f UMASS/AMHERST 31EDbhDllS31.fil7 INCj 1 OIN ITAL RECORDS ^BRSI' DATE DUE UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS LIBRARY F W31W3 •S % c VITAL RECORDS OF WASHINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS, TO THE YEAR 185O0 PUBLISHED BY THE NEW-ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, AT THE CHARGE OF THE EDDY TOWN-RECORD FUND. BOSTON, MASS., 1904. ^n5 THIS publication is issued under the authority of a vote passed by the New-England Historic Genealogical Society, 6 November, 1901, as follows : Voted : That the sum of $20,000, from the bequest of the late Robert Henry Eddy, be set aside as a special fund to be called the Eddy Town-Record Fund, for the sole purpose of publishing the Vital Records of the towns of Massachusetts, and that the Council be authorized and instructed to make such arrangements as may be necessary for such publication. And the treasurer is hereby instructed to honor such drafts as shall be authorized by the Council for this purpose. Committee on Publications. C. B. TiLLINGHAST, FrANCIS EvERETT BlAKE, Charles Knowles Bolton, Don Gleason Hill, Edmund Dana Barbour. Editor. Henry Ernest Woods. Stanbope prcea p. H. GILSON COMPANY BOSTON. U.S.A. THE TOWN OF WASHINGTON, Berkshire County, was founded April 12, 1777, from the plantation called Hartwood and several contiguous grants. October 21, 1777, a part of Washington was included in the new town of Lee. March 12, 1783, a part of Washington was included in the new town of Middlefield. January 31, 1795, a part of Washington was annexed to Lenox. February 18, 1802, a part of Washington was an- nexed to Lenox. Popuh ition by Census ; 1776 (Prov.), 750; 1790 (U.S.), 588; 1800 (U.S.), 914; 1810 (U.S.). 942; 1820 (U.S.), 75°; 1830 (U.S.), 701; 1840 (U.S.), 991; 1850 (U.S.), 9S3 1 1855 (State), 1068; i860 (U.S.), 948; 1865 (State), 859; 1870 (U.S.), 694; 1875 (State), 603; 1880 (U.S.), 493; 1885 (State). 470; 1890 (U.S.). 434; 189s (State). 423; 1900 (U.S.). 377- iH'^'ll EXPLANATIONS. 1 . When places other than Washington and Massachusetts are named in the original records, they are given in the printed copy. 2. In all records the original spelling is followed. 3. The various spellings of a name should be examined, as items about the same family or individual might be found under different spellings. 4. Marriages and intentions of marriages are printed under the names of both parties, but the full information concerning each party is given only in the entry under his or her name When both the marriage and intention of marriage are recorded only the marriage record is printed ; and where a marriage appears without the intention recorded, it is designated with an asterisk. 5. Additional information which does not appear in the original text of an item, i.e., any explanation, query, inference, or difference shown in other entries of the record, is bracketed. Parentheses are used only when they occur in the original text, or to separate clauses found there — such as the birth-place of parents, in late marriage records. ABBREVIATIONS. a. — age abf. — about b. — born ch. — child chn. — children Co. — county d. — daughter ; died ; day Dea. — deacon diij>. — duplicate entry h. — husband inf. — infant int. — publishment of intention of marriage /r. — junior m. — married ; month prob. — probably rec. — recorded s. — son Sr. — senior w. — wife ; week wid. — widow widr. — widower y. — year 1st — first 2d. — second ^d. — third WASHINGTON BIRTHS. WASHINGTON BIRTHS, To THE YEAR 185O. ALLEN, George Amherst, s. John J and Maria Nov. i, 1843. Lucius Philo, Z John J. and Mana, Aug. 31, 1846. ANDERSON, Martha A., d. Francis and Lydia, Aug. 27 [i844]- ARNOLD, Josiah, s. Sylvester and Rumina, Nov i, 1821. temantha, d. Sylvester and Rumina, Feb. 10, 18x8. ASHLEY, Henriette Maria, d. Azariah and Olivia, Aug. 3-, 1790. AUSTIN, - , s. Ross and Caroline, May 22, 1843- BALLANTINE, Anne, d. Rev. W. G. and Anne, Mar. 25, 1776- William Gay, s. Rev. W. G., June 13, 1785- BARRY, Daniel, s. John and Ellen, June 16, 1849- Michael, s. John and Ellen, Mar. 4, 1847- BARTLETT, Catharine Olivia, d. Jonathan W. and Arv.Ua A., Feb. 3, 1846- BEACH, Charlotte Lucretia, d. Ransford and Mercy, May 7, Lewis Nelson, s. William and Lucy, Feb. 28 1849. Lucy Jane, d. William and ^-^yj^^^lslt^' Royal J., s. William and Lucy, May 25, 1845- BILL, Anne, d. William and Sarah, Aug. 24, i779- ■Rela s William and Sarah, Mar. 30, i777- j, Charie; Thompson, s. William and Sarah, Apr. ii, 1782. Tere s William and Sarah, Feb. 2, i7«5- Lovice, d. William and Sarah, May 7, 1774- Sally, d. William and Sarah, July 4, i77i- BIXBY (see Byxbe). 10 WASHINGTON BIRTHS. BOLLS, Rhoda, ch. Reuben and w., June 9, 1827. BREWSTER, Jasper Jr., s. Jasper and Dosia, Nov. 9, 1797. Martial, s. Dea. Jasper and Dosia, Dec. 13, 1801. Ruby [w. Jesse Ladd Jr.], July 18, 1775, i^ Lebanon, Conn. Sidney Lyman, s. Jasper and Dosia, Dec. 2, 1799. BROWN, Lucretia Orcott, d. Edward T. and Persis Sarah, May 18, 1844. BRUCE, Abner, s. Abner and Abigail, Oct. 11, 1781. Ezra, s. Abner and Abigail, Jan. 26, 1787. Rube, d. Abner and Abigail, July 14, 1784. Vine, d. Abner and Abigail, Jan. 26, 1790. BUCK, Lucy Ann, d. Jairus and Hannah, Oct. 10, 1843. BUSH, Calvin, s. Gideon and Margaret, Mar. 16, 1788. Dorcas, d. Gideon and Margaret, May 31, 1790. Gideon, s. Gideon and Margaret, July 10, 1781. Huldah, d. Gideon and Margaret, Sept. i, 1792. Kezia, d. Gideon and Margaret, Aug. 20, 1779. Levi, s. Gideon and Margaret, Jan. 12, 1786. Lydia, d. Gideon and Margaret, Nov. 17, 1783. Margaret, d. Gideon and Margaret, Feb. 15, 1773. Mary, d. Gideon and Margaret, May 9, 1775. Phineas Weller, ch. Gideon and Margaret, Aug. 20, 1795. Simeon, s. Gideon and Margaret, Aug. 28, 1777. Thankful!, ch. Gideon and Margaret, Apr. 25, 1799. BYXBE, Aney, d. Moses and Dolly, [rec. between s. b. Apr. 14, 1 79 1, and d. b. June 22, 1794]. Appleton, s. Moses and Dolly, Apr. 28, 1786. Dolly, d. Moses B. and Dolly, Sept. 15, 1781. Lucy, d. Moses and Dolly, Dec. 4, 1788. Moses Jr., s. Moses and Dolly, Jan. 30, 1784. Pelitah, s. Moses and Dolly, Apr. 14, 1791. CARR, Michael, s. Michael and Bridget, Aug. 8, 1843. CASWELL, Elizabeth M., d. George and Mary, Oct. 3, 1842. , twin s. George and Mary, Apr. 28, 1845. , twin d. George and Mary, Apr. 28, 1845. CHAFFEE, Mary Nash, d. Asa and Polly, Aug. 11, 1807. CHAMBERLIN, Jered, s. Joel and Mercy, Mar. 16, 1787. Nancy, d. Merrick and Pheba, Feb. 13, 1788. WASHINGTON BIRTHS. II CHAPEL (see Chapell, Chapil, Chappel), Afia, d. Ebenezer and Aseheth, Nov. 28, 1797. Albert, s. Eli and Mary, May 5, 1844. Almon, s. Thomas and Minervy, June 24, 18 15. Bering, s. Thomas and Menervey, Apr. 20, 18 17. Clarrissa Harlow, d. Eben[eze]r and Aseneth, May 22, 1801. Ebenezer, s. Joseph and Patiance, Sept. 8, 1776. Edwin, s. Eli and Mary, May 2, 1842. Elisabeth, d. Joseph and Patience, Apr. 10, 1783. Isaac, ch. James (Cappel), July 3, 1805. Isaac Henry, s. Anson and Mary, Nov. 11, 1845. Jabez, s. Joseph and Patience, Mar. 10, 1781. Jonathan, s. Joseph and Patiance, Feb. 10, 1775. Joseph Jr., s. Joseph (Chaple) and Patience, Nov. 16, 1793. Katherine, d. Joseph and Patience, Mar. 24, 1785. Nelson, s. Joseph and Paitence, May 13, 1799. Olive Zeruah, d. Anson and Mary, Oct. 15, 1844. Orpha, ch. Thomas and Minervy, Oct. 20, 18 19. Peter, s. Joseph and Patience, July 2, 1789. Sarah, d. Joseph and Patience, Aug. 9, 1791. Thomas, s. Joseph and Patience, Nov. 24, 1786. Turner, s. Joseph and Patience, Nov. 28, 1778. Zebina Alonzo, s. Calvin and Ruth, Mar. 9, 1845. , s. Eli and Mary, May 10, 1843. CHAPELL (see Chapel, Chapil, Chappel), Bearing, s. Thomas and Manerva, [rec. between ch. b. Oct. 20, 1819, and ch. b. June i, 1823]. Turner, ch. Thomas and. Manerva, June i, 1823. CHAPIL (see Chapel, Chapell, Chappel), Calvin, ch. Ebenezar, Mar. 3, 1804. Daniel, ch. Ebenezar, Dec. 23, 18 15. Deodatus, ch. Ebenezar, Sept. 29, 1827. Lucy D., ch. Ebenezar, Feb. 16, 1808. Phebe P., ch. Ebenezar, June 10, 1820. Sarah S., ch. Calvin, Dec. 15, 1831. CHAPPEL (see Chapel, Chapell, Chapil), Elizabeth, ch. James (Cappel), July 9, 1803. CHILDS, Henry Chapell, ch. Isaac and Lois, July 26, 1822. Sally, d. Isaac and Lois, Sept. 21, 181 7. Turner C., ch. Isaac and Lois, July 13, 1820. 12 WASHINGTON BIRTHS. CHURCH, Alfred Andrew, s. Aseph and Lusetta, Dec. 4, 1844. Mary Ann, d. Aseph and Lusetta, June 5, 1847. , d. Aseph and Lucetta, Aug. 9, 1842. CLARK, Alanson, s. Hubbard and Lois, July 10, 1799. Amanda Thompson, d. Silas W. and Louisa E., Aug. 9, 1847. Celia Margerett, d. Henry W. and Mary, Aug. 17, 1847. Cyntha, d. Amos, Sept. 9, 1802. Diadema, d. Hubbard and Lois, Oct. 7, 1800. Edwin Hasting, ch. Alpheus, June 4, 1832. Elijah, s. Hubbert and Lois, Oct. 5, 1805. Evaline K., d. Silas W. and Louisa, Nov. 16, 1844. George Walter, s. Henry W. and Mary, Mar. 10, 1845. Hannah Williams, d. Elisha, Aug. 11, 1805. James Alpheus, ch. Alpheus, Dec. 2, 1827. Levi Augustus, ch. Alpheus, Nov. 25, 1829. Lucy, d. Hubbard and Lois, Jan. 8, 1802. Martha, d. Nathan and Mary Ann, Sept. 16, 1849. Mary Ann, d. Henry W. and Mary, June 22, 1843. Nancy, d. Amos and Mercy, Aug. 6, 1796. Orrilla, d. Amos and Mercy, July 31, 1798. Sally Maria, ch. Alpheus, Jan. 30, 1834. COATS, Louisa, d. Charles and Samantha, July i, 1847. CODDING, Betey, ch. Cobb, Jan. i, 1802. Ephraim, ch. Cobb, Feb. 20, 1800. Marcy, [twin] ch. Cobb, Sept. 18, 1796. Martha, [twin] ch. Cobb, Sept. 18, 1796. Samuel, ch. Cobb, July 23, 1798. Zilpha Jane, d. Hosea and Cynthia, Oct. 12, 1844. COLLINS, Jane, d. Squire and Sarah, June 15, 1842. Jeremiah, s. Jeremah and Johanna, Irish, Jan. 31, 1848. Michael, s. Patrick and Betsey, July 4, 1846. CONGDON, Betsey Louisa, d. Henry C. and Harriet, Feb. 22, 1845- Josephine, d. Henry C. and Harriet, Dec. 26, 1847. W[illia]m Henry, s. Henry C. and Harriet, Sept. 24, 1849. , d. Henry C. and Harriet, Aug. 24, 1846. COOK, Anne, d. Timothy and Chloe, July 9, 1782. Eunice [ch. Timothy and Chloe], Sept. 27, 1793. Oriel [ch. Timothy and Chloe], June 14, 1791. Roswell [ch. Timothy and Chloe], May 28, 1789. WASHINGTON BIRTHS. I 3 Cook, Ruby [ch. Timothy and Chloe], Nov. 4, 1796. Thomas [ch. Thnothy and Chloe], Sept. 7, 1786. Timothy Jr. [ch. Timothy and Chloe], June 13, 1784. COREY, Ellen Olivet, d. Clark and Olivet, Nov. 17, 1843. CORSON, W[illia]m Edward, s. William J. and Aurora M., July 24, 1846. CRANE, Delia Maria, d. John M. and Mary C, May i, 1849. Eunice, d. Elijah and Sarah, Nov. 23, 1780. George Pease, s. George and Amanda, Dec. 16, 1842 Joel, s. Elijah and Sarah, Feb. 17, 17 79 ^^'^' see Lois]. John Wright, s. John M. and Mary C, May 23, 1848. Lois, d. Elijah and Sarah, Mar. 22, 1779 \_stc, see Joel]. CRANSTON, , d. Henry and Orrinda, Mar. 12 [1846]. CROSIER, Charles A., s. Charles and Betsey, Apr. 24, 1846. George Wesley, s. Charles and Betsey, Oct. 11, 1848. Jane, d. Charles and Elisabeth, Jan. 26, 1844. CROSS, W[illia]m J., s. W[illia]m S., July 13, 1843. CUMMINS, Hannah, twin ch. Lawrene and Bridget, Irish, Feb. 18, 1847. . , T. ^ o o Honora, twin ch. Lawrene and Bridget, Irish, Feb. 18, 1847- CURTIS, Idella Maria, d. Chester and Aurelia, Sept. 15, 1849- DEMING, Cephas Ames, ch. Absolom and Sarah, Apr. 8, 1809. Clarissa, ch. Absolom and Sarah, Jan. 17, 1808. Friend Absolom, s. Absolom and Sarah, May 4, 1813. Gideon Young, s. Absolom and Sarah, Mar. 19, 1806. Harriot Maria, d. A[bsolom] and S[ally], Mar. 3, 18 18. Henry Addison, ch. Absolom and Sally, • [rec. after d. b. Mar. 3, 18 18]. Lorenzo Jarvis, ch. Absolom and Sally, [rec. after d. b. Mar. 3, 1818]. Orpah, d. Gideon and Deborah, Nov. 9, 1794- Ransom Lucien, ch. Absolom and Sarah, July 29, 181 1. Sally Morgiana, d. Absolom and Sally, Jan. 16, 18 16. DIBBLE, Franklin Edward, s. Seymour and Clarissa, June 12, 1846. Sarah Adeline, d. Seymour and Clarissa, July 14, 1844. DILLEN, Bridget, d. Robert and Rovilla, Feb. 10, 1846. 14 WASHINGTON BIRTHS. DOLAN) John, s. John and Catharine, Feb. 13, 1844. DONOVAN (see Dunaven, Duneven). DRISCOL, Anna, d. Timothy and Juda, Irish, May 24, 1847. Catharine, d. Timothy and Juda, Dec. 14, 1845. DUNAVEN (see Duneven), Charles Edwin, s. William and Sophia, June 17, 1845. DUNEVEN (see Dunaven), George Franklin, s. William and Sophia, Sept. 20, 1848. DUNHAM, Adalaid Louisa [dup. Adilade L.], ch. Darius W. and Cynthia, Nov. 18, 1842. Corrinthia Julia, ch. Darius W. and Cynthia, Oct. 12, 1839. Isaiah Holbrook, ch. Darius W. and Cynthia, June 2, 1836. Jasper Taylor, s. Darius W. and Cynthia, Apr. 7, 1847. Saluta Malissa, ch. Darius W. and Cynthia, Dec. 29, 1837. DYER, Martin, s. John and Hannah, Jan. 16, 1844. EAMES, Alvah, s. Marck and Anne, Aug. 22, 1792. Daniel, s. Mark and Anna, Feb. 28, 1787. George Dwight, s. Philip and Hannah H., Apr. 19, 1843. Medad, s. Mark and Anne, July 6, 1789. Robert, s. Marke and Anne, Sept. 27, 1794. , s. Philip and Hannah H., Dec. 24, 1845. ELLIS, Martha Maria, d. Servius T. and Elizabeth, Oct. 21, 1843. FALVEY, Catharine, d. Dennis and Catharine, Aug. 14, 1846. Honora, d. Dennis and Catharine, Dec. 15, 1848. Jeremiah, s. Dennis and Catharine, Irish, May 15, 1844. FILLEY, Julia Augusta, d. Leander J. and Julia A., Mar. 5, 1849. FOX, Amanda Matilda [ch. Abraham and Esther], Nov. 26, 1807. Flavel [ch. Abraham and Esther], Mar. i, 1806. May Ann, d. Peter and Bridget, May 3, 1845. Oliver, s. Abraham and Esther, Nov. 9, 1804. Terzah Elmira [ch. Abraham and Esther], Aug. 30, 1809. FRANKLIN, Dorcas, d. Dean and Electa, Oct. 28, 1795. Electa, d. Dean and Electa, May 5, 1794. WASHINGTON BIRTHS. I 5 FRENCH, Allen Russel, s. Allen C. and Nancy, Aug. ii, 1842. Franklin Orramel, s. Azel, Mar. 30, 18 14. Oliver, s. Allen C. and Nancy, Sept. 17, 1847. , s. William and Mary R., Apr. 28, 1843. , s. Allen C. and Nancy, Mar. 4, 1844. , s. Alvin and Catharine, Apr. 15, 1844. , ch. William and Mary E., Sept. 25, 1844. FROST, Charlottee, d. Appollas and Abigal, Mar. 20, 1798. Mary, d. Appollas and Abagail, July 10, 1803. Sarah, d. Appollas and Abagail, Dec. — , 1800. Walter, s. Appollas and Abigal, Nov. 21, 1795. FULLER, Edson W., s. Waldow C. and Jane C, Sept. 14, 1849. GARVEY, Bridget, d. James and Mary, Mar. 12, 1849. Catharine, d. James and Mary, Irish, Apr. 2, 1845. Joanna, d. James and Mary, Jan. 25, 1847. GEER, Arabella, d. David H. and Emily, Mar. 10, 1848. Charles Wesley, s. David H. and Emily, Oct. 20, 1849. Edward, s. John and Lois, Feb. 7, 1843. GOODBO, Peter, s. John and Veloria, Apr. 29, 1849. HATHAWAY, Ann Maria, d. Charles and Mary Ann, June 17, 1847. William Henry, s. Charles and Mary Ann, Dec. 11, 1842. HENRY, Anne Osborne, d. Simon and Rhoda, Mar. 26, 1800. Calvin Parsons, ch. Simon and Rhoda, Mar. 24, 1807. John, s. Simon and Rhoda, Sept. 29, 1796. Mary, d. Simon and Rhoda, Jan. 9, 1802. Milo, s. Simon and Rhoda, Mar. 9, 18 10. Orrin, s. Simon and Rhoda, Oct. 17, 1792. Rhoda, d. Simon and Rhoda, June 30, 1798. Simon Nelson, s. Simon and Rhoda, July 27, 1803. William, ch. Simon and Rhoda, Nov. 3, 1794. HERRICK, Mary Emila, d. Osmund and Rhoda, May 16, 1845. HIGGINS, Arnold, s. Asahel P. and Lydia, Nov. i, 1847. Jane Elizabeth, d. Ira and Patty, June 23, 1848. Mary Lucinda, d. Ira and Patta, June 26, 1845. HOLMES, Louisa Adaline, d. Isaac Jr. and Amanda, Nov. 16, 1842. 1 6 WASHINGTON BIRTHS. HUNTLEY, Amos, s. Amos and Lois, Nov. 12, 1779. Anne, [twin] d. Amos and Lois, July 4, 1793. Elisha, s. Amos and Lois, May 6, 1781. Ezekiel, s. Amos and Lois, Jan. 3, 1785. Hiram, s. Amos and Lois, Dec. 18, 1803. James, [twin] s. Amos and Lois, July 4, 1793. Lois, ch. Amos and Lois, June 2, 1786. Lucy, d. Amos and Lois, May 11, 1799. Lydia, d. Amos and Lois, Dec. 27, 1777. Orange, [twin] s. Amos and Lois, May 19, 1796. Orin, [twin] s. Amos and Lois, May 19, 1796. Silvia, ch. Amos and Lois, July 31, 1791. Sybil, d. Amos and Lois, June 3, 1789. William, s. Amos and Lois, Sept. 25, 1783. INGERSOL, Mary Jane, d. Frederick and Haraiet, Oct. i, 1844. JOHNSON, Harriet C, d. Lyman and Caroline, Oct. 31, 1842. JONES, Hannah, d. Abner, Oct. 12, 1805. Nahum, s. Abner, Mar. 17, 1808. Sophronia, d. Abner, Apr. 9, 18 10. KELLY, Margaret, d. Jeremiah and Julia, Apr. 5, 1844. KENT, John Emerson, s. John Jr. and Anna A., June 6, 1842. KIMBALL, Oliver Chapman, s. Estus and Susannah H., Nov 8, 1842. LADD, Flavia Brewster, d. Jesse and Ruby, Mar. 13, 1802. Grata Taylor, d. Jesse and Ruby, Sept. 25, 1803. Jesse Jr. [h. Ruby], May 13, 1768, in East-* , Conn. Marcia Almena, d. Jesse and Ruby, Sept. 3, 1806. Ruby Bliss [dup. omits Bliss], d. Jesse and Ruby, July 19, 1800. Sabra Eliza, d. Jesse and Ruby, Mar. 4, 1808. Silas Trumbull, s. Jesse and Ruby, Jan. 29, 18 10. , d. Jesse Jr. and Ruby, Aug. 23, 1797. LAHIE, Michael, s. David, Apr. 13, 1842 [? 1843]. LAWRENCE, Jeremiah Jr., ch. Jeremiah and Phebe, Aug. 27, 1792. Lucy, ch. Jeremiah and Phebe, Dec. 26, 1794. LEAVENS, Lucy, d. Jedediah and Patience, May 18, 1800. LLOYD, Alice Eliza, d. Artimas W. and Parthenia, Apr. 17, 1847. WASHINGTON BIRTHS. 1 7 LOVELAND, Abagail Maria, d. Cyrus Porter and Abagail of Becket, Jan. 5, 1849. LYNDS, Molley, d. Jonathan and Molley, Jan. 14, 1782. MACK) Charles Henry, s. WilHam and Corrinna, Feb. 20, 1846. Julia Eliza, d. W[illia]m and Corenna, Sept. 7, 1843. MALANY, John, s. John (Malana) and Hannah, Irish, May 29, 1847. Margeritt, d. James and Mary, Irish, June 27, 1847. MANLEY (see Manly), Frances Louisa, d. Frederick W. and Mary L., Jan. 22, 1848. Harriet L., d. Frederick W. and Mary L., Apr. 25, 1846. MANLY (see Manley), Anna Mariah Watson, d. Daniel and Matilda, Oct. 28, 1808, in Becket. Calista Alovina, d. Daniel and Matilda, Nov. 22, 182 1. Elizabeth King, d. Daniel and Matilda, Mar. 6, 1806, in Becket. Fanny Alvera, d. Daniel and Matilda, Feb. 3, 1813. Fanny Alvira, d. Daniel and Matilda, Mar. 30, 18 17. Frederick White, s. Daniel and Matilda, Sept. 2, 18 10. Harit Cornelia, d. Daniel and Matilda, Sept. 16, 1823. Marshal Demerest, s. Daniel and Matilda, Apr. 15, 18 15. Mary Louisa, d. Daniel and Matilda, Aug. 25, 18 19. MARTIN, Clark, s. Tho[ma]s and Zephzebah, Dec. 31, 1779. MAY, Laura, [twin] d. William and Esther, May 5, 1798. Loryn, [twin] s. William and Esther, May 5, 1798. Mcknight (see M'Knlght), Calvin, s. James and Mary, Sept. 5» 1783- Charles, s. John and Abigail, Jan. 10, 1783. Clary (M'Knight), d. John and Abigail, Feb. 9, 1794. George, s. James and Mary, Nov. 12, 1781. James, s. James and Mary, Aug. 16, 1787. John, s. John and Abigail, Apr. 22, 1786. Lura (M'Knight), d. John and Abigail, June 21, 1797. Orange, s. John and Abigail, June 16, 1792. Polly, d. James and Mary, July 19, 1785. Robert, s. John and Abigail, Mar. 5, 1789. Susanna, d. John and Abigail, Mar. 28, 1781. Thomas, s. Thomas and Lucretia, Dec. 30, 178 1. MERRYFIELD, Warren, s. Thomas and Roxana, Feb. 7, 18 10. William, s. Thomas and Roxana, Sept. 23, 1807. 1 8 WASHINGTON BIRTHS. MESSENGER, Caroline Lucretia, d. Curtis and Mary, Nov. 12, 1843. Emily Palmira, d. Cyrus C. and Charlotte, June 30, 1846. Harriet Frances, d. Curtis M. and Mary, Oct. 8, 1845. Martha Jane, d. Curtis M. and Mary, Aug. 3, 1848. Milon, s. Cyrus C. and Charlotte, July 7, 1848. Nathan, s. Gideon and Abigail, Nov. 9, 1776. Sarah, d. Gideon and Abigail, Sept. 21, 1774. MILLER, Alvira Jane, d. Peter and Celestia, Dec. 24, 1848. MILLIKAN, Robert, s. Alex[ander] and Hannah, Aug. 9, 1792. William E., s. Alex[and]er and Hannah, Jan. i, 1794. M'KNIGHT (see McKnight), Jaane [d. John and Abigail], Nov. 7, 1795. Oliver, s. John and Abigail, Feb. 27, 1791. MORSE, Alanzo Pardy, s. Ezekiel and Lois, Jan. 15, 18 10. Aurilla, ch. John and Joanna, Apr. 4, 1786. Charles Groverner, s. Ezekiel and Lois, May 12, 1808. Charls, ch. John and Joanna, Feb. 13, 1784. Daniel Sibley, s. Ezekiel and Lois, July 5, 1806. Enoch, ch. John and Joanna, July 27, 1775. Ezekiel, ch. John and Joanna, Feb. 15, 1782. Joanna, ch. John and Margaret, July 20, 1788. Perthema, d. John and Joanna, July 27, 1775. WilUam, ch. John and Joanna, Feb. 3, 1780. MUMFORD, Anna, d. Henry and Sarah, May 29, 1782. Dorothy, d. Henry and Sarah, Mar. 8, 1780. Elenor, d. Henry and Sarah, Feb. 18, 1785. John, s. Henry and Sarah, Aug. 23, 1778. Mary, d. Henry and Sarah, Aug. 29, 1776. Sarah, d. Henry and Sarah, Sept. 10, 1772. MURRY, Ellen, d. Patrick and Ellen of Canada, May 12, 1843. MURTER, Bridget, d. James and Mary, Irish, Oct. 5, 1844. NELSON, Maria Elizabeth, d. Lyman A. and Eleanor Maria, May 8, 1843. NICHOLS, Maria L., d. Fortunatus and Irene B., May 11, 1843. NOBLE, Arvilla B., d. John S. and Mary Ann, Dec. 18, 1843. Charles F., s. Flavins P. and Lucy, Nov. 25, 1843. Charlotte, d. Zenas and Hannah, Feb. 12, 1782. WASHINGTON BIRTHS. 1 9 Noble, Clarrey, d. Zenas and Hannah, Apr. 4, 1790. Hannah, d. Zenas and Hannah, Jan. 11, 1774. Harvy, s. Zenas and Margaret, July 4, 1792. Olive (Nobl[e]), d. Zenas and Hannah, Feb. 3, 1776. Policy, d. Zenas and Hannah, June 24, 1784. Sarah, d. Zenas and Hannah, Jan. 23, 1772. Saul, s. Zenas and Hannah, Dec. 30, 1769. Will[ia]m, s. Zenas and Hannah, Feb. 2, 1778. NORWOOD, Catharine F., d. Rev. Francis and Adaline A., Dec. 21, 1848. O'CONNELL, Mary, d. James and Mary, Aug. 22, 1845. OTIS, Mary Jane, d. Sumner and Rachel, Sept. 7, 1847. PARISH, George Washington, s. Martin C. and Caroline, Apr. 14, 1845. PEASE, Albert Leander, s. Oliver Jr. and Mercy, Dec. 19, 1844. Anna, d. Spencer and Lepha, Dec. 19, 1842. Asahel Pomeroy, s. Oliver Jr. and Mercy, Aug. 8, 1846. Charles Bolmer, s. Oliver Jr. and Mercy, Mar. 12, 1842. Charles Dwight, s. Oliver Jr. and Mercy, Oct 3, 1849. Cloe, d. Spencer and Lefa, Mar. 30, 1845. WiUiam, s. Spencer and Lefa, Apr. 23, 1848. PHELPS, Hannah, d. John and Mary, Aug. 10, 1783. John, s. John and Mary, Sept. 28, 1778. Mary, d. John and Mary, Oct. 19, 1776. Mary, d. John and Mary, Apr. 19, 1781. Ozom, s. John and Mary, Dec. 24, 1774. PITTS, Charles Henry, ch. Henry and Sophia, Oct. 16, 1812. Cynthia, d. Henry and Sophia, June 6, 1808. POMEROY, Amelia Miranda, d. Sylvester C. and Elizabeth,. July 3, 1848. Edwin Henry, s. Alanson and Anna, Oct. 16, 1844. Edwin Sumner, s. Alanson and Anna, Aug. 26, 1846. Esther Amanda, d. Joseph R. and Fanny, July 19, 1846. Henry Lewis, s. Henry and Caroline of Worthington [ ? Wash- ington], June 15, 1849. Joseph E., s. Henry and Caroline, Apr. 5 [1845]. Levi Arnold, s. Alanson and Anna, Feb. 20, 1848, 20 WASHINGTON BIRTHS. PORTER, Edward Franklin, s. Orrin S. and Mary Louisa, Dec. 13, 1849. Patience Katharine, d. Eben[eze]r Jr. and Sally, May 4, 18 18. Tiley Matilda, d. Eben[eze]r and Sally, Sept. 23, 1823. RICHARDS, Bela Crane, Mar. 27, 1795. ROBERTS, William B., s. James H. and Lovina, July 11, 1845. ROWE, Osker, s. Driden S. and Charlotte W., Dec. 30, 1844. SARGENT, Ebenezar, ch. Ebenezer, Feb. 27, 1826. James, ch. Ebenezer, Aug. 29, 18 12. Rhoda, ch. Ebenezer, June i, 18 15. SAVERY, Robert Millikan, s. Harvy and Nancy, Feb. 21, 1843. SCOTT, Anne, d. Will[ia]m and Anne, May 19, 1773. Benj[amin], s. Will[ia]m and Anne, Jan. 18, [rec. between s. b. Sept. 10, 1767, and d. b. May 19, 1773]. Gardner, s. W[illia]m and Anne, Sept. 10, 1767. Huldah, d. Will[ia]m and Anne, Feb. 17, 1775. Saly, d. Will[ia]m and Anne, May 25, 1777. Will[ia]m, s. Will[ia]m and Anne, Jan. 4, 1780. [ ? Polly], d. Will[ia]m and Anne, Dec. 7, 1770. SEAGERS, Susan Sophia, d. Henry and Ruth, Aug. 7, 1843. SEARL, Henry Sylvanus, s. Lyman E. and Elizabeth M., Oct. 18, 1847. SEDGWICK, Thomas, s. Asher and Temperance, July 11, 1803. SEELY, Meribah, d. Josephas and Clarissa, Oct. 27, 1844. SHEON, Pamelia, d. Daniel and Johanna, Dec. 2, 1848. SIBLEY, William, s. Daniel and Martha, Mar. 6, 1843. SLOAN, Dabrah, d. Norman and Sarah, June 26, 1786. George Camel, s. Norman and Sarah, June 9, 1790. Hervey, s. Norman and Sarah, Mar. 6, 1796. Isoble, d. Norman and Sarah, June 22 [20, interlined], 1794. John, s. Norman and Sarah, Aug. 27, 1781. Mary, d. Norman and Sarah, Feb. — , 1800. Norman Jr., s. Norman and Sarah, Aug. 7, 1788. Robart, s. Norman and Sarah, Jan. 9, 1784. Saley, d. Norman and Sarah, Apr. i, 1792. WASHINGTON BIRTHS. 21 SPARKS, Hannah Maria, d. Stores and Lorinda, Oct. 28, 1843. SPRAGUE, Delia Ann, d. Ira Jr. and Elisabeth, Oct. 12, 1844. Helen Maria, d. Ira Jr. and Elizabeth, Aug. 17, 1842. STEELE, John Chamberlain, s. Pitts and Lydia, Mar. 22, 1799. STICKLE, , ch. Jacob and Phebe, Apr. 26, 1843. STRETOR, Bohan Kellogg, s. Levi and Deborah, Dec. 16, 1793- Cynthia (see Synthia). Levi, s. Levi and Deborah, Sept. 7, 1796. Synthia, d. Levi and Deborah, May 21, 1799. STUMPS, Magdalene, d. Philip and Magdalene, Mar. 30, 1847. Peter, s. Philip and Magdalen, Dec. 2, 1848. THORP, Sylvester Bates, s. David A. and Dorcas, Jan. 12, 1847. TRITES, Ruth Louisa, d. Elias and Mary M., Feb. 14, 1848. TRUMBLE, Nathan Dwight, s. W[illia]m Jr. and Huldah, Sept. 3o> 1845- UTLY, Hariot, d. Ebenezer and Huldah, Jan. 4, 1801. VAN DEUSEN, Catharine S., d. Martin and Lovina, July 30, 1843. WARD, Sally, d. Charles and Alice, Mar. 20, 1781. WATKINS, Maria Louisa, d. Abel and Phebe, Jan. 16, 1847. W[iUia]m Philo, s. W[illia]m O. and Emily M., Dec. 28, 1849. WELCH, Martin, s. James and Martha, Irish, Oct. 19, 1844. Mary, d. James and Mary, Apr. 20, 1846. WELLS, Ann Clarissa, ch. Elisha A., Nov. 29, 1829. Caroline Asenath, ch. Elisha A., Dec. 28, 1831. Horace Elisha, ch. Elisha A., June 7, 1836. Lemuel Martin, ch. Elisha A., Mar. 25, 1842. Lydia Viola, ch. Elisha A., Dec. 3, 1838. Martha Eliza, ch. Elisha A., Jan. 9, 1834. WEST, Alvan Henry, s. Ashley and Maryett, Jan. 8, 1843. George Ashley, s. Ashley C. and Abigail M., June 19, 1848. WHITE, Celestia Ann, d. Caroline Chapel, Mar. 22, 1847. WHITTEKER, Susanna, d. Timothy and Charity, July 31, 1804. 22 WASHINGTON BIRTHS. WILLIAMS, Ephraim Lotan, s. Larkin and Lydia, Dec. 13, 1794. Georg Orson, s. Larkin and Lydia, Apr. 5, 1799. Hiram Shapley, s. Larkin and Lydia, Oct. 24, 1792. Larkin Alanson, s. Larkin and Lydia, Feb. 24, 1797. Lydia Messenger, d. Larkin and Lydia, Feb. i, 1802. Mary, d. Ansel H. and Amelia, Oct. 19, 1842. WING, Eleanor M., d. Milo and Martha, Nov. 29, 1847. WITTER, Albert, s. Amos and Lucy, Apr. 28, 1799. Sally Almeda, d. Amos and Lucy, May 23, 1800. WOOD, Daniel Russel, s. Daniel and Eliza, Feb. 22, 1848. WRIGHT, Hannah Laurinda, d. Caleb and Martha M., June 16, 1845. Laura A., d. Caleb and Martha M., June 8, 1847. WASHINGTON MARRIAGES. WASHINGTON MARRIAGES. To THE YEAR 185O. ABBOTT, Hannah, 27, b. Hinsdale, d. Amos and Sarah, and William Partridge, Nov. 7, 1849.=*^ ACELEY, Anna and Jonathan Isham, Dec. i, 1785.* ALESWORTH (see Ellsworth), Anthony and Molly Williamson, Apr. 27, 1786.* ALLEN (see Allin), Sena and Comfort Bruce, June 16, 1793.* ALLIN (see Allen), Mary and Abel Mattoon, Mar. 18, 1778.* Sally [int. Saly] Ann and Henry Hathaway, Jan. 19, 1832. AMES (see Eames), Levina of Dover, and Joseph Farwell, May 27, 1790, in Dover.* Mark and Anna Ashley, June 15, 1786.* ARNOLD, Anna and Levi Brown, Dec. 25, 1798.* Sylvester and Rumina Dibble, July 8, 18 14.* Timothy and Anna Williams [dup. Anne Arnold], Jan. 27, 1780.* ASHLEY, Anna and Mark Ames, June 15, 1786.* Azariah Esq. and Olivia Mosley, Oct. 15, 1789.* Marcy and Nathan Birchard, Feb. 9, 1792.* Mary and John Phelps, July 27, 1774. Miranda and Bille Messenger, July 8, 1779. ATWOOD, Lewis and Amy M. Ormsbury, int. Nov. 30, 1837. BABCOCK, Jonas and Elizabeth Chester, Oct. 24, 1792.* BACKUS, Maria and Amos Porter, May 5, 1785.* BACON, Cloe and Lot Bacon, Jan. 29, 1786.* Electa and Isaac Palmer, Feb. 27, 1783.* Lot and Cloe Bacon, Jan. 29, 1786.* • Intention not recorded. 25 26 WASHINGTON MARRIAGES. BAKER, Aaron and Miriam Church, June 4, 1795.* ApoUos and Lucy Church, May 31, 1792.* BALLANTINE, Nancy and Rev. Isaiah Waters, Mar. 6, 1799.* BALLOU (see Below). BARN (see Barnes, Barns), Wright and Cynthia M. Pitt, int. Mar. 30, 1833. BARNAM (see Barnum), Samuel C. R. [int. Barnum] and Sally [int. Saly] Pease, Apr. — , 1831. BARNES (see Barn, Barns), Electa and Alson Bill, Oct. 11, 1823.=* Moses and Rachel Hoskins, Nov. 20, 1792.* BARNS (see Barn, Barnes), Almon and Mary Whittamore, Jan. 19, 1826. Sumner of Becket, and Persis [int. Perces] Kent, Mar. 24, 1825. BARNUM (see Barnam), Eli T. and Elizabeth Chapel, int. Mar. 8, 1829. BARRET (see Barrett, Barrit), David and Thankfull Hall, Apr. 15, 1801.* BARRETT (see Barret, Barrit), Thomas P. of Hinsdale, and Lucy Spencer, int. Apr. 8, 1826. BARRIT (see Barret, Barrett), Jemima and Abiathar Richmond, May 3, 1787.* BARTLET, Polly and Jehiel Daniels, Feb. 27, 1806.* BASSETT, Benjamin and Hannah Croel, July 26, 18 14.* BEACH, Rachel and Sumner Otis, Nov. 24, 18 41. Ransford [dup. Rainsford, int. Reinsford], widr. [dup. and int. omit widr.], and Mercy [dup. Mircy] Carter, wid. [dup. and int. Mrs., omit wid.], July 31, 1843. BEARD, Clarissa H. of Becket, and Samuel Bell, int. Jan. 21, 1825. Susanna [dup. Susannah] and John [dup. " Jn° "] Wade, Dec. 4, 1774.* BELL, Charles of Middlefield, and Almena Kent, int. Feb. i, 1838. • Intention not recorded. WASHINGTON MARRIAGES. 27 Bell, Samuel and Clarissa H. Beard, int. Jan. 21, 1825. W[illia]m F. and Melissa B. Mather, int. Jan. 7, 1831. BELOW, Mikiel W. and Susanna McKnight, Nov. 29, 1804.* BEMINGTON, Eliza Ann and Ephraim Codding, int. Jan. 15, 1825. BENSON, Mary and Henry W. Clark, int. Oct. — , 1836. BILL (see Bills), Alson and Electa Barnes, Oct. 11, 1823.* Anne and Elisha Sibley, Apr. 11, 1799.* Jere and Sophia Millikan, May 19, 18 14.* Sophia and Henry Pitts, June 12, 1806. BILLINS, Dedford of Peru, and Abigail Wicks, int. Oct. 15, 1828. BILLS (see Bill), Louisa and Amos Hoskins, May 20, 1792.* BIRCHARD, Nathan and Marcy Ashley, Feb. 9, i792.=»^ BISHOP, Jefferson and Lucretia Messenger, int. Feb. 26, 1831. Polly and Calvin Holmes, int. Sept. 8, 1828. BIXBY, Moses [dup. Byxbe] and Dorithy [dup. Doritha] Witter, Dec. 28, 1780.=^ BOLLES (see Bolls), Luther and Hannah W. Holmes, int. Sept. 17, 1829. BOLLS (see Bolles), Reuben and Chapel, wid. James, * BOOTH, Dwight D. of Springfield, and Sarah M. Clark, int. Apr. 30, 1838. BOULDEREE, John and Deborah Stanley, Oct. 10, 1786.* BRADLEY, Jared and Charity Smith, Dec. 20, 1781.* Stephen and Rachel Isham, Sept. 6, 1780.* BREWSTER, Jasper of Becket, and Polley Briant, Mar. 23, 1792.'* Jasper and Theodosia Lyman, July 26 [dup. Oct. 12], 1796, in Chester.* Ruby of Lebanon, and Jesse Ladd Jr., Feb. 3, 1796.* • Intention not recorded. 28 WASHINGTON MARRIAGES. BROOKER, Clarissa and Sylvester Banks, Aug. 21, 1806.* Emeline A., d. Samuel and Polly, and Adams [int. Adam] Ham- ilton, Mar. I, 1842 or 1843 P^t. feb. 12, 1843]. Laura S., 33, d. Samuel and Polly, and James M. Chapel, Dec. 14, 1848 [int. Nov. 19, 1849, sic]. Lucy and Jacob Ensign, Feb. 23, 18 12.* Sally and Hervy Noble, Feb. 2, 18 14.* BROWN, Anne and Moses Geere, Apr. 29, 1801.* Anny, Mrs., and Rufus Thompson, int. Dec. 11, 1831. Elizabeth and Elisha Leonard, Mar. 23, 1802.* Henry of Worthington, and Fany Merifield, int. June — , 1834. Jerusha and Isaac Herrick, Dec. i, 1803.* Levi and Anna Arnold, Dec. 25, 1798.* Lucy and Dr. Vassal White, int. Sept. — , 1833. Lydia and Acil P. Higgins, int. Apr. i, 1832. BRIANT (see Bryant), Polley and Jasper Brewster, Mar. 23, 1792.* BRUCE, Abigail and Ebenezer Clark, Oct. 13, 1794* Comfort and Sena Allen, June 16, 1793.* BRYANT (see Briant), Abiah and Rufus Mattoon, Mar. 13, 1788.* Abigail and Ephraim Wing, Dec. 3, 1794.* BUSH, Levi and Laura Rice, Sept. 14, 18 14.* Margaret and Ashel Clark, Feb. 14, 1797.* CADY, Elias, b. Windsor, of Norwich [int. of Windsor], s. Chester, and Mary Elizabeth [int. Elisabeth, omits Mary] Trumble, Mar. 23, 1842 or 1843 [int. Mar. 5, 1843]. CAMPBELL, Almina H. and John Lafage, int. Sept. 18, 1828. Nathan and Mary Strait, June 25, 1798.* Roger and Lois Huntly, Apr. 27, 1806.* CARPENTER, Mannria of Lee, and John D. Trumble, May 5, 1844 [int. Apr. 20, 1845, stc\. CARTER, Mercy [dup. Mircy], wid. [dup. and int. Mrs., omit wid.], and Ransford [dup. Rainsford, int. Reinsford] Beach, widr. [dup. and int. omit widr.], July 31, 1843. CASE, Seth and Mary Miller, int. Mar. 3, 1827. * Intention not recorded. WASHINGTON MARRIAGES. 29 CHAFFE, Fanny and Simeon Chaffe, Apr. 22, 1802.* Roxana and Thomas Merryfield, Nov. 27, 1805.* Simeon and Fanny Chaffe, Apr. 22, 1802.* CHAMBERLAIN (see Chamberlin), Anson and Hannah Noble, Feb. 3, 1796.* Caty [of] Hardwick, and James Faxon, Jan. 24, 1792.* Lydia and Pitts Steele, Dec. 31, 1797.* CHAMBERLIN (see Chamberlain), Eli and Olive Noble, Feb. 25, 1801.*' Justus and Hannah West, Sept. 31 [sk], 1798.* W. Phebe and Dea. John Hall, Jan. 21, 1806.* CHANTER, Elizabeth B. of Lee, and Eurota Thorp, int. Oct. 10, 1830. CHAPEL (see Chapell, Chappel), Adelia [int. Fidelia], 23, d. Joseph, and James D. Reed, Sept. 17, 1846. Calvin and Sophia Metcalf, int. Jan. 2, 1831. Catharine and Oliver Peas, Sept. 9, 1804.* Eli and Mary Patridge, int. Nov. 12, 1838. Eliza, d. Peter, and Nelson L. Stewart, Nov. 21, 1843 or 1844 [int. Oct. 29, 1843]. Elizabeth and Eli T. Barnum, int. Mar. 8, 1829. Fidelia (see Adelia). Isaac and Lydia Codding, int. Oct. 13, 1827. James M., 32, s. Peter and Rhoda, and Laura S. Brooker, Dec. 14, 1848 [int. Nov. 19, 1849, sic]. Jonathan and Martha Congdon, June i, 1800.* Lucy D. and Benjamin Tooly, int. Jan. 2, 183 1. Nelson and Jerusha French, int. Apr. 24, 1830. Nelson, widr., 40, s. Jonathan and Polly, and Almira Winchell, Dec. 2, 1849.* Oliver P. and Amanda Spring, int. June 17, 1826. Rachel, 22, d. Peter, and Francis W. Joy, May 21, 1844 [int. May 4, 1845, ^^^]- Turner and Zerua Holmes, Oct. 28, 1800.* , wid. James, and Reuben Bolls, .* CHAPELL (see Chapel, Chappel), Ebenezer and Asenath Miller, Feb. 11, 1799.* Richard and Hannah Richmond, wid., Sept. 31 [sic], 1798.* CHAPLIN, Joseph and Abigail Messenger [dup. Abigal Mes- singer], Dec. 21, 1780.* * Intention not recorded. 30 WASHINGTON MARRIAGES. CHAPPEL (see Chapel, Chapell), Loruhamah [dup. Chapel] and William Goodspeed [dup. Goodspeede] Jr., Jan. 3, 1799, in Lenox.* CHESTER, Elizabeth and Jonas Babcock, Oct. 24, 1792.* CHILDS, Isaac and Loas Holme, Oct. 4, 18 16.* CHURCH, Lucy and Apollos Baker, May 31, 1792.* Miriam and Aaron Baker, June 4, 1795.''^ CHURCHILL, Lucy S. of Chester, and Lyman Johnson, int. Sept. 16, 1849. CLAPP, Dorothy of Southampton, and John Millikan, int. Dec. 28, 1827. Emily S., 23, d. Sylvester and Silence, and David C. Ingols, July 26, 1849. Mercy D. and Oliver Pease Jr., int. Dec. 23, 1837. CLARK (see Clarke), Amos and Marcy Kilbourn, Nov. 19, Ashel and Margaret Bush, Feb. 14, 1797.* Augustus and Marian Millikan, Dec. 20, 1792.* Ebenezer and Abigail Bruce, Oct. 13, 1794.* Henry W. and Mary Benson, int. Oct. — , 1836. Hubbard and Lois , Oct. 31, 1798.* Mary Ann and Charle Hathaway, int. Oct. 16, 1836. Moses of Healey, and Rachel Sikes, , 1816."* Nathan, s. Silas, and Mary Ann Corey, Apr. 19, 1848. Orlander B., 25, of Pittsfield, s. Elisha, and Amanda Wright, Apr. II, 1848. Percy and Henry King, Jan. i, 1795-* Sarah M. and Dwight D. Booth, int. Apr. 30, 1838. Silas, Capt., and Sally King, Apr. 24, 1806.* Silas W., s. Silas, and Louisa E. Thompson, Apr. 13, 1842 or 1843 [int. Mar. 18, 1843]. Susanna [dup. of Becket] and George Smith, Nov. 25 [dup. Nov. 23], 1796.* Zenas [and] Bethiah Williams, Oct. 28, 1801.* CLARKE (see Clark), Alpheus and Elizabeth Sargear, int Jan. 7, 1827. CODDING, Achsah and Peter French, int. June 6, 1838. Betey, wid., and Joseph Porter, int. Jan. i, 183 1. • Intention not recorded. WASHINGTON MARRIAGES. 3 I Codding, Betsy and Peter French, int. Apr. 4, 1835. Ephraim and Eliza Ann Bemington, int. Jan. 15, 1825. Hosey and Cyntha Trent, int. Aug. 6, 1833. Lydia and Isaac Chapel, int. Oct. 13, 1827. Samuel and Betsey Thompson, int. Nov. i, 1824. COLLINS) Adam St. George [dup. Adams George] and Eunice Plum, Sept. 24 [dup. Sept. 25], 1775.* CONE, Amos S., 22, b. Middlefield [int. of Middlefield], s. Amos and Charlotte, and Dolly C. Millikan, Apr. 11 [1849]. CONGDON, Abigail A. and Horace H. Miller, int. Nov. 2, 1834. Christopher and Persy Sprague, Feb. 11, 18 13.* Martha and Jonathan Chapel, June i, 1800.* Rebecka [dup. Rebecca] and Jabez Cornish Jr., May 13 [dup. May 18], 1775. Rebeckah and Elijah Cornish, Jan. 31, 1796.* W[illia]m Jr. and Sally Sprague, Mar. 9, 1808.* W[illia]m and Mrs. Hannah Savery, int. July 9, 183 1. COOK, Hannah and Isaac Goodrich, Oct. 18, 1786.* Timothy and Cloa Ladd, July 19, 1781.'* COOLEY, Charles and Rhoda West, Nov. 29, 1804.* COREY (see Cory), Mary Ann, b. Hancock, d. Clark, and Nathan Clark, Apr. 19, 1848. CORNISH, Amaziah 2d and Hannah Wing, Mar. 29, 1807.* Elijah and Rebeckah Congdon, Jan. 31, 1796.* Eliz[abe]th and Chauncey Ensign [dup. Chauncy Ensigne], May 3, 1780.* Jabez Jr. and Rebecka [dup. Rebecca] Congdon, May 13 [dup. May 18], 1775.* Sarah and William Sloan, Sept. 11, 1774.* CORY (see Corey), Clark and Olivet J. [int. Olive] Herick, Dec. 8, 1831. COWLE, Phineas and Jerusha Loomis, May 27, 1784.* CRAIN (see Crane), Eunice [and] Deodatus Miller, Oct. 28, 1801.* CRANE (see Grain), George and Amanda Pease, int. Oct. 3, 1841. * Intention not recorded. 32 WASHINGTON MARRIAGES. Crane, John M. and Sarah M. Joy, int. Sept. i, 1838. John M. and Mary C. Wright, int. May 3, 1846. Polly and W[illia]m Hamilton [int. Hambilton], Oct. 11, 1832. CRAWFORD (see Crowford). CROEL, Hannah and Benjamin Bassett, July 26, 18 14.* CROSS) James N. and Jane B. Newton, int. Apr. 10, 1836. Sarah C, d. James, and Justin Furgerson [int. Fergerson], Apr. 28, 1844 [int. Mar. 16, 1845, sic]. Sherman and Susan Ferguson, int. Dec. 20, 1840. W[illia]m and Mrs, Waity Ann Swan, int. May 8, 183 1. CROWELL (see Croel). CROWFORD, Eliezer and Hannah Williamsen, Jan. 24, 1788.* DANIELS, Jehiel and Polly Bartlet, Feb. 27, 1806.=* DANKS, Sylvester and Clarissa Brooker, Aug. 21, 1806.* DEMING (see Diming), Absolom and Sally Fames, May 29, 1804.* Hariot and Mark Fames 2d, Apr. 7, 1805.''^ Orpah and Dr. Caleb Waddhams Ensign, Oct. 6, 18 13.* DIBBLE, Rumina and Sylvester Arnold, July 8, 18 14.* DIMING (see Deming), Lorenzo J. and Sarah A. Millikan, int. Mar. 17, 1844. DREGEYS [?], Rhoda of Peru, and John Miliken, int. Feb. 23, DUNWELL, Deborah and Alfred Witter, Sept. 29, 1799.* EAMES (see Ames), Anthony and Lyda Mattoon, Sept. 12, 1781.* Clarissa and W[illia]m Richards, Apr. 19, 1809.* Eliza Ann, 19, d. Robert and Sarah, and John Wesley Geer, Aug. 8, 1849.^ Henry P. and Elmira Thompson, int. Dec. 16, 1844. Laura Ann, 26, d. Alvah, and David Smith, Oct. 22, 1845. Mark 2d and Hariot Deming, Apr. 7, 1805.* Philip, Capt., and Hannah H. Missenger, int. May 11, 1828. Robert and Sarah Whittemore, int. May 16, 1830. Sally and Absolom Deming, May 29, 1804.=* * Intention not recorded. WASHINGTON MARRIAGES. 33 EASTON, Lucretia and Thomas McKnight, Apr. 24, 1781.* EGGLESTON (see Egglestone, Egleston), Darius and Mary Brown, Apr. 22, 1794-* Oliver and Cynthia Skinner, Nov. 27, 1787* EGGLESTONE (see Eggleston, Egleston), Joseph and Parly Leonard, May 27, 1807.* EGLESTON (see Eggleston, Egglestone), Mary and David Wardwell, Sept. 30, 1784.* ELLIS, Servius and Elizabeth Wott, int. Dec. 9, 1832. ELLSWORTH (see Alesworth), Rufus and Martha Williamson, wid., Dec. 23, 1784.* ENSIGN, Caleb Waddhams, Dr., and Orpah Deming, Oct. 6, 1813.* Chauncey [dup. Chauncy Ensigne] and Eliz[abe]th Cornish, May 3, 1780.* Jacob and Lucy Brooker, Feb. 23, 1812.* EVERETT, Leonard Jr. and Frances Foot, int. May 9, 1841. FARNSWORTH, Eunice and Zenas Root, Dec. 15, 1787-* FARRER, Malinda and Asa Herrick, June 2, 1824. FARWELL, Joseph and Levina Ames, May 27, 1790, in Dover.* FAXON, James and Caty Chamberlain, Jan. 24, 1792 * FERGUSON (see Furgerson), Susan of Cummington, and Sher- man Cross, int. Dec. 20, 1840. FLETCHER, Gideon and Nancy May, June 20, 1814.=* FOOT, Frances of Springfield, and Leonard Everett Jr., int. May 9, 1841. Huldah and George Sloan Jr., Apr. 16, 1775.* Lucy of Pittsfield, and Flavins P. Noble, mt. Apr. 9, 1836. Philip and Isabel Millikan, June 28, 1778.* FORD, Ichabod and Phebe Snow, wid., Dec. 30, 1813.* FOWLER, W[illia]m and Phebe M. Sibley, int. Apr. i, 1840. * Intention not recorded. 34 WASHINGTON MARRIAGES. FRANKLIN, Deane and Electa Morse, June 9, 1793.* Dorcas and Samuel Skinner, Oct. 11, 1785.* Hannah and Alexander Millikan, Jan. — , I792.'''' PoUey and Jonathan Lynde, May 22, 1781.* FRENCH, Jerusha and Nelson Chapel, int. Apr. 24, 1830. Lepha of Norfolk, Conn., and Spencer Pease, int. Dec. 20, 1840. Peter of W. Stockbridge, and Betsy Codding, int. Apr. 4, 1835. Peter of W. Stockbridge, and Achsah Codding, int. June 6, 1838. William and Mary E. Warren, Nov. 8, 1840 [int. , 1841, sic], FROST, Appollas and Abigail Lomise, Jan. i, 1795.'''' Frederick [dup. Fredriac] and Marthe [dup. Martha] Lewis, Mar. 25, 1779.* Lucy and Simes Lewis, June 24, 1779.* FURGERSON (see Ferguson), Justin [int. Fergerson] of Peru, and Sarah C. Cross, Apr. 28, 1844 [int. Mar. 16, 1845, sic]. GAM WELL, Morgan of Hinsdale, and Julia Spring, int. Nov. 4, 1826. GEER (see Geere), John Wesley, 24, b. Middlefield, s. John and Polly, and Eliza Ann Fames, Aug. 8, 1849.* Peter of Peru, and Mary [int. Polly] Kent, May 18, 1825. GEERE (see Geer), Moses and Anne Brown, Apr. 29, 1801.* GENKS, John of Chesher, and Almira Porter, int. Apr. — , 1837. GOODRICH, Isaac and Hannah Cook, Oct. 18, 1786.* GOODSPEED, Philena of Lee, and Thomas WilUams, int. Feb. 4, 1826. Rebecca and Asa Prusho, Apr. 4, 1785.* William Jr. [dup. Goodspeede] of Lenox, and Loruhamah Chap- pel [dup. Chapel], Jan. 3, 1799, in Lenox.* GRANGER, John and Sally Morse, Feb. 27, 1788.* Maryann and John S. Noble, int. May — , 1829. GREEN, Theodotia and Aranah Mattoon, Nov. 27, 18 14.* GRISWOLD, Zadock and Lucy Landers, May 8, 1786.* HALE, Mary L. of Tyringham, and Frederick W. Manley, int. Oct. 20, 1844. * Intention not recorded. WASHINGTON MARRIAGES. 35 HALL) John, Dea., and W. Phebe Chamberlin, Jan. 21, 1806.* Thankfull and David Barret, Apr. 15, 1801.* HAMBLETON (see Hamilton), Asa and Lemina Lanb [ ? Lamb], int. Oct. 23, 1831. HAMILTON (see Hambleton), Adams [int. Adam], b. Chester, of Hartford, Conn., and Emeline A. Brooker, Mar. i, 1842 or 1843 [int. Feb. 12, 1843]. David and Abigail Meachum, int. Apr. 2, 1827. James and Mary Simmons, int. Mar. 19, 1825. Mary and Dudly Tayler, June 2, 18 14.* W[illia]m [int. Hambilton] and Polly Crane, Oct. 11, 1832. HAMLIN) Clarissa and John Williams, Mar. 31, 1796.* Tempe and John Morse Jr., Mar. 14, 1799.* HARDY, Melody and Hezekiah Russ, Nov. i8, 1800.* HASKIN (see Hoskin, Hoskins), Orrin and Celestia Spelman, int. Mar. 8, 1826. HATHAWAY, Charle and Mary Ann Clark, int. Oct. 16, 1836. Henry and Sally [int. Saly] Ann Allin, Jan. 19, 1832. HAYDEN, Sarah and W[illia]m Lotson, Dec. 20, 1781.* HERICK (see Herrick), Alm[i]ra and James Sargent 2d, int. Mar. — , 1834. Olivet J. [int. Olive] and Clark Cory, Dec. 8, 183 1. HERRICK (see Herick), Agustus W. and Philura Millard, int. Oct. 15, 1825. Asa and Malinda Farrer, June 2, 1824. Isaac and Jerusha Brown, Dec. i, 1803.* Osmond and Rhoda Sargeant, int. May 6, 1844. HIGGINS, Acil P. and Lydia Brown, int. Apr. i, 1832. Ira and Patty Pease, int. Feb. 24, 1838. HOLCOM, Harry and Polly Milikan, Nov. 28, 1809.=* HOLME (see Holmes, Holms, Homes), Loas and Isaac Childs, Oct. 4, 1816.* HOLMES (see Holme, Holms, Homes), Calvin and Polly Bishop, int. Sept. 8, 1828. Hannah W. and Luther Bolles, int. Sept. 17, 1829. * InteDtion not recorded. 36 WASHINGTON MARRIAGES. Holmes, Huldah A. of Lee, and William Trumble Jr., int. Mar. 24, 1844. Isaac Jr. and Loama Straight, Dec. 30, 1804.* James Jr., 24, of Gt. Barrington, s. James, and Jane L. Humphrey, Mar. 30, 1848. John and Mrs. Sally [int. Saly] Huntly, June 15, 1831. Zerua and Turner Chapel, Oct. 28, 1800."* HOLMS (see Holme, Holmes, Homes), Isaac Jr. of Adda[m]s, and Amanda Thompson, int. Sept. — , 1837. HOMES (see Holme, Holmes, Holms), Hannah and Benjamin Kilbourn, Apr. 4, 1793.* HOPKINS, Samuel and Lucy Hoskin, Sept. 4, 1808.* HOSKIN (see Haskin, Hoskins), Lucy and Samuel Hopkins, Sept. 4, 1808.* HOSKINS (see Haskin, Hoskin), Amos and Louisa Bills, May 20, 1792.* Polly and Benjamin Matthews, Jan. 3, 1799.* Rachel and Moses Barnes, Nov. 20, 1792.* Sarah and Lewis Miller, Aug. 24, 1791.* HUGGINS, Marcia A. of Sheffield, and Nathan M. Johnson, int. Aug. 27, 1848. HUMPHREY, Jane L., 21, d. Morris, and James Holmes Jr., Mar. 30, 1848. HUNT, Almira and William Morse, Aug. 31, 1806.* John and Mary Nichols, Dec. 3, 1781.'* Mitchel of Woodbury [int. Woodberry], Conn., and Mary Kings- bury, Feb. 16, 1826. HUNTLY, Lois and Roger Campbell, Apr. 27, 1806.* Sally [int. Saly], Mrs., and John Holmes, June 15, 1831. INGOLS, David C, 27, b. Lenox, s. John and Martha, and Emily S. Clapp, July 26, 1849. INGRAHAM, Hannah and Matthew [dup. Mathew] Lewis, May II, 1775.* Lyda and Winot Williamson, Dec. 20, 1783.* Nathan and Irenia [dup. Irene] Spencer, May 11, 1775.* Rhoda and Nathan Jackson, July 14, 1785.* Samuel and Sarah Lewis, May 29, 1782.* * Intention not recorded. WASHINGTON MARRIAGES. 3/ ISHAM, Jonathan and Anna Ackley, Dec. i, 1785.* Lemuel and Lucy Williams, May 3, 1798.* Rachel and Stephen Bradley, Sept. 6, 1780.* JACKSON, Nathan and Rhoda Ingraham, July 14, 1785.* W[illia]m [and] Polly Mirrick, June 21, 1808.* JENKS (see Genks). JOHNSON, Hannah of Becket, and John S. Merryfield, int. Feb. 10, 1827. Lyman and Lucy S. Churchill, int. Sept. 16, 1849. Nathan M. and Marcia A. Huggins, int. Aug. 27, 1848. Orange and Eunice Ladd, Mar. 6, 1788.* JOY, Francis W., 23, b. Plainfield, of Plainfield, s. Leonard, and Rachel Chapel, May 21, 1844 [int. May 4, 1845, sic]. Sarah M. of Plainfield, and John M. Crane, int. Sept. i, 1838. KENT, Almena and Charles Bell, int. Feb. i, 1838. Charlotte and Otis Segar, int. Oct. 4, 1828. George and Harriet McCulloch, int. Nov. 15, 1828. John and Anna McCulloch, int. Aug. — , 1830. Mary [int. Polly] and Peter Geer, May 18, 1825. Persis [int. Perces] and Sumner Barns, Mar. 24, 1825. KETTLE (see Kittle). KILBOURN, Benjamin and Hannah Homes, Apr. 4, 1793.* Esther (Kilbourm) and Jacob Tooley, May 22, 1799.* Marcy and Amos Clark, Nov. 19, 1795.'* KING, Henry and Percy Clark, Jan. i, 1795.* Mercy and Walter Tracy, Mar. 7, 18 10.'*' Sally and Capt. Silas Clark, Apr. 24, 1806.* KINGSBURY, Mary and Mitchel Hunt, Feb. 16, 1826. KITTLE, Mary M., 20, d. Samuel, and Elias Trites, Apr. 8, 1847. KIZE, Lucy and James Scott, Nov. 9, 1794.* LADD, Cloa and Timothy Cook, July 19, 1781.* Eunice and Orange Johnson, Mar. 6, 1788.* Jesse Jr. and Ruby Brewster, Feb. 3, 1 796.* LAFAGE, John and Almina H. Campbell, int. Sept. 18, 1828. * Intention not recorded. 38 WASHINGTON MARRIAGES. LANB, Lemina [? Lamb] of Palmer, and Asa Hambleton, int. Oct. 23, 1831. LANDERS, Lucy and Zadock Griswold, May 8, 1786.* LEONARD, Dorothy and Thomas Lewis, Nov. 21, 1782.* Elisha and Elizabeth Brown, Mar. 23, 1802.* Martha and Winot WilUamson, July 12, 178 1.* Parly and Joseph Egglestone, May 27, 1807.* Robert and Lucy Stevens, Oct. 15, 1795.* Ruth and Joseph Newell, Sept. 12, 1782.* LEWES (see Lewis), Patience and Ezra Warring, July 25, 1789.* LEWIS (see Lewes), Christopher and Martha Williamson, Nov. 4, 1784.=* Marthe [dup. Martha] and Frederick [dup. Fredriac] Frost, Mar. 25. I779-* Matthew [dup. Mathew] and Hannah Ingraham, May 11, 1775.* Sarah and Samuel Ingraham, May 29, 1782.* Simes and Lucy Frost, June 24, 1779.* Thomas and Dorothy Leonard, Nov. 21, 1782.* LILLEY, Sally and Abner Way, Feb. 17, 1803.* LOMISE (see Loomis), Abigail of Westfield, and Appollas Frost, Jan. I, 1795.=* LOOMIS (see Lomise), Jerusha and Phineas Cowle, May 27, 1784.^ LOSEY, Sumner of Southampton, and Esther Pomeroy [int. Pomroy], Mar. 31, 1841. LOTSON, W[illia]m and Sarah Hayden, Dec. 20, 1781.=^ LULL, Susannah and Charles Noble, June 17, 1807.* LYMAN, Theodosia of Chester, and Jasper Brewster, July 26 [dup. Oct. 12], 1796, in Chester.* LYNDE, Jonathan and Policy Franklin, May 22, 1781.* MANLEY (see Manly), Frederick W. and Mary L. Hale, int. Oct. 20, 1844. MANLY (see Manley), Daniel of Coventry, Conn., and Matilda White, Feb. 24, 1805, in Coventry, Conn.=* * Intention not recorded. WASHINGTON MARRIAGES. 39 MARTIN, Anna, Mrs. [int. wid., omits Mrs.], and Capt. [int. omits Capt.] Daniel Root, June 29, 1826, in Middlefield. Anna of Middlefield, and Elisha A. Wells, int. July 17, 1828. Ester and Samuel Potter, Oct. 29, 1800.* Thomas and Hepsibah Willard, Apr. 25, 1779.* MATHER, Emily M., 25, d. W[illia]m and Rhoda, and W[illia]m O. Watkins, Feb. 28, 1849.=* Melissa B. and W[illia]m F. Bell, int. Jan. 7, 1831. Sarah D. and Philo E. Thompson, int. May 22, 1830. MATTHEWS, Benjamin and Polly Hoskins, Jan. 3, 1799.* Judith and Asa Stowel, May i, 1783.*' MATTOON, Abel and Mary Allin, Mar. 18, 1778.^ Aranah and Theodotia Green, Nov. 27, 18 14.* Lyda and Anthony Eames, Sept. 12, 1781.* Philip and Martha Spencer, wid., Oct. 28, 1783.* Rufus and Abiah Bryant, Mar. 13, 1788.* Rufus and Jerusha Taylor, Jan. 9, 1806.* MAY, Elizabeth [int. Betsey] and Lyman Spelman, Feb. 6, 1825. Nancy and Gideon Fletcher, June 20, 18 14.* McCULLOCH, Anna of Becket, and John Kent, int. Aug. — , 1830. Harriet of Becket, and George Kent, int. Nov. 15, 1828. Mcknight, Elisabeth and Thomas Moor, Feb. — , 1781.* James Jr. and Mary Taggert, Jan. 7, 1781.=* John and Abigal Stebbins [dup. Abigail Stebbens], Sept. 13, 1780.* Polly and Nathan Webb, Dec. 31, 1789.* Susanna and Mikiel W. Below, Nov. 29, 1804.* Thomas and Lucretia Easton, Apr. 24, 1781.* MEACHUM, Abigail of Middlefield, and David Hamilton, int. Apr. 2, 1827. MERIFIELD (see Merryfield), Fany and Henry Brown, int. June — , 1834. MERRICK (see Mirrick). MERRIMAN, Hiram of Hensdale, and Martha A. Sibley, int. Dec. 9, 1838. • Intention not recorded. 40 WASHINGTON MARRIAGES. MERRYFIELD (see Merifield), John S. and Hannah Johnson, int. Feb. lo, 1827. Nelson and Sarah Wintworth, int. Feb. 24, 1826. PerHna and Henry Segars, int. , 1829. Thomas and Roxana Chaff e, Nov. 27, 1805.* MESSENGER (see Missenger), Abigail [dup. Abigal Messinger] and Joseph Chaplin, Dec. 21, 1780.* Bela, Col., and Hannah Millikan, wid., Nov. 9, 18 14.* Bille and Miranda Ashley, July 8, 1779."* Lucretia and Jefferson Bishop, int. Feb. 26, 1831. Nancy M. and Harvey Savery, May 27, 1841, in New Lebanon, Columbia Co.* METCALF, Sophia of Chester, and Calvin Chapel, int. Jan. 2, 1831. MILIKAN (see Millikan, Milliken), Polly and Harry Holcom, Nov. 28, 1809.'* MILLARD, Benajah of Pittsfield, and Sally Noble, Mar, 13, Philura of Pittsfield, and Agustus W. Herrick, mt. Oct. 15, 1825. MILLER, Affia and Rufus Thompson, May 28, 1799.* Asenath and Ebenezer Chapell, Feb. 11, 1799.* Collins S. and Mary Williams, Sept. 11, 1806.* Deodatus [and] Eunice Crain, Oct. 28, 1801.* Horace H. of Lenox, and Abigail A. Congdon, int. Nov. 2, 1834. Lewis and Sarah Hoskins, Aug. 24, 1791.* Mary of W. Springfield, and Seth Case, int. Mar. 3, 1827. MILLIKAN (see Milikan, Milliken), Alexander and Hannah Franklin, Jan. — , 1792.* Dolly C, 21, d. John and Dolly, and Amos S. Cone, Apr. 11 [1849]. Hannah, wid., and Col. Bela Messenger, Nov. 9, 18 14.* Isabel and Philip Foot, June 28, 1778.* John and Dorothy Clapp, int. Dec. 28, 1827. Marian and Augustus Clark, Dec. 20, 1792.* Mary and Eliphaz Steel, Oct. 25, 1786.* Sarah A. of Hinsdale, and Lorenzo J. Diming, int. Mar. 17, 1844. Sophia and Jere Bill, May 19, 18 14.* * Intention not recorded. WASHINGTON MARRIAGES. 4 1 MILLIKEN (see Milikan, Millikan), John and Rhoda Dregeys [?], int. Feb. 23, 1833. MINER (see Minor), Harriet and W[illia]m Steward, int. Dec. 27, 1829. MINOR (see Miner), Nancy and Isaac Ovet, June 6, 1805.* MIRRICK, Polly [and] W[illia]m Jackson, June 21, 1808.* MISSENGER (see Messenger), Hannah H. and Capt. Philip Eames, int. May 11, 1828. MOOR, Thomas and Elisabeth McKnight, Feb. — , 1781.* William and Eliner Mumford, Jan. 13, 1785.* MORGAN, Emily I. and Ansel Nichols, May 29, 1823 * MORSE, Aurelia and Truman Tyrrel, Dec. 12, 181 1.* Electa and Deane Franklin, June 9, 1793."* Ezekiel and Lois Sibley, Sept. 5, 1805.* John Jr. and Tempe Hamlin, Mar. 14, 1799.* Sally and John Granger, Feb. 27, 1788.* William and Almira Hunt, Aug. 31, 1806.* MOSLEY, Olivia of Westfield, and Azariah Ashley Esq., Oct. 15, 1789.* MUMFORD, Eliner and William Moor, Jan. 13, 1785.* NEWELL, /oseph and Ruth Leonard, Sept. 12, 1782.* NEWTON, Jane B. and James N. Cross, int. Apr. 10, 1836. NICHOLS (see Nickols), Ansel and Emily I. Morgan, May 29, 1823.=* Mary and John Hunt, Dec. 3, 1781.'* Sally and George Smith, Nov. 29, 1792.* Susanna and Jesse Smith, Jan. 30, 1785.=* NICKOLS (see Nichols), W[illia]m and Almira West, Jan. 23, 1812.* NOBLE, Charles and Susannah Lull, June 17, 1807.* Charlotte and Dyre Sprague, Nov. 3, 1806.* Flavins P. and Lucy Foot, int. Apr. 9, 1836. Hannah and Anson Chamberlain, Feb. 3, 1796.* Hervy and Sally Brooker, Feb. 2, 18 14.* • Intention not recorded. 42 WASHINGTON MARRIAGES. Noble, John S. and Maryann Granger, int. May — , 1829. Olive and Eli Chamberlin, Feb. 25, 180 1.* Sally and Benajah Millard, Mar. 13, 1799.* William and Polly Smith, Sept. 3, 1800.* OLDS, Cynthia Diana, 33, d. Jonathan, and Josiah Tooley, Apr. 24, 1848. ORMSBURY, Amy M. and Lewis Atwood, int. Nov. 30, 1837. OTIS, Sumner and Rachel Beach, Nov. 24, 1841. OVET, Isaac and Nancy Minor, June 6, 1805.* PAGE, Hannah, wid., and Capt. Eben[eze]r Witter, May 5, 1796.'^ PALMER, Isaac and Electa Bacon, Feb. 27, 1783.* PARTRIDGE (see Patridge), Emily, 21, d. Harvey and Polly, and John L. Ward, Apr. 5, 1849. William, 26, s. Harvy and Polly, and Hannah Abbott, Nov. 7, 1849. PATRIDGE (see Partridge), Mary and Eli Chapel, int. Nov. 12, 1838. PEAS (see Pease), Oliver and Catharine Chapel, Sept. 9, 1804.* PEASE (see Peas), Amanda of Middlefield, and George Crane, int. Oct. 3, 1841. Oliver Jr. and Mercy D. Clapp, int. Dec. 23, 1837. Patty and Ira Higgins, int. Feb. 24, 1838. Sally [int. Saly] and Samuel C. R. Barnam [int. Barnum], Apr. — , 1831. Spencer and Lepha French, int. Dec. 20, 1840. PERRIN, Thomas and Elizabeth Spencer, Oct. 21, 1787.* PHELPS, John and Mary Ashley, July 27, 1774. PITT (see Pitts), Cynthia M. and Wright Barn, int. Mar. 30, 1833. PITTS (see Pitt), Henry and Sophia Bill, June 12, 1806.* PLUM, Eunice and Adam St. George [dup. Adams George] Collins, Sept. 24 [dup. Sept. 25], 1775.'''' * Intention not recorded. WASHINGTON MARRIAGES. 43 POMEROY, Dorcas of Becket, and David A. Thorp, int. Dec. 9, 1832. Esther [int. Pomroy] and Sumner Losey, Mar. 31, 1841. PORTER, Almira and John Genks, int. Apr. — , 1837. Amos and Maria Backus, May 5, 1785.* Benjamin and Adelin Shavor, int. Nov. 16, 1834. Joseph and Betey Codding, wid., int. Jan. i, 1831. Matilda and Azariah Sanger, int. June 18, 1825. POTTER, Samuel and Ester Martin, Oct. 29, 1800.* PRUSHO, Asa and Rebecca Goodspeed, Apr. 4, 1785.* REED, James D., 32, of Hardwick, and Adelia [int. Fidelia] Chapel, Sept. 17, 1846. REMINGTON (see Bemington). RICE, Laura and Levi Bush, Sept. 14, 1814.''^ RICHARDS, W[illia]m and Clarissa Eames, Apr. 19, 1809.* RICHMOND, Abiathar and Jemima Barrit, May 3, 1787.* Hannah, wid., and Richard Chapell, Sept. 31 [sic], 1798.* Otis and Hannah Warren, Feb. — , 1796.* ROBERTS, Betsey and Anselm Ross, Sept. 20, 1816.* ROOT, Daniel, Capt. [int. omits Capt.], of Middlefield, and Mrs. Anna Martin [int. wid., omits Mrs.], June 29, 1826, in Middlefield. Zenas and Eunice Farnsworth, Dec. 15, 1787.* Zenas and Mary Whitney, Apr. 14, 1799, in Lenox.* ROSE, Phineas and Lucinda Webb, May 26, 1800.* ROSS, Anselm and Betsey Roberts, Sept. 20, 18 16.* RUSS, Hezekiah and Melody Hardy, Nov. 18, 1800.* SAGERS (see Segar, Segars), Martain of Hinsdale, and Pol- l[torn]. Mar. 9, 1816.* SANGER, Azariah and Matilda Porter, int. June 18, 1825. SARGEANT (see Sargent), Rhoda and Osmond Herrick, int. May 6, 1844. SARGEAR, Elizabeth and Alpheus Clarke, int. Jan. 7, 1827. * Intention not recorded. 44 WASHINGTON MARRIAGES. SARGENT (see Sargeant), James 2d and Alm[i]ra Herick, int. Mar. — , 1834. SAVERY, Hannah, Mrs., and W[illia]m Congdon, int. July 9, 1831. Harvey and Nancy M. Messenger, May 27, 1841, in New Leba- non, Columbia Co."* SCOTT, Ann and Will[ia]m , Nov. 19, 1786.* James and Lucy Kize, Nov. 9, 1794-* SEGAR (see Sagers, Segars), Otis of Becket, and Charlotte Kent, int. Oct. 4, 1828. SEGARS (see Sagers, Segar), Henry and Perlina Merryfield, int. , 1829. SHAVOR, Adelin and Benjamin Porter, int. Nov. 16, 1834. SIBLEY, Elisha and Anne Bill, Apr. 11, 1799.* Lois and Ezekiel Morse, Sept. 5, 1805.* Martha A. and Hiram Merriman, int. Dec. 9, 1838. Phebe and Robert Sloan, Sept. 14, 1809.* Phebe M. and W[illia]m Fowler, int. Apr. i, 1840. SIKES, Rachel and Moses Clark, , 1816.=* SIMMONS, Mary of Hinsdale, and James Hamilton, int. Mar. 19, 1825. SKINNER, Cynthia and Oliver Eggleston, Nov. 27, 1787.* Samuel and Dorcas Franklin, Oct. 11, 1785.* SLOAN, George Jr. and Huldah Foot, Apr. 16, 1775.* Robert and Phebe Sibley, Sept. 14, 1809.* William and Sarah Cornish, Sept. 11, 1774.'* SMITH, Charity and Jared Bradley, Dec. 20, 1781.* David, 28, b. Chester, of Chester, s. John, and Laura Ann Fames, Oct. 22, 1845. Fear of Sandisfield, and Azor Sturdivant, Nov. 27, 1788, in San- disfield.* George and Sally Nichols, Nov. 29, 1792.* George and Susanna Clark, Nov. 25 [dup. Nov. 23], 1796.* Jesse and Susanna Nichols, Jan. 30, 1785.*" Polly and William Noble, Sept. 3, 1800.* William Jr. and Lucinda Witter, Sept. 19, 1790.^* * Intention not recorded. WASHINGTON MARRIAGES. 45 SNOW, Phebe, wid., and Ichabod Ford, Dec. 30, 1813.* SPELMAN, Celestia of Granville, and Orrin Haskin, int. Mar. 8, 1826. Lyman of Peru, and Elizabeth [int. Betsey] May, Feb. 6, 1825. SPENCER, Elizabeth and Thomas Perrin, Oct. 21, 1787.* Irenia [dup. Irene] and Nathan Ingraham, May 11, 1775.* Lucy and Thomas P. Barrett, int. Apr. 8, 1826. Martha, wid., and Philip Mattoon, Oct. 28, 1783.* SPRAGUE, Dyre and Charlotte Noble, Nov. 3, 1806.* Persy and Christopher Congdon, Feb. 11, 1813.* Sally and W[illia]m Congdon Jr., Mar. 9, 1808.* SPRING, Amanda and Oliver P. Chapel, int. June 17, 1826. Julia and Morgan Gam well, int. Nov. 4, 1826. STANLEY (see Stanly), Deborah and John Boulderee, Oct. 10, 1786.* STANLY (see Stanley), Lucy and John Williams, Dec. 22, 1785.* STEBBINS, Abigal [dup. Abigail Stebbcns] and John Mc- Knight, Sept. 13, 1780.=^ STEEL (see Steele), Eliphaz and Mary Millikan, Oct. 25, 1786."* STEELE (see Steel), Pitts and Lydia Chamberlain, Dec. 31, 1797.* STEPHENS (see Stevens), Alonso of Hancock, and Saly Wil- liams, int. Apr. 8, 1831. STEVENS (see Stephens), James and Lucretia Williams, Aug. 4, 1791.* Lucy and Robert Leonard, Oct. 15, 1795.* STEWARD (see Stewart), W[illia]m and ^Harriet Miner, int. Dec. 27, 1829. STEWART (see Steward), Nelson L., b. Middlefield, of Hins- dale, and Eliza Chapel, Nov. 21, 1843 or 1844 [int. Oct. 29, 1843]- STOWEL, Asa and Judith Matthews, May i, 1783.* STRAIGHT (see Strait), Loama and Isaac Holmes Jr., Dec. 30, 1804.* * iDtention not recorded. 46 WASHINGTON MARRIAGES. STRAIT (see Straight), Mary and Nathan Campbell, June 25, 1798.* STURDIVANT, Azor and Fear Smith, Nov. 27, 1788, in San- disfield.* SWAN, Waity Ann, Mrs., and W[illia]m Cross, int. May 8, 183 1. SYKES (see Sikes). TAGGERT, Mary and James McKnight Jr., Jan. 7, 1781.* TAYLER (see Taylor), Dudly and Mary Hamilton, June 2, 1814.* TAYLOR (see Tayler), Jerusha and Rufus Mattoon, Jan. 9, 1806.* THOMPSON, Amanda and Isaac Holms Jr., int. Sept. — , 1837. Betsey of Easton, and Samuel Codding, int. Nov. i, 1824. Elmira of Peru, and Henry P. Eames, int. Dec. 16, 1844. Louisa E., d. Rufus, and Silas W. Clark, Apr. 13, 1842 or 1843 [int. Mar. 18, 1843]. Philo E. and Sarah D. Mather, int. May 22, 1830. Rufus and Affia Miller, May 28, 1799.* Rufus and Mrs. Anny Brown, int. Dec. 11, 183 1. THORP, David A. and Dorcas Pomeroy, int. Dec. 9, 1832. Eurota and Elizabeth B. Chanter, int. Oct. lo, 1830. TIRREL (see Tyrrel). TOOLEY (see Tooly), Jacob and Esther Kilbourm [Kilbourn], May 22, 1799.* Josiah, 33, s. Jacob, and Cynthia Diana Olds, Apr. 24, 1848. TOOLY (see Tooley), Benjamin and Lucy D. Chapel, int. Jan. 2, 1831. TRACY, Walter and Mercy King, Mar. 7, 1810.* TRENT, Cyntha and Hosey Codding, int. Aug. 6, 1833. TRITES, Elias, 18, s. Kilbon, and Mary M. Kittle, Apr. 8, 1847. TRUMBLE, John D., s. W[iUia]m, and Mannria Carpenter, May 5, 1844 [int. Apr. 20, 1845, ^^'^]- * Intention not recorded. WASHINGTON MARRIAGES. 47 Trumble, Mary Elizabeth [int. Elisabeth, omits Mary], d. W[il- lia]m, and Elias Cady, Mar. 23, 1842 or 1843 [int. Mar. 5, 1843]- William Jr. and Huldah A. Holmes, int. Mar. 24, 1844. TYRREL, Truman and Aurelia Morse, Dec. 12, 181 1.* WADE, John [dup. " Jn° "] and Susanna Beard, Dec. 4, 1774.* WALKER, Elijah D. of Pa., and Polly [torn], Dec. 27, 1816.=* WARD, John L., 25, s. James and Elizabeth, and Emily Part- ridge, Apr. 5, 1849. Mary and Isaac Williams Jr., July 7, 1790.* WARD WELL, David and Mary Egleston, Sept. 30, 1784.'* WARREN, Hannah and Otis Richmond, Feb. — , 1796.=* Mary E. of Golden, Erie Co., N.Y., and William French, Nov. 8, 1840 [int. , 1841, sic]. WARRING, Ezra and Patience Lewes, July 25, 1789.* WASHBURN, Hannah and Joseph Witter, Mar. 5, 1783.* WATERS, Isaiah, Rev., of Chesterfield, and Nancy Ballantine, Mar. 6, 1799."*^ WATKINS, Isaac [and] Percy Wing, Feb. 15, 18 10.* W[illia]m O., 30, b. Peru, s. Samuel and Mary, and Emily M. Mather, Feb. 28, 1849.* WAY, Abner and Sally Lilley, Feb. 17, 1803.* WEBB, Lucinda and Phineas Rose, May 26, 1800.* Nathan and Polly McKnight, Dec. 31, 1789.=* WELLS, Elisha A. and Anna Martin, int. July 17, 1828. WENTWORTH (see Wintworth). WEST, Almira and W[ima]m Nickols, Jan. 23, 1812. Hannah and Justus Chamberlin, Sept. 31 [sic], 1798.=* Rhoda and Charles Cooley, Nov. 29, 1804.* WHITE, Matilda of Coventry, Conn., and Daniel Manly, Feb. 24, 1805, in Coventry, Conn.=* Vassal, Dr., and Lucy Brown, int. Sept. — , 1833. * Intention not recorded. 48 WASHINGTON MARRIAGES. WHITNEY, Mary of Lenox, and Zenas Root, Apr. 14, 1799, in ^Lenox.* WHITTAMORE (see Whittemore), Mary and Almon Barns, Jan. 19, 1826. WHITTEMORE (see Whittamore), Sarah and Robert Eames, int. May 16, 1830. WICKS, Abigail and Bedford Billins, int. Oct. 15, 1828. WILLARD, Hepsibah and Thomas Martin, Apr. 25, 1779.* WILLIAMS, Anna [dup. Anne Arnold] and Timothy Arnold, Jan. 27, 1780.* Bethiah and Zenas Clark, Oct. 28, 1801.=* Isaac Jr. and Mary Ward, July 7, 1790.^ Jacob and Lydia Wright, Dec. 15, 1796, in Wilbraham.* John and Lucy Stanly, Dec. 22, 1785.* John and Clarissa Hamlin, Mar. 31, 1796.*' Lucretia and James Stevens, Aug. 4, 179 1.* Lucy and Lemuel Isham, May 3, 1798.* Mary and Collins S. Miller, Sept. 11, 1806.* Saly and Alonso Stephens, int. Apr. 8, 1831. Thomas and , Apr. 14, 1801.* Thomas and Philena Goodspeed, int. Feb. 4, 1826. WILLIAMSEN (see Williamson), Hannah and Eliezer Crow- ford, Jan. 24, 1788.* WILLIAMSON (see Williamsen), Martha and Christopher Lewis, Nov. 4, 1784.* Martha, wid., and Rufus Ellsworth, Dec. 23, 1784.* Molly and Anthony Alesworth, Apr. 27, 1786.* Winot and Martha Leonard, July 12, 1781.'* Winot and Lyda Ingraham, Dec. 20, 1783.* WINCHELL, Almira, 35, b. Mt. Washington, and Nelson Chapel, widr., Dec. 2, 1849.^ WING, Ephraim and Abigail Bryant, Dec. 3, 1794.* Hannah and Amaziah Cornish 2d, Mar. 29, 1807.* Percy [and] Isaac Watkins, Feb. 15, 18 10.* WINTWORTH, Sarah of Hinsdale, and Nelson Merryfield, int. Feb. 24, 1826. * Intention not recorded. WASHINGTON MARRIAGES. 49 WITTER, Alfred and Deborah Dunwell, Sept. 29, 1799.* Dorithy [dup. Doritha] and Moses Bixby [dup. Byxbe], Dec. 28, 1780.* Eben[eze]r, Capt, and Hannah Page, wid., May 5, 1796.* Joseph and Hannah Washburn, Mar. 5, 1783.''*' Lucinda and William Smith Jr., Sept. 19, 1790.* WOOD, Daniel, 19, s. Daniel, and EHza Wright, June 29, 1847. WOTT, Elizabeth of Worthington, and Servius Ellis, int. Dec. 9, 1832. WRIGHT, Amanda, 22, b. Chester, d. Edward, and Orlander B. Clark, Apr. 11, 1848. Eliza, 19, d. Edward, and Daniel Wood, June 29, 1847. Lydia of Wilbraham, and Jacob Williams, Dec. 15, 1796, in Wilbraham.* Mary C. of Middlefield, and John M. Crane, int. May 3, 1846. UNIDENTIFIED. , Lois and Hubbard Clark, Oct. 31, 1798.* [torn] Poll[torn] of Hinsdale, and Martain Sagers, Mar. 9, 18 16.* [torn] Polly and Elijah D. Walker, Dec. 27, 1816.* , Will[ia]m and Ann Scott, Nov. 19, 1786.* , and Thomas Williams, Apr. 14, i8oi.* • Intention not recorded. WASHINGTON DEATHS, WASHINGTON DEATHS. To THE YEAR 185O. BARTLETT, William M., s. W[illia]m, fits, Aug. 10, 1844, a. 23. BEACH, Emily, ch. Ransford, bowel complaint, Jan. 17, 1848, a. 147. 10 mo. BELL, Minerva Harmony, b. Chester, d. W[illia]m, consump- tion, Nov. 22, 1849, a. 23 y. II m. Simpson, widr., b. Chester, consumption, Aug. 6, 1845, a. 66. BILL, Jere, m., s. William, fever. May 25, 1844, a. 59. Maria, d. Jere, fever, Oct. 17, 1842, a. 20 y. 26 d. Sarah, w. William, Apr. 21, 18 13. BIXBY (see Byxbe). BROOKER, Samuel, m., s. Isaac, dropsy, Nov. 5, 1848, a. 87. BROWN, Laura, d. Levi and Anna, dropsy. May 25, 1848, a. 33. BUCK, George, ch. Jairus, scarlet fever, Feb. 19, 1843, a. 2 y. II m. 5 d. Henry, b. Peru, ch. Jairus, scarlet fever, Feb. 16, 1843, a. 6 y. 10 mo. 24 d. BUSH, Dorcas, ch. Gideon and Margaret, '' in the fall of the year," 181 1. Gideon Sr., Apr. 11, 18 10. Margaret, wid. Gpdeon] Sr., Apr. 14, 1813. Thankfull, ch. Gideon and Margaret, Sept. 6, 1804. BUSHNELL, Jedediah, m., paralytic. May 29, 1845, a. 76 y. 8 mo. 23 d. BYXBE, Pelitah [s. Moses and Dolly], July 7, 1791. CASWELL, William, m., epileptic fits, Oct. 7, 1843, a. 73. 53 54 WASHINGTON DEATHS. CHAPEL, Elisabeth, d. Joseph and Patience, Nov. 15, 1784. Isaac, m., ch. Turner, suicide, Feb. i, 1848, a. 42. James, . Nelson, s. Joseph and Patience [dup. Paitence], Nov. 17 [dup. Sept. 26], 1800. Richard, m., s. William, bowel complaint, Apr. 2, 1844, a. 70. Sibel Jerusha, b. Norfolk, Conn., w. Nelson, consumption, July 26, 1845, a. 41 y. 22 d. CHILDS, Turner C, s. Isaac and Lois, Apr. 24, 1821. CLARK, Jemima, m., paralytic, Nov. 11, 1843, a. 72. Mary Jane, ch. Sylvester, scarlet fever, Oct. 18, 1844, a. i y. 5 m. 15 d. CODDING, Chancy H., ch. Hosea, croup, Nov. 6, 1846, a. 7 y. 8 mo. 25 d. Cobb, m., b. Taunton, breach, Nov. 14, 1845. Zilpha Jane, ch. Hosea, croup, Apr. 19, 1845, a. 6 m. 7 d. Zilpha Rebeca, ch. Hosea, scarlet fever, Feb. 15, 1843, a. 10 m. 3d. COLLINS, Mary, m., b. Ireland, child bed, Jan. i, 1843, a. 28. COOK, Timothy Sr., "kiled by the fall of a tree," Feb. 21, 1798. CRANE, Sarah M., b. Plainfield, w. John M., disease on kidney, Oct. 25, 1845, ^- 28. CRANTON, , ch. Henry, croup, Apr. 9, 1846, a. 27 d. CROSS, Clarissa, m., child bed, Oct. 3, 1844, a. 19. CROWELL, Joseph, b. Middlefiel[d], diorohoea, July 10, 1843, a. 80. DEMING, Absolom, w. Gideon, dropsey of hart, Nov. 29, 1843, a. 60 y. 8 m. 19 d. Clarissa, ch. Absolom and Sarah, Apr. 26, 1808. Gideon Young, s. G[ideon] and D[eborah], Feb. 3, 1800, a. 12. DIBBLE, Sarah Adelia, ch. Seymour, lung fever, Feb. 26, 1845, a. 7 m. 12 d. DUNAVEN, Melura, m., child bed, June 20, 1843, a. 31 y. 4 m. 20 d. EAMES, George Dwight, ch. Philip and Hannah H., inflama- tion [of] bowels, June 18, 1847, a. 4 y. i m. 25 d. WASHINGTON DEATHS. 55 FRISBEE, Catharine, wid., Sept. 20, 1846, a. 70. GAYLORD, Malissa, m., d. Isaac Williams, lung fever, May 25, 1844, a. 45. HATHAWAY, Catharine M., m., b. W. Stockbridge, consump- tion, Dec. 22, 1842, a. 25 y. 2 m. 24 d. HIGGINS, Arnold, s. Asahel P. and Lydia, cholera infantum, Sept. 9, 1848, a. 10 m. 9 d. HINMAN, Rachel, dropsy, Apr. 10, 1848. HOPKINS, Lucy, m., d. [?] Amos Haskins, kidney complaint. Mar. 16, 1843, a. 58. JOHNSON, Caroline, m., b. Middlefield, fever, Dec. 21, 1848, a. 35- , inf. Lyman, [rec. Jan. 12, 1850]. KENT, Jane Elizabeth, d. John and Anna, consumption, Sept. 20, 1848, a. 9 y. 10 m. 10 d. LADD, Sabra Eliza, ch. Jesse and Ruby, Nov. 10, 1809. , d. Jesse Jr. and Ruby, Aug. 25, 1797. LATHROP, Lucy, b. Norridge [? Norwich], Conn., wid. Erastus, d. Andrew Smith and Allis, Nov. i, 1846, a. 67. MANLY, Fanny Alvera, d. Daniel and Matilda, Mar. i, 18 15. MATHER, Rhoda, b. Southwick, w. W[illia]m, d. Noah Loomis and Mary, dropsy, Sept. 26, 1847, a. 60. MATTOON, Henry, s. Rufus, fever, Oct. 2, 1842, a. 18 y. 2 m. Rufus, m., old age, Apr. 30, 1844, a. 84. MEACHUM, Julia Emily, ch. Julius, bowel complaint, Oct. 7, 1845, a. I y. II m. MESSENGER, Martha Jane, d. Curtis and Mary, croup, Nov. 10, 1848, a. 3 m. 7 d. W[illia]m B., b. Becket, s. Benoni and Cyrene, consumption, May 28, 1848, a. 42. MILLIKAN, Susannah, m., summer complaint, Aug. 26, 1846, a. 85 y. 3 m. I d. MINER, Isaac, widr., fever, Jan. 27, 1848, a. 97. , Mrs., liver complaint, Aug. 15, 1843, a. 78. 56 WASHINGTON DEATHS. OLDS) Ezra R., m., consumption, Feb. lo, 1848, a. 46 y. 5 m. 3d. PEASE, Chloe, ch. Spencer, Jan. 20, 1847, a. i y. 9 m. 20 d. George B., scarlet fever, Oct. 30, 1847, a. 4 y. 7 m. 18 d. PHELPS, Marey, d. John and Mary, Oct. 27, 1777. Ozom, s. John and Mary, Oct. 27, 1777. POMEROY, Edwin Henry, ch. Alanson, fever, Feb. 9, 1845, a. 3 m. 23 d. Joseph, m., b. Southampton, fever, June 2, 1843, ^- 57 7-5 ^' 3d. Levi Arnold, ch. Alanson and Anna, lung fever, Apr. 30, 1848, a. 2 m. 10 d. PUTNAM, Hannah, b. Becket, d. Richard Church and Lucinda, consumption, July 3, 1849, a. 39. SANGER, Daniel, widr., jaundice, Sept. 26, 1844, a. 84. SARGEANT, Sarah, m., throat distemper. May 9, 1843, a. 63 y. II m. 9 d. Sarah, erysipelas. May 16, 1843, a. 25. SAVERY, Sarah, wid., infiamation [of] lungs, Dec. 3, 1844, a. 77. SIBLEY, Ezra, m., bowel complaint, June 19, 1847, a. 85. SMEAD, Malinda, m., consumption, Sept. 5, 1844, a. 47. SPRAGUE, Charles Edwin, ch. Ira Jr., fits, Jan. i, 1843, a 2 y. II m. 18 d. SPRING, Rosetta, m., infiamation [of] bowels, Apr. 17, 1845, a. 67. , ch. Harvey, [rec. Mar. 12, 1844]. STEELE, Christian, wid., Jan. 8, 1799. Christian, Feb. 5, 1800. Lydia, w. Pitt, Apr. 14, 1799. TAGART, Lucinda, d. John, May 14, 18 13, a. 31. THOMPSON, Rufus, widr., disease in stomach, Nov. 6, 1845, a. 72. THORP, Joseph U., ch. David A., fits, Aug. 29, 1844, a. 4 m. 20 d. WASHINGTON DEATHS. 57 Thorp, Sylvester Bates, ch. David and Dorcas, croup, Dec. 25, 1847, a. II m. 13 d. TOWER, Nancy, ch. Laban, fever, Sept. 25, 1847, a. 13. TWADWELL, Dolly, palpitation and fever, Apr. i6, 1843, a. 52. WEST, Ashley C, m., b. Lenox, consumption, Jan. i, 1849, a. 29 y. 9 m. WILLIAMS, Isaac, m., s. Isaac, disease in throat, May 12, 1842, a. 76 y. 5 m. WRIGHT, Ervin, s. Edward and Anna, dropsy on the brain, Oct. II, 1849, a. 13 y. II m. 5 d. Eunice Lee, d. Caleb and Martha M., consumption, June 21, 1847, a. 16 y. 6 m. Hannah Laurinda, ch. Caleb, inflamation in head. Mar. 17, 1846, a. 9 m. I d. Harriet Sophronia, d. Edward and Anna, dropsy on the bram, May 29, 1849, a. 7 y. 2 m. 21 d. Laura A., ch. Caleb and Martha, lung fever, Aug. 19, 1847, a. 2 m. II d. YOUNG, Gideon, s. Gideon and Deborah, Feb. 3, 1800.