UMASS/AMHERST 3150tiLDDSDt,b?lS i-'ni-i-:.; ;;: :*'■■;'. ;'B., )'']-::-:.y,i^' ;:::.. i: INTERNAT HARVEST TK^S C ATALOGU 'H ,i K. 677 15 niiiiiBBiiiiHiimuiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiini»iiiiiiiiiiiiiiimniiniiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiii'ii"iii" niiiii | -.llll^^L^-.^.'. '.^K^^Ai^ A./. IHC TITflN OIL TRACTORS International Harvester Company of America (Incorporated) Chicago :: USA A 105 E K^^^^roimd T£ie h^qi»/3 Working in Turkestan Clearing land in Australia Ti^n Ih^ctops ^re Mzse. ^iA fUe Jii^n Ih^ctoi' Titan 18-35 in Rans. Starting a wheat field in Arj^ontine I lltan lO-Jb in fvansas .jvrti mis o *»>»«:*ii. i leiu m rt^rj^cniine pfi everi/^ Civilized Coun^t^ um (D ^UT'^m. ©niL ^i^^^^*^^ "^i^ -ig;^ Cheaper Farming m^ An expensive farm power Increasing Cost of Horse Power The American I'armiT of todiiy is face to face with the power problem. It has been slowly developint;- in the last few years and recent conditions have brought it more forcibly to the front. Farm power is usually the horse and in the i)ast it has proved a very satisfactory power. Slowly durinjr the last few years, but more rapidly within the past year, the farm work has in- creased more in volume than hoi'ses have in numbers. This, together with the large numlier of horses (78,799 in five months in 1914 alone) that are now Ijeing shipped out of the country, has stimulated the price of horseflesh far above the actual value that can be obtained from it on farm work. The maintenance of horses has also increased enormously. Feed has gone up and is becoming more scarce in many localities, and horses must be fed every day in the year. Horses and their feed require large Iniildings for housing and protection. Building operatiinis are not only expensive, Ijut the buildings filled with hay and other inflammal)le material are a Iiigfire risk — so much so that farm barn insurance is extremely high, there being no adequate fire pi-otection within reach. Decreasing Cost of Oil Power Contrasted with the increasing cost of animal power is the decreasing cost of tractor power. The first machines operated on steam — a reliable, Init — =r' expensive form of power. Then came the gasoline trac- tor cutting the cost of power below that of the steam tractor and animal power. Now we have the Titan oil tractor which operates on kerosene, distillate, solar oil, and other cheap fuels which can be bought in most localities for aljout half the cost of gasoline — and the Titan oil tractor uses less kerosene than the old tractors did gasoline and delivers just as much and far more reliable power. There is another feature of Titan oil tractors which must l)e considered — while horses must be fed all the year around, the expense of a Titan stops with the work. It costs nothing to keep, yet it is ready at a moment's notice to start work again. The winter quarters of a Titan need be only a small shed. Horses eat all the year 'round ^=%:^ S IMI (S ^H^Jv-M (PJILJL ^I^A(g^(g)im' -^I^ Titan Does Better Work Average plowing by horses With a Titan you can plow deep 3 Tractor Does Better Work than Horses F. L. Peterson, of the Californiji University f;ii-m, says: "In an actual experiment a yain of 2U0 per cent, which was made in tlie pi-odiictiveness of a certain area, I'MI i)er cent was found to be due to better plowing' and harrt)\viny, tji) jier cent to better cultivation, and the rest to better seed." Horses cannot be iJushed harder to produce these results. In the spring- when they are needed for jjlowing, they are soft and weak from their winter's inactivity. Care must also be taken not to overwork the mares in foal. It takes more power, applied at the right time, to get the maximum yield. It must be a Titan oil t ractor. A Titan oil tractor will plow deeper and keep it up twenty-four hours each day at the same i)ac(\ till its job is comi)leted. A leading agricultural paper quotes that it is impossible to get several drivers to plow furrows of the same size. This cannot be true of a Titan. It is a machine. The si)eed is the same at all times. The plows are set and mechanicall.v maintained at required depth; the width of the furrows is fixed liy the rigid plow frame. Therefore, the work must be uniform in every l)articular, and the same kind of a job can be done at the close of a d;iy as at the stai-t. This is true also for disking, harrowing, seeding, and all other work done by a Titan. The result A Tiun 12-25 does a clean, uniform job is an evBii Stand and a yield of greater value. J H IMI (S ^a^-^M (0)IIE^- ' ^I^A(D^(§)^ -^I^ is:^ A Titan Gets Through On Time Saves Many Wasted Hours A Titan 30-60 plowing 28 acres in a ten -hour day m ■ • ''njd ^ , >|BgB^ -- .-.^^^iiii mmbhhBgbhIhIDI^^^^^^B^' \^^M W^^^^m' I^^H ^^^^^H^ft' 1 ^^HHHHHHHI Plowing and seeding in one operation with a Titan It does not take lony to cut the crop with a Titan Getting tlirough on time with a Titan oil tractor does not mean a hurried, skimped job. It means when horses are standing idl.v in the sliade or in tiie barn, exhausted from the heat and work, the Titan goes right along. It travels ail day in the same re!ial)le and etficient manner, never slackening or skimping the work. Never a year comes but what you are rushed with some of your work. jNIany times a few days saved means money in your pocket. If you have gotten beliind in your work or you think the weather or soil conditions will not be ideal for working very long, you can work a Titan night and day — even Sundays, if you want to. It has no feeling and does not need a rest every hour or so, or at night. The only time it loses, is a few minutes' stop to grease bearings and to fill up with fuel, oil, and water once or twice a day, and it is ready to start again at the same pace. .Much time is also saved in the morning and night which is given to tiie care of horses. AVhen you -^':^^ 3 Titan Oil Tractors Do a Great Variety of Work A Titan 18-35 threshing the crop An 18-35 Titan making the farm profitable Haulini^ til. < inp tu market with a Titan 30-60 J Titan 30-60-H. P. tractor and elevating grader Threshing Titan oil tractoi-s fiirnisli the steady, reliable power necessary for the job at less cost than any other power. There are no sparks to look out for, no boiler to tend, no coal or water waji'ons with their drivers to pay for. Just fill Lip with fuel, oil, and water in the morning-, and a Titan will run all day with very little atten- tion or care; in fact, the operator can help the threshing gang most of the time. Belt Power Titan oil tractors are i)articularly adapted for belt work. Their speed variation is very slight, due to their multi-cylinder construction, throt- tling governor and perfect balance. Their heavy flywheels are an aid to close regulation. Titan front trucks are narrow, so that their is no inter- ference with the belt. On a Titan the operator's difficulties are i-educed to a minimum. There is no fire to keep up or other work around the engine other than to see that it is well lubricated every hour or so. On a Titan you never have to wait for steam — you have the engine's maxi- mum i)Ovver at your instant Cf)n:mand. Hauling There is no better power for hauling than a Titan oil tractor. They have sufficient weight for tractive power, but are light enough to cross the avei'age bridge without danger or work on country roads without miring. They do not i'C(|uire extra wagons for hauling fuel or water; in fact, they I'equire very little water for a day's oi)eration. The operator is comfortably jjro- vided for. The platform is spring-mounted, and a spring seat is part of the regular equipment. Road Work The success of Titan oil tractoi's on road W(ji'k is country-wide, and the saving effected liy their use over steam and hoi'se iJower is re- markable. They perform all the work of road l>uilding. Digging up old roads, grading with all t.\pes of graders, hauling stone and gravel, operating stone crushers, concrete mixers and asphalt machines are some of the jobs that Titans are being used for. Man.v townships, counties, and contractors have pui-chased Titans, and they alwa.vs make good. 2 Sa (S ^H^^M, ©HIL ^I^^©^CS)]m; Titan 12-25-H. P. Oil Tractor Q side of Titan 12-25-H. P. four-cylinder oil tractor Equipment: t'nmpletely equiiiped ready to run includini^- built-in Iriction clutch pulley, magneto, oil can, can of lubricating oil, and necessary tools. Special accessories: Kerosene lieadlight, acetylene headlight, special size pulley, 4-incli rear wheel extensions — cab curtains and sand lugs can be furnished at extra cost. 1= a - « 1 Si o a 'C en 32 d o ^ _c2 Sis Sis Cylinders Pulley Front Wheels Drive Wheels ii o >.4 §2 o . >> = '5*^ 52 5 i| ^.5 Eh .3 '3 II O. Is Ci - -5 a o a; . K a TZ ^ "a c 1 CO 11 2i 1 i 0) n.2 i £ 2 C.S 1 s s 25 2.4 1.87 575 5'4 8 22 8 40 7 ()l) 14 (> .30 140}^ So'A 118 9580 Q 10 Titan 18-35-H. P. Twin Cylinder Oil Tractor Titan 18-35-H. P. oil tractor — pulley side Equipment: Completely equipped ready to run including friction clutch pulley, batteries, magneto, front wheel extensions, oil can, can of lubricating oil, and necessary tools. Special accessories: Kerosene headlight, acetylene headlight, special size pulleys, 10-inch rear wheel extensions — cab curtains can be furnished at extra cost. J a •O en a; a M I b£ ^ a 31 0) t^ .ss. a oca CC 1 = Cylinders Pulley Front Wheels Drive Wheels e3 S ■^^ . as 51 tifi II "Si '3 li ill Hi .5" S s 2 a M a 2 §0 C.3 2 || S 0.2 g a en 0.5 1- a S.3 |; a = < p. 18-35 3.G5 2.13 425 8 10 24 121 38 9 63 22 20 43i 85 184i 96 123 16850 15700 11 n iHi (S ^n^^M, ©na^ '^mjb.(D^<^m- -^z:^ ig^^ Titan 30-60-H. P. Twin Cylinder Oil Tractor Q Clutch side of Titan 30-60-H. P. oil tractor showing starter Equipment: Completely equipped ready to run including friction clutcli pulley, batteries, magneto, front wheel extensions, oil can, eau of lubricating oil, and necessary tools. Special accessories: Kerosene headlight, acetylene headlight, special si/,e pulleys, 10-inch rear wlieel extensions — cab curtains can be furnished at extra cost. t- •- -J = ^ » llf © 3 a W-2 2 oil IS, 3 t. fc, p. 1 OJ M 1 a Cylinders Pulley F rout Wheels Drive Wheels il ? M p. 9 cs a o=: la Si ll 5 ii til -a 0) S 3* ll! lis p. St! 2 u a 1 a 2 5 1-* Q.2 u en ft .5 O c V ll 2 "a c ES gg aa p. P < p. 30-(i0 2.08 3.35 9 14 .30 103^ 44 10 72 24 26hi 47 192 105 110 20,GOO 20,300 o 12 ■g m (D ira^^ii'^ (DaiL ^i^^(0^(§)im- Construction of 12-25-H. P. Oil Tractor Titan 25-H. P. four-cyiinder oil-burning power plant Four-cylinder design: The Tiliin ::^.")-H. P. power plant is a disliuctly superior type of four-cylinrler eiiyine, developed especiidly to burn kerosene and stand up under the severe conditions imposed on an engine used for farm work. It gives you every advantage known to modern designing and has many new and exclusive features which add to its economy and reliability. It is a far more suljstantial construction than the automobile type motors and much easier to get at. The cylinders are horizontal, which is a big advantage in l)urning oil, and set across the machine so the power is delivered direct through spur gears without bevel gear. The four-cylinder construction and slower nnjtor speed makes it practically free from vibration and prolongs its life. The working parts are completely enclosed in dust-tight crank case, which prevent excessive wear, yet it is an easy engine to get at. The crank case cover is removable, exposing all the principal parts for inspection or adjustment. Cylinders: The cylinders are cast in pairs and are Ijolted to a substantial one-piece dust- tight crank case with a' removable cover. Both the intake and exhaust manifolds lead from the cylinders so that the cylinder heads ai-e left free. Cylinder heads: The cylinder heads are cast in pairs, each covering two cylinders, and can l)e removed without disturliing other parts. The removal of the cylinder heads gives the operator a clear view of the valve heads and pistons. The only pai'ts attached to the cylinder heads are the spark plugs. This makes it a simple matter to remove them as they are always in plain sight and reach. Only one mixer: One mixer with two fuel needle valves and a single water needle valve is used on the Titan l-2-2r, tractor so that the adjustments are reduced to the minimum. This also enables the oi)erator to reduce the fuel consum|>tion by ol)taining a finer adjustment. For starting a hot air drum with a hot and cold air damper and two feed supply cups— one for gasoline and one for oil — are provided. The mixer will handle any of the cheap fuels such as kerosene, distillate down to 39" Baume, gas oil, solar oil, or motor spirits and will also burn gasoline or naphtha. 13 n iHi (S '^s^j^.M ©aa^' ^i^ a(o^(^^ (Construction of 12-25-H. P. Tractor — Continued) Fuel supply: The tractor i.s i)rovided with two fuel tanks — a .six-yallon gasoline tank for startinj;-, and a thirt.v-two-gallon oil tank, which is sutlicient for an all-day run. Two fuel pumps are also provided for pumping the fuel to the supply cups, one for gasoline and one for oil. Governor: A flyi)all throttling t.ype governor is used which operates a butterfly valve on each branch of the intake manifold. This type of governor controls the amount of fuel mixture entering the cylinders and not only keeps the engine running at a iierfectly steady sjieed, but varies the amount of fuel in proportion to the load. Ignition: Tli(> ignition is juni]) si>ark. the current licing iiirni^hed by a high-grade gear driven magneto The magneto used enables you to start as easily as on batteries — eliminating all battery eriuipment and the troubles they are heir to. This magneto has an auto- matic starting device which enables the magneto to fuinish a good si)ark for starting. When the engine starts, this device is automatically thrown out of action. Lubrication: The motor is lubricated liy an auto- matic force-feed oiler with twelve feeds. The transmission is luliricat- ed by another automatic force-feed oiler with five feeds. These automatic force-feed oilers are the newest design with all woi-king parts enclosed and running in oil. These lubricators are valveless and there are no springs en- liall valves to give trouble. They will force oil in any temperature and against a pressure of 2,(iu0 lbs. They protect you against dry bearings. At the same time no oil is wasted. Cooling: The motor is water cooled. The water is circulated through the cylinders and a vertical tube radiatoi- by a belt-driven rotary pump. A lielt-driven fan is also provided to aid radiation. This method gives perfect cooling and is very economical of water. Frame: The frame is constructed of steel. It is spring hung on the trucks so that the engine rides easy, even on rough ground. This also saves the tractor, and prolongs its life. Transmission: A\'ith the Titan 12-25 you have two speeds for- ward antl one reverse at your command, all controlled by a single The gears run in oil in a Titan oil mixer Magneto lever, cover The doulile chain drive Engine oiler Transmission oiler u dust-tight case with a removable to the rear wheels is also tightly encased. This method of driving eliminates gear troubles and gives the engine a more elastic load. An automatic force-feed oiler lubri- cates the bearings. Rear Axle: The rear axle is provided with adjustment plates which can be shifted from rear to 3 Jim. (Q TU'^^m @aa^ ^i^^©^(^^ (Construction of 12-25-H. P. Tractor— Continued) Transmission with cover removed front side of the axle bearings if it is desirable to tighten the driving chains. This method pi-cvents one side from being tightened more tlian tlie other, thus throwing tlie axle out of alignment. Note the spring mounting built like a Pullman ear. J Rear axle showing spring mounting 15 ^ Reliable Draw-Bar Power Steady Belt Power This Titan Oil Tractor is Mechanically Ahead of the Age. Its Exclusive Features Save You Money, Time and Labor Titan 12-25-H. P. Oil-Burning I Four-Cylinder Tractor s sfi (S ipa^^s^- ©HE^' ^i^^©^©!^; (Construction of 12-25-H. P. Tractor — Continued) Steering: The automobile type steering' device makes steei'in<>" easier and tar more jiositive than tiie old chain type. The castings are high-grade steel and the front axle is well trussed. Operators who have handled the heavy old type tractors will be agreeably surprised by the Titan 12-25. Its light weight and spring mounting make it very easy riding. The short wheel base and automobile-steering device enalilcs it to turn very short. The t\vo-si)eed trans- mission gives the operator a high power low speed for tough plowing and hills, and a lirisk speed for road work, light farm work, etc. Lightweight: Light weight in the Titan 12-2.")-H. P. tractor does not mean flimsy C(m- struction, l)ut merely that tlie design has eliminated much weight, and the generous use of steel castings has not only reduced weight, l)ut increased the strength. Cab : The cab is roomy and provided with a comfortable seat for the operator, placed on the right side, giving a clear view ahead when i)l(iwing, and within easy reach of the operating levers, brake lever, etc. c c Rear view of Titan 12-25-H. P. oil tractor 18 Construction of Titan 18-35-H. P. Oil Tractor Power plant of Titan 1 8-35-H. P. oil tractor The Titan IS-li.'i-H. P. tractor has lieen dosiijnod for those who need a more ijowerful tractor than the 12-25-H. P. si/e. This tractor lias OTan.v new and exclusive features of design which increases its sphere of usefulness and gives it many advantages over the ordinary type of tractor. Although this tractor is lighter in weight for its power than many others, no strength or draw-bar power has been sacrificed. Steel has been used generously in its con- struction, so that in reality it is much more rigid than the heavier type of tractors. The engine has been designed with a cast-iron dust-tight crank case for protecting the pistons and cylinders, crank shaft, etc., from dust. For road work, the two-speed transmission and automobile type steer gives it a decided advantage, and tlie lighter weight permits the crossing of bridges, unsafe for heavier tractors. For threshing, this tractor has no siii'ierior. It gets over the road fast, requires little attention while operating, and the throttle governor and twin cylinders hold the engine to a steady speed at all loads. The speed can also be varied to suit conditions liy a speed regulator controlled from the cab. The comfort of the operator has been given special attention and ever^' pos- sible convenience has been provided. 19 S Bfl (S ^a^^M @III£7 ^IBACD^cg)!^^ i^r^i ""=^^ (Construction of 18-35-H. P. Tractor — Continued) Titan combined gasoline engine and air compressor starter fits in compartment in front of cooling tank Self -Starting device: This consists of a complete little gasoline engine and air-compressor power plant and an air starting system. The gasoline engine and compressor are located nndcr the forward part of the water tank and consist of a K-II. P. air-cooled engine geared to a small air compressor mounted on the same base. This outfit is completely enclosed by doors to keep out the dust, which, when opened, exposes the entire outlit to view, and gives easy access to the parts. The air compressor pumps air into a storage tank, located between the forward part of the truck sills, and from the tank it is piped to the left-hand cylinder of the large engine and enters the cylinder through an automatically-operated valve. For starting the engine, mixer is adjusted' the same as starting by hand, then the air valve is thrown into gear and the compressed air enters the cylinder and operates it the same as the gas. When the fuel ignites, the air valve is held closed. The air tank will hold enough compressed air for starting several times and a gauge is located near it which shows air pressure in the tank. A\'ith this outfit, there is no turning the engine over by hand. Detailed Description of Titan 18-35-H. P. Oil Tractors Power plant: Twin-cyliiKlcr oil engine, 35-11. P. Ignition: Make-and-ljreak, batteries to start, gear-driven magneto when running. Lubrication: Twelve-feed automatic fcn-ce-feed oiler operated from cam shaft. Governor: Fl.\ -ball throttling governor operating butterfly valve in mixer. Cooling: Belt-driven centrifugal pump and siu-ay type cooling tank. Starter: Complete H-li- P. air-cooled engine and air compressor and air storage tank. Steering: Automobile type with narrow front trucks. Transmission: Sliding gear type with two speeds ahead, 3.6r) and 2.13 miles per hour and slow s|u'r(l rc\('r--(> Double gear drive: The strain is etpial on each side. Gear lubrication: Automatic force-feed oiler. Cab: Two-i)iece removable cab, curtains on special order, and seat, Si)ring hung iilatform. 20 ) Construction of Titan 30-60-H. P. Oil Tractor 3 Titan 60-H. P. oil-burning power plant J Power plant: The twin cylinder 60-11. P., fonr-oycle engine used on this tractor has established a remarkable record for strength and durability. The design is simple and all parts are easily accessible. A sheet metal case incloses the engine and is equipped with seven doors for easy access to all working parts. Valves: The valves are mounted flush in the cylinder head so that there are no valve pockets or projections in the cylinder other than the ignitor. 21 s sd (S ^n^^M ©aE^ ^i^^(D^(S)i^: (Construction of 30-60-H. P. Tractor — Continued) Cooling system: The engine is water-cooled by means of a radiator and a centrifug-al type circulating pump. The cylinders and jacket walls are not cast integral, so that, should occasion require, the cylinder liners may be easily taken out. Removable cylinder liner Ignition: The ignitors for both cylinders are operated by an eccentric rod through a bell crank. This eccentric receives its motion from the cam shaft. This rod also operates the mechanical oilers and the fuel pumps. The ignition current for running is furnished lay a magneto, gear driven from the cam shaft. For starting, batteries are furnished. Engine gears: All cam gears are steel, machine cut. and are located inside of the crank case. They are mechanically oiled, and protected from dust and dirt. Governor: The governor is of the fly-ball. spring-conti'oUed throttling design operating a butterfly valve in the intake manifold. A small rod operated iiy a crank conveniently located near the cvHnder liead permits the speed to be varied from 2Tu R. P. M. to 3.")(( K. P. M. Crank shaft: The crank shaft is made from a solid steel ingot and runs in three extra large removable balil)itt bearings. Connecting rods: Connecting rods are drop- forged steel, carefully machined and polished. ()n the crank end of the rod is a divided bearing box which can be removed without removing the piston or wrist pin. The wrist pin bearing has a phosphor bronze bushing which can be easily adjusted liy the bolts located in the head. Note the three massive crank-shaft bearings Fuels: Titan tractors are oil tractors and need no change for operation on the difi'erent grades of oil fuels. Many kerosene engines have been designed, but the Titan holds the distinction of being the first kerosene tractcjr that has successfully overcome all ditticulties in a simple and efl'ective manner, dehvering its maximum power on kerosene, distillate, solar oil, gas oil, motor spirits, gasoline, motor spirits or naphtha. Fuel mixer: The fuel mixer is especially adapted for operation on the lower grade fuels, and will operate on kerosene, distillate, solar oil, gas oil, gasoline, motor spirits or naphtha equally well. The design is very simple. It consists of two separate constant level fuel cups, each supplied with fuel by' a fuel pump, one pumping from the small gasoline tank for starting and the other from the large oil tank for operating. The two .supply cups are connected with the needle valve and spray nozzle by a valve so the engine can be started on gasoline and run for a few minutes till the engine is warmed up and then switched to the cheaper fuel by simply turning the valve handle which connects the supply cups with the needle valve. One of the strong features of the mixer is the perfect control of the air supply to the mixer and the automatic supplying of water when operating on low grade fuels. An adjustable valve is provided in the air pipe for regulating the hot air from a drum around the exhaust ])ipe. This makes it possible to vary the temperature of the air to the mixer to meet the varied conditions of weather. A third air inlet is provided with a spring controlled poppet valve, s iHi (S ^H^^^M ©HE^ ^m^(D'^(mm,' (Construction of 30-60-H. P. Tractor — Continued) \ -"I J which only lulmits ;iir when the engine is operating" under load. When this valve opens and admits air, water is also admit- ted, both in proportion to the load on the engine. The complete mixer is so simple and so near automatic that it requires practi- cally no attention after starting. Fuel pumps: The fuel pumps are located so that the operator can pump up a supply of fuel l)y hand from the platform or from the ground. The pumi)s are of the plunger type with ball valves. All parts of the pumps are brass with the exception of the i)lungers and lialls, which are of steel. Complete 60-H. P. mixer and hot air drum Starting engine : The start- ing engine is a complete little power plant in itself, equipped with its own gasoline tank and battery box. It is of the four-cycle type of design, air cooled, with an enclosed crank case. Jump spark ignition is used, the current being furnished by batteries and a jump spark coil. For starting, the mixing valve on the tractor is set for gasoline and the compression relief cam is thiown in. The .small starting engine is started and allowed to run free for a minute till up to speed, then the lever rotating the eccentric bearing on the starting engine is pulled up till the friction pulley is pressed against the large engine flywheel. This rotates the large engine at a sutHcient speed for starting and the mixers can be adjusted at leisure. When the large engine starts, the starting engine is tilted back and stopped. Transmission : An examination of the transmission will reveal many good features. All the gears and pinions are cast steel. The di'iving pinion is in the i)est location to with- stand all strains. This pinion is feather- keyed l)y two large keys to the clutch sleeve so that, although it may be easil.v shifted from forward to reverse position, it is securely held on the sleeve. Note that there is no over- hanging of working parts. Every gear is 2.3 t Sectional and side views of fuel pumps Flywheel side of starter showing eccentric bearing um. (D ^n^^^M ©Ea^ ^i^A(D^(g)i^i (Construction of Titan 30-60-H. P. Tractor — Continued) close to a bearing. The clutch, even thouyh it is located on the end of the crank shaft exten- sion, is in a good location, because the strains produced when it is thrown in are torsional, hence it is merely a ([uestion of making the crank shaft heavy enough to witlistand them. The intermediate gear shaft is exceptionally short — only nine inches long, and has ami)le bearings. Forward speed: When the lever is shifted for forward speed the i)inion on the engine crank .sliafL meshes directly with the bull gear on the countershaft and the i)inion on the countershaft meshes with the differential gear on the rear axle. Reverse: The action of the reverse is just as positive as that of the forward sjjced and is accomplished by means of sliding gears. The driving pinion of the clutch spider sleeve may be shifted to mesh with the intermediate gear on the intermediate gear shaft just l)elow the crank shaft extension. This shaft also carries the reversing i)inion which meshes with the large countershaft gear. This metliod of reversing is practically the same as that used on autiiiudbiles. Forward speed Neutral Showing operation of transmission Reverse Belt work: When the engine is used for belt work, the driving pinion may be shifted to a neutral position on the clutch si)ider so that none of the transmission gears will revolve, or, the driving pinion may be moved to a neutral position and the clutch thrown in so that the clutch sleeve and driving pinion revolve as integral parts of the crank shaft. In this way, even though the driving pinion is revolving, there is absolutely no wear of any transmission part. The intei'mediate gear shaft is short, and has ample Itearings and supports at both ends to hold it absolutely in correct alignment with the crank shaft and countershaft. The differential gears: They are made of steel, of ample proportions, and of the simplest design known to motor vehicle and traction engine construction: they are located in the right hand drive wheel, in the large driving gear, which is free to revolve and which carries the four bevel pinions. Two bevel gears, one on each side, mesh with these pinions — one bevel gear being keyed to the axle to which the left hand driver is keyed; the other being bolted to the right hand driver which revolves freely on the axle. M'hen going ahead, both bevel gears revolve at the same rate and the pinions on the drive gear are at rest. In turning, when one wheel has a tendency to go slower, the pinions revolve on the bevel gear connected with the slow moving wheel "and transmit a faster motion to the ojiposite bevel gear connected with the 2 iHi (S ^n^^^K ©112^ ^i^^(S'^(5)im: (Construction of Titan 30-60-H. P. Tractor — Continued) outer wheel. Tliis construction n^lioves the strain on the wheels and axles, allowing one driver to revolve faster than the othei-, although the power applied to each is the same. Truck frame: The truck frame consists of heavy steel channels, which are continuous from front t outside bevel g(>ar of the differential and is fi'ee to revolve. Tlie inside bevel gear of the differentia! provides a bearing for the I mil gear and is keyed to the axle. Bearings: All bearings are of liberal propoiiions and carefully hand-scraped to a perfect fit. The two real- axle bearings give;>7 inches of bearing surface — the left-hand bearing being 21 inches wide and the right-hand, IG inches wide. The left-hand countershaft bearing is 10 inches wide, and the right-hand. 12 inches — a total of 22 inches of bearing for this shaft. Rear axle, bevel pinion, intermediate gear, crank shaft, and the lower half of the countershaft bearings are of supei'ior babbitt. The bull gear flushing and the upper half of both right-hand and left-hand countershaft bearings are special bearing metal. This special bearing metal is used on the C(juntershaft bearings because it is this half of the bearing that is subject to all of the wear and strain. Front trucks: The front trucks are narrow, the wheels being attached to steel kiuu-kles of the autonidbile tyi)e. The steering knuckles are provided with grease cups. Steering: Titan 3<)-60-II. P. tractors are equipped with an automoliile type steering device, which msikes steering much easier than the chain-to-axle method, and permits the front truck to be made narrow so the wheels will not interfere with a low Ijelt when used for threshing. The truck is made exceptionally strong and is rigidly trussed, so there is no danger of In-eakage. Differential View showing driving pinion, large driving gear, and differential gears, with outer gear removed 25 2 I^"^^^ ^S^^M ©aS^ ^I^A(D^(Q)I^^ (Construction of Titan 30-60-H. P, Tractor — Continued) 12-INCH BEARING Main frame of the Titan H. P. tractor. Note that both countershaft and main axle have extra long bearings and are held in the same casting, which prevents the gears from getting out of alignment Wheels : Tlie wheels are fitted with cast iron hubs. The siK)kcs are of fiat bar steel, up-set at the outer ends and riveted to the tires and hubs. This construction insures wheels of great duraliility and strength. The face of the drive wheels is 2-i inches and they are eciuipped with proper sized Injrs. The edges are re-enforced by small steel channels bent in and riveted. A simple and effective differential gear relieves the wheel hubs from all torsional strains. The left-hand driver is keyed to the live axle and therefoi-e revolves with it. The riuht-hand driver is free to revolve on the axle and is bolted to one half of the differential. The other half of the differential provides a bearing for the large driving gear, and is keyed to t.he axle. When turning corners the differential gear provides for the difference in rotation of the wheels and distributes the power proportionately to each, although rotating at different speeds. The front wheels are provided with six-inch extensions as part of the regular equipment. Oiling: The 30-60-H. P. Titan tractor is luljricated with two mechanical oilers — one a 10-feed oiler and the other a -l-feed oiler. The lu-feed oiler oils all the engine licarings and the cylinders. The 4-feed oiler lubricates the gears only — the differential gear, countershaft gears and pinion. Two oilers are used, so that when the engine is being used for belt work the oiler for the gears can be shut off', so there is no oil wasted. The countershaft bearings, front truck wheels, rear drive wheels, intei-mediate gear shaft, and differential pinions are all provided with grease cui)S. The cups for oiling the countershaft and main axle i)eaiings are provided with rods and handles which extend Ijack to the operator's platform so that he may keep these parts well oiled without leaving his position. 2f> 3 S SE O ^H^^FI ©aiL. ^I^^©^(o)I^; (£13 (Construction of 30-60-H. P. Tractor — Continued) 1 1 ^ih 3 Front view of Titan 30-60-H. P. oil tractor J Filling pipes : The filling" jiiiics for the fuel tanks are conveniently located on the belt side just forward of the flywheel. They are equipped with large funnel tops with removable bi'ass gauze strainers. Drawbar: A swinging draw bar eciuippcd with a spring draft gear is provided. This prevents the load from being jerked along and also saves the tractor fi'om undue strain in starting loads. Cab: The cab is all steel and made with the view of greatest comfort and convenience for the operator. The platform is spring hung to relieve the operator of vibration. The windows are equipped on special order only with waterproof curtains, so the cab can lie completely enclosed when operating in the rain or sleet, or when left out in the field. A comfortable spring seat is provided so the operator can see where the front wheels are running. 27 H Sa (S ^H^AM CS)IIE^^ ^I^A(S^(0)1^: ^;:^ (Construction of Titan 30-60-H. P. Tractor — Continued) Operating levers: There are two oiJcniting levers — one for tlirowiny the clutch in and one for the reverse. The levers are conveniently located. Tiic movement of the front wheels is controlled l),v a steering wheel which is within easy reach of the right hand of the operator. The brake is operated by a foot pedal located just below the steering wheel. Convenience and accessibility: This tractor has a large, roomy platform, and all parts of the engine have Ijeen arranged with regard to convenience and accessibility. The tool and battery boxes are on the left, out of the way of the operator. The filling pipes are only w-aist high, and are placed on the right-hand side of the engine towards the front, which makes it an easy matter to fill the fuel tank. All the operating levers, the mixing valve, si)eed-changing crank and battery switch are within arm's reach of the operator standing at the steering wheel. Rear view of Titan 30-60.H. P. oil tractor 28 2 m. (S ^a^iP^M, ©iia^ ^i^acs^cS)^' -^^^ (gf^ 3 to entiiiore tl Ije'( le clutch and pulled out to reloaso on special order: Extension tires : For traveling over wet oi- soft ground, ten-inch extension tires can be fur- nished on special order for all Titan tractors. The.v are detachable and can be put on or taken off in the field. The.v are braced with spokes and securel.v bolted both to the wheel tire and to the hub. In ordering be sure to state the size of the engine they are to be used on. Slip-over tires: For traveling over paved i-oads (u- forgeneral work where onl.v beltpower is needed, slip-over tires can be furnished on special order for the rear wheels of all Titan tractors to keep the lugs from digging into the road. These tires are made in four pieces, liolt- ed to the wheel tire, and can easily be put on or taken oft' in the field. Pulley : All Titan tractors are eiiuipped with the I H C friction clutch pulley so tlitit the power can be shut oft' or turned on to the ma- chine being driv(>n, without stopping the engine. It is of the external, three-shoe clutch type, and is oi)erated by a hand-wheel, which is pushed in t. The following special sizes of this pulley can 18 35-H. P. 30-60-n. p. Diiim. Face Diniii. Faoe luchfs Inches Inches Inc.hes 18 r2y. 28 lOJ^ 20 12M :m W'A 22 12^ 28 rzH 24 12^ 30 12M 26 12M -- Headlight: For plowing or hauling at night, an oil head- light can be furnished on special order. Kerosene headlight Extreme height 28 inches Diameter of case 18 inches Depth of case - - 12 inches Size bottom board -9 x 15i inches Diameter of glass - 1^ inches Reflector — Copper, silver i)late(l. Inside rlimensions of reflector, 131 inches in diameter: fi inches deep. Net weight, 3T pounds. 29 Titan Oil Engines — 30 Types, 15 Sizes The Most Complete Line of Engines Built Vertical skidded T. C. Stationary Pumping Vertical stationary Pumping T. C. Skidded H. C. Skidded T. C. Mounting H. C. Mounting Nonpareil skidded Air>cooled gasoline H. C. Portable V X Spray in u Sawing Spraying Send for Our Titan Oil Engine Catalogue "d^ = GRAIN MACHINES = E BINDERS = = HEADERS = = REAPERS S E HEADER-BINOERS = I HAY MACHINES = E MOWERS = E RAKES H = HAY PRESSES ^ = SWEEP RAKES = 5 HAY LOADERS = = STACKERS = = TEDDERS S = SIDE DELIVERY RAKES = = COMBINED SWEEP RAKES = ^ AND STACKERS = i CORN MACHINES E = PLANTERS = = PICKERS = = BINDERS = = ENSILAGE CUTTERS = E CORNSTALK RAKES E S STALK CUTTERS = = SMELLERS = = CULTIVATORS S ^ HUSKERS AND SHREDDERS = = TILLAGE I S DISK HARROWS = S CULTIVATORS = = SPRING-TOOTH HARROWS = = PEG-TOOTH HARROWS E = COMBINATION HARROWS = 1 GENERAL LINE 1 = MOTOR TRUCKS ^ = FEED GRINDERS = = KNIFE GRINDERS = S BINDER TWtNE = = THRESHERS = S STONE BURR MILLS S S GRAIN DRILLS E = CREAM SEPARATORS = 5 OIL AND GAS ENGINES = S MANURE SPREADFRS = = FERTILIZER SOWERS = S OIL TRACTORS = 5 FARM WAGONS AND TRUCKS. = ilillllllMIIMIIIIIiriMIIIMIMMIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllHinilllllllir. 31 ailllllllMIHIIIMMIIIMIIIIIMinilllMMIMMIIIIIMIIIIirilllMMIillMIIIIIIIIIMIinillMIIMIIIMIIMIllllMMHIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIHMIItnMMrilNIIIIIIIIIIHIIMHnitllllMniinilinniinitltllMM BRANCH HOUSES INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY OF AMERICA UNCOnPORATEOl nillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMninillllltMIIIIMIIIMIIIIII mil Illlllllllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIMIIIMIIMIIIIIIIMIIIIIMMIIIIIIMIIMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMIMIIIIIIIIII MMIIIIIIIIIMMfi; aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig ABERDEEN. S 0. ALBANY, N Y. ATLANTA. GA. AUBURN N, Y AURORA. ILL. BALTIMORE. MD. BIRMINGHAM. ALA. BISMARCK. N, D. BOSTON. MASS BUFFALO N Y CEDAR FALLS. lA. CHARLOTTE. N C CINCINNATI. OHIO CLEVELAND. OHIO COLUMBIA S C COLUMBUS OHIO CONCORDIA. KAN COUNCIL BLUFFS lA CRAWFORD. NEB DAVENPORT. lA DENVER. COLO OES MOINES. lA DETROIT. MICH. DUBUQUE. lA. EAST ST LOUIS. ILL. EAU CLAIRE. WIS. ELMIRA. N Y EVANSVILLE. IND. FARGO. N D. FT DODGE. lA. FT WAYNE. IND. GRAND FORKS. N D. GRAND RAPIDS. MICH GREEN BAY. WIS HARRISBURG. PA HELENA. MONT HUTCHINSON, KAN INDIANAPOLIS. IND JACKSON. MICH JACKSONVILLE. FLA KANKAKEE, ILL. KANSAS CITY. MO. KNOXVILLE. TENN LANSING. MICH. LINCOLN. NEB. LITTLE ROCK. ARK, MADISON. WIS. MANKATO. MINN, MASON CITY. lA. MEMPHIS. TENN MILWAUKEE. WIS MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. MINOT. N D. NASHVILLE. TENN. NEW ALBANY. IND. NEW ORLEANS. LA. OGDENSBURG. N Y OKLAHOMA CITY.OKLA. OMAHA. NEB PARKERSBURG. W VA. PARSONS, KAN PEORIA. ILL. PHILADELPHIA. PA. PITTSBURGH. PA PORTLAND, ORE QUINCY ILL, RICHMOND. IND RICHMOND. VA, ROCKFORD, ILL, ST. CLOUD. MINN. ST JOSEPH. MO. ST LOUIS. MO. SAGINAW. MICH. SALINA. KAN. SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, SIOUX CITY, lA. SIOUX FALLS. S D. SOUTH BEND. IND. SPOKANE. WASH. SPRINGFIELD. ILL. SPRINGFIELD. MO. TERRE HAUTE. IND, TOLEDO. OHIO TOPEKA. KAN. WATERTOWN. S. O. WICHITA. KAN. WINONA. MINN. For catalogues or special information see IHC dealer or write nearest branch house ^ .tIiiieI li'H Ihiuiimiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiniii iiiiiiiiiiiiiMMiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii nil iiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiii iiiim ""ii'i" ' ''I > wiPBWiiPPii ii iii iwiMii i i i ■i iii iipiiii i iii i M)iiiimi iwwia««MWPiWP!iw^ l^^iiMiMMIMMHiii^^ Sold by INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY OF AMERICA ( Incorpuiated) CHICAGO USA For further information write International Harvester Company of America Chicago, III., or write our nearest branch house. u|iiiiimmiiimiuiiiiiiuiiMHiiUHniHiiiiMiiiMiiinuMiiiM[HrinMMiMi:iiniiniiiinunn BRANCH HOUSES INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY OF AMERICA IINCORPORATEDI miiiinininiiiiniiiiiMiniiiuiiiniMiniiiinMiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiinMiMMiiiiiiMiiMiiiiiiiiiiiMinMiMrMiiiiiiiiiniiiMiMiMiiiiMiiiiiMiiiMiniiiMiMiniiniiMiiiiin iUlllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllilllllllllllliillllllllllUllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllN aiMMUinininiiiiiHiiiiHunniuiiiiiHHiiiiuuiiiuiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiniMiMiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiniiMiiiMniiiiuiiiiiiHtiiHwiiiiHiiiiiiiiiMMiiiiiHiiiiiiiiniHHiiiiiiiiiiiHiM [iiiiiiiiupiili ABERDEEN. S. O. ALBANY. N Y. ATLANTA. GA AUBURN. N. Y AURORA. ILL. BALTIMORE. MO. BIRMINGHAM. ALA. BISMARCK. N. O. BOSTON. MASS BUFFALO. N Y. CEDAR FALLS. lA CHARLOTTE. N. C. CINCINNATI. OHIO CLEVELAND. OHIO COLUMBIA. 5 C COLUMBUS OHIO CONCORDIA. KAN COUNCIL BLUFFS. lA CRAWFORD. NEB. DAVENPORT lA. DENVER. COLO DES MOINES. lA. DETROIT. MICH. DUBUOUE. lA. EAST ST. LOUIS. ILL. EAU CLAIRE. WIS. ELMIRA. N. Y EVANSVILLE. IND. FARGO N D. FT DOOGE. lA. FT WAYNE. IND. GRAND FORKS. N. D. GRAND RAPIDS. MICH GREEN BAY WIS. HARRISBURG. PA. HELENA. MONT HUTCHINSON. KAN. INDIANAPOLIS. IND. JACKSON. MICH. JACKSONVILLE. FLA. KANKAKEE. ILL KANSAS CITY. MO. KNOXVILLE. TENN. LANSi.NG. f.VCH. LINCOLN. NEB. LITTLE ROCK. ARK, MADISON. WIS. MANKATO. MINN. MASON CITY. lA. MEMPHIS. TENN. MILWAUKEE. WIS. MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. MINOT. N D. NASHVILLE. TENN. NEW ALBANY. IND. NEW ORLEANS. LA. OGDENSBURG. N. Y., OKLAHOMA CITY.OKLA. OMAHA. NEB. PARKERSBURG. W VA. PARSONS. KAN. PEORIA. ILL. PHILADELPHIA. PA PITTSBURGH. PA PORTLAND. ORE QUINCY. ILL. RICHMOND. IND. RICHMOND. VA. ROCKFORD. ILL. ST. CLOUD. MINN. ST JOSEPH. MO. ST. LOUIS. MO. SAGINAW. MICH. SALINA. KAN. SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. SIOUX CITY. lA. SIOUX FALLS. S. D. SOUTH BEND. IND. SPOKANE. WASH. SPRINGFIELD. ILL. SPRINGFIELD. MO. TERRE HAUTE, IND. TOLEDO, OHIO TOPEKA, KAN. WATERTOWN. S. D. WICHITA. KAN. WINONA, MINN. ill^] Jiijl HARVESTER PRESS