©lb Hggie ~"§^- September, 1898 ©16 Bggte. By FREDERIC A. MERRILL. $u$s of Carpenter Sc Movc^omty 1898. OLD AGGIE. So here's to Old Aggie ! Come lads fill the glass And drain to its dregs the old stein. Come, light the long pipes ; draw your chairs closer up While the curling flames lick up the pine. So here's a cool glass for that site 'mid the hills And the meadows so broad and so green ; And here's to old Warner and Holyoke and Tom. With Connecticut flowing between. And here is another for days that are past With mem'ries that never will fade, When our young love was strong as the wintery wind, And each was a lusty young blade. It's needless for me to recall every spot That pictures itself in the smoke, The placid old pond and the bubbling brook, The elm and the widespreading oak. Each feature is linked to the thread of your life, Close woven ; — the woof of your fate ; And new that you calmly look back on your past You realize your fortune too late. Look well to your smoke that is curling about, Amid its gray wreaths you will find A memory tender and gracious and soft Of a dear face now left far behind ; Some thread, that is slender and leads you along Through the pine-covered lane by the hill, And brings back the thought of a sweet yesterday That sweeps from your heart its cold chill. You're old, I admit, but so are we all, Still Aggie is ever as young, As when you were there in your gay cap and gown, And her praises so blithely you sung. So here's to Old Aggie ! Now once again, boys, A bumper ! A toast, if you will ! Let's drink to the health, prosperity and wealth Of that vine-covered spot on the hill, OLD AGGIE. Few colleges can boast of as many attractive features as can the Massachusetts Agricultural College. Situated as it is within the Connecticut valley, its location could hardly be improved. To the north stretches the Toby Range of hills with the grim Sugarloaf as a frowning sentinel : to the east the Pelham hills lie in all the beauty of their peculiar blue- ness ; to the south the volcanic Holyoke cuts the warm sky and to the west, in the far distance, the Berkshires are faintly outlined. The little town of Amherst, with its broad common and its spreading elms, has become historic as the seat of advanced education, and from its quiet walks have come many of the moving spirits of this great nation. The atmosphere that pervades the whole valley is that of peace and repose, fraught as it is with the historic legends of our ancestors. OLD AGGIE. O But a short distance from the center of the town is Old Deerfield, and closer yet is that Bloody Brook where the blood of patriots once flowed as copiously as the spring freshets. Hadley. with its wealth of historic story, lies nestled away among the lower hills, and to the south is the rugged Notch and the Devil's Garden of disappearing stones. Two railroads center in the town of Amherst and easy access is had to the surrounding places of interest by means of an electric road. The country drives are enchanting in their sylvan scenery and the meadows teem with the richest of flowers. The College itself is situated about a mile from the town and is quickly reached by the electric cars that run to the north. The grounds are high and command a most beau- tiful view across the green valley toward Mount Warner whose peach-clad sides glisten in the noon-day sun. During September, when college life begins, the little town takes on an unwonted business-like appearance and all is bustle and hurry. At the little yellow station of the Bos- ton & Maine railroad piles of trunks are being hurriedly transported to their several destinations, streams of young men are surging toward the electric cars, bent upon reach- ing their dormitories as quickly as possible, and hacks are rushing about in indescribable confusion. The casual visitor is breathlessly pushed and thrust into a car in which hardly a seat is obtainable. The chatter of renewed acquaintance is interminable as the car pushes its way up the steep hill and so on into the town. A short stop is made before the principal business blocks and then the final journey is begun. As the car runs along north, the country becomes more open, and delightful vistas of the distant hills are obtained at each turn in the road. OLD AGGIE. The entrance to the college grounds is some distance from the main buildings and the car is left where the long curving driveway branches from the main road. The Col- lege property extends on either side of this main road and far up onto the hill where the vineyards can be seen. The present estate consists of some three hundred acres and is varied in character from the low rolling meadow-land to the high, sandy hill-top. From the entrance of the driveway there is a delightful view of the campus and college buildings. In the fore- ground there is a small pond with its wooded island, across which can be seen the chapel and the two large dormitories. Tall elms and rounded maples form a pleasing background and break the uniform monotony of the western sky. The entrance drive is between two rows of elms that arch above and form a leafy canopy of much beauty. On the right, a tarred footpath leads toward the college while about midway OLD AGGIE. between the chapel and the highway is a stone bridge arch- ing the stream that supplies the pond. From the campus, a most magnificent view is to be had across the valley toward Mount Holyoke. It was, then, upon this beautiful site that the government turned aside from the throes of a civil strife to establish a college for the study of agriculture and the kindred arts. When the best blood of our brothers stained many a well- fought field, those men in authority at Washington laid aside the engrossing cares of military expediency and established here a monument to human advancement. With wonderful foresight these statesmen appropriated the necessary means to educate the son of the farmer and of the mechanic in a manner that would greatly benefit both the recipient and the state. It was the aim of the originators of this grand educational movement, that the benefits of the institution should be put 8 OLD AGGIE. within the reach of all, and as time has gone on and new appropriations have been made, a certain number of schol- arships have been apportioned among the various senatorial districts of the state so that it is now within the means of every ambitious young man to get a college education at little expense. The development of the grounds and buildings has neces- sarily been slow, but during the thirty years of the college's existence the growth has always been forward. Some years after the original grant, the United States Experiment Sta- tion was added to the grounds and is now opened to advanced students ; an extended course in practical chemi- cal analysis is greatly facilitated by this acquisition. With the growth of the college has come a more extended influence, and what was once a mere experiment has become an established fact. The originators of this broad OLD AGGIE. scheme of education never knew that thirty years after their initial efforts in its behalf, the college would be educating many whom, at that early date, the country was fighting to free. The natural evolution of any educational system furnishes material for thorough study, and so it has been with the growth of this institution. Inaugurated within somewhat narrow lines, its policy has changed and become more pro- gressive as time has sped by. The theories of scientific propagation have received thorough test and have proven in many cases to be of the best, and now all is orderly where it was once the hazards of chance. It has become a myth of the past ; this fact that the suc- cessful farmer must himself dig in the ground. The farms that mark our western lands are daily examples of the fal- lacy that the farmer must be of the soil. The farmer of the future is he who can comprehend and control the forces of Nature, who can alter them to his will, who understands the constituents of life and growth and who has the execu- tive ability to manage his property upon thoroughly scientific principles. The day of the small, one-acre farmer has passed as have our slow stage coaches ; he cannot compete with the advancement of science. His little farm may support him and his family in a meager way, but it is his neighbor who has thoroughly mastered the laws of cause and effect who passes him on the roadside. And thus it goes throughout life ; an advancement in one direction means a corresponding advancement in another. The increased efficiency of our chemists has brought forth a more thorough knowledge of soil analysis, and this in turn has brought new fertilizers and new methods of raising 10 OLD AGGIE. crops. Then again, a thorough study of pests and fungus growths has established their remedy, thereby saving much valuable property that might otherwise be lost forever. It is for the purpose of advancing all knowledge of this nature that the Massachusetts Agricultural College is striv- ing. Not only to teach its principles, but to disseminate them ; not only to make thoroughly scientific men of its students, but to offer to the agricultural community at large the benefit of all scientific research. And this dissemina- tion of knowledge is by far the most important work done. Somebody once said that science is classified knowledge ; if this be so, how simple it seems for us to say we know this or that, when we have but to classify our results and we are scientists. Yet how few in number are the people who actually know a thing ! How many there are who take their inferences for the actual facts ! The most difficult problem in life is to be able to perceive what is absolute OLD AGGIE 1 1 and to be able to distinguish it from what is not absolute. The theory of all education lies at this point. Man must be taught to discriminate between what is and what is not. For this very purpose have our agricultural colleges been established ; they are to teach the young man the facts of life and to give to him the power of observation. When they do this, they have succeeded, when they do not they have seriously failed. When thev teach him the laws of Nature they must also show him their cause and effect ; they must educate him in the manipulations of such forces as are at his command and teach him their uses. The advantages that the Agricultural College offers the student in this direction can hardly be over-estimated. Within these three hundred acres of land are all the oppor- tunities for him to study the scientific propagation of crops and animals ; all the necessary adjuncts to a thoroughly practical knowledge of chemistry and physics ; all the needed requirements for the study of his mother tongue and the development of his body. Established by government as is the college, military science has become an essential not to be escaped and the routine exercise of weekly drill has kept many a student up to good form, The old laboratory building situated upon the banks of the ravine was the first to be erected for college purposes. It is of wood and was originally of two stories but later an extra one has been added. It was built in 1867 for a chapel but it is now used by the chemical and mathematical departments. Its rooms are large and airy. The zoologi- cal department uses one of its rooms as a laboratory and during the winter term many a fish is cut to pieces only to mysteriously disappear to some remote abode whose loca- tion only the sophomores know. 12 OLD AGGIE. It is rumored, unauthenticated of course, that the souls of the dead fish cross the ravine and find lodgement at the Boarding House where they are reincarnated and served up on Fridays. This boarding house was built in 1868 by the college and for some time was run directly under college authority, but of late years the students have controlled its affairs them- selves. Within its walls many a rousing time is had. Here the " Kniepes " are held and now and then a " Com- mers." These gatherings are fashioned after those enjoyed by our German brothers and are primarily intended to bring the students together socially. The " Commers " is a trifle more formal. Here toasts are proposed and guests entertained. These gatherings are generally held but once or twice a year, and when Com- mencement arrives the large drill hall is tastefully decorated that the returning classmen may enjoy more room. OLD AGGIE. 13 At the head of the driveway leading from the main road stands the Chapel and Library, a gray stone building. Back of it stretches the Campus, flanked on the north by a large red brick dormitory and on the south by the Drill Hall. A mound upon the hill's crest marks the old mortar battery and beyond is the small red and yellow powder shed. Over the crest of the hill stretches the farm with its acres of tilled land and rich pasturage. To the right, its white spires peeping from the surrounding verdure, can be seen the little town of Whately, while to the left the chimneys of North- ampton belch forth their curling smoke, Upon the campus is marked out the base-ball and foot-ball fields and many a hard fought game is played upon its green turf. The need of a better athletic field is sadly felt but the boys do their best with what they have and plan greater achievements for the coming years. A league for football work was formed among the New England State Colleges last year and the coming foot-ball season promises to be as popular and successful as any that have preceded. Athletics have become so firmly established in all our leading colleges that they are looked upon as an integral part of the curriculum. The essence of education is one- sided if the mind be cultivated at the expense of the body. Such educational facilities as are offered at the Agricultural College for gymnastic work are very meagre and unsatisfac- tory but the promises for future enlargement are favorable. During the past year a coach was obtained for the foot-ball team and a thorough system of training inaugurated. By far the most important department for building up the body is that of the military. Established by law, it requires the presence of every student, unless he be physically dis- abled, at its tri-weekly drills. The battalion consists of two 14 OLD AGGIE. single rank companies with the usual officers. The instructor is a detailed army officer whose time of service generally lasts about four years. The offices are obtained by competitive examination but are divided proportionally among the classes; for instance, a commissioned officer must be a senior, a non-commissioned, as low as a sergeant, must be a junior ; a corporal, a sophomore, while the fresh- men become privates with those of the advanced classes who have not been smart enough to pass the required examination. During the fall and winter, the drill consists of setting-up exercises, company and battalion drill. For a few weeks bayonet exercise and sabre drill is established, but this gives way, as soon as the weather will permit, to out-door work. In the spring, extended order and battle formations are used. At that time the men are sent out in skirmish lines all over the country for the radius of a mile or more. This feature of the drill is very thoroughly taught and it is not long before the young officers show great proficiency in handling the men. At Commencement, when the inspecting officer is around, a sham battle is generally arranged, when the battalion is divided into two forces, those on the defensive and those on OLD AGGIE. 15 the offensive. Then the field becomes the ground of many a brilliant manoeuvre and hedges are captured and rail fences destroyed. Upon graduation each officer is presented with a military diploma and the three most proficient are recom- . mended to the governor for commission as second lieuten- ant in the militia. This is an honor much coveted by the young soldier and it is a proud day for him when he leaves his Alma Mater and dons the uniform of his state militia. Across the Campus from the Drill Hall is the new South College. It is a brick building three stories high, with two wings at right angles and a tall tower in which is situated the meteorological department. The dormitory rooms are well arranged, there being a study with open fireplace and steam heat, and two bedrooms. This makes a sort of suite and is very convenient for the student. In the basement are the baths and lavatories, and a large room to keep wheels. The whole building is, as OLD AGGIE. indeed are all the buildings of the college, lighted by elec- tricity and this convenience is appreciated highly by all. In the northern wing of the building are situated the phys- ical laboratory, the zoological museum and the agricultural recitation rooms. Beneath the laboratory in the basement is the new fire department, consisting of a hose cart and several sets of ladders. A most efficient fire brigade is maintained by members of the battalion and each man is expected to fully know his duties and stations. Several times during the college year, the hose cart is run out and :1 imaginary fires are extinguished. Upon a hot day, if the fire trip be long, there is much panting and catching of breath as the runners on the ropes draw the heavy cart along the roads and the salvage corps hustle the ladders about. The tower of the South College always has been an attractive place to visitors and a place of dread for the undergraduate. For the first there are the mysteries of the weather bureau, for the latter there are the unpleasant interviews with the President. Upon the second floor is the Administration office, and any delinquent student is sure of a very warm welcome behind its door. The meteorological department occupies the upper floor OLD AGGIE. 17 and the roof, also the flag staff. Here are kept the records of wind and rain, upon the Draper self-recording machines. To specify each and every record would take too much room for this simple article, but a few suggestions of work done here may not be out of place. By means of instruments upon the roof a careful daily record is kept of the wind-force, the heat of the sun, direc- tion of the wind, fall of rain, etc. So delicate are some of these instruments that rain has been recorded as falling when no moisture could be felt upon the ground below. Signal flags are flown to indicate the coming weather and telegraphic communication is kept up with Washington. The amount of work done in this department is enormous and of exacting quality. Hardly a party of visitors fails to ascend the winding stairs to this room of instruments. And when one has once reached the roof of the tower he feels amply repaid for all his labors. The view from the top is of unexcelled magnificence. The panorama of the Connecticut Vailey lies stretched out below, with its cloud markings and its sparkling villages, with its low rambling hills and its tobacco fields. Light and shade play a phan- tasy upon the green meadows and the distant puffs of white smoke betoken the passage of a valley train upon its way south. To the north and west there are huge clouds rising, por- tentous in form and ascending rapidly. Slowly at first, and then with increasing vigor, they gather headway and rush down the valley marking their course with a huge sheet of rain. First the Toby hills, then Whately and finally Warner are shut in, and a heavy rain soaks the ground. And yet Amherst has not received a drop of that downpour. At last the storm sweeps beyond Holyoke and Tom, and !o OLD AGGIE. once again the valley is clear and fresh in the bright sun- light. There is no better place to study the cloud effects than on this high meteorological tower ; elevated as it is above the surrounding trees, it embraces a view more extended and varied than any other to be found in Amherst. At the end of the north wing is the new physical labora- tory. Until this last fall all the physical apparatus was kept in the old chapel building, and the fumes from the chemi- cal laboratory had in many cases attacked the instruments. Now, however, this department has opened a large new work-room where everything has been arranged to the best of advantage. New and improved machines for electrical experiments have been installed and power is transmitted to the room by means of wires running from a dynamo in the North College building. Above the physical laboratory are the zoological recita- tion rooms and museum. This museum contains a practi- cal collection of casts, eggs, birds, etc. for use as illustra- tions of biological growth. Large charts of excellent work- manship form part of the paraphernalia of the course and casts and paper-mache fac-similes of the human body add to the instructive study here pursued. OLD AGGIE 19 The old North College dormitory was built in 1868 and is therefore one of the oldest buildings on the grounds. It has not the advantage of steam heat which the new dormi- tory enjoys but it has one of the best views on the college campus. The rooms upon the southwest corners are especially attractive, with their continual sunlight and their charming views. The rooms are arranged somewhat as in the North dormitories, that is, a study with two bedrooms opening out of it. The old dormitory has many picturesque gables, and the south face is well covered with climbing ivy. A large piazza stretches across the front and tall trees shelter its adjacent walks. Upon the ground floor, along the west side, is the college reading-room. Here are to be found all the daily and weekly papers together with the principal monthlies. The students appoint committees to run the 20 OLD AGGIE. business side and certain papers are subscribed for from the term taxes. At the beginning of every college year an auction of these same papers is held in the Chapel when the papers are " knocked off " to the highest bidder who thereby acquires the right to receive his paper after it has remained in the reading room its stated time. This read- ing room is different from the one in the Chapel building in that it contains the ordinary periodicals while the latter is solely for agricultural and scientific papers. The corridor that runs along the reading-room side is nearly always thronged with eager students about the bul- letin boards. On these are posted all matters of interest to the students, and beside them in a glass case are posted all military notices. Many a peculiar notice has found its way to the board, and it has become a favorite place for posting those things either lost or found. At the other end of the corridor are the boxes, where the mail is left twice daily. Full charge of its distribution is in the hands of some of the students and it is their duty to see that the mail is safely delivered. It has often been said that the average young man does not show so much taste as his sister in the decoration of his college room. Perhaps this may be so, but for abundance of decoration no sweet girl under-graduate ever equalled her brother. There is always a sort of studied disorder about a collegian's room which of itself is charming if not accen- tuated too much. A mad arrangement of pictures, rugs, couches, desks, etc., with a smattering of old pipes, will surely please the eye, and if there be a flag or two, with a stolen sign to fill some vacant spot, then the furnishings are complete. Yet all rooms are not like this. Some are furnished OLD AGGIE. 21 upon a principle not to be deviated from ; some run to shades of red, others to yellow ; some are musical in fur- nishings, others athletic ; some sporty, others religious. In fact, a student's individuality is easily exhibited by his furnishings. Q- 123 I ■ A neat form of decoration that is decidedly in vogue is the mounting of pictures cut from our monthlies. These are often placed about the wall in the form of a frieze. The hanging of pictures is another way the student has of show- ing his individuality; some are severe and straight in their hard lines ; others are set at cross purposes with a bit of draping to add a little color ; while others are set at such uncertain intervals that the natural conclusion is that only a genius could be cranky enough to perform such a feat ; some one has called such a scene " a convalescence of arrangement " and so in reality it is. 22 OLD AGGIE, And then the pipes ! Who ever saw a real student's room without a pipe ? Short pipes and long pipes : bull- dogs, clays, briers and corn-cobs. Every sort of a pipe, and every sort of a brand of tobacco. Student life loses half its charm without these convivial pipes. Take a quiet room, a friend or two, a book to discuss and a well-filled pipe, — what greater enjoyment is there for the heart of the student ? " Two years old, this little fellow, Yet he's strong and sweet and mellow, Yesterday, to-day, to-morrow, Always sharing joy and sorrow, Sticking by me like a brother, Soothing far more than a mother. Two years old, and yet quite ripe — My little bulldog, brier pipe." The barn, wherein the cattle are kept, consists of a large main building with three ells. The cost of the structure was some $30,000 and it contains all the modern appliances for farm work. The Dairy Department is situated in the northern wing and is of unusual interest to the visitor. Here the milk tests are made and the butter is churned. Bab- OLD AGGIE. 23 cock testing machines and the peculiar Pasteurizers abound. A class room for the short course men is located in this northern wing and during the winter months it is a very busy place. The management of the barn is intended to be of educa- tional value to the student and to illustrate the best systems and methods to be employed in farm work. Typical speci- mens of farm stock, blooded cattle, fancy swine, choice horses and noted herds of sheep, are always on hand for the study of the student. Among the requirements of the agri- cultural course is that the student shall be capable of judg- ing the good points of any herd of stock. During the spring term small parties of collegians headed by their professor may be seen going to the barn for this purpose, or when an especially noted animal cannot be brought to the farm, the class generally makes a trip to wherever the animal is kept. The methods employed down to the minutest detail in the barn work are thoroughly scientific ; all the milk is weighed, the silos are constituted of given quantities of feed ; the cattle are fed at stated times and never allowed to vary. All the milk obtained is pasteurized and carefully recorded for future reference. ' 24 OLD AGGIE. Behind the barns, stretching out over the rolling land, is the farm. Great care has been taken to thoroughly drain the soil by means of tile drains set from four to six feet deep. The system of drainage employed is very extensive and complete, and has taken years of labor to perfect. Across the western end of the farm runs a long stream and into this all waste water enters. The value of drained land can hardly be overestimated. Corn that had been planted throughout a drained field grew to be five and six feet high, while similar corn upon an adjacent spot that was not drained did not reach three feet in the same time of growth. The roots of the corn need much air to accelerate its growth, and if the spaces between the particles of soil be filled with moisture it is manifest that the crop will not grow well. If tile drains be inserted, the water-level of the soil will be lowered with the depth of the drain and thus leave the soil above in good condition for growth. The subject of fertilizers has, of course, received much attention at the College and on the farm may be seen vari- OLD AGGIE. 25 ous crops labelled as having so much potash, or so much phosphorus for fertilizer. These various amounts have all been determined by experiment after months of trial. To the north of the college buildings are situated the two experiment stations, that of Chemical Analysis and that of Vegetable Pathology, both being called the Hatch Experi- ment Station and being under the direct control of the gov- ernment. These two buildings are of brick, well lighted, while that of Vegetable Pathology has extensive green- houses. The work done at this experiment station cannot be overestimated in its value to farmers. Thousands of let- ters are answered yearly and hundreds of fertilizers have been tested upon its grounds. Large beds are laid off and planted in various crops to test their growth with each new fertilizer sent to the station. The work is largely done by graduates of the college who are working for a higher degree. Upon the hill to the east of the College is located the 26 OLD AGGIE. Botanical and Horticultural Departments. Here are situ- ated the vineyards and orchards, the flower houses and the garden vegetables. The Botanic Museum and Laboratory was originally built in 1866 but as new needs have arisen the building has been enlarged until now it occupies fully twice as much land as it did originally. The laboratory for microscopic work is thoroughly equipped with all needful appliances and charts. The upper rooms contain an excel- lent herbarium which is one of the finest in the country. The work done by this department is known throughout the country and consists principally of the study of germ diseases and their cure. Structural botany forms an impor- tant element and every student is obliged to collect an her- barium of one hundred specimens while in college. Moun- tain days are red letter ones in the routine work, and barge loads of young students may often be seen returning from the wilds of Holyoke or of Toby with botany cans well filled with specimens. OLD AGGIE. 27 The Durfee Plant House, a gift of the late Dr. Nathan Durfee of Fall River, occupies a prominent position. The house consists of two large octagons and many small wings. Within this extensive house are kept many types of plants for illustrative and educational purposes. Large palms and banana plants spread their broad leaves to the ceiling; orchids and cactus peep out amid the abundance of foliage and the red geranium alternates with the paler pinks. The grounds immediately surrounding the house are laid out very artistically and kept in the best of condition. Back of the Plant House is a large grape house and beside this hitter, stretching toward the south are the hot beds for garden truck. The whole plot of land from the Plant House to the Entomological Department is devoted to the raising of nursery trees and shrubs. Especially val- uable trees are scattered about, or arranged in landscape form with a strict regard to color effects. Farther up on the hillside is the President's House, now used by the agricultural department. It was built in 1884 for the president and is still college property. The view 28 OLD AGGIE. from its piazza is very extended and at night, when the col- lege lights gleam through the trees in the valley below, the scene is like one of some fairy land. Upon the top of the hill extend the apple and peach orchards. Large crops are grown systematically and suc- cessfully as many a student can attest. It is a favorite occupation of the young collegian to sally forth on some moonless night, absenting himself from his room for some- time, only to return laden with fruit, and many are the mid- night suppers where grapes and peaches form the piece de resistance. Upon this same hill, but farther south, is the Clark Reser- voir built but a few years ago. It is a large brick tank capable of holding enough water to easily supply the college for some time if the town supply should ever run short. The fire system is directly connected with this tank and as its elevation is something over 100 feet the water force is sufficient to send a stream over the highest building. It was only about a year ago that a new system of water works was introduced. The Entomological Department has its insectary at the lower road, below the hill. This department occupies a comparatively new building with an attached greenhouse. The. work of the department relates to the investigation of the life and habits of insects, their destructive powers and their extermination. A large and valuable collection of insects is thoroughly catalogued and carefully kept in marked cabinets. Here, as at the experimental station, most of the work is done either by graduates or by under- graduates. In the green-houses plants are raised for the insects to prey upon so that their methods of destruction may be thoroughly studied. OLD AGGIE. 29 Such in fact are the many buildings of this vast college ; such is the work that the results have always turned on the best means to aid mankind in a continual struggle for existence. That this work has passed the experimental stage is beyond dispute as is evinced by the great increase of letters for information from all over the. state. Within the last year over 12,000 such letters were received and answered personally by the various departments of the col- lege. That the need of such a college is imperative is being shown daily by the increase of its influence. Here, amid the quiet valley of the Connecticut, can be found every advantage possible to offer the scientific farmer and horticulturist, and increasing classes attest to the fact that the public is beginning to appreciate the work that the State is doing for it. The social life of every college is one of the essential features when choosing an institution for education, and in this respect the Massachusetts Agricultural College will 30 OLD AGGIE. compare very favorably with any other. There is an excel- lent organization of the Y. M. C. A. that holds stated meet- ings and receives addresses from prominent individuals among its members. The Natural History Club gives quiet talks at which are found many visiting professors and noted men. The Aggie Life is the college paper, issued every two weeks, and within its columns the feelings and doings of the college are reflected. Its influence is increasing yearly and the coming year holds out a bright future before it. The Index, a yearly publication issued by the Junior Class, contains the usual amount of squibs, notes, illustra- tions and literary matter that is always found in like college books. There are four societies, of a secret nature, in college: — the D. G. K., the College Shakespearean, the Q. T. V. and the Phi Sigma Kappa. The D. G. K. is the only society at present that has a house, the others having rooms in the old North College. These societies offer many attractions to the young student and within their rooms may be found many comforts that are unobtainable elsewhere. At this time, the plans for a new veterinary laboratory are being considered and within a few weeks its sides will begin to appear above ground. It is to be situated south of the drill hall and near the southern boundary line. The build- ing is to be of the latest improved ideas regarding the nec- essary adjuncts for treating diseased cattle and will undoubtedly prove to be a very valuable acquisition to the college. The need of such an hospital where cases could be treated and studied has long been felt but it was not until this spring that a bill was passed through the Legislature making the requisite appropriation for its erection. In past years all veterinary work had to be done in a seven by nine room, but soon this will be a matter of past history. OLD AGGIE. 31 Every college is strong just as its alumni is strong, and in this strength Aggie is very fortunate. Among her past graduates are men prominent in every profession in life. " The successes of our greatest men are founded upon those days and nights, when, in the lengthened vigils of study, they laid an intellectual foundation upon which they built by experience, until the very forces of Nature trembled before their advance." Aggie has done her share toward fitting her sons for the broad battle-field of life and she remains true to those who have carried her banner to success and fame in far distant fields. Her influence has been felt on the one hand as far as the lotus land of fair Japan and on the other, to the trop- ical Pacific Isles. Her heart is always warm for her striv- ing sons wherever they may be and her voice is always raised for freedom and equality. To those who, from year to year, are enabled to rejoin their Alma Mater at her season of celebration, she can and she does heartily offer them A WELCOME. Once more, ye hills reverberate the sound That swells from Sugarloaf to Holyoke grim ; Awake, old Deerfield, of historic ground, And add your paeans to the interim. Connecticut, from Whately to the bend, More tortuous than the fabled snake of yore, Catches your notes, and to their tones will lend The sleepy singing of her log marked shore. Far to the south old Nonotuck now stands And bids ye welcome, sturdy sons of toil : And Warner stretches out her golden hands, Rich from the culture of a stubborn soil. All these, and more, your triumph now doth mark, They know your voice : they recognize your hand. Full many a time, hath Pleasant after dark Been welcome forage for marauder band. 32 OLD AGGIE. And yet, me thinks, 'twas at the Devil's Glen That pranks were played that better not be told. And Tom hath witnessed many scenes that pen Would ever fail to paint in words o'er bold. Such days are past and have been long forgot ; The Freshman to the Senior, quickly grown, Leaves such behind and scorns the simple plot That once would seat him on a trembling throne. The games once played have long since grown too old. For childish fancies flutter as a dream. Our frames are cast to-day in sturdier mould, To breast the angry surges of Life's stream. These well-loved walls that knew you once so well, Have aged with you in years that now are past ; They, too, on recollections often dwell And with the day, do yesterday contrast. Yet do they hold for you a welcome cheer, Wide open doors, where latchstrings are not known. Your names, to Alma Mater always dear : Your efforts, she must always claim her own. Her pride you are : her very busy boys : Young nurslings once beneath her tender wing ; The height of all her many hopes and joys, Alone you soar ; alone your song you sing. AMHERST HOUSE LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. T. L. PAIGE, Proprietor. Hacks to and from all trains. Tallyho and Barge, Hacks, Double and Single Teams. AMITY STREET, - - - - - - AMHERST, MASS Lovell, PHOTOGRAPHER TO THE CLASS OF '97, M.A.C., MAKES A SPECIALTY OF COLLEGE WORK. Class and Athletic Groups, etc. Hand Cameras and Supplies in stock, and always fresh. AMHERST, MASS. E. D. MARSH, 10 Phoenix Row, ----- Amherst; Mass. Students' Furniture a Specialty. CARPETS, RUGS AND DRAPERIES. I have the Ammunition to fit you with. On your wav to the Post Office stop and look at my stock of HATS, CAPS, GLOVES, DRESS SHIRTS, Foot Ball Goods, Collars and Gaffs. H^VfCRY CLARK, COLLEGE O U T F I T T E R. UNDER THE HOTEL. Wong Company Laundry. Work delivered two clays after brought to the laundry Students' work neatly and carefully done. All Work First Class. HENRY ADAMS, ^Prescription Druggisi>Hh i Cook's Block, - - - Amherst, Mass. BOOTS AND SHOES FOR EVERYBODY. A FINE LINE OF STUDENTS' DRESS SHOES, IN PATENT LEATHER, BALS. and CONGRESS. A FULL LINE OF RUBBER GOODS. FOOT-BALL SHOES AT LOWEST CASH PRICES. SE3P" Repairing done while you wait. == ^3| 2 Phoenix ltotv. G. S. KENDRICK, DEALER IN MEATS AND PROVISIONS, South side Cutler's Block, AMHERST, MASS. C. R. ELDER, (Successor to \V. W. Hunt) ALL KINDS OF Heating, Plumbing and Gas Work. HUNT'S BLOCK, AMHERST L. W. GIBBS & CO., James E. Stinson, Mgr. Clothiers and Furnishers. All the new things in Neckwear, Hats and Caps, Golf Suits, &c. COOK'S BLOCK, AMHERST, MASS. JAMES F. PAGE, CASH DEALER IN STUDENTS' FINE FOOTWEAR. PATENT LEATHERS, $2.50 to $5.50. WINTER RUSSETS, #3.00 to $6.00. Next to Post Office. LYNN, TAILOR, AMHERST, MASS. DEUEL'S DRUG STORE, AMHERST HOUSE BLOCK, - - - - AMHERST, MASS. Deuel's Ice Cream Soda. Huylers Candies. Physicians Prescriptions carefully prepared. J. P. CAMPION, I^asttionatol^ Tailors IHIIilTJHlY SUITS fl SPECIALTY. O^p^All suits made in my own workshops. r _^J\ Hunt's Block, - Amherst, Mass. Jeweler. Fine Goods, Low Prices, Skilled workmanship by Mr. T. Noyes, Graduate Optician and Watchmaker. 2d doors North of P. O., - - - - AMHEKST, MASS. JACKSON & CUTLER, DEALERS IN Dry and Fancy Goods, AND CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, AMHERST, MASS. WHEN YOU ARE IN THE CITY CALL AT Cbe fiampton. Everything new and up-to-date. Near depot. Colored Porter to meet you at every train. KELLOGG & BURNS, Prop's. W. W. BOYNTON, MANUFACTURER OF Pineapple, Lemon and German Tonic, Birch Beer and Ginger Ale. Fountains charged to order. RIVER STREET, - - NORTHAMPTON, MASS. CATERER, 19 South Prospect St., - - - Amherst, Mass. FRANK D. DEUEL, SUCCESSOR TO DICKINSON & POMEROY, Hack, Boarding, Livery I Sale Stable, Northampton, Mass. R. E. EDWARDS, HEADQUARTERS FOR DESKS, BOOKCASES, CHAIRS, COUCHES, RUGS, DRAPERIES, &c. - « ■ ^=? FREE DELIVERY. r=: -^ 25 and 27 Pleasant St., - - - Northampton. c ALL, ATEI^E^. Northampton, Mass. n 1982