S. U.S. Ire. 10 U.S. Ger. 1 U.S. G. B. 6 U.S. B. A. 2 U.S. O. C. 3 Ire. U. 8. 23 Ire. Ire. 289 Ger. Ger. 1 G. B. U.S. 6 G. B. Ire. _ G. B. G. B. 8 G. B. O. C. _ B. A. U.S. 8 B. A. G. B. 1 B. A. B. A. 11 O. C. B. A. 1 0. C. 0. C. - Totals, . . . 370 j 1 1 1 196 1 2 9 1 19 3 235 Town of Chesterfield. Town of CrsiJiiNGTON. U. S. U.S. U. 8. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. 12 G. B. 5 B. A. 3 0. C. 6 U. 8. _ Ire. 8 1 1 1 12 18 5 1 47 1 19 2 30 3 1 794 1 10 1 7 3 3 24 485 2 6 2 17 1 8 1 30 1 3 605 U.S. Ire. 6 6 U.S. G. B. 3 _ 3 Ire. Ire. 8 9 17 Ire. G. B. _ 1 Ger. Ger. _ . 1 G. B. U. 8. _ 1 G. B. G. B. 1 2 B. A. U.S. _ 4 B. A. B. A. 9 11 20 O.C. 0. C. 1 - 1 Totals, 35 21 56 12 6 4 6 1 20 Father bom in Mother bom in Persons born in United States. Persons born in Foreign Countries. Total Number of Persons (Xative and Foreign born), with such Parentage. Town of Cummington — Concluded. Ger. Ger. 1 1 G. B. U. 8. 1 - 1 G. B. G. B. 8 5 13 B. A. U.S. 4 _ 4 B. A. B. A. 4 12 16 O.C. U. 8 2 _ 2 O.C. O.C. ~ 1 1 Totals, 53 34 87 Town of Easthampton. U.S. U. S. U.S. Ire. 43 U.S. Ger. 2 U.S. G. B. 21 U.S. Scan. 1 U.S. B. A. 37 U.S. O.C. 1 Ire. U.S. 26 Ire. Ire. 705 Ire. Ger. 10 Ire. G B. 17 Ire. Scan. 1 Ire. B. A. 5 Ger. U. S. 5 Ger. Ire. 16 Ger. Ger. 130 Ger. G. B. 8 Ger. 0. C. 5 G. B. U.S. • 47 G. B. Ire 32 G. H. G. B. 81 G. B. B. A. 3 Scan. Scan. _ B. A. U.S. 20 B. A. Ire. 1 B. A. B. A. 83 B. A. O.C. 6 0. C. U.S. 2 O.C. Ire. 2 O C. Ger. 3 O.C. O.C. • • • 16 Totals, 1,329 602 2 5 173 1 2 158 5 2 1 1 172 1 47 1,177 Town of Enfield. U.S. U.S. U.S. Ire. 2 U. 8. Ger. 2 Ire. Ire. 63 Ger. U.S. 1 Ger. Ire. 1 Ger. Ger. 6 G. B. U.S. 1 G. B. G.B. 8 Scan. Scan. B. A. B. A. 13 O.C. O.C. 4 Totals, 101 124 23 14 3 5 1 171 43 2 21 1 37 1 26 1,307 10 19 1 10 5 16 303 8 5 48 34 239 8 2 21 2 255 6 2 o £^ 4 63 2,506 1 2 2 187 1 1 29 1 22 3 18 5 150 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — ISSO. FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY — COUNTY OF HAMPSHIRE — Con. Father born in Jfotlior lji»rn in Persons born in United States. Persons born in Foreign Countries. Total Xnniher of Persons (Native and Foreign l)orn), with sueh Parentage. Town of Goshen. U.S. U.S. Ire. Ger. G. B. G. B. B. A. Totals, U.S. ^ H. A. Ire. 4 Gor. 3 U S. 6 1 G. B. _ B. A. 2 14 10 Town of Granbt. Totals, U.S. Ire. 4 U. 8. G. B. 1 Ire. U.S. 2 Ire. Ire. 62 Ger. Ger. 1 G. B. U. S. 6 G. B. G. B. 3 B A. U. 8. 3 B.A. B. A. 5 39 3 3 5 86 50 Town of Greenwich. U.S. U.S. U. 8. U.S. Ire. IG. B. G. B. B.A. B.A. Totals, U. 8. Ire. 2 G B. 5 B. A. 2 Ire. 2 U.S. 3 G. B. 1 U.S. 2 B.A. - ■' 14 Town of Hadlet. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. U. 8. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. G. B. G. B. G. B. Scan. B.A. B. A. B. A. O.C. O. C. Totals, U.S. _ Ire. 9 G. B. 5 Scan. 1 B. A. 5 O.C. 2 U.S. 1 Ire. 281 Ire. 3 Ger. 5 U.S. 6 Ire. 7 6. B. 5 Scan. _ U.S. 9 Ire. 27 B. A. 83 Ire. 3 O.C. - 452 205 3 90 1 312 24 4 1 2 101 4 5 6 3 10 136 31 1 10 5 1 5 2 1 486 3 8 6 7 14 2 9 27 173 3 1 Father born in Mother bom in Persons born in United States. Persons born in Foreign Countries. Total Xumber of I'irsnns (Native and Foreign Ijorn), with such Parentage. Town of Hatfield. U S. U 8. U.S. Ire. Ire. (ler. Ger. G. B. B. A. B.A. B. A. O.C. Totals, Ire. B.A. O.C. U.S. Ire. U.S. Ger. G. B. U.S. Ire. B.A. O.C. 6 4 10 6 6 5 _ 5 2 _ 2 195 139 334 3 _ 3 108 78 184 _ 2 2 10 1 11 11 _ 11 106 94 200 - 15 15 452 331 783 Town of Huntington. 764 U.S. U.S. U.S. Ire. U.S. B.A. U.S. O.C. Ire. U. 8 Ire. Ire. Ire. G. B. (ier. Ger. G. B. U.S. G. B. Ire. G. B. G.B. G. B. B.A. B.A. U.S. B.A. B.A. O.C. U.S. O.C. 0. c. Totals, 19 5 1 11 114 2 2 6 1 10 4 8 60 2 7 98 1 2 68 6 252 205 Town of Middlefield. U.S. u. s. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. . Ger. Ger. G. B. G. B. B. A. Totals, Ire. 10 . B.A. 5 U.S. 8 Ire. 19 G.B. 9 B.A. 2 U. 8. 8 Ger. 8 G.B. 4 B.A. 4 U.S. 4 G.B. 13 B.A. 76 170 15 1 14 93 129 Town of Northampton. U.S. U.S. r. s. U.S. U.S. U 8. U.S. U.S. Ire. 102 Ger. 4 G.B. 58 Scan. 1 B.A. 33 O. C. 3 30 1 10 2 19 5 2 11 212 3 4 6 1 37 4 8 128 2 13 457 10 5 3 34 10 2 8 14 4 4 4 27 169 299 30 102 4 59 1 48 3 rOREiaX PAREXT NATIVITY. 151 FOREIGX PARENT NATIVITY— COUNTY OF HAMPSHIRE — Con. Persons Father Jlother born in born in born in United States. Persons born in Foreign Countries. Total Xumber of Persons (Native and Forei^^n liorn), with sueli Parentage. Town of Northampton— Concluded. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. Ger. Ger. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. Bean. B. A. B. A. B. B. A. A. B. A. O.C. O. C. O.C. O.C. O.C. Totals, U.S. 65 Ire. 1,894 G. B. 20 H. A. 18 0. C. 1 U.S. 15 Ire. 14 Ger. 177 G. B. 5 U.S. 37 Ire. 29 G. B. 137 B. A. 7 Scan. 3 U.S. 78 Ire. 61 G B. 1 B. A. 367 O.C. 1 U.S. 8 Irp. 4 Ger. 1 B A. 1 O.C. 15 3,165 1,774 2 144 1 4 286 2 9 2 1 695 50 3,013 Town of Pelham. U. S. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. G. B. G. B. Bean. B. A. B. A. O.C. Totals, G. B. 2 B. A. 1 U.S. 1 Ire. 10 B. A. 2 U. 8. 3 G. B. 11 U.S. 1 u. s. 2 B. A. 3 u. s. ■ • • 1 37 8 2 8 11 29 Town of Plainfield. u. s. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. G. B. Ger. U.S. Ger. Ger. G. B. G. B. B. A. U. S. B. A. Ire. B. A. B. A. Totals, . . . Town of Prescott. U.S. G. B. Scan. B. A. 2 G. B. 1 U.S. 1 65 3,668 22 19 1 15 14 321 5 38 33 423 9 12 80 62 1 1,062 1 9 4 1 1 65 6,178 2 1 1 18 4 3 19 1 2 14 1 66 15 Persons Father Mother born in born in born in United States. Persons born in Foreign Countries. Total Xumber of Persons (Xiitive and Forcivn boi-n), witli sueh Parentage. Town of Prescott — Concluded. B. A. B. A. B. A. U.S. G. B. B. A. 1 Totals, ' • 14 Town of SotrrH Hadley. U.S. U.S. U.S. u. s. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. Ger. Ger. Ger. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. A. A. B. A. B. A. O.C. O.C. Totals, U.S. Ire. 28 Ger. 2 G. B. 18 B. A. 7 U. 8. 41 Ire. 414 G. B. 24 B. A. _ U.S. 8 Ire. 4 Ger. 116 G.B. 9 O.C. 2 U.S. 45 Ire. 5 G.B. 52 B. A. 5 O.C. 1 U.S. 15 Ire. 3 G.B. _ Scan. 1 B. A. 123 U.S. 6 B. A. _ O.C. 1 929 1 1 20 334 16 1 135 1 2 103 8 1 1 330 1 15 976 Town of Southampton. U.S. Ire. 1 _ 1 U.S. G. B. 4 _ 4 u. s. B. A. 6 _ 6 Ire. U.S. 4 _ 4 Ire. Ire. 135 63 198 Ire. G.B. 1 _ 1 Ger. U S. 1 _ 1 Ger. Ger. 1 1 2 G. B. G.B. 6 9 15 B. A. U.S. 5 5 10 B. A. Ire. _ 1 1 B. A. G.B. 1 _ 1 B. A. B. A. 14 7 21 O.C. O.C. - 2 2 Totals, 179 88 267 Town of Ware. U.S. U.S. U. s. Ire. Ire. 18 G.B. 23 B A. 15 U. S. 25 152 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS ISSO. FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY— COUNTY OF HAMPSHIRE — Con. Persons Father Jlothcr born in born in bora in United States. Persons born in Foreign Countries. Total Xuraber of Persons (Native and Forci^'n born), ■\vitli sucli Parentage. Town of Ware — Concluded. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. Ger. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. B. A. B. A. B. A. O. C. O. C. O. C. 0.0. Totals, Ire. Ger. G. B. 8can. 15. A. U. S. Ire. Ger. U S. Ire. G. B. O.C. U.S. Ire. B. A. U^ s. Ire. G B. 0.0. 775 8 5 5 • 7 1 10 12 24 38 56 1 33 2 283 2 1 714 19 1 125 1 2 905 1,344 1,773 Town or Westhampton. IT. S. Ire. Ire. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. G. B. U.S. G. B. G. B. B. A. U.S. B A. Ire. B. A. B. A. O.C. U. S. Totals, • • • 5 4 75 1 3 1 6 3 10 2 37 5 11 110 63 1,489 8 5 5 7 1 10 31 24 39 181 1 34 4 1,188 2 1 1 3 3,117 5 4 112 1 3 6 6 3 21 o 163 Fatlier born in Mother born in Persons born in United States. Persons born in Foreign Countries. Total Xumbijj of rcrsonsir (Native and Foreign born), witli such Parentage. Town of "Williamsburg. u. s. U.S. U. 8. Ire. 28 U.S. G. B. 8 U.S. B. A. 8 Ire. U. 8. 18 Ire. Ire. 318 Ire. G. B. 4 Ire. B. A. 2 Ger. U. S. 2 Ger. Ire. U Ger. Ger. 11 G. B. U.S. 5 O. B. Ire. 5 G. B. G B. 14 Scan. Scan. _ B. A. U.S. 12 B A. B. A. 53 O. 0. U.S. 2 O.C. O.C. - Totals, 499 227 1 25 2 276 2 3 545 Town of Worthington. U.S. U.S. U.S. U. 8. Ire. Ire. G. B, G. B. B. A. B. A. O C. O.C. Totals, U.S. G B. 5 B. A. 3 O.C. 1 Ire. 8 G. B. _ U.S. 8 G. B. _ U. 8. 7 B. A. 10 U.S. 1 O.C. ~ 43 1 28 8 8 16 545 4 3 2 11 19 5 5 39 2 12 329 4 3 1.044 1 5 3 1 16 2 7 15 1 1 25 68 COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX. Town of Acton. Town of Arlington. U. 8. U.S. 2 2 U.S. U.S. 6 6 U.S. Ire. 1 ». 1 U.S. Ire. 37 37 U. 8 G. B. 6 _ 6 U. S. Ger. 2 — 2 U.S. B. A. 14 5 19 ; u. s. G B. 11 - 11 u. s. O.C. 1 _ 1 U.S. B. A. 34 5 39 Ire. U.S. 9 _ 9 : Ire. U.S. 41 1 42 Ire. Ire. 116 99 215 Ire. Ire. 792 735 1,527 Ger. Ger. 2 2 4 Ire. G. B. 5 3 8 Ger. B. A. 6 _ 6 Ire. B. A. 9 4 13 G. B. U.S. 8 1 9 ! Ger. U.S. 14 _ 14 G. B. Ire. - 1 1 Ger. Ire. 8 ~ 8 G. B. G. B. 17 39 56 Ger. Ger. 30 38 68 G. B. B A. _ 1 1 Ger. G. B. 14 _ 14 Sean.' G. B. 3 1 4 Ger. B. A. 2 - 2 Scan. Scan. _ 8 8 G. B. U. 8. 20 1 21 B. A. U.S. 11 1 12 G. B. Ire. 24 5 29 B. A. Ire. 2 _ 2 G. B. G. B. 40 103 143 B A. G. B. _ 2 2 G B. B. A. 5 11 16 B. A. B. A. 16 67 83 Scan. G. B. 1 _ 1 O.C. O.C. _ 2 2 Scan. Scan. _ 11 11 B. A. B. A. U. 8. Ire. g 1 9 34 Totals, . . . 212 231 443 31 3 'X FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY. 153 FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY — COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX — Con. Father born in jrother born in Persons born in United States. Persons born in Foreign Countries. Total Number of Persons (Native and Foreign born) , witli such Parentage. Town of Arlington — Concluded. B. A. B. A. O. C. o. c. o. c. o. o. Totals, G. B. B. A. 50 U. 8. 4 Ire. - Ger. - O. C. - 1,182 3 145 1 1 3 1,080 Town of Ashbt. U.S. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ger. G. B. G. B. B. A. B. A. Totals, Q. B. 5 B. A. 3 U. 8. 4 Ire. 22 Ger. 1 U.S. 3 G. B. 1 U. S. 1 B. A. > ■ • - 40 18 1 1 Town of Ashland. U. 8. U. 8. U. 8. U. 8. Iro. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. Ger. G. B. G. B. G. B. Scan. B. A. B. A. B. A. O. C. o. c. Totals, u. s. Ire. 1 G. B. B. A. U. a. Ire. ! G. B. B. A. U. 8. Ger. 1 G. B. U. S. Ire. 1 G. B. Scan. 1 U. 8. Ire. 1 B. A. ; Ire. 0. c. i 1 23 4 10 36 2ri3 11 4. 7 4 12 3 10 32 2 78 3 216 1 3 1 17 1 187 502 436 Town of Ayer. U.S. U. 8. U.S. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ger. G. B. G. B. G B. G. B. G. B. U.S. Ire. 3 G. B. 2 B. A. 15 U.S. 18 Ire. 340 u. s. 1 U.S. 5 Ire. 2 Ger. _ G. B. 4 B.A. 1 256 1 1 2 15 2 3 195 4 1 1 3 2,262 5 3 4 40 1 " 4 2 1 4 64 3 23 4 10 36 479 12 3 4 11 4 12 4 27 1 32 3 265 3 2 938 - 5 3 2 15 18 596 1 6 3 2 19 3 Father born in Mother born in Persons born in United States. Persons born in Foreign Countries. Total Number of I'crsons (Native and Foreign born), ■\vitli such Parentage. Town of Ater — Concluded. B. A. B.A. B. A. O. C. O. C. Totals, U.S. Ire. B.A. U. 8. O. C. 12 9 16 2 2 432 30 10 324 Town of Bedford. U.S. U.S. U. s. U. 8. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. G. B. G. B. Scan. B.A. B.A. O. O. Totals, U. s. Ire 11 G. B. 3 B. A. 2 U.S. 3 Ire. no B. A. 3 Ger. _ U.S. 7 G. B. 9 Scan. _ U 8. 3 B.A. 2 0. C. • • • - 153 107 4 13 18 1 145 Town of Belmont. U 8. U.S. U. 8. U. 8. U. 8. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. Scan. B.A, B. A. B. A. B. A. O. C. O. C. Totals, . U.S. Ire. 4 G. B. 3 Scan. 3 B.A. 6 Ire. 234 B.A. 2 U.S. « Ger. 7 U.S. 5 Ire. .1 G. B. 4 Scan. 3 B. A. 14 Scan. 1 U. 8. _ Ire. 1 G. B. 5 B. A. 12 U.S. 2 O. C. 2 315 259 33 1 13 1 89 6 412 Town of Billerica. U. 8. U. 8. U. 8. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. U. 8. Ire. 16 G. B. 17. B.A. 10 U.S. 26 Ire. 242 G. B. 6 B. A. 4 243 4 14 9 46 2 12 7 .16 1 n 3 2 3 217 3 4 7 22 1 3 20 1 298 2 4 3 3 6 493 2 6 15 5 1 37 3 15 14 1 1 5 101 •2 727 4 17 17 12 26 485 10 4 154 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS 1S80. FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY— COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX — C-n. Persons Persons Total Number of Persons Persons Persons Total Number of Persons Father Mother born in born in (Native and Father Mother born in born in (Native and born in born in United Foreign Fiireijjn horn). born in born in United Foreign Foreign burn), States. Countries. «itii snoli Parentage. States. Countries ■vvitli siuli I'areiita^ie. Town of Billerica— Concluded. City of Cambridge — Concluded. Ger. U. S. 3 1 4 Ire. 0. C. 4 1 5 Ger. Ger. 9 7 16 Ger. U.S. 124 _ 124 Ger. _ 25 G. B. G. B. 131 308 439 U.S. G. B. 258 9 267 G.B. B.A. 19 16 35 U.S. Scan. 2 _ 2 G.B. O.C. 4 1 5 U. 8. B.A. 537 49 586 Scan. U.S. 2 - 2 U.S. O. C. 27 _ 27 Scan. Scan. 10 30 40 Ire. U. 8. 637 11 648 B. A. U. 8. 52 6 §8 Ire. Ire. 9,360 8,984 18,344 B.A. Ire. 26 5 31 Ire. Oer. 3 - 3 B.A. G.B. 2 7 9 Ire. G.B. 173 64 237 B.A. B.A. 147 423 570 Ire. Scan. 5 _ 5 O. C. U.S. 42 4 46 Ire. B.A. 238 85 323 O. C. Ire. 5 ~ 5 FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY. 155 FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY— COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX — Con. Father born in Mother born in Persons born in United States. Persons born in Forci^'n Countries. Total Number of Persons (Native and Foreitrn born), with snch Parentage. City op Cambridge — Ward 1 — Concluded. o. c. Ger. 0. c. G. B. o. c. Scan. o. c. B. A. 0. c. 0. c. Totals, 6 3 9 28 2,623 1 4 4 .15 2,761 9 10 3 13 83 5,384 City of Cambridge — Ward 2. U.S. U. S. U. 8. Ire. U.S. Ger. U.S. G. B. U.S. Scan. U.S. B. A. U.S. 0. O. Ire. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. G. B. Ire. Scan. Ire. B. A. Ire. 0. Ger. U.S. Ger. Ire. Ger. Ger. Ger. G. B. Ger. O.c. G. B. U.S. G. B. Ire. G. B. Ger. G. B. G. B. G. B. Sean. G B. B A. G. B. 0. C. Scan. U.S. Scan. Ire. Sean. Ger. Scan. Q. B. Scan. Scan. Scan. B. A. B. A. U.S. B. A. Ire. B. A. G.B. B. A. B.A. O. C. U.S. O. C. Ire. 0. C. Ger. O. C. G. B. o.c. Scan. o. c. B. A. o. c. O.C. Totals, 212 6 100 2 172 1 190 2,493 68 1 85 2 30 25 98 6 5 116 59 5 266 1 43 1 2 8 4 1 47 1 124 56 13 195 24 22 7 2 2 6 22 4,523 28 1 5 12 1 2,457 18 19 131 7 14 514 1 44 91 7 12 4 6.59 2 1 1 2 81 28 213 6 105 2 184 1 191 4,950 86 1 104 2 30 25 229 6 5 123 73 5 780 2 87 1 2 8 4 1 138 1 131 68 17 854 24 24 8 3 2 8 103 4,112 8,635 City or Cambridge — Ward 3. U.S. U. 8. 15 15 U. 8. Ire. 149 6 155 u. s. Ger. 12 _ 12 U.S. G B. 26 _ 26 U.S. B. A. 132 9 141 U.S. O.C. 5 _ 5 Ire. U. S. 198 6 204 Ire. Ire. 2,438 2,221 4,659 Father born in Mother born in Persons born in United States. Persons born in Korcifin Countries. Total NnmbiT ot I'ir.soMs { Siitive ;nul For.'k'ii l>i>rM), with Mii-h Parentage. City of Cambridge — Ward 3 — Concluded. Ire. Ger. Ire. G. B. Ire. B.A. Ger. U. 8. Ger. Ire. Ger. Ger. Ger. G.B. Ger. B. A. Ger. 0.0. G. B. U.S. G. B. Ire. G. B. Ger. G.B. G.B. G. B. B.A. G. B. O.C. Scan. U. S. Scan. Ire. Scan. Scan, B.A. U. 8. B.A. Ire. B. A. Ger. B.A. G.B. B.A. B. A. B.A. O.C. O.C. U.S. O.C. Ire. O. 0. Ger. O.C. G. B. O.C. B.A. O.C. O.C. Totals, 1 48 62 46 33 243 10 13 20 74 80 3 128 24 3 6 7 11 72 82 1 4 142 1 48 22 23 5 3 145 4,320 12 31 288 2 2 1 18 1 273 16 3 21 4 12 337 1 4 2 4 1 4 319 3.641 1 60 93 46 33 531 12 13 22 75 98 4 401 40 6 6 7 32 76 110 1 16 479 2 52 24 27 6 7 464 7,901 City op Cambridge — Ward 4. U.S. U.S. u. s. u. s. U.S. Ire. Ire. Tre. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. Ger. Ger. Ger. Ger. G. B. G. B. G.B. G.B. G.B. G.B. Scan. Scan. Scan. B. A. B.A. B.A. B. A. B.A. B.A. U. 8. Ire. G. B. B.A. O.C. U.S. Ire. Ger. G.B. B.A. O.C. U. 8. Ire. Ger. Q. B. B.A. O.C. U. 8. Ire. G. B. Scan. B.A. O.C. U.S. Scan. B.A. U.S. Ire. G.B. Scan. B.A. O.C. 120 69 123 18 117 1,770 1 36 52 2 30 24 46 1 8 9 191 103 291 1 36 6 9 36 3 144 41 28 2 247 21 3 4 1,632 19 26 1 80 2 1 10 10 52.) >> 42 4 77 20 7 20 663 3 21 123 72 145 18 121 3,402 1 65 78 3 30 24 126 3 9 9 201 113 816 3 78 10 9 113 3 164 48 48 2 910 3 156 CEXSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY — COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX — Con. Persons Persons Total Xumber of Persons ; Persons Persons Total Number of I'ersons rather Mother bom in bom in (Native and Father Mother bom in' ' bom in (Xative and born in born In United Foreign Foreismbiirn), bom in bom in United Foreign Foniirn bom), States. Countries. with sucli Parentage. States. Countries. with sufh Parentage. CiTT OF Cam BRIDGE — Ward 4- -Concluded. Town or Chelmsford — Concluded. O. C. U. 8. 33 1 34 U.S. Scan. 3 3 O. C. Ire. 2 1 3 U.S. B. A. 21 _ 21 0. C. Ger. 15 1 16 Ire. U.S. 9 1 10 0. C. G. B. 13 6 19 Ire. Ire. 331 314 615 0. C. B. A. 3 2 5 Ire. G. B. 1 1 O. C. O.C. 25 77 102 Ire. Ger. B.A. Ger. 3 4 6 3 8 7 Totals, . . . 3,655 3,285 6,940 Ger. G. B. 1 1 G. B. G. B U.S. Ire. 30 4 3 30 7 City of Cambri DOE— "Wa RD 5. G. B. G. B. 54 129 183 G. B. B. A. 1 5 6 G. B. 0. C. 1 1 r s. U.S. - 11 11 Scan. U 8. 2 _ 2 r. 8. Ire. 60 - 60 Scan. Ire. 1 ^ 1 XJ. 8. Ger. 7 - 7 Scan. Scan. - 5 9 14 r. 8. G B. 22 1 23 B. A. U.S. 9 4 13 U.S. B. A. 41 4 45 B. A. Ire. 3 1 4 Ire. U.S. 72 - 72 B. A. G. B. 7 7 Ire. Ire. 1,000 881 1,881 B. A. B. A. 20 69 89 Ire. Ger. 1 - 1 O. C. B A. 1 1 2 Ire. G. B. 10 12 22 O.C. O.C. 1 5 6 Ire. Sc.-in. B. A. 4 18 4 4 22 Totals, Ire. 535 555 1,090 Ger. U. 8. 16 — 16 Ger. Ire. 9 _ 9 Ger. (Jer. 73 72 145 Ger. G. B. 5 5 T OWN OF Concord. Gor. B. A. O.C. 2 1 1 2 2 Ger. G. B. U.S. 33 4 37 U.S. U.S. _ 5 5 G. B. Ire. 10 8 18 U.S. Ire. 13 - 13 G B. G. B. 63 112 175 U.S. Ger. 2 _ 2 (}. B. B A. _ 4 4 U.S. G. B. 17 - 17 8can. Scan. _ 5 5 u. s. B.A. 16 - 16 B. A. U.S. 60 2 52 Ire. U.S. 15 - 15 B. A. Ire. 43 4 47 Ire. Ire. 571 536 1,107 B. A. Ger. 3 _ 3 Ire. Ger. - 1 1 B. A. G. B. 6 3 9 Ire. G. B. 8 1 9 B. A. B.A. 147 716 863 Ire. B.A. 6 - 6 O.C. U. 8. 6 1 7 Ger. Ire. 1 - 1 OC. Ire. 5 1 6 Ger. Ger. 4 10 14 O. O. Ger. 7 2 9 Ger. O.C. - 2 2 O.C. G. B. 1 _ 1 G. B. U.S. 20 1 21 O.C. B A. 2 3 5 G. B. Ire. 2 4 6 0.vC. O.C. 10 18 28 G. B. G. B. 30 104 134 ■ • • G. B. G. B. B.A. O.C. 2 2 2 4 Totals, 1,727 1,869 3,596 2 Scan. G. B. - 1 1 Scan. Scan. 2 58 60 T OWN OF ( Daklisle. Scan. O.C. 1 - 1 B. A. B.A. U.S. Ire. 39 9 : 39 9 U.S. Ire. 4 - 4 B. A. G. B. 4 3 7 Ire. U.S. 1 - 1 B.A. B. A. 29 135 164 Ire Ire. 8 25 33 O.C. U. S. 3 _ 3 G.JB. G. B. - 3 3 O.C. Ire. 1 _ 1 B A. U. 8. 5 - 5 O.C. G. B. _ 1 1 B. A. B.A. 1 8 9 O.C. O.C. 10 34 44 O.C. O.C. - 1 1 Totals, . . 805 900 1,705 Totals, . . . 19 37 56 1 ["OWN OF Dracut. To wy OF Ci lELMSFORI ). U.S. U.S. 4 4 u. s. U.S. _ 6 6 U.S. Ire. 14 _ 14 U.S. Ire. 18 - 18 U.S. G. B. 11 ■" 11 1 U. S. G. B. 1 ' FOKEIGX PARENT XATIVITY, 157 FOHEIGX TARENT XATIVITY— COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX — Con. Persons Persons Totiil Xumber of Persons Persons Persons Total Xumher of Pt'rsons Father Jlother born in bom in (Native and Father Mother born in born in (Native and born in born in United Foreign Foreign born) . born in born in United Foreign Foreign bi>rn), States. Countries. with such Parentage. States. Countries. witli such Parentage. Town of Dracut Concluded. Town of Framingham. U S. B.A. 8 8 U.S. U.S. 3 3 Ire. U. S. 21 _ 21 U.S. Ire. 56 _ 56 Ire. Ire. 259 267 526 U.S. Ger. 1 _ 1 In-. G. B. 2 1 3 U.S. G.B. 28 _ 28 Ger. Ger. 7 13 20 iU. 8. B.A. 50 4 54 G. B. U.S. 21 _ 21 'U.S. O.C. 1 _ 1 G. B. Ire. 3 _ 3 Ire. U.S. 69 1 70 G. B. Ger. 5 _ 5 1 Ire. Ire. 923 941 1,S64 G. B. G. B. 25 78 103 Ire. G. B. 13 _ 13 G. B. B. A. - 1 1 Ire. B. A. 13 3 16 Scan. Scan. - 10 10 Ger. U.S. 10 - 10 B. A. U.S. 8 4 12 Ger. Ire. 6 _ 6 B. A. Ire. 3 _ 3 G.-r. Ger. 10 10 20 B. A. Ger. - 1 1 Ger. G. B. 3 _ 3 B. A. G. B. _ 1 1 Ger. Scan. 1 _ 1 B. A. B.A. 19 73 92 G. B. G. B. G. B. U. S. Ire. G. B. 60 26 107 - 60 26 340 Totals, 400 455* 855 233 G. B. B.A. 12 4 16 G. B. O.C. 1 — 1 Scan. Scan. 4 12 16 Scan. B.A. 3 _ 3 Town of D CXSTABLE B.A. U. 8. 30 1 31 B.A. B.A. Ire. G.B. 7 2 4 7 6 U.S. G. B. 1 - 1 B A. B.A. 29 168 197 U.S. B. A. 3 - 3 1 O. C. U.S. 9 9 Ire. U.S. 6 - 6 ' 0. C. Ger. 1 _ 1 Ire. Ire. 5 8 13 O.C. B.A. _ 1 1 Ger. Ger. - 1 1 ; 0. C. O.C. 7 18 25 G. B. (t. B. U.S. 10 1 1 10 Totals, B. A. 1,482 1,403 2,885 B. A. B.A. • 7 9 16 Totals, 3-2 19 51 T owx of Grotox. U.S. U.S. 2 2 Towx OF '. Everett. U. 8. Ire. 13 13 !u. 8. U.S. G.B. B.A. 1 3 - 1 3 U.S. us. - 15 15 Ire. U.S. 8 _ 8 U.S. Ire. 16 - 16 ,Ire. Ire. 207 154 361 U.S. G. B. 46 2 48 1 Ger. Ger. 4 2 6 U.S. B. A. 42 6 48 , G. B. U.S. 9 9 u. s. O. C. 8 - 8 G. B. Ire. 4 _ 4 Ire. U.S. 17 - 17 G.B. G.B. 2 19 21 Ire. Ire. 3.39 339 698 ' Scan. Scan. 1 1 Ire. G. B. 6 4 10 B.A. U.S. 4 _ 4 Ire. B. A. 9 4 13 B.A. Ire. 9 _ 9 Ger. U. S. 5 5 B.A. B.A. 1 20 21 Ger. Ger. 16 19 35 O.C. U.S. 1 1 G. B. U.S. 40 4 » 44 G. B. Ire. 15 2 17 Totals, 267 197 464 G. B. G. B. G. B. B.A. 55 16 143 14 198 30 Scan. Scan. U.S. Scan. U. S. 3 41 18 4 3 18 45 Tc wx of H OLLISTOX. B. A. B.A. Ire. 8 4 12 U.S. U.S. _ 2 2 B. A. G B. 3 - 3 U. S. Ire. 20 20 B.A. B.A. 62 195 257 U. 8. Ger. 3 _ 3 0. C u. s. 12 _ 12 U.S. G.B. 10 2 1 12 O. C. Ire. 1 _ 1 u. s. B.A. 8 1 9 O. C. (ler. 6 _ 6 U.S. O.C. 1 1 O. C. G. B. - 2 2 Ire. U.S. 34 1 35 O. C. 0. C. 20 17 37 Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. G. B. B.A. 572 382 1 954 1 4 Totals, . . . 806 792 1,598 4 ji :58 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — ^^1880. FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY — COUNTY- OF MIDDLESEX — Con. Persons Persons Total Nnmber of Persons Persons Persons Total Number ot I'orsons Father Mother burn in born in (Naiive and Father Mother born in born in (Native and born in born in United States. Foreign Countries. Foreign horn), witli such Parenlage. born in born in United States. Foreign Countries. Fori-is-'n l)ornJ, with such Parentage. Town of Holliston — Concluded. Town of Hudson — Concluded. Ger. U. S. " 7 7 B. A. B. A. 227 318 545 (xcr. Ger. 2 2 O.C. U.S. 7 3 10 Ger. B. A. 1 - 1 15 O.C. G. B. 1 — 1 G. B. U. 8. 1.5 G. B. Ire. 3 1 4 ToUlB, . 998 711 1,709 G B. G. B. B. A. 19 34 1 53 1 G. B. 8can. Scan. - 4 4 Town of Lexington. B. A. U 8. Ire. 17 6 7 24 6 B. A. B. A. G. B. - 2 2 U.S. U.S. — 4 4 B. A. Scan. - 1 1 U.S. Ire. 8 - 8 B. A. B. A. 13 41 64 U.S. Ger. 9 _ 9 O. C. U. 8. 2 _ 2 U.S. G. B. 6 - 6 O. C. Ire. 1 - 1 U.S. B. A. 15 1 16 O. C. B. A. - 1 1 Ire. U S. 8 - 8 O. C. O.C. 2 3 5 Ire. Ire. 362 381 743 Ire. Ire. G B. B. A. 3 1 1 4 TotalB, • • • 737 487 l,-'24 1 Ire. O.C. 3 - 3 U.S. 14 - 14 Ger. Ire. 1 - 1 Town of Hopkinton Ger. Ger. 1 9 10 G. B. G. B. U S. Ire. 17 1 18 1 1 U 8. Ire. 46 - 46 G. B. G. B. 28 37 65 U.S. G. B. 30 - 30 G. B. B. A. 2 2 U.S. B. A. 15 1 16 Scan. Scan. _ 3 3 Ire. U. 8. 49 - 49 B. A. U. 8. 3 1 4 Ire. Ire. 1,422 891 2,313 B. A. Ire. 1 1 Ire. B. A. 8 1 9 B. A. GB. 1 1 Ger. Ire. 11 - 11 B. A. B. A. 18 102 120 Ger. Ger, 33 8 41 0. C. U.S. 3 _ 3 G. B. U. 8. 13 - 13 O. C. 0. c. 3 5 8 GB. Ire. G. B. 4 7 35 4 42 Totals, G. B. 505 548 1,053 G. B. B. A. *- 4 4 Sciin. U.S. 3 - 3 Sean. B. A. Scan. U. 8. Ire. _ t 1 1 6 5 Town of Lincoln. B. A. B. A. B. A. 30 83 113 U S. U.S. _ 5 5 O.C. U.S. 2 - 2 U.S. Ire 3 3 U. 8. G B. 4 4 Totals, . . . 1,684 1,024 2,708 U S. B. A. 3 _ 3 U. S. Ire. O.C. U.S. 4 6 - 4 6 Town of Hudson. Ire. Ire. 132 125 257 Ire. Ger. G. B. Ger. 1 1 3 1 4 U.S. U.S. _ 2 2 Ger. B A. 4 - 4 U. 8. Ire. 38 _ 38 G. B. US. 4 - 4 U. 8. G. B. 6 1 7 G. B. Ir8. - 1 I U. S. B. A. 12 _ 12 G. B. G. B. 6 20 • 26 Ire. U.S. 60 _ 60 j B. A. U. S. 8 - 8 Ire. Ire. 501 S47 848 1 B. A. B. A. 5 52 57 Ger Ire. _ 2 2 O.C. U.S. 4 - 4 Ger. Ger. 1 4 5 O.C. G. B. 1 - 1 Ger. G. B. 1 _ 1 O.C. O.C. - 5 5 G. B. U.S. 24 _ 24 G. B. Ire. 12 _ 12 Totals, . . . 185 212 397 G. B. G. B. Scan. 11 24 2 35 2 G B. G. B. B. A. 7 2 9 Town of I .ITTLETON G. B. O.C. Scan. — 2 3 2 3 Scan. B A. U.S. 77 1 78 U.S. U.S. - 2 2 B. A. Ire. 11 -i 11 U.S. Ire. 3 - 3 B. A. G. B. 2 - 2 U.S. G. B. 8 ~ 8 POKEIGN PARENT NATIVITY. 159 FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY — COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX — Con. Persons Persons Total Number of I'l rsons Persons Persons Total Number ot Persons Father Mother born in born in (Native aiiU Father Mother born in born in (XMiive and born in born in United l'"oreis.'n Foreit,'n born), born in born in United Koreii^n Foreign born), States. Countries witli such Parentage. States. Countries Willi such Parentage. Town o p Littleton — Concluded. City OF Lowell — Ward 1. U.S. B. A. 2 2 U- 8. 1 U.S. _ 14 14 Ire. U. 8. 8 _ 8 U.S. Ire. 49 1 50 Ire. Ire. 108 86 194 U. 8. G.B, 26 5 31 G. B. U. S. 4 _ 4 U. S. B. A. 60 3 63 G. B. Ire. 5 _ 5 U.S. O.C. 1 - 1 G. B. G. B. 1 8 9 Ire. U. 8. 116 o 118 G. B. B. A. 1 _ 1 Ire. Ire. 2,424 2,91.3 5,337 B, A. U.S. 4 _ 4 Ire. G.B. 31 25 56 B A. Ire. 7 1 8 Ire. B A. 17 6 23 B A. B. A. 9 26 35 Ger. U. 8. 2 _ 2 O. C. U. 8. 1 _ 1 Ger. Ire. >> - 2 O. C. G. B. 2 _ o Ger. Ger. 5 20 25 0. C. O.C. — 1 1 Ger. G.B. 1 - 1 Gnr. B. A. 2 _ 2 Ire. Ire. 163 124 287 (i^er. O.C. 1 _ 1 G. B. U. 8. 63 1 64 (r. B. Ire. 43 24 • 67 G. B. G. B. 107 272 3T9 (}. B. B. A. 2 8 10 G B. O.C. 1 - 1 OiTT or ] Lowell. Scan. U. 8. 2 - 2 Scan. Scan. 1 8 9 B. A. B. A. U 8. Ire. 38 19 7 2 45 21 U.S. u. s. u. s. U. 8. U.S. Ire. Ger. G. B. 401 10 205 115 3 13 115 404 10 218 B. A. B. A. B. A. B A. O. C. G. B. Scan. B. A. 0. C. U. H. 3 232 5 11 6 1,749 1 14 6 1,981 1 5 U. 8. U 8. U.S. Ire. Scan. B A. O 0. U. 8. Ire. Ger. 1 308 11 591 9,715 13 47 5 11,532 1 1 355 11 596 21,247 14 O c. O.C. o. c. Totals, G. B. B. A. O. C. 6 1 7 1 1 30 7 2 37 Ire. Ire. 3,267 5,110 8,377 Ire. G. B. 268 76 344 142 13 29 Ire. Ire. B. A. O.C. U. 8. 102 10 29 40 3 ClTT OF Lowell — War] 2. Ger. Ger. Ire. 2 — 2 u. s. U 8. _ 22 22 Ger. Ger. 40 94 134 U.S. Ire. 75 1 76 Ger. G. B. 3 _ 3 U. 8. Ger. 1 _ 1 Ger. B. A. 2 1 3 U 8. G. B. 40 _ 40 Ger. O.C. 1 - 1 U. 8. B. A. 52 6 58 G. B. U.S. 407 7 414 U.S. O.C. 1 _ 1 G. B. Ire. 217 72 289 Ire. U.S. 44 _ 44 G. B. Ger. 7 2 9 Ire. Ire. 1,131 1,762 2,S93 G. B. G.B. 1,214 2,621 3,835 Ire. G. B. 41 17 58 G. B. Scan. - 10 10 Ire. B. A. 5 6 11 G. B. B. A. 52 64 116 Ire. < >. C. 2 _ 2 G. B. O.C. 15 _ 15 Ger. U.S. 10 _ 10 Scjin. U. S. 13 3 16 Ger. Ger. 16 7 23 Si-an. Scan. 41 116 157 G. B. U. 8. 70 1 71 Scan. H. A. 6 1 7 G. B. Ire. 50 15 65 B. A. U.S. 322 51 373 O B. Ger. _ 1 1 B. A. Ire. 91 16 107 G. B. G. B. ISO 417 597 B. A. G.B. 29 21 50 G. B. B. A. 10 9 19 B. A. Scan. - 6 6 Scan. Scan. _ 4 4 B. A. B. A. 1,490 7,937 9,427 B. A. U.S. 74 4 78 B. A. O.C. 1 3 4 B. A. Ire. • 15 7 22 0. C. U. 8. 23 1 24 B. A. G. B. 6 5 11 C. Ire. 7 1 8 B. A. B. A. 137 773 910 O. C. Ger. 5 - 5 0. C. U.S. 4 _ 4 O. C. G. B. 12 6 18 O. C. Ire. 1 _ 1 O 0. Scan. 2 - 2 C. Ger. 5 _ 5 O.C. B. A. 8 6 14 O. C. G. B. 2 _ 2 O. C. O.C. 43 ISO 223 O.C. B. A. _ 1 1 . . . o. c. Totals, O.C. 1,972 15 15 15,717 23,0.54 38,771 Totals, 3,073 6,045 160 CEXSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. FORETGX PARENT NATIVITY— COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX— Con. Persons Persons Total Number of Persons Persons Persons Total Number of l'( rsoiis Father Jlothcr born in born in (Naiivc and Father Jlother born in born in (Niilive and born ill born in United Foreign P'oreliiii born), born in born in United Foreign Furci«ii Imni), States. Countries. with sMch Parentage. States. Countries. wiUi .Mich Parentage. City c )F LOWEl L — Ward 3. City of Lowell — Ward 5. U.S. U.S. 19 19 US. U.S. 28 28 U.S. Ire. 94 „ 94 U.S. Ire. 70 _ 70 U.S. Ger. 2 _ o U. 8. Ger. 6 — 6 U.S. G. B. 37 3 40 U.S. G. B. 32 1 33 U. 8. B. A. a2 4 36 u. s. B. A. 73 le 89 Ire. U.S. IVO 1 177 U.S. O.C. 8 _ 8 Ire. Ire. 2,677 2,605 5,2S2 Ire. u s. 143 1 144 Ire. Ger. 13 1 14 Ire. Ire. 978 1,265 2,243 Ire. G B. 110 17 127 Ire. G. B. 33 5 38 Ire. B.A. 44 11 65 Ire. B A. 8 7 15 Ire. O. G. _ 1 1 Ire. C. 1 1 2 Ger. U. 8. 1 _ 1 trcr. U.S. 6 _ 6 Oer. (Jer. 4 19 23 Ger. Ger. 7 18 25 O. B. U. 8. 101 3 104 Ger. G. B, 1 _ 1 G. B. Ire. 5 _ 5 Ger. B.A. - 1 1 G. B. G. B. 353 685 1,038 G. B. U. S. 52 o 54 G. B. B. A. l,i 8 23 G. B. Ire. 26 7 33 G. B. O. C. 2 _ 2 G. B. Ger. _ 1 1 Scan. U. 8. 2 3 5 G B. G.B. 172 358 530 Scan. Scan. 30 46 76 G. B. Scan. - 1 1 B. A. U.S. 39 14 53 G. B. B. A. 11 26 37 B.A. Ire. 5 _ 5 G. B. O.C. 6 _ 6 B. A. B. A. 83 349 432 Scan. U.S. 3 _ .'5 B. A. O. C. _ ■ 2 2 Scan. Scan. 1 21 22 O. C. U.S. 4 _ 4 Scan. B.A. 6 _ 6 0. C. o. c. 11 36 47 B.A. U.S. 64 11 75 , B.A. 1 B A. Ire. G. B. 15 3 2 IS 9 Totals, . 3,8J0 3,827 7,667 7 1 B. A. H. A. 453 3,260 3,713 O. C. U.S. 5 1 6 O.C. G. B. _ 4 4 . O.C. B. A. _ 4 4 City DF Lowe LL — WaHI J 4. O.C. Totals, O. C. 5 9 14 2 1Q2 >; n!;5 1 7 oj--. U.S. U.S. U.S. Ire. 9 9 42 ^,ltr^ v,«w« 1 .,...» 42 u. s. G. B. 23 3 26 U.S. Sean. 1 1 City OF Lowell — Ward 6. U. 8. B.A. O. c. • 59 1 8 67 1 U.S. Ire. U.S. 39 _ 39 U.S. U.S. - 23 23 Ire. Ire. 831 977 1,808 U.S. Ire. 71 1 72 Ire. G. B. 2 2 4 U.S. Ger. 1 - 1 Ire. B. A. 2 1 3 U.S. G.B. 47 1 48 Ire. (). 0. 2 _ 2 U.S. B.A. 32 10. 42 Gor. U. 8. 7 _ 7 Ire. U 8. 73 1 74 Ger, Ger. 3 12 15 Ire. Ire. 1,674 2,010 3,684 <}. n. U. 8. 57 - 57 1 Ire. G B. 51 10 61 orn). States. Countries. with such Parentage. States. Countries. witli such Parentage. CiT T OP Lowell— Ward 6— Concluded. Town of Marlborough — Concluded. o. c. Ire. 2 1 3 Ire. B. A. 24 24 0. c. G. B. 2 1 3 Ger. U S. 3 -. 3 o. c. Scan. 2 _ 2 ; Ger. Ire. 5 _ 5 0. c. B. A. 1 - 1 1 Ger. Ger. • 8 7 15 0. c. O. C. 5 26 31 Ger. G. B. G. B. O.C. U. S. Ire. 1 16 8 - 1 16 8 Totals, ■ • ■ 2,637 3,282 5,919 _ G. B. G. B. G. B. B.A. 50 5 88 138 5 1 'OWN OF Malden. Scan. U. S. 1 - 1 Scan. Scan. G. B. Scan. ^ 5 4 5 4 U. 8. U. 8. _ 26 26 B. A. U.S. 141 141 U. 8. Ire. 68 3 71 B. A. Ire. 34 '- 34 U.S. Ger. 7 _ 7 B. A. B. A. 826 1,005 1,8M1 U. P. G. B. 73 1 74 O. c. U.S. 17 _ 17 u. s. Scan. 3 3 O. C. G. B. 2 _ 2 U.S. B. A. 125 18 143 0. C. Scan. 1 _ 1 U. 8. O. C. 5 1 6 O. C. B.A. - 2 2 Ire. U.S. 76 _ 76 O.C. O.C. 3 6 9 Ire. Ire. 1,572 1,405 2,977 Ire. Ger. 1 - 1 Totals, . . . 3,635 2,549 6,184 Ire. G. B. 15. A. 14 27 4 6 18 33 Ire. Ire. O G. 1 2 3 Ger. U. S. 24 24 Town of Maynard. Ger. Ger. Ger. Ire. Ger. G. B. g 8 169 21 84 21 85 U.S. U.S. _ 4 4 Ger. B. A. 2 4 6 U. 8. Ire. 22 - 22 Ger. (). C. 4 2 6 U. 8. Ger. 1 ~ 1 G. B. U. 8. 118 5 123 U. 8. G. B. 8 8 G. B. Ire. 58 9 67 U. S. B. A. 5 - 5 G. B. Ger. 2 2 Ire. U. 8. 36 - 36 G. B. G. B. im 376 569 Ire. Ire. 427 431 858 G. B. B A. 29 29 58 Ire. G. B. 14 5 19 G. B. (). C. 3 2 5 Ire. B. A. 9 1 10 Scan. U. S. 6 6 Ger. U. S. 5 - 5 Scan. Scan. Ire. Ger. 3 1 - 3 1 Ger. Ger. Ire. 4 27 27 4 54 Scan. G. B. 1 1 (Jer. ii. B. 5 - 5 Scan. Scan. 3 34 37 G. B. U. 8. 27 - 27 Scan. B. A. 5 .5 G. B. Ire. 31 3 34 B. A. U. 8. 87 6 93 G B. <}.B. 176 279 455 B. A. Ire. 15 4 19 G B. B. A. 2 - 2 B. A. G. B. 8 13 21 Scan. U. 8. 1 - 1 B. A. B. A. 98 355 453 Scan. Scan. - 3 3 B. A. O. c. 1 1 Scan. B A. 2 _ 2 0. C. U. 8. 37 _ 37 B. A. U. 8. 5 - 5 0. c. Ire. 16 1 17 B. A. Ire. 2 - 2 (). 0. Ger. 3 1 4 B A. G. B. 3 - 3 o. c. G. B. 5 1 6 B. A. B. A. 50 101 151 o. c. B. A. 7 5 12 (). C. U. 8. 3 - 3 o. c. 0. C. 13 49 62 O. 0. Ire. 2 - 2 O. c. O.C. Totals, Ger. O.C. 3 6 3 Totals, 2,826 2,448 5,274 6 870 860 1,730 Tow N OF Ma RLBOROLG H. • • • T< JWN OF 1 Bedford. U. 8. U. 8. Ire. 95 3 3 95 U. 8. U.S. G. B. 16 _ 16 U.S. U.S. _ 11 11 u. s. B. A. 91 - 91 U. 8. Ire. 35 1 36 Ire. U.S. 122 - 122 U. 8. G. B. 22 _ 22 Ire. Ire. 2,1J9 1,434 3,5b3 U. S. B.A. 88 2 90 Ire. Ger. 3 - 3 U.S. O.C. 5 _ 5 Ire. G. B. 9 - 9 Ire. U.S. 25 — 25 162 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — ISSO. FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY — COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX — Con. Father born in Mother born in Persons born in United States. Persons born in Foreign Countries. Total Number ot IVrsdiis (Xalivi- and Fori'ii.'n bom), wilh sncli Parentage, Town of Medford— Concluded. Ire. Ire. Ire. G. B. Ire. B A. Ger. U 8. Ger. Ire. Ger. «.-r. Ger. G. B. Ger. B A. G. B. U. 8. G. B. Ire. G. B. Ger. G. B. G B. G. B. B.A. Bean. U.S. 8can. Scan. Scan. B. A. B. A. U.S. B. A. Ire. B. A. G. B. B. A. B A. O. C. U.S. O. C. Ire. O. C. (Jer. O. C. G. B. 0. C. B. A. O. G. 0. C. Totals, 744 5 5 8 6 41 8 3 80 9 111 14 5 8 7 96 36 6 82 11 13 2 4 1,488 697 43 3 2 1 223 5 15 1 1 5V5 1 19 1,609 Town of Melrose. U. S. U. 8. U.S. U.S. U. 8. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. Ger. G. B. G. B. G. B. Q. B. G. B. Scan. Scan. 8can. B. A. B.A. B.A. A. A. B. B. O. O. C. O. C. O. C. O. C. O. C. Totals, U. S.. Ire 1 G. B. Scan. 1 B. A. (). C. U. s. Ire. 1 (f. B. B. A. U. S. Ire. Ger. u. s. Ire. 1 G. B. B. A. O. C. u 8. 6. B. Scan. 1 u. s. Ire. Ger. G B. B. A. U. S. Ire. Ger. 23 7 97 37 6 6.57 11 15 2 4 1 28 3,097 10 14 54 1 39 2 12 522 1 20 13 10 38 67 10 251 9 4 5 1 35 37 2 3 9 151 10 1 3 1 o Father born ill Mother born in Persons born in United States. Persons born in Foreign Countries Total Miimber nt' I'erson.'i (Native and F(iri-ii;ij born), will] such Parentage. Town of Natick. 1,346 U. S. U 8. U. 8. U. 8. U.S. U. 8. U. 8. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. (}er. Ger. (Jcr, (ilT. Ger. G. B. G B. G B. G. B. (}. B. a. B. Scan. Scan. Scan. Scan. B A. B. A. B A. B.A. B. A. O. C. O. C. O C. O.C. 0.0. Totals, U.S. Ire. Ger. G. B. Scan. B. A. 0.0. u. s. Ire. G. B. B. A. U. S. Ire. (xer. (}. B. B. A. U. 8. Ire. Ger. G. B. Scan. B.A. U.S. Ire. Scan. B. A. U.S. Ire G. B. B.A. O. O. U.S. Ire. Ger. G. B. O.C. 77 7 48 2 63 4 111 1,796 15 12 24 33 104 4 43 11 2 62 12 1 4 2 52 18 6 73 1 4 7 9 1 18 2,626 1,168 2 1 90 2 3 1 6 137 2 22 2 2 2 3 208 33 1,699 CiTT of KEWTON. U.S. U.S. u. s. U. 8. U.S. U. 8. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. Ger. Ger. Ger. Ger. G B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. (t. B. Scan. Scan. Scan. u. S. Ire. Ger. G B. B. A. 0. 0. U. S. Ire. Ger. G. B. B A. U S. Ire. Ger. G. B. B. A. O C. U. S. Ire. Ger. G. B. B. A. 0. C. U. s. Scan. 1 B. A. 115 7 99 83 21 113 2,428 1 21 46 26 40 43 3 1 183 35 1 304 28 1 1 60 1 4 13 7 1 2,558 13 17 65 60 13 9 1 478 29 4 27 1 6 7S 7 48 2 66 4 111 2,964 17 13 24 33 1<.)4 6 3 44 16 2 199 2 18 1 4 24 2 54 20 9 281 1 4 7 9 1 51 4,325 4,9 60 115 8 103 96 28 114 86 1 34 •63 26 40 108 50 3 1 196 44 2 782 67 5 1 27 1 FOKEIGN PARENT NATIVITY. 163 FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY — COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX — Con. Ftrsons Persons Total Number of Ferhftns Persons Persons Total Number lit Pirsons Father IMother born in born in Native hiid Father Mother born in born in (Native ami born in Ijorn in United Stales. Foreign Countries. Forciirn b(irii), witli SMcll Parentage. born in born in United States. Foreign Countries. Furciyii born), iviih such I'arentage. City o p Newton — Concluded. City OF Newton — Ward 2 — Concluded. Scan. 0. C. 1 2 3 B.A. G. B. 5 6 11 B A. U.S. 90 2 92 B.A. Scan. - 1 1 B. A. Ire. 55 4 59 B.A. B.A. 37 91 128 B. A. G. B. 7 13 20 0. C. U. S. 3 - 3 B A. Scan. 1 1 O. C. Ire. 4 - 4 B. A. B.A. 145 673 818 0. C. B.A. - 8 8 O. C. U.S. Ire. 31 - 31 19 0. C. 0. C. - 6 6 O. C. 19 0.0. G. B. 6 _ 6 Totals, . • . 728 674 1,402 o. c. B.A. 0. C. 4 8 9 35 13 43 0. c. City of Newton — War 1 D 3. Totals, ■ • • 3,966 4,090 8,056 ' U. S. U.S. 11 11 City c )F Newton— Ward 1. U.S. Ire. 9 - 9 U. 8. G. B. 19 1 20 U. 8. B.A. 8 3 11 IT. S. U.S. - 1 1 Ire. U.S. 8 _ 8 IT. S. Ire. 20 - 20 Ire. Ire. 391 337 728 u. s. Ger. 4 - 4 Ire. G.B. 8 2 10 U. 8. G. B. 14 1 15 Ire. B.A. 7 2 9 IT. S. B. A. 13 7 20 Ger. Ire. 6 _ 6 U.S. C. 1 - 1 Ger. Ger. 9 9 18 Ire. u. s. 30 - .30 Ger. B. A. 2 _ 2 Ire. Ire. 385 411 796 G. B. U.S. 27 3 30 Ire. G B. 3 1 4 G. B. Ire. 3 3 6 Ire. B.A. 8 2 10 G. B. Ger. 1 _ 1 Ger. U.S. 10 - 10 G B. G.B. 24 74 98 (ler. Ger. 9 6 15 G.B. B.A. 11 11 G. B. u. s. 24 4 28 G.B. 0. C. _ 1 1 G. B. Ire. 3 - 3 Scan. Scan. _ 3 3 G. B. G. B. 93 107 200 Scan. B.A. _ 1 1 G. B. B. A. 7 6 13 B. A. U. 8. 11 1 12 Scan. Scan. __ 1 1 B. A. Ire. 21 _ 21 B. A. k. A. U. S. 28 - 28 B. A G.B. 3 3 Ire. 14 - 14 B. A. B. A. 8 99 107 B. A. G.B. - 1 I O. C. U. 8. 1 _ 1 B.A. B. A. 33 117 150 0. C. Ire. 6 _ 5 O. C. U.S. 2 2 0. C. O.C. 1 10 11 0. C. Ire. G. B. 1 1 _ 1 1 Totals, O. C. 569 574 1,143 O. C. 0. C. 3 4 7 Totals, 706 669 1,375 City OF Newton — War D 4. City OF Newton — Ward 2. U.S. U.S. _ 29 29 U. S. Ire. 26 _ 26 U. 8. G.B. 21 _ 21 U. S. U.S. _ 7 7 U.S. B.A. 14 2 16 U.S. Ire. 37 _ 37 U.S. O.C. 5 6 11 u. s. G.B. 14 _ 14 Ire. U.S. 18 - 18 u. s. B.A. 16 _ 16 Ire. Ire. 418 376 794 Ire. U. S. 22 1 23 Ire. Ger. 1 _ 1 Ire. Ire. 454 470 924 Ire. G.B. 2 3 5 Ire. G. B. 6 — 6 Ire. B. A. 4 3 7 Ire. B.A. 3 2 5 Ger. U.S. 2 - 2 Ger. U.S. 2 _ 2 Ger. Ger. 7 5 12 Ger. Ger. 6 4 10 G.B. U.S. 32 - 32 G. B. U. S. 38 5 43 G.B. Ire. 6 7 G. B. Ire. 8 _ 8 G.B. Ger. - 1 G. B. G.B. 45 63 108 G. B. G.B. 26 77 103 G, B. B A. 7 4 11 G.B. B.A. _ 1 Scan. U. S. 1 -, 1 G.B. O. C. _ 1 Scan. Sean. _ 3 3 Scan. Scan. - 6 6 Scan. O 0. 1 2 3 B. A. U. S. 17 - 17 B A. u s. 17 1 18 B. A. Ire. 4 1 5 B. A. 1 Ire. 1 2 - 2 B.A. G. B. 2 2 4 164 CE^rsus or Massachusetts — i£so. FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY — COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX — Con. Persons Father Mother born in born in born in United States. Persons born in Foreign Countries. Total Number of I'ersons (Native and Foreiun born), \vlili such I'arentaye. CiTT OF Newton — Ward 4 — Concluded. B. A. B. A. 24 O C. U. S. 10 O. C. Ire. 9 O.C. G. B. 1 O. C. O.C. 1 Totals, 650 109 133 10 9 1 6 628 1,278 City of Newton — Ward 5. U.S. U.S. U.S. Ire. 9 u. s. Ger. 1 U.S. G. B. 21 U. 8. B. A. 1 Ire. U.S. 11 Ire. Ire. 338 Ire. G. B. _ Ire. B. A. 12 Ger. Ire. 1 Ger. Ger. 10 Ger. O. C. 1 G. B. U S. 22 G. B. Ire. 6 G. B. G. B. 62 G. B. B. A. 2 Scan. Scan. _ B. A. U.S. 7 B. A. Ire. 4 B. A. B. A. 13 O.C. O.C. 1 Totals, 518 302 4 15 3 87 1 1 43 460 City of Newton — Ward 6. U. s. U.S. _ 6 U.S. Ire. 11 _ u. s. Ger. 2 _ u. s. G. B. 2 1 U.S. B. A. 15 _ U. 8. O.C. 15 1 Ire. U S. 20 _ Ire. Ire. 342 458 Ire. G B. 2 _ Ire. B. A. 10 3 Ger. U.S. 10 _ Ger. Ger. 33 25 Ger. G. B. 1 50 Ger. B. A. 1 _ G. B. U. S. 12 _ G. B. Ire. 8 1 G. B. G. B. 26 _ G. B. B A. 3 2 Sean. Scan. _ 6 B. A. U. S. 7 _ B. A. Ire. 6 1 B. A. B. A. 16 120 O.C. U.S. 5 _ O.C. G. B. 2 _ O.C. B. A. 3 _ O.C. O.C. 2 8 Totals, 553 682 3 9 1 21 8 11 640 4 12 1 25 1 22 9 139 3 1 7 4 56 1 978 6 11 2 3 15 16 20 800 2 13 10 58 61 1 12 9 26 5 6 7 6 136 5 2 3 10 1,235 Persons Father Mother born in born in born in United States. Persons born In Foreij.'n Countries. Total Niimher of i'erscns (Native and KorciLMi burn), Willi such Parentage. CiTT OF Newton — Ward 7. U.S. U.S. u. s. Ire. 3 U.S. Ger. - U.S. G. B. 8 U.S. B. A. 10 Ire. U.S. 4 Ire. Ire. 100 Ire. G. B. _ Ire. B. A. 2 Ger. U.S. 2 Gor. Ger. 1 G. B. U. S. 28 G. B. Ire. 1 G. B. G. B. 38 G. B. B. A. 9 G. B. O.C. 1 Scan. Scan. - B. A. U.S. 3 B. A. Ire. 5 B. A. G. B. _ B. A. B. A. 14 O.C. U.S. 10 O. C. G. B. 2 O.C. B. A. 1 O.C. O.C. • • • - Totals, 242 204 3 6 1 1 1 70 4 2 1 94 403 Town of North Reading. u. S. u. 8. Ire. Ger. G.T. Ger. G B. G B. G B. B. A. B A. B A. 0. C. O. C. Totals, B. A. O.C. Ire. U.S. Ger. G. B. U.S. Ire. G. B. U. 8. Ire. B. A. B. A. O.C. 3 1 26 1 1 1 1 4 7 1 18 1 3 43 2 1 54 69 Town of Pepperell. U.S. U. s. U. 8. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. G B. G. B. G B. G. B. B. A. B. A. Ire. 12 G. B. 17 B. A. 14 O.C. 2 U.S. 16 Ire. 240 G. B. 1 B. A. 1 Ger. 1 U.S. 9 Ire. 1 G. B. 22 B. A. _ U. 8. 19 B. A. 34 183 5 30 1 49 3 3 1 9 10 4 304 3 7 2 2 29 2 108 13 3 7 3 7 1 108 10 2 2 2 645 4 1 44 1 1 4 1 1 4 7 1 50 2 2 123 12 17 14 2 16 423 1 1 6 9 1 62 1 19 83 rOKEIGX PARENT NATIVITY. 165 FOREIGX PARENT NATIVITY — COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX — Con Father born in Mother born in Persons Persons born in born in United | Foreign States, i Countries. Total Number of Persons (Native and Foreiiin born), with such Parentage. Town of Pepperell — Concluded. o. c. U.S. o. c. Ire. o. c. Ger. o c. B. A. 0. c. 0. C. • • • Totals, 397 271 Town of Reading. U S. u. s. u. s. U.S. U.S. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. Ger. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. Scan. B. A. B. A. O. C. O. C. Totals, I U. S. i Ire. G. B. ; Scan. B. A. O.C. U. S. Ire. G. B. B. A. U. 8. Ger. O.C. U.S. Ire. G.B. B. A. Scan. U.S. B. A. U. S. o. c. 6 22 3 31 1 15 112 1 10 2 9 2 25 1 26 3 32 50 6 11 101 1 10 1 2 41 7 5 1 110 21 368 304 Town of Sherborn. U.S. Ire. U.S. G.B. U.S. B. A. Ire. U. S. Ire. Ire. Ire. G.B. Ger. Ger. G.B. U.S. G.B. G. B. B A. u. s. B. A. B. A. O C. Ire. O.C. O.C. Totals, 10 8 11 1 146 15 3 10 1 1 155 1 2 53 48 1 211 260 Town of Shirlet. U.S. u. s. U.S. U.S. u. s. Ire. Ire. Ire. u. S. Ire. 1 G. B. B. A. 0. C. U S. Ire. 1 G B. 1 1 14 7 5 1 1 98 11 83 668 3 6 22 3 32 1 15 213 2 10 2 19 3 27 1 67 10 5 33 160 6 32 672 10 8 11 I 301 1 2 6 68 3 58 1 2 471 1 14 7 7 1 1 181 11 Father born in Mother born in Persons born in United States.' Persons born in Foreign Countries. Total Xumher of I'pisons (Native and Foreign born), with such Parentage. TowTN of Bhirlet — Concluded. G.B. G.B. G.B. G.B. B. A. B. A. O.C. Totals, U.S. Ire. G. B. B. A. U.S. B. A. B. A. 4 _ 3 _ 8 46 2 - 74 112 9 _ 263 243 City of Somervtlle. U.S. U.S. U.S. Ire. U.S. Ger. U.S. G.B. U.S. Scan. U.S. B. A. U.S. O.C. Ire. U. S. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ire. G.B. Ire. B. A. Ire. O.C. Ger. U.S. Ger. Ire. Ger. Ger. Ger. G.B. Ger. B A. Ger. O.C. G.B. U. S. G.B. Ire. G.B. G. B. G. B. B A. G.B. O.C. Scan. U. s. Scan. Ire. Scan. Ger. Scan. G. B. Scan. Scan. Scan. B. A. B. A. U. S. B. A. Ire. B. A. Ger. B. A. G.B. B. A. B. A. O.C. U. S. O.C. Ire. 0. C. Ger. C. G.B. O.C. B A. O.C. O.C. Totals, 174 7 132 2 268 6 275 3,145 61 84 2 59 10 149 9 3 5 242 101 327 53 1 9 3 42 206 124 32 418 56 12 22 3 8 59 6,119 22 1 27 3 5 3,067 4 23 49 1 192 7 21 727 67 3 2 1 79 6 29 11 1 29 1.144 10 1 1 7 9 130 5,681 4 3 53 2 26 1S6 9 506 22 175 7 13? 2 295 9 280 6,212 4 84 133 2 59 11 341 9 4 5 249 122 1,054 120 4 11 8 3 3 121 6 235 135 1 61 1,-562 66 13 23 10 17 189 11,800 City of Somerville — Ward 1. U. S. u. s. u. s. u s. u. s. U.S. u. S. Ire Ger. a. B. B. A. 0. C. 53 2 39 98 53 2 39 102 1 IGG CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — ISSO. FOREIGN ;PAREXT NATIVITY — COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX— Con. Persons Persons Total Nnmber ot l'erson.s Persons Persons Total NunilKT of Persons Father Mothor born in born in (Native and Father Mother born in born in (Native and born ill born in riiitcd Foreign Fort'ifM born), born in born in United Foreifjn FoniiiU born), States.* Countries. with such Parentage. States. Countries. Witll hUcll I'arentaKe. City < OF Some RVILLE — Ward 5- -Concluded. City OF SOMERVILIiE — Ward 2- -Concluded. Ire. T'. S. 101 2 103 O.C. ire. 6 _ 6 Ire. I.e. 1,108 1,038 2,146 O.C. Ger 1 - 1 Ire. Gir. - 1 1 O.C. G. B. 1 2 3 Ire. G. B. 15 10 25 O.C. B A. 4 2 6 Ire. B A. 37 15 52 O.C. O.C. 30 64 94 U. S. 23 23 Ger. Ger. Ire. - 1 1 Totals, ... 2.397 2,180 4,677 Ger. Ger. (i. B. 31 2 38 69 2 Ger. Ger. G. B. B. A. U. S. 1 56 1 2 2 58 City of SoMERViLiiB — Ward 3. G. B. Ire. .32 6 38 G. B. G. B. Scan. G. B B. A. U.S. Ire. G. B. Sciiii. B A. U.S. Ire. G B. B. A. U.S. Ire. Ger. G. B. B. A. O.C. 83 10 5 7 3 22 7.5 43 6 116 26 6 9 1 1 13 178 25 2 261 35 7 7 3 66 5 83 46 10 416 27 7 10 4 3 56 U. S. U. S. U. S. U.S. Ire. G. B. 36 14 7 1 7 36 15 Scan. Scan. Scan. Scan. B. A. B. A. B. A. B. A. O.C. O.C. O.C. O.C. O. C. O.C. 44 5 8 3 4 300 1 1 1 3 2 43 U.S. U. s. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. Ger. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. Scan. B. A. O.C. U.S. Ire. G. B. B. A. O.C. U.S. Ger. G. B. U.S. Ire. G.B. B.A. O.C. U.S. 52 2 27 393 7 11 1 *) 6 1 40 8 40 8 4 3 1 2 393 2 9 5 3 4 111 8 2 55 3 29 786 9 20 1 2 11 1 43 12 151 16 Totals, 2,024 1,741 3,765 2 4 Scan. Scan. Ire. Ger. 3 1 1 3 Scan. Scan. 8 9 17 CiTV OF SOMERV ILLE — Wa RD 2. Scan. B. A. B. A. B. A. B. A. O.C. O.C. O.C. O.C. O.C. Totals, B.A. U. S. Ire. G. B. B. A. U.S. Ger. G.B. B.A. O.C. 33 16 6 74 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 34 16 15 314 2 1 2 8 4 U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. u. s. U.S. U.S. U. S. Ire. Ger. G. B. Scan. B. A. O.C. U.S. Ire. 72 4 1 61 1 109 1,266 8 1 12 1 1,248 8 73 4 65 2 73 1 110 2,514 9 240 1 1 5 4 Ire. Ire. 798 823 1,621 Ire. Ire. OtT. _ 1 1 G. B. 29 10 39 Ire. B. A. 29 21 50 City of SOMERV] ILLE — Wa RD 4. Ire. C. U. s. 1 9 ~ 1 9 Ger. Ger. Ire. 6 _ 6 U.S. U.S. - 5 5 Ger. Ger. 64 79 143 U. 8. Ire. 13 - 13 Ger. G. B. 3 _ 3 U. 8. Ger. 1 - 1 Ger. B A. 2 _ 2 U.S. G.B. 14 - 14 Ger. 0. C. 3 - 3 u. s. B.A. 57 8 65 G. B. U. S. 9*^ 1 93 U.S. O.C. 3 1 4 G. B. Ire. 43 10 53 Ire. U.S. 38 - 38 G. B. G. B. 131 280 411 Ire. Ire. 378 388 766 G. B. B. A. 28 22 50 Ire. Ger. - 2 2 G. B. O.C. 1 _ 1 Ire. G. B. 10 1 11 Scan. Scan. 1 12 13 Ire. B.A. 7 4 11 B. A. U.S. 76 12 88 Ger. U.S. 25 - 25 B. A. Ire. 56 3 59 Ger. Ire. 4 - 4 B. A. Ger. _ 1 1 Ger. Ger. 48 70 118 B. A. G. B. 19 6 25 Ger. G.B. 3 - 3 B. A. B. A. 158 377 535 Ger. O.C. 2 - 2 O.C. U.S. 24 7 31 G. B. U.S. 54 1 55 FOEF.IGX TAHEXT NATIVITY. 167 FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY — COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX - Con. Father born in Tersons Mother bom in born HI United States. „„„ „ 1 Total Xnmber Persons „f Persons born in (Native and Foreign Kiwicn burn), ,, I with such Countries, j i-arentage. CiTT OF SoMERViLLE — Ward 4 — Concluded. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. Scan. B. A. B. A. B. A. B. A. O. C. O. C. O. C. O. C. Totals, I Ire. 18 G. B. 73 B. A. 7 O. C. - Scan. 11 U. S. 22 Ire. 9 a. B. 1 B. A. 70 U.S. 5 Ger. 11 G. B. _ 0. C. 16 900 1 158 12 1 14 8 5 10 227 1 1 19 937 Town of Stoneham. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. Ger. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. Scan. Scan. B. A. B. A. B. A. B. A. B. A. O. C. O.C. O. C. O.C. Totals, u. s. Ire. H G. B. 14 B. A. 66 O.C. _ u. s. 43 Ire. 547 G. B. 8 B. A. 10 U.S. 3 Ire. 1 G.r. 3 U.S. 55 Ire. 11 G. B. 46 B. A. 10 O.C. _ ! Scan. _ , B. A. _ 1 U. S. 39 : Ire. 33 ! G. B. _ B. A. 63 O.C. - U.S. 4 G. B. _ B. A. _ O.C. ■ • • 1 971 7 1 1 1 1 502 1 2 7 1 118 10 1 1 1 1 3 1 150 1 1 1 4 10 8l! Town of Stow. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. Ire. Ire. G. B. G. B. G. B. Scan. B. A. B. A. U.S. 1 Ire. 13 G B. 1 Scan. 1 B. A. 3 U. S. 11 Ire. 86 U.S. 17 Ire. 4 G.B. 28 Scan. 1 U.S. 5 G.B. 1 - 1 82 26 9 1 1 19 231 19 1 25 30 14 11 297 6 11 1 35 1,837 7 15 14 67 1 44 1,049 9 12 3 1 10 56 11 164 20 1 1 1 40 36 1 213 1 5 1 4 11 1,798 2 13 1 1 4 11 168 17 54 10 6 1 Father born in Mother born in Persons born in United States. Persons Total Xumbrr ot Persons born in | fXaiive»iid Foreign Foreign biiiu , ,, I with siRli Countries. parentage. Town of Stow — Concluded. B A. B. A. O. c. u. s. O. C. O. c. Totals, . . . 6 17 23 1 - 1 1 1 2 178 140 318 Town of Sudbury. U.S. U. S. U. S. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. G.B. G.B. G.B. Scan. B. A. B. A. B. A. O.C. O.C. O.C. O.C. Totals, Ire. G.B. B. A. U.S. Ire. G.B. Ger. U.S. Ire. G.B. Scan. U. S. G.B. B. A. O.C. 1 1 1 1 10 1 11 9 _ 9 79 76 155 1 _ 1 2 2 4 4 . 4 _ 1 1 2 20 22 _ 2 2 10 1 11 1 1 _ 28 28 ► 1 1 3 - 3 1 _ 1 1 5 6 126 137 263 Town of Tewksbukt. U.S. U. S. _ u. s. Ire. 5 U.S. G.B. 5 U.S. Scan. 1 U.S. B. A. 6 U.S. O.C. 1 Ire. U.S. 12 Ire. Ire. 113 Ire. G.B. 3 Ire. B. A. - Ger. Ger. 4 Ger. G. B. - G.B. U.S. 8 G.B. Ire. 15 G. B. G.B. 20 G.B. B. A. _ Scan. U.S. 4 Scan. Scan. 3 B. A. U.S. 7 B. A. Ire. 1 B. A. G.B. _ B. A. B.A. 4 O.C. O.C. • • • - Totals, 212 595 2 33 2 2 94 3 18 1 3 82 18 858 Town of T u. s. U.S. U.S. Ire. 8 U.S. G.B. 7 U.S. B. A. 19 168 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS ISSO. FOFvETGX PARENT NATIVITY — COUNTY OF ]\IIDDLESEX — Con Father born in Mother born in Persons born in United States. Persons born in Fore is n Countries. Total Number of Persons (Niitive and Fon-is.'!! b(irn), with s.uc-11 I'iti'ensage. Town of Townsend — Concluded. Ire. U.S. lie. Ire. Ire. G. B. Ger. U.S. Ger. Ger. G. B. U.S. G. H. Ire. ' G. n. G. B. G. H. B. A. Scan. U.S. iScan. Ire. i^caii. Scan. B. A. U.S. B. A. Ire. B. A. G.B. B. A. B. A. O. C. 0. C. ■ • • Totals, 15 98 1 7 2 15 5 5 7 1 1 24 1 1 10 72 2 1 17 1 36 3 227 143 Town of Tyngsborough. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. u. s. Ire. Ire. G er. G. B. G. B. Scan. Scan. B. A. B. A. Totals, u. S. Ire. 1 G. B. B. A. 0. C. U. S. Ire. Ger. U. s. G. B. U. S. Sc an. U. S. B. A. • • 69 26 1 21 10 68 Town of Wakefield. U. S. u s. U.S. U.S. u. s. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. Ger. Ger. G. B. B. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. Scan. B. A. B. A. B A. U.S. Ire. G.B. Scan. B. A. U.S. Ire. G. B. B. A. O. C. U. S. Ire. Ger. B. A. U.S. Ire. Ger. G.B. Scan. B. A. Scan. U. S. Ire. G.B. 57 33 1 70 35 646 24 5 2 O U 5 14 1 33 33 8 92 1 21 2 41 673 4 4 12 3 3 252 8 11 1 4 15 170 1 7 4 17 6 22 8 1 1 3 25 1 1 46 3 370 1 2 3 1 2 2 53 1 6 28 3 10 1 14 127 9 57 34 1 78 35 1,319 28 9 2 3 5 26 1 36 36 8 344 1 29 13 41 9 6 Father born in Mother born in Persons born in United States. Persons born in Foreign Countries Total Nntnher (it rtTsons (Native and Forciuii Imivm), with Mich Parfiilage. Town of "Wakefield — Concluded. B. A. B. A. O.C. U.S. 0. C. Ire. O.C. Ger. O.C. G. B. O.C. B. A. O.C. O.C. Totals, 33 . 8 4 6 11 1,199 176 1 1 1 1 24 1,197 Town of Waltham. U.S. U. 8. u. s. U.S. u. s. U. 8. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. CJer. Ger. Ger. G B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G.B. Scan. Scan. Scan. B. A. B. A. B. A. B. A. B. A. B. A. O.C. O. C. O.C. O.C. O.C. Totals, U. 8. Ire. Ger, G.B. B. A. O.C. U.S. Ire. G.B. B. A. U. 8. Ger. G. B. B. A. U. S. Ire. Ger. G.B. B. A. U. 8. Scan. B. A. U.S. Ire. G. B. Scan. B. A. O.C. U. 8. Ger. G. B. B. A. O.C. Town of Watertown. u. s. u. s. u. s. u. s. U.S. u. s. u. s. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. Ger. G.B. u. 8. Ire. Ger. G. B. Scan. 1 B. A. 0. C. U. S. Ire. 1 (i B. B. A. U. S. Ire. Ger. U. s. 41 1 21 2 24 1 43 1,123 6 21 14 2 14 36 1,062 3 1 29 209 9 5 6 1 1 35 2,396 _ 11 11 82 _ 82 10 _ 10 67 1 58 35 4 39 5 _ 5 115 - 115 2,2;V2 2,114 4,366 45 15 60 16 10 26 12 1 13 24 37 61 1 1 2 2 _ 2 104 3 107 40 10 60 1 2 3 162 380 542 18 8 26 3 - 3 5 26 31 2 _ 2 26 2 28 14 15 29 10 7 17 3 _ 3 76 291 367 _ 1 1 7 3 10 1 - 1 5 _ 5 1 - 1 15 34 49 3,149 2,976 6,T2.5 3 41 1 24 2 27 1 43 2,185 9 22 14 2 43 FOREIGN PAKENT NATIVITY. 169 FOrxFJOX P.ARENT NATIVITY — COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX — Con. Persons rersons Total Number reif.'n born), born in born in United !• oriijiii Fori'itn born), States. Countries with snch Parentage. States. Countries. with such I'areniage. T OWN OF WATERT OWN — Concluded. Town of Weston. G.B. Ire. 15 4 19 U.S. 'U.S. 1 1 G. B. G.B. 65 152 217 U.S. Ire. 4 « 4 G.B. B. A. 5 7 12 U.S. G.B. 14 _ 14 G.B. O.C. - 2 2 u. s. B A. 8 _ 8 Scan. Ire. 6 _ 6 1 u. s. O.C. 1 _ 1 Scan. Scan. 2 8 10 Ire. U.S. 7 _ 7 B. A. U.S. 29 3 32 : Ire. Ire. 125 116 241 B. A. Ire. 16 2 18 Ire. G B. 1 _ 1 B. A. G.B. _ 1 1 Ire. B. A. 1 2 3 B. A. B. A. 30 212 242 Ger. U.S. 4 4 O. C. U. S. 6 _ 6 Ger. Ger. _ 2 2 O.O. B. A. 1 _ 1 Ger. G.B. 6 _ 6 O. C. O.C. 12 16 28 G. B. U.S. 10 _ 10 G.B. G.B. G. B. O.C. 26 1 43 69 1 Totals, • • • 1,538 1,511 3,047 Scan. B A. Scan. U. S. 4 6 6 4 Town of A Vatland. B A. B A. B. A. O.C. 11 6 102 4 113 10 O. C. U. 8. 3 — 3 U.S. U 8. U.S. Ire. - 3 3 O.C. O.C. - 5 .') 6 6 U.S. Ger. 2 _ 2 Totals, • • • 232 281 613 U.S. G. B. B A. 9 17 - 9 17 1 U.S. Ire. Iro. U S. Ire. 7 124 118 7 242 Town op Wilmingtoii r. Ire. Ger. 1 _ I Ire. G B. 3 _ 3 Ire. B. A. 3 _ 3 U. 8. Ire. 4 - 4 Ire. O.C. 2 ^ 2 U.S. G.B. 11 - 11 Ger. U. 8. 2 _ 2 Ire. U.S. 6 - 6 Ger. Ger. 19 12 31 Ire. Ire. 47 61 98 G.B. U. 8. 7 7 Ire. Ger. 1 - 1 G.B. G B. 14 23 37 Ire. G. B. 1 3 4 G. B. B. A. 6 6 Ger. U 8. 5 - 6 Scan. U. S. 1 _ 1 Ger. . C. Ire. 4 1 5 B. A. O.C. 4 _ 4 O.C. Ger.- _ 1 1 O.C. U.S. 17 _ 17 O.C. G. B. 3 - 3 0. C. Ire. 2 _ 2 O.C. B A. 3 4 7 O.C. B.A. _ 2 2 O.C. O.C. 4 16 20 O.C. Totals, O.C. • • • 134 112 246 Totals, 2,252 2,636 4,888 422 315 737 1 ["OWN OF Canton. 1 'own of Dedham. U.S. U. 8. 2 2 U.S. U.S. 8 8 U.S. Ire. 116 3 119 U. 8. Ire. 106 4 110 U.S. Ger. 2 - 2 U.S. Ger. 4 _ 4 U.S. G.B. 26 _ 26 U.S. G B. 24 1 25 U.S. Scan. 2 - 2 U. 8. B.A. 33 5 38 U.S. B. A. 27 1 28 U.S. O.C. 2 — 2 17 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS 1880. FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY — COUNTY OF NORFOLK — Con. Father born in Mother born in Persons born in United States. Persons born in Foreign Countries. Total Nnmher of Persons (Native and Forci^'n t)orii), with sueli Parentage. TawN OF Dedham — Concluded. Ire. U. 8. 47 2 49 Ire. Ire. 1,027 1,010 2,037 Ire. Ger. 2 - 2 Ire. G.B. 1:5 1 14 Ire. B. A. 2i 2 26 Uer. U. S. 26 - 26 Ger. Ire. 14 _ 14 tier. Ger. 151 168 319 (Jer. G B. 35 1 36 Ger. 0. C. 4 • _ 4 (Jr. B. U.S. 34 1 35 G.B. Ire. 27 • 't SO G. B. Ger. 1 1 G.B. G.B. 61 171 232 G. B. B. A. 9 1 10 Sean. U. S. - 2 2 Scan. Ire. 3 - 3 Scan. Scan. 10 12 B. A. U. S. 48 1 49 B. A. Ire. . 20 3 23 B. A. G. B. 7 2 9 B. A. B. A. 51 155 208 O. C. U.S. 13 _ 13 O. C. Ire. 1 _ 1 O. 0. O.C. • • • 22 67 89 Totals, 1,811 1,618 3,429 Town or Doatir. U.S. U.S. 2 2 U.S. Ire 2 _ 2 U.S. G.B. 3 _ 3 U.S. B. A. 4 _ 4 Ire. Ire. 65 75 130 Ire. G. B. _ 2 ■ 2 Ger. Ger. 19 12 31 G. B. U.S. 3 - 3 G. B. Ire. _ 1 1 G.B. G.B. 31 26 57 Scan. Scan. - 2 2 B. A. Ire. 4 _ 4 B. A. G.B. _ 1 1 B. A. B. A. • • > 12 30 42 Totals, 133 151 284 Town of Foxborough. U.S. u. s. u. s. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. Ger. G. B. G.B. G. B. G. B. Scan. Scan. U.S. Ire. 19 G.B. 28 B. A. 7 U. S. 24 Ire. 280 U.S. 2 Ger. 10 B. A. _ U.S. 39 Ire. 5 G.B. 18 B. A. 11 Scan. - O.C. — 1 211 8 2 4 64 3 2 1 4 19 28 8 24 491 2 18 2 39 9 82 14 2 1 Father born in Mother born In Persons born in United States. Persons born in Foreign Countries. Total Xumlier ot IVrsoMs (Natives and Foreign hi'in), Witll Mllll Parentage. Town of Foxborough — Concluded. B. A. ii. A. O.C. U.S. B. A. U.S. • • • 6 4 1 Totals, 454 29 329 Town of Franklin. U. S. U.S. U. 8. Ire. U. S. G. B. U.S. B. A. U. S. O.C. Ire. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ire. G.B. Ire. B. A. Ger. Ire. Ger. Ger. Ger. G. B. G. B. U.S. G. B. Ire. G. B. Ger. ! G. B. G. B. G.B. 0. C. Scan. U.S. Scan. Ire. Scan. Scan. Scan. B. A. B. A. U.S. B. A. Ire. B. A. G. B. U. A. B. A. O.C. U.S. O.C. B. A. O.C. O.C. Totals, 35 25 21 4 36 483 g 3 10 1 24 14 2 30 6 2 4 2 19 3 79 3 1 6 822 459 1 1 1 3 2 1 69 1 55 1 205 811 Town of Holbrook. Ire. Ire. Ger. G.r. a. . B. A. B. A. Totals, U.S. 10 Ire. 251 U.S. 1 Ger. _ G. B. 3 U.S. 20 B. A. • • • 45 .330 171 1 7 42 221 Town of Hyde Park. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. U.S. Ire. 22 G.B. 67 Scan. 2 B. A. 44 U.S. 69 Ire. 895 G.B. 22 B. A. 11 18 904 33 1 783 1 38 •Jb 21 4 36 042 1 10 4 10 4 2 25 14 2 99 1 6 2 59 2 19 3 1 284 3 1 14 1,633 10 422 1 1 10 20 551 18 22 67 2 44 69 1,799 22 11 FOREIGN TAKEXT NATlVITr. 173 FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY — COUNTY OF NORFOLK — Con. Persons Persons Total Number of Persons Persons Persons Total Number of Persons FiiUior Mother t)orn in born in (Xitiive and Father Mother born in born in (Native and burn in born in United Foreign Fureiyn burn), born in boru in United Fc^reign Fureiyii Ixirn), States. Countries. with such Parentage. States. Countries. Willi Mllll Purontaye. Town of Hyde Park — Concluded. Town of Medwat — Cone uded. Ger. U. 8. 13 13 Scan. Scan. _ 8 8 Ger. Ger. 76 72 148 B. A U.S. 10 - 10 Ger. G. B. 4-2 2 44 B. A. Ire. 4 - 4 Gir. (). G. _ 1 1 B. A. G B. 2 - 2 G. B. U.S. 77 _ 77 B. A. B. A. •23 122 145 G. B. G. B. G. B. Ire. G B. .Scan. 38 139 8 342 10 38 481 18 O. C. O.C. 2 2 4 Totals, . . 861 657 1,518 G. B. B. A. Ger. 7 6 - 7 6 Soiin. iScan. Scan. G. B. .Scan. U.S. 3 27 67 4» 3 70 67 Town of Milton. B. A. B. A. Ire. 21 - 21 U. S. U.S. _ 9 9 B A. G. B. 4 - 4 U. 8. Ire. 2-5 _ 2.i B. A. B A. 59 2S9 348 IT. S. Ger. 6 _ 6 O. C. U.S. 13 - 13 U. 8. G. B. 17 _ 17 U. C. Ire. 2 - 2 U. 8. B. A. 14 4 18 O C. B. A. 7 - 7 U. S. O.C. 1 -. 1 O. C. O. C. 11 22 33 Ire. U.S. 22 510 22 910 Ire. Ire. 406 Totals, . . . l,7o2 1,703 3,4.J5 Ire. Ger. 2 •2 Ire. Ire. 6.B. B A. 7 3 1 2 8 5 Town of Medfield. Ire. O.C. - 2 2 Ger. Ger. U. 8. Ire. 4 1 _ 4 1 Ger. Ger. 10 10 20 U.S. U. S. _ 1 1 Ger. G B. - 1 1 U. 8. Ire. 6 1 7 G. B. U.S. 38 - 38 U.S. G. B. 6 _ 6 G. B. Ire. 5 1 6 U. 8. B. A. 2 _ o ; G. B. G. B. 35 128 IfiS Ire. U. 8. 10 _ 10 1 G B. B. A 6 6 12 Ire. Ire. 49 64 113 ' G. B. O C. - 2 2 Ger. U. 8. _ 1 Scan. Scan. 2 10 12 Ger. Ire. _ 1 B. A. U. S. 10 6 lWN OF 1* fEEDHAM. 1< Totals, . 120 109 229 U.S. U.S. _ 11 11 Town of Medwat. U.S. Ire. 49 - 49 U 8. U.S. Ger. G. B. 3 46 1 3 47 U.S. U.S. _ 2 2 U. 8. B. A. 29 _ 29 U 8. Ire. 46 _ 46 u. s. O.C. 1 1 2 U. 8. G. B. 10 _ 10 Ire. U. S. .33 - 33 U s. B. A. 36 1 37 Ire. Ire. 531 531 1,062 Ire. U.S. 44 _ 44 Ire. G. B. 2 4 6 Ire. Ire. 570 430 1,000 Ire. B. A. 3 1 4 Ire. G B. 9 - 9 Ger. U.S. 10 - 10 Ire. B. A. 3 8 11 G.r. Ger. 44 65 109 Gi-r. U.S. 7 _ 7 Ger. G. B. 2 4 6 Ger. Ger. 3 10 13 Ger. B. A. 1 - 1 G B. U. 8 39 _ 39 G. B. U.S. 87 2 S9 G B. Ire. 13 _ 13 G. B. Ire. 32 1 33 G. B. Ger. 8 _ S G. B. Ger. h - 5 G B. G B. 32 73 105 G B. G. B. 318 584 i'D-l Scan. Ire. - 1 1 G B. B. A. 16 3 19 17i CEXSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY— COUNTY OF NORFOLK — Con. Persons Persons Total Number of Persons Persons Persons Total Number of persons Father Mother born in bom in (Native and Father Mother bom in born iii (Native and born ill born in United ■ Foreign Foreisii born), born in born in United Foreign Foreign l>orn), .States. Countries. with such Parentage. States. Countries. with such Parentage. Town of Needham — Concluded. Town of QUINCY. G. B. O.C. 2 2 U.S. U.S. _ 9 9 Scan. Scan. 9 29 ZH U.S. Ire. 104 - 104 B A. U.S. 17 5 22 U.S. Ger. 2 - o B. A. Ire. 6 _ 6 U.S. G. B. 40 1 41 B. A. (}. B. 3 1 4 U.S. Scan. 1 - 1 B. A. B.A. 36 141 177 U.S. B. A. 45 6 51 O. C. U.S. 2 _ 2 U.S. O.C. 2 _ 2 O.C. Ire. 2 . 2 Ire. U. 8. 180 2 182 <). C. Ger. 3 _ 3 Ire. Ire. 1,613 1,596 3,209 O.C. G. B. ~ 1 1 Ire. G. B. 31 6 37 O.C. B.A. 3 . 3 i Ire. B. A. 29 5 34 O.C. 0. C. 11 26 37 Ire. O.C. 3 6 8 Ger. Ger. U.S. Ire. 11 11 Totals, • • ■ 1,306 1,411 2,717 8 - 8 Ger. Ger. 31 34 65 Ger. G. B. 1 — 1 . Ger. Scan. 1 - 1 Ger. B. A. - 5 5 T OWN OF ] S'ORFOLK, Ger. O.C. 2 - 2 G. B. U. 8. 93 3 96 G. B. Ire. 25 9 S4 G. B. Ger. 3 3 Ire. Ire. 81 69 150 G. B. G.B. 222 607 823 Ger. Ger. 1 5 6 G. B. Scan. 3 3 G. B. U.S. 2 - 2 G. B. B.A. 48 28 T6 G. B. G B. 29 59 88 G. B. O. C. 2 2 Scan. Scan. 9 5 14 Scan. U. 8. 6 _ 6 B. A. B.A. 14 20 34 Scan. Ire. 1 _ 1 O.C. O.C. 12 8 20 Scan. Scan. 5 46 51 B. A. U. 8. 74 2 76 Totals, . . . 148 166 314 B. A. Ire. 43 8 51 B. A. B. A. G. B. B. A. 4 156 2 430 6 585 B. A. O.C. 5 1 6 (). C. U. 8. 23 _ 23 T OWN OF ] Norwood. O. c. Ire. 2 1 3 O.C. O.C. G.B. Scan. 1 1 1 1 U.S. U. S. _ 6 5 O.C. B. A. 3 _ 3 U. 8. Ire. 10 10 O.C. O.C. 5 45 50 U.S. Ger. 2 _ 2 U.S. G. B. 9 - 9 Totals, 2,825 2,855 5,680 U.S. B.A. O C. 12 1 - 12 1 U.S. Ire. U.S. 22 _ 22 Ire. Ire. Ire. B.A. 327 7 294 4 621 11 Tc )WN OF E RANDOLPH. Ger. U. S. Ire. 4 4 - 4 4 Ger. Ger. (rer. 6.1 57 122 U 8. U.S. _ 4 4 Ger. G. B. 5 _ 5 U. 8. Ire. 81 - 81 Ger. B A. 2 - 2 U.S. G. B. 15 - 15 G. B. U.S. 14 _ 14 U.S. B.A, 27 3 30 a. B. Ire. 6 _ 6 Ire. U.S. 83 1 84 G. B. G. B. 12 36 48 Ire. Ire. 728 654 1,3S'2 G. B. B.A. - 4 4 Ire. G. B. 3 3 6 G. B. O.C. _ 3 3 Ire. B. A. 6 1 7 Scan. U.S. 1 - 1 Ger. U.S. 10 - 10 Scan. f^can. - 7 7 Ger. Ger. 1 5 6 B.A. U. S. 6 _ 6 G. B. U.S. 14 1 15 B.A. Ire. 5 1 6 G. B. Ire. 5 2 7 B.A. G. B. _ 2 2 G. B. Ger. 1 _ 1 B. A. B.A. 18 77 95 G.B. G B. 14 31 45 O.C. U. S. 6 _ 6 G. B. B.A. 7 3 10 O.C. Ger. 1 _ 1 Scan. Scan. 2 5 T 1 O. C. G. B. - 2 2 Scan. B.A. _ 8 8 O.C. O. C. - 5 5 B. A. B. A. B.A. U.S. Ire. G.B. 31 10 3 34 jO Totals, . . . 539 497 1,036 2 2 .«--,. FOKEIGX PAKEXT XATIYITT. 175 FOUEICN PARENT NATIVITY — COUNTY OF NORFOLK — Con. Persons Persons Total Xumbcr of Persons Persons Persons Total Number of Persons Fatlier Moilier born in bom in (Native and Father Mother born in born in (Native and bom in liorii ill United Foreign Foreign born), born in boru in United Foreign Foreign Ijorn) , States. Countries. with such ! Parentage. States. Countries. with such Parentage. r rowN OF Raxdoi PH — Concluded. ! Town of Walpole— Cone uded. B.A. B A. 3 34 37 U. 8. B. A. 21 2 23 o. a U. 8. 3 _ 3 Ire. U.S. 8 _ S o.C. B. A. 1 - 1 Ire. Ire. 420 315 735 o. c. O.C. - 3 3 Ire. Ire. Ire. G. B. B. A. O.C. • 5 8 1 6 8 1 Totals, • ■ • 1,045 703 1,808 1 Ger. G.r. U.S. Ire. 1 5 1 1 6 Town of Sharon. Ger. Ger. 11 5 16 G. B. G. B. U.S. Ire. 26 5 — 26 5 U 8. U.S. _ 1 1 G. B. G. B. 26 49 75 U.S. Ire. 3 _ 3 G. B. B. A. _ 1 1 U 8. G. B. 4 - 4 ' Scan. Scan. 4, 7 11 U. S. Scan. 1 - 1 B.A. U.S. 9 9 u. s. B A. 10 _ 10 B.A. Ire. 11 _ 11 Ire. U.S. 14 _ 14 B.A. G. B. 1 _ 1 Ire. Ire. 106 95 201 B. A. B.A. 17 50 67 Ger. U.S. 4 _ 4 O.C. B.A. 2 1 3 Ger. Ire. 5 - 5 O.C. O.C. _ 7 7 Ger G. B. Ger. U. S. 19 12 13 2 32 14 Totals, . 602 441 1,013 G. B. Ire. 4 1 5 G. B. G. B. 18 40 58 G. B. G. B. B. A. O.C. 1 1 1 2 1 Town of Wettmoutii . Scan. B.A. B. A. Scan. U.S. B. A. 3 40 3 9 45 ' 9 5 U.S. U.S. _ 12 12 O.C. U. S. 3 3 U.S. Ire. 62 2 64 0. C. O. C. 3 6 9 u. s. G.B. 18 - 18 U.S. U.S. B.A. O.C. 25 2 2 27 Totals, 222 202 424 2 Ire. U. S. 120 2 122 Ire. Ire. 1,638 1,033 2,671 Town of S rOUGHTON Ire. Ire. G. B. B. A. 6 19 2 1 8 20 Ger. U. S. 3 — 3 U.S. U.S. - 2 2 Ger. Ger. Ger. G. B. 3 2 8 11 2 U. 8. U.S. U.S. Ire. G. B. B.A. 34 14 14 1 34 15 14 G. B. G B. G. B. U. S. Ire. G.B, 58 16 73 103 58 16 176 Ire. Ire. U. S. Ire. 4.5 951 587 45 1,-538 G. B. Scan. B. A. U.S. 4 4 2 6 4 Ire. Ire. G. B. B. A. 5 1 - 5 1 1 i Scan. Scan. Scan. B A. 3 3 13 16 3 Ger. Ger. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. Ger. G. B. U.S. Ire. G. B. B. A. 2 23 12 40 1 2 1 4 69 3 4 1 1 ' 23 : 16 109 4 B A. B.A. B.A. B. A. O.C. 0. C. U.S. Ire. G.B. B.A. U.S. Ire. 59 39 1 80 4 2 2 3 202 61 39 4 282 4 2 Scan. B.A. Scan. U.S. Ire. B A. 20 5 15 1 1 1 22 1 21 6 37 0.0. Totals, O.C. 16 27 43 B.A. B.A. 2,258 1,416 3,674 O U S 9 g 1 O.C. B. A. 1 _ 1 O.C. O.C. ■ • • 1 6 7 Town of \^ rRENTHAM 1,193 700 1,893 Totals, ♦ U.S. U.S. Ire. Ger. 10 1 - 10 1 Town of ■■ iVALPOLE. U. S. G. B. 34 _ 34 U.S. Ire. B.A. U. S. 25 25 1 26 25 U.S. U.S. _ 1 1 Ire. Ire. 113 94 207 U.S. Ire. 10 _ 10 Ger. U. S. 11 _ 11 U.S. G. B. 12 — 12 Ger. Ger. 50 47 97 176 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1S80. FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY— COUNTY OF NORFOLK — Con. Father born in Mother born in Persons born in United States. Persons born in Foreign Countries. Total Xiimber of Persons (Native and Foreitrn liorn), with Mieh Parentage. Town of Wrentham — Cdntinued. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. Scan. B. A. B. A. U.S. 39 Ire 15 G. B. 41 B. A. 1 Scan. 1 U. 8. 7 B. A. 14 91 2 3 5 83 43 15 132 3 4 12 99 Father born in Mother born in Persons born in Ignited States. Persons born in Foreign Countries. Total Nnmber of Persons (Native and Foreign horn), with sueh Parentage. TowK OF Wrentham — Concluded. B. A. C. O O. U. S. 7 0. C. Ire. 1 O. C. G.B. 2 0. C. O.C. • ■ • 11 Totals, 408 4 22 359 1 7 1 6 33 767 COUNTY OF PLYMOUTH. Town of Abington. U. 8. U.S. U. 8. Ire. 18 u. s. G. B. 8 U. 8. B. A. 17 U.S. O.C. 1 Ire. U. 8. 40 Ire. Ire. 607 Ire. Ger. - Ire. G B. 1 Ire. B. A. 12 Ocr. Ger. 1 Ger. O.C. - G. B. U.8. 9 G B. Ire. o G. B. G. B. 14 G. B. B. A. 8 Scan. U.S. 1 Sean. Scan. - B. A. U. 8. 16 B A. Ire 1 B. A. G. B. 1 B. A. B. A. 15 O. C. U.S. 5 O.C. Ire. • 5 O.C. B. A. 1 O.C. O.C. * ' * 1 Totals, 784 1 379 1 1 o 3 12 30 448 Town of Bridgewateb u. s. U.S. U. 8. U.S. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. Ger. G. B. G. B. G. B. G.B. G. B. 8can. B A. B. A. B. .V. u. s. Ire. G. B. B. A. O. C. US. Ire. G.B. U. 8. Ire. Ger. U.S. Ire. G. B. Scan. B A. Scan. U.S. Ire. G B. 9 9 16 2 33 683 7 4 3 4 33 14 47 •2 514 3 15 1 1 95 1 4 2 18 8 18 1 40 986 1 2 14 1 1 9 5 26 14 1 3 19 1 1 45 3 5 1 5 1,232 4 9 10 16 2 33 1,097 10 4 3 19 34 15 142 2 2 4 3 4 3 Town of Bridgewater — Concluded. B. A. B. A. 8 B. A. O.C. _ O.C. U.S. 2 O.C. O.C. - 1 Totals, 784 39 1 688 Town of Brockton. U.S. U. 8. u. s. Ire. U. 8. Ger. U.S. G.B. U.S. Scan. U.S. B. A. U.S. O.C. Ire. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. G.B. Ire. B. A. Ger. U.S. Ger. Ire. Ger. Ger. Ger. G. B. G. B. U S. G.B. Ire. G. B. G. B. G. B. B. A. G. B. O c. U.S. Sean. Scan. Sean. B. A. B. A. U.S. B. A. Ire. B. A. G.B. B. A. B. A. B. A. O.C. O.C. U.S. O.C. Ire; O.C. B. A, O.C. O.C. Totals, . . . Town op Carver. U.S. U. 8. U. s. Ire. U.S. G. B. 1 B. A. 15 Ire. t 47 1 2 6 1,472 _ 9 9 49 _ 49 1 _ 1 13 _ 13 1 _ 1 63 10 73 1 _ 1 90 1 91 1,843 1,272 3,115 18 1 19 8 4 12 7 _ 7 5 1 6 8 14 22 2 1 3 75 _ 75 13 1 U 58 135 193 9 7 16 _ 1 1 2 _ 2 144 329 473 4 _ 4 49 2 51 21 7 28 3 _ 3 57 195 252 _ 1 1 6 _ 6 1 _ 1 1 - 1 14 32 46 2,566 2,023 4,589 1 I 15 5 FOREIGN" PARENT NATIVITY. 177 FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY— COUNTY OF PLYMOUTH — Con. Persons Persons Total Number of Persons Persons l'er-o)is Total Number of Persons Father Mother born in born in (Native and Father Mother born in born in (N'rttive :ind born in born in United Foreign Foreiirn bom , born in born in United Fori i'jii Fort-itn born), States. Countries wilh surli Parentage. States. Countiiis with ^uch Parentage, Town of Carver — Concluded. Town of Halifax. Ire. G. B. 1 1 Ire. U.S. 1 — 1 Ger. ]re. 2 2 Ire. Ire. 8 8 16 G. B. U. 8. 3 3 6 G. B. G. B. 3 7 10 G. B. G. B. 8c!in. G. B. 6 B. A. B. A. 1 1 2 B A. U. 8. 1 8 6 7 8 Totals, • • • 13 16 29 Scan. Scan. U. S. 6 20 25 6 B. A. B. A. B. A. 1 7 8 1 Town OFilANo^'ER. Totals, • • • 43 45 88 '1 U. 8. U.S. 1 1 1 U.S. Ire. 7 _ 7 U.S. G. B. 5 _ 5 u. s. B. A. 7 7 Town op DuxBtntY. Ire. U.S. 5 _ 5 Ire. Ire. G. B. Ire. G. B. U.S. 122 2 3 80 202 U.S. U. S. 1 1 10 _ 2 3 U 8. Ire. 10 G. B. G. B, 5 12 17 U.S. G. B. 3 1 4 5 1 26 1 B. A. U. S. 8 1 9 U. 8. B. A. 5 B. A. B. A. 2 16 18 Ire. Ire. Ger. U.S. Ire. Ger. 1 4 22 1 0. C. Totals, 0. C. • • • - 1 1 166 111 277 G. B. U. S. G. B. 11 7 18 11 25 G B. O. B. G. B. B. A. O C. 6 1 6 1 Town of Hanson. B. \, U.S. B. A. U. 8. 4 1 3 4 10 3 1 B. A. O. C. 9 U.S. B.A. 3 _ 3 o. c. o. c. 1 Ire. Ire. 15 17 32 Ger. Ger. G. B. Ire. Ger. U. S. 4 5 1 4 Totals, 56 53 109 1 5 G. B. Scan. G. B. Bean. 5 6 3 11 3 B. A. B.A. 4 11 15 0. C. O.C. 3 2 5 Town of East Bridgewa TER, Totals, , . . 39 40 79 U.S. U.S. _ 4 4 U. S. Ire. 18 _ 18 Town of Hingham. U. S. Ger. 1 1 2 U. 8. G. B. 10 — 10 U. S. b. a. 15 _ 15 U.S. U.S. _ 6 6 Ire. U.S. 14 _ 14 U.S. Ire. 33 33 Ire. Ire. 199 172 371 U. S. Ger. 7 _ 7 Ire. Ger. 4 _ 4 U.S. G B. 24 4 28 Ire. G. B. 2 1 3 U.S. B.A. 25 1 26 Ire. Scan. 1 - 1 u. s. O.C. 7 7 Ire. B. A. 8 1 9 Ire. U. 8. 21 _ 21 Ire. Ger. O. C. u s. 1 4 — 1 4 Ire. Ire. Ire. G. B. 604 1 470 1 1,074 2 Ger. Ger. 2 4 6 Ire. B.A. 2 2 G. B. U. S. 13 1 14 Gei. U. S. 8 _ 8 G. B. G. B. 13 27 40 Ger. Ger. 10 15 25 G. B. B. A. 2 - 2 G. B. U. S. 36 2 38 Scan. U.S. 1 _ 1 G. B. Ire. 8 1 9 Scan. Scan. 2 9 11 G. B. G. B. 44 67 111 B. A. U. S. 4 1 5 G. B. B.A. 1 1 B. A. B. A. 4 101 105 Scan. Scan. _ 4 4 O. C. 0. C. 7 7 14 B. A. B. A. B. A U.S. Ire. G. B. 15 1 15 1 1 . Totals, . . . 325 329 654 1 178 CENSUS or MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY— COUNTY OF PLYMOUTH — Con. Persons Persons Total Number of Persons Persons Persons Totiil Number of Persons Father Mother born in born in (Xative and Father Mother boni in born in (Native and born in born in United Foreign Foffis-'n barn), born in born in United Foreign Fiircign born), States. Countries. with such Parentage. States. Countries, j with such I'iircntage. Town of Hingham — Concluded. Town of Lakeville — Concluded. B. A. B. A. 15 44 59 Ger. Ger. ^ 1 1 <). O. U.S. 3 _ 3 G.B. U.S. 5 1 6 O.C. Ger. 2 _ 2 G.B. G. B. - 13 13 O. C. G. B. 4 _ 4 Scan. U.S. 4 - 4 O.C. B.A. 5 _ 5 B.A. B.A. 4 6 10 O.C. O. C. 11 11 22 O. C. U.S. 1 - 1 O.C. O.C. 1 3 1 4 Totals, . . . 886 623 1,514 , . Totals, • • • 52 , 45 97 Town op Hull. O Ire. 12 12 Town or Marion. U.S. U.S. G B. - 1 1 U.S. U.S. _ 4 U.S. Scan. 2 - 2 u. s. Ire. 1 _ u s. B. A. 5 - 5 U. 8. B. A. 4 _ Ire. U.S. 4 - 4 Ire. U. S. 1 — Ire. Ire. 8 25 33 Ire. Ire. 1 1 Ire. B. A. 3 - 3 Ger. U.S. 2 « Ger. Ire. 7 - 7 Ger. Ger. 4 3 Gar. Ger. - 2 2 G. B. U.S. 5 _ G B. U.S. 1 - 1 G. B. G. B. 4 8 12 G. B. Ire. 6 - 6 G. B. B. A. 1 G. B. G. B. 3 7 10 .Scan. Scan. 1 _ G. B. B A. - 1 1 B. A. U. S. 4 _ Scan. Sean. - 10 10 B. A. B. A. 1 6 B.A. U. S. 5 - 5 0.0. O.C. 1 6 7 B. A B.A. U. S. 2 24 11 13 24 Totals, ■ • • O.C. 29 2y 58 O.C. O.C. Ire. G. B. 1 4 - 1 4 ^ O.C. Scan. 2 _ 2 O C. O.C. 3 1 4 Town of Marshfield. Totals, 92 68 150 U.S. Ire. 3 2 - 3 2 U. 8. Ger. ~ Town of Kingston. U.S. B.A. 3 - 3 Ire. Ire. U.S. Ire. 1 36 2'> 1 61 U.S. U.S. _ 1 1 Ire. G.B. - 2 2 U.S. Ire. 8 _ 8 Ire. B. A. - 1 1 U.S. G. B. 15 1 16 Ire. O.C, 1 - 1 U.S. B. A. 8 1 9 Ger. Ger. - 1 1 Ire. 1 U. S. 10 1 11 G. B. U.S. 6 - 6 Ire. Ire. 135 86 221 G.B. G. B. 3 3 1 6 Ger. r. s. 3 _ 3 G.B. B.A. - 1 1 Ger. Ger. 13 8 21 B.A. Ire. 2 - *2 G. B. U.S. 6 6 B.A. B.A. 1 15 16 G. B. Ire 2 _ 2 O.C. Ire. - 1 1 G B. Scan. B.A. G. B. Scan. U.S. 5 16 1 21 1 1 O.C. O.C. — . 4 i '4 1 Totals, • • • 58 1 53 111 B. A. B. A. U.S. 4 13 13 4 1 O.C. O.C. O.C. - 3 ' 3 Town of M attapoisett. Totals, 210 131 1 341 G.B. 3 3 6 U. 8. Town of Lakevilli U.S. B.A. 1 - 1 Ire. Ire. U. 8. Ire. 1 10 15 1 1 2.3 U. S. Ire. 10 _ 10 G. B. U. S. 11 - 11 U. S. G. B. 8 3 11 G.B. G. B. 3 7 10 U.S. Scan. 1 - 1 G.B. B. ^V. - 1 1 Ire. Ire. 18 16 34 G.B. O.C. - 1 1 .Ire. G.B. 1 2 2 B.A. U.S. 1 — 1 FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY. 179 FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY— COUNTY OF PLYMOUTH — Con. Persons Persons Total Number of I'ersons Persons Persons Totiil SnT.iher of l"er>ons Father .Mother born in born in (Native and Father Mother born in born in (Native and boru in born in United Foreign Fort-i^'n born), born in born in United Foreign Foreiyii born), States. Countries. with such Parentage. States. Countries. with Mich Parentage. Town of Mattapoisett — Concluded. r rowx OF Plymouth — Concluded. B. A. Scan. 1 1 2 Ire. G.B. 1 _ 1 B. A. B. A. 8 8 Ire. B. A. 3 7 10 O.C. U.S. 10 10 Ger. U.S. 28 - 28 O. C. O.C. 7 21 28 I Ger. Ire. 11 - 11 Ger. Gir. Ger. ( ). C. 133 6 135 268 Totals, 48 1 57 105 6 1 G. B. U.S. 73 — 73 G. B. Ire. 25 2 27 Town of Middleborou SH. G. B. G. B. G. B. B.A. 67 9 148 1 215 10 6. B. Scan. B. A. O.C. Scan. U. 8. 1 2 24 1 10 24 IT. 8. U.S. _ 6 6 8 U. 8. U.S. U.S. U.S. Ire. G. B. Scan. B. A. 23 13 1 8 2 2 25 13 1 10 B.A. B.A. B. A. O.C. Ire. G. B. B. A. U.S. 19 1 . 45 43 187 19 1 232 43 Ire. Ire. Ire. U. S. Ire. a. B. 5 189 S 1 198 6 387 8 O.C. O.C. O. C. Ire. Ger. G. B. ] 2 1 - 1 2 1 Ger. U. S. 12 - 12 0. C. B.A. 1 3 4 • Ger. Ger. Ire. Ger. U. 8. G. B. 3 34 22 27 1 45 51 4 79 22 78 O.C. Totals, O.C. 18 60 78 G. B. G. B. 963 847 1,810 G B B A 1 1 3 Scan. u! 8.' 3 Bean. Bean. 5 5 Town of Pltmpton. B. A. U. S. g g B. A. B. A. 7 41 48 O.C. U. S. 6 6 U. S. Ire. 5 - 5 O.C. Ire. 1 1 U.S. G. B. 1 - 1 O.C. O. C. 4 4 Ire. U. S. 20 - 20 Ire. G. B. Ire. U. 8. 10 4 13 23 Totals, 371 356 727 4 G. B. G. B. 3 3 6 Scan. U.S. 2 - 2 Town of Pembroke. Scan. O.C. Totals, Scan. O.C. — 1 1 1 1 U. 8. G. B. 1 6 1 6 45 18 63 U.S. Ire. B. A. Ire. ^ 7 31 14 17 Ger. Ger. Ire. Ger. 2 2 ' Town of Rochester — 1 1 Ger. G. B. G. B. U.S. 2 19 - 2 19 U.S. u. s. Ire. G B. 3 1 - 3 1 G. B. G. B. Ire. G. B. 10 7 21 10 28 Ire. Ire. U.S. Ire. 4 8 4 8 Bean. B. A. B. A. B. A. Scan. U. S. G. B. B.A. 7 2 1 1 17 1 7 1 19 Ger. G. B. G. B. G. B. B.A. O.O. Totals, Ger. U.S. Ire. G. B. B. A. O.C. 7 6 2 1 1 18 1 3 1 7 1 24 Totals, 74 60 134 3 3 23 32 55 Town of Plymouth. Town of Rockland. U. 8. U. S. Ire. 6 60 6 60 U.S. 1 u. s. Ger. 3 3 U.S. U.S. 3 3 U.S. G. B. 21 _ 21 U.S. Ire. 28 _ 28 U.S. Scan. 1 « 1 U. S G. B. 4 1 5 U.S. B. A. 32 5 37 U.S. B. A. 4 _ 4 U.S. 0. C. - 1 1 u. s. O.C. 4 _ 4 Ire. u. s 32 _ 32 Ire. U. 8. 66 - 66 Ire. Ire. 300 284 584 Ire. Ire. 1,017 589 1,606 180 CENSUS or MASSAgHUSETTS — 1880. rOREIG>^ PARENT NATIVITY — COUNTY OF PLYMOUTH — Con. Father born in Mother born in Persons born in United States. Persons born in Foreign Coinitries. Total Xumber of Persons (Native and Foreitrn born), witli sneb Parentage. Town of Rockland — Concluded. Ire. G. B. 18 Ire. B. A. 6 Ger. U.S. 1 Ger. Ger. 1 G. B. U. S. 14 G. B. Ire. 15 G. B. G. B. 15 G. B. B. A. 8 B. A. U.S. 14 B. A. Ire. 4 B A. O. B. 2 B A. B. A. 5 O. C. U. S. 4 o. c. O. 0. 2 Totals, 1,232 2 1 1 1 3 29 3 1 1 12 654 Town of Sodth Abington. U. S. u. s. U.S. u. s. Ire. Ire. Ger. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. Scan. Sean. B.A. B. A. O. C. O.C. Totals, Ire. 4 G B. 5 B.A. 17 O.C. 2 U. S. 2 Ire. 271 U. 8 2 U.S. 6 Ire. 6 G. B. 7 B. A. U. S. 1 Sean. 1 U.S. 6 B. A. 13 U.S. 8 o. c. 4 . . . 355 220 1 13 4 1 37 1 285 20 7 1 2 15 18 44 11 15 5 2 17 4 9 1,886 Town of SCITUATB. U.S. Ire 31 31 U.S. Ger. 3 _ 3 U.S. G B. 5 _ 5 U.S. B. A. 9 _ 9 Ire. U. S. 9 _ 9 Ire. Ire. 210 174 384 Ire. G.B. 7 1 8 Ire. B. A. 4 1 5 Ger. U.S. 4 _ 4 Ger. Ger. — 1 1 Ger. Scan. _ 1 1 G.B. U.S. 21 3 24 G. B. Ire. _ 1 1 G.B. G. B. 15 26 41 G.B. B.A. 1 1 Hcan. Scan. _ 3 3 B.A. U.S. 2 3 5 B.A. Ire. 1 _ 1 B.A. B. A. 6 17 23 O.C. U.S. 4 « 4 O.C. Ire. 6 „ 6 O.C. G. B. 2 _ 2 O.C. O.C. • • • 2 8 10 Totals, 342 239 581 4 5 17 2 2 491 2 6 7 20 4 1 1 7 50 9 12 640 Persons Father Mother born in born in born in United States. Persons born in Foreign Countries. Total Xunibcr of Persons (Xative and Fureii/n liorn), •\vitli such Parentage. Town of South Scituate. U.S. Ire. 7 U.S. G. B. 2 U 8. B. A. 6 Ire. Ire. 52 G. B. U.S. 6 G. B. G.B. 10 Scan. Sca'i. _ B. A. U.S. 4 B. A. B. A. 4 O.C. U. S. 2 O.C. O.C. - Totals, 93 32 17 2 17 1 69 Town of Wareham. U. 8. U. S. U. 8. Ire. Ire. Ire. G. B. G B. G.B. G B. G. B. Scan. Scan. Scan. Scan. B. A. B. A. B.A. B. A. O.C. O.C. O.C. Totals, Ire. 15 G B. 1 B.A. 13 U S. 17 Ire. 309 B.A. 2 U.S. 17 Ire. 1 G. B. 22 B. A. 2 O.C. 1 U.S. 2 Ire. 5 G. B. 1 Scan. 18 U. S. 2 G. B. _ B. A. 17 ( >. C. 4 U.S. 6 Ire. 3 O.C. 3 461 271 27 2 40 1 3u 379 Town of West Bridgewater. U.S. U.S. U.S. U 8. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. G.B. G. B. G. B. G. B. Scan. Scan. B.A. B.A. B.A. O.C. Totals, U.S. Ire. 2 G. B. 7 B. A. 3 U.S. 7 Ire. 239 G.B. 9 Ire. 1 U.S. 11 Ire. 1 G.B. 5 B. A. 7 G. B. 5 Sean. 5 U. 8. 2 G.B. 3 B.A. 9 O.C. • • • - 316 191 2 1 1 16 14 17 6 250 7 2 6 84 6 27 2 4 21 162 15 t 13 17 580 2 17 1 49 4 1 2 5 1 58 2 1 47 4 6 3 11 840 2 2 7 3 7 430 11 1 12 2 21 7 5 19 2 3 26 6 566 rOEEIGN PAEENT NATIVITY. 181 FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY — COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. Persons Persons Total Number of Persons ' (.Native and , Persons Persons Total Niimlier of 1 erssons (Native iii;d Father jNIotlier born in born in ' Father Mother born in born in born in born in United Foreign Foreign born),! born in born in United Foreign Foreign born), Stales. Countries. with 9Ui;li Parentage. States. Countries. witli such Parentage. City of Boston. City of Boston — WakdI — Concluded. U.S. U.S. 494 494 Ger. Ger. 86 82 168 U.S. Ire. . 3,820 46 3,866 Ger. G. B. 8 3 11 U.S. Gt-r. 202 1 203 Ger. B. A. 21 2 23 U.S. G. B. 1,471 94 1,565 Ger. O. C. 4 - 4 U. 8. Scan. 30 _ 30 G.B. u S. 213 13 226 U.S. B. A. 2,866 356 3,222 G.B. Ire. 130 46 176 U.S. O. C. 227 25 252 G. B. Ger. - 1 I Ire. U. 8. 4,436 59 4,495 G.B. G.B. 2.51 720 971 Ire. Ire. 66,313 69,678 135,9Sil G.B. B A. 116 132 248 Ire. Ger. 104 4 108 G.B. O. C. - 1 1 Ire. G. B. 1,048 374 1,422 Scan. U.S. 34 1 35 Ire. Scan. 37 2 39 Scan. Ire. 11 - 11 Ire. B. A. 1,716 747 2,463 Scan. Ger. 11 - 11 Ire. O.C. 1U2 44 146 Scan. G.B. 5 - 5 Ger. U. S. 1,144 11 1,155 Scan. Scan. 15 60 75 Ger. Ire. 58.i 9 594 Scan. B.A. 11 - 11 Ger. Ger. 7,085 7,530 14,615 B.A. U.S. 302 16 318 Ger. G. B. 198 50 248 B. A. Ire. 95 14 109 Ger. Scan. 29 8 37 B.A. Ger. t - 7 Ger. B.A. 182 50 232 B. A. G.B. 42 49 91 Ger. O.C. 282 24 306 B.A. B. A. 614 1,165 1,779 G. B. U.S. 2,44.5 126 2,571 B. A. O. C. - 2 2 G. B. Ire. 1,932 403 2,335 O C. U.S. 55 - 55 G. B. Ger. 59 13 72 O.C. Ire. 42 - 42 G.B. G. B. 4,501 11,479 15,980 O C. G. B. 10 4 14 G.B. Scan. 8 21 29 O.C. Scan. 1 1 2 G.B. B.A. 967 991 1,958 O.C. B.A. 5 3 s G.B. O. C. 81 75 156 O.C. O.C. 22 69 91 Scan. U.S. 186 5 191 Scan. Ire. 168 3 171 Totals, . . . 4,685 4,243 8, 21 Ger. t^can. 6 _ 6 O.C. G.B. 18 9 27 Ger. B.A. 5 - 5 0. C. Scan. 2 - 2 Ger. O.C. 1 5 6 O.C. B. A. 25 1 26 G.B. U.S. 52 1 53 O.C. O.C. 864 1,710 2,r.7i G. B. Ire. 67 16 83 1 G. B. G.B. (icr. G. B. 4 4 Totals, . . . 7,695 7,607 15,302 134 335 469 181 CEXSUS OF MASSACHU.SETTS — 1S80. FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY — COUNTY OF SUFFOLK — Con. Per^ons Persons Total y umber of Persons Persons Persons Total Number of IVisons Father .Mother iiiini ill born in (Native imd Father Mother born in born in (Xntive and born in burn :i] United Foreign Foriijin born), born in born in United Foreign Forcij.'!! burn), Mates. Countries with such Parentage. States. Countries with such Parentage. City op Boston — Ward 8 — Concluded. City OP Boston — Ward 10. G. B. B. A. 36 43 79 U.S. u. s. _ 21 21 G. B. O.C. 1 1 2 3 U 8. Ire. 42 1 43 Scan. U.S. 5 _ 5 U. 8. Ger. 5 _ 5 Scan. Ire. 3 _ 3 U. S. G. B. 52 5 57 Scan. S.-aii. 6 36 42 U. S B. A. 62 14 76 B. A. u. y. 97 14 111 V. a. O. C. 2 _ •> B. A. Ire. 48 15 &3 Ire. U.S. 56 _ 56 B. A. G B. 4 15 19 Ire. Ire. 1,068 1,916 2,984 B. A. Scan. - 1 1 Ire. Ger. 1 _ 1 B. A. B. A. 148 430 578 Ire. G. B. 8 11 19 B. A. O.C _ 2 2 Ire. Scan. 1 _ 1 (). C. u, s. 31 1 32 Ire. B. A. 20 17 37 O.C. Ire l&er. 17 _ 17 Ire. O.C. 1 3 4 O.C. * 19 _ 19 Ger. U.S. 15 _ 15 O.C. G. B. 6 4 10 Ger. Ire. 8 _ 8 O.C. B. A. 8 7 15 Ger. Ger. 126 237 363 O.C. O.C 107 199 306 Ger. Ger G. B. B. A. O.C. 4 1 1 1 5 1 3 Totals, • • • 4,337 4,375 8,712 Ger. 2 G. B. U.S. 63 4 57 G. B. Ire. 23 6 29 G. B. Ger. 2 _ 2 G. B. G. B. 95 367 462 G. B. B. A. 14 25 39 City op Bostc )N — War] 3 9. G. B. 0. C. 2 6 8 Scan. U. S. 2 1 3 Scan. G. B. 3 3 U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. U. s. U H. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. U.S. Ire. Ger. G. B. 8can. B. A. O.C. u. s. Ire. G. B. B. A. O. C. U. H. Ire. Ger.- G. B. 58 2 46 1 60 17 109 1,314 11 29 1 27 9 44 2 30 4 1 16 1 1,868 15 14 1 88 4 30 62 2 47 -r i6 17 110 3,182 26 43 2 27 9 132 6 Sean. Sean. B. A. B. A. B. A. B. A. B A. O.C. O.C. O.C. O.C. O.C. O.C. O.C. Totals, Scan. B A. U.S. Ire. G. B. B. A. O. C. U. 8. Ire. Ger. G. B. Scan. B. A. O.C. 4 48 13 3 79 1 15 3 10 5 7 42 59 1 2 6 8 530 3 2 3 3 1 1 194 63 1 50 19 11 600 4 17 6 10 8 1 8 238 Ger. Ger. 1.897 3,4.50 5,347 Ger. Scan. B A. 1 1 1 1 2 Ger. Ger. O.C. 1 _ 1 City o P BOSTO sf- Ward 11. G. B. U.S. Ire. 84 ■28 9 13 93 41 G. B. G. B. G. B. 206 512 718 U.S. U.S. _ 49 49 G. B. B. A. 11 35 46 U.S. Ire. 91 1 92 G. B. <). C. 2 - 2 U.S. Ger. 7 i Scan. Ire. 4 - 4 U. 8. G. B. 60 4 64 Scan. Scan. 6 63 69 U. S. Scan. 1 1 Scan. O.C. 2 - 2 U.S. B. A. 69 17 86 B. A. U.S. 46 6 52 U. S. O.C. 28 28 B. A. Ire. 34 15 49 Ire. U.S. 93 _ 93 B. A. G. B. 6 16 22 Ire. Ire. 1,089 2,3r)S 3,447 B. A. B A. 69 603 672 Ire. G. B. 17 9 26 B. A. O C. - 3 3 Ire. B. A. 18 11 29 O.C. U.S. 18 1 19 Ire. O.C. 2 2 O.C. Ire. 6 2 8 Ger. u. s. 77 3 80 O.C. Ger. 3 1 4 Ger. Ire. 8 8 O.C. G. B. 4 7 11 Ger. Ger. 429 537 966 O.C. Scan. 1 - 1 Ger. G B. 16 1 17 O.C. B. A. 2 5 7 Ger. B. A. 13 1 14 O.C. 0. C. 30 111 141 Ger. G. B. O.C U.S. 7 85 1 8 8 93 Totals, • • . 2,295 3,445 5,740 G. B. Ire. 38 18 56 FOREIGN PAEEXT NATIVITY. 185 FOREIGN PATIENT NATIVITY— COUNTY OF SUFFOLK — Con. Persons Persons Total Number of Persona 1 Persons Persons Total Number of Persons Father Mother born in born in (Native and Father Mother b.>rn in born in (Native and born in burn in United Foreign Foreii-'n bornj, born in born in United Foreign Fureit'u horn), States. Countries. wiih such Parentage. States. Countries. wiih such Parentage. CiTT OF Bos TON — W ARD 11— Concluded. City of Boston — Ward 13. G. B. Ger. 2 2 U.S. U. 8. ^ 7 7 G. B. G. B. 133 604 737 U. 8. Ire. 351 5 356 G. B. B.A. 27 44 71 U. 8 Ger. 6 - 6 G. B. O. C. 4 5 9 U.S. G. B. 58 1 59 Scan. U.S. 1 _ 1 U.S. Scan. 2 - 2 Bean. Scan. 11 89 100 U 8. B. A. 105 4 109 Scan. B. A. 3 3 U. 8. O.C. 3 - 3 B. A. U. S. 62 9 71 Ire. U. 8. 352 3 355 B. A. Ire. 18 4 22 Ire. Ire. 7,aji 6,999 14,210 B.A. G. B. 10 S 15 Ire. G. B. 113 13 126 B. A. B.A. 97 901 998 Ire. Scan. 3 - 3 0. C. U.S. 35 4 39 Ire. B.A. 153 86 239 O. C. Ire. 8 2 10 Ire. O. C. 12 4 16 O.C. Ger. 10 1 11 Ger. U.S. 44 - 44 O.C. G. B. 16 2 18 G.r. Ire. 79 - 79 O.C. B.A. 6 1 7 Ger. Oer. 545 469 1,014 O.C. O.C. 54 247 301 Ger. G. B. 10 - 10 : G.r. Oer. Scan. B.A. 1 8 — 1 Totals, 2,642 4,939 7,581 8 Ger. G. B. O.C. U.S. 17 58 - 17 " 58 G. B. Ire. 166 12 178 G. B. Ger. 3 _ 3 G B. G. B. 168 521 689 City c )F BOSTO N — Ward 12. G B. G. B. B.A. O.C. 39 6 22 61 6 Scan. ; Scan. U.S. Ire. 3 25 1 3 26 U.S. U.S. _ 8 8 ' Scan. Scan. 23 65 88 U.S. Ire. 172 172 : Scan. B.A. - 2 2 U.S. Ger. 1 _ 1 B. A. U.S. 87 5 92 U.S. G. B. 46 2 48 i B.A. Ire. 148 16 164 U.S. B. A. 70 11 81 1 B.A. Ger. 6 - 6 U.S. O.C. 6 6 1 B.A. G. B. 22 9 31 Ire. U.S. 148 4 152 B.A. Scan. - 1 1 Ire. Ire. 3,704 4,249 7,953 B.A. B.A. 372 750 1,122 Ire. G.r. _ 1 1 B.A. O.C. 6 - 6 Ire. G. B. 32 17 49 O.C. U. 8. 17 2 19 Ire. B. A. 52 18 70 i (). C. Ire. 33 1 34 Ire. O. C. 2 4 6 O.C. Oer. 2 - 2 Ger. r. s. 24 1 25 O.C. G. B. 14 2 16 Ger. Ire. 4 4 O.C. B.A. 2 8 10 Ger. Oer. 159 183 342 O.C. O.C. 50 138 188 Ger. G. B. 5 1 6 G. B. U.S. 56 7 63 Totals, ■ • • 10,323 9,146 19,469 G. B. Ire. Ger. 58 o 15 1 73 3 G. B. G. B. G. B. 175 365 540 City < JF BosTO N— WaRI ) 14. G. B. Scan. B.A. 30 3 15 3 45 G. B. G. B. O.C. 3 2 5 U.S. U.S. _ 22 22 Scan. U.S. 1 - 1 U.S. Ire. 275 2 277 Scan. Ire. 7 _ 7 U. S. Ger. 15 _ 15 Scan. G. B. 4 _ 4 U.S. G. B. 128 10 138 Scan. Scan. 6 29 35 U. 8. B A. 247 22 269 Scan. B.A. 2 5 7 U S. O. C. 17 1 18 B.A. U.S. 41 7 48 Ire. U.S. 338 _ 338 B.A. Ire. 48 15 63 Ire. Ire. 4,127 3,863 7,990 B. A. G. B. 1 3 4 Ir<% Ger. 13 1 14 B.A. B.A. 217 511 728 Ire. G. B. 119 35 154 B.A. O.C. 6 _ 6 Ire. Scan. 15 2 17 O. C. u. s. 14 _ 14 Ire. B.A. 176 64 230 O.C. Ire. 21 - 21 Ire. O. C. 23 4 27 O.C. Ger. 10 - 10 Ger. U. 8. 54 _ 54 O.C. G. B. 5 9 14 Ger. Ire. 17 1 18 O.C. B.A. 3 5 8 Ger. Ger. 219 254 473 O.C. O.C. 94 237 331 G.r. G. B. 12 _ 12 Ger. Ger. Scan. B.A. 5 23 3 6 8 29 Totels, . . . 5,229 5,728 10,957 186 CEXSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY — COUNTY OF SUFFOLK — Con. Persons Persons Total Number ot Persons Persons Persons Total Number of Pi-rsons Father Mother born in born in (Native and Father Mother born in tjorn in (Nalivo and born in born in United Foreign ForeiKn born). born in born in United Foreign Foreign Ijorn), States. Countries. with such Parentage. States. Countries. with such Parentage. CiT-s ' OF Boston — ^YARD 14 — Concluded. City of Boston — W ARD 15 — Concluded. Ger. 0. C. 13 2 15 0. C. G.B. 10 4 14 G. B. U. 8. 193 9 202 0. C. B.A. 6 2 8 G. B. Ire. 91 23 114 0. C. O.C. 93 113 206 G. B. Ger. 2 2 G.B. G.B. 3.51 853 1,204 Totals, . . . 5,999 4,648 10,647 G. B. B.A. O. 0. 90 6 75 4 165 10 G.B. Sean. U.S. 6 - 6 City of Boston — Ward 16. Scan. Ire. Ger. 1 2 1 2 Scan. Scan. G.B. _ 1 1 U.S. U.S. _ 10 10 Scan. 8can. 10 SO 40 U.S. Ire. 125 1 126 Scan. B. A. 8 2 10 U.S. Ger. 8 _ 8 Scan. O. C. - 1 1 U.S. G. B. 41 3 44 B. A. U. s. 232 9 241 U.S. B.A. 124 17 145 B.A. Ire. 67 12 69 U.S. O.C. 14 3 17 B.A. G.B, 19 17 36 Ire. U.S. 106 _ 1U6 B.A. B.A. 288 649 937 Ire. Ire. 2,-506 2,801 5,307 B.A. O. C. 7 3 10 Ire. G.B. 47 12 59 O. C. U.S. 37 1 38 Ire. B.A. 54 26 80 O. C. Ire. 22 1 23 Ire. O. C. 2 4 6 O. C. Ger. 12 - 12 Ger. U.S. 61 _ 61 0. C. G.B. 6 4 10 Ger. Ire. 30 - 30 O. C. B.A. 1 1 2 Ger. Ger. 701 725 ],428 O. C. 0. C. 24 100 124 Ger. Ger. Ger. G.B. Scan. B A. 27 1 1 6 33 1 1 Totals, . 7,297 6,081 13,378 _ Ger. G.B. O.C. U.S. 11 62 1 12 62 City < )F BOSTO N — Ward 15. G B. Ire. 54 22 76 G. B. G.B. Ger. G.B. 7 136 1 444 8 580 U.S. U.S. - 12 12 G. B. Scan. 2 5 7 U.S. Ire. 213 3 216 G. B. B.A. 26 23 49 U.S. Ger. 9 - 9 G.B. O.C. 8 4 12 U.S. G. B. 58 2 60 Scan. U.S. 3 _ 3 u. s. 8can. 6 - 6 Scan. Scan. 3 51 54 U.S. B.A. 151 15 166 B. A. U.S. 64 10 74 U.S. O. C. 4 1 5 B.A. Ire. 33 5 38 Ire. U.S. 297 4 301 B.A. Ger. 2 3 5 Ire. Ire. 3,205 2,950 6,155 B. A. G.B. 9 10 19 Ire. Ger. 24 - 24 B.A. B.A. 193 806 999 Ire. G. B. 61 20 81 B. A. O.C. 1 _ 1 Ire. B. A. 123 53 176 O.C. U.S. 19 1 20 Ire. O. 0. 5 5 10 0. C. Ire. 20 _ 20 Ger. U.S. 75 - 75 O.C. Ger. 26 2 28 Ger. Ire. 31 2 33 O.C. G.B. 20 3 23 Ger. Ger. 336 316 652 O.C. B. A. 1 3 4 Ger. G. B. 5 7 12 O.C. O.C. 134 287 421 Ger. B A. 3 4 7 Ger! o'. C. 25 3 28 Totals, ... 4,686 5,289 9,975 G. B. U.S. 134 261 7 26 141 187 G. B. Ire. G.B. G.B. 269 568 837 City ( 3F BOSTO N — Ward 17. G.B. B.A. O. C. 80 4 38 3 118 rr 1 G.B. Scan. U.S. 3 - 3 U.S. U.S. - 32 32 Scan. Ire. 5 - 5 U.S. Ire. 91 2 93 Scan. G.B. ■A _ 3 U.S. Ger. 7 _ 7 Scan. Scan. 19 47 66 U.S. G.B. 37 3 40 Scan. B.A. 2 1 3 U.S. B. A. 117 31 148 B.A. U.S. 117 14 131 U.S. O. c. 9 f4 13 B.A. Ire. 112 13 125 Ire. U.S. 141 141 B.A. G.B. 20 13 33 Ire. Ire. 1,819 2,220 4,039 B.A. B. A. 265 393 658 Ire. Ger. 14 - 14 B.A. (). C. 2 - 2 Ire. G.B. 31 12 43 O. C. U.S. 25 3 28 Ire. Scan. 1 - 1 O. C. Ire. 19 6 25 Ire. B.A. 52 38 90 O. C. Ger. 19 — 19 Ire. O.C. 4 3 7 rOREIGX PAREXT XATIVITT. 187 FOREIGN PAREXT NATIVITY — COUNTY OF SUFFOLK — Con. i Persons Persons Total Xumber 1 ofPer>ons Persons Persons Total Number of Persons Father Mother born in born in ' (Native and Father Mother born in born in fXaiive and born in born in United Forei^'n lorei^^n born). born in born in United Foreign Foreign born), States. Countries. , with such j Parentage. States. Countries. with such Parentage. CiT r OP Boston — Ward 17 — Concluded. CiTT OF Boston — Ward 18 — Concluded. Ger. 'u.s. 23 1 24 O.C. Ger. 18 4 22 Ger. Ire. 36 36 O.C. G. B. 7 4 11 Ger. Ger. 244 290 534 O. C. B. A. 2 1 3 Ger. G. B. 12 2 14 O.C. O.C. 21 81 1U2 Ger. B A 4 4 13 Ger. O.C. 11 2 Totals, . . . 2,149 2,870 5,019 G. B. 1 U.S. 86 5 91 G. B. ; Ire. 49 11 60 G. B. , Ger. 2 2 City OF Boston — Ward 19. G. B. ' G. B. • B A. 138 40 480 96 618 136 G. B. G. B. O.C. 4 6 9 U.S. U.S. _ 16 16 Scan. U. 8. 7 _ 7 U.S. Ire. 285 2 287 Scan, Scan. 3 37 40 U.S. Ger. 44 _ 44 Scan. B.A. 4 - 4 U.S. G. B. 83 5 88 Scan. O. C. - 1 1 u. s. Scan. 2 _ 2 B. A. U.S. 133 6 139 U.S. B.A. 189 20 209 B. A. Ire. 42 10 62 u. s. 0. 0. 4 4 B. A. Ger. - 1 1 Ire. U.S. 203 2 205 B. A. G. B. 19 10 29 Ire. Ire. 3,996 3,774 7,770 B. A. B.A. 191 628 819 Ire. G. B. 59 18 77 B. A. O.C. 1 _ 1 Ire. Scan. 3 3 O. C. U.S. 19 1 20 Ire. B.A. 64 33 97 O. C. Ire. 20 2 22 Ire. O C. 2 2 4 O. C. Ger. 25 1 26 Ger. U. S. 130 2 132 O. C. G. B. 8 6 14 Ger. Ire. 36 2 38 O. C. B. A. 3 5 8 Ger. Ger. 817 824 1,641 O. C, O.C. 41 136 177 Ger. Ger. Ger. G. B. Scan. B.A. 20 2 12 2 22 "2 19 Totals, ... 3,488 4,081 7,569 7 Ger. G. B. O.C. U.S. 18 161 2 7 20 168 City c )r BosTO N — WaRI ) 18. G. B. Ire. 93 14 107 G. B. G. B. G. B. Scan. 411 905 7 1,316 1 U.S. U.S. _ 38 38 G. B. B.A. 59 66 125 U.S. Ire. 39 39 G. B O.C. 11 5 16 U.S. Gt-r. 2 _ 2 Scan. U.S. 3 _ 3 U.S. G. B. 29 7 36 Scan. Ger. 4 _ 4 U.S. B.A. 101 17 118 Scan. G. B. 2 _ 2 U.S. O.C. 5 4 9 Scan. Scan. 72 180 252 Ire. U. S. 133 2 135 Scan. B.A. 2 2 4 Ire. Ire. 1,012 1,518 2,530 B. A. U.S. 130 15 145 Ire. Ger. - 1 1 B. A. Ire. 86 20 106 Ire. G. B. 23 8 31 B. A. G. B. 49 19 68 Ire. B.A. 22 12 34 B. A. Scan. 3 1 4 Ire. O. (;. 2 _ 2 B.A. B.A. 223 638 8G1 Ger. U. S. 45 1 46 B.A. O.C. 1 3 4 Ger. Ire. 11 _ 11 O.C. U.S. 49 2 51 Ger. Ger. 206 158 364 O.C. Ire. 13 2 15 Ger. G. B. 1 _ 1 O.C. Ger. 43 1 44 Ger. B. A. 5 5 C. G. B. 13 4 17 Ger. O.C. 17 17 O.C. B.A. 3 7 10 G. B. U.S. 90 9 99 O.C. O.C. 90 213 303 G. B. Ire 40 71 20 262 60 333 G. B. G. B. Totals, ! • • • 7,490 6,822 14,312 G. B. B. A. 12 26 38 G. B. O. C. — 2 o Scan. U.S. 3 3 City c F BOSTO: « — Ward 20. Scan. G. B. Scan. 4 1 59 1 63 Scan. Scan. ' O.C. _ 1 U.S. U.S. _ 17 17 B. A. U.S. 70 4 ■•^ U.S. Ire. 168 1 169 B. A. Ire. 20 16 36 U.S. Ger. 12 _ 12 B.A. G. B. 3 1 u. s. G. B. 78 1 79 B. A. B.A. 93 603 696 U.S. Scan. I 1 B.A. O.C. - 1 U.S. B.A. 97 15 112 DC. U.S. 28 3 31 U.S. C. 3 3 O.C. Ire. 19 1 20 Ire. U.S. 270 4 274 188 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS 1880. FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY — COUNTY OF SUFFOLK — Con. Persons Persons Total Number of Persons Persons Persons Total Vumber ot I'er.siins Father Mother born in born in (Naiive and Father Mother t)orn in born in (Native and born ill born in United Foreign h'orei^-M burn), born in born in United Foreign Foreign burn), States. Countries. with such Parentage. States. Countries. with such Parentage. CiTI r OF Boston — "Ward 20 — Concluded. City of Boston — Ward 21 — Concluded. Ire. Ire. 3,781 3,582 7,363 Scan. 0. C. 2 2 Ire. Ger. 1 - 1 B.A. U. 8. 128 9 137 Ire. G. B. 33 16 49 B. A. Ire. 20 4 24 Ire. b. a. 126 32 158 B.A. G. B. 18 12 30 Ire. 0.0. 3 - 3 B.A. B.A. 109 506 615 G.r. U.S. 75 1 76 B A. O.C. 1 - 1 Ger. Ire. 10 _ 10 O. 0. U.S. 42 4 46 «er. Ger. 489 417 906 O.C. Ire. 11 1 12 Gi'r. G. B. 6 10 16 0.0. Ger. 2 1 3 Gir. Scan. 5 2 7 0.0; G. B. 4 5 ■ 9 G.r. H. A. 11 2 13 0.0. Scan. 1 1 2 Gir. O. O. 35 1 36 O.C. B.A. 2 - 2 G. B. U.S. 145 4 149 O. 0. O.C. 23 74 97 G. B. G. B. Ire. Ger. 78 5 •- 85 1 5 Totals, • • • 3,053 3,039 6,092 G. H. G. B. 179 442 621 G. B. B. A. 36 29 65 G. B. 0.0. 3 1 4 Scan. U.S. 12 2 14 Scan. Ger. 5 - 5 City of Boston — Ward 22. Scan. G B. Scan. 1 33 1 73 2 106 Scan. Scan. O. C. - 1 1 U.S. U.S. _ 9 9 B. A. U.S. 161 7 168 U.S. Ire. 101 1 102 B. \. Ire. 94 13 107 U.S. Ger. 32 1 33 B.A. G. B. 14 4 18 U.S. G. B. 36 4 40 B. A. B. A. 192 422 614 U.S. Scan. 1 - 1 O. C. U.S. 64 - 54 U.S. B. A. 64 6 69 O. C. Ire. 19 _ 19 U.S. o. (;. 9 _ 9 0. C. Ger. 24 1 25 Ire. U.S. 218 4 222 0.0. G. B. 5 9 14 Ire. Ire. 2,763 2,670 5,433 0. O. Scan. 1 1 2 Ire. Ger. 20 _ 20 O. 0. B. A. 4 4 8 Ire. G. B. 68 14 82 O. 0. O. 0. 60 119 179 Ire. Ire. Ger. B.A. o. C. U.S. 43 4 120 20 63 4 120 Totals. . . . 6,329 6,241 11, .570 _ Ger. Ger. Ire. Ger. 34 1,083 1,107 U 2,190 Ger. G. B. 14 2 16 City ( 3F BOSTO s— Ware 21. Ger. Ger. Scan. B. A. 2 13 - 2 13 Ger. G. B. O.C. U.S. 60 56 1 1 61 57 U.S. U.S. - 29- 29 G. B. Ire. 69 13 82 U.S. Ire. 129 - 129 G. B. Ger. 7 1 8 U.S. Ger. 4 _ 4 1 G. B. G B. 206 464 670 U.S. O. B. 108 12 120 i G. B. Scan. « 1 1 U.S. Scan. 2 - 2 G. B. B. A. 29 34 63 U.S. B. A. 112 9 121 G. B. O.C. _ 3 3 U.S. 0.0. 11 6 16 Scan. U.S. 6 6 Ire. U. s. 149 1 1.50 Scan. Ire. 8 _ 8 Ire. Ire. 1,382 1,603 2,985 Scan. G.r. 3 _ 3 Ire. G. B. 16 14 30 Scan. G. B. 1 _ 1 Ire. B. A. 42 8 60 Scan. Scan. 22 59 81 Ire. O. 0. _ 1 1 B. A. U.S. 56 4 60 Ger. U.S. 43 - 43 B A. Ire. 59 11 70 Ger. Ire. 8 _ 8 B. A. G. B 24 11 35 Ger. Ger. 239 2.50 489 B. A. Scan. _ I 1 Ger. G B. 11 _ 11 B.A. B.A. 171 303 474 Ger. B.A. 7 _ 7 B.A. O.C. 4 _ 4 Ger. O 0. 9 1 10 1 0.0. u. s. 25 1 26 G. B. U.S. 154 5 159 O.C. Ire. 16 1 17 G. B. Ire. 40 10 50 O.C. Ger. 12 12 G. B. G. B. 165 382 547 O. 0. G. B. 5 1 6 G. B. B.A. 34 62 86 O.C. Scan. 2 3 5 G. B. O. C. 6 _ 6 ' O. 0. B. A. 5 _ 5 Scan. U.S. 7 _ 7 O.C. O.C. 153 301 4.54 Scan. Scan. Ire. Scan. 5 7 5 40 47 Totals, . . . 5,614 5,051 10,665 rOEEIGN PARENT XATIVITY. 189 FOREIGN PARENT XATIVITY— COUNTY OF SUFFOLK — Con. Father born in Mother bore in Persons born in United States. Persons born in Foreign Countries. Total Number of l'< rsons (Native and Foreifrn Ijorn), with snch Parentage City of Boston — "Ward 2.3. U.S. U.S. _ 17 U.S. Ire. 120 _ U. 8. Ger. 17 _ U.S. G. B. 66 3 U.S. B. A. 98 5 U.S. O.C. 22 2 Ire. U.S. 118 _ Ire. Ire. 2,014 2,177 Ire. Ger. 6 1 Ire. G. B. 27 10 Ire. B. A. 35 9 Ger. U.S. 76 _ Qer. Ire. 13 _ Ger. Ger. 589 577 Ger. G. B. U 1 Ger. B. A. 19 15 Ger. O.C. 17 2 G. B. U.S. 101 1 G. B. Ire. 67 G. B. Ger. 12 1 G.B. G.B. 222 475 G. B. Scan. _ 2 G. B. B. A. 38 21 G. B. O.C. 3 1 Scan. U.S. 14 Scan. Ger. 4 _ Scan. G. B. 2 _ Scan. Scan. 42 82 Scan. B A. 1 3 B. A. U. S 77 4 B. A. Ire. 33 6 B. A. Ger. 3 B. A. G. B. 16 7 B. A. B. A. 165 470 B. A. O.C. 2 6 O.C. U.S. 18 1 O. C. Ire. 1 O.C. Ger. 11 1 O.C. G.B. 9 2 O.C. B. A. 11 3 O.C. O.C. 29 82 Totals, 4,132 3,989 17 120 17 69 103 24 118 4,191 7 37 44 76 13 1,166 15 34 19 102 69 13 697 2 59 4 14 4 2 124 4 81 39 3 23 635 8 19 1 12 11 14 111 8,121 City of Boston — Ward 24. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. U s. U.S. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. Ger. Ger. Ger. Ger. G.B. G.B. G.B. U.S. Ire. 129 Ger. 7 G.B. 130 Scan. 2 B A. 150 O. C. 18 U.S. 200 Ire. 2,375 G.B. 21 B. A. 50 O.C. 13 U.S. 67 Ire. 19 Ger. 123 G. B. 4 B. A. 4 O.C. 20 r. s. 178 Ire. 48 Ger. 1 25 10 17 1 2 2,314 19 11 126 4 10 11 25 129 140 2 167 19 202 4,689 40 61 13 67 19 249 4 8 20 188 59 1 Father bom in Mother born in I^ersons born in United States. Persons born in Foreign Countries. Total Number of Persons (Native and Foreign born), with such I'arentage. City of Boston — Ward 24— Concluded. G. B. G. B. G B. B. A. G. B. O.C. Scan. r 8. Scan. Ger. ' 8can. G. B. Scan. Scan. B. A. B. A. U.S. B. A. Ire. B. A. G.B. B. A. B. A. B. A. O.C. O. C. U.S. O. C. Ire. O. C. Ger. O. C. G.B. O. C. B. A. 0. C. O.C. Totals, 242 574 816 38 57 95 8 5 13 12 - 12 1 - 1 1 _ 1 33 38 - 1 1 138 14 152 41 14 55 11 21 32 178 539 717 - 1 1 52 - 62 24 - 24 8 _ 8 2 _ 2 3 3 6 21 87 108 4,.S44 3,899 8,243 City of Boston — Ward 25. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. Ger. Ger. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G.B. Sean. Scan. B. A. B. A. B. A. B. A. O. C. O. C. O. C. O. C. O. C. Totals, U.S. Ire. Ger. G.B. jB. A. O. C. U.S. Ire. G.B. B. A. U. S. Ire. Gef. B. A. U.S. Ire. G.B. B. A. O.C. U.S. Scan. U.S. Ire. G. B. B. A. U.S. Ire. G.B. B. A. O.C. 86 1 46 49 8 86 1,252 13 4 6 2 59 3 37 27 115 21 3 1 6 48 28 13 72 4 10 8 8 - 86 - 1 2 48 1 56 - 8 10 96 1,239 2,491 10 23 5 9 - 6 1 3 32 91 - 3 1 38 1 28 207 322 6 27 3 6 - 1 31 37 4 52 1 29 2 15 202 274 - 4 - 10 1 1 o 34 3S 2,004 1,.S09 3,813 City of Chelsea. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. _ Ire. 129 Ger. 5 G. B. 159 Scan. 6 B. A. 361 36 2 8 46 38 131 5 167 6 407 190 CENSUS or MASSACHUSETTS — 18S0. FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY — COUNTY OF SUFFOLK — Con. ■ Persons Persons Total Number of i*ersons Persons Persons Total Number of I'ersons Fatlier brother born in born in (Native and Father Mother born in born in (Native and born in born in United Foreign Forcinn born), born in born In United Foreign Foreign born), States. Countries. with sncli Parentage. States. Countries. with such Parentage. City o F Chelsi ;a — Concluded. City OF Chelsea — Ward 1— Concluded. IT. S. 0. 0. 21 1 22 B. A. U.S. 65 4 69 Ire. If. 8. 197 2 199 B. A. Ire. 21 1 22 Ire. Ire. 2,193 1,995 4,188 B. A. G. B. 2 2 4 Ire. G. B. 51 23 74 B. A. B. A. 78 297 375 Ire. B. A. 71 28 99 0. C. U.S. 12 3 15 Ger. U.S. 41 _ 41 0. C. Ire. 2 - 2 Ger. Ire. 12 1 13 O. C. Ct. B. 3 3 6 Ger. (ier. 96 105 201 (). C. B. A. 9 - 9 Ger. Ger. Ger. (.i. B. B. A. (). C. 32 1 2 2 2 34 3 2 0. C. 0. C. 10 36 46 Totals, . • 1,147 995 2,142 G. B. U.S. Ire. 285 81 12 19 297 100 G. B. G. B. (ier. 8 4 12 City of Chelsea — Ward 2. G. B. U. B. Scan. 423 10 942 1,.365 10 G. B. G B. B. A. 80 88 168 U.S. U.S. _ 6 6 G. B. 0. C. 9 3 12 U.S. Ire. 41 - 41 Bean. U.S. 16 - 16 U.S. Ger. 2 - 2 Scan. Ire. 9 - 9 U.S. G. B. 35 3 38 Scan. (J. B. 2 _ 2 U.S. B. A. 128 13 141 Sciin. Scan. 17 74 91 U.S. O. C. n 1 12 Scan. B. A. 5 1 6 Ire. U. 8. 68 - 68 B. A. U.S. 191 34 225 Ire. Ire. 864 801 1,665 B. A. Ire. 45 10 55 Ire.. G. B. 21 4 25 B. A. (fer. 6 1 7 Ire. B. A. 19 10 29 B. A. Ire. 161 G.B. 1 B A. 3 C. 1 U S. 1 Ger. - G. B. 2 O C. 1 U.S. 16 Ire. 4 G.B. 19 O.C. 2 U.S. 4 B A. 2 U.S. 16 B. A. 36 u. s. 2 O.C. - 302 159 1 42 1 79 4 295 Town of Berlin. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. U. 8. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. G. B. G. B. G B. G. B. Scan I B. A. B. A. ; B. A. O.C. Totals, u. s. Ire. 6 Ger. 1 G B. 5 B. A. 1 u. S. 8 Ire. 54 G.B. - B. A. 1 U.S. 1 ^ Ger. 5 1 U. S. 6 ^Ire. 2 G B. 11 B. A. 1 Scan. 1 U. S. 8 Ire. 3 B. .\. 2 O.C. 1 117 43 1 22 1 83 Town of Blackstone. U.S. U.S. U. S. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. Ger. G.B. G.B. Ire. 26 G. B. 13 B. A. 7 U.S. 67 Ire. 1,436 G. B. 31 B. A. 8 U.S. 6 Ire. 7 Ger. 1 U.S. 28 Ire. 23 1 1,188 4 2 5 4 8 4 7 320 2 3 1 2 2 2 1 16 4 61 2 4 3 16 115 2 4 597 2 6 1 5 1 8 97 1 1 1 11 6 2 33 2 1 8 3 9 2 200 26 13 8 67 2,624 36 10 6 7 3 23 24 roEEiGN pake:n^t nativity. 193 FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY — COUNTY OF WORCESTER — Con. Father born in Mother born in Prrsons born in United Stales. Persons born in Foreign Countries. Total Number of Persiins Native and Fort'iL'ii born), wiih such Parentage. Town of Blackstone — Concluded. G. B. G. B. G. B. B. A. B. A. B. A. O.C. G.C. O.C. 0.0. Totals, Ger. 2 G. B. 106 B. A. 1 U.S. 7 Ire. 4 B. A. 59 U.S. 2 Ger. 3 G. B. 1 O.C. - 1,838 141 1 2 321 1,664 Town of Bolton. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. Ger. G. B. G. B. G. B. B. A. B. A. B. A. B. A. O.C. Totals, B. A. U.S. Ire. B. A. U.S. Gtr. O.C. U.S. G. B. B A. U 8. Ire. G. B. B. A. O.C. 7 1 40 1 4 1 3 3 1 3 2 3 1 3 73 54 1 10 3 6 3 85 Town of Botlston. U.S. U.S. U.S. Ire. 6 U.S. Ger. 2 U.S. G. B. 7 U.S. B. A. 5 Ire. U.S. 2 Ire. Ire. 64 Ire. B.A. 1 Ger. Ger. 4 G. B. U.S. 8 G.B. G.B. 8 B. A. U.S. 9 B.A. Ire. 5 B.A. B.A. • • • 22 Totals, 143 67 7 1 34 58 169 Town of Brookfield. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. U.S. Ire. 8 G.B. 12 B.A. 17 U.S. 6 Ire. 257 B.A. 3 U.S. 4 2 1 188 2 247 2 7 6 380 2 3 1 1 3,oU2 8 1 94 1 1 11 1 3 13 1 3 2 6 7 6 158 2 6 2 7 5 2 131 1 11 9 42 9 5 80 312 13 17 6 445 3 4 Father born in Mother born In Persons born in United States. Persons born in Foreign Countries Total XutQber nt Persons (S;itive and Foreign born), with such Parentage. Town of Brookfield — Concluded. Ger. G. B. G. B. G. B. B.A. B A. O.C. O.C. Totals, Ger. U.S. Ire. G.B. U.S. B.A. U.S. O.C. 4 12 5 8 17 189 2 544 28 235 2 459 Town of Charlton. U.S. U.S. U.S. Ire. 11 U.S. G B. 7 U.S. B.A. 5 Ire. U.S. 10 Ire. Ire. 129 Ire. O. B. 1 6. B. U.S. 8 G. B. Ger. 1 G.B. G. B. 18 G. B. B.A. 1 B.A. U. S. 11 B.A. Ire. 1 B.A. B.A. 35 O.C. U. S. _ O.C. O.C. 1 Totals, 239 99 19 1 30 1 152 Town of Clinton. U.S. U.S. U.S. U. s. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. Ger. Ger. Ger. G. B. G.B. G. B. G. B. G.B. B.A. B.A. B.A. B.A. O.C. O. C. O. C. O.C. Totals, U.S. Ire. 59 G.B. 51 B.A. 27 O.C. 1 U.S. 65 Ire. 1,891 Ger. 1 G.B. 22 B. A. 19 U. S. 9 Ire. 16 Ger. 224 G.B. 12 B.A. 10 U. S. 67 Ire. 54 Ger. 1 G.B. 226 B.A. 19 U.S. 24 Ire. 5 G.B. 4 B.A. 27 U. S. 5 Ger. 3 G. B. 2 O.C. 1 2,845 2,023 7 2 333 2 12 398 7 4 2 5 138 2,950 7 12 5 36 17 424 2 2 1,003 2 11 7 5 10 228 1 8 1 37 2 11 1 65 1 1 391 2 59 52 31 1 65 3,914 1 29 21 9 16 557 12 10 69 63 1 624 26 23 7 9 165 5 4 2 10 5,795 194 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS 1S80. FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY— COUNTY OF WORCESTER — Con. Persons Persons Total Number ' of Persons j Persons Persons Total Number of Persons Father Mother born in born in (Xativc and ] Father Mother born in born in (Xative and born in born in United Foreign Forcif-'n bnni), born in bom in .United Foreign ForcMgn born), witli such I'iu-eiitage. States. Countries. with such Parentage. States. Countries. Town of Dana. City of Fitchburg — Conclu ded. Ire. U.S. 3 1 3 1 Ire. U.S. 92 92 Ire. Ire. 4 3 7 Ire. Ire. 2,119 1,560 3,679 G.B. U. S. 1 _ 1 Ire. G. B. 26 1 27 G. B. G. B. 2 2 4 Ire. B. A. 1 2 3 Scan. Scan. _ 1 1 Ger. Ger. 24 18 42 Scan. O.C. 1 _ 1 Ger. G.B. 4 _ 4 B. A. B. A. 5 6 11 G. B. U. 8. 82 3 85 O. C. O.C. _ 1 1 G. B, Ire. 79 10 89 • • ■ G.B. G. B. G.B. B. A. 193 14 350 7 543 Totals, 16 13 29 21 G.B. O C. 1 - 1 Scan. U s. 5 — 5 Town of Douglas. Scan. G. B. - 1 1 Scan. Scan. Scan. B. A. — 2 1 2 1 U. S. u. s. _ •4 4 B. A. U.S. 106 6 112 u. s. Ire. 13 _ 13 B. A. Ire. 36 1 37 u. s. G B. 1 _ 1 B. A. G.B. 4 3 7 U.S. B. A. 21 _ 21 B. A. B. A. 228 466 694 Ire. u. s. 9 _ 9 O.C. U. S. 15 - 15 Ire. Ire. 107 70 177 O.C. G. B. 2 1 3 Ire. G. B. 1 _ 1 O.C. B. A. 4 1 5 Ger. Ger. 1 1 2 O.C. O.C. 5 20 25 G.B. G.B. U.S. G.B. 23 10 23 22 12 Totals, • • • 3,268 2,471 5,739 G.B. B A. 2 - 2 Scan. Scan. - 1 1 B. A. U.S. 28 - 28 City oi -• Fitchburg — Ward 1. B. A. Ire. B. A. 2 308 361 2 669 B. A. 0. C. U.S. 1 - 1 U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. Ire. G.B. 14 2 1 1 14 2 Totals, • • 1 527 449 976 _ U.S. Ire. B. A. U.S. 19 31 2 21 31 Town of Dudley. Ire. Ire. 625 433 1,058 Ire. Ger. G.B. Ger. 10 1 1 2 11 3 U.S. U. s. - 1 1 G.B. U. S. 16 _ 16 U.S. Ire. 14 _ 14 G B. Ire. 2 1 3 U.S. G.B. 12 _ 12 G.B. G.B. 30 41 71 U.S. B. A. 8 - 8 Scan. G.B. _ 1 1 Ire. u:8. 24 1 25 Scan. Scan. „ 1 1 Ire. Ire. 391 329 720 B. A. U. 8. 32 32 Ire. G B. 31 2 33 B. A. Ire. 15 _ 15 Ger. U.S. 4 _ 4 B. A. B. A. 17 24 41 Ger. Ire. 9 _ 9 O.C. U.S. 4 4 Ger. Ger. 64 70 134 O.C. O.C. 2 1 3 G. B. U 8. s 8 G.B Ire. 12 _ 12 Totals, . 820 508 1,328 G.B. Bean. G.B. 31 49 80 Ire 1 — 1 Scan. Scan. 6 6 12 City oi ' Fitchburg— Wa] ^D 2. B. A. U.S. B. A. 20 249 618 20 867 B. A. O. C. O. C. 1 20 21 U.S. u. s. U.S. U.S. Ire. G.B. 24 2 1 1 24 2 Totals, . . • 885 1,096 1,981 _ U.S. B. A. 13 - 13 Ire. U. S. 19 — 19 City or Fitchburg. Ire. Ire. 478 346 824 Ire. Ger. G. B. Ger. 2 7 5 2 12 U.S. U.S. _ 15 15 Ger. G.B. 4 _ 4 U.S. Ire. 83 _ 83 G.B. U.S. 6 1 7 U.S. Ger. 1 _ 1 G.B. Ire. 32 4 36 u. s. G. B. 52 _ 52 G.B. G.B. 88 139 227 U.S. B. A. 90 3 93 G.B. B. A. 11 1 12 U. 8, O.C. 2 - 2 Scan. U. 8. 6 - 5 FOREIGX PARENT XATIVITT. 195 FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY — COUNTY OF WORCESTER — Con. Persons Father Mother born in born in bom in United States. Persons bom in Foreign Countries. Total Xumber of Persons (Native and Foreign born) , with such Parentage. City of Fitchburg — Ward 2 — Concluded. Scan. B. A. B. A. B. A. O. C. Totals, Scan. U.S. 1 Ire. B. A. lO. C. 19 6 47 1 131 6 76-1 635 1 19 6 178 1,399 City of Fitchburg — Ward 3. U.S. U.S. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. G. B. G. B.. G. B. G. B. B. A. B. A. B. A. B. A. O, C. O.C. O. C. Totals, Ire. 1.5 G. B. 13 B. A. 15 U.S. Ire. 156 G. B. 3 Ger. 3 U.S. 12 Ire. 6 G. B. 20 B. A. 1 U.S. 16 Ire. 10 G. B. _ B.A. 69 U.S. 3 B.A. 3 0.0. - 3^0 133 3 42 2 2 2 137 City of Fitchburg — Ward 4. U.S. U.S. 5 U.S. Ire. 8 U.S. G. B. 19 _ U.S. B.A. 14 1 U.S. O.C. 1 Ire. U.S. 3 _ Ire. Ire. 99 84 Ger. Ger. 3 G. B. U.S. 19 1 G.B. Ire. 8 1 G. B. G.B. 9 33 G.B. B.A. 2 G.B. 0. C. 1 _ B.A. u. s. 9 1 B. A. G. B. 3 1 B.A. B.A. 10 30 O.C. U.S. 5 O.C. B. A. _ 1 O.C. O.C. 1 2 Totals, 214 160 City of Fitchburg — Ward 5. 15 13 15 5 289 3 6 12 9 62 3 18 10 2 196 3 667 5 8 19 15 1 3 183 3 20 9 42- 2 1 10 4 40 5 1 3 374 U.S. U.S. 8 8 U.S. Ire. 4 4 U.S. G.B. 11 _ 11 U.S. B.A. 16 _ 16 U.S. O.C. 1 - 1 Father born in Mother born in Persons born in United States. Persons born in Foreign Countries. Total Xumber fif Persons (Native and Foreign bom), with such Parentage. City of Fitchburg — Ward 5 — Concluded. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. G. B. G. B. G.B. G.B. B. A. B. A. B.A. B.A. O.C. O C. O.C. O.C. Totals, U. S. 5 Ire. 163 G.B. 1 Ger. 3 U.S. 24 Ire. 3 G.B. 24 B.A. _ U.S. 17 Ire. 4 G. B. 1 B.A. 16 U.S. 2 G. B. 2 B.A. 1 lo. C. 1 299 117 3 1 46 4 3 1 31 5 280 1 6 25 3 70 4 20 5 1 47 2 2 1 4 217 516 City of Fitchburg — Ward 6. U. S. U.S. U S. U. 8. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. i (fer. Ger. G. B. G.B. G. B. B. A. B.A. B.A. O.C. O.C. O.C. Totals, Ire. Ger. G. B. B.A. U.S. Ire. G. B. B.A. Ger. B. A. U.S. Ire. G.B. U.S. Ire. B.A. U.S. G.B. O.C. 18 1 5 13 29 598 10 1 7 6 28 22 13 1 79 1 447 2 5 1 1 49 113 831 624 18 1 5 13 29 1,045 10 3 12 ■ 1 5 29 71 13 1 192 1 1 5 1,455 Town of Gardner. U.S. u. s. U.S. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. G. B. G. B. G. B. G.B. G.B. Scan. Scan. B.A. B.A. B.A. U.S. Ire. 38 G.B. 11 B.A. 37 U.S. 24 Ire. 571 :g. B. 5 1 B. A. 16 Ger. 6 O.C. _ U.S. 18 Ire. 13 G.B. 18 B.A. 3 O.C. 2 U.S. 2 Scan. 1 U.S. 63 Ire. 19 G.B, 10 4 1 11 1 457 5 4 7 2 37 5 4 38 12 48 25 1,028 10 20 13 2 18 13 55 8 2 2 5 66 19 12 198 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — ISSO. FOREICxN PARENT NATIVITY — COUNTY OF WORCESTER — Con. Persons Persons Total Number of Persons Persons Persons Tota 1 Number of Persons Father Mother born in born in (Native and Father Mother born in born in (Native and born ill b ira in UniU'tl Foroi^'n Foreicnborn), born in born in Unitod Foreign Foreign born), .States. Countries. ■witli such Parentage. .States. Countries. with such Parentage. Town of Gardner — Concluded. Town of Harvard — Cone uded. B. A. B. A. 1S2 320 502 G.B. Ire. 1 1 O. 13 Ire. B. A. 7 1 8 To\^ TI OF NORTHBRIDGE. Ger. U S 2 2 Ger! Ire. ' 7 _ 7 Ger. Ger. 29 39 68 U. S. U.S. - 2 2 Ger. O. C. 5 1 6 U.S. Ire. 52 - 52 G. B. U. S. 51 51 U.S. G. B. 13 1 14 G. B. Ire. 9 1 10 U.S. Scan. 2 - 2 O. B. G. B. 113 217 330 U.S. B.A. 31 - 31 G. B. B. A. 5 _ 5 Ire. U.S. 28 1 29 Scan. Scan. 2 24 26 lire. Ire. 695 727 1,322 Scan. O.C. 2 2 Ire. G. B. 8 - 8 B. A. U s. 93 _ 93 Ire. B. A. 9 1 10 B. A. Ire. 2 _ 2 t Ire. O.C. 2 - 2 B.A. G. B. 3 - 3 Ger. U.S. 1 - 1 B.A. B. A. 397 717 1,114 Ger. Ire. 1 ~ 1 O. C. U. 8. 1 _ 1 Ger. Ger. 1 4 6 O. 0. G. B. 3 _ 3 G. B. U.S. 26 - 26 o. c. B A. 11 _ 11 G. B. Ire. 40 1 41 o. c. O.C. 4 35 • 39 G. B. G. B. 85 155 240 G. B. B.A. 8 7 15 Totals, . 1,570 1,595 3,165 Scan. Scan. 1 1 B. A. B.A. U. 8. Ire. 19 23 3 22 23 ~" Town OF NE^ ' Bfaintr EE. B.A. G. B. 2 - 2 B.A. O.C. B.A. U. 8. 196 2 502 698 2 U.S. Ire. 1 - 1 O.C. Ire. 8 - 8 Ire. u. s. 1 - 1 C. C. O.C. 1 13 14 Ire. G. B. Ire. u. S. 107 64 171 7 7 Totals, 1,153 1,418 2,571 G. B. G. B. - 2 2 Scan. Scan. — 1 1 B. A. U. S. 6 _ 6 B.A. Ire. 1 1 Town OF NORTl a Brookfi ELD. B.A. G. B. _ 1 1 B.A. B.A. _ 15 15 O.C. O.C. 1 6 6 U.S. U.S. - 1 1 U. s. Ire. 19 — 19 Totals, 123 89 212 U.S. G. B. 5 - 5 u. s. B. A. 36 - 36 Ire. U.S. 47 - 47 Tow tf OF No RTHBOROU GIH. Ire. Ire. 724 522 1,246 Ire. Ire. G. B. B.A. 5 2 1 6 2 U.S. U. S. _ 5 5 Ger. Ger. i 4 5 U.S. Ire. 18 - 18 G. B. U. S. 16 - 16 U.S. G. B. 6 1 7 G. B. Ire. 3 1 4 FOREIGN PAEENT NATIVITY. 199 FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY — COUNTY OF WORCESTER — Con. Persons Persons Total Number of Persons Persons Persons Total Number of Persons Father Mother born in born in (Native and Father Mother born in born in (Native and born in born in United States. Foreign Countries. Foreif-'n born), with such Parentage. born in born in United States. Foreign Countries. Forci.KU born), witli sufh Parentage. Town OF North Brookfield — Concluded. Town of Paxton — Concluded. G. B. G.B. 10 28 38 B. A. B. A. 9 6 15 B. A. U. S. 86 1 87 O.C. U.S. 2 - 2 B. A. Ire. 8 - 8 O.C. G.B. 1 - 1 B. A. B. A. 396 434 830 B. A. O.C. 1 1 2 Totals, . . 89 58 147 O. C. U.S. B. A. 4 4 - 4 4 O. C. 0. C. O.C. - 1 1 Town of Petersham Totals, 1,367 994 2,361 U.S. U. S. — 1 1 u. s. Ire. 1 _ 1 Town of Oakham. U.S. Ire. G. B. U.S. 1 10 - 1 10 Ire. Ire 65 49 114 Ire! G.B. 1 1 U.S. U.S. - 1 1 Ire. B. A. 2 2 U.S. G.B. g _ 9 G. B. U. S. 3 3 U.S. B. A. 14 - 14 G. B. Ire. 1 _ 1 Ire. Ire. 54 34 88 G. B. G. B. 3 1 4 Ire. G B. - 1 1 G.B. B. A. 1 1 G. B. U.S. 2 - 2 B. A. U.S. 3 1 4 G. B. Ire. 1 - 1 B. A. B. A. 9 13 22 G. B. G.B. - 5 5 O. C. B. A. 1 1 B. A. U. S. B. A. 9 43 42 9 85 Totals, B. A. 97 69 166 0. C. B. A. 1 - 1 Totals, 133 83 216 Town of Phillipston. U. s. U.S. U. S. . Ire. Town of Oxford. 3 2 1 2 4 U. 8. G. B. 2 _ 2 U.S. U.S. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ger. G. B. G. B. Ire. G. B. B. A. U.S. Ire. Ger. r. s. Ire. Ger. G.B. 11 11 16 25 249 6 7 8 2 25 190 13 2 49 11 11 16 25 439 19 7 8 4 74 U.S. Ire. Ire. G. B. G. B. B. A. B. A. B. A. Totals, B. A. U.S. Ire. U.S. G. B. U. S. Ire. B. A. 18 9 33 1 3 2 7 4 18 5 1 4 18 9 51 1 8 3 7 8 G. B. G. B. 82 31 113 Scan* Scan. __ 1 1 B. A. U. S. 32 32 Town of Princeton. B. A. B. A. U.S. 131 1 237 368 1 0. C. O. C. Ger. - 1 1 U.S. U.S. _ 6 6 O. C. O.C. 1 - 1 U. S. U. S. U. S. Ire. G.B. B. A. 2 7 4 - 2 7 4 Totals, ■ • • 625 493 1,018 _ Ire. Ire. U.S. Ire. 5 33 46 5 79 Town of Paxton. Ire. G.B. . - 1 1 Ger. G.B. Ger. U.S. 1 3 1 2 3 U.S. Ire. 3 _ 3 G.B. Ire. 2 2 4 U.S. G. B. 1 _ 1 G.B. G.B. 2 20 22 U.S. Scan. 4 _ 4 G.B. B. A. _ 1 1 Ire. Ire. 45 33 78 Scan. Scan. 2 _ 2 Ger. Ger. - 1 1 B. A. U.S. 2 1 3 Ger. G.B, 2 1 3 B. A. Ire. 2 2 G. B. U.S. 2 - 2 B. A. Scan. _ 5 5 G. B. Ire. - 2 2 B. A. B. A. 11 20 31 G. B. G.B. 8 13 21 O. C. U. S. 7 _ 7 Scan. Scan. _ 1 1 O.C. O.C. _ 1 1 B. A. U. S. 12 12 1 B. A. Scan. 1 Totals, . 83 104 187 200 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY — COUNTY OF WORCESTER — Con. Father born in Mother born in Persons Persons born in born in United Foreign States. Countries. Total Nnmber of PffsOMS (Native and Foreifin born', witli such Parentage. Town of Rotai,ston. U.S. U.S. U.S. Ire. 4 u. s. G. B. 3 U.S. B. A. 6 Ire. U.S. 1 Ire. Ire. 66 Gir. Ger. 1 O. R. U.S. 1 G B. G B. 6 G. H. B. A. 1 Scan. Scan. _ B. A. U 8. 6 B. A. Ire. 1 B. A. B. A. 7 O. C. O. C. - Totals, 99 42 3 19 1 3 2 1 23 3 101 Town of Rutland. U.S. u. s. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. G. B. G. B. G. B. B. A. B. A. B. A. Totals, Ire. 7 G. B. 8 B. A. 4 U. 8. 3 Ire. 91 G. B. 4 U.S. 2 Ire. 1 G. B. 15 U.S. 24 G. B. 2 B. A. 7 1C8 1 93 12 11 117 Town of Shrewsbury. U.S. U.S. U.S. Ire. 9 U.S. Ger. 3 U.S. G.B. 16 U. 8. Sean. 1 U 8. B A. 9 Ire. U.S. 2 Ire. Ire. 96 Ire. B. A. 4 Ire. O.C. 2 Gor. Ger. 7 G. B. U S. 2 G.B. G.B. 6 G. B. B. A. _ B. A. U.S. 20 B. A. B. A. 61 0. C. U.S. 2 O. C. Ger. 1 O.C. O.C. - Totals, 241 71 2 9 1 62 1 1 149 Town of Soutiiborough. U.S. U. s. U.S. u. s. G. B. 5 Scan. 4 4 4 3 6 1 98 4 7 21) 2 3 8 2 30 3 200 7 8 5 3 184 4 2 1 27 24 2 18 285 2 9 3 16 1 9 2 167 4 2 9 2 15 1 20 1-23 3 1 1 StiO Father born in Mother born in Persons born in United States. Persons born in Foreign Countries Total Nnmber of Persons (Native and Foreiirn liorn), witli .such Paienlage. Town of Southborough — Concluded. IT. S. u. s. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. G. B. G.B. G. B. Scan. B. A. H. A. B. A. O.C. Totals, B. A. O.C. U.S. Ire. B. A. Ger. U. S. G.B. B. A. Scan. U.S. G. B. B. A. O.C. 9 9 251 1 2 17 17 3 41 3 105 467 1 187 2 27 181 o 406 Town of Southbridgk. U.S. U.S. U 8. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. (rer. G. B. G. B. (i. B. G. B. G. B. Scan. B A. B. A. B A. O.C. O.C. O.C. O.C. Totals, Ire. 29 Ger. 1 G. B. 15 B. A. 44 U. 8. 15 Ire. 598 Ger. _ G.B. 12 B. A. 12 U. 8. 11 Ire. 9 Ger. 24 U.S. 47 Ire. 21 Ger. _ G.B. 111 B.A. _ B. A. _ U.S. 76 Ire. 5 B. A. 902 Ger. _ G.B. 1 B.A. 3 O.C. 3 1,939 604 12 4 3 20 6 1 199 6 2 11 6 1,619 1 2,502 Town of Spencer. U. S. U 8. u. s, U. 8. U. 8. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. Ger, G. B. G. B. G B. G. B. U.S. Ire. 16 Ger. 4 G.B. 8 B.A. 67 U.S. 44 Ire. 670 G.B. 14 B.A. 13 U.S. 9 Ire. 19 Ger. 6 U. S. 34 Ire. 13 Ger. _ G.B. 43 4 1 548 1 11 1 1 1 88 9 1 9 438 1 2 19 44 8 6 41 3 286 2 873 31 1 15 44 15 1,202 12 16 15 11 9 44 47 27 1 310 6 2 87 11 2,521 1 1 3 9 4,441 8 18 4 8 71 45 1,218 15 13 9 19 17 35 14 1 131 rOREIGN PATIENT NATIVITY. 201 FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY - COUNTY OF WORCESTER — Con. Father born in Mother born in Persons Persons born in ITnited Slates. born in Foreign Countries, Total Number of Persons (XiUive and Foreijiii burn), with such Parentage. Town of Spencer — Concluded. G. B. B. B. B. B. O. O. A. A. A. A. C. C. O. C. Totals, B.A. U.S. 166 Ire 2.3 G. B. 1 B. A. 1,471 U.S. I B. A. 27 O.G. 2 2,651 2 3 2 1,684 2,363 Town of Sterling. U.S. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. G. B. G. B. G B. G. B. Scan. B. A. B.A. Totals, G. B. 3 B. A. 2 U.S. 3 Ire. 125 G. B. 9 Ire. 1 Ger. 1 U.S. 2 Ire. 3 G. B. 4 B. A. - Scan. 3 u. S. 3 B. A. 11 170 1 77 1 17 1 5 16 118 Town of Sturbridge. U. S. U.S. U. S. U.S. u. s. Ire. Ire. Ger. B. B. B.A. B.A. B.A. O.C. Totals, U. 8. Ire. 2 G. B. 1 Scan. 5 B.A. 10 U. 8. 30 Ire. 177 Ger. 1 U. S. 16 G. B. 44 U.S. 24 Ire. 1 B.A. 116 O. 0. ... 427 3 1 141 82 1 252 1 481 Town of Sutton. U.S. U.S. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. G. B. G. B. Ire. 7 G. B. 5 B. A. 9 U.S. 18 Ire. 109 G. B. 5 B A. 1 Ger. 1 G. B. 4 U.S. 6 Ire. 6 124 4 2 169 23 3 3,155 1 27 8 5,014 4 2 3 202 9 1 2 2 3 21 1 8 3 27 2SS 3 2 2 5 10 30 318 1 16 126 25 1 368 1 908 7 5 9 18 233 5 1 5 4 6 6 Father born in brother born in Persons born in United States. Persons born in Foreign Countries. Total Number of Persons (Native ami Foreijiii born), with such Parentage. Town of Sdtton — Concluded. G. B. G.B. 34 Scan. Scan. - B.A. U.S. 15 B.A. Ire. 1 B.A. B.A. 383 O.C. B.A. • • • - Totals, 604 45 6 771 1 951 Town of Templeton. U.S. U.S. U.S. u. s. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. G.B. G.B. G.B. Scan. B.A. B.A. B.A. O.C. O.C. Totals, U. S. Ire. G.B. B.A. U. S. Ire. B.A. Ger. G.B. U. S. Ire. G.B. Scan. U.S. Ire. B.A. Ger. O.C. 2 12 22 1 246 5 13 7 5 26 3 21 17 64 1 1 446 178 7 1 36 3 139 1 371 Town of Upton. U.S. U.S. u. s. u. s. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. G. B. G. B. G. B. B.A. B.A. Totals, U.S. Ire. 4 G. B. 3 B.A. 4 U. S. 3 Ire. 171 Ire. 2 Ger. 1 U. S. 1 Ire. 6 G. B. 40 U. 8. 16 B. A. 15 266 127 2 74 40 245 Town of Uxbridge. U.S. U. S. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. Ger. G.B. G.B. G.B. Ire. G.B. U.S. Ire. B.A. U. S. Ire. Ger. U.S. Ire. G.B. 6 13 6 529 8 1 1 2 14 8 31 421 4 78 79 6 15 1 1,154 1 1,555 6 2 12 22 1 424 5 20 1 7 5 62 6 21 17 203 1 2 817 2 4 3 4 3 298 2 3 1 6 114 16 55 511 6 13 (3 950 8 1 1 6 14 8 109 202 CENSUS or MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. FOREIGX PARENT NATIVITY — COUNTY OF WORCESTER — Con. Persons Persons Total Xumber Persons Persons Total Xumber Father Mother bom in bom in (Native and Father Mother born in born in (Native and born in born in United Foreign Foreign born) , born in born in United Foreign Foreiirii born) , States. Countries. with such Parentage. States. countries. witli such Parentage. Town < 3F UXBRl DGE — Concluded. Town of Webster — Concluded. B. A. U.S. 21 21 B.A. B.A. 556 1,294 1,850 B. A. B. A. 71 201 272 B.A. O.C. 3 - 3 O. C. U.S. 1 _ 1 O.C. U.S. 2 1 3 O. C. B. A. .3 1 4 O. C. Ire. - 1 1 0. C. O.C. _ 3 3 O. C. Ger. 2 2 4 O.C. O.C. 17 59 76 Totals, 715 708 1,423 Totals, • • • 1,614 2,245 3,859 T OWN OF Warren. Town of westborocg H. U.S. Ire. G. B. B. A. U.S. Ire. G. B. B.A. U.S. Ger. U. 8. Ire. G. B. B.A. Bean. U.S. Ire. G. B. B.A. U.S. B.A. O.C. 25 7 17 26 510 8 1 1 16 16 12 94 51 3 321 1 2 5 1 397 11 12 _ 2 118 1 1 1 1 500 2 5 25 8 17 26 907 8 12 1 28 16 14 212 1 1 52 3 1 821 1 2 2 U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. Scan. B. A. B. A. B. A. B. A. O. C. 0. C. O.C. U. S. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. Ger. G. B. G.B. G.B. G.B. O. B. Scan. B. A. B.A. B. A. B.A. B.A. U. S Ire. G.B. B.A. O.C. U.S. Ire. G.B. B. A. O.C. U. 8. Ger. G.B. U.S. Ire. G.B. B.A. O.C. Scan. U. 8. Ire. G. B. B.A. O.C. 34 10 34 5 35 760 7 3 1 4 8 19 16 26 7 4 61 8 192 7 468 1 3 8 1 4 5 37 7 1 28 7 3 335 1 7 34 10 34 5 35 1,218 8 6 1 4 16 1 23 21 63 14 1 32 68 8 3 Totals, 1,111 1,052 2,163 627 1 O.C. U.S. e 6 O.C. Ger. ~ 1 1 T own OF "< iVEBSTER. O.C. O.C. Totals, B.A. O.C. 1 1 3 3 4 4 1,232 923 2,155 U.S. U.S. - 4 4 U. 8. Ire. 2.3 — 23 U.S. G. B. 24 24 tr. 8. B.A. 53 10 63 Town of Wes T BOTLST( )N. Ire. U.S. Ire. 54 504 482 54 986 Ire. Ire. Ger. 3 _ 3 U.S. U.S. _ 1 1 Ire. G. B. 11 1 12 U.S. Ire. 9 _ 9 Ire. v.. A. 16 3 19 U.S. G.B. 10 - 10 Ger. U.S. 16 - 16 U.S. B. A. 6 - 6 Ger. Ire. 24 _ 24 Ire. U.S. 4 _ 4 Ger. Ger. 112 223 335 Ire. : Ire. 142 131 273 Ger. G. B. 1 2 3 Ire. G.B. 4 _ 4 Ger. B.A. 1 2 3 Ire. B. A. 3 1 4 Ger. O.C. 5 _ 5 Ger. Oer. o 3 5 G. B. U. 8. 26 - 26 G.B. U.S. 10 _ 10 G. B. Ire. 18 2 20 G.B. Ire. 8 _ 8 G. B. Ger. 2 _ 2 G.B. G.B. 15 39 54 G. B. G.B. 72 149 221 B.A. U.S. 44 _ 44 G. B. B.A. 3 3 6 B. A. Ire. 6 - 6 Scan. U.S. 1 - 1 B.A. B. A. 350 853 1,203 Scan. Scan. - 4 4 O.C. Ger. 3 _ 3 B. A. U.S. 54 2 66 O.C. O.C. _ o 2 B A Ire 11 11 1 b! a! G.B. 1 Totals, . . . 616 1,030 1,646 rOEEIGN PAEEXT XATIVITY. 203 FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY — COUNTY OF WORCESTER — Con. Persons Father Mother born in born in born in United States. Persons bom in Foreign Countries. Total Number of I'ersons j (Native and Foreifjnborn), with such I Parentage. Towx OF "West Brooktield. Town of Westminster. U.S. U.S. u. s. u. s. Ire. Ire. Ger. G.B. G. B. Scan. B. A. B. A. B. A. O. C. o. c. ; o. c. I o. c. j Totals, ' U.S. _ 1 1 Ire. 3 _ 3 G. B. 3 _ 3 B.A. 10 1 11 U.S. 9 _ 9 Ire. 112 72 IS-t Ger. _ 7 7 U.S. 6 _ 6 G. B. 7 18 25 Scan. _ 2 2 U.S. 10 _ 10 G. B. 4 _ 4 B.A. 6 26 32 U.S. 3 _ 3 G. B. 4 _ 4 B.A. 1 1 2 O. C. 1 3 ■1 179 331 Town of Wixchendox. U.S. U.S. U.S. Ire. 10 ■ U.S. G.B. 14 U.S. B.A. 30 U.S. O. C. _ Ire. U.S. 45 Ire. Ire. 342 Ire. B.A. 3 Ger. U. S. 1 Ger. Ger. _ Ger. G. B. 5 Ger. B.A. 1 G.B. U. S. 2.3 G. B. Ire. 7 G.B. G.B. 21 G.B. B.A. 1 Bean. Scan. _ B.A. U.S. 48 B.A. Ire. 10 B.A. Ger. 4 B.A. , B.A. 99 B.A. O. C. 2 0. C. U.S. 1 0. C. B.A. 2 O. C. 0. C. - Totals, 669 ] 11 8 3 314 2 7 36 4 2 2 2 262 310 11 10 14 38 3 45 656 3 1 4 5 1 25 14 57 5 2 60 12 4 361 2 1 3 6 Father born in 3Iother born in Persons born in United States. Persons born in Foreign Countries. Total Number of I'ersons (Native and P'oreign born), with such Parentage. City of "Worcester. 664 1,333 U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. ;ire. i Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. Ger. Ger. Ger. Ger. Ger. G.B. G.B. G.B. G.B. G.B. G.B. Scan. Scan. Scan. B.A. B.A. B.A. B.A. B.A. B.A. O.C. O. C. O.C. O.C. O.C. O.C. O.C. Totals, U.S. Ire. Ger. G.B. Scan. B.A. O.C. U.S. Ire. Ger. G.B. B.A. O.C. U.S. Ire. Ger. G.B. Scan. B.A. O.C. U.S. Ire. Ger. G.B. B.A. O.C. U. i5. Ire. Scan. U.S. Ire. G.B. Scan. B.A. O.C. U.S. Ire. Ger. G.B. Scan. B.A. O.C. 467 18 194 6 308 18 536 10,899 12 142 109 8 45 15 345 7 2 2 10 309 133 4 695 44 7 8 6 162 521 67 8 1,989 10 55 16 1 17 109 7 11 10 2 6 9,593 31 26 2 386 1 4 1 4 11 3 1,332 20 1 923 27 11 4 13 2,842 1 3 3 1 1 20 277 47 474 18 205 6 318 20 542 20,492 12 173 135 10 45 15 731 8 2 6 11 313 144 2,027 64 8 8 6 1,085 548 78 12 13 4,831 11 58 19 8 7 1 37 388 17,317 15,624 32,941 CiTT OF Worcester — "Ward 1. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. u. s. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. Ger. G.B. G.B. G.B. G.B. G.B. Scan. Scan. U.S. Ire. 20 Ger. 5 G. B. 14 Scan. 2 B.A. 29 O.C. 3 u. s. 48 Ire. 893 Ger. 3 G. B. 11 B.A. 9 Ger, 26 G.B. 3 O.C. 1 u. s. 39 Ire. 5 Ger. 1 G.B. 91 B.A. 2 Ire. Scan. 34 10 1 1 834 5 2 25 185 1 199 10 20 5 15 2 30 4 48 1,727 3 16 11 61 3 1 39 7 1 276 3 5 233 204 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — ISSO. FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY — COUNTY OF WORCESTER — Con. Persons Persons Father Mother born in born in born in born in United Foreign States. Countries Total Number of Persons (Native and Forcifrn born), ■with such Parentage. City of "Wokcester — Ward 1 — Concluded. B. A. B. A. B. A. B. A. B. A. O. 0. O. C. O. C. O. C. O.C. O. C. Totals, U.S. 45 Ire. 10 G. B. 1 Scan. _ B. A. 54 U.S. 7 Ire. 3 Ger. - Scan. 1 B. A. 3 O.C. 2 1,370 1 2 12 146 1 33 1,461 12 1 12 200 7 3 1 1 3 35 2,831 City of Worcester — Ward 2. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. (Jer. Ger. Ger. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. 15. G. 15. G. B. Scan. Scan. Scan. B. B. B. B. O. A. A. A. A. C. O.C. O.C. O.C. Totals, U.S. Ire. 65 Ger. 6 G. B. 17 Scan. 2 B. A. . 63 O.C. 3 U.S. 29 Ire. 1,013 G. B. 14 15. A. 16 U.S. 11 Ire. 1 Ger. 55 Scan. 2 U. S. 64 Ire. 16 Ger. 2 G. B. 94 B. A. 10 O.C. 4 U.S. 4 Ire. 1 Scan. • 30 U.S. 65 Ire. 13 B. A. 244 O.C. 3 U.S. 9 Ire. 1 Ger. 5 O.C. 28 1,890 22 2 1,054 6 6 63 1 3 3 204 3 184 2 440 39 2,035 22 65 6 20 2 63 3 31 2,067 20 22 11 1 118 2 65 19 5 298 13 4 4 1 214 67 13 684 3 9 1 5 67 3,925 City of Worcester — Ward 3. U.S. U.S. T'. S. U. S. u. s. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. U.S. _ Ire. 93 Ger. 2 G. B. 30 B. A. 52 O.C. 3 U.S. 132 Ire. 2,251 G. B. 4 B. A. 13 U.S. 3 Ger. 38 2,026 3 1 52 4 93 2 30 56 3 132 4,277 7 14 3 90 Father born in Mother born in Persons born in United States. Persons born in Foreign Countries. Total Number ot Persons (Native and Forei(;n born), witli such Parentage. City of Worcester — Ward 3 — Concluded. Ger. G. B. G. B. G. B. G.B. G. B. Scan, Scan. B. A. B. A. B. A. B. A. O.C. O.C. O.C. O.C. O.C. Totals, B.A. 2 U.S. 13 Ire. 17 G.B. 36 B.A. i) O.C. _ U.S. 1 Scan. 7 U.S. 80 Ire. 13 G.B. 2 B.A. 601 U.S. 9 Ire. 5 G.B. 6 B.A. 4 O.C. 35 3,354 2 83 3 1 19 10 716 1 15 81 4 13 19 119 5 1 1 26 90 13 2 1,217 9 e 6 19 116 3,023 6,377 City of Worcester — Ward 4. U.S. U.S. U.S. Ire. U. s. Ger. U.S. G.B. U. s. B.A. Ire. U. S. Ire. Ire. Ire. G.B. Ire. B.A. Ire. O.C. Ger. U.S. Ger. Ire. Ger. Ger. Ger. G.B. Ger. B.A. G.B. U. S. G.B. Ire. G.B. G.B. G.B. B.A. Scan, Scan. B.A. U.S. B.A. Ire. B.A. B. A. B.A. O.C. O.C. U.S. O.C. Ire. O.C. B.A. O.C. O.C. Totals, 60 1 17 51 120 2,344 37 14 7 5 13 16 26 24 65 10 20. 57 5 137 5 12 3 2 14 1 1,901 • 9 1 33 1 1 1 1 115 2 66 2 187 3 45 2 60 1 17 52 120 4,245 46 15 7 5 13 49 1 1 27 25 170 12 86 59 5 324 5 12 3 5 59 3,055 5,426 City of Worcester — Ward 5. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. 15 Ger. 1 G.B. 38 B.A. 33 U.S. 119 Ire. 2,731 Ger. •9 G.B, 70 B.A. 40 O.C. 1 2,247 5 14 135 1 40 33 •119 4,y'8 9 75 54 3 POREIGX PAEEXT NATIVITY. 205 FOREIGX PARENT NATIVITY — COUNTY OF WORCESTER — Con. Persons Persons Total Number Persons Persons Total Number of Persons Father Mother born in born in III L ClotJilO (Xative Father Mother born in bom in (Native and bom In bom in United Foreign Foreign born), born in born in United Foreign Foreign born), States. Countries with such Parentage. States. Countries. with such I'areuiage. City OF Woi ICESTER- -"Ward 5- - Concluded. CiTT OF Worcester — -Ward 7 — Concluded. U.S. 7 _ 7 Ger. Ire. G.B. 5 1 6 Ger. Ire. 1 - 1 Ire. B.A. 16 16 Ger. G.r. 112 106 218 Ger. U. S. 6 _ 6 Ger. a. B. 1 - 1 Ger. Ger. 18 26 44 Ger. G. B. O.C. U.S. 9 39 _ 9 39 Ger. G. B. G.B. U. S. 1 58 1 58 G. B. Ire. 36 - 36 G. B. Ire. 18 1 19 G. B. Ger. 1 - 1 G. B. G. B. 74 133 207 6.B. G.B. 181 327 508 G. B. B. A. 1 2 3 G. B. B.A. 9 2 11 Scan. Scan. 1 25 26 G. B. O.C. 3 - 3 B. A. U. S. 70 4 74 Scan. Scan. 50 382 432 B. A. Ire. 8 6 14 B.A. U.S. 136 3 139 B.A. G. B. 5 1 6 B.A. Ire. 4 - 4 B.A. Scan. 1 1 B.A. B.A. 49S 741 1,239 B. A. B.A. 126 184 310 O. C. o.c. U.S. B.A. 3 4 _ 3 4 B.A. O.C. O.C. u. s. 2 10 1 2 11 o. c. O.C. 12 39 51 O.C. Ire, 1 1 Totals, . . . 4,283 3,870 8,153 0. C. cf. C. O.C. O.C. Totals, Ger. G.B. B. A. O.C. 1 1 4 1 7 1 1 1 City oi WORCES TEK — WiS RD 6. '' 1,102 939 2,041 Ire. 33 33 U. B. U. S. Ger. 2 _ 2 U.S. G.B. 22 „ 22 City of WoRCES TER — Ward 8. U.S. B. A. 32 _ 32 Ire. U.S. 26 1 27 Ire. Ire. 939 699 1,638 U.S. U.S. - 8 8 Ire. G.B. U. ?. 1 1 2 u. s. Ire. 24 1 25 Ger. 2 2 U.S. Ger. 1 - 1 Ger. Ger. 50 42 92 U.S. G.B. 32 3 35 Ger. B.A. _ 1 1 U.S. Scan. 2 - 2 6. B. U. S. 38 1 39 U.S. B.A. 20 1 21 G. B. Ire. 11 11 U.S. O.C. 3 - 3 G. B. G. B. 125 200 325 Ire. U.S. 16 1 17 G. B. B.A. 8 6 14 Ire. Ire. 192 302 494 Scan. Scan. 20 25 45 Ire. G. B. - 1 1 B.A. U.S. 36 2 38 Ire. B. A. 1 2 3 B.A. Ire. 11 H Ger. U.S. 11 - 11 B.A. G.B. 1 1 Ger. Ger. 30 39 69 B.A. B.A. 359 308 667 Ger. G.B. 2 - 2 O.C. U.S. 3 2 ^ 1 Ger. O.C. - 1 1 O.C. Ire. 1 1 2 G.B. U.S. 32 1 33 O.C. B.A. 2 2 G.B. Ire. 6 2 8 O.C. O.C. 10 16 26 G.B. G.B. 39 85 124 G.B. Scan. B.A. U. S. 2 3 1 3 Totals, 1,729 1,308 3,037 3 Scan. B.A. Scan. U.S. - 23 3 23 35 32 B.A. Ire. 3 3 6 City of WORCES TER — Wa BD 7. i B.A. G.B. _ 2 2 1 B.A. B.A. B.A. O.C. 70 120 1 190 1 U.S. U.S. 1 1 O.C. U.S. 2 _ 2 U.S. Ire. 37 6 43 O.C. Ire. 3 - 3 U.S. G.B. 24 2 26 O.C. Ger. 1 _ 1 u. s. B.A. 28 3 31 O.C. B. A. 3 - 3 U.S. O.C. 6 1 7 O.C. O.C. 4 17 21 Ire. Ire. U.S. Ire. 46 536 2 530 48 1,066 Totals, • • • 534 617 : 1,151 206 CEXSUS OP MASSACHUSETTS — ISSO. COUNTY AND STATE RECAPITULATIONS. Fathfr boru in Mother born iu Persons bom in United States. Persons born in Foreign Countries. Total Number of Persons (Native and Foreign born), with such Parentage. County of Barnstable. U.S. U.S. 22 22 ' U.S. Ire. 68 1 69 , U.S. G. B. 94 3 97 I U.S. Scan. 6 - 6 U.S. B. A. 148 4 152 U.S. O.C. 18 2 20 Ire. U.S. 55 _ 55 Ire. Ire. 583 590 1,173 Ire. G.B. 20 1 21 1 Ire. B. A. 15 • 2 17 Ger. U.S. 26 _ 26 Ger. Ger. 9 35 44 Ger. G.B. 1 2 3 1 Ger. Scan. 1 1 2 Ger. O.C. 7 _ 7 G. B. U.S. 186 2 188 1 G. B. Ire. 17 _ 17 G.B. G. B. 140 462 6o2 • G. B. Scan. _ 1 1 G.B. B. A. 24 6 30 G.B. O.C. 7 1 8 Scan. U.S. 13 _ 13 1 Scan. Ire. 6 _ 6 1 Scan. G. B. 2 _ 2 Scan. Scan. 1 24 25 Scan. B. A. 2 _ 2 , B. A. U.S. 87 4 91 B. A. Ire. 19 - 19 B. A. G.B. 3 _ 3 B. A. B. A. 143 307 4.^0 B. A. O.C. 3 - 3 O. C. U.S. 126 _ 126 O. C. Ire. 31 2 33 O. C. Ger. 1 _ 1 O.C. O. B. 9 _ 9 O. C. B. A. 12 2 14 O.C. O.C. 588 737 1,325 Totals, 2,471 2,211 4,682 Coc T«TT OF 1 3ERRSHIRI :. U.S. U.S. 45 45 U.S. Ire. 561 1 562 U.S. Ger. 44 _ 44 1 U.S. G. B. 372 19 391 U.S. Scan. 6 _ 6 i U.S. B. A. 228 6 2.34 U.S. O.C. 29 3 32 Ire. U.S. 796 2 798 Ire. Ire. 9,853 7,661 17,514 Ire. Ger. _ 2 2 Ire. G.B. 106 27 133 Ire. B. A. 38 3 41 Ire. O.C. 4 1 5 Ger. U.S. 132 _ 132 Ger. Ire. 37 _ 37 Ger. Ger. 897 952 1,849 Ger. G.B. 14 9 23 Ger. B. A. 13 13 Ger. O.C. 19 _ 19 G.B. u. s. 634 12 646 G.B. Ire. 173 15 188 G.B. Ger. 25 1 26 G.B. G.B. 1,054 1,757 2,811 Father born in Mother born In Persons bom in United States. Persons born in Foreign Countries. Total Number of Persons (Native and Foreijrii bom) , with such Parentage. County of Berkshire — Concluded. G.B. Scan. G.B. B.A. 36 G.B. O.C. 4 Scan. U.S. 2 Scan. Scan. - R. A. U. S. 485 B. A. Ire. 94 B. A. Ger. 14 B. A. G.B. 10 B.A. B.A. 1,599 B.A. O.C. 4 O.C. U.S. 100 O.C. Ire. 37 O.C. Ger. 68 O.C. G.B. 23 O.C. B.A. 22 O.C. O.C. 287 Totals, 17,820 1 17 12 20 3 7 2,973 1 3 2 23 648 14,232 County of Bristol. U. S. U. 8. U. S. U. 8. U.S. U. B. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. Ger. Ger. Ger. Ger. G.B. G.B. G. B. G. B. G.B. G.B. G.B. Scan. Scan. Scan. Scan. Scan. B.A. B.A. B.A. B.A. B.A. B.A. B.A. O.C. O.C. O. C. O.C. U.S. Ire. 874 Ger. 28 G. B. 663 Scan. 10 B.A. 387 O.C. 40 U.S. 845 Ire. 15,632 Ger. 1 G. B. 620 Scan. 11 B.A. 149 O.C. 28 U.S. 127 Ire. 41 Ger. 337 G. B. 16 B.A. 12 1 O.C. 5 |U. S. 1,138 ( Ire. 656 Ger. 6 G. B. 4,716 ' Scan. 4 B. A. 117 O.C. 18 U.S. 28 Ire. 13 G. B. 2 Scan. 53 B.A. 6 U.S. 451 Ire. 119 Ger. - G.B. 64 Scan. - B.A. 2,488 O.C. - U.S. 249 Ire. 128 Ger. 14 G. B. 29 87 6 8 41 4 6 17,651 2 175 2 17 1 2 499 10 1 3 7 145 1 9;676 55 8 2.57 2 24 15 1 12 1 10,088 2 21 2 1 4 1 53 4 2 12 605 97 14 17 4,572 10 100 38 71 25 45 935 32,052 87 880 28 671 10 428 44 851 33,283 3 795 13 166 29 129 41 836 26 13 8 1,145 801 7 14,392 4 172 26 28 13 2 310 8 475 134 1 76 1 12,576 2 270 1.30 15 33 rOREIGX PARENT NATIVITY. 207 COUNTY AND STATE RECAPITULATIONS — Con. Persons Persons Total Number of Persons Persons Persons Total Number of Persons Father Mother bom in bom in (Native and Father Mother bom in born in (Native and born in born in United States. Foreign Countries Foreidn borny , with such Parentage. j born in born in United States. Foreign Countries. Foreign born), with such Parentage. CorxTT OF Brisi 'OL — Concluded. CouNTT OF Essex— Concluded. O. C. Scan. 1 3 _ 3 Scan. Ire. 73 10 83 O. C. B. A. 53 5 58 Scan. Ger. 8 _ 8 0. C. O.C. 726 1,474 2,200 Scan. G. B. 20 134 1 530 21 664 Scan. bean. Totals, • • • 30,907 40,316 71,223 Scan. Scan. B.A. B.A. B.A. O.C. U.S. Ire. 143 5 1,809 499 8 151 5 1,931 573 c OUNTT O] !■ Dukes. 122 74 B. A. Ger. 2 1 3 U. S. U.S. _ 3 3 B.A. G. B. 87 52 139 U. 8. Ire. 2 2 B.A. Scan. - 1 1 U.S. Ger. 2 _ 2 B.A. B.A. 3,604 14,386 17,990 U.S. G. B. 23 _ 23 B.A. O.C. 12 23 35 U. 8. B. A. 2 _ 2 O.C. U.S. 479 13 492 Ire. U. 8. 7 _ 7 O.C. Ire. 146 5 151 Ire. Ire. 35 32 67 O.C. Ger. 24 3 27 Ire. G. B. 2 2 O.C. G. B. 49 11 60 Ger. U. S. 1 1 O.C. Scan. 3 - 3 Ger. Ger. 5 5 O.C. B.A. 126 46 172 Ger. G. B. G. B. 1 1 O.C. O.C. 686 1,305 1,991 U. S. 29 3 32 G. B. Ire. 1 1 Totals, . . . 52,220 56,654 108,874 G. B. G. B. B. A. 32 1 64 96 1 G. B. G. B. O.C. - 1 1 Coi 7NTY OP Franklin Scan. Scan. U. S. Scan. 2 - 2 ^ 1 1 B. A. U.S. 7 - 7 U. 8. U. 8. 48 48 B. A. B. A. 1 9 10 U.S. Ire. 96 96 B. A. O. C. - 1 1 U.S. Ger. 14 _ 14 O. C. O.C. 0. C. O.C. U. 8. Ire. G. B. O.C. 22 8 30 U.S. G. B. 102 1 103 3 28 3 69 3 3 97 U.S. U.S. Ire. B.A. O.C. U. 8. 117 21 166 16 2 133 23 166 Totals, • • ■ 199 201 400 Ire. Ire. Ire. G. B. 2,306 14 1,969 7 4,275 21 Ire. Ire. Scan. B.A. 2 14 8 2 22 i fouis-Tr F Essex; lire. O.C. 1 _ 1 1 Ger. Ger. U.S. Ire. 61 26 — 61 26 U.S. U.S. - 266 266 Ger. Ger. 657 721 1,378 U.S. Ire. 1,465 17 1,4S2 Ger. G. B. 31 2 33 U.S. Ger. 54 1 55 Ger. Scan. 1 - 1 U.S. G. B. 1,110 23 1,133 Ger. B.A. 3 _ 3 U.S. Scan. 12 - 12 Ger. O. C. 3 _ 3 U.S. B. A. 2,364 151 2,515 G. B. U.S. 144 _ 144 U.S. O.C. 210 18 228 G. B. Ire. 46 7 53 Ire. U.S. 1,413 29 1,442 G. B. Ger. 3 3 6 Ire. Ire. 27,909 28,270 56,179 G. B. G. B. 267 519 786 Ire. Ger. 3 - 3 G. B. B. A. 6 1 7 Ire. G. B. 554 130 684 G. B. O.C. 2 1 3 Ire. Scan. 4 - 4 Scan. Ire. 1 _ 1 Ire. B.A. 391 173 564 Scan. Scan. 6 21 27 Ire. O.C. 64 9 73 B.A. U.S. 206 6 212 Ger. U.S. 181 7 188 B.A. Ire. 44 12 ' 56 Ger. Ire. 86 18 104 B.A. Q. B. 8 9 17 Ger. Ger. 791 1,547 2,-6i>^ B.A. B.A. 505 1,240 1,745 Ger. G. B. 39 2 41 B.A. O.C. 2 2 4 Ger. B.A. 43 14 57 O.C. U. S. 12 _ 12 Ger. O.C. 17 4 21 O.C. Ire. 9 _ 9 G. B. U.S. 1,804 50 1,854 O.C, Ger. _ 1 1 G. B. Ire. 844 164 1,008 O.C. G. B. 5 - 5 G. B. Ger. 18 9 27 O.C. Scan; 2 1 3 G. B. G. B. 4,392 8,886 13,278 O.C. B. A. 2 4 6 G. B. Scan. 10 10 20 0. C. O.C. 62 511 573 G. B. B.A. O. C. 346 43 234 30 580 73 G. B. Scan. U. 8. 144 1 145 Totals, • • • 4,967 5,112 10,079 208 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. COUNTY AND STATE RECAPITULATIONS — Con. Fathei- born in Mother born in Persons born in United States. Persons born in Foreign Countries. Total Number of Persons (Native and Foreign born), ^vitll such Parentage. County of Hampden. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. U. 8. U.S. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. Ger. Ger. Ger. Ger. Ger. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. Bean. Scan. Scan. Scan. Scan. B. A. B. A. B. A, B. A. B. A. B. A. B. A. O. C. O. C. O. C. O.C. O. G. O.C. O.C. Totals, U.S. 117 117 Ire. 656 7 663 Ger. 46 - 46 G. B. 449 11 460 Scan. 14 4 18 B. A. 511 60 571 O.C. •29 3 32 U.S. 726 9 735 Ire. 15,143 14,527 29,670 Ger. 11 5 16 G. B. 179 52 231 Scan. 4 _ 4 B A. 114 44 158 O.C. 27 8 35 U. S. 149 _ 149 Ire. 60 1 61 Ger. 839 1,196 2,035 G. B. 24 29 Scan. 1 - 1 B.A. 15 1 16 O.C. 18 o 20 U.S. 6:56 10 646 Ire. 217 61 268 Ger. 6 _ 6 G. B. 1,274 2,800 4,074 B.A. 73 44 117 O.C. 3 12 15 U.S. 13 1 14 Ire. 1 1 Ger. 3 1 4 Scan. 23 109 132 B.A. - 1 1 U.S. 727 57 784 Ire. 169 17 186 Ger. 7 _ 7 G. B. 42 6 48 Scan. 3 _ 3 B.A. 3,268 9,953 13,221 O.C. 14 6 20 U.S. 100 3 103 Ire. 42 3 45 Ger. 24 10 34 G. B. 15 6 21 Scan. 3 _ 3 B.A. 17 7 24 O.C. 153 416 569 25,848 29,565 55,413 County of Hampshire. U.S. U. 8. U.S. U.S. U. S. U.S. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. U.S. Ire. 312 Ger. 11 G.B. 175 Scan. 4 B.A. 155 O.C. 22 U.S. 235 Ire. 5,60S Ger. 18 G.B. 86 Scan. 6 B.A. 36 O.C. 1 U.S. 62 ilre. 1 59 77 5 1 4 18 2 22 4,872 24 10 77 317 12 179 4 173 24 2.57 10,570 18 110 6 46 1 62 59 Father born in Mother born in Persons born in United States. Persons born in Foreign Countries. Total Number ot Persons (Native and Foreign born), ivitli suili I'arentage. County of Hampshire — Concluded. Ger. Ger. Ger. Ger. G. B. G.B. G. B. G.B. G. B. Scan. Scan. B.A. B.A. B.A. B.A. B. A. B.A. O. (J. O.C. O.C. O.C. O.C. O.C. Totals, Ger. G. B. B.A. O.C. U.S. Ire. G. B. B. A. O.C. U.S. Scan. U.S. Ire. G.B, Scan. B.A. O.C. U.S. Ire. Ger. G. B. B.A. O.C. 591 607 1,198 26 _ 26 4 _ 4 7 1 8 214 3 217 117 12 129 438 850 1,288 19 15 34 2 1 3 3 _ 3 3 18 21 249 11 260 111 5 116 3 2 5 1 _ 1 1,322 2,846 4,168 7 _ 7 30 3 33 10 1 11 4 1 5 - 1 1 2 1 3 44 1.56 200 10,087 9,569 19,656 County of Middlesex. U.S. U.S. U. 8. U.S. U.S. u. s. U.S. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ire. Ger. Ger. Ger. Ger. Ger. Ger. Ger. G.B. G.B. G.B. G.B. G.B. G.B. G.B. Scan. Scan. Scan. Scan. Scan. Scan. Scan. B. A. B.A. B.A. B.A. B.A. U.S. Ire. Ger. G.B. Scan. B.A. O C. U.S. Ire. Ger. G.B. Scan. B. A. O.C. U. 8. Ire. Ger. G.B. Scan. B.A. O.C. U.S. Ire. Ger. G.B. Scan. B.A. O.C. U.S. Ire. Ger. G.B. Scan. B.A. O.C. U. S. Ire. Ger. G.B. 8can. 2,3.50 99 1,422 25 2,3:59 123 2,909 48,942 23 802 5 779 24 436 222 1,303 104 7 58 50 2,489 1,0.54 34 4,609 6 485 41 85 37 8 19 240 27 2 2,272 850 7 193 5 513 23 1 41 223 13 47,602 6 259 ♦ 276 6 3 3 1,590 14 13 8 87 229 9 9,839 17 4.53 27 5 1 3 829 11 2 1S6 126 2 174 513 2,:573 100 1,463 25 2,562 136 3,002 96,544 29 1,061 5 1,055 30 4.39 225 2,893 118 7 71 58 2,576 1,283 43 14,448 23 938 68 90 38 8 22 1,069 38 4 2,4.58 976 9 367 13 FOKEIGX PAEEXT XATIYITY. 209 COUNTY AND STATE RECAPITULATIONS — Con. Persons Persons Total Number of Persons Persons Persons Total Xuniber 01' Persons Father Mother boru in bom in (Native and Father Mother born in born in (Native and born in bom in United Foreign Foreijni born), born in born in United Foreiipi Foreifuboni), States. Countries. with such Parentage. 1 States. Countries. with such Parentage. C< JUXTT o F MiDDLI ;8EX— Concluded. COUNTT OF Norfolk— Concluded. B.A. B.A. 5,538 19,279 24,817 Scan. G.B. 6 1 7 B. A. O.C. 14 15 29 Scan. Scan. 76 284 360 O. C. U.S. 460 31 491 Scan. B.A. 5 8 13 O. C. Ire. 145 14 159 Scan. O.C. _ 3 3 O. C. Ger. 123 12 135 B.A. U.S. 527 30 657 O. C. G. B. 73 31 104 B.A. Ire. 234 17 251 0. C. Scan. 9 _ 9 B.A. Ger. 2 2 4 O.C. B.A. 70 59 129 B.A. G. B. 30 25 55 0. C. O.C. 497 1,321 1,818 B.A. B.A. 801 2,629 3,430 B.A. O.C. O.C. U.S. 9 140 =^ 14 142 Totals, • • • 81,474 83,397 164,871 o 2 O.C. O.C. Ire. Ger. 18 6 3 1 21 i Coi STY OF 1 Jaxtccke' r. O.C. G. B. 8 8 16 O.C. O.C. Scan. B.A. 3 27 7 3 34 U.S. U.S. _ 9 9 O.C. O.C. 238 399 637 U.S. U.S. Ire. 10 10 3 G.B. 3 _ Totals, . 22,738 20,174 42,912 U. S. B.A. 1 - U. 8. O.C. 4 — Ire. Ire. u. s. Ire. 17 92 109 17 201 COCNTT OF Pltmouth ■ Ger. U. S. 1 — Ger. Ger. - 1 U.S. U.S. _ 50 50 G. B. u. s. 5 - U.S. Ire. 356 2 358 G. B. G. B. 1 10 11 U. S. Ger. 17 1 18 Scan. U.S. 1 - U.S. G.B. 165 15 180 Scan. Scan. 1 3 U.S. Scan. 6 6 B.A. B. A. 2 5 U.S. B.A. 286 20 306 O.C. U. S. 31 - 31 U.S. O.C. 17 1 18 O.C. G.B. 2 - 2 Ire. U.S. 384 3 387 O.C. O.C. 37 55 92 Ire. Ire. Ger. 6,805 5,103 ,11,908 Ire. 4 1 5 Totals, ■ • ' 208 192 400 Ire. G. B. 74 17 91 Ire. Ire. Scan. B.A. 1 48 17 1 65 Co UKTT OF Norfolk Ire. O.C. 2 - 2 Ger. Ger. U.S. Ire. 75 36 4 75 40 U.S. U.S. - 131 131 Ger. Ger. 210 249 459 U.S. Ire. 846 13 859 Gor. G.B. 4 1 5 U.S. Ger. 24 - 24 Ger. Scan. _ 1 1 u. s. G B. 474 8 482 Ger. O. C. 6 1 7 u. s. Scan. 6 ^ 6 G. B. U.S. 422 10 432 U.S. B.A. 477 34 511 G.B. Ire. 103 15 118 U.S. O.C. 46 4 50 G.B. G. B. 398 808 1,206 Ire. U.S. 1,075 8 1,083 G.B. Scan. 2 _ o Ire. Ire. 13,783 12,613 26,396 G.B. B. A. 55 35 90 Ire. Ger. O 3 5 G.B. O.C. 3 2 5 Ire. G.B. 191 36 227 Scan. U.S. 24 24 Ire. B.A. 174 40 214 Scan. Ire. 5 _ 5 Ire. O.C. 3 9 12 Scan. G.B. 6 _ 6 Ger. U.S. 146 _ 146 Scan. Scan. 178 457 635 Ger. Ire. 60 1 61 Scan. B.A. 4 4 Ger. Ger. 567 598 1,165 B.A. U. 8. 185 12 197 Ger. G.B. 88 12 100 B.A. Ire. 53 8 61 Ger. Scan. 1 _ 1 B.A. G. B. 10 6 16 Ger. B.A. 5 7 12 B.A. Scan. 1 1 2 Ger. O.C. 6 5 11 B.A. B.A. 226 888 1,114 G. B. U.S. 755 20 775 B.A. O.C. 4 2 6 G. B. Ire. 292 43 835 O.C. U.S. 131 1 1S2 G.B. Ger. 17 3 . 20 O.C. Ire. 18 1 19 G. B. G. B. 1,371 3,043 4,414 O.C. Ger. 4 4 G.B. Scan. 12 16 28 O.C. G.B. 11 _ 11 G.B. B.A. 143 90 2.33 O.C. Scan. 2 _ 2 G.B. O.C. 10 10 20 O.C. B.A. 9 3 12 Scan. U.S. 21 2 23 O.C. O.C. 76 208 284 Scan. Ire. 7 1 g Scan. Ger. 6 6 Totals, . . . 10,426 7,943 18,369 210 CENSUS OE MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. COUNTY AND STATE RECAPITULATIONS — Con. Tersons Persons Total Number of Persons Persons Persons Tot.ll Number of Persons Father Mother born in born in (Native and Father Mother born in born in (Native and born in born in United Foreign Foreid'i born), born in born in United Foreign Foreifrnborn), States. Countries with such Parentage. States. Countries. with such Parentage. C OUNTY Ol " Suffolk . County of "Worcester. U.S. U. 8. _ 541 641 U.S. U.S. 192 192 U.S. Ire. 3,953 49 4,002 U.S. Ire. 1,346 16 1,362 U.S. Ger. 'Ml 1 208 U. 8. Ger. 32 _ 32 U.S. G. B. 1,672 102 1,774 U.S. G. B. 731 30 761 U. 8. Scan. 37 - 37 U.S. Scan. 24 24 U.S. B.A. 3,260 409 3,669 lU. s. B.A. 1,260 75 1,335 U.S. 0. C. 249 26 275 ^ U.S. O.C. 35 6 41 Ire. U.S. 4,6.i2 61 4,713 * Ire. U.S. 1,638 14 1,652 Ire. Ire. 68,760 71,991 140,751 Ire. Ire. 32,281 27,025 59,306 Ire. Ger. 104 4 108 Ire. Ger. 16 12 28 Ire. G. B. 1,103 399 1,502 Ire. G. B. 438 76 614 Ire. Scan. 43 2 45 Ire. B. A. 295 74 369 Ire. B. A. 1,787 778 2,565 Ire. O.C. 16 4 20 Ire. O.C. 102 44 146 Ger. U.S. 150 2 152 Ger. U.S. 1,192 11 1,203 Ger. Ire. 130 _ 130 Ser. Ire. 597 10. 607 Ger. Ger. 1,030 1,319 2,349 Ger. Ger. 7,201 7,648* 14,849 ■ Ger. G.B. 38 6 44 Ger. G. B. 231 62 283 Ger. Scan. 2 . 2 Ger. Scan. 29 8 37 Ger. B.A. 20 8 28 Ger. B.A. 184 52 2.36 Ger. O.C. 22 5 27 Ger. O.C. 284 25 309 G. B. U.S. 1,197 21 1,218 G. B, U.S. 2,760 138 2,898 G. B. Ire. 604 74 678 G. B. Ire. 2,017 423 2,440 G. B. Ger. 12 7 19 G. B. Ger. 67 17 84 G. B. G. B, 2,579 4,769 7,338 G. B. G. B. 4,975 12,.550 17,525 G. B. Scan. _ 1 1 G. B. Scan. 18 21 39 G. B. B.A. 141 96 237 G. B. B. A. 1,054 1,090 2,144 G.B. O.C. 15 5 20 G. B. 0. C. 90 79 169 Scan. U.S. 20 _ 20 Scan. U.S. 202 5 207 Scan. Ire. 7 _ 7 Scan. Ire. 177 4 181 Scan. G.B. _ 1 1 Scan. Ger. 29 2 31 Scan. Scan. 185 1,045 1,230 Scan. G. B. 41 4 45 t?can. B. A. 2 3 5 Scan. Scan. 442 1,723 2,165 Scan. O.C. 3 3 Scan. B.A. 64 21 85 B.A. u. s. 2,157 103 2,260 Scan. O.C. 8 4 12 B.A. Ire. 312 27 339 B. A. U.S. 2,821 228 3,049 B.A. Ger. 5 _ 5 B. A. Ire. 1,538 280 1,818 B.A. G.B. 56 33 89 B.A. Ger. 30 9 39 B.A. Scan. _ 19 19 B.A. G. B. 890 282 672 B.A. B.A. 10,687 18,076 28,763 B.A. Scan. 3 4 7 B.A. O.C. 16 3 19 B.A. B.A. 5,082 15,143 20,225 O.C. U. S. 124 9 133 B.A. O.C. 41 26 67 O.C. Ire. 35 6 41 O.C. U.S. 859 51 910 O.C. Ger. 24 7 31 O. C. Ire. 540 34 574 O.C. G.B. 22 2 24 O.C. Ger. 320 20 340 O.C. Scan. 1 _ 1 O.C. G. B. 201 104 305 O.C. B.A. 99 44 143 O.C. Scan. 12 8 20 O.C. O.C. 162 543 705 O.C. B.A. O.C. 172 2,407 78 5,616 250 8,023 O.C. Totals, ... 57,969 53,748 111,717 Totals, . 122,007 120,177 242,184 FOREIGN PARENT NATIVITY. 211 THE STATE. Persons Persons Total Number of Pprsons Persons Persons Total Number of Persons Father Mother born in born in (Native and Father Mother born in born in (Native and born in born in United Foreign Foreign born), born in born in United Foreign Foreign born), States. Countries. with such Parentage. States. Countries. with such Parentage. U.S. U. S. 2,101 2,101 G. B. B.A. 2,500 2,136 4,636 U.S. Ire. 12,895 140 13,035 G.B. O.C. 238 177 415 U.S. Ger. 578 5 683 Scan. U.S. 558 14 572 U.S. G. B. 7,455 265 7,720 Scan. Ire. 327 16 343 U.S. Scan. 150 4 154 Scan. Ger. 54 3 57 U.S. B. A. 11,535 1,057 12,592 Scan. G.B. 96 10 106 U.S. O. C. 843 84 927 Scan. Scan. 1,342 5,313 6,655 Ire. U.S. 14,978 187 15,165 Scan. B.A. 253 54 307 Ire. Ire. 247,822 240,015 487,837 Scan. O.C. 18 9 27 Ire. Ger. 182 35 217 B. A. U.S. 11,983 803 12,7S6 Ire. G. B. 4,187 1,205 5,392 B. A. Ire. 4,042 584 4,626 Ire. Scan. 76 4 80 B. A. Ger. 67 15 82 Ire. B. A. 3,840 1,442 5,282 B. A. G.B. 896 608 1,504 Ire. O. C. 272 82 354 B. A. Scan. 13 34 47 Ger. U.S. 2,739 25 2,764 B. A. B.A. 35,266 97,822 133,088 Ger. Ire. 1,354 37 1,391 B. A. O.C. 126 91 217 Ger. Ger. 14,432 16,967 31,399 0. C. U.S. 2,863 142 3,005 Ger. G. B. 617 115 732 O.C. Ire. 1,159 75 1,234 Ger. Scan. 42 10 52 O.C. Ger. 612 59 671 Ger. B. A. 357 96 453 O.C. G.B. 458 169 619 Ger. O. C. 444 54 498 O. C. Scan. 38 9 47 G. B. U.S. 12,413 363 12,776 O.C. B.A. 611 279 890 G. B. Ire. 6,141 1,178 7,319 O.C. O.C. 5,991 13,458 19,449 G. B. Ger. G. B. 1S8 26,246 50 56,023 238 82,269 Totals, G. B. G. B. Beau. 52 67 119 439,341 443,491 882,832 AGES. AGES. The number of persons of each age, in each town and city, from " under 1 " to " 60, " and by quinquennial periods for those over 60 years of age, is given in the following table. We also give a State Recapitulation which presents each year, together with the details of sex, native, foreign and colored. A similar complete showing for each town, city or ward can be supplied by this oflSce. The necessity of economizing in space prevented the printing of these details for towns, cities and wards. 216 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. AGES. CODNTY OF Barnstable. AGES. Barn- Brews- Chat- East- Fal- Har- Mash- Prov- stable. ter. ham. Dennis. ham. mouth. wich. pee. Orleans. ince- town. Under 1, . 67 17 42 58 9 46 41 5 18 93 - 1, 62 17 33 55 8 40 55 3 11 80 2. 75 22 37 57 11 41 47 7 15 85 3, 59 24 37 66 11 33 43 8 23 87 4, 63 22 35 46 7 43 67 7 18 104 5, 78 21 46 61 18 45 62 15 14 97 6, 65 25 32 60 10 42 73 4 16 101 7, 50 23 45 51 11 43 49 10 26 92 8, 58 22 44 60 9 36 68 5 27 90 9, 66 23 50 47 22 32 58 8 IS 83 10, 68 19 39 81 9 48 47 10 10 99 n. 78 19 38 53 17 39 69 9 17 59 12, 65 24 47 64 17 42 75 11 27 74 13, 98 26 66 62 13 36 71 7 27 94 14, 59 17 41 61 14 43 72 12 17 85 15, 70 17 46 57 17 30 73 6 *>} 71 16, 61 17 37 51 20 37 64 3 19 83 17, 70 25 39 50 9 32 58 10 23 74 18, 82 20 37 71 16 35 60 8 26 68 l'.». 83 18 47 72 14 35 54 9 19 73 20, 72 16 35 57 12 43 65 7 20 74 21, 55 16 46 58 8 43 61 5 13 62 2-2, 72 19 39 66 8 45 43 3 17 80 23, 72 24 38 65 11 38 64 9 22 76 24, 75 16 34 54 10 40 46 3 9 70 25, 75 12 28 58 10 43 62 6 21 89 20, 56 13 29 38 6 39 61 2 12 63 27, 52 13 39 46 7 36 42 7 19 87 28, 57 17 31 59 12 38 56 3 17 65 29, 56 11 37 41 9 30 52 4 14 60 30, 62 18 38 42 9 40 46 4 14 120 31, 43 19 27 34 6 30 32 5 21 30 32, 44 11 27 58 15 32 49 3 14 46 33, 59 18 29 49 6 38 47 11 10 61 34, 54 11 33 41 4 26 49 9 20 64 35, . 63 15 32 47 9 45 48 5 17 90 36, , 57 12 31 40 8 31 47 6 14 58 37, . 42 10 30 41 7 31 42 4 19 48 38, 57 13 28 53 10 38 54 8 17 58 39, 45 18 33 32 8 25 46 5 23 44 40, 77 24 26 47 15 45 63 4 17 107 41, 38 6 26 36 6 28 24 _ 11 35 42, 66 12 21 40 13 40 40 7 14 60 43, 42 15 26 46 7 22 48 2 16 54 44, 39 18 19 41 6 30 37 4 14 51 45, 66 21 28 28 4 37 41 3 18 68 46, 57 14 27 34 7 25 34 3 17 36 47, 40 11 18 38 11 28 30 • 1 16 34 48, 48 18 24 39 9 21 44 3 21 43 49, 50 10 26 22 12 24 29 2 19 42 50, 51 15 28 49 9 25 38 4 17 73 51, 27 8 29 42 8 23 22 1 14 34 52, 60 3 16 31 10 24 25 _ 17 32 53, 37 13 23 30 7 26 25 6 13 44 54, 41 12 27 23 6 21 26 2 19 26 55, 47 8 15 26 1 28 33 1 17 45 56, 49 14 20 36 5 19 26 5 16 28 57, 54 11 17 27 3 19 27 3 8 20 58, 45 7 15 30 4 22 26 1 13 30 59, 44 10 23 25 5 16 26 2 13 25 60, 52 10 22 42 7 19 29 1 16 51 61-65, 218 38 70 137 23 104 124 11 74 140 66-70, 184 31 89 109 29 84 105 8 57 100 71-75, 126 47 62 70 25 88 64 • 1 53 74 76-80, 83 34 39 60 12 52 45 3 28 41 81-85, 39 12 16 20 7 27 17 1 16 11 86-90, 8 1 5 10 4 14 7 1 3 3 91-95, 9 1 1 2 _ 2 2 - 5 - 96-100, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 101 and o\ er. 4,242 1,144 - - - - - 346 - - Totals, 2,2.30 3,288 692 2,422 3,265 1,294 4,346 AGES. AGES — Continued. 217 CoDNTT OF Barnstable —Con. CouNTT OF Berkshire. AGES. Sand- Well- Yar- Clarks- wich. Truro. fleet. mouth. Adams. Alford. Becket. Cheshire. burg. Dalton. Under 1, . 65 11 30 43 119 4 18 36 17 44 1, 59 30 24 29 127 4 23 27 16 45 2, 50 17 30 29 146 6 25 34 16 45 3, 60 19 28 34 136 7 18 39 16 50 4, 60 17 34 39 149 9 16 29 21 42 5, . 66 13 32 38 135 6 20 41 18 44 6, 62 19 30 42 148 6 28 34 17 39 7, 59 19 28 32 143 3 28 41 15 46 8, 71 20 34 36 121 7 21 45 19 44 9. 54 20 34 46 113 4 25 23 23 34 10, 69 19 29 36 137 13 33 45 13 47 11, 65 25 29 35 122 9 19 26 19 49 1^, 73 15 23 44 137 5 35 34 24 38 13, 69 20 41 45 113 7 19 24 U 42 1-1, 67 19 45 40 127 3 29 29 23 43 15, 65 26 27 37 136 5 26 21 21 65 16, 55 13 27 25 139 6 18 26 16 45 1", 61 11 29 33 125 6 24 20 24 52 IS, 76 17 36 28 144 6 23 24 17 39 19. 74 15 40 29 127 9 25 33 18 63 20, 63 18 30 26 164 6 20 30 11 57 21, 55 6 27 33 110 2 20 20 9 34 22, 50 12 32 39 138 _ 17 18 12 51 23, 67 17 35 35 103 3 18 31 9 41 24 63 14 33 23 98 3 15 20 8 38 25; 59 15 34 29 91 2 14 20 9 44 26, 40 16 30 33 103 3 17 13 6 38 27, 57 14 33 37 79 4 21 12 9 32 2S 38 14 25 37 68 3 8 26 9 26 2f.; 43 8 23 38 88 3 4 23 9 36 3U, 62 17 36 26 90 6 14 25 10 33 31, 35 11 13 29 34 5 6 18 5 28 32 47 14 18 19 72 3 8 28 7 24 33 35 16 28 35 79 10 11 21 3 24 34 62 14 31 26 61 • 11 8 15 9 20 35 41 20 27 37 98 2 11 22 10 27 36 49 9 16 20 86 4 13 25 11 17 37 49 11 19 27 65 7 8 18 12 21 38 47 19 26 29 64 1 14 17 14 22 39 57 8 21 29 56 9 10 11 8 20 < 66 16 28 43 98 7 14 30 10 29 41, 28 8 20 20 33 1 13 9 6 17 42 45 13 35 25 64 5 7 23 13 14 43 50 12 35 32 51 2 19 11 10 14 44 33 10 22 25 48 2 10 10 4 16 45 52 18 24 28 64 2 13 13 5 27 46 42 5 18 24 54 6 17 8 21 4T 30 9 17 35 48 3 18 11 3 19 4S 48 9 29 24 44 7 15 18 6 16 49 39 12 27 24 38 5 11 18 7 15 so; 46 13 20 34 80 2 11 26 13 33 51, 20 10 25 16 29 6 12 11 1 8 52, 40 20 25 24 37 8 12 13 5 19 53, 28 5 23 21 29 8 6 16 6 7 54, 29 6 19 20 23 3 13 13 4 16 55; 37 10 12 24 36 6 14 19 1 19 56, . 27 9 17 12 30 1 15 17 5 15 57, 22 9 13 22 23 3 11 6 3 11 58, . 38 12 14 16 29 3 11 23 6 16 59; 30 11 19 20 24 6 7 17 2 13 60, . 48 9 20 25 51 3 17 20 3 IS 61-65, 159 39 71 104 95 15 44 59 16 65 66-70, . 112 39 59 87 75 12 37 41 16 48 71-7.5, . 92 36 62 72 60 10 24 24 15 13 76-80, , 65 24 25 44 28 10 17 15 10 15 81-85, 26 11 19 22 15 4 9 9 3 4 86-90, . 11 2 8 3 4 2 5 4 1 4 91-95, . 1 •7 2 _ _ _ 2 _ _ 1 96-100, . _ - - - - - _ - - - 101 and over, . - - - - - - - - - - Totals, . 3,643 1,017 1,875 2,173 5,591 348 1,123 1,-537 724 2,052 218 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. AGES — Continued. ConsTT OF Berk SHIRE — Continued AGES. Egre- Great Han- Hins- Lanes- Monte- Mount naont. Florida. Barring- ton. cock. dale. borough. Lee. Lenox. rey, Wasli- in^ton. Under 1, 15 10 77 11 30 32 97 51 17 2 1, 11 11 83 12 36 31 93 53 8 5 9 18 12 78 10 40 17 79 42 14 5 3! 13 12 86 12 36 39 79 54 17 4 4, 18 10 89 10 41 32 96 50 12 2 s, 16 14 80 13 33 34 1 i 44 13 4 6, 16 6 79 14 40 23 89 48 11 6 7, 10 13 80 11 45 41 79 49 15 3 8, 22 11 94 9 40 26 86 51 12 4 9, 14 11 88 15 35 34 85 41 17 3 10, 7 7 88 8 36 25 78 46 14 4 n. 12 15 86 14 29 39 95 . 47 13 2 I--!, 13 11 86 8 41 21 83 49 17 3 13. 14 13 83 9 38 29 88 44 11 5 14, 21 7 107 10 30 26 79 46 14 4 15, 10 8 77 7 35 24 63 27 11 4 Ifi, 17 8 95 9 31 19 82 42 13 5 i'. 20 7 72 12 23 24 77 36 18 5 IS, 17 13 109 13 28 26 79 43 9 3 19, 18 7 139 17 31 18 81 41 18 5 •20, 18 11 92 14 33 36 84 34 11 3 21, 17 11 93 10 34 14 63 27 11 1 i!2, 16 7 94 10 33 29 70 34 12 7 23, 13 3 87 11 15 11 76 23 16 4 24: 15 3 104 8 24 20 80 35 7 2 25, 19 7 73 8 33 21 64 34 7 3 26, 17 5 63 17 17 13 54 33 7 6 27, 12 5 68 11 20 16 52 26 2 5 28, 13 9 71 14 31 19 56 33 5 2 29. 14 4 76 13 20 13 41 24 5 4 30, 16 13 91 14 32 27 73 44 ^ 5 31, 15 3 61 12 11 5 33 15 2 32, 12 8 52 11 21 18 50 27 9 4 33, 10 4 61 9 21 21 40 34 11 2 34, 14 5 47 9 16 21 62 34 4 1 35, 13 6 67 11 30 14 61 46 6 2 3fl, 9 9 73 3 11 17 48 27 11 2 37, .4 7 . 51 7 22 12 .33 19 5 2 38, 10 5 79 7 28 25 48 21 12 4 39, 14 7 58 7 15 8 41 13 6 _ 40, 11 8 63 6 31 32 78 31 4 3 41, 7 2 28 6 15 11 46 11 8 3 42, 7 5 51 7 17 17 39 24 8 6 43, 8 4 43 5 8 6 30 23 5 2 44, 9 2 55 6 12 12 37 18 8 5 4o, 12 4 53 2 20 9 75 29 10 _ 46, 17 5 33 7 15 8 30 19 4 _ 47, 9 4 40 9 12 10 28 21 4 1 48, 9 3 61 8 10 22 47 22 5 5 49, 6 5 58 5 10 9 42 8 5 1 50, 12 4 69 3 21 24 56 45 13 3 51. 7 1 38 5 9 15 25 10 4 1 52, 14 3 49 9 11 8 43 11 11 2 53, 7 7 44 3 13 10 28 14 2 3 54. 4 2 46 6 8 11 13 13 3 2 55, 10 3 60 11 17 16 41 20 11 1 56, 8 3 43 6 12 11 24 11 2 2 57, 7 3 24 3 14 8 24 5 1 _ 58, 6 2 40 7 9 4 24 10 9 1 59, 10 4 42 5 10 5 18 13 1 1 60, 12 1 50 10 18 18 53 29 7 3 61-65, 36 16 145 27 34 34 124 55 18 7 66-70, 15 10 126 18 36 27 104 48 22 2 71-75, 21 13 81 13 30 19 56 37 21 8 76-80, 18 2 44 16 21 9 43 24 7 2 81-85, 14 4 24 5 13 6 18 2 4 ■^ 86-90, . 3 1 5 4 4 3 9 2 3 2 91-95, 2 - - - - 1 - - - _ 96-100, . i _ 1 - - - - _ _ . 101 and over, . - ~ - - - 1 - 1 - - Totals, 875 459 4,653 642 1,595 1.286 3,939 2,043 635 205 AGES. 219 AGES — Continued. COUNTV OF BKKK SHIRK — Continued AGES. New Xew Xorlh Pitts- Rich- Sandis- .«5h.f- Ashford. Marl- borough. Adams. Otis. Peru. field. mond. field. Savoy fleld. Under 1, . 3 38 237 17 1 273 27 24 16 44 \, 2 48 196 14 • r 271 22 7 19 36 3 37 235 10 310 30 31 17 44 3, 5 36 220 20 10 287 34 . 29 15 50 4, 1 36 239 lo 7 284 25 21 19 50 5, 9 36 225 15 7 304 33 26 15 45 6. 3 47 223 18 6 323 33 ' 17 17 49 ') 7 37 212 23 12 258 24 23 10 55 8, 2 57 215 22 9 252 29 28 20 50 9, 5 40 171 22 7 272 31 20 7 49 10, 1 56 249 15 11 310 27 19 15 48 11, 3 41 216 13 7 235 22 25 18 51 12, 4 41 231 22 5 265 24 16 21 57 13, 4 46 204 14 9 248 17 23 14 46 14, 4 43 207 19 8 281 19 15 15 55 15, 6 27 235 16 8 252 21 21 8 40 16, 4 32 193 7 5 286 13 24 9 .33 IT, 5 43 193 13 11 304 25 22 10 , 36 42 18, 6 39 2:16 13 10 325 19 11 15 19, 1 30 223 13 7 297 23 21 8 31 20, 3 29 257 14 8 326 15 16 11 27 21, 6 31 195 6 6 260 15 21 13 33 22. 5 38 253 16 8 291 19 22- 7 37 23, 4 35 2.58 12 6 267 21 20 8 35 24, 3 34 170 7 3 278 8 11 7 30 25, 2 23 233 12 6 241 18 22 10 28 26, 3 26 162 12 7 246 18 19 13 36 2T, 4 20 164 9 5 186 10 14 11 28 28, 5 29 216 14 4 254 18 10 12 29 29, 1 15 131 10 5 159 13 14 7 21 30, 4 26 234 9 5 282 28 18 10 27 31, 3 20 95 6 1 132 10 10 7 23 32, 3 21 150 11 3 186 15 14 9 38 33, 3 23 lt>4 7 2 141 20 17 7 26 34, 1 16 119 9 3 140 10 7 5 24 30, 2 30 196 8 5 238 21 18 7 27 36, 2 19 1:J3 8 5 151 9 12 13 18 37, 2 17 135 12 4 131 15 13 8 26 3S, 2 24 163 9 " 209 10 15 12 25 39, 4 20 1U4 5 7 133 9 9 15 16 40, 3 31 202 8- 6 317 20 14 9 42 41. 1 14 72 10 1 84 6 10 7 15 42, 1 1« 116 11 2 141 10 10 5 29 43, 3 22 83 7 9 122 15 13 8 19 44, 1 16 89 10 4 111 11 5 8 18 45, 5 21 131 9 1 217 28 13 10 36 46, 2 17 84 6 6 131 8 8 6 25 4V, 2 16 77 5 5 82 10 16 7 28 48, 3 15 102 18 5 131 12 9 11 25 49, 1 21 70 9 3 108 7 14 6 23 50, 5 33 146 14 5 251 17 17 6 36 51, _ 17 29 5 2 84 4 12 7 15 52, 3 24 75 8 5 107 11 7 5 26 53, 2 16 58 6 4 95 7 8 2 19 54, 3 20 54 7 1 101 7 11 10 12 55, 2 16 77 14 4 98 8 10 10 16 56, 2 14 71 8 5 81 4 15 2 25 57, 2 12 43 9 - 67 2 14 7 22 58, 3 18 42 4 _ 71 6 7 5 19 59, 1 10 47 4 _ 70 4 6 5 14 60, 2 24 102 6 6 165 17 20 8 33 61-65, 8 51 218 27 20 294 30 45 27 76 66-70, 1 39 139 22 23 245 41 44 20 69 71-75, 3 34 95 19 19 130 12 28 20 38 76-80, 4 32 52 14 12 116 11 9 13 37 81-85, - 12 27 6 1 34 12 12 5 14 86-90, _ a 10 2 _ 17 2 5 4 8 91-95, . _ 1 1 . 2 3 2 _ 2 96-100, . _ 1 2 _ _ _ _ 101 and over, - - - - - - — • - Totals, . 203 1,876 10,191 785 403 13.364 1,124 1,107 715 2,104 220 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 18S0. AGES — Continued. CousTT OF Bebkshike — Concluded. County of Bristol. AGES. Stock- Tyring- Wash- West Will- Wind- Acush- Attle- Dart- bridge. ham. ington Stock- bridge. iams- town. sor. net. borouijh. Berkley. mouth. Under 1, . 47 6 9 33 63 16 26 264 10 60 1. . 37 12 9 47 70 16 11 221 11 50 2, . 42 16 9 68 70 16 11 250 12 74 3, . 44 8 8 54 65 11 25 237 21 65 4, . 52 15 13 52 80 14 20 280 16 61 5, . 40 13 13 50 64 13 20 223 17 55 6, . 48 10 12 47 69 10 28 216 11 59 ". 49 12 10 53 76 21 16 236 13 62 8, . 44 14 15 46 67 12 17 199 17 55 9, . 46 11 17 38 63 13 25 172 15 47 10, , 45 7 11 53 83 6 19 201 16 53 11, . 34 10 15 52 64 10 13 203 11 67 12. . 41 14 13 52 74 15 27 167 19 61 13, . 38 14 19 38 83 10 27 189 11 52 14, , 42 10 6 23 84 6 17 169 19 65 15, . 37 13 11 43 72 13 18 180 12 63 16, . 45 12 14 33 95 11 18 176 16 61 17, . 51 11 7 29 87 10 21 205 10 63 18, . 52 9 . 9 37 74 6 22 223 9 67 19, . 40 9 11 26 73 11 11 225 19 48 20, . 59 12 6 23 61 8 21 275 19 65 21, . 37 3 8 24 73 13 22 234 4 69 22, . 35 9 4 21 72 8 20 264 14 49 23. . 49 8 4 30 65 12 23 228 11 51 24, . 36 3 10 41 67 15 19 258 15 63 26, . 66 8 6 33 49 13 12 276 14 64 2fi, . 46 6 6 29 40 15 21 226 15 46 27, . 36 7 6 16 47 12 11 aoi 10 50 28, . 48 9 6 23 47 15 19 262 19 48 29, . 22 7 4 19 41 8 13 167 12 33 30, . 47 4 6 27 61 11 17 276 11 56 31, . 23 9 4 19 41 7 12 110 19 29 32, , 38 4 2 33 33 7 9 167 16 42 33. . 32 8 6 21 44 14 12 114 15 40 34. . 26 12 4 23 40 8 8 146 13 47 3.), . 45 10 2 40 54 12 13 220 10 49 C6, . 27 4 3 28 35 3 8 166 17 41 37. 28 4 4 16 37 5 8 114 14 44 38, . 30 6 13 24 40 5 16 185 7 39 39, . 30 9 3 13 42 6 12 118 9 31 40, . 47 8 13 51 70 13 21 199 13 65 41. . n 8 3 14 28 1 10 90 9 34 42, . 30 10 5 22 30 4 15 131 7 42 43. 23 11 5 19 19 10 13 125 6 33 44, 17 2 1 13 28 6 14 108 19 41 45, 44 7 4 43 41 7 18 180 7 41 46, 26 3 1 22 19 9 7 105 15 36 47, 19 3 _ 13 24 3 12 77 7 34 48, 19 4 10 12 34 6 i 11 104 13 40 49. 15 3 6 15 22 6 1 14 75 14 33 60. 42 10 7 37 64 11 11 140 15 42 51, 22 5 1 6 18 3 14 84 12 37 52. 31 8 5 15 17 7 10 98 13 39 53, 21 3 4 12 23 4 9 94 8 31 54. 20 8 3 24 32 2 8 79 13 39 65. 26 12 9 17 29 9 7 110 12 34 56, 15 7 7 16 30 6 1 13 66 10 36 57, 15 2 4 17 25 4 i 4 61 10 38 58, 15 6 4 10 36 10 I 13 58 7 45 59, 11 7 6 11 24 7 6 51 13 32 60, 25 3 10 20 39 8 15 81 17 37 61-65, 80 17 21 47 106 25 58 274 39 174 66-70, 54 15 13 51 84 18 57 219 34 110 71-75, 48' 5 11 25 50 17 30 126 26 104 76-80, 26 7 2 16 32 8 16 77 24 73 81-85, 9 9 _ 8 9 5 1 8 33 6 42 86-90, 4 1 1 4 6 _ 3. 14 7 23 91-95, 2 - - 1 3 _ - 5 1 4 96-100, - - - - - - - 4 - - 101 and over, . - - - - - - - - 1 - Totals, . 2,357 542 493 1,923 3,394 644 1,105 11,111 927 3,430 AGES. 221 AGES — Continued. CocsTT OF Bristol — Continued. AGES. Fair- Fall Free- Mans- New Rayn- Reho- Dighton. Easton. haven. Eiver. town. field. Bedford. Norton. ham. both. Under 1, 33 80 37 1.282 28 66 509 28 30 37 1, 26 70 44 1.070 13 50 449 30 20 32 O 31 83 42 1.192 33 47 502 21 31 31 s! ; 27 88 41 1.060 26 61 461 28 45 33 4. 25 83 45 1.146 27 47 517 29 34 22 6. 36 77 40 1.199 24 69 497 38 29 31 6, 28 94 50 1,093 24 49 496 36 33 39 ". 31 82 47 1,089 28 67 458 24 28 36 8, 38 01 52 942 24 49 449 35 41 28 9. 35 91 47 927 26 61 485 28 34 28 10, 40 88 57 1,033 20 71 463 36 30 33 11. 38 65 41 890 21 43 442 33 38 29 12, 39 81 49 1,097 28 49 528 27 32 41 13, 41 86 46 864 28 45 428 42 36 38 14, 28 81 51 1,265 12 52 523 32 29 41 15. 33 74 49 1.178 21 53 474 30 26 33 16, 33 00 54 1,276 23 42 474 32 34 33 IT, 35 60 46 1.134 20 44 467 33 20 30 ]8. . 41 79 49 1.283 17 60 526 37 34 35 19, . 36 71 30 1.150 12 61 616 34 21 2S 20, , 28 74 52 1,223 22 62 683 36 26 44 21. . 24 75 6T 1,027 15 55 559 26 21 23 40 80 57 1,091 26 51 656 34 37 38 23, . 25 67 45 965 20 47 501 27 33 32 24, . 30 50 40 931 18 41 606 23 17 34 25, . 15 57 43 994 34 42 650 28 32 29 26. . 33 63 62 884 18 44 464 17 19 21 27, . 23 65 36 760 20 36 411 27 21 19 28. . 26 54 34 900 18 32 613 32 32 22 29. . 20 55 34 624 15 41 328 28 33 25 30, . 24 62 46 1,221 22 48 648 24 27 35 31, . 25 48 40 429 17 42 292 10 17 16 32, . 18 57 35 710 16 42 407 31 24 21 33, . 27 48 30 650 19 32 362 20 28 26 34. , 22 41 30 692 11 37 364 18 24 20 So, . 23 72 41 955 16 43 522 23 28 24 36. . 20 41 41 657 16 30 391 21 30 26 37, . 20 38 31 619 15 27 320 21 11 22 38. . 20 58 43 691 17 32 388 28 20 23 39, . 30 64 33 511 18 42 292 13 18 17 40, 32 84 47 1,211 16 51 717 25 34 30 41, . 20 32 30 306 14 28 226 16 20 17 42, 19 56 33 466 17 35 338 23 23 17 43, . 13 54 39 387 11 32 267 14 16 13 44, . 29 42 46 413 16 29 284 15 18 21 45. . 29 59 47 718 13 42 477 25 21 33 46, . 24 34 30 397 10 25 277 24 25 21 47. 18 36 36 338 16 32 265 21 19 17 43. . 20 41 41 429 11 29 274 24 16 m 49, . 20 40 28 315 12 27 224 16 9 60, . 33 57 48 840 30 45 551 18 20 22 61, . 13 26 24 201 12 24 174 17 8 19 52. . 20 2a 32 343 13 22 250 16 16 19 63. . i 14 31 26 282 14 30 224 15 21 23 54, . 17 23 35 267 15 25 221 12 15 17 55, 17 23 31 424 11 26 275 13 22 19 66, . 19 28 37 244 8 24 202 18 17 18 57, 17 23 26 166 9 23 171 15 9 10 68, 15 20 31 229 13 24 200 14 16 11 59. 13 15 23 140 13 21 157 15 8 19 60, 16 46 45 537 19 24 330 25 17 27 61-65, 64 109 132 722 76 83 773 64 64 77 66-70. 67 94 120 676 48 67 581 65 44 88 71-75, 30 63 77 304 39 68 378 38 45 63 76-80. 24 41 48 200 22 34 237 45 14 41 81-85. 16. 20 77 14 15 98 16 13 17 86-90. 4 5 7 22 7 8 46 5 6 8 91-95. 3 1 _ 9 - _ 13 2 3 3 96-100. _ _ 1 3 _ 5 _ _ _ 101 and over, . - - 1 - 2,765 26,845 1,732 - - Totals, • 1 1,791 1 3,902 2,875 48,961 1,329 1,681 1,891 222 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. AGES — Continued. County of. Bristol - - Concluded. County of Dukks. AGES. See- Somer- Swan- Taun- West- Chil- Cottage Edgar- Gay konk. set. sra. ton. port. mark. City, town. Uead. Gosnold. Under 1, 28 36 14 416 64 5 10 7 4 3 1, 23 46 32 374 55 2 12 20 3 2 2 22 42 16 402 57 6 6 18 3 3 3. 30 44 24 416 59 7 21 15 5 2 4, 19 52 <25 425 55 9 11 18 3 2 5. 32 45 22 391 57 6 16 16 1 2 6, 20 35 29 446 67 5 11 13 1 1 Ti 30 35 21 411 43 6 17 19 2 5 8. 19 42 31 386 58 10 9 10 3 2 9. 19 35 17 403 52 5 4 20 2 2 10, 19 45 22 397 58 8 7 12 5 5 11, 24 56 21 370 58 7 4 12 3 2 I'A 24 35 29 392 66 8 12 20 4 2 13. 21 41 15 350 57 8 15 30 2 3 14. 22 40 22 348 70 7 7 20 6 1 15, 18 38 13 394 46 7 13 24 3 1 10, 17 40 26 3S2 67 6 10 15 3 3 17. 13 31 15 3(W 43 18 12 26 7 4 IS. 25 43 26 4(>0 58 13 7 21 5 4 19. 24 41 25 451 49 11 19 23 4 7 20. 20 34 28 484 60 7 6 23 3 2 21, 20 27 21 397 61 10 5 16 3 3 22, 19 31 21 4H5 44 7 16 25 4 5 2:5, 22 28 33 403 43 8 9 22 o 2 24. 21 40 22 449 49 8 11 12 2 2 2>, 19 27 28 403 43 4 11 24 4 4 26, 11 .37 17 411 47 6 12 18 5 1 27, 12 37 14 389 39 7 11 14 2 1 2S, 18 27 9 419 53 6 12 17 4 2 29. 21 25 18 291 39 5 8 24 1 6 30, 21 44 23 493 47 3 16 28 1 2 31, 20 20 15 268 38 11 7 15 _ 2 32, 11 19 18 323 .32 16 9 10 2 2 3:;, 14 23 16 293 26 12 11 12 _ 2 34. 11 29 17 282 22 5 9 16 1 4 3-', 27 38 18 392 41 5 16 21 6 4 3r,, 16 34 14 256 40 3 9 18 3 - 37. 10 27 12 261 24 6 6 17 1 1 38, 10 23 13 287 28 5 10 19 _ - 39, 9 24 15 215 29 3 7 16 2 3 40, 20 48 21 484 47 5 12 26 3 2 41, 11 16 18 181 20 6 6 11 _ 2 42, 17 22 16 258 25 5 10 18 3 2 43, 13 14 19 194 .33 6 7 11 2 3 44. 14 19 21 217 24 _ 11 16 _ 2 4'.. 21 37 10 343 41 10 9 16 1 5 4;, 16 21 11 210 23 7 3 22 2 1 47, 6 17 25 178 40 10 7 17 1 2 _ 48. 10 25 15 211 28 4 6 14 1 - ■ 4y, ▼ 50. 17 25 11 171 27 1 8 9 3 15 24 17 416 43 11 15 37 3 2 51, 12 12 14 149 27 5 10 21 1 1 S2, 17 16 19 192 31 5 8 14 _ 3 53, 5 23 9 155 34 7 7 10 _ _ 54, 10 18 14 1.59 23 6 9 15 _ 1 55. 13 18 13 194 28 7 9 18 3 1 50, 17 9 18 171 34 3 9 19 2 4 57. 7 15 16 105 20 4 7 11 1 _ 58, 9 9 11 136 32 6 8 21 3 1 59. 10 16 6 118 16 7 11 12 _ _ 60, 14 22 11 225 32 2 11 16 3 1 61-65. 45 58 74 5.34 107 21 18 78 5 5 66-70. 45 45 54 4fi3 89 18 22 51 6 5 71-75, 29 25 41 271 68 24 12 48 4 1 76-80, 28 23 28 ISl 43 15 8 17 2 _ 81-85. 18 7 19 78 22 6 3 23 1 1 86-«(), 5 5 5 38 12 2 1 5 _ _ 91-05. . 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 _ _ 96-lUO, - - 1 1 _ _ - - - _ 101 and over, . - - - - - - - - - - Totals, . • 1,227 2,006 1,355 21,213 2.894 494 672 1,303 161 152 AGES. 223 AGES — Continued. Dukes. Cou \'TT OF E SSEX. AGES. Tis- Ames- Ando- Bev- Box- Brad- Dau- George- Glouces- bury. bury. ver. erly. ford. ford. vers. Essex. town, ter. Under 1, . 9 80 83 141 19 55 117 27 35 452 h 6 60 78 136 18 52 123 26 34 408 -» 18 89 84 144 15 44 102 25 41 464 3, 29 63 94 140 16 47 106 25 23 429 4, 18 66 104 140 18 53 114 22 40 417 5, 16 55 87 164 14 48 101 25 46 414 6, 21 81 95 152 14 45 100 21 38 381 7, 19 65 84 160 19 63 110 29 38 45J 8, 13 65 69 139 14 38 108 20 42 411 9, 25 58 89 161 12 44 121 36 31 447 10, 21 74 106 141 16 35 127 30 42 413 n, 19 53 8t 145 10 37 110 33 36 377 12, 31 76 101 172 10 38 113 26 43 377 13, 19 63 84 133 12 47 122 31 36 357 14, 22 61 94 138 15 39 112 37 31 360 lo, 21 58 109 138 11 40 116 21 24 320 16, 27 57 112 147 14 57 113 23 31 346 17, 29 60 117 140 15 73 112 29 41 293 18, 23 69 161 1(50 13 68 122 35 23 394 VJ, 22 57 143 172 14 64 1.51 35 47 372 20, 35 57 136 194 17 61 169 47 49 433 21, 26 68 102 161 15 59 141 35 48 361 22, 19 58 101. 186 21 54 160 34 43 398 23, 22 52 100 156 14 52 135 25 31 424 24, 36 44 111 172 14 37 111 25 40 392 25, 22 51 107 140 18 46 152 27 29 456 26, 24 57 74 142 9 46 129 23 42 3.53 27, 13 56 76 148 11 43 120 26 35 345 28. 30 54 86 163 13 42 137 24 38 393 29, 9 54 62 121 14 57 97 15 31 265 30, . 25 63 105 209 11 53 150 24 29 551 31, . 23 40 48 100 10 36 76 12 29 212 32, . 14 53 45 1.50 14 51 104 17 38 288 33, . 22 47 48 129 6 47 87 15 29 268 34, . 20 40 55 128 11 28 86 18 28 235 35, . 2S 69 78 156 6 55 100 17 29 419 36, . 27 46 60 124 7 35 78 16 37 • 2.52 37, . 20 42 61 100 11 32 88 21 28 237 OOj • 14 41 62 184 8 41 90 21 37 311 39, 15 35 45 97 6 35 78 20 38 243 40. . 46 68 90 177 12 44 131 37 19 443 41, . 15 23 40 82 4 30 76 15 24 166 42, . 26 39 62 125 9 34 91 28 22 245 43, . 10 41 63 109 11 34 82 14 32 187 44, . 27 33 48 90 7 31 51 21 24 164 45, . 17 60 81 127 11 25 113 30 38 284 46, . 13 29 46 81 4 34 76 22 23 171 47, . 21 22 53 96 10 28 73 32 25 1.39 4S, . 17 47 60 76 5 29 75 25 21 202 49, . 19 27 29 70 6 26 64 14 24 148 50, . 33 64 85 130 12 40 101 21 27 304 51, . 15 17 37 60 5 14 36 24 13 123 52, . 17 34 52 81 12 31 62 IS 36 155 53, . 14 27 32 55 6 21 58 22 21 117 54, . 13 24 48 60 7 15 47 20 24 109 55, 18 28 67 79 10 22 54 15 23 125 56, 21 28 35 57 8 17 44 8 27 108 57, . 11 20 36 49 9 17 37 9 9 96 58, . 19 22 43 70 4 19 48 18 15 88 59, . 12 17 27 49 7 15 40 6 17 77 60, 23 42 62 86 9 28 75 20 19 128 61-65, . 60 91 186 261 41 82 215 72 110 385 66-70, . 73 88 147 220 28 39 164 53 82 255 71-75, . 60 65 104 145 31 33 87 61 66 193 76-80, 42 35 70 82 17 24 78 26 37 . 126 81-85, . 15 20 36 48 12 16 22 12 17 48 86-90, . 5 5 10 14 2 7 7 7 6 17 91-95, . 3 2 1 5 _ 1 3 2 - 6 911-100, 1 - 2 1 _ _ _ - - - 101 and over, . 1,518 1 ~ 1 - - - - - - - - Totals, . 3,355 5,169 8,456 824 2,643 6,598 1,670 2,231 19,329 . — . — p 224 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. AGES — Continued. — County of Essex— Continued. AGES. Grove- Hamil- Haver- Law- Lj-nn- Man- Mi^rble- Merri- land. ton. hill. Ipswich. rence. Lynn. fleld. chester. head. mac. Under 1, 42 12 359 35 847 768 11 23 1.30 32 1. 42 19 359 52 712 635 7 21 129 46 9 -» 38 17 333 78 794 741 9 .30 142 29 o 38 13 343 68 800 749 15 28 110 68 4, 44 11 338 54 786 737 10 32 1.53 44 5, 38 15 333 .54 861 727 11 29 127 57 6, 52 16 363 62 739 698 4 30 151 54 "i 39 14 331 58 761 693 18 17 134 31 8. 40 13 308 62 700 630 8 36 133 37 9, 39 10 291 49 654 637 11 26 127 44 10, 40 13 332 68 762 644 13 28 132 39 11, 45 9 241 48 657 625 14 23 128 30 1-2, 44 13 302 57 736 682 11 26 163 40 13, 60 19 257 65 6.32 632 13 24 133 36 u. 41 25 309 60 780 637 9 27 158 .33 15, 51 14 246 40 865 614 8 18 142 33 16, 42 14 307 58 838 626 11 22 124 28 17, 54 18 281 63 839 628 5 24 113 40 18, 46 15 .346 76 972 736 16 30 147 37 19. 44 25 359 61 913 766 14 33 131 45 20, 41 17 415 86 1.086 921 13 31 160 41 01 - ■ » 40 20 323 60 801 866 10 .33 129 38 22, 39 20 486 84 ],0:i4 894 8 24 168 46 23, 43 27 447 64 932 885 8 24 147 45 24. 32 27 445 74 903 8.31 13 32 12G 40 25, 42 22 484 71 957 926 12 22 135 47 26. 27 15 405 67 812 777 15 36 123 33 27. 41 11 321 60 662 694 9 28 122 38 28, 36 26 411 59 882 804 12 33 120 44 29, 43 10 288 45 543 a38 10 18 93 43 30. 40 11 492 77 1,128 1,024 10 27 150 48 31, 19 12 252 46 365 491 7 22 80 33 32, 28 12 362 48 576 639 6 30 128 38 33, 18 11 276 55 471 694 10 27 120 56 34. 23 15 287 55 475 564 7 16 90 40 35, 32 8 3S3 65 948 838 11 27 121 25 36, 29 13 319 43 525 595 7 20 101 34 37, 29 10 250 44 440 514 6 16 122 32 3S. 24 4 314 58 574 647 10 23 102 42 39, 27 9 234 54 344 524 11 22 105 30 40, 38 12 480 67 1,169 934 19 28 163 43 41. 33 9 167 81 272 348 3 19 81 20 42, 27 5 244 52 477 529 9 26 95 26 43, 23 9 215 43 325 411 9 21 85 35 44, 23 8 183 53 322 399 10 14 87 20 45. 39 12 346 61 742 672 11 21 117 31 46, 25 11 172 43 304 383 8 20 91 19 47. 35 8 169 26 242 369 10 22 76 24 48. 22 8 162 50 369 381 16 17 80 27 49. 24 13 144 41 235 317 8 14 71 17 50, 37 17 307 81 768 694 11 33 110 32 51. 19 9 107 26 168 2.54 4 12 47 10 62. 17 11 167 46 282 330 6 18 79 20 53, 18 8 131 23 199 237 8 20 48 18 54, . 26 10 133 32 221 285 6 10 66 13 65. . 22 5 154 33 350 278 8 19 68 17 56, . 16 11 124 39 199 229 4 11 71 15 67. 15 9 85 17 1.32 188 9 10 66 21 58. . 14 5 96 33 175 243 6 11 • 57 19 69. . 13 8 81 27 105 158 5 17 48 16 60, . 21 15 164 44 479 337 7 21 83 23 61-65, . 55 41 382 121 624 790 25 63 224 64 66-70, . 59 34 298 126 429 609 30 61 170 68 71-75, . 37 23 197 101 220 386 23 60 116 35 76-80, . 29 16 146 &4 149 219 11 22 75 20 81-85, . 11 8 62 27 69 81 4 16 27 8 86-90, . 6 4 19 14 29 36 3 4 12 4 91-95, . 1 1 5 4 1 5 1 1 6 - 96-100, . - - - 1 7 1 - 1 - - 101 and over. . - - - - 2 - - - - - Totals, . 2,227 935 18,472 3.699 39,151 .38,274 686 1,640 7,467 2,237 • AC4ES. 225 AGES — Continued. CoCNTT OF Essex — Continued. AGES. Jle- Middle- JTew- New- North Pea- Rock- thuen. ton. Nahant. bury. bury- port. An- dover. body. port. KoTvley. Salem. Under 1, . 92 16 14 18 239 67 232 77 25 510 1, 79 17 13 30 202 69 226 72 26 476 2, 90 18 19 23 263 76 232 95 30 563 3, 84 16 15 30 224 60 186 90 22 517 4, 83 18 16 27 220 86 198 77 24 535 5. 75 21 15 33 263 81 207 92 21 522 6, 81 20 20 27 226 53 195 79 23 490 7. 77 13 10 39 258 59 173 77 18 565 8, 74 23 13 32 209 63 199 84 24 490 "9, 58 19 18 28 247 53 175 83 14 502 10, 85 17 11 25 241 68 193 77 26 522 n. 69 20 9 31 221 47 144 72 13 462 12, 80 16 11 31 252 59 158 90 22 523 13, 59 25 12 24 220 48 177 86 18 474 14. 95 16 11 28 261 68 143 57 18 544 15, 80 14 11 26 226 49 141 47 20 477 16, 86 21 12 23 235 74 134 57 20 445 17, 94 17 14 20 233 68 1Z3 53 17 478 18. 91 21 11 21 270 61 186 74 17 619 19, lOS 18 18 33 255 75 173 62 26 562 20, 100 15 10 35 278 84 207 60 21 614 21. 92 19 18 29 270 62 157 72 19 536 95 24 17 25 292 64 160 59 16 654 23. 82 29 24 36 248 64 175 62 18 564 24. 82 17 15 23 273 66 167 62 19 542 25. 92 22 17 27 284 53 186 73 24 597 26, 72 23 10 26 251 46 163 60 20 505 27. 55 13 19 30 198 61 144 55 21 453 28. 62 13 16 29 222 51 185 63 15 527 29, 67 14 18 27 203 43 110 68 21 371 30, 98 16 34 27 285 72 223 77 30 638 31. 38 8 8 14 115 42 90 36 9 283 32, . 58 18 9 19 172 45 133 66 17 378 33. 56 10 9 28 1.52 32 115 57 15 374 34. 55 8 14 19 1.52 32 120 52 13 309 35, , 75 16 31 21 255 68 218 68 18 517 36, 64 12 9 13 145 46 145 63 14 339 37, 55 10 10 18 128 42 121 55 12 324 38, 59 15 8 24 165 49 148 55 11 393 39, 51 12 16 13 124 36 64 69 10 300 40. 93 12 23 19 291 67 193 67 21 669 41. 42 18 4 18 115 17 66 40 8 226 42. . 52 19 6 24 167 33 96 62 9 347 43, 62 12 8 20 149 29 75 54 14 245 44, 51 11 8 23 1.34 38 88 35 11 224 45, 69 13 14 17 2.39 49 164 60 16 447 46. 51 7 10 13 1,58 38 72 37 18 254 47. 45 11 10 20 149 22 79 44 11 249 48, 45 12 4 17 174 32 86 38 12 321 49, . 38 10 7 22 128 28 51 39 12 209 60, . 78 13 19 20 273 41 171 57 23 668 51, . 32 8 6 13 95 19 61 30 17 174 52. . 39 13 7 17 143 18 78 29 19 232 63, . 45 6 2 18 95 25 63 36 9 183 64, . 36 11 4 11 120 21 66 32 12 158 65, . 49 8 8 9 141 27 112 33 12 301 56, . 42 7 9 19 105 33 54 32 15 191 57, . 39 3 5 12 96 23 44 23 11 152 58, 29 10 4 12 116 25 54 35 15 1.52 59, . 27 4 5 5 104 22 33 16 13 131 60, . 51 9 10 11 185 25 81 47 16 377 61-65, . 107 32 17 39 456 82 219 126 48 722 66-70, . 106 32 16 58 350 74 158 97 42 644 71-75, . 56 17 7 39 269 51 121 80 24 423 76-80, . 36 10 7 34 192 31 71 55 18 297 81-85, . 27 8 2 11 76 10 40 14 8 118 86-90, . 5 4 _ 11 29 4 5 11 3 46 91-95, . 2 _ 1 2 11 1 1 1 _ 16 96-100, . _ _ 1 _ 4 101 and over, . - - - - - - - - - Totals, . 4,392 1,000 808 1,566 13,538 3,217 9,028 3,912 1,201 27,563 22G CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880, AGES — Continued. CoDNTr OF Essex— Concluded. , County oi Franklin. AGES. Salis- Swamp- Tops- Wen- West Ber- Buck- Charle- bury. Saugus. scott. field. ham. Kew- bury. Ashfleld. nard- ston. land. mont. Under 1, . 74 41 42 18 12 30 21 12 35 22 1, 69 44 43 19 6 41 14 11 34 19 2 76 50 35 21 13 27 9 19 33 16 •3," 69 59 47 17 11 34 14 12 45 19 4, 76 47 40 16 13 34 21 17 25 8 5, 80 63 44 18 14 31 19 13 28 12 6, 88 45 39 22 15 38 24 14 42 15 if 72 58 37 15 20 27 20 IS 42 10 8, 72 38 37 19 18 39 14 15 22 13 9, 69 65 36 20 14 29 17 20 36 14 10, 70 42 45 15 21 32 22 17 29 12 11, 5U 45 41 10 18 35 20 11 42 8 12, 69 48 48 20 15 34 21 24 29 10 13, 80 51 42 15 15 34 21 14 43 14 l-l, 68 48 42 16 15 42 12 23 .30 14 15, 61 29 29 20 16 36 =15r=- 20 33 17 16, 66 36 40 14 18 33 16 9 41 W 17, 47 41 36 24 13 41 19 17 30 13 18, 53 41 50 . 33 14 38 12 12 28 21 19, 77 50 50 19 18 56 19 15 36 16 20, 58 44 73 23 16 51 15 20 40 22 21, 79 39 68 21 8 36 19 21 29 18 22. 84 52 51 21 12 47 14 11 34 23 23, 75 52 41 35 11 36 12 17 25 20 2-t, 69 49 61 18 14 40 12 18 34 25 25, 74 63 41 19 17 46 7 14 24 19 2fi, 55 53 51 13 13 22 15 IS 29 15 27, 69 50 85 15 10 29 11 18 20 13 2S, 78 42 70 19 13 34 22 11 34 14 29, 72 25 37 16 11 23 12 6 22 IS 30, 73 56 56 22 12 29 12 18 32 18 31, 62 20 29 14 12 14 10 9 23 18 32, 51 62 35 12 12 17 9 9 23 9 33, 54 37 49 11 13 24 21 7 23 14 34, 68 37 43 16 11 14 9 9 19 14 35, 65 63 40 22 14 30 14 11 24 15 36, 69 38 39 17 IS 18 9 15 24 6 37, 58 22 41 15 12 20 12 5 15 10 38, 44 35 36 14 10 17 13 21 16 4 39, 62 27 36 14 13 20 19 6 16 4 40, 83 51 62 25 12 28 9 17 21 9 41, 38 18 22 15 10 16 13 7 20 11 42, 49 35 29 8 13 19 17 12 24 10 43, 41 32 32 17 13 26 7 8 18 8 44, 40 27 21 15 18 18 11 8 17 11 45, 45 39 49 21 11 36 17 12 29 7 46. . 45 29 32 9 13 20 11 10 20 9 47, 46 29 28 10 9 25 8 n 23 8 48, 36 26 27 16 9 24 13 12 22 13 49, 39 13 26 12 6 15 9 9 16 13 50, 74 39 37 21 8 38 15 12 25 10 61, 31 18 14 12 10 21 14 6 12 10 52, 38 27 23 8 9 20 11 11 25 11 53, 43 24 21 11 16 21 15 12 16 9 64, 26 33 26 10 10 21 8 8 15 8 55, 31 26 14 9 4 36 17 7 25 14 56, 25 27 24 15 6 19 8 11 13 16 57, 33 19 21 8 5 13 13 12 13 17 58, 32 24 23 10 11 21 14 10 12 8 59, 27 16 21 5 10 19 6 9 13 8 60, 36 25 21 13 5 17 19 17 17 11 61-65, 158 88 76 57 39 71 62 42 53 33 66-70, 147 64 43 42 41 66 44 42 32 30 71-75, 102 44 27 45 22 45 31 23 ' 32 36 76-80, 55 36 16 12 21 26 31 16 17 14 81-85, 29 14 6 6 6 20 15 11 16 11 86-90, 15 5 1 3 1 8 5 2 3 2 91-95, 1 _ _ 1 _ 2 _ _ 1 1 96-100, _ - - 1 _ - - - - - 101 and over, . j - - - - - - - - - Totals, . 4,079 2,625 2,500 1,165 889 1,989 1,066 934 1,739 932 n AGES. 227 AGES— Continued. County of Franklin — Continued. AGES. Con- Deer- Green- Lev- Colrain. way. fleld. Erving. Gill. field. Hawley. Heatti. erett. Leyden. Under 1, 36 30 56 29 19 65 4 15 15 7 1, . 34 25 70 19 16 73 11 7 12 4 2, . 37 34 71 14 8 74 10 13 14 9 3, . 39 37 64 23 13 72 8 13 11 11 4, . 35 37 62 17 18 69 12 13 12 12 5, . 42 28 88 24 13 82 9 12 13 15 6, . 44 35 75 17 13 84 10 11 10 11 7, 33 30 74 21 21 82 17 12 12 11 8, . 28 26 66 17 11 77 12 12 18 13 9, . 33 37 75 15 12 78 15 1 14 11 10, . 44 26 ' 59 17 14 73 10 13 6 16 n, . 25 31 69 21 8 56 19 8 15 8 12, . 43 32 65 13 17 67 16 11 7 7 13, 37 28 66 16 11 57 22 12 8 12 14, . 36 32 65 11 13 72 15 9 13 8 15, . 35__ -65 -11 ja- - 65 66 12 _ 6 12 6 16 13 16, ^ 40 ^ 28 60 10 " il 14 17, 38 31 62 8 16 73 4 12 11 8 18, . 45 36 70 18 11 72 9 6 5 14 19, . 46 36 59 16 13 80 14 9 13 15 20, 30 33 64 13 16 84 9 10 20 7 21, 37 37 74 11 9 72 7 10 12 10 2-2, 35 51 75 15 11 67 7 10 8 7 2?, 30 40 60 17 7 59 11 9 7 8 24, 30 32 49 20 14 63 9 5 7 4 25, 27 48 86 15 8 76 6 8 8 3 2ti, 24 24 43 23 6 69 5 9 11 3 27, 31 22 63 28 11 57 4 8 9 6 2S, 14 42 63 23 10 66 6 5 10 9 29, 29 25 45 15 12 56 6 5 12 2 30, 24 45 83 17 19 93 8 4 12 3 31, 17 11 43 11 5 44 5 7 8 6 32, 21 23 56 10 10 68 4 12 11 8 33, 19 21 51 18 10 70 7 6 8 5 34, 15 . 20 56 13 13 60 7 3 16 5 35, 13 38 59 14 13 89 6 7 12 5 36, 24 16 50 13 6 47 9 7 16 37, 19 16 37 14 5 48 6 13 9 6 38, 24 26 46 17 10 55 7 11 7 8 39, 23 22 35 n 9 49 6 7 9 6 40, 26 55 87 15 16 83 9 6 15 6 41, 14 23 27 6 8 33 8 8 5 8 42, 23 20 37 9 12 49 6 8 13 2 43, 18 15 28 14 5 49 8 10 7 6 44, 21 14 25 13 10 39 9 2 6 6 45, 15 25 85 11 6 76 11 7 8 3 46, 30 16 23 8 7 31 6 6 5 6 47, 14 12 36 7 5 28 9 5 6 4 48, 23 16 28 5 2 37 6 11 8 3 49, 13 16 35 1 4 26 7 6 9 2 50, 17 26 81 13 13 59 5 6 14 10 51. 20 16 25 4 1 42 2 10 5 3 52, IS 12 34 9 6 36 3 3 9 4 53, 10 8 26 8 9 21 3 5 11 5 64, 11 14 24 6 8 31 3 1 6 5 55, 16 16 34 4 8 43 7 5 9 4 66, 11 16 25 7 7 8--' 6 6 5 2 57, 9 8 24 4 8 20 3 4 6 2 58, 13 14 24 6 5 38 5 3 5 - 59, 9 9 19 1 6 17 6 9 5 4 60, 11 14 47 9 9 45 7 3 6 61-65, — 67 ~ 57 94 22 37 121 25 . 15 46 23 66-70, 46 45 83 14 29 78 17 16 35 27 71-75, 35 33 ■ 50 11 16 66 20 19 31 16 76-80, 30 19 39 7 14 38 9 6 12 11 81-85, 14 13 15 3 3 25 7 8 4 7 86-90, 6 3 7 _ 3 9 3 2 6 1 91-95, 1 3 2 _ 1 1 1 1 2 - 96-10(1, - - - - - - - - - - 101 and over, . - - - - - 1 - - - — Totals, . 1,777 1,760 3,-543 872 733 3,903 592 560 742 507 228 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. AGES— Continued. County OF Fkak KLIN — Con I'inued. AGES. Monta- New North- Shel- Shutes- Sunder- War- Monroe. gue. Salem. field. Orange. Kowe. burne. bury. land. wick. Under 1, . 2 135 10 21 64 8 27 12 10 11 1. 6 111 13 26 64 8 21 14 18 15 2, 1 117 15 24 53 10 23 7 13 7 3, 4 121 11 28 66 11 22 8 12 16 *, - 130 12 30 71 11 22 10 14 18 5. 3 114 19 26 60 7 21 15 10 17 6. 2 134 13 32 66 11 27 9 16 9 "i, 9 84 16 33 41 11 25 8 15 10 8, 5 121 13 28 57 10 28 11 13 13 9. 6 94 15 20 56 8 31 12 10 18 10, 2 112 13 30 67 12 29 8 17 13 11. 7 97 10 33 42 9 26 14 14 14 12. 7 107 17 29 48 11 31 11 19 10 13, 2 89 12 25 41 11 23 15 9 9 14, 8 87 9 37 39 13 22 8 12 10 15. 4 „ 82 10 32 48 12 23 7 18 10 16, 6 lOS 13 34 37 18 34 9 11 11 17, 2 88 14 35 46 7 27 10 13 5 18, 1 103 10 24 61 4 32 8 20 8 19, 2 103 17 28 62 13 37 8 15 13 20, - 109 15 25 77 9 39 4 15 11 21, 5 70 14 35 63 7 31 8 21 9 22, 3 113 6 27 65 4 32 8 15 10 23. 2 121 11 18 72 6 50 2 11 7 24, - 88 14 21 67 5 36 5 9 12 25, 1 111 12 18 62 9 18 8 12 12 26. 1 82 14 34 54 12 33 7 7 8 27. 3 92 14 16 73 6 23 12 12 11 28. 3 86 7 18 72 7 29 7 13 7 29. 1 76 7 10 55 4 12 4 4 11 30, - 98 12 31 63 8 33 6 4 11 31, 1 75 8 14 53 7 19 7 4 8 32, 2 65 10 15 55 2 20 5 9 11 S3, 1 80 9 16 52 4 22 7 13 11 34, 1 73 12 16 42 6 19 6 6 13 35, 2 83 14 22 48 4 27 8 14 7 36, 4 77 10 23 54 7 28 11 8 13 37, 3 66 10 17 45 6 24 6 13 9 38, 4 49 7 23 40 3 21 _ 4 10 39, 1 45 6 9 53 7 18 6 6 8 40, 2 97 8 27 47 5 30 8 17 8 41. 1 45 8 10 44 7 24 5 4 3 42, 3 43 10 28 49 4 20 9 10 16 43, 5 36 8 14 38 4 15 6 5 8 44. 1 53 16 15 37 5 24 7 10 4 45, 4 52 9 26 38 1 22 7 9 9 46. _ 26 9 19 33 4 20 4 11 5 47. 4 24 12 17 26 4 18 2 5 8 48. 1 57 10 20 30 2 17 3 4 11 49, 3 31 12 16 22 4 12 3 10 11 50. 1 65 14 38 39 10 21 6 8 14 61, . 1 20 18 12 22 4 16 1 8 8 52. 3 14 12 12 29 3 21 4 7 6 53, 2 28 7 14 20 7 12 6 10 7 64, 1 34 14 17 18 6 10 5 4 6 55. 1 39 4 24 21 4 9 7 12 7 66, 2 27 12 19 25 6 14 10 10 8 57. _ 22 . 8 6 24 3 26 6 3 4 68, 1 24 22 19 23 _ 12 6 11 4 59, 1 13 7 17 16 3 6 5 10 9 60. . 2 47 12 26 34 11 19 8 5 5 61-65, 2 95 50 64 105 20 58 22 38 37 66-70, 4 75 46 64 73 22 51 28 22 29 71-75. 2 46 29 50 58 16 33 17 17 33 76-80, 1 34 21 24 38 11 21 10 17 12 81-85, 1 14 14 17 13 2 16 2 5 5 86-90, - 12 3 4 _ _ 8 1 2 1 91-95, _ 1 _ 1 3 _ 1 _ 1 1 96-100, - - - - - _ - - 1 - 101 and over, . - - - - - - - - - - Totals, 166 4,875 869 1,603 3,169 502 1,621 529 755 713 AGES. 229 AGES — Continued. Fhanklin— Con. CODSTT OF Hampdej AGES. Wen- Whate- Aga- Bland- Brim- Chic- Gran- Hamp- dell. ly- wam. ford. field. Chester. opee. ville. den. Holland. Under 1, . t 25 54 21 26 31 241 . 26 15 8 1, . 5 17 37 13 19 26 240 10 IS 2 2, . 8 23 42 20 18 27 202 17 14 7 3, . 10 14 58 18 23 35 250 31 17 4 4, . 12 30 57 25 20 38 249 21 17 7 5, . 5 25 55 14 22 36 249 26 13 7 6, . 8 25 46 22 16 24 261 23 17 7 7, . 10 19 62 26 21 33 248 25 17 6 8, . 9 17 36 22 21 32 222 22 14 7 9, . 8 19 32 14 25 10 246 26 18 9 10, . . 8 30 41 25 17 33 220 18 14 5 :i, . 7 23 35 15 17 25 208 30 20 5 12, . 8 17 43 19 22 38 256 19 15 4 13, . 12 24 46 20 27 31 243 29 26 5 14, . 5 20 35 27 17 25 272 25 18 6 In, . 5 20 49 20 15 23 2t>5 24 21 8 • 16, . 5 25 32 23 20 29 289 22 14 6 17, . 5 19 46 14 28 23 284 24 17 8 18, . 5 19 38 21 20 34 298 17 20 3 19, . 3 .20 ♦ 20 38 15 24 14 281 22 26 5 20, . . 6 48 15 23 17 290 20 31 5 21, . 6 19 34 14 28 24 192 23 16 3 22, . 1 11 44 20 21 24 270 24 12 5 23, . 2 13 34 14 18 24 192 19 13 5 24, . 11 8 41 15 27 25 234 15 19 7 25, . 3 20 38 11 13 12 208 21 15 7 ^ 26, , 8 10 33 10 21 28 203 14 17 3 1 27, . 6 21 33 12 14 31 143 7 15 5 j8 28, . T i 16 36 6 17 31 188 23 16 4 11 29, . . 11 15 36 9 19 36 108 7 13 5 15 30, . . 9 31 44 12 24 28 218 16 10 4 15 31, . 5 11 31 6 16 15 114 15 8 1 11 32, . 14 16 24 15 13 32 122 19 11 2 13 33, . 9 12 33 4 12 22 125 12 11 4 16 34, . 9 16 17 11 19 22 123 15 7 3 17 35, . . 5 11 38 10 12 23 179 11 19 7 8 36, . . 7 12 26 18 11 15 110 9 13 2 9 37, . 4 16 29 19 12 16 90 14 19 _ •> Z% . . i 16 22 1 12 23 127 16 16 1 39, . 5 8 22 8 14 19 107 14 11 3 40, . . 6 i 26 38 13 12 23 254 12 22 1 41, . 9 11 11 9 15 81 10 10 ^ 42, . 3 16 21 11 18 16 116 15 12 2 43, . . 4 11 19 16 9 19 94 14 9 6 44, . 7 8 16 5 9 10 108 12 10 _ 45, . 5 19 29 14 11 15 244 25 17 2 46, . 3 14 16 10 8 16 91 19 3 2 47. . 5 11 18 5 14 6 78 15 8 1 48, . 6 8 16 12 10 10 138 15 5 4 49, . 6 10 25 5 14 11 70 12 14 6 50, . . 6 19 36 9 19 21 221 15 15 5 51, . 6 8 10 5 14 8 53 6 5 3 52, . 5 8 29 13 12 12 89 11 5 4 53, . 3 9 13 12 15 10 62 13 6 5 54, . 4 11 15 6 15 22 69 9 7 4 55, . 1 7 34 15 14 10 100 9 15 5 56, . 5 11 19 30 11 11 73 9 4 3 57, . . 5 5 17 9 12 8 43 8 6 7 58, . . 3 7 25 18 13 •10 64 8 6 3 59, . . 6 7 16 7 14 9 37 7 5 1 60, . . 2 18 37 5 16 20 147 14 13 3 61-65, . 26 26 60 42 a 57 238 49 35 10 66-70, . 23 27 65 36 49 40 219 42 31 9 71-75, 17 19 39 22 39 31 87 42 32 11 76-80, . 13 15 27 16 17 16 82 24 16 5 81-85, . 5 9 13 10 14 6 28 9 4 4 86-90, . 2 3 5 6 3 2 9 7 - _ 91-95, . 1 _ 1 1 2 3 3 1 _ 1 96-100, . - _ 1 _ 1 1 _ _ - _ 101 and over, . - - - - 1 1 1 2 - - Totals, . 465 1,074 2,216 979 1,203 1,473 11,286 1,205 958 302 280 CEJ^SUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. AGES — Continued. COUNTT OF Hampdkn — ConlVnued. AGES, Hol- Long- Mont- South- Spring- j-oke. mead- ow. Ludlow. Monson. gomery. Palmer. Russell. wick. field. Tolland. Under 1, , 611 24 28 57 6 136 19 18 723 11 1, 462 21 20 59 3 83 17 15 610 10 2, 513 27 21 59 6 1.39 16 19 604 7 3, 517 16 35 78 6 111 15 22 677 10 4, 496 24 31 81 4 118 15 20 681 14 5. 523 17 32 80 6 130 25 19 7.50 6 6, 459 31 32 80 7 117 17 25 035 4 ". 453 27 36 96 4 99 19 27 634 6 8, 417 25 39 92 6 138 16 26 .590 13 9, 396 24 33 107 5 102 17 17 683 7 10, 452 18 28 115 6 111 14 21 58 J 9 11. 381 26 27 112 4 96 13 24 .540 9 I--!, 430 31 35 101 7 127 12 17 581 7 13, 377 17 30 85 4 106 14 19 578 10 1-i, 549 36 35 87 4 134 12 26 5.")0 9 15, 644 26 36 79 10 118 17 17 573 11 16, 581 18 40 62 4 126 27 13 .599 11 IV, 555 21 35 59 9 110 19 14 546 7 18, 622 27 53 83 7 146 16 25 670 6 19, 587 30 29 65 5 133 f 16 6T1 4 20, 676 19 30 81 1 112 14 723 5 21, 516 30 28 74 6 111 14 18 655 5 22. 569 ■ 36 43 78 2 128 18 18 765 12 23, 627 16 18 80 4 117 15 15 666 9 24, 527 25 26 70 8 117 15 16 675 10 25, 530 25 14 65 2 104 17 19 712 12 20, 446 18 18 56 7 90 11 14 585 8 27, 4ii0 10 22 48 6 95 11 15 678 7 28, 463 22 18 65 1 114 12 18 692 8 29, 304 13 17 49 5 54 12 11 484 3 SO, 584 26 21 68 5 115 14 14 843 11 31, 176 16 18 37 6 37 6 10 398 2 32, 3U4 23 25 36 4 63 12 18 555 9 33, 258 18 14 • 44 2 61 4 9 498 1 34, 283 19 22 38 6 75 9 6 453 4 35, 435 15 24 61 8 81 15 15 726 7 30, 255 11 21 44 2 74 7 14 503 2 3T, 236 10 15 48 2 48 7 10 452 2 38, . 287 16 16 44 6 .59 10 13 643 5 39, 180 14 14 37 1 42 13 11 406 7 40, 522 21 34 64 2 98 17 4 28 765 9 41, 134 19 10 39 1 45 8 11 289 4 42, 223 21 11 43 4 49 7 17 3S2 5 43, 158 18 16 35 2 46 13 14 326 7 44, 152 12 22 37 3 65 5 8 340 5 45, 302 20 26 56 2 83 15 14 602 6 46, . 147 12 16 37 5 48 13 16 3.35 1 47, 118 15 15 29 1 44 7 10 301 2 48, . 180 24 16 31 4 74 8 9 358 3 49, . 122 18 17 31 4 46 7 10 311 5 50, . 323 30 18 47 5 86 11 24 564 6 61, . 98 6 10 34 4 25 5 8 214 6 52, . 129 16 15 22 1 49 5 15 279 5 53, 104 23 14 29 1 39 7 11 258 3 54, . 105 12 10 20 4 45 7 8 270 g 55. 155 18 12 40 1 50 7 11 310 4 66, , 93 18 16 19 3 24 8 10 240 3 57, . 60 13 13 16 7 23 3 10 177 4 58, . 76 16 • 17 23 4 29 5 9 181 4 59, 40 6 15 21 8 18 11 9 102 2 60, . 207 17 7 33 6 65 5 10 350 5 61-65, . 251 50 42 99 10 148 17 43 781 13 66-70, . 138 48 21 84 7 108 16 49 661 20 71-75, 76 36 23 70 9 77 18 34 310 13 76-80, . 70 27 15 34 9 39 10 21 193 6 81-85, . 21 14 12 27 2 13 1 15 75 2 86-90, . 11 4 3 6 _ 7 _ 2 43 1 91-95, . 3 _ _ 2 _ 3 1 « 7 96-100, . 4 _ 1 _ _ 1 _ _ 2 _ 101 and over, . - - 1 - - - - - 1 - Totals, . 21,915 1,401 1,526 3,758 303 5.504 823 1,104 33,340 4.32 AGES. 231 AGES — Continued. CocKTT OF Hampden — -Con. COUNTT OF Hampshire. AGES. West- West Wllbra- Am- Belclier- Chester- Cum- 1 East- Wales. field. Spring- field. ham. herst. town. field. mington hamp- ton. Enfleld. Under 1, . 15 149 112 21 59 47 18 13 83 20 1, . 29 137 93 28 56 34 15 18 66 15 2, 21 137 104 25 72 37 16 17 67 17 3, . 27 133 102 28 57 43 11 11 81 13 4, 20 135 102 23 61 46 16 23 70 20 6, . 27 137 92 27 71 57 10 12 86 9 6, 19 153 115 31 84 48 15 17 89 20 7, 23 138 83 30 62 59 17 17 88 18 8, . IS 143 94 23 59 45 12 14 79 25 9, . 18 135 78 28 71 58 17 13 73 15 10, 20 141 87 28 65 53 12 15 86 23 11, 17 141 67 23 69 56 8 22 83 16 1-i. 21 .137 83 37 86 44 15 20 85 19 13, 19 153 66 20 83 43 21 17 97 16 1i, . 18 131 62 39 69 57 11 20 73 14 lo, 15 128 76 28" 72 37 11 13 102 16 16, 13 134 61 43 76 36 13 11 102 23 IV, 15 130 59 74 98 44 11 11 113 12 18, 19 158 77 55 94 35 8 14 121 19 19, 22 158 77 40 146 32 17 13 122 24 2o; 23 139 81 41 171 37 10 14 104 15 21, 28 139 83 35 114 30 15 12 88 17 22, 14 138 80 46 117 45 11 17 loa 27 23, 21 152 76 31 98 33 10 13 93 15 24, 20 129 64 30 79 30 19 10 96 17 25, . 20 136 79 40 73 17 12 17 88 16 26, 20 130 78 22 69 30 12 14 85 14 27, 11 121 73 23 71 20 3 14 61 18 28 16 123 96 18 49 29 13 14 58 11 29, . 12 103 65 15 44 27 15 14 63 15 30, 26 151 90 31 82 37 13 12 71 15 31, 12 7S 39 13 26 17 5 4 38 11 32, , 8 110 52 18 53 24 8 12 52 13 33, 12 i 99 73 13 58 27 11 9 64 16 31. . 14 1 108 72 11 48 32 6 4 45 17 35, 12 ! 134 84 34 61 30 4 18 72 8 36, 1 14 153 69 27 52 28 16 16 45 19 37, 1 12 93 52 15 47 22 12 10 46 15 38, 1 17 114 59 22 53 35 18 7 43 15 39, 7 ; lUO 34 9 44 29 9 9 35 12 40, 12 144 91 29 83 53 9 11 69 16 41, 13 90 33 12 37 17 8 8 34 9 42, 10 90 45 10 ' 48 24 10 16 47 17 43, 14 102 39 14 i 41 26 6 6 55 8 44. 10 96 33 19 1 41 20 4 12 43 10 45, 15 100 50 22 55 36 6 16 65 14 46, 8 91 40 14 46 28 9 8 34 11 47. 10 83 32 17 32 16 15 7 35 11 48, 9 96 48 9 46 21 3 13 38 9 49, 9 63 31 6 44 28 11 11 39 19 60. 20 114 64 24 57 45 10 12 70 19 51, . 10 77 11 8 33 21 7 6 39 7 52, . 9 69 31 12 47 26 7 12 35 10 63, 4 65 27 14 43 22 9 8 42 10 54, 11 70 34 13 43 15 3 13 29 10 55, 7 66 41 19 33 27 6 8 39 14 56, 8 52 31 18 32 24 9 9 36 13 57, 5 62 28 9 37 24 6 9 27 13 58, 7 55 26 15 41 17 10 6 28 8 59, 10 51 19 10 30 22 6 8 17 6 60, 15 76 44 23 50 39 17 n 37 9 61-65, 32 241 90 50 160 97 34 43 81 33 66-70, 27 172 73 55 125 76 20 25 69 44 71-75, 22 103 41 28 81 67 17 22 47 36 76-80, 10 59 32 19 62 36 20 22 29 11 81-85, 5 29 18 10 26 12 6 5 12 12 86-90, 3 19 3 3 4 12 4 3 6 5 91-95, - 3 4 1 2 4 i _ _ 1 96-100, - 1 1 _ _ 1 . _ _ _ 101 and over, . - - - - - - - - - - Totals, • 1,030 1 7,587 4,149 1,628 4,298 2,346 769 881 4,206 1,043 232 CENSUS or MASSACHUSETTS — 18S0. AGES — Continued. COUXTT OF Hampshike — Continued . AGES. Green- Hunt- Middle- North- Plaln- Goshen. Oranby. wich. Hadley. Hatfield. ington. field. ampton Pelham. fleld. Under 1, . 3 9 10 40 28 24 10 233 8 9 1, 5 15 8 39 35 23 19 200 10 6 2. 6 14 11 38 38 30 10 238 13 5 3, 3 8 14 42 26 30 11 213 9 9 4, 8 15 7 45 40 32 16 242 13 5 6, 6 11 11 43 21 21 12 219 13 6 6, 3 16 10 37 47 26 16 239 13 6 '. 9 21 14 58 49 22 18 197 12 2 8. 8 11 16 48 41 16 9 251 14 4 9. 4 14 11 44 35 17 15 225 8 6 10, 6 16 14 43 31 25 18 233 13 10 11, 10 18 12 41 33 18 11 242 14 7 l--i. 8 15 11 31 28 15 14 254 9 8 13, 10 10 9 49 32 22 14 216 10 4 14, 6 11 6 37 27 27 22 238 14 7 15, 4 13 7 27 25 20 19 234 10 3 16, 6 7 2 37 16 19 10 217 14 5 17, 6 15 6 29 27 17 20 240 9 6 18, 8 15 9 29 24 30 14 322 10 6 19, 4 8 6 34 29 22 20 .347 11 9 20, 8 12 9 31 24 40 11 333 11 10 21, 7 13 11 18 29 15 12 238 11 6 22, 6 10 10 30 23 28 10 252 9 4 2a, , 6 13 6 23 26 22 14 275 8 7 24, 4 7 8 27 24 27 6 248 12 25, 4 14 6 23 21 18 14 219 11 4 26, 1 7 9 19 18 23 2 208 5 1 27, 6 3 12 21 18 11 11 167 9 6 28, 6 12 10 32 25 25 8 206 3 3 29, . 5 14 12 16 18 8 10 167 11 5 30, 2 10 6 31 35 19 11 241 6 5 31, 3 7 8 20 16 12 5 119 5 2 32, 4 6 8 23 15 18 10 158 9 3 33, 3 11 4 16 22 16 8 136 9 8 34, . 2 4 6 28 17 14 6 162 7 8 35, 2 9 13 28 34 12 9 255 5 6 36, 3 16 6 26 18 13 8 155 8 4 37, 5 9 8 22 19 15 6 161 5 4 38, . 3 3 8 23 24 12 10 192 7 3 39, 2 » 9 7 17 21 14 5 114 9 8 40, . 6 14 16 39 42 23 10 289 11 11 41, . 2 10 3 18 14 11 5 90 7 5 42, . 5 9 16 25 12 15 5 147 4 3 43, . 5 11 8 21 14 18 3 119 7 7 44, . 1 12 5 20 13 8 5 117 4 4 45, . 3 9 5 29 33 21 9 216 9 12 46, . 2 6 5 22 12 5 3 109 6 5 47, . 5 10 8 17 13 16 2 109 6 4 48, . 3 7 7 15 10 20 7 108 6 7 49, , 1 7 6 22 7 5 8 88 3 7 60, . 6 16 7 40 17 19 11 224 10 4 51, . 1 4 8 20 9 9 6 63 13 3 52, . 4 7 2 23 17 16 2 92 6 4 53, . 2 5 9 19 16 11 7 90 4 1 54, . 2 6 2 14 7 14 10 88 4 4 55, 3 10 9 23 15 8 3 114 6 5 56, . 5 9 11 23 13 11 6 106 11 4 57, . 2 5 7 12 3 7 8 79 3 9 58, . 3 12 12 20 8 9 3 86 10 5 69, . 6 10 6 8 7 9 - 56 5 9 60, 5 10 10 28 13 20 9 146 4 9 61-65, . 21 30 33 68 48 52 26 281 29 20 66-70, . 11 36 26 64 29 36 6 234 23 28 71-75, . 10 24 24 41 24 28 5 140 17 27 76-80, , 4 14 14 26 16 17 8 92 11 17 81-85, . 7 8 9 10 2 5 7 51 7 10 86-90, . 1 4 6 1 5 - 24 1 6 91-95, . _ _ 1 _ - - - 6 - 2 96-100, . _ - - - - - - 2 - - 101 and over, . - - - - 1 - - - - — Totals, . 327 753 633 1,938 1,495 1,236 &48 12,172 614 457 AGES. 233 AGES — Continnefl. CocsTT OF Hampshire — Concluded. ConsTY OF Middlesex. AGES. South South- West- Will- Worth - Arling- ! Prescott. Hadley. ampton. Ware. hamp- ton. jams- burg. iiigton. Acton. ton. Ashby. Under 1, 3 82 14 87 8 55 9 33 93 9 1, 5 72 14 79 7 57 13 31 94 10 2, 5 60 19 81 13 46 14 32 l>il 8 3. 9 77 25 94 9 53 12 28 92 16 4, 6 84 17 102 11 44 16 37 101 7 0, 9 74 25 81 10 38 12 42 77 14 6, 9 72 15 91 18 48 13 . 31 78 18 7, 9 68 ]6 83 12 48 12 24 79 16 8. 11 74 20 68 13 48 12 27 78 15 9. 12 94 25 71 14 40 12 27 81 18 lu, 6 70 26 110 13 53 14 31 92 15 11. 12 67 15 96 13 34 14 27 83 19 1-2. 10 75 22 106 13 42 14 34 76 15 13, 10 72 19 107 11 52 18 24 72 22 14, 9 81 19 102 14 40 8 37 66 12 15, 8 82 24 137 12 50 14 30 67 14 16, 8 83 19 135 15 40 8 26 67 15 17, 8 69 10 117 10 43 11 31 71 16 18, 4 88 21 115 13 56 10 22 65 16 19, 9 79 14 115 11 59 12 39 83 14 20, 8 79 9 140 11 49 16 36 71 12 21, 4 69 16 93 7 43 15 26 82 23 22, 1 87 12 115 14 47 17 31 77 10 23. 5 81 19 105 10 30 18 35 82 11 24, 6 63 15 105 11 38 14 34 97 7 25. 3 62 17 104 8 45 7 35 92 10 26, 3 48 13 86 4 46 2 35 91 10 27, 11 48 17 75 4 31 10 23 59 12 28, . 8 51 19 76 1 24 10 25 70 8 29, 2 39 13 61 12 21 11 28 54 14 3u, 2 51 17 97 4 36 9 37 84 13 31, 2 36 12 27 4 24 12 26 38 9 32, 6 38 9 64 4 22 11 31 79 10 33, . 6 48 15 39 6 28 13 24 50 8 34, 5 36 10 44 7 28 17 26 44 7 35, 6 63 18 71 7 30 7 40 88 10 36, . 9 44 9 52 24 15 26 54 7 37, 8 54 10 50 8 26 10 19 56 13 38, . 13 37 15 40 5 21 8 28 54 20 39, , 7 40 8 34 6 28 4 13 35 11 40, . 5 64 14 100 11 31 8 27 94 18 4T, . 7 29 12 29 6 21 6 20 33 6 - 42, . 4 47 16 61 4 35 8 28 40 10 43, . 5 22 8 29 5 21 5 23 29 15 44, . 2 29 7 45 3 33 5 23 52 9 45, . 4 49 10 72 7 33 10 26 77 6 46, . 9 35 10 40 8 32 8 15 50 8 47, . 7 32 15 31 4 18 5 19 44 11 48, . 2 39 12 53 11 27 7 16 55 11 49, . 1 36 8 29 9 13 5 16 21 5 50, , # .' 9 52 20 91 14 26 8 26 79 18 51, . 5 35 12 30 7 14 8 10 20 13 52, . 1 21 12 48 8 18 6 20 33 9 53, . 6 35 11 36 7 12 4 11 24 14 54, . 3 19 15 44 4 21 9 19 21 11 55. . 7 29 8 47 12 17 8 14 35 15 56, . 5 27 5 42 2 17 6 17 19 11 57, . 4 36 8 29 4 13 17 15 29 5 58, . 5 21 8 42 3 8 11 17 S3 12 59, . 6 21 8 27 3 10 10 7 20 8 60, . 4 39 13 62 3 20 12 22 36 20 61-65, . 22 85 38 130 15 67 47 61 100 48 66-70, . . 25 57 48 123 11 54 29 63 75 49 71-75, 16 45 33 68 9 49 16 51 43 23 76-80, . 9 2S 28 34 6 21 14 29 35 29 81-85, . 8 15 12 19 6 13 7 9 20 14 86-90, . 1 4 3 8 2 2 5 2 6 2 91-95, . 1 _ _ 3 _ 1 _ - 4 - 96-100, . - - _ _ - - , - - - - 101 and over, . - - - - - - - - - - Totals, . ! 460 1 3,538 1,046 4,817 563 2,234 758 1,797 4,100 914 234 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS 1880. AGES — Continued. COUSTT OF Middlesex — Continued • AGES. Ash- 1 Bel- Biller- Box- Burling- Cam- Chelms- land. Aj-er. Bedford. mont. ica. boroHgh. ton. bridge. Carlisle. ford. Under 1, 58 39 15 35 35 8 11 1,266 7 44 1, 48 49 6 32 26 8 14 1,1.52 8 34 2, 58 42 16 40 41 8 14 1,209 11 44 3, 52 36 11 32 36 5 12 1,195 6 47 4, 54 45 22 36 36. 6 13 1,182 7 37 6, 54 45 19 29 38 4 12 1,219 6 51 (>, 48 33 14 30 28 8 13 1,143 4 46 7, 49 53 12 29 28 7 17 1,035 6 4-: 8, 42 32 13 38 44 3 14 1.0.36 4 43 9, 31 49 20 26 28 6 19 1,041 8 49 10, 42 37 18 25 41 5 8 1.020 3 46 11, 34 36 17 29 38 2 8 940 5 60 12. 58 41 16 17 35 _ 16 1,000 4 55 ].i, 45 31 11 25 37 8 9 852 9 41 14, 44 33 18 20 36 7 10 897 8 48 V>, 41 29 17 19 39 8 12 803 8 43 Ifi, 42 31 13 24 36 2 10 8S6 11 48 17, 51 31 15 31 44 6 10 911 5 62 18, 53 20 21 38 43 3 17 1.140 8 47 19, • 49 34 18 37 37 9 19 1,0 W 9 75 20, 47 33 19 41 39 3 22 1,134 6 51 21, 32 27 20 37 39 4 15 990 9 63 22, 66 28 16 39 40 6 27 1,146 10 61 2.3, 48 31 12 41 34 5 12 1,04:} 10 47 2+, 47 32 20 32 30 6 17 1.018 13 48 25, 49 27 16 30 31 3 9 1,140 10 38 2e, 44 29 14 40 33 5 20 965 8 38 27, 39 35 13 28 27 12 8 90S 8 31 28, 45 27 12 38 23 8 10 1,144 6 42 29, 33 26 10 22 32 6 12 756 4 35 30, 44 42 15 37 33 3 12 1,408 6 55 31, 28 19 11 15 19 3 6 560 7 22 3-', 31 26 12 29 2i 7 9 942 6 29 33, 32 21 14 26 21 4 7 753 8 30 3i, 26 29 10 27 14 1 9 693 6 26 3.5, 46 42 11 37 30 4 16 1,249 6 49 36, 30 33 12 33 32 4 7 749 6 32 37, 40 14 6 23 19 6 8 618 3 34 38, 36 24 13 22 27 3 6 833 9 29 39. 24 20 5 1« 24 5 5 662 6 24 40, 48 46 18 39 43 4 11 1,318 7 49 41. 25 29 6 5 15 _ 7 363 6 31 42, 30 22 13 18 23 6 7 633 4 33 43, 22 24 12 20 26 1 4 457 6 29 44, 26 16 10 12 16 5 8 407 6 27 4.=), 36 50 11 27 39 4 8 982 7 49 46, 17 24 9 19 30 3 8 460 5 15 4T, 16 20 5 5 24 3 5 430 2 23 48, 25 18 10 18 21 4 8 488 4 21 49, 13 19 6 11 19 3 8 392 6 21 60, 29 40 18 22 49 5 8 1,010 •6 47 51, 7 7 14 3 12 1 3 224 1 26 52, 15 14 11 12 16 2 8 345 8 22 £3, 16 14 6 11 12 2 4 292 6 18 54, 17 14 10 10 16 2 4 315 5 37 55. 27 22 7 16 26 4 10 479 4 1:3 56, 17 19 12 12 19 1 7 324 9 27 57, 23 6 8 9 18 5 7 224 4 15 58. 17 13 10 6 11 4 8 293 5 19 69, 18 10 9 4 20 4 6 197 5 17 60, 22 21 21 10 21 2 15 592 10 28 61-6.i, 72 46 48 35 65 24 22 1,088 29 85 66-70, 42 33 31 S8 62 10 12 840 26 72 71-75, 38 23 29 23 43 2 13 478 14 50 76-80, . 22 14 17 14 37 3 12 296 7 32 Jfl-«5, 11 3 5 8 17 3 2 112 1 7 86-90, . 2 2 _ _ 5 1 1 38 1 4 91-95, . 1 1 2 1 - - - 2 - 1 96-100, . - - _ - - - - 1 - - 101 and over, , - - 931 - - - - 4 - 1 Totals, . • 2,394 1,881 1.615 2,000 319 711 1 52,669 478 2,553 AGES. 235 AGES — Continued. Cdcstt OF Middlesex — Continued. AGE9. Dun- Fram- Hollis- Hopkin- Lexing- Concord . Dracnt. stable. Everett ■ ingham Groton. ton. ton. Hudson ton. Under 1, . 1 67 26 8 89 119 23 65 94 88 38 1. ' 58 10 9 101 123 30 57 103 64 38 2. ! 74 36 5 83 137 32 48 98 86 38 3. 64 32 6 83 133 30 53 . 93 84 41 4, 58 41 1 87 113 26 52 97 82 39 5. 61 22 8 88 122 25 53 93 77 42 6, 58 28 4 78 103 18 64 99 80 31 ". 59 22 11 98 125 37 71 102 80 38 8. 55 23 9 75 113 24 57 100 69 49 9, 56 26 7 76 98 27 71 109 68 35 10, 55 25 5 91 121 26 62 90 80 47 11, 63 25 8 78 94 26 53 99 79 36 12, 52 27 7 69 99 32 67 104 73 47 13, 65 23 6 69 86 46 59 114 72 35 14. 42 27 5 72 82 35 62 90 65 48 15, 36 29 7 71 119 41 56 121 72 40 IG, ! 46 38 9 74 79 48 47 93 76 40 17, 58 28 3 62 107 38 66 104 65 49 lt<. 59 33 12 86 112 46 45 101 76 37 19, 96 34 10 67 132 43 66 118 81 67 20, 96 35 12 92 140 41 57 104 102 65 21. 100 40 4 76 109 26 46 97 73 39 22, 1 107 36 9 75 131 35 53 97 75 60 2a, 1 102 34 5 82 136 22 58 88 81 51 24, 102 29 4 69 66 24 52 73 72 48 2d, 1U2 29 5 71 198 26 51 81 65 64 26, 86 30 10 69 118 20 42 74 54 36 27, 111 27 2 72 108 25 48 50 54 42 28, 114 31 _ 75 127 28 52 70 71 36 29. 59 18 6 73 103 19 36 60 50 35 30, 112 34 5 93 178 27 67 66 68 41 31, 73 19 4 54 63 23 28 31 42 28 32, 62 24 5 67 92 20 45 56 60 23 33, 63 22 7 50 81 14 30 49 45 29 34. 70 21 8 59 60 20 37 38 45 25 33. . 93 28 2 87 164 31 71 86 61 47 3«, . 42 22 7 65 71 24 46 48 60 29 37. 37 20 4 53 76 19 41 47 54 29 ^'*' 61 22 4 61 95 26 46 64 55 30 39, . 43 23 3 59 75 21 28 49 48 22 40, 90 33 9 94 134 24 53 117 68 54 41 , 42 14 8 43 43 16 20 32 40 16 42, 53 21 6 54 55 24 33 55 58 37 43, . 46 21 3 52 48 15 29 36 45 25 44, . 29 11 5 46 41 22 25 31 50 24 45, . 68 35 6 61 91 40 43 83 60 60 46, . 35 3 6 49 52 22 33 46 42 20 47, . 31 12 5 35 49 18 25 41 38 22 4^ . 39 12 10 47 42 20 29 49 34 24 49, . 32 6 3 33 38 9 32 35 44 16 50. . 66 31 2 66 116 28 47 95 66 56 F.' • 27 13 8 20 30 20 21 22 21 21 c-> • 39 11 5 41 52 25 30 25 37 23 f> • 40 16 1 36 54 13 26 40 18 17 ?f. • 29 7 6 33 38 22 24 29 26 19 ^r".' ■ 53 17 4 34 72 30 34 47 32 39 ^^ ■ 24 13 3 22 63 16 23 35 15 18 5". . 32 17 3 26 45 14 26 29 22 18 5S, . 18 17 9 24 65 19 27 36 20 13 59, . 18 12 7 16 33 13 22 13 18 17 60, . 38 18 4 49 80 30 36 72 31 44 61-65, . 90 52 19 123 195 82 122 87 70 82 66-70, . 67 49 18 81 173 84 97 . 85 66 70 71-75, . 42 21 20 38 97 45 77 67 46 63 76-80, . 41 22 17 32 74 37 34 28 25 28 81-85, . 19 12 7 11 30 22 16 16 8 15 86-90, . 7 1 1 3 14 6 5 6 5 6 91-95, . - _ 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 96-100, . - _ 1 _ 1 1 _ 101 and over, . - - - - 1 - - Totals, . • 3,922 1,595 453 4,159 6,235 1,862 3,098 4,601 3,739 2,460 236 CENSUS OE MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. AGES — Continued. , County OF Middlesex — Continued. AGES. Little- Marl- May- Med- Lincoln ton. Lowell. Maiden borough nard. ford. Melrose . Natick. Xewton. Under 1, . 15 20 1,315 244 240 56 177 90 215 331 1, 25 13 1 1,042 186 208 60 148 85 178 290 2. 16 16 i 1,147 221 255 55 139 91 180 327 3, 19 16 1,]S8 247 255 47 137 90 18^ 356 4, 18 22 1,126 215 246 40 146 98 198 371 6. 18 14 l.lliS 249 276 44 142 97 196 388 6, 19 12 1,111 247 247 53 131 81 187 351 7, 18 15 977 245 273 40 128 80 196 342 8, 14 30 956 238 233 53 125 99 170 330 9, 16 14 SS6 224 252 34 130 73 180 295 ]0, 20 19 1.050 232 246 44 127 91 185 326 11. 17 12 874 212 235 43 120 79 157 291 12, 17 19 1.028 249 231 61 127 91 163 327 13, 9 16 882 221 . 192 44 145 77 172 327 14, 8 19 1,120 205 206 61 133 101 179 311 15. 13 23 1,038 191 206 41 108 62 IfiO 298 16, 14 21 1,2.=.3 214 205 53 112 65 149 286 IT, 21 16 1,185 225 184 59 157 82 179 315 18, 25 19 1,558 258 223 57 137 84 158 372 19, 19 20 1,380 234 238 58 182 77 172 357 20, 18 25 1,663 263 211 55 185 102 175 386 21, 25 27 1,328 228 214 52 146 85 171 313 22, 13 11 1,593 234 231 60 , 172 97 • 184 352 23, 25 13 1,382 238 201 62 178 81 163 366 24, 20 7 1,475 213 191 51 160 89 147 340 25. 15 13 1,594 257 212 00 192 75 170 380 26, 16 15 1,282 205 108 44 136 75 130 310 27, 13 15 1,146 181 160 30 119 66 141 259 28. 15 18 1,377 256 160 55 1.36 81 158 318 29, 10 13 891 158 117 33 104 67 133 266 30. 21 17 1,700 299 225 32 159 116 173 396 31, 12 16 693 158 89 21 79 59 87 197 32, 22 11 981 206 144 32 125 58 1.39 273 %JOf 10 18 824 157 117 28 120 66 111 236 34, . 12 8 731 186 128 38 110 64 120 233 Zh, 18 19 1,376 244 166 46 147 85 158 388 36, . 8 14 810 159 120 23 123 60 123 199 37, . 7 5 601 161 117 29 121 64 97 186 3S. . 12 12 898 205 135 28 93 66 134 220 39. . 4 8 679 155 113 26 86 62 98 176 40. . 14 16 1,575 281 221 49 147 106 171 404 41, . 2 11 393 92 67 14 68 45 46 123 42, . 5 5 620 140 121 30 79 72 92 214 43, . 9 8 494 145 110 23 80 42 89 173 44. , 9 15 493 118 99 11 62 62 94 146 45, . 21 8 1,103 216 147 S3 109 87 133 256 46, . 12 6 466 132 79 22 60 39 88 145 47, . 2 12 409 114 63 11 68 64 74 162 48, . 7 14 600 119 81 22 78 38 77 169 49, . 9 12 398 116 76 15 71 38 72 137 50, . 12 9 1,130 197 146 37 122 67 161 274 51, . 8 8 268 84 50 12 54 34 46 100 62, . 12 10 422 108 71 12 86 41 61 170 63, . 8 9 341 90 69 13 72 35 50 141 64, , 7 12 338 69 57 13 63 34 55 125 65, . 1 7 521 120 73 16 68 44 70 171 66, . 7 12 357 71 63 10 65 30 56 130 67, . 10 13 238 63 45 13 49 39 32 91 58, . 5 10 320 80 59 8 37 33 66 103 59, . 3 3 223 65 27 10 44 30 39 71 60, . 10 JO 625 113 79 19 75 64 77 190 61-65, . 36 44 1,125 296 179 48 214 117 177 444 66-70, . 25 29 878 218 116 32 146 106 121 309 71-75. . U 21 491 118 71 15 112 70 90 172 76-80, . 11 28 317 73 53 • 6 64 43 56 121 81-85, . 7 12 136 41 23 3 28 13 16 64 86-90, . 3 4 48 11 9 _ 9 6 10 21 91-95, . 1 1 14 4 2 _ - 2 1 4 96-100, . - - 3 - 1 - 1 _ 1 - 101 and over, . - I - - - - - - - - - Totals, . 907 994 59,475 12,017 10,127 2,291 7,573 4,560 8,479 16,995 AGES. 237 AGES — Continued. COCNTT OF MiDDLKSEX — Continued. AGES. North rep- Sher- Somer- Stone- Sud- Tewks- Reading . perell. Reading born. Shirley ville. ham. Stow. bury. bury. Under 1, . 11 44 60 23 25 585 83 15 17 51 1. 22 40 35 29 21 507 92 16 16 26 2, 19 60 62 15 20 663 86 18 21 43 3. 21 40 58 18 26 566 102 22 20 32 4, 16 56 46 20 21 601 80 18 18 34 5. 12 40 59 14 28 568 89 13 20 29 6, 18 45 49 15 11 549 82 23 16 22 7, 12 33 63 15 29 552 87 22 20 25 8, 20 40 42 17 21 516 85 23 22 36 9. 20 26 40 16 27 470 105 14 25 18 10, 20 42 54 18 15 608 80 20 18 26 11. 16 38 45 13 25 417 80 23 18 19 12, 15 33 63 20 28 477 98 16 10 23 13, 15 38 51 14 15 436 82 19 18 16 u. 13 33 42 21 20 445 87 26 20 19 15. 11 37 53 13 31 373 71 23 19 28 16, 16 33 63 22 27 420 83 21 23 28 n. 15 49 56 30 34 424 72 16 17 26 18, 12 52 50 22 29 509 85 19 21 34 19, 16 61 64 33 32 445 91 21 17 36 20, 12 51 68 47 30 633 80 25 35 39 21. 9 46 55 36 27 403 92 15 18 44 22, 20 45 79 35 25 475 94 20 27 42 23, 17 53 61 35 20 477 92 20 16 41 24, 12 46 55 39 22 453 101 10 24 37 25, 9 57 73 30 20 474 78 21 20 37 26, 10 42 46 32 20 437 82 14 17 31 27, 15 42 65 23 29 462 70 5 16 34 28, . 13 37 67 27 15 631 82 15 23 37 29, . 9 30 50 29 17 417 70 12 16 28 30, . 14 42 44 28 18 631 95 14 12 39 31, . 6 36 46 25 9 361 67 7 12 26 32, . 16 35 42 21 24 411 87 7 23 39 33, . 14 24 63 26 16 405 73 25 11 32 34, . 18 30 47 20 18 382 75 10 16 25 35, . 11 35 51 22 17 560 94 13 24 62 36. . 11 33 61 17 14 380 89 5 17 29 37, . 10 19 44 21 14 332 78 7 11 21 38, . 11 30 34 18 16 410 87 15 11 32 39, . 12 22 31 21 9 306 76 18 13 29 40, . 8 39 52 28 23 572 102 20 17 40 41. . 5 18 22 10 14 232 75 6 8 28 42, . 13 29 35 19 9 315 70 11 16 27 43, . 10 33 35 14 10 258 60 8 12 20 44, . 10 24 38 19 12 252 67 10 5 21 45, . 14 26 64 19 13 396 83 21 25 39 46, . 5 31 34 13 18 232 65 14 13 31 47. . 9 23 41 7 17 216 61 8 19 25 4S, . 9 23 41 16 25 292 55 10 12 42 49, . 9 15 28 15 14 201 61 10 10 22 60, . 12 24 43 20 23 376 73 14 16 30 51, . 10 18 25 12 12 129 36 9 4 24 52, . 10 26 43 14 22 194 66 17 14 34 53, . 10 18 41 18 17 161 45 11 9 27 54, , 10 16 39 11 15 169 46 10 8 29 55, 8 36 33 16 15 217 44 19 11 21 58, . 13 21 - 28 9 16 138 49 8 16 22 57, . 6 10 29 12 7 119 33 15 11 20 58, . 12 14 33 16 12 113 38 6 8 15 59, . 16 18 20 7 15 86 24 13 13 19 60. . 9 28 37 18 18 252 40 13 22 20 61-65, . 33 73 160 51 57 501 115 33 52 102 66-70, . 36 83 92 63 47 355 87 30 33 93 71-75, . 25 62 74 18 38 196 64 31 39 78 76-80, . 20 30 36 17 17 124 43 22 22 53 81-85, . 7 16 20 5 11 51 16 5 15 22 8G-90, . 1 7 9 2 2 12 7 6 4 9 91-95, . _ 1 _ 2 1 4 3 _ 1 4 96-100, . 1 1 2 _ _ _ _ _ - 101 and over, . - - - - - - - - - - Totals, . 900 2,348 3,181 1,401 1,365 24,933 4,890 1,045 1,178 2,179 238 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 18S0. AGES — Continued. County of Middlesex — Concluded. AGES. Town- Tyngs- Wake- Wal- Water- Way- West- Wil- Win- send. bor- ough. field. tliam. town. land. ford. Weston ming- tun. thes- ter. Woburn. Under 1, 34 9 113 223 135 59 43 40 23 88 274 ], 30 10 101 211 100 47 38 26 18 54 245 9 29 12 113 225 118 45 43 32 17 92 255 n "i 32 7 109 234 123 44 45 30 13 76 251 4, 32 10 111 214 115 42 38 27 20 84 233 6, .•54 8 100 234 104 42 50 22 14 73 277 6, 37 10 123 223 111 48 46 32 15 82 228 "!> 38 14 107 220 107 32 43 28 17 76 237 8. 30 9 100 223 97 42 43 17 15 63 220 9, 39 14 88 185 97 36 42 26 16 63 195 10, 27 8 116 216 96 48 37 20 19 64 235 11, 28 g 102 167 81 37 45 20 17 78 187 1-', 40 7 99 202 88 32 37 30 16 67 203 13, .■58 18 86 179 73 34 50 24 17 60 192 14, 35 25 13 80 20 25. 25 47 31 1 9.398 458 45 25 25 64 28 26. 32 47 31 ■ 7,0.".4 376 42 17 28 73 25 27. 20 34 26 6,000 386 48 20 13 67 13 28. 25 52 28 8.448 406 40 22 23 77 17 29, 29 23 20 5,.565 351 31 26 16 75 13 30, 34 60 28 11,761 558 67 28 24 95 23 31, , 18 27 23 4,064 302 25 17 18 50 16 32, . 21 47 22 6.174 363 50 13 1 15 63 17 33, 28 27 23 5.303 303 34 20 22 64 13 34, 19 36 20 4,917 303 34 17 22 50 13 35, 27 39 18 10.023 469 48 23 20 75 17 36. . 18 33 22 4.784 291 35 11 24 60 19 37. . 15 31 17 4.436 268 33 7 19 57 8 38. . 25 36 24 5.9'JO 361 34 19 24 45 16 39. . 25 32 19 3,787 2.53 26 14 20 57 8 40, . 35 60 24 11.091 542 63 17 25 84 26 41, . 16 18 18 2.374 200 20 9 8 56 5 42, . 25 34 18 4.280 255 22 16 21 53 9 43, . 23 24 15 3.211 251 26 12 15 54 9 44. . 21 34 10 2.760 212 14 13 17 58 14 45. . 33 54 32 7.148 355 34 16 25 67 17 46, . 22 37 16 2.889 217 20 7 18 48 16 47. . 19 26 23 2.725 181 20 8 '19 68 13 48. . 18 34 19 3,493 218 13 5 18 53 19 49. . 16 35 17 2,416 182 20 12 17 52 11 50, . 27 47 27 7,953 377 32 9 : 27 50 20 51, . 18 21 10 1,732 1.32 12 6 19 32 9 52, . 15 22 14 2,615 196 21 4 14 40 12 63, . 13 27 15 2,152 167 20 10 17 36 7 54, . 23 23 16 2,155 148 15 6 20 37 9 55, . 21 26 17 .3,477 193 21 18 16 46 17 56, . 9 26 18 2,062 153 16 10 18 31 9 57, . 13 20 13 ' 1,445 123 11 7 26 36 8 58, . 13 21 18 , 1,837 133 14 12 21 35 7 59, . 14 17 13 : 1.241 105 12 8 17 37 10 60, . 24 33 24 1 4.791 236 15 8 18. 44 13 61-65, . 93 81 58 ; 7.004 547 51 22 88 137 44 66-70, . 64 68 63 5.291 376 30 25 77 114 40 71-75, . 53 31 31 2,873 214 26 12 60 86 28 76-80, . 29 26 24 1.836 125 10 2 25 54 13 81-85, . 21 14 12 714 45 7 4 11 17 5 86-90, . 7 4 5 293 16 2 - 7 6 3 91-95, . 2 1 2 73 8 - - 2 1 - 96-100, . _ _ — 27 - - - - - - 101 and over, . - - - 4 1 - - - — — Totals, • 1,820 2,896 1,665 1 362,839 21,782 2.263 1 1,043 1,666 4,307 1,317 AGES. 245 AGES — Continued. County of Worcester — Continued.. AGES. Black- Boyls- Brook- Charl- Barre. Berlin. stone. Bolton. ton. fleld. ton. Clinton. Dana. Douglas. Under 1, . 32 13 108 13 17 58 37 184 12 66 1, 33 16 103 10 14 34 30 155 12 54 2, 31 11 87 15 19 62 30 181 18 60 3, 43 21 105 12 15 57 40 181 11 59 4, 49 17 107 13 17 61 41 192 12 57 5, 32 21 106 11 15 53 32 195 16 61 6, • 37 17 107 23 10 83 33 171 17 53 7. 27 26 94 11 31 54 35 180 11 50 8. 42 14 95 14 12 64 32 154 9 41 9, 30 19 97 21 14 43 44 158 15 46 10, 36 21 109 23 26 46 31 161 8 60 11, 34 16 121 12 14 53 31 165 5 33 12, 35 29 100 21 16 62 36 148 14 44 13. 52 19 . 107 16 12 51 44 157 8 36 l-l. 37 • 19 99 18 13 53 44 182 16 30 15, 46 18 129 12 19 61 23 157 13 26 16, 39 20 130 23 17 51 36 181 4 27 17, 44 17 105 20 14 47 35 173 10 iS IS, 52 21 137 19 25 44 32 193 11 25 19, 39 24 109 10 17 50 29 195 14 36 20, 60 12 123 9 23 44 37 232 9 45 21. 56 11 79 15 18 54 30 177 11 23 22, 62 15 115 12 16 52 32 209 10 45 23. 53 15 81 10 15 51 31 194 11 42 2-t, 40 16 73 8 15 39 28 178 12 47 25, 38 16 100 11 9 60 33 195 17 31 26, 28 11 67 18 16 38 23 146 14 30 27, 38 11 61 10 9 37 25 148 4 33 28. 42 17 67 12 5 39 30 152 8 43 29, 39 10 48 6 11 41 21 110 8 40 30, 30 16 105 9 12 56 29 182 16 43 31, 15 13 46 10 10 29 20 85 12 34 32, 34 13 67 9 10 58 17 118 10 36 33, 27 12 50 8 10 31 22 87 12 43 3-t, 26 12 51 7 15 22 24 91 12 32 35, 41 14 70 10 5 55 24 150 17 44 36, 26 11 59 10 9 33 25 109 10 32 37, 34 13 45 8 8 27 18 88 7 26 38, 44 13 52 9 15 50 20 89 7 31 39, 27 11 39 16 9 19 21 70 13 17 40, 41 20 102 16 11 66 27 179 8 40 41, 20 10 29 9 6 19 16 48 7 17 42, 37 8 53 11 8 43 16 70 5 26 43, . 18 9 42 8 14 31 29 67 8 13 44, 24 12 54 14 5 23 19 47 10 20 45, 34 18 109 12 8 58 24 148 10 31 46, . 24 9 29 13 8 29 17 47 5 25 47. . 19 11 36 10 9 18 18 70 n 16 48, . 28 6 46 12 10 25 23 64 8 26 49, 20 13 26 19 9 19 18 51 8 20 50, . 28 14 116 18 8 66 34 144 7 22 51. . 22 6 32 10 3 16 15 46 7 11 52, . 37 9 33 10 5 33 20 50 11 20 53, . 23 11 36 8 8 15 15 38 5 19 54, . 33 5 26 9 6 23 22 44 9 18 55, . 37 7 60 12 9 26 24 72 6 21 56, . 26 12 34 5 10 24 14 45 6 13 57, . 18 6 23 _ 4 13 15 28 8 15 58, . 27 12 27 11 9 24 18 34 13 16 59, 25 8 19 5 7 20 23 25 5 16 60, 32 8 65 12 12 43 24 87 7 20 61-65, . 101 42 122 38 45 101 82 139 31 75 66-70, . 78 35 110 45 27 64 73 97 42 64 71-75, . 62 25 60 39 17 42 42 60 21 44 76-80, . 40 11 50 18 10 31 35 36 12 19 81-85, . 23 8 17 10 6 26 21 11 8 9 86-90, , 10 1 7 4 2 9 10 8 2 5 91-95, . 2 - 1 1 1 _ 1 1 _ 1 96-100, . _ _ 1 _ 101 and over. - - - - - - - - - Totals, 2,419 977 4,907 • 903 854 2,820 1,900 8,029 736 2,241 246 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — ISSO. AGES — Continued. County OF Worcester — Continued. AGES. Fitch- Gard- Hard- Har- Hub- Lancas - Leices- Dudley. burg. ner. Grafton wick. vard. Holden bard 8- ton. ter. ter. Under 1, . 63 252 125 77 43 7 56 12 28 58 1, 64 260 92 82 38 25 49 14 27 51 2, 77 269 105 82 42 13 68 25 30 59 3, 64 273 109 87 39 11 28 22 31 46 4, 82 262 77 81 44 17 66 17 38 59 5. 70 296 105 85 42 13 48 25 41 58 6, 62 254 104 100 45 21 46 16 35 68 7, 65 248 95 98 34 21 55 28 40 55 8. 67 238 85 91 57 21 62 17 25 66 9. 68 251 75 82 40 18 46 27 33 51 10. 67 219 93 80 55 22 48 29 37 56 11. 63 191 78 76 45 32 50 34 32 65 1^. 74 243 69 81 67 25 65 30 41 45 13, 65 228 87 86 40 26 54 23 30 53 14. 65 204 78 96 68 18 ■ 63 19 32 51 15, 51 207 80 86 53 21 49 29 48 48 16, 67 193 73 80 56 22 64 25 45 46 17. 63 227 101 69 59 IS 60 24 57 48 18. 75 260 112 94 60 31 62 25 53 40 1«. 67 266 124 91 42 26 70 31 33 62 20, 74 261 10- 77 65 17 56 23 47 49 21. 45 223 106 78 42 22 51 18 24 41 22, 68 279 113 73 46 19 61 16 38 48 23, 50 254 118 71 45 21 42 27 41 59 24. 49 267 134 55 41 20 42 15 25 39 25, 31 238 109 66 47 20 51 14 38 54 26. 40 214 116 48 31 17 44 17 34 48 27, 37 238 78 38 26 13 24 18 37 43 28, 46 226 109 68 36 13 29 12 39 65 29, 31 181 73 55 16 15 26 16 • 23 30 30, 42 290 137 76 38 12 34 10 34 58 31, 32 151 68 40 21 12 15 20 28 30 32 37 206 65 40 21 12 24 15 19 48 33. 27 156 72 50 21 14 29 11 14 30 34. 27 168 75 64 24 10 25 15 14 35 35. 38 271 91 75 23 11 32 10 36 33 36, 34 162 72 54 27 16 23 22 18 40 37. 30 141 74 42 22 11 13 16 15 31 38. 36 193 56 53 31 11 28 17 35 44 3y, . 29 168 49 43 18 11 26 16 27 30 < . 62 245 94 63 33 14 44 21 27 55 41, 21 116 42 28 15 10 21 10 16 18 42 . 27 144 52 38 15 25 35 12 24 31 43. . 28 117 65 35 19 7 29 19 16 23 44, . 26 117 63 41 21 15 27 15 16 21 45, . 33 219 69 62 31 20 40 20 21 61 46 . 21 104 44 54 23 9 21 16 18 23 47 . 17 106 42 36 26 13 23 14 19 18 38. . 28 120 66 45 21 18 30 21 15 32 49. . 18 110 37 28 22 14 19 23 23 23 5o: . 44 216 71 86 41 16 24 23 23 51 51. . 19 88 32 16 9 12 16 15 19 11 52! . 20 89 47 41 16 13 19 15 17 21 53. . 20 85 28 15 15 11 22 18 20 19 54. . 17 79 32 41 12 13 20 13 28 16 55, 26 120 43 31 33 22 19 19 23 40 56, . 13 90 25 33 26 21 23 29 20 29 57, . 14 79 29 21 18 13 22 13 21 15 58, , 7 65 28 27 18 17 21 16 20 26 59, . 11 65 36 18 14 12 17 16 14 16 60, . 18 140 41 45 21 19 21 16 28 54 61-65, . 57 273 130 109 62 74 99 69 68 85 66-70, . 65 244 112 103 62 49 66 72 75 73 71-75, . 35 140 62 74 40 48 51 35 47 55 76-80, . 22 87 39 40 14 30 32 22 40 29 81-85, . 13 24 15 24 11 20 10 17 19 15 86-90, . 7 16 5 13 4 11 3 5 6 6 91-95, . 2 3 - 3 _ 2 1 2 2 3 96-100, . - _ - - 1 - - - 1 - 101 aud over, , - - - - - - - - — — Totals, , 2,803 12,429 4,988 4,030 2,233 1,253 • 2,499 1,386 2,008 2,779 AGES. 247 AGES — Continued. — — County of Worcester — Continued. AGES. Leom- Lunen- Mill- Xew Xorth- Xorth- North Oak- inster. burg. Mendon. Milford. bury. Brain- tree. borougl). bridge. Brook- field. bam, r nder 1, 117 18 16 166 100 12 33 92 99 18 1, 116 14 18 163 78 7 29 106 107 21 2, 97 20 19 191 103 10 30 86 100 17 3, . 124 12 17 147 106 10 34 77 116 22 4, 123 22 21 172 105 7 33 84 ■ 98 17 5, 128 20 19 161 109 12 31 89 112 15 6, 109 11 19 180 107 11 26 89 90 13 7, 112 21 25 215 111 7 23 80 104 19 8, 104 16 20 194 96 19 31 80 94 13 9, 93 14 31 212 102 6 17 86 89 16 lu, 110 27 23 215 109 11 32 78 96 14 11> 82 18 22 203 75 14 22 77 78 9 1^. 97 20 19 233 114 13 28 90 106 19 la, 86 24 . 18 199 95 14 31 92 82 16 14, 98 18 21 211 114 14 20 87 88 10 15, 94 15 27 185 88 13 25 79 67 15 16, 75 21 16 207 110. 8 27 81 95 14 17, 84 12 18 202 99 20 28 102 77 9 18, 103 27 16 208 113 12 42 75 110 13 19, 87 21 18 191 100 17 38 129 95 23 20, 133 21 14 193 111 18 43 93 97 14 21, 100 11 20 182 95 13 42 75 83 18 22, 127 26 15 183 89 13 42 102 89 13 28, 116 11 19 176 93 3 35 74 95 20 24, 128 19 11 166 100 12 36 74 87 17 25, 133 17 13 167 88 10 30 91 83 21 26, 119 8 19 147 72 9 35 70 73 13 27, 109 13 9 112 78 8 27 60 70 8 28, 122 17 13 126 77 12 27 66 77 11 29, 102 6 15 108 57 5 27 58 66 9 30, 136 14 16 179 88 11 26 72 101 11 31, 67 8 5 72 46 3 21 32 60 6 32, 95 10 13 100 58 8 23 52 61 10 33, 91 9 15 120 58 8 20 44 52 14 34, 73 n 13 79 64 11 17 34 60 10 35, 110 20 21 148 60 11 29 63 64 12 36, 76 13 15 102 55 5 19 55 61 15 37, 85 19 14 114 41 5 16 41 59 11 38, 93 21 16 119 58 9 15 44 68 10 39, 61 10 11 85 . 46 5 10 42 48 6 40, 108 22 24 205 89 7 22 93 94 12 41, 41 12 8 75 37 4 15 31 46 5 42, 59 15 15 115 57 7 16 38 42 6 i3, 57 5 15 103 57 9 12 35 35 5 44, 51 11 12 116 55 7 14 41 40 9 45, 88 13 10 194 69 8 18 62 52 12 46, 63 14 12 80 41 5 17 .34 43 13 47, 65 11 12 74 41 7 21 37 31 9 48, 48 18 13 120 44 10 21 38 34 13 49, 49 11 16 83 36 7 15 29 26 7 50, 81 15 12 188 69 9 27 68 61 11 51, 27 14 9 56 30 2 13 26 26 9 52, 52 9 14 99 40 5 18 32 29 12 53, 55 12 10 72 24 8 9 25 27 10 54, 36 16 6 81 33 1 17 31 39 6 65 54 6 11 110 41 5 19 26 38 4 56; 41 10 10 57 33 8 12 27 49 15 57, 54 10 8 48 34 1 16 26 19 6 58, 32 17 12 83 39 10 15 26 34 9 59, 31 13 14 54 32 4 15 19 35 6 6o; 58 11 9 115 46 7 18 55 30 13 61-65, 171 34 53 255 103 15 73 103 98 37 66-70, 135 38 36 191 88 16 59 66 89 28 71-75, 97 52 22 99 67 18 36 45 37 22 76-80, 64 27 22 65 38 8 18 28 28 15 81-85, 25 19 14 27 23 5 13 4 13 8 86-90, 13 10 4 9 6 1 5 7 5 5 91-95, 2 1 1 3 1 - 2 - 1 "" 96-100, _ _ _ _ - - - - 1 - 101 and over. - - - - - - - — — Totals, . 5,772 1,101 1,094 9,310 4,741 610 1,676 4,053 4,459 869 248 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. AGES — Continued. County of Worcester — Continued. AGES. Ox- foril. Pax- ton. Peters ham. - Phillips- ton. Prince ton. - Royals- ton. Rut- land. Shrews- bury. .«;onth- bor- ongh. South- bridge. .Spen- cer. Ster- Ung. Under ], 50 8 10 9 17 18 17 29 36 175 262 17 1. 46 7 16 6 15 13 26 21 37 174 211 11 2, 43 12 17 7 15 24 25 29 36 146 198 23 3, . 55 8 19 13 23 21 21 28 31 167 249 23 4, 52 10 15 8 17 21 26 26 41 181 iri4 28 5, 53 12 9 12 15 22 20 27 34 1.58 223 . 25 6, 48 12 25 9 18 19 19 25 32 1-50 188 26 V, 46 14 15 12 12 19 24 28 38 161 193 19 8, 46 11 12 8 20 19 21 25 39 137 171 21 9, 46 10 16 13 20 23 24 44 37 130 147 28 10, 55 14 15 16 17 21 18 23 50 136 167 27 11. 36 9 15 10 20 18 33 26 28 118 138 18 12, 65 14 21 13 12 23 22 37 44 140 14S 32 13, 29 11 22 14 15 25 25 24 52 104 142 25 U, 40 11 19 13 24 26 24 20 43 131 147 28 15, 54 11 14 15 IS 2.3 18 25 65 139 144 24 16, 44 8 17 16 25 13 15 26 40 167 124 21 17, 43 12 17 8 19 22 20 31 53 128 124 23 18, 58 12 18 15 23 20 15 26 63 154 1-35 18 19, 53 10 21 16 14 18 21 30 59 158 145 27 20, 62 10 19 13 28 24 13 26 49 1.31 164 23 21, 48 9 15 13 21 16 20 22 43 122 138 21 22, 51 12 19 18 15 17 12 21 49 139 160 28 23, 54 13 19 11 29 10 26 60 121 153 24 24, 47 6 18 5 36 10 10 19 50 125 l-oS 13 26, 47 4 16 ]0 21 21 11 17 41 132 166 22 26, 30 7 13 6 14 20 10 22 28 108 122 20 27, 34 4 13 9 23 14 14 26 34 104 1.32 12 28, 43 4 10 6 8 13 14 16 44 132 132 20 29, 31 • 4 9 5 10 11 10 14 21 76 122 18 30, 54 12 22 4 17 18 12 19 33 101 166 32 31, 21 7 9 9 14 13 11 13 20 71 91 13 32, 36 6 13 8 12 14 14 19 22 82 112 14 33, 30 8 12 3 11 17 15 23 18 74 117 23 34, 29 6 11 7 14 12 12 16 23 69 100 13 35, 48 8 13 3 16 17 12 18 36 75 1.51 20 36, 19 4 15 8 16 16 13 10 20 83 95 18 37, 32 8 12 7 12 15 14 17 19 58 69 20 38, 29 7 11 3 12 12 10 21 22 81 96 18 39, 27 8 12 10 9 21 12 18 16 66 65 13 40, 35 5 9 5 21 14 20 18 36 118 127 25 41, 17 6 12 11 9 11 12 18 13 35 62 6 42. 30 11 12 6 11 18 17 24 26 57 79 18 43, 27 7 16 5 12 13 6 19 20 36 70 18 44, 30 7 17 5 8 12 11 19 18 60 53 n 45, 32 12 16 7 16 13 10 14 39 80 95 20 46, 31 6 8 7 14 12 4 17 25 53 56 8 47, 23 9 11 3 16 15 8 17 15 60 58 14 48, 28 5 13 8 12 13 8 15 16 58 64 16 49, 29 3 12 3 15 15 10 12 15 54 45 11 50, 50 8 18 9 14 12 16 17 40 71 100 25 61, 19 6 11 10 9 7 9 12 20 27 26 11 52, 25 4 7 9 9 14 11 14 23 49 60 10 53, 23 7 13 9 13 19 9 16 15 40 46 16 64, 25 8 11 5 12 14 6 15 22 47 44 18 • 55, 28 8 12 10 15 21 16 20 22 55 54 20 56, 24 4 15 4 13 13 10 14 21 43 34 15 57, 22 7 12 9 11 10 10 15 21 28 24 10 5S, 23 12 14 4 9 19 14 8 14 53 28 14 69, 18 4 15 11 18 13 7 13 16 47 21 7 60, 33 7 13 7 20 10 12 13 26 55 49 19 61-65, 99 31 69 23 52 51 53 82 68 157 126 75 66-70, 76 25 45 20 40 43 33 68 55 114 82 82 71-75, 46 17 65 21 21 42 33 46 32 71 55 49 76-80, 35 6 33 13 19 20 17 23 31 53 31 32 81-85, 26 3 8 3 5 12 8 10 9 24 19 10 86-90, 8 2 7 _ 7 6 4 7 7 9 8 6 91-95, 1 2 - 2 1 2 1 1 6 1 1 96-100, 2 - - - - - - - - - - - 101 and over. - - - — — — ~ — - — "• Totals, . 2,604 592 1,109 621 1,100 1,192 1,059 1,-500 2,142 6,464 7,466 1,414 AGES. 2^9 AGES — Continued. COI'STT OF Worcester — Concluded . AGES. Tem- 1 West- West-] West- West- Win- Wor- Stur- Sut- Up- ' Ux- War- Web- ple- ton. bor- Boyls- Brook- min- clicn- ces- bridge. ton. ton. bridge. ren. ster. OUgll. ton. field. 1 ster. don. ter. Under 1, 45 66 52 32 60 109 169 109 71 33 27 84 1,434 1> 30 48 56 27 56 75 134 89 64 26 31 60 1,267 2 36 74 51 48 62 84 146 98 70 30 28 71 1,372 3,' 40 63 51 37 67 85 146 92 72 39 30 81 1,339 4, 40 69 61 35 65 79 126 86 72 31 29 80 1,388 5, 37 79 66 25 65 80 154 80 63 34 25 75 1,316 6, 41 69 65 35 48 80 127 96 79 35 34 67 1,301 7> 45 70 55 30 56 79 120 89 65 41 28 81 1,277 8, 41 69 52 34 46 77 128 71 67 30 23 68 1,153 9, 49 58 51 29 59 84 117 93 63 33 ^ [ 71 1,089 10, 48 59 65 43 63 62 106 88 64 30 30 ! 65 1,157 11, 28 67 52 30 49 72 119 83 54 34 28 82 966 12, 44 70 58 39 57 75 130 103 57 50 28 ' 64 1,073 13, 41 65 39 33 52 60 116 102 44 38 27 ' 71 943 14, 45 86 61 34 77 94 109 113 88 31 23 69 893 15, 48 60 47 31 50 79 108 112 83 35 32 67 885 16, 30 85 49 36 52 85 109 119 84 37 40 75 966 1", 41 69 43 41 67 82 125 122 67 36 22 63 912 IS, 46 87 41 45 75 96 121 116 79 33 36 80 1,119 19, 38 57 57 38 85 109 116 121 63 38 19 63 1,116 20, 46 81 68 35 74 80 108 136 63 37 32 70 l,22t 21, 44 64 53 47 62 74 113 112 46 43 27 60 1,102 22, 37 66 52 40 59 89 128 127 65 44 20 75 1,240 23, 45 56 45 34 73 63 103 133 49 51 35 66 1,218 2i, 35 63 45 34 56 75 95 100 60 39 21 56 1,215 25, 33 44 46 35 74 88 112 129 50 48 28 67 1,:'.39 26, 36 45 39 33 48 67 86 102 51 38 23 70 1,063 27, 34 33 36 30 47 52 88 92 37 42 29 51 1,072 2S, 32 43 52 35 53 56 98 92 54 44 22 58 1,200 29, 27 29 34 22 33 52 83 77 36 19 24 66 893 30, 25 46 55 35 76 80 112 119 51 30 26 78 1,591 31, 21 28 21 2i 28 42 62 72 21 30 14 51 683 32, 24 27 44 27 30 50 73 68 25 22 30 71 1,008 33, 24 25 40 37 36 52 65 60 33 20 22 48 956 34, 17 27 43 33 33 46 87 65 27 17 20 41 801 35, 29 45 47 26 47 71 84 106 28 30 24 56 1,475 36, 22 35 44 34 30 44 81 70 39 29 18 31 877 37, ' . 19 22 32 31 31 41 63 66 26 21 26 42 741 38, 23 42 44 28 40 55 90 60 38 28 24 46 934 39, 25 37 26 22 27 49 58 42 30 21 18 31 627 40, 27 53 40 42 66 76 111 100 43 16 " 60 1,505 41, 17 19 34 13 24 33 31 38 25 10 15 33 461 42, 20 32 29 23 32 41 64 68 24 21 23 53 659 413, 21 28 33 14 31 33 49 48 25 22 20 41 491 44, 24 24 27 16 24 40 57 49 33 16 13 47 535 45, 30 37 47 30 61 57 71 81 34 23 20 57 1,012 46, 16 34 24 28 21 23 53 50 34 14 10 33 486 47, 15 22 25 17 20 27 47 35 28 15 18 34 449 48, 20 33 21 20 27 28 62 50 38 25 16 41 .517 49, 19 33 22 21 23 34 49 40 24 20 12 46 419 50, 33 47 44 15 61 58 83 71 41 33 26 48 1,013 51, 22 24 24 19 16 22 26 23 17 18 12 32 328 52, 20 18 20 21 30 28 28 47 23 19 15 47 427 53, 10 17 21 19 20 36 38 40 16 16 20 35 371 54, 16 24 30 22 39 21 44 33 30 18 13 30 313 55, 25 35 31 12 34 35 51 59 28 15 20 34 483 56, 18 25 20 17 31 24 51 31 17 18 10 30 332 57, 24 16 20 18 34 20 31 21 23 15 13 27 291 58, 16 20 25 19 24 24 33 36 13 22 19 22 316 59, 20 20 9 8 19 19 35 30 14 12 12 27 230 60, 21 36 31 21 46 33 42 45 22 29 19 29 607 61-65, 62 96 85 88 96 100 122 146 78 60 72 115 1,060 66-70, 67 66 77 80 70 78 88 108 70 47 71 90 798 71-75, 34 57 62 50 38 63 59 79 58 30 50 67 456 76-80, 32 34 26 28 34 40 37 51 22 16 45 40 307 81-85, 12 18 IS 10 12 19 11 15 11 11 18 22 133 86-90, 5 9 4 5 8 3 8 9 4 7 5 9 48 91-95, 4 _ 2 2 2 1 _ 1 _ 2 1 1 14 96-100, 1 - - — - 1 - - - - - 1 3 101 and over. - - - - ~ - - - 1 — — — ~ Totals. . 2,002 3,105 2,789 2,023 3,111 3,889 5,696 5,214 2,994 1,917 1,652 3,722 58,291 250 CENSUS OP MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. RECAPITULATION — COUNTY AND STATE. AGES. Barn- stable. Berkshire. Bristol. Dukes. Essex. Franklin. Hampden Hamp- shire. Under 1, 545 1,434 3,038 38 4,784 698 2,352 872 1. 506 1,396 2,627 45 4,389 667 1,951 811 2, 522 1.515 2,901 54 4,850 662 2.107 867 3, 533 1,514 2.781 79 4,636 704 2,202 860 4, 562 1,549 2,928 61 4,693 718 2.207 944 5. 607 1.500 2,892 56 4,766 720 2,293 853 6. 580 1,538 2,853 52 4,557 757 2,141 951 7, 538 1,504 2,747 68 4,614 684 2,112 909 8, 580 1.494 2,571 47 4,307 609 2,016 898 9, 561 1,377 2,535 58 4,307 679 1,930 894 10. 569 1,557 2,701 58 4,545 689 2,009 955 11, 552 1,412 2,464 47 3,998 643 1,835 911 12, 601 1,503 2,780 77 4,506 677 2,042 944 13. 665 1,377 2,417 77 4,126 633 1,925 942 u, 592 1,435 2.S79 63 4,437 623 2,117 911 15, 564 1,353 2,750 69 4,150 618 2,123 940 16, 512 1,387 2,884 64 4,274 660 2,167 902 17. 514 1,402 2,651 96 4,274 613 2,097 931 18, 580 1,495 3,093 73 5,066 659 2,415 1,065 19, 582 1,474 2,800 86 5,056 708 2,284 1,143 20, 538 1,499 3,157 76 5,653 713 2,416 1,152 21. 487 1.220 2,728 63 4,825 651 2,076 882 22, 625 1.393 2,955 76 5,531 669 2,367 992 23, 573 1,279 2,594 65 6,163 637 2,066 930 24. 490 1.202 2,025 70 4,992 598 2,115 872 25. 541 1.216 2,(;;to 70 6,380 635 2,096 802 26, 438 1,095 2.456 66 4,558 564 1,832 719 27. 489 949 2.171 48 4,103 590 1,086 647 28, 469 1.132 2,548 71 4,806 601 1,977 693 29, 426 854 1,S20 53 3,553 475 1,380 603 30, 624 1,298 3,135 75 5,950 694 2,345 812 31, 335 670 1,467 58 2,684 427 1,053 415 32, 397 921 l,<.i98 53 3.720 498 1,475 660 33, 442 897 1,695 59 » 3.330 516 1,319 563 34, 448 763 1,734 55 3,162 478 1,3.37 554 35, 492 1,141 2,555 79 4,908 565 1,950 757 36, 398 836 ],S()5 60 3,389 605 1,400 592 37, 380 750 1.538 61 3,016 433 1,201 572 38. 457 965 1,928 48 3,626 449 1,438 695 39, 394 708 1,500 46 2,834 394 1,073 471 40, 668 1,309 3,155 94 5,690 655 2,211 935 41, 286 507 1,098 40 2.116 353 853 388 42, 431 751 1,560 64 3,113 453 1,128 578 43, 407 629 1,296 39 2,568 354 991 450 44, . 349 594 1,390 66 2,353 380 977 445 45, . 436 955 2,162 58 4,110 619 1,670 721 46, 343 621 1,311 48 2,.368 336 948 453 47, , 318 550 1,184 58 2,246 312 828 418 48, . 380 716 1,369 42 2,551 368 1,080 471 49, . 338 572 1,098 40 1,947 305 837 407 50, . 422 1,106 2,387 101 4,254 547 1,677 787 51, . 279 412 879 53 1.547 294 620 360 62, . 327 609 1,192 47 2,174 316 832 424 53, 307 486 1,048 38 1,679 283 735 409 54, . 277 495 1,010 44 1,752 278 765 379 55, 304 641 1,288 56 2,187 345 943 452 56, 283 613 991 68 1,672 314 682 425 57, . 255 391 745 34 1,341 255 531 362 68, . 273 455 893 68 1,559 289 614 376 59, . 269 406 692 42 1,191 221 478 290 60, 351 800 1,540 56 2,592 404 1,108 570 61-65, 1,312 1.8S2 3,527 187 6,170 1,240 2,399 1,460 66-70, 1,093 1,515 2,863 175 4,926 1,002 1,873 1,199 71-75, 872 989 1,826 149 3.359 756 1,163 846 76-80, 555 672 1,199 84 2,163 480 747 539 81-85, 245 297 528 49 929 255 333 269 86-90, 81 125 230 13 356 88 136 107 91-95, 27 23 51 6 83 23 36 22 96-100, . 1 5 15 1 19 2 13 3 101 and over, . - 2 2 - 2 1 7 1 Totals, . 31,897 69,032 1 139,040 4,300 244,535 36,001 104,142 47,232 AGES. 251 RECAPITULATION — COUNTY AND STATE — Concluded. Nan- Jliddlesex. tucket. Norfolk. " Plymouth. Suffolk. Worcester. The State. AGES. 6,926 39 2,000 1,267 8,570 5,024 37,587 Under 1. 6,034 39 1,826 1,244 7,030 4,486 33,0.51 1. 6,586 53 1,942 1,316 8,222 4,827 36,424 2 6,595 54 1,933 1,331 7,909 4,858 35,989 '. 3. 6,503 66 1,862 1,332 7,939 4,902 36,256 4. 6,558 61 1,985 1,381 8,013 4,869 36,554 5. 6,2H2 36 1,861 1,314 7,712 4,746 35,380 6. 6,133 54 1,854 1,314 7,361 4,732 34,624 7. 5,892 46 1,785 1,272 7,024 4,347 32,948 8. 6,6-tO 57 1,755 1,305 6,606 4,325 32,089 9. 6,012 47 1,802 1,347 7,071 4,511 33,873 . ^ 6,354 33 1,671 1,254 6,149 4,015 30,338 11. 5,841 63 1,779 1,375 6,879 4,526 33,593 12. 5,321 55 1,716 1,375 6,308 4,liJ6 31,043 13. 5,630 71 1,763 1,278 6,540 4,239 32,578 . 14. 5,290 49 l,6:i4 1,150 6,041 4,086 30,817 15. 5,628 58 1,641 1,187 6,203 4,258 31,825 16. 5,820 48 1,740 1,222 6,266 4,190 31,864 17. 6,796 40 1,937 1,378 7,281 4,748 36,626 18. 6,680 60 1,973 1,479 7,414 4,674 36,463 19. 7,258 60 2,072 1,537 8,455 4,867 39,453 3- 6,264 62 1,907 1,348 7,769 4,210 34,482 21. 7,108 37 2,027 1,547 8,730 4,729 38,686 22. 6,568 59 1,971 1,462 8,.393 4,499 36,259 23! 6,356 60 1,810 1,381 8,444 4,277 35,282 24. 6,991 55 1,974 1,358 9,926 4,539 38,273 25. 5,817 63 1,714 1,277 7,4>i9 3,797 31,885 26. 6,382 58 1,504 1,159 7,144 3,577 29,507 . 27. 6,380 42 1,680 1,233 8,976 3,993 34,601 28. 4,6S9 43 1,300 1,021 5,973 3,083 25,273 29. 7,713 37 2,085 1,401 12,414 4,839 43,322 . _30, 3,581 39 1,099 920 4,408 2,477 19,633 31. 5,089 49 1,4^0 1,036 6,600 3,235 27,071 32. 4,372 45 1,301 991 6,720 3,025 24,275 33. 4,123 60 1,182 975 5,271 2,765 22,897 .34. 6,826 39 1,847 1,215 10,563 4,183 37,120 35. 4,274 42 1,238 929 6,121 2,982 23,631 36. 3,764 53 1,163 898 4,744 2,602 21,165 37. 4,705 39 1,293 989 6,404 3,146 26,082 . 38. 3,457 46 999 857 4,080 2,.358 19,217 39. 7,316 73 1,943 1,272 11,703 4,558 41,482 40. 2,483 35 801 676 2,603 1,785 14,024 41. 3,677 43 1,186 897 4,573 2,5.30 20,984 , 42. 3,073 39 988 819 3,500 2,102 17,255 43. 2,841 40 894 796 2,999 2,192 16,306 . 44. 5,423 46 1,610 1,153 7,553 3,567 29,983 . 45. 2,872 39 903 832 3,133 2,010 16,217 46. 2,668 56 875 802 2,934 1,941 15,190 47. 3,160 35 1,010 805 3,729 2,237 17,953 48. 2,496 47 803 736 2,630 1,865 14,121 49. 5,524 4a 1,695 1,077 8,371 3,643 31,636 60. 1,740 33 605 664 1,882 1,427 10,69^ 51. 2,625 37 891 723 2,836 1,870 14,903 52. 2,239 37 745 722 2,349 1,628 12,705 53. 2,150 69 740 678 2,324 1,658 12,609 54. 3,034 43 1,005 738 3,709 2,186 16,931 55. 2,172 54 760 682 2,241 1,652 12,499 56. 1,730 48 682 546 1,586 1,399 9,805 57. 2,009 32 689 540 1,996 1,-577 11,360 58. 1,516 49 564 622 1,366 1,304 8,910 59. 3,417 45 1,126 787 5,050 2,395 20,241 60. 7,753 222 2,715 2,455 7,624 6,069 45,iri5 61-65. 5,901 200 2,190 2,169 5,722 4,925 35,753 66-70. 3,726 202 1,445 1,594 3,125 3,229 23,281 "71^75. 2,466 104 992 1,031 1,973 2,047 15,052 76-80. 1,087 66 462 518 770 938 6,746 81-85, 381 23 173 186 311 410 2,620 86-90. 89 7 44 34 81 88 6ir 91-95. 19 1 6 8 27 12 132 95-100. 5 - - 1 5 1 2r 101 and over. 317,830 3.727 96,507 74,018 387,927 226,897 1,783,085 T Jtals. 252 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1S80. STATE RECAPITULATION — SEX, NATIVE, FOREIGN, Etc. Kative Whitk. FoKEiGX White. AGES. JIalos. Females. Totals. Males. Females. Totals. T'uder 1 18,444 17,976 36,420 310 339 649 1. 16.021 15,696 31,717 520 486 1,006 2, 17,517 17,208 34,725 6.32 638 1,270 3, 17,286 16.892 34,178 756 668 1,424 4. 17,369 16,980 34,349 764 723 1,487 0. 17,251 17,318 34,569 786 797 1,583 •', 16,832 16,-577 33,409 786 818 1,604 ', 16,211 16,204 32,415 932 910 1,842 S. 15,311 15,149 30,460 1,0.54 1,084 2,138 9, 14,815 14,627 29,442 1,162 1,166 2,.328 30, 15,437 15.212 30,649 1,410 1,478 2,888 Jl, 13,606 13,696 27,302 1,358 1.414 2.772 12, 15,053 14,702 29,7.55 1,792 1,737 3.529 ]3, 13,598 13,772 27,370 1,681 1,702 3,383 34, 14,076 13,4.32 27,-508 2,259 2,506 4,765 15, 12,547 12,645 2-5,192 2,667 2,8.34 5,401 ]6, l-2,4»i 12,923 25,327 2,7.52 3,481 6,233 17, l-i,419 12,023 25,042 2,871 3,659 6,530 18, 13,478 14,784 2S,2i;2 3,312 4,741 8,053 19. ]M,8!I3 14,1-54 2S,047 3,.532 4,-507 8,039 20. 13,480 15.724 29,204 4,001 5,831 9,832 21. 13,214 13.359 26,-573 3,208 4,385 7,-593 22, 13.400 15.149 28,.549 3,983 5,704 9,687 23. 12,780 14,131 120,911 3,700 5,218 8,918 24. 12,090 13,426 25,516 3,768 5,-508 9,276 2.5, 12,584 13,462 26,046 4.918 6,739 11,6-57 26, 10,595 11,474 22,069 4,057 5,342 9,399 27, 9,830 ]0,.'!05 20,135 4,028 4.923 8,951 2S, 10,849 11,141 21,990 5,446 6.687 12,1-33 29. 8,317 8,847 17,1(54 3,496 4.255 7,7.51 c.n. 11,810 12,160 23,970 8,773 9.807 18,580 01. 6,697 7,162 13,859 2,796 2.784 5,580 32. 7,936 8,720 16,656 4,854 5.221 10,075 33, . 7,107 8,168 15,275 4,072 4,600 8,672 34, 0,709 7,739 14.-538 3,908 4,175 8,083 3-i, 8,971 9,647 18.618 8,902 9,031 17,9-33 36, 6,577 7,743 14,320 4,385 4,641 9,026 37, . 6,119 7.015 13,134 3,744 4,046 7,790 3S. . 6,917 7.715 14,6:}2 5,249 5,897 11.146 39, 5,703 6.675 12,378 3,095 3,478 6,573 40, 9,050 9,.586 18,636 11,096 11,162 22,258 41. 4,469 5,107 9,-576 2,155 2,170 4,325 42, . 5,965 6.784 12,749 3.776 4,263 8,039 43, 6,371 5,920 11,291 2,670 3,1.38 5,808 44, . 4,9.53 5,646 10,599 2,.521 3,064 5,, 585 4n, . 6,692 7.064 13,7-56 8,047 7,847 15,894 46, . 4,946 5.4.52 10,398 2,681 3,015 5,69 47, . 4,6.53 5,222 9,875 2,432 2.742 5,174 48, . 4,895 5,438 10,333 3,499 3,976 7,475 49, . 4,426 4,916 9,342 2,090 2,564 4,6-54 50, 6,599 7,354 13,953 8,248 9,045 17,293 51, 3,716 3,993 7,709 1,345 1,575 2,920 52, 4,650 5,129 9,779 2,412 2, .585 4,997 53, . 4,249 4,515 8,764 1,841 2,006 3.847 54, . 4,091 4,481 8,572 1,825 2,099 3,924 5.i, . 4,423 4,692 9.115 3,686 3,982 7,668 56, . 4,130 4,427 8,-557 1,915 1,899 3,814 57, . 3,552 3,682 7,234 1,222 1,281 2,-503 5S, . 3,789 4,115 7,904 1,613 1,740 3,-353 59, 3,3.55 3,549 6,904 942 1,006 1,948 60, . 4,693 5,185 9,878 4,803 5,256 10,119 61, 2,825 3,121 5,946 775 7.35 1,-510 62, . 3,446 3,701 7,147 1,100 1,1.53 2,2.53 63, . 3,240 3,444 6,684 939 984 1,923 64, 2,956 3,176 6,132 823 8.52 1,675 65, 3,316 3,569 6,885 2,175 2,.Sb5 4,-530 66, , 2,508 2,815 5,323 6.53 695 1,348 67, . 2,-526 2,848 5,374 641 7.52 1,-393 68, 2,545 2,895 5,440 705 783 1,488 69, 2,315 2,575 4,890 471 462 933 70, . 2,607 3,147 5,7-54 1,490 2,062 3,5.52 AGES. 253 STATE RECAPrrULATIOX — SEX, NATIVE, FOREIGN, Etc. — Con. COLOIIED. , Aggregates. AGES. Males. Females. Totals. Males. Females. Totals. Under 1 258 260 518 19,012 i 18,.575 37,587 1, 159 169 328 16,700 16,351 33,051 2 216 213 429 18,365 18,059 36,424 3,' 195 192 387 18,237 17,752 35,989 4, 200 220 420 18,333 17,923 36.256 5, 192 210 402 1S,229 18,325 36,5.54 6, 173 194 367 17,791 17,589 35,380 7, 178 189 367 17,321 17,303 34,624 8, 176 174 350 16,.541 16,407 32,948 9, 148 171 319 16,125 15,964 32,089 10. 178 158 336 17.025 16,848 33,873 11. 135 129 264 15,099 15,2.39 30,.338 12, 150 159 309 16,995 16,.598 33.593 1:5, 149 141 290 15,428 1 -ifilO 31,043 14. 153 152 305 16,488 16,090 32,578 io. 111 113 224 15,225 15,592 30,817 16. 122 143 265 15,278 16,547 31,S25 17, 126 166 292 15,416 16,448 31,864 IS, 129 182 311 16,919 19,707 36,626 19, 182 195 377 17,607 18,856 36,463 20, 177 240 417 17,658 21,795 39,453 21. 149 167 316 16..571 17,911 34,482 22 214 236 450 17, .597 21,089 38.6S6' 23; 192 238 430 16,672 19,587 36,2.59 24, 217 273 490 16,075 19,207 35,282 25, 298 272 570 17.800 20,473 38,273 26, 188 229 417 14,840 17,045 31.885 27, 199 222 421 14,057 15,450 29,507 28, 240 238 478 16,535 18,066 34,601 29. 167 191 358 11,980 13,293 25,273 30, 442 330 772 21.025 22,297 43,322 31, 98 96 194 9,591 10,042 19,633 32, 172 168 340 12.962 14,109 27,071 3i. 159 169 328 11,3.38 12,937 24,275 34. . 150 126 276 10,8.57 12,040 22,897 35, 327 242 569 18,200 18,920 37,120 36. 143 142 2S5 11,105 12,526 23,631 37, 112 129 241 9,975 11,190 21.165 38, 172 132 304 12,338 13,744 26,082 29, 138 128 266 8,936 10,281 19,217 40. 311 277 588 20,457 21.025 41,482 41, . 65 58 123 6,089 7,335 14,024 42, . . 106 90 196 9,847 11.137 20,984 43, 77 79 1-56 8,118 9,137 17,255 44, 61 61 122 7,-5.35 8,771 16,306 45. . 182 151 333 14,921 16,062 29,983 46. , 69 64 123 7,686 8,531 16,217 47. . 74 67 141 7,159 8,031 15,190 48, 64 81 145 8,458 9,495 17,953 49, 56 69 125 6,572 7,549 14,121 50, 159 231 390 15.006 16.630 31,636 51. . 30 36 66 5.091 6,604 10,695 52, 64 63 127 7,126 7,777 14,903 53. 45 49 94 6.135 6,570 12,705 54. 54 59 113 5,970 6,639 12,609 65, 72 76 148 8,181 8.750 16,931 56, . 57 71 128 6,102 6.397 12,499 57. . 31 37 68 4,805 5.000 9,805 58, . 52 51 103 5.454 5,906 11,360 59. . 28 30 58 4,325 4,585 8,910 60, . 105 139 244 9,661 10.580 20,241 61, . 18 15 33 3,618 3,871 7,489 62, . 39 35 74 4,585 4,889 9,474 63, 42 35 77 4,221 4,463 8,684 64. . 17 19 36 3,796 4,047 7.S43 65. . 53 57 110 " 5,544 5.981 11,.525 66, 26 20 46 3,187 3,5.30 6,717 67. . 10 21 31 8,177 3,621 6,798 68. 24 30 54 3,274 3,708 6,982 69. . 22 21 43 2,808 3,058 6,866 70, ... . 37 47 1 84 4,1.34 5,2-56 9,390 254: CEIsTSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — ISSO. STATE RECAPITULATION — SEX, NATIVE, FOREIGN, Etc. — Con. Nativb White. Foreign White. AGES. • Males. Females. Totals. Males. Females. Totals. 71 1,S36 2,038 3,874 246 278 524 72, 1,h:s4 2,373 4,207 380 446 826 73, . 1,731 2,147 .3,878 327 389 716 74, ],r,90 1,952 3,542 2S1 324 605 75, l.iino 2,031 3,631 5ti6 776 1,342 76, . ],2S6 1,791 3,077 271 301 572 77, 1,U17 1,390 2,407 177 193 370 78, . 074 1,239 2,213 2(17 275 482 79, 893 1,251 2,144 156 169 325 80, . 897 1,322 2,219 442 673 1,115 81, . 683 823 1,406 74 83 157 82, 523 850 1,.373 91 132 223 83, 467 761 1,228 72 92 164 84, 369 655 1,024 86 no 202 8.5, . 262 463 725 58 148 206 86, 221 435 656 34 67 101 87, . 189 354 543 28 49 77 8S, 158 258 416 29 40 69 89, 95 213 308 18 31 49 9U, 77 159 236 43 05 138 01, 51 107 158 9 12 21 92, 35 86 121 11 15 26 93, 28 86 114 9 12 21 94, . 16 49 65 5 9 14 95, 9 29 38 13 19 32 96, 9 18 27 4 15 19 S'T, 5 11 16 8 7 15 98, - 7 7 6 13 18 99, 1 5 6 - 6 5 100, - 3 3 1 9 10 101, _ 3 3 . 2 2 102, _ 1 - 1 1 103, _ 1 2 , 1 3 104, _ 1 1 3 4 105, _ 1 1 2 3 106, - 1 - - - 107, - - - 1 - 1 108, _ _ - _ 1 1 110, - - - 1 - 1 Total '. 643,050 678,794 1,321,844 205,927 236,011 441,938 AGES. 255 STATE RECAPITULATION — SEX, NATIVE, FOREIGN, Etc. — Con. Colored. Aggregates. AGES. Males. Females. Totals. Males. Females. Totals. 71 10 U 24 2,092 2,.330 4,422 72, 19 14 33 2,233 2,833 5,066 73, 11 16 27 2,069 2,552 4.621 'i. 6 12 18 1,877 2,288 4,165 75, 13 21 34 2,179 2,828 5,007 76. 9 13 22 1,566 2,105 3.671 77, 5 10 15 1,199 1,593 2,792 78, 6 13 19 1,187 1,527 2,7U 79, 10 10 20 1,059 1,430 2,489 80, 17 35 52 1,356 2,030 3,386 81, 6 3 9 663 909 1,572 82, 5 5 10 619 987 1,606 83, 1 4 5 540 857 1,397 84, 1 7 8 456 778 1,234 85, 2 4 6 322 615 937 86, 1 4 5 256 506 762 87, 2 6 8 219 409 628 88, 3 3 6 190 301 491 89. 1 4 5 114 248 362 90, 2 1 3 122 255 377 91. _ 1 1 60 120 ISO 92. - - - 46 101 147 93, - _ - 37 98 135 94, _ 1 1 21 59 80 95, 2 _ 2 24 48 72 96, 1 - 1 14 33 47 97, 1 - 1 14 18 32 98, _ - - 5 20 25 99. 1 _ 1 2 10 12 100, 2 1 3 3 13 16 101, 1 _ 1 1 6 6 102, 1 _ 1 1 2 3 103, - _ _ 2 o 4 104, . _ 1 1 1 5 6 105, _ _ - 1 3 4 106, - - _ _ 1 1 107, - - - 1 - 1 108, . - - - - 1 1 110, - - - 1 - 1 Totals, 9,463 1 9,840 19,303 858,440 924,645 1,783,085 CLASSIFIED OCCUPATIO]SlS. Counties, Cities, Towns, AND Sex. Govern- Domes- Trade ment and I'ro- tic and Personal and Trans- por- Agri- culture. fessional. Office. tation. Fish- eries. Manu- Appren- factures th-PS, and Me- Labiirrrs chanical and Indus- Indcfl- tries. iiite. All Classes of Occu- pations. COUNTY OF BARNSTABLE. Town of Barnstable, Malip, . Females, Town of Brewster, Males, . Females, Town of Chatham, Males, . Females, Town of Dennis, . Males, . Females, Town of Eastham, Males, . Females, Town of Falmouth, Males, . Females, Town of HARwncn, Males, . Females, Town of Mashpf.e, Males, . Females, Town of Orleans,. Males, . Females, Town of Provincetow Males, . Females, Town of Sandwich, Males, . Females, Town of Truko, Males, . Females, Town of "Wellfleet, Males, . Females, Town of Yarmouth, Males, . Females, COUNTY OF BERKSHIRE Town of Adams, . Males, .... Females, 91 62 29 16 7 9 43 25 18 36 20 16 13 12 1 51 29 22 36 27 9 5 5 24 10 14 72 45 27 55 30 25 29 21 26 18 8 34 25 9 46 20 26 1.56 47 109 33 3 SO 79 11 68 27 15 12 3 3 112 16 96 29 11 18 47 8 39 12 4 8 60 11 49 88 21 67 1 6 40 O o 37 ^ 15 3 12 130 46 84 462 455 7 64 63 1 175 172 3 632 62S 4 45 45 187 185 2 677 674 3 22 22 83 80 3 993 9S7 162 159 3 344 344 283 282 1 199 190 9 229 229 123 122 1 101 101 143 143 98 98 207 206 1 39 39 159 159 197 208 195 2U6 2 2 51 51 58 58 193 193 64 64 91 91 280 280 50 50 68 68 16 16 47 47 102 102 79 79 12 12 35 35 29 29 246 211 35 56 34 22 85 49 36 177 120 67 31 23 8 241 214 27 185 130 46 5 4 1 80 47 33 210 172 38 490 410 80 23 14 9 62 54 8 119 97 22 1,697 958 739 165 163 2 29 29 12 12 56 56 2 1 1 108 lOG 2 173 172 1 51 51 27 27 88 84 4 228 227 1 55 55 164 164 1.39 139 1.53 152 1 1,413 1,231 182 412 349 63 775 650 125 1,121 1,032 89 260 250 10 922 772 150 1,186 1,109 77 132 92 40 487 429 58 1,.507 1,.383 124 1,278 1,101 177 328 302 26 671 618 53 677 633 44 2,418 1,.559 859 2G0 CEI^SUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. CLASSIFIED OCCUPATIONS BY TOWNS — Continued. COUNTIKS, ClTIKS, ToWSS, AND SKX. Govern- ment and I'ro- fessional Domes- tic and Personal Oflice. Trade and Traiis- ])()r- tation. Agri- culture Fish- eries. Manu- faclnres and Me- chanical Indus- tries. Appren- tices, Laborers and In.lefi- nite. All Classes of Occu- pations. CO. OF BERKSHIRE — Con. TOM'N OF A I.FORD, . Mal.s Femak'ti 8 4 4 6 6 7 7 92 92 - 14 11 3 5 5 1.32 119 13 Town- of Becket, . Mails, Females 20 5 15 10 1 9 21 21 149 149 - 54 52 2 44 44 298 272 26 ToMx OF Cheshire, Males Fiinales, .... 37 7 10 32 7 25 39 39 129 129 - 1.'53 120 13 110 110 460 412 48 ToAVN OF Clarksburg, . Mal.s, Females, .... 6 1 5 3 3 8 8 76 76 - 142 102 40 40 40 275 227 48 Town of Dalton, . Males Females 2.3 12 11 37 3 34 36 36 93 93 - 651 322 329 121 121 961 587 374 Town of E(;kemont, M:.les, Females 12 6 29 2 27 11 11 199 198 1 - 80 76 4 2 2 333 295 38 Tow of Florida, . Males Females 6 3 3 16 2 14 2 2 113 111 2 _ 7 5 2 19 19 163 142 21 Town of Great Barrington, Males Females 89 59 30 206 44 162 214 209 5 306 305 1 1 1 859 623 336 204 203 1 1,879 1,344 535 Town- of Hancock, Mal.s Females, .... 7 1 6 24 13 11 7 7 1.54 1.54 - 45 40 5 74 74 311 289 22 Town of Hinsdale, Males Females 28 10 IS 17 3 14 71 71 95 95 - 310 212 98 138 138 659 529 130 Town- of LANESBOROtcn, Males Females 21 6 15 36 11 25 24 24 160 159 1 - 99 95 4 118 118 458 413 45 Town of Lee, .... Males, Females, .... 51 32 19 106 17 89 115 112 3 242 242 - 854 521 333 226 225 1 1,594 1,149 445 Town of Lenox, . Males Females, .... 28 IS 10 1 140 21 119 56 56 207 207 - 1.33 115 18 215 214 1 779 631 148 Town of Monterey, Male.- Females, .... s 2 6 I 7 7 7 6 1 121 121 - 23 18 5 15 14 1 181 161 20 Town of Mt. Washington, Mai. s, ... . I Females 1 6 2 4 : 2 1 1 2 2 55 55 - 5 5 - 70 65 5 Town of Xew Ashford, . 1 Males, Females, .... - 16 12 4 1 1 42 41 1 - 15 8 7 21 21 95 83 12 Town of Xew Marlborough, Males Females, 36 14 22 70 7 63 34 33 1 32S 328 - 1.53 137 16 70 70 691 589 102 CLASSIFIED OCCUPATIONS. 261 CLASSIFIED OCCUPATIONS BY TOWNS — Continued. CocsTiEs, Cities, Towns, AND Sex. Govern- Dotnes- ment , tic and and Pro- fessional. rersonal Office. Trade and Trans- por- tation. Agri- Fish- culture, eries. Manu- factures I and Me- chanical Indus- tries. Aupren- tices. Lab rers and Indefl- uite. All Classes of Occu- pations. CO. OF BERKSmUE — Con. Town of Xokth Adams, Males, . Females, To%rs" OF Otis, . M.des, . Females, To^x OF Peru, Whiles, . Females, Tows OF PiTTSFIELD, Males, . Females, Town of Ricumoxd, Mules, . Females, Town of Sasdisfielu, Males, . Females, Town of Savoy, Males, . Females, Town of Sheffield, Mal.-.s . Females, Town of Stockbkidge, Males, . Females, Town of Ttkingham, Males, . Females, Town of TTashington, Males, . Females, Town of West Stockbridge Males, . Females, Town of Williajistown, Males, . Females, Town of ^Vindsor, Males, . Females, COUNTY OF BRISTOL. Town of Acushnet, Mal.s Femalrs, Town of Attleborough, Males Females, Town of Berkley, Males Femali;s, 146 111 35 16 8 8 132 93 12 a 7 24 6 18 12 35 14 21 42 25 17 2 3 4 4 12 6 6 70 43 27 8 2 16 14 2 117 59 58 11 320 108 212 21 5 16 1 1 689 168 621 14 2 12 14 9 5 18 18 76 6 70 182 24 158 6 6 8 8 41 3 38 103 20 83 16 9 7 2.3 6 17 285 41 244 581 570 11 16 16 781 753 28 54 52 2 17 17 01 54 3 65 64 1 29 29 64 63 1 4 4 71 70 1 a39 308 31 42 41 1 175 174 1 171 171 114 112 2 506 506 1.59 148 11 210 207 3 204 204 498 498 265 265 130 130 105 105 65 65 275 266 9 187 187 132 132 533 529 4 82 2,449 1,668 781 35 34 1 304 234 70 19 16 3 7 7 145 140 5 534 337 197 22 22 560 560 10 22 8 22 2 - 2,848 482 1,772 481 1,076 1 108 40 102 40 6 - 71 27 65 27 6 - 16 8 11 8 - 107 8 94 8 13 - 13 74 1 7 7 362 361 1 251 244 7 6 6 62 72 376 57 72 351 5 - 25 3.300 279 4,853 2,536 276 3,749 764 3 1,104 108 104 355 106 104 339 2 - 16 4,231 3,191 1,040 261 236 25 162 150 12 5,.5.31 3,812 1,719 387 349 38 363 331 32 264 254 10 781 674 107 937 690 247 170 108 12 131 119 12 654 604 50 1,297 973 324 243 230 13 262 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS 1880. CLASSIFIED OCCUPATIONS BY TOWNS. — Continued. CooNTiES, Cities, Towns, AND Sex. Govern • ment and Pro- fessional. Domes- tic and Personal Office. Trade and Trans- por- tation. Agri- culture. Fish- eries. Manu- factures and Me- cluinical Indus- tries. Appren- tices, Laborers iiiiil Inilefl- liile. All Classes of Occu- pations. CO. OF BlUSTOL — Con. ToM'N OF Dartmouth, . Malt'H, Females, .... 50 26 24 204 6 198 174 173 1 621 620 1 19 19 222 166 56 101 98 3 1,391 1,108 283 Tows OF DiGHTON, . Males Ffinalos, .... 21 10 11 28 9 19 62 69 3 315 314 1 3 3 232 186 46 24 24 685 605 80 TOMN OF Easton, . Malc.1, Feniak'H 50 25 25 • 60 14 76 116 113 3 120 120 1 1 895 804 91 188 188 1,460 1,265 195 Town of Fairha^tsn, . '^ . Malfrt, ..... Fcmalt'S, .... 51 36 15 80 15 65 168 160 8 196 196 18 18 395 299 96 148 148 1,056 873 184 City of Fall River, . MaKp, Ftinalco 491 159 9.30 299 631 2,333 2,264 69 354 352 2 30 30 16,.348 9,451 6,897 2,219 2,211 8 22,705 14,939 7,766 Town of Freetown, Maire, Females 26 12 14 13 1 12 67 66 1 169 168 1 - 129 118 11 55 65 459 420 39 Town of Mansfield, MaliH Females, .... 33 19 14 59 13 46 136 134 2 219 218 1 - 589 433 156 16 16 1,052 833 219 City of New Bedford, Males, 547 370 1,197 283 914 2,.3.52 2,233 119 304 303 1 17 17 5,48^ 3,939 1,550 1,157 1,119 -38.- 11,063 8,264 2,7U9 Town of Norton, . Males, Females 24 12 12 45 4 41 45 43 2 190 187 3 - 276 196 80 104 104 684 548 138 Town of Raynham, Males Females, .... 8 G 2 33 2 31 25 24 1 172 172 - 280 270 10 36 36 554 610 44 Town of Rehoboth, Mnlet. Females, .... 19 7 12 21 4 17 35 34 1 308 308 1 1 86 80 6 61 61 531 495 36 Town of Seekosk, . Males, . - . Females 9 2 7 31 2 29 42 41 1 255 255 - 79 62 17 46 40 462 408 64 Town of Somerset, Males Females 23 14 9 29 5 24 76 75 1 1.34 134 10 10 178 160 18 2.33 232 1 683 630 63 Town of Swansea, Males, Females 15 6 9 22 3 19 46 45 1 336 336 4 4 74 65 9 3 3 500 462 38 City of Taunton, . Males Females 301 196 105 707 161 546 1,116 1,072 44 391 389 2 9 9 4,804 3,683 1,221 1,270 1,265 6 8,598 6,675 1,923 Town of Westport, Malen, Feruiiles, .... 32 16 17 64 4 60 114 114 633 632 1 55 55 212 146 66 3 3 1,113 969 144 COUNTY OF DUKES. Town of Chilmakk, Males, ..... Females, .... 4 2 2 6 G 19 18 1 82 82 35 35 12 8 4 20 20 178 165 13 CLASSIFIED OCCUPATIOXS. 263 CLASSIFIED OCCUPATIONS BY TOWNS — Continued. Counties, Cities, Towns, AXD Sex. Govern- ment and Pro- fessional. Domes- tic and Personal Office. Trade and Trans- por- tation. Agri- culture, Fish- eries. Manu- lactiires and Jle- clianical Indus- tries. Appren- tices, Laborers and Indefi- nite. All Classes of Occu- pations. CO. OF DUKES — Con. Town of Cottage City, Mi.ks, . Females, Town of Edgartown, Males, . Females, Town of Gat Head, Males, . Females, Town of Gosnold, Males, . Females, Town of Tisbcrt, . Males, . Females, COUNTY OP ESSEX. Town of Amesbury, Males, . Ft males. Town of Ando\t:r, Males, . Femal-.8,, Town of Beverly, Males, . Females, Town of Eoxford, Males, . Females, Town of Bradford, Males, . Females. Town of Danvers, Males, . . . Females, Town of, Males, . Females, Town of Georgetown, Males, . Females, City of Gloucester, MulrS, . Females, Town of Groyeland, Males, . Females, Town of Hamilton, Males, . Females, City of Haverhill, Males, . Females, 1.5 9 49 35 14 4 4 34 22 12 36 n 19 124 61 63 136 V2 64 16 10 38 17 21 151 77 74 21 12 9 46 25 21 240 124 116 24 12 12 17 10 7 264 162 102 22 6 16 26 7 19 o 33 7 26 109 26 83 257 18 239 406 52 354 14 14 10 66 138 39 99 15 2 13 108 5 103 685 155 530 50 5 45 12 4 8 622 157 465 57 64 3 172 165 7 12 12 14 14 137 135 •2 109 105 4 192 188 4 543 529 14 11 11 123 117 6 273 272 1 63 60 3 116 103 13 1,064 1,032 32 44 43 1 38 37 1 853 811 42 29 29 - 75 75 22 22 13 13 8 8 15 15 12 12 124 124 43 43 115 115 1 1 296 296 _ 389 389 60 60 201 200 1 - 146 146 - 215 215 1 1 92 92 1 1 156 155 1 2 2 293 292 1 3,487 3,484 3 97 97 - 146 146 ' ^ 380 379 1 - 108 89 19 72 55 17 5 1 78 63 15 771 676 95 760 614 246 1,677 1,282 395 70 68 2 540 420 120 1,161 948 213 299 250 49 527 404 , 123 1,498 1,291 205 743 563 ISO 117 98 19 5.359 3,982 1,377 38 269 38 225 - 44 40 456 40 399 - 57 _ 39 _ 37 - 2 5 63 6 62 - 1 75 524 75 469 - 55 122 121 1 332 330 2 262 261 1 7 7 78 1 302 302 151 151 39 39 309 309 45 45 42 42 390 '388 2 1,263 1,061 202 1,961 1,407 554 3,473 2,645 828 319 296 23 1,002 788 214 2,241 1,8.^4 387 642 568 74 994 733 261 7,574 6,687 887 1,003 765 238 372 337 35 7,868 5,879 1,989 264 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. CLASSIFIED OCCUPATIONS BY TOWNS — Continued. COUNTIE.S, CiTIKS, TOWSS, AND Sex. Govern- ment and Pro- fessional Domes- tic and Persona . Office. Trade and Trans- por- tation. Agri- culture Fish- . eries. Manu- f ctures and Me- chanica! Indus- tries. Appren- 1 tices, and Indefi- nite. All Classes of Occu- pations. CO. OF ESSEX — Con. 1 Town of Ipswich, . Males Females 68 37 ; 31 84 16 68 147 140 1 7 361 356 5 14 14 683 467 216 99 98 1 1,456 1,128 328 City of Lawrexce, Mak-8 Females 500 330 170 1,115 357 758 1.686 1,563 123 155 154 1 1 1 14,446 7,903 6,543 1,240 1,234 6 19,143 11, .542 7,601 City of Lynn, Alalcs FemaI<-8, .... 1 518 327 191 1,415 325 1,090 2,273 2,12(5 147 205 2U5 26 26 11,168 8,052 3,116 1,123 1,109 14 16,728 12,170 4,558 Town of Lynnfield, . Males, Females 13 8 6 18 18 35 a4 1 107 107 - 90 77 13 21 21 284 247 37 ToM'N of Manchester, . Males Females 25 17 8 76 25 51 72 70 2 38 38 5 5 159 155 4 93 93 468 403 65 Town of Marblehead, Malex, Females, .... 75 45 30 143 35 108 365 355 10 163 146 17 62 62 2,067 1,652 415 171 171 3,046 2,466 580 Town of Merrimac, Males Femalei), .... 26 14 12 54 9 45 63 60 3 74 74 - 485 470 15 88 88 790 715 75 Town of Methuen, Males, Females, .... 53 26 27 125 28 97 146 143 3 398 398 - 1.198 798 400 60 60 1,980 l,4.i3 .527 Town of Middleton, . Males, Females 6 4 14 1 13 18 18 156 156 - 195 144 51 13 13 405 337 68 Town of Xauant, . Males Females, .... I 21 13 ' 8 198 43 155 53 52 1 16 16 7 7 36 32 4 39 39 370 202 168 Town of Newbury, Males, Females, .... 23 15 8 45 4 41 49 48 1 318 318 - 1.59 152 7 16 16 610 5.53 57 City of Newblrtport, . Males Females, . . . 227 1.53 74 371 84 287 947 903 44 210 208 2 ■ 80 80 2,719 1,895 824 484 482 2 5,038 3,805 1,233 Town of Xortu Andover, . Males Females 42 16 26 103 27 76 104 103 1 270 270 - 686 550 136 91 91 1,296 1,057 239 Town of Peabody, Males, Females, .... 94 54 40 229 46 183 378 368 10 360 360 1 1 1,685 1,483 202 639 616 23 3,386 2,928 458 Town of Rockport, Males Females, .... 46 22 24 65 19 46 295 286 9 86 86 229 229 535 417 118 65 65 1,321 1,124 197 Town of Rowley, . Males, Females 14 7 7 19 3 16 34 33 1 174 174 - 195 186 9 10 10 446 413 33 City of Salem, Males, Females 532 363 169 1,313 253 1,060 1,943 1,775 168 332 330 2 41 41 5,915 4,1.55 1,760 972 960 12 11,048 7,877 3,171 Town of Salisbury, . Males Females, .... 53 27 26 63 24 39 185 171 14 207 205 2 5 ' 5 861 776 85 109 1 109 1,483 1,317 166 CLASSIFIED OCCUPATIONS. 265 CLASSIFIED OCCUPATIONS BY TOAVXS - Continued. CocsTiES, Cities, To-irss, AND Sex. Govern- ment and Fro- fessional Domes- tic and Personal Office. Trade and Trans- por- tation. Agri- culture. Fish- eries. Manu- factures and Me- chanical Indus- tries. All Appren- tices, Laborers Classes anti ofOccu- Indefl- nite pations. CO. OF ESSEX — Con. Town of Salgus, . Males, . Females, Town of Swampscott, Males, . Females, Town of Topsfield, Males, . Females, Town of Wenham, Males, . Females, Town of West Newbcrv, Males Females, . COUJ^TY OF FRANKLIX. Town of Ashfield, Males, .... Females, Town of Bernardstos, Males, . Females, Town of Blckland, Males, . Females, Town of Charlemont, Males, . Females, TOWTf OF Colrain, Males, . Females, Town of Conwat, Males, . Females, Town of Deerfield, Males, . . Females, Town of Ervixg, Males, . Females, Town of Gill, Males, . Females, Towx of Greenfield, Males, . Females, Town of Hawlet, Males, . Females, TOMN OF Heath, Males, . Females, 45 19 26 38 2.3 15 17 9 8 10 4 6 22 13 9 22 10 12 30 12 18 23 8 15 18 6 12 27 8 19 21 11 10 40 18 22 11 4 7 6 6 106 66 40 14 2 12 12 5 7 92 15 77 183 45 138 50 2 48 26 3 23 45 3 42 25 2 23 14 2 12 36 7 29 13 3 10 45 6 39 37 6 31 83 22 61 18 8 10 17 265 65 200 4 1 3 4 2 o 187 181 217 212 5 43 42 1 41 41 28 26 22 21 1 25 24 1 48 47 1 27 27 22 21 1 126 126 .516 513 3 27 27 19 19 295 290 5 6 6 78 78 193 193 117 117 217 217 306 305 1 168 167 1 166 166 255 255 366 366 237 237 486 483 3 67 67 136 136 216 216 154 154 132 132 194 194 608 436 172 290 225 65 175 149 26 99 86 13 465 422 43 30 27 3 82 63 19 .329 277 65 57 8 307 190 117 224 158 66 278 216 62 183 181 2 64 63 1 521 434 87 19 19 135 135 62 61 1 49 49 46 46 29 29 35 35 56 56 12 12 24 24 191 191 127 125 2 25 24 1 167 167 18 18 19 19 1,146 805 281 1,062 838 224 481 398 83 342 300 42 823 727 96 434 394 40 354 303 51 658 561 97 390 360 30 791 615 176 836 729 107 1,.530 1,377 153 332 312 20 242 224 18 1,.570 1,238 332 215 200 15 177 167 10 266 CENSUS OP MASSACHUSETTS — ISSO. CLASSIFIED OCCUPATIONS BY TOWNS — Continued. Counties, Cities, Towss, AND Sex. Govern- ment and Pro- fessional. Domes- tic and Personal Office. Trade and Trans- por- tation. Agri- culture. Fish- erics. Manu- factures and INIe- clianical Indus- tries. Appren- tices, Laborers and Indefi- nite. All Classes of Occu- pations. CO. OF FRANKLIN — Con. Town of Leverett, M^iles, . Females, Town of Leyden, . Males, . Fenuiles, Town of Monijoe, . Males, . Females, Town of Montague, Mules, . Females, Town or New Salem, Males, . Females, Town of North field, Males, . Females, Town of Orange, . Males, . Females, Town of Rowe, Males, . Females, . . Town of Siielblrne, Mak'S, . Females, , Town op Siil'tesbury, Males, . Females, Town of Sunderi-and, Males, . Females, Town of Warwick, stales, . Females, Town of Wendell, Males, . Females, Town of Whately, Males, . Females, COUNTY OF HAMPDEN. Town of Agawam, . Males, . Females, Town of Blandford, Males, . Females, Town of Brimfield, Males, . Females, n 52 28 24 30 16 14 17 8 9 46 26 20 4 5 32 17 15 1 5 12 5 7 24 9 15 6 2 4 7 2 5 22 12 10 14 4 10 36 12 24 18 1 17 1 1 22 20 2 105 34 71 7 2 5 37 10 27 72 25 47 1 1 88 36 52 3 3 3 3 21 12 9 18 4 14 25 1 24 10 1 9 21 3 18 18 18 152 149 3 11 11 38 38 107 105 2 6 6 214 209 5 4 4 16 15 1 37 37 192 192 173 172 1 4 4 158 158 218 218 335 335 210 209 1 118 118 166 166 119 119 108 107 1 149 147 2 107 106 1 213 213 63 413 61 413 2 - 5 184 5 182 - 2 33 2-7 33 276 - 1 26 24 2 13 10 3 1,132 912 220 41 35 6 55 54 1 828 730 98 17 15 o 189 1.^6 33 13 13 22 15 7 63 50 13 11 10 1 54 39 15 286 170 116 13 13 102 85 17 34 34 32 32 428 423 5 1 1 87 87 87 32 30 2 1 1 79 79 14 14 16 16' 89 89 55 55 21 21 CLASSIFIED OCCUPATIONS. 267 CLASSIFIED OCCUPATIONS BY TOWNS — Continued. CocNTiEs, Cities, Towns, AND Sex. Govern- ment and Pro- fessional. 1 Domes- tic and Personal i Office. Trade and Trans- por- tation. Agri- culture. Fish- eries. Mann- ' factures \ and Me- chanical Indus- tries. Appren- tices, Laborers and Indefi- nite. All Classes of Occu- pations. CO. OF HAMPDEN- Con. Town of Chester, . Males Females, .... 30 17 13 36 5 31 63 63 194 190 4 _ 144 131 13 92 91 1 559 497 62 Town of Chicopee, Males Females 149 98 .51 308 78 230 302 293 9 281 281 - 3,721 2,217 1,504 599 598 1 5,360 3,.i65 1,795 Town of Granville, Males, Females, .... 2.5 9 16 20 2 18 20 20 291 291 _ 103 85 18 15 15 474 422 52 Town of Hampden, Male-s Females, .... 23 10 13 10 1 9 9 9 118 117 1 ~ 166 119 47 49 49 375 305 70 Town of Holland, Males, Females 4 1 3 8 1 7 1 1 76 76 _ 15 10 5 - 104 89 15 City of Holtoke, . Males, Females, .... 195 127 68 457 153 304 816 778 38 191 191 1 1 7,671 4,264 3,407 864 854 10 10,195 6,368 3,827 Town of Longjieadow, . Males, Females 16 12 4 33 2 31 29 29 204 204 1 1 122 119 3 48 48 453 415 38 Town of Ludlow, . Males, Females 19 6 13 46 6 40 27 25 2 260 260 - 324 197 127 !1 687 505 182 Town of Monson, . Males Females, .... 48 26 22 79 20 59 89 85 4 313 312 1 2 2 867 566 301 132 132 1,.530 1,143 387 Town of Montgomery, . Males, Females 4 1 3 5 5 1 1 112 112 — 9 5 4 1 1 132 120 12 Town of Palmer, . Males Females 67 46 21 146 37 109 227 223 4 250 248 2 ; 1,4.35 852 583 296 296 2,421 1,702 719 Town of Rtissell, . Males Females, .... 5 1 4 11 3 8 27 27 95 95 ~z 260 118 142 6 6 404 250 154 Town of Socthwick, . Males Females, .... 18 7 11 21 2 19 13 13 269 269 : 44 40 4 41 41 406 372 34 City of Springfield, . Males, Females, .... 1,043 b35 208 1,673 426 1,247 2,898 2,772 126 490 482 8 2 2 6,608 4,693 1,915 1,121 1,109 12 13,835 10,319 3,516 Town of Tolland, Males, Females, .... 5 2 3 11 3 8 3 3 107 107 - 34 32 ■ 2 46 46 206 193 13 Town of Wales, . Males, Females, .... 9 5 4 10 5 5 13 13 88 88 - 241 110 131 16 16 377 237 140 Town of Westfield, . Males, Females, .... 127 65 62 311 48 263 377 370 7 360 360 - 1,085 896 189 410 407 3 2,670 2,146 524 ToT^-TN- OF West Springfield, Males, . . . • . Females, . ". 66 33 33 95 19 76 368 362 6 294 293 1 2 2 630 398 232 157 155 2 1,612 1,262 350 2G8 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. CLASSIFIED OCCUPATIONS BY TOWNS — Continued. CocsTiES, Cities, Towns, AND Sex. Govern- Domes- Trade ment and Pro- tic and Personal and Trans- por- Agri- culture. fessional. Office. tation. Manu- fiictnres Fish- and .Me- eries. chanical Indus- tries. 320 _ 236 " 84 334 - 294 - 40 _ 148 _ 107 - 41 _ 39 _ 36 - 3 _ 77 _ 65 - 12 _ 1,270 _ 581 - 689 _ 192 _ 134 - 58 _ 5 - 5 16 _ 15 - 1 _ 46 - 41 - 5 _ 95 _ 88 - 7 _ 66 _ 61 - 5 _ 188 _ 132 - 56 _ 112 _ 81 ~ 31 2 2,5.31 2 1,644 - 887 _ 24 _ 23 - 1 _ 11 _ 7 — 4 Appren- tices, Laborers and Indefi- nite. All Classes of Occu- pations. CO. OF HAMPDEX — Con. Town of Wilbraham, , Mak-R Females, COUNTY OF HAMPSHIRE. Town ok Amherst, \falcs, .... Females, Town of Belchertown, Males Ftmalee, Town of Chesterfield, Male Females, Town of Cummington, . Males, .... Females, Towx OF Eastha.mpton, Males, . Ft males. Town of Enfield, Males, . Females, Town of Goshen, Males, . Females, Town of Granbt, Males, . Females, Town of Greenwich, Males, . Females, Town of Hadlet, . Males, . Females, Town of Hatfield, Males, . Females, Town op Huntington, Males, . Females, Town of Middlefield, Males, .... Females, Town of Northampton, Males, . Females, Town of Peliiam, . Males . Females, Town of Plainfield, Males, . Females, 35 31 24 238 lo 4 24 236 20 27 " 2 102 205 155 426 68 28 153 426 34 177 2 - 35 40 42 499 17 8 42 499 18 32 - - 12 8 11 190 5 _ 11 190 7 8 - - 29 25 10 203 12 13 10 202 17 12 - 1 57 126 140 220 26 32 136 220 31 94 4 - 13 21 30 119 6 4 30 117 7 17 - 2 2 5 2 107 _ 2 2 107 2 3 - - 16 21 4 231 7 1 4 231 9 20 - - 15 9 16 125 2 2 16 124 13 7 - 1 40 48 19 333 13 3 18 332 27 45 1 1 17 12 18 248 14 3 18 247 3 9 - 1 24 49 47 136 14 28 47 134 10 21 - 2 16 7 8 100 6 1 8 100 10 6 - - 276 424 461 402 123 118 440 401 153 306 21 1 11 10 9 162 6 4 9 161 5 6 - 1 8 5 4 161 2 _ 3 161 6 5 1 — 54 54 126 126 44 44 14 14 10 10 1.36 133 3 64 63 1 1 1 21 21 184 184 160 160 57 57 19 19 683 681 2 2 2 CLASSIFIED OCCUPATIOX3. 269 CLASSIFIED OCCUPATIONS BY TOWNS — Continued. CousTiES, Cities, Towxs, AXD Sex. Govern- ' ment Domes- tic and and Pro- Personal fessional. Office. Trade and Trans- por- tation. Agri- culture, Fish- eries. M.inu- facturcs and Me- chanical Indus- tries. Appren- tices. Laborers Classes and Indefi- nite. CO. OF HAMPSHIRE — Con. To'n'N OF Prescott, Males, .... Female8, Town of South Hadlet, Males, . Females, TO'B^' OF SoUTIIAjII'TON, Males, . Females, Town of "SVake, Males, . Females, Town of %Vestha5Iptox Males, . Females, TOTTN OF Williamsburg, Males, . Females, Town of AVouTnixiiroN, Males Females, COUifTY OF MIDDLESEX. Town of Acton, Males, . Females, Town of Arlington Males, . Females, Town of Ashbt, Males, . Females, Town of Ashland, Males, . Females, Town of Ater, Males, . Females, Town of Bedford, Males, . Females, Town of Belmont, Males, . Females, Town of Bellerica, Males, . Females, Town of Boxborocgh, Males, . Females, Town of Burlington, Males, . Females, n. 4 6 1 _ 3 6 54 56 25 11 29 45 7 6 3 - 4 6 55 96 34 31 21 65 8 1 1 _ 7 1 27 41 13 9 14 32 18 4 6 - 12 4 22 56 15 10 7 46 88 269 69 19 19 250 15 4 5 - 10 4 30 65 13 19 1 17 46 1 • 46 67 28 22 18 45 24 26 7 3 17 23 35 134 22 7 13 127 .32 51 18 4 14 47 6 7 1 - ' 7 7 24 3 2 4 22 116 113 3 134 131 3 1 1 67 65 2 11 11 81 80 1 337 332 5 12 12 93 91 2 156 153 3 43 43 123 121 2 44 44 10 10 124 124 202 202 252 300 297 3 153 152 1 197 197 186 186 220 220 395 395 243 24:3 149 149 76 76 100 100 287 286 1 226 226 97 97 191 191 18 1 18 1 929 180 558 180 371 - 36 2 34 2 2 - 1,703 125 855 124 848 1 25 2 15 2 10 - 527 18 396 18 131 - 37 28 33 28 4 " 186 144 154 144 32 - • 283 133 213 132 40 1 1 47 7 47 7 638 27 492 27 146 - 321 38 292 38 29 - 42 110 38 110 4 - 61 40 50 35 11 5 269 66 195 66 74 - 9 5 7 5 2 - 70 20 46 20 24 - 270 CEN'SUS OP MASSACHUSETTS — 18S0. CLASSIFIED OCCUPATIONS BY TOWNS — Continued. Counties, Cities, Towns, AKD Sex. Govern- ment anil Pro- fessional. Domes- tic and Personal Office. Trade and Trans- por- tation. Agri- culture. Fish- eries. Manu- factures and Me- chanical Indus- tries. Appren- tices, Laborers and Indefi- nite. All Classes of Occu- pations. CO. OF MIDDLESEX — Con. City of Cambridge, Males - Females, Town of Caulisle, Malei*, . Females, TowT« OF Chelmsford, Males, . Females, Town of Concord, Males, . Females, Town of Dracdt, . Males, . Females, Town of Dunstable, Males, . Females, Town of E^tsrett, Males, . Females, Town of Framingiiam, Males, . Females, Town of Groton, Males, . Females, Town of Holliston, Males, . Females, Town of Hopkinton, Males, . Females, Town of Hudson, Males, . Females, Town of Lexington, Males, . Females, Town of Lincoln, Males, . Females, Town of Littleton, Males, . Females, City of Lowell, . Males, . Females, Town of Malden, . Males, . Females, Town of Marlborough, Males, .... Females, 1,2.37 870 361 10 2 8 37 15 22 1.32 108 24 7 1 6 8 2 6 83 69 24 in 6;') 50 ai 19 40 18 22 45 19 •2i> 41 25 IG 48 33 15 l.T 6 9 2.5 11 14 846 587 259 333 229 104 94 38 56 3,006 536 2,470 12 12 73 14 59 178 13 165 19 4 15 14.i 28 117 176 66 110 87 11 76 56 14 42 in 21 90 86 25 61 127 16 111 28 1 27 22 22 1,694 483 1,211 563 70 493 190 43 147 4,643 4,334 309 30 28 2 85 84 1 167 164 3 23 22 1 5 5 446 430 16 322 316 , 6 35 34 1 78 77 1 81 79 2 121 115 191 189 2 15 15 35 32 3 2,903 2,707 196 1,122 1,070 52 244 236 412 408 4 108 108 296 295 1 492 490 2 124 124 116 116 83 83 414 414 356 354 2 206 206 136 136 118 118 348 346 2 191 191 208 207 1 390 390 91 91 288 288 8,.323 6,626 1,697 38 34 4 535 418 117 258 197 61 337 227 110 21 19 2 528 456 72 1,094 753 341 188 144 44 727 607 120 1,208 1,044 164 1,117 837 280 107 99 8 24 16 8 43 39 4 21,217 10,918 10,299 2,146 1,588 |58 2,985 2,347 638 2,393 2,348 45 30 30 64 64 27 26 1 224 221 3 2 o 185 179 231 227 4 52 52 49 49 144 144 96 96 85 84 1 54 54 22 22 2,731 2,710 21 351 330 21 1.58 lo6 2 20,021 15,135 4,886 228 202 26 1,090 890 200 1,254 998 256 734 599 135 1.56 144 12 1,470 1,235 235 2,3.54 1,841 513 768 628 142 1,156 971 185 1,725 1,443 282 1,579 1,216 363 906 767 139 327 283 44 355 311 44 29,781 17,795 11,986 4,607 3,379 1,228 3,960 3,109 851 CLASSIFIED OCCUPATIOXS. 271 CLASSIFIED OCCUPATIONS BY TOWNS - - Continued. Counties, Cities, Towns, ASD Sex. Govern- ment and Pro- fessional Domes- tic and Personal Office. Trade and Trans- por- 1 tation. Agri- culture Fish- eries. Manu- factures and Me- chanical Indus- tries. Appren- tices, Laborers and Indefi- nite. All Classes of Occu- pations. 1 CO. OF MIDDLESEX — Con. 1 Town of Matnard, Males Females 14 8 6 38 9 29 52 49 3 85 85 - 934 606 328 28 28 1,151 785 366 Town of Medford, Males, Females, .... 285 lol 345 62 283 724 703 21 126 125 1 - 1,518 1,327 191 247 247 3,245 2,598 647 TO^Tf OF MELno.-?E, Males, Females, .... 137 98 39 260 50 210 488 477 11 52 52 1 1 511 436 75 137 137 1,586 1,251 335 Town of Natkk, . Males, Females, .... 106 63 43 295 73 222 293 277 1 ^^ 236 236 3 2,082 1,769 313 266 264 2 3,281 2,685 696 CiTT OF Newton, . Males Females, .... 48.5 366 119 1,346 91 1,255 1,369 1,350 19 316 311 5 2 2 1,6.53 1,223 430 784 781 3 6,955 4,124 1,831 Town of North Reading, . Males Females 17 7 10 26 1 25 40 40 143 143 - 942 626 316 8 8 1,176 825 351 Town of Pepperell, Males, Females 1 ! 31 14 17 75 21 54 66 65 1 202 2u2 - 503 424 79 72 72 949 798 151 Town of Reading, . Males, Females 79 50 29 108 23 85 268 263 5 117 117 - 584 412 172 111 111 1,267 976 291 Town of Sherborn, Males, Females 50 10 40 27 27 23 23 208 208 - 73 56 17 33 33 414 330 84 Town of Shirley, . Males Females, .... 22 13 9 34 2 32 49 49 95 94 1 - 295 193 102 66 66 561 417 144 CiTT OF SOJIERVILLE, Male.«, Females 1 692 462 230 1,121 206 915 3,071 2,904 167 189 187 2 4 4 3,097 2,501 596 951 943 8 9,125 7,207 1,918 Town of Stoneiiam, Males Females 85 44 41 168 27 141 200 194 6 78 78 2 2 1,389 1,008 381 163 163 2,085 1,516 569 Town of Stow, Males, ..... Females 18 9 9 27 . 3 24 19 19 157 156 1 - 150 101 49 38 38 409 326 83 Town of Sudbury, . Males Females 21 10 11 32 31 28 27 1 346 345 1 - 62 48 14 9 9 498 440 58 Town of Tewksbcrt, . Males Females 41 23 18 60 '' 8 52 45 45 241 241 - 104 87 17 33 33 524 437 87 Town of Townsend, Males Females 33 16 17 1: 46 57 55 2 209 209 . 1 1 2.57 235 22 113 112 1 724 636 88 Town of Tyngsborough, Males, . . Females 20 8 12 17 17 21 21 109 109 - 58 46 12 15 14 1 240 198 42 Town of Wakefield, . Males, Females 105 78 27 182 61 131 347 336 11 108 108 - 1,340 1,057 283 183 183 2,265 1,813 452 272 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 18SO. CLASSIFIED OCCUPATIONS BY TOWNS — Continued. CousTiES, Cities, Towns, AND Sex. Govern- ment Domes- tic and and Pro- , Personal fessional.. Office. Trade and Trans- por- tation. Agri- culture. Fish- eries. Manu- factures and Me- chanical Indus- tries. Appren- tices, Laborers and Indefi- nite. All Classes of Occu- pations. CO. OF MIDDLESEX — Con. Town of Waltham, Males, . Females, Town op Watkhtowx, Males, . Females, Town of Wayland, Males, . Females, Town of "Westford, Males, . Females, Town of Weston, . Males, . Females, ToM-N OP Wilmington, Males, . Females, Town of Winchester, Males, . Females, Town of Wobi-rn, . Males, . Females, COUNTY OF NANTUCKET. Town of Nantucket, . Males, Females COUNTY OF NORFOLK. Town of Bellingham, Males, . Females, Town of Bkaintree, Males, . Females, Town of Brookxine, Males, . Females, Town of Canton, . Males, . Females, Town op Cohasset, Males, . Females, Town of Dedham, Males, . Females, Town of Dover, Males, . Females, 204 122 82 1.31 101 30 20 12 8 20 15 14 .-56 23 13 14 8 G 121 74 47 153 84 69 93 24 9 5 4 67 39 28 225 176 49 77 45 32 37 28 9 148 106 42 6 3 3 469 86 383 370 50 320 52 4 48 54 14 40 69 6 63 17 3 14 229 15 214 336 72 264 104 23 81 16 4 12 163 45 118 1,012 126 886 132 18 114 101 19 82 213 64 149 26 10 16 532 512 20 423 406 17 .33 33 55 55 48 46 2 65 64 1 288 277 11 484 467 17 290 282 21 21 225 219 6 701 679 22 181 177 4 131 129 2 360 343 17 31 30 1 287 287 127 127 - 226 225 1 - 207 205 2 _ 206 296 _ 1 • ~ 94 94 - - — 156 155 1 — 297 293 4 ~ 100 100 157 157 177 177 - 79 79 - 236 231 5 - 174 174 - 1.58 1.57 63 63 234 234 126 126 - ~ *" 2,821 1,911 910 816 588 228 361 335 26 430 304 126 61 22 109 107 2 526 481 45 2,5.50 2,176 374 187 167 20 178 142 658 582 76 500 403 97 1,194 687 .507 168 145 21 896 220 34 31 3 481 481 291 289 2 60 60 24 24 28 23 5 130 130 386 382 4 163 163 44 43 1 215 214 1 444 444 198 198 73 73 276 276 19 19 4,794 3,399 1,395 2,1.58 1,561 597 697 614 83 925 743 182 556 456 101) 327 299 28 1,450 1,132 318 4,206 3,474 732 1,094 961 133 445 392 53 1,407 1,178 229 3,118 2,0.59 1,0.59 1,9.56 1,299 ' 657 729 614 115 2,127 1,699 428 242 219 23 CLASSIFIED OCCUPATIONS. 273 CLASSIFIED OCCUPATIONS BY TOWNS — Coutinued. ' I'oLXTiKs, Cities, Towns, ANu Sex. Govern- ment and Pro- fessional. Domes- tic and Personal Office. Trade and Trans- por- tation. Agri- culture. Fish- eries. Manu- factures and Me- chanical Indus- tries. Appren- tices, Laborers and Indpfi- nite. All Classes of Occu- pations. CO. OF NORFOLK — Con. • Town of Foxborough, . Males Females 67 29 38 88 23 65 138 131 7 171 171 3 3 826 419 407 89 88 1 1,382 864 518 Town of Frankxin, Males Females 78 42 36 121 26 95 157 154 3 213 213 - 815 576 239 295 294 1 1,679 1,305 374 Town of Holbrook, Males Females 21 13 8 37 5 32 54 54 10 10 - 558 516 42 73 73 753 671 82 Town of Hyde Park, . Males, Females, .... 171 114 57 321 35 286 683 546 37 71 71 - 1,162 936 226 265 205 2,573 1,967 606 Town of Medfield, Males Females 2 21 8 13 43 41 2 101 97 4 - 159 129 30 82 82 420 369 51 Town of Medwat, . Males, Females 50 29 21 53 16 37 91 91 168 168 - 432 359 73 123 123 917 786 131 Town of Milton, . Male.<, Females 74 53 21 362 57 305 209 205 4 236 236 - 208 177 31 182 182 1,271 910 361 Town of Needhaji, Males, Females 135 64 71 279 58 221 276 269 7 287 287 - 792 637 155 207 207 1,976 1,522 454 Town of Norfolk, Males Females 10 2 8 24 6 IS 25 148 148 - 101 89 12 - 308 269 39 Town of Norwood, Males, Females, .... 34 22 12 82 18 64 124 116 8 109 108 1 2 2 493 486 7 31 31 875 783 92 Town of Quinct, . Males, Females, .... 217 . 138 79 445 70 375 704 659 45 187 185 2 3 3 2,1.55 1,976 179 437 426 11 4,148 3,457 691 Town of Randolph, Males, Females « 58 34 24 113 28- 85 159 158 1 121 121 : 1,033 917 116 42 42 1,526 1,300 226 Town of Sharon, . Males, . . . . ■ . Females 26 12 14 77 18 59 64 63 1 202 201 1 [ 241 193 48 30 30 640 517 123 Town of Stoughton, . Males, Females, .... 59 38 21 105 27 78 162 158 4 139 139 [ 1,131 961 170 165 165 1,761 1,488 273 Town of "SYalpole, Males, Females 30 22 8 92 17 75 175 173 2 202 202 389 302 87 60 60 948 776 172 Town of Weymouth, . Males Females 149 89 60 375 70 305 424 412 12 225 225 4 4 2,764 2,377 387 235 231 4 4,176 3,408 708 Town of Wrentham, • Males, Females 36 11 25 44 7 37 52 52 162 162 - 433 367 66 162 162 889 761 128 274 CENSUS OE MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. CLASSIFIED OCCUPATIONS BY TOWNS — Continued. CouNTiKS, Cities, Towns, AND Sex. Govern- ment and Pro- fessional. Domes- tic and Personal Office. Trade and Trans- por- tation. Agri- culture. Fish- eries. Manu- factures and Me- chanical Indus- tries. Appren- tices, Laborers and Indefi- nite. All Classes of Occu- pations. COUNTY OP PLYMOUTU, Town of Abinoton, Males Females, Town of Bridgewater, Males, . Feraales, Town of Brockton, Males, , Females, Town of Cauveu, . Males, . Females, Town of Duxbury, Males, . Females, Toavn of E. Bridgewater, Males, . Females, Town of Halifax, . Males, • Females, Town of ITanover, Males, . Females, Town of Hanson, . Males, . Females, Town of Hingham, Makv, . Females, Town of 1 1 ill, Males, . Females, Town of Kingston, Males, . Females, Town of Laketille, Males, . Females, Town of Marion, . lilales, . Females, Town of Marshfield, Males, . Females, Town of Mattapoisett, Males, . Females, Town of Middleborougii, Males, . Females, Town of Pembroke, Males, . Females, .59 3.5 24 94 48 46 1.58 lOI 57 15 8 7 43 21 22 48 29 19 7 3 4 30 15 15 28 19 9 63 43 20 8 6 2 25 15 10 17 10 27 22 5 47 24 23 30 19 11 75 51 24 15 4 11 103 16 87 126 11 115 478 93 3S5 8 1 7 61 6 56 80 5 75 7 2 6 29 4 14 4 10 176 37 13'J 34 20 14 60 10 60 21 1 20 16 3 13 41 15 26 60 11 49 105 24 SI 4 4 108 107 1 160 1.58 2 612 609 33 28 27 1 143 138 5 80 78 2 10 10 68 68 42 41 1 218 215 41 41 57 55 2 21 21 101 101 66 103 99 4 210 204 46 46 98 98 189 189 200 2U0 132 132 143 143 147 147 10 75 178 178 95 93 2 1.37 137 31 31 199 199 61 61 196 196 93 93 355 355 117 117 49 49 47 47 27 27 1,000 8.50 150 546 489 57 3,904 3,214 690 132 127 5 212 159 53 608 560 48 63 53 10 379 322 57 312 288 24 594 545 49 25 23 2 247 217 30 87 78 S3 76 7 229 193 36 111 102 9 799 677 122 251 230 21 68 68 167 166 1 433 431 2 33 33 123 123 70 70 45 45 40 40 285 284 1 13 13 143 140 3 45 45 25 24 1 93 93 89 89 352 352 95 95 1,43.5 1,174 262 1,282 1,061 221 5,815 4,648 1,167 3.50 3.30 20 774 638 136 1,033 889 144 207 188 19 72 1 627 97 496 4.50 46 1,473 1 ,261 212 175 157 18 569 474 95 390 354 36 322 296 26 699 611 88 488 415 73 1,896 1,663 2.33 52S 492 36 CLASSIFIED OCCUPATIONS. CLASSIFIED OCCUPATIONS BY TOWNS — Continued. 275 Counties, Cities, Tovvks, AND Skx. Govern- ment and Pro- fessional. Domes- tic and Personal Office. Trade and Trans- por- tation. Agri- culture. Fish- eries. Manu- factures and 3Ie- chanical Indus- tries. Avipren- tices, Laljorers and Indefi- nite. AH Classes of Occu- pations. CO. OF PLYMOUTH — Con. Town of Plyjiouth, Males, . Females, Town of Pltmpton, Males, . Females, Town of Rochester, Males, . Females, Town of Rockland, Males, . Females, Town of Scituate, Males . Females, Town of South ^bington. Males Females, . . . Town of South Scituate, Males, .... Females, Town of Ware ham, Males, .... Females, Town of W. Bridgewater, Males, .... Females, COUNTY OP SUFFOLK. City of Boston, Males, . Females, City of Chelsea, Males, . Females, Town of Revere, Males, . Females, Town or Winthrop, Malfs, . Females, COUNTY OF WORCESTER. Town of Ashburnham, Males, . Females, Town of Athol, Males, . Females, Town of Auburn, Males, . Females, 141 82 59 12 6 6 14 6 55 29 26 50 23 27 35 19 16 22 12 10 30 24 6 23 12 11 9,738 7,412 2,326 591 44.") 146 39 25 14 24 18 6 33 17 16 66 39 27 12 3 9 272 39 233 1 7 28 3 20 120 20 100 82 13 69 103 17 86 56 7 49 62 20 42 56 1 55 26,868 6,753 20,115 1,044 199 845 123 40 83 87 16 71 26 6 20 105 25 80 4 1 3 416 406 10 10 10 33 33 108 104 4 95 92 3 127 124 3 58 57 1 120 120 29 28 1 41,210 38,043 3,167 2.469 2,271 198 201 193 8 107 107 59 58 1 246 239 7 25 25 228 228 13 13 108 108 - 205 205 ~ 43 -43 - 143 142 1 138 137 1 121 121 - 196 196 1 1 109 108 1 32 32 107 107 - 2,1.54 2,134 20 372 372 110 109 1 11 11 163 163 2 2 44 44 14 14 190 189 1 - 159 lo7 2 - 191 189 2 - 1,347 1,162 185 96 79 17 72 65 7 1,325 1,136 189 270 241 29 804 786 108 282 2.39 43 463 453 10 266 234 32 48,591 35,728 12,863 3,232 2,464 768 319 283 36 93 87 210 180 30 781 562 219 209 136 73 213 213 43 43 10 10 131 129 2 20 20 39 39 86 86 88 88 173 173 20,261 19,871 390 843 838 5 88 53 53 81 81 190 188 2 38 38 2,630 2,143 487 277 247 30 357 322 35 1,782 1,461 321 798 668' 130 1,319 1,106 213 701 598 103 904 845 59 654 555 99 149,194 110,313 38,881 8,300 6,337 1,963 935 794 141 422 339 83 599 531 68 1,547 1,210 337 479 392 87 2TG CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. CLASSIFIED OCCUPATIONS BY TOWNS — Continued. Counties, Cities, Towns, ASD Sex. Govern- ment and Pro- fessional. Domes- tic and Personal Office. Trade and Trans- por- tation. Agri- culture. Fish- eries. Manu- factures and Me- chanical Indus- tries. Appren- tices, Laborers and Indefi- nite. All Classes of Occu- pations. CO. OF WORCE3TER-Con. Town of Barke, Mai <•.•», . Females, Town of Berlin, . Malei*, . Females, Town of Blackstone, Males, . Females, Town of Bolton, . Males, . Females, TO'yN OF BOTLSTON, Males, . Females, Town of Brookfield, Males, . Females, Town of Charlton Males, . Females, Town of Clinton, xMales, . Females, Town of Dana, Males, . Females, Town of Don; las. Males, . Females, Town of Dudley, Males, . Females, CiTT of Fitchburg, Males, . Females, Town of Gardner, Males, ... Females, Town of Grafton, Males, ... Fi. males, Town of Hardwick, Males, . Females, Town of Harvard, Males, . Females, Town of Holden, . Males, . Females, Town of IIubbardston Males, . Females, 40 22 18 24 9 15 53 25 28 7 3 4 8 5 3 37 19 18 21 9 12 79 41 38 15 7 •^0 11 14 19 6 13 200 12.S 01 33 24 47 22 25 22 10 12 25 13 12 23 11 12. 38 12 26 126 21 105 25 8 17 87 24 63 20 1 19 15 O 13 49 9 40 45 6 39 109 54 145 13 13 138 16 122 27 11 16 413 91 322 110 25 85 120 21 99 31 41 39 5 34 29 7 22 25 2 23 19 17 2 160 142 13 13 69 67 2 41 40 1 285 270 15 20 20 57 57 33 31 2 8.59 829 30 185 181 4 87 86 1 29 28 1 28 28 51 51 40 39 1 446 446 - 140 140 - 172 172 - - — 70 70 - 103 103 - 224 223 1 - 346 346 - 89 89 - 82 82 - 192 192 - 171 171 292 292 128 128 - 206 205 1 - 273 273 - 282 281 1 - 223 221 2 - 260 256 4 : 277 231 46 141 115 26 1,646 1,010 636 52 37 15 103 74 29 625 522 103 231 180 51 2,936 1,.585 1,351 60 56 4 387 361 26 804 526 278 2,538 1,966 572 1,395 1,176 219 764 582 182 520 290 230 78 58 20 660 461 199 145 124 21 40 40 47 47 92 90 2 122 121 1 82 82 56 56 29 28 1 244 244 65 65 79 79 46 46 507 505 2 207 207 249 248 1 102 100 2 8 8 62 61 1 38 38 1,001 832 169 396 336 60 2,200 1,403 737 284 245 39 319 274 45 1,060 896 164 713 609 104 3.8.32 2,283 1,549 255 230 25 878 716 162 1,100 791 309 4,809 3,811 998 2,082 1,7.50 332 1.473 1,164 309 1,018 732 2Sd 460 393 67 1,048 812 236 546 471 CLASSIFIED OCCUPATIONS. 277 CLASSIFIED OCCUPATIONS BY TOWNS — Continued. Counties, Cities, Towns, AND Sex. Govern- ment and Pro- fessional. Domes- tic and Personal Office. Trade and Trans- por- tation. Agri- culture. Fish- ! eries. Manu- facliires and Me- chanical Indus- tries. Appren- tices, Lalmrers and Indefi- nite. All Classes of Occu- pations. CO. OF WORCESTEU-Con. 1 • Town of Lancaster, Males, Females 47 21 26 93 8 85 66 65 1 231 231 : 271 214 57 63 63 771 602 169 Town of Leicester, Males, Females 1 34 . 18 16 91 7 84 60 58 2 172 172 — 624 446 178 102 102 1,083 803 280 Town of Leominster, . Males Females, .... 70 39 31 185 33 152 244 234 10 302 301 1 — 1,400 1,161 239 183 181 2 2,384 1,S49 435 Town of Lunfxburg, . Males Females, .... 20 11 9 16 1 15 21 21 259 258 1 - 66 51 15 16 16 398 358 40 Town of Mendon, . Males Females, .... 16 5 11 1 30 17 17 189 189 - 176 143 33 10 10 442 368 74 Town of Milford, . Males, i emales, .... 119 56 63 321 59 262 3.59 339 20 173 173 — 2,383 2,010 373 290 287 3 3,645 2,924 721 Town of Miixbcrt, Males Females 46 27 19 107 34 73 132 127 5 152 152 - 1,330 894 436 191 189 2 1,958 1,423 535 Town- of New Braintkee, . Males Females, . • . . 6 1 5 34 1 33 4 4 108 106 2 — 29 24 5 92 92 273 228 45 Town of Northborough, . Males Females, .... 41 16 25 61 4 57 44 42 2 228 220 8 - 368 253 115 46 45 1 788 580 208 Town op Northbridge, Males, Females 26 12 14 93 12 81 90 88 2 164 164 - 1,253 927 326 117 116 1 1,743 1,319 424 Town of N. Beookfield, . Males Females 50 23 27 118 19 99 86 83 3 185 185 1,290 985 305 126 126 1,855 1,421 434 Town of Oakham, . Males Females, .... 15 6 9 15 3 12 14 14 164 164 — 97 88 9 10 10 315 285 30 Town of Oxford, . Males, Females 35 26 9 26 10 16 64 61 3 145 143 2 - 506 386 120 129 128 1 905 754 151 Town of Paxton, . Males, Females 13 4 9 10 3 7 11 9 2 125 125 — 79 66 13 11 11 249 218 31 Town of Petersham, . Malis Females, . . . . 20 5 15 26 10 16 21 21 277 277 - 56 50 6 21 21 421 384 37 Town of Phillipston, . Males Females 7 1 6 10 10 7 7 168 168 - 41 37 4 1 1 234 214 20 Town of Princeton, . Males, Females, . . . . IT 4 13 35 6 29 17 17 271 271 - 89 63 26 12 12 441 373 68 Males Females 28 15 13 19 4 15 25 25 204 204 ^ - 123 92 31 14 14 413 354 59 Town of RrTLAND, Males Females, . . . . 12 4 8 12 2 10 27 256 256 ~ 77 57 20 25 25 409 371 38 278 CENSUS or MASSACHUSETTS — 1S80. CLASSIFIED OCCUPATIONS BY TOWNS — Concludefl. Counties, Cities, Towks, AKD Sex. Govern- ment and Pro- fessional, Domes- tic and Personal Office. Trade and Trans- por- tation. Agri- culture. Fish eries. Mann- Appren- fact 11 res tices, and Me- Laljfirers chanical and Indus- Indefi- tries. nite. CO. OF WORCESTER— Con. Town of Shrewsbury, . Males, .... Females, Town of Soctuborocgh, Males, .... Females, Town of Soutiibridge, Miiles, . Females, Town of Spencer, . Malen, ... Females, Town of Sterling, Males, . Females, TOWX of STtJRBRIDGE, Males, . Females, Town of Sctton, . Males, . Females, Town of Templeton, Males, . Females, Town of Upton, Males, . Females, Town of I'xbridge, Males, . Females, Town of Warren, Males, . Females, Town of Webster, Males, . Females, Town of Westborough, Males, .... Females, Town of West Botlston, Males, .... Females, Town of West Brookfield, Males, .... Females, Town of Westminster, Males, .... Females, Town of Winchendon, Males, . . • . Females, CiTT of Worcester, Males, .... Females, 1, 16 38 38 156 10 9 37 156 6 29 1 - 39 80 73 181 22 6 72 181 17 74 1 - 86 155 221 217 58 .50 215 216 28 105 6 1 58 171 169 219 31 53 164 219 27 118 5 - 13 46 19 233 2 2 VJ 233 n 44 - _ 25 31 27 272 8 4 27 256 17 27 - 16 35 37 24 340 12 15 24 340 23 22 - - • 46 43 87 148 21 15 86 148 25 28 1 "■ 19 41 36 182 7 7 36 182 12 34 - - 39 57 58 225 19 8 66 225 20 49 2 - 30 87 111 247 •.0 15 109 247 10 72 2 - 52 155 219 68 32 92 213 63 20 63 6 - 82 182 188 285 45 33 181 285 37 149 7 - 27 42 73 185 14 12 73 185 13 30 _ 1 ), 17 45 56 149 8 10 52 148 9 35 4 1 29 15 43 222 11 2 41 222 18 13 2 - 58 122 184 204 32 18 180 204 26 104 4 - 1,052 2,279 3,439 867 670 485 3,226 866 382 1,794 213 1 133 128 5 386 255 131 1,922 1,2.56 666 1,.534 1,235 299 108 95 13 3.52 244 108 872 t51 321 536 479 57 572 342 2.30 772 515 257 909 609 300 1,689 1,138 551 1,4.53 942 511 877 605 272 465 320 145 195 166 29 734 594 140 12,517 10,129 2,388 55 55 49 49 179 175 4 227 224 3 117 117 11 11 115 115 82 82 50 49 1 179 179 176 176 97 97 120 120 47 47 79 79 118 118 152 152 2,380 2,364 16 CLASSIFIED OCCUPATIOXS. 279 RECAPITULATIOX. Counties, Cities, Towns, AND Skx. THE STATE, . Male^, . Females?, CorxTT or Baexstable Males, . Females, County or Bebkshire Males, . Females, CorxTT OF Bristoi,, Males, . #. Females, CorNTT or Dukes, . Jifales, . Females, CouKTT OF Essex, . Males, . Females, County of Franklin, Males, . Females, Cou"XTY or Hampden, Males, . Females, County or Uampshike, Malef?, . Females, County of Middlesex, Males, . Females, County of Nantucket, Males, . Females, County of Norfolk, Males, . Females, County of Plymouth, Males, . Females, County of Suffolk, Males, . Females, County of Worcester Males, . Females, Govern- ment and I'ro- fessional. 33,568 22,013 11,555 531 336 195 1,030 563 467 1,844 1,167 677 110 76 34 3,584 2,146 1,438 591 277 314 1,960 1,344 616 846 404 442 6,422 4,158 2,264 93 69 24 1,798 1,126 672 1,171 086 485 10,392 7,900 2,492 3,196 1,761 1,435 Domes- tic and Personal Office. Trade and Trans- por- tation. 75,405 16,774 58,631 708 1S7 551 2,396 562 1,834 3,869 872 2,997 96 27 69 8,338 1,840 6,498 963 270 693 3,367 820 2,547 1,225 298 927 13,091 2,317 10,774 104 23 81 4,302 775 3,-527 2,205 383 1,822 28,122 7,008 21,114 6,619 1,422 5,197 117,641 111,315 6,326 4,326 4,291 35 2,545 2,480 65 7,359 7,069 290 411 398 13 12,738 12,058 680 1,751 1,727 24 5,408 5,210 198 1,313 1,276 37 20,533 19,580 953 290 282 8 5,0S0 4,904 186 3,140 3,055 85 43,987 40,614 3,373 8,750 8,371 379 Agri- culture. Fish- eries. Manu- factures and Me- chanical Indus- tries. Appren- lires, Laborers and Indefi- nite. All Classes of Occu- pations. 68,813 68,562 251 6,375 6,371 4 1,423 1,419 4 874 874 5,818 5 5,786 5 32 - 5,464 5,447 17 167 167 338 120 338 120 6,840 6,807 33 4,217 4,214 3 4,959 4,948 11 1 1 5,105 5,083 8 8 22 - 5,076 6,062 14 2 2 11,158 11,126 32 22 22 100 lfc7 100 157 3,936 3,922 14 75 75 3,713 326 3,709 325 4 1 2,471 2,4-50 399 399 21 - 12,412 12,365 2 2 47 - 344,889 247,051 97,838 2,010 1,588 422 11,949 7,830 4,119 33,758 22,657 11,101 276 220 56 58,439 41,178 17,261 4,575 3,756 819 24,200 15,356 8,844 8,429 5,223 3,206 66,070 46,051 20,019 187 167 20 17,-318 14,083 3,235 14,-597 12,598 1,999 62,235 38,562 13,673 50,846 37,782 13,064 74,577 73,775 802 1,297 1,286 11 3,426 3,411 15 6,119 6,001 6S 178 178 7,708 7,642 66 1,613 1,603 10 4,f40 4,011 29 1,888 1,881 7 12,150 12,014 136 163 163 3,747 3,7-iS 19 2,927 2,917 10 21,246 20,8-50 395 8,076 8,030 46 721,268 545,861 175;407 11,169 9,951 1,218 27,169 20,637 6,532 58,580 43,440 15,140 1,529 1,357 172 101,864 75,885 25,979 14,453 12,-')82 1,S71 44,088 31,832 12,256 18,779 14,146 4,633 129,446 95,268 34,178 1,094 961 133 36,266 28,613 7,653 28,079 23,673 4,406 158,851 117,783 41,068 89,901 69,733 20,168 Note. from >TE. — In the following table we supply the means for comparison between the occupation returns the Massachusetts State Census of 1875, aiid the United States Census of ISSU : — Classification. 1875. 1$80. Government and professional, . Domestic and personal office, . Housewives,* Trade and transportation, . . . . Agriculture, Fisheries Manufactures and mechanical industries, Apprentices, laborers and indefinite, Occupation noi ^iven, . . . . Scholars and students,* . . . . Totals, 29,730 96,101 328,188 104,935 74,500 6,656 316,4-59 65,430 347,129 282,784 33,568 75,405 117,641 68,813 6,375 344,889 74,577 1,061,817 1,651,912 1,783,085 * Not given by United States Census. OCCUPATIONS : MANUFACTURING AND MECHANICAL. BY INDUSTRIES. occupatio:n^s. MANUFACTURING AND MECHANICAL INDUSTRIES. [The following Tables give the number of persons, with sex, residing in the towns and cities specified, who are engaged in the respective manufacturing and mechanical industries. These persons may or may not work in the towns in which they reside. The occupations named in detail at the head of each industry are the ones included or covered by the general heading under which they appear.] AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. [Agricultural implement makers.] Counties, Cities, Counties, Cities, Males. Females. Totals. Males. Females. Totals. AKD Towns. AND Towns. Berkshire, . 11 11 Plymouth, . 10 10 Otis 3 _ 3 Halifax, . 1 _ 1 Bavoy, 1 - 1 Middleborough, 8 ^ 8 Tyriugham, 7 - 7 West Bridgewater, . 1 - 1 Bristol, 429 _ 429 Easton, New Bedford, . 379 1 - 379 1 Suffolk, Boston, 2 2 : 2 2 Rayiiham, . S _ 8 Taunton, . 41 - 41 Worcester, . 28 _ 28 Barre, 1 _ 1 Frakklix, . 12 - 12 Hardwick, . 1 _ 1 Bernardston, - 5 Worcester, 26 _ 26 Charlemont, Montague, . 6 - 6 1 — 1 Hampdex, . 2 _ 2 RECAPITULATION (By Countii 8.) Chicopee, . 2 19 2 19 Hampshire, . Tttr Btattc, . 549 549 NorLbamptou, . 19 - 19 Berkshire, . 11 _ 11 Bristol, 429 _ 429 Middlesex, . 10 - 10 Franklin, . 12 _ 12 -Ayer 10 ~ 10 Hampden, . Hampshire, 2 19 - 2 19 Norfolk, 26 _ 26 Middlesex, 10 _ 10 Bellingham, 1 _ 1 Norfolk, . 26 _ 26 Braintree, . 3 _ 3 Plymouth, . 10 _ 10 Canton, 20 _ 20 Suffolk, . 2 _ 2 Sharon, 2 - 2 Worcester, 28 - 28 ARMS AND AMMUNITION. [Gun and lock smiths ; shot, cartridge, and fuse makers; powder makers.] Berkshire, . Great Barrington, North Adams, . 4 Berkshire — Con. 1 Pittsfield, . 1 - 1 SheflSeld, . 1 ~ 284 CEXSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1S80. ARMS AND AMMUXITIOX — Concluded. Counties, Cities, Counties, Cities, Males. Females. Totals. Males. Females. Totals. AND Towns. and Towns. Bristol, 125 5 130 Middlesex — Con. Fairhaven, 1 - 1 Maynard, . 14 _ 14 Fall Kiver, 1 - 1 Medford, . 1 _ 1 Freetown, . U _ 14 Melrose, 1 _ 1 Mansfield, . 2 - 2 Newton, 1 _ 1 Now liedford, 104 5 109 Sornerville, 10 _ 10 Taunton, . 2 _ 2 Stoneham, . 1 _ 1 Westport, . 1 - 1 'I'ewksbury, Townsend, 1 1 1 1 Essex, . 13 - 13 Waltham, . 1 _ 1 Georgetown, 1 - 1 Watertown, 1 _ 1 Gloucester, 2 _ 2 Haverliill, . 1 - 1 Norfolk, 7 _ 7 Lawrence, . 5 - 5 Brookline, . 2 _ 2 Lynn, 2 - 2 Ilyde Park, 1 _ 1 Newburyport, 1 - 1 Quincy, 2 _ 2 Salem, 1 — 1 !>toughton, Walpolc, . 1 1 - 1 1 Franklin, 4 _ 4 Conway, . 1 - 1 Suffolk, 148 1 149 Oreentield, 1 - 1 Boston, 1S3 1 1.34 New .■^alein, 1 _ 1 Chelsea, 13 _ 13 Warwick, . 1 - 1 Revere, 2 - 2 Hampuen', 316 9 325 Worcester, 219 _ 219 Aeawarn, . 1 - 1 Fitohburg, . 2 _ 2 Chicopee, . 44 6 50 Millbury, . 1 - 1 Palmer, 1 - 1 Shrewsbury, 1 _ 1 iSouthwick, 2 - 2 Sterling, . 2 „ 2 Springfield, 259 3 262 Worcester, 213 _ 213 Westfifld, . 1 8 - 1 West Springfiela, ~" 8 Hampshire, Amherst, . 33- 1 1 34 1 RECAPITULATION (Bt COUNTIE S.) Chesterfield, 3 . 3 k Hatfiem, . 28 1 29 Williamsburg, 1 - 1 The State, . 981 85 1,066 Middlesex, 112 69 181 Berkshire, . 4 _ 4 Acton, 4 _ 4 nristol. 125 5 130 Boxborough, 1 _ 1 Essex, 13 _ 13 Cambridge, 22 _ 22 Franklin, . 4 - 4 Chelmsford, 3 8 11 Hampden, . 316 9 325 Concord, . 2 _ 2 : Hampshire, 33 1 34 Everett, . 1 _ 1 Middlesex, 112 69 181 Hudson, 1 _ 1 Norfolk, . 7 - 7 Lowell, 38 60 98 Suffolk, 148 1 149 Maiden, 9 - 9 Worcester, 219 — 219 ARTISANS' TOOLS. [Tool and cutlery makers, file makers, cutlers, and grinders.] Berkshire, . Lee, . New Marlborough, North Adams, . Sandisfield, Stockbridge, Windsor, . Bristol, Attlebo;-ough, Easton, Fall River, Mansfield, . New Bedford, Rehoboth, , Seekonk, . Taunton, . 10 10 1 1 1 1 1 _ 1 1 3 _ 3 1 1 _ 1 1 _ 1 3 - 3 52 10 62 \ 7 _ 7 \ 7 _ 7 1 _ 1 8 9 W 3 _ 3 1 _ 1 2 - 2 23 1 24 Essex, . Andover, . Haverhill, . Lawrence, . Lynn, . Newburyport, Peabody, . Salem, Salisbury, . Franklin, Bernardston, Buckland, . Conway, Deerfield, . Gill, . Greenfield, Montague, . Sherburne, 39 3 _ 14 _ 5 _ 1 _ 1 _ 6 - 2 - 853 74 8 _ 233 25 3 _ 93 5 7 1 117 5 344 38 48 - 39 7 3 14 5 1 1 6 2 927 8 2.58 3 93 8 122 382 48 OCCUPATIOXS BY ENDUSTRIES. 285 ARTISANS' TOOLS — Concluded. Counties, Cities, CouKTiES, Cities, Males. Females. Totals. Males. Females. Totals. AXD Towss. AND Towns. Hampdex, 125 7 132 Pltmouth, . 80 80 Chester, 1 - 1 Bridgewater, 1 _ 1 Chicopee, . 37 - 37 Brockton, . 61 _ 61 Holyoke, . 39 7 46 Hingham, . 13 _ 13 Loiigmeadow, . 1 - 1 Kingston, . 4 _ 4 Montgomery, . 1 - 1 Marion, 1 _ 1 Palmer, 1 - 1 Sprinfffleld, 43 _ 43 Sltfi-olk, 122 7 129 Westtield, . 1 _ 1 Boston, 113 7 120 "West Springfield, . 1 - 1 Chelsea, . 9 9 Hampshire, . Amherst, . Belchertown, . 217 1 1 7 224 1 1 WOPXESTER, Athol, Brookfield, 532 21 6 40 36 572 57 6 Chesterfield, 2 2 Charlton, . 5 - 5 Cuinmington, . Northampton, . Williamsburg, . 7 205 1 7 212 1 Clinton, Douglas, . Fitchburg, . Gardner, . Lancaster, . 1 . 243 48 1 1 - 1 243 48 1 1 Middlesex, . 134 2 136 Leicester, . 5 • _ 5 Arlington, . 19 _ 19 Leominster, 4 _ 4 Cambridge, 4 _ 4 Milford, . 1 _ 1 Chelmsford, 50 •2 52 Millbury, . 29 _ 29 Everett, 1 - 1 Northbfidge, 1 _ 1 Lowell, 22 - 22 Southbridge, 17 1 18 Maiden, . 1 - 1 Sturbridge, 48 _ 48 Maynard, . . . 1 _ 1 Uxbridge, . 1 _ 1 Medford, . 2 _ 2 Warren, 16 _ 16 Natick, 1 _ 1 West Boylston, 1 _ 1 Newton, 4 - 4 Winchendon, 3 _ 3 Pepperell, . 7 - 7 Worcester, 80 3 83 Somerville, 2 2 - 2 2 Htoueham, . Waltham, . 4 _ 4 RECAPITULATION (Bt COHNTIl s.) Weslford, . Winchester, 6 1 6 1 I ! The State, . 2,230 149 2,379 Woburn, . 7 ^ 7 Berkshire, . Bristol, Essex, 10 52 39 10 10 62 39 Norfolk, 66 2 68 Franklin, . 853 74 927 Canton, 9 1 10 Hampden, . 125 7 132 Dedham, . 1 _ 1 Hampshire, 217 7 224 Hyde Park, 6 _ 6 Middlesex,. 134 2 136 Medwaj', . 1 . 1 Norfolk, . 66 2 68 Needham, . 1 _ 1 1 Plymouth, . 80 _ 80 Sharon, . . 44 1 45 ; Suffolk, 122 7 129 Stoughton, 4 - 4 Worcester, 532 40 572 BAKERIES. [Bakers.] Barnstable, 11 1 12 Bristol — Con. Barnstable, 3 _ 3 Dighton, . 5 _ 5 Dennis, 3 1 4 Easton, 1 _ 1 Provincetown, . 5 _ 5 Fairhaven, . 2 _ 2 Fall River, 53 _ 53 Berkshire, . 37 _ 37 Mansfield, . 35 2 37 Adams, 3 _ 3 New Bedford, . 70 2 72 Dalton, 2 _ 2 Norton, 1 1 Egremont, . 1 _ 1 Somerset, . 4 _ 4 Great Barrington, . 3 _ 3 Taunton, . 13 _ 13 Hinsdale, . 1 _ 1 Lee, .... 1 _ 1 Dukes, . 1 _ 1 North Adams, . 6 _ 6 Cottage City, 1 . 1 Piltstield, . 19 _ 19 \\ illiamstown, . 1 _ 1 Essex, . • . 339 9 348 Georgetown, 1 _ 1 Bristol, 196 4 200 Amesbury, 4 - 4 Attleborough, . 10 _ 10 Beverly, 20 - 20 Dartmouth, 2 — 2 Bradford, . 6 ~* 6 286 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. BAKERIES — Concluded. CocNTiES, Cities, CousTiES, Cities, Males. Females. Totals. Males. Females. Totals. AND Towns. AND Towns. Essex — Con. Norfolk — Con. Dan vers, . 11 _ 11 Brook line, . 4 __ 4 Essex, 1 _ 1 Canton, 8 _ 8 Gloucostor, 29 _ 29 Dedham, . 5 _ 5 Haverhill, . 22 _ 22 Foxborough, 1 _ 1 Ipswich, . 4 - 4 Franklin, . 2 _ 2 Lawrence,. 56 4 60 Hyde Park, 10 1 11 Lynn, . 66 2 68 Medfield, . 2 2 Manchester, 2 _ 2 Medway, . 1 _ 1 Marbleliead, 11 - 11 Milton, 10 _ 10 Merrimac, . 2 _ 2 Needhara, . 1 _ 1 Methucn, . 2 - 2 Quincy, 14 - 14 Newbury, . 1 - 1 Randolph, . 6 _ 6 Newburyport, 23 _ 23 iSharon, 1 _ 1 North Aiidover, 1 1 2 Stoughton, 2 _ 2 I'eabody, . 16 _ 16 Weymouth, 10 _ 10 Kockport, . Silem, Salisbury, . 2 57 2 2 2 69 2 Plymouth, Brockton, . Carver, 5.3 22 1 - 53 22 1 FitAXKLIN, 9 - 9 Hanson, 1 _ 1 Greenfield, ' 6 _ 6 Hingham, . 2 _ . 2 Montague, . 2 _ 2 Marion, 3 _ 3 Shelburne, . 1 - 1 Middleborough, 3 _ 3 Hampden, Chicopee, . Holyoke, . 101 U 17 - 101 14 17 Plymouth, . Rockland, . South Abington » 11 9 1 - 1 Mouson, 3 _ 3 Suffolk, 869 80 949 Palmer, 4 _ 4 Boston, 820 75 895 Springticld, 54 .. 54 Chelsea, . 47 5 52 Westliekl, . 3 _ 3 Revere, 2 2 AVest bpringfiel i. 6 - 6 Worcester, 158 1 159 Hamvshike, 48 15 63 Athol, 6 6 Amherst, . 1 _ 1 Auburn, . 1 _ 1 Huntington, 2 . 2 Clinton, 4 _ 4 Northampton, 20 - 20 Douglas, . 2 _ 2 Pelham, . 1 - 1 Fitchburg, . 14 _ 14 "Ware, 6 _ 6 Gardner, . 4 _ 4 Williamsburg, 18 15 33 Grafton, . 1 _ 1 Middlesex, Arlington, . 430 2 28 1 458 3 1 1 3 1 204 3 Hardwick, . Hubljardston, 1 1 1 1 , .Ashland, • 1 Leominster, 2 - 2 Ayer, . Belmont, . Billerica, . 1 3 1 - Milford, . Mil. bury, . Northbridge, 5 4 1 : 5 1' Cambridge, Everett, 181 2 23 1 North Brookfiel Southborough, a. '. 4 1 — 4 1 Framingham, 8 8 Southbridge, 11 - 11 Groton, 10 10 Spencer, . 6 - 6 Holljston, . Hudson, • 1 5 - 1 5 1 Warren, Webster, . 4 13 : 4 13 Lexington, 1 Westborough, 8 - 8 Lowell, 56 1 57 West Boylston, 4 - 4 Maiden, Marlborough, Maynard, . Medford, . 14 g West Brookfield, Westminster, . 1 5 _ 1 6 4 4 Winchendon, . 1 - 1 17 I 17 Worcester, 54 1 55 Melrose, 5 _ 5 Natick, 9 _ 9 RECAPITULATION (By COUXTII s.) Newton, 10 -. 10 Heading, . 4 _ 4 The State, . 2,334 141 2,475 Boniervllle, 50 2 62 Barnstable, 11 1 12 Stoneham, . 4 _ 4 Berkshire, . 37 _ 37 Tewksbury, 1 _ 1 Bristol, 196 4 200 Wakefield, 4 _ 4 Dukes, 1 1 Waltham, . 11 _ 11 Essex, 339 9 348 Watertown, 3 ._ 3 Franklin, . 9 _ 9 Wayland, , 1 _ 1 Hampden, . 101 _ 101 Wilmington, 2 _ 2 Hampshire, 48 15 63 Woburn, . 10 _ 10 Middlesex, . 430 28 458 NA>fTUCIiET, Nantucket, 1 1 2 2 3 S Nantucket, Norfolk, . Plymouth, . 1 81 53 2 1 3 82 53 Norfolk, 81 1 82 Suffolk, 869 80 949 Bellingham, 4 - 4 Worcester, 158 1 159 OCCUPATIOXS BY IXDUSTEIES. 287 BOOKBINDERIES. [Bookbinders.] Counties, Cities, Counties, Cities, , Males. Females. Totals. Males. Females. Totals. AND TOWKS. AND Towns. Berkshire, . 5 5 Middlesex — Con. Lenox, 1 _ 1 Newion, 6 . 6 Isorth Adams, . 2 _ 2 Sonierville, 23 25 48 Pittstield, . 2 - 2 Wakefield, Watertown, 1 2 1 2 Bristol, 18 12 30 Woburn, . 1 _ 1 Berkley, . 1 - 1 Dartmouth, - 1 1 Norfolk, 7 2 9 Fall River, 7 3 10 Canton, 2 2 New Bedford, . 8 8 16 Dedham, . 4 _ 4 Raynham, . 1 - 1 Hyde Park, _ 1 1 Taunton, . 1 — 1 Keedham, . Quincy, 1 1 1 1 Essex, . 26 7 33 Beverly, 1 _ 1 Plymouth, 1 4 5 Ipgwicli, 1 _ 1 Brockton, . _ 4 4 Lawrence, . 5 1 6 Plymouth, . 1 1 Lynn 9 1 10 Marblehead, 1 - 1 SurroLK, 316 321 637 Newburyport, . - 1 1 Boston, 294 305 599 Salem, 8 4 12 Chelsea, IS 13 31 Swampscott, 1 - 1 Revere, Winthrop, . 1 3 3 4 3 Franklin, . 3 _ 3 Deerfield, . 1 _ 1 Worcester, 21 8 29 Greenfield, 2 _ 9 Clinton, 2 1 3 Wendell, . 1 i Fitchburg, . Leominster, 3 1 2 5 1 Hajipden, 49 14 63 Worcester, 15 5 20 Springfield, West Springfield, 42 12 64 7 2 9 Hampshire, . , 4 _ 4 RECAPITULATION (Bt Count LE s.) Hadley, 1 3 - 1 3 Konhampton, . , ) The State, . 696 615 1,311 Middlesex, . 246 247 493 Arlington, . . _ Ayer,. . . ' 1 - 1 Berkshire, . 5 _ 5 2 1 3 Bristol, 18 12 30 Cambridge, 177 204 381 Essex, 26 7 33 Concord, . 1 _ 1 Franklin, 3 3 Everett, 1 - 1 Hampden, 49 14 63 Framingham, . 1 - 1 Hampshire 4 _ 4 Lexington, 1 _ 1 Middlesex, 246 247 493 Lowell, 7 10 17 Norfolk, 7 2 9 Maiden, 9 1 10 Plymouth, 1 4 5 Medford, . 4 4 8 .•^uftblk, 316 321 637 Melrose, 9 2 11 Worcester, 21 8 29 BOOTS AND SHOES. [Shoe and boot factory operatives, shoemakers.] Barnstable, Barnstable, Brewster, . Chatham, . Dennis, Eastham, . Falmouth, . Harwich, . Masbpee, . Orleans, Provincetown, Sandwich, . Truro, Wellileet, . Yarmouth, 63 6 69 5 _ 5 3 3 6 2 1 3 11 _ 11 - 1 1 12 - 12 7 _ , 7 <> _ 2 2 1 3 6 - 6 1 _ 1 1 _ 1 9 2 9 - 9 Berkshire, . Adams, . Becket, Cheshire, . Clarksburg, Dalton, Egremont, . Great BarringtoD, Hancock, . Hinsdale, . Lee, . Lenox, Monterey, . New Marlborough, North Adams, . 510 185 2 _ 1 _ 7 2 2 _ 3 - 8 _ 1 _ 1 1 8 _ 2 _ 1 - 6 2 349 134 695 7 2 1 9 2 3 8 1 2 8 2 1 8 483 288 CEXSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — ISSO. BOOTS AND SHOES — Continued. Counties, Cities, Counties. Cities. Males. Females. Totals. Males. Females. Totals. AND Towns. AND Towns. Berkshire — Con. Franklin — Con. Otis, .... 2 _ 2 Buckland, . 4 - 4 I'eru, . . 1 _ 1 Charleniont, 1 - 1 Pitt:*field, . . 91 46 137 Conway, . 2 - 2 Kiclimoiid, . 1 - 1 Deerfield, . 1 - i Bandistield, 1 - 1 Erving, 2 - 2 Sheffleld, . 1 _ 1 Gill, . 1 - 1 Stockbridge, 4 - 4 Greenfield, 1 - 7 West .Stockbrid ^e. , 1 - 1 Haw ley, 1 - 1 AVilliacnetown, 10 - 10 Heath, lyCverett, . 1 1 1 2 1 Bristol, 658 40 698 Montague, . 8 - 8 Acushnet, . 5 - 5 New Salem, 3 - 3 Attk'borough, 14 _ 14 Orange, 8 - 8 Berkley, . 3 - 3 Shelhurne, . 2 - 2 Dartmouth, 6 _ 6 Shutesbury, 1 - 1 Digbtoii, . 2 _ 2 Warwick, . 23 - 23 Ea-stoii, 205 S3 238 Whalely, . 2 - 2 Fairhaven,. 12 - 12 Fall River, . 62 _ 82 Hampden, 178 - 178 Freetown, . 2 _ 2 Agawam, . 2 *^ 2 MancHeld, . 10 _ 10 Blandtord, . 1 - 1 New Bedford, 118 _ 118 Brimfield, . 11 - 11 Norton, 6 - 6 Chester, 4 - 4 Kaynham . 122 6 128 Chicopee, . 21 - 21 Rfchobalh, . 2 _ 2 Hampden, . 1 - 1 Somerset, . 5 _ 5 Holyoke, . 27 - 27 Swansea, . 4 _ 4 Ludlow, 3 - 3 Taunton, . 57 1 58 Monson, . 4 - 4 Westport, . 3 - 3 Palmer, Russell, . 14 1 ~ 14 1 DlTCES, . 6 _ 6 Southwick, 1 - 1 Cottage City, o _ 2 Springfield, 61 - 61 Edgarlown, 2 _ 2 Wales, 3 - 3 Tisbury, . 2 - 2 Westtteld, . West Springliel d, ; 12 8 : 12 8 Esses, . 15,535 5,722 21,2.57 Wilbraham, 4 - 4 Georgetown, 387 52 389 Amesbury, 23 _ 23 Hampshire, 106 1 107 Andover, . 30 2 32 Amiierst, . 8 - 8 Beverly, 820 294 1,114 Belchertown, 1 - 1 Bosfurd, . 20 _ 20 Chesterfield, 1 - 1 Branford, . 327 102 429 Cummington, 2 - 2 Danvers, . 564 146 710 Easthani'pton, 9 - 9 Essex, 88 42 130 Enfield, 3 - 3 Gloucester, 55 6 61 Granby, 1 - 1 Groveland, 302 39 341 Greenwich, 1 - 1 Hamilton, . 12 _ 12 Had ley, 2 - 2 Haverhill, . 3,008 1,094 4,102 Hatfield, . 1 - 1 Ipswich, 106 20 126 Huntington, 1 - 1 Lawrence, . 85 4 89 Northampton, 13 - 18 Lynn, . 5,668 2,^2 8,300 Prlhani, . 1 - 1 Lynnfleld, . 1 45 5 50 South Hadley, 8 - 8 Manchester, 23 _ 23 Southampton, o - 2 Marblehead, 1,433 348 1,781 Ware, 44 1 45 Merrimac, . 56 1 57 Williamsburg, 3 - 3 Methuen, . 110 15 125 Middleton, . 98 39 137 Middlesex, 8,476 1,918 10,394 Nahant, 1 - 1 Acton, 6 - 6 Newbury, . 104 2 106 Arlington, . 9 - 9 Newburyport, 390 62 452 Ashby, 5 - 5 North Audover, 16 2 18 Ashland, . 357 33 390 Peabody, . 174 98 272 Ayer, . 25 10 35 Rockport, . _ _ 7 Bedford, . 3 - 3 Kowley; 145 _ 145 Billerica, . 7 - 7 t>alem. 542 508 1,050 Burlington, 15 18 33 Salisbury, . 126 15 141 Cambridge, 124 11 135 Saugus, 195 95 290 Carlisle, 1 - 1 Swampecott, 129 42 171 Chelmsford, 3 - 3 Topstield, . 117 16 133 Concord, . 10 - 10 Wenham, . 57 7 64 Dracut, 1 - 1 West Newbury, 322 34 356 Everett, Framingham, 8 75 1 9 75 Franklin, . 91 15 106 Groton, 14 1 15 Ashtield, . 2 2 Holliston, . 452 9 461 Beruardston, 21 14 35 Hopkinton, 950 126 1,076 OCCUPATIOXS BY IXDUSTRIES. 289 BOOTS AND SHOES — Continued. CoiisTiES, Cities, Males. Females. Totals. CorsTiES, Cities, Males. Females. Totals. A>-D TOWSS. AXD TOT\-SS. Middlesex — Con. Plymouth — Con. Hudson, 636 220 856 East Bridgewater, . 262 19 281 Lexington, 2 _ 2 Halifax, 32 1 33 Lincoln, i - 1 Hanover, . 223 30 2.53 Littleton, . 1 _ 1 Hanson, 182 11 193 Lowell, 116 4 120 Hingham, . 176 5 181 Maiden, 28 _ 28 Hull 3 - 3 Marlborough, . 2,066 586 2,652 Kingston, . 11 - 11 Maynard, . 1 _ 1 Lakeville, . . • 32 1 33 Medford, . 10 - 10 Marion, •7 - 2 Melrose, 75 20 95 Marshdeld, 87 3 90 Natick, 1,455 170 1,625 Mattapoisett, 2 - 2 Kewton, 26 - 26 Middleborough, 275 47 322 North Reading, 71 6 77 Pembroke, 127- 3 130 Pepperell, . 208 23 231 Plymouth, . 281 36 317 Reading, . 106 45 151 Plympton, . 47 2 49 Sherborn, . 21 - 21 Rochester, . 3 - 3 Shirley, 5 2 7 Rockland, . 990 135 1,125 Somervillc, 71 12 83 Seituate, 118 2 120 Stoneham, . 651 332 983 South Abington, 487 63 540 Stow 23 1 24 South Scituate,. 159 11 170 Sudbury, . 12 1 13 Wareliam, . 7 - 7 Tewksbury, 1 - 1 West Bridgewater, . 173 17 190 'J'ownsend, 6 - 6 Tvngsborough, . 1 - 1 \Vakelield, 215 46 261 StTFFOLK, 1,371 249 1,620 "SValtham, . Watertown, Wayland, . "Westford, . J Weston, 21 5 295 2 5 15 21 5 310 2 5 Boston, Chelsea, Revere, M'iuthrop, . 1,278 83 9 1 239 9 1 1,517 92 10 1 Wilmington, 14 - 14 Winchester, 11 4 15 Worcester, . 8,166 1,462 9,628 Woburn, . 250 222 472 Ashburnham, . 3 _ 3 Athol, 211 66 277 Nantucket, . 8 - 8 Auburn, Barre, 27 15 1 28 15 Nantucket, 8 _ 8 Berlin, 73 13 86 Blackstone, 28 _ 28 Bolton, 19 _ 19 Norfolk, 4,904 383 5,287 Boylston, . 5 _ 5 Brookfleld, 310 23 333 Bellinghacn, Braintree, . 53 323 18 53 341 Charlton, . Clinton, 59 13 29 83 13 Brookline, . Canton, Cohasset, . Dedhani, . Dover, Foxborough, Franklin, . Holbrook, . Hyde Park, Medfield, . Medway, . Milton, Needham, . Norfujk, . Norwood, . Quincy, Kandolph, . Sharon, Btoughton, Walpole, . Weymouth, Wrentham, 12 21 57 10 7 11 49 479 21 2 155 2 87 12 3 279 807 53 675 2 1,778 6 22 3 5 2 21 68 7 45 192 12 21 57 10 7 11 49 6(11 24 2 160 2 89 12 3 300 875 60 720 2 1,970 6 Dana, .... Douglas, . Dudley, . Fitchburg, . Gardner, . Grafton, Hardwick, . Harvard, . Holden, Hubbardston, . Lancaster, . Leicester, . Leominster, Lunenburg, Men don, Milford, . Millbury, . New Braintree, . Northborough, . Norllibridge, North Brookfleld, . Oakham, . 1 11 54 56 6 220 4 6 37 26 10 58 22 7 75 1,-572 54 7 17 39 837 61 4 12 1 12 4 2 3 2 1 132 1 1 115 1 11 58 68 7 232 4 6 41 28 10 58 25 9 76 1,704 54 7 18 40 952 61 Oxford, 175 28 203 Pl-tmocth, . 6,881 1,007 7,888 Paxton, Petersham, 49 4 - 49 4 Abington, . 709 112 821 Phillipston, 8 - 8 Bridgewater, 79 15 94 Royalston, . 2 - 2 Brockton, . 2,362 504 2,866 Rutland, . 3 - 3 Carver, 44 - 44 Shrewsbury, 35 1 36 Duxbuiy, . 8 " 8 Southborough, . 41 71 112 290 ce:n"sus or Massachusetts — isso. BOOTS AND SHOES — Conduded. Counties, Cities, RECAPITtTLATIOX. Males. Females. Totals. Males. Females. Totals. AND Towns. (By Counties.) "WoBCESTER— Con. The State, . 46,953 10,988 67,941 Southbiidge, 15 1 16 Spencer, 859 163 1,022 Barnstable, 63 6 69 Sterling, . 22 - 22 Berkshire, . 510 185 695 Sturbriilge, 16 - 16 Bristol, 658 40 698 Sutton, 63 - 53 Dukes, 6 - 6 Templeton, 14 1 15 Essex, 15,535 5,722 21,257 Upton, 88 - 88 Fi-anklin, . 91 15 106 Uxbridge, . 8 - 8 Hampden, . 178 - 178 Warren, » - 5 Hampshire, 106 1 107 Webster, . 160 37 197 Middlesex, . 8,476 1,918 10,394 Westboroiigh, 324 204 528 Nantucket, 8 - 8 West Boylstim, 213 2 215 Norfolk, . 4,904 383 5,287 West Brook t'u'Ul, . 200 8 208 Plymouth, . 6,SS1 1,007 7,888 Westrainster, . 3 - 3 Suffolk, 1.371 249 1,620 Winchendon, • 6 - 6 Worcester, 8,166 1,462 9,628 Worcester, 1,920 524 2,444 BOXES. [Box factory operatives.] Barnstable, Dennis, Sandwich, . Berkshire, North Adams, SaudisHeld, Bristol, Acushnet, . Attleborougli, Dartmouth, Eastoii, Fairhaven, . Fall River, . Mansfield, . New Bedford, Norton, Taunton, . Essex, . Amesbury, Andover, . Beverly, Bradford, . Danvers, . Georgetown, Gloucester, Haverhill, . Ipswich, Lawrence, . Lynn, . Marblehead, Merrimac, . Methuen, . Middleton,. Newbury, . Newburjport, Peabody, . Salem, Salisbury, . Saugus, Swampscott, West Newbury, FRANKlITiT, Buckland, . Greenfield, New Salem, Orange, Shelburne, 1 1 3 2 1 29 4 1 4 •1 6 1 11 198 2 1 9 1 13 2 5 21 4 31 47 5 1 6 20 1 4 15 2 4 2 2 25 1 22 2 3 4 1 1 2 3 , _ 3 _ 2 - 1 35 64 _ 4 12 12 _ 1 3 8 8 4 5 9 _ 1 12 18 _ 1 - 11 118 316 2 4 _ 1 4 13 9 10 1 14 - 2 _ 5 , 17 38 _ 4 _ 31 48 95 o 7 - 1 9 15 2 22 - 1 13 17 1 1 6 21 3 5 1 5 _ 2 - 2 13 38 2 2 7 7 _ 1 1 23 3 5 Hampden, Agawam, . Chicopee, . Holyoke, . Longmeadow, Monson, South wick, Springfield, Wcstfield, . West Springfield, Hampshire, Amherst, . Eapthanipton, Enfield, . Hadley, . Northampton, Ware, Middlesex, Ashland, . Cambridge, Holliston, . Hopkinton, Hudson, Lowell, . Maiden, Marlborough, Medford, . Melrose, Nalick, Newton, Somerville, Stoneham, . Tewksbury, Townsend, Tyngsborough, Waltham, . Watertown, Woburn, . NOLFOLK, Bellingham, Canton, Fosborough, Franklin, . Medfield, . Medway, . Sharon, Stoughton, Weymouth, 110 259 - '2 3 15 1 _ _ 1 2 _ • 2 _ 90 222 10 3 2 16 14 9 1 _ 1 6 1 _ _ 1 9 2 2 - 202 105 6 , _ 58 33 5 _ 8 « 3 _ 29 34 6 _ 20 - - 1 2 2 8 _ _ 4 10 16 14 _ 1 _ 1 _ 9 — 14 10 2 „ 7 5 56 33 4 _ _ 15 24 2 5 _ 2 _ 1 _ 2 1 3 15 15 — OCCUPATIONS BY LNDUSTEIES. 291 BOXES — Concluded. CorxTiEs, Cities, j CotrsTiF.s, Cities, Males. Females. Totals. Males. Females. Totals. AND Towns. 1 AND Towns. Pl-oiouth, . 158 23 181 Worcester— Con. Abington, . 3 - 3 Leominster, 5 17 22 Bridgewater, 8 - 8 Lunenburg, _ 1 1 Brockton, . 16 19 35 Mendon, 2 _ 2 Dusbury, . 3 - 3 Mil ford, . 17 10 27 East Bridgcwater, . 5 - 5 Millbury, , 1 4 5 Halifax, 4 - 4 North Brookfield, 8 _ 8 Hanover, . 6 _ 6 Princeton . 1 _ 1 Hanson, 8 - 8 Southbridge, . 8 - 8 Hingliam, . 2 - 2 Spencer, . 11 _ 11 Lakeville, . 8 - 8 Sturbridge, 2 _ 2 Marion, 10 - 10 Upton, 9 . 9 Marehfteld, 5 2 7 Webster, . 3 . 3 Mattapoisctt, . 5 - 5 1 Westborough, . 10 _ 10 Middleborough, 14 1 15 Worcester, 31 44 75 Pembroke, . Plymouth, . 18 - 18 3 1 4 Plympton,. 4 - 4 Rockland, . 1 - 1 RECAPITULATION (B^ COITNTIES.) South Abington, 31 3 — 31 3 South Scituate, . Warcham, . 1 - 1 The State, . 1,058 935 1,993 Suffolk, 11.5 260 375 Barnstable, 1 3 4 Boston, 107 244 351 Berkshire, . 3 _ 3 Chelsea, 8 16 24 Bristol, Essex, 29 198 35 118 64 316 Worcester, . 147 77 224 Franklin, . 25 13 38 Athol 4 _ 4 Hampden, . 110 259 369 Brookfleld, 2 _ 2 Hampshire, 14 9 23 Charlton, . 15 _ 15 Middler^ex, 202 105 307 Clinton, 1 _ 1 Norfolk, 56 33 89 Dana, 13 1 14 Plymouth, . 158 23 181 Douglas, . 3 _ 3 Suffolk, . 115 260 375 Hubbardston, . 1 — 1 Worcester, 147 77 224 BROOMS AND BRUSHES. [Broom and brush makers.] Berkshire, North Adams, Pittsfleld, . Bristol, Attleborough, Dartmouth, Fall River, New Bedford, Essex, . Lawrence, . Newburyport, Salisbury, . Franklix, Deertield, . Orange, Warwick, . Whately, . Hampden, Chicopee, . Ludlow, Palmer, Springfield, Westfield, . Hampshire, Amherst, . Greenwich, 4 _ 4 I 3 _ 3 1 - 1 10 1 11 4 1 5 1 - 1 3 - 3 ♦> - 2 22 oo 44 6 _ 6 16 21 37 - 1 1 8 _ 8 2 , _ 2 1 - 1 3 - 3 2 - 2 9 2 11 1 1 2 _ 1 1 5 _ 5 2 _ 2 1 - 1 98 4 102 a ^ i 2 2 , Hampshire — Con Hadlev, Hatfield, . Northampton, Williamsburg, Middlesex, Arlington, . Cambridge, Everett, Lowell, Maiden, Melrose, North Reading, Reading, Shirley, Somerville, Tyngsborough, Wakefield, Wilmington, Woburn, . Norfolk, Dedham, . Foxborough, Hyde Park, Medfleld, . PLTMOrTH, Bridgewater, 46 4 41 197 2 75 2 7 9 6 3 51 1 31 1 5 3 1 6 2 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 65 51 1 46 4 44 1 262 2 126 3 7 14 6 3 52 1 35 4 5 3 1 6 2 1 2 1 1 1 292 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1S80. BROOMS AND BRUSHES — Concluded. Counties, Cities, AND Towns. Suffolk, Boston, Chelsea, Revere, Worcester, Berlin, Gardner, . Hiirvard, . Holderi, Lancaster, . Leicester, . Koyalston, . Worcester, Males. Females. Totals. 155 57 212 140 57 197 1-1 _ 14 1 - 1 24 8 32 2 - 2 1 - 1 1 _ 1 1 _ 1 o _ 2 1 - 1 _ 9 8 17 RECAPITULATION. (Bt Counties.) Males. The State, Berkshire, . Bristol, Essex, Franklin, . Hampden, . Hampshire, Middlesex, Norfolk, rivmouth,. Suffolk, . Worcester, 534 4 10 22 8 9 98 197 6 1 155 24 Females. 159 1 22 2 4 65 Totals. 693 4 11 44 8 11 102 262 6 1 212 32 BmLDING. [Builders and contractors, paper hangers, plasterers, plumbers and gas-fitters, roofers and slaters, bridge builders and contractors, bouse builders and contractors, building raisers and movers, carpen- ters, masons, painters, door, sash, and blind makers, plaster moulders.] Barnstable, 6.35 Barnstable, 132 Brewster, . 13 Chatham, . 16 Dennis, 03 Easton, 16 Falmouth, . 92 Harwich, . 75 Orleans, 23 rrovincetown, . 52 Sandwich, . 80 Truro, 8 Wellfleet, . 27 Yarmouth, 38 Berkshire, . 1,237 Adams, 73 Alford, 5 Becket, 4 Cheshire, . 14 Clarksburg, 4 Dalton, 38 Egremont, . 16 Florida, . 1 Great Barrington, . 124 Hancock, . 6 Hinsdale, . . 22 Lanesborough, . 13 Lee, .... 66 Lenox, 54 Monterey, . 3 Mount Washington, . 2 New Ashford, . 3 New Marlborough, . 21 North Adams, . 273 Otis 11 Peru, .... 3 Pittsfleld, . 286 Richmond, 1 Sandisfield, 10 Savoy, 4 Sheffield, . 28 Stockbridge, 72 Tyringham, 6 AVashington, 1 West Stockbridge, . 7 Willlamstown, . 56 Windsor, . 4 Bristol, 2,939 Acushnet, . 20 Attleborough, . 186 636 132 13 16 63 16 92 75 23 52 81 8 27 38 1,238 73 5 4 14 4 38 16 1 124 6 22 13 66 55 3 2 3 21 273 11 3 286 7 10 4 28 72 6 1 7 56 4 2,945 20 186 Bristol — Con. Berkley, . iJarimouth, Dighion, . Easton, Fairhaven, . Fall Uiver, Freetown, . Mansfield, . New Bedford, Norton, Raynhara, . Rehoboth, . Seekonk, . Somerset, . Swansea, . Taunton, . Westport, . Dukes, . Chilmark, . Cottage City, Edgartown, Gosnold, . Tisbury, Essex, . Amesbury, Andover, . Beverly, Box ford, . Bradford, . Danvers, . Essex, Georgetown, Gloucester, Groveland, Hamilton, . Haverhill, . Ipswich, Lawrence, . Lynn, . Lyniifleld, . Manchester, Marblehead, Merrimac, . Methuen, . Middleton, Nahant, Newbury, . Newbury port. 42 50 52 68 63 805 21 51 785 23 21 36 21 39 25 591 40 130 6 68 27 3 26 6,748 83 121 225 12 48 114 96 29 390 12 19 437 89 969 900 15 51 125 93 93 20 27 16 370 42 1 51 _ 52 _ 68 - 63 2 807 _ 21 - 51 3 788 _ 23 _ 21 _ 36 _ 21 - 39 _ 25 _ 891 - 40 ^^ 130 _ 6 _ 68 _ 27 - 3 - 26 24 5,772 - 83 _ 121 _ 225 _ 12 _ 48 _ 114 _ 96 _ 29 1 391 - 12 _ 19 _ 437 _ 89 5 974 4 904 _ 15 _ 51 _ 125 - 93 _ 93 6 26 _ 27 _ 16 - 370 OCCUPATIONS BY INDUSTRIES. 293 BUILDING — Continued. Counties, Cities, Counties, Cities, Males. Females. Totals. Males. Females. Totals. AXD Towns. AND Towns. Essex — Con. • Hampshire — Con North .Vndover, 71 _ 71 Hatfield, . 18 - 18 Peabodj-, . 180 _ 180 Huntington, 25 - 25 Rockport, . 63 _ 63 Middlefield, 2 - o Rowlcj-, 24 - 24 Northampton, 316 1 317 Salem, 763 8 771 Pelhnm, 4 - 4 Salii-bury, . 106 _ 106 Plainfield, . 1 - 1 Saiisfus, 65 _ 65 Prcecott, . 7 - 7 Bwampscott, 68 _ 68 South Hadley, 64 - 64 Topsfleld, . 16 _ 16 Southampton, 11 - 11 Wenham, . 19 - 19 Ware, 95 - 95 West Newbury, 19 - 19 Westhampton, Williamsburg, 2 33 — 2 33 Fraxkiix. . 609 1 610 Worthington, 9 - 9 Ashfield, . 14 _ 14 Bernardston, 12 _ 12 Bucklaiid, . 21 _ 21 Middlesex, . 7,963 16 7,979 Charleraoiit, 18 _ 18 Acton, 47 - 47 Colraiii, 18 _ 18 .Arlington, . 70 - 70 Conway, . 22 _ 22 Ashby, 16 - 16 Deerfield, . 48 - 48 Ashland, . 44 - 44 Erving, 22 1 23 Ayer, . 42 - 42 Gill 16 _ 16 Bedford, . 22 - 22 Greenfield, 102 _ 102 ; Belmont, . 24 - 24 Hawley, 5 _ 5 Billerica, . 38 - 38 Heath, 2 _ ■7 Boxborough, 6 - 6 Leverett, , 9 - 9 1 Burlington, 2 - 2 Ley den, 4 - 4 Cambridge, 1,338 4 1,.342 Montague, . 107 - 107 Carlisle, . 14 - 14 New Salem, . >, 3 _ 3 Chelmsford, 64 - 64 Northfield, 36 _ 36 Concord, . 66 - 66 Orange, 68 - 68 1 Dracut, 14 - 14 Kowe, 6 - 6 Dunstable, 6 - 6 Shelburne, 36 _ 36 Everett, . 140 - 140 Shutesbury, 6 _ 6 Framingham, 192 - 192 Sunderland, 10 - 10 Groton, 42 - 42 Warwick, . 3 _ 3 HoUiston, . 46 - 46 Wendell, . 1 _ 1 Hopkinton, 40 _ 40 Whately, . 20 - 20 Hudson, Lexington, 50 29 : 50 29 Hampden, . 2,376 1 2,377 Lincohi, . 8 - 8 Agawam, . 53 - 53 Littleton, . 20 - 20 Blandford, . 3 - 3 Lowell, 1,949 6 1,955 Brinifield, . 15 - 15 Maiden, 379 - 379 Chester, . 19 _ 19 Marlborough, . 107 _ 107 Chicopee, . 236 — 236 Maynard, . 32 - 32 Granville, . 15 _ 15 Medford, . 265 - 265 Hampden, . 12 _ 12 Melrose, . 112 _ 112 Holland, . 5 _ 5 , Natick, 138 _ 138 Holyoke, . 530 _ 530 ' Newton, 536 - 536 Longmeadow, . 59 _ 59 North Reading, 12 - 12 Ludlow, 33 _ 33 Pepperell, . 69 1 70 Monson, 63 - 63 Reading, . 50 - 50 Montgomery, 1 - 1 Sherborn, . 19 - 19 Palmer, 115 - 115 1 Shirley, 29 - 29 Kussell, . 7 _ 7 Somerville, 739 5 744 Southwick, 5 - 5 i Stoneham, . 83 _ 83 Springfield, 927 1 928 Stow, . 18 _ 18 Tolland, . 4 _ 4 Sudbury, . 14 _ 14 Wales, 6 . 6 Tewksbury, 23 _ 23 Westfield, . 1.38 _ 138 Townsend, 33 _ 33 West Springfield, 105 - 105 Tyngsborough, . 6 _ 6 ■\Vilbraham, 25 — 25 Wakefield, Waltham, . 119 295 - 119 295 Hajipshihe, . 898 1 899 Watertown, 135 _ 135 Amherst, . 117 _ 117 Wayland, . 22 - 22 Belchertown, . 34 _ 34 Westford, . 52 _ 52 Chesterfield, 9 _ 9 Weston, 18 _ 18 Cummington, . 16 _ 16 Wilmington, 17 _ 17 Easthampton, . 75 - 75 \Vinchester, 77 - 77 Enfield, . 16 _ 16 Woburn, . 235 _ 235 Goshen, 1 . 1 Granby, 6 _ 6 Greenwich, 18 _ 18 Nantucket, . 81 - 81 Hadley, . 19 - 19 Nantucket, 81 1 — 81 294 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. BUILDING — Concluded. CoDHTiES, Cities, AND TOWKS. NOKFOLK, Bellingham, Braintree, . Brookline, , Canton, Cohaeset, Dedham, Dover, Foxborough, Franklin, Holbrook, . Hyde Park, Medfield, Med way, Milton, Keedliam, Korfolk, Norwood, Quincy, Randolph, Sharon, y tough ton, Walpole, . Weymouth, "Wrentham, Plymouth, j\bington, . Bridgewater, ]?rockton, . Carver, Duxbury, . East Bridgewater, Halifax, Hanover, . Hanson, Hingham, . Hull, . Kingston, . Lakeville, . Marion, Marshfield, Wattapoisett, MIddleborough, Pembroke, Plymouth, . Plympton, , Rochester, , Rockland, . Bcituate, , South Abington, South Scituate, Wareham, . West Bridgewater, StTFOLK, Boston, Chelsea, Revere, Winthrop, . Worcester, Ashburnham, Athol, Auburn, Barre, Berlin, Blackstone, Bolton, Boylston, . Brooktield, Males. 2,093 7 95 214 77 57 135 14 69 120 31 219 31 63 55 174 21 57 232 59 25 78 59 189 22 1,677 64 67 354 12 80 48 7 35 41 115 19 59 13 40 68 38 120 39 148 7 16 70 74 67 34 37 25 10,784 9,962 680 91 51 4,568 21 97 21 34 26 67 7 9 14 Females. Totals. 5 2,098 - 7 - 95 4 218 - 77 - 57 _ 135 - 14 - 69 - 120 - 31 - 219 - 31 - 5.? - 55 - 174 - 21 - 57 - 232 - 59 - 25 - 78 - 59 1 190 - 22 - 1,677 - 54 - 67 - 354 - 12 - 80 - 48 - 7 - 35 - 41 - 115 - 19 - 59 - 13 - 40 - 58 - 38 - 120 - 39 - 148 - 7 - 16 - 70 - 74 - 67 - 34 - 37 - 25 36 10,820 31 9,993 5 685 - 91 - 51 4 4,572 - 21 _ 97 - 21 1 35 - 26 _ 67 _ 9 — 14 Counties, Cities, AKD Towns. Worcester— Con Charlton, . Clinton, Dana, . Douglas, . Dudley, Fitchburg, . Gardner, . Grafton, Ilardwick, . Harvard, . Holden, Hubbardston, Lancaster, . Leicester, . Leominster, Lunenburg, Mendon, . Milford, . Millbury, . New Braintree, Northborough, Northbridge, North IJrookfield, Oakliam, . Oxford, Paston, Petersham, Phillipston, Princeton, , Royalston, Rutland, . Shrewsbury, Southborough, Southbridge, Spencer, Sterling, . Sturbridge, Sutton, Templeton, Upton, Uxbridge, . Warren, Webster, . Westborough, West Boylston, West Brookfield, Westminster, . Wlnchendon, • Worcester, Males. 33 146 12 . 37 44 346 192 46 20 14 39 30 37 35 144 18 18 145 118 5 24 62 57 11 38 7 17 6 13 4 15 27 34 126 105 21 17 69 38 35 63 59 111 97 31 33 29 91 1,553 Females. RECAPITULATION (Bx Counties.) The State, Barnstable, Berkshire, . Bristol, Dukes, . Essex, Franklin, . Hampden, . Hampshire, Middlesex, Nantucket, Norfolk, . Plymouth, . Suffolk, Worcester, . 41,738 96 635 1 1,2.37 1 2,939 6 130 - 5,748 24 609 1 2,376 1 898 1 7,963 16 81 _ 2,093 5 1,677 - 10,784 36 4,568 4 OCCUPATIONS BY LNDUSTKIES. 295 CARRIAGES AND WAGONS. [Carriage makers, wheelwrights, hub and spoke makers.] Counties, Cities, CotruTiES, Cities, Males. Females. Totals. Males. Females. Totals. AND TO'IVNS. AND Towns. Barnstable, 36 36 Essex — Con. Barnstable, 3 _ 3 Lynn, 49 - 49 Brewster . 2 _ 2 Lynnfield, . 1 - 1 Chatham, . 3 - 3 Marblehead, 2 - 2 Dennis, 4 _ 4 Merriraac, . 177 2 179 Eastham, . 1 _ 1 Methuen, . 10 - 10 Falmouth, . 3 - 3 Newburyport, 21 - 21 Harwich, . 7 _ 7 North Andover, 4 - 4 Orleans, 3 _ 3 Peabody, . 11 - 11 Sandwich, . 3 _ 3 Rockport, . 5 - 5 TTellfleet, . 1 _ 1 Rowley, 3 - 3 Yarmouth, 6 - 6 Salem, 13 - 13 Berkshire, . Adams, Alford, . Clarksburg, Dalton, Egremont, . 201 9 1 1 2 40 201 9 1 1 ■7 40 Salisbury, . Saugus, Swampscott, Topsfield, . Wenham, . West Newbury, 367 3 1 2 1 4 1 368 3 1 2 1 4 Great Barrington, . Lanesborough, . Lee Lenox, Mouterey, . New Marlborough, . North Adams, . Pittslield, . Richmond, 8 1 2 2 1 8 14 90 1 - 8 1 2 2 1 8 14 90 1 Franklin, Ash field, . Bernardston, Buckland, . i Charlemont, Col rain, Conway, . Deerfield, . Erving, Greenfield, , Heath, Montague, . New Salem, Northfield, Orange, 89 1 2 1 2 2 3 9 3 41 2 8 2 3 4 - 89 1 2 1 2 o 3 9 3 41 2 8 2 3 4 Sandisfield, Sheffield, . Stockbridge, Tyringham, West i^tockbridge, . Williamstowu, . 1 'I 7 2 1 4 3 - 4 7 o i 4 3 - Bristol, 224 _ 224 Rowe, 1 - 1 Acushnet, . 3 _ 3 ; Shelburne, 1 - 1 Attleborough, . 1 ^^ - 13 [ Shutesbury, 1 - 1 Berkley, . ! 4 _ 4 Sunderland, 1 - 1 Dartmouth, 9 _ 9 Warwick, . 1 - 1 Dighton, . 5 _ 5 Wendell, . 1 - 1 Easton, 6 _ 6 Fairhaven,. 6 _ 6 Hampden, 111 - 111 Fall River, 30 _ 30 Agawam, . 4 - 4 Freetown, . 1 _ 1 Brim field, . 1 - 1 Mansfield, . 4 _ 4 Chester, 4 - 4 New Bedford, . 87 _ 87 Chicopee, . 5 - 5 Norton, 3 _ 3 Granville, . 3 - 3 Raynham, . 4 -_ 4 Hampden, . 2 - 2 Rehoboth, . 3 _ 3 Holyoke, . 15 - 15 Beekonk, . 2 _ 2 Longmeadow, 2 - 2 Somerset, . 1 _ 1 Ludlow, 2 - 2 Swansea, . 8 _ 8 Monson, 4 - 4 Taunton, . 28 _ 28 Palmer, 6 - 6 Westport, . 7 - 7 Russell, Southwick, 1 1 — 1 1 DtniES, . 3 _ 3 Springfield, 39 - 39 Cottage City, . 1 _ 1 Wales, 2 1 2 Edgartown, 2 - 2 Westfield, . West Springfiel i, '. 7 11 _ 7 11 Essex, . 1,040 3 1,043 Wilbraham, 2 - 2 Amesbury, 263 _ 263 Andover, . 6 _ 6 Hampshire, 79 - 79 Beverly, 3 _ 3 Amherst, . 14 - 14 Boxford, . 4 _ 4 Belchertown, 17 - 17 Bradford, . 3 _ 3 Easthampton, 6 - 6 Danvers, . 10 _ 10 Enfield, . 1 1 1 Essex, 3 _ 3 Greenwich, 4 - 4 Georgetown, 3 _ 3 ! Hadley, 3 - 3 Gloucester, 11 _ 11 Huntington, 1 1 Groveland, 3 _ 3 Northampton, 14 - ! 14 Hamilton, . 3 _ 3 Plainfield, . 1 - ' 1 Haverhill, . 20 _ 20 Prescott, . 1 - i 1 Ipswich, . 5 — 5 South Hadley, 5 - I 5 Lawrence, . 29 — 29 Southampton, 2 - , 2 296 CENSUS or MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. CARRIAGES AND WAGONS — Continued. Counties, Cities, Counties, Cities, Jfalcs. Females. Totals. Males. Females. Totals. AND Towns. AND Towns. Hampshire — Con. Norfolk — Con. "Ware, 7 _ 7 Sharon, 18 - 18 Williamsburg, , . 3 - 3 Htougbton, Walpole, . 9 5 : 9 5 Middlesex, . 438 _ 438 Weymouth, 7 - 7 Acton, 4 _ 4 Wruntham, 3 - 3 Arlington, . 9 _ » Ashby, 2 - 2 Plymouth, . 97 - 97 Ashland, . 2 - 2 Abington, . 4 - 4 Ayer, . 5 _ 5 Bridgewater, 6 6 Bedford, . 4 _ 4 Brockton, . 16 - 16 Belmont, . 1 _ 1 Carver, 2 - 2 Billerica, . 1 _ 1 Duxbury, . 1 East BridgewattT, . 2 - 2 Cambridge, 89 _ 89 2 - 2 Chelmsford, 6 _ 6 Halifax, . 1 - 1 Concord, . 4 _ 4 Hanover, . C - 6 Dunstable, 1 _ 1 Hanson, 4 - 4 Everett, 8 _ 8 Hingham, . 3 - 3 Framinghara, . 18 _ 18 Kingston, . 2 - 2 Groton, 2 _ 2 Lakeville, . 1 - 1 Holliston, . 2 _ 2 Marsh field. 3 - 3 Hopkinton, 6 - 6 Middleborough, 10 - 10 Hudson, 3 - 3 Peml)roke, . 3 - 3 Lexington, 3 _ 3 Plymouth, . 5 - 5 Lincoln, 1 _ 1 Rochester, . 1 - 1 Littleton, . 3 _ 3 Rockland, . 4 - 4 Lowell, 52 _ 52 Scituate, . 3 - 3 Maiden, 23 _ 23 South Abington, 3 - 3 Marlborough, . 6 _ 6 South Scituate, . 5 - 5 Maynard, . 1 _ 1 Wareham, . 11 - 11 Medford, . 18 _ 18 Melrose, . 6 _ 6 BUFFOLK, 454 2 456 Natick, 6 _ 6 Boston, 411 2 413 Newton, . 18 _ 18 Chelsea, . 40 - 40 North Koading, 2 - 2 Revere, 2 - 2 Pepperell, . 4 _ 4 Winthrop, . 1 - 1 Reading, . 6 - 6 Sherborn, . 2 _ 2 Worcester,. 333 17 350 Shirley, . 2 - 2 Ashburnham, . 2 - 2 Somerville, 55 - 55 Athol, 7 - 7 Stoneham, . 5 _ 5 Barre, 7 - 7 Stow, . 1 _ 1 Berlin, 3 - 3 Sudbury, . 3 _ 3 Bl.'ickstone, 5 - 5 Tewk Miliary, 1 _ 1 Bolton, 1 - 1 Tvng.«bor()Ugh, . 3 _ 3 Brooklicld, 16 - 16 Wakefield, 6 _ 6 Charlton, . 4 - 4 Walthani, . 18 _ 18 Clinton, it - 2 Watertown, 4 _ 4 Dana, .... 1 - 1 Wayland, . o _ 2 Douglas, . 2 - 2 Westford, . 2 _ 2 Dudley, 1 - 1 Weston, 2 _ 2 Fitchburg, . 12 12 Wilmington, 2 _ 2 Gardner, . 4 - 4 Winchester, 4 _ 4 (Jrafton, 3 ~ 3 Woburn, . 10 - 10 Harvard, . Holden, 2 4 — 2 4 Naxtucket, 5 - 5 Hubbardston, . 2 - 2 Nantucket, 5 - 5 Lancaster, . Leicester, . 5 2 _ 5 2 Norfolk, 133 - 133 Leominster, 64 17 81 Bellingham, 3 _ 3 Lunenburg, 1 - 1 Braintree, . 5 _ 5 Mendon, . 2 - 2 Brookline, . 22 _ 22 Milford, . 11 - 11 Canton, 3 - 3 Millbury, . 8 - 8 Dedham, . 11 - 11 New Braintree, . 1 - 1 Dover, 1 _ 1 Northborough, . 4 - 4 Foxborough, 3 - 3 Northbridge, 2 - 2 Franklin, . 3 _ 3 North Brookfield, . 6 - 6 Hyde Park, 6 _ 6 , Oakham, . 1 - 1 Medtield, . 5 _ 5 \ Oxford, 4 - 4 Med way, , '2 _ 2 Petersham, 2 - 2 Milton, i _ 1 Princeton, . 2 - 2 Needhani, . 9 _ 9 Rutland, . 1 - 1 Norwood, . 3 - 3 Shrewsbury, 3 - 3 Qnincy, 12 _ 12 Southborough, . 4 - 4 Randolph, . 2 - 2 Southbridge, 5 5 OCCUPATIONS BY INDUSTRIES. 297 CARRIAGES AND WAGONS — Concluded. PoFNTTFs Pities RECAriTUL.\TIOX. AND TOWKS. Males. Kemales. Totals. (Bt Counties.) Males. Females. Totals. "Worcester— Con. The State, . 3,243 22 3,265 Spencer, 6 - 6 Sterling, 1 ~ 1 Barnstable, 36 - 36 iSturbridge, 4 4 Berkshire, . 201 - 201 Suttou, 2 - 2 Bristol, 224 224 Templeton, 6 _ 6 Dukes, 3 3 I'pton, 3 _ 3 Essex, 1,040 3 1,043 rxbi'iilge, . 2 - 2 Franklin, . 89 SO Warren, 2 _ 2 Hampden, . 111 - in Webster, . 2 - 2 Hampshire, 79 - 79 Westborough, 13 — 13 Middlesex, 438 - 43S West Roylston, 3 — 3 Nantucket, 5 - 5 West Brook field, 2 _ 2 Norfolk, . 133 - 133 Westminster, . 3 _ 3 riyraouth, . 97 - 97 Wincliendon, . 2 _ 2 Suffolk, . 454 2 466 Worcester, 76 — 76 Worcester, 333 17 300 CARPETINGS. [Carpet makers, oilcloth makers.'] Berkshire, . 4 4 8 1 Middlesex — Con. Adams, . . .< 1 _ 1 ' Watertown, 1 - 1 Lanesborough, . 1 1 Westford, . 1 - 1 Pittsftc-ld, . 3 1 4 Sheffield, . _ 2 2 Norfolk, 29 6 35 Hyde Park, - 4 4 Bristol, 34 6 40 Norwood, . 28 - 28 Dartmouth, 1 _ 1 Quiucy, - 2 2 Fairhaven, . 1 - 1 ^\'renlham, 1 - 1 Fall River, . 4 _ 4 New Bedford, . Taunton, . 4 24 1 4 5 28 Plymouth, . Brockton, . 1 1 1 2 1 Westport, . — 1 1 Dnxbury, . 1 1 Essex, . 14 8 22 Beverly, 5 2 7 Suffolk, 175 323 498 Danvers, . 1 _ 1 Boston, 173 320 493 (xloucester. 4 3 7 Chelsea, 2 3 5 Lawrence, . 2 - 2 Lynn, .... 1 - 1 Worcester, . 276 514 790 i'eabody, . 1 - 1 Athol, 1 1 Salem, . . . - 3 3 Auburn, 3 3 Franklin, . 2 1 3 Berlin, Charlton, . 1 1 1 1 Colrain, 1 - 1 Clinton, 194 405 599 Greenfield, 1 - 1 1 Lancaster, . 1 6 i Shelburne, . - 1 1 Millbury, . 2 2 Northborough, . _ 1 1 Hampden, 49 12 61 Sterling, • . • 1 1 Chicopee, . 1 1 2 Worcester, 75 99 174 Moiison, 2 — 2 Palmer 43 3 11 54 3 ^ CA alliviy ■ t ft Springfield, RECAPITULATION (Bt CotJNTII s.) Hampshire, . 1 1 2 O O 1 Amherst, . Belchertown, . _ 1 1 The State, . 822 1,154 1,976 Northampton, . _ 1 1 Berkshire, . 4 4 8 Middlesex, . 237 277 514 Bristol, 34 6 40 Cambridge, 5 13 18 Essex, 14 8 22 Chelmsford, 1 _ 1 Franklin, . 2 1 3 Lowell, 219 259 478 I Hampden, . 49 12 61 Maynard, . _ 1 1 Hampshire, 1 2 3 Medford, . 4 2 6 Middlesex, . 237 277 514 Newton, 2 _ 2 Norfolk, . 29 6 35 Somerville, 1 _ 1 1 Plymouth, . 1 1 2 Tewksbury, 1 2 3 Suffolk, 175 323 498 Wakefield, 2 - 2 ! Worcester, 276 514 790 298 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. CLOCKS AND WATCHES. [Watch and clock makers and repairers.] Counties, Cities, AND Towns. Barnstable, Dennis, Sandwich, . Berkshire, Adams, Lenox, Monterey, . New Marlborough, Pittsfielil, . Sandistield, Stockbridge, Windsor, . Bristol, Attleborough, Fall River, New Bedford, Taunton, . Essex, . Araesbury, Beverly, Boxford, . Georgetown, Gloucester, Haverhill, . Ipswich, Lawrence, . Lynn, . Manchester, Marblehead, Methuen, . Newbury port, Peabody, . Salem, Swampscott, West Newbury Franklin, Deerfield, . Orange, Rowe, Hampden, Brimlield, . Holyoke, . Springfield, We.stfield, . AVilbraham, Hampshire, Amherst, . South Hadley, Middlesex, Arlington, . Ashland, . Ayer, . Burlington, Cambridge, Concord, . Everett, Framingham, Groton, Holliston, . Hudson, Lexington, Lowell, , Maiden, Marlborough, Medford, . Melrose, . Natick, Newton, Pepperell, . Reading, . Somerville, Males. 4 1 3 12 1 2 1 3 2 : 1 1 20 3 7 8 2 58 1 2 2 3 2 5 1 3 6 1 1 1 8 2 18 1 1 3 1 1 1 98 1 4 91 1 1 6 4 2 850 2 2 1 24 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 4 9 1 4 6 3 45 1 3 18 Females, i Totals. 46 46 339 4 1 3 12 1 2 1 3 2 1 1 1 20 3 7 8 2 58 1 2 2 3 2 6 1 3 6 1 1 1 8 2 18 1 1 3 1 1 1 144 1 4 137 1 1 6 4 2^ 1,189 ' 2 2 1 2 27 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 5 9 1 4 6 3 54 1 3 20 Counties, Citibs, AND Towns. Males. Middlesex - Sudbury, . Tiiwnsend, Waltham, . Watertown, Weston, Winchester, Woburn, . Nantucket, Nantucket, I Norfolk, Braintree, . Brookline, . Canton, Cohasset, . Foxborough, Franklin, . Hyde Park, Milton, Norwood, . Quincy, Walpole, . Plymolth, Brockton, . Kast Bridgewote Hanover, . Hanson, Hingham, . Mallapoisett, Pembroke, . Plymouth, . Rochester, . South Scituate, Suffolk, Boston, Chelsea, Worcester, Athol, Berlin, Bolton, Filchburg, . Hubbardston, Lancaster, . Leominster, Milford, . Oakham, , Rutland, . Soutlibridge, Warren, Webster, . Westborough, West Boylston, Winchendon, Worcester, -Con r, 3 1 701 2 5 3 3 14 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 11 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 250 239 11 43 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 4 2 1 13 Females. Totals. 315 1 2 3 1 21 21 3 1 1,016 3 7 2 2 14 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 12 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 271 260 11 44 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 4 2 1 13 RECAPITULATION (By Coxtnties.) The State, Barnstable, Berkshire, . Bristol, Essex, Franklin, . Hampden, . Hampshire, Middlesex, . Nantucket, Norfolk, Plymouth, . Suffolk, . Worcester, 1,371 408 4 - 12 - 20 _ 58 . 3 _ 98 46 6 _ 850 339 2 - 14 _ 11 1 250 21 43 1 1,779 4 12 20 58 3 144 6 1,189 2 14 12 271 44 OCCUPATIOXS BY INDUSTPtlES. 299 CLOTHING. [Shirt, collar, and cuflf makers, artificial flower makers, glove makers, hoop-skirt makers, lace makers suspender makers, umbrella and parasol makers, dressmakers, milliners, tailors, hat and cap makers, sewing machine operators.] Counties, Cities, i Counties, Cities, AND TOT^TJS. Males. Females. Totals. AND Towns. Males. Females. Totals. Barnstable, 36 328 364 Dukes — Con. Barnstable, _ 35 35 Gosuold, . 1 1 2 Brewster . 1 8 9 Tisbury, . 2 14 16 Chatham, . 6 35 41 Dennis, 3 44 47 Essex, . 803 2,535 3,338 Eastham, . _ 6 6 Amesbury, 111 41 152 Falmouth, . - 20 20 Andover, . 11 33 44 Harwich, . - 46 46 Beverly, . - 91 91 Mashpee, . 1 1 2 Boxford, . - . 2 2 Orleans, 10 27 37 Bradford, . 9 7 16 Provincetown, . 6 38 44 Danvers, . 32 64 96 Sandwich, . _ 34 34 Essex, 2 7 9 Truro, 1 8 9 Georgetown, 8 65 73 Wellfleet, . 2 8 10 Gloucester, 15 178 193 Yarnioulli, 6 18 24 Groveland, ~ 13 13 Hamilton, . - 9 9 Berkshire, . 95 563 858 Haverhill, . 122 224 346 Adams, 3 30 33 Ipswich, 2 33 35 Alford, - 2 2 Lawrence, . 149 506 655 Becket, _ 1 1 Lynn 75 401 476 Cheshire, . - 2 2 Lynnfield, . 1 5 3 8 Clarksburg, - 1 1 Manchester, 1 4 5 Dalton, 4 12 16 Marbkhcad, 4 61 65 Egrimont, . 1 4 5 Merriniac, . - 11 11 Florida, - 2 2 Methuen, . 81 53 134 Great Barrington, . 12 55 67 Middleton, . - 2 2 Hancock, . 1 5 6 Nahant, - 4 4 Hinsdale, . _ 10 10 Newbury, . 4 3 7 Lanesborough, . 1 3 4 Newburyport, . 82 143 225 Lee 6 40 46 North Andover, 1 6 7 Lenox, _ 12 12 Peabody, . - 79 79 Monterey, . - 2 2 Rockport, . 4 25 29 Mount Washington, . 1 - 1 Rowley, 1 5 6 New Ashford, . - 7 7 Salem, 62 348 410 New Murlborough, . 3 13 16 Salisbury, . 20 48 63 North Adams, . 25 100 125 Saugus, - 22 22 Otis _ 1 1 Swampscott, 1 23 24 Pittsfield, . 28 199 227 Topstield, . 1 9 10 Kichmond, - 5 5 Wenham, . - 6 6 Sandisfield, 2 6 8 West Newbury, - 6 6 Savoy, 3 3 Sheffield, . i 1 11 12 Franklin, . 378 241 619 Stockbridge, 3 22 25 Ashfield, , 1 3 4 Tyringham, 1 ~ 3 3 Bernardston, • . . - 3 3 "Williamstown, . 1 4 12 16 Buckland, . 1 25 26 1 Cliarkmont, 2 8 10 Bristol, 172 1,218 1,390 Colrain, 1 16 17 Acushnet, . 3 3 Conway, . 1 7 8 Attleborough, . 9 47 56 Deerheld, . - 19 19 Berkley, . 1 1 2 Erving, 1 - 1 Dartmouth, 4 36 40 Greenfield, 8 58 66 Dighton, . 2 9 11 1 Leverett, . - 2 2 Easton, 1 23 24 Leyden, - 3 3 Fairhaven, . 3 34 37 Montague, . 3 31 34 Fall Hiver, 57 337 394 New t^alem. - 1 1 Freetown, . 3 8 11 Northtield, - 1 1 Mansfield, . 1 10 11 Orange, 353 22 375 New Bedford, . 66 412 478 Rowe, 1 2 3 Norton, . . . ', _ 6 6 Shelburne, 6 26 32 Raynham, . 1 4 5 Sunderland, 1 - 4 4 Rehoboth, . 1 - 1 1 Warwick, . ~ 1 1 Seekonk, . 1 _ 7 7 Wendell, . 1 1 Somerset, . 1 16 17 Whately, . 8 8 Swansea, . 1 3 4 Taunton, . 22 247 269 Hampden, . 165 1,037 1,202 WestpdTt, . - 14 14 Agawam, . - 9 9 Brimfield, . 1 5 6 Dukes, . 8 53 61 Chester, _ 8 8 Chilmark, . _ 2 2 Chicopee, . 9 86 95 Cottage City, . 5 19 24 Granville, . - 5 5 Edgartown, ~ 17 17 Hampden, . ^ 4 4 300 CENSUS or MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. CLOTHING — Continued. Counties, Citiics, Counties, Cities, AND Towns. Males. Females. Totals. AND Towns. Males. Females. Totals. Hampden— Con. Middlesex — Con. Holland, . - 3 3 Shirley, 10 15 25 Holyoke, . 21 193 214 Somerville, 72 403 475 Longmeadow, - 1 1 Stoneliam, . 12 48 60 Ludlow, - 7 7 Stow, . . . . - 19 19 Monson, 3 45 48 Sudbury, . _ 6 6 Montgomery, - 3 3 Tewksbury, _ 4 4 Palmer, 26 65 91 Townsend, 4 19 23 Southwick, - 2 2 Tyngsborough . _ 2 2 SpringtieUl, 91 494 585 Wakefield, 15 33 48 Wales, 5 4 9 Waltham, . 20 80 100 Westfield, . 9 61 70 Watertown, 13 101 114 West Springfiol 'I, .' - 36 36 Wayland, . 3 11 14 Wilbraham, — 6 6 Westford, . Weston, - 18 5 18 5 Hampshire, 297 613 910 Wilmington, _ 1 1 Amherst, . 44 40 84 Winchester, 2 33 35 ]?ekliertown. 1 1 2 Wobiirn, . 19 121 140 Cln»tertield, _ 2 2 Cummiiigtoti, EaNtliamptoli, 2 92 1 273 3 365 Nantucket, . Nantucket, 6 6 18 18 24 24 Enliekl, . - 9 9 Norfolk, 126 900 1,025 Graiiby, - 1 1 Beliingham, 1 1 2 Greenwich. - 5 5 Hrainlree, . 8 26 34 Hadley, . 1 2 3 Brookline, . 9 85 94 HatHeld, . 1 4 5 Canton, 9 70 79 Huntington, 4 12 16 Cohasset, . 1 20 21 Middleii.'ld, - 1 1 Dedhara, . 5 39 44 Korthampton, 134 162 296 Dover, _ 1 1 Pel ham. . 3 1 4 Foxborough, 6 32 38 Plaiiitield, . 2 1 3 Franklin, . 10 62 72 i^outli Hadley, 4 25 29 Holbrook, . - 20 20 Southampton, - 1 1 Hyde Park, 25 63 88 Ware, 5 48 53 Medtield, . 1 6 7 Westhampton, - 4 4 Medwaj-, . 4 16 20 Williamsburg, 4 18 22 Milton, 1 23 24 Worthiugton, — 2 2 Needham, . Norfolk, . 7 47 5 54 5 ^IlDDl.ESEX, 626 3,622 4,248 Norwood, . _ 4 4 Acton, 5 27 32 (^uiney, 13 138 151 Arlington, . 2 38 40 Randolph, . 7 43 50 Ashland, . 1 14 15 Sharon, 1 3 4 Aver, . 3 14 17 Stoughton, 3 33 36 Bedford, . - 4 4 Walpole, . 4 8 12 Belmont, . - 9 9 Weymouth, 10 153 163 Billerica, . _ 5 5 Wrentham, _ 2 2 Boxborough, - 2 2 Burlington, - 4 4 Plymouth, . 98 627 725 Cambridge, 189 813 1,002 Abington, . 6 31 37 Carlisle, - 3 3 Bridgewater, 1 35 36 Chelmsford, - 13 13 Brockton, . 50 128 178 Ctuicord, . 11 26 37 j Carver, _ 3 3 Dracut, 1 5 6 1 Duxbury, . 1 51 62 Dunstable, - 2 2 East Bridgewater, . - 27 27, . 15 44 59 Halifax, . _ 2 2 Franiiiigham, . 4 41 45 Hanover, . _ 17 17 Groton, 1 21 22 Hanson, _ 10 10 HoUiston, . 17 8 25 Hingham, . 7 2 9 Hopkinton, 1 21 22 Hull, .... _ 2 2 Hudson, 2 27 29 Kingston, . 3 28 31 Lexington, 3 7 10 Lakeville, . _ 3 3 Lincoln, - 8 8 Marion, _ 7 7 Littleton, . _ 4 4 Marshfield, _ 30 30 Lowell, 71 780 851 Mattapoisett, 1 8 9 Maiden, 30 167 197 Middleborough, 4 28 32 Marlborough, . 14 44 58 Pembroke, _ 18 18 Maynard, . - 20 20 Plymouth, . 9 44 53 Medford, • 20 83 103 Plympton, . _ 5 5 Melrose, . 13 36 49 Rochester, . _ 7 7 Natick, 20 91 111 Rockland, . 8 52 60 Newton, . 18 182 200 Seituate, . 3 26 29 North Keadit^g, 2 9 11 South Abington, 4 12 16 Pepperell, . i 13 14 South Scituate, . _ 27 27 Heading, . 12 113 126 Wareham, . - 10 10 Sherborn, . 5 5 West Bridgewater, . 1 14 15 OCCUPATIOXS BY INDUSTEIES. 301 CLOTHING — Concluded. CoDNTiES, Cities, ConNTiES, Cities, Males. Females. Totals. Males. Females. Totals. AND Towns. AND Towns. Suffolk, 2,377 10,275 12,652 Worcester— Con. Boston, 2,267 9,778 12,045 Princeton, . - 4 4 Chelsea, 102 471 573 Royalston, . _ 6 6 Kevere, 6 20 26 Rutland, . _ 6 6 Winthrop, . 2 6 8 Shrewsbury, Southborough, - 3 9 3 9 Worcester, 432 2,659 3,091 Southbridge, 7 55 62 Ashbunibiira, _ 8 8 Spencer, 7 44 51 Atliol, ■ 7 55 62 Sterling, _ 7 7 Auburn, - 3 3 Sturbridge, 2 12 14 Biirre, 40 20 60 Sutton, - 9 9 Berlin, - 7 7 Templeton, 1 16 17 Blacbstone, 9 30 39 I'pton, - 14 14 Bolton, _ 7 7 Uxbridge, . 3 21 24 Boylston, . _ 1 1 Warren, 7 21 28 Brook tield, S 42 50 Webster, . 1 45 46 Charlton, . _ 2 2 Westborongh, 10 41 51 Clinton, 7 72 79 West Boylston, 3 20 23 Dana, . 2 3 5 West Brooktield, 56 133 189 Douglas, 1 14 15 Westminster, . _ 9 9 DudU-y, . 1 6 7 Winchendon, 4 35 39 Fitch burg, . 26 166 192 Worcester, 151 1,086 1,237 Uardnor, . Grafton, . 3 37 40 4 12 16 Hardwifk, . 2 10 12 Harvard, . 1 20 21 RECAPITULATION (Bt Counties.) Holden, 4 6 13 6 17 Hnbbardston, Lancaster, . _ 7 7 The State, . 5,618 24,689 30,307 Leicester, . - 16 16 Leominster, 8 47 55 Barnstable, 36 328 364 Lunenburg, _ 9 9 Berkshire, . 95 563 658 Mendon, 2 8 10 Bristol, 172 1,218 1,390 Milford, . 15 98 113 Dukes, 8 53 61 MUlbury, . 5 38 43 Essex, 803 2,535 3,338 New Braintree, _ 2 2 Franklin, . 378 241 619 Northborough, 3 37 40 Hampden, . 165 1,037 1,202 Northbridge, - 26 26 Hampshire, 297 613 910 North Brookfiel d, ; 30 1S9 219 Middlesex, . 626 3,622 4,248 Oakham, . _ 8 8 Nantucket, 6 18 24 Oxford, . 2 23 27 Norfolk, . 125 900 1,025 Paxton, _ 12 12 Plymouth, . 98 627 725 Petersham, ^ 4 4 Suftolk, . 2,377 10,275 12,652 Phillipston, — 3 3 Worcester, 432 2,659 3,091 COOKING, LIGHTING, AND HEATING APPARATUS. [Chandelier, lamp, and lantern makers ; stove, furnace and grate makers.] Bristol, 77 77 Suffolk, 45 1 46 Somerset, . 5 . 5 Boston, 17 1 18 Taunton, . 72 - 72 Chelsea, . 28 - 28 Middlesex, . 29 _ 29 Worcester, 1 _ 1 Cambridge, 2 _ 2 Worcester, 1 . 1 Maiden, - 1 Maynard, . - 1 Somervillc, Wakefield, 10 11 - 4 10 11 RECAPITULATION (By Counties.) Watertown, The State, . 164 1 165 Norfolk, _ 1 Weymouth, _ 1 Bristol, 77 - 77 Middlesex, 29 - 29 Plymouth, . 11 _ 11 Norfolk, . 1 - 1 Carver, _ 9 Plvmouth, . 11 - 11 Plymouth, . _ 1 Suffolk, 45 1 46 Rochester, . - 1 Worcester, 1 - 1 302 CEXSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. COTTON GOODS. [Cotton mill operatives, mill and factory operatives, thread makers, weavers.] Counties, Cities, Counties, Cities, Males, Females. Totals. Males. Females. Totals. AND Towns. AND Towns. Barnstable, 1 10 21 31 Franklin, . 266 212 478 Brewster, . - 5 5 Colrain, 150 100 250 Dennis, 4 1 5 Conway, . 39 20 59 Eastham, . - 1 1 Greenfield, 1 1 2 Harwich, . 5 13 18 Leyden, 1 - 1 Sandwidi, . 1 - 1 Montague, . / . 44 18 62 Truro, " 1 1 Orange, Warwick, . 29 2 73 102 2 Berkshire, . Adams, . Cheshire, . Clarksburg, Dalton, 1,222 508 14 1 24 1,486 500 11 4 25 2,708 1,008 25 5 49 Hampden, Agawam, . Brim field, . Chicopee, . Hampden, . Holyoke, . Ludlow, Monson, 3,510 34 5 1,367 1 1,073 36 3 3,964 54 5 1,367 1 1,505 28 2 7,474 88 10 2,734 Great 15arrington, Hinsdale, . Lanesborough, . 127 2 1 108 1 235 o I \ 2,.578 64 5 Lenox, Monterey, . Mount AVashington, . New Marlborough, . 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 Palmer, Russell, Springfield, Tolland, . Westfield, . West SpringfieU Wilbraham, 544 393 3 505 1 399 2 1,049 1 792 5 North Adams, . Pittsticld, . Richmond, Bavoy, 334 88 466 220 1 2 800 308 1 2 i, . 2 47 2 93 2 2 140 4 Stockbridge, West Stockbridge, . Williamstown, . 4 1 114 1 2 145 6 3 259 Hampshire, Belchertown, ■ Easthamjiton, Enfield, 1,012 31 150 91 1,238 36 166 46 2,2,')0 67 316 137 Bristol, 9,555 8,723 18,278 Northampton, 56 101 157 AttU'borongh, . 428 260 688 Plainfield, . - 1 1 Berkley, . 2 - ' 2 South Hadlcy, 188 186 374 Dartmouth, 32 18 50 Ware, 463 670 1,133 Dighton, . .34 34 68 Williamsburg, 30 32 62 Eastou, 14 19 33 Worthington, 3 - 3 Fairliaven, - 2 2 Fall River, 7,064 6,454 13,518 Middlesex, 4,471 8,036 12,507 Freetown, . 5 - 5 Acton, 5 3 8 Mansliold, . 1 1 2 Ashland, . 11 76 87 New Bedford, . 1.250 1,054 2.2!1L_ Ayer, . . Cambridge, 27 1 85 1 — l>h>«tm^ — . 39 SI-' ^10 112 Raynham, . 4 - 4 Chelmsford, 20 13 33 Rehoboth, . 16 5 21 Concord, . - 1 1 Seekonk, . 3 9 12 ! Dracut, 11 15 26 Somerset, . 1 2 3 Everett, 2 - 2 Swansea, . 1 4 5 Groton, - 1 1 Taunton, . 602 779 1,381 Hopkinton, 1 2 3 W'estport, . 59 51 110 Lowell, Maiden, 3,842 6 7,209 6 11,051 12 Dukes, . 1 - 1 Marlborough, 1 1 2 Tisbury, . 1 — 1 Medford, . Natick, 1 2 3 4 2 Essex, . 4,121 5,509 9,630 Newton, 43 111 1.54 Andover, . 1 5 6 Shirley, 89 81 170 Danvers, . 3 - 3 Somerville, 13 10 23 Georgetown, 1 1 2 Tewkwbury, 8 7 15 Haverhill, . 4 - 4 Townsend, 5 - 5 Ipswich, . 72 47' 119 Tyngsborough, 3 1 4 J.awrence, . 2,826 3,775 6,601 Wakefield, 6 2 8 Lynn, 5 _ 5 Waltham, . 342 385 727 Manchester, 2 _ 2 Watertown, 11 4 15 Merrimac, . _ 1 i Westford, . 1 - 1 Melhuen, . 135 215 350 Weston, 10 15 25 Mid'lk-ton, . 1 1 2 Winchester, 11 4 15 Newbury, . _ 2 2 Newburyport, . 487 573 1,060 Norfolk, 414 285 699 North Andover, 7 20 27 Bellingham, 1 2 3 I'eabody, . 4 6 10 Braintree, . 9 2 11 Kockport, . 86 93 179 Brookline, . 2 - 2 Salrm, 481 764 1,245 Canton, 106 78 184 Salisbury, . 4 6 10 Cohasset, . 2 1 3 Saugus, 1 _ 1 Dedham, . 13 2 15 Swampscott, 1 ~ 1 1 Dover, 1 1 OCCUPATIOXS BY IXDUSTRIES. 303 COTTON GOODS — Concluded. Coc^JTiEs, Cities, AXD Towss. Males. Norfolk — Con. Foxborough, Franklin, . Hyde Park, Medfleld, Medway, Milton, Needham, Norfolk, Quincy, Sharon, Stoughton, Walpole, . "Weymouth, "Wrentham, Pltmouth, Abington, Brockton, Carver, Duxbury, Halifax, Lakeville, Marshfield, Mattapoisett, Middleborough, Plymouth, Plympton, Scituate, South Abington, South Scituate, Wareham, . West Bridgewater, Suffolk, Boston, Chelsea, Revere, "Worcester, Ashburuham, Athol, Auburn, Barre, Berlin, Blackstone, Bolton, Boylston, Brookfield, Charlton, Clinton, Douglas, Dudley, Fltchburg, 3 7 65 2 3.3 36 28 11 19 4 63 7 2 103 2 1 2 243 230 12 1 4,337 3 30 90 42 1 358 2 52 26 694 5 1 89 Females. Totals. 4 54 14 1 44 2 4 16 3 46 12 79 5 4 1 1 1 58 4 2 1 235 229 6 3,848 38 65 24 302 2 28 1 15 699 1 213 3 11 119 2 47 1 80 30 15 35 7 109 19 2 182 5 6 1 1 3 1 2 1 2 140 10 2 4 1 2 1 478 459 18 1 8,185 3 68 155 66 1 660 4 80 1 41 1,393 6 1 302 Counties, Cities, ASD Towns. Males. Worcester— Con Gardner, . Grafton, Hardwick, . Holden, Hubbardston, Lancaster, . Leicester, . Leominster, Mendon, . Milford, . Millbury, . Nortlibfidgp, North Brookfield, Oxford, Paxton, Princeton, . Soulhborough, Southbridge, Spencer, . Sterling, . Sturbridge, Sutton, ' . Templeton, Uxb ridge, . Warren, Webster, . West Boy Iston, West Brookfield, Westminster, Winchendon, Worcester, 11 217 1 83 2 28 1 1 5 1 180 234 1 109 396 3 1 125 339 77 261 305 268 2 1 105 1S7 Females. Totals. 10 1.55 44 35 207 289 55 1 1 1 322 1 93 308 2 61 206 219 241 89 120 21 372 1 127 2 63 1 1 5 1 387 523 1 164 1 1 1 718 4 1 218 647 2 138 467 524 509 2 1 194 307 RECAPITULATION (By Counties.) The State, Barnstable, Berkshire, . Bristol, Dukes, Essex, Franklin, . Hampden, . Hampshire, Middlesex, Norfolk, Plj'mouth, . Sufi"olk, "Worcester, • • 29,265 33,636 10 21 1,222 1,486 9,555 8,723 1 _ 4,121 5,509 266 212 3,510 3,964 1,012 1,238 4,471 8,036 ! -ii-i 285 103 79 243 235 4,337 3,848 62,901 31 2,708 18,278 1 9,630 478 7,474 2,250 12,507 699 182 478 8,185 COTTON AND WOOLLEN GOODS. [Knitting and hosiery mill operatives.] Barxstable, 9 9 Hampden, 4 2 6 Brewster, . _ 6 6 Chicopee, . 2 2 4 Orleans, Yarmouth, - 1 2 1 2 Springfield, 2 - 2 t Hampshire, . 1 _ 1 Essex, . 78 64 142 Ware, 1 _ 1 Gloucester, 1 1 Ipswich, . 71 56 127 Middlesex, . 194 526 720 Lawrence, . 7 2 9 Billerica, . _ 1 1 Rowley, . - 4 4 Cambridge, 1 5 6 Salem, - 1 1 Chelmsford, - 5 5 301 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. COTTON AND AVOOLLEN GOODS — Concluded. CouKTiES, Cities, Counties, Cities, Males. Females. Totals. Males. Females. Totals. AND TOWKS. AND Towns. Middlesex — Con . Suffolk, 9 33 42 Lowell, 116 36.5 481 Boston, 3 27 30 Maiden, 7 - 7 Chelsea, 5 5 10 Medford, . - 1 1 Revere, 1 1 2 Natick, - 1 1 Newton, 22 30 52 VVORfESTER, . 4 4 8 Sonierville, - 1 1 Dudley, \ West BrooiMeld, 4 1 5 Townsend, 4 1 5 _ 3 3 Tyngsborougl),. - 5 5 Walthani, . 32 94 126 Watertown, 1 1 2 RECAPITU'LATION (By Counties ) AVcBtford, . 11 16 27 TuE State, . 538 740 1,278 Norfolk, Brainlree, . Canton, Needliam, . 247 7 51 188 102 .5 40 51 349 12 91 239 Barnstable, Essex, Hampden, . Hampshire, Middlesex, Norfolk, 78 4 1 9 64 2 9 142 6 1 Sharon, Stougliton, 1 6 6 1 104 247 526 102 720 349 Plymouth, . 1 1 Pi.YMorTH, . 1 _ 1 Sutlblk. 9 33 42 East Bridgewalcr, . 1 - 1 Worcester, 4 4 8 FLAX, HEMP, AND JUTE GOODS. [Flax dressers, jute mill operatives, rope and cordage makers.] Barnstable, 2 2 Nantucket, . 1 1 Harwich, . 1 _ 1 Nantucket, 1 _ 1 Wellfleet, . . 1 - 1 BltlSTOL, Dartmouth, 114 1 6 120 1 Norfolk, Brainlree, . Sharon, Walpole, . 11 6 2 13 6 Fall Kivcr, New Bedford, 7 105 1 5 8 110 1 4 2 1 6 Kaynham, . 1 - 1 Essex, . Andover, . Beverly, . Gloucester, 455 110 3 15 254 113 1 2 709 223 4 17 Plymouth, . Hingliam, . Kingston, . Plymouth, . 336 71 24 241 7 2 5 343 73 24 246 Lawrence, . 21 - 21 Lynn, . 2 _ 2 SUTFOLK, 275 65 340 Marblehead, 1 — 1 Boston, 273 65 338 Methuen, . IPS 70 268 Revere, 2 - 2 Newburyport, 4 - 4 Peabody, . Salem, 1 100 68 1 168 Worcester, . Dudley, . 41 36 18 18 59 54 Franklin, 3 _ 3 Sutton, 4 _ 4 Montague, . Hampden, 3 128 101 3 229 Worcester, 1 — 1 Ludlow, 77 40 117 Springfield, Hampshire, South Hadley, 51 1 1 61 112 1 1 RECAPITULATION (Bt COUNTIE S.) _ The State, . 1,453 503 1,956 Middlesex, 86 50 136 Arlington, , 2 - o Barnstable, 2 _ 2 Cambridge, 18 - 18 Bristol, 114 6 120 Everett, 5 _ 5 Essex. 455 2.54 709 Lexington, 3 - 3 Franklin, . 3 _ 3 Lincoln, 2 - 2 Hampden, . 128 101 229 Lowell, - 2 2 Hampshire, 1 _ 1 Maiden, 2 - 2 Middlesex, 86 50 136 Medford, . 1 - 1 Nantucket, 1 _ 1 Newton, 33 48 81 Norfolk, 11 2 13 Sonierville, 2 _ 2 Plymouth, . 336 7 343 Wakelield, 1 _ 7 Suffolk, . 275 65 340 Woburn, . 11 — 11 Worcester, 41 18 59 OCCUPATION'S BY INDUSTEIES. 305 FOOD PREPARATIONS. [Cheese makers, coft'ee and spice mill operatives, conO-'ctioners, meat and fruit preserving establishment employes, meat packers, curers, and picklers, millers, oleomargarine makers, salt makers, sugar makers and refiners.] Counties, Cities, Counties, Cities, AND Towns. Males. Females. Totals. AND Towns. Males. Females. Totals. Barmstaele, 24 24 Framklin, . 48 1 49 Barnstable, 4 - 4 Ashtield, . 1 _ 1 Brewster, . O - 3 Bernardston, 1 _ 1 Chatham, . 1 - 1 Buckland, . o _ 2 Falmouth, . 1 - 1 Charlomont, 2 _ 2 Harwich, . 6 - 6 Col rain, 1 _ 1 Sandwich, . 2 - 2 Conway, . 1 - 1 Yarmouth,. 7 - 7 Deerlield, . Gill, . 6 1 - 6 1 Berkshire, . 60 - 60 Greenfield, 5 _ 5 Adams, 1 - 1 Heath, 2 _ 2 Alford, .> - 2 Levcrett, . i _ 1 Cheshire, . 2 - 2 Leyden, 1 _ 1 Dalton, i - 1 Montague, . 2 1 3 Egremont, . 4 - 4 New Salem, 2 - 2 Great Harrington, 4 - 4 Northfield, 2 - 2 Hancock, . 3 - ■ 3 Orange, 6 _ 6 Hinsdale, . 1 - 1 Shelburne, . 1 _ 1 Lanesborough, . 1 - 1 Sbutesbury, 1 - 1 Lee 1 - 1 Sunderland, 2 - 2 Lenox, 1 1 Warwick, . 7 _ 7 Kew Marlborough, . 6 - 6 Whately, . 1 . 1 North Adams, . 10 - 10 Pittsticld, . 8 - 8 Hampden, 124 3 127 Sandistield, 1 - 1 Agawam, . 1 _ 1 Sheflicld, . 4 - 4 Blandford,. 1 _ 1 West .Stockbridge, . 2 - 2 Brimfield, . 4 _ 4 "Williamstown, . 7 - 7 Chester, 1 _ 1 "Windsor, . 1 — 1 Chicopee, . Hampden, . 5 1 - 5 1 Bristol, 90 6 96 Holyoko, . 29 3 32 Attleboroui,'h, . o - 3 Ludlow, 2 _ 2 Dartmouth, 6 - 6 Monson, 2 _ 2 Easton, 1 - 1 Palmer, 1 _ • 1 Fail River, 33 3 36 Russell, 1 _ 1 Freetown, . 1 - 1 Southwick, 1 _ 1 MansHeld, . 1 1 2 Springfield, 62 _ 62 Kew Bedford, . 33 2 35 Wales, 3 _ 3 Raynham, . 1 - 1 M'estfield, . 2 _ 2 Taunton, . 7 - 7 West Springftel 4 — 4 Westport, . 4 - 4 Wilbraham, 4 - 4 Dukes, . 1 _ 1 Edgartown, 1 - 1 Hampshire, Amherst, . 43 4 *■ 43 4 Essex, . 357 11 168 Belchertown, 4 _ 4 Amesbury, 1 - 1 Chesterfield, 1 _ 1 Andover, . 3 - 3 Easthampton, 2 _ 2 Beverly, 3 - 3 Enfield, . 1 _ 1 Boxford, . 1 - 1 Granby, 2 _ 2 Danvers, . 6 - 6 Greenwich, 2 - 2 Essex, 1 - 1 Had ley, . 2 _ 2 Georgetown, 1 - 1 Hatfield, . 2 _ 2 Gloucester, 15 1 16 Huntington, 1 _ 1 Haverhill, . 6 - 6 Northampton, 10 _ 10 Ipswich, 4 - 4 Prescott, . 1 _ 1 Lawrence, . 34 - 34 South Hadley, 5 - 5 Lynn 22 1 23 Southampton, 1 _ 1 Marblehead, 6 1 7 Wes^thampton, 1 _ 1 Methuen, . 1 - 1 Williamsburg, 2 _ 2 Newbury, . 4 - 4 WortLington, 2 - 2 Newburyport, . 5 1 6 North Andover, 1 _ 1 Middlesex, 542 46 588 Peabody, . 13 1 14 Acton, 7 7 Rockport, . 1 - 1 Arlington, . 14 _ 14 Rowley, 3 - 3 Ashland, . 2 _ 2 Salem, 17 3 20 Ayer, . 2 - 2 Salisbury, . 1 1 2 Belmont, . 2 - 2 Saugus, 4 2 6 Cambridge, 284 30 314 Swampscott, 1 - 1 Carlisle, 1 _ 1 Topsfield, , 2 - 2 Chelmsford, 2 _ 2 Wenham, . 1 — 1 Concord, . 1 — i 306 CENSUS or MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. FOOD PREPARATIONS — Concluded. Counties, Cities, AND Towns. Middlesex — Con. Dunstable, . Everett, Framirigham, Hudson, Littleton, . Lowell, Maiden, Medford, . Melrose, Natick, Newton, Pepperell, . Reading, . Shirley, . Somerville, Stoneliam, . Stow, . Sudbury, . Townsend, Tyngsborough, Wakefield, Walthain, . Watertown, "Wayland, . Westfonl, . Wilmington, Wincliester, Woburn, . Nantucicet, Nautucket, Nohfolk, Braintree, . Brookline, . Dedhani, . Foxborough, Franklin, . Hyde Park, Medfield, . Medway, . Milton, Need ham, . Norwood, . Quincy, Btoughton, . Weymouth, Pltmocth, Abington, . Bridgewater, Brockton, . Hanover, . Kingston, . Marshtield, Mattapoisett, Middleborough, Plymouth, . Rochester, . Rockland, . Scituate, Wareham, . West Bridgewater, Suffolk, Boston, Chelsea, Revere, Winthrop,. Males. Females. Totals. 13 1 1 28 11 4 2 4 24 4 2 1 78 1 2 4 .3 1 11 6 6 1 2 1 2 8 1 1 63 1 16 5 3 5 1 2 6 10 1 3 2 1 35 2 1 10 1 1 4 1 5 2 1 1 2 3 1 590 560 26 3 1 12 169 163 1 5 13 1 1 28 12 4 2 4 25 4 3 1 00 1 2 4 3 1 11 6 8 1 2 1 2 1 1 66 1 16 5 3 5 1 2 6 13 1 3 2 1 7 35 2 1 10 1 1 4 1 5 2 1 1 2 3 1 759 723 32 3 1 Counties, Cities, AND Towns. Males. Worcester, . Ashburnham, Athol, Barre, Berlin, Bolton, Boylston, . Charlton, . Clinton, Douglas, Dudley, . Fitchburg, . (.iar 2 The State, . 727 37 764 Hyde Park, 2 - 2 Barnstable, 115 19 1.34 Berkphire, . 43 _ 43 SrFroLK, 12-2 2 V2i Bristol, 93 98 Boston, 117 2 119 Essex, 17 - 17 Cbelsea, 5 Hampden, • Middlesex, . Norfolk, 3 330 2 11 3 341 2 TVORCESTER, . 2 - 2 Suffolk, . 122 2 124 Worcester, 2 - 2 Worcester, 2 - 2 HAIR. [Hair cleaners and dressers.] Essex, Lynn, . Middlesex, Mtlrose, Norfolk, Hyde Park, Norwood, . 41 40 1 21 21 62 61 1 SUTFOLK, Boston, ChelSfa, RECAPITULATION (By Counties.) The State, Essex, Middlesex, . Norfolk, . Suffolk, . 47 1 1 41 4 21 1 69 1 1 62 5 LEATHER. [Harness makers, hose makers (leather, etc.), leather pocket book makers, morocco dressers, tanners .-.nd curriers.] Barnstable, 27 27 Bristol, 164 16 180 Barnstable, 6 _ 6 Acushnet, . 1 - 1 Brewster, . 1 _ 1 Atlleborough, . 13 - 13 Chatham, . 1 _ 1 Easton, 1 1 o Dennis, 3 _ 3 Fairhaven, . 1 - 1 Easlham, . 2 _ 2 Fall River, 44 14 58 Falmouth, . '-} _ 2 Freetown, . 1 - 1 Orleans, 2 « 2 Mansfield, . 4 - 4 Sandwich, . 5 „ 5 New Bedford, 78 1 79 Wellfleet, . 2 _ 2 Norton, 1 - 1 Yarmouth, 3 - 3 Seekonk, . Swansea, . 1 2 - 1 2 Berkshire, . 146 1 147 Taunton, . 16 - 16 Adams, 29 1 30 Westport, . 1 - 1 Bucket, 9 - 9 Cheshire, . 5 _ 5 j DrKEs, . 23 - 23 Clarksburg, 4 _ 4 Tisbury, . 23 - 23 Balton, 3 _ 3 Great Barringto n, . 4 _ 4 Essex, . 3,216 38 3,254 Hancock, . 9 _ 9 Amesbury, 1 - 1 Lee, . 2 . 2 Andover, . 4 _ 4 Lenox, 1 - 1 Beverly, 74 - 74 North Adams, 26 _ 26 Bradford, . 2 - 2 Otis, . 2 _ 2 Danveis, . 59 - 59 Pittsfield, . 36 _ 36 Esses, • 5 - 5 Richmond, 9 _ 2 Georgetown, 1 - 1 Sandistield, 6 _ 6 Gloucester, 6 - 6 Sheffield, . 3 _ 3 Groveland, 1 ■- 1 Stockbridge, 1 _ 1 Haverhill, . 29 1 30 West Stockbridge, . 3 _ 3 Ipswich, 4 - 4 VVllliamstown, . 1 — ! ' Lawrence, . 48 17 65 310 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880 LEATHER — Continued. Counties, Cities, Counties, Cities, ^ AND Towns. Males. Females. Totals. AND Towns. Males. Females. Totals. Essex — Con. 1 Middlesex — Con. Lyun, .... 574 11 585 llopkinton. 2 - 2 Manchester, 9 - 9 Hudson, 85 - 85 Marbleliead, 2 - 2 l^ngton,. Littleton, . 9 - 9 Merrimac, . 5 _ 6 3 - 3 Metliucn, . 2 _ 2 Lowell, 184 4 188 Newbiiryport, . 2 - 2 Maiden, 222 - 222 North Aiidover, 4 - 4 Marlborough, . 9 - 9 Peabody, . 954 5 959 Maynard, . 1 - 1 Uockpurt, . 2 - 2 ' Medford, . 27 - 27 Balcm, . . 1,409 4 1,413 Melrose, 14 - 14 Sahhbury, . o - 2 Natick, 5 - 5 Sauijiis, 11 _ 11 Newton, . 13 - 13 Topi-tiild, . 1 - 1 Pepperell, . 4 - 4 'Weriham, . 4 - 4 Heading, . 3 - 3 West Xuwbury, 1 - 1 Shirley, . 2 - 2 ' Somerville, 92 1 93 Franklin, . 56 41 97 Btoiieham, . 162 - 162 Ashtiild, . 1 - 1 Tewksbury, 1 - 1 Beriiardston, 1 - 1 Townsend, 2 - 2 Buckhiiid, . 1 - « 1 Tyngsborough, . 1 - 1 Charlemoiit, 1 - 1 Wakelield, 7 - 7 Colraiii, 1 _ 1 AValtliam, . 12 - 12 Conway, . 2 - 2 AVaterlown, 6 - 6 De«;rtield, . 16 33 49 Way land, . 1 - 1 Ervinj;, 4 _ 4 Westford, . 1 - 1 Grcentitld, 9 3 12 Weston, 1 - 1 Levunlt, . 1 _ 1 Wilmitigton, 43 - 43 Moiitaguo,. 4 _ 4 Winchester, 272 - 272 Norlliliuld, .' 1 - 1 VVoburn, , 1,372 - 1,372 Orange, 3 - 3 Kowe, o - 2 Nantucket, . 2 ^ 2 ■ Shelburne, . 6 ~ 6 Nantucket, 2 _ 2 Sunderland, — 1 1 Whiktely, . 3 4 7 Norfolk, 342 - 342 Hampden, 115 3 118 Braintree, . 11 - 11 Brimlield, . 5 _ 5 Brookline, . 3 - 3 Chester, 3 - 3 Canton, 1 - 1 Chicopee, . 8 - 8 Cohasset, . 1 1 - 1 Granville, . 1 _ 1 Dedham, . 8 - 8 Holyoke, . 7 _ 7 Foxborough, 1 - 1 Monson, 2 _ 2 Franklin, . 4 - 4 Palmer, 4 - 4 Hyde Park, 10 - 10 Itusf-ell, . 2 - 2 Medway, . 1 - 1 Bprintttield, 67 3 70 Milton, 1 - 1 Tolland. , 4 _ 4 Needham, . 3 - 3 WaU'K, 1 _ 1 Norwood, . 193 - 193 Westtield, . 8 - 8 Quincy, 47 - 47 ■West Bpringfield, 3 - 3 Kandolph, . 2 - 2 Sharon, 1 - 1 Hampshire, . 44 3 47 Stoughton, 9 - 9 Amherst, . 5 _ 5 Walpole, . 12 - 12 Belchertown, . 2 _ 2 Weymouth, 32 - 32 Eaethampton, . i - 1 Wrentham, 2 - 2 Northampton, . 17 3 20 South Hadley, . 4 - 4 Plymouth, . 60 2 62 Southampton, . 9 - 9 Abington, . 2 - 2 M'are, 3 - 3 Bridgewaler, 1 - 1 "Williamsburg, . 2 _ 2 Brockton, . 11 2 , 13 Worthington, . 1 _ i Duxbury, . 2 - 2 East Bridgewater, . 1 - 1 Mibdlesex, . 2,909 9 2,918 Hanson, 2 - 2 Acton, 4 - 4 Hingham, . 13 - 13 Arlington, . 6 - 6 Hull 1 - 1 Ashland, . 3 - 3 Kingston, . 4 - 4 Ayer 91 - 91 Marsbfield, 1 - 1 Burlington, 19 _ 19 Middleborough, 4 - 4 Cambridge, 191 4 195 Pembroke, 1 - 1 Chelmsford, 1 _ 1 Plymouth, . 4 - 4 Concord, . 6 * 6 Rockland, . 3 - 3 Everett, . 15 _ 15 Scituate, . 2 - 2 Framingham, . 6 _ 6 South Abington, 2 - 2 Groton, 7 _ 7 South Scituate, . 2 - 2 Holliston, . 4 "~ 4 Wareham, . 4 4 OCCUPATIONS BY INDUSTRIES. 311 LEATHER — Concluded. CocxTiES, Cities, Counties, Cities, AKD Towns. Males. Females. Totals. AND Towns. Males. Females. Totals. Suffolk, 1,231 19 1,250 "Worcester — Con. Boston, 1,108 18 1,126 Southbridge, 6 _ 6 Chelsea, . 108 1 109 Spencer, . 5 _ 5 Revere, 3 - 3 Sterling, . 14 - 14 Winthrop, . 12 - 12 Sturbri'dge, Sutton, 1 1 - 1 1 WOECESTER, . 475 19 494 Templeton, 3 - 3 Ashliuriiham, . 18 - 18 Lpton, 1 1 2 Atliol, 4 - 4 Uxbridge, . 1 - 1 Auburn, 1 - 1 Warren, . 2 _ 2 Barre, 4 - 4 Webster, . 2 _ 2 Berlin, 1 - 1 Westboroiigh, 16 _ 16 Blaekptone, 1 - 1 West Boylston, 1 _ 1 Bolton, 1 - 1 West Brooktield, 6 _ 6 Boylston, . 2 - 2 Westminster, . 1 - 1 Brooktield, 6 - 6 Winchendon, . 12 _ 12 Clinton, 37 13 50 Worcester, 85 1 86 Dana Douglas, . 1 - 1 ■ 2 — 2 Dudley, . 2 - 2 Fiteliburg, . Gardner, . Grafton, 12 9 46 ^ 12 9 46 RECAPITULATIOIT (By Counties.) — llardwick, . 1 - . 1 Harvard, . 2 _ • 2 The State, . 8,810 151 8,961 Holden, . 11 -. 11 Hubbardeton, . o _ 2 Barnstable, 27 - 27 Lancaster, . 4 _ 4 Berkshire, . 146 1 147 Leicester, . 9 3 12 Bristol, 164 16 180 Leominirter, 6S 68 Dukes, 23 ■ _ 23 Mendon, 1 _ 1 Essex, 3,216 38 3,254 Milford, . 5 1 6 Franklin, . 56 41 97 Millbury, , 6 _ 6 Hampden, . 115 3 118 Northboroiigh, . 2 _ 2 Hampshire, 44 3 47 Norlhbridge, 5 _ 5 Middlesex, . 2,909 9 2,918 North Brooktield, . 3 _ 3 Nantucket, 2 - 2 Oxford, 2 _ 2 Norfolk, 342 _ 342 Rutland, . 2 _ 2 PI V mouth, . 60 2 62 Shrewsbury, 47 _ 47 Suffolk, 1,231 19 1,250 Bonthborough, . 1 — 1 I Worcester, 1 475 19 494 LINEN. [Linen mill operatives.] Essex, . Lawrence, . Hampden, Ludlow, Wales, Suffolk, Boston, Worcester, Charlton, . Dudley, 1 1 39 26 13 1 1 197 5 154 69 43 26 207 159 1 1 108 69 39 1 1 404 5 313 Worcester— Con. Leominster, Webster, • * • 15 23 6 42 21 65 RECAPITULATION (By Counties.) The State, Essex, Hampden, . Suffolk, Worcester, 238 1 39 1 197 276 69 207 514 1 108 1 404 LIQUORS AND BEVERAGES. [Brewers, bottlers, cider makers, distillers and rectifiers, mineral -water makers.] Berkshire, North Adams, Pittstield, . 13 4 9 13 4 9 Bristol, Fall River, New Bedford, 16 9 3 16 9 3 312 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS 1880. LIQUORS AND BEVERAGES — Concluded. Counties, Cities, AND Towns. Bristol - Seekoiik, . Taunton, . -Con. Essex, . Gloucester, Il.iverliill, . Lawrence, . Lynn, Lynnlield, . Newburyport, Salem, Hampden, Agawam, . Chester, Chicopee, . Holyoke, . Sprinatield, West Held, . West Springfiel HaMI'SIIIKE, Xorlhampton, Middlesex, Acton, Cambridge, Clielnisford, Franiiiigbani, (rroton, IlolliKlon, . Littleton, . Lowell, Marl'iorough, Medford, . Naticb, Newton, Bherborn, . Sonierville, Waltliam, . ■VVaturtown, Males. 2 2 66 12 3 30 8 1 9 3 38 3 1 4 4 22 3 1 63 1 14 1 1 1 2 1 3 5 4 2 1 3 11 11 2 Females Totals. 2 - 2 _ 66 1 - 12 _ 3 _ 30 _ 8 _ 1 - 9 - 3 _ 38 _ 3 _ 1 _ 4 _ 4 .. 22 _ 3 _ 1 1 3 3 3 3 1 61 _ 1 _ 14 - 1 _ 1 _ 1 - 2 _ 1 1 1 4 _ 5 j _ 4 , - 2 _ 1 1 _ 3 _ 11 - 11 i - 2 1 1 Counties, Cities, AND Towns. Norfolk, BrookJlne, . Cf;.b asset, . ilj-de Park, Quincy, Plymouth, Hanson, SCPFOLK, Boston, Chelsea, "Worcester, Brooktield, Lancaster, . Leonii?)ster, Milford, . Millbury, . 8outl)brid?e, W'inchendon, Worcester, Males. Females. 5 1 1 1 _ 2 - 1 1 - 342 6 338 5 4 1 21 2 _ 2 _ 1 - 3 - 1 _ 1 _ 1 - 9 — Totals. 5 1 1 1 2 1 1 348 343 5 20 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 9 RECAPITULATION (By Coukties.) The State, Berkphire, . Briftol, Essex, Hampden, . Hampshire, Middlesex, Norfolk, Plymouth, . Suttblk, . Worcester, . 564 10 13 ^ 16 - 66 - 38 _ _ 3 63 1 - 1 _ 342 6 20 — 574 13 16 66 38 3 64 5 1 348 20 LUMBER. [Saw mill operatives, sawyers, shingle and lath makers.] , ^ .... 1 - 1 75 _ 75 26 - 26 _ 1 - 2 _ 1 _ 1 3 _ 3 3 _ 3 3 _ 3 2 _ 2 10 _ 10 ; 8 _ 8 2 «, 2 1 _ 1 3 _ 3 2 _ 2 2 _ 2 4 _ 4 1 - 1 i Barnstable, Brewster, . Berkshire, . Adams, Cheshire, . Great Barrington, Lanesborough, . Lee, . Leno.K, iloiiterey, . New Marlborough, North Adams, . Otis, . I'ittsfield, . Richmond, Sandisfield, Savoy, Sheffield, . Stockbridge, Williamstown, . Windsor, . Bristol, Acushnet, . Berkley, Dartmouth, Easton, Fall River, Freetown, . Mansfield, . New Bedford, Raynham, . Taunton, . Essex, . Andover, . Box ford, . Danvers, . Gloucester, Haverhill, . Lawrence, . Lynn, Marblehead, Methuen, . 75 9 1 2 1 13 8 4 14 3 20 57 2 2 4 4 4 5 12 2 2 _ 75 - 9 - 1 - *> _ 1 - 13 _ 8 _ 4 - 14 - 3 - 20 7 64 _ 2 .. 2 _ 4 _ 4 .. 4 2 7 5 17 _ . 2 _ 2 OCCUPATIOXS BY LNDUSTEIES. 313 LUMBER — Continued. CocxTiEs, Cities, Counties, Cities, AND Towxs. Males. Females. Totals. AND TOWSS. Males. Females. Totals. Essex — Con. Middlesex --Con. ] Newburyport, . 2 - 2 ' Framingham, . ' 10 - 10 North Andover, 1 - 1 Groton, 1 2 3 Rowley, 4 - 4 Hopkinton, \ 1 - 1 Balem, 6 - 6 , Lincoln, j 1 - 1 Salisbury, . 1 _ 1 i Lowell, ! 40 _ 40 Bwampscott, 2 2 Marlborough, . 1 - 1 Topsfield, . 4 4 Medtord, . ! 6 ^ - 6 Natick, 1 2 - 2 Fraxiclix, 90 1 90 Xewton, • ! 1 - 1 Aehrield, . 3 3 Pepperell, . 11 ~ 11 Bernardston, 1 1 1 Reading, . 4 4 Buckland, . 2 1 - 2 Shirley, 4 - 4 Charlemont, 14 14 Somerville, 8 _ 8 Conway, . 1 - 1 Stow 1 - 1 Deerfield, . 3 _ 3 Townsend, 20 - 20 Erving, .1 _ 1 Tyngsborough, . 4 - 4 Gill, . 23 - 23 Waltham, . 1 - 1 Greenfield, 3 _ 3 Winchester, 7 - 7 Haw ley, 6 _ 6 1 Woburn, . 7 _ 7 Leverett, . 5 _ 5 Montague, . 11 11 Norfolk, 21 - 21 New Salem, 4 4 BeUingham, 1 - 1 Northfifld, 2 2 Dedham, . 1 _ 1 Rowe, 1 _ 1 Franklin, . 1 _ 1 Shelburne, i 1 _ 1 Hyde Park, 2 _ 2 Sliutesbury, 1 - 1 I Medway, . 3 - 3 Warwick, . ! 6 _ 6 i MiltOD, 2 _ 2 Wendell, . ; 1 . 1 ' Quincy, 3 _ 3 Whately, . 1 ~ 1 Randolph, . Sharon, 1 7 - 1 7 Hampden, 68 3 VI Agawam, . 3 _ 3 1 Pltmouth, . 99 1 100 Brimfield, , 1 . 1 Ahington, . 1 _ 1 Chicopee, . _ 3 3 Bridgewater, . . 2 _ 2 Granville, . 8 _ 8 Brockton, . 4 - 4 Holyoke, . 22 _ 22 1 Carver, 3 3 Ludlow, . 1 - 1 1 Duxbury, . 2 - 2 Mor.8on, 2 _ 2 HaUfax, . 2 _ 2 Palmer, 4 _ 4 Hanover, . 1 _ 1 Russell, 2 _ 2 Hanson, ^ . 2 _ 2 Soutbwick, i 2 « 2 1 Hingham, . 1 _ 1 Springfield, 15 - 15 ! Kingston, , 9 - 9 Tolland, . 1 _ 1 j Lakeville, . 1 - 1 Wales, 1 _ 1 ' Marion, 2 _ 2 Westford, . 1 _ 1 ' Marshfield, 5 _ 5 West SpringfieU ii 3 _ 3 Mattapoisett, . 3 _ 3 Wilbraham, ! 2 i - 2 Middleborough, Pembroke, 19 8 1 20 8 Hampshire, 96 _ 96 Plymouth, . 1 _ 1 Amherst, . 8 _ 8 1 Plympton, . 4 _ 4 Chesterfield, 2 _ 2 , Rochester, . 9 - 9 Cummington, . 3 _ 3 South Abington, 2 . 2 Easthanipton, . 1 ! 1 South Scituate, . 3 _ 3 Enfield, 1 i 1 Wareham, . 15 _ 15 Graiiby, 1 1 1 Greenwich, 2 ' - 2 SiTFOLK, 163 _ 163 Had ley, . 1 _ 1 Boston, 152 _ 152 Hatfield, . 1 1 _ 1 Chelsea, 11 _ 11 Huntington, 1 _ 1 Northampton, . ; 56 _ 56 Worcester, . 212 2 214 Pelham, 5 _ 5 Ashburnham, . 5 _ 5 Prescott, . 3 - I 3 Athol, 15 1 16 Southampton, 4 ^ 4 Barre, 5 _ 5 Westhampton, 3 _ 3 Berlin, 1 _ 1 Williamsburg, , 3 _ 3 Blackstone, 1 _ 1 Worthington, 1 - 1 Brookfield, Charlton, . 4 1 - 4 1 Middlesex, 188 2 190 i Dana 2 _ 2 Acton, 1 1 ■ Douglas, . 1 - 1 Ashby, 1 _ 1 Fitchburg, . 8 - 8 Ayer, . 2 - 2 1 Gardner, . 9 - 9 Cambridge, 50 _ 50 i Hardwick, . 2 - 2 Concord, . 1 _ 1 ' Harvard, . 4 - 4 Everett, . 3 - 3 Hubbardston, . i 11 - 11 I I 314 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. LUMBER — Concluded. Counties, Cities, Counties, Cities, t AND Towns. Males. Females. Totals. AND Towns. Males. Females. Totals. Worcester— Con. Worcester— Con. Lancaster, . 10 10 West Brooktield, 3 - 3 Leicester, . 1 1 Winchendon, . 28 - 28 lieominster, 6 _ 6 Worcester, 11 1 12 Lunenburg, 2 3 : 2 3 Millbury, . New Braintree, 1 - 1 Northbridge, , , 2 - 2 RECAPITULATION (By COUNTIE s.) Oakham, . 5 3 - 5 3 Paxton, Petersham, 6 - 6 The State, . 1,145 15 1,160 Princeton, . 12 - 12 Royalston, . 3 - 3 Barnstable, 1 - 1 Kutland, . 8 - 8 Berkshire, . 75 - 75 Southbridge, 8 _ 8 Bristol, 75 - 75 Spencer, . 1 - 1 Essex, 57 7 64 Sterling, . 3 - 3 Franklin, . 90 - 90 Sturbridge, 1 - 1 Hampden, . 68 3 71 t^utton. 2 - 2 Hampshire, 96 - 96 Templeton, 5 _ 5 Middlesex, 188 2 190 Upton, 1 - 1 Norfolk, . 21 - 21 ^^'arren, 2 _ 2 Plymouth, . 99 1 100 Webster, . 13 - 13 Suffolk, . 163 - 163 Westborough, . 3 - 3 Worcester, 212 2 214 MACHINES AND MACHINERY. [Machinists, mill machinery makers, millwrights, pump makers, reed and shuttle makers, sewing machine factory operatives, steam boiler makers, steam engine makers.] Barnstable, 40 40 Bristol — Con. Barnstable, 4 - 4 Fail River, . 229 - 229 Brewster, . 5 - 5 Freetown, . 6 - 6 Chatham, . 6 - 6 Mansfield, . 37 - 37 Dennis, 3 _ 3 New Bedford, 180 - 180 Falmouth, . 3 - 3 Raynhani, . 3 - 3 Harwich, . 3 _ » 3 Rehoboth, . - 4 Mashpee, . 1 - 1 Seekonk, . - 1 Provincetown, . 3 - 3 Somerset, . - 4 Sandwich, . 6 - 6 Swansea, . - 1 Truro, 2 _ 2 Taunton, . 587 1 588 Weimeet, . 2 - 2 Westport, . - 1 Yarmouth, 2 — -2 Dukes, . _ 1 Berkshire, . 224 1 225 Cottage City, - 1 Adams, 17 _ 17 Dalton, 7 - 7 Essex, . 1,230 6 1,235 Egremont, . 2 - 2 Amesbury, 7 - 7 Florida, 1 _ 1 Andover, . 12 - 12 Great Barrington, . 14 _ 14 Beverly, 9 - 9 Hinsdale, . 2 - 2 Boxford, . 2 - 2 Lanesborough, . 2 _ 2 Bradford, . 5 - 5 Lee, .... 51 _ 51 Danvers, . 2 - 2 New Marlborough, . 7 - 7 Gloucester, 9 - 9 North Adams, . 35 - 35 Groveland, 1 - 1 Peru, .... 1 _ 1 Hamilton, . 1 - 1 Pittsfield, . 59 1 60 Haverhill, . 29 - 29 Sheffield, . 1 _ 1 Ipswich, . 5 - 5 Stockbridge, 17 _ 17 Lawrence, . 545 3 548 West Stockbridge, . 2 - 2 Lynn,. 158 - 158 Williamstown, . 3 _ 3 Marblehead, 6 - 6 Windsor, . 3 - 3 Merrimac, . Methuen, . 4 19 : 4 19 Bristol, 1,137 1 1,138 Middleton, . 1 - 1 Acushnet, . 1 _ 1 Newburyport, 67 - 67 Attleborough, . 22 _ 22 North Andover, 202 - 202 Berkley, . 8 - 8 Peabody, . 6 - 6 Dartmouth, 7 - 7 Rockport, . 6 - 6 Dighton, . 6 - 6 Rowley, 1 - 1 Easton, 10 _ 10 Salem, 108 2 110 Fairhaven, . 30 — 30 Salisbury, . 15 ~ 15 OCCUPATIOJJ^S BY HN^DUSTEIES. 315 MACHINES AND MACHINERY— Continued. CouNTiKs, Cities, AND Towns. Essex — Con Saugus, Swampscott, Fraxklix, Bernardston, Buckland, . Colrain, Conway, Deeifield, . Erving, Gill, . Greenfield, Hawley, Lej-den, Montague, . New Salem, Orange, Shelburne, . Bliutesbury, Sunderland, Wendell, . Whau-ly, . Hampden, Agawam, . Brimtield, . Chester, Chicoi^ee, . Granville, . Hampden, . Holyoke, . Longmeadow, Ludlow, Monson, Palmer, Southwlek, Springfield, "Wales, M'esttield, . West Springfield, Wilbraham, Hampshire, Amherst, . Belchertown, Chesterfield, Easthamplon, Enfield, Greenwich, Hadley, . Huntiiieton, Northampton, Prescott, . South Hadley, Ware, Westhampton, Williamsburg, Middlesex, Arlington, . Ashland, . Ayer, . Bedford, . Belmont, . Billerica, . Burlington, Cambridge, Carlisle, Chelmsford, Concord, . Dracut, Everett, Framingham, Groton, Males. 1 155 1 2 4 1 14 8 2 26 1 2 24 2 55 8 1 1 1 1,005 3 1 2 154 2 2 313 5 20 1 424 1 17 42 2 169 10 1 3 11 6 1 1 2 109 1 15 3 2 2,690 9 4 3 2 5 10 1 317 9 47 2 1 23 17 Females. 11 Totals. 9 1 155 1 2 4 1 14 8 2 26 1 2 24 2 55 8 1 1 1 2 1,005 3 1 2 154 2 2 313 5 9 7 20 1 424 1 17 42 2 169 10 1 3 11 5 1 1 2 109 1 15 3 •2 2,701 9 4 3 2 5 10 1 317 9 47 2 i 23 17 8 CouMTiEs, Cities, and Towns, Middlesex — Con Hopkinton, Hudson, Lexington, Lincoln, Littleton, . Lowell, Maiden, Marlborough, Maynard, . Medford, . Melrose, Natick, Newton, North Reading, Pcpperell, . Reading, . Shirley, Somerville, Stoneham, , Stow, . Sudbury, . Tewkebury, Townsend, Tyngsborough, Wakefield, Waltham, . Watertown, Westford, . Weston, Wilmington, Winchester, Woburn, , Nantccket, Nantucket, Norfolk, Bellingliam, Braintree, . Brookline, . Canton, Cohasset, . Dedham, . Foxborough, Franklin, . Hyde Park, Medfield, . Medway, . Milton, Needham, . Norfolk, Norwood, . Quincy, Randolph, . Sharon, Stoiighton, Walpole, . Weymouth, Wrentham, Pltmocth, Abington, . Bridgewater, Brockton, . Duxbury, . East Bridgewater, Hanover, . Hanson, Hingham, . Kingston, . Lakeville, . Marion, Marshfield, Middlebo rough. Males. Females. 2 11 _ 2 _ 2 _ 1 _ 1,428 10 45 - 33 _ 3 _ 45 - 1 - 16 _ 114 _ 1 _ 9 - 22 _ 3 _ 1€9 - - 4 _ 4 _ 10 _ 1 _ 4 _ 47 _ 121 1 24 _ 43 _ 8 _ 3 _ 10 _ 41 - 1 _ 1 - 440 _ 1 _ 16 _ 16 _ 81 _ 1 _ 25 _ 19 _ 19 _ 111 _ 3 _ 9 _ 6 _ 38 _ 3 _ 4 _ 60 _ 1 _ 1 - - 2 - 14 _ 5 - 294 2 29 _ 60 1 49 _ 6 _ 34 1 3 _ 6 _ 10 _ 11 _ 3 _ 2 _ 1 _ 14 - Totals. 2 11 2 2 1 1,438 45 33 3 45 1 16 114 1 9 22 3 169 5 4 4 10 1 4 47 122 24 43 8 3 10 41 1 1 440 1 16 16 81 1 25 19 19 111 3 9 6 38 3 4 60 1 1 5 2 14 296 29 61 49 6 35 3 6 10 11 3 2 1 14 316 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — ISSO. MACHIXES AND MACHINERY— Concluded. Counties, Cities, AND Towns. Females. Totals. Plymouth— Con Pembroke, . Plymouth, . Rochester, . Rockland, . Scituate, South Abington, South Scituate, . Warehani, . West Bridgewater, SuFr.OLK, Boston, Chelsea, Revere, Winthrop, . Worcester Athol, Auburn, Barre, Berlin, Blackstone, Bolton, Boylston, . Brooktield, Chariton, . Clinton, Douglas, DudU-y, . Fitchl>urg, . Gardner, . Grafton, Hardwick, . Harvard, . Holden, Hubbardston, Lancaster, . Leicester, . Leominster, Lunenburg, Mendon, . Milford, . Millbury, . New Braintree, Northborough, Northbridge, 1 24 3 11 2 li 2 8 4 2,.520 135 n 3 3,005 36 7 16 2 20 1 2 18 6 103 9 9 383 25 10 2 7 9 6 13 75 45 2 17 49 19 1 6 435 12 1 24 3 11 2 11 2 8 4 2,676 2,527 135 11 3 3,017 36 7 16 2 20 1 2 18 6 103 9 9 383 25 10 2 7 9 6 13 84 45 2 17 49 21 1 6 435 Counties, Cities, AND Towns. Worcester— Con North Brookfield, Oakham, . Oxford, . Petersham, I'hillipston, Royalston, . Rutland, . Shrewsbury, Southborough, Soulhbridge, Spencer, Sterling, Sturbridge, Sutton, Templeton, I'pton, Uxbridge, . Warren, Webster, . Westborough, \Vest Boylston, West Brookfield Westminster, Winchendon, Worcester, Males. I 1 4 1 1 1 1 3 2 55 2 1 11 48 16 15 22 44 23 7 15 2 2 71 1,317 Females, Totals. 7 1 4 1 1 1 1 3 2 55 2 1 11 48 36 15 22 44 23 7 15 2 2 71 1,318 RECAPITULATION (By Counties.) The State, Barnstable, Berkshire, . Bristol, Dukes, Essex, Franklin, . Hampden, . Hamp.shirc, Middlesex, . Nantucket, Norfolk, *. Plymouth, . Suffolk, Worcester, . 13,060 39 40 _ 224 1 1,137 1 1 _ 1,230 5 155 ■ _ 1,005 - 160 _ 2,090 11 1 _ 440 _ 294 2 2,669 7 3,005 12 13,099 40 225 1,138 1 1,235 155 1,005 169 2,701 1 440 296 2,676 3,017 METALS AND METALLIC GOODS. [Blacksmiths, brass founders and workers, britannia and japanned ware makers, bronze workers, bur- nishers and polishers, copper workers, die sinkers and stamp makers, gilders, gold and silver workers, iron and steel works operatives, iron foundry operatives. Iron furnace oper.itives, jewelry makers, lead works employes, miners, nail makers, needle makers, nickel platers, pen m.ikers, safe makers, scale and rule makers, screw makers, spring and axle makers, tinners, type founders and cutters, wire makers and workers, zinc miners, smelters and refiners.] Barnstable, 195 6 201 Berkshire, . 759 4 763 Barnstable, 16 _ 16 Adams, 25 - 25 Brewster, . 2 _ 2 Alford, 1 - 1 Chatham, . 5 _ 5 Becket, 3 _ 3 Dennis, 13 . 13 Cheshire, . 27 _ 27 Eastham, . 3 _ 3 Dalton, 7 _ 7 Falmouth, . 9 _ 9 Egremont, . 8 _ 8 Harwich, . 9 _ 9 Florida, . 3 _ 3 Orleans, 4 _ 4 Great Barrington, . 47 - 47 Provincetown, 17 _ 17 Hancock, . 6 - 6 Sandwich, . 106 6 112 Hinsdale, . . , 7 _ 7 Wollfleet, . .> _ 2 ! Lanesborough, . 40 - 40 Yarmouth, 9 - 9 Lee, 37 - 37 OCCUPATIOXS BY IXDUSTRIES. 317 METALS AND METALLIC GOODS — Continued. Counties, Cities, and towks. Males. Berkshire — Con Lenox, Monterey, . New Ashibrd, New Marlborough, North Adams, Otia, . Pern, . Pittsfield, . Richmond, . Sandisfield, Savoy, Sheffield, . Stockbridge, Tyriiighatn, West Stockbridge, TVillianistown, Windsor, . Bristol, Acushnet, . Attleborougb, Berkley, Dartmouth, Dightou, , Easton, Fairhaven, . Fall River, . Freetown, . Mansfield, . New Bedford, Norton, Raynham, . Rehoboth, . Seekonk, . Somerset, . Swansea, . Taunton, . Westport, . DrKEs, . Chilmark, . Cottage City, Edgartown, Tisbury, . Essex, . Amesbury, Andover, . Beverly, Boxford, . Bradford, . Danvers, . Essex, Georgetown, Gloucester, Groveland, Hamilton, , Haverhill, . Ipswich, Lawrence, . Lynn, . Lynnfield, . Manchester, Marblehead, Merrimac, , Methuen, . Middleton, . Nahant, Newbury, . Newburyport, North Andover Peabody, . Rockport, . Rowley, 16 6 4 21 86 6 3 112 86 31 3 15 24 2 110 15 4,504 4 1,749 23 18 59 90 93 408 26 171 333 97 96 12 17 75 11 1,208 14 16 2 3 1,638 42 32 33 7 10 38 14 8 130 6 3 73 21 294 174 5 4 20 122 21 3 2 5 121 96 38 28 5 Females. Totals. 671 433 1 3 39 11 2 25 156 16 6 4 21 86 6 3 116 86 31 3 15 24 2 110 15 5,175 4 2,182 24 18 59 93 132 408 26 182 335 122 96 12 18 75 11 1,364 14 16 2 8 5 6 1,644 42 32 33 7 10 38 14 8 130 6 3 73 21 294 176 5 4 20 122 21 3 2 5 121 Counties, Cities, AND Towns. 38 28 5 Essex — Con. Salem, Salisbury, . Saugus, Swampscott, Topsfield, . Wenham, . West Newbury, Franklin, Ashfield, . Bernardston, Buckland, . Charlemont, Colrain, Con-way, . Deerfield, . Erving, Gill, . Greenfield, Hawley, Heath, Leverett, . Leyden, Montague, . New Salem, Northfield, Orange, Rowe, Shelburne, . Shutesbury, Sunderland, Warwick, . Wendell, . Whately, . Hampdex, Agawam, . Blandford, . Brimfield, . Chester, Chicopee, . Granville, . Hampden, . Holland, Holyoke, . Longmeadow, Ludlow, Monson, Palmer, Russell, Southwick, Springfield, Tolland, Westfleld, . West Springfield Wilbraham, Hampshire, Amherst, . Belchertown, Chesterfield, Cummington, Easthampton, Enfield, Goshen, Granby, Greenwich, Hadley, Hatfield, . Huntington, Northampton, Plainfield, . Prescott, . South Hadley, Males. Females. 208 25 31 7 3 3 6 372 4 8 4 7 12 5 11 50 3 47 3 1 3 1 52 11 7 107 1 25 2 1 2 2 3 1,374 18 2 5 47 197 4 7 1 240 6 2 20 33 1 5 612 20 97 51 569 32 11 24 6 o 2 159 3 1 13 Totals. 38 25 47 11 212 25 31 T 3 3 6 372 4 8 4 7 12 5 11 50 3 47 3 1 3 1 52 11 7 107 1 25 2 1 2 2 3 1,412 18 2 5 47 203 4 7 1 247 6 2 20 33 1 5 637 20 97 51 616 32 11 6 7 24 6 2 5 7 8 5 2 170 3 I 13 318 CENSUS or MASSACHUSETTS — 1S80. METALS AND METALLIC GOODS — Continued. Counties, Cities, CocNTiES, Cities, AND TOWKS. Males. Females. Totals. AND TOWKS. Males. Females. Totals. Hampshire — Con. , Norfolk— Con. Southampton, . 3 - 3 Hyde Park, 87 - 87 Ware, . 24 - 24 Medfleld, . 14 _ 14 Westliampton, 1 - 1 Medway, . 22 - 22 "Williamsburg, 247 35 282 Milton, 15 - 15 Worthington, 4 — 4 Needham, . Norfolk, 25 11 - 25 11 Middlesex, 3,ir>7 191 3,348 Norwood, . 32 - 32 Acton, 16 - 16 Quincy, 160 6 166 Arlington, . 30 - 30 Randolph, . 9 - 9 Asliby, 8 - 8 Sharon, 13 _ 13 Ashland, . 13 1 14 Stonghton, 27 _ 27 Ayer, . 39 - 39 W^ali>ole, . 31 - 31 Bedford, . 6 _ 6 Weymouth, 215 _ 215 Belmont, . 3 - 3 Wrentham, 270 22 292 Billerica, . 10 _ 10 Burlington, 2 - 2 Plymouth, . 1,754 115 1,869 Cambridge, 796 67 863 Abington, . 31 1 32 Carlisle, . 7 - 7 Bridgewater, 223 2 225 Chelmsford, 76 - 76 Brockton, . 151 24 175 Concord, . 10 _ 10 Carver, 53 _ 53 Dracut, 5 _ 5 Duxbury, . 18 _ 18 Dunstable, 8 _ 8 East Bridgewater, . 128 - 128 Everett, 29 1 30 Halifax, 4 1 5 Franiinghara, 32 _ 32 Hanover, . 34 10 44 Groton, 14 _ 14 Hanson, 35 3 38 HoUiston, . 24 1 25 Hingham, . 31 _ 31 Hopkinton, 11 - 11 Kingston, . 76 1 77 Hudson, 13 - 13 Lakefield, . 9 - 9 Lexington, 17 _ 17 Marion, 10 _ 10 Littleton, . _ 5 Marshfield, 18 _ 18 Lowell, 6S4 87 771 Mattapoisett, 7 _ 7 Maiden, 103 3 106 Middleborough, 88 13 101 Marlborough, 26 _ 26 Pembroke, . 19 - 19 Maynard, . 6 1 T Plymouth, . 198 14 212 Medford, , 95 9 104 Plympton, . 8 - 8 Melrose, 68 - 58 Rochester, . 20 - 20 Natick, 39 _ 39 Rockland, . 23 2 25 Newton, 99 3 102 Scituate, . 19 _ 19 Norih Heading, 5 _ 5 South Abington, 159 41 200 Pepperell, . 11 - 11 South Scituate, . 21 3 24 Reading, . 19 - 19 "Wareham, . 344 344 Sherborn, . 5 Ij 6 West Bridgewater, . 27 - 27 Shirley, 14 2 16 Bomcrville, 282 4 286 SUTTOLK, 4,758 197 4,955 Stoneham, . 25 - 25 Boston, 4,429 182 4,611 Stow, . 7 - 7 Chelsea, . 300 15 315 Sudbury, . 6 _ 6 Revere, 26 - 26 Tewksbury, 17 _ 17 WMnthrop, . 3 - 3 Townseiid, 13 - 13 Tyngsborough, 2 _ 2 Worcester, . 3,980 121 4,101 Wakefield, 134 1 135 Ashburnham, . 10 - 10 Waltham, . 92 1 93 Athol, 44 _ 44 ^\'atertown, 112 8 120 Auburn, 8 - 8 Wayland, . 7 _ 7 Barre, 15 - 15 Westford, . 16 _ 16 Berlin, 3 - 3 Weston, 4 _ 4 Blackstone, 20 - 20 AVilmington, 9 - 9 Bolton, 2 - 2 Winchester, 36 _ 36 Boylston, . 2 - 2 Woburn, . 57 1 58 Brookfield, Charlton, . 19 14 — 19 14 Nantucket, . 17 _ 17 Clinton, 117 64 181 Nantucket, 17 - 17 Dana Douglas, . 5 12 : 5 12 NORrOLK, 1,356 56 1,412 Dudley, 9 - 9 Bellingham, 2 - 2 Fitchburg, . 191 - 191 Braintree, . 31 1 32 Gardner, . 38 - 38 Brookline, . 46 _ 46 Grafton, 12 _ 12 Canton, 204 26 230 Hardwick, . 8 _ 8 Cohasset, . 11 - 11 Harvard, . 3 - 3 Dedham, . 37 1 38 Holden, . 15 1 16 Dover, 3 _ 3 Hubbardston, . 5 1 -6 Foxborough, 59 _ 59 Lancaster, . 16 1 17 Franklin, . 27 - 27 Leicester, . 17 - 17 Holbrook, . 5 - 6 Leominster, 30 — 30 OCCUPATIOXS BY INDUSTRIES. 319 METALS AND METALLIC GOODS — Concluded. CouKTiES, Cities, CousTiES, Cities, ASD TOWNS. ^^^•^''■ Females. Totals. AXD Towns. Males. Females. Totals. WORCE STER— Con. Worcester— Con. Lunenburg, 5 - 5 Westborough, . 27 - 27 Mendon, 7 - 7 West Boylston, 10 _ 10 Milford, , 76 4 80 West Brooktield, 5 - 5 Millbury, . 35 _ 35 Westminster, . 8 _ 8 New Braintree, 2 _ 2 1 Winchendon, . 30 _ 30 Korthborough, 6 - 6 Worcester, 2,692 46 2,738 Northbridge, 85 - 85 North Brookflel d, '. 16 - 16 Oakham, . 6 - 6 RECAPITULATION (By Counties. 1 Oxford, . 22 3 _ 22 3 Paxton, Petersham, 8 8 The State, . 24,449 1,452 25,901 Princeton, . 10 2 12 Royalston, . 3 - 3 ^ Barnstable, 195 6 201 Rutland, . 5 - 5 ! Berkshire, . 1 759 4 763 Shrewsbury, 7 - 7 Bristol, 4,504 671 5,175 Southborough, 10 - 10 i Dukes, 16 _ 16 Southbridge, 21 - 21 Essex, 1,638 6 1,644 Spencer, . 100 2 102 Franklin, . 372 - 372 Sterling, 5 - 5 Hampden, . 1,374 38 1,412 Stiirbridge, 7 - 7 Hampshire, 569 47 616 Sutton, 12 - T> Middlesex, 3,157 191 3,348 Templeton, 26 - •26 Nantucket, 17 _ 17 Upton, 7 7 Norfolk, . 1,356 56 1,412 Uxbiidge, . 8 - 8 Plymouth, . 1,7.54 115 1,869 Warren, 72 - 72 Suffolk, 4,758 197 4,955 Webster, . 29 - j 29 ; Worcester, 3,980 121 4,101 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. [Musical instrument makers, organ makers, pianoforte makers, piano tuners.] Barnstable Harwich, . Provincetown, Berkshire, Great Barriiigton, North Adams, Pittslield, . Bristol, Dartmouth, Easton, Fairhaven, Fall River, Mansfield, . New Bedford, Dukes, . Cottage City, Essex, . Amesbury, Andover, . Beverly, . Lynn, Manchester, Marblehead, Methuen, . Newburj'port, North Andover, Salem, Saugus, . Fraxklix, Buckland, . Erving, Greenfield, Leverett, . Montague, . » . 2 i <> 1 _ 1 1 - 1 4 _ 4 on, . 1 _ 1 1 _ 1 2 - 2 69 _ 69 1 _ 1 2 _ 9 1 _ 1 62 _ 62 1 _ 1 2 - 2 1 _ 1 1 - 1 28 _ 28 1 1 _ 1 1 2 _ 2 1 _ 1 1 3 _ 3 1 1 _ 1 1 1 _ 1 1 _ 1 1 _ 1 3 _ 3 11 _ 11 • 3 - 3 28 _ 28 3 _ 3 21 _ 21 2 _ •7 1 _ 1 1 - 1 Hampden, Granville, . Springfield, Westtteld, . West Springfield, Hampshire, Northampton, Middlesex, Arlington, . Billerica, . Cambridge, Everett, Hudson, Lexington, Lowell, Maiden, Medford, . Melrose, Newton, . Reading, . Somerville, Stoneham, . Wakefield, Wallhani, . Watertown, Wilmington, Winchester, Woburn, . Norfolk, Bellingham, Braintree, . Brookline, . Canton, Dedham, . Hyde Park, Medway, . 87 11 51 11 15 _ 19 _ 2 - 2 ^ 2 - 512 24 21 _ 2 _ 328 18 2 _ 1 _ 4 - 5 17 15 _ 1 3 9 23 26 1 2 7 1 3 25 17 104 1 4 3 2 23 49 2 98 62 15 19 2 2 2 536 21 2 346 2 1 4 5 17 15 3 9 23 27 1 2 9 1 3 25 20 106 1 4 3 2 25 49 2 320 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS — Concluded. CotJNTiES, Cities, AND Towns. Norfolk — Con. Milton, Needliam, . Norwood, . Quincy, Walpole, . Weymouth, Plymouth, Brockton, . Hinghiini, . Kingston, . Marsliticid, Plymoulli, . Bockland, . Suffolk, Boston, Chelsea, Revere, Winthrop, . "WonCESTER, Athol, Fitchljurg, . Leominster, Males. Females. Totals. 1 1 3 _ 3 4 _ 4 6 - 6 3 - 3 8 - 3 12 _ 12 3 - 3 5 _ 5 1 _ 1 _ 1 _ 1 - 803 12 815 779 12 791 22 _ 22 1 _ 1 - 332 12 344 2 _ 2 1 _ 1 60 - 60 Counties, Cities, AND Towns. "WORCESTER- Millbury, . Northborough, Paxton, Westborough, Worcester, -Con JIales. 1 3 1 1 263 Females. 12 Totals. RECAPITULATION (Br Counties.) The State, Barnstable, Berksliire, . Bristol, Dukes, Essex, Franklin^ . Hampden, . Hampshire, Middlesex, Norfolk, Plymouth, . Suffolk. . Worcester, . 1,984 61 2 _ 4 _ 69 - 1 - 28 _ 28 _ 87 11 2 _ !')12 24 104 2 12 - 803 12 332 12 2,045 2 4 69 1 28 28 98 2 536 106 12 815 344 OILS AND ILLUMINATING Fl.UIDS. [Oil mill operatives and laborers, oil refinery operatives.] Barnstable, 3 3 Suffolk, 70 _ 70 Provincetown, . 3 _ 3 Boston, 62 - 62 Chelsea, 7 - 7 Bristol, 34 2 36 Winthrop, . 1 - 1 Attleborough, . 2 _ 2 Fairhaven, . 2 1 3 Worcester, 6 1 7 New Bedford, . 30 17 1 31 17 Worcester, 6 1 7 Essex, , Beverly, 1 - 1 Gloucester, 6 - 6 RECAPITULATION (By Countie s.) Balem, 10 21 10 21 Middlesex, . Cambridge, 9 - 9 The State, . 152 3 155 Maiden, 1 - 1 Natick, 7 „ 7 Barnstable, 3 - 3 Newton, 1 _ 1 Bristol, 34 2 36 Somerville, 2 _ 2 Essex, 17 - 17 Woburn, . 1 - 1 Middlesex, Norfolk, 21 1 — 21 1 Norfolk, 1 _ 1 Suffolk, . 70 - 70 Hyde Park, 1 "• 1 Worcester, 6 1 7 PAPER. [Card and fancy paper makers, envelope makers, paper mill operatives, paper stainers, pulp works employes, rag pickers.] Barnstable, Sandwich, . Yarmouth, Berkshire, Adams, Alford, Becket, 22 7 29 21 7 28 1 - 1 572 813 1,385 94 164 258 _ 1 1 9 1 10 Berkshire — Con Clarksburg, Dalton, Great liarrington, Hinsdale, . Lee, . Lenox, Monterey, . OCCUPATION'S BY INDUSTRIES. 321 PAPER — Concluded. Counties, Cities, Counties, Cities, AND Towns. Males. Females. Totals. AND Towns. Males. Females. Totals. Berkshire — Con. Middlesex— Con. New Marlborough, . 49 - 49 Maynard, . 10 - 10 Pittsfield, . 18 39 67 Medford, . 2 - 9 Stockbridee, 15 9 24 Newton, . 29 6 35 West Stockbridge, . 3 3 6 North Reading, 7 - 7 Pepperell, . 79 42 121 Bristol, 24 _ 24 Shirley, . 15 1 16 Attleborough, , 2 _ 2 Somerville, 8 3 11 DitflitoH, . 5 - 5 Waltham, . 8 - 8 Fall Hiver, 2 - 2 Waterlown, 43 16 59 New Bedford, . 8 _ 8 Taunton, . 7 — 7 Norfolk, 139 41 180 Braintree, . 20 3 23 Essex, . 291 106 397 Brookline, . - 1 1 Andover, . 1 - 1 Dover, 4 1 5 Danvers, . - 1 1 Foxborough, 1 - 1 Haverliill, . 1 1 2 Franklin, . 2 - 2 Lawrence, . 283 101 384 Hyde Park, 16 14 30 Lynn, 1 - 1 Medway, . 7 - 7 Lynnfield, . - 2 2 Milton, 5 4 9 North Andover, 1 - 1 Needham, . 11 2 13 Peabody, . 1 _ 1 Norfolk, . 13 5 18 Salem, 2 _ 2 Norwood, . 13 - 13 Saugus, 1 1 2 Quincy, . - 1 1 i Wharon, 1 - 1 Franklin, . 253 148 401 Walpole, . 46 10 56 Deerfield, . - 5 5 Gill 10 _ 10 Plymouth, . 7 1 8 Greenfield, 13 11 24 Bridgewater, 7 1 8 Leyden, 1 - 1 Montague, . 227 132 359 Suffolk, 156 64 220 Orange, 1 - 1 Boston, 152 60 212 Wendell, . 1 - 1 Chelsea, 4 4 8 Hampden, . 1,293 1,5.35 2,828 Worcester, 284 174 458 Agawani, . 16 47 63 Barre, 1 - 1 Blandford, . 3 _ 3 Blackstone, _ 1 1 Brimfield, . - 1 1 Dudley, . 6 1 7 Chester, - 3 3 Fitcbburg, . 136 32 168 Chicopee, . 23 12 40 Gardner, . 2 - 2 Granville, . - 1 1 Hard wick, . 6 - 5 Hampden, . 2 3 5 I Holden, 2 - 2 Holland, . 1 _ 1 Leominster, 56 5 61 Holyoke, . 891 1,026 1,917 Milford, . _ 1 1 Ludlow, 6 8 14 Millbury, . 1 - 1 Monson, 2 - 2 New Braintree, 4 1 5 Montgomery, . 3 1 4 Southbridge, . 1 - 1 Russell, 101 141 242 Templeton, 8 _ 8 Springfield, 94 98 192 West Brookfield, 1 - 1 Wales, 48 81 129 Westminster, . 28 17 45 Westfield, . 51 33 84 Worcester, 33 116 149 West Springfield, Wilbraham, 43 71 114 4 9 13 Hampshire, . 243 199 442 RECAPITULA' riON (Bt COUNTII !S.) Amherst, . Cunimington, . 14 12 9 14 21 Easthamptou, . 1 3 4 Huntington, 46 24 70 The State, . 3,575 3,229 6,804 Middlefifcld, 24 12 36 Northampton, . 23 6 29 Barnstable, 22 7 29 Plainfield, . _ 1 1 Berkshire, . 672 813 1,385 South Hadley, . 119 142 261 j Bristol, 24 - 24 Westhampton, . 4 2 6 Essex, 291 106 397 Franklin, . 2.53 148 401 Middlesex, . 291 141 432 Hampden, . 1,293 1,535 2,828 Ashland, . _ 2 2 ' Hampshire, 243 199 442 Cambridge, 8 11 19 ' Middlesex, 291 141 432 Dracut, 9 1 10 Norfolk, . 139 41 180 Groton, 32 19 51 Plymouth,. 7 1 8 Lowell, 33 40 73 Suftolk, . 156 64 220 Maiden, . . . 8 - 8 Worcester, 284 174 458 322 CEIS'SUS or MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. PRINTING. [Electrotypers and galvanizers, lithographers, plate printers, printers, stereotypers.] ConNTiES, Cities, ConNTiES, Cities, AND Towns. Males. Females. Totals. and Towns. Males. Females. Totals. Barxstable, 24 24 Hampden — Con. Barnstable, 4 - 4 Westfield, . 11 1 12 Brewster, . 2 - 2 West Springfiel d, . 2 - 2 Harwich, . 3 - 3 Wilbrabam, • ■ 1 _ 1 Provincetown, 3 _ 3 Bandwich, . 5 _ 5 Hampshire, 55 4 59 Yarmouth, 7 - 7 Amherst, . Belchertown, 8 1 8 1 Berkshire, 46 4 50 Cummington, 1 _ 1 Adams, 5 - 5 Eastharapton, 5 - 5 Becket, 1 - 1 Hadley. . 1 - 1 Clarksburg, 1 1 2 Hatfield, . 1 - 1 Great Barringto n, . 8 - 8 Northampton, 33 3 36 Lee, . 4 1 5 Pelham, 1 _ 1 North Adams, 12 - 12 i^outh Iladloy, 1 - 1 Pittsfield, . 13 2 15 Southampton, 1 - 1 BheUieia, . 1 - 1 Ware, 2 1 3 West Stockbridge, . 1 - 1 Middlesex, 1,011 218 1,229 Bristol, 167 18 185 Arlington, . 8 1 9 Attleboroiigh, 10 - 10 Ashland, . 3 1 4 Dighton, . 1 - 1 Aver, . 4 - 4 Easton, 1 - 1 Bedford, . 1 - 1 Fairhaven, . 3 _ 3 Belmont, . 4 _ 4 Fall River, . 53 6 59 Billerica, . 1 _ 1 Mansfield, . 6 _ 6 Burlington, 5 - 5 New Bedford, 57 4 61 Cambridge, 468 148 616 Rehoboth, . 1 _ 1 Chelmsford, 2 _ 2 Taunton, . 35 8 43 Concord, . Dracut, 2 2 - 2 2 Dukes, . 10 _ 10 Everett, 25 2 27 Cottage City, 2 _ 2 Framingham, 10 _ 10 Edgartown, 7 _ 7 Holliston, . 1 _ 1 Tisbury, . 1 _ 1 Hudson, 2 _ 2 Essex, . Amesbury, 32S 2 36 364 2 Lexington, Lincoln, Littleton, . 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 Andover, . Beverly, . Bradford, . Danvers, . Essex, Georgetown, 5 4 9 Lowell, 118 14 132 5 3 7 1 6 1 1 1 3 6 4 8 1 9 Maiden, Marlborough, . Medford, . Melrose, Natick. 67 11 40 20 6 5 2 4 2 72 13 44 22 6 Gloucester, 20 5 25 Newton, 16 _ 16 Haverhill, . Ipswich, . Lawrence, . Lynn, . Marblehead, Methuen, . Nahant, Newbury, . Newburyport, . North Andover, 39 2 64 1 4 40 2 68 Pepperell, . Reading, Somerville, 1 6 124 1 26 1 7 150 51 8 5 1 1 41 1 1 1 2 51 9 6 1 1 43 1 Stoneham, . Wakefield, Walthara, . Wateitown, Weston, Wilmington, Winchester, 7 12 13 6 4 3 3 4 1 4 1 7 16 14 10 4 4 3 Peabody, . Rockport, . 6 1 ~ 6 1 Woburn, • 13 1 14 Salem, Salisbury, . 48 12 60 Nantucket, . 9 _ 9 5 — 5 Nantucket, 9 _ 9 Saugus, 5 — 5 Topsfield, . 1 - 1 Norfolk, 116 13 129 Franklin, . 13 1 14 Braiiitree, . 6 - 6 Bernardston, 1 1 Brookliue, 7 2 9 Deerfield, . 2 _ 2 Canton, 2 - 2 Greenfield, 6 1 7 Cohasset, . 3 - 3 Montague, . 1 1 Dedham, . 12 2 14 Orange, 3 - 3 Foxborough, Franklin, . 7 8 "" 7 8 Hampdex, . 256 43 299 Holbrook, . 1 _ 1 Agawara, . 3 1 4 Hyde Park, 25 4 29 Chicopee, . 6 _ 6 Medfield, . 1 - 1 Holyoke, . 30 1 31 Medway, . 1 - 1 Monson, 3 _ 3 Milton, 2 _ 2 Palmer, 2 _ 2 Needham, . 4 1 5 Springfield, 198 40 238 1 Norwood, . 5 ~ 5 OCCUPATIOXS BY HJfDUSTEIES. 323 PRINTING — Concluded. Counties, Cities, CousTiEs, Cities, AND TOWKS. Males. Females. Totals. AND Towns. Males. Females. Totals. Norfolk— Con. Worcester— Con. Quincj-, 13 3 16 North Brookfield, . 5 1 6 Randolph, . 3 - 3 Oxford, . 2 - 2 Btoughton, 4 1 5 Princeton, . 2 - 2 Weymouth, 12 _ 12 1 Southborough, Southbridge, 1 10 1 1 11 Plymouth, . 64 3 67 Spencer, 6 - 6 Abington, . 4 - 4 Templeton, - 1 1 Bridge-water, 3 - 3 Upton, 1 - 1 Brockton, . 23 - 23 Uxbrldge, . ., . 4 - 4 East Bridgewater, . 1 - 1 Warren, 5 - 5 Hanover, . 2 - 2 Webster, . 8 - 8 Hinghatn, . 5 - 5 Westborough, 4 - 4 Kingston, . 1 - 1 West Brooklield , . 9 - 9 Mattapoisett, 1 - 1 Winchendon, 3 - 3 Middleborough, ( - 7 ' Worcester, 136 12 148 Plymouth, . 13 3 16 ; Rockland, . 2 — 2 1 South Abington, 2 - 2 RECAPITULATION (Bt COITNTIES.) Suffolk, 2,342 2,230 279 255 2,621 2,485 Boston, Chelsea, 107 22 129 The State, . 4,702 646 5,348 Revere, 4 '2 6 "Ulnthrop, . 1 - 1 Barnstable, 24 - 24 Berkshire, . 46 4 50 Worcester, . 261 27 288 Bristol, 167 18 185 Athoi, . . 8 2 10 Dukes, 10 - 10 Barre, 4 i 5 ; Essex, 328 36 364 Brookfield, 1 _ 1 i Franklin, . 13 1 14 Clinton, 7 _ 1 Hampden, . 256 43 299 Douglas, . 2 - 2 Hampshire, 55 4 59 Fitchburg, . 19 5 24 Middlesex, 1,011 218 1,229 Gardner, . 8 4 12 Nantucket, 9 - 9 Leominster, 1 _ 7 Norfolk, . 116 13 129 Milford, . 5 _ 5 Plymouth, . 64 3 67 Millbury, . 2 _ 2 Suffolk, . 2,342 279 2,621 Northbridge, 2 - 2 Worcester, 261 27 288 PRINT WORKS. [Dyers, bleachers, and scourers, print works operatives.] Berkshire, . 344 46 390 j Essex — Con. Adams, 18 _ 18 Newburyport, . 3 2 5 Clarksburg, 8 _ 8 1 North Andover, 4 - 4 Gre.Tt Barrington, . 3 - 3 1 Peabody, . 29 11 40 North Adams, . 303 46 349 1 Salem, 10 3 13 Pittstield, . 11 _ 11 Salisbury, . 2 - 2 Richmond, . 1 - 1 Swampscott, 4 - 4 Bristol, 259 27 286 Fraxklin, . 2 _ 2 Attleborough, . 17 - 17 Greenfield, 1 - 1 Dighton, . 1 - 1 Montague, . 1 - 1 Easton, 1 _ 1 Fall River, . / 214 25 239 Hajipdex, 79 1 80 Freetown, . 1 _ 1 Agawam, . 1 - 1 Mansfield, . ( 1 _ 1 Brim field, . 1 - 1 New Bedford, . 1 4 1 5 Chicopee, . 4 - 4 Seekonk, . 1 - 1 Holyoke, . 41 - 41 Swansea, . 9 - 9 Monson, . 9 - 9 Taunton, . 10 1 11 Palmer, 3 - 3 j Springfield, 19 1 20 Essex, . 396 27 423 Westfield, . 1 1 Bradford, . _ 1 Danvers, . _ 1 Hampshire, . 19 - 19 Gloucester, _ 4 Amherst, . 1 - 1 Haverhill, . 6 Easthampton, . 4 - 4 Lawrence, . 322 9 331 Enfield, . 3 - J 3 Lvnn,. 9 _ 9 Northampton, . 7 - 7 Merrimac, . 3 — 3 South Hadley, . 4 ~* 4 324 CE:Nrsus op Massachusetts — isso. PRINT WORKS — Concluded. Counties, Cities, Counties, Cities, - AND Towns. Males. Females. Totals. ANi> Towns. Males. Females. Totals. Middlesex, . 616 190 806 Suffolk, 110 11 121 Arlintrtoii. . 1 - 1 Boston, 90 10 100 Billcrica, . 12 - 12 Chelsea, 20 1 21 Carabi-iilgc, 14 1 15 ClielniKforci, 1 - 1 Worcester, 259 26 285 Draciit, - 1 1 Athol, 1 _ 1 Everett, 4 1 5 Blackstonc, 2 _ 2 Framiiigham, 2 - 2 Charlton, . 2 _ 2 Hudson, 1 - 1 Clniton, 74 10 84 Lowell, 280 34 314 Dudley, 4 _ 4 Maiden, 50 * 50 100 Fitchburg, . 5 - 5 Marlborough, 2 - 2 Gardner, . 1 _ 1 Medford, . 70 64 134 Leominster, 1 _ 1 Natick, _ 1 1 Milford, . 1 _ 1 Newton, 6 1 7 Millbury, . 12 _ 12 Honicrville, 60 13 73 Oxford, . 2 « 2 Tewkebury, 2 _ 2 Southbridge, 90 15 105 Tyngshorouj"*!, 1 - 1 Spencer, . 1 1 AVnkefield, 2 - 2 Sturbridge, 5 _ 5 AValtliam, . 91 14 105 Upton, 2 _ 2 "NVatertown, 17 10 27 Webster, . 3 _ 3 Westborough, 1 _ 1 Westminster, 1 _ 1 Norfolk, 46 1 47 Winchendon, 2 _ 2 Braintrce, . 2 _ 2 Wercester, 49 1 50 Canton, 4 _ 4 Dedham, . 4 ^ 4 Foxborougb, 1 _ 1 Franklin, . 10 _ 10 RECAPITUL.\TION (By Counties.) Hyde I'ark, 2 _ 2 Medway, . Need li am, . 3 5 - 3 5 The State, . 2,142 329 2,471 Quiney, 1 _ 1 Berkshire, . 344 46 . 390 Sharon, _ 1 1 Bristol, 2n9 27 286 StouglUon, 1 _ 1 Essex, 396 27 423 Walpole, . 13 _ 13 Franklin, . 2 _ 2 Hampden, . 79 1 80 Hampshire, 19 - 19 PLTMourn, . 12 . 12 Middlesex,. 016 190 806 Brockton, . 4 _ 4 Norfolk, . 46 1 47 Hingliani, . 4 _ 4 Plymouth, . 12 - 12 Middleborougli, 3 _ 3 Suffolk, 110 11 121 Plymouth, . 1 - 1 Worcester, 259 26 285 PUBLISHING. [Publishers of books, maps, and newspapers, publishing house employds.] Note. — Not inclu ding "journalists"; see, also, ' Prin ling." Barnstable, 2 2 Franklin, 1 _ 1 Chatham, . 1 — 1 Montague, . 1 - 1 Harwich, . 1 - 1 Berkshire, . Great Barringtou, . 5 2 - 5 2 Hampden, . Springfield, 10 10 - 10 10 North Adams, . 1 _ 1 Pittsfield, . 2 - 2 Middlesex, . 49 21 70 Arlinsfton, . 1 - 1 Bristol, 6 - 6 Belmont, . 1 _ 1 Fall River, . 1 - 1 Cambridge, 14 21 35 New Bedford, . 5 ~ 5 Concord, . Lexington, 1 1 — 1 1 Essex, . 16 1 17 Maiden, 5 - 5 Andover, . 2 _ 2 Medford, . 5 - 5 Beverly, 2 _ 2 Melrose, 2 - 2 Gloucester, 1 _ 1' Newton, 1 - 1 Haverhill, . 3 „ 3 Somerville, 7 - 7 Lynn, .... 2 1 3 Waketield, 2 - *> Methuen, . 2 _ 2 Waltham, . 2 - 2 Peabody," . 2 _ 2 Watertown, 2 - 2 Salisbury, . 1 _ 1 Winchester, 1 - 1 Saugus, 1 — 1 Woburn, . 4 ~ 4 OCCUPATIONS BY INDUSTEIES. 325 PUBLISHING — Concluded. Counties, Cities, Counties, Cities, AND Towns. JIales. Females. Totals. AND Towns. Males. Females. Totals. Norfolk, 20 20 Worcester — Con. Bi-ookline, . 7 _ I Fitchburg, . 1 _ 1 Dedham, . 1 _ 1 Grafton, . . 1 _ 1 Franklin, . 1 - 1 Milford, . 2 _ 2 Hyde Park, o - 2 "Worcester, 2 _ 2 Milton, 2 3 — 2 3 Needham, . Norwood, . 1 - 1 Quincy, 2 - 2 RECAPITULATION" (By Counties.) Kandolph, . i 4 1 - 1 4 1 Plymouth, . Bridgewater, The State, . 233 ; 49 282 Brockton, . Plymouth, . >7 i - 2 1 Barnstable, Berkshire, . 2 5 - 2 5 Suffolk, Boston, Chelsea, "Wiuthrop, . 112 109 1 2 27 26 1 139 135 2 2 Bi-istol, Essex, Franklin, . Hampden, . Middlesex,. Norfolk, 6 16 1 10 49 20 1 21 6 17 1 10 70 20 Worcester, . 8 _ 8 rivniouth, . 4 _ 4 Athol, 1 _ 1 Sufl'olk, . 112 27 139 Clinton, 1 — 1 Worcester, 8 - 8 RAILROAD COXSTRUCTIOX. [Car makers, railroad builders and contractors.] Barnstable, 1.5 15 Norfolk — Con. Sandwich, . 15 _ 15 Quincy, 4 _ 4 Walpole, . 4 _ 4 Berkshire, . 3 _ 3 North Adams, . 3 _ 3 Plymouth, . 1 _ 1 Bristol, 3 - 3 Hanover, . 1 _ 1 Mansfield, . 2 . 2 New Bedford, . 1 1 Suffolk, 93 _ 93 Essex, . 23 - 23 Boston, 90 _ 90 Lawrence, . 4 - 4 Chelsea, 2 _ 2 Lynn, 1 _ 1 Revere, 1 _ 1 Rockport, . 1 _ 1 Salem, 17 - 17 Worcester, 29 29 Franklin, . 8 - 8 Fitchburg, . 2 _ 2 Deerfield, . 6 _ 6 Millbury, . i _ 1 Montague, . 2 - 2 Northliridge, Oxford, • 1 2 - 1 2 Hampden, 18S - 188 Worcester, 23 _ 23 Agawam, . Chicopee, . 6 - 6 6 — 6 Springfield, 166 _ 166 West Springfield, . 10 4 — 10 4 RECAPITULATION (By Counties.) Hampshire, . Easthampton, . Northampton, . 1 3 ■** 1 3 The State, . 514 - 514 Middlesex, . 26 * 26, 15 ^ 15 Arlington, . 1 _ 1 : Berkshire, . 3 _ 3 Belmont, . 1 _ 1 Bristol, 3 - 3 Cambridge, 7 _ 7 Essex, 23 - 23 Everett, 1 _ 1 Franklin, . 8 _ 8 Lowell, 9 _ 9 Hampden, . 188 _ 188 Somerville, 6 _ 6 Hampshire, 4 _ 4 Stoneham, . . 1 - 1 Middlesex, Norfolk, . 26 121 - 26 121 Norfolk, 121 _ 121 Plymouth, . 1 - 1 Brookline, . 2 _ 2 Suffolk, 93 _ 93 Norwood, . 111 - 111 Worcester, 29 — 29 326 CEXSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. RUBBER. [Rubber factory operatives.] CouNTiKS, Cities, Counties, Cities, AND Towns. Males. Females. Totals. AND Towns. Males. Females. Totals. Bristol, 1 1 Norfolk, 34 6 40 Fall River, 1 1 Canton, 3 6 9 Milton, 1 ~ 1 Stoughton, 30 _ 30 Essex, . 36 17 53 Andover, . 16 10 26 Pltmoutu, . 18 _ 18 Lawrence, . 2 - 2 Hanover, . 8 _ 8 Lynn,. 15 5 20 Pembroke, 8 _ 8 Rockport, . 1 - 1 South Scituatc, . 2 _ 2 SauguB, 2 2 4 Suffolk, 243 252 495 Hampden, 6 1 Boston, 111 111 222 Holyoke, . 4 4 Chelsea, . 131 133 281 Springfield, 2 1 3 Revere, 1 *> 9 ' Worcester, 4 2 6 Hampshire, . 139 74 213 Berlin, 2 2 Easthampton, . 13S 74 212 Blackstone, 2 2 Northampton, . 1 498 483 1 981 Northborough, . 2 - 2 Middlesex, . Cambridge, 58 65 123 RECAPITULATION (By Counties.) Kverott 12 19 10 a 22 24 Framingham, . Hudson, 15 31 46 The State, . 979 835 1,814 Lowell, 3 3 Bristol, 1 _ 1 Maiden, 353 313 666 Essex, 36 17 63 Medford, . 8 8 16 Hampden, . 6 1 7 Melrose, . 13 10 23 Hampshire, 130 74 213 Re.iding, . 8 - 8 Middlese.x, 498 483 981 Somerville, 8 34 42 Norfolk, . 34 6 40 Stoneham,. 1 1 2 Plymouth, . 18 18 AVakefield, - 4 4 Suffolk, . 243 252 495 M'oburn, . " 2 2 Worcester, 4 2 6 SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS AND APPLIANCES. [Artificial limb makers, mathematical and philosophical instrument makers, optical instrument makers, surgical instrument makers, truss makers.] Bristol, _ 7 PLT3I0UTH — Con. Easton, - 4 Rockhind, . 1 _ 1 New Bedford, . - 3 Wareham, . 1 - 1 Essex, . _ 1 Suffolk, 49 3 52 Beverly, . - 1 Boston, 45 3 48 Chelsea, 3 3 Franklix, . - 1 Revere, 1 _ 1 Montague, . - 1 Worcester, 174 9 183 Hampden, 31 1 32 Leominster, 12 4 16 Brimtield, . - 1 Milford, . 1 1 Longmeadow, . - 4 Southbridge, 136 5 141 Springfield, 26 1 27 Sturbridge, Worcester, 2 23 2 23 Middlesex, . Cambridge, 18 2 20 6 ^ 6 Lowell, _ 1 1 RECAPITULATION (By CouNTn s.) Maiden, Medford, . 1 1 1 2 1 The State, . 291 15 306 Newton, 1 _ 1 Bristol, 7 - 7 Somerville, 9 - 9 Esses, Franklin, . 1 1 1 1 Norfolk, 5 _ 5 Hampden, . 31 1 32 • Brookline, . 5 - 5 Middlesex, Norfolk, . 18 5 2 20 5 Plymouth, . 5 _ 5 Plymouth, . 5 _ 5 Brockton, . 2 _ 2 Suffolk, 49 3 i 52 Hingham, . 1 - 1 Worcester, 174 9 1 183 OCCUPATIOXS BY IXDUSTEIES. 327 SILK. [Silk mill operatives.] Counties, Cities, CocxTiES, Cities, AXD Towns. Males. Females. Totals. AXD Towns. Males. Females. Totals. Barnstable, 1 1 Middlesex — Con. Sandwich, . _ 1 1 Newton, . 3 13 16 Watertown, > • 2 12 14 Berkshire, . 9 33 42 Pittsaeld, . 9 33 42 Norfolk, Canton, 61 60 245 242 306 302 Es.SEX, . 1 - 1 Randolph, . - 1 1 Peabody, . 1 — 1 Sharon, Stoughton, 1 2 2 1 Fraxklix, . 3 8 11 Conway, . - 1 1 Plymouth, 1 1 2 Rowe, 1 _ 1 Hingham, . 1 1 2 Shelburne, 2 3 5 Sunderland, _ •2 2 Suffolk, 25 80 105 "«Tiately, . - 2 2 Boston, 25 80 105 Hampden, 83 148 231 Worcester, 7 13 20 Brimfield, . _ 3 3 Brookfield, - 1 1 Holyoke, . 60 88 148 Worcester, 7 12 19 Southwick, 1 22 57 1 79 Springfield, TTajipsiiire, . 120 519 639 RECAFITULATION (Bt COUKTIES.) Chesterfield, Cummington, . - 1 1 The State, . 323 1,073 1,396 — 1 1 Easthampton, . 6 18 24 Barnstable, — 1 1 Hadley, _ 2 2 Bei'kshire, . 9 33 42 Northampton, . 108 484 592 Essex, 1 - 1 South Hadley, . 1 1 2 ! Franklin, . 3 8 11 Williamsburg, . 2 10 12 Hampden, . 83 148 231 Worthington, . 3 2 5 Hampshire, Middlesex, . 120 13 519 25 639 38 Middlesex, . 13 25 38 Norfolk, . 61 245 306 Caml ridtfe, 1 _ 1 Plymouth, . 1 1 2 Framiiigham, . 1 _ 1 Suffolk, . 25 80 105 Maiden, 6 - 6 Worcester, 7 13 20 STONE. [Marble and stone cutters, quartz and stamp mill operatives, quarrymen.] Barnstable, 26 26 Bristol — Con. Barnstable, 5 _ 5 ' Easton, 2 - 2 Chatham, . 1 _ 1 Fairhaven, 4 - 4 Dennis, 2 _ 2 Freetown, . 17 - 17 Falmouth, . 2 _ 2 Mansfield, . 1 _ 1 Harwich, . 3 _ 3 New Bedford, 40 - 40 Orleans, . 2 _ 2 1 Seekonk, . 1 _ 1 Provincetown, . 3 _ 3 ! Somerset, . 2 _ 2 Sandwich, . 5 _ 5 Taunton, . 14 - 14 Wellfleet, . 1 _ 1 : Westport, . 6 - 5 Yarmouth, 2 - 2 1 Essex, . 696 — 696 Berkshire, . 217 _ 217 Andover, . 3 _ 3 Adams, 3 _ 3 ' Beverly, 7 - 7 Alford, 2 _ 2 Danvers, . 2 - 2 Becket, 16 _ 16 Georgetown, 1 - 1 Cheshire, . 41 _ 41 Gloucester, 3:30 - 330 Egremont, . 1 _ 1 Haverhill, . 16 _ 16 Great Barrington, . 3 _ 3 Lawrence, . 18 - 18 Lee, .... 85 ~ 85 Lynn, . 38 - 38 Lenox, 5 5 Lynnfleld, . 3 - 3 North Adams, . 20 _ 20 Marblehead, 1 - 1 Pittefield, . 12 _ 12 Methuen, . 19 - 19 Sheffield, . 19 _ 19 1 Newburyport, 19 _ 19 Stockbridge, 1 _ 1 Peabody, . 8 - 8 Washington, 6 - 6 Rockport, . 185 - 185 West Stockbridge, . 3 _ 3 Salem, 45 - 45 Bristol, 102 _ 102 Swampscott, 1 - 1 Attleborough, , 10 - 10 Franklin, 24 - 24 Berkley, . 4 - 4 Bernardston, 2 - 2 Dartmouth, 2 - 2 Conwaj-, . i 1 328 CEXSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 18S0. STOXE — Concluded. Counties, Cities, AND Towns. Franklin — Con, Deerliela, . Krving, Greenfield, Montague, . Nortli field, Orange, Shelbiirne, . Wendell, . Whately, . Hampden, Chester, Chicopee, . Holyoke, . Lontrmeadow, MonHon, Palmer, Bpringtield, Westtield, . West Springfield, Wilbraliaiii, IIamfsiiiiie, Amherst, . Huntington, Northampton, Prescott, , Ware, Williamsburg, Middlesex, Acton, Ayer, . Billerica, . Cambridge, Chelmsford, Concord, . Dracut, Everett, Kramingham, (jrolon, Holliston, . Lowell, Maiden, Marlborough, Maynanl, . Medford, . Melrose, Natick, Newton, Pepperell, . Reading, . Shirley. . Somerville, Stoneham, . Tyngsbo rough, Wallham, . Watertown, Westford, . Wilmington, Winchester, Woburn, . Nantucket, Nantucket, Norfolk, Braintree, . Brookline, . Canton, Cohasset, . Dedham, . Dover, Foxborough, Franklin, . Hyde Park, Medway, . Males. Females. Totals. 1 1 9 1 3 1 3 1 1 195 21 5 13 33 57 3 53 4 3 3 24 4 3 4 3 9 1 511 6 13 3 132 15 1 2 6 7 3 2 111 14 2 1 24 4 5 3 3 2 1 32 6 8 38 6 53 1 1 7 1 1 1,157 6 6 3 2 1 1 5 2 2 3 1 1 9 1 3 1 3 1 1 195 21 5 13 33 57 3 53 4 3 3 24 4 3 4 3 9 1 515 6 13 3 132 15 1 2 6 7 3 2 111 14 2 1 24 4 5 3 3 2 1 32 6 8 42 6 53 1 1 7 1 1 1,158 6 6 3 2 1 1 5 2 2 3 Counties, Cities, AND Towns. Norfolk — Con . Milton, Need ham, . Quincy, liandolph, . Sharon, Stoughton, Weymouth, Plymouth, Bridgcwater, Brockton, . Hinghara, . Kingston, . Lakeville, . Mattapoisett, Middleborough, Plymouth, . Plympton, . Rochester, . Rockland, . South Abington Suffolk, Boston, Chelsea, Revere, Winthrop, . Worcester, Ashburnham, Athol, Barre, Blackstone, Charlton, . Clinton, Dana, . Douglas, . Dudley, . Fitch burg, . Gardner, . Harvard, . Lancaster, . Lunenburg, Milford, . Northbridge, Oxford, Southborough, Southbridge, Tempk'ton, Uxb ridge, . Webster, . Westborough, West Boylston, Winchendon, Worcester, Males. 49 1 1,049 12 1 2 12 49 1 12 2 1 2 4 6 6 1 4 8 2 863 828 33 1 1 311 2 2 7 4 9 10 6 6 2 33 13 2 8 1 18 60 1 1 5 1 12 7 1 2 3 106 Females. Totals. RECAPITULATION (Bt Counties.) The State, Barnstable, Berkshire, . Bristol, Essex, Franklin, . Hampden, . Hampshire, Middlesex, Nantucket, Norfolk, Plymouth, . Suffolk, Worcester, • • 4,176 7 26 _ 217 _ 102 _ 696 _ 24 - 195 _ 24 - 511 4 1 _ 1,157 1 49 _ 863 2 311 - OCCUPATIOXS BY IXDUSTEIES. 329 TOBACCO. [Cigar makers, tobacco factory operatives.] Counties, Cities, Counties, Cities, A>D TOTVSS. Males. Females. Totals. and Towns. Males. Females. Totals. BERKSIfTRE, . 35 8 43 Middlesex — Con. Adams, , 3 _ 3 Reading, . 1 - 1 Clarlisburg, 6 - 6 Shirley, - 1 1 Great Barringto n, . 2 - 2 Somtj-ville, Waltham, , 1 12 4 16 Monterej-, . 1 - 1 9 - 9 North Adams, . 18 1 19 Watertown, 3 - 3 Pittsfield, . 3 7 10 Woburn, . 2 1 3 Riclimond, 2 - 2 Nantucket, . 1 1 Bristol, 79 4 83 Nantucket, 1 _ 1 Acushnet, . 1 _ 1 FairhaveD, 1 _ 1 Norfolk, 11 1 12 Fall River, 48 _ 48 Dedham, . 1 1 2 Mansfield, . 1 _ 1 Foxborough, 1 - 1 New Bedford, . 23 4 27 Franklin, . 1 - 1 Taunton, . 5 - 5 Hyde Park, Milton, 2 1 - 2 1 Essex, . 113 66 179 Needham, . 2 ■_ .2 Gloucester, 10 _ 10 Quincy, 1 - 1 Groveland, - 3 3 Weymouth, 2 - 2 Hamilton, . 1 _ 1 Haverhill, . 3 _ 3 Plymouth, . 27 1 28 Lawrence, . 41 38 79 Bridgewater, - 1 1 Lynn, 6 2 8 Brockton, . 12 - 12 Marblehead, 1 10 1 11 East Bridgetowr >, • 2 - 2 Middleton, . _ 1 1 Hingham, . 8 - 8 Newbury, . 2 _ 2 Marsbfield, 1 - 1 Newburyport, 8 _ 8 Plympton, 1 - 1 North Andover, 2 _ 2 Wareham, . 3 - 3 Peabody, . 3 _ 3 Rockport, . 1 - 1 Suffolk, 435 80 515 balem. 15 13 28 Boston, 376 58 434 Saugus, 10 8 18 Chelsea, 57 21 78 Topsfield, . 1 - 1 Revere, 2 1 3 Franklin, 13 _ 13 Worcester, 101 13 114 Buckland, . 2 _ 2 Auburn, . 1 _ 1 Deerfield, . 2 _ 2 Blackstone, 4 1 5 Montague, . 2 _ 2 Clinton, 2 1 3 Shelburne, 6 _ 6 Douglas, . 3 - 3 "Whately, . 1 - 1 Dudley, . Fitchburg, . 1 2 — 1 2 Hampden, 275 84 359 Holdeu, 5 - 5 Agawam, . 2 _ 2 Leominster, 2 - 2 Chicopee, . 8 2 10 Milfoid, . 23 3 26 Granville, . 1 - 1 Northborough, 1 - 1 Holyoke, . 6 _ 6 Northbridge, 2 _ 2 Lougmeadow, 2 _ 2 North Brookfiel d, ; 2 - 2 Palmer, 5 _ 5 Oxford, . 1 _ 1 Russell, 1 _ 1 Southbridge, 2 - 2 Sonthwick, 10 1 11 Usl)ridge, . 1 - 1 Springfield, 112 29 141 XVebster, . 2 _ 2 Westfield, . 104 46 150 Westborough, 5 2 7 West Springfield, . 24 6 30 West Boylston, 2 - 2 Worcester, 40 6 46 Hampshire, . 13 - 13 Belchertown, 2 — 2 Easthampton, 2 - 2 RECAPITULATION (Bt CouNTn :s.) Northampton, 9 179 59 9 238 Middlesex, The State, . 1,282 316 1,598 Acton, 9 - 9 Berkshire, . 35 8 43 Arlington, . 1 - 1 Bri. Gas works employes, . Photographers, Match makers. Brick and tile makers, . Button factory operatives, . Photographers, Potters, Straw workers. Brick and tile makers, . Match makers. Brick and tile makers, , Brick and tile makers, . Ice cutters Brick and tile makers, . Candle, soap, and tallow makers Belting factory operatives, . Candle, soap, and tallow makers Gas works employes, . Photographers, Candle, soap, and tallow makers Photographers, Brick and tile makers, . Can 6 8 225 96 321 103 19 122 22 14 36 100 63 163 489 65 5.54 330 - 330 28 2 30 _ 63 63 50 - 50 81 - 81 27 27 46 24 15 82 31 51 11 3 41 6 1 34 32 32 49 24 15 10 123 37 1 85 n 3 35 35 24 23 125 99 26 16 2 14 PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS. 351 PPJXCIPAL OCCUPATIONS. COUNTY OF ESSEX — Conclurled. SEX AND NATIVITIES. Great Britain. Scandinavia. British America. Other Countries. Aggregates. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. lloth Sexes. 42 7 49 5 5 25 17 42 9 9 269 93 362 30 7 37 - _ _ 7 • 17 24 _ _ _ 84 93 177 8 _ 8 2 - 2 7 _ 7 7 - 7 96 - 96 4 - 4 3 - 3 11 - 11 2 - 2 89 - 89 107 62 169 3 2 5 510 462 972 14 1 15 3,073 1,592 4,665 10 10 20 - 1 1 28 16 44 _ _ _ 429 503 9.32 7 _ 7 1 _ 1 7 1 8 1 _ 1 113 5 118 11 — 11 _ _ _ 55 _ 55 2 _ 2 366 _ 366 3 _ 3 _ _ - 13 1 14 _ _ _ 212 1 213 - 10 10 - _ _ _. 17 17 _ 1 1 1 255 256 29 40 69 1 1 2 322 425 747 _ _ _ 472 759 1,231 3 •> - - - 1 2 3 _ _ _ 96 68 164 34 - 34 1 - 1 81 _ SI 11 _ 11 1,229 - 1,229 10 — 10 - — - 3 - 3 - - 155 1 156 36 1 37 2 2 22 2 24 589 25 6U 1 • _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — 91 _ 91 1 _ 1 _ _ _ 1 2 3 _ _ ^ 35 15 60 - _ — - _ _ 2 _ 2 _ _ _ 58 _ 58 22 - 22 2 - 2 19 _ 19 _ _ _ 367 1 368 12 1 13 - - - - - - - - - 38 9 47 30 9 39 _ 3 3 6 6 274 134 408 - - - - - _ 1 _ 1 2 _ 2 60 _ 60 2 - 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 _ 2 135 95 2.30 28 9 37 - - - 2 - 2 2 - 2 79 39 118 21 21 2 2 1 1 389 37 426 16 - 16 1 _ _ _ 2 _ ■ 2 — , _ 160 _ 160 - - - 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 162 34 196 5 — 1 - - — - - — 1 - 1 67 3 70 COUNTY OF FRANKLIN. 60 2 62 1 ' _ 7 6 6 1 1 2.30 25 255 60 2 62 1 ' — 7 6 - 6 1 - 1 230 25 255 8 2 10 5 2 7 1 1 291 56 347 2 - 2 - - - 3 _ 3 _ _ 117 5 r^l 2 - 2 - - - - - - - - - 32 32 - - - - - - - - - - - - 39 39 — — — — — _ _ _ -. _ _ _ 26 _ 26 _ - - _ — _ 1 _ 1 1 1 41 _ 41 — 1 1 _ _ - _ 1 1 _ _ _ _ 40 40 4 4 - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ 26 _ 26 — 1 1 — — - 1 1 2 1 - - - 10 11 21 20 9 29 _ 126 17 143 ' 34 7 41 612 186 798 5 1 6 - - - 77 9 86 29 1 30 344 38 382 2 1 3 - - _ 15 _ 15 2 _ 2 41 16 57 13 7 20 - ~ - 34 8 42 3 t 6 9 227 132 359 12 8 20 6 6 2 2 523 73 596 8 8 6 _ 6 _ _ _ _ _ _ 350 _ 350 - - - - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ 28 2 30 - 8 8 _ — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 71 71 4 - 4 _ _ _ _ _ « _ _ _ 54 54 — — — - - - 2 - 2 1 - - - 91 - 91 352 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS. COUNTY OF HAMPDEN. SEX AND NATIVITIES . Cities, Towns, asd United States. IKELAK D. ClERMANr. Occupations. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. Town of Chicopee, .... 775 520 1,295 302 368 670 3 3 C:trpenters 71 ■• 71 9 _ 9 1 _ 1 Cotton mill operatives, 544 507 1,051 251 365 616 2 „ 2 Mill ami factory operatives, 19 13 32 14 3 17 _ _ MaeliiiiistR, .... 98 - 98 16 _ 16 _ _ _ Iron foundry oi)erative8, . 43 - 43 12 - 12 - - - City of IIolyoke, 1,185 1,016 2,201 .595 941 1,536 147 46 193 Carpenters 116 - 110 22 _ 22 3 3 Cotton mill operatives, 256 298 5.54 133 230 363 2 1 3 Thread makers, . 90 166 256 24 37 61 1 2 3 Machinists, .... 142 - 142 4S « 48 12 12 Paper mill operatives. 341 346 687 255 583 838 4 9 13 Sills mill operatives, . 30 43 73 4 4 8 4 1 5 Woollen mill operatives, . 210 163 373 109 87 196 121 133 154 Town op Monson, 294 204 498 49 45 94 4 4 Woollen mill operatives, . 169 79 248 30 28 58 2 _ 2 Straw workers, . 125 125 250 19 17 36 2 - 2 Town of Palmer, 348 2.52 600 89 105 194 1 1 Carpenters 58 _ 58 3 _ 3 _ Carpet makers, . 36 8 44 1 1 2 _ _ _ Cotton mill operatives. 254 244 498 85 104 189 1 - 1 City of SriuNdFiEi.D, 1,617 1,050 2,667 147 108 255 32 3 35 Gun .and locksmitlis, . 224 3 227 5 _ 5 3 _ 3 Box factory operatives, 71 201 272 5 9 14 3 1 4 Carpenters 298 - 298 40 _ 40 4 ^ 4 Painters 198 1 199 18 _ 18 11 _ 11 Dressmakers, - 293 293 _ 17 17 _ 2 o Cotton mill operatives. 177 193 370 24 26 50 _ _ _ Machinists 319 _ 319 18 _ 18 2 _ 2 Printer-' 1.53 38 191 5 2 7 _ Woollen mill operatives, . 33 45 78 17 2 19 _ _ ^ Button factory operatives. 144 276 420 15 52 67 9 - 9 Town of Wale.s, 53 72 125 15 35 50 _ _ _ Linen mill operatives. 7 15 •lO _ 2 2 _ _ _ Paper mill operatives. 28 39 67 13 .33 46 „ _ _ Woollen mill operatives, . 18 18 36 2 - 2 - - - Town of Westfield, 381 104 485 33 13 46 27 1 28 Paper mill operatives, 40 28 68 1 3 4 Ciyar makers. 42 40 82 11 3 14 22 1 23 Whip makers. 299 36 335 21 7 28 5 - 5 Town of West Springfield, 113 94 207 26 62 88 6 _ 6 Carpenters, .... 28 _ 28 3 . 3 _ _ _ Cotton mill operatives. 26 51 77 16 38 54 _ _ _ Macliinists, .... 24 - 21 2 _ 2 _ _ _ Paper mill operatives. 29 42 71 4 24 28 _ _ _ Cigar Diakers, 6 1 7 1 - 1 6 - 6 Town of Wilbuaham, 134 46 180 21 10 31 2 _ 2 Woollen mill opera ives, . 134 46 180 21 10 31 2 - 2 COUNTY OF H AMPSHIRI ^. Town of Amhebst ISi) 13 199 13 4 17 1 1 Painters, . I'M _ 30 1 _ 1 — _ _ Masons, , 16 ; _ 16 3 _ _ _ _ Carpenters, . , , 62 _ 62 3 _ 3 1 _ 1 Tailors. . 6 9 15 4 4 8 _ _ _ Hat and cap makers. , 32 4 36 1 - 1 _ _ _ Tinners, . . 13 _ 13 _ _ _ _ _ _ Blacksmiths, . 13 _ 13 1 _ 1 _ _ _ Paper mill operatives. 14 - 14 — — — — — — PEIXCIPAL OCCUPATIONS. 353 PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS. COUNTY OF HAMPDEN. SEX AND NATIVITIES. Great Britain. Scandinavia. British America. Other Countries. Aggregates. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. JI. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. 123 39 162 509 431 940 9 6 15 1,721 1,364 3,085 14 _ 14 - - - 41 _ 41 _ _ _ 136 _ 136 72 34 106 _ - - 443 431 874 5 6 11 1,317 1,343 2,66G 13 5 18 - - - _ _ _ 2 _ 2 48 21 69 18 _ 18 _ _ _ 13 _ 13 1 _ 1 146 _ 146 6 - 6 - - - 12 - 12 1 1 - 1 74' - 74 3.54 235 589 3 2 5 947 935 1,882 35 11 46 3,266 3,186 6,452 11 - 11 - - - 84 _ 84 _ _ - 236 - 236 94 120 214 ~ - - 390 553 943 _ - - 875 1,202 2,077 14 19 33 2 2 62 73 135 - _ - 191 299 490 4.5 - 45 1 - 1 5 _ 5 4 _ 4 2.i7 _ 257 86 35 121 2 - 2 186 46 232 3 1 4 877 1,020 1,897 5 3 8 - - - 8 35 43 9 2 11 60 88 148 99 58 157 - - - 212 228 440 19 8 27 770 577 1,347 16 2 18 6 2 8 5 1 6 1 _ 1 375 2.-i4 629 11 2 13 6 2 8 3 1 4 1 _ 1 222 112 334 5 - 5 - - 2 - 2 - - - 153 142 295 36 13 49 _ _ _ ISO 143 323 _ 3 3 654 516 1,170 1 - 1 _ - _ 6 _ 6 _ _ — 68 _ 68 6 - 6 _ - _ _ O 2 _ _ _ 43 11 64 29 13 42 - - - 174 141 315 - 3 3 543 505 1,048 84 30 114 6 _ 6 349 214 563 11 10 21 2,246 1,415 3,661 18 - 18 - - 9 _ 9 _ - - 259 3 262 2 8 10 - - ~ 8 3 11 1 _ 1 90 222 312 7 - 7 _ - 57 _ 57 1 _ 1 407 _ 407 6 - 6 1 - 1 18 _ 18 2 _ 2 254 1 255 - 3 3 - - - _ 32 32 _ 2 2 - 349 349 4 6 10 1 _ 1 1$0 163 343 _ 3 3 386 391 777 18 - 18 2 _ 2 11 _ 11 1 1 _ 1 371 _ 371 6 - 6 - - _ 4 _ 4 2 _ 2 170 40 210 9 1 10 2 - 2 56 12 68 _ _ _ 117 6u 177 14 12 26 - - - 6 4 10 ' 4 5 9 192 349 541 4 _ 4 _ _ 11 IS 29 _ _ 83 125 208 1 - 1 - _ ~ 1 5 9 14 _ _ ~ 1 13 26 39 3 - 3 - - 4 9 13 _ _ _ 1 48 81 129 - - - - - 2 - 2 - - - 22 18 40 48 3 51 _ _ _ 8 3 11 2 _ 2 1 499 124 623 9 1 10 - - _ 1 1 2 _ « _ 51 33 84 24 2 26 - - - 3 -_ 3 2 _ 2 104 46 150 15 - 15 - - - 4 2 6 - - - 344 45 389 16 5 21 _ _ „ 25 4 29 9 5 14 195 170 365 3 - 3 - - _ 18 _ IS _ _ 52 _ 52 3 1 4 _ - - 1 3 4 _ _ _ 46 93 139 2 - 2 - - - 3 _ 3 _ _ _ 31 _ 31 7 4 11 _ _ 2 1 3 _ _ _ 42 71 113 1 - 1 - - 1 - 1 9 5 14 24 6 30 17 2 19 1 _ 1 4 8 12 _ _ _ 179 66 245 17 2 19 1 — 1 4 8 12 - 1 i 179 66 245 COUNTY OF HAMPSHIRE. 1 _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ 201 17 218 - - - - - - - - - - - - 31 - 31 - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ 19 _ 19 - - - - - - - _ _ _ - _ 66 _ 66 - - - - - - - - - _ - - 10 13 23 1 - 1 - - _ . — _ _ _ 34 4 38 - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ 13 _ 13 - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ 14 - 14 ~ ~ ~ •- — - - - - - - - 14 - 14 354 CEXSUS or MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS. COUNTY OF HAMPSHIRE — Concluded. Cities, Towxs, axd Occupations. Town of Easthampton, . Huspeinler makers, Cotton mill opi>rativP8, Kiit)bcr factory operatives, Button factory operatives, Town of Enfield, Mill and factory operatives, Town of Nortiiami'ton, . Tool aiul cutlery makers, , Carpcmerw, .... Dressmakers, Sewing m;icliine operators. Mill and factory operatives, Cotton mill operatives, !Nrai:liini.sts, .... Silk mill operatives, . BasKct mak(?rs, . Button factory operatives, Town of South Hadlet, Colton mill operatives. Paper mill operatives, "Woollen mill operatives, Brick and tile makers. Town of Ware, . Cotton mill r'rativos, Woollen mill operatives, SEX AND NATIVITIES. United States. M. 19.5 46 68 57 24 38 38 667 lU-J 142 1 110 7 21 90 80 27 87 177 74 86 13 4 256 194 62 384 136 70 46 132 26 26 Both Sexes. 579 182 138 103 156 64 64 662 1,229 7 109 - 142 112 113 _ 110 31 38 22 43 _ 90 350 430 1 28 39 126 197 374 86 160 104 190 7 20 - 4 374 630 341 635 33 95 Ireland. M. Both Sexes. 63 102 14 52 25 25 11 13 3 12 38 12 38 12 137 113 48 _ 11 _ _ 7 2 _ 1 4 17 26 4 _ 10 ^l 18 26 15 72 68 24 39 19 28 4 1 25 119 145 60 106 59 39 155 66 50 24 15 50 60 250 48 11 7 2 6 43 4 71 18 41 140 63 47 5 25 264 166 98 Gekmaxy. M. F. Both Sexes. 43 25 1 38 2 _ 32 7 2 - 8 5 8 6 24 1 14 - 4 - 4 - 3 - 2 1 66 8 53 8 2 _ 1 - 5 6 5 5 ^ ~ 68 25 2 39 2 13 13 25 14 4 64 61 2 1 10 10 COUNTY OF iMIDDLESEX. Tow.v OF Acton, Painters, Carpenters, . Dressmakers, Blacksmiths, Coopers, Town of Arlington, . Tool and cutlery makers, Carpenters, . Masons, Painters, Dressmakers, Blacksmiths, Pianoforte makers, Town of Ashland, . Shoe and boot factory operatives, Thread mill operatives, Woollen mill operatives, Town of Billerica, . Woollen mill operatives, City of Cambridge, . Bakers, Bookbinders, Painters, Carpenters, . Tailors, Dressmakers, Cabinet makers, . Glajs works operatives, 69 11 20 6 23 71 12 24 13 7 9 293 269 10 14 44 44 1,688 83 131 2.54 288 64 3 1.50 111 12 12 20 20 99 31 64 4 37 37 794 18 169 3 71 398 2 5 71 11 20 12 5 23 91 12 24 13 7 20 6 9 392 300 74 18 81 81 2,482 101 300 257 288 1.35 401 152 116 3 _ 3 1 _ 1 1 - 1 1 - 1 12 5 17 2 - 2 6 _ 5 1 _ 1 _ 6 1 3 _ 3 1 - 1 .54 9 63 50 2 52 4 4 16 11 27 16 11 27 401 115 516 47 3 50 13 16 29 53 _ 53 55 - 55 59 26 85 _ 54 64 26 _ 26 60 3 63 110 22 4 16 2 6 38 4 114 22 4 16 2 6 3 38 4 PRIXCIPAL OCCUPATIOXS. 355 PRIXCIPAL OCCUPATIONS. COUNTY OF HAMPSHIRE — Conclndecl. SEX AND XATIVITIES. Great Britain. SCAXDIXAVIA. British America. Other C'oux'tkies. Aggregates. il. F. Both .Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. JI. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. 54 • 28 82 3 3 26 52 78 18 3 21 392 594 986 5 / 12 _ - _ 7 12 19 3 3 6 82 228 310 29 14 43 - _ _ 18 34 52 - _ _ 142 143 285 19 6 25 3 - 3 1 2 3 15 _ 15 138 74 212 1 1 2 - - - - 4 4 - - - SO 149 179 6 3 9 _ _ _ ., _ _ 1 ^ 1 91 46 137 6 3 9 - - - - - 1 - 1 91 46 137 54 31 85 _ _ _ 115 110 225 2 2 4 999 819 1,818 29 - 2U - - - 11 _ 11 1 _ 1 205 7 212 3 _ 3 - _ _ 23 _ 23 _ _ _ 183 _ 183 - 5 - - _ _ 7 7 _ _ _ 1 131 1.32 - - - - _ _ 1 _ 1 1 _ 1 115 _ 115 1 9 10 - _ _ 1 _ 1 _ _ _ 10 44 54 1 1 2 - - - 7 8 15 - _ _ 46 57 103 9 - 9 ^ - - 3 _ 3 - _ - 109 _ 109 6 14 20 _ _ _ 12 59 71 _ ~ _ 108 484 592 - - - _ _ _ 28 21 49 _ _ 73 22 95 5 2 7 - - - 29 15 44 - 2 2 149 74 223 79 14 93 _ _ 26 42 68 4 7 11 4U 336 750 7 8 15 _ _ — 22 33 55 _ 4 4 180 178 358 9 3 12 _ _ _ 3 6 9 _ 1 1 119 142 261 7 3 10 - _ _ 1 3 4 4 2 6 30 16 46 56 - 56 ' 7 - - - - - - - - 85 - 85 56 21 77 _ _ _ 199 251 450 _ _ _ 635 796 1,431 36 14 50 - - _ 167 204 371 - - - 462 670 1,132 20 7 27 — — — 32 47 79 - — i 173 126 2»9 COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX. 3 _ 3 1 _ 1 5 _ 5 ■ 71 12 83 •- -. — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ 12 _ 12 2 - 2 - - - 3 - 3 _ - - 26 12 26 12 10 1 _ 1 1 . 1 2 „ 2 _ _ _ 10 - - - - - - - - - - - - 23 - ■ 23 9 _ 9 1 _ 1 22 5 27 2 _ 2 124 30 1.54 4 - 4 - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 19 _ 19 2 -• 2 - _ _ 11 _ 11 _ _ 37 _ 37 1 - 1 - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ 19 _ 19 1 - 1 - - _ 4 _ 4 _ _ 13 _ 13 - - - - - - _ 5 5 _ _ _ _ 30 30 1 - 1 1 _ 1 5 _ 5 1 _ 1 17 _ 17 - - - - - 2 - 2 1 - 1 19 - 19 5 _ 5 1 _ 1 51 15 66 _ _ _ 406 123 529 5 - 5 1 _ 1 28 « 28 _ _ _ 355 33 388 - - - - _ _ 1 5 6 _ « _ U 76 87 - - - - - - 22 10 32 - - - 40 14 54 30 19 49 _ _ _ 1 1 1 _ _ _ 90 68 158 30 19 49 - - - - 1 1 - - - 90 68 158 234 39 273 50 2 52 770 134 904 84 17 101 ; 3,337 1,105 4,442 14 - 14 . 1 - 1 11 2 13 3 _ 3 1 181 23 204 16 8 24 - _ _ 7 9 16 6 2 8 177 204 381 27 - 27 5 _ 5 37 _ 37 4 _ 4 396 3 399 27 - 27 7 _ 7 172 _ 172 5 _ 5 556 - 556 16 5 21 2 _ 2 19 26 45 3 10 13 168 1.39 307 I 23 24 - 1 1 2 88 90 _ 5 5 6 572 1 678 28 - 28 23 _ 23 49 1 50 41 _ 41 355 3 i 358 27 ~ 27 ~ — - 7 - 7 12 - 12 221 8 1 229 356 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — ISSO. PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS. COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX — Continued. SEX AND NATIVITIES. Cities, Towns, and United States. Ireland. Geumany. ' Occupations. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. ]$oth Sexes. il. F. Both Sexes. City of Cambridge — Concluded. Maohiiiii^tK, 178 _ 178 27 _ 27 9 - 9 Organ makers j ]4.i 8 ]r)3 13 - li 5 - 5 Printers 273 120 393 47 13 60 5 - 5 Brick and tile makers, S - 8 1 - 1 - - - Town of Cni;i.M>iFoi{u, 155 55 210 70 17 87 1 _ 1 Tool and cutlery makers, . 30 o 32 1 - 1 - - - Machinists, 41 _ 41 3 - 3 - - - Iron foundry operatives, . 25 _ 25 33 _ 33 - - _ Woollen mill operatives, • 59 53 112 33 17 50 1 - 1 Town of Everett, .... 86 36 122 8 _ 8 1 - 1 Carpenters 51 - 51 2 - 2 - - - Painters, 22 - 22 1 - 1 1 - 1 Dressmakers, _ 26 26 - - - - - 1 Rubber factory operatives. 7 10 17 4 - 4 - - - Brick and tile makers, 6 - 6 1 - 1 - - - Town of Fuamingham, 184 200 384 84 65 149 3 _ 3 Woollen mill operatives, . 127 151 278 84 65 149 3 - 3 Straw workers 57 49 106 - - - - - - Town of Guoton, .... 52 28 80 14 9 23 _ _ - Caipenlers 24 - 24 - - - - - - Painters, 12 - " 12 _ - - _ - - Drissmakers, _ 18 18 - _ - - - Paper mill operatives. 16 10 26 14 9 23 - - - Town of IIoij.iston, .... 373 93 466 113 8 121 _ _ _ Shoe and boot factory operatives, . 331 6 337 113 3 116 - _ - Straw workers, 42 87 129 - 5 5 - - - Town of IIopkinton 6.32 no 742 290 11 301 1 1 2 Shoe and boot factory operatives, . 632 no 742 290 " 301 1 1 2 Town of Hudson, .... 498 199 697 101 21 122 1 _ 1 Shoe and boot factory operatives, . 465 173 638 52 21 73 1 - 1 Tanners and curriers. 23 - 23 49 - 49 - - - Rubber factory operatives, 10 26 36 - - - - - - City of Lowell 4,343 4,682 9,025 1,710 2,340 4,050 24 9 33 Carpenters 653 - 653 45 - 45 3 - 3 Masons 159 - 1.59 105 _ 105 1 - 1 Painters, 274 _ 274 33 _ 33 3 - 3 Carpet makers, 87 142 229 65 68 133 - - - l)rissmakers 3 445 448 - 42 42 - - - Cotton mill operatives. 1,604 3,133 4,737 704 1,760 2,464 10 5 15 Knitting and hosiery mill.operatives. 66 291 357 9 16 25 - - - Machinists, 794 3 797 217 3 220 - * - - Iron foundry operatives, . 117 _ 117 71 _ 71 - - Print works oi)eratives. 55 17 72 28 1 29 - - - Dyers, bleachers, and scourers. 73 13 86 63 1 64 - - - Woollen mill operatives, . 458 638 1,096 370 449 819 7 4 11 Town of Maldex 497 327 824 225 65 290 2 _ 2 Carpenters 128 _ 128 9 _ 9 2 - 2 Painters 75 _ 75 5 _ 5 - - - Dressmakers _ 103 103 _ 4 4 - - - Tanners and curriers, 66 _ 66 124 - 124 - - - Rubber factory operatives, 228 224 452 87 61 148 - - - Town of Marlborough, . 1,181 476 1,657 461 .60 521 3 _ 3 Shoemakers, 48 _ 48 12 - 12 - - - Shoe and boot factory operatives, . 1,133 476 1,609 449 60 509 3 - 3 Town of Maynard, .... 262 200 462 151 77 228 13 4 17 Powder makers, 8 - 8 2 _ 2 - - - Painters, 5 _ 6 2 - 2 - - - Carpenters, 14 _ 14 - - - - - - Dressmakers, - 11 11 - 1 1 - - - Poper mill operatives. 3 _ 3 4 - 4 1 - - - Woollen mill operatives, . 232 189 421 143 76 219 13 4 17 PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIOXS. 357 PRIXCIPAL OCCUPATIONS. COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX — Continued. SEX AKD NATIVITIES. Gkeat Uritaix. Scandinavia. British Amekica. Other Countries. Aggregates. M. F. Both .-iexes. M. F. Roth Se.xes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. 15 15 2 2 19 19 1 4 4 254 254 13 - 13 5 _ 5 13 _ 13 - _ _ 194 8 202 50 3 53 ■ 5 1 6 49 8 67 6 _ 6 435 145 580 - - - - - - 385 - 385 - - 394 - 394 24 5 29 ^ _ _ 23 1 24 2 _ 2 275 78 353 13 - 13 _ _ _ 6 _ 6 _ _ - 50 2 52 - - _ • _ _ _ 1 _ 1 _ - - 45 _ 45 - _ _ _ _ _ 2 - 2 _ . - 60 - 60 11 5 16 - - - 14 1 15 2 - 2 120 76 196 28 3 31 1 _ 1 46 3 49 _ _ _ 170 42 212 2 _ 2 _ _ _ 9 _ 9 _ _ - 64 _ 64 2 _ 2 1 _ 1 3 _ 3 _ _ - 30 _ 30 _ 3 3 _ _ _ _ 3 3 _ _ - _ 32 32 _ _ - _ _ _ 1 _ 1 _ _ - 12 10 22 24 24 - - - 33 - 33 - - - 64 - 64 48 18 66 _ _ _ 6 11 17 1 1 2 326 295 ■ 621 48 17 65 _ _ _ 6 U 17 1 _ 1 269 244 513 - 1 1 - - - - - - - 1 1 57 51 108 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1 - - - 68 37 105 - - - - - - - - - - - - 24 - 24 - - - - - - - - - - - - 12 - 12 — _ — _ _ _ _ _ ^ _ ^ — * 18 18 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1 - - - 32 19 51 6 _ 5 1 _ 1 4 3 7 _ _ _ 496 104 600 4 _ 4 1 _ 1 3 3 _ ». - 452 9 461 1 - 1 - - - 1 3 4 - - - 44 95 139 4 ^ 4 _ _ _ 23 4 27 _ _ _ 950 126 1,076 4 - 4 - - - 23 4 28 - - - 950 126 1,076 4 2 6 2 _ 2 123 29 152 _ _ _ 729 231 980 3 1 4 _ _ _ 112 25 137 _ _ - 633 220 853 1 1 _ _ — 8 _ 8 _ — - 81 - 81 - 1 1 2 2 3 4 7 - - - 15 31 46 865 523 1,388 29 10 39 1,729 2,112 3,841 38 53 91 8,738 9,729 18,467 29 - 29 2 2 242 1 243 4 _ 4 978 1 979 32 - 32 2 _ 2 52 _ 52 2 _ 2 353 _ 353 19 _ 19 1 _ 1 48 1 49 1 _ 1 379 1 380 67 27 84 - _ _ 10 20 30 _ 2 2 219 259 478 _ 17 17 _ _ _ _ 98 98 1 1 2 4 603 607 344 370 714 1 5 6 1,111 1,847 2,958 20 46 66 3,794 7,166 10,960 14 5 19 _ 1 1 27 61 78 _ 1 1 116 365 481 119 - 119 3 _ 3 143 1 144 5 _ 5 1,281 7 1,288 8 - 8 1 _ 1 22 _ 22 _ _ - 219 - 219 30 _ 30 _ _ _ 6 2 8 _ ^ _ 119 20 139 13 _ 13 8 _ 8 4 _ 4 _ _ _ 161 14 175 200 104 304 11 4 15 64 91 155 5 3 8 1,115 1,293 2,408 37 8 45 1 1 2 45 33 78 6 1 7 813 435 1,248 7 _ 7 1 _ 1 23 _ 23 _ « _ 170 _ 170 6 _ 6 _ — _ 5 _ 5 2 _ 2 93 _ 93 - 4 4 _ _ _ _ 11 11 _ _ - - 122 122 3 _ 3 _ _ _ 3 _ 3 1 _ 1 197 _ 197 21 4 25 - 1 1 14 22 36 3 1 4 353 313 666 26 4 30 1 ._ 1 393 45 438 1 1 2 2,066 586 2,6-52 2 - 2 - _ _ 21 _ 21 _ _ _ 83 - 83 24 4 28 1 - 1 372 45 417 1 1 2 1,983 586 2,569 123 31 154 _ _ „ 28 7 35 3 _ 3 580 319 899 1 _ 1 _ _ _ 3 3 _ _ _ l-i _ 14 3 _ 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10 - 10 2 _ 2 - _ _ 2 _ 2 _ _ _ 18 _ 18 - - - - _ _ _ 1 1 _ _ _ - 1 13 13 3 _ 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10 _ 10 114 81 145 — — " 23 6 29 3 - 3 528 3C6 834 358 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS 1S80. PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS. COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX — Continued. SEX AXD NATIVITIES. Cities, Towns, axd United States. Irelan D. Germany. Occupations. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. Town of Medford, .... 276 101 377 28 8 36 2 1 3 Carpenters 94 - 94 8 - 8 - - - Masons, ...... 2.3 - 23 9 _ 9 - - - Painters, 72 - 72 2 - 2 2- - 2 . Dressmakers, - 57 57 - - - - 1 1 Print works oijeratives. 42 44 86 ! 7 8 15 - _ _ 8hip \;aipenl(rs, ..... 41 - 41 2 _ 2 - - - brick and tile makers, 4 - 4 - - - - - - Town of Mf.lrose', .... 154 53 207 5 1 6 5 5 Slice and boot factory operatives, . 51 20 71 - - - - - - Carpenters, .37 - 37 3 - 3 - - - Painters 24 _ 24 _ _ _ 1 - 1 Dressmakers, ..... _ 24 24 _ 1 1 - - _ Cabinet makers, ..... 31 - 31 - - _ 4 - 4 Rubber factory operatives. 11 9 20 2 2 - - - Town of Natkk, .... 1,044 149 1,193 285 11 296 29 _ 29 ijhoe and boot factory operatives, . 1,044 149 1,193 285 11 296 29 - 29 City of Newton, .... 447 275 722 95 25 120 3 2 5 Carpenters, 144 - 144 23 - 23 1 - Masons 36 _ 36 43 _ 43 - - Painters 84 _ 84 9 _ 9 1 _ Watch and clock mak'rs and repair'rs. 36 5 41 1 1 2 _ _ Dressmakers _ 114 114 _ 9 9 - _ Cotton mill operatives. 8 43 51 2 4 6 - 1 18 43 61 6 5 11 - 1 Knitting and hositrj' mill operatives, 5 28 33 1 2 3 - _ Rope and cordage makers. 23 42 65 4 4 8 - - Machinists 93 - 93 6 - 6 1 - Town of Peppekell, .... 218 48 266 48 15 63 1 _ Shoe and b'lol factory operatives, . 169 20 189 23 2 25 - _ Paper mill operatives, 49 28 77 25 13 38 1 - Town of Reading 208 117 325 3 _ 3 10 _ 10 Shoe and boot factory operatives, . 42 44 86 - - - - - Brush makers 48 1 49 - - _ - - - Shoemakers, 62 _ 62 1 _ 1 _ - _ Seamstresses 11 72 83 _ _ _ - - - Cabinet makers 45 45 2 - 2 10 - 10 City of Somerville, .... 807 310 1,117 143 25 168 7 2 9 Painters 135 _ 135 12 _ 12 2 _ 2 M;i8ons, 70 5 75 38 - 38 - - - Carpenters 200 _ 20U 24 _ 24 - _ _ Tai ors 33 31 64 10 8 18 - _ _ Dressmakers, - 235 235 _ 15 15 - 2 2 Cabinet makers, 74 _ 74 2 _ 2 4 - 4 Glass works operatives, . 62 3 65 21 - 21 - - - Machinists 127 _ 127 11 - 11 _ _ Printn-s 75 26 101 7 - 7 _■ _ - Dyers, bleachers, and scourers. 31 10 41 18 2 20 1 - 1 Town of Stoneham 615 297 912 136 9 145 _ _ _ Shoemakers, 45 _ 45 3 _ 3 _ _ _ Shoe and boot factory operatives, . 515 297 812 44 9 53 _ _ _ Tanners and curriers, 55 - 55 89 - 89 - - -'- Town of Townsend 108 1 109 7 _ 7 _ _ _ Coopers, 108 1 109 7 - 7 - - - Town of Wakefield, 420 161 581 133 39 172 '3 _ 3 Shoemakers, 1.54 _ 154 27 1 28 _ _ _ Shoe and boot factory operatives, . 24 39 63 - - - - - - Iron foundry operatives, . 55 _ 55 8 - 8 _ _ - ildttan workers 187 122 309 98 38 136 3 3 PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS. 359 PRrXCrPAL OCCUPATIONS. COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX — Continued. SEX AND NATIVITIES. Great Britain. Scandinavia. i British America. Other Countries. Aggregates. 51. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. 18 3 21 550 12 562 874 125 999 5 _ 5 _ _ _ 14 _ 14 - _ _ 121 _ 121 1 _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 33 - 33 4 — 4 _ _ - 2 _ 2 - - ~ 82 - 82 _ _ _ - _ - - 3 3 - - - 61 61 7 3 10 _ _ _ 13 9 22 _ _ _ 69 64 133 1 _ 1 _ _ - 3 _ 3 — — _ 47 _ 47 - - - - - - 518 - 518 - - - 522 j - 522 10 I 11 3 3 16 2 18 _ _ 1 1 193 57 250 _ . _ _ _ _ 2 _ 2 _ _ _ 53 20 73 6 _ 6 2 _ 2 6 _ 6 _ - - 54 _ 54 ■ 1 _ 1 _ ., « 1 _ 1 _ _ _ 27 _ 27 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 2 _ _ _ _ 27 27 3 _ 3 1 _ 1 7 _ 7 _ _ _ 46 _ 46 - 1 1 - - - - - - - - - 13 10 23 40 6 46 2 _ 2 46 4 50 2 _ 2 1,448 170 1,618 40 6 46 2 - 2 46 4 50 2 - 2 1,448 170 1,618 64 5 69 _ _ _ 114 27 141 2 _ 2 725 334 1,059 1.3 - 13 - - - 81 _ 81 - - _ 262 - 262 7 _ 7 _ _ _ 4 _ 4 _ _ _ 90 _ 90 11 _ 11 _ _ _ 15 _ 15 1 _ 1 121 _ 121 2 2 4 - _ _ 5 1 6 1 _ 1 45 9 54 - - - - _ _ _ 24 24 _ _ _ _ 147 147 2 1 3 - - - _ _ _ _ - _ 12 49 61 5 2 7 - - - 1 _ 1 - - _ 30 51 81 14 _ 14 _ _ _ 2 _ 2 _ _ _ 22 30 52 3 _ 3 - _ _ 3 2 5 _ _ i_ 1 33 48 81 7 - 7 - - - 3 - 3 - - - 110 - 110 4 2 6 _ _ _ 9 9 3 3 283 65 348 2 1 3 - _ _ 7 _ 7 o _ 3 204 23 22T 2 1 3 - - - 2 - 2 - - - 79 42 121 4 _ 4 _ _ . 4 1 5 1 _ 1 230 118 348 - - - - - - _ 1 1 _ - _ 42 45 87 - - - - - - 2 _ 2 1 _ 1 51 1 62 1 - 1 - - - - _ _ _ _ _ 64 _ 64 - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ — _ 11 72 83 3 - 3 - - - 2 - 2 - - - 62 - 62 71 8 79 8 1 9 147 42 189 12 2 14 1,195 390 1,585 14 - 14 1 - 1 14 - 14 1 _ 1 179 _ 179 6 - 6 - - - 4 - 4 - - . 118 5 123 10 - 10 2 - 2 80 _ 80 2 _ 2 318 _ 318 4 1 5 2 _ 2 3 13 16 4 1 5 56 54 110 - 6 6 - 1 1 _ 29 29 1 1 2 1 289 290 3 - 3 2 - 2 16 _ 16 2 _ 2 103 _ 103 5 - 5 - - ■" 4 _ 4 _ _ _ 92 3 95 13 - 13 - - ~ 8 _ 8 _ _ _ 1.59 _ 159 7 - 7 1 - 1 17 _ 17 2 _ 2 109 26 135 9 1 10 - - - 1 - 1 - - - 60 13 73 16 4 20 _ _ _ 34 22 56 2 _ 2 803 332 1,135 1 - 1 - - - 2 - 2 - - _ 51 _ 51 9 4 13 - - - 30 22 52 2 _ 2 600 332 932 6 - 6 - - - 2 - 2 - - - 152 - 152 3 _ 3 _ _ _ 1 _ 1 _ _ _ 119 1 120 3 - 3 - - - 1 - 1 - - - 119 - 1 120 43 16 59 3 _ 3 43 22 65 4 _ 4 649 238 887 7 - 7 - - - 1 2 3 - - - 189 3 192 - - - - - - 2 4 6 - - - 26 43 69 2 - 2 - - - 6 - 6 _ — _ 71 _ 71 34 16 50 .3 ~ 3 34 16 50 4 — 4 363 192 555 360 CEN^SUS or MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS. COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX — Concluded. Cities, Tottxs, and Occupations. SEX AXD NATIVITIES. United States. M. Town of Waltham, . Carpenters, Wateli and clock mak'rs and repair'rs, Cotton mill operatives, Knitting and hosiery mill operatives. Dyers, bleachers, and scourers, Town of Watektown, Carpenters, Shirt, collar, and cuff makers, . Iron foundrj' operatives, . I'aper mill operatives, Woollen mill operatives, . Town of Watland, . Shoe and boot factory operatives. Town of AVestford, . Knitting and hosiery mill operatives Machinif'ts Quarrymun, .... Woollen mill operatives, . Town of Winchester, Tanners and curriers. Town of Woeurx, Shoe and boot lactory operatives, Shoemaker.s, . ". Carpenters Tanners and curriers, 89.5 82 593 176 1.3 29 178 37 7 46 27 61 194 194 121 10 34 32 45 88 88 844 lU 75 93 542 F. 573 221 266 75 11 94 39 16 39 14 14 69 13 66 176 176 Both Sexes. 1,468 82 814 442 90 40 272 37 46 46 43 100 208 208 190 23 34 32 101 88 88 1,020 310 75 93 542 Ireland. M. Both Sexes. 182 136 15 _ 21 41 91 84 10 50 1 49 17 _ 3 13 _ 8 _ 28 14 13 _ 13 - 16 5 1 - 2 _ 5 _ 8 5 111 _ 111 - 728 28 11 28 11 _ 8 _ 698 - 318 15 62 175 15 51 66 3 13 8 42 13 13 21 I 2 5 13 111 111 756 39 11 8 698 Gerjiant. M. F. Both Sexes. 5 - 2 3 - 3 - 1 - 2 - 1 1 - 2 _ 2 _ 6 e - 2 5 5 2 - COUNTY OF NORFOLK. Town of Bellingham, 86 20 106 25 12 37 Shoe and boot f.ictory operatives, . 50 - 50 1 _ 1 _ _ _ Woollen mill operatives, . 32 11 43 9 9 18 _ - _ Straw workers 4 9 13 15 3 18 - - - Town of Braintree, 326 35 361 50 1 51 _ _ Shoe and boot factory operatives, . 252 18 270 39 - 39 - _ _ Carpenters 45 - 45 2 - 2 - - _ Paper mill operatives. 14 3 17 5 _ 5 _ _ _ Woollen mill operatives, . 15 14 29 4 1 5 - - - Town of Canton, .... 204 286 490 120 43 163 1 _ 1 Cotton mill operatives. 41 24 65 21 16 37 _ _ Knitting and hosiery mill operalh'cs, 33 31 64 7 5 12 - _ _ Iron foundry operatives, . 26 26 52 - - - - - _ Iron and steel works operatives, 32 _ 32 45 _ 45 _ _ Copper workers, .... 24 - 24 39 _ 39 1 _ 1 Silk mill operatives, .... 48 205 2.53 8 22 30 - - - Town of Dedham, .... 128 105 233 no 52 162 38 2 40 Woollen mill operatives, . 128 105 233 110 52 162 38 2 40 Town of Foxboeocgh, 169 353 523 5 14 19 _ _ _ Straw workers, 169 353 522 5 14 19 - - - Town of Franklin, .... 285 141 426 59 12 71 1 _ 1 Shoe and boot factory operatives, . 35 _ 35 2 _ 2 _ _ _ Carpenters, 56 _ 56 2 _ 2 _ _ _ Woollen mill operatives, . 118 41 1-59 55 9 64 _ _ _ Straw workers, 76 100 176 - 3 3 1 - 1 Town of Uolbrook, .... 401 17 418 56 3 59 _ _ . Shoe and boot factory operatives, . 401 17 418 56 3 59 - - - PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIOXS. 61 PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIOXS. COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX — Condudeil. SEX AXD NATIVITIES. Great Bbitais. SCAXDINAVIA. British America. Other Coustsies. Aggregates. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Se.\es. M. F. Both Sexes. il. F. Both Sexes. 31. F. Both Sexes. 118 47 165 6 _ 6 85 44 129 11 5 16 1,302 805 2,107 8 8 1 - 1 50 - 50 - - - 156 _ 156 53 21 74 3 - 3 22 30 52 7 2 9 701 315 1,016 38 18 56 2 - 2 1 8 11 19 4 3 7 322 382 704 12 7 19 - - - 2 2 - _ _ 32 94 126 7 1 8 - - - a 1 6 - - - 91 14 105 2-2 3 25 _ _ _ 28 1 29 4 5 9 284 120 404 7 - 7 - - - 25 - 25 - - - 69 _ 69 _ 1 1 _ - - - _ _ _ 5 5 7 48 55 _ _ _ - - - 1 _ 1 1 _ 1 62 _ 62 5 - 5 - - - - _ - 3 - 3 43 16 59 10 2 12 - - - 2 1 3 - - - 103 56 159 2 1 3 ^ _ _ 69 _ 69 1 _ 1 280 15 295 2 1 3 - - - 69 - 69 1 - 1 280 15 295 28 17 45 _ _ _ 42 17 59 _ _ ^ 209 108 317 _ 2 2 - - - - 1 1 - - - 11 16 27 5 - 5 - - - 1 2 - 2 - _ - 43 43 6 _ 6 _ _ _ 1 9 _ 9 _ _ _ 52 _ 52 17 15 32 - - - 31 16 47 - _ - 103 92 195 10 _ 10 _ _ _ 48 _ 48 5 _ 5 268 _ 268 10 10 - - - i 48 - 48 D - 5 268 - 268 59 4 63 _ _ _ 79 8 87 13 1 14 1,725 222 1,947 10 4 14 _ - - 3 8 11 3 1 4 1 161 222 383 2 - 2 - - - 1 _ 1 - - - 1 89 _ 89 10 - 10 - - - 13 - 13 - - 121 _ 124 37 — 37 ~ ~ ~ 62 ~ 62 10 10 1 1 1,351 — 1,351 COUNTY OF NORFOLK. 2 _ 1 2 1 _ 1 1 1 1 2 1 _ 1 116 33 1 149 2 _ 2 — — « _ — ._ . . _ 53 _ 5£ - - 1 - 1 1 1 2 1 - 1 44 21 65 - - — — — — - - — - - - 19 12 31 5 2 7 _ . ~ 19 _ 19 2 3 5 402 41 443 2 - 2 - - 15 - 15 1 - 1 309 18 327 _ _ - - - - 4 _ 4 1 _ 1 52 52 1 - 1 - - - - - - _ - _ 20 3 23 2 2 4 - - - - - - - 3 3 21 20 41 31 18 49 2 _ 2 17 16 33 2 _ 2 377 363 740 5 1 6 - - - 12 14 26 1 _ 1 80 55 135 10 2 12 - - - 1 2 3 - - _ 51 40 91 3 - 3 - - - 1 .. 1 - _ _ 30 26 56 5 - 5 2 - 2 2 - 2 - - - 86 86 4 _ 4 - - - 1 _ 1 1 _ 1 70 _ 70 4 15 19 - - - - - - - - - 60 242 302 20 5 25 . _ _ 16 4 20 11 3 14 323 171 494 20 5 25 - - - 16 4 20 11 3 14 323 171 494 5 4 9 _ _ _ _ 1 1 1 1 2 180 373 5.53 5 4 9 - - - - 1 1 1 1 2 180 373 553 15 3 18 6 - 6 25 16 41 3 1 4 394 173 567 — — -. -. — — — — — — — — 37 _ 37 . _ - - _ _ 12 . 12 2 _ 2 72 _ 72 14 2 16 6 - 6 12 14 26 1 1 2 206 67 273 1 1 2 - - - 1 2 3 - - - 79 106 185 _ _ _ ^ _ _ 17 2 19 _ _ _ 474 22 496 ^ " " " ~ ■" 17 2 19 ^ ^ ~ 474 22 496 362 CEXSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 18S0. rniNCIPAL OCCUPATIOXS. COUNTY OF NORFOLK — Continued. Cities, Towns, and occupatioxs. SEX AND NATIVITIES. United Statks. M. Town of Htde Park, Carpenters Cotton mill operatives, Hair cleaners and dressers, Machinists, Woollen mill operatives, . Town of Medfield, . Carpenters Straw workers, .... Town of Medwat, Shoe and boot factory operatives, Shoemakers, .... Carpenters, Mill and factory operatives, Cotton mill operatives. Straw Workers, .... ToM-N OF Milton, Masons, Carpenters Dressmakers, .... Colfee and spice mill operatives. Blacksmiths, .... Marble and stone cutters, . Town of Needham, . Shoe and boot factory operatives, I'ainters, Masons Carp(-nter8, "SliU anil factory operatives. Cotton mill operatives, Kiiillini; and hosiery mill operatives Machinists Woollen mill operatives, . Town or Norfolk, . Shoemakers Mill and factory operatives. Blacksmiths, .... i'aper mill operatives, Town of Norwood, . Tanners and curriers. Carmakers Town of Quinot, ... Sboemakers, .... Shoe and boot factory operatives. Carpenters, Blacksmiths, .... t^uarrymen, .... Marble and stone cutters, . Town. OF Randolph, . Shoe and boot factory operatives, Town -of STorGHTON, Shoe and boot factory operatives. Woollen mill operatives, . Town of Walpole, . Carpenters, Cotton mill operatives. Mill and factory operatives, I'aper mill operatives, Woollen mill operatives, . Straw workers, .... 271 63 30 22 87 69 79 18 61 185 82 31 21 12 8 31 70 12 22 8 23 260 60 24 34 53 12 14 31 25 36 11 12 8 5 185 113 72 789 59 128 80 71 126 325 583 583 589 54U 49 142 39 15 30 35 19 4 84 32 9 43 24 24 53 4 4 9 36 14 11 3 71 2 17 14 35 3 3 1 2 21 21 67 67 44 45 12 24 10 20 Roth Sexes. 355 63 62 31 87 112 103 18 85 238 86 31 21 16 17 67 84 12 22 11 8 8 23 331 62 24 34 53 29 28 66 25 IC 39 11 13 185 113 72 810 59 149 80 71 126 325 650 650 678 584 94 208 39 27 54 45 19 24 Ireland. M. F. Both Sexes. 99 28 127 8 _ 8 16 8 24 17 9 26 6 - 6 52 11 63 39 2 _ 41 21 1 22 11 _ 11 2 _ 2 2 1 3 2 _ 2 1 - 1 19 1 20 1 _ 1 5 _ 5 _ 1 1 2 _ 2 3 _ 3 8 - 8 32 10 42 3 _ 3 6 - 6 9 _ 9 5 _ 5 1 3 4 2 1 3 - 4 4 1 _ 1 5 2 7 14 - 14 11 - 11 3 - 3 69 _ 69 50 _ 50 19 - 19 384 _ 384 21 . 21 48 _ 48 4 _ 4 14 _ 14 139 _ 139 168 - 158 207 1 208 207 1 208 142 13 155 124 1 125 18 12 30 31 9 40 _ 9 9 15 _ 15 9 _ 9 7 - 7 — — — Gekmant. M. F. 11 1 10 22 16 6 13 1 2 1 Both Sexes. PEIXCIPAL OCCUPATIOXS. 363 PRIXCIPAL OCCUPATIONS. COUNTY OF NORFOLK — Continued. SEX A>T) NATIVITIES. Great Britain. SCAKDINAVIA. British America. Other Countries. Aggregates. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both 1 Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. 61 9 70 1 1 2 43 8 51 , 3 1 4 489 131 620 7 - 7 1 - 1 28 - 28 - - - 107 _ 107 11 6 17 - 1 1 2 4 6 - 1 1 59 52 111 - - - - - - 1 3 4 - - - 40 21 61 7 ~ 7 - - - 5 - 5 1 - 1 107 _ 107 36 3 39 - - - 7 1 8 2 - 2 176 58 234 . _ _ _ . . 1 _ 1 _ _ 80 24 104 - - - - - - 1 - 1 - - - 19 _ 19 - - - - - - - - - - - - 61 24 85 5 _ 5 5 _ 5 15 _ 15 1 _ 1 250 55 305 2 - 2 - - - 5 - 5 - - - 110 5 115 1 - 1 - - - 2 - 2 - - - 45 _ 45 - - - - - - 7 - 7 - - - 30 _ 30 2 - 2 5 - 5 1 - 1 1 - 1 23 5 28 - - - - - - - - - - - - 10 9 19 - - - - - - - - - - - - 32 36 68 4 1 5 - - - 14 1 15 - - - 107 13 33 18 125 1 Q 1 _ 1 _ _ _ 5 _ 6 _ _ _ I 16 33 _ 1 1 - - - - 1 1 - - - _ 15 15 - - - - - - 2 - 2 - - - 9 3 12 1 _ 1 _ _ - 1 - 1 - _ _ 13 13 2 - 2 - - - 6 - 6 - - - 39 - 39 192 20 212 _ _ _ 20 2 22 3 _ 3 509 104 613 1 - 1 - _ - 1 - 1 2 - 2 68 2 70 5 - 5 - - - 1 - 1 - - - 36 _ 36 5 _ 5 - _ - 2 - 2 _ _ _ 50 _ 50 7 _ 7 _ - _ 13 - 13 - _ _ 78 _ 78 4 6 10 - - — - - _ - _ _ 17 26 43 3 3 6 - - - - - - - - - 19 18 37 152 9 161 - - - 3 2 5 1 - 1 188 51 239 7 — 7 — — -~ — — - — — - 33 _ 33 8 2 10 - - - - - - - - 20 7 27 1 _ 1 1 _ 1 4 _ 4 2 1 3 63 7 70 - - - - - 1 - 1 - - - 12 12 1 - 1 1 - 1 1 - 1 2 1 3 28 2 30 - - - _ - - 2 - 2 - - - 10 _ 10 - - - - - - - - - - - - 13 5 18 9 _ 9 1 _ 1 16 _ 16 1 _ 1 303 _ 303 7 _ 7 1 - 1 5 - 5 _ _ _ 192 _ 192 2 - 2 - - - 11 - 11 1 - 1 111 - 111 173 _ 173 15 _ 15 122 » — 122 47 _ 47 1,543 21 1,.564 1 - 1 1 - 1 5 - 5 - - - 88 _ 88 6 - 6 - - - 7 - 7 - - 191 21 212 9 _ 9 - - - 20 - 20 3 _ 3 117 117 8 _ 8 - - - - - - 5 _ 5 98 _ 98 6 - 6 4 - 4 37 - 37 1 - 1 313 _ 313 143 - 143 10 - 10 53 - 53 38 - 38 736 - 736 4 _ 4 _ _ _ 9 _ 9 1 _ 1 805 68 873 4 - 4 - - - 9 - 9 1 - 1 805 68 873 13 _ 13 . _ _ 1 _ 1 _ _ _ 746 102 848 2 - 2 - - - 1 - 1 - - - 668 45 713 H - 11 - - - - - - - - - 78 57 135 4 1 5 _ _ _ 3 _ 3 1 _ 1 182 76 258 1 - 1 - - - - - - - - _ 40 _ 40 1 . 1 2 - - - 1 - 1 - - _ 17 22 39 - - - - - - 1 - 1 - - _ 46 24 70 - - - - - - 1 - 1 1 - 1 46 10 56 2 - 2 - - - - - - - - - 29 _ 29 ~ — ' ~* — ~* "■ ^ ~" ~" ~ 4 20 24 364 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1S80. PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIOXS. COUNTY OF NORFOLK — Concluded. SEX AND NATIVITIES Cities, Towns, and Occupations. United States. Ireland. Germany. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both ' Sexes. ! M. F. Both Sexes. Town of Wetjiouth, Shoe and boot factory operatives, . Iron furnace operatives, . Town of Wrentham, Jewellers (so specified), . Straw worker* 1,550 1,512 38 218 197 21 191 191 60 21 39 1,741 1,703 38 278 218 60 248 180 68 9 9 1 1 2 2 249 181 68 11 : 9 1 2 1 28 28 28 28 COUNTY OF PLYxMOUTH. Town of .\bington, . Shoe and boot factory operatives, Town of Bridgewater, . Shoe and boot factory operatives, Carpenters Machinists, ..... Iron furnace operatives, . Iron foundry operatives, . Rolling mill operatives, Town of Brockton, . Shoe and boot factory operatives. Shoemakers, .... Town of East Bhidoewater, . Shoe and boot factory operatives. Mill machinery makers, . Iron foundry operatives, . Rolling mill operatives. Nail makers, .... Brick and tile makers, Town of IIingham, . Shoemakers Shoe and boot factory operatives. Carpenters, Rope and cordage makers, Woollen mill operatives, . Town of Kingston, . Carpenters Dressmakers Rope and cordage makers, Nail makers Iron foundry operatives, . Town of Middleborocgh, Shoe and boot factory operatives. Carpenters, Needle makers Woollen mill operatives, . Straw workers Town of Pltmoitth, . Shoe and boot factory operatives. Cotton mill operatives, Rope and cordage makers. Iron foundry operatives, . Nail makers, .... Woollen mill operatives, . Town of Rockland, . Shoe and boot factory operatives. Town of South Abington, Shoe and boot factory operatives. Nail makers 588 588 227 '64 36 38 11 38 40 1,803 1,725 170 352 251 U 25 283 49 119 59 50 6 106 34 15 40 17 395 239 66 35 32 23 600 241 50 128 45 92 44 763 763 547 417 130 105 105 15 15 4fil 461 18 17 1 34 5 2 27 26 82 47 12 14 9 100 32 14 13 133 133 85 48 37 693 693 242 79 36 38 11 38 40 2,.354 2,184 170 370 268 25 25 8 42 2 317 49 124 59 52 33 132 34 25 15 41 17 477 286 66 47 46 32 700 273 86 133 45 106 57 896 896 632 465 167 100 100 77 1 4 13 22 37 262 197 65 36 1 3 5 25 2 22 3 3 16 20 4 1 1 13 1 54 14 1 14 17 177 177 66 52 14 16 16 105 105 1 4 13 22 37 27S 213 6.3 38 2 3 5 25 2 i 25 3 3 16 3 23 4 1 1 16 1 57 16 1 14 17 178 178 71 56 15 11 7 4 10 1 62 62 11 7 4 11 1 10 62 62 PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS. 365 PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS. COUNTY OF NORFOLK — Concluded. SEX AND NATIVITIES. Great Britain. Scandinavia. British Asierica. Other Countries. Aggregates. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. 1 M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both • Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. 11 9 2 15 15 1 1 11 9 2 16 16 14 14 - . 14 14 49 44 5 6 6 - 49 44 5 6 6 11 11 6 5 - 11 11 5 5 1,883 1,756 127 281 260 21 192 192 63 22 41 2,075 1,948 127 344 282 62 COUNTY OF PLYMOUTH. _ 2 1 3 15 _ 15 1 _ 1 706 112 818 - - - 2 1 3 15 - 15 1 - 1 706 112 818 17 _ 17 _ _ _ 6 _ 6 i 1 _ 1 329 15 344 ji _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - 64 15 79 2 _ 2 _ _ _ 1 - 1 _ — - 40 - 40 9 _ 9 _ _ _ 1 - 1 1 _ _ - 52 - 52 8 _ 3 _ « _ _ - . 1 1 _ 1 28 - 28 2 _ 2 _ _ _ 3 - 3 _ _ _ 66 - 66 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1 - - - 79 - 79 22 3 25 127 10 137 45 14 59 2 _ 2 2,362 504 2,866 20 3 23 119 10 129 40 14 54 2 _ 2 2,108 504 2,612 2 - 2 8 8 5 - 5 - - - 254 - 254 4 1 5 1 _ 1 72 _ 72 4 _ 4 470 21 491 _ 1 1 1 _ 1 1 _ 1 _ _ _ 254 19 273 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 _ 2 29 1 30 2 _ 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 32 - 32 _ . _ _ _ _ 1 _ 1 _ _ _ 34 - 34 2 _ 2 _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 47 - 47 - - - - - 70 - 70 2 - 2 74 1 75 9 _ 9 1 _ 1 3 _ 3 3 3 323 37 360 1 ~ 1 1 ~ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ 51 - 51 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ 1 125 5 130 1 _ 1 - _ - 2 _ 2 1 _ 1 66 - 66 4 _ 4 _ . , _ _ _ 1 _ 1 71 2 73 3 - 3 - - - 1 - 1 - - 10 30 40 2 _ 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ li- 26 143 1 — 1 _ - - _ - _ - _ - as - 35 ^ _ _ _ _ ^ _ _ _ _ - _ _ 25 25 1 _ 1 - _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ _ 24 _ 24 - - - - - - - - - - - 41 1 42 - - - - - - - - - - - - 17 - 17 8 4 12 1 _ 1 3 2 5 _ _ _ 437 92 529 _ _ _ 1 _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ ^ 245 47 292 _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 _ 2 _ _ _ 69 - 69 1 1 2 _ _ _ i _ 1 _ _ _ 38 13 51 7 3 10 _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ — 61 21 82 - - - - - 2 2 - - - 24 11 35 67 21 88 2 _ 2 21 11 32 20 — 20 826 135 961 _ _ _ - _ _ 7 2 9 _ _ 262 36 2y8 26 19 45 _ _ _ _ 3 3 _ . _ 77 58 135 13 _ 13 _ _ _ 6 _ 6 18 _ 18 241 5 246 6 _ 6 1 _ 1 4 _ 4 2 _ 2 75 - 75 2 _ 2 _ _ _ 1 _ 1 _ _ - 95 14 109 20 2 22 1 - 1 3 6 9 - - - 76 22 98 15 1 16 _ _ _ 9 _ 9 _ _ _ 964 135 1,099 15 1 16 - - - 9 - 9 - - - 964 135 1,099 _ _ _ ^ _ 4 1 5 1 _ 1 618 91 709 _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 1 5 _ _ _ 473 53 526 - - - - - - - - - 1 - 1 145 38 183 366 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS 1880. PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS. COUNTY OF PLYMOUTH — Concluded. SEX AND NATIVITIES. CiTiKS, Towns, and Occupations. United Statks. Ikeland. Gerjiant. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. Town of South Scituate, Shoemakers, Shoe and boot factory operatives, . Towx OF Wakeha.m Iron foundry operatives, . Nail makerw, Rolling mill operatives, ToMN OF West Bridgewater, Shoe and boot factory operatives, . 157 41 116 217 41 115 61 146 146 11 11 14 14 168 41 127 217 41 115 61 160 160 1 1 91 33 1 57 21 21 2 2 1 1 91 33 ! 1 ; 57 ! 23' 23 ~ - - COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. CiTv OF Boston, Bakers, Bookbinders, Shoemakers, Shoe and boot factory operatives, Box factory operatives. Carpenters, . Masons, Painters, Plasterers, . Plumbers and gas-fitters, Carpet makers, Dre..ismakers, Milliners, Tailors, Mill and factory operatives, Kope and cordage makers. Confectioners, Cabinet makers, . I'pholsterers, Harness makers. Tanners and curriers, Machinists, .... Steam boiler makers, Blacksniilhs, Brass founders and workers. Iron foundry operatives, . Tinners, .... Pianoforte makers. Printers, .... Marble and stone cutters, . Cigar makers, Sliip caipenters, . Coopers, .... Wood turners and carvers. City of Chelsea, Carpenters, . Painters, Tailors, Dressmakers, Cabinet makers, . Tiinners and curriers. Machinists, . Iron foundry operatives, Printers, Kubber factory operatives. 15,032 7,703 1 22,7.35 5,587 1,311 6,898 1,.307 113 .3.-8 52 390 135 11 146 160 1 •2-JO 270 490 29 9 38 13 2 3-J() 32 352 365 12 377 11 _ 241 146 387 48 13 61 8 1 88 223 311 5 14 19 5 - 2,032 - 2,032 597 3 600 71 - 668 - 668 449 5 454 28 2 1,63:2 4 1,636 322 1 323 75 - 122 - 122 1 161 - 151 2 - 636 1 637 l.J4 - 1.54 3 - 59 231 290 34 40 74 4 _ 19 3,811 3,830 1 588 589 1 61 28 592 620 4 42 46 1 . 3 585 1,798 2,383 733 498 1,231 202 30 i.-u 123 257 18 18 36 3 1 140 42 182 58 10 68 20 _ 171 48 219 17 15 32 59 1 811 5 816 12.=) 2 127 160 1 389 38 427 64 4 68 24 2 16-2 4 166 81 3 84 6 _ 257 1 258 265 _ 265 55 4 I, .501 3 1,.504 201 1 202 71 - 117 - 117 138 - 138 2 - 488 _ 488 476 4 480 52 - 231 5 236 54 1 55 38 _ 436 2 438 218 - 218 20 - 295 16 311 64 4 68 12 - 338 8 346 44 _ 44 24 _ 1,429 204 1,633 178 13 191 16 1 320 1 321 345 - 345 10 - 136 40 176 20 _ 20 83 2 220 _ 220 22 _ 22 2 - 177 177 130 - 130 44 - 292 3 295 42 - 42 22 1 803 418 1,221 114 21 135 13 1 204 - 204 11 4 15 - - 134 _ 134 6 - 6 - 45 67 112 9 3 12 - 1 227 228 _ 7 7 1 74 _ 74 1 _ 1 - 33 1 34 36 - 36 - 100 - 100 2 - 2 - 78 _ 78 11 1 12 _ 81 21 102 3 - 3 - - 53 102 155 35 6 41 2 1,420 161 15 11 9- 5 71 30 75 2 3 4 62 4 232 4 2C 60 161 26 6 59 71 2 52 38 20 12 24 17 10 85 2 44 23 14 1 1 1 1 PRIXCIPxiL OCCUPATIOXS. 367 PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS. COUNTY OF PLYMOUTH — Concluded. SEX AND XATIVITIES. Grkat Bmtain. Scandinavia British America. Other Countries. Aggregates. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. 3 3 2 2 - 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; 2 i 2 2 3 1 2 3 3 3 1 2 3 3 12 1 11 - 12 1 11 159 42 117 327 77 116 134 173 173 11 11 17 17 170 42 128 327 77 116 134 190 190 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. 1,936 449 2,385 332 40 372 3,022 1,402 4,424 718 163 881 27,934 11,181 39,115 96 5 101 1 1 2 52 5 57 38 - 38 820 75 895 18 8 26 4 _ 4 9 14 23 1 2 3 294 305 .599 72 2 74 20 - 20 111 12 123 32 _ 32 931 58 989 8 2 10 - - - 36 19 55 6 _ 6 347 181 528 4 3 7 2 - 2 3 3 6 _ 1 1 107 244 .351 261 _ 261 28 - 28 947 3 950 70 - 70 4,006 6 4,012 68 - 68 4 - 4 63 6 69 13 - 13 1,293 13 1,306 16.i 1 166 38 _ 38 240 2 242 51 _ 51 2,523 8 2,. 531 27 _ 27 _ - - 37 _ 37 3 _ 3 342 _ .342 65 - 65 2 - 2 59 - 59 3 _ 3 922 1 923 33 29 62 2 5 7 5 12 17 _ _ _ 137 317 454 3 224 227 _ 19 19 9 758 767 9 50 59 42 5,.511 5,. 553 - 22 22 - ~ _ 5 52 57 1 5 6 39 716 755 143 112 255 32 13 45 95 465 560 135 97 232 1,925 3,013 4,938 9 5 14 - - _ 2 14 16 3 _ 3 169 101 330 24 8 32 - - - 12 - 12 19 5 24 273 65 338 10 2 12 1 1 2 15 1 16 14 _ 14 287 68 355 105 1 103 53 - 53 157 _ 157 79 1 80 1,490 10 1,.500 27 1 28 14 1 15 27 5 ^2 5 - - 550 51 601 27 2 29 4 - 4 59 1 60 2 _ 2 341 10 351 24 1 25 1 _ 1 41 _ 41 25 _ 25 668 6 674 194 _ 194 34 - 34 116 3 119 23 - 23 2,140 7 2,147 37 _ 37 1 - 1 33 _ 33 5 _ 5 333 _ 333 87 - 87 14 - 14 211 - 211 6 - 6 1,.334 4 1,338 31 - 31 3 - 3 19 - 19 9 - 9 385 6 391 56 - 56 5 - 5 75 - 75 18 - 18 828 2 830 40 8 48 12 _ 12 44 14 58 rr 1 _ 7 474 42 516 18 - 18 20 - 20 52 1 53 13 _ 13 509 9 .518 101 10 111 15 _ 15 167 7 174 18 _ 18 1,924 235 2,1.59 69 - 59 4 - 4 52 1 S3 31 _ 31 821 2 823 42 2 44 7 - 7 16 2 18 51 1 52 355 47 402 24 - 24 2 _ 2 128 _ 128 4 _ 4 402 402 35 1 36 4 _ 4 77 2 79 9 1 10 476 4 480 23 — 23 5 - 5 48 - 48 15 - 15 447 4 451 100 46 146 14 3 17 125 51 176 10 2 12 1,179 542 1,721 10 - 10 2 _ 2 74 _ 74 _ _ _ 301 4 305 5 - 5 1 - 1 12 - 12 1 _ 1 160 _ 160 11 3 14 4 2 6 1 11 12 3 _ 3 74 86 160 - 20 20 - 1 1 _ 38 38 1 1 2 2 295 297 6 - 6 2 _ 2 13 _ 13 _ — ^ 97 _ 97 2 - 2 - - - 8 _ 8 _ _ _ 79 1 80 13 - 13 - - - 6 _ 6 4 _ 4 126 _ 126 5 - 5 4 _ 4 4 _ 4 _ _ _ 109 1 110 11 1 12 - _ _ 5 _ 5 — _ _ 100 22 122 37 22 59 1 1 2 2 4 1 1 2 131 133 264 368 CEXSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS. COUNTY OF WOPtCESTER. SEX AND NATIVITIES. Cities, Towns, and United States. Ireland. Germany. OCCCPATIOSS. M. F. Roth Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. Town of Ashburnham, . 109 12 121 5 1 6 _ _ _ Cabinet makers 97 12 109 3 1 4 - - - Morocco dressers 12 - 12 2 - 2 - - - Town of Athol 33.5 132 467 27 6 33 1 _ 1 (shoe and boot factory operallvee, . 186 58 244 9 3 12 - - - Carpenters 34 - 34 _ - - - - - Painters , 25 _ 25 _ _ _ - - - Dressmakers, _ 36 36 _ _ _ - - - Cotton mill operatives, 1:5 25 38 5 1 6 - - - Cabinet makers, 22 _ 22 _ _ _ _ _ - Macliinists, 30 - 30 _ _ _ _ _ - Iron foundry operatives, . l.i - 15 6 - 6 - - - Woollen mill operatives, . 10 13 23 7 2 9 1 - 1 Town of Bauue 63 16 79 5 _ 5 _ _ _ Hat and cap makers 33 4 37 4 _ 4 - - - Cotton mill operatives. 17 12 29 1 _ 1 _ - - Woollen mill operatives, . 13 - 13 - - - - - - Town of I5lackstone, 3S9 366 755 306 146 452 _ _ _ Cotton mill operatives. 122 144 266 70 84 154 _ _ - Mill and factory operatives, 31 1 32 43 4 47 - - - Woollen mill operatives, . 236 221 457 j 193 58 251 - - - Town of Brookfield, 22 -i 41 269 ! 45 2 47 1 _ 1 Shoe and boot factory operatives, . 209 21 230 37 2 39 _ - - Woollen mill operatives, . 19 20 39 8 - 8 1 - 1 Town of Clinton 578 654 1,132 291 437 728 157 84 241 Carpet makers, 97 198 295 62 162 224 3 - 3 Cotton mill operatives. 243 254 497 179 253 432 145 84 229 Machinists 81 - 81 14 _ 14 - - - Wire makers and workers. 54 48 102 5 6 11 2 _ 2 Woollen mill operatives, . 41 49 90 16 16 32 6 _ 6 Comb makers 62 5 67 15 15 1 - 1 Town of Doi'glas 121 8 129 10 _ 10 1 _ 1 Tool and cutlery makers, . 109 - 109 10 _ 10 1 - 1 Woollen mill operatives, . 12 8 20 - - - - - - Town of Dcdlet, .... 136 109 245 85 34 119 22 6 28 Shoe and boot factory operatives, . 25 1 26 8 - 8 5 2 7 Linen mill operatives, 47 62 109 37 26 63 1 1 2 Woollen mill operatives, . 64 46 110 40 8 48 16 3 19 City of Fitchbcrg 978 375 1,353 216 61 277 8 _ 8 Carpenters 128 _ 128 _ _ _ 1 - 1 Masons 40 _ 40 11 _ 11 - - - Painters 82 _ 82 10 _ 10 3 _ 3 Dressmakers, - 102 102 _ 1 1 - - - Mill and factory operatives. 31 79 110 7 13 20 - - - Cotton mill operatives, 24 80 104 2 11 13 - - - Cabinet makers 181 14 195 16 ~ 16 2 _ 2 Machinists, 283 _ 283 40 40 1 - 1 Iron foundry operatives, . 57 _ 57 18 _ 18 - ~ - Paper mill oi>eratives, 47 20 67 54 9 63 - - Woollen mill operatives, . 105 80 185 58 27 85 1 - 1 Town of Grafton 292 93 385 32 8 40 _ _ _ Shoemakers, 38 _ 38 4 _ 4 _ _ - Shoe and boot factory operatives, . 141 11 1.52 11 _ 11 _ - - Cotton mill operatives, 113 82 195 17 8 25 - - - Town of Gar oner, .... 6.36 147 783 57 10 67 1 _ 1 Cabinet makers, 534 32 566 3.5 1 36 _ _ _ Kattan workers 102 115 217 22 9 31 1 - 1 Town of Holden, .... 160 100 260 39 19 58 9 _ 9 Cotton mill operatives. 35 19 54 4 3 7 - - - Woollen mill operatives, . 125 81 206 35 16 51 9 ~ 9 PRIXCTPAL OCCUPATIOXS. 369 PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS. COUNTY OF WORCESTER. SEX AND NATIVITIES. Great Bmtajn. Scandinavia. British Ajierica. Other CocxTRiEs. Aggregates. M. F. Both Sexes. jr. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F, Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. 3 _ 3 _ _ _ 3 9 12 _ _ _ 120 22 142 2 - 2 - - _ 1 9 10 _ _ _ 103 22 125 1 - 1 - - - 2 - 2 - - - 17 - 17 6 2 8 1 1 2 14 8 22 _ _ _ 384 149 533 - - _ - 1 1 9 4 13 - - - 204 66 270 ^- - - - - - 1 _ 1 - - - 35 - 35 '- - _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ 25 _ 25 - - _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 36 36 - 1 1 - - - 2 1 3 _ _ _ 20 28 48 - _ _ _ — - _ _ . _ _ 22 _ 22 - - _ _ _ _ 2 ^ 2 _ _ _ 32 _ 32 2 - 2 1 _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ 24 _ 24 4 1 5 - - - - 3 3 - - - 22 19 41 9 _ 9 _ _ _ 27 12 39 _ _ _ 104 28 132 2 - 2 - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 39 4 43 3 - 3 - _ - 21 12 33 _ _ _ 42 24 66 4 - 4 - - - 6 - 6 - - - 23 - 23 58 24 82 _ _ _ 86 64 150 1 _ 1 840 600 1,440 16 12 28 - _ _ 71 55 126 _ _ _ 279 295 574 3 - 3 - _ _ 2 2 4 _ _ _ 79 7 86 39 12 51 -■ - - 13 7 20 1 - 1 482 298 780 4 _ 4 _ _ _ 66 15 81 1 _ 1 345 58 403 3 - 3 - _ _ 58 "■ 58 1 _ 1 308 •a 331 1 - 1 - - - 8 15 23 - - 37 35 72 121 98 219 1 4 5 27 43 70 4 4 1,179 1,220 2,399 26 20 46 - _ _ 5 25 30 1 1 194 405 599 88 66 154 1 4 5 12 6 18 2 _ 2 670 667 1,337 3 - 3 _ _ _ 5 _ 5 _ _ 103 _ 103 2 3 5 _ _ _ 5 7 12 _ _ _ 68 64 132 2 8 10 _ -, . _ 5 5 _ _ - 65 78 143 — 1 1 - - - - - - 1 - 1 79 6 85 3 _ 3 1 _ 126 3 129 _ _ 262 11 273 3 - 3 1 - 119 _ 119 _ _ _ 24:3 - 243 — - - - - 7 3 10 - ~ - 19 11 30 10 6 16 1 _ 140 94 234 8 3 11 402 252 654 1 - 1 - 15 1 16 — _ _ 54 4 58 5 6 11 1 - 59 63 122 4 1 5 154 159 313 4 - 4 - - 66 30 96 4 2 6 194 89 283 105 12 117 I _ 128 34 162 3 ._ 3 1,439 482 1,921 3 - 3 - _ _ 14 - 14 1 _ 1 147 _ 147 - - _ - _ - 3 - 3 _ _ - 54 _ 54 1 - 1 _ _ _ 11 _ 11 _ _ _ 107 _ 107 - 1 1 _ _ - _ 5 5 _ _ « _ 109 109 11 2 13 _ _ - 6 10 16 _ _ _ 55 104 159 - 4 4 _ ■ _ _ 4 13 17 _ _ _ 30 108 138 5 - 5 _ _ _ 41 _ 41 _ _ _ 245 14 2.59 20 - 20 _ - _ 15 _ 15 2 - 2 361 - 361 4 - 4 _ _ _ 8 « 8 _ _ _ 87 _ 87 34 - 34 _ _ _ 1 _ 1 _ _ 136 29 165 27 5 32 1 1 - 1 25 6 31 - - - 217 118 335 7 4 11 _ _ _ 102 57 159 _ _ 433 162 595 - - _ _ _ _ 8 _ 8 _ _ _ 50 _ 50 2 - 2 _ _ _ 16 1 17 _ _ _ 170 12 182 5 4 9 - - - 78 56 134 - - - 213 150 363 4 4 8 2 _ 2 104 4 108 1 _ 1 805 165 970 3 - 3 1 _ 1 76 2 78 1 _ 1 , 650 35 685 1 4 5 1 - M 28 2 30 - - - 155 130 285 32 8 40 _ _ _ 86 59 145 2 ' 2 328 186 514 16 4 20 1 _ - _ 21 16 37 _ _ _- 76 42 118 16 4 20 ! — - - 65 43 108 2 - 2 252 144 396 370 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIOXS. COUNTY OF WORCESTER — Continued. SEX AND NATIVITIES. Cities, Towns, am> United States. Ireland. Gerjiant. Occupations. M. r. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Se.\es. M. F. Both Sexes. Town of Leicester Shoe and boot factory operatives, . Woollen mill operatives, . 175 34 141 89 89 264 34 230 94 2 92 41 41 135 2 133 1 1 - 1 1 To^vx OP Leominster, Painters, Carriage makers, .... Cabinet makers, Tanners and curriers, Pianoforte makers, .... Paper mill operatives. Button factory operatives. Comb makers 656 53 53 88 34 58 27 58 285 131 17 3 4 45 62 787 53 70 91 34 58 31 103 347 108 7 4 2 23 28 1 43 6 1 2 3 114 7 4 2 23 29 3 46 2 2 - 2 2 Town of, .... t^hoe and boot factory operatives, . Shoemakers, Straw workers 1,052 969 40 43 226 115 111 1,278 1,084 40 154 509 482 26 1 21 14 1 6 530 490 27 7 1 1 - 1 1 Town of Millrirv, .... Shoe and boot factory operatives, . Cotton mill operatives, Weavers, Woollen mill operatives, . 289 29 57 20 183 214 51 70 93 603 29 108 90 276 86 3 7 7 69 52 7 15 30 138 3 14 22 99 19 2 17 4 1 3 23 3 20 Town of Northbridge, . Cotton mill operatives, M.ichinistx, ...... Iron foundry operatives, . 358 90 242 '26 121 121 479 211 242 26 166 23 112 31 63 63 229 86 112 31 3 3 - 3 3 Town of North Brookfield, .Shoe and boot factory operatives, . Corset makers, 550 532 18 204 83 121 754 615 139 138 135 3 27 10 17 165 145 20 ~ ~ ~ Town of Oxford, .... Shoe and boot factory operatives, . Mill and factory operatives, 191 148 43 68 25 43 259 173 86 36 1 35 7 1 6 43 2 41 3 3 — 3 3 Town of Shrewsbury, Shoe and boot factory operatives, . Tanners and curriers, 57 32 25 1 1 58 33 25 12 1 11 : 12 1 11 — — — Town of Southborovgh, . Shoe and boot factory operatives, . Woollen mill operatives, . 130 29 101 89 58 31 219 87 132 23 7 16 8 2 6 31 9 22 - - - Town of Southbridge, . Cotton mill operatives, Optical instrument makers. Woollen mill operatives, . 321 129 95 97 216 109 1 106 537 238 96 203 110 59 5 46 62 22 40 172 81 5 86 5 1 1 3 1 1 6 1 1 4 Town op Spencer •Shoe and boot factory operatives, . Wire makers and workers. Woollen mill operatives, . 734 646 38 40 169 114 2 53 893 760 40 93 159 135 7 17 20 5- 15 179 140 7 32 5 1 4 - 5 1 4 Town of Sturbridge, Tool and cutlery makers, . Cotton mill operatives, 89 41 48 46 46 135 41 94 5 1 4 10 10 15 1 14 : - - Town of Sutton, .... Cotton mill operatives, Machinl^ts, 137 113 24 96 96 233 209 24 9 8 1 9 9 18 17 1 - - „ Town of Templeton, Cabinet makers, 275 214 61 31 31 306 214 92 25 1 24 2 2 27 1 26 2 2 _ 2- 2 Town of Upton Shoemakers, Straw workers 216 63 153 196 196 412 63 349 14 9 5 4 4 18 9 9 1 1 - 1 1 PEES^CIPAL OCCUPATIONS. 371 PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS. COUNTY OF WORCESTER — Continued. SEX AXD 5fATI\TnES. Great Britain. SCAXDINAVIA. British America. Other C'ocntries. Aggregates. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both .>>exes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. J, Both j Sexes. i> 20 25 _ _ _ 20 _ 20 1 - 1 296 150 446 1 - 1 _ _ - 20 _ 20 1 _ 1 58 _ 58 4 20 24 - - - - - - - - - 238 150 388 22 _ 22 . _ 27 3 30 1 2 3 816 142 958 1 - 1 _ _ - 1 _ 1 _ - - 62 _ 62 - - - - _ - • 4 _ 4 - - - 61 17 78 _ _ _ _ _ — ■1 _ 1 - _ _ 91 3 94 2 _ 2 _ _ _ 7 _ 7 - _ - 66 _ 66 - _ - _ _ _ 2 _ 2 - _ _ 60 _ 60 - - _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ - 55 5 60 2 - 2 - _ - 2 3 5 _ _ _ 63 50 113 17 - 17 - - - 10 - 10 1 2 3 358 67 425 16 2 18 _ _ 37 3 40 1 _ 1 1,616 252 1,868 16 1 17 - - - 29 1 30 1 - 1 1,498 131 1,629 - - - - _ - 8 _ 8 - _ _ 74 1 75 - 1 1 - - - - 2 2 - - - 44 120 164 40 23 63 2 3 5 171 88 259 7 2 9 614 386 1,000 - _ - _ - _ 15 - 15 1 _ 1 48 _ 48 10 3 13 _ 3 3 48 30 78 1 _ 1 123 94 217 2 2 4 - _ - 24 25 49 _ _ _ 55 113 168 28 18 46 2 - 2 84 33 117 5 2 7 388 179 567 67 8 75 _ _ _ 138 97 235 3 _ 3 735 289 1,024 12 8 20 _ _ _ 109 97 206 _ _ - 234 289 523 47 - 47 - _ _ 27 - 27 3 _ 3 434 - 434 8 - 8 - - - 2 - 2 - - - 67 - 67 4 _ 4 _ _ _ 146 47 193 1 _ 1 839 278 1,117 3 - 3 - - - 141 22 163 1 - 1 812 115 927 1 - 1 - - - 5 25 30 - - - 27 163 190 5 3 8 _ _ _ 47 5 52 _ _ _ 282 83 365 1 _ 1 _ _ _ 23 2 25 _ _ _ 173 28 201 4 3 7 - - - 24 3 27 - - - 109 55 164 _ _ _ _ _ _ 11 _ 11 _ _ _ 80 1 81 - - - - _ - 1 _ 1 _ _ _ 34 1 35 - - - - - - 10 - 10 - - - 46 - 46 1 2 3 _ _ _ • 38 20 58 _ 1 193 119 312 - 1 1 - - - 4 10 14 _ _ 40 71 111 1 1 2 - - - 34 10 44 - 1 153 48 201 34 14 48 — _ _ 296 278 574 _ 1 767 571 1,338 24 4 28 - - - 181 185 366 - _ 394 320 714 3 - 3 _ - - 32 4 36 _ _ 136 5 141 7 10 17 - - - 83 89 172 - 1 237 246 483 36 1 37 _ _ _ 118 64 182 _ 2 1,044 254 1,298 17 - 17 - - - 57 44 101 - 1 857 163 1,020 11 - 11 - _ - 22 _ 22 "* _ _ 78 2 80 8 1 9 ■- - - 39 20 59 -. - 1 109 89 198 22' 4 26 _ _ _ 57 33 90 _ _ _ 173 93 266 1 - 1 _ - - 5 _ 5 - _ _ 48 - 48 21 4 25 - - - 52 33 85 - - - 125 93 218 17 4 21 _ _ _ 197 199 396 _ _ _ 360 308 668 16 4 20 _ _ - 193 199 392 ~ _ _ 330 308 638 1 - 1 - - - 4 - 4 - - 30 -• 30 4 _ 4 _ _ _ 18 4 22 1 _ 1 325 37 362 - - - - - - 7 - 7 1 - 1 225 - 225 4 - 4 - - - 11 4 15 - - - 100 37 137 12 10 22 _ _ _ 3 4 7 1 1 2 247 215 462 3 - "z - - _ 1 — 1 _ _ _ 76 — 76 9 10 19 ~ — — 2 4 6 1 1 2 171 215 386 372 CEXSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS ISSO. PRIXCIPAL OCCUPATIONS. COUNTY OF WORCESTER - Concluded. Cities, Towns, and Occupations. Town of Uxbridge, . Cotton mill operatives, Woollen mill operatives, . Town or Warren, Cotton mill operatives. Woollen mill operatives, . Town of Webster, . Cotton mill operatives, Woollen mill operatives, . Town of Westborougii, . Shoe and boot factory operatives, Straw workers Town of West Boyi.ston, Shoe and boot factory operatives, Cotton mill operatives, Town of West Brookfiei.d, . Shoe and boot factory operatives, Corset makers, .... Town of Winchendon, Cotton mill operatives. Cabinet makers, . Machinists, . Coopers, City of Worcester, . Shoe and boot factory operatives, Painters, Carpenters, Dressmakers, .... Hoop-skirt makers, . Mill and factory operatives. Machinists, Blacksmiths, .... Wire makers and workers. Iron foundry operatives, . Organ makers, .... Woollen mill operatives, . .SEX AND XATIVITIES. United States. M. 2Z^ 42 189 185 119 60 214 104 110 .508 246 262 217 V2b 92 194 148 46 283 37 28 59 159 4,201 1,074 2.59 474 26 78 9.33 97 593 248 213 206 F. 166 30 136 179 114 65 166 87 79 439 194 245 111 2 109 111 2 109 35 27 3 1,404 411 1 443 275 61 37 8 168 Both ■Sexes. 397 72 325 364 233 131 380 191 189 947 440 607 328 127 201 305 150 155 318 64 31 59 164 5,605 1,485 259 475 443 301 139 933 97 630 248 221 374 Ireland. M. F. Roth Sexes. 93 35 5 9 88 26 41 23 26 20 15 3 91 36 26 15 65 21 77 3 26 1 51 2 21 10 8 _ 13 10 33 10 31 5 2 5 12 12 8 9 _ 3 2 _ 2 - 1,486 172 384 79 49 _ 83 _ _ 31 1 5 26 4 149 _ 86 . 446 5 152 - 3 - 107 48 128 14 114 64 46 18 127 41 86 80 27 63 31 8 23 43 36 7 24 17 3 2 2 1,6.58 463 . 49 83 31 6 30 149 86 451 152 3 155 Gekmany. M. 6 3 2 72 5 67 5 3 2 57 3 1 7 3 14 4 13 1 3 8 Both Sexes. 15 2 13 6 3 2 87 7 80 6 3 2 61 3 1 7 3 3 14 4 13 1 3 9 PEIXCIPAL OCCUPATIOXS. 373 PRIXCTPAL OCCUPATIOXS. COUNTY OF WOECESTER - Concluded. SEX AXI) NATIVITIES. ! Great Britain. SCASDINAVIA. British America. 1 Other Countries. Aggregates. M. F. Both M. F. Roth M. F. Both M. F. Both M. F. Both Sexes. Sexes. Sexes. Sexes. .Sexes. 12 4 16 41 29 70 1 1 2 379 235 614 5 1 6 _ _ _ 23 20 43 - - _ 75 60 135 7 3 10 - - - 18 9 27 1 1 2 304 175 479 32 16 48 _ 1 1 98 60 158 _ _ _ 361 279 640 22 14 36 _ 1 1 88 57 145 _ _ - 258 206 464 10 2 12 - - - 10 3 13 - - - 103 73 176 39 7 46 3 _ 3 273 195 468 [ 24 7 31 716 426 1,142 13 2 15 - - - 153 111 264 2 2 4 303 219 622 26 5 31 3 - 3 120 84 204 22 5 27 413 207 620 13 3 16 12 _ 12 78 16 94 2 _ 2 695 461 1,166 10 - 10 11 - 11 18 9 27 i - - - 314 204 518 3 3 6 1 - 1 60 7 67 1 2 - 2 381 257 638 14 2 16 _ _ ^ 224 120 344 1 _ 1 477 243 720 2 _ 2 - _ _ 75 _ 75 - - - 210 2 212 12 2 14 - - - 149 120 269 1 - 1 267 241 508 2 _ 2 _ _ _ 20 9 29 _ _ ^ 251 130 381 2 _ 2 _ _ _ 16 1 17 - _ - 198 8 206 - - - - - - 4 8 12 - - - 53 122 175 14 4 18 _ _ _ 58 46 104 _ _ _ 368 97 465 10 4 14 _ _ _ 48 46 94 _ _ _ 104 86 190 _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 _ 4 - _ _ 32 6 38 3 _ 3 _ _ - 1 _ 1 - _ _ 65 _ 65 1 - 1 - - - 5 - 5 - - - 167 5 172 360 44 404 265 1 266 713 116 829 35 1 36 7,117 1,742 8,859 3S 7 *11 _ _ _ 234 27 261 _ _ 1,733 524 2,257 11 _ _ _ _ 25 _ 25 2 - 2 347 _ 347 10 - 10 2 _ 2 162 - 162 i _ 1 739 1 740 _ 13 13 _ _ _ _ 52 52 _ _ ^ _ _ 542 542 1 11 12 _ _ _ 2 16 18 2 1 3 32 308 340 18 1 19 _ _ _ 14 2 16 _ _ _ 139 68 207 98 _ 98 13 _ 13 56 _ 56 5 _ 5 1,268 _ 1,268 16 _ 16 2 _ 2 68 - 68 _ _ _ 273 _ 273 101 - 101 234 _ 234 70 - 70 15 _ 15 1,472 42 1,514 18 - 18 9 _ 9 51 - 51 6 - 6 485 - 485 4 1 5 4 _ 4 9 3 12 2 _ 2 238 12 250 45 11 56 1 1 2 22 16 38 2 - 2 391 245 636 PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS. BY TOWNS. WITH SEX AND AGES. PKINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS BY T0W:NS. W^ITH SEX AND AOES. [See Note on page 341. Owing to the width of the page the persons between the ages of 10 and 15, engaged in the following occupations, are not spocilied in this table by sexes. The number of each sex, of these ages, m;iy be readily obtained, however, by deducting tlie sum of the totals of each sex between 16 and 59 and 60 and over, as given in the table, from the aggregate number of each sex.] COUNTY OF BARNSTABLE. Cities, Towns, and Occupations. SEX AND A(;ES. 10 TO 15. Both Sexes. Town of Falmouth, Carpenters, Masons, Painters, . Dressmakers, . Woollen mill operatives, Fertilizer establish't emploj-^s, Town or Sandwich, Shoe and boot factory op'tives. Painters, ... Carpenters, Dressmakers, . Glass works operatives. Iron foundry operatives. Nail makers. Card and fancy paper makers Car makers. Town of Yarmouth, Carpenters, Painters, . Dressmakers, Milliners, . Tailors, Printers, . 16 TO 69. M. 150 43 13 20 7 67 279 21 17 43 100 60 3 21 14 44 25 8 18 51 7 1 19 17 15 Both Sexes. 43 13 20 17 8 67 330 28 18 43 19 117 60 3 28 14 59 25 8 7 7 5 7 60 AND OVER. M. 17 13 1 3 40 2 5 12 5 15 12 Hoth Sexes. 17 13 1 3 52 2 5 6 12 5 21 Aggregates. M. 167 56 13 20 70 325 21 19 48 115 67 19 21 15 47 26 l'\ Both Sex es. 19 17 2 65 7 1 19 6 7 15 186 56 13 20 17 10 70 390 28 20 48 23 134 67 25 28 15 62 26 S 7 7 7 7 COUNTY OF BERKSHIRE. Town of Adams, 194 602 592 1,194 20 5 25 706 707 1,413 Cotton mill operatives, . 156 417 412 829 14 1 15 501 499 1,000 Paper mill operatives. 12 89 150 239 3 4 7 94 164 258 Woollen mill operatives. 26 96 30 126 3 - 3 111 44 155 Town of Becket, . 1 33 _ 33 1 _ 1 34 1 35 Tanners and curriers. _ 8 _ 8 1 _ 1 9 _ 9 Paper mill operatives. 1 9 _ 9 _ _ _ 9 1 10 Quarrymen, .... - 16 - 16 - - - 16 - 16 Town of Daxton, . 32 134 212 346 2 4 6 142 242 384 Cotton mill operatives, . 9 20 20 40 _ _ 24 25 49 Paper mill operatives. 23 114 192 306 2 4 6 118 217 335 378 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS. COUNTY OF BERKSHIRE— Concluded. SEX AND AGES. Cities, Towns, and 10 TO 16 TO 59. 60 akd ov»r. Aggregates. OccnPATioss. 1.5. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F, Both Sexes M. F. Bolh Sexes. Town of Great Barrington, 60 218 240 458 i '' 5 18 257 279 536 Mill iuid factory operatives, . 2 25 21 46 1 _ 1 27 22 49 Cotton mill operatives, . 42 . 79 63 142 2 - 2 100 1 86 186 Paper mill operatives. 5 15 75 90 2 - 2 18 79 97 Woollen mill operatives, 11 99 81 180 8 5 13 112 92 204 Town of IIinsdale, 88 125 46 171 1 1 2 174 87 261 Woollen mill operatives, SS 125 46 171 1 1 2 174 87 261 Town of LANESBOROuon, _ 54 _ 54 _ _ _ 54 _ 54 Glass works operatives, . - 30 - 30 _ _ _ 30 _ 30 Miners - 24 - 24 - - - 24 - 24 Town of Lee 26 302 257 559 18 10 28 321 292 613 Pii])er mill operatives, . 25 224 257 481 14 10 24 238 202 630 Quarrjmen 1 78 - 78 4 - 4 83 - 83 Town of New Marlborough, 1 47 ^ 47 1 _ 1 49 _ 49 Paper mill operatives, 1 47 - 47 1 - 1 49 - 49 Town of North Adams, 265 929 544 1,473 11 _ 11 1,070 679 1,749 Slioe and boot factory op'tives. 48 293 115 408 1 - 1 323 134 457 Cotton mill operative.*, . 94 159 238 397 _ - - 184 307 491 Mill and factory operatives, . 52 84 75 159 2 - 2 105 108 213 Weavers 3 ! 43 49 92 1 - 1 45 51 96 Print works operatives, . 46 240 43 283 5 - 5 288 46 334 Dyers, bleachers, and scourers. 1 14 - 14 - - - 15 - 15 Woollen mill operatives, 21 96 24 120 2 - 2 110 33 143 Town of Pittsfield, 230 ' 926 881 1,807 49 2 51 1,092 996 2,088 Shoe and boot factory op'tivcs. 8 68 42 110 1 - 1 73 46 119 Carpenters, .... 1 95 - 95 10 - 10 106 - 106 Dressmakers, .... 1 1 147 148 - 1 1 1 149 150 Cotton mill operatives, . 35 60 198 258 9 - 9 85 217 302 Paper mill operatives. 2 15 36 51 1 - 1 16 38 54 Silk mill op«ratives, 18 5 19 24 - - - 9 33 42 Woollen mill operatives, , 165 682 439 1,121 28 1 29 802 513 1,315 Town of Stockbridge, . t 17 1 117 62 179 11 -_ 11 139 68 207 Carpenters - 38 - 38 7 - 7 45 - 45 Dressmakers - - 21 21 - - - - 21 21 Paper mill operatives, 1 10 8 18 1 1 - 1 11 9 20 Woollen mill operatives, . 16 69 33 102 3 - 3 83 38 121 Town of West Stockbridge, 1 101 _ 101 5 _ 5 106 _ 106 Blacksmiths, .... _ 8 _ 8 2 - 2 10 _ 10 Miners - ; 93 - 93 3 - 3 96 - 96 Town of Williamstown, i 71 170 1.55 325 11 1 12 223 185 408 Cotton mill operatives, . 51 78 104 182 3 - 3 104 132 236 Mill and factory operatives, . _ 10 12 22 _ 1 1 10 13 23 Woolen mill operatives, . 20 j; 82 39 121 8 ~" 8 109 40 149 COUNTY OF BRISTOL. Town of Attleborouoh, 147 1,969 623 2,592 45 3 48 1 2,095 692 2,787 Cotton mill operatives, . 117 349 140 489 6 - 6 424 188 612 Mill and factory operatives, . 5 2 64 66 - 3 3 3 71 74 Gold and silver workers. 25 1,618 419 2,037 39 - 39 1,668 433 2,101 Town of Easton, 14 591 51 642 16 _ 16 620 52 672 Agricultural implement mak's. 9 364 - 364 6 - 6 379 - 379 Shoe and boot factory op'tives, 1 172 33 205 3 - 3 176 33 209 Cotton mill operatives, . 3 10 18 28 2 - 2 14 19 33 Iron furnace operatives, . 1 [ 1 45 — 45 5 5 51 — 51 PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS. 379 PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS. COUNTY OF BRISTOL — Concluded. SEX AXD AGES. Cities, Towks, akd 10 , TO 16 TO 59. 60 ASD OVER. Aggkegates. OCCCPATIOXS. 15. 1 Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. Tow>,- OF Fairhaven, 1 134 38 172 1 14 _ 14 149 38 187 Carpenters, .... - 26 - 26 7 - 7 33 - 33 Machinists - 26 - 26 1 - 1 27 - 27 Blaclisniitbs _ * 18 - 18 3 - 3 21 - 21 Nail makers 1 47 38 85 - - - 48 38 86 Shipwrights - 17 - 17 3 - 3 20 - 20 City of Fall Ri\i;k, 1,924 ' 6,608 5,863 12,471 165 13 178 7.787 6,786 14,573 Carpenters, .... « 375 _ 375 43 - 43 418 - 418 Dressmaiiers, .... 1 267 267 - 2 2 - 270 270 Mill and factory operatives, . 5 19 7 26 1 - 1 24 8 32 Cotton mill operatives, . 1,882 5,951 5,519 11,470 107 11 118 7,034 6,436 13,470 Print works operatives, . 21 109 15 124 8 - 8 138 15 153 Dyers, bleachers, and scourers, 3 73 9 82 1 - 1 76 10 86 Woollen mill operatives, 12 81 46 127 5 - 5 97 47 144 TO"WN OF Maksfield, 222 128 350 11 1 12 237 130 367 Iron foundry operatives, . 2 41 - 41 4 - 4 47 - 47 Gold and silver workers, - 104 8 112 - - - 104 8 112 Basket mak«rs, 2 33 - 33 6 - 6 41 41 Straw workers. 1 44 120 164 1 1 2 45 122 167 CiTT OF New Bedford, . 400 1,938 1,138 3,076 129 8 137 2,266 1,347 3,613 Shoe and boot factory op'tives, 3 99 5 104 ' - - - 102 5 107 Masons _ 110 - 110 i 18 - 18 128 - 128 Painters 1 188 2 190 8 . 8 197 2 199 Carpenters - 356 1 357 62 - 62 418 1 419 Dressmakers, .... 3 5 274 279 1 8 9 6 285 291 Mill and factory operatives, . -Ml 131 76 207 • 4 _ 4 163 110 273 Cotton mill operatives, . 885 780 'Mfil. ,.. ai., _ ,-_i321 1,084 944 rz,(m. Machinists, .... 164 - IM 4 =" ~^-T 168 168 ToWTf OF Ratxham, . 7 168 6 174 , 9 _ 9 184 6 190 Shoe and boot factory op'tives. 3 95 6 101 4 - 4 102 6 108 Iron and steel works op'tives. 1 35 - 35 3 - 3 89 - 39 Nail makers 3 38 - 38 2 - 2 43 - 43 Town of Somerset, _ 100 15 115 4 _ 4 104 15 119 Masons, _ 10 _ 10 _ _ _ 10 _ 10 Carpenters, .... - 25 - 25 2 _ 2 27 - 27 Dressmakers, .... - - 15 15 1 - - - - 15 15 Nail makers, .... _ 34 _ 34 _ _ _ 34 _ 34 Iron foundry operatives, . - 23 - 23 - - - 23 - 23 Potters, - 8 - 8 2 - 2 10 - 10 CiTT OF Tauntox, . 225 1,960 808 2,768 80 1 81 2,155 919 3,074 Carpenters, .... _ 283 _ 283 30 _ 30 313 _ 313 Cotton mill operatives, . 202 477 657 1,134 16 1 17 586 767 1,353 Mill and factorj' operatives, . - 12 11 23 - - - 12 11 23 Machinists, .... _ 519 1 520 30 _ 30 549 1 550 Iron foundry operatives, . _ 277 _ 277 1 _ 1 278 _ 278 Britannia ware makers, etc., 1 158 41 199 3 _ 3 161 42 203 Nail makers 22 234 98 332 1 ~ — 256 98 354 COUNTY OF ESSEX. Town of Amesbcrt, Carriage makers, Hat and cap makers. Woollen mill operatives, . Town of Axdover, . Flax mill operatives. Woollen mill operatives, 26 445 68 513 11 3 14 474 79 3 251 _ 251 2 _ 2 . 256 _ 10 87 24 111 _ 2 2 96 27 13 107 44 151 9 1 10 , j 122 52 49 212 157 369 16 1 17 j 245 190 18 100 101 201 4 _ 4 110 113 31 112 56 168 12 1 13 135 77 533 256 123 174 435 223 212 380 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS. COUNTY OF ESSEX — Continued. SEX AND AGES. Cities, Towns, and 10 TO IG to 59. 60 AND OVKR. Aggregates. Occupations. 1.5. Both Sexes. M. F. Hoth Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. Town of Beverly, . 30 833 287 1,120 81 1 82 938 294 1,232 bhoe aiul boot factory op'tivee, 30 667 287 954 20 1 21 711 294 1,005 Shocraakeis, .... - 66 - 66 43 - 43 109 - 109 Carpeiilers, .... - 100 - 100 18 - 18 118 - 118 Town of Danveks, . 29 571 142 713 16 _ 16 612 146 758 Shoe and hoot factory op'tives, 27 506 142 648 15 _ 15 544 140 690 Brick and tile makers, 2 65 - 65 1 - 1 68 - 68 Town or Georgetown, . _ 298 49 347 39 3 42 337 52 389 Shoe and boot factory op'tivee, _ 207 49 256 21 3 24 228 52 280 Shoemakers - 91 - 91 18 - 18 109 109 City op Glouoester, 8 790 123 913 35 _ 35 833 123 956 Shoo and boot factory op'tives. _ 44 6 50 11 - 11 55 6 61 Painters, 2 107 1 108 3 - 3 112 1 113 Carpenters - 192 - 192 11 - 11 203 _ 203 Dressmakers - 1 -_ 116 116 - - - - 116 116 BlackHrniths _ 79 - 79 2 _ 2 81 _ 81 Quariynioi 3 125 - 125 _ _ _ 128 « 128 Marble and stone cutters. 2 197 - 197 3 _ 3 202 _ 202 Sail and awning makers, . 1 46 - 46 6 - 5 62 - 52 Town of Groveland, 59 462 140 602 13 _ 13 510 164 674 Shoe and boot factory op'tives, 3 275 39 314 10 - 10 288 39 327 Woollen mill operatives, . 56 187 101 288 3 - 3 222 125 347 City of ITaverhill, 121 3,146 1,083 4,229 111 2 113 3,326 1,137 4,463 Shoemakers 1 158 - 168 15 _ • 15 174 » 174 Shoe and boot factory op'tives, 98 2,698 1,048 3,746 82 2 84 2,834 1,094 3,928 Carpenters, .... - 200 - 200 12 - 12 212 - 212 Hat and cap makers. 22 90 35 125 2 - 2 106 43 149 Town of Ipswich, . 19 260 171 431 21 2 23 291 182 473 Shoemakers 1 61 - 61 9 - 9 71 _ 71 Shoe and boot factory op'tives. 2 33 19 52 1 - 1 35 20 55 Cotton mill operatives, . 3 64 45 109 2 1 3 68 47 115 Hosiery mill operatives, . 11 58 50 108 7 1 8 71 56 127 Woollen mill operatives, 2 44 67 101 2 - o 46 59 105 City op Lawrence, . 1,096 5,537 5,659 11,196 168 29 197 6,196 6,293 12,489 Carpenters, .... 1 459 _ 469 32 - 32 492 _ 492 Dressmakers, .... 5 1 .346 347 _ 4 4 1 355 .356 Cotton mill operatives, . 688 2,329 3,298 5,627 52 14 66 2,705 3,676 6,381 Mill and factory operatives, . 19 105 85 190 2 _ 2 117 94 211 Machitiists, .... 7 430 1 431 8 _ 8 445 1 446 Paper mill operatives. 11 254 91 345 11 3 14 269 101 370 Dyers, bleachers, and scourers. 13 250 6 256 14 - 14 277 6 283 Woollen mill operatives, 352 1,709 1,832 3,641 49 8 57 1,890 2,060 3,950 City or Lynn, .... 231 5,789 2,568 8,357 262 _ 262 6,210 2,640 8,850 Shoemakers, .... 1 297 8 305 87 - 87 385 8 393 Shoe and boot factory op'tives, 227 4,964 2,552 7,616 164 - 164 5,283 2,624 7,907 Morocco dressers, . 3 528 8 536 11 - 11 542 8 550 Town of Marblehead, . 53 1,330 326 1,656 71 1 72 1,433 348 1,781 Shoe and boot factory op'tives, 52 1,178 324 1,502 45 1 46 1,254 346 1,600 Shoemakers, .... 1 152 2 154 26 - 26 179 2 181 Town of Merrimac, 3 383 3 386 10 _ 10 396 3 399 Shoe and boot factory op'tives, 3 26 1 27 _ - - 29 1 30 Shoemakers - 26 _ 26 1 - 1 27 - 27 Painters _ 74 _ 74 _ _ _ 74 _ 74 Carriage makers. _ 148 2 150 4 _ 4 152 2 1.54 Blacksmiths - 109 - 109 6 - 5 114 - 114 Town of Methuen, . 76 536 326 862 23 3 26 602 362 964 Shoe and boot factory op'tives. 5 70 11 81 2 - 2 73 15 88 Shoemakers 34 _ 34 3 - 3 37 37 Hat and cap makers, 6 74 27 101 3 — 3 81 29 110 PKIXCIPAL OCCUPATIONS. 381 PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS. COUNTY OF ESSEX - Concluded. SEX AND AGES. Cities, Towns, akd 10 TO 16 TO 59. 60 AXD OVER. 1 Aggrkgates. Occupations. 15. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. ToVn of Methuiin — Con. Cotton mill operatives, . 17 124 197 321 5 2 7 133 212 345 Jute mill operatives. 45 157 57 214 8 1 9 198 70 268 Woollen mill operatives, 3 77 34 111 2 - 2 80 36 116 City op Kewburtport, . 139 937 555 1,492 92 1 93 1,094 630 1,724 Shoemakers, .... _ 110 - 110 22 - 22 132 _ 132 Shoe and boot factory op'tives, 23 241 53 294 3 - 3 258 62 320 Carpenters _ 183 - 183 50 - 50 233 - 233 Cotton mill operatives, . 116 403 502 905 17 1 18 471 668 1,039 Tovis OF North Andover, . 15 381 98 479 12 1 13 400 107 507 Machinists, .... 2 196 _ 196 3 _ 3 201 201 Iron foundry operatives, - 63 - 63 1 - 1 64 - 64 Woollen mill operatives. 13 122 98 220 8 1 9 135 107 242 Tov\N OF Peabodt, . 17 1,170 96 1,266 44 _ 44 1,224 103 1,327 Shoemakers, .... _ 57 - 57 5 - 5 62 - 62 Shoe and boot factory op'tives, 10 106 91 197 3 - 3 112 98 210 Carpenters _ 95 - 95 6 - 6 101 - 101 Tanners and curriers. 2 706 _ 706 26 - 26 734 _ 734 Morocco factory operatives, . 5 206 5 211 4 - 4 215 5 220 Town of Rockport, 56 231 63 294 12 _ 12 269 93 362 Cotton mill operatives, . 52 62 63 125 _ _ _ 84 93 177 Marble and stone cutters. 2 90 _ 90 4 _ 4 96 _ 96 Quarrymen 2 79 - 79 8 - 8 89 - 89 City of Salem, .... 177 2,8.33 1.511 4,344 134 10 144 3,073 1,592 4,665 Shoe and boot factory op'tives, 39 390 484 874 17 2 19 429 503 932 Shoemakers - 95 5 100 18 - 18 113 6 118 Carpenters _ 329 _ 329 37 _ 37 366 _ 366 Painters, _ 199 1 200 13 _ 13 212 1 213 Dressmakers, .... _ _ 248 248 1 7 8 1 2.55 256 Cotton mill operatives, , 73 435 721 1,1.56 1 1 2 472 759 1,231 Jute mill operatives. 48 62 51 113 3 - 3 96 68 164 Tanners and curriers. 13 1,176 _ 1,176 40 _ 40 1,229 _ 1,229 Morocco dressers, . 4 147 1 148 4 - 4 155 1 156 Town of Salisbury, 4 540 25 574 36 _ 36 689 25 614 Shoemakers _ 83 _ 88 3 _ 3 91 _ 91 Shoe and boot factory op'tives, 2 30 15 45 3 _ 3 35 15 50 Carpenters, .... _ 35 _ 35 23 - 23 58 _ 58 Carriage makers. 2 365 1 366 _ _ — 367 1 368 Woollen mill operatives, . - 31 9 40 7 - 7 38 9 47 Town of Saugus, 12 247 126 373 22 1 23 274 134 408 Shoemakers, .... 1 45 _ 45 14 _ 14 60 _ 60 Shoe and boot factory op'tives, _ 129 95 224 6 _ 6 135 95 2.30 Woollen mill operatives, . 11 73 31 104 2 1 3 79 39 118 Town of West Newbury, . 9 358 37 395 22 _ 22 389 37 426 Shoemakers, .... _ 150 _ 150 10 _ 10 160 _ 160 Shoe and boot factory op'tives. 2 157 34 191 3 _ 3 162 34 196 Comb makers, .... 7« 51 3 54 9 - 9 67 3 70 COUNTY OF FRANKLIN. Town of Buckland, 3 216 25 241 11 11 230 25 255 Tool and cutlery makers, 3 216 25 241 11 - 11 230 25 255 Town of Greenfield, . 15 263 53 316 15 1 16 291 56 347 Tool and cutlery makers, 10 107 4 111 1 _ 1 117 5 122 Painters, _ 29 _ 29 3 _ 3 32 _ 32 Carpenters 2 33 — 33 4 4 39 ~ 39 382 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS. COUNTY OF FRANKLIN — Concluded. • SEX AND AGES. Cities, Towns, and occupatioss. 10 TO 15. 16 TO 59. CO AND OVER. AGGREGATES. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. Town or Greenfield— Con. Masons, Carriage makers, Dressmakers, .... Machinists, .... Paper mill operatives, . . Town of MoNTAfiUE, Tool and ciitlery makers. Cotton mill operatives, . Paper mill operatives. Town of Orange, . Sewing machine fac'y oper's, . Mill and factory operatives, . Weavers, Machinists, .... Iron foundry operatives, 2 1 75 55 14 6 i 24 37 23 10 559 301 33 225 S23 350 28 54 91 39 10 157 22 9 126 73 2 71 24 37 39 23 20 716 323 42 351 596 350 30 71 54 91 2 4 1 6 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 i 7 4 1 2 26 41 26 10 612 344 41 227 523 350 28 54 91 40 11 186 38 16 132 73 2 71 26 41 40 26 21 798 382 57 359 596 350 30 71 54 91 COUNTY OF HAMPDEN. Town of Chicopee, . 430 1,441 1,143 2,584 51 20 71 1,721 1,364 3,085 Carpenters, .... - 127 - 127 9 - 9 136 _ 136 Cotton mill operatives, . 421 1,069 1,123 2,192 2" 20 47 1,317 1,343 2,660 Mill and factory operatives, . 7 41 20 61 1 - 1 48 21 69 Machinists 2 130 - 130 14 _ 14 146 — 146 Iron foundry operatives, . - 74 - 74 - - - 74 - 74 City of Holtoke, . 676 2,877 2,819 5,696 62 18 80 3,266 3,186 6,452 Carpenters - 229 - 229 7 - 7 236 - 236 Cotton mill operatives, , 374 690 998 1.688 11 4 15 875 1,202 2,077 Thread makers. 39 170 279 449 2 - 2 191 299 490 Machinists, .... - 255 _ 255 2 _ 2 257 _ 257 Paper mill operatives, 55 841 978 1,819 16 7 23 877 1,020 1,897 Silk mill operatives, 29 25 83 108 8 3 11 60 88 148 "Woollen mill operatives. 179 667 481 1,148 16 4 20 770 577 1,347 Town of Moxson, . 18 358 247 605 6 _ 6 375 254 629 Woollen mill operatives, . 18 207 105 312 4 _ 4 222 112 334 Straw workers. - 151 142 293 2 - 2 153 142 295 Town of Palmer, . 160 558 • 427 985 23 2 25 654 516 1,170 Carpenters, .... - 53 _ 53 15 _ 15 68 _ 68 Carpet makers. 9 34 10 44 1 - 1 43 11 54 Cotton mill operatives, . 151 471 417 888 7 2 9 543 505 1,048 CiTT OF Springfield, . 290 2,036 1,234 3,270 92 9 101 2,256 1,405 3,661 Gun and locksmiths. 1 248 3 251 10 - 10 259 3 262 Box factory operatives, . 10 . 86 214 300 2 - 2 90 222 312 Carpenters, .... - 371 - 371 36 - 36 407 - 407 Painters 1 243 1 244 10 - 10 254 1 255 Dressmakers 1 _ 342 342 _ 6 6 _ 349 349 Cotton mill operatives, . 172 296 300 596 • 6 3 9 386 391 777 Machinists 3 347 - 347 21 - 21 371 _ 371 Printers 8 158 39 197 5 _ 5 170 40 210 Woollen mill operatives, 24 112 40 152 1 _ 1 1/7 50 177 Button factory operatives, 70 175 295 470 1 - 1 192 349 541 Town of Wales, 19 75 109 184 2 3 5 83 125 208 Linen mill operatives, . 9 11 19 30 _ _ _ 13 26 39 Paper mill oneralives, 9 43 74 117 1 2 3 48 81 129 Woollen mill operatives, . 1 21 16 37 1 1 2 22 18 40 Town of Westfield, 7 488 121 609 6 1 7 499 124 623 Paper mill operatives. 3 49 31 80 - 1 1 51 33 84 Cigar makers 2 102 46 148 - - - 104 46 150 Whip makers, .... 2 337 44 381 6 — 6 341 45 389 PPtlXCIPAL OCCUPATIOXS. PRTXCIPAL OCCUPATIONS. COUNTY OF HAMPDEN 383 Concluded. SEX AND AGES. Cities, To^vss, asd 10 to 16 TO 59. 60 AND OVEK. Aggregates. OCCUPATIOKS. 15. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. Town of West Springfield, 22 176 151 327 11 5 16 195 170 365 CarputUers _ 48 _ 4S 4 _ 4 62 - 52 Cotton mill operatives, . 20 35 78 113 3 3 6 46 93 139 Machinists _ 30 _ 30 1 _ 1 31 - 31 Paper mill operatives. o 40 67 107 2 2 4 42 71 113 Cigar makers - 23 6 29 - 1 24 6 30 Town of "VTilbraham, . 9 168 59 227 i 8 1 9 179 66 245 Woollen mill operatis-es. 9 168 59 227 8 1 9 179 66 245 COUNTY OF HAMPSHIRE. Town of Amherst, . 190 17 207 11 11 201 17 218 Painters _ 28 - 28 3 _ 3 31 - 31 Masons _ 18 _ 18 1 _ 1 19 - 19 Carpenters - 65 - 65 1 - 1 66 - 66 Tailors - 9 13 22 1 _ 1 10 13 23 Hat and cap makers, - 32 4 36 2 _ 2 .34 4 38 Tinners, - 13 - 13 - _ _ 13 - 13 Blacksmiths _ 12 _ 12 2 _ 2 14 _ 14 Paper mill operatives, - 13 - 13 1 - 1 14 - 14 Town of Easthampton, . 118 337 521 858 5 5 10 392 594 986 Suspender makers, . 31 70 203 273 2 4 6 82 228 310 Cotton mill operatives, . 63 117 104 221 1 _ 1 143 143 285 Rubber factory oper;itive8, 21 122 67 189 2 _ 2 138 74 212 Button factory operatives, 3 28 147 175 - 1 1 30 149 179 Town of Enfield, . 14 70 41 111 10 2 12 91 46 137 Mill and factory operatives, , 14 70 41 111 10 2 12 91 46 137 Town of Xorthampton, 156 893 737 1,630 30 2 32 999 819 1,818 Tool and cutlery makers. 22 181 o 186 4 _ 4 205 7 212 Carpenters, .... - 161 - 161 oo _ 22 183 - 183 Dressmakers, .... - 1 129 130 - 2 2 1 131 132 Sewing machine operators. - 115 _ 115 _ _ - 115 - 115 Mill and factorj- operatives, . 7 3 44 47 - - - 10 44 54 Cotton mill operatives, . 11 41 51 92 _ _ _ 46 67 103 Machinists, .... - 108 - 108 1 _ 1 109 - 109 Silk mill operatives. 84 84 424 508 _ — _ 108 484 592 Basket makers. 3 68 22 90 2 _ 2 73 22 95 Button factory operatives, 29 131 62 193 1 - 1 149 74 223 Town of South Hadlet, 92 360 277 637 14 7 21 414 336 750 Cotton mill operatives, . 79 138 128 266 8 5 13 180 178 358 Paper mill operatives. 9 109 135 244 6 2 8 119 142 261 Woollen mill operatives, . 4 '■ 28 14 42 _ _ 30 16 46 Brick and tile makers, . 1 85 - 85 - - - 85 - 85 Tot\-n of "Ware, 315 469 627 1,096 10 10 20 635 796 1,431 Cotton mill operatives, . 217 350 552 902 7 6 13 462 670 1,132 Woollen mill operatives, . 98 1 119 10 194 3 4 7 173 126 299 COUNTY^ OF MIDDLESEX. Town of Acton, Painters, . Carpenters, Dressmakers, Blacksmiths, Coopers, . 66 12 25 9 20 11 11 77 5 1 6 71 12 _ _ _ 12 25 1 _ 1 26 11 _ 1 1 _ 9 1 _ 1 10 20 3 1 3 23 12 12 83 12 26 12 10 23 384 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS. COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX — Continued. SEX AMD AGES. Cities, Towns, and 10 TO 16 TO 59. eo AND OVER, Aggregates, Occupations. 15. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. Town of Arlington, 122 30 152 2 2 124 30 154 Tool and cutlery makers, - 19 - 19' - _ - 19 _ 19 Carpenters, .... - 36 - 36 1 - 1 37 - 37 Mu.sons - 18 - 18 1 _ 1 19 _ 19 Painters, _ 13 - . 13 _ _ _ 13 _ 13 Dressmakers, .... - - 30 30 _ _ _ _ 30 30 Blacksmiths, .... _ 17 _ 17 _ -. _ 17 _ 17 Pianoforte makers, . - 19 - 19 - - - 19 - 19 Town of .Vsiiland, . 18 380 118 498 13 _ 13 406 123 529 yhoe and boot factory op'tivee, - 13 330 32 362 13 _ 13 355 33 388 Thread mill operatives, . 4 11 72 83 _ - _ 11 76 87 Woollen mill operatives. 1 39 14 53 - - - 40 14 54 Town of Billerica, 22 75 60 135 1 _ 1 90 68 168 Woollen mill operatives, . 22 75 60 135 1 - 1 90 68 158 City of Cambridge, 58 3,133 1,074 4,207 162 15 177 3,337 1,105 4,442 Bakers, 6 172 22 194 4 - 4 181 23 204 Bookbinders, .... 8 160 202 302 11 _ 11 177 204 381 Painters o 380 3 383 14 - 14 396 3 399 Carpenters - 498 - 498 58 - 58 556 _ 656 Tailors, 7 152 131 283 13 4 17 168 1.39 307 Dressmakers 8 6 553 559 _ 11 11 6 572 578 Cabinet makers. 4 :«7 3 340 14 _ 14 .355 3 358 Glass works operatives, . 9 200 8 208 12 _ 12 221 8 229 Machinists, .... - 242 - 2i2 12 - 12 264 - 254 Orjfan makers 7 184 8 192 3 _ 3 194 8 202 Printers, .5 416 144 560 15 _ 15 435 145 580 Brick and tile makers, 2 386 - 386 6 - 6 394 - 394 Town of Chelmsford, . 24 254 69 323 6 _ 6 275 78 353 Tool and cutlery makers, 5 45 1 46 1 _ 1 50 2 52 Machinists, .... _ 42 - 42 3 _ 3 45 _ 45 Iron foundry operatives, . - 59 - 59 1 - 1 60 - 60 Woollen mill operatives, . 19 108 68 176 1 - 1 120 76 196 Town of Everett, . 2 159 41 200 9 1 10 170 42 212 Carpenters, .... - 59 - 59 1 5 - 5 64 - 64 Painters, - 27 - 27 3 - 3 30 - 30 Dressmakers _ _ 31 31 _ 1 1 - 32 32 Rubber factory operatives. 1 11 10 21 - - - 12 10 22 Brick and tile makers, 1 62 - 62 1 - 1 64 - 64 Town of Framingham, . 23 i 291 275 566 30 2 32 326 295 621 Woollen mill operatives, 22 235 225 460 29 2 31 269 244 513 Straw workers, 1 1 56 50 106 1 - 1 57 51 108 Town of Groton, . 2 57 32 89 11 3 14 68 37 105 Carpenters ■ _ 15 - 15 9 - 9 24 - •24 Painters, -_ 11 _ li 1 _ 1 12 _ 12 Dressmakers, .... _ _ 16 16 _ 2 2 i - 18 18 Paper mill operatives. 2 31 16 47 1 1 2 32 19 51 Town of Holliston, 39 440 94 534 27 _ 27 496 104 600 Shoe and boot factory op'tives, 24 401 9 410 27 - 27 452 9 461 Straw workers, 15 39 85 124 - - - 44 95 139 Town of Hopkinton, 52 881 109 990 33 1 34 ! 950 126 1,076 Shoe and boot factory op'tives. 52 881 109 990 33 1 34 950 126 1,076 Town of Hudson, . 82 656 229 885 13 „ 13 729 251 980 Shoe and boot factory op'tives. 82 560 198 7.38 13 - 13 6.33 220 853 Tanners and curriers. _ 81 - 81 - - - 81 - 81 Rubber factory operatives, - 15 31 46 - - - ! 15 31 46 CiTT OF Lowell, 1,241 7,952 8,972 16,924 234 68 302 8,738 9,729 18,467 Carpenters, .... - 914 1 915 64 - 64 978 1 979 Masons _ 337 _ 337 16 - 16 353 - 353 Painters 1 369 1 370 9 — 9 379 1 380 PEINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS. 385 PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS. COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX — Continued. SEX AXD AGES. Cities, Towxs, and 10 to 16 TO 59. 60 AND OVEK. 1 1 Aggbegatbs. OCCCPATIOXS. 15. 1 Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both 1 Sexes. City of Lowell — Con. Carpet makers, 37 200 233 433 7 1 8 219 259 478 Dressmakers - 4 590 594 - 13 13 4 603 607 Cotton mill operatives, . 909 3,355 6,610 9,965 44 42 86 3,794 7,166 10,960 Knitting and hos'ry mill oper's. 34 99 347 446 - 1 1 116 365 481 Machinists, .... 12 1,235 7 1,242 34 - 34 1,281 7 1,288 Iron foundry operatives, . - 217 - 217 2 - 2 219 - 219 Print works operatives, . 7 105 20 125 7 _ 7 119 20 139 Dyers, bleachers, and scourers, 5 143 14 157 13 _ 13 161 14 175 Woollen mill operatives, 236 974 1,149 2,123 38 11 49 1,115 1,293 2,408 Town of Maldex, . 15 764 424 1,188 42 3 45 813 435 1,248 Carpenters - 141 _ 141 29 - 29 170 - 170 Painters, - 1 91 _ 91 2 _ 2 93 _ 93 Dressmakers, .... _ _ 122 122 _ _ _ « 122 122 Tanners and curriers. _ 193 _ 193 4 _ 4 197 _ 197 Rubber factory operatives, 15 339 302 641 7 3 10 353 313 666 Towx OF Marlborough, 112 1,985 539 2,524 16 _ 16 2,066 586 2,6.52 Shoemakers 2 79 _ 79 2 _ 2 83 - 83 Shoe and boot factory op'tives, 110 1,906 539 2,445 14 - 14 1,983 586 2,569 Towx OF Matxard, . 68 533 284 817 14 _ 14 580 319 899 Powder makers. - 14 _ 14 _ _ _ 14 _ 14 Painters _ 10 _ 10 _ _ _ 10 - 10 Carpenters, .... _ 16 _ 16 2 - 2 18 _ 18 Dressmakers - _ 13 13 _ _ - _ 13 13 Paper mill operatives. - 10 _ 10 _ ~ _ 10 - 10 Woollen mill operatives, 68 483 271 754 12 12 528 306 834 Town of Medford, . 25 814 120 934 40 _ 40 874 125 999 Carpenters - 110 110 11 _ 11 121 _ 121 Masons - 29 _ 29 4, _ 4 33 - 33 Painters _ 81 _ 81 1 _ 1 82 _ 82 Dressmakers, .... _ . 61 61 _ _ _ _ 61 61 Print works operatives, . 14 59 59 118 1 _ 1 69 64 133 Ship carpenters. _ 27 — 27 20 _ 20 47 - 47 Brick and tile makers, . 11 508 _ 508 3 - 3 522 - 522 Town of Melrose, . . • . 2 177 54 231 16 1 17 193 57 250 Shoe and boot factory op'tives, 2 53 18 71 _ _ _ 53 20 73 Carpenters, .... - 42 - 42 12 - 12 54 - 54 Painters, - 26 _ 26 1 _ 1 27 - 27 Dressmakers - _ 26 26 _ 1 1 _ 27 27 Cabinet makers, _ 44 44 2 2 46 _ 46 Rubber factory operatives, - 12 10 22 1 - 1 13 10 23 Town of Xatick, 65 1,385 149 1,534 19 _ 19 1,448 170 1,618 Shoe and boot factory op'tives, 65 1,385 149 1,534 19 - 19 1,448 170 1,618 City of Newton, 26 688 325 1,013 20 _ 20 725 334 1,059 Carpenters, .... _ 255 _ 255 7 _ 7 262 - 262 Masons _ 88 _ 88 2 - 2 90 - 90 Painters, _ 114 _ 114 7 _ 7 121 _ 121 Watch and clock makers and repairers, .... _ 45 9 54 _ _ _ 45 9 54 Dressmakers 1 _ 146 146 _ _ _ _ 147 147 Cotton mill operatives, . 7 9 45 54 _ _ - 12 49 6i Mill and factory operatives, . 6 26 48 74 1 _ 1 30 51 81 Knitting and hos'ry mill oper's, 1 21 30 51 _ _ _ 22 30 52 Rope and cordage makers, 11 23 47 70 _ _ _ 33 48 81 Machinists - 107 - 107 3 - 3 110 - 110 Town of Peppf.rell, 7 274 60 334 7 7 283 65 348 Shoe and boot factory op'tives. 3 202 20 222 2 _ 2 204 23 227 Paper mill operatives, . 4 72 40 112 j 5. - 5 79 42 121 Town of Reading, . 10 176 115 291 46 1 47 230 118 348 Shoe and boot factory op'tives. 2 36 42 78 6 1 7 42 45 87 Brush makers 7 ! 43 1 44 1 — 1 51 1 52 386 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS 1880. PRIXCIPAL OCCUPATIONS. COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX — Concluded. SEX AND AGES. CiTiKS, Towns, and 10 to 16 TO 59. GO AND OVER. Aggregates. Occupations. 15. Both Sexes. >i. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. Town of Reading — Con Shoemakers, _ 38 - 3S 26 _ 26 64 - 64 Seamstresses, . 1 10 72 82 _ ^ _ 11 72 83 Cabinet makers, . 49 - 49 13 - 13 62 - 62 City op Somerville, 21 1,114 388 1,502 60 2 62 1,195 390 1,585 Painters, . 1 176 _ 176 .) _ 2 179 - 179 Masons, - 1(18 5 113 1() - 10 118 5 123 Carpenters, - 2S'J _ 289 29 _ 29 318 - 318 Tailors, . - 52 54 106 4 - 4 56 64 110 Dressmakers, . _ 1 287 288 _ o 2 1 289 290 Cabinet mal er-i, 1 97 _ 97 5 - 5 103 - 103 Glass works operatives. 13 77 3 80 2 _ o 92 3 95 Macliinisls, 1 1.V2 _ 152 6 - 6 159 - 159 Printers, . 2 107 26 133 _ _ _ 109 26 135 Dyers, bleachers, and sco urers, 3 55 13 68 2 - 2 60 13 73 Town of Stoneiiam, 24 753 320 1,073 35 3 38 803 332 1,135 Shoemakers, - 36 _ 36 15 - 15 51 - 61 Shoe anil boot factory op' lives, 23 570 320 890 16 3 19 600 332 932 Tanners and curriers. 1 147 - 147 4 - 4 152 - 152 Town of Townsend, _ 113 1 114 6 _ 6 119 1 120 Coopers, . . 113 1 114 6 - 6 119 1 120 Town of Wakefield, 27 579 226 805 54 1 55 649 238 887 Shoemakers, 1 146 3 149 42 _ 42 189 3 192 Shoe and hoot factory op' lives. 22 42 64 4 1 5 26 43 69 Iron foundry operatives, . 69 _ 69 2 - 2 71 - 71 Rattan workers. 26 342 181 523 6 - 6 363 192 555 Town of "Waltham, 149 1,211 723 1,934 19 5 24 1,302 805 2,107 Carpenters, . 149 - 149 7 - 7 156 - 166 Watch and clock makere and repairers. 18 682 310 992 6 - 6 701 315 1,016 Cotton mill operatives, . 112 266 316 582 5 5 10 322 382 704 Knittir>i,' and hos'ry mill o per's, 14 27 85 112 _ _ - 32 94 126 Dyers, bleachers, and scoi irers, 5 87 12 99 1 - 1 91 14 105 Town of Watertown, . 9 272 112 384 10 1 11 284 120 404 Carpenters, - 64 _ 64 5 - 5 69 - 69 Shirt, collar, and cuff ma kers, 2 7 46 53 _ - - 7 48 55 Iron foundry operatives,. . 62 _ 62 _ - - 62 - 62 Paper mill operatives. - 42 16 58 1 - 1 43 16 69 Woollen mill operatives, . 7 97 50 147 4 1 5 103 56 159 Town of Waixand, _ 279 15 294 1 _ 1 280 15 295 Shoe and boot factory op't ives. 279 15 294 1 - 1 280 15 295 Town of Wfstford, 54 181 78 259 3 1 4 209 108 317 Knitting and hos'ry mill o; jer's, 3 10 14 24 _ _ — 11 16 27 Machinists, - 42 - 42 1 _ 1 43 - 43 Quarrynien, _ 52 _ 52 _ - _ 52 - 52 Woollen mill operatives, , 51 77 64 141 2 1 3 103 92 195 Town or Winchester, . _ 266 _ 266 2 _ 2 268 ^ 268 Tanners and curriers, . 266 - 266 2 - 2 268 - 268 Town of Woburn, . 80 1,.586 200 1,786 81 _ 81 1,725 222 1,947 Shoe and boot factory op't ives, 67 116 200 316 10 _ 10 161 222 383 Shoemakers, _ 70 * 70 19 _ 19 89 _ 89 Carpenters, _ 107 _ 107 17 - 17 124 - 124 Tanners and curriers, 23 1,293 — 1,293 35 " 35 1,351 ~ 1,351 PRINCIPAL OCOUPATIOl^fc;. 387 PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS. COUNTY OF NORFOLK. SEX AND AGES. Cities, Towns, and 10 to 16 TO 59. 60 AND OVER. Aggregates. Occupations. 15. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. Town of Bellingham, . 4 Ill 30 141 4 _ 4 116 33 149 Shoe and boot factory op'tives, - 52 - 52 1 - 1 53 - 53 Woollen mill operatives, . 4 40 IS 58 3 - 3 44 21 65 Straw workers. - 19 12 31 - - - 19 12 31 Town of Bbaintree, 2' 380 41 421 20 _ 20 402 41 443 Bhoo and hoot factory op'tives, 2 293 18 311 14 - 14 309 18 327 Carpenters, .... - 47 - 47 5 - 5 52 - 52 Paper mill openitives, - 20 3 23 - - - 20 3 23 Woollen mill operatives, . - 20 20 40 1 - 1 21 20 41 Town of Canton, . 64 294 326 620 53 3 56 377 363 740 Cotton mill operatives, . 18 64 51 115 - 2 2 80 55 135 Knitting and ho.s'ry mill oper's, 4 48 37 85 1 1 2 51 40 91 Iron foundry operatives, . - 28 26 54 2 - 2 30 26 66 Iron and steel works op'tives, - 86 - 86 - - - 86 - 86 Copper Workers, _ 66 - 66 4 - 4 70 - 70 Silk mill operatives, 42 2 212 214 46 - 46 60 242 302 Town of Dedham, . 40 288 153 441 12 . 1 13 323 171 494 Woollen mill operatives, . 40 288 153 441 12 1 13 323 171 494 Town of Foxborough, . 6 159 363 522 17 8 25 180 373 553 Straw workers, 6 159 363 522 17 8 25 180 373 5.53 Town of Franklin, 19 366 166 532 16 _ 16 394 173 567 Shoe and boot factory op'tives. 3 31 - 31 3 - 3 37 - 37 Carpenters - 66 - 66 6 - 6 72 - 72 Woollen mill operatives, . 14 192 62 254 5 - 5 206 67 273 Straw workers, • , • 2 77 104 181 2 - 2 79 106 185 Town of IIolbrook, 20 472 2 474 2 _ 2 474 22 496 Shoe and boot factory op'tives. 29 472 2 474 2 - 2 474 22 496 Town of Hyde Park, . 44 444 109 553 23 _ 23 489 131 620 Carpenters, .... - 94 _ 94 13 _ 13 107 - 107 Cotton mill operatives, . 17 50 43 93 1 - 1 59 52 111 Hair cleaners and dressers, 9 36 16 52 - - - 40 21 61 Machinists, .... - 106 _ 106 1 _ 1 107 - 107 Woollen mill operatives,. 18 158 50 208 8 - 8 176 58 234 Town op Medfield, _ 80 24 104* _ __ _ 80 24 104 Carpenters, .... - 19 - 19 - - - 19 - 19 Straw workers. - 61 24 85 - - - 61 24 85 Town of Med way, . 4 228 52 280 20 1 21 250 55 305 Shoe and bootfactorj' op'tives. 1 106 3 109 4 1 5 110 5 115 Shoemakers, .... - 43 - 43 2 - 2 45 - 45 Carpenters, .... - 19 - 19 11 - 11 30 - 30 Mill and factory operatives, . 3 20 4 24 1 - 1 23 5 28 Cotton mill operatives, . - 10 9 19 - - - 10 9 19 Straw workers, - 30 36 66 2 - 2 32 36 68 Town of Milton, _ 103 18 121 4 _ 4 107 18 125 Masons, _ 13 _ 13 _ - _ 13 - 13 Carpenters, .... _ 31 _ 31 2 - 2 33 - 33 Dressmakers, .... - _ 15 15 - - - - 15 15 Coffee and spice mill op'tives. _ 9 3 12 - - - 9 3 12 Blacksmiths - 13 - 13 - - - 13 - 13 Marble and stone cutters. - 37 - 37 2 - 2 39 - 39 Town of Needham, . 34 441 94 535 44 _ 44 509 104 613 Shoe and boot factory op'tives. _ 67 2 69 1 _ 1 68 2 70 Painters, - 33 _ 33 3 - 3 36 - 36 Masons, _ 46 _ 46 4 _ 4 50 - 50 Carpenters, .... _ 64 _ 64 14 _ 14 78 - 78 Mill and factory operatives, . 7 10 26 36 - _ - 17 26 43 Cotton mill operatives, . 16 10 11 21 - - - 19 18 37 Knitting and hos'ry mill oper's, 6 170 48 218 15 _ 15 188 51 239 Machinists, .... _ 27 _ 27 6 _ 6 33 - 33 Woollen mill operatives. 5 14 7 21 1 - 1 20 7 27 388 CEJ^^SUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS. COUNTY OF NORFOLK — Concluded. SEX AND AGES. Cities, Towns, and 10 TO 16 to 59. 60 and over. Aggbegates. Occupations. 1.5. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. Town of Norfolk, . 53 5 58 10 2 12 63 7 70 Shoemakers, .... - 8 _ 8 4 _ 4 12 _ 12 Mill and factory operatives, . - 27 - 27 1 2 8 28 2 30 Blacksmiths - 7 - 7 3 - 3 10 - 10 Paper mill operatives. - 11 5 16 2 - 2 13 5 18 Town op Norwood,. 4 290 _ 296 3 _ 3 303 _ 303 Tanners and curriers, 4 187 _ 187 1 _ 1 192 _ 192 Car makers - 109 - 109 2 - 2 111 - 111 Town of Qui no y, 18 1,470 19 1,489 57 _ 57 1,543 21 1,564 Shoemakers, .... - 81 _ 81 7 _ 7 88 _ 88 Shoe and boot factory op'tives. 9 172 19 191 12 _ 12 191 21 212 Carpenters, .... - 106 _ 106 11 _ 11 117 _ 117 Blacksmiths, .... - 91 - 91 7 - 7 98 _ 98 Quarrymen, .... 6 298 _ 298 9 _ 9 313 _ 313 Marble and stone cutters, 3 722 - 722 11 11 736 - 736 Town of Randolph, 2.5 721 64 785 63 _ 63 805 68 873 Shoe and boot factory op'tives,- 25 721 64 785 63 - 63 805 68 873 Town of Stoughton, 20 709 84 793 28 7 35 746 102 848 Shoe and boot factory op'tives, 12 634 35 669 27 5 32 668 45 713 Woollen mill operatives, . 8 75 49 124 1 2 3 78 57 135 Town op Walpole, . 4 170 72 242 10 2 12 182 76 258 Carpenters, .... - 39 - 39 1 - 1 40 40 Cotton mill operatives, . 2 16 21 37 - - - 17 22 39 Mill and factory operatives, . 2 38 23 61 7 - 7 46 24 70 Paper mill operatives. _ 46 8 54 _ 2 . 2 46 10 56 Woollen mill operatives, . _ 27 _ 27 2 _ 2 29 _ 29 Straw workers. - 4 20 24 - - - 4 20 24 Town of Weymouth, 47 1,768 184 1,952 76 _ 76 1,883 192 2,075 Shoe and boot factory op'tives. 47 1,641 184 1,825 76 _ 76 1,756 192 1,948 Iron furnace operatives, . - 127 - 127 - - - 127 - 127 Town of Wuentham, 8 270 59 329 7 _ 7 281 63 344 Jewellers (so specified), . 7 251 18 269 6 _ 6 260 22 282 Straw workers. 1 19 « 41 60 1 - 1 21 41 62 COUNTY OF PLYMOUTH. Town of Abington, Shoe and boot factory op'tives, •Town of Bridgewatee, . Shoe and boot factory op'tives. Carpenters, .... Machinists, .... Iron furnace operatives, . Iron foundry operatives, . Rolling mill operatives, . Town of Brockton, Shoe and boot factory op'tives, Shoemakers Town of East Bridgewater, Shoe and boot factory op'tives. Mill machinery makers, . Iron foundry operatives, . Rolling mill operatives, . Nail makers. Brick and tile makers. 14 650 107 14 650 107 6 296 15 1 60 15 _ 80 _ _ 1 42 _ _ 26 _ _ 65 _ 5 73 - 50 2,247 485 48 2,019 485 2 228 - 8 '. 439 21 1 240 19 _ 23 1 _ 32 - 1 32 - 6 38 _ ~ 74 1 757 757 311 75 30 42 26 65 73 2,732 2.504 228 460 259 24 32 32 38 75 44 3 44 3 27 _ 3 _ 10 - 10 2 _ 1 _ 1 - 82 2 58 2 24 - 23 _ 13 _ 6 - 1 _ 3 - ~ ~ 47 47 27 3 10 10 o i 1 84 60 24 23 13 706 112 706 112 329 15 64 15 40 _ 52 - 28 _ 66 - 79 - 2,362 504 2,108 504 254 - 470 21 254 19 29 1 32 _ 34 _ 47 _ 74 1 818 818 344 79 40 52 28 66 79 2,866 2,612 254 491 273 30 32 34 47 75 PRIXCIPAL OCCUPATIOXS. 389 PRIXCIPAL OCCUPATIONS. COUNTY OF PLY:\I0UTH — Concluded. SEX A>-D AGES. Cities, Towns, asd 10 to [G TO 5 9. 60 AXD OVER. Aggregates. Occupations. 15. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. Town of Hingham, . 9 302 31 333 18 18 323 37 360 Shoemakers, .... - 43 _ 43 8 - 8 51 _ 51 Shoe and boot factory op'tiveB, - 125 5 130 - - _ 125 5 130 Carpenters - 58 - 58 8 - 8 66 - 66 Rope and cordage makers, 2 67 2 69 2 - 2 71 2 73 Woollen mill operatives, 7 9 24 33 - - - 10 30 40 Towx OF Kingston, 4 99 23 122 15 2 17 117 26 143 Carpenters, .... - 25 - 25 10 - 10 35 - 35 Dressmakers, .... 1 _ 22 22 _ 2 2 - 25 25 Rope and cordage makers. 3 17 _ 17 4 - 4 24 - 24 Nail makers - 40 1 41 1 - 1 41 1 42 Iron foundry operatives, . - 17 - 17 - - - 17 - 17 Town of M^ddleborough, . 11 413 86 499 19 _ 19 437 92 529 Shoe and boot factory op'lives, 3 241 44 285 4 _ 4 245 47 292 Carpenters, .... _ 56 - 56 13 - 13 69 _ 69 Needle makers. 5 35 11 46 - _ _ 38 13 51 Woollen mill operatives, 3 58 20 78 1 - 1 61 21 82 Straw workers, . • . - 23 11 34 1 - 1 24 11 35 Town of Plymouth, 69 747 118 865 27 _ 27 826 135 961 Shoe and boot factory op'lives, 10 247 36 283 5 _ 5 262 36 298 Cotton mill operatives, . 24 64 46 110 1 _ 1 77 58 135 Rope and cordage makers, 19 216 3 219 8 - 8 241 5 246 Iron foundry operatives, . _ 71 - 71 4 - 4 75 - 75 Nail makers, .... 4 85 14 99 6 - 6 95 14 109 Woollen mill operatives, 12 64 19 83 3 - 3 76 22 98 Town of Rockland, 30 903 130 1,033 36 _ 36 964 135 1,099 Shoe and boot factory op'lives. 30 903 130 1,033 36 - 36 964 135 1,099 Town of South Abington, . 15 551 90 641 53 _ 53 618 91 709 Shoe and boot factory op'lives, 9 436 52 488 29 - 29 473 .53 526 Nail makers 6 115 38 153 24 - 24 145 38 183 Town of Souxn Scituate, . _ 153 11 164 6 _ 6 159 11 170 Shoemakers, .... _ 41 _ 41 1 - 1 42 _ 42 Shoe and boot factory op'lives, - 112 11 123 5 - 5 117 11 128 Town of Warehatvt, 7 1 310 _ 310 10 _ 10 327 _ 327 Iron foundry operatives, . - 77 - 77 - - - 77 - 77 Nail makers, .... 1 112 - 112 3 - 3 116 - 116 Rolling mill operatives, . 6 121 - 121 7 - 7 134 - 134 Town of West Bridge water. 3 160 17 177 10 _ 10 173 17 190 Shoe and boot factory op'lives. 3 160 17 177 10 — 10 173 17 190 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. City of Boston, Bakers, Book binders, . Shoemakers, Shoe and boot factory op'tives. Box factory operatives, Carpenters, Masons, Painters, . Plasterers,. Plumbers and gas-fitters, Carpet makers, Dressmakers, . Milliners, . Tailors, Mill and factory operatives. 369 10 10 2 22 26 1 1 6 1 22 38 10 76 22 26,607 798 232 842 327 98 3,720 1,203 2,445 329 915 121 37 37 1,772 155 10,878 ! 69 296 58 172 227 " 6 12 8 1 304 5,401 703 2,919 150 37,485 1,145 116 i 1,261 867 16 2 18 578 8 3 11 900 87 _ 87 499 7 _ 7 325 _ _ _ 3,726 285 _ 285 ' 1,215 89 1 90 2,453 72 - 72 329 13 _ 13 916 _ 6 425 5 2 p. < 5,438 5 72 77 ,, 740 1 4 5 ': 4,691 145 26 171 1 305 2 1 3 ' 27,934 11,181 820 75 294 305 931 58 347 181 107 244 4,006 6 1,293 13 2,523 8 342 _ 922 1 137 317 42 5,511 39 716 1,925 3,013 169 161 39,115 895 599 989 628 351 4,012 1,306 2,531 342 923 454 5,553 755 4,938 330 390 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK — Concluded. SEX AXD AGES. Cities, Towns, and 10 TO 16 TO 59 60 AND OVER. Aggregates. Occupations. 15. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. City of Boston — Con. Rope and cordage makers, 19 249 63 312 6 1 7 273 65 338 Confectioners, . 8 277 64 341 5 1 6 287 68 355 Cabinet makers, 6 1,430 9 1,439 54 1 55 1,490 10 1,500 Uphol!*terer8, . 2 542 51 593 6 - 6 550 51 601 Harness makers, 1 325 10 335 15 - 15 341 10 351 Tanners and curriers. 9 650 5 655 10 _ 10 668 6 674 Machinir^ts, 3 2,095 6 2,101 42 1 43 2,140 7 2,147 Bteam boiler makers. 2 323 - 323 8 _ 8 333 _ 333 Blacksmiths, . - 1,269 4 1,273 65 _ 65 1,334 4 1,338 Brass founders and workers. 3 377 5 382 6 - 6 385 6 391 Iron foundry operatives, . 6 796 2 798 26 - 26 828 2 830 Tinners, .... 5 456 42 498 13 _ 13 474 42 516 Pianofoite makers, . 4 : 486 7 493 21 _ 21 509 . 9 518 Printers, .... 3-1, 1,871 231 2,102 22 1 23 1,924 i 235 2,159 Marble and stone cutters, 6 ! 801 2 803 14 _ 14 821 2 823 Cigiir makers, . 12 343 43 386 4 _ 4 355 47 402 Hhip carpenters, 359 - 359 43 _ 43 402 402 Coopers, .... 1 438 4 442 37 _ 37 476 4 480 Wood turners and carvers, 1 439 4 443 7 - 7 447 4' 451 City of Chelsea, . 15 1,110 526 1,636 63 7 70 1,179 542 1,721 Carpenters, - 272 4 276 29 - 29 301 4 305 Painters, . - 154 1-54 6 - 6 160 - 160 Tailors, - 67 84 1.51 7 2 9 74 86 160 Dressmakers, . 2 i 1 288 289 1 5 6 2 295 297 Cabinet makers, - 92 _ 92 5 _ 5 97 _ 97 Tanners and curriers, - 77 1 78 2 _ 2 79 1 80 Machinists, _ 122 _ 122 4 _ 4 126 126 Iron foundry operatives. - 107 1 108 2 _ 2 109 1 110 Printers, . 3 91 22 113 6 - 6 100 22 122 Rubber factory operatives. 10, 127 126 253 1 — 1 131 133 264 COUNTY OF WORCESTER. Town of Ashburnham, . 7 103 18 121 13 1 14 120 22 142 Cabinet makers 7 i 87 18 105 12 1 13 1 103 22 125 Morocco dressers, . 16 16 1 - 1 1 17 17 Town of Athol, 18 346 143 489 25 1 26 ' 384 149 533 Shoe and boot factory op'tives, 6 186 65 251 12 1 13 204 66 270 Carpenters, .... - 30 - 30 5 _ 5 35 _ 35 Painters - 24 - 24 1 - 1 25 _ 25 Dressmakers _ - 36 36 _ _ _ 1 _ 36 36 Cotton mill operatives, . 8 14 26 40 - _ _ 20 28 48 Cabinet makers. - 21 - 21 1 - 1 ! 22 _ 22 Machinists, .... 1 29 _ 29 2 _ 2 32 _ 32 Iron foundry operatives, . 23 _ 23 1 _ 1 24 _ 24 Woollen mill operatives, . 3 19 16 35 3 - 3 22 19 41 Town of Baere, 18 91 21 112 2 ^ 2 104 28 132 Hat and cap makers, 3 36 4 40 _ _ - i 39 4 43 Cotton mill operatives, . 10 38 17 5o 1 _ 1 42 24 66 Woollen mill operatives, . 5 17 - 17 f 1 - 1 23 23 Town of Blackstoxe, . 117 742 5.50 1,292 28 3 31 840 600 1,440 Cotton mill operatives, . 37 249 278 527 9 1 10 279 295 574 Mill and f;ictory operatives, . 7 72 i 79 _ _ 79 7 86 Woollen mill operatives. 73 421 265 686 19 2 21 482 298 780 Town of Brookfield, . 6 329 04 383 14 _ 1^ 345 58 403 Shoe and boot factory op'tives. 2 293 22 315 14 _ 14 308 23 331 Woollen mill operatives, . 4 36 32 68 ~ — — 37 35 72 PEIXCIPAL OCCUPATIOXS. 391 PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS. COUXTY OF WORCESTER — Continued. SEX AND AGES. Cities, Towns, and 10 TO 16 TO 59. 60 AND OVER. Aggregates. Occupations. 15. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. Town of Clinton, . 151 1,073 1,147 2,220 27 1 28 1,179 1,220 2.399 Carpet makers, 58 168 368 536 5 - 5 194 405 599 Cotton mill operatives, . 56 625 647 1,272 8 1 9 670 667 1,337 Machinists, .... _ 96 - 96 7 - 7 103 - 103 Wire maliers and workers. 11 58 62 120 1 - 1 68 64 132 Woollen mill operatives, . 20 59 64 123 - - - 65 78 143 Comb makers 6 67 6 73 6 - 6 79 6 85 Town of Douglas, . 11 246 6 252 10 _ 10 262 11 273 Tool and cullery makers. _ 233 I 233 10 - 10 243 - 243 Woollen mill operatives, . 11 13 19 - - - 19 11 30 Town of Dudley, . 112 336 196 532 10 _ 10 402 252 654 fcjhoeand boot factory op'tivcs, 2 50 4 54 2 - 2 54 4 58 Linen mill o jeratives. 53 127 131 258 2 - 2 154 159 313 Woollen mill operatives, . 57 159 61 220 6 - 6 194 89 283 City op Fitchburg, . 84 1,293 449 1,742 91 4 95 1,439 482 1,921 Carpenters, .... _ 133 _ 133 14 - 14 147 - 147 Masons - 46 _ 46 8 - 8 54 - 54 Painters, 1 103 _ 103 3 - 3 107 _ 107 Dressmakers «, - 105 105 _ 4 4 - 109 109 Mill and factory operatives, . 27 37 95 132 - - 55 104 159 Cotton mill operatives, . 18 19 96 115 5 - 5 30 108 138 Cabinetmakers, 7 220 14 234 18 - 18 245 14 259 Machinists _ 351 - 351 10 - 10 361 - 361 Iron foundry operatives, . — 83 _ 83 4 - 4 87 - 87 Paper mill operatives. 8 115 28 143 14 - 14 136 2^ 165 Woollen mill operatives, . 23 186 111 297 15 - 15 217 118 335 Town of Grafton, . 66 387 129 516 13 _ 13 4.33 162 595 Shoemakers _ 46 _ 46 4 - 4 50 - 50 Shoe and boot factory op'tives. _ 163 12 175 7 - 7 170 12 182 Cotton mill operatives, . 66 178 117 295 2 - 2 213 150 363 Town of Gardner, . 33 752 150 902 32 3 35 805 165 970 Cabinet make.-s, 15 612 28 640 28 2 30 650 35 685 Kattan workers. 18 140 122 262 4 1 5 155 130 285 Town op Holden, . 35 302 165 467 11 1 12 328 186 514 Cotton mill operatives, . 8 71 38 109 1 - 1 76 42 118 Woollen mill operatives, . 27 231 127 368 10 1 11 252 144 396 Town of Leicester, 37 254 134 388 19 2 21 296 150 446 Shoe and boot factory op'tives, 4 54 _ 54 _ - - 58 - 58 Woollen mill operatives, . • 33 200 134 334 19 2 21 238 150 388 Town of Leominster, . 19 759 139 898 41 _ 41 816 142 958 Painters, _ 60 _ 60 2 - 2 62 _ 62 Carriage makers, 1 59 17 76 1 - 1 61 17 78 Cabinet makers. 5 85 2 87 2 - 2 91 3 94 Tanners and curriers. 1 63 - 63 2 - 2 66 - 66 Pianoforte makers, . _ ' 56 " _ 56 4 _ 4 60 _ 60 Paper mill operatives, 1 53 5 58 1 _ 1 55 5 60 Button factory operatives. 4 60 49 109 - - - 63 50 113 Comb makers 7 323 66 389 29 - 29 358 67 425 Town op Milford, . 92 1,496 227 1,723 ' 51 2 53 1,616 2.52 1,868 Shoe and boot factory op'tives. 87 1,384 113 1,497 45 - 45 1,498 131 1,629 Shoemakers, .... _ 69 1 70 5 _ ! 74 1 75 Straw workers. 5 43 113 156 1 2 3 44 120 164 Town of Millbury, 103 544 331 875 15 7 22 ' 614 386 1,000 Shoe and boot factory op'tives, _ 47 _ 47 1 _ 1 48 - 43 Cotton mill operatives, . 52 89 72 ]6l 4 - 4 123 94 217 Weavers _ 54 108 ]S2 1 5 6 55 113 168 Woollen mill operatives, . 51 1 354 151 £05 9 2 11 388 179 567 892 CENSUS OP MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS. COUNTY OV WORCESTER — Continued. Cities, Towns, and Occupations. Town of Northbridge,. Cotton mill operatives, . Machinitjts, . . . , Iron foundry operatives, Town of North Buookfield, Shoe and boot factory op'tives, Corset makers, . Town of Oxford, . Shoe and boot factory op'tives. Mill and factory operatives, Town of Shrewsbury, . Shoe and boot factory op'tives, Tanners and curriers. Town op Southborouoh, Shoe and boot factory op'tives Woollen mill operatives. Town of Soutubridoe, . Cotton mill operatives, . Optical instrument makers. Woollen mill operatives, Town of Spencer, . Shoe and boot factory op'tives. Wire makers and workers. Woollen mill operatives. Town of Sturbrihge, . Tool and cutlery makers, Cotton mill oijeralives, . Town of Suttok, Cotton mill ojierativcs, . Machinists, Town of Templeton, Cabinet makers. Woollen mill operatives, Town of Upton, Shoemakers, Straw workers. Town of Uxbridge, Cotton mill operatives, . Woollen mill operatives. Town of Warren, . Cotton mill operatives, . Woollen mill operatives. Town of Webster, . Cotton mill operatives, . Woollen mill operatives, Town of WESTBORoroH, Shoe and boot factory op'tives Straw workers. Town of West Botlston, Shoe and boot factory op'tives Cotton mill operatives, . Town of West Brookfield, Shoe and boot factory op'tives. Corset makers, .... SEX AND AGES. 10 TO 15. Both Sexes. Ill 100 11 63 45 27 3 24 133 77 56 118 97 21 36 36 144 144 13 13 13 13 40 24 16 90 74 16 211 99 112 16 TO 59. M. 651 178 408 65 779 757 22 259 162 97 77 31 46 191 40 151 670 340 134 196 939 767 77 95 146 47 99 292 263 29 314 221 93 220 62 158 347 61 286 307 217 90 574 248 326 44 1 642 37 265 7 377 88 430 t 202 81 228 24 225 13 174 11 51 237 237 217 96 121 66 26 40 112 64 48 508 288 5 215 221 140 2 79 81 81 228 228 31 31 209 209 213 49 164 239 169 70 322 171 151 447 197 250 197 2 195 119 6 113 I Both Sexes. 888 415 408 65 996 853 143 325 188 137 77 31 46 303 104 199 1,178 628 139 411 1,160 907 79 174 227 47 180 520 491 29 345 221 124 , 429 ' 62 I 367 I 560 110 450 .546 386 160 896 419 477 1,089 461 627 627 204 423 344 ISO 164 60 AND OVEB. M. 25 8 15 2 21 21 13 10 3 3 3 24 8 2 14 20 16 1 3 2 1 1 3 2 1 4 4 20 14 6 14 1 13 4 4 33 4 29 23 19 4 3 1 2 12 12 Both Sexes. 25 8 15 2 23 21 2 13 10 3 3 3 27 9 2 16 20 16 1 3 3 1 2 4 3 1 4 4 20 14 6 14 1 13 35 4 31 23 19 4 5 1 4 13 13 Aggregates. M. 136 237 1,044 857 78 109 173 48 125 360 330 30 325 225 100 247 76 171 379 75 304 4 361 4 258 103 716 303 413 695 314 381 477 210 267 251 198 53 735 289 234 289 434 _ 67 - 8.39 278 812 11.5 27 163 282 83 173 28 109 55 80 1 34 1 46 - 193 119 40 71 153 48 767 571 394 320 5 246 254 163 2 89 93 93 308 308 37 37 215 215 235 60 175 279 206 73 426 219 207 461 204 257 243 2 241 130 8 122 PKIJsCIPAL OCCUPATIONS. 393 PRINCIPAL OCCUPATIONS. COUNTY OF WORCESTER — Concluded. SEX AND AGES. Cities, Towns, asd 10 TO 1 16 TO 59. 60 AND OVER. Aggregates. OCCUPATIOSS. 15. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. Town of Winchexdon, . 35 341 78 419 - 4 11 ! 368 97 465 Cotton mill operatives, . 29 88 70 158 2 1 3 104 86 190 Cabinet makers, - 30 4 34 2 2 4 32 6 38 Machinists - 64 _ 64 1 _ 1 65 _ 65 Coopers, 6 159 4 163 2 1 3 167 5 172 CiTT OP Worcester, 239 6,761 1,647 8,408 209 3 212 7,117 1,742 8,8.^9 Shoe and boot factory op'tives, 121 1,616 474 2,090 46 _ 46 1,733 524 2,257 Painters, 2 332 - 332 13 - 13 347 _ 347 Carpenters, .... 2 700 1 701 37 - 37 739 1 740 Dressmakers 5 - 534 534 _ 3 3 _ 542 542 Hoop-skirt makers, . 5 32 303 335 _ _ _ 32 308 340 Mill and factory operatives, . 22 124 60 184 1 _ 1 139 68 207 Machinists 4 1,222 - 1,222 42 - 42 1,268 1,268 Blacksmiths - 2r,3 - 263 10 - 10 273 273 Wire makers and workere, . 20 1,4:J2 39 1,471 23 _ 23 1,472 42 l,.il4 Iron foundry operatives. 5 470 - 470 10 _ 10 485 _ 4S5 Organ makers, .... 5 225 12 237 8 _ 8 238 12 250 Woollen mill operatives. 48 345 224 569 19 — 19 391 245 636 PERSONS ENGAGED IN AGRICULTURE. BY TOWNS. WITH SEX AND NATIVITIES. PERSONS ENGAGED I:N" AGEICULTUEE. SEX AND NATIVITIES : BY TOWNS. " Persons engaged in Agriculture" includes farmers, fai-m laborers, gardeners, dairymen and dairywomen, farm and plantation overseers, and florists. For the exact number of farmers, farm laborers, etc., in the State, see a succeeding table entitled '• Occupations by Name, for the State." 398 CENSUS or MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. PERSOXS EjS'GAGED IN AGRICULTURE. SEX AND NATIVITIES. Cooties, Cities, and United States. Ireland. i Germany, Towns. M, F. Both Sexes. M. F. 1 Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes - 1 County of Barnstable, . 1,327 4 1,331 23 23 1 1 2 Barnntable, . 207 - 207 5 _ 6 _ _ _ 8 Brewster, . 110 1 111 10 _ 10 _ _ _ 4 C'hatliam, 99 - 99 _ _ _ _ _ 5 Denni:s, l:?3 - 133 2 _ 2 1 -. 1 6 Eastham, 97 _ 97 _ _ _ 7 Falmouth, . 197 1 198 3 _ 3 _ _ _ 8 Harwich, 37 _ 37 _ _ _ _ _ 9 Mash pec, 2 2 « _ _ _ _ ^ 10 Orleans, 158 __ 156 _ _ _ _ — _ n Provincetown, 2 z 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ 12 Sandwich, . 193 2 195 3 _ 3 _ _ _ 13 Truro, . 45 - 45 _ _ _ _ _ 14 Wellfleet, . _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 15 Yarmouth, . 49 _ 49 - - - - - - 16 County of Berkshire, 4,866 28 4,894 642 3 545 69 _ 69 17 Adams, 151 - 151 13 _ 13 2 _ 2 18 Alford, 88 88 3 _ 3 _ « _ 19 Becket, 124 _ 124 17 _ 17 _ _ _ 20 Chesliire, 104 _ 104 20 _ 20 _ _ _ 21 Clarksburg, . 65 _ 65 8 „ 8 _ _ _ 22 Balton, 66 - 66 13 _ 13 6 « 6 23 Etfremont, . 194 - 194 1 - 1 _ - _ 24 Florida, 107 2 109 1 _ 1 _ _ _ 25 Great Barriugtou, 256 1 257 30 _ 30 4 _ 4 26 Hancock, 147 - 147 5 _ 5 2 _ 2 27 Hinsdale, 73 - 73 13 _ 13 6 „ 6 28 Lanesborough, . 147 1 148 10 - 10 1 - 1 29 Lee, 186 - 186 34 _ 34 _ - _ 30 Lenox, . 151 _ 151 30 _ 30 3 _ 3 31 Monterey, . 108 - 108 8 _ 8 1 _ 1 32 Mount Washington, 55 - 55 _ _ — _ - _ 33 New Ashford, . 39 1 40 » _ _ 1 _ 1 34 New Marlborough, 279 - 279 45 - 45 2 - 2 35 North Adams, . 101 1 102 4 - 4 1 - 1 36 Otis, . 170 - 170 1 _ 1 _ - _ 37 Peru, . 111 2 113 1 _ 1 — _ _ 38 Pittsfield, . 345 _ 345 93 _ 93 14 _ 14 39 Richmond, . 125 8 133 12 3 15 2 __ 2 40 Bandisfield, . 193 3 196 8 _ 8 3 - 3 41 Siivov, . 194 _ 194 7 _ 7 2 _ 2 42 Shefiield, . 418 _ 418 68 „ 68 8 ^ 8 43 Stockbridge, 211 _ 211 32 _ Zl 7 - 7 44 Tyringham, 119 - 119 9 _ 9 1 - 1 45 Washington, 62 — 62 35 _ 35 1 _ 1 46 West Stockbridge, 57 - 57 6 _ 6 _ — _ 47 Williamstown, . 234 9 243 15 _ 15 1 . 1 48 Windsor, 186 - 186 - - - 1 - 1 49 County of Bristol, . 4,451 11 4,462 287 2 289 17 1 18 50 Acushnet, . 124 - 124 _ _ _ _ - « 51 Attleborough, 368 1 369 76 _ 76 5 1 6 52 Berkley, 77 - 77 2 - 2 - - 53 Dartmouth, . 530 1 531 2 _ 2 _ _ _ 54 Dighton, 285 - 285 12 1 13 1 - 1 55 Easton, 81 - 81 19 _ 19 4 _ 4 56 Fairhaven, . 173 _ 173 4 _ 4 « _ _ 57 Fall River, . 172 2 174 47 _ 47 1 _ 1 58 Freetown, . 156 1 157 1 -. 1 _ _ 59 Man.-ifield, . 175 1 176 8 _ 8 _ _ _ 60 New Bedford, 177 1 178 28 _ 28 X _, 1 61 Norton, 169 3 172 4 _ 4 1 _ 1 62 Ilayidiam, . 162 _ 162 2 _. 2 _ _ _ 63 Rehoboth, . 295 - 295 4 _ 4 1 _ 1 64 Seekonk, 231 — 231 13 - 13 - PEESOXS ENGAGED IX AGEICULTUKE. ?99 PERSONS ENGAGED IN AGRICULTURE — Conlinued. SEX AXD NATn'ITIES. Great Britain. [ SCASDISAVIA. British America. Other Coiixtkies. Aggregates. M. F. Both Sexes. M. '■ Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. 1 F. Both Sexes M. F. Both Sexes. 13 13 _ _ _ 1 _ 1 11 _ 11 1,376 4 1,.380 1 4 _ 4 _ _ _ ~. _ - - - _ 216 _ 216 2 1 _ 1 1 _ _ _ _ - - 1 - 1 122 1 123 3 -'ji _ - _ - : - - - - - - 99 - 99 4 - - _ - _ 1 _ 1 3 _ 3 140 _ 140 5 1 _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 98 _ 98 6 Z - 3 _ _ _ _ - _ - - _ 203 1 204 7 - - - - - - - - - - - - 37 2 158 2 199 - 37 2 158 2 201 8 9 10 11 12 - - - - - - - - - 2 - 2 - 2 I 2 ~ _ _ _ _ _ 1 ... 1 2 2 - 2 - - - - - - 4 - 4 51 - 51 13 14 15 - - - - - - ~ - - - - - 49 - 49 55 1 56 _ _ 101 _ 101 62 _ 62 5,695 32 5,727 16 3 _ 3 _ _ - 19 - 19 - - _ 1«8 _ 188 17 _ _ - _ _ - _ - _ - - _ 91 _ 91 18 _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ 8 _ 8 149 _ 149 19 5 _ 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 129 _ 129 20 _ _ - _ _ _ 1 - 1 1 _ 1 75 _ 75 21 1 _ 1 _ _ _ 2 _ 2 3 - 3 91 _ 91 22 1 1 2 _ _ - 1 - 1 1 _ 1 198 1 199 23 _ _ - _ - - 3 - 3 - - - 111 2 113 24 1 - 1 - i „ - 3 - 3 5 - 5 299 1 300 25 - - - - - _ - - - - - - 154 - 154 26 — _ _ _ _ _ 2 _ 2 - _ _ 94 _ 94 27 1 _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ 159 1 160 28 2 _ 2 _ _ _ 1 _ 1 3 - 3 226 _ 226 29 6 _ 6 _ _ _ 1 _ 1 13 _ 13 204 _ 204 30 1 _ 1 _ _ _ 1 _ 1 2 _ 2 121 _ 121 31 _ — - - _ _ _ - _ _ - _ 55 _ 55 32 - _ - _ _ - _ - _ 1 1 41 1 42 33 1 _ 1 _ - _ _ - - 1 - 1 328 _ 328 34 6 _ 6 - - - 33 - 33 - - "- 145 1 146 35 - - - - - - - - - - - - 171 - 171 36 _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ - - _ 112 2 114 37 5 _ 5 _ _ _ 20 - 20 9 - 9 486 _ 486 38 3 - 3 - - - 2 - 2 3 - 3 147 11 158 39 - _ - - - - _ - - 3 - 3 207 3 210 40 - - - - - - - - - 1 - 1 204 _ 204 41 3 _ 3 _ _ _ _ _ _« 1 - 1 498 . 498 42 7 _ 7 _ _ _ ■ 1 - 1 5 - 5 263 _ 263 43 _ _ - _ _ - 1 _ 1 - - _ 130 _ 130 44 2 - 2 _ - - 3 - 3 2 - 2 105 _ 105 45 2 - 2 - - - - - - - - - 65 _ 65 46 5 _ 5 _ _ _ 7 _ 7 - - _ 262 9 271 47 - - - - - - - - - - - - 187 - 187 48 154 1 155 j 29 _ 29 86 2 88 120 _ 120 5,144 17 5,161 49 1 - 1 i - - - - - 3 - 3 128 _ 128 50 13 _ 13 1 16 _ 16 3 2 5 - _ _ 481 4 485 51 1 _ 1 _ _ - 1 - 1 - - _ 81 _ 81 52 27 _ 27 . _ _ 3 _ 3 54 _ 54 616 1 617 53 — 6 1 _ • 1 4 _ 4 3 _ 3 312 1 313 54 5 _ 5 4 _ • 4 1 _ 1 2 _ 2 116 _ 116 55 2 _ 2 1 1 1 2 - 2 10 _ 10 192 _ 192 56 li — 18 _ _ _ 31 _ 31 3 — 3 272 2 274 57 8 _ 8 _ _ _ _ _ 3 _ 3 168 1 169 58 13 _ 13 _ _ _ 12 _ 12 - - _ 208 1 209 59 8 _ 8 1 - 1 2 - 2 6 - 6 223 1 224 60 7 - 7 - - - 3 - 3 - - - 184 3 187 61 _ _ _ 1 _ 1 3 _ 3 2 _ 2 170 _ 170 62 5 . _ 5 _ _ _ 1 _ 1 2 _ 2 308 _ 308 63 - - — 4 — 4 3 1 — 3 4 — 4 255 — 255 64 400 CENSUS OE MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. PERSOXS ENGAGED IN AGRICULTURE — Continued. SEX AND NATIVITIE.S. Counties, Cities, asd United States. Ireland. Germany. Towss. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. County of Bristol — Con. 1 Somerset, . 112 - 112 18 - 18 _ _ _ 2 Swansea, •J88 - 288 17 - 17 1 _ 1 3 Taunton, 300 - 300 25 1 26 1 _ 1 4 Weetport, . 576 1 577 5 - 5 1 - 1 5 County of Dukes, 310 _ 310 2 _ 2 8 ^ 8 6 Chilmark, . 82 _ 82 _ _ _ _ _ 7 Cott:ige City, 19 _ 19 _ _ _ 6 _ 6 8 EJgartown, . 66 _ 66 _ _ _ _ _ _ 9 (ray Hoad, . i:j _ 13 - - _ _ _ _ 10 Gosnold, 10 _ 10 2 _ 2 2 _ 2 11 Tisbury, 120 - 120 - - - - - 12 County of Essex, 5,.384 26 5,410 550 3 553 26 _ 26 13 Amesbury, . 97 - 97 3 - 3 _ _ _ 14 Andover, 217 . 217 36 _ 36 3 _ 3 15 Beverly, 299 _ 299 26 _ 26 _ _ 16 Hoxford, 183 1 184 9 _ 9 . . _ 17 Bradford, . 124 _ 124 10 _ 10 _ _ _ 18 Danvers, 174 _ 174 16 _ 16 1 _ 1 19 Essex, . 88 _ 88 - _ _ 20 Georgetown, 130 1 131 14 _ 14 _ _ _ 21 Gloucester, . 230 - 2.30 13 - 13 _ _ _ 22 Groveland, . 90 _ 90 1 _ 1 _ _ _ 23 H:iinilton, . 131 _ 131 5 _ 5 _ ~ _ 24 Haverliill, . 302 1 303 22 _ 22 1 1 25 Ipswicli, 323 3 326 19 _ 19 _ _ 26 Lawrence, . 88 88 25 . 25 1 _ 1 27 Lynn, . 97 _ 97 31 _ , 81 1 _ 1 28 Lynnfield, . 104 _ 104 _ _ _ 1 _ 1 29 Mancbcster, 34 _ 34 _ _ _ 30, 124 17 141 18 _ 18 _ _ _ 31 Merrimac, . 69 _ 69 _ _ _ „ _ _ 32 Methuen, 318 _ 318 23 _ 23 9 _ 9 33 Middleton, . 138 _ 138 4 _ 4 _ _ 34 N.ahant, 8 _ 8 1 _ 1 1 _ 1 35 Newbury, . 278 _ 278 34 _ 34 1 _ 1 36 Newburyport, 127 1 128 49 1 50 1 _ 1 37 North A'udover, 208 _ 208 26 _ 26 5 _ 5 38 Peabody, 307 _ 307 23 _ 23 . 39 Rockport, . 73 _ 75 2 _ 2 _ ^ _ 40 Rowley, 1.55 - 155 9 _ 9 _ _ _ 41 Salem, . 1.36 - 136 69 2 71 1 _ 1 42 Salisbury, . 179 2 181 7 _ 7 _ _ 43 Saugus, 54 _ 54 4 _ 4 _ _ _ 44 Swampscott, 38 _ 38 15 _ 15 _ _ _ 45 Topsfield, . "169 _ 169 10 _ 10 _ _ _ 46 Wenham, . 109 _ 109 2 _ 2 _ __ _ 47 West Newbury, 181 - 181 24 - 24 - - - 48 County of Fran-klin, 4,619 9 4,628 158 2 160 33 33 49 Ashtield, 302 1 303 _ _ _ 3 ^ 3 50 Bernardston, 162 1 163 - 1 _ 1 _ 51 Bucklaiid, . 1-55 _ 155 2 _ 2 4 _ 4 62 Charlemont, 2.52 _ 252 1 _ 1 _ 53 Colrain, 347 _ 347 _ _ _ _ _ 54 Conway, 219 _ 219 8 _ 8 3 _ 3 55 Deerfield, . 413 3 416 41 _ 41 2 _ 2 56 Erving, 59 _ .59 3 _ 3 « _ 57 Gill, . 130 - 130 3 _ 3 1 _ 1 58 Greenfield, . 175 _ 175 8 a — 8 9 _ 9 59 Hawley, 153 _ 153 1 _ 1 _ _ 60 Heatb, . 125 _ 125 _ _ _ _ _ 61 Leverett, 192 _ 192 _ _ ^ _ ^ _ 62 Leyden, 158 _ 158 12 1 13 1 _ 1 63 Monroe, 1 _ 1 2 _ 2 _ 64 Montague, . 144 _ 144 2 _ 2 4 ^ 4 65 New Salem, 218 _ 218 _ . _ _ 66 Northfleld, . 316 *~ 316 17 ~ 17 ~ - — PEESOXS EXGAGED EN" AGEICULTURE. 401 PERSONS ENGAGED IN AGRICULTURE — Continued. SEX AXD JsATIVITIES. Gkeat Bkitain. Scandinavia. Beitish America. 1 Other Countries. Aggregates. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes 1 1 1 131 131 1 19 - 19 1 - 1 3 - 3 4 - 4 333 - 333 2 6 1 7 - - - 6 - 6 3 ■ - 3 341 2 343 3 14 - 14 - - - 8 - 8 21 - 21 625 1 626 4 3 _ 3 _ _ _ 1 _ 1 10 _ 10 334 _ 334 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - 82 - 82 6 - - - - - - - - _ - 2 27 _ 27 7 2 - 2 - - - "" _ - i ^ - 6 74 _ 74 8 - - - - - - - - j - - 13 - 13 9 1 - 1 - - - - - - - - 15 _ 15 1 10 - - - — - - 1 - 1 2 - 2 123 - 123 : 11 152 1 153 7 - 7 243 1 244 32 - 32 6,394 31 6,425 109 12 5 - 5 - - - 4 - 4 - - - 109 _ 13 20 - 20 - - - 10 _ 10 1 - 1 287 _ 287 14 8 - 8 - - - 3 - 3 2 - 2 338 _ 338 15 5 - 5 - - - 2 - 2 1 - 1 200 1 201 16 3 - 3 1 - 1 - - _ 5 - 5 143 _ 143 17 2 - 2 4 - 4 4 - 4 - - - 201 _ 201 18 - - - - - - - - - 2 - 2 90 _ 90 19 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1 - - - 146 1 147 20 4 - 4 - - - 9 - 9 - - - 256 - 256 21 3 - 3 - - - - - _ ! - - - 94 _ 94 22 4 - 4 - - - 5 - 5 1 - - - 145 _ 145 23 5 - 5 - - - 19 - . 19 - - 349 1 350 24 6 1 7 _ - - 4 _ 4 1 - 1 353 4 357 25 11 - 11 _ - - 14 1 15 - - 139 1 140 26 5 - 5 - - - 7 - 7 2 - 2 143 _ 143 27 2 - 2 - - - - - - - - - 107 - 107 28 - - - - - - 1 - 1 - - - 35 - 35 29 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1 - - - 144 17 161 30 - - - - - - - - _ - - - 69 - 69 31 6 - 6 - - - 31 - 31 2 - 2 389 _ 389 32 2 - 2 - - - 12 - 12 - - - 156 _ 156 33 4 - 4 - - - - - _ - ■ - - 14 _ 14 34 2 - 2 - - - 2 - 2 - - - 317 _ 317 35 7 - 7 - - - 6 - 6 - - 190 2 192 36 6 - 6 - - - 19 - 19 - - - 264 _ 264 37 4 - 4 - - - 9 - 9 - - - 343 _ 343 38 _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ 77 _ 1 1 39 5 _ 5 _ - _ 2 - 2 - - _ 171 _ 171 40 8 - 8 2 - 2 54 _ 54 4 - 4« 274 2 276 41 8 - 8 - - - 5 - 5 1 - 1 200 2 202 42 4 . 4 - - - - - _ 7 - 7 69 . 691 43 4 - 4 - - - 7 - 7 - - - 64 _ 64; 44 1 - 1 - - - 8 - 8 - - - 188 _ 188; 45 _ - _ _ _ _ 1 _ 1 4 — 4 116 _ 116l 46 6 - 6 - - - 3 - 3 - - - 214 - 214 47 30 _ 30 1 _ 1 58 - 58 1 _ 1 4,900 11 4,911 48 - - - - - - - - - - - - 305 1 306 49 3 - 3 - - - 1 - 1 - - - 167 1 168 50 1 - 1 - - - 4 - 4 - - - 166 _ 166 51 1 - 1 - - - - - - - - - 254 _ 254! 52 - - - - - - 19 - 19 - - - 366 - 366 53 4 - 4 - - - - - - 1 - 1 235 _ 235 54 7 - 7 1 - 1 12 - 12 - - - 476 3 479! 55 - - - - - - 4 - 4 - - - 66 - 66 56 1 - 1 - - - 1 _ 1 - - - 1.36 _ 136' 57 5 - 5 - - - - - - - - - 197 - 197 i 58 - - - - - - - - - - - - 154 - 154 59 3 - 3 _ _ - 4 - 4 - - - 132 _ 132 60 - - - - _ - - - - ~ - - 192 - 192 61 - - - - - - 1 - 1 - - 172 1 173 62 — - - - - - 1 - 1 - - - 4 - 4 63 1 _ 1 - _ _ 2 - 2 - - - 153 _ 153 64 - - - - - _ _ - - - - _ 218 _ 218 65 1 ■" 1 ~ ~ — 1 ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ 335 — 335 66 402 CEXSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS 1S80. PERSONS ENGAGED IN AGRICULTURE — Continued. Counties, Cities, and SEX AXD N.^TIATflES. United States. Ireland. German r. Towns. 1 M. F. Both Sexes. 31. F. Both Sexes. M. • F. Both Sexes. County of Franklin — Con. ' . 1 Orange 195 1 196 1 _ 1- 1 _ 1 2 Rowo, 117 _ 117 _ _ _ _ _• _ 3 Shclbiirno, 158 - 1.58 1 _ 1 2 _ 2 4 Shutusbury, . 116 _ 116 o - 2 - - 5 Sutiderlai)d, . 92 - 92 15 1 •16 - - - 6 Warwick, 142 2 144 3 _ 3 1 .. 1 7 Wendell, 97 1 98 4 _ 4 1 - 1 8 Whately, 181 - 181 31 - 31 1 - 1 9 County of Hampden, . 4,10- 20 4,127 500 2 502 33 _ 33 10 Agawatn, 3.30 _ 330 59 _ 59 2 . 2 11 Blandford, 178 2 180 2 - 2 _ _' - 12 Brimtield, 238 _ 2.38 24 1 25 _ _ _ 13 Chester 173 4 177 11 _ 11 1 _ 1 14 Cbicopee, 1.53 - 153 68 _ 68 _ .. _ 15 Granville, 250 _ 250 .30 _ • 30 2 _ 2 16 i Hampden, 97 1 98 15 - 15 2 _ 2 17 Holland, .... 71 - 71 2 - 2 _ - - 18 Holyoke, 101 _ 101 26 _ 26 4 _ 4 19 ' Longmeadow, 177 _ 177 16 _ 16 2 _ 2 20 Ludlow, .... 233 - 233 12 _ 12 1 _ 1 21 Monson 290 - 290 12 1 13 3 _ 3 22 Montgomery, . 109 - 109 2 - 2 _ _ - 23 Palmer 181 2 183 38 - 38 1 - 1 24 Russell 89 - 89 1 _ 1 _ _ - 25 Southwiek, . 241 - 241 18 _ 18 2 _ 2 26 Springfield, . 284 8 292 56 - 56 6 _ 6 27 Tolland 97 - 97 6 - 6 2 _ 2 28 Wales 72 _ 72 9 _ 9 _ _ _ 29 Westfleld, 308 - 308 19 _ 19 3 _ 3 SO West Springfield, . 227 1 228 54 _ 54 2 _ 2 31 Wilbraham, . 208 2 210 20 - 20 - - - 32 County of Hampshire, 4,419 14 4,433 364 _ 364 38 _ 38 33 Amherst, 370 _ 370 33 _ 33 1 _ 1 34 Belchertown, . 449 - 449 46 - 46 _ _ - 35 Chesterfield, . 181 — 181 3'. _ 3 _ _ _ 36 Cumiiiington, lii7 1 198 - _ _ 1 « - 37 Easthampton, 171 - 171 22 _ 22 6 _ 6 38 Enfield, .... 112 2 114 3 - 3 _ _ - 39 Gotihen, . 104 — 104 _ _ _ _ _ _ 40 Granby, . 210 _ 210 16 _ 16 2 _ 2 41 Greenwich, «. 123 1 124 _ _ _ _ — - 42 Had ley, . 284 1 285 38 _ 38 2 _ 2 43 Hatfiild, 192 1 193 23 - 23 16 _ 16 44 Huntington, 128 2 130 1 _ 1 _ _ _ 45 Middletield, 95 _ 95 1 _ 1 1 _ 1 46 Northampton, 290 1 291 64 - 64 5 _ 5 47 Pelliam, . 153 1 1.54 2 - 2 _ _ - 48 Plaiufield, 158 _ 158 _ _ _ 1 _ 1 49 Prescott, . • 121 _ 121 _ _ _ _ _ - 50 Bouth Hadley, 163 - 163 11 - 11 2 _ 2 51 Southampton, 213 - 213 29 - 29 _ _ - 52 Ware, . 229 3 2.32 40 _ 40 _ _ ._ 53 Westhampton, 128 1 129 16 _ 16 _ _ - 64 Williamsburg, 171 _ 171 13 _ 13 _ _ _ 55 Worthington, 177 - 177 3 - 3 1 - 1 56 County of Middlesex, 7,605 22 7,627 1,790 3 1,793 54 _ 54 57 Acton, .... 190 - 190 13 _ 13 2 « 2 58 Arlington, 176 - 176 159 _ 1.59 3 _ 3 59 Ash by. 233 ■ - 233 8 - 8 _ _ - 60 Ashland, 122 _ 122 14 _ 14 _ _ _ 61 Ayer, . 59 - 59 11 _ 11 _ _ - 62 Bedford, . 70 - 70 22 - 22 2 _ 2 63 Belmont, 147 1 148 99 _ 99 2 _ 2 64 Billerica, .169 - 169 26 _ 26 1 _ 1 65 Boxborough, 83 - 83 6 - 6 - _ - 66 Burlington, 115 - 115 40 - 40 _ _ - 67 Cambridge, 106 4 110 95 — 95 6 — 6 PEESOXS EXGAGED IX AGEICIJLTURE. i03 PERSONS ENGAGED IN AGRICULTURE — Continued. SEX AND NA-TIVITIES. Great Britain. 1 SCAXDISATIA. • 1 British America. Other Countries. Aggregates. M. F. Both Sexes. 3J. „ Both Sexes. 1 M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. - '_ _ 3 3 200 1 201 1 1 - 1 _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - 118 - ■118 2 1 - 1 - _ _ _ _ - — - 162 - 162 3 - - _ - _ - 1 - 1 - - - 119 - 1191 4 - - _ - - - - - _ - - - 107 1 108 5 - _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ 1 _ _ _ 147 2 149 6 1 - 1 _ _ _ 3 _ 3 - _ _ 106 1 107 7 - - - - . - - - - - - - - 213 - 213 1 8 79 _ 79 9 _ 9 128 _ 128 19 _ 19 4,875 22 4,897 9 3 - 3 1 - 1 16 - 16 1 - 1 412 - 412 10 1 - 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 181 2 183 i 11 1 - 1 _ _ _ 7 - 7 4 _ 4 274 1 275 ' 12 1 - 1 - _ _ 2 _ 2 _ _ _ 188 4 192 13 11 - 11 - _ _ 28 - 28 1 - 1 261 - 261 14 4 - 4 — " _ _ 3 - 3 2 _ 2 291 - 291 15 1 - 1 - - _ 1 - 1 1 - 1 117 1 118 16 - - - - - _ 3 - 3 1 - - 76 - 76 17 8 - 8 2 - 2 11 _ 11 2 _ 2 154 _ 1.54 18 6 - 6 1 - 1 2 • _ 2 _ _ _ 204 _ 204 19 1 - 1 - _ _ 11 _ 11 _ _ _ 2.58 _ 258 20 2 - 2 - - _ _ - _ - _ . 307 1 308 21 - - _ 1 - 1 - - _ _ _ - 112 - 112 22 5 - 5 - - - 7 _ 7 - - - 232 2 234 23 4 - 4 — - - 1 - 1 - - - 95 - 95: 24 4 "* 4 3 - 3 1 - 1 - - - 269 - 269 ' 25 9 9 1 - 1 19 _ 19 5 _ 5 380 8 388 26 1 - 1 . - _ _ _ _ 1 _ 1 107 _ 107 27 1 - 1 - - - 5 .5 _ _ _ 87 - 87 28 9 - 9 - - — 4 4 2 - 2 345 _ 345 29 5 - 5 - - — 1 1 - - - 289 1 290 30 2 - 2 - - - 6 ' 6 - - _ 236 2 238 31 47 47 _ _ _ 106 _ 106 12 _ 12 4,986 14 5,000 32 1 - 1 - - - 6 - 6 2 - 2 413 - 413 33 2 - 2 - - - X 1 _ - - 49S,, _ 498 34 - - _ - - - -d UxiTED States. Ireland. Gebmant. Towns. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. County of Middlesex — Con. 1 1 Carlisle, . , 94 - 94 1 7 _ 7 1 ^^ 1 2 Chelmsford, 243 1 244 ' 34 _ 34 1 ^ 1 3 Concord, 289 - 289 118 2 120 _ 4 Dracut, . 105 - 105 8 8 _ _ _ 5 Dunstable, 107 _ 107 4 ^ 4 _ ^, _ 6 Everett, . 61 _ 61 8 _ 8 1 ^ 1 7 Framiiigham, 261 261 88 _ 88 _ 8 Groton, . 319 2 321 26 ^ 26 1 _ 1 9 Holliston, 1.56 _ 156 30 _ 30 ^ 10 Hopkinton, 110 - 110 17 _ 17 ^ _ ^ 11 Hudson, . 81 - 81 20 _ 20 ^ _ _ 12 Lexington, 229 2 231 99 _ 99 _ _ _ 13 Lincoln, . 120 - 120 43 _ 43 1 _ 1 14 Littleton, 167 - 167 25 1 26 _ 15 Lowell, . 176 - 176 52 52 1 ^ 1 16 Maiden, . 45 - 45 11 _ 11 _ _ 17 Marlborough, 234 - 234 27 _ 27 _ _ ^ 18 Ma3nard, 54 - 54 13 _ 13 1 _ 1 19 Medford, 47 - 47 20 _ 20 2 _ 2 >0 Melrose, . 37 - 37 5 _ 5 3 _ 3 n Natick, . 1.56 - 156 41 _ 41 3 _ 3 12 Newton, . 147 1 148 59 _ 59 10 ^ 10 23 North Readini i, 123 - 123 6 - 6 _ >A Pei)l)erell, 190 - 190 8 - 8 1 * 1 25 Reading, . 102 - 102 4 _ 4 _ _ 26 Sherborn, 181 - 181 10 - 10 1 _ 1 27 Sliirley, . 84 1 85 4 _ 4 _ 28 Somerville, . 73 1 74 42 _ 42 _ _ ^ 29 Stoneham, 57 - 57 6 _ 6 « _ _ JO Stow, 135 1 1.36 16 16 ^ _ _ U ■Sudbury, 2S1 1 282 38 _ 38 _ w w 32 Tewksbury, . 171 - 171 47 - 47 1 . 1 53 Towns'end, 187 - 187 9 - 9 1 . 1 54 Tynsisborougl > 94 - 94 8 - 8 1 _ 1 55 Wakefield, 81 - 81 8 _ 8 _ ... 56 Waltham, 160 _ 160 61 _ 61 1 ^ 1 57 Watertown, 34 - 34 52 - 52 _ 58 Wayland, 140 - 140 39 39 3 3 59 Westford, 249 2 251 23 I 23 i 3 _ 3 JO AVeston, . 218 - 218 23 - 23 ' 1 ^ 1 a Wilmington, 84 - ^ \ 5 - 5 1 - _ 12 Wincliepter, 99 1 100 34 _ 34 _ _ 13 Woburn, 154 4 158 99 - 99 - - - U County of Nantucket, 77 '_ 77 8 _ 8 15 Nantucket, 77 - 77 8 - 8 - ** - 16 County or Norfolk, . 2,740 9 2,749 524 _ 524 76 _ 76 17 Bellingham, . 152 - 152 10 _ 10 3 _ 3 18 Brain tree. 60 - 60 6 _ 6 1 _ 1 19 Brookline, 86 - 86 78 . 78 6 _ 6 50 Canton, . 124 - 124 35 _ 35 1 _ 1 51 Cohasset, 127 1 128 10 __ 10 _ _ 52 Dedham, 161 - 161 27 '_ 27 7 _ 7 53 Dover, . 78 - 78 27 - 27 5 _ 5 54 Foxborough, 147 - 147 9 - 9 1 _ 1 55 Franklin, 163 - 163 22 - 22 1 _ 1 56 Holbrook, 6 - 6 - - _ _ _ « 57 Hyde I'ark, 29 - 29 13 _ 13 1 _ 1 58 Medtield,. 91 4 95 3 _ 3 ^ 59 Medway, 126 - 126 ' 31 - 31 2 _ 2 60 Milton, . 138 - 138 32 - 32 15 _ 15 61 Needham, 169 - 169 47 _ 47 20 _ 20 62 Norfolk, . 108 - 108 20 - 20 1 _ 1 63 Norwood, 73 1 74 15 _ 15 3 _ 3 64 Quincy, . 110 2 112 20 _ 20 2 _ 2 65 Randolph, 77 - 77 30 - 30 _ _ _ 66 Sharon, . 157 1 158 22 - 22 3 _ 3 67 Stoughton, 116 116 10 - 10 - - PERSOXS ENGAGED IN AGEICULTUKE. 405 PERSONS ENGAGED IN AGRICULTURE — Continued. SEX ^VXD XATmXIES. Great Britain. ScA^•DI^-A^^A. British America. Other Countries. Aggregates. M.' F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both .<5exes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. 2 2 3 3 1 1 108 108 1 9 - 9 1 _ 1 7 « 7 _ _ — 295 1 296 2 3 - 3 22 — 22 51 _ 51 2 _ 2 485 2 487 3 6 - 6 _ _ _ 5 - 5 - _ - 124 - 124 4 - - - - _ _ 5 _ 5 _ _ _ 116 - 116 5 2 - 2 2 _ 2 6 _ 6 _ _ _ 80 _ 80 6 17 - 17 5 _ 5 16 _ 16 3 . 3 390 _ 390 7 3 - 3 _ _ _ _ ^ _ _ _ 349 2 351 8 1 - 1 _ _ _ 12 _ 12 « _ _ 199 - 199 9 3 - 3 _ — _ 1 _ 1 _ _ _ 131 - 131 10 1 - 1 _ _ _ 6 _ 6 _ _ - 108 - 108 11 7 _ 7 _ _ _ 4 _ 4 _ _ - 339 2 341 12 3 - 3 - _ _ 22 - 22 2 _ 2 191 - 191 13 4 - 4 - - _ 11 - 11 - - _ 207 1 208 14 31 - 31 3 _ 3 30 _ 30 3 _ 3 296 - 296 15 2 - 2 1 _ 1 _ _ 2 _ 2 61 - 61 16 3 - 3 - _ _ 10 _ 10 _ _ _ 274 - 274 17 3 - 3 - _ _ 9 _ 9 _ _ . 80 - 80 18 4 1 5 _ _ _ 12 _ 12 _ _ « 85 1 86 19 2 - 2 _ « _ 4 _ 4 _ _ _ 51 _ 61 20 4 - 4 2 _ 2 3 _ 3 3 _ 3 212 _ 212 21 21 - 21 _ _ _ 30 _ 30 1 _ 1 268 1 269 22 - - _ - _ _ 12 _ 12 1 _ 1 142 _ 142 23 1 - 1 _ _ _ 2 _ 2 _ _ _ ■ 202 _ 202 24 3 - 3 - _ _ 3 _ 3 _ _ _ 112 _ 112 25 2 - 2 _ - _ 13 _ 13 _ _ _ 207 - 207 26 2 - 2 - - _ ■ 4 _ 4 « _ ^ 94 1 95 27 5 . 5 _ _ _ 12 1 13 3 _ 3 135 2 137 28 4 - 4 - _ _ 4 _ 4 1 _ 1 72 _ 72 29 1 - 1 - — _ 2 _ 2 1 _ 1 155 1 156 30 5 - 5 2 _ 2 17 _ 17 1 _ 1 344 1 345 31 5 - 5 3 - 3 13 _ 13 _ _ 240 - 240 32 2 - 2 - _ _ 7 _ 7 1 _ 1 1 207 - 207 33 4 - 4 - - _ 2 « 2 _ _ 109 - 109 34 4 - 4 _ _ _ 7 _ 7 _ _ _ 100 _ 100 35 8 - 8 7 _ 7 25 _ 25 1 _ 1 1 263 _ 263 36 11 - 11 1 _ 1 8 _ 8 _ _ 106 _ 106 37 6 1 7 3 _ 3 26 ~ 26 1 _ 1 j 218 1 219 38 6 - 6 - - _ 12 12 _ _ 293 2 295 39 11 - 11 5 _ 5 36 _ 36 2 _ 2 i 296 _ 296 40 2 - 2 1 _ 1 2 _ 2 _ _ 1 94 _ 94 41 5 - 5 _ _ _ 4 - 4 1 _ 1 1 143 1 144 42 8 - 8 - - - 17 - 17 - - - 278 4 282 43 _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ 1 7 _ 7 93 _ 93 44 — - - - - - 1 - 1 7 - 7 93 - 93 45 133 _ 133 19 _ 19 187 _ 187 19 _ 19 3,698 9 3,707 46 3 - 3 - _ _ 9 _ 9 _ - _ 177 - 177 47 2 - 2 _ _ _ 5 _ 5 _ _ _ 74 _ 74 48 11 - n 6 _ 6 26 _ 26 _ _ _ 213 _ 213 49 4 - 4 _ _ 1 _ 1 _ _ _ 165 _ 165 50 1 - 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 _ .4 142 1 143 51 6 - 6 _ _ _ 16 _ 16 _ _ _ 217 _ 217 52 10 - 10 _ _ _ 6 _ 6 — _ _ 126 _ 126 53 3 - 3 _ - _ 2 _ 2 1 _ 1 163 _ 163 £4 4 ~ 4 _ _ . 13 _ 13 _ _ 203 _ 203 55 - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6 _ 6 56 4 - 4 1 _ 1 4 _ 4 _ _ _ 52 _ 52 57 1 - 1 _ _ __ _ _ _ 95 4 99 58 2 - 2 1 _ 1 2 _ 2 _ _ _ 164 _ 164 59 7 - 7 _ _ _ 25 • 25 _ _ _ 217 - 217 60 27 - 27 1 _ 1 7 _ 7 3 _ 3 274 - 274 61 12 - 12 1 _ 1 2 _ 2 _ _ 144 _ 144 62 2 - 2 1 _ 1 9 _ 9 2 _ 2 105 1 106 63 15 - 15 1 _ 1 21 _ 21 5 _ _ 174 2 176 64 3 - 3 _ _ 2 _ 2 _ _ 112 _ 112 65 2 - 2 3 _ 3 7 _ 7 3 _ 3 197 1 198 66 3 ~ 3 — — - — - - 1 - 1 130 — 130 67 406 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. PERSONS ENGAGED IN AGRICULTURE — Continued. SEX AND NATIVITIES. Counties, Cities, and United States. Ireland. Germany. Towns. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. County of Norfolk — Con. 1 Wiilpole 154 _ 154 19 _ 19 2 _ 2 2 Weymouth, 147 _ 147 31 _ 31 _ _ _ 3 Wreatham, . 141 - 141 7 - 7 2 - 2 4 County of Plymouth, 3,281 4 3,285 1.56 _ 156 4 _ 4 5 Abington, . 70 - 70 17 - 17 - - - 6 Bridgewater, 156 _ 156 15 _ 15 - _ _ 7 Brockton, . 132 _ 132 12 - 12 ~ - _ 8 Carver, 127 _ 127 1 „ 1 _ _ 9 Duxbiiry, . 138 _ 138 2 _ 2 _ _ _ 10 East Bridgewate r. 121 _ 121 13 _ 13 _ _ _ 11 Halifax, 70 _ 70 2 _ 2 - - _ 12 Hanover, 1.52 _ 152 14 _ 14 - - _ 13 Hanson, 86 2 88 1 _ 1 - - _ U Iliiigliara, . 108 -. 108 14 _ 14 2 _ 2 15 Hull, . 5 _ 5 1 - 1 _ - _ 16 Kingston, . 28 - 28 _ _ - - - 17 Lakeville, . 108 _ 198 _ _ - - - - IS Marion, • 01 _ 61 _ _ _ _ _ _ 19 Marslitield, . 183 _ 183 _ _ _ _ _ _ 20 Malt^ipoisett, 89 _ 89 3 _ 3 _ - _ 21 Middleborough, 332 _ 332 5 _ 5 2 - 2 22 Pembroke, . 111 _ 111 1 _ 1 - - - 23 Plymouth, . 201 _ 201 4 _ 4 _ _ _ 24 Plympton, . 104 _ 104 1 _ 1 _ _ _ 25 Rochester, . 196 _ 196 3 _ 3 _ - _ 26 Rockland, . 30 _ 30 7 _ 7 _ _ _ 27 Scituate, 119 1 120 9 - 9 _ _ _ 28 South Abington, 85 _ 85 21 _ 21 _ _ _ 29 8outh .Scituate, 185 _ 185 3 _ 3 _ _ _ 30 Wareham, . 97 1 98 3 _ 3 - _ - 31 West Bridgewater, 97 97 4 - 4 - - - 32 County op Suffolk, 640 7 647 430 2 432 35 _ 35 33 Bo.«ton, 479 7 486 350 1 351 33 - 33 34 Chelsea, 47 47 14 1 15 .) _ 2 35 Revere, 75 _ 75 65 _ 65 _ _ _ 36 Wiuthrop, . 39 - 39 1 - 1 - - - 37 County of Worcester, 9,962 37 9,999 1,117 3 1,120 43 _ 43 38 Ashburnham, 166 1 167 7 - 7 2 - 2 39 Athol, . 134 1 135 7 _ 7 _ - _ 40 Auburn, 133 1 134 22 _ 22 _ - - 41 Barre, . 374 _ 374 48 _ 48 - - 42 Berlin, . 129 _ 129 4 - 4 - - 43 Blackstone, . 131 _ 131 24 _ 24 - _ 44 Bolton, 55 _ 55 10 _ 10 1 - 1 45 Boylston, . 93 — 93 6 - 6 - - 46 Brookfleld, . 195 _ 195 10 - 10 1 - 1 47 Charlton, 310 _ 310 23 _ 23 _ - - 48 Clinton, 32 _ 32 32 - 32 3 - 3 49 Dana, . 79 _ 79 - - - - - - 50 Douglas, 171 - 171 5 - 5 - - - 51 Dudley, 143 - 143 9 - 9 o - 2 52 Fitchburg, . 210 _ 210 17 - 17 1 - i 53 (rardner. 105 _ 105 3 - 3 - - - 54 Grafton, 170 1 171 17 _ 17 1 - 1 55 Hardwick, . 216 _ 216 54 - 54 - - - 56 Harvard, 226 1 227 36 - 36 - 2 57 Holden, 176 178 26 _ 20 i - 1 58 Hubbardston, 245 2 247 7 - 7 - - _ 59 Lancaster, . 173 _ 173 33 _ 33 4 _ 4 60 Leicester, . 126 _ 126 23 _ 2.-; 5 _ 5 61 Leominster, 253 _ 253 13 1 U - _ _ 62 Lunenburg, . 242 1 243 4 - ^ i 1 - 1 63 Mendon, 173 _ 173 10 - 10 - - - 64 Milford, 126 _ 126 23 _ 23 - - - 65 Millbury, . 112 _ 112 14 - 14 1 - 1 66 New Braintree, . 81 2 83 i 19 - 19 2 - ."> 67 Northborough, . 180 7 187 1 8 1 9 i - i PERSONS EIS^GAGED IN AGRICULTURE. 407 PERSONS ENGAGED IN AGRICULTURE — Continued. SEX AND NATIVITIES. Great Br TAIN. Scandinavia. British America. Other Coi -NTRIES. Aggregates. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. 4 4 3 3 13 13 195 195 1 1 - 1 - - _ 14 _ 14 _ _ _ 193 _ 193 2 6 - 6 1 - 1 3 - 3 - - - 160 - 160 3 41 - 41 14 _ 14 42 _ 42 6 _ 6 3,544 4 3,548 4 - - - - - - 1 - 1 - - _ 88 - 88 5 6 - 6 _ _ _ 3 _ 3 _ _ _ 180 _ 180 6 - - - 4 - 4 2 - 2 2 _ 2 152 _ 152 7 1 - 1 2 - 2 - - _ - _ _ 131 _ 131 8 2 - 2 - - - - - _ - - _ 142 - 142 9 1 - 1 1 - 1 2 - 2 - - _ 138 - 138 10 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1 - - - 74 - 74 11 1 - 1 - - - 6 - 6 - - - 173 - 173 12 1 - 1 1 - 1 - _ _ - _ _ 89 2 91 13 2 - 2 - - - - - - - - - 126 6 28 - 126 6 28 14 15 16 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - 1 - 1 - - _ 199 - 199 17 - - - - - - - - - - - - 61 - 61 18 2 - 2 - - - 5 - 5 - - - 193 - 193 19 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1 2 - 2 93 - 93 20 6 - 6 - - - - - - - _ 345 _ 345 21 3 - 3 - - - - - - - - _ 115 - 115 22 3 - 3 - - - 7 - 7 - - _ 215 - 215 23 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - - - - _ 107 - 107 24 6 - 6 - - - - - - - - - 205 - 205 25 - - - - - - 1 - 1 - - _ 38 - 38 26 - - - o - 2 8 - 8 1 - 1 139 1 140 27 2 - 2 - - - 3 - 3 1 - 1 112 - 112 28 - - - - - - 1 - 1 - - _ 189 - 189 29 1 - 1 - - - - - - - - - 101 1 102 30 1 - 1 3 - 3 - - - - - - 105 r 105 31 60 _ 60 7 _ 7 58 11 69 22 _ 22 1,252 20 1,272 32 52 - 52 4 - 4 43 11 54 21 - 21 982 19 1,001 S3 6 - 6 1 - 1 1 _ 1 - - _ 71 1 72 34 2 - 2 - - - 13 - 13 1 - 1 156 - 156 35 - ^ - 2 - 2 1 - 1 - - - 43 - 43 36 209 2 211 20 1 21 485 _ 485 11 1 12 11,847 44 11,891 37 3 - 3 - - - 6 - 6 1 - 1 J 85 1 186 38 3 - 3 - - - 3 - 3 - - _ 147 1 148 39 4 - 4 - - - 4 - 4 1 - 1 164 1 165 40 6 - 6 1 - 1 14 - 14 2 _ 2 445 - 445 41 6 - 6 - - - - - - - - - 139 - 139 42 4 - 4 - - - 7 - 7 _ _ _ 166 _ 166 43 1 - 1 - - - 2 - 2 _ - — 69 _ 69 44 2 - 2 - - - 1 - 1 - - _ 102 _ 102 45 2 - 2 - - - 9 - 9 - 1 1 217 1 218 46 2 - 2 - - - 5 - 5 - - _ 340 - 340 47 1 - 1 - - - 3 _ 3 _ _ _ 71 _ 71 48 - - - - - - 1 - 1 - - _ 80 _ 80 49 2 - 2 - - - 6 - 6 _ - _ 184 - 184 50 4 - 4 - - - 13 - 13 - - _ 171 - 171 51 14 - 14 - - - 5 - 5 1 - 1 248 - 248 52 - - - - - - 2 - 2 - - - 110 - 110 53 5 - 5 - - - 8 - 8 _ - _ 201 1 202 54 - - - - - - - - _ 1 - 1 271 - 271 55 3 - 3 1 - 1 12 - 12 - - _ 280 1 281 66 5 - 5 - - - 13 _ 13 _ _ _ 221 •> 223 57 1 1 2 - 1 1 1 - 1 1 _ 1 \ 255 4 259; 58 6 - 6 - - - 10 - 10 _ - - ' 226 - 226! 59 6 - 6 - - - 6 - 6 - - ~ \ 166 - 166 60 4 - 4 - - - 13 _ 13 _ _ 1 - 283 1 284 61 5 - 5 - - - 6 _ 6 _ - _ 1 258 1 259 62 3 - 3 - - - 1 - 1 - _ _ 187 - 187 1 63 2 - 2 - - - 5 - 5 _ _ _ 156 _ 156! 64 4 - 4 - - _ 7 _ 7 _ _ _ 138 _ 138 65 1 - 1 - - - 2 - 2 _ _ _ 105 2 107 66 4 - 4 "• — — 23 — . 23 - - - 216 8 224 67 408 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 18S0. PERSONS ENGAGED IN AGRICULTURE - Concluded. SEX AND NATIVITIES. CO0NTIE3, Cities, and United States. Irelaxd. Gerjiant. lovrss. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. CovrsTY OP Worcester— Con. 1 Northhridge, 116 _ 116 22 - 22 - - - 2 North Hrookfii'ia, 152 - 152 18 - 18 - - - 3 Oakham, 137 _ 137 11 _ 11 _ - _ 4 Oxford, . 128 2 130 8 _ 8 _ _ _ 5 Paxton, . 106 « 106 9 -. 9 1 _ 1 6 Petersham, 248 _ 248 24 - 24 _ _ - 7 Pliillipston, . 158 _ 158 7 _ 7 _ _ - 8 Princeton, 244 - 244 13 - 13 1 - 1 9 Koyalston, 190 _ 190 8 _ 8 -, _ _ 10 Rutland,. 203 _ 203 45 _ 45 _ _ _ 11 Shrewsbury, . 144 _ 144 8 - 8 _ _ - 12 Southborough, 123 _ 123 29 _ 29 _ _ _ 13 Southbridge, . 143 - 143 10 _ 10 _ _ - 14 Spencer, . 177 - 177 13 _ 13 1 - 1 15 Steilinij, . 199 - 199 22 _ 22 1 _ 1 16 Sturbridge, . 199 14 213 31 1 32 _ _ _ 17 Sutton, . 293 - 293 19 _ 19 2 _ 2 18 Templeton, . 129 - 129 8 - 8 _ - - 19 Upton, . 14;i - 143 23 - 23 - - - 20 l"xbridge, 195 _ 195 21 _ 21 _ _ - 21 Warren, . 173 - 173 32 _ 32 _ _ _ 22 Webster, 52 _ 52 6 _ 6 2 2 23 West borough, 204 _ 204 37 _ 37 _ - 24 West Boylston, 143 _ 143 18 _ 18 _ _ _ 25 West Brookfield, 106 1 107 25 _ 25 1 _ 1 26 Westminster,. 197 _ 197 14 _ 14 _ _ _ 27 Winchendon, . 173 _ 173 11 _ 11 _ _ _ 28 Worcester, 528 1 529 111 - 111 1 6 - 6 RECAPITULATION. 29 The State 53,788 191 53,979 6,451 20 6,471 437 1 438 30 Barnstable 1,327 4 1,331 23 _ 23 1 _ 1 31 Berksliire, 4,866 28 4,894 542 3 545 69 _ 69 32 Bristol, . 4,451 11 4,462 287 2 289 17 1 18 33 Dukes, . 310 - 310 2 - 2 8 - 8 34 Essex, 5,384 26 5,410 550 3 553 26 _ 26 35 Franklin, 4,619 9 4,628 1.58 2- 160 33 _ 33 36 Hampden, 4,107 20 4,127 500 2 502 33 - 33 37 Hampshire, 4,419 14 4,433 364 - 364 38 - 38 38 Middlesex, 7,605 22 7,627 1,790 3 1,793 54 _ 54 39 Nantucket, 77 _ 77 8 _ 8 - _ - 40 Norfolk, . 2,740 9 2,749 524 _ 524 76 _ 76 41 Plymouth, 3,281 4 3,285 156 _ 156 4 _■ 4 42 Suffolk, . 640 7 647 430 2 432 35 _ 35 43 Worcester, ' 9,962 37 9,999 1,117 3 1,120 43 - 43 pekso:n^s engaged in agriculture. 409 PERSONS ENGAGED IN AGRICULTURE — Concluded. SEX AJfD NATIVITIES. Great Bmtain. SCAiJDISAVIA. British America. Other Couxtries. Aggregates. . M. F. Both Sexes. 31. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F- Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. 6 6 11 11 155 155 4 - 4 - - _ 2 - 2 - - - 176 _ 176 1 - 1 - - - 12 - 12 - - - 161 _ 161 1 - 1 _ _ _ 1 _ 1 _ ^ _ 138 2 140 5 - _ _ _ 3 _ 3 - _ «. 124 . 124 3 - 3 - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 275 - 275 1 - 1 - - _ 2 _ 2 - - _ 168 _ 168 4 - 4 - - - 5 - 5 - - _ 267 _ 267 2 - 2 1 - 1 3 - 3 - - _ 204 -. 20-t 4 - 4 _ _ _ 4 _ 4 _ _ _ 256 _ 256 - - - - _ _ 3 _ 3 _ _ _ 155 . 155 4 - 4 1 1 20 _ 20 1 _ 1 178 - 178 2 - 2 - - _ 45 _ 45 - _ _ 200 _ 200 2 - 2 - - _ 17 - 17 1 - 1 211 _ 211 3 - 3 _ _ _ 5 _ 5 _ _ _ 230 ^ 230 8 1 9 _ _ _ 18 _ 18 - 256 16 272 3 - 3 4 _ 4 17 _ 17 _ _ _ 338 _ 338 1 - 1 - _ 6 _ 6 - _ _ 144 - 144 3 - 3 _ _ _ 2 _ 2 _ . _ 171 . 171 3 - 3 _ _ _ 4 _ 4 _ , _ _ 223 _ 223 1 - 1 - - - 14 - 14 - - - 220 - 220 — — — — _ _ _ — — — — ~. 60 _ 60 12 - 12 3 - 3 18 _ 18 - _ _ 274 ^ 274 3 - 3 - - _ 20 _ 20 _ _ _ 184 . 184 - - - - - - 3 _ 3 - _ - 135 1 136 5 - 5 _ _ _ 4 _ 4 _ _ _ 220 _ 220 3 - 3 _ _ _ 3 _ 3 _ _ — 190 _ 190 22 ~ 22 9 — 9 55 — 55 2 — 2 733 1 734 RECAPITULATION. 1,238 7 1,245 177 1 178 2,135 15 2,150 369 1 370 1 64,595 236 64,831 13 _ 13 _ _ _ 1 _ 1 11 _ 11 1,376 4 1,380 55 1 56 - - - 101 - 101 62 - 62 5,695 32 5,727 154 1 155 29 - 29 86 2 88 120 - 120 5,144 17 5,161 3 - 3 - _ _ 1 - 1 10 - 10 334 _ 334 152 1 153 7 _ 7 243 1 244 32 - 32 6,394 31 6,425 30 - 30 1 - 1 58 - 58 1 - 1 4,900 11 4,911 79 - 79 9 - 9 128 - 128 19 - 19 4,875 22 4,897 47 - 47 - _ _ 106 _ 106 12 - 12 4,986 14 5,000 262 2 264 71 - 71 638 1 639 37 - 37 10,457 28 10,485 - - - _ _ - 1 - 1 1 7 - 7 93 _ 93 133 - 133 19 _ 19 187 _ 187 1 19 _ 19 3,698 9 3,707 41 - 41 14 _ 14 42 _ 42 1 6 - 6 3,544 4 3,548 60 - 60 7 - 1 58 11 69 ' 22 _ 22 1,2.52 20 1,«272 209 2 211 20 1 21 485 - 485 11 1 12 11,847 44 11,891 PEBSONS ENGAGED IN AGRICULTURE. BY TOWNS. WITH SEX AND AGES. \ PERSONS e:n^gaged in agriculture. WITH SEX AND AGES : BY TOWNS. [Owing to the width of the page the persons between the ages of 10 and 15, engaged in agriculture, are not specified in this table by sexes. The number of each sex, of these ages, may be readily obtained, however, by deducting the sum of the totals of each sex between 16 and 59 and 60 and over, as given in the table, from the aggregate number of each sex.] SEX AND AGES. I CocNTiES, Cities, and 10 TO 16 TO 59. 60 AND OVER. Aggregates. Towns. 15. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. CouNTr OF Barnstable, . 17 941 4 945 418 418 1,376 4 1,380 Barnstable, - 196 _ 198 20 _ 20 216 _ 216 Brewster, . 4 118 1 119 _ _ _ 122 1 123 Chatham, . 1 51 _ 51 47 _ 47 99 _ 99 Dennis, 2 82 - 82 56 — 56 140 _ 140 Eastham, . 1 74 - 74 23 _ 23 98 - 98 Falmouth, . 6 139 1 140 58 _ 58 203 1 204 Harwich, . - 17 _ 17 20 _ 20 37 _ 37 Mashpee, . - 2 _ 2 _ . _ 2 _ 2 Orleans, 1 83 « 83 74 _ 74 158 _ 158 Provincetown, _ 1 . 1 1 _ 1 2 _ 2 Sandwich, . 2 116 2 118 81 _ 81 199 2* 201 Truro, _ 22 _ 22 • 29 _ 29 51 _ 51 AVellfieet, . . . _ _ _ _ _ __ Yarmouth, - 40 - 40 9 - 9 49 - 49 County of Berkshire, 134 4,491 30 4,521 1,070 2 1,072 5,695 32 5,727 Adams, 3 162 _ 162 23 _ 23 188 188 Alford, 5 70 _ 70 16 _ 16 91 _ 91 Becket, 5 103 _ 103 41 _ 41 149 _ 149 Cheshire, . 2 105 _ 105 22 . 22 129 _ 129 Clarksburg, 2 59 _ 59 14 _ 14 75 _ 75 Dalton, 4 58 _ 58 29 _ 29 91 _ 91 Egremont, . 12 158 1 159 28 _ 28 198 1 199 Florida, 4 88 2 90 19 _ 19 111 2 113 Great Barrington, 6 230 1 231 63 _ 63 299 1 300 Hancock, . 1 134 _ 134 19 _ 19 154 1.54 Hinsdale, . — 70 _ 70 24 _ 24 94 _ 94 Lanesborough, . _ 146 1 147 13 _ 13 159 1 160 Lee, . .10 182 _ 182 34 _ 34 226 226 Lenox, _ 180 _ 180 24 ^ 24 204 _ 204 Monterey, . 2 89 _ 89 30 _ 30 121 _ 121 Mount Washington, 1 47 _ 47 7 _ 7 55 ^ 55 New Asbfurd, . _ 37 1 38 4 _ 4 41 1 42 New Marlborough, 4 258 258 66 _ 66 328 328 North Adams, . 1 63 1 64 81 . 81 145 1 146 Otis, . 3 135 _ 135 33 _ 33 171 .. 171 Peru, . 4 80 2 82 28 _ 28 112 2 114 Pittsfield, . 6 402 _ 402 78 _. 78 486 _ 486 Richmond, . 7 130 9 139 10 2 12 147 11 1.58 Sandisfleld, 1 161 3 164 45 _ 45 207 3 210 Savoy, 4 175 _ 175 25 _ 25 204 204 Sheffield, . 26 377 _ 377 95 _ 95 498 _ 498 Stockbridge, 4 212 — 212 47 - 47 263 - 263 414 CENSUS OP MASSACHUSETTS 1880 PERSONS ENGAGED IN AGRICULTURE — Continued. SEX AND AGES. Counties, Cities, and 10 to 16 TO 59. 60 and over. Aggregates. Towns. 15. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. 1 Both 1 Sexes. County of Berkshire — Con. 4 Tyringhara 2 109 - 109 19 - 19 130 _ 130 Washington, - 82 - 82 23 - 23 105 - 105 West Stockbridge, - 37 - 37 28 - 28 65 - 65 Willianistown, . 5 ! 200 9 209 57 - 57 262 9 271 Windsor, . JO [ 152 - 152 25 - 25 187 - 187 County of Bristol, 108 3,905 10 3,915 1,132 6 1,138 5,144 17 5,161 Acushnet, . 2 91 - 91 35 - 35 128 - 128 At tlebo rough, . 3 346 1 347 133 2 136 481 4 485 Berkley, . 2 61 - 61 18 - 18 81 - 81 Dartmouth, 8 478 1 479 130 - 130 616 1 617 Uighton, . 17 242 1 243 53 - 53 312 1 313 Eiieton, - 84 - 84 32 - ,32 116 - 116 Fairhaven, . 2 160 _ 160 30 _ 30 192 _ 192 Fall River, . 5 218 1 219 49 1 50 272 2 224 Freetown, . 4 125 _ 125 39 1 40 168 1 169 Manelield, . 1 170 1 171 37 - 37 208 1 209 New Bedford, . 2 176 1 177 45 - 45 223 1 274 Norton, 5 134 1 135 45 2 47 184 3 187 Kaynham, . Reiioboth, . 2 124 _ 124 44 _ 44 170 _ 170 _ 217 _ 217 91 _ 91 308 _ 308 Seekonk, . 11 188 _ 188 56 - 56 255 _ 255 Somerset, . 1 98 _ 98 32 - 32 131 - 131 Swansea, . 4 266 - 266 63 - 63 333 - 333 Taunton, . 6 245 2 247 90 - 90 341 2 343 Westport, . 33 482 1 483 110 - 110 625 1 626 County of Dukes, 1 250 _ 250 83 _ 83 334 _ 334 C'hilmark, . - 56 - 56 26 - 26 82 - 82 Cottage City, . - 22 - 22 5 - 5 27 - 27 Edgartown, 1 56 - 56 17 - 17 74 - 74 Gay Head, . - 13 - 13 - - - 13 - 13 Gosnold, . - 15 - 15 - - - 15 - 15 Tisbury, - 88 - 88 35 35 123 - 123 County OP Essex, 125 4,976 29 5,005 1,293 2 1.295 6,394 31 6,425 AmesDury, 2 71 - 71 36 - 36 109 - 109 Andover, . 5 198 _ 198 84 - 84 287 - 287 Beverly, - 261 - 261 77 - 77 338 - 338 Boxford, . 10 142 1 143 48 - 48 200 1 201 Bradford, . 6 109 _ 109 28 - 28 143 _ 143 Danvers, . 1 141 - 141 59 - 60 201 - 201 Essex, _ 88 _ 88 2 _ 2 90 _ 90 Georgetown, 6 84 1 85 56 _ 66 146 1 147 Gloucester, 6 185 _ 185 65 - 65 256 _ 256 Groveland, 2 58 - 58 34 - 34 94 - 94 Hamilton, . 5 110 _ 110 30 - 30 145 _ 145 Haverhill, . 5 206 1 267 78 _ 78 349 1 350 Ipswich, - 292 4 296 61 - 61 353 4 357 Lawrence, . o 115 1 116 22 _ 22 139 1 140 Lynn, . 4 102 _ 102 37 _ 37 143 _ 143 Lj'nnfleld, . - ; 85 _ 85 22 - 22 107 _ 107 Manchester, - 30 - 30 5 - 6 35 - 35 Marblebead, 3 131 17 148 10 _ 10 144 17 161 Merriraac, . - 66 _ 66 a - 3 69 _ 69 Methuen, . 7 326 - 326 56 - 66 389 - 389 Middleton,. 4 121 _ 121 31 _ 31 156 _ 156 Nahant, 1 12 _ 12 1 - 1 14 _ 14 Newbury, . 15 247 - 247 55 - 55 317 - 317 Newburyport, 3 143 2 145 1 44 - 44 190 2 192 North Andover 10 223 - 223 31 - 31 264 - 264 Peabody, . 6 268 - 268 69 - 69 343 - 343 Rockport, . 6 58 - 58 13 - 13 77 - 77 Rowley, 2 132 - 132 37 - 37 171 - 171 Salem, 8 242 1 243 29 1 30 274 2 276 Salisbury, . 3 130 1 131 67 1 68 200 2 202 Saugus, _ 63 _ 63 6 - 6 69 - 69 Swampscott, _ 59 - 59 5 - 5 64 - 64 Topsfield, . 5 1 147 - 147 36 *~ 36 188 "' 188 PERSONS ENGAGED IN AGRICULTURE. 415 PERSONS ENGAGED IN AGRICULTURE — Continued. Counties, Cities, and Towns. County of Essex — Con. Wenham, . West Newbury, County of Franklin, Aehtield, . Bernardston, Buckland, . Charlemout, Colrain, Conwaj% Deerfield, . Erving, Gill, . Greenfield, Hawley, Heath, Leverett, . Ley den, Monroe, Montague, . New Salem, Northlield, Orange, Rowe, Shelburne, . Slmtesbury, Sunderland, Warwick, . "Wendell, . Whately, . County of Hampden, Agawam, . Blandford, Brimtield, . Chester, Chicopee, . Granville, . Hampden, . Holland, Holyoke, . Longmeadow, Ludlow, Monson, Montgomery, Palmer, Russell, Southwick, Springfield, Tolland, . Wales, . Westfield, . West Springfield, Wilbraham, County of Hampshire, Amherst, . Belchertown, Chesterfield, Cummington, Easthampton, Enfield, . Goshen, Granby, Greenwich, Hadley, Hatfield, . Huntington, Middlefleld, SEX AST) AGES. 10 to 15. Both Sexes. 2 1 102 4 6 4 11 5 2 3 23 169 14 11 3 4 3 14 3 4 10 19 10 12 4 7 9 6 2 2 18 6 89 4 5 2 1 6 1 3 3 16 2 16 TO 59. M. F. Both Sexes. 87 184 - 3,782 9 241 - 115 1 132 _ 199 _ 293 _ 191 _ 394 3 53 _ 98 .> 152 _ 116 _ 104 _ 151 _ 116 1 1 _ 99 _, 153 _ 281 _ 148 1 92 _ 126 _ 83 _ 81 _ 118 2 61 1 184 - 3,765 14 335 _ 126 2 215 1 142 2 206 _ 215 _ 72 1 53 - 126 _ 147 _ 218 _ 215 - 86 _ 172 1 77 - 222 _ 307 4 81 _ 71 _ 278 _ 228 1 173 2 4,020 12 334 - 466 _ 141 _ 171 1 171 _ 77 2 86 _ 196 _ 90 1 259 _ 206 1 101 1 83 - 87 184 3,791 241 116 132 199 293 191 397 53 98 152 116 104 151 117 1 90 153 281 149 92 126 83 81 120 62 184 3,779 335 128 216 144 206 215 73 53 126 147 218 215 86 173 77 222 311 81 71 278 229 175 4,032 334 466 141 172 171 79 86 196 91 259 207 102 83 60 ASD OVER. M. Both Sexes. 27 29 - 1,016 2 60 1 46 _ 34 _ 51 - 62 _ 39 _ 73 _ 13 _ 38 _ 37 29 26 _ 38 _ 33 - 3 _ 54 « 62 _ 49 _ 46 _ 25 _ 36 _ 36 _ 26 1 26 _ 45 _ 29 - 942 7 63 _ 44 - 56 - 42 2 52 _ 62 _ 42 _ 23 - 20 - 53 ^ 30 _ 73 1 16 _ 48 1 14 - 40 _ 65 3 20 _ 14 - 65 - 43 - 57 - 877 2 75 - 27 - 47 - 30 _ 34 _ 37 _ 18 . 35 - 30 _ 54 1 38 _ 32 1 14 - 27 29 1,018 61 46 34 51 62 39 73 13 38 37 29 26 38 33 3 54 62 49 46 25 36 36 27 26 45 29 949 63 I 44 I 56 , 44 i 52 62 ! 42 23 20 53 30 74 16 49 14 40 68 20 14 65 43 57 879 75 27 47 30 34 37 18 35 30 55 38 33 14 Aggregates. M. F. Both Sexes. 116 214 - 4,900 11 305 1 167 1 166 _ 254 « 366 _ 235 _ 476 3 66 _ 136 _ 197 « 154 _ 132 _ 192 _ 172 1 4 - 153 _ 218 « 335 _ 200' 1 118 _ 162 _ 119 _ 107 1 147 2 106 1 213 - 4,875 22 412 - 181 2 274 1 188 4 261 _ 291 - 117 1 76 _ 154 _ 204 ^ 258 _ 307 1 112 - 232 2 95 - 269 _ 380 8 107 _ 87 - 345 - 289 1 236 2 4,986 14 413 - 498 _ 190 _ 202 1 211 - 115 2 107 - 231 - 123 1 329 1 246 1 133 2 100 - 116 214 4,911 306 168 166 2.54 366 235 479 66 136 197 154 132 192 173 4 153 218 335 201 118 162 119 108 149 107 213 4,897 412 183 275 192 261 291 118 76 154 204 2.58 308 112 234 95 269 388 107 87 345 290 238 5,000 413 498 190 203 211 117 107 231 124 330 247 135 100 416 CENSUS or MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. PERSONS ENGAGED IN AGRICULTURE - Continued. SEX AND AGES. Counties, Cities, and 10 TO 16 TO 59. 60 AND OVER. Aggregates. Towns. 15. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. County op Hampshire — Con. N.irthamplon 7 292 1 293 80 - 80 379 1 380 Pelham, 2 136 1 137 23 - 23 161 1 162 Plainfield, . 1 105 - 105 55 _ 55 ; 161 _ 161 Prescott, 1 86 - 86 37 _ 37 124 _ 124 Sonth IIa'. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. Scientific Persons — Con. Motallurgifits 3 - 3 - - - - - - Naturalists, 23 - 23 - - - - - - Phrenologists, 3 - 3 - - - - - - Shorthand writers 20 3 23 _ _ _ - - - Surveyors (land), .... 109 - 109 2 - 2 — — ~* DOMESTIC AND PERSONAL OFFICE 10,700 26,641 37,341 2,504 20,464 22,968 579 434 1,01:3 Boarding and Lodging, . 4,327 1,783 6,110 904 1,185 2,089 306 27 333 Billiard saloon keepers and employes, 130 - 130 9 - 9 1 - 1 Boarding house keepers, . 303 608 911 50 14(1 190 15 S 23 Hotel keepers, 719 40 759 39 1 40 35 1 36 Hotel and restaurant clerks, 524 17 541 22 22 10 - 10 Hotel and restaurant employes, 1,526 1,080 2,606 30.3 990 1,299 64 7 71 Restaurant keepers 408 20 494 38 7 45 52 2 54 Saloon keepers 657 12 669 443 41 484 129 9 138 Domestic Service 1,932 22,093 24,025 798 17,457 18,255 43 365 408 Domestics, 1,932 22,093 24,025 798 17,457 18,255 43 365 403 Personal Service 4,441 2,765 7,206 802 1,822 2,624 230 42 272 Barbers and hair dressers, 1,696 139 1,735 82 8 90 133 1 134 Bar keepers 6;i6 5 641 177 3 180 51 - 51 Bath house keepers and employes, . 13 2 15 S - 3 - - - Bill posters 3« 3 39 2 - 2 - - - Bootblacks 26 - 26 6 - 6 1 - 1 Card writers 3 _ 3 _ . - - - - Carpet sewers and cleaners. 17 22 39 2 6 8 - 1 1 Chimney sweeps, .... 2 - 2 - - - - - — Divers 10 _ 10 5 - 5 1 - 1 Employes of charitable institutions, 20 73 93 5 18 23 1 1 2 Guides, 1 - 1 - - - - - - Gymnasium keepers and employes, . 4 - 4 - - - - - Hunters and trappers. 4 - 4 - - - - - - Intelligence office keepers. 12 9 21 - 4 4 - 1 1 Janitors, ...... 574 20 600 73 11 84 6 - 6 Lamplighters, 56 1 57 22 - 22 2 - 2 Laundresses 197 1,207 1,404 42 1,661 1,703 2 29 31 Nurses, 52 1,265 1,317 11 111 122 5 9 14 Scavengers 19 - 19 18 - 18 - - - Stewards and stewardesses. 101 13 114 8 - 8 3 - ■t Undertakers, :no - 310 50 - 50 • 2 - 'J. Watchmen (private) and detectives, 646 _ 646 273 - 273 21 - •l\ Whitewashers 71 _ 71 21 - 21 - - - Wood choppers 35 35 2 - 2 2 ~ 2 TRADE AND TRANSPORTATION, 90,750 5,585 96.335 10,137 496 10,6.33 1,176 38 1,214 Merchants 27,963 500 28,463 3,535 311 3,846 673 15 688 Merchants, Agricultural implements, 10 _ 10 - - - - - - Artists' materials, . 51 - 51 3 - 3 2 - 2 Book and stationery, 296 8 304 15 - 15 4 - 4 Boots and shoes, 836 5 841 63 o 65 25 - 25 Butchers, . 1,940 3 1,943 260 3 263 69 - 69 Cabinet ware, . 419 2 421 34 - 34 12 - 12 Carpets and oil cloths, . 44 _ 44 - - - - - - Cigars and tobacco. 282 6 288 16 - 16 44 - 44 Clothing 553 9 562 23 1 24 64 1 65 Cloths and textile fabrics. 33 1 34 - - - 1 - 1 Coal, .... 521 _ 521 32 - 32 - - - Coal and wood, 276 _ 276 33 - 33 2 - 2 Confectionery, 22 4 26 1 5 6 2 2 Cotton 80 - 80 4 - 4 - - - Crockery,china,and glass ware 142 4 146 5 1 6 3 - 3 Dry goods. 1,033 75 1,108 45 23 70 35 1 36 Drugs and medicines, . 1,221 5 1,226 11 " 11 6 6 OCCUPATIONS BY Js^AME. 425 OCCUPATIONS BY NAME. FOR THE STATE — Continued. SEX A>T> NATmXIES. Great Britain'. Scandinavia. British America. Other Countries. Aggregates. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. JI. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. 1 1 4 4 4 - 4 - - - - - - 1 - 1 28 3 29 - 28 3 32 7 _ 7 _ _ _ 2 _ 2 _ _ _ 3 2 ~ o ~ ^ ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ ~ "" 114 ~ 114 ' 700 2,198 2,898 99 687 786 1,013 7,105 8,118 689 541 1,230 16,284 58,070 74,354 249 117 366 37 9 46 341 259 600 149 21 170 6,313 3,401 9,714 1 - 1 2 2 3 - 3 1 - 1 147 _ 147 21 40 61 10 3 13 49 90 139 36 9 45 484 898 1,382 22 4 26 1 - 1 19 2 21 5 _ 5 840 48 888 11 1 12 2 - 2 17 _ 17 5 1 6 591 19 610 70 66 136 13 6 19 118 159 277 46 11 57 2,140 2,325 4,465 41 1 42 2 - 2 41 5 46 18 - 18 660 41 701 83 5 88 7 - 7 94 3 97 38 - 38 1,451 70 1,521 200 1,915 2,115 31 661 692 245 6,479 6,724 109 471 580 3,358 49,441 52,799 200 1,915 2,115 31 661 692 245 6,479 6,724 109 471 580 3,358 49,441 52,799 '^ 166 417 31 17 48 427 367 794 431 49 480 6,613 5,228 11,841 5 66 7 1 8 219 6 225 201 3 204 2,299 163 2,462 24 - 24 6 - 6 34 2 36 15 - 15 943 10 953 - - _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 16 2 1» 3 - 3 - - - 1 _ 1 1 - 1 43 3 46 1 1 - - - - - - 6 - 6 40 3 19 2 19 - 40 3 49 2 19 - _ - - - - - 1 1 - - - 30 *_ _ _ _ _ _ 2 I 2 1 _ 1 •I 1 2 3 _ _ _ _ 11 11 1 _ 1 27 2 105 132 2 1 "• 1 ~ ~ ~ — _ — 1 — 1 5 5 — 5 5 2 1 3 - . _ _ 4 4 - 14 19 33 29 3 32 5 _ 5 21 4 25 6 _ 6 714 44 758 6 - 6 - - - 1 _ 1 1 - 1 88 1 89 12 93 105 1 12 13 21 195 216 133 31 164 408 3,228 3,636 9 60 69 - 4 4 11 142 153 1 15 16 89 1,606 1,695 - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ — _ _ 37 _ 37 10 2 12 1 - 1 7 2 9 13 _ 13 143 17 160 6 - 6 - - - 10 _ 10 1 _ 1 379 379 78 - 78 11 - 11 63 - 63 17 - 17 1,109 _ 1,109 5 - 5 - - - 5 - 5 2 - 2 104 _ 104 3 ~ 3 — — — 32 - 32 31 31 105 - 105 3,195 170 3,365 275 3 278 4,196 243 4,439 2,022 99 2,121 111,751 6,634 118,385 1,161 48 1,209 62 1 63 1,065 26 1,091 700 60 760 35,159 961 36,120 - - - - - - - - _ - _ _ 10 _ 10 4 - 4 1 - 1 2 _ 2 2 _ 2 65 _ 65 6 1 7 - - - 4 _ 4 2 _ 2 327 9 336 22 - 22 - - - 23 _ 23 8 _ 8 977 7 984 73 2 75 8 - 8 116 2 118 24 _ 24 2,490 10 2,500 29 - 29 2 - 2 25 1 26 5 _ 5 526 3 529 1 - 1 1 - 1 1 - 1 _ _ _ 47 47 23 1 24 2 - 2 13 1 14 25 1 26 405 9 414 9 1 10 - - - 11 _ 11 33 _ 33 693 12 705 1 - 1 - - - 1 _ 1 _ _ _ 36 1 37 10 - 10 1 - 1 7 _ 7 _ _ _ 571 _ 671 16 - 16 - - - 26 _ 26 1 - 1 354 _ 354 2 1 ■ 3 - - _ 3 1 4 5 1 .6 35 12 47 3 - 3 - - - 2 - 2 - - 89 89 10 _ 10 1 „ 1 2 ^ 2 4 _ 4 167 5 172 54 5 59 2 - 2 44 1 45 33 _ 33 1,246 107 1,353 19 1 20 3 ^ 3 35 ~ 35 10 — 10 1,305 6 1,311 426 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. OCCUPATIONS BY NAME. FOR THE STATE — Continued. SEX AND NATIVITIES. Classification. United States. Ireland. Gerjiant. M. F. Both Sexes. M. '■ Both Sexes. M. F. 1 Both Sexes. Merchants — Con. Merchants, Fancy good»and notions, 299 145 444 26 45 > 75 22 3 25 Fish and oysters, . 999 - 999 32 32 6 _ 6 Furs 18 1 19 4 1 5 21 _ 21 Gents' furnishings, . 105 - 105 5 5 2 _ 2 Gold and silverware and jewelry. 60 - 60 _ _ _ _ _ Grocers, .... 4,083 24 4,107 965 8S 1,054 54 1 55 Hardware, 409 - 409 7 7 4 _ 4 U.its and caps. 191 4 195 20 20 10 1 11 Hucksters, 1,077 21 1,098 316 38 354 40 2 42 Ice, 239 - 239 6 6 _ ^ _ Iron , tin , and copper ware, 323 1 324 10 10 4 _ 4 Junk, .... 284 22 306 261 7 268 13 _ 13 Leather 473 - 473 14 14 6 _ 6 Lime, .... 1 13 - 13 2 2 — . _ Liquors and.wincs, . 401 - 401 404 8 412 36 2 38 Live stock. 219 - 219 27 27 1 _ 1 Lumber 525 - 625 3 3 - - _ Machinery, 7 - 7 - - - _ - M arble, stone, and slate, 106 - 106 25 25 _ .. _ Meat, .... 215 - 215 22 22 .. _ _ Milkmen and milkworaen, 906 - 906 49 49 9 _ 9 Music and musical in- struments 123 2 125 - _ - 4 _ 4 Newspapers, periodicals. 171 3 174 14 2 16 . _ _ Kot specified, . 2,791 95 2,886 156 49 205 38 3 41 Other specified, 516 13 529 28 3 31 12 - 12 Oils, paints, turpentine, . 189 - 189 8 - 8 1 - 1 Optical instruments. 42 1 43 2 - 2 9 - 9 Paper and paper stock, . 77 - 77 3 - 3 1 - 1 Paper hangings, 19 - 19 2 - 2 - - - Peddlers, . 1,275 16 1,291 343 16 359 74 1 76 Poultry, . 72 - 72 5 1 6 _ _ - Produce, . 1,018 - 1,018 31 - 31 3 - 3 Provisions, 1,826 9 1,835 163 11 174 25 _ 25 Real estate. 715 3 718 24 _ 24 6 _ 6 Sewing machines. 271 18 289 11 .. 11 3 _ 3 Trunks and harnesses, . 7 - 7 _ _ . _ _ _ Wood'n and willow ware, 15 - 15 1 _ 1 .. _ _ Wool, . . . 125 - 125 1 - 1 1 - 1 Salesmen, Saleswomen, etc.. 3,556 568 4,124 126 16 142 41 1 42 Commercial travellers, 1,506 19 1,525 55 2 67 20 _ 20 Salesmen and saleswomen. 2,050 549 2,599 71 14 85 21 1 22 Accountants, Bookkeep'rs, Clerks, etc 26,924 4,154 31,078 1,024 151 1,175 209 17 226 Bookkeepers in stores. 4,135 764 4,899 71 7 78 31 1 32 Clerks, insurance, .... 249 11 260 2 - 2 _ - - Clerks in manuf g establishments, . 734 25 759 15 _ 15 7 _ 7 Clerks in stores 19,252 2,770 22,022 691 88 779 124 14 138 Clerks, trading and tr'sportation co's. 31 - 31 2 - 2 _ - _ Employ 6s, trading and transportation companies, 18 — 18 — — — — — — Manul'acturing company officials. 829 o 831 7 - 7 7 - 7 ManuCg establishment employes, 1,110 498 1,608 152 52 204 31 1 32 Packers, 79 82 161 41 4 45 6 1 7 Shippers and freighters, . 310 - 310 20 - 20 2 _ 2 Weighers, gangers, and measurers, . 177 2 179 23 - 23 1 - 1 Agents, Bankers Brokers, etc., . 4,445 63 4,508 71 1 72 43 1 44 Agents I 923 36 959 27 - 27 12 - 12 Auctioneers, 167 - 167 3 - 3 3 _ 3 Bank clerks. 777 6 783 5 - 5 1 - 1 Bank employes, . 90 _ 90 6 _ 6 _ _ _ Bankers and brokers, • 690 _ 690 6 - 6 7 _ 7 Bank officials, 510 5 515 1 _ 1 1 - 1 Claim agents. 4 - 4 - - - - - - Collectors, . 184 _ 184 9 . 9 1 _ 1 Commercial brokers, . 119 — 119 — — — 2 — 2 OCCUPATIONS BY XAME. 427 OCCUPATIONS BY NA:^IE FOR THE STATE — Continued. SEX AST) XAT^V^TIES. Great Beitain. SCASDINAVIA. British America. Other Countkies. Aggregates. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes- 37 16 53 1 1 11 6 17 11 4 15 407 223 630 19 1 20 3 - 3 32 - 32 8 - 8 1,098 1 1.099 5 - & 1 1 2 - - - 11 1 12 60 4 64 2 - 2 - - - 1 - 1 - - - 115 115 1 _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ 1 62 62 182 4 186 2 _ 2 198 1 199 35 1 36 5,519 120' 5.639 16 - 16 _ _ _ 8 _ 8 2 _ 2 446 _ 446 18 - 18 1 _ 1 6 2 8 2 _ 2 248 7 255 73 2 75 4 - 4 50 1 51 136 20 156 1,696 84 1J80 3 - 3 - - - 16 _ 16 3 _ 3 267 - 267 5 - 5 1 _ 1 8 _ 8 3 _ 3 354 1 355 49 - 49 2 _ 2 26 . 26 17 _ 17 652 29 681 6 - 6 - ~ - 1 - 1 2 - 2 502 15 925 502 15 935 49 _ 49 3 ~ 3 17 _ 17 15 _ 15 10 17 - 17 - - - 9 - 9 _ _ - 273 _ 273 6 - 6 1 1 15 - 15 2 - 2 552 - 552 1 — 1 — — — — « — _ _ ~ 8 _ 8 14 - 14 - _ _ 5 _ 5 1 _ 1 151 _ 151 3 - 3 1 _ 1 11 _ 11 1 _ 1 253 _ 253 14 - 14 1 - 1 32 1 33 - - - 1,011 1 1,012 5 _ 5 _ _ _ 2 _ 2 1 1 2 135 3 138 12 1 13 - - - 4 _ 4 1 - 1 202 6 208 97 6 103 5 - 5 59 6 65 43 2 45 3,189 161 3,350 24 4 28 - - - 16 - 16 16 - 16 612 20 632 2 _ 2 - - - - - _ 1 _ 1 201 « 201 11 - 11 - - - - _ _ 4 _ 4 68 1 69 5 - 5 _ _ _ 1 _ 1 2 _ 2 89 _ 89 1 - 1 - _ - - _ _ _ _ _ 22 _ 22 98 2 100 7 _ 7 87 _ 87 129 27 156 2,013 62 2,075 2 - 2 - _ - 1 _ 1 1 .— 1 81 1 82 10 - 10 1 - 1 22 - 22 10 1 11 1,095 1 1,096 57 - 57 5 - 5 66 1 67 86 1 87 2,228 22 2,250 9 - 9 1 - 1 14 - 14 4 - 4 773 3 776 12 - 12 1 _ 1 28 2 30 _ _ - 326 20 346 3 - 3 - - - 1 _ 1 _ _ - 11 _ 11 - - - - - - 1 _ 1 . _ - 17 _ 17 11 _ 11 - - - 2 - 2 - - - 140 - 140 137 20 157 4 _ 4 117 29 146 25 3 28 4,006 637 4,643 55 - 55 4 - 4 39 1 40 12 _ 12 1,691 22 1,713 82 20 102 — — — 78 28 106 13 3 16 2,315 615 2,930 839 94 933 40 2 42 1,177 172 ],.349 178 35 213 30,391 4,625 35,016 109 9 118 3 - 3 120 23 143 31 1 32 4,500 805 5,305 11 1 12 - - - 2 _ 2 3 _ 3 267 12 279 19 - 19 1 _ 1 6 _ 6 1 _ 1 783 25 808 559 60 619 22 2 24 942 131 1,073 114 28 142 21,704 3,093 24,797 1 - 1 - - - - - - - - - 34 - 34 _ _ _ _ _ ^ _ _ 1 _ 1 19 _ 19 46 - 46 1 _ 1 5 _ 5 4 . 4 899 2 901 75 22 97 10 - 10 75 18 93 20 5 25 1,473 596^ 2,069 2 2 4 - - - 12 - 12 1 1 2 il 90 231 13 - 13 1 _ 1 6 _ 6 2 . 2 _ 3.54 4 - 4 2 - 2 9 - 9 1 - 1 217 2 219 132 1 133 3 3 66 1 67 29 1 30 4,789 68 4,857 47 1 48 1 - 1 25 1 26 7 _ 7 1,042 38 1,080 3 - 3 - - - 5 - 5 1 _ 1 182 - 182 6 - 6 - - _ 3 _ 3 1 ^ 1 793 6 799 - - - - - - 1 _ 1 1 _ 1 98 _ 98 9 - 9 1 _ 1 S _ 8 7 _ 7 728 _ 728 6 - 6 - - - - ■ - - - - - 518 5 523 — — — — — . — . — _ _ — 4 . 4 8 - 8 - _ 3 _ 3 1 _ 1 206 _ 206 2 "" 2 ~ — — 3 - 3 2 - 2 128 - 128 428 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. OCCUPATIONS BY NAME. FOR THE STATE — Continued. Classification. SEX AND NATIVITIES. United States. M. Agents, Bankers, Brokers — Con, Employes of companies, . Insurance employes, . Insurance officials, Officials of companies. Officials of mining companies, . Patent right agents, . Pawnbrokers Proprietors of public halls. Messengers and Porters, Messengers, .... Ne%v6paper criers and carriers, Porters, Porters (in stores and warehoueee) Telegraph employes, . Telephone conipany clerks. Telephone company employes, Telephone company officials, . Carkiers on Roads, . Express company clerks, . Express company employes. Officials, express companies. Officials, street railroad companies, Officials, telegraph companies,. Officials, trading and trVportat'n go's Street railroad employes, . Teamsters Carriers on Steam Railways, Railroad clerks Railroad employes. Railroad officials, . Carriers on Seas and Rivers, Boatmen and watermen, . Canalmen, Pilots Sailors, Steamboat men and women. Toll gate and bridge keepers, . Wreckers AGRICULTURE, Agriculture, . . . . Dairymen and dairywomen. Farm and plantation overseers. Farmers, Farm laborers, . . . . Florists, Gardeners, Animals, Care of, etc.. Apiarists, Hostlers, Livery stable keepers. Stock drovers, Stock herders, Stock raisers. FISHERIES Fisheries Fishermen and oystermen. 1 676 165 64 11 34 16 14 2,578 1,010 134 143 271 827 14 162 17 11,993 183 1,461 8 9 2 19 1,112 9,199 7,097 427 6,538 132 6,194 113 4 126 5,677 244 24 6 56,531 53,804 157 42 34,587 17,714 283 1,021 2,727 3 1,789 839 44 25 27 3,527 3,527 3,527 Both Sexes. 241 58 1 151 31 51 5 46 189 186 16 108 52 7 3 3 1 685 165 69 11 36 16 14 2,819 1,068 134 144 271 978 14 193 17 11,999 183 1,462 a 9 2 19 1,112 9,204 7,148 432 6,584 132 6,196 113 4 126 5,677 245 25 6 56,720 53,990 173 42 34,695 17,766 290 1,024 2,730 3 1,789 841 44 25 28 3,529 3,529 3.529 Ireland. M. 362 60 9 62 208 27 6 2,721 3 70 129 2,519 1,823 17 1,806 475 63 2 372 34 4 7,352 6,461 12 2 1 2,949 2,547 58 893 891 831 49 7 4 492 492 492 F. Both Sexes. 1 3 — 2 - 2 6 368 4 54 _ 9 _ 62 _ 208 1 28 1 1 — 6 1 2,722 3 ~ 70 - 129 1 2,.520 10 1,833 _ 17 10 1,816 475 - 63 _ o _ 372 _ 34 _ 4 20 7,372 19 6,480 1 13 _ 2 11 2,960 6 2,553 1 59 - 893 1 892 _ 831 1 50 - 4 _ 492 _ 492 - 492 Gerjlant. M. 4 1 1 10 22 9 1 8 4 4 73 1 26 83 4 73 5 1 444 429 267 73 10 79 15 12 3 35 35 35 Both Sexes. OCCUPATIONS BY NAME. 429 OCCUPATIONS BY XAME. FOR THE STATE — Continued. SKS AND NATIVITIES. Great Bri TAIS. SCAXDINAVIA. British America. Other Countries. Aggregates. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. 37 - 37 - - 9 - 9 4 - 1 4 1 1 738 9 1 747 4 _ 4 _ _ _ 3 _ 3 2 _ 2 1 174 - 174 4 - 4 - - - 1 - 1 - - 72 6 78 _ _ _ — — _ — _ _ — — — 1 11 — 11 _ _ _ 1 _ 1 _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ 36 2 38 5 _ 5 _ _ 1 . 1 3 1 4 37 2 39 1 - 1 - - ~ 1 4 - 4 - - 21 - 21 105 4 109 7 7 j 132 4 136 40 _ 40 3,246 257 3,503 40 3 43 1 _ 1 50 50 12 _ 12 1,172 67 1,239 7 1 8 1 _ 1 7 2 9 3 _ 3 161 3 164 2 _ 2 _ _ _ 10 _ 10 6 - 6 224 1 225 24 _ 24 4 _ 4 I 19 _ 19 12 _ 12 546 - 546 29 _ 29 1 _ 1 31 2 33 5 _ 5 924 154 1,078 1 _ 1 1 _ _ _ _ _ « _ _ _ 15 1 1^ 2 _ 2 _ - _ 14 - 14 2 - 2 186 31 « - - - - - - 1 - 1 - - 1 18 — 372 372 22 1 22 : 922 9 931 52 _ 52 ' 16,160 16 16,176 1 _ 1 _ _ _ ' 5 _ 5 - - - 192 - 192 22 — 22 - — _ 1 53 — 53 5 - 5 1,612 8 9 2 19 1 1,613 8 9 2 26 - - 2 1 - - - ! - 7 7 - - 7 27 _ 27 ! _ _ _ ■ 63 63 3 - 3 1,338 " 1,338 322 - 322 22 - 22 801 2 803 44 - 44 j 12,980 8 12,988 206 3 209 19 _ 19 387 1 388 243 _ 243 9,802 65 9,867 12 - 12 _ - _ 7 1 8 2 - 2 466 6 472 191 3 194 18 _ 18 378 _ 378 240 _ 240 9,197 59 9,256 3 - 3 1 - 1 2 - 2 1 - 1 139 - 139 243 243 118 118 330 1 331 755 _ 755 8,198 5 8,203 2 _ 2 4 _ 4 9 _ 9 5 _ 5 200 - 200 1 _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — . 5 _ 5 5 _ 5 1 _ 1 5 _ 5 2 — 2 141 _ 141 227 _ 227 108 _ 108 308 1 309 739 _ 739 7,504 3 7,507 8 _ 8 5 _ 5 7 _ 1- 1 9 _ 9 312 1 313 - - - 1 — 1 — - — 30 6 1 31 6 1,316 7 1,323 178 - 178 2,371 13 2,384 376 1 1 377 1 68,568 230 68,798 1,226 7 1,233 165 _ 165 2,184 13 2,197 ! 360 1 361 64,629 226 64,855 3 _ 3 1 - 1 6 _ 6 - - - 179 17 196 1 _ 1 _ _ _ 1 _ 1 1 _ 1 47 _ 47 601 2 603 30 _ 30 586 1 587 123 1 124 39,14.3 123 39,266 316 3 319 119 _ 119 , 1,526 2 1,-528 195 _ 195 22,490 63 22,553 . 68 2 70 2 - 2 9 10 19 11 - 11 441 20 461 237 - 237 13 - 13 56 - 56 30 - 30 ' 1 2,329 3 2,332 90 - 90 1 13 - 13 187 187 '! - 16 3,939 3 2,888 4 3,943 3 80 _ SO 13 I 13 148 _ 148 15 _ 15 _ 2,888 6 - 6 _ _ - ^ 36 _ 36 1 - 1 934 3 937 1 _ 1 _ _ _ 2 _ 2 _ _ _ 54 - 54 3 _ 3 _ _ 1 1 _ _ _ 33 - 33 - - - - - - - - 27 1 28 129 - 129 237 - 237 i 1,271 - 1,271 410 ' 410 6,101 2 6,103 129 _ 129 237 ^ 237 1,271 „ 1,271 410 _ 410 6,101 2 1,103 129 — 129 237 — 237 1 1,271 ~ 1,271 410 ~~ 410 6,101 2 6,103 430 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. OCCUPATIONS BY NAME. FOR THE STATE — Continued. Classification. SEX AND KATIVITIES. United States. M. MANUFACTURES AND MECHAN- ICAL 1NDU8TKIES, Agricultural Implements, Agricultural implement makers, Arms and Ammunition, . Gun and lock smitlis. Powder miikefe, Shot, cartridge, and fuse makers, Artisans' Tools, File makers, cutters, and grinders. Tool and cutlery makers, . Bakeries, Bakers, BlftKBINDEHIES Bookbinders, .... Boots and Shoes, Shoe and boot factory operatives, Sboemakers Boxes Box factory operatives, Brooms and Brushes, Broom and brush makers, Building BridLce builders and contractors. Builders and contractors, . BuildiiiLC raisers and movers, . Carpenters, Boor, sash, and blind makers, . House builders and contractors, Mafons, Painters, Paper hangers Plasterers Plaster moulders, Plumbers and gas-fitters, . Hoofers and slaters, . Carriages and "Wagons, . Carriage makers. Hub and spoke makers. Wheelwrights, .... Carpetings, Carpet makers, .... Oilcloth makers Clocks and Watches, Watch and clock mak'rs and repair'rs. F. Both Sexes. Clothing Aniticial flower makers, . Dressmakers, . . . Glove makers. Hat and cap makers, . Hoop skirt makers, Lace makers. Milliners, .... Sewing machine operators. Shirt, collar, and cuff makers. Suspender makers. Tailors, .... Umbrella and parasol makers. 156,648 78 7S 768 6;« 15 120 1,220 87 1,133 1,276 1,276 548 548 36,749 31,»80 4,769 933 933 355 355 29,824 48 496 79 14,603 323 4 4,031 7,756 461 257 16 1,392 358 2,455 1,707 8 740 424 363 61 1,163 1,163 2,831 9 60 7 563 128 1 79 166 76 291 1,438 13 62,154 1 1 74 10 64 73 4 69 97 97 528 528 9,520 9,449 71 840 840 132 132 50 3 2 15 20 4 4 1 1 15 15 716 697 19 570 570 19,346 45 11,822 9 264 673 32 2,449 288 196 488 3,075 5 218,802 79 79 842 643 15 184 1,293 91 1,202 1,373 1,373 1,076 1,076 46,269 41,429 4,840 1,773 1,773 487 487 29,874 48 496 79 14,606 325 4 4,046 7,776 465 257 20 1,393 359 2,470 1,722 8 740 1,140 1,060 80 1,733 1,733 54 11,882 16 827 801 33 2,528 454 272 779 4,513 18 Ireland. M. F. Both Sexes. 36,780 24 24 42 39 3 239 10 229 295 295 48 48 6,059 4,869 1,190 31 31 39 39 4,628 2 69 13 1,414 8 1,607 836 23 267 5 242 142 219 123 96 171 170 1 41 41 1,434 108 7 2 9 10 2 96 1,184 14 13,730 5 12 12 17 17 27 27 640 525 15 24 24 14 14 22 11 1 285 285 44 44 1,996 1,091 32 4 91 17 19 122 612 50,610 24 24 47 39 3 5 251 10 241 312 312 75 75 6,699 5,394 1,205 55 55 63 63 4,650 2 69 13 1,423 8 1,618 837 23 268 5 242 142 221 125 96 456 455 1 85 85 3,430 1,093 116 39 6 100 27 21 218 1,796 14 Gekmant. M. 5,178 1 1 44 41 3 246 246 248 248 23 23 320 101 219 13 13 17 17 358 1 140 49 153 2 2 10 1 35- 24 11 11 11 30 30 378 1 22 1 1 8 3 42 300 1 1 138 90 3 10 2 1 32 Both •Sexes. 675 5,853 OCCUPATIOXS BY NA3IE. 431 OCCUPATIONS BY NAME. FOR THE STATE — Continued. SEX AND NATIVITIES. Great Britain. Scandinavia. British America. Other Coustmes. Aggregates. 51. F. Both Sexes. H. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. 17,550 6,002 23,552 1,521 122 1,643 27,291 13,911 41,202 2,596 528 3,124 247,564 97,122 344,686 2 _ 2 _ _ _ 5 _ 5 1 -_ 1 111 1 112 2^ - 2 - - - 5 - 5 1 - 1 111 1 112 57 2 59 28 1 29 37 1 38 3 _ 3 979 84 1,063 53 _ 53 24 - 24 26 - 26 3 - 3 819 11 830 1 _ 1 _ _ _ 4 _ 4 - - _ 25 23 3 2 5 4 1 5 7 1 8 - - - 137 73 210 217 5 222 5 _ 5 278 14 292 46 1 47 1 2,251 107 2,358 44 _ 44 _ - _ 8 - 8 - _ - 149 4 153 173 5 178 5 - 5 270 14 284 46 1 47 j 2,102 103 2,205 195 6 201 8 1 9 233 7 240 57 _ 57 \ 2,312 129 2,441 195 6 201 8 1 9 233 7 240 57 - 57 2,312 129 2,441 57 21 78 4 _ 4 18 24 42 8 4 12 706 606 1,312 57 21 78 4 - 4 18 24 42 8 4 12 706 606 1,312 817 101 918 189 15 204 3,665 743 4,408 173 4 177 47,972 10,928 58,900 531 97 62S 146 15 161 3,165 727 3,892 89 4 93 40,881 10,821 51,702 286 4 290 43 - 43 500 16 516 84 - 84 7,091 107 7,198 15 17 32 6 _ 6 70 25 95 13 1 14 1,081 908 1,989 15 17 32 6 - 6 70 25 95 13 1 14 1 1,081 908 1,989 28 4 32 3 _ 3 73 6 79 8 1 9 523 158 681 28 4 32 3 - 3 73 6 79 8 1 9 523 158 681 1,919 6 1,925 156 _ 156 4,869 22 4,891 330 _ 330 42,084 102 42, 2 - 2 2 - 2 13 - 13 1 - - - 68 - 68 16 - 16 _ _ — 26 1 27 3 - 3 610 1 611 _ - _ _ _ _ 19 - 19 _ - _ 111 - 111 782 _ 782 67 _ 67 3,450 6 3,456 158 - 158 20,614 18 20,632 - - - 1 - 1 34 - 34 1 - 1 367 4 6,482 2 369 4 6,523 297 3 300 16 _ 16 443 10 453 39 _ 39 41 533 1 539 60 _ 60 673 5 678 ' 90 - 90 10,106 27 10,133 41 2 43 4 _ 4 15 _ 15 3 - 3 549 6 555 61 . 61 _ _ _ 62 _ 62 7 _ 7 656 1 657 3 _ 3 _ _ _ 2 _ 2 19 _ 19 45 4 49 137 - 137 5 - 5 91 - 91 6 - 6 1,883 1 1,884 42 - 42 1 - 1 41 - 41 4 - 4 589 1 590 114 _ 114 16 _ 16 359 _ 3.i9 18 1 19 3,216 •18 3,2.34 93 - 93 12 - 12 235 - 235 12 - 12 2,200 17 2,223 1 _ 1 _ _ - 1 4 _ 4 _ _ _ 13 _ 13 20 - 20 4 - 4 120 - 120 6 1 7 997 1 998 159 83 242 4 5 9 32 62 94 7 2 9 808 1,1.53 1,961 157 83 240 2 5 7 28 60 88 5 2 7 736 1,132 1,868 2 - 2 2 - 2 4 2 6 2 - 2 72 21 93 101 27 128 10 _ 10 51 34 85 40 _ 40 1,436 676 2,112 101 27 128 10 f _ 10 51 34 85 40 - 40 1,436 676 2,112 422 762 1,184 58 53 111 291 2,505 2,796 230 220 450 5,644 25,020 30,664 - 1 1 - - - - 4 4 - 3 3 9 53 62 4 479 483 - 27 27 14 1,610 1,624 20 88 108 101 15,207 15,308 — — _ _ — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7 9 16 38 2 40 _ 1 1 20 8 28 3 _ 3 754 286 1,040 2 18 20 _ _ _ 13 53 66 2 2 4 153 778 931 - 4 4 _ - _ 1 1 2 _ _ _ 4 41 45 5 73 78 _ _ _ 9 145 154 2 10 12 105 2,778 2,883 9 5 14 1 _ 1 9 22 31 3 1 4 206 335 541 5 1 6 - _ _ 3 13 16 1 _ 1 90 230 320 49 30 79 _ 6 6 24 38 62 19 7 26 521 691 1,212 307 149 456 57 19 76 198 611 809 180 109 289 3,664 4,607 8,271 3 — 3 — - - - - - - - - 30 5 35 432 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. OCCUPATIONS BY NAME. FOR THE STATE — Continued. Classification. SEX AND NATIVITIES. United States. M. Both Sexes. Cooking, L't'o, IT't'c Apparatus, Chaiidelior, lump, ami lantern niak'rs. Store, furnace, and grate makers, Cotton Goods, Cotton mill oporatives. Mill and factory operatives, Thread makers, . Weavers, .... Cotton and Woollen Goods, . Knitting and hosiery mill operatives, Flax, Hemp, and Jute Goods, Flax dressers, .... Jute mill operatives, . Kope and cordage makers, Food Preparations, . Chees'i makers Coft'ec and spice mill operatives. Confectioners, .... Meat and fruit preserving establish ment employes, . Meat packers, curers, and picklers. Millers, Oleomargarine makers. Salt makers, .... Sugar makers and refiners, Furniture, Cabinet makers, .... Chair cane seaters. Upholsterers, .... Glass, Glass works operatives, . IlAin, Hair cleaners and dressers, Leather, Harness makers, Hose makers (leather, etc.). Leather pocket book makers, Morocco dressers. Tanners and curriers, Linen, .... Linen mill operatives, Liquors and Beverages, Bottlers, Brewers, Cider makers. Distillers and rectifiers. Mineral water makers. Lumber, Saw mill operatives, . Sawyers, Shingle and lath makers, Machines and Machine rt, Mafhinists Mill machinery makers. Millwrights, .... Pump makers, .... Reed and shuttle makers, . Sewing n)achine factory operatives. Steam boiler makers, . Steam engine makers, 130 2 _ 128 - 1 !,«.') 14,.351 10,221 13,019 945 782 218 439 61 111 225 592 225 592 670 246 .59 102 170 91 432 63 1,302 180 22 - 99 45 418 91 44 37 83 1 564 4 1 _ 11 2 60 - 4,286 248 3,.'560 61 80 127 846 60 448 31 448 31 26 9 26 9 4,504 138 956 49 2 _ 53 70 719 7 2,774 12 85 122 8a 122 260 - 10 55 8 153 2 12 _ 30 - 10 - 936 7 727 7 151 - 58 - 9,971 19 8,805 10 182 7 185 - 59 - 101 2 349 - 276 - 14 - 130 2 128 25,786 23,240 1,727 657 162 817 817 916 161 270 485 1,482 22 144 609 81 84 568 1 13 60 4,534 3,421 207 906 479 479 35 35 4,642 1,005 2 123 726 2,786 207 207 270 63 155 12 30 10 943 734 151 58 9,990 ■ 8,815 189 185 59 103 349 276 14 Ireland. M. F. Both Sexes. 10 10 1 _ 1 9 - 9 4,717 6,658 11,375 1 4,355 6,31)2 10,717 299 197 496 42 73 115 21 26 47 31 43 74 31 43 74 253 58 311 27 23 50 80 22 102 146 13 159 292 43 335 1 _ 1 13 _ 13 82 22 54 5 20 25 no _ 110 65 1 66 66 — 66 378 21 399 256 5 261 23 12 35 99 4 103 130 7 137 130 7 137 17 9 26 17 9 26 3,164 40 3,204 183 31 214 1 - 1 _ 3 3 361 4 365 2,619 2 2,621 39 32 71 39 32 71 97 _ 97 10 _ 10 72 - 72 9 _ 9 6 - 6 80 1 81 ' 55 1 56 15 _ 15 10 - 10 1 1,461 4 1,465 1,194 4 1,198 14 - 14 6 _ 6 9 _ 2 5 - 6 3 _ 3 234 _ 234 3 — 3 Germany. M. F. 2 1 _ 1 - 550 238 400 215 78 20 2 2 10 1 7 _ 7 - 88 1 _ 1 88 - 144 1 71 1 1 _ 6 - 11 - 55 _ 310 3 262 1 1 - 47 2 9 _ 9 - 1 _ 1 - 147 4 11 - 6 ^ 4 - 126 4 1 1 1 1 151 1 4 - 146 1 1 - 9 8 - 1 - 164 155 - 1 — 1 - 3 _ 4 - ^ ~ Both Sexes. OCCUPATIONS BY NAME. 433 OCCUPATIONS BY NAME. FOR THE STATE — Continued. SEX AND NATIVITIES. Great Britain. Scandinavia. British America. Other Countries. Aggregates. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. 1 Both 1 Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. 10 2 8 1 1 11 3 8 3 3 - 3 3 2 i 1 - 2 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 158 7 151 ■1 1 159 8 151 5,247 4,989 209 21 28 3,569 3,464 67 28 10 8,816 8,4.53 276 49 38 42 33 7 2 20 18 2 62 51 7 2 2 7,146 6,(107 140 73 26 8,271 8,018 134 92 27 1 15,417 14,925 274 165 53 154 106 45 3 164 147 17 318 253 62 3 29,291 27,071 1,723 356 141 33,271 31,243 1,217 636 175 62,562 58,314 2,940 992 316 91 91 34 34 125 125 - 1 1 1 1 36 36 58 58 94 94 1 1 1 1 2 2 391 391 729 729 1,120 1,120 162 66 36 , 60 48 22 18 8 210 88 54 68 - : - 162 21 120 21 100 44 56 262 65 176 21 51 2 2 47 5 5 56 2 2 52 1,.S86 175 417 794 458 191 188 79 1,844 366 605 873 74 1 6 31 6 1 5 80 1 7 36 13 1 2 1 15 2 122 7 41 9 3 2 131 10 43 49 21 2 51 21 1,996 24 125 615 243 49 122 2,239 24 174 737 6 8 19 - 6 8 19 7 4 1 8 4 5 U 50 4 9 11 50 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 62 227 715 63 2 5 125 229 720 3 - 3 1 - 1 1 1 6 - 1 1 6 1 22 - 1 22 2 13 213 2 2 15 213 268 201 2 65 10 7 2 1 278 208 4 66 106 88 18 1 1 107 88 19 577 501 25 51 22 7 9 6 599 608 34 67 150 137 13 1 1 151 138 13 6,075 4,805 131 1,139 306 82 150 74 6,381 4,887 281 1,213 99 99 _ 99 99 - : : 24 24 - 24 24 44 44 - 44 44 754 754 38 38 792 792 - - - - - - 1 1 3 3 4 4 - - - 45 45 21 21 66 66 283 78 4 3 287 81 25 7 - 25 7 611 179 10 7 621 186 76 6 : 76 6 8,810 1,420 196 90 9,006 1,510 3 25 177 1 3 25 178 8 10 - 8 10 34 398 3 37 398 2 6 62 - 2 6 62 3 64 1,157 6,166 73 14 19 3 137 1,171 6,185 16 16 15 15 31 31 2 2 - 2 2 94 94 107 107 201 201 4 4 1 1 5 5 241 241 278 278 519 519 24 4 18 - 24 4 18 2 1 1 - 2 1 1 12 2 7 - 12 2 7 15 4 11 - 15 4 11 561 80 408 11 8 3 572 88 411 2 — 2 _ _ — 3 : 3 — _ _ 12 45 — 12 45 - - - - - - - - - - - - 16 - 16 23 18 4 1 - 23 18 4 1 3 1 2 - 3 1 2 102 96 5 1 4 4 106 100 5 1 9 7 2 - 9 7 2 1,162 912 178 72 12 12 1,174 924 178 72 1,210 1,086 13 3 3 18 8 79 5 2 3 1,215 1,088 16 3 3 18 8 79 70 64 1 1 4 - 70 64 1 1 4 742 5.53 76 13 4 28 7 61 5 4 1 747 557 77 13 4 28 7 61 82 68 3 1 1 9 - 82 68 3 1 1 9 13,700 11,925 290 209 69 1.53 370 667 33 20 11 2 13,733 11,945 301 209 69 155 370 667 ^ "■ ~* ^ ~ ~ — ~ ~ ~ ~ — 17 ~ 17 434 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — ISSO. OCCUPATIONS BY NAME. FOR THE STATE — Continued. SEX AND NATIVITIES. Classification. United States. Ikelan D. Geemant. • M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. Metals and Metallic Goods, 15,623 1.098 16,721 4,642 79 4.721 467 6 473 Blacksmiths, 3,617 2 3,619 1,312 4 1,316 91 - 91 Brass founders and worker.s, 605 28 633 159 5 164 54 _ 54 Britannia and japanned ware makers, 159 40 199 15 4 19 5 « 5 Bronze workers, 4 _ 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ Burnishers and polishers, . 137 4 141 28 _ 28 3 1 4 Copper worker.s, .... 155 14 169 86 _ 86 16 _ 16 Die sinkers and stamp makers, 83 I 84 3 _ 3 4 _ 4 Gilders, in 5 116 18 - 18 17 _ 17 3 3 1.5; IK 3' Paper, Card and fancy paper makers. Envelope makers, . Paper mill operatives. Paper slainers, Pulp works employes, . Kag pickers 220 14 203 2 1 3,453 122 50 3,191 1 54 35 3,045 41 1.59 2,815 5 25 6,498 163 209 6,006 1 59 60 132 16 1 106 1 1 8 54 49 5 186 15 1 155 1 1 13 3,657 137 56 3,382 2 56 44 3,247 41 168 3,002 6 30 6,90-: 17f , 2a! 6,36^ 1 65 14 Printing, Eiectrotypers and galvanizers, Lithograpl'.ers Plate printers Printers Stereotypers To 4 71 4,547 49 341 22 4.087 48 678 23 654 1 5,225 49 364 22 4,741 49 96 2 1 92 1 1 1 97 2 1 93 1 4,712 51 345 23 4,244 49 685 23 661 1 5,.39' 5 30f 2. 4,90, 5( Print Works, .... Dyers, bleachers, and scourers, Print works operatives, . 128 30 98 1,903 1,232 671 322 107 215 2,225 1,339 886 94 72 22 1 1 95 73 22 2,112 1,331 781 336 111 225 9,44 1,44' 1,00( PIjBLISUING, . ' . Publishers of books, maps, and newspai)er8, .... Publiffhing house employes, . - 212 198 14 49 • 6 43 261 204 57 19 19 - 19 19 231 217 14 49 6 43 28( 22. 6 Railroad Construction, Car makers, .... Railroad builders and con- tractors, .... - 391 331 60 - 391 331 60 12 9 3 - 12 9 3 403 340 63 - 40: 34( 6. Rubber Rubber factory operatives. 36 36 536 536 481 481 1,017 1,017 7 7 - 7 7 563 563 497 497 1,06 ],06( Scientific Instruments and Appliances, Artificial limb makers, . Mathematical and philosophi- cal instrument makers, Optical instrument makers, . Surgical instrument makers, . Truss makers, .... 2 2 1 294 4 21 189 t 70 10 15 10 1 4 309 4 21 199 71 14 11 1 2 6 1 1 - 11 1 ■ 2 6 1 1 307 5 23 197 71 11 15 10 1 4 32" 2. 20 7" 1. Silk, Silk mill operatives, 144 144 263 263 976 976 1,239 1,239 15 15 5 5 20 20 334 334 1,069 1,069 1,40: 1,40; Stonr, Marble and stone cutters, Quarrymen, .... Quartz and stamp mill opera- tives, 26 12 14 3,829 3,061 767 1 1 1 1 3,830 3,061 768 1 141 104 37 - 141 104 37 3,994 3,175 818 1 3 2 1 3,99' 3,17' 815 OCCUPATION'S BY N^AME. 4.55 OCCUPATIONS BY NAME. FOR THE STATE — Continned. SEX AND AGES. 10 TO IG TO 59. 60 4ND OVER. Aggregates. Classification. 15. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes M. F. Both Sexes. Tobacco, 25 1,344 286 1,630 22 _ 22 1,381 296 1,677 Cigar makers 23 1,302 233 1,535 19 - 19 1,336 241 1,577 Tobacco factory operatives, , 2 42 53 95 3 - 3 45 55 100 Vessels 7 1,907 5 1,912 375 - 375 2,289 5 2,294 Boat makers 1 199 - 199 33 - 33 233 - 233 Mast, spar, oar, block makers 2 83 - 83 12 - 12 97 - 97 Sail and awning makers, 3 391 5 396 44 - 44 438 5 443 Ship calkers _ 289 - 289 39 - 39 328 - 328 Ship carpenters, - 711 - 711 211 - 211 922 - 922 Ship chandlers. - 52 - 52 7 - 7 59 - 59 Ship riggers, . . . . 1 156 - 156 26 - 26 183 - 183 Ship smiths, . . . . - 26 - 26 3 - 3 29 " 29 Wooden Goods, 64 4,056 314 4,370 823 1 324 4,433 325 4,758 Basket makers, 10 693 240 933 40 1 41 743 241 984 Coopers, 20 1,200 11 1,211 176 - 176 1,396 11 1,407 Mirror and picture frame makers, .... 14 203 15 218 3 - 3 217 18 235 Pattern makers. 1 453 3 456 50 - 50 504 3 507 Stave, hoop, and heading makers, .... - 8 - 8 3 - 3 11 - 11 Wood turners and carvers, . 19 1,499 45 1,544 51 - 51 1,562 52 1,614 2,609 13,301 9,017 22,318 513 58 571 15,078 10,420 25,498 Woollen mill operatives, 2,609 13,301 9,017 22,318 513 58 571 15,078 10,420 25,498 Miscellaneous Mantfac- TUBES 297 7,193 3,141 10,334 253 25 278 7,601 3,308 10,909 Asbestos workers, . 1 2 - 2 - - - 3 - 3 Belting factory operatives. - 80 1 81 4 - 4 84 1 85 Bone and ivory workers, 4 18 5 23 2 - 2 21 8 29 Brick and tile makers, 34 2,263 3 2,266 30 - 30 2,325 5 2,330 Button factory operatives, 132 462 680 1,142 4 - 4 513 765 1,278 Candle, soap, and tallow m'ker 3, 6 274 10 284 19 - 19 297 12 309 Celluloid makers and workers 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1 Charcoal and lime burners, 1 83 _ 83 3 - 3 87 - 87 Chemical works employes, 3 144 17 161 6 - 6 152 18 170 Comb makers, . 14 548 82 630 49 - 49 611 82 693 Cork makers, . 2 24 13 37 _ - - 26 13 39 EnamcUers, _ 1 — 1 _ - - 1 - 1 Feather renovators, . 1 3 3 6 2 - 2 5 4 9 Fertilizer establishment oper atives - 94 - 94 1 - 1 95 - 95 Fireworks makers, . 9 15 15 30 _ - - 19 20 39 Fur workers, . 1 19 23 42 - - - 19 24 43 Galloon, gimp, and tasse makers 2 18 35 53 1 - 1 19 37 56 Gasworks employes. 2 343 1 344 16 - 16 361 1 362 Glue makers, . 6 111 6 117 5 - 5 122 6 128 Human hair workers, 2 32 66 98 _ _ - 33 67 100 Ice cutters. _ 17 _ 17 - - - 17 - 17 Ink makers. - 31 10 41 1 - 1 32 10 42 Knitters, embroiderers, an( worsted makers, . 6 13 120 133 3 7 10 17 132 149 Lapidaries, _ 30 3 33 - - - 30 3 33 Watch makers, _ 28 11 39 - - - 28 11 39 Mattress makers, 1 52 36 88 2 _ 2 55 36 91 Patent medicine makers. 1 28 25 53 6 - 6 35 25 60 Pencil makers, . 4 10 2 12 _ - - 13 3 16 Perfumers, _ 17 3 20 3 - 3 20 3 23 Photographers, 2 568 57 625 16 _ 16 586 57 643 Potters, .... 6 177 6 183 5 _ 5 188 6 194 Starch makers. — 19 19 4 - 4 23 - 23 Straw workers, 49 1,060 1,813 2,873 41 16 57 1,118 1,861 2,979 Taxidermists, . _ 30 26 56 - - - 30 26 56 Trunk and valise makers. 4 187 2 189 8 _ 8 199 2 201 Velvet makers, _ 2 2 - - - 2 - 2 Was workers, . _ _ 6 6 2 1 3 2 7 9 Wliip makers, . 2 343 47 390 18 1 19 362 49 411 Window shade makers, . 2 46 14 60 2 - 2 50 14 64 456 CENSUS or MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. OCCUPATIONS BY NAME. FOR THE STATE — Concluded. SEX AND AGES. Classification. 10 TO 15. IG TO 59. CO AND OVER. Aggregates. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. APPREN-rrCKS, LABORERS, AND IxXDEFINlTK, . 1,003 66,916 692 67,608 6,577 41 6,618 74,434 795 75,229 Apprentices 236 2,336 122 2,458 _ _ _ 2,.541 153 2,694 Approiilices, .... 236 1,925 114 2,039 - - - 2,130 145 2,275 Apprentices (flcntists'), . - 15 - 15 - - - 15 - 15 Appn-ntices (in stori's), . - 1 1 - - - 1 - 1 ApproiiiicL'8 (learned profes- , bions) - 395 8 403 - - - 395 8 403 Laborehs 764 55,397 .'i07 35,904 5,945 37 5,982 62,075 573 62,650 Laborers, 581 53,270 333 53,603 5,879 33 5,912 59,722 377 60,099 Laborers in stores and ware- houses, 176 1,334 171 1,.505 28 4 .32 1,518 195 1,713 Lonsuhiiromcn and stevedores, 1 315 _ 315 26 - 26 342 - 342 Lumbermen and raftsmen. _ 128 _ 128 9 - 9! 137 - 137 Puvern and ila.'gers, _ 203 _ 203 1 _ 1 204 - 204 Warehouse employes, 3 130 3 133 _ _ _ 133 3 136 Well diggers - 17 17 2 - 2 19 - 19 Indefinite, .... 3 9,183 63 9,246 632 4 636 9,818 67 9,885 Bagmaki-rs, .... _ 5 9 14 1 1 5 10 15 Engineers 1 4,140 25 4,165 106 - 106 4,247 25 4,272 Manufacturers, _ 4,699 28 4,727 502 3 505 5,201 31 6,232 Mechanics 2 339 1 340 24 — 24 365 1 366 RECAPITULATION OF AGGREGATES. FOR THE STATE. SEX AND AGES. Classification. 10 TO 15. 16 TO 59. 60 AND OVER. Aggregates. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. Government AND Profession- al, 51 20,031 11,223 31,254 1,827 87 1,914 21,889 11,330 33,219 Government (national, state, city, and town), . 5 5,346 403 5,749 512 8 520 5,863 411 6,274 Array - 476 1 477 4 - 4 480 1 481 Navy 1 95 - 95 3 - 3 99 - 99 Olemymen and church oiDcers, 1 2,139 32 2,171 413 - 413 2,553 32 2,585 Lawyers _ 1,816 4 1,820 164 - 164 1,980 4 1,984 Physicians and surgeons. - 3,062 185 3,247 394 20 414 3,456 205 3,661 Authors and literary persons. 19 1,892 439 2,331 62 4 66 1,971 445 2,416 Artists, 3 1,021 264 1,285 41 2 43 1,063 268 1,331 Musicians and teachers of music, 10 1,131 1,2.56 2,387 59 7 66 1,193 1,270 2,463 Actors and showmen, 3 325 109 4.34 8 1 9 335 111 446 Teachers, 8 1,468 8,509 9,977 99 45 144 1,567 8,562 10,129 Scientific persons, . 1 1,260 21 1,281 68 - 68 1,329 21 1,350 Domestic and Personal Of- fice 1,702 15,384 54,722 70,106 722 1,824 2,546 16,284 58,070 74,354 Boarding and lodging, 49 5,996 3,248 9,244 285 136 421 6,313 3,401 9,714 Doracntic service. 1,611 3,122 46,777 49,899 109 1,180 1,289 3,.35S 49,441 52,799 Personal service. 42 6,266 4,697 10,963 328 508 836 6,613 5,228 11,841 OCCUPATIONS BY I^AME. 457 RECAPITULATION OF AGGREGATES. FOR THE STATE — Concluded. . SEX AND AGES. 10 TO 16 TO 59. 60 akd ovek. Aggregates. Classification. 15. 1 1 Both Sexes. M. M. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. Trade and Transportation, 1,821 105,639 6,299 111,938 4,517 105 4,622 111,751 6,6.34 118,385 Merchants, .... 99 32,675 872 33,.547 2,393 81 2,474 35,159 961 36,120 Salesmen, saleswomen, etc., . 9 3,912 627 4,539, 92 3 95 4,006 637 4,643 Accountants, bookkeepers, 1 clerks, etc., .... 878 29,204 4,447 33,651 471 16 487 30,391 4,625 35,016 Agents, bankers, brokers, etc.. 8 4,419 65 4,484 362 3 365 4,789 68 4,857 Messengers and porters, . 669 2,577 205 2,782 62 - 52 3,246 257 3,503 Carriers on ^oads, . 70 15,666 15 15,68ll 420 1 421 16,100 16 16,176 Carriers on steam railways, . 20 9,514 64 9,578 269 - 269 9,802 65 9,867 Carriers on seas and rivers, . 68 7,672 4 7,676 458 1 459 8,198 5 8,203 Agriculture, .... 1,262 53,844 170 54,014 13,472 50 13,522 68,568 230 68,798 Agriculture, .... 1,237 50,056 167 50,223 13,346 49 13,395 64,629 226 64,855 Animals, care of, etc., 25 3,788 3 3,791 126 1 127 3,939 4 3,943 Fisheries, 51 6,686 2 5,688 364 _ 364 6,101 2 6,103 Fisheries 61 5,686 2 5,688 364 - 364 6,101 2 6,103 Manufactures and Mechani- 15,478 227,377 89,092 316,469 11,924 815 12,739 247,564 97,122 344,686 cal Industries, . Agricultural implements, 1 104 1 105 6 - 6 111 1 112 Arras and ammunition, . 21 926 76 1,002 40 - 40 979 84 1,063 Artisans' tools, 120 2,087 87 2,174 64 - 64 2.251 107 2,358 Bakeries, 38 2,204 120 2,.324 76 3 79 2,312 129 2,441 Bookbinderies, 21 661 593 1,254 34 3 37 706 606 1,312 Boots and shoes, 1,760 44,.325 10,354 54,679 2,430 31 2,461 47,972 10,928 58,900 »Boxes 64 1,030 861 1,891 32 2 34 1,081 908 1,989 Brooms and brushes. 34 479 146 625 20 2 22 523 158 681 Building 49 38,629 96 38,725 3,406 6 3,412 42,084 102 42,186 Carriages and wagons, 11 2,956 18 2,974 249 - 249 3,216 18 3,234 Carpetings 144 714 1,058 1,772 29 16 45 808 1,153 1,961 Clocks and watches. 19 1,383 671 2,054 39 - 39 1,436 676 2,112 Clothing 397 5,174 24,280 29,454 380 433 813 5,644 25,020 30,664 Cooking, lighting, and heating apparatus, .... - 167 1 158 1 - 1 158 1 159 Cotton goods 8,061 24,809 28,996 63,804 548 149 697 29,291 33,271 62,562 Cotton and woollen goods. 70 331 691 1,022 26 3 28 391 729 1,120 Flax, hemp, and jute goods, . 236 1,176 374 1,550 55 3 58 1,386 458 1,844 Food preparations, . 29 1,858 226 2,084 121 5 126 1,996 243 2,239 Furniture 74 5,725 280 6,005 293 9 302 6,075 306 6,381 Glass 34 685 36 721 37 _ 37 7.54 38 792 Hair 13 39 14 53 - _ - 45 21 66 Leather 86 8,431 189 8,620 299 1 300 8,810 196 9,006 Linen, 102 196 219 415 2 _ 2 241 278 519 Liquors and beverages, . 4 538 10 548 19 1 20 561 11 572 Lumber 14 1,120 12 1,132 28 - 28 1,162 12 1,174 Machines and machinerj'. 91 13,079 31 13,110 531 1 532 13,700 33 13,733 Metals and metallic goods. 324 23,458 1,265 24,723 1,058 1 1,059 24,788 1,318 26,106 Musical instruments. 25 1,740 55 1,795 76 1 77 1,838 69 1,897 Oils and illuminating fluids, . 3 134 3 137 13 _ 13 1.50 3 153 Paper, 220 3,453 3,045 6,498 132 54 186 3,657 3,247 6,904 Printing 75 4,547 678 5,225 96 1 97 4,712 685 5,397 Print works 128 1,903 322 2,225 94 1 95 2,112 336 2,448 Publishing, . . . • - 212 49 261 19 _ 19 231 49 280 Railroad construction, . - 391 391 12 _ 12 403 — 403 Rubber 36 536 481 1,017 7 _ 7 663 497 1,060 Scientitic Instruments and ap- pliances, .... 2 294 15 309 11 _ 11 307 15 322 Silk 144 263 976 1,239 15 5 20 334 1,069 1,403 Stone 26 3,829 1 3,830 141 _ 141 3,994 3 3,997 Tobacco 26 1,344 286 1,630 22 _ 22 1,381 296 1,677 Vessels 7 1,907 5 1,912 375 _ 375 2,289 5 2,294 Wooden goods. 64 4,056 314 4,370 323 1 324 4,433 325 4,758 Woollen goods. 2,609 13,301 9,017 22,318 513 68 571 15,078 10,420 26,498 Miscellaneous manufactures, . 297 7,193 3,141 10,334 253 25 278 7,601 3,308 10,909 Apprentices, Laborers, and 1,003 66,916 692 67,608 6,577 41 6,618 74,434 795 76,229 Indefinite Apprentices 236 2,.336 122 2,458 - _ - 2,541 153 2,694 Laborers 764 55,397 507 55,904 6,945 37 5,982 62,075 575 62,650 Indetinite, .... 3 9,183 63 9,246 632 4 636 9,818 67 9,885 458 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. CLASSIFICATION BY TOTALS. FOR THE STATE. SEX AND AGES. Classified Occdpations. 10 TO 15. IG TO 59. ■ 60 AND OVER. Aggregates. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. M. F. Both Sexes. Government .nnd professional, Domestic and personal oflice. Trade and transportation. Agriculture, .... Fisheries, .... Manufactures and mechanical industries Apprentices, laborers, and in- definite, .... 51 1,702 1,821 1,262 51 15,478 1,003 20,031 1 15,384 105,639 1 53,844 6,686 1 '227,377 ' 66,916 11,223 64,722 6,299 170 2 89,092 692 31,2.54 70,106 111,9.38 54,014 5,688 316,469 67,608 1,827 722 4,517 13,472 364 11,924 6,577 ■ 87 1,824 105 50 815 41 1,914 2,.546 4,622 13,522 364 12,739 6,618 21,889 16,284 111,751 68,568 6,101 247,564 74,434 11,330 33,219 58,070, 74,354 6,634 118,385 230, 68,798 2! 6,103 1 97,122 344,686 •• 795 75,229 Totals 21,368 494,877 162,200 657,077 39,403J 2,922 42,325 546,591 174,183 720,774 Note, Explanatory of Occupation Tables. Classified Occupations. Bureau Classi- U. S. Census Bureau Classifi- fication. (See Classiflciition. cation in com- "Classified Oc- (.See "Oceiiiia- parison with cupations," tions bv Xiinip," U. S. Census page 27'J.) pai.'es443, 458.) Classification. 33,568 33,219 +349 75,405 74,354 +1,051 117.641 118,385 —744 68,813 68,798 +15 6,375 6,103 --272 --203 344,889 344,686 74,577 75,229 —652 721,268 720,774 +494 Government and professional. Domestic and personal office. Trade and transportation. Agricultural Fisheries, Manufactures and mechanical industries, Apprentices, laborers, and indefinite, . Totals, — The State, The United States Census will not present the occupations of the people by such minor civil divisions as cities and towns, except for a few large cities. The State totals of Occupations as arrived at by the United States Census authorities are given on pages 419 to 458 under the title " Occup.itions by Name, for the State." The State totals, as given in " Classitied Occupations," pages 257 to 279, were arrived at by the Bureau from special tally sheets supplied by the Census Office, as will be seen by the above com- parative table. The special tally sheets, as revised for the Bureau, contained 494 more than the original Census Office State total sheet. To have distributed these 494 by nativities and ages was impossible, as the Bureau could not have done so without constant reference to the original schedules in the Census Office. The variations between the Bureau and Census Office aggregates as regards the various classes (government and professional, etc.), as shown above, are owing to diflerences in classification, the Bureau in all cases conforming its classification to that adopted in the StateCensusof 1875, so as to make the figures more thoroughly comparable. Under the class heading " Trade and Transportation," the Bureau classi- fied 744 less than the Census Office did, and under " Apprentices, Laborers, and Indefinite," 652 less ; but these 1,396, and the 494 additional, or 1,890, all find places under the Bureau classification in the other classes. The Bureau "Classified Occupations" table contains the greater number of occupations, and is the " total " table, but for the distribution of occupations as regards nativities and ages, the Census Office " Occupations by Name " table must be relied upon. V ILLITERACY. ILLITEKACY. The United States Census of 1880 divided the illiterates into two classes ; those ten years of age and over who could not tciite, and those ten years of age and over who could not read. The table following is so arranged as to show for each town, city, and countj', the total popula- tion, with sex; the population ten years of age and over with distinctions as regards native, foreign born, colored, and sex; the number of illiterates who cannot icriie, with distinctions as regards native, foreign born, colored, ages, and sex, thus supplying the information necessary for minute comparisons. The Census authorities did not furnish similar detailed information concerning those illiterates who cannot read. In addition to the usual county and State recapitulations we present two State showings which supply the percentage of illiteracy, and the ages of the illiterate. 462 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. ILLITERACY. COUK TT OF Barnstable. Classification. Barn- Brews- Chat- Dennis. East- Fal- Har- Mash- stable. ter. ham. ham. mouth. wich. pee. 1 Population 4,242 1,144 2,250 3,288 692 2,422 3,265 346 2 Male, 1,973 544 1,085 1,600 362 1,156 1,663 ISO 3 Female, . 2,269 600 1,165 1,688 330 1,266 1,602 166 4 Population, 10 years and over, . 3,599 928 1,849 2,727 576 2,021 2,702 '274 6 Male, 1.050 442 868 1,325 298 952 1,366 134 6 Female, . 1,949 486 981 1,402 278 1,069 1,336 140 7 Males, 10 years and over, . 1,650 442 868 1,325 298 952 1,366 134 8 Native born, . 1,571 416 852 1,280 285 843 1,324 15 9 Foreign born, . 65 25 15 45 13 101 33 2 10 Colored, . 14 1 1 - - 8 9 117 11 Females, 10 years and over, . 1,949 486 981 1,402 278 1,069 1,3.36 140 12 Native born, . 1,821 450 901 1,368 270 967 1,301 19 13 Foreign born, . 101 36 17 33 8 88 33 1 14 Colored, . 27 - 3 1 - 14 2 120 15 Both Sexes, 10 years and over. 3,599 928 1,849 2,727 676 2,021 2,702 274 16 Native born, . 3,392 866 1,813 2,648 6.56 1,810 2,625 34 17 Foreign born, . 166 61 32 78 21 189 66 3 18 Colored, . 41 1 4 1 -* 22 11 237 19 Cannot write, 10 years and over, 26 64 9 63 8 65 26 14 20 White Native, both sexes, . 2 36 7 45 1 29 16 _ 21 Males, 2 20 2 27 1 12 7 - 22 10 to 14, . _ 3 _ 6 - 1 - - 23 15 to 20, . . . _ 5 - - 1 - 24 21 and over. 2 17 2 16 1 11 6 - 25 Females, . _ 16 5 18 - 17 9 - 26 10 to 14, . _ 2 _ 1 - 1 - - 27 15 to 20, . _ 2 1 2 - - - - 28 21 and over. - 12 4 15 - 16 9 ~ 29 Wliite Foreign, both sexes, 21 18 2 8 2 34 8 _ 30 Males, 9 6 1 4 2 15 - - 31 10 to 14, . _ _ _ - _ _ - 32 15 to 20, . _ _ _ - 1 - - 33 21 and over. 9 6 1 4 2 14 - - 34 Females, . 12 12 1 4 - 19 8 - 35 10 to 14, . « - _ _ _ _ - 36 15 to 20, . _ 1 _ - - _ - - 37 21 and over. 12 11 1 4 - 19 8 "- 38 Colored, both sexes, . 3 2 2 14 39 Males, 3 _ _ - - 2 1 7 40 10 to 14, . _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 41 15 to 20, . 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 42 21 and over. 2 _ _ _ - 2 1 3 43 Females, . _ . _ _ _ 1 7 44 10 to 14, . . « _ _ - _ _ 2 45 15 to 20, . _ _ - - - _ _ 2 46 21 and over, - - - - - — 1 3 47 Cannot write, 10 years and over, 26 54 9 63 3 65 26 14 4S Males, 14 26 3 31 3 29 8 7 49 10 to 14, . _ 3 - 6 _ 1 _ 2 50 15 to 20, , 1 _ - 5 _ 1 1 2 51 21 and over. 13 23 3 20 3 27 7 3 52 Females, . 12 28 6 22 - 36 18 7 53 10 to 14, . _ 2 _ 1 - 1 - 2 54 15 to 20, . _ 3 1 2 _ _ _ 2 55 21 and over. 12 23 6 19 - 35 18 3 56 Cannot read, 10 years and over, 13 37 2 42 3 37 17 14 ILLITERACY. 463 ILLITERACY — Continued. CouNTT OF Baesstable — CoDcluded. Orleans. 1,294 604 690 1,108 511 597 511 499 12 597 575 22 1,108 1,074 34 Prov- ince- town. 4,346 2,164 2,182 3,434 1,702 1,732 1,702 1,191 504 7 1,732 1,288 443 1 3,434 2,479 947 8 539 21 13 5 3 5 8 6 1 1 Sand- wich. 3,-543 1,714 1,829 2,937 1,409 1,528 1,409 1,237 145 27 1,.528 1,336 168 24 2,937 2,573 313 51 83 40 23 1 2 20 17 2 1 14 Truro. 1,017 472 545 832 390 442 390 334 55 1 442 394 48 832 728 103 1 69 12 6 Well- fleet. 1,875 927 948 1,571 764 807 764 722 39 3 807 752 53 2 1.571 1,474 92 5 Yar- month. 20 3 1 2,173 1,064 1,109 1,805 861 944 861 834 23 4 944 903 31 10 1,805 1,737 54 14 38 30 13 3 10 17 17 CorsTT OF Bebkshikb. Adams. Alford. Becket. Chesh- Clarks- burg. Dal- ton. 5,591 2,662 2,929 4,254 1,960 2,294 1,960 1,200 755 5 2,294 1,371 916 7 4,254 2,571 1,671 12 83 38 9 13 16 45 10 14 21 348 167 181 293 154 139 154 150 4 139 134 4 1 293 284 8 1 12 10 4 1,123 578 545 891 465 426 465 376 87 2 426 348 76 2 891 724 163 4 80 8 4 1,537 SOS 729 1,188 620 568 620 460 158 2 568 432 134 2 1,188 892 292 4 121 17 10 1 9 7 3 4 724 367 357 546 281 265 281 202 76 3 265 201 64 546 403 140 3 68 2,052 898 1,154 1,619 695 924 695 491 189 15 924 647 263 14 1,619 1,138 452 29 34 4 1 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 £8 518 276 4 19 253 242 4 19 219 38 14 1 13 24 24 57 29 29 28 1 27 17 10 2 8 7 489 207 12 38 157 282 14 44 224 72 33 33 39 39 103 49 1 48 64 1 63 35 5 5 25 33 1 7 25 30 8 1 7 22 1 1 20 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 539 289 9 22 258 250 10 20 220 521 83 39 1 3 35 44 2 1 41 63 35 35 34 2 32 66 20 11 2 9 9 19 38 19 4 15 19 19 19 572 245 21 51 173 327 24 58 245 388 12 6 80 37 37 43 43 74 121 59 2 67 62 1 3 58 89 68 35 5 5 25 33 1 7 25 63 34 9 1 1 7 25 1 1 23 27 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 56 56 464 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. ILLITERACY — Continued. Classification. CorsTT OF Berkshire — Continued. Great Egre- Florida. Bar- Han- Hins- Lanes- Lee. Lenox. mont. rington. cock. dale. borough. 1 Population, . 875 4.59 4,6.53 642 1,595 1,286 3,9.39 2,043 2 iMale, 415 236 2,216 323 773 676 1,885 1 023 3 Female, . 460 223 2 437 319 822 610 2,054 1,020 4 Population, 10 years and 01 ^er, . 722 349 3,819 525 1,219 977 3,079 1,560 5 Male, . . S47 185 l,7i-8 273 597 525 1,454 783 6 Female, . 375 164 2,021 252 622 452 1,625 777 7 Males, 10 j-onrs and ov er, . 347 185 1,798 273 597 525 1,4.54 783 8 Native liorn, 327 147 1,374 231 409 354 1,055 568 9 Foreign born, 20 37 3S6 39 159 152 349 189 10 Colored, . . 1 38 3 29 19 50 26 11 Females, 10 years and o\ •er, . 375 164 2,021 252 622 4.52 1,625 777 12 Niitive born. 356 133 1,521 237 427 337 1,174 552 13 Foreign born. 17 31 450 13 176 103 398 193 14 Colored, . 2 - 50 2 19 12 53 32 15 Both Sexes, 10 years and over, 722 349 3,819 525 1,219 977 3.079 1,560 16 Native born, 683 280 2,895 468 836 691 2,229 1,120 17 Foreign born. . 1 37 68 836 52 335 255 747 as2 18 Colored, . • • 1 2 1 88 6 48 31 103 58 19 Cannot write, 10 years and 1 over, 1 32 226 14 76 37 221 135 20 ^\^lite Native, both se.'tes. 1 1 10 38 6 3 6 25 8 21 Males, 1 9 20 3 2 4 6 4 22 10 to 14, . - 1 2 - 1 - 1 - 23 15 to 20, . , 3 1 - - - 1 - 24 21 and over. 1 5 17 3 1 4 4 4 25 Females, . . . 1 18 3 1 2 19 4 26 10 to 14, . , _ 2 - - _ 2 _ 27 15 to 20, . . - 2 1 - - 2 _ 28 21 and over, - 1 14 2 1 2 15 4 29 White Foreign, both sexes • ~ 22 184 8 69 31 189 114 30 Males, - 12 74 7 26 19 65 47 31 10 to 14, . _ 1 1 _ _ _ _ _ 32 15 to 20, . _ 1 - _ _ _ 4 _ 33 21 and over. _ 10 73 7 26 19 61 47 34 Females, . _ 10 110 1 43 12 124 67 35 10 to 14, . - - 1 - - - _ - 36 15 to 20, . . 1 - - 6 _ _ 1 3 2 37 21 and over. - 10 103 1 43 11 121 65 38 Colored, both sexes, . _ 4 4 7 13 39 Males, - - 3 _ 3 _ 4 6 40 10 to 14, . . j _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ 41 15 to 20, . . , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 42 21 and over. _ _ 3 - 3 _ 4 6 43 Females, . , ' - 1 - 1 - 3 7 44 10 to 14, . _ - - _ _ _ _ _ 45 15 to 20, . _ _ - - - _ _ _ 46 21 and over. - - 1 - 1 - 3 7 47 Cannot icrite, 10 years and over, 1 32 226 14 76 37 221 135 48 Males, 1 21 97 10 31 23 75 57 49 10 to 14, . _ 2 3 _ 1 _ 1 60 15 to 20, . _ 4 1 - - _ 5 _ 51 21 and over, 1 15 93 10 30 . 23 69 57 52 Females, . , _ 11 129 4 45 14 146 78 53 10 to 14, . _ - 3 - _ _ 2 _ 54 15 to 20, . _ - 8 1 _ 1 5 2 55 21 and over, • 11 118 3 45 13 139 76 56 Cannot read, 10 years and. over, 1 28 183 13 70 27 170 109 ILLITERACY. 465 ILLITERACY — Continued. COUJJTX OF Berkshire - -Continued. Mon- Mount Wash- Kew Ifew Marl- North Otis. Peru. Pitts- Rich- Sandis- Savoy. Shef- terey. ington. Ashford borough Adams. field. mond. field. field. 635 205 203 1,876 10,191 785 403 13,364 1,124 1,107 715 2,204 1 323 106 105 964 4,985 402 215 6,308 562 584 368 1,114 2 312 99 98 912 5,206 383 188 7,056 562 523 347 1,090 3 499 167 163 1,464 8,006 609 332 10,.530 836 880 560 1,732 4 264 90 88 753 3,890 316 180 4,873 437 466 292 867 5 235 77 75 711 4,116 293 152 5,657 399 414 268 865 6 264 90 88 753 3.890 316 180 4,873 437 466 292 867 7 235 87 74 615 2,668 295 152 3,273 283 398 268 678 8 27 3 14 130 1,190 15 23 1,481 154 65 23 131 9 2 - - 8 32 6 5 119 - 3 1 68 10 235 77 75 711 4,116 293 152 5,657 399 414 268 865 11 219 75 67 582 2,840 272 132 3,894 276 375 252 683 12 13 2 8- 122 1,255 12 15 1,630 122 38 15 123 13 3 - 7 21 9 5 133 1 1 1 59 14 499 167 163 1,464 8,006 609 332 10, .530 836 880 560 1,732 15 454 162 141 1,197 5,508 567 284 7,167 559 773 520 1,361 16 40 5 22 252 2,445 27 38 3,111 * 276 103 38 254 17 5 - - 15 53 15 10 252 1 4 O 117 18 27 14 5 72 389 10 4 617 56 41 8 208 19 20 12 4 7 35 4 ^ 34 1 14 2 52 20 12 6 4 4 11 2 _ 11 1 7 - 29 21 2 1 • 1 1 1 _ _ _ 1 _ 1 22 2 _ . _ 4 _ - 2 _ 1 . 1 23 8 5 4 3 6 1 _ 9 1 5 - 27 24 8 6 _ 3 24 2 _ 23 _ 7 2 23 25 1 _ _ 1 1 _ . 4 - _ _ 1 26 2 _ _ _ 10 _ . 8 - 1 _ - 27 5 6 - 2 13 2 - 11 _ 6 2 22 28 4 2 1 62 350 4 4 555 55 25 6 110 29 2 1 _ 30 139 2 1 199 30 12 2 44 30 - _ _ 2 5 . - 2 _ _ _ 1 31 - - _ _ 24 _ - 10 _ 1 _ 1 32 2 1 _ 28 110 2 1 187 30 11 2 42 33 2 1 1 32 211 2 3 356 25 13 4 66 34 - - - 1 3 - - 1 - 1 - - 25 - _ _ 2 23 _ _ 18 * « _ 1 36 2 1 1 29 185 2 3 337 25 12 4 65 37 3 3 4 2 28 2 46 38 2 - - 1 1 - - 16 - 2 - 23 39 — — _ — — _ — _ - _ . 3 40 1 _ - _ - _ _ _ _ 2 » 3 41 1 - _ 1 1 _ _ 16 _ _ _ 17 42 1 - - 2 3 2 - 12 - - - 23 43 — — — _ ^ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 44 _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ „ ^ _ _ 45 1 - - 2 2 2 - 12 - - - 21 46 27 14 5 72 389 10 4 617 66 41 8 208 47 16 7 4 35 151 4 1 226 31 21 2 96 48 2 1 - 3 6 1 _ 2 _ 1 _ 5 49 3 - - - 28 _ _ 12 _ 4 _ 5 50 11 6 4 32 117 3 1 212 31 16 2 86 51 11 7 1 37 238 6 3 391 25 20 6 112 52 1 - - 2 4 _ _ 5 _ 1 _ 3 53 2 - - 2 34 - _ 26 _ 1 _ 1 54 8 7 1 33 200 6 3 360 25 18 6 108 55 18 12 3 63 286 8 4 517 54 34 7 165 56 4G6 CEXSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. ILLITERACY — Continued. CocNTT OF Berkshire — Concluded. Co. OF Bristol. Classification. Stock- Tyring- Wash- West Stock- Will- iams- Wind- A cash - Attle- bridge. ham. ington. bridge. town. sor. net. borough. 1 Population 2,357 542 493 1,923 3.394 644 1,105 11,111 2 Male, 1,109 263 209 997 1,651 356 557 5,581 3 Female, . 1,248 279 224 926 1,743 28S 548 5,530 4 Population, 10 years and over, . 1,908 425 378 1,450 2,844 512 906 8,813 5 Miile, 8G3 206 208 700 1,387 281 452 4,389 6 Female, . 1,045 219 170 690 1,457 231 454 4,424 7 Males, 10 years and over, . 863 206 208 760 1,387 281 4.52 4,389 8 Native born, . 655 191 149 542 1,026 252 434 3,073 9 Foreign born, . 179 15 54 207 323 28 16 1,263 10 Colored, . 29 — 5 11 38 1 2 53 11 Females, 10 years and over, . 1,045 219 170 690 1,457 231 4.54 4,424 12 Native born, . 749 2(14 125 491 1,061 215 435 3,189 13 Foreign born, . 209 14 42 186 360 15 17 1,177 14 Colored, . 27 1 3 13 36 1 2 58 15 Both Sexes, 10 years and over, 1,908 425 378 1,4.50 2,844 512 906 8,813 16 Native born, . , . 1,404 395 274 1,0.33 2,087 467 869 6,262 17 Foreign born, . 448 29 96 393 6S3 43 33 2,440 18 Colored, . 56 1 8 24 74 2 4 111 19 Cannot icrite, 10 years and over. TO 24 69 135 195 16 9 637 20 White Native, both sexes, . 7 9 17 8 26 6 5 78 21 Males, .... 4 5 8 4 12 5 3 38 22 10 to 14, . - - - - 1 _ 6 23 15 to 20, . - - - - 2 _ _ 14 24 21 and over. 4 5 8 4 9 5 3 18 25 Females, . 3 4 9 4 14 1 2 40 26 . 10 to 14, . - - - _ 2 _ _ 8 27 15 to 20, . - - - - 5 _ _ 9 28 21 and over, 3 4 9 4 7 1 2 23 29 "White Foreign, both sexes, 58 15 48 127 161 10 2 535 30 Males, 21 7 26 58 72 4 2 235 31 10 to 14, . - - - - 2 - _ 7 32 15 to 20, . - - - - 14 - _ 39 33 21 and over, 21 7 26 58 56 4 2 ■ 189 34 Females, . 37 8 22 69 89 6 _ 300 35 10 to 14, . 1 - - - 5 _ _ 9 36 15 to 20, . 2 - - - 16 - _ 30 37 21 and over, 34 8 22 69 68 6 - 261 38 Colored, both sexes, • 5 4 8 2 24 39 Males, 3 ~* 2 _ 6 _ _ 13 40 * 10 to 14, . - - _ _ _ _ 41 15 to 20, . - - - - - - ._ 1 42 21 and over, 3 _ 2 _ 6 _ _ 12 43 Females, . 2 - 2 _ 2 - 2 11 44 10 to 14, . - - - - _ _ 1 1 45 15 to 20, . _ _ _ _ _ _ 46 21 and over. 2 - 2 - 2 - 1 10 47 Cannot write, 10 years and over, 70 24 69 135 195 16 9 637 48 Males 28 12 36 62 90 9 5 286 49 10 to 14, . - - - - 3 _ _ 13 50 16 to 20, . _ - - _ 16 _ _ 54 51 21 and over. 28 12 36 62 71 9 5 219 52 Females, . 42 12 33 73 105 7 4 351 53 10 to 14, , 1 - - - 7 _ 1 18 54 15 to 20, . 2 - - - 21 _ 39 55 21 and over. 39 12 33 73 77 7 3 294 56 Cannot read, 10 years and over, 59 15 63 102 146 12 4 472 ILLITERACY. 467 ILLITERACY — Continued . CODNTT OF BR] STOL — Continued Berk- Uart- Digh- Easton. Fair- Fall Free- Mans- New Norton. Rayn- Reho- ley. month. ton. haven. River. to^vn. field. Bedford. ham. both. 927 3,430 1,791 3,902 2,875 48,961 1,329 2,765 26,845 1,732 1,681 1,891 1 472 1,685 875 2,037 1,345 23,163 655 1,317 12,371 842 851 965 2 455 1,745 916 1,865 1,530 25,798 674 1,448 14,474 890 830 926 3 784 2,852 1,483 3,063 2,430 37,961 1,074 2,239 22,022 1,437 1,356 1,574 4 393 1,400 743 1,589 1,117 17,732 516 1,055 10,035 695 672 802 6 391 1,452 740 1,474 1,313 20,229 558 1,184 11,987 742 6S4 772 6 393 1,400 743 1,589 1,117 17,732 516 1,055 10,035 695 672 802 7 372 1,244 649 1,105 1,045 7,426 479 906 7,041 606 595 726 8 21 142 88 480 66 10,248 35 148 2,468 87 65 60 9 - 14 6 4 6 58 2 1 526 2 12 16 10 391 1,452 740 1,474 1,313 20,229 558 1,184 11,987 742 684 772 11 381 1,32G 649 1,108 1,237 8,155 522 1,020 8,135 625 608 719 12 10 116 88 361 66 12,013 27 161 3,127 113 58 46 13 - 10 3 5 10 61 9 3 725 4 18 7 14 784 2,852 1,4S3 3,063 2,430 37,961 1,074 2,239 22,022 1,437 1,356 1,574 15 753 2,570 1,298 2,213 2,282 15,581 1,001 1,926 15,176 1,231 1,203 1,445 la 31 258 176 841 132 22,261 62 309 5,595 200 123 106 17 — 24 9 9 16 119 11 4 1,251 6 30 23 18 7 138 35 229 3 5,827 79 44 1,301 43 23 34 19 7 49 3 15 2 450 69 2 106 21 7 11 20 4 31 3 13 2 169 42 1 53 13 5 8 21 - 3 _ 6 - 31 _ _ 2 4 1 1 22 - 1 _ 3 - 60 6 _ 10 1 1 23 4 27 3 4 2 78 36 1 41 8 3 7 24 3 18 - 2 - 281 27 1 53 8 2 3 25 - - - - - 28 - - - 1 _ 1 26 - - - - _ 94 1 _ 6 5 _ 1 27 3 18 - 2 159 26 1 47 2 2 1 28 _ 88 30 212 • 1 5,367 7 42 973 22 16 18 29 _ 49 12 82 1 2,039 6 11 324 10 7 10 30 - - - - - 108 - - 5 1 _ _ 31 . _ 11 _ 2 - 386 _ - 24 _ _ 1 32 _ 38 12 80 1 1,545 6 11 295 9 7 9 33 - 39 18 130 - 3,328 1 31 649 12 9 8 34 - 2 - - - 110 - - 5 1 _ 35 5 _ _ _ 404 - _ 31 _ 1 _ 36 32 18 130 - 2,814 1 31 613 11 8 8 37 1 2 2 10 3 222 5 38 - 1 1 1 - 4 2 - 78 - - 4 39 * — -> — — — — — 1 — — _ 40 _ _ 1 - - - - - 1 _ _ _ 41 - 1 - 1 - 4 2 _ 76 _ ^ 4 42 - - 1 1 - 6 1 - 144 - - 1 43 44 45 ^ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 _ I z - - 1 1 - 6 1 - 141 - - 1 46 7 138 35 229 3 5,827 79 44 1,301 43 23 34 47 4 81 16 96 3 2,212 50 12 455 23 12 22 48 - 3 - 6 - 139 — - 8 5 1 1 49 - 12 1 5 ' _ 446 6 _ 35 1 1 1 50 4 66 15 85 3 1,627 44 12 412 17 10 20 51 3 57 19 133 - 3,615 29 32 846 20 11 12 52 - 2 - _ _ 138 _ _ 5 2 _ 1 53 - 5 - _ _ 498 1 - 40 5 1 1 54 3 . 50 19 133 - 2,979 28 32 801 13 10 10 55 6 113 32 168 3 4,585 63 33 900 26 16 27 56 46S CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. ILLITERACY — Continued. CoDNTT or Bkistol — Concluded. C'ouj "TT OF Dukes. Classification. See- Somer- Swan- Taun- West- Chil- Cottage Edgar- konk. set. sea. ton. port. mark. City. town. 1 Population 1,227 2,006 1,.355 21,213 2,894 494 672 1,.303 2 Male, 620 1,026 670 10,328 1,4.32 247 339 621 3 Female, . 607 980 685 10,885 1,462 247 333 682 4 Population, 10 years and over, . 985 1,594 1,124 17,143 '2,327 434 655 1,147 5 Male, 496 921 551 8,233 1,1.50 221 274 539 6 Female, . 489 773 673 8,910 1,177 213 281 608 7 Males, 10 years anil over, 496 921 551 8,233 1,150 221 274 539 8 Native born, . 424 649 476 5,868 1,034 215 224 486 9 Foreign born, . 67 165 69 2,322 107 3 17 27 10 Colored, . 15 7 6 43 9 3 33 26 It Females, 10 years and over. 489 773 673 8,910 1,177 213 281 608 12 Native born, . 438 631 602 6,252 1,036 209 227 5.56 13 Foreign born, . 40 140 62 2,619 134 1 20 25 14 Colored, . 11 2 9 39 7 3 34 28 15 Both Sexes, 10 years and over, 985 ],.'594 1,124 17,143 2,327 434 555 1,147 16 Native born, . 862 1,280 978 12,120 2,070 424 451 1,041 17 Foreign born, . 97 305 131 4,941 241 4 37 62 18 Colored, . 26 9 15 82 16 6 67 64 19 Cannot write, 10 years and over, 45 115 28 1,029 97 1 1 16 20 White Native, both sexes, . 13 9 10 73 25 1 1 1 21 Males, . 8 5 6 31 7 1 1 1 22 10 to 14, . 1 - _ 5 _ _ _ _ 23 15 to 20, . _ 1 _ 6 1 _ _ 1 24 21 and over. 7 4 6 20 6 1 1 _ 25 Females, .... 6 4 4 42 18 _ - _ 26 10 to 14, . 1 - _ 2 - - _ - 27 15 to 20, . _ 1 1 10 1 _ _ _ 28 21 and over. 4 3 3 30 17 - - 29 White Foreign, both sexes. 18 104 16 951 71 16 30 Males 7 46 10 363 40 _ _ 9 31 10 to 14, . _ _ _ 5 4 _ _ _ 32 15 to 20, . 1 4 _ 47 11 _ _ . 33 21 and over. 6 42 10 311 25 ^ _ 9 34 Females, . 11 58 6 688 31 _ _ 6 35 10 to 14, . _ ___ « 11 5 _ _ - 36 15 to 20, . 1 1 _ 26 7 . _ _ 87 21 and over, 10 57 6 551 19 - - 6 38 Colored, both sexes, . 14 2 2 5 1 39 Males, 9 1 1 3 _ _ _ _ 40 10 to 14, . 3 ^ _ _ _ . _ _ 41 15 to 20, . 1 _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ 42 21 and over. 5 1 1 2 _ _ _ _ 43 Females 5 1 1 2 1 _ _ _ 44 10 to 14, . 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 45 15 to 20, . _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ 16 21 and over, 3 1 1 2 1 - - 47 Cannot write, 10 years and over. 45 115 28 1,029 97 1 1 16 48 Males, 24 62 17 397 47 1 1 10 49 10 to 14, . 4 _ _ 10 4 _ _ -, 50 15 to 20, . 2 5 _ 54 12 _ . 1 51 21 and over. 18 47 17 333 31 1 1 9 52 Females, . 21 63 11 632 50 _ _ 6 63 10 to 14, . 3 _ - 13 5 _ _ _ 54 16 to 20, . 1 2 1 36 8 _ _ _ 65 21 and over. 17 61 10 583 37 - - 6 56 Cannot read, 10 years and over, 22 106 20 809 79 1 1 14 ILLITERACY. 469 ILLITERACY — Continued. County OF Dukes — Con. County of Essex. Gay Head. Gosnold. Tisbury. Ames- bury. An- dover. Beverly. Box- ford. Brad- ford. Dau- vers. Essex. George- town. Glouces- ter. 161 78 83 152 88 64 1,518 731 787 3,355 1,607 1,748 5,169 2,439 2,730 8,456 3,968 4,488 824 427 397 2,643 1,198 1,445 6,598 3,180 3,418 1,670 826 844 2,231 1,079 1,152 19,329 10,197 9,132 1 2 3 134 63 71 128 75 53 1,344 640 704 2,673 1,286 1,387 4,302 2,024 2,278 6,979 3,257 3,722 665 344 321 2,164 950 1,214 5,496 2,652 2,844 1,414 704 710 1,863 883 980 15,054 8,064 6,990 4 5 6 63 3 1 59 75 60 9 6 640 599 29 12 1,286 913 370 3 2,024 1,502 497 25 3,257 2,796 452 9 344 313 30 1 950 803 140 7 2,652 2,042 601 9 704 634 63 7 883 785 94 4 8,064 5,123 2,933 8 7 8 9 10 71 7 64 53 46 7 704 652 36 16 1,387 984 402 1 2,278 1,649 618 11 3,722 3,044 670 8 321 293 27 1 1,214 1,012 198 4 2,844 2,188 649 7 710 652 54 4 980 894 84 2 6,990 4,725 2,255 10 11 12 13 14 1.34 10 1 123 128 106 16 6 1,344 1,251 65 28 2,673 1,897 772 4 4,302 3,151 1,115 36 6,979 5,840 1,122 17 665 606 57 2 2,164 1,815 338 11 5,496 4,2.30 1,250 16 1,414 1,286 117 11 1,863 1,679 178 6 15,054 9,848 5,188 18 15 16 17 18 1 - 22 292 175 125 21 71 145 8 32 531 19 - - 6 4 13 8 12 5 15 9 8 6 4 4 1 1 1 3 2 26 15 20 21 - - - 1 - - - 3 - - - 2 22 - - 4 2 2 5 5 5 7 9 6 6 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 12 11 23 24 25 - - 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 5 1 5 2 - 1 - 1 4 7 26 27 28 - - 16 13 278 97 163 61 110 38 12 4 65 22 144 86 7 6 28 9 504 250 29 30 - - 1 12 3 1 96 181 61 102 1 37 72 4 8 22 43 16 70 58 6 1 9 19 1 16 233 254 31 32 33 34 - - 3 6 175 2 100 72 8 43 2 56 1 19 2 14 238 3b 36 37 1 _ - 1 _ - 1 2 1 _ - 1 1 1 38 39 10 1 1 - - 1 _ - 1 1 1 — _ 1 1 41 42 43 1 - - 1 1 1 - — 1 45 46 1 1 - 22 17 1 16 5 292 105 i 18T 175 66 66 109 125 47 1 46 78 21 10 10 11 71 27 3 1 23 44 145 86 16 70 59 8 7 7 1 32 12 1 11 20 531 265 3 17 245 266 47 48 49 50 51 52 1 - 1 4 1 8 178 1 3 105 1 77 11 44 2 57 1 20 2 18 246 53 54 55 1 - 10 259 142 108 20 51 121 7 23 460 56 470 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. ILLITERACY — Continued. County OF Essex — Continued. Classification. Grove- Hamil- Huver- Ips- Law- Lynn. Lynu- Man- land. ton. liill. wich. rence. fleld. chester. 1 Population 2,227 935 18,472 3,699 39,151 38,274 686 1,640 2 Male, 1,070 476 8,848 1,783 17,785 18,243 339 771 3 Female, . 1,157 459 9,624 1,916 21,366 20,031 347 869 4 Population, 10 years and over, . 1,815 795 ]5,1]4 3,137 31,507 31,2.59 582 1,.368 5 Male, SS2 407 7,198 1,508 13,973 14,706 291 627 6 Female, . 933 3S8 7,916 1,629 17,534 16,553 291 741 7 Males, 10 years and over, . 882 407 7,198 1,.508 13,973 14,706 291 627 8 Native born, . 709 359 5,7.57 1,279 6,718 11,544 258 542 9 Foreign born, . 173 45 1,388 218 7,194 2,971 30 81 10 Colored, . - 3 53 11 61 191 3 4 11 Females, 10 years and over, . 933 3S8 7,910 1,029 17,.5,34 16,553 291 741 12 Native born, . 729 348 6,329 1,414 8,146 12,.578 262 585 13 Foreign born, . 204 38 1,519 209 9,324 3,731 24 153 14 Colored, . - 2 68 6 64 244 5 3 15 Both Sexes, 10 years and over. 1,815 795 15,114 3,1.37 31,507 31,2.59 582 1,368 16 Native born, . 1,43S 707 12,080 2,093 14,864 24,122 620 1,127 17 Foreign born, . 377 83 2,907 427 16,518 6,702 54 234 18 Colored, . - 5 121 17 125 435 8 7 19 Cannot icrite, 10 years and over. la 2 517 12 2,368 1,198 3 52 20 White Native, both sexes, . 1 _ 43 10 78 102 _ 3 21 Males, 1 _ 25 5 34 49 - - 22 10 to 14, . - - 2 - 6 6 - - 23 15 to 20, . _ _ 3 _ 14 11 - - 24 21 and over. 1 _ 20 5 14 32 - - 25 Females, . - _ 18 5 44 53 - 3 26 10 to 14, . - _ 2 - 9 2 - - 27 15 to 20, . _ _ 3 _ 16 9 _ - 28 21 and over, - - 13 5 19 42 - 3 29 White Foreign, both 8e.xcs, 15 2 440 2 2,264 1,016 2 49 30 Males 6 1 164 - 810 335 - 16 31 10 to 14, . _ . 2 _ 38 4 - - 32 15 to 20, . _ _ 8 _ 127 8 - - 33 21 and over. 6 1 1.54 _ 045 323 - 16 34 Females, . 9 1 276 2 1,454 681 2 33 35 10 to 14, . _ _ 2 _ 30 1 _ - 36 15 to 20, . _ _ 4 — 173 13 - - 37 21 and over. 9 1 270 2 1,245 667 2 33 38 Colored, both sexes, . 34 26 80 1 39 Males, _ _ 11 - n 33 1 40 10 to 14, . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - 41 15 to 20, . « _ _ _ _ 1 _ - 42 21 and over, _ _ 11 _ 11 32 1 - 43 Females, . _ _ 23 _ 15 47 _ . 44 10 to 14, . . _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ - 45 15 to 20, . _ _ 1 _ 1 1 _ - 46 21 and over, - - 22 - 14 45 - - 47 Cannot write, 10 years and over. 16 2 517 12 2,308 1,198 3 52 48 Males 7 1 200 5 855 417 1 16 49 10 to 14, . _ _ 4 _ 44 10 _ - 50 15 to 20, . _ _ 11 ._ 141 20 - - 51 21 and over. 7 1 185 5 670 387 1 16 52 Females, . 9 1 317 7 1,513 781 2 36 53 10 to 14, . _ _ 4 _ 45 4 _ - 54 15 to 20, . _ _ 8 _ 190 23 _ - 55 21 and over, 9 1 305 7 1,278 754 2 36 56 Cannot read, 10 years and over, 9 1 442 10 2,085 959 1 40 ILLITERACY. 471 ILLITERACY— Continued. County op Essex— Continued. Marble- Merri- Me- Middle- Nahant. New- New- bury- North An- I'ea- Kock- Row- Salem. head. mac. thuen. ton. bury. port. dover. body. port. ley. 7,467 2,237 4,302 1,000 808 1,566 13,538 3,217 9,028 3,912 1,201 27,563 1 3,655 1,169 2,118 SIO 346 801 6,093 1,629 4, .539 1,927 614 12,589 2 3,812 1,068 2,274 490 462 765 7,445 1,588 4,489 1,985 587 14,974 3 6,131 2,005 3,599 819 655 1,279 11,187 2,550 7,005 3,086 974 22,403 4 2,965 1,146 1,747 419 271 6.59 4,952 1,293 3,535 1,512 495 9,994 5 3,166 859 1,852 400 384 620 6,235 1,257 3,470 1,574 479 12,409 6 2,965 1,146 1,747 419 271 6.59 4,952 1,293 3,535 1,.512 495 9,994 7 2,653 995 1,208 367 202 583 3,953 877 2,420 1,260 471 6,969 8 304 151 539 49 69 76 976 412 1,114 251 23 2,929 9 8 - - 3 - - 23 4 1 1 1 96 10 3,168 8.59 1,8.52 400 384 620 6,235 1,257 3,470 1,574 479 12,409 11 2,746 766 1,301 356 230 578 4,834 823 2,458 1,267 456 8,268 12 415 93 549 44 154 42 1,369 429 1,009 306 23 4,068 13 5 - 2 - - - 32 5 3 1 - 83 14 6,1.31 2,005 3,599 819 655 1,279 11,187 2,550 7,005 3,086 974 22,403 15 5,399 1,761 2,509 723 4.32 1,161 8,787 1,700 4,878 2,527 927 15.237 16 719 244 1,088 93 223 118 2,345 841 2,123 5.57 46 6,957 17 13 - •7 3 - - 55 9 4 2 1 179 18 122 14 271 12 31 26 666 87 181 159 17 1,979 19 41 3 18 _ 1 _ 65 8 11 26 6 126 20 24 1 12 _ _ _ 33 3 6 14 5 52 21 5 _ 3 _ _ _ 3 _ 2 - - 6 22 7 _ 2 _ _ _ 5 1 _ 3 1 7 23 12 1 7 _ _ _ 25 2 4 11 4 39 24 17 2 6 _ 1 _ 32 5 5 12 1 74 25 _ _ _ _ 1 _ 4 _ 1 2 _ 5 26 _ _ 3 _ _ _ 7 _ - _ _ 14 27 17 2 3 - - - 21 5 4 10 1 55 28 81 11 251 12 30 26 498 79 170 131 11 1,843 29 24 4 109 7 7 20 191 26 67 58 5 694 30 1 _ _ 3 _ 1 • 3 - _ 1 - 51 31 . _ 25 _ _ 6 16 1 1 1 _ 83 32 23 4 84 4 7 13 172 25 66 56 5 560 33 57 7 142 5 23 6 307 53 103 73 6 1,149 34 _ _ 8 _ _ _ 5 _ _ - _ 47 35 _ _ 25 _ _ _ 32 _ 2 5 _ 111 39 57 7 109 5 23 6 270 53 101 68 6 991 37 _ 2 3 2 10 38 - - - - - - 2 - - 1 - 4 39 40 — — - - - - 2 - - 1 - 4 41 42 : - 2 - - - 1 - - 1 - 6 43 44 - - 2 - - = 1 - - 1 = 1 5 45 46 122 14 271 12 31 26 566 87 181 159 17 1,979 47 48 5 121 7 7 20 226 29 73 73 10 750 48 6 - 3 3 _ 1 6 _ 2 1 _ 57 49 7 - 27 _ . 6 21 2 1 4 1 90 50 35 5 91 4 7 13 199 27 70 68 9 603 51 74 9 150 5 24 6 340 58 108 86 7 1,229 52 - - 8 . 1 _ 9 _ 1 2 _ 52 53 - - 28 _ _ _ 39 _ 2 5 - 126 54 74 9 114 5 23 6 292 53 105 79 7 1,051 55 82 11 226 12 28 24 495 70 156 128 13 1,614 56 472 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS 1880. ILLITERACY — Continued. COI NTY OF Classification. County of Essex — Concluded. Franklin. Salis- Sau- Swamp- Tops- Wen- West New- Ash- Ber- nard- bury. gus. scott. field. ham. bury. field. ston. 1 Population 4,079 2,625 2,500 1,165 889 1,989 1,066 934 2 Male, 2,006 1,278 1,213 585 432 1,028 545 458 3 Female, . 2,073 1,347 1,287 580 457 961 521 476 4 Population, 10 years and over, . 3,334 2,1.31 2,103 980 753 1,659 893 783 5 Male, 1,626 1,024 1,015 487 373 8,50 453 381 6 Female, . 1,708 1,107 1,088 493 380 809 440 402 7 Males, 10 years and over, . 1,026 1,024 1,015 487 373 S.W 453 381 8 Native born, . 1,419 853 882 448 353 682 442 368 9 Foreign born, . 207 167 131 38 19 160 9 13 10 Colored, . - 4 2 1 1 • 2 2 - 11 Females, 10 years and over, . 1,708 1,107 1,088 493 380 809 440 402 12 Native born, . 1,516 912 866 455 347 062 432 394 13 Foreign born, . 190 190 210 37 33 145 8 8 14 Colored, . 2 5 12 1 - 2 - - 15 Both Sexes, 10 years and over, 3,334 2,131 2,103 980 753 1,659 893 783 16 Native born, . 2,935 1,765 1,748 903 700 1,344 874 762 17 Foreign born, . 397 357 341 75 52 311 17 21 18 Colored, . 2 U 14 2 1 4 2 - 19 Cannot write, 10 years and over. 88 27 56 9 22 54 1 5 20 White Native, both sexes, . 12 7 2 1 9 4 1 5 21 Males, 10 5 _ _ 4 3 1 4 22 10 to 14, . _ _ _ ^ 1 23 15 to 20, . 1 _ ^ _ _ 2 _ _ 24 21 and over. 9 5 _ _ 4 1 4 25 Females 2 2 2 1 5 1 1 26 10 to 14, . . _ _ 27 If) to 20, . _ _ 1 _ 1 _ _ _ 28 21 and over, 2 2 1 1 4 1 - 1 29 White Foreign, both sexes, 75 17 53 8 12 50 30 Males, . • 31 . 7 12 1 4 24 _ _ 31 10 to 14, . _ _ _ _ _ _ 32 1.^) to 20, . 6 _ _ _ _ 1 __ _ 33 21 and over. 25 7 12 1 4 23 ^ _ 34 Females 44 10 41 7 8 26 _ _ 35 lOtoU, . _ _ _ _ 36 15 to 20, . 2 _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ 37 21 and over, 42 10 41 7 7 26 - - 38 Colored, both se.xes, . 1 3 1 1 39 Males, - 2 _ . _ _ _ _ 40 10 to 14, . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 41 15 to 20, . _ _ _ ^ ^ _ _ _ 42 21 and over. . 2 ^ _ _ _ _ _ 43 Females 1 1 1 _ 1 ^ _ _ 44 10 to 14, . _ _ _ _ _ ^ 45 15 to 20, . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 46 21 and over. 1 1 1 - 1 - - - 47 Cannot icrite, 10 years and over. 88 27 58 9 22 54 1 5 48 Males 41 14 12 1 8 27 1 4 49 10 to 14, . _ _ _ 1 50 15 to 20, . 7 _ _ _ _ 3 _ _ 51 21 and over. 34 14 12 1 8 23 1 4 52 Females, 47 13 44 8 14 27 1 53 10 to 14, . _ _ _ _ 54 15 to 20, . 2 _ 1 _ 2 _ _ _ 55 21 and over. 45 13 43 8 12 27 - 1 56 Cannot read, 10 years and over. 59 26 51 7 15 45 1 5 ILLITERACY. 473 ILLITERACY — Continued. CouNTT OF Frasklin — Continued. Buck- land. Charle- mont. Colrain. Con- way. Deer- field. Erving. Gill. Green- field. Uaw- ley. Heath. Lever- ett. Ley- den. 1,739 870 869 932 471 461 1,777 881 896 1,760 1,013 747 3,543 1,977 1,566 872 471 401 733 394 339 3,903 1,897 2,006 592 312 280 560 278 282 742 367 375 507 2U 263 1 2 3 1,397 709 688 784 395 389 1,416 701 715 1,441 849 592 2,843 1,620 1,223 676 362 314 589 305 284 3,147 1,519 1,628 484 255 229 445 226 219 611 305 306 403 204 199 4 5 6 709 494 215 395 372 20 3 701 579 122 849 553 295 1 1,620 1,043 567 10 362 294 68 _ 305 288 17 1,519 1,206 305 8 255 252 3 226 214 10 2 305 301 2 2 204 188 16 8 9 10 688 500 188 389 374 11 4 715 593 122 592 490 101 1 1,223 957 260 6 314 272 42 284 267 17 1,628 1,325 289 14 229 226 3 219 211 7 1 306 300 2 4 199 181 18 n 12 13 14 1,397 994 403 784 746 31 7 1,416 1,172 244 1,441 1,043 396 2 2,843 2,000 827 16 676 566 110 589 555 34 3,147 2,531 594 22 484 478 6 445 425 17 3 611 601 4 6 403 369 34 15 16 17 18 142 6 123 68 180 29 1 108 6 11 3 - 19 7 5 1 39 25 - 5 3 2 1 - 13 2 3 2 8 5 3 1 - 20 21 1 2 2 2 1 2 6 17 14 3 - 3 2 1 1 ~ 2 11 2 1 1 4 3 1 2 - 22 23 24 25 •'6 2 1 3 8 - 2 1 - 5 6 1 3 2 — 27 28 135 63 4 3 84 42 68 45 1 2 42 23 175 114 27 15 1 1 92 34 3 2 3 2 - - 29 30 2 57 72 3 8 34 42 114 61 15 12 1 34 58 2 1 2 1 — — 32 33 34 2 70 3 2 1 2 9 31 3 20 61 12 _ 7 51 3 1 1 1 - - 3b 36 37 38 39 _ 1 1 1 - _ - - - 1 2 2 - - - - 41 42 43 44 45 46 142 68 6 1 123 67 68 45 180 117 29 16 1 1 108 37 6 4 11 7 3 1 - 47 48 5 4 59 74 1 5 2 14 51 56 1 2 42 23 117 63 16 13 1 37 71 4 2 1 6 4 1 2 - 49 50 51 52 4 70 5 5 12 39 3 20 63 13 - 12 59 2 4 2 - 53 54 55 118 2 106 66 167 25 1 90 4 11 3 - 56 474: CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. ILLITERACY — Continued. COUNTT OE Fkanklis — Continued. Classification. Mon- Mon- New North- Shel- Shutes- roe. tague. Salem. field. Orange. Rowe. burne. bury. 1 Population 166 4,875 869 1,603 3,169 502 1,621 529 2 Male, 95 2,552 422 791 1,6.58 275 806 252 3 Female, . 71 2,323 447 812 1,511 227 815 277 4 Population, 10 years and over, . 128 3,714 732 1,3.35 i 2,571 407 1,374 423 5 Male, 74 1,979 3o8 661 1,367 216 684 202 6 Female, . 54 1,735 374 674 1,204 191 690 221 7 Males, 10 years and over, . 74 1,979 358 661 1,.'567 216 684 202 8 Native born, . 67 1,146 349 608 1,272 212 563 197 9 Foreign born, . 7 832 9 53 95 4 121 5 10 Colored, . - 1 - - - - - - 11 Females, 10 years and over, , 54 1,735 374 674 1,204 101 690 221 12 Native born, . 51 1,111 365 627 1,131 188 628 214 13 Foreign burn, . 3 623 9 47 73 3 58 6 14 Colored, . - 1 - - - - 4 1 15 Both Sexes, 10 years and over. 128 3,714 732 1,335 2,571 407 1,374 423 16 Native born, . 118 2,257 714 1,235 2,403 400 1,191 411 17 Foreign born, . 10 1,455 18 100 168 7 179 11 18 Colored, . - 2 - - - - 4 1 19 Cannot write, 10 years and over. 3 444 3 16 3 2 12 7 20 White Native, both sexes, . _ 47 2 4 2 _ 2 7 21 Males, _ 23 2 3 2 _ 1 5 22 10 to 14, . _ 4 2 . _ _ _ _ 23 15 to 20, . _ 6 _ . . _ _ - 24 21 and over. _ 13 . 3 2 _ 1 5 25 Females, . _ 24 _ 1 _ _ 1 2 26 10 to 14, . _ 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ 27 15 to 20, . _ 9 _ _ _ _ _ _ 28 21 and over. - 12 - 1 - - 1 2 29 White Foreign, both sexes. 3 397 1 12 1 2 10 _ 30 Males 2 216 1 5 - 1 4 - 31 10 to 14, . _ 6 _ _ _ _ 1 - 32 15 to 20, . _ 27 1 1 _ - - - 33 21 and over, 2 183 _ 4 _ 1 3 - 34 Females, . 1 181 _ 7 1 1 6 _ 35 10 to 14, . _ 6 _ _ _ . _ - 36 15 to 20, . _ 15 _ _ _ - 3 - 37 21 and over. 1 160 - 7 1 1 3 - 38 Colored, both sexes, . 39 Males, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 40 10 10 14, . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 41 15 to 20, . - - - - - _ - 42 21 and over. _ - _ ' _ - - _ - 43 Females, . _ _ « _ _ _ _ _ 44 10 to 14, . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - 45 15 to 20, . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - 46 21 and over. - - - - - - - - 47 Cannot write, 10 years and over. 3 444 3 16 3 2 12 7 48 Males, 2 239 3 8 2 1 5 5 49 10 to 14, . _ 10 2 _ _ _ 1 - 50 15 to 20, . _ 33 1 1 - _ _ - 51 21 and over. 2 196 _ 7 2 1 4 5 52 Females, . 1 205 - 8 1 1 7 2 53 10 to 14, . _ 9 _ _ _ _ _ - 54 15 to 20, . _ 24 _ _ _ _ 3 _ 55 21 and over. 1 172 - 8 1 1 4 2 56 Cannot read, 10 years and over, 3 359 - 9 3 2 11 7 rLLITEPtACT. 475 ILLITERACY— Continued. CocsTT OF Frasklis — Con. Sunder- land. 755 376 379 624 295 329 295 276 19 329 304 25 624 5 SO 44 War- wick. Wen- deU. Whately. 713 346 367 581 287 294 287 280 7 294 288 5 1 581 568 12 1 465 221 244 383 186 197 186 174 12 197 189 8 383 363 20 1,074 601 473 860 500 360 500 407 93 360 311 49 860 718 142 33 1 1 County of Hampdes. 32 23 23 9 Aga- wam. 33 24 24 9 31 2,216 1,097 1,119 1,737 863 874 863 606 251 6 874 568 302 4 1,737 1,174 553 10 170 13 156 60 6 54 96 1 8 87 Bland- ford. Brim- fleld. 170 65 7 58 105 2 12 91 150 Chester Chlco- pee. Gran- ville. Hamp- den. 979 517 462 784 403 381 403 392 9 2 381 363 16 2 784 755 25 4 1,203 599 604 992 504 488 504 430 74 488 441 47 992 871 121 70 15 8 3 5 7 2 1 4 55 36 6 30 19 1 18 70 44 9 35 26 2 2 22 63 1,473 766 707 1,181 609 572 609 521 85 3 572 507 64 1 1,181 1,028 149 4 52 7 4 45 27 1 26 18 1 17 52 31 1 30 21 1 20 48 11,286 5,236 6,050 8,878 4,035 4,843 4,035 2,196 1,839 4,843 2,-521 2,321 1 8,878 4,717 4,160 1 1,819 191 88 34 34 20 103 31 27 45 1,628 583 35 75 473 1,045 42 98 905 1,819 671 69 109 493 1,148 73 125 950 1,526 1,205 607 598 978 493 485 493 437 56 485 443 41 1 978 880 97 1 47 6 3 41 18 18 23 1 22 Hol- land. 47 21 21 26 1 25 44 22 i 32 32 45 958 302 479 146 479 156 798 238 402 116 396 122 402 116 333 110 64 6 5 - 396 122 324 114 70 8 . 2 - 798 238 ■657 224 134 14 7 - 54 - 2 ^ 2 _ 1 2 - 52 20 - 20 - 32 - 32 - 54 - 22 - 476 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. ILLITERACY — Continued. CocNTT OF Hampden — Continued. Classification. Hol- Long- Lud- Mon- Mont- Ilus- .South- yoke. meadow. low. son. gomery. Palmer. sell. wick. 1 Population 21,915 1,401 1,526 3,758 303 5,504 823 1,104 2 Male, 10,.308 709 729 1,8.50 161 2,624 378 562 3 Female, . 11,607 692 797 1,908 142 2,880 445 542 4 Population, 10 years and over, . 17,068 1,165 1,219 2,969 251 4,331 647 906 & Male, 7,900 591 582 1,442 134 2,023 292 454 6 Female, . 9,168 574 637 1,527 117 2,308 355 452 7 Males, 10 years atid over, . 7,900 591 582 1,442 1.34 2,023 292 4.54 8 Native born, • 3,352 476 443 1,167 131 1,308 221 404 9 Foreign born, . 4,523 114 132 243 3 695 69 47 10 Colored, . 25 1 7 32 - 20 2 3 11 Females, 10 years and over, . 9,168 574 a37 1,527 117 2,308 355 452 12 Native born, . 3,605 487 461 1,247 112 1,4.56 239 409 13 Foreign born, . 5,559 87 169 260 5 837 114 41 14 Colored, . 4 - 7 20 - 15 2 2 15 Both Sexes, 10 years and over, 17,068 1,165 1,219 2,969 251 4,.331 647 906 16 Native born, . 6,957 963 904 2,414 243 2,764 460 813 17 Foreign born, . 10,0S2 201 301 503 8 1,5.32 183 88 18 Colored, . 29 1 14 52 - 35 4 5 19 Cannot lorite, 10 years and over. 2,976 46 146 168 9 643 23 23 20 White Native, both sexes, . 116 1 33 19 5 79 _ 4 21 Males 51 _ 15 10 3 35 _ 3 22 10 to 14, . 8 _ 3 1 1 4 _ 1 23 15 to 20, . 17 - 6 1 9 _ 1 24 21 and over, 26 _ 6 8 2 22 _ 1 25 Females 65 1 18 9 2 44 _ 1 26 10 to 14, . 8 _ 2 2 _ 7 _ _ 27 15 to 20, . 22 - 8 _ _ 16 _ _ 28 21 and over, . 35 1 8 7 2 21 - 1 29 White Foreign, both sexes, 2,858 45 109 138 4 548 23 19 30 Males, 1,123 24 50 69 1 220 6 6 31 10 to 14, . 53 - 2 - - 8 _ _ 32 15 to 20, . 198 _ 10 _ _ 46 _ _ 33 21 and over. 872 24 38 69 1 166 6 6 34 Females, . 1,735 21 59 69 3 328 17 13 35 10 to 14, . 49 _ 1 _ _ 4 _ - 36 15 to 20, . 261 1 8 . _ 46 2 _ 37 21 and over. 1,425 20 50 69 3 278 15 13 38 Colored, both sexes, . 2 4 11 16 39 Males, 2 _ 2 6 _ 9 _ _ 40 10 to 14, . _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ - 41 15 to 20, . _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ 42 21 and over. 2 _ 2 4 _ 9 « _ 43 Females, . _ _ 2 5 _ 7 . _ 44 10 to 14. . _ _ _ 1 _ - _ - 45 15 to 20, . _ _ _ 1 ^ _ _ _ 46 21 and over. - - 2 3 - 7 - - 47 Cannot write, 10 years and over, 2,976 46 146 168 9 643 23 23 48 Males 1,176 24 67 85 4 264 6 9 49 10 to 14, . 61 _ 5 2 1 12 _ 1 50 15 to 20, . 215 _ 16 2 55 _ 1 51 21 and over, 900 24 46 81 3 197 6 7 52 Females, . 1,800 22 79 83 5 379 17 14 53 10 to 14, . 57 _ 3 3 _ 11 _ _ 54 15 to 20, . 283 1 16 1 _ 62 2 _ 55 21 and over. 1,460 21 60 79 5 306 15 14 56 Cannot read, 10 years and over. 2,649 39 126 161 8 542 22 20 ILLITERACY. 477 ILLITERACY — Continued. COUNTY OF Hampden— Concluded. COCNTT OF HaMPSHIKE. Spring- field. Tol- land. Wales. West- field. West .Spring- field. WUbra- ham. 1 Am- herst. Belcher- town. Chester- field. Cum- mington. East- hampton Enfield. 33,.340 15,767 17,573 452 258 194 1,030 532 498 7,587 3,597 3,990 4,149 2,006 2,143 1,628 768 860 4,298 2,160 2,138 2,346 1,162 1,184 769 395 374 881 442 439 4,206 1,827 2,379 1,043 516 527 1 2 3 26,793 12,449 14,344 365 219 146 813 423 390 6,190 2,890 3,300 3,174 1,.525 1,649 1,364 628 736 3,646 1,865 1,781 1,872 937 935 622 314 308 726 357 369 3,424 1.4:i7 1,987 873 428 445 4 5 6 12,449 8,857 3,331 261 219 180 34 5 423 342 76 5 2,890 2,364 505 21 1,.525 1,102 419 4 628 517 106 5 1,865 1,652 179 34 937 815 113 9 314 304 10 357 339 15 3 1,437 951 480 6 428 346 81 1 7 8 9 10 14,344 10,064 3,936 344 146 128 16 2 390 314 70 6 3,300 2,710 561 29 1,649 1,183 461 5 736 580 151 5 1,7S1 1,563 174 1 44 935 814 117 4 308 297 11 369 349 19 1 1,987 1,325 656 6 445 362 83 11 12 13 14 26,793 18,921 7,267 605 365 308 50 7 813 656 146 11 6,190 5,074 1,066 50 3,174 2,285 880 9 1,364 1,097 257 10 3,646 3,215 353 78 1,872 1,629 230 13 622 601 21 726 688 34 4 3,424 2,276 1,136 12 873 708 164 1 15 16 17 18 1,914 1 2 145 271 102 71 1.50 "^' 3 16 296 38 19 119 55 8 38 64 2 - 11 7 2 5 4 5 3 1 2 2 18 10 5 3 2 •8 2 2 19 8 1 7 11 1 1 1 5 4 4 1 43 21 3 7 11 22 1 6 5 1 1 3 1 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 15 47 - - 4 2 1 7 2 4 7 "" 1 8 13 1 27 28 1,676 624 1 1 2 1 133 55 265 110 81 33 66 23 131 56 2 1 8 4 252 93 32 12 29 30 8 — — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ 31 41 575 1,052 10 1 1 1 55 78 1 1 109 155 33 48 23 43 56 75 1 1 4 4 8 85 159 12 20 32 33 34 35 54 988 - 1 1 76 5 150 4 44 2 41 4 71 1 4 7 152 20 36 •37 119 48 - - 1 1 1 3 2 3 1 -. - 3 2 1 - 38 39 1 — _ — — -, _ . _ • . _ 40 - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ 41 47 71 — — 1 1 2 1 1 2 : : 2 1 1 : 42 43 — — - — — _ _ _ _ _ — _ 44 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ _ _ _ 45 70 - - - 1 1 2 - - 1 1 - 46 1,914 727 17 50 660 1,187 12 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 145 63 2 61 82 1 271 113 2 111 158 102 45 5 3 37 57 71 24 24 47 150 64 1 63 86 '3 2 1 1 1 16 10 10 6 296 114 3 15 96 182 1 38 17 1 1 15 21 47 48 49 50 51 52 53. 70 1,105 - 1 1 80 5 153 5 52 2 45 8 78 r _ 1 6 15 166 1 20 54 55 1,580 - 2 121 255 80 52 131 2 15 217 25 56 478 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. ILLITERACY— Continued. County of Hampshire — Continued. Classification. Green- Hat- Hunt- Middle- N 3 1 4 13 1 12 25 Females, . _ 2 1 _ 6 12 2 26 26 10 to 14, . _ _ _ - 1 - - 1 27 15 to 20, . _ _ _ _ 1 3 - 8 28 21 and over. - 2 1 — 4 9 2 17 29 White Foreign, both sexes. _ 20 3 109 123 94 42 550 30 Males - 10 1 53 67 43 23 244 31 10 to 14, . _ - _ - - 1 - 1 32 15 to 20, . - - - - 7 6 3 14 S3 21 and over. _ 10 1 53 60 36 20 229 34 Females, . _ 10 2 56 56 51 19 306 35 10 to 14, . _ - _ - - 1 - 2 36 15 to 20, . - - - 1 1 3 3 15 37 21 and over, - 10 2 55 55 47 16 289 S3 Colored, both sexes, . 3 1 _ 18 39 Males, _ _ _ _ 3 1 - 10 40 10 to 14, . _ _ _ - - - - - 41 15 to 20, . - - - - 1 - - 1 42 21 and over. _ - - - 2 1 - 9 43 •Females, . _ _ _ - - - - 8 44 10 to 14, . _ _ - - - - - - 45 15 to 20, . - _ - - - - - - 46 21 and over. - - — — — ~ ~ 8 47 Cannot write, 10 years and over. 1 24 7 110 139 123 46 614 48 Males 1 12 4 64 77 60 25 274 49 10 to 14, . - - - - - 2 - 6 60 15 to 20, . _ _ _ - 11 8 4 18 51 21 and over. 1 12 4 54 66 50 21 250 52 Females, . - 12 3 56 62 63 21 340 .53 10 to 14, . - - - - 1 1 - 3 54 • 15 to 20, . - - - 1 2 6 3 23 65 21 and over. - 12 3 65 59 56 18 314 66 Cannot read, 10 years and over. - 19 5 IDS 130 108 46 544 ILLITERACY. 479 ILLITERACY — Continued. CouNTT OF Hampshire — Concluded. CODNTT OF Middlesex. Pt'l- Plain- Pres- South South- Ware. West- Will- iams- Worth- Acton. _ Arling- Ashby. ham. field. cott. Hadley. ampton. hampton. burg. ington. ton. 614 457 460 3,538 1,046 4.817 563 2,234 758 1,797 4,100 914 1 298 231 235 1,735 522 2,191 268 1,125 380. 917 1,943 452 2 316 226 225 1,803 624 2,626 295 1,109 378 880 2,157 462 3 501 399 382 2,781 850 3,980 448 1,757 633 1,485 3,226 783 4 245 200 196 1,326 430 1,775 217 875 3 3 747 1,518 384 5 256 199 186 1,455 420 2,205 231 882 320 738 1,708 399 6 245 200 196 1,326 436 ■1,775 217 875 313 747 1,518 384 7 228 195 186 879 386 1,038 187 628 299 631 1,027 372 8 16 5 10 447 60 733 30 244 14 112 482 12 9 1 - - - - 4 - 3 - 4 9 - 10 256 199 180 1,4.55 420 2,205 231 882 320 73§ 1,708 399 11 23S 197 182 1,001 383 1,261 210 629 309 634 1,125 387 12 12 1 4 453 37 942 21 251 11 104 573 12 13 6 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 - - 10 - 14 601 399 382 2,781 856 3,980 448 1,757 033 1,485 3,226 783 15 466 392 368 1,880 769 2,299 397 1,257 608 1,265 2,1.52 759 16 28 6 14 900 87 1,675 51 495 25 216 1,055 24 17 7 1 - 1 6 - 5 — 4 19 — 18 13 4 6 210 12 447 15 142 4 69 226 - 19 9 2 5 9 1 34 _ 5 2 6 7 _ 20 6 2 1 1 3 4 1 15 - 2 - 4 3 - 21 22 23 1 _ 2 _ 2 _ ^ _ 1 1 _ 5 _ 3 2 1 13 _ 2 _ 3 2 - 24 3 - 2 5 - 19 _ 3 2 2 4 - 25 _ . _ 1 _ 2 _ _ _ _ _ - 26 _ ^ _ 2 _ 7 _ _ _ _ 1 _ 27 3 - 2 2 - 10 - 3 2 2 3 - 38 3 2 1 201 11 413 15 137 2 63 217 29 1 1 1 100 4 179 8 60 1 29 92 - 30 _ _ _ 1 _ 2 _ 1 _ - _ - 31 . _ _ IS 1 15 1 3 _ _ _ _ 32 1 1 1 81 3 162 7 56 1 29 92 - 33 2 1 - 101 7 234 7 77 1 34 125 - 34 _ _ _ 1 _ 4 _ 1 _ _ _ - : 5 - - - 13 _ 20 _ 2 _ 2 4 - ;.6 2 1 - 87 7 210 7 74 1 32 121 - 37 1 - - - - - - - - - 2 1 - 38 .39 40 1 _ - - _ _ _ : - - 1 1 - 41 42 43 44 45 I I I I 1 - - - - - - - - - 1 - 46 13 4 6 210 12 447 15 142 4 69 226 47 7 3 4 104 5 194 8 62 1 33 96 - 48 - 1 - 1 _ 2 _ 1 _ _ _ - 49 1 1 - 20 1 17 1 3 _ 1 1 - 50 6 1 4 83 4 175 7 58 1 32 95 - 51 6 1 2 106 7 253 7 80 3 36 130 _ 52 - - - 2 - 6 _ 1 _ _ _ _ 53 - - - 15 - . 27 _ 2 _ 2 5 _ 64 6 1 2 89 7 220 7 77 3 34 125 - 55 10 4 5 183 10 368 9 128 3 51 166 56 480 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. ILLITERACr— Continued. COCXTT OF Middlesex — Continued. Classification. Ash- Ayer. Bed- Bel- Bil- Boxbor- Bur- Cam- land. ford. mont. lerica. ough. lington. bridge. 1 Population, 2, .394 1,881 931 1,615 2,000 319 711 52,669 o Malo, 1,221 931 470 783 991 161 390 25,024 3 Female, . 1,173 950 461 832 1,009 158 321 27,645 4 Population, 10 years and over, . 1,900 1.457 783 1,288 1,662 256 572 41,191 5 Male, 953 718 402 630 815 136 316 19,299 6 Female, . 947 739 381 658 847 120 256 21,892 7 Males, 10 years and over, . 953 718 402 630 815 136 316 19,299 8 Native born, . 738 543 322 435 595 114 205 11,815 9 Foreign born, . 213 165 80 193 217 18 111 6,942 10 Colored, . 2 10 - 2 3 4 - 542 n Females, 10 years and over, . 947 739 381 658 847 120 256 21,892 12 Native born, . 742 578 322 438 620 105 207 13,162 13 Foreign born, . 205 151 59 215 224 11 49 8,124 U Colored, . - 10 - 5 3 4 - 606 15 Both Sexes, 10 years and over. 1,900 ],4.i7 783 1,288 1,662 256 572 41,191 16 Native born, . 1,480 1,121 644 873 1,215 219 412 24,977 17 Foreign born, . 418 316 139 408 441 29 160 15,066 18 Colored, . 2 20 - 7 6 8 - 1,148 19 Cannot write, 10 years and over, 127 67 25 82 56 7 27 2,899 20 White Native, both sexes, . 12 2 1 _ 4 _ 7 103 21 Males, 8 1 1 _ 2 _ 6 37 22 10 to 14, . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 23 15 to 20, . 1 1 _ _ 1 _ _ 5 24 21 and over, 7 1 _ 1 _ 6 31 25 Females, . 4 1 _ 2 _ 1 66 26 10 to 14, . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 27 15 to 20, . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 12 28 21 and over, 4 1 - - 2 1 51 29 White Foreign, both sexes. 115 65 24 80 51 7 20 2,625 30 Males, 52 28 9 41 22 5 10 924 31 10 to 14, . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 32 . 15 to 20, . 7 _ 1 2 2 _ 3 61 35 21 and over. 45 28 8 39 20 5 7 863 3i Females, . 63 37 15 39 29 2 10 1,701 35 10 to 14, . 1 _ ^ _ _ _ - 2 36 15 to 20, . 2 _ _ 3 1 _ 1 44 37 21 and over, 60 37 15 36 28 2 9 1,6.55 ■38 Colored, both sexes, . 2 1 171 39 Males, „ _ _ _ _ _ _ 68 40 10 to 14, . _ _ « _ _ _ _ _ 41 15 to 20, . _ _ _ _ _ _ - 2 42 21 and over. ^ — _ _ _ - - 66 43 Females, . « . _ 2 1 _ _ 103 44 10 to 14, . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ 1 45 15 to 20, . _ _ _ _ _ _ - 3 46 21 and over. - - - 2 1 - — 99 47 Cannot icrite, 10 years and over. 127 67 25 82 56 7 27 2,899 48 Males 60 29 10 41 24 5 16 1,029 49 10 to 14, . _ _ _ _ - _ - 1 50 In to 20, . 8 1 1 2 3 - 3 68 51 21 and over. 52 28 9 39 21 5 13 960 52 Females 67 38 15 41 32 2 11 1,870 53 10 to 14, . 1 _ _ _ - - - 6 54 15 to 20, . 2 _ - 3 1 - 1 59 55 21 and over. 64 38 15 38 31 2 10 1,805 56 Cannot read, 10 years and over, 100 65 20 68 46 4 22 1 2,320 ILLITERACY. 481 ILLITERACY — Continued. CouxTT OF Middlesex - — Continued. Chelms- Con- Dnn- Fram- Hollis- Hopkin- Lex- Carlisle. ford. cord. Dracut. stable. Everett. ingham Groton. ton. ton. Hudson ington 478 2,.553 3,922 1,595 453 4,159 6,2.35 1,862 3,098 4,601 3,7.39 2.460 1 246 1,290 2,310 876 229 2,047 2,891 908 1,494 2,320 1,862 1,219 2 232 1,263 1,612 719 224 2,112 3,344 954 1,604 2,281 1,877 1,241 3 411 2,114 3,312 1,329 379 3,301 5,049 1,590 2,507 3,613 2,961 2,071 4 209 1,071 1,997 736 188 1,616 2,2S8 762 1,206 1,824 1,463 1.023 5 202 1,043 1,315 593 191 1,685 2,761 828 1,301 1,789 1,498 1,048 6 209 1,071 1,997 736 188 1,616 2,288 762 1,206 1,824 1,463 1,023 7 184 785 1,413 476 176 1,217 1,670 660 961 1,342 1.093 740 8 25 286 535 259 11 386 613 90 243 482 367 279 9 - - 49 1 1 13 5 12 2 - 3 4 10 202 1,043 1,315 593 191 1,685 2,761 828 1,301 1,789 1,498 1,048 11 190 803 962 408 182 1,284 1,984 713 1,057 1,255 1,161 783 12 12 239 347 186 8 385 771 105 241 532 335 261 13 - 1 1 1 16 6 10 3 2 2 4 14 411 2,114 3.312 1,329 379 3,301 5.049 1,-590 2,507 3.613 2,961 2,071 15 374 1,.^)88 2,375 882 358 2,501 3,6.54 1,373 2,018 2.597 2,2.54 ' 1,523 16 37 525 882 445 19 771 1,384 195 484 1,014 702 540 17 — 1 55 2 2 29 11 22 5 2 5 8 18 17 109 230 8 12 94 256 8 68 194 195 156 19 7 1 51 1 3 _ 6 2 2 9 5 2 20 5 - 48 - 2 - 4 2 2 4 1 - 21 22 23 _ I 6 I _ I 2 _ _ _ . _ 5 _ 42 _ 2 _ 2 2 2 4 1 - 24 2 1 3 1 1 - 2 - - 5 4 1 1 2 25 26 27 _ 1 I ~ 1 I 1 I _ z 1 2 - 3 1 - - 1 - - 5 2 1 28 10 106 166 6 9 87 250 6 66 185 190 153 29 6 44 97 2 4 53 83 4 26 64 82 65 30 _ _ _ _ - _ 1 _ _ - 3 - 31 _ 4 1 _ _ 11 1 _ _ 3 3 1 32 6 40 96 2 4 42 81 4 26 61 76 64 33 4 62 69 4 5 34 167 2 40 121 108 88 34 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 35 . 4 3 . _ 1 7 _ _ _ 3 2 36 4 58 66 4 5 33 160 2 40 121 105 85 37 2 13 1 7 1 38 - _ 13 1 - 3 - - - - - 39 40 - 13 1 - 3 - - - - - - 41 42 - 2 - - - 4 - - - - 1 43 44 45 I I I z z I z z I _ - 2 - - - 4 - - - - - 1 46 17 109 230 8 12 94 256 8 68 194 195 156 47 11 44 158 3 6 56 87 6 1 28 68 83 65 ' 48 _ _ - _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ 3 - 49 - 4 7 _ _ 11 3 _ _ 3 3 1 50 11 40 151 3 6 45 83 6 28 65 77 1 64 51 6 65 72 5 6 38 169 2 40 126 112 1 91 52 - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 1 53 - 5 3 _ 1 1 8 _ _ _ 4 3 54 6 60 69 5 5 37 161 2 40 126 107 87 55 12 94 155 7 11 73 207 6 51 154 157 143 56 482 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. ILLITERACY— Continued. ConNTV OF Middlesex — Continued. Classification. Little- Jtarl- May- Mcd- Mel- Lincoln. Lowell. Maiden. ton. boniugh nard. ford. rose. 1 Population, 907 994 59,475 12,017 10,127 2,291 7,573 4,560 2 Male, 467 506 26,8.53 5,590 5,171 1,154 3,688 ; 2,081 3 Female, . 440 488 32,622 6,427 4,956 1,137 3,885 .2,479 4 Population, 10 years and over, . 730 822 48,604 9,701 7,640 1,809 6,170 3,678 5 Male, 381 413 21,263 4,405 3,870 893 2,974 1,642 6 Female, . 349 409 27,341 5,296 3,770 916 3,196 2,036 1 Males, 10 years and over, . 381 413 21,263 4,405 3,870 893 2,974 1,642 8 Native born, . 254 350 11,951 3,355 2,584 465 2,131 1,398 9 P'orcigii born, . 121 61 9,243 1,028 1,281 428 835 237 10 Colored, . 6 2 69 22 5 - 8 7 11 Females, 10 years and over, . 349 409 27,.341 5,296 3,770 916 3,196 2,036 12 Native born, 268 348 14,865 3,908 2,580 508 2,4.32 1,671 13 Foreign born, . 78 57 12,397 1,361 1,187 408 754 355 14 Colored, . 3 4 79 27 3 - 10 10 If) Both Sexes, 10 years and over, 730 822 48,604 9,701 7,640 1,809 6,170 3,678 16 Native born, . 522 698 26,816 7,263 5,16+ 973 4,5r).3 3,069 17 Foreign burn, . 199 118 21,640 2,389 2,468 836 1,589 592 18 Colored, . 9 6 148 49 8 — 18 17 19 Cannot write, 10 years and over. 54 25 5,186 321 373 61 403 62 20 White Native, both sexes, . 2 2 261 11 26 _ 7 4 21 Males, 1 2 80 5 13 _ 3 3 22 10 ti) 14, . _ 11 2 _ 23 15 to -20, . _ . 14 1 3 _ _ 1 24 21 and over, 1 2 55 4 8 _ 3 2 23 Females, . 1 181 6 13 _ 4 1 26 10 to 14, . _ _ 30 1 4 _ _ _ 27 15 to 2u, . _ _ 43 1 2 _ 1 _ 28 21 and over. 1 - 108 4 7 - 3 1 29 Whif« Foreign, both'sexos. 50 23 4,915 302 347 61 394 58 30 Males 25 11 1,865 93 136 16 281 17 31 10 to 14, . _ - 51 1 _ - 10 _ 32 15 to 20, . „ _ 189 1 8 _ 90 _ 33 21 and over, 25 11 1,625 91 128 16 181 17 34 Females, . 25 12 3,050 208 211 45 113 41 35 10 to 14, . _ - 60 _ _ - _ _ 36 15 to 20, . _ _ 289 6 5 1 2 2 37 21 and over. 25 12 2,701 202 206 44 111 39 38 ' Colored, both sexes, . 2 10 8 2 39 Males, 2 _ 2 1 _ _ 1 _ 40 10 to 14, . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 41 15 to 20, . 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 42 21 and over, 1 _ 2 1 _ _ 1 _ 43 Females _ 8 7 ^ » 1 _ 44 10 to 14, . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 45 15 to 20, . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 46 21 and over. - - 8 7 - - 1 - 47 Cannot icrite, 10 years and over, 54 25 5,186 321 373 61 403 62 48 Males 28 13 1,947 99 149 16 285 20 49 10 to 14, . - - 62 1 2 - 10 _ 50 15 to 20, . 1 _ 203 2 11 _ 90 1 51 21 and over. ■ 27 13 1,6S2 96 136 16 185 19 52 Females 26 12 3,239 221 224 45 118 42 53 10 to 14, . _ _ 90 1 4 _ _ _ 54 15 to 20, . _ _ 332 7 7 1 3 2 55 21 and over. 26 12 2,817 213 213 44 115 40 56 Cannot read, 10 years and over, 47 13 4,178 187 314 49 359 57 ILLITERACY. 483 ILLITERACY — Continued. CocNTT OF ^Middlesex — Continued. Xorth Pep- Read- Sher- Somer- Stone- Sud- Tewks- Xatick. Xewton. Bead- ing. perell. ing. born. Shirley. viUe. ham. Stow. bury. bury. 8,479 16,995 900 2,348 3,181 1,401 1,365 24,933 4,890 1,045 1,178 2,179 1 4,251 7,580 454 1,178 1,445 510 637 11,873 2,325 527 596 1,106 2 4,228 9,415 446 1,170 1,736 891 728 13,060 2,565 618 682 1,073 3 6,587 13.634 729 1,924 2,677 1,219 1,1.36 19,456 3,999 861 977 1,S63 4 3,-336 5,943 366 963 1,198 409 524 9,083 1,865 428 497 944 5 3,251 7,6'Jl 363 961 1,479 810 612 10,373 2,134 433 480 919 6 3,336 5,943 366 963 1,198 409 524 9,083 1,865 428 497 944 7 2,473 4,246 328 826 1,066 361 408 6,560 1,470 362 415 513 8 842 1,632 38 133 132 44 110 2,493 383 66 81 420 9 21 65 - 4 _ 4 6 30 12 > 1 11 10 3,251 7,691 363 961 1,479 810 612 10,373 2,134 4.33 480 919 11 2,416 5,242 332 818 1,307 591 478 7,337 1,711 361 427 491 12 820 2,357 31 135 169 212 127 3,008 408 72 53 423 13 15 92 - 8 3 7 7 28 15 - 5 14 6,587 13,634 729 1,924 2,677 1,219 1,136 19,456 3,999 861 977 1,863 15 4,889 9,488 660 1,644 2,373 9.V2 886 13,897 3,181 723 842 1,004 16 1,662 3,989 69 268 301 256 237 5,501 791 138 134 843 17 36 157 — 12 3 11 13 58 27 — 1 16 18 394 857 29 64 49 8 119 935 160 29 32 52 19 15 32 22 4 4 1 33 34 8 4 1 2 20 11 9 13 3 2 _ 17 7 4 3 1 2 21 3 _ _ _ _ - 2 2 1 3 - - 22 - 1 - 1 _ _ 1 1 _ - - 1 23 8 8 13 2 2 . 14 4 3 _ 1 1 24 4 23 9 1 2 1 16 27 4 1 _ - 25 - 1 - _ _ 1 3 _ _ _ _ - 26 1 3 - _. _ _ 3 1 _ - _ - 27 3 19 9 1 2 - 10 26 4 1 - — 28 375 779 7 57 44 7 84 894 146 25 31 . 49 29 127 270 4 29 15 3 40 303 50 6 20 24 30 1 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 31 3 5 _ 1 _ _ 7 4 2 _ 1 3 32 123 262 4 28 15 3 33 299 48 6 19 21 33 248 609 3 28 29 4 44 591 96 19 11 25 34 - 2 - _ - _ _ _ 1 _ - - 35 - 10 - _ 1 _ 3 22 4 - 1 1 36 248 497 3 28 28 4 41 569 91 19 10 24 37 4 46 3 1 2 7 6 1 38 : 19 - 1 - - 1 2 3 - - 1 39 40 — 19 1 - - 1 2 3 - - 1 41 42 4 27 - 2 1 - 1 5 3 - - - 43 44 45 _ _ _ ~ _ _ I 1 1 _ _ _ 4 27 — 2 1 - 1 4 2 - - - 46 394 857 29 64 49 8 119 935 160 29 32 52 47 138 298 17 33 17 3 58 312 57 9 21 27 48 4 3 _ _ _ « 2 2 1 3 _ _ 49 3 6 - 2 _ _ 8 5 2 _. 1 4 50 131 289 17 31 17 3 48 305 54 6 20 23 51 256 559 12 31 32 5 61 623 103 20 11 25 52 - 3 - _ _ 1 3 _ 1 _ _ - 53 1 13 - _ 1 _ 6 24 5 _ 1 1 54 255 543 12 31 31 4 52 599 97 20 10 24 55 293 695 29 61 32 3 103 671 117 22 32 45 56 484 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. ILLITERACY — Continued. County of Middlesex— Continued. Classific a tion. Town- Tyngs- Wake- Wal- Water- Way- West- send. borough. field. tham. town. land. ford. Weston. 1 Population, 1,967 631 5,547 11,712 5,426 1,962 2,147 1,448 2 Male, 974 303 2,6.38 5,440 2,.'-)78 1,004 1,070 732 3 Female, . 993 328 2,909 6,272 2,848 958 1,077 716 4 Population, 10 years ami over, . 1,632 528 4,482 9,520 4,319 1,526 1,716 1,168 6 Ma'le, 816 254 2,107 4,333 2,014 781 855 583 6 Female, . 816 274 2,375 5,187 2,305 745 861 685 7 Males, ]0 years and over, . 816 254 2,107 4,333 2,014 781 855 583 8 Native born, . 732 219 1,569 2,981 1,342 587 634 447 9 Foreign born, . 7S 33 528 1,343 663 192 219 ■ 135 10 Colored, . 6 2 10 9 9 2 2 1 11 Females, 10 years and over, . 816 274 2,375 5,187 2,.305 745 861 685 12 Native born, . 752 242 1,733 3,600 1,489 598 659 440 J3 Foreign born, . 62 31 627 1,581 807 147 199 144 14 Colored, . 2 1 15 6 9 - 3 1 15 Both Sexes, 10 years and over. 1,632 528 4,482 9,520 4,319 1,526 1,716 1,168 16 Native born, . 1,484 . 461 3,302 6,581 2,831 1,185 1,293 887 17 Foreign born, . 140 64 1,155 2,924 1,470 339 418 279 18 Colored, . 8 3 25 15 18 2 5 2 19 Cannot irrite, 10 years and over. 9 27 156 650 346 72 124 28 20 White Native, both sexes, . 1 7 4 15 8 6 13 2 21 Males, 1 4 2 4 2 4 3 1 22 10 to 14, . - 1 - _ 1 - _ - 23 15 to 20, . _ „ 1 1 1 _ 1 _ 24 21 and over. 1 3 1 3 _ 4 2 1 25 Females, _ 3 2 11 6 2 10 1 26 10 to 14, . _ _ « _ 1 - - 1 27 15 to 20, . - _ 1 2 1 1 1 - 28 21 and over. - 3 1 9 4 1 9 - 29 ■\\liite Foreign, both sexes, 8 20 149 633 334 66 110 * 26 30 Males, 3 8 59 213 97 34 52 9 31 10 to 14, , _ _ _ 1 _ - 2 - 32 15 to 20, . ™ _ 1 2 2 3 5 1 33 21 and over, 3 8 58 210 95 31 45 8 34 Females, . 5 12 90 420 237 32 58 17 35 10 to 14, . _ _ _ _ _ - - _ 36 15 to 20, . . _ 2 7 11 3 4 1 37 21 and over. 5 12 88 413 26 29 54 16 38 Colored, both sexes, . 3 2 4 _ 1 _ 39 Males, _ - 1 1 1 - 1 - 40 10 to 14, . _ . _ _ _ - - - 41 15 to 20, , _ — _ _ - - - - 42 21 and over. _ _ 1 1 1 - 1 - 43 Females, . _ _ 2 1 3 _ - _ 44 10 to 14, . _ _ _ - - - - - 45 15 to 20, . _ _ _ - - - - - 46 21 and over, - - 2 1 3 " — — 47 Cannot write, 10 years and over. 9 27 156 650 346 72 124 28 48 Males 4 12 62 218 100 38 56 10 49 10 to 14, . _ 1 - 1 1 - 2 - 50 15 to 20, . _ _ 2 3 3 3 6 1 51 21 and over. 4 11 60 214 96 35 48 9 52 Females, . 5 15 94 432 246 34 68 18 63 10 to 14, . _ _ _ _ 1 _ - 1 54 15 to 20, . _ _ 3 9 12 4 5 1 55 21 and over. 5 15 91 423 233 30 63 16 56 Cannot read, 10 years and over. 7 24 123 535 281 72 93 23 ILLITERACY. 485 ILLITERACY — Continued. Co. OF Co. OF Middlesex — Con. Nax- County of Norfolk. j:l-cket. Wil- Win- AVo- Nan- Belling- Brain- Brook- Can- Cohas- Ded- FO.K- mington. chester. burn. tucket. ham. tree. line. ton. set. ham. Dover. borough. 933 3,802 10,931 3,727 1,223 3,855 8,057 4,516 2,182 6,233 653 2,950 1 463 1,8.57 5,502 1,642 600 1.860 3,470 2,166 1,056 2,917 334 1,283 2 470 1,945 5,429 2,085 623 1,995 4,587 2,350 1.126 3,316 319 1,667 3 765 3,051 8,516 3,232 991 3,127 6,452 3,.581 1,763 5,003 538 2,498 4 378 1,483 4,269 1,402 487 1,.502 2,721 1,676 834 2,290 276 1,051 5 387 1,568 4,247 1,830 604 1,625 3,731 1,905 929 2,713 262 1,447 6 378 1,483 4,269 1,402 487 1,502 2,721 1,676 834 2,290 276 1,051 7 320 1,000 2,595 1,303 416 1,223 1,741 1,102 697 1,546 199 909 8 58 470 1,600 82 71 272 975 667 134 723 76 141 9 - 13 14 17 - 7 5 7 3 21 1 1 10 387 1,568 4,247 1,830 504 1,625 3,7.31 1,905 929 2,713 262 1,447 11 339 1,086 2,773 1,680 425 1,310 2,107 1,263 747 1,814 190 1,264 12 48 478 1,463 101 79 315 1,612 637 178 868 72 183 13 - 4 11 49 - - 12 5 4 31 - - 14 765 3,051 8,516 3,232 991 3,127 6,452 3,581 1,763 5,003 538 2,498 15 659 2,086 5,368 2,983 841 2,533 3,848 2,365 1,444 3,360 389 2,173 16 106 948 3,123 183 150 587 2,587 1,204 312 1,591 148 324 17 — 17 25 66 - 7 17 12 7 52 1 1 18 20 153 639 71 - 118 312 366 63 228 31 79 19 6 1 21 35 _ 11 2 11 3 9 2 8 20 2 1 11 17 - 6 - 6 2 3 2 3 21 - - - 2 - - - 2 _ _ _ _ 22 - - 4 1 - 1 - - - 2 - 2 23 2 1 7 14 _ 5 _ 4 2 1 2 1 24 4 - 10 18 - 5 2 5 1 6 _ 5 25 - - 1 - - - _ - _ 1 _ _ 26 - - 2 2 _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ 2 27 4 -• 7 16 - 5 2 4 1 5 - 3 28 14 1.52 610 33 107 308 354 60 213 29 71 29 4 66 248 13 - 42 88 124 29 71 10 20 30 - - - - - - - 1 - _ _ _ 31 - 1 8 - - 2 1 6 2 1 _ 1 32 4 65 240 13 _ 40 87 117 27 70 10 19 33 10 86 362 20 - 65 220 230 31 142 19 51 1 34 - - - - _ _ _ 2 _ _ _ _ 35 1 4 3 1 - 4 8 3 1 _ 2 _ 36 9 82 359 19 — 61 212 225 30 142 17 51 37 _ _ 8 3 _ _ 2 1 6 38 - - 5 2 - - 1 1 - 2 - _ 39 - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ 40 - - - - - - - — _ _ _ _ 41 - - 5 2 - _ 1 1 _ 2 _ _ 42 - - 3 1 - - 1 _ - 4 _ _ 43 - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ 44 - - - - - - _ _ _ 1 _ _ 45 " ~ 3 1 — — 1 - - 3 - - 46 20 153 639 71 118 312 366 63 228 31 79 47 6 67 264 32 - 48 89 131 31 76 12 23 48 - - - 2 - - - 3 _ _ _ _ 49 - 1 12 1 - 3 1 6 2 3 _ 3 50 6 66 252 29 - 45 88 122 29 73 12 20 51 14 86 375 39 - 70 223 235 32 152 19 56 52 - - 1 - - - - 2 ■ _ 1 _ . 53 1 4 5 3 - 4 8 4 1 1 2 2 54 13 82 369 36 - 66 215 229 31 150 17 54 55 14 124 542 32 - 92 215 270 60 193 13 71 56 486 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. ILLITERACY — Continued. Cousrr OF XoKFOLK— Continued. Classification. Frank- Hol- Hyde Mcd- Mod- Need- Nor- lin. brook . Park. fleld. way. Milton. ham. folk. 1 Population, 4,051 2,130 7,088 1,371 3,956 3,206 5,252 930 2 Male, 1,958 1,092 3,.340 033 1,947 1,495 2,384 406 3 Female, . 2,093 1,038 3,748 738 2,009 1,711 2,868 464 4 Population, 10 years and over, . 3,266 1,676 5,-514 1,167 3,243 2,609 4,245 721 5 Mule, ],.575 856 2,542 527 1,589 1,171 1,858 362 6 Female, . 1,C91 820 2,972 640 1,654 1,438 2,387 359 7 Males, 10 years and over, . 1,.575 856 2,.542 527 1,589 1,171 1,858 362 8 Native born, . 1,160 738 1,742 476 1,2.52 814 1,178 273 9 Foreign born, , 410 116 746 51 337 343 609 85 10 Colored, . 5 2 54 - - 14 11 4 11 Females, 10 years and over, . l,fi91 820 2,972 640 1,654 1,4.38 2,387 359 12 Native born, . 1,308 714 2,008 582 1,341 946 1,689 278 13 Foreign born, . 376 104 896 56 313 474 691 80 1-1 Colored, . 7 2 68 2 - 18 7 1 15 Both Sexes, 10 years and over, 3,266 1,676 6,514 1,167 3,243 2,609 4,245 721 16 Native born, . 2,468 1,462 3,750 1,058 2,593 1,760 2,867 551 17 Foreign born, . 786 220 1,642 107 650 817 1,300 165 18 Colored, . 12 4 122 2 - 32 18 5 19 Cannot write, 10 years and over, 141 • 23 337 11 212 136 69 19 20 White Native, both eexes, . 3 _ 11 _ 22 6 1 _ 21 Mules, .... 2 - 5 - 14 2 - - 22 10 to 14, . - - - - 1 - - - 23 1& to 20, . - _ _ - 3 - - _ U 21 and over. 2 _ 5 - 10 2 - - ii Females 1 - 6 - 8 4 1 - 28 10 to 14. . - - - - - 1 - - 27 15 to 20, . - _ 1 _ - - - - 28 21 and over, 1 - 6 - 8 3 1 - 29 White Foreign, both sexes. 138 23 307 11 190 126 68 19 30 Males, 69 11 121 6 84 42 24 10 31 10 to 14, . - _ 1 - 1 - - - 32 15 to 20, . - - 3 - - - - - 33 21 and over, 59 11 117 6 83 42 24 10 34 Females, . 79 12 186 6 106 84 44 9 35 10 to 14, . - _ _ - - - - - 36 15 to 20, . 1 - 3 - - 2 - - 37 21 and over, 78 12 183 5 106 82 44 9 38 Colored, both sexes, . _ 19 4 39 Males, - _ 4 _ _ 3 - - 40 10 to 14, . - _ - - - - - - 41 15 to 20, . - - - - - - - - 42 21 and over, - _ 4 - - 3 - _ 43 Females, . - - 15 _ - 1 - - 44 10 to 14, . - - - - - - - - 45 15 to 20, . - _ _ _ - - - _ 46 21 and over, — - 15 — - 1 - - 47 Cannot icrite, 10 j-ears and over, 141 23 337 11 212 136 69 19 48 Mules 61 11 130 6 98 47 24 10 49 10 to 14, . _ - 1 _ 2 _ - _ 50 15 to 20, . _ - 3 - 3 - - - 61 21 and over, 61 11 126 6 93 47 24 10 52 Females, . 80 12 207 5 114 89 45 9 53 10 to 14, . _ _ - - - 1 _ - 54 15 to -lO, . 1 - 4 - - 2 - - 65 21 and over, 79 12 203 5 114 86 45 9 66 Cannot read, 10 years and over. 138 23 280 11 179 109 53 19 ILLITERACY. 487 ILLITERACY — Continued. County OF UoKFOLK — Concluded. County of Pltmouth. Nor- Ran- .Stoiigh- Wal- Wey- Wren- Abing- Bridge- Brock- wood. Quincy. dolph. Sharon. ton. pole. mouth. tham. ton. water. ton. Carver. 2,34.5 10,570 4,027 1,492 4,875 2,494 10,570 2,481 3,697 3,620 13,608 1,039 1 1,207 5,407 2,006 741 2,428 1,2;39 5,256 1,191 1,844 1,835 6,823 525 2 1,138 5,163 2,021 751 2,447 1,255 5,314 1,290 1,853 1,785 6,785 614 3 1,874 8.393 3,324 1,226 3,975 2,017 9,042 2,044 3,047 3,056 11,039 831 4 954 4,306 1,649 598 1,941 995 4,495 970 1,508 1,530 5,533 .424 5 920 4,087 1,675 628 2,034 1,022 4,547 1,074 1 1 1,.539 1,526 6,506 407 6 954 4,306 1,649 598 1,941 995 4,495 970 1,508 1,.530 5,5.-53 424 7 ' 691 2,695 1,278 487 1,607 745 3,741 783 1,278 1,151 4,509 399 8 263 1,539 366 99 331 243 734 175 , 229 362 1,002 23 9 - 72 5 12 3 7 20 12 1 17 22 2 10 920 4,087 1,675 628 2,0.34 1,022 4,.i47 1,074 1,539 1,526 5,.506 407 11 696 2,849 1,285 530 1,660 822 3,860 901 1,.322 1,197 4,522 384 12 224 1,221 386 95 369 195 670 164 214 316 969 20 13 - 17 4 3 5 5 17 9 3 13 15 3 14 1,874 8,393 3,324 1,226 3,975 2,017 9,042 2,044 3,047 3,056 11,039 831 15 1,387 5,.544 2,563 1,017 3,267 1,567 7,601 1,684 2,600 2,348 9,031 783 16 487 2,760 752 194 700 438 1,404 339 443 678 1,971 43 17 — 89 9 15 8 12 37 21 4 30 37 5 18 122 408 153 30 212 183 296 25 122 258 317 9 19 _ 21 15 _ 3 6 17 3 6 39 23 8 20 - 13 10 - 2 4 9 2 3 28 13 5 21 - - 4 - - - - _ _ _ _ 1 22 - 1 1 - - 1 - _ _ 14 2 _ 23 - 12 5 - 2 3 9 2 3 14 11 4 24 - 8 5 _ 1 2 8 1 3 11 10 3 25 - - 1 _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ 1 1 26 - - - - - _ 1 _ 1 2 _ - 27 — 8 4 — 1 2 6 1 2 9 9 2 28 122 370 138 27 209 175 278 15 116 215 290 1 29 48 149 47 10 62 103 109 8 42 88 113 - 30 - - « _ - - _ 1 _ _ _ 1 _ 31 - 9 - - 1 3 5 1 _ 3 _ - 32 48 140 47 10 61 100 103 7 42 85 112 _ 33 74 221 91 17 147 72 169 7 74 127 177 1 34 - 3 - - _ 1 _ _ _ 1 _ 35 1 6 - - - 1 6 _ _ 4 4 _ 36 73 213 91 17 147 71 163 7 74 123 172 1 37 _ 17 3 _ 2 1 7 4 4 38 - 14 - 2 - 1 1 4 - 1 1 - 39 ■ - - - - - - - 1 - - - - 40 — 1 — — — _ — _ _ _ « « 41 - 13 - 2 - 1 1 3 _ 1 1 _ 42 - 3 - 1 - 1 3 - 3 3 - 43 44 45 _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ I _ I _ _ - 2 - 1 - 1 - 3 - 3 3 - 46 122 408 153 30 212 183 296 25 122 258 317 9 47 48 176 57 12 "64 108 119 14 45 117 127 5 48 - - 4 - - _ 1 1 _ _ 1 1 49 - 11 1 - 1 4 5 1 _ 17 2 . 60 48 165 52 12 63 104 113 12 45 100 124 4 51 74 232 96 18 148 75 177 11 77 141 190 4 52 - 3 1 _ _ _ 2 _ _ _ 2 1 53 1 6 - - _ 1 6 _ 1 6 4 _ 54 73 223 95 IS 148 74 169 11 76 135 184 3 55 118 354 106 26 157 177 220 25 82 203 212 9 56 488 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. ILLITERACY — Continued. CouKlT or Pltmouth — Continued. Classification. Dux- East Hali- Han- Han- Hing- Kings- bury. Bridge- water. fax. over. son. ham. Hull. ton. 1 Population, 2,196 2,710 542 1,897 1,309 4,485 383 1,524 2 Male, 1,053 ],.366 279 918 655 2,149 208 717 3 Female, . 1,143 1,.344 263 979 654 2,336 175 807 4 Population, 10 ypars and OTer, . 1,881 2.248 451 1,.560 1,087 3,704 324 1,306 5 Male, 879 1,121 232 750 551 1,744 177 592 6 Female, . 1,002 1,127 219 810 536 1,960 147 714 7 Males, 10 years and over, . 879 1,121 232 750 551 ■ 1,744 177 592 8 Native born, 859 941 223 6S3 530 1,4.52 142 532 9 Foreign born, . 17 179 9 55 21 273 35 60 10 Colored, . 3 1 - 12 - 19 - - 11 Females, in years and over, . 1,002 1,127 219 810 536 1,960 147 714 12 Native l)orn, 962 982 212 746 517 1,593 124 644 13 Foreign born, . 36 142 7 56 19 347 23 70 14 Colored, . . . 4 3 - 8 - ' 20 - - 15 Both Sexes, 10 years and over. 1,881 2,248 451 1,.560 1,087 3,704 324 1,306 16 Native born, . 1,821 1,923 435 1,429 1,047 3,045 266 1,176 17 Foreign born, . 53 321 16 111 40 620 58 1311 18 Colored, . 7 4 — 20 - 39 - — 19 Cannot write, 10 years and over, 1 129 6 43 2 170 7 36 20 White Native, both sexes, . 1 10 2 4 1 17 4 1 21 Males, 1 3 1 1 - 11 3 - 22 10 to 14, . _ - _ . _ 1 _ _ 23 1.5 to 2(1, . _ - _ _ _ _ 1 - 24 21 and over. 1 3 1 1 - 10 2 - 25 Females, . - 7 1 3 1 6 1 1 26 10 to 14, . _ 1 _ 1 _ 1 _ _ 27 15 10 20, . _ 1 _ _ _ - _ _ 28 21 and over. - 6 1 2 1 5 1 1 29 White Foreign, both sexes. _ 118 4 37 1 150 3 35 30 Males - 62 1 12 - 53 - 17 31 10 to 14, . _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ - 32 15 to 20, . ^ 10 _ _ _ _ _ _ 33 21 and over. _ 52 1 11 _ 53 _ 17 34 Females, . - 56 3 25 1 97 3 18 35 10 to 14, . _ _ _ - »- - - 36 15 to 20, . _ 3 _ _ _ - - 37 21 and over. - 53 3 25 1 97 3 18 38 Colored, both sexes, . 1 2 3 39 Males, _ _ _ 2 _ 3 _ _ 40 10 to 14, . - _ _ _ _ 1 . _ 41 15 to 20, . _ _ _ _ - _ _ - 42 21 and over. _ - _ 2 - 2 _ - 43 Females, . _ 1 _ _ . _ - _ 44 10 to 14, . _ - _ _ _ - - - 45 15 to 20, . _ _ _ _ ^ _ _ _ 46 21 and over, - 1 - - - - - - 47 Cannot write, 10 years and over. 1 129 6 43 2 170 7 36 48 Males 1 65 2 15 _ 67 3 17 49 10 to 14, . _ _ _ 1 _ 2 _ - 50 l.T to 20, . _ 10 _ _ .. _ 1 _ 51 21 and over. 1 65 2 14 _ 65 2 17 52 Females, . _ 64 4 28 2 103 4 19 53 10 to 14, , _ 1 _ 1 _ 1 _ _ 54 15 to 20, . _ 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ 55 21 and over. - 59 4 27 2 102 4 19 56 Cannot read, 10 years and over. 1 103 5 33 2 161 7 36 ILLITEEACT. 489 ILLITERACY — Continued. CODNTT OF Pltmoitth — Continued, Marion. Marsh- field. Matta- polsett. Middle- I Pern- borough, broke. Plym- outh. Plymp- I ton. Roches- ter. Rock- land. Scitu- ate. South Abing- ton. 95S 450 5U8 804 373 431 373 359 14 431 417 13 1 804 776 27 1 1,781 874 907 1,534 747 787 747 716 31 787 764 21 2 1,.534 1,480 52 2 15 6 3 6 15 6 6 1 _ 1 _ 4 6 _ 9 - 1 10 1,365 644 721 1,163 542 621 542 520 16 6 621 576 37 1,163 1,096 53 14 24 7 3 14 8 2 6 6 24 12 2 10 12 1 1 10 23 5,237 2,-553 2,684 4,393 2,132 2,261 2,132 1,952 167 13 2,261 2,070 181 10 4,393 4,0 i2 348 23 71 18 12 2 2 8 6 52 17 17 85 1 34 71 29 2 2 25 42 1 41 34 1,405 729 676 1,171 602 569 602 566 31 5 566 539 28 2 1,171 1,105 59 19 7 4 19 9 9 10 10 12 7,093 3,484 3,609 5,763 2,790 2,973 2,790 2,327 407 56 2,973 2,499 412 62 5,763 4,826 819 11« 99 12 6 2 4 6 74 20 20 54 1 1 52 13 6 78 694 339 355 592 288 304 288 275 11 2 304 294 7 3 592 569 18 5 99 1 32 1 2 _ 30 1 67 _ 1 _ 1 65 1,043 504 539 842 412 430 412 391 14 7 430 408 17 5 842 799 31 12 21 16 10 10 21 12 12 9 1 8 20 4,553 2,321 2,232 3,662 1,838 1,824 1,838 1,504 330 4 1,824 1,504 317 3 3,662 3,008 647 7 129 4 2 124 38 38 86 129 40 40 89 91 2,466 3,024 1,240 1,573 1,226 1,451 2,001 2,470 993 1,289 1,008 1,181 993 1,289 879 1,129 114 154 - 6 1,008 1,181 879 1,048 123 126 6 7 2,001 2,470 1,758 2,177 237 280 6 13 96 41 12 4 9 2 _ 1 1 _ 8 1 3 2 _ I 1 _ 2 1 83 41 41 42 1 41 96 51 1 50 45 2 43 75 37 16 16 21 1 20 41 18 1 17 23 1 1 21 30 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 46 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 490 CENSUS or MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. ILLITERACY — Continued. Co. OF Pltmouth — Con. County of Suffolk. Classification. South Ware- West Win- .Scit- uate. ham. Bridge- water. Boston. Chelsea. Revere. throp. 1 Population, 1,820 2,896 1,665 362,8.39 21,782 2,263 1,043 2 Male, 925 1,.509 842 172.268 10,023 1,103 511 3 Female, . 895 1,387 823 190,571 11,759 1,070 532 4 Population, 10 years and over, . l,r.22 2,236 1,410 291,326 17,534 -1,781 839 5 Male, 708 1,103 713 136,407 7,933 960 408 6 Female, . 754 1,073 697 154,919 9,601 821 431 7 Males, 10 years and over, . 768 1,163 713 136,407 7,933 960 408 8 Native born, . 701 955 572 84,518 5,840 616 337 9 -J'oreign born, . 30 204 139 49.316 1,899 3.';9 70 10 Colored, . 37 4 2 2,573 194 5 1 H Females, 10 years and over, . 7.54 1,073 697 154,919 9,601 821 431 12 Native born, . 678 90:5 5S6 90,141 6,909 581 325 13 Foreign born, . 37 164 110 02,323 2,482 237 99 14 Colored, . 39 6 1 2,455 210 3 7 15 Both Sexes, 10 years and over. 1,522 2,236 1,410 29J,.326 17,.534 1,781 839 16 Native born, . 1,379 1,S58 1,1.')8 ]74,o:.9 12,749 1,197 662 17 Foreign born, . 67 368 249 111,639 4,381 576 109 18 Colored, . 76 10 • 3 5,028 404 8 8 19 Cannot write, 10 years and over. 53 180 35 19,351 724 103 6 20 Wbite Native, both sexes, . 21 59 8 621 82 3 _ 21 Males, 7 33 4 209 41 1 - 22 10 to 14, . - _ 2 36 8 _ 23 15 to 20, . _ 2 - 35 11 _ - 24 21 and over. 7 31 2 138 22 1 - 25 Females, . 14 26 4 412 41 2 - 26 10 to 14, . 3 1 1 41 8 2 - 27 15 to 20, . _ 3 1 74 12 _ - 28 21 and over, 11 22 2 297 21 - — 29 White Foreign, both sexes. 17 110 27 17,818 615 96 6 30 Males, 6 54 14 5,585 210 49 3 31 10 to 14, . _ - - 16 - 1 - 32 15 to 20, . _ - 1 92 2 4 33 21 and over. 6 54 13 5,477 208 44 3 34 Females, . 11 62 13 12,2.33 405 47 3 35 10 to 14, . 1 _ - 25 1 1 36 15 to 20, . _ - - 238 11 2 - 37 21 and over. 10 62 13 11,970 393 44 3 38 Colored, both sexes, . 15 5 912 27 4 _ 39 Males, 6 2 - 381 13 1 - 40 10 to 14, . - - - 2 - - - 41 15 to 20, . _ _ _ 13 - _ - 42 21 and over, 6 2 - 366 13 1 - 43 Females, . 9 3 - 531 14 3 - 44 10 to 14, . 2 _ _ 1 _ _ - 45 15 to 20, . _ _ _ 8 1 _ - 46 21 and over. 7 3 ~ 522 13 3 — 47 Cannot tcrite, 10 years and over. 53 180 35 19,351 724 103 6 48 Males 19 89 18 6,175 204 51 3 49 10 to 14, . _ _ 2 54 8 1 - 50 15 to 20, . ~ 2 1 140 13 4 - 51 21 and over. 19 87 15 5,981 243 46 3 52 Females, . 34 91 17 13,176 460 52 3 63 10 to 14, . 6 1 1 1 67 9 3 - 54 15 to 20, . _ 3 1 1 320 24 2 - 55 21 and over. 28 87 15 1 12,789 427 47 3 56 Cannot read, 10 years and over. 33 154 23 15,404 614 84 6 ILLITERACY. tiOl ILLITERACY — Continued. CODSTr OF WORCESTEK. Ash- Au- Black- Boyls- burn- bam. Attiol. burn. Barre. Berlin. stone. Bolton. ton. Brook- field. Charl- ton. Clinton. Dana. 1,666 793 873 1.380 669 711 669 586 82 1 711 621 88 2 1,380 1,207 170 3 103 37 18 4 14 19 2 3 14 66 27 27 39 2 37 103 45 4 41 58 2 5 51 101 4,307 2,112 2,195 3,527 1,706 1,821 1,706 1,-540 165 1 1,821 1,656 164 1 3,527 3,196 329 2 159 44 23 3 8 12 21 5 16 115 49 3 46 66 66 l.-ig 72 3 11 58 87 5 82 109 1,317 645 672 1,044 514 530 514 357 157 530 381 149 1,044 738 306 65 8 3 1 2 5 1 4 57 28 1 27 29 1 2 26 65 31 2 29 34 1 3 30 63 2,419 1,208 1,211 2,063 1,012 1,051 1,012 863 146 3 1,051 908 142 1 2,063 1,771 288 4 129 30 20 2 4 14 10 1 9 99 49 2 7 40 50 42 129 69 4 11 54 60 9 51 111 977 498 479 802 395 407 395 341 50 4 407 372 33 2 802 713 83 6 4,907 2,340 2,567 3,898 1,826 2,072 1,826 1,062 763 1 2,072 1,226 845 1 3,898 2,288 1,608 2 36 18 1 7 10 18 1 3 14 519 175 3 18 1.54 344 1 13 330 4 555 2 193 - 4 _ 25 2 164 2 362 - 2 _ 16 2 344 4 418 903 447 466 760 3S6 374 386 342 44 374 333 40 1 760 675 84 1 20 8 12 12 1 27 13 1 12 14 14 26 854 431 423 690 347 343 347 258 87 2 343 268 72 3 690 526 159 5 74 61 34 2 10 22 27 3 24 74 40 3 11 26 34 1 4 29 64 2,820 1,387 1,433 2,251 1,102 1,149 1,102 855 245 2 1,149 9.37 206 6 2,251 1,792 451 134 8 20 4 10 1 1 1 - 2 9 4 10 1 - 10 113 71 71 42 42 1 134 81 1 80 53 53 49 1,900 970 930 1,-546 778 768 778 705 71 2 768 689 77 2 1,546 1,394 148 4 65 13 8 2 1 5 5 1 51 20 20 31 31 65 29 2 1 26 36 1 35 47 8,029 3,676 4,353 6,278 2,789 3,489 2,789 1,.5.53 1,230 6 3,489 1,857 1,627 5 6,278 3,410 2,857 11 648 11 5 2 3 6 4 2 636 159 8 151 477 3 31 443 736 362 374 603 291 312 291 284 312 305 6 1 603 589 13 1 648 7 164 5 10 1 554 4 484 2 3 - 35 _ 446 2 562 4 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 .33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 •54 55 56 492 CEK^SUS OF MASSACHUSETTS • — ISSO. ILLITERACY — Continued. Classification. COCNTT OF Worcester — Continued. Doug- Fitch- Gard- Graf- Hard- Har- llol- las. Dudley. burg. ner. ton. vyick. vard. den. 1 Population, 2,241 2,803 12,429 4,988 4,030 2,233 1,253 2,499 2 Male, 1,132 1,358 6,052 2,543 1,986 1,164 595 1,277 3 Female, . 1,109 1,445 6,377 2,445 2,044 1,009 658 1,222 4 Population, 10 years and over, . 1,694 2,131 9,826 4,799 3,5.55 1,809 1,086 1,995 6 Male, 857 1,031 4,778 2,442 1,748 920 511 1,010 6 Female, . 837 1,100 5,048 2,3.57 1,807 889 575 979 7 Males, 10 years and over, . 8.^)7 1,031 4,778 2,442 1,748 920 511 1,016 8 Native born, . 619 540 3,574 1,958 1,336 603 420 720 9 Foreign born, . 232 489 1,190 458 405 314 80 294 10 Colored, . 6 2 14 26 7 3 11 2 11 Females, 10 years and over, . 837 1,100 5,048 2,3.57 1,807 889 575 979 12 Native born, . 654 650 3,817 1,928 1,347 605 505 706 13 Foreign born, . 181 541 1,219 411 455 283 62 273 14 Colored, . 2 3 12 18 6 1 8 - 15 Both Sexes, 10 years and over. 1,694 2,1.31 9,826 4,799 3,555 1,809 1,086 1,995 16 Native born, . 1,273 1,096 7,391 3,886 2,683 1,208 925 1,426 17 Foreign born, . 413 1,030 2,409 869 860 597 142 567 18 Colored, . 8 5 26 44 12 4 19 2 19 Cannot icriie, 10 years and over. 249 168 405 183 303 220 75 174 20 SVhite Native, both sexes, . 45 7 22 12 44 30 14 21 21 Mules 19 3 13 4 25 19 9 9 22 10 to 14, . 1 1 1 2 2 4 2 _ 23 15 to 20, . 8 1 3 _ 8 3 1 2 24 21 and over. 10 1 9 2 15 12 6 7 25 Females 26 4 9 8 19 11 5 12 26 10 to 14, . 2 2 1 1 2 1 _ _ 27 15 to 20, . 9 2 1 _ 1 4 _ 5 28 21 and over. 15 - 7 7 16 6 5 7 29 White Foreign, 203 161 382 171 258 190 58 1.53 30 Male.s 106 85 157 70 111 98 29 75 31 10 to 14, . 1 4 1 _ 2 2 - 1 32 15 to 20, . 8 18 9 3 13 17 - 9 33 21 and over, 97 63 147 67 96 79 29 65 34 Females, 97 76 225 101 147 92 29 78 35 10 to 14, . _ _ _ 2 4 5 - 1 36 15 to 20, . 8 11 3 1 12 14 - 11 37 21 and over, . 89 65 222 98 131 73 29 66 38 Colored, both sexes, . 1 1 1 3 39 Males,' 1 - 1 - 1 - 3 _ 40 10 to 14, . _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ 41 15 to 20, . _ _ _ _ — _ _ _ 42 21 and over, . 1 _ 1 _ 1 _ 2 - 43 Females _ _ _ _ . ^ _ _ 44 10 to 14, . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 45 15 to 20, . _ _ _ _ _ - - _ 46 21 and over. - - - - - - - - 47 Cannot icrite, 10 years and over. 249 168 405 183 303 220 75 174 48 Males 126 88 171 74 137 117 41 84 49 10 to 14, . 2 5 2 2 4 6 a 1 50 15 to 20, . 16 19 12 3 21 20 1 11 51 21 and over. 108 64 157 69 112 91 37 72 52 Females 123 80 234 109 166 103 34 90 53 10 to 14, . 2 2 1 3 6 6 - 1 54 15 to 20, . 17 13 4 1 13 18 - 16 55 21 and over. 104 65 229 105 147 79 34 73 56 Cannot read, 10 years and over. 218 131 344 175 268 197 62 162 ILLITEEACT. 493 ILLITERACY — Continued. CouNir OF WoBCESTEE — Continued. Ilub- Lan- Lei- Leom- Lunen- Men- Slil- Jlill- New North- Nortli- North Oak- bard- Brain- Brook- ston. caster. cester. inster. burg. don. ford. bury. tree. borougli. bridge. field. ham. 1,386 2,008 2,779 5,772 1,101 1,094 9,310 4,741 610 1,676 4,053 4,459 869 1 706 929 1,321 2,872 551 546 4,642 2,326 324 818 2,060 2,201 445 2 680 1,079 1,458 2,900 550 548 4,668 2,415 286 858 1,993 2,258 424 3 ■ 1,183 1,680 2,22S 4,649 933 889 7,509 3,724 509 1,389 3,184 3,4.50 698 4 588 774 1,058 2,303 455 444 3,729 1,813 266 676 1,588 1,691 3.50 5 595 906 1,170 2,346 478 445 3,780 1,911 243 713 1,596 1,759 348 6 588 774 1,058 2,303 455 444 3,729 1,813 266 676 1,588 1,691 350 7 535 564 737 1,922 425 374 2,699 1,079 214 506 936 1,200 309 8 46 199 321 375 30 56 1,016 733 52 168 651 485 40 9 7 11 - 6 14 14 1 - 2 1 6 1 10 595 906 1,170 2,346 478 445 3,780 1,911 243 713 1,596 1,759 348 11 539 716 790 2,007 451 393 2,705 1,145 208 564 921 1,280 305 12 51 179 380 331 27 42 1,062 765 35 145 675 478 43 13 5 11 - 8 - 10 13 1 - 4 - 1 - 14 1,183 1,680 2,228 4,649 933 889 7,509 3,724 509 1,389 3,184 3,450 698 15 1,074 1,2S0 1,527 3,929 876 767 5,404 2,224 422 1,070 1,857 2,480 614 16 97 378 701 706 57 98 2,078 1,498 87 313 1,326 963 83 17 12 22 14 - 24 27 2 - 6 1 7 1 18 7' 112 195 104 4 43 623 520 - 157 489 353 59 19 7 2 13 5 2 11 32 75 _ 33 46 46 12 20 4 1 8 2 2 6 13 25 _ 13 29 25 7 21 1 - 1 _ _ 1 3 2 _ 2 6 2 _ 22 - - 1 1 _ _ 4 6 _ 6 8 7 . 2 23 3 1 6 1 2 5 6 17 . 5 15 16 5 24 3 1 5 3 _ 5 19 50 _ 20 17 21 5 25 - - _ _ _ _ 2 4 _ 3 1 2 _ 26 1 - 1 _ _ _ 2 15 _ e 4 3 1 27 2 1 4 3 - 5 15 31 - 11 12 16 4 28 _ 107 182 99 2 28 590 445 124 443 305 47 29 - 53 77 45 2 11 163 192 _ 59 177 134 23 30 - - 1 _ - _ - 3 - 1 3 - - 31 - 12 5 1 _ _ 2 35 _ 6 30 7 1 32 - 41 71 44 2 11 161 154 _ 52 144 127 22 33 - 54 105 54 _ 17 427 253 _ 65 266 171 24 34 - 1 _ _ _ _ ^ 4 _ 4 2 _ - 35 - 4 3 _ _ _ 1 13 _ 5 40 2 1 36 — 49 102 54 - 17 426 236 - ■ 56 224 169 23 37 _ 3 4 1 2 38 - 1 - - - 3 1 - - - - 2 - 39 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 40 — — _ _ _ _ _ - . — _ _ — 41 - 1 - - - 3 1 - - - - 2 _ 42 - 2 - - - 1 - - - — - - - 43 — — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — 44 - - _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 45 ■* 2 - - - 1 - - - - - - — 46 7 112 195 104 4 43 623 520 1.57 489 353 59 47 4 55 85 46 4 20 177 217 _ 72 206 161 30 48 1 - 2 _ _ 1 3 5 _ 3 9 2 - 49 - 12 6 1 _ _ 6 41 _ 12 38 14 3 50 3 43 77 45 4 19 168 171 _ 57 159 145 27 51 3 57 110 58 _ 23 446 303 _ 85 283 192 29 52 - 1 _ _ _ _ 2 8 _ 7 3 2 - 53 1 4 4 1 _ _ 3 28 _ 11 44 5 2 54 2 52 106 57 23 441 267 - 67 236 185 27 55 7 101 143 89 3 31 442 422 - 124 494 332 54 :,6 49J: CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — ISSO. ILLITERACY — Continued. County of Wokcester- -Continuid* Classification. Ox- Tax- Peters Phil- lips- Prince- Royal Rut- Shrews- Snuth- bor- " .South - ford. ton. ham. ton. ton. ston. land bury. ongh. bridge. 1 Population, 2,604 592 1,109 621 1,100 1,192 1,059 1,500 2,142 6,464 •2 Male, 1,293 209 546 319 545 592 5.51 743 1,065 3,140 3 Female, . 1,311 293 563 302 555 COO 508 757 1,077 3,324 4 Population, 10 years and over, . 2,119 488 946 524 928 993 836 1,218 1,781 4,905 5 Male, 1.0.50 248 450 269 463 491 448 600 872 2,338 6 Female, . 1,069 240 496 255 465 502 388 612 909 2,567 7 Males, 10 years and over, . 1,050 248 450 269 463 491 44S 606 872 2,338 8 Native born, . 809 215 403 255 411 440 381 527 672 1,221 9 Foreign born, . 233 31 42 14 52 51 66 78 198 1,102 10 Colored, . 8 2 5 - - - 1 1 2 15 11 Females, 10 years and over, . 1,069 240 496 255 465 502 388 612 909 2,567 12 Native born, . 823 212 467 238 415 457 340 546 712 1,343 13 Foreign born, . 231 27 26 17 50 45 48 66 193 1,216 14 Colored, . 15 1 3 - - - - 4 8 15 Botb Sexes, 10 years and over. 2,119 488 946 524 928 993 836 1,218 1,781 4,905 16 Native born, . 1,6:52 427 870 493 826 897 721 1,073 1,384 2,564 17 Foreign born, . 464 58 68 31 102 96 114 144 391 2,318 18 Colored, 23 3 8 - - - 1 1 6 23 19 Cannot write, 10 years a' d over. 53 17 28 13 12 8 27 48 112 1,289 20 White Native, both sexes, . 6 1 12 5 6 1 7 5 9 114 21 Males, 4 1 8 4 6 _ 5 3 5 55 22 10 to 14, . _ _ 4 _ _ _ 1 . 2 5 23 15 to 20, . _ — _ _ 2 _ _ _ 2 25 24 21 and over. 4 1 4 4 4 _ 4 3 1 25 25 Females, . 2 _ 4 1 _ 1 2 2 4 59 26 10 to 14, . _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ 1 ^ 2 27 15 to 20, . 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 17 28 21 and over. - - 3 1 - 1 2 - 1 4 40 29 ■\Vhito Foreign, both sexes, 47 14 16 8 6 7 20 43 103 1,170 30 Males, ..... 23 8 10 4 6 4 16 22 47 497 31 10 to 14, . 1 _ _ _ ' _ _ _ _ 15 32 15 to 20, . 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6 97 33 21 and over. 17 8 10 4 5 4 16 22 41 385 34 Females, . 24 6 6 4 1 3 4 21 56 673 36 10 to 14, . _ _ _ _ ■ _ _ _ _ 1 13 36 15 to 20, . 8 _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 2 129 37 21 and over. 16 6 6 4 1 3 4 19 53 531 38 Colored, both sexes, . 2 5 39 Males, _ 1 _ . _ _ - _ _ 2 40 10 to 14, . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 41 15 to 20, . _ _ _ _ ^ _ _ _ _ _ 42 21 and over. _ 1 -. _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 43 Females, . _ 1 _ _ ^ _ _ ^ _ 3 44 10 to 14, . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ 45 15 to 20, . _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ i. 46 21 and over, . - 1 - - - - - - - 3 47 Cannot tcrite, 10 years and over. 53 17 28 13 12 8 27 48 112 1,289 48 Males 27 10 18 8 11 4 21 25 52 554 49 10 to 14, . 1 _ 4 _ - • _ 1 _ 2 20 60 15 to 20, . 5 _ _ _ 2 _ _ _ 8 122 51 21 and over. 21 10 14 8 9 4 20 25 42 412 52 Females, .1 26 7 10 5 1 4 6 23 60 735 53 10 to 14, . _ 1 _ _ _ _ 1 1 15 64 15 to 20, . 10 _ _ — _ _ _ 2 2 146 55 21 and over. 16 7 9 5 1 4 6 20 57 574 56 Cannot read, 10 years and over. 50 14 14 8 12 8 27 35 97 1,214 ILLITERACY. 495 ILLITERACY — Concluded. Couxir OP WoKCESTEK— Concluded. Spen- Sterl- Stur- Sut- Tern- Up- Ux- War- Web- West- bor- West Boyls- West Brook- West- min- Win- chcn- Worces- cer. ing. bridge. ton. pkton. ton. bri'ge. ren. ster. ough. ton. field. ster. don. ter. 7,466 1,414 2,062 3,105 2,789 2,023 3,111 3,889 5,696 5,214 2,994 1,917 1,652 3,722 58,291 1 3,864 695 996 1,574 1,414 914 1,522 1,970 2,779 2,626 1,473 925 792 1,838 28,927 2 3,602 719 1,066 1,531 1,375 1,109 1,589 1,919 2,917 2,588 1,521 992 860 1,884 29,361 3 5,430 1,195 1,658 2,440 2,229 1,691 2,-527 3,057 4,330 4,311 2,308 1,585 1,373 2,984 45,355 4 2,888 590 797 1,214 1,117 750 1,216 1,548 2,082 2,175 1,139 766 665 1,442 22,364 5 2,542 605 861 1,226 1,112 941 1,311 1,509 2,248 2,136 1,169 819 708 1,542 22,991 6 2,888 590 797 1,214 1,117 750 1,216 1,-548 2,082 2,175 1,139 766 665 1,442 22,364 7 1,674 528 556 791 927 638 893 1,056 1,077 1,648 662 622 589 1,151 14,009 8 1,210 60 222 423 189 107 319 488 987 513 473 138 70 290 7,472 9 4 2 19 - 1 5 4 4 18 14 4 6 6 1 283 10 2,542 605 861 1,226 1,112 941 1,311 1,509 2,248 2,136 1,169 819 708 1,-542 22,991 11 1,535 547 612 770 946 804 937 1,016 1,180 1,739 706 685 647 1,215 15,116 12 1,005 57 227 455 165 132 363 486 1,053 382 462 130 58 327 7,572 13 2 1 22 1 1 5 11 7 15 15 1 4 3 - 303 14 5,430 1,195 1,658 2,440 2,229 1,691 2,527 3,057 4,330 4,.311 2,-308 1,585 1,373 2,984 45,355 15 3,209 1,075 1,163 1,561 1,873 1,442 1,830 2,072 2,257 3,387 1,368 1,307 1,236 2,366 29,725 16 2,215 117 449 878 354 2.39 682 974 2,040 895 935 268 128 617 15,044 17 6 3 41 1 2 10 15 11 33 29 5 10 9 1 586 18 1,045 44 172 185 79 32 60 372 729 370 232 77 31 238 3,222 19 116 8 78 10 20 5 8 47 75 41 15 12 3 28 219 20 63 3 34 4 11 3 4 19 36 20 6 9 1 15 108 21 7 _ 12, _ 3 _ 1 2 6 2 1 1 - 3 8 22 28 _ 10 ' 1 1 _ 1 11 15 ■ 12 1 1 1 5 20 23 28 3 12 3 7 3 2 6 15 6 4 7 - 7 80 24 53 5 44 6 9 2 4 28 39 21 9 3 2 13 111 25 4 _ 9 _ 2 _ 1 2 8 2 _ _ _ 2 9 26 17 _ 15 2 1 _ _ 7 12 5 2 1 1 2 16 27 32 5 20 4 6 2 3 19 19 14 7 2 1 9 86 28 928 35 87 172 59 27 48 324 652 325 217 64 28 210 2,928 29 601 16 43 89 •29 7 17 158 293 156 109 41 14 87 1,165 30 7 _ 3 _ _ _ .:. 3 22 2 1 _ - 5 3 31 41 _ 8 7 3 - 3 17 66 13 17 _ - 17 42 32 453 16 32 82 26 7 14 138 205 141 91 41 14 65 1,120 33 427 19 44 83 30 20 31 166 359 169 108 23 14 123 1,763 34 3 - 2 1 _ _ 1 1 15 - 1 - - 4 5 35 36 ^1 5 7 4 _ _ 10 66 5 20 2 _ 15 33 36 388 19 37 75 26 20 30 155 278 164 87 21 14 104 1,725 37 1 1 7 3 4 1 2 4 1 75 38 1 1 4 1 2 - - - 1 1 1 - - - - 28 1 39 40 1 1 1 2 2 - - - 1 1 1 - - - - 27 41 42 - - 3 1 - - 4 - 1 3 - 1 - - 47 43 44 45 • _ I 1 I 1 I I _ - - 2 1 - - 3 - 1 3 - 1 - - 47 46 1,045 44 172 185 79 32 60 372 729 370 232 77 31 238 3,222 47 565 20 81 95 40 10 21 178 330 177 115 50 15 102 1,-301 48 14 - 16 _ 3 _ 1 5 28 4 2 1 _ 8 12 49 70 _ 19 8 4 _ 4 28 81 25 18 1 1 22 62 50 481 20 46 87 33 10 16 145 221 148 95 48 14 72 1,227 51 480 24 91 90 39 22 39 194 399 193 117 27 16 136 1,921 52 7 - 11 1 2 _ 2 3 23 2 1 _ - 6 14 53 63 _ 21 9 5 _ 1 17 78 10 22 3 1 17 49 54 420 24 59 80 C2 22 36 174 298 181 94 24 15 113 1,858 55 895 33 168 179 64 28 48 336 534 285 227 71 23 193 2,607 56 496 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — ISSO. ILLITERACY. RECAPITULATION. Counties asd the .State. Classification. Barnsta- Berk- ble. shire. Bristol. Dukes. Essex. Franklin. 1 Population 31,897 69,032 139,040 4,300 244,535 36,001 2 Male, 15,. '508 3:3,708 66,792 2,104 116,768 18,573 3 Female, . 16,389 35,324 72,248 2,196 127,767 17,423 4 Population, 10 years and over, . 26,363' 54,211 111,167 3,742 198,632 29,043 5 Male, 12,075 26,293 52,840 1,812 93,904 15,093 6 Female, . 13,688 27,918 58,.327 1,930 104,728 13,950 7 Males, 10 years and over, 12,675 26,293 52,840 1,812 93,904 15,093 8 Kative born, . 11,406 19,120 34,151 1,587 68,482 li;,148 9 Foreign born, , 1,077 6,662 17,907 86 24,891 2,916 10 Colored, . 192 511 782 139 531 29 11 Females 13,688 27,918 58,,327 1,930 104,728 13,950 12 Native born, . 12,402 20,321 36,975 1,696 74,6-55 11,930 13 Foreign born, . 1,082 7,080 20,369 89 29,465 1,983 14 Colored, . 204 617 983 145 608 37 15 Both Sexes, 10 years and over, 26,.363 54,211 111,167 3,742 198,632 29,043 16 Native born, . 23,808 39,441 71,126 3,283 14.3,137 24,078 17 Foreign born, . 2,159 13.742 38,276 175 54,356 4,8fi9 18 Colored, . 396 1,028 1,765 284 1,139 66 19 Cannot write, 10 years and over, 1,007 3,589 9,723 41 9,289 1,216 20 Wbitc Native, both sexes, . 244 477 955 9 660 160 21 Males, 129 231 442 7 336 92 22 10 to 14, . 19 24 60 _ 40 9 23 15 to 20, . U 31 104 1 61 15 24 ^21 and over. 99 176 278 6 235 68 25 Females' . 115 246 513 2 324 68 20- 10 to 14, . 12 24 41 _ 28 6 27 15 to 20, . 8 48 129 1 62 19 28 21 and over, 95 174 343 1 234 43 29 White Foreign, hoth sexes, 735 2,978 8,473 31 8,4.59 1,051 30 Males 374 1,233 3,2-54 22 3,196 570 31 10 to 14, . 4 31 130 _ 106 12 32 15 to 20, . 23 100 526 1 316 41 33 21 and over. 347 1,102 2,598 21 2,774 517 34 Females, . 361 1,745 5,219 9 5,263 481 35 10 to 14, . 4 30 143 - 101 8 36 15 to 20, . 21 126 506 _ 392 39 37 21 and over, 336 1,589 4,570 9 4,770 434 38 Colored, both sexes, . 28 134 295 1 170 5 39 Males, 16 72 118 _ 67 2 40 10 to 14, . 3 3 4 _ _ - 41 15 to 20, . 3 6 5 - 2 - 42 21 and over. 10 63 109 _ 65 2 43 Females, . 12 62 177 1 103 3 44 10 to 14, . 2 2 4 _ 1 - 45 15 to 20, . 2 1 3 _ 4 - 46 21 and over, 8 59 170 1 98 3 47 Cannot icriie, 10 years and over, 1,007 3,589 9,723 41 9,289 1,216 48 Males 519 1,-536 3,814 29 3,599 664 49 10 to 14, . 26 58 194 - 146 21 50 15 to 20, . 37 137 635 2 379 56 51 21 and over. ' 456 1,.341 2,985 27 3,074 587 52 Females, . 488 • 2,0-53 5,909 12 5,690 552 53 10 to 14, . 18 56 188 _ 130 14 54 15 to 20, . 31 175 638 1 458 58 55 21 and over, 439 1,822 5,083 11 5,102 480 66 Cannot read, 10 years and over. 859 2,819 7,484 27 7,800 1,033 ILLITEEACT. 497 ILLITERACY. RECAPITULATION. CocxTiES AND THE .STATE — Concluded. Hampden. Hamp- shire. 104,142 49,696 54,446 82,8.31 38,977 43,854 38,977 25,890 12,680 407 43,8.54 28,269 15,133 452 82,831 54,159 27,813 859 8,688 646 302 65 87 150 344 55 95 194 7,882 3,068 107 383 2,.578 4,814 108 491 4,215 160 71 2 1 68 89 1 2 86 8,688 3,441 174 471 2,796 5,247 ■ 164 588 4,495 7,486 47,2.32 22,678 24,554 38,373 18,248 20,125 18,248 13,812 4,299 137 20,125 15,147 4,854 124 38,373 28,9.59 9,153 261 2,491 244 124 12 24 88 120 6 34 80 2,217 985 6 76 903 1,232 9 71 1,152 30 17 2 15 13 13 2,491 1,126 18 102 1,006 1,365 15 105 1,245 2,122 Middlesex. Nan- tucket. 317,830 151, .528 166,302 254,681 119,.580 135,101 119,580 81,466 37,108 1,006 135,101 90,894 43,148 1,0.59 254,681 172,360 80,256 2,065 16,369 788 344 27 50 267 444 47 81 316 15,271 5,870 73 437 5,360 9,401 68 460 8,873 310 128 3 125 182 1^ 5 176 16,369 6,342 100 490 5,752 10,027 116 546 9,365 13,077 3,727 1,642 2,085 3,232 1,402 1,830 1,402 1,303 82 17 1,830 1,680 101 49 3,232 2,983 18.3 66 71 35 17 2 1 14 18 2 16 33 13 13 20 1 19 71 32 2 1 29 39 3 36 82 Xorfolk. 96,.507 46,476 50,031 77,704 36,930 40,774 36,930 27,202 9,464 264 40,774 30,305 10,2-53 216 77,704 57,.507 19,717 480 3,574 164 85 7 11 67 69 4 5 60 3,358 1,277 4 35 1,238 2,081 6 36 2,039 62 33 1 1 31 29 2 27 3,574 1,395 12 47 1,-3.36 2,179 10 43 2,126 2,909 Plymouth. Suffolk. Worcester. 74,018 36,853 37,165 60,942 30,104 30,838 30,104 25,933 3,948 223 30,838 26,772 3,834 232 60,942 52,705 7,782 455 1,915 308 176 8 24 144 132 12 13 107 1,545 613 2 18 593 932 3 17 912 62 29 1 28 33 3 30 1,915 818 11 42 765 1,097 18 30 1,049 1,463 387,927 183,995 203,932 311,481 14.5,708 165,773 145,708 91,311 51,624 2,773 165,773 97,9.56 65,141 2,676 311,481 189,267 116,765 5,449 20,184 706 251 . 44 46 161 455 51 86 318 18,. 535 5,847 17 98 5,732 12,688 27 251 12,410 943 395 2 13 380 548 1 9 538 20,184 6,493 63 157 6,273 13,691 79 346 13,266 16,108 226,897 112,119 114,778 179,781 88,220 91,561 88,220 62,182 25,481 557 91, .561 65,165 25,850 546 179,781 127, .347 51,331 1,103 14,908 1,548 781 100 226 455 767 69 172 526 13,229 5,651 88 565 4,998 7,578 75 532 6,971 131 58 3 2 53 73 3 70 14,908 6,490 191 793 5,.506 8,418 144 707 7,567 12,427 The .State. 1,783,085 858,440 924,645 1,4.32,183 681,786 750,397 681,786 475,993 198,225 .7,568 750,397 514,167 228,382 7,848 1,432,183 990,160 426,607 •15,416 93,065 6,934 3,317 417 692 2,208 3,617 355 7.55 2,507 83,797 31,973 580 2,619 28,774 51,824 582 2,943 48,299 2,334 1,008 19 38 951 1,326 15 31 1,280 93,065 36,298 1,016 3,349 31,933 56,767 952 3,729 52,086 75,646 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 498 CEXSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — ISSO. THE STATE. PERCENTAGE OF ILLITERACY, White Native. White Foreign, i 1 1 Colored. Aggkkgates. Classification. Males. Fe- males. Males. Fe- 1 males. | Males. Fe- males. White Jiative. White Foreign. Col- ored. Totals. Population, 10 years of age and over, . • 475,993 514,167 198,225 228,382 7,568 7,848 990,160 426,607 15,416 1,432,183 Number, 10 years of age and over,, ■who cannot write. 3,317 3,617 31,973 51,824 1,008 1,326 6,934 83,797 2,334 93,06.i Percentage, .69 .70 16.1 22.6 13.3 16.8 .70 19.6 15.1 6.5 Xumber, 10 years of iige and over, who cannot read, ~ ~ 76,646 Percentage, . - - - - - - - - - 5.3 THE STATE. AGES OF THE ILLITERATE. White Kative. AVuiTE Foreign. Colored. Aggregates. Classification. Males. Fe- males. Males. Fe- males. Males. Fe- males. White Native. White Foreign. Col- ored. Totals. Xumbcr, 10 j-cars of age and over, ■who cannot write. Number, 10 to 14, . Percentage, . Number, 15 to 20, . Percentage, . Number, 21 and over, . Percentage, • 3,317 • 417 12.6 692 20.8 2,20? 66.6 3,617 355 9.8 755 20.9 2,507 69.3 31,973 580 1.8 2,619 8.2 28,774 90.0 51,824 582 1.1 2,943 5.7 48,299 93.2 1,008 19 1.9 38 38 951 94.3 1,326 15 1.1 31 23 1,280 96.6 6,934 772 11.1 1,447 20.9 4,715 68.0 83,797 1,162 1.4 5,5 32 6.6 77,073 92.0 2,334 Si 1.5 69 29 2,231 95.6 93,06.1 1,968 2.1 7,078 7.6 84,019 90.3 AGRICULTURE. AGKICULTUEE. The following information, supplied by the United States Census Office, should be borne in mind in the consideration of the statistics of agriculture : — Number of Farms. — Fanus include all considerable nurseries, orchards, and market gar- dens which are owned by separate parties, which are cultivated for pecuniarj' profit, and employ as much as the labor of one able-bodied workman during the year. No farm is reported of less than three acres unless five hundred dollars worth of produce was actually sold off from it dur ing the census year. This provision allowed the including of market gardens in the neighbor- hood of large cities. Hay — Tons mowed in 1879. Milk. — Number of gallons of milk sold, or sent to butter and cheese factories from farms, in 1879. Butter. — Pounds of butter made on farms. Factory products not included. Cheese. — Pounds of cheese made on farms. Factory products not included. - Eggs. — Dozens produced in 1879. Tobacco. — Acres under cultivation and pounds produced in 1879. Irish Potatoes. — Acres under cultivation and bushels raised in 1879. Indian Corx.— Acres planted and bushels (shelled) harvested in 1879. In Nantucket County storm and drought caused a partial failure of crop. Value of Products. — Estimated value of all farm productions (sold, consumed, or on hand), for 1879. Persons engaged ix Agriculture. — See Tables given previously, — pages 398 and 413. 502 CE:N"SUS of MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. AGEICULTUEE. CouNTiKS, Cities, asd Towns. Number of Hat. Milk. BUTTEK. C'HEESB. Farms. Tons. Gallons. rounds. Pounds. 1 County op Barnstable, . 979 7,878 145,218 122,756 50 2 Barnstable, . 157 1,.5.50 41,083 29,954 _ 3 Brewslur, . 27 141 _ 2,660 _ 4 Chatham, 18 303 3,365 2,118 _ 5 Dennis, 39 402 2,887 9,576 _ 6 Ea-tham, ' 108 772 10,920 9,4;40 - 7 Falinovith, . 105 1,042 8,915 15,330 _ 8 Harwich, 50 219 - 1,025 _ 9 Mashpee, _ _ _ _ _ 10 Orleans, 226 735 8,777 23,790 -. 11 Proviiicetown, _ _ 12 Sandwich, . 182 1,918 22,066 24,.312 - 13 Truro, . 54 616 43,375 3,296 _ 14 Wellfleet, . _ - _ _ _ 15 Yariuoulh, . 13 180 3,830 1,265 50 16 County of Berkshirk, . 3,751 103,774 1,825,864 1,540,848 240,097 17 Adams, 108 3.202 ■ 101,115 54,.575 13,310 18 Alford, 60 1,3.'J2 - 35,440 800 19 Bucket, 112 3, .506 1,632 46,524 1,845 20 Cheshire, 81 3,6;W 195,094 45,103 26,140 21 Clarkeburg, 52 1,030 43,862 15,880 - 22 Dalton, 86 1,983 55.792 20,720 _ 23 Egreraont, . 96 2,473 1.5,716 53,000 9.50 24 Floriila, 87 1,028 202 27,815 2,475 25 Great Barringtor • 180 6,122 116,719 129,714 528 26 Hancock, 78 2,448 12,935 37,110 6,440 27 Hinsdale, no 2,830 5,1,50 44,300 8,660 28 Lanesborough, 1 107 4,2.58 113,342 68,821 22,000 29 Lee, 149 4,087 81,905 .57,315 500 30 Lenox, 100 3,556 88,322 35,348 - 31 Mont<'rey, . 108 2,-582 5,929 54,-555 7,025 32 Mt. Washin^'ton, 38 56.') _ 9,500 - 33 New Ashford, 31 940 _ 12,379 730 34 New Marlboroug li. 217 6,260 303,002 82,571 7,425 35 North Adams, 58 2,161 57,029 25,600 19,230 36 Otis, . 139 2,671 _ 37,400 7,030 37 I'eru, . 96 2,357 ~ 27,875 698 38 Pittslield, . 234 7,500 129,985 88,263 12,540 39 Uicliinond, . 116 2,784 4,171 38,367 600 40 Handislield, . 193 3,785 - 60,615 34,298 41 Savoy, . 138 2,844 1 40,022 13,668 42 Sheffield, . ^1 6,199 313,802 70,087 1,280 43 Stockliriilae, 151 3,647 85,127 55,706 1,250 44 T3'ringl]ani, 1 65 2,199 _ 28,250 11, .300 45 Washingtiin, 94 2,615 3,6.50 28,480 615 46 West Stockbridg 3, 110 2,085 15.555 31,164 510 47 Willianislowri, . 187 6,041 27,815 119,.320 17,-550 48 Windsor, . 139 4,116 48,012 57,229 20,100 49 County of Bristol, .... 2,730 30,057 2,339,682 313,040 5,584 50 Acushnet, . 113 1,401 93,267 21,725 800 51 Attleborough, . 239 2,607 271,824 30,690 175 52 Berkley, '. 42 532 43,507 5,280 _ 53 Dartmouth, 294 4,148 389,178 36,389 _ 54 Dighton, 106 1,174 12,297 13,749 835 55 Easton, 75 1,074 54,790 9,323 250 56 Fairliaven, . 107 829 49,355 15,050 _ 57 Fall Kiver, . !i 77 897 121,060 8,642 - 58 Freetown, . 99 708 11,380 1-5,344 - 56 : Maui^lu-kl, . 171 1,002 2.3,150 21,930 110 60 New Bedford, 106 1,165 98,678 5,411 - 61 Norton, 195 1,7U9 12,837 25,496 1,180 62 Kaynham, . 59 872 104,674 4,835 - 63 Rehoboth, . 263 2,291 293,062 9,068 - 64 Seekonk, 161 2,073 255,209 4,192 100 65 Somerset, . 68 1,051 91,002 2,843 - 66 Swansea, 211 2,029 151,925 24,105 710 67 Taunton, 94 1,596 125,476 13,745 749 6S Westijort, . 250 2,899 137,011 45,223 675 AGRICULTURE. 503 AGRICULTURE — Continued. Tobacco. Irish Potatoes. Indian Corn. Eggs. Value of Products. Dozens. Acres. Pounds. Acres. Bushels. Acres. Bushels. 294,533 _ 568 38,074 1,329 31,457 §376,944 00 1 33,.590 - - 115 8,673 211 6,586 56,104 00 2 3,325 - - 21 1,125 58 1,086 6,038 00 3 5,743 _ - 6 925 42 970 10,843 00 4 12,821 - - 26 2,401 50 1,250 32,500 00 5 60,935 - _ 59 3,2&3 184 3,668 33,480 00 6 33,942 - - 59 4,853 131 3,856 58,662 00 7 7,507 - - 29 l.boO 28 635 26,680 00 8 73,634 - - 89 4,115 333 6,209 42,812 00 10 40,129 _ „ 100 6,309 231 5,962 76,090 00 12 20,382 - - 58 4,410 22 485 28,160 00 13 2,765 - - 6 420 39 750 5,575 00 It 15 627,426 60 85,747 4,158 308,731 6,182 202.221 2,032,-314 00 16 14,337 - _ 124 7,783 137 6,009 96,238 00 17 14,525 _ - 51 3,025 191 4,775 33,451 00 18 10,354 _ - 137 12,774 71 2,378 46,224 00 19 15,635 _ - 119 10,435 159 5,734 65,582 00 20 9.407 - - 54 3,475 30 965 27,(00 00 21 6,915 - - 82 5,291 88 2,703 41,741 00 22 14,246 1 1,200 85 6,8.53 459 12,345 77,465 00 23 8,107 - 1 64 6,514 34 l,.5yl 29,929 00 24 48,404 4 5,300 228 19,418 776 26,870 132,432 00 25 6,877 „ - 112 8,267 164 4,332 42,760 00 26 139,733 - - 115 9,289 66 2,085 32,466 00 27 23,959 - - 127 8,454 246 8,152 77,217 00 28 21,510 - - 174 10,978 268 11,647 96,820 00 29 16,985 - - 117 7,818 200 7,774 76,772 00 30 9,439 9 12,950 103 6,515 114 3,070 43,205 00 31 3,375 - — 40 3,656 17 320 12,520 00 32 3,841 - - 44 3,572 66 1,945 17,583 00 33 19,973 6 7,740 253 1.5,197 396 12,149 113,538 00 34 8,666 - - 75 6,588 85 4,121 41,173 00 35 15,530 - - 114 7,073 56 1.662 50,083 00 36 7,100 - _ 75 5,848 19 933 26,665 00 37 35,996 - - 349 28,341 428 14,985 170,872 00 38 17,.529 - - 111 7,2S8 178 6.237 53,448 00 39 14,863 - - 116 9,297 % 72 2,697 58,982 00 40 16,307 - - 143 11,865 46 1,560 41,006 00 41 18,850 23 33,962 287 22,323 792 20,883 141,265 00 42 30,168 - - 129 8,079 259 9,525 93,860 00 43 3,975 17 24,595 62 . 3,839 56 1,733 3.5,475 00 44 6,928 - - 132 9,330 107 2,229 31,810 00 45 9,959 - _ 139 7,385 222 6,507 39,421 00 46 28,673 - - 235 20,498 302 11, .370 127,674 00 47 25,360 1 - 162 11,633 88 2,935 50,725 00 48 846,624 _ _ 2,426 248,256 3,274 117,294 1,5-54,456 00 49 ■ 39,309 - - 70 6.391 193 7,452 72,575 00 50 60,151 - - 211 19,961 187 6,665 171,.i50 00 51 10,605 - - 26 3,440 47 1,201 37,225 00 52 149,839 - - 260 29,677 382 14,731 261,311 00 63 29, .505 _ _ 108 9,160 224 4,805 70,.593 00 54 12,977 - _ 46 3,889 71 2,706 49,441 00 55 47,865 - - 74 9,462 112 4,501 41,580 00 56 16,344 - - 102 12,275 68 2,880 49,490 00 57 4,868 - - 63 4,207 83 2,. 345 80.036 00 58 39,150 - _ 91 7,860 59 2,043 48,305 00 59 20,363 - _ 61 3,819 26 987 59,270 00 60 41,9U5 - - 115 9,l.ol 146 3,688 66,906 00 61 15,072 - - 44 3,703 40 1,772 .'^0.967 00 62 66,070 - _ 236 25,644 346 11,225 96,223 00 63 41,166 - _ 224 22,665 221 8,949 111,832 00 64 22,782 - - 112 13,770 140 6,677 43,921 00 65 83,362 - _ 231 25,830 424 15,011 104,977 00 66 24,148 - _ 85 6,866 88 2,913 72,137 00 67 121,148 ~ - 267 30,480 417 16,743 116,-.J17 00 68 504: CENSUS or MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. AGRICULTURE — Continued. Number Hat. Milk. Butter. Cheese. Counties, Cities, and Towns. of Farms. Tons. Gallons. Pounds. rounds. 1 County of Dukes, .... 270 2,258 45,896 22,782 705 2 Cliilniark, . 91 826 2,150 7,343 190 3 C(>tt:ii,'c City, 13 141 15,270 645 - 4 . Ed gar tow 11, 30 243 13,595 2,024 215 6 Gay Head, . 20 87 230 925 - 6 Gosnold, 12 210 30 3,425 - 7 Tilbury, 104 751 14,621 8,420 300 8 County of Essex > 2,847 57,372 3,902,932 424,897 6,070 9 iinicsbury, . 66 1,0.38 28,965 7,438 189 10 AiiiIov<>i-, 211 4,033 119,011 43,S1U 80 11 Beverly, 118 1,315 104,945 4,845 - 12 Boxfoid, 116 1,655 46,625 17,558 235 • 13 Bradford, . 89 1,342 97,750 11,322 525 14 Diinvers, 80 883 243,271 4,380 - 15 Essex, . 60 1,893 135,380 10,320 - 16 Georfcetown, 120 1,682 32,584 20,399 928 17 Glouce.ster, 58 1,2.56 97,.'J51 1,125 _ 18 Grovelaiid, . 40 690 40,304 9.607 125 19 Hamilton, . 81 1,075 ;i0.467 14,ns5 - 20 Haverhill, . ' 130 2,418 404,797 10,600 478 21 Ipswich, 153 4,806 129,692 43,482 375 22 Lawrence, . 27 515 29,897 1,855 100 23 Lynn, . 18 338 .36,107 1,450 - 24 Lynnlield, . 65 970 141,329 5,228 - 25 Mancliester, 19 319 20,757 915 _ 26 Marblehead, 34 834 136,807 50 - 27 Merriniac, . 67 822 34,123 10,560 540 2S Melluien, 206 3,600 494,311 18,432 ■- 29 Middleton, . 75 970 06,564 7,770 - 30 Naliant, - _ _ _ 31 Newbury, . 134 5,108 164,151 15,644 105 32 Newburyport, 72 1,145 71,699 3,050 33 Konh Andover, 120 .■5,412 150,230 25,157 - 34 Peabody, 109 1,893 262,291 1,350 - 35 Kocki)ort, . 21 32S 16,896 670 - 36 Rowley, 129 1,949 10,327 27,320 20t) 37 Salem, . 20 888 138,300 36,750 - 38 Salisbury, ., 91 2,530 6],.'H80 12,335 90 39 Saugus, 40 850 11 8,. 537 2,185 - 40 Svvanippcott, 15 447 23,750 25 - 41 Topslield, . 97 2,263 14t»,048 14,415 - 42 "Weiiham, 67 1,098 75,202 5,800 - 43 West Newburj-, 119 2,407 138,818 28,305 2,100 44 County of Franklin, 3,284 65,784 224,498 1,-549,317 46,.356 45 Ash field, -. 216 4,696 1,828 121,494 360 46 Bcrnardston, ltl7 2,275 3,785 57,875 710 47 Buckland, . 140 2,202 _ 60,7.50 450 48 Charlemont, 142 2,872 8,005 56,365 2,240 49 Culrain, 196 5,008 7,680 106,986 6,630 50 Conway, 153 4,220 5,475 130,639 2,491 51 Deerfield, . 254 5,727 19,281 142,354 450 - 52 Erving, 37 496 900 7,905 125 53 Gill, 87 2,104 3,205 62,.515 - 54 Greenfield, . 109 3,587 57,065 73,601 1,005 55 Haw ley. 107 2,173 - 46,997 - 56 Heath, 116 2,773 10 66,487 850 57 Leverett, 126 1,682 360 44,979 2,075 58 Leyden, 93 1,997 - 38,924 700 69 Monroe, 33 631 3 10,855 258 60 Montague, . 137 2,572 36,382 65,5.50 1,375 61 New Halera, 183 2,311 1,200 42,625 8,935 62 Northfield, . 109 2,622 - 65,883 1,500, 63 Orange, 176 2,235 17,797 59,820 2,266 64 Rowe, . 94 2,157 - 27,685 1,491 65 Shelburne, . 93 3,581 59,360 S8,361 5,200 66 Shutesbury, 103 792 2t,0 16,505 1,805 67 Sunderland, 112 1,903 921 66,121 2,800 68 Warwick, . 116 1,332 781 21,427 1,020 69 Wendell, . 101 802 260 11,804 1,035 70 Whately, . 144 2,974 ~ 74,750 525 AGRICULTURE. 505 AGRICULTURE — Continued. Tobacco. Irish Potatoes. Indian Corn. Eggs. Value of Products. Dozens. Acres. Pounds. Acres. Bushels. Acres. Bushels. 40,257 _ _ 186 12,210 323 8,317 $79,196 00 1 17,371 - - 49 4,690 90 2,414 26,229 00 2 2,415 _ - 9 635 17 595 13,200 00 3 2,704 _ - 27 1,342 63 1,117 9,841 00 4 676 - - 11 627 38 652 3,250 00 5 2,795 - - 14 1,095 16 680 8,755 00 6 14,396 - - 76 3,821 99 3,059 17,921 00 7 602,611 ^ _ 2,852 317,018 2,552 104,528 2,255,114 00 8 11,114 - - 57 6,353 54 1,883 32,812 00 9 45,954 - - 149 21,668 232 9,816 208,494 00 10 ■ 23,121 - - J 83 19,103 39 1,653 97,043 00 11 13,988 - - 90 8,736 148 5,381 65,885 00 12 12,494 - - 46 5,667 115 4,769 69,995 00 13 18,882 - - 90 11,027 98 4,242 55,015 00 14 11,063 _ - 54 3,335 27 1,090 49,360 00 15 16,811 - - 73 6,504 87 3,234 40,810 00 16 10,257 - - 57 6,437 15 643 49,637 00 17 4,899 _ - 34 3,021 62 2,077 17,914 00 18 15,447 _ - 124 9,975 101 3,262 33,522 00 19 23,215 _ - 110 11,733 148 8,315 146,400 00 20 28,511 - - 211 17,940 266 11,355 98,413 00 21 4,990 - - 36 4,026 14 765 41,334 00 22 6,065 - - 23 3,280 8 610 32,915 00 23 18,486 _ _ 35 3,622 48 1,899 64,415 00 24 3,684 _ - 22 2,150 8 285 14,775 00 25 13,137 _ - 81 12,040 3 120 59,872 00 26 13,315 _ - 48 3,667 62 2,425 35,015 00 27 43,745 - - 168 18.598 83 3,443 158,935 00 28 14,0d9 - - 76 7,385 20 845 36,837 00 29 30 31 34,999 _ _ 140 19,374 114 5,009 139,566 00 14,507 - - 72 6.371 50 1,969 42,200 00 32 22,024 - - 96 12,335 130 4,781 109,976 00 33 32,979 - - 168 25,491 68 3,055 121,457 00 34 2,904 - - 59 10,290 3 84 20,684 00 35 21,785 _ - 88 7,862 97 3,568 48,137 00 36 11,582 _ _ 30 3,650 2 125 41,152 00 37 26,024 - _ 101 11,322 67 2,835 63,067 00 38 12,435 - - 31 1,695 5 295 59,495 00 39 4,200 - - 15 1,805 2 60 16,000 00 40 21,940 - - 123 10,867 165 5,747 54,535 00 41 12,238 - _ 97 9,871 51 2,051 44,397 00 42 32,747 - 65 10,318 170 6,947 95,150 00 43 393,504 1,211 1,926,233 2,176 181,843 5,815 216,230 1,934,901 00 44 17,310 3 3,650 121 7,303 121 4,972 109,743 00 45 23,590 1 1,400 97 8,204 258 9,206 66,700 00 46 13,540 10 15,000 74 6,286 115 5,264 74,605 00 47 15,939 7 9,900 84 6,689 191 9,240 77,862 00 48 33,630 4 7,000 117 9,667 292 12,377 156,. 521 00 49 27,665 78 126,078 93 7,820 218 9,459 109,107 00 50 28,519 433 665,259 165 14,349 799 31,846 209,679 00 51 1,652 - - 44 3,002 60 1,898 8,752 00 52 25,£41 36 58,007 67 6,602 290 9,730 75,399 00 53 ]0,.556 42 68,196 81 7,398 ■ 301 12,830 178,188 00 54 12,101 - - 66 5,505 111 4,116 42,911 00 65 11,383 - - 79 6,423 130 5,653 48,238 00 56 13,331 10 15,320 60 7,633 253 8,020 39,753 00 57 12,781 1 1,150 54 4,510 148 5,853 44,286 00 58 2,525 - - 29 2,216 17 530 7,607 00 59 ) 17,068 46 77,499 133 11,102 572 14,145 107,380 00 60 25,561 - - 123 11,411 129 4,705 58,021 00 61 8,2.35 98 168,850 81 7,099 457 16,410 83,075 00 62 18,018 - _ 105 8,735 128 4,338 60,939 00 63 5,065 - - 61 4,725 62 2,420 26,.549 00 64 8,918 3 4,400 50 5,764 197 9,157 73,564 00 65 12,450 2 2,000 78 6,1.57 57 1,412 18,265 00 66 » 15,852 147 247,684 64 5,558 420 16,372 102,727 00 67 12,818 - - 74 5,998 85 3,460 30,777 00 68 2,181 _ _ 66 4,242 48 1,473 16,989 00 69 17,275 290 454,840 110 7,445 356 11,344 117,364 00 70 506 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. AGRICULTURE — Continued. Xnmber Hat. Milk. Butter. Cheese. Counties, Cities, and Towns. of Farms. Tons. Gallons. ft Pounds. Pounds. 1 County of Hampden, . . . 3,059 54,331 1,794,.541 978,250 82,547 2 Agawam, . 199 4,123 422,517 58,394 - 3 Klandford, . 173 4,423 26,960 87,872 24,715 4 Brimtield, . 170 4,298 104,886 84,598 19,986 5 Chester, 97 2,067 1,475 26,365 490 6 Cbicopee, . 126 1,610 185,374 17,940 _ 7 Granville, . 194 3,223 - 56,235 6,550 8 Ilaiiipden, . 129 1,613 3,266 39,085 366 9 Holland, . 52 820 _ 5,920 1,905 10 Holyoke, 31 954 175,033 17,676 - 11 Loiigmeadow, 155 2,853 181,639 49,245 270 12 Ludlow, 154 2,7.51 33,776 76,736 2,000 13 Monson, 196 4,322 78,499 74,405 2,745 14 Montgomery, 60 1,179 _ 27,250 100 15 Palmer, 141 2,8.'54 68,858 53,802 7,205 16 Kussell, 60 692 2,937 13,905 600 17 youtliwick, 189 2,7:)6 601 61,192 _ 18 Bpriiigfield, . 194 1,440 105,586 24,194 250 19 ToBnnd, . 78 2,061 - 26,175 9,750 20 Wales, . 66 1,065 237 9,620 2,715 21 AVestlield, . 291 4,343 133,024 84,238 675 22 'NVei't Springfield, 142 2,438 217,681 26,868 - 23 "W'ilbraham, 162 2,486 52,192 56,535 2,325 24 CoirNTY OF Hampshire, 3,113 • 59,684 725,548 1,358,492 65,316 25 Amheret, 260 5,125 45,398 138,970 4,440 26 Belchertown, 262 5,302 22,621 152,287 9,2;i4 27 Chesterfield, 136 2,489 481 42,487 _ 1,187 28 Cummington, 130 2,747 1,993 37,613 3,405 29 Easihampton, 113 1,860 45,223 49,018 611 30 Enfield, 89 1,481 11,604 34,935 4,700 31 Goshen, 69 1,485 _ 26,025 300 32 Granby, 143 2,897 55,851 95,506 80 33 Greenwich, . 89 1,536 2,325 20,830 9,305 34 Hadley, 213 4,408 58,372 106,232 1,905 35 Hatfield, 139 3,085 2,860 92,860 600 36 Huntington, 105 2,026 6,936 32,294 590 37 Mi.ldlefield, 69 1,437 1,435 27,575 1,005 38 Northampton, 159 3,754 86,963 46,638 - 39 Pelham, 115 1,252 191 26,880 2,310 40 llaintield, . 96 1,932 G2 37,it.)4 l,.-)35 41 Preccott, 87 1,452 30,600 20,830 10,230 42 South Hadley, 82 2,.356 244,168 50,182 200 43 Southampton, 184 2,.iC6 45 82,924 48 44 Ware, . . . 201 3,173 74,336 69,425 12,820 45 Westhampton, 94 1,466 1,200 43,966 61 46 Williamsburg, 117 2,038 17,235 53,871 400 47 Worthington, 161 3,757 16,650 63,500 360 -K ; CODNTT OF MiDDLESEJ ^» 5,092 ; 93,399 8,629,426 623,.518 7,728 49 Acton, .... 141 2,876 494,345 11,797 - .50 i Arlington, . 63 ! 209 675 525 - 51 Ash by. 199 2,734 70,965 45,494 100 52 Aehlaud, 90 1,412 93,578 14,040 100 53 Ayer, . 23 1 471 69,505 1,040 - 54 Bedford, 114 1 2,027 275,665 1,615 _ 55 BeJmont, 55 1,264 73,000 3,116 - 56 Billerica, 104 2,001 207,881 14,911 200 67 . Boxborough, 68 1,275 146,820 9,990 - 58 Burlington, 58 1,337 97,400 6,757 - 59 Cambridge, 8 152 7,000 _ _ 60 Carlisle, 90 1,492 1.56,791 5,248 _ 61 Chelmsford, 137 2,238 2.57,562 9,362 125 62 Concord, 164 4,526 557,809 6,561 325 63 .Dracut, 146 3,246 492,017 2,975 _ 64i -JJunstable, . 76 1,595 83,222 17,886 1,388 .65: Everett, 21 508 50,941 100 - 66 ' Framinghatn, 170 3,571 131,232 55,051 100 67 Groton, 198 4,. 390 267,065 43,930 600 68 Holliston, . 160 1,949 126,564 23,390 300 69 Hopkinton, 91 1,.d54 146,605 14,645 - 7.0 ! Hudson, 63 1,292 34,395 16,1.36 50 71 Lexington, . 142 4,243 746,275 3,005 AGKICULTUEE. 507 AGRICULTURE — Continued. Tobacco. iKisH Potatoes. Indian Cobn. Eggs. Value of Products. Dozens. Acres. Pounds. Acres. Bushels. Acres. Bushels. 412,304 638 1,051,474 2,938 299,407 7,190 205,142 $1,902,613 00 1 50,112 191 332,100 205 27,073 721 22,949 209,2.30 00 2 20,365 3 2,500 141 14,062 129 5,608 77,244 00 3 24,148 - - 190 17,151 309 12,174 152,027 00 4 8,425 - - 75 6,222 88 3,471 41,412 00 5 27,692 6 11,736 170 19,113 433 13,259 100.961 00 6 18,155 14 26,358 165 15,067 139 3,944 78,3.=.4 00 7 8,400 3 4,710 124 8,669 259 6,792 56,646 00 8 4,036 - - 57 5,310 58 1,655 1.5,400 00 9 5,183 - - 38 4,675 105 3,099 67,660 00 10 25,455 46 91,340 142 14,039 655 15,179 105,484 00 11 14,990 1 1,200 183 16,735 683 13,756 95,460 00 12 23,092 1 1,400 161 16,492 256 9,700 107,961 00 13 5,630 2 2,500 40 5,173 57 2,100 3.3,741 00 14 15,214 - - 167 17,195 310 10,977 98,479 00 15 5,284 1 1,700 43 3,296 42 1,294 21,817 00 16 25,921 95 137,847 155 25,477 483 9,654 82,827 00 17 32,777 9 12,150 198 16,7.53 677 20,780 102,420 00 18 4,555 6 6,958 67 6,067 44 1,294 28,666 00 19 6,964 - - 61 6,040 60 1,493 22,020 00 20 36,668 205 327,572 209 19,451 898 21,411 206,718 00 21 23,423 62 86,573 144 17,732 371 14,123 124,318 00 22 25,815 8 4,830 203 18,615 523 11,430 83,768 00 23 347,379 1,448 2,305,442 2,746 237,668 7,175 220,232 1,768,023 00 24 28,260 73 111,505 214 15,875 720 23,769 160.868 00 25 37,808 8 7,562 311 22,934 775 19,071 149,347 00 26 10,582 1 700 91 7,393 101 4,197 60,202 00 27 10,885 - - 84 6,160 87 3,757 35,733 00 28 23,349 49 75,909 116 13,837 353 9,813 82,215 00 29 9,589 - - 49 4,297 162 5,563 22,530 00 30 8,675 - - • 61 5,820 60 2,711 35,307 00 31 15,420 - - 159 13,915 562 13,293 98,272 00 32 11,470 - - 76 6,337 284 7,631 36,155 00 33 25,903 399 660.205 178 20,352 1,042 35,511 202,364 00 34 10,4.36 590 960,206 126 11,668 634 18,300 134.422 00 35 6,639 1 1,000 80 6,111 122 4,969 55,909 00 36 4,261 2 2,977 51 3,195 45 1,807 23,765 00 37 12,485 234 344,985 175 17,487 429 15,608 126,054 00 38 15,684 - - 75 5,667 108 2,878 25,194 00 39 7,8.53 - - 86 5,227 95 2,983 32,948 00 40 11,771 - - 66 6,211 96 3,910 35,223 00 41 15,387 - _ 130 15,080 245 8,795 1 90,775 00 42 14,127 46 74,236 186 15,354 626 12,828 83,182 00 43 25,673 - - 174 13,434 302 10,725 103,193 00 44 12,564 16 26,235 75 7,096 101 3,576 60,413 00 45 9,3.34 29 39,922 73 5,186 117 3,734 53,677 00 46 19,224 - - 110 10,032 109 4,803 54,275 00 47 921,079 _ _ 4,303 438,761 5,272 194,831 4,657,145 00 48 21,106 - - 112 13,466 149 6,176 112,417 00 49 3,595 - - 18 1,967 - - 290,550 00 50 26,775 - - 108 9,311 154 5,636 ' 67,059 00 51 21,782 - - 76 6,182 153 4,576 ! 59,486 00 52 5,167 - - 18 2,135 38 1,735 21,851 00 53 19,088 - - 97 8,303 80 2,460 93,688 00 54 3,965 - - 12 1,800 4 220 278,757 00 55 19,428 - - 70 8,674 67 2,365 94,417 00 56 20,250 - - 53 5,721 118 3,700 46,128 00 57 13,374 - - 97 21,026 33 1,415 59,828 00 58 780 - - 10 1,020 2 60 17,000 00 59 17,409 - - 49 4,342 79 2,397 76,230 00 60 47,276 - - 113 9,936 117 4,076 89,427 00 61 18,323 - - 157 18,576 168 5,681 208.418 00 62 38,702 - - 171 22,975 84 4,043 128,034 00 63 11,150 - - 40 3,811 143 5,127 32,916 00 64 3,598 - - 25 2,770 1 27 32,800 00 65 34,437 - - 139 16,410 303 13,444 186,079 00 66 25,517 - - 142 13,440 352 11,264 133,595 00 67 31,072 - - 116 9,311 218 8,241 59,705 00 68 16,8.55 - - 80 7,272 143 5,372 62,925 00 69 8,704 - - 70 6,035 72 • 2,715 ^ 41,120 00 70 26,075 " ~ 164 21,735 76 3,455 195,582 00 71 508 CEXSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. AGRICULTURE — Continued. Kumber Hat. Milk. •Butter. Cheese. Counties, Cities, akd Towns. of Farms. Tons. Gallons. Pounds. Pounds. CotTNTT OF Middlesex — Con. 1 Lincoln 89 2,104 380,840 6,184 _ 2 Littleton, 124 3,008 384,521 13,697 100 3 Lowell, 137 1,998 108,0.52 3,987 _ 4 Maiden, 6 165 2,582 232 6 Marlborough, 141 2,671 230,064 15,260 _ 6 Mayiiard, . 40 996 132,414 850 - 7 Medford, 27 562 47,842 1,0.34 25 8 Melrose, 10 208 20,800 1.50 _ 9 Katiek, 101 1,336 105,134 8,025 150 10 Newton, 57 763 112,055 1,749 - 11 North Heading, 79 1,228 88,350 7,019 . - 12 I'epperell, . 101 2,214 120,010 37,735 345 13 Reading, 51 742 104,606 4,581 - 14 Hherborn, . 144 2.166 122,542 1.5,7.55 - 15 Bhirley, 73 1,454 83,429 17,121 400 16 Somerville, . 18 299 18,815 350 - 17 Btoneham, . 28 655 77,674 1,040 _ 18 Blow, . 143 2,294 196,793 32,445 - 19 Budbury, . 140 3,347 195,975 26,050 2,300 20 Tewksbury, 109 2,145 166,512 7,668 - 21 TownBend, . 198 1,767 44,749 33,703 300 22 Tyngsborough, 71 1,332 92,901 11,954 200 23 Wakefield, . 22 214 6,000 1,376 - 24 Waltham, . 111 2,349 312,268 2,081 200 25 Watertown, 27 717 39,912 3,079 _ 26 Wayland, . 95 2,334 219,852 13,745 _ 27 Wcstford, . 225 2,983 203,700 22,057 400 28 Weston, 184 2,602 282,520 12,506 _ 29 Wilmington, 41 618 17,302 6,.501 _ 80 Winchester, 82 820 34,298 6,440 20 31 Woburn, 47 986 ' 89,602 2,580 - 32 County of Nantucket, 87 1,214 66,980 21,702 . 33 Nantucket, . 87 1,214 56,980 21,702 - 34 County of Norfolk, . 1,881 27,945 2,297,221 260,113 2,015 35 Bellingham, 134 1,092 67,377 20,710 - 36 Braintree, . 62 1,466 84,760 3,024 100 37 Brookline, . 36 802 99,219 9,237 _ 38 Canton, 88 1,.362 101,829 10,034 - 39 Cohasset, 32 299 10,802 2,085 - 40 Dedham, 73 1,.551 305,851 420 _ 41 Dover, 109 1,684 119,321 18,374 30 42 Foxborough, 80 937 51,889 17,913 316 43 Franklin, 183 2,536 136,024 47,048 299 44 Holbrook, . 7 68 9,125 - _ 45 Hyde Park, 3 100 4,500 500 _ 46 Medfteld, . 73 1,072 109,347 11,846 75 47 Medway, 159 1,644 101,480 16,210 - 48 Milton, 67 1,356 174,100 3,645 - 49 Needham, . 122 2,010 135,926 16,618 _ 50 Norfolk, 78 1,408 107,950 20,172 825 51 Norwood, . 29 736 127,905 300 - 52 Quincy, 72 1,684 191,124 1,617 _ 53 llandolph, . 26 573 19,610 1,965 - 54 Sharon, 110 1,027 45,090 12,591 195 55 Btoughton, . 26 306 8,900 2,166 — 56 Walpole, 82 1,430 105,415 16,212 _ 57 Weymouth, 154 1,510 123,380 8,218 125 58 Wrenthara, . 76 1,292 56,297 19,208 50 59 County of Plymouth, 3,012 26,002 ■ 807,682 382,299 9,378 60 Abington, . 51 460 30,646 3,922 .30 61 Bridgewater, 14;? 1,569 32,728 28,860 1,780 62 Brockton, . 109 1,.581 208,.i41 11,357 220 63 Carver, 94 689 8,854 10,200 - 64 Duxbury, . 175 735 6,4.32 14,7.53 - 65 East Bridgewate <■• 52 621 9,.560 13,130 1,016 66 Halifax. 80 722 1,327 12,694 1,640 67 Hanover, 170 1,219 20,430 25,220 700 68 Hanson, 200 787 21,750 12,105 370 69 Hingbam, . 28 963 53,214 5,694 1,300 AGRICULTURE. 509 AGRICULTURE — Continued. Tobacco. Irish Potatoes. Indian Coen. Eggs. Value of Products. Dozens. Acres. Founds. Acres. Bushels. Acres. Bushels. 18,605 110 10,767 91 3,564 $121,425 00 1 22,092 - - 120 11,694 182 6,964 115,095 00 2 17,063 _ - 86 9,124 66 2,453 64,809 00 3 3,091 - - 3 232 4 200 4,108 00 4 11,. 531 - — 151 14,247 203 8,028 101,261 00 5 5,600 - - 51 6,105 19 725 30,480 00 6 5,515 - - 21 2,165 2 75 33,775 00 7 3,130 - _ 6 600 - - 7,125 00 8 25,692 - - 92 6,856 91 4,057 78,145 00 9 9,838 - - 41 4,360 12 375 73,615 00 10 16,419 - - 44 3,210 7S 2,657 59,,591 00 11 27,495 - _ 92 6,658 225 8,564 81,2.50 00 12 11,640 - - 28 2,442 39 1,021 32,011 00 13 35,225 - - 82 6,802 171 5,915 77,445 00 14 14,544 - - 69 6,510 145 4,880 53,272 00 15 2,180 - - 15 1,980 _ - 42,860 00 16 4,821 - - 18 2,840 17 667 32,845 00 17 25,098 - - 160 13,097 149 5,230 63,657 00 18 20,970 - - 173 15,5.50 227 7,375 117,825 00 19 9,386 - - 189 20,059 98 3,245 102,613 00 20 27,255 - _ 135 11,206 167 4,886 65,557 00 21 11,134 - - 50 4,524 58 2,741 42,415 00 22 4,139 - - 16 812 10 677 11,073 00 23 26,628 - _ 92 11,136 49 2,100 155,. 529 00 24 3,387 - - 24 2,475 9 458 106,225 00 25 34,228 - - 99 8,320 206 8,895 81,424 00 26 17,181 - _ 161 15,138 152 4,027 123,516 00 27 30,485 - - 114 10,596 131 5,315 136,251 00 28 6,130 _ _ 22 2,400 59 3,2M 26,5.50 00 29 29,747 - - 55 6,066 14 650 158,377 00 30 6,402 - - 47 4,972 49 1,778 69,009 00 31 17,740 _ _ 74 6,.310 214 3,108 42,295 00 32 17,740 - - 74 5,310 214 3,108 42,295 00 33 431,539 1 540 1,440 136,639 1,332 55,056 1,383,420 00 34 18,761 - - 110 9,681 99 3,329 38,047 00 35 24,707 - - 37 3,478 2 70 54,248 00 36 9,989 - - 41 4,865 1 65 95,269 00 37 12,980 - - 65 7,993 48 2,165 54,012 00 38 4,410 - - 25 2,010 7 400 18,450 00 39 12,947 - - 64 6,835 59 3,315 74,384 00 40 26,142 - - 72 6,093 84 4,108 56,609 00 41 16,368 - - 51 4,844 68 2,493 62,564 00 42 45,498 1 540 189 19,540 191 8,103 140,818 00 43 250 - - _ _ _ _ 1,270 00 44 150 - - 3 349 _ _ 5,000 00 45 15,789 - - 36 SiQW 101 3,392 48,368 00 46 20,330 - - 91 8,129 105 4,605 6l,.595 00 47 12,800 - - 37 4,005 16 701 95,655 00 48 44,993 - - 118 12,113 103 4,788 108,721 00 49 32,814 - - 59 7,074 135 5,997 66,420 00 50 3,985 - - 23 1,570 33 1,325 35,800 00 51 28,989 - - 89 7,399 20 710 97,701 00 52 4,570 - - 21 1,238 6 274 23,273 00 53 25,641 - - 94 6,802 82 2,733 59,986 00 54 4,645 - _ 17 1,415 15 655 12,450 00 55 20,648 - - 60 5,485 39 1,590 63,952 00 56 28,829 - . 92 7,034 34 1,020 83,084 00 57 15,604 - _ 56 5,768 84 3,218 41,744 00 58 617,717 - _ 1,812 155,432 2,500 80,402 1,142,267 00 59 8,477 - - 32 1,746 16 596 20,537 00 60 24,238 - - 137 12,374 186 6,836 54,500 00 61 27,751 _ _ 75 7,449 40 1,606 94,185 00 62 14,119 - _ 52 2,694 93 2,264 20,814 00 63 19,743 - - 58 4,656 147 3,514 21,490 00 64 8,401 - - 34 2,996 60 1,919 31,017 00 65 15,488 - - 37 3,064 66 2,129 38,693 00 66 31,306 - _ 96 6,077 47 1,799 50,490 00 67 36,120 - - 60 5,098 44 1,566 36,192 00 68 6,139 — — 35 3,550 63 1,251 47,064 00 69 510 CEKSUS or MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. AGRICULTURE — Continued. Number Hat. Milk. Butter. Cheese. • CODNTIES, ClTIKS, AND TOWNS. of Farms. Tons. Gallons. Pounds. Pounds. County of Plymouth — Con. 1 Hull 5 158 5,0.50 1,075 - 2 Kingston, . 80 683 11,360 4,355 - 3 Lakfville, . 111 791 41,160 16,3.50 75 4 Marion, 34 235 3,183 3,814 - 5 Mai-Nlificld, . 197 2,101 28,417 20,923 120 6 Mattapoisett, 108 1,016 16,968 10,497 - 7 MiiMleborough, . 401 3,128 61,055 41,666 570 8 Pembroke, . 195 1,U37 7,591 17,950 135 9 Plymouth, . 93 6«9 41,250 2,868 - 10 Plympton, . 133 711 1,457 6,755 100 11 Rocli ester, . 118 905 5,240 .30,200 175 12 Rockland, . 23 304 26,.503 4,615 - 13 Bcituate, 15G 1,615 17,077 24,166 120 14 Soutli Abington, 29 302 37,544 2,975 - 16 Houtb Scituate, 127 1,120 3,770 21,915 927 16 Warcliam, . 9 163 8,175 750 - 17 West Bridgewater, , 91 1,092 98,340 28,590 100 18 County of Suffolk, . 97 1,719 85,905 2,.510 .. 19 Boston, 57 866 50,625 2,180 - 20 Chelsea, 5 103 15,005 - - 21 Kcvere, 19 617 10,520 1.50 - 22 Winthrop, . • 16 133 9,695 180 23 CouNTV OF Worcester, . 8,204 153,262 6,781,.560 2,055,060 363,682 24 Ashburnham, 170 2,304 7,616 41,402 1,215 25 Athol, . 124 1,897 35,769 26,301 3,120 26 Auburn, 106 1,8.50 127,187 22,540 - 27 Barre, . •211 6,247 35,846 77,822 59,611 28 Berlin, . 102 1,623 72,035 30,837 80 29 Blackstone, 106 1,412 114,195 8,585 - 30 Btilton, 146 2,512 121,318 41 ,344 50 31 Boylston, 110 2,050 188,675 23,950 35 32 Brookfleld, . 200 2,916 19,500 28,. 585 200 3:5 Ciiarlton, 313 4,974 24,497 105,687 9,726 34 Clinton, 10 350 24,437 1,390 - 35 Dana, . 95 1,188 - 17,030 3,728 36 Douglas, 58 835 20,455 13,290 2,050 37 Dudley, 116 2,885 71,902 36,937 3,055 38 Fitchburg, . 126 3,009 151,078 30,732 300 39 Gardner, 48 959 32,285 8,745 950 40 Grafton, 109 2,739 258,205 21,660 500 41 Hard wick, . 186 5,321 322,956 40,270 71,403 42 Harvard, 194 3,834 282,518 35,767 630 43 Holden, 148 2,540 12,535 47,045 3,850 44 Hubbardston, 260 3,059 8,115 74,258 2,020 45 Lancaster, . 149 2,884 177,852 31,476 - 46 Leicester, 112 1,744 39,797 31,710 - 47 Leominster, 198 3,451 221, .310 43,414 75 48 Lunenburg, 203 3,320 173,830 57,285 550 49 Mendon, 132 1,835 61,146 28,478 402 50 Milford, 159 1,653 116,835 20,708 - 51 Millbury, 128 2,405 96,032 33,603 955 52 New Braintree, 102 3,053 238,544 32,960 40,648 53 Northborough, 116 2,662 270,762 15,021 100 54 Northbridge, 69 1,.374 56,391 13,078 350 55 North Brookfield , 131 2,311 74,114 40,825 9,025 56 Oakham, 93 1.657 6,198 42,978 20,965 57 Cxford, 100 2,017 20,800 28,280 1,175 58 Pax ton. 140 1,583 6,325 37,898 7,124 69 Petersham, . 182 3,702 8,704 76,166 20,869 50 Phillipston, 115 1,869 120 37,601 7,400 61 Princeton, . 155 3,212 5,723 69,185 200 62 Royalston, . 171 2,842 5,311 37,778 3,450 63 Rutland, 168 3,148 2,085 60,403 2,020 64 Shrewsbury, 118 2,678 356,131 16,930 80 65 Southborough, 90 2,813 510,788 7, .370 - 66 Southbridge, 93 2,305 92,821 16,330 3,941 67 Spencer, 124 2,607 78,800 49,360 7,885 68 Sterling, 203 4,052 156,592 55,318 305 69 Sturbridge, . 207 3,082 17,527 48,479 3,887 70 Sutton, 166 3,655 89,165 75,320 5,507 AGRICULTUKE. 511 AGRICULTURE — Continued. Tobacco. Irish Potatoes. Indian Corn. Eggs. Value of Products. Dozens. Acres. Pounds. Acres. Bushels. Acres. Bushels. 370 1 100 $4,506 00 1 15,350 - - 31 2,047 42 1,030 21,815 00 2 27,573 - - 71 5,598 266 6,598 44,100 00 3 12,542 - - 15 1,251 29 1,050 10,517 00 4 41,097 - - 96 8,947 150 5,470 68,258 00 5 3l,9:.o - - 102 13,508 155 6,544 55,140 00 6 64,2.')9 - - 234 13,863 418 12,547 78,586 00 7 49,734 - - 101 6,000 87 2,709 63,416 00 8 11,300 - - 83 8,648 93 2,973 37,785 00 9 12,>''07 - - 59 2,604 .64 2,079 16,747 00 10 57,270 - - 67 4,285 170 5,410 71,030 00 11 4,981 - - 11 1,013 4 220 22,772 00 12 40,0,59 - - 135 18,514 91 3,260 69,672 00 13 6,778 - - 11 1,395 6 238 26,473 00 14 30,685 - - 102 10,735 43 1,574 46,875 00 15 3,475 - _ 8 580 21 705 9,000 00 16 15,705 - - 69 7,640 109 4,515 91,593 00 17 14,037 .. _ 136 25,299 11 280 161,070 00 18 4,1.57 - - 51 7,384 9 245 55,027 00 19 55 - - 2 150 - - 7,400 00 20 6,860 - - 72 16,305 - - 91,550 00 21 2,965 - 11 1,460 2 35 7,093 00 22 1,186,629 _ _ 6,845 665,741 9,386 358,670 4,869,123 00 23 15,779 - - 101 7,656 78 3,087 68,832 00 24 12,6.53 - - 67 7,069 79 2,721 61,511 00 25 13,048 - - 91 8,195 145 6,005 61,128 00 26 31,798 - - 195 20,272 379 13,,577 223,761 00 27 12,391 - - 84 7,482 1.57 5,518 64,755 00 28 15,615 - - 111 10,216 69 2,349 58,479 00 29 17,304 - - 142 14,119 258 9,156 93,026 00 30 11,792 - - 103 9,964 224 7,990 65,381 00 31 15,000 - - 151 19,480 115 5,075 70,640 00 32 35,464 - - 233 22,577 286 10,180 144,929 00 33 675 - - 9 1,337 23 1,330 11,840 00 34 9,.353 - - 64 4,995 153 3,707 31,610 00 35 7,580 - - 66 5,740 63 2,083 21,825 00 36 32,643 - - 132 14,108 158 6,382 95,919 00 37 28,373 - - 134 13,6.39 117 6,173 108,566 00 38 5,433 - - 31 3,5.55 19 678 32,858 00 .39 15,929 - - 95 8,068 228 10,602 87,348 00 40 14,248 - - 159 15,113 314 11,201 132,052 00 41 35,424 ~ - 155 13,441 258 8,869 121,875 00 42 21,318 - - 131 14,906 205 8,286 96,480 00 43 31,219 - - 170 15.822 116 4,789 80,839 00 44 39,865 - - 125 13,597 210 6,877 94,447 00 45 15,005 - - 99 7,805 91 3,170 57, .515 00 46 38,307 - - 100 10,745 165 8,879 9.5,714 00 47 49,359 - - 130 11,268 193 8,638 130,930 00 48 21,162 - - 136 13,471 VAl 4,.383 70,957 00 49 21,487 - - 137 11,687 94 4,280 74,745 00 5iJ 27,.594 - - 112 12,.582 162 6,006 95,230 00 51 9,936 - - 139 12,590 238 7,525 91,292 00 52 30,365 - - 87 8,608 192 7,075 93,142 00 53 9,506 - - 75 7,632 96 2,952 51,107 00 54 17,5.53 - - 128 9,055 155 5,884 84,450 00 55 12,974 - - 92 9,575 122 4,328 50,234 00 56 21,810 - - 91 8,740 130 6,070 61,615 00 57 13,457 - - 98 7,849 80 2,573 43,669 00 58 15,663 - - 127 12,646 181 6,001 89,331 00 59 9,385 - - 80 8,1.54 87 3,096 48,016 00 60 31,109 - - 126 13,570 161 6,306 88,572 00 61 15,822 - - 129 10,967 111 4,151 52,550 00 62 16,6.32 - - 166 16,293 164 4,361 61,242 00 63 30,126 - - 83 7,.532 224 9,409 79,903 00 64 24,784 - - 74 8,872 140 7,079 121,991 00 65 10,902 - - 76 9,410 96 4,211 62,902 00 66 15,477 - _ 131 15,699 155 5,660 80,175 00 67 27,228 - - 163 13,755 336 12,320 105,502 00 68 18.. 503 - _ 168 15,444 160 5,864 87,670 00 69 28,277 — - 157 15,780 257 9,713 134,854 00 70 512 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. AGRICULTURE — Concluded. Counties, Cities, and Towns. Number of Hat. Milk. Butter. Cheese. Tons. Gallons. Pounds. Pounds. Farms. CotTNTT OF Worcester — Con. 1 Templeton, 81 ],.5.30 26,757 20,002 4,220 2 Upton, 126 1,6.50 71,614 35,919 — 3 Uxbridge, . 178 2,482 176,667 37,914 ■1,443 4 Warren, 148 4,216 - 392,562 36,145 21,350 5 Webster, . 62 824 39,566 7,100 - a Westborongh, 139 3,608 485,330 15,347 410 7 West Boy Iston, . 126 1,973 140,132 26,811 ],.554 8 West Brookfield, 121 2,749 88,557 25,209 30,969 9 Westminster, 251 2,884 6,065 58,3.V2 1,210 10 Winchendon, 130 1,949 32,374 25,420 2,290 11 Worcester, . 280 6,979 507,109 18,710 1,000 RECAPITULATION. 1 The State 38,406 684,679 29,662,953 9,655,587 829,528 9, Barnstable, . 979 7.878 145,218 122,756 50 ,H Berkshire, . 3,751 103,774 1,825,864 l,54t),S48 240,097 4 Bristol, 2,730 30,057 2,339,682 313,040 5,584 ft Dukes, 270 2,258 45,896 22,782 705 6 Essex, 2,847 57,372 3,902,9.32 424,897 0,070 7 Franklin, 3,284 65,784 224,498 1,-549,317 46,356 8 Hampden, . 3,0.59 .54,331 1,794,.541 978,250 82,547 9 Hampshire, 3,113 59,684 725,548 1,3.58,495 65,316 10 Middlesex, . 5,092 93,399 8,629,426 623,518 7,728 n Nantucket, . 87 1,214 56,980 21,702 - 12 Norfolk, 1,881 27,945 2,297,221 260,113 2,015 13 Plymouth, . 3,012 26,002 807,682 382,2(19 9,378 14 Suffolk, 97 1,719 85,905 2,510 - 15 Worcester, . 8,204 153,262 6,781,.560 2,055,060 363,682 AGRICULTURE. 513 AGRICULTURE — Concluded. Tobacco. Irish Potatoes. IXDIAX COES. Egcs. Value of Products. Dozens. Acres. Pounds. Acres. Bushels. Acres. Bushels. 9,378 68 7,163 47 1,820 $32,7.38 00 1 ,_ 30,894 _ _ 96 11,646 139 5,916 64,661 00 2 ^"'-'«4680 - _ 198 20,201 178 6,276 99,217 00 3 islfio _ - 157 11,947 203 7,192 12.5,0.52 00 4 9,370 _ _ 47 4,035 52 1,721 25,607 00 D 23,189 _ _ 119 12,780 338 13,536 130,280 00 6 19.775 - _ 93 9,915 172 5,8.54 81,400 00 7 1,925 - _ 91 9,155 183 7,370 53,032 00 8 22,276 - _ 174 14,512 84 3,109 78,366 00 9 14,752 - 107 9,111 76 2,799 53,387 00 10 49,653 — 242 24,196 348 16,508 303,974 00 11 RECAPITULATION. 6,753,679 3,358 5,369,436 32,660 3,070,389 52,555 1,797,768 $24,158,381 00 3 294,833 - - 568 38,074 1,329 31,457 376,944 00 2 627,426 60 85,747 4,158 308,731 6,1S2 202,221 2,032,314 00 3 846,624 - _ 2,426 248,256 3,274 117,294 1,0.54,456 00 4 40,257 - - 186 12,210 323 8,317 79,196 00 5 602,611 - - 2,852 317,018 2,552 104,528 2,255,114 00 6 393,504 1,211 1,926,233 2,176 181,843 5,815 216,230 1,934,901 00 1 412,304 638 1,051,474 2,938 299,407 7,190 205,142 1,902,613 00 8 347,379 1,448 2,305,442 2,746 237,668 7,175 220,232 1,768,023 00 9 921,079 - _ 4,303 438,761 5,272 194.831 4,657,145 00 10 17,740 - _ 74 5,310 214 3,108 42,295 00 11 431,539 1 540 1,440 136,639 1,332 55,056 1,383,420 00 12 617,717 - _ 1,812 155,432 2,500 80,402 1,142,267 00 13 14,037 - _ 136 25,299 11 280 161,070 00 14 1,186,629 - - 6,845 665,741 9,386 358,670 4,869,123 00 15 ;i4 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. COUNTY AND STATE AGGREGATES. Number and Size of Farms. QQ g as ■5 Owner. Rents fok Fixed Monet Rental. o o o o 1— < R 8 g 1— 1 Counties. CO f I-* tM f— t u. U r/i I— ( b u Ui i^ o u o S a •3 'O > h a u TS •o > a 3 ■a c 3 s ■a c 3 ■a c 3 ■a ■a c < CO •a c 3 s ■3 C 3 •a 3 s ^3 5 "3 •a •s s •a •a c c a] c •a S « •a T3 ■0 c C3 •3 C c c3 c3 03 H & D ^-( « U3 -H iC rH The State, . 38,406 70 2,172 3,563 8,893 9,750 10,551 J229 38 15 169 250 595 593 660 ,9 1 Barnstable, . 979 _ 75 122 301 205 212 11 3 _ 3 5 6 9 5 _ _ Berk.iliire, 3,751 4 142 233 477 721 1,5.56 65 7 1 14 16 44 81 176 3 _ Bristol, 2,730 1 134 280 781 777 512 9 1 2 19 15 52 59 32 1 - DiikfS, . 270 - 6 18 75 61 77 _ 2 _ _ 1 2 4 4 - 1 Essi-x, . 2,847 8 219 345 770 721 , 487 11 _ 1 9 35 83 59 51 « _ Franklin, 3,284 5 125 181 580 838 1,296 19 2 1 13 16 45 39 62 1 _ llaiiii)flcn. 3,059 ; 1 166 246 626 711 1,028 22 5 _ 24 17 34 29 58 _ _ IIani|)t.liire, 3,113 3 141 237 632 807 1,093 19 4 2 11 11 37 27 30 _ _ MiddlcKcx, 5,092 10 344 538 1,366 1,379 1,054 9 2 3 27 36 85 86 73 1 _ Nantucket, 87 1 12 33 12 17 3 2 - - - - _ - - - Norf.ilk, 1,881 7 128 218 540 538 309 4 _ _ 8 17 45 36 17 1 _ Plymouth, 3,012 15 218 401 946 769 505 15 5 2 9 18 36 24 12 2 _ Suffolk, 97 ] - 17 28 18 9 6 _ _ _ 5 3 5 3 2 - _ Worcester, 8,204 15 i 452 704 1,748 2,202 2,399 42 5 3 27 60 121 137 138 — — COUNTY AND STATE AGGREGATES. Iv}j)roved and Unimproved Land, Farm Values, etc. Improved Land. UNiMrROVED Land. Counties. Acres — Acres — Acres — Woodland and Acres — Other Tilled. Meadow. Forest. Unimproved. The State 885,886 1,242,425 1,004,099 226,669, 16,998 16,328 40,034 4,249 Berkshire, . 106,201 208,443 128,605 37,0.57 Bristol, 67,348 39,874 77,480 11,264 Dukes, 3,417 12,640 6,773 9,164 Essex, 67,582 73,844 40,825 5,034 Franklin, 68,248 163,815 93,752 27,531 Hamixlen, . 89,410 95,536 89,483 27,201 Hampshire, 64,724 141,078 74,276 21,983 Middlesex, 150,348 114,729 109,924 15,720 Nantucket, 4,295 1,510 100 13,576 Norfolk, . 35,330 35,061 45,519 3,103 Plymouth, . 38,503 47,499 94,815 13,980 Suffolk, 1,966 1,776 380 205 Worcester, 181,516 290,292 202,133 36,602 STATE AGGREGATES. Horses. Mules and Asses. Working Oxen. Milch Cows. Other Cattle. Sheep, exclusive of Spring Lambs. S*rne. 59,629 243 14,571 150,435 96,045 67,979 80,123 AGRICULTURE. 515 COUNTY AND STATE AGGREGATES. Number and Size of Farms. Kex Ts FOR Shares of Products. Aggregates. o o R o 8 o o O iO o o o ^ a kl •i3 u !l5 O 1— ( o u u u 51 -a •a hi a> ■a > < •a T3 c ■a s c a 3 o < ^ c ■a a B c B 9 o s 3 9 •o •o ■g c a CO a s 3 9 ■a ■a •a s •a a o3 c 5 (3 o o ■^ T3 B s a d a =3 o & u ^ o ,-( CO 1— I S S lO 1-H - 25 5» 144 244 377 5 1 85 2,366 3,865 9,632 10,587 11,588 243 40 _ _ 2 7 4 9 _ _ _ 78 129 314 218 226 11 3 - 2 7 17 33 150 2 - 5 158 256 538 835 1,882 70 7 - 2 5 12 U 12 - - 3 155 300 845 860 556 10 1 - 2 3 3 4 6 - 1 _ 8 22 80 69 87 _ 4 - 3 7 12 17 9 - - .9 231 387 865 797 547 11 _ - 1 1 6 23 29 1 - 6 139 198 631 900 1,387 21 2 - !i 4 8 27 49 2 - 1 192 267 668 767 1,135 24 5 - 1 4 12 20 22 - - 5 153 252 681 854 1,145 19 4 - 6 4 19 27 23 - _ 13 377 578 1,470 1,492 1,150 10 2 - - - 1 - 1 - - 1 12 34 12 18 3 2 - - - 1 7 5 _ - 7 136 235 586 581 331 5 - 1 5 12 11 6 - - 17 228 424 994 804 523 17 5 - - - 1 - - - - - 22 31 24 12 8 _ - ~ 5 10 33 47 56 — — 18 484 774 1,902 2,386 2,593 42 5 COUNTY AND STATE AGGREGATES. Improved and Unimproved Land, Farm Values, etc. Farm Values, etc. CODWTIES. Value of Farms. Value of Implements. Value of Live Stock. Cost of Repairing Fences. ' Cost of Fertilizers. The State, Barnstable, Berkshire, Bristol, Dukes, Essex, Franklin, . Hampden, Hampshire, Middlesex, Nantucket, Norfolk, . Plymouth, Suffolk, Worcester, $146,197,415 00 1,913,360 00 12,696,545 00 8,631,243 00 579,425 00 14,201,650 00 8,720,230 00 10,490,224 00 i 9,214,543 00 29,737,317 00 148.350 00 10,534,228 00 8,4.50,076 00 2,282,600 00 28,597,624 00 $5,134,537 00 82,470 00 404,593 00 328,462 00 11,106 00 499,343 00 397,518 00 382,304 00 399,542 00 1,003,051 00 13,555 00 300,232 00 255,966 00 24,829 00 1,031,566 00 $12,957,004 00 228,274 00 1,556,652 00 759,892 00 67,217 00 1,054,164 00 1,119,364 00 994,161 00 1,021,041 00 1,929,805 00 32,655 00 656,464 00 651,113 00 38,052 00 2,848,160 00 $618,503 00 17,207 00 69,414 00 43,566 00 4,994 00 85,778 00 33,297 00 47,882 00 35,916 00 83,714 00 6,322 00 50,224 00 46,092 00 3,379 00 90,718 00 $653,422 00 4,523 00 20,124 00 55,703 00 135 00 80,106 00 32,563 00 37,.502 00 49,.590 00 195,919 00 2,326 00 52,120 00 31, .304 00 18,468 00 73,039 00 STATE AGGREGATES. Barley. Buckwheat. Oats. Wheat. , Rte. Acres. Bushels. Acres. Bushels. Acres. Bushels. Acres. Bushels. Acres. Bushels. 3,171 80,128 5,617 67,117 20,659 645,159 963 15,768 21,666 213,716 THE FISHERIES. BY CUSTOMS DISTRICTS. THE FISHERIES. From the report of the special agent of the United States Census in charge of the Fishery- investigation we obtain the following valuable information, which is necessary for the proper understanding of the tables presented. The tables show the persons employed, the quantity of apparatus, the capital invested, and the quantity and value of the products of the fisheries in each of the eleven customs districts of the State. The cities and towns included in these fishery districts are as follows : Newburyport District. — Newburyport and Ipswich. Glouckster District. — Gloucester, Essex, Rockport, and Manchester. Salem District. — Salem and Beverly. Marblehead District. — Marblehead, Swampscott, Lynn, and Nahant. Boston District. — Boston, Medford, and towns south to Cohasset. Plymouth District. — Scituate, Duxbury, Kingston, and Plymouth. Barnstable District. — Cape Cod towns, Sandwich to Provincetown and Wood's Holl. Nantucket District. — Nantucket and adjacent islands. Edgartown District. — Martha's Vineyard, No Man's Land, and Elizabeth Isles. New Bedford District. — New Bedford, and towns from Wareham to Westport Point. Fall River District. — Fall River, the Taunton and^djacent rivers, and the shad fishery at Holyoke. Each district is credited with the production of its own fishing fleet, regardless of the fact that many of the products may be landed and sold outside the district or State. The produc- tion of the fisheries is for the year 1879. The district of Gloucester produces more than half the entire yield of the State. The amount of ice used during 1879 for the preservation of fish is estimated at 75,000,000 pounds, and the quantity of salt used in curing fish was about 70,000,000 pounds. The reference figures given in the table refer to the " Notes on The Fisheries " on page 531. 520 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. THE FISHERIES. Classification. Newbury- port District. Gloucester District. Salem District. M.irble- liead District. Number of Persona engaged in the Fishing Industry. Total number of persons engaged, . Number of vessel fisliermen, . Number of bo;it fishermen, Number of curers, packers, and fitters. Number of factory bands, Quantity of Apparatus employed in the Fisheries. Number of vessels Tonnage of vessels, Total number of boats, .... Number of boats used in vessel fisheries. Number of boats used in shore fisheries, Total number of gill-nets used. Number of gill-nets used in vessel fisheries. Number of gill-nets used in shore fisheries, Number of purse-seines used in vessel fisheries. Number of drag-seines used in shore fisheries. Number of pounds, weirs, etc.. Number of lobster and eel traps. Amount of Capital invested in the Fishing Industry. Total capital Total value of vessels. Active capital Idle capital, Total value of boats Value of boats used in vessel fisheries, Valucof boats used In shore fisheries. Total value of gear and outfit, . Value of g(ar and outfit in vessel fisheries. Value of gear and outfit In shore fisheries, Total value of netting, . . ; . Value of gill-nets used in vessel fisheries. Value of gill-nets used in shore fisheries. Value of purse-seines used in vessel fisheries Value of drag-seines used in shore fisheries. Total value of traps Value of pounds, weirs, etc., ... Value of lobster and eel traps. Value of wharves, shore-houses, and fixtures. Value of fiictoiies and apparatus belongiiig to same, Amouut of cash capital, Quantity of Fish taken and Value of the same in a fresh state. Total number of pounds, . Total value, Alewlves, — pounds of, value of, Bass, eca, — pounds of, value of, Bass, striped, — pounds of, value of, . Bluefish, — pounds of, value of, . Bonito, — pounds of, . value of, Butterfish, — pounds of, . value of, Cod, — pounds of, value of, . Gunners, — pounds of, value of, . Cusk, — pounds of, value of, Eels, — pounds of, value of. Flounders, — pounds of, . value of, 42.5 212 173 40 23 903.39 217 104 113 58 13 45 10 11 $200,686 43,850 43,3.50 500 7,160 8,7-20 3,440 41,160 32,800 8,360 8,516 1.56 560 5,600 2,200 75,000 25,000 5,200,344 $93,549 231,399 $1,314 125 $13 18,530 $556 4,783,060 $52,216 500 $3 12,880 $96 2,186 $109 1,020 $15 6,206 4,505 748 632 321 424 23,884.95 2,250 1,783 467 592 222 .370 190 14 2,649 M,326,568 1,168,114 1,155,814 12,300 85,861 64,541 21,320 806,400 779,300 27,100 102,144 2,844 4,300 95,000 9,049 6,500 2,549 882,000 211,000 1,062,000 189,383,026 $1,948,406 40,000 $225 250 $15 670 $.57 2,500 $75 108,839,570 $916,182 20,000 $100 596,700 $4,468 1,500 $75 150,000 $2,250 320 208 49 63 22 1,252.88 120 91 29 7 7 2 1,300 $209,784 67,825 47,125 20,700 3,045 2,240 805 35,4:30 33,490 1,940 1,584 84 1,500 1,900 600 1,300 80,000 20,000 5,417,800 $49,242 4,635,500 $40,525 6,000 $30 800 $6 1,000 $.50 3,000 $45 I.O' 537 314 193 30 40 ■1.64 319 166 153 138 38 100 15 2,260 $207,708 78,125 62,825 15,300 11,750 5,770 5,980 60,515 51,790 8,725 10,056 456 1,200 8,400 2,260 2,260 30,000 15,000 15,243,616 $170,373 30,000 $160 10,979,181 $123,176 15,000 $75 27,356 $204 6,000 $.300 1,000 $15 THE FISHERIES. 521 THE FISHERIES — Continued. Boston Plymouth Barnstable Nantucket Edgartown New Bedford Fall River Aggregates. District. District. District. District. District. District. District. The State. 2,653 686 4,004 285 434 1287 280 20,117 1 997 228 2,297 9 211 3,555 101 112,637 2 426 414 1,507 271 213 385 149 4,528 3 1,024 44 184 5 10 238 15 2,285 4 206 - 16 — ~ 109 15 667 5 87 25 193 4 7 160 22 n.oo7 6 4,959.95 1,129.67 12,418.29 26.19 1,446.82 33,576.67 410.04 281,080.49 7 472 362 1,878 204 183 659 85 6,749 8 284 121 778 4 18 449 24 3,822 9 188 241 1,100 200 165 210 61 2,927 10 272 8 2,746 200 50 66 - 4,137 11 72 8 484 - - - - 844 12 200 _ 2,262 200 50 66 - 3,293 13 49 5 82 - - 317 11 382 14 _ 32 5 6 9 20 83 15 1 _ 44 1 9 29 6 106 16 8,290 4,500 3,000 1,500 3,920 1,188 20 28,527 17 ^3,218,949 $133,096 34,350 $1,355,278 511,750 $27,120 1,600 $220,695 48,000 $4,329,638 $104,930 21,900 $14,.334,450 3,171.189 18 204,000 •" yyi,t)75 19 189,500 33,750 509,350 1,600 48,000 991,675 21,900 3,104,889 20 14.500 600 2,400 - - - - 66,.300 21 31,715 11,420 102,805 4,060 39,055 49,640 5,225 351,736 22 15,140 3,100 33,155 60 1,800 44,140 2.340 176,000 23 16,575 8,320 69,650 4,000 37,255 5,500 2,885 175,730 24 141, OHO 47,930 345.995 8,860 88,520 1,569,695 13,460 3,1.59,0.55 25 132,160 42,700 326,685 940 80,000 1,563,235 7,480 4 3,050,.580 26 8,930 5.230 19,310 7,920 8,-520 6,460 5,980 108,475 27 30,154 2,896 84,178 3,400 1,800 10,740 9,000 264,468 28 954 96 5,928 - - - 10,518 29 2,400 _ 26,930 2,400 600 1,640 - 40,030 30 26,800 2,800 44,920 - - 6 7,300 5,000 197,.320 31 _ _ 6,400 1,000 1,200 1,800 4,000 16,61)0 32 8,790 4,500 56,6.50 1,700 7,920 12,288 345 105,402 33 500 _ 53,650 200 4,000 11,100 325 76,875 34 8,290 4,500 3,000 1,500 3,920 1,188 20 28,527 35 1,38S,2C0 14,000 108,000 2,500 15,400 270,.500 10,000 2,875,600 36 225,000 _ 45,900 - - 165,100 30,000 677,000 37 1,190,000 18,000 100,000 5,000 20,000 1,260,000 15,000 3,7.30,000 38 30,147,534 6,618,893 51,223,687 1,620,189 3,071,092 17,2.53.887 13,755,914 C341,935,9S2 39 §3r)8,229 $01,413 $604,860 $21,807 $47,7-33 $106,290 $33,008 $3,494,910 40 224,050 _ 1,150,295 9,500 569,996 660,819 835,000 3,751, 0.iO 41 $1,640 - $7,048 $95 $3,3.50 $6,483 $8,320 $28,635 42 - - 12,300 - 12,000 56.000 - 80,5.50 43 _ _ $738 - $720 $3,360 - $4,833 44 - _ 124,940 10,720 73,860 75,160 2,-580 287,955 45 - _ $12,494 $1,072 $7,386 $7,516 $258 $28,796 46 5,362 - 3,278,.509 409,750 444.840 114,350 _ 4.273,841 47 $54 - $98,066 $12,007 $13,345 $3,430 - $127,.5.33 48 _ _ _ - 92,000 5,000 - 97,000 49 - _ - - $2,760 $1.50 - $2,910 50 - - - - - 5.000 - 5,000 51 - - - - - $150 - $1-50 52 7,006,325 5,271,095 27,255,044 770,000 1,065,680 1,611,500 - 172,216.955 53 $94,430 $48,784 $240,616 $6,300 $8,525 $13,557 - $1,-544,311 54 100,000 15,000 4,000 - - - - 160,500 55 S500 $75 $20 - - - - $803 56 319,804 4,778 26,876 - - - - 989,194 57 $2,244 $35 $200 - - - - $7.2.53 58 5,000 - 95,993 5,000 60,000 199,221 : 19,200 395.100 59 $250 - $4,800 $2.50 $3,000 $9,961 $960 $19.7.55 60 45,000 2,000 116,169 3,000 35,618 211,663 3,000 571,470 61 $675 $30 $1,743 $45 $534 $3,175 $45 $8,.572 62 522 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. THE FISHERIES — Continued. Classification. Newbury- port District. Gloucester District. Salem District. Mnrble- head District. Quantity and Value, in afresh state — Con. • 1 Frostlish, — pounds of, - - _ - 2 value of, - - _ - 3 Haddock, — pounds of. 658,175 12,598,200 148,700 846,679 4 viiliie of. $S,0.'57 $147,748 $1,978 $9,735 5 Hake, — pounds of, . 107,000 6,429,700 26,000 325,400 6 value of, $2X5 $17,625 $156 $926 7 Halibut, — pounds of. 40,(100 13,836,716 _ - 8 value of, . $400 $359,285 - - 9 Herring — poundtt of, . 923,675 3,9.50,000 - 75,000 10 value of, . $13,777 $.33,188 _ $425 11 Mackerel, — pounds of, 1,131,300 32,641, OlW 453.800 2,462,400 12 value of, $14,441 $415,394 $5,688 $32,686 13 Mackerel, Spanish, — pounds of. - - - - 14 value of, - - - - 15 Menhaden,— pounds of, . 16,050 - - - 16 value of. $00 - _ - 17 Perch, — pounds of, . 600 _ - - 18 value of, $18 - - - 19 Pollock, — ijounds of. 92,7(10 3,290,885 3,000 217,80.0 20 value of, . $371 $13,188 $12 $871 21 Salmon, — pounds of, - 200 - - 22 value of, . - $30 - - 23 Soup, — pounds of, - - - - 24 value of. - ~ — — 25 Shad, — pounds of, . 11,124 325 _ - 20 value of. $556 1^16 - - 27 Smelts, — pounds of, . - 1,000 500 - 28 value of. - $25 $13 - 29 Squeteague, — pounds of, . - - -- - 30 value of. — — — — 31 Sturgeon, — pounds of. 5,000 150 - - 32 value of. $150 $5 - — 33 Swordftsh, — pounds of, . 14,onu 204,650 3,500 24,000 34 value of. $308 $4,5(J4 $53 $615 35 Tautog, — pounds of. - 2.00 - 300 36 value of, . - $9 - $10 37 Mixed fish,8 — pounds of, . 151,000 6,772,800 136,000 233,500 38 value of, $764 $33,882 $686 $1,175 Quantity and Value of Fresh Fish consumed. 39 Total number of pounds, 4,240,209 44,048,606 8.30,.500 8,491,925 40 Total value. $50,725 $727,099 $10,579 $119,036 41 Alewives,-^ pounds of, 231.:!n9 40,000 - 30,000 42 value of. $1,314 $225 - $160 43 Bass, sea, — pounds of. - 250 - - 44 value of, _ $15 - _ 45 Bass, striped, — pounds of, 125 570 - - 46 value of. $13 $57 - - 47 Bluefish, — pounds of. 18,530 2,-500 - - 48 value of, . $556 $75 _ - 49 Bonito, — pounds of, . - - - - 50 value of. _ _ _ _ 51 Buttcifish, — pounds of, . _ _ _ - 52 value of. _ _ - - 53 Cod, — pounds of. 1,993,135 6,495,070 491,-500 5,048,946 54 value of, $29,897 $97,426 $7,373 $75,734 55 Cunners, — pounds of. 500 20,000 6,000 15,000 56 value of, . $3 $100 $30 $75 57 Cusk, — pounds of. 500 14,040 800 1,(100 58 value of, S4 $98 $6 $7 59 Eels, — pounds of. 2,186 1,500 1,000 6,000 60 value of, $109 $75 $50 $300 61 Flounders, — pounds of, . 1,020 150,000 3,000 1,000 6-2 value of. $15 $2,250 $45 $15 63 Frostfish, — pounds nf. - - - - 6t value of, - _ - - 65 Haddock, — pounds of. 576,875 10,347,.300 148,700 673.279 66 value of, . $7,672 $1.37,019 $1,978 $8,955 67 Hake, — pounds of, . 5,000 443,160 26,000 32.000 68 value of, $30 $2,6.59 $156 $192 69 Halibut, — pounds of. - 8,836,716 - - 70 value of, . - $309,285 - — THE FISHERIES. 523^ THE FISHERIES — Continued. Boston Plymouth Barnstable Nantucket Edgartown New ■RpHfnrd Fall River Assrcsates. District. District. District. District. District. District. District. The -State. 25,000 42,434 67,434 1 _ _ - - $-500 $849 - $1,-349 2 8,501,917 313,900 853,000 141,580 30,739 - - 24,092,890 3 $112,T00 $3,815 $10,334 $725 $138 - - $295,210 4 1,063,260 87,860 398,469 - - - - 8,437,749 5 $.i,400 $346 $1,181 - - - - $25,919 6 260,000 - 64,700 - - 4,-500 - 14,205,916 7 S9,100 - $897 - - $158 - $.369,840 8 2,040,806 _ 766,839 4,500 26,.315 7,645 - 7,794,780 9 $n,.301 - $4,115 $22 $132 $38 - $62,998 10 8,776,121 440,000 15,121,725 - 3,262 393,000 - 61,422,608 11 $111,466 $5,852 $190,502 - $43 $5,227 '- $781,299 12 - - 60 - - - - 60 13 - - $9 - - - - $9 U 221,400 - 275,089 - 13,454 12,740,084 12,800,000 26,066,077 15 $332 - $918 - $57 $19,110 $19,200 $39,677 16 - - 17,498 - 12,000 3,476 - 33,574 17 - - $525 - $360 $104 - $1,007 18 674,111 21,260 281,300 110,439 56,9S0 - - 4,7-54,495 19 $2,696 $85 $1,125 $442 $228 - - $19,018 20 - - 20 - - - - 220 21 - _ $3 - - - - $33 22 - - 625,230 1,200 98,827 296,923 - 1,022,180 23 - - $18,757 $36 $2,965 $8,907 - $-30,065 24 12S - 58,857 - 1,612 9,344 7 83,134 164,-524 •lb $6 _ $2,943 - $81 $467 $4,157 $8,226 26 6,000 - - - 13,460 14,046 - 35,006 27 $150 - - - $337 $351 - $876 28 - - 32,175 - 24,905 46,230 - 103,310 29 - - $1,126 - $872 $1,618 - $3,616 30 - - 2,000 - 1,000 1,-500 - 9,6-50 31 - - $60 _ $30 $45 - $290 32 54,250 7,000 74,250 1,500 6,000 342,800 - 731,950 33 $1,050 $105 $1,439 $45 $180 $10,784 - $19,203 34 - - 74,849 - 5,544 292,392 - 373,335 35 - - $2,620 - $194 $10,234 - $13,067 36 844,000 456,000 513,500 153,000 398,000 120,800 13,000 9,791,600 37 $4,235 $2,286 $2,581 $768 $1,996 $616 $68 $49,057 38 20,709,866 2,167,000 12,.560,976 609,420 1.814,818 15,575,387 13,052,914 124,101,621 39 $256,268 $26,256 $238,627 $14,520 $37,837 $92,586 $25,990 $1,608,-523 40 • 192,800 - 897,495 1,-500 473,121 510,819 135,000 ••'2,-512,134 41 $1,328 - $4,.520 $15 $2,331 $4,983 $1,320 $16,246 42 - - 12,300 - 12.000 56,000 - 80,5.j0 43 - - S73S - ST20 $3,360 _ $4,833 44 - - 124,940 10,720 73,860 75,160 2,580 287,955 45 - - $12,494 $1,072 $7,386 $7,516 $258 $28,796 46 - - 3,264,014 394,000 444,840 114,350 - 4,238,234 47 - - $97,921 $11,820 $13,345 $3,430 - $127,147 48 - - - - 92,000 5,000 _ 97,000 49 - - - - $2,760 $150 - $2,010 50 - - - - - 5,000 - 5,000 51 - - - - - $1-50 - $1-50 52 5,482,825 945,000 3,225,104 20,000 _ 95,000 _ 23,796,570 53 $82,242 814,175 $48,.376 $300 - $1,425 _ $356,948 54 100,000 15,000 4,000 - - - - 160,500 55 $500 $75 $20 - - - - $803 56 313,-304 1,000 3,-500 - - - - 3.34,144 5T $2,193 $7 $25 _ - - _ $2,340 58 5,000 95,993 5,000 60,000 199,221 19.200 395,100 59 $250 - $4,8U0 $2-50 $3,000 $9,961 $960 $19,7.35 60 45,000 2,000 116,169 3,000 35,618 211,063 3,000 571,470 61 $675 $30 $1,743 $45 $-5-34 $3,175 $45 $8,572 62 - - - - 25,0U0 42,434 - 67,434 G3 - - - - $500 $849 - $1,349 64 8,4.59,217 273,000 738,000 10,000 - — _ 21.226,.371 65 $112,508 $3,631 $9,815 $133 - _ - $282,311 66 783,260 36,000 52,869 _ - - - 1,378,289 67 84,700 $216 $317 - - - - $8,270 68 260,000 - 10,000 - _ 4,500 - 9.111,216 69 $9,100 — $350 - - $158 - $318,893 70 524 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. THE FISHERIES — Continued. Classification. Newbury- port District. Gloucester District. .Salem District. Marble- head District. Quantity'and Value of Fresh Fish consumed — Con. Herring, — pounds of, . . . . value of, . . . . ' . Mackerel, — pounds of, value of, Mackerel, Spanish, — pounds of, ... . value of Menhaden, — pounds of, value of, Perch, — pounds of value of, Pollock, — pounds of, value of, Salmon, — pounds of value of, Scup, — pounds of, value of, Shad, — pounds of, value of, Smelts, — p(ninds of, 1 value of, ...... . Squeteague, — pounds of, value of, Sturgeon, — pounds of, value of, Swordfish, — pounds of, value of Tautog, — pounds of, value of, Mixed fish, — pounds of, value of, Quantity and Value of Dried Fi^h. Total number of pounds of fresh lish used, . Total value of fresh fish used, .... Total number of pounds of dried fish produced. Total value of dried (ish produced, Enhancement of value in process of preparation for sale, Cod, — pounds of fresh fish used, . value of fresh fish used, pounds of dried fish produced, . value of (Mini fish produced, enhancement of value in drying, Cusk, — pounds of fresh fish used, . value of fresh fish used, pounds of dried fish used, . value of dried fish produced, enhancement of value in drying, Haddock, — pounds of frt-sli fish nsud, . value of fresh fi^h used, pounds of dried fish produced, . value of dried fish produced, enhancement of value in drying, Hake, — pounds of fresh fish used, . value of fresh fish used, pounds of dried fish produced, . va'ue of dried fish produced, enhancement of value in drying, Pollock, — pounds of fresh fish used, value of fresh fish us'd, . pounds of dried fish produced, value of dried fish produced, enhancement of value in drying, . Quantity and Value of Pickled Fish. Total number of pounds of fresh fish used, . Total value of fresh fish used Total number of pounds of pickled fish produced. Total value of luckled fish produced. Enhancement of value in pickling 848,675 $13,.308 375,000 $4,987 16,050 $60 600 $18 2,000 11,1-24 $556 5,000 $150 10,500 $315 142,000 $710 3,076,.335 $23,394 1,239,850 $42,385 $18,991 2,789,935 $22,319 1,115,974 $40,175 $17,856 12,380 $92 6,i90 $167 $75 81,300 $365 30,896 $618 $253 102,000 $255 49,.595 $793 $538 90,720 $363 37,195 $632 $269 843,800 $10,0.30 572,200 $15,611 $5,581 1,200,000 $16,000 9,226,000 $122,706 415,125 $1,061 200 $30 325 $16 1,UOO $25 150 $5 99,650 $2,989 2.50 $9 6,754,800 $33,774 114,014,920 $859,496 42,850,143 $1,634,103 $774,607 102.313,000 $818,.504 37,856,000 $1,.52],727 $703,223 582,660 $4,370 SJ1,330 $10,488 $6,118 2,250,900 $10,129 855,.344 $23,094 $12,965 5,986,600 $14,966 2,694,765 $57,398 $42,432 2,881,760 $U,.527 1,152,704 $21,396 $9,869 26,407,000 $313,248 17,967,7.50 $487,107 $173,859 20,000 $266 3,000 $12 500 $13 130,000 $650 4.144,000 $33,1.52 1,4.50,400 $52,214 $19,062 4,144,000 $33,1.52 1,4.50,400 $.52,214 $19,062 443,300 $5,511 295,200 $8,479 $2,968 35,000 $175 2,-381,400 $31,673 25,000 $100 17,000 $510 300 $10 220,000 $1,130 6,616,191 $49,924 2,662,294 $90,526 $40,602 5,930,235 $47,442 2,372,094 $85,395 $37,953 26,.356 $197 13,178 $356 $159 173,400 $780 65,891 $1,318 $538 293,400 $734 132,062 $2,113 $1,379 192,800 $771 79,069 $1,344 $573 135,500 $1,413 95,000 $2,287 $874 THE FISHERIES. 525 THE FISHERIES — Continued. Boston Plymonth Barnstable Nantucket Edgartown New Bedford District. Fall Kiver Aggregates. District. District. District. District. District. District. The State. 1,163,1.50 541,839 4,500 26,315 7,645 10 3,827,124 1 $5,816 - $2,709 $22 $1.32 $38 - $38,200 2 2,206,421 440,000 1,851,225 - 3,262 393,000 - 16,896,.308 3 $29,.345 $5,852 $24,621 - $43 $5,227 - $224,720 4 - - 60 - - - _ 60 5 - - $9 - - - - $9 6 221,400 - 275,089 - 13,4.54 ■112,740,084 12,800,000 "26,066,077 7 $332 - $918 - $57 $19,110 $19,200 $39,677 8 - - 17,498 - 12,000 3,476 - 33,574 9 - - $525 - $360 $104 - $1,007 10 626,611 5,000 16,000 8,000 - - - 1,100,736 11 $2,506 $20 $64 $32 - - - $4,403 12 - - 20 - - - - 220 13 - _ $3 — _ _ _ $33 14 - - 625,230 1,200 98,827 296,923 - 1,022,180 15 - - $18,7.57 $36 $2,965 $8,907 - $30,665 16 128 - 58,857 - 1,612 9,344 12 83,134 164,524 17 $6 - $2,943 - $81 $467 $4,157 $8,226 18 6,000 - - - 13,460 14,046 - 35,006 19 $150 - - - $337 $351 - $876 20 - - 32,175 - 24,905 46,230 - 103,310 21 - - $1,126 - $872 $1,618 - $3,616 22 - - 2,000 - 1,000 1,500 - 9,650 23 - - $60 - $30 $45 - $290 24 15,750 - 21,7.50 1,500 6,000 .342,800 - 514,950 25 $472 - $6.53 $45 $180 $10,784 _ $16,948 26 - - 74,849 - 5,544 292,392 - 373,335 27 - - $2,620 - $194 $10,234 - $13,067 28 829,000 4.50,000 500,000 150,000 392,000 108,800 10,000 9,692,600 29 $4,145 $2,250 $2,500 $750 $1,960 $544 $50 $48,463 30 1,839,200 4,438,893 24,779,216 984,019 1,153,399 1,.516,500 162,562,673 31 $12,833 $35,016 $194,8.59 $7,002 $8,891 $12,132 - $1,236,699 32 750,000 1,777,888 9,931,518 392,000 461,316 606,600 - 13 62,122,008 33 M $127,821 $63,144 $351,556 $12,514 $15,976 $21,8.38 - " $2,412,077 34 "$114,988 $28,128 $156,697 $.5,512 $7,085 $9,706 « "$1,175,378 35 1,462,500 4,326,095 24,029,940 750,000 1,065,680 1,516,-500 - 148,327,885 36 $11,700 $34,609 $192,240 $6,000 $8,525 $12,132 - $1,186,623 37 585,000 1,730,438 9,611,979 300,000 426,272 606,600 - 56,0-54,757 38 $21,060 $62,296 $346,031 $10,800 $15,345 $21,838 - $2,176,881 39 $9,360 $27,687 $153,791 $4,800 $6,820 $9,706 - $990,258 40 6,500 3,778 23,376 - - - - 655,050 41 $51 $28 $175 - _ _ - $4,913 42 3,250 1,889 11,688 - _ - - 327,526 43 $88 $.51 $316 - - - - $11,466 44 $37 $23 $141 - - - - $6,5.53 45 42,700 40,900 115,000 131,580 30,739 - - 2,866,619 .46 $192 $184 $519 $592 $13S _ _ $12,899 47 16,250 15,.557 43,518 50,000 11,681 _ - 1,089,1.37 48 $325 $311 $870 $1,000 $234 _ - $27,770 49 $133 $127 $351 $408 $96 - - $14,871 50 280,000 51,860 345,600 _ - - - 7,069,460 51 $700 $130 $864 - - - - $17,649 52 126,000 23,336 155,638 _ _ _ _ 3,181,296 53 $2,016 $373 $2,489 _ _ _ _ $65,182 54 $1,316 $243 $1,625 - - _ - $47,533 55 47,500 16,260 265,300 104,4.39 56,980 - - 3,653,759 56 $190 $65 $1,061 $410 $228 - - $14,615 57 19,500 6,668 108,795 42,000 23,362 - _ 1,469,293 68 $332 $113 $1,8.50 $714 $397 _ _ $26,778 59 $142 $48 $789 $304 $169 " " $12,163 60 T,656,343 13,000 13,808,795 20,750 6,000 162,000 553,000 50,049,488 61 $90,035 $141 $170,627 $195 $36 $1,572 $5,518 $.598,326 62 5,219,025 8,000 9,261,170 14,400 4,000 128,000 442,000 34,006,745 63 $140,512 $230 $262,199 $328 $100 $2,600 $8,8.50 $928,303 64 $50,477 $89 $91,672 $133 $64 $1,028 $3,332 $329,977 65 526 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. THE FISHERIES — Continued. Classification. Xewbury- port District. Gloucester District. Salem District. Warble- head District. Quantity and Value of Pickled Fish — Con. Alewives, — pounds of fresh fisli nKed, . value of fresh fish used, pounds of pickled (isli produced, value of pickled fish |)roduced, . enhancement of value in pickling, Bluefish, — pounds of fresh fish used, value of fresh fish used, pounds of pickled fish produced, . value of pickled fish produced, . enhancement of value in pickling, Cod, — pounds of fresh fish used, . value of fresh fish used, pounds of i)ieklcd fish produced, value of pickled fish produced, . enhancement of valui! in pickling. Herring, — pounds of fresh fish used-, value of fresh fish used, pounds of pickled fish produced, value of pickled fish produced, . enhaticement of value in pickling. Mackerel, — pounds of fresh fish used, . value of fresh fish used, pounds of pickled fi-h produced, value of pickled fish produced, . enhancement of value in pickling, Swordfish, — pounds of frei-h fish used, . value of fresh fish used, pounds of pickled fish produced, value of pickliMl fish produced, enhancement of value in pickling, Mixed fish, — pounds of fresh fish used, . value of fresh fish us>-d, pounds of pickled fish Jjroduccd, value of pickled fish produced, enhancement of value in jjickling. Halibut fins, — pounds of fresh fins used, value of fresh fins used, . pounds of pickled fins produced, value of pickled fins produced, enhancement of value in pickling, Tongues and sounds, — pounds of fresli tongues and sounds used, . value of fresh tongues and sounds used, . pounds of pickled tongues and sounds produced, value of pickled tongues and sounds produced, I enhancement of value in pickling, . Quantity and Value of Smoked Fish. Total number of pounds of fresh fish used, . Total value of fresh fish used, .... Total number of pounds of smoked fish produced Total value of smoked fish produced. Enhancement of value in smoking, ... Alewives, — pounds of fresh fish used, . value of fresh fish used, pounds of smoked fish produced, value of smoked fi-h produced, . enhancement of value in smoking, Bluefish, — pounds of fresh fish used, value of fresh fish used, pounds of smoked fish produced, value of smoked fish produced, . enhancement of value in smoking. Halibut, — pounds of fresh fish used, value of fresh fish used, pounds of smoked fish produced, . value of smoked fish produced, enhancement of value in smoking. 75,000 $469 60,000 $900 $431 756,.300 $9,4.54 604,200 $14,496 $5,042 3,500 $53 2,000 $05 $12 9,000 $54 6,000 $150 40,000 $4iX) 10,000 $800 $400 40,000 $J00 10,000 $800 $400 31,.i00 $252 15,750 $.394 $142 2,750,000 $17,188 2,200,000 $33,000 $1.5,812 23,415.000 $292,688 15,610,000 $448,788 $156,100 105,000 $1,-575 60,000 $1,950 $375 18,000 $108 12,000 $300 $192 25,000 $500 20,000 $800 $300 62,500 $937 50,000 $1,875 $938 5,000,000 $50,000 1,2-50,000 $100,000 $50,000 5,000,000 $50,000 1,2.50,000 $100,000 $.50,000 433,800 $5,422 289,200 $8,314 $2,h92 3,500 $53 2,000 $65 $12 6,000 $36 4,000 $100 $64 40,000 $250 32,000 $480 $230 81,000 $1,013 64,000 $1,-552 $5.39 7,000 $105 4,000 $130 $25 7,.500 $45 6,000 $125 $80 THE nSHEEIES. 527 THE FISHERIES — Continued. Boston Plymouth Barnstable Nantucket 1 Edgartown Kew "Rpdfnrd Fall River Aggregates. District. District. District. District. District. District. District. The State. 31,250 232,800 8,000 150,000 550,000 972,050 1 $312 - $2,328 $80 - $1,500 $5,500 $9,720 2 25,000 - 186,2.50 6,400 - 120,000 440,000 777,650 3 $500 - $3,725 $128 - $2,400 $8,800 $15,553 4 $188 - $1,379 $48 - $900 $3,300 $5,833 5 6,362 - 14,495 9,750 - - - 29,607 6 $54 - $145 $97 - - - $296 7 3,300 - 8,920 6,000 - - - 18,220 8 $82 - $223 $150 - - - $455 9 $28 - $78 $53 - - - $159 10 61,000 - - - - - /" 92,. 500 11 $488 - - - - - $740 12 30,500 - - - - - - 46,250 13 $762 - - - - - - $l,l.=i6 14 $274 _ - - - - - $416 15 877,656 - 225,000 - - - - 3,967,656 16 $5,485 _ $1,406 - - _ - $24,798 17 702,125 - 180,000 - - _ - 3,174,125 18 $10,532 _ $2,700 - - - - $47,612 ' 19 $5,047 - $1,294 - - - - $22,814 20 €,569,700 - 13,270,600 - - - - 44,.526,300 21 $82,121 - $165,881 - - - - $-556,579 22 4,379,800 _ 8,847,000 - _ _ - "5 29,684,200 23 $125,919 - $254,351 - _ - - $8.53,420 24 $43,798 - $88,470 - - - - $296,841 25 38,500 7,000 52,500 - - - - 217,000 26 $.578 $105 $786 - - - - $3,255 27 22,000 4,000 30,000 - - - - 124,000 28 $715 $130 S975 - - — - $4,030 29 $137 $25 $189 - _ _ - $775 30 15,000 6,000 13,.^00 3,000 6,000 12,000 3,000 99,1100 31 $90 $36 $81 $18 $36 $72 $18 $.594 ' 32 10,000 4,000 9,000 2,000 4,000 8,000 2,0C0 66,000 33 $250 $100 $225 $50 $100 $200 $50 $l,6.oO 34 $160 $64 $144 $32 $64 $128 $32 S1,0.S6 35 7,875 - - _ - - - 32,875 36 $157 - - _ _ - $657 37 6,300 - - - _ - - 26,.300 38 $252 - - - _ - - $1,052 39 $95 - - - - - - $395 40 50,000 - - - - - 112,500 41 $750 - - - - - - $1,687 42 40,000 - - - - - - 90,000 43 :$1,500 - - - - - - $3,375 44 $750 - - - - - - $1,688 45 74,700 6,000 96,875 150,000 5,367,575 46 - - $747 $90 $969 - $i,.:;oo $.53,706 47 - - 25,675 2,000 58,125 - 90,000 1,435,800 48 - - $1,394 $100 $1,453 - $2,250 $105,997 49 - - $647 $10 $484 - $7.50 $52,291 1 50 - , - 20,000 - 96,875 - 150,000 266,875 51 — - $200 - $969 - $1,500 $2,6fi9 52 - - 12,000 - 58,125 - 90,000 160,125 53 — - $300 - $1,453 - $2,250 $4,003 54 - - $100 - $484 - $750 $1,334 55 - - - 6,000 - - - 6,000 56 - - - $90 - - - $90 57 - - - 2,000 - - - 2,000 58 - - - $100 - - - $100 59 - - - $10 - - - $10 60 - - 54,700 - - - - 5,094,700 61 - - $547 - - - - $.50,947 62 - - 13,675 — - - - 1,273,675 63 - - $1,094 - - - - $101,894 64 $547 " " " $50,947 65 528 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. THE FISHERIES — Concluded. Classification. Newbury- port District. Gloupester District. Salem District. Marble- liead District. Quantity and Value of Miscellaneous Products. Total value of miscellaneous products, . Lobsters, — poiiiuls of, value of, Oysters, — bufihels of, value of, . . . ■ . Clams, — bushels of, value of, Quahaugs and sea-clams, — bushels of, . value of, Scallops, — gallons of, value of, Squid, — barrels of, value of Fish oil, — gallons of, value of, Fish guano, •" — tons of, value of, Fish spawn, — barrels of, value of, . Fish sounds, dried,™ — pounds of, . value of, . . . Marine salt, — tons of, value of, Irish moss, — pounds of, value of, Seaweed, — tons of, value of, • Quantity and Value of the Products of the Whale Fishery. Total value of the products of the whale fishery. Sperm oil, — gallons of, vaUu' of, Wh.ale oil,-' — gallons of, . value of. Whalebone, — pounds of, . value of. Ivory, — pounds of, . ■ value of, Ambergris, — pounds of, . value of, Total Quantities and Values of Sea Products as placed upon the markets. Total value of sea products as sold. Total number of pounds of fresh fish taken, . Total value of fish wht-n fretih, .... Total number of pounds of fish as sold, . Totiil value of fish as sold, Enhancement in value of fish in process of prepara- tion, Fresh fish, — pounds of, value of, Dried fish, — pounds of, value of, Pickled fish, — pounds of, value of, Smoked fish, — pounds of, value of, Value of miscellaneous products, .... Value of products of the whale fishery, . $22,160 18$2,375 39,126 $17,848 2,000 $800 SO $162 7fto $675 300 $300 $140,681 8,200,344 $93,549 6,062,259 $118,521 $24,972 4,240,209 $59,725 1,239,850 $42,385 572,200 $15,611 10,000 $800 $22,160 $205,762 285,510 $10,468 26,359 $11,994 800 $4,800 183,000 $84,225 3,000 $19,.500 3,200 $10,400 116,500 $63,600 15,000 $.525 250 $250 $1,000 2,,520 $1,000 $3,155,071 189,.'!83,026 $1,948,406 100,116,499 $2,948,309 $998,466 44,048,606 $727,1199 42,850,143 $1,634,103 17,967,750 $487,107 1,250,000 $100,000 $205,762 $1,000 $46,172 422,250 $15,482 J8$26,000 325 $1,9.50 6,475 $2,.590 1.50 $150 $117,444 5,417,800 $49,242 2,576,11.10 $71,272 $22,030 830,500 $10,579 1,450,400 $52,214 295,200 $8,479 $46,172 $19,093 325,500 $11,935 7,510 $4,283 100 $325 2,500 $2,250 300 $300 $230,942 15,243,616 $17U,.373 11,249,219 $211,849 $41,476 8,491,925 $119,036 2,662,294 $90,526 95,000 $2,28T $19,093 THE FISHERIES. 529 THE FISHERIES — Concluded. Boston PIvmoulh Barnstable Nantucket Edcartowu New Bedford District. Fall River Agcrregates. District. District. District. District. District. District. The .State. »8 $486,321 $48,813 $69,367 $2,084 $31,017 $39,911 $26,813 1" $997,513 1 1,390,800 721,050 211,230 11,250 773,100 174,726 - 4,315,416 2 $50,996 $26,438 $7,745 $412 $28,347 $6,406 - 17 $158,229 3 15,400 - 3,4u0 - - 16,200 1,000 36,000 4 M ( $325,625 1 $15,000 — >8 j $9,750 1 $4,375 - - $21,225 $1,200 $405,550 5 34,940 10,000 32,773 2,253 4,000 5,800 3,375 158,626 6 $17,470 $5,000 $15,420 $872 $1,570 $2,900 $3,121 $76,195 7 - - 5,250 400 300 5,100 - 11,0.50 8 - - $2,625 $200 $150 $2,550 - $5,525 9 - - 1,028 - 500 4,700 800 7,028 10 - _ $514 _ $250 $2,350 $400 $3,514 n _ - _ _ _ - _ 1,125 12 _ - _ _ _ _ _ $6,7-50 13 20,000 6,464 52,1.50 1,500 1,500 2,700 50,400 333.699 14 $8,0U0 $2,585 $21,805 $600 $000 $1,080 $17,640 $144,208 15 1,000 _ 300 _ _ - 1,971 6,271 16 $6,000 _ $2,200 _ _ - $4,452 $32,1-52 17 300 _ 75 _ _ _ _ 3,725 18 $975 - $243 - - - - $12,105 19 2,200 350 2,300 - _ - - 124,600 20 $1,980 $315 $2,000 -. _ _ _ $70,820 21 - _ 136 _ _ 210 - 346 22 _ _ $1,290 _ - $2,600 _ $3,890 23 45,000 405,000 - _ _ _ - 465,000 24 $1,575 $14,175 - _ _ _ - $16,275 25 400 300 1,400 _ 100 800 - 4,000 26 $400 $300 $1,400 $100 $800 $4,000 27 $15,438 $128,476 $47,414 $1,897,009 $2,089,337 28 18,270 - 110,817 _ 35,122 1,135,260 - 1,299,469 29 $15,438 - $93,640 " $29,678 23$1,060,694 - $1,199,4.50 30 - - 84,507 16,317 595,098 - 698,442 31 - _ $33,447 $6,363 2* $2.57,086 - $297,896 32 - _ 22 9,250 4,728 242,476 - 2.56,454 33 ■- - $1,389 - $11,063 $567,393 - $579,845 34 - - - / 1,000 18,100 - 19,100 35 - - - - $310 $5,611 - $-5,921 36 _ _ - _ _ 62^ _ 62i 87 * $6,225 $6,225 38 $1,026,360 $138,443 $1,051,619 $29,546 $133,797 S2,053,9a $63,903 $8,141,750 39 30,147,-534 6,618,893 51,223,687 1,620,189 3,071,092 17,2.53,887 13,755,914 ==341,935,982 40 $358,229 $61,413 §604,860 $21,807 $47,733 $106,290 $33,008 .$3,494,910 41 26,678,891 3,9.52,888 31,779,339 1,017,820 2,338,258 16,309,987 13,584,914 221,666,174 42 $524,601 $89,630 $853,776 $27,462 $55,366 §117,024 $37,090 $5,0.54,900 43 $165,465 28,217 248,916 5,6.55 7,6.33 10,734 4,082 201,5.57,646 44 20,703,866 2,167,000 12,560,976 609,420 1,814,818 15,.575,387 13,052,914 124,101,621 45 $256,208 $26,256 $238,627 $14,. 520 $37,837 $92,586 $25,990 $1,608,523 46 750,000 / AA Ji. -4 f-\ I t-\ j'\ J-i 1,777,888 9,931,518 392,000 461,315 606,600 - 62,122,008 47 ( '8$ 104. 000 } $23,821 $63,144 $351, .556 $12,514 $15,976 $21,838 - $2,412,077 48 5,219,025 8,000 9,261,170 14,400 4,000 128,000 442,000 34,006,745 49 $140,512 $230 $262,199 $328 $100 $2,600 $8,8.50 $928,303 50 - - 25,675 2,000 58,125 - 90,000 1,435,800 51 - - $!,.394 $100 $1,453 - $2,250 $105,997 52 « $486,321 $48,813 $69,367 $2,084 $31,017 $.39,911 $26,813 27 $997,513 53 $15,438 ~ $123,476 ~ $47,414 $1,897,009 - $2,089,337 54 530 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. RECAPITULATION. Districts. Persons. Capital Value of Value of Value of employed. invested. Fresh Fish. Dry Fish. Pickled Fish. Newburyport 425 $200,686 $59,725 $42,385 $15,611 Gloucester, 6,206 4,326,568 727,099 1,634,103 487,107 Salem, 320 209,784 10,579 52,214 8,479 Marblehead, 537 207,706 119,036 90,526 2,287 Boston, 2,653 3,218,949 256,268 M 127,821 140,512 Plymouth, . 686 133,096 26,256 63,144 2.30 Barnstable, . 4,004 1,355,278 238,627 351,556 262,199 Nantucket, . 2S5 27,120 14,520 12,514 328 Edgarlown, 434 220,695 37,837 15,976 100 New Bedford, 4,287 4,329,638 92,586 21,838 2,600 Fall River, . 280 104,930 25,990 - 8,850 The State, .... 20,117 $14,334,450 $1,608,523 $2>412,077 $928,303 RECAPITULATION — Concluded. ■ Districts. Value of Smoked Fish. Value of Shell Fish. Value of Miscellanenus Fish Products. Aggrcpate Value. Newburyport, Gioucester, Salem, Marblehead, . Boston, . Plymouth, B.irnstabic, Nantucket, Ediiaitown, New Bedford, Fall River, $800 100,000 1,394 100 1,453 2,250 =0 $20,223 22,462 3041,482 11,935 81 409,091 31,438 32 40,429 1,484 30,317 35,431 4,321 $1,937 184,300 4,690 7,1.58 2'92,668 17,.375 157,414 GOO 48,114 23 241,901,489 22,492 $140,681 3,1.55.071 117,444 230,942 1,026,360 138,443 1,051,619 29,546 133,797 2,053,944 63,903 The State $105,997 $648,613 $2,379,937 $8,141,750 THE FISHERIES. 531 KOTES 01^ "THE FISHERIES." [Explanation of reference figures in preceding table.] ' 8,279 in food-fish fishery, 3,991 in whale fishery, 30 in seal fishery, 10 in lobster fishery, 266 in men- liaden fishery, 31 in squid fishery, 30 in oyster fishery. Some of those in the food-fish fishery are ■employed for a part of the year in the lobster or the oyster fishery. 2 Forty-seven additional fishing vessels, measuring 2,151.68 tons, were idle throughout the year 1879. 5 Includes two purse-seines in shore fisheries. * Esciu.-ive of boats and nets. ^ Includes $800, value of purse-seines in shore fisheries. 6 It is estimated that 39,855,000 pounds of mackerel and other fish were caught and thrown away as useless, the mackerel being too small for sale in fresh or pickled state. In 1880 and ISSl several million pounds of such mackerel were canned, and found a ready sale. ' Includes 53,636 pounds taken in the Connecticut River in Massachusetts. 8 Includes species not elsewhere enumerated, or that could not be classified, also some fish used for bait and fertilizing purposes. 5 1,774,995 pounds used for bait; 937,139 pounds used for food. JO 2,610,514 pounds used for bait; 1,216,610 pounds used for food. 11 25,811,573 pounds used by menhaden oil factories; 254,504 pounds used for bait. The menhaden caught by New Bedford vessels were sold to oil factories in other States and are credited to this district at their value to the fishermen. Their enhanced value as oil and scrap is credited to the States where the factories are located. 12 53,636 pounds of these were taken in the Connecticut River in Massachusetts. 13 This is the weight of the dried when whole; 5,000,000 pounds maybe deducted as the reduction In weight of about 23,000,000 pounds prepared as boneless. 1^ Includes $104,000 enhancement on "boneless fish " accounted for elsewhere. 15 Includes about 600,000 pounds of salt mackerel put up in tin cans at Gloucester and Boston. i« Includes $58,300, as follows: 264,000 cans fishballs, $38,500; 38,400 cans smelts, $4,800; 36,000 cans fish chowder, $7,500; and 36,000 cans clam chowder, $7,500, packed in Boston. In addition to the fore- going, 463,152 cans lobsters, valued at $57,894, and 403,200 cans fresh mackerel, valued at $33,600, were put up outside the State in factories owned by Boston firms. 1' 31,832 bushels of these, valued at $12,305, are sold for bait in the fisheries. 1' Enhancement on oysters from Southern States. 1" Includes menhaden scrap, halibut head chum, refuse of "boneless fish," etc. Four fertilizer manufactories in the State, eniploj'ing several hundred men and a large capital, make use of fish, already accounted for, iu the preparation of their product. 2" Eight isinglass and fish-glue factories in Massachusetts, employing 182 men and a capital of $315,000, produced $450,000 worth of ribbon isinglass and glue In 1879. ^ Includes walrus and blackfish oils. " Cheap grade of bone, principally from finback whales. 23 Includes $101,400 enhancement in refining. 2* Includes $25,000 enhancement in refining. 25 39,855,000 additional pounds of fish taken, but not utilized. 26 About 60 per cent of this enhancement may be credited to the vessel industry and 40 per cent to the shore industry. 2' Includes $58,300, as follows: 264,000 cans fishballs, $38,500; 38,400 cans smelts, $4,800; 36,000 cans fish chowder, $7,500; 36,000 cans clam chowder, $7,500. 23 Enhancement on fish prepared as "boneless " in Boston, but accounted for elsewhere. 23 $2,375 enhancement on southern oysters, so $26,000 enhancement on southern oysters. *i $325,625 enhancement on southern oysters. 32 ^9,750 enhancement on southern oysters. MANUFACTURES. BY TOWNS. MANUFACTURES BY TOWJ^S. In ordei- that the business of individual establishments may not be disclosed to the public, the items of" waires paid " and " stock used " are omitted in all cases where there are not at least three establishments engaged in a particular industry in a city or town. The items of wages and stock used are also omitted in case the number of establishments engaged in all industries in a city, town, or county is less than three. In all cases items omitted, as regards industries or cities and towns, appear in the count}' totals, and the grand totals of wages paid and stock used are given in the State aggregates. Such omissions arc indicated, in all cases, by the use of leaders (...); in cases where the figures were not given in the original returns, the dash (-) is used to denote the deficiency. The items of wages paid and stock used were generally returned by the United States Census enu- merators and special agents, and the distinction aliove is made to remove a possil)le impression that the United States Census was deficient in these respects. The omissions are made only for reasons given above. The statistics of manufactures given under the headings " Manufactures by Towns " and " Manufactures by Name " do not include the returns for Breweries and Distilleries ; Coke ; 'Gas ; Glass; Mixed Textiles; Petroleum i-efining; Print Works, Bleacheries, and Dye Works ; Salt; Shipbuilding; and Silk and Silk Goods. These industries were assigned to special agents, and the Census Oflicc was unable to supply the Bureau with details hy towns. The exact or esti- mated State totals of these omitted industries will be found in the Recapitulation of " Manufac- tures by Name." The branches of manufacture included under the condensed class headings (such as " Metals and Metallic Goods,") will be found given in detail at the head of each industry presentation under " Manufactures by Name." 536 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS 1880. MANUFACTUKES BY TOWNS. COUNTY OF BARNSTABLE. i Average Number of CO Emploves. Wages. Towns, Cities, o2 Total paid Capital Stock AND <6 tn C "" Value of Industries. I- o - > §2 during invested. used. product. s:i "5 P e5 = J3 the year. 3 — o rt a o a o a fc Eh S fe i» Town of Barnstable, . 12 47 47 _ _ $8,001 $20,950 $41,858 $59,720 Brick 1 7 7 - - 3,000 2,600 Carriages and wagons, . 1 1 1 - - 2,000 1,500 Lent 111')- 2 3 3 - - 2,:i00 • • . 5,000 Metals and metallic goods. 5 3 3 - - 1,000 5,900 5,.500 10,600 Railroad construction, 1 27 27 - - 6,250 . . . 33,820 Stone 1 1 1 - - 500 1,200 "Wooden goods. 1 5 5 - - 1,000 ... 6,000 Town of Brewster, 2 25 1 24 _ ... 5,800 ... 7,932 Food preparations, . 1 1 1 - - 1,800 • • • 3,232 Woollen goods, 1 24 - 24 - ... 4,000 ... 4,700 Town of Chatham, . 10 9 7 2 _ 2,450 6,400 16,545 20,925 Building 1 1 1 - - 100 . . . 900 Carriages and wagons, . 1 1 1 - - 800 1,000 Clothinsr, .... 2 4 2 2 - 2,000 11,100 Food preparations, . 3 - - - - - 800 3,995 4,425 Metals and metallic goods, 3 3 3 — — 700 2,700 3,800 3,500 Town of Dennis, . 14 6 6 - - 2,350 10,200 9,000 31,700 Building, . . 2 - - - - .500 4,800 Carrias^es and wagons, . o 1 1 - - 2,400 3,300 Food preparations, . 2 3 3 - - 1,81)0 - 17,000 Metals and metallic goods. 5 - - - - - 2,700 1,600 2,800 Wooden goods, 3 2 2 - - 600 2,800 2,100 3,800 Town of Eastham, . 1 3 3 ^ _ ... 2,000 ... 2,800 Leather, . . . 1 3 3 - - ... 2,000 ... 2,800 Town of Falmouth, 19 181 173 2 6 58,958 1,043,830 435,202 713,870 Brick, .... 1 6 6 - " 4,000 7,200 Building 2 3 3 - 1,050 3,700 Carriages and wagons, . 2 3 3 - - 3,500 4,200 Fertilizers, 1 125 125 - - 1,000,000 600,000 Food preparations, . 1 3 3 - - 2,000 9,300 Leather, .... 2 - - - - - 350 2,065 Metals and metallic goods. 5 3 3 - - 875 4,600 2,200 6,500 Stone 1 1 1 - - 400 2.100 Wooden goods. 1 2 2 - [ 2,200 2,800 Woollen goods. 3 35 27 2 6 8,878 25,730 57,127 76,010 Town of Harwich, . 4 16 16 _ _ 3,850 9,000 8.400 15,200 Boots and shoes, 1 13 13 - - 6,000 12,000 Metals and metallic goods. 2 2 2 - - 2,500 2,200 Wooden goods. 1 1 1 - - ... 500 ... 1,000 Town of Orleans, . 17 407 20 387 _ 11,760 21,400 72,035 94,917 Boots and shoes, 2 - - - - - 400 1,325 Carriages and wagons, , 1 1 1 - - ],000 2,000 Clothing, .... 1 400 13 387 - 10,000 75,000 Food preparations, . 7 4 4 - - 1,010 5,800 8,060 9,442 Leather 1 1 1 - - 800 2,000 Metals and metallic goods. 4 1 1 - - 300 2,900 1,275 3,650 Stone 1 ~ — ~ ~ ~ 500 — 1,500 MANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. 537 MANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. COUNTY OF BARNSTABLE — Concluded. Towns, Cities, AND Industries. c I. o o p OS i2i Town of Provincbtown, 18 Building, .... 7 Drugs and medicines, . 2 Mctiilsaiid niftullic goods, 7 Wooden goods, . . 2 To'msi OF Sandwich, . 23 Artisans' tools, . . 1 Boots and shoes, . . 1 Building, .... 5 CarriiigL's and wagons, . 1 Food preparations, . . 3 Jewelry eases, boxes, etc., 1 Machines and machinery, 1 Metals and metallic goods, 7 Paper, .... 1 Kailroad construction, . 1 Stone 1 Town of Yarmouth, . 10 Boots and shoes, . . 1 Building 1 Carriages and wagons, . 3 Clothing I Drugs and medicines, . 1 Metals and metallic goods, 1 Wooden goods. Average Number of Employes. C3 O to r-i a to > o n", a fa 37 37 20 20 7 7 7 7 3 3 247 212 2 2 36 26 24 24 1 1 4 4 13 4 2 2 123 109 4 2 37 37 1 1 29 11 1 1 1 1 2 2 21 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 33 10 12 2 18 18 o o Wages. Total paid during the year. Capital invested. Stock used. Value of product. $19,530 $22,900 $18,400 $57,800 11,955 4,800 6,450 27,7 „0 8,000 5,300 3,675 4,100 6,100 16.800 ... 6,000 ... 8,000 72,173 161,125 199,331 328,470 1,000 1,400 29,000 60,720 8,790 6,000 6,775 25,590 300 ■ ■ • 1 ,600 1,300 2 500 15,200 19,860 5,000 ■ ■ • 10,000 , .\ 1,000 1,550 37,000 8t,625 68,025 133,200 2,500 5,000 25,000 68,950 ... 300 ... . 600 4.160 6,650 4,713 15,630 250 • > . 800 • . ■ 300 1,200 200 1,400 2,200 4,000 1,000 - 3,500 1,000 1,500 800 l.onu 1,900 3,630 COUNTY OF BERKSHIRE. Town of Adams, Building, . Carriages and wagons, Cement, Cotton goods, . Foud preparations, . Furniture, Leather, Lumber, . Metals and metallic goods. Paper, Wooden goods. Woollen goods, Town of Alford, . Food preparations, , Metals and metallic goods. Stone, Town of Becket, . Food preparations, , Metals and metallic goods. Paper, Wooden goods. Town of Cheshire, . Carriages and wagons. Cement, Cotton goods, . Food preparations, . Kaolin, Leather, Lumber, . . . . Metals and metallic goods. Wooden goods, 32 1,646 742 608 296 2 6 6 - - o 1 1 - - 2 43 43 _ _ 5 1 1,078 396 395 287 4 6 6 - - 1 2 2 - - 3 14 14 - _ 1 43 43 _ _ ?, 6 16 16 - _ 3 330 138 192 - 1 2 4 4 - _ 1 103 73 21 9 4 4 4 _ _ 2 1 1 2 2 - - 2 2 - - 9 28 23 5 _ 2 2 2 - _ , 3 2 2 _ _ 1 19 14 5 _ 3 5 5 - - 17 1 1 437 417 10 10 3 3 _ _ 1 31 11 10 10 2 2 2 _ _ 3 22 22 _ _ 2 4 4 _ _ 2 17 17 _ _ , 3 352 352 _ _ 2 6 6 - - $496,721 $1,349,600 9,000 4,000 14,000 317,371 797,000 2,775 24,000 5,000 6,920! 36,600 10.000 8,175 28,400 7,000 300,000 1.600 120,000 1,135 9,469 662 1,200 180,790 4,050 15S',250 6,100 4,000 200 1,900 41,783 11,200 2,900 25,683 2,000 674,450 500 2,000 50,000 800 9,000 15,200 12,000 584,200 750 $1,130,196 548,021 34,985 33,400 6,370 260,200 8,439 93,456 750 800 178, 101 335 600 700 $2,127,663 17,000 2,400 53,000 1,081,679 37,340 5,000 46,0U0 28,000 19,750 534,000 15,.500 288,000 11,4S0 8,880 800 1,800 113,042 47,150 2,392 60,000 3,500 400,060 500 6,500 42,000 22,040 16,100 18,200 17,720 271,650 5.350 538 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS 18S0. MANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. COUNTY OF BERKSHIRE — Continued. 1 Average Number of 1 0) EaMPLOYES. Wages. Towns, Cities, •Si Total paic Capital Stock j AND to *ti 1 "H = ! Value of Industries. "a w > .Hi 5 ° uth ai hlldre during the year. invested. used. product. o « CS S ca o a ^" H s b h Town or Clarksecrg, . 2 130 71 4S 16 $134,300 $244,782 Food preparations, . 1 - - - - - 800 ... 4,782 Woollen goods, 1 130 71 4.-] 10 ... 133,500 ... 240,000 Town of Dalton, . 19 652 273 254 25 $203,025 953,900 $723,8:5-2 1,225,277 Building 1 10 10 - - 1,000 . . . 20,000 Food preparations, . 3 4 4 - * 1,113 17,000 35,071 45,610 Leather 1 1 1 - - > ■ ■ 1,000 1 1,200 Lnniber 6 9 9 - - 610 12,600 3,^45 6,750 Metals and metallicgoode, 2 2 2 - - 2,300 4,400 l'i'I>t'i- 4 316 140 176 - 127,262 76U,000 366,300 648,000 Woollen goods. 2 210 107 78 25 ... 160,000 ... 499,317 Town op EoitErMONT, 10 70 70 _ _ 26,991 26,750 58,940 111,740 Carriages and wagons, . 2 63 53 - - 10,800 • . • 71,045 Boots and shoes, 1 7 7 - - 1,500 • . . 8,000 Fooii preparations, . 2 2 2 - - 10,500 * . . 23,795 Furniture, .... 1 2 2 - - 2,000 • . > 4,000 Metals and metallic goods. 2 2 2 - - • • • 950 » • ■ 1 ,(J0O Lumber 2 4 4 - - ... 1,000 ... 2,400 ToAVN OF Florida, . 1 3 3 _ .. ... 300,000 4.500 Lumber 1 3 3 - - ... 300,000 ... 4,600 Town of Gt. Rarrinotox, 32 648 351 226 71 197,919 671,650 589,143 986,014 Carriages and wagons, . 3 1 3 3 - - 1,200 3,000 1,160 4,200 Cotton goods, . 1 244 111 88 45 275,000 • • • 315,588 Food preparations, . 5 4 4 - - 3,225 11,700 46,450 87,220 Liquors and beverages, . 1 2 2 - - 475 • ■ • 1,150 Lumber, .... 6 10 10 - - 1,2A2 15,100 8,700 15,150 Metals and metallic goods, 10 15 15 - - 5,055 11,675 5,450 18,300 Paper 1 100 60 40 - 150,000 ... 100,000 Soap and tallow. 1 2 2 - - 575 ... 2,450 Tob.H'co, .... 2 1 1 - - 2,.5U0 7,800 Wooden goods. 2 3 3 - - • • • 1,625 2,850 Woollen goods, 1 264 140 98 26 ... 200,000 ... 371,306 Town of ITancock, . 12 21 19 2 ^ 5,753 17.850 36,388 54,762 AgricuUural implements. 1 1 1 - - . • • 1,500 ... 1,600 Food preparations, . 2 2 2 - - * * • 500 ... 8,000 Leather, .... 1 - _ - _ _ 500 800 Lumber, .... 3 11 11 - - 3,740 7,500 22,450 34,075 Metals and metallic goods, 3 1 1 - - 300 1,850 1,066 3,000 Wooden goods, 1 - ~ - _ _ 1,000 • > • 500 Woollen goods, 1 6 4 - ... 5,000 ... 6,187 Town of Hinsdale, . 6 348 200 96 52 72,711 376,500 266,249 449,217 Food preparations, . 1 2 2 - - > > • 5,000 • . • 9,085 Lumber, .... 2 6 6 - - • • • 13.500 • • • 14,350 Woollen goods, 3 340 192 96 52 70,781 358,000 248,704 425,782 Town of Lanesborough, 1 1 1 _ _ 5,000 12,320 Food preparations, . 1 1 1 - - ... 6,000 ... 12,320 Town of Lee, . 20 ' 582 341 241 _ 230,199 919,800 962,775 1,425,827 B( ot-^ and shoes. 2 2 2 - - • • • 1,000 • • . 2,354 Briek 1 4 4 - - • . • 4,000 • ■ ■ 5,000 Building 2 11 11 - - ■ ■ • 2,000 • . . 12,500 Carriafres and wagons, . 1 2 2 - - ... 3,000 • • * 3,000 Food preparations, . 1 4 4 - - 5,000 ■ ■ > 23,029 Furniture 1 1 1 - - • > • 500 600 Metals and metallic goods. 3 3 3 ~ - 1,475 8,000 i',sio 6.000 Paper 8 553 312 241 - 218,506 898,000 933,445 1,370,344 Stone 1 1 2 2 - - ... 300 ... 3,000 Town of Lenox, 18 52 52 _ _ 12,400 53,900 54,225 86,350 Boots and shoes, 1 - - - - - 300 . . . 800 Brick 1 25 25 - - ... 15,000 . . . 7,500 Cement 2 8 8 "" "* 4,000 ... 8,900 ma:n^upactuees by towns. 539 MANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. COUNTY OF BERKSHIRE — Continued. Average . t^UMBER OF ♦J Employes. Wages. Towns, Cities, ■Si c Total paid Capital Stock , AND to Value of Industries. u o m > So ^ i^ during invested. usod. product. 1^ t the j'ear. aa o 5 =3 0) ^ p o Izi H a s >* Town of Lenox — Con. Food preprirations, . 2 3 3 - - . . . $10,000 $41,650 Leather 2 2 2 - - 1,600 2,200 Liquors and beverages, . 1 1 1 - - 1,000 900 Lumbt-r, .... 3 7 7 - - $1,150 14,000 $4,475 9,6i0 Metals and metallic goods. 5 6 6 - - 3,125 7,400 4,600 13,500 Needle books, . 1 - - - - - 600 ... 1,300 Town of Monterey, 3 4 4 _ _ 725 5,500 3,250 5,750 Lumber 3 4 4 - - 725 5,500 3,250 5.750 Town of New Marlbor- ough, .... 27 99 86 13 - 31,239 97,900 113,585 198,377 Agricultnral implements. 1 1 1 - - • . . 1,300 900 Boots and shoes, 1 7 7 - - 8,700 25,000 Building 1 1 1 - - • • . 100 • * . 1,300 Carriage's and wagons, . 5 4 4 - - 1,200 3,700 2,650 8,200 Food preparations, . 3 2 2 - - 990 6,500 6,185 20,327 Kaolin, .... 1 13 13 - - • . . 10,000 10,000 Lumber, .... 6 11 11 - - 2,340 19,000 9,900 17,250 Metals and metallic goods, 5 2 2 - - 545 2,500 1,450 4,700 Paper, .... 1 39 35 4 - 40,000 100,000 Whips, .... 3 19 10 9 - 3,400 6,100 3,750 10,700 Town of Nortu Adams, 68 2,166 1,132 781 253 690,156 2,275,509 2,361,479 4,042,314 Acid, pyroligneous, and iron liquor, . 1 3 3 _ _ 6,000 * * > 4,000 Arms and ammunition, . 1 15 15 .. - > • . 45,600 . 1 * 60,000 Boots and shoes, 3 505 278 165 62 167,298 165,000 687,000 924,944 Boxes 1 12 12 - - • . . 10,000 ... 70,150 Brooms and brushes, 1 4 4 - - ... 2,000 8,500 Building, .... 10 59 59 - - 31,100 12,100 73,000 128,.500 Carriages and wagons, . 6 26 26 - - 9,950 9,800 11,000 30,600 Clothing, .... 3 39 20 19 - 12,700 12,500 21,500 41,500 Cotton goods, . 6 710 215 411 84 174,286 1,205,864 391,296 802,488 Electroplating, . 1 5 5 - - 1,000 6,200 Food prc'parations, . 4 16 16 - - 6,236 56,200 89,081 109,555 Furniture 2 14 14 _ _ . • . 25,000 * . . 38,000 Leather 5 33 33 - - 13,718 45,600 59,700 83,547 Lumber 1 3 3 - - . . . 20,000 . . . 8,000 Metals and metallic goods, 9 51 61 _ _ 22,977 67,745 35,978 88,580 Photographs, . 2 2 2 _ _ 2,500 ... 4,800 Printing and publishing, . 2 14 13 1 - 20,000 . . . 19,000 Soap and candles, . 1 3 3 - __ 1,600 3,600 Stone, .... 3 8 8 - - 4,600 2,000 3,700 10,350 Tobacco 3 12 12 - - 8,800 5,200 7,500 25,000 Woollen goods. 3 632 340 185 107 199,291 560,000 845,424 1,575,000 11 23 23 _ _ 4,925 30,700 23,400 37,785 Agricultural implements, 1 1 1 - - ... 2,500 ... 1,200 Boxes, .... 1 2 2 - - ... 1,000 ... 2,000 Leather 1 3 3 _ — 10,000 12,000 Lumber, .... 7 16 16 _ _ 3,625 17,000 12,150 21,985 Metals and metallic goods. 1 1 1 - - ... 200 ... 600 Town of Peru,. 3 2 2 _ _ 285 5,100 1,075 2,455 Lumber, .... 2 2 2 _ _ . » . 5,000 . • . 1,955 Metals and metallic goods, 1 - - - - - 100 ... 500 Town of Pittsfield, 104 2,247 1,4S3 594 170 725,826 2,465,015 2,644,584 4,343,655 Boots and shoes. 4 157 157 - - .54,600 102,300 251,250 355,440 Building 9 167 167 _ _ 75,232 102,500 160,100 265,000 Burial cases, caskets, cof- fins, etc 1 3 3 _ _ ... 3.000 ... 3,000 Carriages and wagons, . 10 30 30 _ _ 12,735 25,2 ;.0 10,185 36,662 Clothing, .... 2 25 6 19 - 7,000 9,000 1 106 36 60 10 . . . 100,000 80,000 Drugs and medicines, 1 _ _ _ _ _ 300 3,500 13 36 32 2 2 16,499 123,000 263,419 323,600 540 CENSUS or MASSACHUSETTS — ISSO. MANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. COUNTY OF BERKSHIRE — Continued. tab- Average Number of oo 9> Employes. Wages. Towns, Cities, "53 Total paid during Capital invested. Stock used. AND Industries. 2s; li and dren. Value of product. g 2 "3 00 — U o2 the year. 3 — o « s g c! o o !zi H a P^ PH Town or Pittsfield-Cod. Furniture, 5 28 28 - - $15,530 $38,250 $26,200 $55,0.50 Hair work. 2 1 - 1 - 900 . . > 3,000 Leutlicr 4 33 33 - - 12,252 56,390 54,596 76,904 Liquors and beverages, . 1 5 5 - - 8,000 13,000 Lumber 3 15 15 - - 4,567 9,!>00 13,925 22,225 Macliiiies and machinery, 6 .53 63 - - 27,409 61,000 36.190 72,773 Metuls and metallic goods, 18 70 53 9 8 30,463 61,100 73,300 142,800 Paper, .... 1 16 10 6 - . • . 40,800 75,000 Photographs, . 2 1 1 - - 4,.300 4,800 Printing and publishing, . 3 21 15 6 - 10,512 18,500 7,941 21,107 Soap and candles, . 1 1 1 - - 800 ... 2,200 Ptone 4 7 7 - - 2,575 6,825 16,300 10,700 Tobacco, .... 2 1 1 - - ; ... 7,300 2,200 Wooden goods. 3 38 38 - - i 18,250 43,000 80,000 109.000 Woollen goods, 9 1,433 792 491 150 460,525 1,645,000 1,562,128 2,656,694 Town of Richmond, 2 5 5 _ _ 4,000 10,500 Lumber, .... 1 - _ - _ _ 2,000 4,000 Metals and metallic goods. 1 5 5 - - ... 2,000 ... 6,500 Town of Pandtsfield, . 15 26 26 _ _ 3,800 22,900 15,830 39,.5.50 Agricultural implements. 2 6 6 - - 3,000 2,500 Boxes, .... 1 1 1 - - . ■ . 1,200 1,000 Food preparations, . 2 4 4 - _ ■ • • 2,100 ... 11, .350 Furniture 1 - - - - _ 2,500 soo Lumber, .... 4 3 3 - _ 625 7,500 3,455 10,9110 Metals and metallic goods. 1 2 2 - - . . . 1,000 1,800 Tobacco 1 1 1 - - ... 500 • . ■ 1,100 Whips 1 5 6 - - - 2,.500 SOO Wooden goods, 2 4 4 - - ... 2,600 ... 3,300 Town of Savoy, 3 19 19 _ _ 4,100 6,000 5,850 11,600 Lumber 2 18 18 - _ • • . 5,000 10,000 Printing and publishing, . 1 1 1 - - 1,000 1,000 Town of Sheffield, 23 25 25 _ _ 4,447 47,100 46,026 62,471 Building, .... 1 2 2 - _ ■ ■ • 1,500 600 Carriiiges and wagons, . 3 1 1 - - 30 1,300 950 1,0.50 Food preparations, . 3 5 5 - - 1,550 24,800 31,129 35,201 Leather, .... 1 _ _ - _ _ 750 • • • 900 Liquors and beverages, . 4 6 6 ^ _ 440 4,300 2,850 4,950 Lumber, .... 3 5 5 - - 1,050 7,500 4,472 7,100 Metals and metallic goods. 6 3 3 - - 615 5,150 3,800 7,370 Stone 2 3 3 - - ... 1,800 ... 4,700 Town of Stockbridge, . 14 233 155 68 10 78,.394 188,100 385,735 438,940 Building, .... 3 9 9 - - 3,084 900 2,700 7,500 Food preparations, . 1 3 3 - - • • . 4,000 7,.500 Lumber 2 4 4 - - 10,500 5,600 Machines and machinery, 1 19 19 - - • • • 15 000 18,000 Metals and metallicgoods. 2 2 2 _ _ . • ■ 1,700 . . . 2,800 Paper, . . . . 3 33 27 6 _ 10,550 91,000 84,020 128,540 Woollen goods. 2 163 91 62 10 ... 65,000 ... 269,000 Town of Tyringham, 7 9 9 _ _ 2,475 10,800 3,400 10,400 Agricultural implements, 3 8 8 _ - 2,250 9,800 2,700 7,500 Building 1 1 1 - - ... 200 1,000 Carriages and wagons, . 2 - - - - - 700 1,100 Metals and metallic goods, 1 - - - - - 100 ... 800 Town of Washington, . 1 _ _ _ _ „ 500 ... 750 Lumber, .... 1 - - - - - 500 ... 750 Town of W. Stockbridge, 15 103 103 _ 35,315 136,400 145,429 258,374 Carnages and wagons, . 1 7 7 - - . • . 800 4,000 Food preparations, . 7 26 26 - - 6,727 61,600 65,883 84,034 Lime and cement. 2 19 19 _ - ... 10,000 ... 17,000 Liquors and beverages, . 1 1 1 - - ... 400 720 MANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. 541 MANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. COUNTY OF BERKSHIRE — Concluded. t Average Number of IS Employes. Wages. Towns, Cities, "Si Total paid Capital Stock AND to id eg Value of Industries. u a S 2 a; §2 ^'2 during invested. used. product. Es "3 li 3.G the year. 3 „ o ec c3 ils O o !?; H s fe >^ Town of West Stock BRIDGE — Con. Lumber, . 1 1 1 - - $600 $1,660 Macliiiies and tnacliinery 1 3 3 - - 5,000 • . . 2,500 Metals and metallic goods 1 40 40 - - 50,000 144,000 Paper, 1 6 6 - - 8,000 ... 4,400 Town of Williamstown 27 372 153 159 60 $67,526 509,162 $208,397 362,448 Boots and shoes. 1 1 1 - - 200 . . . 700 Brick, 1 18 18 - > • > 7,000 . * * 6,750 Carriages and wagons, 3 6 6 - 2,050 6,300 2,500 6,600 Clothing, . 2 3 3 - - 2,000 2,200 Cotton goods, . 3 319 100 159 60 54,046 456,412 148',977 260,877 Food preparations, . 5 6 6 - - 2,050 15,300 36,095 53,060 Furniture, 1 1 1 - - ... 1,000 ... 1,800 Leather, . 1 1 1 - - 2,250 1,800 Lumber, . 6 10 10 - - 1,620 13,000 12,500 18,761 Metals and metallic goods 4 7 7 - - 2,050 5,700 3,700 9,900 Town or Windsor, . 8 11 11 _ 1,780 22,900 4,400 10,550 Lumber, . 3 6 6 - - 625 13,000 2,075 4,350 Metals and metallic goods 5 5 5 ~ ~ 1,155 9,900 2,325 6,200 COUNTY OF BRISTOL. Town of Acushnet, Boots and shoes, Boxes, Building, . Lumber, . Metals and metallic goods. Town of Attleborough, Artirians' tools. Printing, dy'ing, bleachi'g Boots and shoes, Boxes, Brooms and brushes. Burial cases, caskets, cof- fins, etc.. Buttons, Carriages and wagons. Cooking, lighting, and heating apparatus. Cotton goods, . Cotton, woollen, and other textiles, Electroplating, . Food preparations, . Jewelry burnishing. Lapidary work. Leather, . Lumber, . Machines and machinery, Mt'tals and metallic goods, Printing and publishing. Stone, . . . . Tobacco Town of Berkley, . Agricultural implements. Boots and shoes, Carriages and wagons, . Leather Wooden goods, 12 27 27 _ 1 2 2 _ _ 5 5 _ 1 4 4 - 4 4 16 16 _ - 94 3,398 2,327 937 134 4 9 8 1 _ 3 22 22 _ 1 1 _ ■ _ 2 11 1 9 1 1 6 3 3 - 1 25 10 15 _ 2 18 11 7 _ 2 7 7 - - 1 25 25 _ _ 4 669 304 241 124 1 106 12 94 _ 1 4 3 1 _ 1 7 5 2 - 1 2 2 _ _ 2 10 10 _ _ 1 40 40 _ _ 1 3 3 - _ 1 8 8 _ ^ 59 2,409 1,838 563 8 2 9 7 1 1 1 6 6 - _ 1 1 1 - - 5 13 13 _ _ 1 4 4 _ _ 1 1 1 _ _ 1 3 3 _ _ 1 9 2 ^ _ 1 3 3 - $6,450 3,300 1,415,666 5,075 9,250 166,358 1,111 885 3,850 $40,150 3,000 7,000 1,000 25,500 3,650 2,862,390 10,500 9,500 750 2,700 4,000 30,000 11,000 6,500 30,000 1,019,440 147,000 1,500 2,000 500 6,000 50,000 1,000 10,000 1,502,500 10,500 5,000 2,000 7,500 2,000 200 800 1,500 3,000 $18,565 8,815 1,200 1,993,069 6,800 12,875 402,371 1,259,956 4,5.50 $39,280 4,225 7,500 5,000 18,930 3,625 4,346,309 19,180 29,800 1,100 8,000 8,000 50,000 16,000 8,200 50,000 425,081 210,000 12,000 14,000 3,000 14,500 162,500 600 20,000 3,273,648 10,200 8,000 2,500 13,800 1,800 1,200 3,300 3,500 4,000 512 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. aiANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. COUNTY OF BRISTOL — Continued. 1 Average N^umber of 00 Employes. Wages. Towns, Cities, •Si Total paid Capital Stock AND to o Value of Industries. i C o .2^ §2 ^2 during invested. used. product. 1| 3 il s5 Uie year. 3 ^ o i5 a o 3 o o !?; H a fe |h Town of Dartmouth, 21 13 13 _ _ $1,575 $32,076 $10,989 $47,865 Boots and shoes, 1 - - - - - 300 • . . 950 Carriat;es and wagone, . 3 2 2 - - 200 2,900 950 3,200 Food preparations, . 8 - - - - - 13,000 - 27,265 Luml>t'r, .... 5 9 9 - - 1,275 14,300 7,313 11,950 Metals and metallic goods, 4 2 2 - - 100 1,576 2,326 4,500 Town of Dighton, . 9 149 87 41 21 48,420 208,800 255,168 374,700 Brick, .... 1 12 11 - 1 t » . . 6,500 ... 12,-.'00 Carriages and wagons, . 1 1 1 - - 500 • . ■ 2,500 Cotton, woollen, and other textiles, 1 100 40 40 20 • ■ • 150,000 . ■ . 250,000 Electroplating, 1 7 6 1 - 3,0U0 8,000 Metals and metallic goode, 3 3 3 - - 300 800 1,200 2,000 Paints, colors, and chemi- cals, .... 1 9 9 - - ■ • * 8,000 ... 45,000 PaP^r 1 17 17 - - ... 40,000 ... 55,000 Town of Easton, 27 689 654 15 20 231,585 485,900 537,064 1,287,8.50 Agricultural implements, 1 500 485 - 15 ■ . . 400.000 ... 985,000 Artisans' tools, 1 2 2 _ - 1 ... 55(J ... 050 Boots and shoes, 3 93 81 12 - 1 30,000 21,001 77,800 130,700 Carriages and wagons, . 2 8 8 - - ( ... 5,000 13,500 Food preparations, . 6 11 10 1 - 3,200 15,.50i' 33,222 81,000 Lumber, .... 5 7 7 - - 535 6,50( 2,562 5,0.50 Macliines and machinery, 1 8 6 2 - ... 4,501 10,000 Metals and metallic goods. 5 63 53 - - 14,500 30,350 21,350 54,450 Scientific instruments and appliances, 2 1 1 - - 1,500 • • • 2,500 Toys and games. 1 6 1 - 5 ... 1,000 ... 5,000 Town of Fairhaven, 14 222 149 63 10 76,525 193,200 139,350 254,600 Boots and shoes, 2 - - - - _ 800 3,900 Building 3 5 6 - - 1,000 1,400 3,200 6,700 Machines and machinery. 1 52 .'i2 - - ... 30,000 ... 50,000 Metals and metallic goods, 7 165 92 63 10 65,525 160,500 105,700 192,500 Wooden goods. 1 - - - " - 500 ... 1,500 City of Fall River, 256 16,488 7,863 6,584 2,041 4,312,105 24,252,586 10,014,981 18,978,776 Artificial teeth and dental work, .... 5 9 9 - - 4,500 8,500 9,000 24,000 Artisans' tools. 1 5 5 - - « • • 600 ■ • ■ 4,000 Boots and shoes, 21 38 24 5 9 11,433 10,950 8,230 25,428 Boxes 2 21 4 14 3 • • • 7,000 • • • 18,000 Bn>oms and brushes, 2 7 7 - - • . ■ 1,400 ... 16,200 Building, .... 33 501 498 - 3 123,681 62,350 322,300 526,880 Burial cases, caskets, cof- fin-, etc 5 10 10 - - 6,000 20,000 30,000 50,000 Carriages and wagons, . 11 41 41 - - 9,900 19,750 19,450 46,700 Clocks and watches. 7 10 10 - - 7,500 21,000 10,0011 30,000 Clothing 11 188 64 96 28 60,300 180,500 179,700 315,.500 Cooking, lighting, and 1 20 20 - - • • • 10,000 • ■ ■ 20,000 heating apparatus. Cordage and twine, . .3 9 7 1 1 2,550 6,750 37,800 45,800 Cotton goods, . 33 14,088 5,734 6,398 1,956 3,661,593 22,387,806 8,047,517 15,518,-544 Drugs and medicines, 1 2 2 - - ... 3,000 . . • 10,000 Electroplating, . 1 1 1 - - ... 500 2,400 Food preparations, . 16 90 86 4 - 36,574 132,000 399',200 4f»4,735 Furniture, 4 16 16 - - 7,370 3,500 9,400 22,705 Leather, .... 11 ! 85 67 18 - 37,550 101,200 128,900 190,752 Lumber 5 22 22 - 5,910 20,600 4.610 16,200 Machines nnd machinery. 12 ! 361 329 22 10 111,028 289,255 128,597 294,407 Metals and metallic goods. 44 711 700 - 11 20«,5S5 596,375 386,617 805,978 Photographs, . 6 9 - 9 - 2,700 7,000 4,000 12,000 Printing and publishing. 9 76 64 10 2 31,457 80,400 42,600 101,800 Soap and candles, . . 2 14 14 - - 22,000 • ■ ■ 46,000 Stone, .... 2 4 4 - - ... 2,250 • • ■ 4,900 Tobacco, .... 4 12 12 - - 3,500 4,100 1,700 8,000 Wooden goods. o 1 o 11 11 - - 4,700 3,800 8,350 18,100 Woollen goods. 1 127 102 7 18 ... 250,000 ... 309,747 MAXUFACTUHES BY TOWNS. 5^3 MANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. COUNTY OF BRISTOL — Continued c3 AvERAGF. Number of to Emplotes. Wages. Town:?, Cities, ■Si Total paid Capital Stock AND o o "O ^ Value of Industries. u 3 52 during invested. used. product. £;! "a 2 5 eI the year. S ^ o " » a cJ o";; 'A S bi >■ Town of Freetown, 13 62 61 _ 1 $14,237 $70,500 $34,513 $80,430 Arms and ammunition, . 1 30 30 - - ... 40,000 25 000 Priming, dy'inif, bleachi'ir. 1 6 6 - ■ ■ • 5,000 • • ■ 8,000 Cotton, woollen, and other textiles. 2 1 8 8 _ - • . ■ 15,000 ... 19,210 Food preparations, . 1 _ _ - - _ 800 ... 6,670 Lumber 8 18 17 - 1 3,337 9,700 10,075 21,550 Town of Mansfield, 26 565 365 147 53 219,.527 290,200 279,350 718,700 Artisans' tools, 4 48 39 2 7 15,700 32,000 13,000 38,000 Boxe-<, .... 1 2 1 - 1 • > • 300 1,500 Burial cases, caskets, cof- fins, etc., 1 5 2 2 1 . ■ • 8,000 . • > 4,000 Buttons, .... 1 10 3 - 7 ... 500 ... 7,000 Drugs and medicines. 1 1 1 _ _ 1,500 1 ,2(10 Food preparations, . 2 54 47 3 4 ... 24,000 153,000 Horn goods. 1 1 50 45 5 - • • • 15,000 42,000 Lumber, .... 1 1 4 4 - - ... 4,000 3,€00 Machines and machinery. 1 i 35 31 - 4 20,000 30,000 Metals and m. tallic goods. 4 139 126 10 3 57,427 132,000 55,200 189,000 Printing and publishing, . 1 8 8 - - ... 1,500 • . • 6,-500 Soap and candles, . 1 I 2 2 - - ... 300 • . ■ 2,500 Straw gooils, . 1 20u 50 125 25 50,000 ... 235,000 Wooden goods. 6 \ 7 6 - 1 2,000 1,100 1,500 5,400 City of New Bedford, . 297 5,507 3,625 1,537 345 1,';07,773 7,143,507 5,256,269 8,880,384 Artisans' tools, . V 144 131 13 - • • > 200.900 170,731 Boots and shoes. 12 264 201 63 - 99,834 135,550 292,900 386,825 Boxes, .... 2 23 9 14 - 1 8,500 . . ■ 19,150 Brick 2 5 5 *~ - ' > • ■ 1,500 ... 3,4:^0 Brooms and brushes, T 2 2 - . . . 1,-500 2,800 Building 82 423 423 _ - 152,561 94,900 242,178 476,644 Burial cases, caskets, cof- " fins, etc.. 1 s 7 1 _ 10,000 ... 25,000 Carriages and wagons, . 17 134 134 - - 61,621 98,400 79,566 170,601 Clocks and watches, 5 14 13 1 - 6,1U0 6,400 1.325 10,070 Clolhi g, . . . 6 67 12 55 _ 13,302 28,8011 45,500 73,750 Concrete 2 12 12 - _ 4,800 ... 21,000 Cooking, ligbting, and ' heating apparatus. 1 10 10 - - 5,000 15,100 Cordage and twine, . 1 170 155 8 7 75,000 622,963 Cotton goods, . 2 1 2^ 1 ,221 18 1,197 325 ... 4.624,31-.^ 3,223,605 DruKS and medicines, ' U'Mu 23,500 Electroplating, . 1 1 1 _ 90U • • ■ 1,700 Fishing tackle, . 2 2 2 ~ - 1,500 ... 6,-500 Food preparations, . 16 153 139 14 - 58,913 204,3iX) 790,873 932,155 Furniture,. 8 3» 3. 7 - 1-1,060 6,800,900 $203,548 $.343,975 Bi>otsaiul bhoes, 1 6 5 1 - 3,000 10,000 Building, .... 2 2 2 - - 1,100 fi,000 Ciirriages and wagons, . 3 5 5 - - 1,900 4,500 3,000 6,600 Cotton goods, . 1 75 29 35 11 160,000 120,000 Food preparations, . 1 4 4 - - > • ■ 5,000 16,525 Leather, .... 1 - - - - - 500 ],.500 Lumber 7 14 14 - - 1,160 14,500 5,584 9,4.50 Miitches, .... 1 30 10 20 - 20,000 95,000 Metals and metallic goods, 4 100 37 48 15 35,000 42,300 11,650 78,900 Town of Raynham, . 12 139 123 16 _ 49,348 58,900 100,845 235,017 Boots and shoes. 4 125 10!) IB - 43,268 32,000 13'.",645 198,567 Boxes 1 2 2 - - • . . 5,000 5,000 Food preparations, . 1 1 1 - - 2,000 16,000 Lumber 3 3 3 - - 380 8,500 l,.05O 3,150 Metals and metal lie goods. 2 5 5 - - • . . 7,400 8,300 Oils and illuminati'g fluids, 1 3 3 - - 4,000 ... 4,000 Town of Reuobotii, 1 28 1(5 9 3 ... 60,000 ... 61,500 Cotton goods, . 1 28 16 9 3 ... 60,000 ... 61,500 Town of Seekonk, . 12 39 24 14 1 12,150 16,300 38,100 69,3.50 Carriages and wagons, . 2 1 1 - - 700 1.600 Food preparations, . 3 5 5 - - 750 5,100 21,375 24,9.50 Leather 2 4 3 - 1 • . . 1,400 4,400 Metals and metallic goods. 4 26 12 14 - 8,400 6,500 8,475 28,400 Wooden goods. 1 3 3 - - ... 2,600 ... 10,000 Town of Somerset, . 5 136 127 2 7 91,700 330,545 159,250 399,800 Earthen and stone ware, . 2 21 19 2 - • . • 22,000 .33,000 Metals and metallic goods, 3 115 108 - 7 83,500 308,545 156,250 366,800 Town of Swansea, . 14 38 38 _ _ 10,472 24,400 21,813 39,697 Boots and shoes, 1 3 3 - - 500 1,600 Carriages and wagons, . 3 8 8 - - 1,868 3,000 1,500 4,700 Food preparations, . 2 4 4 - - ... 9,000 14,300 Leather 2 2 2 - - 500 2,600 Metals and metallic Koods, 5 15 15 - _ 5,279 5,000 3,213 12,497 Printing, dy'ing, bleachi'g. 1 6 6 - ... 6,400 ... 4,000 City of Taunton, . 152 5,163 3,646 1,072 445 2,090,690 4,324,134 4,292,917 7,663,656 Agricultural implements. 1 5 5 - - 1,000 1,3.50 Artisans' tools, 2 9 6 - 3 4,000 8.500 Boots and shoes. 7 9 9 - - 4,200 2,3.50 4,325 12,350 Brick 102 102 - - 21,874 97,100 11,425 45,300 Building 13 58 58 - - 24,366 18,900 29,310 70,9.50 Burial oases, caskets, cof- fins, etc.. 2 7 7 - _ . . . 19,000 17,061 Buttons 1 30 16 14 - 33,.50O 66,500 Carpetings, 1 37 37 - - 70,000 166,888 Carriages and wagons. 11 66 66 - _ 22,125 42,300 20,000 61,2.50 Clothing, .... 4 33 7 26 - 10,750 22,500 27,200 44,500 Cooking, lighting, and heating apparatus, 12 413 412 - 1 204,906 365,. 500 188,137 517,595 Cotton goods, . 8 1,491 512 687 292 391,195 810,000 995,201 1,856,884 Crucibles, .... 2 27 24 - 3 60,000 68,452 Druss and medicines. 2 4 4 - - 9,500 8,500 Earthen and stone ware. i 5 5 - - 10,000 6,.50O Food preparjtions, . 11 56 48 3 5 20,198 62,.500 296,900 363,012 Furniture, 2 4 4 - - 900 7,200 Leather, .... 5 7 7 - - 6,250 5,600 4,950 11,8.50 Liquors and beverages, . 1 17 17 - - > • . 6,000 20,000 Lumber, .... 4 51 48 - 3 16,900 34,000 22,100 51,. 500 Machines and machinery, 8 904 901 3 - 522,276 843,800 698,953 1,309,783 Mattresses, 2 4 3 1 - 1,1.50 3,900 M etals and metallic goods. 33 1,759 1,.304 321 134 755,453 1,722,650 1,750,807 2,864,313 Models and pattertis. 2 o 2 - - 4,.500 2,920 Polishes and dressing. i 4 2 2j "" — 5,000 6,000 MANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. 545 MANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. COUNTY OF BRISTOL — Couelu.led. AvEBAGE Number of i ■\ Employks. Wages Towns, Cities, S-S, Total paid during the j-ear. Capital, invested. Block used. AND Industries. 3 uth and hildren. Value of product. SVS o rt a O 3 o o ^ H a fe >* City of Taunton — Con. Printing and publishing, . 2 31 16 15 - $38,000 $29,000 Stoiio 3 12 12 - - $5,942 5,884 $3,9il 14,.593 Tobacco 2 1 1 _ _ 800 3,100 Wooden goods, 3 15 11 - 4 5,000 27,700 11,075 23,900 Town of Westport, 5 183 99 60 24 56,225 300,750 138,001) 210,909 Carriage's and wagons, . 1 1 1 - - 400 1,000 Cotton goods, . 1 179 95 60 24 300,000 207,009 Metals and metallic goods, 3 3 3 ■" ~ 825 350 1.200 2,900 COUNTY OF DUKES. Town of Cottage City, . Food preparations, . 7 _ - $500 500 $10,000 10,000 Town of Edgartown, . Food prfparatioiis, . Metals and metallic goods, - - — - 4,300 2,300 2,000 $2,760 1,260 1,500 Town of Gosnold, . Metals and metallic goods. 2 - 150 150 1,200 1,200 Town of Tisbury, . Leather, .... iJ 27 27 - - 9,000 9,000 44,400 44,400 COUNTY OF ESSEX. Town of Akibsbury, Boots and shoes, Carriages and wagons, . (Jlothing Machines and machinery, Metnls and metallic goods, Photographs, . Woollen goods, Town of Andover, . Boots and shoes, Bo,xes, Building, . Carriages and wagons, Clothing, . Flax and linen goods, Food preparations, . Ink, .... Leather, . Lumber, . M etals and metallic goods. Printing and publishing, Soap and candKs, Kubber goods, Woollen goods. Town op Beverly, Boots and shoes. Boxes, Brick, Building, . Carriages and wagons. Clocks and watches, 17 575 423 122 30 1 17 10 7 - 10 209 209 _ ~ 1 195 100 75 20 1 6 6 - - 2 7 7 - _ 1 1 1 - - 1 140 90 40 10 27 821 485 253 83 3 65 32 33 - 1 6 6 - - 2 35 35 _ _ 2 ! 9 9 _ _ 1 9 5 4 - 1 280 140 100 40 3 15 15 - - 1 5 5 - - 1 2 2 - _ 2 5 5 - - 5 12 12 - - 1 6 9 4 - 1 4 4 _ - 1 45 22 23 - 2 323 191 89 43 104 1,713 1,194 485 34 36 1,320 859 441 20 1 33 15 8 10 1 7 7 _ - 22 110 109 - 1 5 13 13 - - 2 2 2 - - $255,400 102,600 246,267 10,675 5,196 4,450 740,431 582,836 41,550 6,725 $360,2ro 6,500 177,500 100,000 8,000 7,000 1,200 60,000 795,410 9,000 2,000 23,762 6,000 3,700 300,000 40,598 10,000 1 ,000 2,800 13,550 5,500 2,500 25,000 350,000 608,365 426,000 1,500 1,000 34,350 14,900 8,500 $681,250 259* 800 1,066,713 26,495 84,015 6',i84 2,211,895 1,653,985 139,550 5,000 $1,206,509 17,730 401,500 363,879 12,000 10,400 1,000 400,000 1,635,502 48,800 11,219 57,331 7,400 8,600 487,451 152,032 7,500 1,200 3,040 13,900 10,136 4,000 77,682 745,311 3,333,056 2,483,831 60,000 2,700 214,100 15,480 4,600 516 CENSUS OP MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. MANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. COUNTY OF ESSEX — Continued. i Average Nimber of Employes. Wages. Towns, Cities, Total paid Capital Stoclc AND O •a 5-° Value of Industries. 1- o "a O during the year. invested. used. jiroduct. D — o £ =5 o a o c fe5 H a Cc h Town of T3E^^;RLY — Con. Clolliins;, . . . . 4 46 11 35 - $13,350 $16,000 7,0tfO $42,400 $62,900 Kaiiluii ;iiij stoneware,. 1 8 X - - . . . 10,000 Fiioi; prc'iviralions, . 4 23 2-i _ - 12,550 41,640 106,. 'iOO 130,500 Furiiituit-, 2 6 5 1 - 14,300 33,100 Leallicr 10 115 112 - 3 54,925 42,600 193,340 274,425 Luinl)(;r 1 3 3 _ - • ■ • 8,000 . * ■ 2,500 Motals and metallic goods, 11 22 2i - 7,045 15,225 12,540 29,870 l'hoto(;rai)lis, . 1 1 1 - . • > 2.iO . . . 1,200 rriiiliiig ami piiblifhing, . 2 3 3 - - • • . 4,600 4,850 Suap and candles, . 1 1 1 - - ... 2,500 ... 3,000 Town of P.oxfoud, . 13 47 44 _ 3 14,085 56,600 22.035 47,725 Hoots and hllou«. 1 7 7 _ - • • • 2,000 ... 9,225 BuiMing, .... 1 1 1 _ _ • • ■ 1,000 • ■ ■ 1,300 Carringf* and wagons, . 1 3 3 - - > • ■ 2,000 1,600 Food piepiiralions, . 3 3 3 - - 235 2,500 3,550 5,200 Liquors and beverages, . 1 2 2 - - • • • L.WO • . ■ 1,000 Liinilier 3 6 C - - 350 5,600 2,425 3,900 Mattdios 1 23 20 3 . ■ . 40,000 • . . 23,000 Metals and metallic goods. 2 2 2 - - ... 2,000 ... 2,500 Town of Bradford, 10 19 19 _ . 4.460 9,300 46,925 66,287 Boots and sho-s. 4 14 14 _ _ 3,900 4,iO0 8,201) 18,200 Food prepaiatioirs, . 3 3 3 - 450 3,500 37,330 44,487 Liqnors and beverages, . 1 1 1 - - 500 • . ■ 1,500 Lumlxr 1 1 1 - - 600 . . > 900 Boap and candles, . 1 - - - - - 500 ... 1,200 Town of Danvers, . 31 1,270 920 311 39 396,702 654,500 1,245,826 1,919,848 Boots and shoes. 11 1,025 6S4 305 36 319,024 362,(100 830,997 1,300,683 Boxes 1 21 14 6 1 20,000 30,000 I! rick 3 71 71 . _ l7,r.(io 32,000 9,.'i00 39, .500 Carri:ijrrB :ind wagons, . 5 34 34 - - 13,100 8,000 11,000 32,000 Food preparations, . 2 7 7 - - 18,0U0 81,665 I.ealliir 5 70 68 _ 2 23,300 47,000 224,729 304,400 Lumliir, .... 1 5 5 _ - 1 7,0110 6,100 Metals and niel.illic goods, 2 33 33 - - . . . 1-I8,r,(p0 118,000 Soap and candles, . 1 4 4 - - ... 12,000 ... 7,500 Town or Essex, 6 112 62 50 _ 2«,700 43,900 121,.500 196,200 Boots and shoi's, 3 106 56 50 - 26,950 27,900 103,.500 172,400 Food preparations, . 1 2 2 - - ■ • ■ 5,000 • • ■ 10,000 Leather, .... 1 3 3 _ - • • ■ 8,000 • . . 10,800 Lumber 1 1 1 - - ... 3,000 ... 3,000 Town of Georgetown, . 47 364 278 86 _ 1.36,161 l.iO,900 367,989 575,412 Boots and shoes, 15 272 2;o 42 - 106,280 101,425 282,333 42«,440 Boxes 1 4 4 - - ! ... 3,100 7,000 Building 4 2 2 _ _ 550 l,0,i0 10,900 15,000 C'arriatf. s and w.igons, . 2 1 -f - - ' ... 1,300 1,800 Clothing, .... 5 49 8 41 - i 15,800 13,000 2o',26o 44,900 Druifs and medicines. 1 2 2 - - 1 2,.i00 . . * 6,000 Food preparations, . 4 11 11 - - 3,696 7,600 34,506 41,178 Lcathir 2 3 3 - - ... 1,600 5,350 Liquors and beverages, . 1 - - - _ - 2,500 700 Lumber 2 4 4 - - 1 3,500 • . • 7,100 M.ittresse.a, 1 2 1 1 _ ... 200 • . . 900 Metals and metallic goods. 5 6 6 _ _ 2,210 3,325 2,000 7,600 Oils and illnminat'g fluids. 1 1 1 _ - 1 • • • 600 1,500 I'rintiutr and publishing,. 1 5 3 2 _ 1 4,000 ... 6,000 Boap and candles, . 2 2 2 - - ... 2,200 ... 1,944 City of Oi.orcESTER, 83 377 324 48 5 156,744 361,900 389,375 723,455 Boots and shoes. 1 1 17 14 3 - ■ ■ • 10,000 12,000 Boxes, .... 2 8 8 _ _ 10,000 . . . 42,000 Bnildina, .... 10 42 42 _ - 16,1.50 19,700 25,.300 56,600 Carriages and wagons, . 4 10 10 - - 3,300 2,300 3,300 9,100 Clothing 3 16 3 13 ~ 4,593 11,500 7,500 15,500 MANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. 54:7 MANUFACTURES BY TO\VXS. COUNTY OF ESSEX — Continued. •i Average Number of 2 m Emploves. Wages. Towns, Cities, t.H CD Total paid Capital Stock AND CD o = s Value of Indl'stbies. m > oo'"' ^3 > 3 O •5- during invested. used. product. "3 -.J sZ S ° B-2 sS the year. 3 ^ o £ c4 O C3 c o iz; H a f^ >* City of GLorcESTER-Con. Fishing ;.ots and seines, . 2 13 9 3 1 $8,000 $12,500 Food preparations, . 7 39 33 2 4 $20,675 61,500 $88,623 141,650 Glui), .... 1 6 6 - - 6,000 5,500 Hummocks, 1 26 4 22 - • • ■ 8,000 40,000 Leather 2 6 6 - - . . • 6,500 • . . 12,500 Liquors and beverages, . 2 13 13 - - 17,000 — 5,000 MachiMfs and machinery, 2 7 rr 1 - - 8,000 — 9,500 Metals and metallic goods. 19 72 72 - - 33,420 64,700 69,700 135,000 Paints, colors, and chem- icals, .... 2 10 10 - - • * • 50,000 78.000 Printing and publishing, 2 14 13 1 - 9,000 16,000 Soap and candles, . 1 3 3 - - • 13,000 6,000 Stone 1 3 3 - - 3,000 3,000 Straw goods, . 1 5 1 4 - 500 2,500 Tobacco 2 5 5 - - 8,500 14,405 Vessels, .... 16 58 68 - - 26.25U 43,300 41,876 102,200 Wooden goods. 2 4 4 - - ... 1,400 4,500 Town of Grovelajid, 7 445 249 134 62 132,950 539,425 609,250 898,050 Boots and shoes, . 2 65 49 14 2' • ■ ■ 37,700 89,250 Building, .... 2 7 7 - _ • • • 700 6,300 Carriages and wagons, . 1 2 2 - - 1,000 1,500 Metal^s and metallic goods, 1 1 1 - - 25 1,000 Woollen goods, 1 370 190 120 60 600,000 ... 800,000 Town of Hamilton, 6 83 61 22 _ 27,050 40,700 96,380 180,931 Boots and t-hoes. 1 3 1 2 - •'. ■ 700 2,800 Food preparations, . 4 7 7 - 1,850 15,000 - 28,131 Woollen goads, 1 73 53 20 ... 25,000 ... 150,000 City OF Haverhill, . 211 8,145 6,121 1,973 51 2,839,715 1,919,020 7,347,561 11,755,294 Artisans' tools, . 1 - _ - - - 700 2,000 Boots and shoes. 155 7,661 5,765 1,861 35 2,605,697 1,631,370 6,660,275 10,557,394 Boxes 5 55 20 35 - 22,547 13,200 31,450 79,500 Building, .... 8 7T 77 - - 43,100 15,000 134,000 235,000 Carriages and wagons, . 8 27 27 - - 14,100 9,350 13,700 40,900 Clothing, .... 1 80 48 20 12 50,000 150,000 Food preparations, . 7 33 28 5 - 15,100 12,900 79,850 114,400 Leather, .... 2 4 4 - 1,500 10,500 Liquors and beverages, . 2 8 8 - 6,000 ... 33,000 Machines and ma^ hinery. 3 9 9 - - 4,400 5,200 4,400 12,200 Metals and metallic goods. 10 41 38 3 28,550 36,800 79,600 135,000 Soap and caudles, . 1 4 4 - ... 8,000 . . . 20,000 Stone, .... 1 17 17 - - 1 10,000 . . . 25,000 Tobacco 2 5 5 - - 4,000 8,900 Wooden goods. 4 20 20 - - 11,000 15,000 6,100 31,500 Woollen goods, 1 , 104 51 49 4 ... 100,000 ... 300,000 Town of Ipswich, . 7 521 265 255 1 172,366 283,000 260,290 534,212 Boots and shoes. 2 49 35 14 - • • . 21,000 77,900 Boxes 1 8 8 - - ... 2,500 12,000 Brick 1 12 12 - - 5,000 3,000 Clothing 3 452 210 241 1 147,466 254,500 204,890 441,312 CiTT of Lawrence, . 218 13,014 5,526 6,712 776 4,233,771 14,319,477 10,744,461 19,332,934 Artisans' tools, . 1 3 3 - - 450 2,241 Awnings and tents, . 1 1 - 1 - 500 1,100 Boots and tihoes, 21 112 112 - - 8,977 4,860 15,433 34,179 Brooms and brushes, 2 6 6 - - • . • 6,000 12,750 Building, . . . . 45 367 ; 366 _ 1 143,966 58,825 269,861 489,052 Carriages and wagons, 7 52 52 - - 24.671 73,050 22,986 76,101 Clothing 2 41 6 27 8 6,500 21,150 Combs, .... 1 1 1 ! 1 - - ... 1,000 1,050 Cotton goods, . 7 ' 4,745 1,264 3,235 246 1,310,361 5,350,400 2,914,497 5,059,904 Cotton, woollen, and other - 1 texiiies 2 2,971 776 1,855 340 ... 3,876,385 • • ■ 5,400,009 Dress trimmings, 1 107 14 91 2 . . . 150,000 300,000 Dye stufls. ' 3 3 _ - 1,000 2,000 518 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. MANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. COUNTY OF ESSEX — Continued. i Average Climber of 1 Employes. Wages. Towns, Cities, •S2 Total paid Capital Stock AND CO in -gc Value of Industries. |i during invested. used. product. e| 3 15 a g 3j= the year. 3 — o ^ * Qi ^ o o ^ H 1^ b ^ City OF Lawrence — Con. Eiirthen and stone ware, . 1 3 3 - _ $4,500 . . . $2,500 Fooii prcpiiralions, . 14 89 88 1 - $4.5,661 314,600 $616,122 701,142 FuruiUiru 5 11 11 - - 6,350 S.-WO 18,900 33,600 Leather, . . . . 8 48 48 - - 20,047 33,275 84,837 123,786 Liquor.4 and beverages, . 3 22 22 - - 11,158 9,000 11,418 31,090 Lumber 2 78 78 - - 119,500 266,010 Machines and machinery, 21 480 442 26 12 212,430 3-18,302 " 350,788 697,537 Metalsand metallic goods, 26 156 156 - - 80,318 133,875 115,793 268,384 Models and pallerns, 2 2 2 - - 1,000 ■ . > 3,700 Paper 3 471 313 157 1 176,114 410,000 610,545 972,050 I'hotoirraplis, . 6 7 5 2 - 2,724 7,800 4,600 18,460 , Printing and publishing, . 6 44 34 1 9 22,000 37,900 13,450 49,740 Soap and candles, . ! 4 25 25 - - 11,075 54,300 81,890 113,420 Stone, .... 7 24 24 - - 10,478 21,200 9.341 27,448 Tobacco 6 11 9 2 _ 5,985 4,200 7,719 19,187 Wooden ffoods. 8 105 105 _ _ 62,875 50,495 91,191 187,769 Woollen goods, 3 2,797 1,496 1,169 132 896,855 3,050,000 2,160,031 3,823,380 Worsted goods, 2 232 62 145 25 ... 185,000 594,205 City of Lynn, . 329 12,446 8,924 3,487 35 5,823,572 5,882,350 15,551,938 25,216,778 Artisans' tools, . 2 1 1 - - • . . 1,.5.50 4,000 Boots and shoes. 174 10,708 7,297 3,389 22 4,931,-530 4,263,250 12,918,221 20,946,867 Boxes, .... 5 125 47 78 - 52,750 23,000 69,000 158,-500 Brick, .... 3 39 39 - - 9,100 19,000 11,-550 26,000 Buildine, . . . . 26 265 265 _ _ 132,2.59 71,700 298,955 545,829 Carriages and wagons, . 12 81 81 _ _ 46,290 110,700 66,020 145,000 Cement, .... 1 3 3 - - 1,000 • • • 12,000 Drugs and medicines. 1 5 5 _ _ • • > 2,000 > . . 10,000 Fertilizers, 1 3 3 _ _ ■ ■ ■ 2,000 • . . 19,000 Food pri'parations, . 11 67 63 3 1 31,922 99,600 170,200 258,700 Furniture, 2 18 18 - _ ... 5,500 • . • 30,200 Glue 1 5 5 _ _ • • ■ 5,000 > < • 6,000 Hair work. 1 6 6 - _ • ■ • 2,000 . . * 15,000 Leather, .... 23 768 757 5 6 408,618 910,100 1,657,763 2,309,272 Liquors and beverages, . 3 11 11 - - 7,500 12,650 2,800 42,000 Ltimber, . . . . 2 24 24 _ _ 105,000 91,200 Machines and machinery. 8 91 91 - _ 48,050 75,000 50,000 135,850 Metals and metallic goods. 24 93 86 3 4 56,270 64,000 82,425 188,400 Printing and publishing, . 1 7 4 3 _ 2,000 14,000 Polishes ami dressing, 7 12 12 _ _ 7,480 10,200 24,350 48,808 Soap and candles, . 2 12 11 - 1 ... 25, .500 54,363 Stone 6 27 27 _ _ 11,865 9,900 11,324 36,789 Tobacco 2 6 3 2 1 2,100 10,500 Wooden goods. 11 69 65 4 - 38,450 53,000 40,700 108,500 Town of Ltnnfield, 8 74 41 33 _ 25,900 12,300 70,350 120,500 Boots and shoes. 3 68 35 33 _ 23,800 6,;!00 67,000 112,500 Carriages and wagons, . 2 2 2 - - 2,3110 2,200 Liquors and beverages, . 1 4 4 _ _ > . . 3,000 ... 4,000 Metals and metallic goods. 2 - - - - - 700 ... 1,800 Town of Manchester, . 7 86 86 _ _ 36,300 87,800 59,200 121,500 Furniture, 5 64 64 _ _ 26,400 55,500 19,700 63,000 Leather, .... 1 20 20 _ _ 30,000 ... 65,000 Metals and metallic goods, 1 2 2 - - ... 2,300 ... 3,500 Town of Marblehead, . 116 2,R33 1,702 926 5 745,665 510,-500 1,370,365 2,410,593 Boots and shoes. 75 2,429 1,513 911 6 683,121 432,975 1,218,947 2,149,405 Boxes, .... 2 23 9 14 _ 9,000 43,000 Building, . . . . 20 128 128 - - 36,686 22,550 70',626 127,007 Carriages and wagons, . 2 1 ^>I - - 650 3,300 Food preparations, . •6 17 Ife 1 - 7,584 16,725 23,894 35,847 Glue 1 10 10 - - ... 10,000 15,000 Leather 1 2 2 - - . • ■ 3,000 6,000 Lumber 1 _ _ _ _ - 4,000 . ■ • 2,500 Machines and machinery, 2 7 7 . _ ■ . ■ 4,000 • . • 9,491 Metals and metallic goods, 5 6 6 _ _ 2,784 4,000 2,725 8,500 Printing and publishing, . 1 10 10 - - 3,000 10,543 MANTJFACTUEES BY TOWNS. 549 MANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. COUNTY OF ESSEX — Continued. i Average Number of ■*3 Employes. Wages. Towns, Cities, ^ Town of Merrisiac, 44 489 484 3 2 1 $210,388 $353,050 $363,-325 $703,5.50 Boots and shoes, 1 45 40 3 2 411,000 72,000 Buiktiiig, 4 12 12 - - 7,000 6,700 10,900 23,100 Carriiiges and wagons, . 27 i 409 409 - - 177,963 287,450 291,825 577,-300 Eartlien and stone ware, . 1 1 1 - - 2,000 1,200 Electroplating, . 1 2 2 - - 8,n00 2,000 Leather; .... 1 1 1 - - 500 — 3,000 Metals and metallic goods. 7 11 11 - - 5,125 4,800 4.150 12,950 Plaster, .... 2 8 8 - - ... 3,600 ... 12,000 Town of Methiten, . 15 1,113 645 384 s-t 324,400 1,-596,000 915,455 1,49?,146 Boots and shues, 4 131 101 30 - 50,300 85,600 175,725 269,675 Carriages and wagons, . 1 - - - - - 800 2,000 Clothing 2 226 170 43 13 105,000 300,000 Cooking, lighting, and heating apparatus. 1 2 2 - - 1,200 4,500 Cottoji gooiis, . 1 252 59 178 15 1,207,000 280,971 Cotton, "woollen, and other textiles, .... 1 327 191 92 44 . . . 90,000 200,000 Food preparations, . 1 1 1 - - 1,000 - 11,000 Luml)er 1 1 1 - - 1,500 2,000 Metals and metallic goods. 1 2 2 - - ... 1,000 3,000 Stone, .... 1 15 15 - - ... 3,000 10,000 Woollen goods, 1 156 103 41 12 ... 100,000 ... 415,000 Town of Middleton, 7 184 132 49 3 80,227 97,400 189,325 317,996 Boots and shoes, 1 123 80 40 3 > • > 10,000 • . * 193,496 Boxes, .... 1 30 26 4 - 50,000 50,000 Lnniber 2 10 10 - - ... 6,500 9,300 Metals and metallic goods. 2 1 1 - - • . . 900 2,200 Paper 1 20 15 5 - ... 30,000 63,000 Town of Xewburt, . 9 25 25 _ _ 7.695 15,800 21,960 47,5.30 Boots and shoes. 2 16 16 _ - 3,800 26,000 Food preparations, . 1 1 1 - - * * * 500 . . * 2,4<<0 MetaU and metallic goods, 3 3 3 - - 570 1,100 800 3,300 Tobacco, .... 3 5 6 - - 1,300 10,400 2,956 15,740 CiTT of Kewburyport, . 144 2,901 1,708 1,066 127 779,8.32 1,619,550 1,8,59,207 3,225,382 Boots and shoes, 15 902 573 326 3 231,468 272,2.50 597,451 956,3".2 Boxes, .... 2 27 9 18 - 5,800 . > . 22,009 Brick 1 28 28 - - 14,000 . • . 10,212 Brooms and brushes. 1 48 19 29 - 35,000 45,000 Building, .... 33 107 107 - - 41,750 27,450 ' 84,675 157,536 Carriag' s and wagons, . 5 2 2 - - 1,000 1,600 2,650 6,758 Clothing, . . • . 2 239 137 82 2J 56,000 285,000 Combs, .... 3 110 67 13 - 32,948 110,000 41,500 105,000 Cord:ige and twine, . 1 8 8 _ - . ■ . 15,000 44,000 Cotton goods, . 4 1,195 506 586 103 292,298 860,000 546,1-54 1,052,382 Food preparations, . 17 58 52 6 - 19,986 75,700 135,000 2.55,775 Furniture, 2 - - _ - - 200 . . . 1,200 Leatlier 6 11 11 - - 3,250 3,650 21,200 30,300 I>umber, .... 2 15 15 - - 25,000 35,000 Machines and machinery. 4 9 9 - - 4,000 7,700 4,800 11,700 Metals and metallic goods. 24 89 89 - _ 34,626 73,000 91,158 157,911 Photographs, . 4 - _ - - 2,900 2,300 5,000 Printing and publishing, . 5 34 28 5 1 11,788 22,000 14,079 5,867 Soap and candles. 3 2 2 - 650 5,500 10,100 13,600 Stone, .... 3 10 10 - - 3,500 2,800 5,400 12,200 Straw goods, 1 1 _ 1 - 200 . . . 750 Tobacco 4 4 4 - - 1,160 2,500 5,800 9,200 Wooden goods. 2 2 2 - - ... 1,300 ... 2,600 Town or No. Andover, . 6 824 668 90 66 325,400 651,700 856,585 1,385,100 Leather, .... 1 4 4 - - . * . 1,000 ■ • • 7,000 Lumber, .... 1 - - - - - 700 1,100 Machines and machinery, 1 518 500 12 6 . • • 350,000 * . . 527,000 Woollen goods, 3 302 164 78 60 83,000 300,000 601,920 850,000 550 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. MANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. COUNTY OF ESSEX — Continued. i Average Nu!mber of ♦3 Employes. Wages. Towns, Cities, Total paid Capital Stock AND to ■o Value of Industries. n si during the year. invested. used. product. 3 — o J= " o 3 o o 53 H a pa >* Town of TEAnoDY, . 1,195 1,131 48 16 $543,453 ® 1,063,670 $2,289,254 $4,268,344 Boots and shoes, 2 31 20 11 - 9,000 32,000 Building, . 3 28 28 - - 11.800 25,000 16,700 106,000 Carriages and wagonB, 2 20 20 - - 27,000 40,350 Clothing, . 1 1 1 - - 200 12,000 Corlis, 1 22 10 12 - • ■ ■ 6,000 . . . 18,309 Food preparations, . 1 5 5 - - 1,100 5,000 Glue, 2 70 70 - - 125,000 99,200 Grease and tallow, . 1 5 5 - - 4,000 . • . 14,750 Leather, . 29 768 751 1 16 378,847 638,370 2,056,755 3,042.387 Machines and machinery 2 13 13 - - 9,000 3(),.300 Metals and metallic goods 3 6 6 - - 2,284 3,800 1,010 5,300 Printing and publishing 2 10 9 1 - 6,500 12,564 Printing, dyeing, an( bleaching, 1 196 178 18 - > • . 200,000 • • . 800,000 Soap at'd candles, . 1 12 12 - - . . . • 6,000 • • > 37,434 Tobacco, . 2 8 3 5 - 2,700 ... 6,7.50 Town of KocKrORT, . 10 346 186 92 68 61,5C8 233,000 211.616 393.221 Building, . 1 1 1 - - 5,000 2,000 Clothing, . O 24 8 16 - 4,600 13,800 Cotton goods, , 1 252 108 76 68 > ■ ■ 175,000 . • • 2,50,000 Food preparations, . 1 2 2 - - . . . 2.000 . . . 10,000 Glue, . . . . 1 4 4 - - • > • 10,000 . • . 6,000 Isinglass, . 1 61 51 - - 30,000 . • . 101,621 Metals and metallic goods 3 12 12 - - 3,283 6,400 4,100 9,800 Town of Rowley, . 23 216 189 26 1 71,950 79,100 211,435 327,288 Boots and shoes, 11 186 160 26 - 62,500 45,500 140,010 231,783 Building, . 3 7 7 - - 2,(00 1,500 2,450 6,800 Carriages and wagons, 1 - - - - - 100 1,500 Food preparations, . 3 11 11 - - 3,100 24,000 57,076 68,000 Lumber, . 2 8 7 - 1 • • • 6,500 ... 13,905 Metals and metallic goods 3 4 4 - - 1,460 2,500 2,600 5,.300 City of Salem, . 268 4,367 2,818 1,309 240 1,498,203 4,147,400 5,780,379 8,440,350 Artificial teeth and deu tal work, . . 2 3 2 - 1 5,000 9,500 Artisans' tools, . 1 9 6 - 3 • ■ • 1,000 ... 4,000 Bags and bagging, . 2 268 65 101 102 150,000 210,100 Boots aud shoes, 14 780 414 354 12 243.949 109,250 497.016 896,9.50 Boxes, 1 16 7 9 _ > • • 9,000 30,500 Building, . 53 199 199 - - 98,067 49,050 121,646 262,955 Burial cases, caskets coffins, etc., . 3 8 8 - - 4,880 6,000 2,200 9,320 Carpetings, 1 6 6 - - 4,000 4,200 Carriages and wagons. 3 21 21 - - 9.550 9,600 6,600 19,100 Chemitul preparadons, 1 7 7 - - 150,000 42,000 Clothing, . 1 5 - 6 - 500 2,500 Cookinif, lighting, anc beating apparatus, 1 12 12 - - 10,000 9,.500 Cordage and twine, 1 1 _ - 1 > • • 1,200 900 Cotton goods, . 1 1,422 509 794 1:9 1,700,000 1,445,045 Drain aud sewer pipe. 1 2 2 - > . • 5,000 4,990 Drugs and medicines, 1 4 4 - - • ■ • 3,000 5,000 Food preparations, . 9 27 26 1 - 14,574 27,600 94,031 135,225 Furniture, 4 20 20 - - 7, .■504 7,-00 9,830 18,600 Leather, . 52 910 909 1 _ ! 463,454 1,167,0.50 3,487.973 4,209,004 Lumber, . 2 10 10 - - 23,000 34,000 Machines and machinery 7 41 41 _ _ 22.015 .35,000 38,950 77,200 Metals and metallic goods 78 355 348 7 _ ; 170,7U7 486,850 338,335 724,271 Musical instruments, 1 8 7 _ 1 1 1,000 10,000 Oils and illuniiuat'g fluids 2 20 20 - - 78,000 74,485 Printing and publishing 6 51 35 15 1 16,116 24,000 19,190 49,336 Il.iilroad construction. 1 40 40 - - 10,000 21,000 Scientific instruments anc appliances, . 1 1 1 _ _ 2..500 1,8.56 Stone, 5 28 28 — _ 11,20s 19,000 9,600 29,4.53 Tobacco, . 5 36 15 21 - 12,404 21,. 500 8,.300 31,500 Wooden goods, 8 57 56 ' "• 21,200 31,600 33,065 67,800 MAXUFACTUEES BY TOWXS. 551 MANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. COUNTY OF ESSEX — Concludctl. ^ Average Number of m Employes. Wages. Towns, Cities, o -g Total paid Capital Stock AND to 1g Value of Industries. "5 So 11 f - 3^ during the j-ear. invested. used. product. 3 — o ,5 a O s! c o ^ H a f^ i» ToTVTi OF Salisbury, 38 533 520 13 ^ $231,726 $311,400 $673,915 $1,057,060 Artifaiie' tools. 1 2 2 - - ... 500 • ■ . 2,000 Boots and shoes. 2 41 28 13 - 6,800 • ■ > 29,500 Brick 1 8 8 - - 9,000 4,200 Building 2 ' 4 4 - - ... 2,000 5,500 Carriages and wagons, . 19 ■ 450 450 - - 207,700 262,200 596,600 932,000 Ekctroplating, 1 4 4 - - 500 . . 5,000 Food preparations, . 1 4 4 - - 5,600 31,500 Glue 1 3 3 -- - 3,000 ■ > . 3,000 LeHtlicr, .... 1 - - - - SOO , , 4,500 Lumber, .... 1 3 3 - - 4.50U 7,500 Metulr. and metallic goods, 6 10 10 - - 3,960 6,600 8,500 17,100 Paints, colors, and chemi- 1 cals, .... 1 2 2 - - 7,00<;' 8,250 Soaj) and candles, . 1 2 2 - - ... 3,U00 ... 7,000 Town of Saugus, . 16 321 220 84 17 89,932 162,100 317,722 479,269 Boots and Bboes, 4 149 114 35 - 1 40,100 16,500 84,230 146,600 Brick 1 20 20 - - i ... 4,00u ... 11,2.50 Carriages and wagons, . 1 2 2 - - ... 20U . . . 2,500 Food preparations', . 1 3 3 - - . . . 20,0U0 35,000 Metals and metallic goods. 2 4 4 - - 650 5,000 Tobacco, .... 5 18 9 9 - 6,625 29,300 15»o00 26,625 Woollen goods, 2 125 68 40 17 ... 91,450 ... 252,294 TOWX OF TOPSFIELD, 11 108 87 21 _ 31,962 55,900 l-iO,3.S7 188,105 Boots and shoes, 5 98 77 21 - 28,312 41,600 68,yi2 107,225 Building 1 3 3 - - ■ 1,000 2,300 Carriages and wagons, . 1 - - - - - 1 ,000 1,200 Food iireparatious, . 2 7 7 - - 11,000 74,380 Leather, .... 1 - - - - - 500 600 Metals and metallic goods, 1 - - - - - SOU ... 2,400 Town of Wenham, . 10 19 n 2 _ ' 3,475 13,580 20,26*; 30,254 Boots and shoes, 1 5 3 2 - 1,500 ■ . . 5,304 Carriages and wagons, . 1 - - - - - 400 600 Food preparatioijs, . 5 11 11 - - 1,425 8,680 15.380 20,950 Leatlier, .... 1 1 1 - - 700 ■ • > 1,000 Metals and metallic goods, 2 2 2 - - i * ' ' 2,300 ... 2,400 Town of West Newbdrt, 7 303 225 72 6 108,740 ]09,70C 209,610 371,900 Boots and shoes, 2 230 167 61 2 50,001 . . . ■ 274,800 Boxes 1 4 1 3 - 1,000 1,600 Carriages and wagons, . 1 1 1 - - ... 501 700 Combs 3 68 56 8 4 25,600 58,200 41,000 94,800 COUNTY OF FR.\NKLTN. Town of Ashfield, Food preparations, . Liquors and beverages, . Lumber, . . . , Metals and metallic goods, Wooden goods. Town of Bernardston, . Agricultural imjjlements. Boots and shoes. Food preparations, . Lumber Metals and metallic goods, Musical instruments. Soap and candles, . 11 15 2 2 1 1 3 7 2 1 3 4 9 49 1 11 1 20 1 2 o 12 2 2 1 1 r-( 1 15 1 4 47 11 IS 2 12 2 i 1 S3,065! ... ! 1,475 '550 18,810 $19,620 6,000 500 8,320 1,750 3,050 27,200 1,000 15,000 4,000: 2,.5U0! 1,700! 1,.500 1,500 $21,525i 550 $35,600 20,650 1,200 9,450 1.800 2,500 114,850 10,000 60,000 25,000 14,400 2,050 1,800 1,600 552 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — ISSO. MANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. COUNTY OF FRANKLIN — Continu.Ml Average Number of Employes. Wages. Towns, Cities, •si Total paid Capital Stock AND o >d ti Value of Industries. I. 01 15 ■4^ a §2 during the y(>ar. invested. used. product. as o .5 « o .t o u \^ H S ^ >^ Town of Bicklaxd, 12 250 225 25 _ $98,6.36 $506,897 $96,92^ $279,.534 Artisans' tools. 2 231 206 25 - 486,247 235,684 Food pi-opnrations, . 3 4 4 - - 1,234 4,200 10,040 11, .500 Liqnors and beverages, , 2 1 1 - - . . . 350 ... 1,.550 Lumber, .... 2 7 7 - - 6,000 . . . 6,000 Metals and metallic goods. 1 - - - - - 600 . . . 800 Wooden goods, 2 7 i — - ... 9,500 ... 24,000 Town of Ciiari.fmont, . 21 64 64 _ 11,641 56,250 42,763 77,208 AiiriculUHiil implements, 1 18 18 - ■ ■ > 5,000 . . . 8,000 Boots and shoes, 1 1 1 - - . • . 3,000 1,500 Buihling, .... 1 1 1 - - • • • 300 • . . 550 Carriages and wagons, . 3 4 4 - - 1,100 1,9.50 1,900 4,525 Food preparations, . 2 4 4 - - 5,700 21,295 Leatlier, .... 1 - - - - 1,50 > . . 600 Liquors and beverages, . 1 4 4 - ■ ■ • 1,500 1,875 Lumber 8 30 30 - - 2,995 36,300 16,818 35,813 Metals and metallic goods, 3 2 2 - - 646 2,3.50 1,050 3,050 Town of Colhain, . 16 312 140 117 55 ; 69,368 367,876 158,568 317,853 Carriages and wagons, . 1 1 1 - - 2,000 2,000 Cotton goods, . 2 289 117 117 55 353,076 • . . 282,363 Food preparations, . 4 6 5 - - 1,020 3,500 15,.550 19,580 Leather, .... 1 1 1 - - . . . 1,000 ■ . ■ 1,200 Liquors and beverages, . 2 7 7 - - . . . 1,500 ... 2.250 Lumber 3 6 6 - - 1,200 4,500 4,030 7,340 Metals and metallic goods, 1 1 1 - - ... 1,000 • . . 800 Wooden goods, 2 2 2 - - ... 1,300 ... 2,320 Town of Conway, . 8 202 101 73 28 57,199 255,700 243,334 423,373 Cotton goods, . 2 92 32 44 16 ... 122,000 164,173 Food preparations, . 3 8 7 - 1 2,450 9,000 22,265 35,700 Lumber 2 2 2 - - . . . 4,: 00 ■ . > 11,500 Woollen goods, 1 100 60 29 11 1 120,000 ... 212,000 Town of Deekfield, 19 83 48 35 _ 28,536 47,350 112,347 186,303 Boots and slioes, 2 - - - - - 300 ... 1,500 Building, .... 1 1 1 - - • ■ . 500 2,000 Carriages and wagons, . 3 2 2 - - SCO 5,400 1.4.50 4,924 Food pnpuralions, . 5 9 9 - - 4,111 18,725 66,625 97,018 Leather, .... 1 60 25 35 - ■ ■ • 15,000 ■ * . 66,687 Liquors and beverages, . 2 4 4 - - • . ■ 400 ... 1,050 Lumber, .... 3 7 7 _ - 1,825 6,725 7,850 11,737 Metals and metallic goods. 2 - - - - - 300 Ifitt Town of Erving, . U 293 259 29 5 96,750 260,500 123,675 .327,720 Carringes and w;igon8. 1 5 - - 5,000 7,000 Food preparations, . 2 1 1 - - 1,000 9,.520 Furniture 2 91 66 20 5 38,000 80,000 Leather 1 4 - 4 - 5,000 3,000 Lumber, .... 3 10 10 - - 1,400 10,. 500 9,025 15,000 Metals and metallic goods, 2 150 145 ,5 - 187,000 166,200 Musical instruments, 1 12 12 - - 2,000 . . . 25,000 Wooden goods. 2 20 20 - - ... 12,000 ... 22,000 Town of Gill, . 3 32 32 _ _ 12,600 87,800 45,225 65,089 Food preparations, . 1 1 1 - - . . . 1,800 9,614 Lumber 2 31 31 - - ... 86,000 ... 55,475 Town of Greenfield, . 32 2.53 224 19 10 86,099 268,550 189,212 345,103 Artisans' tools, . 3 99 89 3 7 32,100 133,000 21,800 70,400 Boxes 1 6 - 4 2 2,800 • . ■ 3,250 Brick, .... 1 21 20 1 - • . . 7,000 10,500 Building, .... 2 8 8 - - • . • 3,800 13,8.50 Carriages and wagons. 3 31 29 2 - 12,500 14,600 18,730 27,625 Clothing, .... 2 10 1 9 - 2,700 7,650 Food preparations, . 5 21 20 - 1 6,875 25,000 52,230 75,290 Furniture, 1 4 4 - - 12,000 15,000 Leather, .... 3 10 10 - ~ 2,325 11,300 11,875 22,950 MANUFACTURES BY TOWI^^S. 5C)'A MANUFACTURES BY TOAVNS. COUNTY OF FRANKLIN — Continued. ■i Average Number of OQ Employes. Wages. Towns, Cities, Total paid Capital S'ock AND d o *§§ Value of Industries. a p H II during the year. invested. used. product. nS o s a g a o o \^i Eh ^ '^ t-i Town of Greenfield-Coh. Lumber 1 3 3 - - * . . 810,000 $6,000 Mttals and metallic goods, 4 30 30 - $10,364 32,700 $44,797 71,108 IViiitiTitr and publii-hing, . 1 - - - - - 50 780 Scit'Utitic instruments and appliances, . 1 - - - - - 5,000 5,000 Btone 2 5 5 - - 3,000 7,600 Tobacco 2 6 6 - - ... 5,600 ... 8,100 Town of IIawlet, . 7 14 13 _ 1 2,045 9,500 3,245 7,200 Lumber, .... 2 3 3 - - • > > 3,500 2,000 Wooden goods. 5 11 10 - 1 1,445 6,000 2,225 5,200 Town of Heath, 7 2 2 _ _ 400 5,800 14,745 18,565 Food preparations, . 2 2 2 - - ... 2,500 . . . 13,765 Lumber 3 - - - — - 2,200 665 1,900 A! etals and metallic goods, 2 - - - - - 1,10U ... 2,900 Town of Leverett, 13 15 13 2 _ 2,310 25.800 15,975 28,180 Food preparations, . 1 - - - - - 2,000 0,000 Furniture, .... 3 9 9 - - 1,.310 6,000 1,155 3,450 Lumber, .... 8 2 2 - - 300 11,800 8,760 16,800 Woollen goods, 1 4 2 2 - ... 6,000 ... 1,930 Town of Letben, . 6 7 7 _ _ 600 6,300 5,405 6,780 Food preparations, . 2 2 2 - - • . • 850 • . • 5,600 Lumber, .... 2 1 1 - - 6,150 160 Machines and machinery. 1 3 3 - - 200 920 Wooden goods, 1 1 1 - - - 100 ... 100 Town of Monroe, . 1 1 1 _ - • • • 600 • • . 975 Lumber 1 1 1 - - ... 600 ... 975 Town of Montague, 37 1,302 864 330 108 394,298 2,213,076 855,913 1,616,884 Agricultural implements, 1 1 1 - - > ■ • 1,000 ... 3,.50O Artisans' tools, 1 600 460 45 95 . ■ • 450,000 ... 473,129 Boots and shoes. 1 3 3 - - • . . 1,000 . • • 2,600 Brick, .... 2 56 55 - 1 • • • 22,000 22,500 Carriages and wagons, . 3 1 1 - - 300 3,500 2,000 5,200 Clothing, .... 1 1 1 - - • • . 200 . • . 600 Cotton goods, . 1 81 3-2 37 12 ■ . • 50,000 ... 20,990 Food preparations, . 4 3 3 - - 3,080 12,200 38,519 43,877 Leather, .... 3 22 11 n - 4,400 255,500 10.500 38,000 Lumber 3 4 4 - - 950 4,700 3,200 5,.550 Machines and machinery, 1 17 17 - - 25,000 25,000 Metals and metallic goods, 9 7 7 - - 3,800 18,550 6,450 18,700 Paper, 3 485 249 236 - 144,357 1,367,926 505,812 921,338 Printing and publishing, . 1 3 2 1 - 2,000 ■ . . 3,000 Soap and candles, . 1 1 1 - - 1,.500 . . . 5,000 Wooden goods. 2 17 17 - - ... 8,000 19,000 Town of New Salem, . 11 20 20 _ _ 5,000 21,500 36,722 61,131 Brick, .... 1 2 2 - - . . . 1,000 575 Food preparations, . 1 3 3 - - 4,000 10,256 Lumber, .... 6 11 11 - - 3,000 11,000 21,520 37,300 Machines and machinery. 1 1 1 - - ... 2,000 . . . 4,500 Metals and metallic goods, 2 3 3 ~ - ... 3,500 ... 8,500 To'WN OF Northfield, . 4 4 4 _ _ 1,012 12,600 12,975 20,953 Food preparations, . 3 3 3 - - 612 6,600 11,750 18,703 Lumber, .... 1 1 1 - - ... 6,000 ... 2,250 Town of Orange, . 52 806 756 45 5 341,312 708,.500 701,768 1,487,003 Boots and shoes, 1 _ _ _ _ 300 1,550 Boxes, .... 2 14 12 2 _ . . . 2,300 10,800 Burial cases, caskets, cofEns, etc., . 1 _ _ _ _ _ 1,000 ■ • . 1,000 Carriages and wagons, . 4 3 o - - 1,800 1,650 3,640 8.900 Clothing, .... 6 27 "■ 27 "~ 3,711 4,800 6,900 13,900 554 CEXSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS 1880. MANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. COUNTY OF FRANKLIN — Concluded. i Average Number of o Ejiplotes. Wages. Towns, Cities, Total paid Capital Stock AND (d in c? Value of Industries. II ex S o Si: during the year. invested. used. product. S r-^ o a a t a o o ^ H ;g pc. h Town of Orange — Con. Cookinsr, lighting, and hc^atiiig api'^rati"') 1 1 1 - - . . . $1,000 $1,300 Food preparations, . 7 8 8 - ~ $3,493 6,800 $62,652 64,742 Furniture 6 164 164 - - 50,196 43,000 49,172 109,295 Leather 1 1 1 - - > • > 800 1,500 Lumber, .... 7 9 9 - - 1,895 8,900 13,664 18,599 Machines and machinery, 4 42.=) 425 - - 207,667 533,000 4.37,800 764,317 Metals and metallicifoods, 6 103 103 - - 50,000 55,350 70,525 139,300 Printing and publishing,. 1 1 1 _ - • • • 1,000 ... 1,-500 Wooden goods. 3 6 6 _ - 2,500 3,600 1,130 5,300 Woollen goods, 2 44 23 16 5 ... 45,000 ... 345,000 Town of Rowe, 8 8 7 1 _ 565 6,700 7,935 12,865 Carriages and wagons, . 1 1 1 - - • ■ ■ 600 700 Food pr.paralions, . 1 1 1 - - 500 2,-575 Furniture, 1 1 1 - ~ i _ 500 100 Leather, .... 1 1 1 - 3,000 5,645 Lumber, .... 2 1 ] _ _ . . • 1,300 2,625 Metals and metallic goods. 1 1 1 ^ - > • > 200 1,000 Woollen goods. 1 2 1 1 - ... 600 ... 220 Town of Siieleurne, 13 180 141 27 12 59.644 105,900 82,201 200,662 Artisans' tools. 1 73 64 4 5 . . • 25,000 60,00(1 Boxes 1 i 5 1 4 _ • ■ ■ 2,000 • . . 6,0(J0 Cotton goods, . 1 37 15 18 4 • ■ ■ 40,000 ... 34,962 Food preparations, . 4 8 8 - - 3,600 3,000 19,680 48,950 Leather, .... 1 2 2 - _ > ■ ■ . 5,000 5,000 Lumber 1 - - - - - 1,000 1,200 Machines and machinery. 1 1 1 - _ 2,000 . . . 550 Metals and metallic goods. 1 35 34 _ 1 . . • 20,000 • . . 25,000 Musical instruments. 1 12 11 _ 1 5,000 • ■ • 10,000 Tobacco 1 7 5 1 1 ... 2,0l;0 ... 9,000 Town of Shutesburt, . 8 14 14 ^ _ 1,115 3,800 11,958 19,910 Food preparations, . 1 _ _ _ _ _ 500 3,150 Lumber 7 14 14 - - 1,115 3,300 9,408 16,760 Town of Sunderland, . 2 _ _ _ _ _ 7,500 ... 29,650 Food preparations, . 1 _ _ - _ - 5,000 23,850 Lumber 1 - - j - - 2,.500 ... 5,800 Town of Warwick, 13 44 42 1 2 _ 9,000 21,1011 26,940 47,850 Boots and shoes, 1 20 18 2 - 0,001 J 24,000 Boxes, .... 1 1 1 _ • • > 1,000 1,000 Furniture, 2 3 3 - _ ■ > > 2,800 3,700 Lumber 6 14 14 _ _ 1,650 8,.')00 9,660 16,050 Metals and metallic goods. 1 1 1 _ _ 50C 600 Wooden goods. 2 5 5 j - ... 2,300 ... 2,500 Town of Wendell, 7 50 50 ' _ 9,825 52,300 30,935 48,130 Lumber 5 22 22 _ _ 2,475 8,300 10,635 16.930 Musical instruments, 1 20 20 - - 40,000 30,000 Wooden goods. 1 8 8 1 - ... 4,000 ... 1,200 Town of Whatelt, 10 9 8 1 _ 1,708 17,300 38,797 47,.567 Brooms and brushes. 1 2 1 1 - ... 3,000 1 2,150 Food preparations, . 3 1 1 { _ _ 195 8,200 32,8.50 37,117 Lumber 3 3 a _ _ 350 4,100 4,300 5,900 Wooden goods. 3 3 a i - 500 2,0OU 750 2,400 C0U2 s'TY OF ] HAMPDEN. Town op Agawam, . 10 12- 6( 5 61 $34,786 $176,50r $90,952 $180,859 Brick 1 IJ ) 1, ) - 5,001 8,400 Food preparations, . 5 e 1 ( i - l',i7J 18,50< 18,495 13,567 Lumber 2 i ! : i • . > 3,00C 3,600 MAXDTACTUKES BY TOWNS. 555 MANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. COUNTY OF HAMPDEN — Continued. ab- Average Number of 1 Employes. Wages. Towns. Cities. mber of ( shments. Total paid during Capital invested. Stock used. ^ X^ " *■ fc_r~| ^.H* * » ■ AJ f AND Industries. o f-l a a, > Is ■a ^ .c2 Value of product. "a Ij 2 ° 5-^ the year. 9S o .S 2,000 5,500 Worsted goods. 1 43 20 21 2 ... 75,000 ... 240,000 8 117 84 31 2 30,930 66,700 42,943 83,125 Building 1 2 2 _ - . . . 2,000 1,200 Food preparations, . 1 1 1 _ - . . > 1,500 18,200 Lumber, . . . . 1 15 15 _ - 8,000 13,500 Machines and machinery. 1 4 3 - 1 2,000 3,500 Metals and metallic goods. 1 1 1 - - 700 625 Toys and games. 2 84 62 21 1 I 52,000 45,500 ^\Tiips 1 10 - 10 - ... 500 ... 600 Town of Hampden, . 10 179 114 44 21 46,132 144,050 249.989 401,745 Carriages and wagons, . 2 - - _ - - 2,600 2,300 Cotton,woollen, and other textiles, . . . . 2 89 51 22 16 ... 57,800 • • ■ 172,345 Food preparations, . 3 2 2 - - 550 5,65( 7,770 9,000 Lumber 1 - - - - - 5,000 2,080 Metals and metallic goods, 1 1 1 _ - • . . 1,000 1,000 Woollen goods. 1 87 60 22 5 ... 72,000 ... 215,020 City of Holtoke, . 120 8,48c 4,167 3,631 687 2,621,985 9,022,914 6,968,066 12,361,470 Artisans' tools, 1 e S — 1 ... 2,000 i ... 3,500 556 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 18S0. MANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. COUNTY OF HAMPDEN — Continued. i Average Number of m Employes. Wages. Towns, Cities, Total paid Capital Stock AND to U5 -gc Value of Industries. (• S ■2.= •3 males bove 1 nth ai hildre during the year. invested. used. product. s M o £ a V cs o o ^ H a ^ i» City of Hol yoke — Con. Boots and shoes, 5 9 8 - 1 $4,141 $4,900 $1,900 $9,096 Brick, .... 2 100 100 - - ■ > • 25,000 • • > 48,756 Bricli and tiles. 1 4 4 _ - ■ ■ ■ 1,000 • • • 538 Building 17 153 148 _ 5 51, .388 22,730 101,413 172,900 Carriiigt-8 and wagons, . 3 34 34 - - 18,475 17,000 16,000 43,000 CIocVcs and watches, 1 t 3 3 - - ■ . • 600 1,200 Clothing 5 20 10 10 - 5,428 4,300 8,400 18,150 Cooking, lighting, and hialing apparatus. 1 12 12 - - 3.000 20,000 Cotton goods, . 5 2,762 852 1,481 429 717,755 3,310,000 1,419,133 3,088,853 Cotton, woollen, and other textiles 2 70 58 4 8 ■ • • 10,000 > > > 153,265 Druifs and medicines. 1 7 7 - - 5,000 14,000 Fertilizers, 1 19 17 2 - 15,000 • • . 45,000 Food preparations, . 2 12 12 - - • • > 35,000 • . . 405,000 Leather, .... 3 9 9 - - 3,800 3,500 7,700 21,800 Lumber, .... 3 110 110 - - 61,500 143,500 221,000 323,500 Mattresses, 1 5 4 1 - 2,000 12,450 Machines and machinery, 10 476 474 - 2 197,124 274,500 203,820 485,592 Metals and metallic goods. v> 226 209 5 12 114,975 148,400 207,934 413,275 Mucilage and iJ.iste, 1 4 4 - - * ■ • • 5,000 ... 5,790 I'aper, .... 19 2,535 1,001 1,521 13 805,074 3,500,979 2,904,075 4,808,447 Printing and publishing, 6 47 39 6 2 16,326 12,300 8,681 35,674 Rubber and elastic goods, 1 12 10 - 2 10,000 40,000 Soap and candles, . 1 5 4 1 - • • • 10,000 7, .500 Stone, .... 2 26 26 - - ■ • ■ ■ 6,000 26,000 Tobacco, .... 2 4 4 - - 1,400 4,300 Wooden goods. 4 114 104 6 4 27,021 124,000 93,708 167,693 Woollen goods. 4 771 447 199 125 220,383 • 895,805 473,807 809,841 ■Worsted goods, 1 930 452 395 83 430,000 ... 1,176,350 Town of Longmeadow, . 6 11 11 - - 3,820 15,450 17,895 24,550 Food preparations, . 2 2 2 - - 5,700 ... 7,1.50 Lumber, .... 1 1 1 - - 3,250 . • . 700 Metals and metallic goods. 2 1 1 - - 500 1,700 Scientific instruments and appliances, . 1 7 7 - - ... 6,000 ... 15,000 Town of Li di.oav, . 1 5 5 _ _ • • • 3,000 ... 6,500 Boots and shoes, 1 5 5 - - ... 3,000 ... 6,500 Town of Monson, . 10 879 731 130 18 296,712 782,500 1,068,128 1,612,551 Food preparations, . 3 6 6 - - 2,175 6,000 11,002 32,577 Lumber, .... 1 3 3 - - 1,.500 840 Straw goods, . 1 500 500 - - 200,000 460,000 Woollen goods, 6 370 222 1.30 18 144,337 575,000 806,676 1,119,134 Town of Palmer, . 37 1,538 758 611 169 407,071 1,275,500 1,136,302 2,0.39,574 Boots and shoes, 1 3 3 - - 500 3,000 Brooms and brushes. 1 5 5 - - 5,000 15,000 Building 4 19 19 - - 6,400 5,700 23,000 .34,800 Carpetings, 1 62 51 10 1 50,000 208,000 Carriages and wagons, . 2 5 5 - - 2,500 ■ 4,800 Clothing 2 14 7 "> - 7,500 19,000 Cotton goods, . 3 1,284 564 5.52 168 316,380 1,090,000 773,4.34 1,454,074 Food preparations, . 4 19 17 2 - 9,875 31,200 93,200 142,800 Leather, .... 2 - - - - - 750 2,400 Lumber, .... 1 4 4 - - 2,000 9,000 Metals and metallic goods, 10 25 25 - - 10,800 22,850 19,500 41,300 Musical instruments, 1 - - - - - 2,000 1,400 Printing and publishing. 1 4 4 - - 4,000 3,700 Soap and candles, . 1 1 1 - - ... 500 1,200 Stone, .... 1 3 3 - - ... 1,000 3,500 Straw goods, . 2 90 50 40 - ... 50,000 ... 95,000 Town of Russell, • 7 258 96 152 10 85,323 279,900 204,197 363,411 Food preparations, . 2 2 2 - 2,650 2,956 Lumber i 3 3 ~" "" 2,000 2,230 MAXUFACTUEES BY TOWXS. 557 ^VIAXUFACTURES BY TOWNS. COUNTY OF IIA:\IPDEX — Continupfl. 5 1 Average NusiBeb of It Ejiplotes. Wages. Towns, Cities, H Total paid Capital Stock AND to •e ^ Value of Industries. u o .> *i during invested. used. product. If "3 P 11 7^ the year. p — o « =8 s^ o'o ^ H S ^ !« TowTf OF RtrssELL — Con. Metals anil metallic goods, a - - - - - $250 $2,700 Paper, .... 2 253 91 152 10 ... 275,000 ... 355,505 TO-WX OF SOLTHWICK, 13 35 30 5 ~" 1 §7,009 24,740 $30,283 55,720 Arms and ammunition, . 1 3 3 - • • > 7,500 ... 9,391 Brick, .... 1 7 7 - _ • • > 1,000 1,000 Food preparations, . 2 3 3 - _ 2,740 20,708 Lumber 2 9 9 - - 7,000 ... 8,500 Metals and metallic goods. 1 - — — _ - 500 700 Tobacco, .... 6 13 8 5 - 3,219 6,000 8,558 15,421 City of Springfield, . 437 7,1.52 4,991 1,927 234 2,842,664 8,761,435 7,685,390 12,-595,997 Arras and ammunition, . 3 814 814 - 416,147 2,975,4.55 221,260 611,093 Artificial teeth and dental work, .... 3 _ - - - 2,325 5,600 5,900 Artisans' tools. 2 21 21 - - • • ■ 12,300 19,800 Awniuas and tents, . i 5 2 2 1 • • . 2,000 6,000 Billiard tables, . 1 1 3 3 - - • - • 3,000 5,000 Boots and shoes. 27 15 15 _ - 6,100 7,125 10,444 33,588 Boxes 9 219 60 157 2 60,859 30,700 108,100 206,662 Brick 7 150 150 - - 33,950 91,000 18,965 82,000 Building 81 434 434 - - 213,195 198,335 389,935 760,105 Burial cases, caskets, coffins, etc., . 2 2 2 - - • . ■ 24,000 25,000 Buttons 3 432 81 316 35 114,316 133,000 92,620 274,229 Carriages and wagons, . 18 63 63 - - 36,265 46,775 34,555 98,710 '^lock.s and watches, 15 170 115 55 - 93,700 207,375 67,325 174.800 Clothing, .... 17 140 84 56 - 98,498 238,550 431,888 607,701 Conking, lighting, and heating apparatus. 1 4 4 - - 20,000 7,600 Cotton goods, . 2 702 294 327 81 1,140,000 > • • 867,564 Cotton, woollen, and other textiles, .... 2 58 45 13 _ • ■ > 110,000 437,000 Cordage and twine, . 1 40 7 33 - ... 30,000 37,871 Drain and sewer pipe. 2 4 4 - _ ... 5,300 12,500 Drug< and medicines, 2 22 22 - - 61,150 85,. 500 Electroplating, . 5 19 18 - 1 7,925 8,500 20,200 60,9.50 Fancy articles, . 1 15 5 10 - 77,000 8,500 Food preparations. 28 175 155 19 1 92,869 371,035 1,2.34,545 1,5.30,049 Furniture,. 13 74 71 3 1 34,123 98,975 114,610 185,320 Glue, . 1 2 2 - 1 ... 950 2,500 Hair work, 2 2 1 1 - 1,000 2,800 Ink, . 1 2 2 - - 1,000 4,000 Leather, . 10 181 172 9 - 42,275 81,850 198,250 279,804 Liquors and beverages, . 1 1 1 - - 2,000 750 Lumber 2 22 22 - - 30,000 81,101 Machines and machinery, 12 186 186 - - 1 75.800 259,100 104,3.53 269,675 Mattresses and spr'g beds. 4 21 16 5 - ; 10,271 19,065 26,322 51,9.51 Metals and metallic goods. 62 752 659 39 54 , SOS, 143 610,900 629,213 1,236,832 Models and patterns. 1 6 6 - - i 5,000 8,000 Musical instruments. 1 12 12 - - ... 2,500 22,000 Notions, .... 1 5 5 _ _ i • . • 2,500 ... 5,000 Paper, .... 8 70S 155 538 10 192,382 576,500 1.289,877 1,676,974 Photographs, . 10 12 11 1 - 7,200 22,800 9,210 41,150 Polishes and dressing, 1 2 2 _ - > . > 1,.500 8,000 Printing and publishing. 14 336 246 82 8 178,064 200,700 212,775 460,893 Printing, dy'ing, bleach'g, 2 17 12 5 - 7,500 14,500 Railroad construction, . 2 1 464 454 10 - 490,000 978,877 Rubber goods, . 1 213 77 115 21 • • • 40,000 98,660 Rubber and elastic goods, 1 16 5 11 _ • • > 6,000 20,000 Scientific instruments and appliances, . 2 42 32 3 7 25,000 • 79,979 Boap and candles, 4 33 31 2 - 13,778 124,750 20.3,4.50 229,254 Stone, 8 81 80 _ 1 45,000 55,580 41,800 114,600 Straw goods, . 2 4 3 1 - 700 4,250 Tobacco, . 19 212 149 59 i 102,742 125,590 227,466 395,560 Toys and games. 2 75 59 9 7 ■ ... 30,000 77.822 Wooden goods. 14 77 77 - _ 34,647 41,050 98,244 163,423 Woollen goods. 2 86 44 42 - 70,000 120,000 Worsted goods, 1 6 1 4 1 ... 4,000 ... 4,200 558 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. MANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. COUNTY OF HAMPDEN — Conclu.lpfl. i to Average Number of Employes. Wages. Towns, Cities, ^1 Total paid Capital Stock AND «5 '^i Value of Industries. MS * > DC o o — t> II during invested. used. product. 3 1- u Sia the year. 33 o a a O C3 o u !zi H S Em h Town of Tolland, . 5 41 41 _ _ $12,575 $23,500 $51,480 $72,200 Lumber 3 11 11 - - 1,475 7,000 2,980 6,200 Leather 1 29 29 - _ • • • 16,000 65,000 Metals and metallic goods, 1 1 1 - - ... 500 1,000 Town op Wales, 8 161 109 50 2 51,158 43,500 " 229,549 408,650 BoxeiJ 1 2 2 - - . • . 2,.500 ... 1,500 Food preparations, . 1 3 3 - - • . • 500 4,500 Lumber 1 4 4 - - • • ■ 1,000 1,450 Metals and metallic goods, 1 2 2 _ - • ■ ■ 1,000 • . • 2,.500 Boap and candles, . 1 1 1 - - ■ > ■ 1,500 • > > 1,200 Woollen goods, 3 149 97 50 2 49,600 37,000 222,599 397,500 Town of Westfield, 101 1,177 830 325 22 483,267 1,317,865 1,085,929 2,191,262 Arms and ammunition, . 1 4 4 - - 7,500 25,000 Boxes, .... 5 27 17 8 2 5,944 10,100 21,907 35,100 Carriages and wagons, . 1 4 4 - - 1,200 2,000 Cooking, lighting, and healing app;iratU8, 1 30 30 - - • • • 45,000 28,000 Emt-ry wheels, . 1 8 8 - _ • • • 60,000 . • . 20,000 Food preparatiotis, . 6 21 19 2 - 11,160 33,300 123,565 172,890 Furniture, 1 30 20 7 3 • • . 6,000 5,500 Lumber, .... 4 10 10 - - 1,052 6,100 8,608 10,775 Machines and machinery. 2 6 6 _ - > > > 16,000 10,750 Metals and metallic goods, 3 89 83 - 6 37,600 70,800 53,600 115,150 Musical instruments. 2 28 28 _ _ ... 4,.'500 > • ■ 42,244 Paper, .... 2 90 40 50 - ... 220,000 209,000 Printing and publishing. 1 12 7 3 2 . . . 5,000 10,000 Soap and candlts, . 1 2 2 - - ... 1,.500 2,800 Tobacco 32 293 174 119 - 105,928 180,065 275,131 457,411 Toys and games. 1 6 6 - - 3,000 28,000 Whips 35 456 312 136 8 221,534 617,800 368,118 941,642 Wooden goods. 2 61 60 - 1 ... 30,000 ... 75,000 Town of W. Spkinofield, 10 4.50 164 243 43 114,374 567,0.50 298,082 557,033 Carriages and wagons, 2 21 21 _ _ 25,100 27,. 500 Cotton goods, . . .» 1 250 71 136 43 • • . 377,250 300,0(10 Food jjreparations, . 2 3 3 _ .. • • . 23,500 • . . 26,660 Leather 1 - _ _ . ... 200 > . . 1,.500 Lumber, .... 1 15 15 _ . • • ■ 15,000 24,000 Metals and metallic goods. 1 2 2 _ _ • ■ . 1,000 . . . 2,400 Paper, .... 2 159 52 107 - ... 125,000 ... 174,973 Town of Wilbraham, . 8 256 130 118 8 95,912 436,0.50 1,124,975 1,301,124 Carriages and wagons, . 1 3 3 _ _ ■ • ■ 3,500 . . . 2,300 Food preparations, . 2 32 31 - 1 • • . 81, .500 947,300 Metals and metallic goods, 2 2 2 - _ • . • 750 1,700 Paper, .... 1 174 69 98 7 . ■ • 300,000 ... 219,624 Stone, .... 1 1 1 _ . • . . 300 ... 1,200 Woollen goods. 1 44 24 20 — ... 50,000 — 129,000 COUNTY OF HAMPSHIRE. Town of Amherst, . Brick, Brooms and brushes. Carriages and wagons. Clothing, . Cordage and twine, . Food preparations, . Lumber, . Machines and machinery, Metals and metaUic goods. Paper, . . . . Stone, . . . . Straw goods. 29 281 256 23 1 3 3 6 6 - - 12 12 _ _ 1 4 4 _ - 1 2 2 . _ 2 5 5 _ — 6 19 19 - - 1 1 1 „ 6 9 9 _ . 2 16 16 _ _ 1 3 3 _ - 2 204 181 23 - $80,.321 2,700 4',646 4,350 $156,100 1,000 1,200 9,600 8,000 1,000 13,000 _ 13,500 1,.500 6,800 19,.500 1,000 80,000 $250,151 2',46o 4,900 16,341 4,850 $419,679 1,7.50 3,.500 10,000 20,000 3,000 62,249 25,300 1,000 12,100 25,780 3,000 252,000 MANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. 559 MANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. COUNTY OF HAilPSHIRE — Continued. -s Average NiraiBER of •s Employes. Wages. Towns, Cities, Total paid Capital Stock AND c 5 Value of Industries. £3 "a m during the year. invested. used. product. sS o lS =s o a 5o !zi H S b, ^ Town of Belcherto^^'n, 31 66 63 3 _i $17,399 $58,775 $91,239 $128,840 Agricultural impleuients. 1 2 2 - - 2,400 ... 1,522 Boots and shoes, 1 - - - - - 25 500 Carriages and wagons, . 8 28 28 - - 9.450 11,000 12,600 26,600 Cotton goods, . . . 1 9 7 2 - 15,000 22,850 Food preparations, . 6 6 - 1 442 7,500 47",i34 50,025 Leather 1 1 1 - 200 2,000 Lumber, .... 10 11 11 - - 1,130 17,800 10,755 16,493 Metals and metallic goods, 3 3 3 - - 940 1,850 1,400 3,850 Tobacco 1 6 5 1 - ... 3,000 ... 6,000 Town of Chesterfield, 15 34 34 ^ _ 6,565 33,725 17,630 33,070 Food preparations, . 3 4 4 - ~ 1 215 4,000 3,120 6,264 Lumber, .... 5 13 13 - 1 - 1 2,100 11,625 8,285 13,706 Metals and metallic goods, 4 6 6 - 1,350 4,800 1,200 4,600 Wooden goods. 3 11 11 - - 2,900 13,300 4,025 8,500 Town of Cusimington, . 11 88 69 29 _ 20,803 46,358 32,756 79,547 Artisans' tools, . 2 9 8 1 - • • • 1,300 ... 6,000 Food preparations, . 1 3 3 - - 1,200 • * . 1,600 Lumber, .... 1 1 1 - _ 1 . . • 1,000 ... 1,920 Paper, .... 1 40 16 24 _ • . ■ 30,358 . . . 42,000 Wooden goods. 5 35 31 4 - 9,378 12,000 6,375 27,027 Woollen goods, 1 - - - - 500 ... 1,000 Town of Easthamptox, . 21 1,334 515 697 122 399,472 1,388,775 1,375,020 2,163,689 Boots and shoes. 2 1 1 - - • • ■ 375 2,670 Briclj, .... 1 15 15 - - • ■ ■ 2,000 ... 4,000 Building 2 13 13 - - 8,600 • . ■ 19,000 Buttons, .... 1 180 42 138 _ ... 225,000 ... 210,000 Cotton goods, . 2 409 151 192 66 380,400 ... 414,847 Elaslie goods, . 3 658 235 367 56 217,963 683,000 870,904 1,340,450 Food preparations, . 6 15 15 - - 6,080 24,000 92,174 108,942 Lumber, .... 1 5 5 - - .•• . 4,000 ... 12,980 Machines and machinery, 2 36 36 - _ ■ ■ • 61,000 • • • 49,500 Metals and metallic goods. 1 2 2 - - ... 400 ... 1,300 Town op Enfield, . 6 179 128 44 7 56,064 194,000 225,998 378,300 Cotton, woollen, and other textiles 1 43 27 16 - • > ■ 60,000 70,500 Lumber, .... 2 7 7 - - ... 5,000 • . . 6.500 Metals and metallic goods. 2 19 19 - - ... 9,000 ... 26,300 Woollen goods. 1 110 75 28 7 ... 120,000 ... 275,000 Town or Granbt, . 5 4 4 ^ _ 850 8,800 15,625 20,600 Food preparations, . 2 2 2 - ■ - 6,500 ... 16,100 Lumber 1 1 1 1,500 ... 2,000 Metals and metallic goods, 2 1 1 - ... 800 ... 2,500 Town of Greenwich, . 8 19 19 . _ 6,050 18,150 23,535 35,967 Boxes 1 4 4 - - 5,000 8,000 Brooms and brushes. 1 2 2 _ _ ... 300 . * * 2,500 Carriages and wagons. 1 7 7 - _ 2,000 . . . 6,000 Food preparations, . 1 1 1 - - 7,500 ... 10,000 Lumber 2 2 2 - • . > 1,800 ... 6,417 Metals and metallic goods, 1 2 2 _ ... 550 • * . 2,000 Wooden goods, 1 1 1 - - ... 1,000 ... 1,050 Town of Hadlet, . 24 72 72 _ 19,960 56,500 75,266 112,593 Artisans' tools. 1 1 1 _ — ■ • • 4,000 3,000 Brick 3 10 10 - _ 900 1,600 '254 2,280 Brooms and brushes, 7 . 46 46 - - 14,965 19,250 41,090 60,582 Carriages and wagons, . 1 2 2 - - ... 5,000 2,500 Food preparations, . 3 3 3 - - 800 8,500 24,4fi2 26,531 Lumber 4 8 8 - - 1,695 12,500 6,410 11,700 Metals and metallic goods, 4 2 2 - - 300 4,6:,o 750 4,000 Soap and candles. 1 '— — — — 1,000 ... 2,000 560 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — ISSO. MANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. COUNTY OF HAMPSHIRE — Continued. Towns, Cities, AND Inddstkies. es Town of Hatfield, . Arms .and ammunition, Food prep.iratious, . Furniture, Lumbsr, . Town of Huntington, Artisans' tools, Food preparatious, Lumber, ... Metala and metallic goods Paper, . . . ' Woollen goods. Town of Middlefield, Paper, ... Woollen goods. Town of Northampton, Agricultural implements. Boots and shoes, Boxes, Brick, Brooms and brushes. Building, . Burial cases, caskets coffins, etc., . Buttons, . Carriages and wagons, Cooking, lighting, arid heating apparatus. Cotton goods, . Emery wheels, . Food preparations. Leather, . Lumber, . . . Machines and machinerj'. Mattresses and spr'gbeds, Metals and metallic goods, I'aper, Pencils, indelible. Photographs, . Printing and publishing Soap and candles, . Stone, Tobacco, . Wooden goods. Town of Pelham, .. Fishing and hunt'g tackle Lumber, . Town of Flainfield, Food preparations, . Lumber, . Wooden goods. Town of Prescott, . Lumber, . Town of South Hadlet, Boxes, Brick, Buttons, Cotton goods, . Food preparations. Paper, Wooden goods. 1 3 8 4 4 13 1 4 1 ] 1 4 1 Average Number of Ekplotes. o to a) o a — > 4 1 1 1 1 8 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 90 1 5 2 O 3 13 1 2 226 1 1 1 3 163 24 50 21 68 265 2 357 45 2 S 13 16 3 14 60 48 45 38 35 2 2 6 6 2 2 213 126 2 2 6 6 5 3 3 69 22 128 88 134 78 29 14 105 64 1,605 1,169 60 60 3 2 21 11 33 33 67 47 77 77 18 18 I 1 10 5 5 10 10 785 2 127 20 395 235 6 02 1 3 35 24 48 14 68 265 2 247 18 1 3 8 16 3 13 60 lOl 5 5 10 10 409 2 127 10 187 77 73 38 35 39 10 29 289 I 7 103 108 2 3 2a 27 1 346 185 158 c o 14 9 5 17 5 12 147 1 3 31 20 4 85 30 7 23 Wages. Total paid during the year. Capital invested. Stock used. Value of product. $18,100 74,581 1,465 634,651 l',625 6,s:iO 21,2o7 44,ulo 22,233 10,500 21,^7ii 124,222 142,348 6,500 7,300 335 145 190 3.600 3,600 213,672 25,200 85,064 $26,700 17,000 1,200 6,600 2,000 382,900 300 5,600 4,000 3,000 300,000 70,000 87,000 30,0o0 57,000 1,365,200 Ou.ouo 1,400 3,600 9,000 l0G,r)00 2S,200 30,000 90,000 600 3,000 76,000 53,000 91,700 11,500 67,700 220,000 400 240,fiu0 82,000 3,.500 2,800 30,500 20,200 3,000 6,100 125,000 7,000 6,000 2,000 5,200 2,000 1,900 1,300 5,600 5,600 778,900 1,400 16,000 12,000 450,000 75.000 216,500 8,000 $27,905 227,150 15,760 1,450,393 1,300 6,215 102,617 74,208 267,620 25,000 177,875 113,100 194,425 9,500 11,800 6,509 562 630 17,565 17,565 348,200 14,750 199,967 $49,825 24,000 1G,U25 7,.»0 2,300 350,880 2,000 35,700 11,080 2,100 125,000 175,000 199,860 34,860 105,000 2,723.959 130,000 5,250 16,600 19,000 177,825 151,300 20,000 225,600 1,200 3,000 214,858 86,398 329,934 41,000 215,994 287,000 5,200 441,863 127,000 3,500 6,000 22,000 63,000 7,000 24,100 99,337 6,850 4,500 2,350 10,407 5,817 2,300 2,290 34,850 34,850 778,945 1,200 50,200 9,000 2.34,358 10,987 459.200 8,000 IMAXUFACTUEES BY TOWXS. 561 MANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. COUNTY OF HAMPSHIRE — Concluded. "5 i Aa-eeage Nctmbek of •4^ Employes. Wages. Towns, Cities, "Si Total paid during Capital invested. Stock used. A XT) Industries. ... > 10 ■ 15,600 Brick, .... 1 12 12 _ _ 12,000 ■ < • 4,800 Cotton goods, . 1 : 1,285 454 652 179 • • • 500,000 • - . 1,101,811 Food preparations, . 4 15 14 - 1 3,750 5,000 19,650 37,725 Lumber, .... 2 1 7 7 _ _ 2,000 . • . 7,000 Woollen goods. U 857 477 255 125 ... 600,000 ... 985,068 Town of Westhampton, 9 17 17 ^ _ 3,400 15,200 7,323 15,627 Boxes 2 11 11 _ _ ... 8,200 6,300 Clocks and watches, 1 _ _ _ _ _ 2,000 ... 500 Leather, .... 1 _ _ _ - _ 500 • • . 1,140 Lumber 4 6 6 _ - 900 4,(100 4,135 6,887 Metals and metallic goods. 1 - - - - - 500 ... 800 Town of Williamsbubg, 7 98 51 45 2 36,8.50 117,500 131,190 228.160 Buttons 3 22 10 10 2 5,715 12.000 3,500 16,785 Food preparations, . 1 "2 2 - - ... 3,000 5,000 Lumber, .... 2 3 3 - - ... 2,500 6,375 Woollen goods, 1 71 36 35 - ... 100,000 ... 200,000 Town of Worthington, . 21 25 24 _ 1 3,742 24,050 11,555 31,975 Building, .... 1 _ _ _ _ _ 500 600 Carriages and wagons, . 1 1 1 _ _ ... 6,000 2,000 Food jireparalioDs, . 4 4 4 _ - 125 2,225 2,100 4,690 Furniture, 1 1 1 - - 3,000 2,500 Lumber, .... 7 4 4 _ _ '535 4,700 .5,175 10,185 Macliines and machinery, 1 3 2 _ 1 ... 3,000 1,500 Metals and metallic goods, 1 - _ _ _ _ 200 2,000 Wooden goods. 5 12 12 — "■ 1,982 4,425 1,680 8,500 COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX. Town of Acton, Arms and ammunition. Boxes, Carriages and wagons. Clothing, . Cotton, woollen, md other textiles, Craj O'ls and lead pencils Drugs and medicines. Food preparations, . Leather, Lumber, . . . . Metals and metallic goods Musical instruments, Plaster, Tobacco, . W'ooden goods, Town of Arlington Artisans' tools, Boots and shoes, Building, . Carriages and wago.'.s, • 'lotliiig, . ("ord!ige and twine, T>ye stuffs, Food preparations. 24 34 3 4 7 4 1 1 1 2 179 118 58 3 35 35 _ _ 1 1 - - 43 3 40 - 26 12 13 1 7 4 3 _ 1 2 2 _ _ 19 19 _ _ 1 1 _ _ 3 3 - - 12 10 1 1 2 2 _ _ 5 4 1 _ 23 22 - 1 143 139 3 1 40 40 _ _ 3 3 _ 27 27 _ 6 6 _ _ 3 - 3 - 20 20 _ _ 7 6 - 1 $62,861; 7,758 ... I 6,160 I 70,324 22,410 1,4-50 11,500 2,700 $317,960 200,0;Xl 1,000 1,(X)0 8,000 30,000 2,000 300 43,000 200I 6,000^ 500; 1,000 l,500i 2,000 21,460 127,-350 35,-500 3,600 19,000 9,2-50 2,000 1,500 30,000 6,000 $234,009 108,101 16,110 125, 27 1 17, 4, 598 030 25 1-50 125 $387,587 106,230 1,500 600 13,035 73,000 3,.500 1,-300 131,322 2,000 2,5-50 500 11,000 1,000 12,000 28,050 321,485 66,735 5,200 42,800 10,2-50 3,000 800 105,000 34,000 5G2 CEXSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. MANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX — Continued. A^t:rage Numbe R OF Employes. Wages. Towns, Cities, 9i Total paid Capital Stock AND \n C 5^ Value of Industries. So §2 .a2 during invested. used. product. l0 ,- 5 Sj S .5 sS the year. 2 H = a =3 (5 H a P=. h Town of Arlington— Con. Furriiture, 1 - - - - - $200 $800 Lcalhor, .... 2 - - - - - 4,000 2,600 Metals and metallic goods, 4 9 9 * — - $5,144 4,800 $3,900 18,200 Musical instruments, 2 17 17 - - • . • 9,000 • • ■ 23,000 Tobacco, .... 1 2 2 - - ■ > ■ 500 600 "Wooden goods. 1 9 9 - - ... 2,000 ... 8,500 Town of Ashbt, 12 25 25 _ _ 5,820 21,350 27,090 45,200 Food preparations, . 4 5 5 - - 600 3,550 17,900 24,1.50 Lumber, .... 5 2 2 - — 400 6,700 2,390 6,3.50 Metals and metallic goods. 2 3 3 - — • • • 1,100 2,700 Wooden goods. 1 13 13 - - ... 10,000 ... 12,000 Town of Ashland, . 15 705 428 253 24 22.'i,732 307,400 958,963 1,335,946 Boots and shoes. 3 340 311 19 10 134,232 195,000 673,323 906,580 Boxes, .... 1 11 11 - - . . . 11,000 25,000 Carriages and wagons, . 1 1 1 - - • > . 3,000 2,000 Clothing, .... 1 5 1 4 - 2,000 3,500 Food preparations, . 1 3 3 - - • • • 1,500 ... 22,700 Leather 1 3 3 - - • • > 600 . . . 3,200 Linen 1 235 23 202 10 > • < 25,000 . . . 243,716 Metals and metallic goods. 3 30 27 3 - 8,850 17,000 12,200 24,500 Oils and illuniinat'g fluids. 2 5 5 " - . 2,300 14,250 Woollen goods. 1 72 43 25 4 ... 50,000 ... 90,500 Town of Ater, 21 284 267 16 1 100,494 279,132 322,933 684,018 Boots and shoes. 1 26 25 1 - • • ■ 42,000 60,000 Building, .... 2 3 3 - _ • ■ • 1,500 ... 4,000 Carriages and wagons, . 1 8 8 - - ■ • ■ 12,000 7,.'500 Food preparations, . 1 1 1 - - • • • 8,000 11,0(10 Furniture 2 40 38 1 1 • • • 16,000 4;i,ooo Leather 2 127 127 - - . • > 130,600 • ■ ■ 442,796 Lumber 2 13 13 - - • . • 11,100 ... 20,000 Machines and machinery, 1 3 3 - - > ■ ■ 6,000 5,000 Metals and P'etallic goods. 3 24 24 - - 9,390 13,700 26,342 51,372 Printing and publishing,. 1 8 4 4 - • • • 5,000 10,000 Soap and candles, . 1 4 4 - - • • ■ 1,500 • . ■ 6.350 Btone 2 10 10 - - • • • 2,700 ■ ■ . 9,000 Wooden goods. 2 17 7 10 - ... 9,032 ... 14,000 Town of Bedford, . 12 20 20 - . 7,491 37,212 39,698 52,736 Boots and shoes. 1 2 2 - - - ■ • 1,500 ... 2,250 Building, .... 1 4 4 - - • • • 8,000 ... 8,000 Carriages and wagons, . 4 5 5 - - 775 4,306 1,850 4,600 Drugs and medicines. 1 2 2 - - • • ■ 3,500 4,800 Food preparations, . 2 3 3 - - • ■ > 14,500 28,267 Lumber, .... 1 3 3 - - 4,000 2,000 Metals and metallic goods. 2 1 1 - - ... 1,406 ... 2,819 Town of Billerica, . 10 284 172 73 39 109.794 577,500 727,716 1,037,013 Carriages and wagons, . 1 - - - - - 800 700 Dye etuflTs, 1 32 32 - - 100,000 148,040 Food preparations, . 1 1 2 2 - - • • • 2,000 1,100 Glue, 1 4 4 - - 5,000 3,900 Machines and machinery. ! 2 16 16 - - • ■ • 41,500 41,000 Metals and metallic goods. 2 3 3 - - • ■ . 3,200 3,500 Woollen goods. 2 227 115 73 39 ... 425,000 ... 836,775 Town of Burlington, . . 4 41 18 22 1 6,684 11,200 14,890 25,790 Boots and shoes. •2 30 8 21 1 - ■ ■ 3,200 13,700 Leather, .... 1 3 3 - - . • . 5,000 9,000 Printing and publishing, . 1 8 7 1 - ... 3,000 ... 3,090 City of Cambridge, 3-9 7,886 6,537 1,182 167 3,414,214 6,418,099 19,637,881 26,124,023 Artisans' tools. 1 2 2 _ - 5,000 2,500 Boots and shoes. 6 38 29 5 4 11,684 31,250 25,232 47,109 Boxes, .... 1 70 65 2 3 . . . 25,000 90,000 Brick 7 376 363 ~ 13 72,239 1 457,000 120,700 217,930 MAXUrACTURES BY TOWNS. 563 MANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX — Continueil. Towns, Cities, AND IXDUSTRIES. *t-i to u a .a S City OF Cambridge— Con Brooms and brushes. Building, . Burial cases, caskets. coffins, etc. Carpetinas, Carriagi^s and wagons. Cement, Clothing, . Cooking-, lighting, and heating apparatus. Cordage and twine, . Drain and sewer pipe, Druss and medicines. Earthen and stone ware. Fishing nets and seines, Fishing tackle, . Food preparations, . Furniture, . Hose, rubber, linen, etc Leather, Liquors and beverages. Machines and machinery ,"• Mattresses and spr'g beds, Metals and metallic gooda, Models and patterns. Musical instruments. Oils and illuminat'g fluids Photographs, . Printing and publishing. Railroad construction. Rubber and elastic goods, Scientific instruments and appliances. Soap and candles, . Spring beds, Stone, Tobacco, . Trunks and valises, . Window shades and Venetian blinds, . Wooden goods, Town of Carlisle, . Metals and metallic goods Wooden goods. Town of Chelmsford, Building, . Carriages and wagons, Cotton, woollen, and other textiles, Food preparations, . Lumber, . Metals and metallic goods Sioue, Woollen goods. Worsted goods. Town of Concord, . Boots and shoes. Clothing, . Cotton, woollen, and other textiles. Lumber, . Metals and metallic goods. Wooden goods, 4 103 1 1 24 2 3 1 2 1 3 2 1 1 34 13 1 12 1 6 2 51 1 13 1 3 19 2 1 1 13 1 14 11 1 1 13 4 2 2 19 2 3 1 6 1 3 1 1 1 Average Number of Employes. o P a a S a : 257 221 36 611 611 - 76 70 6 10 8 - 128 128 _ 3 3 _ 201 31 170 290 290 3 3 - 3 3 _ 46 31 13 37 37 _ 130 10 120 1,031 855 1-29 581 565 11 10 4 5 200 195 _ 1 7 174 174 _ 8 7 1 764 678 75 1 1 - 757 707 29 11 7 4 8 4 4 1,067 611 450 31 31 - 200 100 100 8 8 _ 250 222 _ 29 25 _ 111 110 1 41 35 6 8 8 - 18 11 7 290 267 8 12 11 _ 1 1 _ 11 10 - 378 261 102 76 76 - 6 6 - 30 i(y 20 23 23 _ 3 3 _ 7 7 _ 10 10 _ 1.54 108 38 69 18 44 717 670 37 250 250 _ 256 256 - 121 74 37 60 60 _ 30 30 — 47 5 1 5 11 21 28 4 15 1 1 15 Wages. Total paid during the year. Capital invested. Stock used. Value of product. 10 10 $19,730 308,249 78,003 34,000 21,400 473,640 265,965 96,790 10l",8i4 315,546 446,063 1,9.50 483,492 101,096 54,865 20,546 122,480 2,640 90,604 650 4,225 7.50 108,679 $34,500 271,775 150,000 5,000 158,100 4,500 195,000 400,000 1,800 5,000 235,000 41,000 245,000 500 1,124,140 276,500 25,000 89,300 2,000 81,000 4,000 541,850 100 657,200 5,000 3,300 456,600 98,434 200,000 30,000 345,500 25,000 98,050 14,100 800 16,000 58,800 7,750 2,450 5,300 246,700 1,300 2,700 20,000 47,500 800 3,400 1,000 125,000 45,000 299,000 75,000 25,000 125,000 4,000] 10,000 60,000! $75,203 674,153 88,021 363,532 194,660 12,987',.577 233,558| 522,910 290,890 777,696' ... 1 361,5.52 2",650 210,723 1,602,696 $124,281 1,165,612 175,000 12,.330 2ij0,766 8,250 466,885 349,364 4,030 3.000 300,000 34,236 301,390 1,300 14,465,610 617,391 6,147 774,.500 6,500 419,S90 13,0iX) 1,272,020 1,600 948,622 13,4.50 8,000 987,928 48,936 461,257 ■ 18,000 1,983,604 40,000 30,o26i 113,798 22,415 52,3.50 13,000 152,625 1,800 720,003| l',36o| i 123,950 I 2,300 847,197 32,587 321,650 6,950 1,700 5,250 901,485* 31,500 3,600 100,000 133,200 1,H75 5,50C 3,000 500,000 122,810 1,367,060 715,000 322,-500 203,660 900 95,000 30,000 J64 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. MANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX — Continued. t 3 Average Number of 1 00 Employes. Wages. Towns, Cities, o -^ Total paid Capital Stock AND to ■o = i Value of IXDCSTRIES. "3 jl on '"' §2 s5 1 during the year. invested. used. product. s:s o a a O S3 o u ^ H S fa tH Town of Dracut, . 4 494 264 126 104 $155,.'>98 $560,600 $673,390 $1,103,208 Lumber 1 2 2 - - 1,600 8,840 Paper, .... 1 11 10 1 - ... 15,000 45,000 Woollen goods, 2 481 252 125 104 ... 550,000 ... 1,049,368 Town op Dunstable, 3 5 5 - - 725 3,200 3,805 6,000 Food preparations, . 1 2 2 - - 1,200 4,000 Lumber, .... 1 2 2 - - • • • 1,200 1,000 Aletals and metallic goods, 1 1 1 - - ... 800 ... 1,000 Town of Everett, . 22 252 241 9 2 93,950 431,850 481,894 814,3.50 Brick 4 59 57 - 2 12,200 21,000 23,254 49,750 Building, .... 4 22 22 - - 0,400 8,300 22,000 36,.300 Carriages and waetons, . 1 1 1 - - . ■ . 700 1,.500 Druirs and medicines, 1 75 75 - - • . . 200,000 350,000 Emery wheels, 1 50 50 - - 150,000 200,000 Food preparations, . 4 11 10 1 - 3,380 15,.5O0 121,1.50 140,500 Furniture, 1 1 1 - - • • • 800 ■ . ■ 2,500 Leather, .... 1 1 1 - - • • • 1,000 600 Metals and metallic goods, 2 4 4 - - • • ■ 1,050 ... 5,000 Kazor strops, . 1 10 2 8 - • • • 500 . . . 1,200 Stone 1 3 3 - - • • • 3,000 ■ > • 6,000 Tallow and grease, . 1 15 15 - - ... 30,000 ... 15,000 Town of Framinciiiam, . 59 1,260 629 607 24 454,829 1,416,315 1,020,996 1,686,991 Artificial teeth and dental work 2 3 3 - - ... 1,5.50 ... 4,116 Boots and shoes, 2 19 17 2 - ... 5,0,iO ... 26,700 Bo see, .... 1 12 12 - - 8,000 . . . 24,.500 Building, .... 14 102 102 - - 33,692 16,865 45,750 87,280 Carriages and wagons, 5 15 15 - - 7.925 17,150 13,850 28,200 Food preparations, . 6 15 12 3 - 6,124 13,000 29,238 39,252 Furniture,. 2 3 3 - - 1 1,150 0,080 Leather, .... 3 5 5 - - 1.800 1,400 3,100 6,300 Liquors and beverages, . 1 2 2 - - 6,000 3,000 Lumber 1 5 5 - - ... 2,000 . > • 8,035 Maitresees.indspr'gbeds, 1 8 8 - - ■ • • 4,000 . . . 15,000 Metal,> and niettdlic goods. 14 39 38 1 - 13,587 27,850 25,500 49,800 Printing and publishing, . 1 6 5 - 1 ... 5,000 • * . 3,150 Soap and candles. 1 2 2 - - ' 2,000 3,000 Stone, .... 1 3 3 - _ ... 6,000 2,. 500 Straw goods, 3 391 116 275 _ 96,204 100,300 220,417 401, .500 Woollen goods. 1 630 281 326 23 1,200,000 ... 978,578 Town of Groton, . 4 102 63 33 6 37,000 242,000 139,242 213,750 Leather 1 40 20 15 5 * > > 100,001) > • • 60,000 Lumber, .... 1 4 4 - _ 2,0ti0 . • - 3,760 Paper, .... 2 58 39 18 1 140,000 ... 150,000 Town of Holliston, 30 800 566 215 19 210,672 13.5,0 '0 62.->,821 844,070 Boots and shoes. 17 457 435 19 3 143.177 81, .500 334,041 539,270 Building, .... 1 25 24 - 1 3,000 50,000 Carriages and wagons, . 2 6 6 - - 2,500 8,000 Clothing, .... 3 40 7 33 - 6,648 6.000 5,9.=>0 15,300 Food preparations, . 2 10 10 - - • . . 10,400 8,. 500 Leather 1 1 1 - 1 200 1,000 Machines and machinery. 1 8 8 - _ ■ . . 9,.3.50 9,000 Metals and metallic goods, 1 20 17 3 - • . • 8,000 • . > 67,000 Soap and candles, . 1 3 3 - _ > . . 1,.500 ■ • • 6,000 Straw goods, . 1 230 55 160 15, ... 12,560 ... 140,000 Town of Hopkinton, 11 1,194 1,012 120 62 476,470 443,000 1,294,366 2,020,700 Boots and shoes, 7 1,174 99i 120 62 469,285 430,000 1,271,. 500 1,980,600 Boxes, .... 1 13 13 _ _ 8,00u 33,000 Leather, .... 1 2 2 - - • • . l,.=iOO • • . 2,000 Metals and metallic goods. 1 2 2 _ _ . ■ • 1,500 ... 2,600 Wooden goods. 1 3 3 - - : ... 2,000 2,.500 MANUFACTUEES BT TOWXS. 5G5 MANUFACTURES BY TOWXS. COUXTY OF MIDDLESEX — Continued. 1 ' Average XCJIBER OF CB Employes. Towns, Cities, AND §1 Industries. £■3 d "1 ■§.§ 2 _-2 3=3 ^ S3 a a o'o !z; H ^ P^ tH Town of Hudson, . 20 1,255 829 342 84 Artisans' tools, 1 ! 2 2 - _ Boots and shoes. 5 1,020 689 251 80 Boxes, .... 2 8 8 - _ Building, . . 1 2 2 - _ Carriages and wagons, . 1 4 4 - - Clothing, .... 2 103 10 91 2 Food preparations, . 3 5 5 - - Leather, .... 1 100 98 _ 2 Machines and machinery, 1 6 6 - - Metals and metallic goods. 2 4 4 - - Taxidermy, 1 1 1 - - Town of Lexington, 25 49 48 _ 1 Boots and shoes. 1 2 2 _ _ Building, .... 9 17 17 _ - Carriages and wagons, . 3 1 1 - - Cordage and twine, . 1 4 3 - 1 Fur goods. 2 7 7 _ _ Leather 2 6 6 _ _ Metals and metallic goods. 6 11 11 _ _ Tobacco 1 1 1 - - Town of Lincoln, . 7 7 7 _ _ Building 1 ^ _ Cordage and twine, . 1 3 3 . _ Food preparations, . 2 _ _ - _ Lumber 1 2 2 _ _ Metals and metallic goods. 2 2 2 - - Town of Littleton, 9 31 31 ^ Building 1 14 14 — Carriages and wagons, . 2 4 4 - - Food preparations, . 2 4 4 _ _ Metals and metallic goods. 3 5 5 _ _ "Wooden goods, 1 4 4 - - City of Lowell, 273 20,572 9,102 10,259 1,211 Arms and ammunition, . 1 195 80 100 15 Artisans' tools, . 3 44 44 . Awnings and tents, . 1 1 1 _ _ Boots and shoes. 10 39 34 5 _ Boxes, .... 5 85 61 24 _ Building 3S 562 562 . _ Burial cases, casket*, cof- 1 fins, etc.. l' 8 8 _ _ Carriages and wagons, . 11 44 44 ^ _ Carpelings, 1 1,801 731 1,070 _ Cloclis and watches. 3 1 1 _ _ Clothing, .... 11 527 148 347 32 Cotton goods, . 8 11,679 3,299 7,565 815 CottDn, woollen, and 1 other textiles. 1 i 9 9 _ _ Drain and sewer pipe, . 1 4 4I _ _ Drugs and medicines. 4I 226 160 61 5 Food preparations, . 13 74 57 13 4 Furniture, 7 51 51 Leather, .... 16 205 204 1 _ Liquors and beverages, . 1 10 10; _ Lumber 2 30 30 _ _ Machines and machinery, 33 1,732 1,667| 19 46 Metals and metallic goods. 39 342 324 3 15 Paper 1 18 16 2 _ Perfumes and toilet prep- 1 arations. 1 20 13 6 1 Photographs, . 8 15 9 6 _ Printing and publishing, . 7 186 127 1 17 42 Printing, dy'itjg, bleachi'g, 4 44 41' 2 1 Soap and candles, . 5 40 40 1 Wages. Total paid during the year. Capital invested. Stock used. ' Value of product. $494,490 i $467,400 $1,584,700 $'J,297,816 1 ' • " 1,000 6,000 415,300 305,000 1,222,700 1,78S,316 ... 12,000 14,50(1 ... 600 1 5,5(10 ... 1,000 1 - i ... 6,0U0 ' 51,700 1 178,700 1 1,980 6,700 ! 25,660 32,f,00 ■ ■ ■ 80,000 1 1 • • • 250,000 1 8,000 10,01,0 . . . 1,000 1 ■ • • 4,500 500 ... 1,800 15,925 19,725 282,225 323,550 200 1,S00 1,075 2,925 3,950 9,200 100 850 475 • • ■ 500 3,800 1 600 . . . 245,0nu 1 9,000 46,300 1 3,550 5,150 1 4.100 14,UtiO 1 500 ... 1,.500 ! 725 6,600 12,560 16,780 _ 500 ... 600 ' 600 ■ . . 4,500 _ 3,000 • • • 9,030 1,£00 700 ... 1,000 ... 1,950 8,860 16,750 31,550 46,750 4,000 12,(1(0 . • . 1,300 ... 2,000 ... 8,000 ... 24,9.uO 900 1,450 1,400 3,»;oo 2,000 ... 4,000 5,954,879 19,021,450 15,739,027 28,6-56,196 • . . 100,000 ... If 8,1 14 15,625 72,000 32,500 102,500 ... 500 3,000 1.5,110 10,750 29,669 55,448 30,400 77,.500 103,030 154,8(J0 239,310 255,200 616,195' 1,018,356 ... i 5,000 ... 10,000 2],380j 4.50 132,5 2,885,827 122,200 36,218 23,311 93,147 818,630 155,447 5,295 68,405 9,778 18,066 62,1.50 2,000,000 1,600 374,000 10,796,268 25,000 4,000 318,000 141,800 36,000 177,6i)0 10,500 95,000 1,160,760 419,500 3,000 60,000 9,900 92,.500 15,000 120,000 30,240| 1,650 26I,S.52i 7,729,257 279,080 327,236 55,5351 515,1.52, 1,022,846 305,.506 4,675 45,014 11,000 71,682, 71,266 2,2.53,115 4,700 505,865 14,345,890 24,000 4,000 580,100 419,806 102,071 676,503 5,524 68,875 2,268,-599 604,648 60,000 200,000 20,697 166,432 42,300 140,875 566 CEXSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. MANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX — Continued. 1 ^ Average Number of 09 Employes. Wages. Towns, Cities, Total paid during Capital invested. Stock used. AND Industries. <6 "2 = j:2 Value of product. E-S 3 sl iM 3.C the year. Z S o Jl « S a o « ^ El a f^ ^ City of Lowell — Con. Spring beds, . 1 35 25 10 - $3,000 $48,240 btOIK- 9 77 77 - - $35,813 32,650 $35,463 99,860 Tobacco, . . . . 7 15 15 - - 6,316 6,91)0 7,913 21,941 TruuUs and valises, . 1 3 3 - - 2,000 5,.533 Wooden goods, 8 199 184 _ 15 74,026 198,000 115,949 230,561 "Woollen goods. 7 1,707 838 705 164 460,836 2,018,010 1,920,419 3,326,347 Worsted goods. 4 644 185 303 56 128,977 317,362 619,325 816,230 Town of Malden, . 67 1,437 926 498 13 633,153 883,250 1,791,525 2,836,229 Boots and shoes, 1 4 3 1 _ • • ■ 500 . . . 2,600 Boxes 1 10 10 _ - > • • 6,0(10 32,400 Brooms and brushes. 1 9 6 3 1 ■ • • 5,000 7,152 Building, . . . . 26 102 102 _ - 43,862 17,1.50 76,168 142,957 Carriages and wagons, . 4 17 17 _ - 8,717 6,700 24,102 39,200 Concrete walks. 1 4 4 _ _ 7,000 . . . 5,000 Cordage and twine, . 1 2 1 _ 1 ... 400 1,000 Drugs and medicines, 4 11 10 1 - 4,138 31,600 31,600 41,000 Emery and sand paper and cloth, 1 24 20 4 _ 45,000 ■ * > 72,574 Food preparations, . 2 7 5 2 - 10,000 12,183 Furniture, 1 6 6 _ _ • < > 500 . . . 4,000 Leather G 217 217 _ _ 84,374 163,800 478,997 596,208 Metals and metallic goods, 8 19 19 _ _ 8,365 10,700 6,775 22,720 Musical instruments, 1 2 2 _ - . . . 1,000 4,000 Printing and publishing,. 2 19 ,15 4 _ 6,500 ... 15,405 Printing, dy'ing, bleach'g. 1 75 50 23 _ 8,000 ■ . . 55,(100 Rubber goods, . 1 862 400 451 11 . . . 500,000 1,707,842 Stone 2 5 5 _ - 2,400 3,550 Wooden goods. 2 30 30 _ _ 56,5,00 • * . 65,378 Woollen goods, 1 12 5 7 - ... 4,500 ... 6,000 Town of Marlborouoh, 100 3,486 2,436 797 253 1,451,972 983,240 3,571,634 5,565,208 Artificial teeth and dental work, . . . . 2 1 1 _ _ 425 1,695 Boots and shoes. 23 3,278 2,233 793 252 1,357,283 8.54,100 3,353,163 5,169,356 Boxes 3 24 24 _ - 9,694 19,500 37,636 52,500 Building, . . . . 25 63 63 _ _ 26,404 26,100 56,557 102,500 Carnages and wagons, . 8 5 5 _ _ 2,390 4,450 4,604 13,287 Food preparations, . 5 20 19 1 - 8,115 19,500 58,650 75,250 Furniture, 1 _ _ ^ _ _ 200 900 Leather 3 5 5 _ _ 2,.500 1,350 6,000 11,100 Lumber 3 4 4 _ _ 432 1,300 1,590 2,540 Machines and machinery, 6 19 19 « _ 10,.375 14,850 7,325 25,800 Metals and metallic goods, 9 25 25 _ - 16,405 18,175 32.050 65,600 Photographs, . 2 _ _ _ 800 1* " ' • 2,400 Printing and publishing, . 3 18 16 2 _ 8,.500 13,.500 6,100 19,200 Stone, . . . . 2 5 5 _ _ ■ • • 2,400 3,200 Tobacco 3 8 7 1 _ 3,600 1,300 3,037 8,. 500 Wooden goods, 2 11 10 - 1 ... 5,290 11,380 Town of Matnard, 6 965 522 306 137 308,000 1,047,000 1,209,225 2,226,700 Caniagi s and wagons, . 1 4 4 - 500 3,500 Food preparations, . 1 6 4 _ 2 5,000 4,000 Leather, . . . . 1 1 1 _ _ ... 500 1,000 Metals and metallic goods 1 1 1 _ _ ... 1,000 1,200 Paper 1 17 17 _ _ ■ • ■ 40,000 42.000 Woollen goods. 1 936 495 306 135 ... 1,000,000 ... 2,175,000 Town of Medford, . 59 856 713 124 19 236,519 780,900 950,895 1,374,350 Bouts and shoes. 1 _ _ _ 200 800 Brick, . . . . 3 317 317 _ _ 35,800 379,500 90,000 156,000 Building, . . . . 21 160 160 _ _ 55,613 27,930 79,000 134,030 Carpetings, 1 119 26 74 19 75,000 181,000 Carriages and wagons, . 3 47 47 . _ 27,000 24,000 58,000 91,000 Clothing 2 5 5 _ - 500 6,700 Drugs and medicines. 1 _ _ - 2,000 5,000 Food proparations, . 3 12 11 1 _ 5,150 6,201/ 16,700 22,850 Furniture, 2 - - — 750 1,300 MAXUFACTUKES BY TOWXS. 5G7 MANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX— Continued. ab- Average Number of • s Employes. Wages. Towns, Cities, Total paid Capital Stock AND o lO ? = Value of Inbustkies. o "B during invested. used. product. 1-s "3 ll 5 ° '^is the year. s~ o £ =s o ^ Tows OF IkfFDroRD— Con. 1 Leather, .... 3 11 11 - - ! $3,200 $4,750 $7,Bi >0 $15,000 Lumber, .... 1 9 9 - - ■ • . 30,000 1 22.500 Metals and metallic goods, 9 38 30 8 - ! 16,900 22,200 4l',7C K), 69,600 Pbotograpbs, . 1 1 1 - - • • . 600 1 1,200 Printing and publishing, . 2 6 5 1 - 1,850 1,800 Printing, dy'iijg, blcach'g. 1 110 70 40 - 175,000 575,000 Silk, . : . . . 1 2 2 - ~ 1 8,000 30,000 Soap and candles, . 1 1 1 - 400 2,550 Stone, .... 1 10 10 - - 1 . . • 10,000 25,000 Tobacco 1 5 5 - - • ■ > 7,000 10,000 "Wooden goods. 1 3 3 - - ... 5,000 3,000 Town of Melrose, . 11 176 139 32 5 71,800 47,500 120,4; 55 252,610 Boots and shoes, 2 91 56 30 5 31,000 153,610 Building, .... 1 5 5 - - . . . 3,000 8,000 Carriages and wagons, . 1 5 5 - _ 2,500 , , 4,000 Clocks and watches, 1 4 4 - - , ... 1,000 . . 3,000 Furniture, 2 57 57 _ _ • • • 3,500 65,500 M etals and metallic goods. 2 5 5 _ _ i • ■ ■ 3,000 . , 9,500 Printing and publishing, . 1 5 3 2 - i • ■ . 3,000 5,000 Stone, .... 1 4 4 - ... 500 •• 4,000 Towx OF Natick, . 78 1,994 1,494 395 105 747,524 1,013,550 2,415,1 32 3,595,749 Artisans' tools, 2 8 8 - - ■ • . 4,600 5,000 Base ball goods, 1 131 6 100 25 , ■ • ■ 22,000 . , 51,000 Boots and shoes, 33 1,537 1,352 127 58 . 631,747 741,100 2,092,0 77 3,062,509 Boxes, .... 2 14 14 - _ • . . 16,000 52,000 Building 3 19 19 - _ 8,000 7,500 14,0 do: 26,000 Carriages and wagons. 5 17 17 - - 7,550 12,950 6,9 DO 19,950 Clothing 5 187 8 159 20 33,000 33,000 116,5 X) 169,370 Food preparations, . 8 21 14 7 _ 8,600 29,200 64,1 '5 90,720 Leather, .... 4 17 16 - 1 6,257 103,000 2,000 33,1 30 51,600 Lumber 1 2 2 - _ • ■ . .. . ! 3,600 Machines and machinery. 1 2 2 _ _ ... 1,200 . 1 3,500 Metals and metallic goods. 7 18 17 _ 1 9,870 29,000 9,9 )0 30,500 Perfum'ry and toilet prep- arations. 1 1 1 - • . ■ 1,000 , . 1,500 Soap and candles, . 1 2 2 _ _ • > ■ 2,500 , , 9,200 Tobacco 2 7 5 2 _ ■ ■ ■ 2,500 , , 8,000 Wooden goods, 2 11 11 - - ... 6,000 •• 11,300 City of Newton, 81 907 671 155 81 394,452 805,.300 1,181,9 30' 1,874,370 Boots and shoes, 3 3 3 _ _ 1,220 650 1,9 50 5,950 Building 31 2.35 235 _ - 128,718 75,800 276,7 54 491,334 Carriages and wagons, . 8 14 14 _ _ 8,862 3,700 3,8 20] 19,860 Clothing, . . • . 3 57 16 35 6 17,775 30,900 13,5 93 39,175 Cordage and twine, . 1 65 29 25 11 ... 135,000 152,000 Cotton goods, . 1 163 55 74 34 ... 100,000 173,089 Food pri-parations, . 3 7 6 1 _ 3,775 11,000 49,6 20 60,500 Furniture 1 o 2 - - 300 2,000 Glue 3 12 12 - 3,250 12,500 18,6 00 30,800 Leather 4 6 6 - _ 3,050 2,000 4,6 50 13,450 Machines and machinery, 1 130 130 _ - ... 50,000 87,369 Metals and metallic goods. 13 46 46 _ 32,.342 41,000 1 35^3 35 89,643 Paper, .... 3 31 31 _ - 16,502 95,000 82,9 29 124,000 I'rinting and publishing, . 1 1 1 _ - 200 1,950 Scientific instruments and appliances, 1 25 25 _ _ 12,000 , , 31,000 Soap and candles, 1 3 3 _ _ . . . 3,250 , , 6,000 Wooden goods. 2 12 12 _ _ . . > 32,000 26,250 Worsted goods, 1 95 45 20 30 ... 200,000 .. 520,000 Town of North Reading 10 52 42 10 15,165 27,900 88,0 06 111,640 Boots and shoes, 2 37 27 10 _ • > ■ 10,000 43,000 Carriages and wagons, . 1 1 1 - _ ... 300 , , 600 Food preparations, . 3 4 4 - - 1,180 11,100 1 59,3 66 61,640 5C8 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. MANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX — Coiitinned Towns, Cities, AND Industries. o2 CD Town of N. Reading — Con, Fiiniitiiro, . Lunilx'i-, . . . . Metals and metallic goods, Town of Peppekell, BootB and shoes, BoxcR, Brick, BuiUlins, . Cariiages nud wagone. Food preparations, . Leather, Liinibtr, . MacliineB and mncliinery, Metals and metallic gooas. Paper, . . . . Town of Reading, • Boots and shoes, Brooms and brushes. Building, . Carriages and wagons, Clothiiig, . . . Fireworks, Food preparations, . Furniture,. Leather, . Metals and metallic goods Musical in.strumeuts, Rubber goods, . Tallow, . Wooden goods, Town of Sherboun, Boots and shoes. Clothing, . Food preparations, . Lumber, . Metals and metallic goods Wooden goods, Town of Shirley, . Brooms and brushes, Building, . Clothing, . Cotton goods, . Food preparations, . Leather, . Lumber, . Machines and machinery Metals and metallic goods Wooden goods. City of Somebville, Artisans' tools,. Boots and shoes. Building, . Carpetings, Carriages and wagons, Clothing, . Cordage and twine, . Drugs and medicines. Earthen and stone ware, Fertilizers, Food preparations, . Furniture, Leather, . Mattresses, 1 2 i 26 1 1 1 2 3 3 ■i 5 1 4 2 4Z 15 1 1 2 3 1 4 3 3 5 1 1 1 2 S 2 1 1 1 2 1 23 1 3 2 3 1 2 3 1 4 3 98 1 10 31 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 15 1 5 1 Average Number of Employes. o tt> o rH on'^ ■^ > o o « O •S-^ £-o £ a o A 1^ f^ 3 5 2 536 290 3 8 11 6 5 8 21 10 18 156 454 150 3 5 2 454 270 3 8 11 6 5 8 21 10 17 95 270 lOf) 79 20 1 58 168 43 40 40 _ S 3 - 2 2 _ 113 9 102 17 8 6 7 6 1 42 38 _ 5 4 1 10 10 - 14 14 - 23 6 16 7 7 - 21 17 - 81 42 39 26 26 - 39 _ 39 2 2 - 5 5 - 1 1 - 8 8 - 269 133 109 1 1 - 4 4 _ 20 12 6 191 64 102 2 2 - 21 21 _ 15 15 _ 3 3 - 2 2 _ 10 9 1 953 906 32 2 2 _ 14 8 2 89 89 - 3 - 20 20 _ 6 2 4 1 _ - 3 2 - 10 10 _ 2 2 - 400 375 23 2 _ 78 78 - 3 3 — o o 16 1 27 2 25 15 4 2 Wages. Total paid! Capital during invested, the year. Stock used. $134,356 1,5.50 2,350 1,635 2,325 5,450 117,506 25,87."^ 20,196 2,600 13,800 1,375 4,750 13,574 56,579 925 35,593 2,280 805 2,800 414,508 3,800, 45,375 16,900 175,489 36,975 Value of product. $2,000 3,500 1,000 308,500 100,000 1,200 2,000 850 4,100 4,700 4,550 10,100 8,000 8,000 165,000 106,274 24,450 5.000 2,500 1,500 10,424 10,000 9,400 4,000 1,900 7, .500 13,000 8,000 6,000 2,600 28,000 13,000 2,800 2,000 5,000 2,700 2,500 2.50,650 950 5,300 13,000 128,000 3,075 55,000 21,000 4,325 7,000 13,000 1,482,795 1,500 2,905 42,850 3,500 28,950 1,.500 450 3,500 10,000 20,000 913,040 800 61, .500 1,000 $684,300 3,0.30 31,035 4,900 13,215 8,100 333,.590 57,701 55,349 64,690 9,500 2,150 5,700 38,098 146,647 1,625 77,000 8,905 2,300 2,110 4,442,692 7,097 ' 79,187 8',800 3,712,586 241,068 $2,. 500 ] ,400 2,500 9.30,025 305,000 4,000 3,000 22,750 5,875 41,100 10,050 25,550 18,000 17.200 477,500 593,016 105,566 60,000 7,000 4,000 98,410 30,000 73,740 48,000 4,200 14,000 18,600 60,000 57,000 12,500 63,925 32,. 500 10,425 4,000 5,000 4,.500 7,500 284,7.53 1,680 4,856 34,990 157,000 3,852 50,000 13,975 5,000 5,700 7,700 5,447,035 1,.583 17,350 162,000 7,000 46,700 3,000 1,.500 600 10,000 12,160 4,159,001 4,500 361,650 7,500 MANUFACTUEES BY TOWNS. 569 MANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX — Continued. M Average Number of | , Employ KS. Wages Towns, Cities, Of AND tw 00 OH to in Total paid Capital Stock Value of 'T f O ? « i. during invested. used. product. Industries. 3 ^1 si •5S 5S the year. 33 o n cs O " o o ;zi EH 2 fe >> City of Somerville - Con. Metal.s and metallic goods, 15 257 253 - 4 $93,548 $342,900 $298,883 $524,609 Models and patterns, 1 2 2 - - 1,500 1,800 Printing and publishing, . 2 12 8 3 1 ll.-WO 19,200 Soap and candles, . 1 1 1 - - 200 — 1,000 Tobacco, .... 1 - - - - - 20U 800 Wooden goods, 3 46 46 - 23,683 35,000 67,670 105,082 Town of Stoneham, 58 1,389 939 413 37 520,432 590,400 1,771,254 2,589,650 Arti.sans' tools, 2 5 5 - - 1,500 4,950 Boots and shoes. 30 1,122 677 411 34 411,170 405,900 1,202,093 1,827,350 Boxes, .... 2 25 24 - 1 16,000 39,292 Building, .... 4 11 11 - - 4,841 5,600 6,802 15,718 Carriages and wagons, . 2 2 2 - - 1,000 3,000 Food preparations, . 1 2 1 1 - 500 — 4,000 Furniture, 1 2 2 - - 600 3,800 Leather, .... 7 191 188 1 2 78,943 144,100 523,574 665,640 Machines and machinery. 1 11 11 - - 4,500 4,800 Metals and metallic goods. 6 10 10 - - 3,800 6,300 4,800 13,300 Printing and publishing. 1 O 3 - - 1,500 2,800 Stone 1 5 5 - - ... 3,000 5,000 Town of Stow, 6 84 46 25 13 29,254 no,8oo 179,919 245,495 Carriages and wagons, . 1 - - - - - 400 560 Food preparations, . 1 1 1 - - 3,500 4,035 Lumber 1 4 4 - - 6,500 8,400 Metals and metallic goods. 2 2 2 - - 400 2,000 Woollen goods. 1 77 39 25 13 ... 100,000 ... 230,500 Town of Sudbury, . 11 26 25 _ 1 8,900 27,500 59,950 79,355 Boots and shoes. 2 13 13 - - 10,2.50 27,650 Carriages and wagons, . 2 - _ - - - 1,100 1,300 Food preparations, . 3 8 7 - 1 3,400 12,000 36,915 44,725 Lumber, .... 2 6 5 - - 3,000 3,680 Metals and metallic goods. 2 - - - - - 1,160 ... 2,000 Town of Tewksburt, . 4 28 28 _ _ 8,064 51,000 54,200 86,400 Drugs and medicines. 1 16 16 - - 30,000 45,000 Food preparations, . 1 5 5 - - - 2,500 - 9,000 Leather, .... 1 5 6 - - 15,000 30,000 Lumber 1 2 2 - - ... 3,500 ... 2,400 Town of Townsend, 22 190 190 _ _ 60,995 236,600 171,465 267,660 Food preparations, . 4 - - - - - 8,000 19,495 22,340 Furniture, 1 12 12 - - 12,000 2,450 Leather 2 15 15 - - 40,000 27,900 Lumber, .... 6 45 45 - - 11,100 51,600 21,370 44,675 M etals and metallic goods. 1 1 1 - - ... 1,000 . . . 1,650 Wooden goods, 8 117 117 - - 43,450 124,000 115,400 168,645 Town of Tyngsborough, 8 25 23 2 _ 8,615 19,200 48,615 68,300 Boxes 1 7 7 - - . . ■ 1,800 9,510 Brooms and brushes. 1 5 3 2 - * . . 3,000 6,000 Carriages and wagons, . 1 - - - - - 100 600 Cotton, woollen, and other textiles 1 6 6 - - ... 5,000 24,000 Food preparations, . 2 2 2 - - 800 19,200 Lumber 1 4 4 - - 7,000 7,500 Metals and metallic goods. 1 1 1 - - ... 1,500 ... 1,500 Town of Wakefield, . 14 1,147 805 292 50 318,919 1,216,200 527,576 1,057,880 Artisans' tools. 1 12 12 - - 3,000 12,000 Boots and shoes, 5 127 87 40 - 45,194 50,500 93,116 164,000 Building, . . . . 2 5 5 - - . . . 1,500 2,800 Clothing, . . . . 1 2 2 - - 1,200 3,000 Cooking, lighting, and heating apparatus. 1 125 125 - - 100,000 • . . 160,000 Food preparations, . 1 10 9 1 " 15,000 • . . 28,080 570 CENSUS or MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. MANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX — Continueil. i Average Number of ? Employes. Wages. Towns, Cities, Total paid Capital Stock AND to o ?o Value of Industries. ^ > 03 '^ i £ during invested. used. product. £ 00 "a Ms eJ the year. 5 — o a a o CS o o !zi y a fe >< Town of Wakefield-Coii. Metals and metallic goods, 70 60 - 10 $40,000 ... $55,000 Priming and publishing, 6 5 1 - 5,000 6,000 Wooden goods. 790 500 250 40 ... 1,000,000 ... 637,000 Town of Waltham, . 101 3,171 1,636 1,345 190 $1,345,372 2,601,850 $1,599,432 3,447,646 Boots and shoes. 11 y 9 - - 3,819 2,575 5,095 13,941 Boxes 5 - 4 1 . . • 800 4,000 Building, .... 22 104 104 - - 50,307 38,100 loo'.oio 186,901 Carriages and wagons, . 2-.) 23 - - 12,765 12,100 10,001 30,851 Clocks and watches. 1,335 834 501 - 750,69:) 1,507,500 645,741 1,624,733 Clothing, .... 151 3 148 - 25,274 17,800 51,283 90,638 Cotton goods, . 1,207 345 677 185 800,000 936,921 Eniiry wheels, . 6 3 2 - • . . 1,000 • . . 6,800 Food preparations, . 21 18 3 - 9,270 15,300 111,073 134,408 Furniture 5 5 - - 3,075 2,150 5,140 12,820 Hair work. 1 - 1 - • • > 1,000 . > . 1,400 Leather, .... 4 4 - - 1,850 4,300 5,430 11,790 Liquors and beverages, . 6 4 - 2 . . > 8,000 • • . 5,500 Lumber 2 2 - - 4,000 . • . 2,500 Machines and machinery, 8 78 76 - 2 47,994 31,800 9,156 70,819 Metals and naetallic goods. 12 114 113 1 - 60,871 92,975 81,129 171,159 I'aper 1 20 20 - - 30,000 • ■ ■ 50,000 I'erfumery and toilet prep- arations, 1 47 40 7 - 16,000 • • > 50,000 Photographs, . 2 3 3 - - 1,850 ■ > > 4,225 Printing and publishing. 2 10 9 1 - • . . 6,500 ■ • • 7,600 Btone 2 11 11 - - 4,300 15,350 Tobacco, .... 3 9 9 - - 4,200 2,800 3,800 12,0.30 Wooden goods. 1 1 1 - - ... 1,000 ... 2,660 Town of Wateutown, . 29 752 563 151 38 359,761 959,450 1,049,223 1,842,126 Boots and shoes. 2 2 2 - - 400 • ■ . 2,780 Building 3 16 16 - - 9,900 1,200 21,900 34,750 Carpetingfi, 1 43 38 5 - 50,000 191,070 tlotliing 4 5 5 - - 25,112 25,050 40,880 87,700 Cooking, lighting, and heating apparatus. 1 158 158 - - • • • 300,000 • • > 300,000 Food preparations, . 3 8 8 - - 6,270 23,000 141,100 163,601 ■Leather, .... 1 2 2 - - . . • 400 • • • 3,000 Metals and metallic goods, 4 82 47 18 17 15,355 47,000 11,700 33,350 Paper, .... 1 38 38 - > > > 90,000 240,000 Printing and publishing, . 1 4 2 1 1 . . > 100 2,S0O Soap and candles, . 1 6 6 - - 20,000 30,675 Starch, .... 1 15 15 - - . • . 30,000 60,000 Stone, .... 2 19 19 - - • • • 2,300 10,000 Window shades and.Vene- tian blinds, . 1 90 60 20 10 . . . 100,000 ■ ■ • 150,000 Wooden goods. 1 25 25 - - 18,0(10 < . . 70,000 Woollen goods, 2 239 122 107 10 ... 252,000 ... 456,400 Town of Watland, 13 565 494 66 5 275,452 124,200 870,380 1,228,217 Boots and shoes. 7 557 486 66 5 273,077 120,000 850,191 1,193,717 Carriages and wagons, . 1 1 1 - - . . • 250 1,000 Food preparations, . 2 2 2 - - > • ■ 2,750 28,500 Metals and metallic goods. 3 5 5 — — 1,625 1,200 1,125 5,000 Town of Westford, 13 339 185 129 25 98,561 421,335 490,441 826,255 Carriages and wagons, . 2 1 1 - - 200 1,200 Food preparations, . 2 4 4 - - 17,500 10,655 Leather 1 1 1 - - 400 2,000 Lumber 1 1 1 - . • • 2,500 • • • 1,300 Machines and machinery. 1 70 68 - 2 • > > 12,000 55,000 Metals and metallic goods, 4 3 3 - - 734 3,735 3,330 6,100 Woollen goods. 1 49 14 30 5 35,000 . . . 50,000 Worsted goods, 1 210 93 99 18 ... 350,000 ... 700,000 MANUFACTURES BY TOWXS. 571 MANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX — Concluded. i Average Number of Employes. Wages. TowTiis, Cities, Total paid Capital Stock AND CD >o Value of Industries. §2 .c2 during invested. used. product. 1:2 3 P 5 o 3.a the year. o « a o a o o ^ H ^ fe >H Town of Weston, . 14 57 38 16 3 $12,760 $35,100 $29,200 $69,985 Carriages and wagons, 3 6 6 - 700 4,300 950 3,000 Food preparations, . 4 7 7 - - 660 5,500 20,825 24,685 Furniture 1 4 3 - 1 1,000 5,000 Leather, .... 1 2 2 - - 400 2,000 Machines and machinery, 1 6 4 - 2 • . • 10,000 ■ • > ■ 800 Metals and metallic goods. 3 4 4 - - 1,450 3,900 1,225 4,500 Woollen goods. 1 28 12 16 - ... 10,000 ... 30,000 Town of Wilmington, . o 42 42 _ _ ... 51,500 • • ■ 122,390 Leather, .... i 40 40 - - • . . 50,000 • . • 119,000 Lumber 1 2 2 - - ... 1,500 ... 3,390 Town of Winchester, . 37 570 499 51 20 172,133 567,600 1,482,571 2,077,840 Boots and shoes, 6 39 3 32 4 5,320 7,300 11,575 22,250 Building, .... 1 5 5 - - 3,300 10,000 Carriages and wagons, . 1 3 3 - - 1,500 3,700 Clocks and watches, 1 11 3 8 - 10,000 8,(100 Clothing, .... 3 11 - 11 - 2,675 2,200 6,900 14,500 Cotton, woollen, and other textiles 1 12 12 - - 25,000 25,000 Furniture, 2 8 8 - - 4,550 9,000 Leather 10 402 386 - 16 los'ji-^g 400,400 1,297,662 1,648,660 Lumber, .... 1 8 8 - - ■ ■ ■ 15,000 • * > 61,000 Machines and machinery. 1 8 8 - - ... 25,000 7,600 Metals and metallic goods. 7 33 33 - - 20,065 31,6.50 81,775 218,010 Musical instruments. 3 30 30 - - 16,785 41,700 13,609 50,220 Town of Woblrn, . 91 2,205 1,940 197 68 854,260 1,877,389 3,863,823 5,556,396 Artisans' tools, . 2 2 2 - - 900 5,000 Boots and shoes. 15 458 217 180 61 124,018 89,900 251,771 458,788 Boxes, .... 2 15 14 1 - 8,830 * . . 18,465 Building, .... 13 55 55 - - 2l',206 8,850 53,444 93,398 Carriages and wagons, . 4 6 6 - - 2,500 8,250 3,300 12,800 Clothing, .... 1 5 2 3 - 2,000 1,080 Cordage and twine, . 2 7 5 - 2 1,500 5,100 Drugs and medicines, 1 39 39 - - 100,000 • . . 180,384 Food preparations, . 7 14 13 1 - 7,600 44,200 141,100 200,900 Glue, .... 1 70 70 - - 100,000 150,000 Leather, .... 23 1,442 1,430 7 5 586,865 1,454,789 3,156,697 4,260,521 Lumber 1 2 2 - - 10,000 3,575 Machines and machinerj'. 4 33 33 - - 20,700 18,500 12,400 65,100 Metals and metallic goods, 7 28 28 - - 15,312 7,6.50 19,065 43,330 Models and patterns, 1 3 3 - - 1,000 . . . 4,500 Printing and publishing, . 2 10 8 2 - 11,000 . . . 14,600 Soap and candles, . 1 3 3 - - 4,000 8,000 Stone, .... 1 2 2 - - ... 200 2,555 Tallow and grease, . 1 6 6 - - ... 5,000 . . . 25,000 Tobacco 2 5 2 3 ~ ... 800 3,300 COUNTY OF NORFOLK. Town of Bellingham, . 6 180 116 58 6 $66,474 $265,500 $279,620 $467,665 Agricultural implements. 1 15 15 - 3,000 13,500 Food preparations, . 1 1 1 - - 5,000 7,840 Lumber 2 2 2 _ - ... 7,500 6,000 Woollen goods, 2 162 98 58 6 ... 250,000 440,325 Town of Braintree, 23 342 227 94 21 122,422 320,500 444,068 641,407 Boots and shoes. 153 139 14 - 63,300 103,000 120,256 216,5.52 Clothing, .... 1 27 2 25 - 200 ... 20,500 Food preparations, . 6 11 11 - - 5,229 27,500 86,262 96,355 Lumber, .... 1 4 4 - - 3,.500 3,300 Metals and metallic goods. 6 24 18 1 5 16,193 23,300 54,130 80,700 Paper 1 23 20 3 - 40,000 57,000 Woollen goods. 3 100 33 51 16^ 23,000 1 123,000 135,550 167,000 572 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — ISSO. MANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. COUNTY OF NORFOLK — Continued. 4 Average Number of 1 00 Emplotes. Wages. Towns, Cities, 0) Total paid Capital Stock AND «5 lO "Sd Value of Industries. a> 52 : during invested. used. product. s-S ■i P 2 o £.0 Is the year. .?— o c « C5 !Z5 H ^ Bn h 1 Town of Brookline, 43 305 299 6 _ $188,159 $342,350 $174,500 $457,5.50 Boots and shoes, 4 8 8 - - 5,750 8,300 2,500 10,300 Building, .... 19 204 204 - __ ' 130,292 227,300 106,000 294,350 Carri;ii,'es and wagons, . 2 38 37 1 - 1 . • ■ 35,600 38,300 Fishing and hunting tackle 1 5 - 5 - ■ • • 4,000 . • . 5,000 Food preparations, . 1 2 2 - - > • ■ 2,000 • • . 3,800 Furniture, 5 10 10 - _ 1 6,474 12,800 6,100 17,100 Metals and metallic goods. 9 22 22 - - 13,560 29,350 10,600 36,700 Scientific instruments and appliances, . 2 16 16 - - ... 23,000 ... 52,000 Town of Canton, . 39 740 460 223 67 267,770 885,500 1,221,613 1,548,892 Boots and shoes. 2 - - - - ~ 300 • 1,750 Boxes, .... 1 18 1 17 - 7,000 10,000 Building 6 22 22 - - 11,700 7,600 28,610 4f),000 Carriages and wagons, . 2 - - - - - 950 1,400 Clothing, .... 4 3 1 2 - 576 2,100 2,850 6,200 Cottoti goods, . 2 173 70 70 33 • • > 102,000 • • ■ 103,049 Fishing and hunting tackle 1 7 5 2 _ 15,000 • • • 16,000 Food preparations, . 3 5 5 - - 2,370 6,500 21,850 26,250 Leather 1 2 2 - - < < < 1,000 3,167 Machines and machinery. 1 50 50 - - 60,000 109,472 Metals and metallic goods. 8 237 237 - - 117,025 466,350 674,124 830,804 Paints, colors, and chem- icals 1 1 1 _ _ • • • 500 • . . 500 Polishes and dressing. 1 28 11 16 1 ■ • • 60,000 . * . 150,000 Rubber and elastic goods. 1 73 8 55 10 • > > 50,000 50,000 "Woollen goods, 5 121 47 61 13 35,230 126,200 138,053 195,300 Town of Cohapset, . 3 9 9 _ 4,078 12.800 14,800 21,000 Carriages and wagons, . 1 6 6 - - • . ■ 5,000 6,000 Food preparations, . 1 2 2 - - 7,000 14,000 Metals and metallic goods, 1 1 1 ~ - ... 800 ... 1,000 Town of Dedham, . 10 664 444 189 31 271,234 1,327,000 676,168 1,260,627 Brooms and brushes. 1 3 3 - _ ... 1,500 ... 6,000 Cotton goods, . 1 3 3 - - . . . 5,000 • . . 5,000 Food preparations, . 2 14 8 6 - • . • 26,000 77,500 Musical instruments. 1 10 10 - ... 8,000 24,000 Soap and candles, . 1 2 2 - • ■ • 6,000 2,400 Trunks and valises, • 1 3 3 - - 2,000 2,.500 Woollen goods. 3 629 415 183 31 257,294 1,278,500 601,043 1,143,227 Town of Dover, 1 7 5 2 _ 12,000 ... 17,080 Paper 1 7 5 2 - ... 12,000 ... 17,080 Town of Foxborough, . 35 1,569 539 1,016 14 298,203 613,550 708,451 1,068,881 Boots and shoes. 2 2 2 - 1,950 > . . 2,300 Boxes, .... 2 43 40 '3 _ 1 36,000 46,600 Brooms and brushes. 1 4 4 - _ 1 . • . 500 - 6,000 Building, .... 1 _ _ - _ 2,000 . • . 2,000 Carriages and wagons, . 1 4 4 - - ... 10,000 ... 6,000 Clothing 3 15 3 12 - 4,400 17,000 11,225 17,025 Drugs and medicines. 1 - - - - - 500 1,000 Food preparations, . 3 8 8 - - 2,700 21,050 31,250 39,150 Glue 1 4 4 - - 2,500 2,000 Leather 3 56 52 - 4 7,975 29,800 8.225 26,750 Liquors and beverages, . 1 3 3 _ - • • > 1,.500 • ■ > 2,880 Mattresses and spring beds. 1 2 2 - - 1,000 1,600 Metals and metallic goods, 6 20 20 - - 8',398 18,600 15,190 31,264 Photographs, . 1 7 2 5 - . . . 3,000 11,000 Printing and publishing, 1 6 6 - - • . • 3,000 ... 7,000 Printing, dyeing, and bleaching, 1 6 6 - - 10,000 4,500 Soap and candles, . 3 7 7 - - 1,800 4,700 4,000 8,000 Straw goods, . 1 1,380 374 996 10 . . . 350,000 853,312 Woollen goods, 2 2 2 — -" ... 450 ... 1,500 MANUrACTUEES BY TOWNS. 573 MANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. COUNTY OF NORFOLK — Continuetl. i Average Number of 00 Employes. Wages. Towns, Cities, Total paid Capital Stock AND to lO ■%a Value of Industries. m > do'"' — > — 2 during invested. used. product. "3 •1^ S-^ the year. o « ea u a o o ^ H 1^ S >< Town of Franklin, 35 1,168 503 eoo 65 $354,925 $796,450 $1,410,447 $2,112,467 Boots and shoes. 17 14 3 - 3,000 8,160 Boxes 22 22 - - 5,475 14,500 19',900 31,086 Building 75 75 — - 31,084 54,000 79,664 131,784 Carriages and wagons. 4 4 - - 10,000 6,000 Drugs and medicines. 3 3 - - 2,."i00 7.000 Food preparations, . 70 15 45 10 4,675 20,U00 48,628 52,641 Liquors and beverages, . 2 2 - - 600 2,600 Lumher, .... 10 9 - 1 2,250 6,250 12,089 19,125 Machines and machinery, 12 12 - - 15,000 22,000 Metals and metallic goods, 15 15 - - 6,138 10,000 6,450 15,375 Printing and publishing, . 9 't - 2 • • • 8,000 • > * 9,000 Soap and candles, . 4 4 - - 6,000 18,000 Straw goods, . 651 120 511 20 . . • 196,000 ... 831,538 Wooden goods. 1 1 - - • • • 600 ... 1,400 Woollen goods. 5 273 200 41 32 90,349 450,000 722,906 956,858 Town of Hold rook, 20 1,157 955 202 _ 446,800 489,850 1,363,202 2,01.3,700 Boots and shoes. 16 1,152 950 202 - 445,000 487,600 1,360,652 2,007,700 Leather 1 1 1 - - ... 50 . . . 1,000 Metals and metallic goods, 3 4 4 - - 1,700 2,200 2,050 5,000 Town of Hyde Park, 9 504 295 157 52 170,218 472,264 496,790 866,471 Carriages and wagons, . 2 11 11 - - 5,500 11,. 500 Cotton goods, . 1 182 89 75 18 264,264 161,071 Food preparations, . 1 2 2 - - ... 10,000 . . * 28,000 Machines and maihinery, 2 55 53 2 - ■ • . 87,000 ... 61,000 Metals and metallic goods. 1 2 2 - - ... 500 ■ ■ ■ 2,400 Stone 1 2 2 - - * . . 5,000 * * ■ 2,500 Woollen goods, 1 250 136 80 34 ... 100,000 ... 600,000 Town of Medfield, 14 627 227 400 _ 194,723 385,900 515,350 786,031 Building, .... 1 15 16 - - 1,400 . . . 13,000 Carriages and wagons, . 1 21 21 - - 14,000 30,000 Food preparations, . 3 9 9 - - 3,098 21,000 125,110 138,531 Lumber, .... 2 6 6 - - ... 11,000 . . . 10,200 Metals and metallic goods, 5 12 12 - - 2,600 20,500 15,050 34,300 Steam packing. 1 2 2 - - > > . 18,000 ... 10,000 Straw goods. 1 562 162 400 - ... 300,000 ... 550,000 Town of Medwat, . 19 1,132 874 230 28 392,891 3n,.50fl 777,780 1,366,600 Artisans' tools, 2 25 17 8 - 17,500 24,. 500 Boots and shoes, 7 782 745 17 20 329,150 197,000 564,980 1,028,000 Boxes 1 2 2 - _ 600 3,000 Brick 3 10 10 - - 1,200 2,500 500 2,500 Metals and metallic goods. 1 3 3 - - • . * 2,400 3,000 Paper 2 13 13 - - ■ . . 31,000 53,500 Straw goods, . i 242 42 200 - • . • 30,000 • . . 140,000 Wooden goods. 1 4 4 - - 500 4,500 Woollen goods, 1 51 38 5 8 ... 30,000 ... 107,600 Town of Milton, 14 219 152 67 _ 98,395 541,800 410,275 614,430 Building 2 27 27 - - • . . 11,000 52,000 Carriages and wagons, . 1 10 10 - - 5,000 15,000 Food preparations, . 4 30 23 7 - 17,300 117,100 123,025 184,350 Liquors and beverages, . 2 7 7 - - ■ > • 5,000 • . . 3,300 Metals and metallic goods. 4 5 5 - - 2,225 3,700 1,500 9,500 Paper, .... 1 140 80 60 - ... 400,000 ... 360,280 Town of Needham, . 35 917 499 401 17 271,173 562,050 767,036 1,277,381 Boots and shoes. 2 155 141 14 _ . . . 101,500 • . . 457,000 Carriages and wagons, . 1 6 6 - - . . . 6,000 3,300 Clothing 1 78 32 46 _ ... 100,000 ■ • • 117,000 Cordage and twine, . 1 9 8 _ 1 10,000 23,920 Cotton, woollen, and other textiles, .... 1 15 10 5 - ... 10,000 . • . 12,000 Food preparations, . 1 1 1 _ _ ... 3,000 9,000 Glue, .... 1 2 2 _ _ 450 • . • 600 Machines and machinery, 1 15 15 - - 30,000 ... 15,000 574 CENSUS OP MASSACHUSETTS — 18S0. MANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. COUNTY OF NORFOLK — Continuerl. i Average NUMBER OF Employes. Wages. Towns, Cities, of « nts. Total paid Capital Stock AND to iC Value of Industries. C to "a > as "^ . . 12,000 Paper 1 12 10 2 - • . . 0,000 • . • 31,200 Woolleu goods, 2 75 61 8 6 ... 115,000 ... 270,500 Town of Norwood,. 13 295 283 4 8 150,885 367,400 940,414 1,204,450 Building, .... 2 20 2c - - . . . 8,000 50,000 Carpetings, 1 21 21 - - 17,000 ■ > > 65,000 Carriages and wagons, . 1 7 7 - - 6,000 • • * 15,000 Drugs and medicines. 1 4 - 4 - 400 1,300 Food preparations, . 2 3 3 - _ • • • 4,500 > • • 22,400 Ink 1 20 20 - - > * • 100,000 • < • 80,000 Leather, .... 3 195 187 - 8 97,075 206,000 752,189 927,500 Mattrei^ses and spring beds 1 - - - - - ."iOO 1,500 Paper, . . . • . 1 20 -20 - - ... 25,000 ... 41,750 Town of Quincy, . 98 1,374 1,248 91 35 566,513 712,.300 897,710 1,S43,.321 Boots and shoes, 7 495 376 89 30 150,160 252,100 311,075 543,750 Building, .... 28 90 90 - - 32,200 22,950 95,707 158,356 Carriages and wagons, . 3 30 30 - - 15,980 29,500 17,900 60,000 Food preparations, . 1 13 12 1 - • . . 6,000 • > . 30,000 Ink 2 6 4 - 2 • • • 9,000 • • > 12,700 Leather, .... 5 43 43 - - 16,000 23,100 141,244 182,545 Machines and machinery, 2 7 7 - _ . . . ' 15,700 12,000 Metals and metallic i;oods. 7 70 70 - - 34,493 46,450 92,434 144,420 Printing and publishing. 1 8 6 1 1 6,000 7,000 Stone, .... 41 581 581 - - 228,800 261,500 109,000 507,550 Woollen goods. 1 31 29 — 2 ... 40,000 ... 195,000 Town of Randolph, 53 806 723 83 _ 328,793 257,000 820,625 1,354,165 Artificial teeth and den- tal work. 2 2 2 - _ 1,300 • ■ . 4,300 Boots and shoes. 26 731 649 82 - 300,843 153,600 721,450 1,103,300 Building, .... 8 29 29 - - 7,850 7,700 18,025 31,975 Buriid cases, caskets. cotBns, etc., . 1 1 1 - • • . 3,000 ■ > > 3,000 Carriages and wagons, . 2 8 8 - - ■ ■ > 3,700 • . . 6,100 Clocks and watches, 1 - - - - _ 500 ... 500 Clothing 3 7 6 1 _ 2.600 2,100 2,600 8,000 Food preparations, . 2 6 6 - - • • . 54,500 • ■ . .32,340 Leather 2 5 5 - - • • ■ 15,000 • . . 80,000 Liquors and beverages, . 1 2 2 - - 1,000 2,000 Machines and machinery. 1 3 3 - - 5,000 2,.500 Metals and metallic goods, 2 7 7 _ _ • • > 3,600 ... 9,500 Printing and publishing, . 1 2 2 - - 2,000 2,000 Tallow and grease, . 1 3 3 - — ... 4,000 ... 8,650 Town of Sharon, . 20 144 99 44 1 .34,114 89,400 110,102 171,513 Boots and shoes. 7 79 62 17 - 12,062 44,500 64,511 7.S,075 Building, .... o 7 7 - - 1,150 900 4,9U0 8,100 Carriages and wagons, . o 17 17 - - 10,300 20,700 Cotton goods, . 1 23 6 17 - ... 21,400 38,038 Food preparations, . 1 - - - - - 300 3,000 Leather 1 1 1 - - 300 4,.MJ0 Lumber, .... 1 4 a - 1 > . . 9,500 ... 11,000 Metals and metallic goods. 4 13 3 10 — 2,230 2,200 3,800 8,100 MANUFACTURE S BY TOWNS. i^iiy MANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. COUNTY OF NORFOLK — Con eluded. Ji Average Number of CS Employes. Wages. Towns, Cities, Total paid Capital stock AND to ta ■^ A SI K Value of Industries. ^ — IB t» during invested. used. product. ' E3 ■rf •P^ the year. o ^ rt oca o'o ^ a fK >< Town or Stoughton, 23 803 557 218 28 $313,724 $636,000 $1,119,780 $1,742,474 Artisans' tools, . 6 6 - - ... 3,000 8,000 Boots and shoes, 11 477 391 61 25 220,140 152,000 533,860 918,980 Boxes 20 2 18 - 3,000 22,000 Cotton goods, . 11 6 5 - 15,000 ... 10,794 Food prfparations, . 2 2 - - 2,000 30,000 Leather, .... 8 8 - - 2,0 25,500 Lumber, .... 3 3 - - , , 1,000 2,000 Metiils and metallic goods, 3 3 - - , , 6,000 8,000 Rubber and elastic goods. 35 35 - - 25,000 400,000 Wooden goods. 10 10 - - 30,000 35,000 Woollen goods. 228 91 134 3 50,224 397,000 167,503 282,200 Town of Walpole, . U 277 207 59 11 88,3-46 266,550 624,120 824,896 Chemical preparations, . 13 13 - - 15,750 51,949 Cotton goods, . 138 90 38 10 34.387 74,500 398,027 492,607 Curled horsehair, 22 15 7 - 10,000 . . . 25,800 Emery, .... 22 22 - - , , 30,000 64,800 Leather, .... 6 6 - - , , 5,000 . . • 15,125 Lumber, .... 2 2 - - , , 3,000 • . > 1,800 Machines and machinery. 8 6 2 - . , 12,000 ... 33,000 Paper, .... 46 40 6 - , , 71,300 ... 79,815 Woollen goods, 20 13 6 1 •• 45,000 ... 60,000 Town of Weymouth, 132 2,843 2,478 324 41 1,244,786 1,428,230 2,616,886 4,556,927 Boots and shoes. 68 2,286 2,012 263 11 1,042,479 1,016,830 1,962,275 3,514,484 Boxes 2 20 20 - - 23,000 30,500 Building, .... 23 60 60 - - 27,945 14,250 50,200 96,470 Carriages and wagons, . 3 2 1 - 1 125 2,250 750 1,800 Clothing 1 34 9 20 5 • • ■ 6,000 16,893 Fireworks, 1 11 4 4 3 ... 500 13,474 Food preparations, . 5 20 20 - - 11,150 26,000 101,405 125,684 Furniture 1 15 15 - - ... 10,000 ■ . . 50,000 Hammocks, 1 23 5 15 3 ... 3,000 9,000 Isinglass, .... 1. 35 25 10 - ■ ■ • 60,000 120,000 Leather, .... 4 45 44 - 1 24,550 61,100 173*100 216,700 Lumber, .... 1 3 3 - - 4,000 3,525 Machines and machinery. 1 1 1 - - 2,000 1,500 Metals and metallic goods. 16 247 232 1 14 84',847 174,300 135,613 312,149 Oils and illuminati'g fluids, 1 18 6 10 2 • • • 10,000 ■ • • 25,000 Printing and publishing, . 2 9 7 1 1 . . . 7,000 7,212 Wooden goods. 1 14 14 - - 8,000 ... 12,536 Town of Wbentham, . 16 468 285 176 7 203,142 192,600 212,600 529,900 Building 1 5 5 - - ... 1,000 . . • 6,000 Carriages and waeons, . 1 - - - - - 400 700 Metals and metallic goods. 12 304 248 51 5 145,442 166,200 127,900 367,200 Straw goods, 1 144 25 119 - 20,000 • 140,000 Woollen goods. 1 15 7 6 2 5,000 ... 16,000 COUNTY OF PLYMOUTH. Town of Abington, 21 435 369 66 $211,091 $208,800 $390,335 $669,150 Boots and shoes, 11 385 324 61 - 180,557 170,000 347,585 686,934 Boxes 1 3 3 - - 700 • > • 6,000 Carriiiges and wagons, . 1 4 4 - - 1,500 5,000 Clothing 1 2 1 1 - 700 2,800 Furniture, 1 - - _ - _ 200 . . . 1,800 Metals and metallic goods. 4 29 27 2 - 13,434 31,200 23,850 43,816 Straw goods. 1 2 - 2 - 1,000 2,800 Wooden goods, 1 10 10 - - 3,500 ... 20,000 Town of Beidgewatee, . 18 518 487 25 6 212,958 628,000 807,018 1,110,532 Boots and shoes. 1 14 14 _ _ ... 2,0<)0 28,021 Brick, .... 1 20 20 - - 13,000 10,225 Building, .... 2 14 14 "■ — 4,000 8,700 57(3 CEN^SUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — ISSO. IMAXUFACTURES BY TOWNS. COUNTY OF PLYMOUTH — Continued. 1 Average Number of 0) Employes. Wages. Towns, Cities, ■52 Total paid Capital Stock AND §2 3 J= during the year. invested. used. product. 7 '^ o 2. =5 £ C3 o o "A H % fa >* T'N OF BRIDGEWATER-Con. Pood preparations, . 1 1 1 - . $2,500 . . . $4,160 Furniiure, 1 1 1 - - . . . 2,000 1,500 Leather 1 2 2 - _ ... 500 ... 1,500 Luniljer 1 _ _ _ _ ^ 2,000 ... 2,000 Machines and machinery, 2 46 46 _ _ 81,500 ... 48,960 Metals and metallic gooils, 6 407 376 25 6 $165,222 485,000 $740,950 971,566 Paper 1 12 12 - _ • . . 35,000 > • • 32,300 Soap and candles, . 1 1 1 - - ... 600 ... 1,600 Town of Brockton, 169 4,725 3,743 973 9 2,279,934 1,663,716 5,433,333 8,750,992 Artificial teeth and dental work 4 2 2 .. . 1,650 3,150 3,132 11,165 Artisans' tools, . 6 52 52 _ » 37,025 18,600 8,625 54,150 Boots and shoes. 73 3,981 3,090 887 1,919,469 1,261,996 4,802,348 7,411,919 Boxes, .... 4 52 22 30 15,500 19,425 33,125 .59,190 Building 24 216 215 _ 96,586 30,400 166,650 299,450 Carriages and wagons, . 7 9 9 - 5,225 3,300 4,050 16,050 Drugs and medicines. 1 3 3 _ ... 5,000 25,000 Food preparations, . 6 61 52 8 30,060 84,000 166,498 294,150 Furniture 2 28 28 _ ■ • • 5,200 . . . 30,500 Leather, .... 4 27 25 2 11,975 3,200 15,900 33,000 Macliiiies and machinery. 3 26 26 _ 17,767 19,000 23,800 58,400 Metals and metallic goods. 15 168 128 39 72,356 106,545 89,760 234,700 Musical inHtruraents, 1 3 3 - • • . 2,U00 2,650 Photographs, . 3 6 4 2 3,200 7,000 5',S00 12,100 Poli^hes and dressing. 3 13 12 _ 9,326 22,500 35,805 85,118 Printing and publishing, 3 25 21 4 10,290 21,800 7,550 27,000 Stone 2 9 9 _ ... 14,900 17,8.50 Tobacco, .... 3 8 6 1 3,870 4,000 2,850 10,650 Wooden goods, 6 36 36 - - 23,800 31,700 29,450 67,950 Town of Car\-er, . 10 103 103 _ ^ 32,710 62,300 57,685 108,622 Boxes 1 5 5 - - . . . 10,000 3,000 Lumber, .... 3 9 9 _ - 1,350 7,700 5,735 9,300 Metals and metallic goods, 5 86 86 _ _ 29,560 43,400 49,700 93,800 Wooden goods. 1 3 3 - - ... 1,200 ... 2,522 Town of Duxburt, . 7 67 67 ^ _ 17,250 46,300 99,950 142,700 Carriages and wagons, . 1 1 1 _ . ... 300 • . . 1,600 Fertilizers, 1 60 60 - _ ... 35,000 . • . 120,000 Food preparations, . 1 - - - _ _ 5,000 4,. 500 Lumber 4 6 6 - ~ 1,900 6,000 10,250 16,600 TOAVTJ OF E. BRIDGEWATER, 20 386 368 16 2 119,644 252,250 186.501 422,441 Boots and shoes. 5 114 9' 14 1 31,400 25,950 83,050 135,470 Boxes 1 10 10 _ _ 11,000 14,000 Brick, . . . . 3 77 77 _ _ 11,950 21 ,.500 7,900 36,300 Food preparations, . 1 - - _ _ ; _ 1,200 ... 1,260 Lumber, .... 5 9 9 - ■ _ 2,170 8,000 6,180 12,900 Machines and machinery, 2 95 92 2 1 ... 101,000 • ■ . 110,011 Metals and metallic goods. 2 78 78 _ _ ■ * . 82,600 ... 110,000 Tobacco 1 3 3 - - 1,000 ... 2,500 Town of Halifax, . 8 23 23 _ _ 3,343 11,520 12,902 20,645 Boxes, .... 1 6 6 _ _ . • • 1,000 . . . 5,500 Lumber, .... 6 17 17 - _ 1 2,143 10,220 9,702 14,545 M etals and metallic goods. 1 - - - - - 300 ... 600 Town of Hano^ter, . 34 28S 240 44 4 100,348 138,600 311,895 527,515 Boots and shoes. 10 200 163 37 _ 68,200 53,350 157,425 259,025 Boxes 1 7 7 _ _ ' 2,000 ... 27,995 Building 2 6 6 - - ... 2,000 • > • 5,500 Carriages and wagons, 3 e 6 - ~' 1 1,600 4,5(0 3,650 9,700 Food preparations, . 1 2 2 - ~" 1 ... 4,000 42,250 Ink 1 2 i 1 _ 1 1,000 . . • 1,000 Lumber, . . . -. 4 17 15 - 2 3,565 19,500 14,520 25,920 Metals and metallic goods. 11 33 25 6 2 12,775 42,2.50 23,400 56,125 Rubber goods, . 1 15 15 — ... 10,000 ... 100,000 MANUFACTUEES BY TOWN'S. 577 IMAXUFACTURES BY TOWNS COUNTY OF PLYMOUTH — Continued, 1 Average Number of Emplotes. Wages. TowKS, Cities, "Si Total paid Capital Btock AND to lO c ^ Value of Industries. * > So — > is j=3 during invested. used. product. £| *« 2 3 the year. S — ~ o s2 ;s b 3 otj 15 H s ^ tH 1 TowTf OF Hanson, . 24 107 96 9 2 $31,800 $115,250 $117,075 $179,000 Boots and thoes, 1 10 8 2 1,400 4,500 Boxi-s, .... 1 4 4 - - 1,000 • . . 7,000 Building 3 2 2 - — '360 2,400 1,100 2,300 Carri.iges and wagons, . 3 5 5 - - 1,600 2,500 1,200 3,700 Furniture, 1 6 6 - - • • . 2,000 • . . 8,000 Leather 1 - - - _ _ 150 • ■ • 500 Liquors and beverages, . 1 2 2 - - 2,000 1,600 Lumber 5 16 16 - - 1,400 18,500 9,010 17,550 Machines and machinery, 1 3 3 - - > ■ ■ 1,000 ... 3,000 MetalB and metallic goods, 7 59 50 7 2 20,100 84,300 94,700 130,850 Town of IIingham, . 31 358 287 63 8 111,752 221,500 304,822 553,416 Boots and shoes. 2 55 62 3 - > • . 46,000 128,000 Building ^ ; 48 48 - - 13,000 3,000 12,700 43,875 Carriiiges and wagons, 2 ' - - - - — 1,800 > • • 2,010 Cordage and twine, . 5 1 96 91 3 2 32,672 83,700 111,652 194,901 Furniture, .... 2 19 19 - - 10,100 ... 13,200 Leather 1 1 1 — - • . . 2,000 2,000 Metals and metallic goods. 9 44 44 - - 15,364 23,600 22,553 50,400 Soap and candles. 1 1 1 - - • • • 300 600 Toys and games. 2 j 13 11 2 - ■ ■ ■ 9,000 • . . 12,150 Wooden goods. 1 1 11 11 - - ■ > * 18,000 • . . 11,-380 Woollen goods. 1 70 9 55 6 ... 25,000 ... 95,000 Town of Kingston, . 17 183 139 35 9 73,800 132,200 194,545 315.535 Clothing 1 30 3 27 _ ■ • • 1,500 • ■ ■ 38,000 Cooking, lighting, and heating apparatus. 1 16 16 — _ • ■ • 12,000 • • . 25,000 Food preparations, . 2 1 1 - - • ■ ■ 4,000 • • • 2.335 Lumber 5 22 22 - _ 2,200 13.200 10,000 18,700 Metals and metallic goods, 8 114 97 8 9 ; 56,200 101,500 149,000 231,500 Town or Laketxlle, 2 12 10 2 _ 2,250 6,500 12,375 17,250 Lumber, .... 2 I 6 6 - - ■ ■ * 5,000 • • . 5,2.50 Metals and metallic goods, 1 , 1 6 4 2 - ... 1,500 ... 12,000 Town of Marion, . 6 35 35 _ _ 5,300 23,800 9,050 25,240 Food preparations, . 1 3 3 - - ■ . • 500 3,640 Lumber 3 30 30 - - 4,200 21,800 8,300 20,050 Soap and candles, 1 : — — — . _ 800 800 Woodeu goods. 1 2 2 - - ... 700 ... 750 Town of Maeshfield, . 20 38 28 7 3 9,160 28,800 33,049 62,155 Boxes, .... 1 11 3 5 3 1 > > ■ 800 ... 4,900 Carriages and wagons, . 3 1 1 - 450 750 950 3,800 Food iireparations, . 2 4 4 - - • ■ ■ 2,300 ... 11,650 Lumber, .... 5 13 13 - - 3,275 14,500 11,875 23,705 Metals and metallic goods. 8 ' 8 6 2 - 1 2,755 5,950 8,904 16,.300 Musical instruments. 1 1 1 - - ... 4,500 ... 1,800 Town of Mattapoisett, . 15 30 24 6 _ 8,150 30,100 20,650 41,750 Carriages and wagons, . 1 1 1 - - \ 3,000 ... 800 Furniture, .... 2 3 3 - - • . . 2,500 ... i 2,S00 Leather, .... 1 7 1; 6 — • • • 1,000 ... 1 5,000 Lumber, .... 5 10 101 - - 3,150 16,700 13,100 24,200 Machines and machinery, 1 3 3 _ _ 3,000 • > ■ 2,800 Metals and metallic goods, 3 3 31 - - 1,200 3,000 1,800 4,200 Soap and candles, . 1 I 1 1 - _ • • • 500 . • • 1,000 Woodeu goods. 1 2 2 - - ... 400 ... 950 Town of Middleborough, 36 ! 981 647 321 13 355,353 498,400 799,070 1,330,848 Boots and shoes, 5 364 300 64 1 163,500 105,000 279,313 484,550 Brick, .... 1 20 20 - - \ 5,000 ... ! 7,000 Puilding, .... 4 18 18 - - 4,650 6,300 4,200 11,100 Carriages and wagons, . 2 6 5 - 1 • ■ • 2,500 4,800 Food preparations, . 3 13 12 1 _ 4,000 6,000 37,100 44,000 Leather, .... 1 2 2 - - 600 ... 2,000 Lumber 9 66 66 ~ — 17,6.50 48,700 55,725 102,150 578 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS 1880. MANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. COUNTY OF PLYMOUTH — Continuofl. .0 e! Average Number of m Employes. Wages. Towns, Cities, "Si c Total paid Capital Stock AND 10 •0 -: c 5 Value of Industries. 9,£ G ej 2 during invested. used. product. tt 5 1 = Hi 3X the year. .5 !« C3 ^ H 2 f^ ^ Town of Middlebouough — Coil. Macliiuee and niii"hinery. 1 3 3 - - $3,000 $2,500 Metals anil metallif i,' . • 6,000 . . . 11,000 Stone 2 3 3 - - 2,.300 0,800 Straw goods, . 1 333 103 230 - • . • 150,000 325,000 Tobacco 1 1 1 - - * • • 500 . . . 2,000 Woollen goods. 1 135 97 26 12 ... 150,000 ... 273,«48 Town of Pembroke, 13 156 146 10 _ $36,295 42,800 $110,584 188,614 Boots and shoes. 2 100 90 10 - 12,000 ... 129,150 Boxes 4 32 32 - - 9,075 11,500 15,850 30,734 Carriages and wagons, . 1 2 2 - - 2.000 1,200 Lnniber, .... 4 J8 18 - - 4,138 16,300 16,034 24,6,'iO Metals and metallic goods, 2 4 4 - - ... 1,000 ... 2,900 Town of Pltmouth, 17 924 772 94 58 329,654 1,147,300 1,511,574 2,145,381 Boots and shoes. 1 325 284 38 3 ■ • • 150,000 529,0ii9 Boxes, .... 1 10 10 - - . ■ • 30,000 • * • 40,(11 to Brick and tilos, 1 10 10 - - 2,000 10,000 Carriages and wagons, . 1 - - - - - 1,.W0 1,600 Cordage and twine, . 1 294 265 4 25 ■ > • 629,000 9.36,756 Cotton goods, . 3 las 88 52 28 46,922 213,000 162,425 259,964 Food preparations, . 1 2 2 - - ... 2,000 11,200 Metals and metallic goods, 7 109 107 - 2 47,319 118,300 244,880 349,792 Wooden goods, 1 6 6 - - ... 1,500 ... 7,000 Town of Plympton, 12 1 80 72 2 6 18,798 47,000 45,186 88,799 Boots and shoes. 2 40 4(1 _ - 8,500 • . > 40,000 Boxes, .... 2 . 7 7 ^ - 3,000 ... 0,500 Cotton goods, . 1 ' 13 8 2 3 • . • 20,000 IH.S'JO Lumber, .... 6 12 12 ~ - 2,300 ll,.i00 9,400 15.4(10 Metals and metallic goods. 1 8 5 3 ... 4,000 lo.uuo Town of Rochester, 20 31 31 _ _ 5,355 30,950 44,600 61,160 Boots and shoes, 1 ' - - - - - 350 1,000 Carriages and wagons, . 1 1 1 - - ... 400 7.M Food preparations, . 3 1 2 2 - - 425 2,900 22,330 25,200 Lumber, .... 12 25 25 - _ 3,805 25,000 15,420 25,110 Metals and metallic goods. 2 1 1 - _ ... 1.300 2,100 Stone 1 2 2 ~ - ... 1,000 ... 7,000 Town of Rockland, 61 1.532 1,273 244 15 658,848 630,500 1,478,958 2,371,-586 Boots and shoes. 34 1,407 1,192 204 11 618,361 524,01)0 1,327,549 2,142.771 Boxes, .... 1 3 2 - 1 . . . 2,.i00 5,8(J0 Brick 1 5 5 - - • • . 1,000 7.50 Carriages and wagons, . 2 3 3 - - • . . 350 2,263 Clothine, .... 2 5 3 1 1 700 11..500 Food preparations, . Furniture, 2 : 17 16 1 - 32,500 93,500 1 3 2 1 - . * • 1,000 ■ • . 3.000 Leather 2 1 - 1 1,250 1,760 Lumber, .... 4 13 13 - _ 5,010 46,500 14,080 29,670 Machines and machinery. 1 7 7 - - 5,000 7,200 Metals and metallic goods. 8 12 12 - - 4,077 9,350 3,788 13,.563 Soap and candles, . 1 4 4 - - . > . 4,200 13,309 Tobacco 1 1 1 1 - - . . . 150 1,500 Woollen goods, 1 50 12 37 1 ... 2,000 ... 45,000 Town of Scituate, . 17 1 71 67 4 _ 20,527 34,825 78,943 124.8.35 Boots and shoes. 3 i 53 49 4 . - 17,725 21,500 54,068 85.025 Carriages and wagons. 2 2 2 - - 2,000 4,60U Food preparations, . 8 13 13 - - 1,952 9,900 20,875 29,810 Metals and metallic goods. 4 3 3 - - 250 1,425 2,300 6,400 Town of So. Abington, . 29 1,623 1,308 229 86 695,771 1,262,255 1,751,286 2.720,641 Boots and shoes. 8 1,029 886 115 28 476,950 371,000 996,500 1,575,741 Boxes, .... 2 45 45 — "■ ... 33,000 72,000 MANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. 579 MANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. COUNTY OF PLYMOUTH — Concluded. i Average Number of Employes. Wages. Towns, Cities, •Si Total paid Capital Stock AND o US "H d Value of Industries. o o a) 5 t j=2 during invested. used. product. H-g "a •i-S bM the year. pS o .5 =5 o s S'a tz; H a ft. i» T'X OF So. ABINGTON-Con. Building, .... 4 26 26 ~ - $15,650 $9,700 $19,300 $42,000 Carriages and wagons, • 3 2 2 - 500 1,800 1,200 3,800 Clotliiiig 1 1 1 - - ■ • ■ 900 1,600 Leather 2 10 4 6 - ■ • > 1,800 11,000 Machines and machinery, 1 3 3 - - 3.000 3,000 Metals and metallic goods. 7 508 340 108 58 179,140 837,055 682',96o 1,008,-500 Stone, .... 1 1 1 - - ... 4,000 ... 3,000 Town of Soith Scituate, 30 346 304 42 _ 114,496 92,0.50 203,520 369,.590 Boots and shoes, 9 2S1 245 36 - 97,860 40,800 171,500 301,790 Boxes 1 20 20 - - ... 15,000 • . . 15,000 Building 2 4 i _ _ ■ ■ • » 800 • • • 7,000 Burial cases, caskets, cof- fins, etc., 1 1 1 - _ a . ■ 2,000 . > ■ 3,000 Carriages and wagons, . 1 - - - - 3.50 650 Luniher 8 13 13 - - 1.736 lS,.iOO 8,620 13,550 Metals and metallic goods. 6 26 20 6 - 9,900 13,500 10.175 26,500 Photographs, . 1 1 1 - - ... 700 1,.500 Wooden goods. 1 - - - - - 400 ... 600 Town or Ware ham. 17 474 452 2 20 166,821 378,900 508,097 849,981 Carriages and wagons, . 3 8 8 - - 2,850 3,000 2,100 7,400 Food preparations, . 2 5 3 2 - • • • 6,000 38,560 Leather, .... 2 - - - - - 1,600 ... 2,200 Lumber, .... 2 27 21 _ G 1 12,500 ... 2:;,800 Metals and metallic goods. 8 434 420 - 14 157,256 355,800 461,636 778,021 Town of West Bkidge- water 14 179 156 21 2 69,360 49,025 l.'?9,6.55 250,500 Boots aiid shoes. 164 141 21 2 62,700 38,500 129,750 22S.000 1 1 - - ... 1,000 ... 2,500 Lumber, .... 2 2 - - • ■ • 2,000 ... 3,01.0 Machines and mafhinery, 1 1 - - • ■ . 1,000 2,000 Metals and metallic goods. 11 11 — — 5,200 6, .525 6,000 15,000 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. City of Boston, 3,521 56,813 37,831 17,753 1,229 $23,715,140 $42,750,134 $77,586,607 $123,366,137 Artisans' tools. 18 110 lOn 4 1 42,646 91,800 29,.370 11,5,633 Awnings and tents, . 4 53 12 40 1 21,180 16,200 43,840 77,150 Billi:ird and bagatelle tables, etc 4 43 43 - - 20,000 47,200 42,700 88,.300 Boots and shoes, 107 1,814 1,176 586 52 638,443 528,975 1,660,941 2,670.823 Boxes 23 585 126 442 17 131,939 158,400 227,935 460,962 BrDoms and brushes, 16 418 246 167 5 168,321 290,300 491,.392 828,290 Building, . . . . 802, 5,672 5,628 5 39 2,629,055 1,811,333 3,766,362 8,105,025 Burial eases, caskets, cof- fins, etc.. 9! 33 33 - 18,956 27,300 18,625 .52,9.50 Carriages and wagons, . 82. 661 660 1 _ 336,665 517,225 403,368 975,820 Clocks and watches. 6 12 12 - - 5,504 6,700 1,162 12,000 Clothing, . . . . 311; 12,661 2,813 9,590 258 4,206,768 4,886,593 11,874,560 19,833,9.59 Cordage and twine, . 7 470 343 108 19 134,995 706,550 774,925 1,124,400 Corks 4 56 34 16 6 15,749 32,4^ 62,467 106,125 Cotton goods, . 5 289 64 145 80 74.200 243,000 389,000 550,000 Drugs and medicines. 32 240 171 66 3 101,231 380,150 666,982 1,222,592 Earthen and stone ware. 5 82 72 6 4 33,4.50 58,000 23,735 97,900 Electroplating, . 19 97 91 4 2 41,241 113,4-50 53,990 147,.550 Engraving, 38 254 210 36 8 130,925 80,885 75,. 592 326,706 Fancy articles, . 6 55 26 18 !!• 11,. 580 17,500 23,100 48,200 Fertilizers, 5 254 254 - _ 136,427 568,000 805,490 1,231,170 Food preparations, . 213 2,437 1,690 673 74 1,001,5S5 4,465,625 27,175,612 30,574,120 Fur goods, 13 117 42 73 2 31.016 64,547 179,177 263,250 Furniture 181 2,778 2,631 117 30 1,263,913 1,644,782 2,447,213 4,633.683 Glass 10 92 77 12 3 48,511 55,650 34,630 114,340 580 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. MANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK — Continued. Towns, Cities, AND Industries. £•3 City of Boston — Con. Hair work, Industries, not specified,* LHpidary work, Leather, .... Liquors and beverages, . Lumber, .... Machines and machinery, Mattresses and spr'gbeds, Metals and metallic goods. Models and patterns. Musical instruments, Oils and ilhmiinat'a fluids Paints, colors, and chemi cals. Paper, Perfumes and toilet prep arations, Photographs, . Polishes and dressing, Printing and ])ublishing. Printing, dyeing, bleachi'g. Rubber and elastic goods, Bcientitie instruments and appliances. Silk ISoap and candles, . Sporting goods, Stone, Straw goods. Tallow and grease, . 'I'axidermy, Tobacco, . Trunks and valises, . Whalebone, Window shades and Ven etian blinds, . Wooden goods. Woollen goods, CiTV OF Chelsea, Boots and shoes. Boxes, Brick, Brick and tiles, etc.. Brooms and brushes. Building, . Carriages and wagons. 13 117 4 103 8 10 125 19 458 22 37 3 6 15 7 41 9 200 20 10 33 9 11 4 43 3 4 3 88 20 4 12 131 9 151 4 1 1 1 1 40 5 Average ] NUMBER OF Emplotes. Wages. Total paid Capital Stock to U5 a = Value of r-l £■: °S. during invested. used. product. 1 Jl 1° •s5 the year. ' o S. =5 o a o « ! H ■a fe \» 1 74 9 65 $20,4 n $28,600 $33,360 873,400 i 3,585 2,417 1,068 100 1,453,833 4,230,030 4,832,980 8,094,542 1 39 33 3 3 19,700 39,000 66,575 102,200 , 1,212 1,172 22 18 513,249 1,.502,000 2,897,424 3,881,156 1 91 90 - ■ .1 51,340 74,600 137,084 239,644 178 173 - 5 73,554 282,500 229,500 360,810 3,448 3,417 6 25 1,867.207 4,583,3.33 2,603,646 5,950,628 304 169 123 12 124,063 181,597 460,722 677,792 5,066 4,588 359 119 2,295,367 4,544,713 4,446,827 8,366,748 87 84 2 1 39,584 24,850 13,640 88,455 ' 1,681 1,658 20 3 1,033,221 2,146,566 1,364,400 3,107,698 11 11 - - 6,500 90,000 300,000 345,000 73 69 2 2 38,830 241,500 281,400 390.900 219 147 6a 3 93,845 336,800 442,595 657,375 40 23 17 _ 12,690 21,500 69,550 126,000 186 121 59 6 92,581 103,900 66,047 231,935 98 54 44 - 37,680 128,500 380,000 559,400 4,622 3,341 1,130 151 2,522,322 3,394,413 2,752,818 7,444,954 215 71 141 3 55,782 41,300 27,360 1.35,371 923 407 506 10 362,106 1,095,000 1,304,347 2,095,460 263 227 29 7 141,554 282,200 112,536 374,559 380 81 262 37 106,845 132,800 222,815 443,425 73 59 14 "" 33,739 161,400 124,600 208,633 71 18 53 22,920 58.000 97,950 133,800 1,033 1,0.33 - - 387,113 696,600 674,141 1,442,861 163 33 125 5 51,227 41,000 122,974 220,295 100 98 - 2 54,880 392,000 436,210 564,868 9 7 2 - 2.900 1,800 5,100 14,000 451 333 103 15 190,976 135,556 253,413 524,283 164 158 6 - 82.665 104,500 235,503 400,708 54 31 21 2 19,115 24,500 41,044 69,417 57 46 11 _ 18,140 19,250 40.760 76,345 1,043 1,000 12 31 483,616 640,427 955,227 1,818,344 1,517 94 1,370 53 101,275 156,800 291,825 484,183 1,630 1,118 484 28 675,478 2,008,150 2,274,694 3,469,616 13 10 1 2 4,470 6,200 5,600 13,400 3 - 2 1 . > > 400 • . • 1,870 30 26 _ 4 • • • 8,000 13,500 15 15 - _ • ■ • 17.000 21,750 6 6 - _ 4 500 9,750 131 126 - 5 52. 727 61,550 126,293 213,026 11 11 — — 7,427 13,200 4,415 17,116 * The 117 establishments classed as "industries not specified" were grouped by the U. 8. Census authorities in order that the business of individual establishments might not be disclosed to the public. In this group are embraced: agricultural implements; artificial limbs; bags, otht-r than paper; bags, paper; baskets, rattan, and willow ware; belting and hose, linen; boot and shoe uppers; boxes, cigar; brick and tiles; building materials; buttons; carpets; carpets, rag; carpets, wool; carriages and sleds, children's; cars, railroad, stneet, and repairs; cement; cheese and butter; chocolate; cleaiiing and polish- ing preparations; clocks; cloth-finishing; collars and cuffs, paper; cordials and syrups; cotton ties; drain and sewer pipe; dye woods, stuffs, and extracts; engravin.: materials; explosives and fireworks; fire- arms ; food preparations ; foundry supplies ; gas and lamp fixtures ; gas machines and meters ; alass ; glue ; graphite; grindstones; hat and cap materials; hones and whetstones; ink; iron, doors and shutters; iron, nails and spikes, cut and wrought, iron work, architectural and ornamental; jewelry and instru- nient cases; lamps and reflectors; lard, refined; Uad, bar, pipe, sheet, and shot; leather goods; lime; lumber, sawed; malt; matches; metal-refining; millstones; mirrors; needles and pins; oilcloth, floor ; oleomargarine; pens, gold; photographic apparatus^ plated aud britannia ware; regalias and society banners and emblems; rules, ivory and wood; safes, doors, and vaults, fire-proof ; saws; shoddy; silver- ware; starch; telegraph and telephone apparatus; terra-cotta ware; tobacco, chewintr, smoking, and snuff; toys and games; tools; veneering; vinegar; washing machines and clothes wringers; watches; and woollen goods. MAXUTACTUPtES BY TOWXS. 581 ]\rAXUFACTURES BY TOWNS. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK — Concluded. Towns, Cities, AND IXDUSTBIEa. CiTT OF Chelsea — Con Clocks and watches. Clothing, . Cooking, lighting, and heating apparatus, Drugs and raedicines. Earthen and stone ware Fertilizers, Food preparations, . Furniture, Hair work. Hose, rubber, linen, etc.. Leather Machines and machinery, Metals and metallic goods. Oils andilluminat'g fluids, Paints, colors, and chejiii- eals, .... Photographs, . Polishes and dressing. Printing and publishing, . Printing, dyeing, bleaob'g, Ruljber and elastic goods. Scientific instruments and appliances, . Boap and candles. Stone, Tiles, Tobacco, . Window shades and Vene- tian blinds, . Wooden goods. Woollen goods. Town of Revere, . Brick, Building, . Carriages and wagons. Food preparations, . Leather, Metals and metallic goods. Town of Wint^kop, Leatlier, .... OS !2i 1 4 2 1 1 1 13 6 1 1 8 1 15 3 2 1 3 3 2 3 1 4 3 1 12 2 1 2 11 4 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 Average Number of Employes. C3 O Q o il 4 4 15 6 242 242 3 3 5 4 15 15 73 51 101 97 1 _ 15 5 116 115 2 155 118 21 21 2 2 1 1 37 29 19 S 25 20 405 92 4 2 9 9 10 10 6 6 86 36 17 11 2 1 30 14 89 89 75 75 4 4 3 3 1 1 2 2 4 4 12 12 12 12 20 4 1 5 35 ~ - 7 11 4 313 1 1 1 1 4S 2 6 16 1 - - Wages. Total paid during the year. Capital invested. $3,950 27,.505 51,388 59,090 84,657 ■ 9,180 18,900 4,700 92,905 4,912 5,600 25,598 18,010 10,800 2,960 $4,500 3,700 401,000; 8,000: 5,00U 25,000 126,800 79,200' 200 30,000 82,600, 6,000 400,950! 60,000; 9,000 j 800l 71,0001 5,000! 78.000! 415,000 l,50ol 12,800 3,800 6,000 34,950 23,000 500 3,000 41,500 22,800 1,000 2,000 14,000 200 1,500 11,800 11,800 Stock used. J7,000 235,500 73,176 676,333 13o',.3i2 1.50,000 63,000 4,000 383,618 14,060 3,650 74*640 23,200 13,800 275 Value of product. $2,300 16,300 402,500 2,136 5,000 45,000 324,812 141,314 900 52,340 803,163 8,000 251,250 213,000 13,500 1,200 108,000 12,500 40,800 525,5j5 6,000 22,750 13,650 7,000 110,284 36,500 1,500 12,000 63,800 40,100 4,500 3,000 10,000 1,000 5,2C0 52,754 52,754 COUNTY OF WORCESTER. Town of Ashburnham, . 22 206 206 . $82,530 $71,200 $119,6-55 $2-55,375 Food preparations, . 4 4 4 - - 5.50 9,000 27,110 30,625 Furniture, 4 150 150 - - 65,000 33,000 66,000 168,-500 Leather 2 30 30 - - . . . 5,400 16,700 Lumber 6 11 11 - - 2,750 17,200 11,900 18,900 Metals and metallic goods. 3 1 1 - - 200 2,100 1,675 3,850 Wooden goods. 3 10 10 - - 5,030 4,500 9,670 17,800 Town of Athol, 66 937 710 190 37 308,427 436,379 709,644 1,2-34,524 Boots and shoes. 7 367 260 94 13 130,160 132,779 280,417 472,200 Boxes, .... 3 20 18 1 1 6,200 25,.500 18,000 32,200 Brick, .... 1 10 10 - - ■ • • 2,000 • . . 5,000 Building 1 4 4 _ _ • « • 1,-500 ■ • • 4,000 Carriages and wagons, . 3 3 3 - - 1,000 1,200 1,200 4,400 Cotton goods, . 3 71 34 23 14 20,850 53,000 61,225 115,850 Food preparations, . 4 11 10 - 1 3,300 10,000 53,740 61,500 Furniture, 8 132 131 - 1 51,0W 50,000 80,000 151,000 Leather 4 64 " 41 ^ 12,200 11,550 26,233 46,416 582 CEXSTJS OF MASSACHUSETTS — ISSO. MANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. COUNTY OF WORCESTER — Continued. Towns, Cities, AND Industries. .a a •— 33 I- 0:3 Town of Athol — Con. Lumber Mathiiies and machinery, Metalu and metallic guods, Kotions, . Hoap and candles, Stone, Window shades and Vene tian blinds. Wooden goods, Woollen goods. Town of Auburn, . Cotton goods, . Leather, ... Woollen goods. Town of Barre, Agricultural implements Carriages and wagons. Clothing, . Cotton goods, . Food preijarations. Leather, . l^uniher, . Metals and metallic goods, TrintiTig and publishing, Hazur strops, . bloiie, Town of Berlin, Boots and shoes. Food preparations, Lumber, . Town of Blackstone, Carriages and wagons. Cotton goods, . Food preparations, . Lumber, . Machines and machinery Woollen goods. Town of Bolton, . Boots and t-hoes. Carriages and wagons. Food preparations, . Lumber, . Metals and metallic goods. Town of Botlston, . Cotton goods, . Food preparations, . Lumber, . . . . Metals and metallic goods, Town of Brookfield, Artisans' tools, Boots and shoes. Boxes, Brick, Building, . Carriages and wagons, Clocks and watches. Earthen and stone ware. Food preparations, . Furniture, Leather, . Liquors and beverages, 12 1 2 2 1 1 5 8 1 1 3 1 2 7 1 3 2 1 46 1 5 1 3 5 5 1 1 4 1 1 1 Average Number of Employes. o CD 1— « 00 > ii .0 s (3 18 17 57 57 41 40 1 1 20 17 43 41 §2 •5^ during invested. used. product. l-s 3 sj « o the year. 3 — o = <^ a c3 oli ^ H a ^ )» Town ofBrookfield-Coii. Lumber, .... 3 5 5 - - $1,160 $3,500 $9,630 $14,000 MachiiifS and machinery. 3 16 16 - - 10,000 16,000 6,500 21,600 Metals and metallic goods, 8 11 11 - - 3,.500 7,900 4,800 13,2.50 Printing and publishing. 1 1 1 - - 200 750 WuoUen goods, 2 116 71 34 11 ... 80,000 150,000 Town of Charlton, . 29 i 190 149 38 3 69,427 108,255 224,105 378,250 Boots and shoes. 2 ' 75 57 18 - • ■ > 42,000 • . ■ 145,000 Boxes 4 24 24 - - 6,200 12,.580 29,550 69,000 Building, .... 1 3 3 - - 300 1,000 Cotton, woollen, and other textiles, .... i 30 15 12 3 • • • 20,000 45,000 Food preparations, , 5 5 5 - - 1,400 400 42,150 45,925 Lumber, .... 7 19 19 - - 3,130 7,450 19.135 26,025 Metals and metallic goods. 7 9 9 - - 2,297 5,025 2,020 7,800 Wooden goods, 1 3 3 - - 2,.500 • • ■ 2,500 "Woollen goods, 1 22 14 8 - ... 18,000 ... 36,000 Town of Clinton, . 11 2,674 1,342 1,215 117 857,802 2,233,447 1,643,581 3,310,216 Carpetings, 1 1,102 464 638 - 1,432,647 ... 1,707,887 Carriages and wagons, . 1 6 6 - - 4,000 . . . 10,000 Combs 3 107 86 11 10 36,855 31,800 31,969 109,563 Cotton goods, . 2 1,367 708 556 103 • • ■ 680,000 1,396,766 Leather, .... 1 40 40 - - I • • • 5,000 25,000 Lumber, .... 1 16 16 - - ... 20,000 21,000 Machines and machinery, 1 34 20 10 4 50,000 30,000 Soap and candles, . 1 2 2 - - ... 10,000 ... 10,000 Town of Dana, . 14 1-24 118 6 _ I 49,700 61,155 33,839 107,190 Billiard and bagatelle 1 tables, etc 1 10 10 _ _ i 8,000 • ■ ■ 13,000 Boxes 1 18 15 3 - 1 7,000 ... 13,000 Clothing 6 83 80 3 - ; 38,000 40,350 10,180 60,200 Food preparations, 1 1 1 _ - 1 • • • 1,.500 6,740 Lumber, .... 3 12 12 - - ' 1,800 3,800 10,099 14,500 Metals and metallic goods. 2 - - - - - 505 1.7.50 Town of Douglas, . 12 361 331 10 20 150,900 429,700 245,354 514,623 Artisans' tools, 1 300 300 _ - ... 400,000 411,700 Burial cases, caskets, cof- fins, etc.. 1 1 1 - - > • . 1,000 . . * 2,.500 Carriages and wagons, . 1 1 1 - - ... 1,000 ... 1,200 Food preparations, . 4 5 5 - - 2,700 9,.500 26,3.54 31,423 Leather 1 2 2 - - 1 ... 1,000 800 Lumber, .... 1 6 6 _ - 1 • • • 2,000 10,000 Metals and metallic goods. 2 6 6 _ _ . . . 5,200 '. '.'. 7,000 Woollen goods. 1 40 10 10 20 10,0J0 ... 50,000 Town of Dutjley, . 8 936 472 309 155 249,553 1,220,000 867,344 1,590,053 Bags and bagging, . 2 531 227 197 107 720,000 653,053 Food preparations, . 2 2 2 - 8,000 42,000 Metals and metallic goods, 1 3 3 . 2,000 ... 35,000 Paper, .... 1 8 8 _ _ • • . 15,000 ... 60,000 Woollen goods. 2 392 232 112 48 ... 475,000 ... 900,000 City of Fitchburg, . 138 2,283 1,780 481 22 j 997,270 2,527,451 2,633,898 4,.597,578 Agricultural implements. 1 8 7 1 - i • ' * 17,000 12,000 Artisans' tools. 5 106 103 - 3 47,921 141,500 102,029 185,887 Boots and shoes, 8 93 55 29 9 34,395 38,100 90,750 156,900 Brick, .... 2 16 16 - - 8,000 7,600 Building, .... 17 103 102 1 _ 47,576 33,800 91,675 169,831 Burial cases, caskets, cof- fins, etc.. 1 3 3 _ _ 3,000 2,400 Carriages and wagons, . 7 8 8 _ - ; 3,624 5,8.50 3,725 13,030 Clothing 10 152 21 131 - 40,676 64,800 54,871 119,340 Cotton goods, . 1 100 40 60 _ * . . 100,001- 160,000 Food preparations, . 3 26 24 2 _ 12,000 S6,.50li 200,000 223,000 Furniture, 7 320 320 - ~ 1.59,950 250,600 187,400 444,900 58J: CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. MANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. COUNTY OF WORCESTER — Continued. j^ Average Number of S Employes. Wages. Towns, Cities, ID > « > o a during the year. invested. used. product. City of Fitchburg — Con Hair work, 1 1 - ] - ... $50C ... $1,800 LeatliLT, . . . . 3 5 I ( - $1,551 2,55IJ $3,15C 0,645 Lumber 1 S R - - 18,000 9,250 Macliiiies and machinery, 14 52e 52C - - 273,57S 628,001 282,546 704,718 Metals and metallic goods, 14 9£ 94 1 1 50,31t 83,900 93,39f 187,000 Models and patterriB, 2 4 A - _ > ■ ■ 500 ... 2,550 Musical instruments, 1 - _ _ . _ 100 700 Paper 3 241 148 89 3 101,328 580,000 64l',852 1,068,750 Perfumes and toilet pre- parations, 1 _ - - ~ 100 ■ > > 600 Photographs, . 3 2 2 _ _ 750 2,400 1,150 5,700 Printing and publishing. 5 26 16 10 _ 11,761 18,500 13,125 37,235 Soap and candles, . 3 8 8 _ - 3,075 16,600 8,800 16,740 Stone, . . . . 5 15 15 _ _ 6,425 5,600 4,500 15,800 Tobacco 3 9 8 1 - 3.500 4,000 3,900 10,844 Wooden goods, 13 107 99 6 2 33,921 65,550 90,537 143,533 M'^ooUen goods, 4 305 152 149 4 126,977 352,000 647,387 890,825 Town of Gardner, . 29 1,212 1,065 113 34 641,736 1,335,250 1,165,850 1,954,555 Artisans' tools. 1 - - - - - 3,000 1,000 Brick, 1 7 7 - - ... 5,000 • > • 2,000 Building, .... 1 3 3 - - . . . 6,000 6,000 Carriages and wagons, . 1 1 1 - - . . . 200 1,200 Food preparations, . 3 6 6 - _ 2,500 9,500 38,295 51,200 Furniture, 13 1,118 977 112 29 508,436 1,249,000 1,056,710 1,769,800 Lumber, .... 2 20 20 - - 17,000 • . . 22,500 Machines and machinery. 1 7 7 - - • ■ • 7,500 9,000 Metals and metallic goods, 4 18 18 - - 11,350 13,050 32,100 51,855 Toys and games. 1 15 12 1 2 • • ■ 10,000 • • • 20,000 Wooden goods. 1 17 14 - 3 ... 15,000 ... 20,000 Town of GraftoN, . 12 720 454 192 74 227,285 672,500 834,858 1,218,328 Boots and shoes. 4 250 202 38 10 107,000 160,000 235,150 383,000 Cotton goods, . 4 427 209 154 64 101,585 490,000 179,708 355,328 Food preparations, . 2 3 3 - - ■ • • 3,500 ■ • • 30,000 Leather, .... 2 40 40 - - ... 19,000 ... 450,000 Town of Hardwick, 7 21 21 _ . 4,246 8,360 21,961 34,420 Food preparations, . 3 4 4 - - 1,500 3,0R0 16,841 26,720 Lumber 4 17 17 - - 2,746 5,300 5,120 7,700 Town of Harvard, . 16 50 50 _ _ 11,550 62,200 69,225 83,325 Agricultural implements. 1 5 5 _ — 6,000 5,000 Boots and shoes. 2 - _ *" i _ 500 ... 1,050 Brick, .... 1 17 17 _ 4,000 ... 4,000 Brooms and brushes. 1 3 3 _ _ 2,100 . . ■ 3,200 Carriages and wagons, . 1 1 1 - _ 200 ... 1,000 Food preparations, . 3 7 7 - - l',.540 5,900 37,800 42,500 Glue 1 2 2 _ _ • • • 5,000j • • • 8,000 Leather 1 7 7 - _ ■ • ■ 30,000 ■ ■ • 4,875 Lumber 1 2 2 - - > • . 3,000 ■ • • 5,400 Metals and metallic goods, 3 5 5 - - 1,480 4,500 4,100 6,800 Stone 1 ^ 1 - - ... 1,000 ... 1,600 Town of Holden, . 15 538: 269 210 59 160,695 431,000 654,195 1,052,699 Brooms and brushes, 1 3 3 - - ■ • • 3,000 ■ . • 4,000 Clothing 1 6 _ 6 - ■ . . 2,000 • ■ ■ 6,000 Cotton goods, . 3 121 43 50 28 24,649 72,000 56,926 105,000 Leather 2 14 14 - - > • . 32,000 • . . 58,000 Lumber 3 7 7 _ - 1,7.50 6,000 15,100 22,200 Woollen goods. 5 387 202 154 31 \ 126,096 316,000 634,119 857,499 Town op Htjbbardston, . 37 90 83 6 1 ' 21,603 68,750 92,347 161,700 Artisans' tools. 1 1 1 _ _ > • . 650 600 Boots and shoes. 2 22 20 2 _ I • < > 11,000 ... 29,000 Boxes 1 3 3 _ - [ . . . 2,500| ... 4,000 Building 1 3 3 - - \ > > . 300 ... 12,000 Carriages and wagons, . 3 i 4 ~ ~ 1,275 2,00j! 1,300 3,000 MANUFACTUnES BY TOWNS. 585 MANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. COUNTY OF WORCESTER — Continutil. Towns, Cities, AND Industries. T'N OF HlTBHARDSTON-Con Clothing, . Food preparations, Furniture, Leather, . Lumber, . Metals and metallic goods, Soap and candles, . Town of Lancaster, Brick, Carriages and wagons, Cotton goods, . Food preparations, , Leather, . Lumber, . Machines and machinery, Metals and metallic goods. Soap and candles, . Town of Leicester, Boots and shoes, Boxes, Building, . Food preparations, Leather, . Liquors and beverages, Lumber, . Machines and machinery, Metals and metallic goods, Woollen goods, Town of Leominster, . Artifleial teeth and dental work, Boots and shoes, Boxes, Brick, Carriages and wagons, Clothing, . Flax and linen goods, Food preparations, . Furniture, Horn goods, . Leather, . Lumber, . . . . Machines and machinery, Metals and metallic goods. Musical instruments. Paper Scientific instruments and appliances, . Toys and games, Wooden goods, Woollen goods. Town of Lunenburg, Carriages and wagons. Food preparations, . Lumber, . Metals and metallic goods, Wooden goods. Town of Men don, . Boots and shoes, . Boxes, Carriages and wagons. Cotton, woollen, and other textiles. s:3 1 5 3 2 11 6 1 16 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 4 1 36 2 1 2 3 1 1 3 8 5 10 74 1 1 3 1 3 3 1 2 3 29 1 3 4 8 5 2 1 1 1 1 17 3 4 5 3 2 10 1 1 1 Average Number of Employes. 2 o I— 1 Females above 15. 6 2 4 1 1 _ 12 12 _ 4 4 - 25 24 _ 8 8 _ 1 1 - 159 139 8 36 36 _ 2 2 _ 72 52 8 11 11 - 9 9 _ 4 4 _ 3 3 _ 18 18 _ 4 4 - 535 365 141 23 13 7 1 1 _ 4 4 _ 1 1 _ 3 3 _ 2 2 _ ( 7 _ 84 67 15 23 23 _ 387 244 119 1,583 1,282 254 1 1 _ 28 18 10 18 1 17 7 7 _ 146 121 25 20 5 15 31 15 8 7 7 _ 121 116 _ 750 585 134 64 64 _ 16 16 _ 14 14 _ 20 20 _ 72 72 _ 80 68 12 24 19 6 75 70 5 10 10 _ 79 53 23 42 39 2 4 3 _ 17 15 2 15 15 _ 2 2 _ 4 4 - 46 44 2 29 27 2 3 3 - 2 2 - 7 7 - O o 12 12 29 3 2 24 47 5 31 Wages. Total paid Capital during | invested. the year. Stock used. Value of product. $300 3,625 3,900 1,425 43,163 4,575 7,575 197,330 30 650 40,925 12,162 132,420 594,433 4,056 53,675 6,120 49,478 243,543 8,900 13,250 11,812 42,349 12,015 900 6,665 2,950 200 17,665 $500 5,400 11,600 4,500 17,600 2,400 400 154,700 7,000 800 60,000 26,500 30,000 7,500 7,000 9,700 6,200 865,400; 9,5001 500! 600l 3,700i 15,000 1,500 6,000 341,500 49,600 437,500 862,690 1,000 15,000 2,300 2,500 87,300 5,000 30,000 21,000 85,000 174,490 30,000 26,500 12,500 28,500 57,000 190,000 5,000 25,000 4,600 60,000 71,775 4,800 43,900 19,200 1,125 2,750 17,850 5,000 1,600 500 8,000 $32,515 4,500 19,667 1,675 141,084 61,6i5 6,500 972,207 7,200 3,130 267,100 45,150 566,017 904,723 4,316 113,400 12,500 51,380 210,707 40',760 8,300 13,339 46,734 256,285 1,350 236,300 15,210 825 96,650 $3,000 40,300 16,000 8,300 37,850 5,050 2,600 234,770 11,800 750 73,600 70.420 24,000 10,000 10,000 22,200 12,000 1,498,066 50,000 1,200 5,500 8,S50 52,000 500 5,000 384,000 73,800 917,216 1,894,955 2,000 40,000 12,648 3,000 217,200 26,000 27,000 36,000 115,000 561,197 180,000 61,170 29,000 35,800 112,940 231,000 21,000 56,000 15,000 113,000 356,025 3,300 316,000 28,400 2,525 5,800 132,768 50,336 3,852 1,200 37,220 586 CENSUS or MASSACHUSETTS — ISSO. MANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. COUNTY OF WORCESTER — Continued. i Average Nlmber of Emplotes. Wages. Towns, Cities, Total paid Capital Stock AND o o c « i Value of Industries. u o ^S , .2 -J C > J=2 ! during invested. used. product. 3 — "a o 11 ^2 ' the year. !zi H 3=* P^ - r^ j Town of Mendon — Con. Food preparations, . 2 3 3 - - - ... $1,500 $ri7,61o Lumber 1 - - - - _ 600 9.50 MetalB and metal lie goods, 2 2 2 - - ... 750 ... 1,600 Town of Milford, . 67 2,431 2,006 362 63 $936,166 1,327,600 $2,161,857 3,541, .561 Artisans' tools, 1 3 3 - - • > • 6,000 8,000 Boots and shoes, 18 1,812 1,543 223 46 619,491 729,300 1,308,425 2,142,136 Boxes 2 29 23 6 - • • • 32,000 .54,772 Building, .... 10 47 46 - 1 19,675 23,900 26,315 59,050 Carriages and wagons, . 2 10 10 - - ■ • . 5,00(1 10,400 ClothiuK, .... 1 15 - 15 - • • • 2,500 5,500 Food preparations, . 6 30 30 - - 16,250 33,000 124,172 150,200 Furniture, 1 3 3 - - ... 15,000 17,000 Leather, .... 1 1 1 - - 1 800 • . . 2,200 Machines and machinery. 6 241 229 1 11 161,890 371. OOU 451,648 717,648 Metals and metallic goods, 7 44 35 6 3 24,250 36,800 33,710 83,017 Perfumes and toilet prep- arations, 1 2 2 - - 500 2,500 Photographs, . 2 2 2 - - 2,500 • . > 6,100 Printing and publishing, . 1 7 6 1 - lO.OUO 12,000 Stone 1 3 3 - - 500 ... 1,500 Straw goods, . 2 153 45 108 - 43,000 • . . 208,438 Tobacco 2 19 15 2 2 ; 10,500 • > . 40,000 Wooden goods, 3 10 10 - - 6,469 6,300 5,700 15,100 Town of MiLLBrRT, 40 1,057 642 328 87 413,310 1,010,300 1,180,275 1,911,805 Artisans' tools. 1 - - - - - 1,000 1,200 Boots and shoes. 1 36 32 4 - ... 5,000 . . . 57,341 Boxes 1 3 - 3 - 600 4,.500 Building, .... 3 10 10 - - 4,i6o 1.000 9,.500 16,400 Carriages and wagons, . 4 24 23 1 - 9,200 16,700 12,975 28,550 Clothing, .... 1 - - - - - 1,000 1,000 Cordage and twine, . 1 2 2 - - ... 700 3,500 Cotton goods, . 4 354 135 176 43 86,173 455,000 228,937 388,720 Dye stulfs. 1 3 3 - - ... 15,000 36,774 Fertilizers, 1 - - - - 50 750 Food preparations, . 3 4 4 - 2,000 18,000 76,155 82,300 Leather, .... 2 4 4 - - • • • 2,00« 6,600 Lumber, .... 2 5 5 - - ■ • • 6,000 • . . 8,6.50 Machines and machinery. 1 1 1 - • • • 600 900 Metals and metallic goods, 5 3 3 - - 950 7,100 2,350 7,700 Printing, dyeing, bleach'g. 1 3 3 - - ■ • > 5,000 20,000 Wooden goods, 3 50 47 - 3 20,030 45,650 40,350 74,400 Woollen goods. 5 555 370 144 41 267,832 430,000 716,4:i3 1,172,520 Town of New Braintree, 4 4 4 _ _ 1,251 4,132 5,275 9,120 Carriages and wagons, . 1 3 3 - - ... 500 3,170 Food preparations, . 1 - - - - - 800 3,.50O Lumber 1 1 1 - - . . . 2,500 1,700 Metals and metallic goods. 1 - - - - - 332 ... 750 Town of Northborough, 28 451 246 162 43 124,706 276,200 243,798 786,063 Boots and shoes. 1 7 - 3 4 200 • • • 2,400 Building 1 1 1 _ _ 300 ■ > . 2,000 Clothing 2 116 1 83 32 1,500 • . ■ 18,600 Combs, .... 1 15 8 6 1 9,000 12,237 Fancy articles, . 1 2 2 - - 700 ■ . > 1,500 Fertilizers, 1 2 2 - - 6,000 . . . 2,000 Food preparations, . 5 9 9 - - 1,585 6,500 15,505 33,651 Ivory, bone, and horn gooiis, .... 3 45 39 5 1 18,300 21,000 13,700 43,500 Lumber 4 4 4 - - 395 10,000 2,800 3,575 Metals and metallic goods. 4 6 6 - " 2,200 5,000 3,400 8,700 Mu.sical instruments, 1 5 5 _ ... 1,000 . . . 3,800 P.u'iber and elastic goods, 1 14 14 - _ ... 10,000 14,000 Wooden goods. 1 _ - - - _ 5,000 700 Woollen goods. 2 225 155 66 5 ... 200,000 639,500 MAKTIFACTUPiES BY TOWXS. 587 MANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. COUNTY OF WORCESTER — Continued. .0 Average Number of Employes. Wages. Towns, Cities, Total paid Capital Stock AXD to 10 ■C £ Value of IlJDUSTHIES. 1 f— t S-2 a > Si s 2 ot3 during the year. invested. used. product. 1'^ Eh :s* ^^ >^ Town of Northbbidge, 21 1,403 1,005 288 110 $461,341 $1,472,125 $732,277 $1,540,924 Building, . 1 2 2 - - 125 2,000 Carriages and wagons, 3 3 3 - - 2,250 1,300 1,300 5,300 Clothing, . 1 5 2 3 - 1,000 3,000 Cotton goods, . 4 607 230 285 92 149,372 750,000 272,023 611,524 Food preparations, . 2 3 3 - - . . . 10,000 33,500 Leather, . 1 2 2 - - • • • 2,000 5,500 Lumher, . 3 4 3 - 1 228 2,300 1,745 2.500 Machines and machinery 2 768 751 - 17 ... 703,000 ... 861,600 Metals and metallic goods 3 6 6 - - 3,800 1,600 2,975 10,000 Tobacco, . 1 3 3 - - ... 800 ... 6,000 Town of No. Brookfteld . 21 1,626 884 573 169 554,799 351,300 1,671,611 2,456,714 Boots and shoes, 1 1,000 800 150 50 • • • 300,000 • . ■ "1,996,195 Boxes, 1 8 8 - - . . • 7,000 ... bO,000 Building, . 2 18 18 - - • • • 2,000 • > • 28,000 Carriages and wagons. 2 7 7 - - • • • 3,500 • • . 10,400 Clothing, . 4 575 33 423 119 99,000 12,700 228,000 350,250 Food preparations, . 2 1 1 - - . > • 3,000 9,325 Lumber, . 2 4 4 - - • • • 5,500 8,100 Metals and metallic goods 6 6 6 _ _ 1,950 7,600 3,800 12,500 Wooden goods, 1 7 7 - - ... 10,000 ... 11,944 Town of Oakham, . 8 45 32 10 3 8,299 25,600 84,581 107,283 Agricultural implements , 1 7 6 _ 1 • • . 2,000 5,620 Food preparations, . 3 6 6 - - 1,863 8,100 72,605 81,095 Lumber, . 2 5 5 - _ • • . 9,500 ... 9,900 Metals and metallic goods 1 17 5 10 2 • • • 4,500 • • - 5,668 Wooden goods, 1 10 10 - - ... 1,500 ... 6,000 Town of Oxford, . 18 584 402 133 49 131,709 429,200 434,720 699,400 Artisans' tools. 1 1 1 _ - ... 4,000 ... 1,500 Boots and shoes. 3 176 146 30 _ 65,000 60,000 159,250 250,000 Carriages and wagons, 1 1 1 _ - ■ • ■ 600 800 Cotton goods, . 3 111 58 40 13 24,800 37,750 104,150 150,600 Food preparations, . 1 1 1 - - ■ • . 2,500 . . > 3,700 Leather, . 1 2 2 _ _ ■ ■ • 850 . • . 3,000 Metals and metallic goods 4 4 4 _ - 1,250 3,500 1,700 4,800 • Woollen goods, 4 288 189 63 36 39,509 320,000 164,520 285,000 Town of Paxton, . 7 18 17 1 _ 4,537 7,050 21,175 33,395 Boots and shoes, 1 4 3 1 _ • • • 1,000 • . . 2,300 Cordage and twine, . 1 3 3 _ _ ... 1,500 • ■ • 12,U00 Food preparations, . 2 2 2 _ - 1,500 • • . 9,295 Lunilier, . 2 7 7 - - ... 2,100 . > • 8,000 Metals and metallic goods , 1 2 2 - - ... 950 1,800 Town of Petersham, 12 33 33 _ _ 6,695 20,700 24,207 40,265 Food preparations, . 2 3 3 _ _ ■ • . 2,000 ■ • > 15,300 Lumber, . 8 25 25 _ _ 3,470 16,500 10,367 21,665 Metals and metallic goods 2 5 5 - - ... 2,200 ... 3,300 Town of Phillipston, 4 15 15 _ _ 4,597 9,850 12,335 21,943 Carriages and wagons, 1 _ _ _ _ _ 450 ... 600 Food preparations, . 1 3 3 _ _ 2,400 12,500 Furniture, 2 -12 12 - - ... 7,000 ... 8,843 Town of Princeton, 16 45 39 „ 6 13,467 30,650 37,240 88,350 Carriat,e8 and wagons, . 1 1 1 - • ■ . 600 ■ . > 900 Food preparations, . 3 3 3 _ .. ' 725 5,000 10,140 11,750 Furniture, 2 21 18 _ 3 6,000 37,300 Lumber 6 16 13 _ 3 ' 3*882 14,800 21,250 33,000 Metals and metallic goods 4 4 4 - - i 1,650 4,250 550 5,400 Town of Royalston, 9 128 96 24 8 38,005 138,000 112,061 222,095 Furniture, 1 18 16 - 2 • ■ • 10,000 ■ . ■ 18,000 Lumber, . . , . 6 26 25 _ 1 4,080 15,000 16,835 26,595 Wooden goods. 1 8 8 - _ 3,000, ... 9,000 Woollen goods, 1 76 47 24 5 110,000 168,500 588 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. MANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. COUNTY OF WORCESTER — Continued. i Average Number of CO Employes. Wages. Towns, Cities, Total paid Capital Stock AND CO >o 1g Value of Industries. « a , DO r-1 during invested. used. product. C f 3 o .i o ci JO 'fl the year. Town of Rutland, . 10 9 9 ^ _ $1,440 $12,375 $6,685 $14,280 Carriages and wagons, . 3 2 2 - - 325 2,425 1,300 2,600 Lumber 4 5 5 - - 990 7,700 4,485 8,880 Metals and metallic goodB, 1 1 1 - - 1,500 1,600 Wooden goods. 2 1 1 - - ... 750 ... 1,300 Town of Siirkwsbury, . 6 22 IS 4 _ 8,195 20,400 11,885 23,580 Boots and shoes, 2 14 10 4 - 14,400 16,180 Carriages and wagons, . 3 7 7 - - 3,270 5,400 1,725 6,400 Metals and metallic goods, 1 1 1 - - ... 600 ... 1,000 Town of Pouthborough, 31 424 255 100 63 155,979 301,600 389,292 626,955 Boots and shoes, 2 2C9 154 65 50 110,000 375,000 Brick 1 20 20 - - 18,000 8,000 Building 10 12 12 - - 7,650 7,000 22,900 36,650 Carriages and wagons, . 1 1 1 - - 500 2,200 Food i)rii)arations, . 9 10 10 - - 2,900 36,200 72,182 89,995 Lumber, .... 1 - - - - - 1,000 2,010 Met:il8 and metallic goods, 6 3 3 - - 1,400 3,900 5,700 13,100 Woollen goods, 1 109 55 41 13 ... 125,000 ... 100,000 Town op Southbridge, . 30 1,422 756 519 147 372,747 1,666,150 1,284,325 1,892,396 Artificial teeth and dental work, .... 1 1 1 - - • . . 1,000 ... 2,600 Brick, .... 1 23 23 - - ■ • . 5,000 ... 11,000 Buttons, .... 1 60 10 20 20 8,(100 • • ■ 15,000 Carriages and wagons, . 3 8 8 - - 4,400 8,300 3,800 15,.500 Clothing, .... 4 9 - 9 - 1,600 6,000 7,500 10,850 Cotton goods, . 2 304 128 132 44 320,000 306,376 Cotton, woollen, and other textiles. 1 775 350 350 75 1,200,000 1,091,000 Food preparations, . 6 20 20 - - 5,910 10,650 34,180 69,132 Leather 2 2 2 - - 2,250 3,500 Lumber 1 8 8 - - • . • 15,000 • . • 23,000 Machines and machinery. 1 36 36 - - 21,000 38,138 MelalH and metallic goods. 4 6 6 - - 2,600 6,450 3,800 9,700 Scienlitic instruments and appliances, . 2 178 102 8 8 61,500 . . . 292,200 Btone 1 2 2 - - ... 1,000 4,500 Town of Spencer, . 24 1,757 1,400 258 99 773,477 930,.340 2,105,277 3,291,373 Boots and shoes, 11 1,419 1,167 153 99 636,350 603,000 1,516,972 2,347,000 Boxes, .... 2 i 20 20 - - • . . 14,000 48,000 Food preparations, . 2 5 5 *~ - 14,000 35,000 Lumber, .... 1 15 15 - 5,000 17,000 Metals and metallic goods. 4 85 85 - - 5o",565 104,340 111,290 195,373 Woollen goods. 4 213 108 105 - 71,862 190,000 408,340 649,000 Town of Sterling, . 17 72 72 _ - 23,930 59,700 104,743 153,978 Charcoal, .... 1 1 1 - - 800 2,000 Earthen and stone ware, . 1 10 10 - - 15,000 20,000 Food preparations, . 4 8 8 - - 2,080 9,000 27,093 29,778 Furniture, 5 27 27 - - 6,900 9,200 16,000 29,000 Le.ither, .... 1 18 18 - - • • ■ 20,600 65,000 Lumber 2 5 5 - - • • . 1,300 4,500 Metals and metallic goods, 3 3 3 - - 1,200 3,900 875 3,700 Town of Sturbkidge, . 10 420 268 136 16 151,481 576,100 231,864 564,699 Artisans' tools. 2 69 69 - - . . . 66,000 66,879 Carriages and wagons, . 2 10 10 - - 5,500 7,500 Cotton goods, . 1 335 183 136 16 . . . 600,000 470,000 Lumber 3 4 4 - - 600 3,500 3,650 7,320 Metals and metallic goods. 2 2 2 - - ... 1,100 ... 3,000 Town of Sutton, 10 744 277 289 178 221,104 470,300 451,339 772,201 Cotton goods, . 2 678 225 277 176 400,000 584,000 Food preparations, . 3 2 2 - - 975 6,300 18,060 19,400 Machines and machinery. 2 18 18 - - 32,000 — 27.801 Woollen goods. 3 46 32 12 2 17,500 32,000 83,450 141,000 MANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. 589 MANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. COUNTY OF WORCESTER — Continued. i Ave KAOE Number of Employes. Wages. Towns, CirrES, Total paid Capital Stock AND 1 o xii 'gc Value of Industries, 1" "3 o Males above 1 i«tH So a > §2 '0 during the year. invested. used. product. Town of Templeton, . 30 592 504 72 16 $205,485 $355,050 $419,696 $773,706 Boots and shoes, 1 25 20 5 - > • • 5,000 • • • 25,000 Cooking, ligliting, and heating apparatus, 1 27 27 - - 12,000 33,000 Food preparations, . 1 1 1 - - 5,000 20,000 Furniture, .... 10 261 261 - - 113,858 178,500 144»800 809,056 Lumber, .... 6 23 23 - - 4,329 8,900 17,868 28,200 Machines and machinery. 1 10 10 - - 6,000 12,000 Metals and metallic goods, 3 3 3 - - 600 2,750 850 3,150 Paper, . . . . 1 18 18 - - 30,000 60,000 Toys and games, 2 37 37 - - > • ■ 36,000 • • • 39,500 Window shades and Vene- tian blinds. 1 1 1 - _ > • • 2,000 • ■ • 1,500 Wooden goods. 1 4 4 - - 900 • • • 2,.500 Woollen goods, 2 182 99 67 16 ... 68,000 ... 239,800 Town of Upton, 17 1,431 311 1,107 13 280,285 453,150 584,160 1,029,312 Boxes, .... 1 3 3 - - ■ > ■ 10,000 • • . 3,61)0 Carriages and wagons, . 2 7 7 - - ■ • • 900 > . . 14,000 Food preparations, . 4 4 4 - - 1,9.50 7,200 16.900 19,162 Lumber 4 10 10 - _ 1,485 8,500 6,650 10,750 Metals and metallic goods. 8 5 5 - - 2,450 1,150 2,050 5,800 Straw goods, 2 1,400 280 1,107 13 • • ■ 425,000 • • ■ 974,000 Wooden goods. 1 2 2 - - ... 4U0 ... 2,000 Town of Uxbridge, 21 696 395 238 63 227,988 773,200 808,436 1,312,582 Building, .... 5 22 22 - - 9,772 4,800 29,300 51,000 Carriages and wagons, . 1 1 1 - - . . • 500 • ■ ■ 1,500 Cotton goods, . 1 125 46 58 21 160,000 . ■ • 117,634 Food preparations, . 5 6 6 - - 1,720 17,000 47,676 60,550 Leather 1 - - - - - 200 • • ■ 500 Metals and metallic goods, 2 1 1 - - . . . 700 2,400 Woollen goods, 6 541 819 180 42 180,711 590,000 676,346 1,078,998 Town of Warren, . 28 1,313 725 332 256 408,432 1,281,850 1,166,429 2,138,193 Artisans' tools, . 1 18 18 - - 11,000 23,000 Boots and shoes. 4 156 146 10 - 71.900 100,000 165,850 264,250 Building, .... 2 12 12 - - ... 1,000 ... 16,500 Carriages and wagons, . 1 - - - - - 200 ... 650 Cloclis and watches. 1 - - - - - 300 > . • 800 Clothing 3 34 2 32 - 1,480 4,200 9,450 15,000 Cotton goods, . 2 512 244 219 49 480,000 772,304 Food preparations, . 3 6 6 - - 2,650 12,500 37,475 46,080 Ink, 1 7 5 2 - • • • 9,000 . • • 13,000 Leather 1 1 1 - - ■ ■ • 1.50 ■ ■ • 1,000 Lumber, .... 2 3 3 - - • • ■ 3,500 • ■ • 11,650 Machines and machinery. 1 170 170 - - ■ • • 500,000 4.50,000 Metals and metallic goods, 3 4 4 - - 1,500 7,000 2,175 8,000 Photographs, . 1 - - - - - 500 . > • 1,400 Soap and candles, . 1 3 3 - - ... 2,500 • • . 6,000 Woollen goods, 1 387 111 69 207 ... 150,000 ... 508,559 Town of Webster, . 23 1,479 892 437 150 445,229 1,038,650 1,346,494 2,117,128 Boots and shoes, 4 382 327 55 - 171,278 95,250 323,485 559,754 Boxes, .... 1 4 4 - - > • • 2,000 . • . 10,000 Carriages and wagons, . 1 10 10 _ _ ■ • • 6,000 ■ ■ > 7,000 Cotton goods, . 1 465 186 207 72 • • > 400,000 ... 336,000 Food preparations, . 3 9 9 - _ 2,700 8,300 316,045 328,850 Leather 1 2 2 - - • • . 500 ... 1,500 Lumber, .... 2 9 9 - _ • • • 3,000 • • • 20,200 Metals and metallic goods, 3 6 6 - - 3,100 3,100 1,600 6,200 Piintiiig and publishing, 2 8 6 2 - 8,000 ... 8,000 Stone 1 8 8 - - 8,-500 . . . 9,000 Tobacco 1 2 2 - _ ... 2.000 ... 3,000 Wooden goods. 2 6 6 _ _ 7,000 11,000 Woollen goods. 1 568 317 173 78 ... 500,000 ... 816,624 590 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. MANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. COUNTY OF WORCESTER — Continued. i Average Number of Employes. Wages. To\vNS, Cities, Total paid Capital Stock AND tcJ »o cc Value of Industkies. 3~ 3 o « o a; r-l - S during the year. invested. used. product. fe5 H a* fe* (H Town of WestboroIdgh, 26 1,735 791 873 71 $506,971 $494,700 $1,084,518 $1,725,775 Boots and shoes. 2 505 310 130 65 • • • 125,000 582,500 Boxes 2 19 18 - 1 5,400 • • ■ 30,300 Brick, .... 1 22 21 1 - 10,000 • . > S,000 Building, .... 3 9 8 - 1 3,400 5,500 4,600 10,000 Carriages and wagons, . 6 38 38 - - 12,825 28,600 14,600 36,450 Clotliing 1 8 4 4 - . • . 1,400 8,000 Drugs and medicines. 1 - - - - - 500 1,500 Food preparations, . 4 14 14 - - 8,605 45,800 58,764 74,880 Mattresfes and spr'g beds. 1 1 1 - - • . < 5,000 7,000 Metals and metallic goods. 3 6 6 - - 3,700 2,.500 2,100 7,900 Straw goods, . 2 1,113 371 788 4 ... 265,000 ... 959,245 Town of West Boylston, 25 705 334 280 91 153,655 564,000 418,856 763,103 Artisans' tools. 1 1 1 - - • . • 500 1,800 Boots and shoes. 1 26 24 2 - • • > 10,000 ■ • • 40,000 Carriages and wagons, . 2 7 f. - 1 500 • . ■ 6,000 Cotton goods, . 6 575 237 258 80 123.917 512,500 324,900 6]0,0f>3 Food preparations, . 1 2 2 - - 2,.')00 ■ • ■ 36,4.50 Lumber, .... 1 - - - - - 2,000 • . . 1,650 Macliines and machinery. 1 3 3 - - • . • 3,000 • . . 1,000 Metals and metallic goods, 5 8 7 - 1 1,550 3,200 2,675 9,800 Soap and candles. 1 - - - - - 200 900 Wooden goods. 5 11 11 - - . 2,620 4,600 2,350 9,050 Woollen goods. 1 72 43 20 9 ... 25,000 ... 46,390 Town of W. Brookfield, 20 312 270 37 5 102,505 148,100 278,813 474,025 Boots and shoes. 7 266 225 37 4 93,900 105,500 234,267 384,650 Brick 1 9 9 - - 2,000 4,000 Building, .... 3 22 22 - - 5,050 15,100 22,200 37,200 Food preparations, . 3 10 9 - 1 1,530 2,200 12,316 33.000 Leather, .... 1 1 1 - - 1,500 • . . 3,000 Lumber 2 3 3 - - ... 7,000 ■ . . 8,175 Metals and metallic goods, 3 1 1 - - 75 14,800 2,050 4,000 Town of Westminster, . 17 261 224 17 20 65,450 128,800 214,405 333,850 Food preparations, . 4 7 7 - - 2,150 16,500 31,105 36,950 Furniture, 5 ' 171 165 - 6 41,800 33,500 14,100 76,100 I-umlier 5 11 11 - - 2,100 15,800 8,400 16,800 Paper 2 60 3S 17 6 • . • 60,000 • > . 200,000 Toys and games. 1 12 3 - 9 ... 3,000 4,000 Town of Winchendon, . 45 727 538 121 68 220,912 698,100 596,872 1,028,313 Boots and shoes. 1 1 1 - ~ 800 • * . 1,200 Carriages and wagons, . 2 2 2 - ■ • . 1,100 3,000 Clothing, .... 1 12 2 10 - 900 • . . 7,640 Cotton goods, . 1 226 116 97 13 300,000 336,773 Food preparations, . 4 6 6 - - 2,426 15,000 41,422 47,010 Furniture, 4 21 21 - - 8,700 23,200 27,995 41,100 Leather 1 14 14 - - 20,000 82,000 Lumber, .... 6 18 14 - 4 3,084 13,500 11,145 20,590 Machines and machinery. 3 87 87 - - 35,289 64,000 38,600 85,800 Metals and metallic goods, 7 9 9 - - 3,635 6,300 5,000 13,400 Stone, .... 2 3 3 - - 2,300 5,900 Toys and games, 1 7 5 1 1 1,000 ... 5,000 Wooden goods. 12 321 258 13 50 108,975 250,000 202,900 378,900 City of Worcester, 633 14,332 11,460 2,477 395 5,932,921 10,101,904 15,021,324 24,758,457 Agricultural implements. 2 220 220 - - ... 260,000 339,400 Arms and ammunition, . 6 329 307 - 22 136,291 125,000 61,800 249,828 Artificial teeth and dental work 24 10 10 - - 7,0-0 19,075 12,720 60,338 Artisans' tools. 23 366 360 1 5 186,907 538,427 158,147 459,938 Awnings and tents, . 1 4 4 - - 3,500 5,500 Boots and shoes. 59 2,404 1,683 583 138 1,148,432 1,750,508 3,011,077 4,703,705 Boxes, .... 4 70 18 50 2 17,734 26,000 26,199 57,415 Brick 2 44 44 - - 11,000 17,100 Brooms and brushes, 1 16 5 10 - 2,000 ... 18.000 Building 81 711 710 1 - 346,563 204,425 730,142 1,223,114 MAXUFACTURES BY TO^-NS. 591 MANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. COUNTY OF WORCESTER — Concluded. 3 i A^-ERAGE 1 S'UJIBER OF a 1 T^MPLOTES. Wages. Towns, Cities, of 1 Total paid Capital Stock AND t3 i> during invested. used. product. s| O S o u II the year. ii~ H S" fa" >' CiTT OF Worcester— Con. Buiial cases, caskets, cof- fins, etc.. 2 17 15 2 - . . . $19,000 ... $35,704 Carpetings, 2 143 71 47 25 105,000 394,800 Carriages and dragons, . 26 1"7 107 - - $55,444 80,700 §61,083 160,240 Clocks and watches, 17 10 10 - - 5,875 7,875 5,375 24,-JOO Clothing, .... 20 990 282 708 - 281,714 228,200 464,602 873,310 Concrete paving. 1 2 2 - - • • • 200 ■ . > 2,000 Cooking, lighting, and healing apparatus, 3 34 34 - - 19,931 87,000 22,374 65,000 Cotton goods, . 2 50 14 35 1 • • > 31,500 ... 42,150 Drain pipe. 2 ' 6 6 - - 11,000 13,500 Drugs and medicines. i 20 19 1 - 10,450 27,100 18,500 51,0(j0 Dye stuffs. 1 6 6 - - . . • 15,000 9,000 Electroplating, . 2 1 4 4 - - • > > 4,000 • . . 7,800 Engraving, wood, . 3 5 5 - - 1,525 2,100 475 5,fi75 Emery wheels, . 1 9 9 - - 9,.5(XI ■ ■ • 15,000 Foud preparations, . 28 197 161 31 5 83,886 294,450 1,.305,388 1,522,942 Furniture, 13 ! 122 110 8 4 63,819 149,475 202,461 332,006 Hair work. 1 ! 4 - 4 - • • • 1,000 2,000 Leather, .... 21 126 122 4 - 59,595 258,550 529,849 661,020 Liquors and beverages, . 1 5 5 - - ■ > ■ 10,000 ... 8,500 Machines and machinery, 60 ! 1.812 1,719 25 68 767,847 1,409,.500 1,189,975 2,409,961 Mattresses and sprg brds, 4 11 8 3 - 3,800 5,000 4,-575 15,950 Metals and metallic goods. 82 3,780 3,601 149 30 1,478,080 2,682,085 3,895,208 6,247,376 Models and patterns, 5 10 10 - - 4,239 5,900 2,425 13,708 Musical instruments. 9 414 400 14 - 190,249 258,700 283,430 561,325 Oils and illiiminat'g fluids. 2 7 7 - - • • ■ 3,500 20,700 Paints, colors, and chemi- cals 1 6 6 - - 500 * • ■ 4,910 Paper, . . 2 268 58 210 - 55,000 • ■ ■ 624,776 Photographs, . 12 21 12 9 - 7,431 10,450 5,848 27,685 Photographic materials, . 1 15 12 3 - 15,000 40,000 Polishes and dressing, 3 5 4 1 - 2,600 3,000 1.5,225 21,500 Printing and publishing. 16 ISO 153 19 8 99,856 150,8.34 88,716 252,247 Printing, dyeing, bleach'g. 4 25 9 16 _ 3,714 8,500 3,920 12,358 Railroad construction, . 2 81 81 - - • • • 160,000 • > . 214,902 Razor strops, . 1 60 7 53 - > • ■ 20,000 30,000 Scientific instruments and appliances, . 5 16 12 4 - 5,847 19,900 5,330 18,650 Soap and candles, . 7 15 15 - 6,978 19,050 10,442 27,4.33 Stone 14 131 131 - - 68,118 76,200 6S,060 176,307 Straw goods, . 1 14 4 10 - ■ • ■ 1,000 3,000 Tallow and grease, . 3 14 14 - - 4,700 12,000 15,.500 31,000 Tobacco, .... 11 60 45 14 1 23,772 29,500 62,434 111,258 Trunks and valises, . 2 5 5 - - 2,200 8,650 ^^'hips 1 1 1 - _ • ■ ■ 400 950 Wooden goods, 19 282 282 - - 135,927 244,300 22l',3i2 433,40.3 Woollen goods. 10 710 405 264 41 236,542 360,000 830,014 1,279,923 Worsted goods. 4 359 116 198 45 99,042 267,800 554,040 810,000 592 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. RECAPITULATION OF AGGREGATES. i ' Average Number of QO o Employes Wages. Total paid Capital Stock Counties, Cities, and CO >o '^a Value of Towns. S ,1) "3 o T— t o 00 > «-2 CC T— t il §2 during the year. invested. used. product. ll" H a" ^^ h" County op Barnstable 1.30 1,00' r 53; J 46( i 8 $185,08^ $l,310,25f $813,0461 $1,348,969 Barnstable, 12 4- 4- r - 8,001 20,95C 41,85S 59,720 Brewster 2 2c ) ] 2-1 i 5,801 > ■ > 7,932 Chatham, . . . . 10 i r i _ 2,450 6,40C 16,5ir 20,925 Dennis 14 ( ( 1 _ 2,350 10,201 9,00C 31,700 E.iHtham, . . , . 1 r « ( _ ii.OOO 2,800 Falmoutli 19 181 17i i 2 58,968 1,043,831 435,205 713,876 Harwich, . . . . 4 If le - - 3,850 9,000 8,40t 15,200 Orleans, . . . . 17 407 2C 387 - n,760 21,40C 72,03= 94,917 Provincetown, . 18 3- 37 - - 19,530 22,900 18,401 67,800 Sandwich, . . . . 23 247 211 3S 2 72,173 161, 12- 199,331 328,470 Yarmouth, 10 2i 11 n - 4,160 6,65u 4,713 16,630 County of Berkshire, . 514 9,866 5,803 3,100 963 3,125,279 11,359,169 10,242,557 17.088,9,59 Adams 32 ],646 742 60S 296 496,721 1,349,600 l,I30, 2,127,669 Alford, • . . . 4 4 4 - - 1,135 6,101 8,439 111,480 Becket 9 28 23 5 - 9,469 41,783 93,456 13.042 Cheshire 17 437 417 10 10 180,790 674,450 178,335 400,000 Clarksburg, 2 130 71 43 16 • . • 134,300 * • . 244,782 Dalton 19 552 273 254 25 203,025 953,900 723,832 1,225,277 Ef^remont, 10 70 70 - - 26,991 2li,750 58,940 111,740 Florida 1 3 3 - - 300,000 4,500 Great Harrington, . 32 64S 351 226 71 197,919 671,660 689'. i -13 986,014 Hancock, . . . . 12 21 19 2 - 5,753 17,850 36,388 54,762 Hinsdale 6 348 200 96 62 72,711 376,500 266,249 449,217 Laiiesborough, 1 1 1 - - 5,000 12,320 Lee 20 582 341 241 - 230,199 919,800 962,775 1,425,827 Lenox, . . . . 18 52 62 - - 12,400 53,900 54,225 86,3,50 Monterey, 3 4 4 - _ 725 5,500 3,250 5,750 New Marlborough, . 27 99 86 13 - 31,239 97.900 113,585 198,377 North Adams, . 68 2,166 1,132 781 253 690,156 2,275,509 2,361,479 4,042,314 Otis, 11 23 23 - ^ 4,925 30,700 23,400 37,785 Peru 3 2 2 - _ 285 5,100 1,075 2,455 Pitlstield, .... 104 2,247 1,483 594 170 725,826 2,465,015 2,&44,584 4,.343.655 Richmond, 2 5 5 - - > • . 4,000 • . . 10,500 HaiuliHiield, 15 26 26 - - 3,800 22,900 15,830 39.550 Savoy, .... 3 19 19 - - 4,100 6,000 5,850 11.600 Sheffield 23 25 25 - _ 4,447 47,100 46,026 62,471 Stockhridge, 14 233 155 68 10 78,394 188,100 385,735 438.940 Tyringham, 7 9 9 - - 2,475 10,800 3,400 10,400 Washington, 1 - - _ _ 50O < < ■ 760 West Stockbridge, . 15 103 103 - _ 35,315 136,400 145,429 258,374 Williamstown, . 27 372 153 159 60 67,526 509,162 208,397 362,448 Windsor 8 11 11 — - 1,780 22,900 4,400 10,650 County of Bristol, 99G 33,095 19,363 10,601 3,131 10,635,692 40,952,738 23,607,343 44,046.598 Acushnit, 12 27 27 - - 6,450| 40,160 18,565 39,280 Attleborough, . 94 3,398 2,327 937 134 1,415,666' 2,862,390 l,993,06i* 4,346,309 Berkley, .... 5 13 13 - - 3,850 7,500 4,550 13,800 Dartmouth, 21 13 13 - - 1,575 32,076 10,989 47,865 Dighton, .... 9 149 87 41 21 48,420 208,800 255,168 374,700 Easton, .... 27 689 654 15 20 231,585 485,900 537,064 1,287,850 Fairhaven, 14 222 149 63 10 76,525 193,200 139,350 254,600 Fall River, 256 16,488 7,863 6,584 2,041 4,312,105 24,2?-2,586 10,014,981 18,978.776 Freetown, .... 13 62 PI - 1 14,237 70,500 34,513 80.430 Mansfield, 26 565 365 147 53 219,527 290,200 279,350 718.700 New Bedford, . 297 5,507 3,625 1,537 345 1,907,773 7,143,507 5,256,269 8.880.384 Norton, .... 21 236 106 104 26 1 78,706i 250,900 203,548' 343,975 KajMihain,'. 12 139 123 16 - 49,348 58,900 160,845 235,017 Rehoboth, 1 28 16 9 3 60,000 • > • 61,600 Beekonk 12 39 24 14 1 12,150 16,300 38,100 69,350 Somerset, .... 5 136 127 2 7 91,700; 330,545 159.250 399,800 Swansea 14 38 38 - - 10,472 24,400 21.813 39,697 T lunton, .... 152 5,163 3,646 1,072 445 2,090.690 4,.324.134 4,292.917 7,663,656 Westport, .... ' 183 99 60 24 56,225 300,750 138,300 210,909 MANUFACTURES BY TOWNS. 593 RECAPITULATION OF AGGREGATES — Continued. 03 Average Number of *t-* DO Employes. Wages. Total paid Capital Stock CODNTiEs, Cities, and CD lO '2 = Value of Towns. 00 r-l i2i during invested. used. product. |l o 2 o a > = 1= O a the year. 1" Eh IS" ^^ >^ County of Dukes, . 5 36 36 $8,850 $13,950 $35,060 $58,360 Collage City, . , 1 7 7 - - 500 10,000 Edgartowii, , , 2 1 1 - - 4,300 2,760 Goeuold, . , , 1 1 1 _ _ 150 1,200 Tisbury, . • 1 27 27 - - ... 9,000 ... . 44,400 County or Essex, . 1,908 55,689 35,779 18,156 1,754 20,385,480 37,174,997 56,323,688 93,008,271 Amesbury, 17 575 423 122 30 255,400 360,200 6S1.250 1,206,509 Aiidover, . 27 821 485 253 83 246,267 795,410 1,066.713 1,6.36,502 Beverly, . 104 1,713 1,194 48a 34 740,431 638,365 2,211,895 3,333,066 Boxford, . 13 47 44 - 3 14,085 56,600 22,035 47,725 Bradford, . 10 19 19 - - 4,460 9,300 46,925 66,287 Danvers, , 31 1,270 920 311 39 396,702 654,500 1,245,826 1,919,848 Essex, 6 U2 62 50 - 28,700 43,900 121,500 196,200 Georgetown, 47 364 278 86 - 136,461 150,900 367,989 576,412 Gloucester, 83 377 324 48 5 156,744 361,900 389,375 723,455 Grovelaiid, 7 445 249 134 62 132,950 639,425 609,250 898,050 Hamilton, . 6 83 61 22 - 27,050 40,700 96,380 180,931 Haverhill, . 211 8,145 6,121 1,973 51 2,839,715 1,919,020 7,3-^7,561 11,755,294 Ipswich, . 7 521 265 255 1 172,306 283,000 260,290 634,212 Lawrence, 218 13,014 5,526 6,712 776 4,233,771 14,319,477 10,744,461 19,332,934 Lynn, 329 12,446 8,924 3,487 35 5,823,572 6,882,350 15,551,938 25,216,778 Lynntield, 8 74 41 33 - 25,900 12.300 70,350 120,.500 Manchester, 7 86 86 - _ 36,300 87,800 59,200 121,500 Marbk'head, 116 2,633 1,702 926 5 745,665 610,500 1,370,365 2,410,593 Merrimac, . 44 489 4S4 3 2 • 210,,38S 353,050 363,326 703,5.-0 Metliuen, . 15 1,113 645 384 84 324,400 1,.596,000 915,455 1,498,146 Middleton, 7 184 132 49 3 80,227 97,400 189,325 317,996 Newburj-, . 9 25 25 _ _ 7,696 15,800 21,960 47,530 Newburyport, 144 2,901 1,708 1,066 127 779,832 1,619,.5.50 1,859,207 3,225,382 North Andover 6 824 60S 90 66 325,400 651,700 856,585 1,385,100 Peabody, . 53 1,195 1,131 48 16 543,453 1,063,670 2,289,254 4,268,-344 Rocliport, . 10 346 186 92 68 61,558 233,000 211,616 393,221 Rowley, . 23 216 189 26 1 71,950 79,100 211,435 327,288 Salem, 268 4,367 2,818 1,309 240 1,498,203 4,147,400 6,780,.379 8.440,350 Salisbury, . 38 533 520 13 - 231,726 311,400 673,915 1,057,050 Sangus, 16 321 220 84 17 89,932 162,100 317,722 479,269 'i'opstield, . 11 108 87 21 - 31,962 55,900 140,3.37 188,105 Wenham, . 10 19 17 2 - 3,476 13,580 20,260 30,254 West Newbury, 7 303 225 72 6 108,740 109,700 209,610 371,900 CoiJNTY OF Franklin, 344 4,029 3,097 708 224 1,311,583 5,116,019 2,980,317 5,826,938 Ashtield 11 15 15 - - 3,065 19,620 21, .525 35,600 Bernardston, 9 49 47 2 - 18,810 27,200 73,15u 114,850 Buckland, . 12 250 225 25 - . 98,636 506,897 96,929 279,534 Charlemont, 21 64 64 - - 11,641 56,250 42,763 77,208 Colrain, 16 31.:: 140 117 55 69,368 367,876 158,668 317,853 Conway, . 8 202 101 73 28 57,199 25.5,700 243,3.34 423,373 ])eertield, . 19 83 48 35 _ 28,5.36 47,3.50 112,.347 186,303 Erving, 14 293 259 29 5 96,750 260,500 123,675 327,720 Gill, . 3 32 32 - - 12,600 87,800 45,225 65,089 Greenfield, 32 253 224 19 10 86,099 268,5.50 189,212 345,103 Hawley, . 7 14 13 _ 1 2,045 9,500 3.245 7,200 Heath, 7 2 2 _ _ 400 5,800 14,745 18,565 Leverett, . 13 15 13 2 - 2,310 25,800 16,975 28,180 Leyden, . 6 7 7 - - 600 6,300 5,405 6,780 Monroe, 1 1 1 _ _ 600 • > • 976 Montague, 37 1,302 864 330 108 S94',298 2,213,076 855,913 1,616,884 New Salem, 11 20 20 - - 6,000 21,500 36,722 61,131 Norlhfleld, 4 4 4 - - 1,012 12,600 12,975 20,9.53 Orange, 52 806 756 45 5 341,312 708,500 701,768, 1,487,003 Rowe, 8 8 7 1 - 565 6,700 7,9.35 12,865 Shelbiirne, 13 180 141 27 12 59,644 105,900 82,201' L00,662 Shutesbury, 8 14 14 - - 1,115 3,800 11,958 19,910 Sunderland, 2 - - _ - _ 7,500 29,6.50 AX'^arwick, . 13 44 42 2 _ 9,000 21,100 26,940 47,850 AVendell, . 7 50 50 - _ 9,825 52,300 30,935: 48,130 Whately, . 10 9 8 1 " 1,708 17,300 3«,797j 47,567 594: CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. RECAPITULATION OF AGGREGATES — Continued. CoDNTiES, Cities, and Towns. Average Number of Employes. County of Hampden, Agawam, . Blandford, Brimfieltl, . ChL-8ter, Chicopee, . Granville, . Hampden, . Holyoke, . Longmeadow, Ludlow, . Monsoii, . Palmer, Russell, South wk-k, SpringHi-lJ, Tolland, . Wales, Westfield, West Hpringfield, Wilbraham, CoiTNTY OF Hampshire, Amherst, . Belchertowii, Chestertield, Cummiiiarton, Easthumploii, Enfield, . Cxvaiiby, Greenwich, Hadlev, . Hatfield, . Huntington, Middlefield, Northampton, Pelhani, . Plainfield, . Prescott, . South Had ley, Southampton, Ware, Westhanipton, Williamsburg, Worthington, County of Middlesex, Acton, Arlington, Ashby, .ash land, . Ayer, Bedford, . Billerica, . Burlington, Cambridge, Carlisle, Chelmsford, Concord, . Dracut, Dunstable, Everett, Framingham, Groton, Holliston, . Hopkinton, Hudson, . Lexington, Lincoln, . 871 10 6 17 14 43 8 10 120 6 1 10 37 7 13 437 5 8 101 10 342 29 31 15 11 21 6 5 8 24 4 8 2 90 2 7 4 13 14 11 9 7 21 2,041' 24 12l 15| 2ll 12' 10 4 379 4| 19 7 4 3 22! 59 4' 30 11 20 25 7 24,454 127 11 75 86 3,411 117 179 8,485 11 5 879 1,538 258 35 7,152 41 161 1,177 450 25b 7,234 281 66 34 88 1,3:}4 179 4 19 72 48 213 134 1,605 8 10 10 785 11 2,193 17 98 25 59,451 179 143 25 705 284 20 284 41 7,886 12 378 717 494 5 252 1,260 102 800 1,194 1,255 49 7 14,153 66 8,644 61 11 _ 75 _ 86 _ 1,654 84 1,316 31 114 44 4,167 11 3,631 5 - 731 130 758 611 96 152 30 5 4,991 41 1,927 109 50 830 325 164 243 130 118 4,091 258 2,496 23 63 3 34 _ 59 29 515 697 128 44 4 - 19 _ 72 _ 45 1 126 73 78 ' 39 1,169 8 289 10 - 10 _ 409 346 11 _ 981 907 17 _ 51 45 24 - 37,664 18,888 118 58 139 3 25 _ 428 253 267 16 20 _ 172 73 18 22 6,537 11 1,182 261 102 670 37 264 126 - 241 9 629 607 63 33 566 215 1,012 829 120 342 48 _ 7 - 1,657 441 2 21 687 18 169 10 234 2 22 43 8 647 122 7 14 17 147 30 305 2 1 2,899 3 1 24 1 39 1 167 1 15 10 104 2 24 6 19 62 &4 1 Wages. Total paid Capital during ; invested, the year. Stock used. Value of product. I $8,167,661 34,786 2,950! 14,660 28,050 986,533 30,930 46,132 2,621,985 3,820 296,712 407,071 85,323 7,009 2,842,664 12,575 51,158 483,267 114,374! 95,912 2,138,307 80,.321 17,399 6,565 20,803 399,472! 56,064 850 6,050 19,960 IS.IOO 74,581 634,6.51 335 3,600 213,672 1,905 504,786 3,400 36,850 3,742 20,696,25'^ 62,861 70,324 5,820 223,732 100,494 7,491 109,794 6,684 3,414,214; 2,640 90,604 108,679 1.35,598 725 93,9.50' 454,8->9| 37,000 210,672 476,470 494,490 15,925 725 $27,204,104 176,500 18,.500 50,300 53,000 4,141,650 66,700 144,050 9,022,914 15,4.50 3,000 782,500 1,275,500 279,900 24,740 8,761,435 23,500 43,.500! 1,317,865' 567,050 436,050, 5,910,403 1.56,100 58,775 33,725 46,358 1,388,775 194,001) 8,800 18,1.50 56,5(X) 26,700 382,900 87,000 1,365,200 7,000 5,200 5,600 778,900 10,970 1,12.3,000 15,200 117,.500 24,050 48,07.5,.536 317,960 127,3-50 21,3.50 307,400 279,132 37,212 577,.500 11,200 6,418,099 7,7.50 246,700 299,000 566,600 3,200 431,850 1,416,315 242,000 135,010 443,000 467,400 19,725 6,600 $22,744,864 90,9.52 12,565 70,605 64,175 2,309,049 42,943 249,989 6,968,066 17,895 1,068,128 1,136,302 204,197 30,283 7,685,390 51,480 229,. 549 1,085,929 298,082 1,124,975 5,720,990 2-50,151 91,239 17,630 32,756 1,375,020 225,998 15,625 23,-535 75,266 27,905 227,150 1,450,393 6',.569 17,. 565 348,200 8,980 1,246,889 7,323 131,190 11,5.55 74,695,840 234,009 . 125,598 27,090 958,963 322,933 39,698 727,716 14,890 19,637,881 1,800 720,003 847,197 673,390 3,865 481,894 1,020,996 139,242 525,821 1,294,366 1,584,700 282,225 12,560 $38,750,624 180,859 24,6-50 116,788 131,400 4,222,015 83,125 401,745 12,361,470 24,550 6,500 1,612,-5-51 2,039,574 363,411 55,720 12,595,997 72,200 408,650 2,191,262 557,033 • 1,301,124 9,974.027 419,679 128,840 33,070 79,547 2,163,689 378,300 20,600 35,967 112,593 49,825 3-50,880 199,860 2,723,959 6,8-50 10,407 .34,850 778,945 18,400 2,152,004 15,627 228,160 31,975 115,040,661 387,587 321,485 45,200 1,3.35,946 684,018 52,736 1,0.37,015 25,790 26,124,023 6,950 901,485 1,367,060 1,103,208 6,000 814,350 1,686,991 21.3,750 844,070 2,020,700 2,297,816 323,.550 16,780 MANUFACTUliES BY TOWNS. 595 RECAPITULATION OF AGGREGATES - Continued. i A\'ERAGE Number of 43 Employes. Wages. Total paid Capital Stock Counties, Citfes, and CO kO c = Value of Towns. u "3 r-t 5 a > a i2 .CO during the year. invested. used. product. ^~ Eh S" &" tH Co. OF Middlesex — Cod. Littleton, .... 9 31 31 - - $8,860 $16,750 $31,550 $46,750 Lowell, 273 20,572 9,102 10,259; 1,211 5,9.54,879 19,021,450 15,739,027 28,656,196 MaUieii, 67 1,437 926 498 13 533,153 883,2-50 1,791,525 2,836,229 Marlborough, . 100 3,486 2,436 797 253 1,451,972 983,240 3,571,634 5,565,208 Maynard, . 6 965 522 306 137 308,000 1,047,000 1,209,225 2,226,700 Medford, . 59 856 713 124 19 236,519 780,900 950,895 1,374,350 Melrose, . 11 176 139] 32 5 71,800 47,500 120,435 252,610 Natick, 78 1,994 1,494! 395 105 747,524 1,013,5-50 2,415,182 3,595,749 Newton, . 81 907 671 155 81 394,452 805,300 1,181,930 1,874,370 • North Reading, 10 52 42 10 - 15,165 27,900 88,006 111, WO Pepperell, . 26 536 454 79 3 134,356 308,500 684,300 930,025 Readinsr, . 43 454 270! 168 16 117,506 106,274 333,590 593,016 Shirborn, . 8 81 42; 39 - 13,574 28,000 38,098 63,925 t-hirley. 23 269 133| 109 27 56,579 250,650 146,647 284,753 SoraerVille, 98 953 906' 32 15 414,508 1,482,755 4,442,692 5,447,035 Stoneliam, 58 1,389 9391 413 37 520,4.32 590,400 1,771,2.54 2,589,6-50 Stow, . 6 84 46; 25 13 29,254 110,800 179,919 245,495 Sudbury, . 11 26 25 - 1 8,900 27,500 59,950 79,355 Tewksbury, 4 28 28 - - 8,064 61,000 -54,200 86,400 Townsend, 22 190 190 - - 60,995 236,6(X) 171,465 267,660 'J'yngsborough, 8 25 23 2 - 8,615 19,200 48,615 68,;iOO Wakefield, 14 1,147 805! 292 50 318,919 1,216,200 527,570 1,057.880 ■U'altham, . 101 3,171 l,636i 1,345 190 1,34.5,-372 2,601,8-50 1,-599,432 3,447,646 Watertown, 29 752 563 151 38 359,761 959,4-50 1,049,223 1,842,126 Wavland, . 13 565 494 66 5 275,452 124,200 870,386 1,228,217 Westford, . 13 3.39 185 129 25 98,561 421,335 490,441 826,255 "WeRton, . 14 57 38 16 3 12,760 35,100 29,200 69,985 Wilmington, 2 42 42 - 51,500 ... 122,390 Winchester, 37 570 499 51 20 172,133 567,600 1,482,-571 2,077,840 Woburn, . 91 2,205 1,940 197 68 854,260 1,877,389 3,863,823 5,556,396 CODNTY OF NaNTDCKET,* . - - - - - - - - - CocNTT OF Norfolk, 682 16,660 11,565 4,667 428 6,107,417 11,312,994 16,860,105 27,066,328 Bellingham, 6 180 116 58 6 66,474 265,-500 279,620 467,065 Braintiee, . 23 342 227 94 21 122,422 320,-500 444,068 641,407 Brookline, 43 305 299; 6 - 188,1.59 342,350 174,-500 457,550 Canton, 39 740 460 223 57 267,770 885,500 1,221,613 1,548,892 Cohasset, . 3 9 9 - - 4,078 12,800 14,800 21,000 Dedham, . 10 664 444 189 31 271,234 1,327,000 676,168 1,260,627 Dover, 1 7 5 2 - ■ ■ ■ 12,000 17,080 Foxborough, 35 1,569 539 1,016 14 298,203 513,550 708,4-51 1,068,881 Franklin, . 35 1,168 503 600 65 3-54,925 796,450 1,410,447 2,112,467 Holbrook, 20 1,157 955 202 - 446,800 489,850 1,363,202 2,013,700 Hyde Park, 9 504 295 157 52 170,218 472,264 496,790 866,471 Medfi-ld, . 14 62" 227: 400 _ 194,723 385,900 515,350 786,031 Medway, . 19 1,132 874| 230 28 392,891 311,-500 777,780 1,366,600 Milton, 14 219 152 67 _ 98,395 541,800 410,275 614,430 Needhain, . 35 917 499 401 17 271,173 562,050 767,036 1,277,381 Norfolk, 7 110 81 23 6 26,999 124,500 248,:543 318,500 Norwood, . 13 295 283 4 8 1.50,885 367,400 940,414 1,204,450 Quincy, 98 1,374 1,248, 91 35 566,513 712,300 897,710 1,843,321 Raiidolpl), 53 806 723 83 - 328,793 257,000 820,625 1,3.54,165 Sharon, 20 144 991 44 1 34,114 89,400 110,102 171,513 ^tnughton. 23 803 557 218 28 313,724 636,000 1,119,780 1,742,474 Walpole, . 14 277 207; 69 11 88.346 266,5-50 624,120 824,896 Weymouth, 132 2,843 2,478 324 41 1,244,786 1,428,230 2,616,886 4,556,927 Wrentham, 16 468 285 176 7 203,142 192,600 212,600 529,900 CocxTT of Plymouth, . 669 13,705 11,247 2,215 243 5,690,768 7,783,641 14,608,658 23,448,878 Abington, . . . . 21 435 369 66 - 211.091 208,800 390,335 669,1-50 Bridgewater, . 18 518 487 25 6 212,958 628,000 807,018 1,110,532 Brockton, . 169 4,725 3,743 973 9 2,279,934 1,66:3,716 5,433,3-3:3 8,750,992 Carver, 10 103 103 - 32,710 62,-301) 57,685 108,622 Duxbury, . 7 67 67i - _ 17,2-50 46,300 99,950 142,700 East Bridge water. 20 386 368 16 ' 119,644 252,2-50 186,-501 422,441 * See introduction to volume. 596 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. RECAPITULATIOX OF AGGREGATES — Continued. 1 Average Number of 00 Employes. Wages. Total paid Capital Stock Counties, Cities, and to to 'ge Value of Towns. s a i-H _ a) X. 1-1 §2! during invested. used. product. 3S "3 o 00 > ^ o = •2 01 tl the year. !z; H 2=^ fe" !>^ Co. OF Plymouth — Cod. Halifax 8 23 23 - - $3,343 $11,-520 $12,902 $20,645 Hanover, . 34 288 240 44 4 100,348 138,600 311,895 527,515 Hanson, 24 107 96 9 2 31,800 115,250 117,075 179,000 Hin^ham, . 31 358 287 63 8 111,752 221, .500 304,822 553.416 Kingston, . 17 183 139 35 9 73,800 132,200 194,.545 315,.535 Lakeville, . 3 12 10 2 - 2,250 6,.500 12,375 17.250 Marion, 6 35 35 - - 5,300 23,800 9,051 25,240 Marslitifld, 20 38 28 7 3 9,160 28,800 .33,049 62,155 Mattapoicelt, 15 30 24 6 - 8,150 30,100 20,650 41,750 MidiUi'borough 36 981 647 321 13 355,353 498,400 7!i9.il70 1,.^30,848 Pembroiiu, 13 156 146 10 - 36.295 42,800 no..584 188,614 Plj-moull), 17 924 772 94 68 329.654 1,147..300 1,511,. 574 2,145,381 Plynipton, 12 80 72 2 6 18,798 47,000 4.5,186 88,799 liochentir. 20 31 31 - - 5,355 30,950 41,000 61,160 Rocklan57 642 328 87 413.310 1,010.300 1,180,275 1,911,805 New Braintree, 4 ! 4 4 - - 1,2.51 4,132 5,275 9,120 Norlhborough, 28 451 246 162 43 124,706 276,200 243,798 786,063 Korthbridge, . 21 1,403 1,005 288 110 461,341 1,472,125 732,277 1,540,924 North Brookfield, 21 1,626 884 573 169 554,799 351,300 1,671,611 2,456,714 Oakhana, . 8 45 32 10 3 ; 8.299 25,600 84..581 107,283 Oxford, . 18 584 402 133 49 131,709 429,200 434,720 699,400 Paston, 7 18 17 1 - 4.537 7,0.50 21,175 33,395 Petersham, 12 33 33 _ _ 6,695 20,700 24,207 40,265 Phillipston, 4 15 15 - - 1 4,597 9,8.50 12,335 21,943 Princeton, 16 45 39 - 6 13,467 30,6.50 37,240 88,3.50 Koyalston, 9 128 96 24 8 38,005 138,000 112.061 222,095 Rutland 10 9 9 — ~ 1,440 12,375 6,6«5 14,280 MANUFACTURES BY TO^^'XS. 597 RECAPITULATION OF AGGREGATES — Concluded. Counties, Cities, and Towns. Co. or Worcester — Con Shrewsbury, Southborough, Southbridge, Spencer, . Sterling, . Sturbridge, Sutton, Templeton, I'pton, Uxbridge, . Warren, . Webster, . Wrsthorough, West Boylston West Broobfte Westminster, Winciiendon, Worcester, £1 9=3 6 31 30 24 17 10 10 30 17 21 28 23 26 25 20 17 45 633 Average Xumber of Employes. o > 3 22 424 1,422 1,757 72j 420' 744 592 1,431 696 18 255 756 1,400 72 268 277 504 311 395 1,313 725 1,479 892 1,735 791 705 334 312 270 261 224 727 538 14,332 11,460 4 106 519 258 136 289 72 1,107 238 832 437 873 280 37 17 121 2,477 a i •=2 63 147 99 16 178 16 13 63 256 150 71 91 5 20 68 395 Wages. Total paid during the year. Capital invested. Stock used. Value of product. $8,195 155,979 372,747 773,477 23,930 151,481 221,104 205,485 280,285 227,988 408,432 445,229 506,971 153,655 102,505 65,450 220,912 5,932921 $20,400 301,600' 1,666,150 930,340 59,700: 576,100 470,300 355,050 453,150 773,200 ],2S1,850: l,03S,6oO; 494,700! 564,000 148,100 128,800 698,100 10,101,904 $11,885 38J,292 1,284,325 2,105.277 104,743 231,864 451,339 419,696 584,160 808,436 1,16(3,429 1,346,494 1,084,518. 418,856| 278,S13| 214,4051 59r,,.S72' 15,021,324 $23,580 6j:6,955 1,892,396 3,291,373 153,978 554,699 772,201 773,706 1,029,312 1,312,582 2,138,193 2,117,128 1,725,775 763,103 474,025 333,850 1,028,313 24,758,457 RECAPITULATION BY COUNTIES. .o A^-ERAGE Number of of est nts. Employes. j Wages. Total paid Capital Stock Counties. ^ Toe State, . 14,134 335,078 217,603 101,241 16,234 $121,103,705 $280,175,753 $355,737,797 $581,983,449 Barnstable, . 130 1,007 533 466 8 185,082 1,310,255 813,046 1,-348,969 Berkshire, . 514; 9,866 5.803 3,100 963 3.125,279 11,359,169 10,242,557 17.088,959 Bristol, . 996 33,095 19,363 10,601 3,131 10,635,692 40,9.52,738 23,607,343 44,046,598 Dukes, . 5| 36 36 - 8,850 13,950 35,060 58,360 Essex, . 1,908| 55,689 35,779 18,156 1,754 20,-385,480 37,174,997 56,323,688 93,008.271 Franklin, 344 4,029 3,097 708 224 1,311,583 5,116,019 2,980,317 5,826,938 Hampden, 871 ! 24,454 14,153 8,644 1,657 8,167,661 27,204,104 22,744,864 38,750,624 Hampshire, . 342! 7,234 4,091 2,496 647 2,138,307 5,910,403 5,720,990 9,974,027 Middlesex, . 2,041' 59,451 37,664 18,888 2,899 20,696,2.58 48,075,536 74,695,840 115,040,661 Nantucket,* . -] - - - _ - _ _ Norfolk, 682 16,660 n,.565 4,667 428 6,107,417 11,312.994 16,860,105 27,066,328 Plymouth, . 6691 13,705 11,247 2,215 243 5,690,768 7,783,641 14,668,658 23,448,878 Suffolk, 3,685 58,-544 39,050 18,237 1,2.57 24,412,658 44,811,584 79,921,035 126,952,307 Worcester, . 1,947| 51,308 35,222 13,063 3,023 18,238,670 39,150,363 47,124,234 79,372,529 * See introduction to volume. MANUFACTURES. BY NAME. MANUFACTURES BY :N"AME. In order that the business of individual establislnnents may not be disclosed to the public, the items of "wages paid" and "stock used" are omitted in all cases where there arc not at least three establishments engaged in a particular industry in a city or town. The items of wages and stock used are also omitted in case the number of establishments engaged in all industries in a city, town, or county is less than three. In all but a few cases items omitted, as regards industries or cities and towns, appear in the county totals ; the grand totals of wages paid and stock used are always given in the State aggregates. Such omissions are indicated, in all cases, by the use of leaders (...); in cases where the figures were not given in the original returns, the dash (-) is used to denote the deficiency. The items of wages paid and stock used were generally returned by the United States Census enu- merators and special agents, and the distinction above is made to remove a possible impression that the United States Census was deficient in these respects. The omissions arc made only for reasons given above. The statistics of manufactures given under the heading "Manufactures by Name" do not include the returns for Breweries and Distilleries; Coke; Gas; Glass; Mixed Textiles ; Petro- leum refining; Print Works, Bleacheries, and Dye Works; Salt; Shipbuilding; and Silk and Silk Goods. These industries were assigned to special agents, and the Census Office was unable to supply the Bureau with details by towns. The exact or estimated State totals of these omitted industries will be found in the "Recapitulation of Aggregates." The branches of man- ufacture included under the condensed class headings will be found given in detail at the head of each industry presentation. The classification adopted is that of the State Census of 1875 with some slight changes. 602 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. MANUFACTURES BY NAME. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. [Apple parers, apple pickore, cradles, cultivators, dibbles, feed cutters, garden rakes, harrows, hay cutters, horse rakes, horse hoes, hoes, hay tedders, hones, rifles and whetstones, mowinij niachines, mowing and reaping machine knives, mowing and reaping machine attachments, mowing and reaping machine sections, pruning knives, plows, potato diggers, rakes, reaping machines, scythes, scythe snaths, seed sowers, stump pullers, shovels, spades, tree protectors, winnowing machines, yokes, etc.] i Average Number of OD Employes. Wages. Total paid Capital Stock Counties, Cities, and «5 in "? =■ Value of Towns. o ^ o a > H •5- during the year. invested. used. product. ^ H Pi" fe- >H Berkshire, 8 17 17 . _ $3,750 $18,100 $4,555 $13,700 Hancock, .... 1 1 1 - - • ■ ■ 1,500 1,600 New Marlborough, . 1 1 1 - - 1,300 900 Otis, 1 1 1 - - 2,500 1,200 Sandisfield, 2 6 6 - - 3,000 2,500 Tyringham, 3 8 8 - - 2,250 9,800 2,700 7,500 BltlSTOL, .... 3 509 494 - 15 176,150 403,000 391,175 988,150 Berkley 1 4 4 - - , . 2,000 1,800 Easton 1 500 485 - 15 > . . 400,000 985,000 Taunton, .... 1 5 5 - - ... 1,000 1,350 Franklin, .... 3 30 30 _ _ 10,200 7,000 5,.500 21,.500 Bernardston, . 1 11 11 - - 1,000 10,000 Charlemont, 1 18 18 - - 6,000 8,000 Montague, 1 1 1 - - ... 1,000 ... 3,500 Hampden, .... 3 69 69 _ _ 28,900 102,000 49,8:)0 100,.500 Chicopee 3 69 69 - - 28,900 102,000 49,850 100,500 Hampshire, 2 62 62 _ _ ... 62,400 ... 131,522 Belchertown, . 2 2 - - 2,400 1,522 IJorthampton, . 60 60 - - ... 60,000 130,000 Norfolk, .... ' 2 15 15 _ _ ... 3,000 ... 13,.5O0 Bellingham, 15 15 - - ... 3,000 ... 13,500 Worcester, 269 267 1 1 115,934 305,000 116,322 394,520 Barre 29 29 - - * . . 20,000 ... 32,500 Fitchburg, 8 7 1 _ 17,000 12,000 Harvard, .... 5 5 - _ 6,000 ... 5,000 Oakham, .... 7 6 - 1 . . . 2,000 . . • 5,620 Worcester, 2 220 220 "• ~ 260,000 — 339,400 RECAPITULATION (By Counties) • The State, 27 971 954 1 16 $365,396 $900,500 $631,552 $1,663,392 Berkshire, 8 17 17 _ _ 3,750 18,100 4,555 13,700 Bristol, . 3 509 494 - 15 176,150 403,000 391,175 988,150 Franklin, . 3 30 30 _ _ 10,200 7,000 5,500 21,500 Hampden, 3 69 69 _ - 28,900 102,000 49,850 100,500 Hami)shire, 2 62 62 - - . > • 62,400 131,522 Norfolk, . 1 15 15 - - . . • 3,000 13,500 Worcester, 7 269 267 1 1 115,934 305,000 116,322 394,520 MANUFACTURES BY I^^AME. cm ARMS AND AMMUNITION. [Bayonets, diialin, exploders, firearms, giant-powder, gun-cotton, gunpowder, gunsmithing, metallio and other cartridges, nitro-glycerine, ordnance, pistols, projectiles, swords, tompions, torpedoes, etc.] 1 CO o a-S OS Average Number of e.mployes. Wages. Total paid during the year. Capital invested. Stock used. Counties, Cities, and Towns. "5 to 0) a ^ aj • li - o 5 5 1^ Value of product. Berksuire, North Adams, Bristol, Freetown, . New Bedford, Hampden, . Chicopcc, . Southwiclv, Si.rint; field, Westlield, . Hampshire, Hatfield, . Middlesex, Acton, Lowell, Worcester, Worcester, 1 o 5 5 15 15 32 30 2 851 30 3 814 4 38 38 230 35 195 329 329 15 15 31 30 1 851 30 3 814 4 35 35 115 35 80 307 307 1 1 100 100 1 1 2 2 15 15 22 22 $436,387 416,147 136,291 136,291 $45,600 45,600 42,ono 40,000 2,000 3,010,455 20,1 O'l 7,500 2,975,455 7,500 17,000 17,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 125,000 125,000 $245,220 221,260 61,800 61,800 $60,000 60,000 27, .WO 25,000 2,500 676,824 31,340 9,391 611,093 25,000 24,000 24,000 304,344 106,230 198,114 249,828 249,828 RECAPITULATION (By Counties). The State, 17 1,495 1,354 101 40 $693,037 $3,540,055 $530,478 $1,342,496 Berkshire, 1 15 15 _ -. ... 45,600 60,000 Bristol 2 32 31 - 1 42,000 27,500 Hampden,. 6 851 851 - - 436,387 3,010,455 245,220 676,824 Hampshire, 1 38 35 1 2 t • •■ 17,000 24,000 Middlesex, 2 230 115 100 15 300,000 304,344 Worcester, 5 329 t 307 "" 22 1 136,291 125,000 61,800 249,828 ARTIFICIAL TKETII AND DENTAL WORK. Bristol, Fall River, Essex, . Salem, Hampden, . Springfield, Middlesex, Framingliam, Marlborough, Norfolk, . Randolph, Plymouth, . Brockton, . Worcester, Leominster, Southbridge, Worcester, 5 9 9 5 9 9 - - 2 3 2 _ 1 2 3 3 2 1 3 4 4 4 2 3 3 - - 2 1 1 - - 2 2 2 _ _ 2 2 2 - - 4 2 2 _ 4 2 2 - - 26 12 12 _ _ 1 1 1 - - 1 1 1 _ _ 24 10 10 — — $45,000 45,000 2,118 1,650 1,650 7,670 7,020 $85,000 85,000 5,000 5,000 2,325 2,325 1,975 1,550 425 1,300 1,300 3,150 3,150 21,075 1,000 l.OCO 19,075 $9,000 9,000 5,600 5,600 1,600 3,132 3,132 14,520 12,720 $24,000 24,000 9,.500 9,500 5,900 5,9U0 5,811 4,116 1,695 4,300 4,300 11,165 11,165 64,8.38 2,000 2,500 60,.3o8 C04 CEXSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1S80. ARTIFICIAL TEETH AND DENTAL WORK — Concluded. RECAPITULATION (By Counties). i Average Number of of est ats. E.MPLOrES. WAGES. Total paid Capital Stock Counties, Cities, and CD »C "C ^ Value of Towns. umber liehme "a o ^ a. a > Si during the year. invested. used. product. ^ i Eh s^ i" ^^ The State, 1 46 32 31 - 1 $a8,93S $119,825 $36,552 $125,514 BriKtol 5 9 9 _ _ 45,000 85,000 9,000 24,000 Ekscx, 2 3 2 - 1 i 5,000 9,500 Hamp'len, . 3 ' - - - - 2,325 5,600 6,900 Middl -Kcx, 4 4 4 - - 2,118 1,970 1,600 5,811 Norfolk, . 2 2 2 - - • • • 1,300 4,300 Flymoutli, 4 2 2 - - 1,650 3,150 3,l:?2 11,165 WorctBter, 26 12 12 ~ ~ 7,670 21,07c 14,.520 6-1,838 ARTISANS' TOOLS. [Angers and bits, anvils, awls, axes and adzes, blackemilhs' tools, braces, bookbinders' tools, boring machines, brass-finislicrs' tool«, carvern' tool*", carpcnicrs' tools, chiscli^, collar and ollii r dit-s, drills, edge tools, eyelet tools, engravers' tools, rtli s and racps, forms and tr< es, glaziers' tools, l^inlll■t^<, baulu ts, hat- ters' tools and blocks, hammers, ice tools, jewellers' tools, moulding tools, macliinihts' tools, millwrights' tools, planes, stencil-cutters' tools, stone-cutters' tools, spirit levels, saws, shears and jjunclies, shoe knives, shoe dies, shoe tools, tatmers' and curriers' tools, tinsmiths' tools, upholsterers' tools, watch- makers' tools, wrenches, wax tools, etc.] Barnstable, 1 2 2 $1,000 $1,400 Sandwich, 1 2 2 - ... 1,000 ... 1,400 Bristol, 14 217 191 16 10 $96,375 248,550 $67,380 241,061 Attlcborough, . 4 9 8 1 _ 6,075 10,500 6,800 19,180 Easton, . • . . 1 2 2 - - 550 650 Fall River, 1 5 5 _ _ • . . 600 4,000 Mansfield, .... 4 48 39 2 7 15,700 32,000 13,000 .38,000 Kew Bidford, . 2 144 131 13 - ... 200,900 . . • 170,7.31 Taunton 2 9 6 - 3 ! ... 4,000 ... 8,500 Essex 6 15 12 _ 3 5,103 4,20(1 2,414 14,241 Haverhill 1 - - - - - 700 2,000 Lawrence, 1 1 3 3 - - ... 450 • ■ ■ 2,241 Lynn, .... 2 ' 1 1 - - . . . 1,5.50 4,000 Salem 1 9 6 - 3 1 1,000 4,000 Salisbury, .... 1 2 2 - 1 ... 500 2,000 Franklin, .... 7 1,003 819 77 107 342,358 1,094,247 367,469 839,213 Buckland, .... 2 , 231 206 25 - ... 486,247 235,684 Greenlield, 3 i 99 89 3 7 32,100 1.33,000 2l".8O0 70,400 Montuiiue, 1 600 460 45 95 ■ • . 450,000 473,129 Bhelburne, 1 73 64 4 5 ... 25,000 ... 60,000 Hampden, .... 3 27 26 _ 1 9,525 14,300 5,480 23,300 Holyoke 1 6 5 - 1 * . • 2,000 3,500 Springfield, 2 21 21 - i ~ j ... 12,300 ... 19,800 Hampshire, 4 12 11 1 4,350 5,600 l.GOO 11,000 Cummington, . 2 9 8 1 - 1,300 6,000 Hadky, .... 1 1 1 - _ 4,000 ... 3,000 Huntington, 1 2 2 - - ... 300 ... 2,000 Middlesex, 16 117 117 _ _ 51,486 125,000 68 308 206,268 Arliiiginii,. 3 40 40 _ _ 22,410 35,.5fiO 27,030 66,735 Camhriilge, 1 2 2 - - . > > 5,000 2,500 Hudsi.n 1 2 2 - - 1,000 6,000 Lowell, .... 3 44 44 _ _ 15,625 72,000 32,500 102,500 Natick 2 8 8 _ _ • . • 4,600 5.000 Somerville, 1 2 2 _ _ 1,500 1,583 Stonehiim, 2 5 5 _ i 1,500 4,9.50 Wakefield, 1 12 12 _ _ • . • 3,U00 ... 12,000 Woburn 2 2 2 - - ... 900 ... 5,000 MAifCTACTURES BY XAME. GO.j ARTISAXS' TOOLS — Concluded. 1 C3 Average Xumbek of • Employes. Wages. Total paid Capital Stock CotJNTiES, Cities, axd <6 L-5 13 .: Value of Towns, 3 « during invested. used. product. "s .2g II •5 — the year. 3 = o ~, 3 S ts o o !zi H S fe ^ Norfolk, . ; . . 3 31 23 8 $11,900 $20,500 $5,900 $32,500 Medwav, .... 2 25 17 8 _ 1 • . • 17,500 ... 24,500 Stoughton, 1 6 6 - " i ... 3,000 8,000 PLTMOL'TH, .... 5 52 52 _ 1 37,025 18,600 8,625 54,150 Brockton 5 52 52 - ~ 37,025 18,600 8,625 54,150 Suffolk 18 110 105 4 1 42,646 91,800 29,370 115,633 Boston 18 110 105 4 1 42,646 91,800 29,370 115,633 Worcester, 39 882 873 1 8 426,605 1,176,977 496,114 1,186,504 Brooklifl.i, 17 17 - - ... 6,000 25,000 Douifhis 300 300 - - 400,000 411,700 Fitcbburg, 106 103 - 3 47.921 141,500 10'2,0'23 185,887 Gardner, . . . . - - - - 3,000 1,000 Hubtinnlston, . 1 1 - - 550 • ' • 600 Milfor.l 3 3 - 5,000 8,000 Millbury, . . . . - _ - - - 1,0')0 1,200 Oxford, . . . . 1 1 - *" 4,000 1,500 Sturbridge, 69 69 - 66,000 66,879 Warren 18 18 - 11,000 23,000 West Bn vision. ] 1 _ . • > > 500 1,800 Worcester, 23 366 360 1 5 186,907 538,427 158,147 459.938 RECAPITULATION (By CorxxiES). The State, Barnstable, Bristol, Esses, Franklin, . Hampden, Hampshire, Middlesex, Norfolk, . Plymouth, Suffulk, . Worcester, . 1 "«i 2,468 .! li o 14 ' 217 6 i 15 7 ! 1,003 3 27 4 12 16 117 3 31 5 52 18 110 39 882 2,231 2 191 12 819 26 11 117 23 52 105 873 107 130 16 10 _ 3 77 107 - 1 1 - 8 - 4 1 1 8 $1,027,772 $2,800,774 $1,053,266 $2,725,270 96,375 5,103 342,358: 9,525 4,350 51,485 11,9001 37,025 42,646] 426,6051 1,000 248,550 4,200 1,094,247 14,300 5,600 125,000 20,500 18,600 91,800 1,176,977 67,386 2,414 367,469 5,480 1,600 68,308 5,900 8,6251 29,370, 496,114 1,400 241,061 14,241 839,213 23,300 11,1)00 206,268 32,500 54,150 115,633 1,186,504 A^\•XIXGS AND TENTS. [Awnings, flags, tents, etc.] E>!SEX, Lawrence, Hampden, . Springtield, Middlesex, Lowell, BtTFFOLK, Boston, Worcester, Worcester, 1 i 1 1 5 5 1 1 53 53 4 4 2 2 1 1 12 12 4 4 40 40 - 1 1 1 1 $21 21 1' iO - • $500 500 • 2,000 2,000 , 500 500 • 16,200 16,200 $43 43 840 840 3,500 3,500 • $1,100 1,100 6,000 6,000 3,000 3,000 77,150 77,150 5,500 5,500 606 CEXSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1S80 AWNINGS AND TENTS — Concluded. RECAPITULATION (By Counties). Counties, Cities, and Towns. The State, Essex, Hampden, Middlesex, Suffolk, . Worcester, J3 03 o2 MB IZi Average Number of Employes. o to in f-H o m ^ •Z > a = 5 ° ■=•= £.0 ^^ « 3 fc 64 19 43 1 _ 1 5 2 2 1 1 53 12 40 4 4 - 3J5 o o Wages. Total paid during the year. Capital invested. $24,350 21,180 $22,700 500 2,000 500 16,200 3,500 Stock used. Value of product. $52,240 43,840 $92,7.V) 1,100 6,000 .-5,000 77,150 5,500 BOOTS AND SHOES. [Boots, black-ball, box toes, counters, custom-made goods, clogs and s.abots, dresFinc, lietls, Inner soles, piping and stajing, rosettes, shoes, slippers, studs, shanks, sliflenings, shoe-strings (^linen, cotton, hnd leather), tips, webbing, etc.] Barnstable, 5 50 40 10 $15,008 $35,650 $54,631 $74,845 Harwich, . 1 13 13 - - ■ > • 6,000 12,000 Orleans, . 2 - - - - - 400 1,325 Sandwich, 1 36 26 10 - ■ • • 29,000 60,720 Yarmouth, 1 1 1 - - ... 250 800 Berkshire, 13 679 452 165 62 226,395 279,000 954,350 1,317,238 Egremont, 1 7 7 - - ■ • . 1,500 8,000 Lee, .... 2 2 2 - - ... 1,000 2,354 Lenox, 1 - _ - _ - 300 . . . 800 New Marlborough, . 1 1 7 - - • . . 8,700 25,000 North Adams, . 3 505 278 165 62 167,298 165,000 687,000 924,944 l'^tt^tield, . 4 157 157 _ _ 54,600 102,300 251,250 355,440 Williamstown, . 1 1 1 - - ... 200 ... 700 Bristol, 56 542 436 97 9 193,835 210,400 534,100 776,845 Acu.-hnet, 1 2 2 - - • ■ . 3,000 4,225 Attleborough, . 2 1 1 _ - ■ • • 750 . . . 1,100 Berkley, . 1 1 1 _ - • • • 200 1,200 Dartmouth. 1 _ . « . . 300 . * > 950 Easton, 3 93 81 12 _ 30.000 21,000 77,800 130,700 Fairhaven, 2 _ _ _ _ _ 800 • . . 3,900 Fall River, 21 38 24 5 9 11,433 10,950 8,230 25,428 New B> dford, . 12 264 201 63 - 99,8;i4 135,550 292,900 386,825 Norton, 1 6 5 1 - 3,000 10,000 liaynham. 4 125 109 16 _ 43,268 32,000 139,645 198,567 Swansea, . . ^ 1 3 3 _ _ • • . 500 1,600 Taunton, . 7 9 9 - - 4,200 2,350 4,325 12,350 Essex, . 572 26,675 18,506 8,027 142 10,199,096 8,041,980 25,852,650 41,703,289 Amesbury, 1 17 10 7 - • . ■ 6,500 17,730 Andover, . 3 65 32 33 - 10,675 9,000 26,495 48,800 Beverly, . 36 1.320 859 441 20 582,836 426,000 1,653,985 2,483,831 Boxford, . 1 7 7 - . > . 2,000 9,225 Bradford, . 4 14 14 _ _ 3,900 4,300 8,200 18,200 Banvers, . 11 1,025 684 305 36 319,024 362,0 830,997 1,300,683 Essex, 3 106 56 50 - 26,950 27,900 103,500 172,400 (jeorgetown, 15 272 230 42 - 106,280 104,425 282,333 428,440 Gloucester, 1 17 14 3 - 10,000 12,000 Groveland, 2 65 49 14 2 . . . . 37,700 89,250 Hamilton, . 1 3 1 2 _ ... 700 2,800 Haverhill, . 155 7,661 5,765 1,861 35 2,60.5,697 1,631,370 6,660,275 10,557,394 Ipswich, . 2 49 35 14 - • • ■ 21,000 77,900 Lawrence, 21 112 112 - - 8,977 4,860 15,4.33 34,179 Lynn, 174 10,708 7,297 3,389 22 4,931,530 4,263,2.50 12,918,221 20,946,867 Lynnfield, 3 68 35 33 - 23,800 6,000 67,000 112,500 Marbiehead, 75 2,429 1,513 911 5 683,121 432,975 1,218,947 2,149,40.1 Merrimac, , 1 45 40 3 2 40,000 72,000 MAXUTACTUEES BY N^AME. 607 BOOTS AND SHOES — Continued. C3 Average Number of to Employes. Wages. Total paid Capital Stock Counties, Cities, and CO >o ■5d Value of Towns, ■§■= I" 2 o ? > is 3 Youth at childre during the year. invested. used. product. Essex — Con. Methuen 4 13] 101 30 - $50,300 $85,500 $175,725 $269,675 Miiidleton, 1 123 80 40 3 • ■ • 10,000 193,496 Newbury 2 16 16 - - • . . 3,800 26,000 Newburjport, . 15 902 573 326 3 231,468 272,250 597,4.51 956,352 Peabody 2 31 20 11 - 9,000 32,000 Rowley, .... 11 186 160 26 - 62,500 45,500 140,010 231,783 Salem, .... 14 780 414 354 12 243,949 109,250 497,016 896,950 Salisbury, 2 41 28 13 - 6,800 29,500 Saugus, .... 4 149 114 35 - 40,100 16,500 84,230 146,600 Topcfield, .... 5 98 77 21 - 28,312 41,600 68,912 107,225 Wenham 1 5 3 2 - 1,500 • . . 5,304 West Newbury, 2 230 167 61 2 ... 60,000 ... 274,800 Franklin 7 44 40 4 _ 16,400 25,600 56,650 91,050 Bernard!- ton, . 1 20 • 18 2 - ... 15,000 60,000 Charlemont, 1 1 1 - - ... 3,000 • . . 1,500 Deerfleld, .... 2 - - - - _ 300 • • • 1,500 Montague, 1 3 3 - - • . . 1,000 • ■ • 2,500 Orange, .... 1 - - - - - 30(1 • • . 1,550 Warwick 1 20 18 2 - ... 6,000 ... 24,000 Hampden, .... 39 40 39 _ 1 16,121 19,275 23,242 62,961 Chicopee 5 8 8 - - 3,330 3,750 5,088 10,777 Holyoke 5 9 8 - 1 4,141 4,900 l,90u 9,096 Ludlow 1 r 5 - - 3,000 6,500 Palmer, .... 1 3 3 - - • ■ • 500 • ■ > 3,000 Springtield, 27 1? 15 - 6,100 7,125 10,444 33,588 Hampshire, 9 21 20 _ 1 5,375 5,800 12,1c 5 24,020 Belchertown, . . _ . 1 - - - - _ 25 • ■ ■ 500 Easlhampton, . . " . 2 1 ] - - . . . 375 . > . 2,670 Northampton, . 5 3 2 - 1 1,025 1,400 1,300 5,250 Ware 1 17 17 - - ... 4,000 ... 15,600 Middlesex, 232 11,157 8,375 2,198 584 4,238,723 3,648,780 12,409,976 18,750,690 Arlington, 4 3 3 - - 1,450 3,600 1,825 5,200 Ashland 3 340 311 19 10 134,232 195,000 673,323 906,580 Ayer 1 26 25 1 - - • > ■ 42,000 > • . 60,000 Bedford, . . . . 1 2 2 - - 1.500 . . . 2,250 Burlington, 2 30 8 21 1 3,200 • * > 13,700 Cambridge, 6 38 29 5 4 11,684 31,250 25,232 47,109 Concord, .... 2 250 250 - - • • . 75,000 715,000 Framingham, . 2 19 17 2 - ■ ■ > 5,050 • ■ ■ 26,700 HolliPton, . • . 17 457 436 19 3 143,177 81,500 334,041 539,270 Hopkinton, 7 1,174 992 120 62 469,285 430,000 1,271,566 1,980,6C0 Hudson 5 1,020 689 251 80 415,300 305,000 1,222,700 1,788,316 Lexintrton, 1 2 2 - - 200 1,800 Lowell, .... 10 39 34 5 - i5',iio 10,750 29",669 55,448 Maiden, .... 1 4 3 1 - • < • 500 2,600 Marlborough, . • 23 3,278 2,233 793 252 1,357,283 854,100 3,353,163 5,169,356 Medford, .... 1 - - - - - 200 • • • 800 Melrose, .... 2 91 56 30 5 ... 31,000 153,610 Natick, .... 33 1,537 1,352 127 68 631,747 741,100 2,092,677 3,062,509 Newton 3 3 3 - — 1,220 650 1,950 5,950 North Reading, 2 37 27 10 - 10,000 43,000 Peppcrell, .... 1 290 270 20 — • . . 100,000 305,000 Reading 15 150 106 43 1 25,875 24,450 57,70] 105,566 Bherborn, .... 2 26 26 - - 13,000 32,.500 Somerville, 10 14 8 2 4 3,800 2,905 7,097 17,350 Sloneham, 30 1,122 677 411 34 411,170 405,900 1,202,09? 1,827,350 Sudbury 2 13 13 - 10,250 27,650 Wakefield, 5 127 87 40 - 45',i94 50,500 93',iif 164,000 Waltbam, .... 11 9 9 - - 3,819 2,575 5,09i 13,941 Watertown, 2 2 2 - - • • . 400 2,780 Wayland 7 557 486 66 5 273,077 120,000 850,19] 1,193,717 Winchester, 6 39 3 32 4 5,320 7.300 11,575 22,250 Woburn 15 458 217 180 61 124,018 89,900 251,771 458,788 608 CENSUS OP MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. BOOTS AND SHOES — Continued. i Average Number of Employes. Wages. Total paid Capital Stock Counties, Cities, A^D • 8,160 Holbrook 16 1,152 950 202 - 445,000 487,000 l,.3e0,652 2,007,700 Med way 7 782 743 17 20 329,150 197,000 664,980 1,028,000 Needliani, 2 155 141 14 - 101, .^00 457,000 Quincy, . . . . 7 49S 376 89 30 150,160 252,100 311,075 643,750 Randolph 26 731 649 82 - 300,843 153,600 721,4.50 1,163,300 Sharon 7 79 62 17 - 12,062 44,500 54,511 78,075 Stouphton, 11 477 391 61 25 220,140 152,000 533,860 918,980 Weymouth, 68 2,286 2,012 263 11 1,042,479 1,016,830 1,962,275 3,514,484 Plymouth, . . . . 175 8,522 6,977 1,496 49 3,827,885 2,831,346 8,944,749 14,070,965 Abington, . . . . 11 385 324 61 - 186,557 170,(100 347,000 586,934 Bridgewater, . 1 14 14 - - 2,000 ' ... 28,021 Brocliton, . . . . 73 3,981 3,090 887 4 ],919',469 1,261,990 4,802,348 7,411,919 Enet Bridgewater, . 5 114 99 14 1 31,400 25,9.i0 S.'i,0.'iO 135,470 Hanover, . . . . 10 200 163 37 - 68,200 53,350 157,425 259,025 Hanson, . . . . 1 10 8 2 - • • • 1,400 4,500 Hinghnm, . . . . 2 55 52 3 - . . . 45,000 128,000 Middleborougb, 5 361 300 64 - 163,500 105,000 279,313 484,. 5.50 Pembroke, 2 100 90 10 - ... 12,000 . . . 129,1.50 Plymouth, 1 325 284 38 3 . . . 1.^0,000 . . . 529,009 Plympton, 2 40 40 - - 8,. 500 40,000 Rochester, 1 - - - - - 350 1 ,000 Rockland 84 1,407 1,192 204 11 618,361 524,000 1,327,549 2,142,771 Scituate, . . . . 3 53 49 4 - 17,725 21,500 .'■)4,0GS 85,025 South Abinpton, 8 1,029 8-6 115 28 476,9.50 371,0110 990,500 1,.575,741 South Scituate, 9 281 245 36 - 97,860 40,800 171,.500 301,790 West Bridgewater, . 7 164 141 21 2 62,700 38,500 129,750 228,000 Suffolk 111 1,827 1,186 587 64 642,913 535,175 1,606,541 2,684,223 Boston 107 1,814 1,176 586 52 638,443 528,975 1,060,941 2,670,823 Chelsea, . . . . 4 13 10 1 2 4,470 6,200 5 600 13,400 Worcester, 155 9,658 7,453 1,702 503 4,055,096 4,501,837 0,8S0,5I2 15,611,822 Atliol 7 367 260 94 13 130,160 132,779 280,417 472,200 Berlin 1 60 40 20 - ■ • ■ 20,000 140,000 Bolton, . . . . 1 10 8 2 - 1,000 1,725 Brooktield, 5 199 162 25 12 87,000 52,000 232,660 393,000 Charlton 2 75 57 18 _ ■ > • 42,000 ■ . • 145,000 Fitchburg, 8 93 55 29 9 34,395 38,100 .90,750 156,900 Grafton 4 250 202 38 10 107,000 160,000 235,150 383,000 Harvard, .... 2 - - - - _ 500 1,0.50 Hubbardston, . 2 22 20 2 _ ... 11,000 29,000 Leicester, .... 2 23 13 7 3 ... 9,500 60,000 Leominster, 1 28 18 10 - 15,000 • . . 40,000 Mendon 1 29 27 2 - 5,000 50,336 Milford, .... 18 1,812 1,543 223 46 619*491 729,300 1,308,425 2,142,136 Millbury, .... 1 36 32 4 - 5,000 57,341 Norlhborougb, . 1 7 - 3 4 > • . 200 2,400 North Brooktield, . 1 1,000 800 150 50 • • • 300,000 1,996,195 Oxford 3 176 146 30 - 65,000 60,000 159,250 250,000 Paxton, .... 1 4 3 1 - • * • 1,000 2,300 Shrewsbury, 2 14 10 4 - ^4,400 16,180 Southborough, . 2 269 154 65 50 110,000 375,000 Spencer, .... 11 1,419 1,167 153 99 636,350 603,000 1,510,972 2,347,000 Templeton, 1 25 20 5 - ... 5,000 25,000 Warren 4 156 146 10 - 71,900 100,000 165.851 264,2.50 Webster 4 382 327 55 - 171,278 95,250 323,48; 559,754 Westborough, . 2 505 310 130 65 125,000 582,500 West Bovlston, 1 26 24 2 _ • . » 10,000 40,000 West Brooktield, 7 266 225 37 4 93,900 106,500 234,26: 384,650 Winchendon, . 1 1 1 - - > . > 800 1,200 Worcester, 69 2,404 1,683 583 138 1,148,432 1,750,508 3,011,07; 4,703,705 MAISTUFACTURES BY XAME. GOD BOOTS AND SHOES — Concluded. RECAPITULATION (By Covxtiks). ii & Average Number of . Employes. Wages. Total paid Capital Stock Counties, Cities, axd o •A "£ a V.-ilne of To'svNs. ;- C/ u =3 fc. during invested. used. product. Ex ~ ll alH the year. 5 -— o £ « £ a o o iz; H a ^ >' The State, . 1,532 65,552 49,013 15,048 1,491 $26,070,266 $22,656,523 $66,357,826 $105,118,299 Barnstable, . 5 50 40 10 _ 15,008 35,650 54,631 74,845 Berkshire, 13 679 452 165 62 226,395 279,000 954,350 1,317,238 Bristol, . 56 542 436 97 9 193,835 210,400 534,100 776,845 Essex, . 572 26,675 18,506 8,027 142 10,199,096 8,041,980 25,852,650 41,703,289 Franklin, / 44 40 4 - 16,400 25,600 56,6.50 91,050 Hampden, 39 40 S9 - 1 16,121 19,275 23,242 62,961 Hampshire, 9 21 20 - 1 5.375 5,800 12,155 24,020 Middlesex, 232 11,157 8,375 2,198 584 4,238,723 3,648,780 12,409,971) 18,750,690 Norfolk, . 158 6,337 5,489 762 86 2,633,419 2,521, 6S0 5,968,270 9,950,351 Plymouth, 175 8,522 6,977 1,496 49 3,827,885 2,831,346 8.944,749 14,070,965 Suffolk, . 111 1,827 1,186 687 54 642,913 535,175 1,666,.541 2,084,223 Worcester, 155 9,658 7,453 1,702 503 4,055,096 4,501,837 9,880,512 15,611,822 BOXES. [Merchandise caeee, paper boxes, eewing-machine cases, ■wooden boxes, etc.] Berkshire, . 3 15 15 _ _ $4,975 $12,200 $63,300 $73,150 North Adiuns, 1 12 12 - - • . . 10,000 70,150 Otis, 1 2 2 - - ■ . . 1,000 ... 2,000 Sandisfield, . 1 1 1 - - ... 1,200 ... 1,000 Bristol, . 10 64 22 S7 5 16,439 30,500 23,400 59,150 Acushnet, 2 5 5 - - • ■ ■ 7,000 ... 7,500 Attlfborongh, 2 11 1 9 1 • • . 2,700 8,000 Fall Riv.'r, . 2 21 4 14 3 • ■ ■ 7,000 • . . 18,000 Mansfield. 1 2 1 - 1 • ■ ■ 300 . . . 1,500 New Bedford, 2 23 9 14 - 8,500 19,150 Raynhara, 1 2 2 - ... 5,000 ... 5,000 Essex, 24 360 174 175 11 134,210 150,700 293,385 547,-328 Andover, 1 6 6 - - 2,000 ... 11,2;9 Beverly, 1 33 15 8 10 1,500 60,000 Danvers, 1 21 14 6 1 ... 20,000 30,000 Georgetown, . 1 4 4 - - 3,100 7,000 Gloucester, . 2 8 8 - - 10,000 . . . 42,000 Haverhill, 6 55 20 35 - 22,547 13,200 31,450 79,-500 Ipswich, 1 8 8 - - 2,.500 12,000 Lynn, 5 125 47 78 - 52,750 23,000 69,000 158,-500 Marblehead, . 2 23 9 14 - 9,600 43,000 Middlelon, 1 SO 26 4 - 50,000 ... 50,000 Newburyport, 2 27 9 18 - 5,800 22,009 Salem, ". 1 16 7 9 - 9,000 30,500 West Newbury, 1 4 1 3 - ... 1,000 ... 1,600 Franklin, 5 26 14 10 2 6,970 8,100 6.480 21,0-50 Greenfield, 1 6 - 4 2 2,800 3,2.i0 Orange, . 2 14 12 2 - 2,300 10,800 Shelburne, 1 5 1 4 - 2,000 . . . 6,000 Warwick, 1 1 1 - - ... 1,000 ... 1,000 Hampden, 15 248 79 165 4 67,203 43,300 131,007 243,262 Springfield, . 9 219 60 157 2 60,8.59 30,700 108,100 206,662 Wales, . 1 2 2 - - 2,500 1,500 Westfield, 5 27 17 8 2 5,944 10,100 2l",967 35,100 Hampshire, . 6 38 28 7 3 10,700 18,100 15,550 32,100 Greenwich, . 1 4 4 - - 5,000 8,000 Northampton, 2 21 11 7 3 • ■ . 3,500 . . • 16.600 South Hadley, 1 2 2 - - • • > 1,400 ... 1,200 Westhampton, 2 11 11 — ~ ... 8,200 e,3(.'0 GIO CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS 1880. BOXES — Continued. MANUFACTURES BY NAME. 611 BOXES — Concluded. RECAPITULATION (By Counties). i Average Nitmber of - m o ^ Emplotes. WAGES. Total paid Capital Stock Counties, Cities, and as o T3 A I Value of Towns. "3 nth ai hildre during the year. invested. used. product. dS o 2. « a> c3 o « ^ H ^ u, ^ Thb State, 174 2,228 1,150 1,022 56 $683,576 $1,012,355 $1,565,317 $2,813,621 Berkshire, 3 15 15 _ _ 4,975 12,200 63,300 73,150 Bristol, 10 64 22 37 5 16,439 30,500 23,400 59,150 Essex, 24 360 174 175 11 134,-210 150,700 293,385 547,328 Franklin, . 5 26 14 10 2 6,970 8,100 6,480 21,050 Hampden, 15 248 79 165 4 67,203 43,300 131,007 243,262 Hampshire, 6 38 28 7 3 10,700 18,100 15,550 32,100 Middlesex, 25 303 267 31 5 122,884 2r2,6r)0 347,832 555,457 Norfolk, . 11 125 87 38 - 36,975 84,100 87,400 143,186 Plymouth, 22 215 176 35 4 70,206 140,925 152,286 297,619 Suffolk, . 24 588 126 444 18 132,539 158,800 228,535 462,832 Worcester, 29 246 162 80 4 80,475 152,980 216,142 378,487 BRTCK, TILES, AND SEWER PIPE. Barnstable, 2 13 13 _ _ ... $7,000 $9,800 Barnstable, 1 7 7 - - 3,000 2,600 Falmouth, 1 6 6 - - ... 4,000 ... 7,200 Berkshire, 3 47 47 _ _ $8,200 26,000 $5,725 19,250 Lee, 1 4 4 - - 4,000 . . . 5,000 Lenox 1 25 25 - - 15,000 7,500 Williamstown, . 1 18 18 - - ... 7,000 ... 6,750 Bristol, .... 9 119 118 _ 1 28,274 105,100 14,095 60,930 Dighton, .... 1 12 11 - 1 6,500 12,200 New Bedford, . 2 5 5 - - 1,500 3,430 Taunton, .... 6 102 102 - - 21,874 97,100 11,425 45,300 Essex 12 187 187 _ _ 39,390 89,000 .34,345 101,882 Beverly, .... 1 7 7 - - 1 1,000 2,700 Danvers, .... 3 71 71 - - 17,500 32,000 9,500 39,500 Ipswich 1 12 12 - - 6,000 . . . 3,000 Lynn, .... 3 39 39 - - 9,100 19,000 11,550 26,000 Newburyport, . 1 28 28 - - 14,000 ... 10,242 Salisbury, .... 1 8 8 - - 9,000 . . . 4,200 Salem, .... 1 2 2 - 1 5,000 4,990 Saugus 1 20 20 - ... 4,000 ... 11,250 Franklin, .... 4 79 77 1 1 18,100 30.000 7,025 33,575 Greenfield, 1 21 20 1 - 7,001' 10,500 Montague, 2 66 55 - 1 22,000 22,500 New Salem, 1 2 2 - - ... 1,000 ... 575 Hampben 16 330 330 _ _ 69,025 140,300 46,015 166,694 Agawam, .... 1 15 15 - - 5,000 8,400 Brimtield 1 25 25 - - 2.000 . . . 6,000 Chicopee, .... 1 25 25 - - 10,000 ... 7,500 Holyoke 3 104 104 - - 22,600 26,000 15,975 49,294 Southwick, 1 7 7 - - 1,000 1,000 Springfield, 9 154 154 - - 35,975 96,300 24,315 94,500 Hampshire, 13 203 203 _ _ 37,830 41,600 23,999 82,030 Amherst 1 6 6 - - 1,000 1,760 Easthampton, . 1 15 15 - - 2,000 4,000 Hadley 3 10 10 - - 900 1,600 254 2,280 Northampton, . 3 33 33 - 6,830 9,000 6,215 l9,nno South Hadley, . 4 127 127 - 25,200 16,000 14,750 50,200 Ware, .... 1 12 12 ~ ~ ... 12,000 4,800 G12 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. BRICK, TILES, AND SEWER PIPE — Concluded. 1 Average Number of >- « £ on 1 Kjiployes. Wages. Total paid during the year. Capit.ll invested. Stock used. CouNTiKS, Cities, and Towns. "3 «5 Value of product. O = c; £ a o o !5 b^ 2 (l, ^ MiDDLESFX, 17 767 752 _ 15 $124,088 $868,500 $237,654 $433,680 Cambiiilye, 8 379 366 - 13 73,188 462,000 122,200 220,9:'.0 Evtittt 4 69 57 - 2 12,200 21,000 23,254 40,7.50 LoWfll, .... 1 4 4 - - ... 4,000 . * . 4,000 WtHlfold 3 317 317 - - 35,800 379,. 500 90,000 156,000 reppticll, .... 1 8 ,s - - ... 2,000 ... 3,000 NonFOLK, .... 3 10 10 _ _ 1,200 2,500 500 2,.500 Mc'dwiiy, .... 3 10 10 - - 1,200 2,500 500 2,500 PLYMOIiri 7 1.32 132 - - 23,900 42,500 10,635 64,276 JJridifi'wati'r, ] 20 20 - - 13,000 10,225 KiiKt J5ii(l«fWiitir, . 3 77 77 - - 11,950 21 ,.500 7,900 36,300 Middlil orough, 1 20 20 - - • . • 6,000 ... 7,000 I'lynioiilli, 1 10 10 - - • ■ > 2,000 • • • 10,000 liotklaiid 1 5 6 - - ... 1,000 ... 750 Slffolk, .... 7 126 122 _ 4 25,550 53,800 38,800 8. ',350 Chelsea 3 61 47 - 4 14,750 31,000 25,000 42,250 lleverc 4 75 75 - - 10,800 2;i,800 13,800 40,100 Worcester, m 241 240 1 _ 48,492 91,700 23,486 106,000 Atliol, .... 1 10 10 - - . . . 2,000 5,000 Hidokticld, 3 24 24 - - 3,700 6,200 1,650 11,000 Filclilimi;, 2 16 16 - - 8,000 > . > 7,600 Gardner, .... 1 7 7 - - • > > 5,000 2,000 Harvard ] 17 17 - - . . . 4,000 , , 4,000 lyancastiT, 2 36 36 - - • • . 7,000 , . 11,800 I-eoniiiiKter, 1 7 7 - - > . > 2,500 3,000 Souililionnmh, . 1 20 20 - - . • • 18,000 8,000 SdUthbriilyt'. 1 23 23 - - . . . 5,000 11,000 We^tln>roll:;^l, . ] 22 21 1 - 10,000 8,000 West llrooklield. 1 9 9 - - 2,000 4,000 ■Worcester, i 50 50 - — 14,450 22,000 9,oii 30,600 RECAPITULATION (By Counties) • The State, 112 2,254 2,231 2 21 $426,699 $1,498,000 $443,379 $1,162,96 Barnstable, 2 13 13 _ _ $7,000 $9,800 Berksliire, 3 47 47 - _ $S,200 26,000 $5,725 10,2.50 Bristol, 9 119 118 - 1 28,274 105,100 14,095 60,930 Essex, 12 187 187 - - 39,390 89,000 34,345 101,882 Franklin, . 4 79 77 1 1 18,100 .30,000 7,025 ,33,575 Hampden, 16 330 330 - _ 69,025 140,300 46,015 166,694 Hampsliire, 13 203 203 - - 37,830 41,600 23,999 82,030 Middlesex, 17 767 752 - 15 124,088 868,600 237,654 4.33,680 Korfolk. . 3 10 10 - - 1,200 2,500 500 2,500 Plynioulli, 7 132 132 _ _ 23,900 42,.500 10,635 64,276 Suttolk, . 7 126 122 - 4 25,550 53,800 38,800 82,350 Worcester, 19 241 240 1 — 48,492 91,700 23,486 106,000 BROOMS AND BRUSHES. [Brushes, brush brooms, corn brooms, hair brushes, metallic, etc., rattan brooms, wood brooms, etc.] Berkshire, North Adams, Bristot,, Atllebtirough, Fall River, New Bedford, 1 4 4 1 4 4 - - 4 15 12 3 _ 1 6 3 3 _ 2 7 7 _ _ 1 2 2 - — $6,800 $2,000 2,000 6,900 4,000 1,400 1,500 $14,300 $8,500 8,.500 27,000 8,000 lti,200 2.800 MAXUFACTUEES BY NAME. 613 BROOMS AND BRUSHES — Concluded Average Number of o O " Employes. WAGES. Total paid Capital Stock Counties, Cities, akd ^ Essex, 3 54 25 29 _ $13,57S $41,000 $19,610 $57,750 Lawnnce, 2 6 6 - - . • . 6,00ii 12,750 Newburyjiort, . 1 48 19 29 - ... 35,000 ... 45,000 Fkanklix, . 2 1 1 _ 3,000 ... 2,150 Wbalfly, . 2 1 1 - ... 3,000 2,150 Hampden, . 5 5 _ ^ 5,000 ... 15,000 Palmer, 5 5 - - ... 5,000 ... 15,000 Hampshire, 14 105 95 7 3 36,747 127,250 147.307 244,407 Amlicrst, . - _ _ _ _ 1,200 2,400 3.500 Greenwich, 2 9 _ _ 300 2,500 Hadk-v, . 46 46 _ _ 14,965 19.250 41,090 60,5b2 Nortliampton, . 57 47 / 3 21,157 106,500 102,617 177,825 Middlesex, 312 270 41 1 38,965 48,450 106,514 199.113 Camliridge, 257 221 36 _ 39,730 34,500 75,203 124,281 Maiden, 9 5 3 1 ■ • • 5,000 7,152 Reading, . 40 40 - ■ * • 5,000 60,000 Shirley, . 1 1 - - ■ > < 950 1.680 Tyngsborough, 5 3 2 - ... 3,000 6.000 Norfolk, . 7 7 _ . 2,000 • • • 12,000 Dedham, . 3 3 - _ • • ■ 1,50(' • ■ ■ 6,000 Foxborough, . 4 4 - - ... 500 ... 6,000 Suffolk, . 17 424 252 167 5 170,301 294,800 498,109 838,040 Boston, 16 418 246 167 5 168,321 290,300 491,392 82?i,290 Chelsea, . 6 6 - - ... 4,500 .... 9,750 Worcester, 21 11 10 _ 6,400 7,100 12,1.50 25,200 Harvard, . 3 3 _ _ 2.10!) 3,200 Holdcn, 3 3 _ - ... 3,' 00 ... 4,000 Worcester, 15 5 10 — ... 2,000 18,000 RECAPITULATION (By Counties) • The State, 54 949 682 258 9 $280,554 $537,500 1 $817,387 $1,429,160 Berkshire, 1 4 4 "■ _ 2,000 8,500 Bristol, . 4 15 12 3 _ 6,800 6,900 14,300 27,000 Essex, 3 54 25 29 - 13,578 41,000 19,610 57,750 Franklin, . 1 2 1 1 - . . • 3,000 • • • 2,150 Hampden, . 1 5 5 - - • • • 5,000 > * > 15.000 Hampshire, 14 105 95 7 3 36,747 127,250 147,307 244,407 Middh'ses, 8 312 270 41 1 38,965 48,450 100,514 199,113 Norfolk, . 2 7 7 - _ 2,000 i 12,000 Suffolk, . 17 424 252 167 5 170,301 294,800 498,109 838,040 Worcester, 3 21 11 10 ~ 6,400 7,100 12,150 25,200 BUILDING. [Bridges, buildings, building materials, building moving, carpentering, masonry and stone work, paint- ing, paper hanging, pile driving, plastering and stucco work, plumbing and gas fitting, i materials, sewer building, window shades and Venetian blinds, etc.] I rooting and roofing Barnstable, 18 49 49 $22,595 $12,750 $18,225' $63,890 Chatham 1 1 1 _ _ ... 100 900 Dennis, .... 2 _ _ _ _ 5ii0 ... 4,800 Falmouth, .... 2 3 3 - - ... 1,050 1 3,700 614 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS 1880. BUILDING — Continued. i Average Number or ■Si Employes. Wages. Total paid Capital Stock Counties, Cities, and <6 •d "2 = Value of Towns. .Si r-i tt §2 during invested. used. product. "a » ^ •=■§ 1% 32 the year. s m o a a S « o « ^ H ^ fe (H Barnstable — Con. Provincetown, . 7 20 20 - - $11,955 $4,800 $6,450 $27,700 Sandwich, . 5 24 24 - - 8,790 6,000 5,775 25,59J Yarmouth, 1 1 ] - - ... 300 ... 1,200 r.EnKSHIRE, 30 266 266 _ _ 122,090 129,300 264,375 453,400 Ailanis, 2 6 6 - - ... 9,000 ... 17,000 Dalton, 1 10 10 - - ■ * • 1,000 ■ > • 20,000 Lee, .... 2 11 11 - - * ■ ■ 2,000 12,500 New Marlhorough, . 1 1 1 - - • • • 100 1.300 Nort)i Adams, . 10 59 59 - - 31,100 12,lf)0 73,000 128,.5O0 Pittstiild, . 9 167 167 - - 75,2.32 102,.50O 160,100 265,000 ShfflUld, . 1 2 2 - - • . . 1,500 • > ■ 600 8tockl)ridi 700 6,300 Haverliill, . 8 77 77 - - 4.3,100 15,000 134,000 235,000 Lawrence, 45 367 366 - 1 143,966 58,825 269,861 489,052 Lynn, 26 265 265 - - 132,2.i9 71,700 298,955 645,829 Marblehead, 20 128 128 - - 36,086 22,550 70,626 127,007 Merrimac, 4 12 12 - - 7,000 6,700 10,900 23,100 Newburyport, . 33 107 107 - - 41,750 27,4.50 84,675 157,536 Peabody, . 3 28 28 - - 11,800 25,000 16,700 106,000 Ilockport, . 1 1 1 - - 5,000 2,000 Rowley, . 3 7 7 - - 2,700 1,.500 2,450 6,800 Balem, 53 199 199 - - 98,067 49,05J 121,646 262,955 Salisbury, . 2 4 4 - - ■ • ■ 2,000 5,.500 Topstield, . 1 3 3 - - ... 1,000 ... 2,300 Franklin, . 4 10 10 _ _ 6,435 4,600 10,300 16,400 Charlemont, 1 1 1 - - . . . 300 550 Deertii-ld, . 1 1 1 - - • . ■ 500 . . . 2,000 Greenfield, 2 8 8 - - ... 3,800 13,850 Hampden, . 108 632 627 _ 5 281,2.33 233,365 529.448 996,4.55 Brimfield, . 1 2 2 - - . • > 500 1,200 Chicopee, . 4 22 22 - - 9.150 4,100 14,500 26,250 Granville, . 1 2 2 - - 2,000 1,200 Holyoke, . 17 153 148 - 5 51,388 22,7.30 101,413 172,900 Palmer, 4 19 19 - - 6,400 5,700 23 ,000 34,800 Spriijgdeld, 81 434 434 - - 213,195 198,335 389,935 760,105 Hampshire, 16 90 90 _ _ 47,415 37,rM0 88,908 170,900 Kasthampton, . 2 13 13 - - ... 8,600 19,000 Northampton, . 13 77 77 - - 44,015 28,200 74,208 151,300 Worlhington, . 1 - - - - - 500 ... 600 Middlesex, 375 2,460 2,422 27 11 1,065,02" 976,415 2,356,406 4,118,749 Arlington,. 7 27 27 - - 11,500 19,000 17,150 42,800 Ayer, 2 3 3 - - ... 1,.^00 4,000 Bedford, . 1 4 4 - - 8,000 8,000 Cambridge, 104 629 622 7 _ 314,749 287,775 699,805 1,198,199 Chelmsford, 2 76 76 - - 1,.300 31, .500 Everett, . ' 22 22 - - 6,400 8,300 22,000 36,300 MANUFACTURES BY NAME. (oil BUILDING — Continued. Average Number of of est Its. Employes. Wages. Total paid Capital Stock Counties, Cities, and CO •o "§ = Value of Towns. IIS "3 > i2 during the year. invested. used. product. 3 " o l5 " V 04 o « ^ 1 H ^ fa >• Middlesex — Con. Friimiiigham, . . 14 102 102 - - 1 $33,692 $16,865 $45,750 $87,280 Holliston, . 1 25 24 - 1 • > . 3,000 ; . . 50,000 Hudson, . 1 2 2 - - 500 5,500 Lexington, 9 : 17 17 - - 1,075 2,925 3,950 9,200 Lincoln, . - . 1 1 - ^ - _ _ 500 . . • 600 Littleton, . 1 14 14 - _ ... 4,000 12,000 Lowell, 38 562 562 - - 239,310 255,200 616,195 1,018,356 Maiden, 26 102 102 - - 43,862 17,150 76,168 142,957 Marlborough, 25 63 63 - _ 26,404 26,100 56,557 102,500 Medford, . 21 160 160 _ _ 55,613 27,950 79,000 154,050 Melrose, . 1 5 5 - - 3,000 8,000 Natick, 3 19 19 - - 8,000 7,500 14,660 26,000 Newton, . 31 235 235 _ _ 128,718 75,800 276,754 491,334 Pepperell, . 2 11 11 - _ . • . 850 > > • 22,750 Reading, . 1 3 3 _ _ • > > 2,500 • • . 7,000 Shirley, 3 , 4 4 - - 925 5,300 1,625 4,856 Somerville, 31 89 89 - - 45,375 42,850 79,187 162,000 Stoneham, 4 11 11 - - 4,841 6,600 6,802 15,718 Wakefield, 1 2 5 5 - - 1,500 2,800 Walthani, . 22 1 104 104 - _ 50,307 38,100 100,919 186,901 Watertown, 4 ; 106 76 20 10 34,900 101,200 121,900 184,750 Winchester, 1 5 5 _ - 3,300 10,000 Woburn, . 13 55 55 - - 21,206 8,850 53,444 93,398 Norfolk, . 97 559 559 _ 278,721 358,100 443,106 890,035 Brookline, 19 204 204 - - 130,292 227,300 106,000 294,?50 Canton, 6 22 22 - - 11,700 7,600 28,610 46,000 Foxborough, 1 - - - - - 2,000 2,000 Franklin, ; 3 75 75 - - 31,084 54,000 79,664 131,784 Medfield, . 1 15 15 - _ ■ • ■ 1,400 • . • 13,000 Milton, 2 I 27 27 - _ • ■ ■ 11,000 • • > 52,000 Norwood, . 2 : 25 25 _ _ • ■ • 8,000 ■ • ■ 50,000 Quincj', 28 90 90 _ _ 32,200 22,950 95,707 158,356 Randolph, 8 29 29 _ _ 7,850 7,700 18,025 31,975 Sharon, 3 7 7 - _ 1,150 900 4,900 8,100 Weymouth, 23 60 60 - - 27,945 14,250 50,200 96,470 Wreutham, ' 5 5 - - ... 1,000 ... 6,000 Plymouth, . 46 334 333 _ 1 138,086 58,600 210,950 419,925 Bridgewater, 2 14 14 - _ 4,000 8,700 Brockton, . 24 216 215 - 1 96,586 30,400 166,650 299,450 Hanover, . 2 6 6 - - • > . 2,000 • > • 5,500 Hanson, 3 2 2 - _ 300 2,400 1,100 2,300 Hingham, . 5 48 48 _ - 13,000 3,000 12,700 43,875 Middleborough, 4 18 18 - . 4,650 6,300 4,200 11,100 South Abingion, 4 26 26 - - 15,650 9,700 19,300 42,000 South Scituate, 2 4 4 - - ... 800 ... 7,000 Suffolk, 857 5,881 5,815 22 44 2,708,822 1,916,133 3,954,565 8,435,396 Boston, . 814 5,729 5,674 16 39 2,647,195 1,830,583 3,807,122 8,181,370 Chelsea, 42 148 137 6 5 60,127 84,550 147,293 249,526 Revere, 1 4 4 - ... 1,000 ... 4,500 Worcester, 151 1,012 1,005 3 4 471,014 333,150 986,432 1,706,895 Athol, 2 24 21 1 2 3,''00 18,000 Brookfield, 5 5 5 _ _ 2,300 22,000 3,650 11,150 Charlton, . . 1 3 3 _ - 300 1,000 Fitchburg, 17 103 102 1 - 47,576 33,800 9l',675 169,831 Gardner, . 1 3 3 - - 6,000 • > • 6,000 Hubbardston, . 1 3 3 _ • • ■ 300 12,000 Leicester, . 2 4 4 - _ ■ • • 600 > • . 5,500 Milf.,rd, . 10 47 46 - 1 19,675 23,900 26,.315 59,050 Mill bury, . 3 10 10 _ - 4,100 1,000 9,500 16,400 Northborough, . 1 1 1 - - 300 • • • 2,000 Noithhridge, 1 2 2 - - ... 125 . . • 2,000 North Brookfield, 2 18 18 _ _ ... 2,000 • • • 28,000 Southborough, . 10 12 12 _ _ 7,650 7.000 22,900 36,650 Templeton, 1 1 1 — — ... 2,000 ... 1,500 616 CEJiTSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — ISSO. BUILDING — Concluded. i Average Number op 00 ° = II Employes. Wages. Total paid during Capital Invested. Stock used. Counties, Cities, and Towns. <6 Si: 1§ Value of product. "3 II ■5:2 tiie year. OS o Ji rt t s !zi H a (i. f« WoRc ESTER ^ Con. Uxhriilfie, .... 5 22 22 - - $9,772 $4,800 $29,300 $51,000 \\ airuM, .... 2 12 . 12 - - 1,000 16,500 AVi'sllidroiisjli, . 3 9 8 - 1 3,400 5,500 4,600 10,000 ^^\•^I Bioi)k(iL'Ui, " 22 22 - - 5,050 15,100 22,200 37,200 Worcester, "'J 711 710 1 ~ 346,563 204,425 730,142 1,223,114 RECAPITULATION (By CotJNTiEs). The State, 2,076 13,6S1 13,559 52 70 $6,035,972 $4,605,700 $10,704,353 $20,677,929 Barnst.iUK', 18 49 49 . _ 22,595 12,750 18,225 63,890 Berksliiie, 30 266 266 - - 122,090 120,300 264,375 453,400 lirislul. 134 993 090 3 303,708 170,050 603,488 1,092,174 KSHCX, 240 1,395 1,393 - 2 591,826 366,337 1,238.150 2,313,710 FraiiUlin, . 4 10 10 - - 5,435 4,600 10,300 16,400 riaiii|)(l''ii, . 108 632 627 - 5 281,233 233,365 520,448 996,455 Ilaiiip-liiio, 16 90 90 - - 47,415 37,300 88,908 170,900 Mi(lcll.-Ki-x, 375 2,4()0 2,422 27 11 1,065,027 970,415 2,356,406 4,118,749 Noilolk, . 97 550 559 - - 278,721 358,100 443,106 890,035 Plynidulli, . 46 334 333 - 1 1 138,086 58,600 210,050 419,925 Buffolli, . 8)7 5,881 5,815 22 44 2,708,822 1,916,133 3,954,565 8,435,-396 Worcester, 151 1,012 1,005 3 4 1 471,014 1 333,150 986,432 1,706,895 BURIAL CASES, CASKETS, COFFINS, ETC. Berkshire, . I'ittsliold, . Bristol. Attliborough, Kail KiviT, Man-licld, . New Bedford, Taunton, . Essex, . Salem, Franklin, . Orange, Hampden, . Springfield, Hampshire, Northampton, Middlesex, Cambridge, Lowell, NOHFOLK, . Randolph, . PLTMOrTH, . South SciUiate, Suffolk, Boston, 1 1 10 1 6 1 1 2 3 3 1 1 3 3 65 25 10 5 18 18 84 76 1 1 33 33 3 3 36 10 10 •) 2 2 18 18 78 70 1 1 1 1 33 33 $34,497 6,000 4,880 4,830 18,956 18,956 $3,000 3,000 87,000 30,000 20,000 8,000 10,000 19,000 6,000 6,000 1,000 1,000 24,000 24,000 30,000 30,000 155,000 150,000 5,000 3,000 3,000 2,001 2,000 27.300 27,300 ... $3,000 3,000 $77,500 30,000 146,061 50,000 50,000 4,000 25,000 ... 17,061 2,200 2,200 9,320 9,320 ... 1,000 1,000 • . • 25,000 25,000 • • • 20,000 • 20,000 ... 185,000 175,000 ... 10,000 ... 3,000 3,000 ... 3,000 3,000 18,625 18,625 52,950 52,950 MANUFACTUKES BY NAME. 617 BURIAL CASES, CASKETS, COFFINS, ETC. — Concluded. i Average Number of CD O *J Employes. WAGES. Total paid Capital Stock Counties, Cities, and "g c Value of Towns. II f-i «£ during invested. used. product. "3 §5 .c2 3.S the year. 3S o ^ a a; c3 O o Iz; H 1^ fe h Worcester, 4 21 19 2 _ $11,573 $23,000 $22,737 $40,604 Douglas, .... 1 1 1 - 1.000 . . . 2,500 Fitchbure, . 1 3 3 - - 3,000 2,400 Worcester, 17 15 2 ^ 19,000 35,704 RECAPITULATION (By Counties). The State, 35 226 199 26 1 $138,181 $361,300 $266,262 $488,935 Berkshire, 1 ! 3 3 - _ > • • 3,000 ... 3,000 Bristol, 10 1 55 36 18 1 34,497 87,000 77,500 146,061 Essex, 3 8 8 - - 4,880 6,000 2,200 9,320 Franklin, . 1 - - - - - 1,000 1,000 Hampden, . 2 2 2 - - . . . 24,000 25,000 Hampshire, 1 18 18 - - 30,000 20,000 Middlesex, 2 84 78 6 - . . . 155,000 185,OUO Norfolk, . 1 1 1 - - 3,000 3,000 Plymouth, . 1 1 1 - - 2,000 3,000 Suffolk, . 9 33 33 - - 18,956 27,300 18,625 62,950 Worcester, 4 21 19 2 ~ 11,573 23,000 22,737 40,604 BUTTONS AND DRESS TRIMMINGS. [Buttons, braids, bugle trimmings, cords, embroideries, fringes, gimps, tassels, etc.] Bristol, Attleborough, Mansfield, . Taunton, . Essex, . Lawrence, . Hampden, . Springfield, Hampshire, Easthampton, Northampton, South Hadley, Williacisburg, Worcester, Southbridge, 4 58 30 21 7 t) 18 11 7 _ i 10 3 _ 7 1 30 16 14 - 1 107 14 91 2 1 107 14 91 2 3 432 81 316 35 3 432 81 316 35 7 448 154 254 40 1 180 42 138 - o 226 92 103 31 1 20 10 3 7 3 22 10 10 2 1 50 10 20 20 1 50 10 20 20 $20,693 114,316 114,316 150,215 5,715 $45,000 11,000 500 33,500 150,000 150,000 133,000 133,000 339,000 225,000 90,000 12,000 12,000 8,000 8,000 $42,771 92,620 92,620 174,218 3,500 $89,500 16,000 7,000 66,.50O 300,000 300,000 274,229 274,229 461, .385 210,000 225,600 9,000 16,785 15,000 15,000 RECAPITULATION (By Counties). The State,. 16 1,095 289 702 104 $335,724 $675,000 $480,479 $1,140,114 Bristol 4 58 30 21 7 20,693 45,000 42,771 89,.500 Essex 1 107 14 91 2 150,000 300,000 Hampden, .... 3 432 81 316 35 114,316 133,000 92,620 274,229 Hampshire, 7 448 1.54 254 40 150,215 339,100 174,218 461 ,385 Worcester, 1 50 10 20 20 ... 8,000 ... 15,000 618 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS 1880. CARPETINGS. [Carpet linings, hassocks, mats and rugs, matting, oil-cloth, printed carpeting, rag carpeting, ■woollen carpeting, etc.] 1 OQ V c !- in o c £ HI Average Number of Employes. Wages. Total paid during the year. Capital invested. Stock used. Counties, Cities, and Towns. 5 O to C3 o it Value of product. Bristol, Taunton, . 37 37 37 37 - - :;: $70,000 70,000 ::: $166,888 166,888 Essex, . Salem, 6 6 6 6 - - ... 4,000 4,000 ... 4,200 4,200 Hampden, . Talmer, 62 62 51 51 10 10 1 1 • . . 50,000 50,000 ... 208,000 208,000 Middlesex, Camliridge, Lowell, Medford, . Somerville, Watertown, 1,978 10 1,801 119 5 43 80G 8 731 26 3 38 1,149 J, 070 74 5 23 2 19 2 $518,170 2,13;!,500 5,000 2,000,000 75,000 3,500 50,000 $1,496,364 2,644,715 12,5.30 2,253,115 181,000 7,000 191,070 Norfolk, . Norwood, . 21 21 21 21 - - ... 17,000 17,000 ... 65,000 65,000 Worcester, Clinton, Worcester, 1,245 1,102 143 535 464 71 685 638 47 25 25 380,622 1,537,647 1,432,647 105,000 1,380,077 2,102,687 1,707,887 394,800 RECAPITULATION (Br Counties). The State, 12 3,349 1,456 1,844 49 $955,194 $3,812,147 $3,190,391 $5,191,490 Bristol 1 37 37 - - ... 70,000 • t • 166,888, .... 1 6 6 - - 4,000 4,2011 rianipden,. 1 62 51 10 1 50,000 208,000 Middlesex, 5 1,978 806 1,149 23 518,170 2,133,500 1,496,364 2,044,715 Norfolk 1 21 21 - - 17,000 65,000 Worcester, 3 1,245 535 685 25 380,622 1,537,047 1,380,077 2,102,687 CARRIAGES AND AVAGONS. [Carriages, carriage painting, carriage trimmings, carriage wheels, children's carriages and sleds, coaches, hearses, spokes, sleighs, shafts and fellies, velocipedes, wagons, wheelbarrows, wheelwrighting, etc.] Barnstable, . 11 10 10 _ ^ $3,325 $11,400 $7,950 $17,600 Barnstable, 1 1 1 - - 2,000 1,500 Chatham, . 1 1 1 - - 800 1,000 Pennis, 2 1 1 - - 2,400 3,300 Falmouth, . 2 3 3 - - 3,500 4,200 Orleans, 1 1 1 - - 1,000 2,000 Sandwich, 1 1 1 - - 300 1,600 yarmoutli. 3 2 2 - - 200 1,400 2,200 4,000 Berkshire, 39 133 133 _ _ 53,425 69,150 65,860 170,857 Adams, 2 1 1 - - 4,000 2,400 Cheshire, . 1 - - - - - 500 500 Egremont, 2 53 53 - - 10,800 71,945 Great Barrington, 1 3 3 3 - - 1,200 3,000 1,150 4,200 Lee, . i 1 2 2 - 3,000 8,000 New Marlborough, ! 6 4 4 - - 1,200 3,700 2,650 8,200 North Adams, . 6 26 26 - 9,950 9,800 11,000 30,600 Pittsfield, . 10 1 30 30 ~ 12,735 25,250 10,185 36,662 ma:n^ufactures by jstame. 619 CARRIAGES AND WAGONS — Continued. Counties, Cities, and Towns. Berkshire — Con. Sheffifld, . Tyringham, West £5tockbii(lge, "WiUiamstown, Bristol, Attleborough, Berkley, . Dartmouth, Dighton, . Easton, Fall Kiver, New Bedford, Norton, Seekonk, . Swansea, . Taunton, . Westport, . Essex, . Amesbury, Andover, . Beverly, Boxford, . Daiivers, . Georgetown, Gloucester, Grovelaiid, Haverhill, . Lawrence, Lynn, Lynn field, . Marblehead, Merrimac, . Methuen, . Newburj'port, Peabody, . Rowley, Salera, Salisbury, . Saugus, TopsHcid, . Weiiham, . West Newbury, Franklin, . Charlemont, Colrain, Deerfield, . Erving, Greentield, Montague, . Orange, Rowe, Hampden, . Blandford, Brimtield, . Chlcopee, . Hampden, Hulyoke, . Palmer, Springtield, "Westtiekl, . West Springfield, Wilbraham, o — 1. o E-S Average Number of Employes. 3 2 1 3 57 2 1 3 1 2 11 17 3 2 3 11 1 123 10 2 5 1 5 2 4 1 8 7 12 2 2 27 1 5 2 1 3 19 1 1 1 1 19 3 1 3 1 3 3 4 1 32 1 1 1 2 3 2 18 1 2 1 IS = ■2 3 J3 o a Wages. Total paid during the year. 1 1 7 7 6 6 277 277 7 7 3 3 2 2 1 1 8 8 41 41 134 134 5 5 1 1 8 8 66 66 1 1 ,349 1,349 209 209 9 9 13 13 3 3 34 34 1 1 10 10 2 2 27 27 52 52 81 81 2 2 1 1 409 409 2 2 20 20 21 21 450 450 2 2 1 1 48 46 4 4 1 1 2 2 5 5 31 29 1 1 3 3 1 1 136 136 1 1 5 5 34 34 5 5 63 63 4 4 21 21 3 ' Capital invested. Stock used. Value of product. $30 2,050 106,164 200 9,900 61,621 1,90 J l',868 22,125 624,897 102,000 6,725 13,100 3,300 14,100 24,671 46,290 177',963 1,000 9,550 207,700 18,480 1,100 500 8,475 / 36,265 $1,300 700 800 6,300 184,750 6,500 800 2,900 500 5,000 19,750 98,400 4,500 700 3,000 42,300 400 1,005,900 177,500 6,000 14,900 2,000 8,000 1,3U0 2,300 1,000 9,350 73,050 116,700 2,300 650 287,450 800 1,600 27,000 lOr 9,60J 262,21/0 200 1,1)00 4oo /500 34,700 1,950 2,000 5,400 5,000 14,600 3,500 1,650 600 110,175 500 1,000 10,000 2,600 17,000 2,500 46,775 1,200 25,100 3,500 $9501 2,500 135,516 950 19,450 79,566 3,000 1,.500 20,000 1,295,931 259,800 5,000| ii.oyo 3*300 liJOO ;>'2,986 €6,020 / 29l',825 2,650 6,600 596,600 31,520 1,900 1,4.50 18,730 2,000 3,640 72,580 16',o6o 34,5.55 $1,650 1,W0 4,000 6,600 323,1.51 8,200 3,300 3,200 2,.500/ 13,50^ 46, 7(^ 170,001 6,'JOO 1,600 4,700 01,2.50 / 1,000 2,321,889 401,500 7,400 15,480 1,600 32,000 1,800 9,100 1,600 40,900 7i;,101 145,000 2,200 3.30O 577,300 2,000 0,758 40,350 1,-500 19,100 932,000 2,500 1,200 600 700 60,874 4,525 2,000 4,924 7,000 27,625 5,200 8,900 700 188,160 550 800 6,200 2,300 43,000 4,800 98,710 2.000 27,500 2,300 620 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. CARRIAGES AND WAGONS — Continued. i Average Number op 1 Employes. Wages. Total paid Capital Stock Counties, Cities, and 1 o 2 j to ^ = =■ Value of Towns. £2 00 *"■ a 5 c during invested. used. product. "3 || 11 sic the year. 7 ^ a a 3 c a ^ Eh a fe r^ Hampshire, 18 51 51 _ _ $16,040 $35,250 $22.S.')0 $49,850 Amiierst, . 3 12 12 - - 2,700 9,600 4.000 10,000 Belelicrtown, . 8 28 28 - - 9,450 11,000 12.600 26,000 Greenwich, 1 7 7 - - • . . 2,0011 6.000 Harlley, . 1 2 2 - - ... 5,000 • . . 2,500 Norlliiimpton, . 1 1 1 - - ■ • • 600 1,200 Soulliampton, . 3 - - - - - 1,050 5.50 1..550 Wortliiiigton, . 1 1 1 - - ... 6,000 ... 2,000 Middlesex, 126 409 409 _ _ 217,101 395,656 280,303 6.54,915 Acton, 1 - - - - - 1,000 600 Arlington, 4 6 6 - - 2,700 9,250 4", 125 10,2.50 A«hlaud, . 1 1 1 - - 3,000 2.000 Aycr, 1 8 8 - - • • • 12,000 7,.500 Bedford, . 4 5 6 - - 775 4,306 1.850 4.000 Bill'-rica, . 1 - - - - - 800 700 s'Jarnbi'idue, 24 128 128 - - 78.003 158.100 8S,021 200,706 Olielnisford, 3 6 6 - - 650 2,70(1 1,:300 3.600, . 1 1 1 - - 700 1,500 Fr.iniingham, . 5 15 15 - - 7,925 17,150 13,8.50 28.200 Hoiliston, . 2 6 6 - - • • • 2,.500 8,000 Hudoon, . 1 4 4 - - • > ■ 1,000 6,000 Lexington, 3 1 1 - - 100 850 475 1,9.50 I.iltleion, . 2 4 4 - - . • • 1,300 2,000 Lowelf, . 11 44 44 - - 21,380 62,150 30,240 71. 266 Maiden, . 4 17 17 - - 8,717 6.700 24,102 39,200 Marlborough, . 8 6 5 - - 2,390 4,4.'>0 4,004 13,287 Maynard, . 1 4 4 - - 500 3,500 Me ■ 1,.500 3,700 Woburn, . 4 6 6 - - 2,500 8,2.50 3,-300 12,800 Norfolk, . 24 164 162 1 1 78,405 143,200 85,950 210,800 Brookline, 2 38 37 1 - • ■ • 35,600 38,300 Canton, 2 - ~ - - - 950 1,400 Cohasset, . 1 6 6 - - > > > 5,000 6,000 Foxborough, 1 4 4 - - > . . 10.000 5,000 Franklin, . 1 4 4 - - 10,000 6,000 Hyde I'ark, 2 11 11 - - 5,.500 n..5oo Medfteld, . 1 21 21 _ - 14,000 30,000 Milton, 1 10 10 - - ... 5,000 15,000 Neidliam, . 1 6 6 _ - ... 5,000 3,300 Norwood, . 1 7 7 - - ... 6,000 15,000 Quincy, R 30 30 - - 15,980 29.500 17,900 50,000 Randolph,. 2 8 8 - - • . . 3,700 6,100 Sharon, 2 17 17 - - ... 10,300 20,700 We> mouth. (. 2 1 - 1 125 2,250 750 1,800 Wrentham, 1 - - - - - 400 ... 700 Plymouth, . 37 51 50 _ 1 18,890 31,550 21,787 69,723 Abington, . 1 4 4 - - 1,500 5,000 Brockton, . 7 9 9 - _ 5,225 3,300 4,050 16,0.50 Duxbury, . 1 1 1 - - ... 300 1,600 Hanover, . 3 6 6 - - 1,600 4,500 3,650 9,700 MANUFACTURES BY NAME. 621 CARRIAGES AXD WAGONS — Continued. i Average Number of U Kmplotes. Wages. Total paid Capital Stock Counties, Cities, and to lO "? c Value of Towns. u S ■4^ f— 1 o il 5? during the year. invested. used. product. 3S o 2 « 0) ^ o'o ^ H a fcf rH Plymouth — Con. . Hanson, . . . . 3 5 5 - - $1,600 $2,500 $1,200 $3,700 Hin£;h;im, . 2 - - - - - 1,800 2,010 Maishtifld, 3 1 1 - - 450 750 950 3,800 Mattapoisett, . 1 1 1 - - > > . 3,000 • . . 800 Middk'borough, 2 6 5 - 1 2,500 • • . 4,800 Pembroke, i 2 2 - - • • > 2,000 1,200 Plymouth, 1 - - - - - 1,500 1,600 Rochester, 1 1 1 - - . . • 400 . . . ■ 750 Roeklaiid, . 2 3 3 - - ■ . > 350 2,263 Scituate, . 2 2 2 - - ■ . • 2,000 4,600 South Abiiigton, 3 2 2 - - 500 1,800 1,200 3,800 South Scituate, 1 - - - - _ 350 • . . 650 Warehacn, 3 8 8 - - 2,850 3,000 2,100 7,400 Suffolk, . 88 675 674 1 _ 345,592 532,425 408,683 995,936 Boston, 82 661 660 1 - 336,665 517,225 403,368 975,820 Chelsea, . 5 11 11 - - 7,427 13,200 4,415 17,116 Revere, 1 3 3 - - 2,000 ... 3,000 Worcester, 102 458 430 26 2 188,947 317,125 277,033 644,540 Athol, 3 3 3 - - 1,000 1,200 1,200 4,400 Barre, 2 8 8 - - • • > ■ 6,500 8,700 Bhickstone, 1 3 3 - - 5,000 5,000 Bolton, 1 1 1 - - 1,500 1,000 Brooktield, 5 19 19 - - 11,100 27,000 24,500 60,400 Clinton, 1 6 6 - - 4,000 10,000 Douglas, . 1 1 1 - - ■ . . 1,000 1,200 Fitciiburg, 7 8 8 - - 3,624 5,850 3,725 13,030 Gardner, . 1 1 1 - - 200 1,200 Harvard, . 1 1 1 - - 200 1,000 Hubbardston, . 3 4 4 - - 1,275 2,000 1,300 3,000 Lancaster, 1 2 2 - - 800 750 Leominster, 3 146 121 25 - 53,675 87,300 113,400 217,200 Lunenburg, 3 4 3 - 1 900 4,800 1,350 3,300 Mendon, . 1 2 2 - - > > > 500 • . . 1,200 Milford, . 2 10 10 . - 5,000 10,400 ■Millbury, . 4 24 23 1 - 9,200 16,700 12,975 28,550 New Bniintree, 1 3 3 - - 500 3,170 Northbridge, . 3 3 3 - - 2,250 1,300 1,300 5,300 North Brookfleld, 2 7 7 - - > . . 3,500 . . . 10,400 Oxford, . 1 1 1 - - 600 800 Phillipston, 1 - - - _ _ 450 • • > 600 Princeton, 1 1 1 - - ■ • . 600 900 Rutland, . 3 2 2 - - 325 2,425 1,300 2,600 Shrewsbury, 3 1 7 - - 3,270 5,400 1,725 6,400 Bouthborough, . 1 1 1 - - 500 2,200 Southliridge, . 3 8 8 - - 4,400 8,300 3,800 15,500 Sturbridge, 2 10 10 - - 5,500 7,500 Upton. 2 7 7 - - 900 14,000 Uxbridge, . 1 1 1 - - 500 1,500 Warren, . 1 _ _ - _ _ 200 • > • 650 Webster, . 1 10 10 - - ... 6,000 7,000 Westborough, . 6 38 38 - - 12,825 28,600 14,600 36,450 West Boylston, 2 7 6 - 1 500 6,000 Winchendon, . 2 2 2 - - 1,100 3,000 Worcester, 26 107 107 ~ 65,444 80,700 61,083 160,240 RECAPITULATION (By Counties). The State, Barnstable, Berkshire, Bristol, Essex, 676 3,761 3,727 30 4 11 10 10 _ _ 39 133 133 - . 57 277 277 _ _ 123 1,349 1,349 — - $1,740,356 3,325 53,425 106,164 624,897 $2,871,281 11,400 69,150 184,75(1 1,005,900 $2,705,963 7,950 65,860 135,516 1,295,931 $5,708,295 17,600 170,857 323,151 2,321,889 622 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 18S0. CARRIAGES AND WAGONS — Concluded. RECAPITULATION (By Counties) — Concluded. .0 Average Number of 0- Employes. Wages. Total paid Capital Stock Counties, Cities, and to 10 "So Value of Towns. S « a S during invested. used. product. "ca " S ss II ■s§ the year. ~ cS S CS c ^ i-i a f^ >^ . Franklin 19 48 46 2 _ $18,480 $34,700 $31,520 $60,874 Iliuiipden, . 32 136 1.36 - - 69,090 110,175 72,580 188,160 IlaiiipBhire, 18 61 51 - - 16,040 35,250 22,850 49,850 Miildlesex, 126 409 409 - - 217,101 395,650 280,303 654,915 Norfolk, . 24 164 162 1 1 78,405 143,200 85,950 210,800 I'lymoulh, 37 51 50 - 1 18,890 31,550 21,787 69,723 Suffolk, . 88 675 674 1 - 345,692 632,425 408,683 995,936 Worcester, 102 458 430 26 2 188,947 317,125 277,033 644,540 CEMENT, KAOLIN, LIME, AND PLASTER. Berkshire, 11 ! 108 108 $35,075 $49,000 $44,600 $111,500 Adams, .... 2 43 43 - - • . • 14,000 ,5:',,ooo Cheshire, .... 4 25 25 - - 4,850 11,000 9,300 22,000 Lenox, .... 2 8 8 _ - 4,000 ... 8,900 New"Marlborough, . 1 13 13 _ _ • < > 10,000 • ■ • 10,000 West Stockbridge, . 2 19 19 - - ... 10,000 17,000 Essex 3 11 11 _ _ 6,3.50 4,600 9,750 24,000 Lynn 1 3 3 - - 1,000 12,000 Merrimac, 2 8 8 - - 3,600 12,000 Hampden, .... 2 21 21 _ _ 16,000 ... 20,000 Chester 2 21 21 - - ... 16,000 ... 20,000 Middlesex, 3 5 6 _ _ 2,000 6,000 4,700 9,250 Acton, .... 1 2 2 . » 1,500 > ■ ■ 1,000 Cambridge, 2 3 3 — — 4,500 8,250 RECAPITULATION (By Counties). The State, 19 145 145 - - $49,425 $75,600 $64,850 $164,750 Berkshire, Essex, .... Hampden, Middlesex, 11 3 2 3 108 11 21 5 108 11 21 5 - - 35,075 5,350 2,000 49,000 4,600 10,000 6,000 44,600 9,750 4,700 111,.500 24,000 20,000 9,250 CHARCOAL. Worcester, Sterling, . 1 1 1 1 1 1 - - 800 $2,000 2,000 RECAPITULATION (By Counties). The State, . Worcester, 1 1 1 1 $800 800 $2,000 2,000 MANITFACTURES BY NAME. 623 CHEMICAL PREPARATIONS. [Acid, pyroligneous, and iron liquor; chemical preparations, cream of tartar, copperas, magnesia, sulphur and sulphuric acid, washing powders, etc.] Number of estab- lishments. 1 Average Number of Employes. Wages. Total paid during the year. Capital invested. Stock used. Counties, Cities, and Towns. *^ o Eh to « 6; 1 = Value of product. Berkshire, North Adams, . Essex, .... Salem, .... Norfolk, .... Walpole, .... 3 3 7 7 13 13 3 3 7 7 13 13 - — $6,000 6,000 150,000 150,000 15,750 15,760 ... $4,000 4,000 42,000 42,000 51,949 51,949 RECAPITULATION (By Counties). The State, Berkshire, Essex, Norfolk, . 3 23 23 - 1 3 3 _ _ 1 7 7 - _ 1 13 13 - — $9,812 $171,750 6,000 150,000 15,750 $70,433 $97,949 4,000 42,000 51,949 CLOCKS AND WATCHES. [Clock and watch repairing, clocks and materials, clock dials, clock cases, chronometers, watches and materials, watch cases, etc.] Bristol Fall River, New Bedford, . 12 7 5 24 10 14 23 10 13 1 1 _ $13,600 7,500 6,100 $27,400 21,000 6,400 $11,325 10,000 1,325 • $40,070 30,000 10,070 Essex, Beverly 2 2 2 2 - - ... 8,500 8,500 4,600 4,600 Hampden Holyoke, . . Springfield, 16 1 15 173 3 170 118 3 115 55 55 - 94,050 93,700 207,975 600 207,375 67,625 67,325 176,000 1,200 174,800 Hampshire, Westhanipton, . 1 1 - - - - - 2,000 2,000 ... 500 600 Middlesex, Lowell Melrose, .... Waltham, .... Winchester, 9 3 1 4 1 1,351 1 4 1,335 11 842 1 4 834 3 509 501 8 _ 756,145 450 750,695 1,520,100 1,600 1,000 1,507,500 10,000 648,291 1,050 645,741 1,640,433 4,700 3,000 1,624,733 8,000 Norfolk, .... Randolph, 1 1 - - - - - 500 500 500 500 Suffolk, .... Boston Chelsea, .... 7 6 1 16 12 4 16 12 4 _ - 6,304 5,504 11,200 6,700 4,500 2,062 1,162 14,300 12,000 2,300 Worcester, Brookfleld, Warren Worcester, 19 1 1 17 10 10 10 10 - ~ 1 5,875 5,875 8,675 500 300 7,875 5,750 5,375 25,800 800 800 24,200 624: CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. CLOCKS AND WATCHES — Concluded. RECAPITULATION (By Counties). ■3 Average Number of •52 Employes. Wages. Total paid Capital Stock Counties, Cities, and to irt ■gc Value of Towns. I. o II 1—1 a f,1 fe£ during invested. used. product. S n 2§ 3.C the year. o 2. =s g « O o ^ H 13 fl4 )» The State, 67 1,576 1,011 565 - $876,974 $1,786,350 $736,053 $1,902,203 Bristol 12 24 23 1 _ 13,600 27,400 11,325 40,070 Essex, 2 2 21 - 8,500 4,600 Hampden, 16 173 118 55 - 94,050 207,975 67,625 176,000 Hampshire, 1 - - • - - - 2,000 500 Midiilesex, 9 1,351 842 509 - 756,145 1,520,100 648,291 1,640,433 Norfolk, . 1 - - - - - 500 500 Suffolk, . 7 16 16 - - 6,304 11,200 2,062 14,300 Worcester, 19 10 10 ~ *~ 5,875 8,675 5,750 25,800 CLOTFHNG. [Artificial flowers, bonnets and hats, bonnet and liat frames, children's ready-made clothing, children's custom-made clothing, children's underslothing, clutli gloves, cornets, cloaks and mantillas, costumes, fans, fur goods, hats and caps, hosiery, head-dresses, liead-nets, hoop-skirts and bustles, infants' clothing, kid gloves, lace collars and cutis, leathern gloves, linen collars, cuS's and bosoms, leggings and gaiters, menV re.idy-made clothing, men's custom-made clothing, men's underclothing, military goods, mittens, neckties, ornamental feathers, oil clothing, parasols, pa])er collars, cuffs and bosoms, reg:ilius, shirts, shirt fronts, suspenders, skirts, umbrellas and canes, women's ready-made clothing, women's custom- made clothing, women's underclothing, etc.] Barnstable, 4 425 18 407 $13,800 $13,000 $67,900 $89,600 Ch.atham 2 4 2 2 - . • . 2,000 11,100 Orleans, .... 1 400 13 387 - • • > 10,000 75,000 Yarmouth, 1 21 3 18 - ... 1,000 - 3,500 Berkshire, 7 67 29 38 _ 15,760 21,500 27,400 52,700 North Adams, . 3 39 20 19 - 12,700 12,600 21,.jO0 41,500 Pittsliild 2 25 6 19 - • > < 7,000 9,000 Williamstown, . 2 3 3 - - ... 2,0j0 2,200 Bristol, .... 21 288 83 177 28 84,352 2.31,800 252,400 433,750 Fall Kiver, 11 188 64 96 28 60,300 180,600 179,700 315,.500 New Bedford, . 6 67 12 55 - 13,302 2H,K00 46,600 7:5, 760 Taunton 4 33 7 26 - 10,750 22,500 27,200 44,500 Essex, 28 1,383 707 602 74 463,902 621 ,.500 927,006 1,721,441 Amesbury, 1 195 100 75 20 100,000 303,879 Andover, .... 1 9 5 4 - 3,700 8,.500 Beverly, .... 4 46 11 35 - 13,350 16,000 42,400 62,iJ00 Georgetown, 5 49 8 41 - • 15,800 13,000 20,200 44,900 Gloucester, 3 16 3 13 - 4,593 11,500 7,.500 15,500 Haverhill 1 80 48 20 12 50.000 150,000 Ipswich 3 452 210 241 1 147,466 254,.600 204,890 441, .312 Lawrence, 2 41 6 27 8 0,.=)00 21,150 Methuen, .... 2 226 170 43 13 ... 105,000 300,000 Newburyport, ... 2 239 137 82 20 • • . 56,000 285,000 Peabody, .... 1 1 1 _ - . ■ • 200 12,000 Rockport 2 24 8 16 - • . . 4,600 13,800 Salem, .... 1 5 - 5 - ... 600 ... 2,.500 FRANIvLIN 9 38 2 36 _ 6,211 7,700 10,900 22,150 Greenliild, 2 10 1 9 - 2,700 7,6.50 Montague, 1 1 1 _ _ • • • 200 600 Orange 6 27 - 27 - 3,711 4,800 6,900 13,900 Hampden, .... 26 183 104 79 _ 112,476 254,150 456,988 6")6,551 Chicopee 2 9 3 6 - 3,800 11,700 Holyoke, .... 5 20 10 10 .1 5,428 4,300 8,400 18,150 Palmer 2 14 7 7 _ 7,500 19.000 Springfield, 17 140 84 56 — 68,498 238,550 43l',888 607,701 MANUPACTUEES BY NAME. 625 CLOTHING — Continued. .0 a Average Number of OQ •Si Employes. Wages. Total paid Capital Stock Counties, Cities, and to 0. ^ r^ Value of Towns. c t. a •2.1 E.5 T—l 00 '"' §S during invested. used. product. 3 " % ^s Uth hilc the year. ? ^— K cS t ca 15 H S Eci >* Hampshire, 1 4 4 $8,000 $20,000 Amherst, . • 1 4 4 - ... 8,000 ... 20,000 Middlesex, 56 1,786 527 1,195 64 $365,119 804,674 $1,472,099 2,312,773 Acton, 1 43 3 40 - 8,000 13,035 Arlington, 1 3 - 3 - 2,000 3,000 Ashland, . 1 5 1 4 - 2,000 3,500 Ciimbridge, 3 201 31 170 _ 34,000 195,000 363,532 466,885 Concord, . 1 •266 256 - - 25,(i00 322,500 Hollistou, . 3 40 7 33 _ 6,648 6,000 5,950 15,300 Hudson, . 2 103 10 91 2 • ■ • 51,700 178,700 Lexington, 2 7 7 - _ 60U . . . 245,000 Lowell, 11 527 148 347 32 132,571 374,000 261,852 505,865 Medfiird, . . 2 5 5 - _ > . • 500 6,700 Natick, 6 187 8 159 20 33.000 33,000 116,500 169,370 Newton, . 3 57 16 35 6 17.775 30,900 13,593 39,175 Reading, . 3 113 9 102 2 20.106 10,424 55,349 98,410 Sherborn, . 1 39 - 39 - 2,800 10,425 Sliirley, . 2 20 12 6 2 • . . 13,000 34,990 Somerville, 1 6 2 4 _ • • ■ 1,500 . . . 3,(100 Waki field. 1 2 2 _ - • • • 1,200 3,000 Waltham, . 5 151 3 148 _ 25,274 17,800 5l",2S3 90,638 Watertown, 4 5 5 _ _ 25,112 25,050 40,880 87,700 Winchester, 3 11 _ 11 _ 2,67b 2,200 6,900 14,500 Woburn, . 1 5 2 3 - ... 2,000 ... 1,080 Norfolk, . 13 164 53 106 5 47,279 127,400 94,982 184,618 Braintree, . 1 27 2 25 _ 200 20,500 C.inton, 4 3 1 2 _ 576 2,1U0 2",S50 5,200 Foxboroiigh, 3 15 3 12 _ 4,400 17,000 11,225 17,025 Needhain, . 1 78 32 46 _ 100,000 117,000 Randolph, 3 7 6 1 _ 2,600 2,100 2,600 8,000 Weymouth, 1 34 9 20 5 ... 6,000 ... 16,893 Plymouth, . 5 38 8 29 1 7,650 3,800 39,000 53,900 Abington, . 1 2 1 1 - 700 2,800 KingHton, . 1 30 3 27 _ . . . 1,500 . . . 38,000 Rockland, . 2 5 3 1 - • . . 700 11,500 South Abington, 1 1 1 - - ... 900 ... 1,600 Suffolk, . 328 12,793 2,861 9,672 260 4,241,734 4,954,840 12,060,737 20,113,509 Boston, 324 12,778 2,855 9,663 260 4,237,784 4,951,140 12,053,737 20,097,209 Chelsea, . 4 15 6 9 - 3,950 3,70U 7,000 16,300 Worcester, 60 2,147 521 1,471 155 532,341 402,050 842,903 1,592,590 Barre, 1 116 87 25 4 30,00(1 85,000 Dana, 6 83 80 3 _ 38.000 40,350 10,1 80 60,200 Fitchburg, 10 152 21 131 - 40,676 64,800 54,871 119,340 Holden, 1 6 - 6 - 2,000 6,000 Hubbardeton, . 1 6 2 4 - 500 3,000 Leominster, 3 20 5 15 _ 6,120 5,000 12,500 26,000 Milford, . 1 15 _ 15 - ... 2,500 5,500 Millbury, . 1 - _ _ - - 1,000 1,000 Northborough, 2 116 1 83 32 1,500 18,500 Norlhbridge, . 1 5 2 3 _ 1 ,000 ... 3,000 North Brooktield, . 4 575 33' 423 119 99,000 12,700 228,000 350,250 Boutbbridge, 4 9 _ 9 - 1,600 6,000 7,500 10,850 Warren, . 3 34 2 32 - 1,480 4,20iJ 9,450 15,000 Westborough, . 1 8 4 4 - 1,40(1 8,000 Winchendon, . 1 12 2 10 _ . . . 90(1 7,040 Worcester, 20 990 282 708 - 281,714 228,200 464,602 873,310 RECAPITULATION (By Counties). The State, Barnstable, Berkshire, .558 4 7 19,316 425 67 4,917 18 29 13,812 407 38 587 $5,883,574 13,800 15,760 $7,450,414 13,000 21,500 $16,264,315 67,900 27,40t> $27,253,582 89,600 52,700 626 CENSUS OP MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. CLOTHING — Concluded. RECAPITULATION (By Counties) — Concluded. Counties, Cities, and Towns. The State — Bristol, Dukes, EsHcx, Franklin, . Iliimpden, PI;impsl)ire, MidJIescx, Niinlucket, Korfolk, . Plymouth, Suliulk, . Worcester, Con. -§ B « as !Z5 21 28 9 26 1 56 1.3 b .328 60 AvEKAGE Number of Employes. i-i _ i-< c o Eh «d lO o (U 0) « > •5 > s ° 2 o •S-9 B-o « ca 3 ta 288 83 177 1,383 707 602 38 2 36 183 104 79 4 4 - 1,786 627 1,195 164 63 106 38 8 29 12,793 2,861 9,672 2,147 621 1,471 3.a o u 28 74 64 5 1 260 155 Wages. Total paid Capital during invested, the year. Stock used. Value of product. $84,352 463,902 6,211 112,476 365,119 47,279 7,650 4,241,734 532,341 $231,800 621,500 7,7110 254,150 8,000| 804,674 127,400 3,800 4,954,840 402,050 $252,4001 $433,750 927,006 10,900 456,988 1,472,099 94,082 39,000 12,060,737 842,903 1,721,441 22.1. 'ID 666,551 20,000 2,312,773 184,618 53,900 20,113,509 1,592,590 CONCRETE WALKS, PAVING, ETC. Bristol, New Bedford, Middlesex, Maiden, AVORCTSTER, Worcester, 2 12 12 2 12 12 - - 1 4 4 ^ _ 1 4 4 - - 1 2 2 _ ^ 1 2 2 — — $4,800 4,800 7,000 7,000 200 200 $21,000 21,000 • 5,000 6,000 2,000 2,000 RECAPITULATION (By Counties^ The State, 4 18 18 - - $8,260 $12,000 $14,.360 $28,000 Bristol Middlesex, Worcester, 2 1 1 12 4 2 12 4 2 ~ - ... 4,800 7,000 200 21,000 5,000 2,000 COOKING, LIGHTING, AND HEATING APPARATUS. [Co.ll hods and fire shovels, cooking ranges, fire shovels, furnaces, gas and water meters, gas stoves, grates, hollow ware and castings, lamp and gas fixtures, lamps and lanterns, pokers, lifters and tongs, steam heating apparatus, stove linings, stoves, stove fchelves, etc ] Bristol, .... 15 468 467 _ 1 $229,406 $410,500 $223,637 $602,695 Attleborough, . 1 25 25 - - 30,000 50,000 Fall River, 1 20 20 - - 10,000 20,000 New Bedford, . 1 10 10 _ - • . < 6,000 15,100 Taunton 12 413 412 - 1 204,906 365,500 188,137 517,595 Essex, 2 14 14 _ „ ... 11,200 ... 14,000 Methuen, .... 1 2 2 - - ... 1,200 4,500 Salem 1 12 12 - - ... 10,000 ... 9,600 Franklin 1 1 1 _ _ 1,000 ... 1,300 Orange 1 1 1 - ... 1,000 1,300 Hampden, .... 3 46 46 _ _ 20,560 68,000 31,300 55,600 Holyoke 1 12 12 - - 3,000 20,000 Springfield, 1 4 4 - - 20,000 7,600 Westfield 1 30 30 — — ... 45,000 ... 28,000 MANUFACTURES BY NAME. 627 COOKING, LIGHTING, AND HEATING APPARATUS — Concluded. Counties, Cities, "and Towns. Hampshire, Northampton, Middlesex, Cambridge, Wakefield, Watertown, Plymouth, . Kingston, . Suffolk, Chelsea, Worcester, Tumpleton, Worcester, c3 3 — Average Number of | Employes. 1 to 1° a, c3 32 O u 3 3 -~— . 3 3 - - 573 573 _ _ 290 290 _ _ 125 125 - - 158 158 - - 16 16 _ _ 16 16 - - 242 242 _ _ 242 242 - - 61 61 _ _ 27 27 _ 34 34 ~ - Wages. Total paid during the year. $249,332 29,931 19,931 Capital invested. Stock used. Value of product. $3,000 3,000 800,000 400,000 100,000 300,000 12,000 12,000 401,000 401,000 99,000 12,000 87,000 $266,716 42,374 22',374 $3,000 3,000 799,364 349,364 150,000 300,000 25,000 25,000 402,500 402,500 98,000 33,000 65,000 RECAPITULATION (By Counties] . The State, 32 1,424 1,423 - 1 $706,316 $1,805,700 $733,677 $2,001,459 Bristol, . . . . 15 468 467 _ 1 229,406 410,500 223,637 602,695 Essex, 2 14 14 - _ 11,200 3,350 14,000 Franklin, . 1 1 1 _ _ 1,000 1,300 Hampden, . 3 46 46 - - 20,560 68,000 31,300 55,600 Hampshire, 1 3 3 - - 3,000 3,000 Middlesex, 3 573 573 - _ 249,332 800,000 266,716 799,364 Plymouth, 1 16 16 - - 12,000 25,000 Suffolk, . '"> 242 242 _ _ 401,000 402,500 Worcester, 4 61 61 - - 29,931 99,000 42,374 98,000 CORDAGE AND TWINE. [Cordage, twine, hammocks, etc.] Bristol, Fall River, New Bedford, Essex, . Gloucester, Newburyport, Salem, Hampden, . Springfield, Hampshire, Amherst, . Middlesex, Arlington, Cambridge, Lexington, Lincoln, Maiden, Newton, . Soraerville, Woburn, . Norfolk, . Niedham, . Weymouth, 4 179 162 9 8 3 9 7 1 1 1 170 155 8 7 3 35 12 22 1 1 26 4 22 1 8 8 _ _ 1 1 - - 1 1 40 7 33 1 40 7 33 - 1 •2 2 _ _ 1 2 2 - - 10 1 2 85 44 25 16 3 3 _ _ 1 4 3 _ 1 1 3 3 _ _ 1 2 1 _ 1 1 65 29 25 11 1 1 _ _ 1 2 7 5 - 2 2 32 13 15 4 1 9 8 _ 1 1 23 5 15 3 $59,280 2,550 8,620 25,655 $81,750 6,750 75,000 24,200 8,000 15,000 1,200 30,000 30,000 1,000 1,000 141,750 1,500 1,S00 500 600 400 135,000 450 1,500 13,000 10,000 3,000 $563,468 37,800 60,000 104,300 $668,763 45,800 622,963 84,900 40,000 44,000 900 37,871 37,871 3,000 3,000 172,730 800 4,030 3,800 4,500 1,000 152,000 1,500 5,100 32,920 23,920 9,000 628 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. CORDAGE AND TWINE — Concluded. J> AvERAOE Number of •si Employes. Wages. Total paid Capital Stock Counties, Cities, and ^ Pltmoith 6 390 356 7 27 $136,272 $712,700 $812,058 $1,131,657 HiiittliMin 5 96 91 3 2 32,672 83.700 111,602 104,001 Plymoutli, 1 294 265 4 25 ... 629,000 ... 936,756 Suffolk 7 470 343 108 19 134,995 706,550 774,925 1,124,400 Bostuu, .... 7 470 343 108 19 134,995 706,550 774,925 1,124,400 WoRrESTEn, 2 5 5 _ _ 2,200 15,500 Millhiiry, . . , 1 2 2 - - . . . 700 3,500 PllXtOU 1 3 3 - — ... 1,500 ... 12,000 REC !APITULATION (By Counties) . The State, 36 1,238 944 219 75 $384,601 $l,7t3,150 $2,362,237 $3,271,741 Bristol, .... 4 179 162 9 8 59,280 81,750 563,408 668,763 Ehscx 3 35 12 22 1 8,0J0 24,200 00,000 84,000 Hunipdon, 1 ': 40 7 33 - 30,000 37,871 H;im|>sliire, 1 2 2 - . . . 1,000 3,000 MiiMlc'scx, 10 85 44 25 16 25,655 141,750 104,300 172.7.30 Norfolk 2 32 13 16 4 13,000 32,920 Plvin(iutl), 6 390 356 7 27 136,272 712,700 812,058 1,131,657 Suffolk 1 470 343 108 19 134,995 706,550 774,925 1,124,400 Worcester, 2 5 5 — — ... 2,200 ... 15,500 CORKS. Essex, . Peabody, Suffolk, Boston, 1 22 10 12 1 22 10 12 - 4 56 34 16 6 4 56 34 16 6 $15,749 15,749 $6,000 6,000 32,434 32,434 $02,467 62,467 $18,309 18,309 106,125 106,125 RECAPITULATION (By Counties). The State, Essex, Suffolk, . 5 78 44 28 6 1 22 10 12 _ 4 " 34 16 6 $23,249 15,749 $38,434 6,000 32,434 $63,467 62,467 $124,434 18,309 106,125 COTTON GOODS. [Apron checks, batting, bobbinet lace, bolting cloths, canvas, cambrics, chintz, cottonades, counter- panes, comforliTs, curs.-t jeans, corset lacings, denims, drillings, duck, dress cords, flannels, ginghams, laces, paper-mill felt, prints, print cloths, quilts, stripes, silesias, sheetings, shirtings, spool cotton, tapes, ticks, tliread, twine, umbrt-lla cloth, wadding, warps, wicking, yarns, etc.] Berkshire, 17 2,488 869 1,123 496 $646,253 $2,884,276 $1,390,209 $2,582.6.32 Adams, .... 5 1 1,078 396 395 287 317,371 797.000 548,021, 1,081,679 Cheshire 1 1 31 11 10 10 .50.000 42.000 Great Barrington, . 1 244 111 88 45 ... 275,000 31.5,588 MANUFACTURES BY N"AME. 629 COTTON GOODS — Continued. i Average Number of of est Its. Employes. Wages. Total paid Capital Stock Counties, Cities, and to o ■a A Value of TOWKS. r-l ib'-' 5 S during invested. used. product. _2 - S £.5 .= 3 the year. D — o i5 " o a o'a ^ H a U^ >H Berkshire — Con. North Adams, . 6 710 215 411 84 $174,286 $1,205,864 $391,296 $802,488 Pittstield, .... 1 106 36 60 10 100,000 80,000 "WilliiiniBtown, . 3 319 100 159 60 1 54,046 456,412 148,977 260,877 Bristol, .... 50 19,273 7,911 8,627 2,735 5,154,331 29,361,558 11,099,735 21,412,623 Attk'borough, . 4 669 304 24ll 124 166,358 1,019,440 402,371 425,081 Fall Kiver, 33 14,088 5,734 6,398 1,956 3,661,593 22,387,806 8,047,517 15,518,544 New Bedford, . 2 1 ^ 1,221 29 1,197 35 325 11 ... 4.624,:i« 3,223,605 Norton, .... ' \^\m 120,01.0 Rehoboth 1 28 16 9 3 60,000 61,500 Taunton 8 1,491 512 687 292 391,195 810,000 995,201 1,856,884 Wustport 1 179 95 60 24 ... 300,000 207,009 Essex 14 7,866 2,446 4,869 551 2,005,952 9,292,400 4,556,819 8,088,302 Lawrence, 7 4,745 1,264 3,235 246 1,310,361 5,350,400 2,914,497 5,059,904 Methuen 1 252 59 178 15 l,207,00u 280,971 Newburyport, . i 1,195 506 586 103 292,298 860,000 546,154 1,052,382 Rockport 1 252 108 76 68 . . • 175,000 250,000 Salem 1 1,422 509 794 119 ... 1,700,000 ... 1,445,045 Franklin 6 499 196 216 87 103,821 565,076 257,605 511,488 Colrain 2 289 117 117 65 ' 353,076 282,363 Conway, .... 2 92 32 44 16 • • > 122,000 164,173 Montague, 1 81 32 37 12 > ■ ■ 50,000 29,990 Shelburne, 1 ! 1 37 15 18 4 ... 40,000 ... 34,962 Hampden, .... 13 7,551 2,631 3,765 1,155 1,890,368 9,217,250 4,608,279 8,776,091 Chicopee 2 2,553 850 1,269 434 3,300,000 3,065,000 Holyoke, .... 5 2,762 852 1,481 429 1 717,755 3,310,000 1,419,133 3,088,853 Palmer, .... 3 1,284 564 552 168 316,380 1,090,000 773,434 1,454,674 Sprinetield, 2 702 294 327 81 1,140,000 867,564 West Springfield, . 1 250 71 136 43 ... 377,250 ... 300,000 Hampshire, 7 2,261 834 1,139 288 531,666 1,420,400 1,039,396 1,988,724 Belchertown, . 1 9 1 2 - . > > 15,000 22,850 Eastbampton, . 2 409 151 192 66 380,400 414,847 Nortbamptoii, . 2 163 35 108 20 75,000 214,858 South Hadley, . 1 395 187 185 23 ■ > . 450,000 . . . 234,358 Ware 1 1,285 454 652 179 ... 600,000 ... 1,101,811 Middlesex, 13 13,240 3,763 8,418 1,059 3,303,439 11,824.268 8,400,738 15,612,900 Lowell, .... 8 11,679 3,299 7,565 815 2,885,827 10,796,268 7,729,257 14,345,890 Newton, .... 1 163 55 74 34 100,000 173,089 Shirley 3 191 64 102 25 35,593 128,000 77,000 157,000 Waltham 1 1,207 345 677 185 ... 800,000 ... 936,921 Norfolk 11 530 264 205 61 116,923 482,164 687,736 810,659 Canton, .... 2 173 70 70 33 102,000 . > > 103,049 Dedham 1 q t, 3 _ - ... 5,000 5,000 Hyde Park, 1 18-: 8S 75 18 264,264 161,071 Sharon, .... 1 2S C 17 - 21,400 38,038 Stoughton, 1 11 (. 5 - 15,000 . . . 10,794 Walpole 5 13S 9C 38 10 34,387 74,500 398,027 492,607 Pltmouth, .... 4 181 9e ) 54 31 49,42C 233,000 170,441 276,863 Plymouth, 3 16S i Si S hi 28 46,925 ! 213,000 162,42c 259,964 Plympton 1 i: i i i 5 ! 3 ... 20,001 ... 16,899 Bdffolk, .... 5 2S< ) 6- I 14J ) 80 74,20( ) 243,00f 389,00( ) 550,000 Boston, .... 5 28! ) 64 1 14? ) 80 74,20( ) 243,00C 389,00( ) 560,000 Worcester, 50 7,43' ) 3,29( 3 3,16f ; 977 2,000,72; J 7,146,75r 4,144,64- I 7,956,000 Athol, .... 3 7 I 3' 1 2; 5 14 20,85( ) 53,001 61,22, ) 115,850 Auburn, .... 2 12 I 3- r 6 ) 19 90,001 138,750 Barre, .... 1 601 3 3 It 5 8 . . . 45,0(l( 95,887 Blackstone, 2 66 D 27 s! 27 i 104 ... 1,010,001 ' ... 641,309 Boylston, .... 1 9 3 5 r 3 3 5 200,001 147,366 Clinton, .... 2 1,36 1 7 70 3 55 3 103 ... 680,001. ... 1,396,766 630 CEXSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. COTTON GOODS — Concluded. CoDNTiES, Cities, and Towns. Worcester — Con Fitchburg, . Grafion, HoUlen, Lancaster, . Millbury, Nortlibridge, Oxford,. Soutbbridge, Sturbridge, . button, . IJxbridge, Warren, Wi'bster, West Boylston, Winchendon, Worcester, . - c c S |2i Average Number of E.MPLOYE8. o a o 100 40 60 427 209 154 121 43 50 72 62 8 354 135 176 607 230 285 111 58 40 304 128 132 335 183 136 678 225 277 125 46 58 512 244 • 219 465 186 207 575 237 2.58 226 116 97 50 14 35 "C -; 64 28 12 43 92 13 44 16 176 21 49 72 80 13 1 Wages. Total paid during the year. Capital invested. Stock used. $101,585 24,649 149,372 24,800 123,917 $100,000 490,000 72,000 60,000 4.55,000 7.50,000 37,750 320,000 500,000 400,000 160,000 480,000 400,000 512,500 300,000 31 ,.500 $179,708 56,926 228,937 272,023 104,150 324,900 Value of product. $160,000 .355,328 105,000 7.3,600 388,720 611, .524 1.50,600 306,376 470,000 584,000 n7,e:i4 772,304 336,000 010,(163 336,773 42,150 RECAPITULATION (By Counties). The State, Barnstable, Uerkshire, Bristol, . Dukes, . Essex, . Franklin, Hampden, Ilami>f^liire, Middlesex, Nantucket, Norfolk, Plymouth, Suffolk, . Worcester, • 190 61,617 22,370 31,727 7,520 17 50 2,488 19,273 869 7,911 1,123 8,627 496 2,735 14 6 13 7 13 7,866 499 7,551 2,201 13,240 2,446 196 2,631 8.34 3,763 4,869' 551 ! 216 87 3,765 1,155 1,139 288 8,418 1,059 1 11 4 5 50 530 181 289 7,439 264 96 64 3,296^ 205 .54 145 3,166 61 31 80 977 $15,877,096 $72,670,142 $36,644,605 646,253 5,154,331 2,005,952 103,821 1,890,368 531,666 3,303,439 116,923 49,420 74,200 2,000,723 2,884,276 29,361 ,558j 9,292,400| 565,076; 9,2]7,-.'.50 1 ,420,400 11,824,268 482,164 2.33,000 243,000 7,146,750 $68,566,182 1,390,209 11,099,735 4,5.06,819 257,605; 4,6118,279 1,0.30,3!!6 8,400,738^ 587,736 170,441 389,000 4,144,647 2,582,632 21,4)2,623 8,088,302 511,488 8,776,091 1,988,724 15,612,900 810,.559 276,863 5.50,000 7,956,000 COTTON, WOOLLEN, AND OTHER TEXTILES. [Blankets and cotton cloth, cashmeres, alpacas and fancy cassimeres, cotton and wool cassimeres, cotton and wool flannels, cotton and woollen goods, cotton warp doeskins, cotton and jute goods, felting and cotton and wool wadding, cotton waste, felting and shoddy, woollen, worsted and cotton fabrics, worsted and cotton dress goods, worsted, cotton warp, and woollen goods, woollen, merino and cotton yarns, steam packing, webbing and crash, yarns not specified, etc.] Bristol, . Attleborough, Dighton, Freetown, Essex, Lawrence, Methuen, Hampden, Hampden, Holyoke, Springfield, Hampshire, Enfield, 214 60 106: 12 100 40 8 8 3,298 2,971 327 967 776 191 217 154 89 51 70 58 58 45 43 43 27 27 134 20 94 _ 40 20 1,947 384 1,8.55 340 92 44 39 24 22 16 4 8 13 - 16 1 16 'il $58,332 1,108,074 58,355 $312,0001 147,000; 150,0001 15,000 3,966,385! 3,876,385 90,0001 177,80O; 57,800 10,000 110,000 60,000 60,000 I $31.5,419 2,637,708 481,849 $479,210 210,000 250,000 19,210 5,600,009 5,400,009 200,000 762,610 172,345 153.265 437,000 70,,500 70,500 MAXUFACTUEES BY XA3IE. 631 COTTON, WOOLLEN, AND OTHER TEXTILES — Concluded. CoDNTiES, Cities, and Towivs. Middlesex, Acton, Chelmsford, Concord, . Lowell, Tyngsborough, Winchester, Norfolk, . Meiilifld, . Needbam, . Worcester, Charlton, . Mendon, . Southbridge, OS a Vi o $5 S| I"" Average Number of Employes. o 204 26 30 121 9 6 12 17 2 15 812 30 7 775 U3 123 12 10 74 9 6 12 12 2 10 372 15 7 350 70 13 20 37 -3 - § I *^ — • o a 11 1 10 362{ 121 78 3 350! 75 Wages. Total paid during the year. Capital invested. Stock used. Value of product. $88,465 196,625 $230,000 1 30,000 20,000; 125,000' 25,000 5,000 25,000 28,000 18,000i 10,000 1 1,228,000! 20,000 8,000 1,200,000| ^298,694 $449,660 73,000 100,000 203.660 24,000 24,000 25,000 22,000 10,UU0 12,000 902,786 1,173,220 45,000 37,220 1,091,000 RECAPITULATION (By Counties) • The State, 26 4,805 1,715 2,573 517 $1,526,926 $6,002,185 $4,684,995' $8,557,209 1 1 Bristol 4 ' 214 60 134 20 58,332 312,000 315,419 479,210 Essex, 3 3,298 967 1,947 384 1,108,074 3,966,385 2,637, 7u8 5,600.009 Hampden, . 6 217 154 39 24 58,355 177,800 481,849 762.610 Hampshire, 1 43 27, 16 - 60,000 ... 70,500 Middlesex, 6 204 123 70 11 88,465 230,000 298,694 449.660 Norfolk, . 2 17 12 5 - 28,000 22,000 Worcester, 4 812 372 362 78 1 196,625 1,228,000 902,786 1,173,220 CRAYONS, PENCILS, CRUCIBLES, ETC. [Crayons, lead pencils, indelible pencils, crucibles, etc.] Bristol, Taunton, . Hampshire, Northampton, Middlesex, Acton, 2 27 24 3 2 27 24 - 3 1 2 1 1 _ 1 2 1 1 - 1 7 4 3 _ 1 7 1 4 3 - $60,000 60,000 3,500 3,500 2,000 2,000 $68,452 68,452 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 RECAPITULATION (By C /OTJNTIES) • The State, 4 36 29 4 3 $17,724 $65,-500 $42,070 $75,452 Bristol Hampshire, Middlesex, 2 1 1 1 27 2 7 24 1 4 1 3 3 ... 60,000 3,500 2,000 68,452 3,500 3,500 DRUGS AND MEDICINES. [Drugs, medicines, patent medicines and compounds, etc.] Barnstable, Provincetown, Yarmouth, 3 8 8 _ _ $2,995 $9,000 $1,113 $6,800 2 7 7 - - 8,000 5,300 1 1 1 ~ ~ 1,000 1,500 632 CENSUS or MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. DRUGS AND MEDICINES — Concluded. i Average ' •fUMBH R OF 4-3 •52 Employes. Wages. Total paid Capital Stock Counties, Cities, and > • 5,000 14,000 Springfield, 2 22 22 — — ... 61,150 ... 85,500 Middlesex, 18 420 337 75 8 209,201 923,900 810,976 1,508,184 Acton, .... 1 , 2 2 - - • > • 300 1,300 Bedford 1 i 2 2 - - 3,500 4,800 Cambridge, 3 1 46 31 13 2 21,400 235,000 194,000 300,000 Everett 1 75 75 - - 200,(100 350,000 Lowell, .... 4 226 160 61 5 122,200 318,000 279,080 580,100 Maiden 4 11 10 1 - 4,138 31,600 31,(J00 41,000 Medford, .... 1 - - - - - 2,000 5,000 Somerville, 1 3 2 - 1 . . . 3,500 600 Tewksbury, 1 16 16 - . - * . . 30,000 45,000 Woburn 1 39 39 — — ... 100,000 ... 180,384 Norfolk 3 7 3 4 _ 2,610 3,400 3,100 9,300 Foxborough, 1 - - - - - 500 1,000 Franklin 1 3 3 - - 2,500 7,000 Norwood, .... 1 4 ~ 4 — ... 400 ... 1,300 PLTMOtTTII 1 3 3 _ _ 5,000 25,000 Brockton, ..." 1 3 3 — - ... 5,000 ... 25,0(J0 BlFFOLK 33 243 174 66 3 102,205 388,150 667,982 1,224,728 Boston 32 240 171 66 3 101,231 380,150 666,982 1,222,592 Chelsea, .... 1 3 3 — - ... 8,000 ... 2,136 Worcester, 5 20 19 1 _ 10,450 27,600 19,100 52,500 Westborough, . 1 - - - - 500 1,500 Worcester, 4 20 19 1 10,450 27,100 18,500 51,000 RECAPITULATION (By Counties). The State, 75 766 609 146 11 $358,479 $1,461,000 $1,619,907 $2,993,712 Barnstable, 3 8 8 _ _ 2,995 9,000 1,113 6,800 Berkshire, . 1 - - - - - 3O0 3,500 Bristol, 5 25 25 - - 10,550 30,000 18,850 43,200 Esses, 3 11 11 - - 6,400 7,500 7.000 21,000 Hampden, . 3 29 29 - - 11.728 66,150 69,7S6 99,500 Middlesex, 18 420 337 75 8 209,201 923,900 810,976 1,508,184 Norfolk, . 3 7 3 4 - 2,610 3,400 3,100 9,300 Plymouth, 1 3 3 - - 5,000 25,000 Suffolk, . 33 243 174 66 3 102,295 388,150 667,982 1,224,728 Worcester, 5 20 19 1 ~ 10,450 27,600 19,100 52,500 MANUFACTURES BY NAIME. 633 DYEIXG AND FINISHING TEXTILES, [See note on page 601. The State ng^reaates given below represent the dyeing and finishing establish- ments ennaaed in dyeing and fir.iriliing textiles ninde in the textile fattorie!', and often forming part of same. Under the headii.g " Printing, Dyeing, and Bleaching," the smaller dyeinir, lileaching, and fin- ishing establishments are grouped, the majority doing work principally for-individuals.] Number of estab- lishments. Average Number of Employes. Wages. Totalpaid during the year. Capital invested. Stock used. Counties, Cities, and Towns. 3 o to 1— 1 ■3-2 £ o o u Value of product. The State, 28 4,915 3.953 562 430 $1,815,431 $8,613,500 $4,566,174 $9,482,939 Essex, . Lawrence, Middlesex, Arlington, Billerica, . Worcester, Millbury, . Worcester, DYE STUFFS. [Liquid dyes, powder dyes, wood dyes, etc.] f 3 3 _ 3 3 - ~ 1 52 52 _ _ 1 1 20 20 - _ 32 32 - - 9 9 _ _ 3 3 - - 6 6 — — $1,000 1,000 130,000 .30,000 100,000^ 30,OOo! 15,000: 15,000| $2,000 2,000 253,040 105,000 148,040 45,774 36,774 9,000 RECAPITULATION (By Counties). The State, Essex, ^Middlesex, Worcester, 5 64 64 - $29,994 $161,000 1 3 3 _ ... 1,000 2 52 52 - - ... 130,000 2 9 9 *~ ~ ... 30,000 $190,411 $300,814 2.000 253,040 45,774 EARTHEN AND STONE WARE. Bristol, Somerset, . Taunton, . Essex, . Beverly, . Lawrence, . Merrimac, . Middlesex, Cambridge, Bomurville, Suffolk, Boston, Chelsea, Worcester, Brook field, Sterling, . 26 24 21 19 a 51 12 12 8 8 3 3 1 1 47 47 37 37 10 10 87 76 82 72 5 4 30 26 20 16 10 10 $10,675 6,600 25,100 34,950 33,450 $32,000 22,000| 10,000 13,500 7,000 4,.= 00 2,000 51,000 41,000 10,000 63,000 58,000 5,000 18,000 3,000 15,000 $5,135 1,800 11,570 24,235 23,735 $39,500 33,000 6,. 500 1.3,700 10.000 2,.i00 1,200 44,236 04,236 lO.OOC 102,900 97,900 5,000 29,000 9,000 20,000 634 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1S80. EARTHEN AND STONE WARE — Concluded. RECAPITULATION (By Counties). i Average Number of S ■si Employes. Wages. Total paid Capital Stock Counties, Cities, and CD in "« ^ Value of Towns. a a £ 2 00 OS during invested. used. product. "a pi •£ — the year. as o a a § n O o ^ H fS Ci< K-l The State 17 202 185 13 4 $89,325 $177,500 $46,240 $229,335 Bristol 3 26 24 2 _ 10,675 32,000 5,135 39,500 Essox, .... 3 12 12 - - 6,600 13,500 1,800 13,700 Miilclk'scx, 3 47 47 - - 25,100 51,000 11,570 44,23& Suffolk G 8" 76 7 4 34,950 6.3,000 24,235 102,900 Worcester, 2 30 26 4 "" 18,000 29,000 ELECTROPLATING. Berksuire, North Adams, Bristol, Attlcborough, Diahton, . Fall Kivor, New Bedford, Essex, . Mi-rrimac, . Salisbury, . IIampden, . Springfield, Suffolk, Boston, Worcester, Worcester, 1 5 5 1 5 5 - - 4 13 11 2 . 1 4 3 1 _ 1 7 6 1 _ 1 1 1 _ _ 1 1 1 - - 2 6 6 _ _ 1 2 2 _ _ 1 4 4 - - 5 19 18 _ 1 5 19 18 - 1 19 97 91 4 2 19 97 91 4 2 2 4 4 _ _ 2 4 4 — — ^5,500 7,925 7,925 41,241 41,241 $1,000 1,000 5,900 1,500 3,000 600 900 8,500 8,000 500 8,500 8,500 113,450 113,450 4,000 4,000 $8,250 20,200 20,201) 5:?,900 .53,990 $6,200 6,200 24,100 12,000 8,000 2,400 1,700 7.000 2,000 5,000 60,950 60,950 147,550 147,550 7.800 7.800 RECAPITULATION (By Counties). The State, .... 33 144 135 6 sj $61,166 $141,350 $88,390 $253,600 Berkshire, 1 5 5 _ - 1,000 ... 6,200 Bristol. .... 4 13 11 2 5,500 6,900 8,250 24,100 Essex. .... 2 6 6 - - 8,500 ... 7,000 Hampden, 5 19 18 - 1 7,925 8,.500 20,2()0 60,950 Suffolk 19 97 91 4 2 41,241 113,450 53,990 147,550 Worcester, 2 4 4 ~ ~ — 4,000 ... 7,800 EMERY AND SAND PAPER AND CLOTH, ETC. [Emery, emery cloth, emery paper, emery wheels, sand paper, etc.] Hampden, . Westfield, . Hampshire, Northampton, Middlesex, Everett, Maiden, Waltham, . 1 8 8 1 8 8 - - 2 24 24 _ _ 2 24 24 - - 3 79 73 6 _ 1 50 50 - 1 24 20 4 _ 1 5 3 2 - $36,020 $60,000 60,0i;0 53,000 53,000 196,000 1.50,000 45,000 1,000 $149,029 $20,000 20,000 86,398 86,398 279,374 200,000 72,.574 6,800 MANUFACTURES BY N"AME. 635 EMERY AND SAND PAPER AND CLOTH, ETC. — Concluded. of estab- its. Average Nx^mber of Employks. 1 Wages. Total paid Capital Stock V CotraTiES, Cities, and co' 1(5 -d.- alue of Towns. Number lishmer 1 o r1 O Females above 1 ^1 "515 o o during the year. invested. used. P ■oduct. Norfolk Walpole 1 1 . 1 22 22 22 22 - 1 ■ ■■ $30,000 30,000 ... $64,800 64,800 Worcester, Worcester, 1 1 9 9 9 9 - ... 9,500 9,500 ... 15,00(1 15,000 — RECAPITULATION (By Counties) The State, 8 142 136 6 _ $64,057 $348,500 $241,773 $465,572- Hampden, Hampshire, Middlesex, Norfolk, .... Worcester, 1 2 3 1 1 8 24 79 22 9 8 24 73 22 9 6 ■ 1 1 C 1 1 1 , . , 36,620 60,000 53,000 196,000 30,000 9.500 149,029 20,000- 86,398- 279,374 64,800- 15,000. FANCY ARTICLES. [Fancy articles, jewelry cases, boxes, etc., needle books, notions, razor strops, etc. | Barnstable, Sandwicb, . 1 1 13 13 4 4 1 9 ; 9 j - ... $5,000 5,000 ... Berkshire, 1 ^ _ „ _ 600 Lenox, 1 - - - - ~ 600 Haimpden, . Springfield, 2 2 1 2Q 20 10 10 10 10 - ;;: 79,500 79,500 Middlesex, Everett, . 1 1 10 10 2 2 8 8 - ... 500 500 StrFFOLK, . Boston, 6 6 55 55 26 26 18 18 n 11 11,580 11,580 17,500 17,500 23,100 23,100 Worcester, Athol, Barro, . ' Nortliborough, Worcester, 4l 1 1 1 1 64 2 2 60 11 2 2 7 53 - 11,170 22,275 50 1,525' 700 20,000| 11,950 RECAPITULATION (By Counties). $10,000 10,000 1,300 1,300 13,500 13,500 3,200 1,200 48,200 48,200 36,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 30,000 The State, 15 162 53 98 11 $33,375 $125,375 $45,500 $110,200 Barnstable, Berkshire, Hampden,. Middlesex, Suflolk Worcester, 1 1 2 ! 1 6 4 13 20 10 55 64 4 10 2 26 11 9 10 8 18 53 11 11,580 11,170 5,000 600 79,500 500 17,500 22,275 2.3', 100 11,950 10,000 1,300 33,500 1,200 48,200 36,000 FERTILIZERS. [Animal dust, bone meal, fish scraps and guano, phosphates, plant food, superphosphates, etc.] Barnstable, Falmouth, . 125 125 125 125 $1,000,000 1,000,000 56fO COO 600,000 636 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS 1880. FERTILIZERS — Concluded. Counties, Cities, and Towns. Essex, . Lynn, Hampden, . Holyoke, . ."Middlesex, Somerville, IpLTMOfTH, . Duxbury, . iSUFFOLK, Boston, -Chelsea, Worcester, Millbury, . Norlhborough, a Average t^UMBEU Oi Employ Ks. CO o "H c o o ' « > r: > ^ — a ^J= F.^ 3-= o « a o o Eh a fa >H 3 3 19 19 60' 60 3 3 1 17 60 60 2691 269 2541 264 15 15 Wages. Total paid during the year. Capital invested. Stock used. $141,427 136,427 $2,000 2,000 ' 15,000 15,000 2,000 2,000| 35,000, 35,000; 593,000 6fi8,000' 25,000J 6,0501 50| 6,0001 Value of product. $835,490 805,490 $19,000 19,000 45,000 45,000 12,160 12,160 120,000 120,000 1,276.170 1,231,170 45,000 2,750 750 2,000 RECAPITULATION (By Counties ). The State, 13 480 478 2 - $210,866 $1,653,050 $1,330,650 $2,075,080 Barnstable, 125 125 _ _ $1,000,000 ... $600,000 Essex, 3 3 - - 2,000 • ■ ■ Hampden, . 19 17 2 - 15,000 • ■ . 4.'),ti00 Midilk'scx, 2 2 - - 2,000 • • • 12,160 Plj'niouth, 60 60 - - 35,000 ... 120,000 Suffolk, . 6 269 269 - - 141,427 593,000 835,490 1,276,170 Worcester, 2 2 2 — ■- 6,050 ... 2,750 FIREWORKS AND MATCHES. Bristol, Norton, Essex, . Boxford, . Middlesex, Keaaiiig, . Norfolk, . Weymouth, 30 30 23 23 17 17 11 11 10 10 20 20 8 8 4 4 20 _ 20 3 - 3 6 3 6 3 4 3 4 3 $20,000 20,000 40,000 40,000 10,000 10,000 500 500 $95,000 96,000 23,000 23,000 30,000 30,000 13,474 13,474 RECAPITULATION (By Counties ). The State, 4 81 42 30 9 $29,636 $70,500 $106,361 $161,474 Bristol Essex Middlesex, Norfolk 1 1 1 1 30 23 17 11 10 20 8 4 20 6 4 3 3 3 ... 20,000 40,000 10,000 600 ... 95,000 23,000 30,000 13,474 MAlSrtTFACTUKES BY NAME. 637 FLAX AND LINEN GOODS. [Burlap bajrginc;, cloth bags, craslies, diapers, jute ■baffgiiig, imitation gunny-cloth bagging, jute bag- ging, luce, linen bagging, table covers, thread, web linen, etc.] Counties, Cities, and Towns. Essex, . Andover, . Salem, Middlesex, Ashland, . Worcester, Dudley, . Leominster, ^1 AVEl ^AGE NL'MBER of Employes. , ^_ to O o s., a 2 s so 1 = •£■= o O S g es o o H ^ fa >H 548 205 280 140 268 65 235 23 235 23 562 242 531 227 31 15 201 100 101 202 202 205 19 8 142 40 102 10 10 115 107 8 Wages. iTotalpaid Capital ; during invested. the year. Stock used. $141,006 123,986 $450,000 300,000 150,000 25,000 25,000 750,000 720,000 30,000 $462,934 310,521 Value of product. $697,611 487,451 210,160 243,716 243,716 580,053 553,053 27,000 RECAPITULATION (By Cocnties). The State, Essex, Middlesex, Worcester, 7 1,345 470 608 267 3 548 205 201 142 1 235 23 202 10 3 562 • 242 205 115 1 1 $315,517 $141,006 123,986 $1,225,000 $450,000 25,000 750,000 $948,455 $1,521,380 $462,934 $697,611 ... I 243,716 310,521i 580,053 FOOD PREPARATIONS. [Baking powders, bread, broma, butter, carrageen, crackers, cured and packed meats, coffee, cheese, cocoaiuit cakes, cocoa, cocoa shells, cocoa butter, chocolate, corn l)all.-i and cakes, condensed milk, confec- tioTKTV, dessieatrd tish, dressed, cured and smoked meats, dried meats, dried sweet corn, dried apples and Other fruits, essences, flour and meal, flavoring extracts, gelatine, hen feed, head cheese, hermetically sealed g'lods, hulled corn, lard, maple sugar and molasses, oleomargarine, packed and cured fish, pastry, pop-corn, preserves, pickles and sauces, prepared animal food, prepared cocoanut, refined sugar, refined molasses, spices, vinegar, yeast, etc.] Barnstable, 17 15 15 _ _ $4,610 $14,700 $39,130 $63,259 Brewster, . 1 1 1 - - ... 1,800 3,232 Chatham, . 3 - - - - - 800 3,995 4,4:i5 Denins, 2 3 3 - - ... 1,800 _ 17,000 Falmouth, . 1 3 3 - - 2.000 . . . 9,.300 Orleans, . 7 4 4 - - 1,010 5.800 8,060 9,442 Sandwich, 3 4 4 - 1,300 2,500 15,200 19,860 Berkshire, 66 132 128 2 2 48,976 399,000 800,7-53 1,015,528 Adams, 4 6 6 - - 2,775 24,000 34,985 37,340 Alford, 2 2 2 - - ... 4,000 8,880 Becket, 2 2 2 - - ... 11,200 ... 47,150 Cheshire, . 2 2 2 - - ... 800 • • > 22,040 Clarksburu, 1 - _ - - _ 800 . ■ . 4,782 Dalton, 3 4 4 - - 1,113 17,000 35,971 45,610 Egremont, 2 2 2 - - > . > 10,.500 ... 23,795 Great Harrington, 5 4 4 - - 3,225 11,700 46,450 87,220 Hancock, . 2 2 2 - - 500 • ■ • 8,000 Hinsdale, . 1 2 2 _ - • • ■ 5,000 9,085 Lanesborough, . 1 1 1 - - > ■ ■ 5,000 12,320 Lee, . 1 4 4 - - ■ - ■ 5,000 . • . 23.029 Lenox, 2 3 3 _ - • • • 10,000 • • • 41.6.50 New Marlborough, 3 2 2 - - 990 6,500 6,185 20,327 North Adams, . 4 16 16 - - 6,236 56,2 -0 89,081 109,555 Pittstield, . 13 36 32 2 2 16,499 123,000 263,419 323,600 Sandistield, 2 4 4 - - 2,100 11,350 ShefHeld, . 3 5 5 - - 1,.5.50 24,SOO 31,129 35,201 Stockbridge, 1 3 3 - - 4,000 7,500 West Stockbridge, 7 26 26 - - 6,727 61,600 65,883 84,034 Williamstown, . 5 6 6 - - 2,0.50 15,300 36,095 53,060 638 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — ISSO. FOOD PREPARATIONS— Continued. C3 Average Number of of est; nts. Employes. Wages. Total paid Capital Stock Counties, Cities, and ^ i >A c = Value of Towns. i, M § — "3, 3 ales ibove 1' m '3 §2- 5-g during the year. invested. iiBed. product. ^~ H a= 1 fe" N liUISTOI, 68 335 349 27 9 $144,935 $475,200 $1,715,215 $2,143,612 Attli-borougb, . 1 7 5 2 - • ■ ■ 2,000 ... 14,000 Dartmouth, 8 - - - - - 13,000 _ 27,265 Elision, 6 11 10 1 - 3,200 15,500 33.222 81,000 Fall River, 16 90 . 86 4 - 36,574 132,000 399.260 494,736 Freetown, . 1 - - - - - 800 ... 6,670 Maiistiolr), . 2 54 47 3 4 • • • 24,000 • • > 153,000 Xew Bedford, . 16 153 139 14 - 68,913 204,300 790,873 932,1.55 Norton, 1 4 4 - - • > > 5,000 • . • 16,.525 Raynliam, . 1 1 1 - - • > • 2,000 16,000 fiefkonk, . 3 5 5 - - 750 6,100 2l',375 24,950 Swansea, . 2 4 4 - - • ■ • 9,000 ... 14,300 Taunton, . 11 66 48 3 5 20,198 62,500 296,900 363,012 Dukes, 2 7 7 _ ^ 2,800 11,260 Cottage City, 1 7 7 - - . . . 500 . . . 10,000 Edgartown, • 1 ■■ — — — - 2,300 ... 1,260 Essex, . . 111 446 422 19 5 196,082 816,24.3 1,762,405 2,394,252 Andover, . 3 15 15 - - 5,196 40,598 84,015 152,032 Beverly, . 4 23 23 - - 12,560 41,640 106,600 130,500 Boxford, . 3 3 3 - - 235 2,/)00 3,550 5,200 Bradford, . 3 3 3 - - 450 3,500 37,330 44,487 Danvers, . 2 7 7 - - ... 18,000 ■ ■ > 81,665 Essex, 1 2 2 - - • . . 6,000 • • . 10,000 Georgetown, 4 11 11 - - 3,696 7,600 34,506 41,178 Gloucester, 7 39 33 2 4 20,675 61,500 88,623 141,6:)0 Hamilton, . 4 7 7 - - 1,350 15,000 - 28,131 Haverhill, . 7 33 28 5 - 15,100 12,900 79,850 114,400 Lawrence, 14 89 88 1 - 45,661 314,600 616,122 701,142 Lynn, 11 67 63 3 1 31,922 99,600 170,200 258,700 Marhlebead, 6 17 16 1 - 7,584 16,725 23,894 35,847 Metbuen, . 1 1 1 - - ... 1,000 - 11,000 Newburj-, . 1 1 1 - - . • . 500 2,490 Newburyport, 17 58 52 6 - 19,986 75,700 136,000 255,775 Peabody, . 1 5 5 - - • • • 1,100 5,000 Rockport, . 1 2 2 - - 2,000 10,000 Rowley, . 3 11 11 - - 3.100 24,000 57,075 68,000 Salem, 9 27 26 1 - 14,574 27,600 94,031 135,225 Salisbury, . 1 4 4 - - ■ . • 5,500 • • • 31,500 Saugus, 1 3 3 - - . . ■ 20,000 • ■ . 35,000 Topstield, . 2 7 7 - - • • • 11,000 • . . 74,380 Wenham, . . . . 5 11 11 — — 1.425 8,680 15,380 20,950 Franki,in, . . . . 58 88 86 _ 2 31,345 131,975 462,368 603,7.i2 Ashlield, . 2 2 2 - - • ■ . 6,000 20,650 Bernardston, 1 2 2 - - • • • 4,000 25,000 Buckland, . 3 4 4 - - 1,234 4,200 10,040 11,500 Oharlemont, 2 4 4 - - ■ • ■ 6,700 ... 21,296 Colrain, 4 6 6 - - 1,020 3,500 15,550 19,580 Conway, . 3 8 7 - 1 2,450 9,000 22,265 35,700 Deerfleld, . 5 9 9 - - 4,111 18,725 66,625 97,018 Erving, 2 1 1 - - • • • 1,('00 9,620 Gill, . 1 1 1 - - • . . 1,800 9,614 Greenfield, 6 21 20 - 1 6,875 25,000 52,230 75,290 Heath, 2 2 2 - - • ■ • 2,500 ... 13,765 Leverett, . 1 - - - - - 2,000 6,000 Leyden, 2 2 2 - - . ■ • 850 5,600 Montague, 4 3 3 - - 3,080 12,200 38,519 43,877 New Salem, 1 3 3 - - 4,000 10,256 Northfield, 3 3 3 - - 612 6,600 11,750 18,703 Orange, 7 8 8 - - 3,493 6,800 62,652 64,742 Rowe, 1 1 1 - - ... 500 2,575 Shelburne, 4 8 8 - - 3,600 3,900 19,680 48,950 Bhulesbury, 1 - - - - - 500 3,150 Sunderland, 1 - - _ - - 5,000 23,850 Whately, . 3 1 i 1 — - 195 8,200 32,850 37,117 MAXTJTACTLTIES BY 2^AME. 639 FOOD PREPARATIONS — Continued. i Average Ndmber of m EaiPLOYES. Wages. Total paid Capital Stock Counties, Cities, amd to I.O "gc Value of Towss. . ai r-l ci > during invested. used. product. !2i "3 S o r= the year. Hampden, . . . . 71 312 285 24 3 $157,138 $666,575 $2,885,457 §3,475,975 Agawiira, . 5 6 6 - - 1,175 18,500 18,495 13.567 Brinifield, . 5 8 8 - - 2,200 25,800 49,055 70,318 Cliieopce, . 3 17 15 1 1 8,400 22,000 49,225 72,300 Granville, . 1 1 1 - - • • • 1,500 18,200 Hampdi-ii, . 3 2 2 - - 550 5,650 7,770 9,000 Holyokc, . 2 12 12 - - • - ■ 35,000 405,000 Longnieadow, 2 2 2 - - • - ■ 5,7(jO 7,150 Moiisoi), . 3 6 6 - - 2,175 6,000 11.002 32,577 •Piilraer, . 4 19 17 2 - 9,875 31,200 93,200 142,800 Russell, . 2 i 2 2 - - • • • 2,650 2,956 Soulhwick, 2 ! 3 3 - - 2,740 20,708 Springfleld, 28 1 175 155 19 1 92,869 371,035 1,234,545 1,530,049 Wales, 1 3 3 - - . • . 500 4,500 "U'estfield, 6 21 19 2 - 11,160 33,300 123,565 172,890 West Springfiel i, 2 3 3 - - • . . 23,500 26,660 Wilbraham, 2 32 31 - 1 ... 81,500 ... 947,300 Hampshiee, 47 118 115 2 1 39,170 257,925 591,297 733,589 Amlieret, . 2 5 5 - - • - > 13,000 62,249 Belehertown, 5 6 6 - - 442 7,500 47,134 60,025 Chesterfield, 3 4 4 - - 215 4,000 3,120 6,264 Cummiiiglon, 1 3 3 - - • ' * 1,200 1,600 Easth.inipton, 6 15 15 - - 6,080 24,000 92,174 108,942 Oranby, . 2 2 2 - - 6,500 16,100 Oreenwich, 1 1 1 - - ... 7,500 . . • 10,000 Hadlev, . 3 3 3 - - 800 8,500 24,462 26,531 Hatli.ld, . 1 2 2 - - ■ • • 1,200 16,025 Huntington, 3 6 6 - - 1,465 5,600 15,700 35,700 Korthampton, . 9 50 48 2 - 22,283 91,700 267,620 329,934 Plainti.ld, 1 - - - - - 2,000 5,817 fiouth Hadley, 1 _ - - - - 75,000 ... 16,987 Ware, 4 15 14 - 1 3,750 5,000 19,650 37,725 Williamsl.urg, 1 2 2 - - ... 3,000 ... 5,000 Worthington, 4 4 4 - - 125 2,225 2,100 4,690 Middlesex, 178 1,792 1,547 188 57 788,675 2,624,555 18,459,832 20,838,852 Acton, 7 ! 19 19 - - 7,758 43,000 108,161 131,322 Arlington, 2 1 7 6 - 1 .. - 6,000 34,000 Ashhy, 4 i a 5 - - 600 3,550 17,900 24,150 Ashland, . 1 3 3 - • . ■ 1,500 22,700 Ayer, 1 1 1 - _ . • • 8,000 11,000 Bedford, . 2 3 3 - - • . ■ 14,500 28,267 Billerica, . 1 2 2 - - > . • 2,000 . . . 1,100 Cambridge, 34 : 1,031 855 129 47 473,640 1,124,140 12,987,577 14,465,610 Chelmsford, 6 23 23 - - 4,225 47,500 123,950 133,200 Dunstable, 1 2 2 - _ 1,200 4,000 Everett, . 4 11 10 1 - 3,380 15,500 121,150 146,500 Framingham, 6 15 12 3 - 5,124 13,000 29,238 39,252 HollistoD, . 2 10 10 - - 10.400 8,500 Hudson, . 3 5 5 - - 1,980 6,700 25,000 32..500 Lincoln, . 2 - - - - _ 3,000 • ■ > 9,030 Littleton, . 2 4 4 - - ... 8,000 24,950 Lowell, 13 74 57 13 4 36,218 141,800 327.236 419,806 Maiden, . 2 7 5 2 - . • « 10,000 12,183 Marlborough, 5 20 19 1 _ 8,115 19,500 58,650 75,250 Maynard, . 1 6 4 - 2 ... 5,000 ... 4,000 Medford, . 3 12 11 1 - 5,150 6,200 16.700 22,850 Natick, 8 21 14 7 - 8,600 29,200 64,175 90,720 Newton, . 3 7 6 1 - 3,775 11,000 49,6-20 60,500 North Reading, 3 4 4 - _ 1,180 11,100 59,366 61,640 Pepperell, . 3 5 5 - _ 2,350 4,700 31,035 41,100 Reading, . 4 7 6 1 - 2,600 9,400 64,690 73,740 Sherborn, 1 2 2 - - ... 2,000 ... 4,000 Shirley, . 1 2 2 - - ... 3,075 ... 3,852 Somerville, 15 400 375 23 2 175,489 913,040 3,712,586 4,159,001 Stoneham, 1 2 1 1 - . ■ • 500 4,000 Stow, 1 1 1 - _ > . • 3,500 4,035 Sudbury, . 3 8 7 - 1 3,400 12,000 36,915 44,725 Tewksbury, 1 5 5 — — - 2,500 9,000 640 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — ISSO. FOOD PREPARATIONS — Continued. CoxjNTiES, Cities, and Towns. Middlesex — Con. TowiiKC'iid, Tviis/sborough, Wak.H.-ld, Wiiltham, AV.iti-rtown, AV'aylaiid, Wi-.-.tfoid, ^V^'^turl, . Woblini, . NOUFOLK, . Hollingliam, Braiiilree, Brookliric, CanttMi, Culiasset, . Dedliam, . Foxt)o lough, Franklin, . Hy.ii- I 'ark, WedtKld, . Miltun, Nt-edham, . Norwood, . Qciinry, Randolph, Sharon, Btoutrhton, Weymouth, Plymouth, . Bridifcwater, Brockton, . Duxbury, . Ea«i Brjdgewater, HanoviT, . KiiigHlon, Marion, Mar.-hfield, Midilleliorough, Piyinoulh, Koclii-.-tiT, Rockland, Bcituale, . Wareh.-im, West Bridgewater, Suffolk, Boston, Chelsea, . Revere, "Worcester, Ashl)urnham, Athol, Barre, Berlin, Blackstone, Bolton, Boyiston, . Brooktield, Charlton, . Dana, Douglas, . Dudley, . Fitchburg, Gardner, . Grafton, . Hardwick, 4 2 1 7 3 2 2 4 7 42 1 6 1 3 1 2 4 1 3 4 1 2 1 2 1 1 S5 1 6 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 3 2 8 2 1 227 213 13 1 185 4 4 3 2 2 3 3 4 5 1 4 2 3 3 2 3 Average Number or Employes. o to lo ?-1 OC rH o « o s > S o E 5 a== fe=' 10 21 8 2 4 7 14 199 1 11 2 5 2 14 8 70 2 9 30 1 3 13 6 20 125 1 61 2 1 3 4 13 2 2 17 13 5 1 522 4, 11 12 2 7 5 6 4 5 1 5 2 26 6 3 4 •2 9 18 8 2 4 130 1 11 2 5 2 8 8 15 2 9 23 1 3 12 6 2 20 112 1 52 2 1 3 4 12 2 2 16 13 3 1 2,511 1,742 2,437 1,690 ■ 73' 51 1 1 480 4 10 12 2 7 5 6 4 5 1 5 2 24 6 3 4 1 59 6 45 12 8 693 673 20 35 10 10 76 74 2 Wages. Total paid during the year. Capital invested. Stock used. $9,270 6,270 660 7,600 67,527 5,229 2,370 2,700 4,675 .3,098 17,300 11,150 49,740 30,050 4,000 '425 1,9.52 1,089,540 1,061,585 27,505 200,946 550 3,300 1,520 1,712 240 2,125 1,400 2', 700 12,600 2,500 1,500 $8,000 800 15,1 00 15,300 23,000 2,750 17,.500 5,500 44,200 359,4.iO 5,000 27,.500 2,000 0,500 7,000 26,000 21,050 20,UU0 10,OUU 21,000 117,100 3,000 4,500 6,000 54,.500 300 2,000 26,000 163,800 2,500 84,000 5,00U 1,200 4,000 4,000 500 2,300 6,000 2,000 2,900 32,. 500 9,900 6,000 1,000 4,606,425 4,465,625 126,800 14,000 892,060 9,000 10,000 9,000 1,800 20,500 8,000 3,-500 5,000 400 1,500 9,500 8,000 86,.500 9,.500 3,500 3,060 $19,495 111,073 141.100 20,825 141,100 725,782 80/262 21,850 31,250 48,628 125,110 123,025 101,405 427,953 166,498 37,100 22,330 20,875 27,419,112 27,175,012 235,500 3,625,5481 27,110 53,740 43,652 11,825 14,368 20,700 42,150 26,3.54 200,000 38,295 16,841 Value of product. $22,340- 19,-JOO 28,080 1.34,408 163,601 28,. 500 10,655 24,685 200,000 920,841 7,840 96,355 26,250 14,000 77,5u0 39,150 52,641 28,0LO 138,531 184,350 9,000 22,400 30,000 32,340 3,000 30,000 125,t84 608,715 4,100 294,1.50 4,500 1,260 42,250 2,335 3,640 l],ti50 44,000 11,200 25,200 93,-500 29,810 38,-06O- 2,500 30,908,932 30,574,120 .324,812 10,000 4,317,188 30.625 61,500. 51,227 3,225 172,500 17,000 24,128 27,000 45,925 6,740- 31,423 42,ooa 223,000 51,200 30,000. 26,720. ma:ntipactuees by name. 641 FOOD PREPARATIONS — Concluded. .a Average NuatBEB of | o Employes. 1 Wages. Total p.aid Capital Stock CouxTiES, Cities, and to o ■= = Value of Towxs. ii X l-H S C during invested. used. product. n 3 = "a o X > O o 7t -^ s > Si ^ ij the year. ^ Ch 3== fa = >- Worcester — Con. Harvard 3 7 7 - - $l,i540 $5,900 $37,800 $42,500 Hubbiird>ton, 5 1 1 - - 300 5.400 32,515 40,300 LaDc-ast'-r, 3 11 11 - - 4,575 26,500 61,615 70,420- Leicentr, 2 7 7 - - • • . 21,000 ... 36,000 Liineiihurg, 4 17 15 2 - 6,665 43,H00 236,300 316,000 Meidoii, . 2 3 3 - - ... I.bOO . . . .37,610 Milfon), . 6 30 3U - - 15,2^0 33,000 124,172 156,200 Millbury, . 3 4 4 - 2,000 18,000 76,155 82,300 New Brairtree, 1 - - - - 800 . . . 3,500 XorlViliorousili, 5 9 9 - - 1,585 6,-500 15,505 33,651 Norlliliriilgc, 2 3 3 - - • ■ • 10,000 33,-500 Korth Brookfidd, 2 ] 1 _ - ... 3,000 ■ . . 9,325 Oakham, . 3 6 6 - - 1,863 8,100 72,605 81,095 Oxford, . 1 1 1 - - 2,500 ... 3,700 Paxtdii, 2 2 2 - - • . . 1,.500 ... 9,295 I'cliTsli.itn, 2 3 3 - - ■ • ■ 2,000 ... 15,300- PIiillip>t.'i), 1 3 3 _ - > > . 2,4iikfg. 2 7 7 - _ ■ 2,800 11,260 Essex, 111 446 422 19 5 196,082 816,2-13 1,762,405 2,394,-252 Frail klin, . 58 88 86 - 2 31,345 131,975 462,368 603,752 Hampden, 71 312 285 24 3 157,133 666,-575 2,88..,457 3,476,975 Hanipr-liire, 47 j 118 115 2 1 39,170 257,925 691,297 733,589 Mid'llesex, 178 ' 1,792 1,547 188 57 788,675 2,624,-555 18,4-59,832 20,838,852 Norfolk, . 42 j 199 130 59 10 67,-527 359,450 725,782 9-20,841 Plvmouth, 35 ! 125 112 12 1 49,740 163,800 427,9-53 608,715- Siitf Ik, . 227 2,511 1,742 693 76 1,089,-540 4,606,425 27,419,112 30,908,932; Worcester, 185 522 480 35 7 200,946 892,060 3,625,548 4,317,188- 642 CENSUS OP MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. FURNITURE. [Bedsteads", billiard and batfatelle tables, etc., brackets and book racks, book cases, brass and iron bed- steads, cliurch furniture, cribs and cradles, chair stock, chairs, settees and stools, c;ibinet work, cnrled horsehair, desks, furniture paintiiiif, looking glasses, lounges, mattresses, oflice furniture, ottomans, rattan furniture, refrigerators, ship berths, spring beds, school furniture, show cases, sofas, tables, upholster- Jng, willow furniture, etc.] ■i Average Number of - Employes. Wages. Total paid Capital Stock ■Counties, Cities, and o »o c = Value of Towns. umber lishme 2 ales ibove 1 c > §2 ■5 — II during the year. invested. used. product. \^ H a" fa"* ^ jBerksiiire, 12 48 48 _ $25,980 $74,250 $48,600 $105,250 Adams, 1 2 2 - - ... 5,000 . . . 5,000 Egremont, 1 2 2 - - 2,000 . > . 4,000 Lee, . 1 1 1 - - 500 > > * 6O0 North Adams, . 2 14 14 - - ... 25,000 • • ■ .38,000 Pittstu'M, . 5 2S 28 - - 15,530 38,250 26,200 55,050 SandiHlield, 1 - - - - _ 2,500 • . ■ 800 Williamstown, . 1 1 1 - - ... 1,000 ... 1,800 Bristol, 17 63 55 8 _ 33,205 12,650 24,800 64,215 Fi.ll River, 4 ' 16 16 - - 7,370 3,500 9,400 22,705 New Bedford, . 9 39 32 7 - 14,160 7,100 10,800 30,410 Taunton, . 4 8 7 1 - 11,675 2,050 4,600 11,100 JESSEX, . 21 121 119 2 _ 54,504 88,000 79,830 180,600 Beverly, . o 6 5 1 - ... 14,300 33,100 Georgetown, i 2 1 1 - ■ > • 200 900 Lawrence, 5 11 11 - - 6,350 5,500 i8",goo 83,600 Lynn, 2 18 18 - - . . • 5,500 30,200 MuKchester, 6 64 64 - - 26,400 55,500 19,700 63,0(J0 Newhuryport, . 2 - - - - • 200 1,200 Salem, 4 20 20 - - 7,304 7,700 9,830 18,600 Franklin, . 15 272 247 20 5 80,106 102,300 96,007 211,540 lErving, 2 91 66 20 5 ■ • - 38,000 ... 80,000 'Greentield, 1 4 4 - - 12,000 15,000 Leverett, . 3 : 9 9 - - 1,310 0,000 1,155 3,450 •Orange, 6 164 164 - - 50,196 43,000 49.172 109,295 iRowe, 1 1 1 - - _ 500 100 "Warwick, . 2 3 3 - - ... 2,800 ... 3,700 UAMPDf.N, . 23 164 145 16 3 58,773 155,040 165,534 294,221 Chester, 2 26 26 - _ • > . 16,000 26,000 Chicopee, . 1 5 5 - - • • • 10,000 8,000 Holyoke, . 1 5 4 1 - • ■ > 2,000 12,450 Springfield, 18 98 90 8 _ 46,194 121,040 142,832 242,27] Westtield, . 1 30 20 7 3 ... 6,000 ... 5,500 ;Hampshire, 3 9 9 _ _ 2,500 9,900 7,300 15,200 HatHeld, . 1 6 6 - - ■ ■ « 6,500 ... 7,500 Northampton, . 1 2 2 - - • • > 400 5,200 Worthington, . 1 1 1 - ~ ... 3,000 ... 2,500 Middlesex, 53 902 864 23 15 385,707 399,900 424,145 1,057,352 Arlington, 1 _ - - - - 200 800 Ayer, 2 40 38 1 1 16,000 43,000 Cambridge, 16 618 597 12 9 277,235 305,500 258.058 670,391 Everett, 1 1 1 - - ■ ■ ■ 800 2,500 Pramingham, . 3 11 11 - - 4,000 5,150 13,255 21,080 Lowell, 8 86 76 10 - 35,371 39,000 87,231 150,311 Maiden, 1 6 6 - - • • • 500 4,000 Marlborough, . 1 _ _ - _ - 200 900 Medford, . 2 - - - - - 750 1,300 Melrose, . 2 57 57 _ _ • • • 3,500 ... 65,500 l^ewton, . 1 2 2 _ _ ■ ■ ■ 300 ... 2,000 North Reading, 1 3 3 _ _ 2,000 2.500 Keading, . 3 42 38 - 4 13,800 4,000 9,500 48,000 Somerville, 2 5 5 - - ... 1,800 12,000 Sloneham, 1 2 2 _ - > . • 500 3,800 Townsend, 1 12 12 - - ... 12,000 '.'.'. 1 2,450 Waltham, . 4 5 5 - - 3,075 2.150 5,140 12,820 Weston, 1 4 3 - 1 1,000 5,000 Winchester, 2 8 8 — — ... 4,550 9,000 MANUFACTURES BY NAME. 643 FURNITURE — Concluded. i Average Number of 1 Employes. Wages. Total paid Capital Stock ■Counties, Cities, and CO o -^d Value of Towns. 3 = H o outh at childre during the year. invested. used. product. !zi E-i jgcs ^°' tH NOBFOLK, .... 9 49 42 7 _ $17,464 $34,300 $68,860 $96,000 Brookliiie, 5 10 10 - - 6,474 12,800 6,100 17,100 Foxboiougli, 1 2 2 - - 1,000 1,600 Norwood, . 1 - - - - - 500 1,500 Walpole, . 1 22 15 7 - ... 10,000 25,800 Weymouth, 1 15 15 - - ... 10,000 50,000 Plymouth, . 10 60 59 1 -. 23,740 23,000 24,050 60,800 Abiiiaton, . 1 - - - - - 200 1,800 Bridsrewaler, 1 1 1 - - • • • 2,000 1,500 Brockton, . 2 28 28 - - ... 5,200 30,500 Hanson, . 1 6 6 - - 2,000 8,000 Hiniiham, . 2 19 19 - - 10,100 13,200 Mattapoisett, 2 3 3 - - 2,500 2,800 Rockland, . 1 3 2 1 - ... 1,000 ... 3,000 •Suffolk, . 210 3,226 2,940 244 42 1,459,364 1,952,779 3,023.811 5,541,089 Boston, 204 3,125 2,843 240 42 1,407,976 1,873,579 2,950,635 5,399,775 Chelsea, . 6 101 97 4 - 51,388 79,200 73.176 141,314 ■WOUCESTER, 88 2,531 2,358 123 50 1,099,287 2,129,575 1,805,881 3,570,555 Ashburiiliam, 4 150 150 - - 65,000 33,000 66,000 168.500 Athol, 8 132 131 - 1 51,064 50,000 80,000 151,000 Broiikfield, 1 - - - - - 500 1,000 Dana, 1 10 10 - - • . . 8,000 ... 13,000 Fitchburg, 7 320 320 - - 159,950 250,600 187,400 444,900 Oardiier, . 13 1,118 977 112 29 508,436 1,249,000 1,056,710 1,769,800 Hubbardston, 3 12 12 - - 3,625 11,600 4,500 16,000 Leominster, 3 121 116 - 5 49,478 85,000 51,380 115,000 Milford, . 1 3 3 - - 15,000 17,000 Phillipston, 2 12 12 - - . • • 7,000 8,843 Princi ton, 2 21 18 - 3 ... 6,000 ... 37,300 Royalston, 1 18 16 - 2 ... 10,000 18,000 Sterling, . 5 27 27 - - 6,900 9,200 15,000 29,000 Templeton, 10 261 261 - - 113,858 178,500 144,800 309,056 Weslborough, 1 1 1 - - 6,000 7,000 Westminster, 5 171 165 6 41,800 33,500 14,100 76,100 Winchendon, 4 21 21 - - 8,700 23,200 27,995 41,100 Worcester, 17 133 118 11 4 67,619 154,475 207,036 347,956 RE( JAPU 'ULA rioN (By Counties). The State, 461 7,445 6,886 44-i 115 $3,240,630 $4,982,594 $5,858,818 $11,196,827 Berkshire, 12 48 48 25,980 74,250 48,600 105,250 Bristol, . 17 63 55 8 - 33,205 12,650 24,800 64,215 Essex, 21 121 119 2 - 54,504 88,900 79,830 180,600 Franklin, . 15 272 247 20 5 i 80,106 102,300 96,007 211, .545 Hampden, 23 164 145 16 3 1 58,773 155,040 165,534 294,221 Hanipsliire, 3 9 9 - - 1 2,500 9,900 7,.300 15,200 Middlesex, 53 902 864 23 15 385,707 399,900 424,145 1,057,352 Norfolk, . 9 49 42 7 - 17,464 34,300 68,860 96,000 PIvmouth, 10 60 59 1 - 23,740 23,000 24,050 60,800 •Suffolk, . 210 3,226 2,940 244 42 1,459,364 1,952,779 3,023,811 5,541,089 Worcester, 88 2,531 2,358 123 50 1,099,287 2,129,575 1,895,881 3,570,556 GLASS. [See note p. 601 respecting State aggregates. The returns in the following table for Boston and Suffolk County represent almost exclusively manufactures of embossed glass, stained glass, etc. The totals for the State include not only these but also window glass, plate glass, bottles, glass ware, and manufactures of glass generally.] Suffolk, Boston, 92 92 I 12! 12 $48,5 !1 48,511 $55,650 56,650 $34,630 34,630 $114,340 114,340 6U CEXSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. GLASS — Concluded. Nunibor of estab- lishments. Average Xu.mber of Employes. Wages. Total paid during the year. Capital invested. Stock used. Counties, Cities, and Towns. "3 o I— ( C5.0 Youth and children. Value of product. The State, 21 j 1,038 905 70 63 $431,853 $878,650 $364,494 $968,685. GLUE, ISINGLASS, AND STARCH. Essex, 8 149 149 _ _ $42,879 $189,000 $142,784 $236,321 Gloucestei*, . ... 1 6 6 - _ 6,000 6,500- Lynn 1 5 - - • ■ > 5,000 6,000- Marhlehead, 1 10 10 - - ... 10,000 ... 15,000 Peabody 2 70 70 - - ■ . * 125,000 . . . 90,200 Hockport, .... 2 55 55 - - . . . 40,000 107,021 Salisbury 1 3 3 - - ... 3,000 ... 3,000 Hampden, .... 1 2 2 _ ... 950 ... 2,500 Spiingtield, 1 2 2 - ... 950 2,500 Middlesex, 6 101 101 _ _ 50,650 147,500 173,400 246,700 IJillerica, .... 1 4 4 - - • > . 5,000 5,900 Newton, .... 3 12 12 - - 3,2.50 12,.'-)00 18,600 .30,800 Waicrtown, 1 15 15 _ - • • > 30,000 60,000 Woburn, .... 1 70 70 -. - ... 100,000 ... 150,000 NOUFOLK, .... 3 41 31 10 _ 10,700 62,950 91,300 122,600 Foxborough, 1 4 4 _ . . . 2,500 ... 2,000 Needham, .... 1 2 2 - ... 4.')0 000 \V'eymouth, 1 35 25 10 - ... 60,000 ... 120,000 AVORCESTEU, 1 2 2 _ _ ... 5,000 8,000 Harvard, .... 1 2 2 ^ *~ 5,000 8,000 RECAPITULATION (By Counties). The State, Essex, Hampden, . Middlesex, Norfolk, . Worcester, 19 295 285 10 - 1 8 149 149 _ 1 2 o - _ 6 101 101 - . 3 41 31 10 _ 1 2 2 — — $105,529 42,879 50,6.')0 10,700 $405,400 189,000 950 147,-500 62,9.50 5,000 $414,3841 142,784j 173,400 91,300 $616,121 236,321 2,. 500 246,700 122,600 8,000 HAIR WORK. [Huaian Hair Work.] Berksuire, Pittsfield, . Bristol, New Bedford, Essex, . Lynn, Hampden, . Springfield, Middlesex, Walthani, . ' 2 1 1 1 _l 2 1 1 - 1 - 1 ' 1 _ 1 _ 1 1 1 -< 1 6 6 _ _ T-H 6 6 - - 2 2 1 1 _ 2 2 1 1 - 1 1 _ 1 ._ 1 1 — 1 — i $900 900 500 500 2,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 $3,000 3,000 1,900 1,900 15,000 15,000 2,800 2,800 1,400 1,400 MANUFACTURES BY NAME. 645 HAIR WORK — Concluded. 3 m u o Average Number of Employes. Wages. Total paid during the year. Capital invested. Stock used. ■Counties, Cities, and Towns. 3 o to « o a: .-1 2. •2p .c-c Value of product. :8UFFOLK, .... Boston, .... Chelsea •Worcester, . Fitchburg, Worcester, 14 13 1 2 \ 75 74 1 5 1 4 9 9 66 65 1 5 1 4 - $20,791 20,441 ... $28,800 28,600 200 l.JOO 500 1,000 $33,860 33,360 $74,300 73,400 900 3,800 1,800 2,000 RECAPITULATION' (By Counties). ■The State, Berkshire, . Bristol, Kssex, Hiim|)den, Mklilk'sex, Suflblk, . Worcester, 23 91 16 75 2 1 _ 1 _ 1 1 - 1 - 1 6 6 _ _ 2 2 1 1 _ 1 1 - 1 _ 14 75 9 66 _ 2 5 ~ 5 _ $24,617 20,791 $35,700 $48,960 900 500 2,000 1,000 1,000 28,800 33,860 1,500 $102,200 3,000 1,900 15,000 2,800 1,400 74,300 3,800 HOSE; RUBBER, LINEN, ETC. Middlesex, Cambridge, 1 1 10 10 4 4 5 6 1 1 ... $25,000 25,000 ::: $6,147 6,147 Suffolk Chelsea 1 1 15 15 5 5 5 5 5 5 ... 30.000 30,000 52,340 52,340 RECAPITULATION (By Counties; . The State, .... Middlesex, Suffolk 2 1 1 25 10 15 9 10 5 5 6 1 5 ... $55,000 25,000 30,000 $58,487 6,147 52,340 INDUSTRIES NOT SPECIFIED. [See note, page 580.] Suffolk, Boston, 117 117 3,58o 3,585 2,417 2,417 1,068 100 1,068 100 $1,453,833' $4,230,030 1,453,8331 4,230,030 $4,832,980 4,832,980 $8,094,542 8,094,542 INK, MUCILAGE, AND PASTE. Bristol, New Bedford, .Essex, . Aiidover, 1 1 1 1 1 1 - - 1 5 5 _ _ 1 5 5 - - $1,000 1,000 10,000 10,000 $■2,000 •2,000 7,500 7,500 / 646 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS 18SO. INK, MUCILAGE, AND PASTE — Concluded. Counties, Cities, and Towns. i .Si 1"" Hampden Holyoko, .... Spriiigtield, Norfolk Norwood Quincy, .... Plymouth Hanover Worcester, Warren 2 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 Avekaoe Number of Employes. o Eh CD I-t U 00 > ^ o CJ.O cj > 6 6 4 4 2 2 26 24 20 20 6 4 2 1 2 1 7 5 7 5 Wages. Total paid during llie year. Capital invested. Stock used. V.ilue of product. $17,000 $6,000 5,000 1,000 109,000 100,000 9,000 1,000 1,000 9,000 9,000 $57 300 $9,790' 5,790 4,000 92,700' 80,000 12,700 l.OOO 1,000 13,000' 13,000 RECAPITULATION (By Counties). The State 9 47 42 ' 2 $22,970 $1.36,000 $71,900 $125,990 Bristol, .... 1 1 1 _ _ ... 1 ,000 2,000 Essex 1 5 5 - - 10,000 7,500 Hampden 2 6 6 - - , ' ... 6,000 9,790 Norfolk, .... 3 26 24 - 2 17,000 109,000 57,300 9'2,700 Plymoutl), 1 2 1 1 - , 1,000 1,000 Worcester, 1 1 5 2 i 9,000 13,000 Bristol, Mansfield, . . Essex, . Lawrence, Newburyport, . West Newbury, Worcester, Clinton, Leominster, Northborough, IVORY, BONE, AND HORN GOODS. [Combs, ivory, bone, horn and siiell jewelry, etc.] 1 50 45 5 _ 1 50 45 5 - 7 179 154 21 ' 4 1 1 1 - - { 3 110 97 13 _ 3 68 56 8 4 36 917 718 156 43 3 107 86 11 10 29 750 585 134 31 4 60 47 11 2 $.58,798 32,948 25,600 303,799 .36,855 243,543 23,401 $15,000 15,000 169,200 1,000 110,000 58,200 236,290 .31,800 174,490 30,000 RECAPITULATION (By Counties). $42,000 42,000 $82,925 4l',.^6o 41,000 200,8.50 1,0.50 105,000 94,800 262,494 31,969 210,707 19,818 726,497 109,.5fi3 561,197 55,73T The State, . Bristol, Essex, Worcester, 44 1,146 917 182 1 47 1 50 45 5 _ 7 179 154 21 4 36 917 718 156 43 $377,597 58,798 303,799 $420,490 $365,41? 15,000 169,200l 236,290 82,92:' 262,494 $969,347 42,000 2(M,850 726,497 JEWELRY BURNISHING AND LAPIDARY WORK. Bristol, Attleborougb, Suffolk, Boston, 3 12 12 _ _ 3 12 12 - - 4 39 33 3 3 4 .39 33 3 3 $4,782 4,7S2 19,700 19,700 $6,500 6,500 39,000 39,000 $5,000 5,000 .56,575 56,575 $17,500 17,500 102,'20O 102,200 MANUFACTUKES BY NAME. 64T JEWELRY BURNISHTNG AND LAPIDARY WORK — Concluded. RECAPITrLATIOX (By Covnties). .0 a I. P Average Number of Employes. Wages. Total paid during the year. Capital invested. Stock used. Counties, Cities, and Towns. ■3 I-H 1^ ■a ^ Value of product. The State Bristol, .... Suffolk, .... 7 .3 4 51 12 39 45 12 33 3 3 3 3 $24,482 4,782 19,700 $45,500 6,500 39,000 $61,575 5,000 56,575 $119,70(y ]7,50(> 102,200 LEATHER. [Beltine, belt lacinp;8, curried leather, enamelled leather, harnesses and saddles, horse collars, halters, lealherii aprons, lejithern goods, leather board, leather ribbon, patent leather, portmoniiaits, pocket books, roll covering, shoe shoddy, tanned leather, wallets, etc.] Barnstable, 6 7 7 $1,450 $5,450 $6,585 $11,865- Barnstable, 2 1 3 3 - - • > ■ 2,300 5,000 Easthain, . 1 3 3 - - • ■ ■ 2,000 2,800 Falmouth, . 2 - - - - - 350 2,065 Orleans, . 1 1 1 - - ... 800 2,000 Berkshire, 21 91 91 ^ _ 36,365 169,790 172,926 243,551 Adams, 3 14 14 - - 6,920 36,600 33,400 46,000 Che>Iiire, . 2 i 4 4 - - 15,200 18,200 Dalton, 1 1 1 - - 1,000 1,200 Hancock, . 1 _ _ - - - 500 800 Lenox, 2 2 2 _ - ... 1,600 2,200 North Adams, . 5 33 33 - - 13,718 45,500 59,700 83,547 Oti.s, . 1 3 3 - - 10,000 12,000 Pitti^field, . 4 33 33 - - 12,252 56,390 54,596 76,904 Sheffield, . 1 - - - - - 750 900 Williamstown, . 1 1 1 _ - ... 2,250 1,800 Bristol, 34 260 239 19 2 119,628 262,600 438,272 649,662 Attleborough, . 1 40 40 - - 50,000 162,500 Berkley, . 1 2 2 - - 1,500 3,500 Fall Kiver, 11 85 67 18 _ 37,500 101,200 128,900 190,752 New Bedford, . 11 120 118 1 1 46,103 101,900 191,222 272,560 Norton, 1 - - - _ - 500 1,500 Seekonk, . 2 4 3 - 1 . . > 1,400 4,400 Swansea, . 2 2 2 - - • > . 500 2,600 Taunton, . 5 7 7 - - 6.250 5,600 4',900 11,850 Dukes, 1 27 27 ^ _ ... 9,000 44,400 Tisbury, . 1 27 27 - - 9,000 ... 44,400 Essex, . 148 2,736 2,702 7 27 1,-373,577 2,897,145 7,800,907 10,411,024 Andover, . 1 2 2 - - 1,000 1,200 Beverly, . 10 115 112 - 3 54,925 42,600 193,.340 274,425 Daiivers, . 5 70 68 - 2 23,300 47,000 224,729 304,400 Ei^sex, 1 3 3 - - 8,000 10,800 Georgetown, 2 3 3 - - 1,600 5,350 Gloucester, 2 6 6 - - 6,500 12,500 Haverhill, 2 4 4 - - 1,500 10,500 Lawrence, 8 48 48 - - 20,047 33,275 84,837 123,786- Lynn, 23 768 757 5 6 408,618 910,100 1,657,763 2,309,272 Manchester, 1 20 20 - - 30,000 55,000 Marblehead, 1 2 2 - - . * . 3,000 6,000 Merrimac, 1 1 1 - - 500 3,000 Newburyport, 6 11 11 - - 3,250 3,650 21,200 30,300 North Andover, 1 4 4 - - 1,000 7.000 Peabody, . 29 768 751 1 16 378',847 638,370 2,056,755 3,042,387 Salem, , 52 910 909 1 - 463,454 1,107,050 3,487,973 4,209,004 Salisbury, . 1 _ _ - _ _ 800 4,.'J00 Topstield, . 1 _ - - _ - 500 . . . 600 Wenham, • 1 1 1 - - 300 700 ... 1,000 648 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 18S0. LEATHER — Continued. Counties, Cities, and Towns. S'rankltn, . Ch;irk'mont, Colrain, Di-erfield, . Krviiijf, Greenfield, MorU:iguc, Orange, Kowe, Bhelburne, !Hampden, . Blaiidford, '.iu'ster, Oliicopee, . Ilolyoke, . Palmer, Springfield, Toilaiid, West Springfield, Hampsuiue, Heli-liertown, Ni)rlh;imptun, Weslliampton, JUlDDLESEX, Acton, Arlington, Aehlaud, . Aj-er, . Burlington, Cambridge, Everett, . Kramingliara, (iroton, Holliston, . Hopkinion, Hudrion, Ltxington, Lowi-ll, MaMen, . Marlborough, Maynard, . Medford, . Xatick, Xewton, I'epperell, Reading, . tihirl.-y, . ••-^omeri-ille, Stonehain, Tewksbury, Townsend, "\raltbam, . WaterlDwn, Westtord, . Weston, Wilmington, Winchester, Woburn, . afORFOLK, . Canton, Foxborougb, Holbrook, . Norwood, . Quincy, Randolph, V. to o -s 13 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 23 2 1 3 3 2 10 1 1 5 1 3 1 132 1 2 1 2 1 12 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 16 6 3 1 3 4 4 3 3 2 5 7 1 2 6 1 1 1 1 10 23 22 1 3 1 3 5 2 Average Klmher of Emploves. o 101 1 60 4 10 22 1 1 2 235 3 7 6 9 181 29 22 1 21 3,167 1 3 127 3 200 1 5 40 1 2 100 6 205 217 6 1 11 1 6 8 5 21 78 191 5 1ft 4 2 1 2 40 402 l,ii-2 362 2 66 1 195 43 6 51 1 25 10 11 1 1 2 226 3 7 6 9 172 29 : o -.a - a 5 t ><" 3,106 12; 195 1 5 20 1 2 98 6 204 21 5 1 11 16 6 8 4 21 78 188 5 15 4 2 1 2 40 386 1,430 349 2 52 1 187 43 5 50 35 4 11 15 Wages. Total paid during the year. 4 4 36 16 5 13 4 8 Capital invested. Stock used. Vahie of product. $30,975 2,325 4,400 62,780 2,305 3,800 42,275 10,900 10,500 1,244,-538 96,790 1,800 93,147 84,.3:4 2,500 3*200 6,257 3,050 ],.5.35 1,-375 36,975' 78,943 1,850 105,488 586,865 158,720 7,975' 97,075 16,000 $296,7-50 150 1,00U la,OuO 5,000 li,:ion 255,500 800 3,000 5,000 122,100 10,000 5,000 4,800 .3,300 750 81,8.^0 16,000 200 12,200 200 11,-500 500 3,128,139 200 4,000 6IJ0 150,600 5,000 80,300 1.000 1,400 100,000 200 1,-500 80,000 9.000 177,600 163,800 1,3-50 500 4,7-50 103,0110 2,000 4,-5-50 1,900 55,000 61,500 144,100 15,000 40,000 4,300 400 400 400 50,000 400,000 1,454,789 343,350 1,0001 29,800 50 206,000 23,100 15,000 $65,5&2 $144,-582 - 600 1,200 > . . 66,687 3,000 11,875 22,950 10,-')00 38,000 1.500 5,645 5,000 326,643 473,891 • . . 16,200 56,(K)0 20,4X8 31,187 7,700 21,800 2,400 198,250 279.804 . . . 65,0(;0 1,500 26,588 25,01)0 7,417,525 522,910 3,100 515,1-52 478,99 6,000 7,820 3:3.100 4,6:,0 4,9Wj 2,150 241,068 523,574 5,4.30 1,297.662 3,150,097 1,148,608 8,225 752,1811 141,24-1 44,140 2,000 41,000 1,1,0 10,161,568 2,000 2,600 3,200 442,;&fi 9,000 774,-500 600 6,300 60,000 1 ,000 2,000 250,000 46,300 676,-503 596.208 11,100 1,000 15,000 51,600 13,450 10.0-50 4,200 50,000 361.650 665,640 .30,000 2T,'jOO 11,790 3,000 2,000 2,000 119,000 1,648,660 4,2t»,-521 1,482,787 3,167 26,750 1,000 927.500 182,545 80,000 MANUFACTURES BY XAME. 649 LEATHER — Continued. i Average Number of •si Emplotes. Wages. Total paid Capital Stock Counties, Cities, and « to ■^^ Value of Towns. o Eh Males above 1 a: iH .2 o a > 52 during the year. Invested. used. product. Norfolk — Con. Sharon 1 1 1 - - • • ■ $300 ... $4,500 Stoughton, 1 8 8 - - . ■ . 2,000 25,500 Walpolc, . 1 6 6 - - • . • 5,000 ... 15,125 Weymouth, 4 45 44 - 1 $24,550 61,100 $173,100 216,700 Plymouth, . 15 51 36 14 1 17,210 12,100 29,350 58,960 Bridge-water, . 1 2 2 - - 500 1,500 Brockton, . 4 27 25 2 - 11,975 3,200 15,900 33,000 Hanson, 1 - - - - - 150 • * . 500 Hingham, . 1 1 1 - - • • • 2,000 • . ■ 2,000 Mattapoisett, . 1 7 1 6 - 1,000 ... 5,000 Middleborough, 1 2 2 - - 600 • • > 2,000 Rockland, 2 2 1 _ 1 1,250 > ■ . 1,760 South Abington, 2 10 4 6 - 1,800 • a . 11,000 Warebanj, 2 - - - - - 1,600 ... 2,200 Suffolk, 114 1,342 1,301 22 19 577,169 1,596,600 3,610,366 4,738,073 Boston, 103 1,212 1,172 22 18 513,249 1,502,000 2,897,424 3,881,156 Chelsea, . 8 116 115 _ 1 59,090 82,600 676,333 803,163 Revere, 1 2 2 - - • • . 200 • ■ . 1,000 Winlhrop, 2 12 12 - - ... 11,800 ... 52,754 Worcester, 58 462 417 45 _ 177,613 503,100 1,325,552 1,724,356 Ashburnham, . 2 30 30 - - ... 5,400 ... 15,700 Athol, 4 64 23 41 - 12,200 11,550 26,2:^3 46,416 Auburn, . 1 5 5 - - . > . 4,000 * • . 12,000 Barre, 1 4 4 - - ■ > . 3,500 • ■ • 5,000 Brookfleld, 1 - - _ - _ 300 ... 800 Clinton, 1 40 40 _ - ... 5,000 ... 25,000 Douglas, . 1 2 2 _ - • . . 1,000 800 Fitchburg, 3 3 3 - - 1,550 2,550 3',i50 6,645 Grafton, . 2 40 40 - - ■ > • 19,000 • • ■ 450,000 Harvard, . 1 7 7 » _ • * . 30,000 • > * 4,875 Holden, . 2 14 14 _ - • • . 32,000 ... 58,000 Hubbardston, . 2 4 4 _ - ■ • • 4,.500 • • ■ 8,300 Lancaster, 1 9 9 - - ■ . • 30,000 • • . 24,000 Leicester, . 1 3 3 _ - • ■ . 15,000 • . . 52,000 Leominster, 1 64 64 - - > • ■ 30,000 180,000 Milford, . 1 1 1 _ _ * • ■ 800 2,200 Millbury, . 2 4 4 _ _ • • . 2,000 ... 6,600 Northbridge, . 1 2 2 - - ■ ■ • 2,000 . > • 5,500 Oxford, 1 2 2 - - 850 ... 3,000 Southbridge, 2 2 2 _ _ • • • 2,250 • ■ • 3,500 Sterling, . 1 18 18 - "" > ■ • 20,500 ... 65,000 Uxbridge, . 1 - _ _ . 200 ... 500 Warren, , 1 1 1 _ _ 150 1,000 Webster, . 1 2 2 - _ • . • 600 1,500 West Brookfleld, 1 1 1 _ _ ... 1,500 • . • 3,000 Winchendon, . 1 14 14 _ _ > ■ ■ 20,000 . • • 82,000 Worcester, 21 126 122 4 — 59,595 258,550 529,849 661,020 RECAPITULATION (By Counties). The State, 592 1 8,863 8,567 194 102 1 $3,818,925 $9,358,324 $22,398,914 $30,188,859 Barnstable, 6 7 7 _ _ 1,450 5,450 6,585 11,865 Berkshire, 21 91 91 - - 36,365 169,790 172,926 243,551 Bristol, 34 260 239 19 2 119,628 262,600 438,272 649,662 Dukes, 1 27 27 - - 9,000 44,400 Essex, 148 2,736 2,702 7 27 1,373,577 2,897,145 7,800,907 10,411,024 Franklin, . 13 101 51 50 - 30,975 296,750 65,592 144,.^82 Hampden, 23 235 226 9 _ 62,780 122,100 326,643 473,891 Hampshire, 5 22 15 3 4 10,900 12,200 26,588 44,140 Middlesex, 132 3,167 3,106 25 36 1,244,538 3,128,139 7,417,525 10,161,568 650 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS 1880. LEATHER — Concluded. RECAPITULATION (By CorxTiEs) — Concluded. .0 C3 Average Number of GO ~ Employes. 1 Wages. Total paid Capital Stock Counties, Cities, and «o ^ 1 -S c 1 Value of Towns. I, S Ex SI a > *-2 fmnles bove 1 outh at childre during tbe year. invested. used. product. ^ EH a-" f.- \» The State — Con. Norfolk, . . . . 2-2 362 349 - 13 $158,720 $343,350 $1,148,608 $1,482,787 Plymouth, 15 51 36 14 1 17,210 12,100 29,350 58.960 Suffolk, . . . . 114 1,342 1,301 22 19 577,169 1,596,600 3,610,366 4,738,073 Worcester, 58 462 417 45 ~ 177,613 503,100 1,325,552 1,724,356 LIQUORS AND BEVERA(iES. [The following presentation includes cider, mineral water and ginger ale, Ottawa beer, soda water, and analogous t^i-verages. For State aggregates of distilled and malt liquors see next table. For the latter the statistics by towns are not available.] Berkshire, 8 15 15 . _ $1,665 $14,175 $12,83f $20,720 Great Harrington, . 1 2 2 - - 475 1,150 Lenox, 1 1 1 - - 1,000 900 Pittstiuld, . 1 5 6 - - 8,000 13,000 Sheffield, . 4 6 6 - - 440 4,300 2,850 4,960 West Stockbridgc, . 1 1 1 - — ... 400 ... 720 Bristol, 2 24 24 _ _ • • > 9,000 ... 29,500 New Bedford, . 1 7 7 - - 3,000 9.500 Taunton, . 1 17 17 - - ... 6,000 ... 20,000 Essex, . 14 61 61 _ _ 30,333 62,150 35,643 118,290 Boxford, . 1 2 2 - - 1,500 1,000 Bradford, . 1 1 1 ^ " 500 1,500 Georgetown, 1 - - - 2,500 700 Gloucester, 2 13 13 - - 17,000 5,000 Haverhill, 2 8 8 - - 6,000 33,000 Lawrence, 3 22 22 - - 11,158 9,000 ll',4i8 31,090 Lynn, 3 11 11 - - 7,500 12,650 2,800 42,000 Lynnfield, 4 4 - ... 3,000 ... 4,000 Franklin, . 17 17 . _ 715 4,250 3,920 7,925 Ashticld, . 1 1 - - 500 1,200 Buckland, 1 1 - - ■ . ■ 350 1,550 Charlemont, 4 4 - - 1,500 1,875 Colrain, 7 7 - - 1,600 2,250 Deerfield, . 4 4 - - ... 400 ... 1,050 Hampden, . 1 1 _ _ • . . 2,000 . ■ • 750 Springfield, 1 1 - - ... 2,000 750 Middlesex, 25 23 _ 2 9,076 26,500 5,028 20,524 Cambridge, 7 7 - - 2,000 6,500 Framinghani, . 2 2 - - • . . 5,000 3,000 Lowell, 10 10 - - ... 10,500 . ■ > 5,624 Waltham, . 6 4 - 2 ... 8,000 ... 5,500 Norfolk, . 14 14 _ _ 2,205 8,100 4,750 10.680 Foxborough, . 3 3 - - • ■ > 1,500 2,880 Franklin, . 2 2 - - 600 2,500 Milton, 7 7 - - 5,000 3,300 Randolph, 2 2 - - ... 1,000 ... 2,000 Plymouth, . 2 2 - - ... 2,000 ... 1,600 Hanson, . -2 2 - - ... 2,000 1,600 SUTFOLK, 8 91 90 _ 1 51,340 74,600 137.084 239,644 Boston, 8 91 90 - 1 51,340 74,600 137,084 239,644 Worcester, 3 7 7 _ _ 3,100 11.900 2,900 10,000 Brooktield, 1 - - - - - 400 1,000 Leicester, . 1 2 2 - - ... 1,500 600 Worcester, 1 5 5 "" ~ ... 10,000 8,500 MANUFACTURES BY I^AME. 651 LIQUORS AND BEVERAGES — Concluded. RECAPITULATION (By Counties). i Average Number of Employes. WAGES. Total paid Capital Stock Counties, Cities, and ce { ^ -5 = "Value of Towns. o Eh Males above 1 Females above 1 5 t O o during the year. invested. used. product. The State, 54 257 254 3 $109,459 $203,675 $208,205 $459,633 Berkshire, 8 15 15 _ 1,665 14,175 12,830 20,720 Bristol, 2 24 24' - • ■ > 9,000 29,500 Essex, 14 61 61 - 30,333 52,150 35,643 118,290 Franklin, . 8 17 n! - _ 715 4,250 3,920 7,925 Hampden, 1 1 1| - - • ■ • 2,000 750 Middlesex, 4 : 25 23' - 2 9,076 25,.500 5,028 20,524 Norfolk, . 5 14 14| - - 2,205 8,100 4,750 10,680 Plymouth, 1 2 2| - - 2,000 1,600 Buffolk. . 8 91 90 1 51,340 74,600 137,084 239,644 Worcester, 3 7 7 — 3,100 11,900 2,900 10,000 LIQUORS, MALT AND DISTILLED. [See notes, pp. 601, 650.] The State, Liquors, malt, Liquors, distilled. 41 'I 1,338 31 10 1,180 158 1,335 1,180, 155 $631,375 $3,869,240 $3,595,106 563,547 3,285,400] 2,855,046 67,828 583,840 740,060 $6,216,618 5,112,227 1,104,391 LUMBER. [Clapboards, hoops, headings, laths .piles. planed lumber, sawed lumber, shingles, staves and shooks, etc.] Berkshire, 70 ' 208 208 _ _ $39,0.59 $521,300 $158,757 $279,431 Adams, 1 : 43 43 - - 10,000 . • ■ 28,000 Cheshire, . 2 17 17 - - . ■ • 12,000 17,720 Dalton, 6 9 9 - - 610 12.600 3,445 6,7.50 Egremont, ; 2 4 4 - - • . • 1,000 • • • 2,400 Florida, . 1 3 3 - - • - • 300,000 ■ • • 4,500 Great Harrington, 10 10 _ - 1,242 15,100 8,700 15,150 Hancock, . 3 11 11 - - 3,740 7,500 22,450 34,675 Hinsdale, . 2 6 6 _ - • • > 13,500 ■ • ■ 14,350 Lenox, 3 7 7 - - 1,150 14,000 4,475 9,600 Monterey, 3 4 4 - - 725 5,500 3,250 5,750 New Marlborough, 6 11 11 - - 2,340 19,000 9,900 17,250 North Adams, . 1 3 3 - - • • • 20,000 ... 8,000 Otis, . 7 16 16 - - 3,625 17,000 12,150 21,985 Peru, . 2 2 2 - - 5,000 1,955 Pittstield, . 3 15 15 - - 4,567 9,500 13,925 22,225 Richmond, 1 - - - - - 2,000 • • • 4,000 Sandisfield, 4 3 3 - _ 625 7,500 3,455 16,900 Savoy, 2 18 18 - - ■ ■ • 5,000 > ■ • 10,000 Sheffield, . 3 5 - - 1,050 7,500 4,472 7,100 Stockbridge, . 2 4 4 - - > ■ • 10,500 5,600 Washington, 1 _ _ - — - 500 ■ > ■ 750 West Stockbridge, 1 1 1 - - • ■ • 600 * . • 1,660 Williamstown, . i ^ 10 10 - - 1,620 13,000 12,500 18,761 Windsor, . 3 6 6 - - 625 13,000 2,075 4,350 Bristol, . . 45 158 154 _ 4 39,100 147,200 71,037 156,480 Acushnet, 4 16 16 - - 3,300 25,.500 8,815 18,930 Attleborough, . 1 3 3 - - • • . 1,000 ■ ■ • 600 Dartmouth, 5 9 9 - - 1,275 14,300 7,313 11,950 Easton, : 5 7 7 — - 535 6,500 2,562 5,0.50 Fall River, ! ° 22 22 - - 5,910 20,600 4,610 16,200 652 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1S80. LUMBER — Continued. i Average Number or m of Employes. Wages. Total paid Capital Stock Counties, Cities, and ^ Bristol— Con. Freetown 8 18 17 - 1 $3,337 $9,700 $10,075 $21,550 Alarmtield, 1 4 4 - - ■ • ■ 4,000 3,600 New Bedford, 2 11 11 - - . • . 8,600 14,500 Norton, 7 14 14 _ _ 1,160 14,600 5,584 9,450 Raynham, . 3 3 3 _ _ 380 8,600 1,.5.50 3,150 Taunton, . 4 61 48 - 3 16,900 34,000 22,100 51,500 Essex, . 27 174 173 ^ 1 56,340 325,600 364,826 489,055 Andover, . 2 5 5 - _ • • • 2,800 ... 3,040 Beverly, . 1 3 3 - - • • • 8,000 2,500 Boxford, . 3 6 6 - - 350 5,6U0 2,425 3,900 Bradford, . 1 1 1 _ _ • • • 500 . . . 900 Danvere, . 1 5 5 - _ • ■ ■ 7,000 . •. • 6,100 Essex, 1 1 1 - - 3,000 3,000 1 Georgetown, 2 4 4 _ - • . > 3,500 . . . 7,100 Lawrence, 2 78 78 - - . . . 119,500 266,010 Lynn, 2 24 24 _ _ ■ • ■ 105,000 91,200 Marblehead, 1 _ - - - _ 4,000 * • . 2,.500 Methuen, . 1 1 1 - - • • . 1,500 ... 2,000 MiddlctoD, 2 10 10 - - 6,500 9,300 Newburyport, 2 15 15 - - • • . 25,000 35,000 North Andover 1 - _ _ _ - 700 1,100 Rowley, . 2 8 7 - 1 • ■ ■ 5,500 ... 13,905 Salen), 2 10 10 - - 23,000 * . . 34,000 Salisbury, 1 3 3 - - 4,500 ... 7,500 Franklin, . 87 201 201 _ _ 37,875 278,195 194,535 323,514 Aehfield, . 3 7 7 - - 1,475 8,320 3,775 9,450 Bernardston, 2 12 12 - - . . . 2,500 • . • 14,400 Buckland, . 2 7 7 _ _ • • • 6,000 ... 6,000 Charlemont, 8 30 30 _ - 2,995 36,300 16,818 35,813 Colrain, . 3 6 6 - - 1,200 4,500 4,030 7,340 Conway, . 2 2 2 - - 4,700 11,500 Deertield, . 3 7 7 - _ l',825 6,725 7,850 11,737 Erviiig, 3 10 10 _ _ 1,400 10,50d 9,025 15,000 Gill, . 2 31 31 - _ • • ■ 86,000 . . . 55,475 Greenfield, 1 3 3 _ _ > ■ • 10,000 ... 6,000 Hawley, . 2 3 3 - - 3,500 2,000 Heath, 3 - - - - - 22,000 665 1,900 Leverett, . 8 2 2 _ _ 300 11,800 8,760 16.800 Leyden, . 2 1 1 - - • • ■ 5,150 160 Monroe, . 1 1 1 - _ • > > 600 ... 975 Montague, 3 4 4 - _ 950 4,700 3,200 5,550 New Salem, 6 11 11 - - 3,000 11,000 21,520 37,300 Northlield, 1 1 1 - _ ■ • ■ 6,000 ... 2,2.50 Orange, . 7 9 9 - _ 1,895 8,900 13,664 18,599 Rowe, 2 1 1 - - 1,300 2,625 Bhelburne, 1 _ _ _ _ _ 1,000 1,200 Shutesbury, 7 14 14 - _ 1,115 3,300 9',408 16,760 Sunderland, 1 _ _ - _ _ 2,500 ... 5,800 AVarwick, . 6 14 14 - _ 1,650 8,500 9,660 16,050 Wendell, . 5 1 22 22 - - 2,475 8,300 10,635 16,930 Whately, . 3 3 3 - - 350 4,100 4,300 5,900 Hampden, . 33 231 231 _ _ 88,287 2.51,450 341,341 519,066 Agawam, . 2 3 3 - _ • ■ ■ 3,000 3,600 Blandford, 1 4 4 - - 5,000 3,.500 Brimfield, . 5 16 16 - _ 2,900 8,700 13,600 23,170 Chester, . 3 1 1 - _ 100 3,4(X) 2,725 4,900 Granville, . 1 15 15 _ - ... 8,000 13,500 Hannpden, 1 _ _ - _ - 5,000 . . . 2,080 Holyoke, . 3 110 110 - - 61,500 143,500 221,000 323,500 Longmeadow, . 1 1 1 - - . ■ . 3,250 700 Monson, . 1 3 3 - - • . . 1,500 840 Palmer, 1 4 4 _ - . . . 2,000 9,000 Russell, . 1 3 3 _ . ... 2,000 . . . 2,250 South wick. 2 9 9 _ _ ... 7,000 . . . 8,500 Springfield, 2 22 22 — ... 30.000 81,101 MAl^UFACTmiES BY NAME. 653 LUMBER— Continued. J> Average Number of O OS Employes. Wages. Total paid Capital Stock Counties, Cities, and «o lA -He- Value of Towns. 5 s S£ during invested. used. product. "3 oo 1° r- 'O the year. 3 .£ o >5 s g C3 o"" Iz;-' Eh a f^ >^ Hampdex — Con. Tolland 3 11 11 - - $1,475 $7,000 $2,980 $6,200 "Wales, 1 4 4 - - • • ■ 1,000 1,450 Westfield, . 4 10 10 - - 1,052 6,100 8,608 10,775 West Springfield, . 1 15 15 - - ... 15,000 ... 24,000 Hampshire, 65 184 184 _ _ 45,337 168,925 286,303 403,587 Amherst, . 6 19 19 - - 4,046 13,500 16,341 25,300 Belcliertown, . 10 11 11 - - 1,130 17,800 10,755 16,493 Chesterfield, 5 13 13 - - 2,100 11,625 8,285 13,706 Cummiiii/ton, . 1 1 1 - - 1,000 . . . 1,920 Eastbampton, . 1 6 5 - - 4,000 . • . 12,980 Enfield, . 2 7 7 - - 5,000 6,500 Granby, . 1 1 1 - - 1,500 2,000 Greenwich, 2 2 2 - - 1,800 6,417 Hadlev, . 4 8 8 - - 1,695 12,500 6,410 11,700 Hatfield, . 1 2 2 - - 2,000 2,300 Huntinsfton, 1 5 5 - - . . . 4,000 11,080 Northanjjjton, . 5 68 68 - - 21,376 67,700 177,875 215,994 Pelham, 1 1 1 - - 2,000 2,350 Plainfield, . 3 5 5 - - 145 1,900 562 2,300 Prescott, . 4 10 10 - - 3,600 5,600 17,565 34,850 Southampton, . 3 6 6 - - 1,130 3,800 3,855 7,250 "Ware, 2 7 7 - - • • • 2,000 7,000 Westhampton, . 4 6 6 - - 900 4,000 4,135 6,887 ■Williamsburg, . 2 3 3 - - 2,500 6,375 Wortbington, . 7 4 4 - - 535 4,700 5,175 10,185 Middlesex, 50 205 205 _ _ 40,338 313,400 214,945 337,860 Acton, 1 3 3 - - • > ■ 6,000 2,550 Ash by. 5 2 2 - - 400 6,700 2,390 6,350 Ayer, 2 13 13 - - 11,100 20,000 Bedford, . 1 3 3 - _ • • ■ 4,000 2,000 Chelmsford, 1 3 3 - - • . > 800 1,875 Concord, . 1 _ - - - - 4,000 900 Dracut, 1 2 2 - - • . • 1,600 8,840 Dunstable, 1 2 2 - _ « > ■ 1,200 ... 1,000 Framingham, 1 5 5 - _ ... 2,000 • • • 8,035 Groton, 1 4 4 - - . • > 2,000 3,750 Lincoln, . 1 2 2 - - 1,500 700 Lowell, 2 30 30 - - 95,000 68,875 Marlborough, 3 4 4 - - 432 1,300 1,590 2,540 Medford, . 1 9 9 - - 30,000 22,500 Natii-k, 1 2 2 _ - • . . 2,000 ■ . • 3,600 North Reading, 2 5 6 - - ... 3,500 ... 1,400 Pepperell, . 5 21 21 - - 2,325 10,100 13,215 25,550 Sherborn, . 1 5 5 - - 5,000 5.000 Shirley, . 3 15 15 _ - 2,280 21,000 8,905 13,975 Stow, 1 4 4 _ _ . . . 6,500 • • • 8,400 Sudbury, . 2 5 5 _ - 3,000 3,680 Tewksbury, 1 2 2 - - 3,500 2,400 Townseiid, 6 45 45 - - 11,100 51,600 21,370 44,675 Tvngsborough, 1 4 4 - - 7,000 7,500 Wall ham, . 1 2 2 - - 4,000 2,500 "Westford, . 1 1 1 - - ... 2,500 1,300 Wilmington, 1 2 2 - - 1,500 3,390 Winchester, 1 8 8 - - 15,000 61,000 Woburn, . 1 2 2 - - ... 10,000 ... 3,575 NORrOLK, . 16 40 38 _ 2 8,806 47,750 34,223 61,750 Bellingham, 2 2 2 - - . . . 7,500 6,000 Braintree, . 1 4 4 - - ■ • • 3,500 3,300 Franklin, . 4 10 9 ~ 1 2,250 6,250 12,089 19,125 Merl field, . 2 6 6 - _ • . • 11,000 10,200 Norfjik, . 2 6 6 - - . » . 2,000 4,800 Sharon, 1 4 3 - 1 • . • 9,500 11,000 Stonghton, 1 3 3 - - . > ■ 1,000 2,000 Walpole, . 2 2 2 - _ • • ■ 3,000 ... 1,800 Weymouth, 1 3 3 — — 4,000 3,525 654: CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. LUMBER — Continued. 1 Average Number of ■^1 Employes.' Wages. Total paid Capital Stock Counties, Cities, akd to >ra ■^c Value of Towns, "a rH ■ "> i. s ° E J2 §2 --a SJ3 during the year. invested. used. product. ss o ^ e5 u a o o 15 H a fa tH Plymouth, .... 94 331 323 _ 8 $66,517 $324,120 $233,652 $428,030 Bridgewater, . 1 - - - - - 2,000 2,000 Carver, 3 9 9 - - 1,350 7,700 5,735 9,300 Duxbury, . 4 6 6 - - 1,900 2,170 6,000 10,250 16,000 East Bridge-water, . f) 9 9 - - 8,000 6,180 12,900 Halifax, . 6 17 17 - - 2,143 10,220 9,702 14,545 Hanover, . 4 17 15 - 2 3,565 19,500 14,520 25,920 Hanson, . 5 16 16 - - 1,400 18,500 9,010 17,550 Kingston, . 5 22 22 - - 2,200 13,200 10,000 18,700 Lakeville, . 2 6 6 - - 5,000 5,250 Marion, 3 30 30 - - 4,200 21,800 8,300 20,050 Marslifield, 5 13 13 - - 3,275 14,500 11,875 23,705 Maltapoisett, . 5 10 10 - - 3,150 10,700 13,100 24,200 Middleborough, 9 66 66 - - 17,650 48,700 55,725 102,150 Pembroke, 4 18 IS - - 4,138 16,300 16,034 25,630 Plympton, 6 12 12 - - 2,300 11,500 9,400 15,400 Rochester, 12 2.5 25 - - 3,805 25,000 15,420 25,110 Rockland, . 4 13 13 - - 5,010 40,500 14,080 29,670 South Scituate, 8 13 13 - - 1,736 18,500 8,620 13,550 Wareliarn, 2 27 21 - 6 • < > 12,500 . . . 23,800 West Bridgewater, 1 2 2 - - ... 2,000 ... 3,000 Suffolk, 10 178 173 _ 5 73,554 282,500 229,500 300,810 Boston, 10 178 173 - 5 73,554 282,500 229,500 360,810 Worcester, 148 466 455 ~* 11 95,989 399,550 412,311 682,367 Ashburnham, . 11 11 - 2,750 17,200 11,900 18,900 Athol, 6 18 17 _ 1 2,250 7,800 10,125 21,005 Barre, 3 15 15 - - 2,300 12,000 8,875 16,1.50 Berlin, 3 4 4 - - 600 8,000 2,965 4,650 Blackstone, 1 2 2 - - 500 6,000 Bolton, 1 2 2 - - ■ ■ > 3,800 2,800 Boylston, . 2 27 27 - - 7,000 . . . 12,507 Brooklield, 3 5 5 - - 1,160 3,500 9,630 14,000 Charlton, . 7 19 19 - - 3,130 7,450 19,135 26,025 Clinton, 1 16 16 - • - 20,000 21,000 Dana, 3 12 12 - - 1,800 3,800 10,099 14,500 Douglas, . 1 6 6 - - 2,000 10,000 Fitehburg, 1 5 5 - - . . . 18,000 9,250 Gardner, . 2 20 20 - _ 17,000 22,500 Hardwick, 4 17 17 _ - 2,746 5,300 5,120 7,700 Harvard, . 1 2 2 - - 3,000 . • . 5,400 Hold.-n, . 3 7 7 - - l,7o0 6,000 15,100 22,200 Hubbardston, 11 25 24 - 1 3,900 17,600 19,667 .37,850 Lancaster, 1 4 4 _ - ... 7,500 . . . 10,000 Leicester, . 3 7 7 _ _ 650 6,000 3,130 5,000 Leominster, 3 16 16 _ _ 8,900 26,500 40,760 61,170 Lunenburg, 5 15 15 _ _ 2,950 19,200 15,210 28,400 Mendon, . 1 - - _ - - 500 . . • 950 Millbnry, . 2 5 5 - - • ■ • 6,000 8,650 New Braintree, 1 1 1 - - . . . 2,500 1,700 Korlhborough, 4 4 4 _ _ 395 10,000 2,S00 3,575 Northbridge, 3 4 3 - 1 228 2,.300 1.746 2,500 North Brookfie \ 2 4 4 _ _ 5,500 ■ * > 8,100 Oakham, . 2 5 5 _ _ ... 9,500 > > • 9,900 Paxton, 2 7 7 _ - ... 2,100 8,000 Petersham, 8 25 25 _ _ 3,470 16,500 10,367 21,665 Princeton, 6 16 13 - 3 3,S82 14,800 21,250 33,000 Royalston, 6 26 25 - 1 4,080 15,000 16,835 20,.595 Rutland, . 4 5 5 - - 990 7,700 4,485 8,880 Southborough, 1 _ - _ - - 1,000 2,010 Southbridge, 1 8 8 _ _ ... 15,000 . . . 23,000 Spencer, . 1 15 16 _ _ • ■ ■ 5,000 • • . 17,000 Sterling, . 2 5 5 _ _ ... 1,300 4,500 Sturbridge, 3 4 4 _ - 600 3,500 3,650 7,320 Templeton, 6 23 23 _ _ 4,329 8,900 17,868 28,200 Upton, 4 10 10 _ _ 1,485 8,500 6,650 10,750 Warren, . 2 3 3 _ _ • • . 3,500 11,650 Webster, . 2 9 9 - - ... 3,000 ... 20,200 Mii^UFACTURES BY N^AME. 055 LUMBER — Concluded. Average Number op 00 "Si Employes. Wages. Total paid Capital Stocli Counties, Cities, and «o o "^ a Value of Towns. S a> II during the year. invested. used. product. a3 o Crt a =3 o u !2i H s fa >H Worcester — Con. West Boylston, 1 _ _ _ - $2,000 $1,6.50 West Brookfleld, 2 3 3 _ - ... 7,000 8,175 Westmiut'ter, . 5 11 11 _ ^ $2,100 15,800 $8,400 16,800 Wmclieudon, . 6 18 14 - 4 3,084 13,500 11,145 20,590 RECAPITULATION (By Counties). The State, . 645 2,376 2,345 - 31 $591,202 $3,059,990 $2,541,430 $4,041,1 £0 Berkshire, 70 208 208 ^ _ 39.059 521,300 158,757 279,431 Bristol, 45 158 154 - 4 39,100 147,200 71,037 156,480 Essex, 27 174 173 - 1 56,340 325,600 364,826 489,055 Franklin, . 87 201 201 - - 37,875 278,195 194,.535 323,514 Hampden, 33 231 231 _ _ 88,287 251,450 341,341 519,066 Hampshire, 65 184 184 _ _ 45,337 168,925 286,303 403,587 Middlesex, 50 205 205 _ _ 40,338 313,400 214,945 337,860 Norfolk, . 16 40 38 _ 2 8,806 47,7.50 34,223 61,7.50 Plymouth, 94 331 323 - 8 66,517 324,120 233,652 428,030 Suffolk, . 10 178 173 - 5 73,5.54 282,500 229,500 360,810 Worcester, 148 466 455 - 11 95,989 399,550 412,311 682,367 MACHINES AND MACHINERY. [Axles and boxes, band-saw machines, bark mills, bedstead machinery, blowers and exhaust fans, bob- bins and spools, boot and shoe stampers, boot and shoe crimping machines, boot and shoe heeling machines, boot and shoe cable screw wire machines, boring machines, box machinery, brick machines, button-hole machines, capstans, carriage jacks, card clothing, carpet sweepers, cask machinery, chair machinery, churns, cheese presses, cider mills and presses, cloth presses, clothes wringers, coffee liullers, coffee mills, conductors' punches, cbtton gins, cotton presses, cotton seed linters, cop tubes, cotton machinery other than specified, derricks, dredging machines, drug and paint mills, electric fire-alarm apparatus, elevators, embossing presses, eyeleting machines, fire extinguishing apparatus, fluting machines, gas machines, governors, grist mills, hand stamps, hand cards, hydraulic presses, ice cream freezers, ice crushers, incubators, knitting machines, laundry machines, lard presses, lathes, leather-cut- ting machinery, leather machinery, leaching apparatus, lithographic machinery, looms, locomotives, meat choppers, metal-planing machines, mining machinery, milling machines, nail and tack machinery, oil presses, paper cutting machines, paper making machinery, pile drivers, plastermills, printing presses, punching presses, pumps other than steam, quarrying machines, reeds for looms, rice mills, rice hullers, rubber machinery, sash, door and blind machinery, screw machinery, sewing machines, shingle machines, shafting, standards, hangers and pulleys, spring motors, shuttles, soda-water, ale and beer apparatus, spice mills, spinning rings, spindles, steam gauges, steam boilers, steam engines, steam excavators, steam-bending machinery, steam pumps, stills, stone-cutting machinery, sugar-mills, sugarbouse machinery, tumbler washers, type-setting machines, veueer-cutting machines, vises, washing machines, water wheels, water filters, windlasses, wire machinery, wood-working machinery, worsted machinery, woollen machinery other than specified, wringing machines, etc.] Barnstable, 2 2 $1,000 $1,550 Sandwich 2 2 - - ... 1,000 1,550 Berkshire, 75 75 _ _ $35,509 81,000 $44,190 93,273 Pittsfield 53 53 - - 27,409 61,000 36,190 72,773 Stockbridge, 19 19 - - > • • 15,000 18,000 West Stockbridge, . 3 3 - - ... 5,000 ... 2,500 Bristol 31 1,419 1,378 27 14 686,115 1,232,625 891,907 1,756,.509 Attleborough, . 8 8 - - • • • 10,000 20,000 Easton 8 6 2 _ ■ • ■ 4,500 10,000 Fairhaven, 52 52 - - • • • 30,000 ... .50,000 Fall River, 12 361 329 22 10 111,028 289,255 128,597 294,407 Mansfield, .... 35 31 _ 4 • • • 20,000 30,000 New Bedford, . 51 51 _ _ 13,411 35,070 17,2,57 42,319 Taunton, .... 8 904 901 3 - 522,276 843,800 698,953 1,309,783 656 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 18S0. MACHINES AND MACHINERY — Continued. Counties, Cities, and Towns. Essex, . Amesbury, Gloucester, Ilaverliill, . Lawrence, Lynn, Marblehead, Newburyport, North Andover Peabody, . Halem, Franklin, . Leydi-n, Montaijue, New Salem, Orange, Bbelburne, Hampden, . Brimtield, . Chicopee, . Granville, . Hoi yoke, . Sprintrtield, Westtiold, . Hampsiiiue, Anilierst, . Eastbampton, Northampton, Worthington, Middlesex, Ayer, . Billerica, . Cambridge, Holliston, . Hudson, . Lowell, Marlborough, Natick, Newton, I'epperell, , Shirley, . Stonebam, Waltham, . Westford, . Weston, Winchester, Woburn, . Norfolk, . Canton, Franklin, . Hyde I'ark, Needham, . Quincy, Randolph, . Walpole, . Weymouth, Plymouth, . Bridgewater, Brockton, . East Bridgewater, Hanson, Mattapoisett, Middleborough, « 51 1 2 3 21 8 2 4 1 2 8 1 1 4 1 29 1 3 1 10 12 2 7 1 2 3 1 70 1 2 6 1 1 33 6 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 4 10 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 13 2 3 2 1 1 1 Average Number op Employes. o to tH a > o CC.O 1 ^ «| ' 0! 1,181 1,125 6 6 7 7 9 9 480 442 91 91 7 7 9 9 618 500 13 13 41 41 447 447 3 3 17 17 1 1 425 425 1 1 846 827 20 20 154 138 4 3 476 474 186 186 6 6 305 304 1 1 36 86 265 265 3 2 2,309 2,238 3 3 16 16 174 174 8 8 6 6 1,732 1,667 19 19 2 2 130 130 10 10 3 3 11 11 78 76 70 68 6 4 8 8 33 33 151 147 60 50 12 12 55 63 15 15 7 7 8 3 8 6 1 1 187 184 46 46 26 26 95 92 3 3 3 3 3 3 38 26 12 19 19 5^ 18 12 1 52 46 Wages. Total paid during the year. Capital invested. Stock used. Value of product. $543,296 4,400 212,430 48,050 4,000 22,015 218,717 207,607 356,182 74,258 197,124 75,i!00 141,922 124',222 1,105,771 101,814 818, 10, cso .375 47,994 20,700 80,701 94,274 17,767 $850,262 8,000 8,000 5,200 34S,:!f)2 76,000 4,01t0 7,700 360,000 9,0110 36,000 662,200 200 25,000 2,000 633,000 2,000 693,100 10,000 131,600 2,000 274,. 500 2.69,100 16,000 285,500 1,.600 61,000 220,000 3,000 1,486.785 6,000 41,600 81,000 9,350 8,000 1,160,760 ]4,8.)0 1,200 50,000 8,000 4,325 4,500 31,800 12,000 10,000 25,000 18,500 216,700 50,000 16,000 87,000 30,000 15,700 6,000 12,000 2,000 219,500 81,.500 19,000 101,000 1,000 3,000 3,000 $720,326 4,400 360,788 60,000 4,800 38,900 440,800 437,800 377,640 60,567 203',820 104,363 137,600 ii3",ioo 1,439,642 290,890 1,022,846 7,325 9,156 12,400 173,947 79,062 23,800 $1,528,778 12,000 9,500 12,200 697,537 135,860 9,491 11,7(0 627,000 36,300 77,200 795,287 920 25,000 4,.600 764,317 550 966,191 12,000 184,674 3,500 486,592 269,675 10,750 339,000 1,000 49,.500 287,000 1,500 3,097,177 5,000 41,000 419,890 9,000 10,000 2,268,599 25,800 3,.500 87,.'?69 18,000 5,000 4,800 70,819 65,000 800 7,.500 65,100 256,472 109,472 22,000 61,000 15,000 12,000 2,.600 33,000 1,600 237,871 48,960 58,400 110,011 3,000 2,800 2,500 MANUFACTURES BY ISTAME. 657 MACHINES AND MACHINERY — Concluded. 658 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. METALS AND METALLIC GOODS. [Anchors, annunciators, automatic oilers. Babbitt's metal, badges, baggage and key checks, bar iron, barn door rollers, belts, belt studs, blacksmithing, boot buttoners, boot anil shoe buckles, boot and shoe heel and toe irons, bolts and rivets, bomb harpoons, bonnet wire, brass other than sheet, brass goods, brass tubing, bronze, bronze goods, britannia ware, burning brands, butter and clieese triers, butts and hinges, charcoal iron, chains, cliiiin cables, clamps, copper other than sheet, copper goods, coppersmith- ing, copper tubing, coral jewelry, corrugated iron, corrugated iron goods, cotton-bale ties, cutlery, cym- bals and gongs, dampers, deckscrapers, dies and letters, door i)lates, door latches and handles, door and pew numbers, dumb-waiter wheels, egg beaters, eyelets, faucets, ferules, fire escapes. Are proof doors and vaults, galvanizing kettles (used for), gas lighters, gas piping, (Jernian silver, German silver goods, gilding, gold and silver ware, gold jewelry, gold pencils", ground zinc (for paint), hackle, gill, card, comb, and picker pins, hair jewelry, harness and saddlery supplies and ornaments, liardware, hooks and eyes, horseshoes, hose couplings, hydrants, iron columns, iron fences and railings, iron plates and sheets, iron shutters, iron stable fixtures, iron window and door caps, japainied ware, japanning, jet jewelry, keys and Ivey blanks, lamp posts, lamp and gas shades, lead goods, leaf and foil of various metals, lightning rods, locks, locksmiths' and bell-hangers' materials, machine and wood screws, machine and other needles, metallic castings made to order, money drawers, nails, nuts, ornamental nails, ox shoes, pail ears, pencil sharpeners, pens, perforated- metals, pig iron, pig lead, picture knobs, pins, planing-machine knives, plateii jewelry, plated ware, plumbing materials, printers' fixtures, red lead, retorts, safes, scales and balances, sewing machine attachments, sheathing of various metals, sheet brass, sheet copper, sheet iron goods, sheet lead, sheet zinc, silver jewelry, skates, speaking tubes and materials, spikes, springs other than car, steam gongs and whistles, steam piping, steel, stereotype and electroljpe plates, submarine armor, tacks, brads and shoe nails, tack leathering, taps and dies for screw cutting, telegraph •wire, thimbles, tinwMre, toe calks, tubular wells, types and type metal, valves, washers, water mains, w-ater piping, whip mountings, white lead, white metal, white-metal goods, window pulleys and weights, wire of various metals, wire screens and ropes, wire goods, wire for bonnet frames, yellow metal, yellow-metal goods, zinc other than sheet, etc.] i Average Number of 1 ■5| ESIPLOYES. Wages. Total paid Capital Stock Counties, Cities, and to id "2 = Value of Towns. i f-1 si §2 during the year. invested. used. product. ss; o s cS o a o o iz; Eh 143 3 p=. 2 Barnstable, 39 129 12 $43,690 $114,725 $90,000 $180,250 Barnstable, 5 3 3 - - 1,000 5,900 5,500 10,600 Chatham, . . . . 3 3 3 - - 700 2,700 3,800 3,500 Dennis, .... 5 - - - - _ 2,700 1,600 2,800 Falmouth, 5 3 3 - - 875 4,600 2,200 6,500 Harwich 2 2 2 - - ... 2,600 2,200 Orleans 4 1 1 - - 300 2,900 1,275 3,650 Provincetown, . 7 7 7 - - 3,675 4,100 6,100 16,800 Sandwich, 7 123 109 12 2 37,000 88.525 68,025 133,200 Yarmouth, 1 1 1 - - ... 800 1,000 Berkshire, 93 587 570 9 8 259,072 855,070 317,089 758,002 Adams, . •. , . 6 16 16 - - 8,175 28,400 6,370 19,750 Alford 1 - _ _ _ _ 200 800 Becket, .... 3 2 2 - _ 662 2,900 750 2,.392 Cheshire, .... 3 352 352 - 158,250 584,200 101,700 271,6,50 Dalton 2 2 2 _ 2,.300 ■ ■ • 4,400 Egremont, 2 2 2 - _ ... 950 • • • 1,600 Great Barrington, . 10 15 15 - - 5,055 11,675 5,454 18,300 Hancock 3 1 1 - - 300 1,850 1,066 3,000 Lee, 3 3 3 - - 1,475 8,000 1,810 6,000 Lenox, .... 5 6 6 - - 3,125 7,400 4,600 13,500 New Siarlborough, . 5 2 2 - - 545 2,-500 1,450 4,700 North Adams, . 9 51 51 - _ 22,977 67,745 35,978 88,580 Otis, 1 1 1 - _ ... 200 600 Peru, 1 _ _ _ _ _ 100 500 Pittstield 18 70 53 9 8 30,463 61,100 73,300 142,800 Richmond, 1 6 5 "" - • ■ • 2,000 6,500 Bandisfield, 1 2 2 _ 1,000 1,800 Sheffield 6 3 3 _ _ 615 5,1.50 3,800 7,.3T0 Slockbridge, 2 2 2 _ - ... 1,700 • • • 2,800 Tyringham, 1 _ _ _ _ _ 100 > > ■ 800 "VX'pst Stockbridge, . 1 40 40 _ _ 50,000 144,060 AVilliamstown, . 4 7 7 _ _ 2,050 5,700 3,700 9,900 Windsor 5 5 5 - - 1,155 9,900 2,325 6,200 Bristol 224 5,849 4,629 1,031 189 2,478,318 5,070,921 4,252,932 8,621,697 Acushnet, .... 4 - - - - - 3,6.50 1,200 3,625 Attleborough, . 59 2,409 1,838 563 8 1,111,885 1,502,-500 1,259,9.56 3,273,648 Dartmouth, 4 2 2 - - 100 1,.576 2,326 4,500 Dighton 3 3 3 _ _ 300 800 1,200 2,000 Easton 5 53 53 — - 14,.500 30,350 21,350 54,450 MANUTACTUEES BY I^AME. 659 METALS AND METALLIC GOODS — Continued. .0 es Average N UMBER OF , m a of E.MPLOTES. Wages. Total paid Capital Slock Counties, Cities, and m ' •He Value of Towns. i. c "S a 3 ty •- 1- during invested. used. product. .0 = _j n >. s > j:2 B'Z C3 s Zi t^ *n the year. 3:=: a.^ ■^■3 O'o IZi H a* C3 >-i Bristol — Con. Fairhaven, 7 165 92 63 10 ' $55,525 §160,.500 $105,700 $192,500 Fall River, 44 711 700 - 11 206,585 596,375 386,617 805,978 MansHeld, . 4 139 126 10 3 57,427 132,000 55,200 189,000 Kew Bfdford, . 40 344 331 12 1 140,5.39 550,425 484,028 733,886 Norton, 4 100 37 48 15 35,000 42,.300j 11,650 78,900 Rayiiliam, . 2 5 5 _ - • • • 7,400 8,300 Seekonk, . 4 26 12 14 - 8,400 6,500 8,475 28,400 Somersi't, . 3 115 108 - 7 83,500 308,545 156,250 366.800 Swansea, . 5 15 15 - - 5,279 5,000 3,213 12,497 Taunton, . 33 1,759 1,304 321 134 755,453 1,722,650 1,750,867 2,864,313 Westport, . 3 3 3 - - 825 350 1,200 2,900 Dukes, 2 2 2 _ _ ... 2,1.50 > . ■ 2,700 Edgartown, 1 1 1 - - • ■ ■ 2,000 1,500 Gosnold, . 1 1 1 - - ... 150 ... 1,200 Essex, . 250 952 935 13 4 456,592 1,087,300 911,320 1,874,786 Amesbury, 2 7 7 _ - ■ ■ ■ 7,000 10,400 Andover, . 5 12 12 - - 4,450 13,550 6,184 13,900 Beverly, 11 22 22 _ - 7,045 15,225 12,540 29,870 Boxford, . 2 2 - - i ■ > ■ 2,000 2,500 Danvers, . 33 33 - - ... 148,500 118,000 Georgetown, . 5 6 6 - ~ 1 2,210 3,325 2,000 7,600 Gloucester, 19 72 72 - 33,420 64,700 69,700 135,000 Grovcland, 1 1 1 - - ... 25 1,000 Haverhill, . 10 41 38 3 - 28,5.50 36,800 79,600 135,000 Lawrence, 26 156 156 _ _ S0,.318 133,875 115,793 268,384 Lynn, 24 93 86 3 4 56,270 64,600 82,425 188,400 Lynnfield, 2 _ - _ - - 700 1,800 Manchester, 1 2 2 - - ... 2,300 3,-500 Marhlehi-ad, 5 6 6 - - 2,784 4,000 2,725 8,500 Merriniac, . 7 11 .11 - - 5,125 4,800 4,150 12,950 Metliuen, . 1 : 2 2 - - • ■ - 1,000 3,000 Middk'tOM, 2 1 1 _ - • • ■ 900 2,200 Newbury, . 3 3 3 _ _ 570 1,100 800 3,300 Newburyport, 24 89 89 - - 34,626 73,000 91,158 157,911 Peabody, . 3 6 6 - - 2,284 3,800 1,010 5,300 Rock port, . 3 ' 12 12 - - 3,283 6,400 4,100 9,800 Rowley, . 3 4 4 - - 1,450 2,500 2,600 5,300 Salem, 78 355 348 7 _ 170,797 486,850 338,.335 724,271 Salisbury, . 6 10 10 _ - 3,960 6,600 8,500 17,100 Saugus, 2 4 4 - - • > • 650 5,000 Topstield, . 1 . _ _ _ _ 800 • • . 2,400 Weuhum, . 2 2 2 - - ... 2,300 ■... 2,400 Frankiin, . 39 336 330 5 1 128,825 336,500 190,397 443,195 AshJield, . 2 1 1 - - 1,7.50 1,800 Bernardston, 2 2 2 _ _ • • • 1,700 2,050 Buckland, . 1 _ _ _ — _ 600 8U0 Charlemont, 3 2 2 _ _ 646 2,350 1,050 3,050 Colrain, 1 1 1 _ _ ... 1,000 800 Deertield, . 2 _ _ _ _ _ 300 1,.387 Erving, 2 150 145 5 _ 187,000 166,200 Greenlrteld, 4 30 30 _ - lo',364 32,700 44',797 71,108 Heath, 2 _ _ _ _ 11,000 . ■ ■ 2,900 Montague, 9 . 7 1 - _ 3,80G 18,550 6,450 • 18,700 New Salem, 2 3 3 - - ■ • . 3,500 8, .500 Orange, 6 103 103 _ _ 50,000 65,350 70,525 139,300 Rowe, 1 1 1 - _ 20c 1,000 Shelburne, 1 3.5 34 ^ 1 ... 20,000 25,000 Warwick, . 1 1 1 - - ... 500 600 Hampden, . 115 1,550 1,427 51 72 658,244 1,330,300 1,077,197 2,234,189 Blandford, 1 5 2 - _ • . . 1,000 1,400 Brimtield, . 3 a Z _ _ 410 2,300 "soc 3,300 Chicopee, . 9 l| 442 436 7 _ 18.3,788 437,900 160,445 408,607 Granville, . 1 1 1 _ .. ... 700 . . . 625 Hampden, . 1 ] 1 ~ ~ 1,000 1,000 660 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. METALS AND METALLIC GOODS — Continued. a Average Number of Employes. Wages. Total paid Capital Stock Counties, Cities, and to in "^'h Value of Towns. 1-t m > w'~' ^2J 5 « ■5S during invested. used. product. £-2 "a sS eS piH the year. 3:= a a g C8 'A H a fe >^ Hampden — Con. Holyoke, .... 15 226 209 5 12 $114,975 $148,400 $207,934 $413,276 Longmcadow, . 2 1 1 - - • > < 500 1,700 PaliiH-r, 10 25 25 - - 10,800 22,850 19,500 41,300 Russell, 2 - - - - - 250 2,700 Soutliwick, 1 _ _ _ - - 500 700 Springfield, 62 752 659 39 54 308,143 640,900 629,213 1,236,832 Tolland, . 1 1 1 - - 500 1,000 Wales, 1 2 2 - - 1,000 2,500 West field, . 3 89 83 _ 6 37,600 70,800 53,600 115,150 West Springfieh 1, '. 1 2 2 - - 1,000 2,400 Wilbrahatii, 2 2 2 - - ... 700 ... 1,700 Hampshihe, 47 404 294 25 85 155,202 275,260 213,775 608,013 Amherst, . 6 9 9 _ - 4,350 6,800 4,850 12,100 BelcliertDWn, . 3 3 3 - - 940 1,850 1,400 3,850 Chesterfield, 4 6 6 - - 1,350 4,800 1,200 4,600 Easthatnpion, . 1 2 2 - - • ■ > 400 1,300 Enfield, . 2 19 19 - - 9,000 26,300 Granby, . 2 1 1 - - • > ■ 800 2,500 Greenwich, 1 2 2 - - 550 2,000 Had ley, . 4 2 2 - - 300 4,650 750 4,000 Huntington, 1 3 3 - - • • . 3,000 2,100 Norlliamptoii, . 17 357 247 25 85 142,348 240,600 194,425 441,863 Southampton, . 4 - - - - - 2,110 2,200 4,600 Westhampton, . 1 - - - - - 500 800 Worthington, . 1 - - - - - 200 ... 2,000 Middlesex, 278 2,127 1,956 113 68 863,766 1,799,341 1,954,746 3,646,280 Acton, 1 _ _ — — — 500 500 Arlington, 4 9 9 _ - 5,144 4,800 3,900 18,200 Ashby, 2 3 3 - - 1,100 2,700 Ashland, . 3 30 27 3 ■- 8,850 17,000 12,200 24,500 Ayer, 3 24 24 _ _ 9,390 13,700 26,342 51,372 Bedford, . 2 1 1 _ _ • . > 1,406 2,819 Billerica, . 2 3 3 - - 3,200 3,500 Cambridge, 51 764 678 75 11 315,546 641,850 777',696 1,272,020 Carlisle, . 2 1 1 - - • ■ > 2,450 1,700 Chelmsford, 3 7 7 _ _ 750 3,400 2,300 5,500 Concord, . 1 60 60 - - • . . 10,000 95,000 Dunstable, 1 1 1 _ - ■ . ■ 800 1,000 Everett, . 2 4 4 - - 1,050 5,000 Framingham, 14 39 38 1 - 13,687 27,850 25,500 49,800 Holliston, . 1 20 17 3 - > > > 8,000 67,000 Hopklnton, 1 2 2 - - 1,500 2,600 Hudson, . 2 4 4 - - 1,000 4,500 Lexington, 6 11 11 _ - 3,550 5,150 4,100 14,000 Lincoln, . 2 2 2 _ _ ... 1,000 1,950 Littleton, . 3 ■ 5 5 - - 900 1,450 1,400 3,800 Lowell, 39 342 324 3 15 155,447 419,500 305,506 604,648 Maiden, 8 19 19 _ _ 8,365 10,700 6,775 22,720 Marlborough, 9 25 25 - - 16,405 18,175 32,050 65,600 Maynard, . 1 1 1 _ - 1,000 1,200 Medford, . 9 38 30 8 _ 16,900 22,200 41,700 69,000 Melrose, . 2 5 5 _ _ 3,000 9,500 Natick, 7 18 17 - 1 9,870 29,000 9,900 30,500 Newton, . 13 46 4b - - ■ 32,342 41,000 35,355 89,643 North Reading 1 2 2 - - 1,000 — 2,500 Pepperell, . 4 18 17 1 - 6,450 8,000 8,100 17,200 Reading, . 5 10 10 - - 4,750 7,50c 5,700 14,000 Sherborn, . 2 1 1 _ - * . . 2,7UC 4,500 Shirley, . Somerville, 4 2 2 - - 80n 7,000 2,300 5,700 15 257 253 _ 4 93,548 342,900 298,h8r 524,609 Btoneham, 6 10 K - - 3,80C 6,301 4,80C 13,300 Stow, 2 1 2 _ - 40C 2,000 Sudbury, . 2 - _ _ - - 1,15C 2,000 Townsend, 1 ] 1 _ - l.OOt ) — 1,650 Tyngsborougb, 1 1 1 - - 1,501 1,500 Wakefield, 1 1 7( ) 6C 1 10 40,00t 1 ... 55,000 MANUFACTUIIES BY NAME. 661 METALS AND METALLIC GOODS — Continued. .0 s- (y Counties, Cities, and '^i a Towns. Qj a 3 — ^ Middlesex — Con Waltham, . Watertown, Waylancl, . Westford, . "Weston, . Winchester, Woburn, . Norfolk, . Braiiitree, . Brookliiie, Canton, Cohasset, . Foxborough, Franklin, . Holbrook, . Hyde Park, Medfifld, . Med way, . Milton, Norfolk, . Quincy, Kandolph, Sharon, Stougliton, Weymouth, Wrentham, PliTMOUTH, . Abinglon, . Bridgewater, Brockton, . Carver, East Bridgewater, Halifax, Hanover, . Hanson, Hingham, . Kingston, . Lakeville, . Marshheld, Mattapoisett, Middleborough Pembroke, Plymouth, Plympton, Rochester, Rockland, . Scituate, . South Abington, South Scituate, Wareham, West Bridgewater, Suffolk, Boston, Chelsea, Revere, Worcester, Ashburnham, Athol, Barre, Bolton, Boylston, . Brooktield, Charlton, . Dana, Douglas, . 12 4 3 4 3 7 7 93 6 9 8 1 6 5 3 1 5 1 4 2 7 2 4 1 16 12 131 4 6 15 5 2 1 11 7 9 8 1 8 3 2 2 7 1 2 8 4 7 6 8 4 476 458 15 3 258 3 9 1 2 1 8 7 2 2 Average Number op Employes. to •0 ?n HI « 5 a) .J II ^1 es sj £ =s H ^ Ec, ^ 114 82 5 3 4 33 28 1,006 24 22 237 1 20 15 4 2 12 3 5 17 70 7 13 3 247 304 2,152 29 407 168 86 78 33 59 44 114 6 8 3 3 4 109 8 1 12 3 506 26 434 11 5,225 5,066 155 4 4,288 1 41 2 1 1 11 113 47 5 3 4 33 28 906 18 22 237 1 20 15 4 2 12 3 5 4 70 7 3 3 232 248 1,850 27 ■ 376 12s 86 78 25 50 44 97 4 6 3 3 4 107 5 1 12 3 340 20 420 11 4,710 4,588 118 4 4,084 1 40 2 1 1 11 1 18 76 1 13 10 51 205 2 25 39 108 394 359 35 166 17 24 5 Wages. Total paid during the year. 14 5 97 6 1 58 14 121 119 2 38 1 Capital invested. Stock used. Value of product. $50,871 15,355 1,625 734 1,450 20,065 15,312 445,951 16,193 13,560 117,025 8,398 6,138 1,700 2,600 2,225 34,493 2,230 84,847 145,442 823,230 13,434 165,222 72,356 29,560 12,775 20,100 15,364 56,200 2,755 1,200 47,319 4,07 250 179,140 9,900 157,256 5,200 2,382,984 2,295,367 84,657 2,960 1,713,814 200 15,115 3,500 2,297 $92,975 47,000 1,200 3,735 3,900 31,650 7,650 977,950 23,300 29,350 466,350 800 18,600 10,000 2,2C0 500 20,500 2,400 3,700 1,500 46,450 3,600 2,200 6,000 174.300 166,200 2,361,900 31,200 485,000 106,545 43,4U0 82,600 300 42,250 84,300 23,600 101,500 1,500 5,950 3,000 2,500 1,000 118,300 4,000 1,S00 9,350 1,425 8.37,055 13,500 355,800 6,525 4,947,163 4,544,713 400,950 1,500 3,154,962 2,100 15,000 4,000 1,000 500 7,900 5,025 505 5,200 $81,129 11,700 1,125 3,330 1,225 81,775 19,065 1,149,711 54,150 10,600 674,124 islioo 5,450 2,050 15,050 1,500 92,434 3,800 135,613 127,900 2,681,845 23,850 740,950 89,750 43,700 23,400 94,700 22,5.'j3 149,000 8,904 1,800 244,880 3,788 2,300 682,900 10,175 461,636 6,000 4,.577,414 4,446,827 130,312 275 4,333,995 1,675 29,675 4,800 2,020 $171,159 33,350 5,000 6,100 4,.50O 218,010 43,330 1,911,412 80,700 36,700 830,804 1,000 31,264 15,375 5,000 2,400 34,300 3,000 9,500 12,000 144,420 9,500 8,100 8,000 312,149 367,200 4,171,733 43,816 971,566 234,700 93,800 110,000 600 56,125 130,850 50,400 231,500 12,000 16,300 4,200 4,100 2,900 349,792 10,000 2,100 13,563 5,400 1,008,500 26,500 778,021 15,000 8,623,198 8,366,748 251,250 5,200 7,215,114 3,850 53,600 24,000 2,200 1,000 13,250 7,800 1,760 7,000 662 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. METALS AND METALLIC GOODS — Concluded. ■ cs Aterage Numbeb of . Emplotes. Wages. Total paid Capital Stock Counties, Cities, and CO »C "So Value of Towns. a| 3 — "a o ii o ■£2 3 3 during the year. Invested. used. product. la H a" fe" !>' "Worcester — Con. Dufll 5,6l>8 Oxford, . 4 4 4 - - 1,250 3,500 1,700 4,800 Paxton, 1 2 2 - - . . . 950 • ■ • 1,800 Petersham, 2 5 5 - _ . . • 2,200 • • > 3,300 Princeton, 4 4 4 - _ 1,650 4,250 550 5,400 Rutland, . 1 1 1 - - • ■ > 1,600 • . . 1,500 Whrewstmry, 1 1 1 - - . . . 600 1,000 Koiitliliorough, . 6 3 3 _ - 1,400 3,900 6,700 13,100 Southbridge, 4 6 6 - - 2,600 6,450 3,S00 9,700 ypencer, . 4 85 85 - - 50,565 104,340 111,290 195,373 Sterling, . 3 3 3 - - 1,200 3,900 875 3,700 Sturbndge, 2 2 2 - - • . ■ 1,100 3,000 Templeton, 3 3 3 - - 600 2,750 850 3,150 Upton, 3 5 5 - _ 2,450 1,150 2,050 5,800 Uxbridge, . 2 1 1 - - • > . 700 • . . 2,400 Warren, . 3 4 4 - - 1,500 7,000 2,175 8,000 Webster, . i 3 6 6 - - 3,100 3,100 1,600 6,200 Westborough, . ! 3 6 6 - - 3,700 2,.500 2,100 7,000 West Boylston, 8 8 7 - 1 1,550 3,200 2,675 9,800 West Brookfield, 3 1 1 - - 75 14,800 2,050 4,000 Winchendon, . 7 9 9 - - 3.635 6,300 5,000 13,400 Worcester, 82 3,780 3,601 149 30 1,478,080 2,682,085 3,895,208 6,247,376 RECAPITULATION (By Counties). The State, 2,045 24,621 21,822 2,100 699 $10,410,038 $22,313,542 $21,751,921 $40,190,569 Barnstable, 39 143 129 12 2 43,690 114,725 90,000 180,250 Berkshire, 93 587 570 9 8 2.59,072 855,070 317,089 758,002 Bristol, 224 5,849 4,629 1,031 189 2,478,318 5,070,921 4,252,932 8,021,697 Dukes, 2 2 2 - - 2,150 2,700 Essex, 250 952 935 13 4 456,592 1,087,300 911,320 1,874,786 Franklin, . 39 336 330 5 1 128,825 336,500 190,397 443,195 Hampden, 115 1,550 1,427 51 72 658,244 1,330,300 1,077,197 2,2.34,189 Hampshire, 47 404 294 25 85 155,202 275,260 213,775 508,013 Middlesex, 278 2,127 1,956 113 58 863,766 1,799,341 1,954,746 3,646,280 Norfolk, . 93 1,006 906 76 24 445,951 977,950 1,149,711 1,911,412 Plymouth, 131 2,152 1,850 205 97 823,230 2,361,900 2,681,845 4,171,733 Suffolk, . 476 5,225 4,710 394 121 2,382,984 4,947,163 4,577,414 8,623,198 Worcester, 258 4,288 4,084 166 38 1,713,814 3,154,962 4,333,995 7,215,114 MIXED TEXTILES. [See note p. 601. The statistics presented under this head are distinct from, and in addition to, those under "Cotton, woollen, and other textiles," p. 6.30.] The State, 69 7,498 3,668 3,345 485 $2,528,476 $7,166,800 $7,570,885 $13,043,829 MA:NTjrACTUiiES BY :n^ame. 663 MODELS AND PATTERNS. 1 MS Average Number of Employes. Wages. Total paid during the year. Capital invested. Stock used. Counties, Cities, and Towns. "a 1 to |l 1== a? o u Value of product. Bristol, New Bedford, Taunton, . Essex, . Lawrence, Hampden, . idpriiigticld, Middlesex, Cambridge, Somerville, Woburn, . Suffolk, Boston, Worcester, Fitchburg, Worcester, 3 1 2 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 22 22 < 2 5 11 9 2 2 2 6 6 6 1 2 3 87 87 14 4 10 11 9 2 2 2 6 6 6 1 2 3 84 84 14 4 10 2 2 1 1 $4,829 1,867 39,564 39,564 5,464 4,239 $9,700 6,200 4,500 1,000 1,000 5,000 5,000 2,600 100 1,500 1,000 24,850 24,850 6,400 500 5,900 $3,000 1,835 13,640 13,640 2,750 2,425 $11,720 8,800 2,920 3,700 3,700 8,000 8,000 7,900 1,600 1,800 4,500 88,455 88,455 16,258 2,550 13,708 RECAPITULATION (By Counties). The State, 38 126 123 2 1 $58,224 $49,550 $22,975 $136,033 Bristol 3 11 11 _ _ 4,829 9,700 3,000 11,720 Essex, .... 2 2 2 - - . . > 1,000 • • > 3,700 Hampden 1 6 6 - - 5,000 8,000 Middlesex, 3 6 6 - - 1,867 2,600 1,835 7,900 Suffolk 22 87 84 2 1 39,564 24,850 13,640 88,455 Worcester, 7 14 14 — -" 5,464 6,400 2,750 16,258 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND MATERIALS. [Aecordeons and concertinas, automatic musical instruments, guitars and banjos, harmoniums, melo- deons, metal organ pipes, musical instrument cases, music stands, music leaf turners, orchestral and band instruments and materials, organs, organ, melodeon and harmonium materials, piano-fortes, piano- forte materials, etc.] Essex, 1 8 7 t 1 $1,000 $10,000 Salem 1 8 7 - 1 ... 1,000 ... 10,000 Franklin, .... 4 45 44 _ 1 $23,860 48,500 $27,900 66,800 Bernardston, . 1 1 1 - - > • • 1,500 • > > 1,800 Erving 1 12 12 - - ■ ■ ■ 2,000 25,000 Shelburne, 1 12 11 - 1 . • • 5,000 10,000 Wendell, .... 1 20 20 - - ... 40,000 ... 30,000 Hampden, . . 4 40 40 _ _ 23,249 9,000 26,375 65,644 Palmer, . - . . 1 _ _ _ - _ 2,000 . • • 1,400 Springfield, 1 12 12 - _ ... 2,500 • • . 22,000 Westtteld, 2 28 28 - - ... 4,500 ... 42,244 Middlesex, 21 832 780 30 22 483,258 722,900 395,761 1,055,442 Acton 1 12 10 1 1 1,000 . . • 11,000 Arlington, 2 17 17 - - ■ . • 9,000 • . ■ 23,000 Cambridge, 13 757 707 29 21 446,063 657,200 361,552 948,622 Maiden 1 2 2 _ _ • > • 1,000 • • > 4,000 Reading, .... 1 14 14 - - ■ > . 13,000 . . > 18,600 Winchester, 3 30 30 — — 16,785 41,700 13,609 50,220 664. CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS 1880. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND MATERIALS — Concluded. ■i Average Number of Employes. Wages. Total paid Capital Stook Counties, Cities, and to 7» Value of Towns. 1. Qi §.2 'a" o I— < «■£ 00 rH a > Siii during the year. invested. used. product. Norfolk Dedhani, .... 10 10 10 10 - # _ $8,000 8,000 ... $24,000 24,000 Plymouth, .... Brockton, Mariibtleld, 4 3 1 4 3 1 - - ... 6,(J00 2,000 4,500 ... 4,450 2,650 1,800 Suffolk BoBton 37 37 1,681 1,681 1.658 1,658 20 20 3 3 $1,033,221 1,033,221 2,146,.566 2,146,566 $1,364,466 1,364,466 3,107,698 3,107,698 Worcester, Fitch burg, LeomiiiHter, Norilibdrougli, Worcester, 16 9 491 72 5 414 477 72 6 400 14 14 - 233,298 42,349 190',249 316,800 100 57,000 1,000 258,700 331,964 46,734 283,430 678,765 700 112,940 3,800 561,325 RECAPITULATION (By Counties ). The State, 86 3,111 3,020 64 27 $1,809,626 $3,259,266 $2,165,641 $5,012,799 Essex, .... 8 7 _ 1 ... 1,000 ... 10,000 Franklin 45 44 - 1 23,860 48,500 27,900 66,800 Hainpdfn, 40 40 - - 23,249 9,000 26,375 65,644 Midillosox, 21 ) 832 780 30 22 483,258 722,900 395,761 1,055,442 Norfolk 10 10 - - - ■ ■ 8,000 24,000 I'lvniouth, 4 4 - - . . . 6,500 4,4.')0 Suflblk, . . . . 37 1,681 1,658 20 3 1,033,221 2,146,560 1,364,466 3,107,698 Worcester, 16 491 477 14 "■ 233,298 316,800 331,964 678,765 OILS AND ILLUMINATING FLUIDS. [Animal oil, refined oil, refined petroleum, etc.] Bristol, New Bedford, Baynbam, Essex, . Georgetown, Baleai, Middlesex, Ashland, . Cambridge, Norfolk, . Weymouth, Suffolk, Boston, Chelsea, . Worcester, Worcester, 6 3 3 21 1 20 16 5 11 18 18 32 11 21 7 7 5 1 2 1 _ 3 - 21 _ _ 1 . _ 20 - - 12 4 ^^ 5 - - 7 4 - 6 10 2 6 10 2 32 _ _ 11 _ _ 21 - - 7 ^ .^ 7 - - $12,868 4,600 15,680 6,500 9,180 $6,000 2,000 4,000 78,600 600 78,000 7,300 2,300 5,000 10,000 10,000 150,000 90,000 60,000 3.600 3,500 $54,017 19,400 450,000 300,000 150,000 $10,000 6,000 4,000 75,985 1,500 74,485 27,700 14,250 13,450 25,000 25,000 558,000 345,000 213,000 20,700 20,700 MANUrACTURES BY :NAME. 665 OILS AND ILLUMINATING FLUIDS — Concluded. RECAPITULATION (By Counties). -g Average Number of Employes. WAGES. Total paid Capital Stock Counties, Cities, and CD iC c = Value of Towns. o 0) .2 o 3« during the year. invested. used. product. The State, 17 100 83 15 2 $40,898 $255,400 $562,737 $717,385 Bristol, .... 2 6 5 1 _ ... 6,000 ■ > • 10,000 Esses, .... 3 21 21 - - 12,868 78,600 54,017 75,985 Middleses, 3 16 12 4 - 4,600 7,300 19,400 27,700 Norfolk, .... 1 18 6 10 2 • > • 10,000 25,000 Suffolk, .... 6 32 32 - - 15;680 150,000 450,000 558,000 Worcester, 2 7 7 ^ *" 3,500 20,700 PAINTS, COLORS, AND CHEMICALS. Bristol, .... Dighton, .... New Bedford, . 3 1 2 14 9 15 14 9 15 - - $13,030 $41,000 8,000 33,000 $91,600 $121,900 45,000 76,900 Essex Gloucester, Salisbury, .... 3 2 1 12 10 2 12 10 2 ~ _ 7,400 57,000 50,000 7,000 62,300 86,250 78,000 8,250 Norfolk, .... Canton Needham 2 1 1 36 1 35 30 1 29 6 6 — 35,500 .500 35,000 40, .500 500 40,000 Suffolk Boston, .... Chelsea, .... 8 6 2 75 73 2 71 69 2 2 2 2 2 39,769 38,830 250,500 241,-500 9,000 290,900 281,400 404,400 390,900 13,500 Worcester, Worcester, 1 1 6 6 6 6 - - ... 500 500 ... 4,910 4,910 RECAPITULATION (By Counties). The State. 17 143 133 8 I 2 $75,390 $384,500 $466,293 $657,960 Bristol, .... Esses Norfolk, .... Suffolk Worcester, 3 3 2 8 1 14 12 36 75 6 i 14 12 30 71 6 6 2 2 13,030 7,400 39',769 41,000 57,000 35,500 250,500 500 91,600 62,300 29o',96o 121,900 86,250 40,500 404,400 4,910 PAPER. [Adhesive paper, blank books, blotting paper, cards, card stock, collar paper, enamelled and fancy paper, envelopes, labels and tags, printing paper, paper bags, paper matting, paper pulp, papier maohe goods, paper baskets, paper hangings, pasteboard, perforated paper, postal cards, press board, straw board, sheathing paper and felt, tissue paper, wrapping paper, writing paper, etc.] Barnstable, 1 4 2 2 $2,500 $5,000 Sandwich 1 4 2 2 - ... 2,500 ... 5,000 Berkshire, 23 1,412 742 670 _ $522,308 2,311,483 $1,863,783 3,080,284 Adams, .... 3 330 138 192 - 97,000 300,000 260,200 5.34,000 Becket, .... 1 19 14 5 _ 25,683 60,000 Dalton 4 316 140 176 - 127,262 760,000 366,300 648,000 Great Barrington, . 1 100 60 40 - 150,000 160,000 Lee 8 553 312 241 "■ 218,506 896,000 933,445 1,370,344 666 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. PAPER — Continued. A^-EBAGE NUJIBER OF [ O Employes. Wages. Total paic I Capital Block Counties, Cities, and <6 tii !■= = Value of Towns. "a o So a > during the year. invested. used. product. il"" e-i S" fe« i» Berkshire — Con. New Marlborough, . 3f > 3! > ' 1 . . . $40,00{ ... $100,000 Pittfti.kl, .... le > 1( ) ( ) - • . ■ 40,80( ... 75,000 Stockbriiigp, 3C 2' ( ) $10,55C 91 ,0OC $84,02C 128,540 "West Stockbridge, . e « i - ... 8,0UC ... 4,400 BUISTOL, .... I'l 1' _ _ ... 40,00f 55,000 Dighlon 17 17 — - ... >40,00t ... 55,000 Essex, 491 32S 165 ! 1 184,114 440,00( 654,045 1,035,050 Liiwix-nce, 471 312 15' 1 176,114 410,000 610,545 972,0.50 Middleton, 20 IS ■" ... 30,000 ... 63,000 Franklin, .... 3 485 249 236 — 144,357 1,. 357,926 505,812 921,338 Montague, 3 485 24S 236 - 144,-357 1,357,926 505,812 921,338 Hajipdex 35 3,990 1,431 2,.519 40 1,241,689 5,097,479 4,825,121 7,569,523 Agawam, .... 1 76 23 53 - • . . 100,000 ■ . ■ 125,000 Holyoke, .... 19 2,535 1,001 1,521 13 805,074 3,500,979 2,904,075 4,808,447 RukmII 2 253 91 152 10 ■ ■ > 275,000 355, .505 8priii<;lk'ld, 8 703 155 538 10 192,382 676,500 1,289,877 1,676,974 ^Vl■slfi.l,l, 2 90 40 50 - 220,000 209,000 Wi'M Springfield, 2 159 52 107 _ • ■ • 125,000 174,973 Wilbraham, 1 174 69 98 7 ... 300,000 ... 219,624 HA.MI'SIIinE, 11 434 163 257 14 135,231 678,358 445,379 81.3,840 Aniliirst 2 16 16 - - 19,500 • > • 25,780 Cuniniinuton, . 1 40 16 24 - • • • 30,.'i58 42,000 Huiitintfton, 1 69 22 38 9 • • • 300,000 ■ ■ > 125, (X)0 Miililletitld, 1 29 14 10 5 • • • 30,000 • • • 34,860 Nonli.inipion, . 2 45 18 27 - • • . 82,000 ... 127,000 South lladley, . 4 235 77 158 - 85,064 216,500 199,967 459,200 Middlesex, 12 349 266 79 4 138,448 578,000 819,671 1,188,.500 Dra.ut 1 11 10 1 - ■ • • 15,000 45,000 (jroton 2 58 39 18 1 • ■ ■ 140,000 . ■ . 150,000 Lowell, .... 1 18 16 2 - • > . 3,000 • . . 60,000 Mavnard 1 17 17 - - ■ • • 40,000 • . * 42,000 Newton, .... 3 31 31 - - 16,502 95,000 82,929 124,000 Phm>it(1I 2 156 95 58 3 • • • 165,000 • . ■ 477,500 Wallham 1 20 20 - - • • • 30,000 50,000 WiiiLitown, 1 38 38 - - 90,000 ... 240,000 Norfolk, .... 9 287 201 86 _ 124,016 625,300 507,795 755,625 Braiiitree, .... 1 23 20 3 - • • . 40,000 • • • 57,000 Dovi-r, .... 1 7 5 2 _ * • • 12,000 • « • 17,080 Medway 2 13 13 - - • ■ • 31,000 • ■ • 53,500 Milt.^n, .... 1 140 80 60 - ■ > > 400,000 ■ • • 350,280 Needliam 1 26 13 13 - ... 40,000 • • . 125,000 Norlolk, .... 1 12 10 2 - > • • 6,000 • ■ • 31,200 Norwood 1 20 20 - . ... 25,000 ■ • . 41,750 "Wapole 1 46 40 6 - ... 71,300 ... 79,815 Pltmoitth, .... 1 12 12 _ 35,000 32,.30O Bridgewater, . 1 12 12 - - ... 35,000 ... 32,300 SUFEOLK, .... 15 219 147 69 3 93,845 3.'?6,S0O 442,595 657,375 Boston 15 219 147 69 3 93,845 336,800 442,595 657,375 Worcester, 11 675 339 328 8 247,825 930,000 1,509,872 2,244,526 Duill.y 1 8 8 - - • • . 15,000 60,000 Filibburg, 3 241 149 89 3 101,328 580,000 641,8.52 1,068,750 Leon Hihter, 2 80 68 12 - ... 190,000 . . . 231,000 Templeton, 1 18 18 - - . . . 30,000 . . . 60,000 We.-tminbter, . 2 60 38 17 5 60,000 ... 200,000 Worcester, 2 268 58 210 — ... 55,000 ... 624,776 MAXETACTUPtES BY XAME. 667 PAPER — Concluded. RECAPITULATION (By Couxties). CoDNTiBs, Cities, and TO'VV'NS. The State, Barnstable, Berksliire, Bristol, Essux, Franklin, . Haminlen, Hamp^tiire, Middlesex, Norfolk, . Plymouth,, . Worcester, 3 — Average Xcmber of Employes. 126| % 4 3 35 111 12; 9 1 15 11 o S. O s > 8,375 4 1,412 17 491 485 3,990 4.S4 349 28 12 219 675 3,897 4,408 2 2 742 670 17 _ 328 162 249 236 1,431 2,519 163 257 266 79 201 86 12 _ 147 69 339 328 Wages. Total paid during the year, Capital invested. Stock used. Value of product. 70r $2,847,903 $12,432,846 40 14 4 522,308 184,114 144,357 1,241,689 135,231 138,448 124,016 93,845! 247,8251 $11,618,091 2,500 2,311,4SS 40,000, 440,000 1.357,926; 5,097,479 678,358, 578,000 625,300 35,000 336,800 1 93U,000; 1,863,783 654,045 .505,812 4,825,121 445,379 819,671! 507,795 442,595 1,609,872 $18,358,361 5,000 3,080,284 55,000 1,035,050 921,338 7,569,523 813,840 1,188,-500 755,625 32,300 657,375 2,244,526 PERFUxMES AND TOILET PREPARATIONS. Middlesex, 3 68 54 13 1 $28,500 $77,000 $102,170 $251,500 Lowell, .... 1 20 13 6 1 • ■ ■ 60,000 200,000 Natick, .... 1 1 1 - - • . . 1,000 ... 1,.500 Waltham 1 47 40 7 - ... 16,000 ... 50,000 Suffolk, .... 7 40 23 17 _ 12,690 21,500 69,.550 126,000 Boston, 7 40 23 17 - 12,690 21,500 69,550 126,000 Worcester, 2 2 2 _ _ ... 600 ... 3,100 Fitchburg, 1 - - - - - 100 ... 600 Milford 1 2 =^ - — ... 500 ... 2,.50O RECAPITULATION (By Couxties). The State, . Midillesex, Suffolk, . Worcester, 12 HO 79 30 1 3 68 54 13 1 7 40 23 17 _ 2 2 2 - - $41,990 28,500 12,690 $99,100 $172,920| $380,600 77,000 21,500 eool I 102,170 69,550: 251,500 126,000 3,100 PHOTOGRAPHS AND PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS. Berkshire, North Adams, Pittsfield, . Bristol, Fall Kiver, New Bedford, Essex, . Amesbury, Beverly, . Lawrence, Newburyport, Hampden, . Spruigtield, 4 3 3 _ _: 2 2 2 _ _l 2 1 1 - 17 354 219 135 \ 6' 9 - 9 - 11 345 219 126 - 12 9 7 2 _ 1 1 1 - - 1 1 1 - - 6 4 7 5 2 - 10 12 11 1 ~ ,1 10 12 11 1 $1,312 101,996 2,700 99,296 3,424 2,724 7,200' 7,200 $6,800 2,500 4,300 157,200 7,000 150,200 12,150 1,200 250 7,800 2,900 22,800 22,800 $2,400 119,128 4.000 115,128 7,506 4,606 2,300 9,210 9,210 $9,600 4,800 4,800 276,736 12,000 264,736 25,660 1,000 1,200 1S,460 5,000 41,150 41,150 668 CENSUS OP MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. PHOTOGRAPHS AND PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS — Concluded. Average Number of 1 Employes. Wages. Total paid Capital Stock Counties, Cities, and to •rs ■?«= Value of Towns. ll 00 rH S. o i2 during invested. used. product. 3=3 m a. B o ■=■2 i| outl chik the year. 15 Eh S* fa" 1 '^ Hampshire, 2 3 3 _ ^ $2,800 $6,000 Northampton, . 2 3 a - - ... 2,800 ... 6,000 Middlesex, 16 27 17 10 _ $9,021 16,450 $9,018 36,522 Cambridge, 3 8 4 4 - 1,950 3,300 2,050 8,000 Lowell, .... 8 15 9 6 - 5,295 9,900 4,675 20,697 Marlborough, . 2 - - - - _ 800 ... 2,400 Medford, .... 1 1 1 - - 600 1,200 Waltham 2 3 3 - - ... 1,860 ... 4,225 Norfolk 1 7 2 5 ^ 3,000 11,000 Foxborough, . 1 7 2 5 - ... 3,000 ... 11,000 Plymouth, .... 4 7 5 2 _ 3,300 7,700 6,200 13,600 Brockton, .... 3 6 4 2 - 3,200 7,000 5,800 12,100 South Bcituate, 1 1 1 - - ... 700 ... 1,500 Suffolk 42 187 122 59 6 93,205 104,700 66,547 233,135 Boston 41 186 121 69 6 92,581 103,900 66,047 231,9:^5 Chelsea 1 1 1 - - ... 800 1,200 Worcester, 19 40 28 12 . 19,407 30,850 34,350 80,885 Fitchburg, 3 2 2 - - 750 2,400 1,150 6,700 Milford 2 2 2 - - ... 2,500 ... 6,100 Warren, .... 1 — — — — — 500 1,400 Worcester, 13 36 24 12 — 17,431 25,450 30,660 67,685 REC A.PIT1 JLAT ION (By ( DoUNTIESj • The State, .... 127 649 417 226 6 $241,315 $364,450 $257,759 $734,288 Berkshire, 4 3 3 - _ 1,312 6,800 2,400 9,600 Bristol, .... 17 354 219 135 - 101,996 157,200 119,1-28 276,736 Essex 12 9 7 2 - 3,424 12,150 7,506 25,660 Hampden,. 10 12 11 1 - 7,200 22,800 9,210 41,150 Hampshire, 2 3 3 - - • . . 2,800 > . • 6,000 Middlesex, 16 27 17 10 - 9,021 16,450 9,018 36,522 Norfolk, .... 1 7 2 5 - • ■ • 3,000 ■ • . 11,000 Plymouth, 4 7 5 2 - 3,300 7,700 6,200 13,600 Suffolk, .... 42 187 122 69 6 93,205 104,700 66,547 233,135 Worcester, 19 40 28 12 — 19,407 30,850 34,350 80,885 POLISHES AND [Boot blacking, furniture polish, leather bronzes and polish, varnish, whiting, etc.] DRESSING. dressing, polishing compounds, shellac, stove Bristol, New Bedford, Taunton, . Essex, . Lynn, Hampden, . Springfield, Norfolk, . Canton, Plymocth, . Brockton, . Middleborough, 12 12 2 2 28 28 17 13 4 4 2 2 12 12 2 2 11 11 16 12 4 16 16 $1,650 7,480 7,480 11,826 9,326 $5,800 800 5,000 10,200 10,200 1,500 1,500 60,000 50,000 32,500 22,500 10,000 $4,000 24,350 24,350 75,805 35,805 $8,300 2,300 6,000 48,808 48,808 8,000 8,000 150,000 150,000 135,118 85,118 50,000 MANUFACTURES BY NAIklE. 669 POIJSHES AND DRESSING — Concluded. i Average Number of 03 ■Si Employes. Wages. Total paid Capital Stock Counties, Cities, and -a -; Value of p a a Towns. -^ > J3 '^ s^ CJ — .5 a o ■.^ ^ the year. o o o ^ H S £ >^ Suffolk, .... 12 135 83 51 1 $56,580 $199,500 $443,000 $667,400 Boston, .... 9 98 54 44 - 37,680 128,500 380,000 559,400 Chelsea, .... 3 37 29 7 1 18,900 71,000 63,000 108,000 Worcester, 3 5 4 1 2,600 3,000 15,225 21,500 Worcester, 3 5 4 1 — 2,600 3,000 15,225 21,500 RECAPITULATION (By Counties ). The State 31 206 132 71 3 $95,336 $302,500 $692,230 $1,039,126 Bristol 3 7 4 3 ^ 1,650 5,800 4,000 8,300 Esses, 7 12 12 — - 7,480 10,200 24,350 48,808 Hampden, . 1 2 2 - - • • ■ 1,500 ■ • • 8,000 Norfolk, . 1 28 11 16 1 ... 50,000 ... 150,000 Plymouth, 4 17 16 - 1 11,826 32,500 75,805 135,118 Suffolk-, . 12 135 83 51 1 56,580 199,500 443,000 667,400 Worcester, 3 5 4 1 ~ 2,600 3,000 15,225 21,500 PRINTING AND PUBLISHING. [Books and pamphlets, bookbinding, cards and job work, chromos, copperplate engravings, engraving heliotypes, lithographs, maps, charts and plans, music, newspapers and other periodicals, perforated music paper, steel engravings, valentines, wood engravings, etc.] Berkshire, North Adams, Pittstitld, , Savoy, Bristol, Attlehorough, Fall River, Mansfield, . New Bedford, Taunton, . Essex, . Andover, . Beverly, . Georgetown, Gloucester, Lawrence, Lynn, . . Marblehead, Newburypoi't, Peabody, . Salem, Franklin, . Greenfield, Montague, Orange, Hampden, • Holyoke, . Palmer, Sprintr field, Westtield, . Hampshire, Northampton, 6 36 2 14 3 21 1 1 22 213 2 9 9 76 1 8 8 89 2 31 27 184 1 6 o 3 1 5 2 14 6 44 1 7 1 10 5 34 2 10 6 51 3 4 1 _ 1 3 1 1 22 399 6 47 1 4 14 336 1 12 3 13 3 13 29 7 13 1 15 6 1 - 165 35 7 1 64 10 8 _ 70 9 16 15 141 32 2 4 3 _ 3 2 13 1 34 1 4 3 10 _ 28 5 9 1 35 15 3 1 2 1 1 - 296 91 39 6 4 - 246 82 7 3 8 5 8 5 13 1 2 10 11 12 2 $17,062 10,512 95,446 3l',457 47,780 68,499 22,000 11,788 16,116 1,800 199,240 16,326 178,064 5,500 5,500 $39,500 20,000! 18,500j l,000j 172,400 10,500 80,400 1,500 42,000 38,000 118,500 5,500 4,600 4,000 9,000 37,900 2,000 3,000 22,000 6,500 24,000 3,050 50 2,000 1,000 222,000 12,300 4,000 200,700 5,000 30,500 30,500 $16,741 7,941 107,616 42,600 55',670 80,221 13,450 14,079 19,190 1,750 225,191 8,681 212,775 9,500 9,500 $41,707 19,000 21,107 1,600 274,300 10,200 101,800 6,500 126,800 29,000 179,036 10,136 4,850 6,000 16,000 49,740 14,000 10,543 5,867 12,564 49,336 5,280 780 3,000 1,500 510,267 35,674 3,700 460,893 10,000 22,000 22,000 670 CENSUS or MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. PRINTING AND PUBLISHING — Concluded. Average Number of o ^ Employes. Wages. Total paid Capital Stock Counties, Cities, and > 10,000 12,000 Webster, . 2 8 6 2 - ... 8,000 8,000 Worcester, 19 185 158 19 8 101,381 152,934 89,191 258,222 RECAPITULATION (By Counties )• < The State 411 7,413 6,279 1,876 1 258 1 $3,787,404 $4,940,432 $3,698,.590 $10,474,684 Berkshire, 6 36 29 7 17,062 39,500 16,741 41,707 Bristol, 22 213 165 35 13 95,446 172,400 107,616 274,.300 Essex, 27 184 141 32 11 68,499 118,.500 80,221 179,036 Franklin, . 3 4 3 1 - 1,800 3,050 1,7.50 5,280 Hampden, . 22 399 296 91 12 199,240 222,000 225,191 510,267 Hanipsliire, 3 13 8 5 - j 5,500 30,500 9,500 22,000 Middlesex, 47 1,369 829 489 51 691,944 622,7.50 291,946 1,267,015 Norfolk, . 6 34 28 2 4 14,834 26,000 10,000 32,212 Plvnioulb, 5 35 31 4 _ 13,790 27,800 12,5.50 38,000 Suffolk, . 241 4,895 3,559 1,177 159 2,6.57,947 3,480,298 2,832,410 7,784,160 Worcester, 29 231 190 33 8 121,342 197,634 110,666 320,707 MANIIFACTUKES BY NAME. 671 PRINTING, DYEING, AND BLEACHING. [Bleaching, calendering, dyeing, scouring, etc. See also " Dyeing and finishing textiles," p. 633, ante.] .0 a -g Average Number of Employes. Wages. Total paid during the year. Capital invested. Stock used. Counties, Cities, and Towns. "3 to I— 1 S, CS.5 il Is Value of product. BRIiSTOL, Attleborough, Freetown, Swansea, . 5 3 1 1 34 22 e 6 34 22 6 6 - - $11,650 9,250 $20,900 9,500 5,000 6,400 $20,375 12,875 $41,800 29,800 8,000 4,000 E.'iSEX, . Peabody, . 1 1 196 196 178 178 38 18 - ... 200,000 200,000 ... 800,000 800,000 Hampden, . Springfleld, 2 2 17 17 12 12 5 5 - ... 7,500 7,500 ... 14,500 14,500 Middlesex, Lowell, Maiden, Medford, . 6 4 1 1 229 44 7.5 110 161 41 50 70 67 2 25 40 1 1 79,265 9,778 198,000 15,000 8,000 175,000 521,2.39 11,000 672,300 42,300 55,000 575,000 Norfolk, . Foxborough, 1 6 6 6 6 - - 10,000 10,000 4,.50O 4,500 Suffolk, . Boston, Chelsea, • 22 20 2 240 21.5 25 91 71 20 145 141 4 4 3 1 72,782 55,782 119,300 41,300 78,000 44,160 27,360 176,171 135,371 40,800 WOnCESTER, Millbury, . Worcester, 5 1 4 28 3 25 12 3 9 16 16 - 5,214 3,714 13,.500 5,000 8,500 18,920 3,920 32,358 20,000 12,358 RECAPITULATION (By Counties). The State, . Bristol, Essex, Hampden, . Middlesex, NorColk, . Suffolk, . Worcester, 42 750 494 251 5 5 34 34 _ _ 1 196 178 18 _ 2 17 12 5 ^ 1 6 229 161 67 1 i 1 6 6 _ - , 22 240 91 145 4 5 28 12 16 " I $255,111 11,650 79,2651 72,782 5,214 $569,200 20,900 200,000 7,500 198,000 10,000 119,300 13,500| ^724,094 20,375 521,239 44,1(50 18,920 $1,741,629 41,800 800,000 14,600 672,300 4,500 176,171 32,358 RAILROAD CONSTRUCTION. [Car seats, car springs, car wheels, port.ible railways, railroad cars, railroad iron, railroad sleepers, steam and vacuum brakes, street cars, etc.] Barnstable, Barnstable, Sandwich, Essex, . Salem, Hampden, . Springfield, Middlesex, Cambridge, Worcester, Worcester, 2 •64 64 1 27 27 _ _ 1 i 37 37 - - B 1 40 40 _ _ 1 40 40 - - 2 464 454 10 _ 2 464 454 10 - 2 31 31 _ _ 2 31 31 - - 2 81 81 _ ^. 2 81 81 — — $31,2.50 6,250 25,000 10,000 10,000 490,000 490,000 98,434 98,434 160.000 160,000 $102,770 33,820 68,950 21,000 21,000 978,877 978,877 48,936 48,936 214,902 214,902 672 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. r.AILROAD CONSTRUCTION — Concluded. RECAPITULATION (By Counties). Average Number of Emploves. Wages. Total paid Capital Stock Counties, Cities, and 50 >o -Hri Value of Towns. umber iishme 7s ♦J o It > S o s > §1 outh ar child re during the year. invested. used. product. !z; H a^' pi,^ t>^ The State, 9 680 670 10 - $291,789 $789,684 $974,360 $1,366,485 Barnstable, 2 64 64 _ _ 31,250 102,770 Essex, .... 1 40 40 1 - 10,000 21,000 Hampden, 2 464 454 10 - 490,000 978,877 Middlesex, 2 31 31 - - 98,434 48,936 Worcester, 2 81 81 ~ ~ 160,000 214,902 RUBBER AND ELASTIC GOODS. [Elastic goods, elastic webs, compressed rubber, gossamer rubber fiibrics, rubber belting, rubber clothing, rubber hose, rubber boots, shoes and articles, rubber goods other than specified, vulcanized rubber goods, etc.J Essex, . Andover, . Hampden, . Holyoke, . Springfield, Hampshire, Easthampton, MiDDLEREX, Ciimbridge, Maiden, Reading, . Norfolk, . Canton, Stoughtbn, Plymouth, . Hanover, . Suffolk, Boston, Chelseii, . Worcester, Northborough, , 1 45 22 23 1 4ft 22 23 - 3 241 92 126 23 1 12 10 _ 2 2 229 82 126 21 3 658 235 367 56 3 658 235 367 56 3 1,085 506 566 13 1 200 100 100 _ 1 862 400 451 11 1 23 6 15 2 2 lOS 43 55 10 1 73 8 55 10 1 35 35 - - 1 15 15 _ _ 1 15 15 - - 13 1,328 499 819 10 10 923 407 506 10 3 405 92 313 - 1 14 14 _ 1 14 14 - - $53,802 217,963 217,963 363,942 455,011 362,106 92,905 $25,000 25,000 56,000 10,000 46,000 683,000 683,000 708,000 200,000 600,000 8,000 75,000 50,000 25,000 10,000 10,000 1,510,000 1,095,000 415,000 10,000 10,000 $79,300 870,904 870,904 1,343,200 1,687,965 1,304,347 383,618 $77,682 77,682 158,660 40,000 118,600 1,340,450 1,340,450 2,229,099 461,257 1,707,842 60,000 4.50,000 .50,000 400,000 100,000 100,000 2,620,905 2,095,460 525,503 14,000 14,000 RECAPITULATION (By Counties). The State 27 3,494 1,426 1,956 112 $1,145,170 $3,077,000 $4,470,173 $6,990,856 Essex, .... 1 45 22 23 _ ... 25,000 ... 77,682 Hampden, . , 3 241 92 126 23 53,802 56,000 79,300 1.58,660 Hampshire, - 3 658 235 367 56 217,963 683,000 870,904 1,340,450 Middlesex, , 3 1,0S5 506 566 13 363,942 708,000 1,.343,200 2,229,099 Norfolk, . . 2 108 43 55 10 • . > 75,000 450,000 Plvmouth, , 1 15 15 _ - 10,000 . . . 100,000 Suffolk, . . 13 1,32S 499 819 10 455,011 1,510,000 1,687,965 2,620,965 Worcester, 1 14 14 ~ ~ ... 10,000 14,000 MANUFACTURES BY NAME. 673 SALT [See note, p . 601.] a OQ c u a £ 2 Average Number of Employes. Wages. Total paid during the year. Capital Invested. Stock used. Counties, Cities, and Towns. 3 o to 1=^ T3 ^ ■55 « Value of product. The State, .... 5 8 8 - - $1,030 $9,000 $20 $3,800 SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS AND APPLIANCES. [Artificial limbs, astronomical instruments, barometers, chemical apparatus, court plaster, crutches, dental instruments, drawing instruments, electrical apparatusand supplies, electro-magnetic instruments, elastic stockings, googrMphiciil instruments, mathematical instruments, magnetic apparatus, nautical in- struments, nursing bottles and syringes, opera and lield glasses, philosophical instruments, photographic apparatus, railroad safety appliances, shoulder braces, stereoscopes, spectacles and eyey lasses, surgical instruments, surveying instruments, telegraphic instruments, telescopes, thermometers, trusses, bandages and supporters, vaccine virus, etc.] Bristol, Easton, New Bedford, Essex, . Salem, Franklin, . Greenfield, Hampden, . Lougmeadow, Springfield, Middlesex, Cambridge, Newton, . Norfolk, . Brookline, Needham, , Suffolk, Boston, Chelsea, Worcester, Leominster, Southbridge, Worcester, 3 3 3 _ 2 1 1 - - 1 2 2 - - 1 ] 1 _ ^ 1 1 1 1 : ; 1 3 49 39 3 7 1 1 7 - ._ 2 42 32 3 7 2 33 33 _ _ 1 8 8 - - 1 25 25 - - 4 25 23 1 1 2 16 16 _ _ 2 9 7 1 1 34 267 229 30 8 33 263 227 29 7 1 4 2 1 1 8 218 193 17 8 1 24 19 5 - 2 178 162 8 8 5 16 12 4 - $1,100 31,650 18,700 143,054 141,554 88,647 5,847 $2,500 1,500 1,000 2,500 2,500 5,000 5,000 31,000 6,000 25,0J0 42,000 30,000 12,000 24,300 23,000 1,300 283,700 282,200 1,500 86,400 5,000 61,500 19,900 $1,100 46,48J 37,800 114,036 112,536 177,395 5,330 $4,800 2,500 2,300 1,856 1,866 5,000 5,000 94,979 15,000 79,979 49,000 18,000 31,000 69,500 52,000 17,500 380,559 374,559 6,000 331,850 21,000 292,200 18,650 RECAPITULATION (By Counties). The State 56 596 521 51 24 $306,217 $477,400 $391,988 $937,544 Bristol 3 3 3 __ _ 1,100 2,500 1,100 4,800 Essex, 1 1 1 - 2,500 1,856 Franklin, . 1 - - - - 5,000 5,000 Hampden, 3 49 39 3 7 31,650 31,000 46,483 94,979 Middlesex, 2 33 33 - - 42,000 49,000 Norfolk, . 4 25 23 1 1 18,700 24,300 37,800 69,500 Suftblk, . 34 267 229 30 8 143,054 283,700 11-1,036 380,559 Worcester, 8 218 193 17 8 88,647 86,400 177,395 331,850 G74 CENSUS OP MASSACHUSETTS 1880. SHIPBUILDING. [Sailing vessels, shipsmithing, ship painting, boats, sails, blocks, masts and spars, mast hoops, oakum, oars, rope and wire rigging, steering apparatus, etc. See note, p. 601.] .0 3 CO a *; Mi AvEBAGE Number of Employes. Wages. Total paid during the year. Capital invested. Stock used. • Counties, Cities, and Towns. "a to I— t 10 £ -= c 5 S li Value of product. Essex, Gloucester, The State, 16 16 276 68 68 1,328 58 68 1,328 ~ ~ $26,250 26,250 804,571 $43,300 43,300 1,765,450 $41,876 41,876 1,173,640 $102,200 102,200 2,281,666 SILK AND SILK GOODS. [Passementerie, oil silk, piece silk, ribbons, sewing silk, scarfs, twist, etc. See note, p. 601.] MiDr)i,F:sEX, Medford 1 1 2 2 2 2 - _ ... $8,000 8,000 ... $30,000 30,000 Suffolk, . . . Boston 9 9 380 380 81 81 262 262 37 37 $106,845 106,845 132,800 132,800 $222,815 222,815 443,425 443,425 The State 22 1,826 353 1,285 188 521,725 1,306,900 1,990,515 3,764,260 SPORTING GOODS. [Fishing and hunting tackle, fishing nets and seines, sporting goods, taxidermy, etc.] Bristol, New Bedford, Essex, . Gloucester, Hampshire, Peiham,, Cambridge, Hudson, . Norfolk, . Brookline, Canton, Suffolk, Boston, 2 2 2 2 2 - - ... 2 13 9 3 1 ... 2 13 9 3 1 ... 1 1 7 7 _ ... 1 7 7 - - ... 3 131 11 120 _ $32,185 2 130 10 120 _ 1 1 1 - - ... 2 12 5 7 _ 1 5 _ 5 - • • ■ 1 7 5 2 - ... 7 80 25 ■55 _ 25,820 7 80 25 25 - 25,820 $1,500 1,500 8,000 8,000 5,000 5,000 246,000 245,500 500 19,000 4,000 15,000 59,800 59,800 $228,702 103,050 103,050 $6,500 6,500 12,500 12,500 4,500 4,500 304,490 302,090 1,800 21,000 5,000 16,000 147,800 147,800 RECAPITULATION (By Counties; • The State, 17 245 59 185 1 $68,425 $339,300 $354,052 $496,790 Bristol, .... 2 2 2 _ _ ... 1,500 6,500 Essex, .... 2 13 9 3 1 8,000 12,500 HMmpshire, 1 7 7 - - 5,000 4,500 Midillesex, 3 131 11 120 - 32,185 246,000 228,702 304,490 Norfolk, .... 9 12 5 7 _ 19,000 21,0U0 Suflulk, .... 7 80 25 55 — 25,820 59,800 103,050 147,800 MANUrACTUP.ES BY l^AME. 675 STO^JE. [Artificial stone, building slates, crushed stone, dressed building s flagstones, grindstones, marble and other stone goods, marble dust, stone, etc.] stone, edgestones and paving blocks, t, millstones, mica powder, sidewalk •i Average Number of s EaiPLOTES. Wages. Total paid Capital Stock Counties, Cities, and to I-H «i Value of Towns. S 11 OS H during the year. invested. used. product. S ^ o .5 =s o ^ So ^ El a b >H Barnstable, 4 3 3 _ _ $975 §1,700 $2,250 $5,400 Barnstable, 1 1 1 - - ... 500 . . • 1,200 Falmouth, 1 1 1 - - ... 400 ... 2,100 Orleans, .... 1 - - - - - 500 ... 1,500 Sandwich, Berkshire, 1 1 1 - - ... 300 ... 600 11 22 22 _ _ 9,700 12,825 23,217 30,.550 Alford, .... 1 2 2 - - • . . 1,900 ... 1,800 Lee, 1 2 2 - - 300 ... 3,000 North Adams, . 3 8 8 - - 4,600 2,000 3,700 10,350 Pittsfield 4 7 7 - - 2,575 6,825 16,300 10,700 Sheffield 2 3 3 - - ... 1,800 ... 4,700 Bkistol, .... 14 61 61 _ _ 31,515 23,484 18,732 63,193 Attleborough, . 1 6 6 - - 5,000 8,000 Fall River, 2 4 4 - - 2,250 ... 4,900 Kew Bedford, . 8 39 39 - - 18,723 10,3.iO 10,791 35,695 Taunton 3 12 12 - - 5,942 5,884 3,941 14,598 Essex 24 124 124 _ _ 62,051 68,000 44,465 143.890 Gloucester, 1 3 3 - - 3,(100 3,oro Haverhill 1 17 17 - - 10,000 ... 25,000 Lawrence, 7 24 24 - - io',4:8 21,200 9,341 27,448 Lynn, .... 6 27 27 - - 11,>^65 9,9.10 11,324 36,789 Methuen, .... 1 ! 15 15 - - 3,000 10,000 Newburyport, . 3 i 10 10 - - 3,500 2,800 5,400 12,200 Salem, .... ' 28 28 — - 11,208 19,000 9,600 29,453 Franklin, .... 1 2 5 5 _ _ 3,000 \ 7,fi00 Greenfield, 2 5 5 - - ... 3,000 ... 7,600 Hampden 14 141 140 _ 1 63,818 68,680 60,700 163,500 Chester 1 25 25 - - ... 5,000 ■ > ■ 15,000 Chicopee, .... 1 5 5 - - ■ ■ . 8.0 ... 3,200 Holyoke 2 26 26 - - ■ . • 6,000 • . • 26,000 Palmer 1 3 3 - - . > . 1,000 3,500 Springfield, 8 81 80 - 1 ' 45,000 55,580 41,800 114,000 Wilbrahau), 1 1 1 — - ; ... 300 ... 1,200 Hampshire, 2 6 6 _ _ 4,000 10,000 Amherst, .... 1 3 3 - - . . . 1,000 3,000 Northampton, . 1 3 3 - ... 3,000 ... 7,000 Middlesex, 40 275 274 1 1 122,743 168.500 96,524 302,813 Ayer, .... 2 10 10 _ _ ■ • • 2,700 9,000 Cambridge, 14 111 110 1 - 54,865 98,060 30,326 113,798 Chelmsford, 1 10 10 - - 1,000 ... 3,000 Everett 1 3 3 - - ... 3,000 ... 6,000 Framiiighara, . 1 3 3 - _ ... 6,000 2,.500 Lowell 9 % 77 77 - - 35,813 32,650 35',463 99,860 Maiden 2 5 6 - - 1 2,400 . . . 3,550 Marlborough, . 2 5 5 - - i 2,400 ■ . . 3,200 Medford 1 10 10 - ... 10,000 25,000 Melrose, .... 1 4 4 - _ 5C0 ... 4,000 Stoneham, 1 5 5 - - . . . 3,000 • . • 5,000 Waltham, .... 2 11 11 - _ 4,300 15,350 Watertown, 2 19 19 _ - ... 2,300 • . > 10,000 Woburn 1 2 2 - - ••• 200 ... 2,555 Norfolk, .... 42 583 583 _ _ 229,250 266,500 109,400 510,050 Hyde Park, 1 2 2 - - 5,000 2,.n00 Quincy 41 581 581 ~ — 228,800 261,500 109',o6o 507,550 676 CENSUS OP MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. STONE — Concluded. .0 a Average Number of 1 ■Si ! Employes. Wages. Total paid Capital Stock Counties, Cities, akd to U5 •««• Value of Towns. "3 «i uth at hildre during the year. Invested. used. product. 5 « s « ■: a !zi H ^ fe ^ Plymouth 6 15 15 _ ^ $7,175 $22,200 $15,000 $34,650 Hrockton, . 2 9 9 - - • • • 14,900 • • • 17,850 Middloborough, - 2 3 3 - - • • • 2,300 • • ■ 6,800 Rochester, 1 2 2 - - • > • 1,000 4,000 7,000 South Abington, 1 1 1 - - ... 3,000 Suffolk, 46 1,043 1,043 _ _ 392,713 700,400 677,791 1,456,511 Boston, 43 1,033 1,033 - - 387,113 696,600 674,141 1,442,861 Chelsea, . 3 10 10 - - 5,600 3,800 3,650 13,650 Worcester, 27 173 173 - _ 85,011 94,600 83,710 223,507 Athol, 1 - - - - - 2,500 ■ . • 3,000 Barre, 1 10 10 - - • . . 2,000 ■ ■ ■ 6,000 Fitchburg, 5 15 15 - _ 6,425 5,600 4,500 15,800 Harvard, . 1 1 1 - - • • • 1,000 ■ ■ > 1,500 Milf»rd, . 1 3 3 - - • • ■ 500 1,500 Southbridge, 1 2 2 - - • . . 1,000 • • • 4,500 Webster, . 1 8 8 - - 3,500 > > > 9,000 Winchendon, . 2 3 3 - -, 2,300 • > • 5,900 Worcester, 14 131 131 ~ — 68,118 76,200 68,060 176,307 RECAPITULATION (By Counties). The State, 232 2,451 2,449 1 1 $999,851 $1,434,789 $1,137,389 $2,951,664 Barnstable, 4 3 3 _ 975 1,700 2,250 5,400 Berkshire, 11 22 22 - - 9,700 12,825 23,217 30,550 Bristol, 14 61 61 - ' - 31,515 2:;,484 18,732 63,193 Essex, 24 124 124 - - 52,051 68,900 44,465 143,890 Franklin, . 2 5 5 - - 3,000 7,600 Hampden, . 14 141 140 - 1 63,818 68,680 60,700 103,500 Hampshire, 2 6 6 - - 4,000 10,000 Middlesex, 40 275 274 1 - 122,743 16S,500 96,524 302,813 Norfulk, . 42 583 583 - - 229,250 266,500 109,400 510,050 Plymouth, . 6 15 15 - _ 7,175 22,2fJ0 15,000 34,650 Suffolk, . 46 1,043 1,04:3 - - 392,713 700,400 677,791 1,456,511 Worcester, 27 173 173 — 85,011 94,600 83,710 223,507 STRAW GOODS. [Straw hats and bonnets, straw bleaching, etc.] Bristol Mansfield 1 1 200 200 50 50 125 125 25 25 ... $50,000 50,000 ... $235,000 235,000 Essex, Gloucester, Newburyport, . 2 1 1 6 5 1 1 1 5 4 1 ~ ... 700 500; 200; ... 3,250 2,500 750 Hampden Monson Palmer, .... Springfield, 5 1 2 2 594 500 90 4 553 500 50 3 41 40 1 - $174,000 250,700 200,000 50,000 700 $305,700 . 559,250 460,000 95,000 4,250 Hampshire, Amherst 2 2 204 204 181 181 23 23 - ... 80,000 80,000 252,000 252,000 Middlesex, Fnimingham, . Hollislon 4 3 1 621 391 j 230 171 116 55 435 275 160 15 15 131,204 96,204 112,860 100,300 12,560 315,417 220,417 541,500 401,500 140,000 MAiniFACTUEES BY XAME. 677 STRAW GOODS — Concluded. •§ i Average Number of of est Its. EaiPLOTES. 1 Wages. Total paid Capital Stock Counties, Cities, and o •a "3 = Value of Towns. f,7> St during invested. used. product. "5 «> s s^ go sis the year. 33 o ^ " o a O i> ^ H a fe i» NORFOtK 6 2,979 723 2,226 30 $706,510 $896,000 $1,586,417 $2,514,850 Foxborough, 1 1,380 374 996 10 350,000 853,312 Franklin, .... 2 651 120 511 20 ■ ■ ■ 196,000 ... 831,538 Medtield 1 562 162 400 - • • . 300,000 550,000 Med way 1 242 42 200 - • . ■ 30,000 140,000 Wrentham, 1 144 25 119 — ... 20,000 140,000 PLT3I0UTH, .... 2 335 103 232 _ 151,000 ... 327,800 Abington, .... 1 O - 2 - ■ . . 1,000 • . • 2,800 Middleborough, 1 333 103 230 - ... 150,000 ... 325,000 SUTFOLK 3 163 33 125 5 51,227 41,000 122.974 220,295 Boston, .... 3 163 33 125 5 51,227 41,000 122,974 220,295 Worcester, 7 2,680 700 1,963 17 580,541 734,000 1,317,104 2,144,683 MilforU, .... 2 153 45 108 ~ • > • 43,000 208,438 Upton 2 1,400 280 1,107 13 425,000 ... 974,000 Westborough, . 2 1,113 371 738 4 1 • < • 265,000 959,245 Worcester, 1 14 4 10 ! 1,000 3,000 RECAPITULA^ noN (By Coi-NTiEs) • The State, 32 7,782 2,515 5,175 92 $1,892,667 $2,316,260 $4,083,212 $6,798,628 Bristol 1 200 50 125 25 ... 50,000 235,000 Essex, 2 6 1 - 700 3,250 Hampden, . 5 694 553 41 - 174,000 250,700 305,700 559,250 Hampshire, 2 204 181 23 - ■ • ■ 80,000 252,000 Middlesex, 4 621 171 435 15 131,204 112,860 315,417 541,500 Norfolk, . 6 2,979 723 2,226 30 706,510 896,000 1,586,417 2,514,850 Plvmouth, 2 335 103 232 - 151,000 327,800 Suffolk, . 3 163 33 125 51,227 41,000 122,974 220.295 Worcester, 7 2,680 700 1,963 ^" 580,541 734,000 1,317,104 2,144,683 TALLOW, CANDLES, SOAP, AND GREASE. Berkshire, 3 6 6 _ _ 1 $2,119 $2,875 $3,800 $8,250 Great Harrington, . 1 2 2 - - 575 2,450 North Aiiams, . 1 3 3 - - • ... 1,500 3,600 Pittfefield i 1 1 - - ••• 800 ... 2,200 Bristol, .... 11 93 82 11 _ 47,393 572,300 724,004 888,393 Fall Kiver, 2 14 14 - - ■ > • 22,000 ... 46,000 Mansfield, .... 1 2 2 - ~ 1 300 • ■ . 2,500 New Bedford, . 8 77 66 11 - 37,693 550,000 701,654 839,893 Essex, 20 76 75 1 31,063 139,000 165,220 284,211 Andover, 1 4 4 - - 1 2,500 4,000 Beverlj', .... 1 1 1 - - 1 2,500 3,000 Bradford 1 - - - - 500 1,200 Danvers 1 4 4 - - > •■ 12,000 ... 7,500 Georgetown, . 2 2 2 - - ... 2,200 ... 1,944 Gloucester, 1 1 3 3 - i • . . 13,000 ■ . . 6,000 Haverhill 1 1 4 4 - 1 ... 8,000 . ■ • 20,000 Lawrence, 4 25 25 - 11,075 54,300 81,890 113,420 Lynn, .... 2 12 11 1 25,500 ... 54,363 Newburyport, . 3 2 2 - 650 5,500 10,100 13,600 Peabody 2 17 17! - 10,000 52,184 Salisbury 1 2 2l - i 3,000 7,000 678 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. TALLOW, CANDLES, SOAP, AND GREASE — Continued. Counties, Cities, and Towns. Franklin, . Beriiardfiton, Montague, Hampden, . Chicopee, . Holj'oke, . Palmer, Springtield, Wales, Westfield, Hampshire, Hadley, . Northampton, Middlesex, Ayer, Cambridge, Everett, . Framiiigliam, Hollistun, . Lowell, Medford, . Natick-, Newton, . Keadins, . yomerviile, Watertown, Woburn, . Norfolk, . Dedham, . Foxborough, Franklin, . Randolph, Plymouth, . Bridgewater, Hingham, . Marion, Mattapoisett, Rockland, . Suffolk, . Boston, Chelsea, Worcester, Athol, Clinton, . Fitchburg, Hubbardston, Lancaster, Warren, . West Boylston, Worcester, i Average Number of Employes. , o -a CO »d "H c 1—1 o a £-3 "a Mi « o ^2 s -^ o £ " V a o a Sz; E-i a fe >^ 1 1 1 9 1 1 1 4 1 1 3 1 2 30 1 13 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 6 1 3 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 19 15 4 20 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 10 2 2 1 1 _ 1 1 - 44 41 3 2 2 _ 5 4 1 1 1 _ 33 31 2 1 1 _ 2 2 - 16 16 - 16 16 - 343 315 _ 4 4 - 250 222 - 15 16 - 2 2 _ 3 3 _ 40 40 _ 1 1 - o 2 _ 3 3 _ 7 7 _ 1 1 _ 6 6 - 9 9 - 16 16 _ 2 2 _ 7 7 _ 4 4 _ 3 3 - 7 7 ^ 1 1 - 1 1 - 1 1 _ 4 4 - 182 166 14 173 157 14 9 9 - 48 48 _ 1 1 _ 2 2 _ 8 8 - 1 1 _ 4 4 _ 3 3 - 29 29 - 28 28 Wages. Total paid during the year. Capital invested. $18,186 13,778 6,000 146,089 101,096 18,066 5,385 1,800 3,580 93,.i31 88,619 4,912 17,628 3,075 11,678 Stock used. Value of product. $3,000 1,500 . 1,.500 • 140,250 $210, 2,000 , 10,000 . 500 . 124,750 203, 1,500 . 1,500 • 21,200 51, 3,000 20,200 541,850 1,796, 1,500 . 345,500 1,602, 30,000 . 2,000 . 1,500 120,000 71, 400 2,500 . 3,250 , 6,000 , 200 , 20,000 . 9,000 20,700 25, 6,000 4,700 4, 6,000 4,000 ' 6,300 11, 500 300 , 800 , 500 , 4,200 • 566,200 574, 553,400 560,i 12,800 14,( 67,550 49,; 600 , 10,001) . 16,600 8,! 400 6,200 , 2,500 . 200 31,050 25/ 800 450 100 699 696 682 500 600 544 870 810 060 358 800 $6,600 1,600 5,000 245,734 3,780 7,500 1,200 229,254 1,200 2,800 65,000 2,000 63,000 2,294,254 6,350 1,98:5,604 15,000 3,000 6,000 140,875 2,5.50 9,200 6,000 67,000 1,000 30,675 33,000 37,0.50 2,400 8,000 18,000 8,650 17,209 1,600 500 800 1,000 13,309 706,251 773,.501 22,750 108,783 2,110 10,000 16,740 2,600 12,000 6,000 900 58,433 RECAPITULATION (By Counties) • The State, 128 833 774 28 31 $371,799 $2,081,225 $3,615,095 $4,751,735 Berkshire, 3 6 6 _ _ 2,119 2.875 3,800 8,250 Bristol 11 93 82 11 - 47,393 572,300 724,004 888,393 Essex, .... 20 76 75 _ 1 31,063 139,000 165,220 284,211 Franklin, .... 2 2 2 _ _ • • ■ 3,000 6,600 Hampden, ' 44 41 3 — 18,186 140,250 210,800 246,734 ma:ntjfacttjres by name. 679 TALLOW, CANDLES, SOAP, AND GREASE — Concluded. RECAPITULATION (Br Counties) — Concluded. i Average Number of ■Si Employes. Wages. Total paid Capital Stock Counties, Cities, and to lO "C ^ Value of Towns. il Iz; o 1^ during the year. invested. used. product. Thk State— Con. Hampshire, Middlesex, Norfolk 3 30 6 16 343 16 16 315 16 - _ 28 $6,000 146,089 5,385 $21,200 541,850 20,700 $51,100 1,796,699 25,500 $65,000 2,294,254 37,050 Plymouth, Suffolk, .... Worcester, 5 19 20 7 182 48 166 48 14 2 3,580 93,531 17,628 6,300 566,200 67,550 11,544 574,870 49,358 17,209 796,251 108,783 TOBACCO. [Cheroots, chewing and smoking tobacco, cigars, cigarettes, cigar cases, cigar holders, snuff, snuff and tobacco pouches and boxes, tobacco pipes, etc.] Berkshire, 8 15 15 . _ $10,160 $15,500 $11,150 $36,100 Great liarrington, . 2 1 1 - - 2,500 7,800 North Adams, . 3 12 12 - - 8,800 5,200 7,500 25,000 Pittsfieki, .... 2 1 1 - - • ■ • 7,300 2,200 Sandisdeld, 1 1 1 - - ... 500 ... 1,100 Bristol, .... 13 31 29 2 - 11,800 18,400 20,90t 42,220 Attleborough, . 1 1 1 - - 2,000 2,500 Fall River, 4 12 12 - - 3,500 4,100 1,700 8,000 New Bedford, . 6 17 15 2 - 7,150 11.500 16,750 28,620 Taunton 2 1 1 - - ... .800 ... 3,100 Essex 31 98 58 39 1 38,810 85,200 57,126 142,807 Gloucester, 2 5 5 - - • • • 8,500 14,405 Haverhill, 2 5 5 " - • ■ > 4,000 ■ ■ ■ 8,900 Lawrence, 6 11 9 2 - 5,985 4,200 7,719 19,187 Lynn 2 6 3 2 1 • ■ > 2,100 10,500 Newbury, 3 5 5 - - 1,300 10,400 2,956 15,740 Newburyport, . 4 4 4 - - 1,160 2,500 5,800 9,2(J0 Peabod) 2 8 3 5 - 2,700 "... 6,750 Salera 5 36 15 21 - 12,404 21,500 8,500 31,500 8augu3 5 18 9 9 - 6,625 29,300 15,300 26,625 Franklin, .... 3 13 11 1 1 6,840 7,600 10,50C 17,100 Greenfield, 2 6 6 _ - . . . 5,600 • • • 8,100 Shelburne, 1 7 5 1 1 ... 2,000 9,000 Hampden 60 527 340 183 4 216,239 315,055 513,755 878,192 Chicopee 1 5 5 - - • • > 2,000 . . . 5,500 Holyoke 2 4 4 _ - ... 1,400 ■ > > 4,300 Southwick, 6 13 8 5 - 3,219 6,000 8,55S 15,421 Springfield, 19 212 149 59 4 102,742 125,590 227,46^1 395,560 Westtield, 32 293 174 119 - 105,928 180,065 275,13] 457,411 Hampshire, 5 20 18 2 _ 8,800 9,100 13, SOU 29,100 Belchertown, . 1 6 5 1 - ■ ■ • 3,000 5,000 Northampton, . 4 14 13 1 - 7,300 6,100 11,800 24,100 Middlesex, 33 98 85 13 ^ 45,140 38,600 54,523 1.31,621 Acton, .... 1 5 4 1 - > > > 2,000 12,000 Arlington, 1 2 2 _ - . * . 500 . . > 600 Cambridge, 11 41 35 6 - 20,546 14,100 22,415 52,350 Lexington, 1 1 1 _ - • ■ • 500 ■ . > 1,500 Lowell, .... 7 15 15 _ - 6,316 6,900 7,913 21,941 Marlborough, . 3 8 7 1 - 3,600 1,300 3,037 8,500 Medford 1 5 5 - - 7,000 . . . 10,000 Natick 2 7 5 2 _ 2,500 > * • 8,000 Somerville, 1 _ _ _ - - 200 • . . 800 Waltham 3 9 9 - - 4,200 2,800 5,800 12,630 Woburn 2 5 2 3 ~ 800 ... 3,300 680 CENSUS OP MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. TOBACCO — Concluded. ■i Average Number of Employes. Wages. Total paid Capital Stock Counties, Cities, and ^ c Value of Towns. "a 00 ""■ a; o n during the year. invested. used. product. o o « o « O o tz; E-i a pR >^ Plymottth, .... 6 13 11 1 1 $5,320 $5,650 $5,250 $16,650 Brockton 3 8 6 1 1 3,870 4,0u0 2,850 10,650 East Bridgew^ter, . 1 3 3 - - 1,000 • • * 2,500 Middluborough, 1 1 1 - - . . . 500 • ■ ■ 2,000 Rockland, .... 1 1 1 - - ... 150 ... 1,500 Suffolk 100 537 369 151 17 216,574 170,506 328,053 634,567 Boston, .... 88 451 33?. 103 15 190,976 135,556 253,413 524,283 Chelsea 12 86 36 48 2 25,598 34,950 74,640 110,284 Worcester, 18 93 73 17 3 42,772 46,S00 94,784 171,102 Fitohburg, 3 9 « 1 - 3,500 4,000 3,900 10,844 Milfor.l, .... 2 19 15 2 2 > > • 10,500 40,000 Northbridgo, . 1 3 3 - - 800 . . . 6,000 W'ebstiT, .... 1 2 2 - - ... 2,000 3,000 Worcester, 11 60 45 14 1 23,772 29,500 62,434 111,258 RECAPITULATION (By Counties; . The State, 277 1,445 1,009 409 27 $601,465 $712,411 $1,109,841 $2,099,459 Berkshire, 8 15 15 _ _ 10,160 15,500 11,150 36,100 Bristol, . 13 31 29 2 - 11,800 18,400 20,900 42,220 Esses, 31 98 5^ 39 1 38,810 85,200 57,126 142,807 Franklin, . 3 13 11 1 1 5,840 7,600 10,500 17,100 Hampilcn, 60 527 340 183 4 216,239 315,055 510,755 878,192 Hampshire, 5 20 18 2 - 8,800 9,100 13,800 29,100 Middlesex, 33 98 85 13 - 45,140 38,600 54,523 l:il,621 Plymouth, 6 13 11 1 1 5,320 5,650 5,250 16.650 SuflTolk, . 100 537 369 151 17 216,574 170,500 328,053 634,567 Worcester, • 18 1 93 73 17 3 42,772 46,800 94,784 171,102 TOYS AND GAMES. [Croquet and lawn tennis sets, base ball goods, miscellaneous games, toys of all kinds, etc.] Bristol, Easton, Hampden, . Granville, . Springfield, Westfield, . Middlesex, Natick, Plymouth, . Hingham, . Worcester, Gardner, . Leominster, Templeton, Westminster, Winchendon, 1 6 1 5 X 6 1 - 5 5 165 127 30 8 2 84 62 21 1 2 75 59 9 7 1 6 6 ~ - 1 131 6 100 25 1 131 6 100 25 2 13 11 2 2 13 11 2 - 6 146 127 7 12 1 15 12 1 2 1 75 70 5 _ 2 37 37 . _ 1 12 3 _ 9 1 i ' 5 1 1 $59,513 54,900 $1,000 1,000 85,000 52,000 30,000 3,000 22,000 22,000 9,000 9,000 75,000 10,000 25,000 36,000 3,000 1,000 $43,605 44,100 $5,000 5,000 151,322 45,500 77,822 28,000 51,000 51,000 12,150 12,150 124,500 20,000 56,000 39,500 4,000 5,000 MANUFACTURES BY NAME. G81 TOYS AND GAMES — Concluded. RECAPITULATION (By Counties). i Average Number of QQ Urn m Employes. WAGES. Total paid Capital Stock Counties, Cities, and to rS Value of Towns. 8 m "eS ^ The State, 15 461 272 139 50 $142,713 $192,000 $111,985 $3-13,972 Bristol, .... 1 6 1 _ 5 ... 1,000 ... 5,000 Hampden, 5 165 127 30 8 59,513 85,000 43,605 151,322 Middlesex, 1 131 6 100 25 22,000 • > . 51,0U0 Plymouth, 2 13 11 2 - 9,000 • . . 12,150 Worcester, 6 146 "' 7 12 54,900 75,000 44,100 124,500 TRUNKS AND VALISES. Middlesex, Cambridge, Lowell, .... 2 1 1 11 8 3 11 8 3 - - ... $2,800 800 2,000 ... $18,.533 13,000 5,523 Norfolk, .... Dedhani 1 1 3 3 3 3 _ - • . . 2,000 •2,000 ... 2,500 2,.5t0 Suffolk, .... Boston, .... 20 20 164 164 158 158 6 6 $82,665 82,665 104,500 104,500 $235,503 236,503 400,708 400,708 Worcester, Worcester, 2 2 5 5 5 5 - 1 ... 2,200 2,200 ... 8,650 8,650 RECAPITULATION (By Counties). The State, . Middlesex, Norfolk, . Suffulk, . Worcester, 25 183 177 6 - 2 11 11 „ _ 1 3 3 - - 20 164 158 6 - 2 5 5 — - $92,163 82,665 $111,500 2,800 2,000 104,500 2,200 $251,511 235,503 $430,391 18,533 2,500 400,708 8,650 WHIPS. Berkshire, New Marlborough, Sandistield, Hampden, . Chester, Granville, . Westfield, . Hampshire, Southampton, . Worcester, Worcester, 4 3 1 38 2 1 35 4 4 1 1 24 19 5 467 1 10 456 5 5 1 1 15 10 5 313 1 312 5 5 1 1 9 9 146 10 136 8 8 $3,400 3,400 221,984 22l',534 775 775 $8,600 6,100 2,500 619,600 1,300 500 617,800 4,010 4,010 400 400 $3,950 3,750 369,668 368,118 2,375 2,376 $11,500 10,700 800 944,742 2,500 600 941,642 5,000 5,000 950 950 GS2 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. WHIPS — Concluded. RECAPITULATION (By Counties). 1 a Average Number of 1 * The State 47 497 334 155 8 ; $226,284 $632,610 $370,393 $962,192 Berki^liir.', 4 24 1.^ {' _ 1 3,400 8,600 3,0.50 11,500 lliimpili-n, 38 467 313 UC 8 221,984 619,000 369,668 944,742 n;imi)«liire, 4 5 5 - - 775 4,010 2,375 5,000 Worcester, 1 1 1 " "1 400 ... 950 WOODKN GOODS. [Artificial wood ornaments, baskets, basket rims, bnrnettized and kyanized wood, casks, kits and bungs, cask ami l)a^ket hoops, clothes dryers, clothes pins, cooper.Tgc, eave troughs, i xci li-ior, fiet-fawed work, h. Ily-W()0 > 500 Pittstield, . 3 38 38 - - 1 18,250 43,000 80,000 109,000 Bundiftield, 2 4 4 - - ■ ... 2,600 ... 3,300 Bristol, 35 178 173 _ i 5 ; 66,034 148,300 133,52.'. 256,141 Berkley, . 1 3 3 - - i ... 3,000 • . . 4,000 Fairhaven, 1 - - - - 1 - 500 1 ,500 Fall River, 3 11 n ~ 1 - 4,700 3,80(1 8,:i50 18,100 Mansfield,. 6 7 6 1 2,C0U 1,100 1,500 5,4(X) New Bedford, . 20 139 139 - - 51.484 109,600 104,850 193,241 Seekonk, . 1 3 3 - - 2,6- Hampden 25 269 258 « 5 $96,618 $205,350 $228,652 $421,616 Blandford, 1 •" - - 2,0i.C 3,000 Chester, . 3 6 5 - - 1,650 6,30i l,7u0 7,000 Chicopee, . 1 10 10 - - . • ■ 2,000 5,500 Holyoke, . 4 114 104 6 4 27,021 124,U0U 93,708 167,693 Springfield, 14 77 77 - - 34,647 41,050 98,'J44 163,423 Westlield, . 2 61 60 - 1 ... 30,000 ... 75,000 Hampshire, 19 130 126 4 _ 42,912 165,025 62,64f 154,704 Chesterfield, 3 11 11 - - 2,900 13,301 4,('2.^ 8,500 Cummington, 5 35 31 4 _ 9,378 12,000 5,375 27,027 Greenwich, 1 1 1 - - • . . 1,000 ... 1,050 Northnmpton, 1 60 60 _ _ • > • 125,000 . > • 99,337 Plainfiel.!, . 3 5 5 _ _ 190 l.oOO 630 2,290 South Iladley, 1 6 6 _ _ 8,000 8,000 Worthiiigtoii, 5 12 12 - - 1,982 4,425 1,680 8,500 Middlesex, 63 1,686 1,340 269 77 587,761 1,669,482 933,942 1,790,906 Acton, 4 23 22 _ 1 6,100 21,460 16,110 28,050 Arlington, 1 9 9 - - 2,000 8,500 ABhby, 1 15 15 _ - ... 10,000 • • . 12,000 Ayer, 2 17 7 10 _ , ... 9,032 ... 14,000 Cambridj^e, 13 290 267 8 15 122,480 58,8(X) 152,625 321,650 Carlisle, . 2 11 10 - 1 • • • 6,300 5,250 Concord, . 1 30 30 _ _ • ■ • 60,000 • ■ ■ 30,000 Hopkiiiton, 1 3 3 _ _ ■ < ■ 2,000 • > • 2,500 Littleton, . 1 4 4 _ _ 1 • • ■ 2,000 • . . 4,000 Lowell, S 199 184 _ 15 ! 74,026 198,000 115,949 230,561 Maiden, 2 30 30 . _ * ... 56,500 ■ > • 65,378 Marlborough, 2 11 10 «, 1 • . . 6,'290 ■ > • 11,380 Medford, . 1 3 3 _ • • > 5,000 > ■ • 3,000 Natick, 2 11 11 _ _ ■ ■ ■ 6,000 • • • 11,300 Kewton, , 2 12 12 _ _ 1 > ■ • 32,000 • . . 26,250 Reading, . 2 21 17 _ 4 ! 2,600 12,500 Bherborn, . 1 8 8 _ 2,500 . ■ ■ 7,500 Shirley, . 3 10 9 1 . j 2.800 13,000 2,110 7,700 SomerVille, 3 46 46 ^ _ ■ 23,683 35,000 67,670 105,082 Townsend, 8 117 117 . . 43,450 124,000 115,400 168,645 Wakefield, 1 790 500 250 40 ■ • ■ ■ 1,000,000 • . . 637,000 Walthara, . 1 1 ] _ „ • ■ ■ 1,000 ■ • • 2,660 Wateilown, 1 25 25 - - ... 18,000 ... 76,000 Norfolk, . 4 29 29 20,800 39,100 11,330 53,436 Franklin, . 1 1 1 _ _ ... 600 • . . 1,400 Med way, . 1 4 4 ^ ^ 500 • • • 4,500 Bloughton, 1 10 10 _ _ ■ 30,000 . • > 35,000 ■Weymouth, 1 14 14 - - ... 8,000 ... 12,536 Plymouth, . 13 70 70 _ 36,861 57,400 51,767 111,152 Abington, . 1 10 10 _ _ ■ ■ • 3,500 20,000 Brockton, . 6 36 36 _ _ 23,800 31,700 29,450 67,950 Carver, 1 3 3 _ _ ... 1,200 . . . 2,522 Hingham, . 1 11 11 _ ... 18,000 . . . 11,380 Marion, 1 2 2 _ _ 700 ... 750 Maltapoisett, . 1 2 2 _ ^ 400 950 Plymouth, 1 6 6 _ _ 1,500 7,000 South Seiiuate,. 1 - - - 400 ... 600 Suffolk, 136 1,099 1,032 33 34 502,906 665,427 997,271 1,889,261 Boston, 135 1,097 1,001 33 33 502,731 664,927 996,271 1,887,761 Chelsea, . 1 2 1 1 ... 500 ... 1,500 Worcester, 76 906 827 19 60 854,481 690,250 616,2-2 1,191,930 Ashburnhara, . 3 10 10 _ 5,030 4,500 9,670 17,800 Athcl, 3 43 41 _ 2 13,110 16,000 13,300 33,000 Charlton, , 1 3i 3 _ • • • 2,500 > ■ > 2,500 Fitchburg, 13 107 99 6 2 33,921 65,500 90,537 143,533 Gardner, . 1 17i 14 3 ... 15,000 20,000 Leominster, 1 10 1 10 "• 1 1 4,600 • • • 15,000 684: CEXSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. WOODEN GOODS — Concluded. ■s Average Number of Employes. Wages. Total paid Capital Stoclc Counties, Cities, and « lO ■^ ^ Value of Towns. -F X .-« 5 2 during invested. used. product. 1| o II the year. :23 H a^ li"' !- Worcester — Con. • Lunenburg, 2 4 4 - - $2,750 • . . $5,800 Milfonl, . 3 10 10 - - $5,409 6,?,no $5,700 1.5,100 Millluiry, . 3 60 47 - 3 20,030 45,6.50 40,350 74,400 Nortliliorough, 1 _ - - - - 5,000 • > • 700 North Hrookfield, 1 7 7 - - ■ • • 10,000 11,944 Oakli;im, . 1 10 10 - - i,r)00 . . . 5,000 Rovalmon, 1 8 8 - - • • > 3,000 9,000 Uutlaiul, , 2 1 1 . - • • • 750 ■ ■ ■ 1,300 Tempk'ton, 1 4 4 - _ ■ • ■ 900 • • • 2,.5O0 Upton, 1 2 2 - - • • • 400 2,000 Webster, . 2 6 6 - - • . . 7,000 . . . 11,000 West HovlBton, 5 11 11 - - 2,620 4,600 2,3.50 9,050 Winchoiidon, . 12 321 2.58 13 50 108,975 250,000 202,900 378,900 Worcester, 19 282 282 *~ "" 135,927 244,300 221,312 433,403 RECAPITULATION (By Counties). The State, . Barnstable, Berkshire, BriBtol, Essex, Fr.inklin, . Hampden, Hnm)i8hire, Miiidlesex, Norfolk, . Plvnionth, Suffolk, . Worcester, 457 10 15 35 35 26 25 19 63 4 13 136 76 4,783 4,265 336 1 182 ' 15 15 .. _ 60 60 _ - 178 173 - 5 257 252 5 - 1 84 83 - 1 269 258 6 6 l.-JO 126 4 - 1,686 1,340 269 77 29 29 - - 70 70 _ _ 1 1,099 1,032 33 34 906 827 19 60 I I $1,891,703 $3,911,954 $3,351,940 4,405! 25,905 66,034 125,925 27,095 96,618 42,912 587,761 20,800 36,861 502,906 354,481 14,400 .52,575 148,300 1.52,795 51,8.50 205,350 165,0-25 1,669,4S2 39,100 57,4fX) 665,427 690,250 13,490 9.5,670 133,-525 17.3,9.50 4.3,445 22S,6J-i .52,640 933,942 11,330 51,767 997,271 616,252 $6,522,555 24,230 140,000 256,141 402,659 86,.520 421,016 1.54,704 1,790,906 53,436 111,152 1,8S9,281 1,191,930 WOOLLEN GOODS. [Broadcloths, beavers, balmorals, blankets, cassimeres, cardigan jackets, cloths, coatings, delaines, doe- skins, fellings, flannels, horse blankets, kerseys, Kentucky jeans, knit gloves and mittens, lap robes, ladies' drees goods, nubias and hoods, opera flannels, rubber linings, repellants, silk-mixed goods, satinets, scarfs and comforters, shawls, stockinets, shirtings, shoddy, tweeds, tricots, table aud piano covers, union goods, woollen flocks and yarns, etc.] Barnstable, Brewster, . Falmouth, . BERKtiHIRE, Adiinis, Clarksburg, Dalton, Great Barrington, Hancock, . Hinsda|e, . North .'idams, Piltsfield, . Btockbridge, Bristol, Fall River, Essex, . Amesbury, Andover, . 4 59 1 24 3 35 23 3,281 1 103 1 130 2 210 on, . 1 264 1 6 3 340 3 632 9 1,433 2 163 1 127 i 127 15 4,390 1 140 2 323 27 26 6 - 24 _ 27 2 6 1,810 1,076 395 73 21 9 71 43 16 107 • 78 25 140 98 26 4 2 _ 192 96 52 340 185 107 792 491 150 91 62 10 102 7 18 102 7 18 2,406 1,646 338 90 40 10 191 89 « $10,378 $29,7.30 4,000 8,878 25,730 1,002,728 3,246,500 120,000 1,33,.500 160,000 200,000 5,000 70,781 358,000 199,291 560,000 460,.525 1,645,000 65,000 250,000 250,000 1,38.3,912 4,576,4.50 60,000 350,000 $59,764 57,127 3,800,531 248,704 845,424 1,562,128 4,834,050 $80,710 4,700 76,010 6,.331,286 288,000 •240,000 490,317 371,306 6,187 425,782 ],.575,O0O 2,656,694 269,000 309,747 309,747 7,7.35,985 400,000 745,311 MAXUFACTURES BY NAME. 685 WOOLLEN GOODS — Continued. 1^ Average Dumber of of esti Its. Emploves. Wages. Total paid Capital Stock Counties, Cities, and to K5 "3 -• Value of Towns. Mi S 0) PJS j during the year. invested. used. product. s — o J: * a =s a H S fe >H Essex — Con. Grovelaud, 1 370 190 120 60 ... $500,000 $800,000 Hamilton, . 1 73 53 20 - ... 25,000 * . . 1.50,000 Haverliill, . 1 104 51 49 4 ... 100,000 ... 300,000 Lawrence, 3 2,797 1,496 1,169 132 $896,855 3,050,000 $2,160,031 3,823,380 Metliuen, . 1 156 103 41 12 ... 100,000 415,000 Nortli Andover, 3 302 164 78 60 88,000 300,000 601,920 860,000 Baugus, 2 125 68 40 17 ... 91,450 252,294 Franklin, . 5 150 86 48 16 47,760 171,600 173,085 559,150 Conway, . 1 100 60 29 11 1 ■ • 120,000 . . . 212,000 Leverclt, . 1 4 2 2 - . • . 6,01/0 1,930 Orange, 2 44 23 16 5 • . . 45,000 345,000 Bo we, 1 2 1 1 - ... 600 ... 220 Hampden, . 17 1,534 913 471 150 489,402 1,749,805 1,820,903 2,820,787 Agawam, . 1 27 19 8 - . . • 50,000 • • . 30,292 Hampden, 1 87 60 22 4 • ■ • 72,000 215,020 Holyoke, . 4 771 447 199 12H 220,383 895,805 473.867 809,841 Mouson, . 5 370 222 130 18 144,337 675,000 806,676 1,119,134 Bpvingfield, 2 86 44 42 - > • • 70,000 120,000 Wales, 3 i 149 97 50 2 49,600 37,000 222,599 397,500 Wilbraham, . 1 44 24 20 - ... 50,000 ... 129,000 Hampshire, 7 1,271 740 382 149 343,826 947,500 1,191,169 1,801,068 Cummington, . 1 - - - - - 500 1,000 Enfield, . 1 \ 110 75 28 7 • • . 120,000 275,000 Huntington, 1 1 128 88 35 6 > ■ • 70,000 175,000 Middklield, . 1 105 64 29 12 ■ ■ • 57,000 . • . 165,000 Ware, 2 857 477 255 125 • ■ • 600,000 • . . 985,068 Williamsburg, . 1 71 36 35 - ... 100,000 ... 200,000 Middlesex, 21 4,612 2,324 1,783 505 1,478,848 5,769,510 5,874,190 9,729,468 Ashlaii'l, . 1 72 43 25 4 ... 50,000 00,500 Billerica, . 2 227 115 73 39 425,000 836,775 Chelmsford, 1 154 lOS 38 8 • • • 125,000 500,000 Dracul, 2 4S1 252 125 104 • • . 550,000 1,049,368 Framingham, . 1 630 281 326 23 > > ■ 1,200,000 ... 978,578 Lowell, 7 1,707 838 705 164 460,836 2,018,010 1,920,419 3,326,347 Maiden', 1 12 5 7 - 4,500 6.000 Maynard, . 1 93tj 495 306 135 ... 1,000,000 2,175,000 Stow, 1 77 39 25 13 ... 100,000 230,500 Watertown, 2 239 122 107 10 252,000 456,400 Westfjrd, . 1 49 14 30 5 35,000 • > • .50,000 Weston, . 1 28 12 16 - ... 10,000 ... 30,000 Norfolk, . 52 2,523 1,405 949 169 852,944 3,185,950 3,077,048 4,892,571 Bellingliam, 2 162 98 58 6 250,000 440,325 Braintree, . 3 100 33 51 16 • 23,000 123,000 135,550 167,000 Canton, 5 i 121 47 61 13 35,230 126,200 138,053 195,300 Dedham, . 3 1 629 415 183 31 257,294 1,278,500 601,043 1,143,227 Foxbo rough, . 2 2 2 - - 450 1,500 Franklia, ". 5 273 200 41 32 90',349 450,000 722,906 956,858 Hyde I'ark, 1 250 136 80 34 . . . 100,000 600,000 Medway, . 1 51 38 5 8 30,000 107,600 Need ham, . 22 566 2:35 316 15 132,663 225,800 228,410 457,061 Norfolk, . 2 75 61 8 6 . • . 115,000 270,500 Quincy, 1 31 29 _ 2 > . ■ 40,000 195,000 Stougiiton, 3 228 91 134 3 50,224 397,000 167,503 282,200 Walpole, . 1 > 20 13 6 1 . . . 45,000 60,000 Wrentham, 1 15 7 6 2 5,000 16,000 PLYMOLTH, . 3 255 118 118 19 75,923 177,000 253,282 413,848 Hingham, . 1 70 9 55 6 25,000 95,000 Middli'borough, 1 135 97 26 12 150,000 . . . 275,848, . 1 50 12 37 1 2,000 45,000 Suffolk, 11 1,547 108 1,386 53 105,275 159,800 297,325 496,183 Boston, 9 1,517 94 1,370 53 101,275 156,800 291,825 484,183 Chelsea, . 2 30 14 16 ~ — 3,000 — 12,000 680 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. WOOLLEX GOODS — Concluded. Counties, Cities, and TOM'NS. a *^ ii. . 3 Tenii)li'tnii, 2 Uxl.iiil^e, 6 Wair-'ii, 1 Wclislcr, 1 ^V^•^t Hoylston, 1 Woic-CBler, 10 Average Number of Employes. o OS > «-= •3." .c -J 6,360 3,601 75 44 76 45 509 284 116 71 ')•> 14 40 10 392 232 305 152 387 202 387 244 79 53 555 370 225 1.55 2'^8 189 76 47 109 55 213 108 46 32 1S2 99 641 319 387 in 568 317 72 4.1 710 405 2,062 SO 25 171 34 8 10 112 149 154 119 23 144 65 63 24 41 105 12 67 180' 69 173 20 264 697 1 6 54 11 20 48 4 31 24 3 41 5 36 5 13 2 16 42 207 78 9 41 Wages. Total paid during the year, Capital invested. Stock used. Value of product. $1,977,746 22,297 146,922 126,977 126,096 132,420 267,832 39,.5C9 71,862 17,500 180,711 236,54; $5,472,000 43,500 40,000 540,000 80,000 18,000 10,001) 475,000 352,000 316,000 437,.500 60,000 430,000 200,(100 320,000 110,000 125,000 190,000 32,000 68,01)0 090,000 150,(100 500,(J00 25,000 360,000 $7,080,755 95,101 651,781 647,3H7 .5:U,119 566,017 710',433 164',520 40S,:540' 83,450 676',.'J45 830,014 $12,302,865 147,000 90,000 1,025,511 150,000 36,000 50,000 900,000 890,825 857,499 917,216 113,000 1,172,520 639,500 2s:,,0(i0 lGs,r>oo 100,000 649,000 141,000 239,800 1,078,998 508,559 810,624 46,390 1,279,923 RECAPITULATION (By Counties). The State, . 236 26,109 13,640 1 9,954 2,515 $7,818,302 $25,735,845 $28,954,108 $47,473,668 Banistaljle, . 4 59 27 26 6 10,378 29,730 .59,764 80,710 Berkt-liire, 23 3,281 1,810 1,076 395 1,002,728 3,246,500 3,800,531 6,-3:31,286 Bristol, . 1 127 102 7 18 • • ■ 250,000 309,747 Essfx, . 15 4,390 2,406 1,646 338 1,383.912 4,576,450 4,834,050 7,735,985 Frai.klin, 5 150 86 48 16 47,760 171,600 ]7:',,OS5 559,1,50 Haii.pdcii, 17 1,534 913 471 150 489.402 1,749,805 1,820,90.", 2,820,787 Hani|)8liire, 7 1,271 740 382 149 343,826 947,.500 1,191,1(59 1,801,068 Midillisix, 21 4,612 2,324 1,783 505 1,478,848 5,769,510 6,874,190 9,729,468 Norfolk, 52 2,523 1,405 949 169 852,944 3,185,950 3.077,04S 4,892,571 Plyiuiiiith, 3 255 118 118 19 75,923 177,001 253,282 413,848 Buftolk, . 11 1,.547 108 1,386 53 10.5,275 159,80( 297, .32i 496,183 Worcester, 77 6,360 3,601 2,062 697 1,977,746 5,472,000 7,389,755 12,302,865 WORSTED GOODS. [Alpacas, bunting, drese goods, knit goods, mouRseline-de-laines, rep, yarn, etc.] Essex, Lawrence, Hampden, Clii'-iipte, Hoi yoke, Spriiigtield, Middlesex, Chelmsford, Lowell, . Newton, Wesiiford, 232 232 979 43 930 6 918 69 544 95 210 62 145 25 62 145 25 473 420 86 20 21 2 452 395 83 1 4 1 341 466 111 18 44 7 1>5 303 56 45 20 30 93 99 18 $313,392 237,671 128,977 $185,000 185,000 509,000 75,000 430,000 4,000 912,362 45,000 317.362 200,000 350,000 1,58' 619 678 325 $594,205 594,805 1,420,550 240,000 1,176,350 4,200 2,1.59,040 122,810 816,230 ,520,000 700,000 MANUFACTURES BY NAME. 087 WORSTED GOODS — Concluded. i |2i Average Number op Employes. Wages. Total paid during the year. Capital invested. Stock used. Counties, Cities, and Towns. to O §2 o a Value of product. Worcester, Worcester, 4 4 359 359 116 116 198 45 198 45 $99,042 99,042 $267,800 267,800 $554,040 554,040 $810,000 810,000 RECAPITULATION (By Counties). The State, 16 2,488 992 1,229 267 $723,105 $1,874,162 $3,445,009 $4,983,796 Essex Hampden Middlesex, Worcester, 2 3 7 4 232l 979 918 359 62 473 341 116 145 420 406 198 25 86 111 45 313,302 237,671 99,042 185,000 509,000 912,362 267,800 905,391 1,587,678 554,040 594,2i'5 1,420,560 2,159,040 810,000 G88 CENSUS OP MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. RECAPITULATION OF AGGREGATES. [Industries marked with an asterisk are given in detail by towns on pages 602-687. Those marked with a dagger, being the returns from special agents (see notes on pages 533 and 601), are presented only In the form of State totals. This recapitulation Is made up from the State aggregates of both classes of presentations ] Industries. OS a u o S'ao Average Number of esiploy'es. Agricultural im- plements,* Arms and am- munition,* Artificial teeth and dental work,* . Artisans' tools,* Awnings and tents,* Boots and shoes,* . Boxes,* Brick, tiles, and sewer pipe,* . Brooms and brushes,* Building,* . Burial cases, caskets, cof- fins, etc.,* Buttons and dress tri m- mings,* Carpetings,* Carriages and wagons,* Cement, kaolin, lime, and plas- ter,* Charcoal,*. Chemical prepa- rations,* . Clocks and watches,* Clothing,* . Concrete walks, paving, etc ,* . Cooking, light- ing, and heat- ing apparatus,* Cordage and twine,* . Corks,* . Cotton goods,* Cotton, woollen and other tex tiles,* Crayons, pen- cils, crucibles etc.,* Drugs and medi cines,* . Dyeing and fin i B h i n g tex tiles, t Dyestufifs,* 27 17 46 116 1,532 174, 112 54 2,076 35 16 676 19 11 67 558 32 36 5 190 26 o •Si S-2 28 6 971 1,495 32 2,468 64 65,5.52 2,228 2,254 949 13,681 226 1,095 3,349 3,761 145 1 23 1,576 19,316 18 1,424 1,238 78 61,617 4,805 36 766 4,945 64 954 1,354 31 2,231 19 49,013 1,150 2,231 682 13,559 199 289 1,456 3,727 145 1 23 1,011 4,917 18 1,423 944 44 22,370 1,715 29 609 3,953 64 1 101 107 43 15,048 1,022 258 52 26 702 1,844 30 565 13,812 219 28 31,727 2,573 4 146 562 16 40 1 130 2 1,491 56 21 9 70 104 49 4 587 1 75 6 7,520 517 S 11 430 Wages. Total paid during the year. Capital invested. Stock used. Value of product. $365,396 693,037 58,938 1,027,772 24,350 26,070,266 683,570 426,699 280,-554 6,035,972 138,181 335,724 955,194 1,740,356 49,42r 9,812 876,974 5,883,574 8,260 706,316 384,601 23,249 15,877,096 1,526,926 17,724 358,479 1,815,431 29,994 $900,500 3,540,055 119,825 2,800,774 22,700 22,656,-523 1,012,355 1,498,000 537,500 4,605,700 361,300 675,000 3,812,147 2,871,281 75,600 800 171,750 1,786,350 7,450,414 12,000 1,805,700 1,713,150 38,434 72,670,142 6,002,185 65,500 1,461,000 8,613,-500 161,000 $631,552 530,478 36,5.-.; 1,053,266 52,240 66,357,826 1,565,317 443,379 817,387 10,704,3-33 266,262 480,479 3,190,3911 2,705,963 64,850 70,433 7.36,053 16,264,315 14,360 733,677 2,362,2-37 68,467 36,644,605 4,684,996 42,070 1,619,907 4,566,174 190,411 $1,663,392 1.342,496 125,514 2,725,270 92,750 105,118,299 2,813,621 1,162,966 1,429,160 20,077,929 488,935 1,140,114 5,191,490 5,708,295 164,750 2,000 97,949 1,902,203 27,253,582 28,000 2,001,4-59 3,271,741 124,434 68,566,182 8,-557,209 75,452 2,993,712 9,482,9.39 300,814 MANUFACTURES BY NAME. 689 RECAPITULATION OF AGGREGATES — Continued. i Ave RAGE Number OF OQ . E.MPLOYES. Wages. Total paid Capital Stock (O to "S -: Value of Industries. sl r-t 0) m §g ' during invested. used. product. B- "a 1° 35 the year. 3 'o « a > Earthen and stone ware,* . IT 202 185 13 4 $89,325 $177,500 $46,240 $229,336 Electroplating,*. 33 144 135 6 3 61,166 141,350 88,390 253,000 Emery au'l satid- paper and cloth, etc,* 8 142 136 6 - 64,057 348,500 241,773 465,572 Fancy articles,*. lo 162 53 98 11 33,375 125,375 45,-500 110,200 Fertilizers,* 13 480 478 2 - 210,866 1,653,050 1,330,6-50 2,075,080 Fireworks and matulu'^,* 4 81 42 30 9 29,636 70,500 106,361 161,474 Flax and linen goods,* . i 1,345 470 608 267 315,517 1,225,000 948,455 1,521,380 Food prepara- tions,* . 1,107 6,652 5,418 1,061 173 2,819,184 11,410,708 59,026,1)52 68,03-5,755 Furniture,* 461 7,445 6,886 444 115 3,240,630 4,982,594 6,8-38,818 11,196,827 Glass,! 21 1,038 905 70 63 431,8-53 878,650 364,494 968,685 (ilue, isinglass and starch,* . 19 295 285 10 - 105,529 405,400 414,384 016,121 Hair work,* 23 91 16 75 ^ 24,617 35,700 48,960 102,200 Uose, rubber. linen, etc.,* . 2 25 9 10 6 ... 55,000 ... 58,487 Industries not specified,* 117 3,585 2,417 1,068 100 1,453,833 4,230,030 4,832,980 8,094,542 Ink, mucilage and paste,* . 9 47 42 3 2 22,970 136,000 71,900 125,990 Ivory, bone, and horn goods,* . 44 1,146 917 182 47 377,£97 420,490 365,419 969,347 Jewelry burn- ishing and la- pidarywork,*. 7 51 45 3 3 24,482 45,500 61,575 119,700 Leather,* . 592 8,863 8,567 194 102 3,818,925 9,358,324 22,398,914 30,188,859 Liquors and beverages,* . 54 257 2.54 - 3 109,459 203,675 208,205 459,633 Liquors, malt and distilled, f. 41 1,338 1,335 - 3 631,375 3,869.240 3,-595,106 6,216,618 Lumber,* . 645 2,376 2,345 - 31 591,202 2,959,990 2,541,430 4.041,950 Machines and machinery,* . 469 14,263 13,884 159 220 6,901,109 14,455,406 9,796,143 20,894,545 Metids and me- tallic goods,* . 2,045 24,621 21,822 2,100 699 10,410,0-08 22,313,542 21,7-51,921 40,190,569 Mi.xed textiles,!. 69 7,498 3,668 3,345 485 2,528,476 7,166,800 7,-570,885 13,043,829 Models and pat- • terns,* . 3S 126 123 2 1 58,224 49,550 22,975 136,033 Musical instru- ments and ma- terials,* . 86 3,111 3,020 64 27 1,809,626 3,259,266 2,165,641 5,012,799 Oils and illumin- ating fluids, . 17 100 83 15 O 40,898 255,400 562,737 717,385 Paints, colors and chemi- cals,* 17 143 1.33 8 2 75,390 384,500 466,29.'5 657,960 P.-ipnr,* . 126 8,375 3,897 4,408 70 2,847,903 12,432,846 11,618,091 18,358,361 I'eifumes and toilet prepara- tions,* 12 110 79 30 1 41,990 99,100 172,920 380,600 Photographs and p holographic materials,* 127 649 417 226 6 241,315 364,450 257,759 734,288 Polishes and 1 dressing,* 31 206: 132 71 3 95,336 302,500 692,230 1,039,126 090 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1S80. RECAPITULATION OF AGGREGATES — Conchuled. a AVEDAGE Nl.MBER OF QQ O Employes. Wages. Total paid during Capital invested. Stock used. INDUSTKIES. o O U3 So §1 Value of product. "a *-* 1§ x!3 the year. ^ ^ a = S C3 tS" Printing and pulilislii'ig,* . 411 7,413 5,279 1,876 258 $3,787,404 $4,940,432 $3,698,591 $10,474,684 Printintr, dyeing and bleach- ing,* 42 ' 750 494 251 5 255,111 569,200 724,094 1,741,629 Railroad c o n - etiuction,* 9 680 670 10 _ 291,789 789,684 974,360 1,366,485 Rubber and elas- 1 tic goods,* 27 3,494 1,426 1,956 112 1,145,170 3,077,000 4,470,173 6,990,856 Salt,t . 5 8 8 _ _ 1,030 9,000 20 3,800 Scientific instru- i ments and ap- pliances,* .^6 596 .521 51 24 306,217 477,400 .391,988 937,544 Sliipbuilding.t . 276 1,328 1,328 - _ 804,571 1,765,450 1,173,640 2,281,666 Bilk and" silk 1 goods, t . 22 1,826 353 1,285 188 521,725 1,306,900 1,990,515 3,764,260 Sport ini; goods,* 17| 245 69 185 1 68,425 339, .".liO 354,052 496,790 Stone,* 2:J2 2,451 2,449 1 1 999,851 1,434,789 l,l:57,3Sy 2,951,664 Straw goods,* . 32 7,782 2,515 5,175 92 1,892,667 2,316,260 4,083,212 6,798,628 Tallow candles. soap and grease,* . 12S 833 774 28 31 371,799 2,081,225 3,615,095 4,751,7.35 Tobacco,* . 277 1,445 1,009 409 27 601,455 712,411 1,109,841 2,1199,4,59 Toys and games,* 15 461 272 139 50 142,713 192,000 111,985 3i3,973 Trunks and valises,* . 25 183 177 6 - 92,163 111,500 251,511 430,391 Whips,* . 47 497 334 155 8 226,284 632,610 376,393 962,192 Wooden goods,* 457 4,783 4,265 336 182 1,891,703 3,911,954 3,351,940 6,522,555 Woollen goods,* 236 26,109 13,6J0 9,954 2,515 7,818,302 25,735,845 2S,954,1!)S 47,473,668 Worsted goods,* 16 2,488 992 1,229 267 723,105 1,874,162 3,445,009 4,983,795 Totals, . 14,560 352,516 228,924 106,229 17,363 $127,851,263 $303,534,241 $374,785,716 $617,055,281 MANUFACTURES BY NAME. 691 NOTE, EXPLANATORY OF THE TABLES OF MANUFACTURES. We present hereinafter two recapitulations of manufactures drawn from the compendium of the Tfnth CfDsu.s of the United States. In the prei!eding showinjis " Manufactures by Towr-B," page 597 ; "Manufactures ti5- Xnme," page 6S7; and in the "United StUes Census aggregates," btlow, three different sets of aggregates are arrived at, as follows: — Classification. A. By Towns. By Name. C. U. S. Census. Number of establishments Average numlicr of employes, . Males above 16, Females above 15, Touth and children Wages; total paid during the year, . Capital invested, . . ". Stock used Value of product 14,134 335,078 217,603 101.241 16,234 $121,103,705 280,175,753 355,737,797 581,983,449 14,560 352,516 228,924 106,220 17,363 $127,851,263 303.534,241 374,785,716 617,055,281 U,352 352,255 228.834 105,976 17,445 $128,315,362 303.806,185 3S6,972,655 631,135,284 These variations are easily explained. Showing "A" includes all pstablishmcnts for which details by towns were procured by us from the United States Census Office in February, 1SS2. Showing " B" Includes in addition to the above the St.ite aggregates drawn from the reports of the special agents, while showing " C," the grand total, includes all toniprehended by showings A and R, .and also all addi- tions, changes, corrections, etc., made at the Census Office since February, 1882, an* The State, . 14,352 352,255 228,834 105,976 17,445 $128,315,362 $.303,806,185 $336,972,655 $631,135,284 Barnstable, 139 1,232 740 473 19 292,470 1,529,754 860,050 1..506,152 Berkshire, . 515 11,364 6,692 3,521 1,151 3,732,714 13,S82,.594 11,744,047 19.876,467 Bristol, 1,025 34,068 20,070 10,530 3,463 11,125,200 42,128,950 24,88 ;,704 46,127,452 Dukes, « ; 50 50 - - 23,106 20,250 66.914 97,839 Essex, 1,971 i .59,869 38,250 19,585 2,034 21,854,758 41.718,149 64,822,177 103,159,439 Franklin, . 315 1 3,952 2,941 792 219 1,277,019 5,058,258 2,903,370 5,378,597 Hampden, . 872 1 25,030 14,361 8,987 1,682 8,355,079 27,16.3,158 23,981,415 40.654,398 Hampshire, 333 i 8,112 4,335 3,057 720 2,419,401 7,283,518 6,1)03.887 11,786,406 Middlesex. 2,069 ' 61,135 38,917 19,198 3,020 21,706,749 53,116,628 81,611,183 128,031,850 Nantucket, - 1 _ - _ _ _ _ _ Norfolk, , 6-y 16,865 11,419 4,962 484 6,134,937 11,976,494 17,848,192 28,575,530 I'lymouth, . 676 13,817 11,287 2,261 269 5,755,003 8,566.141 14,885,665 23.771,677 Sufi'olk, 3,836 60,985 41,0.55 18.646 1,284 25,634,027 49,277,634 84,441,703 134,567,625 Worcester, 1,949 55,776 38,717 13,964 3,095 20,004,899 42,084,657 52,333,348 87,601,852 692 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. RECAPITULATION OF MANUFACTURES BY NAME. United States Census Aggregates. a s i 2 29 Average Number Employes. OF Wages. Total paid during the year. Capital invested. Stock used. Industries. 2 o O 1^ «5 Is = •2 Value of product. Agricultural Implements, 973 95C 1 16 $365,896 $910,000 $634,752 $1,070,242 Arms and Ammunition, Fire-arms, . 12 12 1,122 1,122 1,092 1,092 1 1 29 29 619,810 619,816 3,321,455 3,321,45.") 312,65.-, 342,655 1,1.VS,227 1,158,227 Artisans' Tools. (^'utlery and edge tools. Tools, 112 63 49 2,462 1,957 505 2,170 1,686 484 103 92 11 189 179 10 1,061,032 808,788 252,244 2,643,249 2,028,722 614,527 1,077,814 872,878 204,936 2,759,363 2,133,654 625,709 Boots and HlIOES, Hoots .and shoes, Hoot and shoe cut stock. Boot atid shoe findings, . l,20y 982 163 64 65,081 61,651 2,681 769 48,478 46,988 1,152 3.38 15,094 13,374 1,3'22 398 1,509 1,289 187 3^ 25,810,266 24,875,106 700,432 234,728 22,607,333 21,098,133 1,190,60(1 318,600 06.420,722 69,906,773 5,861,084 652,865 104,454,167 95,900,510 7,397,734 1,155,923 BOXE;^, . Boxes, fancy and paper, . Boxes, wooden, p.icking, . 169 60 109 2,186 1,208 978 1,129 220 909 999 961 38 58 27 31 669,974 302,856 367,118 994,955 296,175 698,780 1,527,.581 459,575 1,068,000 2,735,526 967,218 1,768,308 Brick, Tiles, AND Sewer Pipe, . Brick and tiles, . 114 114 2,401 2,401 2,370 2,370 9 9 22 22 465,589 465,589 1,608,200 1,668,200 521,875 521,875 1,-322,628 1,322,628 Brooms and Brusues, . 58 802 535 254 13 290,854 545,500 821,342 1,451,060 Building, Bridues, Uootingand roof- ine materials, Windows, blinds, and shades. 9U 11 60 19 760 225 317 218 703 225 317 161 45 _ 45 12 12 315,238 100,607 147,981 66,650 463,175 77,500 213,925 171,750 828,663 249,757 369,-529 209,377 l,41S,n72 424,876 657,264 335,932 Burial Oases, Caskets, Coffins, Etc., Coflins, burial 36 256 219 33 4 138,981 360,300 269,402 494,435 cases, and un- dertakers' g'ds. 36 256 219 33 4 138,981 369,-3011 269,402 494,435 Buttons and Dress Trim- mings, . Buttons, 28 28 1,366 1,366 472 472 799 799 95 95 391,974 391,974 590,900 590,900 411,009 411,009 1,0S5,864 1,085,864 Carpetings, . Carpets, other than rag. 7 7 3,908 3,908 1,596 1,596 2,259 2,259 53 53 1,223,302 1,223,302 4,637,646 4,637,640 3,950,673 3,9.3'J,073 6,337,629 6,337,629 Carriages AND Wag- ons, . Carriages and wagons, . Carri'ge and wag- on materials, . 240 215 31 3,007 2,647 360 2,979 2,619 360 28 28 - 1,438,881 1,273,986 164,896 2,440,800 2,027,250 413,550 2,384,388 1,952,237 432.151 4,785,767 4,048,141 737,626 MANUFACTURES BY Is^AME. 693 RECAPITULATION OF MANUFACTURES BY NAME — Contimieil. Average N umber 1 OF of est; ts. Employes. Waces. Total paid Capital Stock eD . -d ^ Value of Inddstkies. f-H O §1 during invested. used. product. 11 3 == § sM 1§ ■5? the year. 3 — o « a a cs o ^ !?; H s fe r" Clocks and • Watches, 10 1,726 1,132 59] 3 $998,987 $1,945,500 $1,004,561 2,343,284 Watches, . 5 1,604 1,029 575 _ 1 912,845 1,880,.500 730,081 1,915,913 Watch cases, 5 122 103 16 3 86,142 65,000 274,480 427,371 Clothing, . 561 21,377 5,282 15,333 762 6,120,442 8,691,564 17,183,193 28,567,282 Clothing, men's. 347 11,267 2,740 8,313 214 3,832,244 5,172,043 10,846,464 17,902,262 Clothing, women's. 34 2 228 233 1,978 17 470,195 389,100 1,155,652 2,020,038 Collars and cuffs. paper, . 8 149 69 SO . 64,526 525,000 731.542 889,739 Corsets, 11 1,516 114 1,241 161 338,562 158,400 £57,100 1,018,025 F u r 11 i 8 li i n g goods, men's, . ' 22 334 48 277 9| 73,826 96,124 306,599 524,165 Furs, dressed, . 15 124 49 73 2! 37,516 65,147 409,177 508,250 Hats and cai)s, . 37 808 584 207 17 236,752 199,500 401,357 901,660 Hosiery and knit goods. 57 3,411 786 2,413 212 608,067 1,467,375 1,394,748 2,483,596 Millinery and I lace goods. 4 144 15 109 2O1 33,300 38,500 224,900 317,000 Shirts, 20 503 66 428 9i 111,519 150,050 320,554 564,500 Wool hats, 6 893 578 214 101 313,935 430,325 829,100 1,438,041 Cooking, Lighting, AND 11 BAT- ING ArPA- RATUS, 18 734 717 _ 171 369,556 1,068,000 536,984 1,196,544 Steam fittings and heating apparatus. IS 734 717 - 17 369,556 1,068,000 536,984 1,196,544 Cordage and Twine, . . 29 1,089 893 136 60 344,607 1,533,450 2,195,311 2,995,395 Cotton Goods, 206 62,903 22,609 32,558 7,736 16,240,908 74,118,801 37,542,679 74,780,835 COTTON,WO0L- L E N and OTHER Tex. TILES, . 41 983 789 . 142 52 336,879 1,280,500 2,507,054 3,933,305 Felt goods. 11 512 455 37 20 163,440 820,000 1,198,339 1,627,320 Shoddy, . 30 471 334 105 32 173,439 460,500 1,308,715 2,305,985 Drugs and Medicines, 78 799 631 156 12 372,881 1,641,700 1,700,180 3,133,006 Drugs and chem- icals. 38 413 384 24 5 185,274 1,120,350 1,035,694 1,076,630 Patent medi- cines and com- pounds, . 40 386 247 132 7 187,607 521,350 664,486 1,456,376 Dyeing and Finishing Textiles, . 28 4,94£ 3,953 562 430 1,815,431 8,613,500 4,566,174 9,482,939 Dtestuffs, 5 17? ! 178 ^ _ 95,83J 293,000 557,221 812,040 Dyestutfs and extracts, . 5 17S ! 17S - - 95,83J 293,000 557,221 812,040 Electroplat- ing, 33 14-, 1 13J e 3 61,16£ ) 141,350 86,59C 253,600 Fancy Art- icles, . 21 45 3 30: > lOJ 48 128,39: ! 190,85C 140,844 [ 341,393 Fertilizers, 2 57 2 57( ) s _ 225,8K 1 ! 1,738,15C 1,384,87£ 2,164,680 691 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. RECAPITULATION OF MANUFACTURES BY NAME — Continued. i Average Nimber OF of est Its. Employes. Wages. Total paid Capital Stock to lA "^ s Value of IfJDtlSTRIES. si during invested. used. product. H go the year. o J: '^ o a C tl ^ H S tb |H Fireworks 1 AND Matches, 3 115 57 57 1 $40,000 $91,000 $247,500 $313,000 Waichei^, . 3 115 67 67 1 40,000 91,000 247,500 3 1.3, WW Flax and Linen Goods, 7 1,437 638 498 301 338,631 1,290,000 873,455 1,477,664 Bagging, ilax. hemp, and jute. 5 1,126 483 390 253 246,682 960,000 531,521 963,213 Linen goods. 2 311 155 108 48 91,949 300,000 341,934 514,451 Food Trf pa- rations, . 874 6,290 6,013 1,111 166 2,713,034 11,184,615 5^,151,802 66,623,056 Baking and J east powders. 7 97 45 44 8 31,980 281,750 234,830 393,070 Bread and other bakery pro- ducts. 292 1,965 1,567 305 93 844.090 1,220,840 3,122,104 4,942,760 Chocolate, . 3 140 71 69 _ 60,055 475,000 655,000 l,04r),(HW Coffee and spiees, roasted and ground, . 21 158 119 38 1 85,039 368,200 1,4.38,971 1,680,229 Confectionery, . 76 790 443 345 7 288,868 490,175 1,529,340 2,281,8.50 Flavoring ex- tratts. 14 85 39 44 2 33,116 101,765 231,991 359,400 Flouring and grist mill pro- ducts, 350 686 683 2 1 290,070 2,880,365 7,814,583 8,774,0441 Food prepara- tions. 13 126 107 19 - 27,866 115,180 205,339 288,496 Fruits and vege- tables, canned and preserved, 13 425 131 245 49 98,597 316,400 542,600 762,988 Lard, refined, . 3 25 25 _ - 15,344 45,000 236,950 262,984 Slaughtering and meat packing. 77 1,263 1,258 - 5 653,149 2,904,440 20,657,330 22,951,782 Sugar and nio- lusses, refined. 5 525 525 - - 288,860 1,979,500 21,482,764 22,880,4.39 Flrnitube,' . 432 7,184 6,523 554 107 3,151,406 4,853,344 5,762,488 10,9.53,216 Furniture, . 243 3,985 3,846 96 43 1,781,.351 2,464,675 3,017,469 6,041,618 Furniture, chairs, . 62 2,393 2,104 244 45 1,028,087 1,948,600 1,761,779 3.290,837 Mattresses and spring beds, . 44 475 302 157 16^ 188,211 267,212 658,433 1,008,793 Upholstering, . 83 331 271 57 3 153,757 172,&57 324,807 611,968 GlASS, . 11 946 828 58 60 383,342 823,000 329,864 854,34& Glue, Isin- glass, AND «% Starch, 19 248 242 4 2 99.112 325,400 280,016 447,112 Glue, , 19 248 242 4 2 99,112 326,400 280,016 447,112 Ink, Mucil- age, AND Paste, 10 109 60 35 14 47,164 211,000 113,680 290,200 Ink, . . 10 109 60 35 14 47,164 211,000 113,680 290,200 Ivory, Bone, AND Horn Goods, 22 555 451 79 25 205,162 280,190 214,414 558,860 Combs, 22 655 451 79 25 205,162 286,190 214,414 558,860 Leather, 678 8,650 8,471 83 96 3,808,809 8,996,174 33,824,561 41,397,104 Belting and hose. leather, . 16 132 130 2 _ 69,626 293,100 676,863 836,766 Leather hoard, . 14 196 169 17 10 62,365 648,200 168,600 291, 62j Leather, curried. 194 4,251 4,209 10 32 1,939,122 4,308,169 19,547,978 23,282,773 MAXUPACTUHES BY NA^IE. G95 EECAPITULATION OF MANUFACTURES BY NAME — Continued. Average Number OF of est; Its. Employes. Wages. Total paid Capital stock CO *^ •«d Value of Industries. « I— « §i during invested. used. product. 5 o li outh clilld the year. il~ H s fc ^ LEATHEK-Con. Leather, dressed 8kiiiR, 27 612 589 11 12 $280,809 $513,950 $1,3.59,920 $1,931,617 Leather, tanned, 133 2,440 2,408 _ 32 1,093,973 2,712,1301 11,320,288 13,556,721 Baddlery and barnesB, . 294 1,019 966 43 10 372,914 520,625 750,912 1.497,600 Liquors and Bevkrages, 30 218 214 _ 4 107,619 180,700 220,7891 434,303 Mineral and Boda water, . 30 218 214 - 4 107,619| 180,700 220,789; 434,303 Liquors, Malt and DiSIILLEU, 41 1,338 1,335 _ 3 631,375 3,869,240; 3,.o95,106' 6,216,618 Liquor*, malt, . 31 1,180 1,180 - - 563,547 3,285,400' 2,855,046 5,112,227 Liquors, dis- tilled, . 10 158 155 - 3 67,828 583,840 740,060 1,104,391 Lumber, 645 2,493 2,458 35 665,054 3,223,040 2.678,078 4,317,.555 Lumber, planed. 30 : 523 518 _ 5 233,442 742,700 773,973 1,197,371 Lumbir, tawed, 606 1,970 1,940 - 30 431,612 2,480,340 1,904,105 3,120,184 Machines AND M A- CHINERY, . 561: . 17,799 17,343 215 241 8,.577,117 17,5 8.735 11,870,428 25,302,300 Foundry and - ( machine-shop r. products. 549 16,788 16,367 197 224 8,131,740 16,466,535 11,236,199 23,935,604 Sewing ma- chines arid at- tachments. 12 1,011 976 18 17 445,377 1,052,200 6.34,229 1,366,696 Metals and Metallic Goods, 733 20,416 17,979 1,861 576 8,488,821 8,993,841 19,944,307 34,117,813 Brass and cop- per, rolled, . 4 520 520 _ _ 201,405 1,300,000 1,310,456 1,7.56,051 Brass castings, . 49 422 404 2 16 191,300 361,300 411,853 736,424 CoppergTiiitbing, 9 150 145 5 87,950 109,200 122,800 262,100 Hardware, 24 568 528 18 22 225,638 668,850 301,076 737,400 House furnish- ing eroods. 12 113 82 27 4 54,949 94,400 177,222 284,783 Iron bolts, nuts, wasliers, and rivets. 9 283 245 9 29 123,794 266,000 300,150 533,952 Iron doors and shutters,. 1 100 100 _ _ 50,000 60,000 200,000 300,000 Iron fMrgiiigs, . 9 311 214 93 2 140,708 509,000 344,894 657,603 Iron nails and spikes, cut and wroueht. 36 1,583 942 419 224 657,287 2,336,055 1,970,3.52 3,126,275 Iron and tteel, . 30 , 6,513 6,36- 21 125 2,576,539 6,738,408 6,657,232 10,288,921 Jewelry, . 105 , 3,26.3 2,48c 743 37 1,464,993 1,936,800 1,6S1,034 4,265,525 Lead ; bar, pipe, 1 sheet, and shot 2 2f 25 — _ 15,042 174,000 483,024 578,0.57 Needles and pins, 11 292 212 55 26 109,719 185,200 83,268 257,413 Plated and bri- tannia ware, . 6 74S 58' 151 10 366,800 366,000 252,110 672,000 Safes, doors, and vaults; fire- [ proof, 3 17( ) 17C ) _ 69,80C 52,000 186,000 310,000 Screws, 9 22i ! 20i ! 7 14 72,58- 163,00C 123,452 1 253,590 Soda water ap- \ i ! paratus, . 3 20( ) 18S ) t 6 73,335 95,000 i 279,63« 1 487,306 Stamped ware, . 2 341 26i X Vi S € 141,O0C 185,II0C 1 193,UUC 1 378,000 69G ce:n^sus of massacuusetts — isso. RECAPITULATION OF MANUFACTURES BY NAME — Continued. ,5 Average Number of t: Employes. Wages. Total paid Capital Stock (O ■A f a Value of Industries. c5 1? « §2 3J= during the year. invested. used. product. «: « a; c4 ^~ H S &^ !>< Metals and . M ETALLIC GOODS-Cotl. Tiuwaru, cop- perwarc, and sheet iron ware, 375 1,662 1,559 84 19 !|i7.'51,647 $1,323,253 $1,426,.392 $2,901,133 Wire, . 8 2,476 2,442 22 12 961,400 1,742,001 2,<.)87,900 4,5.39,399 Wirework, 20 448 299 130 19 172,928 328,375 452,454 761,881 Mixed Tex- tiles, . 69 7,498 3,668 3,345 485 2,528.476 7,166,800 7,570,885 13,043,829 MUSICAT, IN- STRUMENTS AND Mate- rials, 76 3,004 2,919 58 27 1,767,506 3,230,566 2,161,348 6,007,099 MuBii-al iiistni- mfnls, orscaiis and maUrials, 31 1,500 1,446 37 17 876,785 1,324,860 1,028,.501 2,354,243 Musical iiislni- monls, pianos 1,{32,847 and materials, 45 1,504 1,473 21 10 890,721 1,905,700 2,652,856 Oils and Il- luminating Fluids, . 3 11 n _ - 6,500 90,000 300,000 345,000 Oil, illuminating. 3 11 11 - — 6,500 90,000 300,000 345,000 Paints, Colors - AND Chemi- cals, IS 219 209 8 2 105,805 596,100 733,393 987,960 Paints, 18 219 209 8 2 105,805 596,100 733,393 987,960 Pape^, . 108, 8,180 3,750 4,358 72 2,755,440 12,567,546 11,1.53,290 17,713,867 Envelopes, 6 890 151 735 10 235,227 555,000 1,598,350 2,070,.346 Labels and tags. 6 136 76 60 - 52,860 290,500 341,725 455,325 Paper, not speci- fied. 96 i 7,148 3,523 3,563 62 2,467,359 11,722,046 9,213,221 15,188,196 Perfumes AND Toilet Prep- arations, . 11 63 39 23 1 21,990 83,100 187,920 330,600 Perfumery and cosmetics. 11 63 39 23 1 21,990 83,100 187,920 330,600 Polishes and Dressing, . 29 138 91 47 - 57,585 177,050 485,255 726,426 Blacking, . 22 114 67 47 _ 43,346 91,550 254,905 419,926 Varnish, . 7 ( 24 24 — 14,239 85,500 230,350 306,500 Printing and Publishing, 368 7,107 5,016 1,840 251 3,652,748 4,873,697 3,624,824 10,164,513 Bookbinding 1 and blank book making, . 75 1,376 581 762 33 524,947 626,278 539,481 1,360,. 577 Lithographing, . 13 737 616 98 23 352,983 634,550 463,360 1,046,676 Printing and publishing, . 280 4,994 3,819 980 195 2,774,818 3,712,869 2,621,983 7,757,260 MANUFACTURES BY NAME. 697 RECAPITULATION OF MANUFACTURES BY NAME— Continued. i Average Number OF CD •32 Employes. Wages. Total paid Capital Stock fO us 'd ^' Value of Industries. £•3 f-H §2 during invested. used. product. "3 » 2; ■1^ 1 = 'Sis the year. SS o ej 08 o C3 O a !5 H a fe ]» Railroad Con- struction, . 12 769 759 10 - $332,553 $852,250 $1,024,960 $1,480,611 Cars; railroad and street, and repairs, . 12 769 759 10 - 332,553 852,250 1,024,960 1,480,611 Rubber and Elastic Goods, 23 2,703 1,281 1,348 74 945,458 2,311,000 3,767,280 5.914,307 Boots and shoes, rubber, . 1 862 400 451 11 296,442 500,000 1,044,364 1,707,842 Rubber and elas- tic goods. 22 1,841 881 897 63 649,016 1,811,000 2,722,916 4,206,465 Scientific In- struments AND Appli- ances, . 15 471 422 18 31 215,275 208,200 387,403 740,789 Spectacles and ■^ eyeglasses, 13 271 237 18 16 124,675 96,200 147,778 330,859 Telegraph and telephone ap- paratus, . 2 200 185 - 15 90,600 112,000 239,625 409,930 Shipbuilding, 276 1,328 1,328 - - 804,571 1,765,450 1,173,640 2,281,666 Silk and Silk Goods, . 22 1,826 353 1,285 188 521,725 1,306,900 1,990,515 3,764,260 Sporting Goods, 13 311 41 245 25 69,125 303,000 268,552 398,890 Stone, . 199 2,031 2,029 1 1 835,244 1,273,489 1,061,482 2,594,182 Marble and stone work. 199 2,031 2,029 1 1 835,244 1,273,489 1,061,482 2,594,182 Straw Goods, 33 7,809 2,531 5,185 93 1,968,232 2,361,960 4,117,162 6,898,628 Tallow, Can- dles, Soap and Grease, 133 871 810 29 32 386,894 2,461,825 4,049,634 5,226,523 Grease and tal- low, 14 157 155 - 2 80,355 456,500 557,030 736,968 Soap and can- dles, 119 714 655 29 30 306,539 2,005,325 3,492,604 4,489,555 Tobacco, 271 1,435 1,000 408 27 595,355 675,111 1,111,135 2,074,219 Tobacco, cigars and cigarettes. 271 1,435 1,000 408 27 595,355 675,111 1,111,135 2,074,219 Tots and Games, 14 297 232 40 25 105,613 136,500 73,485 256,172 Trunks and Valises, . 25 183 177 6 - 92,163 111,500 251,511 430,391 Whips, . 47 494 333 153 8 226,784 630,410 381,293 962,892 Wooden Goods, 411 4,512 3,995 334 183 1,804,536 3,715,004 3,044,943 5,997,851 Baskets, rattan and willow ware, 29 938 636 251 51 269,494 1,148,925 405,645 791,687 Cooperage, 86 607 596 - 11 231,086 386,734 430,137 784,329 Lasts, 26 218 217 - 1 164,877 . 230,490 110,483 386,903 Looking glass and picture frames, . 70 4:14 415 4.5 14 215,348 199,600 374,548 770,908 698 CENSUS OF MASSACHUSETTS — 1880. i 1 Average Number of of est ts. Employes. Wages. Total paid Capital Stock to -Sr Value of INDDSTRIKS. L. ID