Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/statisticsofmanu2038mass Public Document No. 36 MASS. DOCS. COLL. tIDfje Commontoealtti o( Ma^iatW&ttti Statistics of Manufactures in Massachusetts 1920-1938 Department of Labor and Industries Publication of this Documknt Appbovbd by the Commission on Administbation and Financb. 2500-9-40-3860. Department of Labor and Industries OFFICIALS Commissioner Assistant Commissioner JAMES T. MORIARTY, Boston MARY E. MEEHAN, Boston Associate Commissioners CHARLES H. COLE, Boston JOHN L. CAMPOS, Somerset LEWIS R. HOVEY, Haverhill Director, Division of Statistics ROSWELL F. PHELPS, Dedham ISTICS OF MANUFACTURES IN MASSACHUSETTS 1920-1938 CONTENTS Page Introduction ........... 2 Table 1. Principal Data Relative to Manufactures in Massachusetts, 1920-1938, Inclusive, for All Industries, Combined, and Fifty- Leading Industries ........ 3 Table 2. Principal Data Relative to Manufactures in Massachusetts, 1920-1938, Inclusive, for the Thirty-Nine Cities ... 20 Table 3. Principal Data Relative to Manufactures in Metropolitan Boston, 1920-1938, Inclusive 33 Table 4. Principal Data Relative to Manufactures in Massachusetts, 1920-1938, Inclusive, for 43 Leading Towns ... 34 Table 5. Average Number of Wage-Earners Employed in All Industries Combined, and Fifty Leading Manufacturing Industries in Massachusetts, 1920-1938, Inclusive, by Months ... 49 Table 6. Classified Weekly Wages of Wage-Earners in All Industries, Combined, and Fifty Leading Manufacturing Industries in Massachusetts, for Years Specified, by Sex and Age Groups . 75 Table 7. Power Used in the Manufacturing Industries in Massachusetts, 1920-1938, Inclusive, for All Industries, Combined . . 132 Table 8. Principal Data Relative to Power Laundries in Massachusetts, by Years, 1920-1938, Inclusive 132 2 P.D. 36 STATISTICS OF MANUFACTURERS IN MASSACHUSETTS, 1920-1938 Introduction In accordance with statutory requirements a census of manufactures in Massa- chusetts has been taken each year, beginning with the year 1886, and there is now available a continuous series of annual statistics of manufactures in Massachusetts for the entire period, 1886-1938, inclusive. For each of the years 1886-1921 a separate '"Annual Report on the Statistics of Manufactures" was issued in print following the completion of the census, but in 1922 the issuance of a separate printed report was discontinued, and summaries only of the results of the census were presented in the "Annual Report of the De- partment," as a section in the "Report of the Division of Statistics." In order that the results of the census might be made pubhc as soon as possible, it has been the practice in recent years to issue press releases, in mimeographed form, in which the principal data were presented for the leading industrial cities and towns. While these press releases served a useful purpose, they did not fulfill the requirements of a permanent record. In response to repeated requests from representatives of several important indus- trial organizations and from individuals who have occasion to make frequent use of the large fund of information relative to the industries of the Commonwealth which has been accumulated, and much of which has not been issued in print, the present report is being issued, in order to provide a permanent record, covering the period of 19 years, 1920-1938, inclusive. The publication of this report serves the further purpose of bringing together, in a single volume, comparable data, by indus- tries and municipalities, for a long series of years and renders it unnecessary, for those who desire to determine the long-time trend of any important manufacturing industry or municipality, to laboriously assemble such data from the mimeographed releases for individual years, some of which may be missing from their files. The law providing for the taking of the "Annual Census of Manufactures in Massachusetts" (General Laws, Chapter 149, Sections 169-173) provides, in Sec- tion 171, that "the Commissioner (of the Department of Labor and Industries) shall prepare a schedule for the collection of such data as may, in his judgment, be desirable for the proper presentation of statistics of manufactures and the promotion of the industrial welfare of the Commonwealth ..." Of the information collected the following principal data for the years, 1920 to 1938, inclusive, have been assembled for presentation in this report: Number of estabhshments, capital invested, value of stock and materials used, number of wage-earners employed classified by sex, amount of wages paid during the year and the value of products for all industries combined and for each of the fifty principal industries, and similar data are also presented for each of the 39 cities, for Metropolitan Boston, and for each of the 43 leading towns in the State. (Tables 1-4.) Average number of wage-earners employed in all industries, combined, and in fifty leading industries, by months. (Table 5.) Classified weekly wages of wage-earners in all industries, combined, and in fifty leading industries. (Table 6.) Power used in the manufacturing industries, classified as to whether produced within the establishments or purchased, and the type of power used. (Table 7.) Principal data relative to power laundries. (Table 8.) Although power laundries are not considered strictly as manufacturing establishments for census purposes, the laundry industry is of such importance that data relative to their operations have been collected, and a summary of the information secured is here presented. P.D. 36 3 Table 1. — Principal Data Relative to Manufactures in Massachusetts, 1920-1938, Inclusive, for All Industries, Combined, and Fifty Leading Industries Value of Amount of Number Capital Stock Wages Average Numb ER OP Value of Years of Es- Invested and Paid Wage-Earnebs Employed Products tablish- ments Materials Used uuring the Year Males Females Totals ALL INDUSTRIES 1920 10,262 $2,987,620,867 $2,489,237,446 $891,176,822 482,004 213,828 695,832 $4,370,276,822 1921 9,9941 2 1.441,035,230 641,360,936 2 2 579,071 2,849,413,516 1922 10,056 2,822,014,756 1,512,510,105 678,073,968 416,715 195,967 612,682 3,002,625,958 1923 10,5191 2 1,835,218,349 799,363,111 2 2 667,443 3,570,543,265 1924 10,174 2,853,590,206 1,629,342,134 711,812,104 410,322 179,042 589,364 3,126,137,145 1925 10,0271 2 1,773,698,000 716,155,593 2 2 591,438 3,405,672,000' 1926 9,903 2,800,366,740 1,790,611,294 738,208,510 414,107 188,236 602,343 3,419,814,877 1927 10,0371 2 1,678,812,411 705,929,549 2 2 578,068 3,317,851,888 1928 9,971 2,735,070,138 1,663,155,564 670,063,291 374,278 166,649 540,927 3,224,227,651 1929 9,872' 2 1,681,432,788 694,805,312 2 2 557,494 3,392,162,237 1930 9,586 2,483,589,920 1,333,317,227 573,838,044 334,663 146,786 481,449 2,676,387,256 1931 9,3051 2 1,015,093,739 474,189,202 2 2 434,441 2,157,450,449 1932 8,778 1,888,244,721 718,347,675 334,358,550 237,529 112,992 350,521 1,521,752,939 1933 8,1451 2 800,611,3324 354,523,634 2 2 398,592 1,668,733,387* 1934 8,336 1,825,540,470 924,075,1724 408,617,489 291,764 132,169 423,933 1,855,598,291 * 1935 8,517 2 1,078,869,946 448,326,676 2 2 445,519 2,103,691,437 1936 8,685 1,803,555,232 1,230,882,709 514,599,251 329,574 151,858 481,432 2,437,520,795 1937 8,718 2 1,338,771,937 559,246,370 2 2 498,602 2,623,115,728 1938 8,570 1,741,500,878 1,007,806,958 453,940,826 290,887 134,270 425,157 2,054,865,331 Bookbinding and Blank-Book Making 1920 80 6,291,116 3,338,804 3,218,451 1,464 1,386 2,850 9,465,514 1921 78 2 2,912,732 2,861,743 2 ; 2 2,547 8,530,903 1922 86 6,182,231 2,477,724 3,082,953 1,494 1,311 2,805 7,510,278 1923 82 2 3,059,589 3,141,532 2 2 2,735 8,980,668 1924 80 8,098,810 3,455,915 4,266,899 1,900 1,519 3,419 11,282,477 1925 82 2 2,896,274 3,246,360 2 2 2,648 9,347,079 1926 86 7,086,681 2,951,440 3,350,016 1,504 1,213 2,717 9,723,823 1927 81 2 2,515,919 3,021,732 2 2 2,509 9,112,175 1928 80 7,388,221 2,886,149 3,210,823 1,458 1,122 2,580 9,523,497 1929 83 2 2,757,184 3,316,020 2 2 2,645 9,801,970 1930 84 7,199,135 2,463,797 3,266,237 1,490 1,202 2,692 9,295,737 1931 84 2 2,377,170 3,560,219 2 2 3,022 9,348,630 1932 75 7,546,704 1,870,275 2,512,138 1,483 1,032 2,515 6,636,296 1933 73 2 2,137,394 2,549,300 2 2 2,620 7,833,520 1934 72 7,201,814 2,432,401 2,790,286 1,569 1,060 2,629 8,096,669 1935 77 2 2,428,207 3,131,108 2 2 2,782 9,124,636 1936 82 6,997,931 2,639,495 3,371,734 1,692 1,134 2,826 9,506,286 1937 80 2 3,206,900 3,593,999 2 3 3,043 10,526,502 1938 81 8,244,341 2,825,119 3,293,633 1,705 1,162 2,867 9,118,264 Boot and Shoe Cut Stock and Findings (Not made in boot and sh oe factories ) 1920 393 43,426,232 66,974,420 9,186,674 5,721 2,407 8,128 90,362,987 1921 381 2 45,477,555 7,133,009 2 2 6,403 63,837,523 1922 420 39,677,429 49,638,963 7,817,846 5,410 1,996 7,406 70,352,803 1923 417 2 47,772,107 7,921,949 2 2 7,349 68,839,110 1924 381 35,492,883 42,123,956 7,269,733 4,774 1,762 6,536 60,337,334 1925 407 2 45,012,775 7,995,409 2 2 6,991 66,077,971 1926 361 33,505,694 52,775,368 8,973,167 5,340 2,466 7,806 73,795,554 1927 393 2 60,126,412 8,830,087 2 2 7,763 84,124,051 1928 364 36,656,576 63,242,637 8,280,694 5,164 2,451 7,615 83,979,422 1929 361 2 56,167,055 8,391,863 2 2 7,658 78,200,992 1930 349 30,444,636 42,855,725 7,259,574 4,733 2,184 6,917 59,345,418 1931 351 2 31,775,145 6,363,401 2 2 6,463 46,348,503 1932 334 22,823,061 22,829,247 5,161,390 3,984 1,833 5,817 35,280,809 1933 306 2 23,322,043 5,827,882 2 2 6,989 38,394,504 1934 301 23,949,682 24,498,170 6,482,718 4,822 2,185 7,007 39,540,231 1935 283 2 30,414,515 6,653,003 2 2 7,164 45,795.608 1936 285 23,293,335 35,688,422 7,406,141 5,402 2,295 7,697 52,008,977 1937 281 2 36,507,240 7,376,072 2 2 7,783 53.835,759 1938 274 25,745,036 31,399,674 6,745,849 5,030 2,249 7,279 47,350,318 1 The Census of Manufactures for the years 1921 , 1923, 1925, 1927, 1929, 1931, 1933, 1935, and 1937 included cer- tam publishmg establishments not canvassed in the other years specified, and data for these years, therefore, are not strictly comparable with corresponding data for the other years specified. 2 Not called for on the questionnaire. 3 Originally published $3,420,617,326. * Includes the amount paid for processing taxes. 4 P.D. 36 Table 1. — Principal Data Relative to Manufactures in Massachusetts, 1920-1938, Inclusive, for All Industries, Combined, and Fifty Leading Industries — Continued Value of Amount of Number Capital Stock Wages AVBHAGE NUMBEB OF Value of Years of Es- Invested and Paid Wage- Earners Employed Products tablish- ments Materials Used uunng — the Year Males Females Totals Boots and Shoes, Other than Rubber 1920 518 $174,463,970 $266,378,621 $85,820,835 43,878 25,395 69,273 $443,322,965 1921 543 1 147,350,442 76,395,714 1 1 64,494 285,102,006 1922 580 143,457,023 139,281,827 80,334,802 43,476 26,818 70,294 276,232,880 1923 595 1 146,720,772 82,916,416 1 1 69,397 290,674,403 1924 567 120,312,809 120,976,254 72,462,742 37,821 25,148 62,969 246,897,275 1925 537 1 119,764,801 65,496,971 1 1 57,405 240,943,504 1926 508 109,194,147 121,665,003 70,444,841 35,039 24,699 59,738 244,177,601 1927 469 1 120,353,570 65,282,193 1 1 55,986 237,616,655 1928 453 100,930,619 126,778,246 63,871,277 32,436 23,042 55,478 238,884,158 1929 436 1 124,024,880 64,205,152 1 1 55,093 241,587,864 1930 420 78,643,794 95,336,095 50,896,764 28,937 20,168 49,105 185,072,323 1931 397 1 79,519,951 45,679,225 1 1 47,664 160,666,398 1932 392 53,276,684 60,209,609 36,936,631 24,703 18,562 43,265 126,222,124 1933 389 1 65,591,230 36,559,127 1 1 46,739 128,073,952 1934 347 54,204,247 68,463,192 39,444,814 26,922 19,029 45,951 133,986,336 1935 289 1 68,353,293 38,566,486 1 1 44,371 132,686,781 1936 287 51,660,968 74,767,397 39,971,383 26,539 19,755 46,294 142,308,412 1937 291 1 81,138,368 41,114,626 1 1 46,612 150,999,361 1938 266 49,378,248 69,489,901 36,510,593 24,944 19,714 44,658 132,964,607 Boots and Shoes, Rubber 1920 8 42,396,532 25,440,570 18,940,608 8,912 5,971 14,883 65,715,095 1921 8 1 11,544,473 8,868,857 1 1 9,347 36,700,126 1922 8 27,268,386 11,573,669 - 9,389,154 6,284 4,088 10,372 40,511,741 1923 10 1 18,874,520 14,650,810 1 1 12,528 56,917,929 1924 10 33,049,272 12,548,599 9,602,813 6,215 3,048 9,263 34,859,447 1925 10 1 18,794,523 13,525,474 1 1 11,389 53,626,091 1926 9 43,291,189 21,612,000 13,512,873 7,945 4,829 12,774 53,129,233 1927 10 1 18,957,487 15,470,897 1 1 12,081 56,440,025 1928 10 41,499,346 18,266,621 14,960,384 7,623 5,086 12,709 54,066,037 1929 10 1 15,187,789 13,521,613 1 1 11,163 40,260,364 1930 7 39,340,079 15,086,820 9,287,026 4,610 3,605 8,215 36,923,061 1931 4 1 4,635,529 6,393,391 1 1 6,277 19,116,144 1932 4 26,305,162 3,989,887 4,467,855 3,029 2,435 5,464 15,961,018 1933 5 1 5,987,925 5,740,341 1 1 6,678 18,291,658 1934 5 24,928,537 6,209,627 6,533,859 3,851 2,939 6,790 19,039,543 1935 5 1 7,897,068 6,334,995 1 1 6,320 21,674,887 1936 5 20,629,314 7,949,746 6,927,317 3,265 3,083 6,348 24,514,980 1937 4 1 8,785,735 6,815,775 1 1 6,034 22,761,637 1938 4 18,185,168 5,399,541 4,990,006 Boxes, Paper 2,509 2,183 4,692 16,668,838 1920 110 9,884,942 12,536,056 5,212,843 2,011 3,734 5,745 24,960,223 1921 115 1 6,971,470 3,942,616 1 1 4,527 14,991,098 1922 122 10,360,999 8,072,278 4,208,542 1,827 2,890 4,717 16,444,749 1923 123 1 9,752,403 4,524,230 1 1 5,116 19,918,388 1924 125 12,096,364 9,415,180 4,823,297 2,079 3,042 5,121 18,874,060 1925 122 I 10,827,475 4,976,477 1 1 5,248 21,556,205 1926 117 13,211,654 12,196,443 5,349,518 2,361 3,103 5,464 23,038,841 1927 117 1 12,504,680 5,135,138 1 1 5,300 24,263,922 1928 114 14,527,650 12,459,121 5,249,750 2,424 2,874 5,298 23,591,687 1929 110 1 13,505,759 5,422,332 1 1 5,345 25,267,448 1930 104 14,161,127 11,357,407 4,621,800 2,251 2,480 4,731 20,922,191 1931 101 1 10,131,097 4,346,894 1 1 4,499 19,241,732 1932 101 12,733,343 8,026,995 3,380,847 2,018 1,924 3,942 16,597,606 1933 97 I 10,145,478 3,490,359 1 1 4,211 18,577,574 1934 99 12,912,157 10,893,429 4,068,359 2,422 1,887 4,309 20,430,813 1935 104 1 12,861,111 4,323,210 1 1 4,634 22,753,608 1936 108 12,084,392 14,656,386 4,849,055 2,821 2,057 4,878 26,649,174 1937 111 1 16,528,658 5,056,958 1 1 5,118 28,737,290 1938 114 13,414,528 13,798,302 4,919,652 2,900 2,004 4,904 24,736,860 1 Not called for on the questionnaire. P.D. 36 5 Table 1. — Principal Data Relative to Manufactures in Massachusetts, 1920-1938, Inclusive, for All Industries, Combined, and Fifty Leading Industries - — Continued Value of Amount of Number Capital Stock Wages Average Number of Value of Years of Es- Invested and Paid Wage-Earners Employed Products tablish- Materials During - ments Used the Year Males Females Totals Boxes, Wooden, Except Cigar Boxes 1920 70 $8,239,242 $9,863,236 $3,711,043 2,966 96 3,062 $16,959,464 1921 58 1 5,647,746 2,356,378 1 1 2,346 9,811,678 1922 83 10,361,630 7,202,430 3,037,786 2,834 109 2,943 12,449,759 1923 80 1 7,589,304 3,297,840 1 1 2,995 13,424,486 1924 85 10,718,195 7,219,205 3,107,661 2,682 121 2,803 12,546,987 1925 72 1 6,245,397 2,689,041 1 1 2,428 11,187,107 1926 68 9,050,869 5,976,104 2,752,093 2,352 98 2,450 11,081,093 1927 59 1 5,116,464 2,316,304 1 1 2,062 9,306,590 1928 66 7,523,746 5,810,418 2,568,652 2,114 65 2,179 10,271,977 1929 56 1 4,419,041 2,071,432 1 1 1,796 8,290,008 1930 55 5,454,241 3,545,152 1,791,203 1,607 52 1,659 6,658,911 1931 48 1 2,282,519 1,257,156 1 1 1,305 4,521,425 1932 49 3,827,104 1,556,963 884,069 1,083 26 1,109 3,001,956 1933 45 1 1,591,840 833,616 I 1 1,049 3,282,313 1934 50 3,503,088 1,681,125 943,605 1,141 34 1,175 3,713,812 1935 47 1 1,802,436 900,960 1 1 1,098 3,746,025 1936 49 2,727,420 2,202,102 1,122,686 1,167 54 1,221 4,521,678 1937 48 1 2,338,917 1,218,075 1 1 1,267 4,819,007 1938 50 3,091,359 1,861,937 1,091,525 1,153 66 1,219 3,890,841 Bread and Other Bakery Products 1920 1,083 19,072,121 47,216,099 11,132,441 6,384 2,314 8,698 76,825,786 1921 1,125 1 33,596,767 11,328,144 1 1 8,852 63,972,784 1922 1,026 19,202,286 30,666,836 10,557,076 6,728 2,457 9,185 60,836,491 1923 1,099 1 32,379,305 11,974,120 1 1 9,288 64,733,168 1924 1,072 22,619,463 32,793,242 12,022,863 7,083 2,117 9,200 65,723,363 1925 1,031 1 36,517,214 11,390,333 1 1 8,429 68,845,944 1926 1,090 25,758,720 38,573,698 11,558,473 6,545 2,152 ' 8,697 74,014,253 1927 1,044 1 37,101,802 11,028,342 1 1 8,473 73,706,221 1928 1,108 26,773,971 38,297,898 11,351,600 6,376 2,394 8,770 76,006,262 1929 1,077 1 39,664,130 13,700,195 1 1 10,413 80,270,302 1930 1,132 30,189,852 36,656,100 13,036,847 7,564 2,477 10,041 78,462,469 1931 1,119 1 29,587,755 12,753,731 1 1 10,079 67,805,420 1932 1,111 23,937,254 25,236,168 10,643,686 7,116 2,199 9,315 59,488,548 1933 1,021 1 25,972,865 11,907,157 1 1 10,797 2 55,568,784 1934 1,075 27,876,132 32,983,792 12,889,102 9,149 2,244 11,3932 67,094,325 1935 1,083 : 40,359,800 14,369,048 1 1 12,874 2 72,881,586 1936 1,087 26,966,217 38,942,666 13,678,986 9,686 2,675 12,3612 76,819,878 1937 1,078 1 40,786,708 16,320,671 1 1 13,083 2 79,458,398 1938 1,074 26,967,502 36,340,018 16,032,980 10,152 2,622 12,774 2 79,255,214 Brushes , Other than Rubber 1920 26 6,913,503 5,006,616 1,739,107 916 814 1,730 9,273,237 1921 28 1 3,717,790 1,427,080 1 1 1,458 7,799,011 1922 29 7,362,699 3,636,510 1,527,772 827 794 1,621 8,620,822 1923 27 1 4,512,040 1,709,391 1 1 1,760 9,820,758 1924 27 8,327,530 3,642,758 1,542,488 827 721 1,548 8,331,387 1925 25 1 2,715,136 1,444,967 1 1 1,451 7,597,860 1926 24 7,562,964 3, 243,. 593 1,388,112 782 645 1,427 8,075,729 1927 23 1 3,094,509 1,334,931 1 1 1,228 7,651,538 1928 24 6,289,224 2,830,399 1,255,135 619 484 1,103 7,299,194 1929 24 1 2,413,481 1,096,138 1 I 1,002 6,833,449 1930 23 5,373,301 1,751,647 827,031 485 322 807 5,257,930 1931 21 1 1,270,748 837,370 1 I 762 4,854,275 1932 19 3,720,070 972,002 504,067 343 225 568 2,787,618 1933 19 I 1,294,355 589,089 1 1 649 3,129,321 1934 19 3,792,299 1,334,736 513,889 355 270 625 3,549,905 1935 22 I 1,515,586 575,109 I 1 666 4,129,318 1936 22 4,197,474 2,047,475 696,473 425 289 714 4,858,955 1937 21 1 2,169,376 745,172 1 1 793 4,974,584 1938 19 3,995,803 2,220,186 724,371 414 292 706 4,942,513 1 Not called for on the questionnaire. 2 Includes drivers. 6 P.D. 36 Table 1. — Principal Data Relative to Manufactures in Massachusetts, 1920-1938, Inclusive, for All Industries, Combined, and Fifty Leading Industries — Continued Value of Amount of Number Capital Stock Wages Average Numbeb OP Value of Years of Es- Invested and Paid Wage-Earners Employed Products tablish- Materials During ments Used the Year Males Females Totals Carpets and Rugs, Wool, Other than Rag 1920 10 $17,833,443 $13,158,745 $5,299,110 2,207 1,579 •3,786 $22,871,788 1921 11 1 5,878,285 3,715,753 1 3,080 11,287,978 1922 12 19,418,055 8,480,720 5,208,682 2,531 1,805 4,336 20,895,333 1923 11 1 11,365,902 6,350,275 1 4,935 24,420,446 1924 17 23,796,909 10,688,368 5,529,661 2,863 1,670 4,533 24,623,049 1925 9 1 12,027,206 4,890,335 1 4,427 23,882,979 1926 10 21,606,121 10,781,906 5,195,982 2,649 1,681 4,330 23,431,881 1927 10 1 10,637,977 5,612,874 1 4,473 22,680,243 1928 9 24,652,192 11,408,858 4,996,922 2,765 1,669 4,434 23,342,683 1929 9 1 9,922,493 5,195,113 I 4,297 22,040,332 1930 8 16,194,544 6,700,337 3,723,588 2,221 1,175 3,396 13,880,657 1931 9 1 4,400,626 3,534,826 1 1 3,371 11,306,188 1932 8 12,158,667 2,291,892 1,881,479 1,616 829 2,445 5,773,811 1933 6 1 2,484,227 1,681,097 1 1 1,925 6,051,981 1934 5 7,632,096 2,275,570 1,671,236 1,348 540 1,888 5,510,642 1935 8 1 3,623,925 1,839,892 1 1 1,994 7,400,702 1936 5 8,949,047 3,186,301 1,838,444 1,278 589 1,867 7,282,867 1937 5 1 4,304,222 1,905,730 1 1 1,794 8,699,886 1938 6 7,588,611 1,757,075 1,227,608 876 358 1,234 4,279,901 Carriage^ and Sleds, Children's 1920 13 3,450,391 2,502,576 1,702,635 1,218 158 1,376 5,583,219 1921 14 1 2,140,371 1,268,462 1 1,123 4,553,975 1922 16 3,715,386 2,368,423 1,469,936 1,212 139 1,351 5,067,404 1923 14 1 2,536,445 1,544,306 1 1,306 5,383,038 1924 13 3,988,952 2,048,823 1,424,148 1,038 142 1,180 4,941,749 1925 9 1 2,390,517 1,409,890 1 1,221 5,384,226 1926 9 3,947,429 2,632,053 1,606,527 1,127 199 1,326 5,975,872 1927 11 1 2,842,733 1,650,641 1 1,450 6,125,526 1928 10 3,657,116 2,725,283 1,566,529 1,071 225 1,296 5,806,895 1929 10 1 2,931,548 1,653,125 1 1,436 6,404,295 1930 9 3,927,670 2,689,111 1,547,808 1,144 228 1,372 5,931,203 1931 11 1 2,277,674 1,287,056 1 1 1,262 4,995,218 1932 10 3,158,721 1,541,634 831,216 830 162 992 3,384,565 1933 11 1 1,490,503 753,861 1 1 1,030 3,016,524 1934 11 3,439,953 1,530,836 933,349 967 156 1,123 3,364,919 1935 10 1 1,969,075 1,114,466 1 1 1,245 4,103,907 1936 11 3,073,982 2,278,683 1,365,429 1,122 217 1,339 4,463,655 1937 11 1 2,507,578 1,413,668 1 1 1,386 5,063,494 1938 11 2,828,457 2,023,430 1,149.755 935 234 1,169 4,250,477 Chemicals, not Elsewhere Classifiet 1920 24 18,865,373 11,252,847 3,174,872 1,976 240 2,216 20,806,911 1921 35 1 9,618,2,54 2,491,421 I 1,892 18,811,091 1922 36 16,697,981 10,304,009 2,767,950 1,932 141 2,073 19,974,335 1923 36 1 11,774,478 3,298,935 1 2,563 23,351,305 1924 37 19,916,908 9,731,729 3,122,248 2,116 227 2,343 18,991,466 1925 31 1 6,584,962 3,597,785 1 2,664 15,716,403 1926 33 20,392,424 9,917,633 3,107,161 1,806 128 1,934 18,708,433 1927 15 1 6,580,814 2,039,684 1 1,580 12,919,567 1928 18 15,025,768 7,132,915 2,454,254 1,545 238 1,783 16,442,831 1929 15 1 7,153,223 4,016,327 1 2,936 19,103,023 1930 14 21,096,118 5,407,761 3,156,981 2,187 604 2,791 13,935,843 1931 20 1 6,298,563 3,406,414 1 2,711 14,700,407 1932 10 18,229,249 3,949,097 2,069,416 1,760 540 2,300 10,302,976 1933 18 1 6,257,723 2,206,470 1 2,367 12,696,569 1934 12 19,723,429 6,767,022 2,398,041 1,839 500 2,339 14,686,362 1935 22 1 10,969,088 2,907,376 1 2,623 20,770,996 1936 23 20,100,685 9,295,957 3,121,578 2,070 534 2,604 20,831,330 1937 20 1 9,892,626 3,617,883 1 2,734 21,022,992 1938 20 18,884,793 7,435,203 2,890,618 1,839 393 2,232 15,752,881 ' Not called tor on the questionnaire. P.D. 36 ^ 7 Table 1. — Principal Data Relative to Manufactures in Massachusetts, 1920-1938, Inclusive, for All Industries, Combined, and Fifty Leading Industries — Continued Number Capital Years of Es- Invested tablish- ments Value of Stock and Amount of Wages Paid Materials Used During the Year Average Number of Value of Wage-Earners Employed Products Males Females Totals 9 $20,626,127 $20,749,700 $1,927,478 10 1 10,875,891 1,349,984 11 17,494,698 12,736,417 1,635,315 S 1 11,850,574 1,499,601 8 16,680,089 10,198,493 1,352,768 9 1 12,805,529 1,389,456 8 16,606,073 12,071,077 1,317,363 12 1 15,727,788 887,128 9 15,212,499 14,680,783 1,213,495 11 I 12,152,570 1,226,360 10 14,382,043 9,747,009 1,102,009 11 I 7,154,596 917,431 11 11,825,900 6,140,364 907,868 10 1 5,763,032 891,566 10 10,498,842 6,054,226 1,032,610 9 1 6,816,782 985,912 Chocolate and Cocoa Products (Not including confectionery) 1,134 1 935 1 852 1 787 I 706 627 1 557 418 1 324 184 1 180 178 206 209 1,552 $25,726,734 1,157 18,971,666 1,259 18,347,757 1,094 16,959,970 1,036 15,945,405 1,076 17,503,844 967 17,490,223 906 18,958,188 884 20,969,834 899 17,315,279 801 15,888,360 802 10,374,089 763 9,762,842 880 7,698,866 963 10,156,115 925 10,078,610 Clothing, Mens, Including Work Clothing 1920 198 15,557,284 22,995,363 8,183,390 2,830 3,602 6,432 42,259,731 1921 194 1 13,187,814 6,021,744 1 1 5,180 26,377,405 1922 195 15,084,650 15,314,162 7,503,098 2,787 3,546 6,333 29,814,365 1923 232 1 21,801,446 9,232,396 1 1 7,543 41,101,591 1924 227 17,272,275 19,895,776 8,448,532 2,943 3,940 6,883 37,231,539 1925 206 1 17,625,313 6,947,901 1 1 6,230 33,890,390 1926 217 15,833,846 18,866,675 8,055,358 2,765 4,197 6,952 36,688,249 1927 195 1 18,642,340 7,925,012 1 1 7,141 36,647,583 1928 212 15,628,388 17,578,392 7,338,429 2,667 4,283 6,950 33,577,457 1929 188 1 18,553,752 7,289,782 1 1 6,300 35,073,176 1930 187 13,407,519 15,626,713 6,963,329 2,435 4,162 6,597 29,833,703 1931 177 1 13,318,837 6,086,134 1 1 6,325 25,906,462 1932 179 9,598,227 9,698,627 4,607,370 1,902 3,589 5,491 19,195,634 1933 168 1 12,511,123 4,983,733 : 1 6,452 24,067,256 1934 190 10,758,043 14,258,125 6,511,892 2,651 4,547 7,198 27,447,590 1935 201 1 16,870,002 7,550,267 1 1 8,570 32,424,345 1936 209 12,153,590 18,932,980 8,447,480 3,452 5,608 9,060 35,706,237 1937 213 1 20,806,489 8,527,181 1 1 9,102 38,175,826 1938 210 12,812,143 16,649,798 7,869,243 3,252 5,429 8,681 33,269,052 Clothing, Women s 1920 262 9,111,069 18,462,120 6,160,064 1,250 4,447 5,697 31,274,260 1921 249 1 13,284,009 5,197,553 1 1 5,264 23,884,768 1922 247 8,071,292 13,610,944 5,260,877 998 4,188 5,186 24,131,702 1923 279 1 16,902,394 5,749,554 1 1 5,184 29,718.109 1924 259 7,950,641 15,003,645 4,957,107 952 3,714 4,666 26,673,289 1925 233 1 15,533,592 5,075,577 1 1 4,435 27,297,383 1926 266 8,137,248 17,418,173 6,208,457 1,154 4,009 5,163 31,865,806 1927 277 1 19,070,783 7,206,370 1 6,022 35,649,142 1928 288 9,413,144 19,509,377 7,016,039 1,337 5,023 6,360 35,443,671 1929 312 1 23,287,719 7,798,173 1 6,874 43,100,869 1930 302 10,341,349 19,986,923 7,434,937 1,426 5,517 6,943 36,118,061 1931 310 1 17,698,246 7,130,081 1 7,727 34,013,862 1932 295 6,556,297 14,007,571 4,957,284 1.164 5,219 6,383 25,128,552 1933 244 1 13,195,631 4,519,348 1 6,160 23,6.59,394 1934 252 6,932,436 14,945,946 5,553,182 1,296 5,490 6,786 26,446,536 1935 258 1 16,738,059 6,503,355 1 7,880 31,111.598 1936 274 8,175,489 22,338,975 8,311,612 1,655 8,641 10,296 40,143,789 1937 296 1 22,447,605 8,838,320 1 1 11,025 42,416,678 1938 308 10,150,125 23,163,097 9,704,121 1,957 10,118 12,075 43,987,205 1 Not called for on the questionnaire. 2 Data cannot be .shown. 8 P.D. 36 Table 1. — Principal Data Relative to Manufactures in Massachusetts, 1920-1938, Inclusive, for All Industries, Combined, and Fifty Leading Industries — Continued Value of Amount of Number Capital Stock Wages Aveeage Numbee ; OF Value of Years of Es- Invested and Paid Wage-Eaenees Employed Products tablish- Materials i-/uring — ments Used the Year Males Females Totals Confectionery 1920 152 $30,565,899 $39,295,866 $8,617,406 2,922 6,914 9.836 $61,280,594 1921 146 1 24,643,965 6,545,314 1 1 8.202 42.975,013 1922 144 24,775,825 23,628,231 6,670,030 2,450 5,556 8.006 41,599.379 1923 149 26,504,012 7,475,548 1 1 8,805 48.618,574 1924 141 25,363,921 24,968.335 7,456,716 2,296 5,603 7.899 45,875,376 1925 134 1 25,842,869 6,755,486 1 1 7,625 49,333,972 1926 147 25,982,320 26,910,860 7.472,929 2.374 5,998 8,372 50,669,112 1927 148 1 28,308,227 7,243.925 1 1 8,373 49,673.740 1928 153 28,031,362 25,547,674 6.916,799 2,259 5,230 7,489 46.124.991 1929 144 1 22,820,300 6,744,576 1 1 7,471 43.932,366 1930 144 25,795,966 19,994,216 6,291,556 1,902 4.639 6,541 37.815,816 1931 127 1 14,646,330 4,983,946 1 1 5,943 30,176,229 1932 124 19,172,366 11,628,850 3,769,139 1,510 3,673 5,183 22.227,447 1933 108 1 11,333,589 3,889,281 1 1 5,429 20,959,943 1934 109 17,698,438 13,174,168 4.445,673 1,707 4,074 5,781 24,342,785 1935 108 1 15,678,998 4,594,156 1 1 6.078 27,092,367 1936 115 17,197,459 16,045,009 4,943,397 1.663 4,551 6,214 28,988.499 1937 106 1 17,403,964 5,230,466 1 1 6,392 30,679,485 1938 113 17,374,841 14,850,131 4,870,092 1,623 4.212 5,835 27,542,363 Cordage and Twine 1920 13 21,235,908 15,831,509 3,113,197 2.154 695 2,849 24,805,429 1921 13 1 10,795,241 2,691.494 1 2,830 18,169,138 1922 11 18,951,095 7,709,665 1.921.042 1,648 511 2,159 11,500,881 1923 13 1 8,944,185 2,372,673 1 2,417 16,201,636 1924 11 17,704,268 9,625,410 2,341.524 1,822 517 2,339 15,348,732 1925 12 1 11,533,397 2,230.739 1 2,274 17,295,921 1926 11 20,712,643 12,882,509 2,400.878 1,842 537 2,379 20,572,005 1927 12 1 11,459,826 2,354,238 1 2,283 18,159,091 1928 11 14,837,432 10,109,923 2,071,780 1,553 470 2.023 15.951.786 1929 11 1 8,928,608 1,964.016 I 1.882 16,773.761 1930 11 16,007,163 8,180,508 1.816.081 1,372 362 1,734 14.764,739 1931 13 1 4,990,098 1.506.548 1 1,513 9,233.418 1932 14 12,283,760 2,716,998 1,137.073 1.096 236 1,332 5.990,665 1933 12 1 2,240,162 984,464 1 1,198 5,530,950 1934 12 12,561,557 2,707,950 1,132.387 1,016 280 1,296 7,129,023 1935 13 1 2,933,314 1,203.695 1 1,311 6,599,782 1936 14 13,784,528 4,013,700 1.439,484 1,120 349 1,469 9,450,235 1937 14 1 5,027,053 1,602,003 1 1,572 9,963,043 1938 14 11,687,385 4,400,881 1,530,523 1,136 351 1,487 8.327,744 Corsets and Allied Garments 1920 12 5,368,848 5,042,055 1,778,899 318 1,628 1,946 9,750.391 1921 13 1 3,061,383 1,262.439 1 1 1,788 7.287.770 1922 14 4,270,180 2,318,231 1,108,722 240 1,314 1,554 4,928,775 1923 14 1 2,465,258 1,109,097 1 1 1,466 5,063,627 1924 12 3,750,557 2,247,699 852,173 159 903 1,062 4,584.072 1925 10 1 2,299,361 833.366 1 1 1,046 4,493,518 1926 11 2,970,314 2,275,610 830.302 128 939 1,067 4,379,668 1927 12 1 1,877,569 692,741 1 1 943 4,052,709 1928 12 2,632,188 1,676,023 620.679 104 696 800 3,591.310 1929 11 1 1,572,873 658.938 1 1 706 3,197,894 1930 10 2,003,274 1,263,074 496,560 95 569 664 2,620,051 1931 10 1 1,500,020 539,0.53 1 1 721 3,049.636 1932 11 1,672,314 1,103,950 413,996 73 521 594 2.349,330 1933 11 1 1,318,881 422,855 1 1 675 2,465.807 1934 11 1,655,542 1,289,603 511,867 90 565 655 2,482,887 1935 12 1 1,247,132 531,099 1 1 703 2.317,533 1936 12 1,639,625 1,388,642 536.853 102 640 742 2.595,638 1937 9 1 912,028 368,994 1 1 530 1,708,706 1938 9 1,362,101 •826,787 407,092 74 445 519 1,755,567 1 Not called for on the questionnaire. P.D. 36 9 Table 1. — Principal Data Relative to Manufactures in Massachusetts, 1920-1938, Inclusive, for All Industries, Combined, and Fifty Leading Industries — Continued Value of Amount of Number Capital Stock Wages Average Number of Value of Years of Es- Invested and Paid Wage-Earners Employed Products tablish- Materials During - ments Used the Year Males Females Totals Cotton Goods 1920 191 $478,676,517 $415,501,520 $130,905,309 61,630 51,515 113,145 $686,571,606 1921 182 1 153,725,300 96,547,054 1 1 106,337 313,829,605 1922 187 483,119,213 185,934,180 103,016,087 60,829 50,336 111,165 366,030,361 1923 191 1 223,569,567 115,080,841 1 1 113,707 415,922,838 1924 178 445,476,695 175,089,768 86,795,081 48,803 40,292 89,095 296,831,284 1925 178 1 200,972,528 91,812,779 1 1 96,182 345,864,097 1926 173 402,338,770 166,821,709 88,865,550 50,421 41,045 91,466 292,063,441 1927 163 1 145,630,938 88,089,667 1 1 90,875 284,706,007 1928 153 328,710,040 120,815,771 61,215,058 36,121 29,071 65,192 216,997,848 1929 135 1 125,441,636 65,556,859 1 1 70,788 233,618,009 1930 134 246,463,847 79,531,622 47,363,957 30,001 23,744 53,745 151,834,379 1931 120 1 53,329,684 38,868,889 I 1 46,990 114,707,445 1932 105 163,868,792 30,030,280 22,698,692 17,693 14,771 32,464 68,040,258 1933 103 1 51,189,247 2 31,110,036 1 1 45,418 98,602,761 2 1934 105 158,312,095 57,690,978 2 36,473,572 28,105 21,192 49,297 111,247,620 2 1935 105 1 55,691,405 31,012,917 1 1 41,230 105,412,577 1936 100 114,863,391 50,606,609 34,428,018 24,326 17,769 42,095 106,891,365 1937 96 1 54,475,099 36,226,586 1 1 42,562 110,005,566 1938 95 95,425,307 30,648,737 23,578,913 17,916 12,506 30,422 66,988,947 Cotton Small Wares 1920 41 5,217,659 5,692,232 1,455,652 525 1,044 1,569 8,716,272 1921 42 1 2,026,511 927,400 1 1,151 3,772,289 1922 42 4,601,097 2,824,566 1,032,908 458 809 1,267 4,797,827 1923 54 1 7,184,716 2,964,053 1 3,044 13,403,377 1924 51 10,341,599 5,684,159 2,417,565 1,062 1,467 2,529 10,305,682 1925 52 1 6,952,287 2,581,312 1 2,757 12,374,788 1926 47 10,314,438 5,812,738 2,590,500 1,071 1,505 2,576 10,096,876 1927 47 1 5,183,016 2,484,558 1 2,538 10,184,683 1928 49 9,417,773 6,178,909 2,763,238 1,129 1,609 2,738 11,506,389 1929 43 1 6,324,995 2,857,062 1 2,924 11,922,618 1930 39 10,703,251 5,022,212 2,461,941 1,122 1,378 2,500 9,482,375 1931 31 1 4,025,009 2,119,931 1 2,382 7,864,698 1932 36 9,289,770 2,966,993 1,642,544 974 1,095 2,069 5,820,818 1933 34 1 3,591,938 1,762,759 1 2,219 6,946,444 1934 36 9,241,231 4,184,048 1,986,072 1,176 1,256 2,432 8,084,337 1935 39 1 4,453,081 2,121,145 1 2,531 8,365,905 1936 44 7,734,419 4,552,728 2,408,063 1,311 1,336 2,647 9,753,513 1937 43 1 5,123,056 2,424,455 1 2,754 10,286,734 1938 43 10,023,103 4,294,267 2,282,365 1,365 1,271 2,636 9,123,485 Druggists' Preparations, Including Patent Medicines and Compounds 1920 77 35,169,099 11,995,626 2,240,707 1,415 1,477 2,892 26,976,149 1921 77 1 6,285,821 1,643,913 1 1 1,702 15,307,747 1922 77 41,569,650 7,082,529 1,796,343 931 805 1,736 18,237,723 1923 79 1 7,738,826 1,458,910 1 1 1,458 20,662,179 1924 65 17,210,689 6,806,673 1,237,924 488 697 1,185 19,759,919 1925 69 1 7,292,459 1,183,459 1 1 1,141 20,308,096 1926 65 18,168,189 8,408,679 1,755,794 792 804 1,596 22,915,721 1927 73 1 7,053,668 1,213,568 1 I 1,123 21,383,663 1928 75 19,393,561 7,430,169 1,728,829 789 741 1,530 21,649,605 1929 78 1 6,766,817 2,387,474 1 1 1,667 22,140,279 1930 78 16,622,370 6,744,976 1,725,269 753 677 1,430 19,744,053 1931 73 1 5,528,805 1,738,200 1 1 1,439 17,527,937 1932 75 17,857,607 4,499,899 1,564,216 834 640 1,474 14,095,664 1933 69 1 4,053,483 924,695 1 1 1,050 13,736,916 1934 72 11,076,043 5,377,937 1,071,145 475 547 1,022 15,373,295 1935 61 1 4,437,534 909,593 1 1 947 13,626,066 1936 66 9,512,211 5,887,889 990,145 462 502 964 14,.564,702 1937 60 1 5,063,642 920,428 1 I 971 15,600,561 1938 63 7,155,342 4,990,754 1,004,131 456 479 935 14,784,605 1 Not called for on the questionnaire. 2 Includes the amount paid for processing taxes. 10 P.D. 36 Table 1. — Pbincipal Data Relative to Manufactures in Massachusetts, 1920-1938, Inclusive, for All Industries, Combined, and Fifty Leading Industries — Continued Value of Amount of Number Capital Stock Wages Average Number of Value of Years of Es- Invested and Paid Wage-Earners Employed Products tablish- Materials During ments Used the Year Males Females Totals Dyeing and Finishing Textiles 1920 66 883,715,624 $63,246,501 $18,872,562 12,075 4,217 16,292 $106,264,963 1921 63 1 52,664,331 14,142,174 1 1 13,318 92,953,438 192"'2 65 80,155,857 51,913,956 14,067,567 10,242 3,090 13,332 84,826,219 1923 75 1 59,282,801 16,099,333 1 1 14,074 101,824,142 1924 66 75,615,925 47,812,253 14,145,036 10,127 2,637 12,764 76,968,958 1925 65 1 87,585,678 16,098,858 1 1 13,872 119,109,701 1926 65 69,498,151 69,357,890 15,974,822 10,666 3,106 13,772 102,814,471 1927 68 1 51,434,428 16,229,352 1 I 13,826 84,459,666 1928 66 73,0-58,266 52,048,921 15,738,360 10,664 2,965 13,629 83,707,199 1929 67 1 53,034,427 16,853,664 1 1 14,450 93,148,770 1930 65 67,023,393 50,849,268 14,838,020 10,246 2,835 13,081 75,853,910 1931 70 1 47,794,925 14,926,387 1 1 13,060 76,819,045 1932 71 55,681,174 34,01:0,823 10,377,674 8,604 2,514 11,118 52,353,966 1933 65 1 32,488,442 10,366,906 1 1 11,178 54,714,526 1934 73 53,716,632 45,512,362 12,506,124 10,463 2,479 12,942 67,293,143 1935 58 1 17,273,926 10,059,470 1 1 10,423 34,759,649 1936 59 48,802,672 44,608,493 12,938,024 9,630 2,312 11,942 71,139,210 1937 59 1 27,231,992 13,705,564 1 1 12,250 51,555,625 1938 61 39,112,307 23,683,661 12,089,215 8,792 2,133 10,925 47,900,883 Electrical Machinery, Apparatus >, and Supplies (Radio Apparatus Included)* 1920 105 87,948,066 48,894,162 38,289,830 21,463 7,098 28,561 126,861,130 1921 105 : 27,951,204 20,348,264 1 1 17,635 72,047,824 1922 116 80,749,428 33,043,527 24,930,824 14,852 4,212 19,064 93,083,923 1923 130 1 43,889,975 34,482,705 1 I 26,350 117,575,926 1924 130 85,828,979 48,721,722 33,227,577 19,516 5,007 24,523 129,905,665 1925 116 1 43,794,331 35,109,393 1 1 25,065 147,056,901 1926 128 101,420,458 64,534,132 39,142,134 21,473 6,426 27,899 177,148,280 1927 122 1 42,197,890 33,903,793 1 1 24,759 139,348,725 1928 120 89,532,822 56,874,825 33,972,583 18,542 6,246 24,788 156,081,762 1929 106 1 64,323,352 41,011,734 1 1 28,844 184,786,944 1930 111 95,260,623 45,095,735 31,948,815 18,272 5,945 24,217 120,334,662 1931 102 1 31,777,549 22,751,703 1 1 20,055 104,325,847 1932 103 60,042,661 18,228,170 12,254,949 9,853 3,718 13,571 53,643,578 1933 84 1 19,586,736 13,263,342 1 1 14,285 52,628,350 1934 88 52,628,363 23,723,572 17,502,155 11,737 5,307 17,044 67,874,375 1935 84 1 31,710,691 20,963,303 1 1 18,746 91,521,181 1936 83 57,574,563 46,937,988 30,224,266 15,842 7,803 23,645 131,354,823 1937 84 1 58,287,450 41,670,624 1 1 29,038 164,834,012 1938 84 62,839,165 34,549,678 23,308,802 Envelopes 12,874 5,657 18,531 102,060,879 1920 15 8,753,547 8,799,513 2,370,020 769 1,427 2,196 14,565,573 1921 13 1 5,553,015 1,853,655 1 1 1,836 9,606,130 1922 13 8,632,224 5,964,851 1,978,553 689 1,235 1,924 10,515,576 1923 18 1 6,837,975 2,141,506 I 1 2,065 11,839,089 1924 15 9,246,312 6,420,627 2,178,767 718 1,267 1,985 11,425,083 1925 16 1 6,687,374 2,220,488 1 1 2,027 11,924,667 1926 16 10,056,691 7,179,893 2,329,585 761 1,351 2,112 12,890,303 1927 17 1 7,868,920 2,490,333 1 1 2,228 13,876,224 1928 16 8,488,482 7,390,143 2,299,414 744 1,246 1,990 13,096,559 1929 19 1 7,927,843 2,445,592 I 1 2,211 14,438,365 1930 18 9,269,581 6,531,493 2,205,446 811 1,296 2,107 12,231,176 1931 18 1 5,207,748 1,932,090 1 1 1,975 10,087,564 1932 18 7,357,253 3,948,372 1,350,349 652 1,065 1.717 7,387,160 1933 18 1 3,606,104 1,359,364 1 1 1,679 6,953,033 1934 18 7,449,641 3,920,650 1,664,720 745 1,056 1,801 8,103,032 1935 15 1 4,138,206 1,739,820 1 1 1,748 8,108,663 1936 16 6,595,100 4,365,564 1,754,588 718 1,022 1,740 8,735,451 1937 15 1 4,819,285 1,935,145 1 1 1,711 9,386,340 1938 15 6,540,542 4,310,437 1,752,461 682 941 1,623 8,515,662 * Data for Radio apparatus, formerly a part of the Electrical apparatus industry, but separately tabulated since 1931, with an average annual product of about $8,000,000, have been included here for proper comparability with data given for the period 1920-1930, inclusive. 1 Not called for on the questionnaire. P.D. 36 11 Table 1. — Principal Data Relative to Manufactures in Massachusetts, 1920-1938, Inclusive, for All Industries, Combined, and Fifty Leading Industries — Continued Value of Amount of Number Capital Stock Wages Average Numbeb of Value of Years of Es- Invested and Paid Wage- Eahnebs Employed Products tablish- meots Materials Used the Year Males Females Totals Foundry and Machine-Shop Products (Not elsewhere classified) 1920 569 $141,802,007 $68,534,988 $52,459,471 33,379 1,094 34.473 $166,340,007 1921 515 1 35,452,972 26,755,815 1 1 20,021 112,172,802 1922 541 113,530,640 29,172,980 27,306,697 20,424 413 20,837 86,448,581 1923 533 1 38,728,025 36,267,289 1 1 24,660 114,929,133 1924 539 117,840,928 37,993,215 32,473,734 21,983 431 22,414 106,461,283 1925 500 1 31,046,164 28,919,791 1 1 19,541 90,638.434 1926 502 101,518,775 34,479,344 30,851,687 20,079 340 20,419 99.321,009 1927 496 1 30,759,703 30,059,274 1 1 19,898 94,149,409 1928 475 105,513,492 32,606,432 30,447,463 19,402 401 19,803 99,613,068 1929 465 1 36,893,962 32,969.609 1 1 21,243 114.965.036 1930 442 103,479,175 28,219,034 27,582,822 18,058 434 18,492 88.162,402 1931 414 1 17,806,400 18,841,627 1 1 14,748 60,143,267 1932 388 76,037,030 11,685,917 12,036,933 9.941 238 10,179 36,472,363 1933 335 1 11,043,569 12.084,953 1 1 11,022 38,524,134 1934 360 73,410,690 15,524,218 15.004,410 11,993 308 12,301 49,352,674 1935 373 1 18,109,987 16,913,049 1 1 13.422 56.399,807 1936 383 76,981,052 24,705,987 22,042,608 15,350 339 15,689 72,874,291 1937 378 1 31,285,298 26,014,518 I 1 17,611 88,706,980 1938 372 83,442,982 19,687,217 19,716,667 14,357 279 14,636 63,703.683 Furniture, Including Store and Office Fixtures 1920 144 27,172,840 12,882,852 9,747,660 6.445 1,075 7,520 32,094,031 1921 160 1 10,941,342 6,922,987 1 1 6,251 24,039,399 1922 177 25,392,662 11,536,245 8,412,753 6.373 933 7,306 26,994,042 1923 189 1 14,616,185 9,965,802 1 1 8,097 34,691,239 1924 187 27,808,098 15,021,243 10,160,663 6,968 895 7,863 34,609,438 1925 191 1 16,050,928 10,172,074 1 1 7,834 33,638,635 1926 208 30,610,254 16,040,092 11,504,758 7,507 933 8,440 37,530,228 1927 194 1 16,682,116 11,027,153 1 1 8,077 36,796,137 1928 220 29,452,309 16,675,734 11,110,481 7,336 888 8.224 37,464,410 1929 217 1 19,029,630 11,926,867 1 I 8,598 41,921,577 1930 222 26,324,068 13,256,836 9,585,968 6,576 781 7,357 32,057,862 1931 204 1 10,541,937 7,051,101 1 1 6,153 24,143,874 1932 193 18,318,838 6,902,035 4,826,916 4,246 620 4,866 15,923,502 1933 181 1 7,174,721 4,684,374 1 1 5,357 15,497,274 1934 193 14,451,329 7,153,903 5,158,175 4,807 558 5,365 16.363,596 1935 203 1 9,075,129 5,802,209 1 1 5,939 19,446.029 1936 213 15,566,225 11,325,039 7,184,114 6,052 773 6,825 25,058.041 1937 214 1 13,077,081 8,413,020 1 1 7,818 29,654,139 1938 218 16,587,178 10,369,240 6,973,636 Jewelry 6,041 852 6,893 24,182,496 1920 142 17,350,849 16,403,880 7,092,049 3,789 2,223 6,012 30,896,678 1921 153 1 9,025,355 5,280,215 1 1 4,619 20,171,714 1922 149 18,110,372 11,936,802 5,750,838 3,293 1,776 5,069 23,808,867 1923 150 1 14,915,546 7,107,467 1 1 5,677 30,436,712 1924 141 19,011,563 12,716,238 6,716,301 3,494 1,873 5,367 26,108,710 1925 140 1 12,453,539 6,378,158 1 1 5,056 26.156.151 1926 133 19,093,776 12,894,407 6,774,713 3,482 1,900 5,382 27.975,070 1927 135 1 12,205,679 6,573,986 1 1 5,216 26,781,180 1928 119 19,460,811 13,360,741 7,238,630 3,647 1,876 5,523 28,943,476 1929 120 1 12,614,702 6,836,212 1 1 5,422 28,077,253 1930 117 15,999,810 9,174,431 5,792,575 3,188 1,626 4,814 21,976,448 1931 93 1 3,738,978 4,032,512 1 1 3,324 11,680,211 1932 84 8,542,539 2,691,678 2,591,114 1,691 786 2,477 8,154,002 1933 72 1 2,723,370 2,478,321 1 1 2,654 7,879,010 1934 78 7,626,469 3,132,065 3,240,102 2,133 1,088 3,221 10,005,526 1935 75 1 3,844,662 3,530,125 1 1 3.561 10,901.661 1936 81 6,417,203 4,381,573 3,700,219 2,342 1,285 3,627 12,513,113 1937 80 1 5,131,009 4,243,511 1 1 3,971 14,489,172 1938 78 9,808,920 4,868,005 4,111,467 2.379 1,474 3,853 13,801,823 ' Not called for on the questionnnire. 12 P.D. 36 Table 1. — Principal Data Relative to Manufactures in Massachusetts, 1920-1938, Inclusive, for All Industries, Combined, and Fifty Leading Industries — Continued Value of Amount of Number Capital Stock Wages Average Number of Value of Years of Es- Invested and Paid Wage-Earners Employed Products tablish- Materials During ments Used the Year Males Females Totals Knit Goods 1920 71 S38,272,394 $31,871,942 $10,728,570 2,906 7,719 10,626 $54,059,574 1921 81 1 20,251,896 8,969,044 1 1 10,497 34,924,807 1922 88 46,784,687 23,801,579 10,467,806 3,324 8,339 11,663 44,219,560 1923 87 1 25,923,485 10,605,684 1 1 11,662 46,834,645 1924 88 40,200,481 20,450,911 9,443,959 2,837 7,026 9,863 38,487,391 1925 88 1 25,902,556 9,715,424 1 1 10,551 46,386,519 1926 92 38,480,178 22,362,814 9,512,858 2,944 7,144 10,088 44,060,059 1927 93 1 22,315,903 9,339,035 1 1 9,660 43,936,724 1928 90 31,114,869 21,070,158 9,162,848 2,617 6,475 9,092 40,165,755 1929 86 1 20,401,873 8,945,286 1 1 8,817 41,050,135 1930 80 26,802,325 16,981,448 7,878,614 2,308 5,826 8,133 34,479,056 1931 70 1 14,997,853 6,765,890 1 1 7,637 29,460,966 1932 66 17,658,766 11,560,929 5,306,107 2,046 4,726 6,772 22,160,166 1933 70 1 13,398,553 5,524,729 1 1 7,680 25,649,661 1934 77 19,225,104 14,423,617 6,292,813 2,498 5,435 7,933 26,008,808 1935 85 1 15,042,736 6,636,468 1 1 8,357 26,928,702 1936 89 18,593,064 18,888,884 8,182,564 3,055 6,705 9,760 34,726,125 1937 82 1 16,926,172 7,856,750 1 1 9,256 31,821,173 1938 82 14,991,235 14,062,892 6,098,756 2,234 4,974 7,208 26,979,790 Lasts and Related Products 1920 33 4,023,632 1,808,773 1,.541,640 1,122 42 1,164 5,295,218 1921 35 1 1,872,968 1,602,703 1 1 1,161 5,669,893 1922 35 4,125,272 1,694,299 1,610,003 1,154 30 1,184 6,128,571 1923 33 1 1,494,612 1,455,359 1 1 1,009 4,565,545 1924 32 3,833,983 1,504,625 1,431,212 959 23 982 4,212,566 1925 31 1 1,339,198 1,281,139 1 1 894 4,076,620 1926 31 3,252,347 1,343,144 1,368,375 864 38 902 4,097,706 1927 29 1 1,005,526 1,072,355 1 1 782 3,173,593 1928 32 2,567,193 970,523 1,006,775 677 31 708 2,897,629 1929 28 1 970,185 1,111,661 1 1 728 3,104,258 1930 30 2,999,722 925,578 1,037,564 705 8 713 2,916,584 1931 25 1 782,435 973,276 1 1 668 2,465,067 1932 27 1,928,534 621,737 751,388 614 4 618 2,160,701 1933 23 1 526,732 780,139 1 1 600 2,059,974 1934 21 1,709,160 641,752 780,029 607 3 610 2,230,750 1935 21 1 574,416 850,681 1 1 626 2,229,352 1936 22 1,475,969 703,608 971,917 656 4 660 2,432,774 1937 20 1 556,833 743,488 1 1 593 1,898,483 1938 17 1,444,588 603,499 825,726 559 6 565 2,161,774 Leather: Tanned, Curried, and Finished 1920 132 86,083,688 57,410,060 17,913,018 11,613 834 12,447 88,344,819 1921 119 1 35,801,421 11.389,126 1 1 9,038 61,106,462 1922 122 62,115,825 31,383,055 13,298,797 10,231 682 10,813 57,669,973 1923 122 1 40,439,335 15,340,403 1 1 11,437 71,098,478 1924 123 65,221,569 42,867,178 15,023,961 10,320 690 11,010 70,603,298 1925 118 1 42,430,939 14,178,183 1 1 10,438 70,708,060 1926 123 54,757,105 40,698,690 14,016,402 9,405 836 10,241 66,600,362 1927 115 1 47,860,959 14,587,638 1 1 10,768 77,649,467 1928 124 60,970,731 53,764,692 14,531,789 9,976 999 10,975 82,268,326 1929 113 1 60,240,934 2 14,206,601 1 1 10,707 88,348,403 1930 107 47,489,768 41,890,582 11,645,166 7,923 1,030 8,953 63,591,977 1931 98 1 29,966,431 10,697,504 1 1 8,667 60,051,338 1932 101 32,697,645 19,253,879 8,651,070 7,149 783 7,932 35,608,824 1933 100 1 27,193,279 11,077,713 1 1 9,980 48,630,000 1934 99 34,037,405 30,878,912 11,606,967 9,001 1,041 10,042 60,131,406 1935 96 1 34,883,903 12,506,035 1 1 10,334 56,811,498 1936 96 35,071,611 40,689,074 13,266,632 9,626 1,046 10,672 65,794,776 1937 94 1 47,881,198 12,974,667 1 1 10,228 70,786,960 1938 96 35,324,593 29,836,706 10,714,316 7,756 876 8,632 48,668,597 1 Not called for on the questionnaire. 2 Includes the value of the hides and skins manufactured by certain tanning establishments, formerly operated on a contract basis. P.D. 36 13 Table 1. — Principal Data Relative to Manufactures in Massachusetts, 1920-1938, Inclusive, for All Industries, Combined, and Fifty Leading Industries — Continued Value of Amount of Number Capital Stock Wages Average Numbeb OF Value of Years of Es- Invested and Paid Wage-E ARNERS Employed Products tablish- Materials J-Zunng — ments Used tiie Year Males Females Totals Lithographing 1920 14 §4,292,688 82,238,712 $1,707,821 906 423 1,329 $7,042,155 1921 14 1 2,129,652 1,750,366 1 1 1,097 5,357,454 1922 14 4,500,169 1,692,528 1,461,237 783 300 1,083 5,305,172 1923 13 1 1,785,367 1,528,498 1 1 1,113 5,408,521 1924 11 5,404,973 1,592,772 1,615,892 808 326 1,134 5,738,648 1925 11 1 1,916,281 1,642,130 1 1 1,174 5,448,652 1926 12 3,870,915 1,932,903 1,609,281 791 276 1,067 5,220,272 1927 10 1 1,753,674 1,501,084 1 1 984 5,048,184 1928 10 3,933,462 1,904,658 1,461,927 709 247 956 4,909,077 1929 12 1 1,759,506 1,536,928 1 1 1,052 5,320,136 1930 9 3,882,842 1,698,421 1,443,890 684 236 920 4,764,691 1931 12 1 936,465 1,180,192 1 1 790 3,790,431 1932 10 2,765,438 810,614 878,339 498 161 659 2,588,685 1933 13 1 1,007,967 977,436 1 1 774 2,998,642 1934 12 2,927,615 1,263,078 1,085,540 620 242 862 3,661,547 1935 12 1 1,308,201 1,126,835 1 1 823 3,853,605 1936 12 3,670,452 1,581,247 1,215,921 659 195 854 4,493,518 1937 12 1 1,756,006 1,287,817 1 1 885 5,002,556 1938 12 3,805,174 1,806,389 1,246,206 662 225 887 4,739,058 Marble, Granite, Slate and other Stone Products 1920 188 5,847,812 2,585,033 3,047,350 1,812 ~ 1,812 8,262,256 1921 190 1 2,436,191 3,054,708 1 1 1,950 8,067,266 1922 187 7,330,733 2,369,318 2,737,118 1,741 — 1,741 7,456,970 1923 185 1 3,387,334 4,193,348 1 1 2,459 11,285,444 1924 182 8,680,338 3,403,444 4,649,813 2,624 - 2,624 11,977,600 1925 165 1 3,591,543 3,374,977 1 1 1,811 10,392,643 1926 170 9,148,341 3,010,438 4,254,411 2,411 — 2,411 10,439,010 1927 157 1 3,208,439 3,820,376 1 1 2,166 10,833,589 1928 153 9,743,656 2,900,072 4,254,700 2,405 — 2,405 10,804,973 1929 141 1 2,441,529 3,682,476 1 1 2,064 9,735,206 1930 134 8,323,877 2,205,032 3,071,383 1,698 — 1,698 8,300,665 1931 130 1 1,583,316 2,587,008 1 1 1,524 6,721,156 1932 118 5,553,264 1,429,194 1,549,241 1,074 — 1,074 4,600,604 1933 101 1 878.797 1,019,139 1 1 806 3,094,677 1934 103 3,931,528 892,901 1,068,291 832 — 832 3,027,375 1935 105 1 849,490 1,061,382 1 1 790 3,140,549 1936 115 3,489,756 1,192,021 1,572,289 1,136 — 1,136 • 4,274,469 1937 108 1 1,287,295 1,564,145 1 1 1,110 4,431,513 1938 108 3,746,845 1,093,473 1,434,711 997 - 997 3,683,516 Meat Packing, Wholesale 1920 32 35,283,451 73,125,278 4,868,116 3,311 125 3,436 89,234,029 1921 33 1 41,052,369 3,798,379 1 \ 2,986 48,810,846 1922 27 27,307,951 46,193,957 3,490,994 2,987 166 3,153 55,093,617 1923 33 1 47,128,857 4,604,972 1 1 3,651 56,765,176 1924 32 23,015,968 46,832,366 4,679,275 3,280 226 3,506 56,799,375 1925 33 1 52,620,735 4,121,768 1 1 3,292 60,710,531 1926 28 20,217,642 54,604,670 3,759,969 2,761 239 3,000 63,220,783 1927 40 1 51,139,522 4,127,491 1 1 3,191 58,796,506 1928 37 20,364,428 54,604,066 3,855,033 2,684 304 2,988 63,509,485 1929 33 1 56,599,409 3,572,432 1 1 2,594 64,354,688 1930 31 17,952,766 51,030,796 3,435,693 2,211 319 2,530 59,425,738 1931 31 1 32,764,048 2,871,319 1 1 2,123 39,704,308 1932 29 9,993,846 22,994,226 2,547,086 1,897 268 2,165 29,408,410 1933 26 1 22,727,714 2,555,707 1 1 2,358 30,181,196 1934 26 14,937,107 33,793.756 = 3,324,627 2,274 341 2,615 41,283,296 2 1935 26 1 41,721,053 2,835,515 1 1 2,167 46,424,430 1936 26 12,562,173 41,000,326 3,285,924 1,958 312 2,270 47,193,004 1937 26 1 47,269,052 3,576,944 1 1 2,463 53,893,559 1938 23 8,886,020 35,575,466 3,602,305 2,069 308 2,377 43,913,634 ' Not called for on the questionnaire. - Includes the amount paid for processing taxes. 14 P.D. 36 Table 1. — Principal Data Relative to Manufactures iN Massachusetts, 1920-1938, Inclusive, for All Industries, CombinbiB, and Fifty Leading Industries — Continued Value of Amount of Number Capital Stock Wages Average Number of Value of Years of Es- Invested and Paid Wage-Earners Employed Products tablish- Materials During — ments Used the Year Males Females Totals Paper and Wood Pulp2 1920 82 $110,211,108 $89,158,276 $21,633,105 11,173 4,042 15,215 $145,017,866 1921 81 1 40,614,356 12,592,648 I 1 12,427 62,865,216 1922 79 103,913,959 49,356,524 15,004,725 10,107 3,383 13,490 84,440,050 1923 82 1 57,601,310 17,085,424 1 1 13,324 93,641,621 1924 81 125,290,205 53,194,877 17,047,879 10,168 3,255 13,423 90,146,594 1925 84 1 54,854,405 16,424,005 1 1 12,915 90,126,831 1926 83 109,116,793 56,818,516 17,467,461 10,226 2,979 13,205 98,598,943 1927 83 1 51,815,477 15,904,292 1 1 12,368 93,177,974 1928 84 114,302,940 53,105,186 16,420,703 9,682 2,920 12,602 93,939,888 1929 76 1 50,091,469 16,648,893 1 1 12,362 95,084,573 1930 76 115,166,384 41,204,938 14,881,473 9,127 2,476 11,603 78,339,273 1931 77 1 27,898,672 11,960,645 1 1 10,652 58,148,375 1932 75 96,789,120 19,304,723 8,901,610 7,414 1,968 9,382 39,335,415 1933 68 1 19,193,695 8,212,224 1 1 9,513 40,577,557 1934 733 95,397,395 23,021,908 9,591,727 8,153 1,918 10,071 46,635,725 1935 71 1 29,222,903 10,595,463 I 1 10,264 53,222,512 1936 68 103,605,510 32,222,665 11,805,827 8,331 1,913 10,244 60,010,622 1937 66 1 39,015,249 13.048,116 1 I 10,499 68,061,275 1938 67 95,697,219 28,778,253 11,567,938 8,154 1,820 9,974 55,447,418 Paper Goods , Not Elsewhere Classified 1920 48 13,043,453 15,314,841 2,961,499 1,607 813 2,420 24,362,219 1921 49 1 6,179,135 1,650,792 I 1 1,661 10,483,630 1922 56 11,231,052 8,604,207 2,126,266 1,412 614 2,026 14,543,771 1923 55 1 9,477,536 2,333,867 1 1 2,154 15,639,659 1924 57 11,179,998 9,198,979 2,221,003 1,382 581 1,963 15,334,010 1925 49 1 9,374,040 2,217,923 1 1 1,844 15,896,324 1926 50 9,897,994 8,653,368 2,175,348 1,276 572 1,848 14,464,530 1927 54 1 11,015,381 2,413,778 I 1 2,007 18,241,172 1928 60 13,481,874 11,515,112 2,665,490 1,544 626 2,170 19,328,634 1929 63 1 17,869,831 5,219,802 1 1 4,051 29,886,125* 1930 55 19,389,798 14,603,203 4,518,725 2,452 1,084 3,536 24,352,899 1931 59 1 10,960,569 3,795,246 1 1 3,218 19,232,858 1932 56 19,049,290 7,859,546 2,951,831 1,932 910 2,842 14,312,521 1933 67 1 10,314,135 3,391,789 1 1 3,682 18,488,323 1934 72 20,023,946 12,506,885 4,227,752 2,813 1,464 4,277 21,411,938 1935 75 1 15,128,053 5,113,602 1 1 4,896 30,364,729 1936 77 22,249,156 17,320,015 5,933,569 3,283 2,121 5,404 33,286,066 1937 79 1 19,225,829 6,029,440 1 1 5,513 36,717,988 1938 78 25,022,359 15,486,490 5,852,375 3,341 2,101 5,442 30,681,200 Printing and Publishing* 1920 775 51,933,053 32,873,508 19,245,705 10,256 2,713 12,969 83,897,559 1921 890 1 35,301,875 19,841,638 I 1 12,764 106,850,504 1922 682 57,993,364 30,271,932 20,919,959 10,429 2,925 13,354 85,082,886 1923 917 1 33,835,083 23,289,201 1 1 14,238 117,436,792 1924 756 64,461,454 30,323,839 23,701,120 11,105 2,803 13,908 93,698,513 1925 951 1 34,561,352 24,609,306 1 1 14,231 125,176,183 1926 748 74,058,388 34,035,042 25,436,679 11,511 3,202 14,713 107,283,046 1927 1,022 1 35,368,221 25,482,123 1 1 14,382 131,975,238 1928 821 80,290,389 34,795,664 26,594,305 11,941 2,693 14,634 112,243,252 1929 1,000 1 35,245,669 28,115,167 1 I 15,198 140,481,332 1930 799 86,614,427 32,050,850 27,077,682 11,999 3,052 15,051 111,526,855 1931 963 1 26,416,073 23,456,179 1 1 13,224 111,395,181 1932 767 75,329,462 20,617,212 19,667,336 9,871 2,151 12,022 77,732,521 1933 829 1 17,238,002 16,336,090 1 1 11,359 81,164,261 1934 723 65,298,413 19,963,785 18,835,230 10,238 2,168 12,406 78,773,082 1935 876 1 20,901,080 19,857,322 1 1 12,910 95,446,928 1936 759 61,869,218 22,362,793 22,620,331 11,328 2,629 13,957 89,147,437 1937 872 1 24,312,620 23,459,897 1 1 14,752 106,604,044 1938 749 58,769,322 22,372,140 22,521,737 11,408 2,753 14,161 83,046,915 1 Not called for on the questionnaire. 2 Wood pulp is a relatively minor product representing less than two per cent of the total in any year. ' Includes seven establishments operated under a single management. * Changes in classification, particularly the inclusion of labels and tags, and cardboard, in 1929 and thereafter, render the subsequent data not strictly comparable with those of the earlier years. « The years 1921, 1923, 1925, 1927, 1929, 1931, 1933, 1935, and 1937 included returns from publishing establish- ments which did no printing. The data, therefore, are not strictly comparable, particularly with regard to value of products, with the returns on the even years. 1920-1938, inclusive, when establishments of this class were omitted from the canvass. P.D. 36 15 Table 1. — Principal Data Relative to Manufactures in Massachusetts, 1920-1938, Inclusive, for All Industries, Combined, and Fifty Leading Industries — Continued Value of Amount of Number Capital Stock Wages Average Numbeb OF Value of Years of Es- Invested and Paid Wage-E ARNERS Employed Products tablish- Materials During — ments Used the Year Males Females Totals Railroad Repair Shops, Electric 1920 28 S4,759,786 $2,246,165 $2,934,776 2,020 17 2,037 $5,481,068 1921 30 1 1,493,302 2,378,630 1 1,617 4,072,298 1922 29 3,905,127 1,560,287 2,591,356 1,689 15 1,704 4,213,383 1923 28 1 1,605,150 2,347,630 1 1,651 4,154,731 1924 25 5,743,958 1,373,531 2,643,906 1,514 13 1,527 4,115,688 192.5 28 1 1,235,093 2,122,492 1 1,381 3,603,856 1926 28 7,637,012 1,326,370 2,311,919 1,408 — 1,408 3,761,762 1927 26 1 1,361,482 2,123,687 1 1,370 3,716,622 1928 23 7,368,521 1,409,829 2,173,661 1,245 - 1,245 3,625,549 1929 17 I 1,219,110 2,065,803 I 1,094 3,425,806 1930 16 6,879,426 1,112,761 1,849,957 989 - 989 2,967,208 1931 15 1 932,735 1,823,395 1 1,080 2,8.56,253 1932 15 6,742,607 762,870 1,512,074 954 — 954 2,275,621 1933 10 1 374,321 1,085,220 1 794 1,502,698 1934 2 - - - - - - - - Railroad Repair Shops Steam 1920 13 17,061,871 16,269,993 15,014.836 8,336 77 8,413 28,464,210 1921 14 I 11,060,889 11,617,527 : 1 6,939 23,717,555 1922 14 15,481,726 10,337,718 8,660,757 5,894 10 5,904 19,001,475 1923 18 1 13,231,429 11,222,779 1 1 7,454 25,445,746 1924 18 15,923,044 12,393,421 9,721,255 6,495 — 6,495 22,114,676 1925 19 1 11,349,284 8,917,922 1 1 5,785 21,682,949 1926 19 17,680,115 13,627,535 8,697,110 5,730 — 5,730 22,461,535 1927 16 1 11,890,861 7,842,010 1 1 4,833 20,984,303 1928 16 15,527,856 10,274,216 7,197,185 4,264 - 4,264 17,473,901 1929 15 1 9,532,184 6,892,429 1 I 4,144 17,584,274 1930 15 17,440,218 7,351,968 5,415,115 3,641 - 3,641 12,767,073 1931 17 1 4,019,910 4,041,012 1 I 2,994 8,060,922 1932 14 17,407,144 3,489,928 3,142,982 2,244 — 2,244 6,632,910 1933 16 1 2,674,534 4,092,412 1 1 3,065 7,023,546 1934 2 - - - - - - - - Rubber Goods, Including Tires and Inner Tubes 1920 49 73,274,212 42,001,564 11,779,505 6,886 1,244 8,130 85,778,471 1921 52 1 30,349,377 9,005,575 1 1 7,847 62,714,484 1922 61 56,900,732 37,096,491 11,924,464 8,486 1,711 10,197 75,829,765 1923 59 1 48,409,783 14,698,488 1 1 11,388 84,098,920 1924 58 51,743,502 47,010,344 13,393,684 8,703 1,703 10,406 84,681,207 1925 52 I 61,611,753 13,904,175 1 1 10,740 108,594,705 1926 56 60,183,906 71,670,965 13,648,767 8,830 1,614 10,444 110,305,176 1927 64 1 56,715,715 13,298,241 1 1 10,364 97,717,724 1928 68 58,654,881 53,136,600 13,714,866 8,443 2,109 10,552 89,672,751 1929 62 1 44,604,200 12,400,228 1 1 9,764 76,439,857 1930 65 53,654,946 33,032,734 10,459,597 6,639 2,019 8,658 62,870,682 1931 60 I 19,928,837 7,758,324 1 1 6,728 46,371,115 1932 58 44,095,420 14,840,426 5,778,272 4,567 1,780 6,347 33,351,480 1933 56 1 17,518,009 6,203,983 1 1 6,844 35,953,802 1934 52 31,980,474 18,903,718 6,449,584 5,479 1,442 6,921 36,265,951 1935 52 1 22,062,346 6,806,572 1 1 6,797 39,617,415 1936 57 33,067,820 24,565,670 7,800,244 5,866 1,492 7,358 44,564,014 1937 58 1 30,425,758 8,893,207 1 1 7,661 53,666,432 1938 65 34,458,069 25,776,787 8,114,070 5,689 1,524 7,213 48,351,026 ' Not called for on the questionnaire. - Data for these industries not shown subsequent to 1933, and industries were abandoned in 1937 for census purposes. 16 P.D. 36 Table 1. — Principal Data Relative to Manufactures in Massachusetts, 1920-1938, Inclusive, for All Industries, Combined, and Fifty Leading Industries — Continued Value of Amount of Number Capital Stock Wages Average Numbee of Value of Years of Es- Invested and Paid Wage-Eakners Employed Products tablish- ments Materials Used uuring — the Year Males Females Totals Shirts, Men's 1920 14 $2,153,666 $1,973,027 $668,216 109 763 872 $3,354,902 1921 13 1 2,745,963 668,347 1 1 1,104 3,843,008 1922 13 1,796,367 2,323,180 820,973 132 1,086 1,218 4,585,245 1923 15 1 2,662,025 974,874 1 I 1,344 5,203,476 1924 13 1,667,721 1,868,896 761,547 120 910 1,030 3,895,319 1925 13 1 2,200,233 844,563 1 1 1,196 4,429,249 1926 13 1,341,829 2,083,611 813,588 113 966 1,079 4,503,469 1927 10 1 2,078,139 802,471 1 1 1,059 3,937,396 1928 9 1,550,100 2,014,560 809,770 109 1,017 1,126 3,561,873 1929 11 1 2,465,804 962,274 1 1 1,277 4,699,693 1930 13 1,283,076 1,707,655 806,633 125 1,190 1,315 3,814,548 1931 11 1 1,312,321 784,642 1 1 1,389 2,900,508 1932 11 697,416 992,641 445,616 94 759 853 1,985,906 1933 13 1 1,469,819 678,607 1 1 1,162 2,602,144 1934 14 1,067,170 2,360,639 1,154,315 145 1,454 1,599 4,504,977 1935 12 1 3,161,253 1,321,778 1 1 1,796 5,179,638 1936 11 1,362,671 3,578,515 1,663,379 201 2,213 2,414 6,471,653 1937 11 1 3,797,451 1,863,135 1 1 2,656 7,916,695 1938 12 2,159,064 3,634,443 1,938,445 251 2,607 2,858 6,842,039 Silk and Rayon Goods 1920 22 30,136,554 23,302,010 6,067,423 2,163 3,463 5,626 33,636,882 1921 23 1 13,162,836 4,467,028 1 1 5,864 23,604,010 1922 25 28,267,809 15,427,762 5,988,741 2,201 3,996 6,197 28,097,042 1923 24 1 18,820,913 6,782,643 1 1 6,448 33,646,974 1924 25 28,955,127 15,033,466 6,176,952 2,036 3,646 5,682 29,076,154 1925 27 1 21,512,814 6,840,098 1 1 6,497 36,608,014 1926 28 36,802,464 18,984,539 7,425,459 2,487 4,072 6,559 33,100,630 1927 33 1 23,218,826 7,615,872 1 1 7,357 38,220,144 1928 30 31,193,547 16,401,463 7,137,603 2,526 4,256 6,782 32,022,695 1929 2 42 1 20,959,668 7,105,466 1 1 7,390 37,412,704 1930 41 27,086,400 12,223,525 5,893,804 2,212 3,472 5,684 24,631,823 1931 38 1 10,468,547 5,809,739 1 1 6,939 22,920,329 1932 36 34,630,883 7,665,658 4,169,366 2,925 2,722 5,647 13,642,378 1933 42 1 11,542,895 6,514,871 1 1 9,278 23,936,958 1934 42 36,291,720 11,506,013 6,974,295 4,731 4,632 9,363 23,639,005 1935 34 1 20,826,068 9,755,225 I 1 12,124 36,105,761 1936 34 33,055,562 25,458,001 10,239,993 6,641 5,668 12,309 42,690,224 1937 32 1 24,670,363 11,007,096 1 1 12,648 41,367,073 1938 31 30,344,885 16,690,515 7,438,069 4,989 3,808 8,797 28,560,605 Silverware and Plated Ware^ 1920 23 8,176,166 4,316,094 3,162,773 1,965 398 2,363 10,500,807 1921 29 1 2,607,536 2,587,340 1 1 2,088 8,644,130 1922 27 8,911,519 3,193,520 2,926,933 2,006 333 2,339 9,192,548 1923 3 30 1 3,584,366 2,942,946 1 1 2,395 9,646,282 1924 32 9,031,856 3,497,926 2,960,199 1,937 364 2,301 9,627,664 1925 32 1 4,065,701 3,290,515 1 1 2,469 10,924,328 1926 31 9,341,730 3,767,376 3,449,231 2,096 416 2,512 10,965,534 1927 30 1 3,774,840 3,314,326 1 1 2,505 11,532,689 1928 37 10,520,592 3,951,345 3,418,005 2,066 445 2,511 11,910,355 1929 35 1 4,097,321 3,561,142 1 1 2,697 12,815,949 1930 33 9,268,168 2,857,460 2,924,603 1,912 413 2,325 9,011,540 1931 33 1 2,065,278 2,125,541 1 1 1,968 6,749,119 1932 29 6,715,253 1,698,970 1,544,676 1,374 329 1,703 4,676,267 1933 27 1 1,821,596 1,251,497 1 1 1,442 5,469,458 1934 27 7,124,344 2,083,246 1,629,431 1,282 286 1,568 5,824,568 1935 28 1 2,374,147 1,570,911 1 1 1,506 6,112,445 1936 27 4,720,778 2,244,320 1,789,310 1,268 270 1,538 6,342,354 1937 28 I 2,895,536 1,989,846 ! 1 1,634 7,787,950 1938 28 5,763,502 2,217,306 1,628,014 1,231 232 1,463 6,667,340 1 Not called for on the questionnaire. 2 Prior to 1929, the title of this industry was Silk Goods. For that year and subsequently, manufactures of rayon have been included and the title of the industry changed to Silk and Rayon Goods. 3 Figures for the period 1923-1930 were adjusted to include both silverware and plated ware, which, in those years, had been tabulated as separate industries. D. 36 17 Table 1. — Pkincipal Data Relative to Manufactures in Massachusetts, 1920-1938, Inclusive, for All Industries, Combined, and Fifty Leading Industries — Continued Value of Amount of Number Capital Stock Wages Average Numbeb of Value of Years of Es- Invested and Paid Wage- Earners Employed Products tablish- ments Materials Used uurmg the Year Males Females Totals Heating and Cooking Apparatus (Except Electric) (Formerly Stoves and Ranges, other than electric, and Warm Air Furnaces) 1920 42 $19,200,442 $7,918,767 $8,923,620 5,688 249 5,937 $25,687,023 1921 37 1 4,554,656 5,115,003 1 1 4,118 14,281,228 1922 33 15,810,245 4,732,301 5,897,354 4,737 120 4,857 17,136,491 1923 35 1 6,451,964 7,866,951 1 1 5,340 23,659,319 1924 38 19,946,076 5,699,558 8,233,025 5,419 93 5,512 21,717,179 1925 39 1 7,308,026 8,084,353 1 1 5,855 24,143,357 1926 39 22,115,354 6,247,619 8,249,190 5,398 58 5,456 22,300,742 1927 2 44 1 7,282,487 7,872,949 1 1 5,353 24,656,125 1928 41 24,292,630 6,399,332 6,849,016 4,785 117 4,902 21,106,911 1929 44 1 6,789,333 7,053,961 1 1 4,913 25,693,214 1930 50 22,693,625 5,832,829 5,721,056 4,074 134 4,208 18,959,914 1931 50 1 4,661,346 4,214,360 1 1 3,633 15,026,725 1932 66 16,995,884 3,621,203 2,608,526 2,259 90 2,349 10,079,698 1933 63 1 4,010,151 3,235,795 1 1 3,137 11,729,302 1934 64 21,759,591 6,099,809 4,210,279 3,799 141 3,940 16,786,447 193.5 57 1 5,738,071 3,790,584 1 1 3,348 15,877,910 1936 58 15,249,785 7,055,757 5,111,432 3,720 233 3,953 21,673,205 1937 56 1 8,109,426 5,865,790 1 1 4,639 22,732,860 1938 59 15,919,960 5,498,908 4,393,206 3,337 177 3,514 17,036,966 Structural and Ornamental Metal Work 1920 54 5,550,015 5,732,098 1.963,544 1,272 - 1,272 10,286,451 1921 54 1 2,838,664 1,384,625 1 939 6,122,309 1922 59 5,710,391 3,471,404 1,538,048 1,096 — 1,096 6,913,811 1923 63 1 6,004,511 2,418,812 1 1,527 11,632,006 1924 67 7,715,578 5,823,305 2,425,263 1,616 - 1,616 11,405,815 1925 64 1 6,271,065 2,533,003 I 1,600 12,394,356 1926 64 7,077,524 6,475,448 2,436,587 1,516 — 1,516 12,043,429 1927 71 1 5,101,016 2, 273, .572 1 1,394 11,239,420 1928 75 7,684,094 5,571,627 2,532,042 1,499 - 1,499 11,503,714 1929 74 1 5,446,215 2,431,917 1 1,377 11,562,809 1930 77 7,142,177 5,363,636 2,402,996 1,419 — 1,419 10,977,903 1931 69 1 3,302,532 1,355,838 1 939 6,533,950 1932 65 4,294,933 1,986,455 803,553 610 — 610 3,8.58,067 1933 54 1 1,085,142 459,650 1 410 2,286,371 1934 57 3,580,673 1,660,662 700,249 542 — 542 3,365,861 1935 46 1 1,399,272 490,857 1 423 2,714,168 1936 61 3,189,537 3,149,697 891,138 694 — 694 5,614,404 1937 58 1 2,726,748 891,383 1 619 5,031,359 1938 57 2,985,741 3,239,398 965,964 653 - 653 5,663,-334 Textile Machinery and Parts 1920 107 81,420,330 32,288,692 28,412,882 18,518 1,168 19,686 81,595,711 1921 127 1 23,199,148 20,836,446 1 1 16,479 67,204,551 1922 124 82,726,596 16,955,862 17,279,848 14,044 802 14,846 52,888,931 1923 137 1 24,518,360 24,318,310 1 1 18,668 69,343,009 1924 129 89,175,710 14,986,290 18,352,490 13,940 726 14,666 50,253,757 1925 123 1 16,584,208 17,769,454 1 1 13,687 51,411,150 1926 130 90,956,134 15,333,814 16,786,043 11,963 660 12,623 47,739,905 1927 119 1 15,008,418 16,242,087 1 1 12,009 46,865,937 1928 119 76,855,217 12,350,981 13,651,765 9,883 516 10,399 39,082,682 1929 111 1 12,467,673 14,233,661 1 I 10,597 41,202,970 1930 109 66,250,836 8,423,447 10,512,566 8,133 469 8,602 27,033,415 1931 102 1 6,791,520 8,865,356 1 1 7,527 24,090,354 1932 101 52,433,774 4,197,545 5,153,252 4,916 281 5,197 13,635,758 1933 99 1 7,477,918 7,987,840 1 1 7,972 25,143,027 1934 104 49,912,186 7,851,179 9,375,405 8,341 447 8,788 26,658,712 1935 103 1 9,629,885 8,511,427 1 1 7,691 26,571,954 1936 104 49,492,588 10,971,073 12, .573, 269 8,969 467 9,436 35,068,321 1937 101 1 13,779,963 14,006,854 1 1 10,651 43,967,853 1938 96 45,423,852 7,216,058 9,231,460 7,604 343 7,947 25,044,235 ' Not called for on the questionnaire. 2 Subsequent to 1926, figures include the manufacture of gas and oil stoves, tabulated separately prior thereto. 18 P.D. 36 Table 1. — Principal Data Relative to Manufactures in Massachusetts, 1920-1938, Inclusive, for All Industries, Combined, and Fifty Leading Industries ! — Continued Value of Amount of Number Capital Stock Wages AvEBAGE Number OF Value of Years of Es- Invested and Paid "Wage-Eaeners Employed Products tablish- Materials During — ments Used the Year Males Females Totals Tobacco Manufactures 1920 141 $4,968,100 $6,904,288 $4,216,952 2,217 908 3,125 $13,881,288 1921 102 1 5,505,444 3,303,343 1 2,494 11,131,917 1922 100 3,993,127 4,039,116 2,660,332 1,592 695 2,287 9,287,172 1923 90 1 4,195,360 2,735,631 1 2,265 9,662,534 1924 79 4,046,557 4,064,206 2,573,574 1,521 545 2,066 9,387,556 1925 67 1 3,860,706 2,407,651 1 1,914 8,589,798 1926 58 3,761,550 2,804,723 2,389,546 1,293 556 1,849 7,937,671 1927 57 1 3,123,241 1,926,874 1 1,640 7,200,032 1928 51 3,689,785 2,759,321 1,457,856 685 708 1,393 6,811,636 1929 61 1 2,782,016 1,217,258 1 1,196 6,401,716 1930 55 3,422,282 2,244,789 891,567 460 450 910 4,746,055 1931 42 1 1,676,619 651,705 1 734 3,929,547 1932 35 2,396,542 1,095,395 443,372 258 304 562 2,410,069 1933 30 1 1,005,868 370,935 1 I 540 1,989,650 1934 36 1,816,428 870,546 355,157 234 243 477 1,913,610 1935 39 1 886,750 342,160 1 1 461 1,729,631 1936 35 1,328,101 711,175 272,088 202 112 314 1,658,966 1937 35 1 956,031 307,670 1 I 383 1,606,734 1938 32 1,196,579 820,717 298,816 177 154 331 1,602,968 Toys, Gaines, and Playground Equipment 1920 30 5,591,547 3,304,691 1,694,605 1,128 850 1,978 7,150,770 1921 27 1 1,656.435 1,036,842 1 I 1,225 4,528,360 1922 30 4,425,022 2,182,916 1,095,533 779 539 1,318 4,827,116 1923 25 1 2,324,932 1,269,956 1 I 1,458 5,343,142 1924 24 5,105,757 2,489,333 1,308,851 915 540 1,455 5,838,543 1925 26 1 2,390,494 1,384,100 1 1 1,525 5,928,720 1926 31 5,728,825 3,016,761 1,545,792 1,091 714 1,805 7,106,528 1927 27 1 2,924,030 1,739,977 1 1 1,761 7,717,832 1928 32 6,480,805 3,113,201 1,605,499 1,051 627 1,678 7,690,029 1929 30 1 3,526,366 1,651,987 1 1,713 8,001,799 1930 32 6,997,254 3,451,180 1,656,119 1,033 740 1,773 7,565,667 1931 28 1 2,922,432 1,371,122 1 1 1,580 6,507,800 1932 28 6,117,440 2,250,676 1,188,367 883 623 1,506 4,858,254 1933 22 1 2,247,311 1,124,148 1 1 1,538 4,941,490 1934 23 5,017,345 2,365,769 1,138,880 977 516 1,493 4,940,476 1935 18 1 2,553,355 1,325,403 1 I 1,782 5,483,811 1936 18 5,120,733 3,809,339 1,795,833 1,262 783 2,045 10,073,801 1937 18 1 2,682,017 1,257,267 1 I 1,798 6,534,475 1938 17 5,117,920 2,597,248 1,330,637 850 752 1,602 5,831,314 Wire Drawn from Purchased Rods 1920 10 40,710,024 17,579,117 11,007,609 5,808 466 6,274 35,282,656 1921 9 I 8,510,289 4,464,572 1 3,994 17,986,919 1922 9 27,111,777 11,481,230 5,913,171 4,145 236 4,381 22,341,815 1923 9 1 13,204,911 7,650,019 1 5,130 26,951,890 1924 11 18,401,925 11,544,126 6,246,518 3,699 146 3.845 21,876,100 1925 11 1 11,682,809 6,062,425 1 3,617 23,807,219 1926 11 18,621,892 11,668,799 6,341,738 3,610 95 3,705 23,156,399 1927 15 1 11,291,550 6,241,921 1 3,805 22,881,881 1928 15 18,295,340 11,812,960 6,882,901 3,720 90 3,810 24,407,366 1929 13 1 10,212,044 7,265,844 1 4,178 25,987,900 1930 14 20,076,187 7,412,725 4,945,834 3,410 102 3,512 16,819,756 1931 12 1 5,181,253 3,834,070 1 3,038 12,829,855 1932 11 11,855,476 4,339,011 2,324,396 2,194 59 2,253 8,811,980 1933 12 1 5,775,801 3,409,827 1 3,138 12,840,815 1934 12 19,054,149 5,906,790 4,216,765 3,409 45 3,454 12,848,080 1935 13 1 7,938,220 4,715,430 1 3,597 17,109,022 1936 13 17,645,129 8,835,091 5,758,057 3,867 60 3,927 19,578,549 1937 13 1 9,468,619 6,990,914 1 4,561 23,057,218 1938 13 16,789,233 6,408,393 4,302,965 3,112 48 3,160 14,963,191 ^ Not called for on the questionnaire. P.D. 36 19 Table 1. — Principal Data Relative to Manufactures in Massachusetts, 1920-1938, Inclusive, for All Industries, Combined, and Fifty Leading Industries — Concluded Value of Amount of Number Capital Stock Wages Average Number op Value of Years of Es- Invested and Paid Wage-Earners Employed Products tablish- Materials During — ments Used the Year Males Females Totals Wirework Not Elsewhere Classified 1920 21 $7,601,908 $2,242,140 $1,934,289 1,092 404 1,496 $6,377,438 1921 24 1 1,786,975 1,166,118 1,117 . 4,231,647 1922 28 6,562,274 2,387,897 1,405,439 1,037 331 1,368 5,227,671 1923 26 1 2,953,993 1,804,222 1,472 6,724,405 1924 23 8,098,083 2,513,009 1,523,877 989 249 1,238 5,331,596 1925 26 1 3,674,855 2,015,836 1,677 7,567,367 1926 28 9,129,272 4,238,629 2,336,358 1,431 351 1,782 8,280,240 1927 29 1 3,357,024 1,922,065 1,576 7,197,823 1928 26 6,890,601 3,210,716 1,763,622 1,140 328 1,468 6,419,824 1929 26 1 3,952,062 1,920,259 1,627 7,474,431 1930 29 7,407,465 2,765,660 1,398,757 940 244 1,184 6,188,981 1931 21 1 1,816,787 1,006,950 944 3,885,571 1932 19 4,109,987 1,179,012 736,237 594 240 834 2,871,629 1933 ■ 26 I 1,618,882 831,488 933 3,401,871 1934 24 6,380,473 1,691,776 938,395 698 262 960 3,868,275 1935 27 1 2,073,272 1,117,125 1,036 4,558,878 1936 27 6,760,206 2,224,791 1,141,169 820 295 1,115 4,955,157 1937 27 1 2,545,656 1,290,170 1,132 5,334,970 1938 26 6,106,356 1,662,091 1,018,086 Wool Scouring 718 240 958 4,165,403 1920 13 3,069,216 2,028,261 1,563,138 933 48 981 4,570,275 1921 12 1 534,402 1,096,703 716 2,161,733 1922 13 2,262,807 888,016 1,195,294 784 31 815 2,987,433 1923 11 1 735,929 1,014,534 664 2,380,540 1924 10 1,985,078 633,383 788,547 454 6 460 2,010,728 1925 12 1 879,598 821,826 544 2,397,584 1926 11 2,548,535 676,262 918,504 574 40 614 2,151,933 1927 12 1 688,494 858,615 568 2,069,325 1928 14 2,615,032 941,304 1,027,127 658 33 691 2,553,518 1929 11 1 885,488 898,515 634 2,476,104 1930 10 2,337,452 624,203 844,217 576 33 609 1,930,063 1931 10 1 456,944 1,055,140 684 2,118,084 1932 9 2,230,275 432,607 609,299 492 25 517 1,447,875 1933 9 1 584,166 776,816 715 2,350,007 1934 9 2,398,755 575,521 765,749 701 26 727 1,998,714 1935 11 1 1,034,720 908,250 756 2,994,466 1936 11 2,074,941 1,089,111 861,039 693 17 710 2,996,928 1937 11 1 976,177 768,196 654 2,563,585 1938 12 2,202,748 648,621 734,036 624 17 641 2,322,288 Woolen and Worsted Goods 1920 186 251,365,185 218,013,382 66,844,648 30,030 21,659 51,689 344,532,434 1921 180 1 142,163,532 63,230,393 1 1 56,644 262,633,633 1922 189 269,994,368 137,145,274 61,391,289 33,154 22,732 55,886 266,054,554 1923 186 1 202,207,973 76,189,812 1 1 64,842 352,136,045 1924 190 278,881,842 171,426,748 65.563,390 32,373 21,904 54,277 280,002,109 1925 187 1 200,289,254 64,931,507 1 1 54,876 309,528,290 1920 180 276,931,247 187,787,996 61,952,399 31,757 22,881 54,638 295,175,084 1927 174 1 163,149,995 58,035,387 1 1 51,064 268,835,806 1928 171 253,469,785 145,440,485 51,882,279 27,649 17.599 45,248 234,206,586 1929 156 1 146,020,898 52,304,583 1 1 45,673 242,898,460 1930 145 208,448,455 92,027,443 39,245,500 21 539 13,565 35,104 156,943,782 1931 128 1 86,659,519 37,436,905 1 1 37,221 147,701,378 1932 116 122,446,140 49,305,061 22,708,245 17,366 11,227 28,593 87,814,050 1933 111 1 81,395,142 33,072,129 1 1 39,808 148,798,542 1934 114 122,712,302 73,518,559 30,646,684 23,101 12,890 35,991 125,701,633 1935 115 1 117,877,123 46,251,412 1 1 49,416 193,886,320 1936 117 146,418,653 133,488,519 36,212,535 30,744 17,677 48,421 209,825,208 1937 119 1 147,336,458 49,804,314 1 1 47,994 232,513,060 1938 115 142,224,363 78,356,063 35,255,107 23,370 13,410 36,780 136,446,963 ' Not called for on the questionnaire. 20 P.D. 36 Table 2. — Principal Data Relative to Manufactures in Massachusetts, 1920-1938, Inclusive, for the Thirty-Nine Cities Value of Amount of Number Capital Stock "Wages Average Number of Value of Years of Es- Invested and Paid Wage-Eaeners Employ-ed Products + oVi1iq1i — ments Used i-'uriug the Year Males Females Totals Attleboro 1920 134 323,440,183 $18,591,418 $8,721,440 5,041 1,879 6,920 $35,364,707 1921 124 1 10,888,696 5,808,220 1 1 5,341 23,430,403 1922 153 22,851,041 12,745,772 5,996,406 3,934 1,417 5,351 25,146,471 1923 145 I 16,852,481 7,649,268 1 J 6,545 33,207,529 1924 147 22,994,360 14,596,024 6,945,475 4,172 1,700 5,872 27,765,842 1925 138 1 14,367,420 6,515,969 1 1 5,273 27,852,994 1926 143 22,568,585 14,516,961 6,938,436 3,969 1,667 5,636 28,506,638 1927 139 1 14,268,699 6,916,847 1 1 5,540 28,799,791 1928 137 25,100,250 16,973,022 7,364,253 4,125 1,688 5,813 32,572,035 1929 139 1 16,447,855 7,657,095 1 1 6,025 32,869,802 1930 135 20,377,389 11,957,421 6,214,457 3,727 1,486 5,213 24,623,241 1931 123 1 8,226,581 5„049,481 1 1 4,435 18,190,311 1932 115 17,336,129 5,532,834 3,478,290 2,523 865 3,388 12,870,416 1933 104 1 7,355,415 3,808,731 1 I 4,103 15,334,900 1934 112 16,949,500 9,396,966 4,322,789 3,211 1,175 4,386 18,950,983 1935 110 1 11,779,043 4,842,363 1 1 4,780 21,797,444 1936 110 16,367,219 14,302,616 6,147,157 3,891 1,495 5,386 27,758,522 1937 113 1 17,932,807 7,212,550 .1 1 6,258 33,097,883 1938 116 19,441,685 15,093,414 6,247,927 Beverly 3,952 1,735 5,687 28,914,174 1920 58 21,209,185 8,802,685 8,842,924 5,502 939 6,441 22,182,501 1921 54 1 3,454,236 4,896,362 1 1 3,646 10,620,251 1922 54 15,211,481 4,181,355 5,413,012 3,628 733 4,361 12,958,635 1923 51 1 4,489,836 5,925,872 1 1 4,561 13,487,350 1924 46 15,363,834 3,415,037 5,065,601 3,328 570 3,898 12,293,194 1925 44 1 3,263,399 4,583,730 1 1 3,540 11,803,325 192 6 44 13,247,089 3,011,982 4,454,960 2,950 440 3,390 11,180,889 1927 46 1 3,792,298 5,141,784 1 1 3,810 12,924,157 1928 43 12,220,939 4,024,134 5,555,830 3,361 589 3,950 14,169,898 1929 49 1 3,270,456 5,744,056 1 1 3,940 13,097,891 1930 45 12,670,539 2,849,659 5,130,851 3,228 457 3,685 10,472,144 1931 49 1 2,123,287 4,263,702 1 1 3,358 9,268,845 1932 40 11,460,168 1,698,374 3,448,045 2,673 234 2,907 7,120,071 1933 38 1 1,442,261 3,575,408 1 1 2,919 7,467,642 1934 36 10,678,979 1,947,171 4,016,954 2,712 239 2,951 8,582,387 1935 34 1 2,321,570 3,966,630 1 1 3,102 8,851,265 1936 33 10,413,857 2,377,659 4,509,339 2,834 396 3,230 9,308,185 1937 34 1 2,755,605 4,631,379 1 1 3,165 9,608,644 1938 37 12,552,791 2,192,923 4,080,611 Boston 2,760 329 3,089 8,871,037 1920 2,638 369,401,351 408,240,824 114,645,170 60,871 28,905 89,776 674,344,180 1921 2,663 1 256,240,094 90,571,095 1 1 72,691 489,164,939 1922 2,528 347,251,264 263,954,182 92,409,121 50,693 25,164 75,857 501,065,564 1923 2,808 1 300,433,831 107,874,976 I 1 82,978 583,600,054 1924 2,632 387,366,775 289,481,380 105,119,541 53,717 25,310 79,027 554,404,798 1925 2,620 1 290,269,876 103,812,101 1 1 77,334 585,991,717 1926 2,568 361,860,656 297,896,158 110,797,398 53,821 26,901 80,722 591,191,184 1927 2,688 1 308,284,798 104,716,473 1 1 77,149 617,972,951 1928 2,603 378,967,763 303,524,980 104,865,782 49,949 25,519 75,468 586,050,246 1929 2,743 1 291,297,040 106,626,515 I 1 76,536 613,647,572 1930 2,589 326,208,668 248,140,606 93,644,132 45,755 22,761 68,516 504,283,916 1931 2,514 1 189,599,865 72,736,397 1 1 57,941 403,854,321 1932 2,284 243,918,135 144,649,486 52,972,079 29,931 16,106 46,037 298,032,533 1933 2,144 1 136,564,250 48,967,876 1 I 46,823 288,569,492 1934 2,104 227,315,188 159,223,298 56,101,831 33,576 17,051 50,627 322,176,950 1935 2,265 1 180,572,022 59,402,870 1 1 52,829 354,211,465 1936 2,249 231,685,903 209,264,399 69,655,055 39,246 20,163 59,409 411,706,145 1937 2,311 1 213,699,471 71,363,364 1 1 59,365 423,318,101 1938 2,255 222,167,918 185,362,524 64,603,088 35,314 18,846 54,160 367,366,715 1 Not called for on the questionnaire. P.D. 36 Table 2. — ^Principal Data Relative to Manufactures in Massachusetts, 1920-1938, Inclusive, for the Thirty-Nine Cities — Continued 21 Value of Amount of Number Capital Stock Wages Average Number of Value of Years of Es- Invested and Paid Wage-Earners Employed Products tablish- ments Materials Used louring — the Year Males Females Totals Brockton 1920 217 $52,575,886 $69,182,062 $20,162,785 10,861 4,916 15,777 $114,343,080 1921 248 1 39,859,726 17,149,070 1 1 14,635 75,178,502 1922 255 49,900,621 41,878,075 19,439,792 10,945 5,025 15,970 79,280,086 1923 274 1 43,646,246 19,054,503 1 1 15,205 81,268,160 1924 265 45,823,330 35,172,667 17,018,123 9,565 4,290 13,855 70,147,949 1925 264 1 36,313,484 15,751,906 1 1 13,162 69,608,677 1926 259 44,389,228 34,580,376 15,511,506 8,587 4,175 12,762 66,130,008 1927 251 1 35,531,143 14,748,417 1 1 12,121 66,308,686 1928 251 41,884,252 37,526,458 14,615,405 8,153 3,981 12,134 67,710,431 1929 244 1 37,141,032 15,460,143 1 1 12,661 68,434,380 1930 259 40,069,066 29,352,717 13,648,271 7,851 3,847 11,698 58,223,674 1931 248 1 21,490,087 10,602,840 1 1 10,652 43,019,671 1932 230 26,047,909 14,485,994 7,670,670 5,404 2,585 7,989 31,892,459 1933 197 1 17,244,318 7,716,116 1 1 8,859 33,931,976 1934 220 26,293,243 18,134,096 8,849,571 6,384 3,273 9,657 36,020,354 193.5 209 1 21,521,210 9,386,357 1 1 9,655 39,819,429 1936 217 28,881,237 19,787,603 9,285,389 6,311 3,066 9,377 38,873,429 1937 213 1 19,982,162 8,760,222 I 1 8,708 37,847,637 1938 207 25,382,047 16,988,703 7,663,150 Cambridge 5,337 2,620 7,957 32,494,674 1920 309 103,420,345 86,398,533 28,748,800 16,030 7,588 23,618 156,430,827 1921 311 1 58,384,040 20,720,735 1 1 18,245 122,776,695 1922 331 98,720,238 62,965,097 23,626,986 14,851 6,815 21,666 138,028,635 1923 362 1 86,562,748 30,998,512 1 1 25,674 185,524,463 1924 345 104,586,319 77,048,531 27,896,129 15,445 6,808 22,253 160,029,223 1925 352 1 76,650,886 27,409,194 1 1 21,945 165,833,197 1926 355 109,645,200 81,366,021 28,769,050 15,746 6,957 22,703 176,027,871 1927 367 1 64,727,355 26,334,300 1 1 20,929 155,476,507 1928 381 119,143,104 69,546,579 27,012,927 13,970 7,387 21,357 163,449,805 1929 394 1 76,412,423 28,375,625 1 i 22,095 176,608,484 1930 385 116,884,824 63,690,200 24,519,334 13,265 6,099 19,364 158,557,028 1931 393 1 46,256,058 19,060,792 1 1 16,229 125,458,484 1932 359 100,219,009 33,909,977 13,662,429 9,036 4,839 13,875 98,485,092 1933 342 1 34,853,253 14,102,984 1 1 15,095 97,931,556 1934 349 92,356,806 40,666,508 15,530,141 10,344 5,074 15,418 111,147,538 1935 362 1 52,947,031 17,464,931 1 1 16,595 116,599,349 1936 361 93,848,006 52,840,848 19,143,976 11,523 5,826 17,349 127,276,095 1937 376 1 65,322,820 20,875,405 1 1 18,166 138,350,392 1938 354 90,548,690 47,271,209 17,678,900 Chelsea 10,409 5,502 15,911 114,103,543 1920 102 17,714,380 19,865,811 7,884,534 5,205 1,848 7,053 36,412,602 1921 107 1 14,067,786 6,854,532 1 1 5,551 28,202,021 1922 114 22,326,589 15,501,781 7,702,063 4,987 1,841 6,828 31,771,483 1923 122 1 15,203,791 8,126,271 1 1 6,636 32,735,563 1924 119 20,213,782 15,026,776 7,998,929 4,551 1,654 6,205 32,626,119 1925 121 1 17,226,691 7,817,775 1 1 6,308 33,370,780 1926 126 18,840,364 17,121,147 8,184,927 4,766 1,490 6,256 34,532,084 1927 132 1 17,100,515 8,518,813 1 1 6,648 33,564,105 1928 140 20,697,188 16,377,525 8,513,408 4,712 1,629 6,341 32,631,564 1929 126 1 11,842,160 6,912,800 1 1 5,316 27,602,641 1930 119 18,571,550 9,270,871 5,642,376 3,331 1,125 4,456 21,516,977 1931 111 1 7,529,333 4,623,681 1 1 4,146 18,467,398 1932 110 14,588,022 5,996,498 3,810,668 2,611 1,192 3,803 13,599,045 1933 102 1 7,058,557 3,739,933 1 1 4,002 14,951,885 1934 102 12,674,507 7,805,536 4,028,293 2,910 1,256 4,166 15,904,010 1935 108 1 9,059,263 4,248,717 1 1 4,305 18,562,940 1936 107 11,766,282 10,056,814 4,460,139 3,032 1,409 4,441 19,653,430 1937 105 1 11,443,202 4,730,333 1 1 4,430 22,129,514 1938 105 14,652,489 9,940,146 4,520,030 3,028 1,361 4,389 19,607,733 ' Not called for on the questionnaire. 22 P.D. 36 Table 2. — Principal Data Relative to Manufactures in Massachusetts, 1920-1938, Inclusive, for the Thirty-Nine Cities — Continued Value of Amount of Number Capital Stock Wages Average Numbee of Value of Years of Es- Invested and Paid Wage-Earners Employed Products tablish- Materials During ments Used the Year Males Females Totals Chicopee 1920 54 $77,341,276 $43,046,672 814,992,666 8,168 2,810 10,978 $82,118,261 1921 56 1 23,042,109 9,731,892 1 1 8,332 48,525,442 1922 54 59,735,607 32,380,786 12,199,245 7,762 2,589 10,351 64,914,209 1923 57 1 38,897,322 13,884,306 1 1 10,118 68,551,966 1924 56 44,827,960 37,431,011 11,454,340 7,040 2,177 9,217 69,661,125 1925 49 1 47,470,105 13,660,900 1 1 10,536 87,057,326 1926 48 56,189,659 55,655,045 13,486,259 7,776 2,643 10,419 91,320,035 1927 50 1 42,955,862 12,298,889 1 1 9,558 72,859,894 1928 50 54,198,830 44,614,115 13,584,230 7,677 2,806 10,483 78,201,013 1929 65 1 41,462,471 13,617,120 1 1 10,059 75,006,232 1930 53 61,401,123 28,865,597 10,502,771 6,311 1,868 8,179 59,500,660 1931 54 1 17,578,686 8,017,312 1 1 6,530 43,546,127 1932 45 43,405,616 10,922,213 5,229,578 3,597 1,432 5,029 24,981,954 1933 45 1 11,755,957 4,270,655 I 1 4,768 23,950,565 1934 47 31,129,528 16,453,907 6,719,743 4,980 1,460 6,440 31,587,729 1935 52 1 26,202,937 7,896,634 1 1 7,125 43,270,240 1936 53 35,604,189 25,548,947 9,022,257 5,968 1,673 7,641 46,209,387 1937 52 1 33,289,213 10,833,721 1 1 8,231 59,960,526 1938 54 34,250,525 21,189,004 7,880,475 Everett 4,913 1,429 6,342 42,579,152 1920 105 47,917,650 27,994,369 6,707,065 4,213 661 4,874 53,106,185 1921 114 1 22,491,144 5,844,165 1 1 4,465 46,082,634 1922 119 50,221,163 26,390,940 6,464,623 4,339 798 5,137 49,962,287 1923 101 1 32,460,116 7,302,500 1 1 5,210 53,313,485 1924 111 52,833,077 26,077,773 6,802,756 4,265 708 4,973 46,326,411 1925 111 1 29,450,716 7,671,114 1 1 5,234 51,517,163 1926 118 62,438,190 33,066,032 7,894,484 4,854 653 5,507 54,963,851 1927 121 1 41,033,193 9,006,451 1 1 6,105 70,206,911 1928 124 86,717,905 39,263,112 8,872,952 5,187 568 6,755 69,690,448 1929 115 1 45,688,117 9,992,042 1 1 6,374 78,200,978 1930 112 89,266,447 38,708,057 8,485,627 4,967 405 5,372 71,985,162 1931 109 1 33,422,675 7,764,467 1 1 6,272 57,201,696 1932 109 87,820,504 28,574,384 5,969,823 4,142 368 4,610 50,598,449 1933 97 1 24,046,942 4,458,489 1 1 3,760 37,971,978 1934 101 101,247,372 28,447,151 4,932,621 3,687 478 4,166 42,581,782 1935 108 1 27,828,917 5,267,382 1 1 4,239 47,418,670 1936 115 99,210,034 32,088,715 5,852,102 4,064 667 4,731 51,232,108 1937 110 1 33,950,025 6,340,858 1 1 4,773 63,013,941 1938 107 75,960,798 27,670,350 5,201,209 Fall River 3,689 659 4,348 43,049,058 1920 268 136,747,514 93,375,636 36,840,201 19,407 15,075 34,482 174,890,574 1921 264 1 70,461,205 31,193,594 1 1 35,047 133,352,942 1922 256 154,307,276 83,712,802 34,819,454 21,696 16,214 37,910 145,807,922 1923 264 1 97,644,075 35,509,012 1 1 37,018 172,396,700 1924 263 147,398,084 75,808,844 24,924,963 15,583 10,951 26,534 116,931,210 1925 238 1 95,094,292 28,240,747 1 1 30,596 142,884,764 1926 239 133,760,345 82,393,095 29,840,233 17,982 13,371 31,353 127,637,287 1927 249 1 70,686,690 29,342,194 1 1 31,489 120,324,418 1928 242 127,788,744 66,168,779 23,035,871 14,995 10,552 25,647 105,224,884 1929 231 1 60,738,735 23,262.418 1 1 26,172 103,800,238 1930 234 83,465,779 43,697,781 18,830,586 12.542 8,802 21,344 73,686,998 1931 236 1 33,591,626 17,636.704 1 1 22,186 61,623,638 1932 236 61,390,498 24,598,084 11,941,433 9,429 7,897 17,326 46,006,042 1933 236 1 32,282,143 15,714,836 I I 22,733 62,166,267 1934 256 63,293,354 38,924,992 18,833,881 13,549 10,529 24,078 66,876,751 1935 234 I 29,637,344 15,270,508 1 1 20,380 66,604,384 1936 252 42,515,791 32,094,543 17,234,816 10,863 10,727 21,690 63,132,998 1937 252 1 37,405,956 18,950,567 1 1 23,684 69,644,153 1938 252 47,123,073 31,155,826 16,640,787 10,557 11,498 22,055 58,952,034 I Not called for on the questionnaire. P.D. 36 Table 2. — Principal Data Relative to Manufactures in Massachusetts, 1920-1938, Inclusive, for the Thirty-Nine Cities — Continued 23 Value of Amount of Number Capital Stock Wages Average Number OF Value of Years of Es- Invested and Paid Wage-Eaenehs Employed Products tablish- ments Materials Used the Year Males Females Totals Fitchburg 1920 114 $57,715,944 $44,014,095 $13,423,116 7,107 2,727 9,834 $72,908,629 1921 115 1 22,591,089 9,095,169 1 1 8,004 40,785,312 1922 109 55,254,454 24,193,869 8,978,913 5,805 2,529 8,334 42,013,877 1923 109 I 31,199,585 12,134,062 1 I 9,693 56,924,922 1924 109 56,414,151 28,309,156 10,545,140 6,235 2,181 8,416 48,126,900 1925 103 1 30,344,911 10,507,981 1 1 8,872 51,091,748 1926 106 55,231,879 29,933,745 10,509,180 6,190 2,222 8,412 50,613,551 1927 103 1 26,367,963 9,669,223 I 1 7,948 46,710,242 1928 109 52,052,107 25,091,143 8,342,633 5,037 1,411 6,448 42,759,172 1929 108 1 23,825,488 8,073,739 1 I 6,579 43,305,299 1930 105 50,805,860 18,380,707 6,819,423 4,534 1,245 5,779 33,616,920 1931 95 1 13,699,179 5,186,172 1 1 5,089 25,855,695 1932 91 44,318,770 9,056,752 3,667,541 3,059 1,197 4,256 16,830,165 1933 85 I 10,053,221 3,935,540 1 1 5,114 18,617,998 1934 91 45,446,481 12,221,406 4,740,212 4,006 1,505 5,511 22,076,888 1935 91 1 17,244,931 5,800,046 1 1 6,269 27,840,997 1936 97 56,919,709 19,495,964 7,219,867 5,122 2.141 7,263 33,766,060 1937 99 1 23,798,720 8,255,458 1 1 7,806 39,1.38,858 1938 92 51,257,770 16,309,574 6,800,758 Gardner 4,772 1,875 6,647 30,537,162 1920 74 17,420,767 6,615,341 6,046,399 3,729 935 4,664 19,026,824 1921 65 1 6,011,206 3,680,512 1 1 3,749 12,838,569 1922 72 16,722,672 5,825,037 4,405,340 3,458 730 4,188 15,474,122 1923 2 79 1 8,536,930 5,508,588 1 1 4,987 19,619,549 1924 78 17,347,906 7,300,423 5,263,532 3,616 648 4,264 17,743,893 1925 80 I 7,649,150 5,044.277 1 1 4,313 17,931,940 1926 77 19,823,351 7,685,681 5,617,878 3,859 792 4,651 19,516,838 1927 78 1 7,428,551 5,082,800 1 1 4,353 17,885,307 1928 79 18,298,702 7,804,790 5,238,435 3,628 800 4,428 18,566,929 1029 77 1 8,159,598 5,183,941 1 1 4,321 19,229,844 1930 75 15,333,672 6,078,440 4,231,156 3.060 647 3,707 15,017,158 1931 76 1 5,171,195 3,487,478 I 1 3,462 13,339,823 1932 72 12,658,638 4,384,875 3,002,285 2,671 628 3,299 10,900,448 1933 67 1 4,918,740 3,293,122 1 1 3,989 11,655,213 1934 66 11,962,903 4,976,417 3,580,643 3,328 586 3,914 12,391,223 1935 68 1 6,059,730 3,917,762 1 1 4,125 14,645,982 1936 67 14,723,810 7,896,767 5,214,964 4,047 802 4,849 20,108,813 1937 66 1 9,227,613 6,158,230 1 1 5,665 23,089,013 1938 65 14,938,417 7,829,015 5,113,532 Gloucester 4,034 845 4,879 19,276,949 1920 73 10,780,846 9,520,889 2,852,538 2,076 882 2,958 15,140,184 1921 69 1 4,712,202 2,134,330 1 1 2,126 9,613,677 1922 69 12,755,462 5,592,486 1,983,329 1.325 789 2,114 9,925,367 1923 68 1 6,703,176 2,473,825 I 1 2,390 12,542,639 1924 70 8,879,634 7,348,522 2,378,452 1,567 621 2,188 13,171,311 1925 80 1 7,942,936 2,289,386 1 1 2,169 14,075,718 1926 82 10,260,245 8,519,952 2,537,572 1.615 758 2,373 15,232,632 1927 84 1 8,812,374 2,499,392 I 1 2,255 14,098,440 1928 81 10,271,524 8,360,502 2,674,515 1,696 599 2,295 14,429,220 1929 81 1 7,664,912 2,910,612 1 1 2,265 14,344,876 1930 76 10,049,954 7,327,545 2,275,899 1.394 568 1,962 13,038,878 1931 71 1 4,741,393 1,961,643 1 1 1,727 9,339,903 1932 67 7,046,467 3,782,968 1,444,794 1,044 500 1,544 7,332,770 1933 56 1 3,397,284 1,210,267 1 1 1,383 6,586,766 1934 57 6,326,490 3,740,824 1,479,857 1.024 559 1,583 7,317,701 1935 47 1 4,267,621 1,610,023 1 I 1,709 7,757,981 1936 52 8.574,457 5,174,308 1,830,371 1.315 522 1,837 9.145,582 1937 51 1 5,016,578 1,710,619 1 1 1,775 8,641,835 1938 47 7,100,456 4,879,296 1,806,937 1,125 572 1,697 8,835.288 ' Not called for on the questionnaire. ' Gardner became a city in 1923. Data for 1920-1922, inclusive, therefore, refer to Gardner as a town. 24 P.D. 36 Table 2. — Principal Data Relative to Manufactures in Massachusetts, 1920-1938, Inclusive, for the Thirty-Nine Cities — Continued Value of Amount of Number Capital Stock Wages Avbhage Number of Value of Years of Es- Invested and Paid Wage- Eahners Employed Products tablish- TVTnf frial^ During the Year ments J.Vid, LCI IdlO Used Males Females Totals Haverhill 1920 378 $35,789,479 $62,056,939 $18,507,321 8,293 4,318 12,611 $89,887,203 1921 379 1 31,572,809 15,073,037 1 1 11,304 58,803,262 1922 405 28,664,576 28,699,809 15,387,740 7,778 4,386 12,163 56,950,277 1923 440 1 30,461,696 16,255,374 1 1 12,673 60,800,794 1924 391 38,878,276 24,724,268 13,716,478 6,804 4,291 11,095 49,446,682 1925 444 1 26,525,038 13,892,179 1 1 11,519 65,163,457 1926 361 24,025,541 29,242,240 14,712,306 7,220 4,697 11,917 56,988,895 1927 356 1 24,838,740 11,870,640 1 1 9,804 48,736,697 1928 319 21,030,206 27,786,740 11,418,169 6,070 3,591 9,661 49,448,310 1929 290 1 24,802,915 10,458,310 1 1 8,370 45,639,675 1930 268 16,739,652 18,736,524 8,928,358 5,177 2,906 8,082 36,043,439 1931 283 1 14,486,628 7,237,202 1 1 7,137 29,262,923 1932 281 13,622,267 12,133,283 6,135,906 4,422 2,697 7,119 25,486,837 1933 269 1 13,786,210 6,685,573 1 1 8,327 27,342,342 1934 245 13,630,419 13,074,316 6,872,839 4,772 2,881 7,653 27,248,793 1935 208 1 13,071,064 6,251,120 1 1 7,540 26,658,829 1936 208 16,054,083 15,256,014 6,699,676 4,869 2,643 7,512 29,268,344 1937 198 1 17,461,476 6,952,764 1 1 7,733 30,690,833 1938 181 13,020,165 12,768,431 6,886,934 Holyoke 4,553 2,510 7,063 23,996,383 1920 157 94,162,341 73,380,081 22,998,663 10,724 7,518 18,242 125,570,218 1921 150 1 39,517,687 16,519,856 1 1 17,338 69,661,654 1922 151 99,285,860 43,129,180 18,638,242 10,361 7,642 17,993 87,848,646 1923 158 1 48,191,627 20,599,864 1 1 18,221 94,180,023 1924 154 94,281,186 40,286,836 18,279,656 9,974 6,723 16,697 82,295,027 1925 171 1 47,100,976 18,952,011 1 1 16,992 88,326,281 1926 157 94,466,182 42,973,541 18,993,296 9,647 6,671 16,318 86,475,701 1927 149 1 41,194,149 18,302,713 1 1 16,186 83,558,047 1928 153 91,158,771 36,479,601 16,703,135 8,631 6,096 14,627 76,855,940 1929 165 1 37,407,126 16,403,134 1 1 13,777 76,247,088 1930 152 85,207,399 27,417,621 13,339,427 7,460 4,010 11,470 58,425,624 1931 151 1 21,219,857 10,674,078 1 1 10,363 45,656,181 1932 139 63,407,666 13,710,437 7,653,528 5,463 3,002 8,465 29,007,084 1933 137 1 15,934,379 8,934,416 1 1 10,646 35,332,301 1934 139 54,104,225 15,254,888 8,678,139 5,968 3,525 9,493 34,217,746 1935 146 1 20,702,578 9,920,111 1 1 10,475 42,923,892 1936 143 54,943,610 23,742,866 10,964,212 6,346 4,257 10,603 47,154,960 1937 146 1 27,932,308 12,389,338 1 1 11,893 54,660,994 1938 144 60,018,373 18,601,643 8,797,227 Lawrence 6,481 3,000 8,481 38,017,456 1920 170 164,749,450 121,061,826 41,099,549 18,874 12,000 30,874 204,778,020 1921 193 1 75,455,293 36,904,884 1 1 33,387 149,543,413 1922 181 158,640,144 59,583,081 30,156,923 16,421 10,779 27,200 123,208,078 1923 196 1 102,085,941 41,566,197 1 1 35,292 181,825,691 1924 179 149,185,321 78,941,438 30,406,784 16,896 10,267 26,163 130,632,571 1925 177 1 124,208,819 30,976,235 1 1 26,275 175,674,023 1926 173 161,090,802 113,930,316 31,400,308 16,160 10,627 26,777 176,261,666 1927 174 1 90,710,831 28,961,874 1 1 24,898 146,517,370 1928 172 144,484,216 76,313,393 24,599,585 13,620 7,427 21,047 120,296,210 1929 169 1 72,190,972 26,941,743 1 1 23,110 126,376,728 1930 176 119,867,005 59,664,453 23,144,176 13,178 7,404 20,682 101,525,386 1931 170 1 56,091,417 24,419,685 1 1 23,500 96,215,897 1932 160 75,173,585 26,815,611 13,148,958 10,374 6,865 17,239 61,636,495 1933 144 1 43,477,017 17,602,918 1 1 21,469 83,021,696 1934 152 72,567,783 41,650,698 16,910,938 12,787 7,093 19,880 72,438,927 1935 147 1 59,674,262 24,846,142 1 1 27,199 101,248,839 1936 161 83,831,582 78,957,091 26,174,484 17,142 9,259 26,401 124,904,668 1937 158 1 71,659,465 26,026,996 1 1 26,737 115,567,223 1938 156 76,969,088 37,502,661 18,288,804 13,176 6,438 19,614 71,013,268 * Not called for on the questionnaire. P.D. 36 Table 2. — Principal Data Relative to Manufactures in Massachusetts, 1920-1938, Inclusive, for the Thirty-Nine Cities — Continued 25 Value of Amount of Number Capital Stock Wages Avebage Number of Value of Years of Es- Invested and Paid Wage Earners Employed Products tablish- Materials Used -p, • ments LJUl 111^5 the Year Males Females Totals Leominster 1920 82 $15,266,488 $16,872,773 $6,116,439 3,871 1,471 5,342 S27,779,440 1921. 84 1 13,529,417 4,584,641 1 1 4,606 20,630,904 1922 92 15,101,201 13,270,908 5,129,566 3,420 1,783 5,203 22,575,890 1923 88 1 12,078,882 5,643,634 1 1 5,414 23,381,485 1924 96 16,793,367 11,041,752 6,047,958 3,723 1,811 5,534 23,709,483 1925 84 1 8,380,550 5,229,758 1 I 4,846 19,110,417 1926 80 18,430,986 10,407,470 5,804,501 3,419 1,744 5,163 22,017,069 1927 81 I 10,084,828 5,392,198 1 1 5,058 21,057,165 1928 79 17,965,470 10,880,677 5,589,202 3,326 2,135 5,461 22,574,835 1929 73 1 9,333,336 5,378,442 1 1 5,190 22,513,243 1930 73 17,767,261 6,794,841 4,485,773 2,830 1,907 4,737 17,115,225 1931 72 1 6,569,832 4,052,566 1 1 4,404 15,545,919 1932 63 14,499,780 3,655,960 2,546,135 2,241 1,031 3,272 9,569,894 1933 66 1 4,524,935 2,637,257 1 I 3,652 10,289,686 1934 67 14,659,982 6,166,622 3,579,678 2,686 1,792 4,478 13,790,789 1935 73 1 7,151,693 4,057,575 1 1 4,806 14,964,327 1936 69 12,584,204 7,730,440 4,335,205 2,580 2,218 4,798 16,451,453 1937 68 1 7,479,956 4,443,448 1 1 4,905 17,284,403 1938 62 10,033,240 6,069,093 3,809,209 Lowell 2,209 2,052 4,261 13,806,451 1920 263 116,689,854 91,635,049 34,785,240 18,325 11,368 29,693 159,130,592 1921 269 1 42,512,393 24,246,776 1 1 24,584 81,429,4.58 1922 253 104,120,270 43,315,013 23,417,135 14,391 10,325 24,716 83,979,446 1923 253 1 55,241,725 28,255,700 1 1 27,162 100,998,057 1924 261 109,909,786 42,161,712 21,859,616 13,210 8,837 22,047 75,615,620 1925 257 1 43,561,215 21,178,812 1 1 21,570 81,135,635 1926 247 95,664,471 38,088,035 21,008,086 12,130 8,729 20,859 77,546,542 1927 237 1 34,066,701 18,888,518 1 1 18,787 69,171,107 1928 237 58,655,630 36,545,104 17,557,270 9,892 7,342 17,234 70,287,441 1929 217 1 35,084,599 17,104,372 1 1 17,103 69,632,908 1930 218 54,574,740 27,438,472 13,551,606 7,608 6,373 13,981 52,993,543 1931 222 1 22,804,653 12,530,372 I 1 13,696 45,603,269 1932 209 44,166,108 17,584,610 9,730,171 6,379 5,633 12,012 35,446,140 1933 197 1 21,681,782 10,399,641 1 1 13,308 42,191,723 1934 190 45,546,981 25,073,514 11,347,689 7,788 5,744 13,532 46,705,163 1935 201 1 31,385,290 12,578,566 1 : 14,952 55,512,219 1936 204 42,114,936 33,542,740 14,101,690 8,912 6,920 15,832 63,818,047 1937 206 1 36,026,669 14,386,111 1 1 16,380 63,754,003 1938 201 38,981,959 27,172,859 11,336,294 Lynn 7,455 5,611 13,066 52,653,751 1920 405 79,233,223 73,560,848 33,990,494 18,221 7,296 25,517 143,039,476 1921 402 1 45,500,820 26,840,185 1 1 21,587 95,031,943 1922 425 66,717,827 42,249,999 27,593,402 14,592 5,627 20,219 97,657,541 1923 387 1 41,701,840 29,107,770 1 1 22,506 95,935,221 1924 375 62,264,913 39,210,811 25,620,929 14,322 5,585 19,907 93,294,174 1925 342 1 34,684,588 26,258,755 1 1 18,938 97,143,378 1926 375 65,145,023 46,836,440 30,035,793 15,663 6,288 21,951 116,667,347 1927 358 1 42,554,991 28,516,520 1 1 20,763 106,863,774 1928 376 55,988,248 47,446,105 27,391,940 14,246 5,830 20,076 110,129,960 1929 358 1 47,970,476 28,365,613 1 1 20,520 119,829,262 1930 349 53,540,416 35,030,038 23,151,814 12,726 4,973 17,699 84,823,563 1931 340 1 28,509,739 17,651,375 1 1 15,823 73,838,417 1932 333 37,712,100 19,738,591 11,709,525 8,655 3,975 12,630 50,081,533 1933 304 1 18,263,835 11,001,453 1 1 12,275 47,340,476 1934 295 35,220,627 20,634,330 12,885,090 8,756 3,495 12,251 54,176,645 1935 278 1 23,342,394 14,117,241 1 1 12,548 61,141,512 1936 286 34,486,942 27,240,649 16,473,871 9,878 3,770 13,648 72,857,418 1937 289 1 30,628,099 21,416,945 1 1 15,721 86,893,553 1938 278 38,434,002 23,417,189 15,994,524 9,663 3,440 13,103 66,237,754 1 Not called for on the questionnaire. 26 P.D. 361 Table 2. — Principal Data Relative to Manufactures in Massachusetts, 1920-1938, Inclusive, for the Thirty-Nine Cities — Continued Value of Amount of Number Capita] Stock Wages Average Number OP Value of Years of Es- Invested and Paid Wage-Earners Employed Products tablish- ments iviaicnaio Used j_'Uring — the Year Males Females Totals Maiden 1920 83 $21,288,162 $15,444,490 $6,370,902 3,364 2,471 5,835 32,326,117 1921 80 1 9,015,073 4,066,075 1 1 3,823 21,033,707 1922 89 16,118,178 9,479,845 4,964,075 2,686 2,016 4,702 26,062,516 1923 86 1 10,876,471 6,320,913 1 1 4,684 26,894,362 1924 94 22,180,227 9,355,778 4,479,200 2,287 1,796 4,083 24,527,640 1925 98 1 11,639,410 4,532,637 1 1 4,192 25,094,364 1926 117 24,837,643 13,133,114 4,896,315 2,626 2,022 4,648 29,528,240 1927 114 1 12,539,836 5,226,377 1 1 4,687 28,592,713 1928 111 23,994,890 12,087,153 4,611,266 2,406 1,993 4,398 26,904,562 1929 100 1 12,264,578 4,154,018 1 1 3,989 26,002,931 1930 101 21,038,266 10,614,596 3,509,079 1,804 1,445 3,249 23,450,624 1931 103 1 8,738,418 2,543,184 1 1 2,737 18,619,915 1932 102 17,132,371 6,605,556 2,387,905 1,402 1,061 2,463 15,775,018 1933 93 1 7,785,448 2,238,414 1 1 2,510 16,012,844 1934 94 17,722,062 8,464,042 2,841,990 1,703 1,423 3,126 17,447,923 1935 104 i 9,735,093 3,061,647 1 1 3,226 19,004,625 1936 109 17,840,784 13,312,575 4,102,402 2,166 2,209 4,375 25,330,568 1937 109 1 14,186,308 4,198,084 I 1 4,403 24,001,190 1938 109 13,378,262 12,713,822 3,493,924 Marlborough 1,845 1,715 3,560 22,325,368 1920 44 6,069,409 12,875,290 4,262,017 2,240 1,181 3,421 20,151,427 1921 36 1 7,114,013 3,374,742 1 1 2,864 12,467,963 1922 35 5,899,085 6,517,890 4,023,548 2,475 1,367 3,842 12,822,377 1923 36 1 7,844,678 4,746,989 1 1 3,626 14,502,113 1924 37 5,558,636 6,402,949 3,639,326 2,286 1,305 3,691 11,869,418 1925 36 1 6,884,973 3,652,381 1 1 3,604 12,688,088 1926 35 4,180,614 5,802,747 3,463,412 1,966 1,314 3,280 10,627,796 1927 35 1 6,022,159 3,000,764 1 1 2,888 10,633,698 1928 34 4,938,147 6,469,362 2,729,048 1,646 1,091 2,637 10,442,767 1929 31 1 6,615,830 3,280,755 1 1 3,034 12,072,969 1930 30 3,942,954 4,537,918 2,314,483 1,510 956 2,466 8,496,065 1931 27 1 3,084,315 2,116,392 1 1 2,352 6,986,806 1932 26 3,473,316 2,221,189 1,529,021 1,207 755 1,962 4,992,637 1933 24 1 2,368,078 1,605,540 1 1 2,064 5,239,497 1934 27 3,748,414 2,875,173 1,957,007 1,360 1,015 2,375 6,303,442 1935 29 1 2,765,747 1,823,627 1 1 1,961 6,418,123 1936 31 2,832,635 3,187,866 1,960,020 1,219 990 2,209 6,776,690 1937 30 1 3,619,706 2,093,407 1 1 2,301 7,218,496 1938 32 3,014,305 3,478,694 1,970,560 Medford 1,415 843 2,258 6,767,661 1920 47 5,455,418 4,088,579 1,491,074 965 356 1,320 6,839,729 1921 43 1 2,630,799 1,105,743 1 1 1,012 4,751,404 1922 46 5,461,222 3,185,948 1,630,268 1,163 302 1,465 6,350,628 1923 52 1 3,670,639 1,894,216 1 1 1,587 7,336,340 1924 60 6,508,790 3,626,678 1,879,344 1,263 283 1,646 7,296,611 1925 54 1 3,894,991 1,707,264 1 I 1,335 7,014,466 1926 52 3,924,798 3,348,993 1,233,129 866 179 1,045 6,089,752 1927 61 1 3,322,389 1,380,704 1 1 1,181 6,514,556 1928 64 5,251,368 3,893,673 1,479,316 968 242 1,210 8,104,569 1929 58 1 5,742,962 1,731,448 1 1 1,352 9,979,803 1930 55 4,357,412 3,036,697 1,145,605 749 174 923 5,766,081 1931 58 1 3,099,763 1,341,125 1 1 1,022 6,004,859 1932 56 3,745,084 2,529,891 956,337 710 165 875 4,816,361 1933 49 1 2,660,301 810,337 1 : 804 5,078,898 1934 51 3,442,269 3,010,991 962,379 714 160 874 5,548,733 1935 43 1 3,271,661 925,846 1 1 887 5,766,162 1936 47 3,050,676 3,742,562 1,140,813 836 172 1,008 6,633,778 1937 51 1 4,209,264 1,240,775 1 1 1,066 7,326,444 1938 50 3,592,506 3,674,986 1,187,648 832 166 997 6,643,663 1 Not called for on the questionnaire. .D. 36 Table 2. — Principal Data Relative to Manufactures in Massachusetts, 1920-1938, Inclusive, for the Thirty-Nine Cities — Continued 27 Value of Amount of Number Capital Stock Wages Average Number of Value of STears of Es- Invested and Paid Wage-Earners Employed Products tablish- Materials During - ments Used the Year Males Females Totals Melrose 1920 29 S3,676,234 $3,651,591 $1,636,636 700 877 1,577 $7,442,752 1921 24 1 1,946,375 858,066 1 1 979 4,342,530 1922 23 1,069,095 1,404,517 533,332 309 304 613 2,811,278 1923 22 1 1,510,397 707,995 1 1 659 3,097,797 1924 24 3,082,529 1,841,221 935,378 490 319 809 4,093,344 1925 24 1 2,554,614 804,870 1 1 748 4,758,125 1926 25 3,162,108 2,851,530 920,688 483 248 731 5,695,257 1927 26 1 2,301,470 770,465 1 1 597 4,659,140 1928 28 2,663.121 1,688,803 779,878 438 153 591 3,837,396 1929 25 1 1,046,875 356,320 1 1 315 2,532,272 1930 24 897,368 1,040,028 391,220 192 142 334 1,971,848 1931 22 1 767,993 333,601 I 1 298 1,564,352 1932 20 511,876 375,308 246,499 131 81 212 886,700 1933 19 1 404,685 234,022 1 X 214 929,979 1934 20 858,117 783,565 234,812 162 78 240 1,508,241 1935 19 1 1,025,725 384,888 1 1 381 1,739,668 1936 19 721,338 1,576,498 420,412 253 161 414 2,607,653 1937 20 1 1,504,174 372,708 1 1 377 2,463,928 1938 23 700,068 1,331,133 381,741 New Bedford 258 141 399 2,314,251 1920 237 177,511,629 157,618,011 50,083,402 24,953 15,669 40,622 262,234,111 1921 220 1 51,305,768 31,559,229 1 1 33,645 111,203,227 1922 221 175,667,097 62,285,652 36,307,114 21,696 15,235 36,951 129,627,678 1923 213 1 75,324,710 41,146,239 1 1 37,917 149,998,694 1924 227 166,362,901 64,312,730 34,407,452 19,430 13,080 32,510 117,053,301 1925 200 1 80,080,305 37,100,208 1 1 35,696 143,551,349 1926 197 165,437,718 66,457,109 35,750,517 21,010 14,133 35,143 121,034,981 1927 208 I 64,885,610 36,389,469 1 1 35,084 125,541,548 1928 211 141,683,269 43,865,673 22,513,313 13,172 8,077 21,249 82,640,906 1929 192 1 62,139,736 31,804,551 1 1 32,117 121,696,325 1930 199 127,863,933 40,447,985 24,568,746 15,229 10,510 25,739 81,158,875 1931 197 I 27,706,783 20,373,532 1 1 23,602 63,479,596 1932 199 96,555,594 17,497,280 12,190,694 9,044 7,412 16,456 39,151,295 1933 195 1 24,245,260 16,233,389 1 1 23,260 55,677,006 1934 207 91,353,136 31,684,684 18,996,525 14,020 10,611 24,631 63,661,403 1935 197 1 34,624,574 19,273,356 1 I 23,956 69,030,061 1936 197 78,129,426 38.292,344 21,821,444 14,544 11,277 25,821 77,600,779 1937 201 1 40,302,906 23,406,791 1 1 26,471 79,392,489 1938 196 63,762,591 24,156,145 15,335,138 Newburyport 10,549 7,867 18,416 52,086,533 1920 60 10,217,028 11,687,599 3,800,468 1,977 1,225 3,202 19,844,935 1921 52 1 5,862,483 2,940,289 1 1 2,727 12,598,833 1922 49 10,661,792 5,453,141 3,214,167 1,860 1,126 2,986 12,562,003 1923 49 1 6,190,742 3,276,867 1 1 2,837 12,489,555 1924 48 6,456,310 5,771,336 3,243,902 1,614 1,054 2,668 11,998,530 1925 46 1 5,590,172 2,838,029 1 1 2,561 11,877,397 1926 55 7,042,451 6,533,056 3,521,077 1,918 1,286 3,204 13,462,882 1927 60 1 6,300,320 3,483,355 1 1 3,084 12,931,366 1928 53 6,040,553 6,424,214 3,407,779 1,890 1,231 3,121 13,278,250 1929 56 1 6,334,037 3,315,284 1 1 3,147 13,104,683 1930 49 4,771,035 5,281,373 3,040,243 1,722 1,061 2,783 10,982,490 1931 44 1 3,252,015 2,142,665 1 1 2,235 7,578,401 1932 39 2,042,714 2,481,628 1,591,587 1,166 714 1,880 5,297,057 1933 29 1 1,700,147 1,032,488 1 1 1,496 3,959,183 1934 34 2,885,599 2,128,145 1,519,336 992 655 1,647 5,026,572 1935 28 1 2,297,340 1,478,090 1 1 1,566 5,274,575 1936 30 2,442,817 2,404,224 1,461,046 902 658 1,660 5,404,539 1937 33 I 2,698,550 1,453,848 1 1 1,523 6,197,637 1938 25 2,608,784 2,662,323 1,690,754 918 796 1,714 6,476,702 * Not called for on the questionnaire. 28 P.D. Table 2. — Peincipal Data Relative to Manufactures in Massachusetts, 1920-1938, Inclusive, for the Thirty-Nine Cities — Continued Value of Amount of Number Capital Stock Wages AVEI .AGE NtJMBEB OF Value of Years of Es- Invested and Paid Wage-Earnehs Employed Products tablish- ments Materials Used the Year IMales Females Totals Newton 1920 44 $11,445,555 $9,345,221 $3,191,797 1,879 621 2,500 $16,295,778 1921 54 1 6,297,411 3,358,224 1 1 2,743 13,781,640 1922 56 13,896,670 7,492,385 3,043,736 1,946 817 2,763 15,127,677 1923 53 1 8,277,840 3,611,594 1 1 2,756 14,776,319 1924 53 14,783,647 7,625,788 3,277,746 1,712 864 2,576 14,960,426 1925 55 1 8,262,096 3,272,607 1 1 2,669 16,491,932 1926 61 13,215,765 8,597,681 3,124,141 1,480 992 2,472 16,222,994 1927 68 1 7,078,408 3,000,851 1 1 2,348 14,898,858 1928 64 11,199,132 6,099,677 3,033,516 1,446 949 2,395 13,518,687 1929 71 1 7,076,992 4,093,140 1 1 3,342 18,068,157 1930 67 14,783,384 6,184,448 3,412,110 1,624 1,160 2,784 15,159,251 1931 58 1 5,190,114 2,675,795 1 1 2,452 12,238,500 1932 55 9,065,473 3,914,278 1,584,278 821 840 1,661 8,736,303 1933 61 1 3,488,931 1,560,886 1 1 1,848 8,179,012 1934 54 7,302,144 3,962,523 1,919,560 1,028 1,161 2,189 9,319,845 1935 58 1 4,845,014 2,312,372 1 1 2,460 10,232,063 1936 56 6,678,260 5,363,117 3,127,870 1,236 1,827 3,063 12,816,862 1937 58 1 6,936,670 3,247,172 1 1 3,276 14,157,147 1938 57 8,151,435 4,216,881 2,299,173 North Adams 1,171 1,212 2,383 10,119,611 1920 52 26,666,213 23,797,689 7,111,203 3,953 1,852 5,805 38,349,498 1921 50 1 15,317,751 5,268,664 1 1 5,018 27,685,010 1922 44 16,518,289 7,127,112 3,899,777 2,148 1,371 3,519 15,669,472 1923 55 1 18,810,262 6,356,681 1 1 5,468 32,443,667 1924 53 25,500,338 14,617,597 5,002,981 3,181 1,380 4,561 24,777,425 1925 49 1 16,017,064 5,504,192 1 1 4,754 27,327,060 1926 48 24,741,682 14,100,769 5,234,798 3,131 1,379 4,510 25,086,805 1927 47 1 14,237,652 5,451,802 1 1 4,692 25,969,481 1928 50 24,417,995 15,520,739 5,176,071 3,083 1,382 4,465 25,533,546 1929 42 1 14,167,851 4,904,349 1 1 4,142 24,009,330 1930 43 19,301,194 9,550,599 3,870,008 2,424 1,137 3,561 17,581,203 1931 42 1 9,182,780 3,798,914 1 1 3,657 16,923,231 1932 41 15,542,110 7,021,931 2,847,012 2,178 1,044 3,222 12,094,669 1933 41 1 8,827,649 3,710,168 1 1 4,223 15,886,929 1934 46 17,415,055 10,036,570 4,018,449 3,500 1,406 4,906 17,535,612 1935 41 1 7,898.412 3,989,202 1 1 4,495 16,272,748 1936 44 18,843,029 11,5921368 5,390,143 3,593 1,814 5,407 21,718,407 1937 43 1 10,790,067 5,551,122 1 1 5,426 21,297,131 1938 41 13,547,563 9,455,286 6,058,529 Northampton 3,286 1,711 4,997 18,310,909 1920 54 16,600,533 10,768,121 4,242,645 2,399 1,357 3,756 19,264,688 1921 44 1 7,430,278 3,778,096 1 1 3,417 15,105,884 1922 54 24,308,405 14,197,446 5,344,298 3,510 1,679 5,189 25,269,294 1923 50 1 8,745,041 4,180,556 1 1 3,541 17,642,496 1924 47 15,496,053 6,385,528 3,573,888 2,006 1,087 3,093 13,436,342 1925 46 1 7,525,690 4,079,135 1 I 3,395 16,066,674 1926 45 15,574,477 7,605,048 4,137,893 2,112 1,294 3,406 16,016,241 1927 51 1 7,063,094 3,988,587 1 1 3,223 16,154,246 1928 51 16,048,008 6,566,209 4,066,104 2,018 1,241 3,259 15,134,426 1929 51 I 5,907,518 3,949,061 1 1 3,088 14,581,768 1930 49 11,218,350 4,149,196 3,008,197 1,639 1,038 2,677 10,197,581 1931 45 1 2,570,007 1,897,124 1 1 1,770 8,818,261 1932 44 7,015,093 1,654,820 1,607,503 1,047 650 1,697 5,415,499 1933 44 I 1,986,247 1,631,104 1 1 1,917 5,817,168 1934 46 7,272,880 2,319,136 1,814,876 1,220 732 1,952 6,761,047 1935 38 1 2,384,982 1,704,989 1 1 1,710 6,387,705 1936 40 7,339,222 3,256,234 1,890,430 1,105 607 1,712 8,242,467 1937 41 1 3,497,214 1,850,490 1 1 1,654 7,874,583 1938 41 6,730,665 2,679,582 1,762,291 1,112 524 1,636 6,738,363 1 Not called for on the questionnaire. P.D. 36 29 Table 2.- —Principal Data Relative to Manufactures in Massachusetts, 1920-1938, Inclusive, for the Thirty-Nine Cities— -Continued Value of Amount of Number Capital Stock Wages Avehagb Number of Value of Years of Es- tablish- Invested and Materials Paid Wage-Eabnees Employed Products During — ments Used the Year Males Females Totals Peabody 1920 84 S43,929,777 $20,555,606 S9,938,723 6,135 674 6,809 836,881,219 1921 75 1 12,296,223 6,789,135 1 1 5,475 25,299,816 1922 78 35,733,119 11,645,095 6,870,142 5,247 749 5,996 25,137,940 1923 79 1 15,706,229 8,487,844 1 1 6,607 31,649,917 1924 80 33,477,143 16,176,561 8,006,613 5,384 848 6,232 30,876,007 1925 75 1 13,600,373 7,424,897 1 1 5,821 27,222,241 1926 79 29,430,734 14,623,799 7,861,530 4,998 1,048 6,046 28,500,697 1927 86 1 16,915,455 8,263,291 1 1 6,389 30,977,436 1928 94 24,596,243 18,275,440 8,226,612 5,324 1,313 6,637 32,697,896 1929 86 1 26,115,413 8,169,522 1 1 6,383 41,440,675 1930 81 25,641,729 18,194,720 6,989,546 4,481 1,209 5,690 31,531,214 1931 76 1 13,464,636 6,561,062 1 1 5,413 26,611,828 1932 72 17,766,728 8,738,909 5,125,270 3,827 1,008 4,835 18,824,064 1933 74 1 13,384,966 5,984,891 1 1 5,465 24,129,102 1934 77 19,338,940 14,912,742 6,675,764 4,615 1,184 5,799 25,706,709 1935 68 1 18,116,310 6,604,193 1 1 5,722 29,900,149 1936 69 19,115,329 19,162,412 7,068,445 4,630 1,266 5,896 32,594,306 1937 74 1 21,876,292 7,370,227 1 1 6,005 34,969,106 1938 77 20,173,672 14,415,133 6,119,050 Pittsfield 3,932 1,237 5J69 24,764,431 1920 74 33,011,380 24,295,047 13,853,367 7,380 2,621 10,001 56,739,006 1921 73 1 18,932,750 8,721,979 I 1 7,620 42,126,630 1922 65 27,671,431 15,321,058 9,741,772 6,268 1,986 8,254 40,994,122 1923 66 1 19,070,694 13,255,497 1 1 10,018 51,816,242 1924 61 29,402,187 21,771,637 13,018,227 7,446 2,120 9,566 56,321,372 1925 61 1 20,221,678 12,470,153 1 1 9,180 51,880,490 1926 61 27,413,150 24,364,590 12,743,119 6,948 2,261 9,209 58,093,327 1927 63 1 18,633,388 11,828,819 1 I 8,746 50,191,653 1928 65 26,330,313 20,240,470 11,733,952 6,476 2,094 8,570 66,775,805 1929 56 1 24,942,852 13,939,063 1 1 9,649 60,833,530 1930 57 24,316,781 21,755,939 11,176,170 6,338 1,993 8,331 42,760,317 1931 58 1 11,717,778 7,294,671 1 1 6,399 33,628,788 1932 59 17,090,917 7,370,805 4,090,330 3,586 1,152 4,738 19,078,178 1933 50 1 6,714,004 3,879,965 1 1 4,431 17,685,682 1934 53 15,822,744 7,933,362 4,335,113 3,099 1,168 4,267 19,166,266 1935 60 1 11,404,906 5,779,260 1 1 5,294 27,603,079 1936 65 19,551,741 16,725,895 8,497,247 5,241 1,811 7,052 41,859,938 1937 62 I 24,311,748 13,171,298 1 1 9,209 66,326,360 1938 63 20,833,728 15,845,440 8,041,562 Quincy 4,778 1,566 6,344 38,608,557 1920 148 25,331,143 17,362,863 15,092,262 7,330 653 7,983 41,241,061 1921 149 1 12,475,568 8,958,889 1 1 7,421 28,204,411 1922 137 19,068,243 6,221,139 6,321,043 4,574 547 5,121 16,995,439 1923 138 1 18,589,766 7,754,927 1 1 5,365 22,964,732 1924 136 20,636,645 7,734,951 7,182,171 4,241 322 4,563 21,465,273 1925 129 1 9,075,691 8,397,060 1 1 6,158 22,254,734 1926 160 20,688,241 8,591,375 9,859,451 6,001 325 6,326 23,931,234 1927 158 1 7,960,152 8,245,228 1 1 5,461 23,400,798 1928 165 22,034,160 8,662,422 7,960,818 4,606 414 5,020 23,998,431 1929 162 1 9,311,108 7,958,424 1 1 4,866 26,685,089 1930 161 24,381,028 12,647,887 8,441,954 6,689 344 5,933 28,542,451 1931 157 1 16,711,391 9,133,317 1 1 6,157 35,204,608 1932 139 19,998,354 7,555,128 7,350,610 4,669 228 4,897 19,192,057 1933 127 1 4,488,295 3,397,946 1 1 2,777 12,184,401 1934 121 17,899,103 12,699,128 5,748,122 3,920 244 4,164 22,066,866 1935 125 I 10,134,907 9,064,212 1 1 6,238 25,472,639 1936 125 18,426,127 11,298,457 9,905,576 6,458 296 6,754 28,618,458 1937 129 1 11,630,068 9,266,404 1 1 5,908 27,494,791 1938 131 22,849,779 14,830,718 10,584,789 6,212 284 6,496 30,447,442 1 Not called for on the questionnaire. 30 P.D. 36 Table 2. — Principal Data Relative to Manufactures in Massachusetts, 1920-1938, Inclusive, for the Thirty-Nine Cities — Continued Value of Amount of Number Capital Stock Wages AVEKAGE NUMBEB OF Value of Years of Es- Invested and Paid Wage- Earners Employed Products tablish- ments Materials Used jjurmg — the Year Males Females Totals Revere 1920 18 $547,381 S800,614 $274,497 149 43 192 $1,188,884 1921 22 1 403,149 154,990 1 1 145 942,869 1922 22 476,933 370,887 177,043 115 72 187 890,491 1923 20 1 479,930 266,175 1 1 217 1,144,687 1924 18 640,863 574,907 333,713 175 91 266 1,265,177 1925 18 1 556,865 290,634 1 1 189 1,284,243 1926 17 545,252 514,756 232,122 112 60 172 1,181,397 1927 18 1 451,580 299,108 1 1 217 1,119,716 1928 20 756,662 331,664 302,400 124 96 220 1,052,044 1929 15 1 321,722 234,809 1 1 194 912,685 1930 17 943,867 340,550 200,124 101 65 166 923,893 1931 22 1 264,952 200,395 1 1 155 746,970 1932 20 671,630 249,589 161,889 85 66 151 598,783 1933 15 1 203,621 114,945 1 1 114 490,386 1934 17 380,466 333,001 187,450 75 133 208 698,156 1935 16 X 412,058 213,933 1 1 215 766,084 1936 15 329,208 396,475 204,117 101 106 207 868,996 1937 15 1 526,588 245,984 1 1 270 1,112,684 1938 14 413,161 440,666 179,489 Salem 89 138 227 955,658 1920 141 21,420,096 21,007,899 6,773,057 3,477 2,163 5,640 34,375,673 1921 121 1 10,737,432 5,032,152 1 1 4,467 22,605,261 1922 120 21,511,344 13,177,992 5,405,378 2,895 1,893 4,788 25,153,555 1923 134 1 13,977,673 5,503,143 1 1 4,716 28,033,126 1924 125 23,508,605 13,888,650 5,413,098 2,866 1,722 4,588 26,181,948 1925 114 1 13,601,493 5,398,103 1 1 4,359 26,776,892 1926 117 22,218,176 15,299,638 5,977,636 2,945 1,934 4,879 27,964,571 1927 118 1 14,223,979 6,293,605 1 1 4,986 30,165,624 1928 130 23,908,073 14,054,730 5,679,565 2,903 1,941 4,844 27,408,412 1929 125 1 14,026,061 5,559,482 1 1 4,866 28,844,350 1930 120 21,605,251 11,733,431 5,354,985 2,706 2,071 4,777 26,034,119 1931 108 1 8,748,700 4,884,020 1 1 4,453 22,554,959 1932 106 19,346,926 7,469,965 4,165,968 2,612 1,906 4,518 18,416,612 1933 96 1 9,297,185 4,841,269 1 1 5,626 20,336,752 1934 98 22,462,120 10,129,300 5,272,309 3,393 2,483 5,876 22,477,263 1935 86 1 9,459,932 4,297,775 1 1 4,815 20,487,592 1936 97 17,221,808 12,547,302 5,621,145 3,216 2,630 5,846 28,905,651 1937 98 I 13,295,894 5,860,603 1 1 6,028 28,860,249 1938 96 19,712,647 9,355,689 5,028,940 Somerville 2,858 2,264 5,122 21,897,393 1920 126 38,777,286 61,816,852 7,068,193 4,847 562 5,409 81,605,860 1921 130 1 34,717,572 5,785,455 1 1 4,794 45,378,436 1922 141 31,429,022 40,621,760 5,852,152 4,652 690 5,342 53,213,217 1923 140 1 41,520,975 7,164,862 1 1 5,686 55,106,656 1924 142 27,283,282 43,178,697 7,345,391 5,125 601 5,726 57,248,542 1925 134 1 46,001,463 7,144,236 1 1 5,594 58,806,424 1926 140 25,575,320 48,573,764 6,606,888 4,638 678 5,316 62,629,010 1927 144 1 50,217,139 7,385,281 1 1 5,631 66,440,553 1928 145 31,338,695 65,572,650 7,756,079 5,069 803 5,872 85,037,888 1929 133 1 80,637,877 9,394,662 1 1 6,700 112,565,426 1930 143 31,603,385 79,082,570 9,935,886 6,340 794 7,134 103,689,027 1931 140 1 54,193,677 7,733,434 1 1 5,991 73,727,038 1932 140 18,461,787 35,964,326 6,213,558 4,573 744 5,317 50,212,222 1933 125 1 34,577,948 5,680,779 1 I 5,425 50,714,935 1934 129 24,229,388 53,227,372 6,964,827 5,182 815 5,997 69,330,907 1935 124 1 65,398,876 7,388,316 1 1 6,010 79,696,791 1936 130 21,292,432 59,404,098 7,304,954 4,745 851 5,596 76,504,198 1937 127 1 62,663,983 7,799,274 1 1 5,790 81,229,180 1938 131 17,477,617 46,631,863 7,162,052 4,158 838 4,996 63,590,815 1 Not called for on the questionnaire. P.D. 36 Table 2. — Principal Data Relative to Manufactures in Massachusetts, 1920-1938, Inclusive, for the Thirty-Nine Cities — Continued 31 Value of Amount of Number Capital Stock Wages Average Number of Value of Years of Es- Invested and Materials Paid Wage-Earners Employed Products tablish- During — ments Used the Year Males Females Totals Springfield 1920 349 $97,065,733 $58,329,345 $29,526,597 16,357 5,354 21,711 $123,185,903 1921 321 1 33,183,591 15,778,713 1 1 13,137 74,488,113 1922 328 86,696,261 37,361,138 17,499,690 10,699 4,279 14,978 78,737,975 1923 352 1 61,165,699 23,965,425 1 1 19,089 104,568,038 1924 350 94,781,695 46,442,257 23,549,949 13,341 4,890 18,231 99,929,003 1925 335 1 46,370,006 23,189,148 I 1 17,693 109,515,834 1926 322 97,051,459 54,813,347 26,335,451 14,367 5,125 19,492 113,990,400 1927 317 1 46,049,732 22,011,898 I 1 16,782 103,921,502 1928 322 100,326,183 50,636,299 23,855,889 13,032 4,806 17,838 113,009,366 1929 321 1 51,127,214 25,583,510 1 1 18,640 121,107,393 1930 318 98,201,802 37,429,231 20,256,910 11,510 4,103 15,613 93,267,379 1931 293 1 28,014,794 17,249,201 1 1 13,950 75,706,995 1932 290 82,150,116 19,553,199 12,041,216 8,218 2,993 11,211 51,024,815 1933 277 I 22,990,939 12,460,593 1 1 12,490 53,576,462 1934 275 66,439,220 23,824,491 15,681,084 10,841 3,466 14,307 58,828,267 1935 298 1 32,213,997 16,549,315 1 1 14,589 73,697,886 1936 298 64,071,113 35,980,370 21,323,531 12,368 4,454 16,822 87,450,666 1937 290 I 40,031,970 24,121,710 1 1 17,635 95,956,839 1938 288 66,448,680 26,704,309 17,243,407 Taunton 10,486 3,539 14,025 66,200,246 1920 125 31,075,929 28,314,352 11,408,205 6,619 2,348 8,967 49,116,901 1921 121 1 15,296,004 7,719,165 1 1 7,159 30,501,224 1922 110 29,233,599 16,839,720 8,464,846 5,748 2,313 8,061 34,700,293 1923 115 1 20,080,315 10,013,352 1 1 8,556 39,708,056 1924 117 28,811,167 15,158,787 8,635,566 5,465 1,798 7,263 31,365,135 1925 110 1 15,554,599 7,509,137 1 1 6,679 31,744,082 1926 111 26,525,668 14,720,219 7,882,635 4,864 1,697 6,461 31,951,693 1927 106 1 14,883,680 6,989,318 1 I 6,154 30,643,231 1928 105 26,181,422 14,601,845 6,515,466 4,138 1,513 5,651 29,878,724 1929 100 1 16,722,937 6,548,441 1 1 5,880 32,394,736 1930 98 ' 24,256,702 12,077,019 • 5,524,814 3,747 1,367 5,114 24,614,038 1931 92 I 7,893,699 4,371,000 1 1 4,485 18,134,116 1932 85 15,913,335 5,366,731 2,950,366 2,581 906 3,487 11,325,920 1933 76 1 5,459,421 2,992,431 1 1 3,616 12,591,276 1934 78 16,158,705 5,951,118 3,309,350 2,845 787 3,632 12,977,627 1935 74 1 5,284,455 3,362,055 1 1 3,644 12,685,048 1936 80 14,430,364 7,542,846 3,883,889 2,983 863 3,846 16,805,361 1937 83 1 8,615,631 4,594,400 1 1 4,392 18,638,106 1938 82 15,855,186 6,745,884 3,801,501 Waltham 2,884 1,001 3,885 15,022,929 1920 88 33,639,151 9,321,432 9,710,941 5,155 2,983 8,138 23,895,120 1921 81 1 4,948,340 6,638,869 1 1 6,084 15,024,472 1922 96 31,655,472 5,196,970 6,540,354 3,955 2,212 6,167 14,845,277 1923 91 1 6,632,814 7,802,666 1 1 6,354 20,250,603 1924 91 21,381,312 5,255,158 6,578,433 3,522 1,908 5,430 16,841,428 1925 95 I 5,824,535 6,296,176 I 1 5,083 19,672,096 1926 98 21,172,256 6,044,846 7,046,896 3,471 2,190 5,661 19,293,078 1927 97 1 6,088,547 7,039,353 1 1 5,652 19,378,957 1928 81 21,123,712 6,251,697 6,043,380 3,056 1,891 4,947 17,615,097 1929 79 I 6,161,026 6,158,045 1 1 5,067 19,161,185 1930 87 21,007,626 4,738,087 4,825,133 2,471 1,542 4,013 13,523,021 1931 78 1 3,055,598 2,771,166 1 1 2,466 8,979,601 1932 68 16,922,534 2,393,868 2,131,649 1,429 701 2,130 7,652,732 1933 69 1 2,464,414 2,777,760 1 1 3,072 7,802,108 1934 79 17,456,594 3,704,075 4,047,267 2,398 1,680 4,078 11,582,790 1935 86 1 4,816,314 4,367,171 1 1 4,086 14,308,570 1936 95 12,923,363 5,107,489 5,367,331 2,906 1,805 4,711 16,217,692 1937 91 1 6,166,593 6,044,430 1 1 5,068 19,168,662 1938 91 14,977,432 5,747,194 3,998,562 2,433 1,466 3,899 14,486,992 • Not called for on the questionnaire. 32 P.D. 36 Table 2. — Principal Data Relative to Manufactures in Massachusetts, 1920-1938, Inclusive, for the Thirty-Nine Cities — Concluded Value of Amount of Number Capital Stock Wages Years of Es- Invested and Paid tablish- Materials During ments Used the Year Average Number of Wage-Earners Employed Males Females Totals Value of Products Westfield 1920 80 $12,246,635 $9,002,190 $4,084,746 2,853 787 3,640 $17,420,367 1921 61 1 3,360,615 2,526,766 1 1 2,375 9,029,007 1922 61 10,453,848 3,662,200 2,732,322 2,306 499 2,805 10,074,302 1923 70 1 6,521,748 3,903,599 1 1 3,298 15,443,200 1924 77 13,528,076 5,150,604 3,845,463 2,450 531 2,981 13,274,114 1925 63 1 5,273,547 3,603,369 1 1 2,933 13,733,236 1926 66 13,937,480 5,324,991 4,057,170 2,616 501 3,117 13,619,597 1927 66 1 5,378,354 3,802,933 1 1 2,971 13,163,610 1928 67 14,333,102 5,083,718 3,315,584 2,208 577 2,785 12,312,331 1929 64 1 5,492,718 3,303,435 1 1 2,736 13,460,069 1930 62 14,545,210 3,880,701 2,167,608 1,622 395 2,017 9,204,672 1931 50 1 3,131,906 1,711,485 1 I 1,810 6,680,608 1932 50 10,017,475 2,069,017 1,089,985 967 254 1,221 4,460,035 1933 45 1 2,300,714 1,124,297 1 1 1,300 5,190,479 1934 46 8,777,040 3,337,313 1,476,093 1,342 287 1,629 6,918,291 1935 41 1 4,099,816 1,611,481 1 1 1,658 8,216,239 1936 45 8,538,885 5,867,282 2,264,723 1,652 322 1,974 11,199,680 1937 41 1 5,299,458 2,271,355 1 1 2,021 10,477,286 1938 40 7,616,602 3,543,224 1,632,079 1,183 257 1,440 7,590,199 1920 50 9,390,014 5,963,459 Woburn 2,426,560 1,610 286 1,895 11,385,174 1 1921 49 1 3,776,562 1,643,105 1 1 1,315 7,202,456 1922 53 9,813,699 6,847,829 2,668,992 1,825 231 2,056 11,363,710 1923 51 1 7,502,661 3,176,470 1 1 2,444 14,162,434 1924 48 11,596,530 7,435,110 3,279,750 2,118 213 2,331 14,201,969 1925 49 1 7,554,899 2,801,834 1 1 2,092 14,487,457 1926 52 11,307,561 8,083,464 2,904,032 1,875 201 2,076 15,096,532 1927 51 1 8,651,093 3,121,059 1 1 2,207 15,779,060 1928 57 12,821,571 9,416,685 3,216,546 2,006 213 2,219 16,757,748 1929 44 1 7,842,049 2,744,215 1 1 2,012 14,218,719 1930 45 10,064,934 6,398,326 2,518,364 1,527 233 1,760 11,559,256 1931 42 1 4,384,028 1,895,092 1 1 1,467 8,844,455 1932 48 6,435,093 3,037,147 1,461,650 1,171 156 1,327 6,666,043 1933 44 1 3,220,203 1,449,415 1 1 1,329 6,406,501 1934 42 5,408,880 3,438,227 1,589,939 1,316 100 1,416 6,649,734 1935 39 1 3,676,327 1,704,510 1 1 1,423 7,142,189 1936 39 6,800,645 4,726,356 1,827,465 1,389 84 1,473 8,841,650 1937 38 1 6,009,589 1,909,476 1 1 1,483 10,449,033 1938 39 8,605,397 5,181,620 1,658,841 Worcester 1,189 66 1,264 9,320,540 1920 544 203,094,062 131,865,932 60,849,638 32,790 8,919 41,709 256,411,330 1921 505 1 72,129,152 31,686,241 1 1 26,923 140,686,961 1922 633 164,903,076 85,002,211 37,378,427 23,985 7,634 31,519 164,063,172 1923 544 1 106,636,763 47,243,866 1 1 36,449 212,043,158 1924 544 158,222,456 98,828,444 43,061,395 24,878 6,756 31,633 188,844,413 1925 518 1 105,395,787 42,330,499 1 1 31,142 210,461,220 1926 533 160,738,596 103,270,431 44,424,091 24,759 6,862 31,621 205,851,497 1927 508 X 96,517,867 41,403,603 1 1 30,377 194,221,808 1928 535 164,631,332 97,936,364 42,359,675 23,397 6,694 30,091 198,545,403 1929 535 1 100,496,863 45,518,063 1 : 31,928 214,433,382 1930 527 159,281,796 77,391,072 36,562,391 21,516 6,010 27,526 161,292,007 1931 528 1 52,977,538 27,236,241 1 1 23,947 116,967,961 1932 491 124,675,869 35,223,717 17,622,932 12,496 4,610 17,006 75,545,708 1933 474 1 42,288,377 22,362,991 1 1 23,160 96,543,047 1934 484 128,057,104 49,533,171 27,427,623 19,372 6,737 25,109 109,341,585 1935 505 1 68,694,887 30,797,386 1 1 26,767 131,451,224 1936 547 133,391,038 72,081,831 37,256,364 23,090 6,728 29,818 158,326,867 1937 521 1 81,964,873 43,014,342 1 1 31,302 185.745,793 1938 518 137,468,702 55,681,207 31,132,026 19,601 5,838 25,339 125,982,566 • Not called for on the questionnaire. P.D. 36 33 Table 3. — Principal Data Relative to Manufactures IN Metropolitan Boston*, 1920-1938, Inclusive Value of Amount of Number Capital Stock Wages Average Numbeh of Value of Years of Es- Invested and Paid Wagb-Earnebs Employed Products tablish- Materials During ments Used the Year Males Females Totals METROPOLITAN BOSTON*: ALL INDUSTRIES 1920 4,471 $846,928,136 $814,021,722 $266,902,177 145,051 62,015 207,066 $1,421,528,434 1921 4,508 1 519,832,014 202,173,388 1 1 168,313 1,025,586,110 1922 4,482 804,668,324 537,911,241 210,657,440 124,640 53,703 178,343 1,070,493,317 1923 4,740 I 620,031,648 245,640,825 1 1 193,000 1,232,206,787 1924 4,561 849,235,200 584,512,038 230,727,844 126,795 51,692 178,487 1,148,260,013 1925 4,511 1 606,378,433 231,857,192 1 I 175,801 1,235,875,285 1926 4,577 848,005,973 639,566,767 245,916,443 129,816 54,998 184,814 1,272,959,199 1927 4,755 1 633,003,950 237,708,229 1 1 178,316 1,289,801,723 1928 4,713 897,124,478 648,665,366 235,017,427 120,779 53,743 174,522 1,278,895,983 1929 4,831 1 688,277,589 248,419,990 1 1 182,780 1,409,136,706 1930 4,652 866,181,625 590,738,808 215,334,364 114,671 48,028 162,699 1,181,391,542 1931 4,536 1 452,641,062 171,567,144 1 1 140,074 955,211,023 1932 4,225 674,095,448 337,019,811 125,855,342 79,700 35,286 114,986 704,875,376 1933 3,962 1 324,572,258 116,591,358 I 1 116,145 680,941,992 1934 3,938 644,482,368 396,344,058 135,570,392 87,807 38,069 125,876 782,264,772 1935 4,136 1 451,662,025 149,104,478 1 1 133,219 866,384,381 1936 4,160 634.317,236 499,124,233 170,838,185 101,205 44,928 146,133 979,387,766 1937 4,240 1 539,835,837 182,531,644 1 1 149,560 1,038,966,525 1938 4,150 609,296,874 447,879,719 160,123,677 93,273 41,044 134,317 880,633,559 *For census purposes, Metropolitan Boston now includes 14 cities and 29 towns, as follows: Cities Towns Boston Melrose Arlington Dover Norwood Walpole Cambridge Newton Belmont Hingham Reading W atertown Chelsea Quincy Braintree HuU Saugus WeUesley Everett Revere Brookline Lexington Stoneham Weston Lynn Somerville Canton Milton Stoughton Westwood Maiden Waltham Cohasset Nahant Swampscott Weymouth Medford Woburn Dedham Needham Wakefield Winchester Winthrop In 1929, Metropolitan Boston was extended to include three towns (Norwood, Stoughton and Walpole). Data for each of the 14 cities are presented in Table 1. For nine of the 29 towns data are presented in Table 4. These nine towns are as follows: Braintree, Canton, Norwood, Stoughton, Wakefield, Walpole, Watertown, Weymouth and Winchester. 1 Not called for on the questionnaire. 34 P.D. 36 Table 4. — Principal Data Relative to Manufactures in Massachusetts, 1920-1938, Inclusive, for Forty-Three Leading Towns Value of Amount of Number Capital Stock Adages Average Number op Value of Years of Es- Invested and Paid Wage-Earners Emploted Products tablish- ments Materials Used j_/uring — the Year Males Females Totals Adams 1920 25 $14,539,785 $10,483,387 14,878,413 2,650 1,554 4,204 $20,702,496 1921 23 1 7,113,673 4,256,899 1 1 4,127 13.393,056 1922 24 15,028,216 6,132,875 4,106,423 2,704 1,481 4,185 14,030,000 1923 22 1 7,888,367 4,348,802 1 1 4,111 16,210,420 1924 23 16,939,588 6,482,051 3,859,656 2,292 1,438 3,730 13,068,256 1925 23 1 6,315,671 3,488,724 1 1 3,636 12,997,511 1926 23 15,112,873 6,536,611 3,427,489 2,052 1,288 3,340 12,542,586 1927 21 1 5,005,417 3,131,302 1 1 3,000 9,946,628 1928 19 11,009,403 4,052,402 2,595,531 1,553 1,031 2,584 9,051,613 1929 21 1 4,499,064 2,912,800 1 1 2,926 9,778,300 1930 24 13,284,859 3,173,187 2,351,388 1,830 926 2,756 7,482,315 1931 21 1 2,580,189 1,880,940 1 1 2,159 6,757,479 1932 21 6,162,354 2,173,063 1,258,787 1,083 590 1,673 4,253,136 1933 19 1 2,277.503 1,852,110 1 1 2,617 5,448,952 1934 21 7,797,954 3,194,297 2,450,483 1,762 1,262 3,024 6,651,294 1935 21 1 3,389,835 2,149,131 1 : 2,746 6,574,598 1936 21 7,274,752 3,749,184 2,883,339 2,218 1,305 3,523 9,392,616 1937 21 1 4,386,261 3,017,286 1 1 3,398 10,739,843 1938 19 6,986,631 2,739,169 1,928,418 Amesbury 1,501 698 2,199 6,567,586 1920 39 8,307,981 7,620,878 3,896,701 2,602 383 2,985 14,842,691 1921 37 1 4,324,241 2,524,745 1 1 1,956 9,049,911 1922 43 6,239,779 6,226,308 3,693,489 2,091 362 2,453 12,673,666 1923 50 1 9,158,220 4,782,318 1 1 3,427 17,692,867 1924 43 6,910,333 7,076,903 3,713,616 2,389 417 2,806 13,228,289 1925 40 1 15,111,960 6,344,001 1 1 4,276 25,982,792 1926 36 6,825,110 13,649,321 5,277,949 3,697 689 4,386 24,660,424 1927 33 1 11,133,906 5,968,800 1 1 4,257 19,772,024 1928 32 7,862.882 9,635,741 4,655,828 2,636 564 3,200 16,840,163 1929 35 1 9,971,770 5,130,154 1 I 3,658 18,852,548 1930 29 5,809,731 4,217,746 2,241,095 1,619 598 2,217 8,249,296 1931 28 1 2,712,596 1,843,093 1 1 1,826 7,050,898 1932 28 3,368,186 1,730,700 1,230,801 1,040 345 1,385 4,221,697 1933 22 1 1,998,764 1,224,641 1 I 1,464 4,593,507 1934 24 3,079,428 2,709,976 1,425,271 1,075 520 1,595 5,847,326 1935 24 1 3,721,361 2,058,481 1 1 2,130 7,865,779 1936 25 4,049,278 4,249,171 2,070,678 1,494 580 2,074 8,364,768 1937 25 1 4,620,687 2,267,252 1 1 2,300 9,462,455 1938 25 4,735,721 3,934,998 2,283,798 Andover 1,468 725 2,193 8,022,028 1920 11 6,621,634 3,606,830 1,832,272 875 657 1,532 6,809,515 1921 14 1 1,843,747 1,009,743 1 1 1,094 3,949,589 1922 14 12,404,471 4,010,432 1,554,784 855 614 1,469 7,412,589 1923 15 1 6,679,483 2,164,615 1 1 1,836 10,211,666 1924 16 16,904,909 7,014,691 2,810,822 1,321 1,036 2,357 11,829,898 1925 14 X 7,947,666 2,516,477 1 1 2,061 12,917,107 1926 14 13,965,768 9,077,276 2,743,812 1,263 1,024 2,287 15,319,601 1927 14 1 7,952,820 2,587,662 1 1 2,176 13,664,803 1928 14 13,566,800 7,441,936 2,412,781 1,178 918 2,096 12,578,941 1929 16 1 7,057,351 2,555,355 I 1 2,045 13,773,335 1930 16 11,916,621 4,185,696 1.937,473 969 658 1,627 8,683,880 1931 13 1 4,743,505 1,959,269 1 1 1,917 9,052,552 1932 13 10,880,877 3,651,118 1,626,646 1,128 768 1,896 7,427,460 1933 15 1 4,694,528 2,351,682 1 1 2,568 11,601,708 1934 14 8,632,591 4,750,433 1,866,713 1,369 853 2,222 8,433,923 1935 14 1 6,200,993 2,691,936 1 1 2,770 11,831,632 1936 16 9,954,017 7,733,136 2,903,625 1,744 1,146 2,890 13,441,141 1937 16 1 8,663,249 3,327,826 1 1 3,101 15,531,685 1938 15 12,099,246 6,545,708 2,805,512 1,675 1,072 2,747 11,466,689 > Not called for on the questionnaire. P.D. 36 Table 4. — Principal Data Relative to Manufactures in Massachusetts, 1920-1938, Inclusive, for Forty-Three Leading Towns — Continued 35 Value of Amount of Number Capital Stock Wages Avehage Nttmbee of Value of Years of Es- Invested and Paid W age-Earners Employed Products tablish- Materials During — ments Used the Year Males Females Totals Athol 1920 39 $15,819,346 86,013,772 S3,435,753 2,278 789 3,067 $14,162,251 1921 34 1 3,614,211 2,112,106 1 1 2,297 8,113,924 1922 34 15,778,186 3,583,094 1,890,163 1,589 471 2,060 8,104,913 1923 37 a 3,913,188 2,382,560 1 1 2,072 9,826,925 1924 32 12,346,019 2,739,508 1,776,843 1,310 409 1,719 7,507,984 1925 36 1 4,028,136 1,948,237 1 1 1,858 8,490,461 1926 31 10,958,297 3,630,802 2,104,140 1,450 462 1,912 9,380,942 1927 34 1 3,999,993 2,180,782 1 1 1,968 9,343,580 1928 35 11,892,860 4,952,428 2,476,567 1,670 547 2,217 11,079.615 1929 37 1 4,540,387 2,938,282 1 1 2,502 12,977,184 1930 35 10,365,193 3,258,647 2,397,120 1,733 608 2,341 9,870,069 1931 34 1 2,915,975 1,932,867 1 1 2,068 7,367,432 1932 34 8,092,221 2,172,448 1,278,071 1,074 540 1,614 4,818,445 1933 31 1 2,404,546 1,281,002 1 1 1,705 5,080.051 1934 33 10,470,195 2,723,019 1,497,563 1,282 530 1,812 6.576,256 1935 32 1 2,658,281 1,588,299 1 1 1,821 6,464,808 1936 32 8,744,395 2,874,924 2,081,570 1,656 526 2,182 7,992,404 1937 32 1 3,927,673 2.608,191 1 1 2,437 10,705,416 1938 30 8,371,228 2,604,154 2,117,865 Billerica 1,669 646 2,315 7,938,247 1920 7 12,882,170 8,583,370 4,457,082 2,644 165 2,809 15.195,838 1921 7 1 5,226,987 3,013,091 1 1 2,288 9.742,719 1922 9 11,241,078 5,534,264 3,041,316 2,113 167 2,280 10,429.960 1923 8 1 6,403.511 3,800,343 1 1 2,816 11.129.309 1924 9 10,570,378 6,649,524 3,718,353 2,650 173 2,823 11,289,525 1925 9 1 6,477,149 3,368,854 1 1 2,604 11,707,264 1926 9 8,952,210 6,500,724 3,036,.335 2,344 129 2,473 10,280,723 1927 9 1 6,296,639 2,868,507 1 1 2,046 11,209,629 1928 10 9,458,766 5,080,189 2,619,050 1,652 147 1,799 8,449,826 1929 9 1 5,911,906 2,427,148 1 1 1,684 9,750.100 1930 9 10,887,301 4,506,596 2,024,353 1,374 123 1,497 7,906,003 1931 9 1 3,514,229 1,543,964 1 1 1,251 5,452,146 1932 9 9,709,736 2,082,743 1,226,542 899 110 1,009 4,002,218 1933 7 1 2,089,856 1,074,028 1 1 1,037 3,563,701 1934 7 7,895.240 1,809,378 845,066 740 88 828 3,314,889 1935 7 1 2,979,304 1,323,642 1 1 1,150 4,927,208 1936 7 5,902,564 3,084,167 1,307,077 961 119 1,080 4,837,251 1937 6 1 2,588,897 710,996 1 1 641 3,851,830 1938 6 2,715,530 1,630,071 456,605 Bralntree 368 94 462 2,483,977 1920 15 5,278,144 7,819,202 2,506,231 1.483 585 2,068 12,526,948 1921 15 1 5,547,286 2,830,145 1 1 2,360 11,558,701 1922 14 11,247,727 5,596.811 2,657,056 1,788 748 2,536 10,714,500 1923 15 1 6,375,904 2,409,966 1 1 2,105 10,355,974 1924 16 13,969,742 8,564,217 2,327,408 1,378 633 2,011 13,135,403 1925 15 I 9,786,472 1,610,960 1 1 1,554 15,144,475 1926 16 15,501,630 11,191,188 1,805,191 1,198 458 1,656 15,605,768 1927 20 1 10,139,428 1,729,253 1 1 1,503 13,738,163 1928 22 16,768,688 11,124,286 1,825,203 1,078 384 1,462 16,225,802 1929 22 1 11,587,997 2,627,289 1 1 1,870 16,625,760 1930 22 22,771,968 11,494,331 1,926,918 1.128 327 1,455 15,221,157 1931 21 1 9,474,638 1,592,499 1 1 1,288 14,132,710 1932 22 19,396,804 10,103.417 1,067,080 822 232 1,054 11,763,071 1933 19 1 8,398,635 1.043,702 1 1 1,099 11,563,723 1934 19 7,527,795 11,606,955 1,378,125 972 304 1.276 13,489,632 1935 17 1 10,437,606 1,061,045 1 1 940 13,150,241 1936 17 6,306,354 11,109,473 1,215,652 792 162 954 14,389,266 1937 16 1 13,986,815 1,152,204 1 1 950 17,840,621 1938 17 6,094,571 11,794,674 1,091,445 779 159 938 14,883,722 1 Not called for on the questionnaire. 36 P.D. 36 Table 4. — Principal Data Relative to Manufactures in Massachusetts, 1920-1938, Inclusive, for Forty-Three Leading Towns — Continued Value of Amount of Number Capital Stock Wages Average Numb ER OF Value of Years of Es- Invested and Paid Wage-Eabners Employed Products tablish- Materials During — ments Used the Year Males Females Totals Bridgewater 1920 18 $2,603,926 $5,644,165 $1,668,350 1,139 227 1,366 $9,063,790 1921 21 1 3,199,174 1,294,185 1 1 1,183 5,474,296 1922 24 3,664,314 5,416,548 2,040,421 1,331 462 1,793 8,554,639 1923 21 1 5,612,873 2,292,856 1 1 1,877 9,062,388 1924 20 3,487,112 4,971,621 1,514,395 956 288 1,244 7,270,664 1925 18 1 4,169,731 1,457,018 1 1 1,265 6,627,042 1926 19 3,269,246 4,679,264 1,737,927 986 444 1,430 7,264,113 1927 17 1 4,151,689 1,548,599 1 1 1,403 6,598,741 1928 14 3,236,900 3,778,841 1,598,311 1,096 431 1,527 6,484,535 1929 12 1 3,067,844 1,412,870 1 1 1,243 5,320,436 1930 12 2,276,415 2,649,441 1,115,649 824 312 1,136 4,628,339 1931 11 1 1,880,312 808,057 X 1 914 3,481,192 1932 12 2,055,772 2,126,640 830,849 610 273 783 3,275,851 1933 12 1 2,980,336 907,150 1 1 1,129 4,578,087 1934 12 2,019,263 2,687,903 838,179 744 200 944 4,366,120 1935 10 1 1,925,150 576,308 1 1 559 3,302,704 1936 10 1,619,317 2,716,937 670,886 548 81 629 4,129,604 1937 10 1 2,603,779 656,684 1 1 615 4,196,693 1938 8 1,807,893 1,972,823 592,760 Canton 458 86 544 3,581,263 1920 18 5,750,574 4,654,297 1,464,648 990 268 1,258 7,365,678 1921 22 1 2,404,605 738,545 1 1 709 3,829,363 1922 20 11,113,869 3,894,623 1,418,196 1,009 182 1,191 7,065,079 1923 19 1 4,123,762 1,430,179 1 1 1,210 7,537,169 1924 21 6,004,000 3,406,310 1,340,104 848 218 1,066 6,360,469 1925 22 1 3,879,791 1,377,436 1 1 1,185 7,649,131 1926 18 5,570,757 3,760,793 1,388,626 810 334 1,144 7,365,706 1927 18 1 3,619,047 1,246,247 1 1 1,136 7,566,514 1928 19 5,258,692 4,149,672 1,674,975 870 644 1,614 7,670,574 1929 21 1 4,264,023 1,486,875 1 1 1,326 8,174,951 1930 22 5,241,208 3,569,559 1,282,265 748 492 1,240 7,034,663 1931 21 1 2,760,473 1,148,047 X 1 1,086 6,668,179 1932 21 4,592,336 2,434,923 951,166 710 343 1,053 4,809,740 1933 18 1 2,806,540 1,073,833 1 1 1,175 6,844,476 1934 19 4,324,060 2,622,198 1,163,708 819 470 1,289 6,267,367 1935 14 1 2,051,193 1,187,246 I 1 1,203 6,219,240 1936 19 4,632,454 3,833,053 1,239,261 944 470 1,414 6,966,614 1937 18 1 4,390,766 1,352,271 1 1 1,259 7,473,089 1938 20 4,813,931 4,604,141 1,507,182 Clinton 928 503 1,431 8,087,820 1920 27 23,148,277 12,521,319 6,977,082 2,715 1,716 4,431 22,180,999 1921 28 1 5,336,730 6,010,606 1 1 4,328 14,647,361 1922 26 20,472,459 8,516,391 5,111,049 2,851 1,735 4,686 20,577,444 1923 25 1 10,969,544 6,013,650 1 1 4,880 21,711,955 1924 30 21,114,336 9,038,871 4,864,687 2,800 1,702 4,502 17,908,684 1925 26 1 11,063,880 5,360,180 1 1 6,013 19,966,936 1926 24 22,905,241 9,346,110 4,776,730 2,642 1,666 4,198 17,096,833 1927 23 1 7,726,886 4,581,469 1 1 4,118 16,630,655 1928 24 19,210,056 7,769,064 3,808,462 2,321 1,503 3,824 15,675,201 1929 22 1 7,199,220 3,117,420 1 1 2,760 13,988,188 1930 21 10,023,076 4,728,462 2,033,239 1,183 647 1,830 9,398,672 1931 18 1 3,351,913 1,996,828 1 1 1,862 7,715,784 1932 16 6,445,367 1,720,224 1,171,740 947 458 1,405 4,258,237 1933 19 1 1,731,692 695,462 1 1 775 3,169,006 1934 24 6,889,470 2,892,150 1,178,675 890 286 1,176 6,165,585 1935 26 1 2,849,944 1,606,671 1 1 1,723 5,801,829 1936 27 6,294,770 4,492,366 1,986,233 1,441 604 2,045 8,198,773 1937 26 1 4,404,567 2,085,313 1 1 2,197 8,318,596 1938 26 5,577,717 3,235,267 1,926,644 1,287 642 1,929 6,762,981 1 Not called for on the questionnaire. P.D. 36 Table 4. — Principal Data Relative to Manufactures in Massachusetts, 1920-1938, Inclusive, for Forty-Three Leading Towns — Continued 37 Value of Amount of Number Capital Stock Wages Average Number or Value of Years of Es- Invested and Materials Paid Wage- Earners Employed Products tablish- During — ments Used the Year Males Females Totals Danvers 1920 23 $5,033,956 $5,326,282 $1,470,474 806 409 1,215 $7,609,963 1921 18 1 2,698,152 926,175 1 1 862 5,692,268 1922 23 4,337,336 3,925,458 1,276,665 793 373 1,166 7,206,508 1923 21 1 4,389,735 1,354,602 1 1 1,261 8,088,367 1924 22 4,713,840 4,197,870 1,367,393 767 285 1,052 7,248,443 1925 18 1 4,655,377 1,341,432 1 1 970 7,948,403 1926 21 4,441,282 4,556,786 1,402,676 736 376 1,112 8,052,801 1927 22 1 3,743,458 1,122,535 1 1 937 7,088,236 1928 20 4,386,943 4,373,814 1,171,643 662 357 1,019 8,092,953 1929 16 1 2,546,867 1,147,381 1 1 1,023 5,283,079 1930 15 2,083,748 1,281,342 494,724 262 268 530 2,521,468 1931 17 1 985,117 581,769 1 1 661 1,987,443 1932 18 1,578,288 604,698 351,097 249 170 419 1,376,604 1933 18 1 683,404 665,926 1 1 653 2,726,372 1934 16 1,667,895 1,668,874 798,463 572 249 821 3,293,679 1935 18 1 2,183,068 986,614 1 1 918 3,864,325 1936 21 1,990,341 2,101,871 1,015,740 608 406 1,014 4,260,072 1937 20 1 2,365,685 1,039,599 1 1 1,001 4,142,953 1938 20 1,857,547 1,547,641 920,052 Dudley 515 437 952 3,332,701 1920 9 5,454,734 3,552,710 1,275,291 736 321 1,057 5,411,011 1921 7 1 2,747,964 1,330,373 1 1 1,228 4,790,472 1922 8 5,812,429 3,048,491 1,520,176 933 455 1,388 5,673,070 1923 9 1 3,780,304 1,866,323 1 1 1,564 6,721,279 1924 9 5,373,317 3,675,202 1,744,123 909 485 1,394 6,153,298 1925 8 1 4,098,857 1,783,858 1 1 1,500 7,128,930 1926 9 4,843,981 3,272,419 1,457,290 774 462 1,236 5,477,562 1927 8 1 3,761,994 1,582,793 1 1 1,430 6,180,681 1928 8 4,772,894 3,092,616 1,298,339 750 425 1,175 4,696,756 1929 8 1 2,862,136 1,142,050 1 1 1,102 4,631,221 1930 6 2,972,492 1,910,807 831,597 452 332 784 3,410,672 1931 8 1 1,766,462 1,002,963 1 1 954 3,781,180 1932 8 3,063,963 1,782,641 966,335 601 434 1,035 3,314,741 1933 9 1 2,264,322 1,100,909 1 1 1,412 3,986,025 1934 9 2,909,528 1,927,155 985,590 755 413 1,168 3,342,111 1935 9 1 2,984,380 1,217,113 1 1 1,439 4,884,069 1936 9 4,052,678 3,020,934 1,302,915 785 595 1,380 4,519,126 1937 10 1 3,348,773 1,411,037 1 1 1,342 5,417,048 1938 10 3,468,092 1,733,691 731,387 Easthampton 428 236 664 3,040,242 1920 25 24,799,663 35,555,068 5,108,939 2,572 1,610 4,182 45,299,943 1921 14 1 15,504,811 3,575,574 1 1 3,619 21,876,343 1922 15 17,255,196 12,812,048 3,694,750 2,424 1,484 3,908 22,707,681 1923 17 1 12,181,106 3,633,574 1 1 3,543 19,315,001 1924 16 15,940,075 9,364,218 2,826,408 1,729 1,155 2,884 14,664,328 1925 14 1 10,893,029 2,825,041 1 1 2,950 17,083,223 1926 14 13,960,456 10,804,139 3,142,286 1,913 1,292 3,205 15,737,068 1927 17 1 9,750,356 3,291,802 1 1 3,413 16,201,057 1928 16 12,813,799 11,531,970 3,347,942 2,069 1,286 3,355 18,076,548 1929 16 1 12,773,416 3,417,289 1 1 3,494 20,377,395 1930 14 15,800,018 8,857,416 2,589,103 1,744 1,102 2,846 12,731,982 1931 12 1 7,434,734 2,178,346 1 1 2,053 11,432,416 1932 16 7,397,422 5,627,054 1,506,777 1,119 577 1,696 8,144,988 1933 16 1 6,574,970 1,511,138 1 1 1,842 9,702,527 1934 18 8,866,428 7,140,528 1,655,679 1,227 628 1,855 10,546,616 1935 1936 2 13 1 2,105,594 1,503,767 1 I 1,652 4,761,152 1937 16 1 2,898,353 1,854,364 1 1 1,865 6,634,108 1938 18 7,926,565 2,842,277 2,062,901 1,333 874 2,207 7,583,655 1 Not called for on the questionnaire. 2 Data cannot be shown. 38 P.D. 36 Table 4.— Principal Data Relative to Manufactures in Massachusetts, 1920-1938, Inclusive, for Forty-Three Leading Towns — Continued Value of Amount of Number Capital Stock "Wages Average Number of Value of Years of Es- Invested and Paid Wage-E aenehs Employed Products tablish- ments Materials Used uuring — the Year Males Females Totals Framingham 1920 55 $18,834,512 $13,673,589 $6,579,818 3,510 1,593 5,103 $24,765,999 1921 46 1 9,392,076 4,990,418 1 1 4,339 17,611,196 1922 43 17,836,086 11,128,763 5,377,004 3,095 1,410 4,505 20,430,184 1923 45 1 11,986,197 6,036,616 1 1 4,690 21,904,333 1924 46 17,022,422 11,351,824 5,573,472 3,251 1,357 4,608 20,891,745 1925 46 1 14,203,864 6,186,695 1 1 4,488 25,432,793 1926 42 17,909,321 12,940,548 5.831,688 3,191 1,150 4,341 23,824,023 1927 41 1 13,095,258 5,705,442 1 1 3,992 24,236,252 1928 48 18,200,653 14,469,395 5,136,262 2,748 1.043 3,791 23,832,209 1929 50 1 12,507,695 5,294,960 1 1 3,697 22,956,876 1930 43 16,596,872 9,953,193 4,228,356 2,291 947 3,238 18,318,656 1931 42 1 7,301,922 3,652,663 1 1 2,862 14,147,109 1932 37 14,820,427 4,467,735 2,375,212 1,466 785 2,251 8,840,409 1933 37 1 5,293,308 2,369,216 1 1 2,500 10,254,912 1934 34 13,621,766 6,882,579 3,044,106 2,014 1,017 3,031 11,930,894 1935 37 1 7,036,972 3,340,643 1 1 2,979 15,523,537 1936 41 11,204,914 7,953,073 3,989,749 2,356 1,241 3,597 17,708,462 1937 36 1 8,345,625 3,520,639 1 1 2,952 17,739,527 1938 38 13,002,209 6,871,554 3,841,963 Franklin 2,176 1,199 3,375 16,146,617 1920 24 7,330,081 4,607,359 1,557,085 928 217 1,145 7,521,273 1921 20 1 2,571,217 1,134,703 1 1 912 5,180,551 1922 22 4,669,878 3,059,157 1,340,333 852 250 1,102 5,978,574 1923 24 1 4,725,662 1,693,409 1 1 1,258 8,213,103 1924 24 5,187,887 4,905,531 1,664,233 936 276 1,212 7,963,130 1925 23 1 5,979,703 1,748,174 1 1 1,272 9,748,831 1926 24 3,675,006 4,755,223 1,511,910 837 305 1,142 7,734,471 1927 23 1 4,462,730 1,441,447 1 1 1,109 7,372,554 1928 23 3,852,223 4,106,380 1,295,117 686 244 930 6,731,964 1929 23 1 4,018,133 1,326,50-4 1 I 970 6,394,698 1930 20 4,687,181 2,703,887 1,032,655 610 164 774 4,953,624 1931 21 1 2,242,653 884,848 1 1 708 3,978,052 1932 21 3,427,387 1,405,562 595,497 431 149 580 2,772,684 1933 19 1 1,966,728 777,963 1 1 846 3,640,458 1934 21 3,094,621 2,070,386 883,625 726 161 887 3,854,652 1935 22 1 3,493,262 1,159,741 1 1 1,205 5,709,278 1936 20 3,131,577 3,133,933 1,142,202 891 168 1,059 5,584,315 1937 18 1 3,374,220 1,292,856 1 1 1,064 5,787,470 1938 14 5,766,631 1,712,574 840,722 Grafton 650 132 782 3,292,691 1920 11 5,361,481 4,127,785 1,765,238 803 608 1,411 6,847,993 1921 9 1 2,520,197 1,516,608 1 1,459 5,341,036 1922 9 5,934,754 2,566,836 1,620,258 928 585 1,513 5,639,475 1923 10 1 3,542,143 1,921,878 1 1,616 ■ 7,162,389 1924 10 6,921,164 2,801,380 1,688,851 804 541 1,345 5,608,125 1925 10 1 3,265,031 1,632,696 1 1,479 6,126,002 1926 8 6,451,732 2,913,328 1,607,289 831 546 1,377 5,593,481 1927 7 1 2,67i),167 1,490,548 1 1,360 6,315,858 1928 8 5,939,957 2,164.927 1,337,226 746 537 1,283 4,472,828 1929 9 1 2,386,138 1,360,976 1 1,364 5,126,576 1930 8 4,560,877 1,522,167 1,002,888 640 390 1,030 3,049,166 1931 9 1 1,168,127 998,782 1 1,066 2,698,057 1932 7 2,715,078 746,051 552,520 512 260 772 1,527,759 1933 6 1 1,023,650 865,002 1 1,093 2,312,317 1934 7 3,354,933 1,236,539 814,747 639 381 1,020 2,326,833 1935 6 1 2,178,431 1,136,490 1 1,246 3,739,736 1936 6 4,200,899 2,353,884 1,235,872 815 470 1,285 4,480,072 1936 6 1 2,362,202 1,079,039 X 1,163 4,355,223 1938 7 3,390,162 1,235,646 985,070 706 374 1,080 2,660,408 1 Not called for on the questionnaire. P.D. 36 Table 4. — Principal Data Relative to Manufactures in Massachusetts, 1920-1938, Inclusive, for Forty-Three Leading Towns — Continued 39 Value of Amount of Number Capital Stock Wages Average Number of Value of Years of Es- tablish- Invested and Materials Paid Wage- Earners Employed Products During — ments Used the Year Males Females Totals Greenfield 1920 54 $16,825,945 813,648,827 $4,054,730 2,499 526 3,024 $12,114,206 1921 46 1 1,666,286 1,602,248 1 1 1,479 4,992,689 1922 42 14,874,278 1,747,228 1,428,846 1,071 210 1,281 4,982,051 1923 39 1 2,260,411 2,028,272 1 1 1,816 7,343,255 1924 39 14,949,598 1,861,713 1,731,349 1,289 246 1,534 6,004,645 1925 42 1 2,309,705 1,998,395 1 1 1,586 7,669,188 1926 38 14,356,011 2,539,770 2,149,924 1,379 313 1,692 7,777,329 1927 37 1 2,185,278 2,029,672 1 1 1,613 7,660,069 1928 35 14,891,365 2,477,921 2,050,126 1,287 316 1,603 7,754,665 1929 39 1 2,189,579 2,219,361 1 1 1,704 8,665,944 1930 37 12,464,723 1,480,690 1,759,768 1,106 262 1,368 6,732,697 1931 40 1 1,202,790 1,228,885 1 1 1,170 4,793,999 1932 35 11,027,169 1,004,070 875,559 813 150 963 3,147,319 1933 30 1 998,320 912,801 1 1 993 3,518,957 1934 33 9,718,167 1,312,680 1,316,269 1,091 187 1,278 6,146,544 1935 34 1 1,900,639 1,778,882 1 1 1,658 6,437,629 1936 34 7,838,138 1,734,337 2,036,421 1,368 251 1,619 6,746,702 1937 34 1 2,201,918 2,120,367 1 1 1,764 7,401,635 1938 33 8,093,819 1,500,811 1,574,450 Hudson 1,169 217 1,386 5,339,339 1920 41 7,417,230 8,660,863 3,352,591 1,953 866 2,819 13,762,662 1921 35 1 3,393,769 2,325,244 1 1 2,308 7,888,187 1922 35 7.044,994 4,317,178 2,847,535 1,744 887 2,631 9,375,698 1923 34 1 5,482,611 3,263,095 1 1 2,727 10,976,667 1924 33 6,655,940 4,030,836 2,385,144 1,519 676 2,194 8,557,177 1925 29 1 4,067,119 2,612,206 1 1 2,186 8,336,477 1926 28 8,209,758 4,616,486 2,868,776 1,927 1,076 3,002 9,961,185 1927 30 1 3,537,767 2,890,378 X 1 2,490 9,705,889 1928 29 7,803,026 3,547,331 2,787,014 1,464 822 2,276 8,117,669 1929 25 1 3,576,831 2,833,634 1 1 2,397 8,748,029 1930 25 8,237,679 3,177,260 2,464,319 1,456 790 2,246 8,802,341 1931 27 1 2,191,390 2,071,133 1 1 1,986 6,340,869 1932 25 6,902,693 2,041,782 1,605,256 1,097 812 1,909 5,229,260 1933 19 1 2,134,984 1,766,374 1 1 2,290 5,576,297 1934 21 6,617,727 2,504,093 2,141,302 1,344 955 2,299 6,320,749 1935 23 1 3,299,948 2,264,914 1 1 2,302 7,353,333 1936 21 3,091,690 2,083,933 1,353,306 996 403 1,398 4,718,058 1937 19 1 2,261,404 1,276,342 1 1 1,159 4,850,828 1938 20 3,673,052 1,975,653 1,226,251 Mansfield 914 426 1,340 4,318,258 1920 18 4,225,567 4,619,788 1,393,144 956 160 1,116 7,337,737 1921 18 1 1,623,954 528,829 1 1 602 2,808,566 1922 17 3,541,019 1,911,418 617,129 581 76 657 3,196,667 1923 17 1 2,706,298 922,956 1 1 783 4,626,066 1924 17 5,104,089 2,350,610 914,028 669 102 771 4,198,612 1925 19 1 2,769,399 877,948 1 1 711 4,841,465 1926 20 4,960,558 3,068,845 960,185 664 81 745 5,141,721 1927 18 1 2,864,818 838,942 1 1 667 4,661,986 1928 17 5,001,958 2,632,899 800,099 662 69 631 4,592,601 1929 16 1 2,728,330 875,386 1 1 689 4,970,737 1930 Iff 4,417,466 1,715,527 742,331 573 66 639 3,346,800 1931 15 1 1,431,293 440,360 1 1 494 2,419,854 1932 13 2,869,311 872,156 397,778 369 71 430 1,821,289 1933 13 1 901,394 399,312 1 1 443 1,693,796 1934 14 2,750,486 1,211,960 506,998 406 98 604 2,360,530 1935 13 1 1,359,293 469,007 1 1 461 2,471,588 1936 15 1,697,029 1,620,192 659,880 500 47 647 3,006,793 1937 16 1 2,433,796 733,038 1 I 618 4,276,122 1938 16 2,686,936 1,697,808 685,374 474 66 640 3,069,962 1 Not called for on the questionnaire. 40 P.D. 36 I Table 4. — Principal Data Relative to Manufactures in Massachusetts, [ 1920- -1938, Inclusive, for Forty-Three Leadin G TOWNS- —Continued \ Value of Amount of Number Capital Stock Wages Average Numbeb OF Value of I Years of Es- Invested and Paid Wage-E ARNERS Employed Products tablish- ments Materials Used 1 j-'unng — the Year Males Females Totals ! Middleborough 1920 33 $7,023,779 $8,532,674 $2,272,406 1,428 645 2,073 $13,981,589 1921 28 1 4,270,859 1,686,964 1 1 1,753 7,856,040 ' 1922 28 5,244,271 4,050,963 1,631,258 1,107 589 1,696 7,186,082 1923 30 1 4,504,596 1,786,248 1 1 1,645 8,333,501 1924 28 4,374,422 3,596,053 1,555,879 973 497 1,470 6,677,003 1925 27 1 2,997,339 1,342,198 I 1 1,307 5,779,041 1926 26 3,672,201 3,106,652 1,268,475 776 434 1,210 5,869,216 1927 26 1 2,627,932 1,110,676 1 1 1,109 5,243,083 1928 22 3,163,577 2,288,393 874,858 577 319 896 4,533,840 1929 21 1 2,488,623 926,180 1 1 907 4,774,363 1930 19 2,661,193 1,863,203 701,310 493 225 718 3,676,879 1931 19 1 1,093,438 532,092 1 1 722 2,415,859 1932 19 1,651,753 923,281 367,350 323 131 454 1,892,414 1933 20 1 1,395,736 630,281 1 1 812 2,868,870 1934 21 2,473,176 1,787,269 772,249 632 327 959 3,557,454 1935 18 1 1,479,708 749,628 1 1 848 3,473,758 1936 18 930,856 2,395,973 855,587 598 331 929 4,300,241 1937 21 1 3,467,551 1,159,972 1 1 1,242 6,296,735 1938 23 2,678,653 3,511,642 1,170,537 Milford 834 514 1,348 6,169,226 1920 40 3,671,277 6,512,110 2,087,954 1,254 492 1,746 10,869,129 1921 34 1 2,773,459 1,439,020 1 1 1,353 5,471,341 1922 32 4,393,705 3,453,698 1,800,835 1,052 506 1,558 6,330,460 1923 32 1 4,397,422 2,408,059 1 I 1,918 8,443,725 1924 31 5,091,218 3,536,794 2,249,725 1,263 528 1,791 7,774,162 1925 31 1 3,907,891 2,132,613 1 1 1,664 7,844,387 1926 29 5,256,421 3,921,319 2,385,532 1,372 417 1,789 8,090,702 1927 29 1 3,119,910 1,467,594 1 1 1,173 6,497,535 1928 27 4,217,278 3,020,602 1,607,163 823 481 1,304 5,849,627 1929 26 1 3,704,715 1,770,948 I 1 1,554 6,455,574 1930 28 3,791,659 2,658,957 1,462,868 721 532 1,253 5,114,667 1931 29 1 2,158,667 991,832 1 1 1,049 3,895,014 1932 29 3,005,122 1,713,355 770,470 506 391 897 3,142,549 1933 23 1 2,156,581 706,291 1 1 926 3,448,844 1934 21 1,808,692 2,184,931 797,509 550 316 866 3,741,752 1935 26 1 2,947,967 1,099,905 1 1 1,266 5,105,755 1936 29 2,140,332 3,713,064 1,477,157 928 736 1,664 6,394,707 1937 28 1 4,175,236 1,612,325 1 1 1,833 6,670,695 1938 28 2,542,590 2,825,554 1,379,784 Millbury 812 803 1,615 5,077,797 1920 26 6,218,714 5,319,968 1,535,487 892 385 1,277 8,757,554 1921 23 1 2,560,023 988,755 1 1 937 4,536,405 1922 25 6,018,915 3,534,760 1,218,083 879 371 1,250 6,532,234 1923 26 1 5,058,344 1,328,041 1 1 1,304 7,904,922 1924 26 6,740,872 3,944,130 1,396,170 866 342 1,208 6,754,229 1925 23 1 4,435,751 1,548,248 1 1 1,222 7,091,071 1926 26 5,684,378 3,829,495 1,377,622 846 306 1,152 6,331,450 1927 24 1 3,655,027 1,333,434 I 1 1.043 6,101,552 1928 26 6,492,993 4,161,586 1,570,196 916 270 1,186 6,855,713 1929 22 1 4,239,819 1,576,237 1 1 1,163 7,790,403 1930 22 5,788,946 3,356,816 1,194,565 817 259 1,076 5,738,792 1931 21 1 2,387,606 1,121,291 1 1 973 5,178,848 1932 20 4,552,678 1,723,142 810,699 588 173 761 3,149,299 1933 20 1 2,028,534 797,720 1 1 827 3,993,053 1934 21 3,917,916 2,638,402 961,884 844 164 1,008 5,018,760 1935 24 1 4,178,038 1,465,752 1 1 1,423 7,356,152 1936 24 4,110,741 4,400,346 1,645,596 1,147 276 1,423 7,931,031 1937 24 1 4,797,593 1,734,996 1 1 1,443 8,144,758 1938 22 4,266,785 2,380,033 1,236,886 957 183 1,140 4,992,921 I Not called for on the questionnaire. 1 i P.D. 36 Table 4. — Principal Data Relative to Manufactures in Massachusetts, 1920-1938, Inclusive, for Forty-Three Leading Towns — Continued 41 Value of Amount of Number Capital Stock Wages Avebage Number of Value of Years of Es- Invested and Paid Wage-Eaeners Employed Products tablish- ments J.VL a, L G ri a IS Used i-^urmg — the Year Males Females Totals Montague 1920 20 $6,340,472 $4,359,907 $1,875,344 951 486 1,437 $8,447,532 1921 17 1 2,742,915 1,202,331 1 1 1,152 4,899,508 1922 18 7,320,836 3,222,268 1,383,623 822 448 1,270 6,140,499 1923 19 1 3,450,788 1,611,800 1 1 1,362 6,917,519 1924 18 7,172,046 3,344,887 1,644,117 922 434 1,356 6,510,434 1925 19 1 3,712,082 1,696,102 1 1 1,371 7,087,403 1926 18 7,274,411 3,488,039 1,735,880 1,023 434 1,457 6,956,906 1927 20 : 3,637,583 1,788,105 1 1 1,471 7,352,067 1928 20 7,027,455 3,859,045 1,815,516 1,065 462 1,527 7,482,743 1929 20 1 3,538,647 1,808,014 1 1 1,454 7,435,751 1930 19 6,666,486 2,967,063 1,589,708 929 394 1,323 6,070,186 1931 17 1 2,088,510 1,307,187 1 1 1,268 5,037,071 1932 15 5,465,625 1,501,373 1,026,147 712 328 1,040 3,352,281 1933 13 1 1,211,124 817,039 1 1 1,005 3,087,520 1934 13 4,907,662 1,141,531 829,152 677 314 991 2,757,070 1935 14 1 1,046,565 830,583 1 1 894 2,465,892 1936 13 4,644,385 1,174,979 965,644 681 327 1,008 3,060,118 1937 15 1 1,467,420 951,431 1 1 923 2,776,306 1938 14 3,952,705 977,879 761,297 Natick 549 227 776 2,402,072 1920 35 5,359,712 5,685,857 1,896,419 1,219 349 1,568 9,210,662 1921 36 I 3,013,128 997,930 1 1 912 4,674,840 1922 40 2,921,104 3,635,839 1,165,688 776 386 1,162 5,700,332 1923 34 1 3,126,791 1,075,064 1 1 975 4,942,370 1924 35 3,910,774 3,157,892 950,795 584 277 861 4,943,299 1925 28 I 2,181,846 754,297 1 1 660 3,826,547 1926 27 2,739,209 3,074,603 934,728 550 238 788 5,003,737 1927 31 1 2,763,944 965,361 1 1 844 4,775,899 1928 31 2,860,335 2,927,072 927,736 559 283 842 4,938,326 1929 33 1 2,577,458 875,616 1 1 774 4,826,584 1930 30 1,913,569 2,405,718 772,444 456 238 694 3,992,755 1931 29 1 1,657,135 617,044 1 1 535 3,211,771 1932 23 1,595,082 1,166,897 440,286 312 104 416 2,120,754 1933 19 X 1,314,699 466,172 1 1 441 2,390,603 1934 18 1,529,702 1,479,860 536,247 366 114 480 2,692,074 1935 21 1 1,600,669 623,637 1 1 581 3,032,561 1936 20 1,560,504 2,080,526 825,427 551 201 752 3,821,781 1937 22 1 2,129,763 848,216 1 1 817 4,252,117 1938 23 1,709,822 2,089,217 902,948 North Andover 520 213 733 3,830,215 1920 8 6,674,870 4,832,198 2,376,814 1,611 237 1,848 10,372,327 1921 7 1 2,421,069 1,627,717 1 1 1,348 5,295,807 1922 8 7,222,389 2,993,412 1,977,714 1,386 248 1,634 6,230,425 1923 7 1 4,414,764 2,492,800 1 1 1,781 8,356,165 1924 8 9,546,863 5,113,780 2,423,675 1,382 357 1,739 8,466,807 1925 8 1 3,844,654 1,847,634 1 1 1,502 6,844,828 1926 9 8,777,513 4,117,817 1,900,172 1,206 324 1,530 7,897,802 1927 10 1 4,265,131 1,815,238 1 1 1,470 7,322,416 1928 9 8,346,634 3,620,752 1,719,565 1,080 259 1,339 6,200,304 1929 8 1 3,512,525 1,552,990 1 1 1,304 5,951,894 1930 7 7,971,096 1,926,381 1,318,520 878 205 1,083 3,762,642 1931 8 1 1,758,411 1,173,112 1 1 1,048 3,278,460 1932 7 6,241,567 778,839 696,396 637 137 774 1,616,910 1933 6 1 1,626,406 996,400 1 1 1,056 3,401,820 1934 6 5,838,044 2,022,219 1,177,272 994 221 1,215 3,949,727 1935 7 1 2,493,355 1,277,371 1 1 1,274 4,428,134 1936 8 5,942,451 2,516,013 1,387,198 1,059 235 1,294 4,652,451 1937 9 1 2,061,698 1,266,223 I 1 1,183 3,998,250 1938 10 4,584,612 1,885,139 1,074,165 866 263 1,129 3,531,270 1 Not called for on the questionnaire. 42 P.D. 36 Table 4. — Pbincipal Data Relative to Manufactures in Massachusetts, 1920-1938, Inclusive, for Forty-Three Leading Towns — Continued Value of Amount of Number Capital Stock Wages Avbkage Numbei OF Value of Years of Es- Invested and Paid Wage- Earners Employed Products tablish- Materials During - ments Used the Year Males Females Totals North Attleborough 1920 67 $8,138,877 $4,941,839 $3,432,595 1,848 836 2,684 $11,346,661 1921 65 1 2,426,462 2,066,358 1 1 1,856 6,992,302 1922 74 7,536,614 2,947,677 2,305,918 1,413 528 1,941 7,451,867 1923 71 1 3,273,489 2,592,604 1 I 2,043 8,773,026 1924 75 6,910,650 3,155,699 2,670,853 1,566 602 2,168 8,727,433 1925 72 1 3,876,033 2,691,804 1 1 2,128 9,405,548 1926 70 7,797,152 3,975,867 3,007,242 1,618 638 2,256 10,721,915 1927 69 1 4,470,219 3,064,723 1 1 2,394 11,892,477 1928 69 8,722,344 4,077,470 3,277,083 1,714 699 2,413 10,908,957 1929 63 1 3,921,616 3,245,504 1 1 2,608 11,113,003 1930 64 7,778,728 3,249,783 2,755,758 1,613 602 2,215 9,025,481 1931 58 1 2,069,120 1,946,294 1 1 1,813 5,937,516 1932 55 5,425,782 1,469,904 1,431,118 1,059 394 1,453 4,153,789 1933 52 1 1,333,514 1,319,989 1 1 1,468 4,162,194 1934 58 5,314,656 1,668,306 1,666,407 1,226 488 1,714 5,138,046 1935 58 1 2,642,183 1,871,971 1 1 1,867 6,024.234 1936 59 4,319,488 2,033,586 1,705,796 1,330 548 1,878 5,938,134 1937 61 1 3,085,100 2,076,323 1 1 2,034 7,542,009 1938 60 5,781,058 2,956,735 1,926,287 Northbridge 1,324 678 2,002 6,894,644 1920 12 17,437,578 7,569,686 6,275,299 3,696 751 4,347 17,996,019 1921 10 1 5,150,969 5,397,167 1 1 4,424 14,690,402 1922 10 19,781,398 4,479,334 4,268,648 3,360 644 4,004 14,269,297 1923 11 1 6,422,972 4,568,689 1 I 4,017 16,191,308 1924 9 17,425,149 3,134,330 3,901,206 2,900 452 3,352 11,146,089 1925 9 I 4,650,995 3,867,904 1 1 3,249 10,825,078 1926 9 17,079,183 4,124,930 3,604,744 2,652 466 3,118 9,723,115 1927 8 1 4,511,160 3,672,705 1 1 3,041 10,784,984 1928 8 14,163,212 4,257,864 3,392,706 2,454 491 2,945 10,273,918 1929 8 1 4,230,656 3,636,063 1 1 3,049 10,086,680 1930 8 13,018,267 2,698,622 2,625,896 2,124 474 2,598 7,723,264 1931 8 I 3,182,672 2,704,514 1 1 2,567 7,407,622 1932 8 11,979,961 2,317,560 1,764,362 1,762 320 2,082 5,119,831 1933 8 1 3,831,458 2,614,064 1 I 2,958 7,547,342 1934 8 13,372,464 3,637,980 3,312,816 2,943 562 3,505 9,203,098 1935 8 1 4,448,285 3,114,322 1 1 3,121 8,666,013 1936 8 13,162,288 4,583,050 4,393,885 3,228 533 3,761 10,406,832 1937 2 — — — — — - — — 1938 2 Norwood 1920 23 15,927,664 15,913,151 4,729,964 2,620 581 3,201 26,323,180 1921 19 1 8,110,310 3,123,941 1 1 2,257 14,658,891 1922 22 14,118,782 8,324,600 3,347,104 2,109 469 2,578 18,027,578 1923 19 1 11,113,913 3,528,234 1 1 2,740 21,522,248 1924 21 16,715,191 12,009,941 3,953,055 2,249 495 2,744 24,654,542 1925 20 1 12,917,218 3,949,879 1 I 2,742 25,838,046 1926 24 20,107,870 11,241,601 3,975,686 2,159 507 2,666 24,818,490 1927 24 1 11,475,359 4,048,168 1 1 2,753 25,261,803 1928 25 22,653,042 10,798,438 3,873,833 2,129 422 2,551 23,239,880 1929 25 1 11,036,871 4,069,549 1 1 2,653 23,524,420 1930 23 17,429,154 8,092,559 3,531,684 1,927 469 2,396 18,196,125 1931 21 1 6,836,864 3,105,748 1 1 2,217 15,729,590 1932 24 13,425,660 4,640,084 2,521,965 1,664 369 2,033 11,323,670 1933 21 1 5,655,713 2,373,502 1 1 2,181 13,113,464 1934 20 14,443,424 6,951,688 2i926,028 2,091 393 2,484 15,593,639 1935 23 1 7,745,382 3,456,790 1 1 2,741 16,781,754 1936 24 14,213,878 9,698,843 3,993,731 2,495 443 2,938 21,135,727 1937 25 1 11,075,030 4,230,301 1 1 3,015 20,157,590 1938 25 14,409,031 8,798,410 3,734,866 2,304 399 2,703 17,902,900 ' Not called for on the questionnaire. 2 Data cannot be shown. P.D. 36 Table 4. — Pbincipal Data Relative to Manufactuees in Massachusetts, 1920-1938, Inclusive, for Forty-Three Leading Towns — Continued 43 Value of Amount of Number Capita] Stock Wages Average Number OF Value of Years of Es- Invested and Paid Wage-; Earners Employed Products tablish- ments Materials Used i_/urmg — the Year Males Females Totals Palmer 1920 26 $15,849,823 $10,313,108 $4,088,657 2,187 847 3,034 $17,027,815 1921 26 1 4,023,054 2,663,303 1 1 2,767 8,506,462 1922 27 18,195,686 5,515,302 2,954,178 2,045 907 2,952 11,425,656 1923 25 1 6,992,540 3,688,690 1 1 3,095 13,505,167 1924 23 13,001,969 5,849,851 2,937,685 1,839 760 2,599 10,872,632 1925 23 1 6,278,429 3,122,218 1 1 2,689 11,794,495 1926 18 10,659,125 5,004,618 2,914,737 1,712 673 2,385 10,307,674 1927 21 1 4,212,719 2,390,900 1 1 2,241 8,094,551 1928 21 9,594,766 4,614,426 2,602,063 1,601 600 2,201 10,121,776 1929 19 1 4,990,103 2,604,381 1 1 2,155 11,675,379 1930 18 9,501,995 3,310,588 1,877,323 1,423 422 1,845 7,113,474 1931 17 1 2,085,813 1,449,664 1 1 1,620 5,747,174 1932 17 5,716,187 1,293,695 901,482 1,026 285 1,311 3,211,589 1933 16 1 1,744,981 1,181,085 1 1 1,532 4,563,415 1934 15 7,614,233 2,169,479 1,325,716 1,222 457 1,679 4,800,217 1935 19 1 2,823,991 1,435,150 1 1 1,722 5,960,823 1936 19 6,240,249 1,813,662 1,064,741 870 147 1,017 4,863,347 1937 19 1 1,721,974 1,452,614 1 1 1,369 6,243,409 1938 19 6,332,761 1,627,930 932,276 Plymouth 844 122 966 3,961,355 1920 25 24,179,560 18,327,745 3,888,726 2,413 659 3,072 28,128,873 1921 23 1 13,256,254 3,404,420 1 1 2,972 22,453,724 1922 23 21,076,189 9,034,919 2,439,983 1,759 440 2,199 13,231,887 1923 23 1 11,085,764 3,030,463 1 1 2,588 19,154,206 1924 22 21,043,871 11,489,541 3,205,977 2,074 540 2,614 18,053,185 1925 24 1 13,090,290 2,946,832 1 1 2,441 19,377,900 1926 27 23,979,706 15,611,655 3,392,025 2,201 633 2,834 24,323,482 1927 24 1 14,838,935 3,342,424 1 1 2,766 22,756,907 1928 20 17,134,633 12,103,128 2,948,907 1,988 489 2,477 19,012,518 1929 19 1 10,677,527 2,609,907 1 1 2,231 18,316,613 1930 16 17,011,121 8,796,087 2,115,718 1,441 362 1,803 15,221,068 1931 17 1 5,257,460 1,646,110 1 1 1,521 9,220,167 1932 15 11,100,620 2,658,805 1,106,558 1,059 179 1,238 5,521,208 1933 16 1 3,050,047 1,206,502 1 1 1,369 6,504,987 1934 16 12,173,170 3,187,910 1,239,273 1,031 235 1,266 7,273,929 1935 16 1 3,448,343 1,331,320 1 1 1,332 6,792,599 1936 16 14,004,773 4,716,748 1,524,254 1,116 317 1,433 9,725,735 1937 16 1 5,894,951 1,669,034 1 1 1,436 10,420,263 1938 21 14,107,795 5,749,043 1,645,659 Rockland 1,107 340 1,447 9,289,543 1920 18 6,669,479 11,598,718 2,758,248 1,510 754 2,264 17,214,496 1921 16 I 6,912,434 2,992,217 1 1 2,243 12,507,799 1922 14 6,479,051 5,437,988 2,581,843 1,427 749 2,176 10,273,858 1923 16 1 7,331,568 2,886,232 1 1 2,352 12,259,403 1924 18 3,485,691 4,318,043 2,070,516 1,152 586 1,738 8,112,993 1925 18 1 4,975,694 1,955,527 1 1 1,583 8,380,974 1926 21 3,716,096 4,811,639 1,871,963 1,027 538 1,565 8,089,839 1927 21 1 5,058,169 1,764,095 1 1 1,539 8,619,954 1928 21 3,955,373 3,845,246 1,393,089 735 485 1.220 7.060,217 1929 21 1 4,032,045 1,486,881 1 1 1,226 7,428,590 1930 19 3,122,178 3,054,890 1,252,225 693 416 1,109 5,630,649 1931 17 I 1,405,423 633,344 1 1 622 2,472,133 1932 19 2,679,204 962,678 491,981 330 204 534 2,267,498 1933 13 1 1,823,521 852,163 I 1 1,105 3,710,911 1934 16 2,776,704 2,103,327 898,544 607 464 1,071 4,088,429 1935 13 1 2,182,496 984,934 1 1 1,062 4,245,607 1936 13 2,541,520 2,313,650 1,046,210 640 473 1,113 4,695,858 1937 11 1 2,335,126 750,969 1 1 802 4,098,046 1938 12 1.962,138 1,660,012 700,552 487 262 749 3,162,850 1 Not called for on the questionnaire. P.D. 36 Table 4. — Principal Data Relative to Manufactures in Massachusetts, 1920-1938, Inclusive, for Forty-Three Leading Towns — Continued Value of Amount of Number Capital Stock Wages Average Number or Value of Years of Es- Invested and Paid Wage-Earners Employed Products tablish- ments Materials Used XJUrilig — the Year Males Females Totals Southbridge 1920 34 $16,831,086 $9,216,585 $6,503,263 3,529 2,017 5,546 $20,896,718 1921 38 1 4,382,733 4,395,183 1 1 4,251 12,073,446 1922 37 23,043,403 4,661,160 4,251,436 2,779 1,564 4,343 14,805,015 1923 37 I 7,154,259 5,463,688 1 1 4,970 20,293,316 1924 37 22,218,067 6,878,298 4,772,209 3,036 1,361 4,397 15,377,972 1925 39 1 6,322,338 4,392,381 1 1 3,949 15,374,729 1926 36 21,139,888 5,680,890 4,369,952 3,028 1,433 4,461 15,813,744 1927 34 1 5,154,762 4,253,131 1 I 3,841 17,225,147 1928 31 19,450,625 5,763,747 4,113,235 2,766 1,062 3,828 19,128,978 1929 27 1 6,955,261 4,511,116 1 1 3,788 17,522,393 1930 30 18,724,898 5,369,449 3,729,625 2,334 1,007 3,341 13,997,595 1931 27 1 5,042,458 3,865,046 1 1 3,432 13,595,207 1932 27 14,141,677 3,871,651 3,029,878 2,160 920 3,080 10,800,819 1933 28 1 5,205,807 3,858,403 1 1 3,914 13,927,837 1934 26 18,680,727 5,304,728 4,453,882 3,093 1,377 4,470 14,247,389 1935 26 1 5,272,312 4,563,059 1 1 4,278 13,221,000 1936 30 17,968,010 6,700,674 5,418,536 3,238 1,619 4,857 18,112,280 1937 29 1 7,662,436 6,616,971 1 1 5,589 21,189,726 1938 30 19,142,740 6,183,414 5,455,112 Spencer 3,319 1,627 4,946 16,982,491 1920 14 2,982,185 4,070,712 1,208,069 806 300 1,106 5,926,327 1921 19 1 2,253,006 851,971 1 1 924 3,864,427 1922 17 3,587,838 2,473,325 1,183,494 897 399 1,296 4,484,854 1923 18 1 2,299,474 1,415,528 1 1 1,385 4,703,615 1924 17 3,726,919 2,505,937 1,301,755 949 383 1,332 4,865,920 1925 19 1 3,339,369 1,485,602 1 1 1,349 6,038,938 1926 17 3,706,539 3,395,415 1,582,239 981 433 1,414 6,292,279 1927 17 1 3,400,675 1,374,630 1 1 1,318 6,149,244 1928 17 3,080,571 3,496,318 1,402,997 843 410 1,253 5,969,680 1929 14 1 3,711,744 1,421,813 1 1 1,292 5,919,336 1930 14 2,905,621 3,356,202 1,266,349 829 449 1,278 5,296,972 1931 14 1 3,026,423 1,241,035 1 1 1,289 5,136,599 1932 14 1,607,728 2,188,340 994,582 637 361 998 3,898,412 1933 12 1 2,910,253 1,116,957 I 1 1,384 4,844,433 1934 11 1,901,174 2,989,003 1,209,481 891 525 1,416 5,283,710 1935 12 1 3,452,429 1,487,534 1 1 1,488 5,832,084 1936 11 1,718,346 3,683,306 1,548,215 1,058 597 1,655 6,099,849 1937 12 I 3,771,994 1,545,025 1 1 1,762 6,412,231 1938 2 Stoughton 1920 27 5,467,280 5,934,716 1,798,284 993 493 1,486 10,028,749 1921 29 1 4,282,324 1,482,851 1 1 1,382 7,336,271 1922 30 4,241,141 4,066,362 1,632,647 1,007 474 1,481 7,696,156 1923 28 I 5,404,844 2,159,651 1 1 1,723 9,914,443 1924 24 3,998,966 3,810,660 1,567,827 904 450 1,354 7,375,952 1925 24 1 4,950,245 1,634,267 1 1 1,355 8,561,916 1926 27 4,254,486 5,068,168 1,685,358 855 471 1,326 9,254,652 1927 26 1 4,990,740 1,697,870 I 1 1,367 9,016,377 1928 26 4,370,571 5,149,505 1,830,231 918 542 1,460 8,984,064 1929 29 1 5,058,410 1,785,721 1 1 1,518 9,569,626 1930 26 3,121,916 3,870,857 1,469,498 805 463 1,268 7,489,007 1931 24 1 3,356,973 1,187,931 1 1 1,076 5,961,850 1932 24 3,626,121 2,752,858 1,062,761 718 457 1,175 5,498,475 1933 23 1 3,208,112 1,076,604 1 1 1,285 5,984,908 1934 22 3,525,874 3,035,315 1,202,379 850 493 1,343 5,754,423 1935 24 1 2,989,866 1,327,234 1 1 1,460 5,874.789 1936 23 3,470,140 3,524,828 1,560,072 1,026 545 1,571 6,652,613 1937 23 1 3,875,241 1,664,492 1 1 1,637 7,644,944 1938 27 4,275,773 3,907,566 1,718,682 1,099 588 1,687 7,621,467 1 Not called for on the questionnaire. 2 Data cannot be shown. P.D. 36 Table 4. — Principal Data Relative to Manufactures in Massachusetts, 1920-1938, Inclusive, for Forty-Three Leading Towns — Continued 45 Value of Amount of Number Capital Stock Wages Average Number OF Value of Years of Es- Invested and Paid Wage-Earners Employed Products tablish- ments Materials Used j-'uniig — the Year Males Females Totals Wakefield 1920 24 $8,663,283 $6,391,356 $2,352,965 1,266 860 2,126 $11,101,821 1921 22 1 3,603,372 1,713,455 1 1 1,783 7,211,962 1922 23 8,599,822 4,834,363 2,073,908 1,286 847 2,133 8,612,845 1923 26 1 5,397,674 2,005,878 1 1 1,818 10,163,807 1924 26 9,040,345 4,738,830 2,304,169 1,190 763 1,953 10,590,311 1925 24 1 5,379,431 2,060,392 1 1 1,787 9,219,844 1926 26 8,848,501 4,139,347 2,011,873 1,057 713 1,770 8,430,700 1927 26 1 4,467,877 1,583,011 1 1 1,541 7,945,275 1928 27 7,334,485 3,644,556 1,693,452 879 599 1,478 6,978,492 1929 25 1 3,589,731 1,678,024 1 1 1,469 7,218,640 1930 28 7,214,290 2,806,894 1,546,161 783 551 1,334 6,251,107 1931 32 1 1,791,714 980,453 1 1 1,080 3,840,279 1932 29 4,852,689 757,373 483,146 298 284 582 1,758,788 1933 30 1 1,275,748 658,817 I 1 932 2,836,012 1934 33 4,253,935 1,414,508 845,019 468 517 985 3,058,484 1935 36 1 1,597,034 841,237 1 I 1,022 3,379,578 1936 37 2,402,364 1,741,363 1,031,332 599 546 1,145 3,590,575 1937 36 1 1,828,752 1,006,675 I 1 1,113 3,853,725 1938 36 2,443,822 1,514,928 869,361 Walpole 568 439 1,007 3,350,511 1920 12 9,936,452 12,538,092 2,446,149 1,492 207 1,699 18,496,789 1921 13 1 6,422,465 1,280,754 1 1 1,050 10,089,317 1922 15 10,331,538 9,746,831 1,823,941 1,298 180 1,478 13,647,120 1923 14 1 10,237,786 2,012,703 1 1 1,572 16,496,732 1924 14 12,656,371 10,482,726 2,355,888 1,424 191 1,615 16,981,010 1925 15 1 10,930,167 2,357,393 1 1 1,715 19,979,505 1926 17 11,728,355 12,757,187 2,648,186 1,649 250 1,899 20,545,394 1927 16 1 14,199,327 2,677,884 1 1 1,833 23,349,188 1928 14 14,494,295 12,334,914 2,475,527 1,544 214 1,758 22,489,475 1929 14 1 15,241,566 2,683,070 1 1 1,875 24,984,426 1930 13 12,625,312 11,612,689 2,141,366 1,373 192 1,665 17,909,929 1931 13 1 10,108,806 1,755,939 1 I 1,326 15,410,793 1932 12 9,457,653 7,732,085 1,487,087 992 134 1,126 11,430,937 1933 13 1 9,333,089 1,561,486 1 1 1,496 14,029,044 1934 12 10,132,036 8,640,938 1,705,450 1,360 180 1,540 13,142,820 1935 12 1 9,757,992 1,932,048 1 1 1,580 15,019,433 1936 11 9,257,442 10,534,814 1,915,273 1,322 178 1,500 14,861,154 1937 12 1 11,492,050 2,286,100 1 1 1,594 16,302,919 1938 11 8,793,228 7,890,819 1,777,829 Ware 1,212 172 1,384 12,420,982 1920 16 5,513,117 5,698,493 2,500,808 1,161 1,096 2,257 10,727,822 1921 15 1 3,502,188 1,832,436 1 1 2,263 5,604,876 1922 15 4,925,517 2,296,718 1,531,176 864 659 1,523 4,917,542 1923 17 1 3,950,267 2,263,353 1 1 2,336 7,363,232 1924 16 7,010,392 3,979,729 2,097,384 1,017 797 1,814 6,905,940 1925 17 1 3,506,391 1,683,445 1 1 1,969 5,903,353 1926 14 6,370,259 3,009,297 1,583,599 959 755 1,714 5,831,325 1927 17 1 3,344,266 1,703,381 I 1 1,893 6,725,766 1928 17 6,650,262 3,455,482 1,460,065 973 653 1,626 6,337,862 1929 16 1 3,003,648 1,129,081 1 1 1,263 5,827,339 1930 17 5,924,524 2,601,218 1,115,440 729 499 1,228 4,503,006 1931 16 1 1,707,836 884,124 1 1 1,068 3,403,416 1932 15 4.409,029 1,283,730 690,319 516 379 895 2,661,558 1933 15 1 1,605,509 757,526 1 1 1,041 3,274,754 1934 14 4,187,769 2,601,629 995,180 750 556 1,306 4,436,789 1935 16 1 2,949,002 1,018,357 1 1 1,285 4,791,661 1936 16 4,761,986 3,669,909 1,247,297 801 684 1,485 6,397,663 1937 13 1 3,414,983 818,159 1 1 878 5,877,245 1938 15 2,170,987 2,655,815 886,061 589 493 1,082 4,875,875 1 Not called for on the questionnaire. 46 P.D. 36 Table 4. — Principal Data Relative to Manufactures in Massachusetts, 1920-1938, Inclusive, for Forty-Three Leading Towns — Continued Value of Amount of Number Capital Stock Wages AVEHAGE NUMBEB OF Value of Years of Es- Invested and Paid Wage-Eabneks Employed Products tablish- ments Materials Used the Year Males Females Totals Watertown 1920 25 $30,906,564 $23,181,278 $12,978,223 6,094 3,048 9,142 $56,663,659 1921 21 1 13,761,633 6,421,632 X 1 6,360 36,660,471 1922 26 26,759,379 11,970,880 6,885,758 4,693 2,370 7,063 37,661,096 1923 26 1 16,578,951 9,998,852 1 1 7,751 42,085,503 1924 27 29,492,909 13,765,055 7,190,978 4,888 1,544 6,432 29,687,127 1925 30 1 22,011,529 10,271,271 1 1 7,728 57,549,671 1926 33 45,599,278 22,610,637 9,835,923 5,557 2,390 7,947 47,084,136 1927 38 1 21,122,068 10,932,166 1 1 7,631 51,717,823 1928 41 43,136,145 18,684,546 9,735,632 5,017 2,565 7,582 48,543,740 1929 40 1 15,381,386 9,364,001 1 1 7,199 33,771,465 1930 41 37,470,754 15,767,369 7,650,356 3,795 2,507 6,302 33,038,459 1931 45 1 6,532,510 6,047,668 1 1 5,393 20,437,924 1932 46 25,948,396 5,466,978 3,917,230 2,635 1,664 4,299 16,466,826 1933 46 I 6,347,957 4,478,267 1 1 4,589 16,843,952 1934 51 22,529,620 6,318,896 4,622,943 2,882 1,639 4,521 16,463,191 1935 50 1 9,664,994 5,233,628 1 1 4,849 22,820,164 1936 62 21,321,928 11,072,558 6,088,236 2,963 2,136 5,099 27,622,089 1937 53 1 12,003,765 6,653,920 1 1 5,409 27,784,458 1938 49 20.819,605 8,831,712 5,189,129 Webster 2,730 1,738 4,468 21,207,987 1920 21 10,605,514 15,822,398 3,405,965 2,152 1,057 3,209 23,272,298 1921 23 1 9.117,110 3,044,283 1 1 2,916 14,796,926 1922 22 11,277,484 9,015,646 3,036,173 1,988 1,004 2,992 14,842,172 1923 23 1 11,669,355 3,264,706 1 1 3,117 16,997,241 1924 21 11,963,674 8,761,806 3,021,898 1,909 788 2,697 12,751,624 1925 20 1 9,076,743 3,155,069 1 1 2,868 14,114,349 1926 20 9,759,919 7,738,316 2,949,200 1,836 920 2,756 12,127,347 1927 20 1 5,244,923 2,889,909 1 1 2,795 10,378,525 1928 20 10,627,095 5,031,258 2,803,896 1,737 814 2,551 9,644,496 1929 17 1 5,096,696 2,597,818 1 1 2,481 10,308,806 1930 20 12,613,772 4,860,923 2,856,350 1,729 828 2,557 9,686,372 1931 21 1 4,856,504 2,522,169 1 1 2,549 9,090,941 1932 20 8,669,642 4,276,270 1,763,297 1,480 743 2,223 6,777,600 1933 18 1 3,893,296 1,738,111 1 1 2,420 7,238,012 1934 18 7,114,442 3,757,720 2,178,974 1,774 864 2,638 7,252,681 1935 20 1 5,313,433 2,494,332 1 1 2,867 9,615,444 1936 20 7,425,037 5,397,513 2,710,126 2,190 1,029 3,219 9,934,590 1937 18 1 5,523,088 2,801,537 1 1 2,809 10,053,549 1938 19 7,371,257 4,380,599 2,558,724 West Springfield 1,835 959 2,794 8,487,527 1920 19 15,290,599 12,520,688 5,154,916 2,797 376 3,173 20,416,303 1921 16 1 7,125,892 3,627,151 1 1 2,690 13,951,986 1922 19 14,995,028 5,152,104 2,834,245 1,986 257 2,243 11,068,796 1923 21 1 7,682,483 4,300,225 1 1 2,909 17,417,966 1924 22 15,684,667 8,056,225 3,616,911 2,186 236 2,422 16,543,744 1925 21 1 9,812,485 4,470,765 1 X 2,880 18,334,920 1926 20 15,956,001 10,405,759 4.182,149 2,445 265 2,710 20,216,467 1927 20 1 8,167,937 3,567,835 1 1 2,434 15,964,435 1928 26 15,897,765 9,301,600 4,096,581 2,474 233 2,707 17,649,563 1929 27 I 9,391,276 5,187,510 1 I 3,325 20,931,716 1930 28 16,799,859 9,002,786 4,540,6fl8 2,636 233 2,869 17,275,714 1931 27 1 4,156,146 2,542,096 1 1 2,199 10,133,726 1932 26 14,269,333 3,444,522 1,707,913 1,323 206 1,529 6,897,497 1933 27 1 3,700,702 1,830,607 1 1 1,782 7,874,305 1934 28 14,714,543 4,475,784 2,233,952 1,907 189 2,096 9,822,435 1935 29 1 5,571,099 2,850,227 1 1 2,266 11,652,060 1936 25 13,323,347 6,801,740 3,322,201 2,407 215 2,622 13,993,801 1937 24 1 8,558,575 3,399,449 1 \ 2,505 17,239,854 1938 24 12,834,946 5,908,224 2,542,218 1,655 304 1,959 11,945,077 ' Not called for on the questionnaire. P.D. 36 Table 4. — Pbincipal Data Relative to Manufactures in Massachusetts, 1920-1938, Inclusive, for Forty-Three Leading Towns— Continued 47 Value of Amount of Number Capital Stock Wages Average Number OF Value of Years of Es- Invested and Paid Wage-: Earners Employed Products tabUsh- Materials During — ments Used the Year Males Females Totals Weymouth 1920 28 $11,713,054 $13,167,629 $2,716,349 1,452 638 2,090 $21,822,189 1921 24 1 8,933,905 2,313,945 1 1 1,969 18,384,504 1922 29 11,263,183 6,643,269 2,257,523 1,396 687 2,083 12,332,971 1923 25 1 6,831,682 2,341,397 1 1 2,100 13,398,279 1924 25 12,529,408 6,047,901 2,359,150 1,358 736 2,094 11,711,624 1925 27 1 5,484,586 2,184,056 1 1 1,924 11,059,848 1926 26 8,900,472 6,081,319 2,310,183 1,276 655 1,931 11,979,648 1927 27 1 6,513,568 2,397,192 1 1 1,986 12,603,101 1928 24 8,815,321 6,716,077 2,013,718 1,243 540 1,783 10,654,683 1929 22 1 5,290,702 1,938,669 1 1 1,635 10,280,293 1930 22 6,386,212 4,176,767 1,494,032 986 461 1,447 8,161,107 1931 18 1 3,316,831 1,248,046 1 1 1,174 6,563,205 1932 19 4,348,197 1,940,573 815,164 653 284 937 4,356,253 1933 19 1 1,808,574 718,960 I 1 766 3,749,373 1934 19 3,315,542 2,308,826 906,409 683 150 833 4,659,606 1935 22 1 2,576,565 1,045,714 1 1 951 4,988,635 1936 23 3,028,574 2,811,273 1,091,270 828 145 973 5,636,105 1937 24 1 3,042,814 1,157,006 1 1 968 5,742,489 1938 24 3,247,850 2,862,366 953,570 Whitman 678 151 829 5,190,581 1920 26 6,386,066 8,849,920 2,331,580 1,344 594 1,938 15,192,715 1921 23 1 4,822,252 2,265,705 1 1 1,893 8,335,721 1922 24 5,200,184 4,636,283 2,316,316 1,312 594 1,906 8,647,532 1923 24 1 5,567,146 2,490,949 1 1 2,041 10,447,001 1924 23 4,941,406 4,444,570 2,109,003 1,198 573 1,771 8,288,258 1925 24 1 3,921,864 2,029,585 1 1 1,618 7,495,388 1926 24 4,337,672 3,784,819 1,862,732 1,057 472 1,529 7,710,000 1927 24 1 4,269,178 1,835,813 1 1 1,418 8,393,944 1928 23 5,196,092 5,451,631 2,051,645 1,057 506 1,563 9,708,592 1929 22 1 5,718,279 2,146,295 1 1 1,651 12,882,500 1930 21 5,143,169 4,882,638 1,886,187 1,034 503 1,537 8,556,145 1931 19 1 4,302,426 1,804,063 1 1 1,507 7,962,800 1932 20 4,720,940 2,597,650 1,452,370 990 410 1,400 6,733,872 1933 19 I 2,834,765 1,390,722 1 1 1,412 5,418,540 1934 20 5,392,795 2,836,986 1,286,977 883 360 1,243 5,256,818 1935 20 1 3,386,342 1,443,179 I 1 1,380 5,876,156 1936 20 2,672,910 3,868,440 1,543,781 1,002 401 1,403 6,723,619 1937 20 1 4,187,487 1,619,971 1 1 1,467 7,166,643 1938 19 3,150,470 3,257,833 1,475,838 Winchendon 1,019 405 1,424 6,415,584 1920 21 6,491,998 3,645,687 1,560,227 1,165 344 1,509 6,174,482 1921 21 1 2,139,301 1,128,912 1 1 1,250 4,395,868 1922 20 6,152,239 2,694,159 1,209,541 941 480 1,421 5,222,831 1923 19 1 3,123,604 1,401,190 I 1 1,446 6,100,592 1924 18 5,675,142 2,570,274 1,369,940 1,070 385 1,455 5,059,943 1925 20 1 2,243,258 1,221,334 1 1 1,337 4,853,705 1926 20 5,186,902 1,991,601 1,304,863 981 316 1,297 4,868,649 1927 18 1 2,352,412 1,369,180 I 1 1,301 5,588,855 1928 18 5,365,799 2,513,561 1,339,063 969 344 1,313 5,655,449 1929 17 1 2,649,911 1,281,000 1 1 1,280 5,906,001 1930 17 5,172,704 1,782,397 1,178,854 882 301 1,183 4,338,330 1931 16 1 1,534,846 902,267 1 1 1,038 3,325,852 1932 16 3,759,745 1,151,389 726,293 695 222 917 2,318,069 1933 18 1 994,126 620,688 1 1 876 2,276,727 1934 17 3,828,550 1,257,353 768,631 758 202 960 2,478,736 1935 15 1 1,067,602 714,364 1 1 853 2,440,634 1936 16 3,428,624 1,269,334 885,078 765 147 912 2,860,828 1937 16 1 1,416,303 1,032,666 1 1 1,015 3.574,592 1938 15 3,069,662 866,276 747,342 685 135 820 2,232,582 1 Not called for on the questionnaire. 48 P.D. 36 Table 4. — Peincipal Data Relative to Manufactubes in Massachusetts, 1920-1938, Inclusive, for Forty-Three Leading Towns — Concluded Value of Amount of Number Capital Stock Wages Years of Es- Invested and Paid tablish- Materials During ments Used the Year Winchester 1920 15 $3,496,833 S4,752,284 $1,363,852 1921 13 1 3,100,884 1,110,842 1922 16 5,166,934 3,868,516 1,546,324 1923 15 1 2,960,256 1,399,531 1924 17 4,593,090 3,722,296 1,686,568 1925 19 1 3,916,167 1,583,670 1926 21 4,199,946 3,506,289 1,586,397 1927 20 1 4,303,619 1,452,236 1928 20 4,329,454 4,234,645 1,339,072 1929 19 1 3,120,532 1,039,817 1930 17 2,641,884 2,006,240 772,128 1931 17 1 1,584,127 815,088 1932 16 2,137,672 907,320 563,469 1933 17 1 1,282,656 546,771 1934 17 2,139,786 1,949,164 779,693 1935 14 1 2,164,535 761,906 1936 17 2,048,491 2,108,733 837,351 1937 16 1 3,202,400 938,619 1938 2 — — — — Average Number of Value of Wage-Earners Employed Products Males Females Totals 898 1 1,093 1 1,107 1 1,005 1 851 1 610 1 434 1 523 1 577 132 1 70 93 1 128 97 1 92 48 1 128 92 1,030 $7,705,228 876 6,442,336 1,163 7,618,866 1,044 6,255,498 1,200 7,224,900 1,139 7,153,170 1,133 6,605,736 1,059 7,994,943 948 7,328,926 794 5,361,130 602 3,435,665 628 2,966,428 482 1,969,027 541 2,318,648 651 3,149,603 652 3,400,361 669 3,694,413 755 5,241,087 1 Not called for on the questionnaire, s Data cannot be shown. 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O O *iT3TJ O O ^<3<;>hPh in«><>i ^H>H ao •<•<><>( o-t;H?H r)H>( ' a; 03 © . .a^ ^ «gg ij » 3 o o "O 2 c t, tH H 3 11 0) 01 2 '^"" ftft m" m" M M g 3 3 3 S ^TSXI o (3 P.D. 36 77 \r>aoot~ 1 00 00 o t>.-no tct£'-* t-Tt^" inio" ye00-* 1 fSOTft -HOI 1-1 ,727 ,691 36 o^fc:"'^" icm' rfTo) mio tCt-T »>O00i-i I vOOtO 1 ^ to CO >o >0_i-l ifit^OO woo-* oTto r)0(M 0-*U5 ■^'-•M C^OJ "*-^" Ifi'n »ooo woo QO>-iTtOi-i IftiO (NOOOJ-* >ecoo5cT-HO>00'-l ye-*t-U5 I ff>00(3>N I f^t^OO^Cq vO'OOO'^ OCOOOi tMCOM »oo>nco-H ^monin i 0'000<0'-i oO'-i'-l Ifil^iOlM ^ccmrH 5§!5 •oco_w -i inOO'HSO I vOtDCD' (Ni-i(Nt~(N \aoO-:t a, CD m I. . -^ c e 1- , -S c u. , ■^ C! 3 h „-5 C3 « g_aj goo ^ oj S 2 2 JJ O rt o o •O =3 B 2 2 5_a; goo •02322 g 01 g o o •O c3 3 2 2 d c m 0) 01 g «<" ftft C fl

"_ ft ft 5 « "*-_ ft ft d c CD aj a> 5 « '-^ ft ft H »ut ults ults ung ung 5 :i S :i :i I^ 3 3 3 3 ut 1 ults, ults, ung ung ^ »■ m" bo b£ g^'S 3 3 >ut ults ults ung ung but dults dults oung oung ^-a-o o o ^TSTJ o o •OtjTS O O ^-OT) O O Ai'd'O o o j-i-d-a o o S „.-t;<;>H>H ifiHtH vOH>H eo•<<5>^>^ o«>^>< (N-JJ-Oh^H ^n^>^ UJ fN (N «» «» «» «^ vt ««' a& P.D. 36 O^tNl^ vet-03 1 -hO^ I 1 \f^^^ 1 1 »^^-(^q -«0'-i fS.-< (NiM vOCO «« ■o I I ifiio I I I pcco I I I (nt^ "Hi-( vOOlt^ I I ^«C^3CC I I WlNrt I I 107 •>*I^O— I I OOTtlTfH I I OOOIN I I «5(M (NtJhOO (NOO'^ I aOTtejH I 1 I -ION : I I -(o;n I I 3U5U5 CM'* l-t f-t o a a: goo JS'S'S J! OQ 00 "3 6 g_© Moo T3 « 6 £ 2 fl C n I I O^MaitD>-l «5 inb-iOlM I C<(N I I I «5IMt-i I 1 «5C<5 I I I «i lO I I I ^5 -* I .-H I sOOOOO I I NO--i50t^(M «^coo5^^^ ooo^co ^0-^0003 JCO toOOt^tOi-l lr-( »>Ot^ I I 1 I I fC I I ■-KM vOOS(M-*i'-i fSUJOOr^lM NO I N I (y>00iCO5'-i l«Tt I (*MnTt'-H vOOO'^CO'-i (SOOCNOIM tN O OJ 00 I vn 05 03 -h CD fflCC-*' vO fS T-t iH l?5,-l(Nr-l OVTj( I »fitCt> I (M vO00(M'-lK5 v-W 4) a o _o 2. _a) pS Qffi ■ aj"^ aj"^ o'g. ■ ell's a)"3 aj'3 oj'd ffM •3S •« E "3 S 15 E .. ^E .. ^S .. "3 6 der$ll: ale male . rsons, m rsons, fe der$12: ale male . rsons, m rsons, fe r$13: ,le '. ns, m ns fe 2; . .E^ ale ma rso: rso: aj oj E £ £ uS. S o ° 4) ra E £ £ 5 aj 500 •0 S E ££ go 2 c ■0 g E £ £ r nder $8: Adults, m Adults, fe Young pe Young pe "0 3 1) ai a) ■O 3 aj a> aj £« p a) a; aj 2 '=^'- ftp, es^aa rj g « aj H j2 fl » 0) a) lUt u dults, dults, oung oung (Ut U dults, dults, oung oung lUt 1 ults, ults, ung ung .ut 1 ults, ults, ung ung .ut 1 ults ults, ung ung but 1 dults dults oung oung «-dT3 o o AJTSTI o o j-i-o-a 00 ^«>*>< o«><> ^(>^ (N«i;H>^ 2<<>^ ij ^ m a* «» P.D. 36 109 >O02O5 I 00 >OiC00M I ino-*"-! ^oco locoes ©oi-H o^Oi «co t«5(Ni-l «*W-i 0051-I '^'^. MIN *°° i-T (sof (sN »^'-*' (HKDOOCD r>icooiM I'-ooc^'-i >0 lO ©OOt-lC 1 S0.-1 OOOON 1 (N-00 1 JliMIN 1 1 1H1-1 ^O-H (SiC lfilNTt OtOlOt^lN 0^0-*>0 1 -HO0(Ni-l lficOiO-<*< 1 «t-® I 1 fCTftO .-< OOOrt focqcoco rtOCC aoot^ I>-*IM 31M ts to rs .-1 t>10rt MIN"-! >nio ^i t— I ao> Ttl-HO0-*rt O0W(MM I O^O500!N I C^OO.-l OOOrt W50TH5DN f*5"-(OiOt^ tN -III OS (M 1-1 •OlMOIN.-i >ooocq I (NoooTfi I ssio 1 r-i 1 >t^"-i T»i(M.-i seco ) 00 fC CO fS IN OOOCOi-H^ OvtJ(C000tJ( 0005N«OrH O^MOCO I O-ii-i oiNoo I I ©r~co I I i-HOcxjooio (Ncoioi^ro © (NiO Cs Tf sO-*05CO 1 >«ooi> 1 vOrHi-l(N vCiOOO'-i mcDcoi-i ooeotD aoioiM a>oo ■*(NIM ■*« ©ro 00 00 0000 10 >c M* ^rH rfcq «.-(■" (S00CO © rt a 00 C-) •^Jit^CCiM f CO t^iMCC-i ©t^!D riM'-"C (NC^iCOiO aiOr^ t» 0^03 (SIN "r-T (Sin" iHiH \norHO>ir> ioiooi>co aot>T)ioc^ o^00Ttx:i Ov ■*■<)< 00CO(N'-i 'tCO'-l (S-lr-l (SCi; ao ■ • B-^ © . . C.S (^ . . £^ .n . .g^ © . .Sii >fi . .£^ 4, K cr? W a, (B m <» a; CO m <« aj m m «<» a, m » *» a, M m der ale mall rson rson TS 2 H 2 E I, ^ C C IH -S S C U -S C 3 u , -S c C k. -r 3 C S «?- ■0 cj S 2 2 5_aj n •0 cj S E 2 Si2 EH ■d c3 3 £ 2 feii S "0 2 S 2 2 5^ 3 C "03322 5_a) rt •0 c! B 2 2 ge-^aa fl 3 tt) n 3 ^"*- aa fl 3 0; (D 0; 5 ^"" aa fl 3 a Ot)'5 c Ja-rJ'B ^7313 ^T3-6 C C ^73-5 •fl-a-tf c ,f<;<^>^>H in<>-i «o<;<1>H>i 00 -^-O^^^ ©<-j;>H>< f^<;-j'>>< tf)<<;>i>H ©-»;-<>< >K no p.D. se o o H 1-1 fe A Ph ^ g <| o « (3 O t— I pq <: 1 m X ^ H HH 02 El (H pq Q 12; 1— 1 H-l 1-3 h-l hJ O <1 I?; CC M 02 OQ ^ rt <1 p^ .^ I? >^ P5 <1 ^ f^ o I^ ^ i p^ P o H O OQ <) H 02 O 02 <^ oMco I I oot^.-i I I in>o 1 I I o^05 I 1 I OiO «CO aooo »o"5 fsco 0^03 I I I fscq SM35 I : I ©o I I I ff>03 loin oo COM! TjT-* %% o o -o-o ■3 '3 ftft %% 3 B 0) 0) (U -2 § S ■ ■ 0's OJ k! (U'3 o"3 "S s "3 a .. "3 8 "S S 1 1 i . .6^ in . .g^ © . .fi^ . .s^ MM 9 i< m ^ m m' m «> ai (B ro «i^ M OT to q; m CQ pt ^ der ale mall rson rson der ale mall rson rson der ale mall rson rson .^3 3 a> c3 o o 2 S (-. tH '3'3 2 3 3 3 3 C a (L> CD o fl c 3

Ut 1 ults, ults, ung ung ults, ults, ung ung •o ults, ults, ung ung J-a-0 o o 'l^-Q'C O O J-lTSTS O G R ■OtS o o lP,<1<;>^>^ ©<)<1>H>H «,H>H © «><>• « tr Ill o % HH M P H o < (i, P ^ -^ kpH ^ O -^ o <1 1 yA 6 fe 1 f^ 1 m O Ph ?; g <5 o K ft" o o S <1 O 9 o 15 < aT ixl W H HH 02 w B fH m 1—1 p g (J E •-5 o H « < w 1 o H ^ < 02 ^ P o K a m <1 H xn O 02 << '^ ^^ ^ 5 ►J M CC W S J^ S ^ g P o 1? 6h 1-H M m < ^ O I 1 I I I «rH I I I lft(M I C<5 I >OeOINi-l I M-*t» 1 1H n -H I r-l I I IfirtTjl I I fCM I I I Wi-l I I I fSi-HiH I 1 000005 I ^ «(Ntji i i loocOr-ir I I I I I « I 1 rH I Ifi^rt I CO fS I ^ 1 rH M CO M ■* 00 « ■* ■* N 00 -I I I I I I — I I --< I I I I I I lO-"-! I Tf : g<(NaiiM'H lllll «■-( I I I WCO III lllll WtJ<-*tJ(i-i 505ffliOrJ< lllll T^ I '-' I I fN I rtrt I lllll >e I I « IflCOt^COiM O I ^e-^ I >o I (Ncilll roc^|TjH o . ^ a_ 01 u <» a _o ■ (Li's ■ ■ el's ■ (U o! lU d 0) C3 2 ._..£.£ •• . .E^ - . .E^ (N . .E^ 2 . .E^ 2 . . E^ g « . . (11 m uT O^ Oj K m" *^ QJ CO CO •» 01 "o" " W Qj CO CO ««• aj " « ♦* 0, m m -Sec «» -2 C c «» .Sec I- „,-5 c c Im ,,•3 c c U -3 C C der ale mall rson rson — 3 m m ^^_« Moo 4» n E E S . a; cJ o o S-s 6 EE 5 a^ « o ■C n 3 E E o; rt o o "3 E E 2 5 (U ri C •d'S S E E C a) OJ 11; "0 C 11 =_— _ ft ft C 3 a) -_ ft ft a^ of m" tjj M 3 m" m" M M a m ^>^ o<<;>H>< w «»^ C2<-<><>H rr,-< ■<><>< S 00 o- w «» «» w w •» 112 P.D. o g S p H O -H 02 m 1— I HH P fe iJ 5 <^ ;?; m HH m to ^ Ph < H .^ 5 >^ ^ « ^ O H ^ < i f^ P o W o m ■< H m O ^ «t| <^ ^^ h5 ;z; HH g ^ 02 P ^ 1— 1 S ZO < iJ O h3 W moOOi-l I ^HiMOOi-H I f'5'X)t^ I I (NOJCC I I f<500 t-i | tN tC .-( | | ».0: I I I I 1> C^t>t~^Ttf t>i-H-* ■HHOtOCOO «OC<5 I lO Moiootoo •^inoTtHo 0^«DC^ I >-i IfitOO: Qooo 1 I 1 aooo I I I Tjli-HO "-I rti-H«l wiMrt I I ao-=i<-* I I so® I I I ^■-lOOCOiO (NCOOOOi-H OCTi'nTjHiM SOI>.-H I I o^ooeooo m^ Tt< I I >o.-no I I CO"-ii-i t>iOOIMO CO HH vOr-l-^ ^ toco-* I O MO50O0000 M i-H O "-I t^ rHCO « I5DCO00 vO-*C0C-J-* ■*^ I CO I XlCDrHrt I 00-*.-icO I WJiNrH I I >$(N^ I I W5C0 lfi>0 (StUtJI'* I ICHrH I I ^OCOrH | f<5O001>'M (N03(Mrt 1 «COTt<0 i rfOlNiM 1 OOfflr-Irt 1 WCO 1 1 1 «C0 1 1 1 W r-l (Nrt OOO i-i ©O «o 5^ MIN MIM iHrH t»l> •^Tj( mcOlM I I vOi-HCON I O^-*C0lM I 3 ' ' o3 ' (b3 ' ' m r3 g g S3 «3 gg S; 0)3 o o der ale mall rson rson S^ s § § U,9 •0 cs 3 £ £ ■0*322 •a 03 3 2 £ ■O cs 3 E £ •0 rt 3 £ £ "O s 3 £ £ h 1 c p "_ p. ft e 3 "_ p, ft a 3 0) (D C g « ><- ft ft « C 0)

g «^ ftft - c

^>H «5<<Hl>l se«>^>^ Xi«><>* s,«>^>^ H>l ir.«>^fH S (N «» P.D. 36 113 I t^t^ I I I noo I i I woo I I I 2J22 I I I «0 I I I OM31 I I I sOtD I I 1 ifiiO I I 1 C^05 i I I -Crt I I I so^ I I I 0000 I I I fscs I I 1 >eco I I WCO I I I t^iOlM I I M CO 1 I I OO 1 I I t^t^ I I I inio I I I inio 1 I I ifio I I I «co I I I irjio I I I I -r! I I 1 I I tNr~ I I «cc I I I «>os I I 3 . V a HB B£ iy Ji; ^ O O •a o c s £ C C CD ' a a " a S ^ 0^ a; S i i ♦^ C3 C3 .2 !S S Z£^ 114 P.D. 36 ^ I Q Ph ^ P < ^ H 02 S El (H 02 pq 1— 1 h^ |2< ij O ^ )-q 02 S 02 P O O P^ 1? S 1— 1 M CO Oi-l-* >at~t^ I IN OOINO I I OCCOOi-H I fS1>CC1 I •«1CTIN1 OOOtOlIN »H00C<5I 1 >Ol^l>|(N Ot^C^Irt WNi-l •^I-HM tNi-(lO OON'^tH r-< \OICt-i|| tN|t~l| Mrti-HII «■*!> ©COt> I I lfi«0"i5 I ■* «rtC<3 I ■* ■* I -^ I I SOrtlO I (M ■*l I O^OJl I ^rtT)(i-ioO ^NOICI fSIIIC^J lllll 0 00|0 (S«DCO'-iiM r-^;>^ •*<>< 01 03 "3 £ £.2 «r^ c £ £ ■o 2 S I- *-■ C fl OJ o; 0) 2 '^■" ftft g 3 3 3 3 P.D. 36 115 -*< OCOIN -HO)rH ■-< 2,057 2,037 19 1 TjKMo --I ocqt^ 'I'tvt^ i I «NO!< (N fS -qt CO (M 1 OD-^TOi-H 1 tsOlOO 1 1 K^cc 01Nt> \OI>00 mna> ao©-"! 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Sii « . .s^ a, (0 m *^ Qj 00 to" der ale mal( rson rson t. - -S 3 C U -S 3 C der ale mal( rson rson u. , -3 3 C w , -3 c e V- ,„'^ 3 C I. „,-5 3 3 g o I I I (SIN I 1 I asoi I I I f<5co I I I 0000 I I I inio I I I seoooo 1 1 ©ooiN I I (SOlN I (SIN" >J p eu QJ CD Q (D a ■ a) cs O "^ £ « E © . . S^ "fi . . g^ ^ Ttl ^ a; to K ^ . - -S c c Q g 0/ ce o o •O c3 S E £ •O 03 S £ £ §s^_S- «s^S.a c , , m" K' b£i tj] ^ , m m' U, M oi--:^ l^^ss fl3^SS fe ^ JS-0T5 O O xi-axi o o ©-<<;>^>i Oh ««■ <» +H ^ - S.2 ftO. 0) m S C oj £ 5 5 " ""_^ p, a _ m" m" M bj 53333 w'b'tJ o o o o 'S'S c a 03 C3 ff. IRt^OOII nCIMtJIII PCIfCI t~rt0C> (SIM!0|-t< (NC2?M|rH -HiOCCICC '*CO00lfO inMOO^I t»— iiOli-H I I I I 00.-HCOCS1N »ili-nO(MCO - lo sO —I o N CO f<5tO«D-*t^ -H| I I mcOCOrfilO CCrt"t-^t^coo ■* (M --H f*S r-lrtrt «3 si .. "^E rt £ ■■■■&£. - . .E^ ri . .£» « . o . . 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M N ■ooot^- -* p<5iocoo5cD rii^i^t^T-i wjictoiNi aoojini'-i i-icoxsl I IficOCO rt (Ni-hOS OiO-*< tNCDr-S OM>'-l CJ rH (Nrt (S>-< p<)co (NIM vOmrJflW* »N(M00lOilCi OO-Tft^m-* ^iOt~C»i-l02IC^ 000300 1'-' »N ^ "- (Si-H •H'-l ffJCO (SIM Nflp^OlM tNioI^COeo 000-*05iO Tj<0li0-*0 vOiOt^i-ioo (»^00Tt^ I 1-1 (sasco I I lllMO'-i'-i sOiMCC O-OOO \O00(D -hoOiM (^■^IM •nOS'H •H "-I — i rH I>H a; (u n 5 «•« ftft 3 - . ut ults ults ung ung Ut ults ults ung ung <-i2i2 3-5 -3 *lreT3 ^-dna •fi-dT3 »<>( M<^<;t>i>^ »n I I I »>00'-< I I 2;cti I I I -m-* I I I ^0(N I I PCM I I I «M 1 I I woo I I I 00 00 loio rt,-i — OOM I I tNl~ I I I ■*-* I I I tNt^ I I I ws^oj 1 nno 1 OOTff-* 1 -•o.-< 1 1 "mo 1 1 (NC5C0 OOt^-l «5C0 Ifjio •*Tt< 10-* enm aousco 1 I voo I I I «li-*< I I I aooo I I I r»i-* I 1 I oo I I I (NCD.-I10I »%M»HM| OCCO I I I O^03 I I I fCM I 1 I ■ (1> 03 ' ID'S ' Q> 03 0)13 .. -sa .. -3 a ■«a ■se jc . .B^ o . .6^ £ ■ -S^ o . .aii ■^ 5 i " 2; S_2 S o o "0 Ki S E E der $ ale male rsons, rsons, der$ ale male rsons, rsons a C a ih ii fls^a- C 3 OJ 4) oj 5 =^"" ao. C 3 ut ults ults ung ung lUt 1 ults, ults, ung ung cr, m M ho 3 3 3 3 3 •"TS-a o o *Jt)t3 o o •"■Oxi O o<<< lr)<;■^>^ o«^>* in •<<>-<>-( 0) C3 rta . .a^ -^ § 3 .. 03 O O SI'S a E E S; c oj a; (u 5 ■=_— _ a a £3333 «Jt3t3 O O in 3inio 2 aa .2 M M o « « ^ C 3 120 P.D. 36! m -i PQ 1— I g h3 E ^ o < H Ph g cc 02 m P3 P5 -< H W ^; >H « <; « 1 o fe H ^ O OQ -< ^ fe m fe U o W o 05 <^ H m O w Oi-irtc^>-i incDoo b«ooooco ®ro^(N.-i >T)"*OC0I^ W5IM11DCD03 OCOOOiO^ yOmcOOiC! f'lOlOOt^OO W05l^iOC Tf aoO"-Hco vocoio^cvi fCNi>iM '^coiax'-O iOTjHiocoi-i (N .-I rt Ttlr-HrH ^ a- ^1 icO'H oolt^iocc in-ti--rteo mt-MiM-rf t^TfcoON IfiTf I C"-l 1 1^ 00 IM (M Tj-n>. oot^cooot- ooot^oic^i icocDi-kn W5 »-l — I 05 --I W> C-l T tNCOtOOM T)<(NlOTtfiM Oi-irot^OO (N rt »» .- - — fSOOOOOt^. 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M . . rfi «*> ^, m m S 4j m m <« oi tT m «» (u 2 « v> aj ro K <« a ir. HtM in<(;<;>H>< >o<<<:>H>^ ao-< <;><>< 9«><>' f^«><>* CD W)CO -Moom I I -Hoocci I I «lClO 1 M-^ (scOCO ICO Da ii PS" 4) c3 "3 6 4^ 0) K m h » goo •Sis 6 £ E e.2 B£. ^ _if ^- M M ^TJ-a o o W5 •O 2 '^ I- •- fl g 4) 5 f^^--^ ft ft -- oT K be bO £3333 w^'tJ O O P.D. 3 i g i bC.O bC _3t3 3 123 »■ ©^00 I .-H if) T»< ij> ,-^ ^ OCOt^ I I OOOCOt^ ts lij (M tN CO (N ^ f^ t>lNiO oiooicoco mo-* ^M'-lThCD rococo --I aoooO'-ico yOO2-*oa>t^i-*'coai|C4 t»t^cocOTtH ■*i^cot»J^ sot^-ii-f';; in|(M|CO fSCOiOiTt* OfOOIt- MOCOiC^ otocoooo if) >n I CO I IN aoiMoo-Ht^ "^c^i-* i »o o^t^t^oio moc^t^o «-*oo3b- PC t "-1 00 ■-< "i< orHTtfino cciooioi'O »ho505cdi> ootot^oto fiooono rt Ttl -^ »fiT- ■* [cocooo "-I— iTti'N-* aot^iooit^ H t3 m Q ;z: 1— 1 to hJ o < ^ C/J rr w « « -< E^ ..W y^ ■^ rt w o to E^ ^ pc< t) n a o m H 1? ►J ^ ^ Q iz; to 1— t r/) r/J (N(M>oi ifii-oocvioo moini I ►fiOO'S' I CO -H0303 t^in^COOO t<.r^C5>CO MOCDCOCO OTtli-HCOlM t>J>l>(M^ t» O: l> i-l ?? ^ S '"' ' W^N «?gS 'tliMrt t^iOrH >aiOT-i tN?D 0000 O N (M 00i-lC^(M<^ ©vTficOtOO oOCiiOO-* b.C0tD!D(M lOt^05t^iOt^C0rt l«(NiOcD^ 0(M'-iu5 t* S r! ^ (N rM ^i-HC^ t^coco OmOCO vOCOC^ t^iOiM t~CO ^coi^txM a^THt~o>'^ vooiM'-Hco PsOoscoo s^cntDoim ^(^oc<<-** *^S ^coco M SS5S=^ r«TtfTioi-*'*o -Hcooood vfti-ii-Hooco aoiNcooo oooooocn w-hcocdco •^x-^i!ia> 2 « CO «??;^§Ttoo o-0 ©00O5C0 us z Ob! O osoE^ ■o ffl 6 12 £ g g 0) a) a> C6^ , w m bC M u 2i- - 3 3 3 3 *t3t3 o O bO M C C O O CS Cl f= e aj e'0'-i I ff^oi I I I inio I I ©o I I I ©o I I I o^t^cq I >OCCrt I xOiO^ II ©o I I I aooo I I I 9^ai I I I i/)(MoO"-i intoo)t> "♦(NCCtDCO nO <-* IC O I sO o I I «OT I I i-iOOM I I «niMC<3 I I ^CCi-l I I 9>ca I I I S"-! I vOt}h(m I I (Nt^in I f^^rt I 1 SI=2^ i I vOt11(M I ©05 1-1 00 t^ TtloOiO I "-I •C'Ot 00 1> ©o 0000 mo TjllNiM I ©tHO I I ^t>>0 I I t>05iO I I OO III I I I I I Or-iic I I n^-ici I I I I I I I I I I I I "S £ !5 . .£^ «» (p m" m" 5^ ^ o o ■«£ £^ "^ £ ■a ^ c S £ ■a a c C" C 1) aj in 3 ^"" an §^.- » m" M M ■M iS -2 3-53 £-5-3 So X1T3T3 io<1-i ©<<: n a be bfi C C 3 3 o o D 3 MM —I/! cr, tl W c c ^~zi c e S3 5 3 3 3 3 CO 81t3t3 O O ►Xr-i ©■<<;><>< £o5 m£ 2 (U O) OJ l- B C C a) (p 2 M tc .S S it £1313 3 c o 126 g s p B o <: p=. p ^; g ■TS 5 h5 "8 ^ ^ f^ 1 S m Ph P O Q O H H ;z; O < S ft o Iz; O ^ S W P « ft 1? 1^ 1— 1 E 1-^ l-H hj O < ^ CO h-H M CC P3 Ph <1 f^ w Iz; t>H ^ P5 W o o 02 P^ P o K o cc <1 H M O CC -< -^ ^ ^ !>^ g iJ P5 s H s ^ cc ft p ft III t— 1 'R fe hH 1— 1 OD OD <1 J O ^ II II I aor>.|.-i| 8m3>, III «0(Ni-H| •-oiiMil fspimli tN inO'lllMi-l PCt-lNI I ^-^t^r-ic^ tsCTiCCiO ^5DOTt<-* tN(MCO(N ao'Oi-ic i-i »H (N O •-i C^ •<1l 03 O "O | I coc^ ac I (M'^tc^ \n sa I I iCr-i in i coicoiot> •"tioiNiocq p'jCTJt^^cc loooi t^m ificcr |T}(Ca rti-HO-HCC iftOCOOJCO (N r-l CO i-COr-lrHcO -H aocoi-iTf rt tflr^ rt O^C0^^^^ -HCOr fJCaCOlO'-l C^rHCOTfl p 0) rt ■ 4) OS ' a a ■3 s ■^ s la S a>£ .. . .fi.2 o--^-. ffl oT O^ D IT m ^ 0) '^ °^ C 13 ^ -S 3 3 «* -See o o IH " S O O 4) g g £ £ ^^jj goo a' but Adult Adult Youn Youn o o >H>H -"«><>* "3 S c S^ 3 - 0> Cj "3 s "i a a^ der$ ale male rsons, rsons, der $ ale male rsons, rsons, a « goo ■d^ a££ fi 3 0) 0) 0) g C'" ftft fl 3 01 01 01 g « •"_ ft ft C 3.^>^ (s,<;H>H W-<<)tH>H .D. 36 \0(Nr-(eo I (soicq"-* I o^ooi | I tjic^in i i miooo i ON 127 OOtvNOOrt >*0-*iM I iniOt^W I (NOt^iO I vOcOM I »>IN t^ I I v©iO,-H 1 0000 0(N ooa>co"5,-i »«ooo5tji| ©-i o-*o I I I"-* I I I 00I> ©o eo osoo (s'n tsoocj I I lOcnOrH I <-*t~l I fscooorti ^looii I vaiM"^! oococqo).-! fiot^ ^ao 00 1^ -HO-*i-i I vOCOCO 1 I 00501 tNt^ 00 lO O (M rH McDt>0 1 t>O00iM Orl « .-1 05 ,-< N a-ooo Or-o veto »00O 1 tNiON 1 »N«D «i-i rti-H ON ON HON tvt^t^N'-' m>-iNOCC t>roOON t> LO 00 ^ 1 ifiOiO 1 00 CON MM ON «5C0 ON HOO-^O 00-*I>Ot^ vOOOCO'-i'Th iHTfOOOO,-! 00OTt<03i0 «oc tlO-^'-H O^OOOON ON(NO>-i intDTjiNrt f»5 -^ O ^ O «D u rt ^N>-i oocoi-i ©roi-i «Oi soot^co I omo5 I I WN ON «505-*^«0 00^TtW Ml^iOCCOO MONCCOO O^NOmN 00Tt<.-iOa5 f<5iCI>t^CO "CDO0-*N •*eONt^ ^CitO'V'-i ifiOsN-^ wco" ON ©OOOO'OOS O^l^"-iCO00 OCO— IMCO MOOOTO ONOO— iT-H >0^!0'0"-l TllC0"*lO 00OTO-* 1-lCDNCO OONWN O i-H ^C5,-H OiO"-! 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E-i M . . £^ o £ cc ^ iiSS S ii ss der$ ale male rsons, rsons, t.^ss «» a; K X ale ma rso: rso: ^^oi rt o o =!— aa fiE.SS.S e c « oj 0.- § — aa H C 0; ID QJ 5 s^"" aa dults, dults, oung oung lUt u dults, dults, oung oung •ut u dults, dults, oung oung lUt 1 ults, ults, ung ung •ut 1 ults, ults, ung ung >ut ults, ults ung ung *1t3t3 o o JJ-TdXl c o •u-Ti-a C«>'>^ ■°<;H>H •"«>^> o<:-<>H>i ^<;-<>H>-i (N<;-<^pH 00 e^ 5 w V* «» «* «» E.2 c S^ 3- C3 O O C m in Cut-. D ID CJ aa m be to 3 3 3 -O C C 130 p.D. 3e o % S P H O < fe P !?; * e a fe . HH Ph 1 m Q di ^ P .<^ O P5 O" O fe 1— 1 fe m <^ hrH <5 O O Olf X H fe HH OQ Ph Eh >H CO pq 1— 1 o fe t— ( J fe h^ O < S Iz; TJl M m 02 « « H K <1 Ph H O fe fe ^ m fe fe P o M o m O fe DQ O m H ;z; hJ fe fe fe S ^ CO fe p fe 1— 1 t— 1 IB m < a O P3 ao CO 00 1-^ CO o-HOioco t^M'-i^'-i -HO>cq Mcoooooa sO 05 C: CD rt TfCOOOOOO OOi-H^ ^ f<5C0_O •"tooq W of M c^f (NCDO" oco"-*" i^ro'i-H u^-*t-iOc:2 ooo-iom^ f<5-*i^(NO ^t^t-H^io (Nooco-^ PC 'rf t^ ^ c^ t^ o Tf LCl ■* Tj< ,-H O^ 00 m IM IM OOTjHt^Ot^ IC02 lO INCDIO ■* t^ Tf 00 o ^00-* moo_'xi o^oqo IfiCOtN t>oo_ai (NO)" tsOTOO in-* -H C<3 00 »> THf»,-no -r}o-*fi-*.-iOO ff»t>oiO(>. Tf --H CO CO Ttt o^comoocc in-^co-*-* -^, nOOI 000000 < ,-1 fO-* T)<(>) rt OOiMO-aOOcO( oocoCT>oot>- xao-^i O>C0(Mrtrt MtTOO t>CDO_ t>iO(M" (ScO^COCD OOOJOSOOCQ WScOi-KNN (N^l^i-!.-! *> CO lO »• ^.t^ oo'Oco'" oTco'cq' r>05-*t^c^ nO-^^O"-! ^-i'oococo ^COtOOOiO ICCXOOCDOI OOOi-HOlcO ^ ^H rti (M CO fS CO OJ fNl (TO ^ O to -^ -* in^Hco fcOCDOOiO SrtCntNcD fScooqiMCO fscocooco (Ncoio c-io soow^co oOTtoia3 •^cot^Tfoo sO'-iOTtH— I t>.oo.-^co-* ONOOCOO OCO^(MIN OO^CDiOiO ORINOCO CO r^ (N ^^ »n ^ CO o oi TtT ^-j ^i^ uu ' — I yu '^t^OOOt^ OO OilO I-* r-t ao^"co o^'co'co" Wi-iO oTco'co" ooco_-*_ ot-co" fCOOCDTjHiO 'H00iO(N'* Ort(Mt~0 -HCOOOiOlO ©cococoio — (i-HrtCOTft ©00 CO CO oq ©iMt^iMOJ miNooooio mt^ococo I'COOt^'^ tNC^(MO5C0 O^iq rt rt rt \0 CO .-ICO CD >oc^ -^ Tf to fC iqt^ ts-* OOOiO 0^0 05 O^LOCO-H ■^COCOC^IN OOC^ lO W5 ^■' TjT of oo'iNuo" oTco'co" i£i6r^i eo'io'cq oTtCtN" (NCOOOIMO •"t-^O^N "HO00-*t^ tNOicOOiO O-COt^CO-* rtO0cD_COCO 0 fst^oococo tNTjiCTicaio »-cOi-not- O^'co'in" tCio'lN vOrHCO" 0^rHCO_'ai ^OlOOt^O UOOliCOOCO — (NOO^lO (NOOOSrHOq 00iOi-H tN(NCO_ O^CO'-<_ cTcoco" ^7. ■ (D c3 ■ 0) cS 1^ OJ .. ^s .. "5 a a « . .a.2 ^ • . C!>2 o '■+J c c €^ Qj CO CO «» a; "= S Z o feii'S ° o ^o ^_»'^ o o 1 •o cj c £ £ •a 5 c £ £ ^55 - ;: 0) 0) Oj 5 "— ftft 2 « >*-_ ft ft oo but dults dults oung oung but dults dults oung oung oo T(<-<<1>-|>< .n-i ^ Cfi- ««■ a a 3 - +- -£ 33 •a -5 a; 03 ' £ cs ' Qi CS ■ ' » ci "5 a "^ S .. "^S .. 15 a ■ B^ © . . S^ (N . . a.2 >^ . .a^ © . . (N (N CN fr> Oj CO 02 ^ 01 to CO ^ a, CO- en" a% a, K »■ «» tu -3 (S s der ale mall rson rson u -^ fl n t, -5 3 3 goo g 0) g •0 cj a £ £ 5_a) goo ■o g a £ £ •a s a _•"_»& gs^aa fl G » n cp 2 «'" ftft fl 3 0) CD § « •"_ ft ft sa^ 3 ^. ^- CO bC hD , , to co' M M ^ to" CO bO bl) , , CO «r bfl bJD ^ i^ — 33333 S 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3-3 -3 3 3 3 -d o O X-o-cj •"T3-d JJT3T) •O'O-a <;>H>H (X)«>^>^ ©^>H r»H>H in<1-i; ^ a 01 (D ft ft bfl be 3 3 3 3 O O '.D. 36 CO loco 131 t^ ^ cc re CO »H -H XMt^rt I ITilOO I I vOThCq I I MCO I I I >Mt~ I I MClTf I I occi^ I I mTt< - ©o I I I mm I I oro^ I I o>oC'-i I I m^Oi I I vcti^'H I I »>0!-l lO O rt CO^OO ^ O CO fS'^^oo Oi-Hcn vO-^^TtH i> Lo cq I I OmOtC I I coiM ri o ^ ooi-itx o^oc<) >t~CO 1 I OOO I I (NTOCO 1 I o f-H lo csi o 'H t~» Tt O CO 00 --^^o ■ ■ O C3 ' (u ca ■ ■ 0) o3 ■3 S «g "3H >n . .g.2 o . .S^ £ . . SiJ «i ■^ ^ . . «» Oj If- K «» a tn m L-^ii u. - -^ C C t- - -S C5 C g_a) goo S_a; c5 o o ■a c; G £ E •0 2 c £ i2 •0 c3 C £ 2 - p 0) a, 0) g « •"_ ft ft g c -*- ft ft B p (U CU (U 2 ^"*- ftft . cfT c/T bC bD , , m m fcu bt _^ m 7" b£i bO |33§§ |33§§ 33 = 33 .fi'O'd o o ^i-dx) o o Ja-d'O 0^>^ inH o<;^>H ae 3 S 3S S.2 ft ft tn » bU bD 2 3 3 3 3 ^t3t3 o o S 33 un tu bC c c 3 3 -s "2 "2 C (U i c bfl bO .2 S: S ^ C 3 132 P.D. 3^ Table 7. — Power Used in the Manufacturing Industries in Massachusetts 1920-1938, Inclusive, for All Industries, Combined PRIMARY HORSEPOWER Rated Capacit3 Owned Purchased Operated by- Years i Total Steam Diesel Other Water Generated Horse- Engines and Internal Wheels Electric 2 in Estab- power and Semi-Diese Combustion and lishments Turbines Engines Engines Turbines Reporting ALL INDUSTRIES 1920 1,723,717 940,136 _ 10,374 181,550 591,657 453,083 1922 1,790,717 924,978 — 10,010 176,639 679,090 503,354 1923 1,931,787 925,490 - 16,827 189,105 800,365 545,580 1924 1,913,297 938,525 — 9,209 182,329 783,234 558,703 1925 2,021,917 935,825 - 11,545 176,934 897,613 568,593 1926 2,015,820 935,266 — 8,739 177,665 894,150 575,044 1927 2,071,766 919,951 — 8,843 165,019 977,953 557,224 1928 2,054,661 857,168 - 7,970 153,323 1,036,200 530,811 1929 2,110,932 842,078 — 9,339 140,390 1,119,125 486,545 1930 2,016,403 760,062 — 11,249 138,129 1,105,963 534,853 1932 1,840,713 645,436 - 6,124 126,190 1,062,963 475,702 1 1934 1,840,017 607,760 — 7,329 3 126,012 1,098,916 482,820 1936 1,897,921 604,415 8,581 < 4,672 114,259 1,165,994 495,484 1938 1,841,378 578,865 12,737 7,428 113,423 1,128,925 491,551 1 For the years 1921, 1931, 1933, 1935, and 1937, the inquiry concerning power was not included on the question naire. 2 For the years 1920 and 1922, other purchased power, principally steam power, was included. 3 Includes seven Diesel engines noted for the first time in 1934. ^ Tabulated heretofore with Internal Combustion Engines. Table 8. — Principal Data Relative to Power Laundries in Massachusetts BY Years, 1920-1938, Inclusive [1912 was the first year for which data relative to Power Laundries in Massachusetts were collected. The data hei presented are for the full period 1912-1938, with the exception of 1926, for which year the canvass was incomplete Amount of Average Number of Capital Cost of Wages Paid Number of Value of Years Establish- Invested Materials During Wage-earners Work Done ments Used the Year Employed The State: 1912 . 329 $4,120,488 $1,087,794 S3,395,861 7,357 $7,773,956 1913 . 377 4,542,313 1,259,655 3,884,570 8,160 8,781,826 1914 . 391 4,695,798 1,391,900 3,721,409 7,771 8,661,830 1915 . 376 5,037,974 1,413,801 3,978,761 7,757 8,675,570 1916 . 373 5,383,116 1,716,026 4,278,056 8,094 9,673,634 1917 . 359 5,575,196 2,102,363 4,427,189 7,709 10,228,364 1918 . 324 6,486,767 2,562,793 4,807,431 7,152 11,373,998 1919 . 339 7,199,294 2,461,718 5,289,110 6,920 12,816,366 1920 . 311 7,531,169 2,636,785 6,442,049 6,787 14,771,311 1921 . 312 7,631,864 2,550,033 6,415,295 6,631 14,895,451 1922 . 337 8,851,443 2,462,273 6,844,015 7,237 15,821,389 1923 . 354 10,167,924 2,864,085 7,649,807 7,648 18,235,988 1924 . 364 10,962,204 2,901,102 8,287,694 8,220 18,781,900 1925 . 1926 2 1927 . 385 1 3,040,698 8,820,774 8,647 20,317,721 431 1 3,467,124 10,394,161 9,919 22,664,974 1928 . 414 17,842,539 3,459,467 9,391,674 9,339 22,364,975 1929 . 458 1 3,760,869 11,155,442 10,736 25,616,661 1930 . 447 19,150,053 3,634,568 10,395,837 10,233 24,537,642 1931 . 445 1 3,650,511 10,616,385 10,461 23,343,435 1932 . 436 18,423,471 2,953,832 8,445,032 9,080 19,689,069 1933 . 419 1 2,920,502 7,679,992 9,640 17,756,003 1934 . 421 17,183,213 2,979,600 7,734,574 9,397 17,791,383 1935 3 424 1 3,008,970 8,178,631 9,996 18,841,361 1936 . 410 15,381,084 3,219,932 8,188,481 10,127 19,537,554 1937 . 394 15,459,884 3,469,975 9,404,237 10,921 20,487,381 1938 . 383 15,516,974 3,303,854 9,217,203 10,629 19,941,007 1 Not called for on the questionnaire. 2 The canvass for this year was incomplete. ' Data for 1935 were furnished by the United States Bureau of the Census, and included cleansers and dyers. y 1985 CHARlESTOWN, (VIASS,

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'SB "SS -H . . a.2 M • -S^ 2 . .S^ t -2sa der$ ale male rsons, rsons. der$ ale male rsons, rsons. g_2 goo •0 « E 2 S rt 3.0) 4) (U g « *"_ ft ft fl fl (u 5 « •"_ a a »ut ults ults ung ung (Ut ults ults ung ung (Ut ults ults ung ung J-l-dTS ^tStS •"■7313 a> as CS a ^ . s .i: "3 a i i «H u ftft +j -2 -2 bOU) 5"^ 3 3 3 •fi-o-a es^>^ ^<5<;>^>H o»(>H fn«>*>* P.D. 36 85 iBt>-'«l< CO OOtDQON •^OliOOOIN t»005incnt^ioci-l050CS lOt-OOOJi-l ^MlOOOeO tN.-(0>OTH iniMC«5 I I t>ow 00 cc oo fO CD 05 coo ^NOOCOOO ^0>nTtlO ino-H.-o>oo^ 1 r«gj--^iN 1 00 00 0) -" WCCCOIMrt >0 05CO(N^ mt^>o0 Tfl m (N >«05(N Ktf IC^ >*'* aoooO'-Hos wojwt^-* fst>»iNm -loo-i I i>a!QO I I ^^t^coiOec ■«i<0'-i0c«5 w-^cD .-I moicoco ts«-*ooiN inoOTji—i T»"c»3w I I tNCOt^i-ICO SvCDi-iM-^ t^COCTii-lTtl lOC0-*t^rt oiNinco © 03 ' 0) 03 ® 03 ■ CD "3 v"^ ' ® OJ ■ ©3 ■ ■ a) OS "SS "^ a "cs a .. 3 a 3 a 3 a .. 3 a 3 8 m . . a^s >o . .a^ 00 . .a.2 o . .G£ ;n . .a^ JO . .a^ o . .G£ « . .a^ " ftft rt C CD CD CD 2 «"" ftft - C CD CD ID 2 f'"" ftft fl 3 = >"_ ft ft fl a CD OJ (D g « •« ft ft m" m" Ml M g 3 3 3 3 ^ p :2 ut \ ults, ults, ung ung lUt ults ults ung ung lUt ults ults ung ung lUt ults ults ung ung lUt ults ults ung ung >ut ults ults ung ung •"'013 O O fO-^TS o o •O-anS O O jjxitJ o o J3T3T3 o O *iT3-a o o *t3t3 o o •o-a'o o o ^<;H>H «5^<>H ^<;«!;>HtH :c«>^>i oH>H r,<;<>^>H in ■< <| >H >-i o<3<>Os •*•* ^N T-t 00 OD >e-*OCO fCCC l-O-H t^mi-H I I OOW f<5CO 0000 iH00O3.-(00 — 'tOOOIt^ sO.-hKI'H'-i tNiON.-i02 O^iCOOlN-* (NmoOt~T)< P»SO00|O »i-icn oOi-iio fNcqo ^tjioo i-i vO'^o f'5t>.'| I rfiioco^Tf aooo-'i cc^c^jicq OOCO^CD ao^ot-t^ ^t^cqoira ©COOJOOI^ ©Mt^^O vSOO-H o^'-m ^ OiNCDMiO «)(NCO>- CO •^ rji SvOt^"-i'-l (N ■^l>iOt^vO ifiOOiOOOCO WiOiO I CO t^COOOTj I O- in m CO M M 00 fNt^ooo:oo ^ CO -HiNiO (N CO — I (NC^t~ IftCO'-H'-'O ©CDOCO'— ' r^iOiOC^O ^CC^'^0'— ' tN ■* CO ^ 00 lO >0 C-J C^ C^r-HOJ'-itD O IN CO tN fS 1 lO ^ O ^M I cOfNCO ^i-hOiNO OO'^INOO'^ ^h-^OCD»0 IfiCOOCSCO ^ O 00 o o — (S rt vO'-ICO .-H m tN I th I CO in^oooooo MiNOt-oo mcO'-Host^ inco-*o(N ^•mOt1 Tf I OlCDOi ^■^CD'^OO rOCO-*!N'H in-^coooo ^0•-'5 t>iO tN>0t-i^cD^O>0^— <00 -N aoi-HCDirtco >rtrt(055D OOCQiniOcD Tfl-^CD-^O ©Otf> rt -^ >0 tO CO r<00!DO«3 00 1-1 fO 00iO'-|"H00'h00CD ir>(N-H(N >o coco •^tOiOCO McOrJicO OmOiOOJ -M(N-*iO •O "O^ >r5 T^ f-H in co-H (Nrt t^co tM lO^ rs -^ ^H I— 1 <1 c • So ss Wo go h oz ►J"" u (U 03 SB q M m bi M •Q C Oj lU H>H (^<;eO0«>i-Hrt yOlCOO I N ffvOOrt I I (SNO I I lOrti-lOCO ©«D>O00i-l rtCOTl0 ^INOO <-< O^Og"-! I I OOOOO I I t»O500 I t»0'*'-lN «0«00 "-I MO-H ^tf)t^ W500U5 00 TO N eb.o-*»h e> i-H -"SI b» »-. l0 50rt(N 1 ©Tf*(N I ^Ol> 1-IO00 C(Neo »STJ(M ytnOitDto ^,-iiot^rt tsineocoo >0 lO ^ iO tsfHO MOOTO I 00 WlOOi-lt^ IftOOOi-liO vOOOO<-lt- ,« in Jsi-iiii ©00 WO'-iNIN 90tO«>-li-l ^OOlOCCM 00 1» ecus 05 >e«Dosi-i «>OiAC0 f»5 rHt»U5 ^(MNO Q0»— tCO ^ JOWr-Jrt CCfDOiCO S i-HCOCl WIMOON «t-C<3lN 0^.-icD(M ino-*--* »>COW ««OCO n N ^ w * 03 vOi-nO U5.-H-* vCrHit O^COiO I si y*^ ^s . . •0 ffi 03 o O •0 a* c3 o o _a) (S der$ ale male rsons, rsons. der$ ale male rsons, rsons. ^ Qj m [D S^ S «> a, g g i T3 o 3 ^ees ■3 S ?: £ c3 £ £ i2 •d gSSSS •D 2 B 2 2 gS-£S.a fl c o; aj iu § « •"_ ft ft rj G a, a> a> g C >"_ ft ft §6-2 S.E - c aj a) oj g «•*- ftft g a) a< a) a «•" ftft rj d.a; a) a) 3 «— ftft g V p ults, ults, ung ung ■p ults, ung ung 3 ults ults ung ung lUt ults, ults ung ung lUt ults ults ung ung •Ut ults ults ung ung »Ut ults ults ung ung o ,C TST) o o ^ t3t3 .0 -cfO lO'Va *i'd'd .a-d-a *Jt3T3 o t ^>H m «>*i» vO <:<)kh>^ ^'«>^>^ o<1-<>^kh (NH>H in <<(>< «» «» «^ v^ «» P.D. 36 89 \00<0 I 1 IfiCOiM I -••iS'i I "3-"^ I I Olr-l I I ^IN(M I I fflU3(M I I Ifiuj I I I (SOJ(N >005D MOi-l MOSCO I I *iMN I I 0005 rCCDt^ iHQOIN >OiO U5tJ( ^eO TtCO (S-"-! «NIN t^OJlOCO I sSOOOO I oo Ost^OiM I «tOCOi-l I -l I ff>eo«D I I vO^ltlM I I 90C0IC I I (SO --I (s'im" ©«3 0) CS ■~aa goo a is s OJ H 0<1-I>H "S a a^ a e^ m M M ^ C C 3 3 3 t3 O O 'a a . .a^ ..a; goo ai 5 ? *- ^ _ 3 3 3 3 WXIT3 O O 1^ « a 90 P.D. 36 o !? HH P H o <1 fe p iz; H P m Q 1— 1 S •-5 E 1-3 o < !z; c/2 hH 02 02 P3 tf < P^ B Z >^ <1 rt W o w ^ 02 1^ P o a o 03 <1 H tc O ai ^ g ►:? 02 w H-1 H Ph ^ g O hH P Q f^ »— 1 M 03 OS t^Tfi I OO lOiOCOCO'-i in tO —i ■* •* e--*5D»C-* \O005OWO> »0 CO rH yOi-"ft<0>A I •* .-H ^ CO 00 t^ ^ CO M 03 rt (S l-l-Ht^ (N OCDO I 00 ffM-i05Tt<'0 ^*Tt^r-l^o fSOOcOTjHin >aTt<00O'^ ^OOl^-* f-jr-HTf IC OC(M(N CO "HCOO IM — i(MtD "-i ^■*t~'-i'-i \© N O) i-l OlOCOCDOS sC^OCOO i-ll^OcOOO lO IN ■* I 05 00 «D --I m>-ioo (Ni-HCS i-< lO I t^ I 00 ts'-it-TtoO ff>COtD-e-*OOMIN tsQO'-it^'-l (Nt^t»U5CO « I i (NOO \0 I 1<'-i'-i ©i-HCO'-i'O Jfi-HOOtOO (lOOliN^ fSi-lOi-iO ^(NOi I CO ^1 (N(NO t^ 1 I-I.-11C miOOOi-ii-H rocO'-iCOO (f) r*> r-i vfii-it^COiO OOiNtOCO-* OMN00 0) ro K *^ aj ro ro *^ Qj OQ OJ .S c= c «« -^ C C S iJ fi C der ale mal( rson rson Ui - -S C 1=5 h -S l=! <= U .^-S (5 l=i ale ma rso: rso: i.^ 2 o o S-3 S £ £ t^ (H in 2 «^ ftp, a a o V a 5 «>" ftft fl d m lu « S '^'" ftft e d 0) (T CD 5 "•« ftft gS-ftC. ^ m (0 bu M fe^ 3 3 3 Jri3i3 o o lUt u dults, dults, oung oung lUt u dults, dults, oung oung ults, ults, ung ung •Ut ults ults ung ung >ut ults ults ung ung but dults dults oung oung *2xn3 o o *Jt3t3 o o *l-013 O O P '"«>^>^ '"«><>^ 9«>^>^ «<>^ (V,<.J<;>H>H « w> ^ V> P.D. 36 91 •Ht-eo-*t- voooeo ec tsO ©vOOlOr-HO lOOOt^ I 1 ■^OOiMIMM 0005- t»05t^ I •-! rsmo5 I O00.-< I rt -HCDiO : I veooicjui >fi-*o I 1-1 ininoo l n o^oeo >O00r-ii-( PO^OOrP I tNU5t-H,-H I fS'-HOiOt^ OMOIOC05D sO(Nt-lt~ f'l'-i-tiloO -H(NiO|-* f<5t^N|Tj( O^OTr!t^ i-i(N ■^ ©i-iCD 1-H m!NO ■-I T)"C005 '-' -OCOIM o>oo cooocn ocoo O^ © IM fSr-lOl rt >OM00|>O f«5,-(,-irf| »HtDTtl|.-l jiK* _u j^ ^^\ r^\ r— ^ *« ra ,-^ '*H> 03 ■ a>'3 a> c3 ■ 0) 03 ' O C! ■ ■ a> 03 ■ a) 63 "SS "SS "S S ■3S ■« s "3 a ~ s .. -3 a ^ . .S>2 o . .S^ ao . . fi^ o . .g^ N . .s^ jP . .fi^ s • ■«- in . . a^ (N (N r"* <*> . . P*5 _ . der $ ale male rsons, rsons. S ^ ^r „- «* 0) " !" h -S 3 3 *^ ^ 03 (n g^ rt o o "O « g 2 2 S_a) goo •o 03 fl 2 2 Si2 3 ° o •o s 3 2 2 S^ goo •o'3 c 2 2 5_« goo •a a a 2 2 £3 C 2 3 ^^ a Q, 5£^ S, S, ^ CD oT M M _ m" M M Ml _ cr7 K 50 be ^ m to bum _^ m" m bO bO to M bO M ^ tr? m" bO to but dults dults oung oung 2 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 23333 tii^S 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 tii^^t; C 3 2 3 3 3 3 •oni'a o o ■fi-a-B O O .Qt3-0 O O •"■W o o X1t3t3 o O •o-T3'a o o •o-a-n o o .*<|<>H>H tfl«1-<>H>H ^«>^>* x,«>*>^ ©H>H r» <>< in<>-i 0«>*>i 92 P.D. 36 EH O f^ ft p^ ^ P ^ » H M m (^ EH >H pq 1— 1 k5 W iJ O H M ff O H ^ o 02 ^ 1^ H 02 ^ er o W o 02 <) E^ 02 o 02 ■«j <1 ^^ s g M 02 P^ P? H ^ 02 H 1? P^ 1— 1 l-l m xn < Hi O -H I OMNt^ I I ©vOOOi-l I IftOJiO MiOts. vOic-i fSOIN Wi-HrH WIN rti-H ^TJH »fi«oo> I I eot^i-H I I t>i>o i Ifit^OO I I OOOOO I I <«lOrH I I «rtO I I ©-^tO I I IM.-i,-( II I I I I I moo oo-*iM «MnT)< o Ho "^ s S-2 S ° ° •o g E £ E g c -^__ ft ft tn lo M M -;t;;S C ri g rJ pi 3 3 >0<1H s ^ w 1, K m g oj ffl o o — C OJ (U 01 g « ""_^ ft ft m" m" bt hO S 3 3 3 3 ' a> is ^ a d SiJ S ° ° •o g S £ S fl cJ o a> 01 g "•" ftft ra" m' to M g 3^ 3 3 "3 S fe 2 § " 2 S g « (1) (D 5 w •"_ ft ft -^ in m bfl to £3333 w'^'T3 O O bO OD ^ vOO»(N-*lO ^ 05 ■* >0 5D -^y-lUiaOt^ \a Wthim fc lO (N CO t» ec « ^i>«o 1'^.'^.'"' O »^ yOCOM 93 0^0(NiMiO W CD rt< IM i-H UliO lO >n O «S-Hi-i t>'-H-* .-I ^ Oiec aOrtt^JffliO ^TtfCqoOOJ (Si-iiO-^'-i (SrOt^CD-* ""OOi-iOO ^t^CC"*>0 a>CDO0i-i(M ©-^IN-HIN ©I>02'-i>-i OCO-^'-i'-i tC'-iO'-i Om©»OU5CO ©MO-* 782 724 Oil 22 25 •^JliMiM t«JrH(M ©iM'*rt).-i(M ©Oqeo-^IN >acOt^ 1 ,-it^lC _ . _ . ts-^TflNt^ vOO300'-i00 vOi-iMiOt^ «COC tfl i-i|>'» -HU3lC>OlO tNO0mt>-lO (NiC-iOiO «3IN0(,-- , - - -- tS i-i OS (NHrH^(Me^ tNCOt^COTO ■^•*c^C<30q O^rtlMCCIN OOOOi-HtOCO lfiC10M-*O Ifi OS I lOOJiO CDClOtO fSlM'-iINt^ firtCO iHrtCCiMTjl t» TtH C5 .-I CO (NCOONO >eiMcoco-* kot^incoo fSO'-i'NoO ■Ortfi-HCOCO 0OC«3'*<3>.-l mcOOOi'J'O OS CTi "-I Tj( rt( t> vO00.-lTt< ©OOOl>lO it) ini-HrtOico o>cOTjHrt05 osooicOCTi CO -ii-(Cq 00 rtCSIcO ^CO"5 05(N t»tDc<3o lOrHCO-^CO sOiOTt --iiMTtt miNCCCOlO oscsit^com lOOt^OcO ^lOCO^St^. «50-H>0t~ oot^t^cooo ' o d ■ ■ 4) OS ■ «_ p. R, a g "_ ft ft «» m m" hn hn 5 m m bO M 3 m" m U) M ^ en in to Wl _ tn" m M tn ^ m" co" [jo bC nder 1 Adult Adult Youn Youn ^i:::; c « ^j;t;:S c c til;!:; a c g 3 3 3 3 g 3 3 3 3 g 3 3 3 3 H 5 3 3 3 3 g-c-o o o 5 3 3 3 3 g-«T3 O O H O .Ot)t3 o O •D'O-a c o ^TS-O O O •o.>. ■fi<;<3>H>H ©< ^«>^i» (s<;-<>->^ D 00 OS u v> <» «» v> •» (V 03 "3 a a^ C E.2 P - - 333 ft ft bo to c a 3 3 o o 94 P.D. g Ph p ^ o *^ 1 1 ^(n"in" ^cf(N sOMCo" lOCo"^" «^" P^IN fNOf OOOOltOCO moooco Tj( fScDCOi-H— 1 m C5 CO 00 Lo vOt^OO inNN ^COrH tsCOOrH 1 M00-* tCcoco yOfNM" oT^'TtH" sC-^N Tj^COi-T fs'iM" pi IN '*COt>Oi-l tN«03e<3IN COOilMCOCO fjTttt^ 1-1 001>O O-^iO (nOM-*-* lOM^— I I OMr3CO--l I OOTtH-* I I «00(M I I •OWN int>*IO0'-irtT)< (N^«0 oooiOthc^ ir)(Ni-i --H o^oq-^i-i-H o\ooo —4(^00 -rtOi-H ©coni^ ^"'_'H_ c^^-*" tC-^co" tC^jTcvf tCffl'-^ (S(N(MiOCO C! 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