UMASS/AMHERST illiilliil 31E0t.bD0S0bbElS T '^-^^ r$if^% MAmt 677 15 \Jt -aTL k Jl\, Lj i4 ^^ J %i mmimmommmMmom u m mma ittmwOmmmr\ i i a i\ v titi»t imu\ m n t*ittf U i y ^*icr''^n,ir^ s INTERN .MAiriI©M^L TMA€T©E ©ESBS 1HIAI1M©W International Tractor Disk Harrow The "One-Man" Outfit FOR tluirftiiylil.v d<)ul)le-di.sking a large acreage in a short time there is no implement that t-in compare with the International tractor disk harrow. This is a big, strong, powerful implement, built for the heaviest kind of work behind a tractor. It is built in two sizes, one size for harrowing a strip 1(J feet wide and another size for harrowing a strip 12 feet wide. The larger implement has 48 disks divided into four gangs, and will thorouglil.v and completely douVile-disk a strip 12 feet wide — and when this harrow has followed the plow the ground is almost invariably ready for the drill. Trailers Can be Used Spring harrows, peg harrows, or seeding machines can be used behind the Interna- tional tractor disk harrow. A strong eye is provided which is fastened rigidly to the rear of the tractor harrow frame. It is a great time saver to be able to do the disking, smoothing and seeding at one operation. The unusual strength of the International tractor disk harrow makes this possible. This is a "One-Man" Outfit The International has tlic great advantage of being a one-man outfit. The man wlio drives the tractor operates the harrow — no other o])erator is needed. One Hand-Wheel Angles All Gangs at Once A large hand wheel, which is carried close to the operator, in the cab of the tractor, changes the angles of all of the gangs at the same time. This hand wheel is large and convenient. All of the levers which it operates work with powerful advantages, making it easy for the engine operator to change the angles of all of the gangs at once. The levers and rods used in setting the gangs at their proper angles are of amjile size. Interiiatiuual tractor disk barrow, sliowiut^ tin- LaiKt-whi-el, which makes this u "one-man'' out lit AL Tii^€T©ii mm !nl, Internutiouul tractor disk iiarru\v, sitle view, showing the strong construction T Strong, One-Piece Frames HE frames used on the front and rear ganys are practically the same. Each is built of one continuous piece of heavy anyle steel, i-igidly bolted to the heavy steel angles, which form the liacklione of the hai-row. The corners of these frames are held rigidly by flat, steel corner braces. The Gangs Can Always be Kept Level The front gangs are held level at all times by the heavy, steel-angle center framing, while the rear gangs are held level by angle steel straps which act on the angle steel cross braces of tiie rear frame. The gangs are i)ivoted on strong pivots located back of the center line of the arbor bolts so that the front gangs can roll together on their l)um])ers, relieving the bearings of all end thrust. The pull is transmitted to the gangs by heavy strap-iron drawbars working over large spools at the coiners of the fraines. By this means the pull is applied at three points on each gang. There is no danger of bending an arbor bolt. Bearings All of the bearings used on the International tractor disk harrow are made of a special quality of hard iron and are made as nearly dust proof as it is possible to make a disk harrow. The rear gangs are built with a thrust bearing on the outside {which is the proper location for a thrust bearing). All bearings are equipped with grease cups, permitting the use of grease (or hard oil) which is the most satisfactory material for lubricating an implement of this kind. These grease cups have caps which are made to take a wrench. Thus, the gi'ease can be forced into the bearings in cold weather. II15finSEMAT2©MAL TMACT©!! PESE Cross-section of the dust-proof bearing used in tlie forecarriiLge wheels Forecarriage THE Intcrnationiil tractor disk h:irrow is roguhirly equipped with a forecarriage, which is of great value in keejiing the harrow running steadily. The forecarriage wheels are fitted with grease cups and dust-proof lieaiings, the grease cups being located between the spokes where obstructions on the ground cannot loosen them. The forecarriage wheel axle is swiveled, iJermitting the forecarriage wheels to follow the uneven- ness of the ground. The forecarriage is of especial value when the tractor harrow is used after the plow. Scrapers All of the disks are equipped with spring steel, one-piece scrai)ers, each of which can be adjusted to press as tightly against the disk as desired. They are made of a special shape, which is particularly well adapted to keeping the disks clean. The scrapers are held in place by a heavy steel angle, which is firmly bolted to the gang frame. Steel Weight Boxes The International tractor disk harrow is regularly equipped with two weight boxes, placed on the forward gangs. These weight boxes are made of steel bars and angles. They are of great value when working in ditficult ground. The International Disk Harrow^ Gives Satisfaction Tlie International tractor disk harrow has given thoroughly satisfactory service to all who have used it. It is an unusually heavy machine — one that will get right down to its work and cut its way through, chopping up the clods. The use of the International tractor disk harrow after the plowing has been done, with a spring tooth or peg tooth harrow trailing behind, and a seeding machine behind the smoothing harrow, is the quickest and best method of preparing a good seed bed and gettmg the crops into the ground under the best possible conditions. r a Note the substantial construction of the frame, and the steel weight-box Sold by INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY OF AMERICA (Incorporated) CHICAGO USA For further information write International Harvester Company of America Chicago, III., or write our nearest branch house. awiiiiiiiumiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniMiHiiiiHiiiiiir iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig BRANCH HOUSES INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY OF AMERICA IINCORPOnATEOI iMUiniiiiiiiiHiMiiiMiniiiiiiiiMiniMiiniiiiiiMiiiiiiiMiiiiMiMuiiiiiniiiMiiiiiiiiiiMiiiniiiniiMMiiiMiiiiuiMniiiiMiiiiiiiiiuiiiMiMiiiiiiiinniMiiiiiiiiiiMiii^ lllilllllllllllllilllllilllililllllllllllllllll ■hi I eflAHC" nousts gniu IllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllUlllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllliillllllllllllllllUllllllllllli^ aiHUnilllllllHIIHHIUllllMHIIIinillllllllUUIIIHIIIIMIHIIIIHIIUIIIIIIMIIIMIIIMlllllllllMHIIIIIlllllllllHIIIIIUIIinillllltlUIIIHIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMHinillHm m ABERDEEN. S O. ALBANY. N Y. ATLANTA. GA. AUBURN. N. V AURORA. ILL. BALTIMORE. MD. BIRMINGHAM. ALA. BISMARCK. N. D. BOSTON. MASS BUFFALO. N Y. CEOAR FALLS. lA. CHARLOTTE. N. C. CINCINNATI. OHIO CLEVELAND. OHIO COLUMBIA. S C. COLUMBUS OHIO CONCORDIA. KAN COUNCIL BLUFFS. lA CRAWFORD. NEB. DAVENPORT, lA. DENVER. COLO DES MOINES. lA. DETROIT. MICH. DUBUQUE. lA. EAST ST LOUIS. ILL. EAU CLAIRE. WIS. ELMIRA. N. Y EVANSVILLE. IND. FARGO N D. FT DODGE. lA. FT WAYNE. IND, GRAND FORKS. N D. GRAND RAPIDS. MICH GREEN BAY WIS. HARRI5BURG. PA. HELENA. MONT HUTCHINSON. KAN INDIANAPOLIS. IND JACKSON. MICH. JACKSONVILLE. FLA. KANKAKEE. ILL. KANSAS CITY. MO .KNOXVILLE. TENN. LANSi.N'G. t-'fCH LINCOLN. NEB. LITTLE ROCK. ARK, MADISON. WIS. MANKATO. MINN. MASON CITY. lA. MEMPHIS. TENN. MILWAUKEE. WIS MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. MINOT. N D. NASHVILLE. TENN. NEW ALBANY. IND. NEW ORLEANS. LA. OGDENSBURG. N. Y. OKLAHOMA CITY.OKLA. OMAHA. NEB. PARKERSBURG. W VA. PARSONS. KAN. FEORIA. ILL. PHILADELPHIA. PA. PITTSBURGH. PA PORTLAND. ORE OUINCY. ILL. RICHMOND. IND. RICHMOND. VA. ROCKFORD. ILL. ST. CLOUD, MINN. ST JOSEPH. MO, ST. LOUIS. MO. SAGINAW. MICH. SALINA. KAN. SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. SIOUX CITY. lA. SIOUX FALLS. S. D. SOUTH BEND. IND. SPOKANE. WASH. SPRINGFIELD. ILL. SPRINGFIELD. MO. TERRE HAUTE. IND. TOLEDO. OHIO TOPEKA, KAN. WATERTOWN. S, D, WICHITA, KAN. WINONA, MINN. M laMmHiiMniiMniHiimiiniiiiiMiMninwiHiiiiiiiiMiiniiiiiiinHinnnimnniiiimiiiimiMniiiiMiiiiiiiiiiinMiiiHiiiiiiHiiniiiiiii n iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihiiiiiik| M HARVESTER PRES