The National Endowment for the Arts the Arts to Life for Children and Adults since 1965 NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE ARTS Nurturing the Creative Mind The National Endowment for the Arts is authorized by Congress to help support education in the arts for people of all ages, and, specifically, to assist elementary, secondary and post-secondary schools, teachers, artists, and arts and education organizations. New Orleans high school students design fabric for chairs at the United Nations through an after-school pro- gram called YA/YA which teaches visual arts and marketing. National Endowment Thousands of elementary school students in Milwaukee are learning about music and its relationship to math, science, and social studies through the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra's ACE (Arts in Community Education) program. ichers participate in the "Change Course" writing program of the Ohio Arts Council. Pre-schoolers in Baltimore, Maryland bring to life the story Where the Wild Things Are through creative movement and drama, and as a result begin to achieve "reading readiness." This interac- tive, performing arts-based program is coordinated by parents, caregivers, teachers, and artists through the Wolf Trap Foundation for the Performing Arts' Institute for Early Learning Through the Arts. Teenagers in Washington, DC take music lessons through Levine School of Music's Public Housing Youth Orchestra. Seniors in Albuquerque, New Mexico receive free instruction in Spanish tinworking, Polish papercutting, and other artforms through Senior Arts, Inc. Excellence and Access It is the mission of the National Endowment for the Arts to foster the excellence, diversity, and vitality of the arts in the United States and to broaden public access to the arts. The National Endowment for the Arts Pre-Kindergarten through 12th Grade The Endowment believes that all children should have a sequential education in the arts that is linked to content standards, taught by qualified teachers, and regularly engages artists and involves their work. Direct Grants National Endowment for the Arts grants help support the work of schools, including, but not limited to: • development of curricula and assessments in dance, music, theater, and visual arts • integration of the arts into math, science, history, and other school subjects • artist-teacher collaborations as well as training for arts specialists, teachers, and artists • development of pre-K arts programs for children and families linked to Head Start • in-school opera, music, theater, or dance performances • in-school residencies of writers, sculptors, filmmakers, and other artists • assistance to arts magnet schools Leadership for children Idren in pre-K through 1 2th le, the Arts Endowment plays a unique leadership role that encompasses policy development, grantmaking, technical assistance, and research development. In 1 997, the Arts Endowment invested $8.2 million— 10% of its annual grant dollars — in support of pre-K through 1 2 arts education programs. Partnerships with States The Endowment established the goal of helping to make the arts basic to pre-K through 12 education in its Partnership Agreements with state arts agencies. A recent survey shows that the $30 million in combined Arts Endowment Partnership and state arts agency funding for arts education projects annually: • supports more than 7,800 projects • reaches more than 2,400 communities • involves thousands of teachers and artists School districts, PTAs, libraries, and arts and community organiza- tions all draw on Arts Endowment funds through the state arts agencies to support arts education programs. Partnership with the U.S. Department of Education The Endowment, with the Department of Education, has: • supported the development of the National Standards for Arts Education • guaranteed that the arts would be included in the National Assessment of Educational Progress — "the Nation's Report Card" • established and sustains the Goals 2000 Arts Education Partnership — more than 140 national organizations from the education, arts, and private sectors — to include the arts in state and local education improvement plans • launched ArtsEdge, a Web site managed by the John E Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, to help artists, teachers, and students discover resources and ideas about arts education ( • conducted a comprehensive national survey of arts education in ele- mentary and secondary schools in 1994, to be repeated in 1999 Research The Endowment pursues an aggressive research agenda to improve the quality of teaching and learning in the arts. The Arts Endowment's "Toward Civilization" (1988) was a landmark report revealing the nationwide lack of basic arts education in American schools. The Arts Endowment's "Schools, Communities, and the Arts: A Research Compendium" (1995) shows the benefits of making arts education an integral part of the school curriculum. Beyond the Classroom The National Endowment for the Arts opens the door to music, dance, theater, visual arts, design, literature, opera, film, and audio and video arts to young people through programs outside of school. Arts Endowment grants support programs such as: • after-school visual arts workshops in parks and community centers • crime and violence prevention theater • a student-created exhibition of local history • creative writing programs at YMCAs • summer dance camps • student subscription series to theaters • "behind the scenes" opera programs Lifelong Learning Exploring our own creativity and learning to understand the art of others is a way of living life fully, whether we are age eight or 88, whether we are learning to be artists or enjoy learning about the arts. Arts Endowment grants support learning in the arts for all ages including: • ceramics classes in community centers and homeless shelters • folk arts classes at senior centers • a young professional conductors program Publications The National '*& Endowment for the Arts <%L has published a wide variety of books and reports on arts education. For a complete list of Arts Endowment publications, call (202) 682-5400. Also visit our Web site: Lifelong Journey: An Education in the Arts, 1996. Outlines Arts Endowment principles and characteristics of what constitutes an excellent education in the arts for people of all ages in schools and other settings. Available from the Arts Endowment, (202) 682-5400. 32 pp. Imagine! Introducing Your Child to the Arts, 1997. Shows parents practical ways to introduce their children to the arts. Available from the Arts Endowment, (202) 682-5400. 72 pp. ART WORKS! Prevention Programs for Youth and Communities, 1997. Highlights exemplary programs that employ the arts in substance abuse prevention. Available from the National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information, P.O. Box 2345, Rockville, MD 20847, (800) 729-6686. 96 pp. Eloquent Evidence: Arts at the Core of Learning, 1995. Lists the latest research proving a link between the arts and academic success. Available from the Arts Endowment, (202) 682-5400. 13 pp. Folk Arts in the Classroom: Changing the Relationship Between Schools and Communities, 1993. Available from the National Task Force on Folk Arts In Education, 609 Johnston Place, Alexandria, VA 22301-2511, (703) 836-7499. 16 pp. Part of the Solution: Creative Alternatives for Youth, 1995. Highlights arts programs for at-risk youth. Available from the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies, 1029 Vermont Ave., NW, Second Floor, Washington, DC. 20005, (202) 347-6352. 96 pp. o •- 2 O Z £ c U < i/i it 1'i li 1 c l! I o o o ■ o in o (/i U iv Q .E i s 6 ■ C rt 1 3 J £ £ o