liyiHA' LIBRARY OF THE MASSACHUSETTS AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE so u R c ElJJjLiAta[:vL\ .uLcuJt- -1 -7 r 74 N56S6 l-*^^ ••* ^, R.H.Stearns &. Cq. B O STON. MASSACHUSETTS AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE LIBRARY Compliments of r^ Atherton Clark ^^ 4 ^^^ 1 7 ... HISTORY OF INT E ^V\r T O N" , MASSACHUSETTS. TOWN AND CITY FROM ITS EARLIEST SETTLEMENT TO THE PRESENT TIME. 1630 — 1880. S. F. SMITH, D. D. BOSTON : THE AMERICAN LOGOTYPE COMPANY. 18 8 0. L Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1880 by —- =v^_..^.THE AMERICAN LOGOTYPE COMPANY, / In ih^o^jge of the LiBrS?'h!]|i of Congress at Washington. J. E. Faewell & Co., Printers, 45 Pearl Street, Boston. PREFACE. This History had its origin iu an article in the Warrant for the Town Meeting of March G, 1865, which reads as follows: "To see if the Town will take action relative to the collection and pub- lication of its history from 1800 to the present tune." At that meeting, the subject was referred to a Committee of Three, to report at a subsequent meeting. The Committee chosen were Messrs. George C. Rand, Seth Davis and J. N. Bacon. The Moderator, Hon. J. F. C. Hyde, and Mr. Isaac Ilagar were afterwards added. At the Town Meeting Novembei--7, 1865, the Committee pre- sented the following Eeport : "Newton, November 4, 1865. — To the citizens of the Toion of Newton, — The Committee appointed to consider the subject of the History of the Town of Newton have attended to that duty, and beg leave to report : That, in theu* opinion, it is expedient for the town to take immediate measures to procure to be written a History of the town, from 1800 down to the present time. More especiall}' should this be done now, because now it is possible to give cor- rectly the portion which shall record the action of the town in respect to the war just closed. It is due to those sons of our town who have perilled their lives in support of our national integrity', that a lasting record of their lives of heroism and deeds of brav- ery should be made, while all the facts ma}' be so trul}' gathered. Private munificence has built them a Monument of granite. Let pubUc generosit}' enroll them upon the printed page, in words equally enduring. " Your Committee therefore ask the adoption of the following Resolution : iv PREFACE. " Resolved, That a Committee of Five be appointed, with full powers, to arrange for the writing of a History of the Town of Newton, and that the sum of five hundred dollars be appropriated by the town, and be paid by the Treasurer, whenever it may be required by said Committee, towards the expenditures hereby ren- dered necessary. " All which is respectfully submitted by the Committee. " George C. Rand, Chairman." " Voted to accept the Report, and to adopt the Resolution. " George C. Rand, Seth Davis, J. N. Bacon, Isaac Hagar, Otis Pettee and J. F. C. Hyde were chosen said Committee on the History of Newton." The following was the later Committee, appointed by the city : Aldermen J. Wesley Kimball, William P. Ellison ; Councilmen Nathan Mosman, William C. Strong, Edward W. Cate ; Ex-Maj'or James F. C. Hyde ; Ex- Alderman George D. Eldridge. The late Mr. Rand was deeply interested in the project ; he read portions of the manuscript, and, by his judicious suggestions in respect to its form and method, contributed his part towards making the book what it is. Other members of the Committee have been frequently consulted in the preparation of the volume, and have manifested throughout an intelligent and enlightened in- terest in its progress and success. Especial credit is due Alder- man Kimball for the zeal he has shown, as Chairman of the City Committee, in bringing about the publication of the book, so long deferred, and to Mr. Hj^de for his careful examination and revision as the work was going through the press. It has not been deemed necessary to reproduce the genealogical tables of Mr. Francis Jackson's work, inasmuch as most of the older families of the town are, doubtless, in possession of that volume, and more recent comers would feel little intei'est in them. The materials from which this work has been drawn are multiform. The author's long residence in the town, and familiar acquaintance with many of the actors in the earh' or intermediate history, or their immediate descendants, has supplied him with many items of PREFACE. V information, which have never before found theu' way into print. The manuscripts of Hon. William Jackson and Mr. Andrew Ward, the Genealogical Tables of various families, a multitude of town and family histories, out of which valuable facts have been gleaned, the Massachusetts Historical Collections and the volumes Df the New England Historical and Genealogical Society, cata- logues, statistics, the newspapers of various towns and periods, especially the Newton Journal, the contributions to the history of the town in Mr. Francis Jackson's manual, the State archives, the Records and Reports of the town, the Records of the churches and of associations, and correspondence with numerous individuals, now or formerly residents of Newton, personal visits to every locality in the town, and a personal knowledge of many of the events and movements recorded, together with an acquaintance with the prin- cipal actors of later times for successive 3'ears, and a personal par- ticipation in some of the scenes, — these have furnished a mass of interesting matter, out of which it has been m}' aim, after diligent examination and inquiry, to select that which seemed most fitting, and to gather and preserve all that is reliable and valuable. A larger number of biographical sketches would have been in- serted, if the size of the volume had not been limited. It Avill be noticed that tliose which have found place are, for obvious reasons, chiefl}'^ confined to the departed, and so selected as to represent the various portions of the town and various periods. The labor and difficulties incident to such an undertaking are not easily estimated, except by those who have had experience of them. The materials of the work lie widel}* scattered, both in space and time. Matters of historic importance often demand in- vestigations which consume many days, and the results of such investigations, however protracted and diflScult, ma^' be expressed in a few lines. Differing accounts of an unportant transaction sometimes require the weighing of conflicting testimony, and the searching out of additional testimony, in order to ascertain the truth ; and, in such cases, the historian, though using the utmost Vi PREFACE. care, may occasionally err. Facts and circumstances important for him to know, though diligently sought, are sometimes sought in vain. Add to this, in judging of the completed work, persons who know well the affairs of their own little circle, or of their own immediate families, or matters in which the}' or their immediate ancestors have been actors, failing to find satisfaction on some point which they have, perhaps, unduly magnified, are apt to turn away, unjusth', as it would S3em, disappointed. But it should be considered that the historian has to deal with the general features of public affairs, and not, mainly, witli that which specifically in- terests individuals or lesser portions of the communitj" ; that his facts are to be presented in their proper relations, and, in view of their comparative importance, in due proportions. To weigh, to judge and to determine, in every instance, with even-handed justice and without mistake, is a work of no small difficulty. To err in such an enterprise is no more than human. The tranquil flow of busy life may seem to throw a given space, geographicalh', into a position of inferior brilliancy, as compared witn another, while its part in the entire landscape is equally honorable. The same princi- ple holds true in the narration of facts or events. The late Mr. Rand, with his habit of clear and orderly thought, laid much stress on a threefold division of the history of Newton, viz., its earlv histor}', its action in connection with the Revolution, and in connection with the war of the Rebellion. The author is well aware that all human works are imperfect, and has no doubt that errors may have occurred in this work, grow- ing out of the defectiveness of information, and uncertainty and unreliableness of testimon}'. It is possible, also, that the volume may lie open to criticism in regard to the proportion given to the various matters introduced. But where the truth of history is concerned, and the demands of readers of differing tastes consid- ered, it is hoped that all may find something to praise, if, also, something to condemn. CONTENTS. Preface. « . . . . . • . . . . iii CHAPTER I. General Views.— Geological Features of Newton.—Bridges.— Villages.— Ponds and Brooks.— " County Rock."— Health Statistics.— Scenery 13 CHAPTER II. Early Boston.— The Fortification of Cambridge.— Origin of the House of Representa- tives.— The Acquisition of the Territory of Kcwton.— First Settlement.— Mr. Hooker's Company.— Accessions of Lands.— Boundary Lines. ... 21 CHAPTER III. First Settlers.— Settlers up to 1700.— Statistics in 1645.— Movements for an indepen- dent town 39 CHAPTER IV. Extracts from Records of Cambridge.— Extracts from Colony Records.— Extracts from Records of New Cambridge.— Extracts from later Records of Newton. 44 CHAPTER V. Looking towards Separation from Cambridge.— Petition for Freedom from churcli rates.— Petition to ^he General Court to be set off from Cambridge.— Protest of the Town 57 CHAPTER VI. First Selectmen chosen.— Date of the Incorporation of Newton.— Agreement between the Selectmen of Cambridge and Cambridge Village.— Order of the General Court. —Old and New Style.— The Name of Newton.— Dimensions and Contents of the Town.— Population.— Freeman's Oath 72 CHAPTER VII. Grants of Land.— Watertown's Grant to Newton.— Brookline owned by Boston.— Boston's Grant to Newton.— Boundary between Boston and Cambridge.— Between Cambridge and New Cambridge.— Distribution of Lands 61 CHAPTER VIII. TheFirst Settlers. -Biographical Notices of First Settlers 85 CHAPTER IX. Special Grants of Land by the General Court.— Conveyances of Estates.— From Proprietors' Records.— From Records of Suffolk County.— From Records of Middlesex County 104 CHAPTER X. How the early Town of Newton was divided among its inhabitants. . . 115 CH.IPTER XI. Boundaries of Estates 130 CHAPTER XII. Roads and Streets of Newton.— From 'WatertGwii to Roxbury.— Roads to the Meeting- house.— To Roxbury.— From Watcrtown to Dcdham.— From Brookline to the Lower Falls.— Road through the Fuller Farm ICO Viii CONTENTS. CHAPTER Xin. The Nonantum Indians.— Xonantum Hill.— The First Meeting. — Settlement at No- nantum.— Act of tlie British Parliament.— Settlement at Natick . . 170 CHAPTER XIV. lTewton..and tho Indian Wars 187 CHAPTER XV. The First Church in Newton— List of Members — Death of Mr. Eliot.— Divisions.— Settlement of Mr. Hobart.— Indian War.— Mr. Hobart's Death.— Biography. 193 CHAPTER XVI. English Oppression.— Sir Edmund Andros.— Events in Newton.— First Meeting- house.— Seating the Worshippers.— Second Meeting-house.— Noon Houses.— Tho Stocks 204 CHAPTER XVII. New Difficulties.— Candidates.— Rev. John Cotton chosen Pastor.— Death of Mr. Cotton.— Whitefleld's Visits to Newton. —The New Lights 213 CHAPTER XVIII. Location of the Meeting-house.— The Third Jleeting-house.— Town Records. . 220 CHAPTER XIX. Rev. Jonas Meriam, fourth Pastor.— Biographical Sketch.— The Slave.— New Church List.— Second Parish.— Pulpit Supplies 226 CHAPTER XX. Education in Newton before 1800.— Grammar School in Cambridge.— Early movements in Newton.— First Schoolmaster Dissensions— First School Committee.— Grammar School 235 CHAPTER XXL West Newton.— The Second Parish formed.— Ordination of Rev. Mr. Greenough.— Opposition.— Biography of Mr. Greeuough.— The Meeting-house described.— Curious Document 250 CHAPTER XXn. Newton Upper Falls. — Early Settlement.— The Indian Deed.— Depositions of Early Residents.— Transfers of Property.— Kinds of Business.— Changes.— Newton Lower Falls . 259 CHAPTER XXIII. The Newton Cemeteries.— The Old Cemetery.— Memorial Pillar.— Interesting Monu- ments.— West Parish Burying Ground.— South Burial Ground.— Lower Falls Ceme^ tery. — ^Deaths in Newton.— Deaths in the West Parish 273 CHAPTER XXIV. The First Baptist Church.— Early Baptists in Newton.— The New Lights Church formed.— The Meeting-house.— Rev. Caleb Blood, first Pastor.— Rev. Joseph Grafton.— Enlargement of the Meeting-house.— Pew Lots.— The Interior. — Ministerial Taxes 287 CHAPTER XXV. Freeholders in 1679 and 1798 309 CHAPTER XXVI. Newton in the Revolution.— Military Spirit— The French War.— The Stamp Act. — Taxation.— Statue of Greorgo III.— Navigation Act.— Instructions to the Repre- sentative.- Letter to the Selectmen of Boston. 316 CONTENTS. ix CHAPTER XXVII. Newton in the Revolution.— Further Measures.— The Boston Tea Party.— The Recon- struction Acts.— Gift of Mr. Pigeon.— Military DrUl.— East and West Companies.— Alarm List.— Minute-men 327 CHAPTER XXVni. Newton in the Revolution.— Michael Jackson's Bravery.— Soldiers for eight months.— Bunker Hill.— Troops in Cambridge.— Capt. Gardner.— Soldiers at Dorchester Heights.— Suspected Persons.— Loans.— Providential Event. . . . 339 CHAPTER XXIX. Newton in the Revolution.— The Die cast.— Bounties.— The Declaration of Indepen- dence.— Soldiers' Pay.— Spirit of the People.— Loans 354 CHAPTER XXX. Newton in the Revolution.— Instructions to the Representative.— Constitution of Massachusetts.- Finances.- The Revolution ended.— The Parole of Comwallis.— Men who served in the "War.— Newton Members of the Cincinnati. . . 367 CHAPTER XXXI. Newton and the Shays' Rebellion.— Instructions to the Representative.— Excessive Litigation.— The Courts Threatened.- Circular Letter.— Reply of Newton.— Loyalty to the United States.— First Elections in Newton 386 CHAPTER XXXII. The "War of 1812.— State of the Country.— Newton's Remonstrance.- President Jeffer- son's Reply to the Protest of Cambridge.— War Declared.— Gen. Hull's Surrender.— Naval Battles.— Rev. Mr. Grafton's Prayer.— Town Action 397 CHAPTER XXXin. The First Parish.— Rev. Jonathan Homer.— Meeting-house, 1805.— Biography of Dr. Homer.— Church Bell.— Letters of Dr. and Mrs. Homer.— Rev. James Bates.— Rev. "William Bushnell.— Rev. Daniel L. Furber.- Twenty-fifth Anniversary.— Thir- tieth Anniversary.— Sabbath School.— Statistics 408 CHAPTER XXXIV. Education in Newton after 1800.— School Wards.— Schools at the Upper Falls.— School Regulations.- Appropriations.- High Schools.— New School-houses.— High School at Newtonville.— Graduates.- Art Museum.— School-house Property. . . 430 CHAPTER XXXV. "West Newton.— New Meeting-house.— Rev. Mr. Gilbert.— Rev. Mr. Drummond.— Rev. George B. Little.— Rev. H. J. Patrick. — Sabbath School.— Statistics.— Baptist Church Unitarian Church.— Myrtle Baptist Church 450 CHAPTER XXXVI. Newton Upper Falls.— Factories.— Cotton Machinery.—" Religious Society."— Univer- salist Society.— Second Baptist Church.— Methodist Episcopal Church.— St. Mary's (Catholic) Church Newton Lower Falls.- St. Mary's (Episcopal) Church.— Methodist Episcopal Church 4C1 CHAPTER XXXVU. Division of the Town — The Five Wards.— Proposals to form two towns.— Territory set off to "Waltham and Roxbury.— Petitions to the Legislature.~Harmony Restored. 483 CONTENTS. CHAPTER XXXVIII. First Baptist Cliurch.— Colleague Pastor.— Death of Mr. Grafton.— Rev. F. A. "Willard.— Later Pastors.— Statistics.— Sabbath School.— Bequests.— The Choir.— The Clock.— Chapel at Thompsonville.— Methodist Episcopal Church — Unitarian Church 494 CHAPTER XXXIX. Provision for the Poor.— Almshouse purchased.— Rules of the House.— Removal — The Kenrick Fund 510 CHAPTER XL. Newton and Temperance.— First Movement.— Dr. Gilbert's Recollections.— Newton and Fire Companies.— Firewards chosen Property of the Fire Department. 519 CHAPTER XLI. Slave-holding in Newton.- Slavery in Massachusetts.— Slave Owners in Newton. 534 CHAPTER XLII. Newton Theological Institution.- Origin.— The Mansion House.— First Anniversary.— Colby Hall.— Officers of the Board and of the Institution.— Some of its fruits. 540 CHAPTER XLIII. Newton Theological Institution.- Biographical Notices.— Irah Chase, D.D — Henry J. Ripley, D.D.- Prof. J. D. Knowles.— Prof. Horatio B. Hackett.— Prof. Arthur S. Train.— Rev. R. E. Pattison.— Students and Alumni who took jiart in the War 555 CHAPTER XLIV. North ViUage.—Paper-making.— Cheese-Cake Brook.— Cotton Warp.— Gas Manufac- ture.-" Tin Horn."— jEtna Mills.— Boston Manufacturing Company.— The Bridge.— North Evangelical Church 576 CHAPTER XLV. The Newton Cemetery.— The Beginning.— The Dedication.— Statistics.— The Soldiers' Monument 585 CHAPTER XLVI. Newton in the War of the Rebellion —Town Action.— The Women of Newton.— Battles in which Newton Men were Engaged.— Unfurling the Flag.— The Slain in Battle.— Gen. A. B. Underwood.— Newton's Dead in the War.— Battle of Gettys- burg described by a Participant 59T CHAPTER XLVII. Newton in the War of the Uebellion Soldiers for Various Periods.— Men Enlisted in the Navy.— Decoration Day 630 CHAPTER XLVIII. Newton in the War of the Rebellion.— Battles in which Regiments containing Newton's Soldiers took part — Battle of Lookout Mountain. — Reception after the War C50 CHAPTER XLIX. Public Libraries in Newton. — West I'arish Social Library. — Adelphian , Library. — West Newton Athenaium. — Newton Book Club. — Newton Library Association.— Newton Free Library. — Newton Centre Libi'ary Association.- Newton Lower Falls Free Library -North Village Free Library 663 CHAPTER L. Newton.— Eliot Congregational Church —Methodist Episcopal Church — Channing Church.— Baptist Church.— Grace Church.— Chui'ch of our Lady Help of Chris- tians.— Newton and Watcrtown Universalist Society 683 CONTENTS. XI CHAPTER LI. The Newtons of Later Growth.— Auburndalc— Evangelical Congregational Church.— Centenary Methodist Church.— Church of the Messiah. — St. Bernard's Church, West Newton.— Newtonville.— Central Congregational Church.— Swedenborgian Church. — Universalist Society.— Methodist Episcopal Church. — Newton High- lands. — Congregational Society.— Chestnut Hill.— Unitarian Chapel. . 702 CHAPTER LIT. Higher Education.— Mrs. Rowson's Female Academy.— Fuller Academy.— Academy at Newton Centre. — Lasell Female Seminary. — West Newton English and Classi- cal School 718 CHAPTER LIII. Newton a City. — Parks and Play Grounds. — Water Works. — Passage of the Boston Conduits througli Newton. — Lake Cochituate Conduit.— Sudbury River Conduit. — Echo Bridge 728 CHAPTER LIV. Newton's Centennial 738 CHAPTER LV. Institutions and Societies. — Home for Orphan and Destitute Girls. — Home for Boys at Pine Farm. — Home for Missionaries' Children (Congregational). — Home for Missionaries' Children (Baptist).— West Newton Lyceum. — Newton Sunday School Union. — Musical Societies. — Other Associations 747 CHAPTER LYI. Town Clerks of Newton.— Selectmen. — Representatives.— Annual Appropriations. — Population.— Statistical Items 762 CHAPTER LVII. Biographical Notices 769 CHAPTER LVIII. Reminiscences of Men and Things 801 CHAPTER LIX. Notices of Ex-Governor William Claflin.— Ex-Governor Alexander H. Rice Mayor J. F. C. Hyde. — Mayor Alden Speare. — Mayor William B. Fowle. — Mayor Royal M. Pulsifer Dr. S. F. Smith 830 General Ii^dex ....'«... 835 Index of Names 842 HISTORY OF NEWTON. CHAPTER I. GENERAL VIEWS. GEOLOGICAL FEATURES OP NEWTON. BRIDGES. VILLAGES. PONDS AND BROOKS. " COUNTT ROCK." HEALTH STATISTICS. SCENERY. The general featui'es of Newton are not without interest. Seven principal elevations mark its siu-face, like the seven hills of ancient Rome, with the difference that the seven hills of Newton are much more distinct than the seven hills of Rome; — Nonantum Hill, Waban Hill, Chestnut Hill, Bald Pate, Oak Hill, Institution Hill and Mount Ida. Besides these more prominent hiUs, there are several lesser elevations. The high gi'ound intersected by Boy Iston Street, near Newton Upper Falls, is worthy of a name ; the same is true of the land on the WilUam Wiswall farm [W. C. Strong] northwest of the house anciently owned by Dea. John Staples — which, indeed, is often known as Moffatt HiU. A small but beauti- ful pine-covered swell of ground on the estate of Mr. Charles S. Davis at Newton Centre, has at some periods borne the name of Mount Pleasant. Newton has several plains of considerable extent, — the upper plain at the foot of Institution Hill ; the lower plain, so called b}' the fathers, north of the First Parish Church and intersected also by Centre Street ; the extensive plain on which much of Newton- ville is built, and the plain on which much of Newton Highlands is situated. Rarely is a portion of territory to be found, of equal extent, marked by a more beautifully diversified surface. 13 14 HISTOEY OP NEWTON. The geological features of the town are interesting and various. Conglomerate rock or amygdaloid is largely diffused, being found in great quantities in Newton Centre, East Newton and Chestnut Hill. Granite or sienite occui'S in boulders and smaU ledges. Diorite or gTcen-stone, with occa'sional porphjTitic characteristics, is seen on the Valentine Eoad and elsewhere, seeming to be a por- tion of the ledge of similar formation which sku*ts Massachusetts Bay, and which can be traced through several of the adjacent towns by its occasional out-croppings. It ends in an abrupt cliff east of Valentine Street. There is a ledge of argillaceous slate on the gi'ounds of the late Gardner Colby, Esq. , of which the waU of his estate oii Centre Street was built. There is a darker and more compact slate-stone, which spUts into convenient sheets, near the estate of the Smallwoods at Newton Corner. Interesting boulders are a feature of the estate of Mr. Bishop, of Newton Centre, con- taining deposits of asbestos. In the woods near ThompsonvUle, a few hundred feet south from the road, and where a silver mine was reported to have been discovered in the autumn of 1877, the granite rocks are cmiously spht and cleft asunder ; and beautiful quartz crystals and lumps of milky quartz are found. There are also deposits of mica, and very interesting specimens of carbonate of lime. The particles of silver are too minute to be of much value. A small amount of specular iron ore has also been found here, and traces of copper are sometimes detected. The beds of gravel and the indistinctly striated sm-face of the rocks in several places indi- cate glacial action. Bog iron ore exists in the wet gi'ounds south of Bullough's Pond, and, fifty years ago, considerable quantities of it were carried to the iron fm"naces of Easton, Mass., and else- where, to be manufactured. There are nine bridges, crossing the Charles Eiver, within the limits of the town, besides two railroad bridges : viz., at Nahanton Street (Kenrick's Bridge) ; Ncedham Avenue ; EUiot Street and Boylston Street, Upper Falls ; Wales Street and Washington Street, Lower Falls ; Concord Street ; Auburn Street, near River- side ; and Bridge Street, North Village. Newton numbers nine or ten villages which for two centiuies seemed as distinct from one another as if they were separate towns. Only the town meetings brought the inhabitants together in one place as a united people. These \dllages are Newton, Ncwtonville, West Newton, Auburndale, Lower Falls, Upper Falls, Highlands,. rONDS IN NEWTON. 15 Newton Centre and North Village. Perhaps we should add, also, Riverside Their location depended, at first, on the water privi- leges along the Charles River, which flowed nearly around the town ; afterwards, the railroad centres created additional reasons for their several locations. As the population increases, and the interests of the people have become one under a cit}' administration, these villages tend to be melted into continuity. The town, at the date of this pubUcation, is blessed with nine post-offices and ten rail- road stations. Of the natural features of Newton mention should be made both of its land and its water. Newton boasts of thi'ee large ponds, " Wiswall's, " " Hammond's, " and " Bullough's Pond," and a smaller collection of water denominated " Silver Lake." We find the following statements in reference to the first and second : "April 1, 1634. — There is one thousand acres of land and a great pond (Wiswall's Pond) gi-anted to John Haynes. " Wiswall's Pond, near the Centre, and Hammond's Pond, at the easterly part of the town, were so called in remembrance of two of the early and prominent settlers of the town, — ■ Thomas Wiswall, the fii-st ruling elder of the chm-ch, and the first settler upon the banlvs of the one, and Thomas Hammond, the first settler upon the borders of the other. Wiswall came into the town in 1654, and died here in 1683. Hammond came in 1650, and died in 1675 ; both were pioneer settlers, and substantial pillars of the plantation. The descendants of both have been numerous in the town and the countrj', and highly respectable. For nearly two centuries, these ponds have been natmally and properly known by the name of Wiswall and Hammond ; they have become part and parcel of the historical facts of the place, and ought to be forever known by these names. "The waters of Wiswall's Pond, generally called 'Baptist Pond.' and, in recent tunes, ' Crystal Lake,' cover about thirty-three and a half acres, and of Hammond's Pond about twenty acres. The natural outlet for the waters of Wiswall's Pond, was upon its easterly side, crossing the Dedham road a little liorth of the Wiswall house, thence running through the "Wiswall farm in a southerly dii'ection, across the Sherburne road and the Worcester turnpilje, to South Meadow Brook. The artificial outlet is a deep excavation, made on the northerly side of the pond, by the mill owners on Smelt 16 HISTORY OF NEWTON. Brook, previous to the 3'ear 1700, to conduct the water of the pond into Smelt Brook. It is, however, believed that the quantitj' of water thus drawn from the pond, was not of sufficient advantage to cover the cost of the excavation and repairs." This excavation passed west of the estate of Joshua Loriug, Esq., President of the Blackstone National Bank, and is nearly obliterated in its whole course. In 1871, Messrs. W. N. Bartholomew, Mellen Bray, Lorin F. Tyler, George S. Dexter, E. M. Fowle, M. G. Crane, George C. Rand, R. R. Bishop and J. F. C. Hyde, leased Wiswall's or Baptist Pond, as it is more generall}^ termed, of the Massachusetts Commissioners for Inland Fisheries. This lease was made under the law of Massachusetts, passed for the especial purpose of in- creasing the breed of valuable fish. The pond was to be stocked with black bass from Pl;}Taouth, at a large expense, the fish costing $3.50 each. All fishing was forbidden in the pond from this time, any party offending being liable to -pay a fine of $50. The natural outlet of the waters of Hammond's Pond was from its southeast side, and was the commencement of the brook called " Pond Brook " or " Palmer's Brook ; " from thence running south- erly through the meadows in the westerl}' corner of Brookhne, where it received sufficient accessions of water to drive the wheels of a saw mill, which formerly stood very near the dividing line between Brookline and Newton ; thence, by "Bald Pate Meadow," through the south part of Newton, by Palmer's and thi'ough " Brook Farm-" to Charles River. A few years prior to 1854, an ar- tificial drain was made from the westerly side of Hammond's Pond, running northwest through the low grounds to the brook which crosses Centre Street a little south of the First Parish meeting- house, which stream falls into Smelt Brook near the territorial cen- tre of the town. This cut was made for the double pm'pose of draining the lands thi-ough which it was made, and of increasing the force of Smelt Brook. " Silver Lake " is in the northerly part of Newton, near Charles River, and extensive factory operations have been carried on in that vicinity since the year 1804. It has no visible outlet. Lilve the other lakes or ponds of Newton, it has not merely added a charm to the landscape in summer, but has also proved a source of com- fort and of wealth, jdelding every winter a supplj' of ice, which in modern times has come to be not only a luxury, but almost one of BROOKS.— "COUNTY ROCK." 17 the necessaries of life. How thoughtful and bounteous was the Providence which laid up these stores of good for future use, even before the people knew how to appreciate them ! " Bullough's Pond " is near the geographical centre of the town, and lies in a hollow, encircled on nearly all sides by wooded hills. Its name is derived from the name of the ancient proprietor of land on the west side of the pond. It is of considerable extent from north to south, and is divided by Walnut Street into two portions, the principal being on the east side. This beautiful sheet of water, like a sapphu'e gem set round with emeralds, is of tolerable depth, and of great purity. Its superfluous waters mingle with those of Smelt Brook, through which they find their way ultimately to Charles River. "South Meadow Brook" rises from several small branches in and near the Great Meadows, and, formerly, from the original out- let of the waters of Wiswall's Pond ; thence, running southwest through the Winchester farm to Chai'les Eiver, about one mile above the Upper Falls. " Palmer's Brook" is described above. " Cheesecake Brook " rises at the westerly part of the town, within a few rods of the spot where Deacon Staples' house stood, afterwards William Wiswall, 2d, and since, W. C. Strong, Esq., and runs northeast through the West Parish village and the Fuller farm to Charles River, near the dividing line between Waltham and Watertown. Its name is due to the picnic lunch of some of the early inhabitants, who, while out on a hunting expedition, be- coming weary and faint, sat down at noon on its banks to eat then* cake and cheese, and slaked theh* thkst from its refi'eshing waters. " Smelt Brook," the largest of the four, issues from a cold spring in the region of Alcock's Swamp, about half a mile north of the South Burial place ; thence, running northeast, it is reinforced b}' several small streams ; thence, through the centre of the ancient " Mayhew farm," "Dummerfarm" and "Wear lauds," it enters Charles River, between the first dam and the first bridge ever built across that river. Its ancient name, " Smelt Brook," seems to have faded nearly awa}', and it has become a nameless stream. Some- times, however, it is called " Cold Spring Brook," with reference to the distant source out of which it flows. There is a rock in the bed of Charles River which has received the name of " Count}'^ Rock," and which is noted for being at the point of junction of two counties, Norfolk and Middlesex, and tlii-ee towns, Newton, Needham and Weston. 5 18 HISTORY OF NEWTON. Newton has been famed for the health and longevity of its in- habitants. Dr. Homer says, — *'From accurate bills of mortaUty for about fifty years past [this was written in 1798], it appears that one seventieth part of the inhabitants dies annually. In the East Congregational Society, consisting of about 700 souls, 154 died from January 1, 1782, to January 1, 1799, averaging nine a 3'ear. Of this number, 49, considerably upwards of a fourth part, arrived to their seventieth year, and beyond, and G3, more than a third part, arrived to their sixtieth, and beyond. The sorrows of early widowhood are seldom known here. Of married men beneath 40, only one died within the bounds of the East Precinct, including the famiUes of the Baptist Societ}^ living witliin the same bounds, dming more than sixteen years." The town records and private bUls of mortality, extending over a space of one hundred years, from 1691 to 1791, note, in all, 1,374 deaths ; but a few of the first years, it is conjectured, furnish in- complete retm-ns. The proportion of deaths among the aged, many of them older than 80 years, seems to have been very considerable in all this period. In seventeen years, from January 1, 1782, to January 1, 1799, Dr. Homer notes the following deaths in the bounds of the East Parish : Under two years, 24^. Between 40 and .50, 10. Between 2 and 5, G. " 50 and 60, 10. " o and 10, 12. " 60 and 70, U. " 10 and 20, 4. " 70 and SO, 27. " 20 and 30, 16. " 80 and 90,16. " 30 and 40, 9. " 90 and 100, 6. During ten years, from 1782 to 1792, within the limits of the East Congregational Society, there were 97 deaths, 17 of which were in the two neighboring houses of Messrs. John Jackson and Edward Dui-ant ; and 195 births. The marriages for the same period were, in the whole town, 103. The sum total of the mar- riages in Newton for a century after its incorporation was 747. "In 1792, 59 of the inhabitants, one twenty-third part of the whole population, had seen their seventieth year, and beyond." Up to that date (1792), but one person in the town had reached 100 years, though several had seen 90 and upwards. The person referred to was Mrs. Mary Davis, of the south part of the town, who died in 1752, in her llGth year. MORTALITY. 19 According to the census of 1870, the population of Newton was then 12,825. The number, December 31, 1873, the last year of the town government, could not be far from 1G,000. On the basis of that number, the proportion of deaths to the population, in that year, was one death to every eighty-one persons. The number of deaths in Newton in the 3'ear 1873, by consumption, was about one in ten of all the deaths. This is a ver}^ favorable statement, in view of the prevalence of this destructive disease. According to the statistics of Mr. Rice, on this subject, "in the years 1858 and 1859, about one in four of all the deaths in Newton were by consumption ; in 18G0 and 1861, one in six and one-half; in 1862 and 1863, about one in seven ; in 1864 and 1865, one in six ; in 1866 and 1867, one in five and thi-ee-fourths ; in 1868 and 1869, one in eight and three-foui-ths ; in 1870 and 1871, about one in nine and one-fourth; in 1872, one in eight and one-sixth; and in 1873, as above stated, one in ten of all the deaths." The following table, exhibiting the population and mortality of Newton, for the last fourteen years of the town government, is supposed to be nearly correct : In 1860 population (U. S. Census) 8,382 deaths 18GI •' 8,600 1862 " 8,700 " 1863 " 8,750 " 18G4 " 8,850 " 18G5 " (State Census) 8,978 " 186G " 9,100 " 1867 " 9,310 " 1868 " ' 9,900 " 1869 " 11,000 1870 " (U. S. Census) 12,825 " 1871 " 14,000 " 1872 «' 15,500 " 1873 " 16,000 " No finer territory can be found, inalilie extent, than the town of Newton. Its broad avenues, bordered with trees and gardens, its extensive plains, its swelling hills, its glassy lakes, its well-kept lawns, its near and distant views of charming landscapes, reaching on the east to the waters of Massachusetts Bay and on the west to the summits of Wachusett and Monadnock, its fine residences and public buildings, including a score and a half of churches, its 9i one in 89 136 " G3 93 " 94 149 59 135 " GG 127 " 71 116 " 78 133 " 70 136 •' . 73 138 " 79 133 ■ " 964 119 " 117 197 " 784 196 81 20 HISTORY OF NEWTON. tasteful cemeteiy, its raaguificent public schools and seats of higher education, endowed and unendowed, are unsurpassed. A writer in the Boston Traveller draws the following picture of a single lo- cality, near the northwestern limit of the town. Many pictures, of equal beauty, could be presented to a visitor in almost any du'ection. "AVithin ten miles of Boston," says this writer, "there is a stretch of river scenery that cannot be surpassed in the United States, and which cannot easily be equalled. We refer to the Charles River between Waltham and Auburndale, where it extends in a tortuous course, from one point to the other, a distance of three mUes and a half. Until within a few 3'ears this lovely spot has scarcely been known beyond the limit of the inhabitants who have quietly taken possession of the elegant sites on either bank, and beautified and adorned them for then- own pleasure. But the enterprise of man has invaded it, not to destroy, but to allow the public to partake of the enjo3'ment. The well appointed little steamer White Swan, owned and commanded by a Captain Gibbs, veteran of the last war, now phes regularly between Waltham and Auburndale bridge, carr3dng picnic parties, etc. Since this steam- er has been running, parties from Boston and places at greater distance have availed themselves of the privilege of enjoying this dehghtful scener3^ Man}' who have travelled through Europe af- firm that for quiet beauty it is not equalled. One famihar with our Southern streams is reminded of the Yazoo, with the deep gTeen and lusmiance of the foUage on the banlvs and the quiet of its waters. Along the banks of the river are located the summer resi- dences of Messrs. Cutler and Merrill, the elegant residence of R. M. Pulsifer, Mayor of Newton, the splendid mansion of Ex-Mayor Fowle, the Benj'on mansion and others. Opposite to the residence of Mr. Pulsifer is Lily Pond Grove, one of the most beautiful sum- mer resorts in New England, fitted up with great taste and conven- ience. At sunset the river is ahve with canoes, row-boats, shells and sail-boats, filled with ladies and gentlemen, adding, with the dehghtful music, greatly to the natm-al charms of the scenery-. To those who are tu'ed of fashionable resorts ^ud would seek a quiet like this, we commend a trip on the White Swan, and a few hours' stroll on the banks of the Charles." CHAPTER II. EARLY BOSTON. — THE FORTIFICATION OF CAMBRIDGE. ORIGIN OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. — THE ACQUISITION OF THE TERRITORY OF NEAVTON. — FIRST SETTLEMENT. MR. HOOKER'S COMPANY. ACCESSIONS OF LANDS. — BOUNDARY LINES. FIRST SETTLERS. The histoiy of Newton is, in its earliest stages, intimate!}' con- nected with the history of Boston. Boston, or Botolph's town, was originally a very contracted peninsula. It was named from Boston in Lincolnshire, England, the residence of Rev. John Cot- ton, — the first minister of our Boston, — before he emigi-ated to this country. Botolph's town,* or St. Botolph's town, — Botolph, that is, boat-help^ because this saint was the patron of mariners, — was a name as appropriate for the colonial metropolis as it was for its Enghsh namesake. As Boston in England was on the sea, and its people had to do with commercial affaks, — so the new Boston was to be the residence of merchant princes, whose wealth was de- pendent largely upon their proximity to the ocean. Many persons now living recollect a period when a portion of the North End of Boston, — at first, the court end of the town, — was but three streets wide : Fore, now North Street ; Middle Street, now the northern half of Hanover Street ; and Back Street, now the southern part of Salem Street. This territory reached from water to water ; and the North End of Boston was cut oflT from the residue of the town b}* a canal, occupjdng the space which is now Blackstone Street. This canal extended from Causeway Street on the west to its outlet on North Street, near Merchants' Row, on the east. Most of the territory from Causeway Street to HajTnarket * The original name of Boston was long preserved in the name of one of its streets;— Botolph Street is on the northerly slope of Beacon Hill, running from Myrtle Street to Cambridge Street. Its name has been changed to Irving Street. 21 22 HISTORY OF NEWTON. Square and from Prince to Pitts Street was covered with water; and the tide-mills at the westerly end, which depended for their power on this pond, gave to the whole territory the title of " Mill Pond," — the name by which many elderly people stiU speak of it. At the south, the upper part of Washington Street, called the Neck, was a narrow strip of land which in time of high tides was 'overflowed by water ; so that the farmers of Roxbmy and Dor- chester, as late as the period of the Revolution, used to hasten home from the town, after they had disposed of their produce, lest their communication with the continent should be cut off. Long Wharf extended up State Street as far as India. Street, and large ships were moored in the dock which afterwards became the site of the present Custom House. The bowsprits of vessels, of larger or smaller burden, used to extend over Liberty Square, and the tide washed the shore along the line which is now Harrison Av- enue. On the westerty side, all the Public Garden, and most of Charles Street, have been reclaimed from the water, and it is only a few 3'ears since the remains of a wrecked vessel were seen going to deca}', east of the Boston and Albauj'- Railroad, in the region now covered by the dwellings in Appleton Street and Columbus Avenue. The territory of Boston was indeed small, but savage Indians were in the vicinity, and the inhabitants of the little peninsula felt it necessary to have a fortified place to flee to, in case of hostile invasion. Dorchester, Charlestown, Watertown, Boston and Roxbury had ah'cady become settled, and they all participated in tliis spirit of wise precaution. Accordingly it was agreed that a fortified town should be built for security against the Indians ; and the Governor, Deputy-Governor and Assistants viewed man}' places for its loca- tion. In December, 1630, they resolved to build it upon the neck between Boston and Roxbury (probably in the place since called Roxbur}' Street) , but that place was soon given up for several rea- sons, — among the most prominent of which was that there were no springs of running water. They finaUy decided to build it on the north side of Charles River, on the spot where the College now stands, and commenced its construction in the spring of 1G31, lay- ing out the town in squares, with streets intersecting each other at right angles. FORTIFICATIONS.— REPRESENTATIVES. 23 In 1632 the General Court levied a rate of £60 upon the several plantations towards making a palisade about Newtown. This was a favorite project of old Governor Danforth, whose house was within the inclosurc. The tax levied for this purpose was assessed upon the several towns as follows: viz., Watertown, viii?., the New Town, iii^., Charlton, vii/., Meadford, iiiL, Saugus and Marble Harbor, vi Z., Salem, ivL xs., Boston, viii Z., Rocksbmy, viiZ.,* Dorchester, vii ?., Wessaguscus v Z., Winettsemct xxx s.* Dr. Paige saj's (History of Cambridge, p. 10), — "The location of the greater part of this fence or ' pale ' is designated with tolerable accuracy by the ancient records of possessions and conveyances. Commencing in the present College yard, near the northwesterly angle of Gore Hall, and extending eastwardl}^, it passed very near the junction of Ellsworth Avenue with Cambridge Street, to the line between Cambridge and Charlestown (now Somerville) , at its angle on Line Street near Cambridge Street, and thence followed that line to the creek, a few rods easterly from the track of the Grand Junction Railroad. Commencing again at the point first mentioned, the fence extended southwardly to the marsh near the junction of Hol3^oke Place with Mount Auburn Street. The kind offence then erected is indicated in an Order passed Dec. 5, 1636 : ' That the common pales in all places, to be made after this da}--, shall be done with sufficient posts and rails, and not with crotches.' " The £60 levied for fortifying New Town was probably the first State Tax ; and the people delegated two from each town to see fair play in its apportionment. And this, I apprehend," we quote the words of Hon. William Jackson, " to have been the first step towards a House of Representatives. The people were impelled to the measm'e by their nervous sensibility about taxation." " The next year," says the same authority, " the taxation dele- gation not onl}' apportioned the amount to be raised, but proceed- ed to prepare such business as the General Court were to act upon and decide. To quote the words of the Order which passed the Court of Elections, — 'It shall be lawful for the freemen of every plantation to choose two or three deputies from each town to con- *It is stated by Winthrop that Watertown objected to this assessment as unjust. Mr. Savage says, "To the agitation of this subject we may refer the origin of that Committee of two from each town to advise with the Court about raising public moneys, 'so as what they agree upon should bind all,' under date of May of this year 1C32. This led to the representative body, having the full powers of all the freemen, except that of elections." 24 HISTORY OF NEWTON. fer, and prepare the public business for the Governor and assis- tants to consider,' etc. Every town sent three, and thus occupied all the privilege pelded by the Court. When assembled in 1634, they acted with a decision and energy not surpassed by any subse- quent assembly of the same land, from that day to this. Thej' resolved that none but the General Court, of which they them- selves constituted the decided majority, have power to admit free- men, make laws, elect or remove officers, prescribe their powers and duties, make taxes, and dispose of lands. They also ordained trial by jmy, directed the manner in which future deputies should be returned, and at the same session imposed a fine upon the Governor and assistants for violating an order of the General Court. At first the officers were chosen for three months, then semi-annually, and in 1643 anuuaU3^" Hutchinson says of the scheme of a House of Representatives, " It seems to have been agreed upon or fallen into by general con- sent of all the towns, as if it were a thing of necessity." Mr. William Jackson adds, — " To me it appears probable that the peo- ple demanded a participation in the powers of government, and made this participation the condition of their payment of taxes. And thus the very rate which was levied for the fortifying of New- town was the germ out of which the only representative government, chosen by those who were to be governed, arose, — the only one of the kind seen in the earth from the daj^s of Noah to those of the Pilgrims." The fortification around the new town was made and a fosse ex- cavated, inclosing a space of more than a thousand acres, " paled in," as a historian writing in 1633 remarks, "with one general fence, which was about one and a half miles in length. It is one of the neatest and best compacted towns in New England, having many fair structures, with many handsome-contrived streets. The inhabitants, most of them, are very rich. Half a mile westward of the town is a great pond (Fresh Pond) , which is divided be- tween Newtown and Watertown, on the north side of Charles Biver." The question of the right of the fii'st settlers to the lands which they came to possess, and which have come down in regular suc- cession to their descendants, is too interesting and important to be wholly passed by. Dr. Paige has carefully investigated this mat- ter, and we avail ourselves of his careful statements (History of Cambridge, pp. 383, 384). INDIAN LA.NDS PURCHASED. 25 " In the ' First General Letter of the Governor and Deput}' of the New England Company for a Plantation in Massachusetts Bay, to the Governor and Council for London's Plantation in the Massachusetts Bay in New England,' dated ' In Gravesend the 17th of April, 1629,' is this important direction — 'If any of the sal- vages pretend right of inheritance to all or any part of the lands granted in our pattent, wee pray j-ou endeavour to purchase their tjiile, that wee may avoyde the least scruple of intrusion.' Accord- ingty, at the session of the General Court, March 13, 1638-9, ' Mr. Gibons was desired to agree with the Indians for the land within the bounds of Watertowue, Cambridge and Boston.' The deed of conveyance, or release of title, I have not been able to find ; yet there is sufficient evidence that the purchase was made of the squaw-sachem, and that the price was duly paid. The General Court ordered, May 20, 1640, 'that the ISl. 8s. Gd. layd out by Capt. Gibons shall bee paid him, vid. : 13?. 8s. 6d. by Watertowne and 10/. by Cambridge ; and also Cambridge is to give squa- sachem a coate everj^ winter while shee liveth.' This sale or convey- ance to Cambridge is recognized in a deed executed Jan. 13, 1639, by the 'squa-sachem of Misticke' and her husband "Web- cowits, whereby they conveyed to Jotham Gibbons ' the reversion of all that parcel of land which lies against the ponds at Mistick aforesaid, together with the said ponds, all which we reserved from Charlestown and Cambridge, late called Newtowne, and all heredi- taments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, after the death of me the said squaw-sachem.' The inhabitants of Cambridge lived on friendlj' terms with the Indians. "On the 8th of March, 1643, the ' squa-sachem ' with four other Indian rulers, voluntarily put herself 'under the government and jurisdiction of the Massachusetts, to be governed and protected b}^ them,' and promised 'to be true and faithful to the said govern- ment.' She is supposed to have died not long before 1662, when a claim was made for land in which she had reserved a life estate. " One of the Indian chiefs who united with the squaw-sachem in this act of submission to ' the government and jurisdiction of the Massachusetts' was Cutshamache, Cutshamakin or Kuchamakin, who resided 'at a place called Neponsitt, within the bounds of Dorchester.' His authority extended over those who dwelt at Nonantum, which was then included in Cambridge." 26 HISTORY OF NEWTON. In 163G, only six years after the settlement of Boston, the Gen- eral Court voted £400, equal to a year's rate of the whole colony, towards the erection of a public school or college. In 1637, an order was passed by the same honorable body, that the college should be at Newtown, " a place very pleasant and accommodate," and " then under the orthodox and soul-flourishing ministry of Mr. Thomas Shepherd." Of the ministry of Mr. Shepherd it is testi- fied, that it was so pungent and impressive that almost every Lord's day some gave visible evidence before the congregation of being moved by it ; so that it was a common thing for the members of a family who were compelled by sickness or for other cause to remain at home, to ask their friends, on their return from the house of God,— "Who seemed to be wrought upon by the word to-day?" The settlement of the new town (Cambridge) was begun in 1631. The town records commence in November, 1632 ; the pro- prietors' records in 1635. A house in Boston surmounted by a thatched roof having taken fire from the chimney in 1631, Deputy Governor Dudley recorded the remark, " In our new town, intended to be built this summer, we have ordered that no man there shall build his chimney with wood, or cover his house with thatch." The first considerable accession to the population of the new town (Cambridge) took place in August, 1632. Rev. Mr. Hook- er's company, otherwise called the Braintree company, had begun a settlement at Mount Wollaston, but were ordered by the Court to remove to Newtown. These settlers were forty-seven in num- ber.* But the territory of the new town, with this addition, was not ♦In a foot note to Dr. Holmes' History of Cambridge, it is said, "It is highly prob- able that this company came from Braintree, in Essex County, in England, and from its vicinity. Chelmsford, where Mr. Hooker was settled, is but eleven miles from Braintree ; and ' Mr. Hooker was so esteemed as a preacher that not only his own people, but others from all parts of the county of Essex flocked to hear him.' " The names of this company, constituting the first settlers of the town of Cam- bridge, are preserved in the Records of the Proprietors, under date of 1G32, and are as follows : Jeremy Adams, Matthew Allen, John Benjamin, Jonathan Boswell, Mr. Simon Bradstreet,t John Bridge, Richard Butler, John Clarke, t Bradstreet settled at Andover, and was afterwards Ooveruor of Massachusetts. Anthony Couldby or Colby, Daniel Denuisou, Thomas Dudley, Esq., Samuel Dudley, Edward Elmer, Richard Goodman, "William Goodwin, Garrad Hadden, QUESTION OF KEMOVAL. 27 large enougli to accommodate the desires of its population. Hence in Ma}', 1634, tlie people complained to the General Court of their restricted quarters, and desired leave to seek either enlargement or removal. Their request was granted by the Court, and Mr. Hooker and his company sent messengers to explore Ipswich, and the Merrimac and Connecticut Rivers. The report of the messen- gers who went to examine the Connecticut valley was very flatter- ing, and produced a strong influence upon them ; and at the session of the Court in September, they asked leave to remove thither. " The question of their removal was a very exciting one," says Mr. Jackson, " and was debated by the Court many days. On taking the vote, it appeared that the Assistants were opposed to their removal, and the Deputies were in favor of it. Upon this grew a great difference between the Governor and Assistants, and the Deputies. ' So when they could proceed no further, the whole Court agreed to keep a daj^ of humiUation in all the congregations.' Mr. Cotton, b}' desu'e of the Com't, preached a sermon that had great influence in settling the question.'" Stephen Hart, John Haynes, Esq.,* Thomas Heate, Rev. Thomas Hooker, Thomas Hosmer, Richard Havlackenden, William Lewis, Richard Lord, John Masters, Abraham Morrill, Hester Mussey, Simon Oakes, James Olmstead, Capt. Daniel Patrick, John Prat, William Pentrcy, Joseph Redinge, Nathaniel Richards, William Spencer, Thomas Spencer, Edward Stebbins, John Steele, Henry Steele, George Steele, Samuel Stone, John Talcott, William AVads worth, Andrew Warner, Richard Webb, William Westwood, John White. The same year, 1C32, "they built the first house of worship at Newtownc (Cam- bridge), with a bell upon it." This item, which is drawn from Prince's History, proves that the early settlers were not summoned to worshiji, at the beginning, if they were later, by the beat of drum. There is no record of the ViUage of New Cam- bridge (now Newton), which indicates when a bell was first used there. The Indians, however, were assembled l^y the beat of drum. The company arrived in Boston September 4, 1G33. Mr. Hooker was chosen pastor and Mr. Stone, teacher, and they were installed in their respective offices, after solemn lasting and prayer, October 11, 1633. ♦John Haynes received the earliest and largest grant of land in the town in 1634; was chosen Governor of Massachusetts in 1635; removed to Connecticut with Hooker's company in 1636, and was Governor of Connecticut in 1G39. He died in 1654, and this tract of land passed to his heirs. 28 HISTORY OF NEWTON. The public sentimeut at that time appeared to be against their removal. Boston and Watertown had offered them enlargement, and the congregation of Newtown accepted these offers and con- cluded not to remove. By the records of the Court in September, 1034, "it is ordered that the ground about Muddy River belonging to Boston and used by the inhabitants thereof shall hereafter belong to Newtown, — the wood and timber thereof growing and to be grown to be reserved to the inhabitants of Boston ; provided, and it is the meaning of this Court, that if Mr. Hooker, and the congregation now settled here, shall remove hence, that then the aforesaid meadow grounds shall return to Watertown, and the grounds at Muddy River to Boston." After the question touching the enlargement of Newtown was settled, a committee was appointed by the Court, consisting of "William Colbron, John Johnson and Abraham Palmer, to deter- mine the bounds between Newtown and Watertown ; and Ensign Jennison to set out the bounds between Newtown and Roxbmy, about Muddy River. The following records their action : April, 1635. — " It is agreed by us whose names are underwritten, that the bounds between Watertown and Newtown shall stand as they are alread}', from Charles River to the Great Fresh Pond, and from the tree marked by Watertown and Newtown, on the northeast side of the pond and over the pond to a white poplar tree on the northwest side of the pond, and from the tree up into the country, northwest by west, upon a straight line by a meridian compass ; and further, that Watertown shall have one hundred rods in length above the Wear, and one hundred rods beneath the Wear in length and three score rods in breadth from the river on the south side thereof, and all the rest of the ground on that side of the river to Ij^e to Newtown. William Colbron, John Johnson, Abraham Palmer." April, 1635. — "The line between Roxbury and Newtown is laid out to run southwest from Muddy River, near that place called ' Nowell's Bridge,' a tree marked on four sides, and from the mouth of the river to that place ; the south side is for Roxbury and the north for Newtown. William Jennison." TOWN BOUNDS. 20 " This line," Mr. Jackson says, " was designed to carry out the gift of Boston to Newtown, by which the whole of Muddj^ River, more or less, became a part of Newtown, and so remained for nearly' two years. It was nearlj', if not exactly, the same line as that which now divides Roxbury from Brookline. Its length is not stated in Jennison's report ; but it is about six miles." By this enlargement of lands, received from Boston and "Water- town, Newtown acquired what is now Brookline, Brighton and Newton, excepting only such special grants as had been previously made to individuals. For Muddy River, now Brookline, by an early grant, had been made a part of Boston. These were the acquisitions of Newtown on the south. On the north and north- west, she obtained what is now Arlington, Lexington, Billerica, part of Bedford and part of Tewksbury, extending to the Mer- rimack River. She began, the smallest township in the colon}^ and soon became the largest. The territorj', above granted, having reverted to Boston, in con- sequence of the removal of Mr. Hooker and his company to Con- necticut, the Court appointed a committee to settle the boundaries between Newtown and Muddy River. This committee in April, 1636, made the following report : " We whose names are underwritten, being appointed by the Court to set out the bounds of the New Town upon Charles River, do agree that the bounds of the town shall run from the marked tree by Charles River, on the northwest side of the Roxbury bounds, one and a half miles northeast, and from thence three miles north- west, and so from thence five miles southwest ; and on the south- west side of Charles River, from the southeast side of Roxbury bounds to run four miles on a southwest line, reserving the propri- eties to several persons granted by special order of the Court. William Spencer, Nicholas Danforth, William Jenxison." Mr. Jackson says, " This description is cloudy, with some errors in the points of the compass, which may have been made in copy- ing the report. It differs from the present bounds of Brookline, but was intended to restore Mudd}- River to Boston, or as much of it as the committee judged expedient." 30 HISTORY OF NEWTON. The following record gives the action of the town in regard to the boundary between Newton and Watertown. It is dated in 1705. "The subscribers were empowered to settle the line between Newton and Watertown; and on the 25th September, 1705, did mutually agree, namely, beginning at Charles River, at high water mark, at the northeast corner of the farm formerly Mr. Mayhew's, and run a straight line south-southwest, two degrees west to a walnut stump, forty-one and three-quarter rods ; then turning and running straight northwest, five degrees north, two hundred and sixteen rods, across Stephen Cook's land and Smelt Brook ; then turning and running straight, northeast by north, eighty rods to the river. John Spring, Edward Jackson, J- Newton. Ebenezer Stone, Jonas Bond, | Watertown." Joseph Sherman, j " This settlement shortened the easterly line a few rods," says Mr. Jackson, " and lengthened the southerly and westerly lines a few rods each. The settlement of 1G35 gave Watertown seventy- five acres on the south side of the river ; the settlement of 1 705 increased it to about eight^'-eight acres, so that Newton lost the jurisdiction of about thirteen acres by the settlement of 1705." The small portion of Watertown at present lying on the south of the river has not the exact dimensions assigned to it in 1635, although about the same quantity of land (150 acres). March 1. 1704-5, a committee (Jonas Bond, Esq., Capt. B. Garfield and Joseph Sherman) was appointed " to find out the line between Watertown and Newton, on the south side of Charles River." The committee reported November IG, 1705, minutely describing the line, as may be seen in the Town Records, and which is nearl}' the same as that delineated in the latest map of Newton. The line began at high water mark on Charles River at the northeast corner of the farm formerly Mr. Maj^hew's, and ran straight southwest, two degrees west, forty-one and three-quarter rods ; then a straight line west-northwest, five degrees north, two hundred and sixteen rods ; then a straight line northeast by north, eighty' rods, down to GRANT TO WATERTOWN. 31 the river. It was signed by the above committee on the part of Watertown, and by John Spring, Edward Jackson and Ebenezer Stone, on the part of Newton. A contributor to the Newton Journal, interested in antiquarian investigations and evidently at home in this period of the earl}^ history, writes as follows : " Watertown was settled as early as September 7, 1G30, and stands as the fourth oldest town in New England. She originally claimed and received very large tracts of land lying upon the north side of Charles River, also, upon the south side of the river. In 1631 Cambridge, or as it was originally called ' New Town,' was settled, receiving as a grant of land only about one thousand acres. In 1634, the inhabitants of New Town complained to the General Court, of straightness for want of land, and desired leave of the Court to look out either for enlargement or removal. In 1635 they succeeded in obtaining from Watertown large grants of land lying both on the north and south side of Charles River, that grant of land upon the south of the river included all, or nearly all of that which is now Brighton and Newton. This grant of land was first called 'The south side of Charles River,' and sometimes 'Nonantum,' the Indian name. " AYhen ' New Town ' or ' Cambridge ' received her grant of land in 1635, of that portion lying upon the south of Charles River before mentioned, there was reserved and granted to the town of Watertown, ' a strip two hundred rods long and sixty rods wide, enough to protect then- fishing privilege, and afterwards called the Wear lands.' This reservation will be found by computation to comprise seventy-five acres. " These fishing interests were a source of income to Watertown for some two hundred j^ears, and very many of the citizens of both Watertown and Newton can remember the alewive catch that was yearly gathered there ; and, it is apparent to any one who will glance at the map of the territory-, that when Watertown relinquished her broad acres on the south side of the river, * which was then an unex- plored wilderness,' she believed her fishing interests to be more valuable than the territory given up to ' New Town ; ' and, had it not been for this source of income to her town treasury, this reser- vation would never have been made, and the Charles River would have been the boundary line between the two townships. "In the 3'ear 1679, when the town lines were established between 32 HISTORY OF NEWTON. Cambridge and 'New Cambridge or Cambridge Village,' it was expressly stipulated ' that this Watertown reservation on the south side of Charles River, 200 by 60 rods, should be maintained and held by Watertown for the protection of her fish wears.' They did not wish to enter into co-operation with this new colony in the carrying on of the fish business, and were very strenuous to have their rights- protected. Indeed, they became dissatisfied and grasping, and in 1705 called for a commission to re-adjust the line for the better pro- tection of their fishing interests. John Spring, Edward Jackson and Ebenezer Stone on the part of ' New Town,' with Jonas Bond and Joseph Sherman of Watertown, composed that committee. Thej' agreed upon a settlement which shortened the easterly line a few rods, and lengthened the southerly and westerly lines, a few rods each from the original grant. In this settlement, Watertown had the best end of the bargain, and made a gain to her area of thirteen acres, giving her eighty-eight acres instead of the original seventy-five granted her. This speaks well for the temper and consideration of the committee on the part of ' New Town ; ' for it will be seen they were a majority of the committee. Since this time there have been further re-adjustments of these boundaries, and it is evident in each of these, Watertown has been sharp enough not to * lose ground ; ' for the total acreage of the territory now held by Watertown on the Newton side of the river, including the public streets and Boyd's and Cook's Ponds, is nearly one hundred and fifty acres, or a gain from what was originally intended for her fish protection, of nearly seventy-five acres. "The present (1879) taxable area of this portion of Water- town is 93| acres. Its valuation in 1878, was $801,170. Its population 575. This territor}^, especially that part of it known as 'Morse Field,' has increased ver}^ rapidly in population and val- uation during the past ten years. In fact in 1869, the 'Morse estate,' then comprising about forty acres, paid a tax to Water- town of only $160. In 1878, probably Watertown received about $3,000 from this same land. The people living upon the southerly half of these ' Wear Lands,' for several j-ears felt that they ought to be set off from Watertown and annexed to Newton, as all theu- social, educational, business and religious interests are with Newton, rather than with Watertown. Various attempts have been made in this regard by petitioning the Legislature for an act of annexa- tion ; but thus far they have been unsuccessful. It would seem ANNEXATION OF MOKSE ESTATE. 33 to be not an act of injustice to Watertown to ask her for a re-con- veyance of a jDortion of this land which has from time to time been gained from the territorial limits of ' New Town ' and ' New- ton,' especially considering the facts that Watertown would never have had a foothold upon the south side of the river, after the grant to Cambridge, except to protect her fishing interests — that for the past forty or fifty years these interests have ceased to exist — that Watertown has nearl}- scventj^-five acres more than she is entitled to by the original grant — that Newton now has interests which she must protect. By the drainage surveys, it has been necessary to run one of her main drains through the territory, a right having been granted them by the Legislature of 1878. B}' this act the laying of this drain may involve the cit}^ of Newton in numerous lawsuits with the citizens or the authorities of the town of "Watertown; and it seems but justice that this land should be annexed, that she may not be subject to unnecessarj' litigation, but be able to run her drain through this territory with the same safety that it can be laid in any of her present limits. Also, that the citizens of this tract are sufiering for a supply of pure water, which Newton stands ready to jjrovide. They must also look to Newton for drainage of their lands." [The action of the Legislature of 1879-80 was adverse to the annexation.] The donations of land which Newtown received from Boston and Watertown were made on the express condition that Mr. Hooker's compau}- should not remove ; and, in case of their removal, these additions were to revert to theu* original owners. But the settlers of Boston on the one hand, and Mr. Hooker's company on the other, had set their hearts successively on two darling projects ; the first was to make Newtown the metropolis of the colony ; the second, after a brief experiment, to remove to Connecticut. The shoal waters of Charles River, as compared with the deep water and eas}' access of Boston harbor, made it inexpedient to erect Newtown into a capital. The lack of rich farming lauds, cleared and all ready for culti- vation, made the residence of Hooker's compan}' here unsatisfactory to them. And as their onl}- alternative the}- renewed then* request to be permitted to remove to Connecticut.* Accordingly the *Mr. Hooker settled in what is now Hartford. Therefore Connecticut and its capi- tal city must be regarded as the daughter of Newton, 34 HISTOEY OF NEWTON. General Court, in 1635, gave them leave to remove wherever they pleased, " on condition that they should continue under the juris- diction of Massachusetts." Mr. Trumbull thus describes the jour- ney of Mr. and Mrs. Hooker and others in the following year : "About the beginning of June, Mr. Hooker, Mr. Stone and about one hundred men, women and children, took their departure from Cambridge, and travelled more than a hundred mUes, through a hideous and trackless wilderness, to Hartford. They had no guides but their compass, and made their way over mountains, through swamps, thickets and rivers, which were not passable but with great difficult3\ They had no cover but the heavens, nor an}' lodgings but those that simple nature afforded them. They drove with them a hundred and sixty head of cattle, and by the way subsisted on the millic of then' cows. Mrs. Hooker was borne through the wilderness upon a litter. The people carried their packs, arms and some utensils. They were nearly a fortnight on their joiu'ne}'. This adventure was the more remarkable, as many of the company were persons of high standing, who had lived in England in honor, affluence and delicacy, and were entire strangers to fatigue and danger." What would the venerable Hooker think now, were he to re-appear, and entering a car at Boston, to be whirled \\ke lightning, in four hours, to Hartford ! And what a change for Mrs. Hooker would it be, from a litter to the splendidly cushioned vehicles which now traverse the route passed over bj" her with so much toil, and pain, and dela}^ ! But it was this discipline of hardship and trial that made the fathers of New England the stalwart race they became. Self-denial brings success and victor}'. Many of Mr. Hooker's company, on their departure, sold their lands and buildings in Newtown to the Rev. Mr. Shepherd and his compan}', who thus enjo^'ed the advantage of finding a settlement alread}^ partiall}' cultivated, and affording comfortable accommoda- tions for themselves and their families. Six 3-ears after the settlement of Charlestown, all Massachusetts Bay contained but twelve plantations, or towns. This appears from the records of a Court held atNewtowne, Septembers, 1634 : " It was further ordered that the sum of £600 shall be levied out of the several plantations for publique uses, the one half to be paid forthwith, the other half before the setting of the next Court, viz. : Dorchester, 80 ; Roxbury, 70 ; Newtowne, 80 ; Watertown, 60 ; THE SIIAWSIIINE GRANT. 35 Saugiis, 50 ; Boston, 80 ; Ipswich, 50 ; Salem, 45 ; Cbarlestown, 45; Meadford, 2G ; Wessagassctt (Weymouth), 10; Barecove (Ilmgham), 4." From this record it is apparent that Newtowne possessed as much capital as any plantation at that time, and, with two exceptions, more than any other in the colon}'. In 1G36 the rates levied upon the several towns were as follows : Newtown, £2G 5 Salem, £16 Newbury, £7 IC Dorchester, 2G 5 Charlestown, 15 Hingham, 6 Boston, 25 10 Ipswich, 14 Weymouth, 4 Watertown, 19 10 Saugus, 11 Eoxbury, 19 5 Medford, 9 15 Thirteen towns onl}- at that time constituted the State of Massa- chusetts. The number of those who owned houses in Newtown at this time was cight3"-three. March 3, 1636. " It is agreed that Newtown bounds shall run eight miles into the country from their meeting-house ; and "Watertown, 8 ; Roxbmy, 8 ; Charlestown, 8." The craving of the settlers for more territory, though abated for a season, and apparently- quieted, was by no means extinguished ; and it became necessar}'' once more for the General Court to invent and apph' a remedy. The special longing of the farmers was for meadows, that is, land free from wood, and in a condition for mowing fields without the labor of clearing, so that they might avail themselves at once of the grass and hay for the support of their herds. To meet theu" demands, the Court having extin- guished the Indian title within the boundaries of Cambridge, insti- tuted inquiries concerning other unappropriated territory which could be annexed to Newtowne. A committee was appointed in 1636 to examine the Shawshine country, and to report whether it was fit for a plantation. In 1641 the following order was passed : " Shawshine is granted to Cambridge, provided they make it a village, to have ten famiUes there settled within thi'ec 3-ears ; other- wise, the Court to dispose of it." The Shawshine countrj' was vague in extent, and its character little known. A coimnittee was appointed, therefore, to make examination of the territory and bring in thek report to the Court. The report, made in 1642, sheds some light on the nature of the 36 HISTORY OF NEWTON. laud, and defines in some degree the boundaries of Cambridge (Newtown) . It is as follows : " "Wee, whose names are underwritten, being appointed to viewe Shawshine, and to take notice of what fitness it was of for a vil- lage, and according to our apprehensions make returne to the Court, — we therefore manifest thus much ; that for quantity, it is suffi- cient; but for quality, in our apprehensions, no way fit, — the up- land being very barren, and very little meadow thereabouts, nor any good timber almost fit for any use. We went, after we came to Shawshine house, by estimation, some fourteen or sixteen miles at the least by compass. From Shawshine house, wee began to go downe the r3^er four or five miles near east ; then wee left that point, and went neere upon north, came to the Concord Eyver, a little below the falls, about one mile or near ; then wee went up the ryver some five miles, untill we came to a place called the Two Breth- ren ; and from thence it is about two miles and a half to Shawshine ; and the most part of all the good land is given out akcady ; more land there is at the north side of the house, between the side of Concord line and the head of Cambridge line ; but littell meadow, and the upland of little worth ; and this is [all] that we can say herein. Simon Willakd, Edward Con vers." This report being rather unfavorable as to the character of the territory, the Court enlarged their grant to Cambridge, and gave them further time to effect a settlement. The grant ran in these words : " All the land lying upon the Shawshine River, and between that and Concord River, and between that and the Merrimack River, not former^ granted bj* this Court, arc granted to Cam- bridge, so as they erect a village there within five years, and so as it shall not extend to prejudice Charlestowne village, or the village of Cochitawist, nor farmes former^ granted to the now Governor of 1,200 acres, and to Thomas Dudley, Esq., 1,500 acres, and 3,000 acres to Mrs. Winthrop ; and Mr. Flint and Mr. Stephen Winthrop are to set out then" heade line toward Concord." " This liberal grant," says Mr. Hudson, in his History of Lexing- ton, p. 37, "was made in 1642 ; but no permanent settlement being made, the church in 164 4 Avas about to remove to Muttakeese (now NAMES OF NEWTON. 37 Yarmouth), where a settlement had recently been commenced. To counteract this movement, the General Court in 1044 passed the following order : ' Shawshine is granted to Cambridge without an}- condition of making a village there ; and the land between them and Concord is granted all, all save what is formerly granted to the military company, provided the church present continue at Cambridge.' " The hmits of this grant of Shawshine, as of most of the grants of that period, are very indefinite, and it is not possible to define with precision what is included. But it is generally admitted that the Shawshine grant extended to the Merrimack River. We know it included all the town of Billerica, the greater portion of Bedford, and all that portion of Lexington north of the eight-mile line. Billerica was incorporated in 1G55 into a town by the consent of Cambridge. It was at that time a lai'ge territory, bounded on Cambridge Farms (Lexington) , Chelmsford, Andover, Woburn and Concord. It is a curious fact that this territory, represented as meagre in extent on the one hand, and poorly suited to cultivation on the other, has come to be not onl}^ the home of a busy and prosperous population, but also the seat of the best institutions of literatm'e, science, theolog}', law and medicine in the Commonwealth. A sm've}' of the present situation of things as compared with the above report and its occasion, recalls the remark of Mr. Webster, who once said, in relation to the State of New Hampshh-e, that when, on account of the hardness of her soil and the chill of her climate, she could raise nothing else, she erected churches and school-houses, and raised men. On the establishment of Harvard University, in 1638, it was ordered by the General Court " that Newtown should henceforward be called Cambridge," in compliment to the place where so many of the ci\dl and clerical fathers of New England had been educated. The large territory obtained on the south side of Charles River, comprising nearly the whole of what is now Brighton and Newton, was at first called " The south side of Charles River," and some- times " Nonantum," the Indian name. After religious ser^dces were held regularly on the south side of the river, about 1654, it was called "Cambridge Village," until 1679 ; but by authority of the General Court, after December, 1691, Newtown. 38 HISTORY OF NEWTON. Ill the year 1798, as appears from an article by Dr. Homer ia the Massachusetts Historical Collections for that year, the extent of Newton from north to south, measming from Watertown Une to Dedham line, was six miles and thu-t3^-six rods, the measure be- ing made along the county-road ; from east to west, measuring from the bridge at Newton Lower Falls to Cambridge (which at that date included Brighton or Little Cambridge) , four miles three quarters and fifty-one rods. The whole town, including the several ponds, was at that time, by careful estimate, reckoned to embrace 12,940 acres. At the same date, Charles River, with its various windings, washed the edges of the town for about sixteen miles. In 1838, one thousand eight hundred acres of the extreme southerly part of Newton were set off to Roxbmy. In 1847, about six hundred and forty acres, at the extreme northwesterly part of the town, were set off to Waltham. In 1838 the area of the town was about 14,513 acres. After the construction of the Chestnut Hill Reservoir by the Water Commissioners of the citj' of Boston, a slight change was made in the boundary of Newton by an exchange of land, so that these beautiful sheets of water might be entirely within the limits of Boston, and under its jurisdiction. Brighton having been annexed to the city of Boston, the two cities Newton and Boston, for a considerable distance near this point, are bordering on each other. CHAPTER III. FIRST SETTLERS. SETTLERS UP TO 1700. STATISTICS IN 1645. MOVEMENTS FOR AN INDEPENDENT TOWN. The first settlers of Cambridge Village did not come in a body, but family after family, one by one. Most of them were, at the time of their settlement, in the prime of life, — only two, so far as is known, being more than fifty years of age, and only five having reached forty. The majority of them were between twenty-one and thirty-five. And the hardships incident to life in a new coun- try seem to have been not unfavorable to health and longevity. Out of thirty, whose age at the time of their death is recorded, only two died under fifty ; only eight under seventy ; and fourteen lived beyond eighty. It is ver}' instructive to recur to the names of these venerable men of a past generation. Om- sympathies are profoundly stirred, when we contemplate the scenes of trial through which they must have passed, the simple means which were at their command to sustain life and supply it with sources of enjo}Tnent, and the bravery with which they addressed themselves to the task of work- ing out their destiny. They came with vigorous arms and com-a- geous hearts, resolved to win for themselves a home in the wilder- ness, and to secure for themselves and their posterity that liberty which was denied them in England. The following table presents the names of the male settlers, found upon the Records down to 1700. "John Jackson's pur- chase," says Mr. Francis Jackson, from whose work we cop}', in the main, this table, " is recorded upon the Proprietors' Records, in 1639. His son John's grave-stone, still standing, records his death Oct. 17, 1675, aged 36, which makes his birth the same year of his father's purchase. He had five sons and ten daughters, and about fifty grandchildren. We therefore begin our list of settlers with John Jackson, sr." 39 40 HISTORY OF NEWTON. This table exhibits, together with the names of the first settlers in Newton, several other items of historical interest. FIRST SETTLERS OF NEWTON.* Date of settle- ment. 1G39 1G40 J(;43 1644 1047 1G47 1U49 1650 1G50 1650 1650 1650 1650 1654 1658 16G1 1C62 16G4 1664 1664 Age at settle- ment. 39 30 42 33 21 29 35 Names. Dea. John Jackson . . . Dea. Samuel Hyde... Edward Jackson John Fuller Jonathan Hyde Richard Park Capt. Thomas Prentice John Parker Thomas Hammond Vincent Druce John Ward t James Prentice Tliomas Prentice, 2nd. Thomas AVisvvall John Kenrick Isaac Williams Abraham Williams . . . James Trowbridge John Spring John Eliot, jr Where from. London do do England London Cambridge, Ms. England Hinghara, Ms. . . do. do. Sudbury, Ms England , do Dorchester, Ms. Boston, " Roxbury, " Watertown, " Dorchester, " AVatertown, " Roxbury, " Date of Age at death. death. 1G74-5 75 1689 79 1C81 791^8 1698 87 1711 85 1GG5 171" 89 168G 71 1675 1678 1708 82 1710 81 1683 1686 82 1708 69 1712 84 1717 81 1717 27 1668 33 Inventory. £1230 2477 19 534 5 972 412 2 1139 16 2 271 19 88 16 10 286 14 340 85 6- 9 240 6 7 457 2 5 In addition to these twenty, there were at the time of Eliot's ordination (1664) twelve young men of the second generation,, nearly all unmarried, viz. : John Jackson, jr., Sebas Jackson, I ^^^^ ^^ ^.Uvard Jackson, Jonathan Jackson, J Noah "Wiswall, son of Thomas Wiswall, John Kenrick ^ ^^^, ^^ j^,^^ Kenrick, Ehjah Kenrick, j ' Vincent Druce, jr., K^^^ ^^ y.^^^^^ j^ John Druce, J |™^y^^^ydc, I ^^^^ ^f g,^,^^^^i jjy^^^ Thomas Park, son of Richard Park, Thomas Hammond, jr. * Samuel Holly was in Cambridge in 163C, owned a house and eighteen acres of land adjoining John Jackson in 1639, six acres of which he sold to Edward Jackson for £& in 1643, and died the same year. t John Ward had conveyed most of his property by deed of gift %.o his childreu before his death ; this was also the fact with regard to several of the first settlers, and of course this property was not included in their inventories. SETTLERS BEFORE 1700. 41 Date of settlement. Age at settlement. Names. Where from. Date of death. Age at death. 1C6G 27 26 26 26 30 31 27 58 40 25 24 .30 30 38 24 40 24 Gregory Cook 1691 1720 1691 1693 1695 1702 1712 1697 1732 1730 1736 1738 1710 1694 1796 1678 1692 1695 1706 1733 1754 1097 1740 1734 1723 17.^6 i736 1728 1771 1732 1GC7 Humphroy Osland ICOD Bridgewater.. 1070 m 1672 Boston Cambridge ... Hingham.. ... Charlestown.. 49 1C73 1G74 1G74 Joseph .Miller 1674 1675 Watertown... do. do. do. Charlestown.. Roxbury 83 1075 85 1G78 Isaac Beach 90 1678 Stejihen Cook 91 1678 1678 1678 Daniel Rny N. McDaniel (Scotch) 1678 1678 1678 1678 1679 David Mead John Parker (Sonth) Simon Onsi^ P. Stanchet (or Hanchet)... Waltham . . . Watertown... Roxbury 56 1680 1680 1681 1082 1686 168G Nathaniel Wilson Daniel Macoy John Clark John Miiick John Knapp Ebenezer Stone Roxbury do Brookline Charlestown.. Watertown . . . do. 54 72 92 1686 1687 Williani Thomas . . 1688 Jolm Staples 82 168S 1689 1692 Nathaniel Hoaly Thomas Chamberlain .Joseph Bush Cambridge . . . do. ... 76 1692 1692 1G93 Abraham Chamberlain Nathaniel Parker Brookline Dedham Boston ICirt AVilliam Tucker^ John Foot 1G95 Andrew Hall 1695 1695 1696 Jonathan Green Sebrcan Carter Maiden 1696 1697 1698 John Smith Ebenezer Littlcfickl John Holland Cambridge ... Dedliam Watertown . . 1700 1700 John Grimes 1700 Samuel Paris 1700 Jonathan Coolidge Watertown. . . 1700 Nathaniel Longlcy 56 Such were the names of the men who first cultivated these broad acres and conquered the difficulties incident to the life of the earlj* settler. They were forced to struggle with the infelicities of a rigorous climate and a hard and stouy soil. They were few in number, surrounded for a time b}' untutored savages ; and all the conveniences of hving were to be created by their own hands ; their homes were to be built, their streets to be made, their bridges to be thi'own across the brooks and to span the river. The forests were to be changed into fruitful fields, mills to be erected on their 42 HISTORY OF NEWTON. streams, cliui'cb spires to point heavenward, and the busy hum of industry to take the place of the primeval solitudes. But the men were equal to the emergencies, and under favor of a wise and pro- tecting Providence, they accomplished what they undertook. An Inventory on the cover of the first Newton Book of Records shows something of the wealth of the early inhabitants, as well as the relative value of different articles at that da}-. The Inventory was taken and values affixed by the Selectmen. The date is 1645. Persons (rateable), 135 at £20 Total, £2700 Houses, 90 " 28 It 2520 Oxen, 134 n 6 (( 804 Cows, 208 <( 9 <( 1872 Horses, 20 (( 7 <( 140 do. three years old, 6 (C 5 C( 30 do. two U 14 9 " 3 u 27 do. one ■ ( U 5 (( 2 (c 10 Heifers, three (t <( 42 (c 4 (< 168 do. two <( (1 74 " 10 11 185 do. one (( i( 79 (< 1 10 (< 118 10 Steers, 14 ti 5 <( 70 Sheep, 37 ft 1 10 (C 65 10 Swine, 62 « 1 (t G2 Goats, 58 (( 8 a 23 04 2 barques. t( 1 10 d a shallop, <( 5 Goods, (( 9 10 £8801 04 \ 1650. — A sale of fifty acres of land was effected at 5s. per acre, probably a farm of wild land. 1648. —Forty acres at £2. In 1656 the inhabitants of Cambridge Village formed a distinct congregation for public worship, and the same year petitioned the General Court to be released from paying rates for the support of the ministry at Cambridge church. The Court's committee report- ed against the petition and the petitioners had leave to withdraw. In 1661 they renewed the petition, and the Court granted them " freedom from all church rates for the support of the ministry in Cambridge, and for all lands and estates which were more than four miles from Cambridge meeting-house, the measure to be in the usual paths that may be ordinarily passed." The petitioners were not satisfied with the dividing line, and in 1662 they petitioned the Court for a new line. In October, 1662, DIVISION FROM CAMBRIDGE. 43 the Court appointed a committee to give a hearing to the petition- ers and theu' opponents. This committee ran the line and settled the bounds, so far as ministerial taxes were concerned, creating substantial!}' the same line that now divides Newton from Brighton. In 1672 a new petition was presented from the inhabitants of the Village, asking to be set off from Cambridge and made a town b}' themselves. In answer to this petition, in 1673, the Court granted to the petitioners the right to '' elect annually one Consta- ble and three Selectmen, dwelling among themselves," continuing to be a part of Cambridge only so far as related to the pajTnent of certain taxes. But the action of the Court was not satisfactory' to the Village, and they did not accept it nor act under it. Again in 1677 further action was had relative to the dividing line between Cambridge and Cambridge Village through referees, two to be chosen by Cambridge, two by the Village, and these four to choose a fifth. The line of this committee did not differ essen- tially from the line run in 1662, In 1678, fifty-two out of sixty-five of the freemen of the Village signed a petition to the General Court, " praying to be set off from the town of Cambridge and be made a town by itself." Cambridge presented a remonstrance, signed by its Selectmen ; but, notwith- standing, the Court so far granted the petition as to order that the freeholders should meet on the 27th of August, 1679, and elect Selectmen and other town officers to manage the municipal affairs of the Village. This was an important, but not full concession on the part of the Court ; but the people had to wait nearl}' ten years more before they attained the object of then* desire. The attitude of the settlers in Cambridge Village was one of persistent deter- mination ; and, as if foreshadowing, in those early daj^s, the spirit of the revolution which occurred a century later, they stood firm in then* resistance of everything which, in their judgment, savored of oppression. The several steps in this history of the separation are of so much importance that the}' are worthy to be presented in complete detail, which will be given in a succeeding chapter. CHAPTER IV. EXTRACTS FROM RECORDS OF CAMBRIDGE. EXTRACTS FROM COLONY RECORDS. EXTRACTS FROM RECORDS OF NEW CAMBRIDGE. EXTRACTS FROM LATER RECORDS OF NEWTON. These records would be imperfect without a specimen of the early and quaint legislation of the colonists and townsmen, while the settlement was yet in its infancy. We introduce, from the Cambridge, Colonial and Town Records, a chapter of items which have a curious interest. The laws of a community are an index to their civilization. Their economical and pohtical arrangements are the embodiment of their thoughts, the exponent of their condi- tion, and the key to their character. The serial legislation of a people is, in an important sense, the history of the people, and furnishes the details of their progress in individual and associated Kfe. EXTRACTS FROM THE RECORDS OF CAMBRIDGE. 1640. The town granted to Joseph Cooke a farm of 400 acres of the nearest upland adjoining to his meadows lying beyond Cheese Cake Brook, and between that and Charles I^iver, and also to go with a straight line on the hithermost side of his meadow on this side Cheese Cake Brook, down by the edge of the highland to Charles River— (the same land that Cooke sold to John Fuller in 1G5S). Also, granted to Samuel Shepard a farm of 400 acres of upland, beyond the aforesaid farm granted to Joseph Cooke, adjoining unto the meadows which were some time in the occupation of brother Greene for Richard Sal- tonstall, with fourscore acres of that meadow lying most convenient. 1G44. It is ordered by the townsmen that no person with his family shall corae as an inhabitant into our town, without the consent of the major part of the 44 EXTRACTS FROM RECORDS. 45 townsmen for the time being, under penalty of 20 shillings for every week ; and no man shall let out his house to any person coming from another place to settle him or herself as an inhabitant in our town, Avithout the consent of the major part of the townsmen, under a penalty of 20 shillings a week for every such default. 1647. April 12. — The Town bargained with Wabart, the Indian Chief (Eliot's first convert to Christianity), who lived in a large wigwam on Nonantum Hill, to keep six score head of dry cattle on the south side of Charles River, and he is to have the full sum of £8, to be paid as follows, viz., 30^. to James Cut- ler, and the rest in Indian corn at 3s., after Michaeltide next. He is to take care of them from the twenty-first day of this present month, and to keep them until three weeks after Michaelmas, and if any be lost or ill, he is to send word unto the town ; and if any be lost through his carelessness, he is to pay according to the value of the beast for his defect. Waban, his mark. "Waban, according to a note by A. H. Ward, under the instruc- tion of the English, became an excellent penman, at least so far as his signature was evidence of good penmanship. Original Deeds, bearing his signature, are still in existence ; in two, which I have seen, he wrote Thomas (the prefix name given him by the English) over "Waban, thus : Thomas Waban. By an estimate of the numbers of persons and of the estates in Cambridge taken by the Selectmen in 1G47, it appears that there were in the town at that date, 135 ratable persons ; 90 houses ; 208 cows, valued at £9 per head ; 131 oxen, valued at £6 per head ; 229 young cattle ; 20 horses, valued at £7 each ; 37 sheep, at £1 10s. ; 62 swine, at £1, and 58 goats, at 8s. 1G48, Joseph Cooke, Mr. Edward Jackson and Edward Goffe Avere cliosen com- missioners or referees to end small causes, under 40 shillings, — and for many years succeeding. 1G49. It is ordained by the townsmen that all persons provide that tlieir dogs may do no harm in corn fields or gardens, by scraping up the fish, under the pen- alty of three pence for every dog that shall be taken damage feasant, with all other just damages. 46 HISTORY OF NEWTON. 1656. The inliabitants of Cambridge consented to pay each his proportion of a rate of £200 towards building a Bridge over Charles River. This Bridge, from the foot of what is now Dunster Street in Cambridge, was completed about 1660, and called "The Great Bridge;" in modern times "Brighton Bridge." Persons were appointed by the Selectmen to execute the order of the General Court, for the impi of Cambridge. CHAPTER VI. FIRST SELECTMEN CHOSEN. DATE OF THE INCORPORATION OP NEWTON. AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE SELECTMEN OF CAM- BRIDGE AND CAMBRIDGE VILLAGE. ORDER OF THE GENERAL COURT. OLD AND NEW STYLE. — -THE NAME* OF NEWTON. DIMENSIONS AND CONTENTS OF THE TOWN. THE POPULA- TION. — freeman's oath. It is no wonder that this pungent and earnest remonstrance from the Selectmen of Cambridge alarmed the Court, and con- vinced them that action must be taken. A time was appointed for the hearing of the parties. But debate and indecision continued to rule the day. The sturdy petitioners of Cambridge Village were determined to be satisfied with nothing less than that which they had hitherto sought to obtain. The town of Cambridge, jealous of such as undertook to escape from bearing a part of its bmxlens, — and the State, through its G-eneral Court, dreading to participate in a dispute, in the settlement of which one party or the other was sure to be discontented, delayed action, — hoping, doubtless, that time might change the aspect of affairs, and render the decision a less difficult one. Meantime, a Town Book had been procured in anticipation of the expected result. Its first record is that a town meeting was held "27, G, 1G79, 'by vu'tue of an order of the General Coml,' at which meeting the first Board of Selectmen was duly elected, namely, Captain Thomas Prentice, John Ward and James Trowbridge ; and Thomas Greenwood was chosen Constable." Another town meeting was held on the 30th of January-, 1G81-2, — at which meeting it was voted, " that the Selectmen should provide weights and measures for standards," and John Spring was chosen Sealer of the same. It was also voted " that Sergeant John "Ward and Noah AViswall 72 MISTAKE OF DATE. 73 should commence a new Record Book, and copy all that was of moment from the old book ; and several other votes were passed." These acts, however, were, in some sense, premature. The}' foreshadowed the independent town, rather than proved its exis- tence ; and an independent town the settlers were determined to have. In the language of Ex-Mayor J. F. C. Hydo, in his excel- lent Centennial oration, — Thoy offered to purchase their freedom of the mother town, but this could not be accomplished. Cambridge, it is true, proposed to compromise, but our f;ithers would then accept nothing short of an independent town. For years they had not only supported their own minister and church, but had also been taxed, — and that without their consent, which was very repugnant to their ideas of justice, — to pay tlie yearly expenses of Cambridge. And the time anticipated drew near. Perseverance was rewarded by success. Events steadily tended to bring about the result which the inhabitants of New Cambridge aimed to secure. Newton was to have an honorable place and name among the towns of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. But patience to wait was still required, until the " set time " should come. Rev. Mr. Paige in his "History of Cambridge," pp. 92-96, after the record of the above remonstrance of the Selectmen of Cam- bridge, records the following considerations, which prove that the true birth-day of the town of Newton was not in 1679, as has generally been assumed, but January 11, 1687-8, old style, or January 11, 1688, new style. He says, — ■ In Jackson's "History of Newton," it is stated that "the result was that the Court granted the prayer of the petition, and Cambridge Village was set off from Cambridge, and made an independent township. The doings of the Court in this case are missing, and have not as yet been found, and there- fore we do not know the precise conditions upon which the separation took place. But the Town Record is quite sufficient to establish the fact of sepa- ration. The very first entry upon the new Town Book records the doings of the first town meeting held 27, 6, 1G79, by virtue of an order of the General Court, at which meeting the first Board of Selectmen were duly elected, viz.. Captain Thomas Prentice, John Ward and James Trowbridge, and Thomas Greenwood was chosen Constable." 1G91, December 8. — "In answer to a petition of the inhabitants of Cambridge Village, lying on the south side of Charles River, sometimes called New Cambridge, being granted to be a town- ship, praying tliat a name may be given to said town, it is ordered that ic be henceforth called New Town." This order of the General Court, for a name only, has been mistaken by historians for the incorporation of tho town, whereas the petitioners had been an independent town for twelve years. The chilli was born on the 27th of August, 1G79, but was not duly christened until the Sth of December, 1091. 74 HISTORY OF NEWTON. It is evident that the township was incorporated before December 8, 1691, (or rather December 18, the session of the Court commenced December 8 ; but the order adopting a name was obtained ten days later). This order plainly enougli recognized the Village as already a distinct township. More- over in 1689, when a General Court assembled, after Andros was deposed and imprisoned, Ensign John Ward appeared as a Deputy from New Cam- bridge,* and was admitted to a seat, apparently without objection. So far Mr. Jackson has a good case. But other facts of public notoriety would justify grave doubts whether the town was incorporated so early as 1G79. It is a very suspicious circumstance, scarcely reconcilable with such an early date of incorporation, that for seven years following 1679, until the charter government was overturned in 168G, the Village, or New Cambridge, never assumed, as a town distinct from Cambridge, to send a Deputy to the General Court; but did not miss representation a single year for half a century after the government was established under the new charter. People as tenacious of their rights as the inhabitants of the Village manifestly were, both before and after incorporation, would not bo likely to let the newly acquired right of representation lie dormant for seven years, during a period of intense political excitement. The election of a Constable and three Selectmen in 1G79 by no means furnishes countervailing proof of incorporation ; for this is precisely what the inhabitants were autliorlzed to do by the order passed May 7, 1673, which was never understood to convey full town privileges, and which, for aught that appears to the contrary, was the order mentioned in the Town Record, dated 27, 6, 1679. f There is much force in the following records : The Records of Cambridge show that Constables were elected by that town for the Village, after 1679, as follows, viz. : 1684, John Prentice. 1680, James Prentiss. 1681, Sebeas Jackson. 1682, Edward Jackson. 1683, Abraham Jackson. 1685, Thomas Parker, senior. 1686, Ebenezer Wiswall. 1687, Joseph Wilson. After 1688 none distinctly described as for the Village. In 1688 a committee was chosen by the inhabitants to make the rate for the minister for the ensuing year, and a rate for the town. Por the Village, chose Noah Wiswall to join with Selectmen, to make a rate for the Village. * In 1C89 Ensign John Ward was chosen Deputy of Cambridge Vill.age, which then included what is now Newton, and he was instructed to advocate an enlargement of freemen — tliat all the freeholders that .are of an honest conversation and competent estate, may liave their vote in all civil elections. Mr. \Vard served tif ty-four days, and was paid one shilling and sixpence per day. tAt the close of their elabor.ate " answer," the Selectmen of Cambridge allege that the petitioners " have not submitted unto nor rested in the Court's last grant made to them for the choice of a Constable and three Selectmen," etc. It seems highly probable that having again failed in their efforts to obtain incorporation in 1078, and despairing of present success, the petitioners determined to exercise the power granted in 1C73, and .accordingly elected a Constable and three Selectmen August 27, 1C79. Such action would sufficiently account for the Record bearing that date in what Jackson styles "The New Town liook." ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT. 75 Mr. Paige continues thus : But the evidence in the case is not wholly of this negative character. One of the documents published by Mr. Jackson indicates Avith some distinctness a different day [January 11, 1687-8], as the true date of incorporation into a distinct town. "We refer to the Articles of Agreement between the Selectmen of the two towns, bearing date in the fall of 1688, as follows : ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT. Made September 17, 1GS8, between the Selectmen of Cambridge and the Selectmen of Cambridge Village, in behalf of their respective towns. That whereas Cambridge Village, by order of the General Court in the late Government [Andros?] was enjoined to bear their proportion in the charges of upholding and maintaining the Great Bridge and school, with some other things of a public nature in the town of Cambridge, — also, there having been some difference between the Selectmen of both of said towns concern- ing the laying of rates, for the end above said, — Therefore as a full and final end and issue of all controversy past, and for the prevention, of trouble that might therein arise, it is mutually agreed by the Selectmen aforesaid that the Village shall pay to the town of Cambridge the sum of £5 in merchantable corn at the former prices, at or before the first day of May next ensuing the date above, in full satisfaction of all dues and demands by the said town from the said Village on the account above said from the beginning of the world to the eleventh of January, 1687-8 ; provided always, and it is to be hereby understood, that the town of Cambridge, on consideration of £4 in current country pay already in hand paid to the Village above said, shall have free use of the highjvay laid out from the Village meeting-house to the Falls forever without any let, molestation or denial. — Also, that the Constable of the Village shall pay to the town of Cambridge, or [all?] that is in their hands unpaid of their former rates due to the town of Cambridge above said. In witness whereof the Selectmen above said have hereunto set their hands the day and year first above written. John Spring, J> Selectmen John Cooper, Edward Jackson, > of Samuel Andrews, James Prentice, 5 A''^w Cumbridge. Walter Hastings, David Fiske, Samuel Stone, Jonathan Remington, Selectmen of Cambridge. The following receipt shows that the first instabneut of the sum stipulated in the above agreement was duly paid : April 30, 1G89.— Received of John Clark, Constable of New Cambridge, £5 in corn, at the common price ; that is, at four shillings the bushel, Indian at three shillings, and oats at two shillings the bushel. By me, Samuel Andrews. 76 HISTORY OF NEWTON. What seems probable by reference to January 11, 1687-8 in the foregoing agreement is rendered certain by two documents which Mr. Jackson probably never saw, but which arc yet in existence. One is an Order of Notice pre- served in the Massachusetts Archives CXXVIII. 7 : "To the Constables of the town of Cambridge, or either of them. You are hereby required to give notice to the inhabitants of the said town, that they or some of them be and appear before his Excellency in council on Wednesday next, being the 11th of this inst., to show cause why Cambridge Village may not be declared a place distinct by itself, and not longer be a part of the said town, as hath been formerly petitioned for and now desired : and thereof to make due return. Dated at Boston the Gth day of January, in the third year of his Majesty's reign, Annoque Domini 1687. By order, etc., J. West, D. Sec'y." What was the result of this process does not appear on record ; for the Eecords of the Council during the administration of Andros were carried away, and no copy of the portion embracing this date has been obtained. Fortunately, however, a certified copy of the Order, which is equivalent to an Act of Incorporation, is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Judicial Courts in Middlesex Co. : — " At a Council held at the Council Chamber in Boston, on Wednesday, the eleventh day of January, 1687, — present his Exc'y Sir Edmund Andros, Kt., etc. William Stoughton, 1 John Usher, ) WAIXmNXHS, J FKANCISNICHOLSOX, J " Upon reading this day in Council the petition of the inhabitants of Cam- bridge Village, in the County of Middlesex, being sixty families, or upwards, that they may be a Village and place distinct of themselves, and freed from the town of Cambridge, to which, at the first settlement, they were annexed ; they being in every respect capable thereof, and by the late authority made distinct in all things, saving paying towards their school and other town charges, for which they are still rated as a part of that town ; and also the answer of the town of Cambridge thereto ; and hearing what could be alleged on either part, and mature consideration had thereupon; those who appeared on the behalf of the town of Cambridge being contented that the said Village be wholly separated from them as desired, and praying that they may be ordered to contribute towards the maintenance of Cambridge Bridge, and that other provision be made as formerly usual to ease the town therein : — Ordered, that the said Village from henceforth be and is hereby declared a distinct Village and place of itself, wholly freed and separated from the town of Cambridge, and from all future rates, payments or duties to them whatsoever. And that for the time to come the charge of keeping, amend- ing and repairing the said bridge called Cambridge Bridge, shall be defrayed and borne as foUoweth, that is to say, — two sixtlis parts thereof b}' the town of Cambridge ; one sixth part by the said Village, and three sixths parts at the public charge of the County of Middlesex. By order in Council, etc. "John West, Dep'y Sec'y. T|IE TRUE DATES. 77 "This is a true copy taken out of the Original, 4th day of Decern., 88. " As attests Laur. Hammond. Cler." There remains no reasonable donbt that the ViHage was released from ecclesiastical dependence on Cambridge and obligation to share in the expen- ses of religious worship in 1661, became a precinct in 1673, received the name of Newton in December, 1691, and was declared to be "a distinct Vil- lage and place of itself," or, in other words, was incorporated as a separate and distinct town by the order passed January 11, 1687-8, old style, or Januarv 11, 1688, according to the present style of reckoning.* The orders in Council are dated January, 1687 ; but that this was in the Old Style, calling March 25th the first day of the year, and thus equivalent to January, 1G8S, commencing the year as we now do with the first day of Jan- uary, is certain, because, 1, according to the present style Wednesday was not the eleventh day of January in 1687, but it was in 1688; and, 2, King Charles II. died February 6, 1684-5, and consequently the thii'd year of the reign of James II. did not commence until February 6, 16S6-7; and the onlv January in that third year was in 1687-8, that is, in 1688, by the present style of reckoning. The above Record of the Council may be verified by referring to the files in the office of the Clerk of the Judicial Courts in Middlesex County, where it rested in obscurit}- for man}' years, till it was brought to light by the researches of the historian of Cambridge above referred to, and was presented to the Historical Society in *OLD AND NEW STYLE. The distinction between Old Style and New Style, in dates, is thus explained. The Julian year, so called, consisted of three hundred and sixty-flve days and six hours, which was too much by about eleven minutes. In 1582, Pope Gregory undertook to reform the calendar. This excess of eleven minutes, in the period between the Coun- cil of Nice (A.D. 325) and the time of Gregory, amounted to about ten days. To make all right, it was ordered in 1582 that that year should consist of only 365 davs, and that ten days, between October 4 and October 14, should be cancelled in the calendar of that year. To prevent future discrepancies, it was also ordered that no initial year of a century should be leap-year, excepting each four hundredth year. This plan expunged three days in every four hundred years, at the i-ate of nearly eleven min- utes per year during that time, leaving an error of only one day in five thousand and two hundred years. The calendar arranged by Julius Caesar was tho Jillian Period or Old Style ; the Gregorian was the New Style. All Roman Catholic countries (the Western Church) adopted the New Style at once. Great Britain and her colonies, being prejudiced against anything of Papal origin, did not adopt the New Style till 1752,— or one hun- dred and forty years after the change ordered by Gregory. Russia and her depend- encies (the Greek or Eastern church) still adhere to the Old Style. Previous to 1752, England recognized the hixtorical year, beginning January 1; the legal and ecclesias- tical year, beginning March 25. The change of style adopted by Great Britain in 1752 fixed January 1 as the commencement of the year, and abolished the distinction between the legal and historical year. The difference in the commencement of the respective years led to a system of double dating from January 1 to March 25,— which was expressed sometimes as February 10, 1734-5, — sometimes as February 10, 173 4-5 — the four denoting the legal, the five the historical year. 78 HISTORY OF NEWTON. order to correct certain errors in dates that had been current in the received History of Newton. From this it appears that the second item, engraved in 1873 and perpetuated for six years on the corporate seal of the city of Nevr- ton, — "incorporated a town 1679," — is incorrect, and should have been "incorporated a town 1688." It is a singular fact that an error in regard to the birth-da}- of the town could have been perpetuated nearty two centuries, and that no curious investigator of history should have discovered the mistake. The possibility of such an occurrence confirms our im- pression of the importance of original and rigid examination of the sources of history. It is unsafe and unwise, in questions of moment, to substitute tradition for written records, or to rest in general belief without having recourse to documentary testimony. It is also an interesting circumstance, that while, b}^ her separa- tion from Cambridge, Newton lost in territory, she found, in due time, more than she lost. By the limitation of her boundaries she cut herself off from Master Corlet's " fair grammar schoole," though she retained as much right in the college as belonged to anj- and every town in the Commonwealth. She was deprived of the pres- tige of the great men whose dignity and learning brought fame to the colony ; but she has since been the mother of governors and statesmen, of ministers and missionaries, of patriots and saints. And in the progi'css of years she added to her reputation, as the scene of that great enterprise, the translation of the Bible into the dialect of her aborigines and the first Protestant missionarj' efforts on this continent. Subsequentl}', she had the first Normal school for young ladies (continued from Lexington) , several of the earhest and the best academies and private schools, and, finall}^, the Theological Institution whose professors have been and are known and respected in all lands, and whose alumni have carried the gifts of learning and the gospel to every part of the earth. She left the rustic church near the college, by the inconvenience of attend- ing which she was so sorely tried ; but she has attained to thirty churches within her own borders. The frequent recm-rence in this history of the phrases, — " became a freeman," or " took the ^freeman's oath," will justify a brief explanation of them. To acquire all the privileges of a citizen was deemed by the fathers a boon greatly to be desired, and therefore a blessing not to be conferred lightly. Thej' guarded scrupulouslj^ NAME OF NEWTON. 79 the elective franchise, and allowed no man to vote who could be supposed capable of trifling with so sacred an obligation. The provisions of the freeman's oath, however, opened the door to (;vils which in later times proved of grave importance. The free- man's oath is explained in the words of Rev. F, A. Whitnej^, of Brighton, — " To become a freeman, one must be a member of the church. Permission having then been obtained from the General Court, or from the Quarterly- Court of the County, the freeman's oath was taken before a magistrate. In 1664, those might be made freemen who brought certificates from clergymen acquainted with them, of their being correct in doctrine and conduct. Free- men only could hold offices or vote for rulers. And yet many church members refused to take the freeman's oath, from unwilhng- ness to serve in any pubhc affair. The oath, as altered and amended by the General Court May 14, 1634, ran thus : ' I, A. B., being by God's providence an inhabitant and freeman within the jurisdic- tion of this Commonwealth, do freely acknowledge myself to be subject to the government thereof, and therefore do here swear, by the great and dreadful name of the Everlasting God, that I will be true and faithful to the same,' etc., etc. Records of Massa- chusetts. The custom of making freemen ceased about 1G88." After Cambridge Milage was set off from Cambridge and oi'gan- ized as an independent town by virtue of the order of the General Court, it was more often called New Cambridge until 1691. " This- name," sa3'S Mr. Jackson, "was not given by the Court, nor is there any vote in relation to it upon the Town or Court Records. It appears to have been assumed by the leading inhabitants, and generally acquiesced in b}^ the public. Captain Thomas Prentice, John Ward, Ebenezer Stone and other leading men wrote the name Neio Cambridge in their deeds and other papers, dated between 1679 and 1691. John Ward was chosen Deputy to the General Court from New Cambridge in 1680, and so entered on the Court Records. The change of name from ' Cambridge Village ' to ' New Cambridge' b}- the i)ublic was gradual, and never became uni- versal. It produced some confusion, and the Inhabitants petitioned the Coiu't, more than once, to give the town a name." On the 8tli of December, 1G91, the General Court passed the following order : " In answer to the petition of the inhabitants of Cambridge Village, sometimes called New Cambridge, lying on the south side of Charles Kiver, being granted to be a township, i^raying tlaat a name may be given unto the- 80 HISTORY OF NEWTON. said town, — it is ordered, that it be henceforth called 'Newtown'; — very naturally and properly restoring the ancient name, which was discon- tinued by the Court in 1638, for the reason already stated " (p. 37). On the Court Records the name appears in two words — New town, as in the Court Records of 1631. The process of changing it to the fonn in modern use seems to have been a gradual one. The town clerks followed the order of the Court in spelling the name until 1766, when Judge Fuller obtained the office, who alwaj^s spelt it on the Town Records New/.on. The question of the orthography was never put to vote ; the usage of seventy-five years graduall}' prepared the way, and justified him in assuming tlie responsibility of omitting the w. The number of freemen within the limits of the town in 1688 — the date of its complete separation from Cambridge, — was about sixty-five. In forty j^ears, — from 1639 to 1679, — fortj^-two free- men became permanent settlers, — some from England, others from the neighboring towns. During the same period, thirty of their sons had reached their majoritj^, — making, in all, seventy-two. But five had deceased and two had removed, — leaving the sum total, sixty -five. There were six dwelling-houses in Cambridge Village in 1639, — all being situated near the present dividing line between Newton and Brighton, and all on farms adjoining one another. CHAPTER VII. GRANTS OP LAND. WATERTOWN's GRANT TO NEWTON. BROOKLINE OWNED BY BOSTON. BOSTON'S GRANT TO NEWTON. BOUND- ART BETWEEN BOSTON AND CAMBRIDGE. BETWEEN CAMBRIDGE AND NEW CAMBRIDGE. DISTRIBUTION OF LANDS. We must now revert to the period that elapsed between the commencement of the settlement of Cambridge (1631) and the estabHshment of Newton as an independent town (1688). Many- incidents and arrangements falUng within that period belong to the history of the territory and internal economy of the town of Newton. In conformity with the customs of the period, large grants of land, out of the waste and wilderness territoiy, were given to towns and individuals. And the indefiniteness of these grants, one overlapping and including another, often resulted in serious disputes and complications, which the inhabitants and the General Court found very difficult to disentangle. The fragmentary records of the period seem to unply that before Newtowne (Cam- bridge) was commenced, large portions of territory had ah'cady been gi'anted, as Charlestowu, Mcdford and Woburn on the north- east, and Watertown, Waltham and Weston on the west and north- west. And a commission appointed to lay out a road from Boston, westward, in due time reported to the body by which they were commissioned that they had laid out a road twelve miles, to Wes- ton, and, " in their opinion, that was as far westward as a road would ever be needed." Boston and Roxbmy bounded Cambridge on the remaining sides, leaving little room for growth of territor}- on the part of Cambridge, without infringement on the lands of her neighbors. Notwithstanding, the people had a great desire for 6 81 82 HISTORY OF NEWTON. more space, complaining that tliey were cii'cumscribecT, involving' themselves in disputes about boundaries with theu* neighbors and with the General Court in reference to the extension of their limits. At the session of the General Court, held September 25, 1634, it was ordered " that with the consent of Watertown, the meadow on this syde Watertown weire, contaj^ning about thirty acres, be the same more or less, and now used by the inhabitants of New Towne, shall belong to said inhabitants of New Towne, to injoy to them and their heirs forever." At the same time, an order was passed granting to Newtowuc lauds about Muddy River (Brookline) on certain conditions (see page 28) . But Mr. Hooker's company maintaining that they were actually' suffering for want of room, and representing that unless their territory were extended they should leave the settlement, they first explored the grounds offered them at Ipswich and in the vicinity of the Merrimack, — with which they were dissatisfied ; and, finall}^, accepted the proffer of the territor^^ on which was afterwards built the city of Hartford. The Coiu-t of Assistants, September 7, 1630, ordered that the town upon Charles River be called Watertown. The place was then an unexplored wilderness, and the inhabitants of Watertown claimed a large tract on the south side of Charles River, — all of which they gave up to Newton except a strip two hundred rods long and sixty rods wide, enough to protect theii' fishing privilege, afterwards called the Wear (Weir) lands. " All the rest of the ground on that side of the river, the Coui't ordered, was to belong to Newtown" (Cambridge). "This grant, — all the rest,"— says Mr. Jackson, " was the earliest made to Newtown on the south side of the river." The following is from the observations of Mr. Jackson : How much Watertown owned on the one side, and Boston on the other, no one can now tell. Probably neither of them ever knew, nor did the Court itself know, — as it ajipears from its own record in the case of their special grant to Simon Bradstreet of five hundred acres of land on the south side of Charles River, with the condition that " he was to take no part of it within a mile of Watertown Wear, in case the bounds of Watertown shall extend so far on that side the river." Boston early obtained a grant of Muddy River (Brookline), where the alloters were authorized to " take a view and bound out what may be suffi- cient there." In Boston the lands assigned within the peninsula were of limited extent. But at Muddy River and Mount Wollaston, four hundred acres were sometimes given to a single individual. William Ilibbins' allotment at Muddy River was four hundred and ninety -live acres, bounding southwest upon Dcdham. BOUNDARY LINES. 83 The extreme vagueness of these two grants, — "all the rest," on the one hand, and " what may be sufficient," on the other, — we may be sure covered all that is now Brookline, Brighton and Newton, except the special grants that had been previously made to individuals, and what belonged to the Indians. The condition upon which Boston gave Muddy River to Newtown having been broken by the removal of Mr. Hooker's compau}^ to Connecticut, that territory reverted to Boston, and the Court appointed a committee to settle the boundaries between Newtown and Muddy river. (See page 29.) Tlie line indicated in the Report of the committee not being satisfactory (doubtless because it was blindly expressed and vari- ously construed), — the towns of Boston and Cambridge mutually chose committees from their own citizens, 20, 11, 1G39, to form a new boundary line, as follows : We, whose names are underwritten, being appointed by the towns to which we belong, to settle the bounds between Boston (Muddy River) and Cam- bridge, have agreed that the partition shall run from Charles River, up along the channel of Smelt Brook, to a marked tree upon the brink of said brook, near the first and lowest seedy meadow; and from that tree, in a straight line, to the great red oak, formerly marked by agreement, at the foot of the great hill, on the northernmost end thereof; and from the said great red oak to Dedham line, by the trees marked by agreement of both parties, this 2, 8, 1640. Thomas Oliver, William Colbron, for Boston. Richard Champney, John Bridge, Gregory Stone, Joseph Isaac, Thomas Marett, for Cambridge. " This line from Charles River, following the brook to the northerly end of the great hill, is the same as it now is. But as the line ends at Dedham, it is plain that there has been an alteration at the southwest end of Brookline, as no part of that town now comes within one mile and a quarter of Dedham." In 1GG2 a line of division between Cambridge and New Cam- bridge, or Cambridge Village, was agreed upon, as akeady related, with reference to the pa3'ment of ministerial taxes. This division became a town boundary on the separation of the Village from Cambridge, and is substantially the same line which divides New- ton from Brighton, (now Boston) . The above specifications relate to the easterly and southeasterly bounds of Newton. At all other parts it bounds upon Charles 84 HISTORY OE NEWTON. River, excepting the two hundred rods upon the river, reserved to Watertown by order of the General Coui't in April, 1G05. 1647. Laid out, on the south side of the river, near Watertown mill, ten acres land to John Jackson; ten acres to Randolph Bush; ten acres to John Ken- dall or (Holly's) house [Kendall married Holly's widow] ; and forty acres to Edward Jackson, adjoining that already laid to his brother, John Jackson, and to himself for Rcdsen's house, provided he satisfy Mr. Corlet for the town's gift to him ; and eleven acres to Richard Park, abutting on Mr. Jack- son's land east and west ; and the highway to Dedham [now Centre Street] runs through it. These transactions date back to the period before Cambridge VUlage became an independent town. • In process of time Cam- bridge adopted the policy of making over all the common lands on the south side of the river to private parties (p. 46) . This method of procedure indicates how dim were the expectations of the authorities in respect to the future value of the lands, aris- ing out of the growth of the population. That land in Newton would ever be sold at one dollar or more per square foot doubt- less surpassed the most extravagant dreams of those simple- hearted and modest men. And he who should have advocated the reserving of these acres in anticipation of such an augmenta- tion of value would have been deemed a fit subject for the wards of an insane hospital. The advantage accruing from this gener- ous distribution was that the soil was the more rapidly subdued and brought under profitable cultivation. CHAPTER VIII. THE FIRST SETTLERS. •BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. According to the ^dews of the late Hon. William Jackson, who was a dUigent investigator, and whose manuscripts have greatly aided in the preparation of this volume, twenty-two land-holders came into Newton and established their residence here between 1639, — the» date of the coming of Mr. John Jackson, — and 1664, — the date of the organization of the first church. The fol- lowing are their names, which diifer in two or three instances from the catalogue on page 40, owing to circumstances which the in- telligent and careful reader will be at no loss to explain : John Jackson, Samuel Hides (Hyde), Edward Jackson, Jonathan Hides (Hyde) , John Fuller, Thomas Prentice, Abraham Williams, Thomas Park, James Prentice, John Spring, Daniel Bacon, Richard Parks, John Sherman, John Ward, John Parker, Thomas Wiswall, Vincent Druce, John Kenrick, Rev. John Eliot, James Trowtjridge, Isaac Williams. Thomas Hammond, To these, some historians add the names of William Healy and Gregor}' Cook ; some also suppose that there was a third family bj' the name of Prentiss. The first settler, 1639, was John Jackson. Says Mr. Jackson, a descendant, in his histoiy, "John Jackson bouglitof Miles Ives,- of Watertown, a dwelling-house and eighteen acres of land. This lot was ver}'- near the present dividing line between Newton and Brighton, twenty-four rods upon Charles River, and extending southerly one hundred and twenty rods. Same year, Samuel 85 86 HISTORY OF NEWTON. Holly owned a lilvc lot and dwelling-house, adjoining Jackson's es- tate, and Randolph Bush owned a like lot and house, adjoining Samuel Holly's estate, and Wilham Redson or Reds3'n owned four acres and a dwelling-house, adjoining Bush's estate, and William Clements owned six acres and a dwelling-house, adjoining John Jackson's west, and Thomas Maj-hew owned a dwelling-house near the spot where Gen. Michael Jackson's house stood. These six dwelling-houses were in the Village in 1639, and perhaps eai'her. Samuel Holly was in Cambridge in 1636, and died in 1643, but left no descendants in the town. We cannot tell who occupied the houses of Mayhew, /Clements, Bush and Redson ; the}' were transient dwellers there, and were soon gone. Edward Jackson bought all these houses, and the lands appurtenant, before 1648, and all except Mayhew's were in what is now Brighton." We give below a brief notice, so far as possible, of these first settlers. John Jackson was baptized in the parish of Stepney, London, June 6, 1602. He was the first settler of Cambridge Village who removed thither and died in the place. He brought a good estate with him from England. He took the freeman's oath in 1641. He was one of the first deacons of the church, and gave an acre of land for the church and cemetery', in the centre of which the first meeting-house was erected in 1660. This acre constitutes the oldest part of the old cemetery on Centre Street. He labored long and earnestly, by petitioning the General Com't and otherwise, to have Cambridge Village erected into an independent town ; but he did not live to see the object accomphshed. He died January 30, 1674-5, aged about 73 years. His widow, Margaret, died August 28, 1684, aged 60. His son, Edward, was slain b}' the Indians at Medfield, in their attack upon and burning of that town, Feb. 21, 1676. His house was near the place where Mr. Smallwood's shop afterwards stood. The cellar yet remains, and the pear trees now standing there, are supposed to have been planted b}' him. Abra- ham was the only one among his sons who reared a famih". ^ Samuel Holly (included b}- some writers among the earl}' pro- prietors) was in Cambridge in 1636, owned a house and eighteen acres of land in Cambridge Village adjoining John Jackson in 1639. Six acres of this land he sold to Edward Jackson in 1643 for £5. He died in 1643. LIVES OF FIRST SETTLEES. 87 Samuel Hyde was born in 1610. He came to Boston in the ship Jonathan, leaving London in April, 1639. He was the second settler in Cambridge Village, abont 1640. In 1647, he and his brother Jonathan bought of Thomas Danforth forty acres of laud. In 1652, they bought two hundred acres of the administrators of Nathaniel Sparhawk. They held this land in common until 1662, %vhen it was divided. He was one of the first deacons of the church. He had by his wife Temperance, Samuel, Joshua, Job, Sarah and Elizabeth. Sarah married Thomas Woolson, of Water- town, 1660; Elizabeth, Humphrey Osland, 1667. Samuel ll3'de conveyed to his son-in-law Osland a piece of his land on the west side of the Dedham road, in 1678, on which the latter had pre^i- ousl}^ built a house, being part of the same land now owned by E. C. Converse, Esq. Mr. Hj^de died in 1689, aged 79, and his wife Temperance soon after. His descendants, Samuel of the fifth generation, and George of the sixth, have resided upon and owned a part of the same land. His son Job married Elizabeth, daughter of John Fuller. He and his wife both died in November, 1685. His father, Dea. Samuel Hyde, took and j^rovided for half their children, and John Fuller the other half. His son Samuel married Hannah Stedman, in 1673. His house was burnt in 1709, and with the assistance of his neighbors raised again in fourteen daj's. He died in 1725, and his wife in 1727. His house stood on the east side of Centre Street, near where Mr. Freeland's now stands. The descendants of Samuel Hyde of the seventh generation still occupied a por- tion of his estate in 1879. Edw.\jjd Jackson, senior, brother of John Jackson, was born in London, England, about 1602. He lived in the parish of White chapel, and was b}' trade a nail maker. Tradition affirms that his youngest son by Ms first marriage, Sebas Jackson, was born on the passage to this country. lie bought land of Samuel Holly in Cambridge Village in 1643, took the freeman's oath in 1645, and the next j^ear purchased in Cambridge Village a farm from Governor Bradstreet, of 500 acres, for £140, long known as the Mayhew farm ; Bradstreet having purchased it of Thomas Mayhew in 1638, with all the buildings thereon, for six cows. This five hundred acre farm commenced near what is now the division line between Newton and Brighton and extended westward, including what is now Newtonville, and covering the site where 88 HISTORY OF NEWTON. Judge Fuller's mansion house stood. The site where Gen. Michael Jackson's mansion house stood, was near the centre of the Ma^'hew farm ; and a few rods nearer the brook, stood the old dwelling-house conveyed with the land in Mayhew's deed to Brad- street ; of course it was built previous to 1G38, and therefore highly probable that it was the first dwelling-house built in Newton ; the cellar hole, a few rods from the brook, is still visible. In the lading out of the highway in 1708, which passed b}^ the old house, the description is, " crossing the brook near where the old house stood." The house which was erected before 1638, was gone before 1708 ; it had stood about the allotted space of three score years and ten. It was probably the first residence of Edward Jackson, senior, in Cambridge Village, from his first com- ing in 1642 or '43, until his marriage in 1649, and perhaps for many more j^ears. At his death in 1681, his then dwelling-house stood about thi'ee-quarters of a mile east of the old house, and is de- scribed as a spacious mansion with a hall, designed, no doubt, for religious meetings. He was chosen one of the representatives from Cambridge to the General Court in 1647, and continued to be elected to that office annually or semi-annualh' for seventeen j'ears in all, and was other- wise much engaged in public life. He was Selectman of Cam- bridge in 1665 ; chairman of a committee appointed in 1653 to lay out all necessar}' highway's on the south side of the ri^-er ; chairman of a committee appointed to la}^ out and settle high- wa3's as need should require in Cambridge Village, and one of the coimnissioners to end small causes in Cambridge for several years. " He was constantly present with the Rev. John Ehot at his lectures to the Indians at Nonantum, to take notes of the ques- tions of the Indians and of the answers of Mr. Eliot. He was one of the proprietors of Cambridge, and in the division of the common lands in 1662, he had fom- acres, and in 1664 he had thirt}' acres. He was also a large proprietor in the Billerica lands, and in the di\dsion of 1652 he had fom- hundred acres, which by his will he gave to Harvard College, together with other bequests. He was the author and. first signer of the petition to the General Court in 1678, — prapng that Cambridge Village might be set off from Cambridge, and made an independent town by itself. The remonstrance to this petition by the Selectmen of Cambridge (pp. 64-71) bears honorable testimony of Edward Jackson. LIVES OF rmST SETTLERS. 89 Captain Edward Johnson's History of New England contains a short notice of many of the leading men of his time, among whom he classed Edward Jackson, and says, ' He could not endure to see the truth of Christ trampled under foot by the erroneous party.'" He died June 17, 1G81, aged seventy-nine 3'ears and five months. In the inventory of his estate, it appears that he left two men-servants, appraised at £5 each. He was probably the first slave-holder in Newton. He divided his lands among his children in his lifetime. He had eight children in England, one born on the passage, and ten born in this country, and up- wards of sixty gi'audchildren. His second marriage, in March, 1649, was with EUzabeth, daughter of John Newgate, and widow of Rev. John Oliver, H. C. 1645, the first minister of Rumney Marsh (Chelsea) , by whom he had four daughters and one son. His wife survived him twenty-eight years, and died September 30, 1709, aged ninety-two years. He was a land surveyor, and not long before his death surveyed his own lands, and made a division of them to his children, put- ting up metes and bounds. It is a remarkable fact in relation to these two brothers men- tioned, John and Edward Jackson, that while Edward had but three sons, and John five, there are multitudes of Edward's posterity who bear his name, and not more than three or four of John's. Forty-four of Edward's descendants went into the revo- lutionar}^ army from Newton, and not one of John's. But in 1852 there were but thi*ee families in the town, of his descendants that bore his name. John Fuller was born in 1611, and settled in Cambridge Vil- lage in 1644. In December, 1658, he purchased of Joseph Cooke seven hundred and fifty acres of land for £160, bounded north and west by Charles River, south by Samuel Shepard, and east by Thomas Park. His house stood on the south side of the road, on the west side of the brook, and witliin a few rods of both road and brook. By subsequent purchase he increased his farm to one thou- sand acres. Cheese Cake Brook ran through it. He had six sons and two daughters. His son Isaac died before him. He divided his farm between the other five sons, viz., John, Jonathan, Joseph, Jeremiah and Joshua. This tract of land was long known as the " Fuller Farm," or " Fuller's Corner." He was a maltster ; was a Selectman from 1684 to 1694. He died in 1698-9, aged 87 ; his 90 HISTORY OF NEWTON. wife Elizabeth died 1700. The}^ left five sons, two daughters and fort3'-five grandchildren. The inventory of his property amounted to £534 5s. Od. His will provides that none of the land bequeathed to his sons should be sold to strangers, until first offered to the nearest relation. Twent3"-two of his descendants went into the revolutionary army from Newton. (See his will in the Probate Office, 9th volume.) The ages of his five sons at death were as follows : John 75, Jonathan 74, Joseph 88, Jeremiah 85, Joshua 98. Joshua was married a second time when 88 years old to Mary Dana, of Cam- bridge, in 1742, who was in her 75th year. Edward Jackson and John Fuller came into the Village about the same time, probablj* knew each other in England, were the largest land-owners in the Village, divided their lands among their children in their lifetime, confirming the division by their wills, and had a far greater number of descendants than an}^ of the other early settlers of the town. Jonathan Hyde, senior, brother of Dea. Samuel Hyde, was born in 1626, and came into the village of New Cambridge in 1647. He piu'chased two hundred and forty acres of land in Newton, with his brother Samuel, which the}^ owned in common until 1661. In 1656, he bought eighty acres of land, which was one-eighth of the tract recovered by Cambridge from Dedham, in a lawsuit. He settled upon the land, and increased it by subsequent purchases to several hundred acres. His house was about sixty rods north of the Centre meeting-house. He bought and sold much land in the town. In his deeds he was styled Sergeant. He had twenty-three chil- dren, all of whom, with one exception, bore Scriptm'e names, — fif- teen by Marj'^ French, daughter of William French of Billerica, and eight by Mary Eediat, daughter of John Rediat of Marlborough, with whom he made a marriage covenant in 1673, in which it was sti^D- ulated, that in case he should die first, she should have his house, barn and about one hundred acres of land. This part of his homestead was boimded b^' the highway from Watcrtown to Ded- ham one hundred and sixty rods, and one hundred deep, and south by the farm of Elder Wiswall, reserving a highway one rod wide, next to "Wiswall's. This higliway ran from the Common, by the north bank of Wiswall's Pond, and for a century was known by the name of Blanden's Lane. The front of this lot extended from this lane, northerly, to about opposite the road leading to the east LIVES OF FIRST SETTLERS. 91 part of tlie town. This farm, therefore, was very near the centre of Newton, and inchided the spot where the Centre meeting-house now stands. Pie was admitted a member of the church in 1661, and was Selectman the same year. A few years before his death he settled his own estate by making deeds of gift of his real estate to eleven of his children, convej'ing about four hundred acres with several dwelling-houses thereon. The other twelve had probably died before him, or were otherwise provided for. In 1705, he gave to John Kenrick and others, Selectmen of Newton and their suc- cessors in office, " half an acre of his homestead," for the use and benefit of the school in the southerly part of the town. It is sup- posed that he also gave a large part of the Common on Centre Street for a training field, in the days of military pageants ; but no record of this gift has j'et been found. The same j^car he deeded to his children a cartway through the homestead to the Dedham highway, " to be used with gates forever." That cartway is now the highwa}-, and the northwestern boundary of the triangular place once the estate of the Rev. Joseph Grafton, subsequently of IMichael Tombs, Esq., and in 1875 of the late George C. Rand, Esq. He was Selectman in 1091. He died October 5, 1711, aged 85, leaving a multitude of grandchildren. His first wife died May 27, 1672, aged 39 ; the second, September 5, 1708. ^^n^iCHARD Park was a proprietor in Cambridge in 1636, and of Cambridge Farms (Lexington), 1642. In 1617 there was a divi- sion of lands, abutting on Mr. Edward Jackson's land, east and west, and the highway' to Dedham was laid out through it ; his dwelling-house was probably erected on this lot ; it stood within a few feet of the spot now occupied by the Eliot church. This ancient house was pulled down about 1800. The spot was near the four mile line, or the division line between Cambridge and Cam- bridge Village. He owned a large tract of land in the Village, bounded west by the Fuller fanii, north by Charles River, cast b3^the Dummer farm, and east and south by the Maj'hew farm (Edward Jackson's) , con- taining about six hundred acres. By his will, dated 12, 5, 1665, he bequeaths to his onl}' son, Thomas, this tract of land, with the houses thereon, after the decease of his wife, Sarah. This only son, Thomas, married Abigail Dix, of Watertown, 1653, and had five sons and four daughters, among whom his tract of land was divided in 1694 (Thomas having deceased), and the contents then 92 HISTORY OF NEWTON. were about eight hundred acres, Thomas having added, by pur- chase, about two hundred acres, and built a corn-mill upon Charles River, near where the Bemis Factory now is. In 1657, Richard was one of a committee with Mr. Edward Jackson, John Jackson and Samuel Hyde, to lay out and settle highways in Cambridge Village. In 1663, he was released from training, and therefore past sixty 3'ears of age. He died in 1665. In his will, witnessed by Elder Wiswall and Hugh Mason, he names his Avife, Sarah, two daughters, and his onl}'- son, Thomas. One of his daughters married Francis Whittemore, of Cambridge. His inventory, dated August 19, 1665, amounted to £872. His widow, Sarah, was living at Dusbmy, in 1668. Henry Parke of London, merchant, son and heir of Edward Parke, of London, merchant, deceased, conveyed land in Cam- bridge, to John Stedman, in 1650. Edward may have been the ancestor of the first settlers of that name in New England, viz., of Dea. William of Roxbury, Richard of Cambridge Village, Sam- 'uel of Mystic, and Thomas of Stonington. " During the contest between the Village and Cambridge, to be set off, he sent a petition to the Court in 1661, pra3dng to retain his connection with Cambridge church. The Cambridge church owned a farm in Billerica, of one thousand acres, and other propert3^ And in 1648 it was voted b}' the church ' that every person that from time to time hereafter removed from the church did thereby resign their interest to the remaining part of the church propert}'.' This vote may have been the reason of his sending that petition to the Court." Captain Thomas Prentice was born in England in 1621. He was in this country November 22, 1649, as shown by the recorded bu'th of his children, Thomas and Elizabeth, (twins) . He was chosen Lieutenant of the companj' of horse in the lower Middlesex regiment, in 1656, and Captain in 1662. In 1661 he purchased thi-ee hundred acres of land in the Pequod country. This tract was in Stonington, Connecticut. Two hundred and thirty acres of this land was appraised in his inventory at £109 in 1685. His grandson, Samuel, married Esther Hammond, and set- tled upon this land in 1710. In 1663, he purchased of Elder Frost of Cambridge, eight^'-five acres of land in the easterly' part of Cambridge Village, adjoining John Ward's land. This was his homestead for about fifty years. In 1705, he conveyed it by deed LIVES OF FIRST SETTLERS. 93 of gift to his grandson, Captain Thomas Prentice. His house was on the spot where the Ilai'back House now stands. He was one of the Cambridge proprietors, and in the division of the common lands he had a dividend of one hundred and sixty acres in Billerica, in 1652, and nine acres in Cambridge Village, in 16G4. He was greatly distinguished for his bravery and heroism in Philip's war. This war broke out in 1G75. On the 2Gth of June, a company of infantry under Captain Henchman, from Boston, and a company of horse under Captain Prei>tice, from Cambridge Vil- lage and adjoining towns (twenty from the Village and twent}'- one from Dedham) , marched for Mount Hope. In their first con- flict with the Indians, in Swanzey, William Hammond was Irilled, and Corporal Belcher had his horse shot under him, and was him- self wounded ; and on the first of July they had another encounter with the Indians, on a plain near Rehoboth, four or five of whom were slain, among them Thebe, a sachem of Mount Hope, and another of Philip's chiefs. In this affau', John Drucc, son of Vincent (one of the first settlers of the Village), was mortally* wounded. He was brought home and died at his own house next day. On the 10th of December, five companies of infantry and Captain Prentice's troop of horse marched from Massachusetts and from PljTnouth Colonjs to Narragansett. On the IGth, Captain Prentice received advice that the Indians had burned Jeremiah Ball's house, and Irilled eighteen men, women and children. He marched im- mediatel}^ in pursuit, killed ten of the Indians, captured fifty-five and burned one hundred and fifty wigwams. " This exploit," says the historian of that day, " was perfonned by Captain Prentice, of the Horse." On the 21st of January, 1G76, Captain Prentice's troops being in advance of the infantry, met with a party of Indians, captm'ed two, and killed nine of them. On the 18th of April following, the Indians made a vigorous attack on Sudbur3\ Captains Wads- worth and Brockelbank fought bravely in defence, but were over- powered, and eighteen of their men took refuge in a mill. When notice of this attack reached Captain Prentice, he started imme- diately for Sudbur}-, with a few of his compau}^, and reached that town with but six beside himself. The remnant of Captain AV ads- worth's men defended the mill bravely until night, when they were relieved, and the Indians put to flight. In short, all accounts agree 94 HISTORY OF NEWTON. that Captain Prentice rendered most invaluable services tbrougliout the war. He was constantly on the alert, and by his bold and rapid marches, he put the enemy to the sword or flight, and made his name a terror to all the hostile Indians. After Philip was slain, in Jul}-, 1676, terms of peace were offered to all Indians who would come in and sm'render. A Nipmuck sachem, called John, with a num- ber of his men, embraced this offer, and b}' order of the General Court were given in charge to Captain Prentice, who kept them at his house in Cambridge Village. Prentice had been in command of this company fifteen years when Phihp's war broke out, and was then 55 years old. He was hard}', athletic and robust, and capable of enduring great fatigue. He continued to ride on horseback to the end of his long life, his death being occasioned by a fall from his horse. Notwithstanding the fact that the Indian couA^erts maintained unshaken their fidelity to the English, such was the prejudice against, and fear of them, that the General Court, on the breaking * out of Philip's war, ordered them to be removed to Deer Island in Boston harbor, and Captain Prentice, with his troopers, was charged with the execution of this order. Their number, including men, women and children, was about two hundred. Although Prentice was a terrible enem}- to. the hostile Indians, he was a warm friend and counsellor and had the full confidence of the friendl}' tribes. For man}^ years. General Gookin was, b}- the appointment of the General Court, the magistrate for man- aging, advising and watching over the friendty Indians. After his death, the Indians residing at Natick, Punkapoag, "Wam- essik, Ilassenamaskok and Kecumuchoag, all united in a peti- tion to the General Court, in 1691, that Captain Prentice might be appointed then* ruler. Prentice was appointed one of a committee to proceed to Quin- sigamond (Worcester), with a view of forming a settlement there. He was one of the owners of the first fift^'-eight houses built there, and had a grant of fifty acres of land for his public services. He was a Representative to the General Court in 1672, '73 and '74. In 1689 he was appointed chairman of a committee for re- building the town of Lancaster, which was destroj-ed by the Indians during Philip's war. Captain Prentice and his wife, Grace, had fom- sons and fom* daughters. Two of his sons died in childhood. The other two LIVES OF FIRST SETTLERS. 95 were married. Thomas, the oldest, had three sons, and died in 1685, and the old Captain had the bringing up of the three grand- sons, to whom he gave a good education, and all his estate. Thomas, the oldest grandson, was a leading man in Newton, a Captain of infantry, and died in 1730. The second grandson, John, married a daughter of Edward Jackson, and died at the age of 35, leaving no children. The third grandson, Samuel, married Esther, daughter of Nathaniel Hammond, and settled in Stoughton, Connecticut. Numerous descendants have proceeded from this marriage. Captain Prentice's wife, Grace, died October 9, 1G92. He died July G, 1710, aged 89, and was buried under arms, by the com- pany of troops, on the 8th of July. He settled his own estate, by deeds of gift to his grandchildren. He was undoubtedly one of the most substantial men of his age, and had the entire confidence of his. associates in Cambridge Village. Edward Jackson's will, made in 1G81, has testimony to this effect, as follows : " I bequeath to mj' honored friend, Captain Thomas Prentice, one diamond ring." John WxVrd was borii in England, in 1G2G. He was the oldest sou of Wilham Ward, who, with his second wife, Elizabeth, and other children, came from Yorkshire or Derbyshire and settled iu Sudbury, where he had lands assigned to him in 1G40. He married Hannah, the daughter of Edward Jackson, about 1650 ; was Selectman nine years, from 1679, and a Representative eight years, being the fii'st ever sent from Cambridge Village. His dwelling-house was constructed for a garrison-house, about 1661, and used as such dming King Philip's war. Tliis ancient building stood where the late Ephraim AVard's (a descendant from John) now stands, and was demohshed in 1821, having stood about one hundred and seventy j^ears, and sheltered seven genera- tions. This house, and forty -five acres of land, was conve3'ed to John and Hannah, by his father-in-law, Edward Jackson, by deed, dated March 10, IGGl, witnessed b}' John Jackson and John Spring. He owned about five hundred acres of land, which he distributed among his sons by deeds of gift, in 1701. He was, by trade, a tm-ner. He had eight sons and five daughters. He made his will in 1707, and died July 1, 1708, aged 82. His wife, Hannah, died April 24, 1704, aged 73. There were twelve of this name among the first settlers of New Entilaud. 96 HISTORY OF NEWTON. Thomas Hammond, one of the earliest settlers of Hingham, took the freeman's oath there 9th of March, 1637, had land granted to him there in 1636, and all his children were born and baptized in Hingham. He sold his lands in Hingham in 1652, and his dwelling-house in 1656. In 1650, he and Vincent Druce bought of Nicholas Hodgden land in Cambridge Village, and in 1658 they bought of Thomas Brattle and others six hundred acres, partly in Cambridge Village and partly in Muddy Eiver. They held this land in common until 1664, when a division was made between them. The dividing line was one hundred rods in length, running over the great hill. The pond was in Hammond's part, and has been called by his name ever since. He also bought, in 1656, three hundred and thirtj^ acres of Esther Sparhawk. His wife's name was Elizabeth. They had two sons and two daughters. He died 30th of September, 1675, leaving a will written by his own hand, but not signed, in which he calls himself aged, — gives his wife his dwelling-house, etc., during her Ufe and divides his lands among his children. His inventory was taken by Elder Wiswall and John Spring, and amounted to £1,139 16s. 2d. He had four children, and upwards of twenty grandchildren. John Pakker was one of the earliest settlers of Hingham. He probabl}' came over in the ship James, of London, in 1635. He had land granted to him in Hingham in 1636 and 1640. He was a car- penter. He removed from Hingham, and bought a tract of land in the easterty \Dart of Cambridge Village, in March, 1650, adjoin- ing the lands of John Ward and Vincent Druce. By his wife, Joanna, he had five sons and five daughters. He died in 1686, aged 71. His estate, appraised by Captain Isaac Williams and John Spring, amounted to £412 2s. His will is dated Sept. 7, 1686, and recorded in the Suffollc Registry, 11th volume. This Parker's homestead passed into the hands of the Hon. Ebenezer Stone, soon after Parker's death, and is now owned by Mr. John Kingsbury. The Newton Parkers have descended from two distinct families, viz., from John and Joanna, of Hingham, and from Samuel and Sarah, of Dedham. Nathaniel was a prominent man of Newton, being the son of Samuel and Sarah, born in Dedham March 26, 1670. At the time of the erection of the third meeting-house, he owned the land on which it was placed, the contents of which was one and a half acres and twenty rods, which he sold for £15, and conveyed it to the Selectmen of Newton, in August, 1716. LIVES OF FIRST SETTLERS. 97 Vincent Druce was one of the earliest settlers of Ilingham, being there in 1G36. He had land granted him there in 1G3G and 1637. His son John was baptized in Hingham in April, 1641. In 1650, Nicholas Hodgden, of Boston (now Brookline), con- veyed to Thomas Hammond and Vincent Druce of Cambridge, a tract of land in the easterly part of Cambridge Village, adjoining John Parker's land, which land was originall}' granted by the town of Cambridge to Robert Bradish. The estates of Hammond and Druce were held in commonalty till 1664, when they agreed upon a division, the pond falling in Hammond's portion. The highway' from Cambridge Village to Muddy River (Brook- line), was laid out through these lands in 1658. John Ward con- vej'ed to Druce one hundred and thirty acres of land bounded east b}' the Roxbmy line, and north by Muddy River line. The old Crafts house, situated on the Denny place, of late thor- oughly repaired and painted, and looking not unlike the houses seen on eountrj^ roads, which were formerly used as taverns, was built b3' Vincent Druce in the latter part of the seventeenth or the beginning of the eighteenth century, and is therefore nearl}' two hundred 3-ears old. Vincent Druce had two sons, Vincent and John. Obadiah Druce, son of John, and perhaps nephew of Vincent, jr., inherited the house, and spent his days there. John Druce, the third of the name, graduated at Harvard University in 1738, and settled as a pli3-sician in Wrentham. The first John Druce was a soldier in Captain Prentice's troop of horse, and was mortally wounded in the fight with the Indians near Swansey in 1675, and brought home and died in his own house, aged thirty- four. He was probably the first victim who fell in that war from Cambridge Village. Vincent Druce died Januar}', 1678, leaving a will, recorded in Suffolk Records, Vol. 6. James Prentice, senior, and Thomas Prentice, jr., both of Cambridge, purchased of Thomas Danforth, four hundred acres of land, in Cambridge, in March, 1650 ; and in 1657 they purchased one hundred acres, of Danforth, "being the farm that James Prentice now dwells on, bounded northeast b^' land of John Jackson," part of which is now the ancient burial-place. This Prentice farm was on the eastcrl}' side of Centre Street, and extended from the burial-place, southwesterly^, be3-ond the house occupied b3' the late Marshall S. Rice, Esq. James and Thomas, jr. , 7 98 HISTOllY OF NEWTON. or 2d, were probably brothers, and doubtless came into Cambridge Village the same year with Captain Thomas Prentice. The ancient Prentice house was demolished in 1800 ; it stood a few rods southeast of the house afterwards occupied by the late Joshua Loring. James Prentice married Susanna, the daughter of Captain Edward Johnson, of Woburn, and had one son, James, and five daughters. Captain Johnson, by his will, dated 1672, gives his grandson, James Prentice, £15, and also makes a small bequest to Susanna and Hannah Prentice, the daughters of his son-in-law, James Prentice. He was Selectman in 1G94. He died March 7, 1710, aged eighty-one. His son James, and his widow Susanna, administered on his estate, which amounted to £286 14s. James sold out his father's estate for £60, in 1711, to his five sisters, " all single women," and probably left the town. Thomas Prentice, 2d, purchased of Thomas Danforth four hundred acres of land, in Cambridge, in March, 1650, and one hundred acres in 1657. Both parcels were conveyed to James Prentice and Thomas Prentice, jr., the one hundred acres being described as " the farm that James Prentice now dwells on." He married Rebecca, daughter of Edward Jackson, senior, by his first wife, who was born in England, about 1632, and had six sons and one daughter. There is no record of the births, marriages, or deaths, of the parents or childi'en of this family. Edward Jackson, hy his will, gave him one hundred acres of land, called " Bald Pate meadow," and several other tracts of land, and to his wife Rebecca, a gold ring, with this motto, ^'■Memento 3forex" (Mori). When he came into the Village he was called Thomas, jr. ; when Captain Thomas Prentice's son Thomas was grown up, he was called Thomas, while the Captain was called and widely known b}' his military title. Edward Jackson, b}' his will, made bequests to both these Prentices in 1681. The one he styles Thomas Prentice, and the other Captain Thomas Prentice. In 1706 he conveyed land to his grandsons, Thomas and Samuel, and in 1714 he convej^ed land to his sons, Thomas and John, in which convej^ance ho names his son Edward. There is an affi- davit of his, signed Thomas Prentice, senior, dated 1713, and recorded with the deeds, stating that " sixty jj-ears ago he held one end of a chain to lay out a higlnvay over Weed}' Hill, in Cam- bridge Village." Supposing him to be twenty-one j'cars old then, LIVES OF FIRST SETTLERS. 99 his biiih would have been in 1632. He lived to a great age, but the time of his death is unkuown. Elder Thomas Wiswali. was a prominent man among the first settlers of Dorchester. He came to this country about 1637 ; was Selectman in Dorchester in 1644 and '52, and highway surveyor in Cambridge Village in 1656, having removed into the Village in 1654. He was one of the signers of a petition for the support of a free school in Dorchester in 1641, took the freeman's oath in 1654, and was one of the petitioners to the General Court for having the inhabitants of Cambridge Village released from paying- taxes to Cambridge Church. In 1657, he and his wife conveyed to his son Enoch, of Dorchester, his homestead in Dorchester, which formerl}" belonged to Mr. Maverick. In 1664, he was ordained ruling elder of the Cambridge Village church. His homestead in the Village consisted of three hundred acres, including the pond which still bears his name. His house was upon its south bank, now owned hy Mr. Luther Paul. He had four sons and three daughters, with upwards of thirt}^ gi-andchil- dreu. His last wife,jvas Isabella Farmer, widow, from Ansly, in England. He died intestate, December 6, 1683, aged eight}'. His inventory amounted to £340. There is no monument to his memorj' unless the pond be such. Surely none could be more beautiful or enduring. It was his, and has for two centuries been known as " Wiswall's Pond." In the deed conve^ang his estates in Dorchester to his son Enoch, signed by himself and his wife, the latter makes her cross mark. On the day of the ordination of John Eliot, jr., as pastor of the First Church, he was ordained Ruling Elder, or assistant pastor, " in inspecting and disciplining the flock." In 1668 he was appointed by the authorities of Cam- bridge to catechize the children. The inventor}' of his estate specified £340, two hundred and seven acres of land and fom' Bibles. There is no monument to his memor}'. His son, Noah, married Theodosia, daughter of John Jackson, and had two sons and six daughters. He was slain on the Sabbath, Jul}' 6, 1690, in an engagement with the French and Indians, at Wheeler's Pond, afterwards Lee, New Hampshire. His son, Ichabod, became min- ister of Duxbury. John Kenkick was born in England in 1605, was in Boston as early as 1639, and then a member of the church. He took the freeman's oath in 1640 ; owned a wharf on the easterly side of 100 HISTORY OF NEWTON. the town dock, since called Tjmg's wharf, which he sold in 1652, and purchased two hundred and fifty acres of land in the southerlj^ part of Cambridge Village, in 1658. His house was near the bridge across Charles River, which has been called Kenrick's Bridge from that day to this. His first wife, Anna, died November. 1656. He died August 29, 1686, aged eight3'-two. His second wife, Judith, died at Roxbury, August 23, 1687. He had two sons, John and Elijah, and one daughter, Hannah, who married Jonathan Metcalf, of Dedham. John had nine daughters and two sons, and Elijah three daughters and three sons. In his will, dated three j'ears earlier, he states his age to be " about sevent3'-eight." He left in his will a bequest to his pastor, Rev. Nehemiah Hobart, four acres of meadow, or £10, at the option of his son John. Captain Isaac Williams was the second son of Robert Williams, of Roxbur}', who came from Norwich, England, the common ancestor of many distinguished men, who have honored the country of their birth. Isaac was born in Roxbury, September 1, 1638. He married Martha, daughter of Deacon William Park, of Rox- bur}'^, about 1661, and settled in the west part of the Village. His second wife was Judith Cooper. He owned five hundred acres of land, adjoining John Fuller's farm on the west. Thomas Park, John Fuller and Isaac Williams were the first, and probably at that time, the onl}^ settlers of West Newton. Williams' house was about thirty rods northeasterly of the West Parish meeting-house, near the brook, and on land afterwards owned by Mrs. Whitwell. He was a weaver b}' trade, and represented the town in the General Court six years, and was Selectman three years. His farm was divided among his three sons, two hundred and fifty acres to Isaac, one hundred to Eleazer, and to Ephraim one hundred and fifty and the mansion house. This land was granted by the town of Cambridge to Samuel Shepard, in 1640. In 1652, Robert Barrington, Esq., obtained judgment against the estate of Samuel Shepard, and this tract was appraised at £150, to satisfy the exe- cution. Deacon William Park, of Roxbmy, the father of Isaac Williams' first v/ife, paid the execution, and took this tract of land for his son-in-law. Captain Williams died February 11, 1707, aged sixty-nine, and was buried under arms by the Company of Foot. He was twice married, and had twelve children, and upwards of fifty grand- children. His son William graduated at Harvard College in 1683, LIVES OF FIRST SETTLERS. 101 and became minister of Hatfield. His sou Epiiraini married Elizabeth, daughter of Abraham Jackson, and Ephraim, son of this Ephraim, was the founder of Williams College. Gregory Cooke was a Constable in Cambridge Village in 1GG7 ; afterwards Selectman inMendon, in 1GG9 and 1G70, and proprietor of fort}' acres of land there. He was of Watertown in 1673 and 1684. In 1665 Abraham Williams convej-ed to him his late man- sion place and about six acres of land at Newton Corner, near the Watertown line. This mansion house was on the site of the resi- dence formerl}' of Henry Fuller. It was demolished in 1823, being then about a hundred and fifty j'ears old. He was a shoe- maker b}^ trade, and died January 1, 1G90-1. Abraham Williams came from Watertown, where he took the freeman's oath in 1G.'32. He purchased a dwelling-house and twelve acres of land of John Callon in August, 1654. In 1662 he purchased of William Clemens a dwelling-house and six aci'cs of land, in what is now Newton, very near the Watertown line. He married Joanna, sister of John Ward, about IGGO, by whom he had two sons and two daughters, and perhaps others ; two of them were born in Cambridge Village. After living in the Village about eight years, he sold his place to Gregory Cooke, and removed to Marlboro' in 1668, near Belchar's Pond. Ho was a Colonel in the militia, and represented Marlboro' in the General Court. He kept a public house in that town, which was long known by the name of the "Williams Tavern," where he died Dec. 29, 1712, aged 84. His widow Joanna died Dec. 8, 1718, aged 90. His will was dated Dec. 18, 1711. Dea. James Tro"\vbridge was born in Dorchester, and baptized there in 1638. His father was Thomas Trowbridge, one of the early settlers of Dorchester, a merchant, and was engaged in the Barbadoes trade ; he came from Taunton, England, where his father founded a large charit}' for poor widows, which is still admin- istered for their benefit. TJiomas v/ent home to Taunton in 1644, leaving his three sons in charge of Sergeant Jeffries, of Dorches- ter, who removed with those sons to New Haven about 1638. Thomas, tlie father, died in Taunton, England, about 1670. James returned from New Haven to Dorchester about 1656, where he married Margaret, the daughter of Major Humphrey Atherton, December 30, 1659, and had three children in Dorchester, and removed to Cambridge Village ; his wife Margaret was dismissed 102 HISTORY OF NEWTON. from Dorchester to form the chm'chin Cambridge Village, in 1664, After the death of John Jackson he became deacon of the church. He was one of the first Board of Selectmen formed in the Village, in August, 1679, and continued in that office nine years. In 1675 he purchased of Deputy Governor Danforth, eighty-five acres of land with a dwelHng-house, standing where Mr. Nathan Trowbridge's house stood in later times, which he had occupied for some years ; bounded by the highwaj's west and south, a nar- row lane north, his own land east, the dividing line being straight through the swamp. He was a Lieutenant, Clerk of the Writs in 1G91 and 1693, and Representative in the General Com-t in 1700 and 1703. He had five sons and nine daughters, and upwards of eighty grandchildren. His first wife died June 17, 1672 ; second wife was Margaret, the daughter of Deacon John Jackson ; she died September 16, 1727, aged 48. He died May 22, 1717, aged 81, leaving a will dated 1709. Rev. John Eliot, Jr., was the son of Rev. John Eliot, the apostle to the Indians. He was born in Roxbur}', August 31, 1636, and graduated at Harvard College in 1656. He began to preach in 1658, in his twenty-second j^ear. He gained consider- able proficiency in the Indian language, and aided his father in missionar}^ work until his settlement as first pastor of the church in Newton. He was ordained July 20, 1664. The church was organized the same day. After his ordination, he preached once a fortnight to the Indians at Stoughtou, and occasionally at Natick. A tender and inviolable aftection existed between him and his peo- ple. He is said to have been " an accomphshed person, of comely proportion, ruddy complexion, cheerful countenance, and quick apprehension ; a good classical scholar, and having considerable scientific knowledge, for one of his age and period." He died October 13, 1668, aged 33, — four years and three months after his ordination, — and was buried within a few feet of the pulpit whei'e he preached. His homestead was on the west side of the Dedham road, about sixty rods north of the cemeter}', and the well from which he drew his water is still in use, on the Edmands property, on the west side of Centre Street. Bj'' his will, he desired that his house and land should be pre- served for his son John, for his inheritance, to enter upon after his mother's decease. It continued to be the property of his son John, as long as he lived. After his death, it was sold to Henry Gibbs, Esq., for £415, in October, 1733, by order of the General LIVES OF FIRST SETTLERS. 103 Court, on the petition of his executors. Their petition states that the place was given to him b}^ his father's will, and the}- pray that it may be sold for the purpose of raising money to carry his son John (then seventeen years old) through College, at New Haven. It was bounded, by the deed, east b}" the Dedham high- wa}' ; south bj^ lands of John Spring ; north and west by lands of Rev. John Cotton. Colonel John Chandler, of Worcester, acted as attorney' for the executors. Henry Gibbs, Esq., sold the Eliot homestead to the Rev. John Cotton, in 1736, for £300. The heu's of the Jlev. John Cotton sold it to Charles Pelham, Esq. , in April, 1765. Lieutenant John Spring was born in England in 1630 and came to this country in 1634 with his parents, John and Eleanor, who settled in Watertown. The son married Hannah, daughter of "William and Anabel Barsham of Watertown, and removed to Cambridge Village about 1664. His house stood on the west side of Centre Street, opposite the old cemeteiy, very near the house of the late Gardner Colb}'. He built the first giist mill in Newton, on Smelt Brook, near the centre of the town. " He was Selectman eight years, from 1686, Representative three j^ears, sealer of weights and measures, Ueutenant, pound-keeper, tithing- man, sweeper of the meeting-house, etc. It is supposed that he gave the land for the second meeting-house, 1796, which stood very near his own house, and the town afterwards re-conveyed it to his sou John ; but he never thought it worth his while, it seems, to put any deeds on record." He died May 18, 1717, aged 87. He had ten children, the first nine being daughters, and a multi- tude of grandchildren. His wife died August 18, 1710, aged 73. He was a veiy active and useful man in the Village. Daniel Bacon was an early settler in Bridgewater, and took the freeman's oath in 1647. His family removed to Cambridge Village about 1669. He was a tailor by trade. He purchased several parcels of land in Cambridge Village and Watertown, portions of which were afterwards conve3-ed to Oakes Angler, General WilUam Hull and others, and on a part of one of these parcels was erected the Nouantum House. He died in 1691. Captain John Sherman was one of the earty settlers of Water- town. His grandson WiUiam, a shoemaker, was the father of Roger Shei-man, one of the signers of the Declaration of Inde- pendence, Roger Sherman was born in Newton, April 19, 1721, near the Sldnner place on Waverly Avenue. CHAPTER IX. SPECIAL GRANTS OF LAND BY THE GENERAL COURT. — CONVEYANCES OF ESTATES. FROM PROPRIETORS' RECORDS. FROM RECORDS OF SUFFOLK COUNTY. FROM RECORDS OF MIDDLESEX COUNTY. In the very early periods of Cambridge, long before Cambridge Village was a separate settlement, even in the conception of the first settlers around the College, special grants of land were made to individuals by the General Court. Many of these grants fell within the territorial limits of what was afterwards Newton, and therefore belong to the records of its history. We take the fol- lowing extracts from the Records of the General Court : 1G32. November. — "Mr. Phillips hath thirty acres land granted him on the south side Charles Eiver, beginning at a creek a little higher than the first Pines, and so upwards towards the Wear." This was claimed by Watertown ; " but in 1G34 the Court ordered that the meadow (marsh) on this side the Water- town wear, about thirty acres, shall belong to Newtown." 1G34. April 1. — " There is one thousand acres of land and a great pond (Wiswall's Pond) granted to John Haynes, Esq. ; five hundred acres to Thomas Dudlej', Esq. ; acres to Samuel Dudley, and two hundred acres to Daniel Dennison, — all lying and being above the Falls on the east side of Charles lliver, to enjoy, to them and their heirs forever; and five hundred acres to Simon Bradstreet, northwest of the land of John Ilaynes, Esq. ; he shall take no part of it within a mile of Watertown wear, in case the bounds of Watertown shall e.xtend so far on that side the river." In 1643, "Bradstreet had liberty to take his five hundred acres in any other place, not yet granted to another." 1G41. June. — Mr. Mayhew shall enjoy one hundred and fifty acres of land on the south side of Charles River, by Watertown wear. 1G43. ]\Ir. Mayhew is granted three hundred acres land in regard to his charge about the bridge by Watertown mill, and the bridge to belong to the country. 104 EXTRACTS FROM RECORDS. ;05 1G34. The Court ordered that the constable and four men, of the chief inhabitants of every town, to be cliosen by the freemen with the advice of some one or more of the assistants, shall make survey of the houses and lands improved, or enclosed, as granted by special order of the Court, of every free inhabi- tant there, and shall enter the same in a book, with their bounds and quantity by the nearest estimation, and shall deliver a transcript thereof into Court within six months next ensuing; and the same, so entered and recorded, shall be sufficient assurance to every such free inliabitant, his heirs and assigns, of such estates of inheritance, and also, the same course to be had respecting town lots. And every sale or grant of such house or lots shall from time to time be entered in said book by said constable and four inhabitants, or their successors. The lavish grants of land to these early settlers by the General Court set the former days in striking contrast with modern times. An acre of ground then was held no more valuable than a few square yards now. But the discrepancy in the worth of lands, at the two contrasted periods, is no greater than the difference in the cu'cumstauces, the number, the wealth and the dispositions of the people. Once they were few ; now they are many. Then their path led through hardship, and self-denial, and comparative pov- erty ; now, luxury of every kind abounds. Then their wants were natural ; now, artificial. The riches they coveted most of all was the broad acres of mother earth. As gold and silver is, at pres- ent, so much " condensed world," and represents to us an appre- ciable amount of enjo^'ment, so the lands which they cultivated represented to them all which the human heart craves. And the government, whose strength and dignity, whose stability and suc- cess depended on an industrious, enterprising and contented popu- lation, had an interest in stimulating industry and enterprise, in rewarding labor, in increasing the quantity of land subdued by toil, and capable of yielding a profitable return to the farmer, and thus an added value to the real property of the State. These grants were not designed to build up great landed properties, as in England, and to create an aristocracy ; but to encoiu-age the de- velopment of the resources of the country, and to distribute the soil in such a way as to bring it in the least possible time to ^icld the largest possible returns. CONVEYANCES OF ESTATES. The successive ownership of portions of real estate has a lively interest for the antiquarian, beyond its more legal importance. lae HISTORY or KEWTON. Territory, accurately mapped out, and presented to the eye with the early names known within it and on its borders, seems to be peopled with living men, and we almost consciously mingle with them in their surroundings and in their daily pursuits. The early history', both of property and men, receives valuable illustration from such descriptions of real estate and the transfer of titles. We find materials for this class of illustrations, in addition to what has gone before, in the Records of the Proprietors of Cambridge, and in the Deeds registered in the Suffolk and Middlesex Counties. FKOM THE RECOKDS OF THE PROPRIETORS OF CAMBRIDGE. 1G39. John Jackson bought of Miles Ives one dwelling-house with eighteen acres land on the south side of Charles River in Cambridge bounds ; bounded southeast on Samuel Holly ; northeast vipon the river ; southwest, being the upper end of it, joining the Common, and set out by stakes ; northwest with a brook [creek], and he to reach to the middle of it. Samuel Holly, one dwelling-house with eighteen acrQ3 of land, southeast on Randolph Bush ; northeast on the river ; northwest on John Jackson, and southwest on the Common. Randolph Bush, one dwelling-house and eighteen acres of land, westerly on Samuel Holly; east on William Redsen; Common lands, south; the river, Edward Howe and Abraham Child, north. 1640. Joseph Cooke was granted four hundred and fifty acres land beyond Cheesecake brook ; Charles River, north ; Common lands, south ; and Her- bert Pelham, Esq., west; and four hundred acres to Samuel Shepard, beyond the land granted to Joseph Cooke, bounding east on Cooke. 1641. Thomas Parish was granted one hundred acres land on the left hand of the great plain towards Mr. Haynes' farm, between two brooks, on the southeast side of Chestnut Hill, Avith a swamp on the southeast. [Both these brooks cross Centre Street, one a little south of the First Parish church, and the other a little north of the old burying ground. Thomas Parish sold this land by his attorney Danforth to James and Thomas Prentice 1657.] 1642. William Redsen, one dwelling-house and four acres land, west by Ran- dolph Bush ; south and east by the Common. 1647. Samuel and Jonathan Hyde bought forty acres land, bounded by Richard Park north ; late Mayhew's farm west ; Dedhara highway southeast ; and Com- mon lands southwest. EXTRACTS FROM RECORDS. 107 Thomas Danforth sold to John Jackson twenty acres land, highway to Rox- burynortli; William Clemens west; Thomas Danforth southwest; common lands southeast. 1650. The Common lands recovered of Dedham, not formerly granted or disposed of, are sold to Edward Jackson, Edward Goffe, John Jackson and Thomas Danforth, for £20, according to agreement by the town, 25, 10, 1G50. 1G61. The town do agree and consent that all tlie Common lands on the south side of the river, on the east side of Dedham path, shall be divided into propriety to the several inhabitants that have an interest therein. 1G6-1. The town of Cambridge formerly gave to Thomas Shepard, the late pastor, three hundred acres land beyond Watcrtown mill, adjoining thnt which was Mayhew's; also two hundred acres more, near Samuel Shepard's farm. [These five hundred acres were probably granted to Shepard at his settle- ment in 1G3(). He died in 1649, about which time they doubtless passed into the hands of Richard Park; the conveyance, however, is not upon record. They are no doubt part of the same lands bequeathed by his will in 1665 to his son Thomas Park, and were divided among the children of Thomas in 1693-4.] FKOBI SUFFOLK DEEDS. 1638. Thomas Mayhew, of Watertown, merchant [formerly Medford], grants unto Simon Bradstreet, of Ipswich, in consideration of six cows, all that his farm, containing by estimation five hundred acres, lying in Cambridge, with all the buildings thereto belonging ; and this was by indenture, dated 29tli September, 1638. September 18, 1643. Thomas Carter, of Woburn, pastor, granted unto Edward Jackson, of Cam- bridge, naylor, his meadow [marsh] at the Pines, which he bought of Rob- ert Feake, which lyeth in Cambridge between the Pines and a certain piece of meadow now in the hands of Emery ISTorcross, about six acres, more or less, and the greater part abutting on Charles River, and some smallest of it on Mr. Philips' land, in consideration of £15. 7. 8. 1643. Samuel Holly, of Cambridge, grants unto Edward Jackson, of the same town, six acres of land lying on the south side of the way that leads to Rox- bury, and joins east to the land now in the tenure of the said Jackson ; it is forty rods long from the highway towards the Common, and twenty-four rods broad; in consideration of £5 in hand paid by said Jackson. 1646. Simon Bradstreet, of Andover, gent., granted unto Mr. Edward Jackson, of Cambridge, naylor, in consideration of £140 already paid, his farm of five 108 HISTORY OF NEWTON. hundred acres, which was lately in the tenure of Thomas Mayhew, adjoining the Wear lands, bounded with pastor Shepard north ; Elder Charapney west [east] ; and the Common south and east, with all the rights and privileges, yea, appurtenances ; and this ^^as by an absolute deed, with warranty and bond of £2, to secure it from any claim, either himself or Thomas Mayhew. This deed was acknowledged by Bradstreet before Governor Winthrop. 30. G. 1658. Thomas Brattle and others conveyed to Thomas Hammond and Vincent Druce, of Cambridge, six hundred acres at Muddy River, called the "Roy- ton Farm," surveyed by John Oliver, bounded north partly on Roxbury line, and south partly on the Cambridge line ; consideration, £100. FROM MIDDLESEX DEEDS. G. G. 1G50. Nicholas Hodgsden and vrife Elizabeth, of Boston [Brookline], to John Parker, for £8 6s. 8d., one third of all the land he bought of Robert Bradish. 1650. Nicholas Hodgsden to Thomas Hammond and Vincent Druce, both of Hingham, joint purchasers of sixty-seven acres of land on Cambridge Hill; also, twenty-nine acres more, adjoining John Parker's land, north-northwest and northeast. April 6, 1652. Administrators of Dea. Nathaniel Sparhawk to Samuel and Jonathan Hyde, two hundred acres land, part of which is bounded with Roxbury highway north; Richard Champney southiast; Steplien Day west; and twenty acres more, part of which is lying within the Indian fence. 1-1. 9. 1656. Esther Sparhawk, daughter of Nathaniel Sparhawk, to Thomas Hammond, for £40, three hundred and thirty acres of land granted by the town of Cam- bridge to her father, now in posscss'ion of said Hammond ; John Ward and Thomas Prentice north ; land of Robert Bradish south and west. 1656. Thomas Woolson, of Cambridge, to Jonathan Hyde, eighty acres of land, being one eighth of the land recovered from Dedham, bounded with Thomas Wiswall's farm south. [The same land that Cambridge sold to Edward Goffe, and Goffe to Woolson.] March, 1657. Thomas Danforth, attorney to Thomas Parish, of Naylond County, Suffolk, England, to James and Thomas Prentice, jr., one hundred acres land for £61, being all that farm whereon James Prentice now dwells ; northwest by Ded- ham highway [Centre Street] ; southwest by land of William Clemens ; and northeast by land of John Jackson. EXTRACTS FROM RECORDS. 109 January, 1G58. Richard Parker and wife Ann, of Boston, to John Kcnrick, two hundred and fifty acres of land, which he formerly purchased of Thomas Mayhew ; Cliarles River west ; the Haynes farm north ; John Jackson and others east, with farm, house and barn thereon, for £200. December, 1G58. Joseph Cooke, of Cambridge, to John Fuller, for £1G0, seven hundred and fifty acres land, north and west hy Charles River, the winding part of the river west ; east by Thomas Park, and south by Samuel Shepard's farm, being a straight line between. 1061. • Edward Jackson to his son-in-law, John Ward, and Hannah his wife, all that tract of land where they have entered and built their house, being forty- five acres [which he bought of Elder Frost], bounded by the highway to Hammond's south; Captain Prentice west ; John Jackson east; and highway north. [This deed Avas not acknowledged until fourteen years after its date.] 1663. Elder Frost, of Cambridge, to Captain Thomas Prentice, eighty-five acres ; Jolm Ward east, Samuel Hyde north ; William Clemens, James and Thomas Prentice, jr., west; Common lands south. 1669. William Clemens, jr., to Daniel Bacon, of Bridgewater, tailor, twenty- five acres of land he lately purchased of Richard Dummer, of Boston; high- way from Watertown to Roxbury south ; land of said Clemens east ; and Charles River northeast, for £60. 1672. Jeremiah Dummer, of Boston, to Gregory Cooke, one hundred and twelve acres land, partly in Cambridge [Newton] and partly in Watertown, with house and barn thereon, for £145 ; highway east ; Edward Jackson and Daniel Bacon south ; Charles River north ; Thomas Park west. 1673. Thomas Hammond to Thomas Greenwood, seven acres land adjoining Captain Prentice and John Ward. Greenwood also bought Isaac Parker's homestead in 1686, house, barn and twenty-four acres ; east by Thomas Ham- mond ; south by Nathaniel Hammond ; west by Jonathan Hammond ; and north by John Druce. He also bought about forty acres of others. 1675. Thomas Danforth to James Trowbridge, the now mansion place of said Trowbridge, with house, barn, out-houses and eighty-five acres of land ; bounded with the narrow lane north ; Samuel Hyde and highway west ; high- way south; and land of said Danforth east; the dividing line being straight througli the swamp. 110 HISTORY OE NEWTON. 1678. Samuel Hyde, deacon, to his son-in-law, Humphrey Osland, shoemaker, a piece of land upon which said Osland has erected a house ; bounded with highway east ; his own land north ; and by John Crane west and south. 1681. Richard Robbins, of Cambridge, to John Woodward, weaver, and his wife, Rebecca, daughter of said Robbins ; north by a way leading to the Lower Falls ; south by Charles River ; east by land of Esquire Pelham ; and west by Thomas Crosswell. 1689. Agreement between the proprietors of great Ball Pate meadow, to main- tain the same and keep open the ditch through the meadow, every one doing his part according to his proportion of the meadow ; and also to fence said meadow against swine and great cattle. Thomas Prentice, senior, seventy rods on the south side of the meadow, by his son's house, which is twenty rods more than his proportion because he has a greater advantage in flowing than the others ; Jonathan Hyde, senior, twenty-five rods ; Jonathan Hyde, jr., twenty-five rods; John Hyde, twenty-five rods; William Hyde, twenty- five rods ; Thomas Sadgrove, twenty-five rods ; Erossman Drew, twenty-five rods. Signed by the above named parties. Witness : Thomas Greenwood, Thomas Chamberlain. 1698. Eleazer Hyde to his brother Daniel Hyde twenty acres land ; east by Jona- than Hyde ; south by the pond called Haynes' pond; west by Daniel Hyde; and north by Ichabod Hyde. [All sons of Jonathan Hyde, senior.] Jonathan Hyde, senior, and wife Mary to his son William Hyde, forty acres of upland and five of meadow ; southwest by Thomas Danforth ; north by Ichabod Hyde ; and east by his own land. Also, ten acres more in 1700. Also, to his son Daniel Hyde, thirty-five acres where he hatli entered and built his now dwelling-house ; north by Captain Prentice ; west by William Hyde; south by Samuel Hyde; and east by Ichabod Hyde. Also, ten acres more, adjoining Samuel and William. Also, to his son Ichabod Hyde forty-two acres, where he has erected his now dwelling-house ; north by Captain Prentice ; west by Daniel Hyde ; south by Eleazer Hyde. Also, twenty-four acres more, north by the highway. Also, ten acres more. Eleazer Hyde, weaver, to his brother Daniel Hyde, twenty acres ; east by Jonathan, senior; south by the pond called Haynes' pond; west by Daniel Hyde ; and north by Ichabod Hyde. February, 1702. Jonathan Hyde, senior. Sergeant, gives and bequeaths to John Kenrick, Nathan Healy and William Ward, Selectmen of Newton, half an acre of land, bounded northeast by the highway to Dedham; northwest by his own EXTRACTS FROM RECORDS. Ill land ; being ten rods on tlie highway, and eiglit rods wide southwest, for the use and benefit of the school in the southerly part of the town ; to be em- ployed and improved by said Kenriok, Ilealy and Ward, or any two of them, and such as shall be chosen after them to succeed in said trust by a majority of the votes of the families at said south end of the town, for whom said school is now principally accommodated to the ends aforesaid. "Witness : Joun Woodward, Jonathan Hyde. IIannau Woodwaed, James Hyde. 1703. Jonathan, senior, to his son Samuel Hyde [jr.] forty-five acres of land that his dwelling-house now standeth upon ; south, partly by the great pond called AViswall's pond, and partly by the Haynes' farm, with a way one rod wide on the south side to come from his house to the great road, on condition not to sell it to strangers except through want or necessity ; but to one of Jonathan Hyde, senior's, heirs, by the name of Hyde. In an agreement between his father Jonathan and brother Eleazer, May, 1703, Samuel binds himself that the rod-wide way shall be free to bring herap or flax to the pond and sheep to washing, or such liiie necessary occasions to come to the pond through his land, from the pond to the north end of the stone wall, and so along upon the land that his honored father Jonathan Hyde left him with the one-rod-wide way between the land of Thomas Wiswall and said Jonathan Hyde to the great road. This agreement was signed by Jonathan Hyde, senior, and wife Mary ; Eleazer Hyde and wife Hannah, and Samuel Hyde. Witnessed by Samuel Hyde and Thomas Wiswall. Acknowledged before Jonas Bond, May 28, 1703. Jonathan and Eleazer Hyde to their brother Samuel Hyde, of Newton, a tract of land bought of Thomas Wiswall; east partly on land of Jonathan Hyde, senior, and partly on land of said Samuel; south by the great pond called Noah Wiswall's Pond and the Haynes' farm; west on land of William Wilcox ; north on land of William Hyde, Daniel Hyde, Ichabod Hyde, and the northeast corner by a walnut tree by the drain. [This was an excavation to obtain water from Wiswall's Pond, to increase the power of Smelt Brook. It passed through the low ground west of the house of Joshua Loring,Esq., on Beacon and Crescent Streets.] Thomas Wiswall to Samutl Hyde three-quarters of an acre on the north- erly side of the great pond ; south by the pond ; west by said Hyde ; north by Jonathan Hyde ; and southeast by the stone wall lying on both sides of the drain that runneth out of the said pond [see the preceding item]. [Hyde bought this for the convenience of himself and brothers to go to the pond.] Jonathan Hyde, senior, to his son John Hyde, forty-six acres ; southeast by Jonathan Hyde, jr. ; northwest by Nehemiah Hobart ; and northeast by Boston [Brookline] line. Also, ten acres adjoining. Jonathan Hyde, senior, to his son Joseph Hyde, forty-five acres where he has erected his now dwelling-house; south by Henry Seger; east by Eleazer Hyde; and west by the way between tlie division of lots. 112 HISTORY OF NEWTON. Jonathan Hyde, senior, grants to his children a cartway through his lot, from his east gate by Dedham highway to his west gate behind his barn, — a way witli gates forever. 1705. Jonathan Hyde, senior, to his son, Jonathan Hyde, jr., fifty acres ; west by John Hyde; south by Benjamin Wilson; east by Payne's land. Also, another tract in 1709. November, 1705. Samuel Hyde, 2d, of Newton, to Daniel Hyde, ten acres for £10 ; Haynes' farm west and land of Wilcut ; northeast by his other land. Witnesses, Archibald Magoy, Signed, Samuel Hyde, Jonathan Hyde, Hannah Hyde. Jacob Hyde. 1710. Jonathan Hyde, senior, to his son Jacob Hyde, all his now dwelling-house, barn, out-houses and fifty-six acres land; north by Thomas Prentice; Avest by heirs of Ichabod Hyde ; from the brook to Thomas Prentice's land ; north and northeast by daughter Osland ; east by the highway. Also, to his daughter Anna thirty acres; east by Dedham road; west by Hannah Hyde, widow of Ichabod ; north by Jacob Hyde. Jonathan Hyde, senior, to his son-in-law John Osland and Sarah his wife, sixteen acres woodland (called Ragland) ; west by John Spring and John Prentice. Also, twelve acres east by highway. 1712. Mary Eliot, widow of Rev. Joseph Eliot, of Guilford, Connecticut (brother of Rev. John, of Cambridge Village), gives to her son, Rev. Jared Eliot, of Connecticut, three hundred acres of land in Newton, being part of Governor Haynes' farm; east by land of John and Eleazer Ward; west by John Hobart; north by William Tucker and Samuel Hyde; and south by Joseph Parker and Jonathan Ward. 1713. Edward Jackson, of London, England, mariner, son of Jonathan Jackson, of Boston, deceased, and grandson of Edward Jackson, senior, sells to Nathaniel Healy, for £10, the ten acres given him by his grandfather Jack- son's will. 1715. Jared Eliot and wife Hannah, of Killingly, Connecticut, to John Ham- mond, three hundred and seventy acres of land, in four jjarcels, for £0,000. [Part of Governor Haynes' farm.] Eleazer Williams and wife Mary [Hobart], of Mansfield, Connecticut, and Abigail and Sarah Hobart, of Newton, to Rev. John Cotton, the homestead of their honored father, Nehemiah Hobart, one hundred acres of land, with the buildings thereon, for £850, in Province bills of credit; east by John Eliot, Esq., Thomas Train and the county road; northerly by Thomas Train, Edward, Jonathan and Joseph Jackson; south by John Eliot. Esq., and John Spring. EXTRACTS FROM RECORDS. 113 May, 171G. Nathaniel Parker to the Selectmen of Newton, two hundred and sixty rods land for £15, beginning at a chestnut tree in the fence on the Dedham road, near Jonathan Woodward's house, thence sixteen and a half rods on the road to a stake and stones in the fence of said highway; then turning east and running north, sixteen rods, to a stake, and then east, running to a stake in the fence of the aforesaid highway, sixteen rods, to said chestnut tree. Nathaniel Parkeb. The third meeting-house was built on this land. 1717. Abraham Jackson to his son Captain John Jackson, a deed of gift, several parcels of land, some partly in Newton and parti}' in Cambridge, with dwell- ing-house and barn and thirty acres adjoining; west by townway; south by Indian lane. Also, twenty acres at Chestnut Hill (except four acres to Isaac Beach and the land on which the meeting-house now standeth, so long as the town shall see cause to improve it for the use they now do). Also, twelve acres pasture land in Cambridge, east on Joseph Champney and Ebenezer Stratton. 1721. John Ward to Ms son-in-law William Trowbridge, deed of gift, the west end of his dwelling-house, where said Trowbridge now dwelleth, and thirteen acres of land adjoining, and one quarter part of the grist-mill and stream. 1722. Isaac Williams, of Roxbury, to his brother Ephraim Williams, of Newton, one quarter part of the corn mill in Newton, which was his honored father's. 172G. Samuel Miller gives to the town of Newton four rods of land for the west school-house, near his dwelling-house, on the proprietors' way, so long as the school-house shall be continued there, for the use of schooling and for no other use. 1733. Jonathan Ellsworth, Esq., executor of the estate of John Eliot, Esq., of Windsor, Connecticut, and Mary, his widow, petitioned the General Court of Massachusetts to sell the place in Newton given him by his father's will, for the purpose of raising money to carry his son John (then seventeen years old) through college at New Haven. (The place was sold to Henry Gibbs, Esq., for £415 ; bounding east by the Dedham road; south by John Spring; west and nortli by Rev. John Cotton.) 1735. Captain Joseph Puller, gent., to my successor, Captain Ephraim Williams, and the mihtary company now under his command, for love, good Avill and affection, freely and absolutely give and grant unto said Captain Williams and his successors, and to said military foot company forever, for their benefit and use, a certain tract of land in Newton, being one hundred and thirty-six 8 114 HISTORY OF NEWTON. rods, bounded on all sides by town ways, as may appear by a plan drawn upon this deed. Witness John Cotton and John Spring and acknowledged before John Greenwood. 1736. Ephraim Fenno, cordwainer, from Boston, purchased thirty-three acres land in Newton for £750 ; east by Dedham road, with a way of one rod wide ; south by the drain and Jonathan Murdock, always excepting the lands sold to the town where the meeting-house now stands and the way to it, as it was staked out. [This place was, later, the estate of the Rev. Joseph Grafton, then of Michael Tombs, Esq., and then of the late George C. Rand, Esq.] 1742. William Clark to Norman Clark all his rights in the pond, and one hundred and eighty-five acres land [part of Gov. Ilaynes' farm] ; south and west on land of Jared Eliot and Francis Blanden. " Elder Wiswall, John Spring, Joseph Bartlett and Captain Isaac Williams and others," says Mr. Jackson, " neglected to record the deeds of their farms, nor is there anything upon record to show how Richard Park, senior, came by the six hundred acres abutting northerly upon Charles River, which he willed to his only son Thomas ; nor any record of the homestead of Rev. John EUot, jr. He probably never had any deed of his twenty acres adjoining John Spring ; it evidently belonged to the southerly corner of the Mayhew farm, and doubtless was given to him by Edward Jackson, senior, who also gave pastor Hobart twenty-five acres adjoining Eliot, in 1681." CHAPTER X. HOW THE EARLY TOWN OP NEWTON WAS DIVIDED AMONG THE INHABITANTS. It is interesting to trace, as far as we are able, the early divi- sions of the town of Newton, as the}' were determined by the first settlers. In the remote periods, some owned more, some less. And the large estates ver}' early began to be broken up into smaller ones, partly by the sale of lands, partly by gifts and bequests, when, from time to time, the fathers, dpng, distributed their real estate among theu* children. It does not come within the limits of our plan to give the history of the ownership of ever}' piece of land in Newton ; nor can it be done, with an assurance of any more than approximate accuracy. Such minute information belongs to another department. Some general notices, however, may be attempted, which will be of interest to the pres- ent inhabitants. A surve}' of the map of 1700 furnishes a good view of the division of the territory of Newton among the early proprietors, and of the relative location of their estates. But a, statement of the same in brief detail will be appropriate. East of the lino of Newton, in the territory which was after- wards Brighton, and comiuencing near the station on the Boston and Albany Railroad known recently as Faneuil, la}', in succes- sive order, the estates of William Radsou (Redsen), Reynold (Randolph) Bush, Samuel HoUey, John Jackson and William Clement, aU of the date of 1G39, — the latter's estate having fo'' its wcsterl}' boundary the extreme northeastern line of Newton., and of that part of Watertown (Wier) which lies on the south sidr of Charles River. Three of these estates were, at a later period absorbed into the estate of Edward Jackson, senior, adjoining tht last of them, and formed the northeastern corner of the origina Cambridge Village or Newton. 115 116 HISTORY OF NEWTON. The southwcsterlj' part of Edward Jackson's estate passed to Rogers (1646) and Angier (1730) . Southwest of Edward Jackson was Samuel Hastings and Hon. Ebenezer Stone (168G) ; sueces- soi's, John Jackson (1700), Philip Norcross (1720),* Captain Joseph Fuller (1700) ; then John Jackson (1647), twenty acres, Captain John Jackson (1708) and Eichard Parke (1647). West of Edward Jackson, senior, and south of the boundary line of Watertown on the south side of Charles River ( Wier lands) , was Gregory Cook (1672), a hundred and twelve acres, on the west side of Centre Street. The northern part of this estate acquired the names of Abraham WiUiams (1662), Daniel Bacon (1668), Stephen Cook (1679), and just across the line, in Water- town, Daniel Cook (1722). Richard Dana (married Mary Trowbridge) lived in Newton in 1763. He was the son of Thomas and Marj^ His house was at the foot of Indian Lane, Brighton. His grandfather was Richard, of Cambridge, now Brighton, the common ancestor of all of that name in the country. Of this family came Nathan Dana, who afterwards became a Baptist minister, and was one of the founders of the Fu'st Baptist Chm'ch in Newton. Southwest of Hon. Ebenezer Stone and John Jackson, was Samuel Hjde (1640), one hundred acres, on both sides of Centre Street, but chiefly on the east side. Successor, Samuel H3^de, jr. On the southerly end of this estate, Job Hyde (1664). West of Samuel Hyde, across Centre Street, and originally part of his estate, numphrey'*"Oslaud (1668) and John Osland (1700). William Baldwin lived on land afterwards owned by J. Wiley Edmands, Esq., nearly opposite the cottage which stands north of the late Gardner Colb^^'s mansion. He had a son, Enoch, who resided in- the old garrison house which stood on land formerly of Israel Lombard, later of E. C. Converse, Esq. Enoch's son Enoch was President of the Shoe and Leather Dealers' Bank, and his son Aaron, of the Washington Bank, Boston. South of Gregory Cook was the Thomas Mayhew farm, con- veyed to Simon Bradstreet in 1638, and bj^him to Edward Jackson, senior, in 1646, live hundi-ed acres. It was on the west side of Cen- tre Street, embraced, for a considerable distance, both sides of Washington Street, extending westwardly from Newton Corner, * Philip Norcross occupied tlio spot where the Eliot church now stands. He was the son of Nathaniel, of Watertown. He had seven sons and four daughters. LOCATION OF ESTATES. 117 and in the progress of time formed part or the whole of the estates of several early proprietors, as Isaac Jackson (1729), Isaac Jack- son, jr. (1758); Sebas Jackson (1G71), — successors, James Jackson (1719), Timothy Jackson (1750), Timothy Jackson, Esq. (1782), Hon. AVilliam Jackson, — on the northwestern part of the farm; Edward Jackson (1695), — successor, Michael Jackson; Colonel Michael Jackson, Michael Jackson, jr., farther west; Sebas Jackson (1733), Phineas Jackson (1798), on the south side of Washington Street ; on the west side of Centre Street, Rev. John Eliot, jr. (1G64), Rev. Nehemiah ITobart (1G79), — successors, Rev. John Cotton (1714), Charles Pelham ; Abraham Jackson, north of the centre of the tract, on a road afterwards discontinued. This farm, to the south, extended over the estate of the late Thomas Edmands, Esq., and to the southwest included the estate of Cap- tain Joseph Fuller (1680), — successors. Lieutenant Joseph Fuller (1719), Judge Abraham Fuller (1758), General William Hull (1781), Governor William Claflin. The Maj-hew farm, therefore, covered much of the territory of Newtonville. Southwest of Abraham Fuller was Jonathan Fiske, — successor, Jonathan Cooke, and on the wooded highlands farther west, Samuel Cook, — successors, Stephen Cook, J. Bullough. West of Gregory Cook and the Majhew farm was the land of Richard Park (1650), six hundred acres. This estate extended southwest from Charles River to the vicinity- of the present Newton Cemetery. In this strip of territory, are the names, beginning at the north, near the river, of Thomas Park (1653), son of Richard Park (1690) ; Joseph Adams (1740), Deacon Joseph Adams (1775) ; farther south, Thomas Beals ; Deacon Joseph Ward (1733), Deacon Enoch Ward (1784) ; south of these names, Edward Park (1695), — successors, Edward Park (1730), Dr. Edward Durant (1762), on a road intermediate between Washing- ton Street and Homer Street, called the Natick road, afterwards discontinued. To the southwest, on Cheesecake Brook, was Samuel Hastings (1748),* the old Shepard House (1640), near *The Hastings family in the last century formed a large part of the population of Newton Corner. Samuel, the father (d. 177G), had a tan yard near the W'cst Parish meeting-house. He removed to Anglers Corner. His son Samuel was a tanner, and resided in the house of Mrs. Kobert Murdock; Thomas was a trader, and lived in George Hall's house; Daniel was a stone cutter, and lived in Aaron Hyde's house; John, a baker, in William Locke's house. Joseph Stacy was a trader in Boston; Stephen removed to Vermont. 118 mS':rORY OF KEWTON. which was the West Parish meeting -house, and at the southwest- ern part, Peter Durell (1751), — successor, Solomon Flagg. West of Richard Park was the Fuller farm, John Fuller (1658), at first consisting of seven hundred and fift}^ acres ; but by subse- quent purchases extended to more than a thousand. This territory was bounded north and northwest by the river, and formed the northwestern portion of Newton, On the northeast corner of this estate was Henr}- Craft, — successor. Captain Amariah Fuller ; west- erly', across Cheesecake Brook, Jonathan Fuller (1684), — succes- sors, Jonathan Fuller (1717), Captain Edward Fuller (1759), Ezra Fuller; still farther westward, John Fuller, jr. (1682), Stephen White, Benjamin White ; south of Jonathan Fuller, was Joshua Jackson (1749), Major Daniel Jackson ; and cast of them, John Fuller (1644). Farther west, John Fuller (1709), — successor. Captain Joseph Fuller ; Richard Fuller, — successor, Park, border- ing on the bend of the river. At the extreme southwestern part of the farm was Deacon Joseph Fuller (1776), — successor, Josiah Fuller (1789). Near the middle of the tract of land was Lieuten- ant Jeremiah Fuller (1694), — successors. Captain Joshua Fuller (1747), Lieutenant Joshua Fuller and David Fuller (1773), Dea- con Joel Fuller (1815). South of the middle was Josiah Bond (1720), Phineas Bond (1749). Southwest of the Fuller farm was Captain Isaac Williams (1659), five hundred acres. All the names in this tract of land, in the map of 1700, were on the easterly side. Isaac Williams, jr. (1686) ; John Knapp (1688) ; Captain Isaac Williams (1661),— successors, Colonel Ephraim Williams (1714), Jonathan Park, jr. ; Dr. Samuel Wheat (1735),* — successor. Captain Thomas Eustis ; Eleazer Williams (1695), — successors. Captain Thomas Oliver (1708), Goddard Taylor and Colonel Nathan Fuller. Southwest of Captain Isaac Williams was the Robinson Farm, about two hundred acres, covering the territory since called Auburndale, and extending to Charles River. On this territory stood Nathaniel Whittemore's tavern (1724), the Bourne House, at the southeast p?,rt ; then John Pigeon, Henry Pigeon, Joel Houghton, north of the tavern ; near the middle, WiUiam Upham * Dr. Samuel Wheat came to Newton in 1730. His ancestor was Moses Wheat, of Concord, whose will says that he came from Bermuda, and was also a physician. The house of Dr. iiamuel Wheat was near the meeting-house in West Newton. LOCATION OF ESTATES. 119 (1740), Elisha Seavcrns, Elisha Ware; near the northeast part, WiUiam Robinson (1G78), — successors, William Robinson, jr. (1705), John Robinson (1753), Jonathan WiUiams (1769), EHsha Hall, M. Collier. Northeast of Aubui-udale was Benjamin Child (1722), — succes- sors, John Durell, Joshua Washbm-n ; southeast was Deacon Thomas Greenwood (1719), eighty-six acres, — successor, Alex- ander Shepard, jr., (1774). South of Auburndale, extending to Charles River, was Daniel Jackson (1773). On the road from West Newton to Newton Lower Falls, we find on the north side of the road, on the earl}^ map, the following suc- cession of estates : Rev. Wilham Greenough, Ephraim Jackson, Samuel Jackson, Joshua Jackson, Brown, William Chenc}- (1745), Daniel Cheney (1780), William T. Ward; Joseph Jack- son (1754), Joseph Jackson (1788) ; John Myget or M3'gate (1743), Joseph Gosson ; David Hagar ; Jonathan Willard (1708) ; Pratt; Stoddard; Hoogs ; John Leverett (1703) to John and Nathaniel Hubbard ; Ilubbards to Jonathan Willard (1732) . This brings us to " the wading place " on the river, above which were the mills. Rctiu-ning to the Dr. (Greenough estate, on the south side of the road, between that point and the Lower FaUs, we find Joseph Miller (1675), — successors, Thomas Miller (1713), Thomas Miller, jr. (1740) ; Alexander Shepard, senior, (1748), — successor, Jere- miah Allen; Eben. Bartlett (1736), — successors, Ehsha Bartlett (1791), Peregrine Bartlett; Henry Seger (1686), — successors, Henry Seger (1709), son Caleb Seger, son Henry Seger, son Gill Seger. At the Falls, OUver Pratt (1734), — successors. Colonel Ephraim Jackson (1755), Edward Jackson (1795), Nathaniel Wales. Pursuing our way southerly, along the Sherburne road, from Newton Lower Falls to Newton Upper Falls, we have on the right, in succession, the places of Robert Ball ; Josiah Davenport (1731), — successors, John Davenport (1755), Michael Welsh (1795); Job Seger (1709), — successors, Josiah Seger (1738), Littlefield ; eJohn Mason (1689), — successors, Daniel Mason (1729), WilUam Mason (1750) ; Daniel Woodward (1704), — successor, Daniel Woodward, jr. (1739); Matthias Collins (1778), Matthias CoUins, jr.; Jonathan Woodward (1712) ; Colonel Nathan Fuller, as a tavern, (1763). John Woodward (1681), — successors, Ebenezer 120 HISTORY OF NEWTON. Woodward (171G), Deacon John Woodward (1747), Deacon Ebenezer Woodward (1781), Deacon Elijah F. Woodward (1810), Samuel N. Woodward (1842). This was the Woodward farm (1681), still in the same name, and extending to Charles River. Returning on the Sherburne road to Henry Seger's, and travelling again southerty, we have first the land of Deacon John Staples (1G90),— successors, Moses Craft (1729), Joseph Craft (1753), WiUiam Wiswall, 2d, (1788), Da\dd Kinmonth, W. C. Strong; and on the northwest corner of this estate, John Child (1715). Next to Deacon Staples, southerly, was Eleazer Hyde (1700), — successor, Eleazer Hyde, jr.; Captain John Clark (1734), — successors, William Clark (1741), Daniel Clark (1787). On the westerly portion of Homer Street, parallel to the Sher- burne road and northeast of it, was Samuel Craft, — successors, Samuel Murdock, Esq., Jonathan Stone; Joseph Hyde, — succes- sor, John King ; and on the east side of the same, James Hyde (1702), — successors, Amos Hyde (1768), Charles Hyde ; Thomas Brown, Amos Hyde, Benjamin Hj'de ; Jonathan Trowbridge, — ■ successor, Samuel Dix. East of Joseph Hyde, was Joseph Fuller, — successors, John Murdock, Nicholas Thwiug. At the Upper Falls, southwest of the Governor Haynes' farm, beginning westwardl}' on the river, we have the estates of Nathan- iel Parker (1708), — successors, Noah Parker (1720), Thomas Parker (1768), General Simon Elliot (1782) ; Joseph Chene}- (1702), — successors, Joseph Cheney, jr. ( ), General Ebene- zer Cheney; James Chene}', senior (1732), — successors, Aaron Cheney, Asa Williams. Still farther south is the land of John Kenrick (1658), two hundred and fifty acres. It was formerly owned bj^ Thomas Mayhew ; — successors, John Kenrick (1G58), John Kenrick, jr. (1690) ; Caleb Kenrick, Caleb Kenrick, jr.^ Caleb Kenrick at the western part, and in the northeastern, William Marean (1720), — successors, William Marean, jr.. Parker. Returning northwestwardly, we come to the Governor Haynes'' farm (1634), which formed nearly a rectangle, embracing one thousand and thirty-four acres. The southerly line of this tract of land was near the Upper Falls ; the northerl}- line, at Newton Centre, extending from a point near the residence of Samuel M. Jackson, Esq., to a point a little north of the residence of Gusta- vus Forbes, Esq. It reached from *'the Great Meadows" on the LOCATION OF ESTATES. 121 southeast to " Alcock's Swamp on the southwest. On the south- erly part of this farm was Stephen Winchester (1720), — successors, Stephen Winchester, jr. , Amasa Winchester, Amasa Winchester, jr. ; in the westerly part, Daniel Plamraond (1751) ; John Ham- mond (174G), bought of Jared Eliot, of Connecticut, — succes- sors, Enoch Hammond, Lieutenant John Marean, Edward Mitchell ; William Parker (1694) , — successors, AViUiam Clark to son Norman Clark one hundred acres, Norman Clark, jr., the Baptist or Wis- wali's Pond. North of the middle of the farm, on the circuitous Sherbm-ne Road, was Ebenezer Parker (1724), — successors, Sam- uel Parker (1770) ; Elisha Parker (1751), — successor, Jonathan Parker. Opposite the "Parkers, was Lieutenant Ebenezer Wiswall (1680), — successor, Nathaniel Parker (1694), one hundred and twenty acres. On the northerly part of the Haynes ' farm was Elder Thomas Wiswall (1654), — successors, son Captain Noah Wiswall (1684) , grandson Lieutenant Thomas Wiswall (1690) , great grand- son Captain Noah Wiswall (1720) , Luther Paul ; then Pound Lane leading to West Roxbmy, the Dr. King estate, at the foot of the westerly slope of the Institution Hill, and bordered on the west by the southerly end of the Common at Newton Centre. West of the northern part of the Governor Haynes' farm, and adjoining it, was the estate of Jonathan Hyde, senior, (1656). It extended from near the southwesterly end of the pond, along the westerly side of Centre Street, to a point north of the residence of Thomas Nickerson, Esq. It extended westward nearly a hun- dred rods bej'ond Bullough's Pond, and included, on the south and east, the residences of Samuel Hj^de (1702), son of Jonathan Hyde, senior, Francis Blanden (1725) ,* — successors, Francis Blan- den, jr., Phineas Blanden ; in the middle, Joshua Murdock (1745) , Elisha Murdock (1793) ; Daniel Hyde (1689), son of Abraham; west of the meeting-house, Jacob Hyde (1710), Aaron Hyde; Ephraim Fenno, the triangular farm, afterwards owned and occu- pied b^^llev. Joseph Grafton, — -successors, Michael Tombs, George C. Rand, Esq. ; northwest of the meeting-house, Benjamin Eddy (1731) ; north, on Centre Street, Rev. Jonas Meriam (1758), •Francis Blanden was in Newton in 1714. His bouse, on tlie noitliwest side of Wis- waU's Pond, was in later times known as the residence of Mr. Joseph White, son of Deacon Ebenezer Wliite. He had eight sons and eight daughters. The name con- tinued on the records down to 1800. Hannah, daughter of Francis, had an illegiti- mate son, Caleb. Elizabeth, daughter of Francis Blanden, jr., had live children; Abigail, two; Mary, one;— all illegitimate. 122 HISTORY OF NEWTON. Rev. Jonathan Homer, D. D. (1782), — successors, Martin Morse, Hon. Alden Speare. North of the land of Jonathan Hyde, senior, was Lieutenant John Spring, extending from Centre Street, westwardl}', to the mill, including Mill Street, and the site of the second meeting-house, and reaching north to the estate of Rev. John Eliot, jr. A small portion of land intervening, south of Mill Street, was convej'cd by John Jackson, senior, to Noah Wiswall, — successors, John Prentice, Henry Gibbs. Lieutenant John Spring's owner- ship of the estate bearing his name is dated 1666, — successors. Ensign John Spring (1704), Daniel Spring (1745). At the west- ern limit, bordering on BuUough's Pond, was Ichabod Hyde (1G98). Between Lieutenant John Spring and the southwestern portion of the Mayhew farm, was a tract of land mainl}' in the territory since called Newtonville, and occupied chiefly by the name of Trowbridge. On this tract we find the name of John Ward, jr. (1681) , — successors. Deacon William Trowbridge (1701) , William Spring (1730) , David Spring (1760) , Captain Edmund Trowbridge (1770) ; Deacon James Trowbridge (1664), Deacon William Trowbridge, — successors, Thaddeus Trowbridge (1750), Samuel Trowbridge (1781), Nathan Trowbridge (1811). On the east side of Centre Street, directly north of the Haynes' farm, the first estate was of Joseph Bartlctt (1668), — successors, Joseph Bartlett, jr. (1698), Joseph Bartlett (1730). This estate extended eastwardly, joining the land of Thomas Hammond. North of Joseph Bartlett was John Clark (1681), — successors. Captain Thomas Clark (1728), Joseph White (1762), Deacon Ebenezer White (1793) .* The next estate was Henry Gibbs, Esq. (1742), — successors, Gibbs Eddy, John Eddy, Marshall S. Rice ; next was land of Thomas Cushiug ; a tract of land granted to Thomas Parish (1641), and by Parish to Prentice (1650), one hundred acres, between the two brooks ; N. Hyde. James and Thomas Prentice (1656), one hundred acres, — successors. Dr. John Prentice (1696), Robert Prentice (1735), Robert Prentice, jr. (1775), Joshua Loring. This brings us to the burial ground. The land next north of it was granted to John Jackson, senior (1650), and called Chestnut Hill, extending eastwardly to Waverly Avenue, — successors. Colonel Joseph Ward (1792), forty acres. ♦Deacon Ebenezer White was grandson of Philip White, who in 1733 had his resi- dence near the Theological Institution estate. LOCATION OF ESTATES. 123 afterwards Charles Brackett, Esq. East of the burial ground, William Clements, jr., held nine acres in IGGO. Returning to the northern part of Newton in the vicinity of Nonantum Hill, — at the northeastern slope of Nonantum Hill was "Waban's wigwam. Immediately south of Nonantum Hill was Edward Durant (1734), — successor, Edward Durant, jr. (1742) ;* John Kenrick, Esq., senior, John A. Kenrick ; Thomas Trowbridge (1708), — successor, Judge Trowbridge; Obadiah Curtis ; Deacon Bowles ; John Mirick (1682) , — successor, Samuel Miriek; on the northeast of this section, Daniel Robbins (1737), — successors, John Robbins (1740), Solomon Robbins (1750); on the southeast, Thomas Brown (1723), — successor, Ebenezer Brown. Southwest of Nonantum Hill was the land of Captain Thomas Prentice (1063), eight^'-live acres; at the westerly part of it, we find the names of Edward Prentice (1705), — successor, Edward Prentice, jr. (1729) ; at the northern part, Captain Prentice ( ), — successors, son Thomas Prentice, grandson Captain Thomas Prentice ; Thomas Harbach ; Captain John Clark (1730) , — successor, James Ward ; Joshua Flagg. East of Captain Pren- tice was Edward Jackson, senior, to John Ward (1661), — succes- sors, son Richard Ward (1701), Deacon Ephraim Ward (1740), John Ward (1772), Samuel Ward (1790), Ephraim Ward. At the western part of the estate stood a " Garrison House." Between Nonantum Hill and Thomas Hammond, near the north- eastern limit of Newton was the land of Eleazer Hammond (1703), — successors, Ephraim Hammond (1741), Major Thomas Hovey (1790), Dejicon Nathaniel Pettee, A. Lawrence, and still farther east, Cambridge Hill. Next south was Eleazer Chamber- lain (1750), — successors, John Thwing (1757) ; Simon Stone (1732), James Stone (1767), Jonathan Stone, Daniel Stone. Southwest was John Parker, senior, (1650). On this land we find, to the east, John Parker, jr. (1686), Hon. Ebenezer Stone ; in the middle, Thomas Hammond (1714), — successors, Joseph Hammond (1744), Thomas Haimnond (1788) ; westwardl}^, Isaac Parker (1682), — successors, Thomas Greenwood (1686), John ♦Edward Duraut, of French descent, owned the place and built the house after- wards occupied by Captain John Kenrick, and still later by his son John A. Kenrick. He came into Newton about 1740, and was active and distinguished in the time of the revohitiou. 124 HISTORY OF ^^E^VTON. Greenwood (1G95), Josiah Greenwood (1731), Ebenezer Green- wood (1798). Thomas Hammond (1650) owned a large tract of land on the eastern side of Newton, and extending into the adjoining town of Brookline. Hammond's Pond is nearly in the middle of it. North- west of the pond was the house of Thomas Hammond, jr. (1G62), — successors, Thomas Hammond (1694), Joshua Hammond (1740), Captain William Hammond (1770), Judge Lowell. Northeast of the pond, Nathaniel Hammond (1675), — successor, Nathaniel Hammond, jr. (1708) ; Colonel Benjamin Hammond (1749) ; Vincent Druce (1650), — successors, Vincent Druce, jr. (1667), John Druce (1700) ; Ebenezer Keurick, Jonatlian Hammond. Within the limits of BrookUne, beginning at the north, counted as belonging to Newton, because so man}' of their associations were there, was the great house of Deacon Elhanan "Winchester, afterwards owned by Ebenezer White, then Joseph White, and iinall}' Ebenezer Richards, whence the name " Richards' Hotel."* In Miss Harriet F. Wood's " Historical Sketches of Brookline," we find an interesting account respecting a large tract of land lying partly in BrookUne and partly in Newton, south of the old Sherburne Road (Newton Street) , east of Hammond's Pond, nearly- west of the ancient estates of Deacon Elhanan Winchester and Vincent Druce, and at the eastern foot of Bald Pate Hill. The account is as follows : On the vrestern side of Newton Street there is an extensive tract of land which is comparatively an unknown region. Once heavily timbered, the original forest was cut away, and no heavy timber has since been allowed to grow there. Yet it is an unreclaimed wild, covered with birches, alders, red maples, and many trees of larger growth. Bears lingered there long after they were exterminated elsewhere, and foxes, musk rats, minks, owls and other wild game have until recently tempted, and do perhaps still tempt adventurous sportsmen to tramp through these rocky and swampy fastnesses. * Ebenezer Richards kept this place as a public house for several years. ^Anlen the "Woroester turnpike was opened, a gate was placed across the turnpike, in the rear of the tavern. 'It was a convenient resort for teamsters, and parties from Bos- ton, bent on pleasure, often went thither for a game of nine-pins. It was also much frequented for gay parties and balls. It was discontinued as a tavern about 1830 ; and afterwards ownel successively by Henry Pettes, of Boston, and Mark W. Sheafe, of Portsmouth. Still neater the border of Newton and Brookline was the house build bv Rev. Jonathan Hyde in 1751, afterwards owned by Thaddeus H.vde and then Arba Hvde. This house was demolished in ISll by order of the Selectmen as being insecure. The large cellar of it is still visible. To the south, amid the forests, was Erosamoud Drew's saw-mill near the town line, on Pond Brook (since fihed up), which llowed out from Hammond's Pond and afterwards joined Palmer Brook, in South Newton, and was conveyed iu 172G by Erosamoud or Erasmus Drew to Nathaniel Parker. DREW'S SAW-MILL. 125 The land lying hereabouts, on both sides of the street, both in Brookline and in Newton, to the extent of several hundred acres, was in the year IGoO conveyed by Nicholas Hodgden of Boston and Brookline, to Thomas Ham- mond and Vincent Druce, the same who built the old house on the Denny place. Erosamon Drew, whose name is spelled in old documents in six different ways, came in his youth from Ireland. He married Bethiah, daughter of Vincent Druce. The elder Druce, who seems to have been a wealthy man for those days, left considerable property to this son-in-law. A most curious and elaborate old deed, dated in 1G83, conveys a tract of sixty-four acres of woodland for fifty-five pounds to Erosamon Drew from *' Vincent Drusse and Elizabeth, his wife," in which an imperfectly scrawled V for his name and E for hers are their only attempts at penmanship. An examination of some recent maps indicates a slight curving bit of road- way near Newton line, diverging from the street on the left, and joining it again at Newton line. The passers-by upon the street would scarcely notice the grassy entrance to this curve, and perhaps fail to observe, unless atten- tion were called to it, an old roof, to be seen almost on a level with the street, below the brow of the hill. Yet this curved bit of road was the original street or old road dipping down into the valley, for what good reason nobody now living knows, unless it was because down here was •' Erosamond Drew's Saw-Mill," and there must be a way to get to it. A brook, which is the natural outlet to Hammond's Pond, flows through the swampy lot opposite and under the road. It is nearly concealed by rank bushes and young trees, beyond which is a large open meadow, which still annually yields many tons of hay. This extensive tract is the property of numerous owners, and is designated in ancient deeds as " the Grate meddows." also '' Saw-Mill meadows," and far and near, colloquially as " Ponica." These meadows were flowed to obtain water-power enough to run the saw-mill, on leaving which, after passing under the old roadway, the water emptied into another tract of land, called " Bald Pate Meadows ; " there forming a mill-pond for another saw-mill which stood a short distance below, many years since in the edge of Newton. Its site was plainly to be seen a few years ago (and miy be still), though it long since yielded to the superior advantages of its Brookline rival. Below the level of the road down the declivity of the hill, and standing end- wise to the now deserted and grassy roadway, was a low house (the roof of which was before mentioned), falling into ruins, and since obliterated. It was not less than two hundred years old, and perhaps more. This was Eros- amon Drew's house, and over the brook close to it stood his saw-mill, and here all the sawing of boards for miles around was accomplished. The owner of the saw-mill was evidently a thrifty and good citizen, as he held various offices of trust in the town of Brookline, being one of the selectmen, assessor a member of the grand jury, and one of the committee on building the Pirst church. An old deed of Isaac Hammond in 1693 conveys land bordering on the «aw-mill lot to Erosamon Drew. By another deed, in April, 1731, Drew con- 126 HISTORY OF NEWTON. veyed ten acres of his land to his son-in-law, Samuel White, "by reason and in consideration of the love, good-will and affection which he hath and doth bear toward him," which was certainly a very substantial proof of his satis- faction with his daughter's marriage. This deed was witnessed by James Allen, the first minister of Brookline, and " high scot;" but Erosamon Drew's signature, alas, was only "his mark," a round scrawl, for he could not write his name. The deed was acknowledged before" Samuel Sewall, J. Pacis," and rounds off in sonorous Latin, " annoque regni regis Georgii Magnae Britannias quarto, etc." In August of the same year, by another deed he gave his house and all his movable property to his son-in-law, wife and two children, for his being " helpful to him in his old age." In fact from 1711 to this last date (1731) he seems to have been at short intervals bequeathing all his worldly goods to this beloved son-in-law. The grave-stones of all the Drews are stiil to be seen in Newton Cemetery. The last of the Drews was gone before the mid- dle of the last century, and large portions had been sold off the Druco and Hammond property, and that part of Samuel White's land which he inherited from his wife's father. In the Revolutionary times this great tract, which still lies wild, was in the hands of the Tories, who, it is said, secured some of King George's cannon and hid them in the thick woods, intending when the right time came to use them for the royal cause. But that time never came, and the Tories were forced to escape to the British Provinces, where they stayed till their prop- erty was confiscated. It was sold, and divided among many owners, and so remains. The old saw-mill came into the hands of Captain Curtis, of Jamaica Plain, and afterwards of Edward Hall, formerly a blacksmith on Washington Street, Brookline. For many years Erosamon Drew's old house was called the " huckleberry- tavern, "because the tenant then occupying it was skilful in making a kind of wine from the abundant huckleberries of the surrounding pastures, and on election days and other festive occasions, the scattered residents of the adja- cent parts of Brookline and Newton often resorted thither for the mild stim- ulants of society and huckleberry wine. The old saw-mill was taken down about twenty-nine or thirty years ago; time, with the slow fingers of decay, is taking down the old house. It is a curious old place, the roof behind sloping almost to the ground. A part of the old flume, and some of the stone underpinning of the saw-mill are- still to be seen. The extensive meadows through which the brook flows, and which were once rich with cranberry vines, are now all bush-grown. The old road, down which teams drew heavy logs, and took away the finished boards, is so narrow, rough and winding, as to be almost unsafe. At the side of the road, near the end of the house is a little patch fenced with brush, which in 1872 bloomed with purple amaranths and well kept flowers, whicli lent brightness to the otherwise neglected spot. The picturesque old place is a fit one for the location of the scenes of a poem or a tale. The extreme south part of the town alone remains to be account- ed for. This seems to have been originally the second natm-al LOCATION OF ESTATES. 127 centre of population and interest, and here a large number of smaller proprietors found their residence. This section of the town was natm-ally distributed into three divisions by the pubho roads nearly parallel, all running eastwardly from the Haynes' farm. The most northerly of these roads was the prolongation of Pound lane, that is, the West Roxbury Road ; it commenced near the house of Samuel C. Jackson, Esq., and continued to West Roxbury. The middle road commenced near the South Burial Place, and con- tinued along the edge of Brook farm, to the town line and Ded- ham, and was named the Dedham road. The southernmost skirted the east or more properly the southeast border of the John Kenrick land, and terminated in the forest. Thi-ee cross-roads, nearly par- allel, extended between the West Roxbury road and the Dedham road. Two cross-roads extended from the Dedham road in a west- erly direction, — the first crossing the Kenrick land to Kenrick's bridge ; the other reaching the house of Edward Hall, and there terminating. The following proprietors occupied land in this sec- tion of the town : On the easterly side, commencing at the southerly border of the Haynes' farm, and near the house of Samuel C. Jackson, Esq., on the right were the Great Meadows, so called ; at the easterl}' end of this tract was situated Jonas Jackson (1745). Southerly from this were four plots of land belonging, in the order of location, to Jonathan H^'de, senior (1G98), Captain Thomas Prentice, Esq. (1705), Edward Jackson, senior, and John Jackson. The land of Jonathan Hyde, senior, included Bald Pate Hill on the south, and was bounded on the east by Bald Pate Meadow ; and included, at the northern or northeastern part, John Hyde, his son, forty-six acres (1703), — successors, John Hyde, jr. (1729), Elisha Hyde, Gershom Hyde ; at the southerly part, Jonathan Hyde, his son, fifty acres (1G98). South of Jonathan Hyde was the land of Captain Thomas Prentice, Esq. (1705), to his grandson, Samuel Prentice, a hundred acres, — successor, Thaddeus Whitney (1772). South of Captain Thomas Prentice was Edward Jackson, senior ,^ and liis successors, by will (IGSl) to Thomas Prentice, a hundred acres, the latter to his son Thomas Prentice, jr. (1711), Timothy Whitney (1728), Moses Whitney (1739), Timothy Wliitney (1793). Captain Thomas Draper (1738), — successors, James Richards, Woodward. In the extreme southeast corner of the town, John Ward, senior, to Vincent Druce (1680), a hundred 128 HISTORY OF NEWTON. and tliirt^' acres. "West of this was William Ward (1689), — suc- cessors, JoliQ Ward, jr. (1760), Joshua Newell, E. White. Returning to the first (northernmost) cross-road, near the north- western corner was the Ministerial wood lot ; then, Thaddeus Hyde (1872); Timoth}'- Hyde (1739), thirty-six acres; Jeremiah Rich- ardson (1761), Thomas Richardson; then the widow, Good}' Davis, (died 1752, aged one hundred and sixteen). On the sec- ond cross-road was Thomas Hastings, Thaddeus Richards, — suc- cessor, John Dana; Jonathan D3-]ve (1710), — successors, Jona- than Dj'ke, jr. (1742), Simon Pond (1770), Noah King (1795), Noah S. King (1843), Bald Pate Hill east, Oak Hill west; and between Jonathan Dj'ke and Deacon Wiswall, James Richards, — successors, James Richards, jr., Solomon Richards. South of Palmer Brook, on the third cross-road, John Jackson, senior (1660), extending from the West Roxbury road to the Dedham road. Within this allotment, Philip White (1705), — successors, Isaac Child (1745), Daniel Child (1783) ; Joshua Gay (1745). On the Dedham road, on the easterly side, south of South Mead- ow Brook, was David Richardson (1724), — successors, Samuel Richardson, Benjamin Richardson, Deacon Reuben Stone. The next farm southerly was of Jonathan Richardson, — successors, Jonas Stone, jr., Elijah Stone, extending easterly to Good}' Da^'is. The next was of Richard Clark (1700), — successors, Robert Murdock, jr. (1718), Deacon Jeremiah Wiswall. Next was John Wilson (1713), — successors,- John Wilson, jr., Daniel Richai'ds, George Richards. By Palmer Brook, John Palmer (1740), — suc- cessors, Thomas Palmer (1760), William Palmer (1811). The next laud belonged to John Jackson, senior, (1660), then Nathan- iel Healy (1690), — successors, John Healy, John Corey. The southernmost proprietor was Benjamin Wilson. Returning to the west side of the Dedham road, first bounding on Nathan Pettee (1707), one hundred acres of the Haynes' farm, was Deacon Jonas Stone (1724), — successors, Captain Jonas Stone (1745), Ebenezer Stone (1788), Samuel Stone; next, Andrew Hall (1705), forty-three acres, — successors, John Hall (1723), Samuel Hall (1782). Then Robert Murdock, senior, (1703), a hundred and twenty acres, — successors, Lieutenant Robert Hall, Captain Jeremiah Wiswall (1750). Next on the corner was school laud, half an acre, given to the town by Jona- than Hyde, senior (1703), near the present chapel. Then, LOCATION OF ESTATES. 129 Daniel Richards, — successors, Jacob Chamberlain (1700), son John Chamberlain (17G3). Then, Daniel Colburn (1710),— suc- cessors, Samuel Fiske (1722), Phineas Jackson, Tliomas Has- tings; then, Edward AVard (1700), sixty-two acres, — successors, Timothy Ward (1741), John Mathews, John Mayo. At the extreme southern limit, Nathaniel Wilson, senior (1G80), — suc- cessors, sons Benjamin, Isaac and Moses. Returning to the road skirting the John Kenrick land, the lli-st estate on the east side was of John Ward (1700), — successor. Rev. Nathan Ward (17GG) ; then, John Ward (1748) ; Samuel Truesdale (1G79), a hundred and twentj' acres; then Israel Stowell, — successors, Samuel L^-on, John Hall, Solomon Hall, David Hall. On the cross-road joining the Dedham road on the east to the road bounding the John Kenrick land on the west, east of Samuel Truesdale was Elijah Kenrick (1GG9), — successor, son John Ken- rick (1712). East of Elijah Kenrick was John Grimes (1700), — successor, James Grimes (1740). With this " key to the situation," a person may travel over the few great roads of earlier Newton, and identify, with tolerable cer- tainty, the lands of nearly every proprietor. The larger estates, in many parts, have been divided into smaller ones. Numerous intersecting streets have been opened for the convenience of the inhabitants. The one or two churches, with the roads leading to them, which were an object of so much jealous care, have increased to thu't3% The few scattered residences have condensed them- selves into nine or ten villages, some of them nearly contin- uous, and the whole into a thriving city. But the liills and plains where the people lived, and the streets in which thej^ moved, are clearl}'- marked and easily found. 9 CHAPTER XI. BOUNDARIES OF ESTATES. Supplementary to the preceding chapter, we give, in this con- nection, the location, dimensions and boundaries, so far as we are 'able, of many estates of residents of Newton in the earUer period, with other matters of interest thereto belonging. The items are arranged under the names of the citizens in alphabetical order, for convenience of reference. Adams, Joseph (d. 1799), bought of Wilham Park, in 1750, fifty-three acres of land, with the buildings thereon, for £320, being the east part of the Park, farm, near Watertown line. The house was afterwards occupied by Joseph Faxon. The homestead was divided among the sons of Mr. Adams, Joseph, Roger and Smith, who settled thereon. Angier, Oakes (d. 1789), kept a pubhc house ver}^ near the site of the Nonantum House, Newton Corner. He purchased the place of Samuel Jackson, Esq., in 1731. The land was partly in Newton and jDartly in Watertown, with house and barn thereon. It was bounded west-and south by the county road, which led from Watertown to Roxbury. See Daniel Bacon. Bacon, Daniel, (d. 1691). In 1669 Gregory Cook conveyed to Daniel Bacon a dwelling-house and barn and six acres of land, bounded by the highway east, Edward Jackson south, and the Dummer farm north and west, — being the same place which William Clements conveyed in 1662 to Abram Williams. Mr. Bacon piu-chased several other parcels of land in the same vicinity. Some of his land was entailed by the will of his father-in-law. Reed. In 1669, William Clements, jr., conveyed to Daniel Bacon twenty-five acres of land for £60,. which he bought of Richard Dummer, — bounded southerly by the highway from AYatertown to Roxbury, and northeast on Charles River, — bciiig partly in New- ton and partly in Watertown. On this tract Isaac and John, his 130 BOUNDARIES OF ESTATES. 131 sons, settled ; John's part was within the bounds of Watertown. Isaac's part was afterwards owned by Oakes Angier, General William Hull and others. A part of it was afterwards occupied bj' the Nonantum House. Mr. Bacon purchased, besides, in 1688, of Nathaniel Stcdmau, of Boston, twent}' acres, bounded by the highwa}' to Nonantum, east. Bacon, Jacob, grandson of Daniel Bacon, settled at the south part of Newton, adjoining Roxbury line. In 1710 he sold twent}' acres of land to "VYilliam Ward. Baldwin, William, married a daughter of Noah Wiswall, and lived near the Pelham house, belonging to the estate of Rev. John Cotton, on Centre Street, north of the Shannon estate, on the site of the former residence of Mr. John Cabot. Bakber, Joun, kept the tavern in West Newton near the West Parish meeting-house (1765) ; the place bears the name of the Old Tavern House. Bartlett, Joseph (d. 1702), lived on the north side of the hill occupied by the Newton Theological Institution, about ninety rods southeast of the railroad station. He mortgaged liis house and four acres of land to Thomas Prentice, senior. His gTcat grand- son, Da^dd Bartlett, was one of the early members of the First Baptist Church. Barton, James, (d. 1729). In 1688, Jonathan Jackson, son of Edward Jackson, senior, conveyed to James Barton one hundred and three acres of land for £130, — bounded west and north by land of Thomas Park, east by land of his brother Sebas and others, — being the land bequeathed to him by his father, and which formed the north and west part of the Mayhew farm. Mr. Barton purchased other lands, extending over the Watertown line. He erected his dwelling-house on the south side of Charles River, just within the bounds of Watertown. Beach, Isaac, (d. 1735). Abraham Jackson, son of John Jack- son, sen., conve3'cd to Isaac Beach in 1686 four acres of land, bounded " east and south b}^ the way to the meeting-house," that is, the road leading from Centre Street, on the southern border of the burial place where the first meeting-house was located, to the east part of the town ; and west by the burial place. He built his house on this lot. In 1727 he gave this homestead to Isaac Jack- son, sen., whom he brought up from a child. Beale, Gershom (d. 1723), bought five acres of land of Joshua Fuller at Newton Upper Falls, in 1712. 132 HISTORY OF NEWTON. BixBY, Jonathan (d. 1714), had Ms dwelling-house and farm at Newton Upper Falls, the northwestern part, on the bank of Charles River. Blanden, Francis (d. 1754), from Canada, of French descent, had his house on the north bank of Wis wall's Pond (northwest angle) , on the same spot where Samuel Hyde, jr., lived, and man}' years in later times, Mr. Joseph White. Bond, Phineas. The Bonds lived on the Fuller farm, the south- ern part, remotest from Charles River. Bowles, Dea. William, from Roxbuiy, where he was deacon, owned the place at the east part of the town afterwards occupied by Obadiah Curtis, nearl}' opposite the estate of Col. Joseph Ward ; and near the site of Rev. Dr. Freeman's house ; late Fran- cis Skinner. BuLLOuGH, John. The Bullough estate was in the vicinity of Bullough's Pond. The reputation of one of the family was dubious, although most of them were good and worthy people. BuERAGE, Epheaim. TMs family lived north of the Trowb ridges at Newtonville. Bush, Randolph, in 1642 owned a house and eighteen acres of land near Newton Corner. Cheney, John, lived near the Upper Falls. Cheney, Joseph (d. 1749), inherited part of the lands of his wife's father, Capt. Noah Wiswall, and lived in the southwest part of Newton. In 1748, he bought a tract of land of John Ham- mond for £500, bounded northwest on John AVoodward. Child, Daniel, married Rebecca Richards ; lived near Brook farm. Clark, John, (d. 1G95). His father, Hugh Clark, conveyed to him by deed of gift, in 1681, sixt3'-seven acres of land, on the east side of Centre Street at the Common. His house was on the site of the house formerl}' of Dea. Ebenezer White, sen., later of Timothy Walker. He built a saw-mill at the Upper Falls on Charles River, and owned land adjoining. Clark, John, JR. (d. 1730), conveyed to his brother William thu'ty-five acres of land, bounded south by Stephen Winchester, north by Ebenezer Woodward, east by the highway to the Lower Falls, west by land of WilUam Clark. Clark, William (d. 1737), conveyed to Noah Parker in 1725 seven acres of land, bounded west by the river, east and BOUNDARIES OF ESTATES. • 133 south by land of his own, north by Gershom Bates ; also one-fourth part of mills, stream and dam at the Upper Falls. Clarke, Dr. Samuel, from Boston (d. 1830), father of Dr. James Freeman Clarke, and son-in-law of General Hull, occupied for a season the estate long owned b}' Joshua Loring, corner of Centre and Cotton Streets. Clements, William, in 1G39 owned house and six acres of land near the line of Cambridge, which he sold to Edward Jackson, sen., in 104:7. He also owned the Cook house, which he sold to Abram Williams in 1GG2 ; also, other lands. Clements, William, jk. (d. 1G91), owned house and land ad- joining Captain Prentice, near Chestnut Hill. He bought twent}'- five acres of Richard Dummer, and sold it to Daniel Bacon in 1G69. Collins, Mattuias (d. 1785), bought one hundred acres of land of Joseph Craft on the Sherburne road, adjoining John Woodward. CooKE, Gregoky (d. 1G90), bought of Samuel Hyde, in 16G8, sixteen acres of land, bounded east by Centre Street, west by land of Edward Jackson, sen., and south by land of said Hyde. His descendants lived here till about the time of the Revolution. Capt. Phineas Cooke was the last of the name who owned it. Later it belonged to Mr. Nathaniel Brackett. In IGGo, Abraham Williams conveyed to Gregor}: Cooke his late mansion and about six acres of laud, bounded east by the highway from Watertown to Rox- bur}', south by land of Edward Jackson, sen., north and west by the Dummer farm. This mansion house was at Newton Corner, near the Watertown line. In 1672, Jeremiah Dummer, of Boston, conveyed to Gregoiy Cooke, shoemaker, one hundred and twelve acres of land, with a house and barn thereon, lying partly in Cam- bridge and partly in Watertown, bounded east by the highway, south b}^ land of Edward Jackson, sen., and Daniel Bacon, west by land of Thomas Park, and north by Charles river. The old, sharp-roofed house stood on the site afterwards occupied b}^ Henry Fuller's. CooKE, Stephen, jr., owned house, land and grist-mill in Watertown, which he convej'ed by deed of gift to his son, John Cooke. Cooke, Capt^un Phineas (d. 1784), built the house at New- ton Corner, near the Watertown line, owned and occupied by 134 • HISTORY OF NEWTON. General Hull, after the war. His uncle, Daniel Cooke, left Mm a large estate. Cooke, Daniel (d. 1754), received from his father, Stephen Cooke, jr., in 1735, by deed of gift, his homestead, partly in New- ton and partly in Watertown. Cotton, Rev. John (d. 1757), purchased of the heii's of his predecessor. Rev. Nehemiah Ilobart, in 1715, about one hundred acres of land, with the dwelling-house and barn thereon. The house was afterwards owned and occupied by Charles Pelham, Esq. , and was known as the Pelham house ; it was afterwards the property of John Cabot, whose daughter was the wife of Theodore Parker. The house has been removed. It stood on the corner of Centre and Cabot Streets, Cotton, Dr. John, son of the minister, (d. 1758). The admin- istrator of his estate sold six and a half acres of land and house to Samuel Cooke, bounded west by Dedham Road. Probably the place soon after owned by Dr. John King, — the site of the present residence of Deacon Gustavus Forbes. Ckaft, Moses (d. 17G8), purchased ninctj'-three and a half acres of land of Nathaniel Parker, in Newton, in 1729, on the Sher- burne road, and lived with Dea. John Staples, in the same vicinity. Curtis, Solomon, settled at Newton Lower Falls ; also, his sons, Allen C. and Wilham Cm'tis. Dana, John (d. 1793), son of Benjamin, the ancestor of all of that name, lived in the south part of Newton. Davenport, Joseph, son of John Davenport and grandson of Thomas Davenport, born August 30, 1701, was a clothier, and set- tled about 1731 at Newton Lower Falls, on the right of the road leading to the Upper Falls, where he died March 12, 1752. His wife was Sarah Ware, daughter of Ebenezer Ware, of Needham. Davenport, Benjamin (d. Dec. 28, 1833), sou of Joseph Dav- enport, born in Newton June 16, 1743, lived in Newton, nearly oi[)posite the present poor-house. He died in Needham. Davenport, Joseph, son of Benjamin Davenport, born Aug. 18, 1773, lived at Newton Upper Falls, and died at Cambridge Ma}' 28, 1849. He had seven children, all born in Newton. DoLBEAR, Benjamin, lived near the Upper Falls. Downing, Robert. His homestead was on the east side of Centre Street, near the old burial place. Draper, Captain Thomas (d. 17G9), lived at the south part of the town, near the Roxbuiy line. BOUNDAKIES OF ESTATES. 135 DuRANT, Captain Edward (d. 1740), in 1732 bought ninety- one acres of land in Newton, of Daniel Bobbins and Daniel Trowbridge for £1,800, bounded east and west by the highway, and north by land of Captain John Jackson. The estate \c\y on the southern part of Nonantum Hill, north of John Kenrick. Druce, Vincent. In 1650 Nicholas Hodgden of Boston (Brookhne) , conveyed to Thomas Hammond and Vincent Druce land in the easterly' part of Newton, adjoining John Parker's land, on the north, northwest and northeast, which land was granted by the town of Cambridge to Robert Bradish. Messrs. Druce and Hammond held this land in common until 1664, when a division was made between them. The dividing line was one hundred rods in length, running over " the gi-eat hill." The pond was in Ham- mond's part, and has ever since borne his name. The (old) road through these lands to Muddy River (Brookhne) was laid out in 1G58. John Ward conveyed to Vincent Druce one hundred and thirtj' acres of woodland, bounded east by Roxbury line, north by Brookhne line, and south and west by other land of said John AV^ard. Mr. Druce's dwelling-house was near Brookhne line. Dyke, Jonathan (d. 1759), Hved on the old Jonathan Hj'de homestead. Eliot, Benjamin (d. 1798), purchased six and a half acres of land, in 1731, a little north of the Centre meeting-house, and there settled. In 1756, he bought eight acres on the plain, near the same meeting-house and school-house, westwardl}-. Eliot, Rev. John, jr., (d. 1668). "Eliot's homestead of twenty acres was the southerly corner of the Maj^hew farm, and was situated on the westerly side of Centre Street, about sixty rods north of the burial place. The well where he drew his water, very near the spot where his dwelling-house stood, belongs to the estate of the late Thomas Edmands." His estate continued to be the property of his son John as long as he lived. After his death, it was sold to Henry Gibbs, Esq., in 1733, for £415, hy order of the General Court, on the petition of the executors of Eliot's will, to raise money to cany his son John, then seventeen years old, through college at New Haven. B3' the deed it was bounded east by Centre Street, south by land of John Spring, north and west by land of Rev. John Cotton. Heniy Gibbs sold the EUot home- stead to the Rev. John Cotton in 1736, for £300. The heirs of Rev. John Cotton sold it to Charles Pelham, Esq., in 1765. 136 HISTORY OF NEWTON. Elliot, General Simon (d. 1810), from Boston, erected snuff- mills at Newton Upper Falls about 1780, and owned extensively in that part of the town in mills, lands and water power. He lived in the house formerly Noah Parker's. EsTY, Reuben, lived in the West Parish. Fenno, Epiikaim (d. 17G7), from Boston, in 1736, purchased thirty-three acres of land in Newton Centre, for £750, bounded east by Centre Street, southwest by Homer Street, northAvest by Grafton Sti-eet, being the triangular farm, afterwards the home- stead of Rev. Joseph Grafton, then of Michael Tombs and lastly of George C. Rand, Esq. Freeman, Rev. James (d. 1835), lived on Waveiiy Avenue nearly opposite Mr. Charles Brackett, (the Skinner place) . Fuller, John (d. 1099), settled in Newton about 1644. In 1658, he purchased of Joseph Cooke, of Cambridge, seven hun- dred and fifty acres of land for £160, bounded north and west by Charles River, — the winding part of the river west ; east by land of Thomas Park, south by farm of Samuel Shepard. His house stood on the south side of the brook, and within a few rods of both road and brook. B3- subsequent purchase, he increased his estate to upwards of one thousand acres ; Cheesecake Brook ran through it, and the tract was long known as the " Fuller Farm." By his will dated 1696, he divided it among his five surviving sons, with the proviso that they should not sell to any stranger, until they or their next relative should have the offer of it. He and Edward Jackson were the largest land-owners in the village. The}^ divided their lands among their children in their lifetime, confirming the division by their wills.* *Mr. Seth Davis says in 1847, " The southeast corner of this estate was marked by a large oak-tree which was standing, until within a few years, at the northeast cor- ner of the farm improved by William Bacon. This tree is perhaps the only land- mark that has existed without variation in the town until so late a period. " As no house is recognized, on this lot of more than a mile square, and bounded on each side by a single farm, no more than one house probably existed in that section in 1058. And it is probable that no house existed on these seven hundred and lifty acres for more than twenty years afterwards, as in 1C7G, April 15, this John Fuller purchased of one John Magoon twenty-two acres of land with a dwelling-house and barn; also live acres near the Falls on Charles River. This house, purchased of John Magoon, is said to have stood on the same spot where the third, fourth and lif th meeting-houses in the tirst parish were built. Subsequently to this purchase by John Fuller, he with his six sous, whose names all began with I, as no J's were then used, settled on the aforesaid seven hundred and fifty acres of land, which was known as ' Fuller's Corner' for nearly a century. Two farms were owned and improved by John Fuller's descendants until 1847 and subsequently." e A Or.< ( / ,j BOUNDARIES OF ESTATES. 137 Fuller, Jonathan, son of Joliu Fuller, senior (d. 1722), lived on the spot afterwards occupied b}' Captain Ezra Fuller. Fuller, Joseph, son of John Fuller, senior, (d. 1740). His father-in-law, Edward Jackson, gave him twent3'-three acres of land out of the westerly end of the Mayhew farm, which he bought of Governor Bradstreet, and from his father he inherited two hundred acres more. On this estate he erected his mansion house, covering the same spot where his grandson Judge Fuller lived, the site of the mansion of General William Hull, and later of Governor Clafliu, in Newtonville. This farm descended to his son Joseph, his grandson Abraham, and his great-granddaughter Sarah, who married Colonel William Hull in 1781. In 1766, Abraham FuUer built an addition to his father's old house, of which he had lately come into possession, and in 1814 General William Hull removed the old part which had been built b}' Joseph Fuller in 1680, and built a new addition, so that the house, as removed and afterwards occupied b}- J. L. Roberts, Esq., was built partly in 1766 and partly in 1814. Fuller, Elisha, son of Jonathan Fuller (d. 1794) , lived near the hill now covered by the Newton Theological Institution. Fuller, Col. Nathan (d. 1822) , had in the West Parish a home- stead of fift3'-five acres, appraised at $2,890. He gave to the West Parish an acre and a half of land for a bmying place, in 1781. Greene, Jonathan, from Maiden (d. 1736), came to Newton in 1697, and "lived near the Falls." Greenwood, Thomas (d. 1693), bought in 1673 seven acres of land of Nathaniel Hammond, bounded souiheast by land of said Hammond, north by Captain Prentice and John Ward. The same year he bought seven acres and fifty rods of Edward Jackson, adjoining the meadow of Elder Wiswall, and east by John Ward. In 1691, he purchased of Isaac Parker tweuty-fom- acres with the dweUiug-house thereon, bounded east by Thomas Hammond, west by John Hammond, south by Nathaniel Hammond and north hy John Druce, beiug part of the same land which John Parker, sen., bought of Nicholas Ilodgdca in 1650. Greenwood, DexVCOn Thomas (d. 1774), had a homestead of eighty-six acres in the West Parish. GiiiBS, Henry (d. 1761), came to Newton about 1742, purchased of Rev. John Prentice, of Lancaster, sixty acres of land on the east side of Centre Street, on which he built the large house, after- 138 HISTORY OF NEWTON. wards owned and occupied many years by the late Marshall S. Rice, long known as the Town Clerk of Newton, being part of the same land purchased by James and Thomas Prentice, in 1657 ; also, fourteen acres on the Plain, bounded east on Centre Street, lying between the farms of John Spring on the north and Jonathan Hyde, sen., on the south, being the same land owned by John Jackson, sen., and then by his son-in-law, Capt. Noah Wiswall ; — known later as the Lovell Place ; — between the estate of Thomas Nickerson, Esq., and Mill Street. GoDDARD, JosiAH (d. 1758), was of VVatertown, and bought of Jonathan Parks, jr., twenty-five acres, bounded northeast by the Fuller farm. Gkafton, Ret. Joseph (d. 1836), occupied the triangular estate in Newton Centre, bounded east by Centre Street, southwest by Homer Street and northwesterly by Grafton Street. Greenough, Rev. William (d. 1831), in the West Parish, occu- pied the estate on the left side of Washington Street, going towards Newton Lower Falls. On the map of 1700, streets are laid out on three sides of the estate, making a triangle, like Mr. Grafton's. Hall, Andrew (d. 1756), came into the south part of Newton about 1695, and bought forty-three acres of land in 1795, for £22, of Thomas Wiswall, son of Capt. Noah Wiswall. The tract was bounded east by Dedham highwaj', west by John Kenrick and the widow of Joseph Parker, north by John Woodward, jr., Samuel Truesdale and John Kenrick, jr., south by Deacon James Trow- bridge. Hammond, Thomas, (d. 1675). Nicholas Hodgden convej'ed sixty-seven acres of land, in 1650, "on Cambridge Hill in Cam- bridge Village " to Thomas Hammond and Vincent Druce ; also, thirteen acres more, which was granted by the town of Cambridge to Robert Bradish ; " and also, sixteen acres more in Muddy River (Brookline) next to Cambridge Hill, adjoining John Parker's land north, northwest and northeast. Hammond and Druce bought in 1658 of Thomas Brattle and others six hundred acres at Muddy River (Brookhne), called the Royton farm, for £100, north partly on the Roxbury line, south partly on the Cambridge line, surveyed b.y John Oliver." The purchases of Messrs. Hammond and Druce were held in common until 1664, when a division was made. " The dividing line was one hundred rods long, running over the great BOUNDARIES OF ESTATES. 139 hill, the pond being in Hammond's part." Mr. Hammond bought also of Esther Sparhawk, daughter of Nathaniel Sparhawk, in 1656, for £-40, three hundred and thirt}- acres, being the same land granted to her father by the town of Cambridge, bounded " south and west on land of Robert Bradish, and north by land of Elder Frost, now in possession of John "Ward and Lieut. Prentice." His will gave to his son Thomas a house and portions of land ; to his son Nathaniel, a house and land adjoining, " and -the cranberry- meadow from the corner of the pond to ' Troublesome Swamp.' " Hammond, John (d. 17G3), bought of Rev. Jared Eliot, of Connecticut, three hundred and seventy acres of the Governor Haynes' farm, in 1746, for £6,000, and mortgaged it to James Bowdoin for £3,000. Hastings, Samuel (d. 1776), had a tan-yard near the West Parish meeting-house, where he settled. He came from Cambridge, and removed from the West Parish to Newton Corner, where he died. Hastings, Thomas, from Watertown, lived near Bald Pate Hill,_ at the south part of Newton. Healt, Nathaniel (d. 1734), bought of Jonathan Jacksou, senior, twent3'-six and a half acres of land, and lived near Brook Farm. Hobart, Rev. Nehemiah, (d. 1712). "His father-in-law, Edward Jackson, gave him thirtj^'acres of land on the northwest side of the Dedham highway (Centre street) , adjoining the twent}' acres south, which he also gave to Rev. John Eliot, jr., his prede- cessor." He built his mansion house on the spot where the house of Mr. John Cabot formerly stood, at the corner of Cabot and Centre Streets. It was occupied afterwards bj'' his successor Rev. John Cotton. It was burnt in 1720, and rebuilt the same year. "In 1711 he conve3'ed to his four daughters his then dwelUng- house, outhouses, and one hundred acres of land adjoining, reserv- ing to himself the right to enjo}' it while he lived, with other reser- vations, together with the land he owned at Stake Meadow. Holly, Samuel (d. 1643), owned a house and eighteen acres of land adjoining John Jackson in 1639, of which he sold six acres to Edward Jackson in 1643, for £5. Homer, Rev. Jonathan (d. 1S43), owned and occupied an estate of considerable extent on the west side of Centre Street, north of the meeting-house. His dwelling-house stood midwaj^ 140 HISTORY OF NEWTON. between the houses of Hon. A. Speare, Ex-Maj-or of Newton, and Thomas Nickerson, Esq. The site is marked by the two thorny acacias which shaded his front yard, and which were on each side of the walk from the gate to the front door. HovEY, Deacox Thomas (d. 1829), owned and occupied the place afterwards owned by Deacon Nathan Pettee ; and which, later, was the Amos Lawrence estate, including the westerly basin of the Boston Water Works near Chestnut Hill. Hull, General William (d. 1825), lived, in his later 3'ears, on the place since owned and occupied by Ex-Governor Claflin. The large house, which was his mansion house, was removed to the vicinit}^ of the Railroad Station at Newton ville, on the west side of the street. Hyde, Deacon Samuel, (d. 1725). He and his brother Jona- than Hyde, in 1647, bought of Thomas Danforth forty acres of land. In 1652, they purchased two hundred acres of the heirs of Nathaniel Sparhawk, and held this land in common till 1661, when a division was made between them. Centre Street, at first called the Dedham highway, was laid out through their lands. Captain Samuel Hyde, of Hyde's Nursery, of the sixth generation, and George Hyde, his son, owned and occupied a part of the original homestead. He also owned a farm in Watertown, of a hundred and twenty-four acres. Hyde, Nehemiaii, son of Ensign Samuel Hyde (d. 1741), received bj' his father's will, the homestead, thirty -three acres and pasture, eight acres, on the hiU. Hyde, Jonathan, son of John Hyde, sold five acres of land to Benjamin Eddj' in 1754, bounded south b}- the road leading to the meeting-house. Hyde, Jonathan, senior (d. 1711), came to Newton in 1647, and bought two hundred and forty acres of land, with his brothej", Deacon Samuel Hj^de, which thej^ owned in common till 1661. He bought, in 1656, eightj' acres, more or less, of Thomas Woolson, which Woolson bought of Edward Goffe in 1653. "Probably there was more in this tract, being one-eighth of the land recovered b}' Cambridge from the town of Dedham in a lawsuit. He settled on this laud, and increased it by subsequent purchases to about three hundred and fifty acres. His dwelling-house was about sev- ent}' rods north of the Centre Congregational meeting-house." He bought and sold much land in the Village, and in some of his BOUNDARIES OF ESTATES. 141 deeds was styled " Sergeant." Jackson says " he had twenty-one children, — fourteen by Mary French, daughter of WilUam French, of Billerica, and seven by Mary Rediat, daughter of John Rediat, of Marlboro'. He made a marriage covenant in 1673 with her father and brother, in which it was stipulated that he should raarrj' Mary Rediat, and in case he should die before her, she should have his house, barn and about one hundred acres of land. In case she had no children by liim, then the one hundred acres was to pass to the children of his first wife, after the decease of the said Jona- than and Mary. This interesting document was dated 2, 11, 1673, nearly three months before the marriage ceremony. It was wit- nessed b}' the Rev. Nathaniel Gookin, of Cambridge, and his sis- ter Elizabeth, the widow of the Rev. John Eliot, jr. This part of his homestead was bounded easterly by the highway from Water- town to Dedham, one hundred and sixt}' rods, and one hundred rods deep ; westerly by his other lands ; northerl3' hy land of John Jackson, senior, and southerly b}^ the farm of Elder Wiswall; reserving a wa}^ one rod wide next to Wiswall's, to go to his other lands. This laud ran from the Dedham Road (Centre Street) at the training field (Newton Centre Common) , by the north bank of Wiswall's Pond, and for the last century has been known by the name of 'Blandeu's Lane,' now (1854) called Pond Street. The front of this grant extended from this lane, northerly one hundred and sixty rods, to about opposite the road leading to the east- erly part of the town (Ward Street). This farm, therefore, was ver}' near the centre of Newton, and included the spot where the Centre meeting-house (Congregational) now stands. In 1702, he gave to John Ivenrick and others. Selectmen of Newton, and their sticcessors in ofl3ce, 'half an acre of land near Oak Hill, abutting ten rods on the Dedham Road, and eight rods wide, northwesterly by his own land, for the use and benefit of the school at the south part of the town, to be employed b}^ said Selectmen to the ends aforesaid.' This half acre of land was sold many years ago, and a small fund accumulated from the proceeds, which was divided among the inhabitants of the south school district a few years since by vote of the town, pro rata, according to the taxes each one paid." He probably gave part of the land for the training field, though no record remains of such a gift, and Elder Wiswall or his heirs gave the residue. " In 1705, he deeded to his childi-en a cartway tlirough the then homestead to the Dedham 142 HISTORY OF NEWTON. highway (Centre Street), 'to be used with gates forever.'" The " forever," nevertheless, came to an end. For that " cartway " is now Grafton Street, the northwestern boundary of the triangular estate of the late George C. Rand. Hyde, Samuel, son of Jonathan Hyde, senior, had his house on the north side of Wiswall's Pond, afterwards occupied b}' Blanden. His laud was conveyed to him by deeds of gift in 1703 and 1710. He binds himself that the rod- wide way " shall be free to bring hemp or flax to the pond, and sheep to washing, or such like neces- sary occasions to come to the pond." Hyde, Elisha (d. 1781), took the homestead of John H3'de, senior. Jackson, Deacon John (d. 1675), the first settler of Cambridge Village, who remained and died in it. In 1639, he bought of Miles Ives, of Watertown, a dwelling-house and eighteen acres of land, situated on the Roxbury road, very near the line which now divides Newton from Brighton. It was he who gave an acre of land for the first meeting-house and burial place, now the oldest part of the old cemetery on Centre Street. His old mansion house, which was pulled down about 1800, stood on the spot afterwards occupied by the dwelling-house of Edwin Smallwood. The old pear trees on the estate are supposed to have been planted by his son Abraham, who added an acre to the acre given by his father for the meeting-house and burial jjlace. He left eight hundred and sixty- three acres of land. Jackson, Abraham (d. 1740), conveyed to his son John in 1734 all his real estate in Cambridge and Newton. In 1717 he had ah'eady conveyed to the same several parcels of land, " one of which was forty acres at Chestnut Hill (except four acres ''sold to Isaac Beach in 1686), bounded west by the burial place and the land given for the burial place on ivhicJi the meeting-house noio standeth, so long as the town shall see cause to improve it for the use they now do." Jackson, Edward, senior (d. 1681), piurchased land in Cam- bridge Village, of Samuel HoUey in 1643. In 1646 he bought ti farm in Cambridge Village of five hundred acres of Gov. Bradstreet for £140, long kuown as the Ma3^hew farm, — Bradstreet having pur- chased it of Thomas Mayhew, of Watertown, in 1638, with all the buildings thereon, for six cows. This flve-hundred-acre farm com- menced near what is now the division line between Newton and BOUNDAEIES OF ESTATES. 143 Brighton, and extended westward, including what is now Newton- ville, and covering the site where Judge Fuller's mansion once stood. The site where Gen. Michael Jackson's mansion house stood was near the centre of the Ma^'hew farm ; and a few rods nearer the brook stood the old dwelling-house conveyed with the farm, in Mayhevr's deed to Bradstreet. Of course it was built previous to 1638, and therefore it is highly probable that it was the first dwelling-house built in Newton; — the cellar hole, — now almost filled, — a few rods from the brook, is still visible. In the laying out of the old highway in 1708 (long since discontinued), which passed by the old house, the description is, '' crossing the brook near where the old house stood." This house, which was erected before 1638, was gone before 1708 ; it had stood about the allotted space of three- score years and ten. 'It maj^ have been the first residence of Edward Jackson, senior, in Cambridge Village, from his first coming until his marriage in 1649, and perhaps for many more 3'ears. At his death in 1681, his then dwelling-house stood about three-quar- ters of a mile easterly, near the line of Brighton, and about twenty rods northerl}^ from the road to Roxbury. It is described in his inventory as a spacious mansion, with a h'lll, — designed, no doubt, for religious meetings. His great grandson, Capt. Samuel Jack- son (d. 1808) pulled down the mansion built bj^ his great-grand- father, and built a splendid house for that day, which afterwards passed into the possession of Jonathan Hunnewell, Esq. Jackson, Jonathan, oldest son of Edwai-d Jackson, senior, set- tled in Boston, and sold the land in Newton, left him by his father's wUl in 1638, to James Barton one hundred and three acres, to Rev. Mr. Hobart thirt}^ acres, and to Nathaniel Heal}' twentj'-six and a half acres. His son Jonathan Jackson (d. 1736) sold ten acres of laud in Newton, left him by his grandfather Edward Jackson, senior, to Nathaniel Healy in 1713. Jackson, Sebas (d. 1690), received b}' the will of his father Edward Jackson, senior, the house and one hundred and fifty acres of land, which house stood on the spot now occupied by the man- sion of the late Hon. William Jackson. The house was eighteen feet by twentj'-two, two stories. The old house was built in 1670, and enlarged before 1690, making its length thirty-nine feet. Af- ter standing about a hundi-ed and forty years, it was demolished in 1809. By his will Sebas Jackson gave his eldest son, Edward Jackson, sixty acres of land, and divided the remaining one hun- dred and ten acres between the three olher sons. 144 HISTORY OF NEWTON. Jackson, Lieut. Timothy (d. 1774), son of Joseph Jackson and grandson of Sebas Jackson, lived in the east part of the old man- sion, \Vhich then measured eighteen by thirty-nine feet (on the Hon. William Jackson lot) . The inventory of his estate speaks of nine and a half acres of land on the north side of the road, and part of the dwelling-house and barn, and twent^'-one acres of pas- ture land on the south side of the road. Jackson, Isaac (d. 1769), was a carpenter, learned his trade of Isaac Beach, who gave him four acres of land, with house, adjoin- ing the burial place. Jackson, Edward, kept the Cattle Fair Hotel in Brighton. Jackson, Daniel, son of Sebas Jackson, lived near Weston Bridge. Jackson, Major Timothy (d. 1814), father of Hon. William Jackson, occupied the estate long known and still known as the property of Hon. William Jackson and his heirs. Jackson, Samuel, son of Edward, kept the Cattle Fair Hotel at Brighton. His widow married Thomas Hastings, Newton Corner. Kenrick, John (d. 168G), bought of Richard Parker, of Boston, in 1658, two hundred and fifty acres of land in the south- erl}' part of Cambridge Village, previously owned by Thomas Mayhew, bounded west b}^ Charles River, and north by Governor Ilaynes' farm of one thousand acres granted by the General Court in 1634, with farm-house and barn thereon. The house was near the bridge crossing Charles River, called " Kenrick's Bridge." B}^ his will he gave his son-in-law, Jonathan Metcalf, fiftj^ acres of land at the southeast part of his farm, which he bought of Deacon John Jackson, and the rest of his meadow at Cow Island, contain- ing ten acres ; to Rev. Nehemiah Hobart four acres of meadow, adjoining the meadow of John Parker north and Charles River west, or £10, at the option of his son John Kenrick, Kenrick, Captain Caleb, son of John Kenrick, jr. (d. 1771), took the west part of the homestead. By his will he gave his son John Kenrick thkt}' acres, bounded south by Israel Stowell and Edward Hull, north b}- the highwaj' to the river, to his son Daniel Kenrick twenty acres. King, Dr. John (d. 1807), from Sutton, lived on the east side of Centre Street. His house was on the site of the house since owned and occupied by Gustavus Forbes, Esq. Dr. King pur- chased his house of Dr. John Cotton, son of Rev. John Cotton, BOUNDARIES OF ESTATES. 145 who preceded him in the practice of medicine in Newton. His son Ebenezer King occupied the same house, which was removed, but is still tenanted. King, Captain Henky (d. 1822), lived on the place owned and occupied b}' William Hyde and his son Noah Hyde, since Eev. George J. Carle ton. King, Deacon Noah (d. 1843), lived on the southwestern slope of Oak Hill, where his son Noah S. King succeeded him. Lenox, Cornelius, from Boston, settled about 1783, on the bank of Charles River, near the Watertown Une. LiTTLEFiELD, Ebenezer (d. 1727), livcd near the Lower Falls. He purchased a place of Thomas AViswall in 1727. LoNGLEY, Nathaniel (d. 1732), came to Newton about 1700. His house was near the Institution Hill at Newton Centre, on the southerl}- side, where he bought thirty-four acres of land of Nathan- iel Hancock, of Cambridge, in 1703 ; he also bought nine acres of Captain Thomas Prentice in 1713; and mill property and privi- leges at the Upper Falls in 1725, of Nathaniel Parker and William Clark. His land at the Institution Hill adjoined the Bartlett land. Lyon, Samuel, lived at the south part of the town. Macoy [or Mackay], Daniel, from Roxbury, a Scotchman, in 1679 purchased land in Cambridge Village adjoining land of Elder Wiswall and Captain Noah AViswall ; also in 1G73, of John Jack- son, senior. Macoy, Archibald, lived on the same land which Daniel Macoj* bought of Daniel Preston and John Jackson. In 1G9G Thomas Wiswall conveyed to him two acres, bounded northwest by John Clark, south by Thomas Prentice. Macoy, Nathaniel, in 1713 sold land to Captain Thomas Prentice. Marean, William (d. 1761), removed from Roxbury to New- ton, and lived near Kenrick's Bridge. Marean, Lieutenant John (d. 1788), kept the Hotel after- wards Mitchell's, at the junction of Centre and Boylston Streets. Marshall, Thomas, in 1715 bought shop and six acres of laud, adjoining land of John Park. Removed to Holliston, and was deacon there thirty-eight years. Marshall, Francis, from Boston, a restorateur, bought the place anciently Brown's, at Newtou Corner, which was kept many years as a tavern. 10 146 HISTORY OF NEWTON. Mason, John, a tanner, lived near the Falls. His father, Capt. Hugh Mason, of Watertown, owned land in England, and also in Newton. Mayo, Thomas, from Roxbury, lived on Brook farm. Meriam, Rev. Jonas (d. 1780), lived on the same estate as his predecessors in the pastorate of the first church, Messrs. Eliot, Hobart and Cotton. Miller, Joseph (d. 1697), lived on the Stimpson place, West Parish. Miller, Samuel (d. 1759), West Parish, in 1726 gave the town four rods of land for a school-house, near his house. MiRiCK, John (d. 1706), owned the place adjoining Obadiah Curtis. Mitchell, Edward, a carpenter from Brookline (d. 1807), kept the tavern previously Marean's at the south part of Newton (Newton Highlands, junction of Centre and Boylston Streets) . Moore, Reuben, took the John Jackson place. Morse, Joseph (d. 1780), lived on the WiUiams farm. In. 1721, John and Solomon Park conveyed land to him. MuKDOCK, Robert, (d. 1754). His name on the Plymouth Records is sometimes written thus, and sometimes Murdo and Murdow. Robert Murdock, of Roxbury, removed to Newton in 1703, purchased house and one hundred acres of land of Jonathan Hyde and John Woodward for £90, bounded east by school land and Dedham road, south by Jacob Chamberlain and west by John Hj'de ; being the same place afterwards owned by Captain Jere- miah Wis wall. Murdock, Lieutenant Robert (d. 1762), took the homestead which he bought of his father in 1754, for £1,500, one hundred and twenty acres. Murdock, John (d. 1744), in 1721 bought twentj'-two acres of land in Newton of William Hyde for £200, bounded east on the road, north by James Prentice, west by Daniel Plyde. Murdock, Joshua (d. 1797), bought sixty acres of land for £350, in 1754, bounded north by Ephraim Fenno, and adjoining James Allen, Lieut. William Hjde, Abraham Il^'de and Nathau Hyde. He built a house on this land, about sixty rods west of the Fii'st Parish meeting-house at Newton Centre. He probablj bought his homestead near the Centre raecting-house of John Mur- dock, his uncle, who bought it of William Plyde in 1721. BOUNDARIES OF ESTATES. I47 Xeavell, Jonx, jr., lived near Brook farm. NouCROSs, Philip (d. 1748), lived where the Eliot church stands. His inventor}' acknowledges house, barn, shop and four- teen acres of land. Oliver, Deacon Tuomas (d. 1715), in 1G70 purchased dwell- ing-house and sixt3'-seveu acres of land, being part of the home- stead of Richard Dana, senior, in what is now Brighton, and owned lately b}' Samuel Brooks, near the place of the late Gorham Parsons, on the road leading towards Harvard College, bounding west by the road which runs northeast to the marshes ; north by the ancient high- way on the banlv of the river, which was the original waj' from th(. Great Bridge to Nonantum (long since discontinued) ; on the east hy land formerl}' of Richard Oldham, then of Richard Dana, and after to Thomas Chenc}'. OsLAND, Humphrey (d. 1720), erected a house on land of his father-in-law, Samuel Hyde, senior, which by will he bequeathed to II. Osland, being part of the same land on which the late Israel Lombard, Esq., afterwards erected a valuable mansion. Palmer, John (d. 1809), removed from "Warren, Me., to south part of Newton, near Brook farm. His son, Thomas Palmer, took riie homestead. Park, Richard. In a division of lands in 1647, he had eleven acres in Cambridge Village, bounded west on land of Mr. Edward Jackson. The highway' to Dedham was laid out through it in 1G48. An ancient dwelling-house on this lot, pulled down about 1800, is supposed to have been built by him. It stood within a few feet of the spot now occupied by the Eliot church, Newton Corner. He owned a large tract of land in the northwest part of the Village previous to 1G52. This tract was bounded west by the Fuller farm, north b}' Charles River, east by the Dummcrfarm, south and east by the Mayhew farm (Mr. Edward Jackson's) . It contained six huudi'ed acres, which he probably bought of pastor Shepard or his heirs. Park, Thomas (d. 1G90), settled on the six-hundred-acre tract (see above) , and had his house near Bemis' mills on the bank of Charles River. His estate, when diWded in 1693-4 among the heu-s, included seven hundred and twent^'-two acres of land and part of a corn-mill on Smelt Brook, erected by Lieutenant John Spring. 148 HISTORY OF NEWTON. Paeker, John (d. 1686), left Hingham about 1650 with Nicholas Hodgden, John "Winchester, Thomas Hammond and Vincent Dnice, and all settled in the same neighborhood, in the southeast part of Newton. By his will he gave his son Isaac the homestead, about twentj'-eight acres ; to his son Jonathan, forty-six acres of woodland, near the land of Captain Prentice ; to his son John, eleven acres of land, " whereon he has erected his new dwelhng- house, and seven acres meadow and woodland." His inventor}' shows a house and twenty-eight acres of land adjoining, and about ninety acres elsewhere. Parker, Nathaniel (d. 1747), settled on part of the Wiswall land, and bought in 1694 the house and land of Lieut. Ebenezer Wiswall. In 1708 he purchased of John Clark one-quarter of saw-mill, stream, eel-wear and half an acre of land at the Upper Falls for £12, and in 1717 another quarter of the same, with an acre and a half of laud for £45. Parker, Noah (d. 1768), settled at Newton Upper Falls. He received from his father by deed of gift in 1725 half the saw-mill, fulling-mill and grist-mill at the Upper Falls, with the lands appur- tenant thereto. The same j'car he purchased of William Clark one-quarter of the same mills and seven acres of land adjoining for £95 ; and at the same time of Nathaniel Longley the remain- ing quarter part of the same mills, and he thus became sole owner of the first and oldest mills in 1725, with the dam, stream, eel- wears, etc. Paul, Luther (d. 1863), purchased the old Noah Wiswall homestead, bounded west on Centre Street, near the Pond. Pelham, Charles (d. 1793) , came to Newton in 1765, bought the honiG'stead of Rev. John Cotton, house, barn and cider-mill, and one hundred and three and three-quarters acres of land adjoining for £735. The estate bounded east on Centre Street. Pettee, Samuel, or Petes, as he himself wrote it, bought one hundred acres of land, being the southwest part of the Governor Haynes' farm, of a Mr. Woodbridgc, of Connecticut. Pettee, Nathan (d. 1837), owned and occupied the Deacon Thomas Hovey place, afterwards Lawrence, including the site of the upper reservoir of the Boston Water Works, Beacon Street. Pigeon, John, owned land in Newton. His son John Pigeon kept a store at West Newton and afterwards at the Lower Falls. BOUNDARIES OF ESTATES. 149 Pigeon, Henry (d. 1799), occupied the house at Auburudale afterwards used as the Poor House, near the railroad depot. Prentice, Captain Thomas (d. 1709 or '10), settled in the east- erly part of Cambridge Village. His house was near the spot where the old Harbach house stands, corner "Ward Street and Waverle}' Avenue. In lGo3 he hired Governor Haynes' farm in the southwest part of the town, and occupied a part of it in 1G94. In 16G3 he bought eighty-five acres of land in the easterl}' part of Cambridge Village, adjoining land of John Ward, which was his homestead for more than fifty years. Pkentice, John (son of the preceding), (d. 1689) left b^- will to his wife the right to dispose of one-half his estate at her death. She gave it to her cousin (nephew), Rev. John Prentice, of Lan- caster, in 1741, being sevent^'-five acres on the plain, with house and barn. He sold it in 1742 to Henry Gibbs, Esq., for £1,420, being nearly the same land which James and Thomas Prentice, jr., acquired by joint purchase in 1657. Prentice, Samuel (d. 1728), received from the old Captain Prentice by deed of gift in 1705 one hundred acres of land, with dwelling-house thereon, l^'ing between Bald Pate hill and meadow in the south part of Newton. Prentice, James, senior (d. 1710), with Thomas Prentice, 2d, or jr., purchased in 1657 one hundred acres in Cambridge Village, being " that farm that James Prentice now dwells on," bounded northeast by land of John Jackson, part of* which is now the ancient cemetery on Centre Street. This Prentice farm was on llie east side of Centre Street, and extended from the cemetery south- west, south of the house owned and occupied b}' the late Marsliall S. Rice, P^sq., to the land of John Clark, near the Brook. " -Jauies and Thomas, 2d, built the ancient sharp-roofed dwelling-house which stood a few rods from the Dedham Road and the burial place, and which was pulled down about 1800. They occupied this place in common man}" jxars. Sixt}' acres of the southwest part of this farm passed into the hands of John Prentice, senior, son of the captain, who by his will in 1689 bequeathed half of it to his nephew, Rev. John Prentice, of Lancaster. At the decease of John Prentice seniors' widow, 1740, then Madam Bond, she bequeathed the other half to Rev. John, and he sold the whole Lo Henr}- Gibbs, Esq., in 1742 ; also fifteen acres on the west side of Centre Street, lying between the. farms of John Spring and 150 HISTORY OF NEWTON. Jonathan Hyde, which John Jackson gave to his son-in-law, Capt. Noah Wiswall, and he conveyed it to John Prentice, senior, in 1678." Prentice, Thomas 2d (prob. d. 1724), was joint purchaser of lands with James Prentice in 1G50 and 1657, and probably his brother. His father-in-law, Edward Jackson, senior, bequeathed to him one hundred acres of land at the south part of the town near Bald Pate meadow, where he built a house and resided in it during the latter part of his hfe ; also, two other tracts of land. In 1G94, Thomas Prentice, senior, probabl}- Thomas Prentice, 2d, con- veyed lands to Rev. Nehemiah Hobart; in 1706 to his grandsons, Thomas and Samuel; in 1774, b}' deed of gift, to his son Thomas, jr., after his own decease, his homestead at Burnt Hill in Newton, adjoining the new dwelling-house of said Thomas, except what he allowed to liis son-in-law, John Hyde, reserving two-thirds of the Cedar Swamp to his sons John and Edward. His affidavit, dated 1713, recorded with the deeds, states that "about sixty years ago he held one end of the chain to lay out a highway over Weedy Hill in Newton." His heirs sold his dwelling-house and farm in 1728. Pkentice, Thomas, (d. 1714). JohnPrentice, of Preston, Conn., and Ebenezer Prentice, blacksmith, of Newton, his sous, conveyed to Timothy Whitney, of Newton, land and dwelling-house in New- ton, being the last residence of their grandfather, Thomas Pren- tice, senior, for £615 ; bounded southeast by Thomas Hastings, south b}' John H^'de and southeast by Edward Prentice. Prentice, John, son of Thomas (d, 1721), in 1703 bought eighteen acres of land in Newton of John Parker. He was called in the deed a cordwainer. In 1718, under the name of physician, he conveyed to Nathaniel Longley part of the same laud. He must have relinquished the care of the shoes for the care of the bodies of his fellow-citizens at some date between 1703 and 1718. Prentice, Edward, (d. 1724). His house must have been on Ward Street, a few rods west of the house formerly owned and occupied by Deacon Ebenezer Davis White. An old pear-tree long marked the site of the house. His widow conveyed this homestead of fifty acres in 1764 to Ebenezer Davis ; bounded north on highway and land of Nathan Hyde, south bj' John Clark and Henry Gibbs, west by Robert Prentice. BOUNDARIES OF ESTATES. 151 Rice, Marshall S. (d. 1879), owned and occupied the Henry Gibbs estate, Newton Centre. He developed it largel}', raising most of the apple-trees on it from the seed, and at a late period opening on it Gibbs Street and part of Sumner Street. RoBiNsox, William (d. ITo-i), bj' will bequeathed house, barn and seventj^-nine acres of land to his son Jeremiah ; fiftj^-eight acres and a half to his son William ; fifty-five acres to his sou John. Ho had a large farm at what is now Auburndale. One of his sons lived on the site of the Seaverns house ; one in the Bourne house, once a tavern, and one in the house enlarged for the former Kewton Poor House. Rogers, John (d. 1815), in 1746 purchased of Oakes Angier six rods of land on the Roxbury highway, at Newton Corner, seven and a half rods deep, for £140, bounding east on land of the heirs of Samuel Jackson, Esq., north and west on Oakes Angier. Seger, Henry, in 1G8G bought one hundred and fifteen acres of land of Thomas Danforth, bounded southeast by Alcock's meadow, northeast by lots granted to Messrs. Chauncy, Oakes, Parker, Shepard and others ; southwest by lots granted to Messrs. Fessen- den, Boardman and others ; northwest b}^ John Palfrey, — all pro- })rietors of Cambridge. He conveyed by deeds of gift his home- stead to his sons Hemy and Job in 1716. Seaverns, Elisha (d. 1831), built his house in West Newton about 1795. His daughter married Walter Ware in 1798 and took the homestead. Staples, Deacon JouN, (d. 1740). He and John Woodward were near neighbors and joint purchasers of lands, which they divided in 1705. He bought thirty-six acres of land of Wilham Robinson, a neighbor, in 1737, for £405, and by his will (1740) gave seventeen acres of this purchase " for and towards the sup- port of the ministerial fire from j^ear to 5'ear annually." He gave to Moses Craft " all his housing and lands, after the decease of his wife and paj'ment of legacies." Starr, Dr. Ebenezer (d. 1830), settled at Newton Lower Falls. Stowell, John, bought of James Barton in 1722 one hundred and three acres of land, being part of the Mayhew farm, bequeathed b}- Edward Jackson, senior, to his son Jonathan Jackson. SnEPAitD, Alexander, JR. (d. 1788), built the house afterwards owned by Mr. Craft, near Auburndale. 152 HISTORY OF NEWTON. Smith, Joun, a tauner, bought in 1G94-5 of Nathaniel Parker twenty-seven and a half acres of land in Newton, with dwelling- house thereon, bounded east by land of Samuel Parker, south by land of John Trowbridge. Stone, Hon. Ebenezer (d. 1754), bought in 1G86 thirty acres of land in New Cambridge of Thomas Croswell. He owned the house supposed to have been built by Richard Park, very near the site now occupied by the Eliot church, which was probably his first residence in the town. He sold this place in 1700 to John Jack- son, son of Sebas Jackson, senior, and removed to the easterly part of Newton, and built the house long owned and occupied by John Kingsbury. Stone, Deacon John (d. 1769), in 1724 bought the farm of Rev. Nathan Ward, and built a house near Oak Hill. He was the first of the name that settled there. Spring, Lieutenant John, (d. 1717). His house stood on the northwest side of the Dedham road (Centre Street) , opposite the old cemetery, and near the house owned and occupied by the late Gardner Colb}", Esq. He built the first grist-mill in the town, sit- uated on Smelt Brook, half a mile north of the geographical centre of the town. It is supposed that he gave the land for the second meeting-house 179G, which stood very near his own house, and which the town probably re-conveyed to his son, John Spring. Spring, Ensign John (d. 1754), in 1753 conveyed to his son Samuel Spring the homestead, fifty-two acres, bounded south by Mill Street, east by the county road (Centre Street) ; north by land of Rev. John Cotton and Thaddeus Trowbridge ; west bj' laud of his son William Spring. He sold to Rev. John Cotton in 1754 six and a half acres of laud for £71, on the east side of the county road, being part of the estate of the late John §pring, and formerly of John Jackson, senior. Spring, Thaddeus, sold to his brother Daniel Spring, then of Roxbury, in 1762 forty-two acres of land for £166, bounded east bj^ land of Robert Prentice ; south by said Prentice and Abraham and Noah Hyde ; west by heirs of Captain Wilham Trowbridge and Lieutenant Joseph Fuller. Thwing, John (d. 1811), settled in the east part of Newton. ToLMAN, Thomas, a shoemaker, lived at Newton Upper Falls. Tozer, John (d. 1750), bought land of James Barton, formerly Jonathan Jackson's. BOUNDARIES OF ESTATES. 153 Trowbridge, Deacon James (d. 1717), in 1675 bought of Deputy Governor Danforth eighty-five acres of land with a dwell- ing-house and out-buildings thereon, which he had occupied for some years, bounded by the highways west and south, the narrow lane north, his own land east, " the dividing line being straight through the swamp ." Trowbridge, James, son of Deacon James (d. 1714), in 1709 " convej'ed to his son James his now dwelling-place and ninety acres of land, highway once west and north, another highway south, Joshua Fuller east, and John Mirick south and west." Trowbridge, Deacon William, (d. 1744). In 1719 John Spring conveyed to him a jDarcel of land, bounded north b}' land of John Ward and said Trowbridge, west b}- Mill Street, northeast by Rev. John Cotton. "In 1721 his father-in-law, John Ward, conveyed to him the west end of his now dwelling-place, where said Trowbridge now dwelleth and thirteen acres adjoining, bounded west on highway, and one-fourth part grist-mill and stream." In 1712, the five daughters of James Prentice, senior, conveyed to him nineteen acres near the meeting-house, bounded north by John Spring, west by Mill Pond or Smelt Pond, south by heirs of Jona- than Hyde. An open highway runs through the same. Trowbridge, Thaddeus, son of Deacon William Trowbridge (d. 1777), took the homestead. Trowbridge, Nathan, grandson of Thaddeus Trowbridge, took the homestead. Truesdale, Samuel (d. 1695), settled near Kenrick's Bridge. His homestead included a hundred and twenty- acres. His son Samuel Truesdale took the homestead. Tucker, William, from Boston, bought of Mr. Woodbridge, of Connecticut, one hundred acres of the Haj'nes' farm. After a few years it passed to the Clarks. Ward, John, (d. 1708). His father-in-law, Edward Jackson, senior, conveyed to him and his wife Hannah, all that tract of land where they have entered and builded their dwelling-house, about forty-five acres ; bounded north by the highway, east by laud of .John Jackson, south bj- the highway to Goodman Hammond's, west b}- Captain Thomas Prentice. Hence he settled in the east part of the town. On this tract stood the venerable Garrison House, supposed to have been built bj- him. It was taken down in 1821, having stood about one hundi'ed and seventy'- years, and 154 HISTORY OF NEWTON. sheltered seven generations. The reservoir of the Newton Water Worlds occupies a portion of this land. By subsequent purchases of land, he increased his forty -five acres to about five hundred acres, which he distributed among his sons by deeds of gift seven 3'ears previous to his decease. Ward John, son of John (d. 1727), by will gave all his estate, housing, lands and quarter part of his grist-miU, after the decease of his wife, to his son-in-law Deacon William Trowbridge. " He directs that there shall be an open highway from his house to the brook, where the causewa}' is by the old house ; and another open highway for the house of Eleazer Ward to meet the aforesaid high- wa}- ; also an open highway to run west till it comes to the Cam- bridge lots." Ward, Deacon Ephraim, son of Deacon Richard Ward (d. 1772), took the ancient garrison house homestead. Ward, Deacon Joseph (d. 1784), lived in the West Parish, a blacksmith by trade. In 1 732 he bought twenty-nine acres of land of Solomon Park, called " the Plain," bounded east by the county road, northeast and north by Jeremiah Fuller, and northwest by the town road. Also, twenty acres bounded north by town road, northwest and west b}' Captain Fuller, for £430. His son, Deacon Enoch Ward (d. 1789), took the homestead. Ward, Samuel, son of John (d. 1834), took the old garrison house homestead. Ware, John, brother of Henry Ware, senior, D. D., professor in Harvard University, built the first paper-mill at Newton Lower Falls, about 1790. Wheat, Dr. Samuel (d. 1770), came from Boston to Newton about 1713. His house was near the West Parish meeting-house. He bought land in Newton in 1703, of Jonathan Park. His son Samuel, also a phj'sician, removed to his father's place in Newton about 1733. The same year he bought land of his father, then of Roxbury. In 1737, Dr. Samuel Wheat, jr., purchased of William Williams, of Watertown, son of Isaac Williams, jr., fiftj'-five acres of land for £300, bounded east by the gangway running through the farm of the late Isaac Williams and adjoining land of Richard Coolidge. White, Stephen, from Watertown, lived on part of the FuUer farm. He gave the homestead to his son Benjamin White. White, Deacon Ebenezer (d. 1853) , owned the farm after- BOUNDARIES OF ESTATES. 155 ■n-ards owned and occupied by his son, Deacon Ebenezer Davis "White and later b}^ George Foiling, Esq. It was on Ward Street towards the east part of the town and extended south to the slope of Institution Hill. Whitney, TnioxHY, from Roxbury, bought of John Prentice, of Preston, Connecticut, and Ebenezer Prentice, of Newton, grand- sons of Thomas Prentice, senior, the farm and buildings of said Prentice at the south part of the town in 1728 for £615. This was the last residence of Thomas Prentice, senior. Williams, Captain Isaac (d. 1707), removed to the west part of Cambridge Village about 16G0, and bought the tract of land which was granted in 1G40 to Major Samuel Shepard b}^ the pro- prietors of Cambridge, bounded north by Charles River, south b}' the Common lands, west by land of Herbert Pelham, Esq., and east by land granted to Joseph Cook. Major Shepard had erected a dwelling-house and barn upon this tract before 1G52, in which year Robert Barrington obtained judgment against Shepard for £590, and this tract of land was appraised at £150, and set off to satisfy the execution in part. Deacon William Park took this land at the appraisal, for liis son-in-law Isaac Williams. The house stood about ten rods north of Cheesecake Brook, and about thirt}' rods northeast of the West Parish meeting-house. It was taken down by Williams, who built another very near the same spot, which was pulled down in 1818. In 1704, he conveyed by deed of gift to his youngest sou Ephraim his " then dwelling-house and barn, with the land and meadow adjacent, being all the land under m}' improvement, and all the land on the east end of my farm called ' the new field,' and half the land in ' the old field,' that is, aU on the north side of the cartway now occupied by my son Eleazer, and all the woodland at the west end of Eleazer's line, — being the whole tract of land between the Fuller line and the causeway over the meadow leading to the island, only reserving half my said dwelling-house and fire wood for my dear and loving wife Judith during her life ; also a piece of meadow on the south side of the land, called * the Island,' containing about six acres, and one acre of salt marsh in Cambridge." The will was set aside as being " imperfect and insensible," and the estate was settled bj' mutual agreement among the children. Three sons took all their father's land in Newton, five hundred acres, paying and providing for the other heirs as stipulated in the agreement, which also 156 HISTORY OF NEWTON. provided for the lapng out of two or three highways through the lands. W1LLIA.MS, Eleazer, married Mary, daughter of Rev. Nehemiah Hobart. In 1708 he sold part of his land from his father's estate (see the preceding article) to Captain Thomas Oliver. He and his wife Mary in 1715 conveyed their rights in the homestead of her father in Newton, containing one hundred acres, to Rev. John Cotton. Thomas "Williams, another son of Captain Isaac "Williams, also sold part of his land to Captain Thomas Oliver. Williams, Colonel Ephraim (d. 1754), the youngest son of Captain Isaac Williams, founder of Williams College. In 1717 he sold the ancient mansion and seventy acres of land to Jonathan Park for £300, " bounded northeast by a white oak tree marked by the line of the Fuller farm." He removed from Newton in 1739. AViLLiAMS, William, son of Isaac, jr., a housewright, of Watertown, in 1737 sold fifty-five acres of land to Dr. Samuel Wheat for £300, bounded east by the gangwa^^ through the farm of the late Captain Isaac Williams, adjoining land of the College, of Richard Coolidge and of Dr. Wheat. Williams, Jonathan, lived at the northwest part of Newton, on the same spot afterwards covered b}' the house of Mr. Collier. Williams, Abraham (d. 1712), in 1054 bought a house and land in Watertown. In 1662 he purchased a dwelling-house and six acres of land in that part of Cambridge "Village which became Newton Corner, very near the Watertown line. In 1665. he sold his place in the Village to Gregory Cooke, bounded east by the highway to Watertown, south b}' Edward Jackson, north and west by the Dummer farm, and removed to Marlboro', having lived in the "Village about eight years. Wales, Nathaniel, kept the tavern at Newton Lower Falls. WiLLARD, Jonathan (d. 1772), settled at the Lower Falls and in 1722 bought the iron works, forge, etc., of Nathaniel Hubbai'd. Wilson, Nathaniel (d. 1692), removed to Cambridge Village, where he purchased about one hundred and fift}^ acres of land. His son Joseph Wilson, a wheelwright, bought of heirs of Richard Park, six acres of land in 1678, bounded north b}- land of Capt. Noah Wiswall and Daniel Preston, west by James Trowbridge and Deliverance Jackson, heirs of John Jackson, senior, the previous owner. He built his house very near the West Roxbury line. His executors sold a part of Bald Pate meadow to Thomas BOUNDARIES OF ESTATES. 157 Prentice, 2d, or senior, in 1G92. Ilis son Benjamin Wilson, in the division of the estate, had fort}- acres on the north side ; Isaac Wilson fort3'-seven acres on the west end, with the house ; the east end, seventy -four aci'es, being the residue, he pa3'ing £79. WiNCHESTEK, STEPHEN (d. 1751), purchascd land in Newton about 1720, being the southwest part of the Ilaj-nes' farm, and built a house. In 1724 he sold seven acres of land to John Hyde, jr., for £44 ; the highway ran through it. It was bounded south- east by John Hyde, senior, northeast by Nathaniel Longley and Paul Dudley-, Esq. ; northwest by .John Winchester, and south- west by his remaining land. In 1750, he and his wife Hannah conveyed to their son Stephen fifty-seven acres, with the mansion house and barn, bounded south by William Marean ; east by John Hammond ; west b}' widow Lydia Cheney, and north b}' his own land. Winchester, Stephen, son of Stephen Winchester, senior (d. 1798), purchased seventj'-two acres of land of John Hammond in 1758. He left to his son Amasa Winchester all his lands in New- ton and Needham, and all his estate, he paying the legacies and main- taining the widow. The homestead, one hundred and fift^'-one acres, with buildings, was appraised at £6,145. Winchester Deacon Elhanan (d. 1810), owned a small farm in Brookline, on the border of Newton. His house was in Brook- line, a few rods from the town line. WiswALL, Elder Thomas (d. 1G83), removed from Dorchester to Cambridge Village probably in 1G54. His farm in the Village consisted of about four hundred acres, including the Pond which bears his name, being the northerly part of the grant of one thou- sand acres made by the General Court to Governor Ilaynes in 1634. His house stood upon the southerly bank of the pond, and was afterwards owned and occupied by Deacon Luther Paul and his heirs. The front part of the house was built in 1744 by the elder's great-grandson, Captain Noah Wiswall, and stands on the same spot chosen by the elder. His inventor^' specifies two hun- dred and seven acres of land. Wiswall, Captain Noah. His son Thomas bought out the other heirs and took the homestead of Captain Noah Wiswall in 1698, and purchased the widow's thirds in 1703. This homestead was probably the southerly part of Elder Wiswall's farm. The widow of Captain Noah Wiswall had ninety acres, and his son Thomas ninetv-five acres. 158 HISTORY OF NEWTON. WiswALL, Lieutenant Ebenezer, son of Elder Thomas Wis- wall, (d. 1G91). Ills house, baru and niuet^'-five acres of land were appraised at £230. This was probably the residue of the elder's homestead. His executors sold his estate, one hundred and twentj' acres more or less, in 1694, to Nathaniel Parker, with barn and outhouses thereon, bounded west and northwest by land of Thomas Wiswall ; south by laud in possession of the widow Sarah Wiswall. Wiswall, Lieutenant Tuomas, son of Captain Noah (d. 1709), took the homestead of his father. His estate was divided thus : ninety-five acres of land to his widow, who had become the wife of David Newman and was again widowed, her thii'ds, and to his sons Thomas, Ichabod, Noah, and Nathaniel Longley ; to his oldest son Noah Wiswall, thirt3'-seven and a quarter acres and the build- ings ; to Thomas and Ichabod, sixteen and a half acres, bounded on the north side partly by the Great Pond ; Mrs. Hannah, eighty and a half acres on the north side of the road and house. Nathan- iel Parker bought out the heirs and widow's thirds, and took part of the land of Captain Noah Wiswall. Wiswall, Captain Noah, son of Lieutenant Thomas Wiswall (d. 1786), took down the ancient house built by Elder Thomas Wiswall, and built the front part of the house as it now (1880) stands. He gave the land on which was erected the First Baptist meeting-house, on the east side of the pond. Wiswall, Captain Jeremiah, son of Captain Noah Wiswall, (d. 1809), took the Murdock homestead at Oak Hill. Woodward, John, sou of George Woodward, and grandson of Richard Woodward, from England, (d. 1676) . His father-in-law, Richard Robbins, of Cambridge, conveyed to hira and his wife Rebecca, thu'ty acres of land in Cambridge Village, near the Upper Falls, bounded south b}* Charles River, north by a way leading to the Lower Falls, east bj'laud of Esq. Pelham. On this tract he built a dwelling-house which is still standing, and occu- pied by his descendants of the sixth and seventh generations. In 1695 he purchased twenty acres of Theodore Atlrinson, of Boston. adjoining his other land bounded northwest and east by Governor Haj'^nes' farm, then leased to Captain Prentice ; in 1699, another tract of Dr. Thomas Oakes, bounded south by the river and west by Edward Pelham ; also, of Jonathan Hyde, senior, thirty-eight acres, bounded east by the Dedham road, and west and north by BOUNDAEIES OF ESTATES. 150 his own land. He also purchased with John Staples, forty-seven acres, which the}'- divided in 1705, Staples receiving thirty and Woodward seventeen acres. WooDWAUD, Ebenezek, son of John Woodward, senior (d. 1770), took the homestead. Ebenezer's son. Deacon EUjah F. Woodward (d. 1846), took the homestead in the next generation. Woodward, Samuel N., became his father's successor in the same estate. Here nine generations successively have lived, and the daily famil}^ worship has been maintained without interruption. Several of the men, fathers and sons, have been deacons in Con- gi'egatioual churches, — -Deacon John, Deacon Ebenezer and Dea- con Elijah F., at the old Fh'st Parish church ; Deacon Ebenezor, at the Eliot church, and Deacon Samuel N., at Newton Highlands. / CHAPTER Xn. ROADS AND STREETS OF NEWTON. FROM "WATERTOWN TO ROXBURT. ROADS TO THE MEETING-HOUSE. TO ROXBDRY. FROM WATER- TOWN TO DEDHAM. FROM BROOKLINE TO THE LOWER FALLS. ROAD THROUGH THE FULLER FARM. The network of roads and streets, in a town redeemed from the wilderness, is the slow growth of many years, and in the earUer periods it is not alwaj's easy to trace their progress and comple- tion. At first a footpath or cartwa}^ runs between the house of Goodman A. and Goodman B, trodden on the surface of the rich loam. Then, as the population and the buildings increase, the pathwa}^ is graduall}' extended. In process of time, the conven- ience of intercourse and traffic demands a better road, and a harder surface is produced by labor. By and by, the citizens find it desir- able to work a passage through obstructions, instead of travelling around them. And often, the road is a fixed fact for man^' years before it is an acknowledged and accepted townway. So the streets of a populous neighborhood grow up by degrees, and no history of their inception or progress is recorded. It appears from the Records of Cambridge that while Newton was still a part of Cambridge, the south side of the river (Newton) had already received attention in the matter of roads. The Town Records of Cambridge, and, subsequentl}^, of Newton, report from time to time provision for laying out new roads and renewing the bound-marks of roads already existing. Some of these new roads are " staked out where the path is now trodden," — showing that the inhabitants took a hint of the necessity of new avenues, where the paths trodden indicated the need of such accommodation. As early as 1653, — and this was the first action of the town in regard to highways, — Mr. Edward Jackson, — whose farm commenced 160 EOADS AND STREETS. 161 near the division line between Newton and Brighton, — Edward Oakcs and Thomas Danforth " were appointed by the townsmen of Cambridge to lay out all necessary highways on the south side of the river, and agree with the proprietors of the land for the same, by exchange for Common land or otherwise at their discretion." Four years later, in 1657, *'Mr. Edward Jackson, John Jackson, Eichard Park and Samuel Hj'de were appointed a committee to lay out and settle the highways in reference to the proprietors at that end of the town, otherwise than by crossing any part of the Com- mon, as need shall require." In 1671, a committee, consisting of Samuel Champney, John Jackson and Thomas Oliver, reported to the town of Cambridge that they judged it " needful that there should be an open and stated highwa}' laid out and bounded, four rods wide, from the Boston [Brookline] bounds, along through Elder Wiswall's farm, through Mr. Ilaj'ues' fami, and from thence to pass along through the small lots to the Falls, and so quite thi'ough to the Dedham bounds. Also, we judge it most conven- ient that this way should be" stated from Ilaynes' farm to Elder Wiswall's farm, and other men's proprietary, to Boston [Brookhne] bounds." In 1678 the Selectmen staked out on the south side of the river "the county highway, four rods wide, on the south side of Good- man Man's lot [John Jackson's] , and marked out a highway two rods wide, at the east end of said lot, up to the county road that leads to Watertowii mill, from Roxbury. Also, they set out the highway of two rods wide, on the south side of Nathaniel Spar- hawk's land, and the one hundred acres belonging to Elder Champney, unto the Common land next to Danforth's farm. Also, they laid out the highway that runs between Nathaniel Sparhawk's land and Goodman Champne5''s land, up to Roxbury highway." A committee chosen in 168o laid out a highway from the brook commonl}' called Captain Prentice's brook, or from the county way over the brook, in the way now occupied, to the land of Sergeant Kenrick. And another highway laid out from the county highway, at the south corner of Captain Prentice's field, to the Upper Falls. Another highway from the Lower Falls to Joseph Miller senior's house. Another highway from our meeting-house to the Lower Falls. And another highway from the south corner of Captain Prentice's 11 162 HISTORY OF NEWTON. field westward, commonly called Sherburne road, to the Lower Falls. In 1687, John Ward and Noah Wiswall were joined to our Selectmen, to treat with the Selectmen of Cambridge, to lay out a highway from our meet- ing-house to the Falls. In 1G91, we find this record : " Renewed the bound- marks of a way from John Mirick's stone-wail, over the hill eastward, to Joseph Wilson's land ; also, from the northwest corner of Thomas Green- wood's orchard-wall, over the rocks, to Boston [Brookline] way. Also, renewed the bound-marks of Dedham highway." In 1702, a vote was recorded, " that the way from the meeting-house to the Lower Falls shall be turned from Henry Segcr's Mill, along the country road, by the house of John Sta- ples, and so by the pine swamp." In 1711, the Selectmen, with a committee of three others, were appointed "to settle and confirm the highway's in the town." The result of their labors is as follows : 1. We have laid out an open highway from Roxbury line, two rods wide, through lands of widow Bacon, William Ward, John Hyde, jr., and Thomas Prentice ; thence through land of Thomas Hastings, Jonathan Hyde, senior, Jonathan Hyde, jr., and John Hyde, and over pastor Hobart's land, by their consent. 2. We have renewed the highway marks from Dedham road, formerly laid out to Charles River, through land belonging to Rev. Jared Eliot, Sam- uel Pettis, Joseph Cheney and William Clark. 3. We have renewed the highway marks from Dedham road at the brook [South Meadow Brook], near Samuel Pettis', until it comes to the farm of Ensign John Kenrick ; and thence we have extended and laid out said way, through land of said Kenrick and Samuel Truesdale, two rods wide, they having liberty to hang two gates on said way, one at the corner of Joseph Ward's land, and the other at the end of said way, next to the house of Isaac Patch. 4. We have renewed the bound-marks from the brook [South Meadow Brook], near the house of Samuel Pettis, to the lines of Roxbury and Ded- ham. 5. We have renewed the bound-marks of the highway, from Stake Mea- dow to our meeting-house, through lands of Mr. Smith, or land commonly called Pains' Hill, and through the land of Nathaniel Longley, Nathaniel Parker and Thomas Wiswall. 6. We have renewed the bound-marks of the highway, from the line of Brookline to the house of the widow Mirick, tlirough the lands of Nathaniel and Thomas Hammond, suniors, John Druce and Isaac Hammond, Thomas Chamberlain, jr., and Richard Ward, and have accepted of their turning tiie highway through the land of Captain Thomas Prentice, it being done to the full satisfaction of said Prentice and all persons concerned. 7. We have laid out an open highway througli the land of Abraham Jack- son from the house of widow Mirick to our meeting-house ; three rods wide, where the path is now trod. ROADS AJ^D STREETS. 1C3 8. At the request of Archibald Macoy, vra have laid out a way through land of said Macoy, and so to and hy a fixed rock, along the northerly side of said rock, and to land of Joseph Bartlctt, as now trod, and through land of Nathaniel Longlcy, north side of his dwelling-house, two rods wide. 9. At the request of Pliilip White and William Ward, we have opened a highway, two rods wide, through the lands from Dedham road, near the brook [Palmer's Brook], through land of said White, as now trodden, to land of Nathaniel Healy and William Ward, to the highway that goetli to the Roxbury line. Dec. 14, 1714. Abraham Jackson, ~ JoHX Kenrick, 1 John Staples, Edward Jackson, > Committee. Richard Ward, 1- c- / / John Hyde, J Samuel Hyde, selectmen. John Greenwood, In 1725, a rate of £40 was allowed by vote for the work of re- pairing the highwaj^s. Men were to be allowed for their labor three shillings per day, and " six shillings for a man and team." The erection of the new meeting-house, which was dedicated in 1721, made it necessary to lay out new roads, to acconunodate the worshippers from the northern, northwestern, western and other parts of the town. So strong an effort had been made to change the location of the meeting-house to a point nearer the geographical centre of the town, that the movers in that enterprise would not leave their fellow-citizens tmy cause for complaint on the ground of the inaccessibilitj' of the new house of worship. And it was a thing of course that if new roads were necessary, they must be opened. The meeting-house was the centre towards which, in the judgment of the early inhabitants, everj'thing converged. It was the pivot on which ever}- other interest turned. It was the starting- point from which ever3i;hing natiu-ally radiated. Notwithstand- ing all their neighborhood and sectional jealousies, they spoke rev- erently of " our meeting-house," as the common ground of union and affection. The location of the house of God being ascertained and agreed upon, the}' could easily agree upon the paths by which it was to be approached. Personal interests often interfered with " a peaceable settlement," as to the location and direction of other roads ; but at this point their selfishness gave way to the higher sentiment of the soul's needs and of brotherly love. Happy the people, whoso simple faith in God and regard for Divine things was able to overshadow all other ends, and, on this issue, to melt all their diversities into unity ! And happy will it be for their suc- cessors, if the same principles should lead always to similar results. 164 HISTORY OF NEWTON. We quote from the Records the two following statements, under date of March 2, 1726, on account of the importance of the two roads described, as great arteries of the ancient travel. Fbom Watertown to Dedham. — We whoso names are underwritten, being Selectmen for the town of Newton for the time being, with a com- mittee chosen by the town to stake out the ways in our town, according to the act or doings of a committee chosen by the town to endeavor the peace- able settlement of said ways without charge to the town, did actually begin at Watertown line and from thence to Dedhara line, as folio weth : First, beginning at the land of Mr. Jonathan Coolidge, between Jonathan Coolidge and Stephen Cooke, three and a half rods and four feet wide ; be- tween Colonel Bond and John Mason's lands, three and a lialf rods and two feet; between Philip Norcross and Isaac Jackson and Mason's, three and a half rods ; at Dea. Edward Jackson, Ensign Samuel Hyde and John Osland, three and a half rods; Rev. Mr. Cotton's, Mr. Eliot, John Spring and Cap- tain John Jackson, three and a lialf rods ; at the corner of said Jackson and Spring's, two rods and five feet; heirs of James Prentice, three and a half rods ; John Osland, heirs of John Prentice, deceased, three and a half rods by the brook [crossing the road just south of the meeting-house of the First Church] ; Eleazer Ward, three rods and four feet; house of Bond, John Clark, John Bartlett, meeting-house land, Eleazer Ward, Nathaniel Parker, heirs of Thomas Wiswall, three rods; Noah Wiswall's barn, and open to the pond, William Clark, through the farm of Jared Eliot, Jonathan Ward, deceased, John Stone, Eleazer Stoddard, John Kenrick, John Hall, Robert Murdock, Jacob Chamberlain, causeway and Eliot farm, school-house land, David Richardson, Edward Ward and the brook [Palmer's Brook], Philip White, Nathaniel Healey, Michael Dwight, house of Benjamin Wilson, Edward Ward, to Dedham line. The above indicates the line of direction of the road from Water- town to Dedham, with its varying width at successive points. It also shows the ownership of the estates, along the entire route. But the Selectmen stated the whole matter with far more particu- larit}', so that there could be no mistake as to the legall}' authorized road. B}' means of stakes, and heaps of stones, and marked trees, they enabled future survej^ors to proceed from point to point, through the entire distance, with the utmost certainty. As a speci- men of their scrupulous exactness in these statements, we give, from the Town Records, a verbatim cop}- of the docimient indicating the line of the road marked out from Brookline to the bridge at New- ton Lower Falls. All the roads of earl}- Newton are described with the same consummate accuracj-. The preceding statement de- scribes the great road bisecting Newton from north to south; the following, the road which bisects the town from east to west. ROADS AND STREETS. 165 Secondly, we have settled a Towne way from Brookliae to the County bridg at the Lower Falles in Charles River; begining at the line of Brook- line, we have staked and marked out as followcth, being marked on the southerly side of said way whearo it is now troden (1) a stak and a lieape of stones in the county line, in the land of Ensine John Sever ; next, Chestnut tree marked neare the wale of said Sever ; next a stake and a heape of stones by a Rock aginst the land of Mr. Sam. Clark ; next, a white cake tree by the land of Mr. Ilenrey Winchester ; next, a gray oake, aginst the Land of Han- nah, Sarah and Elizabeth Printice ; next, a gray oake ; next, oake plant; next, a white oake ; next, a wallnut tree ; next a white oake aginst the Land of Mr. John Osland ; next, a Avhite oake aginst the Land of Mr. Edward Rugles ; next, a black oake ; next, a white oake ; next, a white oake ; next, a white oake near the land of said Rugles, next a white oake by the land of Judg Dudley ; next a heape of Stones wheare the way coms in from the south part of the towne, — the way to be three rods wide from said markes, and from thenc to be two rods and a halfe wide to a wallnut tree in the Land of Mr. Nathaniell Parker ; next, a black oake, thus far to be two rods and a halfe wide ; next, a white oake plant, theare to be two rods and six foot wide ; from theuc two rods and a halfe wide to a white oake ; from tlionc to be two rods and a halfe wide wheare it is now troden to a stone marked (R) aginst the house of Calib Parker; and from thenc as the Fenc now stands untill it come to the Land of Noah Wiswall to a white oak stump in said Parker's Land, said way to be two rods and a halfe wide to the Land of said Wiswall ; next a stake and a heape of stones, said way to be theare three rods wide ; next a heape of stones on a Rock, theare sd. way to be three rods and three foot wide ; next a heape of stones on a Rock ; next a stake and a heap of stones, theare the way to be three Rods wide ; next a stake at the corner of sd. Parker's land, entering into Dedham Rode : The said way from Ded- ham Rode to be three rods wide untill it come to the Lower Eallos (except- ing in sum percickluer placies heareafter expressed; And in Mr. Eliot's Farme, there to be as the Court has ordered it from Dedham Rode to a black oake in the Land of Mr. William Clarke ; next, a black oake ; next a stake and a heape of stones at ye corner of said AVilliam Clarke's and Ebenozer Woodard's Lands ; next a stake and a heape of stones aginst the land of said Woodard; next a stake and a heape of stones at the corner of said Ebenezer and Jonathan Woodard's Lands, said way to be two rods and five foots wide, at the going down of the hill through said Jonathan Woodard's Land ; next a stake and a heape of stones at the corner of Mr. Eliezer Hide's Land; next a black oake, next a gray oake, next a black oake, next a black oake, next a white oake, next a stake and a heape of stones, next a stake and a heape of stones between the lands of said Hides and John Staples. Next a black oake aginst the land of said Staples, said markes being on the northerly side of the way ; next a stake and a heape of stones at the cor- ner between the Land of said Staples and land belonging to the Heirs of Henrey Segor, decsd. ; next a stake and a heape of stones, said way to be two rods and a halfe wide in the Vallie between the Lands of said Segor and Mr. John Trowbridg; next a stake and a heape of stones; next a stump 1G6 HISTORY OF NEWTON. marked ; next a stake and a heapo of stones ; next a stake and a heape of stones aginstthe Land of Mr. Ebenezer Littellfeeld, said markes being on the south- erly side of tlie way ; and thenc marked on tlie same side of the way to the falles ; next a stake and a lieapc of stones ; next a smale white oake plant with stones round it ; next a black oake plant ; next a post at the corner between the Land of sd. Littellfeeld and Mr. John Parker ; next a white oake, next a wallnut tree ; next a black oake ; next a gray oake ; next a stake and a heape of stones at the corner between the Lands of said Parker and Mr. Jonathan Willard ; next a white oake ; next a black oake ; next a gray oake plant near the corner of the afforsd. Littellfeeld's Land ; next a gray oake plant aginst the Land of said Littellfeeld. Lastly a great Red oake near to the Bridg over Charles River at ye Lower Falles. And it is to be understood yt. the said ways are not to go straight from marke to marke so as to incommod at said ways ; but as the ways are now troden. Dated in Newton, March the Second, Anno Domini 1725 — 6. By order of the Selectmen. Jeremiah Fuller, "| Reco'd per me, John Staples, Richard Ward, I c / / Towne Clarke, Nathaniel Longley, f ■^^i^'^i^et- March 9th 1725/6. Edward Ward, J Joseph Ward, Daniel Woodard, WiLLiABi Trowbridg, > Covimitey. Samuel Jackson, Calib Kenrick, The same year a road was laid out from Watertown to Newton Lower Falls through land of Solomon Park to land called "Fuller's farm," John Knapp, unto the lane in Fuller's farm, two rods wide. It is not difficult for the older residents of Newton, by the aid of the Records, to trace the original coui'se of these roads. The red, white, gray and black "oakes" have been cut down, and are gone to decay. The " plants " have become trees, and having served their generation, have vanished. The "heapes of stones" have been scattered, wrought into walls, or hidden in foundations. The " stakes " and " posts " have rotted and perished. But the names still linger in old title-deeds, and "re-appear in streets and avenues." A few of them are indeUbty impressed on the estates of their ancient proprietors. But many of the pathways of the fathers remain substantially as they were, — a possession for the genera- tions of the present and of all futm-e times. As the fathers left them to us, so we leave them to our successors. In 1729, a waj- was opened, two rods wide, through land of Ei chard "Ward, John Greenwood, Eleazer Hammond and Josiah "Wilson, running on the southerl}' side of Richard Ward's dwelling- house, until it comes to Cambridge line. Also, a road " from the fording place in Charles River, agaiust the townway in Weston, IIOADS AND STREETS. 1G7 to the county road that goeth from the Lower Falls to Watertown begiuuing at the river, through land of William Robinson and Benjamin Child, until it comes to the county road." In 1735 a way was opened, two rods wide, " from the Dedham road [Centre Street], near the house of Philip Norcross, to the northwest part of the town, by Isaac Jackson, Joseph Jackson, to Edward Jack- son's fence, on the west side of the brook [Smelt Brook], near to Sebas Jackson, jr.'s house, to Thomas Beals and William Trow- bridge, two rods wide." Also, a new \va,y, beginning at the county road, by Thomas Park's barn, tlirough Thomas Beal's land, through Capt. Joseph Fuller's land, on the northwest side of his fence, till it comes to the way at Capt. Fuller's cor- ner ; thence north on land of Capt. Fuller, till it comes to land of Thomas Beals and land of Wiiliam Trowbridge, two rods Avide. In 1737 a vote was passed to " stake out the -way that leads from Dedham road to Ensign Spring's mill, called Mill Lane." In 1741, " settled the bounds of a highway, as now trod, beginning at John Hill's land, by Thomas Draper's, Timothy Whitney's and John Healy's." Voted, to accept the way Stephen Winchester laid out, and he to have liberty to hang two gates. Voted, to lay out a way through James Cheney, jr.'s land, from the town road to the bridge at the Upper Falls, for the use of the town, near Noah Parker's house, and the town to relinquish all their rights to a way heretofore used, through Stephen Winchester's land, to the Falls. In 1750, "the Selectmen laid out a way from the townway that leads to the house of widow Staples to the road called Natick road, beginning on Joseph Fuller's land and Daniel Woodward, to land of Thomas Miller, and through his land to Natick road. Also, a way from the county road near Allen's, to the brook called Cheesecake Brook, thence to Samuel Hastings' wall, and to the county road." In 1751, a new way was laid out "through the Fuller farm, beginning at the house of Josiah Fuller, at a rock in said Fuller's fence, on the south side of the way; thence to Cornet John Fuller's land, widow Hannah Fuller, Joshua Fuller, to land of Thomas Fuller, deceased, to Jonathan Fuller, and over tlio brook called Cheesecake Brook, two rods wide, from said Josiah Fuller's easterly to said brook." In 1752, a new way was laid out "from the county road through land of Joseph Ward, Oakes Angier, Jonathan Fuller, leading to the Fuller farm." In 1754, a new way was laid out " through land of AVilliam Marean, John Hammond, Stephen Winchester, Nathan Ward, John Ward, William Marean, jr., and over South Meadow Brook, from house of Israel Stowell at John Ward's gate." /^ 1(38 HISTORY OF NEWTON. la 175G, a new way was " laid out, beginning at the county road near the house of Benjamin Cliild, and through his land to the house of Jonathan Williams, two rods wide. Also, from Joseph Morse to the road leading to Cheesecake Brook. Also, from Charles River, near the brook called Beaver Brook [in Waltham], to the townway near the house of John Fuller. Also, from Joseph Morse's, between the lands of Samuel Wheat and Samuel Hast- ings, to Cambridge lots, and thence through the land of said Wheat and land of Isaac Williams, to Josiah Goddard, to Dr. John Allen's and Samuel Hast- ings, till it meets the townway at the brook called Cheesecake Brook." Says Mr. Seth Davis (1847),— The main roads through the town in 1752 were the Sherburne Road, so called, and the Worcester Road. The former passed through the Lower Falls, and by the house [late] of Matthias Collins, Esq., and the East Parish meeting-house, [beginning on the west side of the town]. The one-story house which stood on the spot where the new house of Mr. Hawkes stands, was kept as a public house many years. Among the other occupants of the house in that capacity was the late Nathan Fuller, Esq. The said one-story house, taken down about 1840, stood on or near the spot where the first house on Woodward Street now stands, east of Cherry Street. The Worcester road passed over Weston Bridge, and over a range-way * now entirely disused by the public, by the house of Samuel Stimpson and the Messrs. Dix and Fullers, to the First Parish meeting-house, which then stood at the intersection of the two principal roads to Boston ; thus forming, at that period and many years subsequent, the most convenient and only con- venient centre for the whole town, not only as a place of worship, but for holding town meetings. One branch of the Worcester road turned off, some- where, probably, between the houses of Mr. Dix and Mr. Frost, and passed over the highlands south of West Newtpn Village, and crossed the present road twenty or thirty rods south of Hull's Crossing [the Newtonville Station] to Newton Corner. A very few marks of its former location still exist. On that deserted portion west of Mr. Stimpson's was a public house, kept as such for many years, and a little west of the same was the house of Mr. Thomas Greenwood, who for many years held the office of Town Clerk, and in his day was the main personage for tying connubial knots. A few vestiges of both houses are still visible. In 1757 was laid out "Fuller's way to Charles river, — beginning at the river, thence througli Capt. Joshua Fuller's land to land of the heirs of Isaac Fuller. In 1760 a new way was laid out from Natick road, through land of John Burridge and Isaac Jackson, to the county road near the house of Sebas Jackson, two rods wide." 17G1. — At the request of Enoch Parker, John Jackson and Samuel Jackson, we have turned the townway that leads from the road called Indian lane [now Sargent Street] to the county road near John Jackson's old house. ♦ "This range-way was the main road for many years;— the one over and upon which nurgoync's army passed f i-om "Weston Bridge to Cambridge; and is now a public road, called Woodland Avenue." IIOADS AND STREETS. 169 In 1787, "a new way was laid out and accepted from Angler's Corner wes- terly to land of Timothy Jackson, and from the brook westerly to Mrs. Mary Durant's barn." In 1788, "the old road, running past the school-house, thence southwest across Trowbridge's plain, thence northwest to Mrs. Mary Durant's barn, was discontinued ; and the training-field which was given to the town by Judge Fuller's grandfather in 1735, situated in what is now New- tonville, v/as discontinued; and the land, nearly one acre, was to revert to Judge Fuller, he paying a reasonable price therefor." The minute specilicatious in the descriptions of many of these roads are interesting, as showing the ownership of the estates thi'ough which the roads were laid out. The following agreement, entered into by the heirs of John Fuller, owner of the "Fuller farm," opened in 1730 still another highwa}^, which was accepted by the town in 1751. The undersigned do all and everyone of us agree and consent to lay out an open highway two rods wide, as it is allowed of in the settlement of the farm called Fuller's farm, for the use of and convenience of the proprietors of said farm, down to the townway of Solomon Park's line, marked on a walnut tree and heap of stones in Jonathan Fuller's land ; and then a walnut tree and then a white oak tree, and then a peach tree on land of Joseph Fuller; and then a white oak tree on land of Jeremiah Fuller; and then to a white oak tree, and then to a gray oak tree, and then to a walnut tree, and then over the dam at the upper end of the wet meadow, and then to a rock on the land of Jonathan Fuller, and then to the townway, for us. And also agreed to have liberty of passing through gates or bars, from one proprie- tor's way to the other, where the way is now trod. And we do oblige our- selves and our heirs to mend and maintain the said way forever, from the corner of the line between John Fuller and down to the townway at Solomon Park's line. In witness whereof we set our hands and seals this thirtieth day of May, Anno Domini [1730], in the third year of the reign of our sovereign lord, George Second, of Great Britain, King, etc. Signed, Joseph Fuller, In presence of us, Joshca Follee, her Jeremiah Fuller, Elizabeth + Mirick, John Fuller, mark. Jonathan Fuller, Mindwell Fuller, Jonathan Fuller, jr., her Isaac Fuller, Priscilla + Dike. Isaac Fuller, jr., mark. Thomas Fuller, Caleb Fuller. /" CHAPTER Xm. THE NONANTDM INDIANS. NONANTDM HILL. FIRST MEETING. SETTLEMENT AT NONANTUM. ACT OF THE BRITISH PARLIAMENT. SETTLEMENT AT NATICK. On the southeastern slope of Nonantum Hill stood the wigwam of "Waban,* where Eliot fli'st preached to the Indians of America. Gooldn, the friend and companion of Eliot, writes, — The first place where he began to preach was Nonantum, near Watertown, on the south side of Charles lliver, about four or five miles from his own house, where lived at that time Waban, one of their principa'l men, and some Indians with him. Tradition makes it possible to fix with tolerable accuracy the precise spot of this historic service. In 1659, John Kenrick had this land granted him, since which time it has remained in the famil3\ A spring near by helps to fix the location. In 1713 the highway marks were ^ed " from Dedham to Boston, from Ensign John Kenrick's through his land and Samuel Truesdale's, two rods wide ; they have libert}' to hang two gates, one at corner of Joseph Ward's land and the other next to house of Isaac Patch." It is near this old road (still easily seen) where stood the substantial wigwam, erected by Gookin twenty years after Eliot first preached here ; the ground stiU shows evidence of such occupation.! Here in the quaint language of the day, " The alabaster box of precious ointment was first broken in the dark and gloomy habitations of the unclean." * Signifying in English " wind " or " spirit." t On a little plat of land, half a mile east of Centre Street, the recognized site of the wigwam of Waban, a terrace has been constructed, with a stone balustrade on the front, bearing a suitable inscription and the names of Wilson, Shepard, Gookin, Waban and others who were present at the first meeting. From the face of the wall a fountain is seen to flow, and rising from the centre of the terrace a memorial shaft. 170 ELIOT AND THE INDIANS. 171 The account of the first visit of Mr. Eliot to Nonantum for the purpose of preaching to the Indians is given by Mr. Eliot, in his graphic language as follows : Upon October 28, 1G46, four of us (having sought God), went unto the Indians inhabiting within our bounds with desire to make known the things of their peace to them. A little before we came to tlieir wigwams five or six chiefs mot us with English salutations, bidding us welcome ; who, leading us unto the principal wigwam of Waanton (Waban), we found many more Indians, men, women and claldren gathei'ed together from all quarters round about. Those who accompanied EHot were Gookin (aged 34) , after- wards magistrate at Cambridge, Rev. John Wilson, of Boston, Elder Heath, of Roxbury (aged 61), and Thomas Shepard (aged 41), who afterwards wrote "The Clear Sunshine of the Gospel," and other tracts giving an account of this beginning among the Indians. AYith unfeigned interest we contemplate these denizens of the forest, assembled together, lilic Cornelius and his friends, to hear the words of eternal life. There is a special interest in such a gathering, because it is the first of the kind on the American conti- nent. It was the missionary enterprise in advance. Eliot had not to cross seas and oceans to find his heathen auditors. They lived nearly at his own door ; by an hour's ride he could be among them. And as we contemplate their eager attention, their willing assent, their readiness to learn, and at the same time the opposi- tion of those who scoff, we seem to see the whole method and work of modern missions, not a theor}^ to be tested in the futm-e, but the veritable missionary enterprise already begun. After two centmies and a quarter, the work brings similar joys and sorrows. The Indians, during an intercourse of several years with the Enghsh, had obtained some ideas of their religion and their Book, and were very desirous of being instructed by the white men in the wonderful things it contained. In the assembty were Waban's wife, and their son "Weegram- momenet, afterwards known as Thomas Waban. Prayer was offered in English, it is supposed by Mr. Wilson. Then Mr. Eliot preached from Ezekiel XXXVII: 9. "Then said he unto me, Prophesy unto the wind, prophesy, son of man, and say to the wind, Thus saith the Lord God ; Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe upon these slain, that they may live. So I 172 HISTORY OF NEWTON. prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived, and stood np upon their feet, an exceeding great arm}'." The text was doubtless selected by Mr. Eliot, because he saw a similarity between the dry bones of the valley and the condition of his heathen audience, — "that forlorn generation," as Mr. Wilson called them. When Mr. EUot read his text, as if addressed specially to the chief, " Then said the Lord unto me. Prophesy unto Waban," etc., it must have seemed a personal call from the \ white man's God to serve him who had brought the Englishman fjf<-^ across the mighty waters and himself from the hills of Musketa-^'^^ ' p^ quid, — each of them at that date forty-two years of age, — to ' meet in that rude wigwam. It was a strilcing manifestation of the Pro\idence of God which had brought them together. The sermon continued an hour and a quarter. Mr. Eliot began with the principles of natural religion, and then proceeded to the leading doctrines and precepts of Christianity : the ten command- ments ; the nature and consequences of sin ; the.character, coming and exaltation of Christ ; the future judgment ; the blessedness of believers ; the creation and fall of man ; heaven and hell ; and closed with an exhortation to repentance and holiness. Desiring to know whether his audience had understood him, he asked if they com- prehended his meaning. They replied that they had understood all. He then asked whether all in the wigwam had understood, or only a few. With one accord every voice answered that they had all understood every thing he had said. Eliot testifies that " none of the Indians slept in sermon, or derided God's messenger." A remark of Rev. Mr. Wilson, that " a few words from the preacher were more regarded than many from the Indian in- terpreter," seems to impl}' that Mr. Eliot spoke in the Indian dia- lect when the words he wished to employ were easy and familiar to him, and when he was at a loss for words to express Ins mean- ing, that he called in the aid of his native teacher. This was Job Nesutan, a Long Island Indian, a Mohegau, who had been taken prisoner in war a little while before, and was now living in Dor- chester. He had been taught by Mr. Eliot to write, and is said to have been " ingenious and quic^k to learn." After the sermon, the ministers proposed questions to the Indians, as Mr. Wilson quaintly expresses it, " that so we might screw, by variety of means, something or other of God into tliem." I ELIOT AND THE INDIANS. 173 The Indians were then invited to ask their visitors such questions as the}' chose. The six questions they proposed were : 1. How they could learn to know Jesus Christ? 2. Did God understand Indian pra^'ers? 3. Were the English ever so ignorant as the Indians were at that time? 4. What is the image of God, which, in the second commandment, is forbidden to be worshipped? 5. If a father be bad and the child good, will God be offended with the child for the father's sake? 6. If all the world had once been drowned, how came it to be now so full of people? In answer to a question on the omnipresence of God, being asked by a visitor if they did not feel tempted to beheve there was no God, because he was nowhere to be seen, the}' replied that though they could not see him with their eyes, " they believed he was to be seen b}' their soul within." The question was then asked them whether it did not seem strange that there should be but one God, and yet he should be here in Massachusetts, there in Connecticut, over the great waters in old England, in this wigwam, in the next, every- where? They answered, it was indeed strange. Everything else they had heard was strange also. All were wonderful things, which they never heard of before. But they thought it might be true, and "that God was so big everywhere." They were then asked, whether they were troubled, when they had done wrong, by a consciousness of guilt and ill-desert ; and whether, at such times, they found any source of comfort. They answered that they were thus troubled, but they had no knowledge what should comfort them. At the close of the meeting, which lasted three hours, when asked if they .were weary, the Indians replied, "' No," and they wished to hear more. But the autumn day was short and the night drawing on. Prayer was offered in English. Another meeting was appointed a fortnight afterwards, a few apples were given to the children and some tobacco to the men, and the visitors left them. The first Protestant missionary sermon to the heathen had been preached in North America. Says the Rev. Mr. McKenzie : Let it be remembered to the honor of our fathers, that the first Protest- ant mission to the heathen in modern times began in Cambridge [Newton] ; the first Protestant sermon in a heathen tongue was preached here ; the first translation of the Bible by an Englishman into a heathen tongue was printed here ; the first Protestant tract in a heathen language was written and printed here. 174 HISTORY OF NEWTON. This service was tlie beginning of an extensive work of grace among tlie red men, which spread through eastern and southern Massachusetts, till, it is said, there were at one time half a dozen or more native churches, nearly forty native preachers, and a pop- ulation of Christian Indians amounting to nearly four thousand. Waban was not a sachem, but " a man of gravity and counsel," and highly respected among his people. He was the first Indian convert,* and adorned his Christian profession to old age. His last words were, " I give my soul to thee, O my Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Pardon all my sins and dehver me from hell. Help me against death, and then I am willing to die. And when I die, O help me and relieve me." He died in 1674, aged seventy. The second meeting was held November 11th. A great many more Indians were present. The news had spread that the Englishman had learned their language, and had a message to them from the Great Spirit. At this meeting the visitors found that seats had been prepared for them. A prayer was first offered in English. Then, with that care for children which was charac- * The confession of Wabau has been preserved. " Before I heard of God, and before the English came into this country, many evil things my heart did work, many thoughts I had in my heart. I wished for riches, I wished to be a witch, I wished to be a sachem; then, when the English came, still my heart did the same things; when the English taught me of God, (I coming to their houses), I would go out of their doors and many years I tnew nothing ; and when the English taught me I was angry with them. But a little while ago, after the great sickness, I considered what the English do, and I had some desire to do as they do, and after that I began to work as they work; and then I wondered how the English came to be so strong to labor; then I thought, I shall quickly die, and I feared lest I should die before I prayed to God ; then I thought, if I prayed to God in our language, whether could God understand my prayers in our language; therefore I did ask Mr. Jackson and Mr. Mayhew if God understood prayers in our language. They answered me, God doth understand all languages in the world. But I do n<5t know how to con- fess, and little do I know of Christ. I fear that I shall not believe a great while, and very slowly. " I do not know what grace is in my heart; there is but little in me; but this I know, that Christ hath kept all God's commandments for us, and that Christ doth know all hearts; and now I desire to repent of all mv sins. I neither have done, nor can do, the commandments of the Lord; but I am ashamed of all I do, and I do repent of all my sins, even of all that I do know of. I desire that I may be converted from all my sins, and that I might believe in Christ, and I desire Ilim. I dislike my sins, yet I do not truly pray to God in my heart; no matter for good words, all is the true heart; and this day I do not so much desire good words, as thoroughly to open my heart. I confess I can do nothing, but deserve damnation; only Christ can keep me and do for me. But I have nothing to say for myself that is good; I judge that I am a sinner, and cannot repent, but Christ hath deserved pardon for us."' There is much of simple trust mingled with the expression of his own unworthi- ness, in this confession of Waban. But it required earnest argument and advocacy, on the part of Eliot, to satisfy the ciders that he was thoroughly converted. ELIOT AND THE INDIANS. 175 teristic of Mr. Eliot's ministry, and wtiicli was his " ruling passion, strong in death," he catechized the little ones. The sermon was in Indian, and lasted for an hour ; but none of the congregation seemed wearj*. One of the hearers was much overcome, and wept freely. After the sermon was ended, an old man asked if it was not too late for such an old man as he, who was near death, to repent and seek after God? Another asked how the English dif- fered so much from the Indians, if all men had one father at first? Another asked, if a man had committed some great sin, as steal- ing goods, and had not been punished by the sachem, but had restored the goods, is all well now? After the subject of atone- ment and reconciliation had been explained to him, the Indian drew back with an appearance of sorrow and shame, and said, " Me little know Jesus Christ, or me should seek him better." Dming the closing prayer, the Indians were much affected. One of the men wept abundantl}', so that his tears dropped down on the ground, and the English people, seeing his tears, could not refrain from weeping with him. The next day one of the hearers \dsited Mr. Eliot at his house in Roxbur}-, and told him his feelings with tears, and how all night at Wabau's the Indians could not sleep, partly from trouble of mind, and partly from wonder at the things the}' had heard. Doubtless the Spirit had spoken with his "' still, small voice," and this was the first revival of religion among the Indians. The success attending these visits of Eliot was noised abroad, and there came as witnesses of his work Wilson, minister of Boston, Shepard, of Cambridge, Allen, of Dedham, and Dunster, Presi- dent of Harvard College. It must have been very cheering to Eliot to enjo3" the presence and countenance of such men. For their weight of character assm'ed him of the interest and approval of the best and wisest of New England's citizens. The thiixl visit was a fortnight later, November 2Gth. Some of the Indians absented themselves thi'ough fear of their powaws or priests, who had thi-eatened them with theu* secret power of inflict- ing the penalty of death upon those who should attend. One of these priests was, however, immediately and solemnly addressed hy the intrepid missionary, who silenced and convinced him. An account of this %'isit was recorded in a book bj^ the Kev. Mr. Wilson, which was printed in London in 1647, entitled, " The Day- Breaking, if not the Sun-Eising, of the Gospel with the Indians 176 HISTORY OF NEWTON. in New England." In order to 'liear more readily the wonderful tidings, many Indians removed from Concord and places even more distant, and erected their wigwams on Waban's hill. An increased seriousness was manifest. When the usual catechizing and sermon were ended, many questions were asked by the Indians, as, " What is a spirit? " " Why do the English call them Indians, since they did not so call themselves previous to the arrival of the English ? " " Is it lawful to pray to the devil, as some Indians say, or must we pray to God only ? " " Are dreams to be believed ? " The great desire of the natives was to have a place for a town, and to learn to spin. After the third meeting, when many were gathered in the tent where they had listened eai'nestly to Eliot, Waban arose and began to instruct all the company out of the things he had heard, with the wild and impressive eloquence of a son of the forest. Soon after, other chiefs came for teaching, and begged that their children might be educated in the Christian faith. The example spread, and the missionar}^ was surprised at the success which had already attended his labors. He had found a people prepared for the Lord. Wrapped in a robe of marten-skins a chief stood up and said : My heart laughs for joy on seeing myself before thee; we have all of us heard the word which thou hast sent us. Come with us to the forests ; come to our homes by the great river; there we shall plant the Tree of Life of which thou speakest, and our warriors shall rest beneath its leaves ; and thou shalt tell us more of that land where there is no storm nor death, and where the sun is always bright. Will not that be good? What dost thou say to it, my father? Shortly afterwards three men and four children visited the house of Mr.- Eliot. The leader, Wabau, was a man of wisdom. Of the boys, the eldest was nine years, and the3'oungest four. These children Waban wished to have trained up among those who feared God, dreading lest, if they were brought up among their own people, they would grow to be rude and wicked. No suitable arrangement could be made for the education of the children, and Mr. Eliot was obliged to send them back to then- native forests. Thus the first call for a mission school for heathen children came from the heathen themselves. Mission schools for heathen children were to be the growth of the coming centuries, but the time was not yet. The two youths were afterwards placed in the families of elders of the church in Roxbury. ELIOT AND THE INDIANS. 177 Soon after the third meeting steps were taken towards the settle- ment of the Indians in a fixed habitation, that they might enjoy the benefits of a Christian civilization, and that their children might be trained up to become useful members of society. One of the early historians says the General Court purchased of the EngUsh settlers a tract of high land, which the Indians fancied, and made it over to them. Mr. Shattuck, in his history of Concord, expresses doubt whether there was any grant of land to the Indians at Nonantum. He thinks they lived by sufferance on lands claimed by the English. Mr. Jackson says, — We have never seen any record of a grant of lands by the General Court to the Nonantum Indians, and do not believe there was ever any such grant. Nor does there appear to be any conveyance by the Indians on record, of the lands they occupied at Nonantum. Those lands were, no doubt, considered part and parcel of the common lands of the Cambridge proprietors, and were disposed of by them, like other common lands, by sale or division among the proprietors. By the colony law of lGo3, it was declared that "what land the Indians possessed and improved by stibJiiing ike same, they have just right unto." At Nonantum, they not only subdued and cultivated, but fenced much of it by walls and ditches, set out trees, etc. Their title was therefore law- ful as well as just ; and as they had Eliot and many other staunch friends, we may be assured they did not surrender their rights without an equivalent. On Nonantum Hill was made the first attempt to bind the Indians together under a civil contract, with the countenance of a few good men and in spite of much discom-agement from many others. Mr. Eliot wrote to Mr. Shepard, — We have much cause to be very thankful to God, who hath moved the hearts of the General Court to purchase so much land for them to make their town, which the Indians are much taken with ; and it is somewhat observa- ble that while the Court were considering where to lay out their town, they (not knowing of anything) were about that time consulting about laws for themselves, and their company, wlio sit down with Waban. There were ten (laws) two of them are lost. The Indians desired to know what name this town should have, and it was told them it should be called Noonatomen, which signifies in English, rejoicing, because they, hearing the word and seeking to know God, the English did rejoice at it, which pleased them much ; and therefore that is to be the name of their town. Then they desired that they might have a court among them for govern- ment, at which motion we rejoiced, seeing it came from themselves, and tended so much to civilize them ; since which time, I moved the General Court in it, and they have pleased to order a way for exercising government among them. The good Lord prosper and bless it. 12 178 HISTOKY OF NEWTON. Among the first results of civilization attending upon religion were the adoption of many customs of the English ; their clothes were more seemlj', their reliance upon the crops more secure. Eliot seems to have understood that civilization and religion go hand in hand ; he further writes : You know likewise, that Ave exhorted them to fence their ground, with ditches and stone walls upon the banks, and promised to help them with shovels, spades, mattocks, crows of iron ; and they are very desirous of fol- lowing that counsel and call upon me to help them with tools faster than I can get them, though I have now bought a pretty store, and they (I hope) are at work. The efforts of Eliot were not confined to Newton ; he journeyed through the wilderness in all directions, and his influence was felt upon the extreme borders of civilization. It is not to be supposed that Eliot met with no opposition. The Prince of the power of the air never relinquishes his reign over his subjects without resistance. Accordingh', we read how the Indi- ans in some instances encountered him, and how bravely he met their opposition. A writer in the " Massachusetts Historical Col- lections" says, — The sachems did every thing in their power to obstruct the work ; for they thought that they should lose their power and influence, if men had any other law to govern them than the authority in their hands ; and Mr. Eliot has been met in the wilderness by these men so inimical to religion, and threatened with every evil, if be made any more conversions. But he told them, "I am about the work of the Great God, and he is with me, so that I fear not all the sachems of the country. I'll go on, and do you touch me, if you dare." Mr. Eliot must have been essentially strengthened in his cour- ao-eous efforts b}' the knowledge that the support of the govern- ment was on his side. The Indians were in some sense the wards of the government ; and, as such, the3^ were bound to respect the magistrates, and Mr. Ehot, also, whose work was favored by the magistrates. The laws of the Province likewise were made, so far as the Indians were concerned, in the interest of civilization, jus- tice and religion. Thus an Act of the General Coiu-t was passed, dated May 26, 1G47, as follows : Upon the information that the Indians dwelling among us are brought to some kind of civility by the ministry of the word, and are desirous to have a court of ordinary judicature set up among them, — it is therefore ordered by the authority of this Court, that one or more of the magistrates shall once every quarter keep a court where the Indians ordinarily assemble to hoar ELIOT AND THE INDIANS. 179 the word of God, to hear and determine all causes, both civil and criminal, not being capital, concerning the Indians only; and that the Indian sachems shall have liberty to take orders in the nature of summons or attachments, to bring any of their iieople to these courts ; and to keep a court of them- selves every month, if they see occasion, to determine small causes of a civil nature, and such smaller criminal causes as the magistrates shall refer to them. And the said sachems shall appoint officers, to serve warrants, and to execute the orders and judgments of either of the said courts; which officers shall be allowed from time to time by the said magistrates in the quarter courts or by the governor. And that all fines imposed upon any of the Indians in said courts shall go and be bestowed towards the building of some meeting-houses, for the education of their poorer children in learning, or other public uses by the advice of said magistrates or of Mr. Eliot, or some other elder, who shall ordinarily instruct them in true religion. And it is the desire of this Court that these magistrates, or Mr. Eliot, or such other elders as shall attend the keeping of said courts, Avill carefully endeavor to make the Indians understand our most useful laws, and the principles of reason, justice and equity, whereon they are grounded ; and it is desired that some care may be taken of the Indians on the Lord's day. The report of the success of the early efforts in behalf of the Aborigines excited a strong sensation in England. The British Parliament, then under the Protectorate, passed an act July 27, 1649, for the advancement of the work. The preamble of the act runs as follows : "Whereas the Commons of England, assembled in Parliament, have received certain intelligence from divers godly ministers and others in New England, that divers of the heathen natives, through the pious care of some godly English, who preach the gospel to them in their own Indian language, not only of barbarous have become civil, but many of them forsake their accus- tomed charms and sorceries and other satanical delusions, do now call upon the name of the Lord, and give great testimony to the power of God, draw- ing them from death and darkness to the life and light of the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ, which appeareth by their lamenting with tears their mis- spent lives, teaching their children what they are instructed themselves, being cartful to place them in godly families and English schools, betaking themselves to one wife, putting away the rest, and by their constant prayers to Abnighty God, morning and evening, in their families, jjrayers expressed, in all appearance, with much devotion and zeal of heart; — All which con- sidered, we cannot but, in behalf of the nation we represent, rejoice and give glory to God for the beginning of so glorious a propagation of the gospel among those poor heathen, which cannot be prosecuted with that expedition as is desired unless fit instruments be encouraged and maintained to pursue it, schools and clothing be provided, and many other necessaries. The act, of which this is the preamble, then proceeds to estab- lish a corporation of sixteen persons to superintend the disburse- 180 HISTORY OF NEWTON. ment of moneys, which should be given to aid in instructing, clothing, civilizing and Christianizing the Indians. A general col- lection was ordered to be made for these purposes through all the churches of England and Wales. The ministers were required to read this act in the churches, and to exhort the people to a cheer- ful contribution to so pious a work. Circular letters were pub- lished at the same time by the Universities of Oxford and Cam- bridge, recommending the same object. A fund, which in Charles II.'s time produced six hundred pounds sterling per annum, was thus provided, the benefit of which endured till the period of the separation of the colonies from the mother country. Oliver Cromwell interested himself in missions to the heathen, and formed a gigantic scheme of uniting all the Protestant churches in the world into one great Missionary Societ3^ The " Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge," founded in 1698, the "Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in foreign parts," founded in 1701, and the " Scottish Society for Propagating Christian Knowl- edge," founded in 1709, with all their benign fruits, had their roots in the work of John Ehot among the Indians in Newton. An interesting incident is that the first petition presented to the General Court of Massachusetts for the regulation of the sale of intoxicating liquors, is the petition of Rev. John Eliot, in 1648 : The petition of John Eliot to the General Court concerning the Indians shcweth : That whereas the Indians have frequent recourse to the English Tounes and especially to Boston, where they too often see evil examples of excessive drinking in the English, who are too often disguised with that beastly sin of drunkenness, and themselves (many of them) greatly delighting in strong liquors, not considering the strength and evil of them, also too well knowing the liberty of the law, wliich prohibiteth above half a pint of wine to a man; that they may without offence to the law, have their half pint, and when they have had it in one place, they go to another and have the like, till they be drunken, and sometime find too much entertainment that way by such who keep no ordinary, only pursue their trade, though it be to the hurt and perdition of their souls. Therefore my humble request unto this honorable court is tliis, that there may be but one ordinary in all Boston who may have liberty to sell wine, strong drink or any strong liquors unto the Indians, and whoever shall further them in their vicious drinking, for their own base ends, who keep no ordinary, may not be suffered in such a sinne Avithout due pun- ishment ; and that at what ordinary so ever in any other town as well as Bos- ton any Indian shall be found drunk, having had any considerable quantity of drink, they should come under severe censure. These things I am bold to represent unto you for the preventing of those scandalous evils which greatly blemish and interrupt their entertainment of the gospel through the ELIOT AND THE INDIANS. 181 pollycy of Satan who counterworketh swift that way with not a little uncom- fortable success. And thus with ray hearty desire of the gracious and blessed presence of God among you in all your mighty affairs, I humbly take leave and rest. Your servant to command in our Saviour Christ, John Eliot. This 23d of the 8th, 1648. In 1G49, Mr. Eliot wrote to a friend in England, by whom he had been advised to encourage the Christian Indians to plant gar- dens and set out orchards, and who had promised them several hundred trees, which he kept in nurseries, ready for them. Some of them learned trades, and several worked with the settlers around them in hajing time and harvest. The women, too, learned to spin, and in various waj's created means of support, which added to the comfort of their households. The fourth visit to Nonantum was made December 9th. The children were catechized as usual, and the sermon followed. The sermon was again founded upon the dry bones of Ezekiel's vision, a portion of Scripture which impressed Mr. EUot, in connection with his work, from the first. The Indians offered all their chil- dren to be educated. Questions were asked and answered on both sides, as in previous inter^^ews. The Indians were not idolaters, strictly speaking. They had no image worship, but, like our own ancestors, adored the sun, the moon, the earth and fire. Thej^ acknowledged a Great Benefac- tor, the author of all good, and another invisible being, the author of all mischief. Every wind had its spirit, every swamp its lurk- ing evil. They saw spirits in the rain and snow. They placed the hunting-grounds of their departed friends in the bright western sk}^ where the sun nightly goes down in glory. Their worship consisted in songs, dances and feasts, and prayers to the sun and moon for such things as the}' desired. They asked Mr. Eliot the home- question, " Why, since j'ou English have been in the land twenty- seven years, have you never taught us before? We might have known much of God bj^ this time, and much sin might have been prevented ; but now some of us are grown old in sin." Mr. Eliot answered that the English did repent of their neglect, but reminded them that thej' were never willing to hear till now. The effect of the work earned on at Nonantum was contagious. The Indians at Concord, the original home of Waban, resolved to attempt something of the same sort. When the Concord chief 182 HISTORY OF NEWTON. was asked wli}^ he wished to have his town so near to the English, since there was more room at a distance from them, he replied that he knew, " if the Indians dwelt far from the English, they would not so much care to pray, nor be so read}^ to hear the word of God ; but would be, all one, Indians still ; but, dwelling near the English, he hoped it might be otherwise with them then." The gospel wrought a wonderful change in the people. Mr. Shepard remarks that " most of the Indians set up prayer in their families morning and evening, and before and after meals, and seemed in earnest in these devotions." Another writer says, " With more affection they crave God's blessing upon a little parched corn, than many of us do upon our greatest plenty and abundance." He was much impressed, in the fall of 1G47, in see- ing one of the Indians " call his children to him from their gather- ing of corn in the field, and crave a blessing with much affection, having but a homely dinner to eat." And subsequently, after the funeral of an Indian child, the company retired a little from the grave and assembled under a tree in the woods, and desired one of their own number to pray with them. " He did express such zeal in pra^^er, with such variety of gracious expressions, and abundance of tears, both of himself and most of the compan}', that the wood rang again with their sighs and tears." The gospel among the Indians yielded its appropriate fruit. It gave them peace and J03' in life, and hope in death. We read of the death of Wampas, who was one of the first "praying Indians" to pass awa^-. He said to Mr. Eliot, who stood by his side, but a little time before he died : " Now I die, I strongly entreat j'ou to entreat Elder Heath and the rest v/hich have our children, that they may be taught to know God, so that they ma}' teach theu' countrymen, because such an example would do great good among them. I now shall die, but Jesus Christ calls j-ou that live to go to Natick, that there you ma}' make a church." And the last words of Wampas were, " O Lord, give me Jesus Christ ; " and he died, with his hands uplifted in the attitude of prayer. " The success and setlement of Nouantuni," s;iys Dr. Homer, " encouraged further attempts of Mr. Eliot to extend tha kno\7lcdgc of tlic gospel to the aboriginals of other places. lie accordingly visited and preached to the Indi- ans at Watertown, Dorchester Mills, Concord and as far as Pentucket Tails on Merriniac IJiver. He also extended his efforts to the natives of the col- ony of New Plymouth, though tlieir chief saciiem and his son discountenanced his attempts. These exertions laid a hapxjy foundation for the civilizing and ELIOT AND THE INDIANS. 183 Christianizing of ^,000 out of 20,000 Indians, belonging to the twenty differ- ent tribes then in New England." In 1657, at the solicitation of Mi". Eliot, the town of Dorchester granted to the Indians residing among them 0,000 acres of land at Punkapoag, and about that time they Arere removed thither. Such is tlie testimony of Hon. Charles Endicott, in his Centennial Oration at Canton, Mass. The Indians were never gathered into a church at Nonantum, — the ministers regarding it better, seeing that they had been so recently reclaimed from heathenism, — that they should remain in the state of catechmnens. The proximity of the English, as the superior race, was unfavorable to the character, happiness and development of the Indians. Their territory was too limited, and it was deemed expedient to found a new town, a little removed from the white settlers. The township of Natick, "the place of hills," was granted to the Indian converts in 1650, at the urgent request of Mr. Ehot, by the inhabitants of Dedham, with the sanction of the General Court. The Indians gave to the Dedham people the township of Deerfield in exchange. The original grant contained about six thousand acres. In Bacon's History of Natick we find the following record : In the year 1651, the town of Natick was first settled. It consisted of three long streets, two on the north and one on the south side of the river, with a bridge eighty feet long and eight feet Mgh, and stone foundations, the whole being built by the Indians themselves. To each house situated on these streets Avas attached a piece of land. The houses Avere in the Indian style. One house, larger and more commodious tlian the rest, was built in the English style. One apartment of it was used as a school-room on week-days, and as a place of worship on the Sabbath. The upper room was a kind of wardrobe, where the Indians hung up their skins and other valuables. In the corner of this room was partitioned off an apartment for Mr. Eliot.* This building was the fir- church, Thomas Wiswall, Kuling Elder, from Dorchester ilo. John Jackson, , Deacons. Sanuicl Hyde, ( Edward Jackson, Cambridge church. Thomas Prentice, " " Jonathan Hyde, " " Ricliard Park, " " Thomas Park, son of Richard, do., do. John Ward, Sudbury do. James Prentice, Cambridge church. John Fuller, " " Thomas Prentice, 2d, " " Thomas Hammond, Hingham " Vincent Druce, " " John Parker, " " W^illiam Clements, Cambridge " Isaac Williams, Roxbury " James Trowbridge, Dorchester " Abraliam Williams, Watertown do. John Kenrick, Boston " John Spring, Watertown " Samuel Hyde, 1 sons of Dea. Samuel Job Hyde, ( Hyde. Xoali Wiswall, son of Elder Thomas Wiswall, Dorchester church, John Jackson, son of John Jackson, senior, Sebas Jackson, son of Edward Jack- son, jr., John Kenrick, ) sons of John Ken- Elijah Kenrick, ) rick, sr., Boston, William Clements, son of William Clements, sr., Thomas Hanimond, i '*'T?^°^Jil°?- Nathaniel Hammond,; 3 Hammond,^ John Druce, 1 sons of Vincent Vincent Druce, ) Druce, sr.,Hingham. Thirteen of the above were sous of the first settlers, and were past the age of twenty-one at the ordination of Mr. P^liot. Thomas Oliver, afterwards Deacon, whose mother was a member of the Boston church, lived with his father-in-law, Edward Jack- son, in 1GG4, and was then nineteen 3'ears old, and some other minors, may have been members ; and, as Eliot was a popular preacher, there may have been a few members from adjoining towns ; although by reason of distance from their own homes, and jjerhaps also from conscientious motives as good and faithful mem- bers of their own churches, they generally worshipped where they belonged. The erection of a meeting-house, the efforts to free themselves from the burden of supporting the ministry at Cambridge, and the settlement of a pastor of their own, was a great work, in the face of powerful opposition from the old church, and could have been accomplished only by untiring energy and determined perseverance. The church from which they had broken awa}' alleged that it was difficult for them, when all together, '*to maintain one church as it should." The report of the com- mittee of the General Court affirms, " that if the petitioners with- draw then* help from Cambridge church and ministry, it would be overburdensome to Cambridge to provide for the support of their minister." How much more burdensome must it be for this frag- ment of the church, numbering not more than one-fourth of the original body, to undertake the work ! They were comparatively 193 HISTORY OF NEWTON. but a handful of meu and women, setting about an unpopular work, frowned upon by the Legislature of the State and by their townsmen ; but in their own judgment their little community needed a meeting-house and a minister of the gospel among them. They knew it was their right and privilege to have these blessings, and a duty to themselves and their posterity to secure them. And, not- withstanding the great sacrifice required, they were fixed in their determination to enjoy them. The J03' of the little flock must have been intense on the daj' when, after so long waiting, they saw the desire of their hearts at length accomplished. In the transactions of that da}", they laid broad foundations of blessing for their posterit}-. " They builded better than the}' knew," and sowed the seed which was to bear a richer harvest than they could comprehend. We sec them now, settled in church estate, and entered upon a career which seems destined to be one of peace and prosperity. But, alas for the vanity of human expectations ! The pastor whom they had ordained was .permitted to labor among them, after that date, only four years, two months and twenty-one days, and was then taken from them by death. The recent erection of a meeting-house, the formation of a church and the ordination of Rev. Mr. Eliot, and the fact of their release from the support of the ministry in Cambridge, were events full of promise and hope to the inhabitants of Cambridge Village. And his early death, occurring so soon afterwards, must have been for them a severe calamity. They seem to have been paralyzed with discouragement, and it was more than six years before a suc- cessor was obtained. In the meantime divisions and dissensions had sprung up. Ecclesiastical councils were summoned, but they were unable to restore harmony. The evidence that the division existed is found in documentary testimony in the Records. The following letter was sent by the Court to Elder Wiswall : These, for Thomas Wiswall, ruling elder, to be communicutetl to the church of Christ on the south side Charles River, within the bounds of Cambridge. Beloved Brethren, — We find a law, made 30th May, ICGO, empowering the County Court to use the best endeavor for tlie procuring and settling a pious and faithful minister in every place within their respective precincts ; and, un- derstanding, to our great grief, that there are divisions among you about call- ing and settling a minister, wliich thing is scandalous to our profession and a hinderanceto our edification, we therefore think it our duty to signify unto you our earnest desires and prayers for your union and agreement, entreating THE FIRST CHURCH. 199 you to put on the spirit of meekness, humility and self-denial, and to sub- mit one to another in the fear of God ; and either to agree this matter among yourselves, or attend such other means as God hath appointed in such cases for the issue thereof; and acquaint us therewith at the adjournment of the Court at Charlestown, the 29th inst., April. Otherwise we shall take ourselves in duty bound to use such other means, according to God, as may be expe- dient for a farther inquiry into your case and for the healing the breaches in your Zion. So, with love to you, we remain your loving brethren in the faith and fel- lowship of the gospel. From the County Court at Cambridge, April 5, 1G70. ELDER WISWALL's REPLY. Cambridge Village, 18. i. 1670. To the Honored Court now sitting at Charlestown : — May it please you, — yours of April 5, 1670,1 received, and after serious perusal and consideration did communicate it unto the church. But with grief and shame may we say, we had no comfortable return to make. But so it came to pass that the 19th of April we gave the former Council the trouble to come again, who, having heard both sides, did confirm your former council ; and yet it will not obtain. But may it please you, the next -Ith day, if the Lord will, I intend to move the church again, and in the meantime rest. Your ,humble servant, • Thomas Wiswall. From the Eecords of the Count}' Court it appears that the minis- ters who had supplied the pulpit between the death of Mr. Eliot and the settlement of his successor, sued the inhabitants of the Village for their pay. [See p. 40.] Dr. Homer states that Mr. Ilobart supplied the pulpit for two 3-ears before he was settled, from 1G72 to 1674. This left an inter- val of four years for the labors of other candidates and casual sup- plies. Mr. Wilham Jackson observes that it was doubtful whether public worship had been kept up during all those four years. In the two 3'ears while Mr. Hobart preached before his ordination, he succeeded in healing divisions and restoring harmony, so that he received the name of "the repairer of breaches" (Isaiah 58 : 12), and the record says, " He gave the bereaved flock a rich blessing." Rev. Nehemiah Hobart was the fifth son of the Rev. Peter Ho- bart, the first minister of Hingham. His grandfather, Edmund Hobart, came from Hingham, England, with his wife and son and two daughters, and arrived in Cliarlestown in 1633, or, according to another authority, in 1629. Peter, the father of Nehemiah, was 200 HISTORY OF NEWTON. born in 1604, and educated at the Universit}' of Cambridge, Eng- land. Afterwards he taught a grammar school and preached at Hingham, England, nine years. On account of the impositions of the prelatical part}', he came to this countr}', and in June, 1G35, arrived in Charlestown, with his famil}-. Afterwards Mr. Ilobart and several of his friends removed to Bear Cove, to which the General Coui't, in September, IGo.j, gave the name of Hingham, because not only the pastor, but also most of his flock came from Hingham, in the mother country. Rev. Peter had five sons, aU educated at Harvard College, and four of whom became minis- ters of the gospel. Two of them graduated in 1G50, and three in 1GG7. Nohemiah settled at Cambridge Village ; Joshua in South- old, Long Island ; Jeremiah in Topsfield, Mass. , afterwards in Had- dam. Conn. ; Gershom at Groton, Mass. ; Japhet was surgeon of a ship bound to Eugland, and was lost at sea. Nehemiali was born in Hingham, November 21, 1G48, and graduated at Harvard College in 1GG7. He was ordained pastor of the church at Cam- bridge Village, December 23, 1G74, where he continued to labor till his death, which occurred August 25, 1712, in the sixtj'- fourth 3'ear of his age. Dr. Homer sa3's, " Soon after the settlement of Mr. Ilobart be- gan the terrible war with Philip, king of the Wampanoags, a nation bordering on the colony of Plymouth, the seat of whose chief was at Mount Hope (now Bristol, R. I.). Mr. Eliot had in vain attempted the conversion of him and his tribe. The success- ful missionary work among the Nonantum Indians had an impor- tant bearing on the salvation of the New England colonies from destruction. Then* conversion produced in them an affectionate attachment towards the English, to whom they ever remained faithful. Such were the dangers to which the colonies' of Massachu- setts and Plymouth were exposed by the war, which began twentj'- nine j-ears after the settlement at Nonantum, that there is reason to belieTe that if all the Indians within their boundaries had con- tinued uncivilized and unchristiauized, and had united against the I^nglish with the spirit which afterwards animated Philip and the warriors of his period and party, om- fathers would have been com- pelled to abandon the country." So New England was saved by Christian missions. The church records which cover the period of Mr. Hobart's ministry- having been burned, we are left without any detailed THE FIRST CHURCH. 201 account of the occurrences of his long, acceptable and faithful ministr}-, which covered the important and stormy period when the town passed through the controversies and heart-burnings inci- dent to its transition to a state of independence from Cambridge. Such a crisis eminentl}' needed a wise and prudent man in the in- fluential position of a pastor and adviser, a judicious puljlic man, and a friend of all parties alike. And, as a man of sound common sense, a peacemaker, impartial in forming his decisions and firm in maintaining them, he led his brethren through their difficulties into the broad fields of prosperit}' and peace. He is said to have been free from superstition and bigotry, yet seriousl}' and faithfully engaged in the discharge of his miuisterial duties. An unshaken harmony subsisted between him and his people through Ufe. An aged father who died in 1787, in the ninety- fourth year of his age, and who was about eighteen years of age at the date of Mr. Ho- bart's death, repeatedly mentioned his serious and winning manner of address, which caused his congregation to hang upon his lips. He published a Sermon, entitled, "The Absence of the Comforter, Described and Lamented." It is a proof of the estimation in which he was held, that he was elected a member of the Corporation of Harvard College in 1707, and continued in office till his death. His associate Fellows were WilUam Brattle, Ebenezer Pemberton, Hemy Flynt and Jonathan Remington. A letter written by the Rev. John Barnard and dated, Marblehead, October 16, 17G7, says, "The Rev. Nehemiah Hobart, sometime Vice President of the Col- lege, was an excellent scholar in Latin, Greelc and Hebrew, and a most pious, humble, prudent and benevolent man." His father-in- law, Edward Jackson, gave him thirty acres of land, on the north- west side of the Dedham highway- [Centre St.] , adjoining the twenty acres which he also gave to Rev. John Eliot, jr., his predecessor. He built his house on the lot just north of the Shannon house, where the dwelling of Mr. John Cabot, the father-in-law of Mrs. Theo- dore Parker, formerl}' stood. The house was afterwards occupied by Hobart's successor, the Rev. John Cotton. It was burned in 1720, and rebuilt the same year. Mr. Hobart married Elizabeth, daughter of Edward Jackson, and had six children, — all daughters. He conve^-ed to four of his daughters, in 1711, his then dwelling-house and one hundred acres of land adjoining, reserving to himself the right to enjo}' the same while he lived. Two of them conveyed then* rights in the 202 HISTORY OF NEWTON. homestead in 1715 to their father's successor, Rev. John Cotton. His daughter Abigail deeded tlie pew "built by her honored father " to the town by warranty deed, against her fellow heirs. On his tombstone is this Latin epitaph : HOC TUMDLO DEPOSITEE SUNT RELIQUIAE REVERENDiI ET PERDOCTI NEUEMXAE HOBART, D. D., ' COLLEGII HARVARDINI SOCII LECTISSI3II, ECCLESIAE NEOTONIENSIS PER ANNOS QUADRAGINTA PASTORIS FIDELISSIMI ET VIGILANTISSIMI, SINGULARI GRAVITATE, HDMILITATE AEQUE AC PIETATE ET DOCTRINA ET P1I3 EXIMIA VENERATIONE ET AMORE RECOLENDI. NATCS ERAT NOV. 21, 1648. DENATUS at:g. 25, 1712. ANKO AETATIS 64. The following is a translation : " In this tomb are deposited the remains of the Reverend and very learned teacher of divinity, Ne- hemiah Hobart, an estimable Fellow of Harvard College, a highl}' faithful and watchful pastor of the church of Newtown for forty 3^ears. His singular gravity, humiUt}^, piety and learning rendered him the object of deep veneration and ardent esteem to men of science and religion. He was born November 21, 1648, and died August 25, 1712, in the sixty-fourth year of his age." The simplicity of the times is indicated by the votes occasion- all}^ appearing in the Town Records, shomng the amounts which ministers of the gospel anciently received as salary, and the incon- venience which they must sometimes have suffered, when, produce being brought them instead of money, the}' must occasionally have suffered a surfeit of some articles of utility, and a coiTes- ponding deficiency of the means to procure others which were a necessit}'. [See the votes on page 51.] It is probable that Mr. Hobart was not regularl}' paid what the town voted him, either in mone}' or produce, as will be seen from his receipts. 1689. — Whereas I, Neheraiah Hobart, have for seventeen years last past labored in the ministry att Cambridge Village, [and they] have from time to time by their voates covenanted to raise for mee yearly such sums as might be for niy maintenance, I do by these presents acknowlidge and accept of all and several the said sums, and doe hereby for myself and hairs, acquit all and THE FIRST CHURCH. - 203 severall the said inhabitants and all such as have ingagcd to collect the said sums, them and their heirs, from all dues, debts and demands, from the be- ginning of my ministry amongst them unto the first day of June, 1689. In witness whereof I have sett to my hand, Nehemiah Hobart. It appears by the two following records, that while Mr. Hobart found difficulty in collecting his meagre stipend, he was a man of hberal and gracious spirit, willing to bear his fair share of the burdens of his parishioners. February 23, 1690. Town Meeting. — Mr. Hobart sent in an account of £23 l8s. 3d. due him by the Deacons, who declared for him that if the Town would pay him £10, he would give in the residue, to help bear the public charges, wliich were great and heavy : — and which was accepted by the Town. June 1, 1693. — I doe hereby acknowledge that I have received of the in- habitants of New Town, the sum of sixty-four pounds, for my maintenance the year past, and the remaining six pounds due to me for the said yeare, I freely remitt, leaving the same to be collected by the Selectmen, and by them laid out for the benefit of said town, according to a regular voatc of the in- habitants when they shall be convened in a town meeting orderly warned. Witness my hand, Nehemiah Hobart. Three receipts, written by Mr. Hobart, remain on record, which are a curiosity for their cu'cumstantial minuteness and accuracy. The following is a specimen : Newtown. — This first day of December, in the year one thousand seven hundred and eleven. I doe, by these presents, acquit and discharge all and several, the inhabitants of Newtown, their Assessors and Collectors, from all payments due to me on account of salary, from the first beginning of ray Labours in the Ministry amongst them to the day of the date hereof. Witness my hand the day and year above written. Neheuiah Hobart. CHAPTER XVI. ENGLISH OPPKESSION. SIR EDMUND ANDROS. EVENTS IN NEW- TON. FIRST MEETING-HOUSE. SEATING THE WORSHIPPERS. NOON HOUSES. THE STOCKS. The seventeenth century was a period of great interest in mau^' respects, as touching the civilization and political progress both of Britain and America. Waking from the night of the middle ages, first came the long morning which dawned in Luther's Reformation, when the people began to think for themselves, and the world commenced its preparation for the ripening of our modern civiliza- tion. As in the fifteenth century clustered together the three gi'cat events, — the invention of printing, the discovery of the mariner's compass, and of the new continent of America, — and in the sixteenth was added the Reformation, so in the seventeenth, the walringof the instinct of colonization, and the founding of the early settlements in Virginia and Massachusetts and elsewhere, taught men the grandeur and availability of the world they pos- sessed, made them feel how great a thing it is to live, stirred in their bosoms the spu'it of manhood, and gradually unfolded the germs of progress which have matured so efflcientl}^ in later times. Men of genius were no longer to be led blindl3^ The time had come for them to think for themselves. Thus originated the spirit which led to the English revolution of 1688, and the jealousy of the colonists in America, examining the bearings of every measure instituted bj' the powers bej'ond the sea, on their poUtical interests and prosperit}'. The town meetings, the discussions on govern- ment and privilege, the difficulties of the enterprise in which their fathers had embarked, and in whose hardships and fruits they had more or less shared, had educated them. The motions of the embryo spirit of independence, which was to burst forth a centur}' later, could not be repressed. Events and measures in England 204 BRITISH OrPRESSION. 205 struck the keynote on one side of the waters ; the American revokition, growing out of oppression, echoed the tone on the other. Under the charter governments of New England, the people of the colonies, by the express words of their charters, were entitled to all the privileges of natural born subjects, and invested with the powers of government, legislative, executive and judicial. They chose their own governors, elected legislative assemblies, and established courts of justice, and in many points even exceeded the powers conferred by the charters. The only limitation to their legislative powers was that their laws should not be contrary to those of England. But in the time of Charles the Second, the pohticians of England originated various oppressive measures, abridging the liberties of the colonists, and depriving them of rights which they had hitherto enjo3-ed, and which seemed to them essential to their political prosperit}'. These oppressive measures culminated, in the year 1684, in a sentence pronounced in the Eng- lish courts against the people of Massachusetts, cancelling their charter. Instead of electing their own governor, they were now to accept such an one as the Crown might choose to send them, and an attempt to resist would be counted as rebellion. In December, 1G8G, Sir Edmund Andros arrived in the country, with two companies of troops, instructed to put an end to all popular power. Unjust taxation followed, which was met by passive resistance, and this again led to fines and confiscations. Ever}- appeal to EngUsh laws was in vain. In this extremity. Rev. Increase Mather, of Boston, escaped to England by night and in disguise, and laid the grievances of the colony before the King. Shortly after came the English revolution. As soon as the news reached Massachusetts, the people rose in arms and imprisoned Su- Edmund Andros and his adherents ; the charter was again put in force, and a governor, assistant and deputies were elected. Soon after the removal of the tyrannical governor from his seat of power, the inhabitants of New Cambridge met, May 20, 1689, and by vote declared as follows : That it is our desire, — 1. Tliat the Honorable Governor and Deputy Governor and assistants, chosen and sworn in 1686, and the deputies then chosen by the freemen for that year do now resume the government of tliis colony according to charter privileges. 206 HISTORY OF NEWTON. 2. That there may be an enlargement of freemen, that is to say, that those persons who arc of honest conversation and a competent estate may have their votes in all civil elections. 3. That the Court, having thus reassumed the government, then endeavor to confirm our charter privileges. 4. That the Court, thus settled, do not admit of any change or alteration of government among us, until it be first signified to the several towns for their approbation. On the same day the inhabitants made choice of Ensign John Ward as our representative or deputy in the present sessions. The events touching the town of Newton which occurred during the latter part of this centmy, and while Mr. Hobart was pastor, were not numerous, but important. It was during his ministry that Newton was incorporated as a town distinct from Cambridge, and received its name from the General Court,— the long and sharp controversy between the mother and daughter having at last reached a peaceful issue. The war between the Americans on one side, and the French and Indians on the other, Avas now raging, and Capt. Noah Wiswall, with his Lieutenant Flagg and Sergeant Walker, were slain. It was during Mr. Hobart's minis- try that the first school-house was built, and John Staples began his labors as a schoolmaster ; and Deacon Edward Jackson, Mr. Hobart's father-in-law, gave thirt3'-three acres of woodland to the use of the ministry in Cambridge Village forever. In 1707, Ma}- •18, the last ordination of deacons of the church took place, the candidates being Thomas Oliver, counsellor of the province, and Ephraim Jackson. The location of the first meeting-house in Newton, near the middle of the old cemetery on Centre Street, is marked b}- the marble column, erected in September, 1852, to the memory of the first settlers. This monument has inscribed on one side the names of the first settlers, the date of their settlement, the time of their decease, and their ages. On the other sides arc inscriptions to the memory of the first minister, the first ruling elder, and the donors of the burying place. It was erected by fort^'-three of the descendants of the men whom it commemorates. In its foundation was deposited a pamphlet, containing a historical statement and notices of the first settlers. The petition for a division of the town of Cambridge in 1G78 states that the meeting- house in the Village had been lately enlarged. Probably this was THE FIRST CHURCH. 207 done at the settlement of Mr. Ilobart, or soon afterwards. In 1G80 it was again enlarged. The second meeting-house, voted in 1696, commenced in the spring of 1097, and completed in the early part of 1698, stood on the westerly side of Centre Street, opposite the cemetery. The land, once owned by John Spring, who, it is probable, gave it to the town for the purpose of erecting on it a house of God, after the removal of the meeting-house, as stated by Mr. Jackson in a note, was re-conveyed by the town to John Spring, who was chairman of the Building Committee. By a deed given by Abra- ham Jackson, — son of Dea. John Jackson, who was the donor of the first lot of land for the meeting-house and cemetery, — to his grandson John, in 1717, it appears that the first meeting-house was still standing at that date, — nineteen years after the second mccting-house was finished ; but for what purpose it was used during those nineteen years is not known. It may have been for a Town House, school-house, or for militarj- purposes, as the training field was there. These two votes complete the notices of the second meeting- house. 1700. — Voted, that John Staples and John Kenrick be a Committee to settle the meeting-house accounts. 1701. — Voted, that Lieut. John Spring be allowed twenty shillings for sweeping and cleaning the meeting-house, when he has finished the same. The beautiful custom of families being seated together in the house of God was not among the refining influences of the stern days of the early settlers. In the house of God earthl}- relation- ships seem to have been ignored. The worshippers, j'oung qy old, were set in then* individual responsibility before the Majesty in the heavens. A husband was there nothing to his wife ; a mother was nothing to her child. They were each individual souls, and in the house of prayer recognized none but themselves personally, on the one hand, and God, on the other. As the boys, particularly-, in the exuberance of their spirits, would sometunes be disorderly, it was convenient to have them seated by themselves, that the " tything man " might keep them in check, rapping the heads of the rogues with the little ball on one end of his long rod ; and, ia like manner, if the ladies fell asleep in theu' slips, he could tickle thcu" noses with the feather on the other. 208 HISTOEY OF NEWTON. In the ancient meeting-house a range of square pews was erected completely around the house against the walls. A single row of similar pews was set in the body of the house, in front of the principal door ; and the space remaining on the floor up to the pulpit was occupied b}- slips. The deacons' seat was raised two or three steps, and immediately in front of the pulpit. The deacons were provided with an hour-glass, which stood on the table before them, and was turned, that the sand might begin to run out when the minister began his sermon. And, if it was not necessary to turn the hour-glass once at least during the sermon, the minister was thought to be deficient in his duty to his hearers. The members of the congregation were seated, by public authority, according to their dignity. This was called " dignifying the seats," or the pews; or sometimes, "seating the meeting-house." The ground of preference seems to have been chiefly, property qualifi- cations ; birth, or oflScial civil standing was also taken into con- sideration. In the slips, the oldest persons were seated nearest I the pulpit, and the j-ounger behind them in regular order, towards the door ; the women on the right hand, and the men on the left. A portion of the gallery was appropriated as the bo^^s' seats, — sometimes, as in this second church in Newton, a corner on the lower floor. The fact that the older persons, many of whom were perhaps in circumstances too humble to admit of their aspiring to the dignity of sitting in a pew, were arranged in the slips accord- ing to age, accounts for the breaking up of families, and the seat- ing of children by themselves. The girls were provided for in the same manner as the boys, the seats on the right falling to their share. In the gallery occupied by the choir, the right side was also appointed for the female singers, and the left for the males. This custom explains some of the allusions found in the earliest Town Book. We quote the following, of later date : May 14, 1744. — Voted, that the aforesaid committee shall give men their dignity in their setting in the meeting-house, in proportion to what they pay to the minister's rate. March 4, 1754. — Voted, that the Selectmen be a committee to agree with workmen to erect one tier of pews in the hind seats in the body seats of the meeting-house, both in the men's side and the women's side, as soon as may be. Voted, to choose a committee to fill up vacjuent room in the meeting-house, and to dignifie the pews proposed to be erected. THE FIRST CHURCH. 209 Sometimes persons of high standing, who aspired to the dis- tinction of having a pew, petitioned the town for permission to build one at their own expense. But this privilege was scrupu- lously guarded, and sometimes refused to persons whose position in society might seem to create a claim. Witness the following : 1734. — Captain Edward Durant asked leave to build a pew in the meeting- house, and was refused. He was a very wealtliy man from Boston, and owned three slaves, — paid eighteen hundred pounds for his farm. 1738. — Chose a committee to scat the meeting-house, and instructed the committee to give men their dignity in their sitting in proportion to the min- ister's rate they pay, allowing one j)oll to a rate, making such an allowance for age as they shall think proper, except where there- are tenants, and in those cases to act the best of their judgments. 1744. — Chose a committee to seat the meeting-house according to dignity and taxes. This absurd custom was abolished in March, 1800. Mr. Jackson remarks on this subject, — This ancient custom of seating and reseating the worshippers in the New England churches was originally intended to be founded in equality. The first settlers meant that all should be equal before the law, and before the altar also. It was democratic in theory, but aristocratic in practice, as the rich men always got the best seats. In parishes where the population in- creased rapidly, the congregations were reseated annually ; where the in- crease was slow, this operation was performed about every third or fourth year. The instructions to the seating committee were, first, rank, or, as they expressed it, dignity, — meaning, the minister and magistrates, or, all in authority ; second, those who paid the largest parish tax, — or, the rich men ; third, the most aged persons ; and, fourth, they were not to degrade any. Married women took the same rank that belonged to their husbands. The last item, " not to degrade any," was impossible, since some must occupy the lowest seats. The office of committee-man was no sinecure ; its exercise frequently brought upon him charges of partiality and injustice. This operation of reseating was rarely, if ever accomplished, without giv- ing offence to more or less of the congregation. Such, however, was the attachment to the ancient customs in the churches, that it took about a cen- tury and a half, notwithstanding its bitter fruits, to discontinue it. Sometimes curious controversies arose out of the jealousies attendant on this custom. Witness the following : In August, 1712, it is recorded that a difference existed between John Mason, of Newton, and the town, in respect to a pew in the northeast corner of the meeting-house. On the 8th of August the town appointed a committee to act in their behalf and on the 14 210 HISTORY OF NEWTON. 12th of the same month, the parties met at the house of Mason and " made proposals to each other and then agreed as followeth " : That in consideration of three pounds in money to liim, the said John Mason, well and truly paid by s'd committee, and that the wife of s'd John Mason be alowed a place in the second seat in the body of s'd meeting-house, and that his children be treated by said town as to their places in s'd meeting- house according to their age and quality as others are, and that the s'd town doe defend the s'd Mason from all harm that may arise by that room which s'd Mason formerly sold in s'd meeting-house to Mr. Edward Jackson, — These forementioned articles being truly fulfilled, in consideration whereof he, the s'd Mason, doth for himself, his heirs, executors and administrators remit, release and forever quitclaim all his right that he now hath or ever had in s'd pew, — hereby ratifying and confirming the s'd pew unto the s'd town, to be at their sole dispose and use forever hereafter. In witness whereof the s'd committee and s'd Mason have all of them here- unto put their hands this 12th day of August, 1712. " The square pew for the minister's family," on one side of the pulpit, was first in honor. Thence, by regular gradations along the tiers of " wall pews " on the three sides, and down the double range of " seats " in the middle alle^', " to the sixth seat from the front, and so on," with diminishing . honor, to the last. When square pews were substituted for the long seats or " slips " in the bod}' of the house, these had to be " dignified " anew, by a committee who received instructions to consider, in their allot- ment, " the age, estate, and parentage " of tlie sitters. We may imagine the solicitude of the minister and the chm-ch as the season of trial and peculiar temptation drew nigh ; and how the seating committee — striving to "' render to all their dues " and " doing nothing b}' partiality " — were oppressed b}' a sense of re- sponsibility and the apprehension that, strive as the}' might, offen- ces would come. In connection with the account of the first church in Newton and the arrangements for worship, it is in place to speak of the reverence for the Sabbath which prevailed among the earh- settlers, their scrupulous regard for the established institutions of religion. and that sincere, though mistaken zeal, which led them to adopt compulsory measures to secure for them an outward respect. Their severe conceptions stand in strildng contrast to the laxity of mod- ern times. We have no desire to return to the ancient methods. But we question whether the morality, the virtue, and the integ- rit}' of the people was not of a higher order under their system of NOOX-IIOUSES. 211 restraint than under the modern system of liberty. May we not be reaping, at the present day, precious fruit, the harvest of theu* scrupulosity? But it was under the influence of such laws and institutions, — we dare not say in spite of them, — that the second, third and fourth generations of the people proved to be such " a goodly seed." Mr. Prince says of the fathers of New England, in his Election Sermon in 1730 : They were mostly men of good estates and families, of liberal education, and of large experience. But they chiefly excelled in piety to God, in zeal for the purity of his worship, reverence for his glorious name, and strict ob- servance of his holy Sabbaths ; in their respect and maintenance of an un- blemished ministry ; the spread of knowledge, learning, and good order and quiet throughout the land, a reign of righteousness, and the welfare of the people ; and the making and executing wholesome laws for all these blessed ends. The meeting-house, as in all New England, was guiltless of warmth on the bleakest da3's in winter. The delicacy of a stove had not 3'et invaded the stern hardness and capacity of endurance of the people. As a substitute, however, for this comfort, associ- ations of citizens were formed who erected in the neighborhood of the meeting-house what were denominated noon-houses, for the ben- efit of themselves and their families ; or the buildings were erected at the pubUc expense. The noon-houses were buildings of one story, put up in the plainest manner, ceiled with boards, and hav- ing a fireplace in the middle, open on every side, the chimney being supported beneath b}^ pillars. The seats were arranged around the room, being fixed against the walls. There were three or four of these houses at Newton Centre. One of them stood on the site of the Centre school-house ; a second on the southwest corner of the present meeting-house lot ; aud a third near the west end of Lyman Street. After these structm'es were abandoned for their original use, they were tenanted for some j-ears by different fami- lies in humble circumstances. In the noon-houses the people gathered at noou, " between meet- ings," to warm their stiffened limbs, to eat their frugal lunch and to indulge their friendly gossip, and from the generous fire the women replenished the foot-stoves which they carried back with them to the meeting-house. "We cannot state precisely the dimension of these noon-houses. Provision, however, was made for one of them in 1730, to be built, probably at the expense of the town, as follows : " The Select- 212 HISTORY OF NEWTON. lueu staked out land on the bill, near Clark's fence, for the relief of sundry inhabitants on the Sabbath days, for a house twent}'- eight feet square " ( a noon-house) . Clark's fence was probably not very far from the meeting-house of 1730 ; for the land of John Clark and his descendants was near the western slope of the Insti- tution Hill, and stretched away to the southwest. There was another institution connected with the meeting- house, which it is curious, at this distance of time, to contem- plate. We refer to the stocks. How early the stocks were erected in Newton, we do not know. We are sure, however, that the fathers of the town were not without this necessarj^ appendage to the place of public worship. Not only was it a law of the C0I0U3' that all towns should be provided with stocks, but we find in the Town Records as late as 1773, that "a committee was chosen to examine the church stocks. " They rested upon the solid earth, about ten rods from the church, and were made of two pieces of whitQ-oak timber, about eight feet long, chimped to- gether witli bar-iron at each end, through which holes were made of various sizes, to fit human legs, for misbehavior during divine service. Disorderly- persons were liable to have their legs made fast between that oak and iron, by way of punishment. Mr. J. adds, " We have often eyed that remnant of the inquisition, when a boy, with a shudder." These church stocks, like all human contrivances, often needed repairs, and this committee, no doubt, was appointed to oversee the work. The stocks were in use in England as early as the year 1472, under the mayoralty of Sir William Hampton in Lon- don ; for it is recorded that in that year he caused stocks to be erected in every ward in London, for the more effectual punish- ment of strollers. The author of a History of the Town of Shrewsbury, Mass., says, that persons who were " disorderly on Sabbath or town meetings were wont to be confined in them dur- ing meeting, as a punishment for misbehavior. " He also remarks that it is a curious tradition that " the person who made the stocks for that town was the first one required to occupy them, and received payment for them in the remittance of a fine that accrued to the town for his offence." CHAPTER XVII. NEW DIFFICULTIES. — CANDIDATES. — JOHN COTTON CHOSEN PASTOR. DEATH OP MR. COTTON. — WHITEFIELD's VISITS TO NEWTON. THE NEW LIGHTS. Having accomplished their purpose to secure for Newton incor- poration as an independent town, the citizens began to turn their attention to the matter of securing the highest conveniences within their own borders. And, as the Sabbath worship and town meet- ings were their central social points, and the meeting-house, which embraced these, was their central geographical point, their efforts were directed in these things to secure the greatest convenience to the largest number. Measures for these intents were therefore the next important objects of action. In 170o seven families living near "West Roxbur}' and Dedham, William Ward, Edward Ward, Phihp White, Nathaniel llesdy, Daniel Colburn, Benjamin Wilson and Elizabeth Bacon, com- plained of their great distance from the meeting-house, and showed that the}' attended worship for the most part in Roxbury ; and thej^ asked to have the meeting-house removed to a more central place. No immediate measures were taken for their relief; but this was the first step towards the location of the First Parish church in its present position. Eight j^ears later, and two months after the death of Mr. Hobart, this petition was presented in town meeting : To the inhabitants of Newton, now assembled at a public town meeting in said town. The humble petition of us whose names are underwritten, inhabitants in the south part of Newton, October 31, 1712, humbly sheweth, — That whereas our habytations are very far from the place of publick worship in Newtown, the neerest of us fore miles and an half and the farthest about five miles, and we cante attend the publick worship in Newtown without great difi- kulty to us and our families, espeshely in the winter season, by reson 213 214 HISTORY OF NEWTON. liLTL'uf wc are nessesitated to be at charge to tlie setling a minestcr in the south part of Roxberry. Your petitioners humbly pray the inhabitants of tliis town to grant to us and our heirs that shall inherit the land which we now inhabit that we may be free from the charge of the meeting house and ministry in Newtown. And your petitioners, as in duty bound shall ever pray. Signed by Nathaniel Healy, and five others. At a town meeting, November 17, 1712, Voted, The Committy then chosen, which were Ebenezar Stone, Abraham Jackson, Thomas Oliver, Ed- ward Jackson take care to provid ministers for the town til March, if the town be not supplied with a minister before that time. On the above petition, the town voted to give the petitioners in tlie south part of the town an answer at the next March meeting. The following is the record of the action of the town, dodging the question rather than meeting it : March 22, 1713. — At a towne meeting regularly assembled for to consider of sum dificultyes arising as to the standing of the present meeting-house, it was voted that a committe be chosen and that the towne be messured; and, the center of it being found and the situation of ye inhabitanc and the meeting-house being dewly considered, that if we canot peacably agree to the making of any agreeable and needful! acomodations with respect to ye place of publick worship, that we will then mutually refer ourselves to ye hon- erble Generall Court,— that they would send a Committe of disinterested persons that may hear, dewly weigh and consider thereof; and that they may conclude what may be most for ye interest of religion and the common good and benifit. And wee oblige ourselves to be decided by such their re- sult and the resolution of the Honerabell Generall Court thereupon, and sitt downe quietly and peacably. At the same meeting this vote was passed : VoATED yt Left'n Jeremiah Fuller, Cap. Thomas Printic and CorpU. Robert Murdock be chosen a Commity to mess're the towne of said Newton, to find out the center thereof. And allso hand-voated that Lefton (lieutenant) Joseph Burnaj) shal be ye survayor to do the worke of messuering said towne; and if said Lefton Joseph Burnap cannot be obtained, that then the above named Conimitye shall have full power [to appoint] another person to be ye surveyor; and allso ye said Commitie by order from the Selectmen, shall draw monye out of the towne tresury for ye defraying of ye chargies of messuering the towne. And j't. the towne be messuered as soon as can be convenient, not exceeding the first day of May next. A petition having been presented by the aggrieved parties for the division of the town into two precincts for the worship of God, at the town meeting May 10, 1714, the following action was taken : VoATED, at a towne meeting regularly assembled to consider of and to se if any agreeabeil acommodations [can be made] as to ye place of publick ELECTION OF MR. COTTON. 215 worship, — the inhabitanc of said towne having ilcwly considered ye center of the towne, the incoinodiosnos of the place whear it is, and the cituation of the inliabitanc tlie inconvcnianccs of highways ; so that it cannot anye ways tend to ye promoting of religion nor any great advantig to any pertickular persons, so as to countervaine 3^0 cost and chargies, — we do judge it best to continue the meeting-house wliere it now stands. Finall}^, a committee of seven was appointed to petition the Great and General Court '" to send a committee to hear our differ- ences as to the place of public worship, according to the vote passed March 22, 1713, for that end." The following records the advice of the Court : At a sessions of the great and general Court or Assembly, begun and held at Boston upon "Wednesday, May 27, 1713, — Upon a full hearing of the several petitions from Newtown, referring to the division of Newtown into two pre- cincts for the worship of God, or the i-emoval of the present meeting-house toward the center of the town, and pcrtickelarly the dismission of the six familys lying next to the southerly part of Roxbury, — Voted and advised that the town do alow the six familys lying next Roxbury to atend the worship of God at that precinct, and be acordingly dismissed from baring any charge to the suport of the ministry in Newtown dureing their attendance and contributing to the ministry in Roxbury ; but see no reason to remove the present meeting-house in Newtown, and direct that the inhabitants of the said town prosed peaceably to settell and estab- lish a learned orthodox minister of good conversation amongst them as the law directs. Isaac Addington, Sec. In conformit}' with the recommendation of the Court, the town proceeded to the election of a minister in place of Mr, Hobart, The candidates whose names were before the town were Mr. Henry Flj-nt, Mr. Edward Holyoke, Mr. John Tufts, Mr. Ebenezer Wil- liams and Mr. John Cotton. "It was voated, by a "clear voate of the inhabitance then assembled, that they did choose Mr. John Cotton to be theire minister." This vote was passed March 22, 1714. He was to receive eighty pounds annually for his salary, and a hundred and fift}' pounds for his "incorigment ; " and Deacon Jackson, Ensign John Kenrick, Captain Tudor, Mr. Abraham Jackson and John Staples were appointed " to treat with him to come and preach among us in order to a settlement." The five candidates above named were aU graduates of Harvard College,— John Cotton, 1710 ; Edward Holyoke, 1705, — afterwards librarian and Fellow of the college and the tenth president, (1769) ; Mr. John Tufts, 1708 (d. 1750) ; Ebenezer Williams, 1709 216 HISTORY OF NEWTON. (d. 1753) ; and Mr. Henry Flynt, 1693, (d. 1760). The last named, Mr. Henry Flynt, is an object of special interest to ever}- gradu- ate of Harvard Universit3^ He was never ordained, but preached as occasion required, and published a volume of twenty sermons, " which were received acceptably by the public." Dr. Chauncy says of him, " I was forty years frequently conversant with him, and knew Mm to have been a solid, judicious man, and one of the best of preachers." Though naturally inclined to indolence, he treas- nred up a great vai'iety of useful knowledge, and was an able and faithful instructor. He was distinguished for his firmness and consistenc}^ To the principles he had once adopted, he ad- hered without wavering. Judge Wingate says, " I remember ver}' distinctly hearing him preach for Dr. Appleton when I was a Freshman. He was the slowest speaker that I ever heard preach, without exception. He hardly kept connected in his discourse so as to make progress. However, he made some amends for this defect by the weight and pertinency of his ideas. He was thought to be a judicious and able preacher, but not ver}^ popular. . . . He undoubtedly was considered as a useful instructor in the college, or he would not have been continued so long in office. I have often heard that he was regarded as mild in the government of his pupils, and used to be an advocate for gentleness towards offenders. I have been told that he would make an apology for them by remark- ing that ' wild colts often make good horses.' " It is perhaps to the parish of Newton that Mr. Peirce refers, when he says of Mr. Flynt, " It was proposed in some parish to invite him to take the pastoral charge of it ; but objections were made to him on the ground that he was believed not to be orthodox. Being informed of this judgment of the good people respecting his religion, he coolly observed, 'I thank God, they know nothing about it.'" Either his sermons must have been very indefinite, or he must have regarded the people as very undiscerning hearers, to render it pos- sible for him to make such a remark. Mr. Fl^'nt was a tutor in the College for upwards of fifty-five j^ears, and a Fellow of the Cor- poration about sixty years. No other person has been so long connected with the University in either of these capacities, or prob- ably in any capacitj'', except Dr. Appleton, pastor of the church in Cambridge, who was a Fellow sixty -two years. By a subsequent vote, Mty pounds were added to Mr. Cotton's salar}', with a proposal to " add thereto at any time, and from time MR. COTTON'S MINISTRY. 217 to time such farther suplyes as he should stand in need of, for his honorable suport or yearl}' sailer^-." On the fourth of October of the same j'ear, it was voted to give Mr. Cotton one hundred pounds as a yearl}* salary, " when he shall come to have a faramely." A committee of ten was appointed to make arrangements for his ordination, with the privilege of drawing money out of the treas- ulT to defray the charges. Mr. Cotton's ministry in Newton continued from November 3, 1714, till his death. May 17, 1757. His father was Rev. Roland Cotton, of Sandwich (H. C. 1685), his grandfather, Rev. John Cotton of Plymouth (H. C. 1G57), and his great grandfather, the celebrated Rev. John Cotton, one of the first ministers of Boston, and previously minister of Boston, in Lincolnshire, Eng- land, a place noted in the annals of the persecuted Puritans. The Enghsh Boston is a place of some importance, situated on both sides of the river Withara, one hundred and seventeen miles north of London. Boston is said to have been so named, in com- pliment to that eloquent preacher, as soon as it was known that he had embarked for this couutrj'. Mr. Cotton, of Newton, was born in 1693, and graduated from the University when he was only seventeen years of age. He first preached in Newton, July 14, 1714, as a candidate for the vacant pulpit. His text was Heb. II: 3, "How shaU we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?" " So high was the respect cherished for the virtues and accomplish- ments of this youth of twenty, that the town in general went in procession to meet him and gave him a joyful welcome, upon Ms first entrance into it." Mr. Jackson remarks that the recorded votes and doings of the town show a great anxiety on the part of the inhabitants to secure his services. He was ordained Novem- ber 3, 1714, about four months after he commenced preaching as a candidate. He is said to have been faithful, fervent, and suc- cessful in his labors. In 1715 Mr. Cotton purchased of the heirs of his predecessor in the pastorate, about one hundred acres of land, with house and barn. The dwelling-house built by Mr. Hobart in 1678, was burned March 24, 1720, and this new one was erected on the same site. In later years it was known as the homestead of Mr. John Cabot, at the corner of Centre and Cabot Streets, and recentlj^ removed. Mr. Cotton married Mary, daughter of Mr. Robert Gibbs, of Boston, Febraary 19, 1719, and had eleven children, five sons and 218 HISTORY OF NEWTON. six daughters. His ministry extended over a period of forty-two and a half 3'ears. In his will, he says, — • First and principally, I commend my soul into the hands of Almighty God, my heavenly Father, in hopes of eternal life, through the merits and pas- sion and prevailing intercession of his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, my Kedecmer; and my body I desire may be decently interred, at the disposal of my loving wife, in hopes of a joyful resurrection at the last day. The following Latin epitaph is inscribed on Mr. Cotton's tomb- stone : HIC DEPOSITUM MORI QUOD POTUIT REVERENDI VEREQUE VEXERANDI JOHANNIS COTTON, ECCLESIAE NEVVTONIENSIS FIDELISSIMI, PUUDENTISSIMI, DOCTISSIMIQUE PASTORIS, CONCIONANDI TUM PRECANDI FACULTATB CELEBERRIMI PIETATE SPECTATIS- SIMI, MORIBUS SANCTISSIMIS UNDEQUAQUE ET SUAVISSIMIS AB OJINIBUS BENE MERITI, DEPLORATIQUE AUDITORIBUS PRAECIPCE, QUIBOS VEL MORTUUS CONCIONARI NON DESINIT. FAMA LONGE LATEQUE VOCALIUS ET DIUTIOS MARMORE DURATISSIMO, NOMEN PERBULCE PROCLAMABIT. MORBO, NON SENECTA FRACTUS, E VITA DECESSIT MAII 17, A. D. 1757, AETATIS SUAE 64, OFFICII MINISTRALIS 43. TRANSLATION. Here is deposited all that was mortal of the Reverend and truly venerable John Cotton, the most faithful, prudent and learned pastor of the church of Newton, renowned for his ability in preaching and in prayer, distinguished for his piety, honored of all for his holy life, and deeply lamented especially by his congregation, to whom, being dead, he yet speaketh. Fame will proclaim his beloved name far and wide, with a louder and more lasting voice than the most enduring marble. Broken, not by age but by sickness, he died May 17, 1757, in the sixty-fourth year of his age and the forty-third of his ministry. ' Mr. Cotton published, in 1729, with other discourses, a sermon on the death of his brother, Rev. Nathaniel Cotton (H. C. 1717), of Bristol ; in 1734, a sermon at the ordination of his brother, Ward Cotton (H. C. 1729), as minister of Hampton ; and in 1739, four sermons addressed to the young, from Zechariah II : 4, "Run, speak to this .young man." Mr. Cotton left two slaves, a man and woman. The first, Quar- tus, went into the service of the British arm^', and it is not known WHITEFIELD'S PREACHING. 219 wliat afterwards l3eca,rac of him; the other, Phillis, remained, an incumbrance to the estate. Two seasons of special religious interest occurred during the ministr}' of Mr. Cotton, the first in the years 1727 and 1728, the second in 1741 and 1742. From December 31, 1727, to April 21, 1728, a period of less than four months, fifty were admitted to the (thurch. This was a season of awakening also in the churches in Boston. It was directly after the great earthquake, which occurred October 29, 1727. At that time eighty were admitted to the Old South church in Boston. The second season of revival occurred in Newton about the 3'ear 1741. From June 28, 1741, to April 4, 1742, — a space of ten months, — one hundred and four new mem- bers were admitted to the church. The influence of such a season ■of religious interest on the sparse population of the town must have been long felt among the people. This was the era of those wonderful revivals in the time of President Edwards, which pre- vailed in various portions of New England, and especially in the region of the, Connecticut River. The celebrated preacher. Rev. George Whitefield, about six years later visited New England, and preached in Newton "before crowded and attentive audiences." He preached November 3, 1748, in the period of Mr. Cotton, and September 20, 1770, in the pastorate of Mr. Meriam. " This was tenda3's before Mr. White- field died at Newbm-ypoi-t. His visit to Newton, on the former occasion, produced a very happy impression, and numbers became interested in the things of religion." In connection with his labors at the second visit, some hopeful conversions, and new vigor was infused into many a Christian life. The preaching of Mr. White- field was the occasion of the springing up of New Light churches, so called, in derision, by those who doubtless misunderstood them. The doctrine of the new birth, and the obligation of personal faith in Christ and individual consecration to God, savored of mysticism in tlie view of many. AYhitefield's ministry brought them, as it were, a new gospel, — the result of new light from heaven, which the converts professed to have received. Multitudes would not behove such things, and turned them into ridicule. But one of these New Light organizations in Newton was the nursery in which the First Baptist church had its germ. CHAPTER XVin. LOCATION OF THE MEETINGS-HOUSE. THE THIRD MEETING— HOUSE. TOWN RECORDS. Although the settlement of Mr. Cotton, as the minister of the town, was wholly amicable, the vexed question of the location of the meeting-house was not yet solved. The remote inhabitants were too conscientious to cut the Gordian knot b}- absenting them- selves from wt)rship, as men would have done in modern times. Indeed the stringency of the laws forbade such a solution of the difficulty. They were moreover sufficiently in earnest in what seemed to them a matter of right, to refuse to sit down peaceably under what they regarded as oppression. On the 23d of November, 1714, twenty days subsequent to the ordination, a committee was chosen " to look for the most convenient place near the Centre, to erect a meeting-house, and also to look out convenient ways thereto." This committee reported December 7, 1714, "that there is two places proposed to be convenient, viz., one place about forty rods south of the centre, and one other place, twenty-seven rods nor-west of the centre." The report was accepted by the majority, but the question was still a matter of debate. For under date of May 13, 1715, we find on record the following vote, which indi- cates that the inhabitants despaired of agreement among them- selves, and sought the aid of legislative interposition : At a towne meeting lawfully warned and regularly assembled, voated by the inhabitanc of said towne, that they do freely and fully and absolutely re- . fer themselves to the Honorab'll Generall Court to fix a pertickular place by a Comraitye, for to erect a meeting house upon for the use of the whole towne • the inhabitanc having free liberty to make their pleas for theire sev- erall ri"-hts before said Commitye ; and farther, that tliey will sitt downe satisfied with what the lionorable Court shall do and confirme ; and that we will erect a meeting house upon said place within the terme of five years next ensewinge. 220 NEW LOCATION. 221 The Selectmen were appointed to petition the General Court to appoint a committee, as contemplated in the above vote, and in March following, 171G, a committee was selected to treat with Mr. Nathaniel Parker* for the land upon which the new meeting- house was to be erected. The report of the committee was accepted by the General Court, and that bod3' ordered " that the meeting-house remain where it now is for the space of five years, and then a new meet- ing-house be erected in such place near the centre of the town as shall be agreed upon." On the tenth of April, 1716, at a town meeting appointed to hear the report of the committee on the selection of the spot of land for the new meeting- house, and to take any further action which might be necessary, for the con- firmation of the agreement already entered into, — the town most seriously considering the unhappy circumstances they labor under, by reason of the overgrowing contentions there has been in the town, about the place or places for the public worship of God in said town, and there being little or no prospect of its being otherwise without a spirit of condescension and self- denial, and also considering the several steps which have been taken for the better accommodating the town in said affairs, as by application to the Gen- eral Court, the vote of the town on May 13, 1715, and the agreement of the inhabitants of the said town at their meeting March 16, 1716, — which agree- ment, if fully confirmed, gives the best, if not the only, prospect of settling Newtown in love and peace, — the town being therefore desirous to confirm said agreement, as much as in them lies, passed the following votes : " 1. That the report of the committee is well approved of and accepted by the town. *' 2. That there shall be a committee fully authorized and impowered, in the name and behalf, and to the only use and behoof of said town, to pur- chase the acre and a half and twenty rods of land of Mr. Nathaniel Parker, that lieth between the house of Jonathan Goddard and William Burrig, upon the highest ground on the south side of the field, to set a meeting-house upon, for the use of the inhabitants of the whole town, and to take of said Parker a sufficient deed, well executed, as soon as may be. "3. That there shall be a meeting-house for the public worship of God, erected, built and finished in said town, of sufficient dimensions to entertain all the inhabitants of said town at the proper cost and charge of the whole town, within the term of four years next ensuing the 13th day of May, 1716, * Nathaniel Parker married Margaret, daughter of Capt. Noah Wiswall, settled on part of the Wiswall land, and bought the house and land formerly owned by Lieut. Ebenezer Wiswall, of his three nephews, in 1694. He was an enterprising man, and it was to him that John Clark in 1708 sold part of the saw-mill, steam and eel weir, wth half an acre of land at Newton Upper Falls. Nathaniel Parker was the son of Samuel Parker, of Dedham. He was born March 26, 1670, and died Feb. 28, 1747, aged 77. 222 HISTORY OF NEWTON. the said meeting-house to be set upon the acre and a half and about twenty rods of land before mentioned, as it is staked out in the field of said Parker, between the house of Jonathan Goddard and William Burrig, in Newton, upon the highest ground on the south side of the field. The which meeting- house, so set and finished, after the expiration of four years, and in the [maimer] now expressed, shall be the only meeting-house for the public worship of God within and for the whole town, and the minister for the time to conform to this vote accordingly." A committee was appointed to lay the action of the town before the General Court for their approval, and the Selectmen reported that they had " actually laid out and opened a highway, two rods wide, for the northerly part of the town to the proposed spot for the meeting-house, beginning at the Mill lane, near the head of the Millpond." On the ninth of June, 171G, the committee of the General Court viewed the proposed spot on Nathaniel Parker's land, "which, in the opinion of the Selectmen, was the most suitable spot for accommodating the gi'eatest number of inhabitants, — it being about twenty-eight rods south southeast, near a quarter of a point east from the centre of the town, according to Joseph Burnap's surve}'." . In March, 1717, the town voted to build a meeting-house, fift}'- seveu (57) feet long, fort^'-five (45) feet wide, and twenty-five (25) feet between joints ; also, appointed John Spring, Samuel Trues- dale and Captain Thomas Prentice a committee " to procure boards, shingles, clapboards, and long timber, such as cannot be had in the town." A building committee was appointed, and £200 were voted at the town meetings in 1717, 1718 and 1720 succes- sively^, to commence and carry forward the work. While this work was in hand, March 24, 1720, the dwelling- house owned and occupied by the Rev. Mr. Cotton was burnt, but immediately' rebuilt on the same site. To those who live at a period a hundred and sixt}' 3'ears away, the contentions of the inhabitants in regard to the location of their meeting-house seem unreasonable and puerile. All that was gained by them seems to us of little value. The new meeting-house, the tliu'd that was built in the town, stood on the same lot which has ever since been the site of the First Parish church. And a change of location of a little over half a mile was the only issue of all their bad blood and ill feeling, their separations, and angry speeches, and sharp discussions. NEW GRIEVANCES. 223 Voted, to build pews in the new meeting-house, and seats for the boys by the side of the house; to have the windows ghvzed with diamond glass, to build a porch over the east door, and to sell the old meeting-house. In March, 1721, it was "voted that the £200 rate, granted to build the meeting-house, be sunk, and not collected ; and in lieu thereof, that the town make use of the bills of credit, granted by the General Court, to the several towns in the province. Mr. Jackson gives the following explanation of these bills of credit : Owing to the total failure of the Canada expedition in 1690, the Colony issued £50,000 of bills of credit, bearing five per cent, interest, to defray the expenses of that disastrous expedition. These were the first of that species of paper money which was multiplied to such a ruinous extent at subsequent periods. The new meeting-house was read}^ for use b})- the church late in the autumn. The first meeting was held in it November 5, 1721. Mr. Cotton preached from the text I Kings VI : 11-13, "And the word of the Lord came to Solomon, saying, Concerning this house which thou art in building, if thou wilt walk in my statutes and execute my judgments, and keep all my commandments to walk in them, then will I perform my word with thee, which I spake unto David thv father : and I will dwell among the children of Israel, and will not forsake my people Israel." Thus Mr. Cotton preached in the old meeting-house about seven 3'ears, and in the new, about thirt^'-six. This new structure stood eighty-four j'ears, and was replaced by another in 1805. It is stated in Ripley's History of Waltham that a committee of that town were authorized to purchase the old meeting-house of Newton at a sum not exceeding eighty pounds ; and that the house was purchased and taken down and removed to Waltham in the month of October, 1721 ; and there it remained till 1776. A committee was chosen in March, 1722, "to seat the new meeting-house, according to the people's rates and age." After the controversy relating to the location of the meeting- house was arranged, it might have been expected that the inhab- itants of Newton would settle down, at least for a season, " in love and peace." But the}'" had not j^et attained to that which is per- fect, and they j^earned again for their ideal. In November, 1722, the inhabitants, in town meeting assembled, appointed a committee of. seven men with full power to answer the petition and complaint of the southerly families of the town at the Great and General Assembly, and to act thereupon as they should have occasion. It 224 HISTORY OF NEWTON. appears from the Records, that in that year the six families in the south precinct, which the General Court had allowed to worship and pay ministerial taxes in Roxbury, sent a memorial to the Court, complaining that Newton had taxed them for the support of the ministry in Newton, and sued and imprisoned some of them for non-payment. And in December, 1722, a committee of nine was appointed to draw up a petition to " the General Court or Assembly, to bring on the six famihes that were set off to support the ministry in Roxbur3% during the pleasure of the General Court, that they may again help to support the ministry in Newton." May 10, 1725, the town appointed Richard Ward, ensign John Spring, Mr. Nathaniel Longley, Robert Murdoek and Ebenezer Stone a committee " to dignif}^ the seats and pews in the meeting- house ; " also, voted to have " the town meetings warned by set- ting up said warnings upon a post by the meeting-house." More than two years passed after the committee was appointed as above, with reference to the recovery of the six families who elected to attend worship at Roxbur\'. Either the General Court were dilatory in their action, or the independent spuits in the southern part of the town were dilatory in 3'ielding obedience ; for at the town meeting of May 10, 1725, a vote was passed "that the Great and General Court be further appUed unto, to bring on the six families to support the miuistrj' with us, that have been allowed to attend the public worship at Roxbury," — the same committee being appointed over this business as before, with the addition of Ebenezer Stone, Esq. The State seems, about this time, to have had a full treasur}', and also a disposition to help the people of the towns by loans of mone}', to enable them to develop their territorj^, and to start them on a career of prosperit}'. At the town meeting of March .3, 1728, the town appointed three trustees, to receive and loan to the citizens its proportion of sixt}' thousand pounds, granted by law b}- the General Court, and to loan it to the inhabitants desiring it, no one loan to be less than ten nor more than twent}'- five pounds. The Record of the town at this time shows how onerous was the duty of a constable of Newton, on whom was laid, for many years, the burden of collecting the annual taxes ; and a citizen elected to that office, if he did not submit to accept, was com- pelled to pay a pecuniary mulct. At the meeting in March, 1728, TOWN VOTES. 225 Mr. Joseph Jackson was choson constable, but declined the office, and " did immediately pay his fine as the law requires." Another record shows that the amount of the fine was five pounds. The people did not expect their public officers to give their time with- out compensation; for they voted, May 12, 1729, to give their representative to the General Court the sum of fortj^-five pounds six shillings for his ser\ices for the year past. At a town meeting held May 12, 175.5, the matter of building a new pound was taken up for debate, and it was voted to build a new pound with stone, accepting for the purpose Mr. Noah Wiswall's ofier of a piece of land, near the house of Mr. Jonathan Richardson. It was left to the Selectmen, at a subsequent meet- ing, " to dispose of the old pound as they shall thinlj proper." "We find the following grave entries in the Town Records under their respective dates. We gain some idea of the simple and in- expensive habits of the people, by observing that these provisions were made when the town was already three-quarters of a century old. March 19, 1759. — Voted, to provide a Cotton Velvet Pali to be used at funerals. May 11, 1763. — Voted, to let the Velvet Pall to the inhabitants of other towns, and that those pgrsons that shall hire said Velvet Pall shall pay half a dollar every time it is hired. May 13, 1799. — The town was authorized to purchase two hearses for the use of the town, when in their opinion the money can with convenience be spared out of the Town Treasury. A record like the following gives a yivid impression of the sim- plicity of the life of the men who walked in these streets a century and a quarter ago, and laid the foundations of the conveniences we now enjoy ; — men who toiled unselfishly for the public welfare, and were willing to accept the lowest compensation for their ser- vice, conscious of having discharged a duty which they owed to their fellow-citizens : March 3, 1760. — ^Voted, that every person shall have liberty to work out their highway rate the present year; that every person shall have three pence per hour for their labor in said ways the present year ; and there shall be allowed for each team that is able to carry a ton weight three pence per hour for their labor on said ways. 15 CHAPTER XIX. REV. JONAS MERIAM, FOURTH PASTOR. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. — THE SLAVE. NEW CHURCH LIST. SECOND PARISH. — PULPIT SUPPLIES. At the town-meeting held May 20, 1757, the town voted " to en- deavor to raise money by subscription towards defraying the charge of the funeral of our late pastor, the Rev. Mr. John Cotton." At the same time a committee was appointed to take care that the pulpit be supplied. The committee, consisting of Deacon John Stone, Deacon Thomas Greenwood, Deacon Ephraim Ward, Henry Gibbs, Esq. , and Lieutenant Robert Murdock, was instructed b}^ the town " to take care that the pulpit be supplied until the first Monday in September next," the supplies to be paid out of the town treasmy by order of the Selectmen. On the 2 2d of August following, a committee was appointed " to agree with a gentleman or gentlemen to preach with us some term of time." This " term of time " was afterwards defined, "till the first Monda}- of December next." At a town meeting held Friday, December 9, 1757, the town voted to '* concur with the church in the choice of Mr. Jonas Meriam for their gospel minister," and to desire him to supply the pulpit until the next town meeting. At a subsequent meeting, Decem- ber 26th, the sum of eighty pounds, lawful money, was granted to Mr. Meriam for his 3'early salary, — the salary to begin at the time of his ordination ; also, to give him firewood j'early from the min- isterial wood-lots, and "for his encouragement to settle with us in the work of the ministry, in lawful monc}' a sum equal to one thou- sand pounds, old tenor." It was also voted to record Mr. Meriam's reply to the call of the church and town in the Town Records ; and a committee was appointed " to treat with Mr. Jonas Meriam, to know in what way 22G REV. JONAS MERIAM. 227 and manner he would choose to come into town and also to wait on him into town accordingh'." The above recoi'ds indicate that the church exercised the right of primary action in the election of the minister, and that the town, as the lower house, concurred with the action of the church, appro- priating the necessar}' funds for his support. They also testif}^ to the deliberation with which the people proceeded in an affaii' of so great importance. Mr. Cotton died May 17, 1757. The vote con- firming the choice of Mr. Meriam as his successor was passed December 9th, uiore than six months afterwards ; and the ordination of Mr. Meriam did not take place till March 22, 1758. At the town meeting held thirteen days pre\ious to the ordination, the in- habitants voted that " the sum of thirteen pounds, six shillings and eight pence be granted and drawn out of the town treasury by the Selectmen, and put into the hands of the committee "to defray the charges of Mr. Meriam's ordination, — said committee to be account- able." The vote instructing a committee to consult with Mr. Meriam as to " the way and manner of his coming into town," which would be agreeable to him, indicates a degree of formality to which mod- ern times are strangers. It maj^ imply that Mr. Meriam was a person paying much regard to punctilios ; and, as the whole town had turned out in procession to welcome the coming of his prede- cessor, Mr. Cotton, to allow Mr. Meriam to enter the scene of his futm-e labors without an}- special demonstrations of respect, might have the appearance of an invidious distinction. We find no record as to the manner in which he was received by the citizens. But the kindness with which he was treated, especially in his day of calamity-, and the extended period during Avhich he labored as a useful minister among the people, are proofs that he did not lack for s^'mpathy or respect. The pomp of a formal reception seems to have suited the ideas held by the fathers of the reverence duo to the ministr}-. How great the contrast between the reverence shown in former times to the sacred profession and the customs of our modern life ! In that early period, the business of the church and of the town was to a considerable extent the same. The interests of the parish and the interests of the citizens wei'c not dissevered. The simple lives and customs of the people aflforded little occasion for the adoption of measures which would be made matter of record. 228 HISTORY OF NEWTON. Every year was modelled substantially on the plan of the j'ear preceding. The machiner}' of life was little jostled by outside influences.* The burning of the Church Records with Mr. Meriam's house, twelve 5-ears after his settlement, leaves us without the means of following the events of the early part of his ministr}'. But we give these notices of his life and character. Mr. Meriam was the fourth minister of Newton, and the last who was settled b}' the whole town. He was the son of Jonas Meriam, of Lincoln, Mass. ; his grandfather was John Meriam-, of Lincoln, and his great grandfather, John Meriam, of Lexington. He was born in Lincoln, in 1730, graduated at Harvard University, 1753, in a class of seventeen, of whom six became ministers, and received the degree of Master of Arts in 1757. He was thrice married. His first wife (married November, 1758) was Mehitable Foxcroft, of Cambridge ; the second (married in 1771) was Jeru- sha Fitch, of Brookline ; tiie third, Sarah Chardon, of Boston. His only child, Mehitable, born June 5, 1760, married John Ken- rick, Esq., of Newton. The first wife died April 22, 1770, aged fort}' -seven years, — a month and four days subsequent to the fire which consumed his dwelling; the second died in 1776; the third wife survived him. After he was married to Miss Fitch, her mother became a member of the family at Newton, and brought with her a female slave, by name PameUa, whom she had received as a present from her son, then residing on the island of Jamaica. Mr. Meriam was sorely troubled by the treatment which this colored woman received from his mother-in-law. On one occasion, seeing Mrs. Fitch strike and otherwise maltreat her, he asked her for what price she would sell her slave to him. She answered, "A hundred dollars." He at once paid the price, and instantly gave Pameliaher freedom. She preferred to remain with him, and did so till his death. After this, she went to Little Cambridge (Brighton), where she married, and fin all}- died at aA^ery advanced age. According to her own testimou}', she was born in Africa, stolen from her parents while a child, and carried to Jamaica, where she became the propert}^ of Mr. Fitch. The act of Mr. Meriam is in harmony with the kind and peaceable character * A glimpse of Newton life is found in a vote passed in March, 1769, providing that "]Mr. Meriam's wood-cutting be the first Tuesday in October; if foul, the next fair day." NEW CHURCH ROLL. 229 ascribed to him, and marked him, at that early period, as a prac- tical abolitionist. The fire which consumed Mr. Meriam's house originated, as -jvas said, among some corn cobs in the garret, and was discovered while the family were at sui:>per. The table around which thej- were sitting was taken out of the house with its furniture and food disposed upoa it. The table is still in possession of Mrs. John Kcnrick, whose father-in-law, Mr. John Kenrick, married Mr. Meriam's daughter. The burning of Mr. Meriam's house gave to the people of his charge an opportunit}', which they cheerfull}' and generall}- em- braced, to afford their pastor liberal aid in rebuilding on the same site. The new house, after his decease, passed into the hands of his successor in the ministrj', the Rev. Dr. Homer, who occupied it during his entire lifetime in Newton. It stood on Centre Street, midwa}' between the mansions of the Hon. Alden Speare, second mayor of the citj' of Newton, and Thomas Nickerson, Esq. The two large acacias, still (1880) flourishing, were at the sides of the path leading to the front door. The house was removed to a par- allel street westward, and was occupied for man}- years as a farm house b}' the heirs of Martin Morse, Esq. After the burning of the Church Records, Mr. Meriam com- menced a new book of Records, supplj'ing the loss of the former, as far as possible, thi'ough the memories of official persons and the older members of the church. A coimnittee of twelve was ap- pointed, " to inquire who are church members, and who have owned the covenant, not being in full communion,* to be put on record." These twelve members of the committee CA-idently represented every localit}' in the town. Undoubtedl}*, at a period when the com- munity embraced many sexagenarians, not to say octogenarians, and when there was little dispersion of families, the sons general^ •These persons were included in the half-way covenant, so called. The early settlers, anxious to preserve the purity of the government, allowed none to vote or hold political office, except such as were church members, and regular communicants at the Lord's Supper. In process of time, there were many excellent persons, of sober life and true worth, who, on account of doubts of their own spiritual estate, were too conscientious to partake of the sacrament. But their fellow-citizens desired their servi- ces in the administration of the government, and thought them as worthy to exercise the right of suffrage as church members were. Hence they invented the half-way cove- nant, so called, which allowed such persons a condition of qii/cf^i-church membership, without requiring them, as if in full communion, to partake of the Lord's Supper. And thus they came to enjoy all the rights of citizenship. 230 HISTOIIY OF NEWTON. settling near tlieir fathers' homesteads, — this reproduction of the church list was very full and accurate. Probably very few, if any, names were omitted. In 1773, the committee reported the names of seventy-eight males and one hundred and thirty females, total two hundred and eight, as members in full communion, which were so registered. Mr. jMeriam also recorded the names of baptized children, with the names of their parents, without date, as given in by parents and others, after the Records had been destroj'ed. The number of children in this list is eight hundred and fifty-six. The above catalogues show, first, that the families of those early denizens were, as a general rule, very fruitful. Many of them register the names of ten, eleven, or twelve, each, of the olive plants which grew around their tables. They show' also that the custom of bringing their children to the altar was highly valued by the parents, and generally observed. The names of church members in the new catalogue, indicate that the same disproportion existed in that age as in later times, in the comparative numbers of males and females who were church members, the latter being nearly double the former. Seven persons are set down as having joined the church in 1774, and two in 1777; of the former, the last on the list is Pomp, the slave of Mr. Jackson, who is referred to in the chapter on the period of the Revolutionary War. Dr. Homer says of Mr. Meriam that " he was reputed a scholar of considerable talents, and had a happy skill in composition. His natural temper was mild and amiable. He was charitable to the distressed, with a peculiar tenderness for the reputation of others, and studied peace through life." The Hon. William Jackson says of him, — "Aged people who attended his ministry state that his church prayers were mostly repetitions, being nearly the same, Sunday after Sunday and j'ear after year. He spolce rather slowly, with a slight uupedmient, was easily persuaded, a man of not much influence or force of character, having a quiet and easy tempera- ment and a peaceable disposition." He died of consumption August 13, 1780, aged fifty years, having borne the sufferings of his last sickness with much patience. His pastorate continued twenty- two years and five months. His remains rest in a tomb in Boston, belonging to the family of Mrs. Meriam, and a monument was erected to his memory in Newton. SECOND PARISH PROPOSED. 231 A committee of the town was appointed to make provision for the fuueral of Mr. Meriaui. Col. Benjamin Hammond lent £19"), towards the expenses. The expenses indicated are £60, paid Doa. Bowles, " for making a coffin." and £31 paid Joshua Murdock, " for half a barrel of beer and half a cord of wood for the fu- neral." In the hot month of August, the only use of so much wood must have been for culinarv consumption. Signs of advancement marked the ministr}^ of Mr. Meriam. The new Records imply that the musical taste of the people was begin- ning to receive cultivation, and that new sacred tunes were finding their way into public worship. Nov. 6, 1770, Samuel Woodward and Deacon Stone were appointed choristers. It was also voted " that a medium be observed between the old and new tunes. If any uneasiness arise with regard to that medium, they may consider of it hereafter, if they judge proper, — the chorister to be judge for the present." About the same time the Deacons Greenwood, Ward and Stone, with Mr. Miller and the pastor, were appointed to consider a petition respecting the introduction of the version of the Psalms hy Tate and Brady, " with the hymns thereto annexed." The committee reported in favor of the introduction, and the report was agreed to. It was also during this period that it was voted " that trees be set out to shade the meeting-house, if an}' persons wUl be so generousl}'^ minded as to do it." It was while Mr. Meriam was pastor that a movement was com- menced and consummated for the establishment of two parishes in Newton, the East and the West. As early as 1767, Jonathan Williams and others petitioned the town that a sum of money might be granted to support preaching in the meeting-house in the west part of the town during the winter season. The petition was not granted ; but in 1778, eleven 3'-ears later, b}- Act of the Gen- eral Court passed in October, the line was drawn, establishing and defining the West Parish, — " beginning upon the bank of Charles River, at the southeasterly corner of a farm possessed bj- Samuel Woodward, thence by a direct line to the southeasterl}'' part of laud improved Ijy Daniel Fuller, and to continue the same straight course to Watertown line." The First Baptist church in Newton, — an event for those days, — was organized in July, 1780, about six weeks before Mr. Meriam's death. 232 HISTOllY OF NEWTON. Six new pews were built in the First Parish meeting-house in 1779, slips being removed to make room for them. These pews were leased at auction at the March meeting, annuall}-, the rent to be paid in Indian corn, not less than half a peck of corn to be accepted as a bid, and the corn to be delivered to the Treasurer. The first j'ear the amount received was twentj'-two bushels. At the next annual meeting, the corn was sold bj'' the Moderator of the meeting at auction, in lots, to suit purchasers ; and this custom was continued annuall}' till 1797. In 1780, corn sold from $31.50 to $33.00 per bushel ; and in 1781, for $62.00 per bushel, depre- ciated currenc}'. In 1782, it sold for 4s. 6d. to 4s. 8d. In 1783, it sold for 6s. 6d. to 7s. 3d. In 1784, it sold for 3s. Od. to 3s. 3d. In 1785, it sold for 3s. 3d. to 3s. Id. In 1786, it sold for 4s. 4d. to 4s. 8d. In 1787, it sold for 3s. 4d. to 3s. 5d. In 1788, it sold for 3s. 6d. to 3s. 9d. In 1789, it sold for 2s. lOd. to 3s. In 1790, it sold for 3s. 7d. to 3s. lid. In 1791, it sold for 3s. Od. to 3s. 2d. In 1792, it sold for 2s, 7d. to 2s. 9d- In 1793, it sold for 4s. Od. to 4s. 6d. In 1794, it sold for 4s. In 1795, it sold for 4s. 2d. to 4s. 4d. In 179(3, it sold for $1.03 to $1.14. In 1797 this corn-rent was discontinued, and pew rents were paid in money ever afterwards. The events preliminary to the war of the Revolution, the early struggles of the colonists against British oppression, the exciting town meetings of Newton, the scenes of Lexington, Concord and Bunker Hill, and the major part of the acts of that grand period in American history which resulted in making the people a free and independent nation, — all fall within the hmits of Mr. Meri- am's ministry. If he partook, — as doubtless he did partalce, — of the spirit of the times, when the people of his parochial charge were on fire with patriotism, and man}^ of them stood in the fore- front of the conflict, he must have proved himself, — ■ as the minis- ters of New England alwa3's have done, — an ardent advocate of freedom and the rights of man. His sermons must have stirred the soldiers to arms, like the blast of a bugle. He must have been a comforter to the afflicted and bereaved, brave and hopeful in the hour of discouragement and disaster, ready to endure hard- ships with his brethren till the days of darkness were overpast, and nobly shown himself not only the Christian minister but the Christian patriot. No man could have stood in such a position, at such a time, with the clash of arms sounding all around him, without feeling the inspiration of the occasion. How gladly would PULPIT SUPPLIES. 233 we have a few of his sermons, — how gladly would we have more profuse specimens of the pulpit eloquence of New England, — during that juncture of affairs ! During the later years of his pastorate, the health of Mr. Meriam had become so enfeebled that he was able to preach but little, and the parish were dependent upon various supplies. The follow- ing list of the persons who filled the pulpit during Mr. Meriam's sickness, and after his decease until the election of a successor, with the var}'ing sums i^aid them for their services, is interesting. There was apparentl}^ no fixed rate of compensation. Nor can we affirm any thing with certainty of the complexion of the theology to which the people listened on successive Sabbaths. There was at that time no definite Une drawn between orthodoxy and liberal- ism. But some of the names of the pulpit supplies, taken in connection with the history of their subsequent relations, indicate that the hearers did not lack variet}' in theological teaching. NAMES. NO. OF SABBATnS. COMPENSATION 1. David Daniels, 13 £103. 10s. 2. John rrince, 5 and Fast Day, 99. 3. Caleb Gannett, 3 40. IDs. 4. Pachard Roswell Eliot, 12 288. 5. Edward Sprague, 1 21. IGs. G. Levi Whitman, 6 90. 7. Ebenezer Chaplin, Fast Day, 9. 8. B. Bently, 2 42. 9. Elisha Fiske, NAMES. 10. Dr. Cooper, 17. Jacob Coggin, 11 Joseph Killbum, 18. Mr. Parsons, 12. Aaron Smith, 19. Moses Damon, 13. Samuel Shuttleworth, 20. Dr. Langdon, 14. Benjamin Guild, 21. Eliphali't Porter, 15. Mr. MiUer, 22. Jonathan Homer, 16. Mr. Waters, 23. William Greenough. The names of several of these " supplies " appear in the Trien- nial Catalogue of Harvard University. David Daniels, H. U. 1776, d. 1827. He was never ordained. John Prince, H U. 1776, distinguished Unitarian minister, at Salem, d. 1836. Caleb Gannett, probably H. U. 1763, tutor at Cambridge, d. 1818. Richard R. Eliot, H. U. 1774, tutor at Cambridge, d. 1818. Edward Sprague, H. U. 1770, d. 1817. Levi Whitman, H. U. 1779, d. 1838. Joseph Killbum, H. U. 1777, d. 1816. Aaron Smith, H. U. 1777, never ordained. Samuel Shuttleworth, H. U. 1777, d. 1834. Benjamiu Guild, H. U. 1769, tutor at Cambridge, d.l792. Jacob Coggin, H. U. 1703, d. 1803, never ordained. Dr. Samuel Langdon, H. U. 1740, President H. U.,d. 1797. Eliphalet Porter, H. U. 1777, Unitarian pastor, Roxburj', d. 1833. WiUiam Greenough, Yale Coll. 1774, Pusto at West Newton, d. 1831. 234 HISTORY OF NEWTON. Four of these gentlemen were classmates of Dr. Homer, and four others must have been at the Universit}' with him. This period was one of the crises in the histor}' of the town and of the First Parish, marking the beginning of the transition from the methods of the fathers to the methods of modern times. From this period the parish was distinct from the town, and the church from the parish, — the church being a kind of upper house, whose jurisdiction was superior, while that of the parish was inferior ; but involving the peculiarity that many of the members of the upper house were also members of the lower house, and might be able to control its measures. But a spirit of harmony has generally prevailed. Neither house has taken advantage of the other. The same method of church polity, substantially', has prevailed among the Congregational churches, including the Bap- tists, from that day to this. CHAPTER XX. EDUCATION IN NEWTON BEFORE 1800. GRAM3IAK SCHOOL IN CAMBRIDGE. EARLY MOVEMENTS IN NEWTON. FIRST SCHOOL- MASTER. DISSENSIONS. — FIRST SCHOOL COMMITTEE. GRAM- MAR SCHOOL. It was sixtj^ years after the first settlement of Cambridge Village when the town voted, March 7, 1G98, "to build a school-house as soon as thej' can," and the next 3car, " to build a school-house six- teen feet by fourteen, before the last of November." Many of the fathers of the town, however, had received a respectable education in England. The mothers too were doubtless not lacking in intellect or attainments. But the school s^'stem of Newton was built up little by little. In a rural town, mainly occupied with the bare support of life, or the gradual improvement of their estates, the majority of the inhabitants felt little need of intellectual culture. For nearly a centuiy they had no higher aim than the district school ; and, in their early days, even this modicum of literary ojjportunity was afforded very sparingh'. For many years, in the Records of the "March meeting," for the election of the town officers, it is a maikcd fact that the school committee were the last, or nearly the last of the office-holders chosen. The hog- reeves, the deer-reeves, the sealer of weights and measures, and of leather, the hay-wards, the fence-viewers and the " tything-men " were sure to be men- tioned as elected and " sworn ; " but in half the 3'ears between 1706, when the first school committee was chosen, and the year 1733, the fact of the election of these officers is omitted. A sur- vey of the names of the school committees for the first fifty years, not to say twice that number, shows also that the people had no idea of a plan for the gradual elevation of the schools ; no con- ception of a continuous progress ; no sense of the worth of expe- rience in the guardians of public education. The names are 236 HISTORY OF NEWTON. changed so often, and, apparently', so arbitrarily, as to indicate that the citizens, in the construction of the school committee, thought only of rotation in office, — the policy of giving every man in the town a chance to hold office for once in his life, and that this com- mittee was, in their estimation, the waste and useless territory, where this sj'stem of policy could be experimented on with the least public detriment. Those families which lived nearest the Cam- bridge grammar school, and had some literary enterprise, might have sent their sons thither for higher training ; but for most of the citizens, this opportunity must have been beyond the reach alike of their means and their ambition. A grammar school was early established in Cambridge. Several of the first settlers were men of learning who appreciated the advantages of education, and determined that the rising generation should enjoy them. If the church was the first object of their care, the school was the second In 1636, when Boston was scarcely six years old, the General Court voted four hundred pounds, equal to a year's rate of the whole colon}', towards the erection of a " public school or college ; " of which two hundred pounds was to be paid the next year, and two hundred pounds when the work was finished. An order was passed, soon afterwards, that the college should be at Newton, "a place very pleasant and accommodate." Part of the land on wliich the college and the President's house were built, containing two acres and two-thirds, was granted for the pm-pose by the town of Cambridge. In November, 1644, an order was passed by the General Court, desiring each famil}' to give a peck of corn or a shilling in cash to the treasury of the College. In 1647 the State of Massachusetts made the support of schools compulsory. The grammar school near the College was nearly coeval with the existence of the town, and an object of much care aud attention. A writer in 1643 remarks, "B3-the side of the College is a fair grammar school, for the training up of 3'ouug scholars, aud fitting them for academical learning, and as they are judged ripe, they may be received into the College." The first law, establishing public schools in America, was passed by the General Court of Massachusetts, on the 27th of October, 1647. In 1665 ever}^ town had a free school, and, if it contained over one hundred families, a grammar school ; that is, according to the meaning of the authorities, a school where boj's could be fitted for the University. CAMBRIDGE GRAMMAR SCHOOL. 237 The " fairo Grammar school h\^ the side of the CoUedge," of which Mr. Corlet was master, and in which Mr. EUot, the first pastor at Cambridge Village, received the rudiments of his classi- cal education, was founded in 1G43, or earlier. Some j^ears later, the school received a liberal donation from Edward Hopkins, Gov- ernor of Connecticut, who died in 1657. Mr. Hopkins directed in his will that after the death of his wife a legac}' of £500 should be paid out of his estate in England, " for the upholding and promot- ing the Idngdom of the Lord Jesus Christ in these parts of the earth." The lady survived him forty-one j'ears. After her decease, the pa^onent of the legacy was refused, and a suit to re- cover it was instituted in the Court of Chancery. After a number of 5'ears the Lord Keeper Harcourt, with the consent of the " Soci- ety for Propagating Christianity "and others, decreed that the legacy, with interest from the time it was due, amounting in all to about £800, should be laid out in the purchase of lands for the benefit of Harvard College and the Grammar school at Cambridge. The money was received and laid out in purchasing a tract of land of the Natick Indians in 1715, to which the General Court after- wards added a considerable grant of lands adjacent, the whole forming the township in Middlesex count}'', which was named Hopkinton, in honor of the donor. The town of Cambridge was taxed for this school, in which their sons were to be fitted for college, and the inhabitants of Cam- bridge Village bore their share. In the proposal made by Cam- bridge, to quiet the inhabitants of the Village, in 1672, and which the General Court sanctioned in 1673, the Village was required to continue to aid in supporting the grammar school, and had an equal right to its advantages. But it was many miles away from Cambridge Village, and very likely few of the sons of the settlers attended the school, and were there fitted for college. Man}^ of the families, undoubtedly, taught their children in their own homes. Others, probably, neglected it, deeming the subduing of the wil- derness more important than literary culture. " The erection of the school-house was nearly half a century behind that of the meeting-house." But the fact that men were always found capable of transacting business in a discreet and orderly manner proves that they had both a good share of common sense, and as much lit- erar}' culture as then* circumstances rendered necessarj'. Before the enactment of the law establishing public schools, the Government seems to have taken the initiative in requiring that 238 HISTOEY OF NEWTON. the children should not be allowed to grow up in ignorance. Allu- sion is made in the Cambridge Records of 1G4:2 to an order of the General Court passed in 1641, "' that the townsmen see to the edu- cating of children, and that the town be divided into six parts, and a person appointed for each division, to take care of all the families it contained." But the matter of public education seems to have given the earh' settlers no little anxiety. They were sen- sible of its importance, but they saw obstacles difficult to be over- come. It seemed to some of them, doubtless, a costty experiment, and there were those who hesitated to laj' out money for that which had made no demands upon them hitherto for nearly two generations, except in the comparatively small tax for the grammar school. They foresaw, in free schools, no immediate return in the necessary staples of living. The vexed question — " Where shall the school-house be placed ? " which has so often agitated later times, might well be a difficult one for them to solve, in their pov- erty, with their sparse population and scattered homes, and the broad geographical area included in their estates. It is interest- ing to watch their tentative efforts and resolves, as they felt their way trembhngly through the difficulties by which they were encom- passed. May, 1G99. — Voted to build a school-house, sixteen feet by fourteen, be- fore the last of November.* January 1, 1700. — The Selectmen and inhabitants did hire and agree with John Staples to continue the keeping of the school four days in a week until March, and he to have two shillings per day. "Voted, that the school-house be set in the highway, near to Joseph Bart- lett's, and that it be finished by the first of October, and agreed with John Staples to keep the school one month, four days in a week, for £1 4s. But notwithstanding this vote, the school-house seems not to have been finished at the appointed date. For on the twenty-fifth of November following, the citizens voted " that the Selectmen shall hire a room, or place to keep school in, and shall agree with John Staples, or some other, to keep and continue the school until the town meeting of election in March." * A record of a still earlier date, 169G, implies that a movement for a school in the town had been previously made, and that the name of John Staples had been used in connection with it. " In this year, 1696," says the record, " the town agreed to build a school-house, and chose a committee to treat with and persuade John Staples (afterwards a worthy deacon of the church) to teach the school. To him they gave, agreeably to their day of small things, one shiUing and sixpence per day." JOHN STAPLES. 239 The various interests which were so difficult to be harmonized a few jxars later in regard to the location of the meeting-house, — requiring even the help of the General Court, — seem to have delaj'ed the erection of the first school-house. It was eas}^ to secure a vote to build ; but not so easy to decide where the building should stand. It was undoubtedly' with a view to aid in settling this ques- tion, that Abraham Jackson gave the town his acre of land, for the setting of the school-house upon and other purposes. This gift, dated May 14, 1701, perhaps contributed to the decision of the in- habitants. For at that same date, they agreed without dissent to the following votes : Voted, unanimouslj% to build two school-houses, one to be set at the meeting-house* seventeen feet square, besides chimney room ; and the other near Oak Hill, sixteen feet square, besides chimney room ; twenty-live pounds appropriated for both, and the residue to be made up by subscription ; one master to be hired to teach, two-thirds of the time at the meeting-house school, and one-third of the time at Oak Hill ; and those that send children to school shall pay three pence per week for those who learn to read, and four pence for those that learn to write and cipher ; and all may send to either Bchool as they choose. Capt. Prentice, Lieut. Spring and John Hyde were joined with the Selectmen to build the school-houses. Voted, that the Selectmen and Ephraim Wheeler, John Hyde, Nathaniel Healy and Edward Jackson treat with and persuade John Staples to keep the school, and if they cannot, then to use their best discretion to agree with and hire some other person. John Staples, whose name appears in these votes, was the first schoolmaster of Newton. He was a weaver by trade, and came to Newton in 1688. His farm was afterwards owned and occupied by William Wlswall ; now hj W. C. Strong, Esq. Nothing is known of his parentage. He married Mar}' Craft in Newton, Juh' 24, 1690. They had no children. He was deacon of the church many years. Selectman eight 3'ears, from 1701 to 1709, and Town Clerk twent3'-one 3'ears, from 1714 to 1734, being the third in that office ; a man much respected and esteemed, and his name often appears in connection with positions of responsibilit3'. He died Nov. 4, 1740, aged 82. He gave b}' his will seventeen acres of woodland " for and towards the support of the ministerial fire, from 3'ear to year," and £25 to the poor of Newton. He brought up two 3'oung men, to whom he showed kindness and in his will ♦The meeting-house at that time stood in the burying place on Centre Street. Oak Hill was, next to this section, the most important and thriving portion of the town. 240 HISTOKY OF NEWTON. gave to one of them, James Pike, £20, and to the other, Joseph Lovering, all that was due on a bond from him, both principal and interest. He manifested an interest in the training up of a godly and learned ministry ; for he made a provision in his will as follows : John Staples Craft, son of Moses Craft, shall be brought up to learning, so far as to fit and prepare him for the ministry of the gospel, if he be capable of learning, and is willing to it; but if he cannot learn, or is not willing and free to learn, he shall have £400 in money, when he shall come to the age of twenty-one years. Inspired, perhaps, by the example of Abraham Jackson, Jonathan Hyde, senior, in 1702 gave to John Kenrick and others. Selectmen of Newton, " half an acre of land near Oak Hill, abut- ting ten rods on the Dedham road, and eight rods wide, northwest b}^ his own land, for the use and benefit of the school at the south part of the town." Mr. F. Jackson says, " This half acre of land was sold many years ago, and a small fund accumulated from the proceeds, which was divided among the inhabitants of the south school district, a few 3'ears since, by vote of the town, pro rata, according to the taxes each one paid." A school-house, however, has been maintained, ever since that time within a few yards of that localit3\ It was here that the Rev. Caleb Blood, the first pastor of the First Baptist church, taught school for two winters, piecing out an inadequate salary as a minister, by instructing the children. March 4, 1706, Captain Isaac Williams, Lieutenant John Mason and Abraham Jackson were appointed " a Commity to take care to provide a schoolmaster for the town this year." These names constituted the first school committee. After this a school com- mittee was probablj' elected annuall}^ These are the earliest records of the town in relation to common school education, subsequent to its separation from Cambridge, — the beginning of a series of measures which have set the town of Newton, in the progress of years, in the front rank of the towns of the Commonwealth, and gained for it a meed of praise in the grand Industrial Expositions of the world. Similar votes were passed in 1707 and 1709. In process of time, John Staples, the first schoolmaster, no longer kept school ; but he has left specimens both of his chirogi'aphy and orthograph}^, in the discharge of his o'flace as Town Clerk, in the Records of Newton. John Brown DISSENSIONS. 241 was probably his successor ; for we find two receipts signed by liim for his service as schoolmaster, the first dated April 13, 1715, and the second, June 26, 1717. From this date the citizens of Newton took regular action on the question of public schools. Their standards seem to us not ver}- elevated ; but they had not the culture and experience of two hundred years behind them, nor the wealth and willingness and public opinion of the second half of the nineteenth century to stimulate and sustain them. There were evident^ men among the people, who had progres- sive ideas of the importance of education, and who were in advance of their age, as the subsequent legislation of the town indicates. As early as March 10, 1717-18, the citizens passed these votes : Voted, to give ten pounds this present year to the nortlawesterly, west, and southwesterly inhabitants " for the promoting of Larning among them, in such placies as a Commity hearafter chosen shall appoint ; and to be paid to [such] schoolemaster or schoolemasters, as shall teach." Voted, that the Selectmen for the time being shall be the said committee, as aforesaid. In a town whose territory was so extensive and the population so scattered, the location of the schools was necessarily an em- barrassing question, and the people found no little diflQculty iu coming to an amicable decision ; and they seem to have been not only dilator}-, but also ungracious, in their attempts to settle it, as if the}' dreaded lest their private interests might be compro- mised by the decision. March 13, 1720, the proposal was made to grant the remote parts of the town twelve pounds annuallj^ to promote schooling among themselves, and the proposal was voted down ; then, that the grammar school should be kept at the school- house near the meeting-house, the present j^ear, — which was also voted down ; and, finally, to have the school kept in the school- house at the soutli part (Oak Hill) of the town ; and this was voted down likewise. At this juncture, Mr. Samuel Miller, " promising to find a room in his own house to keep the school in, and not charge the town anjthing for the use of it," a vote was passed that " the school should be kept in the house of the said Mr. Samuel Miller for the present year or ensuing yeav." Samuel Miller was the son of Joseph Miller, supposed to have come into ISewton from Charlestown, and who lived on the 10 242 HISTORY OF NEWTON. Stimpson Place, West Parish. Samuel Miller was born Septem- ber 24, 1678, and bad three sous and three daughters. . Besides this offer of a room in his house for the school, he gave the town, in 1726, four rods of land near his house for a school-house. He was Selectman in 1743, and died at Worcester, 1759, aged eighty-one. The next step was a provision that the people of Oak Hill shall enjoy their proportion of schooling at their school-house, accord- ing to their proportion of taxes paid ; the northerly and easterly parts of the town at the school- house near the meeting-house, on the same conditions ; and that the people of the west part shall receive twelve pounds ten shillings out of the town treasury' towards the building of a school-house within forty rods of the house of Samuel Miller, and the inhabitants to enjoy their propor- tion of schooling according to their proportion of taxes. The following record is interesting. The spelling shows that a school was very much needed. It is difficult to conceive how a schoolmaster could have allowed such a specimen to go from his hand. His teaching must have been better than his practice. May 11, 1720. — At a towne meeting appointed by ye Selectmen for to hear the pctitision of sundrcy ye inhabitanc on the westerly side of ye towne, for to have three seoolehousies in ye towne, and to have theire proportion of scool- ing, as also to hear ye request of sundrey of ye inhabitanc to have but one schoolhouse to keep ye gramer schoole in; as also, to hear the propesisionj of sundrey persons, yt. if the gramer schoole be kept but in one place, yt. there should be a consideration granted to ye remoat parts of the towne for schooling among themselves. The inhabitanc being lawfully warned by Mr. Ephraim Williams, constabll, to meet att the meeting house on said eleventh day of May, and being assembled on said day, did iirst trye a voat for three schoolehousies ; and was negatived. 2. Did trye a voate for to have the gramer schoole to be kept but in one place, and it was voated to have but one schoolehouse to keep grammer schoole in for the towne. 3. Voated, to grant the remoat parts of ye Towne a consideration for schooling among themselves. * 4. Voated, to choose a Commity to consider whear said one schoolehouse should be erected for to keep the gramer schoole in ; as also to consider who ye remoat parts of the towne are y t. cannot have ye benifit of but one schoole and what alowanc they shall have for schooling among themselves ; and to make theire ropoart of what they do agree upon at ye next publick towy meeting for confirniation or non-confirraation. And then did choose Lieut. Jeraraiah Fuller, Mr. Joseph Ward, Mr. Nathaniell Longley, Mr. Richard Ward and Insine Samuel Hides to be the said Comraitey. Recorded per me, Joun Staples, Towne Clarke- DISSENSIONS. 243 Newton, May 11, 1720. — "Whe whose names are underwritten do enter cure dccents aginst this voate of having but one schoolehouse in this towne. William Ward, Edward Ward, Philip White, Jonathan' Dicke, John Ward, Jonathan Willakd, William Robeson, EUENEZER LITTLEFIELD, Job Seger, John Child. Eliezer Hides, Samuel Miller, Ephraim Williams, Henry Seger, John Parker, Isaac Williams, William Williams, Andrew Hall, John Hides, Robert Goddard, Jacob Chamberlin, John Parker, Joseph Mors, Ebenezer AVilson. The committee appointed at the town meeting May 11, 1720, made report at a town meeting held December 7, 1720, as follows : The said Comity did then bring in theire return as followeth, viz. : that ye most conveniant places to erect a schoolehouse upon to keep ye gramer schoole in is that place of land which ye towne purchased to sett the meeting- house upon, or, at ye opening of ye way between the land of Joim Cheaney and ye widdow Hannah Hides ; and secondly, to allow ye remote parts of ye towne twelve poundes a yeare for schooling among themselves, and yt. it be laid out for yt. use ; and tliirdly, did suppose yt. there is about sixty fammlvcs yt. are two miles and a halfe from the meeting-house, and about fortv fammlyes yt. are about three miles from ye meeting-house. The said Comitye's returne was then publickly read more than onst. The inhabitanc did then proceed to act and did First, voate an axceptanc of ye returne of the Commity. Secondly, did debate which of the said two placies to erect a schoolehouse upon. And then did voate yt. ye said schoolehouse shall be erected at ye opening of the way between the land of John Cheaney and Hannah Hides. Per me John Staples, Recorder. It is evident that the excitement on this school question ran high, and brought out very decided action. At the town meeting, held March 13, 1721, after the election of a school committee, the town " did tr^-e a voat for ye granting j^e remoat parts of j-e towno twelve pounds annualy for schooling amoung themselves so long as ye schoole should be kept in one place ; and it was negatived." Did trye a voat yt. ye gramer schoole should be kept att the schoolehouse by the meeting-house for ye present year ; negatived. Did trye to have it kept at ye schoolehouse in ye southerly part of yo tov/ne ; and it was negatived. March 12, 1722. — Voated, that the schoole shall be kept this yeare two- thirdes of ye time at ye meeting-house, and one-third at ye south end of ye towne. 244 HISTOEY OF NEWTON. VoATED, yt. Mr. Edward Ward, Mr. Tliomas Hammond and Mr. Joseph Ward are a Commity to provide a schoolemaster for ye yeare ensewing. The following j'ear progress was made in the spirit of accom- modation. At the March meeting the inhabitants provided bj'' vote for three schools, — on the west side of the town one-half the year, and at the north and south parts, one-quarter each. In the nest 0«tober, a town meeting was held, to debate upon the proper location of one or more school-houses. Not finding a public dis- cussion of the subject beneficial, the inhabitants appointed a committee of six freeholders, " to go alone and debate or consider of what they thought best, and to make report to the town." The meeting was adjourned for one hour ; and then the committee reported that the}' thought best that the school-house should be con- tinued at Oak Hill, where it is. That the school shouhi be kept tliere one-quarter of the year, and half the year at the school-house by the meeting-house, and that a school-house should be erected in the westerly part of the town, where it shall be the most con- venient to the inhabitants, and that a school shall be kept there one-quarter of the year, — the inhabitants of the whole town to have liberty to send scholars to any one or all these school-houses, as they shall see reason. The inhabitants did not agree to this proposal ; but a petition was immediately presented, signed by sixty- three persons, pra3'ing that two school-houses might be appointed for the whole town, — one being the school at Oak Hill already in use, and the other to be erected in the centre of the remaining part of the town, for all the rest of the town ; each of the schools to be continued in pro- portion to the rates or taxes paid by the inhabitants of the two districts respectiveh'. Some of the citizens dissented from the plan. But the majority voted to grant the request of the petitioners, and to " build a new school-house in the centre of the remaining part of the town, Oak Hill being excepted." A committee was appointed to determine the centre of the remaining part of the town. The school-house was to be " 24 foots in length, 18 foots in width, and six foots between joints, and to be finished by the first of Ma}' following." But in less than two months the inhabitants were dissatisfied with this arrangement, and at a town meeting held December 17, 1723, passed the following votes : 1. That the south part of the town, from Stake meadow to the South Meadow Brook, and tlicrcby to the river, shall enjoy their proportion of the schooling at the school-house at Oak Hill, according to the proportion they bear in the taxes or town rates. SCHOOLMASTERS PROVIDED. 24r> 2. That the northerly and easterly parts of the town shall enjoy their pro- portion of schooling at the school-houpe by the mecting-liouse, according to the taxes or to\rn rates of such as shall subscribe to that place. 3. That tlie towne do grant the westerly inhabitants twelve pounds and ten shillings to be drawn out of the town treasury for and towards the build- ing of a echool-house within forty rods of the house of Samuel Miller, and that they shall enjoy their proportion of schooling there, according to the proportion they bear in taxes or town rates of those that shall subscribe to that place. And that the inhabitants of the town shall have free liberty of sending scholars to any one or to all three of the aforesaid places as they shall liave occasion, — any former votes or agreements relating to schooling notwithstanding. September 5, 1731, a committee was appointed to petition the General Com't for a grant of laud, to enable the town to support a grammar school. In 1733 the Selectmen were authorized to use one of the school- houses for a work-house during the recess of the school, thus maldng these humble edifices of double utilit3^ In 1742 a vote was passed to remove the Centre school-house, by the meeting- house, to the Dedham road, and to place it "between the lane that comes from Edward Prentice's and Mill Lane, where the commit- tee shall order." The vexed question of the schools seems now to have rested for a season. No further action pertaining to them appears till March, 1750, when a committee was appointed to repair the meeting-house and the school-houses. In the meantime the ideas of the inhabitants in regard to educa- tion seem to have been somewhat enlarged. At a town meeting held December 4, 1751, we find this action : After some debate the question was put whether there should be two more schoolmasters provided to keep English schools in town, that there may be a school kept at each school-house until the anniversary meeting in March next; and it passed in the affirmative. Voted, that there should be two men chosen at the southerly part of the town and two at the westerly part of the town to provide masters. And then the town made choice of Thomas Greenwood, Esq., Captain Jonathan Fuller, Lieutenant Robert Murdock and i\Ir. John Wilson. Similar action took place November 30, 1752, when the town voted to choose a committee to provide two more schoolmasters, that schools ma}- be kept in each school-house in the town, until the anniversary town meeting in March next. 246 HISTORY OF NEWTON. The expression, — "two more schoolmasters," — probably does not imply an absolute addition of that number to the teaching force in the town, but only that two schoolmasters were to be pro- vided again this year, as there were two the last 3'ear. Many ancient town documents axe not distinguished by exactness in the forms of expression, but they are sufficiently plain not to be misunderstood. It is interesting to observe the cautious manner in which the early inhabitants proceeded in their public business, keeping every- thing under careful control, and suffering no important interest to be left unprovided for. Action similar to that of 1752 was repeated at the town meet- ing of October 29, 1753. Voted, that there sliall be two more schoohnasters provided to keep Eng- lish schools in the town, — 'One to be kejit at the school-house in the westerly part of the town ; the other to be kept at the school-house in the southerly part of the town, and said schools to be opened on Monday, the 12th day of November next, and to continue until the first Monday of March next fol- lowing. The next year, October 7, 1754:, the question was again proposed in town meeting whether there should be " two more schoolmasters provided, that so a school ma}' be kept in each school-house from the first day of December next to the anniversary' town meeting in March next. And it passed in the affirmative." For several years beginning with 1744, at the March meeting, the town appointed a committee " to provide a Grammar School master to keep the Grammar school the ensuing j^ear." It is not probable, however, that the town employed the phrase " Grammar school " in the sense designed by the Great and General Court, namel}'^ a school where the Latin and Greek languages were taught, and where young men were fitted for college. And this committee seems rather to be the ordinarj' school committee, having charge of visiting the common district schools. Possibly the terms used were employed unconsciously in such a general sense. At any rate, the wisdom of the Legislature ma}' well be questioned, in requiring ever}' town in the Commonwealth number- ing a hundred families to maintain a school Avhere boys could be fitted for college. There was need of men to fill the learned pro- fessions ; but there was greater need of stalwart arms to subdue the soil, and to meet the exigencies of this young and rugged ANCIENT SCIIOOL-IIOUSE. 247 country. And we s^niipathize with the carl}' inhabitants, if the}^ endeavored by forms of language to evade the law, or, on account of a sense of its lack of timely wisdom, put off compliance with its terms. They were wiser than their law-givers. The desire for improved facilities in the department of educa- tion was evidently on the increase. In 1751 and again in 1753, the town had voted to have two more schoolmasters, and at the former date, to repair the school-houses. Still, the opportunities of instruction were very slender, and unless they enjoyed private tuition, the young people must have grown up with little literary culture. In 1754, the vote of the town was "to have three schools in the town, kept from December first to March meeting." But for such as were able to avail themselves of higher opportunities and inchned to do so, there was -Judge Fuller's private school, where the higher branches of learning were taught, previous to 1760. In this school, the germ of the subsequent Fuller Academ}', Joseph Ward became an assistant in 1757, when he was only twent}^ 3'ears of age, — at the same time teaching, and adding to his attainments in advanced studies. In 17G2 the town was pre- sented for not setting up a grammar school, as the Laws of Mas- sachusetts required, and the vSelectmen were chosen to defend the town before the Court. About this time there was a vote, repeated from 3'ear to year, that the grammar school should be kept at the house of Edward Durant, and after a few j'ears, at " such school- house as the committee may determine." In 1763, it was voted b^^ the town "to have four districts and four schools, and all to be provided with wood." These schools were unequal in duration ; that at the " Centre was to continue twenty weeks and two da3^s ; Northwest, fourteen weeks and two days ; Oak Hill, ten weeks and six days ; Southwest, six weeks and five da^s." This filled out the fift3*-two weeks of the 3-ear. In 1703 a school was located in the southwest district, and a brick builchng 14 b3^ 16 feet square and chimne3' room, was built on what is now the triangular lot east of the railroad, between Boylston Street and the old road, a little southwesterh' from the late Manc3' Thornton's residence (once the Mitchell tavern). The house was covered with a hip roof, coming together at a point in the centre ; a fireplace about six feet wide and four feet deep, with a large chimne3', in which they burned wood four feet long, occupied one side of the room. An appropriation of £6 10s. 248 HISTORY OF NEWTON. defrayed all the expense of teachers, etc., for six weeks and five daj'S. This house became very much dilapidated, and the roof so leaky, in its later years, that it was not uncommon for the teacher to huddle the scholars together under an umbrella or two, to pre- vent their getting wet during the summer showers. B}'- a tradi- tionar}' blindness, as has been charitabty assumed, our early fathers did not see that females required and deserved instruction, equally with males ; hence the first provisions for primary schools were confined chiefly to boys, and it was not until the j'eai' 1789 that the law was modified so as to allow girls to attend. Before the end of the eighteenth century', in nearly every town in the Commonwealth, arrangements were made for the education of girls, especially in summer. As late as the 3'ear 1820, however, the pubhc schools in Boston admitted girls onlj' from April to October. The appropriations for schools in 1763 were, for the school near the meeting-house £19 9s. ; Northwest, £13 lis. ; Oak Hill, £10 10s. ; Southwest, £6 10s. Total, £49. In 17G6 the town voted £16 to employ a schoolmistress. This was the first " woman's school." The same year the town voted to have five school districts, west, north, east, south and south- west, five school-houses, and one committee man to watch over the interests of each school. But it was an evil, that the members of the school committee were changed so often. Almost the en- tire Board at some periods, was, annuaU}', a new one. Hence the system of education must have been conducted without plan, the results of the instruction generally meagre, and if high scholarship came out of such hap-hazard training, it must have been less purposed than accidental. The appropriation for schools out of the town treasury for many years was £50. In 1774 it was raised to £60; by slow degrees, it reached in 1800, £500. Besides the public schools, there were places of private instruc- tion in Newton. Mr. Ward's school (p. 247) was not the onl}' one. In April, 1765, Mr. Charles Pelham, from Boston, bought the homestead of the late Rev. John Cotton, and opened a private academy in his house. He is said to have been a person of good education, and well adapted to his occupation as a teacher. Most of his scholars probably came from Boston and other towns. In 1791 there were six school districts, the Lower Falls then enjoying school privileges. EDUCATION. 249 The school-houses had hitherto been the property of the several districts, having been built wholly or parti}' by funds provided b}' the people who expected to enjoy benefit from them. But in 1794, the town voted to purchase as many of them, with the laud appurtenant, as could be obtained on reasonable terms. The proprietors of the east school-house estimated their house at £40 ; south school-house £90 ; southwest, £100 ; north, £20 ; the pro- prietors of the west school-house referred the estimate of theirs to the committee appointed by the town. In 1796 the town voted that "five stoves be provided to warm the school-houses." From year to year, extending from 1 795 to 1806 , committees were appointed by the town to mature a plan for the regulation and government of the schools of the town. In 1802, the ministers of the town formed a part of this committee ; but no report of any of these committees ever found a place on the Town Records. The efforts of the school committee to please their constituents and of the townsmen to please themselves seem to have been unwearied. For more than a century the school committee did not venture to act on their official responsibility in directing the work of education, and the town did not venture to put the work out of their own hands. The latter appointed a committee to manage the work, and yet they preferred to manage it themselves. Hence there was a constant lack of efficienc3\ The citizens, in town meeting assembled, could not properly provide for the inter- ests of education without awakening the jealousy of one part of the town against another, and for many years the work moved feebly. The period of vigor and efficiency came only with the introduction of the system of graded schools. CHAPTER XXI. WEST NEWTON. THE SECOND PARISH FORMED. ORDINATION OP REV. MR. GREENOUGH. OPPOSITON. BIOGRAPHY OP MR. GREENOUGH. THE MEETING-HOUSE DESCRIBED. CURIOUS DOCUMENT. There was nothing, originally', to give prominence to "West Newton above the other villages of the town, except its geographi- cal position and the enterprise of its inhabitants. It was no more than a fertile portion of a good New England town. But in the da3's of stage-coaching, it became a central point of importance earl}' in the present centmy. As many as thirty stages made it, at one period, a regular stopping-place daily. The academj^ of Master Davis and his enterprise and taste did much to bring the village, later, intc* prominence. The railroad station planted here at the outset in the histor}' of the Boston and Albany Railroad, and the persistent influence which persuaded the people of the town, after j'ears of resistance, that this was the proper home of the town meetings and of all municipal authority, have at last secured for "West Newton the position to which it aspired. But the first movement towards the development of this part of the town was an ecclesiastical one. About 1661 Thomas Park, John Fuller and Isaac Williams were probably the onh^ settlers in what is now known as A\^est Newton. Isaac Williams' house was about thirty rods northeast of the place where the AYest Parish meeting-house now stands, near the brook (Cheese-cake) . He was a weaver bj' trade, and represented the town in the General Court six j'ears, and was a Selectman three years. About one hundred 3'ears later the inhabitants began to take measures to have occasional preaching in their neighborhood, especially in winter. As earl}- as the j'car 1760, meetings were held, and a Building Committee was appointed, consisting of 250 COiNGKEGATlONAL CUUUCll, W KSl iNEWlUN. THE SECOND CHURCH. 251 Thomas Miller, innholder, Jonathan "Williams, j-eoraan, and Samuel Hastings, tanner, — who were instructed to solicit contri- butions and commence the building of a meeting-house, as soon as there should be sufficient encouragement. A minister was hired to keep the public school duiing the winter months, and to preach on the Sabbath. In Juh', 1764, Phineas Bond, of Newton, innholder, in consid- eration of £2 8s., conveyed to the Building Committee, their heirs and assigns, forever, about eight rods of land, on which to erect a meeting-house or houses, — bounding upon the county road, and laud of Isaac Williams, and his own land. This deed was acknowledged in March, 1780 ; but the meeting-house was erected in the summer of 1764. Its dimensions were forty-thi'ee feet by thirt}-. In 1767, the edifice being finished, Jonathan Williams and others in the westerly part of the town requested of the town that a reasonable sum of mone^^ should be granted for the support of preaching in the new meeting-house ; but the town refused their request. They renewed their petition in 1770, 1772, 1773 and 1774. As often as the petition was rejected, so often they pressed their suit afresh ; judging that, according to the parable in the New Testament, their importunitj' might obtain for them what the justice of their cause failed to secure. The}' also in 1773 petitioned the General Court for a grant of money from the town treasury for the support of preaching for a period of four months. This action shows how thoroughly in earnest the people were ; though it is difficult to see how the State government could reason- ably assume control over the treasury of a town. At length, in 1778, they petitioned the General Court to be set off as an inde- pendent parish, which was granted. The Act of Incorporation, passed in October, 1778, describes the dividing line, the uihabi- tants on either side of said line being at liberty to belong to whichever parish the}' chose, proAdded that the}' made then* elec- tion within six months after the passage of the act. The first meeting was held in November, 1778, to organize under the Act, and the following officers were chosen : Jonathan Brown, Aroderator, Alexander Shepaud, jr., Clerk. Joseph Jackson, Treasurer, Phineas Hond, ] Jonathan Williams, | Dr. Uenjamin Tarker, ^Standing Committee, Nathaniel Gueenough, Alexander Shei'ard, JR., J Col. Nathan Fuller, VoUrcfor, Joshua Jaoksox, jr.. Sexton. 252 HISTORY OF NEWTON. The next year the proprietors of the meeting-house appointed Alexander Shepard, jr., Joseph Hyde and Phiueas Bond to give a title. to the pews in the meeting-house. William Hoogs gave a Book for the Records. Everything was now arranged, as to the externals, for the worship of God. It remained to la}' the corner-stone of the spiritual edifice, which was to be reared. This was done October 21, 1781, when twentj^-six persons, all but one dismissed from the First church in Newton, were organized into the West Parish chm-ch. At the pubhc service, Rev. Joseph Jaclcson, of Brook- line, preached, the Covenant was read and the members expressed their approval, and voted themselves a Congregational church according to the Cambridge t*latform, and declared their assent to the great or leading doctrines of the General Assembler's Shorter Catechism. The first members of the West Parish church were as follows : Joseph Ward, Deacon, Joseph Jackson, Deacon, Samuel Jackson, Joshua Jackson, Alexander Shepard, Josiah FuUer, jr., Joseph Adams, jr. Joseph Adams, sen.. Deacon, from Brookline church, Deborah Woodward, Lydia Upham, Lois Jackson, Ruth DureU, Abigail Jackson, Samuel Crafts, Josiah Fuller, Jonathan Fuller, Jonathan Williams, Samuel Woodward, Abigail Fuller, Mary Fuller, Elizabeth Fuller, Experience Ward, Lydia Knapp, Maiy Adams, Elizabeth Shepard, Tabitha Miller. The following votes describe the principles of the organization : Voted, In order to entitle any person to either of the ordinances of the Christian Scriptures, namely, baptism and the Lord's Supper, he shall make a public confession of religion and dedication of himself to God ; and that every person so doing shall be entitled to both ordinances, and may come to them without making any other profession of his faith and belief. Voted, that all church members be admitted by the major part of the votes. Before any person is admitted, his design shall be made known in pub- lic by the pastor, two weeks before admission. Soon after the new church was organized, a request was pre- sented to the First Parish for a part of the communion furniture, which is thus reported in the records of that body : November 25, 1731. — A request from the Second church in Newton that they might have a part of the church vessels appropriated to them, was laid MEETING-HOUSE ENLARGED. 253 before this church; and after some conversation, tlie church voted that the deacons deliver up four pewter tankards and one pewter dish, as a present from this claurch to the Second church in Newton. This vote indicates the frugality of the churches of that period, and impUes the day of small things among them. The Second church in Boston, of which Mr. Greenough, the fli'st pastor in West Newton, was a member, gave the church in West Newton a pulpit Bible. Dea. Thomas Greenough, of Bos- ton, his father, " presented a christening bason, two flagons and two dishes for the communion service. " The church in "West Newton also petitioned the First church for a portion of the minis- terial wood-lot in the West Parish. Mr. William Greenough was unanimously elected the first pas- tor, and ordained November 8, 1781. His own pastor, the Rev. Dr. John Lothrop, of the Second chm'ch in Boston,* preached on the occasion ; Rev. Jacob Gushing, of Waltham, gave the charge, and Rev. Joseph Jackson, of Brookline, the right hand of fellow- ship. " A small house, and a little handful of people, " said one who was present. Voted, that brothers Ward, Shepard and the pastor be a committee to form a church covenant. Also, that a portion of the Scriptures be read in public each Lord's day. In the month following, Joseph Ward and Joseph Jackson were elected Deacons, In 1812 the chm'ch edifice being found insufficient to accommo- date the increasing congregation, it was enlarged by an addition of twelve feet to the main structure. A large portion of the audience room was newly seated, also provided with galleries, anjd other- * The churcli edifice of the Second church in Boston was on Middle Street, now Hanover Street, between Richmond and Prince, just north of Richmond Street. The tall, slender steeple was siu'mounted by a rooster (the emblem of watchfulness), whence the church was called by the common people " the cockerel church." At an earlier period, this church had enjoyed a golden age under the Mathers. After the decease of Dr. Lothrop, its ministers were the Rev. Henry Ware, jr., Ralph Waldo Emerson, and the Rev. Chandler Robbins. During the pastorate of the latter, the old church editice was demolished, and a more sumptuous structure, with a brown stone front, took its place,— the old rooster resuming his position on the apex of the steeple. On account of financial embarrassments, the church building was sold, and purchased by the First Methodist Society. In a heavy gale, September 15, 186D, the steeple toppled over into the street. Sometime later, a less imposing building of brick appeared on the same site, having on the front wall a tablet with this inscription: " The First Meeting House built on this spot A. D. 1721. Rebuilt, 1844. This House erected, A. D. 1870." 254 HISTORY OF NEWTOJT. wise improved. And on Thanksgiving day, November 2G, of the same year, the house was reopened for public worship. Mr. Seth Davis writes (1847),— The building of a meetiag-house and forming a new society in the West Parish was met with violent opposition. Years of contest were spent before the Society was incorporated, in 1778. The line of division commenced at the southeast corner of the farm of Samuel Woodward at Charles River, and from thence in a straight line to the southeast corner of the farm improved by Daniel Fuller, and continuing the same course to Watertown line. But such were the conflicting views of many citizens, that the act of incorporation was accompanied by a proviso, that any person living on either side of the line, by leaving his name with the Secretary of the Commonwealth within six months, might belong to either parish he should choose. This proviso was re- pealed in 1788, and the line between the parishes became unconditional. This line, however, was not wholly defined for many years. An attempt was made to run the same, commencing at the southwesterly corner; but the same spirit which for many years had existed, broke out afresh upon some disputed point, in the midst of a winter-squash yard ;* and, the line pass- ing over a large squash, — the large end being east, — the parties separated with no kind feelings, after giving to the east and west sections tlie nickname of ' ' Squash end " and " Bellhack." The latter has become obsolete ; but the former is sometimes still applied, in the way of ridicule, to the west portion of the town. Rev. William Greenough was born in Boston, June 29, 1756, entered Yale College at the age of foiu'teen, and graduated with the highest honors of his class in 1774. Both as Bachelor and Master of Arts he was admitted to an ad euadem degree in Har- vard University. His pastorate at Newton, which covered his whole public life, was of fifty years and two days. During his ministry, one hundred and two members were added to the church, an excellent proof of the gradual effects of the gospel, faithfully preached. The meeting-house was fortj^ feet long by thuty feet wide. It stood a few feet west of the present edifice, and "looked like a barn." The building was enlarged and a spire added in 1812, f altered and improved in 1831, and again in 1838. *The squash yard was at or very near the junction of Pearl Street with Watertowu Street, and was then owned by Daniel Fuller. His house was staudiug, but untit ti> be occupied, until about 1805. tDr. Gilbert says of this enlargement : The meeting-house was turned, the side to the street, and twelve feet added, making it forty-two by forty. Also, a porch was added, with a belfry, and a gallery put in. The house had windows above and below. I counted them, and, taking into the couut the two half circular windows over the two front doors, the number was fifty; no blinds; all rattled when the wind blew, and when the sun shone, we had no " dim religious light." The galleries were occu- pied by boys and girls, or transient people. They were never very full. SECOND MEETING-HOUSE. 255 Worship was held iu it for the last time March 26, 1848. It was finall}' removed and altered into the Town House at West New- ton, which subsequently became the Cit}' Hall. The second meeting-house was dedicated March 29, 1848. Rev. Lyman Gil- bert preached the dedication sermon, which was afterwards printed, from Acts XXVIII : 22, " But we desire to hear of thee what th(ju thinkest ; for, as concerning this sect, we know that everywliere it is spoken against." At the time of the ordination of Mr. Greenough, the parish included not only the village of West New- ton, but what is now that part of Waltham south of Charles Kiver, North Village, the greater part of Newtouville, Auburn- dale, and the Lower Falls. In all this territory there were then from fifty-five to sixt}- dwellings. Several famihes asked and re- ceived permission to remain with the parent church at the Centre. Probabl}' thirty-five or forty families constituted the society'. It was near the close of the war of the Revolution. The people were poor, and some who wished the enterprise well had serious doubts as to its success. We may well admire the determined courage, energy and perseverance of Mr. Greenough and the little band that carried it thi'ough, in the face of so many obstacles to success. His salary was eighty pounds and fifteen cords of wood, equivalent to $26 6. GO. In 1814, the families living at the Lower Falls, about ten in number, united with the Episcopal church then recently formed in that village. Mr. Greenough's home was on Washington Street. The build- ings were afterwards burned. The house was fronted by three noble elms, planted there by fond parishioners. The ministry of Mr. Greenough covered that period of transi- tion in the Congregational churches of Massachusetts, when the more liberal element among the members was sifted out, and theol- og}^, taught by the pulpit and discussed by the pews, assumed a more definite shape. Men, even in the common walks of life, formulated their own creeds, and assented with less facility than former I3' to what was taught them by then* spiritual guides. The " Bible News," of Rev. Noah Worcester, of Brighton, published near the commencement of the nineteenth century, — a pamphlet question- ing the Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, — the controvers}^ arising out of the appointment of Dr. Henry Ware, senior, to the Hollis 256 HISTORY OF NEWTON. Professorship of Divinity in Harvard College, — ^a Unitarian pro- fessor to be supported on an " orthodox " foundation, — and the let- ters of Dr. Jedediah Morse, of Charlestown, and Miss Hannah Adams, in a Boston newspaper, debating this issue between the churches and the Corporation of the University, stirred the public mind in a way to stimulate thought, and to make the position of the ministry'' a more difficult one than in any former period of New England history. The pulpit was obliged to allow itself to be questioned, in regard to its teachings, b}- the pews, and the time had come when the preacher's trumpet must give no " uncertain sound." Mr. Greenough's geographical position, in the vicinity of Cambridge and Boston, placed him in the very thickest of the conflict. But he stood steadfast to the old New England theolog}'. The doctrines of the Puritans were the element of his teachings. During the same period, also, the new Christian activity spring- ing out of the modern missionary enterprise was inaugurated, and into tills fresh field of promising interest and toil, Mr. Greenough entered with all his heart. The Monthly Concert of Prayer for the success of missions was held in his church for j-ears on the afternoon of the first Monday of every month, and doubtless seed was sown which afterwards brought forth fruit ; for the church in West Newton has since had its representatives among Christian missionaries. Says Dr. Gilbert,— Father Greenough was once told by an Englishman who had seen John Wesley, that he looked like him more than any other man he had ever seen. Wesley's lithograph, gown and all, would be a good fit. Dr. Gilbert adds, at a later date, — On page 681 of Frank Leslie's Sunday Magazine for June, I find a litho- graph of John Wesley. It is a profile view — all the better as a likeness of Father Greenough. The latter told me he used to wear a gown and bands. The stock and bands, as here represented, were worn by him at the time of my ordination. He was much scandalized that Dr. Jenks came Avithout his bands. I do not know whether he ever wore a wig, as here represented [in the likeness of Wesley]. But the wig was the fashion of his times. My first wife's mother told me that in her younger days all the ministers on public occasions used to appear in powdered wigs. Mr. Greenough held on to the last to small clothes, shoe and knee buckles ; also to the cocked hat, until the boys followed him when he went through the streets of Boston. He was six feet tall, and a thin spare man. DEATH OF MR. GREENOUGH. 257 Mr. Greenough died Nov. 10, 1831, fifty years and two days from the date of his ordination, aged seventj^-five. He was twice mari-ied, first, to Abigail, daughter of Rev. Stephen Badger, of Natick ; after her death, to Mrs. Lydia Haskins, of Boston, and had four children by the first marriage and five by the second. He preached the simple gospel with earnestness and directness, and his sowing was not without fruit. When Professors Park, Shedd and Stowe were all at Andover, an accidental comparing of notes brought out the fact that each of them acknowledged that his first impulse towards the ministry was from Mr. Greenough. It is thus that the small and feeble churches in the country nurture in pietj' and gifts the men who afterwards occupy the high places in churches and institutions, and become the liberal benefactors of all good works. A rural pastor may seem to hold a sphere of in- different importance, but in later times it may be manifest that he commanded the head waters of a tide of influence which was des- tined to pour infinite blessings upon the world. From the recollections of Dr. Gilbert, we have a plan of the old meeting-house, as it was when he first saw it. There was a porch in front and three windows on each side of the building. The pews in the middle of the floor of the house were square, and the seats hung on hinges, in the old style. The galleries were very wide and steep ; so great was the elevation of the pulpit and the width of the gallei'ies, that when the people stood, the minister could not see, from the pulpit, the heads of the people on the lower floor in the wall pews. The pulpit had been previously rebuilt, after the model of the pulpit in a church in Dedham. The plan of the house, as furnished by Dr. Gilbert, as it was when he first saw it, is ver}^ interesting ; and much value is added to it by the names of the persons who occupied nearly every pew in the house. As we read them in their order, we seem to see the men and women of half a century ago coming back and taking their places, and sitting by families to join in the worship of God. And in view of the changes which fifty years have wrought, — the children in the places of the fathers, the new customs, the names we miss that will no more return, — we are led to ask, with vivid feeling, " The fathers, where are they ? " When Mr. Greenough's ministry had continued nearly half a centur3% his age and declining health led him to propose the set- tlement of a colleague. In 1827, the Rev. Asahel Bigelow was 17 258 HISTORY OF NEWTON. elected colleague pastor, but he declined the call. The follow- ing 3'ear, the Rev. Lyman Gilbert, of Middleburj^ Vt., was called to the same office, and accepted, and was ordained July 2, 1828. The following curious document though it bears a comparatively- recent date, belongs in spirit and method to the earlier years of New England histoty. It was found among the papers of the late Deputy Sheriff, Adolphus Smith, of West Newton. To Mr. Adolphus Smith, collector of taxes for the West Precinct in Newton : Greeting, — In the name of the Commonwealth of Massacliusetts you are required to levy and collect of the several persons named in the list herewith committed unto you each one his respective portion therein set down of the sum total of such list it being four hundred and eighty dollars and eighty-four cents, granted by tlie inhabitants of the West Precinct in Newton, at their annual meeting, in March last, for paying the Rev. William Greenough his salary, and for defraying the contingent charges of the Precinct, the present year, and you are to transmit and pay in the same unto Captain James Fuller, Treasurer of said Precinct or to his successor in that office, and to complete and make up an amount of your collection of the whole sum, on or before the first day of November next ; and if any person shall refuse or neglect to pay the sum he is assessed in said list, to distrain the goods or chattels of such person to the value thereof, and the distress so taken to keep for the space of four days at the cost and charge of the owner, and if he shall not pay the sum so assessed, within the said four days, then you are to sell at public 'vedue the distress so taken for the payment thereof with charges ; first giving forty-eight hours notice of such sale by posting up advertisements thereof in some public place in said Precinct; and the overplus arising from such sale, if any there be, besides the sum assessed and the necessary charges of taking and keeping the distress, you are immediately to restore to the owner, and for want of goods and chattels, whereon to make distress (besides tools or implements necessary for his trade or occupation, beasts of the plough neces- sary for the cultivation of his improved lands, arras, utensils for housekeep- ing necessary for ui)holding life, bedding and apparel necessary for himself and family) for the space of twelve days, you arc to take the body of such person so refusing or neglecting, and him commit unto the common gaol of the County, there to remain until he pay the same, or such part thereof as shall not be abated by the assessors for the time being, or the Court of gen- eral sessions of the peace for said County. Given under our hands and seals this 12th day of July, A. D., 1S28. Epiiraim Jackson, ) , Jonas Smith, \ Assessors. CHAPTER XXII. NEWTON UPPER FALLS. EAKLY SETTLEMENT. THE INDIAN DEED. DEPOSITIONS OF EARLY RESIDENTS. TRANSFERS OF PROPERTY. KINDS OF BUSINESS. CHANGES. NEWTON LOWER FALLS. The settlement of Newton Upper Falls owes its origin to the water priAd leges on the river Charles. The Indian name of this river was Quinobequin. It encircles a large part of Newton, the centre of its channel forming the natural boundary on the major portion of the northern, western and southern sides. It is a winding line, about fifteen miles in length. In 1636, the General Court granted to the proprietors of Ded- ham the land on the west side of Charles River, now Needham, Natick and a part of Sherburne. The same year the proprietors of New Town (Cambridge) obtained a grant of the Court of what is now Newton and Brighton. These two grants covered all the land at the westerl}^ curve of the river Charles, on both sides, sub- ject, however, to the title claimed by the Indians, for which the proprietors were to pay them an equitable consideration. Both the law of the colony and the law of justice demanded this at their hands. In accordance with this condition, in April, 1G80, the proprietors of Dedham (the west side of the Charles) agreed to give William Nehoiden, or Nahaton, a sachem, ten pounds in money, forty shil- lings in Indian corn, and forty acres of land, one huudred and twenty rods long and fifty-three rods wide, at the Upper Falls on Charles River, in exchange for a tract of land seven miles long from east to west, and five miles wide, now the township of Deerficld. The same year, they gave Maugus, another sachem, eight pounds, for his lands at Maugus hill. Thus the Indians acquu-ed their title to Natick, Needham and Dedham Island. This covered the first of the two grants of the General Court. It is uncertain how or when the title of the Indians to Newton and Brighton, — the torri- 259 200 HISTORY OF NEWTON. torv embraced in the second grant,— was acquired by tliem. As to the extinction of the Indian title to the first grant, we learn that in 1639, three years after the action of the GeneraJ Court, the same Court appointed Edward Gibbons, one of the Boston depu- ties, to agree with the Indians for their lands within the bounds of Cambridge, Watertown and Boston. Mr. Gibbons probably suc- ceeded in accomplishing the object of his appointment, although we have found no report of his doings. As to the extinction of the Indian title to the second grant, we find that in January', 1700, "William Nahaton, an Indian, of Punkapoag, for twelve pounds, convej'ed to Robert Cooke, of Dorchester, hornbreaker, the sur\'iv- ing son of Robert Cooke, late of Dorchester, hornbreaker, forty acres of land on the west side of Charles River, just above the Upper Falls, one hundred and twent}' rods long and fifty-three rods wide." Jackson says, " This is the same land which the inhabitants of Dedham convej^ed to William Nehoiden* in April 1G80." New Cambridge, New Town or Newton, being, at the date of the first grant, a part of Cambridge, the territory bestowed by that grant became a part of Newton, and of that portion of it afterwards embraced in Newton Upper Falls. The first mill on the banks of the Charles in Newton was erected b}' Mr. John Clark about 1688, at the Upper Falls (upper village) , where the waters of the river fall twenty feet perpendicu- larly, and then descend thirt^'-five feet in the coui'se of half a mile. The first purchase of land bj^ John Clark, senior, at the Upper Falls does not appear upon the public records. Probably he bought of the Cambridge proprietors or their assigns, with the in- cumbrance of the Indian title, and neglected to record his Deed. The mill, as was natural, in a thickly-wooded neighborhood, was a saw-inill, and its location, the same which has since been occupied by the cotton-mills, below the bridge at the Village. The deposition of Ebenezer Ware, an aged man of Needham, dated October, 1763, states that in 1693 he knew the eel weir, just above the Falls ; and that John Clark, senior, told him that ♦■William Nehoiden and William Nahaton are undoubtedly the same individual. The name is also spelt Ahawton, Nahaton, etc. In the body of the Deed of the Ind- ians to the inhabitants of Braintree, 1665, this Indian's name is written Nahanton; his signature to the same Deed is " Hahaton." In the Indian Deed of the peninsula of Boston, 1685, his name is signed " Hahaton." In his Deed to Robert Cooke, 1701, he signed his name " Nahaton." INDIAN DEED. 2G1 he, John Clark, senior, bought all the Indians' right to build mills there; and also, that John Clark, jr., told him that his father bought the eel weir of the Indians for three pounds lawful money, and that the stone walls of the weir were about three feet high from the bed of the river, when in repair. The deposition of Sarah Tray, an Indian woman, aged about fift}', dated Ma}', 1748, states that she had often heard her husband's grandmother saj' that her husband, John Maugus, once owned the land on the west side of Charles River, at the Upper Falls, and the rock house, which the Indians improved, and that her husband, Maugus, had a wigwam there, and knew it had been used for forty years for drying fish and eels ; — and that the Englishman who built the mills purchased the land. The care with which the Deed of Nahaton and these Depositions were drawn and have been preserved indicates the high value set upon the property in the vicinity of the Falls. The Deed and Depositions themselves are of sufficient interest and importance to claim a place in these Records. DEED OF WILLIAM NAHATON. To all People unto whom these presents shall come. William Nahaton, an Indian of Puncapoge, within the County of SufFolke, in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay, in New England, — Sendeth Greeting. Whereas the Inhabitants of the Towne of Dedham, in the County afores'd, on the Fourteenth day of the Second Month, 1680, Granted to the s'd William Nahaton and to his heires forever Forty acres of Land, Lying abutting upon Charles River towards the Northeast, one hundred and Twenty rodds Long, just above the Upper falls, fifty three Rodds in breadth, and abutting upon Dedham Land on all other parts, — With Liberty of ffishing att the s'd Wil- liam's Weares, Provided he or any of his successors shall not have Liberty to sell or dispose of any of the abovesaid Premises to any man without the consent of the Selectmen for the Towne of Dedham for the time being, — as by the said Towne Grant, reference whereto being had more fully may appeare. And whereas the said Selectmen of Dedham for the time being have granted unto the s'd William Nahaton their free consent and Liberty to dis- pose thereof unto Robert Cooke, of Dorchester, in the County of SufFolke, afores'd, Hornebrcaker, the surviving son of Robert Cooke, late of Dorches- ter afores'd, Hornebreaker, deceased. Now Know Yee that I, the s'd William Nahaton, for and in Consideration of the Summe of Twelve Pounds Current money of New England, to me in hand well and truely payd att and before the ensealeing and delivery of these presents by John Hubbard, of Boston, in the County of SufFolke aforesaid, merchant, for account and on behalf of the s'd Robert Cooke, the receipt whereof to ffuU content and satisfaction I doo hereby acknowledge, .and 262 HISTORY OF NEWTON. thereof, and of every part and parcel thereof doo acquitt, exonerate and dis- charge the s'd John Hubbard and Robert Cooke and each of them, their and each of their heires, Executors, administrators and assignes forever by these presents ; Have given, granted, bargained, sold, aliened, enfeoffed, conveyed and confirmed, and by these presents Doe ffully, ffreely, cleerly and abso- lutely give, grant, bargaine, sell, aliene, enfeoffe, conveye and confirrae unto the s'd Robert Cooke, his heires and assignes Forever, All The aforemen- tioned fforty Acres of Land Lying within the Towneship of Dedham granted unto rae as afores'd, and bounded and described as afores'd. Together with all profitts, privilidges, rights, commodityes and appur'ces whatsoever to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining. And the revercion and rever- cions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and incomes thereof. And also all the Estate, right, title, Interest, Inheritance, use, possession, prop- erty, claimc and demand whatsoever of me, the s'd William Nahaton, of, in and to y'e same and every part thereof, reserving only out of the above granted premises unto me, the s'd William Nahaton, my heires and assignes forever, one quarter of an acre of s'd Land for the accomodation of Fishing by or neeare unto the afores'd Vfeares, — To have and to hold the s'd Forty acres of Land, bounded and discribed as afores'd, with the priviledges and appurten'ces thereunto belonging (re- serving only as above reserved), unto the s'd Robert Cooke, his heires and assigns, To his and their owne sole and proper use and benefitt and behoofe forever, absolutely, without any manner of Condition, redemption or revoca- tion in anywise. And I, the s'd William Nahaton for me, my heires. Execu- tors and Administrators doo hereby covenant, promise, grant and agree to and with the s'd Robert Cooke, his heires and assignes, in manner and Form following. That is to say. That att the time of the ensealing hereof and untill the delivery of these presents, I, the s'd William Nahaton, am true. Sole and Lawfull owner of all the aforebargained premises. And stand Lawfully seized th-ereof in my owne proper right of a good, sure and Indefeasible Estate of Inheritence in ffee Simple, Haveing in myself Full power, good right and Lawfull authority to grant, sell, convey and assure the above granted prem- isses with the appurt'ces (reserving as above reserved) unto the said Robert Cooke, his heires and assignes forever, in manner and Forme afores'd, and according to the true Intent and meaneing of these presents. And that the s'd Robert Cooke, his heirs and assignes, shall and may by force and virtue of these presents, from henceforth and Forever hereafter Lawfully, peacea- bly and quietly enter into and upon, have, hold, use, occupy, possess and en- joy the abovegranted and bargained premisses, with the appurt'ces, reserving only as above reserved, ffree and cleerly acquitted, exonerated and dis- charged of and from all and all manner of former and other gifts, grants, bargaines, sales, leases, releases, mortgages, joyntures, dowers, judgments, executions, entails, forfeitures, seizures, amorciaments, and of and from all other titles, troubles, charges and Incumbrances whatsoever. And Further, That I, the s'd William Nahaton, for me, my heires. Executors and Admin- istrators, and every of us doc liereby covenant and grant to warrant and de- fend all the above granted and bargained premisses, Avith the appurt'ces INDIAN DEPOSITION. 263 thereof (reserving only as above reserved), unto the said Robert Cooke, his licires and a^signcs forever, against the Lawful! claimes and demands of all and every person and persons whomsoever. In witness whereof, I the said William Naliaton, liavc hereunto sett my hand and scale the Twenty- ninth day of January anno Dom'i one thousand seven hundred, In the Twelfth Yeare of the reigne of King William the Third over England, &c. William Nahaton. [seal] Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the presence of us A Leaniiakd Signum A Abraham Blanchard Eliezeu Moody, set. Suffolk ss. Boston, January 29th, 1700. The above mentioned William Nahaton, personally appearing before me the subscriber, one of his Majesty's Justices of Peace within ye County afores'd, acknowledged this Instrument to be his free and voluntary act and deed. Epiir. Hunt. Memo. It's to be understood That there was formerly a deed given by the s'd William Nahaton for the piece of land above mentioned: which deed being lost, this was againe given. The depositions which follow furnish evidence, in the absence of written records, of the possession of the property by the orig- inal owners, and of the right of the Indian, to conve}^ it to the white proprietor. If Dedhara, b}^ a jnst and righteous transaction, honestly extinguished the original Indian title, we have an un- broken succession of the titles down to the present time. Need- ham was originally a part of Dedham, as was Dover also. As late as 1790 Needham was included in the count3'of Suffolk. The testimonies which follow, bridge across the civilization of one or two centuries and bring us face to face with the dashino" waters and the unbroken forests of the red man, and the simple manners, the cheap laud and the tenacity of the right of posses- sion which characterized the fathers of the town of Newton. DEPOSITION OF AMOS NAHATON. Stoughton, January ye 4th, 1747. The Deposition of Amos Nahaton, of Eighty-two years of age, doth testify and say that I well remember my Father, William Nahaton, of Punkapog. owned the Great Falls in Charles River, and that he owned the s'd River for a great ways above and below s'd Falls, and the Islands and Eell wares in s'd River, and that he owned the land against s'd Falls on the West side of 264 HISTORY OF NEWTON. the River. And I further well remember Above sixty years past, My Father sold A peice of land called two acres at the Great fishing place on the West side the River for A Gun to John Maugus, of Natick, and that the s'd Maugus was to have Liberty to fish at My Father's Wares in s'd River ; and I further Testify That when My Father sold A certain Peice of land to Cook or Cook's Mother, that he did not then sell Maugusses land nor the Islands nor the wares in s'd River; further, I Testify that above sixty years past John Maugus and the other Natick Indians were then In the Possession of the above two acres, and had Wigwams on s'd land. his Amos 4* Nahaton. mark. Stoughton, Jan'ry ye 4th, 1747. The within Deponent, Amos Nahaton, Took his Oath to the within Deposi- tion in Perpetuam Rei Memoriam before us — Samuel White, Justice of the Peace. Quorum Unus. Henky Sewall, Justice Peace. N. B. The within Deponent at the time of Caption was Esteemed by U3 to be of Good Judgment and Sound Memory. Samuel White, Henky Sewall. DEPOSITION OF SARAH TRAY. I Sarah Tray, of Natick, of above fifty years of age, do Testify and say that I often heard my Husbands's Grandmother Maugus often say that her husband, John Maugus did once own that peice of land on the west side of Charles River at the fishing place at the upper falls, which the Indians did improve, and the Rock House ; and that her Husband Maugus had A Wig- wam on s'd piece of Land, and that he gave said land to his Daughter Catharine. I further Testify that my Husband's Mother Catharine used to say that her Father Maugus gave her the above peice of land, and that my Hus- band's Father and she had a Wigwam on s'd land, and lived there ; and I have often heard my Mother Catharine say that the English Man that Built the Mills purchased the privilidge of the Indians at s'd Falls ; and I further say that I well remember that my Mother Catharine and Samuel Abraham used to Improve s'd land and the Rock House on s'd land by cutting Wood, mak- ing fires, drying fish and Eels for forty years past. her Sarah -|- Tkay. mark. Suffolk, ss. May ye 20th, 1748. Sarah Tray, of Natick, Indian, above named, made oath to the truth of the above written Deposition in Perpetuam rei memoriam. Before us Samuel White, "t Justices of the Peace Henry Sewall, / and Quorum unus. DEPOSITIONS. 265 DEPOSITION OF EBENEZER WARE. I Ebenezer Ware, of Needham, in the County of Suffolk, and province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, Yeoman, Testifie and say that above Seventy Years ago I knew a certain Ealc-Ware in Charles River, Just above the upper falls in said River. I knew said Eal-Ware to be Improv'd above Twenty Years; and I further Testifie that about Seventy years ago John Clark, Senior, of Newton, Dec'd, told mo he had Bought all the Indians' Right at the Upper falls for a Conveniancy to Build Mills thereon ; and furthermore I testifie and say that John Clark Junior, Dec'd, Told me that his Father Bought the above said Ele ware, and gave three Pounds for the same. The said Ele ware was in the River just above the foord way, which I and the Nighbours used to Pass over in, and below where the Cart Bridge now stands ; and. Furthermore, I testifie and say, as I used to pass by said ware frequently, that According to my Best Remembrance, the Stone Walls of said Ware was about three feet from the Botom of said River in hight when in Re- pare for Fishing; and furthermore, I, for near seventy years Past never heard any Person or Persons Lay Clame to said Ware, But the above named Clarks and the Owners of the Grist Mill at the upper falls. his Ebenezbr + Wake. mark. Suffolk, ss., Octo'r 21th, 1763. The above named Ebenezer Ware mad ©ath to ye truth of ye above Depo- sition in Perpetuam rei memoriam. Before us, Eliph't Poxd, "X Justices of ye Peace Isaac Gardner, Jcn'r, / Quorum Unis. DEPOSITION OF JEREMIAH WOODCOCK. I Jeremiah Woodcock, of Needham, in the County of Suffolk, and Province of Massachusetts Bay, in New England, Yeoman, Testifie and say that I knew a Certain Eleware in Charles River, Just above the upper falls in said River, I knew said ware improved for several years for fishing; said ware was in the River, Just above tlie foordvvay in which I us'd to cross the River in. Just below where the Cart Bridge now stands, that according to the Best of my Remembrance When in Repare for Fishing, the Walls of said Ware were three feet in height ; and also I heard Fifty years ago, the Clarks, then of Newton, were then the owners of said Eleware. Jeremiah Woodcock. Suffolk, ss., Octo'r 21st, 1763. The above named Jeremiah Woodcock made Oath to the truth of ye above Deposition, in Perpetuam rei memoriam. Before us, Eliph't Pond, "X Justices of ye Peace Isaac Gardner, Jun'r, j Quorum uitis. 266 HISTORY OF NEWTON. DEPOSITION OF ELIAKIM COOK. Eliakim Cook, of Neadham, in the County of Suffolk, and William Clark and Joseph Chaney, of Newton, in the County of Middlesex, all in the Com- monwelth of Masactusetts, Living Near the Great Falls Called the upper falls in Newtown, Severally testify and say that it is more than Sixty years that wee have been Conversant with the River and fishery about said falls, and that wee Never New aney Salt water fish to assend above said falls, nor do wee Remember Ever to have heard our Predessors say that aney Salt water fish did ever assend above said falls. Further we say, and Give it as our Opinion, that it is Impracticable for the fish to Assend said falls ever while wee consider it in the State of Nature Eliakim Cook, William Clark, Joseph (/Heket. Middlesex, ss., February 2, 1790. Eliakim Cook, William Clark and Joseph Chaney made Oath to the truth of the above Deposition before me. John Woodward, yustice of the Peace. The eel-wier, so called, aud frequently referred to in the above papers, was a dam built b}' the Indians near the yard of the pres- ent cotton factory, and extending across the channel of the river from the rock to the island. The foundation-stones of this dam can still be seen in the bed of the river. The island was formed by a supplementary natural channel of the river, which in later times, Avas partially filled and partially became the race-wa}' for the water that supplies power to the cotton factory, — the latter being erected partly on the island as it was, and partly ou the main land or shore. By subsequent filling, the island has become part of the factory yard, and the indications that it was once an island have mainly disappeared, except as the fact is remembered by the older residents. The snufi'-mills of General P^lliot, at a later period, were erected, not on the island, but on the easterly shore. In 1798, according to Dr. Homer, this proprietor had three snuff- mills, containing twenty mortars. John Clark, who built the first mill, was born in Watertown, October 13, 1G41. His father, Hugh Clark, removed from Water- town to Roxbury, where he died in 1G93. He was probably in Newton as early as 1G81. His son John settled in Mudd}' River (Brookline) ; but his father convcj-ed to him b}- deed of gift sixty- seven acres of land in New Cambridge, in April, 1681, about which time the son probabh' removed from Muddy River to his MILLS AT THE UPPER FALLS. 267 new possession. This land was on the easterly side of the Dedham Road (Centre Street), adjoining and south of what afterwards became the Common in Newton Centre. John Clark died in 1G95, aged fift3'-four. In his will he bequeathed to his two sons, John and William, V all his lands on the river towards the saw-mill, the residue of his property to remain in the hands of his executor, to bring np his small children." Eight acres of land at the river, with the saw-mill, were appraised at £180. Mr. Clark's purchase, on the east side of the river, was ten or fifteen years earlier than Cook's purchase of the Indian, William Nehoiden, on the west side. The saw-mill above referred to, in the progress of years, changed owners several limes, and received various additions. In Ma}', 1708, John Clark convej-ed to Nathaniel Parker one-quarter part of the saw-mill, stream, dam and eel-wier, and half an acre of land, for twelve pounds, with an open highway fi'om the county road to the mill and eel-wier. Soon afterwards, William Clark conveyed to Nathaniel Longley one-quarter part of the same. And John and William Clark, Nathaniel Parker and Nathaniel Longley became the equal owners of the mill, stream and eel-wier ; and they added thereto a grist-mill and a fulling-mill. In 1717, John Clark convej'ed his quarter of the mills to Nathaniel Parker, In 1720, William Clark convej-ed to Noah Parker, son of Na- thaniel Parker, one-quarter pai't of the saw-mill, fulling-mill, grist- mill and eel-wier, with the stream and dam, for ninety-five pounds. The same 3'ear, Nathaniel Longley conveyed his quarter part of the same to Noah Parker. Nathaniel Parker conve^'ed to liis son, Noah Parker, all his in- terest in said mills, being one-half of the same, valued at £150; Noah Parker became thus the sole owner of the mills and appur- tenances in 1720. In 1725, he conveyed the fulling-mill to Samuel Stowell, of Watertown. In 17-47 Nathaniel Parker died, and in 1768, his son Noah died also. His mills and appurtenances then passed into the hands of his son and administrator, Thomas Par- ker, who was also one of the constituent members of the First Baptist church. Mr. Parker sold the same to Simon Elliot,* of Boston, tobacconist, and about thirty-five acres of land, including * Mr. Elliot's son, bearing the same name, entered with spirit into the operations at Newton ; the latter was a Major General of the militia in SufEolk County. Like his father, he was a very enterprising man of business. He died in 1810. 268 HISTORY OF NEWTON. a dwelling-house, barn, malt-house, etc., for £1,700, in 1778 and 1782. In addition to the business already established, Mr. Elliot erected snuff-mills, besides other enterprises. This new industry, with the grist-mill, was continued by him and his son, till the year 1814. It is said that the business carried on here, in the manu- facture of snuff and tobacco, was the most extensive in that line in New England. It is from this Mr. Elliot that the name of Elliot has impressed itself upon hall, factory and street at the Upper Falls, and not, as many suppose, from Rev. John Eliot, the missionar}' to the Indians at Nonantum Hill, whose name was dif- ferently spelled. In 1814, the screw factory, wire-mill, four snuff-mills, annealing shop, dwelling-house, etc., were sold to the Elliot Manufacturing Compan}-, Frederic Cabot, agent. The record that there were four snuff-mills at this spot, at this early date, and so large a busi- ness done in the manufacture of tobacco, reveals one of the leaks in the domestic economy' of the generation then living. Undoubt- edlj', the larger proportion of the product of the mills found its way out of town. But the fact of the existence of such an indus- try in their immediate neighborhood must have proved a temptation to many of the people to indulge in the filthy habit. The entire population of Newton in 1810 was onl}^ 1,709. In the sale of his propertj' to Elliot, Mr. Parker reserved about four acres of land below the Falls, to which he added by purchase in 1781, a small lot on the Needham side of the river opposite the small island, known as Turtle Island, — upon which the rolling- mill was built, — and which he sold to his son-in-law, Mr. Jona- than Bixb3'. At this place another dam and saw-mill were erected by him in 1783. In 1799 Mr. Bixby sold this estate to the Newton Iron Works Company, who built the rolling-mill and commenced operations in the j-ear 1800, in charge of JNIr. Rufus Ellis, agent. These works have been in operation for many years, and were long occupied by the late Mr. Frederick Barden. In 1809, a new fac- tory was erected for the purpose of manufacturing cut-nails. The same building was afterwards occupied b^' Mr. Newell, as a paper mill. The same year (1809) the Worcester Turnpike was con- structed, passing directly by the nail and rolling mill, and bridg- ing the river at this point. In 1813 this company- built a cotton- mill, containing about three thousand spindles, on the Needham side of the river, subsequently the site of the grist-mill. The cotton-mill was destroyed by fire in the spring of 1850. NEWTON FACTORIES. 2G9 The Elliot Manufacturing Company removed the old mills and buildings, constructed a new dam, and, with the assistance of Mr. Otis Pettee, who remained with them as mechanical superintendent several 5'ears, erected a cotton factory with about six thousand spindles for the manufacture of sheeting, and commenced opera- tions in the year 1821. In 1824, the same company built another large mill for making thread, which was in operation about five years, and was then changed to sheetings, making in all about ten thousand spindles in the two factories. In the spring of 1831, Mr. Pettee left the employ of the Elliot INIanufacturing Company, and started a smaU shop for building cotton machiner}- on his own account, enlarging from time to time, and in 1837 he built a foundry for making iron castings. This work called in a large number of families. In 1839 these works were destroyed by fire, involving a loss of upwards of $60,000. They were rebuilt in 1840 and 1841. The Elliot Manufacturing Company, having been unsuccessful in their operations, became discouraged; and, unable to agree as to what was the best course for them to pursue, at last determined to sell aU their property, which they did in the fall of 1840, to Mr. Pettee. Large additions were immediately made, with improve- ments in machinery, etc., all of which tended to increase the pop- ulation. Mr. Pettee was a man of great genius and enterprise, and supplied machinery for many manufactories in the United States and Mexico. Mr. Pettee, having thus become possessed of the property of the Elliot Manufacturing Company, carried on the business with untiring energ}' and industry till his death, which occurred in February, 1853. Mr. Pettee was one of the warmest supporters of the project of building the railroad, passing through Newton Centre and Upper Falls, now the New York and New England Railroad. He had six sons and three daughters, and died aged fift3'-eight. In 1821, Mr. Rufus Ellis bought out the Newton Iron Works Company, of which he had been the agent, and became the sole owner. A new company was formed in 1823, consisting of seven persons, who obtained an Act of Incorporation by the name of the ''Newton Factories," Rufus Ellis, Agent. In 1835, Rufus EUis and David Ellis became the sole owners of this property. Previous to the year 1800, the business carried on at the Upper Falls by water power was small, being three snufi'-mills, a grist- 270 HISTORY OF NEWTON. mill and saw-mill. Only about six families resided in the place. In 1850, there were at the upper dam, one cotton factor}^ with about nine thousand spindles, machine shops sufficient to accom- modate three hundred workmen, and a steam furnace for iron cast- ings, employing about fifteen workmen. At the lower dam, a rolling-mill, working about fifteen hundred tons of bar iron into various shapes ; a nail factory, making about five hundred tons of cut-nails ; a cotton factor}^ (on the Needham side) , with about two thousand spindles, and manufacturing about five hundred thousand 3'ards of cotton cloth annuall}'. There were, at that date, in the village about one thousand three hundred inhabitants. It is said that at the most flourishing period of the enterprise of nail-making at Newton Upper Falls, whole cargoes of nails were sent from the factory to Cuba and New Orleans, to be used in the manufacture of sugar-boxes. The village of Newton Upper Falls has features of great beautj'. Half a century ago, the population was mainly American ; but a foreign element has taken its place, changing the social status of the village, and imperilling that growth which wealth and taste might be expected to bring. But many of the most beautiful sites for building are yet unoccupied, and undoubtedly a prosperous future is assured to this charming locality. Newton Lower Falls. — In June, 1703, "John Leverett, Esq., convej'ed to John Hubbard, of Roxbury, four acres of land, upon Charles Eiver, at the Lower Falls, bounded east by a fortj'-acre lot belonging to Harvard College ; west b}' the old path that leads to 'the wading place,' formerl}-, the Natick path, and south by Charles Eiver," — being the same land which the proprietors of the common and undivided lands in Cambridge granted to him, and the same which has since been occupied b}' all the mills on the Newton side of the river. In 1705, John Hubbard, merchant, of Boston, conveyed to his son Nathaniel Hubbard, clerk, " one moiet}' of the four-acre lot, bounded north bj' the highway and south by the river, together with half of the iron works thereon, with two fire hearths and a hammer-wheel, which said John Hubbard and Caleb Church, of Watertown, are now building in partnership upon said land, with as much of the stream as ma}' be necessary for said works, with half the dam, flume, head wares, running and going gear, utensils and appurtenances to the forge belonging." LOWER FALLS. 271 Business b}' water power commenced at Newton Lower Falls in 1704, l)y the erection of iron works, forge and trip-hammer by Mr. Jonathan AYillard. The falls on the Charles River at this point are two miles below the Upper Falls ; the water makes two descents, the first about sixteen feet, the second about six. There are two dams and two bridges. In June, 1722, Nathaniel Hubbard, of Dorchester, administrator on the estate of his father John Hubbard, who died in 1717, in consideration of one hundred and forty pounds, conve^'ed to Jona- than Willard, bloomer, of Newton, part of a tract of land pur- chased of John Leverett, Esq., with a smith's shop thereon, now in possession of said Willard, with the privileges thereto belonging ; also, all the title and interest which John Hubbard had to the said four acres of land, formerly of said Leverett, bounding south hy the river, and north by the highway, with half the iron works thereon, two fire hearths, hammer-wheel, dam, head wares, water- courses, running and going gear, and utensils of said ironworks. Jackson says, " Willard had occupied the smith's shop as a tenant several years previous to his purchase and partnership with Hub- bard. He was an ingenious, upright and conscientious man, and the first Baptist in the town, — the principal man of the iron works and of the village of the Lower Falls, for nearly half a century-." Jonathan Willard married Sarah Bartlett, December 20, 1708, and had eleven children, to all of whom he gave Scripture names» Though residing at the Lower Falls, he was baptized in 1729, and joined the First Baptist church in Boston. For many 3'ears he and his daughter Esther seem to have been alone in that faith. He died May 22, 1772, aged ninety-five years. Steadfast in his adhesion to his principles, he waited and pra3-ed for the organi- zation of a Baptist church in Newton. It came, but not till eight years after his decease. At different periods, vai'ious kinds of business requiring the aid of water power have been carried on, such as iron works, saw- mills, grist-mills, snuff'-mills, clothing-mills, leather-mills, paper- mills, calico printing, machine shops, etc. But for more than half a century, the manufacture of paper has been the leading industr}- of the place. Eight or ten paper-mills, in constant operation, have supplied the wants of numerous traders, and fed the omnivo- rous mouths of the newspaper presses of the neighboring cit}-. The names of the eminent Alexander H. Rice, Ex-Governor of the 272 HISTORY OF NEWTOX. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and of Thomas Rice, one of the most distinguished and patriotic citizens of the town, are indisso- lubly linked with this business, and with this part of the town. The first paper-mill at the Lower Falls was built about 1790, by Mr. John Ware, from Sherburne, brother of Rev. Henry "Ware, D. D., Professor in Harvard Universit}'. His eldest daughter married Dr. Ebenezer Starr, in 1794. Dr. Starr was son of Dr. Josiah Starr, of Weston, and a man of note and influence outside of his profession. He graduated at Harvard College in 1789, settled as a physician at the Lower Falls, was representative two years, and died in 1830. During the half century that followed Mr. Ware's commence- ment in 1790, under the management of the Curtises, the Crehores and the Rices, the business was greatly' extended. Formerly the work was mostly done by hand, and was slow and laborious. By the invention of the Fourdrinier machine in England, the capacity to manufacture was greatly enhanced. The first machine of the kind ever worked in this country was placed In a mill at the Lower Falls. It is recorded that paper-making, to a greater or less extent, has been carried on at this village for at least a hundred years. Mr. Benjamin Neale, long a resident of the -vdllage, stated when he was eighty 3^ears of age, that he was engaged in the business upwards of fifty j^ears before. At one time the firm of A. C. and W. Curtis, of the Lower Falls, supplied the book paper used in many parts of the United States. The Crehore mill, still in active operation, has produced paper which has had an extensive sale thoughout the country. At the Lower Falls, also, there have been silk factories, and there are now cloth and hosiery mills, with shops for the manufacture of machinery, and other industries. According to Mr. Neale, — In 1800, there were about eight or ten families in the village of Newton Lower Falls. In 1823, there were four hundred and five inhabitants and about thirty-three dwelling-houses. In 1837, there were four hundred and ninety-three inhabitants, and about eighty-eight families. In 1847, there were five hundred and sixty inhabitants and about one hundred and three families. In 1850, there were six hundred and twenty-seven inhabitants, about one hundred and twenty-one families, and eighty dwelling-houses. In 1870, the population was seven hundred and fifty-seven ; in 1872, nine hundred and forty. CHAPTER XXin. THE CEMETERIES OF NEWTON. — THE OLD CEMETERY. — THE MEMO- RIAL PILLAR. INTERESTING MONUMENTS. WEST PARISH BURY- ING GROUND. SOUTH BURIAL GROUND. LOWER FALLS CEME- TERY. DEATHS IN NEWTON. — DEATHS IN THE WEST PARISH. The Old Cemetery on Centre Street. — la imitation of the churcli-yards of England, the first cemetery, in Centre Street, was around the church. Where the early settlers, living, had worshipped, there they would sleep in death. They chose to have the sanctuary cast its holy shadows over the places where their dust reposed. Deacon John Jackson gave an acre of land for the first meeting-house, and for a burying place. May 14, 1701, Abraham Jackson, son of Deacon John Jackson, added and pave for the setting of the school-house upon, the enlarging of the burying place, and the convenience of the training place, an acre more ; which said two acres were then laid out and bounded, west and south by the highway, east by the land of Isaac Beach ; marked at the southeast corner by stake and stones; northeast corner, stake and stones ; north by the land of the said Abraham Jackson ; a marked black oak tree near the easterly corner, and a white oak tree near the middle by the highway side ; and a white oak at the nortliwest corner, by the highway side, " which marks were stated and the land measured out, the day and year above written, by Deacon James Trow- bridge, Abraham Jackson, Joseph Fuller and Edward Jackson." "This valuable gift of two acres of land," says Mr. Jackson, "was the southwest corner of a tract of tAventy acres, divided by lot in 1662 to Deacon John Jackson, as one of the proprietors of the Common lands of Cambridge, and which was then called Chestnut Hill. His son Abraham inherited this tract, and was one of the Selectmen when he gave the second acre and helped stake it out in 1701." In 1717, he conveyed Chestnut Hill to his only son, Captain John Jackson, by deed of gift, and described it as follows, namely : " twenty acres at Chest- nut Hill, except four acres, which in 1686 he conveyed to Isaac Beach, which 18 273 274 HISTORY OF NEWTON. lyeth within the bounds of the same, excepting also the land whereon the Meeting House now standeth, so long as the Town shall see cause to improve it for the use they now do." Capt. John Jackson died in 1755, and his son John, of the fourth genera- tion, was the executor of his will. And he set up a claim to a part of this ancient gift in 17G5, because it had never been legally conveyed to the town. But although the town had no paper title, they nevertheless had the "nine points ;" they had been in actual possession of the first acre more than a hun- dred years, and cf part of the second acre more than sixty years. But that portion of the second acre which lies between the present burying ground and Centre Street, was low, sometimes partly covered with water, was unsuitable- for graves and none had been dug there. And therefore it was doubtful whether the town ever fenced it or had actual possession, or had used it for either of the four purposes for which it was given, namely, for a meeting- house, burying place, school-house or training place. In consequence of the claim of John Jackson, grandson of Abraham, the town, at its March meeting, 1765, voted to settle the bounds of the burying- place. At a subsequent town meeting, the same year, the Selectmen reported that " they had staked out one and a half acres, where the burying place then was, and John Jackson to give a sufficient title to the same, on condition that the town fence in the same, and maintain the fence forever." By this settlement the town lost half an acre and about twenty rods of the original gifts. The remaining portion now measures one acre, three-quarters and twenty rods. The ancient donors were not only liberal in their gift, but liberal in their measure also, staking out full two and a half acres, and call- ing it but two acres. From the language of the settlement, we infer that the place was not fenced in until after 1765. After it was fenced, the sexton pastured his cattle there- in until about the year 1800, and owing to this practice, doubtless, some of the gravestones have been displaced, or broken by the cattle, and lost. About 1802, the proprietors of the brick tombs on the northwest side pur- chased a strip of land one rod wide, adding thereto about nineteen rods, with a view of continuing the tombs across that side of the burjdng place. In April, 1834, the town purchased of Charles Brackett one acre of land adjoin- ing the northeast side of the burying place. The whole contents are now three acres, less seven rods. In this cemetery are deposited the remains of the honored pioneers and settlers of the town. The first tenant of it was, probablj', the first wile of John EHot, the carhest pastor of the church, — Sarah Willett EUot, daughter of Capt. Thomas Willett, of Ptymouth colon}', and first mayor of New York. She died April 13, 16G5. The second is thought to have been John Eliot, the pastor. Richard Park died in Newton, in 1665, but it is uncertain whether he was buried here, or in old Cambridge, his former residence. THE MEMORIAL PILLAR. 275 On the left hand, as the visitor enters, is the more modern por- tion of the cemetery. On the right hand, advancing in line with Centre Street, is a large collection of headstones, which mark the resting places of the Jacksons, one of the most prolific families in the town. Farther along is a tomb facing the road, which has a marble door, securely locked, with handles used to remove it. It is shaded by a spreading weeping willow, — a slip taken from the willow that shadowed the grave of Napoleon, on the island of St. Helena, — and over the top stands a red sandstone tablet on pil- lars. This is the tomb of Gen. WiUiam Hull. On the table aver the tomb are two inscriptions, one to the memory of Capt. Abra- ham Hull, who fell in the battle of Bridgewater, Upper Canada, in 1814, and the other to the memory- of Abraham Fuller, who was successively Representative, Senator, Councillor and Judge. The wife of General Hull, who was the daughter of Abraham Fuller, is buried here with him. There are no records regarding the earlier interments, and little is generally' known about anj', save the most distinguished settlers. There are warriors here from the revolu- tion, the French and Indian wars, and the rebellion, though a hundred years have intervened between the periods of their ex- ploits and their deaths. Nearly in the centre of the cemetery is the tablet to the memorv of John Eliot, erected by the town in 1823, the inscription on which is as follows : Rev. .John Eliot, A. M., son of the Apostle Eliot, Assistant Indian Mis- sionary; first Pastor of the First Church, — ordained on the day of its gather- ing, July 20 (Aug. I, N. S.), IGOi; eight years after the forming of a So- ciety distinct from Cambridge; Died Oct. 11, IGGS, aged 33. Learned, pious and beloved by English and Indians. '" My dying counsel is, secure an interest in the Lord Jesus Christ, and this will carry you to tlie world's end." As a preacher, lively, accomplished, zealous and acute. He ripened fast for heaven, and heaven received his ascending spirit 155 years since. Erected by the town, 1823. A short distance from the grave of Mr. Eliot, is the marble shaft before spoken of (p. 18G). This monument stands near the centre of the first acre of land given by John Jackson, senior, on the spot where the first meeting-house was erected in 1G60. Many of the headstones are covered with a hard, scaly sub- stance and mosses, filling up the traces of the letters. Some- times several soldiers are buried close l)y each other, members of 276 HISTORY OF NEWTON. the same famil}', and only the mUitary titles can be deciphered. Near the back part of the cemetery a long line of moss-covered slate stones marks the graves of twenty-two of the Ward family. Among the interesting graves in this cemetery, the following are conspicuous : — One of the oldest, — Here lies ye body of Edward Jackson, Aged 79 years and 3 months. Dec'd June ye 17, 1G81. Repaired 1825 by William, Stephen, Francis, George, and Edmund, who descended from Edward (who came from England about 1G30) in the line of . Sebas (sea-born), born 1652, Joseph, born . 1690, Timothy, born 1726, Timothy, born 1750. All of whom lived and died in this town. This Edward Jackson was an intimate friend of Elliot, the Indian apostle. He was often his companion on his missionary' tours among the red men. The following is an interesting inscription, — The remains of Madam Mary Cotton, Consort of ye late Reverend Mr. John Cotton, who died, lamented, Sept. 28, 1761, ^t. 67. Here lie the re- mains of Dr. John Cotton, son of the Rev. Mr. John Cotton who died much lamented Sept. 6, 1738, aged 29 years. This is another, — This monument is erected by members of the Eliot Church and Religious Society in memory of their late beloved pastor, Rev. Lyman Cutler, who died April 18, 1855, aged 28 years. The memory of the just is blessed. On a green mound stand side by side two white monuments of similar form, which mark the resting-place of the two aged minis- ters who labored side by side for nearly half a century, — one, the Rev. Dr. Homer, pastor of the First Congregational church ; the other, the Rev. Mr. Grafton, pastor of the First Baptist chm'ch. The monument over the latter was reared chiefly through the energy and perseverance of the late Thomas Edmands, Esq., the author of the inscriptions. The expense was met principall}' by sub- scriptions, not exceeding one dollar each, from a multitude who were glad in this way to do honor to the aged pastor. The memo- rial inscription is as follows : Rev. Ji>SEPn Grafton, Born in Newport, R. I., June 9, 1757. Died Dec. 16, 1836, Mt. 79. Pastor of the First Baptist Church in Newton, from June 18, 1788, until taken from his United People after an Unbroken Communion of 48i years. Rom. xii. The other monument bears this inscription, — Jonathan Homek, D. D., Pastor of the First Church in Newton. Born April 15, 1G59, died Aug. 11, 1843. "My only hope is in the mercy of God INSCRIPTIONS. 277 through Christ." Erected by his congregation, as a grateful tribute to the many virtues of a devoted pastor, who watched over them with tender interest, Christian diligence and parental affection more than sixty years. Also to his worthy companion, who exhibited in unusual perfection all the graces of a Christian. There is a striking epitaph on the tomb of John Kenrick, an eminent citizen, and the President of the First Anti-Slavery Society. It was written by the late David Lee Child, Esq. John Kenrick, Esq., aged 77 years. He was laborious, honest, and frugal. Though possessed of wealth, he loved not money, but loved his fellow men ; rigidly sparing in self-indulgence, but bountiful to others, he was a bene- factor to the needy and unfortunate ; to the funds for the poor of this, his native town, and to benevolent Societies and Christian charities everywhere. To the Temperance Reformation he was an efficient and devoted friend. Early impressed with the unlawfulness, impiety and inhumanity of Slavery, and its peculiar incompatibility with republican government, he strove long and unassisted to awaken his countrymen to the subject: he wrote often and persuasively for the press ; he republished gratuitously the writings of others ; and if there had been "ten" like him in these States, the stain of slavery would not have darkened another Star in the North American Constellation. A fore-runner of Abolition, he was a liberal contributor to the first Society formed for that object in our country, and died its presiding officer. He be- lieved that goodness consists in doing good, and that the truest homage to Almighty God is a reverent imitation of His blessed works. He was born November 6, 1755, and died March 28, 1833. His grateful children have placed this marble over his remains. Here are the names of Hobart and Cotton ; of Dr. King, Judge Fuller, General Michael Jackson, Colonel Michael Jackson, Major Timothy Jackson, and Hon. William Jackson ; the descendants of John Kem'ick, for a half dozen generations ; the old Woodward family, and a host of Wards and HjtIbs, original settlers. When the new cemetery was opened, near the geographical centre of the town, several of the sleepers under these consecrated shades were removed to it ; and since that date very few inter- ments have taken place here. But the associations of the earliest times and of the men who were prominent in them, will render this cemetery a hallowed spot forever. West Parish Burying Ground. — Col. Nathan Fuller gave to the West Parish one acre and a half of land for a burying gi-ound, about the time of the settlement of the first minister, the Rev. William Greenough. It was situated about sixty rods north of the meeting-house. The deed of gift bears date Sept. 21, 1781. 278 HISTORY OF NEWTON. • In consideration of Ixis love and esteem for the Parish, he conveys it to their committee, their lieirs and assigns forever, for the sole use and improve- ment of the precinct, to be improved only as a burying place, for the reposi- tory of the dead in said precinct. Bounded easterly by land of Nathaniel Greenough, north and west by land of said Fuller, and south by the town way, as the stone fence now standeth. Colonel Nathan Fuller also gave £60 to the church and congre- gation, in April, 1785. The first tenant of the cemetery was a young woman who died of small-pox. The inscription on her headstone, which is about fifteen inches wide and two feet long, is as follows : In memory of Jain Nottige, Daughter of Josiah and Jain Nottige, of Boston, who died of ye Small Pox, Nov. 7, 1777, Aged 17 years. The first man buried here is John Barber. He kept tavern in the West Parish near the meeting-house, and set out the great elm tree before it in 1767. His widow married Captain Samuel Jenks, father of the late Rev. William Jenks, D. D. South Burial Ground. — A meeting of the inhabitants of the south part of Newton was held June 21, 1802, to consider the matter of laying out a new cemetery, and Edward Mitchell, Ebenezer Cheney and Jeremiah Wiswall, jr., chosen a committee to purchase a piece of land for that purpose, — bought about three- quarters of an acre of land of Capt. David Richardson, near the corner of the Dedham and Sherburne roads, since denominated the South Burying Ground. Part of this land was divided into twenty-nine equal lots for family burial places for the original pro- prietors, namely : Jonatliaii Bixbj% Jonathan Bixby, jr., Luke Eartlett, Salmon Barney, Aaron Cheney, Ebenezer Cheney, Simon Elliot, Edward Hall, Samuel Hall, Solomon Hall, Caleb Kcnrick, Edward Mitchell, Joseph Parker, Jonas Stone, Aniasa Winchester, Daniel Richards, Solomou Richards, Aaron Richards, Thaddeus Richards, James Richards, Samuel Parker, Jonathan Richardson, Benjamin Richardson, Ebenezer Richardson, Jeremiali Richardson, Jeremiah Richardson, jr., Jeremiah Wiswall, Jeremiah Wiswall, jr., (two lots). In 1833, these proprietors sold out to the town, but reserved the right to bur^^ in their respective family lots, according to the original plan. About the same time, Mr. Amasa Winchester gave LOWER FALLS CEMETERY. 270 tfiie town about three-quarters of an acre of land, for the purpose of enlarging the cemeter}', being sixty feet on the west line and twent}' feet on the north line adjoining. The cemetery contains therefore about one acre and a half, situated in a retired nook, and is beautifully shaded with evergreens. This cemetery was used for mau}^ years chicfl}^ by the families living in and near the Upper Falls and the south part of the town (Oak Hill). LowEu Falls Cemetery. — In 1813, an Act of Incorporation was granted by the General Court to St. Mar^-'s Parish, at the Lower Falls. About the same time a valuable lot of two acres of land was presented to the corporation, as a site for the church and a cemetery, by Samuel Brown, Esq., merchant of Boston. In this cemetery sleep the earlier members of the church with their families. One of the most interesting, a name from humble life, is Zibeon Hooker, a drummer in the Revolutionary war. He was born in Sherburne, but spent most of his maturer life in Newton Lower Falls, and died there aged about eight}-. He did not shun dauger, as we may infer from the tradition that his bass drum in the action at Bunker Hill was perforated by a British bullet. Much that is interesting may be gathered from a survey of the memorials in the old graveyard. Some of the ancient headstones stand aslant, or are buried in the earth with the dust of those whom they were intended to commemorate. On some of them, the letters that enshrine the names of the loved and lost of former years, are nearly obliterated. We scrape away the cling- ing moss, only to be disappointed, because the inscriptions have vanished, or become illegible. From the monuments in the first graveyard of Newton, we discover that the hardy pioneers, as the result of their simple manners and virtuous and regular lives, lin- gered, very generally, to an advanced age. In the following lists of two hundred and sixty-two names, we find one who lived to the age of 98 years ; one to 95 ; one to 93 ; four to 92 ; two to 91 ; one to 90 ; one to 89 ; one to 88 ; five to 87 ; one to 86 ; one to 85 ; five to 84 ; six to 83 ; five to 82 ; eight to 81 ; one to 80 ; four to 79 ; six to 78 ; seven to 77 ; three to 76 ; five to 75 ; two to 74 ; seven to 73 ; five to 72 ; two to 71 ; four to 70 ; forty to various years among the sixties ; seventy-nine in all, beyond 70 ; one hundred and nineteen, — nearly one-half, — who had attained or exceeded threescore. Man}^, doubtless, are sleeping in this field of graves, over whom no memorial stone was ever raised, and 280 HISTORY OF NEWTON. their names are consigned to forgetfulness. Many of the earliest and most honored inhabitants were committed to the dust, to rest with the fathers in the old cemetery' of Cambridge, opposite the Halls of the Universit}', djdng before Newton had a distinct organization and a corporate name. Some were deposited in tombs built for the place of their final repose, and no separate memorial of them remains, apart from the designation of the ownership of the cr^'pt in which they are concealed. The death roll kept in the ancient Records of Newton registers thirty names belong- ing to the old families of Cambridge Village, borne by persons who died previous to the 3'ear 1G87. In many cases, in this first cemeter}^, the name of the head and husband only appears on the tombstone, and the other members of the family are not parti cularlj^ enumerated. Sometimes, the husband erected a memorial to his departed wife or child ; but through age, or change of circum- stances, or thi'ough procrastination, or the neglect of executors, he who, in his lifetime, kept careful watch and ward over all that were his own, was left to the chance of having his resting-place kept by faithful memories, or, in a brief period, forgotten. And, after two or three generations, the historian seeks it in vain. Such is the fate of many who have lived their Uttle day in this world, — often, men of note, and useful in their generation ; of whom it was said, " how will the world be carried on without them ? " Yet in a little while the tide rolls on ; they are gradually' missed no more, and finally their memory fades away. But how interesting is the catalogue, reproducing, as it does, the names of so many who once tilled these broad acres and watched over the rising interests of the town, who cleared its forests and marked out its streets, who worshipped in its simple church and built its earliest dwellings, who lived examples of integrity and honest worth, and liave left an inheritance, so rich and beautiful, to their posterit}' ! It is a benison to linger among these names and dates, and thus to hold communion with the departed. The names, ages and dates of death of the early inhabitants of a town are a fruitful source of information to the antiquarian. The general reader passes them b}^, unread ; but they are often among the most suggestive materials of history. We have, for- tunately, a catalogue from the' manuscripts of Mr. Ward, which we gladly insert. DEATHS IN NEWTON. 281 (M CO 00 00 00 00 eo l-^ t^ t-. l— l>- t~ t^ 1-- t- I:— c^icoiot^iooDio ^t^.-(eoc5-*r-ioot- i-H C5 O 00 O CO O CO (N O lO CO CO •* Ci ^ OOt~OOt--OOCOO t-t^COt— t-lr-t^COb- C! ^ !.2 c , ; „ o a> ■ t? . ^ ) rt tH C -To i-T -- t^ lei; ;^ N 2 =* - SP § 5 &: fe ^ - o a 2 fc, o *:. -■5' ?> t: '-" ^ S c! « cs O OOOOfiPP ^ '*-' <1 O '-S ^^3 ^ '^ t: -ts "13 ^3 o Q fiq jil H H pq W p^ fi^pqpRpH p: tc to ,^ 'i^ •■5 o o t^ 00 00 t~ CO eo [-*oo-*cosoi:~(MC-ioc5t^ lOOl^COC^t^t^COOOCOCJCOCOM lacOO C0-*iMC<5O-*t^ t^ CO t^ l-^ 00 t^ 1^ GO l^ t-- 1— l-H-^CO ■^CilCit^CiCO'*lOOOOCO• 00 00 o 0-5 ~ o « o _ -— fii en oi C — o o be i J = e-c lan, pt. Jo entice andT sepha ■ft jf Jonatl fc of Ca John Pr f Aaron son of Jo jf J ifeo Wil 2 a ^ IH ' ^ 4 CO =^ « ^ i^ r: o c c H-S^ ood -ziS "^^ o -ti >, ^-. o o o -5 t. - j: i:^ ^T ' — ^ S a"^ «3 to y^ rt >-^ H ! S •- !r; 5 o o o >;>i5 CC aj o o y S2 ce rt re WW pqm 0) o 3 . oo 282 HISTORY OF NEWTON. a -*(M-*i cit~oo-H ao -i< a c-i« u1-*(MO-^-*>OrHi-(Cit^OCO CO .-HO-+iOi-IOC^I5<) i-l^-*l (M-Ml^CJOTinOOCOOlM^O eo Cit^COt^O'-HO'+i i^ t^ to cc CO o I- 00 i^ t^ » -^ I- i^ 1^1^ t^ <:-■; o c^ i^ 00 00 00 t- «t-i 'S o c t£ ^ >- . 1 . '. 1 u 1 i 1 .-II 3 11 1 . "S 1 ^lg'„-'o °0 'A rt Rev. Nehemiah Sarah, his wife, :r Rev. Jonathan, Anna, his wife, Sen. William, Sarah, his wife, Mary, wife of Joi Samuel, Mary, his widow Mr. William, on Borodell, wife on Charles, Esq., on Edward, sr., on Elizabeth, his on Dea. Edward, on Abigail, his wi Abigail, their da Abigail, their d;i S. Robbin on Edward, son Grace, on John, jr., on Margaret, Avife on Mary, wife of on Gen. Michael, Ruth, his widow, on Michael, jr., on Samuel, Esq., ^ ^ CiCj tn 'f' 'n w vi m ifi tn corjcco) cotn K Cq K KW K 1-5 1-5 *-j (-5 1-5 Hj H, y^y^y^^ ^y^ i4 o \n-n CO coo (^ ■* 00 ci coo cq ■* 00 CO rH 00 lo i^ CO o >« M t-t- C5 00 1- OOOOl- O t-CO(Ni-iOO^(M 1000^005 o oc<» |(M»-ioo <-(cocoo ioco»aiMcoiocooo'-o OC5t-C3Clt~-<*iOO'-H^COOl--t- t- t- I- I— O t- t~ t- t- I- 00 t- O I- I- t- l-r t--. I- O t- 1- 00 00 t- t- c rt r c (» o ^ «" bT «M a s rt 8 ^ o .l^a cj S ^-- tS o m fe, fe, Rcb f He dau. iiah, idow fWil f Na f Th 1 his wi his wi 5h, wife, Uiam, dow ■ph, beth, as, of Jos his w wife dau. wife liel, Avife, wife. aller John, aller Jonathan, Mindwell, aller Joshua, Elizabeth, aller Capt. Josej Lydia, his ibbs Gilbert, Wi ibbs Henry, Esq Hannah, wi oddard Josiah, rafton Rev. Jose reenwood Eliza Elizabeth, reenwood Thom all Abigail, wife ammond Joshu,a Elizabeth, ammond Mary, ammond Mary, ammond Anna, ammond Nathac Mary, his arkness John, astings John, Sarah, his astings Samuel, olyoke John, ^^ Ph f=< OO OOO OWW WKKW SS KK 1, A DEATHS IN NEWTON. 283 O < laoO-^OO t^-*COC* l^ C£> CI (M CO -^ ^ O ot^->+i locstocoioiftt^wc^eot- CSO-*lrHC^) COI>J'H^-t- l^l^»aiOC5^l^-*000 t^ l^ t~ t- 1^ 1^ 1- t- t^ t^ l^ b- t^ t--. t^ t^ t^ t~ (^ l^ t^ t^ t^ l^ t^ r - " " rt •^ t: o rt rt • cu -^ ^•- •'=>.^ ^ - .= ? N TS rt, of Rober Thomas, :)f John, na. and S; ichard, jr. n of Elis of Dr. Bei 1 of Ebene Josiah, of John an amuel. ail rdock Joshua, rdock Lieut. Robe rdock Samuel, son k-er Capt. Thomas, k-er (prob.) son of mer Mary, wife ( Ireland, k Elisha, son of Jo k John, k Richard, Estlier, his wife k Sarah, wife of R k Thomas, ker David, ker Ebenezer, jr., ker Ebenezer, so Esther, ker Jemima, wife < ker Mindweil, wife ker Sarah, wife of ker William, rce Dr. Thomas, eon Patience, dau. < tt Henry, tt Henry, son of S tt Oliver, tt Oliver, jr., ntice Samuel, ^ - =-^-^~ '■Z '% 'p SbbgS 5t3i:i:5bDrtrtrtrto sssoci; ^p^^ph (iiSPHP^s pii (ii pi; pi; s S ph (^ ph p-( PM C ceo 1- O^-.C'5COOO-*COiOiMt^OO 1— (r-< .-1 OOr~-t-t~C^'MO'— icOi— 11^1— icO-4HCOl^coO>— ic^i(Mco GO CO b. ^ a J3 N «r? (I; daughtc on of A' , of Bosto low, wife, of Amaria of Ebene wife, e of John, fe of Robe CO 1 < hy, Es is wife -, his wall, nas, s am, Henry liis wid 1 Avidov le, his , wife a, wife onas, le, his th, wif > a, a, lah, wi ban. Jackson Timot Sarah, h Lucrctia Wis Jackson Thoi Elizabet Jackson Abrah Jackson Abiga: Johnson Capt. Kenrick Caleb, Kenrick John, Esther, ] Kenrick John, Ann, his Kenrick John, Mehitab Learned Susan Littlefield Lydi Longley Natha Marean Joshua Meriam Rev. J Mehitab: Mirick Elizabe Munroe Oliver Murdock Elish; Murdock Elish Murdock Hann Murdock Jonat 284 HISTORY OF NEWTON. '*lOO-10-^OOOi-H-*iC200t^-*-*lOU5-.t^ t^-*tC 00<10■ l^ o w w «fi 03 'C a o (B 0) o o .T5 O *^ ■ > o r3 ■^ a> (-r - O -f5 "/i ^ 'S ID a o «3 •» -X 3 no::: £"S Si i-s c3 ^^"^ g _j _bp C ^ g- te c p ,; „ c ^ ci tJDMtDSr tCbOR —I 'C 't- 't-i S "C 'C 1-5 ^" ^-- -T to ! tttt >: n a a fe ^ cco) cca2 ccE-iE-tH H H a) CO J- o«*co-^ob-ot^ooeo C0>0OC5l^Ci^lMl^Ot^C0OOlS»0t^C000i-i-Tj- t^ l^ l^ t^ t'- l^ c3 ?= a 22 o „ 2^ opq ' m ^ r- >. O 0.2 oo^^^igss P-i P4MM I ^H J-t ^^ : cS rt c3 I ^4= — c; o y S5i5 c o 2 rt P ^ « •2^V>S6 «-. CO 03 CO '^ '^ .S O O O m ^ fcu be fcC bc I 13 O ,j5 ^ C CO ^1 c* (_ 3 C C N rt 1* C to -Hb- o a o -*lOt^C0— IC50 I' • — ~ — ^ ^^^^^^^ ^ ^ ^ H o to s t(H -M o ^ •-S b-' a; rr" r3 «f- O '2 '% o g 3 N • t~ t^ t^ 1^ 13 (3 ^ I •sal fl g ^ O S to « . t>^ 2J 2 >=« rt S - P4 , o O u^<^ ^ O a 2 .S ^ -3 -3 TS ^ I-. El rt e3 c3 ji Ck ^ tsi O „ — ' K.4 I V. 3 tn 1H5 P-(l-S U U i" u I i >» . c 3 -5 -^ ," '^ "^ r^ Q rt TS -B -3 '13 ►? ^ ^? J* ^"^ ,f^ ^^ f'^-^-f' =« =« =3 5 S 3 3 ^ 286 HISTORY OF NEWTON. N-^-S" sq t- ■* '*< "O -^ CO 00 t- oo CO t- M CO CO t- «) t- t- 00-^Sl-OCO-^COClOCOCOC50210--ICOCOpcOCO b- » CO t-- t- CO t^ CO l^ t^ 00 CO 00 I- I- CO CO CO I- t~- I- CO 2 J3 oj CA ; — cj c 1, oj C C '5 c'- 3 O O ►-5 t-^ P-l c c c o o o OJ CO «3 ^ ^ riC'Heo->*ra(M'-ico-*-foo -^coiooiaoot^QOco^oi-ococo-^t^ioot-t-ooo -u-H^OOOOCOt-t^-^Ot^OOCCCO'^i-HOC'ICiCOlCO C?CC'-HO'-<'-'OOM00C0t^t^C50iC0C0OO'— lO— I'M a5oooooooooot-coaot-t^t-i^i^i^t~ooi--a)(»oooooo ^ O f-t ^ _rt d o bD o ri W _< ri rS rt 3 ^' m rt o «-M Q h- 1 h^l K r/1 s a a c3 c« ?3 -a '^ <<< J3 ^ => ? » ° 2 o ^ ' - *? 5 c =* « o rt'H 5 2^ ■So -3 t-i — ."P bb'cS ^ g ftC _ ^ __ ^, £3 S *^ '^ - S o ;.-4 ^ f-S tc-3 - to s ei ■ - bC .7, > -4: S rt O ^ -1 O ,W V a X -^ to o = ^ 9 CHAPTER XXIV. THE FmST BAPTIST CHUKCH. — EARLY BAPTISTS IN NEWTON. THE NEW LIGHTS. CHURCH FORMED. THE MEETING-HOUSE. REV. CALEB BLOOD, FIRST PASTOR. REV. JOSEPH GRAFTON. ENLARGEMENT OP THE MEETING-HOUSE. PEW LOTS. THE INTERIOR. MINISTERIAL TAXES. It was a hundred and forty-one years after the first settlement in Newton, before an effective movement was made for the formation of a Baptist church ; and ninety years before we have any notice that any one in the town maintained the views of that denomina- tion. Notwithstanding, at an early period there were people in Newton of the Baptist persuasion. The first of whom any account remains, was Mr. Jonathan Willard, who was baptized December 7, 1729, and united with the First Baptist church in Boston. Two years later. May 7, 1732, Esther Willard, of Newton, was baptized, and admitted to the same church. Mr. Willard lived till the age of ninetj'-four 3'ears, and "was not a little wondered at on account of his religious sentiments." For several years this family seem to have been alone. Seventeen years later, July 21, 1749, Noah Parker, of Newton, was baptized, and admitted to the Second Baptist church in Boston. The formal certificate which follows is a carious exhibition of the solemnity of the action taken on so grave an occasion. Province of the Massachusetts Bay, Conformable to a Law of said Province. Suffolk, ss. Boston. Certificate. These are to cerlifie the Assessors and Town Clerk of Newton, and all others whom it may concern, that the bearer hereof, Noah Parker, of New- ton, aforesaid, is in full communion with the Baptist church in Boston, under the pastoral care of Mr. Epliraim Bounds, ordained Elder of said church,* * Now the Warren Avenue Baptist church. 287 288 HISTORY OF NEWTON. and that the said Noah Parker usually and frequently attends the worship of God with the brethren of the said church on the Lord's day. — Dated in Boston the 21st of August, Anno Domini, 1749, annoque regni regis Georgii Secundi Magnae Britanniae, &c. , vicessimo tertio. Thomas Boucher, \ Committee appointed John Pkoctor, J by the said Church. To the Assessors and Town Clerk of Newton. Boston, November, 1761. This may certify whom it may concern, that Mr. Jonathan Willard, of Newton, is a member of the Baptist church in Boston. Attest, Jeremiah Condy, pastor of said church. September 1, 1749, Esther Parker was baptized and admitted to the same church; and July 1, 1753, Mrs. Sarah Parker, wife of Mr. Noah Parker, having been previously baptized by Dr. Thomas Green, of Leicester, was also admitted. David Richard- son, having been propounded to the same church, was baptized and received a member July 2, 1758. Shortly afterwards other Baptists were residing in the town, although the circumstances of their baptism and place of membership do not appear. The town Records contain an attested certificate, signed by Rev. Mr. Green of Leicester, and dated September 9, 1754, affirming that he had baptized Messrs. John Hammond, Noah Wiswall, and Thomas Parker. The certificate reads thus : Newton, Sept. 9, 1754. — This may certify whom it may concern that I, Thomas Green, baptized John Hammond, Noah Wiswall, Thomas Parker, all of said town. I say, baptized by me, Thomas Green, Pastor of the Baptist Church of Christ at Leicester. The year before this. May 14, 1753, Mr. Wiswall and others addressed a memorial to the town meeting, praying that they might be exempted from papng a ministerial tax for the support of the clerg^Tuan of the town, because they were conscientious Baptists, and paid a tax elsewhere. The town voted that their petition be not granted. Three 3'ears later, March 15, 1756, some of the Baptists, it Avould seem, had fallen into arrears in respect to the payment of their ministerial rates to the town, hoping that the citizens would abate the demand. But the matter, being brought up in the town meeting, was summaril}' disposed of. The Records state the action of the freemen thus : CERTIFICATES. 289 After some debate on the request of John Hammond and others, that they might not be rated for the support of the ministry, the question was put, Tvhether they should be excused for the time past; and it passed in the negative. And then the question was put, whether they should be excused for the future ; and it passed in the negative. These measures, however, did not check the extension of Bap- tist opinions. Candor and charity, exercised towards those who had made up their minds from conviction and who were conscien- tious in their action, would have been far wiser. But the policy of exclusiveness prevailed. Seven years after this, a certificate given by his pastor to Mr. Joseph Bartlett, of Newtown, defining the position of the latter, proves that the Baptists were still under oppression. The certi- ficate is as follows : Leicester, June 20, 1763. — This may certify all people whom it may con- cern, that Joseph Bartlett, of Newtown, doth belong to the Anabaptist church of Elder Thomas Green, of Leicester, and is under his pastoral care ; and doth desire the privilege the law gives, in being cleared from paying of rates to those of other ways of thinking. 'Tis we Avho are chosen by the church to give certificate to those. Elder Thomas Green, Thomas Holman, Samuel Gkeen. The town Records, eleven 3'ears later, contain a certificate addressed to the town, affirming that certain persons therein named, ten in number, were " Anti-Pedobaptists," symbolizing in belief with persons of that persuasion, and ordinarily worshipping with them. The certificate is as follows : We the subscribers being chosen a committee by the Society of the people called " Anti-Pedobaptists," who meet together for religious worship on the Lord's day in Newton, to exhibit a list or lists of the names of such persons as belong to said Society or congregation, do certify that .John Dana, John Ken- rick, Caleb Whitney, Thomas Parker, Ebenezer Bartlett, Joseph Hyde, Nathaniel Parker, Thomas Tolman, Widow Abigail Richardson and Elisha Bartlett, do belong to said Society or congregation, and that they do fre- quently and usually, when able, attend with us in our meetings for religious worship on the Lord's day ; and we do verily believe are, with respect to the ordinance of baptism, of the same religious sentiments with us. Signed, Aug. 12, A. D., 1774, John Dana, "j Thomas Parker, >- Committee. Joseph Hyde. J 19 290 HISTORY OF NEWTOK The strictness of the townsmen began at last to relent. In June, 1776, the 5^ear of national freedom, James Richards and Edward Hall were excused from paying ministerial taxes for the support of the minister of the town of the " standing order ; " and four j^ears afterwards, 'July 5, 1780, the First Baptist church was formed. In the autumn of 1740, Rev. George Whitefield made his first visit to New England, and his preaching awakened general inter- est ; as a fruit of which, gi-eat attention to religion prevailed for several years. The people were aroused from a dead formalism. The more spiritual and the newly converted, dissatisfied that per- sons showing little or no evidence of personal piety were admitted to the Lord's table, desired a purification of the churches, so that none should be members but persons making a credible professioa of personal faith in Christ. The result of this movement was the formation, in several towns, of what were called Separate, or Nevr Light churches. This name was given them as a terra of reproach, as if they pretended to have received " new light " from heaven. A church of this character was formed in Newton, meeting at tha house of one of their members, Mr. Nathan Ward, who became their pastor. Mr. Ward was one of Whitefield's converts in Newton, and the grandson of John Ward, senior. Like Jonathan Hyde,* of Brook- line, also a convert of Whitefield, he was ordained to the work of the ministry in this new connection. But Mr. Ward's authorit}- as a minister of the gospel was not conceded by " the standing order." Notwithstanding his position as the pastor of an inde- pendent chm'ch, his fellow-citizens accorded to him no privileges * Jonathan Hyde, great grandson of Dea. Samuel Hyde, was born in Canterbury, Conn., whither his father had immigrated. At the age of forty or forty-two, in 1751 , Jonathan settled in Brookline, near the boundary line of Newton. He became a Baptist, was called a New Light, and was ordained in his own dwelling-house in Brookline, in 1751. It was in that year, that, under the influence of a spirit of intol- erance, he was warned out of Brookline. The celebrated preacher, Elhanan Win- chester, received baptism at his hands. Though without a college education, Mr. Hyde is said to have been " an honest, earnest, loud-spoken preacher, and an early friend of the First Baptist church in Newton." He was a preacher about thirty years, and died June 4, 1787, aged 78. He had three sons born in Canterbury, and one in Brookline. When it became inconvenient for the New Lights to hold their meetings from house to house, HIT. Winchester (the father), who had been made deacon, was assisted by his brethren to build a large house, which should contain a hall convenient for their use. This house was long known as the " Richards' Hotel." Subsequently it became the Sheafe place, and latterly was let to Irish tenants. It is situated near the Denny estate, east of Chestnut Hill. (See p. 124.) MR. WARD'S MINISTRY. 291 or immunities above those of his unclerical neighbors. The new sect met with much opposition. Mr. H^^de was warned to leave the town of Brookline, and Mr. "Ward was taxed by the authorities of Newton, though the law exempted from taxation all ordained clergj^men. Mr. Ward remonstrated against this treatment as un- lawful, and sent the following memorial to the citizens assembled in town meeting March 3, 1755 : Gentlemen : — It hath pleased a sovereign and all wise God, who is wont to choose the weak things of the world to confound the wise, as I humbly trust and believe, to call me, who am less than the least of all saints, to preach his gospel, and also to take the pastoral care of a church in this town, who, some- few years past embodied into a church for the carrying on the worship of Gocl agreeable to his word and their own consciences ; and I have been, as some of you are eye witnesses, ordained, solemnly set apart to the work of the gospel miaistry, by prayer and the laying on of hands. And now, gentle- men, you well know that it ever hath been the case that those that have been ordained to the work of the gospel ministry ever have been freed from all taxes or rates, and indeed they are so both by the Divine and civil law. But yet, notwithstanding my calling as a minister of God's word and ordinances, the assessors of this town have been pleased, since the time of my ordination, both to rate my person and assess my estate, which, I apprehend, is not their duty to do, nor indeed mine to pay. And now, gentlemen, as it is in your power to grant me freedom in this matter, my humble petition and re- quest unto you at this time is, that you would free me, together with my estate under my particular improvement, from being rated or assessed so long as I shall act in this public character, that I may enjoy the like privi- leges of this nature as do other ordained ministers. And so doing, you will oblige Your most humble servant, Nathan Ward. Mr. Ward never enjoyed the benefit of a collegiate education. But under the impression produced upon his mind b}'' the preach- ing of Whitcfleld, he conceived it to be his duty to devote himself to the ministry, and he was ordained at Newburyport, Jul}' 11, 1765, with reference to a pastoral charge at Plymouth, N. H. In the winter of 17G3-4, he removed with his family from Newton, where he felt that he had been persecuted, to the place where lie had been designated to labor. The settlement consisted, at that time, of only eight families. A church was organized April 1(), 1764. Mr. Ward was twice manned, and had thirteen children. Five of them died within the space of thirty-six days, four of the number being of adult age. He died at Plymouth, N. H., June 15, 1804, aged eighty-three. 292 HISTORY OF NEWTON. Soon after the settlement of Mr. "Ward as their pastor in New- ton, some of the members became interested to search the Scrip- tures in regard to the ordinance of baptism, and many of them were baptized on profession of their faith. But they still retained their connection with the church, and Mr. Ward retained his Pedo- baptist views.. After a time, the majority of the church having become Baptists, Mr. Ward, not sharing their belief, retired, hav- ing been their pastor about seven years. The Baptists continued to assemble on the Lord's daj^, at first in dwelling-houses, afterwards in a school-house. Their worship was conducted b}' Deacon Jonathan Richardson and Mr. John Dana, the father of Nathan Dana, who was afterwards licensed by the church, and ordained at Newton, November 20, 1793. Whenever they could obtain the service of ministers, it gave them great jo}^ ; and several ministers, in the true apostolic spirit, vis- ited them. They continued in this manner to maintain worship for uearl}' twenty years. The beginning of the year 1780 was marked by special religious interest in Newton. In the spring of that 3'ear, Mr. Elhanan Win- chester, who at a later period preached the doctrine of Universal Res- toration, visited the town. His labors were attended with a blessing, and several persons, having become hopefuU}' pious, received the ordinance of baptism from his hands. Ministers who heard of the excitement came and aided in the work. The number of converts increased, and the}" were advised to form themselves into a church. Preliminar}' meetings were held June 6, 10, 15 and 22, in which a statement of their views as to the duties of a church and the rela- tions of its individual members was discussed, and drawn up in twenty-one articles. It is interesting to note how these intelligent men and women, taking nothing upon trust, accepting nothing on the strength of education or tradition, sifted every point in their church polity, and, in the busiest season of the summer, took time to weigh their faith in the balances of the sanctuary, and to bring every point to the test of the Divine word. On the 6th of June a meeting of the brethren was held at the house of Elisha Fuller, " to know each other's minds relative to forming a new Baptist church." Rev. Caleb Blood, of Weston, was chosen moderator, and Thomas Hastings (of Angler's Cor- ner) , clerk. At this and subsequent meetings held hy adjourn- ment, the following articles were thoroughly debated, and finally agreed upon : VIEWS OF CHURCH POLITY. 293 Voted, The following articles to be necessary to regulate our walk in church-state, agreeable to the Word of God : "1. We believe that the church of Jesus Clirist, under the gospel, is to be made up only of persons wlio arc true believers in Christ ; and that the design of God, in having a church in the Avorld, is to show forth !iis declara- tive glory, in maintaining his doctrine and worship, for the gathering in of his elect, and the mutual edification and comfort of his people. " 2. We believe the manner in which God's people ought to come to- gether in church-state is by giving each other a verbal declaration of the work of God's grace upon their hearts, and the same to be required of all who may hereafter join thcra. " 3. We believe that there are no officers to be ordained in the church but bishops and deacons ; and their character to be as expressed in Timothy, third chapter, from the first to the eighth verse. " 4. We believe that the work of a bishop is to attend to reading and studying the Scriptures, and to preach the Word, and to administer the ordi- nances of the gospel, and to stand a leader and overseer in the church. " 5. We believe that the work of a deacon is to serve tables, in all things that are necessary in the church. " 6. We believe that it is the church's duty to support their minister, so that he may devote himself to the work to which he is called, and to submit to him as a leader. " 7. We believe that the manner we ought to support our minister is by a freewill offering, and in case of need, by an equality ; and in like manner to support all other necessary charges in the church. " 8. We believe that there are gifts of exhortation to be improved in the church, while by no means we would exclude the right of any brother's speaking by way of specialty. " 9. We believe that all the gifts of the church ought to be in subjugation to each other. " 10. We believe that the churches are independent of each other as to the power of action, and therefore have power to elect and ordain their own officers. "11. We believe that a woman hath no right to act, either in teaching or governing the church, while we would by no means exclude them the right of unbosoming themselves to the church, either in case of grief or joy. " 12. We believe that the cliurcli has a right to call her own members to an account, for not attending public worship, sacraments and church meet- ings. " 13. We believe that in case of a brother's or sister's absence from the public worship and sacraments, it is the minister's duty to visit them and inquire into the reason of it. " 14. We believe that a brother or sister hath no right to be absent from the sacraments, but only in case they themselves, or the church, are trans- gressors of the Divine rules. " 15. We believe that a private offence is to be brought into the church, according to the rule in Matthew, eigliteenth chapter, from tlie fifteenth to 294 HISTORY OF NEWTON. tlie seventeenth verse; and a public offence to be taken hold of by the church as a body. " 16. We believe that no case of difficulty may be considered as public, but only such as the major part of the church have knowledge of without tattling. "17. We believe that the church ought to keep all her meetings for set- tling difficulties as secret from the world as possible, consistent with evidence. " 18. We believe that no brother or sister hath a right to go to law with each other, while they remain together in church-state. " 19. We believe no brother or sister ought to make any matter of diffi- culty with each other, either [as relates to] their practice or principles, ex- cept it be contrary to the Word of God. " 20. We believe the church ought to support their own poor. "21. We believe that any person holding, or not holding, the doctrine of laying on of hands upon private persons, ought not to be held as a bar of communion." The above articles, it will be perceived, make no mention of theological tenets ; but relate only to what was anciently and quaintly called " church-building." Thirty-nine names, signed to this paper, formed the nucleus of the new church. They are as follows : Dea. Elliauan Winchester, Aaron Winchester, ( Daniel Winchester, father of the preaclier. ) sons of Dea. [ Kllianan Win- ) Chester. John Dana, Thomas Hastings, sou of Samuel, sen. John Shepard, William Cheney, jr., Henry Winchester, son of Gulliver, Edward Hall, Aaron HaU, Nathan Dana, Aaron Dana, Esther HaU, Elizabeth Hastings, wife of Thomas, Olive Bcal, Anna Blincowe, Elizabeth M. Winchester, ) np^^^pfh^nai Sarah Winchester, j ^l^cUesi^r? Bevilah Winchester, Abigail Wilson, Esther Richardson, Susanna Parker, Lucy Seager, Anna Pond, Abigail Dana, Hannah Hall, Hepsibah JefEerd, Hannah Morse, Dorothy Richards, Deliverance Wiswall, Polly Cheney, Lydia Cheney, Abigail Prout, eight years old, Sarah Goodspeed, Joseph Hyde, Gershom Hyde, Elizabeth Whitney, Noah Wiswall, William Cheney. Thirty-four names were added to the catalogue in the course of five or six weeks, which deserve a place here because they belong to the old families of the town, and some of them were prominent in the early administration of the church. THE FIEST BAPTIST CHURCH. 295 David Bartlett, Edward Hall, Abigail Merriam, Sarah Bartlett, Hannah Fuller, Jlercy Barton, Lyilia Cheney, Mary HaU, Margaret Griggs, Lydia "Winchester, l^ois Winchester, Dorcas Richardson, Thomas Parker, Thomas Tollman, Eunice Parks, Eleanor Dana, Rebecca Hammond, daught^s of Dea. Elhanan Winches- ter. Silence Davenport, Lucy Shepard, Elizabeth Cheney, Lucy Richardson, Elizabeth Pond, Tliomas Griggs, Benjamin Park, Anna Kenrick, Mehitable Wilson, Elizabeth Real, Esther Fuller, Anna Ward, Samuel Sampson, Elizabeth Richards, Hannah Gosson, Margaret Hyde, Sarah Jackson. On Wednesday, July 5, 1780, the members met in the house on the east side of the road, opposite Wiswall's Pond, now belonging to heirs of Deacon Luther Paul, for the purpose of being publicly recognized as a church of Jesus Christ, and the First Baptist church in Newton. Four ministers were present, — Rev. Noah Aldeu, of BeUingham, Rev. Thomas Gair, of Medfield, Rev. Caleb Blood, late of Marlow, N. H., and Rev. Ephraim Bownd, of Boston. After having examined and approved the steps taken bj' the members, Mr. Alden preached from Acts II: 47, "Praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved." "After which, Mr. Gair made a prayer, and read over a summary confession of faith, — to which thirty-nine persons assented, in the presence of a nu- merous congregation. The whole was concluded by an exhorta- tion from Mr. Blood." The summary declaration of faith, read by Mr. Gair at the public exercise, was the same which had been adopted b}- the Sec- ond Baptist church in Boston. The same j^ear in which the church was organized, it was admitted, on application, into the Warren Association, which held its annual meeting at Athol. September 21st, it was "voted that Elhanan Winchester be a leader in this meeting, and John Dana be a leader in the church, until Christ shall raise up one to take his place ; — to have a col- lection weekl}', and John Shepard and Thomas Hastings take charge of the same ; — to give Noah Wis wall fort}- pounds, quar- terly, for the use of his house ; — that Abigail Prout be provided ifor, at the expense of the church." 296 HISTORY OF NEWTON. The first delegates, appointed to the "Warren Association, in August, 1780, were Elhauan Winchester, David Bartlett and John Shepard. " They stated to tlie Association that the number of their church members was seventy, that they were destitute of a Pastor, and requested to have a supply of preaching the ensuing j-ear." This request must have been presented l)efore Mr. Blood had expressed his acceptance of the call made to him on the loth of July. In December, 1781, Samuel Sampson was chosen clerk, in place of Thomas Hastings, and John Shepard was elected deacon. The following March, the church voted to " assemble themselves in communion of the Lord's Supper, once in ever^' six weeks." Thus was the infant barque launched upon the current of the world's religions, and a new light kindled amid the darkness. After 3'ears of waiting, the principle of freedom in matters of con- science was at last so far conceded that the members found them- selves recognized by their fellow-townsmen as having the right to be. Departing, in some respects, from the faith in which they had been educated, they held the same cardinal truths, and were ready to endure inconveniences and trials for the sake of the views they had espoused. Their study of the Scriptures made them in- telligent Christians. In that stern period which had " tried men's souls," and in that furnace of political strife from which the nation was just emerging, they had learned to think and act for themselves in the spirit of independence ; and in their new church relations, they felt that they had attained a blessing which rightfully belonged to them as freemen of the new republic. Moreover, as the roots of a thrifty tree reach out far and wide in search of the elements of fertility, so the early members were drawn from a wide range of territory, and some even from the adjacent towns. It would have been natural to predict for the vigorous bod}-, after so auspi- cious beginnings, a pro^Dcrous career. The first meeting-house was erected on laud given by Mr. Xoah "Wiswall, on the border of Wiswall's Pond, at the easterly part, fronting on the road. The vote to build the house is dated Janu- ary 17, 1781. The vote of the Society directed that it should be thirty-five feet square. In the plan of the Building Committee, which was accepted by the Societ}', the dimensions were somewhat altered. The plan reported made it forty feet by thirt^'-two, and it was calculated that the expense would be about three hundred FIRST BAPTIST MEETING-HOUSE. 297 pounds specie, or one thousand dollars. The house, however, was not completed at once. The Society manifested the greatest dread of accumulating a burdensome debt, and proceeded in the work onl}' so far as the means in their hands would warrant them. Dur- ing the whole ministry of Rev. Mr. Blood, the interior of the house was unfinished. The only seats were rough boards laid upon the supports which are denominated by carpenters, horses. The pulpit also was a structure of unplaned boards. After the settlement of Mr. Grafton, the walls were plastered, and the interior arrangements assiuned an air of convenience and comfort. The church at first held their meetings in the house of Mr. Wiswall, and often, in mild weather, under the noble elms in front of the house. Up to August, 1788, a subscription had been five times set on foot for the purpose of carrying on the work. A pulpit was built in April, 1792, at an expense of £14 17s. Id., about 849.50. This, with the building of sheds for carriages, and the finishing of the pews in the galleries, was the consummation of the work. The whole was set in order in April, 1795, fourteen years from the commence- ment. The house was enlarged in the summer of 1802 by the addition of seventeen feet to the west side, which gave space for twenty-four new pews. A committee was appointed in the year 1782, while the original house was building, to "dignify the pew spots," according to the custom of the times. The highest positions were assigned to those whose subscriptions to the house had been the most liberal ; and no person could have a pew who had sub- scribed less than ten pounds.* There were twenty wall pews, and four pews "back of the body-seats." In January, 1795, a vote was taken to procure a stove to warm the meeting-house. t The Society's vote states with great exact- *It is an interesting fact, illustrative of the history of the times, that among the proprietors of the house, forty-four in number,— all but five bore Scripture names. Six bore the name of John ; Ebenezer, Samuel and Thomas, four each ; Aaron, three- David, Elisha, Jeremiah and Noah, two each; Daniel, Gershom, James, Josiah, Nathan, Simeon, Solomon, Stephen and Thaddeus, one each. The names of females were also much more frequently scriptural names than in our own days. Huldah seems to have been a favorite appellation. tThe people of Newton were not so tardy in providing in this way for their com- fort as some of their neighbors. So late as November 14, 1806,— the Federal Street Society in Boston,— Dr. Channing's,— by their committee, "Voted that a stove be permitted to be placed in the Federal Street church, without expense to the society to be erected under the direction of the Church Committee; its use to be discontinued at any time when the committee shall direct." Thus the First Baptist church iu Newton was eleven years in advance of one of the wealthiest churches iu Boston. 298 HISTORY OF NEWTON. ness where the stove shall stand, together with the course of the stove-pipe, and the " window " where it shall make its exodus from the house. The expense of the stove and funnel was £11 13s. lOd., — a little less than forty dollars. So important was this article of luxury in the view of our fathers, that in the annual engagement with the sexton, it was distinctly mentioned, that he was " to take care of the meeting-house and the stove." Among the earlj^ arrangements of the Societ}', votes occasion- ally appear which are interesting, because thej' illustrate the man- ners of the times. At the meeting of the Society March 19, 17S2, it was voted that " Messieurs John Kenrick, jr., John Wiswall and Jeremiah Richardson be choristers for this Societ}', for the present year." At the same meeting it was " voted that the singing, in a general way, be carried on by reading a line at a time in the fore- noon, and a verse at a time in the afternoon." This vote indicates the deficiency of hymn-books in the congregation, and, at the same time, the latter part of it implies among the worshippers, " in a general way," a good degree of familiarity with standard hymns. The first vote of the Society connected with the church has reference to the securing of a minister, and the second to the erec- tion of the meeting-house. The by-laws of the Society are com- menced with the following excellent preamble : We, the subscribers, members of the First Baptist church and society in Newton, taking into consideration the many obligations God in his word has laid us under to keep up and support the gospel ministry amongst us, — although there has been, and still are, diversity of opinions amongst professing Christians respecting the same, yet we are persuaded that reason and the word of God plainly dictate that it ought to be done in such a manner that one be not eased and another burdened ; also, that the preacher, whoever he may be, who shall be set over us, may be so far released from worldly busi- ness that he may give himself to study and the care of the flock over which he is set. And, in order that those desirable ends may be answered, we do, each of us, for ourselves voluntarily agree to the following articles. The following is the first article : We will each of us contribute in proportion to our ability towards the sup- port of the ministry, and pay the same at such time as shall be agreed on by this Society. The salary of Mr. Blood, the first minister, was small, amount- ing only to sixty pounds and " the loose money " contributed on Lord's days. For the sake of these casual contributions, the box was carried around generall}" on the lower floor every Sabbath, and EEV. CALEB BLOOD, FIRST PASTOR. 299 in the gallery once in the month, until the year 1815. After the accession of Mr. Grafton, the second pastor, in addition to the sal- ary and eight cords of wood, twenty pounds a year were granted to the pastor, " in consideration of the enhanced price of the nec- essaries of life." The salary of Mr. Grafton was increased from time to time, in proportion as the expenses of his family and the style of living in successive periods demanded. In addition to his salary, several members of the Society purchased " half of the place that Mr. Blood used to own," and gave it " to Mr. Grafton as a set- tlement." A "settlement" was a present, over and above the stipulated salary, given to the minister as a token of good will. The amount paid for this settlement was £75 or about $250. The Society was incorporated b}' the Legislature of Massachu- setts, and the Act of Incorporation signed hy the Governor, Feb- ruary 12, 1821. Ten clays after its formation, the church voted to invite Mr. Caleb Blood to take the pastoral care. In Januar}-, 1781, a com- mittee was appointed to request the church at Weston, then under the pastoral care of IMr. Blood, to consent that he might preach at Newton a part of the time until spring. Mr. Blood soon became a resident of Newton, and was pastor till January 24, 1788. To aid in his support, he taught the district school at Oak Hill two winters. By those who remember him, his preaching is said to have been "plain, bold, faithful and able." Though his ministry was short, he was much beloved. The salary proving inadequate to his necessities, Mr. Blood asked a dismission, which was granted. The Records contain an official letter to Mr. Blood, communicating to him the action of the members on his request, which is highly creditable both to them and to him. When Mr. Blood became pastor at Newton, the num- ber of members who had been admitted to the church was seventy- three ; at his dismission, the number was ninety-two. The num- ber of additions was nineteen. His pastorate continued about seven years. Mr. Blood was born in Charlton, Worcester county, Mass., August 18, 1754. In the twent^'-first year of his age, he was hopefully converted. It is said that he was impressed with a deep sense of his sinfulness while at a ball, in the midst of mirth and gaiety. In about eighteen months he commenced preaching and was ordained at Marlow, N. H., in 1777, probably as an itinerant. 300 HISTORY OF NEWTON. He continued here about two years, and then removed to "Weston, where he supphed the Baptist church about a year and a lialf. He was then pastor at Newton till January, 1788, at Shaftsbury, Vt., tiU September, 1807, over the Third Baptist church in Boston (Charles Street) till 1810, and the last four 3^ears of his life over the First Baptist church at Portland, Me., where he died March 6, 1814, greatly beloved and lamented. Mr. Blood was the author of a controversial work on baptism, in the form of a dialogue, between a Baptist and a Pedo-Baptist. The charge given by him at the ordination of Rev. Thomas Green, in West Cambridge, November 17, 1783, was also printed, in con- nection with the ordination sermon of Rev. Thomas Gair, of Med- field. During the ministry of Mr. Blood, an event befell the church which proved a serious shock to its growth and prosperity. Rev. Elhanan Winchester, the zealous and captivating preacher, through whose influence mainly the church had been formed, forsook his earlier faith, and adopted the doctrine of universal salvation. He was able to carry with him, in his new views, several of the lead- ing members of the church. His father. Deacon Elhanan Win- chester, a pillar of the church from the beginning, his wife, two sous and four daughters embraced the new doctrine of Elhanan, the preacher. So also did Thomas Hastings and Samuel Sampson, the first two clerks of the church, and others. One after another adopted the new doctrine, until fifteen were, in consequence, ex- cluded from membership, and the harmony of the church was marred for a period of nearty four years. This was the period when John Murray, the first avowed Universalist preacher in the United States, commenced his labors in Massachusetts. After itinerating several years, Mr, Murray established himself in Gloucester, Mass., and there the first Universahst Societ}^ in this country was organized in 1779, and the first meeting-house erected in 1780. Mr. Winchester heard Mr. Murra}^ in Philadelphia, and was there converted to his views, and became, next to Mr. Murray, the most efficient early preacher of Universalism. Mr. Winchester was, at that time, about thirty years of age. For the next twenty years, the church felt the efiects of this period of trial. The average number of additions was smaller, for that length of time, than during any other period of its histor^^ Nevertheless, there were years of special prosperity, in that inter- val, as in periods both antecedent and subsequent. MR. GRAFTON'S PASTORATE. 301 The same month in which Mr. Blood closed his connection with the church, Mr. Joseph Grafton, of Providence, R. I., was in- vited to visit them. April 10, 1788, he was invited by the Church and Society to become their pastor. In the letter containing the call, it is said, " For his serving of us in the ministry, we do promise to support him in such a manner that he may be free from worldly care and anxiety ; and for the first year, we promise him the consideration of fifty-five pounds, and to pay it quarter!}' ; and after that, to make such further additions, as his necessities require and our circumstances will admit of." Mr. Grafton wrote an acceptance of this call, dated May 13, 1788 ; " and, after preaching seventeen Sabbaths, to the satisfaction of the church," he was ordained June 18, 1788. The council met at Little Cambridge (Brighton). Rev. .John Stanford, of Provi- dence, preached the ordination sermon from I. Peter V : 4. For nearly half a century, he continued to go out and in among his people, as a good shepherd, caring for the sheep. The whole number who were admitted to the church during his separate min- istry was five hundred and fifty-four. There were onl3'four years, during his protracted residence at Newton, in which there were not additions to the church. Seasons of special religious interest during his pastorate are indicated b}' the number of persons who, in various years, were baptized. In 1788, the additions to the church were twent}' ; in 1789, eleven; in 1808, sixteen; in 1811, fifty-one; in 1812, twenty-eight; in 1813, eighteen; in 1817, twent3^-seven ; in 1827, one hundred and two; in 1828, twenty- four; in 1832, ninet3'-one. The whole number admitted to the church, during his entire ministry, was five hundred and sixtj'- seven, — being an average of more than eleven annually. In addition to his proper parochial labors, he often preached in the open air, his hearers coming from all parts of the sm-rounding country-. As an indication of the public estimate of his abiUties and sound judgment, — even in points not pertaining to his profession, — it may be stated that Mr. Grafton received twenty-nine votes, out of the whole number of votes cast by his fellow-townsmen, as a member of the Convention for revising the Constitution of Massa- chusetts, held in the year 1820. Honorable testimony is borne to the estimation in which he was held by his brethren, by the numerous ecclesiastical oflSces and 302 HISTORY OF NEWTON. appointments to which, at various times, he was elected. He was Vice-President of the Massachusetts Baptist Missionary Society (now the Massachusetts Baptist Convention) from 1815 to 1825, and, after the death of Dr. Baldwin, President. He was appoint- ed on the committee of the Evangelical Tract Society in 1817, and Trustee of the same from 1823 to 1829. In the early history of the Baptist General Convention for Foreign Missions, he was one of the committee for the northern section of the Union to examine candidates for missionary labor. In 1819, he was a mem- ber of the committee of the American Baptist Magazine. He was Vice-President of the -Boston Baptist Foreign Missionary Society for Boston and vicinity, being elected several times suc- cessively for the space of three years each, from the year 1819. In 1826 he was elected the first President of the Board of Trus- tees of the Newton Theological Institution. He was President, successively, of the Norfolk County Foreign Missionary Society, and of the Middlesex and Norfolli County JMissionarj^ Societ}'. He preached the annual sermon of the "Warren Association at Middleborough, in the year 1799, and of the Boston Association, at the Charles Street chm'ch in Boston, in 1815 ; and was Modera- tor of the latter in the year 1822 at the Second Baptist church iu Boston, and iu 182G at South Reading. His preaching was eminently simple, obvious and unadorned, yet evangelical and effective. His theology was of the order of Andrew Fuller's. His texts were chosen from the whole range of the Scriptures ; and most of his illustrations he drew from the treasure-house of the Divine word. Mr. Grafton was thrice married, and had, in all, nine children, of whom six died in infancy or childhood. At a meeting of the church held July 2, 1805, Mr. Grafton asked to be relieved from the responsibilities of the pastoral office, generously proposing to relinquish the emoluments of his position, and advising the settlement of a young and vigorous minister, who would do for the people a service of which the gi'ow- ing infirmities of age rendered him incapable. Accordingly a col- league pastor was settled with his hearty concurrence. The following records are interesting, in " connection witli the history of the First Baptist Society, as an illustration of the methods and measures of the proprietors of the meeting-house nearly three-quarters of a century ago. THE MEETING-HOUSE ENLARGED. 303 Sale of Pew Lots in the Meeting-House. — The committee chosen by the Baptist Society in Newton, at their meeting in August last, to make sale of Pew Lots in their meeting-house, have attended that service and report their doings as follows, viz. : That they have sold five pew lots in the Women's Gallery to the following persons, and for the sura set against their names re- spectively ; and liave made and executed good and sufficient Deeds of said lots, in behalf of said Society, as follows, viz. : Lot No. 1 To David Bartlett, for $10.00 Lot No. 2 To Samuel Prentiss, for 9.00 Lot No. 3 To Thomas Hovey, for 9.00 Lot No. 4 To Benjamin Richardson, for 15.00 Lot No. 5 To Jonathan Richardson, for 9.50 Amounting in the whole to $52.50 and that they have paid the money into the treasury of said Society. All which is submitted, Stephen Dana, John King, J. Kenkick, je. Newton, April 2, 1802. Enlargement of the Meeting-House in 1803-4. — The com- mittee appointed by the Baptist Society in Newton, at their meet- ing on the ninth day of April, 1804, for the purpose of enlarging their meeting-house, and for making sale of the pews built in con- sequence of such enlargement, have attended to and completed the business of their appointment ; also, have made some necessary repairs on the old part of said house, and have paid all the demands for work and materials for the same, as follows, viz. : Paid Isaac Dana and Joseph Russell, as per contract, $1,101.00 Paid do. for building three pews in the gallery, 18.00 Paid do. for removing three pillars in the old part of s'd house, 3.00 Paid do. for removing studs, &c., in the new part, 3.33 Paid do. for paint, 1.52 To cash paid Jacob Weld for painting the outside, 38.50 Paid Daniel Sanger for whitewashing, G.OO Paid Samuel Child for numbering the pews, 1.75 Paid Aaron Richards for timber, work, &c., IG.OO Paid Jacob Weld for painting the inside of the house, 7.72 Paid Norman Clark for boarding the Painters, and for joist and timber for the vestry, &c., 10. 14 Ihe expenses of the committee at tliree meetings, 2.90 Whole amount of expense, §1,209.86 304 HISTORY OF NEWTON. The committee have received the whole of the proceeds of the sale of twenty pews built on the lower floor of said house, — which sum, with seven dollars received of Benjamin Richardson for a window put into his pew, amounted to the sum of twelve hundred and twelve dollars ; which leaves, a balance in favor of the Society, the sum of two dollars and fourteen cents. Stephen Dana, Aaron Dana, ^ John King, Noah King, ! ^ Aaron Richards, Ebenezer Richardson, j ^""^"^^ ^^• Edavard Mitchell, J Newton, April 29, 1805. purchasers' NAMES AND NUMBER OF PEWS AND PRICE SOLD FOR. NAMES. NO. price. Ebenezer Hovey, 37 ^61.00 John Peck, 38 G5.00 Josiah Bacon, 39 65.00 Amasa Winchester, 40 59.00 James Hovey, 41 63.00 Stephen Dana, 42 63.00 Daniel Richards, Daniel Richards,. jr.. 43 64.00 J. Mclntyre, 44 60.00 John Peck, 27 63.00 John Kenrick, jr., 28 63.00 Moses Stone, 29 64.00 John King, 30 59.00 John Hastings, 31 57.00 Aaron Richards, 36 56.00 David Bartlett, 1 Salmon Barney, 4 60.00 Jonathan Bixby, jr., and N. Pettee, 5 55.00 John Peck, 6 62.00 Ebenezer Richardson, 22 55.00 Isaac Dana, 23 57.00 Norman Clark, 24 54.00 .^1,205.00 Received of Benjamin Richardson for a window put "| into his pew, included in the contract with Dana )■ & Russell, J 7.00 $1,212.00 Proceedings of an Annual Meeting. — Annual meeting of the Baptist Society in Newton, held at their meeting-house on the 29th of April, 1809. First, chose Stephen Dana, Esq., Moderator. 2. Chose John Kenrick, Esq., Clerk. 3. Chose Lieut. Ebenezer Richardson, Treasurer. 4. Voted, That Messrs. Stephen Dana, John Kenrick and Norman Clark be the Prudential Committee for the ensuing year. 5. Voted, Messrs. Stephen Dana, Dea. Hall, Caleb Kenrick, jr., Elisha Hyde and Ebenezer Richardson be a committee to average the expenses of the Society. THE OLD MEETING-HOUSE. ■ 305 6. Voted, That James Hovcy be the Collector for the ensuing year. 7. Voted, .$450 for Mr. Grafton's support the ensuing year, together with the land belonging to the Society, and the loose money. 8. Voted, $20 for contingent expenses. 0. Voted, That Lieut. Jonathan Richardson collect the money in the gallery on the first Lord's day in each month. 10. Voted, to raise money by subscription to repay the committee what they have advanced for building the vestry. Meeting dissolved. Attest, J[oseph3 G[rafton], C[lerk] P[ro] T[em]. The pulpit of the old church was high and small, but still it ■was of sufficient size to accommodate two ministers at one time. On the floor of the church were three aisles, the broad aisle and two side aisles. Entirely around the auditorium there was a range of square pews with turn-up seats, and often the large families supplemented the seats by a chair which stood in the middle space in the pew. Besides the range of square pews which bordered the area, about six other square pews filled the lower part of the broad aisle, three on each side. The pulpit was reached by a narrow flight of stairs on the left side. The gallery on the left had a range of square pews against the wall ; that on the right was filled with slips. There was but one entrance to the house, which was through a portico on Centre Street. The basement story was a single room, but divisible by a swing- ing partition, which could be lifted up on its hinges, and secured l)y hooks to the ceiling. The space was thus divided into two rooms, for the use of candidates on baptismal occasions. A row ■of fixed seats around the whole extent of the wall, and benches without backs filled the remainder of the space. In the main auditorium, the pulpit was on the west side of the house, opposite the entrance. On this side of the house a projec- tion was added when more space was required for the growing congregation, and the pulpit was removed back into the new por- tion of the house. The stove stood in the broad aisle, nearer to the door than it was to the pulpit. Mr. Grafton's pew (the pas- tor's) adjoined the pulpit on the north side ; next to him was Henry King ; in the northwest corner, Norman Clark ; on the south side ■of the pulpit and adjoining it, J. Bartlett ; in the southwest corner, Mr. Richardson ; in the southeast corner, Thomas Harback ; in the northeast corner, Mr. Cook. In the square pews near the foot 20 306 HISTORY OF NEWTON. of the broad aisle, Ebeaezer King sat on the right, Seth Davis on the left. In front of Ebenezer King was Aaron Richards. Colonel Dana occupied the fourth slip from the pulpit on the left (south) , Mr. Josiah Bacon, the last. Opposite Mr. Bacon was Deacon Noah King, and in front of the latter, John Kenrick, Esq. Jona- than Bixby sat half wa}' down the south side of the house, and next to him Deacon Stone ; besides these were the famihes which bore the names of Parker, Hove}', Seaver, Richardson and Richards. On the north side were Deacon Pettee, Edward Hall and others. Besides the residents of Newton, were the worshippers who camo from Brookline, "VVatertowu, Waltham, Cambridgeport and other places. They came conscientiousl}' to worship God, parents and children, often by a weary walk of miles, but their seats were rarel}' empt}'. No luxurious sanctuary attracted them. No peal- ing organ or artistic singing awaited their coming and welcomed their approach. They were contented with their plain bare floor and uncushioned seats. And in this unadorned sanctuar}' the ancient men worshipped, and the word was preached in demonstra- tion of the Spirit and with power. Here flocked together inter- ested hearers from every part of Newton and from the neighbor- ing towns. Here the venerable father Grafton gathered hundreds into the church, — stars for his future crown, — most of whom have joined him in his heavenly home. Here were laid the foun- dations on which later accretions have grown up in the same spirit, holding the same faith, and inspired by the same motives. Mod- ern luxurj^ has brought the sanctuary into nearer accord with the elegances of Christian homes ; but we may well question whether in any period for the last hundred 3'ears men have ever excelled those early years, in worshipping God in spirit and in truth. The following copy of the amount of the ministerial tax assessed on the members and property in the First Baptist Society in the year 1828 gives an interesting view of the simple daj-s of the fathers. The assessors of the Society that j-ear were'Seth Davis, Enoch Richards and Peres Lothrop. The whole amouut assessed for the current expenses was $511.13. The names appended show who were the members of the Society at that date ; and the amount of the tax of each indicates their worldly condition. The document from which this copy was taken was fiu'nished b}' Seth Davis, Esq., who for about thirt}^ 3'ears was clerk and treasm'er of the Society. FIRST BAPTIST SOCIETY. 307 M s s c z c .S : c3' ai 5 — ^- rt ^ =* E p-5 ^ S 5 ^-^ "" s o « C^-5 CO j3 M c S Ui r- -a Hr- 5 S rt fi; •2w C .=^_g c ^ -g c i, vj- i- ^- _ (> =^ ^5 S:^ =: 5 :ii te O O rt ■f^>4'J:^< £ S S ■^■^oeoco oqot- »o CO C5 eo 1^ «>" rt s "3 c ^ < SiH. \^ .^ t-^ ^ eS O i-iQ ^ C c "■-' ^ rt ^ '^^^o ^jIP^mos '-^ g M p^ .2 O !;; ■73 ^ 'w' O _ rt „ C C ^ S -5 CJ-^ M C oT ^ ^"o ~ ^'^ t^ = S _: OK w ■ S; Sea co'~'.'ac52rt .-s o S: fc: ►^►^PS OP' ■^ O '•" ^ '"Z ^^ •p-« ^3 r3 r,-i •t Xi >. :-3 3 w IE l-ri to 3 01 e o ;z3 ^ iH ':S'-iNC>1i-i C t^-o ^3 -3 g ^ -g p:^ K H W S ►S ?: ^ C h^ f^ c b g O 3 J2 C V f^r Oi o c c3 c O N a 3 o a c o CI r^ ^' >, O W Ok; 308 HISTORY OF NEWTON. i-H r-l CO C5 •* >0 c^iooos-^^iooq " h to" rt I O ° irf tr^ /<•' i: £; S aj in -^ •-> :p^ c 2 o c o .;:^ S ■£ a o o c ®.a sc, S /?^ 0-1 « hi •-rob -2 '^ SI 2Ph §•2 o S ^ HH ,a ^ ^ B (0 1 0} CO tf ej u S 73 •^ § g '5) a •5 '5b a Q p o 3 03 O O ?!f P4 rj r- 05 o -^ -a 5 O f3 N 1=1 o o o .S3 OJ bc 11=; a o &^ o 12; a I O TS £ ^ rt -a 2? 05 & a a 'S O OJ CHAPTER XXV. FREEHOLDERS IN 1679 AND 1798. The list of freeholders in the town at various dates brings into view the forms of living men who once tilled the fields, and walked these streets, and debated at town meetings and worshipped together on the Sabbath. The two lists which follow, separated by a period of a hundred and nineteen years, indicate the gradual growth of the town. The first list numbers sixty-three names ; the second, two hundred and eleven. The first belongs to a date after the town had become a fixed fact, forty years after the earli- est settlement ; the second, to a date after the machinery of the government had settled into regularit}' subsequent to the Revo- lution. FREEHOLDERS IN NEWTON IN 1679. NAMES. Samuel Hyde, Edward Jackson, John Parker (east), Jonathan Hyde, John Fuller, Thomas Prentice, Daniel Bacon, Thomas Wiswall, John Ward, Thomas Park, James Prentice, Vincent Druce, John Spring, Isaac Williams, James Trowbridge, Ciregory Cook, Humphrey Osland, John Kenrick, Thomas Greenwood, Samuel Truesdale, Henry Seger, DATE OF DEATH. 1689 1681 1713 1711 1608 1709 1091 16S3 1708 1690 1710 1078 1717 1708 1717 1690 1720 1686 1693 1695 NAMES. Nehemiah Hobart, John Mason, John Woodward, John Clark, Joseph Miller, William Robinson, Abraham Jackson, Sehas Jackson, John Kenrick, jr., Elijnh Kenrick, Joseph Bartlett, John Smith, John Mirick, Simon Ong, David Meade, Neal McDaniel, John Alexander, Daniel Ray, Isaac Beach, Peter Stanchet, Isaac Bacon, DATE OF DEATH. 1712 1730 1732 1695 1697 1740 1690 1721 1680 1702 1706 1678 1094 1690 1710 1735 1684 309 310 HISTORY OF NEWTON. FREEHOLDERS IN KEWTON IN 1G79. NAMES. DATE ; NAMES. DATE OF DEATH. OF DEATH. Jacob Bacon, 1709 Job Hvde, 1685 John Fuller, jr., 1720 Samuel Hyde, 2d, son Jonathan Fuller, 1722 of Job, 1741 Joshua Fuller, 1752 Samuel Hyde, son of Joseph Fuller, 1740 Jonathan, Jeremiah Fuller, 1743 Thomas Prentice, 1710 Xoah Wiswall, 1 Thomas Prentice, son Ebenezer Hammond, of James, Thomas Hammond, 173S John Parker (south) , 1686 Nathaniel Hyde, Stephen Cook, 1738 Jonathan Hyde, jr., 1731 Richard Parks, 1725 John Hyde, 1738 1 Thomas Parks, jr. 1682 FREEHOLDERS IN 1798, WITH THEIR ESTATES AND VALUATION. The folio wiug names, estates and valuations were taken from the Books of the Assessors, who were appointed under an Act of the Congress of the United States passed in 1798, levying a direct tax upon the countiy of two millions of dollars. Principal assessor of the District, Artemas Ward ; assistants for Newton, Ebenezer Woodward and Joseph Jackson. Property exempted b}^ State laws was not to be assessed, nor dwelling-houses of a valuation of less than one hundred dollars. Taken October 1, 1798. In the list of owners and occupants, the names of tenants are indented. TOTAL OWNERS AND OCCUPANTS. HOUSES. VALUE. ACKES. VALUE. VALUE. Adams Joseph, jr. $ 140 18 § 600 $ 740 Adams Eoger, 300 16 900 1,200 Adams Smith, 65 40 1,030 1,095 Bartlett David and Joshua, 300 104 2,498 2,798 Bartlctt Elisha, 118 118 1.830 1,948 Blake Joseph, 4,000 180 5,425 9,425 Tracy Daniel, 433 433 Downing John, 130 16 130 Beal Thomas, 250 19 619 869 Bixby Jonathan, 475 19 1,366 1,841 Blanden Francis, heirs, 50 14 180 230 Bullough Joseph, 105 40 1,000 1,105 Boies John, 250 250 Woodcock Nathaniel, Cheney Aaron, 160 41 1,170 1,330 FREEHOLDERS IN 1798. 311 OWNEKS AND OCCUPANTS. Cheney William, CJicnev Ebenezer, Child Daniel, Coney David, Cnrtis Obadiah, Comey Ezra, Gushing Thomas, Hyde William, Gushing Edward, Norcross Josiah, Craft Joseph, Cookson Lydia and Betsey, Hovey Thomas, Maj., Clark Daniel, Clark Norman, Clark Norman, Cook Jonathan, Cook Benjamin, Cutler Richard, Curtis Solomon, Curtis Thomas, Curtis and Eliot, Crane Stephen, Collins Matthias, Craft Henry, Deblois Sarah, Davis Aaron, Daniels Timothy, Durell Peter, Durell David, Durell John, Durant Mary, Greenleaf William, Durant Thomas, Dix Samuel, Elliot Simon, Elliot Simon, Elliot Simon, Eustis Thomas, Fuller Sarah, Fuller Joseph, Fuller Josiah, Fuller Amariah, Fuller Nathan, Fuller Edward, Fuller Joshua and David, Fuller Elener, Fuller Joseph, jr.. Fuller Nathaniel, Grimes James, Bartlett Luke, Greenough Rev. William, Grafton Kev. Joseph, Homer Rev. Jonathan, Hall Edward, HOUSES. VALUE. ACRES. VALUE. 14 $ 140 $ 390 50 1,500 200 50 1,120 190 46 1,080 1,000 80 3,972 250 22 686 1,250 57 2,157 120 14 420 700 93 2,586 160 8 336 245 78 2,612 120 50 700 335 98 2,094 C85 90 2,830 50 100 2,911 106 65 1.899 385 4 366 370 100 2,546 385 10 1,875 40 400 215 119 2,152 20 320 545 760 100 ■ 2,790 169 5 225 350 20 836 350 26 1,048 110 50 944 300 390 4 271 106 35 653 900 53 6,455 300 3 350 725 600 88 1,731 276 249 9,351 360 650 1 355 309 60 1,090 600 75 1.870 105 70 1,980 212 155 3,544 11 135 550 63 1,765 17 314 105 41 837 23 not taxed. 9 do. 33 do. 160 129 2,588 TOTAL VALUE. % 140 1.890 1,320 1,270 4,972 830 3,407 540 3,286 496 2,857 820 2,429 3,515 2,961 2,005 751 2,916 2,260 40 400 2,367 320 545 3,550 394 1,186 1,398 1,054 300 661 759 7,355 650 725 2,231 9,627 360 1,005 1,399 2,470 2,091 3,756 135 2,315 314 942 2,748 312 HISTORY OF NEWTON. TOTAL OWNERS AND OCCCTPANTS. HOUSES. VALUE. ACRES. VALUE. VALUE. Hall Samuel, ^ 350 60 $1,471 $1,821 Hall Solomon, 190 61 350 540 Hyde Thaddeus, 200 53 1,828 2,028 Hyde John, 375 33 1,129 1,504 Hyde Elisha, 40 24 855 895 Hyde Susanna, 12 220 220 Hyde Samuel, 105 29 948 1,053 Hyde Mary, 22 530 530 Hyde Daniel, 106 38 1,124 1,230 Hyde Amos, 19 260 260 Hoogs William, 900 74 1,500 2,400 Hoogs William, jr., 190 190 Hull Gen. William, 552 50 1,500 2,052 Coolidge Isaac, 775 75 1,688 2,463 Bell William, 1,100 26 900 2,000 Stearns Dr. Luther, 2,450 10 566 3,016 Hammond William, 835 81 789 1,624 Hammond Benjamin and Ben- jamin, jr., 784 141 3,656 4,39a Hammond Thomas, 370 60 1,540 1,910 Hastings Thomas, 2nd, 830 1 75 905 Hastings John, 900 25 561 1,461 Hastings Samuel, d 230 230 Hastings Daniel, 230 20 656 886 Widow Lois Parker, 200 20O Hastings Daniel, 762 21 946 1,708 Learned, Hunnewell Jonathan, 1,700 16 1,875 3,575 Jackson Col. Michael, 569 96 2,993 3.562 Jackson Michael, jr.. 660 6 150 7ia Jackson Simon, 370 49 781 1,151 Jackson Timothy, 895 54 2,108 2,503 Jackson Edward, 800 89 1,785 2,585 Jackson Samuel, 5 270 270 Jackson Daniel and Joshua, 370 65 1,190 1,560 Jackson Oliver, 40 1 62 102 Jackson Joseph, jr.. 300 66 1,348 1,648 Jennison Phineas, 149 65 2,023 2,172 Jarvis Caleb and Bemis Luke, 250 250 King Dr. John, 450 36 996 1,446 King John, jr.. 140 92 1,720 1,860 King Noah, 105 105 King Henry, 470 73 1,102 1,572 Kenrick John, 280 280 Kenrick John, jr., 600 85 3,337 3,937 Kenrick Caleb, 475 68 2,490 2,965 Kimball Richard, 140 72 1,197 1,337 Lenox Cornelius, 20 2 100 120 Matthews John, 590 130 2,410 3,000 Munroe Oliver, h 545 545 Moore Reuben, i 300 300 Glyde Samuel, Moore Reuben, 1 245 86 3,351 3,596 Murdock Samuel, 1 545 112 S,317 3,862 Murdock Robert, 8 197 197 FREEHOLDERS IN 1793. 3ia 1 1 TOTAL OWNERS AOT> OCCUPANTS. HonsES, ! VALUE. ACRES. VALUE. VALUE. Murdock Elisha, h $ 150 52 , $1,275 .$1,425 Murdock Widow Esther, h 150 23 719 869 Mitchell Edward, 715 67 1,912 2.627 Marshall Abigail, 720 i 74 794 Norcross Josiah, 550 105 3,829 4,379 NoTcross Nathaniel, 260 260 Neal William, 312 312 Nutting Samuel, 109 46 1.700 1,809 Parker Samuel, 335 54 1,901 2,236 Parker Jonathan, 300 93 2,200 2,500 Parker Joseph, 230 104 1,603 1,833 Palmer John, 275 95 2,006 2.281 Park Joshua, 475 15 888 1,363 Park Amasa, 375 37 1,120 1,495 Prentice Robert, 105 44 1,333 1,438 Peck John, 600 84 3,130 3,730 Pigeon John, 600 2h 290 890 Pigeon Henry, 850 150 3,461 4,311 Jackson Daniel, 109 109 Pratt Thomas, 1,120 69 2,444 3,564 Porter Amasa, 400 400 Rogers John, 760 18 1.430 2,190 Rogers John, jr., 830 38 1,681 2,511 Richardson Samuel, 285 88 986 1,271 Richardson Jeremiah, 475 44 1,457 1,926 Richards Daniel, 315 145 3,288 3,603 Richards Solomon, 320 100 3,250 3,570 Richards Aaron, 550 52 1,665 2,215 Richards Thaddeus, 340 35 1,150 1,490 Richards James, 77 1,852 1,852 Richardson Ebenezer, 360 30 545 905 Richardson David, 120 a 170 290 Robinson Bradbury, Pritchard Joseph and Town Jonathan, 215 i 40 255 Robbins Solomon, 140 22 600 740 Robbins Eliphalet, 170 2 150 320 Stone Dea. David, 415 56 1,817 2,232 Stone John, heirs of 725 78 2,079 2,804 Stone Jonas, jr., 340 52 1,346 1,686 Stone James, 400 56 1,575 1,975 Stone Ebenezer, 825 100 2,392 3,217 Shepard Elizabeth, 600 160 3,240 3,840 Daniels 0., Spring Dr. Marshall, 300 118 3,900 4,200 Jones A., Seaverus Elisha, 600 81 1,956 2,556 Starr Dr. Ebenezer, 250 250 Sniiili Enoch, 300 6 495 795 Tolinau I'homas, 106 9 255 361 Tr()wl)ridge Edward, 200 83 2,164 2.364 Trowbridi^e Samuel, 360 82 1,989 2,349 Thwing Nicholas, 20S 80 i;527 1,735 Torrey Samuel, 200 U 60 260 Thwing John, 390 98 3.180 3,570 314 HISTORY OF NEWTON. TOTAL OWXERS AND OCCUPANTS. HOUSES. VALUE. ACRES. VALUE. VALUE. Thwing John, jr.. $ 215 30 $ 886 $1,101 Wellington Ebenezer, 200 113 3,668 3,868 Ward Col. Joseph, 2,000 1.32 4,340 5,540 Parks Nathan 3rd, lOG 63 1,488 1,594 Ward John, 225 71 2,100 2,325 Ward Samuel, 140 45 1,700 1,840 White Joseph, 635 88 3,864 4,499 Wiswall Jeremiah, 285 16 587 872 Wiswall William, heirs of, 285 78 2,735 3.020 Wiswall Jeremiah, jr., 120 77 2,735 2,855 Wiswall Jeremiah, jr., 300 300 Winchester Amasa, 550 151 4,035 4,585 AVhittemore J. W. 312 312 Whitney Thaddeus, 150 25 744 894 Whitney Timothy, Ware John, 1,100 129 2,234 3,334 Hooker Z., Ware Azariah, . 340 340 Woodward Ebenezer, 360 117 2,810 3,170 White Benjamin, 102 100 1,965 2,067 Welch Michael, 169 61 1,095 1,264 Ward Joseph, 106 63 1,488 1,594 Weld Nathaniel, 139 94 2,000 2,139 Whitney Moses, 46 778 778 Cheney David, Park Nathan 3rd, SUMMARY. Houses, 175 Valuation of houses, Tenants, 25 do. land, Acres of land, 9,543| Males in the abov e list, 197 Total Valuation (as Females, do. do. 12 taxed) , $ 71,614.00 265,439.00 $337,053.00 We know not on what principle the assessors determined their estimates of the value of houses in the town of Newton eighty 3'ears since. Possibty, they designedly set the value veiy low, for the purposes of taxation, compassionating the slender resources of their fellow-townsmen and their own. But even if the}' put upon this kind of propertj^ no more than a two-thirds valuation, it seems to us that the dwellings of the fathers of the town, of the fourth generation after its incorporation, were ridiculously cheap. According to the above list, there were only two houses in the town valued above $2,000, one of them being set at S4,000 and the other at $2,450; only eleven above $1,000 ; only thirty-seven above $600 ; more than two-thirds of the whole number were val- PAST AND PRESENT. 315 iiecl at less than $500 ; sixtj'-eight, less than $300 ; forty-five less than $200 ; seven less than $100. The smallest valuations were one house at $80 ; one at $Go ; two at $50 ; two at $40, and one i\i $20. The three ministers were not required to pay taxes at all, ill this levy, though each of them owned both house and land. The largest number of acres of land owned by any individual was two hundred and forty-nine ; twenty-seven owned between one :ind two hundred ; one hundred and forty-one, less than one hun- dred ; four less than twent}^ ; twenty-two less than ten ; thirty-four, none at all. Five hundred and thirty-one and a quarter acres stood in the names of women. Such was the day of small things in the period of the fathers of Newton. Thej' had had a continual struggle with the difficul- ties incident to a new settlement. They had passed through the period of peril, when their territory was scarcely better than an un- subdued wilderness, and the exhausting period of the Revolutionary war. For many j'ears, while the}' were laying the foundations of the infant township, the}' knew, to the full, the hardships of labor and povert}'. But they were gradual]}' coming out of the dark- ness into a broader and a brighter field. Thanks to their indus- trv, thrift and enterprise, — their slender possessions, notwithstand- ing all difficulties, had become greatly multiplied, and the few thousands they brought with them had grown, even at the modest valuation of that earl}' day, to more than half a million. If we compare the condition of things in 1639 and 1679, and again at the date of the above assessment, and finally at the period in which our own lot has been cast, we cannot fail to acknowledge the gracious hand of Him who is " wise in counsel and excellent in working," and whose " pillar of cloud and of fire " has been, from the beginning, om* refuge and defence. CHAPTER XXVI. NEWTON IN THE REVOLUTION. MILITARY SPIRIT. THE FRENCH "WAR. — THE STAMP ACT. — TAXATION. — STATUE OF GEORGE lU. NAVIGATION ACT. — INSTRUCTIONS TO THE REPRESENTATIVE. LETTER TO THE SELECTMEN OF BOSTON. Newton has honored itself from the beginning by a patriotic and military spirit. No call has been made for the defence of the na- tional domain, or the national integrity and honor, which the citi- zens have not been ready to answer. And many are the bold and fearless names, recorded with ferv^ent praise upon her escutcheon. It is an indication of the interest felt by the people in militarj' affairs that two training-fields were laid out at an early period, as elsewhere recorded. (See pp. 91, 113.) These fields were adapted, by their respective location, to nurse the militar}' spirit of the diflferent parts of the town, gi"ving to the children, east and west, opportunities of witnessing military manoeuvres. The first, at Newton Centre, nearly two-thirds of the space having been given by Jonathan Hyde, and upwards of one-third by Elder Wis- wall, or his sons, is known to have been in possession of the town since 1711 ; but no deed of the gift is on record. In 1799, a pow- der house, which stood about fifty years, was built on the easterlv side of it. The second training-field, laid out at Newton\nlle, in April, 1735, by Captain Joseph Fuller, was discontinued by the town in 1787, and the land reverted to the heirs of the donor. Very likel}-, the military furor incident to the Revolutionary war having abated, and the government being established on a firm ba- sis, the townsmen deemed that one militar}' campus was sufficient, and that the other might be devoted without peril, to the pursuits of peace. A large number of the citizens, when compared with the popu- lation of the town, have borne military titles. A catalogue of the 316 MILITARY SPIRIT. 317 citizens contained in Mr. Jackson's *' Genealogical Register," which reaches to the beginning of the present century', but embraces also a few names belonging to a later period, gives two generals, nine colonels, three majors, forty-one captains, twenty-one lieutenants and eight ensigns. The later histor}' of the town, as shown in the records of the recent war, presents no decline in the number or the valor of the townsmen. In the expedition to the West Indies in 1740, Massachusetts sent five hundred men, of whom only fifty returned alive. Of the four thousand five hundred men at Louisburg, Massachusetts sent three thousand two hundred and fifty, and Newton was not with-, out its representative. In the war with the French and Indians, some of the men of Newton were in hot engagements, and some were slain. Of these, some of the most distinguished were .Samuel Jenks, who served as a subaltern officer in the campaign of 1758 and 1760 ; Lieuten- ant Timothy Jackson, whose wife carried on the farm and herself worked on the land, while he was in the arm}" ; Colonel Ephraim Jackson, who was also a lieutenant in the same war, and especially Colonel Ephraim Williams, the founder of Williams College. He displayed uncommon militar}' talents, and was appointed a Cap- tain in the Canada service. He had under his command a fort at Williamstown, under the protection of which the settlers began their improvements. He was shot through the head in the mem- orable battle fought with the French and Indians near Lake George, in September, 1755. He lived a Ufe of single blessed- ness, and died at the age of forty. His will was made on his way to join the army, about two months before his death. With such antecedents, the people of Newton entered with vigor, as might have been expected, into the spirit of the Revolution, and contributed liberally, both of life and treasure, to the expenses of that great struggle. No town in the Commonwealth can pre- sent a more honorable record. The inhabitants recorded their protest against the Stamp Act in October, 1765, and followed up this movement aftei-wards by a series of acts well calculated to prove that they understood the exigencies of the times, and would be wanting in no measures which either duty or patriotism de- manded. In the progress of the trying events which preceded and accompanied the Revolution, the people of Newton, " almost to a man," says Mr. Jackson, " made the most heroic and vigor- 318 HISTORY OF NEWTON. ous efforts to sustain the common cause of the countrj^ from the first hour to the last." Ten days before the Stamp Act was to go into operation, October 21, 17G5, the town recorded its first pa- triotic and revokitionary action in the form of instructions to Cap- tain Abraham Fuller, their representative to the General Court. Tills first act, as it was the beginning of a series of similar acts, was undoubtedly the result of principles early planted, and now ready to unfold. It was the legitimate fruit of the seed sown, generations before, in the hearts of the Puritan settlers of New England. They had not been nursed in toil and self-denial, in the spirit of independence, decision and self-reliance in vain. And when the oppression from which the}' had fled, now, after nearly a century and a half, proposed in a new form to assert its power to control them and its right to tax them, tj^ranny found them ready to resist. The fathers had taught well the sons whom they had brought up ; and the sons showed themselves worthy of the energ}', the independence and the faith of such fathers. Eng- lish blood and heart, loving sovereignty and scorning to be ruled, grandly asserted itself in the long perils and the consuming years of hardship which followed. The colonists had right on their side. English lawyers and statesmen were compelled by their convic- tions to assent to the soundness of the principles maintained by the colonists which culminated in the Revolution. And the ends which the people sought, steadily pursued, could not fail to be crowned at last, b}' the blessing of God, with success. It is with the deepest interest that now, after the lapse of more than a cen- tury, every American citizen contemplates the weary years of alter- nating despondency and hope, the depreciated currenc}', the pov- erty of* the people, the lack of resources, the deficiency of men who were too few to meet the emergencies, the severity of nat- ure, and, at the same time, the willing self-denial and the stern decision of the people, and the final triumph of the cause in which they were engaged. The revolutionary action of the town above referred to is as follows : At a town meeting held October 21, 1765, Edward Durant, Moderator. Voted, the following instructions to their representative (prepared and re- ported by Edward Durant and Charles Pelham). THE STAMP ACT. 319 To Captain Abraham Fuller, Representative of Newton : Sir, — At this most important and alarming crisis, when the British-Ameri- can subjects are everywhere loudly complaining of arbitrary and unconstitu- tional innovations, the town of Newton judge it altogether improper to be wholly silent. "We therefore, the freeholders and other inhabitants, being legally assem- bled in our meeting-house, judge it proper to impart to you our united senti- ments, more especially with regard to the Stamp Act, so called, by which a very grievous and, we apprehend, unconstitutional tax is laid on the colonies ; and, as it is a standing maxim of English liberty that no man shall be taxed but with his own consent, so we very well know that we were in no sense represented in Parliament when this tax was imposed. By the Royal Charter granted to our ancestors, the power of making laws for our internal government and of levying taxes is vested in the General Assembly ; and by the same charter the inhabitants of this province are en- titled to all the rights and privileges of natural, freeborn subjects of Great Britain. The most essential rights of British subjects are those of being represented in the same body which exercises the power of levying taxes upon them, and of having their property tried by juries; wiiereas the unconstitu- tional law admits of our properties' being tried by Courts of Admiralt}-, without a jury. Consequently this at once destroys the most valuable privi- leges of our charter, deprives us of our most essential rights as Britons, and greatly weakens the best security of our lives, liberties and estates. We therefore think it our indispensable duty, injustice to ourselves and to our posterity, as it is our undoubted privilege, to declare our greatest dissatis- faction with this law ; and we think it incumbent on you by no means to join in any public measure for countenancing and assisting in the execution of said Act ; but to use your best endeavors in the General Assembly to have the unalienable rights of the people of this province asserted and vindicated, and left on public record, that posterity may never have reason to charge those of the present times with the guilt of tamely giving them away. We further instruct you to take particular care that the best prudence may be used in expending the public moneys, that no unaccustomed grant may be made to those who serve the government; and we in general recommend to your care, that the moneys of the province drawn from the individuals of the people, may not be applied to any other purposes under any pretence whatever of contingent charges, but what are evidently intended in the act for supplying the Treasury. VoTKD, that the foregoing instructions be the instructions to the Represen- tative of this town, and that he is now enjoined firmly to adhere to the same ; also, that the same be recorded in the Town Book, that posterity may see and know the great concern the people of this day had for their invaluable riglits and privileges and liberties. A prominent question, at the commencement of the revolution- ary struggle, was whether the Parliament of Great Britain could legally impose taxes on the American provinces, which were not represented therein, without their consent. Bat in exercising their 320 HISTORY OF NEWTON. right of supremacy, as they understood it, thej' enacted, besides other methods of raising a revenue from the Provinces, the Act styled the Stamp Act, with the provision that it should take effect November 1, 1765. The Massachusetts House of Representatives affirmed the American doctrine October 29, 1765, with special reference to this Act, in a series of fourteen Resolutions. "We copy three of them. III. Resolved, that no man can justly take the property of another without his consent ; and tliat upon this original principle, the right of repre- sentation in the same body which exercises the power of making laws for levying taxes, which is one of the main pillars of the British constitution, is founded. XII. Resolved, as a just conclusion from some of the foregoing resolves, that all Acts made by any power whatever, other than the General Assembly of this Province, imposing taxes on the inhabitants, are infringements of our inherent and unalienable rights as men and British subjects, and render void the most valuable declarations of our Charter. XIII. Resolved, that the extension of the powers of the Court of Admiralty within the Province is a most violent infraction of the right of trial by juries, — a right which this house, upon the principles of their British ancestors, hold most dear and sacred, it being the only security of the lives, liberties and properties of his Majesty's subjects here. Such were the views solemnly expressed by the General Court, and it was not unnatural that the patriotic and liberty-loving citi- zens, if the}^ understood only the first rudiments of statesmanship, should agree with them. Great riots took place in Boston, in consequence of the passage of the Stamp Act. Lieutenant Governor Hutchinson's house was sacked, and much property was destroyed. The people of New- ton, in town meeting assembled, expressed their abhorrence of all such acts of outrage and violence, and subsequently instructed their Representative to use his influence to have the losses made good to the sufferers out of the public treasury or otherwise, " as should seem most just and consistent." Thus they showed them- selves not only jealous for their own rights, but also for the rights of others. The passage of the Stamp Act in 1 765 awakened such indigna- tion in the American colonies as clearlj- showed that England must either change her polic}', or prepare to enforce it at the point of the ba^'onet. The violent and protracted struggle following the passage of the Act indicated the determined spirit of the colo- nists, and was the prologue to the drama of the Revolution. VOTE AGAINST IMPORTS. 321 On the 31st of October a meeting was held bj' the merchants of New York, and it was resolved, — 1. To import no goods from England until the Stamp Act be repealed. 2. To immediately countermand all orders sent for spring goods. 3. To sell no goods from Great Britain on commission. More than two hundred merchants signed their names to these resolutions. Various popular demonstrations followed, showing that the sentiment of the merchants met the approval of the people. The following year the Stamp Act was repealed, causing univer- sal joy ; and the popular feeling found expression in the erection, by Act of the Legislature, of a leaden equestrian statue of George III., on Bowling Green in New York cit3\ But if his Majest}^ was pleased with this demonstration, he soon learned that "the triumph of the wicked is short." A few years afterward, this statue was turned to a purpose which the founders had not dreamed of. In the revulsion of feeling which followed the imposition of a duty on tea, upon the reception in New York of the " Declara- tion of Independence," the horse and rider were dragged from the pedestal, broken in pieces, and sent to Litchfield, the residence of OUver Wolcott, the patriotic governor of Connecticut, b3' whose wife and daughters they were run into thousands of bullets, which were distributed among the patriots of the surrounding country. With these bullets hundreds of British soldiers were shot during the subsequent invasion of Connecticut.* In 1767, it was unanimously voted by the townsmen " stricth' to adhere to the late regulation respecting funerals, and not to use any gloves but what are manufactured here, nor procure any new garments upon such occasions, but what shall be absolutely neces- sary." Being an economical and prudent people, believing in the protec- tion of home manufactures, and no less in the development of home industry, and moreover not willing to be dependent on foreign na- tions in case of war, at a town meeting held November 13, 17G7, they voted unanimously, — That this town will take all prudent and legal measures to encourage the produce and manufactures of this province, and to lessen the tise of super- fluities, and particularly the following enumerated articles imported from abroad, viz. : loaf sugar, cordage, anchors, coaches, chaises, and carriages *Hon. £. C. Cowdin's speech at Lexington. 21 322 HISTORY OF NEWTON. of all sorts, horse furniture, men's and women's hats, men's and women's apparel ready made, household furniture, gloves, men's and women's shoes, sole leather, shcatlHng, duck, nails, gold and silver, and thread lace of all sorts, gold and silver buttons, wrought plate of all sorts, diamond, stone and paste ware, snufF, mustard, clocks and watches, silversmiths' and jewelers' ware, broadcloths that cost above ten shillings per yard, muffs, furs, tippets, and all sorts of millinery ware, starch, women's and children's stays, fire en- gines, china ware, silk and cotton, velvets, gauze, pewterer's hollow ware, linseed oil, glue, lawns, cambrics, silk of all kinds for garments, malt liquors and cheese. This action of the citizens was provoked by the Navigation Act, so called, of the British Parhament, which restricted home indus- try in the colonies, and tended to destroy their commerce. In consequence of the passage of this Act, they were not allowed to trade with any foreign country, nor export to England their own merchandise except in British vessels. Iron abounded in the colo- nies, but not an article could be manufactured by the people ; aU must be imported. Wool was abundant ; but no cloth could be manufactured, except for private use, and not a pound of the raw material could be sold from town to town ; but all must be sent to England, to be ultimatel}' returned as manufactured cloths, bur- dened with heavy duties. Beavers were plenty all along the streams ; but no hatter was permitted to have more than two ap- prentices, and not a hat could be sold from one colony to another. These are specimens of that vast network of restrictions upon trade and commerce, in which Great Britain encircled the thirteen colonies. This was not alone. The Parhament added humiliation to ex- tortion. Naval officers, acting under the law, were insolent towards colonial vessels. They compelled them to lower then" flags in token of homage, fired on them at the slightest provoca- tion, and impressed their seamen whenever they chose. The Mutiny Act, as it was called, required the inhabitants of the colonies to furnish quarters, and to some extent, supplies, for all the soldiers that might be sent over from England to oppress them.* Newton had not yet become, to any great extent, a manfactur- ing town, though something had been done, both at the Upper and Lower Falls, to meet the demands of home consumption, for more than half a century. But the people understood the principles * Hon. E. C. Cowdin's speech at Lexington, April 19, 1875. RESOLUTIONS. 323 that underlie a free government, and were resolved not to yield their rights to a foreign oppressor. At a town meeting held September 22, 17G8, the citizens unan- imonsty chose Abraham Fuller, to join with others as soon as may be, in a Convention to be held in Faneiiil Hall, Boston, in order that such measures maj' be consulted and advised, as the peace and safet}' of the subjects in the province may require. "In the succeeding years, "says Mr. Paige, in his ''History of Cambridge,** " the conflict between arbitrary power and the rights and privileges of the people became more and more earnest. The British Government insisted on its right to bind tlie colonies in all cases, to impose taxes without their con- sent, to place over them rulers not of their own choice, to overawe them by the presence of foreign troops, and to supersede established laAvs and cus- toms by 'Eoyal Instructions.' On the other hand, while the people professed loyalty to the Crown, they protested against tliis invasion of their inalienable rights as frecborn Englishmen, and indicated a determination to resist to the last extremity. Among other methods for the accomplishment of this pur- pose, at a town meeting held in Boston, Nov. 2, 1772, upon the motion of Samuel Adams it was voted ' that a Committee of Correspondence be ap- pointed, to consist of twenty-one persons, to state the rights of the colonies and of this province in j)articular, as men, as Christians, and as subjects; to communicate and publish the same to the several towns in this province and to the world, as the sense of this town, with the infringements and violations thereof that have been, or from time to time may be made ; also, requesting of each town a free communication of their sentiments on this subject.' "At an adjourned meeting, November 20, the report of this committee was accepted and ordered to be printed in pamphlet form, and distributed agree- ably to the original vote." On the fourth of Januaiy, 1772, Edward Durant, Charles Pel- ham, Esq., Alexander Shepard, William PhilUps and Noah Plydc were chosen a committee " to consider and report what it may be proper for the town to do, relating to the present unhappy situ- ation this country is reduced to, by some late attacks made on our constitutional rights and privileges." This committee presented the following brave and earnest report : I. We judge it just and expedient, and do recommend it to the town, as a testimony of their due sense of the invaluable rights and privileges belonging to them, both as men and as members of the British Empire, and as colonists, to come into the following resolves : Resolved, that no good man can be silent and inactive in the cause of liberty at this alarming period, when such arbitrary measures are taken as tend to destroy that glorious Constitution which has cost the labors of ages and the blood of thousands, and that all who abet tyranny merit the detestation of this people and the contempt of mankind. 324 HISTORY OF NEWTON. Resolved, that we ever did and now do bear true loyalty to the king and affection to our brethren in Great Britain, and shall ever contribute, to the utmost of our ability, to promote the honor and dignity of the Crown and the prosperity of the parent state, as far as may be consistent with our rights and privileges as colonists. Resolved, that no civil officer, who, properly considered, is a servant of the people, can constitutionally or with safety to themselves, be dependent on the Crown for his support, — therefore, any grant or grants made by the Crown to the Judges of our Superior Court, must naturally, at least here- after, tend to destroy all confidence in those Judges, and change the courts of justice into engines of slavery. Resolved, that all taxation imposed on the inhabitants of the colonies without their consent or representation in Parliament, for the purpose- of raising a revenue, is unconstitutional and oppressive. Resolved, that it is tiie firm opinion of this town that the establishment of a Board of Commissioners, with a great number of officers under them at an enormous and unnecessary expense, that the large extension of the powers of the Courts of Admiralty, whereby the lives and liberties of his Majesty's subjects in the colonies are rendered precarious and unsafe, — that the intro- ducing and keeping a military force in our metropolis in a time of profound peace, to the great disturbance and injury of the people, — that the pro- viding for the support of the Governor in any other way than by grants of our General Court, thereby rendering him entirely independent of the people over whom he presides, — and many other late proceedings of his Majesty's ministers, are grievances of which we justly complain, and must, in faith- fulness to ourselves and our posterity, continue so to do until they are redressed. II. We judge it necessary at this time, and do recommend it to the town, to give the Representative of the town the following instructions, viz. : To Abraham Fuller, Esq., Representative of Newton in General Assembly : Sir, — At this alarming era, wlien the British- American subjects are loudly complaining of arbitrary and unconstitutional measures and innovations, the town of Newton judge it altogether improper to be wholly silent. AVe therefore, his Majesty's most loyal and dutiful subjects, the freeholders and other inhabitants of said town, in town meeting legally assembled on Monday, the fourth day of January, 1773, by adjournment from the 28th of December last, judge it not only proper, but absolutely necessary to impart to you our united sentiments, being as on the one hand ever ready to give all due as- sistance for encouraging and supporting the exercise of government in a constitutional manner, so on the other hand deeply concerned that the rights and privileges of British subjects, — that best birthright and noblest inheri- tance of mankind, may be securely enjoyed by us and transmitted to our pos- terity, — cannot but express how greatly our fears have been increased respect- ing the late alarming report, added to the other grievances under which this people have for a number of years groaned, viz. : that stipends are affixed, by order of the Crown, to the offices of the judges of the Superior Court of LETTER TO THE SELECTMEN OF BOSTON. 325 Judicature of this province; consequently, instead of receiving their salaries or support, from annual grants, made by the Great and General Court, as heretofore, they are to depend solely on the sovereign -will and pleasure of the Crown for their support ; this change we cannot but consider as a most important and dangerous change, — creating an undue and unconstitutional dependence, quite repugnant to the spirit of the British constitution, and which will, we apprehend, lay an unha^jpy foundation for the subverting of public justice. And we also cannot but take notice how much more hard and grievous it is, that when all possible care has been taken by Acts of Parliament and ex- press desire even from his present Majesty upon his first accession to the throne, to make the judges of England wholly independent of the Crown, that the judges of our Superior Court should be rendered absolutely depen- dent on the Crown in the important article of salaries, whereby we are thus cruelly distinguished from his Majesty's subjects in Great Britain. We therefore think it proper to instruct you, our Representative in Gen- eral Assembly, that you unite in such measures as shall place the judges of the Superior Court of Judicature of this Province upon a constitutional basis, and make, when that is done, suitable provision for their sujiport, adequate to their merit and station. We further instruct you that you use your utmost endeavors that all our rights be restored and established as heretofore, and that a decent though manly remonstrance be sent to the king, assuring his Majesty that univer- sal discontent prevails in America, and nothing will restore harmony and insure the attachment of the people to the Crown, but a full restoration of all their liberties. A circular letter having been received from the Selectmen of Boston, in reference to the state of public affairs, soliciting ad- vice and cooperation, the foUowing answer was sent by vote of the town: We judge it proper, and think it may answer a good purpose, and so there- fore recommend it to the town to return the following answer to a letter of 20th November last from the town of Boston directed to the Selectmen of this town, viz. : Gentlemen, — We the freeholders and other inhabitants of the town of Newton, in a town meeting legally assembled this day by adjournment, think it incumbent on us to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of 20th Novem- ber last past, directed to the Selectmen of Newton. We greatly applaud you, and think ourselves as well as the whole province much obliged to you for your generous exertion of that patriotic spirit for which you stand dis- tinguished. And however unsuccessful may have been the measures you have taken for obtaining redress of sundry grievances of which we justly complain, yet as far as in us lies, we would encourage your hearts to perse- vere in all legal, loyal, regular and constitutional methods for the redress of those grievances we feci, and for preventing those we have reason to fear. 326 HISTORY OF NEWTON. We are greatly concerned at the report wluch prevails that our judges of tlie Circuits are to receive their salaries from home, which must render them de- pendent on the Crown, and independent of the people, the natural evil con- sequences of which are too obvious and truly alarming. We regret the odium cast on the respectable town of Boston as being of a factious spirit, and cannot but think that a properly expressed union of sentiment by the several towns in the Province, when made known to our most gracious Sovereign, must tend to convince him and his ministry that the resentment shown on account of the many unconstitutional impositions laid on the coun- try in general, and the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in particular, is not the ravings of a faction, but the cool, dispassionate and just complainings of the generality of his Majesty's dutiful and Icyal subjects in this populous Province ; and we cannot but hope would render his Majesty, in his great wisdom and goodness, still more disposed to grant us all due relief. To pro- mote which valuable purposes, as far as our influence will serve, we have passed a number of resolves, and voted instructions to our representative, — copies of which are inclosed. We heartily commend the present distressed state of this country to the Great and Good King of kings, praying for his blessing on and directions to the whole British empire. With all due respect and esteem, and in the cause of true liberty, we are. Gentlemen, Your brethren and most humble servants. By order and in behalf of the Town of Newton, Abr. Fuller, Tcnun Clerk. To the Gentlemen Selectmen of Boston. Lastly, we do recommend it to the town, that they order the foregoing re- solves and instructions to the Representative and letter to the town of Boston to be recorded in the Town Book of Records belonging to the town, that pos- terity may see and know the great concern the people of this day had for their invaluable rights, privileges and liberties. Thus we think we have completed the business committed to us ; and if we meet with the approbation of the town, we shall think ourselves amply rewarded. Edward Dorant, Alexander Shepard, William Phillips, Charles Pelham, Noah Hide. CHAPTEE XXVn. NEWTON IN THE REVOLUTION. FURTHER MEASURES. THE BOSTON TEA PARTY. THE RECONSTRUCTON ACTS. GIFT OF MR. PIGEON. MILITARY DRILL. EAST AND WEST COMPANIES. ALARM LIST. MINUTE-MEN. ' We cannot admire too much the energy and spirit manifested by the fathers of the town in the resolutions and instructions quoted in the preceding chapter, the cahn, stern determination, the fixed resolve, the sober consideration, the sense of justice, the apprecia- tion of their rights and privileges, and their concern that they should be transmitted, unabridged, to their posterity'. They were worthy of the stock from which they came, and worthy to be the fathers of such a republic as they delivered to their successors. The following years of trial, toil and hardship, the patient endur- ance of hunger, cold and poverty, the wasting of their wealth and the sacrifice of their lives were a part of the solemn work the^' had undertaken ; a portion of the grand enterprise to which they had consecrated themselves. We are not surprised that men so enhghtened as to the nature of law and right, and the preroga- tives which were their inalienable due, should have fought out to its issue the battle of freedom. They were equal to the dignity of so great an occasion, and worthy to be entrusted with a govern- ment which they gradually perfected, and delivered unimpaired to their children. While the colonists sought on the one hand to discourage luxur}'' and extravagance, and to develop home industry, on the other hand they prepared cautiously for the sharp struggle that was be- fore them, — as a ship of war, while the enemy is drawing near and thundering with occasional discharges of cannon, makes all snug, in her sails and rigging, and clears her decks for action. o27 328 HISTORY OF NE^yTON. At a town meeting held December 20, 1773, Charles Pelham, Esq., Mr. Edward Durant, Captain .John Woodward, Mr. Joshua Hammond, and Dr. John King were chosen a committee to make a draft of such measures as they shall think best for the town to come into at this emergenc}', and report at the next meeting. At the same meeting, Thomas Miller, Captain Ephraim Jackson, Phineas Bond, Lieutenant Jeremiah Wiswall, John Palmer, James Grimes, Deacon David Stone, Deacon William Bowles, Captain Benjamin Hammond, Amariah Fuller, Phineas Cook, Lieutenant Michael Jackson, Captain John Woodward, Joseph Chene_y and Ensign Samuel Craft, were appointed a Committee of Fifteen to confer with the inhabitants of the town as to the expediency of leaving off buying, selling or using any of the India teas. On the sixth of January-, 1774, the Committee of Five, above referred to, reported the following preamble and resolves,* which were unanimously adopted by the town : The freeholders and other inhabitants of the town of Newton, legally as- sembled on Monday, the 20th of December, 1773, and continued by adjourn- ment to January G, 1774, taking into consideration the present diflSculty of our public afiiiirs, are greatly alarmed at the reiterated attempts of the Par- liament of Great Britain to undermine our happy constitution, and deprive us of those rights and privileges which we justly claim as men, as members of the British Empire, and as chartered colonists. And although we always have, and still do, bear true and sincere loyalty and affection to our most gracious sovereign, yet we cannot but consider and regret the great and undue influence of his ministry both in and out of Parliament, which, espe- cially if corrupt and selfish men should be in place, we look upon as a sore scourge to the nation and all its dependencies. We do therefore, with firmness of mind, on mature deliberation, establish the following Resolves, viz. : 1. That an Act passed in the last sessions of Parliament, empowering the Hon. East India Company, to export tea to America, subject to a duty upon its arrival in America, is a fresh attack upon our rights, craftily planned by a few of our inveterate enemies in the ministry, in order to establish a tax on us, plainly contrary to the constitution of England itself, and glaringly re- pugnant to our charter ; which we deem a grievance greatly aggravated by the cruel partiality therein shown against millions of His Jlajesty's loyal and good subjects in America, in favor of a few, very few, opulent subjects in Britain. This we cannot brook, and do therefore solemnly bear testimony against it. *CharlesPelhara, Esq., chairman of the comuiitteef is supposed t&Iiave been the author of the resolutions. BOSTON TEA PARTY. 329 2. That in justice to ourselves, our fellow-colonists and our posterity, we cannot, nor will, voluntarily and tamely, submit to this or any tax laid on us for the express purpose of raising a revenue, when imposed without our con- sent, given by ourselves or our Kepresentatives. 3. That as part of the Colonies laboring under oppression, we are deter- mined to join the rest, in all and every lawful and just method of obtaining redress, or preventing the oppression, even to the risk of our lives and for- tunes. 4. That all and every person or persons, who have been, are, or shall be, advising or assisting in the aforesaid, or any such acts, or are active or aiding in the execution of them, are (so far, at least) inimical to this country, and thereby incur our just resentment; in which light we shall view all mer- chants, traders and others, who shall henceforth presume to import, or sell, any India tea, until the duty we so justly complain of, be taken off. 6. That we each and every one of us will not, directly or indirectly, by ourselves or any for or under us, purchase or use, or suffer to be used in our respective families, any India tea, while such tea is subject to a duty payable upon its arrival in America; and recommend that a copy hereof be transmit- ted to the Committee of Correspondence in Boston. 6. That a Committee of Correspondence be appointed to confer and cor- respond with the committees of any or all our sister towns in the Province, as occasion may require. We the subscribers, a committee appointed by the town of Newton, to draft what might be proper for said town to do in the present exigency of our pub- lic affairs, do report the foregoing for the consideration of the town, and do further recommend that a copy thereof be transmitted to the committee of correspondence in Boston. Charles Pelham, Edwakd Durant, John Woodward, > Committee. Joshua Hammond, John King, J Attested by the Town Clerk, Abraham Fuller. The committee of correspondence above provided for were Edward Durant, William Clark, Captain Jonas Stone, Joshua Hammond and Captain John "Woodward. It contributed undoubtedly to the unanimity- with which the above resolutions were passed, that the famous tea part}^ in Boston had taken place but a few days before. On the 16th of Decem- ber, 1773, a company of men disguised as Indians boarded three British vessels at Liverpool Wharf in Boston, commanded by Captains Hall, Bruce and Coffin, broke open with their hatchets three hundred and forty-two chests of tea, and in less than four hours mingled the whole with the waters of Massachusetts Bay. 330 . HISTORY OF NEWTON. Newton was represented on that occasion by two or more of its citizens. One, in particular, who drove a load of wood to market, staid very late that day, and was not very willing the next morn- ing to explain the cause of his detention. But as tea was found in his shoes, it is easy to understand what he had been doing. This was Mr. Samuel Hammond, son of Ephraim, then a young man twentj'-five j-ears of age, and ripe for such an expedition. Samuel's son, Peter Hammond, a centenarian, living in the State of Illinois, was invited to be present at Newton's Centennial in 1876 ; this Peter Hammond died at his home in Geneseo, 111., April 9, 1878, aged 102 years. His death occurred on his birthda3\ A vote was passed, enjoining upon the Committee of Fifteen "to lay before the inhabitants of this town a paper or papers, that each of said inhabitants may have opportunity to signify it under their hands, that they will not bu}^, sell or use any of the India teas, until the duties are taken off; — and, such as will not sign, to return their names to the town at the adjournment." It does not appear that any one refused to sign. The whole population were in dead earnest. Men and women alike entered into the spirit of the occasion, and, forgetting the ordinary dictates of self-love, they combined, like an army with an unbroken front, to meet the demands of the hour. How sublime the spectacle of a whole community, animated by one spirit, disregarding all sel- fish aims, standing shoulder to shoulder for the accomplishment of one object, resolved to accept no compromise, taking for their motto, " Liberty or Death ! " They resolved to restrict themselves first, in the luxuries of life and the delicacies of imported apparel ; then, to abbreviate the diet on their tables and to curtail the ele- gances of their funerals ; and finally, all went, except the bare necessaries for their existence. They subjected themselves to hard labor beyond their wont ; and after the}^ had sacrificed nearly everything else, fathers and husbands, lovers, brothers and sons were laid as a holocaust on the altar of their country. Brave men and women ! They deserved the freedom the}- won. Would that their posterity might be as worthy as they, of the rich inheri- tance ; as grateful for its possession ; as upright and unselfish in its maintenance ; as competent to hold it, and as conscientious to deliver it, unimpaired, to those who shall come after them ! The Stamp Act, the tax on tea and the Boston Port Bill had exasperated the people. But the Reconstruction Acts of 1774 were the crowning measures of British oppression. BEITISH ACTS OF OPPRESSION. 331 The councillors had been chosen by the people, through their representa- tives ; by the new law they were to be appointed by the king, and to hold at his pleasure. The superior judges were to hold at the will of the king, and to be dependent upon his will for the amount and payment of their salaries ; and the inferior judges to be removable by the royal governor at his discretion, he himself holding office at the king's will. The sheriffs were to be appointed by the royal governor, and also to hold at his will. The juries had been selected by the inhabitants of the towns ; they were now to be selected by the new sheriffs, more creatures of the royal governor. Offenders against the peace and against the lives and persons of our people had been tried here by our courts and juries ; and in the memorable case of the soldiers' trial for the firing in liing Street [State Street] in March, 1770, we had proved ourselves capable of doing justice to our oppressors. By the new act, persons charged with cap- ital crimes, and royal officers, civil or military, charged with offences in the execution of the royal laws or warrants, could be transferred for trial to Eng- land, or to some other of the Colonies. But the deepest-reaching provision of the Acts was that aimed at the town meetings. Thoy were no longer to be parliaments of free men, to discuss matters of public interest, to instruct their representatives, and look to the redress of grievances. They were prohibited, except the two annual meet- ings of March and May, and were then only to elect officers ; and no other meetings could be held unless by the written permission of the royal gov- ernor ; and no matters could be considered unless specially sanctioned in the permission. '. . . These acts sought a radical revolution, a fundamental reconstruc- tion of our ancient political system. They sought to change self-government into government by the king, and forborne rule to substitute absolute rule at "Westminster and St. James' Palace. They gave the royal governor and his council here powers Avhich the king and his council could not exercise in Great Britain, — powers from which the British nobles and commons had fought out their exemption, and to which they would never submit. The British Ammal Register, the best authority of that day on political history, says that by this series of Acts against the Colonists they " were deprived of the rights they had ever been taught to revere and hold sacred." Nor were these Acts mere declarations. They were to be enforced, and at once, and absolutely. The Military Acts provided for quartering the troops upon the towns. In February, 1775, a resolution of Parliament de- clared Massachusetts in rebellion, and pledged the lives and property of Englishmen to its suppression. This resolution was little short of a decla- ration of war. The instructions of Lord Dartmouth, the secretary of State for the Colonies, to General Gage, the royal governor, ran thus : " The sove- reignty of the king over the Colonies requires a full and absolute submis- sion." Gage writes to Lord Dartmouth, "The time for conciliation, modera- tion and reasoning is over. . . . The forces must take the field. Civil government is near its end." He advised that the king send twenty thousand men to Massachusetts, and with these he would undertake to enforce the new system, disarm the colonists, and arrest the chief traitors, and send them to 332 HISTORY OF NEWTON. London for trial. A force of five thousand regulars was gathered at Boston, and more were coming, under distinguished leaders. The Common was oc- cupied, tlie Neclc fortified, and Boston was under martial law. General Gage Avas authorized to order the troops to fire upon the people. The people, by peaceful means and moral coercion, not without intimidation, but without bloodshed, prevented the new system of legislature, jurors, judges, and exe- cutive officers, going into efiect ; and General Gage attempted to seat the judges and the new officers by the troops. The people refused to serve on the juries, and few, even of the royalists, dared to accept the offices of judge, councillor, or sheriff. The people continued to hold their town meetings, and organized county meetings and a Provincial Congress, and Gage resolved to disperse them by the bayonets of the regulars. Troops were sent to Sa- lem to disperse a meeting ; but they arrived too late. His proclamation for- bade the people attending unauthorized meetings, disobedience "to be an- swered at their utmost peril." By another proclamation he had ordered the arrest and securing for trial of all who might sign or publish, or invite others to sign, the covenant of non-importation ; and the troops were to do it. He was ordered from home, to take possession of every fort, to seize all military stores, arrest and imprison all thought to have committed treason, to repress the rebellion by force, and, generally, to substitute more coercive measures " without waiting for the aid of the civil magistrates." In short, Massachu- setts was placed under martial law, to be enforced by the king's troops ; and all for the purpose of changing radically, by imperial power, the fundamental institutions of the people, in which they had grown up, which they had wisely, safely and justly administered, and on which their liberties depended.* Newton was so near to Boston, the head-quarters of the revo- lutionary spirit, that its citizens could not fail to feel the pulse- beat of freedom, which thrilled in the veins of the capital and was transmitted to every corner of ]Massachusetts. Too early for telegraphic communication, all the atmosphere seemed charged with the spirit of resistance to oppression, which communicated itself with electric rapidity and certainty to every inhabitant. And, under this influence, from this time the work of preparation to resist aggression went forward with terrible decision. The town Records, absorbed, as they are, year after j'ear, till the close of the war, with matters pertaining to the affairs of the country and its defence, remind us of the waters of Niagara, boiling and seething in the rapids, before they plunge over the rocks and are lost in the abyss below. The patriotic report of the Congress for the county of Middle- sex, which convened at Concord, August 30 and 31, was adopted by the town. John Pigeon was chosen Chairman of a committee * Oration of R. H. Dana, jr., at the Lexington Centennial. MINUTE-MEN ENLISTED. 333 to instruct the town's Representative. John Pigeon and Edward Durant were chosen delegates to join the Provincial Congress at Concord on the second Tuesday of October following, or at anj' other time or place when the Provincial Congress shall meet. The Selectmen were required b}^ vote of the town, to use their best discretion in providing fire-arms for the poor of the town, who were unable to provide for themselves. Januar}' 2, 1775, Abra- ham Fuller and Edward Durant were appointed delegates to the Provincial Congress to be holden at Cambridge. Two field-pieces, donated to the town b}' John Pigeon, were accepted by the town with a vote of thanks, and a committee was charged with the duty ■of obtaining subscriptions to mount the field-pieces. It was also voted to raise men to exercise the field-pieces, A committee composed of Captain Amariah Fuller, Captain Jeremiah "Wiswall ■and Major Benjamin Hammond was chosen to enUst thirt^'-two men for Minute-men,* and to add as many more as they think necessary for oflScers, and that they meet once a week during the winter season half a day, for exercise, and all that attend be paid eight pence each.f Another committee was chosen "to observe ^nd see that all resolves and orders of the Continental Congress that concern this town be strictly observed." This committee was composed of Samuel Crafts, Phineas Cook, Dr. King, Lieutenant Joseph Fuller and Captain Jonas Stone, Voted, That the com- mittee of correspondence be allowed their pocket expenses. In January, 1775, it was "voted that each man of the company of Minute-men be paid one shilling for half-da}^ exercising, and eight shillings a day for the eight officers, over and above the one * This action of the town furnishes the explanation of the fact that Newton had so many men engaged in the battles of Lexington and Concord. t The Provincial Congress of Massachusetts which assembled at Salem t in October, 1774, determined upon forcible resistance to the oppressive acts of Parliament, and digested a plan for organizing the militia. This plan provided that one-(juarter of the whole number enrolled should be arranged by themselves in companies and regi- ments, and be in readiness to muster and march at the shortest notice. From this circumstance they were called Minute-men. t General Thomas Gage, the Royal Governor for the Province of Massachusetts Bay, had issued writs, dated September 1, 1774, convening the General Court at Salem, on the fifth of October ; but dissolved it by a proclamation dated September 28th. The members elected to it met notwithstanding; and pursuant to the plan agreed on, re- solved themselves into a Provincial Congress. They continued, with several adjourn- ments, till December 10th. The second Provincial Congress met February 1, 1775, and ■dissolved May 29th. 534 HISTORY OF NEWTON. shilling each ; the Minute-men to train once a week, at the discre- tion of the commanding officer." This brings the history nearly to the period of the battles of Lexington and Concord. April 19, 1775,* there were three companies of infantry in Newton ; the West company, commanded by Captain Amariah Fuller ; the East company, commanded b}' Captain Jeremiah Wis- wall ; and a company of Minute-men, raised in 1775, commanded by Captain Phineas Cook, all of which were in the battles of that day, and marched twenty-eight miles. The rolls of each company were returned to the Secretary's office, and sworn to by their com- mander as follows : West company, 105 ; East company, 76 ; Minute-men, 37 ; total, 218. Besides these, many Newton men, not attached to either of these companies, were in the action. In the West company were 37 volunteers, called the Alarm List, — • men who had passed the age for military duty. Among them were Capt. Joshua Fuller, Aged 72 Alexander Shepard, Aged — Dea. Joseph Ward, " 69 Capt. John Woodward, " 51 Capt. E. Jackson, " 46 Joshua Murdock, " 54 Abraham Fuller, " 55 Peter Durell, " 56 Benjamin Eddy, " 68 Thomas Beal, " 58 Joseph Adams, " 68 William Clark, " 59 Thomas Miller, " 62 Henry Seger, " 67 In the East company were Noah Wiswall, Aged 76 Jonathan Mirick, Aged 53 Ebenezer Parker, " 73 Dea. David Stone, K Dea. Jonas Stone, " 53 Dea. William Bowles, (C Joshua Hammond, " 54 Dr. John King, (c __ *We tind the following in the Massachusetts Archives, Book 2G, Page 120. Pay roll of the Field and Staff officers of Col. Thomas Gardner's Regiment of INIili- tia, who marched in consequence of the alarm on the 19th of April, 1775. NAMES. Thomas Gardner, Colonel, Wm. Bond, Lieut Colonel, Abijah Brown, 1st Major, Benj. Hammond, 2d JNtajor, Abner Craft, 1st Adjutant, Nathan Fuller, 2d Adjutant, MILES. DAYS. 5 1 5 G 32 6 8 5 6 £2 1 9 £1G 10 3 10 ^ 10 5 Prospect Hill, Dec. 3, 1775. WM. BOND, Lt. Colonel, SOLDIERS AT LEXINGTON. 335 Mr. Noah Wiswall, the oldest man from Newton, was the father of Jeremiah, the captain of the East companj'. Two others of his sons, Ebenezer and John, and some of his sons-in-law, were in the same company. The old veteran could not ho induced tO' remain at home, because, as he said, "he wanted to see what the bo3's were doing ;" and, when he was shot through the hand b}- a bullet, he C00II3' bound it up with his handkerchief and brought home the gun of a British soldier who fell in the battle. The spirit of the fathers ruled in the children. The spirit of the chil- dren was reflected back upon the fathers. The stalwart men of the times in their simple way had doubtless often discussed the affairs of the country in the presence of the sons. The sons were apt scholars under the tuition of such patriots. The meii of New England understood the spirit of the times, and rightl}' weighed the exigencies of the age. Not mere machines, as the soldiers of Europe were taught to be, blindly following their leaders, and not knowing for what they were contending, these men had success- fully studied the principles of liberty and political rights ;. and when the heel of t3Tanny sought to crush them, the spirit in them was not eas}' to be repressed. From every town and village, from CA'ery field and home they came flocking to the fray, ready to stand, to labor, to endure self-denial, and, if need be, to die for the cause they had espoused, because thej^ knew it to be a righteous cause. How formidable to their adversaries is an army of such men ! SOLDIERS FROM NE^VTON WHO SERVED IN THE BATTLE OF LEXINGTON. MUSTER ROLL OF EAST NEWTON COMPANY IN LEXINGTON BATTLE. Jeremiah Wiswall, Captain. Joseph Fuller, First Lieutenant. Samuel Richardson, Second do. Samuel Hyde, Sergeant. William Hammond, do. John Stone, ' do. James Stone, do. Benjamin Eddy, Corporal, Nathan Robbins, do. Thomas Durant, do. John Beal, David Bartlett, Edward Converse, Samuel Coggin, Caleb Whitney, Jessee Jackson, Solomon Robbins, Simon Chamberlain, John Wilson, Jolin Jackson, 336 HISTORY OF NEWTON Abner "Whitney, Jonathan Livermore, Phineas Robbins, Thaddeus Whitney, Samuel Draper, John Rogers, jr., Timothy Whitney, John Ward, jr., Phineas Jackson, Ezra Dana, Samuel Wiswall, Henry Parker, Ei^hraim Whitney, Abraham Parker, John Kenrick, Ebenezor Greenwood, Gershom Hyde, Andrew Whiting, Caleb Wheaton, Elisha Cheney, Oliver Fenno, Elias Fuller, Asa Fuller, Allen Durant, Aaron Fuller, Caleb Parker, Nathan Dana, Aaron Jackson, Ebenezer Wiswall, George Teacham, John Adams, Jonas Stone, Daniel Hastings, Aaron Richards, Amos Stone, John Ward, tertius, Elisha Hyde, Elisha Robbins, John Fillebrown, David Jackson, John Wiswall, Thaddeus Jackson, Jonas Jackson, Simeon Pond, Samuel Newall, Mr. Noah Wiswall, Ebenezer , Dea. Jonas Stone, Dea. AVilliam Bowles, Mr. John Eddy, Doct. John King, Joshua Hammond, Joshua Flagg, Jonathan Mirick, Thomas Wilson. Total, 76. MUSTER ROLL OF WEST NEWTON COMPANY IN THE BATTLE OF LEXINGTON. Captain Amariah Fuller's Company of West Newton, marched from Newton on the 19th April, 1775 ; they marched twenty-eight miles and were out four days. Amariah Fuller, Isaac Jackson, Edward Fuller, Aaron Muudock, Samuel Woodward, Joshua Fuller, Daniel Hyde, Noah Hyde, Edmund Trowbridge, Daniel White, Samuel Murdock, Ebenezer Woodward, Captain. Lieutenant. do, Orderly Sergeant. do. do. do. Corporal. do. do. do. Drummer. ALARM LIST. 337 Ephraim Burrage, Daniel Fuller, Richard Fuller, Joseph Bullough, Jonathan Bixby, Jonathan Shopard, Aaron Child, William ^Mackintosh, Josiah Parker, Jonathan Bartlett, Daniel Cheney, John Greenwood, Joseph Adams, jr., William Cheney, jr., Richard Parks, John Shepard, Joseph Hyde, jr., Roger Adams, John Parker, jr., Moses Bartlett, Smith Adams, Samuel Miller, John Hastings, George Bacon, Elisha Murdock, Joshua Greenwood, Silas Chub, JTathaniel Jackson, Robert Bull, Benjamin Prentice, Francis Marshall, Jonathan Cook, Amos Hyde, Jonathan Williams, Elisha Seaverns, Jonathan Winchester, Phineas Bond, Peter Durell, jr., Samuel Trowbridge, Ebenezer Tollman, Joseph Davenport, Moses Child, Josiah Jackson, William Park, jr., Thomas Bogle, Aaron Hastings, John Savage, Silas Barbour, Samuel Parker, Nathaniel Segur, Jonathan Howard, Elisha Bartlett, Francis Blanden, jr., Thomas Jackson Greenwood, Jonathan Brown, Samuel Seger. Total, 68. ALAKM LIST. Joshua Fuller, Abraham Fuller, Esq., John Brown, Norman Clark, John Woodward, John Fuller, Samuel Craft, Ephraim Jackson, Joseph Ward, William Clark, Stephen White, Thomas Miller, Benjamin Eddy, Peter Durell, 22 Phineas Bond, Joshua Murdock, Isaac Williams, Nathan Morse, Joseph Jackson, Thomas Tolman, Francis Blanden, Josiah Knapp, Josiah Cook, John Bogle, John Murdock, Gideon Park, Enoch Hammond, Benjamin Parker, 338 HISTORY OF NEWTON. Joseph Adams, John Margaret, Alexander Shepard, Henry Soger, Thomas Beal, Benjamin Adams, William Hyde, Josiah Child, Daniel Hammond. Total, 37» MINUTE-MEN. Eaised about 1773, and disbanded soon after the Lexington Battle^ Phineas Cook, Captain, 6 miles, 5 day8» John Maeean, Lieut. Capt. 28 " 16 " Joseph Craft, \st. do. 28 " 6 " Caleb Kenrick, 2nd. do. 28 " 4 " Samuel Jackson, Sergeant 28 " 6 " John Thwing, do. Aaron Richardson, do. Samuel Guild, Charles Winchester, Michael Jackson, Moses Fuller, Elisha Parker, Samuel Clark, Elisha Fuller, Joshua Murdock, Joshua Jackson, Benjamin Dana, John Barber, Norman Clark, jr.. John Hcaly, Moses Craft, John Brown, Timothy Jackson, Joseph White, Solomon Richards, Daniel Richards, Amos Stone, Eliphalct Lyon, Moses Hyde, John Jarvis, Edward Jackson, Luke Bartlctt, This roll is recorded Vol. 12, p. 20. Joshua Jackson, jr.. Signed by Joshua Marean, Capt. Jonathan Clark, Lieut , and sworn to before Judge Robert Prentice, Fuller. Edward Hall, jr., Thomas Hammond, Daniel Jackson ] Tu^'tVi' witfrtown • Such was the roll of honor, furnished from the hearths and homes of Newton, as the advance of the arm}!- of freedom. They threw theiTiselves into " the imminent, deadly breach," ut- terly ignorant how long the conflict would last, or what hardships and dangers it might involve. But the}- had counted the cost, and, like brave men, were readj' for the sacrifice. How large the debt of gratitude we owe them ! And how pressing is the re- sponsibility of the children to act worthily of such parentage ! CHAPTER XXVIII. NEWTON IX THE REVOLUTION. — MICHAEL JACKSON's BRAVERY. SOLDIERS FOR EIGHT MONTHS. BATTLE OF BUNKER HILL. TROOPS IN CAMBRIDGE. CAPTAIN GARDNER. SOLDIERS AT DORCHESTER HEIGHTS. SUSPECTED PERSONS. LOANS. PROVI- DENTIAL EVENT. The citizens of the American colonies were now thoroughly aroused, and New England led the van. The flame which had been smothered was secretly gaining strength. The people had talked over their grievances for years, in private intercourse. But there is a limit to endurance. Now the flame was ready to burst forth. England little knew what a storm was gathering in her western horizon. But steadil}' and firmly the work went for- ward. The British Parliament by their oppressive acts were blow- ing the struggling embers into a fierce conflagration. As with the tread of armies, the spirit of revolution strode onward. Night and day it accumulated force. A few tories, timid and time-serv- ing, might have endeavored to resist it. But what is a breast- work of osiers against the rushing tori'ent ? What is a veil of gauze against a whirlwind? There was undoubtedl}' a period when the colonists might have been soothed into compliance with the measures of the mother country. A spirit of justice and gen- tleness would have wrought mightily, to prevent the breaking up of the friendly relations between the two peoples. But that time was now past. Voices in all the air demanded relief for the oppressed. The red camp-fires of war were kindled, and the whole sky was reddened with the flame. As the clouds of the Revolution gathered blackness, the citizens of Newton took measures still graver than mere resolutions. How little could they have foreseen that the opening of the next spring 339 340 HISTOEY OF NEWTON. would strike the hour for the commencement of that subMme con- flict, which was to give to the Western Continent a free and inde- pendent nation ! At the opening of the war, April 19, 1775, Jeremiah Wiswall commanded the East company' ; Amariah Fuller, the West, and Phineas Cook, the Minute-men. Besides these, many Newton men not attached to either company, and who had passed beyond the age for military service, were in the battles of Lexington and Concord. The liberty which they loved was at stake, and no weariness or infirmity of age could quench the fire of patriotism which burned in their bosoms. During the few preceding years, galled by the oppi'ession of the British parliament, they had dis- cussed, in their simple way, in stores, at firesides, and in their town meetings, the condition of aflfairs. The}* had nursed their determination to secui'e a government free from injustice, and which respected the right of every man to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Theh' demand was — " no stamp act — no taxation without representation." Unconsciously, perhaps, they had edu- cated their children in the principles of a righteous government, and prepared them in this emergency manfullj^ to resist the forces which were now mo^ang by aggression of arms to subdue them. It is no wonder that the}' were eager to see how well their sons would illustrate by action the teachings they had received. Had the sons fallen in battle, or failed to come up to the requirements of so gi'ave an exigency, it would have been no wonder if the fathers had shouldered the guns and pressed into the thickest of the conflict. But the sous had been well trained, and no such necessity arose. Many of them had, it is likely, little of the learning of the schools. But they had wrought out the problem of a righteous government, and were competent to construct and defend it. The}' had been nurtured in poverty and hardship ; the flrst century and a half of their settlement had been a constant warfare against difficulty and trial. And the}' were prepared with a determined spirit to meet the stern realities of this bitter strife. They did not flinch under the fire, nor retreat from the purpose they had formed. With the sons as with the fathers, in action as well as in resolve, it was hberty or death. Could they have foreseen how long and hard would be the struggle they were initiating, we believe they would have stood steadfast to their undertaking. CAPT. MICHAEL JACKSON. 341 The story of Colonel Michael Jackson of Newton, in connec- tion with the day of Lexington and Concord, is extremely inter- esting. It shows at the same time how much energy had been in- fused into the patriots of that important period by the training the}^ had passed through, and with how determined and danger- ous a foe Britain would have to deal. He was the son of Michael Jackson, born December 18, 1734, and therefore about fort}'' years old at this time. He had been a Lieutenant in the French war. At the opening of the Revolution, he was a private in the volunteer company of Minute-men. At the early dawn of April 19, 1775, a signal announced that the British troops were on their march to Lexington.* The company of Minute-men were earl}' on their parade ground, but none of the commissioned oflScers were present. The orderly sergeant had formed the com- pany, and a motion was made to choose a captain for the da}-. Michael Jackson was nominated, and chosen by uplifted hands. He immediately stepped from the ranks to the head of the com- pany, and, without a word of thanks for the honor, or the sUghtest formality, he ordered the compau}- — " Shoulder arms ! Platoons to the right, wheel ! Quick time ! Forward, march ! " These few words of command were uttered, and the company were on the march to join the regiment at Watertown meeting-house. On theu' arrival there, the commissioned officers of the regiment were found holding a council in the school-house, and he was invited to take part in their deliberations. He listened to their discussion, but soon obtained the floor. He atlh'med that there was a time for all things ; but that the time for talking had passed, and the time for fighting had come. "Not now the wag of the tongue, but the pull of the trigger." This pro-tempore Captain accused the officers of wasting time, through fear of meeting the enemy. He told them, if they meant to oppose the march of the British troops, to leave the school- house forthwith, and take up their march for Lexington. He intended that" his company should take the shortest route to get a shot at the British ; and, suiting the action to the word, he left the council and took up his march. This blunt speech broke up the council, so that there was no con- cert of action, and each company was left to act as they chose. • This sigual was a volley from cue of John Pigeon's guns, kept In the gun-bouse at Newton Centre, near the church. 342 HISTORY OF NEWTOX. Some followed Captain Jackson ; some lingered where they were, and some dispersed. Jackson's company came in contact with Lord Percy's reserve near Concord village,* and were dispersed after exchanging one or two shots. But they soon rallied, and formed again in a wood near by, and were joined hj a part of the Watertown company. The}^ hung upon the flank and rear of the retreating enemy with much effect, until they reached Lechmere Point (East Cambridge) at nightfall, and the British regulars took boats for Boston. After they had rowed beyond the reach of musket shot, this company received the thanks of General Warren, upon the field, for their bravery. A relative of Colonel Michael Jackson has presented to the Newton Public Library, for preservation, his sword, which did service at Bunlier Hill and in other contests of the Revolution. Soon afterwards Captain Jackson received a Major's commission in the Continental army, then quartered at Cambridge, and was subsequently promoted to the command of the eighth regiment in the Massachusetts line, than whicli no regiment was more distin- guished for bravery and good conduct during the war. In an action with the British on Montressor's Island, N. Y., Colonel Jackson received a severe wound in the thigh b}' a musket-ball, from which he never entirely recovered. Lieutenant-Colonel John Brooks then took the command of Jackson's regiment, and William Hull was major. During the sanguinary battles which preceded the surrender of Burgoyne, Jackson's regiment, under Colonel Brooks, behaved ver}' gallantly, nearly half the number being either killed or wounded. Colonel Jackson died April 10, 1801, aged sixty-six. The pall-bearers at his funeral were Gen- eral Henry Jackson, Dr. Eustis, Colonel Joseph A\^ard, General * Colonel Beujainin Hammond is supposed to have been in command of the Newton company at this time. His residence at a distance from Newton Centre, in the house now owned and occupied by Judge Lowell, and wliich he erected in 1773, accounts for his delay. His descendant, Mr. Stephen Hammond, relying on his recollection of what be beard in his boyhood, thinks Colonel Benjamin Hammond came up with. his company before they reached Concord, and took the command. The following, from bis day-book, under date of 1773-5, implies his captaincy, and thus his responsi- bility for his company. Account of money paid since I bad the command of the Company. Towards one new Drum [old tenor] Paid to a Drummer Paid for Drummers' and Fifers' Dinner Paid to Fifers Paid to Captain Rigaway for changing drums .5 10s. Od 1 2 6 1 16 1 10 3 5 COL. JOSEPH WARD. 343 Brooks, General Knox and Joseph Blake. A battalion of infan- trj' under Major Chene}^ performed the escort duty, and a company of artilleiy fired minute-guns, during the march of the funeral procession, — a tribute of respect due to a man who deserved well of his country, fought her battles, and bled for her independence, lie had five sous and five brothers in the arm}- of the Revolution. Samuel Richardson, of Oak Hill, Newton, was first lieutenant of the Newton company, on the dtvy of Lexington. He was Select- man four 3'ears, being elected in 1777, and died December 25, 1803, aged seventj-j-ears. Besides these brave soldiers and undaunted patriots, was another, of equal prowess, a member of another of the old families of Newton, and a man who distinguished himself at Bunker Hill and afterwards in the military service of the State, taking a very active part in the Revolution both with pen and sword. We refer to Colonel Joseph Ward. He was a master in one of the public schools of Boston, and on the day of the battles of Lexington and Concord, learning that the British troops were in motion, left for Newton, where he ob- tained a horse and gun, and rode to Concord to animate his coun- trymen and get a shot at the British. He greatly- distinguished himself on the day of Bunker Hill, where he served as aide-de-camp to General Artemas Ward, and held that office until General Ward resigned, in December, 1776. He rode over Charlestown Neck, tliiough a cross-fire of the enem3''s floatmg batteries, to exe- cute an order from General Ward, at which time a broadside was fired at him by a British man-of-war. He continued to hold important positions in the arm}', and was honored b}- receiving the thanks of General Washington in a let- ter written to him near the close of the war, in the following terms : " You have my thanks for your constant attention to the busi- ness of yom* department, the manner of its execution, and your ready and faithful compliance with all my orders ; and, I cannot help adding, on this occasion, for the zeal you have discovered, at all tixues and under all circumstances, to promote the good of the service in general, and the great objects of our cause. "I am, dear sk, with great regard, 3'our obedient and humble servant, George Washington." Major Daniel Jackson, also, born in Newton Jul}- 23, 1753, €on of Joshua Jackson and Huldah Fuller, his wife, was in the 344 HISTORY OF NEWTON. battles of Concord and Bunker Hill and at Dorchester Heights, in Captain Foster's Company of Artiller}', and sergeant in Captain Bryant's Company of Artillery. In Chester Abbey, England, hangs the tattered battle flag car- ried up Bunker Hill on the 17th of June, 1775. Not long after these earliest engagements which opened the grand conflict, two new companies were raised in Newton. The war spirit found organization, that it might insure efRcienc3^ The brilliant exploit of Captain Jackson was suited to a sudden emergenc}' ; but steadiness of action was necessar}^, if this struggle was to be protracted into years, and to become incorporated into the life of the people. Seventy-four men of these companies joined the army at Cambridge, March 4, 1776, to serve eight months. The following are theu' names, with the names of their several captains and colonels. SOLDIERS WHO ENLISTED IN THE REGULAU ARMY FOR EIGHT MONTHS FROM MAY 1, 1775. MEN. Phineas Cook, Nathan Fuller, Phineas Ash, Moses Beal, John Beal, Phineas Blanden, David Colby, Daniel Clark, Jonathan Clark, Samuel Clark, Moses Craft, Norman Clark, Silas Chub, Edward Converse, William Cheney, Timothy Child, Samuel Draper, Benjamin Dana, Peter Durell, Joseph Davenport, Richard Dana, Samuel Eliot, Samuel Fuller, Thomas Fiske, Joseph Gosson, Ebenezer Hinds, David Hager, Jonathan Howard, Gershom Hyde, CAPTAINS. Phineas Cook, Nathan Fuller, Isaac Sherman, Edmund Bemis, Phineas Cook, John Currier, Phineas Cook, Nathan Fuller, Timothy Corey, <( (> Phineas Cook, Nathan Fuller, John Currier, Abijah C. Child, Timothy Corey, Ephraim Coney, Samuel Kelton, « (( Phineas Cook, COLONELS. Thomas Gardner, A. Whitcomb, Thomas Gardner, <( « James Frye, Thomas Gardner, Samuel Gerrish, <( « Thomas Gardner, Samuel Gerrish, John Patterson, « « Thomas Gardner, EIGHT MONTHS' MEN. 345 MEN. Thaddeus Hyde, Michael Jackson, jr.,Fifer, Aaron Jackson, Amasa Jackson, Drummer, lianicl Jackson, David Jackson, Nathaniel Jackson, Sergt. Phiueas Jackson, Corp. Simon Jackson, Joshua Jackson, Timothy Jackson, Thomas Jackson, Aaron Jackson, Enoch Jackson, Jonas Jackson, William Jackson, Jessee Jackson, Daniel J.ackson, Eliphalet Lyon, Sergt. Joshua Murdock, Corp. Samuel Murdock, Solomon Newell, Samuel Parker, Henry Parker, Nathaniel Parker, Abraham Parker, Aaron Richards, Aaron Richardson, Solomon Richards, Nathaniel Seger, Amos Stone, John Savage, Samuel Seger, Daniel Upham, Ephraim Williams, Ebenezer Wiswall, Abner Whitney, Stephen Whitney, Timothy Whitney, Ephraim Whiting, Jonathan Williams, Charles Winchester, Jonathan Winchester, Andrew Whitney, Ebenezer Williams. CAPTAINS. Timothy Corey, Phineas Cook, Samuel Kelton, Benjamin Locke, Nathan Fuller, Timothy Corey, Foster, George Gould, Phineas Cook, Abner Craft, Samuel Dunn, Phineas Cook, Nathan Fuller, Phineas Cook, <( it Benjamin Locke, Phineas Cook, Nathan Fuller, « i< Phineas Cook, Edward Crafts, Timothy Corey. COLONELS. Samuel Gerrish, Thomas Gardner, John Patterson, Thomas Gardner, Samuel Gerrish, R. Gridley, Paul D. Sargeant, Thomas Gardner, <( <( Edward Phinney, Thomas Gardner, R. Gridley, Samuel Gerrish. Of these seventy-four men, fortj^-eight were in Colonel Thomas Gardner's regiment, under Captains Phineas Cook, Nathan Fuller, Abner Craft and Benjamin Locke. As this regiment was ordered to Bunker Hill as a reinforcement on the 17th of June, 1775, these soldiers may undoubtedly be regarded as participants in the 346 HISTORY OF NEWTON. perils and honors of the dsLj. The following are the names of the Newton soldiers in Colonel Gardner's resriraent : Phineas Cook, Nathan Fuller, John Beal, Phineas Blanden, Daniel Clark, Jonathan Clark, Samuel Clark, Moses Craft, Norman Clark, Silas Chub, Edward Converse, William Cheney, Benjamin Dana, Peter Durell, Josejih Davenport, Richard Dana, Jonathan Howard, Gershom Hyde, Michael Jackson, jr., Fifer, Amasa Jackson, Drummer, Daniel Jackson, David Jackson, Nathaniel Jackson, Sergeant, Phineas Jackson, Corporal, Simon Jackson, Joshua Jackson, Timothy Jackson, Thomas Jackson, Joshua Murdock, Corporal, Samuel Murdock, Samuel Parker, Henry Parker, Nathaniel Parker, Abraham Parker, Aaron Richards, Aaron Richardson, Solomon Richards, Nathaniel Seger, Amos Stone, John Savage, Samuel Seger, Daniel Upham, Ephraim Williams, Ebenezer Wiswall, Abner Whitney, Stephen Whitney, Timothy Whitney, Ephraim Whiting. In the terrible struggle of the years which followed, it is esti- mated that full four hundred and thirtj-, out of Newton's popula- tion of not over fourteen hundred, served in the Continental army, in the militia, and in the dutj'^ of guarding the captured army of General Burgoyne ; two hundred and seventy-five enlisted in the Continental army, for a longer or shorter period. In August, 1775, Captain Joseph Fuller, of Newton, raised a company of uinet3--six men, and marched to Bennington and Lake George to oppose Burgoyne. The same year sixty-four men en- listed for three years. In 1778 Captain Edward Fuller raised a company' of sixtj'-eight men. In 1780 fift^-four men marched, to reinforce the Continental arm}'. Jackson saj's in his His- tory, " The number of men who served more or less in the Conti- nental army and in the militia during the war was about one-third of the entire population." Had the war continued longer than it did, it seems impossible that Newton should have furnished more men. BUNKER HILL. 347 In the biograph}" of Nathaniel Seger, it is stated that Colonel Gardner's regiment, in which he enlisted, in Captain Nathan Fuller's company, on the 17th of June was ordered to Bunker Hill after the battle had commenced, but did not reach the Hill until the retreat had begun. One of the company, James Wall, was wounded, and Colonel Gardner was killed. Frothingham, in his account of this battle, saj^s, — Colonel Gardner, leading on a part of his regiment, was descending Bunker Hill, when he received his death wound. Still his men, under Major Jack- son, pressed forw.ard, and with Cushing's, Smith's and Washburn's companies, of Ward's regiment, and Febiger's party, of Gerrish's regiment, poured be- tween Breed's and Bunker Hill a well-directed fire upon the enemy, and gal- lantly covered the retreat. After the battle. Colonel Gardner's regiment Avas stationed on Prospect Hill. When the morning of June 17, 1775, dawned upon the troops, the British were not a little surprised to find that the Americans had improved the preceding night in throwing up a formidable breastwork for their own defence. The}' were not prepared for so extraordinary an exhibition of industr}'. And, as " the stars in their courses fought against Sisera," so the heavenly bodies helped these enterprising soldiers in preparing for the conflict ; for, Provi- dentially, the moon was but little past the full, and rose on the night of June 16th, at five minutes past eleven. We have in Frothingham's Histor}- the following additional no- tices of Colonel Gardner and his regiment : Thomas Gardner's regiment, of Middlesex county, was commissioned on the second of June. William Bond was lieutenant-colonel, and Michael Jackson was major. After the British landed, this regiment was stationed in the road leading to Lechmere's Point (East Cambridge), and late in the day was ordered to Charlestown. On arriving at Bunker Hill, General Put- nam ordered part of it to assist in throwing up defences commenced at this place. One company went to the rail fence. The greater part, under the third attack, advanced towards the redoubt. On the way, Colonel Gardner was struck by a ball, which inflicted a mortal wound. While a party was carrying him off, he had an affecting interview with his son, a youth of nine- teen, who was anxious to aid in bearing him from tiie field. His heroic father prohibited him, and ho was borne on a litter of rails over Winter Hill. Here he was overtaken by the retreating troops. He raised himself and addressed to them cheering words. He lingered until July third, when he died. On the fifth he was buried with the honors of war. He was in his fifty-second year, and had been a member of the General Court, and of the Provincial Congress. He was a true patriot, a brave soldier, and an upright man. 348 HISTOKY OF NEWTON. The die was now cast. These courageous men, not enlisted as mere machines, but guided by intelligent purpose, and know- ing the merits of the cause for which they contended, were resolved to carry out to the end the conflict which was now begun. It might subject them to j-ears of suffering, toil and want, to hunger, and cold, and death ; but they were actuated by the stern purpose to do or die, and to hold out till the right should triumph. Though nearlj^ at the beginning of the revolutionary struggle, and though years of hardship, toil and self-denial, of want, and sorrow and blood followed, the engagements at Concord and Lex- ington exerted an important influence on the country, and on the whole history of the war. They put nerve and spu'it into the brave hearts which had undertaken so solemn and so grand a work. The colonists discovered their own power. They learned what stuff they and their fellows were made of. Thej^ measured and weighed, on this occasion, the men with whom the}' were to con- tend in the future. They began to plume their wings for the flight which thej' were afterwards to essay. And by the spirit they ex- hibited, they not only stimulated one another, but also taught their oppressors to respect and fear them. The British loss in killed and wounded, in the battle of Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775, was 1,054, of whom 134 were oflficers ; the provincials lost but 419, killed and wounded. The Britons entered the engagement with a force of 2,500 or 3,000 men; the Americans with onty 1,200. The colonists were forced to retreat only because their ammuni- tion failed ; but the troops of England did not care to linger till an additional supply could reach them. As an evidence of the haste with which they retreated, Nathaniel Seger, before alluded to, one of the Newton soldiers stationed at Prospect Hill, Somerville, after the battle of Bunker Hill, relates the following incident : After the British had evacuated Bunker Hill, I with a number of other soldiers went to the hill and found bottles on their tables, as though they had left in great haste. With an eye to the supply of gunpowder, requisite in future en- gagements, the citizens in town meeting, March 4, 1776, chose Alexander Shepard, jr.. Captain Ephraim Jackson and Mr. John Pigeon a committee to use their influence to promote the manu- facturing of saltpetre. On the 10th of Juty, 1775, the following were all the regiments in Cambridge, with the number of men in each. John Pigeon, of Vrcst Newton, was commissary-gcnoral of the forces. STATE OF THE TROOPS. 349 Jonathan Ward, 505 James Scammon, 529 "William Prescott, 487 Thomas Gardner, 334 Asa Wliitcomb, 571 Jonathan Brewer, 373 Ephraim Doolittle, 351 B. Buggies Woodbridge, 34S James Fry, 473 Paul Dudley Sargeant, 192 Eichard Gridley, 445 Samuel Gerrish, 258 John Nixon, 482 John Mansfield, 507 John Glorer, 519 Edmund Phinney, 163 John Patterson, 492 Moses Little, 643 Ebenezer Bridge, 509 Thus the whole number of the troops in Cambridge amounted to only 8,07G. They were encamped in tents, as far as possible ; but when the supply of tents failed, they were sheltered under old sails, contributed by the seaport towns. Private houses were util- ized as hospitals for the sick. The artillerj' was almost without horses, carriages or harness, and the troops had but few baj^onets. Washington's first requisition, after he arrived in camp, was for one hundred axes. They had no instruments for throwing up entrenchments, except such as they could borrow of the neighbor- ing farmers. They had, moreover, no flag, and, previous to the arrival of Washington, no commander clothed with absolute authority. The spirit of patriotism which distinguished Captain Gardner in the revolutionary struggle is admirably brought out in a letter addressed by him to the Committee of Correspondence in Boston, dated "Cambridge, August 12, 1774." It is as follows : Feiends and Brethren, — The time is come that every one that has a tongue and an arm is called upon by their country to stand forth in its behalf; and I consider the call of my country as the call of God, and desire to be all obedience to such a call. In obedience thereto, I would administer some consolation unto you, by informing you of the glorious union of the good people of this Province, both in sentiment and action. I am informed from good authority that the Committee of Correspondence for the several towns in the county of Worcester have assembled, are in high spirits, and perfectly united. The committee for Cambridge and Charlestown are to have a con- ference to-morrow, and I trust the whole county of Middlesex will soon be assembled by Delegates from the respective towns in said county. I have the greatest reason to believe that the people will choose rather to fall glori- ously in the cause of their country, than meanly submit to slavery. I am, Your friend and brother, Thomas Gardner. The East and West companies, together with such as had been added, numbering together one hundred and thiileen men, were 350 HISTORY OF NEWTON. marched, at the request of General "Washington , to take possession of Dorchester Heights. Their service here was of brief duration ; for on the 17th of March, as the almanacs have recorded it from that daj' to this, the British troops evacuated the town of Boston. One of these companies subsequently marched in the expedition to Canada. SOLDIERS OF THE EAST COMPANY, who, at the request of General Washington, marched to take possession of Dorchester Heights, 4th of March, 1776, and also served five days in Colonel Hatch's Regiment : Jeremiah Wiswall, Captain, Joseph Fuller, \st Lieutenant, Samuel Richardson, 2d Lieutenant, Samuel Hyde, Sergeant, John Stone, " James Stone, " Benjamin Eddy, Corporal, Nathaniel Robbins, " Edward Hall, " Elisha Chauncy, Drummer. Asa Fuller, Fifer, Daniel Richards, Andrew Ellis, David Bartlett, Luke Bartlett, John Kenrick, jr., Thomas Hammond, Samuel Draper, John Wiswall, James Stone, jr., John Rogers, jr., Jonatlian Jackson, Solomon Richards, Aaron Richards, Ebenezer Wiswall, Aaron Jackson, Elisha Hyde, jr., Oliver Fenno, Amos Stone, Ebenezer Greenwood, Phineas Jackson, John Thwing, Jonathan Liverraore, Samuel Coggin, James Coggin, Nathaniel Woodcock, Nathan Dane, Samuel Hall, William Hollis, Daniel Hastings, Robert Downing, Ebenezer Stone, John Healy, William Wheeler, John Wilson, John Mare an, John Ward, 3rd. Total, 47. SOLDIERS OF THE WEST COMPANY, who, at the request of General Washington, marched to take pos- session and man the lines on Dorchester Heights, on the 4th of March, 1776, and served five days in Colonel Hatch's Regiment: Amariah Fuller, Captain, Isaac Jackson, \st Lieutenant, Edward Fuller, -M Lieutenant, Aaron Murdock, Sergeant, Samuel Woodward, Sergeant, Joshua Fuller, " Daniel Hyde, " Noah Hyde, Corpora!, WEST COMPANY. 351 I EdmuiKl Trowbridge, Corporal. Daniel White, " Samuel Murdock, " Ebenezer Woodward, Drummer, Samuel Spring, Fifer. Daniel Jackson, Robert Dairy mple, William Upham, jr., David Fuller, Samuel Fuller, Eichard Fuller, Thaddeus Spring, Jonatlian Shepard, Aaron Child, Robert Bull, Benjamin Prentice, Amos Hyde, Moses Bartlett, Ebenezer Davis, John Hastings, Ebenezer Williams, George Bacon, Elisha Murdock, Henry Pigeon, Joshua Greenwood, Phineas Bond, John Marean, jr., Edmund Seger, Moses Child, Sept. 12, 1776. Capt. Joseph Fuller. Joseph Adams, John Seaver, William Mcintosh, Joim Brown, jr., David Clark, Joseph Fuller, John Jarvis, Joshua Murdock, jr., Samuel Clark, Norman Clark, jr., Moses Craft, Timothy Jackson, Edward Jackson, William Jackson, Enoch Ward, Silas Chub, John Parker, jr., Aaron Jackson, William Russell, Thomas Bogle, Samuel Burrage, jr. , Joshua Jackson, Benjamin Adams, Jonathan Blanden, Samuel Seger, Jonathan Bartlett, Edward Shepard, John Bixby, Samuel Hammond. Signed and sworn by John Aveiiy, Deputy Secretary. The authorities of Newton instituted a strict guardianship over the opinions of the citizens. Without meaning to abridge any man's libert}', either of thought or speech, they conceived this precaution to be necessary, in view of the exigencies of the times. It was highl}' important to the success of their cause to guard against the possibility^ of the existence of a traitor in the camp. It was known that there were persons in the colonies, who, from pecuniary or other motives, did not sympathize with the war. But patriotic Newton would have no such men within her borders. A tory at heart could not breathe in her air or tread upon her soil. A list was made out, of persons whose residence in the town was thought to be dangerous to the public safety, and arrangements were made for theu* removal. One person, after having been 352 HISTORY OF NEWTON. examined as to his political views, was adjudged pure from tory sentiments, and a committee was appointed to draft a declaration for him to sign, which would be satisfactorj' to the town. The following votes of the citizens are both curious and interesting. Voted, that Alexander Shepard procure and lay before the Court the evi- dence til at may be had of inimical disposition towards this or any of the United States, of any person belonging to the town, who shall be charged by any of the inhabitants of being a person whose residence in this State is dangerous to the ijublic peace and safety. Voted, to accept the list now exhibited by the Selectmen of such persons, who they believe to have been endeavoring to counteract the united strug- gles of this and the other United States for the preservation of their liberties and privileges. Voted, that John Rogers and Joseph BuUough be added to the list aforesaid. Voted, that Alexander Shepard, Colonel Hammond and Deacon Bowles be a committee to draft a declaration for Mr. John Rogers to sign, to satisfy the town. Voted, tliat Mr. Rogers be no farther proceeded with, relative to his being charged with being inimical to the United States. After debate on the fifth article in the Warrant, relative to petitioning the General Assembly for removing Morris Spillard and Captain McFall out of the town of Newton, — the vote passed in the affirmative; and Alexander Shepard, Aaron Richardson and Captain Jeremiah Wiswall were appointed a committee for that purpose. The citizens were ready to contribute not only their services, but also their pecuniary means, as before stated, to promote the military glory of the town. Besides the gift of John Pigeon, who came into the place a few j-ears before the commencement of the Revolution, and was a zealous, liberal and energetic friend of the independence of the colonies, several persons loaned the town larger or smaller amounts, according to their abilitj^ to pay the soldiers in the army. Captain Jeremiah Wiswall led the East com- pany of infantry at the commencement .and loaned the town £45 ; John Wiswall served in the army and loaned the town, in 1777, £20; Joseph White loaned £100 ; Deacon John Woodward was in the battle of Concord, and loaned £100 ; Samuel Woodward was likewise in the battle of Concord, and loaned for the same purpose £120, — bold and freedom-loving men, risking for theii" country's welfare both their treasure and their blood ! Deacon Elhanan Winchester, father of the noted preacher, who gained SAVING IMPORTANT PAPERS. 353 Ms livelihood b}^ the double occupation of agriculture and shoe- making, to which he added occasional preaching without pecuniary compensation, and amassed some property, exhibited true pa- triotism; for he loaned the town £300 in March, 1777, to pay the soldiers. Every item pertaining to our revolutionary history is precious. Especially is it a duty and a privilege to record every circumstance of that important period, in which the citizens or any citizen of Newton acted a prominent part. Dr. Homer, in recording the death of Abraham Fuller, Esq., who deceased April 20, 1794, after eulogizing his character, relates the following cii'cumstance, which is a valuable contribution to the history of the revolution- ary conflict. To Abraham Fuller, as principal of a committee of the Provincial Con- gress at Concord, were committed the papers containing the exact returns of the military stores in Massachusetts at the beginning of 1775. Upon the recess of the Congress, he first lodged these papers in a cabinet of the room which the committee occupied. But, thinking afterwards that the British troops might attempt to seize Concord in the absence of the Congress, and that these papers, discovering the public deficiency in every article of mili- tary apparatus, might fall into their hands, he withdrew them, and brought them to his house in Newton. That foresight and judgment for which he was ever distinguished and which he displayed in the present instance, was extremely fortunate for the country. The cabinet was broken open by a British officer on the day of the entrance of the troops into Concord, April 19, 1775, and great disappointment expressed at missing its expected con- tents. Had they fallen into their hands, it Avas his opinion that the knowl- edge of the public deficiency might have encouraged the enemy, at this early jjeriod of the struggle, to have made such a use of their military force as could not have been resisted by the small stock of powder and other articles of Avar Avhich the province then contained. He considered the impulse upon liis mind to secure those jsapers as one among many Providential interposi- tions for the support of the American cause. 23 CHAPTER XXIX. NEWTON IN THE REVOLUTION. THE DIE CAST. BOUNTIES. THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. — SOLDIERS' PAT. — SPIRIT OF THE PEOPLE. The mutterings of the distant thunder had now been heard for more than ten years. Darkness had nearly OA^erspread the politi- cal heavens, and a few heavy peals, with sharp flashes of hghtning, had given indications of the approach of a heavy, if not a protracted storm. The reverberations continued to roll among all the hills, and to sweep along thi'ough the peaceful valleys. Men talked seriously of the signs of the times, and prepared themselves for solemn and determined work. The heavens were not likeh' to be soon clear again, and the little band of patriots girded themselves anxiously, but with undaunted spirit, for whatever might come. They were comparatively few in number and feeble in resources. Struggling, from the beginning, against the infelicities of a rigoi'ous climate, a stony soil, and an unsubdued wilderness, they had created as yet but few of the elements requisite to the conduct of a war. They had no army, no navy, no militar}' equipments worthy of the name. The power the}^ were to contend against was rich in every thing that constitutes national wealth, and entitled to be respected on sea and land. England had its trained armies, and skilful and experienced generals ; and, above all, maintained, in this conflict, the justice of its own cause, and branded the Americans as rebels. The colonists had, at this time, no allies, and no cer- taint}^ if they should strike for independence, that their independ- ence would be recognized by any nation upon earth. They were obliged cautiously to feel their way, touching tentatively the public pulse, that they might ascertain how far it might be safe to pro- ceed towards extreme measures. The members of the Great and General Court were brave, and loyal to the interest of the colo- 354 THE GREAT QUESTION. 355 nies. But, were not the common people likely to be timid in this emergency? Could tlie^- be relied on to furnish strong arms and iron hearts? The experiences of Lexington, Concord and Bunker Hill had been inspiring and hopeful. But if the war should be long and exhausting, if the fields should be left uncultivated and the armies without bread, if the country should be gradually bereft of its stalwart citizens, and povert}' beco:ne the only portion of its widows and orphans, would the people, in view of such a possible prospect, stand firm to their convictions ? Were the merchants, the tradesmen, and the yeomen of America, in the face of such an alternative, sufficiently in earnest to be ready to pledge " their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor" to the cause which they had espoused ? This was now the question to be determined. Accordingly, on the tenth of May, 1776, the General Court passed the following resolution : Resolved, as the opinion of this House, that the inhabitants of each town in the Colony ought, in full meeting, warned for that purpose, to advise the person or persons who shall be chosen to represent them in the next General Court, whether, that if the Honorable Congress should, for the safety of these Colonies, declare them independent of the kingdom of Great Britain, they, the said inhabitants, will solemnly engage with their lives and fortunes to support them in the measure. In response to this proposition of the General Court, town meetings were held during the mouths of May, June, and the early part of July, in many, if not in all, of the towns of Massa- chusetts. The meetiug in Boston was held, it is reported, on the 23d of May. The meeting in Newton occurred on the 17th of June, the first anniversarj' of the daj* rendered memorable by the battle of Bunker Hill, and in which Newton had been honored b}- the prowess of her citizens. Fitting celebration of such an event ! It was the busiest season of the 3'ear. The men could ill spare the time from their labors in the field. But the exigency was great. They felt that important interests were at stake. The rights of freemen, for centuries to come, were of more consequence, in their estimation, than the bread of the next harvest. They knew that posterity would hold them accountable for their action in such an emergency. Grave questions were to be debated, and (!very patriot was bound to be at his post. The 17th of June, 177G, was, to the citizens of Newton, a day pregnant with the fate of 35G HISTORY OF NEWTON. coming centuries. In its balances hung quivering the destinies of posteritj^ perhaps to the latest generation. Shall the Americans be freemen? Or, shall they yield, weakly, to British aggression? This was the question. Captain John Woodward was Moderator of the meeting. The following was the second article of the warrant calling the citizens together : "that in case the honorable continental congress should, for the safety of the american colonies, declare them independent of the kingdom of great britain, whether the inhabitants of this town will solemnly engage with their lives and fortunes to support them in the measure." We have no record of the debate. We know not who spoke on the question, or how many, — nor how long the discussion con- tinued. We cannot tell whether there was timidity, to be inspired by courage ; or counter-opinions, to be overcome hj argument ; or prudent men, counselling delay, whom the debates stimulated to advise immediate action. What would we not give, if stenography had preserved to us the burning eloquence of that solemn discus- sion? What would we not give, if photography had copied for us the knit brows, the determined gait, the undaunted and defiant au' of those bold spirits, as they adjourned at the close of that sum- mer afternoon, and went home to report to their families what " the inhabitants, in town meeting assembled," had agreed upon? The Record only enters, with the conciseness of true eloquence, these words : "After debate, the question was put, and the vote passed UNANIMOUSLY IN THE AFFIRMATIVE." " Bold and memorable words," says Mr. Hyde, in his Centennial oration, " that meant even more than they expressed ! They meant sacrifice of com- fort, fortune, home, friends, life, if need be. All these were laid upon the altar. Independence ! the right to govern themselves, to make their own laws, to choose or appoint their own officers, and to pay them, representation or no taxation, in short to enjoy all the rights of freemen; — for these things, which they so highly valued, they were ready to pledge their lives and for- tunes. That pledge, so solemnly given, was fully redeemed during the long and sanguinary struggle for the nation's independence. In winter's snows and summer's heats the men of Newton were found, old and young, able and disabled, filling the ranks of the little American army. They formed a part of nearly every expedition, and were found on nearly every field, from the opening battles of Lexington and Concord to the final surrender of Corn- CAUSES OF THE EEVOLUTION. 357 wallis at Yorktown. All this the people of Newton did, to redeem the pledges they had given, and to drive back from these shores the armies of those who sought to deprive them of their God-given rights of freedom. "Newton, tlien a little country town, with only about fourteen hundred inhabitants, in town meeting assembled, dared to adopt such a vote, at the early stages of the war, more than two Avecks before the Declaration of In- dependence was given to the country by the Continental Congress at Phila- delphia, — when no human eye could foresee the results of the struggle upon wliich they had entered; when failure meant, — they knew not what,— suf- fering, hardship, imprisonment, banishment, possibly, death for treason. "Notwithstanding all, there was no uncertain sound; the bugle blast for freedom had been sounded, the first gun fired, the first blood shed. The die was cast. Henceforth, — let come what would, — life or death, — liberty was the watchword." "That solemn and ever memorable vote," says Mr. Jackson, "was not meant for show. Those lives and fortunes went along with it, honestlv, earnestly and triumphantly, from the first hour to the last of that sanguinary struggle for independence. Newton men formed a part of every army and expedition, fought in almost every battle and skirmish throughout the con- test. Scarce a man in the town, old or young, able or unable, but volun- teered, enlisted or was drafted, and served in the ranks of the army from the hardest-fought battles, down to the more quiet duty of guarding Burgoyne's surrendered army, partly by aged men." Undoubtedly, the Stamp duty and the duty on tea were far from being the principal causes of the American Revolution. These taxes, and kindred acts of oppression on the part of the mother countrj', only accelerated an event which was as certain to come to pass, as that the boy will become a man. Republican ideas had been instilled into the minds of the people by such men as Samuel Adams and his co-adjutors, for years previous to the signing of the Declaration. He had counselled separation from Great Britain and the independence of the United States as earl}- as 1769, and would have gladly made the Declaration immediatel}^ after the battle of Lexington. " * Taxation ' and ' taxation without repre- sentation,' " says Mr. Endicott, " were the watchwords, to some considerable extent. But it was not simply the paltry taxes that were levied upon the colonies that led to independence. These words were but the terms used to signify a certain class of legis- lative acts, that were especiall}- aimed at the industrial and mari- time interests of the colonies. Mr. Sabine tells us, 'there were no less than twenty-nine laws, which restricted and bound down colonial industry, hardly one of which, until the passage of the Stamp Act, imposed a direct tax. They forbade the use of water- 358 HISTORY OF NEWTON. falls, the erecting of machinery, of looms and spindles and the working of wood and iron. They set the king's aiTows upon trees that rotted in the forests.' It was not so much ' direct taxation/ ■as it was this restrictive policy and legislation, the end and pur- pose of which was to keep the colonies as mere tributaries and market-places for the trade and manufactures of the mother country', and to prevent our merchants from carrying on trade with any nation other than Great Britain."* The frequency of the town meetings at this period is an indi- cation of the feeling of unrest which pervaded the communit}'. The citizens were anxious to meet often and discuss the affairs of the countr}', and to be read}' for every sudden emergency. At a meeting held July 5, 1775, we find this record : The question was put whether the town would grant an additional sum to the bounty granted by the General Court to each person who shall enlist and pass muster as one of Newton's quota for the Canada expedition f; — and the vote passed in the aflBirmative. Voted, that the sum of £6 6s. 8d. be paid out of the town treasury to each person who passeth muster and goeth into the service. Voted, that the Treasurer be directed, and is hereby empowered, in be- half of the town, to borrow the money to pay the bounty of the soldiers aforesaid. Voted, that the Selectmen give orders on the Treasury for the payment of £6 Gs. 8d. to each person that shall be one of Newton's quota in the expedi- tion towards Canada, that are already ordered by the General Court. The Declaration of Ixdependence was adopted by the Con- gress in Philadelphia July 4, 1776. The Massachusetts Council iumiediately took tlie requisite measures to give publicity to the Document by passing the following order : In Council, July 17, 1776. Ordered, that the Declaration of Independence be printed, and a copy sent to the Minister of each Tarish, of every Denomination, within this State, and that they severally be required to read the same to their respective Congre- gations, as soon as Divine service is ended in the afternoon on the first Lord's day after they shall have received it ; and after such publication thereof, to * Centennial Oration at Canton, by Hon. Charles Endicott, July 4, 187C. t In 1775 Canada was invaded by a body of provincial troops, under General Mont- gomery. Montreal was taken, and a gallant, but unsuccessful attempt was made on Quebec, in whicli the brave Montgoiuery was killed. Only one shot was tired by the British, but by that single shot General Montgomery and two of his aides-de-camp lost their lives. WOMEN IN THE REVOLUTION. 359 deliver the said Declaration to the Clerks of their several towns or districts, who are hereby required to record the same in their respective Town or Dis- trict Books, there to remain as a perpetual Memorial thereof. In the name and by order of the Council, R. Dekby, jk., President. A true copy : Attest John Avery, Dep. Secretary. Ill obedience to the above Order, the Declaration of Independ- ence was copied into the Town Records, by vote of tlie town, the citizens thus adopting it as their own. That Newton may receive its due share of honor for the part performed by her citizens in the events of that subUme but trying period of our history, when these United States were passing from a condition of dependence to the condition of a free republic, be it i'emembered that one of the fifty-six signers of the Declaration of Independence, who was also one of the committee which reported it to the Congress, was Roger Sherman, a native of Newton. The evacuation of Boston hy the British troops on the 17th of March. 1776, gave great joy to the Americans. Soon afterwards, the American army commenced its march for New York, where they arrived on the 14th of April, 1776, and from thence Captain Nathan Fuller's company marched with the expedition to Canada. In this service, Captain Fuller was promoted to the oflSce of major, and much praise is awarded to him for his judgment and bravery in that expedition. In the hardships and perils of the Revolution, and in patriotic spirit, not the men of Newton only, but the women also shared. They bore their full proportion in the toils and sufferings by which the freedom and prosperity of the republic was so nobly and so dearl}^ purchased. In the words of another, — While a grateful nation recalls the deeds of the Revolutionary soldiers, who a hundred years ago joined a more than doubtful cause, let us not forget the women, who bore their share of the toil and suffering. They could not follow the soldiers into the field, and become hospital nurses, and members of the Sanitary Commission, as their descendants did in the civil war; but they stayed at iiome and cultivated the land ; and, when the men returned, sick and disabled, tenderly nursed them back to health and strength, or laid tliem sadly away under the blue slate-stones, now weather-beaten and moss- grown, in neglected burying grounds. We have a specimen of what the women could do in the Revolutionary war, in the history of Timotliy Jackson, the only son of a widow. When he joined the Revolutionary army, he was more than fifty years old. Slie had 360 HISTORY OF NEWTON. four daughters at home, the eldest being twenty-two, and the youngest twelve years of age. The farm then contained about thirty acres, which they must cultivate, or starve. They worked on the land, like men and boys. Lucy, the eldest, was a noble, vigorous, energetic woman. She could plough and mow, and she followed these avocations, leaving the lighter labors of the farm to the young and less robust sisters. In this way the family, like many another in New England, in those days of suffering, privation and hardship, continued to labor on, until Timothy, after experiencing the horrors of prison ships, privateering and impressment, reached home, after the battle of Mon- mouth, in 1777. It is evident that the inhabitants of Newton regarded the Declaration of Independence, as tlie act of the whole people, and as expressing the opinions and the determinations of each and ever}' individual in the town. The copy of it, standing entire on the Town Records, is a perpetual memorial of the wisdom and patriot- ism of the fathers of the town, and an immortal testimony to thei:- enlightened faith. How wise was the action of the signers of the Declaration, who in this wa}- secured a place for it on the Record Book of every town, where it would often meet the eye of every citizen, and stimulate the sense of responsibility. On the sixth of Januaiy, 1777, a committee was appointed to adjust matters in reference to the soldiers' pay, and to consider and report how the war should be supported for the future. The exigency required men of calm heads and wise decision. Patriot- ism was not merel}' a quality to be boasted of by ambitious politi- cians. It was not to be sung about on a gala daj^, in melodious paeans. It demanded iron nerves and will. It called for wise, stead}', patient, self-den3'ing action. The report of the committee was as follows : January G, 1777. — We the subscribers being a committee chosen by the in- habitants of the town of Newton at tiaeir meeting legally assembled on the 18th of December, 1776, to adjust matters relative to an allowance to soldiers for services done in the war since the 19th of April, 1775, — and also to con- sider in what manner the war shall be supported by the inhabitants for the future, — Having attentively attended to the service, and, after the most mature de- liberation, the majority of us are of opinion and humbly conceive it to be just and equitable that there be paid out of the public treasury of this town the several and respective sums to such persons belonging to the town as were in the service of their country in the expedition or tours of duty which are hereinafter particularly expressed, — excluding sucli as wc think the pay was adequate to the service, proportionally with those to which we have thought it just to add to their pay, viz. : PAY OF SOLDIERS. 361 To such as enlisted in the first eight months' service, and attended their duty therein, forty shillings each. To those who were in the two months' service, in the winter last past, twenty shillings each. To those who enlisted for the whole year last past, and were ordered to march to New York, and from thence to Canada, and attended their duty, twenty pounds each. To those who enlisted for the year last past, and marched to New York, ten pounds each. To those who enlisted for the said year, and marched to New York in the summer, eight pounds each. To those who enlisted for the said year, and marched for Ticonderoga in the summer, eiglit pounds each. To those who enlisted in Colonel Craft's and Colonel Whitney's regiments, to man the lines, three pounds each. To those who were drafted and marched to New York for two months, four pounds each. To those who marched for fourteen weeks, to man the lines, forty shillings each. To those who were drafted for New York for three months, and are now at Providence, five pounds each. That there be also paid out of the Treasury aforesaid to each and every person who has paid money to hire, or encourage soldiers to enlist in any of the services, since the 10th of April, 1775, aforesaid, the several and respec- tive sums by them disbursed : excepting such a part, if any, that have been paid more than the fine required by law. And that such inhabitants as were called forth upon any emergency, and were omitted in the Muster Rolls, and have not received any pay for their service, they shall be paid in proijortion to what others have received who were in the same service ; and that the charge of hiring soldiers that shall from time to time be required of this town, as their quota or proportion of men, during the present war, shall be paid out of the Treasury aforesaid, and grants made from time to time and assessed on the polls and estates belonging to the town, for the payment of all and every sum that shall be paid for any of the purposes herein before mentioned. Wo also humbly conceive that it would be most expedient for the town to choose a committee, to be joined with the commissioned officers of the town for the time being, to hire such number of soldiers as shall from time to time be required of the town during the present war. All which is respectfully submitted. Alexander Shepard, Col. Benjamin Hammond, Ensign Samuel Craft, Joseph Jackson, Lieut. Samuel Richardson, Lieut. Aaron Richardson,. Lieut. Joseph Craft, Alex.vnder Siiepard, jr. 362 HISTORY OF NEWTON. This report was amended by giving thirty shillings instead of forty shillings to those who manned the lines near Boston in 1776 ; and five pounds instead of four to each of the soldiers who were drafted and marched to New York for two months, and was then adopted. Voted, that those commissioned officers who went in the Continental ser- vice to New York and thence to Canada the hist year, be paid twenty pounds each ; that there be paid to Col. Michael Jackson, for going into the Conti- nental service in New York last summer, eight pounds, and to Capt. Edward Puller, in the same service, two pounds. Although it was a season of comparative poverty and destitu- tion, with the people of Newton, their burdens great, their mone}^ scarce, and the prospects before them in the immediate future dis- mal and discouraging, they were nevertheless liberal in voting the necessary supplies to carry on the war, and in subscribing to a loan to aid the town. The sums the}^ risked were, probably, at least in many cases, in generous proportion to their entire property. And in this act they showed that they were men of faith and cour- age. Where they could not see, they trusted. And though they could not tell through how many weary years the struggle would be protracted, nor whether they might not ultimately fail, — relying on the justice of their cause and on the God of battles, they deter- mined to go forward. It is interesting to see how in the great struggle of the country to free itself from a foreign yoke, the early settlers rushed to the conflict like men who knew no fear, as if regardless of all conse- quences to themselves or their families. Several members of the same famity, in some instances, buckled on the harness and went forth to the fight, — perhaps for mutual protection and succor ; perhaps, because the example of patriotism is contagious, and when one went, others were unwilling to stay behind ; perhaps, be- cause they were alike schooled to love and desire liberty and a free country, and alike eager to participate in paying the price by which such a blessing was to be won. Thus three sons of Moses Whit- ney all died in the army. Three of the sons and some of the sons- in-law of Captain Jeremiah Wiswall were in the East Newton company in the battle of Lexington. The bravery of the fathers, instilled by incessant teaching into the minds of their ofispring, was transmitted in a foithful line of succession, and the records of that stormy age exhibit, among the Uviug and the dead, LIBERALITY AND SACRIFICE. 363 warriors well entitled to be characterized as "worthy sons of worthy sires." The wives and mothers and sisters of those times must have been true to the spirit of patriotism, or they would not have been parted so uncomplainiugl}^ from their natural protectors, that the latter might engage heart and hand in the deadly conflict. We can almost see them now, in their sparse settlements, living fru- gally on their narrow means, and surrounded by their numerous and growing families, — shrinking from the sacrifice of those who were dearer to them than life, but at the same time consenting, for the interest of the public weal, to lay upon the altar of their country their fathers, and their brothers, and their husbands. Trul}', thej' were worthy mothers of the noble women of the period of our recent national struggle, who, in a more delicate age and in a fiercer con- test, emulated their example, and through tears and blood trod patiently and lovingl}' in their footsteps. All honor to the women of Newton, both of the earlier and the later date. Without their spirit of courage and self-denial, without their ardent patriotism, giving their beloved ones to their countr}- and cheering them on- ward in hours of gloom, how difierent might have been the results both of the Revolutionaiy war, and of the later conflict, waged in behalf of the nation's life ! Since the later experience of 1861-5, we are more competent to appreciate the efforts and the self-denial of our ancestors in the great revolutionary struggle. How diff"erent were their circum- stances from our own ! They were comparatively few in number ; obtaining a frugal living from fields but recently wrested from the wilderness. The arts of war were imperfectly understood. There were but few rich men. Even those who had great landed estates did not abound in money, and the mone}' which the}' possessed was fearfully depreciated in value before the close of the war. The entire country was sparselv peopled, and the means of feed- ing and paj'ing a large army were not easj' to be secured. The personal property in the hands of a few was mostly the fruit of slow accumulations and of gi-eat labor ; hence it was a more seri- ous thing to part with it than with easily-hoarded gains. Yet our Newton ancestors freely gave of their substance, and generously voted to raise mone}'' by taxation to suppl}' the wants of the sol- diers. Thirty-one names are recorded of those who loaned money to the town to pay the heroes in the field. The smallness of the 364 HISTORY OF NEWTON. sums loaned by some of these persons indicated that they offered of their penury, — the fruits of wearing labor, — on the altar of their country. Among those who thus supplied " the sinews of war," were two colonels, four captains, one lieutenant, one cornet, and two females (woman in the war, as lately, so then, an efficient, willing, and loving helper) , one of the two a widow, and her offer- ing was £13. In 1778, a tax of £3,000 was voted by the town towards the expenses of the war. In 1779, the citizens voted a tax of £3,000 for raising men and other expenses. In March, 1780, £30,000 were voted for the same purpose ; in September of the same j'ear, £40,000, and in the December following, £100,000. Money, ir is true, had greatly depreciated in value ; for in May, 1781, the town voted to raise £400 in silver, in lieu of £100,000 in bills. But this enormous depreciation must have made many poor who had once been rich. The loss of life and of the means of living was ver}' great during the war, making the heavy taxation so much the more burdensome. The entire population in 1775 has been estimated at less than 1,400. Yet nearly one in every four of the entire population served in the army, and both these and the sta^'-at-homes gave at the same time their treasure, their ser- vice, and their blood to their suffering countrj'. In comparison with the exertion and the sufferings of our fathers, how small have been our sacrifices and how insignificant our efforts ! Dur- ing the war of the Rebellion, our armies were multiplied a thou- sand-fold, as compared with them ; our expenses were gigantic ; our battles were as a hundred to one ; our wounded and our slain were beyond calculation. Every thing was carried forward on a scale suggesting the idea of sublimity. But was not that earlier " day of small things," after all, in view of the character and the circumstances of the age, more marvellous than the experiences of our own times ? A writer in the Massachusetts Historical Collections, Vol. 2, l^age 239, at the close of a historical journal of the war of the Revolution gives the following summary : The war being ended, we will now see how the account stands, and we shall find the following to be a just statement of it : A loss to Great Britain of two large armies, captured by the States, exclu- sive of many thousands killed and taken in various actions of the war ; thir- teen colonies dismembered from them, and an increase of their national debt, in seven years, one hundred and twenty millions. PAY OF SOLDIERS. 3G5 The United States have gained independency and the liberty they contended for, and find their debt to be less than forty five millions of dollars, — which is short of ten millions of pounds sterling (£9,993,424 9s. Gd. sterling). The national debt of Great Britain at this period amounts to 240,000,000 pounds sterling. The whole of the American debt is as follows, viz. : Foreign debt, - ^7,885,085.00 Domestic debt - - 34,115,290.00 Annual interest on both, — foreign at 5 per cent.) o A-ir q-a nn domestic G per cent, per annum. / " -,41o,yo6.00 Total, $44,416,331.00 This comparison is humiliating to Great Britain, and highly honorable to the financiering ability of the statesmen of the Revolution. The former had learned, by the enjoyment of wealth, to be luxurious and wasteful ; the latter, schooled in want and frugality, had learned economy. Their slender resources compelled them to make the best use of what they had ; and, taught in this stern school, they profited by the jDainful lesson. On the fourteenth of March, 1777, the town voted that Phineas Bond, Captain Amariah Fuller, Joshua Hammond, Lieutenant Jeremiah Wiswall, Samuel Woodward and Dr. John King be a committee, to be joined by the commissioned oflicers of the town, to hire soldiers, if need be, to go into the wars the ensuing cam- paign, being Newton's quota, as cheap as may be, and not give more than twenty-four pounds each. Also, that the Town Treas- urer borrow, for the purpose aforesaid, the sum of one thousand pounds, and deliver it to the aforesaid committee as it shall be needed. And on the twentieth of the same month it was voted that such as are subjects of the gratuity for former services, who have en- listed or shall enlist within ten days from this time into the Con- tinental service for Newton, and pass muster, shall receive of the Town Treasurer a promissory note on interest for what they are entitled to for said service, to be paid in one year, they demandino* the same at the Treasury. Also, that £3 be paid by the town, to each soldier that lately went to Providence. And, in case any more men be called .for, that the commissioned officers and the committee be directed to procure soldiers on the best terms they can. The town paid faithfully the sums they voted. 366 HISTORY OF NEWTON. ACCOUNT OF MONEYS BORROWED BY THE TOWN TREASURER OF NEWTO» PEOPLE, TO PAY THE SOLDIERS, MARCH 21, 1777. NAMES. £ s, d. NAMES. £ s. d. Joshua Hammond, 72 Col. Michael Jackson, 87 Joseph White, 100 John Ward, 60 Widow Tabitha Miller, 13 John Ward, 3rd, 43 Cornet Norman Clark, 90 Elisha Fuller and John Wiswall, 20 others. 432 Dr. John King, 24 Oliver Fenno, 74 Lieut. Joseph Craft, 200 Miss Abigail Stone, CI Aaron Jackson, 24 Alex. Shepard, jr., 100 Abraham Fuller, 286 Col. Nathan Fuller, 133 6 8 April — Benjamin Eddy 52 13 Joshua Hammond, 118 13 4 May — Samuel Rich- Josiah Hall, 24 ardson, 30 William Hammond, 46 Ephraim Williams, 40 Stephen White, 70 Capt. Jeremiah Wis- Samuel Woodward, 120 wall, 45 Joshua Murdock, 64 Capt. John Woodward, 100 Capt. Abraham Pierce 133 Capt. Edward Fuller, 3 Elhanan Winchester, 300 Thomas Jackson, 24 Total, £2,989 13s. These thii'ty-one lenders, of whom two were women, and all but three were in the army, gave to the cause their treasures and, their lives. To these are to be added those who loaned smaller sums, whose names are not given. CHAPTER XXX. NEWTON IN THE REVOLUTION. INSTRUCTIONS TO THE REPRESENTA- TIVE. — CONSTITUTION OF MASSACHUSETTS. FINANCES. THE REVOLUTION ENDED. THE PAROLE OP CORNWALLIS. — • MEN WHO SERVED IN THE WAR. NEWTON MEMBERS OF THE CIN- CINNATI. In the midst of the excitement of war, the citizens were not careless of the interests of the State Government. In 1777, the}'' elected Abraham Fuller, Esq., Colonel Benjamin Hammond and Lieutenant Noah Hyde, a committee to report instructions to their representative to the General Court. The instructions were as follows : To Thomas Parker of Newton, in General Assembly : Sir, — In pursuance of a Resolve of the General Court on the fifth of May- current, relative to forming a new Constitution of Government, — we, the freeholders and other inhabitants of Newton in town meeting legally as- sembled, on Thursday, the fifteenth day of May, 1777, judge it proper to im- part to you our united sentiments, and instruct you, our representative in General Assembly. At this alarming crisis, when of necessity it must take up the greatest part of ihe time of the General Court to guard and defend the United States against the inroads and invasions of our unnatural and inveterate enemies, wh'i are using every measure to subjugate and enslave America; that you do not neglect the common and ordinary business that is necessary for the im- mediate salvation of this State, by attempting to set up a new Constitution of Government, so long as the public affairs continue so much embarrassed, and while so many of our worthy brethren are abroad, who have a just right to have a voice in the acceptance of a new Constitution, unless a great majority of the Assembly resolve for that purpose. Then, in that case you are to use your utmost endeavors, that the legislative powers be not confined, nor rest in less than two branches at least, and that each branch have a free and in- dependent exercise of its judgment and a negative voice in the Legislature ; for history sufficiently evinces that no Government in any State in the known 367 368 HISTORY OF NEWTON. world, where an absolute power has been lodged in one man, or one body of men, but that speedily issued in despotism and tyranny. We also instruct you not to consent to the making any alteration of the law of this State relative to each town's paying its representatives ; and, as the Honorable Continental Congress has recommended to this State, with others, to keep as near as may be to the Charter Constitution, we also instruct you to use your endeavors to conform thereto, until this State hath completed another Constitution of Government. Abraham Fuller, Benjamin Hammond, J- Committee. Noah Hide, -1 In May, 1778, the town chose Joseph Jackson, Noah Hyde, Joseph Hyde, Joseph Ward, William Clark, Ebenezer Bartlett, Jonas Stone, Joshua Murdock and John King a committee to report to the tovim their opinion of the new Constitution or form of government agreed upon by the Convention of the State of Mas- sachusetts. In the following month occurs this record : " The plan of the Constitution and form of government for the Massachu- setts Bay, as proposed by the Convention, having been read, was fully de- bated, and the number of voters present being eighty (SO), five (5) approved of the Constitution and seventy-five (75) disapproved of it. May 1779. — Voted, that a new Constitution or form of government be made. Forty-one (41) yeas and five (5) nays. Chose Thomas Parker representative, and voted that he be and he hereby is instructed to vote for the calling of a State Convention, for the sole pur- pose of forming a new Constitution. These sturdy politicians, who rejected the former Constitution by such an overwhelming vote, were doubtless at last satisfied ; for under date of August, 1779, we find this record: The proceedings of the late Convention at Concord were read by para- graphs to the town, and they voted to approve the same. Their satisfaction, however, was of brief duration ; for in Ma}", 1780, after re-electing Thomas Parker, representative, the town *' chose a Committee of Fifteen to consider and report to the town the alterations the}^ ma}'' judge necessary in the new form of Gov- ernment." The first town meeting under the Constitution of Massachusetts for the election of State officers, was held September 4, 1780. Under the stress of the times, the Convention held at Concord adopted an article proposing to limit the price of several articles BORROWING FUNDS. 369 in common use. The citizens of Newton, careful and critical, watching every thing pertaining to the public interest, did not allow the measure to go into effect without passing judgment upon the action of the Convention. Indeed, they had already chosen "a committee, to act by themselves or join with a committee of other towns, to regulate the prices of sundr}^ articles, agreeable to the fifth resolve of the Convention at Concord." The proceedings of the late Convention at Concord were read, so far as relates to the stipulated prices. Voted, to approve all but the prices of potatoes, geese, fowls, turkeys, tame ducks, cider, all kinds of wood, coal, and teaming, — which were re- ferred for consideration. Then the several resolves were read and accepted. Two votes on the Town Records have reference to the supply of provisions for the army. October, 1780. — Chose a committee to purchase the quantity of beef for the army, as required of the town by the General Court. May, 1781. — Voted, to choose a committee to procure Newton's quota of beef to supply the army, as called for by the General Court. During the entire period of the war, the inhabitants of Newton continued to vote supplies of money, as they were needed. The patriotism of the citizens and their hope of the final success of their cause gave them courage even in the darkest hours. A few of their votes, during the successive years of trial, may be here grouped together. September 15, 1777. — Voted, that the Treasurer of this town be directed, and he is hereby empowered, in the name and behalf of said town, to borrow the sum of twelve hundred pounds, and give his note on interest for the same, for repaying to the commissioned officers and the committee to procure soldiers for the Continental service, and also the sura of six hundred pounds, towards procuring soldiers for said service for the future. December 8. — Deacon John Woodward, Joshua Murdock, Joseph Jackson, Dr. John King and Colonel Nathan Fuller were chosen a committee to make effectual provision for the families of the non-commissioned officers and privates that have engaged in the Continental service, agreeable to a resolve of the General Assembly on the tenth of October last. Voted, that the officers and committee should hire men to replace the late detachment at Prospect Hill. In 1778, the town voted a tax of three thousand pounds, towards defraying the town charges of the war. 24 £185 19s Od. 450 £635 19s Od. £4,312 7s 4d. . 94 10 0' 33 4 13 £4,444 10 4 £201 8s, Gd- 123 10 185 10 0' 384 1 10 £894 19 4 £11 12 10 370 HISTORY OF NEWTON. A committee appointed in March, 1779, to audit the accounts of the military committee, reported as follows : Capt. Edward Fuller has received as fines . Capt. Joseph Fuller do. do. Joshua Hammond has received of the Treasurer Lieut. Aaron Richardson do. do. Capt. Jeremiah Wiswall do. do Col. Benjamin Hammond do. do. Total receipts £4,444 10 Joshua Hammond has paid, of money he collected for taxes Col. Nathan Fuller do. do. do. do. Capt. Edward Fuller do. ' do. do. do. Capt. Joseph Fuller do. do. do. do. Remaining in the hands of the committee In August, 1779, the inhabitants voted to raise men, agreeable to the resolve of the Court, and also to raise £3,000," for raising of men and defrajang town charges." June 19, 1780, a committee of nine was chosen to raise men for the war, as called for by the General Court, and a vote passed, appropriating £30,000 to defray the charges thereof, and for the use of the town. In October of the same year, " chose a committee to pm'chase the quantity of beef for the army, as required of the town by the General Court." Also in December, " chose a committee of nine- teen to raise Newton's quota of men, to fill up the Continental army," and voted " a tax of £100,000, old currencj', to defray the charges." March, 1781. — The Treasurer was authorized to give notes to- the soldiers who have enlisted or shall enlist into the Continental army for three j^ears, or during the war, 1781. — Voted, that £400 in silver money be raised, in lieu of £100,000 in, bills. Voted, to choose a com:nlttee of five to assist the commissioned officers in procuring Newton's quota of militia soldiers, that may be called for by the General Court the present summer; and the Treasurer is authorized to give notes, in the name and behalf of the town, for that purpose. Also, to procure- LOANS TO THE TOWN. 371 Newton's quota of beef, as callod for by the General Court, to supply the army with. September, 1781. — Voted, that £450 silver money be assessed; March, 1782, a tax of £800; April, 1783, £1,000; March, 1784, £1,500. Colonel Benjamin Hammond, of East Newton, bad charge in 1780-82 of procuring a portion of the necessary quantity of beef for the arm3% The following, from \iu day-book, shows who were the patriotic citizens who had faith enough in the cause of liberty to risk their nionc}'. Account of what money I received of the several persons hereafter named, to purchase beef for the army, 1780. The Hon. Abraham Fuller, Esq., £800 Mr. Ebenezer Bartlett, 370 10 Mr. Joshua Flagg, 200 Dea. David Stone, - 100 Mr. John Stone, 100 Mr. David Bartlett, 315 Mr. Joseph White, 180 Mr. Joseph Ward (collector), 3,791 4 Mr. Jonathan Bixby, 300 Capt. Jeremiah Wiswall (collector)2,717 7 Mr. Joshua Hammond, 500 Mr. Ebenezer Greenwood, 114 Mr. John Stone, 100 Mr. John Jackson, 336 Mr. Joseph Jackson, 150 Capt. Edward Fuller, 225 Mr. John Jackson, Dea. "William Bowles, Advanced, myself, Mr. Ebenezer Bartlett, Capt. Jeremiah Wiswall, Mr. Ebenezer Bartlett, Capt. Eliphalet Robbins, Solomon Robbins, Mr. Joseph Ward (collector), Dea. David Stone, Capt. Joseph Fuller, Mr. Joseph Ward (collector). Advanced, myself. £150 120 96 19 100 COO 570 90 150 430 200 lOO 225 45 £13,176 Dea. David Stone, £360 Capt. Jonas Stone, 60 Capt. Wiswall, 361 Capt. Wiswall, 3,582 2 Advanced, myself. 150 Dea. David Stone, 188 7 10 £12,761 15 10 Account of what money I received of the several persons hereafter named, to purchase beef for the army, 1781. Th6 Hon Abraham Fuller, Esq., Town Treasurer, in old cur- rency, £5,618 Advanced, myself, 300 Of the Town Treasurer, 1,025 Capt. Joseph Fuller, 300 Of the Town Treasurer by the hand of Col. Fuller, 600 Capt. Jeremiah Wiswall, 207 6 May 31, 1782. — Granted an order to Capt. Jeremiah Wiswall for nine thousand four hundred and seven pounds, one shilling and four pence (£9,407 Is. 4d. ) for money advanced to purchase beef for the army. That Colonel Hammond was captain of a company appears from an entry in his day-book, as follows : November 4, 1771. — Trained, and filled up the company with officers, and made choice of Samuel Richardson, Samuel Hide, William Hammond, John 372 HISTORY OF NEWTON. Stone, Sergeants ; Jeremiah Richardson, James Stone, Benjamin Eddy, jr., Thomas Durant, Corporals ; William Fuller, Nathaniel Rogers, Durmer [drummer] ; John Ward, jr., Clerk. Trained, June 4, October 8 and 14, 1772. Fined Coggin, William Parker, Nathaniel Robbins, Stephen Hastings, Timothy Whitney, Jackson Parker, Nathaniel Parker and Thomas Hastings 6s. each (the last for want of arms) ; Simon Charaberlin, John Hall, jr., Aaron Cheney, 2s. each. Trained, June 21, 1773. Fined William Parker, Jackson Parker, Thomas Hastings, Samuel Knapp, Ebenezer Soger, Joshua Newell, os. each. Trained, June 7, 1774. Fined Nathaniel Robbins, George Feacham, Tim- othy Whitney, Jackson Parker, Samuel Knapp, Ephraim Whitney, Jonathan Rugg, Ephraim Wilson, 5s. each. As the pressure of the times increased, the inhabitants felt it needful to devise new methods to raise money to meet the expenses of the war. They had taxed themselves to the utmost, and still the war was not ended. At last, the plan was suggested of seek- ing relief by taxing the lands of non-resident proprietors. In April, 1785, a committee was appointed on this suggestion, Colonel Benjamin Hammond being chairman, who reported as follows : We the subscribers, chosen by the town to devise ways and means where- by the non-resident proprietors of land lying within the town of Newton may be subjected to pay their proportional part of the charge of the men raised by the seventeen classes made out in the year 1781, in consequence of a previ- ous resolve of the General Court for that purpose, and also to hear the complaints of said classes respecting the deficiency of individuals of said classes who were unable to pay, or otherwise, — and also to hear the request of George Feacham, that he may receive certain moneys which he saith he had advanced, to hire men to go into the public service, etc., etc., have attended to that service, and beg leave to report as follows : 1. That the town choose a committee to prefer a petition to the General Court for liberty to assess the non-resident proprietors of lands lying within the town of Newton their proportional part of the real cost of the men pro- cured by the seventeen classes made out by the Assessors in 1781, or for the average price allowed by the State for said men. 2. That all those that are inadvertently classed, and at the same time were not proper subjects of taxation, and refuse to pay, — that their taxes be abated. 3. That the class of which the late Phineas Cook (died 1784) was the head, be abated as follows : viz., of the deceased Henry Parker's tax 16 shillings, and of William Park's £4 19s., etc. It seems fitting that we should present here the last scene of the protracted and glorious conflict. SURRENDER OF CORNWALLIS. 373 The struggle had lasted nearly seven years, and the resources of the colonies were well nigh exhausted, when France became an ally to America, and transferred her war against Great Britain to these shores. With troops and ships and money she came in the nick of time, and speedily brought matters to a crisis and the conflict to an end. Reinforced by the Froncli forces and fleet, the Americans, under Washington, took heart and hope, and organized their campaign of 1781 with great vigor. The British under Lord Cornwallis were in the South, devastating Virginia, and thither Washington and Lafoyette, with the combined American and French forces, marched, supported by the French fleet in Chesapeake Bay under Count Rochambeau. Cornwallis, in obedience to orders from Sir Henry Clinton at New York, concentrated his forces, to the number of 8,000 men, at Yorktown, the fortifications of which were at once increased to great strength. He was also supported by several English frigates and smaller vessels, which were anchored in York River, between the town and Glouces- ter Point on the opposite side. The allied forces to the number of 1G,000 men, of whom 7,000 were French, approached the town and formally invested it in siege operations toward the latter part of September. On the ninth of October the first parallel was established and several heavy batteries opened on the enemy, dismounting a number of their guns and sinking a frigate, with three large transports. A few days afterward, another parallel was opened ; but as the working parties were greatly annoyed by an enfilading fire from two redoubts, it was resolved to assault them. This was accordingly done with great success. The two redoubts were of equal strength, and it was determined to attack them, one with an American detachment, the other with a French. Lafayette himself led the Americans, who carried the post in such splendid style as to excite the admiration and emulation of. the French, who carried theirs in like manner. Those two works being included in the besieging line, the position of Cornwallis became extremely critical. He was cut off from escape by sea by the powerful French fleet at the mouth of the river, while he knew that he could not much longer maintain the attacks of the allies. In his desperation the British com- mander first attempted a sortie on the advanced batteries of the besiegers ; but being repulsed, he conceived the desperate scheme of crossing the river to Gloucester Point with his whole force and pushing northward by rapid marches. But a violent and Providential storm rose before he could perfect his plans, and the boats upon which he relied to cross were driven far down the river and destroyed. Then, to save useless bloodshed, Cornwallis pro- posed to surrender. Accordingly on the 19th of October, terms were agreed upon, and the British army, to the number of about 7,000, on the same day marched out and capitulated to Washington as prisoners of war. The loss of the British dur- ing the siege amounted to 550 men, and that of the allies to about 300. Some 75 brass and IGO iron cannon, nearly 8,000 stand of arms, 28 regimen- tal colors, and a large quantity of munitions of war fell into the hands of the victors as spoils, and the glorious success practically decided the conflict for independence in favor of the revolutionists. It is said that wiien the news 374 HISTORY OF NEWTON. reached England and was communicated to Lord North, the Premier, that official threw up his hands and exclaimed, " O God, it is all over! " And so it proved. But little further fighting took place after the fall of Yorktown, and peace was formally declared in the following year. The following is a copj' of the parole of Lord Cornwallis, which was given by him after he surrendered at Yorktown, October 19, 1781. The original copy was purchased not long since by the State of Massachusetts, from some one in New York, and has been placed in the State Library for exhibition. I, Charles Earl Cornwallis, Lieutenant-General and Commander of his Britannick Majesty's forces, do acknowledge myself a prisoner of war to the United States of America ; and, having permission from his Excellency, General "Washington, agreeable to capitulation, to proceed to New York and Charlcstown, or either, and to Europe, do pledge my faith and word of honor, that I will not do or say any thing injurious to the said United States or armies thereof or their allies until duly exchanged. I do further promise, that whenever required by the Commander-in-chief of the Anerican array* or the Commissary of prisoners for the same, I will repair to such place or places as they or either of them may require. Given under ray hand at Yorktown, 28th day of October, 1781. COENWALLIS. The review, embodied in the foregoing pages, of the proceed- ings of Newton, from the passing of the Stamp Act to the close of the Revolution, bears testimon}^ to the patriotic spirit of the entire population, and shows how great sacrifices they cheerfully made to sustain the principles the}' had espoused. In 1765, the population of Newton was 1,308 ; in 1790, 1,360. During the war many lives were lost, and all the industries bj^ which life is sustained were greatly crippled. Many jears would doubtless be required to restore things to as prosperous a state as before the Revolution. Mr. Jackson estimates that the popula- tion in 1775 could not have been less than 1,400. About 430 Newton men served more or less in the Continental army and in the militia during the war. " Deducting from this number those who were in the battles of Lexington and Concord, — the East and West companies, who, at the request of General Washington, marched to man the lines at Dorchester Heights, and served until the British troops evacuated Boston, — those who volunteered to guard the surrendered troops of General Burgoyne at Cambridge, etc., we shaU then have 275 men from Newton, who actually SACRIFICES OF THE PEOPLE. 375 ^enlisted in the Continental army for a longer or shorter term. Of this number, 04 enlisted in January, 1777, for three j'cars or dur- ing the war ; and many of the others, then in the army, who did not at that time enlist for the war, did nevertheless continue in the service to the end of it. " The amount of money raised by the town for the purposes of the war cannot be computed, for lack of the proper accounts and vouchers, and from the depreciation of the currency. But from the abstracts we liave already given of the votes of the town, it may be readily seen that very large sums of money were raised, and the credit of the town used to its utmost tension, for procuring men and money to carry on the war with vigor. From these long continued and exhausting exertions, the resources of the country had Ijeen drained, heavy debts accumulated, and business and credic prostrated. In comparison with the wealth of the present day, the property of the inhabi- tants then was paltry in the extreme ; and yet those large sums of money Tvere cheerfully voted and soon paid. These Records of the Town," con- tinues Mr. Jackson, "and the facts here grouped together will serve to prove how fully and at what sacrifices the pledge of 177G was redeemed. History, we think, will be searched in vain to find a parallel to the indomita- ble and long continued exertion and devotion, which, in common, doubtless, with New England generally, the inhabitants of this town exhibited." We cannot fail to admire the frequent action of the citizens, in town meeting assembled, voting large sums of moneys for the purposes of the war. They evidently strained every nerve, volun- tarily distressing and impoverishing themselves, that they might transmit to their posterity a free, enlightened and prosperous republic. It is impossible for us adequately to conceive the trials and dis- tresses, and, at the same time, the patriotic ardor of the citizens. Enjoying, as we do, to the full, the luxuries of life, with a freedom broad as the mind of man can desire, — and a security, under God, which seems to us an absolute and immortal inheritance, we try in vain to imagine what those early patriots felt and feared. Thej^ earned well the glor}^ they won. The people of Newton at that period, says Mr. Hyde, " were few in num- ber, i)oor, with little available means, the countrj' was new and sparsely populated; and added to all, the money during the war was greatly depre- ciated. In illustration of this, it is recorded that in 1780 they voted altogether £170,000 and the next year £400, in silver, in lieu of £100,000 in bills. We of to-day know something by experience of the depreciation incident to a long war, but it is little compared with the state of affairs at that time. Yet there was no shrinking from duty ; men and women alike loaned of their private 376 HISTORY OF NEWTON. fortunes, while yet the result hung doubtful in the balance, to supply the wants of the soldiers." The roster of the army gives the following names of Newton men who bore office among their fellow-soldiers : Colonel Joseph Ward, aide-de-camp of Major-General Ward ; Michael Jackson, Colonel, and William Hull, Lieutenant-Colonel of the 8th Regi- ment; Ephraim Jackson, Colonel of the 10th Regiment; Nathan Fuller, Lieutenant-Colonel of the 13th Regiment ; seven captains, nine lieutenants and two ensigns. Forty-four descendants of Edward Jackson, bearing the name of Jackson, were in the Revolutionary army from Newton. There were twenty-two bear- ing the name of Fuller, sixteen the name of Parker, fifteen of Hyde, eleven of Stone, nine of Clarke, six of Seger, etc. Cap- tain Henry King, of Newton, was one of the guard at the execu- tion of Andre. ■ The revolutionary troops from Newton were not without a representative from the sable sons of Africa. Pomp, the slave of Jonathan Jackson, was manumitted two weeks before the pro- mulgation of the Declaration of Independence. He enlisted in the army as Pomp Jackson, served during the war, and at the close received an honorable discharge. He ufterwai^ds settled in the town of Andover, a mile west of the Theological Seminary, and near a pleasant sheet of water known as " Pomp's Pond ", — the vicinity of which was found by the writer of these pages, dur- ing the summers of 1830 and 1831, to be peculiarly rich in speci- mens of the beautiful and various flora of the New England States. The eyes of the people were open to guard in ever}^ direction against any regulation which seemed likely to abridge their free- dom or to interfere with their liberties as independent citizens. An Act of the Legislatui-e regulating the market in Boston, then recently passed, awakened their jealousy, and they proceeded at once to take measures for its repeal. At a town meeting held August 16, 1784, a committee of three was chosen, "to join with a committee from an}' other town or towns in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, to petition the General Court that a late Act, entitled, ' An Act for regulating the market in Boston,' may be repealed, or to take such other lawful measures that all imposi- tions maybe removed that infringe on the liberties and privileges of this Commonwealth in consequence of said Act." NEWTON SOLDIERS. 877 Soldiers who served more or less after the eight moDths had expired, — called out in cases of emergency, or otherwise, from 1776 to the end of- the war : Jeremiah Ackers, Jonas Adams, Xeliemiab Abbott, Ricbard Bryan, Alexander Burt, William Bogle, Thomas Boylston, Joseph Blandeu, John Burridge, Simon Burridge, Amos Brown, Benjamin Clark, Moses Child, Peter Clarke, Francis DeGranville, John Durell, Jeremiah Donovan, John Daniels, Peter Durell, James Fuller, Ephraim Fenno, Thomas Fay Isaac Greenwood, Jonathan Hammond, Francis Hoogs, Thomas HUl, John Hamilton, Amasa Jackson, William Jackson, Phineas Jackson, Charles Jackson, Samuel Jackson, Caleb Jackson, Henry King, John Marean, Lieut., James McCoy, John Miller, Lvida Maier, Thomas Owen, Jeremiah Ackers, John Park, Jonathan Parker, Aaron Parker, Francis Parker Elisha Parker, Jackson Parker, Nathan Pillsbury, Silas Pratt, Benjamin Rose, or Ross, Isaac Rogers, Samuel Spring, John Shepard, Nicholas Thwing, Samuel Wiswall, Nehcmiah Wilson, Reuben Whitney^ Total, 66 Captain Joseph Fuller, of Newton, raised a company of ninety- six, and marched to Bennington, and from thence to Skeensboro', thence to Lake George, to oppose the progress of Burgoyne, and served from August 4th to November 29, 1777, three and two- thirds months. They marched 240 miles. Burgoyne surrendered October 17, 1777. The Newton men were Joseph Fuller, Captain, Benjamin Eddy, Jonathan Stone, Samuel Spring, David Fuller, Timothy Flagg, Job MiUer, Phineas Bond, Israel Blackington, Peter Durell, Gershom Hyde, Jessee Jackson, Phineas Jackson, Caleb Jackson, Samuel Jenison, Thomas Boylston, William Bogle, Samuel Marean, Samuel Miller, Pomp Magus, Samuel Jliller, Elisha Parker, Joseph Parks, Asa Robinson, John Robbins, Nathaniel Seger, Samuel Trowbridge, Ebenezer Williams, Peter Richardson, Moses Child, Samuel Draper. The other sixty-six men were from adjoining towns. August 17, 1778, Captain Fuller swore to the Roll. Captain Edward Fuller raised a companj^, and marched March 19, and served to April 15, 1778, at Roxbury. Edward Fuller, Captain, Josiah Capen, Lieut., Isaac Hager, do. Samuel Hyde, Sergeant, Joshua Jackson, do. WilUajn Jackson, CorpU, Ebenezer Williams, do. Oliver Fuller, Jonas Mills, Edward Shepard, John Hall, Lemuel Capen, WiUiam Marean, Thomas Richardson, Abraham Parker, Joshua Jackson, jr., Samuel Hammond, Nathan Stone, James Downing, Joshua Prentice, Jonas Child, 378 HISTORY OF NEWTON. Richard Fuller, Amos Hyde, George Bacon, John Segar, Nathan Seger, Thomas Fay, Ephraim Jackson, Samuel Jackson, Ebeuezer Stone, Simeon Chamberlain, John Ilealy, Abijah Stowell, Nehemiah Wilson, Ebeuezer Cheney, John "Wiswall, Cyrus Pratt, Abraham Whitney, Jonas Bond. Total from Ne^vton, 39 From other towns, 29 Total, 68 Captain Edward Fuller also raarched in September, 1778. Edward Fuller, Captain, Joseph Craft, Lieut., Aaron Murdock, do- Edmund Trowbridge, Sergeant, Joshua Murdock, do. Samuel Spring, Fifer, Joseph Adams, Roger Adams, Jonathan Cook, Elias Fuller, Noah Hyde, Samuel Murdock, Ebenezer Williams, Silas Stearns, Moses Child, James Prentice, Job Hyde, George Brown, John Durell, Samuel Jackson Captain Aaron Richards, Richard Fuller, John Marean, Francis Marshall, Edward Fuller, John King, Thomas Fiske, Peter Parker, James Stevens, Samuel Fuller, Daniel Cook. Total, 31 On the 17th of October, 1777, General Burgoyne surrendered his army, numbering nearty six thousand men, to the Americans. This movement created a necessity for troops to do guard dutj' over the humbled Regulars, and Captain Joseph Fuller's company marched to Cambridge, to guard Burgoyne's captured troops, September 2, 1778, — as follows: Joseph FuUer, Captain, John Marean, Lieut., Samuel Hyde, Serjeant, James Stone, do. Benjamin Eddy, Corp'' I, Thomas Hammond, do. Asa Fuller, Fifer, Edward Converse, Thomas Wilson, Jonathan Harbach, George Feacham, John Rogers, jr., Jonas Stone, jr., Jonathan Jackson, Richard Blinkcow, John Ward, iertius, Edward Hall, Samuel Hall, John Hyde, Phineas Child, Thomas Hastings, Elisha Hyde, Gershom Hyde, Francis Blanden, Elisha Robbins, Moses Stone, Samuel Newell, Ebenezer Cheney, Jonathan Hammond, Elisha Parker, Jonathan Parker, Stephen Winchester, Nathaniel Durant, Thomas Richardson, John, John, Henry, Ebenezer, John, Samuel Ward, Samuel Wiswall, Thomas Cheney. Total, 42 Newton men who served at West Point nine months from March 20, 1778 : William Bogle, Thomas Fay, Thomas Boyieston, Jonas Blanden, John Park, Nehemiah Wilson, Caleb Jackson, Peter Clark, Abner Davenport. Newton men who enlisted for six months in the Continental service from Jul}' 17, 177'J, to January 20, 1780 : STANDING ARMY. 379 Nicholas Thwing, -Josiah Jackson, Matross, Oliver Jackson, da. Jonathan Parker, Xehemiah Wilson, Isaac Greenwood, Francis Parker, Aaron Perkin, Benjamin Clark, Jonas Blanden, John Park, Samuel Jackson, Jackson Parker, Samuel Spring, Fifer, Jona. Jackson, Matross, Jonathan Hammond, Moses Child, Henry King, Jonas Adams, Francis Hodges, Peter Durell, Samuel Wiswall, Isaac Rogers, Nehemiah Abbott, Ephraim Fenno. These men marched 220 miles, and the roll is certified by Benja- min Hammond, William Hammond, Edward Fuller, as Selectmen. For a considerable period the troops raised in the several States, and which composed the Continental army, had been enlisted only for a certain number of months, at the expiration of which they were discharged, and new enlistments made. This method being found to be very injurious to the service, in September, 1776, Congress resolved " to raise a standing army, to consist of about 75,000 men, to serve for the term of three years, or during the war." The respective quotas were ordered to be as follows : New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, As an encouragement to engage in the service, besides a bounty of twenty dollars for each man, over and above their wages and allowance of rations, thej' were to have lands bestowed on them at the conclusion of the war; — the officers in proportion to their respective ranks, from 500 to 200 acres, and the non-com- missioned officers and soldiers, 100 acres each,* — these lands to be provided by the United States. Their pay was to be as follows : BATTALIONS. BATTALIONS 3 Delaware, 1 15 Maryland, 8 2 Virginia, 15 8 North Carolina, 9 4 South Carolina, 6 4 Georgia, 1 12 Colonel, per month, $75.00 Lieutenant, §27.00 Lieutenant-Colonel, GO.OO Ensign, 20.00 Major, 50.00 Sergeant-Major, 9.00 Chaplain, 33.33 Quartermaster-Sergeant, 9.00 Surgeon, 33.33 Drum Major, 8.00 Surgeon's mate, 18.00 Pife Major, 8.33 Adjutant, 40.00 Sergeant, 8.00 Quartermaster, 27.50 Corporal, 7.33 Regiment Paymaster, 26.66 Drummer and Pifer, 7.33 Captain, 40.00 Privates, 6.66 *By an after resolve. Congress extended the donation of lands to Gener.-a Officers, viz., a Major-Gcneral 1,100 acres, a Brigadier-General 750 acres. 380 HISTORY OF NEWTON. SOLDIERS ENLISTED FOB THREE TEARS OR DURING THE WAR, COMMENCING JANUARY 1, 1777. NAMES. PERIOD, &c. CAPTAINS. Samuel Bigelow, For the War. Pierce. William Barnard, (( Wiley. John Barrage, Dead. Watson. Thomas Bogle, 3 years. Allen. Jonathan Child, For the War. Dix. Abraham Cole, (< Wiley. Aaron Child, Died. Josiah Davenport, For the War. Smith. Thomas Fitch, (( Miles. Prince Goring, 3 years. Ashby. Daniel Godlip, For the War. Joseph Gorson, 3 years. Daniel Hunt, For the War. Brown. Thomas Jackson, 3 years. Wiley. Ephraim Jackson, (( Aaron Jackson, C( Moses Jackson, For the War. Daniel Jackson, <( Watson, Nathan Jackson, <( Charles Jackson, 3 years. Wiley. Ebenezer Jackson, (( (( Michael Jackson, t< (( Amasa Jackson, «( << William Jackson, (( (( Gershom Jackson, (( Nathan Jackson, (( Jonathan Jackson, « Josiah Jackson, (( Nathan Mendon, (( Jonathan Spencer, (( David Williams, it Enoch Williams, Dead. Christopher Kelley, Joseph Morse, For the War. Samuel Miller, (C Benjamin Pierce, (( Colton 2d. Jackson Parker, 3 years. Wiley. Samuel Parker, For the War. (C John Parks, 3 years. Burbeck. Anthony Roster, For the War. Thomas Robinson, ({ Smart. John ScoUay, John Sibley, Ebenezer Seger, 45 mo. 17 d. Burbeck. Jonathan Winchester, 33 mo. 3 d. Nathan Willard, 3 years. Dead. Allen. Ephraim Williams, 3 years. Parker. Obadiah Robertson, For the War. Tliomas Owen, Reuben Whitney, John Miller, REINFORCEMENTS. 381 NAMES. PERIOD, &c. CAPTAIXS. Nathaniel Pillsbury, For the War. John Shepard, Parker. Loda Maier, Jeremiah Ochre, Alexander Bent, Thomas Hill, Benjamin Rose, Cvrus Pratt, Francis DeGranville, James McCoye, John Hamilton, Oliver Jackson, Phineas Jackson, The three years of these troops expired, and still the war was not ended. More than three years additional were to follow, be- fore the consummation. It was well for them that they could not see how long was the waj^, and how distant the end. NEWTON MEN WHO WENT TO REINFORCE THE CONTINENTAL ARMY IN 1780, UNDER CAPTAIN POPE. NAMES. AGE. COMPLEXION. Peter Durell, 22 Light. Jonathan Jackson, 19 li Samuel Jackson, 26 Ruddy. John Park, 21 Light. Jonas Adams, 18 Ruddy. Jonathan Hammond, 18 (( Samuel Spring, 20 Light. Jonathan Parker, 20 <( Jonas Blanden, 19 Dark. Josiah Jackson, 22 Light. Aaron Parker, 21 (( Benjamin Clark, 21 Dark, 6 ft. 2 in. high. Ephraim Fenno, 20 Lieht. Henry King, 17 u Isaac Greenwood, 20 Ruddy. Samuel Wiswall, 20 (( Nicholas Thwing, 18 Dark. Moses Child, 21 (( Isaac Rogers, 20 (< Oliver Jackson, 24 Light. Nehomiah Abbott, 27 Dark. Asa Jackson, Nathan Jackson, Simon Jackson. 382 HISTORY OF NEWTON. MILITAfiT OFFICERS "WHO SEEVED IN THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR, Joseph Ward, Michael Jackson, Ephraim Jackson, William Hull, Nathan Fuller, Thomas Hovey, Jeremiah Wiswall, Amariah Fuller, Joseph Fuller, Phineas Cook, Edward Fuller, Simon Jackson, John Marean, Isaac J.ackson, Joseph Craft, Samuel Richardson, Michael Jackson, jr., Daniel Jackson, Aaron Murdock, Caleb Kenrick, Amasa Jackson, Ebenezer Jackson, Charles Jackson, REGIMENTS. Muster Master, General. Eighth Regiment. Tenth " Eighth '•' Thirteenth " Colonel. (( Lieut.-Colonel. Major. Captain. Lieutenant. Ensign. Ill the foregoing lists are found under the name of Jackson, 43 Bond, 4 Coggin, 2- Fuller, 22 Dana, 4 Downing, 2 Hyde, 15 Durant, 4 Eddy, 2 Parker, 15 Hall, 4 Fiske, 2 Stone, 11 Marean, 4 Fenno, 2 Whitney, 9 Miller, 5 Flagg, 2 Clark, 9 Shepard, 4 Hager, 2 Hammond, 8 "White, 4 Jennison, 2 Adams, 7 Beale, 3 Mirick, 2 Seger, 6 Barrage, 3 Morse, 2 Murdock, 6 Bogle, 3 Pratt, 2 Robbing, 6 Craft, 3 Robinson, 2 Blanden, 6 Davenport, 3 Spring, 2 ■Williams, 7 Durell, 3 Trowbridge, 2 Richardson, 5 Kenrick, 3 Thwing, 2 Richards, 5 King, 3 Upham, 2 Bartlett, 5 Parks, 3 "Whiting, 2 Ward, 5 Prentice, 3 Barber, 2 "Wiswall, 5 Rogers, 3 Stearns, 2 Cook, 5 "Woodward, 3 One each. 81 Childs, 6 "Winchester, 3 Greenwood, 5 WUson, 3 Total, 420' Cheney, 5 Ackers, 2 Brown, 4 Bixby, 2 LIVING DESCENDANTS. 383 DESCENDANTS OF THE NEWTON MEN OF THE REVOLUTIONARY ERA WHO WERE KNOWN TO BE LIVING AT THE DATE OF THE FIRST CENTENNIAL OF THE BATTLES OF CONCORD AND LEXINGTON. This record is probably incomplete. William Adams, West Newton, Charles D. Bartlett, Newton Centre, Rev. James F. Clarke, D. D., Boston, Isaac F. McLellan, Boston, Amasa Craft, Newton Highlands, Henry Cross, IMelrose, Henry Fuller, Newton, Isaac Hagar, Newton L. F., Francis Hall, East Cambridge, Stephen Hammond, Roxbury, George Warren Hanmiond, Boston, George Hyde, Newton, H. N. Hyde, Newton, W. H. Hyde, Newton Highlands, Hon. J. F. C. Hyde, Newton Centre, Geo. N. Hyde, Colorado, John N. Hyde, New York, William W. Jackson, Newton L. F., John A. Kenrick, Newton Centre, Noah S. King, Oak Hill, Col. Isaac F. Kingsbury, Newton Centre, David Hall, jr., Newton Highlands, Francis jSIurdock, Newton, Prof. Edwards A. Park, D. D., Andover, William Park, Newton, Dea. Caleb Parker, Dayton, O., Robert Prentice, Newton Highlands, Henry Ross, Newton Centre, Daniel Stone, Chestnut Hill, David Stone, Oak Hill, Reuben Stone, Oak Hill, Eben. Stone, Oak Hill, Thomas Thwing, Boston, Almarine Trowbridge, Boston, Alpheus Trowbridge, Newton Centre^ Asa R. Trowbridge, Newton Centre, Stephen W. Trowbridge, Boston, William O. Trowbridge, Deunis Ward, Spencer, George K. Ward, Newton Centre, John Ward, Newton Centre, Thomas A. Ward, Newton Centre, Samuel Ward, Newton Centre, Ebenczer D. White, Framingham, Joseph White, Newton Centre, Arteraas Wiswall, Oak Hill, William Wiswall, West Newton, William C. Wiswall, Oak Hill, Ebenezer Woodward, Newton, S. N. Woodward, Newton Highlands. Newton Members of Bunker Hill Monument Association. — The Bunker Hill Monument Association is composed of the con- tributors to the fund for the erection of that memorial shaft. A few hundred subscribers gave sums of one hundred dollars and more, each. Others gave fift}', twenty-five, or ten, each. Four thousand three hundred and twentj^ (4,320) gave five dollars, each. Of the latter class were the followiu2r Newton names : Kingsbury Allen, Josiah Bacon, Jonathan Bixby, Loring Carpenter, Caleb Haskell, Osborn Howes, William Liverraore, John S. Lovell, Nathan Pettee, Otis Pettee, John Richardson, G^eorge Sanderson. Newton Men, Members of the Massachusetts Cincinnati. — The Massachusetts Cincinnati is an Association of gentlemen who participated in the war of the Revolution, and theu- direct descend- ants. The title of the body is derived fii-om the history of the 384 HISTORY OF NEWTON. Roman Cincinnatus, who was called from his plough to lead the armies of his countrj^, and after the war, returned to his plough again. The following catalogue, taken from an authentic list, contains the names of those who were natives, or had been resi- dents, of Newton, together with a brief biographical notice, chiefly restricted to the militaiy history of each. 1. Alfred Louis Baury, D. D. (Norwich University, 1865), son of Baury de Bellerive, admitted 1823 ; vice-president 1853-65 ; president 1865 ; born Middletown, Conn., September 14, 1794; died December 26, 1865; ordained deacon Protestant Episcopal Cliurch, September 28, 1820 ; priest November 28, 1822 ; rector of St. Mary's, Newton Lower Falls, 1823-51 ; of St. Mark's, Boston, 1855-58. 2. Frederic Francis Baury, only son of Alfred L. Baury, born 1843; admitted 1867 ; volunteer lieutenant U. S. navy during the Rebellion, wounded at the capture of Fort Fisher, while leading a company of sailors to the assault. 3. General William Hull, born Derby, Conn., June 24, 1753; died New- ton, November 29, 1825; Yale College, 1772; admitted to the bar in 1775; commissioned major January 1, 1777 ; lieutenant-colonel of Greaton's (3d) regiment, August 12, 1779 ; after the war practised law in Newton ; a leading member of the Massachusetts Legislature; major-general of militia, and effi- cient in quelling Shays' insurrection, 1786 ; judge of Court of Common Pleas ; Governor of Michigan Territory, 1805-14; brigadier-general U. S. A., com- manded northwestern army, and surrendered at Detroit, August 15, 1812; condemned by court-martial to be shot, but pardoned by President Madison; author of a defence of himself, 1814 ; " Campaign of the Northwestern Army," 1812 ; delivered an oration before the Massachusetts Society of Cincinnati, July 4, 1788. 4. Amasa Jackson, born Newton, June 5, 1765; died New York City; commissioned ensign October *30, 1782, in the regiment of his father. Colonel Michael Jackson ; afterwards, president of a New York City bank. 5. Charles Jackson, born Newton, January 4, 1769; died unmarried in Georgia, 1801 ; commissioned ensign February 4, 1783, in the regiment of his father. Colonel Michael Jackson. 6. Daniel Jackson, born Newton, July 23, 1753; died Watertown, Mass., December 13, 1833; present at Lexington battle; sergeant in Foster's artil- lery company at siege of Boston ; in Bryant's company at Fort Washington, and for six months a prisoner ; pointed the cannon that destroyed four British vessels in the North River, for which service he was promoted to lieutenant ; commissioned 1st lieutenant September 12, 1778 ; succeeded to the command of the company on the fall of Bryant at Brandywine, where all the officers except himself and more than half tlie company were killed or wounded, and received the thanks of General Knox for his bravery ; also at Germantown, Monmouth, and Yorktown; brevet major at the closeof the war; major U. S. ^oc. f^cux/yi yj. CONCLUSION. 385 artillery, 1798-1803; warden of Charlestown State prison; vice-president Massachusetts Society of Cincinnati, 1832-33. 7. Daniel Jackson, eldest son of Major Daniel, admitted 1834; born New- ton, August 30, 1785 ; died May 31, 1835. 8. MichaelJackson, born Newton, December 18, 1734; died there, April 10, 1801; lieutenant in the French war; captain at Lexington; major of Gardner's regiment at Bunker Hill ; lieutenant-colonel of Bond's regiment at siege of Boston and invasion of Canada ; severely wounded at Montressor's Island, N. Y., September 23, 1776; colonel 8th regiment from January 1, 1777, to the end of the war, in which his five brothers and five sons were engaged. 9. Michael Jackson, jr., born Newton, September 12, 1757; son of Colonel Michael, ensign and paymaster in his father's regiment, January 1, 1777; commissioned lieutenant December 15, 1779. 10. Simon Jackson, born Newton, November 20, 1760; died there, October 17, 1818; son of Colonel Michael Jackson, lieutenant in his father's regiment, 1779; commissioned captain April 12, 1782. Thus we have reached the end of the interesting history of the connection of the people of Newton with the Eevolutionary war. We have seen how prompt, how sehT-denying, how loyal to the interests of the republic and of freedom they were, during the protracted struggle. Years came, and went. The ordinary affairs of life at home proceeded. The citizens and their families lived ; they suffered ; they endured disappointment, heart-sickness and trial, patiently and without complaint ; and, just as in times of peace, they sickened, and died, and were buried. And in God's good time, freedom was established on a firm basis. How much do we owe to the persistent ardor of our fathers ! How great is our obligation to live worthily of them, and to preserve for our children that which was so dearly puf chased for ourselves ! 25 CHAPTER XXXI. NEWTON AND THE SHATS' REBELLION. INSTRUCTIONS TO THE REF- RESENTATIVE. — EXCESSIVE LITIGATION. THE COURTS THREAT- ENED. CIRCULAR LETTER. REPLY OF NEWTON. LOYALTY TO' THE UNITED STATES. FIRST ELECTIONS IN NE"SVTON. We have seen that in revolutioaaiy times, it was the custom of the town, after the election of a Representative to the Legislature, to appoint a committee to draw up a code of instructions in regard to the most important public matters. In May, 1786, the Hon. Abraham Fuller having been elected Representative, Timothv Jackson, Thomas Hastings, Charles Pelham, Dr. John King and Colonel Nathan Fuller, were appointed a committee to report in- structions. It appears, from the tenor of these instructions, that the fathers of Newton found themselves afflicted, not unlike man}' of their descendants, owing to a multiplicity of laws. A very decided stand was also taken by them against the estabhshment of a paper currency. We quote the document in full. The Ereeholders and other inhabitants of Newton, in town meeting as- sembled, to tlie Hon. Abraham Fuller, Esq. : Sir, — AVe having chosen you to represeht us in the Great and General Court fur the ensuing year, being sensible of your ability, do place the ut- most confidence in your zeal and fidelity for promoting the public good. We must therefore acquaint j'ou that we labor under some grievances, which we have good right to expect, upon properly representing thera to the Honorable General Court, may and will be removed. We find by experience, and dare say it is the case with every citizen of the Commonwealth who has occasion to appeal to the laws of the land, that we cannot obtain justice, freely, with- out being obliged to purchase it, completely and without any denial, promptly and without delay, as the Constitution provides. One great cause of this de- ficiency, we apprehend to be, the multiplicity and ambiguity of our laws and their being blended with the British codes, whereby it becomes impossible for the people, in general, to understand them, or to form from them a rul* of conduct. 386 INSTRUCTIONS TO THE REPRESENTATIVE. 387 Another cause is the great number of actions brought to each Court ; from these, together with the pernicious practice of many of our lawyers, we judge, in great measure, arise delays, frequent appeals, protraction of judg- ment, loss of time and travel in attendance, and intolerable expenses on law suits ; all which we esteem very great grievances ; so that, unless it be a considerable sum in dispute, it is better to lose it, than to seek a recover}^ of it at law. All which, we humbly conceive, may be remedied, or greatly alleviated, by the following, or some similar mode, — viz., 1. By a revision of the laws, reducing their bulk, expressing them in the most plain and easy terms, and rendering them agreeable to our republican government. Then, let there be in each town a court of record, consisting of three or five persons, drawn at proper periods out of a box, as jurors are now drawn, to which all civil ac- tions shall be brought, the defendant to lodge his plea a sufficient time before the sitting of the court, or be defaulted ; the town clerk to grant writs and summonses, make up judgments, give out executions and keep the records; let there be an appeal from this court to the Supreme Court of judicature. 2. In cases where dispute arises between persons, and they agree to leave it to arbitration, as has been usual heretofore, and specify that agreement in writing, the award of such arbitrators to be final, and execution to be issued by the town clerk. With great regret we receive the idea of a paper currency being estab- lished ; having long and often observed and felt the natural evil tendency of it to the ruin of many people, — widows and orphans especially, — that we cannot but heartily deprecate it. We think it would answer a salutary purpose that the yeas and nays in tlie Honorable House of Representatives, on every important transaction, might be published. Now, Sir, we must and do desire and expect your full aid and assistance in all these matters, and that you do exert your utmost ability, and use your influence in the Honorable House of Representatives, for obtaining such law or laws as shall redress or remove the grievances afore recited, in the way herein proposed, or any other that may answer the purpose as well. Also, in case a paper currency should be proposed, that j'ou do what in you lies to prevent its taking place, and that you promote the jiublishing the yeas and nays of the House, as before mentioned. Further, that you use your influence to prevent the importation and con- sumption of many articles of luxury among us, which we view as a very great grievance. The above instructions to the Representative of the town "were designed to mitigate some of the most prominent e^nls under which the people were suffering, from the exhausting effects of an eight years' war, during whicli the country had been drained by taxation ; public credit was nearly extinct ; trade and manufactures lan- guished ; paper money was depreciated, and well nigh worthless ; 388 HISTORY OF NEWTON. and, meanwhile, oppressive debts rested on the nation, the com- monwealth, the town, and on the individual citizens. Mr. Lincoln, in his " History of "Worcester," says, — The first reviving efforts of commerce overstocked the markets with foreign luxuries and superfluities, sold to many who trusted to the future to supply the means of payment. The temporary Act of 1772, making property a tender in discharge of pecuniary contracts, instead of the designed remedial effect, enhanced the evils of general insolvency, by postponing collections. The outstanding demands of the Royalist refugees, who had been driven from large estates and extensive business, enforced with no lenient forbearance, came in to increase the embarrassments of the deferred pay-day. At length, a flood of suits broke out. In 1784, more than two thousand actions were entered in the county of "Worcester, then having a population of less than fifty thousand. In 1785, seventeen hundred actions were entered in the same county. Lands and goods were seized, and sacrificed on sale, when the general difficulties drove away purchasers. Amid the universal distress, inflammatory publications, seditious and exciting appeals, were circulated among the people. The Con- stitution was represented as defective, the administration as corrupt, the laws as unequal and unjust. In consequence of this state of affairs, in the autumn of 1786, bodies of armed men interrupted the proceedings of the count}^ courts of justice in several of the counties of Massachusetts. At about the same time, the Legislature of New Hampshu-e, where the same causes had produced the same spirit of disaffection, was surrounded by an armed force, which, however, was finalty dis- persed by the citizens of Exeter, in which town the Legislatm-e was sitting. This was the origin of the rebellion against the consti- tuted government in Massachusetts in 1786, commonly called " Shays' Insurrection." Daniel Shays had held a captain's commission in the patriot army during the Revolution, and liad been a brave and gallant soldier. If not a native of Massachusetts, the best part of liis life was spent in that State ; and in the State of Massachusetts was the rebellion. Shays was not prominent in the first movements of the malcontents ; but, being of a restless disposition and a radical turn of mind, they found in him a prompt and hearty leader. The rebels were republicans run mad. They complained that the salary of the chief officials, and especially that of the Governor, was too high ; that the State Senate was aristocratic ; tiiat the lawj'crs were extortionate ; that the taxes were too burdensome to be borne, and that money was unnecessarily scarce. They demanded the issue of paper money sufficient to meet the wants of the suffering people, and that this paper should be made a legal tender ; and they also demanded that the General Court should be removed SHAYS' REBELLION. 389 from Boston to some place less aristocratic. The General Court was con- vened, and an effort made to allay the discontent of the complainants. With the experience of worthless paper money in mind, the law-makers would issue no more of it ; but the}"^ went so far as to pass an act whereby certain arrears of taxes might be paid in produce. But tlie recusants would not be satisfied. Bodies of armed men inter- rupted the sessions of the courts in several counties, and in the month of December, 1786, Shays appeared, with a large force, at Worcester and at Springfield, and prevented tlie holding of courts at those places. The January following, at the head of fall two thousand armed men, he marched to capture the arsenal at Springfield; but the State militia had gathered in sufficient force to stop them, and under command of General Shepard they gave battle, and put t^ie rebellious host to utter rout. At the first fire of the State troops, the insurgents fled in dismay, leaving three dead and one wounded, of their number upon the field. On the following day they were pursued by an increased force under General Lincoln, and nearly two hundred of them taken prisoners, the remainder escaping northward. The prompt action of the State authorities crushed out the insurrection at once. A free pardon was. offered to such as would lay down their arms and return to their allegiance, of which most of them took advantage. Fourteen of the chief conspirators wore tried and convicted, and sentenced to death, but afterwards pardoned. Daniel Shays removed to Sparta, N. Y., where he died at an advanced age, September 29, 1825. And that was " Shays' rebellion." The following anecdote in connec- tion therewith is worth relating : Late at night, after the repulse of the insurgents at Ordnance Hill, in their advance upon the arsenal. Shays sent a flag of truce to General Shepard, requesting that the bodies of five of his men who had been killed in the late engagement should be sent to him. The officer who met the flag, and who presented the case to his commander, returned to the messenger as follows : "Present Captain Shepard's compliments to Captain Shays, and inform him that at this time he cannot furnish him with five dead rebels, he having no more than four, and one of those not quite dead ; but if Captain Shays will please to attack him again. General Shepard will engage to furnish him with as many dead as ho shall desire." This movement of the persons disaffected towards the govern- ment was brought before the town of Newton by a circular letter addressed to the Selectmen, dated June 29, 1786, signed by Capt. John Nutting, of Pepperell, as chairman of a committee from the towns of Groton, Pepperell, Shirley, Townsend and Ashb}-, invit- ing the town to choose a committee to attend a Convention to be held at Concord, August 21, 1786, to consult on matters of public grievances and embarrassments, and devise a remedj- therefor. Whereupon the town voted not to join in the proposed Convention, — right loyal then, as ever, both before and since, to the cousti- ;jiamm(nes/j/p\edgc their lives and fortunes to support the absolute sovereignty tliereof, they now respect the solemn pledge, and will exert every power they possess to support the Constitution and the Government against the claims and aggressions of any foreign power, and all open and secret enemies to the Government and people of these United States. CONSTITUTION OF MASSACHUSETTS. The people of Newton, before the termination of the Revolu- tionary war, interested themselves, as constituent members of a free Commonwealth, in the forming of a Constitution for the State. A State Convention, assembled for this purpose, agreed upon a form of a Constitution on the 28th of February, 1778. It is interest- ing to see what was the fate of this Constitution, when submitted to the critical examination of the citizens of Newton. On the ISth of Ma}', 1778, a Committee of Nine was appointed " to report to the town their opinion of said Constitution." An adjourned meeting was held June 1st, and under this date we find the follow- ing record : On the adjournment from May 18th, at a meeting of the male inhabitants of the town of Newton who are free, and twenty-one years of age, on the first day of June, 1778, the Plan of the Constitution and Form of Government for the Massachusetts Bay, as proposed by the Convention February 28, 1778, having been read, was fully debated; and, the number of voters pres- ent being eighty, — five (u) approved of said Constitution and seventy-five (75) disapproved of it. 3y4 HISTORY OF NEWTON. The subject, however, was not finally' dismissed ; foi' a year later. Ma}' 17, 1779, the Representative to the General Court was in- structed to vote in favor of " calling a State Convention for the sole purpose of forming a New Constitution." August 2, 1779, this action of the town on the same subject is recorded : After the i^roceedings of the late Convention at Concord were read by paragraphs to the town, the question was put^for their approbation ; and the vote passed in the affirmative. The Constitution, after still further emendation, having been accepted as the liasis of government of the State, the citizens of Xewton held their first meeting under it for the election of Gov- ernor and Lieutenant-Governor of the State, and five Senators for the county of Middlesex. The importance of this meeting and election, as the first after the framing of the Constitution, justifies the copying of the entire record. At a town meeting of the inhabitants of Newton, duly warned and regu- larly assembled on Monday, the 4th day of September, A. D. 1780, qualified according to the new frame of government or Constitution to vote for a Gov- ernor for the Massachusetts State, Lieut.-Governor for said State, and five Senators for the county of Middlesex, — after receiving, sorting and count- ing the votes of the said inhabitants for the several officers aforesaid, — the number of votes for said officers are as follows, viz. : Hon. John Hancock, Esq., had 86 votes to be Governor of said State. Hon. Benjamin Lincoln, Esq., had 2G votes ") To be Lieutenant-Governor Hon. Azor Orne, Esq., had 25 votes j for said State. Hon. Josiah Stone, Esq., had 41 votes, ") Abraham Fuller, Esq., 40 Nathaniel Goriiam, Esq., 40 | Oliver Frescott, Esq., 30 William Stickney, Esq., 23 Loammi Baldwin, Esq., 15 i ..u o * TIT an ™ T) 1 r- r the County Mr. 1 liomas Parker, 7 ^ For Senators for of Middlesex. Hon. Eleazer Brooks, Esq., Thomiis Plymton, Esq., 2 Samufl Thatcher, Esq., 2 Jonas Dix, Esq., 1 John Woodward, Esq., 1 Newton's first election of presidential electors. December 18, 1788, Newton cast its first vote for two Electors of President and Vice-President of the United States, as follows : CITY HALL. VOTES FOE GOVERNOK. 395 Hon. Francis Dana, Esq , had 9 votes. Nathaniel Gorham, Esq , "18 " Elbridgo Gerry, Esq., «' 4 «« Ebenezer Bridge, Esq., " 1 " Duncan Ingraham, Esq., had 1 vote. John Brooks, Esq., " 1 " William Hull, Esq., "1 " Abraham Fuller, Esq., "18 " At the same meeting, the citizens brought ia their votes for a representative for the District of Middlesex, to serve in the Fed- eral Government, — as follows : Nathaniel Gorham, Esq., had 20 votes. Elbridge Gerry, Esq., " 11 " John Brooks, Esq., William Hull, Esq., had 11 votes. " 1 " Some curious revelations as to the politics of the town of New- ton, and the interest, or lack of interest, shown by the townsmen, in the early periods of the Government of Massachusetts, are in- dicated by the annual vote in Newton for chief magistrate of the Commonwealth. The first town meeting under the Constitution of Massachusetts for the choice of the first Governor, Lieutenant-Governor and five Senators for the county of Middlesex was held, as stated above, vSeptember 4, 1780. The vote for this and twenty successive j-ears, excepting 1792, of which the record is wanting, is as follows : DATE. CANDIDATE. 0^ • -M z 'A> 8G 59 51 69 oU 4 48 117 90 79 50 33 38 40 16 23 70 55 118 89 •Apposing- candidate. REMARKS. Sept. 1780 April 1781 " 1782 " 1783 " 1784 " 178.5 " 178C " 1787 Jolin Hancock, do. do. do. do. do. James Bowdoin, John Hancock, do. do. do. do. do. Samuel Adams, do. do. Increase Sumner, do. do. Caleb Strong, 3 23 2 21 18 31 G7 12 33 All the votes. Scattering, 4 All the votes. Scattering, 1 All the votes. 86 63 51 70 56 40 51 140 92 1(!0 69 40 41 40 59 90 90 63 130 124 John Hancock, James Bowdoin, Elbridge Gerry, James Bowdoin, do. " 1788 " 1789 " 1790 " 1791 " 1793 " 1794 " 1795 " 1796 " 1797 " 1798 " 1799 Scattering, 1 do. 7 do. 3 All the votes, Mr. Cushing, 12 Scattering, 8 do. 8 do. 12 do. 2 Elbridge Gerry, Increase Sumner, James Sullivan, " 1800 Elbridge Gerry, The spu'it of politics sometimes ran high ; sometimes it waxed lukewarm. Only four times, in these twenty years, was the vote for Governor unanimous. In 1785 few cared to vote at all, and 396 HISTOEY OF NEWTON. their old favorite, John Hancock, received oul}' four votes out of the forty that were cast. But in 1787, — the year of tlie adoption of the Federal Constitution, — the interest of the people revived again, and John Hancock returned to his place in the affections of the people. From this time, again, for several years, the towns- men gradually showed less and less interest in their privilege as freemen to express their opinions at the ballot-box, till 1799 and 1800, when the general excitement again drew out a strong vote. Perhaps as many of the citizens attended the town meeting in proportion to the population in those daj's, as is ordinaril}' the case * in later times. But there were fewer exciten^nts at that period, and the town meeting was a relief from the monotony of common life. The people had few topics of common interest to discuss, above the range of their ordinary pursuits ; and it would be strange if the}' did not discuss the more earnestly the claims of candidates for high offices of government. It is strange that the nomination of that grand patriot, Samuel Adams, in 1794, did not call out a more enthusiastic vote of the people of Newton ; and when the name of Elbridge Gerry was on the tickets, it is equally strange that all but sixteen voters should desert Mr. Adams for the new candidate. The contesting parties in those days were Federalists and Republicans. CHAPTER XXXn. STATE OF THE COUNTRY. NEWTON'S REMONSTRANCE. PRESIDENT Jefferson's reply to the protest of Cambridge. — war DECLARED. GEN. HULL's SURRENDER. — NAVAL BATTLES. REV. 3IR. Grafton's prayer. — town action. The "War of 1812. — At the commencemeut of the present century, the country was the victim of political disturbances, traceable more or less to the disorganizing influence of the French revolution and the events resulting therefrom. These disturb- ances interfered with the commercial prosperity of the country-. Besides this, the embargo proclaimed in December, 1807, followed by other hostile measures, culminating in a declaration of war against Great Britain in June, 1812, threw the people out of busi- ness, and reduced many to absolute want. Real estate depreciated in value. Capitalists feared to invest their money in the building of houses or stores, and ship-owners, dreading to trust their prop- erty to the chances of spohations on the sea, allowed then* vessels to rot at the wharves. The mutual dependence of men in social and civil life is such that the calamit}'' of one is the calamitj' of all, and the whole community was reduced to extremity. In common ■witli other towns in Massachusetts, Newton was solicited to send a petition to the President of the United States, protesting against the embargo, and soliciting its removal. It was hoped that a united appeal from the commercial and manufacturing centres of the country would result in the annulling of laws whose applica- tion led only to the discouragement of enterprise and the crippling of the most important industries of the nation. A good govern- ment is bound to listen to the complaints of its citizens, and, so far as possible, to aflTord relief. Mr. Jefferson was then President of the United States, and it is perhaps not unnatural that French 397 398 HISTORY OF NEWTON. politics should have exercised a preponderating influence in the councils of the country. As the period connected with the war of 1812 with Great Brit- ain drew on, the Town Records show that the citizens of Newton were not blind to the state of civil affairs ; and though the war was always unpopular with the people of New England, the}' understood, nevertheless, the exigencies of the times, and were alive to their duties as patriots and as men. They were read}', as occasion demanded, to act by themselves or to co-operate with others for the welfare of the country. Nothing escaped their notice, and they carefully watched every measure which seemed likel}' to interfere with the rights of individuals or the prosperity of the State. At a town meeting held September 19, 1808, we find the following record : Voted, that a paper now in the hands of the Selectmen, containing Gen- eral Eaton's address to the inhabitants of the town of Brimfield, be read at this meeting. Upon the receipt of a letter from the Selectmen of tlie town of Boston respecting the sending a Petition to the President of the United States, requesting that the embargo now existing on commerce might be raised, — taking into consideration that, an answer having been received from the President, a Petition would prove useless, — Voted, that General Ebenezer Chenej-, George W. Coffin, Charles Cool- idge, Dr. Ebenezer Starr and John Kenrick, Esq., be appointed a committee to draw a Remonstrance, to be forwarded to Congress at their next meeting, disapproving of the embargo, and lay the same before the town for their acceptance at the adjournment of tliis meeting on the first Monday of November next. The Selectmen were directed to pubKsh the proceedings of the above meeting in one of the Boston newspapers. The Remonstrance contemplated in the preceding item was pre- sented to the town at the meeting November 7, 1808, and accepted, and ordered to be recorded in the Town Book, as follows : The inhabitants of the Town of Newton, in the County of Middlesex and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, deeply affected by, and sensible of the evils, resulting, not only to themselves, but to the Commonwealth at large and all the Northern States, from the present existing laws interdicting the commerce of the United States, at a period also when discontent is manifest in every countenance, caused by this obnoxious, impolitic and, we think, unjustifiable law, passed at tlie first session of the present Congress, — deem it a duty they owe to themselves and their posterity, at this alarming crisis,. REMONSTRANCE. 399 to express their disapprobation of the measure, and most earnestly request its immediate repeal. Entortainini^ fears that a continuance of these laws must inevitably bring on dissension and breed civil war within our country, we have judged it a duty incumbent on us. as citizens of a free and enlightened republic, to remonstrate against this measure, tlie constitutionality of which is questionable ; for, if to regulate commerce is to abolish it, then may it be called constitutional. But we cannot conceive that an annihilation of com- merce can be a regulation of it; for if it be abolished, it requires no regula- tion. The only powers delegated to Congress on this subject are contained in the eighth and ninth sections of the Constitution, viz., " To regulate com- merce with foreign nations and among the several States, and with Indian tribes, — No tax or duty shall be laid on articles exported from any State ; no preference shall be given by any regulation of commerce or revenue to tlie ports of one State over those of another ; nor shall vessels bound to or from one State, be obliged to enter, clear, or pay duties in another." By the fore- going articles, Congress have assumed the power to lay a perpetual or unlim- ited restriction on commerce. We are confident that the Framers of the Constitution did not intend such a construction of these articles. But we find constructions can be put on all things to answer political purposes. We were zealous advocates for the adoption of the Federal Constitution, and have been its warm supporters, by uniformly voting for men to administer it, who, we had reason to think, would discharge their duty with fidelity and impartiality, and witii pious care transmit the Constitution, uninfringed, to tlieir successors ; and it is with serious alarm we find the spirit of our Con- stitution so far violated that intercourse between the States is in any degree debarred, and the inhabitants of one State are denied the privilege of sup- plying their hungry neighbors of another State with bread, without a permit from a favorite of the President, or being shot by soldiers, who, it appears^ are not raised to defend the country from foreign insults and aggressions, but to teach real Americans submission to poverty and distress by the power of lead and the point of the bayonet. We consider it the duty of the Representatives of the people to watch over and guard the affairs of the nation, and to provide laws for the protection of the citizens. The inhabitants of Newton do not conceive it conducive to public good or the perpetuation of a republican form of government, for a town or any corporate 'Society to meet, and approve or condemn public measures, till they are generally understood ; but as the embargo has so many months been in the full tide of experiment, and its evils so sensibly felt, and its benefits never have been seen, silence in those who consider that they are freemen would be criminal, and would no doubt be construed into a blind acquiescence in Presidential infallibility. For many years past have we been blest with unusual prosperity; our endeavors have been crowned with success, and our hearts gladdened. Even in the year seventeen luin- dred and ninety-eight, when the French made depredations upon our com- merce, we were threatened with tlie pestilence of war, and our conuuerce was in the most critical state ; yet a few ships of war and our merchant ships, allowed to arm, screened us from our enemies, and obtained a treaty which 400 HISTORY OF NEWTON. three Envoys Extraordinary could not effect. The state of our affairs was equally dark at that period, as before the embargo was laid; yet commerce was not in any measure prevented, and our ships sailed with attendant risk or tarried at home by voluntary pleasure of the owners. Would not this kind of defence have proved more for our interest against the decrees of France than the measures adopted? With France we have a treaty, — and in open violation of that treaty, they have taken our ships and confiscated the property, burnt others under flimsy pretences upon the high seas, and by express orders of Bonaparte, and contrary to the laws of nations, have openly declared the dominions of Great Britain in a state of blockade, when they have no armed ships at libertj'' upon the ocean sufficient to effect the blockade of a single port. In defiance of all these and many other attacks, we seek revenge by keeping our shipping at home, and build gunboats to carry embargo laws into execution ; and after all, we are equally liable to a war with France, with less means of protection. We contend that if France insists on this usage, we cannot finally avoid a war with her. What are our causes of complaint against Britain? They have refused to make a treaty with us upon such terras as we demand. The attack on the Chesapeake frigate and the Orders of Council are our principal com- plaints. Can it be expected for a moment that Britain, who is always in want of her mariners, will suffer Americans to hold British sailors? We conceive not. Their very existence as a nation depends upon their mariners, to keep their Navy in use. We are confident that they will meet our Government in any measure that can be arranged for the protection of native Americans, and, we have reason to believe, have made proposals to our Government for the express purpose. The attack on the Chesapeake was made by an un- authorized Admiral, and has been disavowed by Great Britain. The Orders of Council, we consider, as intended as a retaliation upon France, and facili- tated by our cowardice or tame submission to the French decrees. In few instances, however, do we find any captures founded upon the Orders of Council. These Orders are removed, so far as relates to Spain and Portugal, which clearly proves that they were not intended to operate against the country. With France and her allies the}' are still in force ; and will pro- bably continue so, until the Decrees of France are rescinded, or disautliorized by our Government. Yet, notwithstanding our marked hostilities to Eng- land by a non -importation Act and an inland embargo, they appear willing to treat us as if the old Treaty was still in existence. In viewing the acts of our Government as they relate to belligerent nations, we are ready to avow our belief that it is the work of our Adminis- tration to wage war with England, in humble compliance with the mandates of Bonaparte, and wait only, for the purpose of rendering it popular by pro- claiming the crimes of Britain to effect their wishes. Whether the embargo was laid on, to avert the fierce anger of the Tyrant of Europe, the upstart who aspires at universal dominion, or to make Great Britain more complying, it does not appear to have had the desired effect, and its burthens seem to rest principally upon the shoulder of Americans. It is not in our power to discover the policy of cultivating the friendship of the Emperor of France, PEESIDENT JEFFERSON'S LETTER. 401 as those nations who have tamely submitted to his will, and those who have resisted his authority and been subdued have shared the same unhappy fate, and been deprived of liberty and property. And we cannot possibly con- ceive that it would be any real amusement to a President of the United States of America to hunt a stag in company with the old King of Spain in a forest in France, while his countrymen at home were bleeding for their dearest rights. Admitting that Great Britain has committed real aggressions, — can it be wise policy, at this critical period of the world, to revenge them, or attempt to weaken her power, when it is owing to the noble stand she has taken that any nation now retains its liberty; and if the island of Great Britain is subdued, the Emperor Napoleon will be Emperor of the world, and every nation of the earth pay him tribute, or its subjects fall by the sword. "We are not immediately concerned in navigation ; but as commerce is the great source through which wo derive the means of our support, as the arti- cles of our growth and manufacture are mostly exported to a foreign market, we are equally concerned in its welfare with tliose whose resources are ship- ping; for, a diminution in value of every article of our growth, and an ad- vance in price of every kind of foreign produce and manufacture leave us a scanty reliance on the bounties of nature for the comforts of life. We al- ways have, and still deem it our duty [to yield obedience] to the laws of our country. But such is the unequal and oppressive operation of the embargo, tliat we cannot believe that any real, true-hearted American can consider passive obedience and non-resistance a virtue. We therefore request that Congress will, without delay, remove this unwelcome and distressing measure. The reply of President Jefferson to the protest of the citizens of the neighboring town of Cambridge will be read with interest. The original document is said to be, apparently, an autograph of the President, and is preserved in the office of the Citj' Clerk of Cambridge. To the inhabitants of the town of Cambridge, in legal town meeting assem- bled : Your representation and request were received on the 8th inst, and have been considered with the attention due to every expression of the sentiments and feelings of so respectable a body of my fellow-citizens. No person has seen with more concern than myself the inconveniences brought on our country in general by the circumstances of the times in which we happen to live, — times to which the history of nations presents no parallel. For years we have been looking as spectators on our brethren of Europe, afflicted by all those evils which necessarily follow an abandonment of the moral rules which bind men and nations together. Connected with them in friendship and commerce, we have happily so far kept aloof from their calamitous con- flicts, by a steady observance of justice towards all, by mucii forbearance and multiplied sacrifices. At length, however, all regard to the rights of others having been thrown aside, the belligerent jjowers have beset the highway of 26 402 HISTORY OF NEWTON.. commercial intercourse with edicts, which, taken together, expose our com- merce and mariners, under ahnost every destination, a prey to their fleets an^ armies. Each party, indeed, would admit our commerce with themselves, with the view of associating us in their war against the other. But we have- wished war with neither. Under these circumstances were passed the laws of which you complain, by those delegated to exercise the powers of legislation! for you, with every sympathy of a common interest in exercising them faith- fully. In reviewing these measures, therefore, we should advert to the diffi- culties out of which a choice was of necessity to be made. To have sub- mitted our rightful commerce to prohibitions and tributary exactions from others would have been to surrender our independence. To resist tliem by arms was war, without consulting the state of things or the choice of the na- tion. Tlie alternative preferred by the Legislature, of suspending a com^ merce placed under such unexampled difficulties, besides saving to our citizens their property and our mariners to their country, has the peculiar advantage of giving time to the belligerent nations to revise a conduct as- contrary to their interests as it is to our rights. " In the event of such peace or suspension of hostilities between the belligerent Powers of Europe, or of such a change in their measures affecting neutral commerce as may render that of the United States sufficiently safe in the judgment of the President," he is authorized to suspend the embargo. But no peace or suspension of hostilities, no change of measures affecting neutral commerce, is known to- have taken place. The Orders of Enghmd and the Decrees of France and Spain, existing at the date of tliese laws, are still unrepealed, so far as we know. In Spain, indeed, a contest for the Government appears to have- arisen; but of its course or prospects, we have no information on which pru- dence would undertake a hasty change in our policy, even were the authority of the Executive competent to such a decision. You desire that, in defect of such power. Congress may be specially convened. It is unnecessary to- examine the evidence or the character of the facts which are supposed to dictate such a call ; because you will be sensible, on an attention to dates, that tlie legal period of tlieir meeting is as early as, in this extensive countr}', they could be fully convened by a special call. I should with great willing- ness have executed the wishes of the inhabitants of Cambridge, had peace,, or a repeal of the obnoxious Edicts, or other changes, produced the case im which alone the laws have given me that authority ; and so many motives of justice and interest lead to such changes, that we ought continually to expect them. But while these Edicts remain, the Legislature alone can prescribe the course to be pursued. Tii. Jeffersox. Sept. 10, 1788. The appeals to the President 3'ielded no relief. The General Court sent an addi'ess to the members of Congress, setting forth the grievances of the people ; but this produced no better result. The National Government was cvidenth' animated by a spirit of chronic hostilit}' to England. The embargo-, instead of being: GEN. HULL AT DETROIT. 403 removed, was made more stringent. The affairs of the countr}- grew more and more desperate. The numerous protests, sent up to Congress from every part of New England, were of no avail. The growing trade and manufactures of the country, which demanded a few years of peace and prosperity for their highest development, suffered a disastrous suspension. And all the inter- ests of the people drooped under the sad rebuff of these j-ears of loss and peril. We cannot tell how much influence the remonstrance of the peo- ple of Newton had with the federal government, or whether it had any. We know, however, that the embargo, so disastrous in its working on the foreign commerce of the United States, was repealed in 1801). The Americans were indignant at the depre- dations on their commerce perpetrated bj' France and England, and the claim, set up by the latter, of the right to search American vessels for the purpose of impressing British seamen. On account of these and other grievances, war was declared against Great Britain in June, 1812. Several of the .States, and Massachusetts especially, were averse to the war. The anti-war party of the Eastern States counted a minority, on the decisive vote for the declaration of war, of 49 to 79 ; and afterwards continued to protest against the measure. In Boston the flags of the shipping were displayed at half-mast, in token of mourning on account of the declaration of war. In the Southern States, however, the feeling was the oppo- site. The main theatres of the engagements of this war, though not the only ones, were the Canadian border, the northern lakes and the ocean. An army was gathered near the frontier, of which General Dearborn was made Commander-in-chief, and the list of commanding officers included the names of General Piuck- ne}-, IVIajor-General Wilkinson, General Hampton, and General Hull, of Newton. The latter was then Governor of the territory of Michigan. About two or three weeks after the declaration of war, he collected an arm}- of upwards of two thousand troops of the line and militia, and crossed the line between the two coun- tries, as if he intended to attack Montreal, at the same time pub- lishing a proclamation which excited the minds of the British offi- cers to a spirit of resistance. But on hearing that the Indians had attacked his territory on another point, and that the English General Brock, at the head of a respectable force, was near him,. 404 HISTORY OF NEWTOX. he determined to retreat. He was pursued b}'' Brock and besieged iu Fort Detroit ; and when the British General was on the point of attempting an assault, General Hull, feeling that he was not supported by the War Department with an adequate supply of troops and ammunition to enable him to sustain such an attack, surrendered, with his fort and array. The son of General Hull, Captain Abraham Fuller Hull, of the ninth United States regiment, was slain during this war in the battle of Bridgewater, Canada, July 25, 1813, aged twentj'-eight. On land, the advantages of the first campaign rested altogether with the British ; but not so on the sea. About the time that Gen- eral Hull surrendered at Detroit, Captain Hull, commanding the frigate Constitution, engaged the British frigate Guerriere, which was forced to surrender, and was burned by the captors. On the 17th of October, Captain Jones, of the sloop-of-war Wasp, cap- tured the British brig Frolic, after an engagement of fortj'-three minutes, on the high seas. On the 25th, eight days later, Com- modore Decatur, of the frigate United States, captured the Brit- ish frigate Macedonian, which was forced to surrender. On the 29th of December, the Constitution, under Commodore Bain- bridge, obtained a victory over the Java, a British frigate of thirty-eight guns, in a battle in which the captain of the latter was mortally wounded. This action was fought off St. Salvador, On the first of Januarj^, the commodore, finding his prize inca- pable of being brought in, burned her. During the winter, the Hornet, Captain James Lawrence, in an action of fifteen minutes, off South America, conquered the British sloop-of-war Peacock. The Americans, in the engagements of the war hitherto, were generally conquered on land, but victors on the wave. This was just the opposite of all their calculations. But from this circum- stance they were led to concentrate theii" efforts, as far as possi- ble, on the element where their arms had been victorious. Captain Lawrence, on his return to Boston, was promoted to the command of tlie frigate Chesapeake, which soon afterwards had an engagement off the Boston Lighthouse with the British frigate Shannon, in which the latter was victorious after fifteen minutes' firing. In this engagement Captain Lawrence was mor- tally wounded, and died while issuing the heroic order, "Don't give up the ship." The uncle of Mrs. Hon. David H. Mason, of Newton, William Augustus White, sailing-master of the Chesa- peake, lost his life in this engagement. His age was twenty-six. PEACE DECLARED. 405 We have not the means to follow minutely the events of the war, which distracted the country, filled the citizens with apprehen- sions, involved heavy expense and important losses, and created ill feeling among a people one in their interests, but divided in their opinions. The expeditions on the northern borders and on the lakes, the victories and defeats, the dishonorable annoyances and needless destructions incident to such a period of disaster, though the war was comparatively short, made a sad impression on the country, never to be forgotten, and inflicted wounds and losses not easy to be healed. The destruction of the capitol at AV ashington and other public buildings, including the Congressional Library and all its treasures, the attacks on Baltimore, Alexandria and Plattsburg, and the operations of the invading army along the coast of Maine, belong to a history such as, we trust, will never be repeated. Happilv, at the darkest hour, when a serious schism seemed to menace the union of the States, the distresses were arrested by the tidings that a treaty of peace had been signed at Ghent in December, 1814. The tidings, however, did not arrive till after the battle of New Orleans, January 8, 181.5, in which the British army, victorious at Washington, suffered a severe check, and the American army felt that their honor on the land had been redeemed. On the 17th of Februarj', 1815, the President and Senate ratified the treat}^ of Ghent, and North America, with Europe, breathed free again from the horrors of war. Very little mention is made, be3'ond the few items above recorded, of the events of the war of 1812, or of Newton men active in it, or of the circumstances leading to it, in the Records of the town. It is probable that the inhabitants patiently and patriotically en- dured the inconveniences, the self-denials, and the enormous expense of living incident to that period, and the apprehensions of being called upon to take an efficient and bloody part in the scenes of another encounter with Great Britain. If any of the citizens of the town entered into the conflict, they must have embarked in it as individual volunteers ; and theu' absence from the accustomed haunts of their peaceful usefulness created not a ripple in the tide of life among their fellow-citizens. To this period, however, belongs the statement that the name of General William Hull has found a place in this connection. He was not a native of Newton, but married a daughter of Judge Fuller in 1781, and owned and resided in the In-ick or western portion of tlic Nonantum House, 406 HISTORY OF NEWTOX. Newtou Corner, and afterwards on the premises occupied, at a later period, by Ex-Governor Claflin at Newtonville. His services during the whole Revolutionar}' war are said to have been constant and valuable. At the commencement of the war of 1812, he was appointed commander of the northwestern army for the conquest of Canada, as related elsewhere. The same 3'ear, having in an evil hour surrendered his arm}^ to the British, he was tried by court- martial for this act, and sentenced to be shot ; but recommended to the mercj' of the President, on account of his age and revolution- ary services. He published afterwards a defence of his conduct, which produced a favorable impression on the minds of many impartial men. His life was spared, but the stain was indelible. To this period belongs an interesting incident in the life of the Rev. Joseph Grafton, the pastor for nearly half a century of the First Baptist church in Newton, — who was distinguished for his wonderful gift in prayer. In those days it was customary, on the occasion of a military review, to draw up the soldiers into a hollow square, and to have prayers offered by the chaplain of the regiment. The troubles now threatening between America and Great Britain gave an air of unwonted solemnity to the military pomp and pageantry of the day. Mr. Grafton, as chaplain, was called upon to perform the usual service. Calm and self-possessed, he mounted a gun-carriage which stood near him, and, placing one foot on the cannon, poured forth such a strain of devout supplica- tion as to astonish and delight every hearer. His apt allusions to the existing state of the country and the perils into which her soldiers might soon be called, affected manj' to tears. A very profligate and hardened man who was present, and who was deeply tinctured with infidel notions, was afterwards heard to remark, that "Mr. Grafton was the first man who ever drew tears from his eyes." It is generally supposed that after a period of war, the morals of a people show marks of decline. The necessities of such a season of disorder and confusion often demand, or are supposed to demand, labors on the Sabbath which are inconsistent with the sacredness of the da}' in the time of peace. Promises are care- lessly- made and lightl\- broken. The loose living of men in camp, away from the restraints and amenities of social and virtuous life, lead to rudeness of manners and the easy violation of Christian obligation. The whole comumnity is, to a certain degree, demor- TOWN ACTION. . 407 •alized, and it is sometimes long before a healthy public sentiment is re-instated. Under such circumstances, it is refreshing to find the citizens of Newton, immediately after the war of 1812, passing resolutions in town meeting, looking in the direction of political justice and Christian principle. Under date of May 9, 1814, we find this action of the town : Voted, that our Representatives are hereby requested to use their in- fluence to oppose the passing of any insolvent law, or the incorporation of any more banks within this Commonwealth. March 13, 1815. — Voted, that the inhabitants of this town do approve the efforts made by the inhabitants of several parts of this Commonwealth to carry into effect, as lately recommended by the Legislature thereof, the laws which have been enacted for the due observance of the Christian Sabbath, ^nd that we will do .all in our power to aid in so wise a measure. CHAPTER XXXni. THE FIRST PAKISH. REV. JONATHAN HOMER. MEETING-HOUSE OP 1805. BIOGRAPHY OP DR. HOMER. CHURCH BELL. LETTERS OP DR. AND MRS. HOMER. REV. MR. BATES. MR. BUSHNELL. REV. D. L. FURBER. TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY. THIR- TIETH ANNIVERSARY. — -SABBATH SCHOOL. STATISTICS. The First Parish church and congregation having become, by general consent, distinct from the town, it is proper that the resi- due of its history should form a separate chapter (see p. 234). The congregation of the First Parish having tested so many and various gifts, during the illness of Mr. Meriam and after his decease, it was felt that the time had come to elect a pastor. December 18, 1780, the church voted "that the seventh day of February next be observed as a da}' of fasting and prayer, to seek direction with regard to the resettling of the gospel among us ; the deacons to invite such of the neighboring ministers as they think proper to assist in the services, and provide for them enter- tainment." But so great was then* deliberation, that it was not till October 8th, — eight months afterwards, — that the church held a meeting to choose a pastor. At that meeting, Jonathan Homer received sixty-eight votes ; eight persons signified that they were not read}' for a choice. Two hundred pounds were voted, to* encourage Mr. Homer to settle in the ministry, one-half in one year, and one-half in two years. Appointed Deacon Jonas Stone, John Woodward, Benjamin Hammond and Joshua Hammond to inform Mr. Homer of the votes of tlie church, and to confer with him about salary. Voted, one hundred pounds for his yearly salary, payable quarterly, and to procure for him convenient house-room for a family for one year at the cost of the parish, and sixteen cords of wood to be brought to his door annually. 408 MR. HOMER'S LETTER. 409 To the call of the church Mr. Homer returned the following reply : Newtoitt January 4, 1782. To the church of Christ and Society of the East Parish in Newton : Brethren beloved, — "We all stand related to an unalterable eternity, and tlie grand end of our existence on earth is to prepare for it. We who enjoy the light of revelation are favored with distinguishing means for the advancement of our immortal welfore. The Great Head of the church has not only given us the written word, but has provided ministers to explain and enforce it; to proclaim the terrors of the law against the ungodly, and the grace, the surprising grace of his gospel to the chief of sinners. Impressed, I trust, with the sense of the importance of the means of grace, you have seen fit, in God's holy providence, to choose me as your pastor, to watch over your souls, to feed, as far and as long as Heaven may enable me, the sheep and the lambs pertaining to this flock of the Divine Shepherd. .1 have long and deeply weighed in my own breast the invitation you have given me. I have repeatedly laid my case and that of this people at the throne of grace for direction. I have attentively considered the apparent language of Providence, and have felt a constant desire to act as this should finallj^ dictate. I have asked the advice of the reverend fathers and brethren in the ministry, and appealed to the judgment of the serious and judicious among the private Christians of my acquaintance. At length I feel myself bound to accept of the invitation of taking the pastoral charge of this church. Your peculiar unanimity in electing me, the great cordiality of sentiment in doctrine and discipline between us, the diligent and solemn attention of this people to the public services of religion, especially of the youth, in which I have seldom, if ever, found them equalled elsewhere^ and who, on account of the temptations to reject seriousness of thought and conduct, peculiarly incident to their age of life, might not so naturally be expected to manifest a regard for eternity, are circumstances of my call which I cannot resist, and would prefer to every other possible consideration. I only wish an increase of ministerial qualifications, that may render me a blessing to this i)eople, and capacitate me to discharge the important duties of my office to the honor of religion. I accept your offer for my temporal support, as voluntarily made by the worthy freeholders and other inhabitants of the first precinct in Newton, and hope that Heaven will excite and enable you and me uniformly and faithfully to fulfil our various mutual duties. I desire the prayers of God's people, that I may have grace given me to prove a burning and shining light in this branch of the golden candlestick, and that I may have many as the seals of ray ministry and crown of rejoic- ing in the day of my Lord and Master's appearance. To his benediction I commend this church and iieoplo, resting assured that if we are interested in him, as our almighty friend, you will be happy and I shall be successful in my ministry. May the great Head of the church keep us humbly dependent 410 HISTORY OF NEWTON. on himself for a blessing, consequent upon the solemn relation of a pastor and his flock ; and may death only perfect and consummate our union to the Lamb and each other, in the city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God. Commending you and myself to the favor of our Divine and holy sovereign, through the all sufficient merits of Jesus, his Son, I remain, dear brethren, your obliged pastor-elect and Avell wisher of your souls, Jonathan Homer. The ministiy of Dr. Homer covered a period of sixty-one 3'ears. He was sole pastor forty-five 5'ears, till November, 1827, and then had as colleague Rev. James Bates, — whose ministiy covered about eleven years and a half. The pastoral relation of Dr. Homer and Mr. Bates was dissolved the same day, April 17, 1839. A revival of rehgion occurred during the united ministry of Dr. Homer and Mr. Bates, in 1827, and in the com'se of that 3'ear seventj'-two were admitted to the church, many of them heads of families. A second season of special religious interest occurred in 1831-2. In the year 1832, sixt3'-flve were added to the church b}^ profession and eleven by letter, — total, seventj^-six. From the ordination of Dr. Homer in February, 1782, to the ordination of his colleague, Rev. James Bates, in November, 1827, — a period of forty- five years, about three hundred and twenty members were admitted to the church. The number of children baptized by Dr. Homer from his ordina- tion in February, 1782, to and including the year 1800, — a period of nine- teen years, — was about one hundred and sixty-seven, and two adults. Dr. Homer had a spiritual field of less magnitude to cultivate than his predecessors. The First Baptist church was organized in 1780, and the West Parish Congregational church in 1781. By the second of these events, the territory representing the parish of Dr. Homer was seriously diminished in extent. By the first, a new element, full of the vigor of its young spiritual life, was planted in the midst of the people who were properl}' his exclu- sive parochial care. But new members were added to the church nearl}' ever}- year, from the beginning to the close of his incum- bency. The most numerous additions, during the period of his sole pastorship, were in 1782, 1783, 1803 and 1811. One of the most important movements of the Society, during the ministry of Dr. Homer, was the erection of the meeting-house of 1805, concerning which the following votes appear in the Records. PURCHASERS OF PEWS. 411 .Tune G, 1803. — Voted, to erect a new meeting-house in this place, and appointed William Hammond, Ebenezer Cheney, James Stone, Samuel Clark, John Rogers, jr., Ebenezer Woodward, Jeremiah Wiswall, jr., John Thwing, jr., and Jonathan Parker, a committee to prepare estimates. 1804r. — Chose the same committee, adding Ebenezer White and Silas Fuller thereto, and authorized tiie committee to borrow money for the pur- pose. October 28, 1805. — Meeting at the temporary building near the meeting- house. Voted, that when the new meeting-house is completed, the Building Com- mittee proportion the cost of the house on the pews, at their discretion, and bid for choice at auction ; and if there be any overplus, to liurchase a bell. The old church clock, formerly given by John Rogers, senior, not being suitable to hang in the new house, it was given back to its original donor, ■with the thanks of the Society for its many years' use. November 21, 1805. — The new meeting-house (being the fourth) was dedicated. November 19. — The right of choice among the pews was set up at auction, the highest having the right to select, paying therefor the amount of appraisement and the amount bid for choice. Tlie number sold, the names of purchasers and the amount of appraise- ments were as follows : No. 2 Joseph White, §125. - No. 39 Bela French, $88.— 3 Ebenezer Cheuey, 130.— 40 Joshua Park, 4 John Kojiers, 132. 50 41 Joseph White, 5 Dea. Samuel Murdock, 132. 50 43 John Stone, 6 Jonathan Hammond, 130. 50 45 Nicholas Thwing, 7 Elisha Tliwing, 122. 50 40 Ebenezer Wiswall, 8 Simon Klliot, 117.,50 47 Simon Elliot, 9 Willow .Mary Hastings, 112.— 48 Timothv Jaelvson, 11 Use of the Ministry, — 49 Obadiali Curtis, 13 Benjamin Hammond, 130. — 50 SanuK'l < laik, 14 John Rogers, jr., 132. 50 51 Charles Coolidge, 15 Samuel barker, 132. 50 52 Joshua Hammond, 16 Matthias Collins, 130. — 53 Aaron Luce, 17 Jonathan Hunnewell, 122. 50 54 John Thwing, jr.. 18 Nathan Hastings, 117. 50 55 James Stone, 21 George W. Coffin, 100. — 56 Aaron Cheuey, 22 Moses Stone, 100. - 57 Jonathan Parker, 23 Samuel Trowbridge, 100.— 58 Ebenezer AV^oodward, 24 Jonathan Cook, 85.- 59 Jonathan Homer, 25 Samuel Ward, 100.— CO John Thwing, 26 Elisha M unlock, 97.50 01 Samuel Hyde, 27 Joseph Craft, 95.- 62 Dea. Jeremiah Wiswall, 28 Tha- Ulcus Whitney, 65.— G3 Robert ISIurdock, 2<> Caleb Kenrick, 85.— 64 John Wartl, 30 Ebenezer Withington, 80. — 6.5 Solomon Child, 31 Obadiah Thayer, 103.— 78 Jeduthan Sanger, 32 William Hammond, 103.— 81 Joshua Hammond, 33 Edmund Trowljridge, 103.— 82 .Jonathan Parker, 34 Elijah Thwing, 88.— 88 Charles Coolidge, 35 Thaddrus Hvde, 103.— 90 James Stone, 36 Eliinizir Wiiite, 100. — 91 Ebenezer White, 37 Nathan Goodale, 98.— 94 Jonathan Hammond, 38 John Dowiug, 68.— 96 Jeremiah Wiswall. 412 HISTORY OF NEWTON. Thirty pews were unsold. The choice-money amounted to $459.63. The prime cost of the house was a little more than $8,100. The sixty-five pews sold, together with the choice-money, amounted to nearlj' the cost of the house. The wood on the ministerial lot was sold for about one hundred dollars, to pay, in part, for the new meeting-house. The above notes, from the manuscripts of the Hon. William Jackson, present the name of the pewholders of the church edifice built in 1805, and which has long since passed away. Still they have an interest in man}^ ways. The}* show who were some of the prominent men of Newton at that date, and indicate the interest felt l\v them in the religious institutions of the town. They are an intimation, — : uncertain, indeed, and partial, but, in the main, true, — of the abiltj' and the liberality of the men whose memorial has come down to us in such a connection. The}' tell us who cul- tivated these broad acres three-quarters of a century- ago, and on the Sabbath of rest went up from these farms and dwellings to the house of God in company. Other honored names, which are not included here, we are sure must belong to the catalogue, though they arc not recorded. The old families in remote neighbor- hoods, alwa3^s full of public spirit, and foremost in the work of worship, were not without their places in the house of God. And a complete programme of the church edifice of 1805 would un- doubtedly place them among the most prominent and zealous of the worshippers in the house of God, as the}- were in every good word and work. The meeting-house of 1805 resembled very closel}' the ancient meeting-house of the First Parish in Dorchester. The entrance was on Centre Street, b}' three doors. The pulpit, on the west end, was overhung by a souudiug-board. The entrance to the pulpit was on the left, a closet on the right. There were three aisles, with a cross aisle in front of the pulpit ; six wall pews on the west end on each side of the pulpit, six each agaiust the north and south walls of the house, — these being square pews, — and two ranges numbering twelve each, or fort3'-eight in all, on each side of the middle aisle, filling the body of the house. The wall pews on the west end, south of the pulpit and beginning at the pulpit, were owned or occupied in order b}' Noah AYorcester, Jonas and Jonathan Stone, Asa "Williams, Ephraim Jackson, Deacon E. r. Woodward, Dr. Homer's family ; on the west end, north of the ORDER OF THE CONGREGATION. 413 pulpit, — beginning at the second pew, — Ira ^V'ales, John Kings- bury, Colonel Brackett, John Cabot, JMisses Lovell. The six wall pews on the north side were occupied by Josiah Stedman, Deacon "William Jackson, AVilUam Brackett, Charles Brackett, John B. II, Fuller and Joseph Goddard ; on the south side, E. Davis White, William Hall, William Wiswall, Captain Samuel Hyde, Deacon Asa Cook and William Wiswall, 2d. The south range in the bodj' of the house, beginning as before, at the pulpit end of the aisle, Mr. Thayer, afterwards, M. S. Rico, Esq., William and John Kenrick, Nathaniel Trowbridge, Elijah Thwiug, Thaddeus Hyde, Deacon Ebenezer White, Bethuel Allen, Moses Craft, Nathan Trowbridge, Joseph Crackbone, Edward Brooks, one vacanc}'. The south side of the middle aisle showed Dr. Homer, afterwards Joshua Loring, Loring, Deacon Fuller, Elisha Wiswall, one vacant, Matthias Collins, Artemas Ward, Deacon Luther Paul, Heurj' Jepson, Edmund Trowbridge, Ralph Bacon, the Stove ; on the north side of the middle aisle, one vacant, John Pierce, General Ebenezer Cheney, one vacant, Thomas Smallwood, William Ladd, John Ward, Joseph Bacon, Deacon William Jack- son, one vacant, Benjamin Kingsbur}'. In the parallel range to the north, in the third pew, Samuel Trowbridge, in the fifth. Esquire Goodhue, in the seventh, Samuel Ward, in the eighth, Ephraim Ward ; the other pews vacant. On the north galler}', which con- tained twelve pews, the front range was appropriated to the young ladies of the Newton Female Academy ; the back range, to the pupils of Master Rice's school. Of the south gallerj-, having also twelve pews, divided by an aisle, we find no report. The two seats for the singers were semi-circular, reaching from side to side. A case for the viol, and a " negi'o pew," perched high up in the southeastern corner, completed the interior of the house. The choir of the First Parish church, according to the memory of one who was a worshipper about 1823, is thus described, "The singing seats were on a circle, filling the whole east end of the meeting-house, and were filled with singers. The choir was led at that time by Mr. Nathaniel Tucker, a very i)opular singer and leader. After his death, Colonel Nathaniel Brackett was leader. Then followed Deacon E. F. Woodward, who occupied the jjosition a great many years." During the period included in Dr. Homer's ministry', the gov- ernment of the United States was consolidated, after the events 414 HISTORY OF NEWTON. of the Revolution, and the Constitution adopted. The exciting period when French infidelity was casting its shadows over the faith of multitudes occurred only a few 3'ears after he began his ministry. The foundations of politics and religion seemed to be undermined, and good and strong men, in some instances, wavered. All the learning and logic of the faithful ministers of the gospel must have been called into requisition to prevent the people from drifting into universal irreligion and scepticism. Soon after the opening of the present century-, the orthodox Con- gregational churches, especially in eastern Massachusetts, were agitated by the Unitarian controvers}'. (See p. 255.) Man}' circumstances tended to thicken the tempest of ecclesiastical strife. Rev. Dr. James Freeman resided in Newton, — Dr. Homer's friend and neighbor, — whose church in Boston, — King's chapel, — was the first in the vicinity to declare itself in favor of the new theology'. American tendencies and the lingering influ- ence of the half-way covenant s^'stem, diverted some of the members from the faith of the first settlers of Massachusetts. The breaking up and recasting of ecclesiastical parties during the first third of the nineteenth century, all fell within the range of Dr. Homer's ministry. But his people, as a whole, as well as Dr. Homer himself, continued to hold rank with the orthodox theologians, though he was not without an evident leaning to the liberal side. Witness, his well-known explanation of the doctrine of atonement, — which he warped from the orthodox view of sub- stitution to the idea of '' at-one-ment." Witness, also, a letter from his pen, printed, in the " Supplement " to the " Comprehen- sive Commentary," in which he expresses doubt in reference to the doctrine of the Trinity', and calls in question the scriptural- ness of Dr. Watts' Christian doxologies. The period of Dr. Homer's ministrj' also covered the distress- ing daj's of the war of 1812, the povert}' and fear of the nation. the excitement of expected attack and of gathering forces, and the disaster at Detroit, in which one of his own parishioners was a prominent actor. Still later came the period of the separations in many of the Congregational churches in Massachusetts of the orthodox from the liberal element ; and afterwards the revival of religion, as a fruit of which thousands were admitted to the churches. Through the zeal of his colleague and Dr. Homer's own etforts, the church partook largely of the blessing ; and among BIOGliAPHY OF DR. HOMER. 415 the members admitted, in these years of the miuistration of the iSpirit, were men and women who became pillars of the church. Another event in the history of the First Parish belongs to the period of Dr. Homer's ministry. It was one hundred and seventy years before the people of Newton were gathered to the worship of God by the sound of the church-going bell. In the appendix to Dr. Gannett's Sermon on leaving the Federal Street Meeting- house in Boston for the new church in Arlington Street (Mtirch Kn l8o9), we find that the first church liell in Newton was given to the First Parish by the old Federal Street church (Dr. Chan- ning's) in December, 1810. The following is the statement: The bell which liad for thirty-five years called the worshippers to Federal Street, was displaced by one, probably, of greater size or sweeter tone, but was not allowed to relinquish its sacred service. At a meeting of the pro- prietors December 3, 1810, it was — " Voted, that the bell which belonged to the old meeting-house be presented to the Society in Newton under the pastoral care of the Rev. Mr. Homer." The letter of the Special Committee charged with the duty of conveying the gift shows tliat the proprietors did but follow an example by which they had themselves been benefited. "Brethren, — Since the erection of our new meeting-house, a new bell has been provided, which renders our old one useless to us. This was given by the Brattle Street Society in 1773, when that Society received a donation of a new bell from the late Governor Hancock. We are unwilling that that which had so long been the monitor for Christian worship should now be de- voted to any other use ; and, having learned that you are destitute of a bell for your meeting-house, we are induced to hope that this may be acceptable to you; and we desire you to receive it as a testimony of our Christian fel- lowship and brotherly love." A reply was received " expressive of the warmest gratitude for this bene- faction, the value of which is greatly enhanced by the sentiment you express in tlie conclusion of your letter accompanying the bell. You desire us to re- ceive it as a testimony of your Christian fellowship and brotherly love ; — which sentiment we do most sincerely reciprocate, and beg you to accept our best wishes for prosperity and happiness individually and as a Christian Society." Dk. Jonathan Homer was born in Boston, April 15, 1759. He was the son of Michael Homer, jr. , grandson of INIichael Homer, sen., and great-great-grandson of Captain John Homer, who was boru in Warwick, west of England, in 1647. This John Homer was a mariner, and captain and part owner of a ship trading 416 HISTORY OF NEWTON. between London and Boston ; he married in Boston, had six sons and three daugliters, and died in Boston, November 1, 1717, aged sevent}^ Dr. Homer graduated at Harvard University in 1777, at the age of eighteen. He was a member of the same class with Judge Dawes, of the Supreme Court of Massachusetts ; Dr. James Freeman, his brother-in-law, pastor of King's chapel in Boston ; Hon. Rufus King, senator of the United States and Minister to the Court of St. James ; Rev. SethPayson, D. D., of Rindge, N. H., father of the celebrated Dr. Edward Payson, of Portland, Me., and Rev. Eliphalet Porter, D. D., of Roxbury. He received the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity from Brown University in 1826. He was ordained pastor of the church in Newton, February 13, 1782. On the occasion of the ordination, the Council met at the house of Mrs. Hannah Gibbs, afterwards owned by the late Marshall S. Rice, Esq. At the services in the meeting-house, the church publicly testifying the renewal of their call and the pastor-elect renewing his acceptance of it, Mr. Eckley, of Bos- ton, prayed ; then Mr. Jackson, of Brooldiue, preached from Isaiah VI : 5-8 ; afterwards Mr. Eliot, of Watertown, prayed ; Mr. Woodward, of Weston, the Moderator of the Council, prayed and gave the charge ; and Mr. Greenough, of West Newton, gave the hand of fellowship. Dr. Homer married Anna, daughter of Obadiah Curtis, of Bos- ton, who died September 4, 1824. His only child, Jonathan Homer, died September 7, 1804, aged twenty-one. Dr. Homer died August 11, 1843, in the eighty-fifth year of his age and the sixty-second of his ministr}-. At the funeral exercises, held on the following Sabbath, an appropriate sermon was delivered by Rev. John Codman, D. D., of Dorchester, from Luke II: 29, 30 ; and the several congregations in the town gave up their usual worship, for the purpose of attending the services and doing honor to his memory. Rev. Mr, Bushnell says of him, — Dr. Homer excelled in conversation. His thoughts were not profound, but he always made his visits agreeable to his people He read Hebrew, Greek and Latin, and, after he was sixty years old, learned to read the Spanish language. He had a rare and valuable library. Some of liis books, especially those relating to translations and translators of the Bible, were obtained witli great pains-taking and expense. All the English translations of the Scrip- tures that had been made up to the date of his death were in his possession. ESTIMATE OF DR. HOMER. 417 Hence his knowledge in regard to the English versions of the Bible was more extensive and more accurate than that of any other person in the vicinity. Dr. Farber says, — Erom the year 1824 and onward, Dr. Homer was for many years engaged in an unwearied and enthusiastic study of the principal English translations of the Bible. His aim was to improve the text of the common version. This he critically compared with the text of Tyndale, Coverdale, Rogers, the Cranmer Bible, the Geneva Bible, the Bishops' Bible, and with the Hebrew and Greek originals. It was his intention to publish a history of the Eng- lish versions of the Bible, from that of Wycliffe to that of 1611. He was eminently qualified for such an undertaking. The late iirofessor, B. B. Edwards, of Andover, speaks of the "long and indefatigable attention" Avhich Dr. Homer had given to this subject; and adds, "He is more inti- mately acquainted with it than any other individual in the country." During the process of preparing the " Comprehensive Com- mentary" for publication, Dr. Jenks is said to have been in fre- quent consultation with Dr. Homer. His notes on the variations of different versions were never reduced to order. They were left by him in a scattered state, mostly on the margins of his books ; and his researches and attainments in this department of sacred literature will never be given to the world. Mr. Bushnell writes of him, — Dr. Homer is said to have been, in early and middle life, quite a popular speaker. I think he spoke, usually, extemporaneously. I never saw any manuscript sermon of his He was called to the Old South church in Boston, and also to the church in AVoburn, in his youth. And, with those two calls before liim, he received and accepted the call to Newton Dr. Homer was liberal in his theology. Intimate as he was with the Rev. Dr. Pierce, of Brookline, and Rev. Dr. Freeman, of King's chapel, his brother- in-law, it is not strange that his opinions should have been influenced by them. But he was intimate also with the Rev. Mr. Grafton, Rev. Dr. Cod- man and Rev. Mr. Greenough, and it is perhaps due to their influence, under God, that Dr. Homer adhered to the ancient faith of the churches of New England. Another writer says of him, — The venerable Dr. Homer was a character in Newton, and held a promi- nent position as pastor of the Congregational church. For many years, he was the dear friend of General Hull's family, rejoicing with them at their weddings and festivals, and mourning with them in the time of trouble and disaster. Mrs. Hull felt a great interest in the Doctor and his church. She once gave a Genoa-velvet gown for a pall-cover, it was used for that purpose many years. She also had the venerable Doctor's portrait painted, taken in 27 418 HISTORY OF NEWTON. band and gown. As was the custom of his time, he wore black cotton gloves in the pulpit, which, being always an inch or more too long in the fingers, used to cause the younger part of the congregation to smile audibly to see the playful way they had of wagging at them, even in the most impressive passages of his sermons, whicli were often long and doctrinal, reaching to- "Tenthly." The Doctor was a very absent-minded man, and his wife Nancy, " my dear Mrs. Homer," as he called her, was constantly expecting some odd event to occur from his eccentric ways. Dr. Homer enjoyed unusual health during the whole period of his protracted ministry. For thirty-five j^ears, he was never out of his pulpit in consequence of sickness. He was a great walker, and went everywltere, if the distance was not unreasonably long, on foot. Dr. Homer was very scrupulous in the performance of his offi- cial duties. The following instance seems almost incredible. At the funeral service of General Hull, having accidentally omitted to mention in his prayer one of the relatives of the famil}^, he prayed a second time, lest he should be deemed guilty of a failure in duty, or give occasion for grief or offence. "Laugh as much as you will," once said Father Greenough to a few friends, who were smiling at some of his peculiarities, "there is no man among us who carries with him the spirit of the Gospel from Monday morning to- Saturday night, better than brother Homer. He has always been a friend to the poor. To them his house is always open ; and of orphans and homeless children, more than thirty have been taken to his house, fed and clothed, until he could find places where they could be properly cared for." He was distinguished by his kindness of heart. It is reported of him that he once stopped his chaise, as he was travelling on a hot summer day, to remove a toad, which he saw burrowing in the sand, into a shadj^ retreat. And it is an illustration of his thoughtless eccentricit}', that he onl}^ removed the toad to the shade of his own carriage, and then rode on, satisfied, without observing his mistake. An excellent autobiographical portraiture of Dr. Homer, in his social qualities and religious spirit, is obtained through a letter addressed by him to a young relative, who, at the date of the let- ter, was a student in Harvard University. The 3'oung man was a son of George Homer, Esq., of Boston, the latter being an own cousin of Dr. Homer. The young man was in declining health, and died, soon afterwards, of consumption. A letter from Mrs.. LETTER OF DR. HOMER. 419 Dr. Homer, of a date one month later, addressed to the same individnal, also exhibits, in a most attractive light, her amiable and pious spirit. Dr. Homer used to speak of his wife, many years after her decease, as "a very angel, about his house." These letters were obtained from a relative of George Homer, Esq. They have never before been printed. LETTER FROM REV. MR. HOMER TO GEORGE HOMER, JR., OF BOSTON. Newton, Feb. 11, 1811. My dear young kinsman : I have but lately learnt, that you were seriously unwell, and that your in- disposition increased rather than abated. I most ardently wish that your health may be re-established, and that your parents may long rejoice in your society. Btit whatever may be the ultimate determination of Heaven re- specting your life, it will be of no disservice to you to improve your present seclusion from the world, to seek and establish your immortal interests. I also once had as you well know, an only son, who was also my only child. When his complaints were serious, I was principally solicitous that he should be a real and habitual Christian. I knew, I said to him, that in this case, the issue, whatever it were, would be the promotion of his best good. I wished for evidence of that tliorough conversion from sin to holiness, from the world to God, which is effected by the Holy Spirit, accompanying the truth on the heart of the regenerate. I wished for evidence that he "knew the plague of his own heart;" that he understood the law of Heaven to be holy, just, and good; that he was liable to the penalties of this law, violated by the most virtuous ; that his salvation rested on sovereign, unmerited mercy, and must be effected by the Lord Jesus Christ, the only hope of a penitent sinner towards God. I wished him to call on the Lord in humble, fervent prayer, commending his soul and body to that infinite grace, which had provided a ransom for lost sinners. I wished liim to behold and trust in the Redeemer as "the end of the law for righteousness to every believer," through whose obedience unto death and perfect sacrifice he might be justified at the divine tribunal. I wished him to see the evil nature, as well as bitter consequences of sin, in thought as well as word and deed, and the beauty of holiness, strict, evangelic holiness. I wished him to seek salvation from sin as well as misery, and to desire heaven as a region of purity as well as felicity. I think I have reason to hope that this my wish and prayer were granted. The hope of this has frequently soothed his mother and me. I believe, tliat your affectionate, anxious parents cherish the same ardent wish for you. You and they have great reason of thankfulness for your pre- servation from gross vice, and that you have exhibited a winning deportment. Much of filial piety has adorned you. But you will not view me censorious for addressing you as a sinner, who is dependent on Him, who "will have mercy on Avhom he will have mercy." — " We have all sinned," yet there is hope. Each one best knows his advantages and obligations, the light and love against which his sins have been committed. I have heard, on many 420 HISTORY OF NEWTON. occasions, the most humble and solf-abasing language from the purest char^ acters. There is no danger of humbling ourselves too greatly before God, if we do not desjmir of his mercy. "Humble yourself under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time ; casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you." Peter I, 5, 6, 7. Remember that the Saviour hath come to " heal the broken-hearted." If, upon examination, you approve, you love his character and redemption, you are willing to be saved by him and through him, he will love and save you. "Him who cometh unto me," hath ho said, "I will in no wise cast out." " Whosoever will," hath been his in- vitation, since his ascension and glorification, "let him take the water of life FREELY." May he be precious to you. May you " believe and rejoice in him with joy unspeakable and full of glory." Living or dying, mj'^ dear young friend, may you be the Lord's. May your parents yield you to the disposal of their and your infinitely wise and beneficent Proprietor. May your dear sisters learn the lesson of salvation froiu you and your history. May they all, and you and we, meet and mingle at length around the throne of the Redeemer, " see him as he is," and be like him, serve him with his servants, and tune our harps to his eternal praise, — is the wish and prayer, of, yours afiection- ately, JoNA. Homer. Geo. Homer, jr., Boston. LETTER FROM MRS. ANNA HOMER, WIFE OF REV. MR. HOMER, TO GEORGE HOMER, JR. Newton, March 10, 1811. My dear young friend : Your good mother, when you were in tolerable health, requested me to write you ; my affection would have induced me to this ; but I was deterred by the idea that you were constantly reading something so much better than my pen could furnish, that a line from me could scarce be useful or acceptable. I am sincerely afflicted at your weakness ; but the great arbiter of life and death has, I trust, wise and gracious designs in your sorrows. His word assures us that, "He does not afflict willingly, nor grieve the children of men." I hope your trials will issue in mercy. In this salutary school, you may be brought to the knowledge of God, and of yourself. The latter seems necessary in order to the former. I believe, my lovely youn^ friend, that your whole life has been as pure and free from stain, as the life of any mortal. But remember, my dear, no one on earth can say, " I have made my heart clean, I am pure from my sin." The holiest and best men have been sensible of this. They have therefore abhorred themselves " and repented in dust and ashes." 'Tis im- possible we should have too humbling a sense of guilt before God. It is the best state of mind a sinner can be in. — " He that humbleth himself shall be exalted." " To this man will I look, even to him that is poor, and of a con- trite spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and the heart of the contrite PUBLICATIONS OF DR. HOMER. 421 ones." Read the whole passage in Isaiah 57 :15. Our dear Redeemer came expressly to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives. He came to "seek and save those that are lost." Read the loth of Luke. It is fraught with encouragement. "Be of good comfort; rise, he calleth THEE." Do not wait until you are worthy, or till you are fit. " All the fitness he requires, Is to see our need of him." He offers you salvation, without money and without price. Receive it as a free gift. If you realize the purity and spirituality of the Divine law, and feel the burden of sin, hear the Saviour saying, " Come unto me, all ye who are weary rfnd heavy laden, and I will give you rest." You shall be no loser by this visitation ; what is taken from the days of time, shall be added to the years of eternity. If you feel that you " lack wisdom, ask it of God, who giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not." In your state of extreme weakness, dart up' your desires frequently to our gracious Father in heaven, in short ejacula- tions. I trust you shall be " accepted in the Beloved." I pray God to sup- port and comfort your afflicted parents. May you, my dear young friend, so "believe, as to enter into rest." May you be filled with joy and peace in believing. Farewell. May we meet in glory. Anna Homer. George Homer, jr., Boston. The publications of Dr. Homer, so far as known, are as follows : 1. Description and History of Newton in the County of Middlesex. An article in the Massachusetts Historical Collections, 1798. 2. A Sermon delivered in Newton, October 13, 1816, upon the occasion of the decease of Mr. Samuel Hammond, of Brookline, who died October 5, 1816, aged 26. Published by request. 3. Address to the Clergy and People of the County oj Middlesex, from the Middlesex Massachusetts Auxiliary Society, established June, 1817, in aid of the American Society for Educating Pious Youth for the Gospel Min- istry. 1819. 4. Fourth and Fifth Reports of the Bible Society in the County of Mid- dlesex, Massachusetts, April, 1819, 1820. 6. A Sermon delivered before the Massachusetts Society for promoting Christian Knowledge, at their Anniversary, May 29, 1828. 6. The Columbian Bible. A large folio edition of the Bible for the pul- pit. Dr. Homer aided the printer by editorial assistance. A copy of this folio Bible was for many years the Pulpit Bible of the First Parish church. Probably few copies of it are now in existence. 7. Century Sermon. 8. The Way of God vindicated, in a sermon preached Lord's day, Sept. 16, 1804, — after the interment of his only child, Jonathan Homer, A. B., who died of consumption, September 7, 1804, aged 21. 422 HISTORY OF NEWTON. The pastoral relatiou between Dr. Homer and the First Congre- gational church was dissolved April 17, 1839, after having existed fifty-seven years and two months. He lived, after this, four years and four months, receiving an annual stipend from the church and societ}', and occasionally performing some ministerial labor. Dr. Homer sleeps in the Centre Burying Ground, like the first three pastors of the church, having, like them, begun and ended his labors in the ministry here. The ministry of Mr. Bates, colleague pastor with Dr. Homer for twelve 3'ears, covers the latter portion of the period of the ministry of the senior pastor. The Records of the church con- tain the following notices in connection with the settlement of Mr. Bates. The church took the following action Sept. 11, 1827 : At a meeting of the brethren of the First church in Newton, after prayer to God for direction, and after discussing the subject of choosing a colleague with the present pastor, — it was — Voted unanimously, c^ery member acting, — that the church committee be authorized to invite Mr, James Bates to settle over this church as colleague pastor, provided the parish concur in said invitation. Attest, Jonathan Homer, Pastor. N'e-wton, September 17, 1827. Mr. James Bates : Dear Christian Brother, — We cordially and joyfully communicate to you, in the name of this ancient church, the above unanimous vote, and com- mend it to your serious and prayerful consideration, and offer our prayers to God that you may be directed in the path of duty, and that the final result may issue in his gloryi and the spiritual welfare and continued harmony of this church and congregation. The church did also vote that five hundred dollars during the life of the present pastor, and six hundred and fifty dollars afterwards, be considered a suitable sum to otfer for the support of a col- league pastor. Jonathan Homer, "| Ebenezeu White, William Jackson, \ Committee. Asa Cook, | Asa Williams, J The parish having expressed their concurrence, the call was communicated to Mr. Bates, who returned the following reply : Neivton, October 9, 1827. To the First Church and Parish in Newton : Kespected Brethren and Friends, — Believing that the Great Head of the church united and directed you in inviting me to settle as colleague with your reverend pastor, I felt obligated to give the subject a serious and ORDINATION OF MR. BATES. 423 prayerful attention. It has been an oljject of deep solicitude with me, to notice the indications of Providence, and ascertain, if possible, what the Lord would have mo to do. For this purpose I have endeavored to acknowledge him in all my ways, praying that he would direct my paths. A compliance with your invitation will, I am aware, place me in a situation of awful responsibility. It will impose upon mo duties which are almost over- wlielmin;;, — duties which are difficult to perform, and which will have an important bearing on our present and eternal welfare, — duties, too, which will probably be attended witli momentous and everlasting consequences to coining generations. Yet when Providence plainly calls, we must never shrink from the path of duty, however difficult and rugged it may be. Having deliberated for some time upon your invitation, in its various bear- ings, — the proposals and duties attending it, and my own insufficiency and frailty, — in line, having frequently spread the whole subject before him who controls all things, and sought for aid and direction, I have concluded it is my duty to accept of your invitation ; and I do it with pleasure, hoping that my motives are such as conscience and God will approve. Praying that this decision may meet the approbation of our heavenly Father, — that it may result in the prosperity and continued harmony of this churcli and society, in our mutual growth in grace, in the salvation of many immortal souls, and in the promotion of the Redeemer's cause, I remain yours, in the bonds of Christian affection, James Bates. At the ordination service, November H, 1827, by vote of the Council, Rev. Dr. Holmes, of Cambridge, offered the opening prayer; Rev. Dr. Wis- ner, of the Old South church in Boston, praached the sermon ; Rev. Mr. Greenough, of West Newton, offered the prayer of ordination ; Rev. Dr. Homer, senior pastor, gave the charge ; Rev. Edward Beecher, of Park Street church, Boston, the hand of fellowship ; Rev. Dr. Codman, of Dorcliester, addressed the people, and Rev. Dr. Jenks, of the Green Street church, Boston, offered the concluding prayer. Early in the ministry of Mr. Bates (February, 1828), the Hon. William Jackson was elected Deacon, and inducted into office by solemn ordination. The Record says (April 11, 1828),— "Voted, that we proceed to set apart brother William Jackson as Deacon by prayer and the imposition of hands, according to apostolic usage. The two pastors then set apart brother Jackson according to the vote of the church. The senior pastor offered the consecrating prayer." In April, 1830, a revised Confession of faith and covenant was adopted by the church. The original Articles of Faith, if such existed, were doubtless consumed with the house of Mr. Meriam in 1770. In April, 1770, t\vent3'-two daj's after the fire, the church united in the renewal of a form of faith and covenant in which all could unite. This covenant was publicly renewed, near the beginning of the pastorate of Dr. Homer. 424 HISTORY OF NEWTOX. There is something very touching and beautiful in the religious spirit of the fathers of the churcli. Their habit of recognizing their obligations to God stands in strong contrast with heartless formalism. In the daj's of calarait}^, after the Records of their church history were consumed, and afflictiou had come upon their pastor, they recognized G-od by a solemn renewal of covenant with him and with one another. It was by cherishing such a spirit, that they were nerved to the grave exigencies which were to come upon the country during the next ten years of trial, hardship and sorrow ; — pledged to "play the man," in their patriotic struggles, and to sympathize with and help one another in the da^'s " that tried men's souls." And when the noise of battle was hushed, and peace reigned over the regenerated land, how delightful it is to see them acknowledging God in the blessings of the new government ; and, with the establishment of the country on a new and constitutional basis, hastening to accompany their patriotic rejoicings with a new engagement of fidelity to their vows of mutual sympathy and Christian communion. The religious part of the history of the fathers of Newton in 1770 and 1783, is full of interest and instruc- tive suggestion to their posterity. Mr. Bates resigned his pastorship in February, 1839, and his connection with the church was dissolved the following April. As a pastor and preacher, Mr. Bates was declared by the church to be "arduous, devoted, affectionate and inadequately requited;" and the members expressed their " heartfelt obligations to him for his self-denying, aflectiouate and faithful labors as a minister among this people, and their earnest desires for his future happi- ness and usefulness." The period of his ministry was character- ized by great spiritual prosperity. More were added to the church, during the seasons of special religious interest that marked his min- istry, than in any similar period previousl}'' within its historj'. And though the modern growth of the town had not commenced, the spiritual harvest then enjoyed would, at any subsequent period, have been regarded as grand and wonderful. Rev. James Bates was born in Randolph, Vt., January 17, 1799. His paternal ancestors were among the first settlers of Middleborough and Duxbury, Mass. He graduated at Dartmouth College in 1822, and at Andover Theological Seminary in 1826. He was ordained at Newton, as colleague with the Rev. Dr. Homer, November 14, 1827, with a salary of five hundred dollars REV. WILLIAM BUSHNELL. 425 per annum. He married June 4, 1828, Emily Atwood, of Haver- hill, the 3-oungest sister of Harriet Newell, the proto-martyr of American missions. During the years 182G-7, — ^several members of the church, who " walked irregularl}'," were removed from its fellowship, the senior pastor, however, opposing the movement, saying, in the words of the New Testament, " Let both grow together until harvest." In 1831, a second revival of religion commenced, which continued about two years. During the min- istry of Mr. Bates more than two hundred were admitted to the church. In the whole period of his ministr}^ in Newton he was detained from his official duties by sickness only three Sabbaths. After leaving Newton he was settled in Granby, Mass., and Cen- tre Village, Conn. He died in Graubj-, December 9, 1865, aged sixty-six. " His preaching was plain and unpretending, a model of Gospel simplicity and truthfulness. His ministry seemed to be always blessed. He was unwearied in \isiting the families of his parish, in district meetings, and in the care of the Sunday and other schools."* Mr. Bates was efficient in the establishment of the Female Seminary at Newton Centre, and -also in organizing Lyceums and public lectures, when they were a new thing in the United States. He prepared and delivered three lectures in the first L3'ceum course ever undertaken in Newton. Newton owes much to his efficiency in connection with the Sabbath School. He is said to have been the first to introduce singing into the Sabbath School.f After the dismission of Mr. Bates, the church was without a pastor about three years. For more than one year of this period, the pulpit was supplied by the Rev. S. S. Smith, afterwards pastor at Westminster. Eighteen were admitted to the church in 1840 and two in 1841. In April, 1842, the church and society united in calling to the pastorate the Rev. William Bushnell, who was in Newton a year and three months before the decease of Dr. Homer ; and thus the few ministerial services which the ex-pastor was able to perform overlapped into the term of service of his successor. Thus the 3'ounger pastor was permitted to profit by the experience of the elder, and to learn from his lips the peculiarities of the field he was to cultivate. Their intercom'se was always genial and friendly. A spirit of enterprise began to stir in the community, ♦Boston Recorder. fMS. letter of his son, Edward P. Bates, Esq. 426 HISTORY OF NEWTON. "which the presence of a younger pastor was well adapted to foster and guide. Three important projects, — 1. The organization of the Eliot church, composed chiefly of members colonized from the First Congregational church, — 2. The erection of a new meet- ing-house on the site of the building which had been occupied since 1805, — and, 3. The introduction of railroad facilities into Newton Centre were the main features of the period of Mr. Bush- nell's brief ministry, which lasted only four j-ears and seven months. He resigned his charge December 13, 1846. Rev. William Bushnell was born in Sa^^brook (now West- brook), Conn., April 14, 1801, and graduated at Yale College in 1828, in the same class with Prof Heniy N. Day, John Van Buren, and the late Horace Binney, jr. He studied theology in New Haven, and while in the vSeminary supplied the Congregational church in Stratford ten weeks. His labors there resulted in the conversion of upwards of seventy persons, who became active and useful members of the church. He was ordained in the summer of 1832 in North Killingly, Conn., where he labored in the min- istiy till April, 1835. After this Mr. Bushnell pi-eached a short time in New Jersey, and then became pastor in Beverly, Mass., where he remained till ]May, 1842. He was installed pastor of the First church in Newton, May 27, 1842, and resigned December 13, 1846. During the ministry of Mr. Bushnell, as intimated above, thirty- one members of the church asked a dismission, for the purpose of forming the Eliot church at Newton Corner. The measure was eminently wise, and useful alike to the old church and to the new body. The proceedings were conducted in so fraternal a manner, that the cordial fellowship of all the members remained unimpaired. Three others shortly afterwards took letters to the EUot church. This movement was originated and brought to its consummation under the guidance and direction of that eminently wise counsellor and judicious Christian adviser, the late Deacon William Jackson. During the ministry of Mr. Bushnell, the new church edifice (the fifth) was built, and dedicated March 24, 1847. The erec- tion of this structure was largely owing to the influence of Mr. Bushnell. There was some opposition to it on various grounds. But after the pastor had preached two sermons relatmg to the sub- ject, — the last founded on Ezra VII: 27, "Blessed be the Lord ORDINATION OF REV. D. L. FURBER. 427 God of our fathers, which hath put such a thing as this in the Icing's heart, to beautify the house of the Lord which is in Jerusa- lem," — those who thought the old one good enough, with some repairs, yielded to those who desired a better one. After relinquishing his pastorate at Newton, Mr. Bushnell acted as agent of the American Seamen's Friend Society, still residing in Newton, and afterwards studied medicine and became a prac- titioner in Boston, of the Homoeopathic School, and died in East Boston, April 28, 1S79, aged seventy-eight. AVhile Mr. Bushnell was pastor at Newton Centre, he became interested in the earl}' measures which resulted in the construction of the railroad between Needham and Boston, afterwards "Woon- soeket and Boston. Having heard an intimation from a fellow- •citizen that such an enterprise was feasible, Mr. Bushnell, with a neighbor, consulted an agriculturist in Brookline on the subject, but learned that the people of that town did not favor it. Their gardens would be disturbed, and many strangers introduced into the place, which they deemed undesirable. In the meantune, the people of Woonsocket became interested to secure a closer con- nection with Boston, and finall}' Mr. Bushnell and his associate applied to the late Otis Pettee, Esq., of Newton Upper Falls, who was at once deepl}' interested and resolved to make the enterprise a success. Mr. Pettee was a man who never failed to accomplish his purpose, and this was in due time achieved. But Mr. Pettee died just before the railroad as far as Needham was in operation. Mr. Pettee was the first President of the Corporation, wliich has been known successively as the Air Line, the Charles River Branch, the Hartford and Erie, and the New York and New Eng- land Railroad. "While the new church edifice of the First Parish was in pro- cess of erection, the church and congregation, by invitation of the First Baptist church, held their worship on the Sabbath in the meeting-house of the latter. After the resignation of Mr. Bushnell, the Society remained without a pastor nearl}- a year. During this period, March 24, 1847, tlie new church was dedicated. Ou the 28th of May, 1847, Mr. Daniel Little Furber received a unanimous call to the pastorship, which was accepted, and he was ordained December 1, 1847. Twelve churches were invited to be present by their pastors and delegates. Rev. Lyman Gilbert, of 428 HISTORY OF NEWTON. "West Newton, was Moderator of the Council, and Rev. A. Swasey, of Brighton, scribe. The sermon on the occasion was by Rev. Nehemiah Adams, of the Union church, Essex Street, Boston ; ordaining praj'er by Rev. Silas Aiken, of Park Street church, Boston ; charge by Rev. Christopher Marsh, of West Roxbmy ; right hand of fellowship b}' the late Rev. Leonard Swain, of Nashua, N. H., afterwards of Providence, R. I. ; address to the people by Rev. S. W. Hanks, of Lowell. In March, 1851, Hon. William Jackson, of the Eliot church, but previously an active member and deacon of the First Parish, having been removed bj' death, the church passed appropriate resolutions. At the church meeting November 27, 1857, revised Articles of Faith, with Rules of Order, were adopted. The only difference between the new articles and those which had existed previously was in forms of expression. In August, 1868, several members were dismissed to form a new Congregational church in Newtonville. In June, 1870, the pastor left his work, to travel for a year in Europe. In 1869, the church and chapel were enlarged and improved. During a large portion of the summer months, the church held no public worship. Afterwards public services were held in the hall of the old school-house which stood at the north- erly corner of Station Street, on the site of the present Methodist church ; then, in the hall of the new school-house (until it was destroyed bj' fire), and finall}' in their own chapel, until the altera- tions on the meeting-house were completed. An invitation was extended to the church and congregation, as on a former occasion, by the First Baptist Society to worship with them as long as con- venient and agreeable, and the invitation was received with thanks. In January, 1870, by vote of the church, the office of deacon was made temporary', a new election to be held annually, and each incumbent to serve onty four j'ears. A former incumbent might be re-elected for ailother term. This provision was directed to take effect at the succeeding annual meeting, " at which meeting one deacon shall be chosen for four years, one for three, one for two, and one for one." On the 30th of Maj-, 1872, twenty-four of the members, male and female, were dismissed, to form the Congregational church at Newton Highlands. CORRESPONDENCE. 429 The following letter of good will and sympathy was addressed to the members dismissed for the purpose of uniting in this new organization : To the brethren and sisters who asked and received dismission from the First church in Newton, to organize a Congregational church at Newton Highlands : Dear Friends, — At a late meeting of the members of the Old clmrch, where so many of you have for so many years, and even from your infancy, liad your religious homo, — our own hearts were deeply moved at the thought that our mutual church relations by your request must be dissolved. But such is the order of the Providence of God in this world. We how- ever rejoice in the noble purpose you propose to yourselves to accomplish. May the richest blessings of the Great Head of the church abound towards you, and the Newton Highlands Congregational church be a heavenly beacon light to multitudes in this world of sin, guiding them to the New Jerusalem. The church have directed me to express to you in the following resolutions its sentiments of Christian regard and affection. Resolved^ That recognizing the duty of the disciples of Christ, in their in- dividual and associate capacity, as members of his church, to promote liis kingdom in this world, — we hereby express to our brethren and sisters who have asked a dismission from the First church in Newton for the purpose of being organized in a Congregational church at Newton Highlands, our hearty sympathy and prayers for the prosperity and success of the proposed enter- prise. Resolved^ That while expressing our regret at the severing of church rela- tions, which have for so many years contributed so mucli of pleasure and profit to our social and Christian life, we will still and ever be one in the spirit of Christ our Lord and Master and in the fellowship of the saints ; and will ever hope and pray that this fellowship may be consummated in the per- fection of the fellowship of heaven. Resolved, That this church and society cordially tender to our brethren and sisters at the Highlands our meeting-house and vestry, as they may desire, to complete the formation of their church and society and the ordination of a pastor ; and that in calling a Council,*we will esteem it a privilege and pleas- ure to share in the labor of providing for and entertaining the members of that ecclesiastical body. Attest, B. Wood, Clerk of the Church. Newton Centre, June 10, 1872. This letter called forth the following reply : Letter of Christian fellowship and affection from brethren and sisters at Newton Highlands. To the First Congregational Church, Newton Centre : It is with feelings of deep regret that we separate from the church we have loved from our earliest infancy, and where the associations were all so 430 HISTOKY OF NEWTON. pleasant. But as the Providence of God seems to call us to another part of his vineyard, we trust we shall cheerfully perform the duties devolving upon us in this new relation; but shall ei^er retain an interest in, and. pray for the prosperity of, our mother church, and its long tried and much loved pastor. At a recent meeting of church members at Newton Highlands, a unani- mous vote of thanks was tendered you for your kind invitation in regard to the Council, and the offer was gratefully accepted. We also received with pleasure your kind expressions of interest in us, and ask that we may ever be remembered in your prayers. That God's blessing may ever rest on the First church, hallowed by so many pleasant associations, is the prayer of those who leave. In behalf of whom I subscribe myself Your brother in Christ, Samuel N. Woodward, Clerk pro tern. June 26, 1872. June 21, 1872, a revised form of the Articles of Faith and Bj'- laws of the First church was adopted. The services connected with the twenty-fifth anniversary' of the settlement of Mr. Furber, as pastor of the First Congregational church, December 1 and 2, 1872, were of sufficient historical importance to claim a notice here. On Sabbath afternoon, Dec. 1st, Mr. Furber preached a sermon (text — I. Cor. II : 2), review- ing the work of his pastorate in Newton. On the wall, behind the pulpit, was a wreath, inclosing the date of the formation of the church (July 30, 1G64), and on the right and left of it, the dates of the beginning of Mr. Furber's settlement and of the twent}'- fifth anniversary (1847-1872). Among the historical facts stated in the sermon, it was said that at the commencement of this period of twenty-five j^ears, the Society was weak and small, but resolute, and determined to live. The church edifice was small, containing about sixty pews. Now, after the lapse of a quarter of a century, there are one hundred and fifty pews, well filled every Sabbath. The church had just been depleted by the dismission of thirtj'-four members, to form the Eliot church at Newton Corner, and it had only about eighty members left, and fifty families. The church edifice, then recently built, has been twice enlarged. At that date there were several aged people in the parish. The average age of ten of the most noted of them was a little over eight3--six years each. Six members of the Society fell in the war of the RebelKon. Others died from the sufferings they endured at the South. Five young men, members of the church, have recently entered the min- istry. During this period the church has received as members Dll. FURBER'S THIRTIETH ANNIVERSARY. 431 three hundred and sixteen persons, about one-half of them by profession. In the same period, eighth' -two have deceased. A fitting close of the history of this ancient church is furnished in the following extracts from a sermon preached b}^ Rev. Dr. Furber, December 1, 1877, the thirtieth anniversary of his settle- ment. The history of this cliurch shows that it has favored permanence in the pastoral relation. One of my predecessors was here twenty-two years, another forty, another forty-two, another fifty-seven. This church in the two hundred and thirteen years of its existence has never dismissed but two pas- tors. One of these was Mr. Bates, who was dismissed, as I have been told, in order to save the feelings of Dr. Homer, the aged senior pastor with whom Mr. Bates was colleague, and the other was Mr. Bushnell, who resigned at a time when the church, weakened by heavy losses occasioned by the forma- tion of the Eliot church, hardly felt able to support a minister. I was ordained to the Christian ministry thirty years ago in this house, and in the pulpit that stood where this one now does. The house was then new and small. It had been dedicated about eight months, and contained sixty pews. There was no organ, but a bass-viol and other instruments, and a choir of considerable size. The vestry in which the evening meetings were held was a small, low-roofed building, not very well lighted. The meeting- house grounds were not inclosed, and the public travel was directly through them. The deacons were Deacon Paul and Deacon Cook. Deacon Ebenezer White was still living, past eighty years of age and too infirm to attend meetings. He came to church on the first Sabbath after my ordination and never after that. Deacon Paul had been in office a little more than two years, having been chosen to fill the place made vacant by the resignation of Deacon Jackson, at tine time the Eliot church was formed. He held the office eighteen years, until his death in 1863, at the age of seventy. Deacon Cook had been in office about a year and a half, having been elected at the time of Deacon Woodward's death in 1846. He held the office nearly twenty-six years, until his death in 1872, at the age of seventy-five. Of those who were members of this clmrch thirty years ago, only thirteen are now seen in our Sabbath congregations. Of the one hundred and ninety- six whose deaths are recorded upon our books, forty-one were under ten years of age ; twenty-four were over seventy ; twenty were over eighty, and four were over ninety. Thirty years ago the church had been weakened by the loss of more than thirty of its members, who had just left to form the Eliot church, among Avhom were some of the most active and efficient members of the church, and some of its most liberal givers. In less than a year after the formation of the Eliot church, occurred the death of Deacon Elijah F. Woodward, who had been deacon, and leader of the choir, and Superintendent of the Sunday School more than thirty years. Deacon Jackson had been in office seven- teen years, and he and Deacon Woodward had been the pillars of the church. 432 HISTORY OF NEWTON. Here then was left a small church of about one hundred members and a parish of a little more than fifty families. They very naturally felt that they were few and weak, and were ready to ask, " By whom shall Jacob now arise, for he is small." And there were some who even raised the question whether it would not be better to dissolve the old church and unite with the Eliot church. Some proposed moving the church to the vicinity of Uijper Falls. But these suggestions were answered with a very decided negative. And it was determined to pull down the old meeting-house in which the wor- shippers felt so far apart from each other, and to build a new and smaller house. The house was completed and dedicated, and we began our work together on the first of December, 1847. Our organ was purchased soon afterwards. There Avas then no railroad to this place, and the growth of the place was slow. But in seven years it became necessary to enlarge the meet- ing-house by adding twenty pews. At the same time the chapel was built, smaller than it now is, a cheerful and pleasant room. In 1868 we parted with nine of our members, living at Newtonville, on the occasion of the for- mation of the new church in that place. In 1869-70, the meeting-house was again enlarged to more than twice its original size, and to almost twice the size it had after the first enlargement. The chapel was also enlarged, and a committee room and other adjuncts provided, at a cost of about $22,000. In 1872 we dismissed twenty-four members to form the church at Newton High- lands. We have parted with most valuable and beloved members for the formation of new churches ; sixty-seven have thus gone out from us in thirty- two years; and some of the best material the church had. In 1848 our benevolent contributions amounted to less than $100. Now we give from $2,000 to $3,000 a year. We now number scarcely one hundred and twenty families. We have welcomed to membership in the church two hundred and sixteen by profession and two hundred and thirty-two by letter ; in all four hundred and forty-eight. Dividing the thirty years into periods of five years, we re- ceived by profession in the first period thirteen; in the second, twenty -five; in the third, tliirty-five ; in the fourth, forty-six ; in the fifth, thirty-two, and in the sixth, sixty-five. This is a regular increase in the number received, except in the fifth period, which includes the year of my absence for foreign travel, and of the interruption of public worship by the enlarging of the meeting- house. The first period also shows a smaller number received than might have been expected under a new minister ; but this period also was broken by the illness of the pastor and his absence from the pulpit a year and four months at one time. The last ])eriod has been the most encouraging of all, including as it does the last winter's work under the stimulating influence of Mr. Moody's labors in Boston, and the awakening of interest that occurred here four years ago. The church thirty years ago numbered about one hundred ; at present two hundred and eighty-five. In 1852, after the first five years, it was one hun- dred and thirty ; in 1857, after the second five years, it Avas one hundred and forty-two ; in 1862, one hundred and seventy-one ; in 1867, two hundred and fifteen; in 1872 two hundred and nine; in 1877, two hundred and eighty-five. FIRST PARISH SABBATH SCHOOL. 433 No record of our benevolent contributions for the first nine years of my ministry has been preserved ; but in the twenty years succeeding, and ending with December, 187G, they amounted to about .^45,000. Let the thirty years wliich we now review be compared with the thirty that preceded them in the history of this church. Let us look back from 1847 to 1817. We shall then include the revival period by which this church was so greatly blessed between 1827 and 1833. That was the time of protracted meetings when the most pungent preachers were employed, and crowded meetings kept up for several successive days. Such men as Dr. Lyman Beecher and Dr. Wisner preached here at that time, and produced powerful impressions ; seventy were received into the church in one year, and seventy-six in another. If you count all the names upon our catalogue from 1817 to 1847, you will find only 331, whereas from 1847 to 1877 there are 448. This statement is not completely satisfactory, because I do not know the number of new converts as compared with the whole number received. Newton Centre is growing faster now than it was then, and it is probable that we receive more by letter and less by profession than were received forty or fifty years ago. But we have received one hundred and seventeen more in the same length of time than were then received, without any help from revivalists or from protracted meetings. FIRST PARISH SABBATH SCHOOL. The Sabbath School of the First Parish of Newton was com- menced in the summer of 1816 by Miss Mary Clark, who was occasionally assisted by Mrs. Dr. Homer. The books used in the school were the Bible and the Assembly's Catechism. Deacon E. F. Woodward was the first male teacher, and, for a time, the only one ; and, excepting one j'ear, he was the onl}- Superintendent, from the commencement of the school till his death. Early in the summer of 1817, Miss A. Haven, then teacher of the public school at Newton Centre, and Miss S. Mitchell, who resided in the Aiciuit}-, undertook to classif}^ and teach the girls who attended the school, and were much encouraged in their work by the growth of numbers and interest. The bo^'s were taught by Deacon Woodward. Clothing was procured for some indigent children, to enable and induce them to attend. The school, at first, was held onl}' in the summer. The studies in 1817 were " Cummings' Questions," catechisms and hymns, and the older scholars studied "Watts on the Improvement of the Mind." At the close of the school this year, several Bibles and other books were distributed as rewards of merit among the scholars. 28 434 HISTORY OF NEWTON. In 1818 the school was still larger. The public mind had grown into the plan, since universal, of having small classes and more teachers. • CHURCH EDIFICES OF THE FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. No. 1, built in 1660, used as a place of worship 38 years. No. 2, " " 1698, " " " 23 " No. 3, " " 1721, '< '• « 84 « No. 4, " " 1805, " " " 42 " No. 5, " " 1847. PASTORS. 1. Kev. John Eliot, jr., ordained July 20, 1664, died Oct. 11, 1668, aged 33. 2. Rev. Nehemiah Hobart, ordained Dec. 23, 1674, died Aug. 25, 1712, aged 64. 3. Rev. John Cotton, ordained Nov. 3, 1714, died May 17, 1757, aged C4. 4. Rev. Jonas Meriam, ordained March 22, 1758, died Aug. 13, 1780, aged 50. 5. Rev. Jonathan Homer, D. D., ordained Feb. 13, 1782, died Aug. 11, 1843, aged 84. 6. Rev. James Bates (colleague), ordained Nov. 14, 1827, resigned April 17, 1839. 7. Rev. William Bushnell, installed May 24, 1842, resignett Dec. 13, 1840. 8. Rev. Daniel L. Furber, D. D., ordained Dec. 1, 1847. DEACONS. ELECTED. DATE OF DEATH. AGE. Thomas Wiswall, Ruling Elder, 1604 1083 John Jackson, sen.. 1C64 1674 — Samuel Hyde, sen.. 1G64 1689 79 Isaac Williams, 1707 69 James Trowbridge, 1717 81 Edward Jackson, jr., 1707 1727 75 Thomas Oliver, 1707 1715 70 Richard Ward, 1739 73 John Staples, 1740 82 William Trowbridge, 1744 60 Ebent'zer Stone, 1754 92 John stone, 1769 76 John Clark, 1773 — Ephrfiiui Ward, 1772 69 Thomas Greenwood, 1774 7& John Woodward, 1801 76 David Stone, 1802 74 Jonas stone, 1804 82 Ebenezer Woodward, 1806 49 Samuel Murdock, 1814 62 Jeremiah Wiswall, Sept. 21.1708 1836 76 Ebenezer White, June 11, 1815 18.53 87 Eliiah F. Woodward, June 11, 1815 1846 60 William Jackson, Feb. 15, 18J8 1855 71 Luther Paul, Aug. 24, 1845 1863 70 Asa Cook, June 10, 1846 1872 75 Albert Little, Dec. 20, I860 resigned i Q 1865 Silas C. stone, Oct. 13, 1865 " 1866 J. Evarts Cornolius, Oct. 20,1865 « 1870 Charles S. Davis, Oct. 20, 1865 " 1870 .Tolin Ward, Oct. 10, 1866 Erastus Blakeslee, Dec. 29, 1870 " 1876 James F. C. Hyde, Dec. 29, !870 " 1872 Bartholomew Wood, June 28, 1872 " 1875 George P. Davis, Jan. 16, 1873 " 1877 Edward W. Noyes, 1876 it 1879 Wilson J. Welch, 1876 Nelson Curtis, 1878 STATISTICS. 435 SUPERINTENDENTS OF THE SABBATH SCHOOL. Dea. Elijah F. Woodward, Roswell W. Turner, Luther Paul, Bartholomew Wood, John Ward, Albert Little, James F. C. Hyde, Isaac F. Kingsbury, Charles S. Davis, Edward W. Noyes, Nelson Curtis. ADMISSIONS TO THE CHURCH PREVIOUS TO 1773-203. FROM 1773 TO 1812 AND NOW DECEASED. 1773 1774 1777 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1789 8 1790 6 1791 1 1792 1 1793 14 1794 22 1795 5 1706 3 1797 3 1793 5 1799 6 1800 3 1802 1 1803 1 1805 3 1806 4 1807 6 1808 1 1809 1 1810 1 1811 1 3 6 20' 3 2 1 4 12 160 ADMITTED SINCE 1812. 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 2 1836 2 1838 3 1840 6 1841 1 1842 3 1843 4 1844 3 1846 6 1847 7 1848 3 1850 1 1851 1 1852 71 1853 32 1854 9 1855 4 185C 24 1857 76 1858 14 1859 5 1860 16 1861 1862 1863 1864 1805 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 Total 17 16 2G 19 21 19 20 21 10 14 15 33 11 17 27 42 12 10 812; CHAPTER XXXIV. EDUCATION IN NEWTON AFTER 1800. SCHOOL WARDS. — SCHOOLS AT THE UPPER FALLS. SCHOOL REGULATIONS. APPROPRIA- TIONS. HIGH SCHOOLS. NEW SCHOOL-HOUSES. HIGH SCHOOL AT NEWTONVILLE. GRADUATES. ART MUSEUM. SCHOOL- HOUSE PROPERTY. In a former chapter we surveyed the history of education down to the year 1800 (pp. 235-249). At a town meeting held May 6, 1805, a committee appointed to prepare a general plan of school-houses and schooling, presented a report which was accepted by the town, closing with the follow- ing words : We believe it will be for the interest of the town very soon to add at least two school-houses to our number, with other necessary alterations ; since, in a government like ours, it is of the utmost consequence that the youth are, in our opinion, accommodated and instructed in the best manner that can be consistently. At a town meeting held April 7, 1806, being an adjournment from March 8, 1806,— Voted, to choose a committee of seven persons, to propose such a general plan of school-houses and schooling, as they shall think will be most for the interest of the town to adopt, and lay the same before the town at the adjourn- ment of this meeting in the month of May next. May 12, 1806. — "The committee reported that it is their opinion that the town erect, as soon as convenient, six school-houses, exclusive of that at the Lower Falls, which is to remain at present where it now is ; — the other five to be sold, — and that a new one be erected the present year in the west dis- trict, near the house of Amasa Park; another," etc. Mr. Davis gives the following recollections of one of these school-houses : 436 1 SCHOOL WARDS. 437 The school-house was built, thirty by thirty-six, in 180G, on the westerly side of the road, about two hundred and twenty-five feet a little southwesterly of ray dwelling-house, and there remained about twenty-one years. The same was removed l)y me to the corner, on the old Sherburne road, and occu- pied by Mr. M. Ruttcr, John Mead (as a grocery store), and others. The old school-house was sold to Benjamin Jenison. It stood on the west side of the Sherburne road, on the spot where Mr. Wentworth and others resided in a low-studded, one-story house in 1828. Mr. Jenison's father gave him an acre of land, to which his son Benjamin removed the old school-house, and he lived in the same, being enlarged, during life. The citizens were evidently feeling tlieir way to a better state of things. They moved slowly and cautiouslj' ; often, as it seems to us, without sufficient energj*, but making fewer mistakes than have been made in later times. The education for which they provided was not broad or showy ; but on its foundations man^' a child was built up into an honored and useful citizen, a blessing to liis coun- try and his race. In 1808 the town was divided into '' School Wards " by a com- mittee appointed for that purpose, the town accepting their report, which is as follows : We the subscribers being chosen a committee at the Annual Meeting, March 14, 1808, for the purpose of dividing the town into seven school wards, and proportioning the sum of eight hundred dollars to the several schools, report that we have attended to said business, and liave divided the town into the seven following wards, viz. : West School Ward. — Beginning at Robinson's Bridge, so called, and following the road to Sherburne road, near Ephraim Jackson's house, inclutl- ing said Jackson's house ; thence, down said Sherburne road to Durant's corner, including the inhabitants living on said road ; from thence running a straight line to Charles River, between the houses of Thomas Pollock and Henry Crafts, including all the inhabitants living Avithin said lines. North School Ward. — Beginning where the line of the West Ward ends on Charles River; thence running on Charles River to Watertown line; thence on said line to Brighton line ; tlience on Brighton line to the road near the house of Jonathan Hunnewell; thence on a line running so as to include the houses of Samuel Hyde, Samuel Nutting, and the new house of Samuel Trowbridge, jr., to Durant's Corner; thence on the line of the West Ward to Charles River, including the inhabitants living within said lines. East School Ward. — Beginning at Brighton line, near Jonathan Hun- newell's. house, and running on said line to Brookline line, and on said line to Worcester Turnpike [Boylston Street], and from thence running on a line west of the houses of John Thwing, Thomas Harback and Charles Coolidge to the bounds first mentioned, including all the inhabitants within said lines. 438 HISTORY OF NEWTON. SouTn School Ward. — Beginning at Brookline line on Worcester Turn- pike [Boylston Street], and running north of the houses of Jeremiah Rich- ardson and Benjamin Richardson, and between, the houses of Joseph Parker and John Ward to Charles River, including all the inhabitants within said lines. Southwest School Ward.— Beginning at the South Ward line on Charles River, thence running down said river to land of Matthias Collins ; thence running to the house of Mr. MeNoah, including said house ; thence running north of Norman Clark and Aaron Richards to Brookline line on Worcester Turnpike ; thence on South Ward line to Charles River, including all the inhabitants within said lines. Falls School Ward. — Beginning at the Southwest Ward line on Charles River, and running down to Robinson's Bridge ; thence on the West Ward line to Ephraini Jackson's house ; thence running east of the house of Samuel Stimson and south of the house of John King to the house of Mr. McNoah ; thence on Southwest Ward line to Charles River, including all the inhabi- tants within said line. Centre School Ward. — This includes all the inhabitants not included in the lines limiting the other wards. This year (1808) the committee " proportioned " the sum of eight hundred dollars to the schools in the several Wards in the manner following : West Ward, $126 Southwest Ward, #107 North " 126 Falls Ward, 100 East " 105 Centre " • 110 South " 126 In 1819 a Northwest district was formed, and in 1824 an Upper Falls district. "The children from the Upper Falls and vicinity," saj's Mr. Pettee, " attended school in the Southwest district ; but as the busi- ness increased and the village became more populous, it was nec- essary to divide the district and establish what was called the Upper Falls district, and a school-house was built in the 3'ear 1818 on the turnpike, just below the residence of Mr. Luther Ray- mond. "In the year 1811, a new school-house was built southeast of the residence of Deacon Cook, on the west side of the road lead- ing to Newton Centre, to take the place of the old brick building in the Southwest district, whicli had become untenantable. " The old school-house by the Post-offlce at the Upper Falls being very much out of repair and insufficient in size, a new house was built with two stories and all modern improvements, on what SCHOOL EEGULATIONS. 439 was known as the frog pond lot, and was occupied for school pur- poses until the abolishment of the district sj'stem by the town. The new and large house which now stands in the rear of the present one, was built in 1853, when the old houses in the village and southwest districts were abandoned. " The \'illage house was sold at auction to Mr. Marcy, and occu- pied by Messrs. Howe and Colburn, for stores. The southwest house was more recently sold to Mr. Davis C. Mills, and removed to the village, and occupied as tin shop, etc." Notwithstanding the error of the townsmen in changing nearly the entire Board of the School Committee every year, they seemed to act wisely in promoting the cause of education. The annual grant for the support of teachers which had been £50 annually for many j-ears previously, was raised in 1774 to £60, in 1786 to £80, in 1790 to £85, in 1791 to £100, in 1795 to £130, in 1796 to $500, in 1800 to $600, in 1806 to $800, in 1813 to $1,000, in 1816 to $1,200. March 13, 1817, a committee was chosen to "endeavor to form some plan for the better regulation and government of the schools." This committee consisted of the Bev. Messrs. WilUam Greenough, Joseph Grafton and Dr. Homer, and one from each school district, — Messrs. Ephraim Jackson, John Kenrick, Caleb Kenrick, Elijah F. Woodward, Joseph Jackson, William Trow- bridge and Obadiah Thayer. On the 12th of May following, this committee brought in a report which, as it was mainly adopted b}' the town, shows the state of the public mind at that date, and indicates the opinions then prevalent as to the requisites of a good school. Your committee, appointed to determine some regulations for the schools in Newton, have attended to that service, and report as follows : 1. For the purpose of ejcciting in the minds of the scholars a reverence for the Word of God, and of aiding them in reading it with propriety, it is recommended that a portion of it bo publicly and daily read in the morning in each school by the Preceptor or Preceptress, and that the scholars shall read the same after him or her. 2. That wliereas there has been long and frequent complaint of great deficiency of books among the scholars in several of the schools, it is earn- estly recommended that all parents and guardians procure suitable books for each of the children or youth under their care, and that the Selectmen be requested by the committee-man of the district to furnish books at the expense of the town for those scholars whose parents or guardians, in his opinion, are unable to purchase them. 440 HISTORY OF NEWTON. 3. That the New Testament be one of the standard reading-books in all the schools in this town. And your committee do in a special manner recom- mend Cummings' New Testament, designed for schools, with Maps of the Countries and Places mentioned in the Scriptures, and Explanatory Notes. 4. That Murray's English Reader or Lyman's American Reader be recom- mended for instruction in reading in the schools of this town. 5. That whereas it appears upon inquiry that "Walker's Dictionary has become a growing and general standard for pronunciation in the colleges of this State, and in the colleges and academies of the United States, your com- mittee recommend Walker's Pronouncing Dictionary as, in the general tenor of the work, the best standard to be used by instructors in the public schools ; and that the scholars of the first class be provided with the small edition of this Dictionary. Your committee, however, in recommending Walker's Dictionary, would be understood as having reference principally to the accent, and not as decid- ing on the propriety or impropriety of his mode of pronouncing virtue, nature, creature, — virtshu, natshure, cretshure, — and a few other words. 6. That the town recommend to every religious teacher of the schools to open and close them daily by prayer. 7. That every master be desired to comply with the laws of the Com- monwealth, which require him to give moral and religious instruction to his pupils. 8. As most of your committee have been called frequently to visit the schools in this town, and have been satisfied that the number of children in several of them is greater than can be taught or governed to advantage, they earnestly recommend as an essential and important aid in instructing and governing the public schools, that no children shall be admitted into the winter schools until the complete age of seven years. 9. It is recommended to the town that a fourth part of the moneys annually granted for the support of public schools, be devoted to the support of summer schools. 10. That the Town Clerk be requested by the town annually to furnish, at the town's expense, copies of these votes to each school committee-man. 11. We recommend renewed attention on the part of the town to a former vote of the town, relative to the committee-men of the several schools acting in concert, not separately, in employing instructors. The Town Clerk records this vote : Voted, to accept the foregoing report, with the exception of the eighth article, which, of course, was rejected. The Town Clerk, Joseph Jackson, Esq., by the insertion of the words " of course," takes occasion to give a gratuitous expression of his own opinion. In May, 1821, the town voted that "the several school districts be allowed and empowered to apply thek proportion of school SCHOOL APPROPRIATIONS. Ul money for schooling as the}' may think best, and to manage their schools in their own way." This was evidently a plan either to relieve the superintending School Committee of responsibility, or to satisf}' neighborhoods disposed to complain of the management of such committee. The vote was reaffirmed in 1823. Some of the duties properly belonging to the School Committee seem to have been assumed by the town. For example, in 1828 the town voted their approbation of the Pupil's Axithmetic by Mr. Seth Davis, " now used in our public schools, as a book well calculated to aid our 3'outh in acquiring a knowledge of this science." Previous to 1825 most of the country school-houses were built fi'om twenty-five to forty feet square, one storj' high, with rows of benches on either side of a wide alle}', through the middle, and a box' stove in the middle, or an open fire at one end of the alle}', around which the scholars were permitted to gather in cold da^'s to warm themselves. There was an entry across one end to hang garments in. These country school-houses probably cost from $300 to $1,000 each, according to size. Many of them were painted red. The grants of monc}' for the support of schools in successive periods are interesting and instructive. For many j-ears preced- ing 1774, the amount appropriated was £50 annually; in succes- sive years it was raised four times, till in 1795 it reached £130. The amount subsequently, in successive years, was, from 179G-1799, - - - $500 1852, - - - $6,000 1800-1805, - . - GOO 1853, - - - 7,000 1800-1812, - - . 800 1854-, - - - 8,800 1813-1815, - - - 1,000 1855-1856, - - - 11,000 1816-1819, - - - 1,200 1857-1858, - - - 12,000 1820, - - - 1,000 1859, - - - 13,000 1821, - - - 1,100 16^, - - - U,000 1822-1823, - - - 1,200 1861, - - - 12,000 182-1, - - - 1,300 1862, - - - 15,000 1825, - - - 1,400 1863, - - - 16,000 1826-1832, - - - 1,600 1864, - - - 19,500 1833-1834, - - - 1,800 1865, - - - 26,000 1835-1836, - - - 2,000 1866, ... 31,500 1837-1840, - - - 2,500 1867, - - - 41,500 1841, - - - 2,000 1868, - - - 44,000 1842, - - - 2,500 1869, - - - 49,000 1843, - - - 2,000 1870, - - - 54,000 1844-1847, - - - 3,125 1871, - - - 54,000 1848, . - - 4,000 1872, - - - 69,000 1849, - - - 4,500 1873, - - - 73,000 1850-1851, - - - 5,000 442 HISTORY OF NEWTON. In 1835 the town voted that a terrestrial globe be purchased for each of the District Schools, and that the committee in each dis- trict provide a box for its safe keeping. As the population and prosperity of the town advanced, the question of school accommodations became one of increasing impor- tance. The villages of the town required more room for scholars, higher instruction, and consequently larger outlays of mone}'. With the general advancement of intelligence and culture in the community, the interests of the town demanded more liberal views and more generous provision. The time was now evidently draw- ing near when the old district S3'stem was destined to wane, and when Newton, like the neighboring cit}' of Boston, must have its ^'aded schools, for the sake of a more orderly and perfect s^^stem of teaching, and its high school and grammar school, to prepare boys for college, and to give a broader education to those who were ambitious of more generous culture, but whose aim was oul}' to be fitted for business and public life, that they might stand, without a consciousness of inferiority, among the cultivated men and women of the age. And thus the subject of schools, which in earlier days had absorbed little attention, gradually came to fill a larger space in the Records of the town meetings. District lines, the forming of new districts, the erection of new school-houses, the equitable distribution of school funds, the increase of the grant of money for the support of education, — all foreshadow the period since inaugurated, which has made Newton " a name and a praise," to the department of education, on both sides of the Atlantic. In March, 1838, a committee was appointed to consider the expediency of establishing ?Jue or more free High Schools in Newton. In May following, tiieir report was ordered to be print- ed, and a copy placed in every family in the town. But the time evidentl}^ had not 3'et come. In April, 1845, a vote of the town was passed, authorizing each school district to employ a teacher of music, the expense to be de- frayed from the school funds. On the 31st of December, 1849, a committee on High School education in Newton, of which the Hon. WilUam Jackson was chairman, made the following report to the town, the recommen- dations of which were adopted by the meeting. EEPORT ON HIGH SCHOOLS. 443 'The committee to wliom was referred the subject relative to a High School in Newton have attended to the same and report, — That the law requires every town having four thousand inhabitants to establisli such a school for the benefit of all the inhabitants, to be taught by a Miistor competent to instruct in the Latin and Greek languages ; and to be kept, at least ten months in a year, in such place or places in the town as the inliabitants shall at their annual meeting determine. The penalty for neglecting compliance with this law is a sum equal to twice the Iiighest sum which has ever before been voted for the support of schools in tlie town, to be paid into the County Treasury, — one-fourth of which siiall be for the use of the county; the remaining three-fourths, for school purposes in the town. The highest appropriation in the town is four thousand five hundred dol- lars. The town therefore is now liable to a fine of nine thousand dollars, — one-fourth of which, amounting to two thousand two hundred and fifty dol- lars, would be a total loss to the town. Your committee are unanimous in the opinion that the town must, in some •way, conform to the requirements of this law. Located as our inhabitants are, there is no place where such a school can bo established, and be of any value to more than one-fourth or one-fifth part of said inhabitants. Your committee cannot therefore recommend the building of a school- house and the establishment of such a school at this time. They find, how- ever, upon inquiry, that Mr. Weld has established an Academy in Auburn- dale, in which all the branches required by tlie law for a High School are taught ; and that Mr. Moses Burbank has established a similar school in Newton Centre ; and that these teachers will admit into their schools all who wish to pursue such studies for five months in each year, upon the payment by the town of twelve dollars, — or twenty-four dollars for ten months for each scholar. This would be of but little or no value to any other part of the town, except those two villages ; but as it would accommodate a greater number than the establishment of one school in any part of the town, and as it will be a conformity to the law, your committee recommend that such an arrangement be made with those gentlemen by the School Committee alter- nately, commencing with Mr. Burbank and continuing with him ten months, unless the law imposing tiiis obligation upon the town shall be repealed. Your committee further recommend that an application be made to the Legislature at their next session for a repeal of this law, so far as it applies to the town of Newton. William Jackson, "| Lemuel Crehore, -, Jo&EPii L. Partridge, f <^^^'«^'^^^- Marshall S. Rice, J It was aftei'wavds ascertained that the town was not liable, under the law touehuig High School teaching, and the vote mak- ing the above provision was reconsidered. 444 HISTORY OF NEWTON. But the march of progress in intellectual culture was not to be arrested. The public mind had been turned in the direction of a higher education, and tlie current could not be staj^ed. Notwith- standing the failure of the action of December 31, 1849, to accom- plish any valuable results, a more important movement was soon to take place. In the warrant for the town meeting of March 1, 1852, six successive articles had reference to the interests of the schools ; and at the meeting held on that date, these six articles were referred to a Committee of Eighteen, to consider and report at the adjournment. The action that followed is so important to the interests of education in the town of Newton that we give their names. Rev. Barnas Sears, D. D., Hon. William Jackson, Hon. Ebenezer Bradbury, Rev. Lyman Gilbert, Seth Davis, Isaac Hagar, Hon. J. Wiley Edmands, George W. Keyes, John Ward, Dr. Henry Bigelow, Joseph L. Ellis, James L. Harrastead, T. H. Carter, Jonathan Avery, Dr. A. D. Dearborn, Lemuel Creliore, John W. Harbach, Hon. David H. Mason. The report of this committee was read at an adjourned meeting, March 15th, by Dr. Sears, the Chairman of the committee and Secre- tary of the Massachusetts Board of Education, and accepted by the town. And then the town voted that the School Districts of this town be and hereby are abolished. This was a most important step. A hundred and flfty years had passed away since the town voted " to build a school-house as soon as they can." A century and a quarter had elapsed, since they divided the town into three districts (in 1723), the east, the south and the west. The districts had gradually increased in number, in population, in wealth, in intelligence and in efficiency, till from three in umiiber they had become eleven, and the salary' of eight shillings a week, voted to John Staples, — being two shil- lings a day for four days in the week, — had changed to an appro- priation of five thousand dollars a year. In November, 1850, the town passed a vote authorizing the School Committee to furnish the teacher's desk in each school with one copy of each text-book required by them to be used in the school. HIGH SCHOOL STUDIES. 445 At the last census of the districts, made in 1850, with reference to the distribution of the school appropriations, the table stood as follows : DISI'KICT. CHILDREN CNDER 5 YEARS. CHILUREN FROM 5 TO 15. TOTAL. AMOU>'T OF APPROPRIATION. No. 1 36 81 117 $350 2 27 51 78 300 3 15 43 58 280 4 51 77 128 490 5 103 157 260 700 6 43 81 124 500 7 104 161 265 765 9 43 55 98 325 10 125 237 362 950 11 26 60 86 340 573 1,003 1,576 $5,000 The committee, whose report led to the important resolution to abolish the district, and to inaugurate the graded, system of schools, were appointed to ascertain what new buildings or repairs may be necessary for the Grammar and Primary schools to be substituted for the District schools, and to report plans of the new school- houses to be erected, with estimates of the expense of the same. That committee, on the 29th of March, 1852, reported, — That they find it essential to the establishment of the system of graded schools that provision should be made for the accommodation of two gram- mar schools, one at Newton Centre, and one for the grammar school for the [late] ninth and eleventh districts. Your committee, in view of the rapidly increasing population of the town, and consequent growing demand for school-houses, consider the erection of one story school-houses as injudicious and unprofitable. They therefore recommend the erection of two school- houses, each two stories high, sufficiently large to accommodate a grammar school upon one floor. The same committee immediately afterwards submitted the fol- lowing report : The committee to whom was referred the article in the warning for the Annual Meeting relative to High Scliools, beg leave to report, — That they have considered that subject no less in reference to the educa- tional wants of the town, than to its legal obligations. By the 5th Sect. 23d Chap. Rev. Stat., towns of 4,000 inhabitants are required to maintain a school for the higher English branches and classic 446 HISTORY OF NEWTON. studies for a term of not less than ten months : That these higher studies nec- essarily exclude from the school the common studies is not to be inferred either from the terms of the law, or the uniform practice of towns subject to its requirements. But in these towns, when divided into school districts, with schools kept for short terms, the addition of High School studies in any number of them would not answer the demand of the law. And in many towns of large territorial extent, subject to the section of the law referred to, the distance of travel to any one point has long been deemed an onerous requirement. Several towns so situated, including Newton, have at different times petitioned the Legislature to be released from the obligation to main- tain High School instruction. To remedy the evils complained of by these towns, the Legislature passed an act in 1848, permitting towns in which High School instruction is required, but containing less than 8,000 inhabitants, to establish in said districts, as the School Committee may determine, two or more schools for short terms, but which, taken together, shall be equal to twelve months. It is therefore manifestly competent for the town to establish one school embracing High School studies for a term of ten months, or a larger number of schools liaving such studies for an aggregate period of twelve months, and to embrace within these schools the eommon studies usually assigned to Grammar Schools. The question whether more schools than one shall be provided with teachers competent to instruct in these higher studies, properly belongs to the town;: the question of their location is, by the law of 1848, assigned to the School Committee. In view of the increased expenditures demanded for material accommodations and increased instruction, by the adoption of a system of graded schools, your committee do not deem it expedient, at present, for the town to establish a separate, exclusive High School, in addition to the schools recommended by your committee. But in view of the ability of the town, and its position, surrounded by superior facilities for public school educa- tion, your committee deem it no less promotive of its material interests than of its highest intellectual and moral welfare, that its public schools should furnish the means of full preparation for a complete education to every pupil within its limits desirous to enjoy them. With these views, your committee recommend that the School Committee be authorized to employ one or more instructors qualified to instruct in all the- studies required by law to be established by the town. The report was adopted, the appropriation for the support of the schools was raised to $6,000 and a vote passed to build two new school-houses, at an expense not exceeding $8,500, for the houses and land for the same. The school-houses, thus provided for, were immediatel}'^ erected, one at Newton Centre, the other at Newton ville. The committee determined to estabhsh the first High School at Newton Centre, and built the house with reference to that end. Mr. John W. HIGH SCHOOL. GEADUATES OF THE HIGH SCHOOL. 447 I Hunt, formerh' teacher at Plymouth, Mass., was the first in- structor. The arrangement proved to be a success. The school was opened under the best auspices, and carried forward with enthusi- asm. Many of its earliest pupils attained a high rank in scholar- shix), intelligence and culture. Some of them passed to the Uni- '^ersities, and have become men of distincton. The plan, however, was only a stepping-stone to something better. And in 1859, a resolution was adopted at the town meet- iug, March 7, recommending the establishment of a pure High School, to be located at Newtonville, " on a lot of land next to the entrance to Mr. Claflin's ground on Walnut Street." The school was established, with much want of agreement upon its expediency', and the committee of that day speak of it as " an 'ixperiment, which they will continue to watch anxiously 3^et hope- full}', leaving the results to speak for themselves." It commenced with sevent3'-five pupils, all of whom were over fifteen j'ears of age, under the instruction of two teachers. It at once engaged lAie interest and pride of the community, and through its whole career has justified its reputation, as a school furnished with all the means and appliances of tlie highest English and classical educa- tion recognized in our common-school system. Within ten years the school building, supposed at first sufficient to provide amplj- for the wants of the far future, was greatly enlarged. The force of teachers was doubled, and the pupils numbered uearlj'one hun- dred and fiftj'. The course of study was much amplified, and the facilities afibrded in this institution for a thorough education were unexcelled b}'' an}' similar school in the State. The number of pupils who graduated at the High School from Its foundation till 1873, when Newton became a city, is as follows : YEAK. BOYS. GIKLS. TOTAL. YEAB. BOYS. GIRLS. TOTAL. 18G1 4 4 1868 2 7 9 18f)2 1 5 6 1869 4 8 12 1863 2 1 3 1870 4 11 15 1804 5 2 7 1871 4 4 8 18G5 3 3 6 1872 7 5 12 1806 9 9 1873 11 7 18 1867 2 3 5 448 HISTORY OF NEWTON. GRADUATES FROM A THRKE YEARS' COURSE. YBAll. BOYS. GIRLS. TOTAL. YEAR, BOYS. GIELS. TOTAL. 1873 12 8 20 1876 17 25 42 1874 11 12 23 1877 2.5 26 51 1875 21 2G 47 1878 25 11 36 A training-school was established in 1872 to fit teachers for their work, designed for those only who had graduated from the High School, or had had an equivalent course of training elsewhere. To add to the facilities of art education, a collection of casts, models and flat examples were procured from England, and ar- ranged in the new art-rooms at the High School. " This collection is pronounced by the State Supervisor of Art to be unsurpassed by any collection in the State. It is a most liberal provision for culture in a useful and refining art. Its value to the pupils of the High School, — as in the years to come they shall have been pre- pared, by long training, for a right use and appreciation of it, — will be incalculable. It will serve not only to promote a knowl- edge of drawing as a utilitarian art, but will contribute to that iBsthetic culture, which is essential to a symmetrical development. It reveals something of the poetry of architecture, in its models of Greek, Roman, Saracenic and Gothic ornamentation. It will also, if rightly used, awaken an interest in classic art. The care- ful study of models of the highest types of the Greek conception of the beautiful, as embodied in works of art, will not fail to cre- ate an interest in the subject, and an appreciation of it. The use of this collection, and instruction in both model and industrial drawing in all its branches, is free to all citizens of the town. " It may not be deemed unworthy of mention, that the schools of the town of Newton at the World's Exposition at Vienna, were represented by photographs of the principal school-houses, a large and carefuU}' prepared chart, showing details of the school S3^stem of Newton, population, appropriations for education, etc., and a series of Newton School Reports ; and this representation won recognition from the government of the Exhibition, and the award to the town of Newton of a Diploma of Merit. " The books of exhibit of the work of Newton schools placed in the Paris Exposition were also deposited, at the request of the Paris Educational authorities, in the Paris Museum." SCHOOL-HOUSE PROPERTY. 449 From the Annual Report of 1873, the last 3'ear of the town government, Newton had seventeen school-houses, nine halls, fif- ty-nine school-rooms occupied and thirteen unoccupied, three thousand one hundred and eight3'-four sittings for pupils, six male teachers, sixty-three female teachers, five teachers in special de- partments, total seventy-four. The school appropriation of March 3, 1873, was $73,000. The dog-tax of the year, $600, was also made to do duty as an addition to the educational resources of the town. SCHOOL-HOUSE PROPERTY IN NEWTON. The City Auditor's Report for 1877 gives the following estimate of the value of School-house property in Newton at that date : $60,000.00 60,000.00 20,700.00 32,000.00 7,500.00 13,000.00 30,000.00 28,500.00 32,000.00 • 13,000.00 16,000.00 33,000.00 22,500.00 34,500.00 25,300.00 6,000.00 15,000.00 6,000.00 $445,000.00 29 1. High School Buildings, furniture and land. 2. Mason School-house, (( (( 3. Hyde (( << (< 4. Prospect u (( (( 5. Prospect <( No. 2, <( (( 6. Oak Hill u i( (( 7. Hamilton (( (i (( 8. Williams (I (( <( 9. Pierce (( (( i< 10. Davis (( (( <{ 11. Franklin (( (( « 12. Claflin (( <( « 13. Adams <( <( « 14. Bigelow (( « (( 15. Underwood u (C <( 16. Lincoln (( <( tt 17. Jackson (( (« it School Apparati 18, CHAPTER XXXV. WEST NEWTOX. NEW MEETING-HOUSE, REV. MR. GILBERT. — REV. MR. DRUMMOND. REV. GEORGE B. LITTLE. REV. H. J. PATRICK. SABBATH SCHOOL. STATISTICS. BAPTIST CHURCH, UNITARIAN CHURCH. MYRTLE BAPTIST CHURCH. The earlier events in the history of the west pai't of the town have been surveyed in a previous chapter. (See pages 250-258.) Mr. Gilbert had been ordained colleague pastor with the Rev. Mr. Greenough. In the year 1831, — the year of Mr. Greenough's decease, and not long after the ordination of Mr. Gilbert, — the church edifice was a second time remodelled, the galleries being removed, the square pews giving place to slips, and various other improvements being introduced. During the following year a vestrj^ was com- pleted in the basement of the meeting-house, and six years after- wards, in 1838, additional alterations and improvements were made in the house itself. On the 26th of March, 1848, public worship was held for the last time in the old meeting-house, and the edifice was sold to the town. It continued to be used as a town hall and school building ; and, with alterations, enlargements and improvements, when Newton became a cit}', it was trans- formed into the City Hall. The second church edifice was dedicated March 29, 1848. The cost was about $13,000. The sermon at the dedication was by Rev. Mr. Gilbert, from Acts XXVIII: 22, "But we desire to hear of thee what thou thinkest ; for as concerning this sect, we know that everywhere it is spoken against." The sermon svas printed. The building received extensive repairs in 1870, and was re-dedicated in September of that year, the dedication sermon being preached by the pastor, Rev. H. J. Patrick, from Ezra VII : 27, "Blessed be the Lord God of our fathers, which hath put 450 EEV. LYMAN GILBERT. 451 such a thing as this in the king's heart, to beautify the house of the Lord which is in Jerusalem." After the decease of Mr. Greenough, Mr. Gilbert remained sole pastor. He was still a 3"oung man. He had enjoyed the advan- tage of intercourse with his aged predecessor for more than three years. The experience of such a man must have been very valu- able to him. During all that period he had been growing into liis methods, and by daily communion he imbibed his spirit. The mantle of the ascended Elijah rested on Elisha. The first pastor, in his work of half a centurv, had impressed his likeness on the church and society. The second was now to. carry forward towards perfection that which had been so well begun. And, by patient and perservering toil, bj' watching every oppor- tunit}^ of doing good, and living for the highest welfare of his people, he was the honored instrument of preparing the field for the, not more efficient, but more encouraging, efforts of those who were to come after him. The village had not yet started in that race of vigorous improvement which afterwards characterized it. But the daj' of its growth was at hand, and the seed, soon spring- ing up, has had a most prosperous growth. Rev. Lyman Gilbert was born in Brandon, Vt., June 13, 1798. Both his grandfather and his father were connected with the army of the Revolution. The former, Luke Gilbert, fills a soldier's grave in Ticonderoga. The latter, Elam Gilbert, after the war^ removed to Marlborough, Vt., and then to Brandon. In 1818, Ljman Gilbert became a member of the church in Middlebury, Vt., and was soon advised to study with reference to the ministry. In about eighteen months from the time he began the Latin Gram- mar, he entered Middlebur}- College, where he graduated in 1825, with the highest honors. The same year he entered the Theologi- cal Seminary at Andover, at Mie same time taking upon himself for one quarter, the duties of usher in Phillips Academy. Amono- his pupils here were Horatio B. Hackett, Ray Palmer and Jona- than F. Stearns, all of whom have ht.] 5 places of distinguished honor. Not long after the completion of his studies in Andover, he visited Newton, and was warmh' receivea by the people and by the aged pastor, Rev. Mr. Greenough. Aftei he had preached :)ne Sabbath, Mr. Greenough, perceiving the impressVn his labors lad produced, said to hira, "If you have made up youi ?j)'nd that you will not settle in a small parish, the sooner you are out cf 452 HISTORY OF NEWTON. town, the better it will be for us." Mr. Gilbert replied that he had " no such will about it, but was at the disposal of Providence." The parish proper at that time contained about forty families, and the church, about fifty members. The population was small, with no immediate prospect of essential increase. "The church edifice was an old-fashioned structure, small, but lighted with fift}' windows, no blinds, square pews and swing seats, with no great waste of paint, outside or in." Mr. Gilbert received a unanimous and earnest call from the people to settle as colleague pastor ; and was ordained July 2, 1828. In 1831 there was a season of special religious interest in West Newton, in connection with a " four-days' meeting," and many were admitted to the church. Mr. Gilbert took a prominent stand as an early advocate of tem- perance, as well as of education. He was a member of the School Committee of the town, more than twentj^ 3'ears. In Januar}', 1829, he delivered an anniversary address on Temperance, which was well received, and afterwards published by request. As ah-eady stated, the Society of which he was pastor, in process of time outgrew its old home, and the progress of the village justi- fied the erection of a new church edifice in 1848, in which Mr. Gilbert continued, for seven years longer, to preach to a loving and confiding people ; and, in return for their love and confidence, he In'ought all his talents to promote the welfare of the little flock. It is said that, on one occasion, he made his earl}' skill in the use of carpenter's tools available for their edification, b}'' presenting, in connection with a lecture prepared for them on Solomon's Tem- ple, a complete model of that famous structure, made with refer- ence to an accurate measurement of dimensions and proportions, the work of his own hands. As long as the aged pastor lived, the two shepherds labored to- gether and fed the flock in blessed concord. Mr. Gilbert testifies that " his venerable colleague and himself lived together in all har- mony, mutual confidence and love, to the end of their earthly con- nection." And when Mr. Gilbert came to be sole pastor, the love of the people to whom he had given himself in his youth and to whom he had consecrated his manhood, when he felt it his dut}' to resign his charge, made it hard to sever the tie. Mr. Gilbert received the degree of Doctor of Divinitj^ from Middlebury College, in 1850. KEY. GEORGE B. LITTLE. • 453 Mr. Gilbert remaiued pastor of the chui-cli till Januar}'- 2, 1856, tweuty-six years and six months. His long period of faithful and unwearied service was an efficient means of building up the church and society. On the day of the dissolution of Mr. Gilbert's pastoral relations, and by the same Council, Mr. Joseph Payson Drummond was or- dained as his successor, January' 2, 1856. But in April, 1857, he was compelled b}' impaired health to retire from active service. His formal resignation, having been held under consideration sev- eral months, was accepted, and his connection with the Society was dissolved November 12, 1857, having continued a year and ten months. His life-work was ended, and the tired laborer rested on his sheaves at noon. He died at Bristol, Me., November 23, aged thirtj'-three. He was a native of Maine, graduated at Bow- doin College, 1843, and Andover Theological Seminary, 1853. The fourth pastor was the Rev. George Barker Little, of Ban- gor, Maine, who was installed November 12, 1857; the installa tion sermon was b}* Rev. Prof. Phelps, of the Andover Seminary. But his health failed, and in February, 1860, Mr. Little tendered his resignation, hoping to find relief and restoration from a visit to Europe. The resignation, being not accepted by the church and society, was withdrawn, and leave of absence having been granted in accordance with the wishes of his people, Mr. Little sailed for Europe in the following March. His rapid decline, however, made his speedy return necessary, after an absence of only two months. He tendered his resignation a second time June 21. But so evi- dent was it that his life was rapidly fading away, that the church took no action concerning it. The Great Shepherd was about to dismiss him from earthly toils, and to fold him in peace. He died in Roxbury, Mass., July 20, 1860, aged thirty-eight years, having been pastor here two years and eight months. Mr. Little was dis- tinguished by his culture and his pulpit talents. He graduated at Bowdoin College in 1843 and at the Andover Theological Seminary in 1849, and was ordained in Bangor, Me., October 12, 1849, where he was pastor from 1849 to 1857, and then removed to West Newton. The fifth pastor was Rev. Henry Johnson Patrick, of Bedford, where he was ordained November 16, 1854, and served as pastor till his removal to "West Newton, whore he was installed September 26, 1860. The sermon was by Rev. Prof. Phelps, of Andover 454 HISTORY OF NEWTON. Seminary ; charge by Rev. R. T. Robinsou, of Winchester ; hand of fellowship by Rev. J. M. Manning, of the Old South church, Boston ; address to the people by Rev. J. W. "VYellman, of the Eliot church, Newton. In 1863 the church received a generous bequest from the estate of Miss Sarah Baxter, one of its members, of five thousand dol- lars, on condition that it be increased to eight thousand, — the whole to be used in providing a parsonage, for the use of the pas- tor and his successors forever. The condition was fulfilled, and a parsonage erected in 18GG, which was dedicated for the purposes of its erection in the spring of 18G7. In 1870 the church edifice, as above stated, was repaired at an expense of upwards of three thousand dollars. The organ, for- merly in the gallery, was I'emoved to a recess constructed for it at the side of the pulpit, and a new pulpit took the place of the for- mer one. There were seasons of special religious interest, as the Church Roll indicates, in 1781-2, 1810-11, 1817, 1826-7, 1831-2, 1851- 2, 1856-7, 1865-8, 1871-2 and 1877. PASTORS. OKDAIN'ED DIED OK OR INSTALLED. DISMISSED. Rev. William Greenough, o. Nov. 8, 1781, died Nov. 10, 1831. Rev. Lyman Gilbert, o. July 2, 1828, dis. Jan. 2, 1856. Rev. Joseph P. Drummond, o. Jan. 2, 1856, dis. Nov. 12, 1857. Rev. George B. Little, i. Nov. 12, 1857, died July 20, 1860. Rev. Henry J. Patrick, i. Sept. 2G, ISGO. DEACONS. ELECTED. DECEASED. EESIGNED. Joseph "Ward, Dec. 21, 1781 Dec. 23, 1784 Joseph Jackson, Dec. 30, 1781 Aug. 9, 1803 Enoch Ward, Jan. 18, 1789 Oct. 13, 1789 Joseph Fuller, Mar. 18,1793 Oct. 27,1811 Thomas Eustis, jr., Feb. 17, 18U0 Apr. 27, 1806 Joseph Adams, ])e<^. 22, 180r> April, 1813 Beniauiiu Fuller, Oct. 31, 1817 July 6,1828 Joel Fuller, Oct. 31, 1817 Dec. 17, 1848 Joseph Stone, Jan. 17, 1845 July 2,1852 Samuel Warren, Feb. 11,1845 July 29, 1852 Orin F. AVoodford, Dec. 8, 1852 Mar. 14, 1856 Joseph W. Stone, Jan. 5, 1853 Spjnuel F. Dix, Nov. 12, 1856 May 25, 1876 Julius L. Clarke, Jan. 17, 18G8 Lemuel E. Caswell, Jan. 17, 1868 Jan. 18, 1871 Joseph B. Whitmore, Feb. 3, 1871 Harlan P. Barber, Sept. 2, 1876 WEST NEWTON SABBATH SCHOOL. 455 CLERKS. "Rev. 'William Oreenough, Kev. Lyman Gilbert, Henry "L. Whiting, Samuel F. Dix, Julius L. Clarke. TREASUEEES. Joseph Jackson, Joseph Fuller, Nathan Fuller, Joel Fuller, Samuel Warren, Orin F. Woodford, Joseph AV. Stone, Samuel F. Dix. SABBATH SCHOOL OF THE SECOND CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. The two persons most prominent in the commencement of the Sabbath School work in connection with the Congregational church at West Newton were Joseph Jackson and Joel Fuller. They, with others, gathered the first Sabbath School in West Newton in the school-house then located on Waltham Street, nearly opposite the present Davis school-house. The house itself afterwards became part of the store occupied b}^ Mr. John Mead. The loug benches of the old school-house were well filled. The school numbered from twenty to forty. Mr. Joseph Jackson, then the teacher of one of the public schools, was the first Superintendent. It was the cus- tom for the school to meet in the morning before public service. At the close of the session, a procession was formed, and two by two the classes, preceded by their teachers, marched to the church. Question books were not then in use ; but the exercises consisted in the recitation of Scripture and hymns. Whole chapters were repeated, and the longest of Watts' hymns. The following remi- niscences of the school are taken from a historical sermon by the Rev. H. J. Patrick. The school was at first held only in the summer; and at the close of the season, before dispersing, there was a kind of exhibition, and prizes in the form of books were awarded to those who had recited the greatest number of verses. A Testament, given the second year, is kept by one of the present members of the church, with the date 1820 upon it. When Question Books were introduced, the first one xised was Cummings' Questions. In a few years the school was held through the winter, Deacon Joel Fuller remarking in his characteristic way, as he l)rought his bundle of firewood, — " tiiat what was good for summer was good for winter," proposing henceforth to hold the school through the year. At this time, the Sabbath School was removed from the school-house to the church. So far as can be ascertained, the school followed, in tiie order of time, the example of other schools, in the institution of a library, the observance of the concert, and the introduction of a system of benevolence. In October, 1838, the preliminary meeting was held in the vestry of the church at West Newton, which resulted in the formation of the Newton Sun- day School Union, an institution which has done much to deepen the Sabbath School interest in the town. Deacon .Joel Fuller was the representative of the West Newton School at that meeting. 456 HISTORY OF NEWTON. In 1854, there were thirteen classes, thirteen teachers, and ninety scholars and a library of 300 volumes. In 1855, the first contribution is reported of twenty dollars to the Indians of Western New York. In 1869, there were thirty-one classes, thirty-three officers and teachers, three hundred and three scholars, a library of 847 volumes ; a quarterly contribution of $57, and a yearly contribution of ^300. The benevolence of the school at West Newton steadily increased. One of its members. Miss Hattie S. Clark [Mrs. L. E. Caswell], went out as Missionary to the Indians of AYcstern New York, exciting an interest in that mission, and prompting many donations in that direction. Latterly, more was done for the Ereedmen, two teachers having been supported by the congregation and the school one year — Miss Jennie Barbour and Miss Hattie Twoguns — both in Georgia. Several seasons of special religious interest have been enjoyed in the school. Deacon Joel EuUer was the Superintendent for twenty years, and his devo- tion to the school, his unwearied interest, and his fervent prayers, are fresh in the memory of all who knew him. Mr. Samuel A. Danforth was Superintendent for five years, and during his Superintendency there were more conversions than at any other time dur- ing the half century. His successor. Rev. Charles Rich, who was Superin- tendent for one year, is remembered as a man peculiarly adapted to interest the young in his addresses, and clothe the Bible narratives with the most vivid reality. The name of Joseph S. Clark, D. D., will start a multitude of memories connected with the corner of the vestry, where for years he had a Bible Class of middle-aged men. His counsel and wisdom were invaluable. An opposite corner of the vestry brings to mind a devoted teacher, Miss Hannah S. Richmond, who for many years kept a large class of young ladies bound to her by her personal interest in their welfare, and with few excep- tions led them to Christ. The remembrance of the little voices which came from the small vestry in their infant songs, calls back to us the form of another teacher, Miss Sarah M. Pearson. In the fiftieth year, another teacher, Mr. Charles Stone, long connected with the school, and ever faithful, was called to his heavenly reward. His name suggests the memory of two sisters, who were once found in their places in the Sabbath School, remembered for their faithfulness, all children of the senior Deacon Joseph Stone. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, WEST NEYTTON. A preliminary meeting of several members of Baptist churches residing in Newtonville and vicinity was held in Tremont Hall, Newtonville, October 23, 1853, for the purpose of consulting in regard to the formation of a fom'th Baptist church within the limits of the town of Newton, and the first church of any denomina- tion in Newtonville. Rev. Joseph M. Graves was chairman. BAPTIST CHURCH, WEST NEWTON. 457 Another meeting was held December 12, 1853, when the follow- ing action was adopted unanimously : Whereas the undersigned are members in good standing in Baptist churches, and with other friends have sustained public worship in this place since the first of February, and whereas we believe that a regularly organ- ized church of our Lord and Saviour is demanded and would be sustained in this village, and having obtained letters of dismission and recommendation for this purpose, we do now resolve ourselves into a church to be known as the First Baptist church in Newtonville, — relying upon the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ to build us up in our most holy fiiith. To this action the following names were signed, and these per- sons were the constituent members of the church : Isaac S. French, David C. Sanger, Daniel Sanger, William Walker, Mrs. Anna Winch, Lucinda B. French, Mrs. Sarah Doggctt, Miss Caroline E. Burdett, Sarah J. Sanger, Charlotte Sanger, Susan Walker, Miss Susan V. Winch, Mrs. Emeline Webb, Miss Eliza Field, Mrs. Lucinda F. Abbott, Mrs. Lucy Packer. Articles of Faith and Covenant similar to those of all regular Baptist churches were adopted. David C. Sanger was chosen Clerk, and Isaac S. French, Dea- con and Treasurer. January 28, 1851, Rev. B. A. Edwards was elected Pastor. The public recognition of the church by appropriate exercises took place in Tremont Hall, Newtonville, April 20. A church edifice of brick was commenced near the Depot, but befoi-e it was completed, the contributions being insufficient to meet the expense incurred, the building was sold, and afterwards finished by the first Methodist Society in Newtonville. Rev. Mr. Edwards resigned the pastorate August 1, 1856. Rev. Mr. Graves, who had been with the church at the beginning, returned, and labored till failure of health foi'ced him to resign. After a temporary suspension of public services, a meeting of the members was held June 5, 1866, at which the following vote was passed : Voted, that we hereafter hold our meetings at West Newton, and that we- adopt the name of the First Baptist church of West Newton. 458 HISTORY OF NEWTON. A new spirit of enterprise was infused into the meetings, in this new location. Meetings were held in " Village Hall," till the meeting-house was erected at Lincoln Park, and dedicated in August, 1871. PASTORS. B. A. Edwards, Jan. 28, 1851. U. S. James, D. D., May 5, 1869. R. H. Bowles, Nov. 13, 1866. William Lisle, Nov. 14, 1870. T. B. Holland, June 1, 1875. DEACONS. Isaac S. Prench, Timothy Estes, L. E. Leland, D. C. Sanger, N. C. Pike. FIRST UNITARIAN SOCIETY, WEST NEWTON. The first meetings for public worship held by the members of the Unitarian denomination in Newton took place in the summer of 1844. The services were held in the hall of the hotel, West Newton. In August, however, thej' were discontinued, but re\ived again in the year 1847. The first minister engaged for an)^ length of time was Rev. Arthur Buckminster Fuller, who was in service three months in 1847-8. He graduated at Harvard Universit}' in 1843, and was killed in the war, 1862. In the autumn of 1848, Rev. WiUiam Orne White, of Salem, accepted an invitation to preach one year, and was ordained November 22, 1848. A church was organized, and the first communion service was held January 7, 1849. After a pastorate of about two years, Mr. White resigned his charge, and became pastor of the Unitarian church in Keene, N. H., where he was pastor twenty-eight j^ears. The church organ- ized during Mr. White's pastorate adopted in substance the cove- nant used originally by the First church in Boston. At that time the Normal School was located at West Newton, in charge of Rev. Cyrus Pierce. Mr. William Parker, the energetic Superintendent of the Boston and Worcester Railroad, was the life and soul of the movement to establish the society. Hon. Horace Mann was a gen- erous supporter of the parish, and a faithful attendant on its worship, in the periods of respite from his Congressional duties. A few hear- ers came from other villages in Newton. Mr. White was an ardent promoter of every plan that promised to advance the social, intellect- ual or religious improvement of the village. During his ministry PIKST UNITARIAN CHURCH, WEST NEWTON. MYETLE BAPTIST CHUECH. 459 a Geological Club was formed, which studied a text-book, and met from house to house. The West Newtou Athenaeum or Librar}- was founded about the same time. Its meetings were held weekh*, and the time was spent in informal talks, reviews of books, and occasional lectures on important topics. In May, 1851, Rev. W. D. Knapp became pastor, remaining till 1853. The next year, Rev. Charles Edward Hodges was engaged to preach on Sabbath afternoons, preaching in the fore- noons in Watertown. This arrangement continued only one year. Mr. Hodges graduated at Harvard University in 1847, and died 1870. After this for two j'cars, the pulpit was supphed by Rev. Washington Gilbert, who graduated at Williams College in 1826, and died 1874. He was succeeded by Rev. Joseph Henry Allen, also for two years, tfntil 1860 the Society held their services in Village Hall. But the time of greater strength having come, it was voted to build a meeting-house, which was done in 1860, and the edifice was dedicated November 14, 1860. Prayer of dedica- tion by Rev. E. J. Young, of Newton. The first pastor after the completion of the meeting-house was Rev. WiUiam Henry Savary, a graduate of Yale College, who remained three years. October 16, 1864, Rev. John C. Zachos was ordained, who resigned in 1866, and was followed by Rev. Francis Tiffany, the present pastor. The meeting-house, built in 1860, was enlarged in 1867, so as to contain eight}' pews. It was again enlarged by the addition of a commodious parlor and tower in 1879-80. MYRTLE BAPTIST CHURCH, WEST NEWTON. The Myrtle Baptist church (colored) was organized in September, 1874, with twenty members, of whom the following, constituent members, were dismissed from the First Baptist church in West Newton : Thomas Johnson, Martha Johnson, Lyman Hicks, Elizabeth Hicks, Sarah Simms, Henrietta Rose, Jane Brewer, Henry Jones. Meetings had been held eight months previously in the house of Mr. Thomas Johnson. 460 HISTORY OF NEWTON. Rev. Edmund Kelley, formerly of New Bedford, was elected pastor for one year, and a chapel was built, and dedicated in June, 1875. Deacons, Thomas Johnson, Samuel Scott. After the resignation of Mr. Kelley, the pulpit was suppUed mainly by students of the Newton Theological Institution, under whose labors the church was prospered. In 1877, seventeen were admitted to the church by baptism. Characterized by vigor and enthusiasm, the church, though small, fills an important sphere, and does its part well as a valuable helper in the cause of morality and religion. CHAPTER XXXVI. NEWTON UPPER FALLS. FACTORIES. COTTON MACHINERY. "religious SOCIETY." UNIVERSALIST SOCIETY. SECOND BAP- TIST CHURCH. — METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. ST. MARY'S (catholic) CHUKCH. NEWTON LOWER FALLS. — ST. MARY's (episcopal) church. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. In chapter XXII, pages 259-272, we have surveyed the earlier history of Newton Upper and Lower Falls. The narrative is here resumed. NEWTON UPPER FALLS. The first dwelling-house in the lower village of the Upper Falls was built about the year 1800, to accommodate the workmen at the iron works, then just established. It is still standing (1880). The owners of this property, before it was incorporated, were Rufus Ellis, David Elhs, Jonathan Chapman, Jonathan Mason, Benjamin Guild, George Tieknor and William P. Mason, all of Boston. The building of a cotton factory on the Needham side of the river was commenced in 1813. A portion of the timber used in the construction was purchased in Boston at auction, — this timber having been taken as a prize at sea, during the war of 1812, and carried into Boston for sale. One of these timbers, forming the east sill of the factory- , is still in A'cry good preservation, although two buildings have been burned over it. The "Newton Factories" were incorporated June 14, 1823. At this time the business was the rolling and slitting of bar-iron, and the manufacture of cut-nails and cotton cloth. Rufus Ellis was the Treasurer. It appears by deeds that Jonathan Bixb}^ was the owner of the lands surrounding the mill privilege, as the last deed of his con- veyed a piece of land with a saw-mill thereon, near the nail fac- tory. 4G1 4G2 HISTORY OF NEWTON. The cotton factory was burned May 8, 1850. In 1853, the building used for half a century for a nail factory was altered into a paper-mill. This business is still carried on itt a new building, erected on the site of the old one, which was pulled down. A few years after the Newton Factories became a corporation, — or about 1829, — a hotel was built and owned by Rufus Ellis, which he afterwards convej'ed to the Newton Factories. This was kept as a hotel twenty years. It afterwards became a boarding- house, and finally a private residence. In 1846 the Newton Factories tendered a resignation of their charter, and the property passed into the possession of David Ellis, Esq. Rufus ElUs was born at West Dedham, March 13, 1777, and died in Newton, July 2, 1859, aged eighty-two. David Ellis was born at West Dedham, June 21, 1765, and died in Newton, November 24, 1846, aged eighty-one. The Worcester Turnpike, now called Boylston Street, passes through the southern and eastern part of Newton in a straight line, extending from the border line at Brookline to the Charles River at Newton Upper Falls. This turnpike road was chartered March 7, 1806. The petitioners for the charter were Aaron Davis, Luther Richardson, Samuel Wells, Charles Davis and William H. Sumner, all of Boston.' The first meeting of the corporators was- held October 30, 1806, at Concert Hall, in Boston, east corner of Court and Hanover Streets. The stock consisted of six hundred shares of the par value of $250 each, — a small amount of money to build forty miles of road. The road was constructed through Newton in 1808. Of the six hundred shares, only sixteen were subscribed for by residents of Newton. The road paid but few dividends, never six per cent., and finally the whole capital invested was totallj' lost to the stock- holders. In 1833 the proprietors succeeded in giving away that part of the road which passed thi'ough Newton, — • the county com- missioners laying it out as a public highway. In 1841, the pro- prietors tendered to the Legislature a resignation of their charter, which was accepted, and this was the conclusion of the unfortunate enterprise. Otis Pettee, Esq., furnishes the following account of the manu- facture of machinery for the supply of cotton factories at Newton BUILDING COTTON MACHINERY. 463 Upper Falls. This branch of business has made the village very widely known, as an influential factor in the enterprise of this con- tinent. About the year 1825, Mr. Itharaer Whiting, a native of Dover, Mass., left his home to seek his fortunes in the gold and silver mines of Mexico. After leading a miner's life for ten \'ears or more, he engaged in pioneer work for introducing the manufacture of cotton in that country. At the end of about a year's effort, he succeeded in making arrangements with Messrs. Barron, Forbes & Co., — merchants in the city of Tepic, near the western coast of the Republic, — to embark in the enterprise. In the spring of 1837, they sent Mr. Whiting home to New England to procure the necessary machinery and fixtures for a cotton factory of suflScient capac- ity to produce about seven hundred and fifty yards of sheetings per day. After thoroughly canvassing the country, Mr. AVhiting finally gave the order to the'*late Mr. Otis Pettee, sen., cotton-machine builder in tliis village. The contract simply called for machinery to produce seven hundred and fifty yards of coarse sheetings per day, — including all the necessary fixtures for the buildings, etc., water wheel and mill work, doors, window frames and sasheS: glass, etc., and all small tools necessary to operate and repair the machinery. Workmen skilled in the art of setting up the machinery and of operating the same were sent out to the factory for a term of three years or more, as- educators to the Mexicans who were to be employed in the work. The machinery was completed in the fall of the same year (1837), and well boxed and shipped from Boston direct to Port San Bias, in a brig pur- chased by Mr. Whiting to be used by the mill-owners as a coaster, to gather up cotton from the neighboring ports, and as far south as Peru. About five years later, this company built another factory, for the manu- facture of warps to be sold in the country towns for the hand-weavers among the formers, etc. The success of this enterprise is indicated in an extract from a letter written by Mr. Whiting in Februarj-, 1848. " So far, we have done very well with our foctory; but I am afraid our harvest is nearly over. The state of the country is such at this time as to induce the belief that no business will prosper in it much longer The last two years have been the best we have ever had, — not because our manufactured articles have sold better, for the pi'ice has fallen, — but because we have got our cotton on better terms, as well as of better quality "In 184:0 we made §113, 419.82, and in. 1847, $180,331.17; and since we commenced, we have cleared $873,017.12; and this has nearly all been made by the first machinery. We did wrong in getting out the mules. We should have gotten the same kind of machinery as the first, with more looms, and then we should have made much more money." 464 HISTORY OF NEWTON. After the harvest this company was reaping became known to other capi- talists in the republic, they at once became interested, and built other mills in different localities, and very naturally ordered their machinery from Newton. Among the first to follow, was a German gentleman, Mr. Stahlknecht, from Durango, who commenced operations in 1840. He afterwards built another factory in Tunal. The last time I eaw him in New England, he said he had given up the cotton manufacturing business, as he was quite too near the Texan frontier, and goods were run over into their country, and he could get only eighteen cents per yard for his cloth ; and it cost him thirteen cents to manufacture it ; and five cents profit on a yard did not pay. A company was organized as the " Guadalajara Spinning and Weaving Company," in 1840, and sent their agent, Mr. John M. B. Neubing Boschetti, for machinery for their factory located in Guadalajara. In addition to their cotton manufactory, they built a paper-mill, and took out the machinery for that also. Cotton manufactories were established in several other places, with very satisfactory results, at Coliraa, Santiago, Cura9oa, Mazatlan and elsewhere, all of which ordered their machinery from Newton. Under the charge of Otis Pettee, Esq., the business begun by that ingenious mechanic, his father, has been carried forward with energy and success, furnishing bread for many families, and bring- ing fame to Newton by the machinery it supphes to numerous manufactories. UPPER FALLS RELIGIOUS SOCIETY. The first religious Society in Newton Upper Falls, though no church of an}' denomination existed in connection with the first church edifice, was, substantially. Unitarian. The land on which the first meeting-house was erected was given for that purpose by the Elliot Manufacturing Compan3^ The building contained forty-eight pews, and the cost was about $3,300. Of this amount, the Elliot Manufacturing Companj' paid three-fifths, and Rufus Ellis, Esq., two-fifths. The meeting-house was commenced in the autumn of 1827, and finished and dedicated February 27, 1828. The sermon on the occasion was by the Rev. William Ritchie, of Needham, from II. Thess. Ill: 1, "Finally, brethren, pra}^ for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course and be glorified, even as it is with you." The Society was incorporated by the Massachusetts Legislature, under the name of the " Upper Falls Religious Society." The petition, asking for that Act of Incorporation, was signed by the following : UNIVERSALIST SOCIETY. 465 Newell Ellis, Otis Pettee, M. P. Sturtevant, David Bushee, J. Sherman, Moses Craft, Elisha Wiswall, Matthias Collins, Joseph Barney, Walter McFarland, Caleb Haskell, Whipple Freeman, Elijah Story, Joseph Davenport, Benjamin Davenport, jr., Orrin Calbin, Frederick Cabot, Rufus Ellis, and others. The pulpit was supplied about five years, mainly by preachers of the Uuitarian persuasion, — b}' the Rev. Daniel Kimball, of Need- ham, Eev. Mr. Walcott, of Nantucket, Rev. George Whitney, of Quincy, Rev. William Farmer, of Cambridge, Rev. Andrew Bige- low, etc. In 1832, the church building was sold to the late Marshall S. Rice, Esq., to be used as a Methodist church, and this first religious society became extinct. Mr. Pettee writes, — I have gathered the following list of names of members of the Unitarian church choir in our village from 1828 to 1832. George Morse, Leader, Artemas Newell, Bass Viol, Jesse Winslow, Clarionet, Samuel Mcintosh, do., Alfred Bridges, Bugle, Amos Morse, Oliver Plimpton, Samuel Cheney, William E. Clarke, Charles Pettee, Kingsley Allen, George Winsor, Miss Eliza Bartlett, " Silence Clark, " Nancy Ellis, " Eliza Clapp, " Charlotte Plimpton. A Mr. Bartlett, from Boston, taught a singing-school in the old tavern in the fall and winter of 1827-8, and sung in the choir at the dedication of the meeting-house in February, 1828. Jotham Colburn taught a music-school in the old tavern house several winters prior to 1832, and occasionally played on an instrument in the church. UNIVERSALIST SOCIETY. A Society of the Universalist denomination was organized for religious worship at Newton Upper Falls, in September, 1841. A meeting-house was erected on High Street, at a cost of about thirteen hundred dollars, and dedicated in May, 1842. The twenty- two original proprietors were as follows : 30 . . 466 HISTORY OF NEWTON. Pliny Bosworth, Joshua Gardner, "William Cargill, George W. Keyes, Samuel P. Skinner, Henry Billings, Beriah Billings, Stephen Putnam, Eichard Boynton, John Kingsbury, Martin Hunting, Horace Whitney,- Lewis H. Partridge, Thomas Nealy, William Lyon, Ebenezer Kingsbury, James Barney, Jason Brayman, William H. Nichols, William Fairfield, Lyndall Grover, Harding Partridge. The first and only pastor was the Rev. Samuel P. Skinner, who was settled after the dedication of the church edifice, and con- tinued in office till October, 1845. The pulpit was then supplied by A. S. Dudley, a dentist bj' profession, till July, 1847 ; and then by William F. Teulon, from the British dominions, who was also a practising physician, and after a few months left the pulpit and devoted himself exclusively to the medical profession. The Society, after an existence of only six or seven years, was dis- solved, and their church edifice became a useful structure for vil- lage uses, taking the name of Elliot Hall. In 1879 the building was sold to Mr. John Howe, and converted into a private residence. SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH. The Baptist church at Newton Upper Falls received the title of the Second Baptist church. The mother-church at Newton Centre, like a " fruitful vine, whose branches run over the wall," sent forth this, its first colony, stronger and more prosperous at its beginning than afterwards. It is said that the Rev. Mr. Grafton, the pastor of the First Baptist church, hesitated as to the wisdom of the movement. He dreaded lest the original church might be left too feeble in pecuniar}^ ability to sustain the ordinances of religion. To those who acted as leaders in the project, he remarked, " When bees swarm, the^^ always leave in the hive honey enough for the old ones. If you swarm, brethren, I hope 3'ou will leave honey enough in the old hive." They proceeded, however, with great deliberation. The meet- ing-house was erected and preaching was maintained in it nearl}^ two years before the church was organized, — apparently, a period sufficiently protracted to decide the twofold question, whether the SECOND BAI'TIST CHURCH. 4g: original church, situated two miles away, could support its owu religious ordinances, after the transference of these members to form a new body, and w^hether the new church had in it strength enough to stand on an independent foundation. The circum- stances of the village were, at that period, verj' different from what they came to be afterwards. The population was then chiefly American, and the people prized the ordinances of Protestant worship. At a later date, the native was displaced by a foreign element, of other tastes and different religious associations. Many of the earlier members died, and the infant church, which began in strength, waxed feeble, as if by premature decay. In 1832, eleven persons, mostty members of the First Baptist church, associated together and built a new meeting-house at the Upper Falls. The property was divided into twenty shares. Jonathan Bixby owned seven shares ; Jesse "Winslow, Isaac Kej'es and* John Nicholson owned two shares each, and Lauren Kings- bury, Asa F. Smith, Ira M. Bullen, Samuel Scott, John Bullough, jr., Martin P. Sturtevant and Thomas Nicholson, one each. The meeting-house was dedicated March 27, 1833. The church was organized February 8, 1835. The following are the names of the orisiinal members : Jonathan Bixby, Isaac Keyes, Lauren Kingsbury, Asa F. Smith, Sylvester Smith, Lucius Smith, James Taylor, David Scott, Thomas Nicholson, Samuel Floyd, Samuel Scott, Charles Scott. Ira M. Baptams, Amariah BuUens, Francis T. Keyes, William Bullough, Samuel Nicholson, Lydia Bixby, Eunice Bixby, Eliza H. Bixby, Sarah S. Kingsbury, Catherine Hyde, Matilda Libby, Betsey S. Smith, Clarissa Smith, Hannah Scott, Kosanna Woodward, Sally Nickerson, Belinda Smith, Susan Willis, Sylvia Jones, Lucy Taylor, Levina R. Bullens, Mary S. Cheney, Abigail Clieney, Nancy L. Gardner, Abia Keyes, Chloe Ray, Angelina Bixby, Martha F. Newhall, Elizabeth E. Keyes, Louisa Peak, Sarah Richards, Abigail B. Clapp, Cleora F. Smith, Hannah Fisk, Olivia Fisk, Sally Kingsbury, Eliza Kingsbury, Hannah Bond, Charlotte H. Smith, Sarah Priest, Martha H. Taylor, Susanna Nickerson, Mary Ann Keyes. The whole number was fifty-five, — all dismissed from the First Baptist church for the purpose of uniting in this new organization. 468 HISTORY OF NEWTON. At the service of the public recognition, Rev. James D. Knowles, then Professor in the Newton Theological Institution, preached the sermon. Rev. Mr. Grafton gave the right hand of fellowship, and addressed the church on their new relations. Isaac Keyes and Lauren Kingsbury were appointed deacons. The following sketch, written under the dictation of a daughter of Mr. Bixby, herself an original member of the church, and an eye-witness of aU the proceedings which eventuated in its estab- lishment, will here be of interest. The Second Baptist church in Newton grew out of the special religious interest that pervaded the village at the Upper Falls, during the years 1830-1. Deacon E. F. Woodward and Mr. Asa Cook, members of the First Con- gregational church, commenced holding union prayer-meetings in private houses on Saturday evenings. During the autumn of 1830, meetings for preaching were held in the school-house, and supplied alternately by Congre- gational and Baptist ministers. One Sabbath morning, when the peopl,p had come together to hear the Rev. Mr. Bates, colleague pastor with the Rev. Dr. Homer, the person who, as committee-man of the district, had charge of the school-house, refused to give up the key of the house, affirming that he did not deem it his duty to open the building on the Sabbath for religious services. Under these circumstances, Mr. D. L, Brayton, a member of the Theological Institution, afterwards missionary to Burmah, being present, in order to meet the exigency immediately applied to Mr. Jonathan Bixby, who at once opened his doors to the people. The incident naturally awakened an interest in the village, and the more, inasmuch as Mr. Bixby was just recovering from a rheumatic fever, and unable to leave his room ; so that the privilege of enjoying the services of weekly religious worship was brought, without his seeking it, to his bedside. For months afterwards, Mr. Bixby's house was a house of worship for both religious societies on the Sabbath evenings. In the spring of 1831, Mr. Bixby fitted up a room in an adjoining build- ing, which had been occupied as a store, fur a place of religious worship, and the room was used for this purpose till ampler conveniences were provided. In the summer and fall of 1831, members of the Congregational Society built a vestry, and during the following year, the Baptists erected their chapel, which was dedicated in March, 1833. Before they erected their chapel, the Baptist members attempted, but without success, to purchase the church building of the "Upper Falls Religious Society," which the majority of the church-going people of the village did not find to be, to them, a con- genial religious home. There were, in the village, a considerable number of members of the First Baptist church at Newton Centre, whose convenience would be greatly promoted by having religious services of tiieir own denomi- nation, in the village where they resided. For this purpose, they erected their chapel, and commenced their public services on the Sabbath. They did not, at the outset, contemplate a separate organization ; they attended worship on the communion Sabbaths at Newton Centre, with the church of REV. ORIGEN CRANE. 469 which they were members, and delayed the organization of a Second Baptist church till nearly two years after the dedication of the chapel. The persons most active in the erection of the chapel were, besides Mr. Jonathan Bixby, Isaac Ke3'es, Lauren Kingsbury, Asa F. Smith, Samuel Scott, Ira Bullons, Martin Sturtevant and Jesse Winslow. Mr. Bixby fur- nished one-third of the means requisite for building the chapel. In the fall of 1835, the chapel was enlarged and improved. From the commencement of the religious interest, which resulted in the establishment of this church, the students of the Newton Theological Institu- tion rendered valuable aid in the prayer-meetings. And when the chapel had been erected, they principally supplied the pulpit, till the settlement of the first pastor. Messrs. Jennings (1834), Carpenter (1833), Sheldon (1835), Burlingame (1836) and others rendered much and useful servicein the pulpit. Mr. "Webb (1834), afterwards missionary to Burmah, conducted a week-evening Bible-class, commenced in the fall of 1831. He was fol- lowed, in the same service, by Messrs. Osgood (1834) and J. W. Sargent (1834). Messrs. Lawrence (1831), Crocker (1834), afterwards missionary to West Africa, Hutchinson (1834), Brayton and Stearns, D. W.Phillips (1840), Davis (1837) and others contributed much to the interest of the social religious meetings. At an earlier day, Messrs. Aldrich (1829) and Wade (1829) were active in the special season of religious awakening in 1827-8. And, after the church had settled a pastor, the students rendered considerable aid in the Sabbath School and the meetings for prayer. The church was led by successive pastors, who lacked neither prudence nor ability, and was strengthened and encouraged, in seasons of destitution, by the gifts and influence of many ministers, who, for longer or shorter periods, supplied the pulpit. The names of many devoted and useful Christians stand in the catalogue of the church. Spiritual refreshings have been experienced frota time to time, most gratifying and cheering to the friends of religion and virtue. And in the end it will undoubtedly appear, that, notwithstand- ing decline and weakness, following a propitious beginning, the pious ser- vice of this church has been an important factor in the great problem which is being wrought out by the gospel, for human welfare. The pulpit was supplied with preaching from the Newton Theo- logical Institution, until September 14, 1836, when Mr. Origen Crane was ordained the first pastor. Rev. Origen Crane was born in Mansfield, Conn., Jul}- 25, 1804. He was first a pupil, and then a teacher, in the district schools of his native town ; he became hopefully pious at the age of fourteen, and, after he was twenty j^ears of age, decided to devote himself to the work of the niinistrj-. He then spent five years in preparatorj' study, the last three in the regular classes of the Newton Theological Institution, where he graduated in 1836. He remained a faithful, loving and laborious pastor at Newton 470 HISTORY OF NEWTON. Upper Falls nearly three j'ears. lu the autuinu of 1839, he reuioved to Weston, and was pastor of the Baptist church in that town upwards of twelve j^ears. His influence was savory and far- reaching, and was felt very widel}', beyond the limits of his own parish. His last residence was in New England Village, Mass. His death, at the age of sixty-five, was occasioned by an accident, which took place April 20, 1869. He was buried in his native town. The following inscription on his tombstone is a truthful description of his character : He was a « Faithful Minister of the Gospel, A devoted and successful Pastor, A warm-hearted and sympathizing Friend, Kind and affectionate In all the domestic and social relations of life. The number admitted to the church during the ministry of Mr. Crane was seventj'-nine. The second pastor, Rev. Charles W. Dennison, was ordained at Oswego, N. Y., January 19, 1836 ; installed pastor at Newton Upper Falls, March, 1842, and resigned his office in February, 1843. Admitted to the church during Mr. Dennison's ministrj^, thirty -two. The third pastor was Rev. Samuel Stillman Leighton, who was ordained at Andover, Mass., August 25, 1841. He became pastor February 8, 1846, and resigned July 1, 1847. Mr. Leighton was born in Westford, Mass., October 18, 1809. At the age of twelve years, he became a member of the Baptist church in Chelmsford. He graduated at Union College, Schenec- tady in 1838, and studied theology partly at Andover and parti}"- at Newton Theological Institution, graduating at the former in 1841. He was pastor at West Bridgewater, Mass., and Leeds, Me., and came from the latter place to Newton Upper Falls. After leaving Newton, he was pastor at Sanborntou and Bow, N. H., and Georgetown and Orleans, Mass. He died in West Town- send, Mass., July 4, 1860, aged fifty-one. He was an earnest laborer and an excellent preacher. He was buried in his native town, and, by his own request, this Scripture was inscribed on his tombstone : " By grace ye are saved, through faith, " And that not of yourselves, "It is the gift of God." SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH. 471 Five were admitted to the church during Mr. Leighton's pas- torate. The next pastor, Rev. Amos Webster, was ordained at Newton Upper Falls, November 15, 1848, and resigned June 25, 1854. He afterwards preached at Needbam and Hyde Park, and subse- quently was publisher of the Christian Era, Boston. During his ministiy, twenty-three were admitted to the church. The church had already declined greatly in numbers and effi- ciency. Some had removed from the town, others had died. The Society became feeble, and the members no longer able to sup- port a regular pastor. In the changes which occur in our Ameri- can society, such events often take place. Centres of business are migi'atorj', and, often, arbitrary. People of one nationality displace people of another nationality, and transform the social and religious aspect of a community. So it has been in Newton Upper Falls. Rev. S. F. Smith preached to the church as a stated supply from May 25, 185G, till June 12, 1864. During this period, thirteen were added to the church b}^ baptism. In the month of April, 18G5, the Rev. William C. Richards became pastor of the church. Through his efiicient labors, the church edifice was repaired and improved ; the basement vestry was made more comfortable and tasteful, b}^ dropping the floor and thus increasing the altitude ; and a fine-toned bell was procured b}'' general subscription, at an expense of about five hundred dollars. The bell was formerly the property of the Newton and Watertown Universalist Society, whose place of worship was on the east side of Centre Street, a short distance north of the town line, and in Watertown. The latter Society was dissolved about 1866, and their church edifice transformed into a school-house. Mr. Rich- ards resigned March 26, 1871, and the church again became dependent upon casual supplies. During Mr. Richards' pastor- ship, thirty-two were admitted to the church. Such names as those of the late Thomas J efferson Richardson and Eliza Jameson, once recorded in the catalogue, as well as others, "full of good works and alms-deeds which they did," are fragrant names. A body which enshrines such names and the deeds the}' recall, even though it vanish away, has not existed in vain. The whole number who have been members of this church from the beginning till March, 1878, is three hundred and fifty-seven. Five of the members of this Society were soldiers in the civil war. 472 HISTORY OF NEWTON. PASTORS OF THE SECOND BAPTIST CHDRCH, NEWTON UPPER FALLS. NAMES. ORDAINED OR INSTALLED. RESIGNED. Origen Crane, Charles W. Dennison, Samuel Stillman Leighton, Amos Webster, William C. Richards, Sept. 14, 1836, March, 1842, Feb. 8, 1846, Nov. 15, 1848, April 16, 1865, Julv, 1840. Feb., 1843. July, 1847. June, 1854. March, 1871. NAMES. APPOINTED. RETIRED. Isaac Keyes, Lauren Kingsbury (of Needham), Charles Scott, William H. Bancroft, Enoch J. Pope (of Needham), Feb. 8, 1835, Feb. 8, 1835, April 30, 1868, Feb., 1877. Feb., 1877. May, 1858. 1868. 1877. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, NEWTON UPPER FALLS. Many of the members of the "Upper Falls Religious Society," the first religious society which held worship in that village, main- tained a liberal faith ; but previous to the erection of their place of worship, attended divine service with the churches of Rev. Messrs. Grafton and Homer, of Newton Centre, and Rev, Mr. Ritchie, of Needham. No church organization existed in connection with this society. There was a Lower House, but never an Upper House. A Methodist preacher, the Rev. Joel Steele, formed a Metho- dist class at Newton Upper Falls in 1826 ; but in consequence of removals, it was soon dissolved. Two years later, another class was formed, consisting of these seventeen persons : Marshall S. Rice, Jeremiah Trull, Nathan Rice, Gardner Rice, Mary Rice, Sarah Livermore, Eliza Eager, Dorcas Smith, Mary A. Morse, Mary Childs, Ann Winslow, :Mary Fogg, Mary Boynton, Sarah Willis, Rebecca Garfield, Susan Tavener, Sarah Brackett. METUODIST CHURCH, UPPER FALLS. 473 The church was organized November 11, 1832, and consisted of fiftj-'three members. The following preachers have been stationed here as pastors : ♦Charles K. True, John Parker, Nathan B. Spaulding. *Charles S. Macreading, D. K. Bannister, Joseph Denuison, *Jacob Sanborn, M. P. Webster, *Chester Field, Mr. Putnam, Z. A. Mudge, John Paulson, Newell S. Spaulding, *Jame3 Mudge, ♦Joseph A. Merrill, Joseph W. Lewis, William Pentecost, Augustus F. Bailey, James W. Morey, Jonas Bailey, Ralph W. Allen, William B. Toulmin, William J. Pomfret, Franklin Furber, Edward Otheman, 1 Charles T. Johnson. In all, twenty-six. Three of these preachers served a second term in the pastorate, viz., Charles S. Macreading, Charles K. True and Z. A. Mudge. In 1879 the}' were all living except six, whose names are starred. The meeting-house erected previous to the formation of the Methodist church, for the use of the " Upper Falls Religious Soci- ety," was used by that Society about one-half the Sabbaths, the preachers being of the Unitarian denomination. The late Marshall S. Rice, Esq., of Newton Centre, offered to supply the pulpit, without expense to the Society, with the services of a Methodist preacher the other half of the time, or whenever it was not otherwise used. The " Religious Societ}' " accepted the pro- posal of Mr. Rice, with but one dissentient vote. The late Rev. Charles K. True, of Boston (H. C. 1832), commenced preaching in the church on the alternate Sabbaths, and his labors were appre- ciated and crowned with success. When the engagement had expired with the clergyman who was employed to preach for the " Religious Society " one-half the time, Mr. Rice was informed that he and his friends would be permitted to fill the pulpit every Sabbath ; and Mr. True removed to the vil- lage, taking the responsible position of first pastor of the Metho- dist church of Newton Upper Falls. The Sabbath School was commenced in connection with the Methodist church in July, 1832. A Sabbath School had previously existed in connection with the "Religious Society," under the 474 HISTORY OF NEWTON. superintendence of Dr. Alfred Hosmer. But the school was sub- sequently disbanded, and man}^ of the members of it joined the Methodist school. Dr. Hosmer, in behalf of the old organization, presented their valuable library to the new school. Mr. Rice, the most liberal benefactor of the church, says, — Before the year 1832 was enderl, after we were permitted to occupy the house every Sabbath, and saw it well filled, the question arose about owning it. I had partly paid for my home only ; but I concluded to purchase it for the Society, if ray wife would give her consent. The Elliot Manufacturing Company owned the land arid 61-100 of the house, and Mr. liufus Ellis owned 39-100 of the house. I explained it to my wife, and asked her what she would do with our three little ones, if I should give my obligations for the house, and should then die? She answered, " Buy the house! I don't believe you will soon be called to die, if you do; and should it be so, I will support our children by going into the factory to work, if necessary. " The answer settled the question. I first purchased the G 1-100 of the Elliot Manu- facturing Company, and soon afterwards the 39-100 of Mr. Ellis ; the amount paid for the whole was $2,660. After the house had been enlarged and otherwise improved, the property was conveyed to the Trustees of the First Methodist Episcopal Society of Newton, in the year 1836. In 1833 a bell was first placed in the tower. After being in use twentj' -eight years, the bell was cracked, but replaced, in 18G1, by a much finer one. On the new bell is engraved the text. — " O come, let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker."— Psalm XCV : G. The church building was enlarged in 1836 ; the walls were sawed in two, the rear end moved back, and twenty pews inserted in the centre. The interior of the church was also much improved. The large clock in the church was given by Mr. Joseph C. Everett, in 1847. The vestry was added to the chiu'ch in 1855, and in 18G0 the internal arrangements of the church were wholly renovated. In 18G3 the organ was introduced, in place of the orchestral accompaniment which had aided the singing ever since the erec- tion of the church. The parsonage was purchased in 1865. The two rock-maple trees which have long stood in front of the chm'ch edifice, in the year 1835, or not far from that date, were pulled up out of the grass under a large maple in New Ipswich, N. H., being then about six inches high, and brought to Newton by Mr. Rice in his chaise-box. Three similar trees, in front of Mr. Rice's dwell- ing-house at Newton Centre, have the same histor}'. KOMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. 475 ST. Mary's church (roman catholic) . In the absence of any early and authentic records, we are indebted to the Rev. Michael Dolan, in charge of St. Mary's Committee. Edmund Trowbridge, J In town meeting May 11, 1807, voted to accept of the above Report. But a more radical movement was proposed at a later period. The peculiar features of the town already referred to, taken in connection with other circumstances, from a period soon after the j^ear 1830, suggested to man^^ of the citizens the question of the feasibility and advantages of a division of the town into two incor- porated organizations. This question was discussed in private, and in town meetings. Petitions and counter-petitions were circu- lated, signed, debated, accepted, rejected. Different lines of divi- sion were proposed, advocated, modified, resisted. Pamphlets were printed, maps drawn and engraved, committees appointed, reports written, amended, adopted, and reconsidered. For six- teen or seventeen years, the smoke of the battle enveloped every part of the town. So liot was the controversj^ that men, once friends, treated one another as personal enemies. Some opposed the division absolutely. Others favored it, provided that the line of division should be drawn in harmony with their own judgment and interest. Some would connect Newton Corner with the east- ern section. Others, drawing a different line, favored a division which should embrace the whole line of \illages in the town which lay along the Boston and Albany railroad in one town, and the DIVISION OF THE TOWN. 485 residue of the territory iii the otlier. The eastern section, under this arrangement, in case it should be carried into effect, claimed for itself the ancient and venerable name of Newton. Why should it not? For it included the old First Parish church and the old burial ground, the ashes of the first three pastors, and of all the earl}' settlers and their descendants, for five or six generations, and here the voters had assembled at their town meetings for a hun- dred and fort}'^ j'ears ; and here too had occurred the thrilling de- bates and the brave resolves of the fathers, in the grand period of the revolutionary history. They belonged, of right, to the name of Newton. But would the other section relinquish the name, and, with the name, its share in so honorable a histor}-? From 1664 to 1780, the East Parish church was the most central point, as the population then existed ; and it continued to be the legal place for the convocation of the people in their town meetings. Deem- ing, as rural populations are apt to do, that some advantage might accrue to a given localit}' from its being the seat of these assemblies of the people, the citizens of the eastern, central and southern parts of the town, with some others, jealously claimed to retain a distinction which they had enjo3^ed so long, and opposed any al- teration which would deprive them of it. In 1830, some time after the separation of the ecclesiastical from the civil state in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, "* the proprietors of the First Parish meeting-house objected to having the town meetings holden there," — so writes Mr. Davis. The church belonged, it is true, to private proprietors ; but it had been used, by common consent and without objection, for twenty-five years, both as a parish church and a town-hall. And the proprie- tors deemed that the time had come wiieu the town ought to have a place for holding its meetings, which should be provided at the town's expense, and be under the town's control. But if a town-hall were built, where should it be located ? The centre of population had changed, and moved westward. The geographical centre of the town was in the midst of a forest, with scarcely a dwelling-house near it ; and. a buildhig erected there would be only equally inconvenient to all the citizens. If the town-house were built at West Newton, it would be four or five miles distant, if not more, from the remote southern and eastern portions of the town. If it were built near the First Parish church, the people of the growing village of West Newton would be under 486 HISTORY OF NEWTON. the necessity of travelling three miles or more to reach it. If it were at Angler's Corner (Newton) , that was nearly at the north- eastern corner of the town, and remote from every village, except its own, in the entire territory. The whole subject was involved in difficulties not easy of solution. And what a controversy arose out of the attempt to solve the question in a satisfactor}- manner ! Only two solutions seemed possible ; the proposal to divide the town into two independent organizations having failed, and the erection of one or more town-halls being the only alter- native, this became for several xeavs the great issue. In Novem- ber, 1832, it was voted by the citizens that an article be inserted in the next warrant " to see if the town will take an}' measures to procure a place for holding town meetings ;" and March 7, 1833, the article was acted upon, and a committee chosen.* This com- mittee reported at an adjourned meeting, held the first Monday in April, recommending the erection of a town-house near the Centre school-house, about thirty-five rods west of the First Parish meet- ing-house. An amendment was offered, recommending " to have the same located on the plain, forty or fifty rods south of the meet- ing-house." This amendment was rejected. Another motion was made, to fix the location in the West Parish, and also rejected. It was at length manifest that no place could be selected which would be satisfactory to all parties, and, the report not being accepted, the meeting adjourned. Three weeks later, April 22, 1833, another meeting was held, at which, after much discussion, a vote was proposed to build the town-house " at the east end of the vestry. "f Afterwards it was voted to postpone indefinitely the subject of building a town-house, and agreed " to hold town meetings alternately in the meeting- houses in the several villages. "J Some parts of the town being dissatisfied, another meeting on the subject was called, to be held *Thetown meetings iu March, April and May, 1833, were lield in the Baptist meet- ing-house at Newton Centre. t The vestry referred to was a long, low, narrow building, one-story iu height, des- titute of architectural pretensions, erected on the southerly line of the meeting- house laud, and directly opposite the south side of the church edifice. It was fin- ished in the plainest possible manner, and used for the week-day meetings of the church, until the vestry on the northwest corner of the church of 1847 and connected with it, made its existence no longer a necessity. t At this meeting a committee was chosen to ascertain whether the town has a right to the use of Dr. Homer's Meeting-house, and application was made to Hon. Samuel Hoar, for his legal opinion ou the question. DIVISIOX OF THE TOWN". 487 Juno 10 ; when the question of builduig a town-house was again proposed, and again indefinitely postponed. Again, at the November meeting the citizens voted to defer the matter till the next meeting. On the 16th of December a special meeting was called, at which it was proposed to build a town-house " near the East Parish meeting-house," and the proposal negatived. Then it was voted "to locate the town-house near the vestrj'," — which was also reconsidered, and a vote passed to locate it " near the Centre school-house." A committee was chosen " to procure laud and build the house." But this was not the end. Eleven da5-s afterwards, December 27, /mother meeting was called, — to be held, as the Selectmen had provided no place for the. meeting, — ■ '" at the horse-sheds." The vote passed at the former meeting was reconsidered, and the Selectmen were directed to "procure a house for future meetings upon the best terms they can." Meetings had been held several times in the old Baptist meet- ing-house, on the easterly side of Wiswall's Pond, and at the West Parish meeting-house, alternately, and to many this arrangement proved satisfactory. But only one month after the last meeting, another meeting was summoned, at which a vote was passed by those present to build a town-house within fifty rods of the pow- der-house, which stood on a lot now forming the western terminus of Lyman Street. The necessary committees were chosen, and within twent^'-four hours most of the timber necessary for the building was on the spot, and an effort made to hasten the work. But the weather was unfavorable ; and before the project was accomplished, another meeting was called, to be held February 8, 1834. At this meeting, it was voted to build a town-house* at Newton Centre, uearl}' opposite the old Baptist meeting-house, and, also, to pay the corporation of Fuller Academy seven hun- di'ed dollars, towards building a suitable hall, and that the town ♦After these controversies were ended, and all the town meetings came to be held l)y common consent in West Newton, this building was removed to the corner of Sta- tion Street and the Common at Newton Centre, t and became the Village Hall. For several years it was used for Lycevim lectures and other secular gatherings, and bore the name Lyceum Hall. It was in this Hall, in 1862, that Charles AVard made that thrilling speech, in which ho consecrated his young life on the altar of his country, and consummated the sacrifice the following summer on the battle-field at Gettys- burg. The Hall was finally sold lor private uses, removed to the vicinity of the Uail- road station on Station Street, became a stable, and after a few mouths was con- «umeit by fire. t The Methodist meeting-house, Newton Centre, now occupies the same lot. 488 HISTORY OF NEWTON. meetings be held alternately in those two places. This produced general satisfaction. The following summer, the corporation of Fuller Academy erected a hall, fitted for the uses of town meetings, expecting the town to aid them in meeting the expense. During the years 1835-7, the town meetings were held at the town-house near New- ton Centre, — the exciting questions of the last few years being, rather smothered than settled. But movements in certain direc- tions, indicated that if there could not be a harmonious division of the town, there were citizens who favored a secessioji. March G,' 1837, the question was proposed in town meeting, whether the town will consent to have the Lower Falls district set off to Need- ham or Weston ; but the question was at once dismissed. In 1838 a considerable section of land at the southeast part of the town was set off to Roxburv. This diminished the extent of the town in that direction, and relieved the difficult}' felt by the families liv- ing at the point most remote. The citizens, however, were still restless. Like their fathers in the early history of the town, neither the one party nor the other was willing to yield, and at length the question of a division of the town was again mooted, as the only method of restoring harmon}-. On the 19th of April, 1841, — the anniversary of that memorable day in revolutionary history, — a committee was appointed to take into consideration the subject of a division of the town, and to report at a subsequent meeting. The following November the com- mittee reported the line previously prayed for, and the vote to divide the town was passed. But on the 22d of December, — the anniversary of another historical day, — this vote was recon- sidered. Afterwards the whole subject was referred to the Legis- lature. The committee of the Legislature favored the division, and reported a bill to that effect. A writer of reminiscences of that difficult period in the history of the town says, — The Rev. Samuel P. Skinner, a Universalist minister, residing at Oak Hill, very near the southern limit of the town, took a notable part in opposing, with great ability, the proposed division. Mr. Edmands, the father of the late Hon. J. Wiley Edmands, also joined Mr. Skinner in opposing division. Their sturdiest opponent was what was the sprightly, and now,if not then, is the venerable, as well as sprightly, Seth Davis. None who were present can ever forget the excited debates on the town division question that oc- curred in town meetings and before committees of the Legislature, in which many took part. DIVISION OF THE TOWN. 489 The petition presented on this occasion to the Legislature of Massachusetts was as follows : The subscribers, citizens and legal voters of the town of Newton, would humbly represent that, owing to the very peculiar physical features, and great extent of said town, that constant and increasing difficulties exist that never can be obviated, excepting by a division of said town. We therefore pray, in order to promote the peace, interest and great convenience of its citizens, that the same may bo divided, cither by a line, as first recommended by a committee chosen by the town, and subsequently by several consecutive committees of former Legislatures, and lastly, by a special committee, ap- pointed for that special purpose, — said line commencing at the monument between the town of Newton and the town of Brighton, near the house of Thomas Smallwood, and running southwesterly in a straight line to Charles River, passing between the house lately owned by Thomas McXoah, and that of William Wiswall the 2d, — or, beginning near or at Brighton line, where Indian Lane (so called) [Sargent Street] intersects the same, and running to the same point in Charles River, as before mentioned, and that all that portion of said town, lying northerly of the line that may be adopted, may form a new town, by the name of West Newton. We furthermore pray, that all the documents, heretofore presented by the citizens of said town, for the division of the same, and all papers relating thereto, may be taken from the files and duly considered and acted upon in conformity with the prayer of your petitioners. George Daniels, Nathan Craft, and others. In 1844 the people of the Chemical Works (the northwest part of the town) petitioned to be set off to Waltham. Another peti- tion was presented bj' citizens who asked to be set off to Rox- bury, — the line they desh'ed, extending from the southwest corner of Brookline to Keurick's Bridge. But many of the citizens opposed any division whatever, believing that a compromise mio-ht be had which would obviate all difficulties. After the bill for the division of the town was defeated, the inhabitants of that section known as " the Chemical Works," just referred to, were set off, in accordance with their petition, to Waltham, in April, 1849. This cut off from the town of Newton a territory of about six hundred acres, upon which have since been located the extensive works of the Waltham Watch Company, with a valuation of a million or two of dollars, and other valuable property. The following is a copy of a petition for the division of the town, which was circulated among the voters in January and February, 1844, in anticipation of the March meeting : 490 HISTORY OF NEWTON. Petition and Memorial of sundry Inhabitants of the Easterly or First Parish of the Town of Newton, To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives of the Common- wealth of Massachusetts : We, the Inhabitants of Newton, residents and leg^I voters of the East or First Parish, respectfully represent : — That the town of Newton is, from its extraordinary size, and interior structure, and form, capable of being divided into two well-apportioned and well-balanced towns, .as the line which divides the two great Parishes now runs. The town of Newton contains a very unusual amount of territory; it is en- compassed on the north, on all the west, and the south, for nearly fifteen miles, by the river Charles. Newton is divided into two great Parishes, by distinct communities, of East and of West, by a right line, proceeding from the south and througii the centre, thence following in its northerly part a lit- tle to the west of the coTirseof the Cold Stream Brook, and on the western bor- ders of the long extended and lonely valley of the centre, to the southwest projecting corner of Watertown on the north. This central and dividing range, being throughout and almost entire, from the southern boundary and River, to the north, a wide expanse of territory, on all sides hilly, or woody, or rocky, or broken, or low, [is] in most parts uncultivated or unreclaimed, — an extensive solitude. In the East or First Parish, are two very considerable and flourishing vil- lages, namely, the village of the Upper Falls, at the extreme south, and also the flourishing village of Attgier's Corner, on the extreme north. The Parish of West Newton, which is encompassed on three sides by a noble river, con- tains also two very flourishing villages, one the fine and thriving village of Loiz'er Falls, in the extreme southwest ; the other the large and flourishing village of West Nezvton, in tlie more northerly and central part on that side ; and another fine village still arising, at the great Chemical Works, near to and contiguous to the river and new Fitchburg railroad, in the extreme south- west, with water power abundant, and, on either side, with territory and population ample for a well organized town. The Worcester railroad, running in the direction of east and west, passes through the village of Angler's Corner, within the limits of the East Parish ; thence crossing, it passes tlirough the village of West Newton and the Parish of the West. In each of those Parishes, and in each of those two last-named villages, a Railroad Depot and Post-office is established, where their mails are brought from the city. Between these two communities, thus separated and disconnected, there is little or no interchange, and apparently but very little or no common bond of union, or consanguinity of interest in any way. None there are, to our knowledge, on this side of this dividing line, who travel westward or over their roads, or but rarely, or thitherwards attend their churches ; all on this side, on the contrary, go down to the city by routes hitherwards, and here only they attend the churches of our own ; where only, and on this side, their £athers sleep. DIVISION OF THE TOWN. 491 Nor are they, the people of the west part, very much interested in any of our roads. Their transit to and from the city being generally by the Wor- cester railroad — o"r, if they choose, the people of the northwest, or side bounding on Waltham, may now go down by another route, or by the Fitch- burg Railroad, which here, by a most fortuitous circumstance approaches very nigh, and from that depot, which lies immediately contiguous on the opposite shore; — or, their heavy-loaded teams, returning from the city, go not through the East Parish ; the Bowen Hill, over which the great road passes, to the eastward of Angler's Corner, presents an obstruction to their upward progress on this side ; they return by a new road, wide, and nearly level, which leads from the West Newton Centre direct to Watertown Bridge ; and from thence, branching eastward, two splendid roads cross the river through North Brigh- ton to the city direct; and by this their heavily-laden teams, returning to West Newton, pass up almost invariably, and by a route beyond the bounds of this, the First Parish, and so to the north and westward of every oppos- ing hill. Now, therefore, and as the only visible means of securing permanently the blessings of peace to all the parties concerned, we, your petitioners, respect- fully request that the town of Newton be divided, as the well-defined parish line now runs, and by a line beginning at the southwest projecting corner of the town of Watertown, a little to the west of the intersection of Cold Stream Brook, thence, proceeding in a right line, southerly, one hundred yards to the west of the house of Thomas McNoah, to Charles River. That this, the First, and East, and most ancient Parish, be incorjjorated anew, by a special act of the Legislature, by the name of Newton, and by the original name which alone belongs to us of right ; and that the Second, or West Parish, be incorporated, also, by another act, by the name of West Newtox, which name they have chosen ; or by any other name, which, here- after, they may choose. That the property now held by the town in common, in the town or town- houses, and poor house and farm, or in funds, or in dues to the town, also all debts due from the town, be divided in proportion to the rates or taxes which were assessed in 1843, and in a manner hereafter to be prescribed; and to this effect your petitioners pray that they may have leave to bring in a bill or bills. Newton, January, 1844. At a town meeting held March 25, 1844, majority and minority reports were presented to the town by a committee previously chosen. The majority report recommended the erection of a town-house at West Newton for the whole town, " as likely to secure the greatest good to the greatest number." The minorit}' report recommended the erection of a town-house in the geograph- ical centre of, near the junction of the present Valentine road, so called, with Homer Street. 492 HISTORY OF NEWTON. About this time, the proprietors of the First Parish meeting- house proposed to alter the interior of that structure (the church dedicated in 1805), and to malie a hall suitable to accommodate the town meetings, below, and an audience-room for Divine wor- ship, above. But when action looking towards the execution of this plan was proposed to the town, it was at once negatived by the citizens. In 1845, another petition was presented for a division, which was thrown out because of the lateness of its presentation. In 1846, still another petition was presented for a division of the town b}' the line of Cold Stream Brook ; but this line found less favor than the other, and a renewed petition was presented for a division by the old line. This year the citizens of the Lower Falls unanimously objected to any division at all, although in 1843 they had favored it. Besides the above, another of the lines of division proposed was " a line commencing near Thomas Smallwood's, and running to the south side of the road in front of the house of William "\Yis- wall, then continuing to Charles River." " The old line," so called, the petition for which was renewed in 1846, was one "beginning at or near Indian Lane" (Sargent Street). The contest was continued till 1848-9, when it was voted by the town to hold the town meetings at West Newton. The old Second Congregational meeting-house was purchased by the town for $1,800, and fitted up for a town-hall. The building was at a later period enlarged to meet the necessities of the growing population ; and, when Newton became a city in 1873, it became, with improve- ments, the City Hall. When one of the Normal Schools of Mas- sachusetts was kept in the building once the Fuller Academj-, at West Newton, a Model School (primary and intermediate) was taught in the basement of the town-hall. A certain number of the pupils (female) of the Normal School were deputed in turn, for the period of a week each, to instruct the little ones in the Model School, under the e^'e of the Principal, as a practical experiment in preparation for their future employment. Thus this long controversy came to an end. Still, as the thunder continues to rumble after a summer shower, occasional petitions were presented from citizens wishing to be set off to other towns, for example, to Waltham ; but the main controversy* was no more revived. On the 12th of March, 1855, the late Hon. David H. Mason moved " that the inhabitants of Newton will oppose anj* and all measures for the division of the town ; and that they will UNION AND PEACE. 493 regard with disfavor the disturbance of their peace and harmon}- by the further agitation of tlio subject." " The motion was carried b^' a very large vote, probably five- sixths of the whole voting." Man}' of those who took part in it, in its earlier stages, belonged to a former generation, and long since passed awaj-. The majority by whose vote the question was finally settled in 1848-9, doubtless acted conscientioush- and wisely. The minority, — conscientiously a minority, — yielded, and their course has met the approval of their successors. The terri- torial extent of the town is no longer urged as an infelicity. The neighboring city of Boston, by annexing the towns adjacent to it, lias expanded itself into even greater dimensions than those of Newton. Every part of the town claims the right of ownership in its honorable history, and clings with patriotic and filial pride to all the reminiscences of a corporate life of nearly two centuries. During the progress of the controversy, how often the broad acres of the town were travelled over, examined, counted, measured, surveyed and resurveyed ! How ever}' hill, and vale, and brook, and forest, and road was drawn and mapped ! With what care every dwelling was noted and numbered, and the influence of every voter questioned, and weighed, and estimated ! How the citizens in private intercourse and in their town meetings learned to debate, to approve, to dissent', to scrutinize arguments and testimony', to sustain an advocate of theu' cause, and to watch and parry an opponent ! Verily, those dajs were valuable helps to the education of the citizens. And if no other good came out of the tumult and strife, there was profit in the intellectual develop- ment communicated to the people. They were prepared b}' the trials of those days for the marvellous later growth of the town, for the scenes that came with the war, and which cemented in union all hearts, that were made one by the unity of one great conflict and one sorrow, resulting in one united and overwhelming joy. The new population of recent times cares nothing for the issues which seemed so important to a former generation, and which parted very friends. And now, as one great and populous city, one wide, wealthy and prosperous organization, with its churches, its schools, its libraries, its fire department, its gas works, its water works, and all its common interests, perhaps not a citizen walks in the streets of Newton, through its whole extent, or breathes its atmosphere, who is not glad that the whole is bound together in one peaceful union. CHAPTER XXXVIII. FIEST BAPTIST CHURCH. COLLEAGUE PASTOR. DEATH OF MR, GRAFTON. — REV. F. A. WILLARD. LATER PASTORS. STATIS- TICS. SABBATH SCHOOL. BEQUESTS. THE CHOIR. THE- CLOCK. THOMPSONVILLE. — METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. UNITARIAN CHURCH. Recurring to the history of the First Baptist church (pages 287-308) , we recall the statement that the second pastor, the Rev. Joseph Grafton, conscious of the infirmities of age, in 1835 asked to be released from the responsibilities of his office, generousl}' proposing to relinquish the salar}-, and advising the settlement of a young and vigorous minister, who could more effectually watch over the interests of the church, in his stead. The church made pro'vision to render the remaining days of their aged minister com- fortable and happy, and elected a colleague, the Rev. Frederick Augustus Willard, who was recognized as the junior pastor, No- vember 25, 1835, and Mr. Grafton was thenceforth released from service. During the winter of 1835-6, he was confined to his chamber by sickness ; but with the opening summer he was restored again, and spent a considerable time in visiting his rela- tives, and his spiritual children in the town and vicinity; — a fit- ting and beautiful emplo3^ment for an aged minister, who, having spent his days in the service of the gospel, was even now dipping his feet in the brim of Jordan, through which he was about to pass over into the celestial city. During the year 1836, the Society had been engaged in erecting a new house of worship in the present location, some distance north of the site of the ancient sanctuary. At the beginning of the winter, the new building being nearly ready for occupancy, it was arranged that on the third Sabbath in December the closing 494 DEATH OF MR. GRAFTON. 495 service should be held in the house where their fathers had wor- shipped, and where the presence of God had been so often and so richly enjoyed. The aged pastor, most appropriately, was to have preached on the occasion. What a scene of touching interest and beaut}' might have been anticipated, when the reverend servant of God, full of da^'s and of honors, should stand up and speak for the last time within those consecrated walls, which had so long echoed with the sound of the gospel from his lips ; which had been thronged, year after year, by interested congregations, which had witnessed the vows of multitudes of converts, and where so man}' had been ripened for heaven ! How many affecting memories of the past would crowd upon the thoughts of the auditors ! How many tears would bedew the sacred threshold, as the aged pil- grims, who had " seen the glory of the former house," should cross it for the last time, and go out fi'om the hallowed temple no more to return ! But a scene of more touching interest was prepared. The last public service in the house was the funeral ceremonies of the aged pastor himself. He preached for the last time on Sabbath evening, December 11th, in the Dudley Street Baptist church, Roxbury, from Heb. II: 3, "How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation ? " His last sermon to his own people was from John XIV: 23, "Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he wiU keep my words ; and my Father wiU love him, and we wiU come unto him and make our abode with him." It was most appropriate that he should discourse upon such words, who was about to go himself and make his abode with the Father. Some of his latest sermons were strikingly impressive and interesting. In his last sermon he particularly addressed the young, producing impressions which will never be forgotten. He died on the follow- ing Friday, and on the next Tuesday the funeral services were attended in the meeting-house where he had ministered for nearly half a century. Rev. Dr. Sharp, of Boston, preached on the occasion of the funeral, from Rom. VIII : 18, " The glory which shall be revealed." The sermon was afterwards printed. The publications of Mr. Grafton, so far as known, are the fol- lowing : 1. A Sermon occasioned by the death of Samuel Bixby, who died Sept. 25, aet. 17; Jonathan Shepard, jr., who died Sept. 28, aet. 29; James Ward, who died Sept. 29, aet. 25; and Michael Bright, jr., who died Oct. 10, aet. 20. (All of the small-pox.) Preached Oct. 21. 1792. 496 HISTORY OF NEWTON. : 2. A Sermon delivered at Newton on the third Lord's day in October, 1802, occasioned by the death of Miss Sally Grafton, at. 12. By her Father. Published by request. "With a Preface by Dr. Jonathan Homer. 3. The Godly and Faithful Man delineated. A Sermon delivered at New- ton on the first Lord's day in January, 1804. Occasioned by the death of Mr. Samuel Richardson, a3t. 70. Published by request. 4. A Sermon exhibiting the Origin, Progress and Present State of the Baptist Church and Society in Newton, Mass. Preached before them on the first Lord's day in January, 1830, by the Pastor. Besides the above, Mr. Grafton printed a few shorter pieces, as letters, brief addresses, etc. They appeared in connection with the sermons, etc., of others, or in the Baptist Ifagazine. Mr. Grafton's home was the triangle of land, bounded by Cen- tre, Grafton and Homer Streets. Several years after his death, the house was removed to a location half a mile northerly, near Mill Street, and finall}-, two or three j'ears after its removal, it fell a victim to the flames. The First Baptist church in Newton was organized when churches of that faith in Massachusetts were few in nimiber. But, like a fruitful vine, its branches have grown thriftily, and reached abroad very widely'. Mr. Grafton used to say, in his latter days, that "taking his own church as the centre of a circle, the radius of which should be forty miles, there could not be found in that circle, when he became the pastor of the church m Newton, but eight Baptist churches ;" at his death, there were more than sixt}'. Several of these churches were, directly or indi- rectly, offshoots from that. The greater part of these churches became flourishing bodies, sustaining their own pastors, and enjoy- ing their religious institutions and privileges, and most of them contributing largely in aid of the benevolent enterprises by which the present age is distinguished. The last sermon preached in the old meeting-house was by the Rev. Mr. Willard, from the text. Exodus XXXIII: 15, "If thy presence go not with me, carry us not up hence." The meeting-house was built in 1835-6. The land on which it was placed was given for the purpose by a member of the church, Mrs. Anna White, widow of Ebenezer King. It had seventy-six pews on the lower floor, of which six, in the northwest corner of the house, were appropriated to the use of the students of the The- ological Institution. The clock was transferred from the old meeting-house. The first organ, constructed by Mr. Bilson, a EEV. MR. WILLARD. 497 3'ouug artisan of Newton, "was placed in the bouse in the begin- ning of the 3'ear 1840. This meeting-house was re-modelled in 1855-6, and re-opened for public worship, Januaiy 31, 1856. The interior was again changed in 1869, and a new organ was put in. Another improvement was made in 1874, increasing the number of pews. The chapel, attached to the meeting-house, was built in 1860, at an expense of about $2,600. On Lord's da}-, December 2, 1860, it was opened for its destined service by appropriate exer- cises. After the decease of Mr. Grafton, his colleague, Mr. Willard, remained sole pastor, and continued in office till Jul}' 10, 1838, when he resigned his charge. Thus Mr. Willard was connected with the church and society, as colleague and afterwards as sole pastor, two years and seven months. The number of persons admitted to the church during his ministry was seventeen. Rev. Frederick Augustus Willard was born March 4, 1807, in Lancaster, Mass., where his father was a Baptist minister. He graduated at Amherst College in 1826, and at the Newton Theo- logical Institution in 1830. He was Lecturer on Chemistiy in the Vermont Medical School at Castleton, and in Waterville College, in 1830-1, and ordained pastor of the First Baptist church in Wor- cester, Mass., in 1832, whence he removed to Newton. Having left Newton, he resided in Louisville, Ky., as teacher in a Young- Ladies' Institute, from 1839 to 1843. He was afterwards pastor successively in South Danvers, South Abington and Needham, Mass., and died in Philadelphia, Pa., March 17, 1866, and was bm'ied there, in Woodland cemetery. He was twice married, and had two children, neither of whom survived him. The text of his last sermon was, " Come unto me, all 3'e that labor and are heavj' laden, and I will give you rest," and these words are inscribed on his tombstone. After the dismission of Mr. AVillard, the resources of the church, weakened by the dismission of members, and affected b}' the financial troubles of 1837, was inadequate to the entire support of a pastor. Professor Riplej' consented to become acting pastor, so far as his duties in the Theological Institution would permit. This arrangement extended from November 30, 1838, till Septem- ber 4, 1840, when hope revived, and efforts were renewed for the permanent occupancy of the pulpit b}' a regular pastor. 32 498 HISTORY OF NEWTON. Meanwhile, all the ordinary services were maintained ; and, dar- ing this interval of three and a half 3'ears, thirty-nine were admit- ted to the church. The church had then reached the period of its greatest weakness and discouragement. Other villages in the town, stimulated bj^ railroad facilities, had grown in vigor and pop- ulation ; but there were no indications of growth in the business or population of the centre of Newton. There were no railroad advantages, and no profitable industry tended to' plant itself here. But some of " the ancient men before the house " were steadfast in principle and in faith. They believed that the tide would return. They were confidenb that the sacrifices of the fathers would be like seed, bringing, after this night of weeping, a harvest of joy. During the first sixty-two years of its history', the church num- bered seven hundred and six members, and had three pastors. Persons of all ages and in various circumstances, belonging not only in Newton, but also in other towns, are recorded in its cata- logue. Occasional note was made of the ages of new members when the}' came into the church. This is only when the person was distinguished by j-outh, or b}^ extreme age. Among the num- ber so designated, one is marked as eight years of age at the time of baptism, two aged ten, three aged eleven, seven aged twelve, two aged thirteen, etc. ; and, at the other extreme of life, one aged seventy-one ; one, seventy-three ; one, sevent3^-five ; one, eighty, and one, ninetj'. One was deaf and dumb, and one blind. Other churches orio-lnated raainl}* from the First Baptist church in Newton, or were largely indebted to it for their original mem- bers. The following may be named : Weston, Framingham, Cam- bridgeport (first). West Cambridge (Arlington), Roxburv (Dud- ley Street), First Lowell, Brookline, Watertown, Newton Upper Falls, and West Newton. The Baptist church in Framingham was, for a season, a branch of this ; for in the Records, under date of August 25, 1787, we find these items: "Attended to the request of our brethren from Framingham, to have the ordinance of the Lord's Supper administered to them in their own town, as a branch of this church." " Voted, that this church grant them their request, and give them their hearty fellowship therein." In January, 1842, the Rev. S. F. Smith, formerly pastor in Waterville, Me., became pastor of the church, and continued in service till June 30, 1854, — holding, at the same time, the office of editor of the Christian Review. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. 490 The Rev. Oakmaa S. Stearns, formerly pastor at Newark, N, J., became pastor September 23, 1855, and remained until May 31, 186S, when lie resigned, and became a professor in the New- ton Theological Institution. These two pastors held ojffice about twelve and a half years each, and before the close of this quarter of a centmy, the period of weakness had happil_y passed away. Rev. W. N. Clarke, formerly of Keene, N. H., commenced his pastoral labors May IG, 1869, and closed them May 1, 1880. The number of additions to the church during that period was twa hundred and fiftj^-eight. Mr. Clarke writes, concerning the period of his pastorate, as follows : The largest number admitted to the church in any one year was in 1873, when sixty-three persons were added to the church. In 1877 the number was fifty-three. The former of these revivals was one of the most delightful that the church ever experienced, as it brought into our fellowship a large circle of young persons belonging to our own families. The same was true of the latter also ; but many circumstances conspired to add a special charm to our remembrances of the revival of 1873. The instantaneous death of Dr. Lincoln's son was the immediate occasion of its beginning, and its ending was only the passing over of special revival interest into a strong, steady and happy Christian life in the whole church. The house of worship was freshly repaired in May, 1879. After it had been used six weeks, the gale of July 16th partly wrenched the spire off from the house, and made it necessary to repeat much of the work that had just been done. In 1865, when a committee was preparing a "Manual," the church voted to authorize the committee to use, as the name of the church, "The Baptist Church, at Newton Centre; " whereupon they proceeded to use, instead, "The Newton Centre Baptist Church." The number of original members, thirt^'-nine, was increased to ninetj'-two at the close of Mr. Blood's service. The number added during Mr. Grafton's ministrj', to the time of the settle- ment of his colleague, was five hundred and sixty-one ; and dur- ing Mr. AVillard's pastoral connection, seventeen. The number added from July 29, 1838, to the close of 1841, iucludiug the period of Professor Riplej^'s service, was thirty-nine. During the ministry of Dr. Smith, one hundred and six were admit- ted ; and during the interval between its close and the supplying of the vacancy, in September, 1855, fifteen. During the ministry of Dr. Stearns, two hundred and two were admitted, and five during 500 HISTORY OF NEWTON. the interval whicli followed ; and while Dr. Clarke was pastor, two hundred and fifty-eight. The entire number of members, from the beginning of the history to May, 1880, is 1,216. PASTORS. ♦Caleb Blood, .... *Joseph Grafton, . . - *F. Augustus Willard, ... *Prof. Henry .Jones Eipley, Acting Pastor, S. F. Smith, Oakman Sprague Stearns, William Newton Clarke, Aug. —,1780— Nov. 7,1787 June 18, 1788— Dec. 16, 1836 Nov. 25, 1835— July 29, 1838 Nov. 80, 1838— Sept. 4, 1840 Jan. 1, 1842— June 30, 1854 Sept. 23, 1855— May 31, 1868 May 16, 1869— May 1, 1880 • Deceased . DEACONS. * John Shepard, * Jeremiah Richardson, * Samuel Holt, * Noah lung, t Elijah Corey, - * Thomas Hovey, - * Josiah Bacon, * Reuben Stone, t Perez Lothrop, t Isaac Keyes, *Eben Stone, • tE. Davis White, Z. Erastus Coffin, David N. B. Coffin, fAsa R. Trowbridge, James S. Newell, Gustavus Forbes, ♦ Deceased while in office, t Dismissed to other churches. Thomas Hastings, Samuel Sampson, Caleb Blood, Nathan Dana, Joseph Grafton, F. Augustus Willard, Henry J. Ripley, - S. F. Smith, CLERKS. Dec. 27, Sept. 18, Aug. 24, April 2, April 2, July — , April 3, AprU 3, April 3, Nov. 4, Nov. 4, March 5, Jan. 3, March 6, April 6, March 3, March 3, 1780 1788 1797 1812 1812 1818 1828 1828 1828 1832 1832 1837 1858 1859 1862 1867 1867 July 5, 1780 Dec. 27, 1780 June 12, 1781 Dec. ) 1787 June i, 1789 Dec. 31, 1835 Aug. 30, 1838 June 2, 1842 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. 501 Henry J. Ripley, - George O. Sanborn, Henry J. Ripley, - i^zra Palmer Gould, TREASURERS. Aug. 3, 1854 Nov. 3, 1865 Jan. 3, 1867 Dec. 31, 1869 April 20, 1781 June 12, 1781 June 9, 1782 Feb. 3, 1814 July — , 1818 June 2, 1842 Dec. 30, 1847 Feb. 2, 1854 Jan. 4, 1855 July 31, 1856 Jan. 9, 1866 Jan. 2, 1874 John Shepard, - - - - - David Bartlett, - . - - Jeremiah Richardson, - - - . Eljiah Corey, . . - . Seth Davis, _ - - - - John BuUough, . - . _ E. Davis White, ... - Eben Stone, . . _ . , E. Davis White, .... Henry J. Ripley, - - - _ . George O. Sanborn, _ - . . Dwight Chester, - . - . MINISTERS RECEIVING LICENSE TO PREACH OR ORDAINED BY THIS CHURCH. Nathan Dana, licensed, Jan. 3, 1789 ; ordained, Nov. 30, 1793. Charles Train, licensed. May 8, 1806. Hadley Proctor, licensed (probably April), 1817. Francis G. Macomber, licensed, Nov., 1820. Prof. Horatio B. Hackett, ordained, Dec. 8, 1839. Daniel A. W. Smith, licensed, Feb. 19, 18G2; ordained, July 26, 1863. Edward O. Stevens, licensed, Feb. 26, 1863; ordained, Oct. 23, 1864. Henry F. Colby, licensed, May 3, 18G6. Isaac S. Hamblen, ordained. May 3, 1866. Josiah R. Goddard, oi'dained, Sept. 15, 1867. Sylvester B. Partridge, ordained, Sept. 20, 1868. Samuel B. Morse, ordained, Aug. 3, 1869. George A. Wilkins, licensed, July 5, 1873. Knut Arwid Ostergren, ordained, June 20, 1875. George D. Brewerton, licensed, June 11, 1876. THE SABBATH SCHOOL. The Sabbath School, one of the eariiest in Massachusetts, was commenced in June, 1818, by Mrs. Clarice Hyde, mother of Ex-Ma3-or Ilj'de, with fifteen scholars. She had two associates in the work, INIiss Luciuda Brackett and Miss Eliza Miller. The sessions were held at first in a small building near the corner of Clark and Centre Streets, and was afterwards removed to the gal- lery of the old Baptist church. For several j^ears it was continued only during the summer months, and was conducted wholly by 502 HISTORY OF NEWTON. female teachers, until the establishment of the Theological Institu- tion in 1825. From that date, for several years, the school found teachers and superintendents among the students. The first male teacher in the school was Mr. Henr}' Durell. The infant depart- ment was first organized by the wife of Professor Chase, the first professor in the Theological Institution. The following, as nearly as can be ascertained, have been the superintendents : Prof. Irali Chase, Prof Henry J. Ripley, Edward A. Stevens, George W. Samson, Sanford Leach, J. S. Eaton, *E. Davis White, Albert Baldwin, Joseph H. Warder, J. G. Gunderson, Prof. Alvah Hovey, Thomas Nickerson, H. Lincoln Chase, George S. Dexter, James S. Newell, Gustavus Forbes, Thomas L. Rogers, Dwight Chester, S. M. Tourtellot. * lu office fourteen years. BEQUESTS. 1. Colonel Stephen Dana, of Brighton, deceased about 1820, a member of the Baptist Society in Newton, husband of Mrs. Eleanor Dana, who became a member of this church August 25, 1780, left " to the Ba^5tist cliurch and society in Newton the sum of four hundred dollars, for the purpose of aiding in the support of a public Teacher of piet}-, religion and morality, of the Bap- tist persuasion, to be laid out at the discretion of a committee, chosen b}' said church and society for that purpose." This sum was graduall}^ disposed of in making up deficiencies for the sup- port of the Pastor. 2. Mrs. Nancy Foster, a member of this church, deceased about 1S25, left to the church a legacy which proved of inestimable importance in reUeving the Societ}^ of debt, at a critical period, and a portion of which, five hundred dollars, is still held as a fund for the benefit of indigent members. 3. Mrs. Esther McNoah, another member, who deceased December 27, 1849, left a legacy of one hundred and fifty dollars for the benefit of indigent members. This sum has, several years since, been expended. 4. Mr. Henry Smith, of West Newton, a member who died in 1871, left seven hundred and fiftj^ dollars, to be invested under the direction of the deacons, and " the interest to be wholly expended for the support of the gospel ministry " in this church. CHOIR OF THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. 503 CHOIR OF THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. In 1817 the choir of the Fu'st Baptist church was composed of singers from various parts of Newton and vicinity, Brookline, Brighton, Watertown and ^yaltham. The leader at that time was Mr. Thomas Richardson, of Oak Hill, who always sang soprano. When no instrument was present to give the ke3''-note of the tune to be sung, the leader, taking his wooden pitcli-pipe, drew out the little pipe within, on which were printed tlie first seven letters of the alphabet, and setting it to the letter with which the tune com- menced, he sounded tlie tone ; upon whicli the whole choir, repeat- ing the sound with the syllable belonging to it, rose and sang the hymn or psalm. There was generally a bass viol, as an accom- paniment, sometimes, two, — played b}' Messi's. Charles and Walter Eichards. Two brothers Oliver often came from Waltham, one of them an excellent bass singer, the other a skilful pla3^er on the bassoon, which the choir regarded as a valuable addition. Among the singers were Mrs. Nancy Richards, Charles and Enoch Richards, James Norcross, Walter Richards, Charles Pet- tee, Samuel Trowbridge, and the two brothers Oliver, from Wal- tham. The singing-books in use were, first, the Billings and Holden Collection ; afterwards, the Bridgewater Collection. About 182G Mr. (afterwards Rev.) Jonathan Aldrich, then a student in the Theological Institution, became leader of the choir, and many new members were added to it, viz., two sisters Oiene}-. Louisa and Dorothy Richards, Evelina Trowbridge (after- wards Mrs. R. Bacon), Lucinda Brackett, Eunice Bixby, Mrs. Wilhs, Mary Davis (afterwards Mrs. Rev. F. A. Willard) , Re- becca and Abigail Cunningham, Nancy Ellis, Asa F. Smith, Samuel Scott, Oliver Pl^'mpton, George Richards, N. Richards Harbach, Enoch Perkins, Antipas Jackson, Isaac Keyes, Amos Hj'de, Alplieus Trowbridge. The instruments used in the choir at that time were two clarionets, played by Messrs. Cheney and Wil- liam Hall, and a trombone, pla^'cd by Mr. Frank Hyde. In 1827, Mr. Asa R. Trowbridge brought into the choir a double bass viol, the first instrument of the kind used in Newton. In later j'ears, he played, in the church music, successively, the double bass viol, small bass viol, violin, bassoon, trombone and octave flute. In 1831 he was chosen leader of the choir, and served in that office seven j'cars. The singing-book iised, the latter part of the time, was the Boston Handel and Haydn Society's Collection. 504 HISTORY OF NEWTON. After Mr. Aldrich resigned the charge of the choir (1827), Mr. (afterwards Rev.) Benjamin C. Wade, of the same class in tlie Institution (1829), was elected to fill the place. He reorganized the choir, bringing in some additions to it, and selecting leaders of each part. Of these. Miss Nancy Richards was leader of the alto, and Miss Evelina Trowbridge, of the soprano. Under the management of Mr. Wade, the singing of this choir took a high rank in the town. At this period, frequent meetings were held at the Spring Hotel, Watertown ; the Ellis Hotel, Newton Upper Falls ; Mancy Thornton's Hotel, near Newton Centre, and at the Theological Institution, for the practice of choruses and anthems from the Handel and Haydn Society's Collection, under direction of Mr. Wade. These festivals brought together the singers of Newton and vicinit}^ and furnished a pastime at the same time fascinating and improving. The following paper read December 19, 1877, by the pastor, Rev. Dr. W. N. Clarke, on the fiftieth annive'rsar3^ of the raising of the church clock to its place in the meeting-house by Deacon Reuben Stone, contains man^' shreds of histor}': On its face is the inscription: "Presented by Reuben Stone, 1827." It had its origin in Boston, near the old Roxbury line. A little above North- ampton Street, there were three Willards, who made clocks and repaired them, — first, together, and afterwards, in separate establishments. One of them was Aaron Willard, jr., and in his shop this clock was made. At what date in 1827, Reuben Stone made its acquaintance, I cannot say. I have- been told that when father Grafton fairly found his freedom, he had a way of preaching long sermons. But I can hardly think the clock was set up as- a warning to the minister. But Reuben Stone thought a clock would be use- ful to the church, and by such a bargain as he was able to make with Aaron Willard, jr., he provided one. Reuben Stone was a man of substance. He lived where Samuel Stone lives now, on Dedham Street, near the end of Parker Street; but there was no Parker Street then. He had not long been a member of the church. He was baptized in 1823, when he was forty-three years old. On the 3d of April, 1828, he was chosen deacon; his service, however, was but short, for he died on the 3d of August, — just four months after his induction to the deacon's office. The clock was not his only contribution to the clmrch. He had two children, and only two. His daughter, Martha by name, was bap- tized June 3d, of that same year, 1827. She changed her state without changing her name and, as the wife of David Stone, and now the mother of Reuben Stone, sho is still a member of this church, though fifty years have passed; and her son, Deacon Eben Stone, was a member of the church fiv© years before his father, having been converted in childhood, and on a sick EEMINISCENCES. 505 bed. The 7th of next June will be the sixtietli anniversary of his baptism, and the 4th of last November was the forty-fifth anniversary of his choice to the deacon's office. This church has seen the times "when days were dark and friends were few;" but Deacon Stone has been always faithful. In the old church there was a gallery around three sides of the house, on the front of which, facing the pulpit, the clock found its place, fifty years ago. The house was then some forty-five years old. Mr. Grafton, who first saw this silent but expressive face before him in 1827, was then entering upon the fortieth year of his first and only pastorate. He was then fully seventy years old; a short man, with a brown wig, and with wonderfully keen black eyes ; he wore short breeches and knee-buckles to the end of his days. He was a sound and fervent preacher, and he brought forth fruit in old age. In this year 1827, In which the clock came in, ninety- seven persons were added to the church, almost all of them on profession of faith; and in 1832, when father Grafton was seventy-five years old, the number was a hundred. For nine years the clock remained where it was first placed. The pastor's voice grew feebler, and other voices were often heard in its stead. A helper in the pastorate came, by and by, — Mr. Willard, — a tall, thin man, a fluent man, a man of many words because words came easily. The Theological Institution had become an important element in Newton, and the church removed its place of worship to the present lot, in order to give better accommodation to professors and students, and to make better provision for the anniversaries of the Seminary. But for this friendly desire, wo should very likely be worshipping up by the pond until this day. And so the clock was to be taken down. But a surprise was first to come. Father Grafton was expected to preacli a parting sermon in the old place, on the 18th of December, 183G. But on AVediiesday the 14th, he fell sick, and on the IGth, Friday, his long life was ended, in the peace of God. Instead of his parting sermon, his funeral was held in the old house on the 20th; and never again were public services held within its walls. Pastor and house ended their service together. It must have been on the 21st of December, forty- one years ago, — the day of all the year when clocks do most of their work in the dark, that this clock was fastened to the front of the gallery in the new meeting-house. It was probably in the old place on the 20th, the day of tlie funeral, and it was probably in the new place on the 22 1, when the services of dedication were held. The new house was on the present site, but it was not the house that we know. It was smaller. Instead of a tower at the corner, it had a square box of a steeple, over the ridgepole. It was painted white. Within, there was a broad aisle in the midst, and there were two side-aisles : but tliese were not next to the wall as now. Outside of them, there ran along each wall a row of pews facing towards the centre of the house. There was a galler}'- across the front end for the singers. The whole was extremely plain, for the house was built in poverty, and the sin of worldly display was kept in check by circumstances wliich the church could not control. Mr. Willard little thought that some in a later generation would be tempted to smile at his way 506 HISTORY OF NEWTON. of putting things in his next letter to the Association. " In the erection of this house," he says, " dependent as we were, after our own most strenuous exertions, upon the assistance of our friends in other places, we felt bound to study that plainness in the finish which is alike demanded by Christian frugality and good taste." The clock was put upon the front of the gallery, and there it remained during Mr. Willard's short ministry, during the temporary service of Dr. Ripley, and during the twelve and a half years of Dr. Smith's pastorate. From the same position it first saw Dr. Stearns in the pastor's place. But in a few years after that, the pews were reconstructed, the gallery came down, the front of the house was built out, the tower was erected. Then first, not much more than twenty years ago, the church attained the dignity of a bell. The organ was put where the clock now is, and the clock took its place between the windows, on the south Avall of the house at the right of the pulpit. Once more, just as the present pastor came, the house was par- tially reconstructed, the* organ took its present place near the pulpit, and the clock was fastened high upon the front wall opposite the preacher. Our clock, however, is not as demonstrative as its neighbor in the Congre- gational church. That clock strikes the hours with one penetrating and urgent stroke, even in prayerrtime. But that is a venerable clock, much more venerable, in fact, than ours. Whoever looks upon its face may read, " John Rogers, Newton, made and gave it, 1761." So it had been ticking for a century when the rebels fired on Sumter. This John Rogers is said to have been a lineal descendant of John Rogers the martyr, who was burned at Smithfield. Our clock once suffered from a trouble well known in its family. The Willard clocks, when they reached a certain age, — just past majority, — had a way of showing a certain cutaneous affection about the face, in fact, of peeling; and Deacon Stone has recorded that in September, 1851, he took the clock down in a badly cracked and peeled condition, and had the face re- painted, and put it up again, on the front of the gallery. When the new clock first came out from Boston, the Newton Theological Institution had just begun its work. The year 1825 was the year of opening. Two students were graduated in '2G, none in '27, four in '28. From the be- ginning, the graduating exercises were held in the Baptist meeting-house. The clock, therefore, may be supposed to have been present at just fifty An- niversaries. On these occasions, nearly six hundred young men have re- ceived the blessing of the Alma Mater, and gone forth to their work as full graduates. The sermons which have been preached in the presence of the clock would doubtless average one hundred a year, or amount to five thousand in all. Within this period which thus comes under review, much good work has been done in our house of worship, and many sacred associations have gathered around it. Many of the chief men of our own denomination have been heard here, and there have been some of the best representatives from other denominations. Addresses of great value have been delivered here on anniversary occasions. The remains of great men in the kingdom of God THOMPSONVILLE. . 507 have been brought here for the hist tribute of respect and love. No pastor, save Joseph Grafton, has here lain in silence, while the last farewell was spoken ; and here has reverence been done to the memory of Irah Chase, of Henry J. Ripley, of Horatio B. Hackett, of Samson Talbot. In these later years, the house has been rendered sacred to scores of persons as the place where they were buried with Christ in baptism, and as the place of instruc- tion and worship, it has become a sacred place to hundreds, almost to thousands. THOMPSONVILLE. The village of Thompsonville, east of Newton Centre, and half a mile distant, acquired its name from the name of Mr. Thomp- son, a laboring man, who led a kind of hermit life in the woods in that localit}' for several 3'ears. In the progress of events a few families in humble circumstances, chiefly Germans, became resi- dents of the place, which in 1867 attracted the attention of some of the members of the First Baptist church as a field for benevo- lent and Christian labor. The work originated in the thought of two young ladies. Sabbath School exercises were commenced in February, 1867, in a room hired for the purpose in the house of Mrs. Hammel, and a regular Sabbath School was organized March 6, 1867. Number present, fortj^-five. Mr. George O. San- born was the first Superintendent. During the summer following, zealous and successful efforts were made by interested friends of the school to provide a permanent place for its sessions, resulting in the erection of the chapel, which was dedicated November 9, 1867, At the end of eleven .years, it was stated that not a Sabbath had passed without a public service. Average attendance the first three months, thirtj'-nine ; the second, thirty-two ; the third, thirty- five. Superintendents of the school, in succession, Messrs. Geo. O. Sanborn, F. A. Lockwood, A. S. Holmes, A. W. Armington, J. M. White, Dwight Chester. Liberal friends have contributed generousl}- for the support of the school. Inclusive of the cost of the chapel, up to March 31, 1878, $1,700 had been given to sustain it, and the contributions of the school to Foreign Missions, in the same period, had amounted to S261. A quarterly collection is taken in the First Baptist church, to aid in its support. Man}- excellent results can be traced to its influence. It is singular and interesting that in the very portion of the town near which the New Light excitement began, nnder the labors of Mr. Jonathan Hyde, of Brookline, in 1750, — 508 HISTORY OF NEWTON. after the lapse of more than a century a living gospel should again be instrumental in supplanting the errors of German formalism, and substituting an intelligent and practical faith. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, NEWTON CENTRE. In June, 1875, a weekly prayer meeting was commenced in the old Engine House, then located at the corner of Centre and Sta- tion Streets, which was continued until January, 1876, when a Sab- bath School was organized. In the spring of the same year a preaching service followed. The enterprise was known as the Methodist Mission, and was a branch of the Methodist church at Newton Upper Falls. The pulpit of the Mission was supplied by the Presiding Elder, the pastors of neighboring churches, and stu- dents of the theological department of Boston Universit}', until October, 1877, when Mr. G. H. Perkins, of Wesleyan University, Middle town. Conn., was engaged as permanent supply. At the beginning, the congregations were small, but they steadily increased, until at the date of the organization of the church, one hundred persons were accustomed to attend the public worship. The Sabbath School numbered six classes. The first committee of the Mission consisted of the following persons : S. D. Garey, G. B. Dillingham, C. H. Robertson, ^y. J. Welch, Marshall S. Rice. The late Mr. Marshall S. Rice was a faithful friend to the Metho- dist cause in Newton. He generously provided for the Mission, at his decease, in April, 1879. by a bequest of $1,000, to be used in the erection of a church edifice. April 29, 1879, the church was organized in the Rooms of the Young Men's Christian Association. Rev. G. H. Perkins was appointed pastor, and the following were appointed trustees : Alden Speare, E. M. Fowle, J. F. Larason, S. D. Garey, W. L. Libby, E. G. Stevens, E. G. Stevens, jr. A few days after the organization, Hon. Alden Speare, Ex- Mayor of Newton, purchased the lot known as the Old Engine House lot, and presented it to the church as the site for a house of worship. Thus upon the same s}>ot where their ecclesiastical history had its birth, the church, in the Providence of God, built a house for his regular and permanent worship. The church edifice was built in the winter of 1879-80, and dedicated July 7, 1880. About fifty have been hopefully con^'ertcd since the outerprise began. ccyL^^rfi ec €^ ^^^ Kyc^^-^c^^ UNITARIAN SOCIETY. 509 George H. Perkins, ... - 1879-1880 Bradford K. Pierce, D. D., - - - 1880 UNITARIAN SOCIETY. In the autumn of 1877, a number of families holding the Uni- tarian faith, in Newton Centre and Newton Highlands, determined to hold weekly religious services, and subscribed a sura sufficient to meet the requisite expenses for one 3'ear. White's Hall, in the Brick block on Station Street, near the Railroad Depot, Newton ■Centre, was leased for the purpose of holding rehgious worship, and the first service was held on Sunda}*, November 11, 1877. Rev. Dr. George W. Hosmer, of Newton, preached on the occa- sion. An Executive Committee of seven was appointed, with the requisite sub-committees to arrange the details. The following constituted the Board of Officers : Executive Committee, J. R. Leeson, Chairman ; Harvey S. •vSears, Clerk ; Elisha Bassett, Treasurer ; Charles E. Abbott, J. D. Elliott, D. Frank Young, George A. Dexter. Sub-Committee, Pulpit supply, Elisha Bassett, Charles E. Abbott, H. S. Sears; Hall, etc., D. Frank Young, George A. Dexter; Music, J. R. Leeson, H. S. Sears, J. D. Elliott. Rev. Rufus Phineas Stebbins, D. D., a graduate of Amherst College in 1834, and formerly President of the Meadville Theolog- ical School, was engaged to act as pastor, and is still in office. The church erected by this Society was dedicated July 1, 1880, being built hy the same architect who was employed on the Metho- dist church at the corner of Station Street. The Centre Green, formerly the training field, — graded and adorned in 1879-80, and extending in front of these churches, renders theii' location very attractive. CHAPTER XXXIX. PROVISION FOB THE POOR. — ALMSHOUSE PURCHASED. — RULES OF THE HOUSE. REMOVAL. — THE KENRICK FUND. It is recorded that the early inhabitants of Newton were in easy circumstances, many of them bringing with them to their new resi- dence considerable estates. The}' brought also, in general, that which was better than material wealth, — health, thrift and indus- tr}-. But, as it ever happens, where human beings congregate, it was not long before misfortune, idleness, neglect and want crept in. The prosperous found themselves called to help the unfortu- nate, and the Scripture met its fulfilment which saj's, " The poor ye have alwaj-s with 3'ou, and when 3'e will ye maj'' do them good." Beyond question, provision was made for the sick and suffering poor, from time to time, from the beginning, whenever there was need ; and poverty is too common a thing to have been wanting, even in the earl}' periods of the town. Happily, the benevolent impulse is so strong in human nature, notwithstanding the power of selfishness, that want and sorrow could not have failed to receive mitigations from the hand of private charit}'. But a house for the reception of the disabled and the homeless was the growth of years. Before any organized action of the town is recorded, we find traces of private beneficence, exercised in special cases, — neighborhood charit}', as beautiful as it is helpful, — when a great loss or need of one is alle'vdated by being voluntarily taken upon the shoulders of man}', — a fulfilment of the Bible rule — "Bear ye one another's burdens." The Hyde manuscripts record several instances of this ; for example, it is written, — 1703. — A contribution was made for John Parker, when he lost Ms cows; also, for Nathaniel Parker; also, for Samuel Hyde, when his house was burnt, May 7, 1709 ; also, for Daniel Hyde, etc. 510 PROVISION FOR THE POOR. 511 The first entry in the Town Records, relative to the poor, is March 5, 1711, as follows: "Voted, that once a j^ear there shall be a contribution on Thanl^sgiving day for the poor, wliich shall be paid into the town treasury, and given out to the poor b}' the Selectmen, as they see need." The almshouse, however, came at last. In 1731, ninety-two years after the first settlement, and more than forty years after the incorporation of the town, — the citizens voted to build a workhouse (so they denominated the home of the stricken poor) , perhaps dreading lest unworthy persons, abusing the provision of the town, should seek to be maintained in idleness. Two years later, in 1733, a vote was passed "that the Selectmen, or Over- seers of the Poor, have power to set idle and disorderly persons to work ; and one of the school-houses, in the recess of the school, shall be used as a workhouse." In 1734, Lieutenant William Trowbridge, Nathaniel Hammond, Daniel Woodward, William H3'de and Samuel Truesdale were chosen the first Board of Overseers of the Poor. In 1750, Henry Gibbs, William Hyde and Robert Murdock were chosen a committee to build a workhouse. Thirteen years later, in 17G3, the town " voted to build a workhouse twenty-four feet by twenty-six, one story high, upon the town's land, near Dr. King's, or some other place, and appropriated £50 for that purpose. Another step was taken March 5, 17G5, by the appointment of a committee to examine the laws with respect to a workhouse, and report to the town at the next May meeting. This committee reported. May 20, 1765, as follows : We the subscribers, the committee appointed to examine the laws relative to regulating the workhouse, report as our opinion that the Selectmen for the time being do, according to the best of their judgment, order and regu- late said house, with the inhabitants thereof, till our next March meeting;, and that there be then chosen a number of overseers of said house, not less than five, for the more particular regulation thereof. Thomas Greenwood, Abraham Fuller, Joshua Hammond. September 29, 17G8, Messrs. Abraham Fuller, Noah Wiswall, Ebenezer Parker, Joshua Murdock, Thomas Parker, Benjamin Hammond and John Woodward were appointed a committee to make a draft of such rules and orders, for regulating the workhouse,. 512 HISTORY OF NEWTON. SO called, as said committee shall think best ; and lay the same before the town for their acceptance at the next public meeting of the town. On the 28th of October, 1768, the following rules and orders were reported by the committee and accepted by the town. It is interesting, at this distance of time, to observe the remarkable disproportion between the infant institution on the one hand, and the extended and formal code of regulations on the other. Voted, that said rules and orders be made use of for regulating said workhouse ; and that said rules and orders be put upon record in the Town Book; and that the Selectmen, when they shall judge most proper, present the same to the Justices of the Quarter Sessions for their appprobation. RULES AND ORDERS FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF THE WORKHOUSE IN NEWTON. I. Rules relating to the Selectmen or Overseers of the Poor, who by law have the direction of said House. 1. That there shall be a general meeting of the Overseers at the house the third Tuesday of every month, at five o'clock in the afternoon, to inspect all accounts, and examine into the behavior of the people committed to the house, and to redress all difficulties that occur to the master, and to hear and consider all complaints made by the poor; and to consult and advise about such further rules and methods as may be for the advantage of said house. II. Rules relating to the Master of the House. 1. That the master be a person of approved integrity and ability, who shall be chosen at a general meeting of the Overseers, and, in case of his deatli or removal, another person be, as soon as may be, chosen in his room by the Overseers, who shall have power to agree with such master for his salary ; but if the said master be found guilty of any immoral or irregular behavior, the Overseers reserve to themselves a power to dismiss him, and place another in his room. 2. That the master keep a register of the names, ages and occupations of all the persons that shall be admitted into the house, as well as an account of the time of their entry, and their deaths or dismission from the house. 3. That the master buy the provisions, and materials for work and other necessaries, and dispose of what is manufactured to the best advantage, ac- cording to the advice and directions of the Overseers, with whom he is to consult in this and all matters of importance. 4. That the master keep books of accounts of all expenses and profits of the house, to be passed upon and allowed by the Overseers at their monthly meetings, and to be open to the inspection of the town, whenever they shall sec cause to appoint a committee for that service. RULES CONCERNING THE ALMSHOUSE. 513 III. Rules relating to the Persons that shall be admitted into the House. 1. That none shall be admitted without a written order, under the hands of the major part of the Overseers of the Poor. 2. That upon their admission tliey be examined, whether they are free from lico and foul distempers, and, if they are not, the master to take care and see that tlicy are cleansed. 3. That the several persons in the house constantly repair to the place or places, and at the hours assigned by the master of said house, and that they shall work orderly at such business and so many hours as the Overseers shall direct. 4. That they constantly attend the public worship of God on Lord's days at the meeting-house, if their health will admit of it. 5. That when any persons are taken sick,~there shall be proper and suit- able care taken of them by the master of said house. IV. Rules relating to the Diet and Victimlling of the House. That the master of the house see that all the persons therein have suitable victuals and drink provided for them, such as the Overseers shall direct. V. Rules relating to the Government of the House. 1. That all immoralities and disobedience to the government of the house be by the master noted in a book and laid before the Overseers, that by their authority and admonition such rudeness and immorality may be re- strained, and peace and good order maintained, and all obstinate, perverse and unruly persons punished according to their crimes. 2. That whereas some slothful persons may pretend sickness or lameness, to excuse themselves from labor, it is ordered that such persons shall pass a proper examination by a physician ; and if it should appear upon his report and other concurring circumstances that those persons made false excuses, they shall be punished by such an addition of labor to their daily stints, or some other way, as the Overseers shall determine. 3. That if any person or persons shall neglect to repair to his or their work, at such time and place or places, as shall be assigned him, her and them by tlie master of said house, or refuse to work, loiter, or be idle, or shall not well perform the task of work set him, her, or them, or shall waste or spoil any of the materials or tools of the several manufactures, or shall deface tlie walls, or break the windows, or shall disturb the house by clamor, quar- relling, fighting, or abusive language, or profane the Sabbath, or carry it disrespectfully to the master or Overseers of said house, or shall drink to excess, steal, or profanely curse and swear, or in any other respects act immorally or irregularly, he, she or tliey shall be punished, either by denying him, her or them a meal, or whole day's allowance, or by gagging, or By whipping, not exceeding five stripes; or causing him, her or them to wear a collar round about his, her or their neck, with a wooden clog to it; or by an addition of labor to their daily task, according to the nature and circum- 33 5U HISTORY OF NEWTON. stances of the crime ; and in case of frequent repetition and obstinacy in his-^ her, or their crimes, he, she or they shall be punished by order of one or more Justices of the Peace by removal into the County workhouse, or prison, or otherwise, as the law directs. 4. That the Overseers at their monthly meetings have power to punish all breaches of the foregoing orders, excepting those that are referred to the cognizance "of a Justice of the Peace. 5. That the master of the house have power, in the intervals between the meetings of the Overseers, to punish the breaches of the foregoing orders, according to the instructions he shall receive in writing from the Over- seers ; and that in any cases of difficulty arising, which may need a more speedy consideration, he shall call the Overseers together for their advice and assistance. 6. That the foregoing rules and orders of the house be publicly read, at least once a month, that none may pretend ignorance of them. The care of the poor seems to have given the people of Newton no Uttle trouble. Occasional references in the Records indicate that the wards of the town were of an insubordinate temper, and often gave the Master of the house cause of complaint. In the progress of j^ears, various plans for disposing of the poor and mak- ing them comfortable were proposed. In April, 1805, a vote was- passed authorizing and impowering the Selectmen to let out the poor in a way that shall appear to them for the interest of the town. A regular S3'stem seems to have been finally agreed upon, and a house and land purchased for ttiis pm'pose in the year 1818, — the initiation of the S3'stem which has continued, with only casual and necessary modifications, to the present date. The place purchased in 1818 was the lower farm of Captain Joel Houghton, consisting of forty-three acres of land with convenient buildings, formerly known as the Henry Pigeon house at Auburndale. The price was $2,500. The estate was subject to a mortgage of $1,500- to Jane Pigeon. The committee expended |190, in repairs and improvements. The old s^'stem of rules for the government of the house, ordained fift}" 3- ears previousl}', was replaced by a new code. Such a code may in those da3's have been uecessarj'. Experience may have proved it to be requisite. But the ideas of irregularity, crime and punishment seem to us to appear in painful repetition, as if the house were designed to meet the conditions of persons bent on sin and confined as a penalty for its commission, and not as a place of refuge for a class, of whom many were innocent and unfortunate, — a House of Correction for criminals, rather than a Refuge for the Unfortunate Poor. b NEW REGULATIONS. 515 The following is the new code : 1. No person shall be admitted into this house as a pauper, without a cer- tificate from one or more of the Overseers of the Poor. 2. All persons in this house to be of good behavior, and decently and orderly to attend to family devotions morning and evening, and at meals. Whosoever offends in this will be punished. C>. Any person in this house who shall disturb the peace thereof by strik- ing his or her fellow, or any other person in this house, or be guilty of any threatening language or otlier indecent behavior will be punished according to the nature of tiie crime. 4. Any person in this house who shall disturb the peace thereof by pro- fane cursing or swearing, or any other immorality, will be punished therefor. 5. All persons in this house to behave decently and orderly at meals ; and if .any person shall find fault with his or her allowance, and shall pre- sume to waste or destroy the same, or contend with the Keeper respecting the same, he shall be punished therefor according to the nature of the offence. G. All persons in this house who are able are to be kept to labor; and if any person or persons who are able shall refuse to work, or shall be sloth- ful in their work, or shall waste or destroy the materials they are working upon, they shall be punished therefor. 7. All persons in this house who shall go without the gate, without the liberty of the Keeper, shall be punished therefor. 8. Such persons as are able are to attend public worship on Lord's day, when the weather is suitable, and return immediately to this house when service is ended. 9. All persons in this house to retire to bed at night and rise in the morning as the Keeper shall order, excepting those who may be sick. 10. All complaints to be made to one or more Overseers of the Poor both by the Keeper and other persons in this house; and the said Overseers will take cognizance of the same. And in case of sickness in this house, par- ticular orders will be given by said Overseers, on notice given them by the Keeper. 11. Any persons supported in this house who shall bring in, or cause to be brought into the same, any ardent spirit whatever, shall be punished. 12. The punishment for a breach of any of these articles by any of the paupers shall be by reducing the usual allowance of food, or by solitary con- finement, or both, under the direction of the Overseers of the Poor. But in cases of outrage, when the security of any person is in danger by violence offered to any in this house, then the Keeper shall secure the author or authors of such outrage until notice can be given to one or more of the Overseers. The foregoing rules are to be read by the Keeper to every person when admitted into this house, and once a month to all in the house. Such were the early provisions made for tlie poor of Newton, dictated, undoubtedly, by the spirit of kindness, but difficult to 516 HISTORY OF NEWTON. be administered, owing to the depravity of human nature, and the growing disposition of unworthy, designing and idle persons to secure a living without earning it. The difficulty of managing wisel}' this department of the government has grown everywhere with the growth of the countr3^ Too often the unworthy and foreign- ers have found ample provision for their wants, and the modest and worthy native poor, entitled above all to the benefit of such provision, have suftered. The Poorhouse at Auburndale, having serv^ed for several years the purpose for which it was purchased, was sold, and about forty acres of laud bought, and buildings erected, on the Sher- burne Road, near the house of the late Matthias Collins, Esq., which are still in use. While the Poorhouse was in its former loca- tion, the inmates, who were able, attended Divine service ever}' Sabbath at the Congregational church in West Newton. Since the removal, provision has been made for them at the Methodist church, Newton Upper Falls. Forty years ago. Divine service used to be held in the dining-room of the House every Sabbath evening, and the ministers of the town in rotation preached to the inmates and such of the neighbors as chose to be present. It is said that on these occasions Dr. Homer, when it was his turn to officiate, always preached sitting. Besides the provision made for the poor of Newton by action of the town and b}^ unrecorded private beneficence, which has undoubtedly flowed in a thousand perpetual and refreshing streams, — a noble provision was made b}' one of the citizens in 1825, called THE KENIUCK FUND, of which the Records contain the following account : At a legal meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Newton on Monday, the third day of January, 1825, a communication from John Kem-ick, Esq., was read, as follows : "Newton, Dec. 16, 1824. — Impressed with the utility and importance of laying the foundation of a permanent fund, from which may be annually drawn some aid and relief for certain descriptions of the Poor of my native town of Newton, through all future generations, I am disposed to make the following proposals. " 1. To pay into the hands of the Selectmen of Newton, as Trustees, the sum of one thousand dollars, to be by them let at lawful interest, secured by mortgages on real estate of at least three times the value of the sums loaned. THE KENRICK FUND. 517 "2. That the annual interest of five hundred doHars of the proposed sum be distributed from year to year, at the discretion of the Trustees, towards assisting and relieving the needy, industrious poor of Newton, especially widows and orphans, none of whom have fallen under the immediate care of the Overseers of the Poor. " 3. That the annual interest arising from the remainder of the Donation be added to the principal, and carefully kept, interest on interest, until the whole sum amounts to three thousand dollars, which with due care will be effected within twenty-eight years. After vzhich, I direct that the whole fund be loaned at an interest of five per cent, per annum, and the annual interest be distributed in manner, and to descriptions of poor before mentioned for- ever, through all future generations. " With a view of promoting the future prosperity of Newton, and from a full persuasion that where industry, temperance, honesty and punctuality prevail, there will be but few paupers, I further direct that this fund be loaned in moderate sums, not exceeding three hundred dollars to any one person, and for terms of time not exceeding five years ; that the several sums be collected when due and re-loaned to others, — a preference being always given to applications from married young men, from twenty-three to thirty years old, of temperate, industrious habits, and distinguished for honesty and punctuality in their dealings. " If the town of Newton vote to accept the proposed Donation, and con- stitute the Board of Selectmen and their successors in office permanent Trus- tees, with special instructions faithfully to manage and apply the fund in exact accordance with the foregoing directions and apparent intentions of the Donor, then, if ray life continues, I will pay over the sum proposed within six months after the town's vote of acceptance and appointment of Trustees. "John Kenrick. " Selectmen of Newton.. "P. S. Hopes are indulged that some others, of ability and like minded, will be disposed to make additions to the Fund proposed. "J. K." Voted, that the town accept the noble benefaction now offered by John Kenrick, Esq., with a full determination to conform to all the conditions with which he has seen fit to accompany the same. Voted, that this Donation be denominated the " Kenrick Fund." Voted, that the Board of Selectman and their successors in office be hereby appointed permanent Trustees, to manage and apply the said Fund according to all the conditions accompanying the same. Voted, that the present Selectmen of the town be hereby appointed a committee, with directions to wait upon John Kenrick, Esq., and present to him the thanks of the town, for his truly noble benefaction, and make known to him the grateful feelings with wliich his benevolent offer is accepted; and assure him that no efforts on the part of the present generation shall be want- ing, to carry his generous intentions respecting the same into the fullest and most complete effect. Joseph Jackson, Town Clerk. May 2, 1825. — John Kenrick added two hundred dollars to the above Donation. 518 HISTORY OF NEWTON. Under date of August 5, 1826, John Kenrick, Esq., added again two hundred dollars to his former Donations to the town, accompanied by the following letter : Newton, Aug. 5, 1826. — Gentlemen, — I herewith transmit a due bill for the further sum of $200, to be added to the Fund for assisting and relieving the industrious poor of Newton, and direct that after making the second yearly dividend of $30, the sura of $40 be annually distributed until the Fund amounts to $4,000, jiroposed in my letter of April 30, 1825. If there is a continuance of the same honorable and faithful management the Trustees have hitherto exhibited, the fund will be complete in little more than twenty-two years from the reception of this concluding part ; after which they will be enabled to make their loans at five per cent, per annum, and commence their yearly distribution of $200. "When this fund is once completed, it must never be diminished. And if, cither by accident or mismanagement, any part of it is lost, I do hereby expressly enjoin that the interest arising from the remainder be added to the principal until the deficiency be made good. Thus guarded and secured, I indulge the consoling, animating hope that this humble relief fund will outlast the superb obelisk designed to perpetuate the memory of martial heroes and a bloody battle, and endure as long as the aberrations, infirmities and wants of the human family. I am, gentlemen, respectfully j'ours, John Kenrick. Selectmen of Newton. In 1830, Mr. Kenrick added to the fund three hundred dollars. In addition to the above liberal acts, Mr. Kenrick made still another gift to the town, in the following letter : Newton, Aug. 6, 1828. — Gentlemen, — Newton has a house and farm for the residence of their poor, and I am happy to learn it has answered a good purpose, and is likely to be beneficial in future. I have been thinking, since I awoke, that it would be advantageous to have that farm well stocked with fruit-trees. And as I have abundance of young apple-trees, English cherry and peach-trees, all budded and containing variety as large as can be desired, and can make the supply without any injury to myself, I will make the town welcome to as many of the above kinds as you may send for. It will be in- dispensable, however, that you take the trouble of taking them up. Also, I will furnish as many currant bushes, and as large, as you may wish. I am respectfully yours, J. Kenrick. Note. — I recommend moving the trees in autumn. CHAPTER XL. NEWTON AND TEMPERANCE. FIRST MOVEMENT. DR. GILBERT'S KECOLLECTIONS. — NEWTON AND FIRE COMPANIES. FIRE- WARDS CHOSEN. PROPERTY OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. The citizens of Newton early took au interest in the cause of Temperance. "The Massachusetts Society for the Suppression of Intemperance" was formed at the State House in Boston, Feb- ruary 5, 1813. The object of the Society, as expressed in the Constitution, was " to discourage and suppress the too free use of ardent spirit, and its kindred vices, profaneness and gaming, and to encourage and promote temperance and general moralit}'." Many saw no .happy results from this Society, and, after many years of effort, retired from the field in despair. The " American Temperance Society" was formed in Boston, February 13, 182G. At the first meeting a Constitution was adopted, and sixteen gen- tlemen were " chosen by the members of the meeting, at the com- anencement, to compose the Society." Seven of the members "were ministers, and the second on the list was the Rev. William Jenks, D. D., a native of Newton. A month later, March 12, eighty-four more persons were elected, in the Northern and Mid- dle States, as members of the Societ}'. A circular was prej^ared and sent out, setting forth the evils of intemperance, and soliciting contributions for the support of a Secretary, who should devote his whole time to the promotion of the objects of the Society, In September, 1826, an association of more than fifty heads of fami- lies and more than a hundred and fifty 3'oung men was formed in Andover, on the plan of total abstinence. On the 1.5th of Decem- ber, 1826, only two months later, a meeting was held in Newton, "which took active measures on the subject of Temperance, and, by a circular, addressed to the inhabitants of the town, sought to create a general interest in regard to it. The following is the circular : 510 520 HISTORY OF NEWTON. Newton, December 15, 1826. Sir, — At a meeting of several gentlemen held at this place, to inquire whether any measures could be adopted for the suppression of intemperance, it was unanimously resolved to be expedient to form an Association for that purpose, and a committee was appointed to draft a Constitution. At a subsequent meeting, the following Constitution was adopted, and the undersigned were directed to forward a copy to every family in Newton, accompanied with such a statement of facts in relation to the subject, as they might think proper. In conformity with these instructions, we now address you, and respect- fully invite your attendance at the Centre School-house, on the evening of the first Wednesday of January next, at 6 o'clock, when this Constitution will be revised, and such an one adopted, as a majority of those who choose to become members shall approve ; and officers for the ensuing year will be chosen. CONSTITUTION. Believing that intemperance is productive of more human misery and moral degradation than any other, or all other vices combined ; and that this most appalling of earthly calamities, is but the legitimate fruit of what our- selves, in common with a vast majority of the most valuable citizens of tliis highly privileged land, have practised, and termed the " reasonable and necessary use of ardent spirits" — Believing that "man cannot live to himself alone," and that every indi- vidual, however insignificant or uninfluential, may exert some infliuence upon others by his example, and is accountable to God and the community for all the evil consequences of that example ; and, believing that associated, is uniformly more successful than individual, effort, we hereby form ourselves into an Association for the suppression of intemperance. The main object of this Society, is not the reformation of drunkards. The habitual drunkard's example does comparatively nothing to tempt, but much to deter, the rising generation from its imitation. We are, however, fully aware that the drunkard inflicts upon his aflfectionate wife and innocent children a weight of woe not to be told or conceived, and sufficient to justify the unceasing labor of a Avhole community to remove. But, at the same time, we feel that a whole community may labor with untiring zeal and perse- verance, and accomplish literally nothing in this work. And were we able to remove from (mr mortified sight the drunkard's example, and relieve all the discouraged wives and humble children, from that horrid weight of woe which is sinking them into the earth; even then we should do nothing that death wpuld not, in a very short time, accomplish without us. Indeed, the "terrible ravages of this sin are but streams, issuing from the fountain of habitual moderate drinking ; " so that the reformation of every drunkard in the town would not arrest, for a single moment, this many-headed monster. The cxami)le of the daily "reasonable" draughts of our most influential men, so long as a majority of such men continue to exhibit such an example,. TEMPERANCE. 521 will continue to produce successive crops of drunkards, to blast our moral welfare, and multiply widows, orphans and paupers amongst us. "To warn the temperate, to sound an alarm to the tlunking, to stand be- tween the living and the dead, is the purpose of tliis Association." And, for the accomplishment of this object, we mutually bind ourselves to a rigid observance of the foUcwing Rules and Regulations : 1. The first and most prominent article of this Association shall be, that its members totally relinquish the use of ardent spirit, unless as a medicine. 2. Should a physician recommend to any member of this Society the daily use of ardent spirit, to continue thirty days, it shall be his duty to give notice of the same to the Secretary, and withdraw his name ; and be admitted a member again, only when such necessity ceases. 3. The members of this Association hereby agree to refrain from invit- ing others to the use of ardent spirit at their social visits ; and from furnish- ing it in any quantity, or on any occasion (except as a medicine), to those whom they may employ — and, as far as our circumstances and situation will permit, firom offering it in hospitality to strangers, or others who may inci- dentally call on us, — the object being to banish ardent spirit from our dwell- ings altogether ; and to this point every member pledges himself to approach as near as possible. 4. Members who are parents or guardians of children and youth, pledge themselves to keep them from such places and company as may have a ten- dency to tempt to the use of ardent spirit, and to use every effort to impress on the minds of the young, a realizing sense of the dangerous consequences connected with its habitual use. 5. Members of this Association, in the employment of laborers on their premises, are expected to give a preference to those who use no ardent spirit. 6. Any person more than fourteen years old, may become a member by signing this Constitution. 7. The name or style of this Society, shall be the " Newton Friendly Society." 8. The officers of this Association shall be a President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, and three Directors, to be chosen annually on the first "Wednesday in January. 9. It shall be the duty (jf the President to preside at all meetings of tlie Society, and of its Directors ; and in case of his absence, the Vice-President shall preside. 10. The Treasurer shall receive funds, and dispose of the same as the Board of Directors sliall determine. 11. The Secretary shall keep a fair record of all the Association's trans- actions, officers' and members' names, and of such facts and circumstances as the Board direct. 12. It shall be the duty of the Directors to watch over the interest and prosperity of the Association ; and they, together with the President, Vice- President and Secretary, shall form the Board of Directors, for the transac- tion of the business of the Society, and use all laudable means to obtain members, and promote its objects. They shall meet as often as once in three months. 522 HISTORY OF NEWTON. 13. Tliis Constitution may be altered or amended at any annual meeting, by a majority of the members present. We presume it can hardly be necessary to state one fact, or offer one argu- ment in addition to those urged in the foregoing preamble ; yet as there are facts which, to a candid mind, present a weight of testimony, absolutely irresistible, permit us to name some of them. The Secretary of State, in a report to the Legislature of New York, rela- tive to the causes of pauperism, justifies the conclusion, that there arc, at tliis moment, eighty thousand persons in that State, who have become pau- pers, either directly or indirectly, from the use of ardent spirits ; and that it requires an annual expense of more than half a million dollars, to support them. In one town in that State, thirteen-fourteenths of its paupers have become such from its improper use. Forty million dollars are annually expended for this poison, in the United States; — and if to this we add the immense amount expended for paupers, and for healing those who have become diseased, its effect upon our pecu- niary prosperity becomes obvious enough. , In regard to its effects on our moral welfare, facts arc still more conclusive. We have been characterized by a late eminent statesman, as " a nation of drunkards." Out of 1,061 cases of criminal prosecutions in North Carolina, from eight to nine hundred were connected with, or produced by the vice of intemperance. And of 4,931 cases brought before the Municipal Court, in Boston, the great mass of them could be traced to the same cause; and the same is supposed to be the cause of three-fourths of all the crimes committed in the United States. Nor is this waste of property and moral degradation all the evil that is brought upon our country by this vice. It has been computed by those who have carefully investigated this subject, that more than 10,000 lives are an- nually destroyed in the United States, while the number qf those who are diseased, distressed and impoverished, amounts to more than 200,000. And now, Sir, in view of these and many other facts, which might be added, whether we deem complete success possible or not, dues not our use- fulness, our characters, our jn'osperity, our healths, our lives, and the ever- lasting welfare of our souls, require us to do all that God has given us the means of doing, to arrest the progress of this deadly vice? And may we not indulge a hope that in this effort we shall be aided by the weight of your in- fluence and example? Very respectfully, yours, Samuel Hyde, William Jackson, Joel Fuller, Seth Davis. In conformity with the invitation, as set forth in the above cir- cular, a meeting was held at the time and place specified, and twenty-seven members subscribed then- names to a document of TEMPERANCE. 523 the same import as the circular, and officers were chosen. TMs was, probabh', the first local or town organization of the kind in the State, or in New England, excepting that at Andover, above alluded to. Much ridicule and opposition was manifested ; but the Societ}', notwithstanding, continued to increase rapidly in num- l)ers and influence, until hundreds were in the ranks. Weekly aneetings for several consecutive winters were held in a building used for a private Academj' in West Newton, it being the onh' place convenient for such [)urposes. It was at that place that the Society established a librar}' of several hundred volumes, called the Adelphian Library'. It also originated the "Institution for Savings " in the town of Newton. At their weekly- meetings, debates on the utility of railroads and other subjects, on astrono- my, chemistry, agriculture, history, etc., were held, and were pop- ular, and as numerousl}^ attended as an}- meetings of a like charac- ter at AVest Newton. Thus the first fruits of the Temperance reform were felt in a stimulus to frugality and literary culture ; and, perhaps, a hint comes down to us from those earlier daj^s, as to new methods of giving interest to this class of meetings, which are now too often barren and repetitious. Let the mind be fed Avith higher nutriment, and the lower appetites of the body will find an effectual check. It is fitting, at a meeting for the promo- tion of universal self-control, to discuss the relations of this attainment to general prosperity' in all things. The following is a part of the action recorded at the first meeting of the Society : Deeply impressed with a sense of the important and valuable results, to the rising and risen generations, which may be reasonably anticipated from the efforts of the Newton Association for the Promotion of Temperance, and be- ing full}' aware that these efforts have been, and (to be effectually useful) must continue to be, attended with considerable pecuniary sacrifice, we here- by cheerfully contribute and agree to pay to the Treasurer of said Society, the respective sums set against our names. William Jackson, $10.00 E. B. Kenrick, .$2.00 Joseph Grafton, 1.00 Ephraira Jackson, 2d, 1.50 Samuel Hyde, 3.00 Joel Jenison, .20 Joel Fuller, 1.33 Joshua Jenison, .25 Seth Davis, 1.50 E. F. Woodward, 1.50 Increase S. Davis, 2.00 William Kenrick, 1.00 Marshall S. Rice, John Kcnrick, 2.00 5.00 .$32.34 524 HISTORY OF NEWTON. Dr. Gilbert gives the following interesting account in con- nection with the early movement in Newton in the cause of Tem- perance : I had not been long in Newton when Mr. William Jackson came to request me to deliver a Discourse before the Temperance Society at its second an- niversary. I was not very well posted in' regard to the subject; but as I had been a member of the Temperance Society in the town of Andover, I felt that I was enlisted for the war. I had read Dr. Beecher's " Six Sermons on Intemperance," and heard Drs. Edwards and Hewitt preach on the subject; and so I acceded to the request. While I was engaged in preparing my Discourse, I called on father Greenough, who felt a little cool towards the movement. He was a very conscientious man, and, being in the practice, under medical advice, of tak- ing a half a glass of gin every day, he had joined the Society, with that pro- viso. I told him what I was doing. I told him I had come to the conclusion that the army of intemperates in the United States was enormous. " How many? " he inquired. " Thirty thousand," said I. " O no ; there cannot be half so many," said he. " Even that is only twenty-five to a thousand peo- ple." " Well, there could not be so many." " Mr. Greenough, don't you think your own parisii would furnish that proportion? " " No, no." " Well, suppose we add Watertown and Brighton." " Well, if you add Watertown, I don't know; they do drink there." " Now," said I, " suppose you begin at the Poorhouse and count through the parish, — you are better acquainted than I am, — now are there not a dozen at the Poorhouse?" "Yes, but they all came from Oak Hill." "Well, then, suppose you reckon, for your part, two at the Poorhouse." "Yes, there may be two." " Now," said I, " lot us count on." His three unmar- ried daughters took up the matter and began the count, and passed through the entire parish. In a settlement of about sixty houses, they counted up, to the astonishment of the good old man, nineteen. " Oh," said he, " who would have thought there were half so many? " I found subsequently as many more, who were known to go quite too far in the same direction. Many of them afterwards reformed; some died, unchanged. But the cause of Temperance won the hearts of the commu- nity, and a great work was done. Dr. Gilbert's Discourse was published, and was among the first wliich maintained the doctrine of total abstinence. The town of Newton, in its corporate capacit}', undoubtedly kept even pace with the Commonwealth and with public opinion on the subject of temperance. Liquor and license laws were, from time to time, here as elsewhere, matters of familiar discussion with the people ; and whatever measures Massachusetts legislation established, the executives of Newton promptly sanctioned and carried out. The progress of tlie temperance movement in N;;w- TEMPERANCE. 525 ton was iu harmony with the movenaent in the best towns of the State. The Records occasionally testify that there were faithful men, watching over the public welfare, who were ever ready to put in execution, in this department, the most stringent law which pub- lic opinion could be made to sanction. Some of the entries in the Records, designed to shelter the people from harmful temptation, are sufficiently curious. Tims in April, 1850, the Selectmen were appointed a committee to prosecute all violators of the license law in the town. In March, 1853, the citizens, in town meeting assembled, voted not to license an}^ to sell intoxicating liquors. April 1, 18G2, a certificate is issued to one of the citizens, and signed b}^ the whole Board of Selectmen, appointing the person in question " agent for the sale of spirituous liquors under the liq- uor laws of this Commonwealth, for the year ending May 1, 1863." In 1864, the business in some respects assumed a still graver char- acter, the town itself becoming, through its agent, the purchaser and seller of spirituous liquors to its inhabitants. The following is the certificate, placed among the Records of the town: CERTIFICATE OF THE APPOINTMENT OF TOWN LIQUOR AGENT. Under the Laws of Massachusetts. Town of Newton : This is to certify that John J. Ware, having given bonds, has been duly appointed by the Selectmen of Newton, an agent to purchase Intoxicating liquors, and to sell the same at Newton, in Beacon Street, in the Town of Newton, to be used in the Arts, or for Medicinal, Chemical and Mechanical purposes, and no other; under and in conformity with the Laws of the Com- monwealth of Massachusetts. (See General Laws, Chapter 8G, Sections 17 to 24 inclusive.) This appointment to continue for eight months from the date hereof, unless sooner revoked by said Selectmen. Said agent shall re- ceive a salary of fifty dollars a year, which shall be in full for his said ser- vice, or in that proportion for a less time. Dated at Newton this sixth day of September, 1864. Thomas Rice, jr., Samuel F. Dix, Fked. a. Collins, Orrin Whipple, J. F. C. Hyde, >• Selectmen of Newtou. The following year it was specified that the place of deposit and sale of these articles should be at the Almshouse. A similar certificate was granted in 1865-7. But this method was in due time abolished. And in the warrant for the town 526 HISTORY OF NEWTON. meeting of November 5, 1867, there was an article "to see if the town will abolish its Liquor Agenc}'' and discontinue its traffic in intoxicating liquors, or remove its stock of liquors from the Alms- house, and establish an agent for the sale thereof in each village in the town." When the article was read in the town meeting, " after considerable discussion the town voted to postpone indefi- nitel}' the whole matter." The temperance principles of the town went still further. For on the 6th of September, 1870, a vote was passed by the town that no person shall be allowed to sell ale, porter, strong beer or lager beer in the town of Newton. This vote was repealed May 2, 1871. From that time the cause of Temperance has been left to the action of the State laws and the magistrates appointed to execute them, and to the voluntary organizations or associated or private efibrts of the citizens. NEWTON AND FIRE COMPANIES. The old Cataract Engine Company at the Lower Falls, is the oldest fire organization in Newton, and has had a marked and peculiar histor}'. In the yeav 1813 the Legislature passed an act granting authority to certain persons to form a Fire Engine Com- pany,* compose^ of residents of the Lower Falls, in part situated ♦The following is the copy of tills Charter: " Be it enacted, etc., " Sect. 1. Tliat the Selectmen of the towns of Newton and Needham be and they hereby are respectively authorized and empowered to nominate and appoint, as sooa as may be after the passing of this Act, and ever after in the month of March an- nually, so long as there shall be a good Engine at or near Lower Falls, so called, on Charles River, any number of suitable persons, not exceeding ten in each of said, towns, to be a Company of Enginemeu, to take charge of and manage said engine, who shall be subject to the same duties and vested with the same powers, and enti- tled to the same rights, privileges andexemptions that all Enginemen now by law are. " Sect. 2. Be it further enacted that all rules and regulations respecting their duty as Enginemen shall, before they be established, be approved by the Selectmen of said towns; and all penalties annexed to the same may be recovered by the Clerk of said Enginemen before any Justice ol the Feace in the County where the person who may forfeit shall reside. "Provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be construed into an authority to appoint by the Selectmen aforesaid any man to the Engine Company aforesaid, who shall reside more than half a mUe from the established house of said Engine, nor to reduce the number of men in any military Company to a less number than sixy-four, rank and file. " Approved June 18, 1812." An Act was passed February 23, 1813, increasing the number of Enginemen to be appointed by the towns of Newton and Needham to twenty-one,— thirteen of whom shall always be inhabitants of Newton. FIRE COMPANIES. 527 in Newtoii, and part in Needham, — the Charles River being the boundary of the two towns, as is the case at the Upper Falls. The act granted unusual powers to this Company, the members of which paid an admission fee of five dollars. Their tub was at first a wooden one, but afterwards replaced with copper. They purchased their own machine ; also the buckets, then in common use at fires, and otlier paraphernalia. The}^ adopted by-laws, and, b3- authority of the Act, imposed penalties for their infringement. Though the temperance movement had not then commenced, stringent regulations were adopted to prevent the members of the Company from using spirituous liquor to an immoderate extent. This organization continued from the year 1813 until about 1840, when it came under the direction of the town. The following is a list of the first appointment of enginemeo, for Company No. 1, Newton Lower Falls : Newton, May 3, 1813. — Nominated and appointed Francis Hoogs, Isaac Hagar, Ephraim Jackson, 2d, James Bunce, Edward Fisher, John Green- wood, Joshua Jackson, jr., George Hooker, Henry Bartlett, Daniel Seaver, Amos Haggct and Nathaniel Hyde, as enginemen to Engine No. 1, at the Lower Falls, agreeable to an Act of the Legislature of this Commonwealth, passed February 23, 1813. Most of the al)ove have died. Many of the prominent men of the village and town have belonged to this organization, and their spirit of enterprise and noble daring has been transmitted to their successors. Notwithstanding the stringent regulation against immoderate drinking, it is probable that the enginemen of the Lower Falls, in those ante-temperance days, were no more proof against the pleasures of the palate than other mortals. Indeed, they may almost justly be accused of courting temptation. Enginemen have always been convivial companions. And at their monthly business meetings, which were held, according to the custom of the times, at the Village inn, — to compensate the landlord for then- accommodations, ever}' engineman Avas in the habit of going to the bar, and paying ten cents for a drink from the decanters. And the annual symposium at the same inn doubt- less furnished, besides the savory viands, the substautials of the feast, a provocative of appetite at the beginning, and an antidote against the cold air of evening, when they adjourned to go home- at the close. But the dinner, or '" Enginemen's Supper," as thejr called it, was not at the expense of the town. 528 HISTORY OF NEWTON. The fire department of later times was of gradual growth. From the beginning at Newton Lower Falls, in 1812, the town from time to time took action to protect the property of the citi- zens, appropriating money, purchasing engines and ladders for the several villages, and gradually increasing the pay of firemen, until in the year of grace 1878, the total expense of this depart- ment, including the Fire Alarm Telegraph, amounted to $37,303.01, and the amount of property invested in Fire apparatus, buildings and land, including the fire alarm telegi'aph, was $148,100. The following Records give a general view of the action of the town at successive periods : A Fireward, so called, \^as elected by the town April 6, 1818. The incumbent elected was Solomon Curtis. In 1823, eight firewards were chosen, and in 1824, ten. May 12, 1823, a vote was passed by the town "that it be left to the dis- cretion of the Selectmen to build Engine-houses when and where they may deem them necessary. Provided, that the proprietors of the Engine or Engines will provide land at their own expense to build said houses upon." August 11, 1824, a vote was passed offering a reward of three hundred dollars " to any person that will give any information that shall serve to detect and convict the incendiary or incendiaries that caused any of the late fires that have or that may take place in this town. " The Selectmen were also authorized " to provide such necessary appendages to the several fire- engines of the Town as thej' may think proper." March 7, 1825, four firewards were chosen for each of the Engines, No. 1, Lower Falls; No. 2, Newton Centre and Upper Falls; No. 3, West New- ton; Elliot Factory Engine, Upper Falls. In 1826 the number of firewards was increased to seventeen, and in 1827 to eighteen. In 1835, the town voted to expend one thousand dollars, to put the fire-engines in repair or purchase new ones, together with hose. In March, 182C, it was voted that in future the several firewards in the town provide refreshments for the engineraen and others, who may come from neighboring towns to aid in extinguishing fire, and present bills of the same to the Selectmen for allowance. No new measures in reference to the extinguishment of fires were instituted for several years. Beyond the annual election of firewards, and an occasional appropriation of two hundred dollars for the purchase of hose, the Department ran on in its even tenor, not much regulated by the town, and in a general waj' not adding very much to the securit}' of loroperty. The geographical extent of the town was too great, and the engines were too small, and the sup- ply of water was generally too scanty to make the Fire Department FIRE COMPANIES. 52» of much use. In March, 18J 2, however, the town appropriated six hundred dollars each, for fire purposes, to the villages of Newton Upper Falls, West Newton, Newton Centre and Newton Corner, provided that each of these villages should add two hundred dollars more. In November, 1843, a similar appropriation was made for Newton Lower Falls. At the same time, the town voted to accept of an Act of the Legislature, establishing a Fire Department in Newton. In March, 1849, the firemen were allowed, by vote, five dollars and the abatement of their poll tax, in compensation for their sei'vices. In March, 1847, it was stated that " the whole expenses of the Fire Department, including $76.80, old debts, had been, the past 3'ear, $1,087.31. The expenses for each engine and Company, including the debts now due for the repairs of engines, applied to the Companies where they belong, have been as follows: No. 1, Lower Falls, $192.80; No. 3, West Newton, $lG0.64;No. 4, Upper Falls, $106.24; No. 5, Newton Corner, $269.51 ; No. 6, Newton Centre, $97.94. The whole expense above named ($1,087.31) included taxes refunded to Enginemen, and refreshments at the general trial of engines." The management of fires, engines and engine companies was evidently a difficult one to the citizens of Newton. To give the engine companies, which were generally composed of enterprising young men, sufficient liberty, and yet to prevent that libert}' from being abused, — to control them, and j'et leave them to fulfil their necessary office without feeling that they were unduly con- trolled, — caused the citizens of the town much anxiety. In April, 1850, a committee, previously appointed, made an extended report on this subject, which shows, to a certain extent, the abuses of libertj^ on the part of the enginemen, and the state of mind of sober and judicious citizens. The report is as follows : We the subscribers, a committee chosen at the last annual March meet- ing, " to report at the next April meeting some measures that will lessen the expenses of the Fire Department," have attended that service and beg leave to report, that after a free and protracted discussion relative to the subject, they were nearly unanimous in coming to the conclusion, that the expense and evils arising out of the present organization of the Fire Department had formed a crisis that required a less exceptionable organization, or that the morals and pecuniary interest of the town would be greatly promoted, by dis- pensing entirely with all the appliances pertaining to said Department. Your committee entertain no other but friendly feelings towards all the members of the present Fire Department, and feel assured that they would 34 530 HISTORY OF NEWTON. not suffer by ccmparison with any similar organizations in the adjoining towns. Yet it cannot be denied that evils of such magoitude have grown out of the present system, as to encourage crime and debase the mind, rather than to protect property and aid the unfortunate. And it is a well known fact that such is the doubtful utility [of such companies] in the minds of the inhabitants of very many towns in the Commonwealth, that they refuse to make any provisions for any similar organizations. Among the great number of towns thus acting may be mentioned the neighboring towns of Needhani, Weston, Lincoln, and even the populous town of Lexington; and if their comparative losses by fire, compared with our own, where expensive apparatus is provided, be the standard by which to judge of the wisdom of their course, the results indicate their superior foresight. And it is no new thing under the sun that has suddenly manifested itself, that evils of great magnitude are incident to all similar organizations. Nearly 2000 years since, Trajan, writing to Pliny, in reply, says, "You are of opinion it would be proper to establish a company of firemen in Nicome- dia, agreeably to wliat has been ijractised in several other cities. But be it remembered, that Societies of this sort have greatly disturbed the peace of the Province in general, and of those cities in particular. Whatever name we give them, and for whatever purpose they may be instituted, they will not fail to form themselves into factious assemblies, however short their meet- ings may be." And although the respectable town of Newton has never been the scene of such disturbances as have been exhibited in the ancient Roman Empire, or in some of the cities of our happy Republic, yet scene* have been witnessed that have met the disapprobation of its most influential and worthy citizens. And it cannot be denied that several thousand dollars'' worth of property was destroyed in a neighboring town, in a single night, and in all probability it would have been saved, had no engine been within ten miles of the scene of conflagration. From the foregoing considerations, your committee found it much easier to deplore the evils, than to point out any specific course which would wholly obviate the evils complained of. But they were unanimous in recommend- ing to the town to refuse, under all circumstances whatever, to provide any refreshments. And although cases may possibly occur, where such a course might be attended with some inconvenience, your committee however feeL confident that the evils arising under the present system are tenfold more than would arise under the one recommended. Your committee recommend that the sum of three dollars only be given to each engineman, inasmuch as a principle of philanthropy ought to be the stimulus to prompt them to bear a portion of the burden, rather than any pecuniary consideration. And they cannot but believe that a suflicient num- ber of patriotic young men exist in every village, to manage the several engines in the town. But should it prove otherwise, your committee enter- tain no doubts but that a competent number of citizens in every village would volunteer to turn out, by day or by night, in all cases of emergency, even without any compensation. But, provided that neither of the foregoing results should follow, your committee would recommend that some suitable FIRE DEPARTMENT. 531 person, as heretofore, should be appointed to take proper care of the engines in the several villages, and that a liond be given to the town by not less than six responsible men in each of the villages as aforesaid, where the sev- eral engines are located, and that the said engines be given up to their charge, to be surrendered back to the town whenever demanded, in the same good condition they now are in, casualties and natural wear excepted. Your committee further recommend that no engine be permitted to leave its destined location, to go to any of tlie adjoining towns, or to other villages in the town, until sent for by persons properly authorized to seek such aid. Your committee are aware that some of the foregoing recommendations fall legitimately under the jurisdiction of the Board of Engineers, as now constituted. Yet feeling that some action of the town on the foregoing sub- jects would be received with approbation, your committee felt desirous that an expression of the town might be had as touching the subject. Seth Davis, in behalf of the Committee. The Report was amended " by substituting the sura of five dol- lars instead of three dollars for the compensation of the engine- men, which is to include their pay for their services, and their refreshments and fuel," — and then accepted. For the next ten years, the difficult matter of engines and fire companies and the management of them seems to have called forth little action on the part of the town. Appropriations were made, from time to time, to meet the necessities of the department. The expenses attendant on the maintenance of the engine companies were paid out of the public treasury, and annually reported in the auditor's account. The firemen kept up their several organiza- tions, and accomplished as much as could be expected of them with their imperfect machines, and the lack of water in many parts of the town, with which they had to contend. April 29, 1861, an appropriation was made of $500, to purchase new hose for the fire department. Februaiy 1, 1867, the Fire Department of Newton had six hand engines, well furnished with apparatus, and in good working order; viz.. No. 1 at the Lower Falls, No. 3 at West Newton, No. 4 at the Upper Falls. Empire 5 and Nonantum 5 at Newton Corner, and Eagle No. 6 at Newton Centre. All but the last named had organized fire companies attached to them. Three months later, the two fire companies at Newton Corner dissolved theu* organization, and that part of the town remained for a season without a fire company, awaiting the introduction of the Steam Fire Engine, — an improvement of modern times, which 532 HISTORY OF NEWTON. was sure to come, and which, when it came, constituted a new era in the history of the fire department. The introduction of such an institution into one village of Newton insured its coming successively into the other villages. The power of a steam fire engine to throw water created a necessity for public reservoirs ; for no well could supply the enormous demand ; and in due time followed the Charles Eiver waterworks and the street hj^drants, of which, the vote to purchase the first steam fire engine was a proph- ecy and an assurance. Newton had not 3'et become a citj- ; but it was thus by anticipa- tion securing to itself all the conveniences and luxuries of a city. Its enterprising inhabitants were not content to be left behind in the race of improvement. Many of the citizens had come from places where they had learned to regard such things as among the necessities of life, and they could not be satisfied without the enjo}'- ment of them. Newton also sought to draw to itself an increas- ing population, and to gather into its bosom those who would be to it a strength and an honor ; and if a wise policy, on the one hand, would dissuade the townsmen from so expensive measures, an equally wise policy, on the other hand, urged them upon their adop- tion. November 5, 1867, the sum of $300 was appropriated to pur- chase a bell for fire alarm purposes, to be placed in the house of Engine Co. No. 3 at West Newton. Soon afterwards,* a vote was passed appropriating money to procure a Steam Fire Engine to be located in the village of Newton Corner. March 7, 1870, the town voted to pay the firemen ten dollars each per j'ear, instead of five, and leading bosemen, including those at the Steam Fire Engine house, fifteen dollars. April' 3, 1871, the town voted to purchase a Steam Fire Engine for West Newton. November 13, 1871, an appropriation was made for a Hook and Ladder carriage to be located at Newton- ville, and in March following (1872) the sum of 825,000 was voted for a Steam Fire Engine and House at Newton Centre. The improved Fire-apparatus suggested the necessity of the fire- alarm, which formed an important part of the fm-nishing of the Steam Fire Engine bouse at Newton Centre from the beginning. ♦The large and elegant school-liouse at Newtou Centre was burned November 14, ISGi); the tire-apparatua then existing was utterly unable to stay the conflagration. This event may have led to this efficient order of the town, at the next town meeting. FIRE DEPARTMENT. 533 As soon as the circuit was completed, the fire-alarm was also, employed, to strike the hour of noon in every part of the city, thus giving the citizens uniform time, and as a signal, when occa- sion required, for the schools. VALUATION OF THE PROPERTY OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. The following valuation of the property of the Newton Fire Department is taken from the Eeport of the City Auditor for December, 1879: Steam Fire Engine House, No. 1 Engine and apparatus, fur- niture, lockup, dwelling-house, stable and land, Steam Fire Engine House, No. 2 Engine, apparatus, land, etc.. Steam Fire Engine House, No. 3 Engine and apparatus, fur- niture, stable, lockup, land, etc.. Hook and Ladder House, stable, land, etc.. No. 2, Hook and Ladder Carriage, etc., Newtonville, Hose Carriage, hose, etc., Newtonville, Engine House, land, etc., do. Hose Carriage House, stable, etc., Auburndale, Hose Carriage, hose, etc., Auburndale, Hose Carriage House, stable, etc., Lower Falls, Hose Carriage, hose, etc., Lower Falls, Fire Engine House, engine, land, etc.. Upper Falls, Fire Engine House, land, etc., Newton Centre, Hose, apparatus, hooks, ladders, etc.. Reservoirs for Fire purposes. Fire Alarm Telegraph, including team, etc.. $25,000.00 25,000.00 28,000.00 18,000.00 800.00 1,500.00 3,500.00 6,000.00 800.00 7,000.00 1,800.00 2,000.00 4,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 16,000 00 $141,400.00 CHAPTER XLI. SLAVE-HOLDING IN NEWTON. — SLAVERY IN MASSACHUSETTS.— SLAVE OWNERS IN NEWTON. The histoiy of slavery in Massachusetts runs back to a very early period, and it is not surprising that the early residents of Newton did not wholly avoid complicit}' with it. Samuel Maver- ick resided on Noddle's Island (afterwards East Boston), in 1630, the date of the arrival of John Winthrop. He had a fort and four great guns, and, besides, " a negro woman and a negro man," and " another negro who was her maid ;" and John Josel3'n, who came to New England in 1638, testifies that " Mr. Maverick was desir- ous to have a breed of negroes." One of these negro women was said to have been a queen in her own country. The laws enacted in Massachusetts between 1030 and 1641 make mention of "masters and servants, man-servant and maid-servant." In 1645, men- tion is made of " negroes fraudulently and injuriously taken and brought from Guinea " b}^ Captain Smith, to Piscataqua. About the same time a law was passed, " prohibiting the buj'iug and sell- ing of slaves, except those taken in lawful war, or reduced to ser- vitude for their crimes by a judicial sentence, and these were to have the same privileges as were allowed by the law of Moses." In 1649, the injunction of the Hebrew code (Exodus XXI: 16), " He that stealeth a man and selleth him, he shall surely be put to death " — was adopted as a part of the law of Massachusetts. In 1675-7 some of the Indians, supposed to be loyal, took part against the colonists in king Philip's war. Those taken in arms were adjudged guilty of rebellion ; some of them were put to death, but most of them were sold into slaver}- in foreign countries. It was at this period that the Rev. John Eliot, the apostle of the Indians, the foremost friend of every good work, and the noble pioneer alike of temperance and anti-slavery in this Com- 534 . JOHN ELIOT AND SLAVERY. 535 mon wealth, sent up his petition to the Colonial Government against the enslavement of the Indians. The petition is worthy of record here. PETITION OF JOHN ELIOT AGAINST THE SALE OF INDIANS. To the Honorable Governor and Council^ sitting at Boston^ this 13th of the 6th, 1075. The Humble Petition of John Eliot Sheweth: That the terror of selling away such Indians into the Islands for perpetual slaves, who shall yield up themselves to your mercy, is like to be an effect- ual prolongation of t'.ie war, and such an exasperation of them as may pro- duce we know not what evil consequences upon all the land. Christ hath said, '• Blessed are the merciful, for they sliall obtain mercy." This usage of them is worse than death. The design of Christ, in these last ■days, is not to extirpate nations, but to gospelize them. His sovereign hand :and grace hath brought the gospel into these dark places of the earth. When we came, we declared to the world (and it is recorded), yea, we are engaged by our Letters Patent from the King's Majesty, — that the endeavor of the Indians' conversion, not their extirpation, was one great end of our enterprise in coming to these ends of the earth. The Lord hath so succeeded that work -as that, by his grace, they have the Holy Scriptures, and sundry of them- selves able to teach their countrymen the good knowledge of God. And, however some of them have refused to receive the gospel, and now are incensed in their spirits unto a -djar against the English, yet I doubt not that the meaning of Christ is to open a door for the free passage of the gospel among them. My humble request is that you would ioWow Christ's design in this matter, to promote the free passage of religion among them, and not destroy them. To sell souls for money seemeth to me a dangerous merchandise. To sell them away from all means of grace, when Christ has provided moans of grace for them, is the way for us to be active in the destroying their souls. Deut. XXIII : 15, 16, a fugitive servant from a pagan master might not be delivered to his master, but be kept in Israel for the good of his soul; — how much less lawful to sell away souls, from under the light of the gospel, into a condition where their souls will be utterly lost, so fir as appearetli unto man ! All men of reading condemn the Spaniard for cruelty upon this point, in destroying men and depopulating the land. The country is large enough ; here is land enough for thera and us too. Prov. XIV : 28, "In the multitude of people is the King's honor." It will be much to the glory of Christ to have many brought in to worship his great name. I desire the Honored Council to pardon my boldness, and let the case of conscience be discussed orderly, before the King be asked. Cover my weakness, and weigh the reason and religion that laboreth in this great case ■of conscience. John Eliot. 536 HISTORY OF NEWTON. About three months subsequently, seven Indians were sold, "to be transported to an}' place out of this continent," by the Treas- urer of the Colony. The merchants of Massachusetts never engaged in the African slave trade to any considerable extent. In 1703 a duty of four pounds was laid on every negro imported. Not more than three ships in a year were ever engaged in the African trade, and slaves bought in Africa were sold either in the Southern colonies or in the West Indies. Very few entire cargoes were ever introduced. Some of the vessels sold the best specimens in the AYest Indies, and brought the residue to Boston, which is said to be the only seaport in Massachusetts ever dishonored by this trade. The trade dechned at about the date of the Stamp Act, and in 1788 it was prohibited by law. The above notices have reference to the Commonwealth of Mas- sachusetts, and not to any single town. It is an honor to Newton, that in her old families of aristocratic wealth and breeding, the rights of men were generally respected. Preeminentl}^ has the name of Jackson been gloriously identified with resistance to aU oppression, and the advocacy of the cause of human freedom- Slaver}', as administered by the fathers of Newton, was patri- archal, rather than selfish and tyrannical ; and it was no sooner found existing on this soil, than it showed signs of decay. The Declaration of Eights in the Constitution of Massachusetts, adopted in 1780, — that " all men are born free and equal," — con- tained in itself the seeds of universal liberty and equality. And such seed, planted in Massachusetts, could not fail to bring forth its legitimate fruit. A census was taken by order of Government, in the end of 1754 and beginning of 1755, from which it appears that the num- ber of slaves in Massachusetts, at that date, was about 2,570. Of these, 1,270 were in Boston ; the number returned for Newton was ten males and three females. In 17G3 there were in Massachusetts 5,214 colored inhabitants ; in 1776, 5,249 ; in 1784, 4,377. Slaves were in the largest num- bers, previous to 1763. An intelligent colored man, advanced in life, affirmed that Boston contained one-fourth part of all of them. In country towns, he never heard of more than three or four on a farm, except in one case, where there were sixteen. Those in Boston were employed as rope-makers, anchor-makers, SLAVERY. 537 ship-carpenters or servants in families. It is said that negro chil- dren were reckoned as incumbrances, and were often given away. Negroes were taxed as ratable proi)erty. Some of them purchased their freedom, and some were liberated by their masters ; but the law was against manumission, unless the master gave bonds for the maintenance of those set at liberty', in case of sickness or decrepitude. If found abroad after nine o'clock, P. M., the}' were sent to the House of Correction. A negro striking a white man was liable to be sold out of the province. The controversy concerning slavery and its abolition began as early as 1766, and was warmly pursued for several years in pam- phlets, speeches and newspaper articles. In 1767, an effort was made in the Massachusetts Legislature to discourage slavery, but with- out avail. In 1773, the subject was again brought forward, through a petition of the colored population. In 1774, an Act was passed by the Assemblj' forbidding the importation of slaves, but Gov- ernor Hutchinson vetoed it. After the adoption of the Constitu- tion in 1780, several asked for their freedom, and obtained it. Some took it without leave. Many, who were aged and feeble, continued in the families where they had been owned. The slavery which existed in Massachusetts was, however, with- out doubt, a less galling yoke than the slavery of the Southern States. No such slave code ever blackened the legislation of the former, as that which formed the acknowledged system of the lat- ter, and in families where slaves were found, they were most often treated ^dth the tenderness due to children, and the compassion- ate consideration dealt out to the unfortunate and the suffering. The heart of Massachusetts never harbored the spirit of tyranny towards the black man because of the hue of his skin. The slave was protected by legal enactment from the possible cruelt}' of the master. In 1781, an indictment was found against a white man in Worcester county for assaulting, beating and imprisoning his slave. He was tried in the Supreme Judicial Court in 1783. His defence was that the black was his slave, and that the disci- pline was necessarj- correction. But his defence was met by the clause of the Constitution which asserts that " all men are born free and equal." The judges and jury decided that he had no right to beat or imprison the negi-o, and the master was found guilty, and fined fort}' shillings. This decision, it is said, was the death-blow of slavery in Massachusetts. 538 HISTORY OF NEWTON. SLAVES AND SLAVE-HOLDEES IN NEWTON. The following are the names of the slaves held in Newton to- gether with their owners, so far as they can be ascertained. OAVXEU. SLAVES. KESIARKS. Tidy, - Jemme, Obtained, by his will, free- dom and 40 shillings. James Barton, d. 1729, 1 Tom, [Dinah, Thomas Brown, 1 Negro Girl, ( Job Comocho ( Ind'n), Died, 1754. Capt. Joshua Fuller, d. 1777, I Charley, \ Cajsar Mingo, Died, 1755. " 1742. Rev. John Cotton, d. 1757, 1 Quartus, ( Phillis, Went into the King's service An incumbrance. Edward Jaclison, d. 1757, I Calo, Appraised at £i:> 13s. 4d, ( Boston, " £30 13S. 4a. Jonathan Jackson, d. ISIO, Pomp, Freed, June, 1776. Died 1822. Kev. Edward Jackson, d. 1754, I Negro man, ) \ wife, / ( Abigail, Valued at £430. Capt. Caleb Kenrick. d. 1771, 5 Rose, Died 1786. ( Negro man. " 1781. Capt. Thomas Prentice, d. ( " N egro slave," Valued at £90. 1730, ( " Servant boy," " £15. Dea. W^illiam Trowbridge, d. 1 Lewis, Born 173G. 1744, 1 Nancy, " " Gen. William Hull estate. Tillo (Othello), An incumbrance. Daniel Cooke, d. 1754, Pompey, Valued at £375. Veiy probably there were other slave-holders in Newton, of whose ownership in their fellow-men no record remains. The last rem- nant of slavery was Tillo (Othello) , a life-long incumbrance of the estate of General William Hull. He died in Newton, and is buried beside his former master, in the Cemetery on Centre Street. This slave, as he was known in his old age, seemed to live a veiy inde- pendent life, laboring onl}' so m*ich as was agreeable to him. He was wholly uncultivated intellectually, and it is said could never be taught to read. He attended the Sabbath School in the time of Dr. Homer's later ministry, and during Divine service used to occupy a seat in one of the negro pews that adorned the southeast and northeast corners of the audience-room in the old church (the church of 1805), above the chou'. Considerable trade was formerly carried on between Massachu- setts and Barbadoes. Several families from this Commonwealth settled in that island for purposes of trade. Among them was that of AVilliam Spring, brother of Lieutenant John Spring, one of the first settlers of Newton. William Spring died in Barbadoes about SLAVERY. 539 1695. It is most likely that negro slaves were first introduced Jiere by means of that connection with the "West Indies. Gov- ernor Bradstreet, in a letter to the Lords of the Privy Council, writes, — There hiith been no company of blacks or slaves brought into the country since the beginning of this Plantation for the space of fifty years ; only one small vessel, about two years since, after twenty months' voyage to Mada- gascar, brought hither betwixt forty and fifty negroes, mostly women and children, which sold here for ten, fifteen and twenty pounds apiece, which stood the merchants in near forty pounds apiece, one with another. Now and then two or three negroes are brought hither from Barbadoes and other of his Majesty's Plantations, and sold for about twenty pounds apiece; so that there may be, within our government, about one hundred, or one hun- dred and twenty ; and, it may be, as many Scots, brought hither and sold for servants in the time of the war with Scotland, and most of them now mar- ried and living here; and about half as many Irish, brought hither at several times as servants. On the Wills and Inventories, and the Record of Deaths extend- ing from 1681 to 1802, there are statements showing that within that period thirtj'-six slaves were owned in oS'ewton by the follow- ing persons : NAMES. KO. VALUE. NAMES. NO. VALUE. Edward Jackson, senior, Josiah Hall (1786), (died l(i81), 2 £10 Joshua Flacg (1802), €apt. Thomas Prentice (1710), 1 Judge Abraham Fuller (1794), Samuel Jackson, Esq. (1742), 1 John Pigeon, Ilev. Eihvaid Jackson (1754), 2 £430 Madame Gibbs (1783), Capt. John Jackson (1755), 1 Capt. Joshua Fuller (1777), Capt. Thomas Prentice (1730), 2 £105 Alexander Shepard, Capt. Caleb Kenrick (1771), 2 Edward Durant (1740), Dea. William Trowbridge Ebenezer IJartlett (1751), (1744), 4 Dr. John Allen (1750), Daniel Cooke (1754), 1 £375 Thomas Brown (1754), Rev. John Cotton (1757), 2 Robert Brown (1754), James Barton (1729), 3 Moses Mason, CHAPTER XLII. NEWTON THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTION. — ORIGIN. — THE MANSION HOUSE. FIRST ANNIVERSARY, COLBY HALL. OFFICERS OP THE BOARD AND OF THE INSTITUTION. — SOME OF ITS FRUITS. The charter of the Newton Theological Institution was signed bj' his Excellency, Governor Levi Lincoln, February 22, 1826. The Trustees named in the Act of Incorporation were Joseph Grafton, Lucius Bolles, Daniel Sharp, Jonathan Going, Bela Jacobs, Ebeuezer Nelson, Francis Wayland, jr., Henry Jackson, clergymen, and Ensign Lincoln, Jonathan Bacheller, Nathaniel Ripley Cobb, laymen. The origin of the Institution maybe dated from a meeting of ministers and other gentlemen from various parts of New England, held in Ma}', 1825, in the vestry of the First Baptist church in Boston, then situated in Salem Street, near Stillman Street. At that meeting, it was resolved " that it is expedient to establish a Tlieological Institution in the vicinity of Boston," and the gentlemen present pledged themselves to use ever}^ suitable exertion towards the promotion of that object. The Massachusetts Baptist Education Societ}' (afterwards, the North- ern Baptist Education Society) was founded in 1814, — an asso- ciation having for its object " to aid young men desirous of enter- ing the work of the ministr}-, in obtaining literary and theological information." This Societj-, up to 1823, had given aid to sixty- five beneficiaries. At the auuiversarj' of the Societ}^ at the date above mentioned, the Executive Committee made the following- report : Besides attending to the ordinarj' duties, the past year, the committee have, in compliance with the recommendation of a large meeting of ministers and otliers convened in Boston, May 25, 1825, taken into consideration the establishment of a Theological Seminary in the vicinity of Boston. This measure has for many years been in contemplation. We are convinced that 540 »„tfiii.,iii!:'Hl! THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTION. 541 tlie time has arrived to build this part of the Lord's house. Although attempts have been made to establish Theological departments in connection with two of our (colleges, and some success has attended them, yet we are of opinion that a Theological Institution, established by itself alone, where the combined powers of two or three or more men of experience, and men of God, can be employed in instructing and forming the manners and habits and character of pious young men for the work of the ministry, is greatly to be preferred. They have therefore appointed two sub-committees, one to draw up a general plan for an Institution, and inquire concerning a suitable place for its location, and the other to solicit donations and subscriptions. After a free and harmonious interchange of views, it was resolved that an effort ought to be made to provide a Seminary for Theological education ; and the Executive Committee of the Edu- cation Societ}^ was requested to take initiatory steps towards the accomplishment of the object. The committee proceeded at once to carry into execution the wishes of those by whom they had been elected. The late Rev. Irah Chase, having just resigned his position as Professor of Languages and Biblical Literature in the Columbian College at "Washington, was provisionally appointed Professor of Biblical Theology. A site was purchased in Newton Centre, containing eighty-five acres, on elevated ground, and commanding one of the most delightful prospects in eastern Massachusetts. Upon the summit of the hill was a large dwelling-house with other buildings, adapted to a genteel country residence. The main edifice, long known as the "Mansion House," was of sufficient capacit}' for the immediate purposes of the Institution. The whole property*, with a good title, was purchased for $4,250, a sum considerably less than would have been required for the erection of the build- ings, as they then existed. The necessary alterations in the Man- sion House were immediatelj- made, at an expense of $3,748, thus rendering the original cost of the premises $7,998. This amount was procured by subscription as follows : John B. Jones, Boston, $ 500.00 Ward Jackson, Boston, 600.00 Heman Lincoln, Boston, 500.00 Nathaniel R. Cobb, Boston, 1,070.15 Ann M. Lane, Boston, 100.00 Jonathan Carlton, Boston, 300.00 Ichabud Macomber, Boston, 300.00 Ensign Lincoln, Boston, 250.00 John Sullivan, Boston, 200.00 A friend, Boston, $ 1.00 Estate of Lydia Sparhawk, Boston, 1,000.00 Jonathan Bixby, Newton, 50.00 Reuben Stone, Newton, 50.00 Josiah Bacon, Newton, 10.00 M. Davis, Newton, 6.00 Miss Bunding, Newton, 1.00 "William Jackson, Newton, 50.00 542 HISTORY OF NEWTON. Levi Farwell, Cambridge, $1,070.15- Edward Bacon, Cambridge, Jonathan Bacheller, Lynn, Elijah Corey, Brookline, Eleanor Dana, Brighton, Norfolk and Middlesex Mis- sionary Society, 10.00 1,070.15 400.00 100.00 20.00 $7,998.45 John Tappan, Boston, $100.00 Thomas Kendall, Boston, 100.00 Elijah Mears, Boston, 25.00 Jeremiah Fitch, Boston, 20.00 David R. Griggs, Boston, 50.00 E. & A. Winchester, Boston, 50.00 Ezra Chamberlain, Boston, 20.00 J. A. Lamson, Boston, 5.00 John H. Smith, Boston, 20.00 Samuel Beals, Boston, 50.00 The property thus purchased was formerly kuowa as the " Peck estate." At a later period, a small tract called the " Dr. King estate " was purchased, and added to the property of the Insti- tution. The following interesting notes are from the pen of Rev. George W. Merrill, of Salem, who devoted ranch time and effort to the investigation of the histor}' of the estate. Mr. John Peck, of Boston, toward the close of the last century, married a wealthy lady whose name was Gilman. Soon after the marriage, the lady's father died ; her mother shared the home of the daughter, and her father's estate was administered by her husband. In the natural order of things, the guardianship of Mrs. Gilman's property passed into the hands of Mr. Peck. For this family a large farm was bought in Newton, and the house, after- wards known as the Old Mansion House, was begun, probably, in the year 1798. The site was considered one of the most desirable in the vicinity of Boston. The aspect of the hill has changed since that day. I do not know whether the eastern slope was as bare of trees, as it is now, or not; but the western side was much more thickly wooded, and the southern slope as well. The view from the top, where the house was built, was much the same as now, with the exception that the surrounding towns and villages were com- paratively small, and therefore not so marked a feature of the landscape. The farm was within easy riding-distance of the city, and the stage-coach passed the foot of the hill daily, on its regular trips from Needham to Boston and back again. Probably the house was never counted finished ; for Mr. Peck's professed ambition was to have the finest residence in all the region, and no eff"orts were spared to make it such ; and workmen were almost constantly employed in new enterprises, or else in improving what had already been done. The rarest and most beautiful plants adorned the grounds, and the kitchen gar- den was especially famous. A fine avenue was graded at great expense from the high-road to the top of the hill, and shade-trees were planted on each side of it (now Institution Avenue). In the execution of these plans the wealth of the family was soon found to be vanishing all too fast. Not only Mr. Peck's property failed him, but that of the wife and mother-in-law was also greatly diminished. The further prosecution of the work ceased,. THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTION. 543 and it was not long before the beauties of the place began to disappear. Then came on the war of 1812, and it was tliought that perhaps the lost for- tune might be retrieved. The great prices paid for wool induced Mr. Peck, as well as many other gentlemen in the vicinity of Boston, to purchase sheep, and raise large flocks. Accordingly, the hill became a great pasture- ground. As many as live hundred slieep were owned by Mr. Peck at ohl- time. But apparently the venture did not prosper; for tlie owner (Al obliged to give up the estate, and, with the little property that remained to them, the family removed to the West. The misfortunes of Mr. Peck, in connection with the old house, gave rise to an ancient joke, ascribed to Rev. Mr. Grafton, then pastor of the First Baptist church. The house was called, at one time, in allusion to its breezy situation, crowned with a cupola, at the summit of the hill, a m///, that had ground one feci, at least; it was only after several days of labor, that the historian discovered the origin of the joke, for only the first part of it, which asserted the house to be a mill, had survived in the memory of a few persons. After its builder and first owner left the house, it was occupied by two or three families, before it came into the possession of the Corporation. Tra- dition speaks vaguely of one Tavener, as one of these tenants, and, with a more certain tone, of a family named Morrill, which held possession at the time of its purchase for the Institution. At this time there was a verj' high board-fence around that portion of the land afterwards known as "the farm." The estate contained at this time eighty-five acres. Many changes have been made in the years that have intervened. The marks of the earliest alterations were long visible in many places. The tops of the old chimneys could be seen by any one curious enough to investigate the store-room under the I'oof. Two or three rooms for students, in the At- tic, were elegantly called "the crow's nest;" and the young men who oc- cupied them used to assert tliat in windy days the occupants felt so sensibly the motion of the building, that it seemed to them like the swinging of the bird in its nest, — from which, perhaps, originated the name. It is not known ■when the secret winding stair-case between the walls was constructed, but doubtless it was when the house was first built; surely a Theological Insti- tution could have no occasion for ways so dark. The hall used for a dinuig- room, for many years, was extended, after the house was purchased for the Institution ; originally it reached only to the pillar in the middle of the room. Dr. Hackett's recitation-room was on the second floor, over the dining-room, and Dr. Hovey's on the second floor, over the ai)artment used as a chapel. The Mansion House was demolished after the erection of Sturtevant Hall. The first meeting of the Trustees, invested with the necessary powers as a body corporate, was held in Boston, March 10, 182G, at the house of the Rev. Dr. Sharp, when the Act of Incorpora- tion was formally accepted, a professorship of Bibical Theology established, and the Rev. Irah Chase, hitherto provisionally', now oflSciall}' and unanimously, elected Professor. On the day when. 544 HISTORY OF NEWTON. the Institution was opened, manj' of the Trustees and others interested in its success, met at the house of Rev. Mr. Grafton, to iuA'oke the blessing of Almighty God on the new enterprise. Instruction was at first given by Professor Chase alone , Nov. 28, 1825, to the young men resorting to the Institution, — before the buildings on the Hill were ready for use, — in an old-fashioned tenement on Ward Street, formerly Brighton Street, a little west of the Harbach house ; this old tenement house was afterwards occupied b}^ Mr. Walter Hill, and subsequently demolished. Until the houses for Professors were erected. Professor Chase resided chiefl}^ in the Dr. King house, which stood at that time on land at the foot of Institution Hill, on the site of the house afterwai'ds occupied by President Sears, and subsequently the property of Gustavus Forbes, Esq. At the second meeting of the Trustees, held Maj' 30, 1826, Professor Chase, from a committee previously appointed to pre- pare a Code of Rules and Regulations for the government of the Institution, made a report which was adopted. These Rules pro- vided, that — The regular course shall occupy three years, and embrace Biblical Litera- ture, Ecclesiastical History, Biblical Theology, Pastoral Duties, and, in short, the various studies and exercises appropriate to a Theological Institu- tion, designed to assist those who would understand the Bible clearly, and, as faithful ministers of Christ, inculcate its lessons the most usefully. The next meeting was held at Newton, September 14, 1826, when a Professorship of Bibical Literature and Pastoral Duties was established, and the Rev. Henry J. Riple}-, then in Ricebor- ough, Georgia, was unanimously elected the Professor. On the same day was held the first anniversary of the Institution. The small company attending was easily accommodated in a recitation- room in the Mansion House. Two individuals — John E. Wes- ton and Eli B. Smith — read essays,* and received the Professor's certificate of graduation. Their course at Newton Avas short, for they had both been connected with other Institutions, — the former under the instruction of Professor Chase in the Theological Depart- *The essay of Mr. Smith was entitled "Preaching Christ Crucified;" that of Mr. Weston, " The connectiou between a preacher's private life and his official min- istration." A person who was present on the occasion wrote thus: "These essaj^s were, in our judgment, of uncommon value. They presented aunion which we hope, will ever characterize the efforts of the students of this Institution, of just views and elevated piety." THEOLOGICAL IXSTITUTION. 545 mcnt of the Columbian College, Washington, D. C, — the latter at Andovcr. The next class in regular course graduated in 1828, and consisted of four, viz., George Leonard, Thomas W. Merrill, Barnas Sears and Seth 8. Whitman. As the number of students increased, it became necessary to make further provision for their accommodation. Accordingl}-, in 1827, a committee was appointed to devise a plan for a new building, and also to procure the means for defraying the cost of it. In 1829, the Treasurer reported that such a building had been erected at an expense of $10,594.12, and paid for by subscrip- tions. Towards this amount the Hon. Nicholas Brown, of Provi- dence, gave $4,000, and the Treasurer, Hon. Levi Farwell, was also a liberal subscriber. The "Brick Building," since named "Farwell Hall," in honor of the first Treasurer of the Institution, was originally eighty -five feet in length, forty-nine feet in breadth, and three stories in height. It was greatly improved at an expense of about twelve thousand dollars in the year 1875 bj^ the addition of the Mansard roof, which increases the number of rooms for students, and also by the introduction of steam heating apparatus. The Mansion House was used partly for recitation- rooms, chapel and the steward's department, and partly for the accommodation of students, until the year 1875, when, having become old and dilapidated, it was demolished. Two members of the Peck family, having heard that the building was to be taken down, journeyed from their residence in the West to take a fare- well view of the old home, and arrived just in season to witness the removal of the last timbers. It was from them that informa- tion of the date of the erection of the house was obtained. Colb^' Hall, which contains the Library, chapel and lecture-rooms, and Sturtevant Hall were subsequently erected at a cost of about fortj' thousand dollars each. At the annual meeting of the Board, September 13, 1832, the Professorship held by Professor Ripley was divided, and the Rev. James Davis Knowles, pastor of the Second Baptist church (after- wards, Warren Avenue), in Boston, was elected Professor of Pas- toral Duties, and, on the 14th of November following, he was inaugurated by public services. October 12, 1835, the Rev. Barnas Sears was elected Professor of Christian Theolog}', and August 5, 1839, the Rev. Horatio Balch Hackett was elected Professor of Biblical Literature and 35 546 HISTORY OF NEWTOX. Interpretation. Thus the four professorships contemplated in the prospectus of the Institution, as drawn up by Professor Chase, were full. The consummation of the fire-proof edifice called Colby Hall^ for the preservation of the valuable Library, and the chapel and lecture rooms of the Institution, in 1866, was a marked event, and of so much interest as to justify- a public demonstration at its dedication to its sacred uses. Accordinglj-, on Monda}^ Septem- ber 10, 1866, the Board of Trustees, the Faculty, the students, and a large number of the friends of the Institution assembled for the purpose in the new building. The following was the order of exercises : Prayer bj^Ilev. Dr. Lamson, of Brookline. Statement of the Chairman of the Building Committee, Gardner Colby, Esq., and Delivery of the Kej^s to the President of the Board of Trustees. Delivery of the Keys to the Chairman of the Facult}', with an address by the President of the Trustees, Rev. Baron Stow, D. D. Address b}^ Alvah Hovey, D. D. Prayer of Dedication by Rev. William Hague, D. D., of Boston. Hymn, written for the occa- sion by Rev. 8. F. Smith, D. D., of Newton. Benediction by Rev. A. Caswell, D. D., of Providence. The proceedings were published in pamphlet form, by order of the Trustees. It was a lovely autumnal da}-, when this ceremony transpired, and none could fail to partake of the spirit of the occasion. From the Address of the President of the Board of Trustees,, we take the following striking and truthful extract : The history of the Institution, tliough covering a period not very extended, has some points of interest. Its principal founders have all passed from their service to their reward. Could they bo present to-day, we have no greater joy than would be theirs, in witnessing this new proof that their suc- cessors are building well upon foundations which they laid in prayer and sacrifice. They were few in number ; but they were large-hearted, and acted in the spirit of loyalty to Christ, and with intelligent views of what the well- being of their denomination required — '' Children of Issachar — men that had undcjstanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do.'" They devised benevolently, liberally, not only for tlieir own generation, but for posterity, and after more than forty years, tlieir forecast and generosity are appreciated beyond their largest anticipations. In whose mind the idea of such a Seminary first originated, or who first proposed to make it practical, I have never learned; and, though I was familiar with them all, I never heard one of them claim it as his own, or speak of it as belonging to another. It was manifestly an idea of the period, developed simiiltaneously in several minds under the pressure of similar THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTION. 547 convictions, and the honor, not then tliought of, we now accredit impartially to a select number, '■'■whose names are in the Book 0/ Life." Men of God, — we revere their memories. Their record is a sacred deposit in the custody of the present generation, to be transmitted along the future. The Address contains this worthy tribute to the first Treasurer of the Board, the Hon. Levi Farwcll, of Cambridge : Of the services rendered by Mr. Farwell, a recognition is due in some way more fitting than fugitive words. He filled the. office of Treasurer until the time of his death — eighteen consecutive years — a period Avhen the Institu- tion was an experiment, and, in many minds, of doubtful success ; when it had no endowment, and when the funds for current expenses were often pro- cured with difficulty. Many a time he stood under heavy burdens, some- times bending, occasionally well nigh disheartened, yet giving money with a liberal hand, and personal service to an extent little known and imperfectly appreciated. The mention, in this Address, of the earher patrons of the Institution is interesting and instructive. Later friends of the object have given still more liberally, to meet the wants of the Institution. Their record will not be forgotten. Large contributions to its funds, either by donation or by will, have been few. Messrs. Cobb, Farwell and Bacheller, among the earlier patrons, together gave, during life and at death, in nearly equal sums, the aggregate of $57,150. Michael Shepard, Elijah Corey and Nicholas Brown gave, together, $19,901. " These gifiii were made," says Dr. Hovey, " when the wealth of our denomi- nation was small, and the givers might well be called muniflceut friends of learning." The Addi'ess of the President of the Insti- tution, closes with these words : When I tliink of the resources of this Building Committee, witli tlieir Chairman, y^^f/Zt' /r/«(r^/j [Gardner Colby, Esq.]; when I think of other bretliren, scarcely less able, and no less willing, to aid in every good cause ; and when I see young men of enterprise and intelligence ready to join with their seniors in council and action, to make this Seminary a glory and a blessing to our Zion, I augur good for the future. Such men, with means in their hands and love to Christ in their hearts, will carry on the work so nobly begun ; and here, on this beautiful spot, prepared by the Architect of Nature for such a use, will flourish, through the ages, a " school of the prophets," acknowledging the Bible, and the Bible only, as the standard of Christian doctrine and duty. It would be interesting to know the number of contributors lo the funds of Newton, but there are no known means in existence for ascertaining that 548 HISTORY OF NEWTON. number with any considerable degree of accuracy. However, for the 000 endowment, completed July 1, 1853, about four hundred names, besides those of three churches and one benevolent Society, are reported ; for the additional endowment of $200,000, completed March 31, 1871, about three hundred and thirty names, besides those of three churches, are reported. Sixty-three persons contributed the money for the erection of Colby Hall, the smallest sum given being five dollars, and the largest §11,000. For Sturte- vant Hall, the Institution is largely indebted, so far as special gifts are con- cerned, to the gentleman whose name it bears. PRESIDENTS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. *Rev. Joseph Grafton, *Rev. Daniel Sharp, D. D., - *Rev. Alexis Caswell, D. D., *Rev. Baron Stow, D. D., ♦Gardner Colby, Esq., J. Warren Merrill, A. M., TREASURERS. *Hon. Levi Farwell, ♦Gardner Colby, Esq., Thomas Nickerson, Esq., SECRETARIES. *Rev. Francis Wayl.and, jr., D. D., *Rev. James Davis Knowles, *Rev. Henry Jackson, D. D., Caleb Parker, jr., Esq., Rev. George W. Bosworth, D. D., 1826-1835 1835-1853 1853-1854 1854-18G9 1870-1879 1880 1826-1844 1844-1868 1868 1826-1827 1827-1832 1832-1837 1837-1854 1854 PRESIDENTS OF THE INSTITUTION. f *Rev.Barnas Sears, D. D., LL. D., 1839-1848. Rev. Alvah Hovey, D. D., 1868. PROFESSORS. •Rev. Irah Chase, D. D. , 1825-1845 »Rev. Henry Joues Ripley, D. D. 1826-1860 ♦Rev. James Davis Knowles, 1832-1838 *Rev. Barnas Sears, D. D.. 1836-1848 *Rev. Horatio Balcli Hackett, D. D., 1839-1868 *Rev. Robert Everett Pattison, D. D. , 1848-1854 Rev. Alvah Hovey, D. D., 1833 Rev. Albert Nicholas Arnold, D. D., 1855-1857 *Rev. Arthur Savage Train, D D., 1859U18G6 Rev. George Dana Boardman Pepper, D. D., 1865-1867 Rev. Galusha Anderson, D. D., 186G-1873 Rev. Heman Lincoln, D. D., 1868 Rev. Oakman Sprague Stearns, D. D., 1868 Rev. Ezra Palmer Gould, A. M., 1868 Rev. Samuel Lunt Caldwell, D. D , 1873 Rev. Elisha B. Andrews, 1879 * Deceased. t During a part of its history, the Institution was conducted by the co-ordinate Professors, the office of President being dispensed with. THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTION. 549 ASSISTANT INSTRUCTORS IN HEBREW. Mr. Oakman S. Steams, Mr. Daviil B. Ford, Rev. Alvah Hovey, *Mr. Samson Talbot, Mr. James A. Clark, Rev. Samuel Brooks, 1846-1847 Mr Joseph H. Gilmore, 1862-1863 1847-1849 Rev. Henry M. King, 1863-1864 1849-1855 Mr. Frederick D. Blake, 1864-1865 1855-1856 Rev. Josiah N. Gushing, 18G5-1867 1856-1857 Mr. Francis E. Tower, 1867-1868 I861-18C2 LIBRARIANS. •Rev. Henry J. Ripley, 1828-1846 Rev. Oakman S. Stearns, 1846-1847 »Rev. James M. Symonds, 1847-1848 Mr. David B. Ford, 1848-1849 ♦Deceased. Rev. Alvah Hovey, 1849-1 8G2 *Rev. Arthur S. Train, 1862-1863 Rev. Alvah Hovey, 1863-1866 *Rev. Henry J. Ripley, 1866-1875 For a brief period a partial course of study was maintained in the Institution, for the benefit of persons whose age or other cir- cumstances would not allow them to remain dming the entire course of three years. Including these, Dr. Hovey says, in his Semi-Centennial Discourse, delivered June 8, 1875, the whole number who have been connected with the Institution as students, is more than seven hundred, — making an average attendance of thirty-five a 3'ear for fifty years, and an average of fourteen going out from the school everj^ year. Hy far the largest portion have devoted themselves to the work of the ministry. Fifty-four entered upon the work of missions to the heathen during the fifty years embraced in the review alluded to. "A few of these," says Dr. Hovey, " may properly' be named." John Taylor Jones, D. D. (d. September 13, 1851), pursued his theolo- gical studies in Andover and Newton. He was a missionary in the East twenty years, eighteen of which were spent in Siam. He began our mission among the Siamese, and translated the whole New Testament into their lan- guage. He was a consistent Christian, an instructive preacher, a superior scholar, and his labors for the Siamese were attended by the blessing of God. Francis Mason, D. D. (d. March 3, 1874), a classmate of Dr. Jones in the Seminary, preceded him about three months in the voyage to Burmah. His term of service, first in Tavoy and afterwards in Toungoo, extended over a period of about forty-four years. He was studious, hopeful, enterprising, " a mathematician, a naturalist, a linguist, and a theologian;" ho transl.ated the Scriptures into tlie Sgau Karen dialect ; he published two works on Bur- mah ; to wit, " Tenasserim; or, Notes on the Fauna, Flora, Minerals, and Nations of British Burmah and Pegu," and -'Burmah; its People and Nat- 550 HISTORY OF NEWTON. iiral Productions ;" he wrote also a memoir of his second wife, and a " Life of Ko-Thah-byu," and still later. " The Story of a "Working Man's Life," being an autobiography. He must be pronounced one of the most useful missionaries in the Burman field. Rev. William G. Crocker (d. February 24, 1844) finished the regular theological course in 1834, and in July of the next year embarked for Liberia, to preach the gospel among the Bassas. AVithin less than nine years, liis work was finished, and he was called to his reward. But his missionary record was a noble one ; for during that short period, he endured extraordinary hardships on the burning and sickly coast where he was stationed. Mr. Crocker was distinguished for sweetness of temper, simplicity of manners, large common-sense, and intense activity. Josiah Goddard (d. September 4, 1854) was graduated from this Seminary in 1838, and sent out the same year as a missionary to the Chinese. For this people he labored earnestly and wisely sixteen years, first in Bangkok, next in Shanghai, and lastly in Ningpo. Besides his work as a preacher, ho translated the whole New Testament and the first three books of the Penta- teuch into a dialect understood by the people. He was a man of fine judg- ment, scholarship and temper, mastering the difficulties of the Chinese language as few Americans are able to do, and accomplishing a very impor- tant service in a comparatively short period. In his place, and worthy of his name, labors to-day, a son, Josiah R. Goddard, also a graduate of this Insti- tution. John W. Johnson (d. October 21, 1872) was my own classmate for two years in this school, a man of excellent spirit and fair scholarship, respected by his teachers, and loved by his fellow-students. His missionary life was divided by a change of location into two parts, nearly equal ; for he labored about twelve years in Hong Kong, and about thirteen in Swatow. He was a man of many attractive qualities, a true Christian, and a good mis- sionary. Benjamin C. Thomas (d. June 10, 1869), of the class of 1849, sailed for Burmah soon after graduating, and labored for the Karens twenty years in Tavoy, Henthada, and Bassein, though more than half of his mis- sionary life was passed in Henthada. His temperament was ardent and poetic, his piety deep and fervent; but he was at the same time a man of" sound judgment and practical spirit. His enthusiasm was intense, but it was guided by reason. He was aflame to move men, but always in the right direction. Very many of the hymns used by the Sgau Karens in worship were either translated or composed by him. He was an effective preacher, -a wise counsellor, a devout Christian, uniting in himself nearly all the quali- ties most useful to a missionary. He returned home, enfeebled by ardent labor and an exhausting climate, to die in the prime of life and in the noon- day of his usefulness. He is the first tenant of a burial lot in the Newton cemetery, purchased by the American Baptist Missionary Union, for the last repose of such of its returned missionaries as may die in this vicinity. In addition to these, and several more of kindred spirit, as Erastus Wil- lard, Cephas Pasco, Judson Benjamin, and the ever-to-be-lamented Kelley, who have finished their course on earth, I would gladly mention the names of some who still live, as Isaac M. Wilmarth, missionary to France, and now resident in Pemberton, N. J. ; Nathan Brown, D. D., for more than THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTION. 551 twenty years a missionary in Assam, and, after a residence of more than fif- teen years in his native land, once more engaged in the foreign work, — a man of vigorous intellect and unbending principle; Edward A. Stevens, D. D., now almost forty years connected with the Burman work, — a veteran, but still strong, with clear head and true heart, ready to serve the cause till death;* Joseph G. Binney, D. D., who was in this school for a time, and whose service to the Karens as head of a Theological Seminary for native preachers, has been invaluable, — a sensitive, high-souled, resolute, and Christian educator, who has spent about twenty-four years in the foreign field ; Durlin L. Brayton, who was also for a time connected with this Semi- nary, who has been in missionary service little less than forty years, and who is still a courageous and efficient soldier of the cross ; Lyman Jewett, D. D., of Nellore, whose gentleness of manner and of spirit is only surpassed by his unswerving devotion to the will of Christ and his heroic purpose to give the gospel to the Teloogoos; and Arthur R. R. Crawley, of Hen- thada, whose fearless and manfal nature has been consecrated for twenty- two }-ears to untiring labor for the salvation of the Burmese. And with these I might join tlie names of such younger men as Chapin H. Carpenter, Daniel A. W. Smith, Josiah R. Goddard, Josiah N. Gushing, Alonzo Bun- ker and Sylvester Baron Partridge, with others of equal age on the field ; and even then there would be left a considerable number of more recent recruits. About fifty-five students of Newton have been, for longer or shorter periods, cither presidents or professors in Colleges or Theological Seminaries. 'W^'hetlier they have done as much for the advancement of true religion by teaching, as they would have done by giving themselves exclusively to the ministry of the Word, I am unable to say; but of their ability and useful- ness in the posts filled by them, I can speak with entire confidence. It may be proper to remark that I do not include in this number the heads of our important schools for the freedraen; as D. W. Phillips, D. D., in Nashville, Tenn. ; Charles H. Corey, in Richmond, Va. ; Henry Tupper, in Raleigh, N. C. ; and G. M. P. King, in Washington, D. C. ; for the schools over which they preside are neither colleges nor distinctively theological seminaries, though much nearer the latter than the former, since their primary object is to provide a suitably instructed ministry for the colored people of the South. But whether the honored brethren at the head of these schools be called missionaries or presidents, or, rather, be supposed to unite these two forms of Christian service in one person, they are doing a great and good work in a very satisfactory manner, and we number them among the choicest jewels which adorn the brow of our ahna mater. * Edward O. Stevens, son of Dr. Stevens, and missionary to the Burmans, is also a graduate of this Seminary. In the Catalo.true of Newton, the names of father and son appear several times, alreadj-, among the graduates; e. {/., John E. Weston and Henry G. Weston, John T. Jones and Howard M. Jones, Elijah Hutchinson and John S. Ilutchiuson, Horvey Fitts and Lonzo L. Fitts, Mark Carpenter and Chapin IT. Car- penter, Samuel B. Swaim and Josoiih S. Swaim, Thomas D. Anderson and Thomas D. Anderson, jr., Josiah Goddard and .Josiah K. Gc^ddard, Edward A. Stevens and JEdward O. Stevens, Charles M. Bowers and Charles A. Bowers, Edwin B. Bullard and Edwin Bullard. There may be other instances which have escaped my notice. 652 HISTORY OF NEWTON. Time will not permit me to speak of all the presidents and professors who have been indebted to this Institution for some part of their training; and it is diflScult to make any selection from the list of names before me, without passing by those who are no less worthy than the ones selected. Yet you would scarcely pardon me if I should pass over in silence all the names belonging to this list. In the class of 1826 was Eli B. Smith, D. D., for a long period president of the New Hampton school, and professor of Theol- ogy, — a teacher of deep convictions, sound views, and high integrity, by whom many excellent ministers were taught the principles of our holy re- ligion. In the class of 1828, Barnas Sears, D. D., president of this Institu- tion, and professor of Christian Theology, and, at a later day, president of Brown University, — a teacher and a man who will never cease to be honored by his pupils. In the class of 1831, Joseph G. Binney, D. D., president of Columbian College, and now head of the Theological Seminary in Rangoon, by whom more Karen preachers have been educated than by any other man ; and Joel S. Bacon, D. D., president of Georgetown College, Kentucky, pro- fessor in the Hamilton Literary and Theological Institution, and president of Columbian College, — a man of good repute in all the offices which he filled. In the class of 1832, John S. Maginnis, D. D., who was called to be a systematic theologian by the cast of his own mind, as well as by the grace of God and the voice of his brethren, and who is remembered by his pupils of Hamilton and Rochester with grateful esteem. In the class of 1835, David N. Sheldon, D. D., for some years president of Waterville College, a keen metaphysician and a perspicuous writer. In the class of 183G, James L. Reynolds, D. D., professor in the Furman University, South Carolina, — a most admirable Christian scholar and teacher. In the class of 1840, John L. Lincoln, LL. D., the eloquent and accomplished professor of the Latin lan- guage in Brown University; and James Upham, D. D., for a considerable period head of the New Hampton Institution, then located at Fairfax, Ver- mont, and professor in the theological department. In the class of 1841, Albert N. Arnold, D. D., professor in this Institution, in Hamilton, and in Chicago. In the class of 1842, James S. Mims (d. 1855), for eleven years professor in the theological department of Furman University, — a conscientious, manly teacher, who " stimulated the mental activity of his pupils, and inspired them with something of his own ardor; " Robert A. Fyfe, D. D., since 1860 prin- cipal of the Canadian Literary Institution, in Woodstock, Canada, and pro- fessor of theology in the same ; and Ezekiel G. Robinson, D. D., who served for a time as professor in the Covington Theological Seminary, was for twenty years the pride and glory of the Rochester Theological Seminary, and is now president of our oldest University, where he is still, as many before me can testify, a wonderfully captivating and stimulating instructor. In the class of 1843, George W. Samson, D. D., — a man of Catholic spirit, indefatigable ia- dtistry, and varied attainments, who was for many years president of Colum- bian College; Martin B. Anderson, LL. D., professor in Waterville College, editor, and now for a long time president of Rochester University, — an edu- cator, a statesman and an orator; and Henry G. Weston, D. D., president of Crozer Tlieological Seminary, who is winning, original, independent, sug- THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTION. 553 gestive, and successful in everything which he undertakes. In the class of 1844, Peter C. Edwards (d. 1SG7), professor in Furman University, South Carolina, — an able teacher and a noble Christian, of whom Professor James C. Furman writes, " As to his character, I must say, that a man so large-hearted, pure in purpose, and scrupulously conscientious, so steadfastly devoted to high aims, yet so wholly unassuming and modest, it has seldom been my lot to know." In the class of 1845, Ebenezer Dodge, D. D., president of Madi- son University, and professor of theology, — a man of lofty thoughts as well as lofty stature, and worthy of the double sceptre which he wields ; Kendall Brooks, D. D., president of Kalamazoo College, — a mathematician, a statis- tician, and a scholar; Samuel L. Caldwell, D. D., whose preeminence in cul- ture and knowledge of literature is readily conceded by all ; and Heman Lin- coln, D. D., who, as an editor, a writer, and a teacher, has won a high place in the esteem of liis brethren, — the last two being now professoi's in this Institution. In the class of 184G, Oakman S. Stearns, D. D., who is at once sensitive and true, enthusiastic and discreet, a professor also in his alma mater. In the class of 1847, Basil Manly, D. D., for a period of years pro- fessor in the Southern Theological Seminary at Greenville, South Carolina, and now president of the Georgetown College, Kentucky. In the class of 1850, John B. Foster and Samuel K. Smith, both of them professors in Colby University. In the class of 1851, Fletcher O. Marsh, professor in Denison University. In the class of 1853, Edward C. Mitchell, D. D., professor in the Union Theological Seminary, Chicago; and Artemas W. Saw3'er, D. D., president of Acadia College. In the class of 1855, Samson Talbot, D. D., late president of Denison University, a man who had accomplished so much, and who gave promise of accomplishing so mucli more, that his death seemed strangely inexplicable. In the class of 1860, George D. B. Pepper, D. D., professor in Crozer Theological Seminary. In that of 1861, Joseph H. Gil- more, of Rochester University, and Henry C. liobins, D. D., president of Colby University. In the class of 1862, David Weston, too soon removed by death from a sphere of labor to which he seemed peculiarly adapted ; and in the class of 1868, Ezra P. Gould, professor in this Institution, who exhi- bits, in all his work, exact scholarship, logical discrimination, and indepen- dent thought; and George A. Whittemore, whose culture, courtesy, and literary attainments are recognized by all who know him. Thus the Newton Theological Institution has been the means of building up other schools of the highest character and usefulness, as Rochester Uni- versity and Theological Seminary, Furman University, and Greenville The- ological Seminary, Crozer Theological Seminary, and many others which it is needless to mention. The alumni of Newton have not only served the world as ministers, mis- sionaries, presidents, and professors, but also as writers and editors. I am imable to give the number of those who are known as authors, but it is cer- tainly respectable, and the volumes which they have given to the public would make a library worthy of any man's attention. In the list of authors might be placed the names of such men as Barnas Sears, William Hague, Francis Mason, Joseph Banvard, David N. Sheldon, William Crowell, Elias 554 HISTORY OF NEWTON. L. Magoon, Albert N. Arnold, George W. Samson, John C. Stockbridge, Samuel L. Caldwell, Ebenezer Dodge, Lucius E. Smith, Joseph A. Goodhue, H. Lincohi Wayland, Daniel W. Faunce, and A. J. Gordon, with others of <'qual merit. In the list of editors could be placed Barnas Sears, Nathan Brown, William B. Jacobs, Enoch Hutcliinson, William Crowell, Ezekiel >'< CHAPTER XLin. NEWTON THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTION. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. IRAK CHASE, D. D. HENRY J. RIPLEY, D. D. PROF. J. D. KNOWLES. PROF. HORATIO B. IIACKETT. PROF. ARTHtTR S. TRAIN. REV. R. E. PATTISON. STUDENTS AND ALUMNI WHO TOOK PART IN THE WAR. Rev. Irah Chase was born in Stratton, Vt., October 5, 1793. His parents originated in that part of Sutton, Mass., since called Millbury. His father, full of patriotic impulses, and stirred by the rumor of the shedding of blood at Lexington, at the com- mencement of the Revolutionaiy war, enlisted, at the age of sis- teen, in the American army. He was severely wounded in a battle near New York, confined as a prisoner for nearly a 3ear, released at the restoration of peace, and then removed to Vermont, where he devoted the rest of his life to agriculture. The son, being in delicate health from his infancy and unable to enter into the hardy toils of his father, was devoted to stud}^, and entered Mid- dlebmy College in 1811, a 3'ear in advance. He was an intense student, and graduated with high honor. During the second j^ear of his college course, he connected himself with the Baptist church in Middlebur}'. It was his original purpose to stud}' law ; but the work of the ministry gradually became the choicest deske of his heart. He entered the Andover Theological Seminary, where he completed his course in September, 1817, and was ordained the 17th of the same month, at the session of the Boston Baptist Association at Danvers. Shortly afterwards, he was invited by the Rev. Dr. Staughton, of Philadelphia, to A'isit that city, and become asso- ciated with him in the work of theological instruction. After a brief visit in New England, he entered on the sei-vice of a theo- 55o 556 HISTORY or NEWTON. logical instructor in Philadelphia, in the twent^^-fifth year of his age. The Institution, presided over by Dr. Staughton, was afterwards removed to Washington, and united with the Columbian College, and committed almost entirely to the charge of Professor Chase. In this field of labor he remained seven years, during which, by medical advice, he retired temporarily from his exhausting labors, and spent a year in Europe, mainly in Germany, devoting himself to studies pertaining to his profession. But he found the union of the literary and theological departments in the same Institution a serious embarrassment, and in 1825 he resigued his office. This opened the way for him to engage in the founding of the Newton Theological Institution ; and, on the 28th of November, 1825, instruction was commenced. The plan of the Institution, as drawn up by Professor Chase, was substantially the same as that which had been adopted for the Institution at Philadelphia. The Newton Institution may be regarded as a renewal, under more favorable circumstances, of the enterprise commenced at Philadelphia, — an enterprise, which, though necessarily aban- doned, was fraught with good, more than twenty young men having been under instruction, and eleven having been dismissed in the regular course. The labors of Professor Chase at Newton continued for twenty'' years, b}' theu* formative influence tending to shape its entire future. In 1845, he retired from the active work of instruction ; but he never ceased to cherish the deepest interest in the Institu- tion. He was placed on its Board of Trustees, and continued a member, by successive elections, till his death. His last public act was the la3-ing of the corner-stone of the Library building of the Institution, June 29, 1864. The great object of Dr. Chase's life was ministerial education, and whatever was rela'ted to it. Hence he was an early and ear- nest advocate of the publication of a religious quarterly', which should be the repository of higher Biblical criticism, and present the best thoughts of the best writers. A prospectus of such a work, issued under his name, at an early period of the existence of the Newton Institution, was doubtless among the influences which, a few j'ears later, led to the inception of the Christian Review, edited first bj' Professor Knowles. The founding of Acadia College, in Nova Scotia, is largely due to his instrumentality. PROFESSOR CHASE. 557 Professor Chase was sought for other places of influence and honor. Before going to Philadelphia, he received an invitation to a professorship of Languages in Waterville College. He was also solicited to accept the Presidency of Georgetown College, Ken- tucky, at the opening of that Institution. He was a man of remarkable perseverance and iron industry. He read the entire works of Irenaeus, in a huge, closel3--pi'iuted folio, in order to settle the author's meaning of an important phrase. In like manner, it is said, he waded through the great folios of Origen. Near the close of his life, he made an elaborate investigation relative to the inscriptions found in the Roman cata- ^ combs, to determine the dates of those to which the baptismal controversy had given an undue importance. One of his associ- ates. Dr. ^ovej'', says of him,-^ His patient researcli, his accurate knowledge, his love of biblical study, liis fatherly interest in the students, and his admirable spirit in controversy, are admitted by all ; and besides, he had the special privilege of impressing on the Institution his own view of theological education. Its character was determined in a great measure by him. The course of study and instruction was marked out by his mind and described by his pen. A theological school might indeed have been founded in the vicinity of Boston, by the Baptists of Massachusetts, if he bad not been at hand to lead in the enterprise ; but it would surely have been different in some respects from the one that was founded. And it has been justly said, that " he was the central mover in the enterprise, and around him the friendly elements crystallized and coalesced. The plan of the Institution was essentially his ; and scarcely a principal feat- ure in its organization has since been changed." From my acquaintance with Dr. Chase, in his riper years, and from the testimony of those who were familiar with his earlier life, I infer, that whatever he set before him as an end to be sought, was chosen with careful deliberation, and, when chosen, was pursued with unwavering purpose. In the best sense of the expression, he was tenax propositi ; and if he did not in every instance surmount the obstacles in his way and reach the end proposed, the failure cannot be ascribed to any weakness in his character. He was a patient student, a saga- cious interpreter, an exact teacher, an instructive writer, an honest counsel- lor, a conscientious, hopefal Christian, and it is not easy to overestimate the service which he rendered to biblical learning and a pure Christianity. He was a man of the purest catholicit}-. He was peculiarl}' unselfish, seeking the good of others rather than his own ; a wise and cautious counsellor, animated by a decided faith and a simple- hearted piety. He was of a sensitive spirit, but eminentl}' hope- ful, a lover and companion of good men, and an ardent lover of Ms countrv. 558 HISTORY OF NEWTON. Dr. Chase was twice married. His first wife was Miss Harriet Savage, of Hartford, Conn., (died in Newton, May 2, 1834) ; tlie second, Miss Martha Raymond, (died in Cambridge, October 2o, 184G), Dr. Chase died in Newton, November 1, 1864, aged seventy-one. The publications of Dr. Chase were : The Life of Bunyan, author of Pilgrim's Progress. The Design of Baptism, viewed in its Relation to the Christian Life. The Work claiming to be the Apostolical Constitutions and Canons. Dr. Bushnell's Arguments reviewed, — with the Testimony of Origen. Reraarlis on the 'Book of Daniel. Besides . his larger volumes, he published numerous sermons and other pamphlets, and various smaller articles, more or less elaborate, controversial, historical, exegetical, etc., a monument to his research and learning. Professok Henry Jones Ripley was born in Boston, January 28, 1798, in a house which stood at the corner of Hanover and Tileston Streets, then denominated " Love Lane" and "Middle Street." He was fitted for college at the Boston Latin School, entered Harvard Univei'sity at the age of fourteen, and graduated with the class of 1816. For a few months after his graduation, he devoted himself to teaching in North Hampden, Me., where he became a disciple of Christ, and decided to give himself to the work of the ministry. He studied theology at Andover Theo- logical Seminary, graduating in 1819. While in the seminary he became interested in the rehgious welfare of the colored people of the South. He received an appointment from a Missionary Soci- ety in Savannah, Georgia, to labor among them in that State, and was ordained as an evangelist preparatory to this work, in the Baldwin Place church, Boston, November 7, 1819. In a few months he resigned his connection with the Missionary Society, and became pastor of the churches in North Newport and Bryan's Neck, Ga. He spent a year afterwards at Eastport, Me., and then returned to Georgia, where he labored with much success from 1821 to 1826. In September, 1826, he was elected Professor of Biblical Liter- ature and Pastoral Duties in the Newton Theological Institution. He served the Institution as professor for thirt3'-four years, and gave instruction in every department of study in its course. For PROFESSOR RIPLEY. 559' about five years after the close of his service as a professor, he was occupied principality with his private studies and the prepara- ration of his own works for publication. At the close of the war he accepted an appointment to preach the gospel in Savannah and vicinity, and in various ways to endeavor to promote the efficiency of the colored Baptist ministers and churches, and to instruct such Aouug men of color as might be looking to the ministry. In this work he continued about nine months. He returned to the North in the spring of 1866, and in the autumn of the same j'ear he became Librarian of the Institution at Newton. In this service he continued until his death. Ever read}' to consecrate all his powers to the work before him,, he undertook this unobtrusive sphere of usefulness with the same energy and zeal, and the same cheerfulness which had character- ized him as a professor in the various departments of instruction in the Institution, His habits of accuracy and exactness eminently fitted him for this work. The Library became to him as a child. He often said, " The Library is my idol now. If I can only see it increase in scope and authority, the crowning wish of my life wih be secured." Speaking of a certain costly set of books, which he wished to secure, he said, " If we can place that set on our shelves, I shall be ready to depart." Steadil}' did he pursue his purpose. Earnestly did he solicit aid, from sources beyond the designated funds. Never did he solicit in vain. His wish in regard to the work referred to was gratified ; and the completed catalogues of the Librar}^, that of authors, and that of subjects, the completed sets of books, the winnowiug out of duplicates, and the purchase of what was permanentl}' valuable, the minute accuracy of his. daily toil, and the large additions made by his suggestion, — all bear witness to his scrupulous fidelity and determined purpose to fill up the measure of his days with usefulness. He received the degree of Doctor of Divinity from the Alabama University in 1844, and from Harvard University, his alma mater, in 1845. One of his associates in the Institution, Dr. Hovey, says of him, — As a teacher and writer, he was accurate in knowledge, perspicuous in language, and earnest in spirit. He was loved and revered by his pupils, trusted by his brethren in the ministry, and respected by Christians of every name. He was firm without harshness, gentle without weakness. In con- troversy he united the utmost candor with a strict adhesion to truth. In my- 560 HISTOKY OF NEWTON. intercourse with him during a period of thirty years, I never discovered a trace of unfairness in his judgment, of self-will in his temper, or of obliquity in his conduct; and of him, more emphatically than of any other man whom I have known so well, can I say, "Mark the perfect man and behold the upright, for the end of that man is peace." Another bears the following testimony : He was the teacher of multitudes who knew him tlirough his clear and com- prehensive Commentaries. Through these he taught not only the preacliers, but also the Sabbath School teachers, whose wants he met with peculiar feli- city. He was also a leader in the denomination with which he was identified, a defender of the faith, clear, pointed, kindly, but firm, full of charity, but yielding no tittle of the truth. His moral worth surpassed every other excel- lence. His crowning glory was liis goodness. For purity of heart and life, for gentleness and amiability of spirit, for practical wisdom, for unselfish devotion to his work, whether as a missionary, a teacher, an author, a preacher, a brother in the church, or a guide and counsellor of youth, he had no superiors and few equals. Says one who knew him intimately, " His fifty years of toil were years of marvellous achievement. They are certainly suggestive of variety of form and of solidity in substance. Whatever he undertook, he did well. Whatever he achieved, he wrought out by slow, painstaking, concentrated method. He toiled steadily on, undeterred by con- siderations of personal ease, unchecked by the desire for personal relief, his mind fixed on one thing, ever repeating to himself the maxim of the apostle, * "fhis one thing I do.' " Dr. Riple}^ was married to a lady in Georgia, who survives him. He had five children, — an only son, who died while a mem- ber of Brown Universit}', and four daughters. He died May 21, 1875, aged seventy-seven, and was buried in the Newton Ceme- ter3^ The following are his publications : Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. James Shannon. Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Calvin Newton, on "The Characteris- tics of the Minister's Work." Hints on the Promotion of Piety in Ministers of the Gospel. Memoir of Rev. Thomas S. Winn. Christian Baptism. An Examination of Prof. Stuart's Essay on the Mode of Baptism. Notes on the Four Gospels. 2 vols. Notes on the Acts of the Apostles. Notes on the Epistle to the Romftns. Notes on the Epistle to the Hebrews. With new Translation. Sacred Rhetoric. Composition and Delivery of Sermons. Exclnsiveness of Baptists. Review of Rev. A. Barnes' Pamphlet on Exclusivism. Church Polity. A Treatise on Christian Churches and the Christian Ministry. PROFESSOR KNOWLES. 561 Dr. Riplo}'' also edited " Campbell's Lectures on Systematic The- ology," and " The Karen Apostle," by Rev. Francis Mason, and contributed from time to time to the religious periodicals and the higher Reviews. James Davis Knowles, the third Professor of the Institution, ■was born in Prowlence, R, I., in July, 1798, — the second son of Edward and Amey (Peck) Knowles. At about twelve years of age, he was placed as an apprentice in a printing-office in Provi- dence, where he learned the mechanical part of the business, and acquired uncommon facilit}^ in the use of the pen, contributing man}' articles in prose and poetry to the newspapers of the day. One of his poetical efforts was an addition of three stanzas to Gray's " Eleg}^ in a country church j^ard," — in the manner of Gray, — giving to that immortal poem, as he conceived, an evangelical turn. In Jul}-, 1810, he became co-editor of the Rhode Island J.meri- can, a popular and widely circulated journal. In March, 1820, he became a member of the First Baptist church in Providence, then under the pastoral charge of the Rev. Dr. Gano, and the fol- lowing autumn, he decided to devote himself to the work of the ministry. Shortly afterwards, he went to Philadelphia to study with the Rev. Dr. Staughton and Rev. Irah Chase, afterwards the first Professor in the Newton Theological Institution. In January, 1822, the Institution established in Philadelphia by Drs. Staugh- ton and Chase, was removed to Washington, and united with the Columbian College. Mr. Knowles entered the Sophomore class in the college, and graduated in December, 1824, with the highest honors of his class. While he was an undergraduate, besides maintaining his high standing as a scholar, he also edited the Columbian Star, a weekly journal, with much ability. Imme- diately after his graduation, he was appointed Tutor, and dis- charged the duties of his office with marked ability till the suc- ceeding autumn, when he accepted a call to the pastorate of the Baldwin Place Baptist church (then the Second Baptist church) in Boston. He was ordained December 28, 1825. Professor Chase preached the sermon on the occasion. Here he was a faith- ful pastor for seven years, and during his ministry three hundred and three members were admitted to the church, being an average of more than forty-three per year. His health becoming broken, he resigned his pastorate in Boston, September 20, 1832, and was elected Professor of Sacred Rhetoric and Pastoral Duties in the 36 5G2 HISTORY OF NEWTOK Newton Theological Institution, and continued to hold this office till his decease, May 9, 1838. His sudden and lamented death was the result of confluent small-pox, of the worst type, taken, probably, in New York city, where he had just before spent a few days^ attending the annual meeting of the Baptist General Convention. He was buried at midnight in a lonely grave on the grounds of the Institution, without funeral ceremonies, by the light of " lan- terns dimly burning." On the monument which marks his resting-place are these words : As a scholar and an author, he consecrated his rare powers to the service of God and of man ; as a Minister of the gospel, he preached, earnestly and faithfully, its everlasting truths ; as a theological teacher, he commended to his pupils the accomplishments of learning and the beauty of holiness ; as a man, faith in Christ exalted his affections and his aims, regulated his discharge of every duty, and animated his desires for the purity and the rest of heaven. One of his successors in the pastorate sa^^s of him, — " His nat- ural temper was peculiarl}' amiable ; his feelings were uniformly kind and tender ; he was ever gentle, mild and forbearing. He loved peace, and for its maintenance would sacrifice almost au}^ thing but truth and conscience. In equanimity amidst disturbing influences, I never saw him surpassed." Another saj's, — "Mr. Knowles excelled as a writer. As a public speaker, he was more than fair ; but his pen was more the instrument of power than his voice. He was accurate, without being precise ; elegant, without being ornate, combining a chaste simplicitj' with sufficiency of strength. His st^'le was Ionic in its properties, rather than Doric or Corinthian." Mr. Knowles was married January 11, 1826, to Susan Elizabeth, daughter of Joshua Laugley, Esq., of Providence. They had four children, — two daughters and two sons. The following is a list of Mr. Knowles' publications : Perils and Safeguards of American Liberty. Address pronounced on the 4th of July, at the Second Baptist Meeting-house in Boston, at the Religious Celebration of the Anniversary of xVmericau Independence, by the Baptist Churches and Societies in Boston, 1828. Memoir of Mrs. Ann II. Judson, late Missionary to Burmah, 1829. Spirituous Liq.uors Pernicious and Useless. A Fast Sermon delivered in Boston, 1829. Importance of Theological Institutions. Address before the Newton The- ological Institution, 1832. Memoir of Roger Williams, the Founder of the State of Rhode Island, 1834. ^- /J ^.;cckj,.-Kr- PEOFESSOR IIACKETT. 5G3 Rev. IIokatio Balch Hackett was born iu Salisbury, Mass., December 27, 1808. He studied at Pliillips Academy, Andover, and graduated at Amlierst College in 1830, with the highest hon- ors. The same j'ear, ho entered the Andover Theological Seminary, and graduated in 1834, having spent the college year of 1831-2 as Tutor in Amherst College. In September, 1834, he took charge of the department of Languages in Mount Hope College, Balti- more, Maryland, where he spent one j'ear, and during this year was admitted to the First Baptist church in Baltimore. In Sep- tember, 1835, he became Adjunct Professor of the Latin and Greek Languages and Literature in Brown Universit}', and con- tinued in that office till the autumn of 1839, when he was elected Professor of Biblical Literature and Interpretation in Newton The- ological Institution. He was ordained in Newton, December 13, 1839. He preached but rarely ; but his profound views of Divine truth, his clear statements, his elegance of diction, and his low, musical voice attracted universal admiration. After he had been two years in Newton, Professor Hackett made the first of his five voyages to Europe, and spent a year in Germany in Bib- lical studies. Returning to Newton, he resumed his work in the Institution, and continued his labors till the autumn of 18G8, when he resigned. A minute, prepared and adopted by the Boai'd of Trustees at the date of his resignation, says, "Ilis previous reputation, as a scholar and an educator, inspired high hopes of his success in the particular department to which he was invited, and the Board of Trustees are happy in testifying that all those hopes have been fuUj- realized. He applied himself at once and earnestly to such studies, over a broad range, as would best qualify him for efiective service as a teacher of the languages in which the Old and New Testaments were written, and as a relia- ble interpreter of the inspired writings. His prosecution of those studies, both at home and in foreign lands, was enthusiastic, and his proficiency, eminently apparent, soon made him known and respected far beyond the limited chcle within which his offi- cial duties were performed. His published works, containing matured results of his investigations, are all creditable to himself, honorable to the Institution, and serviceable to the students of the Word of God. " In the twenty-nine j-ears of faithful service, Dr. Hackett has attained an elevated position among Biblical scholars, and is 564 HISTORY OF NEWTON. fortunate in having his excellence justly appreciated and cordially ackuoAvledged.'' Dr. Hackett was now employed two 3'ears in the translation and revision of portions of the Old Testament for the Bible Union, and in other works of kindred character. In 1870, after a fourth brief tour in Europe, he commenced his latest labor as Professor of Biblical Literature and New Testament Exegesis in the Roch- ester Theological Seminar}^, and continued in this service tiU his death, November 2, 1875. Dr. Hovey says, of his connection with the Institution in Newton, — ■ He performed the duties of his office witli rare ability. To-day, as before he resigned his professorship, we gladly do hira honor as a true scholar, ever increasing his stores of knowledge by study or by travel, and as an eloquent, enthusiastic and faithful teacher, kindling in the hearts of his pupils a glow- ing desire to read the oracles of God in the very words employed by David, or his greater Sou. The reputation of Dr. Hackett as a biblical scholar is equal, I suppose, to that of any man in America, and that reputation has been fairly and nobly won. For a considerable period, at least, his was the name that attracted young men to this school, and his the ability which retained them here. Not only by the accuracy of his knowledge, but also by the sin- gular beauty of his language, did he charm and inspire the classes under his charge, and wield a potent influence in favor of Christian culture. Dr. Hackett was buried in the cemetery at Newton. On one side of the beautiful granite shaft which marks his resting-place is this inscription : " Honored and revered, as a scholar, teacher and author. As an interpreter of the Scriptures he instructed a generation of Christian ministers. ' Serving the Lord with all humility of mind.' " " His personal appearance," writes an associate, " indicated his fine organization. In 1858, he was taken, in France, for a native of the country." Another says, " His head was not large, but very round, resembling somewhat, in this respect, the head of Ex- President Thiers, of the French Republic, and was covered all over with a fine growth of short, iron-graj^ hair. His face was always kept smooth, like that of Thiers ; his eye was small and twinkling, like that of the French historian and statesman, and both alike wore glasses." Professor Hadle}- , of New Haven, says • of his printed works, " They are marked bj^ a genuine erudition, and a thorough knowledge of all that has been wi'itten on their sev- eral subjects ; but still more striking is the good judgment which they show, and their conspicuous fairness. Rarely have we read PROFESSOR TRAIN. 565 books which gave us so high a conception of the writer's whole nature." Dr. Hackett was married September 22, 1834, to Mary Wads- worth Balch, his cousin ; she was the daughter of Rev. WilUam Balch, of Salisbur}-, Mass. Her mother was Mary Wadsworth, daughter of Dr. Benjamin Wadsworth, pastor in Danvers, Mass., for fifty 3'ears, and who was descended from a collateral branch of the family which gave President W^adsworth to Harvard Uni- versit}'. Besides his widow, two sous and one daughter survived him. One son died in infanc}'. The principal publications of Dr. Hackett are the following : • Plutarch on the Delay of the Deity in the Punishment of the Wicked. With notes. 1844. Grammar of the Chaldee Language, as contained in the Bible and Tar- gums. Translated from Geo. B. Wirier. 1845. Exercises in Hebrew Grammar, etc. 1847. Recollections and Estimate of Prof. B. B. Edwards. 1853. A Commentary on the Original Text of the Acta of the Apostles. 1852. (A new edition, revised and greatly enlarged. 1858.) Illustrations of Scripture. Suggested by a Tour through the Holy Land. 1853. (JSTew and Revised Edition. 18G0.) Notes on the Greek Text of the Epistle of Paul to Philemon. 1860. Thirty Articles in Dr. William Smith's Dictionary of the Bible. 1860-3. Christian Memorials of the War. 1864. Dr. William Smith's Dictionary of the Bible. Edited, with large addi- tions, 4 vols. 1868-70. The Book of Ruth. 1876. In addition to these larger volumes, Dr. Hackett published addresses, translations, introductions to other works, and uumer- ous contributions to periodical literature. Abthuu Savage Train, the eldest sou of the Rev. Chaiies and Elizabeth Harrington Train, was born in Framingham, in August, 1812. The father came to Newton to study theology in his earlier life, and it is au agreeable coincidence that the son came to Newton to teach theology nearly half a century after- wards. Mr. Train pursued his earl}- classical studies under the instruction of his father, and graduated with high rank at Brown University in 1833. He was tutor in Brown University upwards of two 3'ears, and was ordained pastor of the First Baptist church in Haverhill, Mass., October 20, 1836, and continued to sustain that relation till January, 1860. In November, 1859, he entered upon the professorship of Sacred Rhetoric and Pastoral Duties in 5G6 HISTORY OF NEWTON. the Newton Theological Institution, and resigned his office after seven years. He then accepted the call to the pastorship of the First Baptist church in Framingham, the home of his childhood, and continued in that office till his death. Where the father had sowed, thither the sou came to reap. The service of Dr. Train ns a teacher covered, in all, a space of about nine years, and as a, preacher, twenty-nine years ; and in each sphere alike he left an honored record. He was a member of the Board of Trustees of Brown Univer- sity from 1845 until his death, and in 1855 he received from that University the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinit3\ During his residence in Haverhill as a pastor, he did, as the largest, so the most effective, work of his life. He took a deep interest in every thing which related to the welfare of his parish- ioners and' of the village where he lived. He was a man of public spirit, feeling a pride in the place of his residence, and entering heartily into every thing which promised to advance its interests. The public schools of the town were remodelled through his influ- ence, and elevated to a high degree of excellence. The rural cemetery of the place owes much of its beauty and tastdulness to his suggestions, and some of the trees which adorn the streets and public squares were set out by his own hands. He was a model pastor, S3'mpathizing, affectionate and faithful. His preach- ing Avas both doctrinal and practical, clear, sound and instructive. Naturally a good scholar, he was distinguished by sound sense and practical sagacity. With the exception of a brief tour in Europe, his work was never interrupted, and his church and con- gregation were eminently benefited by the influence of his minis- trv. He died in Framingham, January 2, 1872, and was buried in Haverhill, among the people to whom he had devoted the best 3'ears of his life. His departure called forth man}- honorarj^ trib- utes from various bodies, showing the high estimation in wliich he was held. His only publication was a centennial discourse, delivered on the one hundredth anniversary of the church in Haverhill, of which he had been pastor twenty -three j'ears. He was twice married, and left a widow and three daughters, the children of the first marriage. Robert Everett Pattison, son of the Rev. WiUiam Pattison, was born in Benson, Vt., August 17, 1800, and graduated at PRESIDENT SEARS. 5G7 Amlicrst College in 1826. For a brief period he taught in the Academy in Amherst, and afterwards became Tutor in Columbian College, Washington, D. C. In 1828, he was elected Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy in Waterville College. After one year of service, in 1829 he was ordained pastor of the Second Baptist church in Salem, Mass., and in March, 1830, accepted a call to the pastorate of the First Baptist church in Providence, R. I. In 1836, he became President of Waterville College, and administered the duties of the office with great acceptance and success. In 1840, he relinquished the presidenc}', and was elected Secretary of the American Baptist Missionar}^ llnion. In 1845, be removed to Covington, Kentucky, where he was President and Professor of Theology in the Western Baptist Theological Institute ; and, when that Seminary was discontinued, he returned to Massachusetts, and became Professor of Biblical Theology in the Newton Theological Institution. After six years of service, he yielded to the call to accept, a second time, the presidenc}' of Waterville College, where, it is said of him, "In all metaphysical questions, the clearness of his perceptions and the quickness of his intellect gave him pre-eminent power, and com- manded the respect of ever\' pupil." From this position, he retin-ned to a second pastorate over the First Baptist church in Providence. His next residence was a temporary one in Worcester, Mass., where he took charge of the Oread Institute for Young Ladies. In 1863, he returned to the work of theological instruction, and became Professor in Shurtleff College, Alton, 111. The last four 3'ears of his life were spent in Chicago, 111., as acting President of the Chicago Universitj', and professor of Theology in the Chicago Theological Seminary. Dr. Pattison was thrice married, and had six children. He died in St. Louis, November 21, 1874. His pupils became ministers in nearl}' every State and Territory of the Union. The theology he taught is reproduced, through his stu- dents, among the Karens of Burmah, the Teloogoos of Hither India, and the Assamese along the Brahmaputra. His counsels and influence are seeds of thought and sources of inspiration to hundreds whom he never saw. PROFESSORS IN THE INSTITUTION, NOW LIVING. Barnas Sears, D. D., LL. D., born Sandisfield, Mass., Novem- ber 19, 1802, graduated at Brown Univ., 1825, Newton Theol. Inst., 1825-7; ordained pastor at Hartford, Conn., 1827; Profes- 568 HISTOEY OF NEWTON. sor Hamilton Lit. and Theol. Inst., 1829 ; Professor and President Newton Theol. Inst., 1836-48 ; Secretary Mass. Board of Educa- tion, 1848-55 ; President of Brown Univ., 1855-67 ; General Agent Peabody Education Fund, 1867. [Died July 6, 1880.] Alvah Hovet, D. D., LL. D., born Greene, N.Y., April 5, 1820 ; graduated at Dartmouth Coll., 1844, Newton Theol. Inst., 1848; preached in New Gloucester, Me., 1848-9; ordained in Boston, November, 1849 ; Instructor in Hebrew, Newton Theol. Inst., 1849-55 ; Professor of Church History, 1853-5 ; Professor of Theology and Christian Ethics, 1855 ; President, 1868. Albert N. Arnold, D. D., born Cranston, R. I., February 12, 1814 ; graduated B. U., 1838, Newton Theol. Inst., 1841 ; ordained Newbur3'port, September 14, 1841 ; Missionary in Greece, 1844-55 ; Professor of Ecclesiastical History, Newton Theol. Inst., 1855-7 ; Pastor Westboro', 1857-64 ; Professor Biblical Criticism and Pas- toral Theology, Hamilton Theol. Inst., 1864-9; Professor Bibli- cal Literature and Exegesis, Bap. Theol. Sem., Chicago, 1869-76. George D. B. Pepper, D. D., born Ware, Mass. ; graduated Amherst Coll., 1857, Newton Theol. Inst., 1860 ; ordained Water- ■viUe, Me., September, 1860; Professor Newton Theol. Inst., 1865-7 ; Professor Crozer Theol. Sem., 1868. Galusha Anderson, D. D. Pastor at St. Louis ; Professor Newton Theol. Inst., 1866-73 ; Pastor Brooklyn, N. Y., Chicago, 111. ; President of Chicago University. Heman Lincoln, D. D., born Boston, Mass., April 14, 1821 ; graduated Brown Univ., 1840, Newton Theol. Inst., 1845; ordained Boston, September, 1845 ; Professor of Ecclesiastical History, Newton Theol. Inst., 1868-73 ; of Homiletics and Pas- toral Duties, 1873. Samuel Lunt Caldwell, D. D., born Newbury port, November 13, 1820 ; graduated Waterville College, 1839, Newton Theol. Inst., 1845 ; ordained August, 1846 ; Professor of Ecclesiastical History, Newton Theol. Inst., 1873-8 ; President of Vassar College, 1878. Oakman Sprague Stearns, D. D., born Bath, Me., 1818 ; grad- uated Waterville College, 1840, Newton Theol. Inst., 1846; Instructor in Hebrew in Newton Theol. Inst., 1847; ordained May 19, 1847 ; Professor of Interpretation of the Old Testament in Newton Theol. Inst., 1868. Ezra Palmer Gould, born Boston, February 27, 1841 ; grad- uated Harvard University, 1861, Newton Theol. Inst., 1868 j STUDENTS WHO SERVED IN THE WAR. 5G9 ordained September, 1868 ; Assistant Professor Biblical Literature, Newton Theol. Inst., 1868-71 ; Professor of Biblical Literature (New Testament) , 1871 . Elisha Benjamin Andrews, born Hinsdale, N. H. ; graduated at Brown Univ., 1870, Newton Theol. List., 1872-4; Principal Conn. Lit. Inst., Suffield, Conn., 1870-72; ordained July, 1874; Pastor, Beverl}', Mass. ; President Denison Univ., Granville, Ohio ; Professor of Homiletics in Newton Theol. Inst., 1879. NEWTON THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTION AND THE WAR OF THE REBELLION. In the war for the suppression of the rebellion, 1861-5, the students and alumni of the Newton Theological Institution were distinguished by their zeal and patriotism, and showed their readi- ness to encounter danger, when they were summoned by the caU of duty. The following Roll of Honor will be appreciated by the patriot and the Christian. Such men should be kept in everlast- ing remembrance. STUDENTS WHO SERVED IN THE WAR, 1861-5. James William Ashton, First Lieutenant, 157th Pennsylvania Volun- teers, October 3, 1S62. Actins? Post Adjutant, Fort Delaware, June, 1863. Regimental Adjutant, April, 1804. Wounded before Petersburg, Va., June 27, 1864. Discharged on account of wounds, September 29, 1864. Seth Jones Axtell, Corporal 51st Massachusetts Volunteers. Enlisted August 25, 1862. Served in North Carolina, under General Foster. Mus- tered out of service July 21, 1863. Pastor at West Medway, Mass. Presi- dent of Leland University, New Orleans, La. Joseph Henry Gannett, Private, Co. H, 12th Massachusetts Volunteers, April 25, 1861. Served in Virginia. Detached from regiment as Acting Hospital Steward, Frederick City, Md., October, 1862. Mustered out of ser- vice, June 26, 1864. Pastor at East Gloucester, Mass. JosiAH Ripley Goddard, Sergeant, Co. K, Rhode Island Volunteers, October 1, 1862. Served in Virginia and Maryland. Mustered out of ser- vice, July 6, 1863. Missionary in Ningpo, China. Frank Tomlinson Hazlewood, Private, lOth Rhode Island Volunteers, May 21, 1862. Served in Virginia and Maryland. Mustered out, Septem- ber 1, 1862. Served also in Christian Commission before Petersburg, Va., 1864. Pastor at Bangor, Me. Horace Franklin Barnes, Private, Co. E, 47th Massachusetts Volun- teers, September, 1862. Served in the Department of the Gulf. Detached from regiment as Government reporter. Mustered out of service, August, 1863. Pastor. Stephen Copeland Fletcher, Private, 7th Maine Volunteers, November 27, 1861. Captain, same regiment, January 23, 1862. Major, August 7, 1864. Lieut.-Colonel 1st Maine Veteran Volunteers, November 3,' 1864. 570 HISTOKY OF NEWTON. Brevet Colonel United States Volunteers, April 2, 18G5, for gallant and meri- torious conduct at the capture of Petersburg, Va. Served in the army of the Potomac. Wounded at Spottsylvania Court House, May 12, 1864, at Port jStevenson before Petersburg, July 13, 18G4, and at Cedar Creek, October 10, 1864. Provost Marshal Southern District of Virginia, April 12, 1865. Mustered out of service, with regiment, July 9, 1865. Pastor at New- London, N. H. Ezra Palmer Gould, Private, 24th Massachusetts Volunteers, October 18, 1861. Second Lieutenant 55th Massachusetts Volunteers, December 25, 1863. Captain, 59th Massachusetts Volunteers, April 9, 1864. Major, same regiment, December 16, 1864. Served in North Carolina and Virginia. Wounded in the battle of the Wilderness, May 6, 1864. Mustered out of service, with regiment, August 1, 1865. Professor in the Newton Theologi- cal Institution. Walter Whitney Hammond, Private. Co. I, 47th Massachusetts Volun- teers, September 6, 1862. Sergeant, October 24, 1862. First Sergeant, June 8, 1863. Served in the Department of the Gulf. Mustered out of ser- vice, with regiment, September 1, 1863. Pastor at Brooklyn, N. Y., Ber- gen, N. J., Detroit, Mich. ■ Stlvanus Boardman Macomber, Private, Co. K, 13th Maine Volunteers, January 4, 1864. Served in the Department of the Gulf. Mustered out of service, with regiment. May 13, 1865. Pastor. George Holmes Messer, Private, lOtli Rhode Island Volunteers, May, 1862. Served in Virginia and Maryland. Mustered out of service, with regiment, September 1, 1862. Sylvester Baron Partridge, Private, 92nd New York Volunteers, September 1, 1861. First Sergeant, Co. H, December 15, 1861. Second Lieutenant, Co. B, January 1, 1862. Detached from regiment to serve as Acting Signal Officer, October 6, 1862. First Lieutenant, Co. B, 92nd New York Volunteers, November 24, 1862. First Lieutenant Signal Corps United States Army, March 3, 1863. Served last as Chief Signal Officer, 25th Army Corps, on the staff of Major-General Weitzel. Mustered out of service June 6, 1865. Missionary in Siam and China. Henry Hudson Beach, Private, Co. D, 133rd Illinois Volunteers. Mus- tered into service at Camp Butler, 111., May 31, 1864. Mustered out, Sep- tember 18, 1864. Christopher C. Burrow^s, Chaplain United States Army, Port Hudson, . La., 1863-4. William Thomas Chase, appointed Chaplain 4th United States Colored Troops, March, 1863. Served in the Department of the Gulf Mustered out of service, March, 1864. Pastor at Dover, N. H., Lewiston, Me., and Cambridgeport, Mass. Nelson Newton Glazier, Private, Co. G, 11th Vermont Volunteers; afterwards 1st Vermont Heavy Artillery. Corporal, November 23, 1862. Soon afterwards, detailed as Acting Ordnance Sergeant. Second Lieutenant Co. A, November 2, 1863. First Lieutenant, January 21, 1864. Served in the Department of Washington till May 12, 1864 ; then, in the Army of the ALUMNI IN THE WAK. 571 Potomac. "Wounded at Spottsylvania Court House, May 18, 1864. He lost liis left arm. Discharged on acKiount of wounds, September 3, 1864. Pastor at Burlington, Vt. William Hknry Spencer, Private, 61st New York Volunteers, Septem- ber 6, 1861. Second Lieutenant, January 8, 1862. First Lieutenant, Janu- ary 24, 1862. Captain, June 14, 1862. Served in Virginia. Wounded at Ciiarlcs City Cross lloads, Va.,' June 30, 1862. He lost right leg. Com- missioned Major, but never mustered as such. Discharged on account of wounds, December 29, 1862. Pastor at Foxboro', Mass., Waterville, Me. James Hope Arthur, Private 7th Connecticut Volunteers. Was con- fined eight months in Libby Prison, Richmond. Wounded in knee, in bat- tle of Tybee, N. C. Missionary to Japan. ALUMNI WHO SERVED IN THE WAR, 1861-5. 1831. TiMOTHT R. Cressey, Chaplain of a Minnesota regiment. Served in the Army of the Cumberland. Died Aug. 30, 1870. 1834. William F. Nelson, Hospital Chaplain, U. S. Army, 1861-5. Died March 15, 1875. 1839. Samuel W. Field, Chaplain 12th R. I. Volunteers, Sept., 1862. Served in Virginia and Kentucky. Mustered out of service, with regiment, July, 1863. 1843. George Knox, Chaplain 1st, 10th and 29th Maine Volunteers, 1861-4. Died Oct. 31, 1864. The report of the Adjutant General says, *' He shared the perils and hardships of the gallant 10th, during its memorable campaigns, with distinguished coolness and fortitude. Hispresence^vas never wanting on the battle-field, where his attentions to the wounded and the dying were timely and efficient. He endeared himself to the men by numberless acts of kind- ness Avhich will never be forgotten." 1845. William Bacheller Greene, Col. 14th Reg., Mass. Volunteers. He died In England in 1877, at the age of 51 years. Col. Greene was son of the late Nathl Greene, formerly postmaster of Boston, and was born at Haverhill. Ho was educated at West Point; served in the Florida campaign; was con- nected with the Brook Farm movement; was settled as a Baptist minister, at Brookficid, Mass., and afterwards as a Unitarian, at Springfield. He was a strong abolitionist and a Democrat. On the 5th of July, 1861, he was com- missioned as colonel of the 14th Regiment of Massachusetts Infantry Volun- teers, afterwards the 1st Regiment of Heavy Artillery. In August, 1864, he was recalled by General McClellan and assigned to the command of the artillery brigade of General Whipple's Division, and had charge of a line of twelve forts, from Forts Scott and Jackson to Forts De 572 HISTORY OF NEWTON. Kalb and Bennet. His brigade consisted of the 14th Massachusetts Infantry, 16th Maine Infantry, 1st Battery Independent Wisconsin Artillery, and 2d New York Artillery. He resigned his commission October 11, 1862, and re- turned to Boston, where he resided until about a year and a half before his death, when he went to England. In 1853 he was a member of the Constitutional Convention, was a strong advocate of social progress, and was greatly "interested in the improvment of the condition and privileges of the working people. He was also a firm be- liever in freedom of speech. Col. Greene was a close student of theology, having considerable acquaintance with Hebrew and Egyptian antiquities. He was also a fine mathematician, and an industrious scholar in all the branches of science and philosophy which interested him. In Free Masonry, he took all the thirty-three degrees of the " Ancient and Accepted Rite." As a writer. Col. Greene has left several memorials of himself in the shape of published works, among which are " Socialistic, Communistic, Mutualistic and Financial Fragments," "Theory of the Calculus," "Explanation of the Theory of the Calculus," "Transcendentalism," "The Facts of Con- sciousness and the Philosophy of Mr. Hebert Spencer." 1851. Jonathan Mekriam, 1864. Pastor in Illinois. Died, Nov. 29, 1872. 1852. Heman Lincoln Wayland, Chaplain 7th Connecticut Volunteers, Infan- try, Sept. 18, 1861. Served with his regiment in the Department of the South (S. C, Ga. and Florida). Mustered out Jan. 7, 1864. President Franklin College, Ind. Editor National Baptist 1855. Henry Fayette Lane, Chaplain 41st Massachusetts Volunteers, Infantry, Nov. 4, 1862. Served in the Department of the Gulf under General Banks. Mustered out, Aug. 25, 1863. 1856. George Donald Henderson, Chaplain, U. S. A., 1859-63; do. XJ. S. Navy, July 2, 1864. Served in the North Atlantic Blockading Squadron. Ordered to the Naval Academy, Sept. 12, 1864. 1857. Enos Munger, Chaplain, 1862-4. Died, Oct. 14, 1873. Joseph Colver Wightsian, Chaplain 24th Connecticut Volunteers, In- fantry, Oct. 31, 1862. Served in the Department of the Gulf. Mustered out, with regiment, Sept. 30, 1863. 1858. George Bdllbn, Chaplain 16th Maine Volunteers, Infantry, Aug., 1862. Served in Maryland and Virginia. Mustered out, Oct. 11, 1863. Pastor, Pawtuckct, R. I. ALUMNI IN THE WAR. 573 Charles A. Snow, Chaplain 3rd Massachusetts Volunteers, Infantry, Oct. 10, 1862. Served in North Carolina. Mustered out, with regiment, June 26, 1863. Pastor, Fall River. J. Parker Chapin, Chaplain U. S. Hospital, 1862-3. Pastor, Conway, N. H. 1859. John F. Ashley, Captain, Co. G, 53rd Massachusetts Volunteers, Infantry. Served in the Department of the Gulf. Mustered out, with regiment, Sept. 2, 1863. JoTHAM W. HoRTON, Chaplain, New Orleans, La. 1863-4. Superintend- ent Ross Colony, 1864. Killed by a mob, Aug. 5, 1866. (See pp. 574, 575.) 1860. Francis Mansfield, Chaplain U. S. Volunteers, 1862-3. 1861. Charles H. Corey, U. S. Volunteers, 1864-5. President, Richmond Insti- tute, Richmond, Va. Lucius M. S. Haynes, 1st Lieutenant, 4th Maine Battery, Dec. 21, 1861. Served with his battery in the field, and was mustered out Sept. 22, 1862. Charles Henry Roave, Chaplain Post Hospital, Augusta, Me., 1864-5. 1862. Henry Tupper, Private, Co. E, 36th Massachusetts Volunteers, Infantry. Enlisted July, 1862. Sergeant, Aug., 1862. Served in Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky and Mississippi. Transferred to the Veteran Reserve Corps, Nov. 1, 1863, and stationed at Portsmouth Grove, R. I. Mustered out at the close of the war. President, Shaw University, N. C. 1863. Charles Herbert Richardson, Chaplain, U. S. Volunteers, 1864-5. 1864. Joseph H. Sedwick, Private, Co. B, 44th Massachusetts Volunteers. Promoted Sergeant. Served in North Carolina under General Foster. Mus- tered out of service, with regiment, at Readville, Mass., June 18, 1863. Henry Kirk Porter, Private, Co. A, 45th Massachusetts Volunteers. Enlisted in the autumn of 1862. Served in North Carolina. On'duty a while at the office of the Provost Marshal at Newborn. Mustered out of service, with regiment, at Readville, Mass., July 8, 1863. Samuel White Duncan, Captain, Co. F, 50th Massachusetts Volunteers. Commissioned November 10, 1862. Served under General Banks in the Department of the Gulf. Participated in the several assaults on Port Hud- son in the months of May and June, 1863. Mustered out of service, with regiment, at Wenham, Mass., Aug. 24, 1863. Pastor, Cleveland, Cincinnati. Henry Sweetser Bubrage, Private, Co. A, 36th Massachusetts Volun- teers, August 1, 1862. Sergeant, August 5, 1862. Sergeant-Major, August 574 HISTORY OF NEWTON. 27, 18G2. Second Lieutenant, Co. D, May 16, 18G3. First Lieutenant, November 17, 1863. Wounded at the battle of Cold Harbor, Va., June 3, 1864. Captain, June 19, 1864. A prisoner at Richmond and Danville, Va., from November 1, 1864 to February 22, 1865. Brevet Major United States Volunteers, " for gallant and meritorious conduct in the campaign from the Rapidan to the James," March 13, 1865. Acting assistant Adjutant General, 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, 9th Army Corps, April 15, 1865. Served in Mary- land, Virginia, Kentucky, Mississippi, Tennessee, and a second time in Vir- ginia. Mustered out of service, with regiment, June 8, 1865, at Alexan- dria, Va. Editor Zioii's Advocate, Portland, Me. 1866. William C Bakrows, Private, Co. F, 24th Mw. A writer of the age following says, — " Thes* were the fnore respected for being competent and willing to earn their living by honest industry. Alas, the change ! that the spinning of street 3'arn and weaving webs of scandal should have so generalh' suc- ceeded the home manufacture of useful domestic textile fabrics." The preparation of the cotton for carding was at that time a slow and expensive operation. It was carried out in small parcels, to be picked by hand in families living in the vicinit}', at about four cents per pound, exclusive of carrying out and bringing back, which required most of the time of one man and horse. To facil- itate the process of picking, such families as were engaged in the occupation were mostly provided with a " whipping frame," the bottom of which was woven, or made of strong cords so loosely that the seeds and dirt could pass through ; the cotton, being 580 HISTORY OF NEWTON. placed tliereon, and two sticks, one in each hand, being laid on smartly for two or three minutes, became very much loosened. For several years the business of cotton picking afforded employ- ment to a multitude of persons, enabling them to procure a com- fortable livelihood. Mr. Bemis constantly improved and increased his machinery for spinning, etc., discarding the old and adopting that which was new and better. After a few years he caused a machine to be made for preparing the cotton for carding, which did not differ materiall3' from the " cotton pickers " of the present day. This machine bore the grim title of "the devil ;" and, though not very attractive in appearance, particularly when in motion, performed in a very expeditious and satisfactor\- manner the service intended, much to the regret of the numerous laborers, who were obliged, in consequence of the invention, to seek their dail}' bread b}' other methods. As early as 1808 or 1809, Mr. Bemis, with the aid of foreign weavers using hand-looms, began to manufacture somewhat exten- sively sheeting, shirting, bed-ticking, satinet, bagging for the Southern market and cotton duck, woven at that time principally by the State Prison convicts in Charlestown, a large number of whom were emploj'cd hj Mr. Bemis until his power-looms were put in operation, taking precedence of any in New England. The cotton duck manufactured by Mr. Bemis was the first that Avas ever manufactured in the United States. Strong prejudice, having its birth in ignorance and interest, existed for some j^ears against its use ; but Mr. Bemis had the satisfaction to outlive the prejudice against its adaptation to the uses for which it was intended, and to realize a handsome profit by its manufacture. In the autumn of 1812, Mr. Bemis caused to be built, at the easterty end of the old mill, the small brick building, — demol- ished fifty years later, — for a gas-house. In this building gas from coal was made under the direction of an English expert, and the lighting of the factory b}' the same in 1812-13, was said at that time to have been the first attempt to illuminate with coal-gas in the United States. Many persons from considerable distances visited the factor}^ to witness the brilUancy of the experiment. The gas being prepared in close proximit}^ to the dwelling-house of Mr. Bemis, and the pipes, being of common tin, having man}' leakages, made its use objectionable, and it was abandoned after NORTH VILLAGE. ' 581 the second 3'ear ; but it is a fact worthy of record, that carburetted hydrogen for ilkimiuating purposes gleamed out over the waters of the Charles and irradiated the intervales of Newton two years before it was in use in England. At this time Mr. Bemis had, by several additions, alterations,' divisions and sub-divisions under the same old roof, departments for carrying on, at the same time, the following branches of busi- ness, — viz., the manufacturing of cotton and wool into yarn, the weaving being done in another building, preparing for use the various kinds of medicinal preparations and d3-e- woods, glass grind- ing and cutting, polishing binnacle and other lights for light- houses, ships, etc., a shop for repairing and making niachiner^-, a grist-mill, and, adjoining, the building for the manufacture of gas. In that hive of industrj- might be seen at that time the late Elisha Crehore, for many years a successful merchant in Waltham. All the operatives emploj'ed in carrying on the foregoing branches of business for the first eighteen or twenty years were apprised of the time to commence operations bj^ the blowing of a tin horn, which required the effort of strong lungs to make the blast long and loud. And, however ludicrous such a method may appear at this age of the world, the ringing of a bell at that time for such a purpose would undoubtedlj^ then have appeared much more so, as no bell larger than a cow-bell was then in use in Watertown, Newton or Waltham. The name of " Tin Horn," applied to the village, has been coined in more recent times, no such term having been in use until subsequent to the employment of the tin horn for the purpose specified. In 1821, Mr. Bemis, by purchasing of his brother Luke and Caleb Eddy, a brother-in-law of Luke Bemis, then- interest on the Newton side, became sole owner of the whole water-power, mills, etc., and soon after sold to the Boston Manufacturing Company twelve inches of the power ; that is, he lowered his dam one foot, and received the sum of $12,000 for so doing; and, soon after, re-conveyed to his brother Luke and four or five others a joint interest in the establishment under the firm name of the Bemis Manufacturing Company, and during their corporate continuance carried on principally the manufacture of satinets and cotton ducks, until the dissolution of the Compau}' in 1830. On the dissolution of the Bemis Manufacturing Company, Mr. Seth Bemis, in company with Thomas Cordis, one of the old 582 HISTORY OF NEWTON. company, bought out the entire property of said company, and continued the same business of the former company until 1839. When Thomas Cordis sold out his interest to Seth Bemis and his son, Seth Bemis, jr., they used the water-power on both sides, partly for the manufacture of cotton and wool, and parth' for the manufacture of dj-e-woods and drugs, until 1847. Then they sold out their dj'e-wood business on the Newton side to William Free- man ; and Seth Bemis, senior, again became sole owner of the factory buildings and water-power on the Watertown side, and so continued till his death in 1850. On the settlement of his estate in 1851, Seth Bemis, son of the deceased, became the sole proprietor of the Watertown mills and property, and retained the ownership till 18G0, when he sold out to William Freeman & Co. By a subsequent transfer, Messrs. Freeman & Co. sold to the ^tna Mill Compau}', by whom the works were greatly enlarged, for the purpose of prosecuting the manufacture of woollen fabrics by both water and steam power. It will thus be seen that, from the original purchase in 1753 by David Bemis, the propert}^ on the Watertown side of the river has been in the Bemis family more or less exclusively for more than a century and a quarter, and on the Newton side for nearly a century. A bridge across the river was first built by the Messrs. Bemis at this part of the river, being private property, between 1790 and 1796. For ten or twelve 3'ears it was without railing, and would now be regarded as dangerous. lu 1807, the Watertown end was carried away bj^ a freshet, and a foot-bridge onl^' was substituted during two or three years. Subsequenth', a bridge was built b^' subscription, suitable for teams, the people in the vicinity aiding. In 1818, the Watertown end of this bridge was again carried awa3\ The next day, John Cowdry and Timothy Davis, man}' years a resident of Waltham, attempted to cross the river to the Newton side, above the dam, in a boat, which was upset, and they were carried over the dam. John Cov,'dry was drowned, but Mr. Davis, after being several times drawn back into the vortex under the dam, was by a mysterious Providence thrown out of the whui, and floated to the portion of the bridge on the Newton side, and was rescued by the anxious spectators. The road leading over the bridge was called Cahfornia Street, and was laid out as a public highway in 1816. NORTH EVANGELICAL CHURCH. 583 THE NORTH EVANGELICAL CHURCH. The Congregational church in the North Village of Newton had its origin in a Sabbath School, held at the Depot known as Bemis' Station, on the Watertown Branch Railroad, — not in Newton, but on the north side of the river. This school was commenced June 2, 18G1. The first two Sabbaths the school met in the open air. The third Sabbath was stormy. On the fourth Sabbath, the school was held in a room that had been secured in the old Hitchie mansion, where it continued its sessions until July 27, 1862, when it was transferred to a small chapel, erected for its use, on Chapel Street. The street was then without a name, and •open only on one end. The land on which it stood was given by Mr. Thomas Dall}', and the cost of the building was $1,200, the iimount being raised by subscription. During the ^-ear 18G5, considerable religious feeling was mani- fest among the people, and the t'hapel proved too small to contain the audiences. The Sabbath School had increased from eigh- teen, — the number at the beginning, — to one hundred and sevent}^- five. The chapel was enlarged by adding twenty feet to its length, and a vestry on one side, — $2,000 having been subscribed, to pay for this improvement. Jul}' 11, 1866, a church was organized, composed of the follow- ing constituent members, — twenty-three in number, — of whom fifteen had been inembers of the Eliot church, eight were dismissed from other churches, and five joined by profession. Samuel E. Lowry, E. D. Dyer, Sarah Dyer, C. E. Hohnan, Julia Newton, Meliitable H. Mason, Benjamin Turner, Eliza L. Turner, Mary A. McGuire, Sarah Hunt, Elizabeth Scotton, Sarah H. Coburn, Sarah Arnold, Mary A. Bates, Mrs. Joseph Turner, Mary Mee, Martha Simpson, Sarah A. Ballon, James Brooks, Joseph Wain, Mary Ann Brooks, Addie A. Rumrell, Hannah F. Rumrell. At the public exercises connected with the recognition of the church, the sermon was by Rev. J. W. Wellman. Previous to this time, the only services held, in addition to the Sabbath School, 584 HISTORY OF NEWTON. were a praj-er meeting every Sabbath evening the first year, and after that, preaching on Sabbath evenings. From this date, the regular services were maintained. Eev. Samuel E. Lowry was ordained the first pastor of the church February 21, 1867. On this occasion, the sermon was by Rev. H. J. Patrick ; ordaining praj^er hj Rev. J. W. Turner, Waverly ; hand of fellowship bj' Rev. James M. Bell, Water- town; charge by Rev. D. L. Furber; address to the people by Rev. J. W. Wellmau. The chapel in which the chui'ch had worshipped hitherto was destroyed by fire June 9, 1872. In its place an edifice of stone was erected on the same site, at a cost of $18,000, which was all subscribed and paid previous to the dedication, which occurred October 16, 1873. From June till December, 1872, — until the vestry was completed, Divine service was held in a neighboring shop, owned by Mr. Dally. The stone used in the construction of the building was taken from a quarry near Beacon Street, New- ton Centre, on land then owned by Samuel H. Gooch, Esq. The number of chm-ch members in 1878 was one hundred and ten. For the first sixteen j'ears of the history of the Sabbath School, the pastor was also the Superintendent. The first and only pas- tor of the church is Rev. Samuel E. Lowry. The following mem- bers have served as Deacons : E. D. Dyer, - - - - - 1866-1877 Joseph Wain, 1866-1867 Henry Mason, 1867-1868 Artemas Eumrell, - ... - 1868-1874 Nathaniel Davidson, .... 1874-1878 W. R. Smith, 1876 Eugene Garlick. . _ . - - 1876 The enterprise and vigor of the North Village has steadil}^ grown, from the beginning. Its business has never suffered any impor- tant check ; and, under a succession of bold and honorable busi- ness men, its prosperity seems assured. The day is not distant when, reaching out towards Newton on the one hand and Newton- ville on the other, it will become continuous with them both. CHAPTER XLV. THE NEWTON CEMETERY. THE BEGINNING. — THE DEDICATION. STATISTICS. THE SOLDIERS* MONUMENT. The older cemeteries of the town having been long in use, and the gi'owth of the population requiring new provision for the proper disposal of the dead, a movement was made for the estab- hshment of a rural place of sepulture, which, after mature con- sideration, resulted in the organization of the Newton Cemetery Corporation, April 5, 1855. A considerable tract of land, reserved, as it would seem, by Providence for this specific use, was of such character and so situated as to mark it as designed for a tranquil, tasteful and appropriate spot for the repose of the dead. This land was near the geographical centre of the town, diversi- fied in surface, covered with a charming growth of evergreen and deciduous trees, easily accessible from every quarter, and it had never been touched by the hand of cultivation. As a result of the peculiar circumstances, by which the business and population were planted mainly in other portions of the town, almost on the periphery- of a circle, — the several villages, as it were, keeping watch and ward around the hallowed centre, — the shady groves, the solemn aisles, the tangled paths and the rich virgin mould had waited more than two hundred years for the determination of the use to which thej' were Divinety appointed. And now the time had come. Owing to its undulating surface, its freedom from rocks, its loose gravel as a subsoil, preventing standing water, a pleasant pond within its borders, and the Cold Spring Brook, run- ning through the premises, and capable of indefinite ornamenta- tion, when the resources of the Company shall be such as to allow an application to this work, the location was undoubtedl}- the best that could have been made within the limits of the town. Seth Davis, Esq., was chairman of the first meeting, and J. W. Plympton, Esq., clerk, who was re-elected every successive j^ear 585 586 HISTORY OF NEWTON. till 1863, and gave much time and valuable service in the establish- ment of the cemetery. The following constituted the first Board of Trustees : Lemuel Crehore, Seth Davis, M.'irsliall S- Rice, Dr. Henry Bigelow, Rev. J. E. Woodbridge, Rev. Barnas Sears, J. D. Towle. Dr. Henry Bigelow was elected President by the Trustees, and continued to hold the office, with great acceptance, until he was removed by death in 18G5. He now sleeps amid the shadows of the cemetery, and a monument over his remains, erected b}^ the contributions of the school children, testify- to the estimation in which he was held. The first purchase of laud embraced thirty acres. All the sur- veying and engineering work for the first fifteen 3'ears were per- formed b}' the late Marshall S. Rice, Esq. Mr. Henry Ross was appointed Superintendent in April, 1861, and the success of the enterprise is due largely to his taste and skill, and his devotion to the interests of the cemetery. Work was commenced upon the grounds in 1855. After a few years, it became evident that the wants of the rapidly growing population would soon demand enlargement ; and the Corporation added to the first purchase about thirty-five acres more, adjoin- ing the first on the north and west, and extending the cemetery through, from Beacon Street to Homer Street. In 1859, it used to be known as " Grove Hill Cemeter}-," but that name soon dis- appeared. The exercises at the formal consecration of the Cemetery to its sacred use were held on a lovely summer afternoon, June 10, 1857. All nature seemed in harmony with the scene. Seats had been arranged for the audience on an elevated platform, beautifuU}- shaded. Walks and other improvements had already been made, in the immediate vicinity, and a few of the neighboring lots had been occupied. The simple adornments, — here and there a lowly grave, or a tasteful monument, removed, perhaps, from an older cemetery', — were a sufficient prophecj^ of the nature and destina- tion of the place, — a repository of " seed, sown of God, to ripen for the harvest." It was easy to feel the adaptation of so choice a spot to its future use. The calm beauty of the day, the breath of NEWTON CEMETERY. 587 the summer air, just moying the leaves of the forest, the arching canopy of the sky, with a few floating clouds, like angels watch- ing over the scene, the presence of an orderly and interested assem- l:)lage, in fuU harmony with the spirit of the occasion, the voice of prayer and hymn, and words of Christian consolation and hope, — nil rendered the day one long to be remembered, and a fitting in- auguration of this fair resting-place for the dead. At the begin- ning, the President of the Corporation made an Introductory Address ; after whicli. the following h^Tun, by S. Jennison, Esq., of Worcester, was sung to the tune of Duke Street. Why, in these sunniest hours of June, With the young summer's freshest leaf, Stand we together to commune On that which is but linked with grief ? In this serene, sequestered wood, Scarce known but to the birds' soft tread, With solemn rite, in saddened mood, A home we hallow for our dead ; — Where we, too, when these scenes shall close. May join the loved ones gone before, Who, sunk in death's unmoved repose, To earthly homes return no more. The dead, — even now they slumber here. And if, above their rest profound. There hath been prayer, or sigh, or tear, Have they not made this sacred ground? And is thy name, O grave ! allied Only with terrors and wkh pain? Then Christ for us in vain has died, Then were his resurrection vain. But earth exulteth in that word Which doth the gate of heaven ope ; And we who have its promise heard No longer sorrow without hope. Father ! to us such faith be given, That we in death m.ay see the face As of an angel from thy heaven, Bidding us back to thy embrace. 588 HISTORY OF NEWTON. Rev. D. L. Furber, of the First church, offered the prayer of Consecration. Rev. F. D. Huntington, then Plummer Professor of Christian Morals in Harvard College and Preacher to the Uni- versity, dehvered an address, which was touching, simple and beautiful. The ceremony was closed by singing, to the tune of Naomi, the following hjonn, written for the occasion by Rev. S. F. Smith, D. D., of Newton Centre. Deep, 'mid these dim and silent shades, The slumbering dead shall lie, Tranquil, as summer evening fades Along the western sky. The whispering winds shall linger here To lull their deep repose ; Like music on the dewy air, Like nightfall on the rose. Light through the twining boughs shall shed Its calm and cheerful ray. As hope springs from the dying bed, And points to perfect day. Around each funeral urn shall cling The fairest, freshest flowers. Emblem of heaven's eternal spring, And brighter lands than ours. Gathered from thousand homes, the dust In soft repose shall lie, Like garnered seed, in holy trust For immortality. Room for the households ! — till the morn Its glories shall restore, And on the silent sleepers dawn . , The day that fades no more. The concluding prayer was by the late Rev. Washington Gilbert, of "West Newton. As early as 1868, a large portion of the first thirty acres had been laid out with avenues and paths, into lots of different sizes, to suit the wants of the citizens, and five hundred lots had been taken. In 1871, by additional purchases, the property of the Cor- poration had extended to about eighty-two acres, the cost of which was about eleven thousand dollars. The expenditure, up to that SOLDIEKS' MONUMENT. 589 date, had been about twenty-eight thousand dollars, including land, buildings, gateway, entrance, implements, etc. The cost of the new entrance and gatewa}^ was about $7,500, and this improve- ment was completed in the 3'ear 1871. The number of interments up to October, 1878, was about 1,800 ; the average number per year, about 130. The amount of the fund for perpetual care of lots, at the above date, was about $29,000. Besides the general Receiving Tomb, there are six or eight private tombs ; but the prevailing taste in the communitj- prefers to com- mit the remains of the departed directly to the bosom of the earth. The average price per acre of the original purchase was S145 ; the present value is estimated at S600 per acre. The total number of lots sold to October, 1878, was 757, — each lot containing an aver- age of three hundred feet. The fund for perpetual care was com- menced bj' a bequest of $100 from the estate of Mr. Elisha Field for this purpose ; in 1867, a like sum was received from the heirs of Charles Pelham; and in 1868, $200 from the estate of J. S. Cummings. The expenses of maintaining the cemetery to 1878 are as fol- lows : Estimate for the first three years at 8 800 per annum, $ 2,400 For the next five " 3,000, 15,000 " " five " 4,000, 20,000 " last five " 6,000, 30,000 #67,400 For land and buildings, 15,167 For gateway and trimmings, 7,200 Total expenditure, f 89,767 An additional strip of land, on Walnut Street, was purchased by the Corporation in the year 1879. DEDICATION OF THE SOLDIERS* MONUMENT. One of the most interesting and touching ceremonies ever wit- nessed in the Newton Cemetery was the Dedication of the Sol- diers' Monument, — an event well worthy of a place in these records. Believing that it is good to perpetuate the memory of those who give their lives to the service of their countr}', a distin- guished citizen of Newton generously offered to give the sum of one thousand dollars, provided other friends would contribute an 590 HISTORY OF NEWTON. additional amount, sufficient to erect a Monument, which should stand as a permanent testimonial of the high appreciation of the inhabitants of Newton for theii* heroic dead. The proposition was cordially welcomed by the people of the town, and at a meeting held August 7, 1863, Hon. J. Wiley Edmands, Henry Bigelow, M. D., Hon. AVilliam Claflin, Hon. Thomas Rice, jr., Hon. David H. Mason, William E. Sheldon, Esq.,. Willard Marcy, Esq., J. S. Farlow, Esq., John C. Chaffin, Esq., were chosen a committee, with authority to erect a Monument. In order that all might share in this grateful tribute, a donation of one dollar was solicited from each inhabitant and nearly twelve hundred dollars were received from this source. More than eleven hundred children of the public schools contributed each one dime ; and the remainder necessary to construct the monument, and to> grade and surround the lot with a suitable curbstone, together with the erection of an appropriate entablature, was cheerfully contributed by the generous friends of the soldiers in the town. Standing, as it does, near the entrance of the cemetery, and where every visitor is sure to encounter it, the monument is a perpetual memorial of that patriotic spirit which cannot die, and by which Newton lias ever been distinguished. Summer and winter, by daj'' and by night, like a sleepless sentinel, it seems to keep watch and ward over the dead, and at the same time to remind the living of the duty they owe alike to their country and to God. Whether the fragrant breezes of summer sweep over this Eden of the departed, or the soft mantle of winter, like a bridal garment, rests on the place of their repose, this granite pillar, towering heaven- wards, speaks the same language of patriotism, of honor, and of hope. The monument itself, with the entablature, cost, $3,975.50 The curbstone and posts, 1,245.00 The work was completed at an expense of $5,220.50 The lot of land occupied by the monument was given b}'^ the town for this use, and the trustees of the cemetery Corporation engage to keep the grounds in good order and condition. The monument SOLDIERS' MOmjMENT. 591 is au octagonal shaft of Quincy granite, resting upon a die and plinth of the same material, and is twentj-eight feet in height. Upon the front of the die are inscribed the words, "in memoriam perpetdam." Near the monument is the entablature, on which is carved the motto, "pro patkia mortui sunt," bearing the names of fifty -nine brave men of Newton, who offered up their lives in the cause of freedom and the Union. LIST OF NAMES ON THE SOLDIERS' TABLET. Lieut. EBEN WHITE, orestus j. adams, john allen, george baker, george h. baxter, willia:m r, bexson, theodore l. brackett, leroy s. bridgemax, eben r. buck, reuben l. butler, thomas w. gifford, gilbert a. cheney, frederick champion, SETIl COUSENS, JR., FREDERICK A. CUTTER, WILLIAM FELL, CHARLES E. FIFIELD, WILLIAM N. FREEMAN, JOHN FORSYTH, jk., WILLIAM L. GILMAN, ROGER S. KINGSBURY, Major HENRY T. LAWSON, HAR\T:Y L. VINTON, WILLIAM L. HARRIS, JOHN MYER, JR., JOHN McQUADE, GEORGE H. NICHOLS, JOHN B. ROGERS, Lieut. JOSEPH B. BRECK, WILLIAM L. PARKER , LEOPOLD H. HAWKES, PATRICK HAGGERTY', THOMAS L. JACKSON, ALBERT A. KENDALL, M.D., JEFFERSON LiYRKIN, CHARLES A. LEAVITT, MICHAEL MARTIN, DANIEL H.MILLER, STEPHEN L. NICHOLS, ALBERT F. POTTER, JOSEPH R. PRATT, WILLIAM H. RICE, WILLIAM RAND, jr., EDWARD H. TOMBS, LUCIUS F. TROWBRIDGE, MICHAEL VAUGHN, CHARLES WARD, GRAFTON H. WARD, SAMUEL F. WOODWARD, THOMAS C. NORCROSS, DANIEL SANGER, WILLIAM B. NEFF, MATTHEW T. H. ROFFE, THOMAS DURAN, LEMUEL F. BASSETT, GEORGE H. RICH, EDW"ARD LYMAN, LOWELL :\I. BRECK, ALFRED WASHBUTRN. It was deemed accordant with the spirit of the enterprise, as well as suggestive of the duties and responsibilities of the living, in this juncture of national affairs, to celebrate the completion of the Monument with pubhc ceremonies, and dedicate it to the mem- ory of the brave heroes of Newton, who have fallen, or may fall, 592 HISTORY OF NEWTON. in this struggle for liberty and good government. Accordingly on the twenty-third day of July, 1864, this beacon memorial to the present and after times was solemnly inaugurated, in the presence of a large and deeply interested audience. The ceremonies took place in the open air, a few yards to the left of the monument, on the opposite side of the main Avenue. The exercises opened with the following graceful address of Thomas Rice, Esq., Chairman of the Board of Selectmen. Mr. Eice had been a most efficient leader of his fellow-townsmen in all the struggle, burning with patriotic zeal, now visiting the soldiers of Newton in camp, and bearing to them, together with material succors, assurances of the confidence, regard and sympathy of the people ; now returning to comfort the widow and provide for the orphan, and to stimulate those at home to continued courage, and effort for the welfare of their country. What Governor John A. Andrew was to the State of Massachusetts, in those days of pa- triotic faith and struggle, the same was Thomas Rice to New- ton. It was fitting, therefore, that his voice should be the first to be heard on such an occasion. The following were his words : Fellow-citizens, — We have assembled in this quiet and beautiful cemetery, to dedicate this noble Monument, as a perpetual memorial of those brave sons and patriots of Newton, who, seeing our flag insulted, our homes threatened, our country in danger, buckled on their armor, and went forth in our defence, and in the defence of their country, and fell martyrs in the midst of the struggle. This Monument is built of the enduring and never-crurabling granite, that it may stand as long as the everlasting hills from which it was taken ; that we may come beneath its shadow, and teach our children and children's children to honor and revere the names of those inscribed upon its tablet. Would to God that the last name had been inscribed, — that the sacrifices which we have now made were sufficient to secure permanent peace ! But, my friends, such is not the case. We shall be called upon to add name after name to this honorable list, before this wicked and shameful rebellion is crushed, as it surely will be ; for it cannot be that this great nation, which has achieved its own independence, and has so long been the asylum of the op- pressed of all other nations, is now to be destroyed by its own internal dis- sensions. That the time may not be far distant when this contest shall be over, should be the ardent supplication of every Christian; that it may end in the reestablishment of the Union, the fervent prayer of every patriot. The promise made to our soldiers when they enlisted, — '■ that should any of them be so unfortunate as to fall in battle, their remains should be recov- ered, if possible, and tenderly cared for," — has been faithfully carried out by the town, and most of those who have fallen now repose in their native dust. SOLDIERS' MONUMENT. 593 But some still remain on Southern soil, where or how buried we know not. All we can say of them is, they have fulfilled their mission, their heroic deeds have passed into history, and their names are engraven upon our memories. This is a voluntary tribute of a grateful people to perpetuate the memory, and to hand down to future generations the names, of those patriots who have fallen in this second struggle for freedom and right. The people of the town have not waited till the war was over, before recognizing the services of those who have fiillen in their defence ; but in the midst of the contest, while the government is calling for more men and more money, they have gone for- ward in this noble work. We have done what the town and people may well be proud of. The town has given and graded this beautiful spot, and the people have contributed the money to purchase this memento. It has all been done by voluntary subscription, and by all classes, from the princely merchant down to the humblest scholar in our common schools, that all might feel that they have a common interest in this patriotic work, and have done something towards perpetuating the memory of those who have proved good soldiers, and at the command of the Supreme Governor have laid down their arms and gone up higher. Let us invoke the God of our fathers, — that God of concord who presided over their deliberations when they laid the foundation of the Republic, — to incline the hearts of our Southern brethren to peace and submission to the legally constituted rulers of the nation ; but, fiiiling this, let us pray that same God, who is also the God of battles, that he may grant victory upon victory to the Union arms, until every vestige of rebellion is swept from the land, and the flag of the United States, — the symbol of her sovereignty, — shall again wave, in undisputed supremacy, over a free, united, and prosperous people. The address of Mr. Rice happily breathed the same spirit which animated tlie entire audience, and spoke the language of every heart. There were no divergent sentiments, and no uninterested spectators. The people had lived through more than three years of the war, with all its trials, expenses and hardships ; they had suffered again and again the agony of disappointment and the poignant distress of hope deferred ; they had been parted from husbands and fathers, brothers and sons, man}'^ of whom were sleeping the soldier's last sleep, and would return to them no more. Many families had found their means of living seriously abridged, and the whole economy of life was necessarily changed with them. And still with undaunt- ed spirit they scorned to abandon the struggle. They were re- solved to go forward, and trust in God. Mr. Rice's address was followed by prayer by the Rev. Edward James Young, pastor of the Channing church and Societ}'. Then came the following ode : 38 594 HISTORY OF NEWTON. 'T is holy ground — This spot, where in their graves, Wc place our Country's braves, Who fell in Freedom's holy cause Fighting for liberty and laws — Let tears abound. Here let them rest — And summer's heat and winter's cold, Shall glow and freeze above this mold — A thousand years shall pass away — A nation still shall mourn this clay. Which now is blest. Here, where they lie, Oft shall the widow's tear be shed, Oft shall fond parents mourn their dead, The orphan here shall kneel and weep. And maidens grieve where lovers sleep — A broken tie. Great God in heaven ! Shall all this sacred blood be shed — Shall Ave thus mourn our glorious dead, O, shall the end be wrath and woe, The knell of Freedom's overthrow — A country riven? It will not be ! We trust, O God! Tiiy gracious power To aid us in our darkest hour. This be our prayer — " O Father ! save A people's Freedom from the grave — All praise to thee !" The principal discourse on tlie occasion was by the Rev. Ploratio Balch Hackett, D. D., Professor in the Newton Theological Insti- tution, — a man of the most ardent patriotism, who, at the request of the town, brought his scholarly culture and brilliant eloquence to dignify and adorn tlie hour. No«ie had kindled Avith a gran- der enthusiasm than he during the entire progress of the strug- gle. None had felt more keenly the joy of every victor}', and the pain of every defeat. None had more fully comprehended the magnitude of the occasion. His culture, his learning, his enlight- ened Christian patriotism pointed him out as the orator specially fitted for the -service required. And all felt that he spoke in a SOLDIERS' MONUMENT. 595 manner worth}' of himself and of the occasion. The discourse, witli the other exercises of the da^', were afterwards printed. Dr. Hackett's address was followed by a poem by the Rev. S. F. Smith, D. D., and the ceremony was closed -with an original hymn, by the same author : Take these choice treasures, gentle earth, And shield them in thy faithful breast, Gathered like gems of priceless worth, And brought among thy dead to rest. Take this new honor, reared in love, Where sleep the trusted and the brave. Pointing the mourner's faith above. To Him who takes, to Him who gave. Round this fair shaft let summer leave Its fragrant airs, at morn and even, And golden clouds in sunlight weave Pathways of glory into heaven. Again the flag of peace shall float O'er all the land, from sea to sea; O'er all the land shall swell the note Of Freedom's final Jubilee. We build the shrine, we sing the brave ; Yet own how vain are human boasts ; In God alone is power to save, — Our trust is in the Lord of hosts. The literary performances of the occasion were printed in a pamphlet, at the expense of the town. The tranquil beauty of the day was in striking contrast with the storm of war and tumult still raging at the South. The end of the war was still nearh" a year away ; but the scenes of such an occa- sion had a stimulating effect upon the hearts of all who were present. And it may well be believed that every one left the hallowed spot with the fresh resolve to be found rcad3-for any coming emergcnc}'. It is an interesting, fact, and highly honorable to the town of Newton, that this was the first soldiers' monument known to have been erected in New England to the memory' of the heroes of this terrible struggle, and also that it was erected while the conflict was still surging with its waves of bitterness over the fair domains of 596 HISTORY OF NEWTON. our national inheritance. On this very day, there was a truce between the two armies at Atlanta, Ga. , for the burial of the dead of the last engagements. It is not known that any others of the soldiers of Newton were slain during the war ; so that the list on the tablet received no additions. Several, however, retui'ned home, diseased and infirm, as a consequence of the hardships and exposures to wliich they were subjected, and, in process of time, one by one, passed away. They as really laid down their lives for their country's welfare, as those who fell in battle. CHAPTER XLVI. KEWTON IN THE WAR OF THE REBELLION. TOWN ACTION. — THE WOMEN OP NEWTON. — BATTLES IN WHICH NEWTON MEN WERE ENGAGED. UNFURLING THE FLAG. THE SLAIN IN BATTLE. — GEN. A. B. UNDERWOOD. — NEWTON's DEAD IN THE WAR. — BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG DESCRIBED BY A PARTICIPANT. On the 19th of April, 1861, immediately after the tidings of the firing on Fort Sumter reached Boston, with an account of the action of the President of the United States thereon, the Selectmen of Newton issued their warrant for a town meeting to be held at the earliest practicable date. The warrant contained just three clauses. The spirit of patriotism glowed as of old, and the people were ready to fly to arms in defence of the country. The fathers of the Revolutionary period were dead, but theh* mantles rested on their sons. The three clauses above referred to were as follows : 1. To choose a Moderator. 2. To see if the town will make suitable provision, by an appropriation of money or otherwise, for the relief of the families of such of her citizens as may respond to the call of the President for men to maintain the Govern- ment of the United States by entering the military service of their country. 3. To see if the town will appropriate money for the purchase of uni- forms or equipments of such military companies as may be formed within the town. At the meeting held in accordance with the above warrant, April 29, 1861, J. F. C. Hyde, Moderator, is the following record : D. H. Mason, Esq., presented and read the following preamble and reso- lution, viz. : Whereas, for the first time in the history of our Government, the Republic is placed in great peril by an armed rebellion of several of the United States, threatening the destruction of our National Archives and Capitol, and a sudden resort to armed resistance has become necessary for the preservation of our lives and liberties, 597 598 HISTORY OF NEWTON. And whereas, by solemn Proclamation, the President of the United States has called upon the good Commonwealth of Massachusetts for the means of <^ffectual resistance, — Now, therefore, we, the inhabitants of the town of Newton, in town meet- ing assembled, ever loyal to the Constitution and the laws of the land, do hereby instruct and direct the Selectmen of our said town to take and ap- propriate from any moneys at any time in tlie treasury of said town, during the current year, a sufficient sum, not exceeding twenty thousand dollars, to fully arm and equip, in the most approved and effectual manner, one Com- pany or more of Volunteer Militia, who have enlisted or may hereafter enlist from said town, in the service of the General or State Governments. And if any such jiersons are called into the actual service, leaving their families unprovided for, the said Selectmen are also directed to take especial care to provide for them all the needed and necessary comforts of life, in sickness and in health, during the continuance of said service, and as long as the exigency of the case requires. And if any should perish in said service, the town will tenderly care for their remains, and furnish them a suitable burial. Resolved, that the people of this town have the most perfect confidence and trust in our present form of Government, that we have faith in the wis- dom and patriotism of its framers, and that, without distinction of party or l)arty lines, in our heart of hearts we revere and love their virtues and their memories. The cause of this Union is our cause, and to its support, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we pledge our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor. This resolution was a precise counterpart to that passed b}' the fathers of Newton in the opening chapter of the Revolution. It had the same ring. The preamble and resolution Avere discussed in patriotic speeches by D. H, Mason, Esq., Hon. J. Wiley Edmands, Andrew II. Ward, jr., William Mcintosh, and others, and passed unanimoush\ Andrew II. Ward, jr., a member of a large committee from all parts of the town, who had held a meeting at Newtonville on the subject of Volunteers, here presented two papers, and read them. The first, after being amended, was as follows : The committee recommend that a committee of tlireo, in connection with the Selectmen, be chosen, to take measures for obtaining uniforms and un- derclothes, and what other apparel is necessary, and that the committee be Capt. T. M. Bryan, jr., E. W. Dennison and J. C. Potter, jr. The committee also recommend to the town to accept tiie following com- mittee on Arms, to act with and render assistance to the Selectmen, viz. : Capt. T. M. Bryan, jr., A. H. "Ward, jr., and E. W. Dennison. VoTKD, to adopt the recommendations presented by Mr. Ward. WAR OF THE REBELLIOX. i>99 The other paper presented by Mr. AVard was as follows : To Tiiii Selectmen of Newton: Hiiving understood that a fund was to be appropriated by the town for the equipment of the military Company now being formed therein, the under- siirnod, as representing the ladies of Newton, volunteer to make up all the undergarments necessary for its outfit. Mrs. rhilip A. Green, ) tt„„o,. ttoIIc: 3Irs. William Pentecost, / '^ PP"^^ J'^^"^- Mrs. Thomas Rice,. in, ) j -p ,, Mrs. Edward Warren, | ^^"^^^ ^ ^"®- Mrs. M. L. Ward, 1 A,jT,urmlalp Mrs. E. M. Clarke, ( ^uDurDaaie. :Mrs. C. M. Severance, ) ^ ^ Xewton Miss E. A. Goodale, f ^^^^^ Newton. Miss P. Cunningham, ) xewtonviUe Mrs. W. R. Horton, / JNewtonvme. Mrs. Henry Fuller, ) ■vrp^.-on rnmer INIrs. George Linder, ] -Newton comer. Mrs.William Sturtevant, ) x'«,„4«^ n«^(-^« Mrs. Gardner Colby, j ^ ^^"^ Centre Voted, that the paper contaiuiug the names of the ladies who have volunteered to make underclothes be referred to the joint committee on uniforms. Hon. J. Wiley Edmands moved that the Selectmen have author- ity to ofler a sum not exceeding twent}^ dollars per month, while in ser'sdce, to Volunteers from this town, in addition to the Gov- ernment pay ; in case it is deemed advisable to offer such bounty for the increase of the Companies from this town. Passed unanimously b}- vote. jMr. A. B. Underwood, offered the following resolution, viz. : Resolved, also, that the Selectmen take care of and provide for the fami- lies of those citizens of Newton who have now gone into the service of the country in other Companies, and of those already enlisted in other Companies who may be called into service, as for those who go in Companies from this town. This resolution was passed unanimously. The meeting was dissolved ; after which, cheers were given for the Union, the Newton Compau}', etc. The citizens of Newton were evidently impatient of delay, and anxious to be actively engaged in the service of the country. Hence, in the report of the proceedings at a town meeting held June 11, 1861, we find the following records : The Chairman of the Selectmen made a verbal report of the doings of the Selectmen, and of the expenditures incurred for troops in Newton ; stating that about $1,200 had been expended ; that they had made rei)eated efforts to get the Company raised in Newton mustered into Government service, but had failed ; and tliat there was no prospect of their being accepted for a year to come ; and they asked for instruction. 600 HISTORY OF NEWTON. D. H. Mason, Esq., presented the following resolutions, which were adopted : Resolved, that the town appropriate, and hereby instruct the proper authori- ties of the town to raise, sufficient money to defray any expenses already incurred to carry out and fulfil any contract heretofore made with or in behalf of any of its inhabitants who may have enlisted as members of the Volunteer Militia, who have been or may be called into the service of the United States. Resolved, that the Selectmen are instructed to draw from any money now in the treasury a sufficient sum to meet the deficiency in any expense they have incurred for military drills and purposes up to this date ; and that all contracts for such purposes be closed this day. Resolved, that the thanks of the citizens of this town are tendered to its patriotic young men, who have so nobly come forward and offered their military service to the State and country in this time of great peril. Also, Resolved, that the thanks of the citizens of this town are tendered to our Selectmen, for their wise and prudent management in our efforts to pro- vide military aid for the defence of the Government. Such was the action of the town during the first year of the war. The struggle proved to be much longer than was anticipated. But it is to the credit of Newton that her citizens never flagged in zeal or liberality. With a vigilance that never slept, with a patri- otism that never tu-ed, the Selectmen kept careful watch of the events of the times, faithfully reporting to the town what was needed, and the town was never backward to vote liberally and cheerfully all requisite supplies. In the proceedings of the town meeting November 4, 1862, we find these records : Voted, that the town hereby approves the action of its Selectmen in pro- curing Volunteer soldiers for the Government service, and assumes all the expenses incurred by them in holding meetings and paying bounties for recruits, and in obtaining men and lists of men to fill the quota of the town; and that the sum of Forty Thousand Dollars be appropriated for that purpose. Voted, that the sum of two thousand dollars be appropriated for the pur- pose of burying soldiers, residents of the town, who die in the service of the country, and paying any expenses necessary and incident thereto ; — said sura to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen. Voted, that the sum of three thousand dollars be appropriated, to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen, for the purpose of relieving the extraordinary necessities of resident soldiers of the town, serving in the field in the army during the coming year. Voted, that two thousand dollars be appropriated, to be expended under WAR OF THE REBELLION. 601 the direction of the Selectmen, to relieve the necessities of discharged and returned soldiers. Voted, tliat the sum of two thousand dollars be appropriated, to pay, under the direction of the Selectmen, for the recovery and burial of deceased sol- diers, including what they have already paid for said services. Voted, that the sum of one thousand dollars be appropriated for the sup- port of the families of those in the Navy from our town, under the direction of the Selectmen. The Records of the town show that from year to year, as long as the war contiuued, with ever watchful eye and tender care the citizens, in their corporate capacity, as well as individually, stood read}' to detect and meet every new emergency. At a town meet- ing held August 7, 1863,— Voted, unanimously, that the balance of money which was appropriated to families of Volunteers, at a former meeting, be now appropriated to the families of drafted men also. Voted, that the Treasurer of the town be authorized, if in the judgment of the Selectmen it may be necessary, to borrow for the use of the town, five thousand dollars, to be appropriated by tlie Selectmen to the families of the soldiers from Newton. Voted, that the Selectmen be authorized to use as much as may be needed of the funds heretofore appropriated for the use of the families of deceased Volunteers, for the use of the families of deceased and disabled soldiers from Newton. In the midst of the war, a movement was made in town meet- ing, with reference to the erection of a Soldiers' Monument, and Newton was one of the first towns in the Commonwealth, if not the first, which made such provision to honor the memory of her fallen heroes. In the town meeting held November 3, 1863, Hon. J. Wiley Edmands offered the following motion, which was at once carried : That a part of the Cemetery land owned by the town shall be so disposed of by the Selectmen as to secure for the Soldiers' Monument a lot properly graded, that may be selected by the committee on the erection of the Monu- ment. On the 7th of March, 1864, the town voted to appropriate Si o,- 000 for aid to families of Volunteers ; and April 4th, $23,000, to meet the expenses that ma}' be incurred the coming year in rais- ing Volunteers and filling the town quota. August 5th, ^20,000 additional were voted to pay bounties and other expenses of (J02 HISTORY OF NEWTON. reeraitiug, and to fill the town's quota " under the recent call for Volunteers, made by the President of the United States." At the March meeting, 1865, $15,000 were appropriated for fam- ilies of Volunteers, and $5,913.22 to cover the deficiencj'in the same, heretofore appropriated for the purpose of recruiting men to fill Newton's quota, under the calls of the President of the United States of July 18, 1864, and December 19, 1S64. The above records contain a complete view of the patriotic action of the town of Newton, during the eventful period of the civil war. The ceremony of the dedication of the Soldiers' Mon- ument on the 23rd of July, 1864, — an account of Avhich is recorded in the chapter on the new Cemetery of Newton, — belongs to the same interesting and honorable history. On the occasion of the Presidential election Novembers, 1864, the town meeting was remarkably enthusiastic as well as harmonious. The number of ballots cast was 1,316, of which 954 were for the Lincoln ticket. The first vote deposited on this occasion was cast l^y Rev. S. F. Smith, of Newton Centre. The above are all the i^ecords; — but who can compute all the private gifts, the individual donations, the cares, the self-denials, the heart-breakings, the desolated homes, the broken stay and staft" of many households, the life-long sorrows, the hope deferred, the 3'oung lives sacrificed, the best and bravest blood of the coun- try poured out like water ! The original compact still exists, whereby a small number of Newton's most prominent citizens guaranteed the Selectmen and Treasurer against an}- loss which might be incurred by advancing money for recruits, in 1864. Whereas, the undersigned, inhabitants of Newton, desire the Selectmen to recruit men to fill the quota of the town, in advance of any future calls of the President of the United States, and -the town cannot approjjriate nioney therefor until after a call has been made, and it may be necessary to pay more than is allowed by law to be paid by towns to Volunteers, — Now, therefore, we do hereby severally agree and pledge ourselves to guarantee and save harmless the Selectmen and Treasurer of said town of Newton against all loss on any sums of money the}^ may pay or advance, or wiiich may be paid to recruits or for expenses of recruiting, under the ap- proval and direction of the Board of Selectmen of said town, to fill or pro- vide for any further call, of the President of the United States, for soldiers during the present war. WAR OF THE REBELLION. 603 Provided tliat the same shall be assessed pro rata, upon the paying sub- scribers hereto, and iu no case is to exceed the amounts annexed to our respective names. Witness our hands, this 18th day of June, A. D. 18G4. J. Wiley Edraands, ^1,000 E. P. Bancroft, 1,000 John S. Far low, 1,000 Gardner Colby, 1,000 C. C. and I. T. Burr, $1,000 G. C. and C. H. Lord, 1,000 William Claflin, 1,000 The patriotic and military histor}- of Newton, as it clusters around the war for the suppression of the rebellion, is familiar to man}- still on the stage of action. Those who were present at the enthusiastic uipetiugs held, from time to time, to encourage the enlistment of fresh troops, and who witnessed the noble devotion of the choicest 3'oung men of the- town to the cause of their imper- illed country, bear this glorious record indelibl}* inscribed upon their memories and their hearts. None who were present can ever forget a meeting held at the public hall in Newton Centre, during one of the darkest periods of the war, when Charles Ward came forward and pledged himself to fight, and, if need be, to die, for the sacred cause of his country. He was 3'oung and delicate. His gentle manners won upon every heart. His future was full of promise. Just read}^ to enter college, and hoping afterwards to engage in the sacred profession to which he had consecrated his life, — the world opened before him in the most tempting attitudes. He stood up in that crowded assembly of stalwart men, and spoke of his prospects and his hopes. "But," he said, "if my country needs my services, I am willing for her sake to make the sacrifice." Few dry eyes were in that assembh^ that night. He gave himself to the cause, and after a few weeks fell on the field of Gett3'sbm'g. Most worthily is his name perpetuated by his comrades in the title of their militar}' organization (Charles Ward Post, organized in 1868). His spirit and his fate were onl^' a specimen of many others as promising, as beloved, as full of hope as he, but who now sleep in a soldier's grave. During the entire war, ever}' heart was busied with its scenes and its demands. Ever}^ pulpit discussed themes suited to nerve the people to steadiness in the great struggle. Every man was absorbed in the grave necessities of the occasion. And gentle woman, in every house, the aged and the j'oung, was employed in providing means to alleviate the sufferings of the wounded, the G04 HISTORY OF NEWTON. sick, and the dying. Besides the sums of money, voted and trans- mitted to the soldiers, thousands of boxes loaded every express train going to the front, — the testimonials of the love and interest of those who remained at home. The town, in its corporate capacit}^, made liberal appropriations to meet the expenses of the war. The amounts voted b}' the town at various dates, were as follows : November 4, 1862, $50,000 August 7, 1863, 5,000 March 7, 1864, 15,000 April 3, 1864, 23,000 August 5, 1864, 20,000 Total, $113,000 Amount expended, $92,621 The whole number of men required to fill the quota of New- ton's soldiers, under all the calls for volunteers made bj'' the Pres- ident of the United States, was 1,0G7. The number actually fur- nished by the town was 1,129, — giving a surplus of sixty-two. The number of volunteers mustered into the service for three years, who belonged in the town of Newton, was three hundred and twent^'-three. This is exclusive of those who served in the navy, and of others, natives of the town, and whose acts of valor did it honor, although at the date of their enlistment the}* were citizens of other places. It is also exclusive of many who served for shorter periods, both as officers and privates, and whose names are worthy of honor. The town of Newton furnished, in this war, thirty-six commis- sioned officers and two general officers. Of the latter, Brevet- Major-General Adin B. Underwood was severely wounded while bravely leading the Thirty-third Massachusetts regiment in the successful attack on the enemy at Lookout Mountain, Tennessee. Brevet-Brigadier-General J. Gushing Edmands was also wounded in the battle of Peeble's Farm, September 30, 1864. Of the entire number of Newton men who enlisted for three years, there were, in the Thirty-second regiment, ninety-seven ; in the First, twenty-six ; in the Sixteenth, thirty-seven ; in the Twenty-fourth, seventeen ; and smaller numbers in several others. The whole number of Massachusetta regiments containing one or more Newton men was thirt}-. WAE OF THE KEBELLION. 605 The battles in which regiments containing Newton men were engaged, in the course of the war, were as follows : First Rejjiment. — Bull Run, Williamsburg, Fair Oaks, Glen- dale, Kettle Run, Chantilly, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Locust Grove, Spottsylvania. Second Regimoit. — Jackson, Front Royal, AVinchester, Cedar Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettys- burg, Resaca, Kenesaw Mountain, Peach-Tree Creek, Atlanta, Raleigh, Averysborough. Seventh Regiment. — The Peninsula, Fredericksburg, Chancel- lorsville, Gettysburg, the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, North Anna River, Cold Harbor. Twelfth Regiment. — Cedar Mountain, Second Bull Run, Antie- tam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, the Wilder- ness, Spottsylvania, North Anna River, Cold Harbor, Peters- burg. Thirteenth Regiment. — Second Bull Run, Antietam, Fredericks- burg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, North Anna River, Cold Harbor, Petersburg. Sixteenth Regiment. — Fair Oaks, Glendale, Malvern Hill, Ket- tle Run, Chantilly, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Locust Grove, the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, North Anna River, Cold Harbor, Petersburg. Seventeenth Regiment. — Kinston, Goldsborough, Bachelder's Creek, Gum Swamp. Twenty-fourth Regiment. — Roanoke Island, Kinston, White- hall, James Island, Morris Island, Fort Wagner, Green Valle}^, Drury's Bluff, Richmond and Petersburg Railroad, Weir Bottom Church, Deep Bottom, Deep Run, Fussell's Mills, Siege of Peters- burg, Four-Mile Run Church, Darbytown Road. Thirty-second Regiment. — Malvern Hill, Gainesville, Second Bull Run, Chantilly, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Rappahannock Station, Mine Run, the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, North Anna, Tolopotomy, Bethesda Church, Peters- burg, Weldon Railroad, Vaughan Road, Dabney's Mills, Hatcher's Run, Brydtown Road, White Oak Road. GOG HISTORY OF NEWTOX. Thirty -third Regiment. — Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Bev- erly Ford, Gettysburg, Lookout Mountain, Missionary' Ridge, and the battles of General Sherman's Grand Arm3^ First Regiment of Cavalry. — Poolsville, South Mountain, Antie- tam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Brandy Station, Aldie, Upperville, Gettysburg, Williarasport, Culpepper, Auburn, Todd's Tavern, Fortifications of Richmond, Vaughan Road, St. Mary's Church, Cold Harbor, Bellefield. Thus, in not less than seventy-five fields did the men of Newton imperil their lives for the salvation of their country. The\' fought bravelj^ and brought back victory. The names of those who fell in the war, recorded on the Soldiers' Monument, are a permanent testimony to the patriotism of the people.* Besides the citizens of Newton who were engaged in the sacred cause of freedom, the members of the Newton Theological Insti- tution deserve honorable mention. Some of the young men enlisted early in the war. Several of the alumni of former years voluntarily did service in the army, some as soldiers and officers of various grades, others as chaplains. Several others, after com- pleting their service in the field, were mustered out, and immedi- ately entered the Institution, delaying their preparation for the high work of their lives, until the clouds which hung over their country were dissipated. Some of them suffered severely in pris- ons and on battle-fields, and some brought back only mutilated forms for the service of the church. The honorable catalogue of these patriotic servants of God will be found in connection with, the histor}' of the Newton Theological Institution. In this connection it is proper to speak of a rare ceremony which occurred in the early part of the war, and which none who were present to witness it will ever forget. The ceremony was the unfurling of the American flag on the Common in Newton Centre. No flag of such size had ever been raised in that village. A large and beautiful flag-staif had been procured b}^ subscription among the citizens, and a flag of corresponding dimensions. The time appointed for the ceremony was the early morning, before the citizens were obliged to scatter to theh" various employments for the day. It proved to be one of the loveliest mornings of *In chapter XLVIII, which contains official accounts drawn from documents in the Adjutant-General's office in the State House, it will be seen that this list ismateriallj- enlarged. WAR OF THE REBELLION. 607 early summer. The brilliant sky was without a cloud, and the sun shouo with its fullest radiance, as if in harmou}' with the scene. The birds sang their matin carols, as if to welcome the banner, to float in the bright empyrean whei'e they had their homo. A large company- gathered in front of the public hall, which, at that time, stood on the northwestern corner of Station Street, — over}- one fired with patriotic ardor, ever}" one drinking in new strength to do and dare, in the presence of the chosen symbol of a free and independent nation. Prayer was offered by Rev. S. F. Smith, D. D. , in the centre of the reverent throng, invoking God's continued blessing on " the land of the free and the home of the brave." Then, as the company stood around the towering shaft, Hon. J. Wiley Edmands, Avho, by common consent, acted as master of cere- monies, led to its foot an aged man, Joshua Loring, Esq., who had lived more than ninet}'' winters, — and, putting into his trembling hands the cords which governed the motions of the banner, helped him to raise it to its place. When it reached the top, and the starry sj'mbol unrolled itself and floated on the breeze, to the notes of the National Hymn and the cheers of the enthusiastic crowd, it was felt by all present that every one had consecrated himself anew to the welfare of his country, and that the cause of libert}' is safe with such defenders. The following is an alphabetical catalogue of Newton's soldiers who were slain in battle, or who died of diseases contracted while in service, together with a few others who have deceased at a later period. The alphabetical arrangement of the names will render the list convenient for reference. The same names, arranged by General Underwood with reference to the regiments in which they were included, will be presented hereafter on pages 623-025. Orestus J. Adams, Mass. 32ntl, Co. K, killed in a charge, Laurel Hill, Va. (Battle of the Wilderness), May 12, 1804. His body was never recovered. John Allen, Mass. First, Co. G, killed at Glendale, Va., June 30, 1862. George Baker, Mass. 32nd, Co. K, died at Fairfax Court House, Va., Sep- tember 11, 1862. Lemuel F. Bassett, i;5th Indiana infantry, died George H. Baxter, Mass. 24th, Co. F, killed June 5, 1862. George W. Belcher, 1st Mass. Cavalry, Co. G, died 1872. William R. Benson, Mass. First, Co. I, killed in tlie battle of Williams burg, Va., May 5, 18G2. 608 HISTORY OF NEWTON. George S. Boyd, Mass. 33rd, sergeant Co. E, died June, 1872. George F. Brackett, Mass. 5th, Co. K, died in Newton, October 29, 1876. Theodore L. Brackett, First Mass. Cavalry, Co. A, killed accidentally at Warrenton, Va., Decembers, 1863. Joseph B. Breck, U. S. Navy, lieutenant, U. S. gunboat " Niphon." Died of consumption, the result of his arduous labors and exposure, July 26, 1865. By his blockading services he aided materially in the suppression of the rebellion, by cutting ofif the resources of the Confederacy. Lowell M. Breck, U. S. Navy, acting ensign, died after expiration of service. Leroy S. Bridgeman, Mass. First, Co. I, died 1863. Buried at Palmer, Mass. Charles S. Brown. Buried at Evergreen Cemetery. Eben R. Buck, Mass. 44th, Co. B, died after expiration of service. R. L. Butler, Mass. 32nd, Co. K, died at Falmouth, Va., December 8, 1862. Frederick Champion, Mass. 32nd, Co. K, died at Falmouth, Va., .January 6, 1863. Gilbert A. Cheney, Mass. 2nd, Co. D, died of wounds, October 18, 1862. Thomas W. Clifford, Mass. 32nd, Co. K, died in the field, March 20, 1864. Seth Cousens, Mass. 32nd, Co. K, died after expiration of service. Zenas Crane, Mass. 44th, Co. B, died October 12, 1874. Frederick A. Cutter, Mass. 32nd, Co. K, killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Thomas Duran, Mass. ISth, sergeant Co. F, died after expiration of ser- vice. A. B. Ely, captain U. S. Volunteers, assistant-adjutant-general, died 1872. William Fell, Mass. 32nd, Co. K, died at Washington, D. C, January 11, 1863 ; buried in Evergreen Cemetery. Charles E. Fifleld, Mass. 32nd, sergeant Co. K, died after expiration of service. John Leaman Flagg, Mass. 16th, sergeant Co. B, died July 7, 1867; buried at Lower Falls. John Forsyth, jr., Mass. 16th, sergeant Co. E, killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. William N. Freeman, Mass. First, Co. I, died at Philadelphia, January 5, 1863. William L. Gilman, Rev., Mass. 32nd, Co. K, died of wounds received at Gettysburg, July 30, 1863. Patrick Haggerty, Mass. 19th, Co. E, killed at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862. ■ H. C. Harrington, Mass. 45th, Co. K, died after the expiration of service. William A. Harris, First Mass. Cavalry, Co. G, died nearly a year after peace was proclaimed, from the fresh breaking out of a wound received dur- ing his terra of service. WAE OF THE REBELLION". G09 Leopold H. Hawkes, Mass. 32n(i, Co. K, killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 18G3, while helping a wounded comrade off the field. Charles F. Hooker, 1st Mass. Cavalry, Co. L, transferred to the 4th Mass. Cavalry. George Houghton, Mass. 16th, Co. I, died at the National Asylum, Augusta, Me., September 12, 1873. George E. Huntress. Thomas L. Jackson, Mass. 32nd, Co. K, killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. William H. Johnson. William Jordan, Mass. 44th, Co. B, died February 22, 1875. Albert A. Kendall, M. D., Mass. 12th, Assistant Surgeon, killed at Antie- tam, Md., September 17, 1862, by a chance shot, while binding up the wounds of soldiers lying on the field. Buried at the Lower Falls. George Kimball. Roger S. Kingsbury, Mass. 32nd, Co. K, died of wounds received at Get- tysburg, after expiration of service, October, 1870. Jefferson Lakin, Mass. 2nd, Co. D, killed at Winchester, Va., May 25, 1862. He is believed to have been the first Newton soldier killed in the war. Henry T. Lawson, 2nd Mass. Heavy Artillery, major, died of yellow fever October 1, 1864, in North Carolina. Charles A. Leavitt, Mass. 32nd, Co. K, died at Sharpsburg, Va., October 21, 1862. Elliot Littlefield, 1st Mass. Cavalry, Co. G, died at Belle Isle, Va. Edward Lyman, Mass. 16th, corporal Co. K, died of wounds at Falmouth, Va., June 7, 1863. Michael Martin, Mass. IGth, Co. G, killed at Bull Run, Va., August 29, 1862. John Meirs, jr., 1st Mass Cavalry, Co. H, died August 20, 1864. Daniel H. Miller, U. S. Engineers, died William B. Neff, Mass. 32nd, Co. K, killed in a charge, Laurel Hill, Va. (battle of the Wilderness), May 12, 1864. His body was never recovered. George H. Nichols, Mass. 32nd, Co. C, taken prisoner at Gettysburg, died at Belle Isle. Stephen L. Nichols, Mass. 32d, Co. K, killed in a charge, Laurel Hill, Va. (battle of the Wilderness), May 12, 1864. His body was never recovered, but there is a tablet to his memory in the new Cemetery. Thomas C. Norcross, Mass. 16th, sergeant Co. K, died at Washington, D. C, June, 1863. William E. Parker, First Mass. Cavalry, Co. C, died after expiration of service. Henry J. Poole, Mass. 22nd, Co. D, killed at Fredericksburg, Va., Decem- ber, 1862. 39 610 HISTOKY OF NEWTON. Albert F. Potter, Mass. 44tli, sergeant Co. B, died at Newbern, N. C.;, January 29, 1863. Buried at Brookfield. Joseph R. Pratt, Mass. 32nd, Co. K., died at Shepardstown, Va., October 12, 1SG2. John McQuade, Mass. 24th, Co. E, died after expiration of service. George P. Ramsdell, Mass. 32nd, corporal Co. K, died April 23, 1875. William J. Rand, Mass. 45th, Co. K, mortally wounded at Kinston, N. C,. December 17, 1862. Buried in Cambridge Cemetery. William H. Rice, Mass. 32nd, Co. K, died at Washington, D. C, January 14, 1863. George H. Rich, Mass. 45th, Co. K. died after expiration of service. John B. Rogers, Mass. 57th, Co. K, died of wounds, Petersburg, Va., July 26, 1864. John P. Rogers, Mass. 16th, Co. I, died September 11, 1862. Matthew T. H. Roffe, 1st Mass. Cavalry, Co. A, died after expiration of service. Daniel Sanger, Mass. 32nd, Co. K, killed at Petersburg, Va., June 19, 1864. Edward H. Tombs, Mass. 32nd, Co. K, died after expiration of service. Lucius F. Trowbridge, Mass. 32nd, Co. K, died at Falmouth, Va. , Decem- ber 29, 1862. William H. Trowbridge, Mass. 1st, Co. A, dropped dead July, 1862, at Malvern Hill, Va. Michael Vaughn, Mass. 18th, Co. F, died Harvey L. Vinton, 1st Mass. Cavalry, Co. G, died in the prison at Belle Isle, Va., and was buried near the prison. Charles Ward, Mass. 32nd, Co. K, died of wounds received at Gettysburg,. July 9, 1863. Grafton H. Ward, Mass. 32nd, Co. K, killed at Bethesda Church, June 3, 1864. Eben White, U. S. colored troops, killed in Maryland, while enlisting freed- men in tlie Union army. Alfred Washburn, U. S. Navy, acting Master, U. S. ship '• Chocorua,"died of wounds at New Orleans, May 14, 1865. Samuel F. Woodward, Mass. 32nd, Co. K, killed at Shady Grove Church, Va., May 31, 1864. The Massachusetts Second regiment, in which there were sol- diers from Newton, being included in the above list, we copy the following testimonials to this regiment. The statements are con- tained in a report, in the Newton Journal, of a lecture by a citizen of Newton, General Underwood, before the Newton Ljceum, WAR OF THE REBELLION. 611 entitled " Citizen Soldiering during the late War ; its Trials and Compensations." Perhaps no man could be found better able, from lonf? experience of all the vicissitudes of the life of a soldier, suddenly called from peaceful home avocations to the stormy scenes of the battle-field, in defence of flag and country, to furnish for the information and enjoyment of his townsmen an interesting lecture iipon this important subject, tlian the gentleman above named [General A. B. Underwood]. We cannot at this time give a better idea of the material of General Under- wood's grand old regiment, the Massachusetts Second, with others equally brave and heroic, the pride of the Old Bay State, than by the reproduction of the following article, which appeared in the Wisconsin State Journal, of June 15, 1865 : "The Second Massachusetts and the Third Wisconsin Infantry have fought in the same brigade, side by side, throughout the war. Among the earliest regiments in the field, they first saw active service under Banks, in the Shenandoah Valley. When Stonewall Jackson, with his usual force of '■forty thousand men,' fell upon Banks, these two regiments covered the rear, and bore the brunt of the fighting. They stood together at Cedar Mountain, under the withering cross-fire of the enemy, when the noble Crane laid down his life for his country. They fought at Antietam, and Gettysburg, and Chancellorsville. Subsequently transferred to the West, they formed a part of that invincible column, Avhich under Sherman hewed its way through the central mountain fastnesses of the South, and poured down, an irresistible torrent, through Georgia and the Carolinas. Both regiments were among those that re-enlisted for tlie war. "We remember a conversation had, about a year ago, with an officer of the Third, respecting the comparative merits of Eastern and Western troops. He had served in the Armj^ of the Potomac and at the West, and had there- fore large opportunities for seeing and judging upon the subject. The best troops in the service, the steadiest, bravest, and most trustworthy, he said, were those from New England and the Northwest. . . . lie s^joke particu- larly of the Second Massachusetts, as a specimen of New England troops \ and said that, when the Third Wisconsin was first brigaded with them, the Wisconsin men conceived a strong antipathy against them. The Massachu- setts men were fitted up in the height of military style. They had the finest tents and wagons in the service, their uniforms were of the best mate- rial, they wore white gloves on parade ; and the Wisconsin men looked upon them as a set of dandies and counter-jumpers, who would take to their heels at the first approach of actual danger. By and by the hour of trial came. Stonewall Jackson launched his thunderbolt upon Banks' little army. And lo ! while most of the troops were hastening out of harm's way, tliere were the brawny boys of the old Third, and those ' white-gloved fellows ' of the Second Massachusetts, side by side, hanging stubbornly at the rear, their hearts swollen with rage, covering the retreat, contesting every inch of ground, and chastening the exultant foe with terrible punishment from their 612 HISTORY OF NEWTON. well-aimed muskets. 'After that,' said the ofHcer, ' there was no further dis- trust or contempt on either side between the Third Wisconi?in and the Sec- ond Massachusetts, but mutual good-will, affection and pride in each other, which were only increased as they became better acquainted, under yet severer trials.' "' The following notes by General Underwood on the battle of Gettysburg, in which some of Newton's bravest and best j^oung men were slain, and others received wounds which ultimately ter- minated in their death, are of deep interest. The General writes,— The two armies came in collision, unexpectedly, at Gettysburg, instead of at White Creek, where General Mead, the Federal commander, proposed to give battle. Terrible was the shock, as these two great armies came together upon the first day of the contest, the rebel General holding his men well in hand, while the Federal arm)' was scattered over a large extent of country. On the first day, the Federal force, greatly outnumbered, exhibited a wonder- ful power of endurance, with difficulty, and at the expense of many valuable lives, retaining Cemetery Hill as the base for the second day's contest. The death of General Reynolds occurred on the first day, causing a thrill of sorrow to pass through the army. At nightfall of the first day, tlie largest corps of the Union army was thirty-five miles away, too distant to be of ser- vice unless the battle could be prolonged until late in the second day. Words would fail us to describe the events of the second day ; the fearful charges made by the rebels, and often with largely superior numbers ; the stubborn valor with which they were met; the varying fortunes of the day; •at times the rebels obtaining advantages, which the resolute pluck of the Federal soldiers alone prevented from culminating in a decided victory ; the fearful cannonade by General Lee along his six-mile line, wliich it almost seemed would destroy not only men, horses and trees, but the very moun- tains themselves ; the grand rebel charge that followed, and how unflinch- ingly it was met, column firing into column, men falling by hundreds and thousands ; tlie grey-backs promptly drawing up, as the close range artillery depleted their lines ; their advance at first wavering, and then, by the mere force of numbers, pressing forward and forcing the Union soldiers reluc- tantly to give way. Finally, at this most opportune moment, arrived the long expected corps, after a forced march occupying the greater portion of a night and day. This force, thrown upon the enemy, decided tlwj fortunes of the hour. General Lee, though sanguine of success in the early part of the day, perceived that his last great effort to break and disperse the Union host had proved an utter failure, and, leaving liis dead and dying on the field, ere daylight of the following morning he Avas found to be in full retreat to Virginia. The following incident is related in regard to the Massachusetts Second. During the contest, Colonel Mudge* received an order to charge with his regiment upon a largely superior rebel array, passing across a field where the »Col. Charles R. Mudge was killed at Gettysburg, July 3, 18G3. WAR OF THE REBELLION. 613 Massachusetts boys would be exposed to the ftiU force of the enemy's fire. Though apparently an act of madness, Colonel Mudgc. bowed to the order of his superiors, and gave the word, "Forward." Steadily, in the face of death, the men moved on, never quailing, though their comrades fell fast around them. They reached the rebel defences and i)lanted their colors ; but, overwhelmed by superior numbers, were forced back, retreating slowly, and passing their dead and dying strewed along the meadow crossed in the advance. That glorious, but fatal, charge put nearly all Boston in mourning. " Some one had blundered." The following notes of the movements of the Massachusetts Thirty-second, commencing with the battle of Gettysburg, and continuing the narrative of events till the close of the war, are from Hcadley's " History of Massachusetts in the Rebellion." June 26, 1863, the Thirty-second moved through Leesburg, crossed the Potomac at Edward's Ferry, and bivouacked near Poolesville, iii Maryland. The marches northward were resumed the next day. Tlie regiment reached Hanover in Pennsylvania, July 1, and the next day advanced towards Get- tysburg, and formed a line of battle within two miles of that town. At two o'clock, P. M., it moved forward, and took a position on an eminence, just in the rear of the line of the Third Corps. In the engagements of this and the succeeding day, the Thirty-second took an active part, losing heavily in men, -^ eighty-one in killed, wounded and missing, out of a total of two hundred and twenty-nine who went into battle. Leaving the battle-field on the evening of July 5, the regiment pursued the retreating columns of the enemy towards the Potomac, wliich it crossed on the 19th ; continued its march to Manassas Gap, and took part in support- ing the troops engaged there in the fight of the 23d of July. It advanced as far as Culpepper, September 15, and remained there until October 10. May 1, 1864, the Thirty-second crossed the Rappahannock for the fif- teenth time, and the Rapidan, May 4, for the fifth tirue ; continuing the march through a part of the Wilderness, till dark. It bivouacked near the Wilderness Tavern ; and the next day, May 5, was put in line of battle, and became engaged with the enemy, and for seventeen successive days and nights was under arms without an hour's respite, and in the frontline always. In the hardships, victories and losses of this unparalleled campaign, it shared with all the regiments in the Army of the Potomac. On the 16tli of June, the James River was crossed in transports, and the regiment marched to within three miles of Petersburg. On the 18th, it went to the front, was formed in line of battle, charged the enemy, and drove them over an open- field into their last line of intrenchments. A second charge was made laLcr in the day, with but partial success ; the enemy were not driven from their works ; but the crest of the hill was gained, wliich afterwards formed the line of the part of the Ninth Corps, when the famous mine was made. 614 HISTORY OF NEWTON. In the first charge of that day, Colonel Greorge L. Prescott fell, mortally wounded. He was one of the best and bravest of officers. " In his veins flowed the pure blood of the Revolution." .July 21 and September 1, the regiment was engaged with the enemy on the Weldon Railroad. In both engagements it was attacked, and in both, repulsed its assailants with heavy loss. September 30, the regiment made an advance to Poplar-Grove Church, two miles distant, where the enemy had forts, and lines of earthworks. The regiment was drawn up in front of Fort M'Rae, charged across an open field, a thousand yards, under a heavy fire, and took the fort with one piece of artillery and sixty prisoners. Soon after, the second line of works, to which the enemy had fallen back, was charged and taken. At dusk, the same day, wlion the Ninth Corps, whicii had advanced in front, was coming back in confusion. General Griffin threw his division upon the pursuing enemy, and checked and drove them back; thus saving the whole of the Ninth Corps and the fortunes of the day. This fighting is called the battle of Peeble's Farm. Colonel Edmands was wounded in the beginning of this engagement. Early in February, 1865, orders were received to march. On the (Uh, it was in rifle-pits at Hatcher's Run. upon the extreme left of the Fifth Corps. At two o'clock P. M., the division having taken the place of Crawford's, which had given way. General Warren leading the brigade, a hot engage- ment followed, called the battle of Dabnoy's Mills, or Second Hatcher's Run. Re-forming tlie lines as before the fight, the troops remained thus until tlie 11th, aimoyed a great deal by the enemy's artillery. Tlie regiment then moved to the Vaughan Road to protect the left flank of the extended army. Here it performed picket and other duty, until the last of March. The 25th, it started for Fort Stedman, where the Ninth Corps was attacked, but turned back to support the Second Corps in its assault on the enemy's right. At midnight it went to camp, where it remained until the commencement of the final campaign. March 29, the march was made to the vicinity of Dinwiddle Court House ; thence towards Boydtown Plank- road, near which tlie enemy was posted in strong force. Lines of battle were formed and a charge made, driving back the rebel ranks, with severe loss to them, following by the pursuit of tliem until dark. This was called the battle of Gravelly Run. The next day, the regiment relieved the skirmisb line In front of the brigade, and about noon was ordered to advance, and feel the enemy. He was found to be strongly intrenched behind hastily built works, on which an Impetuous and successful charge was made, only to be reversed two hours later, when the ammunition of our troops was exhausted. The Confederate force then advanced on the main line, and were repulsed; and the Thirty-second was thrown out on the skirmish line, and occupied the just now contested works. Near dark, it again felt the enemy, and moved towards his second line of works, over an open field, under a cross-fire, but could not take them. WAR OF THE REBELLION. G15 It was next on the left of the Fifth Corps ; and six companies, under Cap- tain Lauriat, were deployed as skirmishers, while the rest remained with the corps until three o'clock in the morning, and then marched to the assistance of Sheridan, hotly engaging the enemy. It moved, April 1, towards the Five Forks, and again was ordered to the front of the brigade- skirmishers, and helped in the conflicts and victories of that memorable day, wliose setting sun shone on thousands of small-arms thickly strewn by the fleeing rebels over the field that sealed the fate of Petersburg and Richmond, and ruined Lee's army of Northern Virginia. Then South-side Railroad, Sutherland Station, Jettersville, Appomattox Court House, High Bridge, and Raraplin's Station, were soon passed, in the wake of Lee's flying army. April 9th was a fighting day, and one of peculiar and intense excitement, over the report of General Lee's negotiations for a surrender, which was at length confirmed. Stacking of arms, and the funeral-like processions of defeated rebels, were the next exciting scenes. The Thirty-second guarded the surrendered arms until the homeward march commenced, the 1st of May; pitching tents, on the 12th, upon the heights opposite Washington. The 29th, the cars were taken for Boston, followed by refreshing wel- ■comes at Philadelphia and Providence ; and, July 4th, the men Avere within sight of their homes, for the first time in three " terrible years." A well-deserved tribute to General Underwood, of Newton, recorded in Headle3"'s " History of Massachusetts in the Rebellion," is worth}' of a place in this connection. In a sketch of the cam- paigns of the Massachusetts Thirty-third, it is stated that this reg- iment, after fighting bravely in many of the batttes of Virginia, was sent to the assistance of " fighting Joe Hooker," hardly pressed b}' the enemy in the vicinity of Chattanooga. It was necessary to dislodge the rebels from the heights of Lookout Mountain, and the part which the Thirty-third took in that encounter is thus described in the account of the author : Colonel Underwood started up the hill with but seven companies, three having been sent on a secret expedition the evening before. The hill was very steep, covered with woods and underbrush, and almost inaccessible. The night was dark; but tliis little band of Massachusetts men, almost aloue, carried the rebel iutrenchments, after two assaults, witii fixed bayonets, fighting, some of the time, hand-to-hand, and, before the supports were called into the fight, drove a brigade of Longstreet's men, their old foes in the East, from the hill. It met witli a fearful loss. Wrote the correspondent of the Cincinnati Times, — " The brave Colonel Underwood, of the Tiurty-third Massachusetts regi- ment, was also wounded. This officer had passed through some of the hard- est fights on the Potomac, to meet this hard fate on the banks of the Tennes- see in a midnight figlit. 616 HISTORY OF NEWTON. " The conduct of the regiment was of the most praiseworthy character, and they wavered not, though the guns of the enemy were making terrible havoc in their ranks. In fact, all the regiments engaged seemed determined to prove that not Western troops alone will fight in the West, but they who had met Longstreet's men in Virginia could cope with them in Tennessee. Gen- eral Hooker, in his official report of the battle says, ' This skeleton but brave brigade (Colonel Smith's) charged up the mountain, almost inacces- sible by daylight, under a heavy fire, without returning it, and drove three times their number from behind the hastily thrown up intrenchments, cap- turing prisoners, and scattering the enemy in all directions. No troops ever rendered more brilliant service. . . . Colonel Underwood, of the Thirty- third Massachusetts Volunteers, was also desperately wounded. If only in recognition for his meritorious services on this field, his many martial vir- tues, and great personal worth, it would be a great satisfaction to me to have this officer advanced to the grade of brigadier-general.' " We must not omit, in this place, to say that while Newton justly claims its due share of praise, for the bravery of her soldiers in this terrible conflict, it is true here, as everywhere else, that woman deserves also to be mentioned with honor. Mrs. Rebecca R. Pom- roy, the superintendent of the " Home for Destitute and Orphan Girls " in Newton from its inception, held a place among the women who shared the perils and hardships of the war, second to no other among the women of America. Having, Providentially, lost her own son at the beginning of the war, she felt it her duty to engage at once in the laborious and self-denying work of caring for the sick and wounded in the army, — the beloved of other mothers, who could not accompany their sons to the camp and the battle-field. With undaunted energy and courage and a heart of the finest mould, with unsurpassed zeal for her country and faith in God, she went forth voluntarily to this v^ork of love. She cheerfully accepted her share in the trials of the hour. With a mother's care, she watched over the wounded, the sick, and the d}'ing. With unwearied patience, she sympathized with the sor- rows she could not alleviate, softened the pangs of the sufferers, spoke of heaven to the dying, and told them of the heavenly Father and his readiness to pardon the penitent, received the last messages of affection and transmitted them to the loved ones far away. Above all, she was admitted, in Washington, to the special friendship and confidence of the revered and honored chief Magis- trate of the nation, the beloved and trusted Abraham Lincoln ; she watched over him in sickness and bathed his fevered brow, spoke words of encouragement to him in hours of darkness and WAR OF THE REBELLION. 617 trial, reminded him of the God who rules the tempest, and strengthened him, perhaps more than any other human being, through grace, to work out the tremendous problem which, during his incumbenc}^ found its true issue. We cannot contemplate but with profound admiration the names of some of the soldiers of Newton, accompanied, in the Record published by the town, with the infoi-matioa — " Re-enlisted." The names so designated are forty-five in number. And this designa- tion implies a patriotic and self-den.ying spirit, worthy of all praise. These men were not moved to enlistment b}^ the romance of war. They had suffered the hardships of the camp, and tried the perils of the battle-field. They knew to what they were exposing them- selves. They had hearts that had felt, and e^'es that had wept, and many of them turned awa}' from homes they loved, to encoun- ter again the sober experiences of the conflict. But they were moved by a spu'it that could not be conquered. Their love of free- dom was too real to be crushed out by difficulties and hardships. And so, honorably discharged from a briefer service, or cured of sickness or of wounds, the fruit of former exposure, like true pa- triots they rushed into the deadly fray again. How touching is the brief record attached to some of these names, — "Re-enlisted — killed." They made a second offering of their lives to theu- country. The sacrifice, cheerfully made, was accepted, and their names were delivered over to the immortal honor, which pertains to those who die for their country. No statistical tables can give an adequate idea of the Herculean efforts incident to the demands of this period of active conflict. Patriotism and its work can no more be reduced to the estimate of figures, than moral truths can be submitted to mathematical dem- onstration. Every house and home felt the tension. The pro- foundest sufferings were endured in silencer and in tears. Many a fireside was visited by bitter bereavement ; but the widow and the orphan, with a noble patriotism, forbore to repine. Cicizens of various ranks, without asking to be paid for their services, per- formed tedious journeys, incurred heavy expenses, ministered to the sick and wounded soldiers, or looked after the wants of theii' families at home, with a watchfulness that never slept, with a zeal that never tired. The amount paid by the town and by indi- viduals for military pm-poses, from the beginning of the war to February, 18G5, — near the close, — was Sl38,4:.57.02. Of this 618 HISTORY OF NEWTON. sum, $46,918.92 was afterwards refunded to the town by acts of the Legislature. Perhaps, takiug all things into the account, as much more was contributed in a thousand various ways, of which no account was ever kept, and no record could be made. None will ever know how many ftimilies abridged their luxuries and even their comforts at home, that they might supply the needs and cheer the spirits of the loved ones in the camp. We contemplate with deep interest the fact that the men of Newton were represented in nearlj' every kind of service, and that their valor won, or theu" blood consecrated, many of the most impor- tant fields during the entire war. The above record, in connection with the catalogue of the volunteers for three 3'ears, published by the town, shows to what extent the soldiers of Newton distinguished themselves by their bravery and self-denial, their hardships and sufferings, cheerfully endured for the salvation of their country. Where the exigencies were most pressing, where the battle raged most fiercely, where most was to be ventured in the conflict, — there were they. They were numbered with the infantry, the cavalry' , the light battery, the heavy artillery, and the sharp- shooters. They were in the army and in the navy, in the signal and provost departments. Thej^ were employed as surgeons, assis- tant surgeons, musicians, chaplains, officers and privates. They were in the regiments of Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Ehode Island, New York and Penns3dvania. In gathering recruits, in the field of carnage, in prisons, in storming rebel positions, on picket dut}', in the hospitals, on the march, — who were more sure to be found? Who more prudent to plan, more prompt to act, more patient to endure, more ready to sacrifice? On the most trying occasions, it was their lot to be with the foremost, in dan- ger and in death. In Gettysburg audAutietam, in Spottsylvania, Fredericksburg, and at Lookout Mountain, we find their record among the killed and wounded. In the prisons at Salisbmy, Rich- mond and Dan\dlle, their names are written with those of the suf- ferhig captives. Among the recruiting officers, gathering colored troops on the plantations of Maiyland, one of them fell by the hand of a ruthless murderer. Some died amid the smoke of bat- tle, invoking with their last breath a blessing on their country. Some, wounded, lay suffering in the open field, the blue heavens above them their only shelter, the rains and the dews their onl}' refreshment, till friendlv hands sou<2:ht them out and cared for WAR OF THE REBELLION 619 them, or death came to their relief. Some lingered in hospitals, showing by their patient demeanor that they did not regret the sac- rifices they had made for so righteous and woithy a cause. Some returned home with mutilated forms or broken constitutions, to be still honored and useful in church or State, or, after lingering a while among their friends, living examples of a noble patriotism, to sink into premature graves. None who were witnesses will ever forget the scene, when, on a sultry afternoon in July, soon after the battle of Gettysburg, in one of the churches of Newton, a crowded assembly was gathered to attend a rare and most impressive funeral. In front of the pulpit, supported on four biers, lay the forms of four 3'oung sol- th Regiment of Infantry. George W. Stone, 100 days. ^2d Regiment of Infantry. Bowman G. Salisbury, William G. Curtis, Corporal, William F. Alden, George A. Bosworth, George W. Brooks, AVilliam H. Brown, Orlando K. Evans, John Moran, Wilfred A. \7etherbee, 100 days. 6o//; Regiment of Infantry. John E. Cahill, George L. Wetherbee, 100 days, zid Unattached Co. of In. James M. Dunton, Joseph W. Winslow, Boston Cadets, Harrison Gardner, Edwin F. Waters, S mos. ^th Regiment of Itifantry. Joseph D. McNamara, G JIUSTEBED tK. SEKTICE EXPIEED. May 1, 18G1 July 16, 1864 July 16, 1864 July 18, 1864 July 22, 18G4 July 18, 1864 July 23, 1864 July 19, 1864 Aug. 18, 1864 May 26, 1862 May 29, 1862 July 31, 1861 Nov. 16, 1864 Oct. 27, 1864 Nov. 10, 1864 Nov. 11, 1864 Nov. 30, 1864 Nov 25, 1864 July 2, 1863 Sept. 19, 1862 Deserted 632 HISTORY OF NEWTON. 9 mos. 6th Regiment of Infantry, George Smith, 9 mos. i,zd Regiment of Infantry. Thomas B. Hitchcock, Asst. Surg. 9 mos. 436? Regiment of Infantry. Charles M. Cook, Corporal, Charles A. Trafton, 9 mos. 44^/^ Regiment of Infantry. Francis L. Lee, Colonel, John M. Griswold, Captain, Frank H. Forbes, 1st Lieut., John A. Kenrick, 1st Lieut., John A. Kenrick, 2d Lieut., Alonzo B. Wetherell, 1st Serg't, Thomas S. Edmands, Sergeant, George L. Keyes, " David Almond, " William Gillespie, " Albert F. Potter, " Charles Surplus, Corporal, Jefferson E. Duncan, Corporal, George W. Lamson, James C. Coffin, Samuel A. Walker, Sidney Hazelton, Frank W. Teague, Charles F. Abbott, David Almond, Sergeant, Theodore E. Baker, Corporal, Frederick B. Bamberg, " James S. Barrows, Edward P. Bassford, Samuel G. A. Batchelder, Charles A. Belcher, William H. Belcher, Joseph E. Billings, James M. Brady, Charles B. Brooks, George W. Brooks, Eben R. Buck, Judson Carlton, Edward H. Clark, Patrick Colman, Zenas A. Crane, Patrick Dalton, Joseph P. Derby, Francis A. Dewson, Qr. Master, Samuel H. Dresser, MUSTERED VS. 8EETICB EXPIEE.D. Sept. 8, 1862 June 3, 1863 Nov. 11, 1862 Oct. 11, 1862 Oct. 28, 1862 Sept, 12, 1862 Oct. 18, 1862 Sept. 12, 1862 Aug. 20, 1863 July 30, 1863 Feb. 22, 1863 June 18, 1863 Oct. 13, 1862 June 18, 1863 1st Lieut. 1862 June 18, 1863 d. Jan. 29, 1863 June 18, 1863 Deserted June 18, 1863 MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 633 KAMES. CO. B MUSTEEED IN. SERVICE EXPIRED. Stephen M. Dresser, Sept. 12, 1862 Jan. 30, 1863 Jefferson E. Duncan, Corporal, B Thomas S. Edmands, Sergeant, B John G. Erhart, B 11 June 18, 1863 Warren P. Everett, B 11 (( Edgar H. Farnum, B a (( Antonio J. Fayes, B ti (( Jonathan Felt, B n (( Charles S. Fields, B it (( Frank H. Forbes, 1st Lieut, B Seth Gardner, B it ti William Gillespie, Sergeant, B Michael Gleason, B l( {( Edmund Graef, B (( (« John M. Griswold, Captain, B Joshua C. Hamblin, B (( (i Nathan F. Harding, B <( ti Arlond Hai-ris, B (( (( John Q. A. Hawkes, B (( (( Sidney Hazelton, Corporal, B George N. Hill, B (( (C George H. Hobart, D John R. Holmes, B (C 11 S. Welles Holmes, Sergeant, H Benjamin Hopkins, B (( (C Francis H. Hunting, B (( (C Horatio N. Hyde, jr. B « a James Jenkins, B (C it William E. Jordan, B (( a John A. Kenrick, Ist^ieut., B Promoted George L. Keyes, Sergeant, B Edward P. Kingsbury, B <( Sept. 25, 1862 Charles W. Knights, B <( June 18, 1863 George W. Lamson, Corporal, B Francis L. Lee, Colonel, B Rodney M. Lucas, B (( Jan. 14, 1863 Almond H. Mansfield, B (( June 18, 1863 Theodore F. Mansfield, B (( (< Barnard McSherry, B (( " John B. Mero, B It K Woodman Milliken, B (( (( Enoch F. Mitchell, B << il William T. Mullen, B (( Mar. 9, 1863 Richard Nagel, B (( June 18, 1863 Christopher C. Patten, B <( (( James Pendergast, B (( u Albert F. Potter, Sergeant, B Henry F. Reed, B (( it Walter H. Richardson, B <( (( William W. Robinson, B (( (< WUliam M. Rogers, B (( «' Bowman G. Salisbury, B (( Oct. 3, 1862 Joseph H. Sed;vick, B 11 June 18, 1863 Joseph B. Smallwood, B 11 (( Seth T. Snipe, B << u 634 HISTORY OF NEWTOX. NAMES. CO. B MTTSTEEED IX. SERVICE EXPIRED. Charles Surplus, Corporal, Sept. 12, 18G2 June 18, 1863 William J. Sweeney, B (( " James W. Sylvester, B (< (( Theodore E. Taylor, 1st Lieut., F (C Promoted Frank W. Teague, Corporal, B Albf'rt F. Thayer, Sergeant, E Daniel P. Tilton, B (( June 18, 1863 John E. Towle, B <( ({ William 0. Trowbridge, B (< <( Nathaniel W. W. Tufts, B (I it Daniel A. Walker, Corporal, B . John A. Washburn, B th Regiment of Infantry. Thomas Duran, F Aug. 24, 1861 Sept. 2, 1864 Michael Vaughan, F <( Dec. 24, 1861 3 years. i<)ik Regiment of Infantry. John McCormick, A Jan. 21, 1865 June 30, 1865 Patrick Haggerty, E July 26, 1861 k. Dec, 1862 John Canfield, H Jan. 12, 1865 War Dept. '65 3 years. 2otk Regiment of Infantry. Henry S. Benson, 1st Lieut., June 1, 1865 July 15, 1865 Joseph Hunt, G May 19, 1864 July 16, 1865 John Moore, G May 10, 1864 (( MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 641 David Dixon, Henry G. W. Kittredge, 3 jears. 21st Regiment of Infantry. Harrison A. Royce, Q. M. Serg., 3 years, zzd Regiment of Infantry. Harrison A. Royce, 1st Lieut., Frederick S. Benson, 1st Lieut., " "2d Lieut., " " Serg. Maj., 3 years. 23a' Regiment of Infantry. Michael Sullivan, William A. Ring, Henry L. Stone, Corporal, 3 years. z\th Regi?ne7it of Infantry. George Hill, Michael McFee, George E. Palmer, George H. Baxter, Robert Carruthers, Corporal, Horatio Carter, 1st Sergeant, J. Cushing Edraands, 1st Serg., William Jelly, Sergeant, Henry K. Paul, " George R. Adams, Michael Dacy, Thomas Green, Michael Grogan, Edgar B. Lyon, Joseph M. Sears, Albert G. Whilton, 3 years. zZth Regiment of Infantry. John Ryan, 3 years. 29//; Regiment of Injantry. Larin R. Curtis, William Henry, 3 years, ^oth Regiment of Infantry. John Campbell, MDSTEEED IN. II July 18, 1861 Dec. 26, 1863 Aug 23, 1861 Nov. 28, 1861 July 28, 1862 Feb. 17, 1862 Oct. 8, 1861 Mar. 31, 1864 Jan. 18, 1865 Sept. 28, 1861 Oct. Dec. Nov. Nov. Oct. Nov. Sept. Oct. Sept. Oct. Oct. Sept. Dec. Oct. Sept. Oct. Dec. 24, 1861 21, 1863 22, 1861 29, 1861 19, 1861 U, 1861 19, 1861 4, 1861 16, 1861 30, 1861 18, 1861 16, 1861 29, 1863 7, 1861 17, 1861 3, 1861 3, 1861 Jan. 1, 1862 Aug. 13, 1864 May 21, 1861 Dec. 7, 1861 SERVICE EXPIRED. Dec. 19, 1861 July 16, 1865 Nov. 28, 1861 Oct. 17, 1864 Aug. 27, 1864 1st Lt., 1862 2d Lt., 1862 June 9, 1864 June 26, 1865 May 24, 1863 Re-enlisted Jan. 20, 1866 d. Aug. 1862 Nov. 30, 1864 k. June 1862 Re-enlisted Sept. 19, 1864 Aug. 25, 1862 Sept. 11, 1864 Oct. 30, 1864 Re-onlistcd u Jan. 20, 1866 Jan. 8, 1863 June 10, 1863 Oct. 3, 1864 Dec. 3, 1864 Dec. 19, 1864 July 29, 1865 Feb. 10, 1863 Re-enlisted 41 €42 HISTORY OF NEWTON. MUSTERED IX. SEKVICE EXPIEED. 3 years. Regiment of Infantry. C3TUS S. Mann, Ass't Surg., Daniel Hurley, Michael Lacey, 3 years, yid Regiment of I7ifa7itry. J. Gushing Edmands, Bv. Br. Gen, " " Colonel, " " Lieut. Col., " " Major, " " Captain, Ambrose Bancroft, Captain, Ezra S. Farnsworth, Captain, George A Hall, Captain, "2d Lieut., Isaac F. Kingsbury, Captain, Ambrose Bancroft, 1st Lieut., Isaac F. Kingsbury, 1st Lieut., Ezra S. Farnsworth, 1st Lieut., " " 2d Lieut., George A. Hall, 1st Lieut., John F. Boyd, 2d Lieut., Isaac F. Kingsbury, 2d Lieut., William F. Tuft, 2d Lieut., Charles E. Madden, 2d Lieut., " " Q. M. Serg., NON-COMMISSIONED STAFF. Melvin M. Snow, Sergeant Major, Isaac F. Kingsbury, Serg. Major, Charles Ward, Sergeant Major, Patrick Dalton, Elias Morgan, Thomas Keenan, John Leppert, Ezra S. Farnsworth, 1st Sergeant. George A. Hall, " Simeon B. Leach, " James W. McGuire, " William F. Tufts, " Grafton H. Ward, " Henry P. Churchill, Sergeant, Joseph E. Cousens, " Joseph E. Cousens, Charles E. Fifield, Sergeant, George A. Hall, " Hosea Hyde, " Isaac F. Kingsbury, " Simeon B. Leach, " Charles E. Madden, " Oct. 10, 1863 Feb. 13, 1862 Jan. 28, 1862 Feb. 15, 1864 June 30, June 29, Dec. 29, July 30, Dec. 29, July 20, Apr. 1, July 20, June 1, July 30, Feb. 6, June 15, Mar. 19, Dec. 4, July 30, Dec. 15, Apr. 1, June 7, Jan. 5, 1864 1864 1862 1862 1862 1864 1865 1864 1865 1862 1863 1864 1863 1864 1862 1862 1865 1865 1864 Aug. 13, 1862 Aug. 15, 1862 Sept. Nov. Aug. Aug. Aug. Mar. Jan. Aug. Jan. 8, 1862 18, 1861 16, 1863 15, 1863 13, 1862 21, 1864 5, 1864 13, 1862 5, 1864 Aug. 13, 1862 (( Feb. 27, 1864 Jan. 5, 1864 Aug. 13, 1862 Jan. 5, 1864 Aug. 13, 1862 (( Jan. 5, 1864 Mar. 25, 1864 Ee-enlisted (( Sept. 9, 1865 July 1, 1865 June 30, 1864 June 29, 1864 Dec. 29, 1862 Br. Maj. June '65 May 30, 1865 June 29, 1865 1st Lt. Dec. 4, '64 July 13, 1865 Capt. Dec. 29, 'io2 Capt., June 1, '65^ Capt., July 20, '64 1st Lt., June, '64 Capt.. Apr. 1, '65 Sept. 30, 1862 1st Lt., Feb. 6. '63 June 29, 1865 Q. M. Serg., '65 Q. M. Serg., '64 War Dept., ' Henry C. Bixby, " K u Dec. 19, 1864 John Doherty, " K Jan. 5, 1864 Julv 15, 186.5. Moses Drown, " K (4 June 29, 1865. Lewis R. Dwyer, " K u " Charles E. Fifield, " K Aug. 13, 1862 Re-enlisted William L. Gilman, " K a d. of w'nds, '63 Hosea Hyde, " K a Re-enlisted Thomas Kennedy, " K Jan. 5, 1864 June 29, 1865 Charles E. Madden, " K Aug. 13, 1862 Re-enlisted John H. Percival, " K a a George P. Ramsdell, " Jan. 5, 1864 u U (; a K Aug. 13, 1862 .June 29, 1865 George T. Sraaliwood, " K " Dec. 19, 1864 Stillman C. Spaulding, " K Aug. 20, 1863 Re-enlistod John Fell, Musician, K Aug. 13, 1862 Jan. 19, 1863 Herman A. King, K (I Re-enlisted " " Musician, K Feb. 27, 1864 July 13, 1865 Orestus J. Adams, K Aug. 13, 1862 k. May, 1864 George Baker, K a d. Sept., 1862 Reuben L. Butler, K a d. Dec, 1862 James Cahill, K " Re-enlisted U (4 K Jan. 5, 1864 June 29, 1865 Patrick Callahan, K Aug. 13, 1862 Mar. 9, 1863 Edward Carey, K (I Feb. 6, 186;? Ferdinand Champion, K u d. Jan., 186a Thomas W. Clifford, K u d. Mar., 1864 Edward J. Coggin, K 11 Deserted Thomas Costello, K a Re-enlisted u u K Jan. 5, 1864 June 2'J, 1865 Ivory L. Cousens, K Aug. 18, 1862 Re-enlisted Samuel Cousens, K Aug. 13, 1862 Transferred ' Seth Cousens, K 1,1. Feb. 6, 1863 William S. Cropper, K a Dec. 21, 1862 Frederick A. Cutler, K (I k. July, 1863 Albert C. Dearborn, K 11 Re-enlisted (( ii K Jan. 5, 1864 Transferred John Doherty, K Aug. 13, 1862 Re-enlisted Thomas Dolan, K a Oct. 28, 1863 Francis Drake, K a War Dept., '65 Moses Drown, K ii. Re-enlisted Winthrop A. Durgin, K a " Michael Emanuel, K (I (( (( u K Jan, 4, 1864 June 29, 1865 Charles L. Fairbanks, K July 16, 1863 (4 644 HISTORY OF NEWTON. NAMES. CO. K MDSTEBED IN. SEEVICE ESPrEED, William Fell, Aug. 13, 1862 d. Jan., 1863 John F. Franklin, K a Re-enlisted (1 (( K Jan. 5. 1864 June 29, 1865 Charles W. French, K Aug. 13, 1862 Re-enlisted a (( K Jan. 5, 1804 War Dept., '65 George B. French, K Aug. 13, 1862 Dec. 17, 1864 Samuel Freeman, K a Dec. 17, 1862 John Friends, K ;i Jan. 1, 1863 Edward J. Fuller, K u Re-enlisted Joel H. Fuller, K u Mar. 28, 1863 Joseph A. Gayett, K a Transferred Joseph Gehling, K u Re-enlisted Theodore Green, K (I May 7, 1863 Amory Hall, K ii. Re-enlisted a u K Jan. 5, 1864 June 29, 1865 Henry A. Hart, K Aug. 13, 1862 Re-enlisted u u K Jan. 5, 1864 June 29, 1865 Leopold H. Hawkes, K Aug. 13, 1862 k. July, 1863 Franklin Hildrith, K u Re-enlisted li (( K Jan. 5, 1864 June 29, 1865 Franklin Hill, K Aug. 13, 1862 Dec. 7, 1863 David Inglis, K i; Deserted Thomas L. Jackson, K u k. July, 1863 Francis E. Jennison, K (( Re-enlisted U 11 K Jan. 5, 1864 June 29, 1865 Thomas Kennedy, K Aug. 13, 1862 Re-enlisted Richard Kennedy, K (( " a n K Feb. 27, 1864 June 29, 1865 Alhert D. Kingsbury, K Aug. 13, 1862 War Dept., '65 Roger S. Kingsbury, K a June 28, 1864 Lorenzo j. Latham, K u Re-enlisted <( (( K Jan. 5, 1864 War Dept., '65 Charles H. Leavitt, K Aug. 13, 1862 d. Oct., 1862 George E. Leavitt, K Aug. 12, 1862 April 22, 1863 Charles B. McCarthy, K Aug. 13, 1862 Re-enlisted (( u K Jan. 5, 1864 d. of Av'nds, '63 Michael H. McGrath, K Aug. 13, 1862 Deserted John D. Meskell, K u Re-enlisted (( u K Jan. 5, 1864 June 29, 1865 Joseph M. Morse, K Aug. 13, 1862 Re-enlisted • u (( K Jan. 5, 1864 June 29, 1865 William B. Neff, K Aug. 13, 1862 Re-enlisted George P. Neill, K u Feb. 17, 1863 Charles Newell, K •' Aug. 15, 1862 George Nicholson, K (; Feb. 9, 1863 George H. Nichols, K a July 2, 1863 Stephen L. Nichols, K u Re-enlisted a a K Jan. 5, 1804 k. iMay, 1864 John N. Nichols, K Aug. 13, 1802 Re-enlisted U '( K Jan. 5, 1864 June 29, 1865 Frederick Pero, K Aug. 13, 1862 Re-enlisted a a K Jan. 5, 1864 War Dept., '65 Joseph R. Pratt, K Aug. 13, 1862 d. Oct., 1862 Joshua V. Ramsdell, K u Not. 25, 1863 MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. 645 William H. Rice, Daniel Sanger, Obadiah Sherman, Warren A. Skelton, Robert W. Somerville, <( (( Louis G. Stone, Daniel Sullivan, James C. Taylor, Edward H. Tombs, Lucius F. Trowbridge, John Varley, Charles Wfird, Serg. Major, William H. Wentworth, George Wilson, Jonathan E. Woodbridge, James W. Wright, Andrew S. Stewart, 3 years. 23^ Regiment of Infantry. Adin B. Underwood, Colonel, " " Lieut. Col., " " Major, George M. Walker, Captain, " " 1st Lieut., . " " 2d Lieut., 3 years, ^^th Regiment of Infantry. Daniel H. Adams, Herbert Estes, 3 years. 38//^ Regiment of Infantry. William A. Richardson, Q. M. S., 3 years. 54//^ Regiment of Infantry. Joseph E. Cousins, Captain, " " 1st Lieut., " " 2d Lieut., 3 years. 55/^ Regiment of Infantry. Burt G. Wilder, Surgeon, " " Asst. Surgeon, 8 years. 57//^ Regiment of Infantry. Frank Allcott, CO. K MUSTERED IN. SERVICE EXPIRED. Aug. 13, 1862 ' d. Jan., 1863 K u Re-enlisted K Jan. 5, 1864 k, June, 1864 K Aug. 13, 1862 Re-enlisted K Jan. 5, 186-t June 2!), 1865 K Aug. 13, 1862 Feb. 14. 1863 K Aug. 15, 1862 Re-enlisted. K Jan. 5, 1864 June 29, 1865 K Aug. 13, 1862 Dec. 6, 1862 K i; t War Dept.. '65 K Ik Feb. 20, 1863 K u April 16, 1863 K u d. Dec.. 1862 K (( Re-enlisted K Jan. 5, 1865 June 29, 1865 K Aug. 13, 1862 April 11, 1863 K (; Mar. 12, 1864 K Aug. 15, 1863 June 29. 1865 K Aug. 13, 1862 Re-enlisted K Jan. 5, 1864 July 15, 1865 K Aug. 13, 1862 Deserted M July 28, 1864 d. Dec, 1864 April 3, 1863 Br. Gen. Nov. '63 July 24, 1862 Col. April,'63 July 11, 1862 Lt. Col. Julv '62 June 3, 1863 Jan. 11, 1864 Dec. 4, 1862 June 3, 1863 July 31, 1862 Dec. 4, 1862 I Aug. 16, 1862 June 9, 1865 K Aug. 10, 1862 i( Aug. 25, 1862 Jan. 31, 1863 July 17, 1865 Aug. 20, 1865 Feb. 22, 1865 July 17, 1865 Feb. 4, 1864 Feb. 22, 1865 July 11, 1865 Aug. 29, 1865 May 22, 1863 July 11, 1865 K April 6, 1864 War Dept., '65 64G HISTORY OF NEWTON. NAMES. CO. K MUSTERED IN. SEEVICE EXPIKED. Charles M. Gildea, April 16, 1864 July 30, 1865 3 years. 59M Regiment of Infantry. Fred. A. H. Andrew, Musician. G Mar. 4, 1864 Disability 1 year. 6iJ^ Regiment of Infantry. Michael Coaney, H Jan. 5, 1865 July 16, 1865 Thomas F. Culliton, Sergeant, K 44 u James L. Rvan, " K 14 (( John Toal," " K Jan. 7, 1865 (4 John Coulter, Corporal, K Jan. 5, 1865 (4 Thomas J. J. Harvey, " K '' tl Dennis Mahoney, " K 44 44 Cornelius A. O'Brien, " K 44 July 12, 1865 Charles A. Adams, K 44 July 16, 1865 Charles A. Grant, K 44 44 Dennis C. Sullivan, K Jan. 10, 1865 (4 Alfred C. Wheat, K Jan. 5, 1865 44 I year. 62a? Regiment of Infantry. Frederick A. Andrew, A Mar. 17, 1865 May 5, 1865 Veteran Reserve Corps. Casseus Barrows, April 6, 1864 Jacob Beckers, 44 Francis Belcher, April 14, 1864 George Bott, April 16, 1864 Dwight W. Brigham, 44 William C. Brookings, July 9, 1864 Ralph M. Brown, April 16, 1864 ' George Brunt, Sept. 3, 1864 William Bryan, April 16, 1864 William Burns, April 10, 1864 Cornelius Callahan, April 19, 1864 War Dept., '66 Patrick H. Carten, 44 Christopher Cassabry, April 6, 1864 Jerome A. Chatman, July 29, 1864 William Clark, July 9, 1864 Lewis B. Clapp, 44 Charles Coffin, April 16, 1864 Philip H. Collins, 44 Emery E. Cowing, Aug. 22, 1864 John Donnough, April 13, 1864 Charles Dow, Aug. 31, 1864 Disability, '64 Lewis Foster, Sept. 1, 1864 Samuel Foss, April 16, 1864 Lyman B. Gallup, April 25, 1864 Isaac L. Garrison, Aug. 22, 1864 John Garritson, April 25, 1864 William H. Garlets, April 16, 1864 MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. C4; KAJIES. CO. MUSTEKED IX. SERVICE EXPIEED. Orton G. Green, April U, 1804 War Dept., '65 Harvey L. Haskell, April 30, 1864 Patrick Hoary, April 6, 1864 Burnham Holmes, July 9, 1864 Herman Jacobs, April 8, 1864 Horace L. Jellerson, April 30, 1864 Orris S. Jennings, Mar. 30, 1864 War Dept., '65 Daniel Kelley, AprU 13, 1864 Patrick Kenney, Aug. 22, 1864 Martin Kerrigan, April 11, 1864 Allen V. King, April 25, 1864 Martin King, April 16, 1864 Timothy Lane, Aug. 24, 1864 William H. Latten, April 16, 1864 James Lavery, Aug. 23, 1864 Alexander Masterdon, April 16, 1864 Warren L. Maxon, u George W. McCullough, 11 William F. Morrill, April 19, 1864 Louis Murray, April 16, 1864 Henry A. Parmenter, April 19, 1864 War Dept., '66 Henry Pepper, April 16, 1864 Henry Ramsdale, i; Joseph Eollery, April 6, 1864 John Rose, April 16. 1864 John Sexton, April 25, 1864 Andrew Shaw, July 9, 1864 Philip Shannon, April 16, 1864 Robert Sillers, April 9, 1864 War Dept., '66 Augustus Sorg, April 9, 1863 Alexander Stewart, April 16, 1864 James Swan, June 27, 1864 James H. Sweetser, July 9, 1864 Jacob Swishir, April 16, 1864 Ira A. E. Taylor, Aug. 31, 1864 William Taylor, April 25, 1864 Philip Thauvarth, (( William Tynan, April 16, 1864 Regular Army. ASM OF SEBVIOB. Francis Armstrong, July 11, 1864 6th Infantry Stephen Baker, (( i( Louis Beck, July 1, 1864 4tli Artillery James Bradley, ii.