World Arts The Guide to International Arts Exchange The International Program National Endowment for the Arts national endowment for^(j*7the ARTS A Letter from the Chairman ^Jrums of Africa echo across America. The grace of an Indonesian dancer finds a partner on the stage of the New York City Ballet. A line drawn by a Finnish designer is picked up and continued in Chicago. The hands that mold clay on a turning potter's wheel may belong to an artist in Morocco, Spain, New Zealand or New Mexico. A fiddler in Donegal plays a tune in the same high lonesome sounds heard in the hills of Appalachia. Shakespeare is being performed tonight in Sydney, Toron- to, Sao Paulo, and Boston. A woman paints a still life in Tokyo, in Warsaw, in Quito, in San Francisco. Art is a universal language, one that breaks the barriers of speech and custom to remind us time and again of our common humanity. To understand ourselves and our brothers and sis- ters in nations across the globe, we only need look closely at their art and the spirit within it. Recognizing the importance of discovering what unites peoples, the U.S. government is committed to international arts exchange, and the National Endowment for the Arts is one Federal agency helping make that exchange possible and fruitful. The small, growing International Pro- gram at the Arts Endowment assists United States artists and arts institutions as they strengthen their international ties. The Pro- gram has information and insights on interna- tional cultural activities unmatched elsewhere in this country. Because of the complexities of the network that exists throughout the United States for international cultural exchange, our International Program has developed this clear and concise guidebook. This guide serves two purposes. The first is to introduce you to the work of our Interna- tional Program and how it complements the work of other federal, state, and local govern- ment entities to promote arts exchange. The second purpose is to provide a comprehensive and user-friendly source of information for those interested in international arts exchange. In addition to its modest grants program, our International Program functions as a sign- post to direct artists and arts organizations to other sources of information and funding that make possible international cultural exchange. An extraordinary interest in international arts exchange has manifested itself in every corner of our vast country. From New York City to Los Angeles, from Omaha to Albuquerque, communities large and small are recognizing that international arts exchange can provide unmatched experience for their artists and en- hance the prestige and economic vitality of their city or town. With our limited funds, we cannot hope to address this groundswell of interest. Therefore, we have developed this guide to help you find who in the often per- plexing array of public and private flinders can support the work you are doing. We want to put these resources at your fingertips. So turn the pages and you will discover a world of opportunities. Jane Alexander Chairman National Endowment for the Arts Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries A Note from the Director Ihe Arts Endowment's International Program is devoted to broadening the scope of experi- ence of American artists to enrich the art that they create. Its activities help increase world- wide recognition of the excellence, diversity, and vitality of the arts of the United States. In addition, it supports innovative international endeavors that increase arts audiences and deepen public understanding of the cultural influences from abroad that invigorate Ameri- can society. Through all its work, the Pro- gram helps American artists and arts organiza- tions develop international ties that strengthen the many art forms of the United States. The Endowment's in-depth involvement in international activities began in 1978. We provided support to the United States Infor- mation Agency (USIA), which aims to in- crease international understanding of U.S. so- ciety, for its international arts programs. In 1984, the Endowment established the Office of International Activities whose role was to serve as an advocate for U.S. arts and artists internationally. Recognizing the need to take a greater leadership role to support interna- tional arts activities and information exchanges, the Arts Endowment formally created the International Program in 1993. When I began my tenure as director in September 1990, I felt strongly that the Pro- gram should serve not only as a funding re- source, but also as an advocate and source of information for artists and arts organizations to help foster international arts exchanges. International elements are routinely integrated into the art that is created and presented throughout the United States. The increasing demand for support has severely strained the modest resources available to fund internation- ally-based work. The need to identify new resources to support international arts ex- changes has been an impetus for creating this guide. We have provided information on as many resources as are known to us that provide funding or information to artists or arts organ- izations wishing to work internationally. We do realize, however, that the information is only useful when it is current and accurate. We therefore encourage you to share your views, comments and experiences with us, so that we can update and improve this guide. If we have missed any resources, please write us about them and we will include them in future edi- tions. The entries in the guide are based on exhaustive research and interviews with each organization that is listed. All entrants have agreed to be included, though a listing in this guide in no way constitutes an endorsement of any organization by the U.S. Government. My sincere gratitude to all those involved in this massive undertaking. Merianne Glickman Director International Program ACKNOWLEDGEMENTiS ■ rofound thanks to Allison Sarnoff S offer for the diligence and attention she dedicated to this publication. She enthusiastically embraced the task of overseeing the year-long research ef- fort. My thanks as well to all those who contrib- uted to the writing and compilation of this document, particularly to Julie Pinchuk who became our expert-in-residence after spending a year of long hours dedicated to the guide. Negar Ahkami, Wendy Bradley, Jann Darsie, Shirley Davis, Ed Dulles, Jane Engelstad, Kimberly Graves, Andrea Harris, Brian Hen- derson, Cristina Higgins, Jonathan Ginsburg Esq., Tish Johnson, Ashley Kraus, Silvio, Pennie Ojeda, Malcolm L. Richardson, Kath- erine Slusher de Vilallonga, Barry Szczesny, Esq., Megan Thompson, Robin Thorner, and Sandra Tisiot also made invaluable contribu- tions to this publication. Arts Endowment Publications Director Philip Kopper and Andrea Theresa Sanseverino Galan also deserve special mention for their tireless production efforts. My deep gratitude to Artists Equity Asso- ciation, Inc.(AEA) for being willing to make the publication available on disk. To pur- chase it through AEA, please call (800) 727- 6232 or write PO Box 28068, Washington, DC 20038-8068 for information. Artists Equity Association is the advocacy and service organ- ization serving America's visual artists. My appreciation as well to Arts Wire for making this guide available on-line. To access the guide on-line you may contact Arts Wire at (602) 829-0815 (E-Mail: Finally, a special thank you to the govern- ment agencies, service organizations, corpora- tions and foundations who provided entries. M.G. PartOne: Resources for International Arts Exchange Chapter 1: An Introduction to International Arts Resources Ihroughout the United States communities are recognizing that international arts inter- change of the highest caliber provides un- matched experience for their artists, enhances the prestige and economic vitality of their towns, sparks interest to participate in the global marketplace, and improves the quality of life. Education is at the core of international exchange, and through increased access to such activities, the more than 170 different ethnic groups represented in this country learn more about the roots of their own cultures and those of other societies. International cultural events foster cultural literacy and greater audi- ence interest in a wide range of art forms. In addition, communities have found that expo- sure to a variety of cultural traditions engen- ders greater mutual respect among their dif- ferent cultural groups. Today, there is heightened international- ism in all aspects of U.S. society. Changing political, social and economic conditions in this country and around the world have stimulated international exchanges in the arts. It remains difficult, however, to obtain sup- port for these activities. As more artists seek to explore the artistic expressions of their cul- tural and ethnic heritages, and more organiza- tions seek to collaborate with traditional and contemporary artists abroad, the resources to fund this work are in great demand. In writing this guide, we have tried to respond to what we detect to be a growing interest in international work in the arts. Ev- ery day our office receives calls from poten- tial applicants seeking advice on how to make their international project happen. By far, the most commonly asked ques- tion is "Where can I go for funding?" Some ask about contacts abroad, embassy connec- tions, or how to plan a residency. Others want information on obtaining a visa for visiting foreign artists or themselves. Questions vary widely in scope, and the International Pro- gram staff senses an urgent need in the field for a central resource providing basic answers and guidance to artists and arts adnunistrators interested in international exchange. This guide represents our attempt to assemble informa- tion gathered over the past three years. It is organized in two parts. Part I provides annotated information about potential hinders and service organizations; Part II is a directory with various listings of resources for interna- tional art activities. Chapter Two outlines federal government programs, including the National Endowment for the Arts, the United States Information Agency, and other less ob- vious agencies that may support international work. The private funding community's inter- national interests are profiled in Chapter Three. To compile this information, we conducted a phone survey of hinders listed in the National Guide to Funding in Arts and Culture (1992) and the Directory of International Corporate Giving in America and Abroad (1993). As important as the dollars are, so, too, are the people who can put you in touch with others to help you carry out your project. Service organization staff members are linked to a network of contacts in their particular field that can be of great assistance. Chapter Four includes information on service organi- zations that have indicated an ability and a willingness to help artists with international work. These organizations can assist you by providing international contacts, referrals, tech- nical assistance and/or travel grants. Finally, it is of utmost importance to de- velop contacts with the arts community in your region and abroad before your trip. Your introduction conversations and letters will lead you to con- tacts in your country of interest. Many promi- nent cultural organizations can provide artists with specific information based on their par- ticular needs (eg., contacts, housing, funding). Part II, the Directory of Resources, provides Listings of those organizations, including state and local arts agencies and organizations abroad such as binational centers, government ministries, service organizations, presenting organizations, foundations and corporations whose assistance can be invaluable in re- sponding to your specific requests. For Those Contemplating Work Abroad Realizing how much work is involved in launch- ing an international project, you must hon- estly assess whether now is the appropriate time for you or your organization to embark on one. Keep in mind that you will have to devote much time and effort to make the project successful. Should you decide to pro- ceed, however, a deeply meaningful experi- ence may await you. ~ For some artists and organizations, work- ing abroad is an important "next step* in their work as they prepare to expand their horizons and move on to a new level of exposure, both of their art to new audiences and of themselves to new experiences. Some note a strong desire to explore their roots. Others want to study with a master teacher, to learn new skills, or to seek out topical subject matter, traditions or styles. After mastering their discipline and their home environment, they are ready to move beyond; experiencing another culture becomes a necessary outgrowth of their work. Others are motivated by a drive to re-experi- ence that common bond, that universality, reflected in the human condition that is so often the fabric of art. What makes some international projects successful while others are less so? Frequently, it is the project director's commitment to mak- ing the project happen. A visionary force com- bined with a determined confidence drives the best international projects. You must truly want your project to happen, because it re- quires extraordinary resourcefulness to initi- ate the contacts and raise the money to accom- plish an international endeavor successfully. In many ways, the task of raising funds can be likened to a job search. Networks of busi- ness colleagues, friends, and other artists can all provide contacts with others who share an interest in a foreign country. Often, it takes a groundswell of support, mustered by you, to attract positive attention to your project from the media, your local and state governments, and local businesses. Because there are so few funders for international activities, you may have to put some of your own money toward turning your idea into a reality. For an artist or an organization just starting in the interna- tional realm, local fundraising is likely to be most fruitful. For example, good old fashioned bake sales, car washes, and raffles have helped many Arts Endowment grantees raise start-up funds for their international projects. Project Research It is important to explore cultural values and sensitivities in the culture with which you wish to work. These include concepts of time, physical space, gender role, religious practices, political, economic, and social issues in the country and with respect to the United States. For example, a woman artist going to work in a Muslim society should thoroughly famil- iarize herself with customs that might restrict her access to Muslim communities. Religious practices (holidays, fast days) can also affect your schedule. Find out the dates of national and religious holidays. Will they interfere with your work, either because of the national mood or the lack of availability of local artists or master teachers? Will stores be closed? Do you want to observe religious practices? Will they be open to you as an outsider? Informal Introduction informational interviews with regional experts in the United States (found through culture- specific service organizations and in local universities) may facilitate your work by pro- viding valuable overseas contacts. You should also examine practical matters such as climate, food, housing, transportation, local and international communications, and language interpretation. You should identify which supplies you will need to take from the United States, and which are available in your country of destination, and for what price. If you create new work abroad that you cannot carry with you on your return, you will want to investigate shipping costs. Garnering Resources Research the resources in the country you wish to visit, while simultaneously learning every- thing you can about your home business com- munity. Many of your answers, funds and contacts will come from state or local sources. National resources can also be of tremendous assistance. This book has been designed to guide you through the extensive network of organizations nationwide that can help you achieve your international goals. A good place to begin your search is the local chamber of commerce. Contact that of- fice to find out if your country of destination does business with your community. Identify common interests, evaluate how they coincide with yours, and begin thinking of ways to develop a relationship based on possible shared interests. In addition, contact your state and local governments through the appropriate arts agencies; many work internationally with Sister Cities International or Partners of the Americas. Some are engaged in specific ex- change programs as well. For example, Oklahoma's State Arts Council and the state's Tourism and Recreation Department, jointly funded six Oklahoma groups to go to Mexico to perform at the Oktoberfest in Guadalajara, Jalisco (Oklahoma's sister state through Part- ners of the Americas). When applying to a private funder or a government funding program, keep the fol- lowing in mind. First, if they request a work sample, submit one of the highest quality. The importance of this aspect of your proposal cannot be overemphasized. An intelligently written application cannot counteract a me- diocre work sample. If your work sample compels, your proposal may receive the ben- efit of the doubt, but not vice versa. You may even consider developing a new work sample that draws a clear connection between your art and your project abroad. Your work sample should be as relevant as possible to the work you intend to do abroad. If there is a formal application or instruc- tions on how to submit proposals, read them carefully and do exactly what is requested. Most hinders have program officers who can provide technical assistance by phone once you are thoroughly familiar with the applica- tion requirements. Important points to high- light in your proposal might be: artistic excel- lence and achievements; why you have chosen your country of destination; the planning you have done to make the project feasible; and why you wish to work abroad at this point in your career. Respond directly to any questions posed and be as specific as possible about col- laborators and contacts abroad. Costs should be accurate and reflect in-depth research and planning. Finally, choose your supporting ma- terials judiciously. Send only the required materials, not everything available. The more concise your application, the more it will hold its readers' attention. Those reviewing grant applications consider a huge amount of mate- rial and rarely have the time to read every word. Preparing for Travel As your plans solidify, you may want to seek assistance from the embassy of your country of destination. When calling, ask for the cultural Introduction attache. Be clear about the kind of information you require and build in waiting time for the attache to gather the information you need. Embassies can help you in a variety of ways. Many m aintain connections in their home countries with arts organizations, festival orga- nizers, and exhibition planners looking for U.S. artists to participate in events abroad. The embassy's cultural staff may also be familiar with foreign arts organizations interested in international exchange or institutions that ad- vance cultural awareness about their home countries. As you prepare to travel, you might con- tact relevant domestic and foreign commercial airlines. Corporate giving policies vary, so ask for specific guidelines and application advice; remember to approach both national and re- gional airline marketing offices, as their giving policies often differ. U.S. and foreign airlines occasionally donate airline tickets or cargo space or may offer discount fares to nonprofit organizations or individuals of significant ar- tistic achievement. As each request is consid- ered separately, try to be as detailed as possible in your application letter. Describe your proj- ect and try to illustrate how your international arts activities may benefit the airline's cor- porate agenda. You may need to obtain a visa to work abroad and you should allow ample time for the visa application process. Requirements for U.S. citizens and permanent residents of the U.S. vary from country to country. To obtain information on requirements for your country of interest, contact the nearest appropriate consulate or the embassy in Washington, DC. (See Part EI.) Before inquiring about specific visa regulations, you should be able to provide the following information to determine the correct visa category: a) the length of time of your intended stay; b) the reason for your visit - tourism, grant work, or business; c) whether you will be paid by an entity in the host country; d) the source of your payment or grant. With this information, the consulate will be able to determine your visa status. In addition, ask about any restrictions on your activity abroad. For example, artists trav- eling to Japan on a grant are not allowed to "moon-light," or take on any paid work other than that for which they received the grant. Also inquire about extensions of stay, should you decide to prolong your visit while abroad. For example, U.S. citizens traveling in Spain for up to three months need only a passport; an additional three-month extension may be ob- tained from a Spanish police station. Staying longer than six months requires either a stu- dent or resident visa. Compare these laws with Indonesia's, where U.S. tourists may not ex- tend their stay beyond two months, unless they are traveling on business. Hosting Artists from Abroad If your international activity focuses on host- ing a foreign artist or group in this country, much of the preceding information on re- search, networking, and fundraising should be useful. In addition, you should be aware of the special nature of the commitment to host some- one from abroad, particularly if the artists' stay in your community would be their first in- depth experience in the United States. Re- moved from their usual support networks, most artists will expect that their hosts will help them set up social as well as work related activities, just as they would do for U.S. artists visiting in their country. This is especially true if the artists speak limited English. These ac- tivities might include educational field trips to sites of interest, social gatherings, professional introductions to others in their field, or being available to lend a helping hand throughout the residency period. Volunteers who support your organization as well as local International Visitors Councils are likely resources to help in this regard. A foreign artist's knowledge of your orga- nization and expectations may differ from those of U.S. artists. Artists from abroad could 10 Introduction have more than the usual number of questions about work space, schedules, materials, accom- modations, food preparation, finances, social activities, etc. To avoid possible misunder- standings, provide very specific information, preferably in writing, to each visiting artist on these issues. If you are bringing international artists to present to your audiences, it is important to plan for adequate community outreach both to local immigrant groups and to other audiences you have identified for this work. If you are hoping to expand your audiences through this international presentation, you should build in sufficient lead time to foster communication with diverse cultural groups. To take fullest advantage of the visit of your guest artists from abroad, it is useful to plan lecture/demonstrations, workshops, mas- ter classes or other opportunities for interac- tion with local artists and interested commu- nity members. Working collaboratively with schools, universities, community centers, and culture-specific organizations can lead to the development of excellent educational materi- als about the artists and the art forms that they represent, and this will attract broader, better informed audiences to your presentations. Conclusion The International Program staff compiled the information in this guide to lead you through the process of planning and raising funds for international arts exchange. In so doing, we hoped to circumvent many of your blind calls, while at the same time, providing ideas and fresh insights on developing new and effective project related contacts. There is no way around the time-consuming nature of this work, but we hope our efforts help you make better use of your time as your ideas evolve into plans. Please let us know if you find the infor- mation useful. We also want to hear about unnecessary or incorrect entries, and we are open to your suggestions for future revisions. Write with your comments to: The Guide, International Program, National Endowment for the Arts, 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC, 20506-0001. We wish you well as you embark on your work. 11 12 Chapter 2: U.S. Government Agencies I he most obvious federal sources for art- ists working abroad are the National Endow- ment for the Arts and the United States Infor- mation Agency (USIA). Both government agencies sponsor American artistic expression abroad. In addition, the Arts Endowment sup- ports innovative international endeavors in the United States that increase arts audiences and deepen the American public's understand- ing of the cultural influences from abroad that invigorate U.S. society. You will find informa- tion on each agency's various programs throughout this section. In addition to these funding initiatives, the Arts Endowment and USIA have become important resources for information and contacts abroad because of the wealth of knowledge they each possess about international arts activities. Beyond the Arts Endowment and USIA, the federal government probably isn't the first source that comes to mind for your interna- tional work in the arts. Yet other federal agen- cies may be able to provide assistance and should not be overlooked. For example, the Smithsonian Institution has a separate Office of International Relations that has, in the past, conducted artistic and cultural exchanges. The Department of Housing and Urban De- velopment, while restricted by a lack of funds, can also serve as an excellent resource for referrals for architects and design artists. A more complete list follows. Finally, you may find it useful to contact state and local arts agencies; many work inter- nationally through Sister Cities International or Partners of the Americas. Some administer programs of their own. According to the Arts Endowment's 1994 survey, approximately two thirds of state arts agencies currently support international activities. In 1992, the National Assembly of Local Arts Agencies conducted a similar sur- vey on the local level revealing that 51.9 per- cent of 208 respondents were involved in international arts exchange. You will find a list of those agencies that responded positively to these surveys in Part II. If you do not see yours listed, however, do not assume it is due to a lack of interest. Many existing programs were prompted by constituent calls. Yours could be the next inspiration. NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE ARTS The International Program The Arts Endowment's International Program assists a broad spectrum of artists and arts organizations through advocacy, informational services (such as national workshops, publica- tions and individual counseling) and modest grantmaking activities. You will find a list of funding categories within the International Program below. Please note that several Inter- national Program categories are administered by outside arts organizations. In these cases, applications and letters of intent should be sent directly to the addresses listed. International Projects Initiative (IPI) IPI offers grants to U.S. cultural nonprofit organizations to support sustained partner- ships, artistic exchange, or collaborations with artists and organizations abroad. Such partner- ships may involve any artistic discipline and may take place in the U.S. or in another country. Through this category the International Program seeks to support exemplary arts projects that demonstrate: ♦ significant expertise in and sensitivity to the foreign culture(s) involved; 13 U.S. Government Agencies ♦ responsiveness to the needs of the applicant organization's own community/ constituency; ♦ efforts to impart benefits of interna- tional interchange to other organizations and/or wider audiences. The International Program encourages applications from U.S. nonprofit organiza- tions serving the diverse cultural communi- ties in this country for projects that involve interaction with their cultures of origin and/ or that establish ties with other cultural com- munities. In addition, the Program encourages project applications that promote the pres- ervation of traditional, community based skills in the face of global industrialization and ur- banization. The Program welcomes new organiza- tional initiatives and is equally concerned with strengthening existing programs that meet the Initiative's overall goals. Organiza- tions should not propose projects that are beyond their staff and financial means or that can be sustained only with continued Arts Endowment funding. Limitations: No grants to individuals. Application Procedure: Contact the Inter- national Program for IPI guidelines. Contact: International Program National Endowment for the Arts 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20506 (202) 682-5422 Please note: You may request guidelines from the receptionist. The Program Specialist will answer further questions after you have read Program materials. Arts Link ArtsLink enables U.S. artists and arts organi- zations to work collaboratively with their counterparts, both in this country and in the former bloc countries of Central Europe, East- ern Europe, the former Soviet Union, and the Baltics. ArtsLink has two main components: ArtsLink Collaborative Projects and ArtsLink Fellowships. ArtsLink Collaborative Projects supports U.S. artists working on mutually beneficial projects with colleagues abroad. U.S. artists may apply for grants to pursue artistic collabo- rations and artistic exchange that will enrich their work and/or to create new work that draws inspiration from the international expe- rience. ArtsLink Fellowships provides matching funds to U.S. organizations interested in host- ing an artist or arts administrator from Eastern or Central Europe or the former Soviet Union for a five-week residency in the United States. Applicant organizations must design a hands- on fellowship experience that provides oppor- tunities for the visiting professional to interact with peers and the community at large. ArtsLink is a partnership of the National Arts Endowment, the Open Society Fund/ Soros Centers for Contemporary Arts, The Starr Foundation, The Trust for Mutual Un- derstanding, and Citizen Exchange Council. Application Procedure: Interested artists and organizations should apply directly to Citizen Exchange Council. Contact: ArtsLink Arts and Media Programs Citizen Exchange Council 12 West 31st Street New York, NY 10001-4415 (212) 643-1985 Fund for U.S. Artists at International Festivals and Exhibitions The Fund is a partnership of the Arts Endow- ment, the U.S. Information Agency, The 14 U.S. Government Agencies Rockefeller Foundation and The Pew Chari- table Trusts. It is managed by Arts Interna- tional, a division of the Institute for Interna- tional Education. For ease of reference, we have listed it only once. (See page x.) Please refer back to this page when appropriate. Performing Arts The Fund supports U.S. performing artists who have been invited to an international festival abroad and need additional support to make their performance possible. Application Procedure: Interested artists should apply directly to Arts International. Deadlines fall three times a year. Grants will not be given for participation in festivals that have taken place before the application dead- line or within nine weeks following the dead- line. Contact: Arts International Institute of International Education 809 United Nations Plaza New York, NY 10017 (212) 984-5370 Visual Arts The Fund also supports U.S. participation at an extremely limited number of international visual arts exhibitions such as the Venice Bien- nale and the Sao Paulo Bienal, as well as smaller venues around the world. (Exhibitions vary annually.) Only curators, not individual art- ists, may apply to this highly competitive cat- egory. Applications will be reviewed by the Federal Advisory Committee on International Exhibitions. Application Procedure: Contact USIA to have your name placed on a mailing list of cur- ators interested in developing exhibitions for these venues abroad. You will receive periodic information on events the Fund sponsors. Contact: Fund for U.S. Artists at Interna- tional Exhibitions, Arts America Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs United States Information Agency 301 4th Street, SW Washington, DC 20547 (202) 6194783 United States/Japan Creative Artists' Fellowships The United States/Japan Creative Artists' Fel- lowships are six-month fellowships in Japan. The fellowships are designed to allow five U.S. artists who create original work to pursue their individual artistic goals and interests by living in Japan, observing developments in their field and meeting with their professional counter- parts in Japan. Potential applicants should con- sider how exposure to Japan and its contem- porary or traditional arts and culture might provide an important influence on their cre- ative work; in what ways working in Japan is consistent with their artistic vision; and how the activities they plan to pursue in Japan will enhance their creative goals. There are no requirements for artistic cre- ation, teaching, or public demonstration while in Japan. In addition, there are no structured institutional affiliations or living arrangements for fellows, allowing each artist maximum flexibility in designing his or her own fellow- ship activities. International House in Tokyo will help make introductions into the artistic community throughout Japan and will assist selected artists with the logistics of settling in for their six-month stay. United States/Canada/Mexico Creative Artists' Residencies The United States/Canada/Mexico Creative Artists' Residencies are designed to enable twenty U.S. artists (ten in Canada, ten in Mexico) to have structured interaction with 15 U.S. Government Agencies colleagues and interested audiences in Canada or Mexico. Artists are matched with host sites for two-month residencies during which they can observe artistic developments in their fields, expand their understanding of an art form, and create new work drawing inspira- tion from their experience abroad. An integral part of these residencies will be public activities such as master classes, workshops, in-school residencies, collaborations with civic organi- zations and lecture demonstrations designed jointly by the host organization and the visit- ing artist. Artists should anticipate dedicating up to eight hours a week to these activities. U.S. arts organizations please note: Com- plementing these opportunities for U.S. art- ists, Canada and Mexico will each send ten artists (twenty total) for two-month residen- cies with U.S. arts organizations. If you are interested in hosting Canadian or Mexican visiting artists, call the International Program to request the Host Organization Program Announcement. Limitations: Candidates must select Japan, Canada, or Mexico and may not apply for more than one fellowship or residency in a given year. Candidates are ineligible if, within the last ten years, they have spent more than three months working professionally in the country they wish to visit. Application Procedure: Contact the Pro- gram for individual artist guidelines. Contact: International Program National Endowment for the Arts 1 100 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20506 (202) 682-5422 U.S. INFORMATION AGENCY (USIA) The United States Information Agency is an independent foreign affairs agency within the executive branch of the U.S. Government. USIA's educational and cultural activities are conducted to advance its mission of promoting mutual understanding between the United States and other nations. Your major point of contact at USIA will be the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, which oversees numerous programs and services for arts and cultural exchange. The Bureau of Broadcasting may also be of assistance for radio and other forms of interna tional communication regarding the arts. The following is a descriptive listing of USIA's various programs. For detailed information, please contact the appropriate USIA office. The agency maintains more than 200 U.S. Information Service (USIS) "posts" staffed by American foreign service officers and foreign nationals in more than 120 countries. (The U.S. Information Agency is known as USIS abroad.) See Part II for a complete list of USIS posts. Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs Within this Bureau, you may seek assistance from Arts America, the Office of Cultural Centers and Resources, the Office of Aca- demic Programs, the Office of Citizen Ex- changes, the Office of International Visitors and the Cultural Property Staff. Arts America Arts America administers programs aimed at increasing foreign understanding of the diverse creative arts of the United States. Arts America resources are highly targeted to reach audi- ences in countries with limited exposure to American culture. Arts America's activities are developed in response to requests from U.S. Embassies abroad. Expert panels drawn from the U.S. arts community review the artistic merit of U.S. artists to work abroad and make recommendations for USIA support. In 16 U.S. Government Agencies addition to its program activities, Arts America can assist privately-sponsored arts initiatives abroad by providing referrals, information and contacts in other countries. Arts America also supports the Fund for U.S. Artists at Interna- tional Festivals and Exhibitions. (See page xx.) With the exception of its Creative Arts Ex- changes Division, Arts America is not a grant application program. Rather it develops pro- grams to meet specific U.S. Embassy needs. Contact: Arts America Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs United States Information Agency 301 4th Street SW Washington, DC 20547 (202) 619-4779 Within Arts America there are several pro- grams or areas of concentration: Artistic Ambassador Program This program is designed to enhance cross- cultural exchange by sending new musical tal- ent abroad to perform and act as exponents of American music. Artistic Ambassadors give regular public concerts and lecture-recitals and may conduct master classes and workshops. Eligible musicians are sought from music schools, conservatories, colleges and universi- ties throughout the United States. They must be citizens of the United States, and at least 21 years of age. Auditions are held each fall in various locations throughout the United States. Judges evaluate musical ability and suitability as a "good will ambassador." Instruments re- quested vary each year. Performing Arts Program Every year Arts America sponsors a limited number of fully-funded dance, music and the- ater presentations abroad. Artists are selected based on criteria that include artistic excel- lence and an ability to explain and demonstrate their art. This last criterion is important be- cause in addition to performances, overseas tours often involve workshops, master classes and receptions. Arts America, in cooperation with the sponsoring U.S. embassy, provides international travel, living expenses, perfor- mance fees and technical arrangements. They concentrate their efforts in countries where American performers rarely appear com- mercially. Sponsorship and facilitative assis- tance by Arts America is generally limited to professional performing artists and groups. Arts America does not support amateur or community groups, or any groups below uni- versity age. Speaker and Cultural Specialist Program This program is designed to foster the ex- change of ideas in the areas of creative and performing arts. Expert practitioners of the arts are recruited in response to requests made by U.S. embassies and foreign cultural and educational institutions. Arts America speak- ers usually spend two weeks abroad in two or more countries lecturing; American cultural specialists spend up to six weeks in one country working and consulting with foreign colleagues, as well as conducting workshops and master classes. Fine Arts Exhibitions Arts America funds exhibitions which are pre- sented under the auspices of U.S. embassies. Proposals from U.S. museums and indepen- dent curators are reviewed by a panel which makes recommendations to Arts America. The Arts America staff selects projects for devel- opment that meet program needs of USIS posts overseas. The staff works with the selected U.S. organizer to prepare the exhibition and set the itinerary, usually from ten to fifteen venues in a two- to three-year period. The exhi- bitions are presented at major foreign muse- ums and at American cultural centers in all 17 U.S. Government Agencies parts of the world. The Arts America fine arts exhibition program is not a grant applica- tion program and is not intended to provide support for international exhibition tours whose venues have already been determined. Curators may contact Arts America for addi- tional information. BNC Circuit The BNC Circuit is a small program with limited funding administered by Arts Ameri- ca. Under this program, small U.S. performing arts groups and visual arts exhibitions travel to binational centers across Latin America. (See page xx). Due to the limited facilities and small budgets of mostBNCs, only technically simple, small-scale performances and exhibitions are considered. For further information, write to Arts America. Creative Arts Exchanges Division The Creative Arts Exchanges Division seeks to link American arts and museum profession- als and institutions with their counterparts in other countries. It accomplishes this goal through projects that connect professional networks in the United States with USIS cul- tural offices at American diplomatic missions around the world. The American networks provide USIS of- fices access to quality arts and museum activity in the United States, and vice versa. The divi- sion administers a grant program for American nonprofit organizations that helps fund such international linkages; serves as guide, commu- nicator and monitor of the networks created by the projects it funds; and encourages pri- vate sector support so as to ensure follow-up and continuity in the linkages so created. This division periodically announces in the Federal Register requests for proposals (RFPs) to sup- port projects of the highest quality arts endeav- ors. (Contact Arts America to be notified of RFP dates.) Contact: Creative Arts Exchanges Division United States Information Agency 301 4th Street SW #224 Washington, DC 20547 (202) 619-5338 Office of Cultural Centers and Resources Within the Office of Cultural Centers and Resources, the Centers Management Staff may be of interest: Centers Management Staff Binational Centers (BNCs) are independent, self-sustaining, nonprofit institutions estab- lished in a number of countries to provide cultural and educational programs relating both to each institution's home country and to the United States. Over 80 percent of these centers are located in Latin America, with additional centers in Europe and East Asia. Over the past several years, USIA has decreased its mone- tary support of BNCs, but the agency still maintains strong relations with many of them. BNCs can provide contacts in the local arts community and space for performances, exhibitions and/or rehearsals. In addition, they may be able to furnish artists fees and publicity for U.S. artists wishing to perform or exhibit abroad. (See Part II for a list of BNCs by country.) Contact: Centers Management Staff United States Information Agency 301 4th Street SW #304 Washington DC, 20547 (202) 619-5876 Office of Academic Programs The Office of Academic Programs administers a number of exchanges with arts components. Within this office, the Division for Advising, 18 U.S. Government Agencies Teaching and Specialized Programs, and the Academic Exchanges Division may be of inter- est. The Division for Advising, Teaching and Specialized Programs administers the Fulbright Teacher Exchange, supports cultural enrich- ment activities for foreign students in the United States, and awards grants for university affih ations in a wide variety of academic disciplines. Contact: Advising, Teaching and Specialized Programs Division United States Information Agency 301 4th Street SW #349 Washington, DC 20547 (202) 619-5434 Academic Exchanges Division This division administers the Fulbright Pro- gram, which is divided into awards for post- doctoral level scholars (or equivalent), and pre- doctoral level scholars. Many of the Fulbright grants awarded each year go to scholars or practicing artists in music, theater, dance, art and art history, and American literature. The Council for International Exchange of Schol- ars administers the Fulbright Scholar Program for artists with an MFA degree, professional experience and recognition in their arts field. Recipients of these awards use funds to lecture at foreign colleges or universities, or to receive advanced professional training. Highly quali- fied, non-degree artists and craftspeople are also considered. The Institute of International Education administers the student fellowship portion of the Fulbright Program, (up to the MFA level for artists). These awards are for graduate study, research and practical training. Most Fulbright awards are made for specific disciplines in specific areas, however, many coun-tries have "open" fellowship slots that can be filled by persons from any field, includ- ing the arts. Application Procedure: Contact the Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES) for the Scholar Program (post-MFA), or the Institute of International Education for the Student Program (pre-MF A) to determine avail- ability of fellowships in your country of inter- est, and to receive application materials. Contact: Liaison Office, Council for Inter- national Exchange of Scholars 3007 Tilden Street NW #5M Washington, DC 20008-3009 (202) 686-7866 Institute of International Education 809 United Nations Plaza New York, NY 10017 (212) 883-8200 Office of Citizen Exchanges The Newly Independent States (NIS) Youth Exchanges Initiative and the European Divi- sion support youth exchanges for the region. These include the Samantha Smith Memorial Exchange Program and the NIS Secondary School Initiative which award grants to institu- tions for youth exchanges with the Newly Independent States and Eastern Europe. These exchanges encompass many fields, including the arts. Application Procedure: RFP's are publish- ed annually. Contact: Office of Citizen Exchanges United States Information Agency 301 4th Street, SW #357 Washington, DC 20547 (202) 619-6299 Office of International Visitors U.S. embassies abroad nominate foreign lead- ers in diverse professions, including the arts, to travel across the United States to meet with their professional counterparts and experience 19 U.S. Government Agencies American culture firsthand. USIA distinguishes between two types of International Visitors (TVs): "grantees" and "voluntary visitors." Grantees are fully funded, while voluntary visitors come at their own expense or at the expense of their government and receive pro- gramming and facilitative assistance. Limitations: Not open to U.S. citizens. Application Procedure: This is not an appli- cation program. Instead, USIS posts make the nominations for these highly competitive grants from among an embassy's target audiences overseas. International Visitors program ad- ministrators in Washington can be contacted for general program background and informa- tion. Contact: Office of International Visitors United States Information Agency 301 4th Street, SW #255 Washington, DC 20547 (202) 619-5217 Cultural Property Staff The Cultural Property Staff of USIA is the focus of U.S. government implementation of the 1970 UNESCO Convention on illicit trade in cultural property. It administers the Cultural Property Advisory Committee, which oversees USLVs delegated executive responsi- bilities under the Cultural Property Imple- mentation Act. This Act provides that coun- tries signatory to the 1970 Convention may petition the U.S. for import restrictions on certain categories of archaeological and ethno- logical material, the pillage of which places a nation's cultural patrimony in jeopardy. As a result of USIA's decisionmaking responsi- bilities under the Act, several countries, in- cluding El Salvador, Bolivia, Peru and Guate- mala, receive U.S. import protection. Contact: Office of Policy and Evaluation United States Information Agency 301 4th Street, SW #246 Washington, DC 20547 (202) 619-6612 Bureau of Broadcasting The Bureau of Broadcasting includes the Of- fice of Worldnet Television and Film Service and the Office of Voice of America Programs which may be of assistance: Worldnet Television and Film Service Through this office, USIA offers Dialogue, a program of global interchanges for generally recognized experts in many fields, including the arts. Opportunities exist for leading fig- ures in U.S. art and culture to interact with foreign peers through these global, televised conferences. Limitations: None Application Procedure: Contact the Worldnet Television and Film Service to discuss pro- gramming ideas. Embassies overseas make re- quests for these programs which are then de- veloped cooperatively by the requesting post and the artist or arts organization. Contact: Office of Worldnet Television and Film Service Office of the Director 601 D Street, NW #5000 Washington, DC 20547 (202) 501-7806 Office of Voice of America Programs (VOA), Office of External Affairs Artists or groups planning to tour abroad may submit a press release to the Office of External Affairs. Announcements will be considered for broadcast through editorial review; events and tours deemed newsworthy will be trans- 20 U.S. Government Agencies lated and broadcast in the appropriate coun- tries. The VOA may wish to provide full news coverage of an event, including interviews, in which case they will notify the artist(s). Limitations: None Application Procedure: Submit a press re- lease to the Office of External Affairs. Contact: Send fax transmission to: VOA, Office of External Affairs "Forward to appropriate language officer" Fax: (202) 619-1241 Note: Beyond the VOA, you may contact foreign media organizations through each U.S. embassy's Information Officer (IO). You must contact the IO abroad directly at the USIS post abroad. (See Part II for a list of USIS posts.) Additional USIA Assistance Working with USIA on exchange activities may involve contacting Information Officers or Cultural Affairs Officers at their USIS posts. (See Part II.) Further information may be ob- tained from the relevant regional office at USIA: Office of African Affairs (202) 619-4894 Office of American Republics Affairs (202) 619-6835 Office of East Asian and Pacific Affairs (202) 619-4829 Office of Western European Affairs (202) 619-6565 Office of Eastern European and Newly Inde- pendent States Affairs (202) 619-6567 Office of North African, Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs (202) 619-5526 OTHER FEDERAL AGENCIES GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION (GSA) Living Buildings Program This program makes available public space in Federal buildings for cultural and educational activities. GSA's Living Buildings Coordina- tors, located in each of its regional offices throughout the country, can provide details about available facilities: Region 1: National Capital Region: Washing- ton, DC metropolitan area Buildings Services Section GSA Regional Office Building 7th & D Streets SW Washington, DC 20407 (202) 708-6948 Region 2: New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Con- necticut General Services Administration Real Property Management and Safety Division 26 Federal Plaza New York, NY 10278 (212) 264-4262 Region 3: Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Delaware, Pennsylvania General Services Administration, Real Prop- erty Management and Safety Division The Wanamaker Building 100 Penn Square East Philadelphia, PA 19107 (215)656-5991 21 U.S. Government Agencies Region 4: North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky General Services Administration Real Property Management and Safety Division Peachtree Summitt Building 401 West Peachtree Street, NW Atlanta, GA 30365-2550 (404) 331-3121 Region 5: Minnesota, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois General Services Administration Real Property Management and Safety Division Xerox Center, 55 West Monroe Street Chicago, IL 60603 (312) 353-8794 Region 6: Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska General Services Administration Real Property Management and Safety Division Federal Building, 1500 East Bannister Road Kansas City, MO 64131 (816) 926-7241 Region 7: Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Ar- kansas, New Mexico General Services Administration Design and Construction Division 819 Taylor Street Fort Worth, TX 76102 (817) 334-4323 Region 8: Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming General Services Administration, Real Prop- erty Management and Safety Division Denver Federal Center, Building 41 West 6th Avenue and Kipling Street P.O. Box 25006 Denver, CO 80225-0006 (303) 236-7261 Region 9: California, Nevada, Hawaii, Ari- zona General Services Administration Real Prop- erty Management and Safety Division 525 Market Street San Francisco, CA 94105 (415) 744-5684 Region 10: Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washing- ton General Services Administration, Real Prop- erty Management and Safety Division 400 15th Street, SW Auburn, WA 98001 (206) 931-7525 JAPAN-U.S. FRIENDSHIP COMMISSION The Commission supports international arts activities primarily for artists working in con- temporary forms of art, especially collaborative projects and those that reflect the depth and breadth of America's multicultural society. The Commission emphasizes exchanges of per- formances and exhibitions that include venues outside the major metropolitan areas. Limitations: The Commission will not con- sider applications from symphonies and other strictly musical groups, solo performing art- ists, and amateur and university groups. It does not support American museums for staffing costs, acquiring objects, cataloguing existing collections, or touring exhibitions from collec- tions in the United States. Application Procedure: Contact the Commission for application materials. 22 U.S. Government Agencies Contact: Japan-U.S. Friendship Commission 1120 Vermont Avenue NW #925 Washington, DC 20005 (202) 275-7712 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Artists working abroad will find the Library of Congress an invaluable resource. The Library houses publications and films from around the world (in many languages) that may be diffi cult to locate elsewhere in the United States. If you need to conduct in-depth research on your country of destination, the Library of Con- gress may simplify your work significantly, and may warrant a trip to Washington, DC. Before visiting the Library of Congress, you are advised to conduct preliminary research at an appropriate public or academic li-brary to identify the materials you need. Preliminary "browsing" isn't possible because the Library of Congress' collections are housed in re- stricted, closed stacks. Also, the Library of Congress is a research library, not a lending li- brary, so materials cannot be checked out. Re- searchers must be over high school age and must show photo identification to request mate- rials in all of the Library's public reading rooms. Contact: Library of Congress 101 Independence Avenue, SE Washington, DC 20540 (202) 707-5000 In addition to the main library, the American Folklife Center, the Motion Picture, Broad- casting, and Recorded Sound Division, and the Music Division may be helpful resources to working artists. American Folklife Center The Center is a national advocate for the preservation and presentation of American folklife. Serving a varied constituency, the center offers a wide range of programs (field projects, conferences, exhibitions, workshops, concerts, publications) and services (advisory assistance, research and archival facilities, and equipment loan). In addition, it maintains rela- tions and coordinates programs with the Arts and Humanities Endowments, the Smithson ian Institution, and the National Park Service. Contacts: Library of Congress American Folklife Center 101 Independence Avenue, SE Washington, DC 20540 (202) 707-6590 Library of Congress Archive of Folk Culture 101 Independence Avenue SE Washington, DC 20540 (202) 707-5510 Motion Picture, Broadcasting and Recorded Sound Division The Division's research and archival collec- tions include 685,000 motion pictures and videotapes (about 274,000 separate titles) in all genres and formats, ranging from the earli- est motion pictures registered for copyright (1896-1912) to current feature films, television programs, documentaries, and educational films and videos, with an emphasis on American productions. The Division holds 2.3 million sound recordings on disc, tape, wire, and cylin- der, including music (classical, jazz, popular), spoken word, and radio programs dating from the 1920s. Viewing and listening facilities are avail- able at no charge to individual scholars work- ing on serious research projects in the Division's two reading rooms, the Motion Picture and Television Reading Room and the Recorded Sound Reference Center. Viewing facilities require advance appointments. Frequent free evening screenings are also offered in the 23 U.S. Government Agencies Division's 64-seat Mary Pickford Theater. Materials from the archival collections are gen- erally not available for loan. Copying is avail- able but only with written permission from copyright or other rights holders. Contact: Library of Congress, Motion Picture, Broadcasting and Recorded Sound Division 101 Independence Avenue, SE Washington, DC 20540 (202) 707-5840 pivision Office) (202) 707-8572 (Motion Picture and Television Reading Room) (202) 707-7833 (Recorded Sound Reference) Music Division The Division's collections include rare books and manuscripts, personal and organization archives, printed scores, literature about mu- sic, and microforms. Major holdings include manuscripts by all important composers from the eighteenth century to the present, full opera scores, vocal scores, librettos, and Ameri- can popular sheet music. Facilities for audio playback of sound recordings are available. Contact: Library of Congress Music Division 101 Independence Avenue, SE Washington, DC 20540 (202) 707-5503 NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE HUMANITIES The National Endowment for the Humanities supports research in the humanities under- taken by individual scholars through a number of programs in the Division of Fellowships and Seminars, including six- to twelve-month fel- lowships and summer stipends. Collaborative projects are supported through the Division of Research Programs. Projects in the history of the arts, literary studies, philosophy, and other humanities disciplines are eligible. Research may be conducted in this country or abroad. In addition, the Humanities Endowment supports fellowship programs administered by research libraries and museums and other inde- pendent centers for advanced study. The fel- lowships awarded by each center enable schol- ars to pursue research in the humanities while benefiting from collegial association with schol- ars in other disciplines or areas of interest. In 1994-95, the following American overseas cen- ters will offer NEH fellowships: American Academy in Rome, American Institute of In- dian Studies, American Research Center in Egypt (Cairo), American Research Institute in Turkey (Ankara and Istanbul), American School of Classical Studies in Athens, and the Cyprus American Archaeological Research Institute (Nicosia). Individual scholars must apply directly to the centers. A list of centers offering NEH fellowships may be obtained from the Centers and International Research Organizations Program. The Humanities Endowment also supports fellowships and other grant programs in the humanities administered by scholarly organi- zations with expertise in the promotion of research on foreign cultures. Examples are the humanities programs of the Committee for Scholarly Communication with China and the programs of the International Research and Exchanges Board for research in Eastern Eu- rope, Mongolia, and the republics formerly a part of the Soviet Union. Individual scholars must apply directly to the organizations. A full list is available from the Centers and Interna- tional Research Organizations Program. Limitations: Degree candidates and persons seeking support for work in pursuit of a degree are not eligible; foreign nationals are not eli- gible unless they have lived in the United States for the three years immediately preceding the application deadline for the fellowship. 24 U.S. Government Agencies Contacts: National Endowment for the Humanities 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20506 Division of Fellowships and Seminars, #316 (202) 606-8458 Division of Research Programs #318 Collaborative Research Centers and International Research Organizations (202) 606-8210 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION The Smithsonian Institution encourages visit- ing scholars, scientists and students to utilize its research staff, collections and reference materials. In-residence appointments, which vary in duration and funding, enable qualified persons to pursue studies related to existing research interests of one or more Smithson- ian staff members. Art bureaus at the Smithsonian include the National Museum of American Art, the National Museum of Afri- can Art, the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery and the Freer Gallery of Art, the National Portrait Gallery, the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculp- ture Garden, and the Cooper-Hewitt Museum. The Office of International Relations and the Archives of American Art may also be of use. Office of International Relations The Office of International Relations (OIR) assists Smithsonian divisions seeking to estab- lish long-term cooperative relationships with their foreign counterparts. The OIR facilitates workshops, exchange visits, and training courses, and also oversees basic research. The OIR administers the Smithsonian Foreign Currency Program which provides grants in foreign currencies to American researchers who wish to pursue work in countries where funding in local currencies is available. The Smithsonian does not currently offer exchange programs for arts personnel, but maintains a broad international network of contacts and would be able to offer guidance on a variety of issues related to cross-cultural work. Contact: Office of International Relations Smithsonian Institution 1100 Jefferson Drive, SW MRC #705 Washington, DC 20560 (202) 357-2519 Archives of American Art Numbering more than 10 million items, the collections include correspondence, diaries, business papers, journals, and other documen- tation of artists, art institutions, collectors, critics, dealers, and scholars. The Archives also houses some 3,000 oral and video history inter- views, 500,000 photographs, and 75,000 works of art on paper, including artist's sketchbooks. The Archives' research centers are open to the public. Research Centers: New England Regional Center 87 Mount Vernon Street Boston, MA 02108 (617) 565-8444 (Microfilm for this region is housed at the Boston Public Library, Fine Arts Department (617) 536-5400 ext. 275.) New York Research Center 1285 Avenue of the Americas Lobby Level New York, NY 10019 (212) 399-5015 Washington Regional Center AA/PG Building Smithsonian Institution 25 U.S. Government Agencies 8th and F Streets, NW Washington, DC 20560 (202) 357-2781 Midwest Regional Center 5200 Woodward Avenue Detroit, MI 48202 (313) 226-7544 (Contact this center for microfilm inter- library loan.) West Coast Regional Center Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery 1151 Oxford Road San Marino, CA 91108 (818)405-7847 U.S. COMMITTEE OF THE INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON MONUMENTS AND SITES (US/ICOMOS) US/ICOMOS is one of 65 national commit- tees forming a worldwide alliance for the study and conservation of historic buildings, districts and sites. The committee encourages direct exchange of information and expertise between preservationists in the United States and abroad. US/ICOMOS works cooperatively with the National Park Service, the National Trust for Historic Preservation, the State Department, the United States Information Agency, and the Smithsonian Institution, among others. US/ ICOMOS runs an International Summer In- tern Program for graduate students and young pro-fessionals seeking advanced training. Application Procedure: Contact US/ ICOMOS for an application brochure. Contact: US/ICOMOS Decatur House 1600 H Street, NW Washington, DC 20006 (202) 842-1866 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION The Fulbright-Hayes Seminars Abroad Pro- gram help? qualified U.S. educators, including arts educators, to improve their understanding and knowledge of the people and culture of another country through short-term study abroad. Upon their return, participants are ex- pected to share and disseminate their new knowledge and experience. Seminar countries vary each year. Countries include: Brazil, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Hungary, Po- land, India, Indonesia, Israel, Egypt, Japan, Mexico, and Pakistan. Limitation: Provides grants only for full-time educators. Contact: Center for International Education Fulbright-Hayes Seminars Abroad Program 400 Maryland Avenue SW Washington, DC 20202-5332 (202) 732-6061 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT (HUD)/ Office of Policy Development and Research/International This Office can provide design artists, urban planners and architects with referrals, contacts and information for work abroad or exchanges . Artists in these fields have found this office to be an informative resource about colleagues abroad; however limited funding for interna- tional exchange makes grantmaking impos- sible. Contact: Office of Policy Development and Research International 451 7th Street SW Washington, DC 20410 (202) 708-0770 26 U.S. Government Agencies U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE Art in Embassies Program This program places original U.S. art in U.S. embassy residences around the world. Art- work is exhibited in the representational areas where American ambassadors entertain for- eign dignitaries and official guests of the United States. Museums, corporate and private collec- tors, commercial galleries, and individual art- ists lend or donate American art representing all styles, periods and media for the tenure of the ambassador. Application Procedure: Individual artists must submit a resume and a slide sheet of works available for consideration. Submitted slides will be included in an artists registry and presented to new ambassadors after they have been confirmed. Contact: Deputy Director Art in Embassies Program A/ ART; #B258 U.S. Department of State Washington, DC 20520-0258 (202) 647-5723 STATE AND LOCAL AID State and local arts agencies often provide the opportunity for resident artists and arts organi- zations to reach new audiences abroad. They also serve to enrich the cultural life of a state, city, town, suburb, or rural area through ex- posure to visiting foreign artists. The SAAs and LAAs listed in Part II provide some funds for international work. One initiative de- serves special note. The Ohio Arts Council's international arts initiative, Arts 2000, has been in operation since 1987. The program received its impetus from then Governor Richard Celeste's interest in promoting the state's cul- tural resources to other countries. Since 1989, approximately 100 Ohio artists have been able to reach audiences abroad through this pro- gram, which also introduced artists and exhib- its from Japan, China, and Russia to Ohio audiences. VISA INFORMATION If you are an agent, manager, or presenter who wishes to bring a foreign artist or group to the United States to perform, you must petition the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) to authorize a U.S. Consulate to issue the necessary visa(s) for the artist(s) and es sential support personnel. The steps you must take to petition for and obtain a U.S. visa for a foreign artist or group are outlined below. As the guidelines for petitioners are subject to change, only the basic rules are outlined. You may want to consult an immigration lawyer for answers to specific questions. Step 1: Requesting Information Call the nearest local U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) to request an I- 129 Booklet which contains an Application Form 1-129 and the associated instructions. Allow ten working days for the booklet to arrive. In addition, you may want to look up the INS regulations themselves in Volume 8 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Sec- tions 214.2(o) and (p). This is the most reliable source of correct procedures. The CFR can be found in any law library. Step 2: Determining Visa Classifications As you will see when you read through the INS booklet, INS regulations designate a O" and "P" visas for foreign artists and entertainers, including the classifications within each visa category. The regulations describe these vari- ous visa classifications, the relevant proce- dures, and the documents needed to support petitions for each classification. Note that the current edition of the 1-129 instruction booklet (published in 1991) is out- 27 U.S. Government Agencies dated and does not reflect the correct require- ments or procedures. Therefore, until INS issues a new instruction booklet, use extreme caution in applying for the "O" and T" visas, and above all, file your petition(s) as far in advance as possible (up to six months) so that there will be ample time to correct problems. You can use the regulations' descriptions of "O" and "P" visas, the 1-129 form, and the "O" and "P" visa supplements to the 1-129, which are all up-to-date. "O" Visas There are two categories of "O" visas: O-l and 0-2. O-l visas apply to individual artists with extraordinary ability who are temporarily vis- iting the United States to pursue their art form. These artists must demonstrate sustained na- tional or international acclaim for their ex- traordinary artistic accomplishments. Thus, in addition to submitting a properly completed 1-129 form, an "O* visa supple- ment to the 1-129 form, and the correct fee, you will have to provide documentation of the artist's extraordinary ability. To do so, you must either (a) provide evidence that the artist has received a nomination or an actual signifi- cant award in the field (the equivalent of an Academy Award, Emmy or Grammy Award), or (b) provide at least three different types of evidence. These include evidence that the artist has performed and will perform services as a lead or starring participant in productions, events, or for reputable organizations and establishments; critical reviews or articles; evi- dence of commercial or critical success; recog- nition from organizations, critics, government agencies, or other experts in the field; lesser awards/prizes; or evidence that the artist has received high compensation relative to others in the field. Inaddition, you must show that the event for which the artist is applying requires the services of an artist of this caliber. An 0-2 classification applies to non-citi- zens visiting the United States for the sole purpose of accompanying or assisting an O-l artist in his/her artistic performance. The 0-2 visa applicant must be an integral part of the O-l artist's performance, must possess skills and experiences critical to the O-l artist, and must have prior experience with the O-l artist. These skills cannot be general in nature. For example, an experienced operator of a sound system who knows the "correct sound" for an O-l artist is eligible for an 0-2 visa. Managers and agents are considered essential support personnel. You may combine all the support personnel necessary to accompany an O-l art- ist in one 0-2 petition; however, you cannot include 0-2 personnel in an O-l petition. V Visas There are three categories of "P" visas: P-l, P-2, and P-3. A P-l visa applies to interna- tionally acclaimed ensembles or groups, as opposed to individual artists. These ensembles must have been recognized in their fields for a substantial period of time, and have performed regularly for at least one year under the group name used in the petition. Seventy-five per- cent of the P-l artists must be integral mem- bers of the group, usually for at least one year (subject to exceptions in case of unanticipated emergency and of expansion of a group for touring purposes). Your petition must include an alphabetical list of the group's members and the exact dates of their regular employ- ment with the group. You will also have to submit supporting materials to document the group's international acclaim and existence for at least one year, generally with the same type of documentation required for the O-l visas. National acclaim may suffice in some cases. The P-2 classification applies to artists com- ing to the United States under a reciprocal exchange agreement between the United States and an organization in one or more foreign country. At this writing, only a few such agreements exist between U.S. labor orga- nizations and their foreign counterparts. Little 28 U.S. Government Agencies documentation is required for this classifica- tion besides the advisory opinion discussed below. The P-3 classification applies to artists and entertainers participating in culturally unique programs. A P-3 artist must be recognized for excellence in presenting a unique traditional, ethnic, folk, cultural, musical, theatrical, or other artistic program. A P-3 artist may also be recognized for teaching or coaching such a program. Further, the culturally unique pro- gram must incorporate a style, method or medium of artistic expression unique to a particular country, nation, society, class, ethnicity, religion, tribe, or other group. If you apply for a P-3 visa, you must include in your application two of the follow- ing three types of documentation that artists have: (a) performed the culturally unique mate- rial for a substantial period of time; achieved national or international recognition as shown in published materials; (c) achieved recogni- tion from an educational, governmental, or cultural agency, or from a recognized expert in the field. Each P-3 application must also in- clude one or two letters from a recognized expert(s) in the field, attesting to the group's authenticity and excellence, and its level of recognition in a country. The letter must pro- vide detailed credentials for its author. You may include all individuals applying for a single type of "P" visa in one application. However, support personnel needed to assist or accompany applicants for a P" visas require separate petitions, just as the 0-2 petition is separate from its O-l counterpart. The appro- priate visas for support personnel for P-l, P-2, and P-3 visa applicants are, respectively, P-1S, P-2S, and P-3S. Step3: Obtaining a Written Advisory Opinion All "O" and "P" petitions must be accompa- nied by a written advisory opinion, or a "no objection letter" from the national office of an appropriate labor organization, such as the American Federation of Unions, the American Guild of Musical Artists, or the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees. To obtain such an opinion, forward a copy of the petition and the essential supporting document- ation to the appropriate union at least one week before you plain to submit the petition. Step 4: Submission of Materials When submitting the above materials, you must include signed contracts or a summary of the essential terms of any oral agreements with the artist and an itinerary listing the name of each sponsor or presenter, the date and location of each performance throughout the period of the intended visit, and the essential compensation terms. The petition may not be filed more than six months before the starting date of the artist's services in the United States. The turn- around time is three to six weeks, depending on the particular INS Service Center and the completeness of the petition. Be sure to follow the INS instruction carefully for filing details such as place of filing, number of copies, etc. All petitions for artists and support personnel must be filed in duplicate . In addition, there are special procedures for emergency expedit- ed petitions that are specific to each INS Ser- vice Center. Emergency requests are not auto- matically granted; they must be fully justified. The current filing fee is $70, plus $10 for each worker included in the application. For example, for an ensemble of eight with two essential support personnel, the total fee will be $240: [$70 + ($10 x 8)] - $150 for the en- semble; [$70 + ($10x 2)] - $90 for the support personnel. Send all materials via air courier (so that you have a delivery receipt) to one of the following INS Regional Service Centers: USINS, Eastern Service Center 75 Lower Welden Street St. Albans, VT 05479-0001 29 U.S. Government Agencies USINS, Western Service Center 24000 Avila Road Second Floor, Room 2304 Laguna Niguel, CA 92677-0040 USINS, Northern Service Center 100 Centennial Mall North Room B-26 Lincoln, NE 68508 We are most grateful to Jonathan Ginsburgh,, Esq., who provided invaluable assistance in securing this information. Thanks also to the Association of Performing Arts Presenters for granting permission to use the information from "Understanding the New 'O' and 'P' Visas," by George Balderose (Bulle- tin, February 1993, Volume 30, No. 2). For additional information on non-immigrant visa, contact: Adjudication Division Immigration and Naturalization Service 425 Eye Street NW Room 7215 Washington, DC 20536 (202) 514-3240 30 Chapter 3: Corporations and Foundations V orporations and foundations can be an ex- cellent resource for artists who wish to work abroad. This chapter identifies those that will consider support for international arts pro- grams. Some private funders demonstrate a consistent interest in international work. For most, however, this is not a priority. Many fund arts activities, others fund international exchange, but rarely does a private supporter combine the two. Searching for funding is by no means hopeless. You may not find an ex- plicitly stated interest in international arts fund- ing, however, many private funders will be open to the idea if it furthers their own mis- sion. The more information you have about a potential funder, the easier it will be to identify that mission. Most foundations and corpora- tions provide guidelines to potential appli- cants. In these cases, be sure to call or write for your copy. Also request the most recent an- nual report, which will outline the organization's funding priorities. Recognizing the idea at the heart of a corporation's or foundation's philanthropic mission makes it easier to evaluate whether a particular project fits a given funder. For ex- ample, if a corporation focuses its arts giving on education in its areas of operation in the United States, an international proposal might be considered if it involves returning from abroad and teaching children using techniques gleaned from the foreign experience. Simi- larly, a foundation that states an emphasis on international understanding and conflict reso- lution will often consider an innovative arts proposal with cross-cultural impact. As a generalrule, you will find giving guidelines to be just that; guidelines that set the funders' parameters and lay out the general rules. With- in these boundaries, you will often discover a flexible approach to the allocation of funds. Private funders sometimes impose geo- graphic restrictions on international propos- als. You will notice throughout this chapter that some give only to organizations in certain regions of the United States, while others give only in "operating locations worldwide." The only way to find out exactly which locations are eligible is to request the guidelines and annual report. A final note: It is never too soon to begin collecting information from corporations and foundations about their giving programs. Some have only one application review per year while others review applications on a rolling basis. Keeping a file of potential funding sources can only help, even if an international project may be far in the future. American Brands, Inc. 1700 East Putnam Avenue Old Greenwich, CT 06870 (203) 698-5000 Contact: Secretary, Contributions Committee The American Brands Company contributes to cultural activities that serve the New Eng- land communities where their employees live and work, with an emphasis on the area closest to its corporate home in Old Greenwich, Con- necticut. New England arts organizations work- ing internationally will be considered. Limitations: No grants to individuals. Organi- zations must have 501(c)(3) status. Relevant Publications: Annual Report and Contributions Program Mission Statement. 31 Corporations and Foundations American Express Philanthropic Program American Express Tower World Financial Center New York, NY 1028M710 (212) 640-5661 Contact: Vice President, Cultural Affairs The cultural affairs program at American Ex- press emphasizes cross-cultural communica- tion worldwide. The company focuses on historic preservation projects and on programs that bring visual and performing arts to large audiences. Past funded programs include a Rembrandt exhibition in Amsterdam and Lon- don, the American Russian Youth Orchestra, and an exhibition of Annie Leibovitz's photo- graphs in Munich, Paris, Hamburg, Madrid, Amsterdam, Vienna, London and Edinburgh. The company has also been a long-time funder of the American Academy in Rome and the World Monuments Fund, supporting such projects as excavation in the Roman Forum, restoration of monuments at Angkor in Cam- bodia and the publication of two books on historic preservation, Trails to Tropical Trea- sures (Asia) and Saving our Past (Europe). Limitations: No grants to individuals. Organ- izations must have 501(c)(3) or equivalent non- profit status. No funds for travel. All proposals must be submitted in writing. Relevant Publication: Guidelines American Honda Foundation P.O. Box 2205 Torrance, CA 90509-2205 (310)781-4250 Contact: Coordinator, Corporate Commu- nity Relations American Honda supports creative, innova- tive projects in the arts and culture field. The foundation has an interest in global concerns and has previously funded international ex- change. Limitations: No grants to individuals. Orga- nizations must be nonprofit. Relevant Publications: Annual Report and pro-posal checklist American-Scandinavian Foundation Exchange Division 725 Park Avenue New York, NY 10021 (212) 879-9779 Contact: Exchange Division, Fellowship Pro- gram Administrator The American-Scandinavian Foundation awards $2,500 grants and $15,000 fellowships to professional artists in all disciplines for projects in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Nor- way and Swe-den. Before applying for grants, candidates should have made contact with col- leagues in Scandinavia and should have a work- ing knowledge of the language in their chosen country. Limitations: None Relevant Publications: Annual Report and Giving Guidelines Ameritech Foundation 30 South Wacker Drive, Suite 3400 Chicago, IL 60606 (312) 750-5000 Contact: Director Ameritech hopes to help strengthen the Mid- west's national and international reputation as an important cultural center. Midwestern arts organizations can apply for support to work internationally, or to host foreign artists or 32 Corporations and Foundations exhibitions. Previous recipients for interna- tional arts projects include: the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra Foundation (for its 1993 European Tour), the International Theatre Festival of Chicago, (for its 1992 presentation of ten theater companies from Great Britain, Australia, France, Venezuela, Japan, Poland, and the former Soviet Union), and the Cleve- land Orchestra (for its residency at the Salzburg Music Festival). Limitations: No grants to individuals. Organ- izations must be major professional performing arts organizations from Illinois, Indiana, Michi- gan, Ohio or Wisconsin, and have 501(c)(3) status (or equivalent). Relevant Publications: Annual Report and Guidelines AMR/American Airlines Foundation P.O. Box 619616 Mail Drop 5575 DFW Airport, TX 75261-9616 (817) 967-3545 Contact: Administrator American Airlines hopes to explore the world's diverse cultures through its arts and culture giving activities. The foundation supports ex- cellence in the visual and performing arts near its major operating locations worldwide. Limitations: No grants to individuals. Organ- izations must have 501 (c) (3) or 509(a) (1), (2) or (3) status. Relevant Publication: Guidelines Amoco Foundation, Inc. 200 East Randolph Drive M.C. 3704 Chicago, IL 60601 (312) 856-6306 Contact: Grants Officer, International Programs Amoco funds education and community ser- vice projects primarily. Funding requests for arts and cultural projects will be considered but are judged against the merits of Amoco's fund- ing priorities. International arts projects will be considered but are rarely funded. Limitations: No grants to individuals. Relevant Publications: Annual Report and Guidelines AT&T Foundation 1301 Avenue of the Americas, Room 3100 New York, NY 10019 (212) 841-4664 Contact: Arts and Culture or International Program Officer The AT&T arts and culture program focuses on nationally recognized organizations and supports artistic work in this country and abroad. The foundation emphasizes the cre- ation, production and presentation of new work, and attempts to showcase the work of women and artists from diverse cultures. Limitations: No grants to individuals. Eligible organizations include performing arts companies, museums, and arts service organi- zations. Arts organizations must have been professionally managed for at least five years and must compensate artistic and managerial personnel. Organizations must have 501(c)(3) 33 Corporations and Foundations or equivalent nonprofit status. No support for competitions, film or media production projects, or arts education. Relevant Publications: Corporate Citizen- ship Biennial Report and Guidelines Belgian American Educational Foundation 195 Church Street New Haven, CT 06510 (203) 777-5765 Contact: President The Belgian American Educational Founda- tion awards research fellowships for American and Belgian students. All scholarly disciplines are considered, including art history and fine arts. U.S. fellows are paired with colleagues in Belgian academic institutions. Limitations: Applicants must be enrolled in or graduates of a masters degree program. Relevant Publication: Directory of former fellows BMW of North America, Inc. P.O. Box 1227 Westwood, NJ 07675 (201) 307-4000 Contact: Corporate Contributions General Manager BMW has no structured giving program and considers a full range of proposals. The com- pany is open to international projects and has funded the fine and performing arts. Limitations: None Relevant Publications: None Additional Information: Submit a letter of proposal. Boeing Company P.O. Box 3707, Mail Stop 11-83 Seattle, WA 98124-2207 (206) 655-6679 Contact: Corporate Director, Community and Education Relations Boeing targets four major funding categories in its giving program, including arts and culture. The company emphasizes domestic funding of direct benefit to communities where its em- ployees live and work. In 1990, Boeing donated nearly $2 milli on to cultural programs in all disciplines. The company indicates an interest in international projects through a limited number of grants. For example, Boeing pro- vided national sponsorship for a major interna- tional exhibition of Russian artwork. Limitations: No grants to individuals. Orga- nizations must be nonprofit. No funds for travel expenses. Relevant Publications: Corporate Citizen- ship Report and Guidelines Camargo Foundation 64 Main Street, P.O. Box 32 East Haddam, CT 06423 (203) 873-3239 Contact: Fellowships Administrator Every semester, Camargo offers residencies in Southern France for one visual artist, one musician, one writer and nine graduate stu- dents. Applicants must be working on specific projects related to French culture. Fellowships last for one semester, and include housing and research facilities. Camargo does not provide a stipend or travel expenses. Limitations: None 34 Corporations and Foundations Relevant Publications: Guidelines Chase-Manhattan Bank Philanthropy Department One Chase Plaza, 9th Floor New York, NY 10081 (212) 552-7036 Contact: Second Vice President Chase Manhattan's International Philanthro- pic Program supports international arts activi- ties through modest grants. Requests are con- sidered at area offices, located in Hong Kong, London and New York. Limitations: No grants to individuals. Organ- izations must have 501 (c)(3) status. Relevant Publication: Corporate Responsi- bility Annual Report Chase-Manhattan Bank Cultural Affairs One Chase Plaza, 9th Floor New York, NY 10081 (212) 552-2512 The Cultural Affairs Office sponsors organi- zations for visual and performing arts projects, and internationally-renowned individual art- ists for work abroad. Key markets include Tokyo and Hong Kong in Asia; Mexico City, Caracas, Santiago, San Paolo, and Buenos Aires in Latin America; and London, Brussels, Milan and Rome in Europe. Recent individual spon- sorships include private concerts by Kiri Te Kanawa in London, Barbara Handricks in Brus- sels, Samuel Ramey in London; and public concerts by Jose Carreras in Mexico City and Santiago. Sponsorships to organizations in- clude the Twyla Tharp Dance Company in Japan, the Martha Graham Dance Company in Madrid, and an internation-al tour of a Man Ray exhibit organized by the International Center of Photography. Chase welcomes other corporations to act as co-sponsor for arts projects abroad. Limitations: Organizations must have 501- (c)(3) status. Relevant Publications: Corporate Responsi- bility Annual Report Citibank, N.A. Corporate Contribution and Civic Responsibility 850 3rd Avenue 13th Floor/Zone 10 New York, NY 10043 (212) 559-0170 Contact: Vice President and Director, Corpo- rate Contributions and Civic Responsibility Citibank has funded arts education programs and performances in many countries. Gener- ally, successful proposals include education and community outreach components. One past recipient, the New York Philharmonic, toured 56 cities in 34 countries. Limitations: No grants to individuals. Or- ganizations must have 501(c)(3) status. Unso- licited proposals are not encouraged. Relevant Publication: Public Responsibility Annual Report Colgate-Palmolive Company 300 Park Avenue New York, NY 10022 (212) 310-2166 Contact: Contributions Administrator The Colgate-Palmolive Company supports cul- tural arts activities with priority given to those serving youths and minorities. Although the company does not express a specific interest in international programs, it does have opera- 35 Corporations and Foundations tions worldwide, and will consider interna- tional arts proposals. Limitations: No grants to individuals. Organ- izations must be tax-exempt. Relevant Publications: Annual Report and Guidelines Credit Suisse Corporate Affairs 12 East 49tb Street New York, NY 10017 (212) 238-5015 Contact: Member of Senior Management, Corporate Affairs Credit .Suisse has an extensive contributions program emphasizing the arts. (Grantees in- clude performing arts organizations, arts asso- ciations, arts centers, museums, and galleries.) Although Credit Suisse prefers projects based in its operating communities in the United States, the corpora-tions's particular interest in Switzerland makes it a possible funding source for projects there. Limitations: No grants to individuals. Relevant Publication: Guidelines Cleveland H. Dodge Foundation, Inc. 670 West 247th Street Riverdale, NY 10471 (718) 543-1220 Contact: Administrative Director The Cleveland H. Dodge Foundation has a limited, specific interest in Lebanon, Egypt and Greece. Although the foundation has focused on educational institutions and relief efforts in these countries in the past, it will consider arts activities that enhance cross- cultural understanding. Limitations: No grants to individuals or foun- dations. Organizations must be tax-exempt. Relevant Publication: Guidelines Ford Foundation 320 East 43 Street New York, NY 10017 (212) 573-5000 Contact: Grants Administrator The Ford Foundation's Education and Cul- ture Program funds arts-related projects in the U.S. and abroad. In the U.S., Ford supports projects that advance cultural diversity and strengthen creativity and exposure of the vi- sual and performing arts of minorities. Interna- tionally, the Foundation supports projects that help preserve elements of traditional cultures and strengthen the vitality of "living tradi- tions." The Ford's Media Projects Program funds far-reaching film, video and radio projects that promote greater understanding of domes- tic and international public policy issues. Limitations: Most grants go to organiza- tions. The few grants awarded to individuals are limited to research, training and other activities related to the Foundation's pro- gram interests. Generally, grants are awarded through publicly announced competitions or on the basis of nomination by universities and other nonprofit institutions. Relevant Publications: Report and Current Interests of the Ford Foundation Friendship Ambassadors Foundation (FAF) 31 Park Street Montclair, NJ 07042-3407 (201) 744-0410 (800) 526-2908 Contact: Executive Director 36 Friendship Ambassadors Foundation is a not- for-profit organization promoting international cultural exchange and understanding through the performing arts. The organization presents both American artists traveling abroad and foreign artists performing in the United States, with programs in Europe, Asia and Latin America. FAF has sponsored over 40,000 indi- viduals on performance tours in 25 countries, and organized international tours for Ameri- can ensembles in the former Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and elsewhere around the world. The Foundation assists with homestays for foreign artists and provides financial sup- port and organizational expertise for Ameri- can artists wishing to work abroad. Interested performing groups should contact the Founda- tion with press information and tape. Relevant Publication: Guidelines The Friends of Photography Ansel Adams Center 250 4th Street San Francisco, CA 94103 (415) 495-7000 Contact: Award Administrator The Friends of Photography supports emerg- ing individual photographers who exhibit fu- ture promise through cash awards. The Ferguson Award is a $2,000 grant for a photog- rapher who has demonstrated excellence in the field of creative photography. The Ruttenberg Foundation Award is a $2,000 award presented to a photographer who concentrates his or her talents on portraiture in the context of fine art photography. Grants are awarded based on submitted work samples, and can be used for any purpose, including international work. Limitations: Recipient must be a United States citizen or permanent resident, and have an undergraduate degree. Relevant Publication: Guidelines Additional Information: Request for Guide- lines must include a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Adolph and Esther Gottlieb Foundation, Inc. 380 West Broadway New York, NY 10012 (212) 226-0581 Contact: Grants Manager The Foundation supports painters and sculp- tors who have been working professionally for at least twenty years. Grants are given to artists who have a long track record of artistic achieve- ment. Artists from around the world are en- couraged to apply if they meet the above criterion and can demonstrate financial need. Because the Foundation does not stipulate how grant money must be used, international work is an option. Limitations: No grants to organizations. Relevant Publication: Guidelines Additional Information: Requests for guide- lines must be in writing. No phone calls. Florence Gould Foundation 80 Pine Street, Suite 1701 New York, NY 10005 (212) 701-3400 Contact: President The Florence Gould Foundation seeks to pro- mote Franco-American amity. Within this broad aim, the Foundation considers a wide variety of proposals in all arts disciplines. Projects to be carried out in France, or to host French artists in the United States, will be considered. 37 Corporations and Foundations Limitations: No grants to individuals. Relevant Publications: None Additional Information: Contact the Presi- dent directly, either by phone or in writing, to determine the suitability of the proposed project for this foundation. Graham Foundation 4 West Burton Place Chicago, IL 60610 (312) 787-4071 Contact: Administrator The Graham Foundation supports the ad- vancement of architecture worldwide. Among other activities, the Foundation funds exhibi- tions, publications, independent projects, and internships abroad. For example, it recently funded fellowships at the American Academy in Rome and supported a traveling exhibition enti-tled "New Chicago Skyscrapers" in East- ern Europe. Limitations: No degree-related projects. Relevant Publication: Guidelines John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation 90 Park Avenue New York, NY 10016 (212) 687-4470 Contact: President The Guggenheim Memorial Foundation of- fers six-month to one-year appointments for artists in all disciplines to assist with artistic creation. Qualifying artists must exhibit ex- ceptional ability. Although the guidelines do not specifically mention international arts projects, the Foundation has granted fellow- ships for study related to international issues. Limitations: The applicant may receive only one fellowship and must make a six-month commitment. Relevant Publications: Annual Report and Announcement of Fellowship Competition The Harkness Foundation for Dance 145 East 48th Street, Suite 26c New York, NY 10017 (212) 755-5540 Contact: Grants Officer The Harkness Foundation supports many as- pects of dance including choreography, tour- ing, and operating expenses. Within the "spe- cial projects" funding category, the Founda- tion will consider international projects (such as dance company touring), although funding for international activities is very limited. Limitations: Only projects related to dance will be considered. No grants to individuals. Organizations must be tax-exempt. Relevant Publication: Guidelines Dubose and Dorothy Heyward Memorial Fund Two World Trade Center 39th Floor New York, NY 10048 (212) 912-7633 Contact: Trust Administrative Assistant This Memorial Fund supports the performing arts disciplines and literary projects. The Fund also supports education for artists and projects that nurture the artists' work. Funding is not restricted to domestic projects. Limitations: The Fund restricts its giving to organizations in New York City or Charles- ton. The Fund prefers projects that promote 38 Corporations and Foundations public awareness about the works of the pri- mary benefactors. Organizations must be pub- lic charities and must operate exclusively for charitable, literary or educational purposes as defined by the Internal Revenue Code. Relevant Publications: Guidelines International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) Old Orchard Road Armonk, NY 10504 (914) 765-6135 Contact: IBM Director, Corporate Support IBM supports arts activities in all disciplines. The Corporation operates in Asia and the Pacific, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Latin America and North America, and conducts extensive philanthropic programs in these re- gions. International arts projects in communi- ties of operations will be considered. Limitations: No grants to individuals. Relevant Publications: Annual Report and Guidelines Japan Foundation Los Angeles Office The Water Garden 2425 West Olympic Boulevard, Suite 620E Santa Monica, CA 90404-4034 (310) 449-0027 New York Office 152 West 57th Street, 39th Floor New York, NY 10019 (212) 489-0299 Center for Global Partnership Carnegie Hall Tower 152 West 57th Street, 39th Floor New York, NY 10019 (212) 489-1255 Contact: Program Assistant To promote international cultural exchange between Japan and other countries, the Japan Foundation offers an Artist Fellowship Pro- gram to artists and specialists in the arts. This program provides the opportunity for four artists each year to pursue creative projects in Japan and meet with their Japanese counter- parts. In addition, the Exhibition Assistance Program provides financial support to institu- tions and museums and the Film Production Support Program offers financial support for media artists to promote understanding of Japa- nese culture. The Japan Foundation's Center for Global Partnership also offers fellowships for arts ac- tivities under its Regional/Grass Roots Pro- gram. Artistic exchange will only be consid- ered if it involves an educational component for the communities involved. Relevant Publi- cations: Informational brochure about pro- grams available in the United States. La Napoule Art Foundation 21 West 68th Street, Suite IF New York, NY 10023 (212) 496-1039 Contact: Executive Director La Napoule Art Foundation offers interna- tional artists' residencies to interdisciplinary artists selected by the foundation's partners. The two-to-three month residencies in south- ern France include a stipend, airfare, room and board, and studio space. Interested artists should request specific guideline information before submitting a formal application. Relevant Publication: Guidelines 39 Corporations and Foundations T jnnan Foundation 5401 McConnell Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90066-7027 (310) 306-1004 Contact: Assistant to the Director of Art Programs The Lannan Foundation funds innovative, ex- perimental and contemporary arts projects with a primary focus on group and solo exhibitions and temporary installations with a strong vi- sual emphasis. Funding decisions are based on the quality of the art presented. Only U.S. museums and galleries may apply; though ex- hibitions may feature work of foreign artists. Limitations: No grants to individuals. Orga- nizations must be nonprofit. No funds for juried exhibitions. Relevant Publication: Guidelines The Henry Luce Foundation 111 West 50th Street New York, NY 10020 (212) 581-9541 Contact: Grants Manager The Foundation funds scholarly exchanges between the United States and Asia in the humanities and social sciences. Project grants are awarded for cultural and scholarly exchange. Past recipients include the Asian Cultural Coun- cil (to support fellowships for American cura- tors, conservators, and art historians to re- search in China, Korea, and Southeast Asia) and the Research Libraries Group, Inc. (to aid development of a catalogue on Chinese rare books in cooperation with Peking University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences). Limitations: None Relevant Publications: Biennial Report The Marpat Foundation c/o Miller & Chevalier 655 15th Street NW Suite 900 Washington, DC 20005 (202) 626-5832 Contact: Board of Directors The Marpat Foundation supports cultural projects and has an interest in international diplomacy. Generally, grants are given to orga- nizations based in, or benefitting, greater met- ropolitan Washington, DC. Limitations: No grants to individuals or pri- vate organizations. Relevant Publication: Guidelines Additional Information: Requests for guide- lines must be in writing. No phone calls. Mother Jones International Fund for Documentary Photography 1663 Mission Street San Francisco, CA 94103 (415) 558-8881 Contact: Visual Arts Program Director The Mother Jones International Fund awards grants for documentary photography that ad- dresses important political or ethical issues. To qualify, an individual must have completed at least one year's work toward a multi-year project that shows an innovative choice of subject and approach. The fund is particularly interested in cross-cultural international projects, especially those involving developing countries. Limitations: No funds for books or exhibi- tions. Relevant Publication: Guidelines 40 Corporations and Foundations NYNEX Foundation 1113 Westchester Avenue, 1st Floor White Plains, NY 10604 (914) 644-7226 Contact: Director, Contributions The NYNEX Foundation has an extensive giving program in the arts, primarily focusing on the northeastern United States. The Foun- dation supports programs that have an impact on communities where NYNEX operates, so a northeastern arts organization with ties to a local operating community may apply for funds to tour abroad. For example, due to its long- standing relationship with Lincoln Center in New York City, NYNEX sponsored the Most- ly Mozart Festival for travel to Tokyo. Limitations: No grants to individuals. Organi- zations must have 501(c)(3) status. Relevant Publications: Annual Report and Guidelines The Open Society Fund 888 7th Avenue, Suite 1901 New York, NY 10106 (212) 757-2323 Contact: Program Officer The Open Society Fund is a network of foun- dations with home offices located in various Eastern and Central European countries, the Baltics, the former Soviet Union, and South Africa. Funding is generally open to encourage innovative arts projects. Countries with local foundations include Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Rus- sia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Ukraine and Yugoslavia. temporary arts centers to support the develop- ment of local visual arts. These centers have been or will be established in most of the above countries; they are known as Soros Centers for Contemporary Arts, after philanthropist George Soros, founder of the Open Society Fund. These centers also make grants, pri- marily for exhibition support and catalogues. Recently, The Open Society Fund's New York office established an Arts and Culture Pro- gram, the general mission of which is to fund projects that have a regional scope. Limitations: Grants are generally made to indi-viduals and institutions in countries where the Open Society Fund has offices. Relevant Publications: Annual Reports (by country), Soros Foundation Directory, "Open Society News," SCCA brochure, Quarterly. Pepsico Foundation Corporate Contributions 700 Anderson Hill Road Purchase, NY 10577 (914) 253-3153 Contact: Vice President, Corporate Contri- butions The Pepsico Foundation focuses on organiza- tions with which Pepsico employees are in- volved through volunteer programs. While Pepsico does not mention a specific interest in funding international arts projects, it does not exclude international proposals, as long as they involve a Pepsico employee. Limitations: No grants to individuals. Orga- nizations must have 501(c)(3) status. The project must involve a Pepsico employee. Relevant Publication: Guidelines The Fund also built a network of con- 41 Corporations and Foundations The Pew Charitable Trusts 2005 Market Street, Suite 1700 Philadelphia, PA 19103-7017 (215) 575-4873 Contact: Program Director for Culture While much of the Pew Charitable Trusts' cultural grantmaking is directed to national programs that address critical cultural issues and to local and national efforts that support the creation, development and dissemination of new work, some international support is emerging. The Culture Program's major inter- national commitment to date has been to the Fund for U.S. Artists at International Festivals and Exhibitions. (See page xx for more infor- mation.) Under a joint initiative of the Culture and Public Policy programs, the Trusts are supporting a project to strengthen the leader- ship and management capacities of Eastern and Central European performing arts organiza- tions. On a limited basis, the Trusts also pro- vide support for international projects that involve Philadelphia-based artists and institu- tions. Grants for international activities are made to U.S. organizations for work abroad. Limitations: No grants to individuals. Relevant Publications: Guidelines, Annual Report Pfizer Foundation 235 East 42nd Street New York, NY 10017-5755 (212) 573-2323 Contact: Director, Corporate Support Programs The Pfizer Foundation funds organizations such as museums, ballet, opera and theater companies, and performing arts centers, that contribute to the cultural life of communities in which Pfizer employees live and work. While Pfizer does not directly state an interest in funding internationally focused programs in the arts, it does contribute to U.S. organiza- tions with an international mandate whose work relates to Pfizer's international public policy concerns including education, health and economic development, especially in the Developing World. Limitations: No grants to individuals. Organ- izations must have 501(c)(3) status. No grants to organizations outside the United States. Relevant Publication: Annual Report Philip Morris Companies, Inc. 120 Park Avenue New York, NY 10017 (212) 880-3662 Contact: Office of Cultural Affairs and Spe- cial Programs Philip Morris focuses its corporate contribu- tions program on two specific arts disciplines: visual arts and dance. In 1992, it was the largest corporate supporter of dance in the United States. Innovation is a guiding principle, as is the importance of exploring ground-breaking artistic expression, nurturing emerging talent and exposing underserved populations to art. Previously funded projects include an art exhi- bition in Brussels, and a U.S. tour by the Royal Danish Ballet. Limitations: No grants to individuals. Organi- zations must have 501(c)(3) status. Relevant Publications: Annual Report and Guidelines Phillips Petroleum Foundation, Inc. Phillips Building 16th Floor Bartlesville, OK 74004 (918) 661-9072 42 Corporations and Foundations Contact: Executive Manager Phillips Petroleum primarily awards grants to projects that have an impact in its operating communities. Within this focus, the Founda- tion will consider support for international arts activities. Phillips Petroleum is especially interested in projects with an educational com- ponent. Limitations: No grants to individuals. Giving primarily in the Midwest and Southwest. No funds for travel. Relevant Publication: Guidelines Pollock-Krasner Foundation, Inc. 725 Park Avenue New York, NY 10021 (212) 517-5400 Contact: Executive Vice-President The mission of The Pollock-Krasner Founda- tion is to provide grants to individual visual artists (painters, sculptors and artists who work on paper) of established ability who can dem- onstrate financial need. Grants are tailored to the individual, personal and/or professional needs of an artist. This may include funds for supplies, studio rental, medical emergencies, and special projects. Grants for international projects are rare, but possible. Limitations: No funds for travel expenses (with very few exceptions). Commercial art- ists, photographers, video artists, filmmakers and craft artists are ineligible. Relevant Publications: Annual Report and Guidelines Additional Information: Requests for publi- cations and applications must be made in writ- ing. The Reebok Foundation 100 Technology Center Drive Stoughton, MA 02072 (617) 341-7946 Contact: Associate Director The Reebok Foundation focuses its giving programs on three specific categories: the de- fense of human rights around the world; the welfare of underserved youth (specifically in the Greater Boston area); and the promotion of pluralism and diversity. Cultural projects (in- ternational included) that further one or more of these goals will be considered. Limitations: No grants to individuals. Organi- zations must have 501(c)(3) status. Relevant Publication: Guidelines Additional Information: Must request guide- lines in writing. No phone calls. Rockwell International Rockwell International Corporation Trust 625 Liberty Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15222-3123 (412) 565-4039 Contact: Director of Contributions and Com- munity Relations Although funding for arts and culture repre- sented only eight percent of its total contri- butions in 1992, Rockwell International sup- ports cultural and artistic endeavors in all dis- ciplines, primarily in communities where the corporation has a significant presence. Past grantees include: museums, public radio and television stations, orchestras, theaters and other performing arts organizations. Rockwell operates in Australia, Canada, France, Ger- many, Japan and the United Kingdom, so projects in these areas are of particular interest. 43 Corporations and Foundations Limitations: No grants to individuals. Relevant Publication: Summary of contribu- tions program Rockefeller Foundation 1133 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036 (212) 852-8305 Contact: Program Associate, Arts and Hu- manities The Rockefeller Foundation Arts and Hu- manities Division encourages artists and schol- ars whose work addresses cultural differences and fosters dialogue across cultural bound- aries. Through regranting programs, the Foun- dation supports the Fund for U.S. Artists at International Festivals and Exhibitions (See page xx.) and the U.S. Mexico Fund for Cul- ture (administered by the Comision Mexico- Estados Unidos para el Intercambio Educativo y Cultural). Another key arts program admin- istered by the Rockefeller Foundation is the Multi-Arts Production Fund which supports the creation of new works in the performing arts. In the humanities, the Foundation sup- ports selected humanities research centers in the United States and Latin America. Further, the Foundation operates a residency program for scholars and artists in Bellagio, Italy, ac- cessed through a competitive open application process. Finally, the Rockefeller Foundation manages a number of programs aimed at devel- oping cultural infrastructure within the devel- oping world: in Africa, Rockefeller supports local publishing, museums and radio; and in Latin America, it supports a network of inde- pendent performing arts producers and a film/ video incubator initiative. Limitations: No grants to individuals, except through the Bellagio program. No funds for travel. Relevant Publications: Annual Report and individual program brochures Samuel Rubin Foundation 777 United Nations Plaza New York, NY 10017-3521 (212) 697-8945 Contact: President The Samuel Rubin Foundation's general pur- pose is to carry on the vision of its founder, Samuel Rubin, whose life was "dedicated to the pursuit of peace and justice and the search for an equitable allocation of the world's re- sources." International cultural and artistic endeavors that correspond with these ideals will be considered. Limitations: No grants to individuals. Relevant Publication: General Statement Trust for Mutual Understanding 30 Rockefeller Plaza, Room 5600 New York, NY 10112 (212) 632-3405 Contact: Program Associate The Trust is a private grant-making organi- zation focusing primarily on arts exchange between the United States and the former Soviet Union and Eastern and Central Europe. The Trust emphasizes significant professional interaction and collaboration in both the vis- ual and performing arts. Past recipients include the Citizen Exchange Council (to enable Amer- ican artists to travel to Russia and to Central and Eastern Europe); the Louisville Orchestra (to host musicians from Central and Eastern Europe); and Rutgers University (to enable five Russian photographers to participate in the exhibition "Photo/Foto"). 44 Corporations and Foundations Limitations: No grants to individuals. Organi- zations must be nonprofit. Relevant Publication: General Information Form U.S./Mexico Fund for Culture c/o Benjamin Franklin Library P.O. Box 3087 Laredo, TX 78044 Contact: Program Coordinator The U.S. -Mexico Fund for Culture promotes artistic collaboration and cultural exchange between Mexico and the United States. The Fluid provides support to professional Mexi- can and U.S. visual and media artists, writers, performers, librarians and museum curators for research, conferences, workshops, exhibi- tions, art festivals, translation, publishing projects and artistic creation. It seeks non- academic projects that promote original work and forge lasting cultural collaboration be- tween the two countries. Grants awarded to institutions should directly benefit creative individuals. Limitations: Must be a permanent resident or citizen of Mexico or the United States. Awards must be for non-academic work, not support- ing the creation or expansion of institutions. Relevant Publication: informational brochure and application United Technologies Corporation United Technologies Building Hartford, CT 06101 (203) 728-7072 Contact: Director, Contributions United Technologies primarily funds interna- tional programs related to regions where the company has business interests: Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East. The company's international arts funding is mi n imal, but a high-profile project in a country of operation will be considered. Limitations: No grants to individuals. Relevant Publication: Guidelines Lila Wallace-Reader's Digest Fund 261 Madison Avenue, 24th Floor New York, NY 10016 (212) 953-1248 Contact: Program Director The Lila Wallace-Reader's Digest Fund is one of the largest arts funders in the United States. It aims to integrate cultural life into the daily workings of communities around the country through extensive educational and outreach programs. The Fund has supported interna- tional projects in the past, and while their focus is domestic, they would consider proposals to assist U.S. organizations to host foreign artists or to carry out an international project that has significant domestic impact. Limitations: No grants to individuals. Organi- zations must have 501(c)(3) non-profit status. Relevant Publication: Annual eport Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts 22 East 33rd Street New York, NY 10016 (212) 683-6456 Contact: Program Director The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts awards grants to cultural organizations worldwide for projects that advance the visual arts. The Foundation defines visual arts as a discipline that includes the plastic arts and "those aspects of the performing arts which 45 Corporations and Foundations may incorporate the plastic arts." On an inter- national level, the Foundation awards grants through its Curatorial Program. The program is designed to assist in the innovative presenta- tion of the visual arts, with an emphasis on endeavors that cultivate new, expanded and diverse audiences. This category focuses on exhibitions and catalogues. Limitations: No grants to individuals. Pro- jects directly related to the art of Andy Warhol or that use his name are not funded. Relevant Publications: Annual Report and Guidelines Kurt Weill Foundation for Music, Inc. 7 East 20th Street New York, NY 10003-1106 (212) 505-5240 Contact: Director of Programs The Kurt Weill Foundation for Music sup- ports projects that promote public under- standing and appreciation of the musical legacy of Kurt Weill or Lotte Lenya. The Foundation accepts proposals for travel, research and pro- fessional performance/production grants. In- dividuals and institutions in the United States, Canada, France, Germany and the United King- dom have received grants. Limitations: None The Westinghouse Foundation supports a va- riety of arts and cultural organizations in com- munities where the Foundation maintains a presence. Westinghouse encourages projects that meet the needs of the economically disad- vantaged, the elderly, youths, and minorities. While the Foundation does not focus specifi- cally on international arts exchange, it does promote international understanding and will accept applications from arts organizations. Limitations: No grants to individuals. Relevant Publication: Annual Report XEROX Foundation P.O. Box 160 800 Long Ridge Road Stamford, CT 06904 (203) 968-3333 Contact: Vice President The Xerox Foundation does not have a specific program for international artistic exchange. Rather, it has separate funding categories for International Affairs and Cultural Activities. A proposal that combines the two will be considered if it has impact on a community where Xerox conducts business. Limitations: No grants to individuals. Relevant Publications: Annual report and Guidelines Relevant Publications: Guidelines Westinghouse Foundation Westinghouse Electric Corporation 1 1 Stanwix Street Pittsburgh, PA 15222-1384 (412) 642-3017 Contact: Manager, Contributions and Com- munity Affairs 46 Chapter 4: SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS f\xs service organizations, which provide in- formation and assistance to their fields, do not usually serve as hinders, although some do incorporate grantmaking activities into their programs. Some serve a particular arts disci- pline (e.g., the Visual Arts and Galleries Asso- ciation, Dansource), others serve the arts in general (e.g., Arts International, Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts), others serve a particular cultural group or country (e.g., Association of Hispanic Artists, the Swedish Institute). These organizations may provide international con- tacts, referrals, technical assistance and/or travel grants. Often, staff members at service organiza- tions are knowledgeable about international aspects of their given field. For example, Opera America, a national service organization, is essentially a domestic organization. However, the staff has information about touring prac- tices, festivals, competitions and schools world- wide in the opera field. The Folger Shakespeare Library often hosts visiting fellows and other experts on Shakespearean literature who could provide information about translations, play production, and colleagues abroad. Similarly, the Japan Society has extensive contacts in the Japanese arts community and would be helpful in executing a project in that country. Some service organizations (particularly the discipline-specific variety), have modest membership fees for their services. Often, you can pay minimal fees for specific services, such as use of a job bank, or subscription to a newsletter or other publication, without pay- ing for full membership to the organization. In any case, service organizations are there to serve, and will attempt to do so to the best of their ability. The service organizations in this chapter have been divided into three sections: Arts, Culture-Specific and General. The first section (Arts) has been organized by discipline and includes dance, design arts, folk arts, literature, media arts, museum, music, theater, visual arts and multidisciplinary arts.The next section (Culture-specific) section provides access to or- ganizations offering a variety of services for or about a given country or cultural group. The final section (General) lists non-arts organiza- tions, which can provide a surprising amount of useful information for international arts projects. You may want to begin by locating the organizations that support your discipline, fol- lowed by those that serve your country of interest and then those that serve many disci- plines and countries. If these organizations can't help you with a particular project, ask for referrals to other organizations that might. Staff members are often linked to a network of domestic organizations, one of which might serve your needs. ARTS SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS Multidisciplinary Arts International (AI) Institute of International Education 809 United Nations Plaza New York, NY 10017 (212) 984-5370 Contact: Director AI supports international arts activities through a variety of programs. It provides the arts community with networking information on international arts activities through confer- ences, research projects and publications. AI also provides funding opportunities through 47 Service Organizations the following programs: the Lila Wallace- Reader's Digest International Artists Fund sup- ports U.S. visual artists for three- to six-month residencies abroad. Participants return to the United States and share their experiences in communities nation-wide. Cintas Fellowships are $ 10,000 grants for creative artists of Cuban decent who work in architecture, visual arts, music composition or literature. Kade Col- laborative Fellowships are awarded to French and German artists in any discipline, for col- laborative projects with U.S. artists. In addi- tion, AI administers the Fund for U.S. Artists at International Festivals and Exhibitions and maintains a database of festivals worldwide. (See page xx for more information about this program and page xx for a list of festivals abroad.) Relevant publications: Money for Interna- tional Exchange in the Arts-, American Visions; guidelines Arts & Business Council, Inc/Business Volunteers for the Arts 25 West 45th Street, #707 New York, NY 10036 (212) 819-9287 Contact: Program Associate to Executive Di- rector The Arts & Business Council works to create partnerships between business and the arts. Located in 30 cities, its Business Volunteers for the Arts program provides free management consulting to arts groups on issues that may be relevant to international projects. The Council also sponsors a national symposium in New York City on trends and issues related to business/arts partnerships that include sessions on international issues. Relevant publication: Business Sponsorships The Arts Guide to Association of Performing Arts Presenters (APAP) 1112 16th Street, NW Suite 400 Washington, DC 20036 (202) 833-2787 Contact: Executive Director The Association of Performing Arts Present- ers serves presenting organizations, artist man- agers and artists. Arts Presenters' 1600 mem- bers receive publications, training, informa- tion and legislative assistance. Members can also attend the Annual Conference to meet and network with U.S. and foreign colleagues from across the presenting field. Relevant publications: Inside Arts magazine; presenters' reports; guidelines Dance Theater Workshop (DTW) National Performance Network (NPN) 219 West 19th Street New York, NY 10011 DTW: (212) 691-6500 NPN: (212) 645-6200 Contact: Director International Programs Dance Theater Workshop, a national service organization for all performing arts, offers two programs that support international work. National Performance Network: Created and directed by DTW, the National Perfor- mance Network (NPN) is a major national consortium of 52 alternative cultural organi- zations in 26 states throughout the country, many of whom work internationally. NPN supports the work of U.S. performing artists and serves as an important source of infor- mation for its members. The Suitcase Fund: The Suitcase Fund aims to promote the exchange of ideas between international arts communities. It provides financial support for artists' projects that cross cultural boundaries, attempting to lower the 48 Service Organizations economic and geographic barriers that can deny artists access to other cultures. Relevant publications: NPN and Suitcase Fund brochures Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown 24 Pearl Street Provincetown, MA 02657 (508) 487-9960 Contact: Executive Director The Fine Arts Work Center annually offers seven-month residencies for ten visual artists and ten writers. Writing fellows receive hous- ing and a modest monthly stipend. Visual arts fellows receive housing, a monthly stipend, supplies allowance and a studio. Fellows have the opportunity to pursue their work indepen- dently within a supportive community. Past fellows have included individuals from Canada, England, France, Poland and other countries. International applicants are welcome to apply. Relevant publications: Informational bro- chure, application International Society of Performing Arts Administrators (ISPAA) 4920 Plainfield, NE Suite 3 Grand Rapids, MI 49505-1010 (616) 364-3000 Contact: Executive Director ISPAA serves an international membership of arts presenters, producers and managers in North and South America, Europe, Australia and Asia. The society organizes conferences and lectures, and conducts several programs for graduate students and professionals to fos- terthe exchange of managerial expertise among its members worldwide. ISPAA has started a pilot program that offers residencies and fel- lowships for professional arts managers to work in foreign countries, and for U.S. arts institu- tions to host foreign managers. Relevant publication: Newsletter Intersection 466 Valencia San Francisco, CA 94103 (415) 626-2787 Contact: Director Intersection is a nonprofit multi-disciplinary presenter of new work in performing, literary and visual arts. Although Intersection has been unable to participate independently in interna- tional events due to its small size, it maintains an international focus through cooperative international presentations. Additionally, In- tersection serves as a fiscal sponsor for indi- vidual artists. Relevant publication: Information sheet National Assembly of Local Arts Agencies (NALAA) 927 15th Street NW, 12th Floor Washington, DC 20005 (202) 371-2830 Contact: President and CEO The National Assembly of Local Arts Agen- cies serves its constituent members and artists and organizations who seek information about the activities of these local agencies. (See Part It for local arts agency listings.) NALAA staff can refer interested parties to agencies in their area that conduct international arts activities, and help introduce visiting foreign artists to the local arts scene nationwide. NALAA also administers an artists exchange program with Ireland. Relevant publications: Newsletter, informa- tional materials 49 Service Organizations National Assembly of State Arts Agencies (NASAA) 1010 Vermont Avenue, NW, Suite 920 Washington, DC 20005 Contact: Executive Director The National Assembly of State Arts Agencies provides information about and services to the state arts agencies nationwide. (See Part II for state arts agencies listing.) NASAA has access to this network of organizations, and can pro- vide individual artists and organizations with information about international arts activities offered by a given state arts agency. NASAA often hosts foreign artists, giving them an overview of U.S. arts programs at the state level. Relevant publication: Information packet Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts (VLA) 1 East 53rd Street, 6th Floor New York, NY 10022 (212) 319-2910 (Art Law Line) Contact: Art Law Line Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts is dedicated to providing free arts-related legal assistance to low-income artists and not-for-profit arts orga- nizations in all creative fields. Although VLA does not offer specific programs for interna- tional arts exchange, it can provide artists and arts organizations with quick answers to arts- related legal questions through its legal hotline (the Art Law Line). VLA also provides clinics, seminars, and publications designed to educate artists on legal issues that affect their careers. Artists planning to work internationally or send work abroad can consult VLA about copyright, contracts, visa and work permits, and other related international legal issues. Relevant publications: Topic-specific publi- cations on legal issues in the arts; brochure. Dance American Dance Festival (ADF) Duke University, Box 90772 Durham, NC 27708-0772 (919) 684-6402 Contact: International Programs Administra- tor American Dance Festival has pioneered inter- national exchange in dance through several programs. The International Choreographers Residency (ICRJ brings promising choreogra- phers to ADF for seven weeks. The variety and scope of ADF's performances and classes offer choreographers from abroad an opportu- nity to immerse themselves in American mod- ern dance. Under the International Choreogra- phers Commissioning Program (ICCPJ, ADF offers six-week residencies to three or four previous ICR participants. While in residence, they create new dance works for ADF dancers which are premiered during ADF's perfor- mance season. The Institutional Linkage Pro- gram (ILP) developed out of the worldwide network of choreographers that emerged from ADF's ICR program. Many ICR participants are affiliated with major dance institutions in their home countries and are eager to build upon previous ICR connections. ADF collabo- rates with foreign ICR participants and the ap- propriate USIS post (see Part II for addresses of USIS posts) to create a linkage that meets the needs of their international partner. Link- ages emphasize the connection of modern dance to the traditions of other countries. Finally, on a larger scale, ADF periodically organizes "mini-ADFs" abroad with the support of an international host. These mini-ADFs run for two weeks and offer daily classes for students, performances by U.S. modern dance compa- nies, as well as lecture presentations by ADF's faculty. To date, collaborating countries in- clude: Japan, Korea, India and Russia. 50 Service Organizations Relevant publication: International programs bulletin Congress on Research in Dance (CORD) Department of Dance State University of New York Brockport, NY 10003 (716) 395-2590 Contact: Any staff member Founded in 1965, the Congress on Research in Dance encourages research on dance and re- lated fields and fosters the exchange of ideas and resources. CORD's conferences and pub- lications foster international dialogue among dance professionals. An increasingly interna- tional membership currently includes approxi- mately 500 individuals and 350 institutions. Relevant publication: Informational brochure Dancing in the Streets 131 Varick Street, Room 901 New York, NY 10013 (212) 989-6830 Contact: Executive Director and Producer This organization aims to increase public ac- cess to dance in the United States and abroad. The Dancing in the Streets staff has a broad knowledge of the international dance scene, and can provide information concerning spe- cific topics. OnSite, an international commis- sioning fund for site-specific performances pro- vides grants for artists and presenters to de- velop site-specific projects that integrate public spaces and local communities into the work. The Fund then offers production grants to selected projects chosen from the development pool. These productions may take place in the United States or outside the country, with participation by U.S. and foreign artists. Relevant publication: Guidelines Dansource P.O. Box 15038 Dallas, TX 75201 (214) 328-0312 Contact: Managing Director Founded by two dancers in 1985, Dansouce is an information and referral service that con- nects dancers with various artistic organiza- tions nationwide. Dansource has worked with dancers and companies in Canada and Mexico and hopes to expand operations abroad. The organization welcomes information and in- quiries about dance networks worldwide. Relevant publication: Information materials International Dance Alliance, Ltd. (IDA) 1120 Broderick Street San Francisco, CA 94115 (415) 922-0560 Contact: Editor IDA promotes observance of International Dance Week every April with the help of its advisors in 21 countries. Affiliated with The World Dance Alliance, IDA also serves as a liaison upon request for selective regional projects of international importance and acts as a funding conduit as needed. Relevant publication: Newsletter Design Arts American Institute of Architects (AI A) 1735 New York Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20006 (202) 626-7300 Contact: International Relations Program Director Through international member representation 51 Service Organizations in the International Union of Architects (UIA), AIA has a commitment to fostering the international exchange of ideas in the field. UIA's mission is to unite architects throughout the world and to help them set up activities on an international level. Members of AIA are currently the largest constituent in UIA, and can participate in all UIA programs. Available travel fellowships: TheRTKL Travel- ling Fellowship is designed to encourage and support foreign travel for American students working toward a professional degree in an architecture program. The Richard Morris Hunt Fellowship is awarded to architects pur- suing a career in historic preservation. AIA offers this six-month work/study program to French and American citizens in alternate years. Relevant publications: Program brochures American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA) 1059 3rd Avenue New York, NY 10021 (212) 807-1990 Contact: Director of Programs The American Institute of Graphic Arts pro- motes excellence in graphic design nationwide. AIGA sponsors competitions, exhibitions, pub- lications, professional seminars, educational activities and projects for its more than 8,000 members. A biennial national conference cel- ebrating U.S. graphic design provides a forum for designers to discuss topics in the field. AIGA promotes international exchange through its International Initiative Program which presents lectures and exhibitions from diverse international design communities. AIGA sends several shows abroad and exhibits the works of foreign graphic artists in the United States. Relevant publications: AIGA Journal of Graphic Design, Graphic Design USA mag a- zine (annual) National Trust for Historic Preservation (NTHP) 1785 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20036 (202) 673-4000 Contact: Response Center The National Trust for Historic Preservation aims to promote the diverse character and meaning of American cultural heritage and preserve and revitalize the livability of U.S. communities by protecting America's historic environments. Although NTHP does not of- fer fellowships for overseas study, it does main- tain names of National Trusts in other nations . Relevant publication: Landmark Yellow Pages, 2nd edition World Monuments Fund (WMF) 174 East 80th Street New York, NY 10021 (212) 517-9367 Contact: Program Administrator The goal of the World Monuments Fund is to assure the survival of outstanding artistic and architectural treasures in danger of loss or destruction. The Fund provides financial and technical support for restoration and conserva- tion projects, as well as for educational and advocacy endeavors. Although the World Monuments Fund does not have specific ser- vices for American artists working interna- tionally, it can provide contacts and informa- tion. Relevant publications: Newsletter, informa- tional brochure 52 Service Organizations Folk Arts American Craft Council (ACC) 72 Spring Street New York, NY 10012 (212) 274-0630 Contact: Librarian The American Craft Council is a nonprofit, educational organization dedicated to pro- moting craftspeople and fostering appreciation of their work. As a national membership orga- nization, it provides specific benefits as well as the opportunity for members to share in ef- forts to support and promote the value of handcraftsmanship in U.S. culture. Focused on contemporary expression in fiber, clay, wood, glass, metal and other media, the Council's programs emphasize the importance of creativity, quality and integrity. The library has extensive reference collections on 20th- century craft that include over 5,000 books, 6,000 exhibition catalogs and a wide selection of current national and international periodi- cals. A computerized Craft Registry provides biographical and pictorial information on ap- proximately 2,000 active craftspeople. The fo- cus of the collection is American craft, how- ever the library serves as a limited resource for information on crafts of other countries. The library is open to members weekday after- noons in person or by phone. Non-members should inquire about fee schedule for services. Relevant publications: American Craft (bi- monthly), membership brochure Center for Southern Folklore (CSF) 130 Beale Street Memphis, TN 38103 (901) 525-3655 Contact: Executive Director The Center for Southern Folklore is a private nonprofit organization that documents and presents the people and traditions of the South. CSF produces films, books, exhibits, and events throughout the year with a major festival tak- ing place each mid-July. The Center operates a public exhibit and performance space on Beale Street and draws an international audience of performers, presenters, journalists, and artists who want to travel to showcase their work in Memphis and abroad. The Center hosts visit- ing foreign artists, and will work with U.S. artists to locate funding for projects abroad. Relevant publications: Fact sheet, informa- tional materials Literature American Literary Translators Association (ALTA) P.O. Box 830688 (MC35) University of Texas at Dallas Richardson, TX 75083-0688 (214) 690-2093 Contact: Director The American Literary Translators Associa- tion is an international resource and reference center for translators. ALTA facilitates inter- national exchange between writers through Translation Review and a quarterly ALTA newsletter. In addition, writers can communi- cate with prominent translators from around the world at annual workshops and translation symposia held at ALTA's Dallas office. ALTA also maintains a translation database that pro- vides a comprehensive bibliographical record of literary works in English translation. Relevant publication: Informational bulletin 53 Service Organizations Associated Writing Programs (AWP) Old Dominion University Norfolk, VA 23529-0079 (804) 683-3839 Contact: Services Assistant This nonprofit association of writers, teachers, and creative writing organizations publishes a guide to creative writing programs, colonies, conferences, and centers. The guide includes summer conferences in Europe. Relevantpublication: The A WP Official Guide to Writing Programs Association of American University Presses, Inc. (AAUP) 584 Broadway, Suite 410 New York, NY 10012-3264 (212) 941-6610 Contact: Executive Director AAUP advances the interests of university press publishing and sponsors exhibits of its members' publications at major international book fairs. The association has sent delegations of university press staff overseas and has re- ceived international delegations to the United States. AAUP can provide U.S. university presses with contacts in the publishing field abroad. Relevant publications: Association of Amer- ican University Presses Directory, newsletter Conference of Small Magazine /Press Editors and Publishers (COSMEP), The International Association of Independent Publishers P.O. Box 420703 San Francisco, CA 94142-0703 (415)922-9490 Contact: Any staff member COSMEP provides support for individual members and publisher organizations in the United States. COSMEP Newsletter, a mon- thly, provides information on international opportunities and programs. COSMEP also offers its members cooperative representation at international book fairs such as the Frank- furt Book Fair. This is not a writers' organiza- tion and does not provide support for indi- vidual writers unless they are self-publishing. Relevant publications: Newsletter, informa- tional brochures Folger Shakespeare Library 201 East Capitol Street SE Washington, DC 20003 (202) 544-4600 Contact: Reading Room Supervisor A research library, the Folger Shakespeare Library has an important collection of Shak- espeare's works, as well as an extensive range of other reference materials. An international community of researchers uses the Folger col- lections. The Folger Institute, a consortium of universities, allows scholars to explore issues in seminars and conferences. The Shakespeare Quarterly publishes the latest scholarship for readers across the country and abroad. The Library sponsors programs in education de- signed to bring Shakespeare to students through performances, classes, theater festivals, and hosted student/teacher workshops. Relevant publication: Shakespeare Quarterly The International Writers Center (IWC) Washington University Campus Box 1071 1 Brookings Drive St. Louis, MO 63130-4899 (314)935-5576 Contact: Associate Director 54 Service Organizations IWC serves as a resource for writers working nationally or internationally. The Center spon- sors international conferences and literary read- ings, and hosts various international literary figures at Washington University. Because IWC is involved in international literary ac- tivities, staff members may be able to provide contacts or valuable information to those wish- ing to work in literary circles abroad. Relevant publication: Newsletter Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas (LMDA) Box 355 Casta Cuny Grad Center 33 Forty-Second Street New York, NY 10036 (212) 642-2657 Contact: Director Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas promotes the growth of dramaturgi- cal professions and of theater in general by sponsoring a variety of projects and services. Because LMDA serves members in both the United States and Canada, the organization may be able to provide information to U.S. artists seeking opportunities in Canada. Addi- tionally, LMDA's National Theatre Transla- tion Fund supports play translations into American English. Relevant publications: LMDA Review, LMDA Script Exchange; LMDA Bibliography; National Theatre Translation Sourcebook lishers, editors, and translators. PEN aims to defend freedom of expression and the promo- tion of inter-cultural communication. Through protest letters, PEN's Freedom-to- Write Com- mittee and staff defends writers and journalists facing persecution throughout the world. Relevant publications: Handbook for Liter- ary Translators, informational material Poetry Center and American Poetry Archives San Francisco State University 1600 Holloway Avenue San Francisco, CA 94132 (415) 338-2227 Contact: Operations/Business Manager The Poetry Center has presented regular read- ings since 1953. In 1974 it launched the Amer- ican Poetry Archives, which now holds the largest publicly circulating collection of audio and videotapes of literary readings and per- formances in the United States. The Center/ Archives' literary program strives to represent the cultural, aesthetic, and geographic diver- sity of American poetry, fiction, playwriting, individual performance writing, and other genres; literary readings also feature a few international writers each year. The Poetry Center and American Poetry Archives are involved in international literary activities, and may be able to provide information or contacts to those wanting to work in literary circles abroad. PEN American Center 568 Broadway New York, NY 10012 (212) 334-1660 Contact: Program Director PEN's American Center is a member of Inter- national PEN, an association of writers, pub- Relevant publications: American Poetry Archives News, Poetry Center/American Poetry Archives Catalogue (of video and audio tape collection) 55 Service Organizations Poetry Society of America (PSA) 15 Gramercy Park New York, NY 10003 (215) 254-9628 Contact: Director The Poetry Society of America aims to present at least one international program annually. In the past, PSA has sponsored poetry readings and festivals in New York featuring poets from Italy, Greece, Ireland, England, and the Carib- bean. Other recent initiatives have included a reading tour of England featuring Native American poets (co-sponsored by the Poetry Society of Great Britain). Relevant publications: PSA News, informa- tional material Translation Center 412 Dodge Hall, Columbia University New York, NY 10027 (212) 854-4500 Contact: Director This nonprofit literary organization publishes its own magazines and books. It also gives professional advice to individuals involved in literary translation. The Center emphasizes cooperation and collaboration with cultural groups around the world to benefit writers, editors and translators. Relevant publication: Informational material Unterberg Poetry Center of the 92d Street Y 1395 Lexington Avenue New York, NY 10128 (212) 415-5760 Contact: Director The Unterberg Poetry Center, part of the 92nd Street Y's Tisch Center for the Arts, has been a platform for American and international literary figures since its founding in 1939. The Poetry Center has presented such major mod- ern poets as W.H. Auden, T.S. Eliot, Robert Frost, Langston Hughes, Marianne Moore, Pablo Neruda and Dylan Thomas; recent au- thors have included Octavio Paz, Nadine Gordimer, Anthony Burgess, Toni Morrison, and V.S. Naipul. The Poetry Center's Main Reading Series, from September to May of each year, now brings over 75 authors (poets, fiction writers, essayists and playwrights) from around the world to read from their work in Kaufmann Concert Hall at the 92nd Street Y. The Poetry Center also sponsors a lecture series on literary biography, featuring biogra- phers from America and abroad; a competitive writing program; and the Discovery /The Na- tion Poetry Contest. The Poetry Center main- tains contacts with other literary presenting organizations in this country and abroad. Season brochure, Relevant publications: newsletter Writer's Center 4508 Walsh Street Bethesda, MD 20815 (301) 654-8664 Contact: Director The Writer's Center provides writers with training and support, workspace, information and public programs, communications facili- ties, and other services. The Center hosts many international visitors interested in learning about grassroots, non-academic literary activ- ity, particularly nonprofit literary presses. The Center always welcomes visitors. Writers who can give the Center a long lead time may have opportunities to present readings. Relevant publications: Carousel, Poet Lore 56 Service Organizations Media Arts American Film Institute (AFI) John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts Washington, DC 20566 (202) 828^000 Contact: Director The American Film Institute is a nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving the heri- tage of film and television; identifying and training new talent; and increasing recognition and understanding of the moving image as an art form. AFI is an educational institution, exhibitor and museum. Through a series of inter-related programs emanating from its of- fices in Washington, DC, New York City and Los Angeles, AFI focuses on preservation, train- ing and advocacy. Training programs include the Center for Advanced Film and Television Studies, Advanced Technology Programs, a state-of-the-art digital training program and other internship and grants programs. AFI membership currently numbers 100,000 from the 50 states and many foreign countries. AFI can provide U.S. arts organizations with con- tacts abroad and information. Relevant publication: American Film Maga- zine of the Film and Television Arts American Women in Radio and Television, Inc. (AWRT) 1650 Tyson Boulevard, Suite 200 McLean, VA 22102 (703) 506-3290 Contact: Coordinator of Association Services AWRT is a national association of profession- als employed in the broadcasting industry and allied fields. Under the administration of its educational foundation, AWRT has had an International Broadcasters program since 1962. This program provides women in broadcast- ing from Asia, Europe, South America, Cen- tral America and Africa with an opportunity to view and become familiar with various aspects of the U.S. system of broadcasting. AWRT may be an excellent resource for for- eign contacts in the broadcasting field and for U.S. broadcast entities wishing to host profes- sionals from abroad. Relevant publication: Newsletter Association of Independent Video and Filmmakers (ATVF)/Foundation for Independent Video and Film (FTVF) 625 Broadway, 9th Floor New York, NY 10012 (212) 473-3400 Contact: Information Services Associate ATVF/FIVF is a membership organization for independent media makers in the United States, with members in many foreign countries as well. The organization publishes comprehen- sive guides to distributors, festivals, and over- seas production, as well as The Independent, a monthly magazine. ATVF/FIVF offers work- shops and seminars that give members the opportunity to meet video and film program- mers, distributors, flinders, and producers. In addition, ArVF/FrVF offers health, disability, equipment, and production insurance, consul- tations on festivals and distribution, and trade discounts on a range of products and services. Relevant publications: The Independent; AIVF Guide to International Film & Video Festivals; AIVF Guide to Film and Video Dis- tributors; Directory of Film and Video Resources in Latin America and the Caribbean 57 Service Organizations Council on International Non-Theatrical Events (CINE) 1001 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 638 Washington, DC 20036 (202)785-1136 Contact: Executive Director The Council on International Nontheatrical Events is a resource center for U.S. film and video producers working toward international recognition of their work. CINE sponsors two annual national competitions of U.S. films and videos and enters the winners in worldwide competitions and festivals. In addition, CINE publishes a biannual newsletter, CINE News, providing additional information about in- ternational competitions and events. Relevant publications: Worldwide Dictionary of Film and Video Festivals and Events-, Annual CINE Yearbook; newsletter; application Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) International Activities 901 E Street NW Washington, DC 20004-2006 (202) 879-9727 Contact: Administrative Assistant, Interna- tional Activities The Corporation for Public Broadcasting is the primary national organization charged with the growth and development of public radio and television in the United States. CPB's office of International Activities (IA) works with U.S. public broadcasting producers and organizations to help lay groundwork for ac- tivities abroad. IA also provides international producers and broadcasting organizations with better access to U.S. public broadcasting pro- gramming, facilities, producers, organizations, and resources. Though IA does not fund pro- grams, it can provide guidance for producers interested in international co-production, mar- keting and distribution, acquisition, and co- financing. On a limited basis, it supports projects benefitting the U.S. public broadcasting system's international interests. Relevant publication: News and information packet Independent Feature Project (IFP) IFP/Abroad 132 West 21st Street, 6th Floor New York, NY 10011 (212) 243-7777 Contact: IFP Abroad Coordinator The Independent Feature Project is a non- profit membership organization of indepen- dent filmmakers. Through year-round pro- gramming, the annual Independent Feature Film Market, and IFP/Abroad, IFP educates and assists independent filmmakers in the de- velopment, production, marketing, and distri- bution of their projects. IFP pursues advocacy activity on behalf of independent cinema with the domestic and international industry and serves as a link between the creative and busi- ness communities. Through its IFP/Abroad program, IFP promotes U.S. independent film- making at festivals and participates annually at CineMart/Rotterdam Film Festival, Berlin International Film Festival, and Cannes Inter- national Film Festival. Relevant publications: Filmmaker Magazine; IFFM Company Directory; international pro- gram information; calls for entries; newsletter National Alliance for Media Arts and Culture (NAMAC) 655 13th Street, Suite 201 Oakland, CA 94612 (510)451-2717 58 Service Organizations Contact: Program Coordinator The National Alliance for Media Arts and Culture is an association of organizations and individuals dedicated to building a broad vi- sion of diversity and equality, decentralization and participation in the media arts; audio, film, video, and other sound and image technolo- gies. NAMAC's goals are to make media arts organizations an integral part of the commu- nity; to ensure that independent media artists from all cultural communities receive the rec- ognition and support they merit; to integrate media into all levels of education and to pro- mote media literacy as an educational goal; to foster humane uses of and individual access to current and future media technologies; and to encourage media arts that are rooted in com- munities and/or are global in outlook. While primarily focusing on domestic organizations and issues, NAMAC maintains relations with similar organizations in other countries. NAMAC is currently building a database of international resources. Relevant publications: Media Arts Informa- tion Network (MAIN); NAMAC Member Direc- tory; monthly newsletter National Asian American Telecommunications Association (NAATA) 346 9th, Second Floor San Francisco, CA 94103 (415) 863-0814 Contact: Executive Director NAATA's dual mission is to advance the ideal of the United States as a pluralistic society where diverse cultures and people are equally empowered and respected, and to promote better understanding of the Asian Pacific expe- rience through film, video, and radio to the broadest audience possible. Programs include the annual San Francisco Asian American In- ternational Film Festival, non-broadcast edu- cational distribution of film and video, Media Grants for production and development of film and video by and about Asian Americans, and local and national Public Broadcasting presentations. Relevant publications: Asian American Net- work; annual requests for proposals; newslet- ter (quarterly) National Black Programming Consortium (NBPC) 929 Harrison Avenue, Suite 101 Columbus, OH 43125 (614) 299-5355 Contact: Special Projects Coordinator The National Black Programming Consor- tium serves as a link between member Public Broadcasting System stations, independent pro- ducers and the viewing public. The organization's mission is to support and foster the development, production and distribution of television and film by and about African Americans. Programs include: PrizedPieces, an international video/film competition, award ceremony and festival showcasing achievement in the development, production, and presenta- tion of programming by and about people of African descent, and Request for Proposals (RFP) which supports producers of Black-oriented programs targeted for public television audi- ences. Relevant publication: Informational packet Native American Public Broadcasting Consortium, Inc. (NAPBC) 1800 North 33rd Street, Suite 309 Lincoln, NE 68501 (402) 472-3522 Contact: Development and Marketing Man- ager 59 Service Organizations The Native American Public Broadcasting Consortium serves as the link between public television stations, independent producers and the viewing public. The mission of NAPBC is "to produce and encourage the production and successful use of quality public telecommuni- cations programming by and about Native Americans, for both Native American and general audiences." The Native American video library currently maintains 175 programs on Native American arts, ceremony, children, economy, education, history, lifestyle and multi-cultural relations; these programs are available to schools, libraries and for home video use. NAPBC Development Grants sup- port producers of Native American programs targeted for national public television audi- ences. Relevant publications: NAPBC Catalog of Pro- gramming, informational brochure Museums American Association of Museums (AAM) 1225 Eye Street NV Washington, DC 20005 (202) 289-1818 Contact: Director of International Programs The American Association of Museums is the national service organization for museums in the United States. Its Department of Interna- tional Programs administers "International Partnerships Among Museums" (IP AM) which links U.S. museums with counterpart institu- tions abroad through the development and implementation of cooperative projects. This program aims to establish sustainable links between museums and to encourage an inter- cultural exchange of ideas. IP AM does not specify project type and will accept project proposals in a broad range of areas, from mu- seum operation to exhibition development. AAM publishes A VISO, a monthly newsletter addressing current issues, and an employment newsletter with job and internship listings. Relevant publications: International Part- nerships Among Museums; Arts Employment Newsletter, newsletter; informational brochure American Federation of Arts (AFA) 41 East 65 Street New York, NY 10021 (212) 988-7700 Contact: Director The primary mission of the AFA is the organi- zation and circulation in the United States and abroad of significant art exhibitions, covering a broad range of contemporary and traditional visual arts expression (fine arts, decorative arts, photography, film and video). AFA exhibi- tions frequently bring the work of foreign artists to U.S. audiences, such as Short Films from Latin America, The Jewelry of Tone Vigeland, and French Oil Sketches and the Aca- demic Tradition. AFA exhibition tours often include foreign venues, such as In Our Time: The World as Seen by Magnum Photographers, which reached audiences throughout Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Korea and Taiwan; Art of the Himalayas: Treasures from Nepal and Tibet which was presented at three Australian museums; Sounding Forms: African Musical Instruments, presented in Paris at the Louvre; Before Hollywood: Tum-ofthe-Cen- turyFilmfrom American Archives, which toured the Americas and Europe; and the extensive biannual international tours of The Whitney Biennial Film/Video Exhibition. Many AFA exhibitions are collaborations with member museums while others are generated by inde- pendent curators working in cooperation with the AFA. In addition to exhibitions, other services offered by the AFA include the Tech- nical Assistance Program that helps member museums implement tours of their own exhi- bitions, and management training for mid to 60 Service Organizations senior-level museum professionals through the Museum Management Institute, an operating program of the J. Paul Getty Trust adminis- tered by the AFA. The AFA is not a grant- making organization, and offers programs and services for museums and cultural centers only. Institutional membership is open to U.S. and foreign organizations. Relevant publications: Memo to Members; Exhibi-tions Program Catalogue; Annual Re- port; newsletter; informational brochure; ap- plications Independent Curators, Inc. (ICI) 799 Broadway, Suite 205 New York, NY 10003 (212) 254-8200 Contact: Executive Director Independent Curators Incorporated organizes and circulates exhibitions of contemporary art traveling to venues throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, Mexico and elsewhere. ICI accepts proposals for projects from indi- vidual artists and curators, but will not circu- late previously mounted exhibitions or one- artist shows. Potential applicants should re- quest guidelines for specific programs before submitting a proposal. Relevant publications: Informational bro- chure, guidelines Museum Services International (MSI) Kennedy Exhibitions Center 1100 16th Street NW Washington, DC 20036 (202) 462-6176 Contact: Director This nonprofit organization provides consult- ing services to museums worldwide on many aspects of museum operation, such as exhibi- tion design, management, and touring. MSI can offer technical expertise, a working knowl- edge of the field, as well as museum contacts abroad. Relevant publications: Museum Security and Protection (a handbook for cultural heritage institutions) Music American Institute of Musical Studies (AIMS) 6621 Snider Plaza Dallas, TX 75205-1351 Contact: General Director AIMS is an educational institution designed to help promising young classical musicians and singers make the transition into professional careers. The Institute's campus in Graz, Aus- tria, exposes selected U.S. opera singers and musicians to training and career opportunities in Europe. Financial assistance is available for qualified performers. Relevant publications: Informational mate- rial American Music Center (AMC) 30 West 26th Street, Suite 1001 New York, NY 10010 (212) 366-5260 Contact: Executive Director AMC is an information and documentation center for American music. It can answer ques- tions about U.S. composers and their work. The AMC library includes more than 50,000 scores, records and tapes and the NEA's Com- poser Program Collection. Score borrowing privileges are available for members in the United States, foreign music information cen- ters, and USIS libraries abroad. 61 Service Organizations Relevant publications: Opportunity Updates (monthly), Membership Directory; topic spe- cific publications American Symphony Orchestra League (ASOL) 777 14th Street NW Suite 500 Washington, DC 20005-3201 (202) 628-0099 Contact: Information Center Specialist/Me- mbership Coordinator ASOL provides leadership and services to en- sure the artistic, organizational, and financial strength of U.S. orchestras while com- municating the value of orchestras to the American public. The League offers service memberships to conductors and administra- tors and maintains a liaison with affiliated orchestras and orchestral associations abroad. Relevant publications: Symphony magazine; An- nual Directory; Professional Affiliate Service Announcements Chamber Music America (CMA) 545 8th Avenue New York, NY 10018 (212) 244-2772 Contact: Technical Assistance CMA is the membership service organization for the chamber music community, including professionals and amateurs. Services and ben- efits include numerous publications, low-cost instrument insurance, health and life insur- ance, technical assistance, grant programs, con- ferences and workshops. Relevant publications: Chamber Music (quar- terly); Annual Directory; biennial directory of summer chamber music workshops, schools and festivals; technical assistance bulletin (quar- terly); education bulletin (quarterly). International Association of Jazz Educators (IAJE) P.O. Box 724 Manhattan, KS 66502 (913) 776-8744 Contact: Administrator The International Association of Jazz Educa- tors aims to assure the continued worldwide growth and development of jazz and jazz edu- cation. To advance its mission, IAJE initiates programs that nurture and promote the under- standing and appreciation of jazz and its heri- tage; provides leadership to educators regard- ing curricula, aesthetics, and performance; as- sists teachers and practitioners with informa- tion and resources; and takes an active part in organizing climes, festivals and symposia at local, regional, national and international lev- els. IAJE's Section Coordinators in Australia, Asia, Canada, Europe, Japan, Latin America, South Africa and the United States coordinate membership and activities. Relevant publications: The Jazz Educators Journal, informational brochure Meet the Composer, Inc. 2112 Broadway, Suite 505 New York, NY 10023 (212) 787-3601 Contact: Public Affairs Meet The Composer is a service and funding organization for American composers that awards grants for composer fees to nonprofit organizations that perform, present, or com- mission works in any style, including concert, jazz, folk, ethnic, opera, musical theater, dance, broadcast, and electronic music. A small por- tion of its grants go to composers from abroad. Relevant publications: Composers in the Mar- ketplace: How to Earn a Living Writing 62 Service Organizations Music, Commissioning Music, Guide to Copy- right/or Musicians and Composers National Jazz Service Organization (NJSO) P.O. Box 50152 Washington, DC 20091 (202) 347-2604 Contact: Executive Director or Technical Assis- tance Coordinator National Jazz Service Organization members include jazz artists and enthusiasts, managers, journalists, performing arts centers and pre- senters, radio stations, record companies, jazz clubs, colleges and universities, and regional, state and local arts agencies from across the United States, Canada, and overseas. Services and programs include NJSO Publications, NJSO data, a technical assistance program, and the Lila Wallace-Reader's Digest National Jazz Network, as well as ongoing informational services. Relevant publications: NJSO Journal (quar- terly); informational brochures; topic-specific publications Opera America 777 14th Street NW, Suite 520 Washington, DC 20005-3287 (202) 347-9262 Contact: Information Service Director or Mem- ber-ship Coordinator Opera America serves professional opera com- panies, individual performing artists and affili- ated organizations and professionals in the field of opera/musical theater. The infor- mational, technical and financial services of- fered at Opera America constitute a com- prehensive national and international resource for artists that includes venues and training institutes abroad. Numerous publications pro- vide useful information about the activities and operations of its members and the field. Relevant publication: Informational brochure World Music Institute (WMI) 109 West 27th Street, Room 9C New York, NY 10001 (212) 545-7536 Contact: Director WMI promotes the creation and dissemination of traditional world music. It offers access to foreign recordings, and up-to-date information about traditional performers from Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean. WMI arranges tours of the United States by performers from these regions and coordinates exchange programs. Relevant publications: The Art of Qawwali: Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan; Voices of the Americas: Traditional Music and Dance from North, South and Central America; Maqam: Music of the Islamic World and its Influences; Festival of In- dia: Masters of Indian Music Theater Dramatists Guild, Inc. 234 West 44th Street, Penthouse New York, NY 10036-3909 (212) 398-9366 Contact: President or Executive Director The Dramatists Guild is a professional asso- ciation of playwrights, composers and lyri- cists, with more than 7,000 members world- wide. The Guild offers its members the follow- ing activities and services: use of the Guild's contracts; advice on all theatrical contracts; a nationwide toll-free number for all members with business or contract questions or prob- lems; advice and information on a wide spec- 63 Service Organizations trum of issues affecting writers; free and/or discounted ticket service; symposia led by ex- perienced professionals in major cities nation- wide; access to insurance programs; a reference library; a meeting room and a Committee for Women. Relevant publications: The Dramatists Guild Quar-terly, Resource Directory, newsletter Movement Theatre International (MTI) 3700 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19104 (215) 382-0600 Contact: President and Artistic Director Movement Theatre International presents an annual festival of performing arts events focus- ing on mime, clowning and movement theater of all nations. An institute for movement stud- ies complements the festival. MTI also pro- vides networking, advocacy and consulting services to the movement theater field and commissions new work by innovative artists. The organization offers referrals, mailing lists and distributes a monthly newsletter. Relevant publications: MimeNet newsletter; International Movement Theatre Festival bro- chure; general information packet International Theater Institute of the United States, Inc. (ITI/US) 220 West 42nd Street New York, NY 10036 (212) 944-149 Contact: Director The International Theater Institute of the United States is dedicated to the international exchange of ideas, techniques and information among theater professionals. ITI/US serves as the U.S. center for the International Theater Institute. As of August 1993, ITI's network counted 89 member centers throughout the world. This global network serves as a means of exchange among theater artists and as a resource for theater communities worldwide. ITI/US maintains a consulting service for U.S. ■ theater artists planning to work internation- ally and helps visiting foreign artists by facili- tating initial contacts and providing an intro- duction to professional theater in the United States. They also maintain an international theater library and reference service. ITI/US provides some funding to theater professionals for specific activities involving international travel that advance ITI/US' mission. They do not fund foreign study or international pro- ductions. Relevant publications: Newsletter (quarter- ly) Theatre Communications Group (TCG) 355 Lexington Avenue New York, NY 10024 (212) 697-5230 Contact: Executive Director and Deputy Di- rector Theatre Communications Group, the national organization for American theater, provides centralized services that facilitate the work of actors, artistic and managing directors, play- wrights, literary managers, directors, design- ers, trustees and administrative personnel, as well as a constituency of more than 300 theater institutions across the country. TCG's chief programs include grants, fellowships and awards to theater artists and institutions; conferences, workshops and roundtables; government af- fairs; surveys and research; a national arts em- ployment bulletin; and a publications pro- gram. TCG strives to foster interchange with theater colleagues from other countries and cultures. It provides information and consulta- tion for international programs and to foreign governments. TCG invites distinguished inter- 64 Service Organizations national theater colleagues to speak and per- form at the biennial TCG National Confer- ences; publishes translations and adaptations in the TCG Translations book series of plays and anthologies; serves as an information cen- ter to provide materials about the American theater to theater artists abroad and to expose American theater professionals to the work of foreign theater artists; provides coverage of important international work and annual sched- ules of international summer theater festivals and important international productions in American Theatre Magazine; distributes publi- cations from Britain's Nick Hern Books and Absolute Classics, Amsterdam's International Theater Bookshop and UBU Repertory The ater Publications in the United States. TCG's pilot International Observership Program fa- cilitates artist exchanges with Brazil and Mexico. Relevant publications: American Theatre Magazine; Theatre Profiles; 70 books including plays, anthologies, criticism, theory and refer- ence books Visual Arts American Council for the Arts (ACA) 1 East 53rd Street New York, NY 10022 (212) 223-2787 eluding international opportunities. Relevant publications: Money for International Exchange in the Arts; factsheets; list of publi- cations; informational bulletins Artweek 12 South 1st Street, Suite 520 San Jose, CA 95113 (800) 733-2916 (CA only) (408) 279-2293 Contact: Publisher or Editor-in-Chief Published twice monthly, Artweek magazine provides coverage of the West Coast's con- temporary visual arts, including exhibition reviews, art world news, cultural events, fea- tures, and interviews. In addition, Artweek publishes information on competition oppor- tunities in every issue, and puts out an annual listing of artist residency programs. Relevant publication: Artweek is available by subscription. College Art Association (CAA) 275 7th Avenue New York, NY 10001 (212) 691-1051 Contact: Director of Library and Clearing- house The American Council for the Arts is a non- profit, national organization dedicated to pro- moting public policies that will benefit Ameri- can arts and artists. In conjunction with the Marie Walsh Sharpe Art Foundation, ACA created a Visual Artist Information Hotline (1- 800-232-2789) that is available to all individual American visual artists weekdays between 2 and 5 pm (EST). This is primarily a referral service providing information on a wide vari- ety of programs available to visual artists, in- Contact: Executive Director The College Art Association promotes excel- lence in both the scholarly and creative aspects of art. It is open to an international member- ship that includes those who are concerned with the practice of art, or with research in the visual arts. In addition to providing publica- tion opportunities, conferences and career de- velopment options for its membership, the Association offers CAA Careers, a listing of employment opportunities for artists, art his- torians, and other visual arts professionals in North America. The Association can provide 65 Service Organizations members with exhibition information and ideas for executing projects abroad. Relevant publications: The Art Bulletin; CAA Careers; informational brochure International Artists Support Group (IASG) 3001 Veazey Terrace NW Suite 719 Washington, DC 20008 (202) 362-9477 Contact: Director The International Artists Support Group is a volunteer networking organization open to all visual artists. Local monthly meetings provide artists with the opportunity to discuss local, national and international art issues. A close- knit membership enables IASG to offer mem- bers networking opportunities for work and contacts abroad. Relevant publication: Newsletter International Sculpture Center (ISC) 1050 17th Street NW Suite 250 Washington, DC 20036-5503 (202) 785-1144 Contact: Director The International Sculpture Center is a non- profit membership organization dedicated to the advancement of professional sculptors and the promotion of contemporary sculpture. Most programs, including international con- ferences and symposia, are offered to the gen- eral public for a fee and to members at a reduced rate. The ISC manages Sculpture Source, a computerized artist referral service for contemporary sculpture, which links sculp- tors with those seeking to commission, ex- hibit, or purchase sculpture. Relevant publications: Sculpture magazine (bi-monthly), Maquette international listing of competitions, scholarships, and grants National Sculpture Society (NSS) 1177 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036 (212) 764-5645 Contact: Executive Director The National Sculpture Society is a service organization for professional figurative sculp- tors. Membership is competitive and includes both U.S. and foreign sculptors. The Society annually awards the annual Alex J. Ettl Grant to a figurative or realist sculptor who has demonstrated excellence and commitment to the field. Applicants must be U.S. citizens and cannot be members of NSS. Relevant publication: Guidelines Photographic Resource Center (PRC) Boston University 602 Commonwealth Avenue Boston, MA 02215 (617) 353-0700 Contact: Program Director The Photographic Resource Center sponsors exhibitions and lecture series and provides members with access to the Aaron Siskind Library; a resource for photographic research. PRC also sponsors the biennial Godowsky Award for Color Photography focusing on different regions of the world. In the past, they have presented exhibitions from El Salva- dor, Hungary and Germany. Relevant publications: VIEWS The Journal of Photography in New England; newsletter; membership brochure; informational materi- als 66 Service Organizations U.S. Committee of the International Association of Art, Inc. P.O. Box 28068 Central Station Washington, DC 20038 (202) 628-9633 (800) 727-6232 Contact: President This association represents painters, sculptors, engravers and other professional artists prac- ticing the visual arts in 80 countries on five continents. It exists to contribute to artistic development within each country, to sustain contact between artists of all countries, and to protect the interests of artists everywhere. The association provides information, contacts, pub- lications and other types of assistance to its members. Relevant publication: IAA Bulletin Visual Artists and Galleries Association (VAGA) 1133 6th Avenue, 45th Floor New York, NY 10036 (212) 840-1805 Contact: Executive Director Visual Artists and Galleries Association is an artists' rights organization and copyright col- lective working to ensure that artistic works are licensed before they are reproduced and that artists receive appropriate fees for the use of their work. VAGA protects artist members' copyrights; provides art licensing, reproduc- tion rights clearance and royalties collection for artists; promotes members' works for re- production; provides advice concerning copy- right and artists' rights issues; maintains a legal hotline; and maintains a membership with the Confederation Internationale des Societes d'Auteurs et Compositeurs (CISAC). An in- ternational network of sister societies ensures that members of VAGA are both represented and reproduced legally abroad. In turn, VAGA represents foreign artists from its sister societ- ies to art publishers in the United States. Non- members can call with basic questions on copy- right or artists' rights, but detailed help is reserved for members. Relevant publication: Newsletter Culture-Specific Service Organizations Alliance Francaise de Washington 2142 Wyoming Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 234-7911 Contact: Director The Alliance Francaise aims to promote Franco- American amity. It offers exhibitions, concerts and conferences and maintains a library of French literature. The Alliance may be able to provide artists with information about ex- change opportunities and arts festivals in France. Relevant publication: Monthly bulletin American Academy in Rome (AAR) 7 East 60th Street New York, NY 10022-1001 (212) 751-7220 Contact: Fellowships Coordinator The American Academy in Rome awards Rome prize fellowships in architecture, design arts, landscape architecture, conservation, historic preservation, literature, musical composition, visual arts, classical studies, archaeology, his- tory of art, modern Italian studies and post- classical humanistic studies. The Academy offers individuals of exceptional promise or achievement the opportunity to pursue inde- 67 Service Organizations pendent work for six months to two years at the Academy. Those selected receive a stipend, room and board, a study or a studio, and full access to the library and other facilities. Appli- cants should include field(s) of interest when requesting information. Relevant publication: Guidelines American Council for the Study of Islamic Societies 41^421 SAC, 800 Lancaster Avenue Villanova University Villanova, PA 19085 (610) 519-4791 Contact: Administrative Assistant The Council is designed to offer opportunities to scholars engaged in the study of Muslim societies and states in the world from religious, cultural, economic and political perspectives. Scholars with an interest in Muslim arts and culture can gain valuable information for projects abroad. The Council holds regular conferences and hosts foreign lecturers. Relevant publication: Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (quarterly) Americas Society 680 Park Avenue New York, NY 10021 (212) 249-8950 Contact: Directors of Visual Arts, Literature, Latin American Affairs, or Canadian Affairs The Americas Society seeks to foster a better understanding in the United States about the cultures and societies of its Western Hemi- sphere neighbors. To enhance U.S. public awareness and appreciation of the rich artistic and cultural traditions of Latin America, Canada, and the Caribbean, the Americas So- ciety organizes exhibitions, publishes art cata- logues, and a biannual magazine, Latin Ameri- can Literature and Arts. In addition, the society offers lectures, symposia, readings, and work- shops on cultural issues throughout the year. Relevant publications: Latin American Lit- erature and Arts (bi-annual), exhibition cata- logues Asian Cultural Council (ACC) 1290 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10104 (212) 373-4300 Contact: Any program staff This foundation supports cultural exchange in the visual and performing arts between the United States and Asia. ACC provides fellow- ships to Asian artists, scholars, and specialists for research, study, travel, and creative work in the United States. Fellowships generally range from one to twelve months and provide round- trip international air transportation, per diem, domestic travel, maintenance, medical insur- ance allowances, and miscellaneous expenses. In addition, a few grants have been awarded to U.S. citizens pursuing similar activities in Asia and to institutions involved in cultural ex- change. The Council also grants partial fellow- ships. Relevant publications: Informational bro- chure with application Association for Asian Studies, Inc. (AAS) One Lane Hall University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI 48109 (313)665-2490 Contact: Director The Association for Asian Studies is a schol- arly, nonprofit professional association open to all persons interested in Asian studies. AAS Service Organizations seeks to facilitate contact and exchange of information among scholars and to improve general awareness of Asia through publica- tions, meetings and seminars. AAS may be able to provide artists with contacts in Asia, and in the Asian-American community. Its affiliate organizations include the Museum Committee for Asian Art and Culture and American Com- mittee/or South Asian Art. Relevant publications: Journal of Asian Stud- ies; Bibliography of Asian Studies; doctoral dis- sertations on Asia; newsletter Association of Hispanic Arts, Inc. (AHA) 173 East 116th Street New York, NY 10029 (212) 860-5445 Contact: Director for Technical Assistance The Association of Hispanic Arts is dedicated to the advancement and promotion of Latino artists and arts organizations. AHA's database provides detailed information about Latino artists and organizations and the cultural envi- ronment within which they work. AHA also has information about fellowships, grants, job openings and other opportunities for Latino artists and offers technical assistance programs to both individuals and organizations. Their publication, AHA Hispanic Arts News, outlines opportunities, contemporary work, and criti- cal reviews of Latino artists and their work. Relevant publications: AHA Hispanic Arts News, Directory of Services America-Italy Society, Inc. 3 East 48th Street New York, NY 10017 (212) 980-1965 The America-Italy Society is a private, non- profit organization that promotes cultural and educational exchange between the United States and Italy. The Society hosts leading Italian cultural representatives, keeps a contact list of Americans working on Italian matters and maintains close contact with Italian diplomatic and cultural offices. These connections enable the Society to function as an important link between the United States and Italy. The Soci- ety also runs an Italian language program. Relevant publication: Newsletter America-Mideast Educational and Training Services, Inc. (AMIDEAST) 1100 17th Street NW Washington, DC 20036-4601 (202) 785-0022 Contact: President America-Mideast Educational and Training Services promotes understanding and cooper- ation between Americans and the people of the Middle East and North Africa. AMIDEAST offers educational and training programs in the United States for professionals from the Middle East as well as study abroad programs and tours for U.S. students and educators in the Arab world. Public outreach and information pro- grams support quality U.S.-Arab educational exchange and aim to improve teaching about the Arab world in U.S. classrooms. AMIDEAST can arrange programs or provide contacts for artists and arts organizations work- ing in the Middle East and North Africa. Relevant publications: Annual report, news- letter, informational brochures. Contact: Executive Director 69 Service Organizations ATLATL 2303 North Central Avenue, Suite 104 Phoenix, AZ 85004 (602) 253-2731 Contact: Executive Director ATLATL, the national service organization for Native American arts, maintains an infor- mational network between Native American artists and arts organizations, mainstream in- stitutions and emerging organizations. At the center of this network, ATLATL provides information and referral services to link re- sources and enhance cross-cultural communi- cation. Relevant publications: Newsletter, fact sheet Austrian Cultural Institute 11 East 52nd Street New York, NY 10022 (212) 759-5165 Contact: Director The Austrian Cultural Institute organizes ex- hibitions, concerts, lectures and performances featuring Austrian artists, and promotes the study of Austrian culture in both Austria and the United States. The Institute maintains far- reaching contacts in the Austrian arts commu- nity and has expressed an interest in joint- ventures. In addition, it offers research grants for U.S. college students or those who are pursuing advanced degrees. The bi-monthly newsletter Austria Kultur highlights current and future cultural events in Austria and around the United States. Relevant publications: Austria Kultur, grant application forms Brazilian - American Cultural Institute (BACI) 4103 Connecticut Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 362-8334 Contact: Executive Director The Brazilian- American Cultural Institute is a binational organization dedicated to cultural exchanges between the United States and Bra- zil. Each year the Institute designs, coordinates and implements an annual program of activi- ties for its members. Among these activities are art exhibitions, recitals, lectures and films. The Institute also offers its members the use of a 6,000 volume library, a music library with Brazilian classical and popular works, and a language laboratory used for Portuguese lan- guage instruction. BACI sponsors seminars and conferences on Brazilian culture. The Institute's broad range of contacts in the Brazil- ian arts community makes it a valuable re- source for U.S. artists and organizations wish- ing to work there. Relevant publications: Topic-specific publi- cations on Brazilian culture, informational brochures Brazilian 'Views, Inc. 201 East 66th Street, #21G New York, NY 10021 (212) 472-9539 Contact: Director Brazilian Views orchestrates tours of fiber arts workshops and cottage industries throughout Brazil. Participants meet local artisans and share techniques of needlework, weaving and other native crafts. Programs are tailored to the needs of the participating U.S. artists. No fund- ing is provided. Relevant publication: Informational brochure 70 Service Organizations Caribbean Cultural Center (CCC) 408 West 58th Street New York, NY 10019 (212) 307-7420 Contact: Director The Caribbean Cultural Center promotes Af- rican Caribbean music, dance and visual arts. The Center maintains gallery space and a re- search center that contains information and materials on the African Diaspora. The Center publishes various educational materials and hosts the Expressions Festival, an annual month-long conference highlighting the glo- bal impact of African cultures, and the biennial "International Cultural Diversity Based on Cultural Grounding Conference," bringing together leading experts on issues of cultural arts equity. Artists interested in working in the Caribbean region or with artists of African descent in Europe or Latin America will find information and contacts through the Center. Relevant publications: Informational bro- chures Center for United States-China Arts Exchange 423 West 118th Street, #1-E New York, NY 10027 (212) 280^648 Contact: Program Assistant The Center is dedicated to arts exchanges be- tween the United States and all regions of China. It aims to assist and encourage ex- changes of individuals and materials in the arts, to stimulate public awareness of the arts, and to foster collaborative projects. The Center is not a funding organization; it relies on contribu- tions of money, materials, and services from foundations, corporations, and individuals to carry out its programs. U.S. -China exchanges have included projects in: architecture, writ- ing, conducting, painting, dance, music, and arts education. Relevant publications: Newsletter China Institute in America 125 East 65th Street New York, NY 10021 (212) 744-8181 Contact: School Officer The China Institute can provide information and assistance to artists wishing to engage in work in China. CIA offers classes in con- versational language and Chinese culture, spon- sors Chinese art exhibitions and lecture series, and offers educational exchange programs. Relevant publications: Catalog of classes and events East-West Center (EWC) (Center for Technical and Cultural Interchange Between East and West) 1777 East-West Road Honolulu, HI 96848 (808) 944-7111 Contact: Coordinator, Arts Program Created by Congress, EWC is a national edu- cational institution that promotes better rela- tions between the nations of Asia and the Pacific and the United States through coop- erative training, study and research. Some 2,000 participants a year (including graduate stu- dents, mid-career and senior professionals from government and the private sector) study, con- duct research, and exchange views on topics of concern to nations east and west. The ap- proach is interdisciplinary and either multi or binational in scope. Artists wishing to work in Asia and the Pacific may contact EWC for specific information and contacts in the re- gion. Although EWC does not provide funds 71 Service Organizations for artists to go abroad, it sometimes is able to host performances or other arts activities in Hawaii for U.S. artists en route to Asia or the Pacific. EWC staff may also be able to assist artists in making contacts in the Asian-Pacific region. Relevant publications: Topic-specific publi- cations, newsletter Goethe House 1014 5th Avenue New York, NY 10028 (212) 439-8700 Contact: Director There are about 170 Goethe-Instituts around the world that aim to foster appreciation of German culture, language and literature, and to promote international communication. With a network of experts in the arts field, the Instituts can provide contacts and advice for proposed cultural exchanges with German art- ists or organizations. There are 15 Goethe Instituts in North America. Contact the New York office for the location nearest to you. Relevant publications: Informational materi- als Indo-U.S. Subcommission of Education and Culture c/o Asian Cultural Council 280 Madison Avenue, Room 1202 • New York, NY 10016 (212) 725-2666 Contact: Program Associate The Indo-U.S. Subcommission aims to pro- mote greater understanding and partnership between the United States and India. The Subcommission serves as a catalyst to link individuals and institutions in the United States and India, and to create mutually beneficial exchanges, contacts and continuing dialogue between the two countries. The Subcommis- sion offers exchange programs in media, cul- ture, education and sports, as well as fellowship exchange programs between American and Indian scholars and artists. Relevant publications: General program out- line, examples of previously funded fellowship projects Instituto Cultural Mexicano (ICM) 600 Hemisfair Plaza San Antonio, TX 78205 (210) 227-0123 Contact: Director Under the auspices of the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this cultural institution works to promote the art and artists of Mexico in the United States. The Institute supports joint projects involving Mexican and U.S. artists, and helps establish connections between the two countries. Relevant publication: Informational materi- als Japan Society, Inc. 333 East 47th Street New York, NY 10017 (212) 832-1155 Contact: President The Japan Society, an American organization, promotes greater understanding between the United States and Japan. A nonprofit, nonpolitical organization, the Japan Society focuses on cultural, educational and public affairs, and on exchanges and studies relevant to U.S. and Japanese citizens. The Japan Soci- ety presents traditional and contemporary J apa- nese performing arts, exhibitions of Japanese visual arts, and Japanese cinema. The Society does not fund programs for artists to travel or 72 Service Organizations study in Japan, but it can provide information and assistance for artists interested in working there. Relevant publications: Information letter pro- vided with a written inquiry letter Latin American Scholarship Program of American Universities, Inc. (LASPAU) 25 Mount Auburn Street Cambridge, MA 02138 (617) 495-5255 Contact: Executive Director LASPAU is a nonprofit organization affiliated with Harvard University and governed by an independent, inter-American board of trust- ees. LASPAU designs, develops, and imple- ments academic exchange programs on behalf of individuals and institutions in the United States, Canada, Latin America, and the Carib- bean. These include the Fundacion Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho of Venezuela, the U.S. Information Agency, the U.S. Agency for In- ternational Development, and multilateral or- ganizations such as the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank. While LASPAU's work is predominently devoted to graduate-level exchanges, undergraduate and professional non-degree programs also consti- tute a part of LASPAU's scope of activities. Relevant publications: Annual report; grant- ee handbooks; newsletter; informational bro- chures Middle East Institute (MEI) 1761 N Street NW Washington, DC 20036-2882 (202)785-1141 The primary focus of the Middle East Institute is to foster an understanding of the cultures, religions, politics, economics, and languages of the area from North Africa to Central Asia. Projects include: a quarterly journal, an annual conference and regular lectures on interna- tional affairs, a library on the region, language instruction, and many cultural events, includ- ing the annual summer garden series. MEI may serve as a basic resource for artists considering work in the Middle East or make referrals to other agencies or artists. Relevant publications: Middle East Journal (quarterly); annual report; resource list; monthly calendar of events, newsletter (bi- monthly) Partners of the Americas 1424 K Street NW, Suite 700 Washington, DC 20005 (202) 628-3300 Contact: President of the Partners of the Americas committee in your state. Partners of the Americas is a voluntary organi- zation fostering inter- American friendship and cooperation through economic and social de- velopment activities. Partners organizes part- nerships with 31 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, and can provide contacts and information for artists seeking to work in these countries. Partners supports international arts exchanges between 46 U.S. states and 31 Latin and Caribbean countries. For more information, contact your state chapter of Part- ners of the Americas or write Partners' head- quarters for a complete listing. Relevant publication: Informational chure >ro- Contact: Director of Cultural and Educational Programs or Programs Assistant 73 Service Organizations Swedish Information Service One Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, 45th Floor New York, NY 10017-2201 (212) 751-5900 Contact: Administrator, Bicentennial Fund In addition to providing general information about Sweden, this government agency offers ten grants annually to people from the United States for three-to-six week intensive study visits in Sweden. Applicants may be working in mass media, culture, education or a variety of other fields, and should have a detailed plan of a proposed project. Relevant publications: Informational bro- chure, application General Service Organizations Academy for Educational Development (AED) 1255 23rd Street NW Washington, DC 20037 (202) 862-1900 Contact: Director, International Education and Exchange Programs The Academy for Educational Development addresses human development needs through education, communication and information activities worldwide. AED designs and imple- ments professional enrichment programs for leaders in a variety of fields from around the world with a focus on developing countries. AED does not offer arts programs but may be able to provide information to interested art- ists about arts agencies and other resources abroad. Relevant publication: Informational brochure Alliance for International Educational and Cultural Exchange 1090 Vermont Avenue NW, Suite 720 Washington, DC 20005 (202) 371-2070 Contact: Director The Alliance promotes public policies that support the growth of international exchange between the United States and other nations. As a nonprofit membership organization, the Alliance provides professional representation, resource materials, publications and public policy research for members involved in inter- national exchanges. For artists interested in organizing international exchanges, the Alli- ance can provide information services and con- tacts in the field. Relevant publications: International Ex- change Locator, International Exchange Policy Monitor, informational brochure American Center for International Leadership (ACIL) 7 Saint Paul Street, Suite 1630 Baltimore, MD 21202 (410) 539-2245 Contact: Director of Programs The American Center for International Lead- ership was established to build a strong link between emerging U.S. leaders in all fields, including the arts, and their counterparts in selected countries abroad. Through its pro- grams and alumni contacts, ACIL is devel- oping an international network of informed people to enhance communication between emerging international leaders. In the past, ACIL has supported cultural exchange by spon- 74 Service Organizations soring and org anizin g international meetings such as the Europe-American Conference, at- tended by 350 representatives from 33 coun- tries. More recently, ACIL hosted 11 arts ex- perts from St. Petersburg. Relevant publication: Newsletter Association for International Practical Training (ATPT) 10 Corporate Center, Suite 250 10400 Little Patuxent Parkway Columbia, MD 21044-3510 (410) 997-2200 Contact: Program Director The Association for International Practical Training, a nonprofit organization designed to help prepare for a global economy, encourages the exchange of individuals between the United States and other countries. AIPT hopes that these individuals will gain practical work expe- rience and improve international understand- ing. AIPT organizes exchanges for students and professionals in a wide variety of fields including film, photography, entertainment, sculpture, and other arts-related professions and studies. AIPT also coordinates exchanges for museums, arts organizations and studios. Recently, AIPT brought European trainees to the United States to gain on-the-job experience in museum management, curating and U.S. approaches to various arts disciplines. Under its USIA-approved sponsorship, no perfor- mance or performing arts exchanges are al- lowed. Relevant publications: Annual report; news- letter; informational brochures Mary Ingraham Bunting Institute Radcliff e Research and Study Center 34 Concord Avenue Cambridge, MA 02138 (617) 495-8212 Contact: Programs Officer The Mary Ingraham Bunting Institute of Radcliffe College is a research center for female scholars, scientists, artists and writers, offering residential fellowships for women with excep- tional promise in academic, professional and creative fields. The Institute encourages projects in specific areas and requires that fellows pre- sent their works in progress at public exhibi- tions. Competition for individual arts fellow- ships is keen. Relevant publications: Program description sheet, informational brochure Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL) 1118 22nd Street NW Washington, DC 20037 (202) 429-9292 Contact: President The Center for Applied Linguistics is a non- profit organization specializing in finding solu- tions to language-related problems, both do- mestic and international. With a multi- disciplinary staff, CAL conducts research and disseminates information on the language learning process, and aims to advance cross- cultural communication and global understand- ing. Artists may seek advice from CAL for creative ways of coping with language differ- ences in international cultural presentations. Relevant publications: Speaking of Lan- guage: An International Directory of Language Service Organizations, topic-specific publica- tions related to language instruction and un- derstanding 75 Service Organizations Citizen Exchange Council (CEC) 12 West 31st Street, 4th Floor New York, NY 10001 (212) 643-1985 Contact: Director, Arts & Media Programs Citizen Exchange Council sponsors exchanges between the United States and the fifteen former Soviet Republics, as well as with the former bloc countries of Eastern and Central Europe. In the field of arts and culture, CEC has sup- ported film festivals, concerts, arts manage- ment exchanges and visual arts conferences. CEC offers support to U.S. artists pursuing creative collaborations in the Region through ArtsLink Collaborative Projects, and to U.S. organizations wishing to host an artist or arts manager from the region through ArtsLink Residencies. (See page xx for more informa- tion.) CEC provides funding, information and/ or facilities for selected arts projects. Relevant publications: Guidelines, applica- tion Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE) 205 East 42nd Street New York, NY 10017 (212) 661-1414 Contact: Information Services Manager CEEE is a nonprofit membership organization of over 200 academic institutions (colleges and universities) and national organizations in North America and abroad that conduct edu- cational exchange programs and services. CIEE coordinates work-abroad programs, interna- tional volunteer work-camps, and educational programs at the secondary, university, gradu- ate and professional levels in Australia, Asia, Europe, South America, and Central America. Its subsidiaries, Council Travel and Council Charter, arrange low-cost air and land trans- portation for students, educational groups, and budget travelers. Relevant publications: Work, Study, Travel Abroad: The Whole Handbook; Volunteer! The Comprehensive Guide to Voluntary Ser- vice in the U.S. and Abroad; Smart Vacations: The Traveler's Guide to Learning Adventures Abroad; Student Travels Magazine; newsletter Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES) Fulbright Scholar Program 3007 Tilden Street NW, Suite 5M Washington, DC 20008-3009 (202) 686-4006 Contact: Executive Director In cooperation with the United States Infor- mation Agency, the Council for International Exchange of Scholars administers senior level Fulbright fellowships in over 125 countries. The Fulbright Program offers fellowships for professionals and independent scholars to con- duct research in a variety of fields (including the arts), in countries around the world. (See page xx for more information about the Fulbright program.) Relevant publications: Informational bro- chure, application booklet Delphi International 1090 Vermont Avenue, NW 7th Floor Washington, DC 20005 (800) 826-0196 (202) 898-0950 Contact: Manager, Community Relations Delphi International is a nonprofit organiza- tion that sponsors various international ex- change projects. In association with USIA, Delphi International runs programs in muse- um management, theater, and the performing 76 Service Organizations arts, among other areas. Delphi has organized international arts exchange programs in the past and may be able to provide information and contacts in the arts abroad. Relevant publications: General information sheet, informational brochures Foundation Center 79 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10003-3076 (800) 424-9836 (212) 620-4230 Contact: Director of Marketing The Foundation Center is a national nonprofit organization whose mission is to disseminate information on foundation and corporate giv- ing. The Center operates four libraries and a network of more than 190 cooperating collec- tions nationwide. Its print and electronic pub- lication program features over 80 titles on philanthropic giving and other nonprofit con- cerns. Relevant publications: The Foundation Center's User Friendly Guide; The National Guide to Funding in Arts and Culture; The Guide to Funding for International and Foreign Programs; Grant Guide: Arts, Culture & the Humanities; Grant Guide: Foreign & Interna- tional Programs; referral brochure Grantsmanship Center P.O. Box 17220 Los Angeles, CA 90017 (213) 482-9860 Contact: Any staff member Although not specifically geared toward inter- national projects, the Grantsmanship Center is a valuable resource for those who need assis- tance in grantwriting. The Center offers pro- posal writing and grantsmanship workshops nationally and also publishes a number of catalogues for nonprofit organizations seeking funding sources. Relevant publication: The Whole Nonprofit Catalog available upon written request Institute of International Education (HE) 809 United Nations Plaza New York, NY 10017 (212) 883-8200 Contact: Staff member HE manages over 200 programs, including the graduate student portion of the USIA Fulbright Program. (See page xx for more information.) The Arts International division of the Institute encourages connections between U.S. artists and artists around the world through grants, advocacy, exchange programs and informa- tion, emphasizing the role of the artist in the world as communicator and ambassador. (See page xx for more information.) Relevant publication: Informational materi- als International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX) 1616 H Street, NW Washington, DC 20006 (202) 628-8188 Contact: Program Officer for programs in country of interest The International Research and Exchanges Board serves the U.S. scholars' community by organizing intellectual exchanges with Central and Eastern Europe, Eurasia, and Mongolia. IREX offers advanced research programs, lan- guage and development programs, short-term travel grants, and special project grants to American pre-doctoral and post-doctoral schol- ars. Applications in all disciplines are accepted, 77 Service Organizations with an emphasis on the humanities and the social sciences. Relevant publications: Grant Opportunities for U.S. Scholars, application International Visitors Council of Philadelphia (IVC) 34th and Civic Center Boulevard at the Civic Center Museum Philadelphia, PA 191044395 (215) 823-7264 Contact: Director of Corporate and Commu- nity Projects International Visitors Council is an official host for international guests of the U.S. gov- ernment and private foundations. Although IVC specifically serves foreign visitors to the United States, it can provide international con- tacts and assistance with cultural communica- tion and cross-cultural issues to artists wishing to work internationally. Relevant publications: Newsletter, informa- tional brochure Meridian International Center (MIC) 1630 Crescent Place, NW Washington, DC 20009 (202) 667-6800 Contact: Arts and Communication Meridian International Center promotes intercultural understanding through the ex- change of people, ideas and the arts. Meridian's Training and Programming Divisions conduct intercultural training and professional study programs. MIC regularly presents international exhibitions, lectures, seminars and concerts, often in cooperation with Washington embas- sies. The Center can assist artists with cultural sensitivity issues, and advise them on how to function more effectively interculturally. Relevant publication: Newsletter Mobility International USA (MTUSA) P.O. Box 10767 Eugene, OR 97440 (503) 343-1284 (voice and TDD) Contact: Exchange Coordinator Mobility International USA is a nonprofit organization devoted to creating and promot- ing equal opportunities for people with dis- abilities to participate in international educa- tional exchange. MTUSA assists organizations to integrate people with disabilities into their existing programs. In addition, MTUSA hosts and facilitates its own international educational exchange and leadership training programs for persons with and without disabilities. MTUSA provides members with information and refer- ral services and a subscription to MTUSA's newsletter, Over the Rainbow. Other publica- tions and videos address integrating people with disabilities into international educational exchange, travel opportunities and accessible travel options. Relevant publications: Newsletter, videos NAFSA (National Association of Foreign Student Advisors) 1875 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20009-5728 (202) 4624811 Contact: Executive Vice President NAFSA's 6,200 institutional and individual members represent colleges and universities, U.S. and foreign organizations that arrange exchanges, community groups, and U.S. and foreign government agencies with responsi- bility for international educational and cul- tural affairs. NAFSA conducts a year-round program of professional training and service through workshops, seminars, regional and 78 Service Organizations national conferences, and publications. NAFSA serves as a spokesman for interna- tional educational exchange and provides a guide to standards of performance and pro- grams. The annual NAFSA conference repre- sents the largest regular meeting of interna- tional educators worldwide. The association may provide referrals to work abroad pro- grams, primarily for students. Relevant publications: International Edu- cator, Learning Across Cultures; newsletter People to People International 501 East Armour Boulevard Kansas City, MO 64109-2200 (816) 531-4701 Contact: Vice President for Programs Founded by former President D wight D . Eisen- hower, People to People International strives to enhance international understanding through educational and cultural activities among peoples of different countries and di- verse cultures. The organization sponsors vari- ous travel and residency programs. Artists interested in international arts exchange may gather information and contacts through the organization's extensive connections in thirty countries around the world. Relevant publications: Information sheet, ap- plication booklet for study abroad programs Phelps-Stokes Fund 10 East 87th Street New York, NY 10128 (212) 427-8100 Contact: Director of International Exchange Programs Focusing primarily on the education of Afri- can Americans, American Indians, and Afri- cans, the Phelps-Stokes Fund develops pro- grams that aim to build international and inter- racial understanding around the* world. The Fund does not award grants, rather it works with organizations to arrange international exchanges. It also conducts professional tours of the United States for persons nominated by the U.S. Information Agency. Persons seeking information about international exchange ac- tivities or collaborative projects may contact the Phelps-Stokes Fund for guidance. Relevant publications: Annual report Sietar International (Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research) 808 17th Street NW Suite 200 Washington, DC 20006 (202) 466-7883 Contact: Operations Manager SIETAR International is a professional society of individuals and institutions who work in the fields of intercultural education, training, re- search and management. SIETAR's mission is to promote mutual understanding of the values and beliefs of people from different cultural backgrounds and to provide non-political av- enues for contact between people who share a common interest in development of intercultural awareness exchanges. Relevant publications: Communique; Inter- national Journal of Intercultural Research; Consultant and Specialist Referral Directory; Membership Directory; informational brochures Sister Cities International (SCI) 120 South Payne Street Alexandria, VA 22314 (703) 836-3535 Contact: Executive Director Sister Cities International encourages inter- 79 Service Organizations national cooperation and understanding through Sister City relationships between cit- ies in the United States and abroad. Participat- ing cities seek to improve international rela- tions and create lasting interchange across cul- tural lines. To varying degrees, participating cities nationwide initiate exchange projects with their counterparts abroad, and SCI helps facilitate these projects. In the past, arts ex- changes between cities have included student and professional participants. Relevant publications: Newsletter, bro- chures of Sister City profiles REGIONAL ARTS ASSOCIATIONS The six regional arts associations in the United States support international work to varying degrees. Contact the one in your region for further information. All six associations are linked in one international program called the International Arts Programming Network. This new program, funded by USIA, is de- signed to create an independent arts network between the six regionals and binational cen- ters (BNCs) abroad. Within each U.S. region, one presenting organization is chosen to host foreign artists touring the United States, and U.S. artists are chosen to tour the BNC circuit abroad. Currently, the circuit includes seven BNCs in Latin America and Southeastern Eu- rope. To qualify, American visual artists must have received a regional fellowship for the year in question, and performing artists and organi- zations must have demonstrated a reputation of excellence in the region. For further infor- mation about the Network, contact the Direc- tor of Programs at the Mid- America Arts Alli- ance. Arts Midwest (AM) 528 Hennepin Avenue, Suite 310 Minneapolis, MN 55403 (612) 341-0755 Contact: Program Associate Member States: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michi- gan, Minnesota, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Wisconsin Arts Midwest offers funding, publications and training opportunities to artists and arts orga- nizations in its region. For example, AM's Cultural Development Fund provides sup- port to artists and cultural organizations within the African American, Asian American, Na- tive American, Latino and Hispanic commu- nities of the Midwest. Although Arts Midwest does not offer specific programs for interna- tional arts exchange, it can provide contacts and information on training opportunities for artists within the Midwestern region. Relevant publications: List of programs and publications; newsletter; informational bro- chure Mid-America Arts Alliance (MAAA) 912 Baltimore, Suite 700 Kansas City, MO 64105-3918 (816) 421-1388 Contact: Public Relations Specialist Member States: Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas The Mid-America Arts Alliance is a regional partnership created to foster the arts in the communities of its member states. MAAA organizes performing and visual arts touring programs and USIA visual arts fellowships, with a special emphasis on exchanges with Canada and Mexico. MAAA aims to distribute programs of international significance, to pro- vide contacts with colleagues in other coun- tries, to make art from other countries more available and understandable in its constituent communities, and to develop financial means to sustain these goals. MAAA may provide 80 Service Organizations information and contacts to artists in the re- gion who seek international opportunities. Relevant publications: MAAA Fact Sheets; newsletter; annual report; International Fel- lowships and Residencies information packet; program brochures Mid-Atlantic Arts Foundation (MAAF) 11 East Chase Street, Suite 2A Baltimore, MD 21202 (410) 539-6656 Contact: Executive Director Members: Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsyl- vania, Virgin Islands, Virginia, West Virginia The Mid-Atlantic Arts Foundation supports performing arts tours and visual arts residen- cies for artists from its region. It focuses specifi- cally on providing the region with culturally diverse arts programs, with particular empha- sis on underserved and rural communities. MAAF does not typically support interna- tional projects; however, it may provide infor- mation and contacts to artists in the Mid- Atlantic region who wish to investigate inter- national opportunities. Relevant publications: Regional fellowships booklet; program applications and brochures; newsletter; informational brochure Southern Arts Federation (SAF) 181 14th Street, NE Suite 400 Atlanta, GA 30309 (404) 876-6240 Contact: Program Coordinator Member States: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Caro- lina, South Carolina, Tennessee The mission of the Southern Arts Federation is to advance the careers of Southeast artists through cash awards and promotional activi- ties. SAF offers support to visual artists through $5,000 grants and two-year traveling exhibi- tions. There are specific requirements for these programs listed in their giving guidelines and informational material which is provided upon request. International arts projects are not typi- cally funded by SAF, but are considered. Relevant publication: Guidelines Western States Arts Federation (WESTAF) 236 Montezuma Avenue Santa Fe, NM 87501 (505) 988-1166 Contact: Executive Director Member States: Alaska, Arizona,California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington.Wyoming WESTAF is dedicated to promoting quality and diverse arts programs, and increasing their availability to western audiences. It supports visual and performing arts programs as well as projects in literature and folk arts. WESTAF's newsletter provides employment information from across the country. WESTAF publica- tions can provide assistance to artists living anywhere in the United States. Western artists seeking international arts opportunities may find information and contacts through WESTAF. Relevant publications: Question and An- swer sheet; listing of WESTAF Publications; informational brochure 81 New England Foundation for the Arts (NEFA) 678 Massachusetts Avenue, 8th Floor Cambridge, MA 02139 (617) 492-2914 Contact: Executive Director Members: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont. The New England Foundation for the Arts connects the citizens of New England with arts experiences and opportunities. It organizes a wide variety of culturally-diverse programs, working collaboratively with its member com- munities to increase resources for the arts. Although international projects are not typi- cally considered,NEFA welcomes projects that explore other artistic traditions and cultures. Relevant publication: Annual report 82 Part 2: Directory of Rsources for International Arts Activity 83 84 State and Local Arts Agencies State Arts Agencies (This directory lists only those state arts agencies agencies that conduct mtcrnatumal acttviaa.) Alabama State Council on the Am One Dexter Avenue Montgomery, AL 36130-5401 (205) 242-4076 Alaska State Council on the Am 411 Wen 4th Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99501-2343 (907) 279-1558 Arizona Commission on the Am 417 West Roosevelt Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85003 (602) 255-5882 California Arts Council 2411 Alhambra Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95817 (916) 227-2550 Colorado Council on the Arts 750 Pennsylvania Street Denver, CO 80203-3699 (303) 894-2617 Delaware Division of the Arts 820 North French Street Wumingon, DE 19801 (302) 577-3540 District of Columbia Commission on the Am & Humanities 5th Floor 410 Eighth Street NW Washington, DC 20004 (202)724-5613 Guam Council on the Are and Humanities Office of the Governor P.O. Box 2950 Agana,Guam 96910 9-011-671-477-1454 [Hawaii] State Foundation on Culture and the Are 335 Merchant Street, Room 202 Honolulu, HI 96813 (808)5864300 Idaho Commission on the Are 304 West State Street Boise, ID 83720 (208) 334-2119 Indiana Are Commission 402 West Washington St Indianapolis, IN 46204-2741 (317) 232-1268 Iowa Are Council 600 East Locust State Capitol Complex Des Moines, IA 50319 (515) 281-4451 Kentucky Arts Council 31 Fountain Place Frankfort, KY 40601 (502) 564-3757 Maine Are Commissio n 55 Capitol Street State House Station 25 Augusta, ME 04333 (207)287.2335 Massachusetts Cultural Council 10th Floor 80 Boybton Street Boston, MA 02116 (617)727-3668 Michigan Council for Are and Cultural Affairs 1200 6th Avenue Executive Plaza Detroit, MI 48226-2461 013)256-3731 Minnesota State Are Board 432 Summit Avenue St Paul, MN 55102 (612)297-2603 Missouri State Council on the Are Wainwrigfat Office Complex, Suite 105 111 North 7th Street St. Louis, MO 63101 (314)340-6845 Montana Are Council 316 North Park Ave. Room 252 Helena, MT 59620 (406)444-6430 Nebraska Arts Council 3838 Davenport Street Omaha, NB 68131-2329 (402)595-2122 Nevada State Council on the Arts Capitol Complex 100 South Stewart Street Carson City, NV 89710 (702)687-6680 New Hampshire State Council on the Arts Phoenix Hall 40 North Main Street Concord, NH 03301 (603)271-2789 New Mexico Are Division 228 East Palace Avenue Sana Fe,NM 87501 (505)827-6490 North Carolina Are Council Department of Cultural Resources Raleigh, NC 27601-2807 (919)7332821 North Dakota Council on the Am Suite 606 Black BuH jflding 118 Broadway Fargo, ND 58102 (701)239-7150 [Northern Marianas] Commonwealth Council for Arts and Culture, PO Box 5553, Convention Center Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Saipan, MP 96950 . Wll-670-322-9982 Ohio Am Council 727 East Main St. Columbus, OH 43205 (614) 466-261 85 State Arts Agencies State Arts Council of Oklahoma 2101 North Lincoln Boulevard Room 640 Oklahoma City, OK 73105 (405) 521-2931 Institute of Puerto Rican Culture Apartado Postal 4184 San Juan, PR 00902 (809) 723-2115 South Carolina Arts Commission 1800 Gervais Street Columbia, SC 29201 (803) 734-8696 South Dakota Arts Council 230 South Phillips Avenue, Suite 204 Sioux Falls, SD 57102-0720 (605) 339-6646 Tennessee Arts Commission Suite 100 320 6th Avenue North Nashville, TN 37243-0780 (615) 741-1701 Texas Commission on the Arts P.O. Box 13406 Capitol Station Austin, TX 78711 (512) 463-5535 Utah Arts Council 617 East South Tempi St Salt Lake City, UT 84102 (801) 533-5895 Vermont Council on the Arts 136 State Street, Drawer 33 Montpelier, VT 05633-6001 (802) 828-3291 Virgin Islands Council on the Arts 2d Floor 41-42 Norre Gode, P.O. Box 103 St. Thomas, VI 00802 (809) 774-5984 Washington State Arts Commission 234 East 8th Avenue P.O. Box 42675 Olympia, WA 98504-2675 (206) 753-3860 Wyoming Council of the Arts 2320 Capitol Avenue Cheyenne, WY 82002 (307) 777-7742 86 Local Arts Agencies (This directory lists only sgencie that conduct mumatumal tcttviaes.) Alabama The Am Council, Inc. 700 Monroe Street SW Huntsvule,AL 35801 (205)5334565 Arts and Humanities Council of Tuscaloosa County P.O. Box 1117 Tuscaloosa. AL35403 (205)7584083 Alaska Fairbanks Arts Association P.O. Box 72786 Fairbanks, AK 99707 (907)456-6485 Homer Council on the Arts POBox 1764 Homer, AK 99603 (907)235-4288 Kodak Arts Council P.O. Box 1792 Kodiak, AX 99615 (907) 486-5291 Arizona Can Grande Arts & Humanities Comma- MB 300 East 4th Street Can Grande, AZ 85222 (602) 421-8600 Tucson Pima Arts Council, lac P.O. Box 27210 166 West Alameda Tucson, AZ 85726 (602)6240595 California Arts and Humanities Council of Avoyelles P.O. Box 328 MarksvulcCA 71351 (318)253-5511 Arts Council of San Mateo County 1219 Ralston Avenue Belmont, CA 94002 (415)593-1816 City of Manhattan Public Arts Program 1400 Highland Avenue Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 (310) 545-5621 Cohon Hall Museum City Hall Monterey, CA 93940 (408) 646-3851 San Diego Commission for Arts and Culture 1010 2nd Avenue Suite 555, MS652 San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 533-3050 Cultural Arts Council of Sonoma County P.O. Box 7400 Santa Rosa, CA 95407 (707) 579-2787 Cultural Council of Santa Cruz County 7960 Soquel Drive, Suite 1 Aptos,CA 95003 (408) 688-2383 Cultural Services Department City of Walnut Creek P.O. Box 8039 Walnut Creek, CA 94598 (510)943-5848 El Dorado Am Council P.O. Box 337 Coloma,CA 95613 (916) 622-6961 Fresno Arts Council Room 102 2425 Fresno Street Fresno, CA 93721 (209)237-9734 Los Angeles County Musk and Performing Arts Commission 135 North Grand Avenue, 1204 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213)974-1343 Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts City of Mountain View P.O. Box 7540 Mountain View, CA 94041 (415) 903-6565 Plumas County Arts Commission P.O. Box 618 Quincy, CA 95971 (916) 283-3402 Public Corporation for theArts 100 West Broadway, Suite 360 Long Beach, CA 90802 (310)983-3820 Santa Cruz County Arts Ow iniifiiftn 9000 Soquel Avenue, Suite 101 Santa Cruz, CA 95062 (408)462-8300 Shasta County Arts Council P.O. Box 2595 1313 Market Street Old City Hall Gallery Redding, CA 96099 (415) 241-7320 Stockton Arts 425 North El Dorado St Stockton, CA 95202 (209)937-7488 Colorado Durango Arts Center 835 Main Avenue, #210 Durango, CO 81301 (303)259-2606 Mayor's Office of Art, Culture and Film 1445 Cleveland Place, Denver, CO 80202 (303) 640-2678 Florida Broward Cultural Affairs Council 10 South Andrews Ave Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301 (305) 357-7456 87 Local Arts Agencies Arts Assembly of Jacksonville Suite 505 128 East Forsyth Street Jacksonville, FL 32202 (904)358-3600 Arts Council of Northwest Florida P.O. Box 731 * QttatCOlaft* FL 32594-0731 (904) 432-9906 Sarasota County Arts Council ILSJ. 1351 Fniitvflle Road Sarasota, FL 34236 (813) 365-5118 Idaho Caldwell Fine Arts Series, Inc. 2112 Cleveland Blvd. Caldwell ID 83605 (208) 454-1376 Depot Institute P.O. Box 1098 Cascade, ID 83611 (208)382-4674 Idaho Falls Am Council 241 Cliff Street Idaho Falls, ID 83402 (208)522-0471 Moscow Am Georgia City of Atlanta/Bureau Cultural A ffiain 67S Ponce de Leon Avenue, NE 11th Floor Tower Atlanta, GA 30308 (404)817-6815 Clarke County Depart- ment of Arts and Environmental Education P.O. Box 1161 Athens, GA 30603 (404) 613-3620 Macon Arts Alliance P.O. Box 972 Macon, GA 31202 (912) 7444981 Savannah Arts Commission Office of Cultural Affairs P.O. Box 1027 Savannah, GA 31402 (912) 235-4073 ee Box 9203 Moscow,© (3843 of (208) 882-5553 Illinois Chy of Chicago/Depart- ment of Cultural Affairs 78 East Washington Street Chicago, IL 60602 (312)744-7528 Highland Park Cultural Aw« GOJMUaHOB 1707 St. Johns Avenue dry Hall Highland Park, IL 60035 (708)432-0895 Near Northeast Am Council 1579 North Milwaukee Avenue Chicago, IL 60622-2009 (312) 278-7677 Rockford Area Arts Council 713 East State Street Rockford, IL 61 104 (815) 963-6765 Urban Gateways 105 West Adams, Chicago, IL 60603 (312)922-0440 Indiana Jay County Am Council 138 East Main Street P.O. Box 804 Portland, IN 47371 (219)726-4809 Iowa LeMars Arts Council 200 Central Avenue SE LeMars, IA 51031 (712)546-7476 Metro Am Alliance of Greater De Moines 310 Shops Building Des Moines, IA 50309 (515)280-3222 Spencer Area Am Council 408 Grand Avenue Spencer, IA 51301 (712)262-4307 Lawrence Am Center 200 West 9th Street Lawrence, KS 66044 P13) 843-2787 Salina Arts and Humanities Commission 211 West Iron P.O. Box 2181 Salina, KS 67402-2181 (913) 826-7410 Louisiana Aradiana Arts Council P.O. Box 53762 704 Lee Avenue Lafayette, LA 70505 018)233-7060 Department of Cultural Attain/Commission on the Am ChyofSlidfiu P.O. Box 828 Sudefl, LA 70459 (504)6464375 Jefferson Davis Arts Council P.O. Box 1068 Jennings, LA 70546 pit) 824-6593 Shreveport Regional Am Council 800 Snow Street Shreveport, LA71101 pit) 673-7727 Maryland Prince George's Am Council 661 1 K en i I worth Avenue, Suite 200 Riverdale, MD 20737 (301)454-1455 Massachusetts Office of the Arts and Humanities Room 608 Boston City Hall Boston, MA02201 (617) 635-3245 Michigan Holland Area Arts Council 25 West 8th Street Holland, MI 49423 (61 6^ 396-3271 Local Arts Agencies Northeast Michigan Arts Council, Inc. 3233 Grove Road P.O. Box 238 Standish, Ml 48658-0238 (517) 846-9331 Oakland County Cultural Affairs 1200 North Telegraph Road Pontiac, MI 48341-1043 (313) 858-0415 Southfield Cultural Arts Division ^ 25630 Evergreen Road Southfield, MI 48076 (313) 354-1007 United Arts Council of Calhoun County P.O. Box 1079 McCamly Place Battle Creek, MI 49016 (616) 962-5752 Minnesota Minneapolis Community Development Agency #675 105 South 5th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55405-2538 (612) 673-5018 Missouri Springfield Area Arts Council 305 East Walnut Street #312 Springfield, MO 65806 (417) 869-8380 Montana Missoula Cultural Exchange P.O. Box 7662 Missoula, MT 59807 (406) 721-9620 New Hampshire Federated Arts P.O. Box 36 66 Hanover Street Manchester, NH 03105 (603) 668-6186 New Jersey Middlesex County Cultural and Heritage Commission 841 Georges Road North Brunswick, NJ 08902 (908) 7454489 New Mexico Dona Ana Arts Council 132 West Las Cruces St Las Cruces, NM 88001 (505) 523-6403 Raton Arts and Humanities Council P.O. Box 774 Raton, NM 87740 (505) 445-2052 New York Cayuga County Arts Council Inc. City Hall 24 South Street Auburn, NY 13021 (315) 2554106 Chenango County Council of the Arts 27 West Main Street Norwich, NY 13815 (607) 336-2787 Department of Cultural Affairs Fourth Hoor 2 Columbus Circle, New York, NY 10019 (212) 974-1150 Huntington Arts Council, Inc. 213 Main Street Huntington, NY 11743 (516) 271-8423 North Carolina Arts and Sciences Council of Charlotte/ Mecklenberg, Inc. #250 227 West Trade Street Charlotte, NC 28202 (704) 372-9667 City of Raleigh Arts Council P.O. Box 590 Raleigh, NC 27602 (919) 831-6234 North Dakota Dakota West Arts Council P.O. Box 606 Bismarck, ND 58502 (701) 222-6640 Ohio Cincinnati Arts Allocation Committee 1425 Sycamore Street Cincinnati, OH 45210 (513) 352-1595 Greater Columbus Arts Council 55 East State Street Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 224-2606 Oklahoma Allied Arts and Humanities Council of Bartlesville P.O. Box 1027 Bartlesville, OK 74005 (918) 337-2787 Arts and Humanities Council of Tulsa 2210 South Main Street Tulsa, OK 74114 (918) 584-3333 Arts Council of Oklahoma City 400 West California Oklahoma City, OK 73102 (405) 236-1426 Oregon Beaverton Arts Commission P.O. Box 4755 Beaverton, OR 97076 (503) 526-2288 89 Local Arts Agendas Metropolitan Arti Commie ion Room 1023 1120 South West 5th Ave Portland, OR 97204 (503) 823-5111 Pennsylvania Metro Arts of the Cap juJ Region P.O. Box 830 Harrisburg, PA 17108 (717) 238-1887 South Dakota Aberdeen Area Aits Council 401 North Washington St Aberdeen, SD 57401 (605)226-1557 Brookings Arts Council 524 4th Street Brookings, SD 57006 (605) 692-4177 Rapid Chy Arts Council 713 7th Street Rapid City, SD55701 (605) 394-4101 Tennessee Johnson Chy Area Arts Council P.O. Box 1033 Johnson City, TN 37605 (615) 928-8229 Texas Arts Council of Fort Worth and Tarrant County Suite 150 One Tandy Center, Fort Worth, TX 76102 (817)870-2564 City of El Paso Arts Resources Department 6th Floor 2 Civic Center Plaza, H Paso, TX 79901 (915)541-4481 Department of Arts and Cultural Affairs City of San Antonio P.O. Box 839966 222 East Houston, San Antonio, TX 78283-3966 (210)222-2717 Cultural Arts Council of Houston Suite 224 1964 West Gray, Houston, TX 770194808 (713) 527-9330 Navarro Council of the Arts P.O. Box 2224 Comoro, TX 75110 (214) 872-5411 Ward County Activities Council, Inc. 400 East 4th Monahans, TX 79756 (915) 943-4271 Utah Salt Lake City Arts Coun c il 54 Finch Lane Sah Lake City, UT 84102 (801) 596-5000 SpringviDe Arts 50 South Main SpringviDe, UT 84663 (801)489-2726 Z-Ara! P.O. Box 115 Springdak, UT 84767 (801)772-3441 Vermont Burlington City Am City Hall Burlington, VT 05401 (802)658-9300 Crossroads Arts Council 5 Court Street Rutland, VT 05701-4034 (802)775-5413 90 Virginia Arlington County Cultural Affairs Division 1 Courthouse Plaza 2100 Clarendon Blvd., Suite 4 14 Arlington. VA 22201 (703)358-3315 Arts Council of Richmond 1001 East day Street Richmond, VA 23060 (804) 643-4993 Fairfax County Council on the Arts 4022 Hummer Road Anrundale, VA 22003 (703) 642-0862 Washington Redmond Arts Commission Parks and Recreation Department 15670 North East 85 St Redmond, WA 98052 (206)882-6401 Tacoma Arts Commission City of Tacoma Cultural Resources Division Room 900 747 Market Street, Tacoma, W A 98402-3793 (206) 591-5191 Wisconsin Milwaukee Am Board P.O. Box 324 809 North Broadway Milwaukee, WI 53202 (414) 223-5790 Pump House Regional Center for the Arts 119 Kings Street La Crosse WI 54601 (608) 785-1434 U.S. Cultural and Public Affairs Officers Abroad When writing to United States, embassies abroad, do not use international maiL Addressees listed here receive mail via the U.S. State Department or Army Post Office system. Albania Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Tirana PSC 59, Box 60(A) APOAE 09624 Algeria Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Algiers Department of State Washington, DC 20521-6030 Angola Public Affairs Officer USIS USLO Luanda Department of State Washington, DC 20521-2550 Argentina Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Buenos Aites Unit 4330 FPO AA 34054 Armenia Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Yerevan Department of State Washington, DC 20521-7020 Australia Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Canberra APOAP 96549-0058 Austria Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Vienna Box 25 Department of State Washington, DC 20521-9900 Azerbaijan Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Baku Department of State Washington, DC 20521-7050 Bahamas Public Affairs Officer Departmernt of State USIS, Amembassy Nassau 7415 NW 19th Street ■H" Miami, FL 33126 Bahrain Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Manama Box 455, PSC 451 FPO AE 09834-5100 Bangladesh Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Dhaka Department of State Washington, DC 20521-6120 Barbados Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Bridgetown APOAA 34034-3130 Belgium Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Brussels PSC 82 Box 001 APOAE 09724 Belize Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Belize Department of State Washington, DC 20521-3050 Benin Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Cotonou Department of State Washington, DC 20521-2120 Belarus Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Minsk Department of State Washington, DC 20521-7010 Bolivia Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy La Paz Unit 3924 APOAA 34032-3220 Botswana Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Gaborone Department of State Washington, DC 20521-2170 Brazil Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Brasilia Unit 3500 APO AA 34030-5000 91 U.S. Cultural and Public Affairs Officers Abroad Bulgaria Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Sofia Unit 25402 APO AE 09213-5740 Burkina Faso Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Ouagadougou Department of State Washington, DC 20521-2440 Burma Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Rangoon BoxB APO AP 96546 Burundi Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Bujumbura Department of State Washington, DC 20521-2100 Cameroon Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Yaounde Department of State Washington, DC 20521-2520 Canada Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Ottawa P.O. Box 5000 Ogdensburg, NY 13669-0430 Chad Public Affairs Officer USB, Amembassy NDjamena Dept. of State Washington, DC 20521-2410 Chile Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Santiago, Unit 4123 APO AA 34033-3460 People's Republic reop of (5 hina Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Beijing PSC 461, Box 50 FPOAP 96521-2039 Colombia Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Bogota Unit 5131 APO AA 34038-3030 Congo Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Brazzaville Box C APO AE 09828 Costa Rica Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy San Jose Unit 2504 APO Aa 34020-3440 Croatia Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Zaghreb Unit 25402 APO AE 09213 Cuba Public Affairs Officer UNLNT, Havana Department of State Washington, DC 20521-3200 Cyprus Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Nicosia P.O. Box 4536 FPOAE0983&0001 Czech Republic Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Prague Unit 25402 APO AE 09213-5630 Denmark Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Copenhagen APO AE 09716 Dominican Republic Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Santo Domingo Unit 5543 APO AA 34041 Ecuador Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Quito Unit 5332 APO AA 34039-3420 Egypt Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Cairo Unit 64900, Box 24 APO AE 098394900 El Salvador Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy San Salvador Unit 3118 APO AA 34023-3450 Estonia Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Tallinn Box T - PSC 78 APO AE 09723 Ethiopia Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Addis Ababa Department of State Washington, DC 20521-2030 92 U.S. Cultural and Public Affairs Officers Abroad Finland Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Helsinki PSC78BoxH APOAE 09723 France Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Paris Unit 21551 APOAE 09777 Gabon Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Libreville Deparment of State Washington, DC 20521-2270 Georgia Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Tbilisi Department of State Washington, DC 20521-7060 Federal Republic of Germany Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Bonn Unit 21701 Box 380 APO AE 09080 Ghana Cultural Affairs Officer USIS Amembassy Accra Department of State Washington, DC 20521-2020 Greece Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Athens APOAE 09842 Guatemala Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Guatemala APO AA 34024-3190 Guinea Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Conakry Department of State Washington, DC 20521-2110 Guyana Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Georgetown 31 Main Street Georgetown, Guyana Haiti Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amconsulate Port au Prince Department of State Washington, DC 20521-3400 Honduras Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Tegucigalpa Unit 2914 APO AA 34022 Hong Kong Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amconsulate Hong Kong PSC464Box30 FPOAP 96522-0002 Hungary Cultural Affairs Officer USIS Amembassy Budapest Unite 25402 APOAE 09213-5207 Iceland Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Reykjavik PSC 1003, Box 40 FPOAE 09728-0340 India Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy New Delhi Department of State Washington, DC 20521-9000 Indonesia Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Jakarta Box 50, Unit 8136 APO AP 96520-8236 Ireland Public Affairs Officer USIS Amembassy Dublin Department of State Washington, DC 20521-5290 Israel Cultural Affairs Officer USIS Amembassy Tel Aviv PSC 98 Box 100 APO AE 09830 Italy Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Rome PSC 59, Box 100 APOAE 09624 Ivory Coast Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Abidjan Department of State Washington, DC 20521-2010 Jamaica Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Kingston 2 Oxford Road, 1st Floor Kingston 5, Jamaica Japan Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Tokyo Unit 45004 Box 215 APO AP 96337-0001 93 U.S. Cultural and Public Affairs Officers Abroad Jordan Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Amman Unit 70205 APO New York 09892-0205 Kazakhstan Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Alma-Ata Department of State Washington, DC 20521-7030 Kenya Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Nairobi Unit 64100 APO AE 09831 Korea Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Seoul Unit 15550 APO AP 96205-0001 Kuwait Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Kuwait APO AE 09880-9000 Kyrgyzstan Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Bishkek Deptartment of State Washington, DC 20521-7040 Laos Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Vientiane BoxV APAP 96546 Lithuania Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Vilnius BoxV APO AE 09723 Luxembourg Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Luxembourg APO AE 09132-5380 Macedonia Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Sofia Unit 25402 APO AE 09213-5740 Madagascar Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Antananarivo Department of State Washington, DC 20521-2040 Malaysia Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Kuala Lumpur APO AP 96535-5000 Mali Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Bamako Department of State Washington, DC 20521-2050 Malta Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Valletta Department of State Washington, DC 20521-5800 Mauritius Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Port Louis Department of State Washington, DC 20521-2450 Mexico Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Mexico P.O. Box 3087 Laredo, Texas 78044-3087 Mongolia Agency for International Development Ulaanbaatar E., c/o Amembassy Beijing Micro Region II Bing Bind Road, PSC 461, Box 300 FPOAP 96521-0002 Morocco Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Rabat PSC 74, Box 021 APO AE 09718-5000 Mozambique Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Maputo Department of State Washington, DC 20521-2330 New Zealand Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Wellington FPOAP 96531-0001 Nicaragua Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Managua Unit 2714 APO AA 34021 Niger Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Niamey Department of State Washington, DC 20521-2420 Nigeria Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Lagos Department of State Washington, DC 20521-8300 94 U.S. Cultural and Public Affairs Officers Abroad Norway Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Oslo APOAE 09707 Oman Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Muscat Department of State Washington, DC 20521-6220 Pakistan Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Islamabad Unit 62205 APOAE 09812-2205 Panama Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Panama Unit 0945 APOAA 34002 Paraguay Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Asuncion Unit 4733 APO AA 34036-0001 Peru Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Lima Unit 3770 APO AA 34031-3230 Philippines Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Manila APO AP 96440-8600 Poland Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Warsaw Unit 25402 APOAE 09213 Portugal Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Lisbon PSC83 APOAE 09726 Qatar Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Doha Department of State Washington, DC 20521-6130 Romania Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Bucharest Unit 25402 APO AE 09213-5260 Russia Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Moscow PSC 77 APO AE 09721-5000 Rwanda Public Affairs Officer USIS Amembassy Kigali Department of State Washington, DC 20521-2210 Saudi Arabia Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Riyadh Unit 61307 APOAE 09803-1307 Senegal Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Dakar Department of State Washington, DC 20521-2130 Sierra Leone Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Freetown Department of State Washington, DC 20521-2160 Serbia Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Belgrade Unit 25402 Box 5070 APO AE 09213 Singapore Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Singapore FPO AP 96534-0006 Slovak Republic Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Bratislava Box 5360 Unit 25402 APOAE 09213-5630 Slovenia Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Ljubljana Department of State Washington, DC 20521-7140 Somalia Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Mogadishu Unit 64103 Box 321 APOAE 09831-4103 South Africa Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Pretoria Department of State Washington, DC 20521-9300 Spain Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Madrid PSC 61 Box 0046 APO AE 09642 95 U.S. Cultural and Public Affairs Officers Abroad Sri Lanka Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Colombo Washington, DC 20521-6100 Sudan Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Khartoum APO AE 09829 Swaziland Public Affairs Office USIS Amembassy Mbabane Department of State Washington, DC 20521-2350 Sweden Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Stockholm Department of State Washington, DC 20521-5110 Syria Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Damascus Department of State Washington, DC 20521-6110 Taiwan Cultural Affairs Officer AJT-Taipei Dept. of State Washington, DC 20521-417 Tanzania Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Dares Salaam Department of State Washinton DC 20521-2140 Thailand Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Bangkok Box 48 APO AP 965454001 Togo Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Lome Department of State Washington, DC 20521-2300 Trinidad and Tobago Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Port of Spain P.O. Box 592113 Miami, FL 33159-2113 Tunisia Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Tunis Department of State Washington, DC 20521-6360 Turkey Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Ankara PSC 93 Box 5000 APO AE 09823 Uganda Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Kampala Department of State Washington, DC 20521-2190 Ukraine Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Kiev Department of State Washington, DC 20521-5850 United Arab Emirates Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Abu Dhabi Department of State Washington, DC 20521-6010 Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembasy London PSC 801 Box 40 FPO AE 09498 Uruguay Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Montevideo Unit 4505 APO AA 34035 Uzbekistan Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Tashkent Department of State Washington, DC 20521-7110 Venezuela Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Caracas Unit 4944 APO AA 34037 Yemen Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Sanaa Department of State Washington, DC 20521-6330 Zaire Public Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Kinshasa Unit 31550 APO AE 09828 United Kingdom Zambia Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Lusaka Department of State Washington, DC 20521-2310 Zimbabwe Cultural Affairs Officer USIS, Amembassy Harare Department of State Washington, DC 20521-2180 96 Foreign Cultural Attaches in the U.S. These addresses of foreign embassies come from the U.S. Department of States Diplomatic List When seeking informa- tion about arts resources abroad, contact the Cultural Affairs Section in app ro p riate embassies. Embassy of the Republic of Afghanistan 2341 Wyoming Ave. NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 234-3770 Embassy of the Republic of Albania Suite 1010 1511 K Street NW Washington, DC 20005 (202) 223-4942 Embassy of the Democratic & Popular Republic of Algeria 2118 Kalorama Rd NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 265-2800 Embassy of Antigua and Barbuda Suite 4M 3400 International Drive NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 362-5211 Embassy of the Argentine Republic 1600 New Hampshire Avenue NW Washington, DC 20009 (202) 939-6400 Embassy of the Republic of Armenia Suite 210 1660 L Street NW Washington, DC 20036 (202) 628-5766 Embassy of Australia 1601 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 20036 (202) 797-3000 Embassy of Austria 3524 Internationa] Court NW Washington, DC 20008-3035 (202) 895-6700 Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan Suite 700 927 15th Street NW Washington, DC 20005 (202) 842-0001 Embassy of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas 2220 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 319-2660 Embassy of the State of Bahrain 3502 International Dr. Washington, DC 20008 (202) 342-0741 Embassy of the People's Republic of Bangladesh 2201 Wisconsin Ave NW Washington, DC 20007 (202) 342-8372 Embassy of Barbados 2144 Wyoming Ave. NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 939-9200 Embassy of the Republic of Belarus 1619 New Hampshire Avenue NW Washington, DC 20009 (202) 986-1604 Embassy of the Belgium 3330 Garfield Street NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 333-6900 Embassy of Belize 2535 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 332-9636 Embassy of the Republic of Benin 2737 Cathedral Ave. NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 232-6656 Embassy of Bolivia 3014 Massachusetts Avenue N.W. Washington, DC 20008 (202) 483-4410 Embassy of the Republic of Botswana Suite 7M 3400 International Drive NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 2444990 Embassy of Brazil 3006 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 745-2700 Embassy of the State of Brunei Darussalam Watergate, Suite 300 2600 Virginia Ave. NW Washington, DC 20037 (202) 342-0159 Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria 1621 22nd Street NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 387-7969 Embassy of the Burkina Faso 2340 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 332-5577 Embassy of the Republic of Burundi Suite 212 2233 Wisconsin Avenue Washington, DC 20007 Embassy of the Republic of Cameroon 2349 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 265-8790 Embassy of Canada 501 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20001 (202) 682-1740 97 Foreign Cultural Attaches in the U.S. Embassy of the Republic of Cape Verde 3415 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 20007 (202) 965-6820 Embassy of the Central Africa Republic 1618 22nd Street NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 483-7800 Embassy of the Republic of Chad 2002 R Street NW Washington, DC 20009 (202) 4624009 Embassy of the Chile 1732 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 20036 (202) 785-1746 Embassy of the People's Republic of China 2300 Connecticut Avenue NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 328-2500 Embassy of Colombia 2118 Leroy Place NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 387-8338 Embassy of the Federal and Islamic Republic of the Comoros c/o Permanent Mission of the Federal and Islamic Republic of the Comoros to the United Nations 336 E. 45th Street 2nd Floor New York, NY 10017 (212) 972-8010 Embassy of the Republic of Congo 4891 Colorado AvcNW Washington, DC 20011 (202) 726-5500 Embassy of Costa Rica 2114 S Street NW Wahington,DC 20008 (202) 234-2945 Embassy of the Republic of Cote dl voire 2424 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 797-0300 Embassy of the Republic of Croatia 2343 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 20002 (202) 543-5580 Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus 2211 R Street NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 462-5772 Embassy of the Czech Republic 3900 Spring of Freedom Street NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 363-6315 Royal Danish Embassy 3200 Whitehaven St Washington, DC 20008 (202) 2344300 Embassy of the Republic of Djibouti Suite 515 1156 15th Street NW Washington, DC 20005 (202) 331-0270 Embassy of the Dominican Republic 1715 22nd Street NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 332-6280 Embassy of Ecuador 2535 15th Street NW Washington, DC 20009 (202) 234-7200 Embassy of the ArabRepublic of Egypt 2310 Decatur Place NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 232-5400 Embassy of El Salvador 2308 California St. NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 265-9671 Embassy of Equatorial Guinea 57 Magnolia Avenue Mount Vernon, NY 10553 (914) 738-9584 Embassy of the State of Eritrea Suite 400 910 17th Street NW Washington, DC 20006 (202) 429-1991 Embassy of Estonia 1030 15th Street NW Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20005 (202) 789-0320 Embassy of Ethiopia 2134KaloramaRdNW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 234-2281 Embassy of the Republic of Fiji Suite 240 2233 Wisconsin Avenue NW Washington, DC 20007 (202) 337-8320 Embassy of Finland 3216 New Mexico Avenue NW Washington, DC 20016 (202) 363-2430 Embassy of France 4101 Reservoir RdNW Washington, DC 20007 (202) 944-6000 Embassy of the Gabonese Republic 2034 20th Street NW Washington, DC 20009 (202) 797-1000 Embassy of the Gambia Suite 1000 1155 15th Street NW Washington, DC 20005 (202) 785-1399 Embassy of the Republic of Georgia Suite 424 1511 K Street NW Washington, DC 20005 (202) 393-6060 98 Foreign Cultural Attaches in the U.S. Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany 4645 Reservoir Rd NW Washington, DC 20007 (202) 298400 Embassy of Ghana 3512 International Drive NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 6864520 Embassy of the Greece 2221 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 939-5800 Embassy of Grenada 1701 New Hampshire Avenue NW Washington, DC 20009 (202) 265-2561 Embassy of Guatemala 2220 R Street NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 745-4952 Embassy of the Republic of Guinea 2112 Leroy Place NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 483-9420 Embassy of the Republic of Guinea Bissau 918 16th Street NW Mezzanine Suite Washington, DC 20006 (202) 872-4222 Embassy of Guyana 2490 Tracy Place NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 265-6900 Embassy of the Republic of Haiti 2311 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 3324090 The Holy See- Apostolic Nunctiature 3339 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 333-7121 Embassy of Honduras 3007 Tilden Street NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 966-7702 Embassy of the Republic of Hungary 3910 Shoemaker St. NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 362-6730 Embassy of Iceland 2022 Connecticut Avenue NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 265-6653 Embassy of India 2107 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 939-7000 Embassy of Indonesia 2020 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 20036 (202) 775-5200 Embassy of Ireland 2234 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 462-3939 Embassy of Israel 3514 International Drive Washington, DC 20008 (202) 364-5500 Embassy of Italy 1601 Fuller Street NW Washington, DC 20009 (202) 328-5500 Embassy of Jamaica Suite 355 1850 K Street, NW Washington, DC 20006 (202) 452-0660 Embassy of Japan 2520 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 939-6700 Embassy of Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan 3504 International Drive NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 966-2664 Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan 3421 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 3334504 Embassy of the Republic of Kenya 2249 R Street NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 387-6101 Embassy of Korea 2450 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 524-9273 Embassy of the State of Kuwait 2940 Tilden Street NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 9660702 Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic Suite 705 1511 K Street NW Washington, DC 20005 (202) 347-3732 Embassy of the Lao People's Democratic Republic 2222 S Street NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 332-6416 Embassy of Latvia 4325 17th Street NW Washington, DC 20011 (202) 7264213 Embassy of Lebanon 2560 28th Street NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 939-6300 Embassy of the Kingdom of Lesotho 2511 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 797-5533 Embassy of the Republic of Liberia 5303 Colorado Ave NW Washington, DC 20011 (202) 723-0437 Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania 2622 16th Street NW Washington, DC 20009 (202) 234-5860 99 Foreign Cultural Attaches in the U.S. Embassy of Luxembourg 2200 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 2654171 Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Madagascar 2374 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 265-5525 Embassy of Malawi 2408 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 797-1007 Embassy of Malaysia 2401 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 328-2700 Embassy of the Republic of Mali 2130 R Street NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 332-2249 Embassy of Malta 2017 Connecticut Avenue NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 462-3611 Embassy of the Republic of the Marshall Islands 2433 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 234-5414 Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania 2129 Leroy Place NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 232-5700 Embassy of Mauritius Suite 441 4301 Connecticut Avenue NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 244-1491 Embassy of Mexico 1911 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20006 (202) 728-1600 Embassy of the Federated States of Micronesia 1725 N Street NW Washington, DC 20036 (202) 2234383 Embassy of Mongolia 2833 M Street NW Washington, DC 20007 (202) 333-7117 Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco 1601 21st Street NW Washington, DC 20009 (202) 462-7979 Embassy of the Republic of Mozambique Suite 570 1990 M Street NW Washington, DC 20036 (202) 293-7146 Embassy of the Union of Myanmar 2300 S Street NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 332-9044 Embassy of the Republic of Namibia 1605 New Hampshire Avenue NW Washington, DC 20009 (202) 986-0540 Royal Nepalese Embassy 2131 Leroy Place NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 667-4550 Embassy of The Netherlands 4200 Linnean Ave. NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 244-5300 Embassy of New Zealand 37 Observatory Circle, NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 328-4800 Embassy of Nicaragua 1627 New Hampshire Avenue NW Washington, DC 20009 (202) 939-6570 Embassy of the Republic of Niger 2204 R Street NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 4834224 Embassy of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1333 16th Street NW Washington, DC 20036 (202) 986-8400 Royal Norwegian Embassy 2720 34th Street NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 333-6000 Embassy of the Sultanate of Oman 2342 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 387-1980 Embassy of Pakistan 2315 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 939-6200 Embassy of the Republic of Panama 2862 McGill Terrace NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 483-1407 Embassy of Papua New Guinea 1615 New Hampshire Avenue NW 3rd Floor Washington, DC 20009 (202) 745-3680 Embassy of Paraguay 2400 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 483-6960 100 Foreign Cultural Attaches in the U.S. Embassy of Peru 1700 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 20036 (202) 833-9860 Embassy of the Philippines 1617 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 20036 (202) 483-1414 Embassy of the Republic of Poland 2640 16th Street NW Washington, DC 20009 (202) 234-3800 Embassy of Portugal 2125KaloramaRdNW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 328-8610 Embassy of the State of Qatar 600 New Hampshire Avenue NW Suite 1180 Washington, DC 20037 (202) 338-0111 Embassy of Romania 1607 23rd Street NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 332-4846 Embassy of the Russian Federation 1125 16th Street NW Washington, DC 20036 (202) 628-7551 Embassy of the Republic of Rwanda 1714 New Hampshire Avenue NW Washington, DC 20009 (202) 232-2882 Embassy of Saint Kitts and Nevis Suite 608 2100 M Street NW Washington, DC 20037 (202) 833-3550 Embassy of Saint Lucia Suite 309 2100 M Street NW Washington, DC 20037 (202) 463-7378 Embassy of Saint Vincent and die Grenadines Suite 102 1717 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 20036 (202) 462-7806 Embassy of Saudi Arabia 601 New Hampshire AvenuNW Washington, DC 20037 (202) 342-3800 Embassy of the Republic of Senegal 2112 Wyoming Avenue NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 234-0540 Embassy of the Republic of Seychelles c/oPermanent Mission of the Seychelles to the United Nations 820 Second Avenue Suite 900F New York, NY 10017 (212) 687-9766 Embassy of Sierra Leone 1701 19th Street NW Washington, DC 20009 (202) 939-9261 Embassy of the Republic of Singapore 1824 R Street NW Washington, DC 20009 (202) 667-7555 Embassy of the Slovak Republic Suite 380 2201 Wisconsin Ave NW Washington, DC 20007 (202) 965-5161 Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Suite 410 1300 19th Street NW Washington, DC 20036 (202) 828-1650 Embassy of South Africa 3051 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 2324400 Embassy of Spain 2700 15th Street NW Washington, DC 20009 (202) 265-0190 Embassy of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka 2148 Wyoming Avenue NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 483-4025 Embassy of the Republic of the Sudan 2210 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 338-8565 Embassy of the Republic of Suriname Suite 108 4301 Connecticut Avenue NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 244-7488 Embassy of the Kingdom of Swaziland 3400 International Drive NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 362-6683 Embassy of Sweden 600 New Hampshire Avenue NW Suites 1200 & 715 Washington, DC 20037 (202) 944-5600 Embassy of Switzerland 2900 Cathedral Ave. NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 745-7900 Embassy of the Syrian Arab Republic 2215 Wyoming Ave NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 232-6313 Embassy of the United Republic of Tanzania 2139 R Street NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 939-6125 101 Foreign Cultural Attaches in the U.S. Embassy of Thailand 2300 Kalorama RA NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 483-7200 Embassy of the Republic of Togo 2208 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 234-4212 Embassy of the Kingdom of Tonga London office only Embassy of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago 1708 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 20036 (202) 467-6490 Embassy of Tunisia 1515 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 20005 (202) 862-1850 Embassy of the Republic of Turkey 1714 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 20036 (202) 659-8200 Embassy of the Republic of Uganda 5909 16th Street NW Washington, DC 20011 (202) 726-7100 Embassy of Ukraine 3350 M Street NW Washington, DC 20007 (202) 333-0606 Embassy of the United Arab Emirates Suite 600 3000 K Street NW Washington, DC 20007 (202) 338-6500 Embassy of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (British Embassy) 3100 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 462-1340 Embassy of Uruguay 1918 F Street NW Washington, DC 20006 (202) 331-1313 Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan Suite 619 and 623 1511 K Street NW Washington, DC 20005 (202) 6384266 Embassy of the Republic of Venezuela 1099 30th Street NW Washington, DC 20007 (202) 342-2214 Embassy of Western Samoa 820 Second Avenue Suite 800 New York, NY 10017 (212) 599-6196 Embassy of the Republic of Yemen Suite 705 2600 Virginia Ave. NW Washington, DC 20037 (202) 965-4760 Embassy of the Former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia 2410 California St. NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 462-6566 Embassy of the Republic of Zaire 1800 New Hampshire Avenue NW Washington, DC 20009 (202) 234-7690 Embassy of the Republic of Zambia 2419 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 20008 (202) 265-9717 Embassy of the Republic of Zimbabwe 1608 New Hampshire Avenue NW Washington, DC 20009 (202) 332-7100 102 Agencies Abroad \Jcen the people most knowledgeable about you must first attract the staffs interest in the arts in a given country are individuals you and your proposed project. Present who live and work there. This section pro- yourself as a professional, talented, experi- vides access to those individuals and organi- enced artist or arts organization with much zations abroad whose assistance can be in- to offer your country of interest. Submit a valuable. It does not represent an exhaustive resume, including publications, exhibitions, list of resources in each country; rather it professional performances, international contains many prominent, multi- touring, or other relevant indications of disciplinary, national, cultural organizations work experience. Include any press clip- able to provide artists with more specific pings, reviews, or glossy programs. Send a information based on their particular needs, work sample: photographs, slides, an audio In countries where no such organizations or video tape. (Be sure to use the correct were found, we included discipline specific technological format for the targeted coun- and/or regional organizations. try.) The foreign staff member who receives your materials probably won't have time Approaching Organizations Abroad for a thorough review of your materials, so highlight your strengths concisely and en- The key to approaching foreign organiza- close an easily accessible work sample. If at tions for assistance is to be specific. In a all possible, have at least your cover letter cover letter, identify yourself, including your translated into the language of that country, discipline, your project, the types of con- A local university or the country's embassy tacts that you wish to make in-country, and or consulate, may be able to assist you. the regions of the country in which you prefer to work. TYPES OF ORGANIZATIONS ABROAD Make it clear if you looking for contacts, housing, funding or other assistance. A Binational Centers (BNC) visual artist, for example, might ask for the names of museum curators, or a list of The first organizations presented under each gallery owners. A dancer might request a list country heading are the BNCs. These cen- of dance companies or the names of organiz- ters are self-sustaining, not-for-profit insti- ers of an upcoming festival. You might also tutions established to provide cultural and ask for help in establishing connections with educational programs relating to the BNCs colleagues abroad. Ask if they are aware of home country and the United States. BNCs artists or organizations in your discipline will likely be the most user-friendly cultural that have expressed interest in international organizations abroad for Americans. They exchange or hosting foreign artists. are excellent resources because they exist to establish cultural links between the home Preparing a Proposal nation and the United States. They can provide contacts in the local arts commu- When approaching a foreign organization, nity, and sometimes offer performance, ex- 103 Agencies Abroad hibition and/or rehearsal space. In addition, BNCs may be able to furnish artists' fees and publicity for U.S. artists wishing to perform or exhibit abroad. Some countries have multiple BNCs, in which case you should target your cities of interest and contact the BNCs there, as well as the BNC in the capital city (indicated by * in the list below). A few BNCs participate in the International Arts Programming Network which pro- vides touring opportunities to a number of countries. This pilot network was devel- oped so that arts groups from countries with binational centers may travel in the United States through the six-member circuit of U.S. regional arts organizations (RAOs), and so that U.S. artists may travel through a BNC circuit that currently includes seven BNCs in Latin America and Southeastern Europe. Performing and visual arts present- ers should contact the Director of Programs at the Mid-America Arts Alliance for fur- ther information. Another activity of note is the BNC Circuit, a small program with limited funding admin- istered by USIA's Office of Cultural Cen- ters. Under this program, U.S. performing arts groups and visual arts exhibitions travel to BNCs across Latin America. Only perfor- mances and exhibitions that are small in scale and technically simple can be included in the Circuit, due to the limited space and funds of the BNCs. Government Ministries (GM) however those included in this guide are also concerned with fostering cross-cultural ex- change. They are good sources of infor- mation, especially about large cultural festi- vals, exhibitions and top name artists in your country of interest. They generally do not offer funding to foreign artists, although they may support a collaboration between a U.S. and local artists. Service Organizations (SO) Foreign service organizations may serve a single arts discipline or the broad cultural arena. They are generally private, nonprofit organizations with limited funding but exten- sive contact lists and knowledge of their fields. Service organizations will often be most responsive to your inquiries. Presenting Organizations (PO) These include cultural centers, museums, theaters and other organizations that house and/or help produce performances or exhi- bitions. Those included in this guide have expressed an interest in, or have in the past worked with international artists. Foundations (F) These are generally private, nonprofit organi- zations, funded by corporate and private donations that support arts activities. They often have funds for local performances and exhibitions, and may bring in international artists for collaborations or tours. Most countries have national cultural affairs Corporations (C) agencies. These primarily serve local artists, 104 Agencies Abroad Foreign corporations that have a particular INTERNATIONAL RESOURCES interest in and a history of funding arts activities are included in this section. These The phone and fax numbers for these organi corporations tend to fund big-name enter- zations are listed exactly as they were given tainers or groups, or projects that are hosted to us. Some include long distance access, by or feature exchange with local artists. country and city codes, some don't. These codes vary from country to country and CONTACTING EMBASSIES within countries. Contact your long dis- tance operator for assistance with placing After you have thoroughly researched your these calls. Given the name, country and project, you may want to contact the appro city of an organization, the operator should priate embassy directly. A complete list of be able to get through. If you are still unable cultural affairs officers from foreign coun- to get through, contact the embassy of the tries at their embassies in Washington, DC, country in Washington for assistance, is included in this Directory. You can also find a complete list of addresses for U.S. Note: Information in this section was com- Cultural Affairs Officers abroad in this Di- piled with the generous assistance of for- rectory. If you live in a large U.S. city, you eign cultural attaches in Washington and may have a consulate nearby representing American cultural affairs officers abroad, your country of interest, with cultural af- Unlike the domestic organizations in this fairs personnel who can also assist you. guide, we were unable to contact every organization abroad to confirm the infor- Think carefully about contacting an em- mation that was provided to us. If you find bassy. Are you adequately prepared to a wrong number, or find a particular orga- answer specific questions about your project? nization unresponsibe, or if this book is Do you know exactly what you are asking missing an important resource abroad, please for? Embassy staff tend to be extremely let us know so we can make appropriate busy; use their time well. It is never a good revisions in tnext edition. Thank you. idea to call "fresh," without background information and specific questions. 105 Agencies Abroad Algeria Ministere de la Culture et de la Communication (GM) Palais de la Culture Plateau des Anassero Kouba, Alger ph: fax: Nedjma Association National e pour les Activites et les Echanges Touristiques et Culturels Internationaux (GM) 16, Rue Larbi Nen M'hidil6000 Alger ph: fax: Centro de la Culture et dlnformation (GM) 1, Place Maurice Audin- 16000 Alger ph: Argentina Instituto Cultural Argentino Norteameri- cano * (ICANA) (BNC) Maipu 672 (1006) Buenos Aires, Argentina ph: (541)322-3855/ 322-4971 fax: 322-2106 Asociacion Comodoro Rivadavia de Inter- cambio Cultural Argentino Norteameri- cano (ACRICANA) (BNC) Escaladal567 (9000) Comodoro Rivadavia, Argentina ph./fax: (54967)26-311 Instituto de Intercambio Cultural Argentino Norteamericano (HCANA) (BNC) Dean Funes 726 (5000) Cordoba, Argentina ph: (5451)36-396 fax: (5451) 37-858 Instituto Dean Funes de Intercambio Cultural Argentino Norteameri- cano (IDFICANA) (BNC) Rivadavia 418 (5200) Dean Funes, Cordoba, Argentina ph: (54521)2-0738 Asociacion Mendocina de Intercambio Cultural Argentino Norteameri- cano (AMICANA) (BNC) Chile 987 (5500) Mendoza, Argentina ph: (5461)24-1719 Asociacion Rosarina de Intercambio Cultural Argentino Norteameri- cano (ARICANA)(BNC) Buenos Aires 934 (2000) Rosario, Argentina ph: (5441)21-9179/ 21-7664 Instituto Salteno de Intercambio Cultural Argentino Norteameri- cano (ISICANA) (BNC) Santiago del Estero 865 (4400) Salta, Argentina ph: (5487)21-10666 Instituto San Francis- quense de Intercambio Cultural Argentino Norteamericano (ISHCANA)(BNQ Carlos Pellegrini 256 (2400) San Francisco, Cordoba, Argentina ph: (54564)20471 Instituto Sureno de Intercambio Cultural Argentino Norteameri- cano (SURICANA) (BNQ Comandante Salas 119 (5600) San Rafael, Mendoza, Argentina No phone/fax available Asociacion del Litoral de Intercambio Cultural Argentino Norteameri- cano (ALICANA)(BNQ San Martin 2231 (3000) Santa Fe, Argentina ph: (5443)22-3789 Instituto Pampeano de Intercambio Cultural Argentino Norteamericano (IPICANA) (BNC) JuanB.Justo 119 (6300) Santa Rosa, La Pampa, Argentina ph: (54954) 2-8543 Asociacion Santiaguena de Intercambio Cultural Argentino Norteameri- cano (ASICANA) (BNC) 24 de Septiembre 382 (4200) Santiago del Estero, Argentina ph: (5485)21-3653 Asociacion Tucumana de Intercambio Cultural Argentino Norteamericano (ATICANA) (BNQ Avda. Salta 581 CasQla de Correo 285 (4000) Tucuman, Argentina ph./fax (5481) 31-0616 Instituto Villamariense de Intercambio Cultural Argentino Norteameri- cano (PVICANA) (BNC) 25deMayol43M (5900) Villa Maria, Cordoba, Argentina ph. (0535)24519 Ushuaia-Instituto de Intercambio Cultural Argentino Norteameri- cano (USH-ICANA) (BNC) 25 de Mayo 184 (9410) Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina No phone/fax available Fondo Nacional de Las Artes (GM) Alsina 673 1087 Buenos Aires ph: 54-1-343-2607 fax: 54-1-343-1597 106 Agencies Abroad Mozarteum Argentino (PO) Rodriguez Pena 1882, P.B. 1021 Buenos Aires ph: 54-1-811-0854 fax:54-1-112707 Fundacion Banco Patricios (PO) Avda.Callao312,Piso2 1022 Buenos Aires ph: 54-1-372-5651 fax: 54-1-331-6887 Fundacion San Telmo (PO) Defensal344 1143 Buenos Aires ph: 54-1-361-5485/ 362-5365 Fundacion Antorcha (F) Chile 300 1098 Buenos Aires ph: 54-1-331-9905 fax: 54-1-331-5673 Fundacion Teatro Colon (F) Cerrito 618 1010 Buenos Aires ph: 54-1-382-8281 fax: 54-1-382-0208 Australia Australia Council (SO) 181 Lawson Street Redfern NSW 2016 ph: (02)950 9000 fax: (02) 950 9111 National Association for the Visual Arts (SO) Suite 11, The Gunnery 43-51 Cowper Wharf Rd. Woolloomooloo NSW 20011 ph: (02) 368 1900 fax: (02) 358 6909 Art Museums Associa- tion of Australia (SO) 159 Brunswick Street Fitzroy VIC 3065 ph: (03)416 3795/96 fax: (03) 419 6842 Craft Australia (SO) 414 Elizabeth Street 5th Floor Surry Hills NSW 2010 ph: (02)2111445 fax: (02) 211 1443 Aboriginal Arts Management Association (SO) 13 Bellvue Street Surry Hills NSW 2010 ph: (02)2812144 fax: (02) 281 8920 The Australian Writers Guild (SO) 60 Kellett Street Kings Cross NSW 2011 ph: (02)357 7888 fax: (02) 357 7776 Australian Film Commission (SO) 8 West Street North Sydney NSW 2060 ph: (02)925 7333/ (008) 22 6615 fax: (02) 959 5403 Austria Federal Ministry for Education and the Arts (GM) Minoritenplatz 5 1014 Wien No phone/fax available Bahamas Jackson & Stan Burnside (PO) The Art Society of the Bahamas c/o P.O. Box N 7028 Nassau, Bahamas No phone/fax available The Central Bank of the Bahamas (C) Philanthropy, Cultural Affairs Department P.O. Box N 4868 Nassau, Bahamas No phone/fax available Shell Bahamas Ltd. (C) Philanthropy Cultural Affairs Office P.O. Box N 3717 Nassau, Bahamas No phone/fax available Esso Standard Oil SA Ltd.(C) Philanthropy Cultural Affairs Office P.O. Box CB 10998 Nassau, Bahamas No phone/fax available McDonalds Restaurant (C) Philanthropy, Cultural Affairs Department P.OTBoxSS5925 Nassau, Bahamas No phone/fax available Resorts International (C) Philanthropy Cultural Affairs Department P.O. Box N 4777 Nassau, Bahamas No phone/fax available Bahrain Ministry of Information (GM) P.O. Box 253 Manama, Bahrain Attn: Directorate of Culture & Arts fax: 973 682777 Bolivia Centro Boliviano Americano (BNC) Calle25deMayoN- 036S P.O. Box 1399 Cochabamba, Bolivia ph./fax: (59142) 22115 or 21288 Centro Boliviano Americano * (BNC) Parque Zenon Iturralde No. 121, Casilla 12024 La Paz, Bolivia ph: (5912)366-005 fax: (5912) 355-081 107 Agencies Abroad Centro Boliviano Americano (BNC) Calk Cochabamba No.66, Casilla 510 Santa Cruz, Bolivia ph: (5913) 34-2299; fax: (5913) 35-0188 Centro Boliviano Americano (BNC) Calle Calvo No. 437 Casilla No. 380 Sucre, Bolivia ph: (59164)2-1982 Instituto Boliviano de Cultura (GM) Casilla 7846 Ayacucho esq. Potosl "Palacio Chico" La Paz - Bolivia ph/fax: (591-2)37-8128 Casa de la Cultura "Raul Otero Reiche" (504*0) Calle Libertad No. 65 P.O. Box 1767 Santa Cruz, Bolivia ph: (591-33)350812 fax: (591-33) 342382 Quipus Cultural Foundation (PO.F) Calle Jauregui 2248 P.O. Box 1696 La Paz, Bolivia ph: (591-2)314530/ 314523/340062/391796 fax: (591-2) 390700 Fundacion Cultural E.M.U.S.A (F)(visual arts) A v. 1 6 de Julio 1607 P.O. Box 779 La Paz, Bolivia ph: (591-2)328931; fax: (591-2) 340159 Fundacion BHN (F) (visual arts) Calle Balisario Salinas 516 P.O. Box 7622 La Paz, Bolivia ph: (591-2)325154/ 374734 fax: (591-2) 391358 Botswana National Museum and Art Gallery (PO) Private Bag 00114 Gaborone, Botswana ph: 267-374616 fax: 267-302797 Maitisong (performing arts troupe) Maru-a-Pula School Private Bag 0045 Gaborone, Botswana ph/fax: 267-371-809 Brazil Casa Thomas Jefferson (BNQ* SEPS- 706/906 Modulos BeC Caixa Postal 07-1201 70.350 Brasilia -DF, Brazil ph: (5561)243-6588 fax: (5561) 321-2833 Centro Cultural Brasil- Estados Unidos (BNC) Travessa Padre Eutiquio 1309 66.000 Belem - PA, Brazil ph/fax: (5591) 223-9455 Instituto Cultural Brasil- Estados Unidos (BNC) Rua da Bahia 1723 30.160 Belo Horizonte - MG, Brazil ph: (5531)226-7959 fax: (5531) 222-4594 Centro Cultural Brasil- Estados Unidos (BNC) Av. Julio de Mesquita 606 CEP 13.023 Campinas - SP, Brazil ph: (55192) 526-888; fax: 513-664 Centro Cultural Brasil- Estados Unidos (BNC) Rua Amintas de Barros 99 Ed Itatiaia Caixa Postal 3328 80.060 Curitiba - PR, Brazil ph: (5541)233-3422 Instituto Brasil-Estados Unidos no Ceara (BNC) Rua Nogueira Acioly , 891 Caixa Postal 1571 60.001 Fortaleza-CE, Brazil ph: (5585)252-3633/ 252-3137 Instituto Cultural Brasil- Estados Unidos (BNC) Av. Joaquim Nabuco 1286 69.000 Manaus - AM, Brazil ph: (5592)232-5919 fax:(5592)232-5311 Instituto Cultural Brasileiro- Norteameri- cano (BNC) Rua Riachuelo 1257-31 Andar Caixa Postal 1253 90.010 Porto Alegre - RS, Brazil ph: (55512)25-2255 Associacao Brasil America (BNC) Av. Dr. Malaquias 171 50.070 Recife -PE, Brazil ph: (5581)231-7065 fax: (5581) 427-1881 Instituto Brasil-Estados Unidos (BNC) Av. N. Sra. de Copacabana 690/11 andar Caixa Postal 12.154 22.050 Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brazil ph: (5521)255-8332 Associacao Cultural Brasil-Estados Unidos (BNC) Av. Sete de Setembro 1883 Corredor da Vitoria 40.120 Salvador - BA, Brazil ph: (5571)336-4411/ 336-4765 Centro Cultural Brasil- Estados Unidos (BNC) Rua Jorge Tibirica 5/7 11.055 Santos -SP, Brazil ph: (55132)34-9965/ 34-9963 108 Agencies Abroad Institute Cultural Brasil- Estados Unidos (BNC) Rua Mentanha Russa, 42 Centro 65.010 Sao Luiz- MA Brazil ph: (5598)222-8583 fax: (5598) 222-0694 Associacao Alumni (BNC) Rua Visconde de Nacar 86 Real Parque Mo nimbi 05.685 Sao Paulo - SP, Brazil ph: (5511)842-3866 Uniao Cultural Brasil- Estados Unidos (BNC) Rua Col. Oscar Porto 208 04.003 Sao Paulo - SP, Brazil ph: (5511)885-1022 fax: (5511) 885-0376 Instituto Brasil-Estados Unidos de Vitoria (BNC) Rua Graciano Neves, No. 62, 1 andar Caixa Postal 789 29.000 Vitoria -ES, Brazil ph: (5527)222-1692 fax: (5527) 223-2638 Coordenacao do Aperfeicoamento do Pessoal de Nivel Superior (GM) (CAPES) Ministerio da Educacao Anexo 1, 40 andar 70047 Brasilia, DF Brazil ph: 5561 225-7191/ 225-4157 fax: 5561 214-8853 Ministerio da Cultura (GM) Esplanadados Ministerios Bloco B, 3 andar 70060 Brasilia, DF Brazil ph: 5561225-7110 fax: 5561 225-9162 Ministry of Foreign Affairs (GM) Cultural Department Esplanadados Ministerios Pallacio Itamaraty 70170-900 Brasilia, DF ph: (5561)211-6161 fax: (5561) 223-7362 Dueto Promocoes Ltda. Av. Lauro Muller, 116/ 4203 - Torre do Rio-Sul 22290-160, Rio de Janeiro, RJ Brazil ph (5521)275-1990 DeU'Arte Promocoes Ltda.(PO) Praia do Flamengo, 66 B/317 & 318 22210-030, Rio de Janeiro, RJ Brazil ph: (5521)205-8344/ 205-8739 Centro Cultural Banco do Brazil (PO) Rua Primeiro de Marco, 66 20010000, Rio de Janeiro, RJ Brazil ph: (5521)2160550 Fundacao Vitae (F) Rua Oscar Freire, 379, 5Q andar 01426 Sao Paulo, SP- Brazil ph: (5511)881-7199 fax: (5511) 883-6361 Canada International Cultural Relations Program (GM) Government of Canada External Affairs Communications and Culture Branch Culture and Sport Division Ottawa, Canada ph: (613)992-9948 "Arts Abroad" (GM) Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Recreation Cultural Program Branch Government of Ontario 77 Bloor Street West, 2nd Floor Toronto, Ontario M7A 2R9 ph: (416)314-7750 fax: (416) 314-7661 Communications Section (SO) The Canada Council 350 Albert Street, P.O. Box 1047 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, KIP 5V8 ph: (613)5664365/ 566-4366 fax: (613) 566-4390 Touring Office (SO) The Canada Council 350 Albert Street P.O. Box 1047 Ottawa, Ontario Canada KIP 5V8 ph: (613)5664365/ 566-4366 fax: (613) 566-4390 Council for Business and the Arts in Canada (SO.C) P.O. Box 7 401 Bay Street, Suite 1507 Toronto, Ontario M5H2Y4ph: (416)869- 3016 fax: (416) 8690435 Canadian Conference of the Arts (SO) 189 Laurier Avenue East Ottawa, Ontario K1N6P1 ph: (613)238-3561 fax: (613) 2384849 Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation (F)(vis. arts) 1814 Sherbrooke Street West Montreal, Quebec H3H 1E4 Canada ph: (514)937-9225 ChUe Instituto Chileno- Norteamericano de Cultura (BNC) Carrera 1445 CasillaP Antofagasta, Chile ph: (5683)26-3520; fax: (5683) 26-2731 109 Agencies Abroad Instituto Chileno- Norteamericano de Cultura (BNC) San Marcos 581 Casilla793 Arica, Chile ph: (5680)224119 Instituto Chileno Norteamericano de Cultura (BNC) 18 de Septiembre, No. 253 Chilian, Chile ph: (5642)22-1414 Instituto Chileno Norteamericano de Cultura (BNC) Gabriela Mistral S/N Casilla4-D Chuquicamata, Chile ph: (5682)32-6411/ 32-6409 Instituto Chileno- Norteamericano de Cultura (BNC) Caupolican 315 Cas ilia 612 Concepcion, Chile ph: (5641)225-506 fax: (5641) 233-851 Instituto Chileno Norteamericano de Cultura (BNC) Estado563 Casilla258 Curico, Chile ph: 311 129 Instituto Chileno- Norteamericano de Cultura (BNC) Los Carrera 770 - Piso 2 Osorno, Chile ph: (5664)23-4227 Instituto Chileno- Norteamericano de Cultura (BNC) * Moneda 1467 Casilla9286 Santiago, Chile ph: (56)696-3215 fax: 698-0400 Instituto Chileno Norteamericano de Cultura (BNC) 4Sur966 (Entre 2 Y 3 Oriente) Talca, Chile ph: 71-23-2572 Instituto Chileno- Norteamericano de Cultura (BNQ General Mackenna 559 Casilla930 Temuco, Chile ph: (5645)21-0828 Instituto Chileno- Norteamericano de Cultura (BNC) Esmeralda 1069 Casillal297 Valparaiso, Chile ph: (5632)255-725; fax:254-684 Branch Vina del Mar (BNC) 3 Norte 532 Vina del Mar, Chile ph: 686191 Ministerio de Educacion (GM) Division de Cultura Alameda 1371 Santiago, Chile ph: (562)696-3351 Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores (GM) Direccion de Asuntos Cul rural es e Inform acion Morande 441 Santiago, Chile ph: (562)696-3436 Corporacion Cultural de Santiago (PO) San Antonio 149 Santiago, Chile ph: (56-2)639-8200 Corporacion Amigos del Arte (SO)(visual arts) Av. Providenda 1670 - LocalC ph: (56-2)235-9647 Fundacion Beethoven (F) (music) Av. 11 de septiembre 2214, of. 66 ph: (56-2)232-1360 People's Republic Feop of CI hina Bureau for External Cultural Relations (GM) Ministry of Culture No. 2 Shatan Beijie Beijing, China 100722 ph: 401-3157 fax:401-3149 China International Cultural Association (SO) Jia No. 83 Dong An Men Beijie Beijing, China 100722 ph: 401-2255 ext. 683 fax:401-3149 China Performing Arts Agency (SO) Jia No. 25 Dongsi Shitiao Beijing, China 100007 ph: 403-2702 fax: 401-5802 China International Exhibition Agency (SO) Jia No. 25 Dongsi Shitiao Beijing, China 100007 ph: 403-1640 fax: 512-3070 China International Cultural Exchange Center (SO) No. 56 Dong Zhi Men Wai Xiejie Xiaoguan Beijing, China 100027 ph: 465-2319 fax:466-8616 Colombia Centro Colombo Americano (BNC) Carrera 14 No. 8-62 Apart ado Aereo 2216 Armenia, Colombia ph: (967)463-588/ 457-810 Centro Colombo Americano (BNC) Carrera 43, No. 51-95 Apartado Aereo 2097 Barranquilla, Colombia ph: (5758)318-084 fax: (5758) 324-724 no Agencies Abroad Centre Colombo Americano (BNC) * Avenida 19, No. 3-05 Apartado Aereo 3815 Santa Fe de Bogota, Colombia ph: (571)334-7641 fax: (571) 282-3372 Centro Colombo Americano (BNC) * (North Branch) Callel09A No. 17-10 Santa Fe de Bogota, Colombia ph: (92)21+4960/3039 Centro Colombo Americano (BNC) Carrera22,No.37-74 Apartado Aereo 466 Bucaramanga, Colombia ph: (5776)352-908 fax: (5776) 453-374 Centro Colombo Americano (BNC) Calle 13 Norte No. 8-45 Apartado Aereo 4525 Cali, Colombia ph: (115723)673-539 fax: (115723) 684-695 Centro Colombo Americano (BNC) Calle de la Factoria No. 36-27 Apartado Aereo 2831 Cartegena, Colombia ph: (5753) 641-714 fax: (5753) 651-887 Centro Colombo Americano (BNC) Calle 26, No. 21-37 Apartado Aereo 391 Manizales, Colombia ph: (57968)831-074 fax: (57968) 845-582 Centro Colombo Americano (BNC) Carrera45No.53-24 Apartado Aereo 8734 Medellin, Colombia ph: (574)513-4444 fax: (574) 513-2666 Centro Colombo Americano (BNC) Carrera6No.22-26 Apartado Aereo 735 Pereira, Colombia ph: (57963)336465 fax: (57963) 354-291 Colcultura (GM) Instituto Colombiano deCultura Carrera 9 No 74-99 Santa Fe de Bogota, D.C. ph/fax: (571) 2484969 Centro Cultural Gimnasio Moderno (PO) Colegio Gimnasio Moderno Carrera 9 No. 74-99 Santa Fe de Bogota, D.C. ph/fax: (571) 2484909 Sociedad Musical Daniel (PO) (Daniel Music Society) Fundacion Ernesto de Quesada Carrera 6 No. 67-09 Oficinal03 Santa Fe de Bogota, D.C. P.O. Box 53490 ph: (571)211-3623/ 3100345 fax: (571) 310-0452 Fundacion Teatre Libre (F) Calle 62 No. 10-65 Santa Fe de Bogota, D.C. ph: (571)217-1988, 249-0762 Colsubsidio (C) Calle 26 No. 25-50 Piso9 Santa Fe de Bogota ph: (571)285-9016 Costa Rica Centro Cultura Costar- ricense Norteamericano (BNQ* Calle Los Negritos, Barrio Dent Apartado 1489-1000 San Jose, Costa Rica ph: (506)259-433; fax: (574) 241-480 Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports (GM) Ministerio de Cultura Apartado 10227-1000 San Jose, Costa Rica Czech Republic Ministry of Culture (GM) Foreign Relations Dept. Valdstejnska 10 118 11 Prague ph: (42 2)513 22 20 Pragokoncert (PO) Maltezske nam. 1 U812Prahal ph: (42 2)53 9674 fax:(42 2)53 9673 Mezinarodni Kulturni Centrum Egona Schieleho (PO)(visual arts) Sirokaul. 70-72 38101 Cesky Krumlov ph: (422)3374232 fax:(422)3372820 Denmark Kulturministeriet (GM) (Ministry of Culture) Nybrogade 2, 1203 Copenhagen K. ph: 33 92 33 70 Detdanske Kulturinstitut (SO) (Danish Cultural Institute) Kultorvet 2 1175 Copenhagen K ph: 33 13 54 48 Dominican Republic Centro Cultural Dominicano- Americano (BNC) Avenida Estrella Sahdala LaRinconada Apartado 767 Santiago De Los Caballeros, Dominican Republic ph: (809)582-6627 fax: (809) 587-3858 n i Agencies Abroad Institute) Cultural Dominico-Americano (BNC)* Avenida Abraham Lincoln No. 21 Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic ph: (809)533-4191 fax: (809) 533-8809 Ecuador Centra Ecuatoriano Norteamericano (BNQ Borrero5-18 Casilla 148 Cuenca, Ecuador ph: (5937)830-373, 823-898 Centra Ecuatoriano Norteamericano (BNC) Luis Urdaneta Y Gral. Cordova Casilla 5717 Guayaquil, Ecuador ph: (5934)564-509; fax: (5934) 300-365 Ministry of Education and Culture (GM) fax: 593-2-580-178 Casa de Cultura Ecuatoriana "Benjamin Carrion" (PO) Avenida 6 de diciembre No. 794 y Patria Apartado Postal: 67 Quito, Ecuador ph: 593-2-233-520/ 565-808 El Salvador Centro Cultural Salvadoreno (BNC) * Avenida los Sisimiles y Boulevard de los Heroes, SSESCA San Salvador, El Salvador ph: (503)26-9130/9032/ 9060 France Institut Franco- Americain (BNC) B.P.2599 7, quai Chateaubriand 35059 Rennes Cedex, France ph: 99-792-057; fax: 793-009 Association Francaise d' Action Artistique (SO) 45, Rue Boissiere 75116 Paris, France Director Monsieur JeanDigne ph: 3314405 2121 fax: 33 144 05 21 00 International Associa- tion of Art, Inc. (SO) (see below for US. office) UNESCO 1 Rue Miollis 75015 Paris, France (800) 727-6232 Gabon Gabon A.N.PA.C (GM) P.O. Box 1007 Libreville, Gabon Africa ph: 241-72-36-88 Federal Republic of Germany Carl-Schurz-Haus (BNC) Kaiser-Joseph-Str. 266 D-7800 Freiburg, Germany ph: 761-31645/7 fax: 398-27 German-American Institute (BNC) Sophienstr. 12 6900 Heidelberg, Germany ph: 6221-24771 fax:184-925 Kennedy-Haus (BNQ Holtenauerstr. 9 D-2300Kiell ph: 431-554-866 German-American Institute (BNQ Gleissbuehlstr. 13 8500 Nuernberg, Germany ph: 911-203-327 fax: 208-767 German-American Institute (BNQ Haidplatz8 W-8400 Regensburg, Germany ph: 941-524-76 fax: 521-98 German-American Institute (BNC) Berliner Promenade 15 6600 Saarbruecken, Germany ph: 681-31160; fax: 372-624 German-American Institute (BNC) Karlstrasse 3 7400 Tuebingen, FRG ph: 7071-340-71/2 fax: 318-73 Deutscher Kulturrat (GM) Adenauerallee 7 53111 Bonn ph: 0228-224800; fax: 0228-223808 Goethe-Institut (SO) (international office) (See below forlLS. office.) Zentral Verwaltung Helene-Weber-AUee 1 Postfach 190419 80604, Munchen Germany Deutsch-Amerikanischer Kulturfonds e. V. (F) Rae Rembold Sernetz Hochleitner v. Gronau Karlsplatz 11 (Obletter— Haus) 80335 Munchen ph: 089-597557 fax: 089-598148 Haus der Kulturen der Welt GmbH (F) John-Foster Dulles- Allee 10 10557 Berlin ph: 030-39787-0 fax: 030-3948679 Institut fur Auslandsbeziehungen (F) Charlottenplatz 17 70173 Stuttgart ph: 0711-22250 fax:0711-2264346 •12 Agencies Abroad Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach- Stiftung(F) HugeI15 45133 Essen ph: 0201-188-1 fax: 0201-412587 Greece Hellenic-American Union (BNQ * 22 Massalias Street Athens 10680, Greece ph: 301-364-2264 fax: 363-3174 Association for the Support of Cultural Activities (SO) 69 Kifissias Avenue Athens 115 23, Greece ph: 30-1-693-0984 fax: 30-1-693-2819 Panhellenic Gallerists Association (SO) (visual arts) 9 Valaoritou Street Athens 106 71, Greece ph: 30-1-361-6165 fax: 30-1-363-7233 Association of Greek • Writers (SO)(literature) 33 Asklepiou Street Athens 106 80, Greece ph: 30-1-361-2766 Half-Note Productions (PO)(performing arts) 4 Solomou Street Holargos 155 62, Athens, Greece ph: 30-1-657-0005/652- 4613 fax: 30-1-652-2486 LavrisLtd. (PO) (performing arts) 3 Marasli Street Athens 106 72, Greece ph: 30-1-723-7422 fax: 30-1-721-9896 Guatemala Instituto Guatemalteco- Americano (BNC) * Ruta 1,4-05, Zona 4 (Apartado Postal 691) Guatemala City, Guatemala ph: (502)2-318-348 fax: (502) 2-344-392 Direccion de Difusion del Ministerio de Cultura (GM) Centro Cultural Miguel Angel Asturias 24 Calle 3-81, Zonal Guatemala City, Guatemala ph: 502-2-300718 Patronato de Bellas Artes (SO ,PO) la. Avenida 14-74, Zona 10 Guatemala City, Guatemala ph: 502-2-334744/ 335733 fax: 502-2 335455 Organization Para Las Artes Francisco Marroquin (PO) 6a. Calle Final, Zona 10 Guatemala City, Guatemala ph: 502-2-313888 Galeria Internacional de Arte (PO) (visual arts) 11 Calle 0-65 zona 10 Guatemala, Guatemala ph: (502-2)328111/ 328112 fax: (502-2) 328086 Fundacion Paiz (F) 7a Avenida 8-35, Zona 9 Guatemala City, Guatemala ph: 502-2-341040/ 348122/348123 fax: 502-2-348092 Haiti Institut Haitiano- Americain (BNC) * Angle rue Capois et rue St.Cyr Port-Au-Prince, Hahi ph: (509)22-3715 fax: (509) 23-4608 Honduras Centro Cultural Sampedrano (BNC) 3Calle,Entre3Ay4A Avenida #20 (Apartado Postal 511) San Pedro Sula, Honduras ph: (504)57-2084 fax: (504) 57-8804 Instituto Hondureno de Cultura Interamericana (BNC) * 2 Avenida entre 5 y 6 Calles No. 520 (Apartado 201, Tegucigalpa, D.C.) Comayaguela Tegucigalpa, Honduras ph: (504)37-7539,22- 0703 Hungary BEART Agency (PO) Budapest H, Budakeszi ut 69, H-1021 ph: (361) 176-1749 fax: (361) 117-9338 Seven Arts Agency (PO) Budapest V., Szemere u. 23.H-1054 ph: (361) 118-4542 fax: (361) 11&4767 ph/fax: (361) 111-2456 Interart Festivalcenter (PO) Budapest, P.O.B. 80 Hungary-1366 ph: (36-1) 118 9838/266 3108 fax: (36-1) 117 9910 Iceland Ministry of Culture and Education (GM) Culture Section Solvholsgotu 4 IS1- 150 Reykjavik Iceland ph: 354-1-609500 fax: 354-1-623068 The Nordic House (SO) v/Hringbraut 105 Reykjavik, Iceland ph: 354-1-17030 fax: 354-1-26476 113 Agencies Abroad India Director General (GM) Indian Council for Cultural Relations AzadBhavan Indraprastha Estate NewDelhi-110 002 No phone/fax available Joint Secretary (GM) Department of Culture ICR Division Shastri Bhavan NewDelhi-110 001 No phone/fax available Indonesia PPIA-YAYASAN Lembaga Indonesia Amerika (BNC) * Jl.PramukaKavNo.30 (Post Box 380) Jakarta, Indonesia No phone/fax available PPIA-YAYASAN Lembaga Indonesia Amerika (BNC) 23 Jalan P. Diponegoro 23 Medan, Indonesia No phone/fax available PPIA-YAYASAN Indonesian American Friendship Society (BNC) Jl. Dharmahusada Indah BaratI/3 Surabaya, Indonesia ph: 62-031-597-200 The Directorate General of Culture (GM) Ministry of Education and Culture Jalan Cilacap 4, Jakarta Pusat Indonesia No phone/fax available The Directorate General of Tourism (GM) Ministry of Tourism, Post and Telecommuni- cation Jalan Kramat Raya 81, Jakarta 10450 Indonesia No phone/fax available Israel The Public Council for Culture and Art (GM) 16 Hanatziv St. Tel Aviv 67018 Israel ph: 972-3-562-1402 fax: 972-3-561-7092 Department of Cultural and Scientific Relations (GM) Ministry of Foreign Affairs Hakirya, Romema Jerusalem Israel ph: 972-2-303-318/9 fax: 972-2-303-303 Italy American Studies Center (BNC) 36, Via Andrea D'Isernia 80122 Naples, Italy ph: (3981)660-562 fax: 681-110 American Studies Center (BNC) * 32, Via Michelangelo Caetani 00186 Rome, Italy ph: 654-1613 Organizzazione Rapporti Internazionali Artistici (SO) Via Cappuccio 11 20123 Milano ph: 02-8057439/ 8057133 fax: 02-8692259 Assessorato alia Cultura (GM regional) Regione Lombardia ViaFilzi22 20124 Milano pm (02)67651 fax: (02) 67652704 Dipartimento Istruzione e Cultura (GM regional) Regione Toscana ViaFarini 8 50121 Firenze ph: (055)4382111 fax: (055) 4382600 Assessorato alia Cultura (GM regional) Regione Lazio Via Maria Adelaide, 14 00196 Roma ph: (06)3610651 fax: (06) 3612294 Ivory Coast Ecole de Danse et d'Echange Culturel (SO) B.P. 535 Cidex 1 - Abidjan 06 Cote d'lvoire ph/fax: 225 41-10-98 Ensemble Roteba d'Abidjan (performing arts troupe) 08 BP 2205, Abidjan 08 ph/fax 225 43-22-13 Village Ki-Yi (SO) Village Ki-Yi, Cidex 02 C 21 -Abidjan 08, Cote dlvoire ph: (225)43-2005 fax: (225) 43-38-66 Japan Japan Ministry of Culture (Bunka- Cho)(GM) 3-2-2 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo, 100 Japan ph: 81-3-3581-ttll Research Center for Arts Administration, Keio University (SO) 2-15-45 Minato-ku Tokyo 108, Japan ph: 03-3453-0250 fax: 03-3453-0224 The Japan Foundation (F) " Cultural Exchanges Bureau Park Building, 3-6 Kioi- cho, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo, 102 Japan ph: (03)3263-4618 fax: (03) 5275-6907 Asahi Fellowships (F) Kikaku Daini-bu (Department II, Cultural Projects Division) Asahi Shimbun 5-3-2, Tsukuji, Chuo-ku ■ 14 Agencies Abroad Tokyo, 104-H Japan ph: 81-3-3545-0131 ext. 5484 fax: 81-3-3546-1894 Kenya University of Nairobi (SO) P.O. Box 30197 Nairobi, Kenya ph: 334244 Paa Ya Paa Arts Centre (PO)(visual arts) Ridgeways Road Off Kiambu Road P.O. Box 49646 Nairobi, Kenya ph/fax (254-2) 512257 Gallery Watatu/The Watatu Foundation (PO ,F)(visual arts) Lonroh House, Standard Street P.O. Box 41855 Nairobi, Kenya ph: (254-2)228737/ 225666 fax: (254-2) 331276 or 402 East Carrillo Street P.O. Box 22557 Santa Barbara, C A 93121 ph: (805)963-7900 fax: (805) 564-1440 Korea Korean Culture and Arts Foundation (GM) International Exchanges Bureau 1-130 Dongsung-dong, Chongno-ku Seoul 110-510, Korea ph: (822)7604584 fax: (822) 7604700 Seoul Arts Center (PO) 700Socho- dong,Sochoku Seoul 137-070, Korea ph: 822-580-1011/3 fax: 822-587-5841 Korea Foundation (F) International Exchanges 526 Namdaemunno 5- ka, Chung-ku Seoul 100495, Korea ph: 822-753-3462 fax: (822) 757-2049/757- 2046/7 Malaysia The Ministry of Culture, Arts and Tourism (GM) 34th -36th Floor, Menara Dato Onn Putra World Trade Center 45, Jalan Tun Ismail 50694 Kuala Lumpur ph: 293-7111; fax: 291-0951 Mexico Instituto Mexicano- Norteamericano de Relaciones Culturales, A.C. (BNC) Vicente Guerrero No.616 Chihuahua, Chihuahua, 31000 Mexico ph: (5214) 12-6165 fax: (5214) 16-9056 Instituto Cultural Mexicano- Norteamericano de Jalisco, A.C. (BNC) TolsaNo.300 Guadalajara, Jalisco, 4170 Mexico ph: (5236) 25-5838; fax: (5236) 17-6893 Instituto Mexicano- Americanode Relaciones Culturales, A.C. (BNC) Blvd. Navarrete y Monteverde Col. Valle Hermoso (Apartado Postal 492) Hermosillo, Sonora 83000 Mexico ph: 140-781, 142-240 Instituto Benjamin Franklin de Yucatan, A.C. (BNQ Calle 57, No. 474-A Merida, Yucatan 97000 Mexico ph: (5299)21-5996 fax: (5299) 28-0097 Centre- Mexicano- Americano de Cultural del Valle, A.C. (BNQ* Xola 416, Colonia del Valle Mexico, DJ. 03100 Mexico ph: (525)536-55-20/23 Instituto Mexicano- Norteamericano de Relaciones Culturales, A.C. (BNC) * Hamburgo 115, Colonia Juarez Mexico, D.F. 06600 Mexico ph: (525)5114720 fax: (525) 525-8437 Instituto Mexicano- Norteamericano de Relaciones Culturales de Nuevo Leon, A.C. (BNC) Hidalgo No. 768, Pte. Apartado Postal 2602 Monterrey, NX. 64000 Mexico ph: (5283) 40-1583/87 fax: (5283) 42-5517 Instituto Cultural Mexicano- Norteamericano de Michoacan, A.C. (BNC) Guillermo Prieto 86 Morelia, Michoacan 58000 Mexico ph: (52451)219-86 Instituto Mexicano- Norteamericano de Relaciones Culturales De Saltillo, A.C. (BNC) Presidente Cardenas 840, Pte. Saltillo, Coahuila 25000 Mexico ph: 1484-22 fax: 120-653 Instituto Mexicano- Norteamericano de Relaciones Culturales, A.C (BNC) Santos Chocano No. 600 Col. Anahuac San Nicolas de los Garza, N.L. 68450 Mexico ph: (5283)76-7692/4879 fax: (5283) 76-5187 115 Agencies Abroad Institute) Mexicano- Norteamericano de Relaciones Culturales, A.C. (BNC) Av. Venustiano Carranza 1430 San Luis Potosi, Tequisquiapan, Mexico ph: (52481)725-57 fax: (52481) 72-501 Instituto Mexican o Noneamericano de Relaciones Culturales de Torreon, A.C. (BNC) Zuloaga 45, Col. Los Angeles Torreon, Coahuila Mexico ph/fax: (5217) 17-05-95 Instituto Franklin de Veracruz, AC. (BNC) CalleJ.Azueul229, Col. Diaz Miron Veracruz, Veracruz 91909 Mexico ph/fax: (5229) 31-5736 Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes (GM) Paseo de la Reforma y CampoMarte Col. C hap ul tepee Polanco 11560 Mexico D J. ph: (525)520 7241 fax: (525) 395 7779 U.S.-Mexico Commission for Education and Cultural Exchange (SO) Biblioteca Benjamin Franklin Londres No. 16, P.B. Col. Juarez 06600 Mexico, D.F. ph: 525-211-0042 CONACULTA Coordinacion de Asuntos Lnternaaonales (SO) Revolucion 188 7, 7 piso San Angel 01000 Mexico D J. ph: (525)550-1934 UNAM Coordinacion de Difusion Cultural (SO) Ciudad Universitaria 04510 Mexico Di\ ph: (525)665 2850 fax: (525) 665 0185 New Zealand Queen Elizabeth II Arts Council of New Zealand (SO) P.O. Box 3806 Wellington, New Zealand ph: 64 4 473-0880 fax:64 4 471-2865 Exhibitour MDF New Zealand T imited (PO)(visual arts) P.O. Box 6401 Te Aro Wellington, New Zealand ph: 64 4 384-4473 fax:64 4 385-1198 Norway Royal Norwegian Ministry of Cultural Affairs (GM) P.O. Box 8030 Dep. N-0032 Oslo ph: 47 22 34 90 90 fax: 47 22 34 95 50 The Norway-America Association (SO) Drammensveien 20 C 0255 Oslo, Norway ph: 47 22 44 76 83 fax: 47 22 44 78 31 Norges Kunstnerrad (SO) (Norwegian Artists' Council) Kronprinsensgt. 1 P.O. Box 1341 Vika 0113 Oslo, Norway ph: 47 22 83 73 32 fax: 47 22 83 73 26 Fond for utovende kunstnere (Fund for Performing Artists) (F) Bernt Ankersgt. 10 0183 Oslo, Norway ph: 47221110 82 fax: 47 22 11 10 66 Nordmanns-Forbundet (F) Radhusgt. 23 B N-0158 Oslo, Norway ph: 47 22 427514 fax: 47 22 42 51 63 Pakistan Pakistan American Cultural Center (ENQ* Head Office 1 1, Fatima Jinnah Rd. Karachi, Pakistan ph: 516-275 PACC - Hyderbad Center (BNC) Hospital Rd. Hyderbad, Pakistan ph: 798-16 PACC - Lahore Center (BNQ Beacons field High School 99-G, Model Town Lahore, Pakistan ph: 852-909 PACC - Peshawar Cantt Center (BNC) c/o St. John's School l.SirSyedRd. GPOBox684 Peshawar Cantt, Pakistan ph: 797-34 PACC - Quetta Center (BNQ Najmuddin Rd. Quetta, Pakistan ph: 798-16 Paraguay Centro Cultural Paraguayo- Americano (BNQ» Avenida Espana 352 Asuncion, Paraguay ph: (59521)22-772, 24-831 Centro Cultural Paraguayo- Americano (BNC) Coronel Bogado 315 Esq. Curupayty Villarrica, Paraguay ph: (595541)2307 Peru Instituto Cultural Peruano Noneamericano (BNC) Melgar 109 •16 Agencies Abroad (Casilla 555) Arequipa, Peru ph: (5154)243-201 fax:(5154)237-731 Instituto Cultural Peruano Norteamericano (BNC) Manuel Maria Izaga 807 (Casilla 34) Chidayo, Peru ph: (5174)231-241 fax: (5174) 227-166 Instituto Cultural Peruano Norteamericano (BNC) Av. Tullumayo 125 (Casilla 287) Cusco, Peru ph: (5184)22-4112 Instituto Cultural Peruano Norteamericano (BNC) Jiron Guido 754 (San Carlos) (Casilla 624) Huancayo, Peru ph: (5164)22-4152 Instituto Cultural Peruano Norteamericano (BNQ* Jiron Cusco 446 (Casilla 304) Lima, Peru ph: (5114)28-3530 Instituto Cultural Peruano Norteamericano (BNC) Calle Lima 619 (Casilla 854) Piura, Peru ph: (5174)32-1332 Instituto Cultural Peruano Norteamericano (BNC) Av. Venezuela #125 - Urb. El Recreo Urbanizacion £1 Recreo Trujillo, Peru ph/fax (5144) 23-2512 Philippines National Commission on Culture and Arts (GM) 8 CasaBlanca Cabildo Street Intramuros, Metro Manila No phone/fax available Cultural Center of the Philippines (PO) Roxas Boulevard Pasay City Philippines ph: (632)832-1125 fax: (632) 832-3683 Chase International Production and Promotion (PO) Plaza San Luis Real Street Intramuros, Metro Manila Philippines ph: (632)47-6126 fax: (632) 833-6894 Art and Music (F) 5 Cannon Road Cubao, Quezon City Philippines ph: (632)721-7555 fax: (632) 476-207 Poland Ministerstwo Kultury I SZTUKI(GM) (Ministry of Culture and Art) Departament Wspolpracy z Zagranica (Department of Cooperation with Abroad) ul. Krakowskie Przedmiescie 15/17 00-071 Warszawa, Poland ph: 48 22200231/ 2673 31 Department of Cultural and Scientific Policy (GM) Ministry of Foreign Affairs ALSzucha23 00-580 Warsaw, Poland ph: 628-57-44; fax: 623-94-64 Polish Artists Agency (PO) 00 078 Warszawa Plac Marszalla Jozefa Pilsudskiego 9 ph: (48-22)26 0145; fax: (48-22) 27 64 05/ 27 53 97 Fundacja Kultury Polskiej (F) (Polish Cultural Foundation) ul. Krakowskie Przedmiescie 15/17 00-071 Warszawa, Poland ph: (48-22)20 02 31 Portugal Secretary of State for Culture (GM) Office of International Relations R.S. Pedro de Alcantara, 45-2 1200 Lisboa Portugal ph: 346 8819; fax: 342 4605 Fundacao Luso- Americana para o Desenvolvimento (F) Rua do Sacramento a Lapa,21 1200 Lisboa Portugal ph: 396 0297; fax: 396 3358 Fundacao Calouste Gulbenkian (F) Av. de Berna, 45 1000 Lisboa Portugal ph: 793 5131 fax: 793 5139 Instituto Camoes (F) Praca do Principe Real, 14-1 1200 Lisboa Portugal ph: 346 4508 fax: 347 2049 Fundacao Oriente (F) Rua do Salitre, 66 1200 Lisboa Portugal ph: 352.7002 fax: 3527042 117 Agencies Abroad Romania UNITER (SO)(theater) (Union of Romanian Theaters) 2-4 George Enescu St. Bucharest, Romania ph: 401-615-3636 fax: 401-312-0913 Uniunea Gompozitorilor din Romania (SO) (music) (Composers' Union) 141 Calea Victoria Bucharest, Romania ph: 401650 2825 fax: 401 659 3198 Uniunea Artistilor Plastici din Romania (SO)(visual arts) (Visual Artists' Union) 21, Nicolae Iorga St. Bucharest, Romania ph: 401 650 4786 Uniunea Scriitorilor din Romania (SO) (literature) (Writers' Union) 133, Calea Viaoriei Bucharest, Romania ph: 401 650 7245 Theatrum Mundi (PO)(theater) 89 Mihai Eminescu St. Bucharest, Romania ph: 401-610-2404; fax:401-312-5192 Russia Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation (GM) 103693, Moscow, Kitaysky proezd N. 7 Minister - Evgeny Yu. Sidorov ph: 095 22O45O0 or 095 925-06-08 fax: 095 975-24-20 UNESCO International Artists Federation (SO) 121019 Moscow, Gogolevsky boulevard, N.10 President - Eduard N. Drobhsky Vice-President - Tair T. Salakhov ph: (095)29048-70 or (095) 291-62-18 fax: (095) 29062-90 International Cooperation Association "Continents" (SO) (Culture, Religion, Economy, Politics) 107078, Moscow, Novoryazanskaya Street, N. 16 President - Roman N. Muradov General Director - Vladimir I. Litvinov ph: (095)265-10-62 fax: (095) 208-82-30 Russian Cultural Foundation (F) 121019, Moscow, Gogolevsky boulevard N.6 Chairman of the Presidium - Nikita S. Mikhalkov President of the Foundation - Dmitry S. Likhachev ph. (095) 202-69-84; fax. (095) 200-12-38 Senegal Ministere de la Culture (GM) Building Adrninistratif Dakar, Senegal No phone/fax available Fondation Leopold Sedar Senghor (F) Avenue Franklin Roosevelt Dakar, Senegal No phone/fax available South Africa Africa Cultural Trust (SO) 52 Goch Avenue Newtown Johannesburg South Africa ph: (27)838-4541; fax: (27) 833-2324 African National Congress (SO) Dept. Arts and Culture 51 Plein Street Johannesburg South Africa 2001 ph: (27)330-7229 Performing Arts Workers Equity (SO)(performing arts) P.O. Box 34 Newtown Johannesburg South Africa 2113 ph: 27 011836-4425; fax: 27 011 8364501 Foundation for the Performing Arts (F) P.O. Box 91122 Auckland Park Johannesburg South Africa 2006 ph: (27) (011) 482-1626; fax: (27) (011) 726-7230 Nedbank(C) Strategic Management and Communication 81 Main Street Johannesburg South Africa ph: 27 011630-2126; fax: 27 011 836-8797 Spain Instituto de Estudios Norteamericanos (BNC) Via Augusta, 123 08006 Barcelona, Spain ph: 343 209-2711; fax: 202-0690 Ministerio de Cultura (GM) Plaza del Rey, 1 28071 Madrid, Spain No phone available Fundacion Juan March CD Castello, 77 28006 Madrid, Spain ph: M354240 Fundacion La Caixa (F) PI. Antoru de Maura, 6 08003 Barcelona, Spain No phone available •18 Agencies Abroad Banco Central Hispano w Barquillo6 28004 Madrid, Spain ph: 14312410 General para la Culture w Alameda, 14 28014 Madrid, Spain ph: 1-5637680 Sri Lanka Department of Cultural Affairs (GM) 255 Bauddhaloka Mawatha Colombo 7 Sri Lanka Sweden The Swedish Institute (SO JO P.O. Box 7434 10391 Stockholm, Sweden ph: 46 8 7892000; fax: 46 8 207248 Switzerland Pro Helvetia (GM) Hirschengraben 22 8024 Zurich ph: 41 1 251-9600; fax: 41 1 251-9606 "Accueil" Pro Helvetia (GM) 48, av. de la Preille 1211 Geneve 26 ph: 41 22 343-7743; fax: 41 22 343-7610 Taiwan National Endowment for Culture and Arts (GM) 17 Kinhua Street, 8th Floor Taipei, Taiwan ph/fax: 886-2-394-9370 Chi Mei Cultural Foundation (F) 59-1 San Chia, Jen Te Village Tainan County, Taiwan ph: 886-6-266-3000, ext. 1601 fax: 8864-2660848 Pacific Cultural Foundation (F) 346 Nanking East Road, sec 3 Suite 807 Taipei, Taiwan ph: 886-2-752-7424; fax: 886-2-752-7429 Thailand American University Alumni Language Center (BNC) * 179 Rajdamri Rd. Bangkok, Thailand 10330 ph: 66-2-252-8170-3; fax: 255-0745 Turkey Turk-Amerikan Demegi (BNC) Cinnah Caddesi, No. 20 06690 Kavaklidere Ankara, Turkey ph: 904426-3732; fax: 468-2538 Turk-Amerikan Dernegi (BNC) Resatbey Mah. 5 Ocak Cad. No. 27 Adana, Turkey ph: 134-773 Turkish-American University Assn. (BNQ* Rumeli CAD. 60-62 Thiz Apt., Osmanbey Istanbul, Turkey ph: (901)247-5785 Turk-Amerikan Dernagi (BNQ Sehh Nevresbey 23/A, Alsancak Izmir, Turkey pm 9051-215-206; fax: 636411 Kultur Bakanligi (GM) Bakanliklar Ankara, Turkey Disiliskiler Genel ND. fax: 904-3111431; No phone available United Kingdom Arts Council of England (GM) 14 Great Peter Street London SW1P 3NQ England ph: 071 333 0100 Scottish Arts Council (GM) 12 Manor Place Edinburgh EH3 7DD Scotland ph: 031226 6051 Welsh Arts Council (GM) Hoist House 9 Museum Place Cardiff CF13NX Wales ph: 0222 394 711 Arts Council of Northern Ireland (GM) 181a Stranmillis Road Belfast BT9 5DU Northern Ireland ph: 0232 381 591 British American Arts Association (SO) 116 Commercial Street London El 6NF England ph: 071 247 5385; fax: 071 247 5256 European Committee for Business, Culture and the Arts (CEREC) (SO) c/o ABSA, Nutmeg House, 60 Gainsford Street, Butlers Wharf London SE1 2NY England ph: 071378 8143; fax: 071 407 7527 Art is Magic (PO) Duntocher Road Glasgow 6614QA Scotland ph: 011 44 41 943 1489 Visiting Arts (PO) 1 1 Portland Place London WIN 4EJ ph: 071 389 3019; fax: 071 389 3016 119 Agencies Abroad Uruguay Alianza Cultural Uruguay-Estados Unidos de America (BNQ* Calle Paraguay 1217 Montevideo, Uruguay ph: (5982) 90-2721/22; fax: (5982) 92-1621 Sodrc(GM) Sarandi 450 11000 Montevideo, Uruguay No phone/fax available Centro Cultural de Musica (PO) (music and dance) Juan Carlos Gomez 1445 Ap. 203 11000 Montevideo, Uruguay No phone/fax available Venezuela Centro Venezolano- Americano (BNC) * Av. Principal de las Mercedes F rente al Automercado Cada Caracas, Venezuela (Casilla 61715 del Este, Caracas 1060A) ph: (582)751-5511; fax: (582) 751-5279 Centro Venezolano Americano del Zulu (BNQ Calle63,No.3-E-60, Apartado419 Maracaibo, Edo. Zulia, Venezuela ph: (5861) 91-1880/1436; fax: (5861) 92-1098 Asociacion Norteamericana- Venezolana de Merida (BNC) Apartado 668 Merida 5101, Venezuela ph: (5874) 44-6444; fax: (5874) 79-1505 Consejo Nacional de la Culture (GM) Edificio Centro Simon Bolivar Torre Norte, piso 16,Caracas ph: (582)483-10-72; fax: (582) 481-2CM0 The Teresa Carreno Center for the Perform- ing Arts (PO) (performing arts) President's Office, Teatro Teresa Carreno Paseo Colon, Los Caobos, Caracas ph: (582)571-83-31/ 571-08-24 Ateneo de Caracas (PO) Caracas An theneum Plaza Morelos, Los Caobos, Piso 4, Caracas ph: (582)573-46-22 fax: (582) 572-11-19/ 571-22-96 •20 Festivals Abroad If you consider contact- ing one of the festivals below, you may want to call Arts International for further information on that festival. Argentina Encuentro Latino Americano de Coreografos e Interpretes Carlos Pellegrini 143 Capital Federal Buenos Aires Festival Internacional de San Juan Centro Cultural Puerte Blanco San Luis 5700 La Movida-Festival Internacional de Nuevas Tendencias CELCIT/Argentina Bolivia 827 Buenos Aires 1066 Aruba Aruba International Dance Festival PO Box 1022 Oranjestad Australia International Music Festival/Pacific Basin Music Fest World Projects Corp./ Festival Office NA PO Box 7365 Sydney Adelaide Festival Adelaide Festival Centre GPO Box 1269 Adelaide 5001 Brisbane Biennial The Mansions Corner George & Margaret Street Brisbane Brisbane Warana Festival, Ltd. GPO Box 1232 Brisbane Come Out Festival Carclew Youth Performing Arts Centre P.O. Box 164 North Adelaide 5006 Festival of Perth University of Western Australia Nedlands6009 Festival of Sydney Box Q44 QVB Post Office York Street Sydney NSW 2000 International Women's Playwrights Flinders University GPO Box 2100 Adelaide 5001 Melbourne International Festival of the Arts Spoleto Melbourne Foundation, Inc. 35 City Road South Melbourne 3205 Melbourne International Festival of Organ and Harpsichord POBox92 Parkville Moomba International Festival Australian Stockman's Hall of Fame GPO Box 1 Brisbane 40001 Musica Viva Mittagong Festival 12-18 Little Regent Street, 6th Floor Sydney National Aboriginal and Islander Day of Commemoration 751 Stanley Street Wooloongabba National Folk Festival Monaro Folk Music Society PO Box 277 Curtin ACT 2605 Peninsula Arts National Dance Festival 57 Beacon Avenue Beacon Hill 2100 Port Fairy Folk Festival PO Box 51 Port Fairy 3284 Sydney Dance Festival The Wharf, Pier 4 Hickson Rd. Walsh Bay, Sydney Warana Festival PO Box 3611 South Brisbane A 4101 Austria Ars Electronica Untere Donaulande 7 Brucknerhaus Linz Austria A-4010 Art on the Air Mullerstrasse 19 Innsbruck A-6020 Bregenz Festival Postfachll9 Festspiel-u. Kongresshaus Carinthian Summer Sekretariat Carinthischer Sommer OssiachA-9570 Festwoche Der Alten Musik in Innsbruck Blasius Hueberstr. 12 Innsbruck A-6020 International Anton Bruckner Festival Linz Brucknerhaus Untere Donaulande 7 Linz A-4010 International Chamber Music Festival Germergasse 16 Baden A-2500 International Cultural Days and Symposium Postfach 18 Neueberg A-8692 International Theatre and Dance Festival, Salzburg Waagplatz la Salzburg A-5020 121 Festivals Abroad International Youth and Music Festival Hofburg palace Kongresszentrum Vienna A-1014 Internationale Tanzwochen Wien PO Box 155 Wien A-1091 Internationales Symposium fuer Mikrotonforschung c/o Hochschule fur Musik und darstellende Kunst Mozarteum in Salzburg Mirabellplatz 1 Salzburg A-5020 Jazz Fest Wiesen Hauptstrasse 140 Wiesen A-7203 Melker Sommerspiele Rathausplatz 11 Melk A-3390 Musik Protokoll Osterreichisher Rundfunk Marburger Strasse 20 Graz8042 Musikalische Jugend Osterreichs Musikjugend Wien Bosendorferstrasse 12 Vienna A-1010 Native Transfers Wolkenstein Cultural Centre Stainach/Ennstal Steiermark A-8950 Nickelsdorfer Konfrontationen Jazzgalerie Unitere Haupstrasse 13 NickelsdorfA-8800 Operettensommer Stadttheater and Sommerarena Theaterplatz 7 Baden bei Wien A-2500 Raumzeitkunst Festival Akademie der bildenden Kunste Wien Schillerplatz 3 Vienna A-1010 Rusik-fest Waidhofen/ Thaya POBox61 Waidhofen/Thaya A- 3830 Salzburg Festival PO Box 140 Salzburg A-5010 Salzburger Kulturage POBox42 Waagplatz la Salzburg A-5010 Schubertiade Hohenems Schweizerstrasse 1 postfach 100 Hohenems A-6845 Spectrum Verlagspostamt Villach Eischeinungsort, Villach 9500 Steirischer Herbst Festival Palais Attems Sackstrasse 17/1 Graz A-8010 Styrian Autumn Sackstrasse 17/1 Graz A-8010 Styriarte Palais Attems Sackstrasse 17 Graz 8010 Tanztage Festival Posthof • Zeitkulter am Hafen Postofstrasse 43 LinzA-4020 Ulrichsberger Kaliedaphon Jazzatelier Ulrichsberg Badergasse2 Ulrichsberg 4161 Wiener Festwochen (Vienna Festival) Rathausstrasse 9 Vienna A-1082 Wiener Internationales Tanz-Festival/ Tone und Gegentoene (Wiener Festwochen) Lehargasse 11 Vienna A-1060 Wolkenstein Cultur Centrum Bahnhofstrasse 110 Stainach A-8950 Belgium Antwerpen - The Ark Grote Markt 29 Antwerpen 1 B-2000 ArsMusica 18 place Eugene Flageyplein local-kamer 245 Brussels B-1050 Biennale de la Danse Palais des Beaux Arts Place du Manage CharleroiB-60000 Brosela Festival Onze Lieve Vronwstraat #15 Grimbergen 1850 Festival de Wallonie 175 Rue des Brasseurs NamurB-5000 Festival van Vlaanderen Flageyplein 18 Brussels B-1050 Festiveldomein "De Kranhoeve* Grote Doelstraat 22 Bonheiden 2820 Flanders Festival Festival van Zeeuwsch- Vlaanderen p/a Zuidlandstraat 111 Brussels Forerungen Freja Kronstadt Sejrogade 8 Arhus8000 '22 Festivals Abroad Het Musiek LOD: Vertel Festival Ottogracht 41 Ghent 9000 International Clarinet Association Parklaan 20A Antwerp International Very Special Arts Festival Avenue Louis 54, Suite 10 Brussels 1050 International Jazz- Festivalvan * Dendermonde c/o Honky Tonk Jazz Club Leopold 11 laan Bastion 5 Jazz a Liege 24/101 Boulevard d'Avroy Liege B-4000 Klapstuk Internationaal Dansfestival Studio Voor Hedendaagse E. van Evenstraat 2d Leuven 3000 Middelheim Feestcomite Stad Antwerp Stadhuis Grote Markt Antwerp B-2000 Time Festival c/o Vooruit, Centre d'Arts Centre St. Pietersnieuwstraat 23 Gent Belgium B-9000 Wereldfestival van Folklore Sparrenlaan 9 Schoten B-2120 Belize African-Garifuna Settlement Day 53 Regent Street Belize City Benin Conseil Mondial des Organizations Panafriques Carre No. 6 Ancien Pont, BP 1245 Cotonou Bermuda Bermuda Festivals POBoxHM297 Hamilton HMAX Black History Month Celebration 42 St. Anne's Road Southhampton SN02 Bolivia Academina de Danza Chela Urquidi Calle Indaburu 945 La Paz Brazil Bienal de Musica Brasileira Contemporanea Rua da Imprensa no. 16-7 andar Rio de Janeiro 20030- 100 Bienal de Musica Contemporanea Brasileira Sala Cecilia Meireles Largo de Lapa 47 Lapa Carlton Dance Festival c/o Dueto Productions Rua Lauro Muller,l 16 Sala4203 Torre Do Rio, Sul Botafogo 22290-RJ Curso Internacional de Ferias da Pro Arte em Teresopolis Rua Gongalo de Castro 85, Alto Teresopolis, RJ 25950 Curso International de Verao da Escola Musica Brasilia Escola de Musica de Brasilia L2/SUL Quadro 620 Modulo D. Asa Sul 70200-620 Encontro Internacional da Novadanca de Curitiba Sarkovas Rua Traipu, 156 Sao Paulo SP 01235 Festival de Inverno Campus Universidario Camobi Santa Maria 97119 Festival Internacional de Danca Rua Senador Dantas 71, Sal as Rio de Janeiro 20031 Festival Internacional de Londrina Rua Souza Naves, No 9/11A Londrina Festival Internacional de Teatro Endereco Rua Frei Caneca Sao Paulo 01307 Festival International de Teatro en Brasil Avenida Tomas de Souza 552/05836 Sao Paulo Festival Musica Nova de Sao Paulo Rua Morgado de Mateus 651 Sao Paulo 04015 IDIART Festival Placa Renato Checchia 84 Sao Paulo 05610 Ofidna Nacional de Danca Contemporanea Rua Araujo Pinho No. 32 Canela, Salvatore Bahia 40000 Orquestra Sinfonica do Estado de Sao Paulo Festival Secretaria da Cultura, Ciencia e Tecnologia Departamento de Artes Sao Paulo 123 Festivals Abroad Bulgaria International Ballet Competition Foundation Intermusic Benkovski Street 1, N9 Sofia 1000 International Theatre in a Suitcase 1 Pop Andrey Street Sofia Kmetovete Na Bulgaria Mezhdunaroden Festival Sofia Greater Municipality 33 Moskovska Street Sofia March Music Days Festival Bureau Chy Council Ruse National Guitar Club of Bulgaria 1st International Guitar Interpr. 128, 6th Septemvri Boulevard Plodiv Sofia Music Weeks Bulgaria Square 1, National Palace of Culture Sofia 1414 Cameroon Yaounde International Theater Festival Cameroon Center of International Theater Institute PO Box 8163 Yaounde Canada Acadian Days in Grand Pre 1185 South Pare Street Halifax Banff Center for the Arts Box 1020 Banff T0L0C0 Banff Festival of the Arts The Banff Centre Box 1020 Banff T0L0C0 Calgary International Jazz Festival Jazz Calgary PO Box 2735 Station M Calgary T2P3C2 du Maurier, Ltd. Downtown Jazz Festival 1206 Hamilton Street, Suite 203 Vancouver V6B2S9 du Maurier, Ltd. Jazz City International Jazz Festival 10516 -77 Avenue Edmonton T6E INI du Maurier, Ltd. Saskatchewan Jazz Festival c/o Saskatoon Jazz Society PO Box 1593 Saskatoon du Maurier, Ltd. Vancouver International Jazz Festival c/o Coastal Jazz and Blues Society 435 W. Hastings Street Vancouver Egyption Archeological Festival 14 Zina Street Orangeville Ontario Z9W1E1 Festival Acadien 217 St. Pierre Boulevard, West Carraquet Festival International de Nouvelle Danse 4060 boulevard St. Laurent Bureau 204 Montreal H2W 1Y9 Festival International of New Brunswick PO Box 367 St. Stephen E3L 2X3 Festival of New Dance Neighborhood Dance Works, c/o LSPU Hall 3 Victoria Street St. John's, New FoundlandAIC3V2 International Mime Festival 98 Sonning Bay Winnipeg R2N 3M5 Jazz City Festival 10516 77 Avenue Edmonton T6E INI Nuits Bleue's Internationales de Jazz Michel Cloutier International CP 314 Succ. St.-Roch Quebec G1K 6X9 One Yellow Rabbit High Performance Rodeo 800 630-8th Avenue, S.W. Calgary T2P 1G6 Pohja Ameerika Eestfaste 15 Cotman Crescent Esobicole M9B3A4 Quinzaine de Montreal 3981 Boulevard St. Laurent, #400 Montreal, Quebec H2W 1Y5 Richmond Festival APO Box 24284 3111 Aylmer Road Richmond V7B 1Y4 Saskatchewan Jazz Festival Saskatoon Jazz Society PO Box 1593 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7K 3R3 Sound Symposium 81 Circular Road St. John's A1C2Z5 Street Festival de Trois- Rivieres CP368 Trois Rivieres, Quebec G9A5H3 124 Festivals Abroad Theatre of the Americas CP119,Succ.N. Montreal Toronto Downtown Jazz 366 Adelaide St. East Suite 334 Toronto M5A 3X9 Tuning of the World Festival The Banff Center, Box 1020, Station 28 107 Tunnel Mountain Drive Banff Vancouver Children's Festival Canadian Institute of the Arts for Young Audiences 302/601 Cambie Street Vancouver V6B 2P1 Vancouver Folk Festival Vancouver Folk Music Festival Society 3721 Main Street Vancouver Victoria Fringe Theatre Festival Fringe Zone 602-620 View Street Victoria V8W 1J6 Victoria International JAZZFEST Victoria Jazz Society PO Box 542, Station E Victoria V8W 2P3 Winnepeg Folk Festival 264 Tache Avenue Winnepeg R24 129 Winnipeg Jazz Festival 100 Arthur Street, Suite 501 Winnepeg R3B1FD Yukon International Festival of Storytelling Box 5029 WhitehorseYlA4S2 Chile Encuentros Musicals of La Serena Universidad de La Serena Facultadde Humanidades La Serena Festival de Teatro de las Naciones Casilla 14051 Correo 21 Santiago Festival Intemacional de Musica Contemporanea Avenida B. O'Higgins 142, Local 183 Santiago Frutillar International Festival Universidad de Chile Avenida Diagonal Paraguay Santiago 265 Colombia Festival Intemacional de la Cultura de Tunja Apartado Aereo 1 128 Tunja Festival Intemacional de Musica Contemporanea Centra Cultural Gimnasio Moderno Carrera9,No.74-99 Santa Fe de Bogota, D.C. Festival Intemacional de Teatro Calle 33, Camera 22 Edificio Teatro los Fundad. Piso4 Manizales Costa Rica Festival Intemacional de lasArtes Apartado 8559-1000 San Jose Festival Intemacional de Musica, Costa Rica Apartado 979-1007 San Jose Cuba Festival de la Cultura Caribena Palacio de las Convenciones Apartado 16046 LaHabana Cyprus International Festival of Ancient Theatre Cyprus Centre of ITI 38 Regaena Street Nicosia Czech Republic Agharta Prague Jazz Festival ARTA Vaclavske nam. 33 Praha 110 00 Bmo Festival Radnicka 10 Bmo 602 00 Early Music Festival Modi Gaudio Agency Stresovicka 24, Praha6 16200 Festival Forfest Umelecka iniciatrva Kromeriz Kojetinska 1425 Kromeriz 767 01 Festival of Light The Linhart's Foundation Senovazne Nam. 24, Praha 1 11647 Interdisciplinary Symposium Hermit Plasy Monastery 3301 Plasy Bohemia International Dance Week Prague Charles University Dance Centre Ovocny trh 5 Prague 1 116 36 International Jazz Festival Prague Maltezske Nam. 1 Pragokoncer Agency Prague 1 11800 125 Festivals Abroad International Musical Festival Brno Mezinarodni hudebni festival v Bme Sekretariat, Radnicka 10 Brno 658 78 International Performance Festival Linhart's Foundation Senovazne nam. 24 Prahal 11647 Je Otevreno (It's open) PAND INTERNATIONAL Ceska Narodni Skupinaizkovo Nam. 14,370 00 Ceske Budejovice Prague International Summer Jazz Festival Ana Records Vaclavske nam 33 Prague 1 11000 Prague Spring Festival Hellichova 18 1800 Prague 1 Prague Summer Festival (Przske Kulturni Leto) c/o Prague City Hall Marianske nam. 2, Prahal Prague Tanec Praha Stefanikova 57 Praha 5 15043 Theater in Movement Centrum Experimentalniho Divalda Dvorkova 1 1 Brno CS-65770 Skupova Plzen Divadlo Alfa, Rokycanska 7 Plzan 31200 Denmark Arhus Festival Musichuset Thomas Jensens AUe Arhus DK-8000 Copenhagen Jazz Festival Kjeld Langes Gade #4a Copenhagen DK-1367 Copenhagen Summer Festival Peblinge Dossering 46 Copenhagen N DK- 2200 Copenhagen Summer Festival at Tivoli Vesterbrogade 3 Copenhagen V 1620 Festival of Poetry and Images Kunsthallen, Brannte Kiedefebrik Brandts Passage 37 Odense5000 Lerchenborg Musikdage Lerchenborg Godskontor KalundborgDK-4400 Roskilde Festival Havsteensvej 9 Roskilde DK4000 Skagen Vise Festival PO Box 33 Skagen 9900 Tonder Festival Vestergade80 PO Box 113 Tonder DK-6270 Women's Theatre and Culture Festival Foreningen Freja VesterAlle3 Arhus C 8000 World Harp Congress International Conference Services PO Box 171, Strandvejen 171 Hellerup, Copenhagen DK-2900 Dominican Republic Direccion General de Bellas Aires Palacio de Bellas Artes A venida Maximo Gomez & Independencia Santo Domingo Ecuador International Symposium of Literature of the Hispanic World Corporacion de Promocion Universidad San Francisco/Quito PO Box 841-120CT Quito Egypt Cairo International Experimental Theater Festival Gamal Elddin Afgani Street off Alharam Giza, Cairo England Aldeburgh Festival of Music and the Arts Aldeburgh Foundation High Street Aldeburgh, Suffolk IP15 5AX Bath International Festival of Music and the Arts Linley House 1 Pierrepont Place Bath Bedford Third Readers and Writers Festival Bedford Central Library Harpur Street Bedford MK401PG Beverly Early Music Festival 65 Rawcliffe Lane YorkY03 6SJ Brighton Festival Brighton Festival Society Ltd. Marlborough House, 54 Old Steine Brighton BN1 1EQ British Telecom Snape Proms (Aldeburgh Proms) c/o Aldeburgh Foundation High Street Aldeburgh IP 15 5 AX •26 Festivals Abroad Centenary Square International Festival c/o Birmingham City Council, Dept. of Recreation PO Box 2122, Baskerville House Broad Street, Birmingham Bl 2NE Chy of Drama Festival 2-10 Albert Square Manchester M2 6LW Dance Umbrella Riverside Studios Crisp Road London W6 9RL Feet First Festival 1 Blind Lane Hackney Matlock Festival of Contemporary Choreography The Place Theater 17 Dukes Road London WC1H 9AB Festival of the American South The South Bank Centre Royal Festival Hall London SEI 8XX Greenwich Festival 151 Powis Street Woolwich, London Holmfirth Folk Festival 70 Station Road Shepley, Huddersfield Huddersfield Contemporary Music FestivaL c/o Department of Music The Polytechnic, Queensgate Huddersfield HD13DH ICA Festival Institute of Contemporary Art 12 Carlton House Terrace London SW1 International [?????] National Theatre Upper Ground South Bank London SEI 9PX Kids International Festival Wrekin District Council P.O. Box 211, Civic Offices Telford TF3 4LA Kids International Festival Wrekin District Council P.O. Box 211, Civic Offices Telford TF3 4LA London International Festival of Theatre 41 Shelton Street Covent Garden London WC2H9HJ London New Play Festival 15C Lancaster Road London N4 4PJ Mancancan The Green Room 54-56 Whitworth Street, West Manchester Ml 5WW Manchester International Festival of Expressionism Casdefield House Liverpool Road Manchester M3 4SA National Folk Music Festival 5 Church Street Aylesbury HP202QP NIA NIA Centre Chichester Road Hulme, Manchester North London Jazz Festival The Old Bull Arts Centre 68 High Street BarnetEN5 5SJ Now You See It Festival Cultural Industry, Ltd. 369 John Street London EC1V4LB PXP. Improvised Music Festival 45 Hadfield Street Sheffield Prussia Cove Guitar Seminar c/o Stephen Gordon 19 Rivennead Road Exeter EX2 4RH Riverside Festival Crisp Road Hammersmith London W5 9RL ROOT 93 Hull City Council Museums & Art Galleries 83 Alfred Gelder Street Hull HU1 1EP Salisbury Festival The King's House 65 The Close Salisbury SP12EN Shetland Folk Festival Shetland Folk Festival Society 5 Burns Lane Lerwick, Shetland Sidmouth Festival 6 East Street Sidmouth EX10 8BL Spring Loaded Festival The Place Theater 17 Dukes Road London WC1H9AB Voice Over Speakout PO Box 403 London WC244 7FA Wadhurst Bluegrass Day 2 Fairview Cottages Baclava Lane, Wadhurst East Sussex TN5 6EO XLR8 Arnolfini 16 Narrow Quay Bristol BS 1 1QA Estonia Baltoscandal Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Estonia Tallinn pst. 4 127 Festivals Abroad Contemporary Music Festival - Estonia c/o Eesti Rontsert 200105 Tallinn pst.4 Fiesta International POBoxl Parnu EE 3600 Jazzkaar Tallinna Rahvusvaheline Festival Estonian Radio Gonsiori 21 Tallinn EE 0100 Rahvussvaheline Uue Muusika Festival Eesti Rontsert Tallinn pst.4 EEOOOl Rock Summer Festivals PO Box 3333 Tallinn 200090 Tallinn Organ Festival Raitse Street 5 Tallinn pst.4 EE 0012 Finland Festival of Workers Music Hallituskatu 13 Harrieelinna SF-13100 Finland Festivals POBox56 Helsinki 10 SF-00101 Helsinki Festival Juhlaviikot Unioninkatu 28 Helsinki 10 00100 Helsinki Festival Unioninkatu 28 Helsinki 10 SF-00100 Joensuu Song Festival PO Box 59 Roskikatu 1 Joensuu SF-80101 Jyvaskyla Arts Festival Rramsunkatul Jyvaskyla SF^0600 Raustinen Folk Music Festival POBox24 Raustinen SF-69601 Lieksa Brass Week Roski-Jaakonkaru 4 Lieksa 81700 Pori Jazz Festival Etelaranta6 Pori 28100 Roots in Finland Grand Festival Postilokero 213 PO Box Mariankatu 8 Helsinki SF-00171 Tampere Biennale Rulttuuritoimisto Frenckell Tampere SF-33210 Tampere Jazz Happening T iilHWamar inaiilcin 2 Tampere SF-33100 Tampereen Teatterikesa (Tampere Theatre Festival) Tuillikamannaukio 2 Tampere SF-33100 France Allied Musical Salute to the Liberation of France 2131 E. Broadway Road, Suite 3 Tempe American Center Performing Arts Festival 51 rue de Bercy Paris 75592 American Festival Maison des Arts de la Culture de Creteil Place Salvador Allande Creteil 94000 Biennale Internationale delaDanse 127 rue Servient LyonF-69431Cedex3 Centre National de Danse Contemporaine d'Angers BJ>. 2137 42 boulevard Henri Arnauld Angers 49021 Cedex 2 Festival American EXIT Maison des Arts et de la Cultura de Creteil et du Val-de-Marne, Place Salvador Creteil 94000 Festival d' Aries Office du Tourisme d'Arles 35, place de la Republique Aries F-13200 Festival d'Automne 156ruedeRivoU Paris 75001 Festival d'Avignon 8 bis, rue de Mons Avignon 84000 Festival de Champagne- Ardene 14 rue Camot Reims F-51 100 Festival de Chateauvallon-Toulon Theatre National de la Danse et de 1 'Image 83190 Ollioules Chateauvallon Festival de Colmar Tourist Office 4 rue des Unter linden Colmar F-68000 Festival de Confolens de Folklore Mondial BP14 Confolens 16500 Festival de Lille de France 28/30 rue Edouard V aill ant F-92300 Levallois-Perret Lille Festival de Musique a Magulone 20 rue de la Republique Montpellier 34000 Festival de Prades rue Victor Hugo Prades F-66500 :28 Festivals Abroad Festival de Romans 5 Cours St. Ruff Valence F-26000 Festival de St. Denis 61 boulevard Jules Guesde St. Denis 93200 Festival de Versailles Hotel deVillede Versailles RP No. 1144 Versailles F-78011 Festival Don Quijote 4rueMartel Paris 75010 Festival du Perigord Noir Musique et Histoire en Montignacois 49, rue du General Foy Montignac 24290 Festival Estiva] de Paris 20 rue Geoffrey L'Asnier Paris 75004 Festival International des Pyrenees a Oloron Sainte Marie 1 1 place de la Mairie-BP 95 Oloron Sainte Marie 64403 Festival International MONTPEI.I.IF.R DANSE 7 boulevard Henri IV Montpellier 34000 Festival International de la Danse Espace Forbin Cours Gam betta Aix-en-Provence Festival International de Besancon 2 D. rue Isenbart Besancon F-25000 Festival International de Chant Choral 14 place Stanislas Nancy F-54000 Festival International de Danse Cannes Palais des Festivals Esplanade Georges Pompidou Cannes 06400 Festival International de Musique de Menton Palais de l'Europe Menton F-06500 Festival International de Musique Experimentale/Bourges Groupe de Musique Experimentale de Bourges Place Andre Malrauz Bourges F-18000 Festival International de Musique Sacree de Lourdes Hotel de Ville Lourdes F-65100 Festival International de Musique Universitaire Mairie de Belfort - Place d'Armes Secretariat du Festival Belfort F-90020 Festival International de Violoncelle 127 rue Castagnary Paris F-75015 Festival Mondiale des Theatres de Marionettes (World Festival of Puppetry) BP249 Charleville-Mezieres 08103 Festival Rugissants 12 rue Voltaire Grenoble 38000 Folklore Mundial Nice Comite des Fetes 5, promenade des Anglais Nice 06000 International Cello Ensemble Festival 74, rue des Jacobins Beauvais6000 International Exchange: Artists from the LLS. Alleo du Theatre BP98 Cergy-Pontoise 95021 International Festival of Toulouse c/o Guy Bertrand Conservatoire rue des Joglars France 66000 International University Biennal Festival of Dance Universite Lumiere Lyon 2 5, avenue Pierre Mende's-franco BronCedex 69676 Jazz Festival de Paris 5, rue Bellari Paris 75015 L 'Auditorium Theatre Musical de Paris 5 porte Saint Lustache Forum des Halles Paris 75001 Le Festival International de Musique de Toulon Palais de la Bourse avenue Jean-Moulin Toulon F-83000 La Grande Parade du Jazz (Festival in Nice) 311 W. 74th St New York, NY, 10023 USA MIMI Festival Aide aux Musiques Innovatrices 5 rue de l'Arc Marseille 13001 Music Festival Marne-la- Vallee c/o Frances Falceto 3 impasse des Primeveres Paris 75011 Musica 9, rue du General-Frere Strasbourg F-67000 129 Festivals Abroad Musique Action Centre Culturel Andre Malraux 1 place de l'Hotel de Ville Vendoeuvre-les-Nancy Musique en Guyenne 47 ter rue M. et J. Guacher Fontenay-sous-Bois 94120 Musiques Actuelles Nice Coted'Azur-MANCA Manca, Cirm 33, avenue Jean-Mededn Nice 06000 Paris Autumn 156 rue de Rivoli Paris 75001 Rencontres Choreographique International de Bagnolet 100 rue Sad: Carnot 93170 Bagnolet Rencontres Internationales de Musique Contemporaine Hotel de Ville MetzF-57000 Rencontres Internationale d'Ete La Chartreuse BP30 Villenueve-les-Avignon F-30400 Semaines Musicales Internationales d'Orleans 21 rue de Pare Orleans F-45000 SIGMA 85 quai de Bacalan BP225 Bordeaux 33028 St. Ciprien International Festival of the Arts Office de Tounsme de St. Ciprien BP66 St. Ciprien 66750 Strasbourg International Festival 24 rue de la Mesange Strasbourg F-67081 Tendances: Clavier Siege Social: Pont de la Levee Cluny 71250 Theatre International Festival in Maubeuge Centre Culturel Transfrontalier rue de la Croix Maubeuge 59600 Toulon International Jazz Festival Comite Officiel des Fetes-Mairie de Toulon Toulon 83000 Federal Republic of Germany Avantgarde Festival Arte de Monaco Schwantalerstrasse 23 Munich 80336 Akademie der Kunste Hanseatenweg 10 Berlin 10557 Allgaeuer Jazztage Jazz Point Wangen Postbox SchieBstattweg 36 Wangen/Allgau 88239 American Art of the 20th Century Herbel Theater Stresemannstrasse 29 Berlin GmbH American Music Week Kate Waring Hirschbergstrasse le Koenigswinter 41 D- 5330 Bachf est Bremen Obernstrasse 62-66 Bremen 1 2800 Berliner Festtage Scharrenstrasse 17 Berlin 102 Berliner Festwochen Budapesterstrasse 48/50 Berlin 30 1000 Bremen Shakespeare Event Bremer Shakespeare Company Theater am Leibnizplatz Bremen 1 2800 Contemporary Dance Festival/Brotfabrik Brotfabrik Kulturzentrum in Beuel Kreuzstrasse 16 Bonn 3 5300 Dance Munich Volkers & Bergelt Tall8 Munchen2 8000 "Days of Spoken Word" Majakowskiring 46/48 Berlin O-1110 Donaueschinger Festival of Contemporary Music Stadtisches Kultur und Verkehrsamt Donaueshingen Europaisched Behinderten-Kultur Festival Association of Disabled Artists Blumenauer Strasse 9 Hannover 3000 91 Festival of Contemporary Music Karl Liebinecht Strasse 31 Berlin 0-1020 Festival of Political Song Festival Office Lineinstrasse 72 Berlin 1054 Gesamtdeutsche Zupfmusiktage Huulkanp 26 Hamburg 65 D-2000 Hamburger Ballett-Tage Hamburger Ballett, Capar-Voght-Strasse 54 Hamburg 26 1 D-2000 International Hessen Jazz Festival Postfach 2707 Wetzler 6330 130 Festivals Abroad hy are festivals below not in alpha order???? IGA-Stuttgart IGA-Stuttgart GmbH Am Kochenhof 16 Stuttgart 1 7000 Internacionales Musica Rara Festival Max-Steenbeck Str 10 Erfurt 99097 International Festival for Contemporary Music c/o Activ Musik Schillingstrasse 26-28 Koln 1 D-5000 Internationale Jazz Festival Moiitzburg Muhlweg 43 Halle D-O4020 Internationale Tanzfestival Nordrhein- Westfalen Jocben Schmidt Banner Strasse 19 Dusseldorfll D-4000 Internationale Buhnenkunst Stadtballe Kreuztal Postfachl660 Kreuztal 5910 Internationale Orgelwoche Nurnberg - Musica Sacra Bismarckstrasse 46 Nurnberg D-90491 Internationale Schattenspieltage Arbeitskreis Schattenspiel Wolfackerstr. 23 Schwab. Gmund 9 D- 70070 Internationale Tanzwerkstatt (Festival in Nice) Postfach 2547 Bonn 1 D-3500 Internationales Amateurtanz Festival Kulturetage Bahnhof strasse 11 Oldenberg Germany D- 2900 Internationales Festival des Zeitgenossischen Tanzes c/o Bernard Fauser Zahiingerstrasse 4 Heidelberg 6900 Internationales Hackbrett-Festival c/o Forderkreis Hackbrett Geltendorferstrasse 8 TurkenfeldD-8087 Internationales New Jazz Festival Moers PO Box 1612 Moers D-4130 Internationales Pantomimen Festival Postfach 3008, Saarwellingen 3 D-6632 Internationales Sommer Theater Festival Kampelnagel Jarrestrasse 24 Hamburg 60 2000 Internationales Tanzfestival Nordrhein- Westfalen Postfach 3 102 65 Bremerhaven31 D-2850 Internationales Zelt Musik Festival Haslacherstrasse 10 Freiburg D-7800 Inventionen Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Stienplatz 2 Berlin 12 D-1000 Jahre Jazzclub Celle Jazz Initiative Celle e.V. Wiesenweg38b HambuhrenD-3107 Jazz a Vienne 24 place Aristide • Briand Vienne 69569 Jazz in Zentrum Essenerstrasse 62B Muhlheim-Ruhrr>4330 Klavier-Festrval Friederikastrasse 4 (Ecke Universitatsstr 70) Bochum 44789 Komponistinnen gestern-heute Henriette-Feuerbach- Haus Theaterstrabe 11 Heidelberg D-6900 Runstlerhaus Mousonturm Waldschmidtstrasse 4 Frankfurt 1 6000 Ludwigsburger Schlossfestpiele Hohenzollemstrasse 45 Ludwigsburg Mannheim Jazz Tage LG.Jazz, Rhein-Neckar Brucknerstrasse 2 Mannheim 6800 Mime-Music-Dance- Theater Akademie Der Kunst Hanseatenweg 10 Berlin 1000 21 - Mimes Stadtuerwaltung Idar- Oberstein Postfach 011740 Idar-Oberstein 6580 Monsun International Dance & Theater Springfest Theater Monsun 20 Friedensallee Hamburg Musikfestspiele Potsdam-Sanssouci Rathaus am Altem Markt Potsdam D-14467 Podewil Kosterstrasse 68-70 Berlin 0-1020 Pro Musica Antiqua Tage Alter Musik Postfach 10 09 03 Regensburg 93009 Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival Holzdamm 40 Hamburg 1 2000 131 Festivals Abroad Schreyahner Herbst Theater der Welt Greece Santorini International Festival Festivalburo Festival Theodor Korner Strasse IIHagen2 Anemo Theatre in Friends of Santorini 14 Essen D-43001 Athens Cultural Association Luchow3130 7 Eginitou Street 55 Rue Dinokratous Total Control Athens 11528 Athens 140 Sommer Seminar fur c/o Neue Komonisten Gitarre Plus Gesellschaft Athens Festival Greenland c/o Bayerische Osterorsteinweg 22 1 Voukourestiou Street Musikakademie Bremen 2800 Athens 10564 Aasivik Marktoberdorf Box9 Kurfurstenstrasse 19 Treppentheatre International Festival of Nuuk3900 Marktoberdorf 8952 Windhorst Strasse 8 Contemporary Dance & Florshiem 65439 Expression Guatemala Stack Iserlohn c/o Effie S. Caloutsis Postfach274 Weserrenaissance Odos Dangli 22A Festival Intemacional de Iserlohn D-5860 Festival flhafiia CulturaPaiz Museum Schloss Brake 1A, Avenida 8-01, Zona Tage Alter Musik/Pro Postfach820 International Festival of 10 Musica Antiqua LemgoD-4920 Classic Guitar La Antigua CP01010 Pro Musica Antiqua Costas Cotsiolis, Luitpoldstrasse 3 Workshop Freie Musik Secretary Hong Kong Regensburg D-8400 Luneckerstrasse 19 24-32 Anafis Street Berlin 65 D-1000 Athens 11256 Hong Kong Arts Tage fur Neue Musik International Festival of Festival Society, Ltd. Schemppstrasse 34 World New Music Days Marionettes 13th Floor, Hong Kong Stuttgart D-7000 Kleines Haus fur Ef. Polemiston 100, 73 Arts Centre Weltmusik Chania, Crete 136 2 Harbour Road Tanzim August Peter Sprung Strasse Wanchai Werkstatt Berlin Frankfurt International Jazz Grobbeerenstrasse 91 Festival of Corinthos Hong Kong Festival Berlin D-1000 Zeitgeist 54 Chyprus Street Fringe GmBH Corinthos 20100 2 Lower Albert Road Tanz-Theater- .SrrpsMnannsrrassp 29 South Block, Central Pantomime Berlin 61 1000 International Meeting of Akademie der Kunste Ancient Greek Drama Hong Kong Inter- 1 Berlin 21 Zwischen Welt-Festival European Cultural national Children's Berlin Oderberger Strasse 28 Center at Delphi Festival Berlin 13 Karneadou Street Regional Services Dept. Tanzwerkstatt Athens 10675 1-3 Pai Tau Street, Sha- Klosterstrasse 68-70 Ghana tin Berlin 01020 International Panafest Renaissance Festival of International Arts Tanzwerkstatt Europa c/o National Comm. on Rethymnon Carnival Dance Festival Culture, Private Mail Municipality of Urban Services Dept., Joint Adventures Bag Rethymnon 10 Salisbury' Road Emil-Geis-Strasse 21 1 Game! Abdul Nasser 84 L. Kountouriotou Lavol 7, Administration Munich 70 D-8000 Ave. Avenue Building Accra Ghana Rethymnon 74100 Kowioon 132 Festivals Abroad Hungary Budapest Autumn Art Weeks c/o Szkene Theatre, BME Kulturalis Titarsag Budapest Technical University Budapest Budapest New Music Festival c/o Editio Musica Budapest Vorosmarty ter 1 Budapest H-1370 Budapest Spring Festival Petofi Csaknok Zichy Mahaly U. 14 Budapest H-l 146 Contemporary Dance & Music Festival/Petofi Csarnok Zichy M.ut 14. Varosliget, (City Park) Budapest H-l 146 Contemporary Music Festival National Philharmonie Vorosalarty Ter 1 Budapest H-1051 International Arts Festival c/o Petofi Csarnok Varosliget Budapest International Meeting of Moving Theater (IMMT) Cultural Secretariat of Budapest Technical Univer. Muegyetem rkp. 3 Budapest H-llll Kalaka Folk Festival Multimedia Organization Steindl Imre U12 Budapest 1054 Mediterranean Summer Varalja Kozseg Kossuth Lajos u. 130/ A Varalja 7354 Sacred Music Symposium & Festival (Festival in Budapest) Friendship Ambassadors Foundation 31 Park Street Montclair, NJ 07042- 3407 USA Summer Festival of English Speaking Theatre Gerloczy itca 4 Budapest 5 1052 Koszeg International Summer Festival 21 Landorhegy, ut. Zakaegerszeg 8900 Iceland The Reykjavik Arts Festival Gimli vid Laekjargotu 101 Reykjavik India Art and Pongal Dance Festival llthNatyaKala Conference Madras Festival of Festive Music "Sesame" 2nd Floor 1st Road, T 2S. IV, Bandra Bombay 400 050 Festival of Music Kalakshetra Tiruvanmiyur Madras 600 041 India Theatre Olympiad Global Theatre Festival c/o Secretariat 69 DDA Flats. Gulmohar Enclave New Delhi 100 049 Jazz Yatra Festival 26B.G.KherMarg Bombay 400 006 Natya Kala Krishna GanaSabha 8 Griffith Road T. Nagar Madras 60017 Olympiad of Music and Dance S.C.F No. 98-100 1st Floor Sector 17-D Chandigrah 160017 Prithvi Theater Festival Shri Prithviraj Kapoor Trust Janki-Kutir, Juhu Church Road Bombay 400049 Indonesia Arthouse Bona c/o Manuel Lutgenhorst 1 Made Sija Bona, Kelod, Gianyar BaU Arts Festival (Pesta Kesenian Daerah Bah) Taman Budaya Denpasar, Bah Jakarta Jazz Festival IrengMaulana Association Blok CI 50 Pejompongan Jakarta Pusat Ireland Dublin Theatre Festival Ltd. 47 Nassau Street Dublin 2 Dublin Traditional Music Festival 2 Louis Lane, Rathmines Dublin 6 Dundalk Amateur Drama International Ratheady House, Knockbridge Dundalkm County Louth Galway Arts Festival The Cornstore Middle Street Galway 133 Festivals Abroad Irish Pipe Band Festival Irish Pipe Band Association 35 Assumpta Park Newcastle West Co. Limerick Yeats International Theater Festival Annex B, Emory University Atlanta, GA 30322 USA Israel Great Spring of Neviot Festival 20 Amzaleg Street Tel Aviv 65148 Eruei Stav (Autumn Festival) ArtisLtd. 17 Ben Yehuda Street Tel Aviv 63802 International Guitar Festival Giora Naor Productions PO Box 16346 Tel-Aviv Israel 61162 International Klezmer Festival/ International Theaternetto Bimot 2000 Ltd. 9 Karl Netter Street Tel Aviv 65202 Israel Festival Jerusalem Theatre PO Box 4072 Jerusalem 91040 Tel Aviv Spring Festival 17 Ben Yehuda Street Tel Aviv 63802 The Israel Festival Jerusalem Theater 20 Marcus Street, PO Box 4072 Jerusalem 91040 Italy Animato Musica in Roma SALA1 piazza di Porta S. Giovanni 10 Rome 00185 Estate Chitarristica sul LagoMaggiore Archive Generale Italiano Delle Fonti Musicali ViaGSilva,28 Vigevano 27029 Festival Ballo e Bellp Comune di Comacchio Regione Palazzo Billini Comacchio Festival dei Due Mondi Teatro Nuevo viaDuomo Spoleto 06049 Festival di Pantelleria Associazione Arte e Ambiente Sede di Pantelleria via Colonia Pantelleria 91017 Festival Internationale de Folklore Atina Via Parigi 1 Ponte Melfa Atina (FR) 03042 Festival Internazionale di Balletto Milan o c/o A.G JL srl., Corso di Porta Romana 122 Milan 20122 Festival Internazionale di Musica Corale Pesaro in Choras Via Rossini 41 Pesaro 61100 Festival Mondiale del Sassofono Via Tintoretto, 21 Porto San Giorgio 63017 Festival Musicale delle Alpi Marittime c/oViaG.Silva28 Vigevano 1-27029 Festival Organistico Internazionale Via San Carlo 1 Arona 1-28041 Florence Dance Festival Borgo Delia Stella 23/R Florence 50124 Incontri Internazionali di Folklore e Spettacolo c/o Ente Provinciale per il Turismo Via Duca del Mare, 19- 104100 Latina Meranofest Sparkassenstrasse 11 Merano 39012 Milano Oltre Festival Via Piatti 8 Milan 20121 Mondialfolk c/o Associazione Gruppo Folkorico Corso Calatafimi, 43 Palmero Musica 2000 8 Via Alpi Ancona 1-60131 Musicaimmagine Clrvo delle Mura Varicane, 23 Rome 00136 Nuova Consonanza Via Calamatta 16 Rome Rome Festival 49ViaF.Duodo Rome Sessione Senese per La Musica e L'arte Via San Quirico No. 36 Siena 53100 Spoleto Festival SSS Via Aventian 3 Rome 1-00153 Stresa Musical Weeks Settimane Musicali - Palazzo dei Congressi Via R. Bonghi 4 Stresa (Lago Maggiore) I- 28049 34 Is there another Jamaica - outside the West Indies?????? Festivals Abroad Umbria Jazz Festival PO Box 228 Perugia 06100 Un' Altra America (Undiscovered America) Dipartimento di Anglistica Universita di Roma "La Sapienza" Villa Mirofiori Via Carlo Fae, 2 Rome 00161 Venezia Nuova Musica Fermo Posta 30126 Lido di Venezia Venice Verona Jazz Festival Comune di Verona Piazza Bra Verona 37100 Ivory Coast Culture Fest Selco International 1650 Broadway, Suite 608 New York, NY USA Jamaica, West Indies Ocho Rios Jazz Festival 22 East Kings House Road Kingston 6 Ward Theatre Foundation Season of Excellence Ward Theatre Foundation North Parade Kingston Japan Anniversary Sister City Festival City Hall of Akashi, 5-1 1 Chrome Nakasaki Akashi, Hoyogo International Street Puppet Festival of Japan 869 Ida, Nakahara-ku Kawasaki City Mitsui Festival 1-20-10-103 Takadanobaba, Shinjuku-ku Tokyo 169 North Tokyo Experimental Theater Festival Daimaru Building IF 1-6-4 Higashi-Tabata Kha-Ku, Tokyo 114 Okinawa: International Theatre Festival for Young Izumiya Building 1-13-21 Minami- Ikebukuro Tokyo 171 Sound Culture Japan 4-17-1 Sumiyoshi-cho Hoya-Shi, Tokyo 202 The International Garden and Greenery Expo Twin 21 MID Tower, 32 International Garden & Greenery Expo 1-61 Shiromi 2chome Higashi-ku Osaka 540 Toga Festival (Togomura Inter- national Arts Festival) Togamura, Higashi- Tomamigun Toyama 939-25 Toga International Arts Festival Japan Performing Arts Center Kamimomose, Toga- mura Higashi-Tonamigun Japan Yamaha Junior Original Concert c/o Yamaha Music Foundation 24-22 Shimomeguro 3- chome Meguro-ku Tokyo Japan Korea Chunchon International Theatre Festival 22-1 Onui-dong Chunchon City 200-190 International Dance Festival of Korea c/o Korean Culture and Arts Foundation 1-110 Dongsoong-dong Chongro-Ku Latvia Latvian Song/Dance Festival Cultural Ministry of Latvia 62 L. Laicena Riga 226002 Lichtenstein Theater am Kirchplatz Reberastrasse 12 SchaanFL-9494 Lithuania Baltica Festival Office Barboros Radvilaites 8 Vilnius 2600 Gaida-Baltic Music Festival Lithuanian Composers Union Mickeviciaus 29 Vilnius 2600 International Lith uanian Accordian Music Festival Gedimino pr. 9 Vilnius 2326000 Lithuanian International Theatre Festival Jovaro 9 2009 Vilnius Luxembourg Festival Europeen de Wiltz-Luxembourg Chateau de Wdtz Wiltz L-9516 Printemps Musical Festival de Luxembourg Luxembourg Visitor and Convention Bureau Place d'Armes.BP 181 Luxembourg L-201 1 135 Festivals Abroad Martinique Jazz a la Plantation Office Pontois d' Action Culturelle et Sportive Centre Culturel Joseph Zephir Bourg 97218 Basse Pointe Mexico Encuentro Interamericano de Teatro Comunicado Apartado Postal #1378 Centro Oaxaca de Juarez CP 6800 Festival Cultural de Sinoloa Holbein #217, lOo piso 1003 Col. Noche Buena Mexico City, DF 03720 Festival Cultural Tepoztlan Colonia Escandon Mexico City, DF 11800 Festival del Centro Historico de la Cuidad de Mexico Paseo de la Reforma 376-302 Mexico City, DF 06500 Festival Indigena de la Ciudad de Mexico Instituto Nacional Indigenista Avenida Revolucion No. 1279 Mexico City, DF 20 Festival Internacional Cervantino Emerson 304, 9o piso Mexico City, DF 11570 Fiestas de Octubre de Guadalajara Paseo Degoliado 121 Plaza Tapatia Guadalajara 44100 Gran Festival Cuidad de Mexico Alvaro Obregon No. 73 Colonia Roma Mexico City, DF 06400 International Festival of San Luis Potosi Instituto Potosino de Bellas Artes Esq. Universidad y Constitution Apartado 400 San Luis Potosi Internacional de Danza Contemporanea Centro de Investigation de la Danza Jose T.imon Campos Eliseos Mexico City, DF 11580 International Festival of Jazz Mexico City Direccion de Cultura Ribera de San Come 76 4opiso Mexico City, DF Jose Limon Dance Festival Museo de Arte de Sinaloa Rafael Buelna y Rupeno L. Plaza Culiacan, Sinaloa CP 8000 Primer Festival Internacional de Canto Coral c/o Benemerito Instituto Normal del Estado Av. Juarez 1905-B Puebla Segundo Festival de Queretaro Ciudad Barr oca Secretaria de Cultura y Bienestar Social Pasteur No. 23 Sur Queretaro Un Desierto para la Danza Boulelvard Hidalgo Norte Colonia Centenario Hermosillo, Sonora Una Breve Temporada Orquestra Instituto Sonorense de Cultura Blvd Hidalgo No. 66 Hermosillo, Sonora Moldovia International Festival of Modern Music Composers Union of Moldova Str. 31 August, 153 Chisinau 277004 Netherlands Arnhem International Dance Days Konigsplein 12G811 BU Arnhem Ave Festival PO Box 307 Arnhem 6800 AH Cultura Nova Festival Stadtsschouwburg Heerlen Burg.van Grunsvenplein 145 Heerlen 6400 AH Dutch Summer Seminar c/o Gaudeamus Fdtn. Swammerdamstraat 38 Amsterdam 1091 RV Elliott Carter-Composer in Residence Rotterdam Arts Council Maurit5weg35 Rotterdam F.nkhuizen Jazz Festival Postbus344 Enkhuizen 1600 AH Festival Nievwe Muziek 1994 Achter de Houttuinen, 30 Stichting Nieuwe Muziek Zeeland, Postbus 15 Middleburg4330AA Gaudeamus Music Week Gaudeamus Foundation Swammerdamstraat 38 Amsterdam 1091 RV Hanze Festival Schouwburg Odeon BUjmarkt 25 Zwolle801lND Holland Dance Festival Kleine- Gartmanplantsoen 21 Amsterdam 1017 RP •36 Festivals Abroad Holland Festival Oude Muziek Posthaus 734 Utrecht 3500 AS International Folklore Festival of Enschede Internationale Folkoreade Robert Scottstraat 110 Enschede Netherlands 7534 ZS International Folklore Festival of Warffum c/o OP Roakeldais Oosterstraat 56, 9989 AE Warffum International Harpsichord Week/De Ijsbreker Muziekcentrum Weesperzijde 23 Asterdam 1091 EC International Micro Puppentheater Festival Buddingh'plein 10-20 Dordrecht 3311 BV Mickery Spring International Theater Festival Herenmarkt 12 Amsterdam 1013 ED North Sea Jazz Festival PO Box 87918 Den Haag 2507 October Meeting BimHuis Oude Schians 73-77 Amsterdam KW 1011 Rumor at Bimhuis Bimhuis Oude Schans 73-77 Amsterdam 1011 KW Samuel Beckett Festival Koninklijke Schouwburg Korte Voorhout 3 The Hague 2511 CW Spring Dance Keistraat 2 Utrecht NL-3512HV Suchting Internationale Volskunst Odoorn (SWA) Jamijnstraat 7, 7873 Av Odoorn Suchting Oude Stil j Jazzfestival Enkuizen Overwaard25 Gorinchem 4205 PA New Zealand Glistening Waters Storytelling Festival c/o Masterton District Library Box 444 Masterton New Zealand International Festival of the Arts PO Box 10-113 The Terrace Wellington Not for Broadcast Quality 17 Brighton Street Island Bay Wellington 2 Soundwatch Artspace PO Box 4506 Auckland Soundwatch Artspace PO Box 4506 Auckland Te Whanau - Te Ao - The Family of the World Guild of Artisits Trust PO Box 21-320 Waitekere City 1008 Nicaragua Raices y Futuro/Roots & Future Festival PO Box 252 Las Piedrecitas Managua Northern Ireland Belfast Harper's Bicentenary World Harp Festival 6 Murray Street Belfast BTl 6DN Norway Bergen International Music Festival POB 1835001 Bergen Bergen International Theaterfestival Nygardsgaten 55 Bergen N-5008 Forde Folk Music Festival POB 395 Forde N6801 Molde International Jazz Festival Postboks 261 Molde 6401 Olso International Theatrefest Oslo Cultural Office DrevWedelsPlass#2 Oslo 1 0151 Oslo International Theatre Festival "Gjoglerne Kommer* Slemdaisveien 68 Oslo 3 0373 Sandvika Big Band Festival c/o Storbandfestivalen Postboks 93 Sandvika N-1301 People's Republic of China Anniversary Festival Cincinnati Liuzhou Sister City Association 3 Youyi-Lu Liuzhou First China Sichuan TV Festival Office of the Sichuan Festival No. 40 Dong Sheng Road Chengdu 610015 137 Festivals Abroad International Festival of Innovative Poetries Institute of Foreign Literature Nanjing University Nanjing 210008 International Music Festival San Hao Str. #61 Shengyang 110003 International Yangko Dance Festival Foreign Affairs Office of People's Gov't Shenyang No. 260 Shifu Road Shenyang 110013 The Shanghai Jazz Festivals 1376 Nan JingXiLu, Suite 368 Shanghai 200040 Pakistan International Puppet Festival c/o Rafi Peer Theatre Workshop 25-F/3 Block D, National Homes Lahore Peru Concierto Nazca- Encuentro Por La Paz Prol. Avenida M. Caceres 725 Lima 18 Danza Nueva - Festival delima c/o Instituto Cultural Peruano Norteamericano Avenida Cuzco 446 Lima Festival Internacional Danza Nueva Jr. Cuzco 446 T.ima New From Abroad in Peru Instituto Cultural Peruano Norteamericano Avenida Cuzco 446 T.ima Philippines Baguio Festival of the Arts 112 La Azotea Building Session Road PO Box 86 Baguio City 2600 Poland ADF/Poland c/o Silesian Dance Theater UL Zeromskiego 27 Bytom 41-902 Beskidy Highlander's Week of Culture 43-300 Bielsko-Biala UI Maja8 Construction in Process Gdenska 31/24 Lodz 90-715 Festival Mlodego Teatru TeatrTUBBll Szewska 19/21 Wroclaw 50-139 Festiwal Mlodego Teatro Horbaczewskiego 15/12 Wroclaw PL 54130 International Festival of Guitar Music Cracow Classic Art Agency UP M Zyblikiewicza 25 Krakow 31-008 International Meeting of the Open Theatre Centre of the Open Theatre, ZPR 29a Street Kuznicza Wroclaw 50-138 International Puppet Theatre Festival UL Mickiewicza 20 Bielsko-Biala 43300 ISCM World Music Days Polish Society for Contemporary Music Mazowieckall Warsaw 0OO52 Miedzynarodowe Prezentacje Wspolczesnych Form Tanecznyc ul. Lazienna 6 Kalisz 62-800 Miedzynarodowego Festiwalu Lai. K W Bielsku -Bialej Teatr "Banialuka" 43-300 Bielsko-Biala, Ul Mickiewicza Music in Old Cracow ul. Zwierzyniecka 1 Krakow 31-103 Musica Polonica Nova Zwiazek Kompozytorow Polskich Rynek Starego Miasta 27 Warsaw 00-272 Ogolnopolski Festiwal Piosenki Zeglarskiej Plosenki Zeglarskiej Shanties ul. Krowoderska 8 Krakow Warsaw Autumn - Intl. Festival of Contemporary Music Rynek Starego Miasta 27 Warsaw 00-272 Warsaw Jazz Jamboree Polish Jazz Society - Polskie Stowarzyszenie Jazz ul. Mazowiecka 1 1 Warsaw 00052 World Festival of Boys Choirs Cegielskiego 1 Poznan 61-862 Wratislavia Cantans Festival Arts and Culture Centre Rynek-Ratusz 24 Wroclaw PL-50101 138 Festivals Abroad Portugal Calouste Gulbenkian Festival Fundacao Calouste Gulbenkian Avenida de Berna Lisbon 1093 Centro Cultural de Belem Praca do Imperio Lisbon 1400 Culturgest Caeca Geral of Depositos Largo do Calmariz Lisbon 1200 Festival Int ernaaonal de Teatro de Expressao Iberica Rua do Paraiso 2172 Sala5 Porto 4000 Festival Teatro Internacional Teatro Nacional Dona Mariall Praga d. Pedro TV Lisbon 11000 S intra Festival Camara Municipal de Sintra Rua Alvaro Dos Reis, No.9C S. Pedro, Sintra 2710 Romania American Theater Days of Iasi Str.9Mainr. 18 Iasi Festivalul International deTeatru Contemporan The Drama Theater Piata Teatrului No.l Brasov Piatra Neamtz Theatre Festival Stefan eel Mare Sq. #1 Piatra Neamtz 5600 Russia American Music Festival Moscow State Conservatory Gerzen Street 13 Moscow 113009 Annual International Jazz Festival "Autumn Rhythms" Interjazz Sadovaya Strs. 8-14 St. Petersburg 191011 Astrakhan Music Festival c/o Centre Eurasiaers Krasnokazarmennaya St.10 Moscow 111250 Blues in Russia Anohiwstr. 6-3-486 Moscow 117602 Crossing Boundaries Center of Children & Adults Creative Initiative for Peace 30 Prospost Mira Moscow 129010 First International Festival of Movement and Dance c/o Lisa First 26 Sixth Street on the Volga Guitar In Russia Sredne-Moskowskaya l-£0, Voronezh Voronezh 394000 Heart of Russia Suzdalskaza str. 202.167 Arkadi Mikhailovitch Svetlov Moscow Improfest - International Festival for Improvisational Music Primorsky prospekt 6-7 St. Petersburg International Festival of Arts Alyona Silchenko Gospitalny Val. 5. K.7 Apt. 249 Moscow 105094 International Festival of Arts "Golden Ring" Uenmp Ebpazur Mockba Moscow 111250 International Festival of Jewish Art Music Didzioji 45 Vilnius 2320000 International Jass Fest Sibir Moscow Major Building, Suite 2830 36 Novy Arbit Moscow 121205 International Music Festival of the Asian Pacific Region Ulitsa Lenina, 123a Krasnoyarsk International One Man Show Festival Russian Center, ITI 10 b Straslney Moscow 103021 International Puppet Theater Festival The State Puppet Theatre Ryazan 390023 International Street Theater Festival of Arkhangelsk c/o The Arkhangelsk Studio Theater Ul. Loginova 9 Arkhangelsk 163061 Jazz Over the Volga 8 Oktyabraskaya 73-81 Yardslavl 150049 Kamelia Folk Festival Drovjanoy Per 4-9 St. Petersburg 190121 Krok World Animated Film Festival Union of Filmakers, Animation Association Vasilievskaya Street, 13 Moscow 123825 Meyerhold Days Novoslobodskaya Ul. N20 Moscow 103030 139 Festivals Abroad On the Edge of Eternity Theater of Peoples Friendship Tverskoi Boulevard 22 Moscow 103009 Open Music Mayakovsky Street, 3/ 73 St. Petersburg 119156 St. Petersburg Musical Spring c/o Union of Composers 45 B. Morskaya St. St. Petersburg 190000 The Beethoven Festival Gosconcert Neglinnaya 15 Moscow Scotland Action Factory 8-10 Balcarres Avenue Glasgow G12 OOF Chin Music The Third Eye Centre 346-354 Souchiehall Street Glasgow G2 3JD Dance Around 136 Victoria Street Aberdeen AB2 0BE Edinburgh Fringe Festival Festival Fringe Office 180 High Street Edinburgh EH1 1Q5 Edinburgh International FestivalFestival Office 21 Market Street Edinburgh EH1 1BW Glasgow Festival Festivals Office City Chambers Glasgow G2 1DU Girvan Traditional Folk Festival 16 Annandale Gardens Crosshouse Kilmarnock KA20LE Mayfest Mayfest Limited 18 Albion Street Glasgow Gl 1LH Muscle Voice Third Eye Centre 346-354 Sauchiehall Street Glasgow G2 3JD National Review of Live Art Centre for Contemporary Arts 350 Sauchiehall Street Glasgow G2 3JD New World Order Festival Tramway 25 Albert Drive Glasgow G412PE Ross Theater Festival 54 George Street Edinburgh EH2 2LR Scottish International Children's Festival 22 Laurie Street Edinburgh EH6 7AB The Arts Is Magic Festival St. Andrew's College Bears den Glasgow G61 4QA Third Eye Center Third Eye Centre 346-354 Sauchiehall St. Glasgow G2 3JD Third Eye Centre (Mayfest) The Third Eye Centre (Glasgow) Limited 346-354 Souchiehall Street Glasgow G2 3JD World Pipe Band Championship c/o Royal Scottish Pipe Band Association 45 Washington Street Glasgow G3 8 AZ Senegal Goree Music Festival c/o Mor Thiam rue de l'Est Point E Dakar Jazz Afrique-Dakar Jazz Festival Heritage Tours PO Box 7468 Dakar BP 7468 Singapore Singapore Festival of the Arts National Arts Council, 35th Story, PSA Building 460 Alexander Road 0511 Young People's Theater Festival National Arts Council, PSA Building 460 Alexandra Road, #35^0 0511 Slovak Republic Bratislava Cultural Summer Suche Myto 17 Bratislava 812 93 Bratislava Music Festival c/o Slovkoncert MichalskalO Bratislava CS-81536 Evenings of New Music Slovak Music Fund Fucikova 29 Bratislava 811 02 Medznarodny Festival Floglova2 Bratislava 811 05 Melos-Etos International Festival of Contemporary Music Michalska 10 Bratislava 815 36 140 Festivals Abroad Project Istroplitana Slovenske Narodne Divadlo Gorkeho 4 Bratislava 815 86 Summer Culture Fest Drobneho 10 Bratislava Vecery Noved Hudby (International Festival of New Music) Slovak Music Fund - Music Information Centre Fucikova 29 Bratislava 811 02 South Africa Bloemf ontein Festival Bloemfontein Children's Choir 55 Elizabeth St. PO Box 1292 Bloemfontein 9300 Month of Culture in South Africa Market Theater Foundation PO Box 8656 Johannesburg 2000 Standard Bank National Arts Festival Lucas Avenue PO Box 304 Grahamstown 6140 The Music and An for World Peace Festival Private Bag X2170 Mafikeng Bophuthatswana 8681 Spain Certamen International de Coregrafia et Danza Espanola Producciones Maga CalleTutorl8,2 DerechaExt Madrid 28008 Congresso Internacional Teatro y America Antigua Colegio de Malaga Alcaka de Henares Madrid 28801 Dissabtes Musicals Obra Cultural Santes Creus Carret era de Tamagona 130 Tarragona £1 Festival de Granada Centra Andaluz de Teatro S A. c/San Luis 37 Seville 41003 Festival de Jazz de San Sebastian Reina Regente, S/N San Sebastian Festival de Jazz San Juan Evangelista Avenida Gregorio Del Amo4 Madrid 28040 Festival de Otono Centro de Estudios y Actividades Cultureles Plaza de Espana 8 Madrid 28008 Festivales de Verano Reina Sofia Ayuntamiento de Burgos Plaza Mayor 1 Burgos 09071 Festival Iberoamericano de Teatro Recoletos 12 Madrid 28001 Festival Internacional de Guitarra Ciudad de V-M Concejalia de Cultura del Ayuntamiento de V- M c/San Francisco, s/n CasaCerv Velez-Malaga, Malaga 29700 Festival Internacional de Jazz de Sevilla Luis Cemuda Fundacion Avenida de la Constitucion 24 Seville Festival Internacional de Musica y Danza de Granada Comisaria del Festival Apartado 64 Granada 18080 Festival Internacional de Santander Juan de la Cosa 3, 1st Floor Santander 39004 Festival Nuevas Musicas Plaza de las Ferrerlas, 19- Oficinal3 San Sebastian 20011 Festival of Negro Spirituals and Gospel Songs Cultyart S J. c/Aranjuez 25, Esc l-3a Madrid 28039 Festival Olimpico de las Artes Sinaptica La Costa de Pedrinya Besalu 17850 Festivales de la Navarra Arrieta, 8 Pamplona 31002 Fiesta Spain Casa de Cultura Ayuntamiento de Mijas Malaga 29650 International Fair of Madrid Teatro Espanol Principe 25 Madrid 28012 I tali ca: Festival Internacional de Danza Fundacion Luis Cernuda Avenida de la Constitucion 24 Seville E-41001 Madrid en Danza Comunidad de Madrid Paza de Espana, 9.3 Madrid 28008 141 Festivals Abroad Quinto Congresso de Cultures Hispanicas Centro de Estudios Norteamericanos Universidad de Alcala deHenar Madrid Semana de Musica Antigua San Antonio, 16 Vitoria Gastei 01005 Sweden Falun Folk Music Festival Box 387 Falun S-79128 Goteborgs Internationella Poesifestival Haga Nygata 29D Goteborg413 01 Intercult Nytorgsgatan 15 Stockholm 11622 Jazz and Blues All Star Festival Mosebacke Torg 1-3 Stockholm 11646 Poetry Festival of Malmo O Ronnehomsv 4 Malmo 211 47 Scensommer Festival Sergels Torg 3 Stockholm S-103-27 Skeppsholmen Jazz Festival Bo Stenhammar, Mosebacke Establissement Mosebacke Torg 1-3 Stockholm S-l 16 46 Switzerland Archipel, Musique d'aujourd'hui 19, route de Malagnou Case Postale 10 Geneva 17 1211 Berner Tanztage Postfach 8603 Bern CH-3001 Bodensee Festival Spanierstrasse 3 Konstanz 7750 Festival de Musica de Canai-ias Platzll Schaffhausen CH 8200 Festival Musica Antica a Magnano 19a avenue des Cerisiers Pully CH-1009 Festival Musique Montreux-Vevey rue du Theatre 5 Montreux 1820 Festival Solo c/o Association Cave 12 et des Autres Musiques 24 boulevard des Philophes Geneva CH1205 International Belluard- Bollwerk Case Postal 120 Fribourg CH-1700 International Jazz Festival Berne Im Hauptbahnhof Postfach Berne CH-3001 Jazz in Willisau PO Box 167 Willisau CH-0130 Montreux Jazz Festival POBox97 Montreux CH 1820 Taktlos Festival c/o WOZ c/o Fredi Bosshard Postfach 3143 Zurich CH 8059 Theaterhaus Gesseneralle Gessner Allee 8 Zurich CH-8001 XOPF Festival c/o Musikwerkstatt Margaret henstrasse 25 Basel 4053 Zuercher Theater Spektakel Prasidialabteilung der Stadt Zurich Stadthausquai 17 Zurich CH-8001 Taiwan International Children's Festival MNA International Children's Festival 7F-1, No. 170, Sec 1, Ta-an Taipei International Festival of Dance Academies Dance International/ Taipei Nanchang Road Section 1 Taipei National Theatre Dance Festival Bureau of Intl. Cultural & Educational Relations 5 Chung Shan South Road Taipei Tai Pei International Choral Music Festival c/o Dirk Duhei, Taipei Philharmonic Foundation B-16 Lane 451 Tun Hua S.Road Taipei Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago Pan Jazz Festival 66 Pembroke Street Port of Spain 142 Festivals Abroad Tunisia Hammamet International Festival Ministere de La Culture et de L'Inf ormation rue d'Alger Hammamet Turkey American Festival of Ethnicity Cemal Resit Rey Concert Hall Istanbul Cemal Resit Rey Municipality of Istanbul Harbiye Istanbul 80200 Istanbul Teknik Universitesi Vakfi ITU Macka Kampusu Tesvikiye Istanbul Modern Muzik Festivali Harbiye Istanbul 80200 Renaissance - Baroque and Classical Music Week Municipality of Istanbul - Cemal Resit Rey Hall Harbiye Istanbul 80200 Uluslararasi Istanbul Festivali Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts Yaldiz Besiktas Istanbul 80700 Ukraine Berezil International Theatre Festival The Shevchenko Theatre 9 Sumska vulitsa K harkiv Chekhov's Days In Yalta Ministry of Culture/ Ukraine, State Theater "Druzhb Sute Theater "Druzhba- 252034 Kiev 34 Dni Chekhov v Yalta House Museum of Chehkov in Yalta Kirov St. 112 R/CH 600002 Yalta 334237 Khersones Games Ministry of Culture of Ukraine State Theater "DRUZBA" 252034 Kiev 34 Ukraine International Festival of Puppet Theaters Shota Rustaveli Str. 13 Kiev 252023 Ukrainian Spring Pushkinskaya 32 Kiev 252004 Uruguay LaMuestra Internacional de Teatro de Montevideo Tacuarembo 1442/of 319 Montevideo Uzbekistan Tashkent Music Festival Muchamedzan Turdiev C 17-18 H52 #16 Tashkent Venezuela Festival de las Artes Centra de Bellas Aires Avenida3F No. 67-217 Maracaibo Festival de Teatro Alvaro de Rosson Teatro Juares Calle25 Barquisimento Venezuela Festival Iberoamericano Centra Cultural ElCardon Carrera 22 Esquina delacalle Num. 11 Barquisimeto Festival Iberoamericano de Teatro de Bogota Apartado 17735 Caracas Venezuela 1015-A Festival Internacional de Teatro de Caracas Fundateneofestival Apartado 17.735 Caracas 1015-A Festival Latinoamericano Torre Oeste, Piso 1, Parque Central ■ Caracas Maracaibo Festival de las Artes Centra Venezolano Americano del Zulia Calle63,No.3E-60, Apartado 419 Maracaibo Wales Cardiff Festival St. David's Hall, The Hayes Cardiff CF12SH Litchfield Festival 7 The Close Litchfield Staffordshire Spring Fling St. Donats Castle Liantwit Major South Glamorgan CF6 9WF Welsh International Children's Festival Sehghennydd Road Cardiff DF2 4YE 143