Selected Grants Architecture + Environmental Arts Program Adaptive Use: alleys • • National Endowment for the Arts FY 1966-1977 National Endowment for the Arts Architecture + Environmental Arts Program Mail Stop 503 Washington, D.C. 20506 Original Use Index Alleys Arcades Archives Armories Arts Centers Auditoriums Banks Blocks Breweries Bridges Canals Churches/Temples Commercial Buildings Corner Stores Courthouses Customs Houses Facades (Elevations) Factories and Industrial Buildings Fortifications Gatehouses Gymnasiums Halls Harbors Hotels Houses/Housing Jails Libraries Lots Markets Military Bases Mills Miscellaneous Missions Movie Theatres Office Buildings Opera Houses Piers Police Headquarters Post Offices Power Plants Pumphouses Railroad Buildings /Yards Recreational Facilities Rest Homes Rivers Roofs Schools Shipyards Sidewalks Squares and Greens Streets Studios Theatres Towns Town Halls Warehouses Waterfronts Yards Zoos Introduction The National Endowment for the Arts, an independent Federal Agency was established in 1965. Its major goals are to make the arts more widely available, to preserve the nation's cultural heritage, to streng- then its cultural organizations and to en- courage its creative talents. Architecture + Environmental Arts is one of the Endowment's twelve program areas. Its primary aim is the improvement of our built environment — a rather broad ranging target. The program has made available in its eleven year history approximately $]7.5 million for projects ranging from the "design of fountains as sources for masking urban noise" to major regional planning studies. A surprisingly large number of grants in these years have been awarded to organiza- tions and individuals actively involved in investigating, planning and designing for the adaptive use of buildings and spaces. This booklet is a partial listing of those Endowment supported people and projects. Adaptive use has become an important mode of conservation. It is a viable means of bringing new life to an old building either by restoring it to its previous use or by redesigning it for a new one. The end re- sults can spur the revitalization of an en- tire area and make good sense not only so- cially and culturally, but also from a cost per square foot value. The adaptable space types examined by grantees are referred to in the Original Use Index. It includes civic structures common to every community. The range of specific activities related to adaptive use — includ- ing public awareness, feasibility, and design projects -- is revealed in the grant des- criptions. Both the space types and activi- ties listed are only suggestive of possibil- ities. The grants represented in this booklet are only a sampling of Endowment funded projects. It is hoped that they will pro- vide you with sources for further informa- tion, and above all, suggest a way to en- hance the quality of life in your community. A Alleys The redesign and adaptive reuse of alleys in three Louisville residential and com- mercial neighborhoods was the focus of this grant. City of Louisville, Community Development Cabinet 730 West Market Street Louisville, Kentucky 40203 Contact: William B. Gatewood, Director 502/587-3081 $47,000 / FY 1976 Arcades A study of the reuse of the Old Arcade, a significant Cleveland Landmark, was made. The building is half occupied and deteriora- ting, though designated a national and local historical monument. The study was in- tended to show present and future owners the potential value of the building, and build public support for conservation. Cleveland Area Arts Council 140 The Arcade Cleveland, Ohio 44141 Contact: Nina Gibans. 216/781-0045 $10,000 / FY 1975 Archives The Conservancy's efforts to adapt the Fed- eral Archive Building in the West Village for mixed residential and commercial use were aided by this grant which went to support planning, legal and real estate expertise. New York Landmarks Conservancy 11 Battery Place New York, New York 10004 Contact: Susan Henshaw Jones, Executive Director. 212/425-4085 $20,000 / FY 1977 Armories Architectural and planning support to the 42nd Street Redevelopment Corporation was funded. The funds were to be used in a joint effort to: 1) create a new theatre district emphasizing the feasibility of converting the now vacant Army Reserve Building to theatre use; and 2) develop a collective management plan for the theatre companies which will occupy the district's facilities. Cultural Council Foundation 1500 Broadway - 16th Floor New York, New York 10036 Contact: Robert Moss, President. 212/564-1682 $20,000 / FY 1977 The preliminary design for the adaptation of the Blues Armory in downtown Richmond, Virginia, into a 750-seat theatre and a complex of shops and restaurants was assist- ed by this grant. The Federated Arts of Richmond, Inc. The Carillon 1300 Blanton Avenue _ Richmond, Virginia 23221 Contact: Adrienne Hines, President. 804/282-1781 $10,000 / FY 1976 The preparation of a planning document for the adaptation of the Milk Street Armory for use by performing and visual arts or- ganizations which serve Southwestern Maine was supported. The document would empha- size the economic impact for the area and the feasibility of a 1,000-seat theatre and rehearsal space for the Portland Symphony Orchestra and Opera New England of Maine. Greater Portland Arts Council One Monument Square Portland, Maine 04111 Contact: Joseph Lovegren, Project Director. 207/774-5743 $10,000 / FY 1977 Assistance was given in long-range archi- tectural and management planning for the conversion of the Armory to a multi-purpose arts complex for the visual and performing arts . Rising Sun 1050 Old Pecos Trail Santa Fe , New Mexico 87501 Contact: Alton Walpole, President. 505/988-1886 Arts Centers Renovation, and attraction of rent-paying tenants into an arts building in Jamaica Center, was requested. With the help of earlier funding, the grantee formed an arts- support group, engaged a staff, secured a suitable building, and initiated an active and well accepted in-city arts center. Ad- ditional funding was used to attract arts- related and paying tenants; to make possible free space for arts programs and artists. Greater Jamaica Development Corporation 161-10 Jamaica Avenue Jamaica, New York 11432 Contact: F. Carlisle Towery. 212/291-0282 $28,200 / FY 1975 Auditoriums A feasibility study and a fund raising pro- gram to rehabilitate a currently unused col- lege auditorium as a community multipurpose arts center were supported by this grant. Buffalo State College Foundation, Inc. Cleveland Hall, Room 515 1300 Elmwood Avenue Buffalo, New York 14222 Contact: Leonard J. Poleszak, Chairman. 716/862-4627 $20,000 / FY 1977 Restoration of the Bismarck, North Dakota, Civic Auditorium for continued use as a per- forming arts center was assisted by this grant through development of renovation specifications . B City of Bismarck P.O. Box 1075 Bismarck, North Dakota Contact: George Smith. $6,000 / FY 1976 58501 701/223-8010 A feasibility study and development of de- sign plans for the conversion of the Muni- cipal Auditorium to a performing arts faci- lity were funded. The study was to give special consideration to lighting, accous- tics, climate control and security. City of Sioux City, Municipal Auditorium P.O. Box 447 Sioux City, Iowa 51102 Contact: Harold C. Hansen, Auditorium Manager. 712/279-6157 $20,000 / FY 1977 A master plan for preservation, restoration, and adaptive use of the Auditorium Build- ing of Dankmar Adler and Louis Sullivan was to be developed. The plan would en- hance the facility's status as a national historic landmark and its use as a cultur- al activity center and university. Roosevelt University 430 South Michigan Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60605 Contact: Daniel H. Perlman, Dean of Administration. 312/341-3803 $19,655 / FY 1977 Banks A comprehensive architectural study of a historic 19th century bank building for its eventual rehabilitation as a visual arts facility was funded. Central Louisiana Art Association P.O. Box 5791 Alexandria, Louisiana 71301 Contact: Eileen M. Fuhrer, Director. 318/487-0888 $6,700 / FY 1977 Blocks Ways to exploit the potential of Salt Lake City's superblocks - which average about ten acres, or four times the area of those in most cities - were studied. Now "poor- ly utilized and generally deteriorating," these blocks were redesigned. Prototype designs were made for residential, commer- cial, and mixed blocks; retaining or sug- gesting reuse for existing buildings on the periphery but making new proposals for the "inside" of the blocks. University of Utah, Department of Agri- culture 235 AAC Building Salt Lake City, Utah 84112 Contact: Robert L. Bliss. 801/581-8217 $15,754 / FY 1974 Breweries Bridges C A market and economic analysis of the reuse of an 1887 brewery in Baltimore was con- ducted; along with architectural feasibil- ity studies. The grantee hoped to estab- lish a good economic base for the adaptive use of the building which is listed on the National Register. East Baltimore Educational Foundation, Inc. 1700 North Gay Street Baltimore, Maryland 21213 Contact: Robert L. Douglas. 301/467-5308 $10,000 / FY 1975 Adaptive-use proposals and a campaign to save the Eads Bridge, a century-old steel span crossing the Mississippi at St. Louis, were funded. While Endowment support did not guarantee continued existence of this registered National Landmark, the grantee was able to apply "positive pressure on the decision process," and to develop and disseminate adaptive-use proposals to in- clude the bridge in a transit system, or convert the bridge to pedestrian mall-com- mercial use. James Eugene Bock 2910 Red Maple Walk St. Louis, Missouri 63103 $5,000 / FY 1971 Canals Conversion of Lowell, Massachusetts' five and a half miles of canals - clearly its most unique feature - to educational, cul- tural, and recreational uses was planned. An overall basic design was created - with detailed designs for gatehouses, locks, and bridges; engineering feasibility stud- ies; an environmental impact analysis; a cost analysis; and an action program. Lo- cal, state, and Federal funds are expected to be available for development. City of Lowell, City Development Authority JFK Civic Center Lowell, Massachusetts 01852 Contact: Frank T. Keefe, Planning Director. 617/458-8766 $30,330 / FY 1974 Development of the Delaware-P.aritan Canal as a recreational spine - with special emphasis on the canal as it passes through park areas within the City of Trenton - was planned. Both the canal and Cadwalader Park are of major historic importance to the city, and now offer opportunities for new circulation systems and current recrea- tional needs. City of Trenton, Department of Planning and Development 10 Capitol Street Trenton, New Jersey 08608 Contact: Lee Weintraub. 609/393-9800 $31,430 / FY 1974 A study of the potential recreational reuse of the C&O Canal, which runs from Washing- ton, D.C., to Cumberland, Maryland, was completed; with special attention focused on canal-front sections of Harpers Ferry, West Virginia, and the Georgetown section of Washington. History, current conditions, and existing recreational facilities and uses were included in the illustrated final report. Donald William Evans, Planners, Inc. 1424 16th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 $4,900 / FY 1971 Redevelopment of sixty-seven miles of New Jersey's Delaware and Raritan Canal was planned as a continuous open space connec- ting five of the state's most historic cities. Dennis M. Frenchman 1293 North Barkley Place North Brunswick, New Jersey $5,600 / FY 1973 08902 The Architectural plans for the restora- Temples tion and conversion of the historic Trinity Methodist Church building in downtown Dal- las were funded. The building, a classic example of the Prairie Style of architec- ture, was to become a combination music school, concert hall, and music theatre. American Institute of Musical Studies, Inc, 2120 McKinney Avenue Dallas, Texas 75201 Contact: Richard R. Owens. 214/741-9871 $16,000 / FY 1977 New uses for historically significant but under-used churches in Boston were planned to save these special places and help transform them into centers that meet com- munity needs today, or as places for the arts and theater. The first phase in- volved demonstrations and redevelopment in four neighborhoods. The Cheswick Center ' 17 Dunster Street Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 Contact: Reverend W. Seavey Joyce, S.J. 617/491-4432 $50,000 / FY 1974 A public awareness program consisting of case studies, a workshop, and catalog on the potential use of abandoned and under- used church properties in New York City was supported. The program emphasized the role of religious institutions in neighborhood preservation. The Cheswick Center 17 Dunster Street Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 Contact: Reverend W. Seavey Joyce, S.J., Project Director. 617/491-4432 $12,500 / FY 1977 The completion of design work for the adap- tation of the Odd Fellows Temple to an arts center was funded. The facility would pro- vide small and medium size spaces for per- formances, rehearsals, and exhibitions to be used primarily by small performing groups and visual arts organizations. City of Seattle, Department of Community Development 306 Cherry Street Seattle, Washington 98104 Contact: Anne Focke, Director, and/or Gallery. 1525 10th Avenue, Seattle, Washington. 98122 206/324-5880 $13,140 / FY 1977 Public awareness of the historical signifi- cance of an old church in Washington, D.C., was to be accomplished through intensive research and video-taped interviews with senior members of the congregation. A booklet and portable exhibit were to be produced in order to "attract public support to complete the overall historical and adap- tive restoration" of this landmark building. Metropolitan A.M.E. Church 1518 M Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20005 Contact: Reverend Robert L. Pruitt , Minister. 202/347-3426 $10,000 / FY 1976 The restoration of Spirit Square's historic Baptist Church and its adjoining education- al buildings as a community center housing the visual and performing arts was the fo- cus of this grant. Grant funds were to support the payment of consultant fees for studying the special requirements of acoustics, theatre design, and lighting necessary for the restoration. SSAC , Inc . 110 East 7th Street Charlotte, North Carolina 28202 Contact: Halsey M. North, Executive Dir- ector, Arts & Science Council, 511 East Morehead Street, Charlotte, North Caro- lina 28202. 704/372-9664 $20,000 / FY 1977 Commercial Master planning for reuse of three water- Buildings front blocks in Nashville, Tennessee - in- cluding "the largest uninterrupted assembly of Victorian commercial buildings in the United States" - was studied. The goal was to change this waterfront from a dere- lict area to one offering enrichment to the total community, and to translate the study into a realistic proposal compatible with ongoing downtown urban renewal pro- jects. Robinson Bass 170 Second Avenue North Nashville, Tennessee $10,000 / FY 1974 37201 Assistance in the payment of architectural fees for the continued development of artists' studios in the St. Cloud build- ings, the completion of the Children's Visual Art Center, and final work on facilities for the Boston Ballet and the Community Music Center of Boston was pro- vided by this grant. Boston Center for the Arts 539 Tremont Street Boston, Massachusetts 02116 Contact: Royal Lloyd, President. 617/426-5000 $20,000 / FY 1977 A study on the conversion of Boston's 19th- century downtown commercial buildings to serve as residential communities was init- iated under this grant. Project was to include: 1) a market study to determine po- tential residents and their needs; 2) a structural, design, and economic feasibility study resulting in a guidebook on "New Neighborhoods Downtown;" and 3) an imple- mentation strategy involving public and private investment. Boston Redevelopment Authority City Hall, Room 911 Boston, Massachusetts 02201 Contact: Deborah Gott-Lin, Preservation Planner. 617/722-4300 $20,000 / FY 1976 The identification of significant older downtown commercial buildings with adap- tive use potential received grant support. The grant was also used to assist economic and structural feasibility studies for the reuse of ten of these structures. City of Charlotte Charlotte, North Carolina 28202 Contact: Stephen B.' Griffin, Central Area Development Coordinator. 704/374-2205 $9,600 / FY 1977 The preparation of an interior design plan for the historic Academy Building as part of the restoration and conversion effort providing facilities for the visual and performing arts of the Portuguese Heritage Museum was support by this grant. Portuguese Heritage Foundation 64 Durfee Street Fall River, Massachusetts 02720 Contact: Dr. Jose Veiga Simao. 617/678-0113 $20,000 / FY 1977 A revitalization plan for the Hanover Square District in Syracuse, New York, as the fo- cus of this grant. The study was to exam- ine the structural and economic feasibility of adapting the area's older commercial structures to new uses, and was also to consider options for signage, facade treat- ment, and open space planning. Society for the Advancement of the Visual Environment 678 West Onondaga Street Syracuse, New York 13204 Contact: Dennis J. Connors, Executive Director, Landmarks Association of Central New York. 315/475-4785 $6,220 / FY 1976 Planning and programming for the restora- tion of Florence, Arizona, a southwestern community with a remarkable number of structures almost undisturbed for over 100 years, was supported. Following an historic survey, this grant funded urban design and landscaping studies, methods of restoring cast-iron-fronted commercial buildings, studies of public amenities appropriate to the area, preparation of historic-zone and signage ordinances, and formulation of a plan for implementation. Town of Florence Box 490 Florence, Arizona 85232 Contact: Harris Sobin, 6550 North Skyway Drive, Tucson, Arizona 85718 602/297-3885 $10,000 / FY 1974 Corner Stores Urban design schemes to stabilize and re- vitalize "the corner store" in its role as an inner-city focal point were studied; including an historical perspective, des- cription of the corner store's existing role and function, principles of its loca- tion, and design alternatives. Several cities on the East Coast were examined for data. Harry G. Robinson, III 7412 14th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20012 $5,700 / FY 1974 Courthouses Development of public support for reuse of the old Gates County Courthouse as a cul- tural arts center was the goal of this project. Plans called for use of the building - when it became vacant - as a library, historical museum, mini-theater, and meeting rooms for cultural groups. Various audio-visual programs were pre- pared and shown in schools and at commun- ity meetings. Alliance for Progress, Inc. P. 0. Box 277 Powellsville, North Carolina 27967 Contact: Richard W. Baker, Jr., Director. 919/332-3819 $4,250 / FY 1975 Conversion of the Durham County Courthouse to an arts center was assisted by this grant. A structural and economic feasibil- ity study was to be undertaken and the conversion was to become part of a larger economic and social redevelopment program for the downtown area of Durham, North Carolina. Allied Arts of Durham, Inc. 810 West Proctor Street Durham, North Carolina 27707 Contact: K. Brantley Watson, President. 919/682-5519 $6,000 / FY 1976 A study of the history and architecture of county courthouses in Georgia was funded under this grant. The study was to en- courage the preservation of these struc- tures and to promote their continuance as civic focal points. Georgia College Milledgeville , Georgia 31061 Contact: Janice A. Hardy, Associate Pro- fessor of Art. 912/453-4572 $6,342 / FY 1976 Establishment of a community art center in the vacant Federal Building and Courthouse in Grand Rapids was planned. The project was aimed at revitalizing the downtown area by incorporating various cultural institu- tions into the renovated building - inclu- ding the Art Museum, community-oriented programs of the Junior College and Grand Valley State College, workshops, an en- vironmental design center, and a number of studio-apartments for artists and design- ers-in-residence . Grand Rapids Art Museum 230 Fulton Street East Grand Rapids, Michigan 49502 Contact: Robert I. Blaich, Herman Miller, Inc. , Zeeland, Michigan 49464 616/772-2161 $23,825 / FY 1974 A national conference on the revitalization of old courthouses, with production of an accompanying publication, was supported by this grant. National Trust for Historic Preservation 748 Jackson Place, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20006 Contact: Mary C. Means, Regional Direc- tor, Midwest Office, Department of Field Services, 1800 South Prairie Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60616. 312/840-0170. $6,000 / FY 1976 A book on the procedures used to recycle the Old Federal Courts Building in St. Paul, Minnesota, was intended to encourage similar efforts to save historic buildings. The book was to be distributed both locally and nationally to interested groups and or- ganizations . Saint Paul Council of Arts and Sciences 77 West Fifth Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Contact: Joan Larsen Kelly. 612/224-2354 $11,000 / FY 1974 A book intended to foster awareness and pride in Huntingdon, Pennsylvania - espec- ially its historic courthouse area - was published. By associating the area with people, periods, and activities significant in the city's history; and by describing the architecture in terms related to the total city character, the grantee hoped to sup- plement the present city plan, which fo- cused solely on traffic conditions and retail areas. Nancy S. Shedd Rural Delivery Petersburg, Pennsylvania 16669 $9,720 / FY 1974 Customs Houses The saving and reuse of hundreds of Mid- western courthouses involved "a radical intervention in the planning-management process of the most concentrated historic, symbolic, cultural element in the greater Midwest: the county courthouse and its setting," which typically dominates squares "representing the best urban design and prime real estate in towns and small cities." The goal was a document providing that court- house renovation should be a matter of policv Results of this project were widely pub- licized in the professional and public press. Benjamin H. Weese 10 West Hubbard Street Chicago, Illinois 60610 $9,500 / FY 1974 A plan for the r historic Custom plementation sta program funded e men demonstrated of a mixed-use, with revenues fr used to fund the grant supported structure and it the cost studies oping commitment euse of Lower Manhattan's House was refined and im- rted under this grant. A arlier by area business- the economic feasibility cultural-commercial center om the commercial spaces cultural elements. This a detailed study of the s systems, refinement of , and a program of devel- s from commercial interests F New York Landmarks Conservancy, Inc. 17 Battery Place New York, New York 10004 ' Contact: Anthony J. Newman. 212/425-4085 $50,000 / FY 1975 Facades An inventory and planning/design study for (Elevations} Bristol's older central business district was assisted by this grant, with special emphasis on facade restoration along Main and Prospect Streets and on the adaptive use of several large commercial buildings. City of Bristol 111 North Main Street Bristol, Connecticut 06010 Contact: Arnold L. Beizer, Office of Community Development. 203/583-1811 $20,000 / FY 1976 Preservation and redevelopment efforts in Galesburg were assisted by this grant. These efforts were to include design plans for renovating and rehabilitating store- fronts and rears in the historic Main Street area, feasibility studies on the adaptive use of selected structures in the central business district, and the preparation of a guidebook to the Galesburg Historic Dis- trict. City of Galesburg 161 S. Cherry Street Galesburg, Illinois 61401 Contact: Larry D. Goerne, Director of Planning. 309/343-4181 $16,735 / FY 1977 Factories and Industrial Buildings A demonstration project i improvements along Court lyn's Cobble Hill Histori the focus of this grant, given the Landmarks Prese sion and the Housing and ministration in planning, tion, and exhibition cost project. nvolving facade Street in Brook- c District was Assistance was rvation Commis- Development Ad- design, publica- s involving the Cultural Council Foundation/Landmarks Preservation Commission 1500 Broadway - 16th Floor New York, New York 10036 Contact: Beverly Moss Spatt , Chairman, Landmarks Preservation Commission. 305 Broadway, New York, New York 10007 212/566-7577 $13,965 / FY 1977 The completion of design documents and models for the renovation of this historic Knowles Building as a community museum providing galleries, exhibition and performance space, studios, seminar faci- lities, as well as a permanent home for Atlanta University's important collection of Afro-American art was supported by this grant. City of Atlanta Bureau of Cultural Affairs Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Contact: Janet L. Douglas. $11,200 / FY 1977 404/752-7016 Architectural planning for the conversion of a vacant downtown industrial building to a flexible visual arts facility was assisted by this grant. The grantee in an effort to revitalize its downtown would, in conjunction with the Dayton Art Insti- tute and Wright State University, develop the facility to provide artists' studios, gallery space, and a space for work by invited artists of national reputation. City of Dayton, Ohio 101 West Third Street Dayton, Ohio 45402 Contact: Paul R. Wick, Administrator, City Beautiful Council. 513/225-5339 $20,000 / FY 1977 An inner-city revitalization study and artists' housing project were supported by this grant. Through research and investigation, a deteriorating, small- industry district in Minneapolis was to be considered for potential development as artists' housing and work space. City of Minneapolis Office of the City Coordinator Minneapolis, Minnesota 55415 Contact: Melisande Charles, Minneapolis Arts Commission, 302 City Hall, Minnea- polis, Minnesota 55415. 612/348-2580 $15,000 / FY 1976 The feasibility of converting the historic Rogers Locomotive Erecting Shop to a com- bined museum and cultural arts center was studied. The conversion was part of the master plan for the Great Falls/S.U.M. (Society for Establishing Useful Manufac- turers) Historic District. Grant funds would support architectural plans and the preparation of fund raising materials. City of Paterson, Department of Community Development 52 Church Street Paterson, New Jersey 07505 Contact: Jack R. Stokvis, Principal Planner. 201/684-5800 $19,250 / FY 1977 Evaluation of the alternatives for recycling industrial buildings located in Trenton, New Jersey with recommendations for their reuse was supported by this grant. The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science & Art Cooper Square New York, New York 10003 Contact: Michael Wurmfeld, Assistant Professor. 212/254-6300 $10,000 / FY 1977 Adaptation of a 19th century factory to studio and gallery space for visual arts and rehearsal space for performing groups was funded. The grant also was to be used to establish the management plan for a self-sufficient artists' cooperative. Delaware State Arts Council 1105 Market Street Wilmington, Delaware 19801 Contact: Jan Lurie. 302/571-3540 $20,000 / FY 1977 The reuse of old industrial buildings along the Hudson River - in the Troy-Watervliet- Albany region - was studied. Various alter- natives to demolition and clearance, the increasingly common fate of abandoned water- front edges of many industrial cities, were proposed. Hudson-Mohawk Industrial Gateway 5 First Street Troy, New York 12180 Contact: John I. Mesick. 518/463-2276 $40,000 / FY 1973 Development of a color slidefilm - "Working Places" - was funded to encourage the pre- servation/reuse of significant industrial sites, objects, and structures in the hope of promoting their retention and reuse. Society for Industrial Archeology Room 5020 National Museum of History and Technology Smithsonian Institution Washington, D.C. 20560 Contact: Chester Liebs , Department of History, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont 05401. 802/656-3180 $9,000 / FY 1973 A 16mm film on the reuse of significant in- dustrial structures and objects was to be made from slide material assembled under a previous grant. The great national demand for the slide show made conversion to film necessary to achieve maximum distribution potential. Copies of the completed film were to be distributed nationally by the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Society for Industrial Archeology Room 5020 National Museum of History and Technology Smithsonian Institution Washington, D.C. 2 0560 Contact: Chester Liebs, Department of History, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont 05401. 802/656-3180 $4,984 / FY 1976 Fortifications A study of new uses for existing coastal for- tifications in New England was funded. The potential of these historic monuments for use as summer facilities for the performing arts was to be the focus of the survey and analysis study. G Rhode Island School of Design Providence, Rhode Island 02903 Contact: Friedrich St. Florian, Asso- ciate Professor of Architecture. 401/331-3507 $15,000 / FY 1976 Gatehouses Conversion of a Victorian gatehouse to a photography studio/workshop for community education classes was supported through an architectural design study of this historic structure which is located on the Museum's grounds . DeCordova and Dana Museum and Park Sandy Pond Road Lincoln, Massachusetts 01773 Contact: Merrie Blocker, Director of the School. 617/259-8355 $4,700 / FY 1976 Gymnasiums H Conversion of a former gymnasium into a per- manent theater facility was to be accom- plished through architectural and other professional services funded under this grant . New Playwrights' Theater of Washington, Inc. 1742 Church Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 Contact: Harry M. Bagdasian, Producing Director. 202/232-1122 $6,215 / FY 1976 Halls Architectural planning for the expansion and renovation of the W.O.W. (Woodmen of the World) Hall to improve its capacity as a community center for the arts re- ceived funding. Community Center for the Performing Arts W.O.W. Hall 291 West 8th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97402 Contact: Jonathan M. Pincus, Chairperson, Board of Directors. 503/345-5237 $9,980 / FY 1977 A full-scale feasibility and design pro- gram to explore the potential of utilizing Newark's historic 3,500-seat Symphony Hall as a New Jersey center for the performing arts and cultural education was supported by this grant. Newark Community Center of the Arts 89 Lincoln Park Newark, New Jersey 07102 Contact: Wayne Braffman, Newark Economic Development Corporation, Suite 1502, 744 West Broad Street, York, New Jersey 07102. 201/643-2790 $20,000 / FY 1976 Harbors Preplanning of Marquette (Michigan) Harbor as a recreation facility in combination with present industrial uses included a study of development alternatives - stres- sing the harbor's scenic and historic values and new accessibility to the central busi- ness district. City of Marquette 220 West Washington Street Markette, Michigan 49855 Contact: Norman L. Gruber, Jr. Planner. 906/226-7582 $3,844 / FY 1974 City Hotels Reuse of the 1900 Iowa Hotel in Washington, D.C., as an art center was studied. The building was slated either for costly reha- bilitation as a residential building, or for demolition. This grant supported study of an alternate use "sorely needed to show- case the living arts of this city." Borrowed Time Productions P.O. Box 23330 726 11th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20024 Contact: John Yeo. 202/347-9414 $10,000 / FY 1975 The development of former hotel space in Galveston's historic (1894) Grand Opera House into stage support, artists' housing, studios, and an additional performance space was the focus of this grant. Grant funds were to assist in the payment of pro- fessional fees for planning, designing and economic analysis. Plans will relate and link the Opera House facility with those of the Arts Center on the Strand. The Galveston County Cultural Arts Council, Inc. P.O. Box 1105 Galveston, Texas 77553 Contact: Emily M. Whiteside, Executive Director. 713/763-6459 $17,515 / FY 1977 A feasibility study on the adaptation of the former Mars Hotel as a major facility for the media arts was funded. The study was to give particular emphasis to the uses of the building for the grantee's programs as well as other related media services. Media Study, Inc. , Buffalo 207-211 Delaware Avenue Buffalo, New York 14202 Contact: Gerald O'Grady, Director. 716/847-2555 $10,000 / FY 1977 Houses/ An architectural and cultural Housing center in the Glessner House, H.H. Richardson and designate first official landmark, was this grant. Part of an ongoi by the Chicago School of Arch Foundation "to provide a nati stration of creative, economi uses for landmarks," the Gles is being used for conferences events, and meetings. conference designed by d Chicago's planned under ng effort itecture onal demon- cally viable sner House , special Chicago School of Architecture Foundation 1800 South Prairie Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60616 Contact: Kay W. Levin, Consultant, Community Programs, Inc., Ill East Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60601. 312/644-2460 $6,000 / FY 1972 A "living" museum of distinctive architec- ture of Chicago's South Side was planned. Four 1880 mansions - including the Gless- ner House, Kimball House, and the Keith and Coleman houses along Prairie Avenue - have already been bought into protective owner- ship. Chicago's oldest structure, the Widow Clarke House, was to be moved into the district. Comprehensive plans for siting; future historical approaches; cor- rection of landscaping, circulation, and traffic handling; and legal and administra- tive organization were funded. Chicago School of Architecture Foundation 1800 South Prairie Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60616 Contact: Mrs. Ruth Moore Garbe, Chairman, Historic District Committee of the Chicago School of Architecture Founda- tion. 312/337-5889 $9,650 / FY 1974 A feasibility study for a program of moving historic structures was funded. The pro- gram of house-moving would preserve valua- ble historic structures in one neighborhood threatened by development while eliminating vacant land parcels in an adjacent neighbor- hood with historic character. City of Eugene, Department of Housing & Community Conservation Room 106, City Hall Eugene, Oregon 97401 Contact: Paul Osborn, Superintendent of Rehabilitation & Code Enforcement. 503/687-5444 $14,330 / FY 1977 Preservation efforts related to three 19th-century rowhouse neighborhoods were supported by this grant. The project was to include the following components: res- toration guidelines; individual facade studies for prototypical structures; a workbook for property owners on costs, materials, and design alternatives; pro- posals for park and street design improve- ments; and development of legal mechanisms to promote preservation and technical assistance to residents. City of Jersey City Office of Planning 280 Grove Street Jersey City, New Jersey 07302 Contact: Dennis Enright, Director, Division of Neighborhood Preserva- tion. 201/434-3600 $20,000 / FY 1976 Feasibility planning to save San Francisco's Goodman Building was assisted by this grant. The study was to explore ways in which to develop the building's cultural resources for the community and its resident affil- iates. Foundation for San Francisco's Architectural Heritage 2007 Franklin Street San Francisco, California 94109 Contact: Bob Marquis, Marquis Associates, 243 Vallejo Street, San Francisco, Cali- fornia 94111. 415/788-2644 $10,000 / FY 1976 The design for an historic site/conference center for Soul City, North Carolina, was completed by combined classes of Hampton Institute's Division of Architecture and the University of Massachusetts' Depart- ment of Landscape Architecture and Region- al Planning. An 18th-century plantation house and its 17-acre site were designated in the master plan of the overall develop- ment of this planned new town. Hampton Institute Hampton, Virginia 23668 Contact: John H. Spencer, Chairman, Department of Architecture. 804/727-5440 $11,000 / FY 1972 The feasibility of preserving twenty-four 1880 brick row buildings in Owego, New York, was studied. The buildings front on the Susquehanna River and it was proposed to return them to original use, with street- level shops and upper-floor residences with views to the river. Study included tech- nical assessment, schematic designs, and market analysis. James R. Mowry 180 State Street Binghamton, New York 13901 $10,000 / FY 1974 Design, legal, and economic planning for the adaptive use of older structures ad- jacent to the Amoskeag millyard was sup- ported under this grant. Special atten- tion was to be given to the conservation of open space, the removal of architectural barriers to the handicapped, and to the rapid implementation of conservation objec- tives through innovative tax policy. New Hampshire Charitable Fund 1 South Street Concord, New Hampshire 03301 Contact: Mary Louis Hancock. 603/225-6641 $15,000 / FY 1976 The rehabilitation of grand Victorian hou- ses amidst an infill of new low-income units was conceived by residents of a run-down area in Detroit under this grant, and res- toration of some of the houses was begun. This effort tied in with city agency pro- grams to establish a development plan for the blighted Woodward East area. Professional Skills Alliance 2551 John R Street Detroit, Michigan 48201 Contact: Michael Johnson, Woodward East Project, Inc., 2915 John R Street, Suite 101, Detroit, Michigan 48201 313/832-3690 $50,000 / FY 1974 Architectural planning and fund raising for the renovation of a landmark Washington Park townhouse for the programs, exhibits, and classes of the arts council were funded. Rensselaer County Council for the Arts 18 9 Second Street Troy, New York 12180 Contact: Joseph B. Fama, Chairman, R.C.C.A. House Committee. 513/274-3050 $5,995 / FY 1977 A proposal by secondary school students for an environmental center in Philadelphia's Fairmont Center was developed. The young students, advised by a biology and botany teacher, and an architect^planner , pro- posed restoration of two historic houses into study centers, an improved nature trail, an archeological dig, and a year-round Bi- centennial program. Models and a report were presented to various government agen- cies to solicit support and funding to im- plement the program. W. Gray Smith, Jr. P.O. Box 15844 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103 $8,000 / FY 1974 Economic and architectural studies (includ- ing specification of technical requirements and the development of fund-raising mater- ials) for the restoration and adaptation of a landmark house as a community arts center and home for the Township Arts Council and its 37 member organizations received funding. Town of Smithtown Smithtown, New York 11787 Contact: Jacklyn D. Beck, Executive Director, Smithtown Township Arts Council. 1 Bank Avenue, Smithtown, New York 11787. 615/979-6655 $7,500 / FY 1977 J Jails Reuse of the Idaho Territorial Penitentiary as a mixed-use center including cultural, recreational, and commercial facilities was planned. The abandoned and historic old prison adjoins a new municipal golf course and the city's greenbelt along the Boise River, with access to downtown Boise via bicycle and pedestrian paths. Idaho State Historical Society 610 North Julia Davis Drive Boise, Idaho 83706 Contact: Arthur A. Hart, Director, His- torical Museum, Idaho State Historical Society. 208/384-2120 $49,864 / FY 1974 Planning of a part to replace the demolished jail in Greenwich Village was aided. After demolition, an immediate study of the site and its surroundings (Village Square) was undertaken in consultation with the Plan- ning Board and the community; and a design for a sunken park was proposed for commun- ity reaction and suggestion. L Frank Sanchis 1500 Washington Street Peekskill, New York 10566 $4,000 / FY 1974 Libraries A study of alternate uses for the Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Library was made under this grant. The present library, housed in an historic building, was inadequate and in an area strategic to the city's revitalization. Because of its historic value and strategic location, a detailed analysis to determine the best public course of action was planned. City of Portsmouth City Hall Portsmouth, New Hampshire 03801 Contact: A. Robert Thoresen, Planning Director. 603/436-5869 $5,500 / FY 1974 Lots Temporary and permanent parks on city-owned vacant land were established. Sites chosen included rubbish-filled urban renewal sites and undeveloped street ends at the water- front which were identified under an earlier program. Work was coordinated with all appropriate city agencies. The Parks Council 80 Central Park West New York, New York 1002 3 Contact: Olga Straka, Associate Direc- tor. 212/799-6000 $25,000 / FY 1974 M A slide/video show that presents the problems of vacant lots and their impact on Oakland's neighborhoods and which offers design alter- natives for the redevelopment of these pro- perties was funded. Trust for Public Land 82 Second Street San Francisco, California 94105 Contact: Steve Costa. 415/495-4014 $3,400 / FY 1976 Markets A study of the development and decline of the American urban public market was fun- ded. In addition to an historical account, the study was to analyze its potential for preservation, and make recommendations on how this could be done. Padraic Burke 4214 South 32nd Street Arlington, Virginia 22206 703/931-7952 $10,000 / FY 1977 Promotion of the development of farmers' markets in Vermont was the goal of this project. Based on experience with an existing market in Burlington, grantee examined the potential for similar markets in five Vermont cities - primarily in terms of site location and design, but also taking into account the economic and social characteristics of the areas - and discussed her findings with local govern- ment officials. Elizabeth H. Gignoux Charlotte, Vermont 0544 5 $4,150 / FY 1974 Military Bases Mills Planning for the redesign and revitaliza- tion of Whittier, Alaska - built during World War II as a military base - was un- dertaken in advance of new importance for the town as a link between Valdez and Anchorage as the pipeline is built. For- mer government buildings are now owned by the 140 townspeople who envision possible redevelopment as a recreational area. Mark L. Hinshaw 4801 Mills Drive, #3 Anchorage, Alaska 99504 $9,200 / FY 1974 An exhibit on the mill buildings in the Great Falls Historic District was funded. City of Paterson, Department of Community Development 52 Church Street Paterson, New Jersey 07505 Contact: Jack R. Stokvis, Project Man- ager. 201/684-3000 $19,750 / FY 1977 Help in implementing a project to revitalize an historic mill town - North Adams, Massa- chusetts - was funded. A nonprofit community corporation planned to renovate an early 19th-century mill for use as a cultural and profit-making business space; restore stores on the main street back to 19th-century character; and generate tourism in the area. Hoosuck Community Resources Corporation 121 Union Street North Adams, Massachusetts 01247 Contact: Edward C. Carman, Jr., Corporate Manager. 413/664-6382 $50,000 / FY 1974 Plans for a mixed-use center in Lowell, Massachusetts, were developed under this grant. Grantee hoped to locate the center in one of several abandoned mill buildings along the Merrimac River, and to use the center as a focus for reawakening local and regional interest in the city. The resulting "Boot Mill Study" won the top design award from Progressive Architecture magazine in 1974. Human Services Corporation 154 Moody Street Lowell, Massachusetts 01854 Contact: Susan Southworth. 716/267-5567 $21,200 / FY 1972 Information derived from a study of energy/ architecture alternatives to existing tech- nology and construction methods was dissemi- nated for public education. The report exa- mined the "retrofitting" of a 104-year-old mill using both conventional and experimental means in an effort to inform the public about possible energy options for the future. Research and Design Institute P. 0. Box 307 Providence, Rhode Island 02901 Contact: Ronald Beckman. 401/861-5390 $15,000 / FY 1975 Miscellaneous Young designers were paid for time spent on local improvement projects under a continuing America the Beautiful Fund program. Endowment grant funds for 1971 were divided into forty-one sub-grants averaging less than $1,000 each. As in previous years, many of the small sub- grants led to substantial local commitment to build projects designed by the appren- tice-level architects, landscape architects, and planners. A final report summarized all ABF expenditures and included descrip- tions of representative projects. America the Beautiful Fund 219 Shoreham Building Washington, D.C. 20005 Contact: Paul Bruce Dowling, Execu- tive Director. 202/638-1649 $25,000 / FY 1971 Development of local interest in recycling significant older buildings was the goal of this project, which was implemented by small seed-money grants to young profes- sionals. These seed-money grants were used to generate local interest in a restora- tion or reuse project; and to help support related planning and design work by young local designers. America the Beautiful Fund 219 Shoreham Building Washington, D.C. 20005 Contact: Paul Bruce Dowling, Executive Director. 202/638-1649 $60,000 / FY 1973 Aid to various communities to make adap- tive use of historic buildings was given under this block grant. Projects aided by matching funds under this grant included restoration of a railroad depot in Idaho, adaptive use of eighteen historic houses in Detroit, Michigan and renovation of an arcade for arts and crafts in North Dakota. America the Beautiful Fund 219 Shoreham Building Washington, D.C. 20005 Contact: Paul Bruce Dowling, Executive Director. 202/638-1649 $25,000 / FY 1974 Detailed methods for inventorying and reha- bilitating urban neighborhoods in decay and need of change were developed in this research/teaching program. Methods of conducting historic area inventory and identifying architectural assets were developed (building-by-building inventory and photography) and were incorporated in a renewal plan. Results of the pilot study by architects and students in Boston were published in the Highlands Study which has been widely distributed and used by pro- fessionals and by educational and political leaders in the area. Boston Architectural Center 320 Newbury Street Boston, Massachusetts 02115 Contact: Alice M. Coggins. 617/536-3170 $10,000 and $3,000 / FY 1970 and 1972 An inventory of urban potentials - "the countless buildings, spaces, and neighbor- hoods in United States cities with great potential for imaginative use and recycling instead of being destroyed for inferior re- placements" - was funded. The grant was used for travel, photography, and research in ten cities to identify and photograph specific projects with potential, and interviews with mayors and planning direc- tors to determine feasibility. James T. Burns, Jr. 2500 Leavenworth Street San Francisco, California 94133 $10,000 / FY 1974 "To halt the neglect of Covington's heri- tage, and foster awareness of its rich- ness," every building in the city was surveyed, and those having - individually or as a group - historical or architec- tural merit were described and registered, and a plan for their preservation or reuse submitted to state and city agencies. City of Covington, Historic Preservation and Architectural Review Board Room 308, Covington-Kenton County Municipal Building Covington, Kentucky 41011 Contact: Fred N. Donsback, Jr., Direc- tor of Urban Development. 606/292-2271 $10,000 / FY 1974 Architectoral history research and design plans for the restoration of four structures in the Eagle Historic District were sup- ported by this grant. City of Eagle General Delivery Eagle, Arkansas 99738 Contact: Mary A. Birchard, Liaison Officer $5,000 / FY 1977 A three-part, adaptive-use analysis of selected Harrodsburg structures - signifi- cant both architecturally and historically - was to be conducted under this grant. Following identification of buildings in the downtown with adaptive-use potential, structural and design feasibility was to be explored and implementation strategies formulated. City of Harrodsburg City Hall Harrodsburg, Kentucky 40606 Contact: J. Elmer Sims, Mayor. 606/734-2383 $5,805 / FY 1976 An investigation of the architectural and economic feasibility of recycling the city owned Jaques/Pilling Blocks complex, an important assemblage of 1882 Queen Anne brick structures in downtown Haverill, was supported by this grant. A report do- cumenting the redevelopment was to be pub- lished. City of Haverhill City Hall 4 Summer Street Haverhill, Massachusetts 01830 Contact: Richard Bryan Swain, City Planner. 617/373-1324 $7,500 / FY 1977 A broad community revitalization plan for North Adams, Massachusetts, was planned. The basis of the plan was two historic dis- tricts - an 1860 railroad freight yard was suggested as a production and education arts complex, and a mid-19th-century busi- ness district was planned for reuse as a pedestrian shopping mall with residences above . City of North Adams 69 Main Street North Adams, Massachusetts 02147 Contact: May Ann Beinecke, President, Hoosuck Community Resources Corporation, 510 State Road, North Adams, Massachu- setts 02147. 413/663-6368 $20,000 / FY 1973 The conservation of over 300 older build- ings in Portland, Maine, was planned. All historic and architecturally significant buildings were identified; and new regu- latory controls protecting these buildings were formulated. A plan of public improve- ment from the city's capital budget or re- venue sharing fund to encourage preserva- tion was proposed. City of Portland City Hall Portland, Maine 04111 Contact: Donald E. Megathlin, Jr., Planning Director. 207/775-5451 $23,000 / FY 1974 An advanced strategy to guide the evolution of historic Santa Fe included an inventory of historic structural elements including its irrigation ditches, river, plazas, street patterns, and blockforms. A three- dimensional model was generated to provide a framework for local owners to carry out building schemes consistent with new guidelines. City of Santa Fe Planning Department P.O. Box 909 Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501 Contact: Harry Moul, City Planner. 505/982-4471, ext. 32 $21,492 / FY 1974 A building inventory and adaptive-use fea- sibility study for older downtown buildinqs were funded under this grant. Prototype rehabilitation designs, cost estimates, and implementation strategies were to be pre- pared for a number of structures with the aim of providing additional commercial, cul- tural, recreational, and residential space in the central business district of Toledo, Ohio. City of Toledo Housing Division Department of Community Development 1250 Old Edison Building 420 Madison Avenue Toledo, Ohio 43604 Contact: Terry Lodge, Research and Planning Officer. 419/247-6271 519,800 / FY 1976 A series of reports on facilities for the arts were researched and produced. Sub- jects covered included: exemplary multi- use art centers - especially those which lend themselves to duplication in similar settings around the country; innovative and experimental use of space for the visual arts in museums; "found facilities" for the arts - conversion and adaptive use of existing, under-used buildings; adaptation of railroad stations for multi-use renova- tion, with emphasis on the legal, economic, and technical problems involved; and joint development and use of facilities for educa- tion and arts. In addition to the reports, the contractor administered a program of on-site technical assistance for numerous groups. Educational Facilities Laboratories, Inc. 850 Third Avenue New York, New York 10022 Contact: Alan C. Green, Executive Vice President. 212/751-6214 $160,000 / FY 1975 A comprehensive inventory of significant buildings, building groups, streetscapes , and urban design elements in the city's development threatened downtown commer- cial center was supported with this grant. The Foundation for San Francisco's Archi- tectural Heritage 2007 Franklin Street San Francisco, California 94109 Contact: Charles Hall Page, President, Charles Hall Page & Associates, 400 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, Cali- fornia 94104. 415/362-5154 $15,000 / FY 1977 The feasibility of conversion of several 19th-century buildings in Galveston, Texas, for arts-related programs and new commercial activity under private and government spon- sorship, was studied. Galveston County Cultural Arts Council, Inc. P.O. Box 1105 Galveston, Texas 77550 Contact: Emily M. Whiteside. 713/763-6459 $8,000 / FY 1973 Counsel on legal/financial aspects of re- volving funds for adaptive use were funded. The Galveston Historical Foundation, active in purchasing historic iron-front structures along the historic Strand and reselling them to private investors with deed restrictions for preservation and exterior restoration, needed sophisticated legal advice to resolve Federal tax and real property law issues unique to preservation. A handbook of the results was planned. Galveston Historical Foundation, Inc. P.O. Box 302 Galveston, Texas 77550 Contact: Peter H. Brink, Executive Director. 713/765-7834 $9,000 and $1,500 / FY 1974 and 1975 Promotion of the adaptive reuse of Gettys- burg's many 19th-century buildings by local commercial interests was funded. Using an architectural inventory and schematic de- signs, this project aimed at providing infor- mation and assistance to property owners and lending institutions. Historic Gettysburg-Adams County, Inc. 104 Baltimore Street Gettysburg, Pennsylvania 17325 Contact: Ed Weintraub, Executive Director. 717/334-3188 $8,000 / FY 1976 A survey of existing buildings with adaptive- use potential was funded. These facilities, after modification and renovation, were to serve the community and college as a multi-purpose performing arts center and art exhibition gallery. Moorpark College 7075 Campus Road Moorpark, California 90321 Contact: Lawrence G. Lloyd, Asso- ciate Dean of Instruction. 805/529-2321 $2,500 / FY 1976 Planning, economic feasibility, and arch- itectural studies promoting the development of a public information and exhibition center in New York City received grant funding. The center would deal with cur- rent design planning and historic preser- vation proposals and issues in New York City. Included in the study would be a review of available buildings in midtown Manhattan. Municipal Art Society 30 Rockefeller Plaza New York, New York 10020 Contact: Bronson Binger, Vice President. 212/586-4761 $12,500 / FY 1977 Research and development for a Roxbury Historical and Architectural Pathway and a Community Resources Network were made possible by this grant. Components of the project were to include feasibility studies for the reuse of significant neighborhood structures, the formulation of implementation strategies, and the establishment of a community-based con- servation commission. Museum of Afro-American History Roxbury Headquarters 90 Warren Street Roxbury, Massachusetts 02119 Contact: Byron Rushing. 617/445-7400 $20,000 / FY 1976 A survey study of significant underutil- ized buildings in the Civic Center area was supported by this grant. The study was to lead to a proposal that such under- utilized city buildings be made available to nonprofit civic and arts groups in a partial test of the mixed-use concept. New York Landmarks Conservancy, Inc. 17 Battery Place New York, New York 10004 Contact: Anthony J. Newman. 212/425-4085 $9,875 / FY 1976 An urban design assessment and prototype rehabilitation plans for selected building types in northwest Portland, Oregon, were assisted by this grant. Economic feasibil- ity studies and community workshops were also to be conducted to promote neighbor- hood enhancement. Northwest District Association 917 Northwest 23rd Avenue Portland, Oregon 97210 Contact: Edgar Waehier. 503/222-4855 $4,500 / FY 1976 A plan for restoration and development of St. Paul's historic Hill District included proposed policies , guidelines, and stan- dards for use by the Historic Commission, city agencies, developers, and property owners. The area includes two National Historic Landmarks and many other notable buildings. A realistic program of imple- mentation was developed by residents work- ing with an interdisciplinary team from the University of Minnesota. Old Town Restorations, Inc. 495 Summit Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Contact: Richard E. Reed, Director, Planning Program. 612/227-1844 $50,000 / FY 1974 The research and establishment of guide- lines on adapting historic buildings to hotel and lodging facilities was funded. Theodore H. M. Prudon, C/o Building Con- servation Technology, 19 West 44th Street, New York, New York 10036. 212/730-1950 $5,000 / FY 1977 A master plan and architectural scheme for historic Broome Street in New York City - classified a landmark area because it con- tains "the largest concentration of cast- iron architecture" - was developed, tested, and refined by review with city agencies and other interested groups. The goal: retaining the character of the area despite urban and traffic pressures in the area. Jon M. Schwarting 471 Broome Street New York, New York 10013 $8,000 / FY 1974 Planning of the first restoration block in the South Street Seaport area was aided - including adaptive use planning, design, and economic planning for rebuilding the 19th-century buildings and adjacent water- front. Funds were used to retain designers and legal and financial advisors to design and try to establish a self-supporting economic base for housing development in the area. South Street Seaport Museum 16 Fulton Street New York, New York 10038 Contact: Bronson Binger, Project Director. 212/349-4310 $50,000 / FY 1974 An outdoor exposition on the historic arch- itecture and life of Wisconsin was planned. It was proposed that actual structures from the 19th century be moved to a 580-acre site in Kettle Morain State Forest where they would be reconstructed on land similar to that which the settlers cleared; then furnished with artifacts. This would tie closelv to the state's Bicentennial theme: "Old World Wisconsin." University of Wisconsin Madison, Winconsin 53706 Contact: William H. Tishler, Department of Landscape Architecture. 608/262-9742 $40,979 / FY 1974 Planning for the creation of a "cottage industry" in the Soulard Neighborhood His- toric District was supported through this grant. With the aim of providing new uses for the District's commercial, industrial, and residential structures, the study was to emphasize arts, crafts, and home-manufactur- ing among the area's underemployed residents. Youth, Education and Health in Soulard 2021 Menard St. Louis, Missouri 63104 Contact: Robert J. Brandhorst, President. 314/421-5244 S3, 775 / FY 1976 Missions Research, documentation, and planning related to the restoration of an 18th-century mission, Santa Rosa de Lina at Abiquiu, and efforts directed to its establishment as a community cultural center received grant funding. Archdiocese of Santa Fe 202 Morningside Drive, S.E. Albuquerque, New Mexico 87108 Contact: Aubrey Owen. 505/685-4333 $15,000 / FY 1977 Architectural and archeological research in Guerrero, the original Texas frontier settlement, supplemented an architectural inventory made under an earlier grant. The goal was to further substantiate the ori- ginal conditions of several missions and a presidion, the earliest major structures on the frontier, as a guide to restoration. Texas Architectural Foundation Perry-Brooks Building Austin, Texas 78701 Contact: Miguel Celorio, Vising Asso- ciate Professor, School of Architec- ture, University of Texas, Austin, Texas 78712. 512/471-1922 $6,000 / FY 1974 Movie Theatres O A source book on potential reuse of old movie theaters was to be prepared with funds from this grant. Robert E. Freeman 435 West 119th Street, #71 New York, New York 10027 $10,000 / FY 1976 Feasibility studies directed to restoring the historic Loew' s State Movie Palace as a performing arts facility were funded. Syracuse Area Landmarks Theatre, Inc. 1700 One Mony Plaza Syracuse, New York 13202 Contact: Eleanor M. Shopiro, Pres- ident. 315/422-1343 $5,000 / FY 1977 Office A planning study for a National Museum of Buildings the Building Arts, to occupy the historic Pension Building in Washington, D.C. was funded. The Museum was to be planned to incorporate a "central archive; a showcase for past and present contributions; a re- search center; and a clearinghouse for all aspects of American architecture, landscape architecture, civil engineering, and ur- ban design." Committee for the National Museum of the Building Arts 1800 M Street, N.W., Suite 400 South Washington, D.C. 20036 Contact: Wolf von Eckardt. 202/223-7481 $40,000 / FY 1976 Architectural planning for the conversion of an empty downtown office building to a re- gional theatre center which would house the theatrical and educational programs of the Whole Theatre Company received funding sup- port. The New Jersey Theatre Foundation Church Street and Trinity Place Montclair, New Jersey 07042 Contact: Karen Ann Shafer, Managing Director. 201/744-2989 $20,000 / FY 1977 Opera Houses Preliminary program and architectural plan- ning for the opera house and the develop- ment of fund raising materials were sup- ported by this grant. Town of Wise Town Hall Wise, Virginia 24293 Contact: Larry M. Couch, Town Manager. 703/328-6187 $5,000 / FY 1977 p An architectural investigation of the fea- sibility of restoring and adapting Hubbard Hall for professional and community arts activities, including a study of necessary fire and safety compliance measures, pre- liminary design for the opera house, and the development of fund raising materials was funded. Village of Cambridge Cambridge, New York 12816 Contact: Benjamin White, Project Director, Cambridge Arts Program. RD #2, Cambridge, New York 92816. 518/677-3942 $5,550 / FY 1977 Piers The feasibility of transforming a New York pier into an interdisciplinary work space for artists was studied under this grant. New York Foundation for the Arts, Inc. 60 East 42nd Street New York, New York 10017 Contact: Mark H. Fleischman Davis, Inc. 4 20 Lexington Avenue, Room 2720, New York, New York 10017. 212/683-7700 $10,000 / FY 1973 Reuse of piers in San Francisco for public use and enjoyment was studied. A physical, legal, and economic framework for redevelop- ment of Embarcadero Gardens was prepared with recommended implementation by a non- governmental, nonprofit entity. Sierra Club Foundation 1500 Mills Tower 220 Bush Street San Francisco, California 94104 Contact: Toby Rosenblatt. 415/362-4195 $40,000 / FY 1973 Police Conversion of a 19th-century building into Headquarters the Italian-American Cultural Center was to be looked at in a comprehensive architec- tural and environmental study funded under this grant. The project is part of the city's overall effort to develop and regenerate the 125 acres in lower Manhattan comprising "Little Italy." Little Italy Restoration Association, Inc. 187 Grand Street New York, New York 10013 Contact: 'Ntoni Bastiano, Director of Cultural Affairs. 212/431-3500 $20,000 / FY 1976 Post Off ices A programming and feasibility study of the reuse of the Old Post Office included: identification of potential users with square footage requirements and contingency requirements; study of the relationship of the building and potential users to trans- portation systems, with emphasis on possi- ble structural complications arising from several alternative subway exit locations; research on problems of horizontal and ver- tical circulation within the building; ex- amination of basic structural, mechanical, and electrical systems and recommendation on any needed repair - using such profes- sional engineers as were required. Final drawings, plans, sections, and a report were prepared for submittal to the Office of Management and Budget and to Congress. Architectural Heritage Foundation, Inc. Old City Hall 45 School Street Boston, Massachusetts 02108 Contact: Roger Webb. 617/523-8678 $46,800 and $20,000 / FY 1974 and 1975 Cost and market studies for reuse of the Old Post Office in Buffalo, New York, were funded. The building, constructed in 1901 and designed by James Knox Taylor, was planned for reuse as a community center and museum, performing arts center, retail space for boutiques and ethnic restaurants, and other private uses. The grant permitted an updating of earlier cost surveys; and a careful study of the best uses to assure a good economic base for the building. A num- ber of Federal, local, and private agencies support the reuse of this unique building. Greater Buffalo Development Foundation, Inc. 1306 Rand Building Buffalo, New York 14203 Contact: Gerald E. Kelly, Executive Vice President. 716/856-2708 $24,048 / FY 1975 Conversion of an old Post Office into a cul- tural center in Morgantown, West Virginia, was to be the focus of a planning and fea- sibility study. Town and Country Players 671 West View Avenue Morgantown, West Virginia 26505 Contact: Jo P. Kaplan. 304/599-2218 $10,000 / FY 1976 Power Plants Reuse of the Old Post Office Building as a model mixed-use Federal building was en- couraged by this contract. The contractor worked with General Services Administration and the Department of the Interior in con- nection with this project; attended inter- agency meetings and conferences; assisted in the drafting of legislation, hearing tes- timony, and impact statements; and acted as liaison to contractors and grantees of the Endowment to achieve the Endowment's objec- tives of making this building a model for its program of promoting mixed-use of worthwhile older buildings. Merrill Ware Architecture & Environmental Arts Program National Endowment for the Arts Washington, D.C. 20506 $11,700 / FY 1974 Community reuse of the Abbeville (Louis- iana) Water and Light Plant - built in 1922 and a unique community focal point - was planned, along with efforts to improve the visual quality of the site in a way that is "harmonious with an ongoing urban design program. " Acadiana Planning and Development District P.O. Box 3322 Lafayette, Louisiana 70501 Contact: Gary P. LaGrange, Planner-in- Charge. 318/233-3215 $7,400 / FY 1975 Pumphouses A development plan for the revitalization of the Great Falls Power and Raceway Sys- tem in Paterson, New Jersey, was funded under this grant. Great Falls Development, Inc. 176 Maple Street Paterson, New Jersey 07505 Contact: Francis Blesso, Deputy Director, Department of City Development, 52 Church Street, Paterson, New Jersey 07505. 201/684-3000 $11,410 / FY 1975 Reuse of a 19th-century pumphouse as a com- munity-university facility was studied. The pumphouse was proposed for use as a day-care, health-services, social-services, and re- creation facility linking the university campus with a large public housing project. It was hoped the project would enhance re- lationships of the growing university with the community. University of Massachusetts Boston Campus Boston, Massachusetts 02125 Contact: William Rawn, Assistant Chancel- lor for Fiscal Planning and Community Affairs. 617/287-1900 $21,089 / FY 1975 B. Railroad Buildings/ Yards Conversion of a fourteen-mile-long railroad right-of-way to a linear park or nature way was studied. The spur line, nearing abandonment, follows Montana's scenic Gal- latin Valley. The project included photo- graphing existing conditions, and making renderings of possible future uses and plans. Bozeman City-County Planning Board Room 103 Gallatin County Courthouse Bozeman, Montana 59715 Contact: Stan Steadman, Planning Director. 406/587-1752 $9,475 / FY 1974 Planning for reuse of a 1920s railroad sta- tion as a cultural center for Temple, Texas, was completed under this grant. Cultural Activities Center, Inc. 318 West Avenue G, P.O. Box 3292 Temple, Texas 76501 Contact: Moran Kuykendall, Chairman, Rail- road and Pioneer Museum. 817/778-8722 $4,500 / FY 1973 A study of the reuse of railroad stations - "a unique American architectural heri- tage" - was funded. The project investi- gated ways and means to reuse abandoned and under-used stations throughout the country. Educational Facilities Laboratories, Inc. 850 Third Avenue New York, New York 10022 Contact: Norman Pfeiffer, Hardy, Holzman, Pfeiffer Associates, 257 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10010. 212/677-6030 $23,550 / FY 1972 Preparation of the book Reusing Railroad Stations was funded. Resulting from a previously-funded study, the book inven- toried the most important stations and suggested a wide variety of new uses and approaches. Educational Facilities Laboratories, Inc. 8 50 Third Avenue New York, New York 10022 Contact: Alan Green. 212/751-6214 $23,000 / FY 1974 A workshop on adapting railroad stations for multiple use, held on July 21-23, 1974, in Indianapolis, was coordinated and plan- ned. Objectives of the workshop were the establishment of guidelines for adaptive use of stations, determination of what le- gislation or authority would provide incen- tives to make adaptive use more attractive to all parties concerned, and the establish- ment of a clearinghouse of information on such adaptive use. The contract included pre- paration of papers on various legal, econ- omic, and technical problems/solutions/al- ternatives that might be involved in ef- forts to revitalize railroad stations. The proceedings of the workshop formed the basis for a publication on use of railroad sta- tions as facilities for the arts. Educational Facilities Laboratories, Inc. 850 Third Avenue New York, New York 10022 Contact: Alan C. Green, Executive Vice President. 212/751-6214 $17,000 / FY 1974 A documentary on H.H. Richardson's train station in New London, Connecticut, was funded. The 30-minute slide and tape show was to record the history, decline, and restoration of the station and was inten- ded as an educational tool for communities involved in adaptive reuse projects. Todd A. Gipstein 19 Pinckney Street Boston, Massachusetts 02114 $10,000 / FY 1976 Adaptation of the elevated railroad frame- work in Jamaica, Queens, was studied. Trains were to be moved to a new subway, and mer- chants along Jamaica Avenue discussed a modern mall. But "since the El has an im- probable beauty, with some values and qual- ities that seem worth saving," this study examined options for turning parts of the El into a design framework as an identity for this commercial area. Greater Jamaica Development Corporation 161-10 Jamaica Avenue Jamaica, New York 11432 Contact: F. Carlisle Towery. 212/291-0282 $50,000 / FY 1974 Design workshops for local businessmen to develop design criteria for visually improv- ing the locale of the old elevated railway ("El") were supported by this grant. An earlier grant was used to prepare feasibil- ity studies and alternative design solutions to the accumulated visual blight of this old shopping district. Greater Jamaica Development Corporation 161-10 Jamaica Avenue Jamaica, New York 11432 Contact: F. Carlisle Towery. 212/291-0282 $20,000 / FY 1976 Two films on the preservation and reuse of historic railroad stations were completed. One explored, at length, the creative reuse of railroad stations. The other, a shor- tened version, was premiered at a national conference on railroad station reuse in 1974. Both have been shown around the country. Roger T. Hagan 1019 Belmont Place East Seattle, Washington 98102 $20,313 and $5,000 / FY 1972 and 1974 A study of restoration alternates of an underused rail station in Princeton, New Jersey - made within the context of a major Department of Transportation study of reestablishing rail service in north- ern New Jersey - included modernization of passenger facilities, and studies of alternative use mixes, and cultural and social value of the station to the commun- ity. Jerome M. Lutin 1-X Hibben Apartments Faculty Road Princeton, New Jersey 08540 $8,900 / FY 1974 Workshops on restoring railroad depots in the State of New Jersey were funded. Jerome M. Lutin 1-X Hibben Apartments Faculty Road Princeton, New Jersey 08540 $9,650 / FY 1977 Conversion of a railroad depot to a multi- purpose community center in Mount Sterling, Kentucky, was to be the focus of this plan- ning and design project. The complex was to include an arts and crafts center, a museum, a center for the elderly and han- dicapped, a performing arts center, and a restaurant. Montgomery County P.O. Box 640-C Mt. Sterling, Kentucky 40353 Contact: Judson Edwards. 606/498-6564 $12,000 / FY 1976 A study addressing the physical and socio- economic impact of the adaptive use of the P & LE Railroad complex on surrounding neighborhoods was supported. This study emphasized the development of design solu- tions and accompanying cost estimates. Pittsburgh History and Landmarks Founda- tion Old Post Office Museum 1 Landmarks Square Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15212 Contact: Arthur P. Ziegler, President. 412/322-1204 $9,800 / FY 1977 A survey of remaining passenger depots in New Jersey, to determine which might be suitable for reuse as community cultural facilities, was conducted. Final report included photographs, location maps, and renovation suggestions. Michael Sena 988 Memorial Drive Cambridge, Massachusetts $3,260 / FY 1972 02138 Adaptation of a 19th century railroad sta- tion into a community arts center was the focus of this feasibility and design study. The facility was also to be planned as the home for an ongoing program in arts appre- ciation, instruction, and professional pro- gramming for the community of Williamsport , Pennsylvania. Symbrinck Associates, Inc. P. 0. Box 1042 74 3 West Fdwin Street Williamsport, Pennsylvania 17701 Contact: James Svmmons , Fxecutive Director, 717/326-1058 $7,095 / FY 1976 Recreational A comprehensive revitalization plan for Facilities Coney Island was to be prepared under this grant with emphasis on the preservation and adaptive use of older recreational fa- cilities, the creation of new community amenities for vacant land, and the enhance- ment of the seashore and the commercial strip. Study was to aim at the promotion of private investment in the area and an increase in public awareness of Coney Is- land as an accessible urban resource. Rest Homes Institute of Human Relations of the American Jewish Committee 165 East 56th Street New York, New York 10022 Contact: Valerie Jorrin, Director of Community Development. 212/751-4000 $20,000 / FY 1976 Planning for the conversion of historic buildings into a full-scale cultural com- plex at Sailor's Snug Harbor included a series of town meetings to gain community input. Borough of Staten Island Borough Hall Staten Island, New York 10301 Contact: Thomas Schleier, Chairman, Snug Harbor Cultural Center, P. 0. Box 252, Staten Island, New York 10305. 212/720-6775 $20,000 / FY 1976 Adaptive use of historic buildings on an 80-acre landscaped campus on Staten Island was planned. Formerly the Sailors' Snug Harbor, this unique collection of build- ings - five Greek Revival halls, cottages in School Empire style, an Italianate Cha- pel of 1855, and others - will be used as a cultural center. Project included an inventory, preparation of a scheme for adaptive use, and designs for integrating needed new facilities. Staten Island Institute of Arts and Sciences 75 Stuyvesant Place Staten Island, New York 10301 Contact: James Marston Fitch, Graduate Program, Historic Preservation, Columbia University, New York, New York 10027 212/280-3504 $12,500 / FY 1975 Rivers The best use of seven streams and rivers in Columbus, Ohio, was studied. A new design concept for reshaping, conserving and "pre- serving" the rivers, and for "facing the city towards the rivers" was developed. City of Columbus Department of Recreation and Parks Columbus, Ohio 43215 Contact: Kenneth J. McElroy, Chief Land Architect. 614/461-7342 $40,000 / FY 1974 The design and presentation of the Patapsco River Restoration Plan - "intended to pre- serve this small Maryland river much as historic buildings are preserved" - was funded. The goal: to show by this small example how larger and more complex river systems can be restored as publicly or privately held trusts contributing to the beauty of the landscape. Rurik F. Ekstrom 10351 Barcan Circle Columbia, Maryland 21044 $8,875 / FY 1974 Roofs Use of rooftop space for public and semi- public activities - cultural and/or re- creational - was studied. Focus of the team of investigators was legal regulation, low-cost design, construction and equipment solutions. Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art Cooper Square New York, New York 10003 Contact: George Sadek, Dean, School of Art and Architecture. 212/254-6300 $45,150 / FY 1973 s Schools Adaptation of the Engle Street High School to a multi-use arts center was funded. r -rant funds were to be used to support a feasi- bility study to determine probable occu- pancy, conversion costs, and operating costs. Art Center of Northern New Jersey 10 Jay Street Tenafly, New Jersey 07670 Contact: Byron R. Kelley, Director. 201/871-3373 $5,000 / FY 1977 Assistance was provided to research all changes and additions made to the electrical system of the Academy Building, built in 1861. This also included tracing the circuits and making new electrical diagrams for all spaces in the house. Brooklyn Academy of Music, Inc. 30 Lafayette Avenue Brooklyn, New York 11217 Contact: Henry A. Young, Jr., Vice President. 212/636-4146 $7,590 / FY 1977 Pees for redesign of a college and high school complex for a theater was funded. St. Ignatius Loyola College and High School is being renovated into a 500-seat theater for Center Stage - at a total cost of $1.6 million . Center Stage Associates 31 East North Avenue Baltimore, Maryland 21202 Contact: Peter W. Culman, Managing Director. 301/685-3200 $100,000 / FY 1975 Conversion of an old school into a commun- ity cultural center was assisted by this grant given for planning and preliminary design plans. City of Troy City Hall P. 0. Box 625 Troy, Alabama 36081 Contact: Glenn Kent. 205/566-6066 $14,000 / FY 1976 The adaptive reuse of the former Turlock High School as a community cultural com- plex was the aim of this project. Grant funds were to be used to support the Bi- centennial Committee of Turlock 's struc- tural study and the development of pre- liminary architectural plans. City of Turlock P. 0. Drawer T. Turlock, California 95380 Contact: Marion E. Unruh. 209/632-6305 S6,000 / FY 1976 Development of a resource book on design and use of public school grounds was funded. Educational Futures, Inc. Built Environment Education Center 4508 Regent Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19143 Contact: Aase Eriksen, Project Advisor. 215/387-5712 $19,850 / FY 1976 A detailed planning and design study of a proposed extension to the Elma Lewis School of Fine Arts was to be conducted under this grant. The extension plans contain a theater, a museum-gallery space, and an attached retail and restaurant structure. Elma Lewis School of Fine Arts 122 Elm Hill Avenue Dorchester, Massachusetts 02121 Contact: John Francis, Administrator. 617/442-8820 $19,700 / FY 1976 Restoration and adaptation of an historic building for use as a cultural arts center serving the regional community of Escon- dido, California, was explored under this grant. Escondido Regional Arts Council P.O. Box 48 Escondido, California 92025 Contact: Joseph Marca, President. 714/743-4106 $20,000 / FY 1976 Renovation of Public School #1 into studio spaces for individual artists according to their financial needs was supported by this grant through long-range planning, design, and fund-raising programs. The facility was also to include space for exhibitions, performances, and video/film programs. Institute for Art and Urban Resources c/o The Clocktower Floor 13, 108 Leonard Street New York, New York 10013 Contact: Alanna Heiss, Executive Direc- tor. 212/233-1096 $10,000 / FY 1976 The conversion of the historic 1894 school building into a local museum and community center in Silver Plume, Colorado, was to be studied under this grant. This second stage of planning was to include reorgan- ization of displays for better use of space, a study of technical and equipment requirements, safety code study, and a long- term restoration scheme. People for Silver Plume, Inc. Box 93 5 Silver Plume, Colorado 80476 Contact: Pauline Marshall. 303/569-2654 $2,400 / FY 1976 A statewide technical assistance program dealing with the reuse of surplus school buildings was supported with emphasis on economic and structural feasibility stud- ies for four prototype structures, tech- nical leaflets, a travelling exhibit, and public relations materials aimed at pot- ential users. Preservation League of New York State, Inc. 184 Washington Avenue Albany, New York 12210 Contact: Diana S. Waite, Executive Dir- ector. 518/462-5658 $9,310 / FY 1977 A film on successful school reuse projects was assisted by this grant. Emphasis was to be placed on procedural and professional requirements for such a reuse, with the con- version of a Gloucester, Massachusetts, grammar school into an apartment facility serving as an example. Albert Viator 3 Calder Street Gloucester, Massachusetts 01930 $8,000 / FY 1976 Shipyards Development of design guidelines for reuse of the vacant Boston Naval Shipyard. This National Landmark property, adjacent to the U.S.S. Constitution National Historic Site, was to be developed in keeping with the historic environment. Boston Redevelopment Authority City Hall, Room 911 Boston, Massachusetts 02201 Contact: Robert T. Kenney, Director. 617/722-4300 $10,000 / py 1976 Sidewalks The unearthing and cleaning of eighty- to ninety-year-old brick sidewalks (with future maintenance guaranteed) was intended as part of the restoration of this Spoon River community, emphasizing the period 1890 to 1910. Village of London Mills, Illinois 61544 Contact: Robert C. Boden, President, Board of Trustees. 309/486-3315 $900 / FY 1975 Squares and Proposals to preserve historic courthouse Greens squares in Virginia were developed. Fifteen squares, all focal points of small communi- ties, were photographed and described; and for nine, site plans were drawn. Paul S. Dulaney Box 6 Greenwood, Virginia $5,000 / FY 1971 22943 The reestablishment of traditional commun- ity cultural centers in small towns in Ver- mont was the focus of this project. The collaboration of architects and designers in a statewide project was to focus atten- tion on the reuse of village greens. Vermont Council on the Arts, Inc. 136 State Street Montpelier, Vermont 05602 Contact: Ellen M. Lovell, Executive Director. 802/828-3291 $10,000 / FY 1976 Streets The planning/design study for Ann Arbor's Liberty Street corridor, facilitated by this grant, was to place special emphasis on the impact of a newly constructed Fed- eral building. Combining adaptive use designs with financial incentives, the study was to attempt to increase commitment by public officials to the conservation of remaining 19th-century streetscape ele- ments on a route linking the central busi- ness district, the University campus, and adjacent residential neighborhoods. Ann Arbor Tomorrow 115-1/2 East Liberty Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108 Contact: Guy C. Larcom, Jr., Executive Director. 313/665-4433 $10,000 / FY 1976 The enhancement of Auburn Avenue, focus of Atlanta's black community, was planned. Be- ginning at Peachtree Street, the Avenue is the center of many distinctive churches, historic buildings, and social interaction centers now embedded among neglected build- ings and lots. Local citizens, city offi- cials, and university professionals studied the historic, economic, and physical devel- opment potential of the area and produced plans, designs, and strategies to save it. City of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Contact: Jules M. Sugarman, Chief Admin- istrative Officer. 404/658-6122 $48,400 / FY 1974 The restoration and revitalization of the James Street area in Newark - a large grouping of brick and masonry townhouses surviving near the business district, the Newark Museum, the library, and several city campuses - was studied. The goal was restoration of housing now converted to rooming houses, and establishment of a distinct community identity through resi- dential rehabilitation, selected new de- velopment, and public improvements - with many community organizations and residents participating. City of Newark City Hall Newark, New Jersey 07102 Contact: Alfred Shapiro, Planning Officer, Mayor's Policy and Development Office, 24 Commerce Street, 11th Floor, Newark, New Jersey 07102. 201/623-6858 $49,055 / FY 1974 Design studies and public awareness efforts for selected streetscapes in Brooklyn and Manhattan were assisted by this grant. Cho- sen for the special character that each provides to its surrounding neighborhood, the streets were to include Mulberry Street in Little Italy; and Broadway, Court Street, and Newkirk Plaza in Brooklyn. Emphasis was to be on providing design options and imple- mentation tools to community residents com- mitted to community enhancement. City Planning Department Fund 2 Lafayette Street New York, New York 10007 Contact: Raquel Ramati, Director, Urban Design Group. 212/566-0600 $20,000 / FY 1976 Replanning of Orleans Street in the Vieux Carre as a pedestrian mall involved a de- tailed study of the history of the street as well as a detailed design. The four- block-long avenue connects the historic St. Louis Cathedral- Jackson Square Complex with the New Orleans Cultural Center, and would become a landscaped, pedestrian- oriented passage. Jack R. Cosner 1029 Orleans Street New Orleans, Louisiana 70116 $10,000 / FY 1974 A proposal to separate the streets of cen- tral Washington, D.C., into two systems - a "private system" of grid streets assigned to pedestrians, trucks, and autos; and a "public system" of boulevards intersecting squares and circles assigned to pedestrians, buses, and bicycles - was intended "to return L'Enfant's boulevards, circles, and squares to their original function of public open space." District of Columbia Office of Planning and Management Room 409, District Building Washington, D.C. 20004 Contact: Joseph Passonneau, 3015 Q Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20007 202/965-2679 $50,000 / FY 1974 Development of a "City Place" in Austin - an outdoor space "where all can feel the uniqueness of the city, with a sense of the past and future" - was proposed. The grant funded redevelopment of a street with its adjacent structures and graphics in an effort to provide a center for co- ordination of all renewal efforts in the downtown area. Analysis was made of the physical aspects and also the economic fea- sibility and financial program. The site chosen in Austin was Congress Avenue, the old main street leading from the Colorado River to the State Capitol. John Andrew Gallery 1406 Hardouin Avenue Austin, Texas 78703 $10,000 / FY 1974 Reclamation of the amenities of historic streets in Annapolis, Maryland, was planned, including removal of some of the modern ma- cadam surfacing to restore the original cobble, brick, or Belgian block paving; and design and installation of street furniture, lighting standards, and other details appropriate to the historic area. Historic Annapolis, Inc. 18 Pinkney Street Annapolis, Maryland 21401 Contact: Richard Kearns. 301/267-7619 $9,566 / FY 1975 The preparation of a traveling multi-media exhibit, "Main Street," was supported by this grant. The exhibit was to be designed to encourage small Indiana towns to work for physical and visual improvements in their commercial sections, and was to demon- strate ways in which this might be accom- plished. The topics were to include analy- sis of the townscape, cost estimating on facade improvement, color spectrum for painting various styles of buildings, and model block restoration. Historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana, Inc. 3402 Boulevard Place Indianapolis, Indiana 46208 Contact: Christopher Owens, Director of Property and Planning. 317/926-2301 $6,150 / FY 1976 A case study of the potential of a specific street - aimed at discovering in detail its visual (physical design) and operation potential "as a positive organizing spatial element in the urban fabric" - was under- taken. It was proposed to study the street as a complex environmental problem, rather than an operation or traffic-control problem. Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies 8 West 40th Street New York, New York 10018 Contact: Peter D. Eisenman. 212/947-0765 $30,000 / FY 1969 A program for maintenance and clean-up of Meredith, New Hampshire, was planned - in- cluding an appeal for support to all groups in the community; establishment of a program of street and sidewalk repair and cleaning; tree planting and landscaping; and establish- ment of new standards for signs, awnings, and street furniture. Lakes Region Planning Commission 11 Lang Street Meredith, New Hampshire 03253 Contact: David G. Scott, Executive Director. 603/279-6550 $5,000 / FY 1975 To increase public awareness and involve- ment in the reuse of Main Street in Ogden, Utah, was the focus of this project. An audio-visual presentation and brochure were planned. Ogden City Corporation Department of Community Development 2650 Washington Boulevard Ogden, Utah 84401 Contact: Richard L. Larsen, City Manager. 801/399-8011 $5,910 / FY 1976 An analysis of recycling streets to non- vehicular use in Honolulu and Berkeley categorized streets as "channel connectors" or "separators," or "reuse potential" for bazaars, festivals, parks, housing sites, or bicycling. Jack T. Sidener 2161 Shattuck Avenue Berkeley, California 94707 $9,500 / FY 1974 A questionnaire, guidebook, and workshops based on Recycling Streets , a guide to neighborhood improvement were funded. Jack T. Sidener 2161 Shattuck Avenue Berkeley, California 94704 $10,000 / FY 1977 The legal considerations and physical features of private streets were analyzed for possible application to future urban plans. The study was based on a system of private streets developed between 1867 and 1905 in St. Louis, Missouri - still admired for their quiet, limited traffic, green spaces, and sense of cohesiveness and order. The study was documented in written reports and drawings. Robert L. Vickery 436 North First Street Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 $4,200 / FY 1970 Studios A survey and design study of "living-loft space" for artists, a community arts gal- lery, and a theater space within the developing arts center in New Haven was to be conducted under this grant. The grant helped further the unique "Homestead Act for Artists," which was initiated by the Arts Council and would provide living and studio space for artists. The Arts Council of Greater New Haven 110 Audubon Street New Haven, Connecticut 06511 Contact: Charles Henry Brewer, Jr., The Architects Office, 1044 Chapel Street, New Haven, Connecticut 06510 203/787-4012 $10,000 / FY 1976 Inexpensive studio space was maintained for Detroit artisans, architects, urban de- signers, painters, sculptors, photograph- ers, printmakers, and other craftsmen. Detroit Common Ground of the Arts 6463 East Warren Avenue Detroit, Michigan 48207 Contact: Cornelius Gabler, President, 3300 Book Building Tower, Detroit, Michigan 48226. 313/963-8963 $13,800 / FY 1968 T Architectural planning for the expansion of Womanspace , Inc . , a downtown work center for the arts providing artists' studios, musicians' practice space and writers' carrells was supported. Woman Space, A Work Center for the Arts 938 Pearl Street Boulder, Colorado 80302 Contact: Helen R. Turvey, Director. 303/447-1362 $5,000 / FY 1977 Theatres A long-range design program for San Fran- cisco's historic Geary Theatre as a per- manent performing facility for the Amer- ican Conservatory Theatre was assisted by this grant. The study was also to include initial planning for a theatre to be built on adjoining property to house their new "Plays in Progress" program. American Conservatory Theatre Foundation 450 Geary Street San Francisco, California 94102 Contact: Dave Hawkanson. 415/771-3880 $10,000 / FY 1976 Assistance for architectural designing and securing of professional services to determine mechanical, safety, and other technical specifications in the restora- tion of the Mishler Theatre were supported. The Blair County Arts Foundation 1203 12th Avenue Altoona, Pennsylvania 16601 Contact: Mary Ann Bloom. 814/695-2586 $8,960 / FY 1977 A full-scale design program for the conver- sion of the historic Merced Theatre was supported by this grant. The reconstructed theatre was planned as the new home of the Mark Taper Forum's experimental theatre program. Center Theatre Group of Los Angeles 135 North Grand Avenue Los Angeles, California 90012 Contact: William P. Wingate, General Manager, Mark Taper Forum. 213/626-5781 $10,000 / FY 1976 Assistance in the payment of architectural fees for the schematic and design develop- ment phases for the currently planned con- solidation of the Play House's two facili- ties at their landmark 86th Street Theatre was provided by this grant. Cleveland Play House 2040 East 86th Street Cleveland, Ohio 44106 Contact: Richard Oberlin, Director, Cleve- land Playhouse. 216/321-3476 $20,000 / FY 1977 The planning for Phase Three of the renova- tion of the historic Lamar House-Bijou Thea- tre as a performing arts center was supported by this grant. Particular emphasis was to be given to the use of the hotel space as sup- port facilities for the performing arts. Knoxville Heritage, Inc. P.O. Box 1746 Knoxville, Tennessee 37901 Contact: W. Glenn Bullock, President. 615/588-5772 $18,300 / FY 1977 Expansion and renovation plans for the 1892 Lyric Theatre in mid-town Baltimore re- ceived support. Grant funds were to assist in the payment of architectural and engi- neering fees and allowed the continued opera- tion of the theatre as a major facility for ballet, opera, and symphonic music. Lyric Foundation, Inc. 128 West Mount Royal Avenue Baltimore, Maryland 21201 Contact: Russell C. Wonderlic, Chairman, Development Committee. 301/685-5086 $20,000 / VY 1977 The feasibility of renovating the historic Dalton Theatre in Pulaski, Virginia, as a community-based arts facility was the fo- cus of this grant. Specifically, a market- ing study was to be undertaken to deter- mine anticipated use and support for the community arts center, and a structural analysis was to be made to determine anti- cipated renovation costs. New River Valley Planning Commission 1612 Wadsworth Street P.O. Box 3762 Radford, Virginia 24141 Contact: Gordon Dixon, Executive Direc- tor. 703/639-9313 $8,620 / FY 1976 A study of the architectural facade and interior needs of Marion, Ohio's historic Palace Theatre, currently being restored as a community arts center, was funded under this grant. A national register property, the restoration of the theatre, was declared the community's major Bicen- tennial project. Palace Cultural Arts Association P.O. Box 462 Marion, Ohio 43302 Contact: Nancy Sitterley. 614/389-4329 $5,310 / FY 1976 A master plan for the restoration of the Paramount Theatre as a performing arts cen- ter was supported. Paramount Theatre for the Performing Arts., Inc. P.O. Box 1205 Austin, Texas 78767 Contact: John M. Bernardoni, President. 512/472-5412 $17,500 / FY 1977 The adaptive reuse of the historic Standard (Folly) Theatre as a multipurpose commun- ity theatre was to be studied under this grant. The redesigned facility was to have 1,000 seats and was to be accessible to the handicapped . Performing Arts Foundation of Kansas City 2715 Commerce Tower Kansas City, Missouri 64199 Contact: Joan Dillon, Vice President 816/361-5242 $20,000 / FY 1976 A structural investigation for the restora- tion of the Astor Theatre was supported. Special consideration was to be given to retaining the original design and architec- tural detailing while improving the Theatre as a performing arts facility for the Berks County community. Redevelopment Authority, City of Reading, Reading, Pennsylvania 19602 Contact: David E. Anderson, Executive Director. 215/375-4291 $5,000 / FY 1977 Economic and architectural feasibility stu- dies for the restoration and conversion of the Sooner Theatre were supported. Assis- tance was also provided to develop mater- ials to promote implementation so the thea- tre could be used by community organiza- tions. Sooner Theatre of Norman, Inc. 104 East Eufala Street Norman, Oklahoma 7 3069 Contact: Fred D. Shellabarger , Fred Shellabarger Associates, 2500 South He- Gee Drive, Norman, Oklahoma 73069 405/364-1251 $5,025 / FY 1977 A preliminary site planning and building design package for renovation and expansion of Atlanta's Academy Theatre was funded. Special focus was to be directed to solar heating and lighting studies for the thea- tre, as well as incorporation of two ad- jacent city lots into the master plan. Southeastern Academy of Theatre and Music, Inc. (Academy Theatre) 3212 Roswell Road, N.E. Atlanta, Georgia 30305 Contact: Frank Wittow, Executive Artis- tic Director. 404/261-8550 $10,000 / FY 1977 A three-stage planning study establishing a permanent home for the Wilma Project Free Theatre in Philadelphia was scheduled under this grant. The study was to include an analysis of facility needs, an investiga- tion of the three buildings and the relative economic feasibility of their reuse, and the development of preliminary design concepts. The Wilma Project 2212 Spruce Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103 Contact: Linda Griffith, Artistic Director. 215/379-3174 $6,600 / FY 1976 Towns A feasibility study and an implementation document on the conversion of the historic town of Walpack to an Art Town was funded. The town would house the Foundation's existing artists' programs and Environmen- tal Campus and would be administered through a cooperative agreement with the National Park Service Artists for Environment Foundation Columbia, New Jersey 078 32 Contact: Joel Corcos Levy, President. 201/581-2237 $20,000 / FY 1977 TownHalls An adaptive use feasibility and design study of two historic buildings in Lincoln, Nebraska, was funded. The grantee, in con- junction with the city, planned to convert the historic Old City Hall and the Old Federal Building into a 2,500-seat perfor- ming arts center and office complex. City of Lincoln 555 South 10th Street Lincoln, Nebraska 68508 Contact: Barbara Henderson, Chairman, Lincoln Bicentennial Committee. 402/489-8441 $20,000 / fy 1976 w Conversion of the old Town Hall into a community theater was to be studied under this grant. Architectural plans included an investigation of general specifications for facility, technical, and equipment requirements . Town of Crested Butte, Colorado 81224 Contact: Myles C. Rademan, Director, Planning Department. P.O. Box 376, Gunnison, Colorado 81224 $1,000 / FY 1976 The renovation of the town's open spaces and its historic Town Hall was to be ac- complished through the retention of qual- ified professional services. Village of Hudson 130 North Main Street Hudson, Ohio 44236 Contact: James W. Nelson, Councilman. 216/641-3600 $20,000 / FY 1976 Warehouses A redevelopment study of the Warehouse Dis- trict within the city's central business district was funded. The study was to in- clude a building catalogue, economic and architectural feasibility studies for five building types, and a developer's guide to rehabilitation legislation and funding programs. City of Baltimore Baltimore, Maryland 21202 Contact: Ms. Barbara A. Hoff, Executive Director, Commission for Historic and Architectural Preservation, Room 900, 26 South Calvert Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21202. 301/396-4599 $7,995 / FY 1977 An historic building survey and preserva- tion plan for Cleveland's warehouse dis- trict was assisted by this grant. The pro- ject was to emphasize the delineation of adaptive use potential for the area's 19th-century commercial buildings and to increase awareness of preservation tech- niques by property owners. City of Cleveland City Hall Cleveland, Ohio 44114 Contact: John D. Cimperman, Director, Cleveland Landmarks Commission. 216/694-2531 $10,000 / FY 1976 Assessment of Burlington's need for an art facility and design planning for the adap- tation of a downtown warehouse building for performance, exhibition, and instruction in the arts were supported. The Community Arts & Media Center, Inc. 37 Orchard Terrace Burlington, Vermont 05401 Contact: Robert E. Durand, Project Director. 802/658-2115 $10,650 / FY 1977 Adaptive use of a 1913 riverfront railroad warehouse as a community facility for Pittsburgh was studied under this grant. Pittsburgh History and Landmarks Foundation The Old Post Office 701 Allegheny Square West Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15212 Contact: Arthur P. Ziegler, Jr., Pres- ident. 412/322-1204 $3,800 / FY 1973 A complete landscaping plan for Frank Lloyd Wright's A.D. German Warehouse, to be used as a cultural center for Richland County, was funded. Richland Museum. Ltd. (THE WAREHOUSE) 300 South Church Street Richland Center, Wisconsin 53581 Contact: David Kopitzke, Director. 608/647-2222 $1,920 / FY 1977 Waterfronts A design study of the potential reuse of underutilized older buildings and vacant land on the Burlington waterfront was assisted by this grant. City of Burlington Planning Commission P.O. Box 941 Burlington, Vermont 05401 Contact: William M. Aswad, Chairman. 802/862-5711 $20,000 / FY 1976 A study of multiuse possibilities for a deteriorating waterfront in Portland, Maine, set up new public access to the waterfront, and established design controls over reha- bilitation and new construction. City of Portland Planning Department City Hall Portland, Maine 04111 Contact: Paul A. Rollins. 207/775-5451 $39,645 / PY 1973 A study of design details for a waterfront greenbelt linking a public beach, a voca- tional school, several historic sites, and a proposed marina was funded. The pro- posed walkway was to key upon a number of traditional but overlooked factors in the history and physical environment of the City of South Portland, Maine. City of South Portland City Hall 25 Cottage Road South Portland, Maine 04106 Contact: Joseph F. Ziepniewski, Direc- tor of Planning. 207/767-3201 $12,000 / FY 1976 A comprehensive study of the Davenport waterfront - extending nine miles along the Mississippi - was planned. Present land uses include the central business district, com- mercial, industrial, residential and open space; all in unplanned relationships. The study was undertaken just ahead of a pro- posal for flood control by the Corps of Engineers. Davenport Levee Improvement Commission City Hall Davenport, Iowa 52801 Contact: Eugene O. Johnson, Executive Secretary. 319/326-7765 $18,750 / FY 1974 Alternatives for urban waterfront seafood areas were developed; design solutions which incorporated vernacular design, small-scale activities, and diversity into viable urban waterfront projects. Ann Satterthwaite 1320 27th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20007 $7,450 / FY 1973 A study of the historic Vieux Carre water- front in New Orleans identified immediate and long-range goals for the best utiliza- tion of the area for recreational, indus- trial, commercial, and transportation needs, leading to design proposals for the area. Tulane University 6823 St. Charles Avenue New Orleans, Louisiana 70118 Contact: William K. Turner, Dean, School of Architecture. 504/865-4011 $30,000 / FY 1969 Y Yards A demonstration of creating open* space by combining rear yards of a typical urban city block - to provide a common neigh- borhood green and recreational open space - was planned. The hope was that "if such a new city option were available on a broad scale, it would provide inducement to help stop the outflow of residents to the suburbs. " z San Francisco Planning and Urban Renewal Association 126 Post Street San Francisco, California 94108 Contact: Sherwood Stockwell, Member of the Board. 415/781-1526 $9,300 / FY 1975 ZOOS The Pawtucket Zoo was redefined, reorgan- ized, and rehabilitated under a design study financed by this grant. The new plan trans- formed the zoo from a confined space into a "natural environment display setting," and an action program to implement the proposal was begun. City of Pawtucket City Hall Pawtucket, Rhode Island 02860 Contact: Joseph W. Dragon, Director of Recreation and Parks. 401/728-0500 $30,000 / FY 1974 Alabama City of Troy Schools 14,000/76 Alaska City of Eagle Miscellaneous 5,ooo/77 Mark L. Hinshaw Military Bases 9 , 2 0/7 4 Arizona Commercial Town of Florence Buildings 10000/74 California American Conservatory Theatre Foundation Theatres 10,000/76 James T. Burns, Jr. Miscellaneous 10,000/74 Center Theatre Group of Los Angeles Theatres 10,000/76 City of Turlock Schools 6,000/7 6 Escondido Regional Arts Council Schools 2,00 0/7 6 Foundation for San Francisco's Architectural Heritage Miscellaneous 15,000/77 Houses/ 10,000/76 Housing Moorpark College Miscellaneous 2,500/76 San Francisco Planning and Urban Renewal Association Yards 9,300/75 Jack T. Sidener Streets 10,000/77 Streets 9,500/74 Sierra Club Foundation Piers 40,000/73 Trust for Public Land Lots 3,400/76 Colorado People for Silver Plume, Inc. Schools 2,400/76 Town of Crested Butte Town Halls 1,000/76 Woman Space, A Work Center for the Arts Studios 5,000/77 Connecticut The Arts Council of Greater New Haven Studios 10,000/76 City of Bristol Facades 20,000/76 (Elevations) Delaware Delaware State Arts Council Factories and 20,000/77 Industrial Buildings District of Columbia M iscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hotels Office Buildings Streets Canals Churches/ Temples Courthouses Gymnasiums Corner Stores Waterfronts Factories and Industrial Buildings Factories and Industrial Buildings Post Offices America the Beautiful Fund 25,000/74 60,000/73 25,000/71 Borrowed Time Productions 1,000/75 Committee for the National Museum for the Building Arts 40,000/76 District of Columbia, Office of Planning and Management 50,000/74 Donald Williams Evans, Planners Inc. 4,900/71 Metropolitan A.M.E. Church 10,000/76 National Trust for Historic Preservation 6,000/76 New Playwrights Theatre of Washington, Inc. 6,215/76 Harry G. Robinson 5,700/74 Ann Satterthwaite 7,450/73 Society for Industrial Archeology 9,000/73 4,984/76 Merrill Ware 11,700/74 Georgia Factories and Industrial Buildings Streets Courthouses Theatres Jails Houses/ Housing Houses/ Housing Facades (Elevations) Auditoriums Sidewalks Courthouses City of Atlanta 11,200/77 48,400/74 Georgia College 6,342/76 Southeastern Academy of Theatre and Music, Inc. 10,000/77 Idaho Idaho State Historical Society 49,684/74 Illinois Chicago School of Architecture Foundation 6,000/72 9,650/72 City of Galesburg 16,735/77 Roosevelt University 19,656/77 Village of London Mills 900/75 Benjamin H. Weese 9,500/74 Indiana Historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana, Inc Streets 6,150/76 Iowa City of Sioux City Auditoriums 2 0,000/77 Davenport Levee Improvement Commission Waterfronts 18,750/74 Kentucky Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Alleys Railroad Buildings/ Yards City of Covington 10,000/74 City of Harrodsburg 5,805/76 City of Louisville, Community Development Cabinet 47,000/76 Montgomery County 12,000/76 Louisiana Acadiana Planning and Development District 7,400/75 Central Louisiana Art Association 6,700/77 Jack R. Cosner 10,000/74 Tulane University 30,000/69 Maine City of Portland 23,000/74 39,645/73 City of South Portland 12,500/76 Greater Portland Arts Council 10,000/77 Maryland Center Stage Associates Schools 10,000/75 City of Baltimore Warehouses 7,99 5/7 7 East Baltimore Educational Foundation, Inc. Breweries 10,000/75 Rurik F. Ekstrom Rivers 8,875/74 Historic Annapolis, Inc. Streets 9,566/75 Lyric Foundation, Inc. Theatres 20,000/77 Power Plants Banks Streets Waterfronts Miscellaneous Waterfronts Waterfronts Armories Massachusetts Post Offices Post Offices Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Commercial Buildings Shipyards Commercial Buildings Churches/ Temples Churches/ Temples Miscellaneous Canals Miscellaneous Gatehouses Schools Railroad Buildings/ Yards Mills Mills Miscellaneous Commercial Buildings Railroad Buildings/ Yards Pumphouses Schools Architectural Heritage Foundation, Inc. 20,000/75 46,800/74 Boston Architectural Center 3,000/72 10,000/70 Boston Center for the Arts 20,000/77 Boston Redevelopment Authority 10,000/76 20,000/76 Cheswick Center 12,500/77 50,000/74 City of Haverhill 7,500/77 City of Lowell 30,330/74 City of North Adams 20,000/73 DeCordova and Dana Museum and Park 4,700/76 Elma Lewis School of Fine Arts 19,700/76 Todd A. Gipstein 10,000/76 Hoosuck Community Resources Corporation 50,000/74 Human Services Corporation 21,200/72 Museum of Afro-American History 20,000/76 Portuguese Heritage Foundation 20,000/77 Michael Sena 3,260/72 University of Massachusetts 21,089/75 Albert Viator 8,000/76 Michigan Streets Harbors Studios Courthouses Houses/ Housing Ann Arbor Tomorrow 10,000/76 City of Marquette 3,844/74 Detroit Common Ground of the Arts 13,800/68 Grand Rapids Art Museum 23,825/74 Professional Skills Alliance 50,000/74 Minnesota City of Minneapolis 15,000/76 Old Town Restorations, Inc. 5,000/74 Saint Paul Council of Arts and sciences 11,000/74 Missouri Factories and Industrial Buildings Courthouses Bridges Theatres Miscellaneous Railroad Buildings/ Yards James Eugene Bock 5,000/71 Performing Arts Foundation of Kansas City 20,000/76 Youth, Education & Health in Soulard 3,775/76 Montana Bozeman City-County Planning Board 9,475/74 Nebraska Town Halls City of Lincoln 20,000/76 New Hampshire Libraries Streets Houses/ Housing City of Portsmouth 5,500/74 Lakes Region Planning Commission 5,000/75 New Hampshire Charitable Fund 15,000/76 New Jersey Schools Towns Houses/ Housing Streets Factories and Industrial Buildings Mills Canals Canals Power Plants Railroad Buildings/ Yards Railroad Buildings/ Yards Office Buildings Halls Arts Center of Northern New Jersey 5,000/77 Artists for Environment Foundation 20,000/77 City of Jersey City 20,000/76 City of Newark 49,055/74 City of Paterson 19,250/77 19,750/77 City of Trenton 31,430/74 Dennis M. Frenchman 5,600/73 Great Falls Development, Inc, 11,410/75 Jerome M. Lutin 8,900/74 9,650/77 New Jersey Theatre Foundation 20,000/77 Newark Community Center for the Arts 20,000/76 New Mexico Missions M iscellaneous Armories Archdiocese of Santa Fe 15,000/77 City of Santa Fe 21,492/74 Rising Sun 10,000/77 New York Borough of Staten Island 20,000/76 Brooklyn Academy of Music 7,590/77 Buffalo State College Foundation, Inc. 20,000/77 City Planning Department Fund 20,000/76 Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art 45,150/73 10,000/77 Rest Homes Schools Auditoriums Streets Roofs Factories and Industrial Buildings Armories Facades (Elevations) Railroad Buildings/ Yards Railroad Buildings/ Yards Railroad Buildings/ Yards M iscellaneous Movie Theatres Post Offices Railroad Buildings/ Yards Railroad Buildings/ Yards Arts Centers Factories and Industrial Buildings Streets Schools Cultural Council Foundation 20,000/77 13,965/77 Educational Facilities Laboratory 23,550/72 23,000/74 17,000/74 160,000/75 Robert E. Freeman 10,000/76 Greater Buffalo Development Foundation, Inc, 24,048/75 Greater Jamaica Development Corporation 50,000/74 20,000/76 28,200/75 Hudson-Mohawk Industrial Gateway 40,000/73 Recreational Facilities Police Headquarters Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies 30,000/69 Institute for Art and Urban Resources 10,000/76 Institute of Human Resources of the American Jewish Committee 20,000/76 Little Italy Restoration Association, Inc. 20,000/76 Media Study/Buffalo Hotels 10,000/77 James Mowry Houses/ 10,000/74 Housing Municipal Art Society Miscellaneous 12,500/77 New York Foundation for the Arts Piers 10,000/73 New York Landmarks Conservancy Miscellaneous 9,875/76 Customs 50,00 0/7 5 Houses Archives 20,000/77 Parks Council Lots 25,000/74 Preservation League of New York State, Inc. Schools 9,310/7 7 Theodore H.M. Prudon Miscellaneous 5,000/77 Renssalaer County Council for the Arts Houses/ 5,995/77 Housing Frank Sanchis Jails 4,000/74 Jon M. Schwarting Miscellaneous 8,000/74 Society for the Advancement of the Visual Environment Commercial 6,220/76 Buildings Southstreet Seaport Museum Miscellaneous 5 , / 7 4 Staten Island Institute of Arts and Sciences Rest Homes 12,500/75 Syracuse Area Landmarks Theatre, Inc. Movie 5,000/77 Theatres Town of Smith town Houses/ 7,500/77 Housing Village of Cambridge Opera Houses 5,550/77 North Carolina Alliance for Progress, Inc. Courthouses 4,2 50/7 5 Allied Arts of Durham Courthouses 6,000/7 6 City of Charlotte Commercial 9,600/77 Buildings Churches Temples SSAC, Inc. Churches/ 20,000/77 North Dakota City of Bismark Auditoriums 6,000/76 Warehouses Rivers Factories and Industrial Buildings Miscellaneous Arcades Theatres Theatres Town Halls Ohi o City of Cleveland 10,000/76 City of Columbus 40,000/74 City of Dayton 20,000/77 City of Toledo 19,800/76 Cleveland Area Arts Council 10,000/75 Cleveland Play House 20,000/77 Palace Cultural Arts Association 5,310/76 Village of Hudson 20,000/76 Oklahoma Sooner Theatre of Norman, Inc, Theatres 5,025/77 Oregon City of Eugene 14,330/77 Community Center for the Performing Arts 9,980/77 Northwest District Association 4,500/76 Pennsylvania Houses/ Housing Halls Miscellaneous Theatres Schools Miscellaneous Railroad Buildings/ Yards Warehouses Theatres Courthouses Houses/ Housing Railroad Buildings/ Yards Theatres Blair County Arts Foundation 8,960/77 Educational Futures 19,850/76 Historic Gettysburg-Adams County, Inc. 8,000/76 Pittsburgh History and Landmarks Foundation 9,800/77 3,800/73 Redevelopment Authority, City of Reading 5,000/77 Nancy S. Shedd 9,720/74 W. Gray Smith, Jr. 8,000/74 Symbrink Associates, Inc. 7,095/76 The Wilma Project 6,600/76 Rhode Island City of Pawtucket Zoos 30,000/74 Research and Design Institute Mills 15,000/75 Mills 17,000/75 Rhode Island SchOol of Design Fortifications 15,000/76 Commercial Buildings Theatres Tennessee Robinson Bass 10,000/74 Knoxville Heritage, Inc. 18,300/77 Texas Churches/ Temples Railroad Buildings/ Yards Hotels Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Streets Streets Missions American Institute of Musical Studies 16,000/77 Cultural Activities Center, Inc. 4,500/73 Galveston County Cultural Arts Council, Inc, 17,515/77 8,000/73 Galveston Historical Foundation, Inc. 9,000/74 John Andrew Gallery 10,000/74 Paramount Theatre for the Performing Arts 17,500/77 Texas Architectural Foundation 6,000/74 Utah Ogden City Corporation Streets 5,910/76 University of Utah Blocks 15,754/74 Vermont Waterfronts Warehouses Markets Squares and Greens City of Burlington 20,000/76 The Community Arts and Media Center 10,650/77 Elizabeth H. Gignoux 4,150/74 Vermont Council on the Arts, Inc. 10,000/76 Virginia Markets Squares and Greens Armories Houses/ Housing Theatres Streets Opera Houses Padraic Burke 10,000/77 Paul S. Dulaney 5,000/71 Federated Arts of Richmond 10,000/76 Hampton Institute 11,000/72 New River Valley Planning Commission 8,620/76 Town of Wise 5,000/77 Robert L. Vickery 4,200/70 Churches/ Temples Railroad Buildings/ Yards Railroad Buildings/ Yards Washington City of Seattle 13,140/77 Roger T. Hagan 20,313/72 5,000/74 West Virginia Town and Country Players Post Offices 10,000/76 Wisconsin Richland Museum, Ltd. /The Warehouse Warehouses 1,920/77 University of Wisconsin Miscellaneous 40,974/74 This booklet was organized and prepared by Lynn Schneider, Graduate School of Design, Harvard University, and Tish Hunter, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Washington, during their internships with the Architecture + Environmental Arts Program.