UMASS/AMHERST ^ 3ieDbbD05Dtb51S HARVEST T8AI>5 c 677 15 BBKa w:i.'a w >u«ii ' j g «m > CATALOGUES INTERN ft »;»«:«»:»»»I«««»:««»»»:»:#;»:«»»:*:,:»»:»:»-,:,3,»:«,:»:,;,;,.,_.,.,;^^^ ■.•.•.••••.•.••law.*.* IN TERN ATI ON AL H ARVE STER i> Titan Oil Engines--30 Types, 15 Sizes The Greatest Variety of Engines Built Vertical Skidded, Page 10 Vertical Stationary, Page 11 Pumping, Page 24 Nonpareil, Page H 1-H. P., Page 8 2J^-H. P., Page 9 Nonpareil, Page 10 Air-Cooled, Page 8 H ^0^' T. C. Stationary, Page 11 T. C. Skidded, Page 12 H. C. Skidded, Page 13 H. C. Stationary, Page 15 J T. C. Portable, Page 16 T. C. Mounting, Page 18 H. C. Mounting, Page 18 H. C. Portable, Page 17 Pumping, Page 25 Spraying, Page 27 Sawing, Page 23 Spraying, I'uge 27 International Harvester Company of America (INCORPORATED) >E CHICAGO USA TITAN POWER FOR THE FARM The Factory That Has Built a Quarter of a Million Oil and Gas Engines Experience Tells The novice makes a poor fanner at first, and his product is of an inferior quality until he has had experience. The same is true in manufacturing, only more so, as the manufac- turer has not nature to help him. The Inter- national Harvester Works at Milwaukee have been manufacturing engines for ten years. They have built over 250.000 engines during this time — more than any other manufac- turer. They have been shipped to all parts of the world and used under the most variable conditions of service. Every year the product has been improved as experience has shown where it could be bettered even if only slightly. This means that every part of a Titan engine that could possibly break or get out of order must have done so in the vast cjuantity of engines already built and have come to the attention of the Company. The Titan you buy today protects you against the ordinary engine ills — it is a result of long experience — a product you can depend upon. Automatic Machinery Means Standardization No matter how well a machine is designed if it is not well made it will not be a success. It takes good machinery to produce well fin- ished parts and automatic machinery to pro- duce accurate parts. The International Har- vester Works at Milwaukee are a model for equipment. The very latest automatic ma- chines make Titan parts. They make every similar part exactly alike without the slight- est variation so that if a new part is needed, it will fit as good as the old one. Not only does automatic machinery make parts better but it makes them cheaper. This is the reason you get so much more with a Titan engine for your money. Titan Inspection After an engine is fin- Means Perfection ished in the Titan plant, it goes through a long siege of testing. Every part is carefully ad- justed and it is subjected to a severe test run which is sure to bring out any faults in the construction or material. This is done before the paint is put on so nothing is covered up. It is one more protection y(ju have in a Titan engine. This engine is as good as experience, the best machinery, the best materials and the most careful inspection can make it. No guaran- tee could be stronger than the name "Titan". It represents all that is good in an oil engine. Milwaukee Works at Milwaukee, Wis. — The Home of the Titan Engines 2 TITAN POWER FOR THE FARM Repairs Can Be Obtained Almost Anywhere The Value Service — the kind the Inter- of Service national Harvester Company of America gives through its eighty- seven branch houses and tliirty-five thousand dealers should not be lost sight of in the purchase of an engine. In many localities it is of vital importance to the engine owner and should be considered of equal importance to the quality of the engine. International Harvester Service tory. The International Harvester branches are conveniently located to give the best ser- vice to the surrounding terri- and there is no place so small or out of the way that cannot be reached from one or more of the many branches. Suppose your engine should freeze up some cold night or through some accident a part would be broken just at the time when you needed power most, it would only be a matter of a day or two at most till the new part could be obtained from the nearest branch house. More than likely the International Harvester dealer in your own or neighboring town would have the part in stock waiting for just such an occasion. Time means money and the loss of several days or sometimes weeks in delay waiting for parts or advice, especially when you have a gang of men drawing pay for doing nothing, means enough money to nearly pay for the engine. At least the annoyance caused due to the wait is worth considering. But International Harvester service means more than quick repairs. It means that you have expert farm machine men within easy reach whom you can call on for advice and instructions for installing and operating ma- chinery by engine power. Often you can get personal attention as International Harvester men are traveling everywhere. Service International Harvester service a Guarantee is a protection against loss of time and a convenience that you get with the purchase of every Titan engine without extra cost. It is an asset that cannot be duplicated in any other make of engine or farm machine. Be sure and get a genuine Titan — it bears the I H C trade mark. BRAKCn nousts Eighty-seven branch houses in all parts of the United States to give you prompt service 3 The younger generdkiion 'welcomes aLTitaai. to do chores A TiiaLti does the haj^dest paj't of iRe 'Wbmaais ^/^ork ATiievn does your Reavy Avork bett er,qmcker,chesLper TITAN POWER FOR THE FARM Titan Jr. 1-H. P. Gasoline Engine The Little Engine with the Big Pull Titan Jr. is the most compact and powerful engine of its weight on the market. It de- velops one full horse power and will do any of the small jobs that are such hard work on a hot day and take up so much of your time. Pumping the water, turning the grindstone, emery wheel, drill press, running small corn shellers, bone cutters, fanning mills, is just play for Titan Jr. For small, inexpensive, domestic water plants or spraying outfits, Titan Jr. cannot be equalled. It furnishes plenty of power and is so small and light that it takes up little space and is easily hauled around. This is a big point on the small spray rig. It is just the thing for the woman to run. It's so simple and easy to operate. She can start it herself and run it without aid. It will relieve her of the drudgery of washing by running the washing machine and wringer. In the dairy it will run the cream separator, churn, and pump, in fact, it will pay for itself for this work alone. Then the boys will appreciate Titan Jr. It takes the labor out of the chores and gives them an interest in the farm work, besides teaching them the use of machinery. You will be surprised at the number of 111. 1'. Gasoline Engine diil'erent jobs this little engine can handle and how many backaches and how much annoyance it can save the whole family. In construction Titan Jr. is a masterpiece. It combines all thje features that go to make a reliable and substantial engine that will give real service, yet owing to the design, the weight has been kept down to the mininunn without sacrificing power or durability. Like all the larger Titans, it is four cycle type. The cylinder is hopper-cooled with a drain cock underneath for draining in cold weather. Make-and-break ignition is used and batteries are regularly furnished for the current. The governor is of the hit-and-miss type and much simpler in construction than the usual design. The mixer will handle gasoline, benzine, naph- tha, motor spirits or the better grades of kerosene without change. You don't have to buy high test gasoline either, as Titan Jr. Inirns the cheaper grades and motor spirits or good quality kerosene perfectly. You must see this little engine to really appreciate it. Titan Jr. is not a toy, but a full fledged 1-H. P. engine that will do a day's work. The first cost is so small and it is so economical to operate that every farmer needs one and can afford one. Equipment— Titan Jr. 1-H. P. hopper-cooled engines are completely equipped— ready to run— with the following accessories: One l-inch pulley with ,5-inch face, one galvanized fuel tank, steel battery box, batteries, spark coil, switch, oil can, lubricating oil, and necessary tools. The engine and fuel tank are mounted on substantial wood skids. Special Accessories— Special pulleys either 3 or 5 inches in diameter with .5-inch face can be furnished extra at additional cost, also a reducing gear for operating cream separators, churns, etc. Speed R. P. M. Regular Pulley Flywheel Capacity of Hopper Gallons Capacity ol' Fuel Tank Gallons Base Measures Inches Height of Oritfit Inches Approximate HP. Diameter I nches Face Inches Diameter Inches Face Inches Shipping Weight Pounds 1 650 4 5 li'A iM 1 % 283^x19 18^ 149 TITAN POWER FOR THE FARM "Tom Thumb" Air-Gooled Gasoline Engines Titan H^p. Hopper Cooled Gaso- line Engines "Tom Thuiiil)" 1-H. P. Air-Cooled Gasoline Engine "Tom Thumb" is adapted to the Ught jobs around the farm and house. It is air-cooled — there is no water to freeze, and it is always ready to start at a minute's notice. The construction is extremely simple, and it is comparatively light in weight and easily moved. It is a four cycle type of engine with hit-and- miss governor, jump spark ignition, with a spark control lever. No gasoline pump is used, but, instead, a simple mixer placed over the gasoline tank. A partial vacuum is produced in the pipe by the suction stroke of the piston and a flow of gasoline is induced into the mixer. The fuel is regulated by the needle valve. Both valves may be removed by unscrewing one bolt in the cylinder head. A belt-driven fan aids in cooling the cylinder. These engines are equipped to operate on gasoline, motor spirits, benzine, or naphtha. Equipment — "Tom Thumb" air-cooled engines are equipped complete ready to run with the following accessories: Galvanized steel fuel tank, plain pulley, battery box, batteries, jump-spark coil, switch, spark plug, oil can and necessary tools, all mounted on a solid wood base. Special Accessories — A 6-in(h pulley with a 5-inch face that can be used for operating the standard and walking beam pumping jacks, a reducing gear can be suppUed on special order. A 4-inch pulley with either a 2i2-''ich or 5-inch face and a 3x2}^-inch puUey may also be had on special order. A magneto and bracket and a special hand truck can be furnished for this engine on special order. See pages 28 to 31. Titan 1-H. P. Hopper-Cooled Gasoline Engine Titan 1-H. P. hopper-cooled gasoline en- gines are particularly desirable for the light work around the farm and in the country homes, such as pumping water, running cream separator, churn, washing machine, bone cutter, fanning mill, grindstone, etc., or for operating domestic water works, and electric light plants not requiring over one horse power. These powerful little engines are per- fect in every respect, embodying many of the features used on our larger engines, such as make-and-break ignition with magneto, re- movable cylinder head, etc. The construction is similar to the "Tom Thumb" engine except the cylinder is hopper- cooled and the ignition is make-and-break, the current for which is furnished by a mag- neto. They will operate on gasoline, motor spirits, benzine, or naphtha. Equipment — Titan 1-H. P. hopper-cooled en- gines are completely equipped — ready to run — with the following accessories: One plain pulley, one galvan- ized fuel tank, tool box. magneto, oil can, lubricating oil and necessary tools, all mounted on a substantial solid wood base. Special Accessories — .\ reducing gear, a special 6-inch pulley with a 5-inch face for operating the stan- dard and walking beam pump jacks, also a special 4-inch pulley with either a 2i2-inch or 5-inch face, can be supplied "on special order. Special hand trucks can be supplied for these engines. See pages 28 to 31. HP. Speed n. P. M Regular PuUey Flywlieel Capacity of Hopper Gallons Capacity of Fuel Tank Gallons Base Measures Inclies Heislit of Outfit Incties Approximate Shipping Type Diameter Indies Face loclies Diameter lucties Face Inches Weietlt Pound Air cooled Hopper cooled. . 1 1 600 600 6 6 5 5 15H 15H 2M 2K in 20tV X 42 20^ X 42 21 M 25 280 300 TITAN POWER FOR THE FARM Titan 2' 2-H. P. Hopper Cooled Titan 2H-H. P. Hopper Cooled Skidded Gasoline Engine Stationary Gasoline Engine Titan 2}-^-H. P. Skidded Gasoline Engine The Titan 2}i-U. P. hopper-cooled skidded engine is the best all around small engine for the farm. It will run all the small machines economically that can be operated by a 1-H. P. engine, and in addition will operate small grinders, electric light plants, large spraying outfits, etc. The general construction is .similar to the larger Titan engines, except it is designed to run on gasoline, motor spirits, benzine, or naphtha, and therefore has a gasoline mixer with a hit-and-miss governor. The base is a single casting. A special feature is the crank shaft which is extended 1?4' inches on the pulley side so that it can be geared to a spray or domestic water pump. This engine is very compact and has proved to be one of the most convenient farm engines ever designed. Equipment — Titan 2I2-H. P. horizontal hopper- cooled skidded engines are com[)lelely equipped — ready to run — with the foUowinj? accessories: One regular size plain pulley, magneto, one niulller, one galvanized fuel tank, tool box, oil. oil can and neces- sary tools, all mounted on substantial wood .skids. Special Accessories — Different size pulleys, fric- tion clutch pulleys, special mixers, etc., and hand truck can be furnished on special order. See pages 28 to .32. Titan 2}/^ H. P. Stationary Gasoline Engine The Titan 2}i-li. P. hopper-cooled station- ary engine is just the right size for the small shop, dairy, domestic water plants, home electric light plants, and the like. The simple construction and compactness gives these en- gines a great advantage where a small power plant is needed and has made them one of the most popular engines for this work. Like the skidded type, they are designed to operate on gasoline, motor spirits, benzine, or najjhtha. They have all the modern improvements in- cluding a gear driven magneto which makes batteries unnecessary, a large fuel tank with piping which can be buried in the ground out- side the building and many other features of the large Titan engines. The construction is substantial throughout and this engine will give reliable power. . Equipment — Titan hopper-cooled stationary en- gines are equipped coni[)lete for running with the fol- lowing accessories: One galvanized steel fuel tank with two lengths of pipe and fittings, one regular size plain pulley, exliaust pot with one length of pipe, magneto, tool box, can of oil and necessary tools. Special Accessories — Special size plain pulleys, friction clutch pulleys, special alcohol and gas mixer, etc., furnished on special order. See pages 28 to 32. Type of EnRine H. P. Speed R.PM. Max R. P. M. with s,,....,i CI,MM,-i,ip Dcvicf Regular PuUey Flywheel Capacity of Hopper Gallons Capacity of t iiel Tank Gallons Floor Space Inches Height Outfit Inches Approxi- mate Shipping Wei-ht. Pounds ni;imptpr Inches Face Inches Diameter Inches Face Inches Width Length 1 Skidded-. 21-^ Stationary. 234 500 500 550 550 5 5 22 22 2M 334 3 9 28 A 28 A 54 41 32 14 28H 695 757 TITAN POWER FOR THE FARM Titan Vertical Skidded Gasoline Engines Nonpareil Type Skidded Gasoline Engines Titan 2-H. P. Vertical Skidded Gasoline Engine The Titan vertical skidded engine has always been one of the most popular engines for stock and dairy farmers for pumping, grinding feed, shelling corn, etc. It takes up but little room, is easily moved from job to job, and is so simple and reliable that the minimum of attention is required. For this reason contractors find them desirable for operating concrete mixers, pumps and other machinery requiring small power. It is fitted for operation on gasoline, motor spirits, benzine, or naphtha. This engine is high- grade in every respect and will give the maximum of service. A description of the construction will be found on pages 33 to 35. Equipment — Titan Vertical Skidded Engines and Nonpareil Skidded Engines — Galvanized steel gasoline tank in base uf enjiine, galvanized steel cooling tank, one regular size plain pulley, magneto, mufller, tool box with tools, cylinder lubricator, and oil can, all mounted on substantial wooden base. Batteries, spark coil, wiring and switch furnished on 6-H. P. size; other sizes can be started on magneto. Special Accessories — Different size plain pulleys, friction clutch pulley, hand trucks and special mixers furn- ished on special ortler. See pages 28 to 32. Nonpareil 2-H. P. Skidded Gasoline Engine The Nonpareil type skidded vertical engine is similar to the regular Titan vertical engine except it is not built quite so heavy and is different in a few minor details. The equip- ment is the same and it will give as good service up to its capacity. In many instances it is preferred on account of its lighter weight and the many sizes in which it is built. It will operate on gasoline, motor spirits, benzine, or naphtha. All sizes are equipped with high- grade magneto, the same as the Titan. For all round farm work, this is a very desirable power plant and will give satisfaction in every case. Up to its horse power rating. H. P. Normal Speed R. P. M. Speed R. P. M. with Speed Changing Device PuUey Flywheel Fuel Tank Capacity Gallons Base Measures Inches Height Inches Over All Approximate Shipping Engiae Diameter Inches Face Inches Diameter Inches Face Inches Length ' Width of Skids of Skids Pounds Domestic Titan Titan Nonpareil . Nonpareil . Nonpareil . Nonpareil . 2 3 2 3 4 6 400 360 460 450 450 350 480 440 420-500 375-470 400-475 325-390 8 9 5 8 9 14 5 5^ 5 5^ 12M 24 263^ 22 24 30 33 2}^ 23^ 2M 23^ 2% 23^ 3 3 3 3 7 62 63 57 ?€ 62 63 71H 30,^ 32 J^ 18M IBM 20M 29M 48% 51 M 41 M 50M 5514 63 Ji 840 990 595 815 1000 1410 10 TITAN POWER FOR THE FARM Titan Type "A" Stationary Vertical Gasoline Engines Nonpareil Type Stationary Gasoline Engines Nonpareil Type Stationary Engine The Nonpareil type stationary engine is a very satisfactory source of power for the small shop, farm, or dairy. It is somewhat lighter in weight than the regular Titan en- gine, but the general construction is nearly identical and the equipment is the same. It operates on gasoline, motor spirits, benzine, or naphtha. Equipment — Titan Type "A" and Nonpareil enfjines — Plain pulley, magneto, nuidler. galvanized steel gaso- line tank with pipe and fittings to install the tank outside the building, galvanized steel cooling tank with pipe and fittings, exhaust pipe, oil can, and tool box; template and anchor bolts on 6-H.P. size ; necessary tools. Batteries, spark coil, wiring and switch furnished with 6-H.P. Nonpareil; other sizes can be started on magneto. Special Accessories — Exhaust pot, different size plain pulleys, friction clutch pulleys and special mixers, furnished on special order. See pages 28 to 32. Titan Vertical Stationary Engine Titan vertical stationary engines are the ideal vertical power plants. They furnish a large surplus of power over their rating and are one of the most reliable engines ever designed. They will operate on gasoline, motor spirits, benzine, or naphtha. A de- tailed description of the construction will be found on pages 33 to 35. Max. Regular Pulley Flywheel Fuel Tank Approxi- H. P. Speed R. P. M. with Floor Space Height mate Type of Shipping Engine R.P.M. Speed Changing Device Diameter Face Diameter Face pac- Length Diameter Inches Inches Weight Pounds Inches Inches Inches Inches ■ty Gal. Inches Inches Domestic Titan 9 400 480 8 5 24 2J^ 9 20 12 30 H X 24 45 880 Titan 3 360 440 9 5H 261^ 2^ 9 20 12 31Mx26H 48 1015 Nonnareil 460 420-500 5 5^ 22 2M 9 20 12 281^ X 42 38 615 Nonpareil .3 4.50 375-470 8 5 24 2H 9 20 12 30,^ X 43 47 845 Nonpareil 4 450 400-475 9 51^ 30 2% 9 20 12 ,321-^x45 51 H 1035 Nonpareil 6 350 325-390 14 12M 33 2V2 54 48 IBM 40^ X 54 59 1630 11 TITAN POWER FOR THE FARM Titan Tank-Cooled Skidded Oil Engine Titan Tank-Cooled Skidded Oil Engine— 6 to 12-H. P. Type This is the real farmer's engine for general farm work. It operates on low grade cheap fuels which will cut clown your fuel bills surprisingly. It is provided with iron shod substantial skids equipped with hauling rings making it an easy matter to move it from one job to another. It is made in several sizes to Equipment — Titan skiddrd oil engines are equipped complete for running with the following accessories: One galvanized steel fuel tank in llie base of the engine, galvanized steel cooling tank, one regular size plain pulley, mag- neto, nuillh'r, tool hox with liiols, cylinder lubricator, oil can, and large can of the best gas engine hdiricating oil, all mounted on substantial wooden skids, making a compact self-contained outfit. Switch, spark coil and batteries furnished on 1-11. I', only; others can be started on magneto. Special Accessories — Special size plain pulleys, friction clutch pulleys, and other special accessories can be furnished on special order. See pages 28 to 32. suit the work on nearly every farm. This out- fit is complete and .self contained, the engine and all equipment being mounted on the skids. It will operate on kerosene, distillate down to 39° Baume, solar oil, gas oil. motor spirits, naphtha, or gasoline. A description of the construction will be found on pages 36 to 40. Regular Pulley Flywheel Floor Space Approxi- Speed Fuel Tank Gallons Height Inches Shipping H. p. R.P. M. Diameter Face Diameter Face Length of Width of Weight. Inches Inches Inches Inches Skids, Inches Engine. Inches Pounds 4 450 12 SVa 33 2^ 5 108 34M 50 1550 6 390 16 12J4 Wli 2M 11 120 42]^ 53 2120 8 375 18 10J4 45 3 18 132 43 601^ 2805 10 350 20 lOH 49M 3 20 JUli 433,^ 613^ 3040 12 300 24 14M 54 3 30 138 495-^ 62M 4000 12 TITAN POWER FOR THE FARM ") Titan Hopper-Cooled Skidded Oil Engines Titan Horizontal Hopper-Cooled Skidded Oil Engine— 6 to 12-H. P. Type engine cools easily and the engine has to be drained frequently on account of frost. It operates on kerosene, distillate down to 39° Baume, gas oil, solar oil, motor spirits, ben- zine, naphtha, or gasoline without any change. For detailed description, see pages 36 to 40. This engine is identical with the Titan tank-cooled skidded engine except it is hopper- cooled, which makes it somewhat lighter in weight and a little less bother to get ready if the water has been drained out. It is an easy outfit to haul around and is more in demand in the northern districts where an Equipment — Titan horizontal hopper-cooled skidded oil engines are completely equipped ready to run with the following accessories: One regular size plain pulley, magneto, one mufiler, one galvanized fuel tank, tool box, oil can, oil and necessary tools, all mounted on substantial wood skids. Batteries, spark coil, switch and wiring fur- nished on l-II. P. engine; other sizes can be started on magneto. Special Accessories — Different size plain pulleys, friction clutch pulleys, and many other accessories can be furnished on special order. See pages 28 to 32. Regular PuUey Flywheel Capacity Capacity Inches Height Approximate Speed R.P. M. of Hopper of Fuel Tank of Outfit H. P. Weight, Diameter Face Diameter Face Gallons Gallons Width of Length of Inches Pounds Inches Inches Inches Inches Engine Skids 4 450 12 8^8 33 2J-4 6 5 34M 84 UVg 1470 6 390 16 12Ji 40 M 2H 12 11 421^ 93 SZVs 1975 8 375 18 lOJi 45 3 16 18 43 973^ 56% 2600 10 350 20 lOM 4914 3 20 20 433^ 99 J^ 60^ 3020 12 300 24 14M 54 3 99 30 49^ 101 64M 3740 13 TITAN POWER FOR THE FARM Titan Tank- Cooled Stationary Oil Engines b ^ii^jg Titan Stationary 6 to 25-H. P. Oil Engine with Cooling Tank economical as they will operate on kerosene, distillate down to 39° Baunie. gas oil, solar oil, or motor spirits. Without change they can be operated on benzine, naphtha, or gaso- line. Built in magneto is used on all sizes. A description of the construction will be found on pages 36 to 40. The Titan tank-cooled stationary engines are adapted to heavy power work and will deliver reliable power under the most severe conditions of service. The throttling governor gives them very close regulation and adapts them for electric lighting or other work re- quiring close regulation. They are also very Equipment— Titan stationary oil engines are fully equipped for running and include the following accessories: One galv anized steel fuel supply tank with two lengths of pipe and fittings to install the tank outside of the building and connect it with the engine, one galvanized steel cooling tank with pipe and fittings and rubber hose to con- nect it with the engine, one exhaust pot and one length of exhaust pipe, magneto, tool box, one plain pulley, oilcan, necessary tools, cylinder lubricator, template and anchor bolts. Switch, spark coil, wirmg and batteries fiu-mshed on l-H. P. engine ; other sizes can be started on magneto. Special Accessories— Special size plain pulleys, friction clutch pulleys, and other accessories can be furnished on special order, see pages 28 to 32. Speed R. P. M Regular Pulley Flywheel | Fuel Tank Floor Space Inches Height Inches Approximate Shipping Weight Pounds HP. Diameter laches Face Inches Diameter Inches Face Inches Length Inches Diameter Inches Capacity Gallons 4 6 8 10 12 15 20 25 450 390 375 350 300 275 275 260 12 16 18 20 24 26 28 28 12J4 10J4 lOM UH 12K 16J4 1614 33 40K 45 49H 54 63 60 60 2H 2H 3 3 3 3 4M 30 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 12 18M 18J4 18^ \m \8H 18^ 14 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 353^ X 54j^ 40Ax 65^ 42J^x 71^8 435^ X 77K 49^ X 8514 49Kx 98' 2 571^x1023 8 61Hxl39H 421^ 44H 51H 52^ 5iH 63 641^ 601^ 1495 2085 2770 3090 3830 5150 6285 7765 14 TITAN POWER FOR THE FARM Titan Hopper-Cooled Stationary Oil Engines Titan 6 to 12-H. P. Stationary Hopper-Cooled Oil Engine Titan hopper-cooled stationary oil engines are more convenient for farm work than the tanii-cooled type of engine as they require but little water for cooling and can be drained more quickly in cold weather. They are also de- sirable where space is a factor as there is no cooling tank. In cold weather hot water can be poured into the hopper which facilitates starting. They will operate on kerosene, dis- tillate down to 39° Baume, gas oil, solar oil, motor spirits, benzine, naphtha, or gasoline, without change of adjustment. A description of the construction will be found on pages 36 to 40. Equipment — Titan hopper-cooled stationary engines are equipped complete for running with the following accessories; One galvanized steel fuel tank with two lengths of pipe and fittings, one regular size plain pulley, magneto, exhaust pot with one length of pipe, tool box, template, anchor bolts, can of oil, and necessary tools. Batteries, spark coil, switch and wiring are furnished on the 4-H. P. engine; other sizes can be started on magneto. Special Accessories — Special size plain pulleys, friction clutch pulleys, etc., can be furnished on special order. See pages 28 to 32. Speed R. P. M. Regular Pulley Flywheel Capacity of Hopper Gallons Capacity of Fuel Tank Gallons Floor Space Inches Heisht Over All. Inches Approximate HP. Diameter Inches Face Inches Diameter Inches Face Inches WeiBht. Pounds 4 6 8 10 12 450 390 375 350 300 12 16 18 20 24 33 40^ 45 491^ 54 2^ 3 3 3 6 12 16 20 22 14 54 54 54 54 3434 X 78H 421^ X 541^ 43 X 663/4 4334' X 73 495-^ X 871^ 371^ 433/i 48 52 56 1430 2035 2670 3045 3300 15 TITAN POWER FOR THE FARM Titan Tank-Cooled Portable Oil Engines Titan Tank-Cooled Portable Oil Engine -20 and 25-H. P. type. The Titan tank-cooled portable oil engine is suited to the most severe service such as threshing, irr'gating, etc. The trucks are steel, amply strong to negotiate the rougliest roads. The engine operates on kerosene, dis- tillate down to 39° Baume, gas oil, solar oil, motor spirits, benzine, naphtha, or gasoUne. Description of parts on pages 36 to 40. Equipment — Titan tank-rooled portable engines are completely equipped, ready to run, with the following accessories: One galvanized cooling tank, one galvanized fuel tank, exhaust niufller, friction clutch pulley, auto sparker, tool box, necessary tools, oil can, oil, wind shield, doubletrees, pole, neckyoke and wheel braces. A brake is regularly furnisheil with all 20 and 2.1-H. P. portable engines and can be furnished as an extra on other sizes. Wheels with 8-inch face can be furnished on special order for the 20-H. P. portable engine truck. These wheels cannot, how- ever, be furnished for engines in the field. Batteries, spark coil, switch and wiring are furnished on all sizes. Special Accessories — Special size pulleys, friction clutch pulleys, shafts in place of pole on 4 and 6-H. P. sizes, etc., can be furnished on special order. See pages 28 to 32. Speed R.P. M. Regular Friction (jlulch rnllcy Flywheel Capacity Fuel Tank Tread Inches Size Truck Wheels Inches Height Inches Approximate Shipping H. v. Weight niameter h iice Diameter Face Rear Pounds 1 nches I nches Inches Inches 4 450 20 OH 33 2M 7 44 21x3^ 2rf X 3^2 6VA 2001 6 390 24 6^ 40H 2H 15 46 26x31^ 31x33^ 68H 2605 8 375 26 6K 45 3 20 49^ 30x4 38x4 78K 3 130 10 350 28 7H 49H 3 20 49^ .30x4 38x4 787^ 3790 12 300 30 9M 54 3 30 57=/^ 30x6 38x6 79 4575 15 275 36 9^ 63 3 40 57^ 30x6 38x6 79 5750 20 275 40 WA 60 3M 42 68 30x6 38 X 6 795^ 6772 25 260 40 103^ 60 4H 42 68K 30x8 38x8 80,1^ 8862 16 TITAN POWER FOR THE FARAI ^ Titan Hopper-Cooled Portable Oil Engines Horizontal Hopper-Cooled Portable Oil Engine This engine is particularly adapted to general farm work. It is hopper-cooled and therefore re(|uires little cooling water, and is quickly drained in cold weather. The truck is steel built to stand rough roads and hard use. The engine will operate on kerosene, distillate down to 3Q° Baume, gas oil, solar oil, motor spirits, benzine, naphtha, or gasoline. A detailed description of the engine parts will be found on pages 36 to 40. Equipment — Titan hopper-cooled portable oil engines are completely equipped for running, with the following accessories: One galvanized fuel tank, exhaust nuifller, friction clutch pulley, auto sparker. tool box, necessary tools, oil can, oil, doubletrees, pole, neckyoke, and wheel braces. Batteries, spark coil, switch and wiring are furnished on all sizes. Special Accessories — Special size plain pulleys, friction clutch pulleys, sizes, brake, etc., can be furnished on special order. See pages 28 to 32. shafts in place of pole on I and 6-H. P. Speed R. P. M. Regular Friction Clulcti Pulley Flywheel Capacity Fuel Tank Gallons Capacity Hopper Gallons Tread Inches Size of Truck Wheels Inches Height Inches Approximate H. P. Diameter Indies Face Inches Diameter Inches Face Inches Front Rear Weight. Pounds 4 6 8 10 12 450 390 375 350 300 20 24 26 28 30 9M 33 40H 45 4932 54 2J-^ 2M 3 3 3 7 15 20 20 30 6 12 16 20 22 44 46 ^1% 24x3)2 26x33 2 30x4 30x4 30x6 28x3^ 31 X 3^ 38x4 38x4 38x6 51^8 5911 665^ 68 Ji 70Ji 2005 2595 3435 3740 4200 17 TITAN POWER FOR THE FARM Titan Tank-Cooled Titan Hopper-Cooled Oil Mounting Engines Oil Mounting Engine Titan 6 to 20-H. P. Type Tank-Cooled Oil Mounting Engine These engines are identical with the Titan tank-cooled stationary engine except the sub- base has been omitted and a special square fuel tank is supplied for convenience in mount- ing. They are extensively used for mounting on small threshers, saw rigs, hay balers, etc. They will operate on kerosene, distillate down to 39° Baume, gas oil, solar oil, benzine, naphtha, motor spirits, or gasoline. Descrip- tion of parts on pages 36 to 40. Titan 6 to 12-11. P. T>-pe Oil Mounting Engine The Titan hopper-cooled mounting engine is designed to meet the requirements for an engine that can be easily mounted on a farm truck, bob sled, or skid, or in connection with any special machines such as wood saws, con- crete mixers, well drills, pumping plants, etc. They operate on kerosene, distillate down to 39° Baume. gas oil. solar oil, motor spirits, benzine, naphtha, or gasoline. A description of parts will be found on pages 36 to 40. Equipment — Titan oil mounting engines are equipped complete for running with the following accessories: One regular size plain puUey. magneto, one square galvanized fuel tank, one galvanized steel water-cooling tank on tank-cooled engine, muffler, tool box, oil can. oil. and necessary tools. Batteries, spark coil, switch and wire fur- nished on l-II. P. engine: other sizes can be started on magneto. Special Accessories — Snecial size plain pulleys, friction clutch pulleys, etc., can be furnished on special order. See pages 28 to 32. Regulai Pulley Flyvi heel Gapocity Capacity Base M easures Approximate Type of H P Speed of of Fuel Shipping Weight Pounds Engine Diameter Face Diameter Face Hopper Gallons Gallons Width Length Indies Inches Inchej* Inches of Frame of Frame Tank cooled . . . I 150 12 85-8 33 2H 13 12 33^, 331^ 1295 Tank cooled . . 6 390 16 V2H 40 J 2 ^Vo 13 12 4014 403^ 1715 Tank cooli'd . . 8 375 18 I03^-H. P. Lucas Spraying Outfit 2j4-\{. P. Spraying Outfit (Lucas Pump) For large spraying operations this is a very desirable outfit for large orchards and vineyards. The engine is the regular Titan 232-H. P. hopper-cooled, geared to a Lucas two-cylinder vertical pump. The pump is built exceptionally heavy for high pressure work. The equip- ment is complete, including two Unes of spray hose, nozzles and suction hose. Mounted complete on skids. Send for special Spraying Catalogue showing these outfits 26 TITAN POWER FOR THE FARM ^ Titan Portable Spray Outfits Titan 1-H. P. Portahln Air-Cooled Spraying Outfit D Titan 1-H. P. Portable Hopper-Cooled Spraying Outfit 1-H. P. Portable Air-Cooled Spraying Outfit This outfit is very desirable for small work, and can be more easily handled than the heavier outfits. The outfit includes the regular "Tom Thumb" 1-H. P. air- cooled engine, geared to a Myers pump and mounted on a special four-wheel truck. Two lines of spray hose, spray nozzles and suction hose are included. No barrel is furnished. 1-H. P. Portable Hopper-Cooled Spraying Outfit The 1-H. P. hopper-cooled portable spray rig includes the regular Titan 1-H. P. hopper-cooled engine geared to a Myers spray pump and mounted on a special four- wheel hand truck. This outfit is complete, except barrel, and is equipped with two haes of spray hose, spray nozzles, and suction hose. Complete 1-H. P. Spraying Outfit This outfit comes complete ready to mount on a wagon truck. It is the ideal outfit for small and medium size orchards and vineyards and is a very desirable outfit to use where the ground is soft or sandy. It includes the regular 1-H. P. Titan hopper-cooled engine geared to a Myers two-cylinder vertical pump, mounted complete on steel sills with the spray tank and tower. Complete equipment is furnished including two hnes of spray hose, spray nozzles and suction hose. Titan 1-H. P. Complete Spraying Outfit » -H. P. Complete Spraying Outfit Complete 2>^-H. P. Spraying Outfit The Titan 23'^-H. P. complete spraying outflt is designed for large work, and will give all the pressure needed for any class of spray work. It includes the Titan 23^-H. P. hopper-cooled engine geared to a Myers two- cylinder vertical pump and mounted complete on steel sills with a spray tank and tower. The equipment is complete, and includes two lines of spray hose, spray nozzles, and suction hose. Send for special Spraying Catalogue showing these outfits 27 TITAN POWER FOR THE FARM Security Long Distance Gasoline Supply Pump Jacks Standard Jack No. 1— This jack is designed to attach direct to the stan- dard of any common windmill pump and will pump all the water need- ed on the ordinary farm. It is clamped to the pump and bolted to the well cover or pump founda- tion. Method of InsUiUation This gasoline supply system is approved by the Underwriters Association and provides the safest and most satisfactory arrangement for storing and pumping gasoline. By bury- ing the tank in the ground the gasoline can be kept cool so that the evaporation is reduced to a minimum. This outfit, as shipped, consists of a 54 gallon tank or a 120-gallon tank, as desired, and pump, together with two bundles of 1-inch galvanized pipe and necessary couplings to connect it, and two padlocks — one for the pump and one for the filling cap. Shipping weight, complete with 54-gallon tank, 162 lbs. Shipping weight, complete with 120-gallon tank, 212 lbs. Standaril Purui) Jack No. 1 Standard Jack No. 2— The Stan- dard _ No. 2 jack is simi- lar to the No. 1, but is built heavier and is suita- ble forpump- i n g from wells up to 200 ft. deep. It is used extensively on ranches, stock farms, and dairy farms. Like No. 1 it can be attached to a common windmill pump. This jack is strongly constructed of iron with heavy cast double gears and will give the best of service. Standard Pump Jack No. 2 Type Jack Length of Stroke. Inches Strokes Minute Pulley Size Inches Face Inches Speed R.P.M. Pounds No. 1 . . No. 2.. 5, 7, 9, 11 .5. 7, 9, 11 40 to 2^ 2H 230 230 120 139 28 TITAN POWER FOR THE FARiM ^ Pump Jacks Regular Belted Jack — This jack is suitable for ordinary farm pumping, where the lift is not high and the work is not heavy, and light irrigation work. It is well made with long bear- ings and heavy cast gears. Regular Belted Jack Walking Beam Jack No. 1 — This jack is all iron excejjt the base. It should not be used for pumping against greater than a 100-foot head with a 234-inch cylinder. It is designed for ordinary farm pumping. The jack is well constructed from the best grade of materials, and with proper care should last a lifetime. f) Heavy Belted Jack Heavy Belted Jack — The heavy belted pumping jack is an excellent jack for use in lifting water in wells not deeper than 400 feet. It is considerably heavier than the regular jack and has unusual strength and durability. It is designed to be used with engines up to and including 12-horse power. Stockmen and farmers who have deep wells find this heavy jack very desirable. Walking Beam Jack No. 2 — This walking beam pumping jack is a heavier jack than the No. 1 and can be used to lift water in wells not deeper than 200 feet. It is constructed of iron except the base and upright, which are of wood. The safe working load on the end of the walking beam is 1,200 lbs., which is equiva- lent to a 4}^-in. cylinder pumping against a 200-foot head. Walking Beam Jack No. 1 Walking lieani Jack No. 2 Type of Pump Jack Walking Beam No. 1 W alking Beam No. 2 Regular Belted Jack Heavy Belled Jack Minimum Head, Feet 100' with 2K' Cyl. 200' with 4H" Cyl. 200' with 414" Cyl. 100' Length of Stroke, Inches 5 to 934' 5, 7, 10 5, 7, 10 12,14,15,18,20 Strokes per Minute 40 40 40 32 Size of Engine to be used with 1 to 2-H. P. 2 to 3-H. P. 1 to 3-H. P. 4 to 12-H. P. Ratio of Gears 7.1 to 1 4.66 to 1 4.66 to 1 5. tol Pulley Size I Face Speed Inches ' Inches R.P.M 13M 14 14 24 2M 3 3 41/2 285 185 185 160 Weight Pounds 152 303 145 515 When pump jacks are used to pump with a smaller head, the size of the pump cyUnder can be increased. 29 TITAN POWER FOR THE FARM Two-Wheel Hand Truck Attachment for Titan 1-H. P. Engines l-H. P. Engine Truck This truck consists of an iron handle, front wheels and axle and can be supplied for Titan or "Tom Thumb" 1-H. P. engines in the field or can be shipped with the engine from the factory. The axle is located so that when the end is lifted by the handles the outfit nearly balances and can be used like an ordinary hand truck. It is strongly constructed with heavy cast iron wheels and an iron axle for use where an engine is used to operate small ma- chines at different points on the farm. Four- Wheel Hand Truck Attachment for Titan 2, lyi and 3-H. P. Engines Nonpareil Type 2, 3, 4 and 6-H. P. Engines This truck consists of rear axle with wheels and clips, and front axle with wheels, clips and tongue. It can be furnished for Titan 2 and 3, and Nonpareil 2, 3, 4 and 6-11. P. vertical and Titan 2} 2-H. P. horizontal skidded engines, in the field, or can be shipped with engines from the factory. It is substantially con- structed with four heavy cast iron wheels and axles with iron hand tongue. The same truck is used for all 2, 2} 2> 3 and 4-II. P. sizes antl a larger and heavier truck is furnished for 6-Ii. P. engine. Four- Wheel Hand Truck Attachment for Titan Skidded 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12-H. P. Engines 2-H. P. Vertical Skidded Engine Mounted on Truck Large Four-Wheel Truck Mounted on Engine Skids The truck consists of rear axle with wheels, front axle with wheels, hand tongue, and four ^-inch square-head bolts. Upon each axle held by a "U" bolt are two castings slotted to fit over the heads of the bolts in the skid, and when so placed, hold the truck in posi- tion. Tiiis truck can be placed under any 4, 6, 8, 10, or 12-H. P. Titan skidded engine skid now in the field by boring four ^S"'""^"! holes through the wooden skid runners or can be shipped from the factory with engine. Diameter of wheels, 251^4 inches. Face of wheels, 3 inches. Shipping weight, about 550 pounds. 30 TITAN POWER FOR THE FARM Titan 1-H. P. Gas MLxer Gas Mixers Gas Mixer — Titan vertical engines and 1 and 2I2-H. P. hopper- cooled engines can be supplied with a gas at- tachment, which is easily attached in place of the gasoline mixer, on special order. With this attach- ment, natural gas may be used as fuel with excellent results. When artificial gas is to be used, it is necessary to change the entire cylinder head and piston, except on the 1-H. P. engines. Therefore, when artificial gas is to be used it should be so stated when ordering the engine. Combination Mixers for Gas and Gasoline A combination gas and gasoline attachment is fur- nished on special order for the Titan vertical tank- cooled engines, and 2}^- H. P. horizontal hopper- cooled engines. This at- Jlm tachment has been designed |lj especially for use in locali- ties where natural gas is available part of the time. The change from one fuel to another may be made instantly and without stopping the engine. Extended Crank Shafts Either or both sides furnished on special order: Engine 1-H. P. Hor. Air-C'ld. 1-H. P. Hor. Hop.C'W. 2-H. P. Ver. Tk-Cld. 2i^^-H.P.Hor.Hp.-C'ld 3-H. P. Ver. Tk.-Cld. 4-H. P. Hor 6-H. P. Hor 8-H. P. Hor 10-H. P. Hor 12-ll.P. Hor. Tank-C. 15-11. P. Hor. Tank-C. 20-H. P. Hor. Tank-C. 25-H. P. Hor. Tank-C. Exten. 4" 4" 4k" 4k" ^y/ 6" 6" 6^" Diam. w% iiV" iM" 19'/ ^ 16 2A" 2K8" 2H" 2^" 2j^" 35/8" 4i%" Key Way in Shaft ^"widex }s ^"widex 1-8 i%"widex A re "wide X ^ i^"widex A n"widex 3^ o"widex 3^ 5^"widex I4 }i"wide x A k"widex J4 H"widexM ^"wide X ? s l5"wide X jf deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep 'deep "deep deep deep deep Magneto for Tom Thumb The Wizard magneto can be furnished extra for Tom Thumb engines. It is driven by fric- tion contact with the flywheel of the engine. It can be easily at- tached by any one. Batteries must be used for starting. Alcohol Mixers Alcohol attachments may be furnished for ver- tical tank-cooled engines, and 2I/2-II. P. horizontal hopper-cooled engines. This attachment consists of a new cylinder head com- plete, an alcohol mixer, and a strainer. This alcohol attachment is furnished as an extra only on special order. Reducing Gears A reducing gear can be furnished on special order extra for the 1 or 2H-H. P. en- gines and can be shipped with the en- gine or attached in the field. It is de- signed for operating cream separators, churns, etc. A com- bined bracket for magneto and reducing gear can be furnished for 1-H. P. engmes. EHfllliE riLLEY 11. P. Speed Diam. Face R. p. H. 11. p. M. 1-H.P. Air and Hopper 600 4" 2M" 150 157 2'o.H.P. Hopper 500 3" 2¥6" 199 156 31 TITAN POWER FOR THE FARM Nonpareil Special Plain P alleys 2 H. P. 3H . P. 4H . P. 6H . P. Face Diam. Face Diam. Face Diam. Face Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches 4 5J^ 3 5 4 ^V>. 6x7 M 12 5 5)^ 4 5 5 5^ 10 HH 7 5J^ 5 5 7 ^y?. 10 12M 8 Wi 5x9 9 8 IV-?. 12 «^s 8 W-i 7x5 5 !1 rA4 12 I2M 9 ^Yt 9 5 <) r,^i 14 ays 10 5H 10 5 10 r>i.> 14 viy^ 12 5J4 12 5 12 ^H 16 12M 14 53^ 14 .") 14 ^y?. 18 iOM 16 5^ 16 5 16 sy?. 20 lOM 18 5 18 sy?, 22 lOH 20 5 20 5^2 24 26 28 30 9^2 special Sizes of Plain Pulleys for Titan Vertical and 2^-H. P. Horizontal Engines 3 inches 4 inches 5 inches 6 inches 7 inches 8 inches 9 inches 10 inches 12 inches 14 inches 16 inches 18 inches 20 inches Face 2 H. P. Ver. Tank-Cooled 5 inches 5 inches 9 inches or 5 inches 5 inches 5 inches inches inches inches inches inches inches inches 2,'i H. P. Her. Hopper-Cooled 3 H. P. Vert. Tank-Cooled 5J^ inches 5J4 inches 5J^ inches 7J^ or 5)-^ inches 5J4 inches 5J/2 inches hYi inches 5J4 inches 5}^ inches *5J/2 inches *5!/^ inches Nonpareil Special Friction Clutch Pulleys 2H. P. 3H .P. 4 H . P. 6H .P. Diam. Face Diam. Face Diam. Face Diam. Face iDchcs Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches 10 ^y^ 10 ^^ 10 41^ 14 6H 12 4H 12 4^ 12 \y^, 16 63/2 14 41^ 14 4H 14 iy?. 18 634 16 ^v, 16 W9. 16 41/, 20 63i 18 w. 18 4H 22 by?. 20 41^ 20 41/, 24 632 22 4^ 22 41^ 26 28 30 63^2 6y2 6^ Note — A six-tooth sprocket can be supplied for the 2-H. P. Nonpareil engine to take a Chain Belt Co.'s No. 62 chain. Friction Clutch Pulleys for Titan 2 and 3-H. P. Vertical Tank-Cooled, and 2^-H. P. Hopper-Cooled 2 H. p. Vertical Tank-Cooled 3H. 2 'A H p. Vertical Tank-Cooled P. Horiz. Hopper-Cooled Diameter Face 10 4^ 4J^ 12 4^ 434 14 4^ 43^ 16 434 43^ 18 *43^ *43^ 20 Hy2 *434 22 HVi *43/2 *18, 20 and 22-inch diameter pulleys furnished for tank-cooled engine only. Note A six-tooth sprocket can be suppUed for the 3-H. P. vertical and 23 2-H. P. horizontal engines to take a Chain Belt Co.'s No. 62 chain. Special Pulleys for Titan Horizontal Engines, 4 to 25-H. P. Friction Pulley — Width of Face, Inches | Plain Pulley — Width of K;ici^, inches 6 g 10 12 15 20 25 Dia. 4 6 8 10 12 15 20 2o Dia. HP. HP. HP. HP HP. HP. H.P. HP. H. P. H. P. H. P HP. HP HP. H. P. H.P. 6 8 7J 71 12 12 12 12} 12 12i 8 8 8 10 8|or 12i 8|orl2i 6 or 12 J 6 or 12J 12 8|orl2i 8Jor 12i io io io 6 6i 6i 6 14 8}or 12i 8;orl2i 12; 12} 16 6 6i 6 6 8 8 12 16 12 12 12 121 i4i 125 125 i25 6 fi? 6 6 8 8 10^ 125 18 10 10 10 lOi 14 20 6 6i 6 6 8 8 10 125 20 10^ 10 10 lOi 12 15i i6} }5! 6 65 6 6 9 9 10 12 22 10 10 10 lOi 16 14} 14} 14} 24 6 fii 6 6 9 9 10 12 24 9 9 10 10} 14i 14} or 16! 161or 14! 161 or 14} 26 6 6i 6 6 9 9 lOi 12 26 9 9 10 10} 121 12!or 141 12ior 14! 28 6 61 71 7 9 9 10' 10 28 9 9 10 10} 12} 16} 16 16 30 6 6} 71 7 9 95 10 10 30 9 9 10 10} 12} 16} 16! 32 fit 7 7 9i 9 10. 10 32 9 10 : 10} , 10} 14} 14' 14 34 6J 7 7 9 9 10. 10 34 9 10 : 10} 10} 14} 14 36 fil 7 7 I 9 9 10 10 36 9: 10 ; 10} 10! 14} 14 9 9 10 105 38 10! 12} 40 9i 9 10 105 40 9} 12} 12 12 42 9i 9 lOi 10} 42 ... 1 ... 32 TITAN POWER FOR THE FARM Construction of Titan Vertical Engines Exhaust ualve lever valve rod head IGNITOR TRIP ROLLER -lONITOR TRIP CLAMP D Side View ul a I lUiii Vuiticul Engine with Flywheel Removed, Equipped with Circulating Pump and Speed Regulator A remarkably simple and efficient design has been attained in this engine. The working parts are all conveniently located in full view on the governor side, so that this engine may be operated, cleaned, or oiled from one side. All parts are numbered and interchangeable, and can be easily re- moved. The crank case is enclosed and effect- ually protects the piston from dust and dirt and forms an oil receptacle for lubricating the connecting rod by the splash system. An oil Sectiuuiil \ iew of a Titan Nt-itical l>ngine, Showing Working Parts gauge on one side shows the oil-level in the base, and enables the operator to keep the oil at the proper dei)th. The cylinder base and sub-base are cast separately. The base carries the cylinder and all the working parts. The sub-base furnishes a rigid support for the engine — and on the skidded engine forms a receptacle for the gasoline tank and protects it from injury. On the Titan engine, used for stationary work, it can be securely bolted to a solid foundation. 33 TITAN POWER FOR THE FARM Connecting Rod The connecting rod is a Steel Drop Forging of the 1-section typ(\ This style of construction gives the greatest strength, with the least weight, and insures a connecting rod that is proof against buckling. Both the crank.-|)in and piston-pin bearings are of Phosphor Bronze, and easily adjustable. Drop-forced Steel Connecting Hoc The crank-pin bearings are of the split box type, bolted to the connecting rod by two heavy bolts secured by lock nuts and cotter pins. The piston-pin bearing is a Split Bronze Bushing, held in place by a set screw. The wear is taken up by a bolt secured by a lock nut and cotter pin. Crank Shaft — The crank shaft is a Single Steel Drop Forging without a weld, accurately machined to size and highly polished. Titan Drop-forged Steil Crank Shaft crank shafts are made with a liberal factor of safety and can be relied on to withstand any strain under which the engine could operate. Crank-Shaft Bearings — The crank-shaft bearings are (jf Phosphor Bronze, the best anti-friction metal known, and made extra thick and long. They fit snugly into the Phosphor Bronze Crank-Shaft Bushings engine base and are held tightly in place by set screws. They are first machined to size, then Hand Scraped to a perfect fit. This makes the best anti-friction bearing that it is possible to put in an engine. Each bushing is lubricated by a grease cup which is piped out within easy reach. Flywheels — The flywheels are made large in diameter, with Split Hubs. Both clamped and keyed to the crank (shaft so that it is practically impossible for them to become loose, though they may be easily removed if necessary. The pulley is il)olted on one fly- wheel, the governor on the other. Valve Gear — The valve gear is very simple and ell'ective. It operates in a straight line and without requiring any fine adjust- ments. The valve rod, because of the con- struction of the cam upon which the cam roller turns. Serves the Double Purpose of Snapping the Tgnitor and Opening the Exhaust Valve. This reduces the number of parts. Cyhnder Head Showing Ignition Trip and Valve Gear The valves are carefully ground into their seats. The heads are of large diameter which allow the gas to enter freely and exhaust from the cylinder. The inlet-valve check prevents fuel from entering the cylinder during the period when the governor cuts out explosions. This Elim- inates Waste of Fuel, and enables the gover- nor to regulate the fuel in proportion to the load. Side and I'.nd View of Ignitor Magneto Ignition — Ignition is make-and-break type, current being furnished by a gear driven magneto of the highest grade. No batteries are necessary with these engines as they can be readily started on the magneto. This eliminates great waste in the replacement of batteries. 34 TITAN POWER FOR THE FARM Gasoline Mixer— Tlic Tilan vertical gaso- line mixer is exeeptionally simple and etrective, and is one of the most economical features of Titan vertical engines. It has no trouble- some float valve or complicated air valve to adjust. It Cannot Get (Jut of Order as the only movable part is the needle valve. The rapid rush of air through the air pipe sucks the gasoline into the air pipe in the form of a fine spray, which is almost immediately Sectional and Side Vic of Gasoline Mixer vaporized, and enters the cylinder thoroughly mixed with the proper proportion of air. As it does not depend on the evaporation of the fuel, this type of mixer is Less Afl'ected by Weather Conditions and starting in cold weather is therefore an easy matter. Any excess of gasoline pumped into the mixer is returned to the supply tank by a large over- flow pipe at the bottom of the mixer. Governor — The governor is of the hit- and-miss type and operates the same as on Titan horizontal engines. It is sensitive in EXHAUST VALVE AND IGNITER PUSH ROD DETENT ARM M'EED CHANCE LEVER 1 1 ALF SPEED GEAR ENGINE SHAFT Speed-Changins Device and Governor (Flywheel Removed) operation and holds the engine at a steady speed. The inlet-valve check is operated in connection with the governor so that No Fuel is Wasted when the Governor Cuts Out a Power Stroke. The governor j^arts are few in number and exceedingly simple. The speed-changing device consists of a small quadrant and lever and a rod operating the detent arm t)n its shaft. By shifting this lever, the travel of the Governor is Varied Sufficiently to Give Speed Variation of About 20 Per Cent, so that the speed best adapted to the machine being driven can be secured while the engine is running. Water Pump — A simple, plunger type water pump is used on Titan vertical engines; it is Operated fr(jm the Cam Shaft by an eccentric. This gives a slower speed to the Plunger Type Water Circu- lating Pump and Cooling Tank pump, which is most desirable when the engine is being run fast. It is Equipped with a Lever for Lifting the Valves from their Seats when it is necessary to drain the pump and water jacket. The Plunger and Valves are of Brass to prevent rusting. — ^^. ^^•* Battery and Tool Box Finish — The neat design and finish give Titan engines a very handsome appearance, though we do not believe in making our customers pay for unnecessary labor in this respect, as no amount of extra finish can in- crease the efficiency of an engine. They are attractively enameled in the standard ox blood red and Brewster green with gold striping. 35 TITAN POWER FOR THE FARM Construction of Titan Engines 4 to 25-H. P. CONNECTING ROD WRIST PIN INLET VALVE * COMPRESSION CHAMBER ' EXHAUST PIPE AIR HEATER ^*^ HOT AIR PIPE INLET VALVE ^H DASH POT . CYLINDER SIGHT FEED OILER CYLINDER GOVERNOR WEIGHTS EXHAUST VALVE ROD ^AUXILIARY AIR VALVE FUEL TANK FILLING PIPE lop View of 1-H. 1'. 'I'il;m Tank-Coolt'd Oil Engine With Magneto Removed COOLING WATER OUTLET PIPE SPARK TIMER COLD AIR SUPPLY PIPE HOT AIR SUPPLY PIPE GASOLINE TANK FILLING PIPE TAPPET ARM GASOLINE _ NEEDLE VALVE3 KEROSENE NEEDLE VALVE WATER NEEDLE VA GASOLINE TANK KEROSENE OVERFLOW ^CONNECTING ROD KEROSENE SUPPLY PIPE KEROSENE PUMP GOVERNOR ROD EXHAUST VALVE ROD Side View of Titan 4-H. P. Oil Engine with Magneto and Flywheel Removed 36 TITAN POWER FOR THE FARM Engine Frame — Manufacturing expense or cost of material have not been considered where a part could be improved or made more durable. The engine frame consists of two Engine Frame and Sub-base main castings — base and sub-base. This method of construction is used to save un- necessary repairs and expense. The base carries all the working parts, while the sub- base forms a rigid support and can be securely bolted to a foundation when used for station- ary work. The working parts, with the ex- ception of the water pump, are all located on the right hand side, and are readily access- ible for inspection or cleaning. All the Parts are Numbered and are Easily Removable, so that by giving these Numbers, Duplicate Parts, Guaranteed to Fit as Accurately as the Originals, can be Quickly Obtained. Cylinder — The cylinder is cast from a special quality of close-grained grey iron. As EXHAUST VALV£ SPRWG EXHAUST VALVE SUIDE THROTTLE VALVE Section of Cylinder the valves are set flush in the head, there are no valve pockets to absorb the heat and sap the power. There are no projections other than the ignitor, which is designed to prevent heating. Provision is made for the cooUng water to flow around the valve seats and parts in the head. Piston — The piston is of the trunk type and extra long. The Wrist Pin is at the 'enter instead of at the end, so that the piston annot wear to a taper. A suiJitlemental cannot wear to a taper. A suiJitlemental piston pin oiler keeps the pin thoroughly oiled. AP jO'Ni i-isrmi hinci Piston and Lap-Joint Piston Rings The piston pin is held securely in place by two set-screws with lock nuts. Instead of the customary three piston rings, these engines are equipped with four rings made with lap joints to hold the compression more perfectly. Connecting Rod — The connecting rod is of drop-forged steel, carefully machined and polished. The crank pin box on the smaller sizes is of Phosphor Bronze; large sizes. "Piston pin eox CRANK PIN BO) Horizontal Engine Connecting Rod Babbitt with insertion of Graphite Lubri- cator. The piston pin bearing is provided with a Phosphor Bronze Bushing and can be easily adjusted to take up the wear. Polished Steel Crank Shaft Crank Shaft — Titan crank shafts are all forged from One Piece of Steel Without Welds of any Kind. The crank pins are of large diameter, which gives a generous bearing surface for the connecting rod. 37 TITAN POWER FOR THE FARM Titan Split Hub Flywheel Working Parts of Titan Horizontal Engine, without Magneto Crank-Shaft Bearings — The crank-shaft bearings are made of the best anti-friction metal and can be easily adjusted to take up wear. These bearings are extra heavy and long, machine finished and Hand-Scraped to a perfect fit. They are of large diameter, thoroughly lubricated by oil cups of ample capacity. They are set into the main frame in such a manner that the strain is carried by the heavy engine frame and not on the cap bolts. Flywheels — The flywheels are of the SpHt Hub Type, made large in diameter and heavy, and are both keyed and locked to the crank siiaft by the compression bolts in the hub, so there is no danger of their becoming loose, yet they can be easily removed if necessary. Provision is made for attaching a belt pulley on either or both wheels. Valves — The exhaust valve is mechan- ically operated. The stem is steel with the head cast on, making a one-piece valve of the highest wearing qualities. The head is large in area so that the gases are quickly exhausted from the cyhnder when the valve is opened. Inlet Valve — A special new feature on these engines is the improved inlet valve, which prevents the valve vibrating and pound- ing on the seat during the suction stroke. The valve stem is supplied with a plunger or piston which operates in a small cylinder equipped with a pet cock for regulating the air cushion. When the valve opens, the plunger creates a suction behind it so that the valve closes tight without chattering on the seat when tlie suction in the engine cylinder ceases and allows the valve to close. Valve Mechanism— The valve mechan- ism is very simple and operates in a straight line. There are no delicate or complicated connections to get out of adjustment. The cam for the ignitor eccentric is cast on the large gear. This gear is made with a split hub and is both keyed and bolted to the shaft and providi-d with a locking ring which slips over the end of the shaft. Oil Mixer — This mixer is especially de- signed and constructed to operate on the lower grade fuels. It is very Simple in Design and can be Relied on Under all Conditions of Weather or Fuel. It is designed to operate on kerosene, distillate, gas oil or solar oil, but Will Handle Any of the Higher Grade Fuels Such as Gasoline, Motor Spirit or Naphtha Equally Well. It consists of a small gasoline PRIMING AUXILIARY AIR INTAKE KEROSENE VAL\ F GASOLINE SUPPLY PIPE KEROSENE OVERFLOW PIPE KEROSENE SUPPLY PIPE WATER VALVE Titan OQ Mixer tank and needle valve for starting and a kerosene tank, pump, needle valve, and water valve. The operation is as follows: The 38 TITAN POWER FOR THE FARM engine is started on gasoline and, when warmed up, the kerosene is gradually turned on and the gasoline ofl'. The water needle valve is then opened, giving better combustion and preventing pre-ignition. Ignitor — The ignitor electrodes are made from steel, and the Ignition Points are Made from a Special Metal that will withstand the heat of the spark, as well as the effects of corrosion and oxidation. STATIOHARY End and Side View of Ignitor The ignitor is directly in the path of en- tering charges, which aids in keeping the ignitor points clean and cool, besides brushing olT any soot that may have been deposited upon them. By Removing Two Nuts the Ignitor Plug May be Easily Removed from the cylinder for inspection. Ignitor Mechanism^ — The ignitor mech- anism on Titan horizontal engines is extremely simple. The ignitor push rod is positive in its action and is operated by an eccentric on the half-speed gear. The contact points can be adjusted for early or late ignition by the adjustable sleeve on the push rod. Governor — The throttling governor acts on a butlerlly valve in the intake passage so that the fuel used is proportional to the load. The speed variation is very slight. Starting Cam — Titan horizontal engines are equipped with a small auxiliary relief cam on the exhaust cam operated by a small lever Compression Relief Cam located on the exhaust push rod so that, in starting, the engine does not have to be turned against full compression. Fuel Pump — The fuel pump is of the plunger type and Entirely Constructed of Sectional and Side View of Fuel Pump Brass, Except the Plunger and Ball Valves which are of Steel. Only One Packing Gland is Used. This prevents fuel leaking past the plunger. Roliiry Pump Used on 4 and 6 II. I'. Engines Plunger Pump Used on Large Engines Cooling — On the tank cooled type engines the cylinders are cooled by means of water cu-culated through the cylinder jackets and Titan Tower Type Cooling Tank through a screen type cooling tank. The cool- ing water is circulated on the -t and 6 H. P. engines by a rotary pump, and on the larger 39 TITAN POWER FOR THE FARM sizes by a plunger pump. On the hopper cooled type engines, the cylinder jackets are enlarged to form a large hopper open at the top. This hopper holds a sufficient quantity of water for cooling and no circulating pump tank is necessary. This makes a very or i mr^ Sectional View of Hopper-Cooled Oil Engine Cylinder convenient method of cooling and is especially desirable in cold climates as there is no water piping or pump to freeze, and if by accident the water in the hopper becomes slightly frozen usually no injury results. Electrical Equipment — All Titan engines are provided with Complete Electrical Equip- ment, including magneto (except portable engines which are equipped with batteries and auto sparker) . The 4-H. P. size is equipped with a gear driven rotary magneto. Batteries and battery equipments are also furnished for starting. The 6-H. P. size and larger are Dry Battery and Sparli Coil Magneto Used on 1-H. P. to 4-H. P. Horizontal and All Vertical Engines Magneto Used on 6-H.P. Horizontal Engine and Laiger equipped with an oscillating type magneto. No battery ecjuipment is necessary as the en- gine can be started on the magneto. Lubrication — Lubrication of Titan engines is provided for in a ^ ery Thorough manner. The cyhnder is lubricated by a large sight-feed oil cup placed on top of the cylinder. Oil cups of ample size lubricate the main bearings and Titan Oil and Grease Cups the cam shaft bearings. The crank-pin bear- ing is provided with a grease cup which gives ample lubrication yet prevents the throwing of oil which occurs when thin oil is used. The other minor bearings are provided with suit- able oil holes. Exhaust Mufflers — All stationary engines are equipped with a cast iron exhaust pot which effectiveiv muflles the sound Without Exhaust Pot, Large Muffler and Small Muffler Causing Back Pressure. Other engines are equippedwith mulilers which nuilile the sound of the explosion and exhaust directly into the air. Skids — All skidded engines are equipped with substantial hardwood skids, securely bolted together and nicely painted to match the engine. The skids are provided with iron shod runners and four iron rings, two on each end for hitching a horse to for hauling. The battery box is mounted on the tank end and provides a seat for the driver. Finish — Titan engines present a very at- tractive appearance, both in design and finish. They are neatly finished in durable Brewster green and red enamel with gold striping. The machined parts are carefully pohshed, and the brass is machined and pohshed. 40 MAGILL-WEINSHEIMER COMPANY THE CROWN PRESS CHICAGO 1^ Sold by INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY OF AMERICA ( Incorpor.'iteil ) CHICAGO USA r! For further information write International Harvester Company of America Chicago, III., or write our nearest branch house. aitiiiiiiiiiiuiiiitnuiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiHiiuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiNiiniiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiuiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiii^ BRANCH HOUSES INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY OF AMERICA (INCORPORATED) HillllllllMIMIMinMininillllinnMHIIIIHIIMIMMiniHMIIIIIMinMIIMIIIMIinilllllllllMlinHIIIMIMIIIIIIMIMIMMIIIIIIHIIMIIIMHIIIinMiniHIllMIMMIHIIIIII^ lllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIilllllllill lllllllllllllilillllllllllilllllllllllllllllllliillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllH aHiMHiiniiHiiiiMiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiniuiiiiiiHiniiiiiMnHiiiniiMiuiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiriiiiiiiuiiuiiMiiiiHiiiiiiniiiHiiiniiiiuiiiiiiiiiiMiMiiiMiiiiiniiHiiiHiiiiiniiMiiiiiiniH ABERDEEN. S O. ALBANY. N Y. I ATLANTA. GK ^AUBURN. N. Y AURORA. ILL. BALTIMORE. MD. BIRMINGHAM. ALA. BISMARCK. N. D. BOSTON. MASS BUFFALO. N Y. CEDAR FALLS. lA. CHARLOTTE. N. C. CINCINNATI. OHIO CLEVELAND. OHIO COLUMBIA. S C. COLUMBUS OHIO CONCORDIA. KAN COUNCIL BLUFFS. lA CRAWFORD. NEB. DAVENPORT. lA. DENVER. COLO DES MOINES, lA. DETROIT. MICH. DUBUQUE. lA. EAST ST LOUIS. ILL. EAU CLAIRE. WIS. ELMIRA. N. Y EVANSVILLE. IND. FARGO. N D. FT DODGE. lA. FT WAYNE. IND. GRAND FORKS. N. D. GRAND RAPIDS. MICH GREEN BAY WIS. HARRISBURG. PA. HELENA. MONT HUTCHINSON. KAN INDIANAPOLIS. IND. JACKSON. MICH. JACKSONVILLE. FLA. KANKAKEE. ILL. KANSAS CITY. MO KNOXVILLE. TENN. LANSJ.VG. I."C». LINCOLN. NEB. LITTLE ROCK, ARK. MAOfSON. WIS. MANKATO. MINN. MASON CITY. lA. MEMPHIS. TENN. MILWAUKEE. WIS MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. MINOT. N D. NASHVILLE. TENN. NEW ALBANY. IND. NEW ORLEANS. LA. 060ENSBURG. N. Y. OKLAHOMA CITY.OKLA. OMAHA. NEB. PARKERSBURG. W VA. PARSONS. KAN. FEORIA. ILL. PHILADELPHIA. PA PITTSBURGH. PA PORTLAND. ORE OUINCY. ICL. RICHMOND. IND. RICHMOND. VA. ROCKFORD. ILL. ST. CLOUD. MINN. ST JOSEPH. MO. ST LOUIS. MO. SAGINAW. MICH. SALINA. KAN. SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. SIOUX CITY. lA. SIOUX FALLS. S. D. SOUTH BEND, IND. SPOKANE. WASH. SPRINGFIELD. ILL. SPRINGFIELD, MO. TERRE HAUTE. IND. TOLEDO. OHIO TOPEKA. KAN. WATERTOWN. S. D. WICHITA. KAN. WINONA. MINN. g li] _Ji''i. j ]iiiiiiiiinniiiHiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiniiii»iiiiiiniiiHiHiiiiHiMmniiminmninimiiniiiiinniiiiuiiiiiiiiiMniiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiii^ !iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiim»| M HARvfSTEt* PReS