H am ^m ■ Message from the President Page 1 Preface Page 2 !TC 1992 Presidential Awards for Design Excellence 9 Jury Members Page 4 Award-Winning Projects Page 5 1992 Federal Design Achievement Awards Jury Members Page 22 v» Award-Winning Projects Page 23 Index of Award-Winning Projects by Federal Agency Page 62 Credits Page 64 *[V -fir: * J f. J ^H THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON February 8, 19 94 Design is an essential component of our society. It affects the structures of our homes, the ways we travel and communicate, and the ways we conduct our business. At its best, design can beautify our cities, encourage economic development and social change, and profoundly affect our lives. As the largest purchaser of design services in the world, the federal government is committed to achieving the highest standards of design, thus serving as a model for the private sector. The winners of this year's Presidential Design Awards deserve to be proud of their contributions to this legacy and the excellence of their work. From the Farmers Home Administration's Mer Rouge Villas low- income rural housing to the Federal Aviation Administration's EGIS Explosives Detector, these eight noted projects offer innova- tive examples in design that directly benefit the lives of average Americans. I commend the many talented designers who have worked to bring these projects to life. They help to ensure our nation's competitiveness and reputation for quality for generations to come. /Ym Jury Members Michael Vanderbyl (chair) Principal, Vanderbyl Design San Francisco, CA Diana Balmori Principal, Balmori Associates New Haven, CT Donald G. Iselin Engineering and Management Consultant Santa Barbara, CA J. Max Bond, Jr. Partner, Davis, Brody & Associates New York, NY Katherine McCoy Principal, McCoy & McCoy Bloomfield Hills, Ml David M. Childs Chairman, Skidmore, Owings & Merril New York, NY Leatrice B. McKissack CEO, McKissack & McKissack Nashville, TN Peter T. Flynn Principal, Flynn Battaglia Architects Buffalo, NY Paul W. Shuldiner Professor of Civil Engineering, University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA Mildred Friedman Design Consultant New York, NY Stanley Tigerman Principal, Tigerman McCurry Chicago, IL ■.■•■'•■■■■••■■■ ■-■.■■■■-- B$ra$ 1*71305 LjKA ■-'■■■-.■ BHHHm Preface ICJI1. Some pose that it is a waste of time and money; others can document every dime and minute saved. Some profess that we can get along fine without it; others can prove that it is our best hope of holding our ground, of ensuring this country's continued leadership. Since the early 1970s, the Design Arts Program of the National Endow- ment for the Arts has endeavored to keep good design at the forefront of federal activities through its Federal Design Improvement Program. These efforts were bolstered in 1983 when President Reagan established the Presidential Design Awards to encourage and recognize federal agencies for their design successes and directed the Arts Endowment to administer the program. The awards are given for projects and products, as well as programs and policies, that foster good design. There are two levels of awards: Federal Design Achievement Awards, awards of merit given by the National Endowment for the Arts as its highest recognition of quality design; and Presidential Awards for Design Excel- lence, awarded by the President of the United States for the highest quality design in accordance with international standards. During Round Three, four Achievement juries, composed of private sector design professionals, reviewed nearly 500 entries from 74 federal agencies and selected 57 projects to receive Federal Design Achievement Awards. These 57 were then reviewed by the Presidential jury and eight projects were recommended to receive Presidential Awards for Design Excellence. This book honors the 57 award- winning projects by showing what good design does and examining the benefits that the federal agency and, more importantly, the nation and its people, receive from it. Good design can improve the quality and beauty of our lives. Perhaps the most obvious benefit, but even people who can afford it the least, like the residents of two low-come housing projects, the Mer Rouge Villas and the Frank G. Mar Community Housing Project, can attest to it. So, too, can the thousands of people who use Washington's Union Station or Charleston's Waterfront Park. Good design can enhance America's competitiveness. More than 20 patent applications resulted from the development of the EGIS Explosives Detector, and the Varina-Enon bridge is heralded as the beginning of a new era in bridge design engineering. Good design can save time and money. This is particularly evident in projects like the Bendway Weirs on the Mississippi River and the Metered Analysis for Building Operation and Maintenance. Good design can improve performance. Good examples of this are the Alameda Naval Aviation Depot Plating Shop, the GAO's Publishing Program, and the Fast Flux Test Facility. Good design can simplify use, manufacture, and maintenance. This is certainly true of the Roosevelt Lake Bridge and the Massachusetts National Cemetery. Good design can improve safety. Read about the Seismic Upgrade of Building B-l 1 1 at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and the Articulated Anthropometric Robot. Good design can enhance communication. This is clear from the Arctic Data InterActive, the National Gallery of Art's exhibitions, and the Escondido Civic Center's Signage. Good design can preserve historic and natural resources. This is demonstrated in the rehabili- tation of the Old Faithful Inn and the Ellis Island Immigration Museum, as well as the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge Comprehensive Conservation Plan. We need only glance at the great civilizations and governments of history to see that design is what they are remembered by - the aqueducts of Rome, the pyramids of Egypt, the cathedrals of Europe, the Great Wall of China, and the alphabet of the Phoenicians. In today's competitive world marketplace, good federal design is neither option, nor luxury. It is a necessity. Mer Rouge Villas Sprinkled among an old grove of pecan trees in Mer Rouge, Louisi- ana, are the buildings that comprise a new housing development. In keeping with the location's rural atmosphere, the buildings feature peaked roofs, arched windows, clapboards, columns, and front and side porches, fully in keeping with the graceful antebellum houses of the surrounding neighborhood. Surprisingly, however, Mer Rouge Villas are not $150,000 private houses — they are government- subsidized low-income housing that cost $36,000 per unit, including land, utilities, and "soft costs." The Mer Rouge Villas develop- ment, funded by the Farmers Home Administration (FmHA), breaks every unwritten rule of low-income hous- ing design to create a village-like ambiance that is marked by dignity, discipline and inspiration. They are an unqualified success because of FmHA's selection of a talented archi- tect and the agency's willingness to Credits Department of Agriculture, Farmers Home Administration, State of Louisiana, Alexandria, LA Wenzel & Associates, Architects, Tunica, MS Marshall Planning & Development, Eudora, AR stand by his design. The first design innovation lay in the choice of the site itself. By ranging the units in a twelve-foot grid on a diagonal to the pecan grove, patterns of crossed diamonds were formed within the trees. This scheme required the destruction of only two trees, and the units themselves benefited from the creation of entry allees typical of Southern estates. A practical benefit is the protection from the sun pro- vided by the trees. The 33-unit development consists of 16 one-bedroom units, 12 two-bedroom units and five The architecture displays a thorough understanding off the rural vernacular and local climate. two-bedroom town houses. The plan includes a community building that serves as the design's focal point, containing the manager's unit, ad- ministrative office, laundry facilities and maintenance areas. The forms, materials, details, colors and siting demonstrate the architect's thorough understanding of the local architec- ture and draws from it without senti- mentality. The building forms relate to one another aesthetically, yet, each building clearly exists as a separate entity. The arrangement makes it seem as if the buildings had evolved into their present configura- tion naturally rather than being imposed on a site. The architect was able to success- fully combine the positive attributes of a sensitive and well-considered design with the mandates of cost- effective construction by relying on off-the-shelf components. Using ready-made standardized compo- nents skillfully, the architect pro- duced maximum effect with minimal dollars. Design details further complement the use of off-the-shelf components. Mer Rouge Villas is a model for American rural low-cost housing. Through its uplifting forms, the design speaks of hope and confi- dence and demonstrates the needs and values of the individual over a perceived need for regimentation. Blue Heron Coal Mining Camp A rotting coal loading plant was all that remained of Blue Heron, a mining camp in operation from 1 938 until 1 962 and now part of the Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area in Kentucky. Commissioned by the Army Corps of Engineers to create an interpretive historical exhibit about Blue Heron, the project's designers took the ghostly coal processing plant (tipple) as their inspiration. Today, abstract skeletal structures scattered around the wooded hilly site capture the form and spirit of the mining community's original buildings — the workers' homes, the church, the school house and the company store — that had long since vanished. The main purpose of interpreting Blue Heron in this fashion was to preserve a community and a way of life that has rapidly vanished from Appalachia. The secondary purpose was to communicate the contempo- rary mechanized process of mining coal, featuring the tipple structure and mine entrance, and to explain the concept of the "company town" and its impact on the daily lives of the workers and their families. But the designers faced a critical prob- lem: evidence of this once bustling community was no longer at the site. Rather, artifacts existed only in the form of recollections, thoughts and photographs of those who had worked at Blue Heron, many of whom had moved into neighboring communities. The reminiscences of those who once lived and worked at Blue Heron were recorded on audio tape, and their voices and the sounds of daily life are broadcast through speakers in each structure. Lifesize cutout figures and snapshot photo- graphs of the former inhabitants now occupy the buildings. This pow- erful technique enlivens the experi- ence of visiting the site and deepens the sense of rediscovering the past. As a whole, the "reincarnated" Blue Heron is about the memories of a place that no longer exists and, as such, the exhibit is an imaginative blend of architecture and oral history. The success of this project, which has caused attendance at the park to rise by 20 percent, is due largely to the talent of its designers. But this success also should be credited to the design process that allowed them to work creatively and effectively. In commissioning Blue Heron's designers, the Army Corps acted as a client and a construction manager in collaboration with the designers. Materials chosen and the simplic- ity of the structures themselves were choices that resulted from a concern for low-cost construction, durability and minimal maintenance. Both the Army Corps and the designers are commended for resisting the tempta- tion to resort to "facsimile restora- tion" and recreating the entire camp. By reproducing the lost buildings in a skeletal form only, the designers have provided an x-ray of the past — a poignant remembrance of the routine and harsh life of the miners and their families. A monochromatic palette reinforces the reductive quality of the structures and rigorous life of the inhabitants. This approach produces an experience that is infinitely more powerful and honest than would otherwise have been possible. A sensitive interpretation off the past... the truf s structures convey the work and lives of the people who lived in this coal mining community. Department of Defense, U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, Nashville District, Nashville, TN DeMartin Marona Cranstoun Downes, New York, NY Scruggs & Hammond, Lexington, KY Chrisman Miller Woodford, Lexington, KY Old Faithful Inn Rehabilitation The Old Faithful Inn, located in Yellowstone National Park, Wyo- ming, is America's premiere log structure. Since its construction in 1 903, the inn has served as a model of architecture existing in harmony with its natural surroundings. With its lofty gables, fantastic gnarled wood decoration, soaring seven- story lobby, and massive volcanic rock masonry, the Old Faithful Inn is a splendid example of the American arts and crafts movement. This rehabilitation project was established to return a valuable piece of America's Western heritage to the public. Since the inn opened, neglect and insensitive incremental changes to its design had taken their toll on the building's structural and aesthetic integrity. The wood shingle roof and sidewalls needed to be replaced and much of its decorative logwork was missing or rotten. Structural alterations made to accommodate changing needs and functions, such as the snack bar, gift shop, lounge rest rooms, and service areas, had severely compromised the historic building. The inn also was beset by structural hazards that inconvenienced and endangered guests. Stairways were not enclosed, kitchen equipment was seriously outdated, there were numerous 10 electrical code violations, and the building posed a serious asbestos threat. In rehabilitating the interior, it was not intended that the inn be restored to its appearance during any given time period. Rather, reha- bilitation was guided by the philoso- phy of returning a functional and appropriate design to the building where it had been compromised. Care was taken to select materials that were compatible with the inn's rustic theme, with the objective of retrieving the former glory of the building while allowing it to function as a modern, operating hotel. While the task of restoring the Old Faithful Inn was daunting in and of itself, work had to be accom- plished under extreme environmen- tal conditions. In order for the inn to be used by guests during the tourist season, much of the construction had to take place during the winter months when temperatures dipped well below zero. Over 1,000 shingles and hundreds of feet of logs were replaced. The installation of unusu- ally shaped logs and scribing of new rough sawn plank and beaded board walls to the irregular profile of log walls involved a tremendous amount of close tolerance handwork. Crews were sent into the woods for weeks at a time to find gnarled branches that were just the right size and shape for the restoration work. After ten years of intensive work, the Old Faithful Inn has been suc- cessfully restored but with the mod- ern systems improvements that will ensure its survival and efficient operation well into the future. This rigorous and well-implemented rehabilitation project is remarkable for what it has managed to do. It is also commendable for what it did not do: it in no way altered the remarkable spirit and visual charac- ter of this unique structure. Credits Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Denver Service Center, Lakewood, CO As the largest log structure in the United States, the Old Faithful Inn is a symbol of the compatibility of park buildings to their surroundings. 11 ***,»»»** Bendway Weirs on the Mississippi This solution is innovative, simple and economical, and can be easily monitored and adjusted to individual applications. Keeping large rivers navigable to heavy commercial traffic is a costly and time-consuming enterprise. A river's natural tendency is to mean- der within its floodplain. Human efforts to contain this wandering, such as constructing large stone (revetment) works, create extensive sand bars that encroach into the channel and impede navigation. These bars must be periodically removed by dredging. Another technique has been to construct large dikes over these sand bars in an effort to control river flow. These techniques are expensive and offer only a short-term solution to the problem. A permanent and less costly solution was sought by the Army Corps of Engineers. The Bendway Weirs project con- structed at the Mississippi River's Dogtooth Bend downstream from St. Louis is a more permanent and more effective solution. At the same time, it is less destructive and less expensive than other traditional methods. Using a large water model of the Mississippi River, the Army Corps duplicated two existing river bends. Tests performed using this model showed that river current patterns in bendways display a radi- cal shift from their behavior in other parts of the navigation channel. After experimenting with a variety of ideas, engineers designed a series of un- derwater structures composed of small groins of uncemented stone (weirs) and placed them below the surface level of the river. These weirs, positioned from the outer bankline into the stream and angled slightly upstream toward the oncoming flow, harness the river's own hydraulic flow. This technique effectively allows the river to become self-correcting, widening the navigation channel and reducing bankline erosion in the river bend. Construction of the weirs took only 76 days — half the time of traditional techniques — at a cost of $2 million. Savings along this 1 80 mile part of the 3,870 mile river channel have been impressive: eight to ten million dollars saved annually on dredging and $13 to $26 million a year in reduced navigational delays. The Bendway Weirs are proving to be one of the most innovative and effective design concepts tc impact river preservation and navigation in 200 years. Downstream Upstream Channel Angled Dikes Chevrons Realignment ■^Zf" ^ Bar Dikes Perpendicular Downstream Submerged Bendway Angled Dikes Chevrons Vanes Weirs Credits Department of Defense, U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, St. Louis District, St. Louis, MO 12 13 Keys and Locks in the Collection of the Cooper-Hewitt Museum The Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Design at the Cooper-Hewitt Museum in New York City, is home for nearly 250,000 objects, but there are no facilities for their permanent display. This elegant 32-page, 8" x 8" handbook illustrates one of the Cooper-Hewitt Museum's special collections and establishes a graphic format that will allow the museum to open up its special collections to a wide audience by presenting them in publications. Designed and produced for less than $5 per copy, Keys and Locks in the Collection of the Cooper-Hewitt Museum is a testament to the designer's art. Profusely illustrated in black and white and extremely well organized, the design speaks to the reader with striking clarity. The deft handling of photographs and drawings avoids the appearance of austerity and instead causes the handbook to brim with inspired vitality. The publication places the evolution of keys and locks within the larger context of social and technological developments. The images range from elaborately chamberlain's key probably i8th century steel, ij 5 cm 195a 161 if> Security and safety of person and property are needs that are shared around the world, and for thousand* of years keys and locks have helped to satisfy these needs. Because locks and other security devices preserve and protect valuables that may range from small jewelry and coins to family homes and warehouses, keys are by nature carefully guarded items, the use ol which is generally restricted to responsible individuals Edgar Frank, ^ author on the history of French metal work, succinctly describes the function of the lock and key as a means of distinguishing the difference between "mine" and "thine " In keeping with their function of protecting both individual and com- munal property, keys have become an important symbol of power and status. The temporal power vested in the key is a symbolic reference to II Keys and Locks power itself The goddess Athena earned the keys to her namesake city of Athens as a visual symbol of her importance to the community - a tradition that survives today in the presentation of the "keys to the ciry" to distinguished individuals Biblical references to keys and locks also confirm their practical and symbolic use "And the key to the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder, so he shall open, and none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open" (Isaiah 22:22) The key be- came the attribute of St Peter, upon whom the Christian church was founded, and the papal coat of arms is often displayed above a pair of crossed keys From Shakespeare to Sigmund Freud, the key has remained a powerful visual symbol. in the Collection otrht Cooper-Hewitt Mmcun A modest brochure, perfectly suited to its task. The Smithsonian Institution^ National Museum i>t Design 14 wrought ceremonial keys to simple functional forms from Eastern and Western cultures. The visual and editorial matter is paced for impact and communication, and the text layout and the handling of the typo- graphy are of the highest design standards. The benefits of this design are tangible. The development of the low-cost format ensures that future special collections publications can be produced and offered to the public at a modest price. This project advances the stan- dards of federal design by demon- strating that beauty and quality are not confined to big-budget projects. It demonstrates that the power of design lies in the imagination of the designer and not in the size of the budget. Credits Smithsonian Institution, Cooper-Hewitt, National Museum of Design, New York, NY Jeana Aquadro, Savannah, GA 6 probably French 18th century 1953, 161.24 7 German 18th century steel. 14 2 cm 195a 161 128 8 probably German 17th century 9 probably English iSth-igih century steel. 10. 2 cm 1 French 18th century steel. II .a cm 1952 161 235 : German or French i7th-i8th century steel. 136 cm 1952.161.44 silver and gold have been used, and a few. such as papal keys, were even set with precious or semi-precious stones. In the nineteenth cemury. mass production of keys brought other metals, such as brass, into prominence, and in our own century, aluminum and special alloys have been most frequently used. Within the last few decades, plastics and electronic devices have come to play roles in the evolution of key design. Until the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, key design was based on principles that developed in the ancient world. Most kevs consist of three basic elements : the bow. the bit. and the shaft The bow is the "handle"" of the key and is usually elliptical or round to permit easy grasping. The bit is the pan of the key that is inserted into the lock and serves as the point of contact between the key and the locking mechanism. Most often, the bit frees the lock when the key is turned through a senes of barriers, thus permitting the boh to be withdrawn. The shaft connects the bow and the bit. There are many 15 ***«♦»** National Gallery of Art Exhibition Design 1984-1990 he National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC, has consistently maintained standards of excellence in exhibition design that are appreci- ated and admired by museum goers and other institutions the world over. Following a mandate that each exhibition should be experienced in a setting appropriate to the show's aesthetic and historical purpose, the gallery's design and installation department has established an innovative approach to the design of exhibitions that is both architectural and art historical. There can be no argument that the exhibitions mounted by the gallery's staff enhance the apprecia- tion and understanding of their subjects. Objects and collections are presented within their own unique art historical, aesthetic and socio- logical contexts. As the subject mat- ter shifts, so too does the design. The gallery mounts between 15 and 25 major exhibitions each year, and the subjects can range from the paintings of a twentieth-century modern master to Japanese artifacts dating from the twelfth century. Accommodating such a diverse range of subjects and highlighting the special qualities of each object is one of the gallery's overriding accomplishments. The designers' subtle and inspired manipulation of form, color and lighting easily accommodate the tens of thousands of people that pass through each show while allowing viewers to re- tain the experience of an intimate, personal encounter with each work of art. Working together as a cohesive unit for more than 1 5 years, the design and installation staff has also developed numerous innovative and cost-saving techniques that allow for the maintenance of standards of excellence in presentation while 16 The design team has demonstrated a profound awareness of the importance of clarity. working consciously to control ex- penditures. As befits a national museum, the National Gallery of Art stands as an impressive testament to the principle of democratic access to art and culture. Installations are mounted to reflect the highest aca- demic, scholarly and art historical standards yet are never presented in an arcane or condescending manner. As the gallery continues to set attendance records, its success speaks to the need of a people to be nourished by stimulating power of art. That the gallery is so successful in this task owes a great deal to its inspired and dedicated design staff. National Gallery of Art, Office of Design & Installation, Washington, DC 17 Arctic Data InterActive This prototype of an electronic science journal demonstrates a new standard in digital communication. Arctic Data A Prototype CD ROM Science Journal BE jDJ I *J ■ 1 * <> Digitally delivered visual communi- cation promises to become a major new vehicle for the dissemination of information in the coming years. Arctic Data InterActive, a prototype of an electronic journal using the Arctic as its subject, sets new stan- dards for the design of interactive disc programs. Most projects of this kind are developed by software engineers without knowledge and training in visual communications. Arctic Data InterActive is a rare instance of graphic designers applying their skills to this emerging, and increasingly important, area of informational design. It is a ground- breaking prototype developed by the Geological Survey that harnesses the power of computers and CD-ROM technology to bring dense, yet valu- able, scientific information easily and dramatically to life for the user. In 1990, the Geological Survey agreed to use emerging multi-media technology to promote access to data and information on global warming. The project's objective was to integrate a variety of scientific information sources, including the complete text of scien- tific and scholarly journals, numeri- cal and spatial data sets, and soft- ware for for data analysis. The Arctic region was chosen as the subject due to its dubious distinction of being one of the first geographic regions to respond to a changing climate. Contained on a CD-ROM com- puter disc, Arctic Data InterActive is based on hypertext technology, a software environment for developing non-sequential data-base manage- ment systems. This is the technical term for user-directed navigation through multiple layers of informa- tion in a variety of media that may contain text, data, graphics, moving imagery and sound. The advantage of this technology is that it allows easy access to the information by means of a graphic user interface (GUI). A GUI translates system func- tions into simple graphic symbols that allow the user to browse Icon Descriptions ^ft H ToQuitADI Plays "Help" Animation Link to Related Information or Data Return Button ^1 DATA Index Save to Disk KeyWord Search DataRelatedto Article Click to Select Page orRecord Number AE DD mmr <> Arctic Environment Data Directory Print Hard Copy Displays all Article Graphics Fo^v'ard & Backward Buttons 18 SMMR iEJI January 1979 (SMMR) ih,;,. v Color Bar Click on the map tc launcf image processing softwan ^ffi ■ AE DD \« ►► ►II * through information by exploring information levels. Although Arctic Data InterActive is a significant breakthrough in the application of multi-media and hypertext technologies, the technol- ogy used to create the program would be rendered useless if thoughtful graphic design did not allow the user to easily comprehend and move through the data. Much of the design, however, is invisible, which is one of the program's great- est assets. But where the hand of the designer is visible, Arctic Data InterActive is, indeed, superlative. Onscreen typography is clear, legible and elegant. The handling of the imagery contained in the program enhances comprehension and distills complex data into easily understood graphs and charts. In its thoughtful programming, dramatic impact and ease of use, Arctic Data InterActive has become a prototype for the effective use of CD-ROM multi-media technology. But through the involvement of talented graphic designers, the true power of this medium is fully exploited. Credits Department of the Interior, Geological Survey, Information Systems Division, Reston, VA InterNetwork, Inc., Del Mar, CA 19 EGIS Explosives Detector The product, while handsomely designed, accomplishes its task without compromise. The rise in international terrorism and the increase in attacks on U.S. government buildings overseas prompted the need to develop a simple device for determining the presence of plastic explosives con- cealed in packages, containers or personal effects. To be effective, such a device needed to rapidly perform accurate analyses, require no operator interpretation, and be highly portable. The EGIS Explosives Detector, the product that was developed to meet these needs and requirements, demonstrates the power of industrial design to reconcile function and aesthetics by creating a useful object that is far greater than the sum of its parts. In this product, we celebrate a recon- ciliation of purpose and aesthetics. The EGIS (short for the Greek word "aegis" meaning shield) Explosives Detector, commissioned by the Department of State with support from the Federal Aviation Administration, consists of a free- standing analytical unit and a hand- held sampling unit. The sampling unit draws air from the object being screened and is then plugged into the analytical unit. The operator pushes a button marked "Analyze," and 1 8 seconds later the analysis is complete. If the object contains no suspect material, a green "all clear" light activates. If the presence of explosive material is detected, a red warning signal activates and the unit indicates the type of material detected. The detector's, simple one-button design allows for accurate operation of the device without extensive train- ing. The entire interpretive process — detecting the presence of an explo- sive and identifying it based on its unique chemical signature — has been computerized, eliminating the need for a trained chemist to inter- pret the data. More than 20 patent applications from unique sampling and sensitive analytical techniques to high speed chromatography resulted from the development of this product. Under standard conditions, the entire pro- cess of sampling, distillation and gas 20 chromatography, chemiluminescent detection and data interpretation would normally take at least an hour. Innovative design and engi- neering employed in the EGIS have reduced the time required to less than 20 seconds. By virtually removing the possibility of human error from use of this product, the designers have also fulfilled an important psychological dimension — the need to feel secure. By creating a product that is accurate, self-monitoring and self-regulating, they have provided its operators and the public with the feeling that their protection is assured. Credits Department of State, Office of Countermeasures & Counterintelligence, Washington, DC Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Technical Center, Atlantic City International Airport, NJ Thermedics Inc., Woburn, MA Design Continuum Inc., Boston, MA 21 1992 Federal Design Achievement Awards Jury Members Architecture and Interior Design Stanley Tigerman (chair) Principal, Tigerman McCurry Chicago, IL Pamela Baldwin President, Brown Baldwin Associates San Francisco, CA Diane E. Cho Principal, Cho, Wilks& Benn Baltimore, MD Arthur Q. Davis Principal, Arthur Q. Davis & John C. Williams, Architects New Orleans, LA David Dillon Architecture Critic, The Dallas Morning News Dallas, TX Judith H. Lanius Historic Preservation Consultant, Washington, DC Marshall E. Purnell Principal, Devrouax & Purnell Washington, DC Engineering Donald G. Iselin (chair) Engineering and Management Consultant Santa Barbara, CA Edward Cohen Managing Partner, Ammann & Whitney New York, NY Virginia Fair-weather Editor-in-Chief, Civil Engineering New York, NY Catherine L. Ross Associate Professor, College of Architecture, Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA Landscape Architecture, Urban Design and Planning Diana Balmori (chair) Principal, Balmori Associates New Haven, CT Jerome M. Cooper Principal, Cooper Carry & Associates Atlanta, GA Laurie Olin Principal, Hanna/Olin Ltd. Philadelphia, PA Emmet L. Wemple Principal, Emmet L. Wemple & Associates Los Angeles, CA Graphic Design and Product/Industrial Design Mildred Friedman (chair) Design Consultant New York, NY Milton Glaser Principal Milton Glaser, Inc. New York, NY Steven Heller Senior Art Director, The New York Times New York, NY Tomoko Miho Principal, Tomoko Miho Company New York, NY Rick Valicenti Principal, Thirst Chicago, IL Gianfranco Zaccai Principal, Design Continuum, Inc. Boston, MA 22 1992 Federal Design Achievement Awards Architecture Sheridan Federal Correctional Institution Northern Crop Science Laboratory Located on 1 90 acres of rolling farmland 50 miles southwest of Portland, Oregon, the Federal Correctional Institution at Sheridan is an example of thoughtful, efficient design in service of the public good. The 500-inmate medium security facility and 250-inmate minimum security satellite camp successfully balance the diverse needs of in- mates, prison employees and local residents, and through their design, have minimized the negative recep- tion communities often give to pro- posed correctional facilities placed in their midst. The architects worked closely with the Federal Bureau of Prisons, drawing on the bureau's existing guidelines for efficient and humane incarceration. The focal point of the design is a 450-foot courtyard around which the administrative Credits Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Prisons, Washington, DC Zimmer Gunsul Frasca Partnership, Architects, Portland, OR offices, inmate housing, and a gymnasium are arranged. Adjacent to the gymnasium are areas for educational and vocational training, assemblies, cafeteria, outdoor recre- ation and the Federal Prison Indus- tries factory, which manufactures wooden furniture for sale to federal agencies. The administrative core of the satellite camp mirrors the medium security section on a smaller scale. Evidenced in the design of this facility is the extreme deference the architects gave to the concerns of the surrounding community. Draw- ing on elements common to the indigenous architecture of the area, they created a facility that in its building materials, colors, massing and scale, recall the character of the surrounding agricultural building types. This concern for appropriate- ness also resulted in a correctional institution that, while providing for safe and effective incarceration of offenders, is not oppressive. The inmates are not punished by the buildings, and it is obvious that this institution is oriented toward reha- bilitation as opposed to just security. Located at the edge of a university campus on the northern prairie, the Northern Crop Science Laboratory in Fargo, North Dakota, houses five groups of agricultural research scientists who study the principal northern crops of wheat, sunflowers and sugar beets. This research facil- ity constitutes the final phase addi- tion to existing greenhouses and surrounding test fields. The design of the facility evolved out of a three-part methodology. First, during the design phase, architects and engineers worked closely with future building occu- pants to identify and document programmatic needs and reconcile those needs with the project budget. Second, during the conceptual de- sign phase, architects developed eight different designs from which three were selected by users and 24 North River Water Pollution Control Plant engineers. The final design was selected for development for its efficiency, function, communal quality and performance. The resulting family of structures is organized around a central yard. The building design incorporates the three principle brick colors of the existing campus structures in a coursing pattern that ranges from a dark color at the base of the build- ings to a light upper story. The shape of the individual structures resulted from the requirements of the activities performed within; high technology environments for elec- tron microscopy, for instance, are distinct and separate from the repair sheds for field equipment. The buildings evoke the vernacu- lar quality of indigenous farm build- ings without resorting to hokey de- sign motifs. They also afford views into and across the open yard that relate and connect those working within them to the vast expanse of the prairie beyond. The collaborative design methodology further ensured that the buildings would meet the researchers' functional needs as well as providing a distinctly collegial atmosphere in which to work. Credits Department of Agriculture, Red River Agricultural Research Center, Fargo, ND HGA, Architects and Engineers, Minneapolis, MN Lightowler Johnson Associates, Fargo, ND Until the completion of the North River Water Pollution Control Plant in 1986, nearly 150 million gallons of raw, untreated sewage were being discharged into the Hudson and Harlem rivers each day. The new plant serves the western half of Manhattan, an area composed of 5,1 00 acres and home to 556,000 people. The plant treats an average dry weather wastewater flow of 170 million gallons per day and an average wet weather flow of 340 million gallons. To effectively process this volume, a 28-acre platform was built over the Hudson River. Originally, plans called for this platform to support large expanses of open settling tanks, corrugated metal buildings and other less sightly components of open sewage treatment plants. In response to community opposition, it was decided to redesign and enclose the plant and provide a flat roof to support a park. The Clean Water Act of 1977 required maximum natural ventilation which lead to opening the exterior walls with arches. These reinforce the association between water and architecture, reminding the viewer of the elegant arches of Roman aqueducts. The resulting design has not only solved a practi- cal need of the urban infrastructure but has also transformed the plant into a dramatic presence along one of the country's most spectacular urban waterscapes. This project is notable for the care paid to housing a necessary but unglamorous function. Too often in the design of similar facilities there is little regard given to the aesthetic impact they have on the surrounding environment. That this project, larger v - j. in volume than the Pentagon, can make such a stunning contribution — both aesthetically and functionally — to the City of New York is a powerful argument for the positive impact that federally-sponsored design projects can have on urban planning. Credits Environmental Protection Agency, Region II, New York, NY City of New York, Department of Environmental Protection, New York, NY C. Theodore Long, Architect-Engineer, New York, NY TAMS Consultants, New York, NY Gibbs & Hill, Inc., New York, NY Feld, Kaminetzky & Cohen, New York, NY 25 Architecture Glendale Heights Post Office The Postal Service is often the most direct link that the average citizen has with the government. Good design can make that experience positive. The designers of a new postal facility in Glendale Heights, Illinois, overcame significant obstacles posed by the facility's location to create a striking, vibrant and efficient public building. Located in an industrial park, this 24,000-square foot post office is surrounded by a warehouse and other commercial buildings. Because the post office is first seen from the highway, the building needed to be easily recognizable while still relating to its buff and red brick industrial neighbors. The plan is simple, consisting of two basic components: a high bay workroom and a low ceiling custom lobby. A blue glazed brick wall punctuated with a field of small openings defines the customer service area. An undulating wall in striped red and buff brick indicates the workroom. Between these two areas — in the folds of the facade — mail is received and deposited. This space is illuminated by triangular skylights. Construction materials were chosen for their economy and dura- bility. The potentially monotonous rows of lock boxes that dominate the public space are arranged in bays that pierce the workroom wall, allowing a higher ceiling height. Writing tables and service counters have red granite tops on painted steel and laminate casework. Employee work areas are designed for efficiency — white, airy spaces contrast with the color-saturated customer areas. The facility is remarkably efficient. Energy efficiency was enhanced by reducing the number of building openings and siting the carrier parking structure so that it shades the west elevation. As a result, the building has a cooling load that is 60 percent less than the Postal Service average for a building of this size and type. A clear demonstration that innovative design can make the difference between an ordinary structure and an extraordinary one even under adverse conditions of location and tight budgets, this building sets a standard for the design of local post offices that increasingly are being sited outside the city center. Credits U.S. Postal Service, Facilities Service Center, Chicago, Chicago, IL Ross Barney + Jankowski, Chicago, IL 26 Frank G. Mar Community Housing Project Oakland, California, is a city of cultural vitality and untapped eco- nomic potential. Like many cities these days, growth and change have placed great strains on many of its communities and neighborhoods. In the early 1 980s, a local develop- ment corporation identified a com- plex array of needs and opportuni- ties in a rapidly expanding but un- derdeveloped area of Oakland's downtown. One need was housing, and in 1990 the innovative Frank G. Mar Community Housing project was completed in an effort to meet that need. Using data from the U.S. Census, the Oakland Office of Community Development and other public and private housing assistance agencies, the East Bay Asian Local Develop- ment Corporation found that the existing housing stock did not ad- equately support the elderly or large families. Working in collaboration with neighborhood groups, the city's Office of Community Development and Department of Housing and Urban Development, the corpora- tion chose a site and arranged financing. The project successfully achieved the design goals of providing afford- able housing without sacrificing a sense of privacy and "defensible space" among its residents, combin- ing mid-rise buildings with a nine- story tower. In addition to the resi- dential component, the project in- cludes a number of amenities, such as public and private open spaces, laundry facilities, a community center, a day-care facility, parking garage and street-front commercial spaces. The design of the project affirms the residents' individuality and humanity, characteristics often overlooked in urban housing devel- opments. More than a housing develop- ment, this project constitutes the creation of an urban village imbued with a feeling of true community. The project's mixed-use design encourages use by residents and non-residents alike and fosters cultural and ethnic integration. As a result of diligent value engineering and on-going cost evaluation, the final hard construction costs came in $200,000 under the $1 2.3 million budget. Credits Department of Housing and Urban Development, Region IX, San Francisco, CA City of Oakland, Redevelopment Agency, Oakland, CA East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation, Oakland, CA Bridge Housing Corporation, San Francisco, CA MacDonald Architects, San Francisco, CA 27 Architecture Washington Union Station Rehabilitation rtWVV . flfttfffij Designed in 1904 by Daniel Burnham, Washington's Union Station served for many years as a stately and elegant gateway to the nation's capital. During the intervening years, the decline of rail travel and the powerful railroad companies, careless alterations and deferred maintenance caused the station to deteriorate. When a leak- ing roof caused the structure to become unsafe in 1981, the building was closed. Later that year, in recognition of the station's historic importance, Congress passed the Union Station Redevelopment Act and set aside funds to restore the station to its original grandeur and to modernize its infrastructure and utility systems. Credits Department of Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration, Washington, DC Union Station Redevelopment Corporation, Washington, DC Harry Weese Associates Architects, Inc., Washington, DC Concurrently, a development team was selected to develop commercial and office space in the station so that, once rehabilitated, it would become economically viable. The extensive planning and collabora- tion involved in the restoration efforts ensured that an appropriate mix of retail operations would complement and enhance the station without detracting from its historic design. The $73.5 million rehabilitation entailed restoration of the Beaux Arts ornamentation in all of the major public spaces in the building. New state-of-the-art buildings systems were installed and phasing and staging for Metrorail and Amtrak constructed. A multi-disciplinary team of experts and craftspeople- including historic preservationists, engineers, materials conservation- ists, paint experts and numerous other specialists — were involved in this comprehensive effort. The majestic coffered ceiling in the station's Main Hall contributes to one of Washington's greatest inte- rior spaces. Union Station now serves as not only a transportation hub for the nation's capital but also as a vital economic anchor in an area of Washington's downtown that had lain fallow for years. New public and private projects in the area, including commercial office space, hotel and government- related projects are underway. 28 Ellis Island Immigration Museum Restoration Rarely is sensitivity to the historic value of a place so apparent in the restoration of a structure as it was during the rehabilitation of the Main Building on Ellis Island. As the entry point into the United States of the greatest migration in the modern world, Ellis Island is a powerful symbol of the promise of America and democracy. As such, it holds a special place in the collective consciousness of the nation. But from 1954 to 1974, the Main Building on the island, where the majority of the arrivals were processed, stood vacant. Vandalism, neglect and exposure to the ele- ments had left it in a ruinous state. The project to restore the building and some 225,000 square feet of interior spaces became the largest and most comprehensive historic preservation effort undertaken in the history of this country. Prior to beginning the design work, extensive research and existing condition surveys were conducted to analyze the historic use and archi- tectural significance of all spaces to be restored. These findings were then documented in an eleven- volume Historic Structures Report that became the basis for subsequent planning and design decisions. Credits Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Denver Service Center, Lakewood, CO, and Statue of Liberty National Monument, New York, NY Notter Finegold + Alexander Inc., Boston, MA Beyer Blinder Belle, New York, NY Historic changes and alterations to the building were studied and the decision was made to fully restore the structure to the condition it enjoyed during the period from 1918 to 1924, when the majestic Guastavino ceiling was installed in the Main Hall's Registry Room. Relying on period documents and photographs as well as on the recollections of surviving immi- grants, restoration began. Interior restoration involved cleaning the ceiling, refurbishing existing chande- liers and restoring the building's imitation Caen stonework. Exterior restoration included cleaning and repointing the masonry, repairing 410 windows, restoring the Ludowici roof tiles and replicating and replac- ing four copper domes. Fittingly enough, the restored building functions much as it origi- nally did by accommodating large numbers of people who arrive by boat. The success of the project lies in the respect given to the original qualities of the building, allowing visitors, with a little imagination, to approximate the experience of landing here seventy years ago. 29 Architecture Bicentennial Lighthouse Fund Program Over 200 years ago, President Washington signed a bill that be- came known as the Lighthouse Preservation Act of 1789. The bill instructed Congress to assume re- sponsibility for the expenses for operating and maintaining aids to navigation. This bill resulted in construction of numerous light- houses, keeper's quarters, river lights and other structures and objects across the United States. Over the years, many of these his- toric buildings fell victim to neglect, disrepair and vandalism as their original functions were superseded by new technology. Recognizing that a vital link to America's mari- time history was in danger of being lost, Congress appropriated funds to establish the Bicentennial Light- house Fund in 1 988, to be adminis- tered through the National Park Service as part of its Historic Preser- vation grant program. From 1988 to 1991, the Park Service awarded almost $3 million in matching grants for the preserva- tion of lighthouses and related structures in 34 states. In all, the program has facilitated the preser- vation and rehabilitation of 152 lighthouses around the country. In implementing this program, the Park Service worked closely with the National Trust for Historic Preservation, State Historic Preserva- tion Officers, the Lighthouse Preser- vation Society, and various private groups. This collaborative effort helped establish guidelines for project selection, preservation, allocation of funds, and resolution of problems arising at individual project locations. Beyond the rehabilitation of significant structures, the program served to galvanize many communi- ties and local preservation organi- zations by fostering heightened awareness of the valuable structures in their midst. Many of the renovated structures are now being put to creative new uses — as wildlife research centers, museums, and bed-and-breakfast inns, among others. A technical preservation bibliography, National Park Service Reading List — Preserving Historic Lighthouses, was produced to enable this valuable work to be carried forward by others. Credits Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Preservation Assistance Division, Washington, DC Lighthouse Preservation Society, Rockport, MA 30 Second Ohio Historic Bridge Inventory and Preservation Plan The need for efficient surface trans- portation is often in conflict with the preservation of architecturally or historically significant landmarks. One of the achievements of the 253-page Second Ohio Historic Bridge Inventory, Evaluation and Preservation Plan is that it provides a framework for balancing transpor- tation engineers' desire for safe highways and preservationists' interest in conserving historic resources. In 1983, the Ohio Department of Transportation published the result of the first Historic Bridge Inventory, Evaluation and Preserva- tion Plan. This project is an update of that inventory and expands upon it to include information on bridges Credits Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Ohio Division, Columbus, OH State of Ohio, Department of Transportation and State Historic Preservation Office, Columbus Ohio built between 1941-1950. The final document grew out of the comple- tion of four distinct phases: estab- lishing a complete inventory of Ohio bridges of the period according to type; physically inspecting the bridges identified for evaluation or documentation; evaluating the inventoried bridges and identifying those potentially eligible for the National Register of Historic Places; and the publication and dissemina- tion of the report. As an effective planning tool, the document pro- vides a common ground between engineers concerned with service and utility and preservationists concerned with protecting Ohio's heritage. The plan was widely distributed to county and district engineers, planning agencies, and local offi- cials and has been made available to educational institutions, libraries and private individuals. Setting state- wide guidelines and standards for identifying, evaluating and preserv- ing a valuable state resource, it contains useful information on the physical attributes of historic bridge construction. The report also pro- vides engineers and contractors with information they need to repair and maintain historic bridges in compliance with current safety codes and will allow expeditious replace- ment of bridges not eligible for the National Register. 31 Engineering Varina-Enon Bridge Interstate 10 Completion The Varina-Enon Bridge in Rich- mond, Virginia, embodies significant new developments in bridge con- struction and design technology and may well herald the beginning of a new era in bridge design engineer- ing. The 4,680-foot-long structure includes a 630-foot main span over the St. James River's navigational channel. The first cable-stayed bridge to use pre-cast triangular frames to create the cable stays, its unique design consists almost entirely of concrete elements that were cast at the site. The bridge structure consists of 28 spans, 21 approach spans and a continuous main span unit that consists of six 150-foot spans and a 630-foot center span. The twin box girders, which run continuously Credits Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Virginia Division, Richmond, VA State of Virginia, Department of Transportation, Richmond, VA Figg Engineering Group, Tallahassee, FL along the entire length of the bridge, were precast in segments of varying lengths. The center span is designed as a one-directional cantilever. Every other segment is supported by a cable stay attached to the twin box girders by means of a triangular frame that transmits the load from each separate road deck into the cable stays and, in turn, to the bridge foundations. This innovative structure is made up of approximately 570 different precast elements and is supported by 1 3 cable stays at each of two support pylons. This resulted in significant cost savings. The bridge was bid at $34 million or $75 per square foot. Had the cable-stayed structure not been employed and a more traditional box girder structure been erected instead, costs would have likely been three times this amount. This significant new direction in cable-stayed bridge construction has yielded a structurally impressive, economical and aesthetically pleasing product. Engineers from around the world have visited the Varina-Enon Bridge to learn from its accomplishments. This 15-mile section of highway running through Phoenix, Arizona, was the final link in the 2,460-mile, coast-to-coast 1-10 interstate that extends from Jacksonville, Florida, to Santa Monica, California. Completion of this project was marked by many exemplary accom- plishments in engineering, safety, environmental impact and public consensus. It serves as a model for conscientious planning and design methodology. While the obvious goal of the project was to complete the trans- continental 1-10 roadway, the project involved numerous ancillary goals, among them that the highway be soundly engineered with an empha- sis on capacity, safety, durability, drainage and aesthetics. In addition, 32 Roosevelt Lake Bridge the project sought to be environ- mentally responsible in its construc- tion and siting. A final goal was that adverse effects on adjacent neigh- borhoods, historic structures and archaeological sites be mitigated. The project's design began with an evaluation of project concepts, aided by intensive public involve- ment during the process assessing the project's environmental impact. The integrity of adjoining neighbor- hoods was preserved by routing the highway to avoid destruction of historic structures and incorporating them into the landscape design of 1-10. While highways often result in the dramatic loss of useable space, this project actually resulted in the creation of a half-mile long park in downtown Phoenix, built on a deck erected over one section of the free- way. Community involvement was instrumental in developing this design solution. For all of the consideration that went into the planning and construction of the 1-10 spur, it was completed ahead of schedule and $200 million below the initial estimate. Credits Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Arizona Division, Phoenix, AZ State of Arizona, Department of Transportation, Phoenix, AZ Howard Needles Tammen & Bergendoff, Phoenix, AZ To provide additional storage capacity in Roosevelt Lake in Gila County, Arizona, for flood protection to downstream communities, the Bureau of Reclamation wanted to raise the crest of the historic Roosevelt Dam by 40 feet. Before the dam could be modified, Arizona Route 1 1 8 needed to be re-routed over the lake. Roosevelt Lake and its surroundings contain environ- mentally sensitive areas, however, and the bridge design had to satisfy the requirements of public safety, while reducing environmental impact and visual intrusion on the scenic landscape. The Arizona Department of Transportation solicited two design proposals, one in concrete and another in steel and concrete 230 feet and supports more than 1,000 feet of two-lane roadway was then anchored to the concrete por- tions, resulting in an a functional design that enhances the lakefront as well. The Roosevelt Lake Bridge is striking for its narrowness, particu- larly in comparison to its height. This slim profile and reduced mass required extensive wind tunnel test- ing to determine stability in the face of the high winds that sweep from the river canyon. These technical innovations resulted in a 30 percent reduction in cost over an all-concrete design, proving the structural and economic viability of composite bridge design while providing for a virtually main- tenance-free structure. composite. The winning proposal called for innovative use of pre- stressed concrete and epoxy-coated reinforced steel to compose the first 70 feet of the support arch. This solution protects the structural steel members from corrosion when the lake level is raised. A structural steel support arch that rises to a height of Credits Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Arizona Division, Phoenix, AZ State of Arizona, Department of Transportation, Phoenix, AZ Howard Needles Tammen & Bergendoff, Phoenix, AZ 33 Engineering South Beltline Freeway Wilmington Harbor South Disposal Area In Madison, Wisconsin, a proposal to build a 6.1 -mile highway degen- erated into a bitterly contested issue that aroused the enmity of environ- mentalists and transportation offi- cials alike for more than 25 years. By 1981 , the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, however, had developed a design methodology founded on a broad public consen- sus that, together with an extraordi- nary engineering effort to prevent environmental destruction, enabled the project to move ahead. The completed six-lane freeway stretches across wetland areas, but adverse effects were minimized thanks to several measures taken to engender public support: private land was acquired and restored to a wetland environment; highway fill from a neighboring lake was dredged to create open water wildlife ponds that enhance the existing wetlands; sedimentation ponds were constructed to control run-off contamination; and 122 acres of new wetlands were pur- chased to be permanently held in public trust. These measures grew out of information gathered from extensive public hearings and informational meetings, input from citizens' com- mittees and two environmental impact statements. The process of highway planning thus became a series of design modifications and refinements aimed at mitigating wetland damage. These refinements actually resulted in cost savings as well as protecting the wetland areas. The project, along with a 1.6 mile- segment of the freeway that was expanded from four to six lanes west of the marsh, was completed for $61 million — $6 million less than projected. And, although the project's cost savings are significant, the preservation of vital wetland areas along with the restoration of the public trust in the process are very nearly priceless. Credits Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Wisconsin Division, Madison, Wl State of Wisconsin, Department of Transportation, Madison, Wl Routine dredging of Delaware's Christina River generates a million cubic yards of sediment that must be disposed of each year. By 1986, the two available disposal sites were reaching critical capacity and a new site was needed. To meet this need, an innovative facility — the Wilming- ton Harbor South Disposal Area — was constructed using new technolo- gies that allow for safe disposal along the tidal flats and shallows of the Delaware River. Innovative design was needed because weak, highly compressible silts and clays at the site made traditional containment construction impractical and cost prohibitive. The solution was a design based on constructing a dike and covering it with a high-strength fabric — geotextile — to keep it in place on the soft soil. An 8,000-foot dike of sand, gravel, cobbles and boulders taken from an underwater area upstream was constructed and 500,000 square yards of geotextile 34 Alameda Naval Aviation Depot Plating Shop was then laid on the river bottom and over the dike. The geotextile, composed of polyester yarns with a tensile strength of 1,500 pounds per square inch, was put in place by a train of laying barges. This project is believed to be the largest underwater use of high- strength geotextile in the United States. Estimates suggest that the use of a cellular steel sheet pile — the traditional alternative to geo- textiles — would have cost six times more than this method. As the need for improved storage facilities for dredged material continues to grow, this project demonstrates the benefits — environmental as well as economic — to be gained from the considered use of new technologies and innovative engi- neering solutions. Credit Department of Defense, U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, Philadelphia District, Philadelphia, PA IVlaintaining the Navy's enormous fleet of aircraft in top operating condition requires quick access to a wide range of high-quality, high- performance replacement parts. The Naval Aviation Depot Plating Shop in Alameda, California, is a state- of-the-art facility that provides the Navy with replacement parts manu- factured and finished to exacting technical specifications. This $19.4 million facility inte- grates the functions and output of two forty-year old plating shops that had become obsolete, inefficient and environmentally compromised. Design strategies were developed that allowed 21 different metal finishing processes to be performed concurrently in an economical and timely fashion. In terms of productiv- ity, maintenance of quality standards and environmentally sound opera- tional practices, the Naval Aviation Depot Plating Shop serves as a model for future similar facilities. The production of these parts and specialty surfaces involves using many highly toxic substances. Along with improved efficiency and cost- effectiveness, an overriding goal of this project was managing these materials and eliminating environ- mental hazards at the site and to the surrounding communities. As a result of the design engineering process that went into the plating shop's construction, productivity at the plant increased by 10 percent, with an additional 10 percent projected. During the plant's first two months of operation, parts rejection due to poor quality dropped 66 percent; daily waste water was reduced by a phenom- enal 97 percent; and the plant's utilities demand diminished by 20 percent. The thoughtful and efficient implementation of a comprehensive design engineering plan allowed replacement of two outmoded and potentially dangerous facilities with a cost-effective, environmentally sound facility that will ensure the highest quality replacement parts for years to come. Credits Department of Defense, U.S. Navy, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Western Division, San Bruno, CA Koepf & Lange, Inc., Lafayette, CA Charles Davidoff Associates, Port Washington, NY 35 Engineering Mount St. Helens Long- Term Recovery Project The violent eruption of Mount St. Helens on May 1 8,1 980, created a variety of unstable conditions that threatened human safety and the navigability of the Toutle and Cowlitz Rivers. The Mount St. Helens Long-Term Recovery Project was a concerted response to correct and stabilize these dangerous conditions in a manner that was cost-effective and environmentally responsible. The plan involved creating a permanent outlet tunnel for Spirit Lake, constructing a sediment reten- tion structure on the Toutle River and dredging sediment from the Toutle and Cowlitz Rivers in Washington. By means of the innovative adapta- tion of existing technology, a new tunnel was dug despite complica- tions caused by continuing sedimen- tation. The tunnel provides secure 36 and effective flood prevention for downstream communities and has reduced Spirit Lake's level by 20 feet. In 1985, construction began on a 184-foot sediment retention structure dam on the Toutle River; it was completed in 1989. This nine-year project is remark- able not only for the scope of its achievement but also for the timely and innovative response that it required to contend with the devas- tation caused by factors beyond human control. Potential designs to be employed in the project were fraught with unknown factors. Sedi- mentation and erosion rates and volumes had to be estimated with complex analytic and data-gathering methods. For the first time in the Army Corps' history, a sediment dam was designed not only to meet severe earthquake standards and maximum flood projections but also in anticipation of huge mud-slides. The Army Corps' timely and effective implementation of a mitiga- tion plan addressing both immediate and long-term dangers and con- cerns was exemplary in this case. That many of the designs and meth- odologies used in this project were developed under crisis conditions is a further testament to the extraordi- nary accomplishments evidenced by this recovery program. Credit Department of Defense, U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, Portland District, Portland, OR Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base Tales of bureaucratic extravagance and wanton mismanagement are enough to make any citizen blanch at the thought of a ten-year, $1 .5 billion dollar construction project being implemented and supervised by a federal agency. Yet just such a project, the design and construction of the Naval Submarine Base at King's Bay, Georgia, was completed ahead of schedule with final con- struction costs $300 million under budget. Crucial to the success of this mammoth project was the creative use of design expertise from the outset. A team of special- ists in design and construction worked across organizational lines to expedite the on-going construc- tion. The Design Division created a review process to ensure the overall uniformity of basic design criteria and specifications. A total of 383 construction contracts varying in cost from $7,000 to $100 million were awarded. The 16,000-acre site supports ten TRIDENT II submarines, provid- ing repair and maintenance, storage and production facilities for TRIDENT D-5 missiles, and training, support, housing and recreational facilities for personnel. Apart from the base itself, the project included dredging a channel 500 feet wide and 22 miles long, constructing 80 miles of roads and eight miles of railroad, and creating a power system. Throughout the project, con- struction managers were sensitive to environmental impact on the surrounding area. The facilities were integrated with the surrounding landscape, earth-fill sites were trans- formed into lakes that house indig- enous wildlife, and shallow areas were planted with marsh grasses as a part of wetland development requirements. In addition, creating and using a sophisticated computer model allowed more efficient dredg- ing of the channel and will reduce future maintenance dredging. The base now operates in the service of our national defense, while provid- ing a pleasant environment for its personnel and an economic boost for its host city. Credits Department of Defense, U.S. Navy, Officer in Charge of Construction, TRIDENT, Kings Bay, GA, and Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Southern Division, Charleston, SC 37 Engineering Seismic Upgrade off Building B-111 Viral Rickettsial Disease Laboratory In January of 1980, an earthquake struck Livermore, California, the home of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. A post-quake assessment of the laboratory's infra- structure revealed serious seismic deficiencies in building B-111. A Request For Proposals to remedy the deficiencies drew responses from 23 architecture and engineering firms. Following a short list of six firms culled from the initial field, two bidders were chosen to enter into a moderately funded design competi- tion that required both to produce six different schemes to accomplish the project goals. Selection of the winning solution was based on four criteria: minimizing disruption of the building's occupants, the economics of the plan, maximizing the seismic safety of the building, and enhanc- ing the aesthetics of the facility. The design called for construction of two external seven-story cast-in- place concrete support towers, to be erected in the building's courtyard. The towers were supported by a seven-foot thick concrete pier cap and a drilled concrete pier array. The tower connections to the existing building were achieved by running support structures through unused ceiling space above the second and seventh floors of B-111. This solution brilliantly reduced disruption to the occupants of the building. Since occupants were able to continue their work throughout the construction, there was no need to relocate them off-site, thus saving money and further reducing the cost of the project. By encouraging the development of alternate solutions through the use of a funded design competition, the Department of Energy was able to select a superior design that achieved project goals. The $6.2 million project was completed on time, and the final cost came in $1 million below the government estimate. Moreover, workers believe that the support towers have enhanced the visual character of the courtyard. Credits Department of Energy, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA Forell/Elsesser Engineers, Inc., San Francisco, CA Ralph Larsen & Son, Inc., Burlingame, CA This new 95,000-square foot virol- ogy laboratory at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta, Georgia, contains two primary laboratories: one built to general containment standards and one to maximum containment standards. The design and engineering philoso- phy of the project was not guided by a concern for normal operation but rather by a presupposition of "what if?" possibilities. What if a system fails? What if an accident occurs? This "what if?" approach led to series of duplicate systems that automatically back up the failed system and ensure worker safety without ceasing operations. One novel engineering innova- tion is the facility's air ventilation system. The system is based on controlled air flow, with increasingly negative air pressure in inner rooms, and the most negative airspace in the biosafety cabinets. Although the overriding concern was the contain- ment of biohazards that could endanger workers and the surround- ing community, user amenities also were given due consideration. Large internal windows between the labo- ratory and corridor provide natural lighting and relieve researchers from the impression of confinement without compromising containment from an external source. A six-story, 110-foot high atrium separates the maximum containment laboratories 38 from the general containment areas, providing personnel with a lounge area and lunch room, thus minimizing traffic flow in and out of the building. Laboratory researchers were involved in design reviews, solution evaluation and all design-related decisions. This has led to increased satisfaction with the facility. As a result of this quality facility, the CDC can conduct vital research with the assurance that dangerous biological agents are not being released into the laboratory environment or the surrounding community. Credits Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control, Engineering Service Office, Atlanta, GA STV/Sanders & Thomas, Pottstown, PA Spacecraft Systems Development and Integration Facility The Spacecraft Systems Develop- ment and Integration Facility in Greenbelt, Maryland, is used to prepare and integrate the largest payloads the space shuttle can carry. Because it can take as long as two years to get a payload ready for launch, the building was designed to accommodate two 60-foot, 60,000-pound payloads simultaneously. The facility includes the world's largest horizontal laminar flow clean room for preparing the electronically sensitive cargoes. The immense size of the clean room, measuring 1 25' by 1 00' with a ceiling height of 95', prevented standard clean room engineering technology from being used, and innovative technical design solutions were employed throughout the facility. Among the innovations found in the new facility are the use of structural steel and lightweight wall panels that allow maintenance of pressure within the unusually large space, extra bracing and stiff support structures to mini- mize building drift, and specially designed expansion/contraction joints that permit the structure to flex without compromising the seal at the structure wall. Not only does the facility provide a state-of-the art clean room for technicians, but its innovative design also results in significant cost sav- ings. The use of a pressure control air handling unit instead of the commonly employed dual fans saved $500,000 in construction costs and will continue to save on operations and energy costs. The room's pressurization air unit intro- duces conditioned outside air into the overhead plenum to a positive pressure within the clean room. This positive pressure causes any air leaks to flow out of the room rather than into it, thus further reducing the risk of contamination. The innovative design and engi- neering employed in the construc- tion of this facility ensures that the Spacecraft Systems Development and Integration Facility is prepared to make vital and lasting contribu- tions to our national space program well into the next century. Credits National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Goddard Space Flight Center, Facilities Engineering Division, Greenbelt, MD STV/Sanders & Thomas, Pottstown, PA >•*! » F^tB I r i ■ ] i | L>fJ i mm ■ f** -*M 1 "* 1 39 Engineering Fast Flux Test Facility Used to test full-sized nuclear fuels, materials and components for ad- vanced nuclear power systems, the Fast Flux Test Facility in Richland, Washington, is a complex of build- ings and equipment arranged around a reactor containment building that houses a nuclear reactor. The facility is the only U.S. liquid metal reactor built and main- tained to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers' codes and is also the only Department of Energy reactor ever to undergo and pass the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's rigorous Technical Safety Review. Designed to provide irradiation testing of variously sized compo- nents, demonstrate the ability to operate nuclear power systems in space for up to ten years, and pro- duce isotopes for industrial and medical applications, this facility provides an unsurpassed opportunity to obtain experimental results faster than was previously possible. The reactor's design provides an acceler- ated environment for testing fuels and materials, and adjacent labora- tories can quickly open and examine test assemblies as well as perform chemical and metallurgical analy- ses. Additionally, the reactor has established a remarkable perfor- mance record to date, remaining operationally ready at least 98 percent of the time. Design improvements developed from experiments performed at the facility have enabled engineers to produce 50 percent more energy than was producible using previously employed methods and materials. These tests have further demon- strated the potential for future reac- tors to operate for five to ten years without refuelling, an assertion previously debatable. Credits Department of Energy, Richland Field Office, Richland, Washington Westinghouse Hanford Company, Richland, WA Bechtel Group Inc., San Francisco, CA Metered Analysis for Building Operation and Maintenance Often the most dramatic successes result from the simplest ideas. In 1 986, the Department of Energy entered into a delegation agreement with the General Services Adminis- tration to operate the James Forrestal Federal Office Building in Washing- ton, DC. One benefit of this arrangement was the opportunity to develop an effective energy con- servation program for the building. This program now serves as a model for other federal buildings. An elegantly simple computer program was designed that allows users to enter information on a building's day-to-day energy con- sumption and then compare the consumption against ideal expecta- tions. The Metered Analysis program displays the data in charts that demonstrate the building's actual consumption against what it should be. This information allows building managers to pinpoint flaws in their energy systems such as malfunction- ing equipment, waste or misuse, and then make corrections. Implemented for a cost of $20,000, the program paid for itself in energy savings within one month. During its first 12 months in operation the program resulted in a 34 percent, or $260,000, reduction in energy expenses and has contin- ued to save as much or more during every subsequent year, resulting in more than $1 million in savings. Feasibility studies have shown that this technique can easily be adapted to other federal buildings and could result in $200 million in energy savings annually. For all of its success, the Metered Analysis program requires no spe- cial equipment or capital expendi- 40 Hospital Building System tures. The technique is so simple that it can run on a standard spreadsheet program and can be used by in-house personnel. The successful application of the pro- gram demonstrates that improving government efficiency and cost- effectiveness does not itself require massive financial outlays but rather innovative thinking that empowers employees to locate and solve problems themselves. U.S.D.O.E. FORRESTAL BUILDING STEAM it ELECTRICITY USE (1966-1989) 68 69 U.S.D.O.E. FORRESTAL BUILDING HISTORICAL STEAM USAGE (10/84-8/90) ^ D 20 ■ BO 60 to 20 t 1 V \ i L ^3 f ^ S STEAM($15.5/ULB) Credit Department of Energy, Engineering Facilities Division, Washington, DC The Department of Veterans Affairs Hospital Building System is a highly- disciplined design and construction methodology developed to stem rising construction costs, unaccept- ably long periods between hospital programming and occupancy, rapid facility obsolescence and poor build- ing performance. The success of the system in reducing factors that adversely affect construction costs as well as patient care derives from the development of standardized, three-dimensional planning and service modules. These modular building configura- tions are applied repetitively, yet they easily accommodate the program- matic, siting and aesthetic require- ments of specific projects. One story high and comprised of an assembly of sub-systems capable of various functional arrangements, each mod- ule is served by a single, indepen- dent distribution network, thus mak- ing it a unit of service as well as a unit of functional space. Each mod- ule is organized into three basic components: the functional zone below the ceiling, the service or interstitial space above the ceiling and the service bay of full-story height located at the boundary. This modular system and its accompanying design methodology are used in the construction of all new VA hospitals. The system has provided more useable floor area and flexibility in the use of building space, reduced construction costs and allowed earlier facility occupancy, and provided for easier access for maintenance of the building's systems with less inter- ruption of patient care. The Department of Veterans Affairs has clearly risen to the chal- lenge of providing increased service at minimal expense, and the Hospi- tal Building System is an efficient and disciplined example of the benefits that can be gained through the use of a sound, cohesive design methodology. Credits Department of Veterans Affairs, Office of Facilities, Washington, DC Stone Marraccini Patterson, Architects, San Francisco, CA Ehrenkrantz & Eckstut Architects, New York, NY Rutherford & Chekene, Engineers, San Francisco, CA Hayakawa Associates, Engineers, Los Angeles, CA 41 Product/Industrial Design STU-III Program Articulated Anthropometric Robot This program represents a unique, on-going initiative undertaken by the National Security Agency (NSA) to improve and ensure the availabil- ity of a secure telecommunications system for U.S. government officials. Prior to its introduction in 1987, U.S. protection of classified and sensitive telecommunications was woefully inadequate. Through an innovative public/private partner- ship, the STU-III program has restored the needed level of security to government communications at a fraction of the cost of the system it replaced. STU-lll's objective, first delineated in 1984, was to rapidly design and introduce a new generation of secure phones that would be com- pact, easy-to-use and capable of operating in a secure or non-secure manner over public phone systems. The NSA contacted several major U.S. telecommunications companies and requested proposals for a low- cost secure phone system. Four companies were ultimately selected to design and manufacture separate versions of the new system. Each vendor model had to be compatible and interchangeable with the others, but the companies were free to incorporate specific convenience features. During development, the NSA hosted numerous conferences of secure phone users, and the feed- back generated by these contributed substantially to the success of the designs. By embarking on a public/ private venture, the NSA was able to reduce the cost of its secure phone units from $1 5,000 to $35,000 per secure unit to only $2,000 per unit. This program has established a viable procurement protocol for design and development that may lead to further savings in the future. Credits Department of Defense, National Security Agency, Information Systems Security Organization, Fort Meade, MD AT&T Bell Laboratories Division, North Andover, MA Motorola, Inc. Government Electronics Group, Scottsdale, AZ GE Aerospace Government Communications, Camden, NJ GTE Government Systems Corporation, Waltham, MA At the Army's Dugway Proving Ground in Utah, equipment used by the armed forces undergoes rigor- ous testing and evaluation to deter- mine its safety, efficacy and reliabil- ity. Protective clothing and products are tested under extreme conditions that are so severe that they preclude the use of human subjects for fear of harm or injury. "Manney," an articu- lated anthropometric robot, was designed and produced to assist in evaluating equipment where the risk to human subjects was too great. Manney is capable of mimicking human actions and responses both physically and physiologically. Using fifteen different joints, the robot can simulate complex human move- ments such as walking, crawling, squatting and lifting. It can also integrate typical physiological responses to these actions by simu- lating changes in skin temperature, 42 Interior Design Metre West Day Care Center perspiration and breathing. Physi- ological parameters and desired movements can be programmed off-line through a graphics proces- sor so the complex test scenarios can be assembled and verified on- screen prior to activating the robot. The robot is controlled remotely, thus protecting its operators from test conditions. While this project is commend- able for its success in translating complex bio-mechanic data into a functioning automaton, its true value and contribution will lie in the added safety that will result from the tests it performs — information that may save lives in the future. Credits Department of Energy, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, WA Department of Defense, U.S. Army, Dugway Proving Ground, Dugway, UT One of the most acute needs for today's workforce is quality day care facilities. A recently completed 1 1 ,000-square-foot day care center in the Social Security Administration (SSA) complex in Baltimore is an example of creative design being used to meet a pressing social need. The design of the Metro West Day Care Center grew from a col- laborative effort between the project's principal designers and representatives from the SSA's facili- ties staff, local day care providers and child care consultants. The designers had to work within the confines of a tightly constrained existing space that offered only a single source of natural light along one wall. The center of the design is an open, unobstructed "commons area" intended for group play and communal projects. Off the com- mons area are several smaller class- rooms where different age groups can assemble for specific instruction or age-appropriate play. The hall- mark of the design is the light and airy character of the classrooms and commons area; all of the center's interior partition walls are pen- etrated by numerous windows in different sizes and at different heights, and it is this profusion of windows that dissolves the partition walls, providing views into other rooms and enhancing the sense of spaciousness. Windows also serve to allow more natural light to reach the center of the space than would otherwise be possible. The center is further enlivened by brightly colored surfaces and bold geometric forms. It was designed with durability and safety firmly in mind, and all floor and wall materials are extremely tough, non-toxic and easily cleaned. The Metro West Day Care Center, designed and constructed for $ 1 25 per square foot, is an excellent model that demonstrates a paradigm for future day care centers in other federal as well as private office buildings. Credits Department of Health and Human Services, Social Security Administration, Baltimore, MD Leo A Daly, Washington, DC Downtown Baltimore Child Care Inc., Baltimore, MD 43 Graphic Design Imperishable Beauty: Pictures Printed in Collotype Catalogue A catalogue documenting a 1988 exhibition mounted at the National Museum of American History's Hall of Printing and Graphic Arts, Imperishable Beauty: Pictures Printed in Collotype, is characterized by refined graphic design. Proving that informed design is often as much the result of what is left out as of what is put in, this catalogue strikes a gentle balance between its own formal qualities and those of its subject matter. Collotypes are photographic pictures printed in ink from a gela- tin-coated plate. This process yields images with remarkably subtle shad- ings and richly delicate grey tones. Many of the images represented in the exhibition, as well as some of Credits Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of American History, Washington, DC Jonathon Nix, Dalton, MA those reproduced in the catalogue, evoke a timeless, ethereal quality that attests to the power of this unique medium. Much of what makes this cata- logue exemplary can be attributed to the designer's attention to detail. From the selection of the paper stock to the unusual use of endpapers and vellum frontispiece, every element was carefully considered for its im- pact on the whole. The classical- inspired typography is in keeping with the tone of the collotype images and is highly legible without being overly intrusive. The judicious alloca- tion of white space, the scale of the images and the pacing of the cata- logue combine to make this a publi- cation that, despite its modest 24 pages, is grand in its achievement. Produced on a budget of just $8,871 in donated funds, Imperish- able Beauty: Pictures Printed in Collotype advances the standards of federal design and provides the public with an exquisite and highly informative document that sheds new light on a fascinating artistic process. Voyager at Neptune Poster The National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA's) Jet Propulsion Laboratory regularly engages in design activities aimed at investing the public with a sense of participation in the laboratory's mission of acquiring scientific and technical knowledge. Following the publication of Voyager at Neptune: 1989 (described on page 45) informing the public of the Voyager spacecraft's impending encounter with Neptune, the laboratory's design staff produced a poster to help convey the importance of the mission and make some of its results tangible. The focus of this 24" x 36" poster is an image of Neptune. The central- ity of the image, together with the 44 Voyager at Neptune: 1989 fact that is was taken by the Voy- ager, dramatically reinforces the value of this mission. The sparse use of contemporary typography in conjunction with the full-bleed image of the planet results in a striking and elegant visual statement. The poster was produced in-house at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory for 85 cents per copy on a computer system that automatically generated the typog- raphy and mechanical art. The poster enhances the appre- ciation of the mission of both the Voyager and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. It represents a significant break with long-standing precedents and visual cliches established decades ago at the infancy of our space program. Credits National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA Will Sherwood, Valencia, CA The Jet Propulsion Laboratory published Voyager at Neptune: 1989, to reintroduce the public to Voyager's mission to explore Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, and to specifically prepare them for Voyager's encounter with Neptune. This handsome brochure sets a standard of design excellence and restraint rarely seen in government publications. The Space Act of 1958 requires the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to provide "the widest applicable and appropri- ate dissemination of information" to the public concerning its activities. In keeping with this mandate, Voyager at Neptune: 1989, clearly and elegantly conveys the import of Voyager's 12-year, 4.5 billion-mile odyssey. The brochure covers the background of Voyager's mission, the history of the discovery of Nep- tune and what scientific knowledge may be gained from the mission. Because the brochure was published in advance of the space- craft's encounter with Neptune, its designers had to be resourceful in their use of imagery as the mission obviously had not yet produced new pictures of the planet. Art for the brochure was scanned, repro- duced and taken from copyright free sources. Without relying on flashy visuals, the brochure's design conveys a restrained elegance that is entirely in keeping with its instructive purpose. The judicious choice of imagery and its thoughtful layout make Voyager at Neptune: 1989 a document of lasting value that already has proved itself to be highly successful. Credits National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA Curry Design, Inc., Venice, CA 45 Graphic Design Space Suit Wall Sheet Map Projections Poster The National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA's) Educational Affairs Division devel- oped an almost life-size wall sheet of a man in a spacesuit as an in- structional aid for students across the country that identifies in a clear and uncluttered manner the major components and functions of a modern astronaut's space suit. Children are naturally fascinated with space and astronauts, and the Space Suit Wall Sheet capitalizes on this interest by using it to help convey technological advances and scientific principles relevant to space suit design. The bold, colorful imag- ery is eyecatching and the material intellectually engaging. The 36" x 56" size makes a striking impact that has proven successful with children and teachers alike. Rather than hire an illustrator to draw the imagery, NASA commis- sioned an artist to paint a large original painting of a man in a space suit which was then repro- duced for the wall sheet. The origi- nal painting is now part of the NASA art collection. Credits National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Educational Affairs Division, Washington, DC White + Associates, Los Angeles, CA Bruce Wolf, Piedmont, CA lap Projections ~r When properly focused, the skill of a talented designer can transform complex information and technical data into readily accessible concepts that demystify arcane subject matter. The Map Projections Poster is an excellent example of the graphic design process used to simplify and communicate a difficult topic. This two-sided 24" x 36" poster, aimed at high school and junior college students, is part of the Geological Survey's initiative for educational outreach to students. On the front of the poster is a reproduction of a woodcut by Gerardus Mercator, the sixteenth- century geographer credited as the founder of modern cartography. The large image helps to draw attention to the poster's subject, which is outlined briefly at the top. The reverse of the poster clearly defines and illustrates 1 7 different systems of cartographic projections. The poster's logical lay-out, succinct definitions and superb Atlas of Eastern Europe illustrations make such obscure terms as Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area and Bipolar Oblique Conic Conformal intelligible to students and adults alike. In presenting differ- ent ways of representing land areas, the poster also addresses how differ- ent modes of representation color our perceptions of geography. Technical details and scientific jar- gon have been handled in a creative fashion that makes the subject appealing and accessible without trivializing its importance. Credits Department of the Interior, Geological Survey, National Mapping Division, Reston, VA Chaparos Productions, Washington, DC nss t"**^ M *» ~ v « ? 8 122 m 0 4 "C! 4 y$2 '£ i • ?» 7* V ATLAS OF EASTERN EUROPE In this time of dramatic change and on-going political evolution in Eastern Europe, the need for a concise and up-to-date reference atlas has rarely been more acute. Responding to this need, the Central Intelligence Agency produced a rich compendium of relevant data profiling the component states of Eastern Europe. In content and design, this atlas sets new standards for cartography. As a result of close collaboration between the graphic designer and seven cartographers, large amounts of data, a variety of graphic ele- ments, and the specific cartographic requirements of the map makers are accommodated in a design that is clear and easy to read. The production team employed a number of highly innovative pub- lishing strategies. All of the page spreads and map elements were developed on-line, enabling the charts and the majority of the line art for the maps to be generated electronically using available soft- ware. The system also ensured absolute consistency in the position- ing of each graphic element, even though as many as three cartogra- phers were involved in the produc- tion of a given page. Master layout grids were developed to accommo- date the wide variety of visual and descriptive material included on each page. Encompassing the geography, demography, economy, and histori- cal boundaries of the region, along with factors such as energy and pollution, the atlas provides a valu- able and informative overview of the dynamics at work in the region in a visually compelling format. Credit Central Intelligence Agency, Cartography, Design & Publishing Group, Washington, DC 47 Graphic Design Rauschenberg Overseas Cultural Interchange Catalogue This catalogue documents an exhi- bition that represents the culmina- tion of six years of international travel by artist Robert Rauschenberg as part of the Rauschenberg Over- seas Cultural Interchange (ROCI). The artist's intention was to contrib- ute to world peace and understand- ing through the universal language of art. To that end, Mr. Rauschen- berg visited eleven countries where he explored their cities and country- sides, gathering images and materi- als while exchanging ideas with other artists and craftspeople. The artist drew on his experiences and impressions of each stop to create works of art inspired by their distinct characteristics. While the ROCI catalogue is first and foremost a document of the exhibition and a showcase for Rauschenberg's latest work, it also serves to disseminate the artist's vision of cross-cultural understand- ing by making this project accessible to a wider audience than was -h&f-*- reached by the exhibition alone. The catalogue is marked through- out by superb typography, color reproductions of the artist's work produced to exacting standards, and evocative narrative passages written by prominent cultural figures representing countries on the ROCI itinerary. The quality that perhaps most distinguishes this catalogue from those documenting other exhibitions is the presence of the voice and vision of the artist on every page. This resulted from the on-going collaboration between the artist and the catalogue's designer, editor, exhibition curator and the artist's representatives throughout the production of the catalogue. Credits National Gallery of Art, Editors Office, Washington, DC Robert Rauschenberg, Captiva Island, FL Sequoia and Kings Canyon Road Character Guidelines Our national parks, often thought of as pristine wilderness, are actually the products of design. To accom- modate the influx of visitors into these wild preserves, an infrastruc- ture of roads, visitor's centers, and signage has to be developed to ease movement through the parks while preventing damage to the wilderness areas. Every park has its own distinct character, and each and every man- made element introduced into the park needs to be in keeping with that character. The Road Character Guidelines book is part of a series of docu- ments developed by the National Park Service to guide the future design of the Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks. The book provides construction guidelines according to the principles of rustic design, which were used in the early years of the parks' development. As virtually every road and major developed area will be redeveloped over the next 20 years, these guide- lines will be of enormous help in maintaining a harmonious and unified character throughout the course of the renovations. ROAD CM \K "kCTER GU1DI I l\l S SI QUO! \ & KINGS i. Wu>\ nationa] Parks 48 Publishing Consultant Program #" I ! i In format, the guidelines are coherent and well-organized. In concept, layout and execution, the book has a "rustic" quality that sparks our image of national parks. Palatino typeface, a speckletone cover and glue binding with taped edge are used, and each book is printed on recycled paper to demon- strate concern for natural resources and draw parallels between the book and the trees that the parks were established to protect. These guidelines to mastering principles of rustic design are a model to be emulated in other parks. Several park managers are considering using the book to direct their own infrastructure redevelop- ment programs and have used it in design training sessions as the basis for establishing other park-related design guidelines. Credits Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Denver Service Center, Lakewood, CO Corson Design, San Francisco, CA The General Accounting Office publishes hundreds of documents and reports each year that are used by elected officials and public employees to help formulate govern- ment policy. Acknowledging that even the best information is useless if not clearly organized and pre- sented, the GAO initiated a new program in its publishing depart- ment to foster consistent standards of graphic excellence in its printed products. Using in-house staff, the GAO first developed its own graphic- standards software that is accessible to everyone and dramatically simpli- fies the steps required to include charts and graphs in texts. Then, it physically and organizationally placed the agency's design profes- sionals among the authors of the GAO reports. Since the program's inception, the ability of the GAO authors to use visuals effectively and appropriately in their reports has increased, production has been streamlined and publishing costs reduced. Non-standard visuals have all but disappeared, providing a consistent identity for the agency. In practical terms, creating one graph before the implementation of the program cost either 1-2 hours of in-house production time or a minimum of $125 in outside vendor service. Now, that same graph can be generated in-house in less than fifteen minutes at any PC worksta- tion. Because designers now work among the authors, problems can be identified and corrected at the outset instead of at the last minute, and authors have come to better understand the design process and the appropriate use of illustrative devices. Under the Publishing Consultant Program, some 80 percent of the GAO's production requirements are met through its automated software, freeing up its graphic designers for thornier design problems and spe- cial projects. But the tangible success of this program lies in its published products — which are now clearer, more persuasive and easier to read. Credit General Accounting Office, Office of Information Management & Communications, Washington, DC 49 Graphic Design Ellis Island Immigration Museum Exhibits Ellis Island holds a special place in the collective minds of Americans, both as a historic site and as a na- tional symbol. More than 100 million Americans can trace their ancestors to immigrants who entered a new life in the United States from this island. The comprehensive design of the Ellis Island Immigration Museum Exhibits reflects the island's impor- tance and provides a link with a significant portion of the American populace. The exhibits document not only the story of those who journeyed to America in search of a new life but also the odyssey of the island itself, from bustling center to abandoned shell and, finally, to a restored museum. Notable for their historical and scholarly accuracy in depicting the lives of those who passed through the island, the exhibits are Credits Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Harpers Ferry Center, Harpers Ferry, VA, and Statue of Liberty National Monument, New York, NY MetaForm Incorporated, New York, NY composed of historical photographs, the words of the immigrants them- selves, and an extraordinary array of their personal possessions donated to the museum by their descendants to evoke these experi- ences. The result is a museum that speaks through the voice of its sub- jects with a spontaneity and vitality that reflects the building's original purpose even as it expands the story beyond Ellis Island to include the transformation of America. Public participation was the definitive element in forming the design of the exhibits. The response from immigrants and their descen- dants to a national appeal for arti- facts associated with Ellis Island snowballed into a unique form of widespread involvement in the project and ultimately shaped the character of several of the exhibits. By any measure, the Ellis Island Immigration Museum Exhibits have been an enormous success, becom- ing the second most popular tourist attraction in the United States, with more than a million visitors during the first eight months of operation. 50 "Windows Through Time' Exhibit Always looked through but often overlooked themselves, windows are an architectural feature as important to historic buildings as are their facades, porticoes and cornices. Changes in the appearance and construction of American windows over the past three centuries encap- sulate the history of technological innovation and the evolution of architectural design during this time. Yet despite the amount of historical significance vested in windows, historic windows have been sacri- ficed at an alarming rate since the energy crisis of the 1970s, which spurred a movement for their replacement. Concerned with the conse- quences of wholesale, insensitive replacement of original windows in historic buildings, the National Park Service launched a series of initia- tives to promote public appreciation of these cultural resources and en- courage appropriate steps that will allow their preservation. "Windows Through Time" is a traveling exhibit that presents 25 windows and 30 related objects as the conscious products of design. Dating from the 1630s through the 1930s, each window is carefully described along with its history and the technology employed to create it. Because of high costs and logisti- cal constraints, large architectural exhibits rarely travel to the extent that "Windows Through Time" has; it has been viewed by more than 50,000 people in four Northeastern cities. The innovative design of "Windows Through Time" consists of off-the-shelf scaffolding that al- lows the objects to be displayed — many of the windows are too heavy to be wall mounted — while at the same time evoking a sense of con- struction and preservation issues related to their installation. Credits Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Mid-Atlantic Regional Office, Philadelphia, PA, and Preservation Assistance Division, Washington, DC Carol Gerson Design, Washington, DC Berg Design, Albany, NY Harbrook, Albany, NY Jan Hird Pokorny, Architects and Planners, New York, NY Historic Preservation Foundation, Washington, DC 51 Graphic Design U.S. Information Agency International Exhibits 1987-1990 The U.S. Information Agency (USIA) has consistently employed good design as a tool in fostering cultural exchange and communication in its traveling exhibits and collateral materials. These exhibits, which travel to many foreign countries, help promote awareness of Ameri- can society and its values and forge paths of understanding often in places where information about America and its people and culture is lacking. The USIA Exhibits Service has a strong track record of creating lively and informative exhibits that achieve the highest possible aesthetic and intellectual results at minimum cost. The USIA has employed design productively in both the graphic design of its exhibits and in their physical configuration. For the agency's large-scale multimedia displays, in-house staff develop presentation concepts assisted by i o '. iV vmrnxbc >ixrxiwr *i rm i in a panel of outside design profes- sionals from relevant disciplines. The staff then review the portfolios submitted by a number of design firms to select the team that best combines technical and aesthetic expertise with cost efficiency. Recently, the Exhibits Service also developed a new series of displays to meet the growing need for small, low budget exhibits that typically travel to posts where the technical support staff is inadequate to mount a larger, multi-media show. These small-scale exhibits have been designed to be lightweight, durable and low-maintenance structures that require no special knowledge of equipment to assemble and display. Recently mounted exhibits attest to the scope and vitality of its offer- ings. Shows such as "Design USA," "Creative Computers," "Farming for the Future" and "Sport and Its Science" have drawn tremendous audiences worldwide. "Design USA, which traveled to eight cities throughout the former Soviet Union, was viewed by 250,000 visitors at one stop alone. The designs of the USIA's Exhibits Service are to be commended for their content and presentation of America to the peoples of the world. Credit U.S. Information Agency, Exhibits Service, Washington, DC 52 Escondido Civic Center Signage and Graphics Program In 1984, the Design Arts Program of the National Endowment for the Arts provided funding for a design competition to create a master plan for a new civic center in Escondido, California. The competition process that led to an appropriate design for the civic center buildings was also used to select a firm to develop a signage and graphics system for the center. By turning to the competi- tion process, the city and its residents sought a visual communications program in harmony with its archi- tecture. The resulting program for Escondido Civic Center's signage and graphics stands out in contrast to the ineffectual, insensitive and visually intrusive graphics that result from a piecemeal approach. The program, which includes all aspects of public signage from outdoor signs and door plaques to wayfinding maps and informational signage, is notable not only for its compre- hensive integration of graphics and signage, but also for its appro- priateness and elegance. The designers have carefully considered the effect that the signage will have on the civic center's architecture, in terms of scale and visual impact. Where appropriate, signs have been made to be subtle, yet legible, often with graphic elements that highlight predominant features of the archi- tecture. The taste and discretion exercised in designing and imple- menting this signage program re- sults in a system that achieves clarity and impact without overstatement. While laudable on aesthetic terms, this signage program also dispatches its responsibility with great success. Any signage system must first and foremost make a place intelligible to the user, and the Escondido Civic Center has, by force of this signage program, been made highly accessible to the public. Credits National Endowment for the Arts, Design Arts Program, Washington, DC City of Escondido, Escondido, CA Nicholson Design, Encinitas, CA 53 Landscape Architecture Charleston Waterfront Park Massachusetts National Cemetery For cities that border on lakes and rivers, "redeveloping the waterfront" has become a cliche of modern urban planning, as if their develop- ment alone offers a panacea to urban blight and depressed eco- nomic vitality. Successful waterfront development, however, depends on a number of factors that include clearly articulated project goals, sensitivity to context and substantial public input. The Charleston Water- front Park, on the Cooper River in Charleston, SC, stands out as an example of what a city can do with its waterfront resources as part of a broader vision. In its simplicity, modesty and respect for its context, the Charleston Waterfront Park has successfully integrated a previously derelict waterfront with the urban fabric it borders. This was accomplished through a three-tiered design strat- egy that is the organizing principle of the park. Along the river bank is a 1,200-foot promenade, affording sweeping views of the Cooper River and historic Fort Sumter on the opposite bank. Jutting out into the river is the 400-foot-long Vendue Wharf, which terminates in a 300- foot fishing pier. These features provide for maximum access and enjoyment of the river. The next tier is a series of exten- sive open lawn areas that provide room for picnicking and other out- door activities. Last is a series of more intimate gardens and seating areas; these "outdoor rooms" recall the private gardens of Charleston's grand residences. A network of shaded walkways connects the gardens and provides a subtle tran- sition from the park areas to the downtown streets surrounding it. Credits Department of Housing & Urban Develop- ment, Columbia Office, Columbia, SC City of Charleston, Parks Department, Charleston, SC Sasaki Associates, Inc., Watettown, MA Edward Pinckney, Charleston, SC The Massachusetts National Cem- etery in Bourne represents the har- monious integration of rigid techni- cal requirements and high aesthetic standards appropriate to the final resting place of New England's dead veterans. Located on a 760- acre site on Cape Cod, the cemetery is the first regional cemetery in New England. The primary goals of the cemetery development were to pre- serve the rugged beauty of the land- scape while maximizing the number of gravesites. The design features open burial fields reminiscent of Civil War cem- eteries and typical landscape fea- tures of rural New England — mead- ows, pastures, orchards of indig- enous trees, stone walls and winding lanes. These elements serve the dual purpose of enhancing the natural beauty of the land and simplifying maintenance. Geological complica- tions at the site, such as large sub- strata boulders and soil quality inadequate to support the intended expanses of lawn, required innova- tive problem solving. Boulders that would have prevented the digging of 54 Landscape Architecture Fellowship Program gravesites were excavated and deftly employed as features of the land- scape. Instead of importing vast quantities of off-site loam to enrich the soil, a cheaper alternative was found in the residue from a local sand and gravel operation. Both of these inventive solutions helped keep the cost of the project well within its projected budget. While the planning mandate was to provide as many burial sites as possible, the design of the Mas- sachusetts National Cemetery is one of stunning natural beauty instilled with an aura of spiritual reverence. The planning and design of this project has resulted in an approach that balances optimum use of the land and respectful stewardship of its natural resources. This dignified, regionally expressive cemetery serves as a standard against which future VA cemeteries will be judged. Credits Department of Veterans Affairs, Office of Facilities, Washington, DC Carol R. Johnson & Associates, Inc., Cambridge, MA n 1 4 WP : ^K " *"^M-f"li I ? *K"' '. V ¥$ jh S Vi-'j- *y| ■ jk ': ' $ &■ « fm? ... , '!j3 ' 'fl ^ ( Jfp^ f Mi i'9 ,- _^^ Jfjj L kB^£' .:■-*„::. ■■■■':.,■ tJf'iWv 1 J^E3 The American Academy in Rome is a unique institution dedicated to enriching the quality of cultural and public life in the United States. The academy provides extraordinary opportunities for research, artistic creation and reflection for artists, designers, historians, architects and landscape architects. Founded in 1 894 and chartered by an Act of Congress in 1 905, the academy has nurtured generations of fellows, fostering an intellectual environment that allows them to explore the furthest reaches of their talent. For 25 years, the Design Arts Program of the National Endowment for the Arts — in pursuing its mission to foster design excellence — has helped fund the academy's land- scape architecture fellowships, which were established by Frederick Law Olmsted and Ferruccio Vitale in 1915. Academy fellows have had enormous impact on the urban fabric of American cities, designing some of our most widely known and best-loved monuments and parks. The Statue of Liberty Park, the mas- ter plans for the 1 933 Century of Progress and 1939 World's Fair, the landscape architecture of Colonial Williamsburg, and Pershing Park in Washington, DC, are affirmations of the lasting contribu- tions of academy alumni. The Academy's dedication to pluralism of expression is paralleled by the diversity of its fellows. Recent fellows — generally around 25 per year — range in age from 25 to 52; half are women and 13 percent are of minority heritage. From the academy's beginning, the idea of the public realm and the obligation of fellows to contribute to the beauty, quality of life, and efficiency of urban spaces has been a central goal of these fellowships. That so many of the academy's fellows have taken this philosophy to heart upon their return is a testament to this singular resource and the impact it has had on the fabric of our nation. Credits National Endowment for the Arts, Design Arts Program, Washington, DC American Academy in Rome, New York, NY 55 Landscape Architecture Weavers Bottoms Rehabilitation Historic Landscape Initiative With its recent rehabilitation of a backwater habitat on the Upper Mississippi River, the Army Corps of Engineers has developed a radically new approach to environmental design that acknowledges the river as part of a natural and changing system. The Weavers Bottoms Reha- bilitation project is part of a 40-year plan for channel maintenance dredging on the Upper Mississippi in Minnesota. The project's goals were to restore and preserve a 4,000- acre backwater lake whose fish and wildlife populations had markedly declined over the past 25 years and to provide effective, low cost, and environmentally sensitive mainte- nance of the channel. The design methodology estab- lished by the Army Corps sets a new and exemplary precedent involving extensive collaboration between the Corps, the Fish and Wildlife Service, and researchers at local institutions of higher learning. The final design drew heavily on the data collected by the universities and involved principles of ecological restoration, landscape architecture and hydraulic, coastal and founda- tions engineering. The plan called for creating two barrier islands located in the South- east section of Weaver Bottoms. These islands, art forms in them- selves, were created using computer models to develop the appropriate shapes. Their creation has signifi- cantly reduced water and sediment inflows into the backwater and annual dredging of the channel has been reduced. One of the islands was seeded with native marsh grasses and now provides a nesting ground for water fowl. The Weavers Bottoms Rehab- ilitation is being treated as an on- going research project, making changes and adjustments as data are collected on the impact of the design. It is environmental design in the truest sense — thoughtful manipulation of the environment toward a positive and environmen- tally beneficial purpose. Credits Department of Defense, U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, St. Paul, MN Upper Mississippi River Wildlife and Fish Refuge, Winona, MN McCombs, Frank, Roos Association, Plymouth, MN Calvin Fremling and Dennis N. Nielsen, Winona State University, Winona, MN David McConville and Rory Vose, St. Mary's College, Winona, MN Though it surrounds us, the Ameri- can landscape is often unrecognized as having inherent merit worthy of preservation for historic as well as environmental reasons. While pres- ervationists have shown uncommon ardor in their quest to preserve and protect buildings, only recently has attention been paid to the preserva- tion of historic American landscapes. The National Park Service is responsible for setting policy on the preservation of the significant histori- cal resources in the United States. Its Historic Landscape Initiative is now actively preserving profession- ally designed as well as urban and rural vernacular landscapes of his- toric value in addition to educating government officials, preservationists and the general public about the value of historic landscapes and providing the tools and expertise to make sound policy decisions to preserve them. Under the initiative, three major publications: How to Evaluate and Nominate Designed Historic Land- scapes, Guidelines for Evaluating and Documenting Rural Historic Landscapes, and an annotated bibliography, Preserving Historic Landscapes, have been published. These three works begin to establish 56 Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge Comprehensive Conservation Plan a crucial base of information that allows people to better assess the value of historic landscapes and take action to preserve them. The initiative also has greatly increased the amount of technical assistance and training dedicated to historic landscape preservation including four annual symposia in collabora- tion with the American Society of Landscape Architects and educa- tional sessions with the Alliance for Historic Landscape Preservation. Since the initiative began in 1987, nearly 300 historic properties with significance in landscape architecture have been listed on the National Register of Historic Places — representing a 35 percent increase in the number of nominations as well as a tremendous increase in the quality of the submissions. Credits Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Preservation Assistance Division and Interagency Resources Division, Washington, DC Land and Community Associates, Charlottesville, VA American Society of Landscape Architects, Washington, DC Alliance for Historic Landscape Preservation, Cambridge, MA The Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge Comprehensive Conservation Plan is a benchmark document in conservation and re- source management that addresses a daunting array of complex issues related to the prudent administration of 4.9 million acres of Alaska wilder- ness preserve. The Fish and Wildlife Service was charged with developing a system- atic plan to ensure the survival of the fish and wildlife populations — and their respective habitats — that make their home in this vast and forbid- ding terrain. Some 30,000 miles of Alaska coastline is home to one of the world's largest remaining sea- bird concentrations. The refuge also teems with fish, walrus, polar bears, Northern sea lions and other sea mammals. All of these creatures are part of the delicate arctic ecosystem. But the area is also home to Alaska natives whose livelihoods depend directly on the area's bounty. The purpose of this plan was to evaluate the requirements of these disparate elements and establish a set of logical controls to mitigate any adverse impact on this pristine wil- derness resource. The authors of the plan conducted field surveys of the refuge area, held meetings in 37 rural communities located within the refuge, and interviewed representa- tives from the military, local, state and federal agencies, commercial fishermen, conservationists and native corporations. The result of this hands-on approach is a useful plan that con- veys all the technical knowledge required to manage the refuge expressed in everyday language. Addressing issues such as oil and gas exploration, development, log- ging and ocean pollution, the 1 75- page manual outlines legislative initiatives needed to preserve the refuge and provides a valuable example for future regional planning efforts at all levels of government. Credits Department of the Interior, Fish & Wildlife Service, Region 7, Anchorage, AK, and Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge, Homer AK 57 Urban Design and Planning Southeast Federal Center Master Plan ? s"n' H v "> ' v HT? •yiggqctr m -j-rrrrrrr* ->-»-»»-> ':-■ Vrrrrrm-rrrrm rm simple creation of office space by assiduously avoiding the isolating effect that massive building projects can impose on the fabric of the surrounding neighborhood. The master plan calls for the area to be reintegrated into Washington's street grid in accor- dance with Pierre Charles L'Enfant's original design for the city, and further considers its effect on issues such as zoning, land-use, transpor- tation, historic preservation, commu- nity context and utilities. In its exhaustive review of the site and its singular resources, the master plan presents options for sensible and sensitive development that maintains access to the Anacostia River, allows for the creation of As the largest land developer in the nation, the General Services Administration (GSA) faces the pressing mandate of providing federal agencies with safe, healthful and environmentally sound work- places. This mandate, in conjunction with a desire to reduce federal dependence on costly leased office space in Washington, DC, gave rise to the Southeast Federal Center and its master plan. The plan calls for creating 5.5 million square feet of new and adoptively reused office space, 1 00,000 square feet of new service retail space — including a retail arcade, 89,000 square feet of "destination" retail space, 5,500 parking spaces below grade, and an integrated system of parks and promenades focusing on the site's waterfront location. The GSA master plan, however, goes beyond the 58 government-owned office space, recognizes the need for community stability and retail access, addresses the need for significant public open spaces, and preserves structures of historic significance. This approach to problem solving in urban design reinforces and upholds the view that the federal government has a positive leader- ship role to play in revitalization and redevelopment of our urban centers. Implementation of the plan will have a positive influence on the character of development in the area immedi- ately beyond the project site. Credits General Services Administration, National Capital Region, Washington, DC Keyes Condon Florance Eichbaum Esocoff King, Washington, DC Charrette Process: A Model to Enhance Design Quality Following the completion of the Southeast Federal Center Master Plan (described on page 58), the General Services Administration (GSA) held a design charrette to evaluate the master plan and gener- ate guidelines for future planning and design decisions on the project. The charrette provided a mechanism for an interdisciplinary design team to collaborate on potential solutions for difficult planning and design issues, foster new and innovative design ideas for the site, give con- sideration at the beginning of the design process to a variety factors that will influence the project's qual- ity, and establish a methodology for the planning/design process that can be applied to a wide variety of GSA projects to encourage creativity and quality. The GSA, with the assistance of the Design Arts Program of the National Endowment for the Arts and the Federal Construction Coun- cil of the National Academy of Sci- ences, assembled a charrette team representing nationwide experience and diverse design expertise. The team reviewed the master plan in detail, visited the 55-acre site and surrounding neighborhoods, and developed a series of recommenda- tions that refined the plan before a Request For Proposals (RFP) was issued to developers. The charrette addressed the master plan on three levels: broad visions of the plan, specific recommendations on visual to image, and suggestions for design implementation. The charrette report encapsulates the team's recommen- dations and documents the process, providing a guide and framework for the evaluation of subsequent projects to be accomplished by separate RFP's. The charrette — which cost less than $20,000 — is an inexpensive means of fostering excellence in federal planning and design. It has substantially improved a massive development project that will have impact on the lives of thousands of federal workers and neighborhood residents for generations to come and that will restore a forgotten neighborhood to the vibrant fabric of the nation's capital. Credit General Services Administration, National Capital Region, Washington, DC 59 Urban Design and Planning Talbot Street Historic Area Architectural Guidelines Most citizens would agree that preserving our nation's historic architecture is a worthy endeavor, but the requirements imposed by establishing historic districts can lead to confusion, non-compliance and community resentment. The Talbot Street Historic Area Architectural Guidelines are an example of how extensive community involvement can result in a framework that serves the community and its historic struc- tures now and into the future. Located on the Eastern Shore of the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland, St. Michaels is a small town that contains significant historic resources endangered by commercial growth, primarily from tourism. While the town took steps to establish a his- toric district, at the same time it acknowledged that a comprehensive set of guidelines was needed to direct the efforts of building owners, « ll II II II # - - in' - town planners and the town's Commission for Design Review. Supported by a grant from the Design Arts Program of the National Endowment for the Arts, the town government, local historical society and an outside consultant undertook the drafting of preservation guide- lines. The resulting preservation plan stands out from others in that it is specific and detailed, addressing issues related to every building in the Talbot Street district. This achieve- ment was only possible through the extensive contributions of town resi- dents and property owners and their willingness to collaborate closely with the project's design consultant. Numerous community meetings addressed resident concerns and resulted in an on-going educational process that invested new civic ap- preciation of St. Michaels' history and architectural resources. The final document is thorough and clearly presented. Community input has fostered a sense of com- munal stewardship of the historic district, and every building owner has a clear, site-specific guide to the preservation of his or her prop- erty. The guidelines are an inspiring piece of community action that ensures preservation of a town's architectural heritage while laying a course that will engender long- term economic and social benefits for its community. Credits National Endowment for the Arts, Design Arts Program, Washington, DC Ekstrom + Associates, Fargo, ND 60 Banfield Light Rail Transitway In Oregon, the Banfield Light Rail Transitway has had a profound impact on the economy and quality of life of the communities it serves because every aspect of the system was carefully considered early in the planning process. The 15-mile, 25-station transitway connects downtown Portland, East Multnomah County and the city of Gresham. The project was initiated and de- signed to exemplify the governing philosophy that underscores Oregon's approach to transporta- tion: it must contribute to economic and community development and enhance the quality of the liveable environment as well as facilitate movement and access. The Banfield project became the focus for regional development on a neighborhood-by-neighborhood basis and fully exploits the potential of light rail transit systems to stimu- late development where desirable and to pass through sensitive areas with minimal impact. The design elements of each neighborhood are captured in the stations. Light rail transit systems typically involve areas where railways, auto- mobiles and pedestrians merge, and ■'O aBB tfil the potential for conflicts and acci- dents is high. The Banfield system drew on the findings of a Downtown Pedestrian Streets Study that estab- lished how street right-of-ways would be organized to accommo- date multiple usage. The integration of the system into the existing urban fabric ensured that the rail system would not disrupt nor pose a safety concern for the communities through which it passes. Constructed for $212 million, or $13 million per mile, the Banfield Light Rail Transitway was remarkably economical for a project of this scope. Completed in 1986, the system already has exceeded projected ridership levels and has stimulated both public and private development along its corridor, resulting in a development value that is three times greater than the capital cost of the system. Credits Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration, Region 10, Seattle, WA Zimmer Gunsul Frasca Partnership, Portland, OR 61 Index of Awards by Federal Department and Agency Central Intelligence Agency Ailas of Eastern Europe, Washington, DC, p.47 Department off Agriculture Northern Crop Science Laboratory, Fargo, ND, p. 24 Farmers Home Administration *Mer Rouge Villas, Mer Rouge, LA, p. 6 Department off Defense Department of the Army Articulated Anthropometric Robot, Richland, WA, p. 42 *Bendway Weirs on the Mississippi River, St. Louis, MO, p. 72 *Blue Heron Coal Mining Camp, Big South Fork National River, KY, p. 8 Mount St. Helens Long Term Recovery Project, Mount St. Helens and vicinity, WA, p. 36 Weaver Bottoms Rehabilitation, Wabaasha County, MN, p. 56 Wilmington Harbor South Disposal Area, Wilmington, DE, p. 34 Department of the Navy Alameda Naval Aviation Depot Plating Shop, Alameda, CA, p. 35 Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base, Kings Bay, GA, p. 37 National Security Agency STU-III Program, Fort Meade, MD, p. 42 Department off Energy Articulated Anthropometric Robot, Richland, WA, p. 42 Fast Flux Test Facility, Richland, WA, p. 40 Metered Analysis for Building Operation and Maintenance, Washington, DC, p. 40 Seismic Upgrade of Building B-l 11 , Livermore, CA, p. 38 Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control Viral/Rickettsial Diseases Laboratory, Atlanta, GA, p. 38 Social Security Administration Metro West Day Care Center, Baltimore, MD, p. 43 Department of Housing and Urban Development Charleston Waterfront Park, Charleston, SC, p. 54 Frank G. Mar Community Housing Project, Oakland, CA, p. 27 Department of the Interior Fish & Wildlife Service Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge Comprehensive Conservation Plan, Coastal Alaska, p. 57 Geological Survey 'Arctic Data InterActive, Reston, VA, p. 78 Map Projections Poster, Reston, VA, p. 46 National Park Service Bicentennial Lighthouse Fund Program, Washington, DC, p. 30 Ellis Island Immigration Museum Exhibits, Ellis Island, NY, p. 50 Ellis Island Immigration Museum Restoration, Ellis Island, NY, p. 29 Historic Landscape Initiative, Washington, DC, p. 56 'Old Faithful Inn Rehabilitation, Yellowstone National Park, WY, p. 70 Sequoia and Kings Canyon Road Character Guidelines, Three Rivers, CA, p.48 "Windows Through Time" Exhibit, Washington, DC, p. 5 7 Department of Justice Bureau of Prisons Federal Correctional Institution, Sheridan, OR, p. 24 62 Department of State *EGIS Explosives Detector, Washington, DC, p. 20 Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration *EGIS Explosives Detector, Washington, DC, p. 20 Federal Highway Administration Interstate 10 Completion, Phoenix, AZ, p. 32 Roosevelt Lake Bridge, Gila County, AZ, p. 33 Second Ohio Historic Bridge Inventory, Evaluation and Preservation Plan, Columbus, OH, p. 31 South Beltline Freeway, Madison, Wl, p. 34 Varina-Enon Bridge, Richmond, VA, p. 32 Federal Railroad Administration Washington Union Station Rehabilitation, Washington, DC, p. 28 Federal Transit Administration Banfield Light Rail Transitway, Portland, OR, p. 61 Department of Veterans Affairs Hospital Building System, Nationwide, p.41 Massachusetts National Cemetery, Bourne, MA, p. 54 Environmental Protection Agency North River Water Pollution Control Plant, New York, NY, p. 25 General Accounting Office Publishing Consultant Program, Washington, DC, p. 49 General Services Administration Charrette Process: A Model to Enhance Design Quality, Washington, DC, p. 59 Southeast Federal Center Master Plan, Washington, DC, p. 58 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Space Suit Wall Sheet, Washington, DC, p. 46 Goddard Space Flight Center Spacecraft Systems Development and Integration Facility, Greenbelt, MD, p. 39 Jet Propulsion Laboratory Voyager at Neptune: 1989, Pasadena, CA, p. 45 Voyager at Neptune Poster, Pasadena, CA, p.44 National Endowment for the Arts American Academy in Rome Landscape Architecture Fellowship Program, New York, NY, p. 55 Escondido Civic Center Signage and Graphics Program, Escondido, CA, p. 53 Talbot Street Historic Area Architectural Guidelines, St. Michaels, MD, p. 60 National Gallery of Art ♦Exhibition Design 1984-1990, Washington DC, p. 16 Rauschenberg Overseas Cultural Inter- change Catalogue, Washington, DC, p. 48 Smithsonian Institution Cooper- Hewitt, National Museum of Design 'Keys and Locks in the Collection of the Cooper-Hewitt Museum, New York, NY, p.14 National Museum of American History Imperishable Beauty: Pictures Printed in Collotype Catalogue, Washington, DC, p.44 U.S. Information Agency International Exhibits 1987-1990, Worldwide, p. 52 U.S. Postal Service Post Office, Glendale Heights, IL, p.26 •Recipient of a Presidential Award for Design Excellence 63 Credits This publication was produced under a cooperative agreement between Community Ventures, Washington, DC, and the Design Arts Program of the National Endowment for the Arts. Editors: Mina Wright Berryman Thomas B. Grooms Writers: Thomas B. Grooms Nicholas Backlund Design: Cox & Associates, Inc. National Endowment for the Arts Design Arts Program, Room 627 The Nancy Hanks Center 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20506 202/682-5437 ISSN-1049-541X November 1992 Photographs: Page 6 Timothy Hursley Page 6-7 Wenzel & Associates, Architects Pages 8-9 Michael A. Hanke Page 10 Andy Beck Page 10-11 (large) Andy Beck Page 1 1 (small) National Park Service Page 1 5 (bottom) Karen Johnson Page 16-17 Kathleen Buckalew Page 24 (top) Strode/Eckert Page 24 (bottom) Tom Hlavaty Page 25 Ted Long Page 26 Barry Rustin Photography Page 28 Carol M. Highsmith Photography Page 29 (large) Sherman Morss, Jr. Page 29 (small) Peter Aaron/Esto Page 30 (large) Doug Nadeau, National Park Service Page 30 (small) Candace Clifford, National Park Service Page 32 (top) Virginia Department of Transportation Page 32-33 (bottom) ADOT/HNTB Page 33 G.C. Wangelin Page 34 (top) Wisconsin Department of Transportation Page 34-35 (bottom) Anthony Bley Page 35 Naval Aviation Depot, Alameda, CA Page 36 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District Page 37 U.S. Navy Page 38 (bottom) STV/Sanders & Thomas Page 39 STV/Sanders & Thomas Page 40 Westinghouse Hanford Company Page 41 (top & bottom right) Stone Marraccini Patterson, Architects Page 42 (top) Pacific Northwest Laboratory Page 43 (left) Pacific Northwest Laboratory Page 43 (bottom & top right) Ron Blunt Page 46 (top) Larry Chapman Page 47 (bottom) Larry Chapman Page 50 Norman McGrath, ASMP Page 51 Jack E. Boucher Page 53 Edward Gohlich Photography Page 54 (bottom-left) David Soliday Page 54-55 (bottom) Carol R. Johnson & Associates, Inc. Page 57 (top) L. Poppy Benson Page 58 (bottom) Grover E. Mouton III Page 59 (top-left) Grover E. Mouton III Page 59 (top-right) Kevin Kelly 64 ■ .i ■ i ■ •. I *■* li*^l> v"j •" '^ 1 i' r ' fi. T \.»i' fcriK *-•«_»- ^nn ■ ftfe* Lzi3--7 = 'mi Hfl H9 •OrfKBi » I ■ ■ --*. six nffSo ■ i • ■ i»* ■^H »»., ■ A •v' I ■ •» l »f, <» _ V* ■ ■I tlH - * * -■ ^ cms ■■■■■mi ■ ■ v^>,. The Presidential Design Awards are administered by the Design Arts Program of the National Endowment for the Arts. Vf£H