MASS ?% i *^ • ST2V 312Dbb DS7Q A13Q T ate Forests and Parks of Massachusetts A RECREATION GUIDE Compiled and written by the Massachusetts WPA Writers' Project American Guide Series MAS C*f^ \ iTTS S^ATP re FERNALD HA LI -A « £N Please • -RY rivenieuco. rnpUy. Issued by THE DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION 20 Somerset Street, Boston RAYMOND J. KENNEY, Commissioner 1941 V ■ '-■-■-', IK265 --■■- Hi I £ & X M Cominontoealtlj of Jfllaaaac&us&ttjs State Forests and Parks of Massachusetts A RECREATION GUIDE Compiled and written by the Massachusetts WPA Writers' Project American Guide Series u? f3 MASS/ r^o ^ ----■* — STA1 E COLLEGE "S GLIDE'S I ARY Ffc^NALD HALL is k jyw Issued by THE DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION 20 Somerset Street, Boston RAYMOND J. KENNEY, Commissioner 1941 i ^ arijc CommontoeaUf) of jMassadiusieUs State Forests and Parks of Massachusetts A RECREATION GUIDE Compiled and written by the Massachusetts WPA Writers' Project American Guide Series MASSACHUSETTS STATE COLLEGE NATURE GUIDE'S LIBRARY FERN T ALD HALL This material is loaned for your convenience. Please return promptly. Issued by THE DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION 20 Somerset Street, Boston RAYMOND J. KENNEY, Commissioner 1941 Publication of this Document Approved by Commission on Administration and Finance 7500-6-41-6349 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE To the People of Massachusetts and Their Guests .... 3 State Parks and Reservations ........ 4 Lindon Bates Memorial Park — Roland C. Nickerson State Forest Park — Robinson State Park — Salisbury Beach Reservation — Joseph Allen Skinner State Park — Standish Monument Reservation State Forests with Recreational Developments .... 7 Bash Bish Falls State Forest — Beartown State Forest — Brimfield State Forest — - Campbell Falls State Forest — Chester-Blandf ord State Forest — Daughters of the American Revolution State Forest — Doug- las State Forest — Erving State Forest — Granville State Forest — Harold Parker State Forest — Leominster State Forest — Massachu- setts Federation of Women's Clubs State Forest — Mohawk Trail State Forest — Mount Grace State Forest — October Mountain State For- est — Otis State Forest — Otter River State Forest — Peru State Forest — Savoy Mountain State Forest — Spencer State Forest — Myles Standish State Forest — Tolland State Forest — Willard Brook State Forest — Windsor State Forest Other State Forests ......... 20 Fishing and Hunting . . . . . . . .21 Fish Hatcheries and Game Farms ....... 25 Winter Sports ........... 25 Regulations Governing the Use of State Forests for Winter Sports 28 Regulations Governing the Use of State Forests and State Parks . 28 Rules and Regulations for Salisbury Beach ..... 30 State Forest and Park Maps ........ 32-58 To the People of Massachusetts and Their Guests: On behalf of the Division of Parks and Recreation, I extend to you a cordial invitation to visit our State forests and State parks this year. It is our hope that you may spend many pleasureful days in these reservations which are yours to enjoy. This guide offers you information descriptive of our State-owned woodlands, the recreational facilities developed there for your use, and the conservation work car- ried on in our wildlife sanctuaries, game farms, and fish hatcheries. A visit to any of the areas where such activities are in progress will serve to increase your under- standing of the important field of wildlife restoration. The guide was compiled and written by the Massachusetts WPA Writers' Pro- ject, whose effective co-operation I gratefully acknowledge. The writers on this Project have prepared the booklet in a thorough and interesting manner, and I hope that it will add to the ease and interest of your sojourn in the parks and forests of Massachusetts. Raymond J. Kenney, Commissioner of Conservation. STATE PARKS AND RESERVATIONS Administered by the Division of Parks and Recreation Edgar L. Gillett, Director LINDON BATES MEMORIAL PARK Supervisor: John A. Anderson, Pittsfield Tel. Pittsfield 5178 Lindon Bates Memorial Park is a 224-acre tract on the crest of Lebanon Mountain (alt. 1,400) in Hancock, about 7 miles west of Pittsfield, where route US 20 crosses the Massachusetts-New York line. This lovely forest park, which the common- wealth acquired by gift in August, 1939, is named in honor of Lindon Bates, a native of Pittsfield, and is to be preserved as far as possible in its natural state as a wildlife sanctuary. A number of foot trails will be maintained through the woods. Excellent views of the Lebanon Valley in New York may be had from a number of vantage points in the park. The heavily wooded slopes of the Pittsfield State Forest stretch to the north. At the foot of Mount Lebanon, eastward near the Pittsfield-Hancock line on route US 20, is the site of Shaker Village, a little community patterned on the teachings of Mother Ann Lee of Manchester, England. Her tenets included prac- tical peace, simplicity of language, right use of prosperity, and the celibate life. Prospering in their communal enterprise, the Shakers eventually acquired more than 5,000 acres in Hancock. Today there remains a quiet, well-ordered village which includes a circular stone barn 276 feet in circumference, a museum housed in the brick dormitory, and a handicraft shop (open May 1-October 1). ROLAND C. NICKERSON STATE FOREST PARK Superintendent: John P. Gaffney, East Brewster Tel. Brewster 3§=«r MOUNTAIN* ■<- I Ekw 1865 Ft-J ■'To Great Bamngton NCAMP1 .Ingofd Dim lb Great Harrington The Appalachian Trail is a 2,100 milt tramping route from lit Katahdin in Malm fo frft Oglethorpe in Georgia "W - W' ftj/fy/V hi ' Ha ik* ,/■?«* TOP EA5T MTN 5K1 TRAILS j ^ jr ^bottom /> SKI LODGE Is c^ Polar Trail Kodiak Trail Grizzly Trail Polar Bear Open 5 lope BEARTOWN 5KI TRAILS I) _ ^,r> ' &■ -SheHer QuffCO'l r f t\i L ~-— ^-- . CROW J NEST (2 TRAIL 37 LEGEND Hard Surfaced Highway Main Forest Road, gravel Truck Trail, gravel Other wood roads Fire Line Water Hole (for Fire Protection) TO PALMER V 5*Mile» . VTO BRIM FIELD 2'4Mil«» HEMLOCK GORGE SKI TRAILS %. NOTC: PORTIONS Of THIS FOREST ON HAYHFS HILL ANDJ.W. OF Mr. HITCHCOCK ARC WTJIDE THE UMITJOFTWS MAP. EC.HIILv PEL KE^MAP 6<*Lt OrHH.ll WALES COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION BRIMFIELD STATE FOREST in BRIMFIELD. WALES ano MONSON. mass SCALE OF MILES o Ht | >- i i ' ■■ 1,1 .1 ■ i i j sc»lc or rccr 9M woo im MM 4000 1 1 1 1 1 ~ it I I rf — I MAS5. DEPT. OF CONSERVATION • 1937 38 39 n n i LEGEND Picnic Area. Fireplaces cVTaUes Shelter Toilet Tenting- /ashfilld CONWAY TO A5HFIELD MAIN ENTRANCE a. o *5 o COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION STATE FOREST in GOSHEN, MASS. SCALE OF MILES ,0 __ . . h I 500 1 I I I I I ■ SCALE OF FEET 1000 2000 5000 -J ' I IEG.Hffls.Pel MASS. PtPT. OF CONSERVATION 1937 40 Hard Surfaced Roods Town foods Improved forest Roods *=== Unimproved Woods Roods n PicnicArea ± Toilets ^m Forest Boundory MM>. Parking Area COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION DOUGLAS STATE FOREST DOUGLAS, MASS. SCALE OF FEET 2000 4000 6000 6000 I I ' I I I I f red Sowers 41 42 43 < ■+- c l_ o <_> ■*■" i_ rn o '— o a. ex uz a. 44 Hard Surftoed foods Ton n Roods «=== Woods floods — — Foot Trails II Picnic Area * T&fcft w?l?!!,! ' Forest Boundary U^ILl mid Life Area *=-=- byroved forest food IbPettrshom /ToDona COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION FEDERATION OF WOMEN'S CLUBS STATE FOREST PETERSHAM AND NEW SALEM SCALE OF FEET 1000 rooo 3000 4000 ftwfSDmen 45 UJ is T3 ■g * S 8 = :g o. V ^ S: 5 * | O" ° T3 .Se ^ o O ^= CL U Jj u_ o o 3 U") T) ■A a. O 5 CNIC ARE Camp ng Camp jnng Cam QC - > L "6, C> I C C 5 s: DAY Hemlo Cold 5 Shady 46 ELEVATIONS: M T.GRACE LITTLE MT. GRACE GULF PICNIC AREA MANNING FIELD WARWICK CENTER VTO JUNNY VALLET, WINCHESTER cV KEENE," Mt.Grace Ski Trail: length 1 Mile , drop IO0O' Novice 5k\ Trail: ■• ^foMile, ■ 740' Round the Mountain Trail: Gulf Area thru Fore j t to Manning Field, 4-% Miles Return to Qui f Area, I Mile +7Z, LEGEND n Picnic Area.wi fireplaces and tables — •* Ski Trails •■■•■ 5now5hoe, ski, and hikin Trail Other Foot Trails === Wood Road Telephone Line Roads outside Forest Main Road, grave Surfaced Highway boyycrrj Slide Kl SLOPES MANNING FIELD "parking areas -SHELTER C*TrULLY& WARWICK >>>" 'On* TO MOHAWK TRAIL AT WEST ORANGE \ COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION MOUNT GRACE STATE FOREST WARWICK, MASS. scale: of miles i i a i ■ 100 , o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i T SCALE OF FEET 1000 2000 3000 4000 I I I it=* 5000 F.G.Hilla. Oil. MAS5. DEPARTMENT or CONSERVATION • 1937 47 48 LEGEND Main Highway, hard surface Gravel Road Dirt Road Picnic Area, with Fireplaces and Tables DISTANTCE5 FROM FOREST To Otis 2 miles Great Barrington 15 Woronoco 17 Springfield 32 Pittsfield 26 Worcester 66 Boston 125 TO OTIS &. *■ ROUTE 20 AT WORONOCO Monterey KEY MAP SCALC0F MILES I i COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION OTIS STATE FOREST IN OTIS andSANDISFIELD, mass. SCALE OF MILES * ''ii SCALE OF FEET O 500 1000 2000 3000 4000 =1 f.i.Hllli.Otl. MASS. OEPT. OF CONSERVATION ■ 1837 49 50 t 51 LEGEND n Picnic Area, with fireplaces & tables 2L Camping Area, ii Shelter f«~-fFoot Trails sS-l 6- Ski Trails -*"= Mam Forest Road ■"*■ Gravel Road === Dirt Road SKI TRAILS \m MIIIHUM SNOW CLASS LENOTH DISCW MOTH 6RACE HPOSUW NCEOCO GHOST TRAIL MM Mtrmed/itt 0.bmile 682' 25-40' III E*5E 4" 5HAD0W TRAIL - - • 0.6m* 680' 12-35' I7« E*5E LULU 5L0PE iurfpridiujlept.iime.lmk 200' 25-200' 182 NE The above trails are rerj fast and are usable throughout winter season. Open tor downhill use only. The Lulu slope offer} a rarietj of ' grades suitable for novice skiers. 52 53 SCALE OF MILES ,l ^ TO NORTH ADAMS LEGEND Picnic Area. Fireplaces and Tables Foot Trail Woods Road Gravel Road Main Gravel Road Hard Surface Highway "Berkshire \t the (apes' Bridle Trail TO CHARLEMONT ^GREENFIELD COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION SAVOY MOUNTAIN STATE FOREST SAVOY. MASS. \fA-m, ?«■ Hf>3S. DCPT. OF CONSERVATION • 1937 54 55 56 MIIEA6E FROM FOREST TO EAST OTIS ^ 111, 5 To Otis 8. OTIS M II West' Beck et 14 W mi ted. Conn i R 20 Westfield tl> Great Barrington m 30 Pittsfield 39 Greenfield 83 Worcester 122 Boston TO WINSTED, CONN. KEY MAP SCALE OF MILES l i i i ■ T i i i i '? Chester LEGEND Hard Surfaced Highway CJwji Wafer Hole (for Fire Protection) Main Forest Road, gravel — *— - Foot Trail Gravel Road r.rrf~. .. a | on g p^j Truck Trail , gravej II Picnic Area, with Tableland Fireplaces Minor Truck Trail, or old road A Camping Area,- - - Fire Line •/■■■'/v'i'':-. Forest Boundary COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION TOLLAND STATE FOREST in TOLLAND and OTIS, mass. SCALE OF MILES =t ± d= ± rfc =fc SCALE OF FEET O 300 1000 ZOO0 3000 ■ J ' ' 4000 F6.HIIU Dtl. M»jy dipt or conscmtion issr 57 58 KEY MAP ^"Vy* NORTH AD ) ADAMS, P 4 KHESHIR^" WINDSOR STATE FORES WINDSpRoy.. A) ST LrDALTON >r* € «L I C0NWAY J^r^Tp; I»*t W.mjjor %. .A 50. DttRFItlD! WTSFIELD Tm^AU^V^ir^ X° SHEN 2$ / WORTHINGTftNl ^ ^WI LLIAM k CHE5T[RR[L0T9^ I^OX SCALtOfMlLtS ?oj o j IE " LIAMLBURG \ ^ «MHERST> \ NORTHAMPTON/* 9 TO ROUTt 9 AT WF.ST CUMMINGTON COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION WINDSOR STATE FOREST WINDSOR., MASS. fG Hills, Del. MASS. DePT. OF CONSERVATION ; 1937 '