MINUTES ^^- '^"°P^- MASSACHUSETTS STATE LABOR COUNCIL, AFL-CIO EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEETING PARKER HOUSE, BOSTON January 18, 1962 Present: President Belanger, Sec.-Treas. Kelley, Exec. Vice Presidents Callahan and Camelio, Vice Presidents Accardi, Anctil, Brunelle, Buffum, Campobasso, Deady, DiNunno, Doolan, Hunt, Lewis, Loughlin, MacKenzie, MacPherson, McCarthy, McLaughlin, Messina, Murphy, O'Donnell, O'Keefe, Cleric, O'Malley, Owens, Pierce, Pratt, Sweeney, and Wall. Absent; Vice Presidents LaBlue (tel.), Magliozzi, Murray (hospital), Roberts, and Rush. The Meeting was called to order at 10:15 a.m. with President Belanger presiding, and the Council Prayer was read by Vice President Pierce. The Minutes of the December 21st meeting were accepted as written. NEW AFFILIATIONS Paper Makers Local #687, Holyoke - minimum (35 members) - as of January 1962 REAFFILIATIONS Stationery Engineers #849, Boston - 270 members - as of January 1962 - $84.00 arrearage has been paid. WITHDRAWALS Directly Affiliated Local #21467, Springfield - minimum - as of January 1962 Stage Employees Local #86, Fitchburg - minimum It was voted to lay these two withdrawals on the table until the next meeting. SECRETARY- TREASURER'S REPORT Sec.-Treas. Kelley gave a report on the 1961 yearbook - total received from advertisements $19 ,810. 00 . net profit after all expenses had been paid, $9,908.15. COMMUNICATIONS From Worcester Typographical Union #165 in re long-standing unemployment appeal case. Sec.-Treas. Kelley gave a report on what has happen so far on this case. He told the Council that no action has been taken yet on this case. Voted to contact Mr. Martin Fay again about a decision on this case. From United Fund in re vacancy on Board of Directors . It was voted to accept the Executive Officers recommendation that Val Murphy replace John Horan. From Advisory Consumers Council in re sponsorship of Consumer Conference. It was voted to sponsor this Conference and donate $25.00. - - •' ,'\. -' ..■.\\x>^-^ .-■/i'.- -J ill \ I ■ ;■ 1 • '' :.n.j '■■■-\-- '■ \- -u^ Mr U.: :.n .Ol.-: .1- f -t ; : ^.- . ■■ -!'V-.7 ,-.'■■". n. ■-> ■■ - 2 - Mr. 's copy. From Springfield Central Labor Council in re Roy J. Surprenant and from Benjamin G. Hull regarding endorsement for Associate Commissioner of Labor & Industries. A letter from the Springfield Central Labor Council endorsing Roy J. Surprenant for reappointment and corres- pondence from Benjamin G. Hull seeking endorsement was read. Vice President O'Keefe moved that we endorse Roy Surprenant for reappointment, and the motion was adopted. From Lord's Day League in re retirement of Dr. G. Vaughn Shedd. It was voted to accept the Executive Officers recommendation to send $25.00 towards the purse that is to be presented, which is the amount of the honorarium which he declined to accept from the recent Convention. From Mass. Council for Public Schools in re affiliation. It was voted to accept the Executive Officers recommendation that we renew our affiliation with this organization. From Barbers Union #390 and #144 in re endorsees for Board of Registration of Barbers, along with correspondence from Charles Mole of the Barbers State Association in regard to Joseph Campobasso were read. Vice President Campobasso spoke on behalf of his brother's position on the closing hours controversy. He told the Council that his brother received the top vote at the Convention. A motion was made and seconded, after further discussion, that we add the name of Joseph Campobasso to the names previously submitted for the Board of Registration of Barbers . From Dir. Welsh, Office of Civil Defense, in re fallout shelters. It was voted to set up a ^ committee to study this. The Committee will consist of Executive Vice President C^Tne-Vo, Vice Presidents Deady and McCarthy. From M.S. Novik in re Station WMRC carrying Edward P. Morgan program. Voted referred to the Public Relations Department. Also a letter from Paul Mills, Director of AFL-CIO Public Relations referred to Director Kable-. From Roy Stevens in re Blue Cross- Blue Shield action of Medical Care for the Aged. Thero was a great deal of discussion on this matter about their new program for people over 65. President Belanger spoke and said that we should publicize our position on this matter. Voted referred to the Public Relations Department for implementation. From Catholic Labor Guild in re farewell party for John Cort. It was voted to donate $100.00 towards the purse to be presented. Exec. Vice Pres. Camelio opposed. From John Colao, Director of Organization, National Council of Senior Citizens. Voted placed on file. From Golden Age Council of Greater Boston in re mass meeting in support of the King-Anderson Medical Care Bill. A lengthy discussion ensued on this matter. It was suggested that the Mass. State Labor Council join the cavalcade and have signs. Also that the Public Relations Director give this rally publicity and that we contact our affiliated locals in order that they may join the cavalcade. Director Lavigne spoke of plans, and it was then voted ' to refer this matter to the Executive Officers and a subcommittee consisting of Director Lavigne, Vice President McLaughlin, Vice President O'Donnell, and Vice President Olerio. From Stanton Smith, Coordinator of State Central Bodies, AFL-CIO. Referred to Director of Education. I _ 2 _ ^^' 's copy. Communications from the following were voted placed on file: Area Redevelopment Authority; New England Committee for Promotion of Heifer Project thanking us for donation; Catholic Labor Guild; Idaho State AFL-CIO. From Mass. Dental Society. It was recommended that this communication outlining a plan for pre-paid dental care be referred to Nelson Cruikshank for analysis and comment. A Roll Call was then taken. President Belanger read a telegram from lUE Local 202 opposing vending machine legislation. Voted referred to the Committee on Taxation and Legislative Department for consideration in light of the Executive Officers previous action on this matter. It was then voted to send Vice President Murray a suitable gift since he is in the hospital. Vice President Loughlin and Director Cass to pick out something suitable. It was also voted to send a card to Al Saltus of the Worcester Labor News who is also in the hospital. Secretary-Treasurer Kelley announced that he had been offered the position as Director of Labor Affairs in A.I.D. (Agency for International Development) by President George Meany and v^as expected to report to the State Department, Washington, D.C. for orientation, etc, on February 5, 1962. He submitted his resignation to become effective February 15th (date of regular February meeting) and suggested that a special meeting be held soon to elect a Secretary-Treasurer to fill out the balance of his unexpired time . In the meantime the books and accounts would be audited by the CPA firm for the 7 months period - July 1, 1961 to January 31, 1962 inclusive. President Belanger spoke on the implications of this appointment, suggested a letter of commendation be sent to President Meany and suggested that a special meeting be held February 1, 1962 to fill the vacancy to be caused by Secretary- Treasurer Kelley's resignation. Exec. Vice President Camelio and some other vice presidents commented favorably on Mr. Kelley's service and wished him well. After further discussion, during which Vice President Hunt suggested Exec. Vice President Callahan, if available, to fill the vacancy, it was voted to hold a special meeting February 1st to fill the vacancy and to accept Secretary- Treasurer Kelley's resignation at the February L^th meeting, by which time the audit will have been completed. The Executive Officers to plan some suitable send-off for Mr. Kelley at the February 1st meeting. It was voted that Council members desiring new calling cards should contact Mrs. Jones. Sec.-Treas. Kelley reported on plans for the February 16th clinic on the Labor-Management Reports Law. Many Vice Presidents spoke concerning this agency and its administration of this new law. It was finally voted to conduct this meeting. Meeting recessed for lunch at 12:30 p.m. and resumed at 1:45 p.m. President Belanger read a note from Joe Casey, Retail & Wholesale Dept. Store Employees about the vending machine legislation previously referred to. Sec.-Treas. Kelley suggested that we should send a communication of commendation to Presi- dent Meany for his action on the Boston Central Labor Council situation, also to Hugh Thompson, and assure Frank Murphy that the State Labor Council would cooperate in helping to rebuild the Boston Central Labor Council. Vice President O'Keefe moved this motion be laid on the table. After discussion the motion to table was adopted. yrion I r ;-;•. r.-M- U.:^:.j j;ov^ .•)■:) c ■frn ; ;:-'j..! •:;. j.\ ■■ ' • J-.i M'\ ' :: ■' ;. ■r>r--^0\<^ 's-r\ rvi- r; p;:n - 4 - Mr. s copy. The following committee appointments were approved as submitted: COMMITTEE ON ORGANIZATION AND AFFILIATION John Cunningham Anthony Accardi George Geier Brad Hamilton William Kelly Joseph Duggan Daniel Murray Warren Olson Ralph Roberts Franklin J. Murphy 1 to be added COMMITTEE ON HOUSING Jeremiah Calnan John Deady Walter MacPherson James Murphy Vincent DiNunno Thomas Owens Louis Sarno Paul McWade John McNamara John C. Damery John T . Hunt COMMITTEE ON TAXATION Richard B. O'Keefe Thomas P. Ahearn Robert E. Flynn Joseph Hardiman Matthew Sullivan Valentine Murphy Harold Phelps Philip Salem Charles Warren Robert Weisman John F. Jellison John O'Malley to the Committee on Education and Research;, Helen Page and ■V\/'alter McLaughlin to the Committee on Social Security; Sidney LeBow to the Committee on Civil Rights; Charles Spillane, Gerard Murphy, Eugene McCabe, and Walter Monahan to the Committee on Workmen's Compensation to fill vacancies. COMMITTEE REPORTS Subcommittee report on Resolutions referred to the Executive Council by the Convention were submitted as follows: Resolution #14 - no further action necessary since a bill has been filed. " #25 - no further action necessary since a bill has been filed by the Bus drivers Union, " #26 - no further action necessary since a bill has been filed. " #27 - recommendation to support the efforts of the Firefighters . " #30 - support and inquire as to what I.T,U. is doing in other states to secure financial support. " #32 - recommend the State Labor Council take no action in regard to this pending legislation. Vice President Deady spoke regarding this resolution. " #33 - recommendation refer this to the Personnel Review Board set up to handle grievances of State employees. " #34 - recommend be referred to a special committee of this Council to study the problem of moonlighting interests of various unions involved. This would be a continuing committee - voted. (Committee to be announced later.) " #36 - voted to support . #40 - intent of this resolution has been accomplished so no further action is necessary. " #41 - referred to Convention Arrangements Committee. #43 - bill has been filed. " #44 - advise the state agencies involved, " #47 - was submitted as a resolution to the National AFL-CIO Convention. The Subcommittees recommendations were adopted as noted above. "vr'- r •■ !. .•- , ■■ J i./iV; i :-; ;. i : ".■I'Sfl 'J- '. V. ■'/:. ''.C: \.'.:iJ . i'j ^'li ■ • - 5 - 'tr-r • COMMITTEE ON SOCIAL SECURITY Sec.-Treas. Kelley read the resolution adopted by the Social Security Committee at their recent meeting. It was voted that this be submitted to the National Legislative AFL-CIO Conference next week as a recommendation of the Social Security Committee, subject to discussion at the next regular Council meeting. The proposal to be made available to the Executive Council members , COMMITTEE ON COMMUNITY SERVICES Vice President McLaughlin gave a summary of the Community Services Committee meeting which recommended renewing our membership in the Mass. Conf. on Social Welfare at $25.00 annual dues. He told of the Comm. Serv. Committee meeting with John W. Putnam, Project Coordinator, Boston Center for Adult Education and recommended that we confine ourselves to the AFL-CIO program for the aged. Report and recommendations v;ere adopted. COMMITTEE ON WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION to meet on January 26th. LEGISLATIVE REPORT Director Broyer announced that the State Labor Council's bill on minimum wage had passed. He told about other hearings and bills. Most of the bills in Labor and Industries will be heard by February 6th, He reported on various holiday bills that had been filed. He told of the hearing on the vending machine bills. Report accepted. It was decided to take no further action on the vending machine bills until the Committee on Taxation considered this legislation. EDUCATION REPORT Director Lavigne referred to Resolution #31-The Challenge of Education in Massachusetts- and said that there were 5 bills before the Legislature calling for a study of the education system in Massachusetts. He requested permission to hold a Conference at the University of Massachusetts, March 29-31. He announced that the scholarship program in the high schools was coming along on schedule. Report and recommendations were adopted. COPE REPORT Director Cass told of his efforts to stimulate COPE contributions and of his work with women's groups. He announced plans for the annual Gompers- Murray Dinner. Report was accepted. PUBLICATIONS AND PUBLIC RELATIONS REPORT Director Kable reported that Sec.-Treas. Kelley had requested him not to release his announce- ment, and it was decided that they would make a release at the proper time. Report accepted. REGIONAL CONFERENCES were announced as follows: South Middlesex Labor Council - February 12th Brockton Central Labor Council - February 27th. Quincy Central Labor Council - April 12th Communication from Director of the United Fund requesting two representatives to serve on committees was referred to Executive Officers . Meeting adjourned 3:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, KJK:bj KENNETH J. KELLEY, oeiu-6 Secretary- Treasurer .•0:> r rrr'i •..I 1 ; ; ■- .- 3ri^yj uir-';/iH- ■ -i-^r^w: ■rrihrr- :■{-!• i\\ ::-a:r'/A- :^:,o :i^'\:::vs. 'n!'>- ■t if* ■;.L^ J "- ■■ ■' v h-r : 7.f • :VV ■,.■.). J/.: iii..;,!: ■ /:-^-..i ■.;: •Ji"; J O- i /l-Ti ■'ir -If-.i-;- , V t'.-'" <■': MINUTES Mr. 's copy, EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEETING MASSACHUSETTS STATE LABOR COUNCIL, AFL - CIO PARKER HOUSE, BOSTON FEBRUARY 1, 1962 Present: President Belanger, Sec.-Treas. Kelley, Executive Vice Presidents Callahan and Camelio, Vice Presidents Accardi, Anctil, Brunelle, Buffum, Deady, DiNunno, Doolan, Hunt, LaBlue, Lewis, Loughlin, MacKenzie, MacPherson, Magliozzi, McCarthy, McLaughlin, Messina, Murphy, Murray, O'Donnell, O'Keefe, Olerio, O'Malley, Owens, Pierce, Pratt, Roberts, Rush, Sweeney, and Wall. Absent: Vice President Campobasso. The Meeting was called to order at 10:20 a.m. with President Belanger presiding. The Council Prayer was read by Vice President O'Keefe. A Roll Call was taken which showed 34 present. Under suspension of rules it was voted that some correspondence and other matters should be acted upon at this Special meeting. I ^ It was voted to appoint Vice President Helen T. O'Donnell as a replacement for Sec.-Treas. Kelley on the United Fund Board of Directors . COMMUNICATIONS A telegram from Michael J. Gormley, President, Boston Carmen's Union, urging prompt action on the re- appointment of Thomas W. Bowe on the Industrial Accident Board was read and discussed. It was voted to comply with the request and that the Executive Officers arrange a meeting with the Governor as soon as possible to discuss this appointment. In addition it was suggested that members of the Executive Council send communications to their Governor's Councillors endorsing Mr. Bowe and also that letters be sent to the Governor on his behalf. A communication announcing the Annual Convention of the AFL-CIO Community Services Department to be held in Chicago starting April 29th was read. It was voted that Helen T. O'Donnell, Chairman of the Committee on Community Service be sent as delegate to this Convention. From AFL-CIO in re National Library Week. Voted referred to Director of Education Lavigne. Invitation of President's Conference on Occupational Safety in March in Washington, D.C. was read and it was voted that President Belanger and Executive Vice President Callahan \ attend this Conference. From AFL-CIO Committee on Political Education. Voted referred to COPE Department. From State Club Inc. announcing Annual Dinner. It was voted to accept the recommendation of the Officers to purchase 4 tickets at $10.00 each for use of the Executive Officers. -!■:-.';;., Kv Ofjtv; f!-; J"ienf9o:^laf ■ ;.;:-Vj •" ^ . / -. ■ • -■■ ?;'/i '^-riu , aoinu ■ -^ - •' -- ■ .V -i '.J ;' * iJ>.i V "■ ' • -f- ^ /;. ■■■■■^^f'--u /IT'S.. ■^u^ijn ^■^r;ru: ■'IjjoO f-: 't':''v!-- r ■■::-■: }. i ! .T!^.i ^^r; ^^ J::B: ;■ Cj -^ -• ■:>■ i'..r;r: • ; ^ • J .; ' ■ • .'■•T-t ; iU f'Trro- I. ff'l ■• ■■ \V- N/ ;i7 ''I i c - 2 - Mr. 's copy. **^From Father Francis J. McDonnell inviting the Council members to attend Farewell Party to John Cort, February 5th. Voted made a matter of record. From Israel Hlstadrut Committee inviting Council to attend luncheon February 26th at the Parker House. Voted that anyone wishing to attend may. President Belanger announced the Labor-Management Law Reporting Clinic would be held Friday, February 16th at 10:30 a.m. at the St atler- Hilton Hotel, Boston, and urged large attendance. From United Service Organizations, Inc. invitation to attend meeting in New York on March 5th and 6th. Filed. From Mass. State Council, AFSC & ME requesting support of Senate #395 and House #830. It was voted that we are in sympathy with these bills — be referred to the Legislative Depart- ment. Sec.-Treas. Kelley explained that the rest of the communications would be taken up at the next regular Executive Council meeting . Sec.-Treas. Kelley explained about the situation with the Worcester Typographical Union Local #165 and their unemployment appeal case. He read correspondence to Martin Fay, -^ Member, Board of Review, Division of Employment Security. It was voted to concur in the Sec.-Treas. 's letters to Mr. Fay. Vice President Olerio moved that the Executive Council allocate $200.00 plus the cost of some signs to be expended by the Director of Education in connection with the Jewish Community Council's rally on Medical Cere for tlie Aged, February 26th. Executive Vice President Camelio suggested that a letter of endorsement be sent to the Governor on behalf of Sven Peterson for re-appointment to the Industrial Accident Board after the ques- tion of Thomas Bowe's re-appointment is cleared up. Voted. Vice President Hunt made an announcement that he has been elected Chairman of the Committee on Housing. Sec.-Treas. Kelley was requested to leave the meeting and President Belanger discussed the recommendation of the other Executive Officers on some appropriate gif; for Mr. Kelley upon his leaving. After considerable discussion, during which a number of motions and suggestions were made, it was finally voted to give Sec.-I'reas. Kelley a going-away present of $500.00 for services rendered, together with two weeks vacation pay. Sec.-Treas. Kelley was recalled to the meeting and he thanked the Council for their very generous gesture and their fine cooperation and assistance. .vi;:c : (# .i 1 1 , -■■.')n■'^^^^■' ( ) 3 _ Mr. 's copy. President Belanger read Article 7 , Section 7 of the Constitution that applied to filling the vacancy to be caused by Sec.-Treas. Kelley's resignation, effective February 15th. . Vice President O'Donnell was nominated but explained that she would have to decline. Vice President Martin Pierce was nominated. Vice President James Loughlin was then nominated. The Council preceded to a secret ballot, the results of which were. Vice President Loughlin - 26, Vice President Pierce - 8. Vice President Pierce then moved that the election of Vice President Loughlin be made unanimous. It was so voted and recorded. Vice President Loughlin thanked the Executive Council and assured them that he would give his new position his best and would welcome their cooperation and assistance. Vice President O'ifeefe moved that this be considered the regular monthly meeting and that the next meeting be held on March 15th. Considerable discussion developed as to this change and the problems that would be created by eliminating the regularly scheduled meeting on February 15th as previously voted. After further discussion it was voted that the next regular meeting would be held in March. Executive Vice President Callahan announced that he had been confirmed as Commissioner of Labor and Industries and thanked the Executive Council for their support and assistance in securing his re-appointment. Meeting adjourned 11:45 a.m. Respectfully submitted, KENNETH J. KELLEY, Secretary- Treasurer KJK:bj oeiu-6 ~^ afl-cio If. '. V <■■■ ■'! -•( \ I' ,. ■■■:■'. r^^ll i-i' . r< f -V ■ H) Mr." 's copy MINUTES EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEETING MASSACHUSETTS STATE LABOR COUNCIL, AFL-CIO PARKER HOUSE, BOSTON MARCH 15, 1962 Present: President Belanger, Sec-Treas. Loughlin, Executive Vice Presidents Callahan and Camelio, Vice Presidents Accardi, Anctil, Brunelle, Buffum, Campobasso, Deady, DiNunno, Hunt, Lewis, MacKenzie, MacPherson, Magliozzi, McCarthy, McLaughlin, Messina, Murphy, Murray, O'Donnell, O'Keefe, Olerio, O'Malley, Owens, Pierce, Roberts, and Wall. Absent: Vice Presidents Doolan, LaBlue (tel.), Pratt (tel.). Rush (tel.), and Sweeney. The meeting was called to order at 10:30 a.m. with President Belanger presiding, and the Council Prayer was read by Vice President Brunelle. The Minutes of the January 18th and February 1st meetings were accepted as written. NEW AFFILIATIONS Directly Affiliated Union #22879, Westfield, minimum (11 members) - as of February 1962 UPP (United Papermakers) #91, Hyde Park - 215 members - as of March 1962 Teachers Local #1340, Chelsea - 100 members - as of January 1962 WITHDRAWALS AFSC & ME #800, Newton - minimum - paid through December 1961 — tabled and referred to Director Broyer. Carpenters Local #595, Lynn - 225 members - paid through December 1961 — tabled and referred to Vice President Lewis. Nat'l. Postal Transport Assoc. , Boston - 209 members - paid through December 1961 — Sec-Treas. to notify Mr. Burcury that since this local has merged with his it might be advisable to review his per capita tax. RWDSU Local #582-A, Taunton - 139 members - paid through December 1961 — tabled and Sec-Treas. to contact this local and contact Regional Director Thomas Leone requesting his help in having this local remain affiliated. ILGWU Local #39, Boston - minimum - paid through December 1961 - out of existance Letter Carriers Local #212, Lawrence - 100 members - paid through December 1961 — tabled and referred to Executive Vice President Callahan. TWUA Local #1192, New Bedford - minimum - paid through December 1961 - out of existance TWUA Local #615, Lawrence - minimum - paid through December 1961 - plant closed REQUEST FOR PER CAPITA TAX EXONERATION • Meat Cutters Local #30, Boston - 123 members — This local requested per capita tax exon- eration for Oct. , Nov. , and Dec. 1961 ($18.45) due to financial difficulty. Sec- Treas. to communicate with this local and find out what their financial problems are. USA Local #4335, Quincy - 500 members - request for per capita tax exoneration for August, Sept. , and Oct. 1961 due to strike — request granted. /;:> y' vr T : T ],■■: i ^r'^■~J'' ■^'.i OT/n-r;::- :• XX -J )■ ■ : ,■'■/. -Y HOlAr ■ I. '...'Ac- '•:•■. 'V ':-li:\i-;VO .Oi.inIC ,:3l9^/l'0 ,I.I.C. , nXifiCjJO,.! . : ■..'. ■ ■')C: M J ;1 (■ , J f: •'-•«•.■, 'i'M, Yon-v'^-v/ft bnf; , ( , Ipt) ("isi;;- ^ ( . I^-);- ;■;::; ::..jia 'lij bi'r£; D:iLb!.?.sia "iSpn^IsH inooie-:. . 6 Li v-n;.ric .-. ( ! Oh--rt asv •Vt IJOfiUC "f:>3;-i-:\-7 ;-;5 ct:>c r:-^--' -yi^^vj ''nc-ij^'z-'i i^J Vjoij'-.ilsi: bnr IMf !' iVi ..r^T 11 . uminiin , bioxiijB&vV a-:!^-^d'n9;r; OO. ^nneqr •; .;.(n' (' '.' f"i- Ip'" .^....: .:vr { :^//\Hy.iH i .oe'i'iri: - ir'H "■:'i[d5J' i6'.[ ■['^rlrn-' '[ d P u "vi d 1 ''::i.BC ■ v>o.rn^-'i ;rn::Kn5'...- 'H; 'T'" ..1 : ; I ; ■r' f, ./I .ruvi. irrisr: , :a; i .-"! ' ■•ir3< b$^> r .'■' 5f! (Bl ic^/KJ./'n ■-.^t # ■ ::^lLOA'v K:'> (j r-; XbOOj ■i.C U Mr* 's copy - 2 - secretary-":reasurer's report Sec-Treas. Loughlin announced that the total membership of the State Labor Council is 272,359; the total number of unions is 1029; and the total number of central labor councils is 20. President Belanger and others spoke about getting unaffiliated locals to affiliate with the State Labor Council. Sec-Treas. Loughlin told the Council that he would have a list of all the unaffiliated locals in Massachusetts by the next Council meeting. Sec-Treas. Loughlin read the letter from Mr. Kelley enclosing the auditor's report. He to'd the Council that Mr. Kelley had called him and said that he would be unable to be at todc.y's meeting. It was then voted to accept the Auditor's Report. legislative report Director Broyer requested that he might give his report in order that he might leave and go to the State House to attend important hearings. He said that a copy of the minimum wage bill that had passed had been sent out to aU locals. He said that the Imported Goods Bill had passed Monday , and that the Importation of Strikebreakers Bill is coming up this week and he has hopes that it will pass. He told about many other bills that are still pending. He said that the Strike Assistance Bill had been defeated. President Belanger suggested that the Director have a brief summary of the bills that he is talking about at future meetings . Vice President O'Keefe spoke about the Vending Machine Bill on which the Taxation Ccmiiitteo had met and discussed. Vice President Roberl.s : lade a motion that the Council go on record as in favor of a vending machine tax. After lengthy discussion on this subject, the motion was voted adopted and that it be referred to the Taxation Committee . COMMUNICATIONS A card of thanks from Thomas W. Bowe upon his reappointment to the Industrial Accident Board was read. Sec-Treas. Loughlin told the Council that Mr. Bowe would appear per- sonally at some later date to say "thanks". From Chelsea Teachers' Union #1340 in re petition for salary increases for the Chelsea teachers. It was voted that this matter be referred to the appropriate central labor council. From James J. Kelley, Commissioner, Labor Relations Commission, requesting support for re- appointment. It was voted that we go on record as supporting this reappointment. From Eugene Vitale, State Director, Mass. State Barbers Council, re organizing drive. It was voted that this be referred to the Organization and Affiliation Committee and that we pledge our support in their drive . From Carl J. Stringer, President of the Worcester Typographical Union #165, regarding House Bill 3318. It was voted that we are in compliance with his correspondence. From Vice President Deady - recommendation of Admiral Corradi. Vice President DiNunno spoke regarding this recommendation to move the First Naval District to New York. He said that if this was moved all the navy yards here would be closed. It was voted that we send a strongly worded letter of protest in order to retain the First Naval District in Boston, to the Naval Department and the President of the United States. '::o ;■; r. : .U: '■■/. ■-, ^ .L ^. . ;:H ; y: ■::,,■.;; ;n jC>- H e;;'fi;'f^ ^■a:!■ -;■? T'Hnj ;ri A ^ ' i-.i d bl: -'•r; .: .L: .11^ ;■^-■ 1 ! i- .i A ; •. : I..; '"•a^HJi. -jo^f.^r^^i -^,r!;* ..::;:+■■.--[,:.■ l^-VV '"riJi ■.il-i ;,:,6D1C r-i" ■ r'vircr- '"^ >■,'■••■!■.■ Cv?.: "^p. ...I, /; I j! .' ., .- ■- i- -!--■• r f ■ '»-■; O/^r .-r • .^':) \!X :'>"■■ ^ » ^ ■•<- *"v r~ .", ■ I (T"* tP'' I -15 Pf: ;s-..;r •;;-;':':) L'' .».•' >:.£ Yp ,pctc :• : 1 ■ Mr. 's copy - 3 - From Albert Cole, Assistant Secretary, Executive Department, in re reappointment of Roy 1 Surprenant. Voted placed on file. From Albert Cole, Assistant Secretary, Executive Department, in re appointment of Joseph Campobasso. Voted placed on file. From Howard V. Doyle, President of the Mass. State Council AFSC & ME, re Governor's Con- ference on Action for Mental Health at the Sheraton Plaza, Boston, May 18, 1962. It was voted that v/e would participate in this Conference and the following names would be sent as participants: Vice President McLaughlin, O'Donnell; Berry Aronson, and the entire Com- munity Services Committee. lUE District #2 requesting the MSLC to contact affiliated unions on pending bills concerning the employees of the Mass. Turnpike Authority, etc. Voted that this request be complied with . From Rep. Peter J. Cloherty regarding 1964-65 World's Fair to be held in New York. It was voted that v/e communicate with Mr. Cloherty and advise him that the Executive Officers together with Vice President Hunt have been appointed to represent us in this connection. From Francis J. Couble, Branch Agent of NMEBA, inviting Executive Council for a cruise on March 20, 1962. It v/as voted to send a communication notifying Mr. Couble that it is not appropriate at this time for the Council to take the cruise and that any members desiring to ' tour the ship shall do so. From Cornelius P. Cotter, Director of Division for State Advisory Committees, Committee on Civil Rights , requesting two or three labor leaders to serve on the Advisory Committee. It was voted that the four Executive Officers' names would be submitted to serve on this Committee. From Mass. Citizens' Committee for Dental Health regarding House Bill 1370 (floridatlon) . It was announced that this bill had been defeated. Voted placed on file. From Mass. Consumer Conference in re meeting April 14, 1962 at Boston College. Vice Presi- dent O'Donnell spoke concerning this conference. It was voted that we would obtain appli- cation forms to this Conference and insert them in a future mailing to affiliates; also to members of the Comm.unity Services Committer asking them to participate. From Testimonial Dinner to Senator Richard R. Caples, May 9th at Bllnstrub's. It was voted to notify this committee that we are not getting involved in this primary political fight and return the tickets and notify also that Bllnstrub's is "out of bounds". From Friendship Dinner honoring Speaker John F. Thompson at Bllnstub's May 2nd, 1962. A very lengthy discussion took place on this matter. It was voted to send $125. and return the tickets stating that we are unable to attend since it is being held at Bllnstrub's and hope > that they will take this into consideration in the future. Copy from John J. Driscoll, Secretary- Treasurer of the New England AFL-CIO Council regard- ing a regional AFL-CIO meeting on Area Redevelopment. President Belanger explained more about this . It was voted that the officers be instructed to set up such a meeting here in Boston; and communicate with the Governor requesting that a state-wide advisory committee ) f o jr;OiTv:r:-')C- \i:''^ -^ ... -^ .--. y , .: .■ .« vx ■ a» ■ \ 10 '^i;:- J vgT-/ ■;T . :^ 5 ^-^ ' .-,;--rn: -rij oa-- • nee.. 77 SI': i •> J-T- .,, ■. .,.fi;r f;ia -iT (1 :;noO orr J.O- J .-f.. -v7 i ;•■•/ -i-'iTu) ■■ ;j;h Mr. 's copy - 4 - on Area Redevelopment be set up. President Belanger reported on the meeting which had been held by the New England AFL-CIO Council in Rhode Island. Executive Vice President Camelio suggested that something along these lines be submitted to the Governor's Advisory Council as labor's views on these matters. Vice President Olerio suggested that the officers come back to the Council with specific recommendations. Voted. A Roll Call was then taken. Vice President Murray spoke about the favorable decision that the Worcester Typographical Union received on their unemployment appeal case. He also told more about Martin Fay. Meeting recessed for lunch at 12:45 p.m. and resumed at 1:45 p.m. From American Trade Union Council of the National Committee for Labor Israel in re February 26th luncheon. The Executive Officers recommendation that we join ($25.) and suggest to them that they request the locals to join was voted. From Stanton E. Smith regarding unaffiliated local unions. It was voted to contact the central labor councils calling this matter to their attention. Executive Vice President Camelio talked at length about getting locals to affiliate. Sec.-Treas. Loughlin to compile a list of unaffiliated locals in Massachusetts and get from the central labor councils a list of local unions affiliated with them . From Stanton E. Smith - Voted placed on file. From James L. McDevitt in re COPE contribution receipt books. Referred to COPE Department. From Joseph J. Cass regarding COPE Area Conference March 31st and April 1st at the Sheraton Hotel, Providence, Rhode Island. Director Cass discussed this Conference and said that he will send the Vice Presidents the forms for the Conference. GomperSiV[urray Dinner, May 19th at Statler-Hilton Hotel. It was voted to accept the Execu- tive Officers recommendation that they purchase 4 tables. Director Cass announced that he had received a letter from Vice President Johnson saying that he will be unable to attend. Director Cass said that he is trying to get President Meany. He spoke about the sale of tickets, etc. From The Catholic Labor Guild, Recollection Day Mass, March 25th. Voted placed on file. From Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts in re the MSLC's lapsed membership. Voted placed on file. From Boston Evening Clinic and Electrical Workers #1505 in re Testimonial Dinner March 18th to Lord Mayor of Dublin, Ireland, Robert Briscoe at the Sheraton Plaza Hotel. It was voted to accept the Executive Officers recommendation of purchasing 4 tickets . From Edward A. McDermott, Director, Office of Emergency Planning, Executive Office of the President. Voted referred to the Executive Officers. From Mass. Higher Education Loan Plan. Voted placed on file. Vice President McLaughlin wished to be recorded as opposed. •"■■>/-..s. ., . ■■■" ■■^/.■. .. ■'. ■'-37 , ,». , - ■/..:• (■■■.,. . ,■'^ , ■>/;:; i ,-v ■ ^Orr^ ,. ' ' »■■ .' y ■■■ .•i^ ■,•;■, ■■^^"c-v 4 ."-, -•., . "^'(1 ^'/?c,,. ■^t-^ .D -.-. •^^,^^. "■'-^n,;s.. ■' .n ■* jf '■*> - ■ z'^' ;, ■•■^■7 .- ■■;.-,-. "■''■'7- ..>/ ■' - -^-^ ."1 .• ■'••'» ?-i Vfv ••'V; •*.. ■■■-/■^P ■■Ajjy. ■■•'•0//V *^' /- • :.//.,. 'i-,;.,- ^•^^^■ ■~- J ■■■•/ - J J r '■'-.5 .' /•> ■-" -vv. 1 ■>' .. > , ' '■■^/.-.: 'v ''Ur ■'■'■^'0 ;/ •'■^r'l/ !■/• ," "'■ ■'O.^^r , 'Si-;- '^r: ■ ■ ■■'7qa . "■■ ■■•■■ ' - » ;i V r "■ '■ -^Oh ''^■i h -:-l.. -^1 " *-^,*" / ( •^"■(:7 'J'> 7- fc...;- ■'■y'.' ^^«-v ,, ^^f/ •■ '-^^/-v... V-^Ar '■■"•^cn- .. - ■/■'r ^':>t /■■■... '■r'l ... ^■'^■■ ' • ■o 'rl ,... u'C ■j \, ■ "Z, . '•/■; ^-'i^. ■0/ ,,/^J ;.)--n vf' '.f -^levl i i:^;-:; ^-"~;:r '^?Mf'. V .-i — -■ . -v (••;■'■:> ^ • tl;;)^;;;: " C7 ^' 'V P I , : ■ .: a. ■\.i ^v ir _;a ■ . a ^■ i ill /Ar. oCih^AM^ /^ (^ MINUTES EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEETING MASSACHUSETTS STATE LABOR COUNCIL, AFL-CIO PARKER HOUSE, BOSTON APRIL 26, 1962 Present: President Belanger, Sec.-Treas. Loughlin, Exec. Vice Presidents Callahan and Camelio, Vice Presidents Accardi, Anctil, Brunelle, Buffum, Campobasso, Deady, Hunt, LaBlue, Lewis, MacPherson, Magliozzi, McLaughlin, Murphy, Murray, O'Donnell, O'Keefe, Olerio, O'Malley, Owens, Pratt, Sweeney, and Wall. Absent: Vice Presidents DiNunno, Doolan, MacKenzie, McCarthy (It.), Messina, Pierce/ Roberts (tel.), and Rush. The Meeting was called to order at 10:25 a.m. with President Belanger presiding and the Council Prayer was read by Vice President Hunt. President Belanger announced that a meeting had been set up at 10:45 a.m. with the Governor at which his presence and the two Executive Vice Presidents were required^ to discuss the MTA situation. Vice President Pratt was then asked to ohair the meeting until their return. The Minutes of the March 15th meeting were accepted as written. NEW AmLlATIONS Hosiery y/!'r?3 . No. 191, Lawrence - 100 members - as of March 1962 Log. Firemen & Enginemen No. 485, Boston - 90 members - as of April 1962 REAFFILIATIONS IWIU Local No. 54, Fitchburg - minimum - as of March 1962 — paid $18.00 arrearage WITHDRAWALS AFSC & ME No. 800, Newton-minimum — Dir. Broyer reported that he would speak to the officers of this local at the Convention new week. Voted to table until next meeting Carpenters No, 595, Lynn-225 members — Vice Pres. Lewis reported that he had tried unsuc- cessfully to have this local remain affiliated. Withdrawal accepted. RWDSU No. 582-A, Taunton-139 members- -Voted to accept withdrawal. Letter Carriers No. 212, Lawrence-100 members — Exec. Vice Pres. Callahan reported that he would like more time to try to have this local remain affiliated. Tabled. I Upholsterers No. 354, Whitman- minimum — as of March 1962 — merged with Local 136. With- drawal accepted. Painters No. 771, Gardner-minimum — as of March 1962 — merged with local 175. Withdrawal accepted. Insurance Agents No. 192, Framingham-minimum — as of April owing $18.00 — merged with Local A178. Voted to contact this local about paying up arrearage. Pattern Makers Assoc. , Lynn-minimum — as of April owing $27.00 — merged with Boston Assoc. Voted to contact this local about paying arrearage. OT: i rv .' ji-nbfc'n'r f! • TKr-i "T >' " fell iJ:\U '■•'■■ n f "^. .; ^•f-f • I- IF' I ■ fit Yr "1 '/ ■},x :.i::':}rmtr-l -f ■:,'.; '} Gi ri''-ii: ^ :-UJ:a b ■"!j -O c ^ li.;-" )l f ^i CI .. i::. I-, v. A Or-/ oo-:^/> n^ .u nni.v6q :JL ■ - U U .'■:>. y pi '■" T; ^' Y , ■ ; nx-~o ■[':-; A -'■. : -Sfr-. ~. -^ -- )".~T r .; d- [:::.o[ ;;:i:lj ;iD;:j-r' di ) - 2 - PER CAPITA TAX EXONERATION - request for Sec.-Treas. Loughlin read the communication that had been sent to Meat Cutters Local No. 30, Boston, and explained that we have received no reply to date. Voted to table until a reply is redeived. SECRETARY-TREASURER'S REPORT i . Sec.-TreaSi Loughlin referred to the list of unaffiliated locals that had been distributed to Council members, and expressed a wish that the vice presidents would work hard to get a number of these unaffiliated locals to affiliate. There was a lengthy discussion in regard to holding a meeting with the Boston Central Labor Council to have unaffiliated locals affiliate with the MSLC. Vice President O'Keefe made a motion that this list be referred to the Execu- tive Officers and Directors of the Council to devise a program to have unaffiliated locals affiliate and to report back to the Council with some specific recommendations. Voted. Sec.-Treas. Loughlin told the Council that amendments to the Constitution adopted at the last Convention had been sent for approval to President Meany. He read the letter of approval received from President Meany. This action was approved. COMMUNICATIONS From Lieutenant Governor McLaughlin in re Roy Surprenant. Voted accepted and placed on file. To Governor Volpe and Governor's Council re Hugh Thompson's reappointment as Trustee, University of Mass. Sec.-Treas. Loughlin reported on the action that had been taken regard- ing Mr. Thompson's reappointment. After discussion this action was concurred in. From Admiral Ricketts re transfer of First Naval District. Vice Pres. Deady thanked the Counci' for the action that was taken and said that as of the moment this issue was dead. Voted filed. To Nathan Pusey, President,Harvard University, in re Advisory Committee, Harvard Trade Union Program and from Joseph O'Donnell, Director, Harvard University Trade Program. It was voted to recommend the name of Sec.-Treas. Loughlin to serve on this Committee. From COPE Director McDevitt in re Conference April 30- May 2 at the Sheraton Park Hotel in Washington. It was voted to accept the recommendation of the Executive Officers that Dir. Cass and Sec.-Treas. Loughlin should attend this Conference. From COPE Director McDevitt regarding funds for the 1962 voter registration campaign. Voted referred to COPE Director Cass. From Vice Pres. Murphy requesting support of the Hurricane Dike Protection Bill. Voted to concur in and to so notify the City of New Bedford of our compliance. From Testimonial Dinner Committee to Sen. John E. Harrington. It was voted to purchase 5 tickets. From Catholic Labor Guild in re Ninth Annual Communion Breakfast May 20th. Voted to pur- chase 4 tickets. 1 I {lU.. u f ,_ n:; ■-■-, I ■O r T.' ; ;• r v ;.■- ji-: ,n-T r-r .-f- n : ■ r •;.:v ffS-rirO'Ii .;'^f;"M. !r : r ;f; .. ■ '■ . » 1. - »^ :}:y. ID •■■■,■■; OT'''''^l' •V ■\: ■ -;•■■■ \ ; . iiib n i L.- '.. 7;^, j ;[;.; -"^ f ji'; ; r ")" n : < - r ■ »T . It!') .."cJ-pnr nf?fi ':>T .n^jii' oi d--*-;- n::;j.va it- 1:10 :.:■■;! p :■ , iiiii oj balTr/ •f-;.,-T-::,-:,-.- Ci il jr: i 'n Oi ' 'J: c;j-9:'<: J 4> srnrio i - 3 - ) From Dinner Committee for Rep. Michael J. Simonelli. Voted to purchase 2 tickets. From Int'l. President Feller, Brewery Workers re boycott of the Comet Rice Milling Company. Vice Pres. Owens suggested that we send a letter to affiliated locals requesting them not to purchase Comet Rice, Adolphus Rice, Peacock Rice, M.J.B. Rice, and V\/onder Rice, products of the Comet Rice Milling Company. Voted. From Pres. Owens, Dade County Federation of Labor re resolution regarding strike against the Miami and Miami Beach transit companies. It was voted to concur in the resolution and to notify W^ashington of this action. From Exec. Vice Pres. Roberts, Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce regarding World's FaJr in 1976. It was voted to notify him that we are in favor of a World's Fair in Boston in 1976 or sooner if possible. From General Pres. Brandenburg of Distillery Workers ' Int'l. regarding boycott. It was voted to concur with their request to notify affiliates not to patronize the following bourbon whiskies. Old Fitzgerald, Cabin Still, Old Elk and W.L. Weller. From Pres. Cutter, Harvard Law School Assoc, of Mass, re dinner May 17th. It was voted to purchase two tickets — for Dir. Lavigne and Counsel Segal. I From Governor Voipe re Conference on Action for Mental Health May 17th. It was voted that Vice Presidents O'Donnell and McLaughlin would attend this Conference and represent the Council . From Tancrati Testimonial Committee. It was voted to purchase 5 tickets for Vice Presidents Brunelle, McCarthy, LaBlue, Murray, and Wall. From Community Publishers re book "Labor's Story". It was voted to purchase two books at $2.50 each. President Belanger reported that a letter had been sent to Mr. Michaelson, of the Rep, Ansel Testimonial explaining that we were returning the tickets because this affair is being held at Blinstrub's. From Nelson Cruikshank re May 20th rally on Medical Care for the Aged. It was voted to send a letter to John J. Carver requesting that he attend the May 9th meeting of the Com- munity Services Committee in connection with this legislation. From U. S, Department of Labor requesting an appearance before the Council. Voted that this be referred to the Committee on Community Services , From Wm, Schnitzler re Emergency Planning, Voted to contact Governor and request repre- i^ sentation on this and also Area Redevelopment. From Memphis Labor News, Voted filed. From AFL-CIO re African Student summer placement program. Voted to obtain more information ■ iby/jii h Do«n;7ir.;cT . iilO;-^ TH^C; ■ -•' vj ■ \'ll. I'.u U -| •].! O \ ■:. n- vr pnx" .i.UiLi '^;':::'P. ■1 .li V/;! i.^rl:^ by; .,., .. .,, ( ;•■■■■ r r \ ^ ■: ... r r ■■: :^;Sn.' :;;:.!:-r8 .!:vi .•;■ \;.'fr:i.j ^'-i?:sS'r ^-;--/;.'rvO 'rLi I'l; roV .-i; [1 V- 'y-: . .' r. l^A O^J. • ■ « ■- ?V"; ■J '.. .i..yJii.i:;sJov 1 1 -. ::Uv\ '\ 1 if::"- iH! 'vior .: ^.' V rn;:i .:;:''05.!n u •")'! - 4 - President Belanger talked about the Employment of the Handicapped contest. It was pointed out that 44 other states also participate ih this contest. i From Greater Lynn Labor Council re Carmen's dispute, Vbted to acknowledge it and explain that we have been doing something on it. Sed.'-Tlreas. L6Ugiilin reported on the Barbers organizing drive. Report accepted as one of progress. It was voted that we send a communication informing them that they should com- municate with the Regional Office in regai-d to fliture organlzirig cdtnpalgns . Vice President Ma^liozzi ihvited the Courtcil members to atterld his installation as VFW Com mander May 5th at 7 p.m. in Cambi-idge. President Belanger Introduced Frank Vielli of the ILGWU. Mr. Vielli told the Council of the strike against the Judy Bond Blouses, He presented a resolution and leaflets concerning the strike, and requested that we notify all affiliated locals not to purchase these blouses President Belanger read the resolution; it was th.en voted to send out leaflets concerning this strike to all affiliates. Vice Pres, Cleric made a motion that we adopt the resolution and send it to the groups requested. Voted. President Belanger introduced Regional Vice President Clay of the Air Line Pilots Association, AFL-CIO, who spoke regarding their strike against Southern Airways. Mr. John Boyt also spoke and told aboitthe resolution which they have been successful in having adopted in approximately 8 states. He requested the support of the Council in getting two bills par-^r^ by Congress and also to adopt the resolution. It was voted to contact Rep. Kowalski and Sen, Douglas that we are in favor of these two bills, A discussion on the question of noti- fying people who have to transfer to Southern Airways that this is a struck airline took place . It was voted to also send a letter to Chairman of CAB notifying them of our position in this matter and to communicate with all parties who can do the best good in assisting these pilots. Vice Pres, O'Keefe made a motion that we submit a late-file bill along these lines to the Legislature, It was voted to draw up a bill and present it when it is most appropriate President Belanger then introduced Judith Watson of Chelsea High School, winner of the Employment of the Handicapped contest. He presented her with a check and she thanked the Council. Dir. Lavigne announced that the second place winner was Miss Sheila Daly of Fitchburg, and the third place winner was Miss Patricia Craigen of Peabody. Meeting recessed for lunch at 12:30 a,m. and resumed at 1:30 p.m. Int'l. Vice Pres. Clay of the Air Line Pilots Association thanked the Council for the opportunic: of appearing before them . President Belanger announced that a meeting was to be held April 29th on the rally for the Kennedy program on Social Security at the Boston Arena, May 28th. Vice Pres. Cleric was designated to attend this meeting April 29th. President Belanger reported on the MTA situation and on the meeting of the Executive Officers with the Governor that morning. He said that at an earlier emergency meeting in Commis- sioner Callahan's office there had been talk of calling a special convention of the Mass. State Labor Council but that after it had been pointed out that special conventions are not .4H-i "T •■,;3\'/ Si ..'c3"riO- ri:^^: ^n / Jiq;.. ^ "t r ■'."^ !"•; l"\ .' ; r ■ .C^' no.- M .;" :'■• ;";r- be to -3001: rioqay: ..[jjori? vs^'ij Jorl: .nor!: ?' rf Tj J / • n f'''^ ^- ■ ■• ■11' Ul >n ■■: ■ +1 ■". I".. ■\oij^:U6■\^n■ ^id . J ~. . . . I . JJn[\' ■iJ'c V. .'V. 16 1; I - I. ■ .-.11 1;.: ^ ■; r: ■ •• ■ 1 -'T v.- ".■.:•" '30 Qo;,;.- ' 'f^u ■; ^ '^d^ 3 f I ■ :iOJ-cJ.i.: : 1 : ■ ■ ; l?'- :.oH:.yiii: . ri . ■■ - n-ir. t f-: ■ 'ji:. -ur ,. J » . • . '■' !• ■ ■ ,■ ' f i I J . ; * ' ■ ■• ■ '*' -p-n- ^ " '^i ^ ; '- ' " '. :; ii. ' J. F-. .; :?:^i-. ij I /J- ■ri:) :v- j; bn cj ;•( r i''^':'i:; -jr r ^1 .. ! ,- I '. .1 ; : ; » ' :) ao:;;.;;.i.K.^. - : :-ui-,.r.-i T; ••i'-> r r'.'- .;oo- If"', ; • .^■- r\ • >i -'L'- .-,{■ • ■' i ' ' ' 1 ■ if-, n: . ■''.or-' 9 ^■■- I -'.^ .' "■10- '■!.'■. .•■ffXOTr:.;;-: ■ • 1''=^1 I;;'- ■ ' •. ■ ' -. ' .;'^* .' '~' •* "> ^/>-^ • Mi; : 1 : ^i^:01^1 :.i:;:.;;;o;} -.a J > 'Ti.. ■v?r i ■':■. ■ \ . : ' :i :'/;:'£>'.' :. <.- /\.i oif^/-'-. ■; .Ll'ti-.-ij ■•■■. '!■:, j-icii D- O I ■ ^,. r ,.- ■ ii ■ .■ . 1' ■■ . J.; ■~>r'H'TJ- . :,v-;:.[Ig: 1:g :^U:-s ;■ -f ■■ .!i,l ^.. 1; ^'U :>. ... . ' i ■; - 5 - just called on the spur of the moment but only after thorough consideration of well-defined Issues and careful planning, the idea was discarded. On that score. Vice ^res. Anctil remarked that an area conference in any event would have beeii more plausible than a state-wide convention as only the Boston area was involved ^ Vice Pres. Pratt reasoned that while the State Labor Council must be and always is ready to lend whatever aid or assistance is requested by any of its affiliated locals, it should b6 clear to everyone that the prestige of the state organization cannot be placed in jeopardy without some ill effect on the entire labor movement of Massachusetts. Exec^ Vice Pres. Callahan and Exec. Vice Pres. Camelio and others spoke at length on the many aspects of the extra- ordinary situation and it was then voted that a Committee of four — Vic6 Presidents O'Kee^^ Pratt, Deady, and Olerio — together with the four Executive Officers should study the question and strive to formulate a clear policy for reasonable action in the event that situa- tions such as the MTA mtx-up should arise again. A resolution on raiding by the Teamsters Union, submitted by Earl Riley, President of lUE District 2, was read by President Belanger, who told the Council that the Executive Officers recommended adoption. Voted adopted. Vice Pres. Hunt referred to the 3-page report which had been submitted by the Housing Committee of which he is Chairman. The Council commended the Housing Committee for a fine job. Vice Pres. O'Keefe suggested that we send a letter to the Governor endorsing Sven Peterson for reappointment to the Industrial Accident Board. Pres. Belsnger explained that there was to be a meeting with the Governor on this reappointment as well as James Kelley's. President Belanger announced that there was going to be another meeting on the MTA situa- tion in the afternoon. Meeting adjourned at 3:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted. JAMES P. LOUGHLIN, Secretary-Treasurer bj oeiu- 6 afl-cio ', - 'rf'-^"- :> i ■;:-- j^ .;. i : . .=. c- ■ --:!XH .'■^ -,'\ ~r r'y : ■>< ■fiJ ..'1 ~i sac; . !i" l.r. ; :; v-' , - ,^ 1 \ .-. . .^ i . -J-!- -»•■.:•. ■ - r^i = 1 - ; I ■■ •; .1 JC;: .-. '? ,-. n-- ..1.0V UUr jU: .f-s.!. , or : J •,.:• ■ f"; -\ !tp \ ; ; ! !-, i :> ; ., .-:? -v' L Mr. 's copy. MINUTES EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEETING MASSACHUSETTS STATE LABOR COUNCIL, AFL-CIO PARKER HOUSE, BOSTON MAY n, 1962 Present: President Belanger, Sec.-Treas. Loughlin, Exec. Vice Presidents Callahan and Camelio, Vice Presidents Accardi, Anctil, Brunelle, Buffum, Deady, Doolan, Hunt, LaBlue, Lewis, McCarthy, Murphy, Murray, O'Donnell, O'Keefe, O'Malley, Owens, Pratt, Roberts, Rush, Sweeney, and Wall. Absent: Vice Presidents Campobasso, DiNunno, MacKenzie (tel.), MacPherson, Magliozzi, McLaughlin (tel.), Messina, Olerio, and Pierce. The Meeting was called to order at 10:20 a.m. with President Belanger presiding and the Council Prayer was read by Vice President O'Keefe. The Minutes of the April 26th meeting were accepted as written. NEW AFFILIATIONS ) Barbers Local No. 144, Milford - minimum (36 members) - as of May 1962 \ Railway Clerks No. 992, Boston - minimum (29 members) - as of May 1962 Chemical Workers No. 720, Holyoke - 75 members - as of June 1962 Firemen & Enginemen No. 307, Springfield - 81 members - as of June 1962 REAFFILIATION Building Service Employees No. 509, Boston - 179 members -■ $29.40 arrearage paid WITHDRAWALS Insurance Workers Unions No. 11, 178, 192 all merged under a new number. Local 36. It was voted to communicate with this local and obtain more information. Electrical Workers No. 1499, Chelsea - owe $187.50 —referred back to the Executive Officers for action. AFSC & ME No. 800, Newton - minimum - local disolved. Pattern Makers Assoc. , Lynn - minimum - tabled until next meeting. Letter Carriers No. 212, Lawrence - 100 members - voted to accept withdrawal. PER CAPITA TAX EXONERATION - request for Meat Cutters No. 30, Boston - tabled, awaiting word from Joseph Sullivan in regard to this local, ECRETARY-TREASURER'S REPORT Sec.-Treas. Loughlin explained that there were many locals who were to be suspended June 30th if they did not pay their back per capita tax. Vice President Roberts suggested that the y.^in' ,r?n.f-oa .V OT f-, ■-' ^ orii bn;3 ofubi ^. . \v i '■ ■ ■^,'^. "^f"i\A' •■< ::>\:i3"lU li; .■>i7 JO O 'n:-, I :".' seJuni:.'' .■j/i- ';r" -i ■,■■ : i ! if,r- oini T'lcrr; niiVf . ■'i'^^viooi- .u-^o . ...j^:)tn: ■•,|-f ■"■>"• ::-f! c/;' Jor 10 J xN ■ I , :"\ rr J :j'::\e.ij\:.- '•lo; C .n-;:.a >,/'.,i •-'/ ^ni V -0 Jo a ];! Mr. 's copy. - 2 - ^ list be broken dowa according to areas and sent to the vice presidents. Sec.-Treas. Loughlin suggested that the vice presidents also go over the list of unaffiliated locals which had been distributed at the last meeting. It was then voted that the Sec.-Treas. and the staff would work together to break down the lists of both delinquent locals and unaffiliated locals by internationals and areas. COMMUNICATIONS To Mayor of New Bedford and House Ways and Means Committee re Hurricane Dike Protection Bill. Vice President Murphy thanked the Council for the action that was taken regarding this bill. Voted received and placed on file. To Governor Volpe re Task Groups and also Advisory Committee on Area Redevelopment. Presi- dent Belanger gave a lengthy explaination of the correspondence that had been sent to the Governor. After discussion on Area Redevelopment the communication was accepted. From Win slow Darling, Jr., Bus. Mgr. Electrical Workers No. 1069, Stamford, Conn,, re- questing financial assistance in their strike. Voted placed on file. From Governor Volpe and Lieutenant Governor McLaughlin re Hugh Thompson's reappointment as Trustee of University of Mass. It was noted that communications held promise that a i labor man would be considered to fill future vacancy. Voted received and placed on file. f From California Conference of Machinists re King- Anderson Bill. President Belanger explained that Mr. John Carver, coordinator of the rally that is to take place Sunday, May 20th, would appear at 12 noon to speak in regard to the rally. Communication accepted. From Testimonial Dinner Committee in honor of Rep. Foley. It was voted to purchase 5 tickets for the vice presidents in the Springfield area. Vice Presidents Brunelle, LaBlue, McCarthy, O'Keefe, and Wall. From President Meany regarding unemployment compensation. It was voted to send wires to the Senators and Congressmen about extension of temporary unemployment. Letter to be com- plied with. From Civil Liberties Union of Mass. re program May 22nd. It was voted to call this to the attention of the Secretary and Chairman of the Civil Rights Committee . From Boston Evening Clinic re financial aid . Voted received and placed on file . From Promoting Peace Inc. requestion that the MSLC send literature to affiliated locals. Voted referred to the Executive Officers for disposition. From Mass. Democratic State Committee requesting $25.00 contribution. Director Broyer ^nd Vice President LaBlue spoke opposing any contribution to this organization. Voted placed on file . Approval of letter sent up by Julius Bernstein re Civil Rights Committee. It was voted that the Executive Officers would take this up with Mr. Bernstein. t f Mr. 's copy, - 3 - From Air Line Pilots Association requesting that we send out their literature. Voted to comply with the request. From Oregon AFL- CIO. Voted tabled. From Michigan State AFL-CIO regarding their Convention. Voted to send fraternal greetings for their Convention June 4-7, 1962. From National Institute Rehabilitation and Health Services re meeting June 11-13 at the Univ. of Michigan. Voted placed on file. From Peace Corps requesting that we distribute their pamphlets at our coming Convention in October. Voted to send for the pamphlets for distribution. From 18th Annual Eastern Seaboard Apprenticeship Conference June 11-14. Voted received and placed on file. From Mass. Committee on Children and Youth. Voted placed on file. From City of Miami, Florida, re boycott. It was voted that we get more information from the MTA in regard to their situation in Florida and that we also communicate with the City of Miami stating that we cannot say a state is a good or bad state so long as it is a right-to- work state. From Congressman Torbert Macdonald regarding airline legislation. Voted that we support his position. Also from Congressman Macdonald re pay reform legislation in the Federal Government — voted placed on file. President Belanger told the Council about the communication from Rep. O'Farrell in regard to the One Days Rest in Seven Law. Vice President Roberts commended the Legislative Department for the passage of the Minimum Wage Bill. He suggested that a press release be sent out on it. Voted. LEGISLATIVE REPORT Director Broyer stated that the Strikebreakers Bill that had passed was being sent out to all affiliates. He also said that it would look as if this year will be the best in so far as getting labor's bills passed. Report accepted as one of progress. Vice President Rush spoke about the MTA Reorganization Bill which is still pending. He made a motion that we go on record to favor the re- organization bill with the McKenna amendment. Director Broyer spoke at length about amendments to this bill. Vice President Roberts and Deady and others gave their views on this. Vice President O'Keefe made an amendment to the motion that the matter be referred to the Special Committee and the Executive Officers Slat deal with intra-union problems. The amendment was voted. President Belanger then introduced John Carver, Coordinator on the Medical Care for the Aged bill in conducting rallies. Mr. Carver said that labor has been the most help in supporting this bill. He also told about the President speaking at Madison Square Garden Sunday and vqc- - -', ij' vlo-'HOD 0) b'r:ioV . s'liiJGiCjil 'lioflit E^ 9'. .;^.ri.] Diii;["^'^i/oc?': iioi;ii5.i.''v";s.-;i' fr'! ,-•, :t-9j;i -.■ .b'^ldBJ- ;9JoV .010 -J"' ::0^:-iO ;T:-.rr. cr:::r;i:jc'r-ii:^ i5f^:'^r5•Ii :;. ■■■.?. o:\ d :i:ii:-;;vr!Ov' -^fcr' ri5 '■ . ''V riu :r/3 £i-ij :nj:- ;; ry-;^ .-J .;. ■ ■Hiv r J J no . Ui 1;::! nr>;.;i;' nc ::]■■■;:?■;'!:)■..) .; /-to;: ; ■■ ij!,;;..: uan:';::,U:; !t ;..,- . 'ii-H;. i.'!: rno;,.; OaT' ritBl i '. \. ■ •■' 1''; ■ <-. -_ t':' ) .-^ri-'- 'i r■v^ ■ f ' r r , ■■' Tr rt ' ■ I : J V7 J. ■ .' .• j.^ ... r ,,.^,^ .-^i , ..J- 1 ■ .> « lOVOvJ n I i i ?:■• rnt ^ ■.+.'T.- ae. n:; .:.; X' L' ■ . r-ri-, £:. -.■:•- :■ ■nc--by- od '■ojIc:'; sH:i" Jen' noiJor'. an.; !-^sc->. ' iVl •nfvUi ' ■ I J .1 iiy . 3ViG-.J -ii'lG j. i [lA^^y-iQ.- :-i- 'eeiS Mr. 's copy. - 4- that this speech would be carried to many rallies through closed circuit TV. He said that he hoped many of the vice presidents would attend the rally Sunday, May 20th at the Donnelly Memorial Hall in Boston. He requested financial aid for this program. Vice President O'Keefe suggested to Mr. Carver that President Belanger be allowed to speak Sunday. Mr. Carver told the Council that it would be impossible for President Belanger to speak but that he would be seated on the stage during the program. Mr. Carver was thanked for appearing before the Council. Vice President Roberts made a moting to donate $250. to this program. Vice Presi- dent O'Keefe made an amendment that we pay the television operation bill of approximately $500. There was a lengthy discussion on this matter. It was then voted that we pay the $500. or more to agency used for television operation. Vice President O'Keefe requested permission to make a report for the Committee on Taxation. He said that his Committee had met jointly with the League of \/Vomen Voters, the Americans for Democratic Action and the American Veterans Committee on May 8th to discuss the grad- uated income tax. He said that another meeting had been scheduled for June 5th but that in the meantime the State Council should, as requested in his letter of May 9th, ask all affiliated locals to send in the names of clubs or fraternal organizations in their respective areas, along with the names of contact officers for each one, so that his Committee could contact them for the purpose of offering to send speakers to their meetings to discuss the graduated income tax referendum that will appear on the ballot in November. It was voted to accept report and to comply with his request. Meeting recessed for lunch at 1:10 p.m. and reconvened at 2:15 p.m. President Belanger announced that a committee comprised of Vice Presidents Deady, Rush, Pratt, and Chaired by Executive Vice President Camelio would study just the MTA situation. Director Broyer to work with them. President Belanger showed the poster received by the MSLC from the Medical Care for the Aged Program. He also displayed a plaque received from Histadrut recording the State Council as a member of the American Trade Union Council for Histadrut, President Belanger spoke about the Gompers- Murray Dinner to be held the coming Saturday night. He said that the head speaker was to be Congressman Frank Thompson of Trenton, New Jersey. He also disclosed that James Carey, President of the lUE would be at the dinner and be invited to speak. It was announced that the 50th anniversary of the Workmen's Compensation Act would be held June 4th at the Statler-Hilton Hotel. There is to be panel discussions morning and afternoon, luncheon, and a dinner. They request a donation. It was voted to purchase a table for lunch and a table for dinner. Vice President Hunt spoke about the Housing Conference called by Governor Volpe to which he and Vice President Deady had been appointed in place of President Belanger. He mentioned that there had been no meeting of the Housing Committee this month. EDUCATION REPORT Director Lavigne announced that the winner of the Scholarship Program was Bruce Mack of Boston Latin School and that he would receive a total of $975.00. The second place winner / L Mr. 's ccpy. - 5 - is Francis LaveUe of Sacred Heart High, Hclyoke, who would receive a total of $675.00. He also listed other winners and their awards . President Belanger suggested that a list of the winners be distributed to the Council members. Director Lavigne spoke about the Youth Pro- gram in Everett. He also said that he hoped everyone of the Council members was planning to attend the Labor Institute at Amherst June 15th, 16th, and 17th. Report accepted, Sec.-Treas. Loughlin thanked Director Kable for the help he has given him. Sec.-Treas. Loughlin read parts of the letter received from the Bradford Hotel confirming arrangements for the 1962 Convention in October. Meeting adjourned 2:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, JAMES P. LOUGHLIN Secretary- Treasurer 1^ oeiu-6 afl-cio t ■■' ' J ^-:0 O . ■■.■J: .i:-i,:oy ;'M;j :ji.i:^o.::^ o:hoo;. ■^::v^Vf> ^ c j; ;;-;'••■]; ^G'r^ .'. i:;"i;' •.'.■'; 71: -^ ..■■r .f. J ^-: . ' !. . r:;in "./ ? :• T^'^vuL. ,jfv:i';f' n.) •Ji^oJ . ;. s ^- ;3*-. JO' fH'Ii. !.'■'■ ■^ao. b^vtfi •^ r?-;M ^i •-,':' lo oj75q bi'9'i r'ii.Jr-; .>J . .iuo'iT- .ooc^ \'llL/l!:;) q c;8:S b5;r'n.K:-' r.)t [;;nfjO';>M 1 1 .-I-;! ■ I . Mr. 's copy MINUTES EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEETING MASSACHUSETTS STATE LABOR COUNCIL, AFL-CIO PARKER HOUSE, BOSTON JUNE 21, 1962 f Present: President Belanger, Sec.-Treas. Loughlin, Exec. Vice Presidents Callahan and Camelio, Vice Presidents Accardi, Anctil, Brunelle, Buffum, Campobasso, Deady, LaBlue, Lewis, MacKenzie, Magliozzi, McCarthy, McLaughlin, Messina, Murphy, O'Donnell, O'Keefe, Cleric, O'Malley, Owens, Pierce, Pratt , Roberts , and Wall . Absent: Vice Presidents DiNunno (tel.), Doolan, Hunt (It.), MacPherson, Murray (tel.), Rush, and Sweeney. The Meeting was called to order at 10:15 a.m. with President Belanger presiding and the Council Prayer was read by Executive Vice President Camelio. The Minutes of the May 17th meeting were accepted as written. NEW AFFILIATION Operating Engineers Local No. 62, Boston - 89 members - as of June 1962 REAFFILIATION RWDSU Local No. 444, Boston - paid back per capita tax - as of April 1962 WITHDRAWALS Pattern Makers Assoc. , Lynn - Sec.-Treas. to contact Boston office about paying Lynn local arrearage now that they have merged with them. Insurance Workers Nos. 11, 178, and 192 - Sec.-Treas. to talk to the principals involved in regard to local 36 and the dues arrearage of the withdrawing locals. Motion Picture Operators No. 86, Fitchburg - minimum - owe $27. AFSC & ME Local No. 845, Boston - minimum - owe $27. - out of existence AFSC & ME Local No. 1420, Somerville - minimum - owe $36. - out of existence AFSC & ME Local No. 965, No. Reading - minimum - owe $27. - out of existence TWUA Local No. 192, Charlton City - mill liquidating - local dissolved TWUA Local No. 775, Easthampton - plant is liquidating Pipefitters Local No. 622, Holyoke - 103 members Theatrical Stage Employees No. 196, Salem - minimum - paid through June 1962 Electrical Workers No. 1499, Chelsea - Vice President O'Malley to check on this. PER CAPITA TAX EXONERATION - request for Meat Cutters Local 30, Boston - voted tabled - Sec.-Treas. to contact Regional Director Caldwell. UAW Local No. 1268, strike 15 months old, still in effect - request granted. ?rj~:ni- ...: '/>. "Cl";:. :i9v. •off r-: ■ i.i ) ,Vi ,■: H lot! V ■ .■ .;M . n'-:-:--prK'o^^I-: iO^ ;(:.i^ I J urir vni.'.iB '3t:;- -.JJ 'A r- ^^,■■.•^'■!. 10 c;i" ■If: ..>. Q ;t rr; ;■ •- r.HTiv '.;.i:^i .-r; -; ; ■ 'J ■ ::i-noo oj , ;:' O'Jl - y^ !^ '-rt - ';5 Oliiv I -. -- i" • 11.. (-:■■ - ::-;u; on-P: ^:-ir:-l. J ;;; Z -._• V ! i i. • - . Ij/ .':. Jo^-'i .■•-'it ' ;/.. ..-.i;.' LCJ-f: - 2 - Mr. 's copy SECRETARY-TREASURER'S REPORT Sec.-Treas. Loughlin explained that there were a number of delinquent locals which were to be suspended June 30th if they had not paid their arrearage by that date. It was decided that the list of locals to be suspended would be passed among the vice presidents in order that they may write down their locals and urge them to pay their dues arrearage. COMMUNICATIONS From Governor's office re reappointment of Sven Peterson for Industrial Accident Board. Voted received and placed on file. From Governor's office re reappointment of James J. Kelley to Labor Relations Commission. President Belanger reported on the conference with the Governor regarding reappointments. A discussion ensued on this matter, Sec.-Treas. Loughlln informed the Council that he had requested an appointment with the Governor, but had no reply to date. A motion was then made that we again request an audience with the Governor. Voted. From Hugh Thompson regarding his reappointment to the Board of Trustees, University of Massachusetts. It was noted that since the death of Rep. Whitmore there is now a vacancy on this Board. It was voted that a letter be sent to the Governor immediately stating that due to the untimely death of Rep. Whitmore, Mr. Thompson should be reappointed to fill , the vacancy. Also that a conference with the Governor be held regarding this and the other two reappointments . From Worcester Typographical Union No. 165 re House Bill 3318. Voted received and placed on file . From International Affairs Department, AFL-CIO re placement of African students for summer employment. Voted referred to the Education Department. From Jacob S. Potofsky, President, ACWA, re non-union Richman Brothers clothing. Vice President Campobasso made a motion that we go on record as against buying non-union Richman Brothers clothing and to so notify our affiliated locals. Vice President Campobasso to send pamphlets on this to go out to affiliates with letter. From Colorado Labor Council, AFL-CIO re The Frying Pan-Arkansas Project (H.R. 2206). Voted accepted • and placed on file . To and from Campbell G. Murphy, Chairman, Delinquency Planning Committee. Voted approved . From Senators and Congressmen re H.R. 10341 and H.R. 10697. Voted received and placed on file. ^ From Senators and Congressmen re Temporary Extended Unemployment Compensation Act. Voted received and placed on file . From Italian-American Charitable Society, Inc. It was voted to accept the recommendation of the Executive Officers to donate $25. -'AyW'X^ (I Zii'--' 1 '-^.'f) V .3dT ;■ -^ : . ^ ■'.'■ \ r- ■ \7 r ■. /■ 0/ ■i ■■- :,■; lor:" ■>! \ ■ ,. :■-' ' • ' •• ■■■ : J 1 c5 '•:.' -^-^ ill ,,^ r-!:;i.K>n- •' i:v pa^-^'^--'- • ■ I. r;;v <-/ ■Tt \i - .! -•' -rr.nO: -.Barnoiii ! n • ••;.n.:' 3fV. ■jbTi:^ •triU^l^'l^ ■ruviy^-- :-n ■V.'-:N.' •bSJ-*' nf t: V-' i:' oia^ >^ P''VjV-, c jiic V : ^-v • i -J. -J- - _ 2 - ^^* '^ copy ^ From Bernice Claire Farm . It was voted to accept the recommendation of the Executive Officers to donate $ 5 . President Belanger spoke about the Mayor's Charity Field Day and said that we had pur- chased 50 tickets at $1.00 each, which had been distributed to Council members and Directors and office staff. Voted to approve action of Executive Officers. From Father Flanagan's Boys' Home thanking MSLC for $10, donation. Voted received and placed on file. From City of Boston Health Department thanking MSLC for cooperation. Voted placed on fil3 From World Affairs Council. Voted referred to the Executive Officers. President Belanger read the correspondence from National AFL-CIO President George Meany regarding the Manpower Development and Training Act, which stressed the Importance of labor's role on Advisory Committees that will be set up to enable communities to get full benefits from the law. He also read a letter from Director Antonio England of the Division of Employment Security, which supplemented President Meany' S letter With the announce- ment that Advisory Committees would be set up iri specified areas in Mass. and reqested that the names of labor representatives from each area be sent to him for appointment to \ these committees. President Belanger suggested that Central Labor Councils be advised ') that we are interested in the unemployment problems in all areas and that we will work with them in the setting up of Advisory Committees . Noting that Director England had in- cluded thirteen populous cities and towns in the Boston area. Vice President O'Keefe sug- gested that we request a further sub-division of the district. A lengthy discussion of the program ensued. Vice President Deady and Vice President Roberts both spoke at length about the danger of retraining displaced workers for jobs that do not exist. Other vice presidents expressed their views on the subject and many felt that much care must be exer- cised in dealing with the matter, Vice President O'Keefe made a motion that President Belanger meet with Mr. England for the purpose of re-examining the plan with a view to further sub- division of the areas . He suggested also that other matters be taken up with Mr. England, such as the setting up of a centralized body and the appointment of persons for state-wide representation — and also that persons appointed to the advisory committees be required to know something about the law. It was voted that the Executive Officers meet with Director England on this matter. President Belanger mentioned that the Massachusetts Economics Stabilization Board would like someone from the Council to serve on this Board. Tabled until we receive a letter in regard to this . President Belanger spoke about Area Redevelopment and the letter that had been sent to the Governor. No reply from the Governor to date. .President Belanger gave a report on the Medicare Program and its progress in Congress. He ^/explained that we would have to watch this program very carefully. Vice President O'Keefe distributed a Resoltuion which had been adopted by lUE Workers Local 201, Lynn, and they are requesting all locals in Massachusetts and throughout the country to adopt this resolution. Vice President O'Keefe explained that he was making f r ' Mr. 's copy - 5 - COMMITTEE ON TAXATION Vice President O'Keefe told about the many meetings that the Committee on Taxation has held. An appropriation of up to $300. was given to Chairman O'Keefe of the Taxation Committee for stickers and other printed matter to be used in campaign to promote a favor- able vote on the graduated income tax referendum. EDUCATION REPORT Director Lavigne told about the successful Labor Institue held June 15th-17th at the Univer- sity of Massachusetts, Amherst. He said that he had talked with some locals on the question of reaffiliating with the State Labor Council and he has hopes that he was success- ful. President Belanger requested that Director Lavigne turn over the papers on taxation that he had compiled to the Chairman of the Committee on Taxation and that they would decide the final papers to be printed up. Report on Education accepted. Vice President Roberts suggested that a special letterhead for releases be set up for the Director of Public Relations. To be looked into. Meeting adjourned 3:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, JAMES P . LOUGHLIN , Secretary- Treasurer ') oeiu-6 afl-cio ;■'■");;:: i ; ',■■,:■■ ■[ J lit :;,:.K- ■ ;■ rij '}f- ;■;:" n:";. .11 i ' ;■: '";'i ;' ^i-VmI;.)-' -f- .) .; ; j:i\uJ'i ic lutorniG rrvijorb;'^ oniJoLj 1 1- l'-U\l C s MINUTES Mr. 's copy EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEETING MASSACHUSETTS STATE LABOR COUNCIL, AFL -CIO PARKER HOUSE, BOSTON JULY 19, 1962 Present: President Belanger, Sec.-Treas, Loughlin, Executive Vice Presidents Callahan and Camelio, Vice Presidents Accardi, Anctil, Brunelle, Buffum, Campobasso, Deady, Doolan, Hunt, LaBlue, Lewis, McCarthy, McLaughlin, Messina, Murphy, Murray, O'Keefe, Oierio, Owens, Pratt, Rush, and Wall. Absent: Vice Presidents DiNunno (tel.), MacKenzie (tel.), MacPherson, Magliozzi, O'Donnell (tel.), O'Malley (tel.). Pierce, Roberts (tel.), and Sweeney. The Meeting was called to order at 10:20 a.m. with President Belanger presiding and the Council Prayer was read by Vice President Hunt. President Belanger explained that since there were many bills that were very important pend- ing in the Senate, the Legislative Director had requested that he make his report in order that he might leave to go to the State House. Director Broyer reported that at 1:00 p.m. today there would be a bill coming up on Home Rule. He said that there were two other important bills, the Medical School Bill and the bill on Air Rights and No Competitive Bidding pending. He spoke at length about the bill allowing employees of Authorities free elections , to be held by the State Labor Relations Board, to elect unions of their own choice (House Bill No. 2974) . He said that he wished the entire Council would come to the State House today at 1:00 p.m. in a body to see the maneuvering that is going on. President Belanger talked about employees of Authorities having a free election and also about the Home Rule Bill and the Air Right Bill. Director Broyer's report was accepted. The Minutes of the June 21st Meeting were accepted as written. NEW AFFILIATIONS Insurance Workers No. 36, Boston - 518 members - as of June 1962 Leather Workers No. 58, Bellingham - 72 members - as of July 1962 National. Fed. of P.O. Motor Vehicle Emp. No. 46, Boston - 201 members - as of July 1962 Int'l. Longshoremen's Assoc. No. 822, Boston - minimum (30 members) - as of July 1962 Amal. Silver Workers No. 19, Newburyport - 177 members - as of July 1962 REAFFIUATIONS Railway Patrolmen No. 31, Boston Laborers No. 133, Quincy USA Local No. 2831, Boston OCAW Local No. 8-1409, Boston WITHDRAWALS Pattern Makers Association, Lynn — Exec. Vice President Camelio suggested that we do not place the burden of per capita arrearages onto locals who have other locals merged with them. Voted referred to Executive Officers. 7 >-' : -1. i.- "■ i C-Z' \' v'li'iy » : : ■Ml r* ' •* -• T ^ -ino.: ■, -■':.? '■::■ ■ f .-■ 'J ^ I .-. 't ■-■■ i : J f J on ->; r^-^rf- ■■^■"".^■- 1 (l: ■>J;i/.j ■ ": • : ^ ■^ ■^-^■■.?'"n:,.>; : ■"' :inr:^r^ , . \ ■ y . o;^Of ;i!. ■ <■ v.! • < V » ^ n C' i - 2 - Electrical Workers No. 1499, Chelsea - Tabled until next meeting since Vice President O'Malley was absent and unable to report on this. PER CAPITA TAX EXONERATION - request for Meat Cutters Local No. 30, Boston — Letter from John Snyder, Business Manager, was read which stated that it was impossible for Local 30 to pay the back dues that it owes, but that they wished to start paying dues again as of July. After discussion per capita tax exonera- tion for this local was denied. SECRETARY- TREASURER'S REPORT Sec.-Treas. Loughlin stated that the Council's books are in the process of being audited and as soon as they were completed he would make a full financial report. He also told the Council that new Constitutions with the amendments made at the last Convention had been printed up. President Belanger said that the Executive Officers had decided that the Convention banquet would be on Thursday night and the Convention dance on Wednesday night. He also sug- gested that the Council purchase plastic cases, as we did last year, to be distributed to the delegates. Dir. Cass suggested that they be a little larger than last year's cases. It was then voted to accept the recommendation of the Officers to purchase the plastic cases. President Belanger requested that the Council members send in names of people they would like to serve on various Convention Committees. Exec. Vice President Camelio suggested that a letter be sent to the Executive Council members informing them of this action in order that those absent from the meeting today would be aware of the request. He also suggested that the Council members who submit names for committees also say which committee they would prefer to have them serve on. Voted. President Belanger announced that the name of Chester Wright of the Bricklayers in Worcester had been suggested by the Vice President from the Worcester area and the Sec.-Treas. to fill the term of James Loughlin which is now vacant. Voted. President Belanger spoke about the Medical School Bill and said that the State Labor Council has gone on record for this bill. He said that the bill is due to come up today. COMMUNICATIONS To Governor Volpe and from Albert Cole, Asst. Sec. to Governor regarding reappointment of Hugh Thompson as Trustee, University of Massachusetts. President Belanger reported on the meeting with the Governor concerning Sven Peterson, James Kelley and Hugh Thompson. He said that the Governor had told them that he was going to appoint an alumni member to the Board of Trustees , and if they knew of an alumnus from labor he would be happy to con- p^ sider him. It was voted that we notify the Governor that we have reaffirmed our position of endorsing Mr. Thompson and "among the officers of the Mass. State Labor Council we find that none are alumni of the University of Massachusetts. " Voted. President Belanger said \ that Governor Volpe would give consideration to Mr. Peterson and Mr. Kelley. Report accepted. '{i<: t^'::ft-<- '= • x-';-:i i'i'rtCi' t-:-^' -1 - ^V-r£i\!-T.'Vj ■:CJJa ub:;;' . pn^r-' .1 ' :: X . ■OiJ '''\:rJiXO '■■ ,L '. 1 i..-M - ;--r: ■ :-:?,■' iiJOOv ; '. '^'■, f\ \t\: ii i::';:9V5'.>iOr';U arij lo .'■■■iprr f/; c - 3 - - -^_^ ) From Street Carmen Local 1 2 (^^ Plymouth, re strike — financial aid requested. Voted to help aid them when we receive strike procedure information from them. From Mass. Conference on Social Welfare requesting representative to serve on their Board of Directors. It was voted to accept the Executive Officers recommendation that Sec.-Treas. Loughlin's name be submitted to them. From Mass. State Economic Stabilization Board requesting a representative to serve on their Advisory Council. It was voted to accept the recommendation of the Executive Officers that President Belanger serve on this Council. From Andrew J. Biemiller, Dir. of Legislation AFL-CIO, re H.R. 114 51- Occupational Safety. It was voted to accept the Executive Officers'recommendation that this be turned over to Executive Vice President Callahan. From Tennessee Labor Council AFL-CIO re "Memorial Bibles, Inc." It was suggested that we notify the Union Label Council that we only want one bible stand. A motion was then made that this be scrutinized for space, union label, etc. by the Executive Officers and the Union Label Committee. Voted. From Bertram W. Kohl, Int. Repr. , Int. Printing Pressmen Union, re his appointment which is pending to the Civil Service Commission. President Belanger gave some background informa- tion on this matter, after which it was voted that this be laid on the table so that the Officers may get additional information to be reported at the next meeting. From Electrical Workers No. 256 regarding Manpower Development and Training Act of 1960. President Belanger spoke about the Districts which had been set up for this program and in- formed the Council that they couldn't be changed. He told about the State Committee which is effective as of July 1st under the Department of Labor. It was then voted that the State Labor Council would participate in this program. There was a lengthy discussion on whether to have the central labor unions send in a name to be submitted as a representative on the local level directly to the Division of Employment Security or to send them to us and we then forward them. It was finally voted that we notify the Divison of Employment Security to get in touch directly with the local councils about obtaining names and in areas where there are no councils the State Labor Council will assist them. From Greater Boston Labor Council AFL-CIO re Labor Day Breakfast. It was voted to accept the recommendation of the Executive Officers that any and all vice presidents who wished to attend could. Voted to purchase 25 tickets. From Lamson for Senator Committee re Moonlight Dance Cruise July 31st » It was voted to accept the recommendation of the Executive Officers to purchase 10 tickets . From Democratic House Committee requesting contribution. Voted placed on file. ^' From Vice President Roberts — letter from Nathaniel Tilden, Asst. Sec. to Governor, regard- ing reappointment of James J. Kelley to the Mass, Labor Relations Commission. Voted placed on file. ■oniv ' ;;■.'. tixioi •."I'i, biij:- jiiBni'i'- . (* , . . ( x^y^- .•Vi. (■;. I'i-- ul: lO'i -■^■■■ --, ,-■-,,- i r'''o \ •-,.-v;.. •. -iy^'^''. 'iU^r ■■; ;,joH nr^-'^ ■ ' - 4 - From Jacob S. Potofsky, Gen. President, Amal. Clothing Workers of America, thanking the State Labor Council for their assistance in regard to notifying affiliates that Richman Brothers are non-union. Voted placed on file. From Italian-American Charitable Society, Inc. thanking Council for $25.00 contribution. Voted placed on file . From IVVIU, Maurice Cauchon and George Rollins thanking Council for cooperation. Voted placed on file. From Stewart F. Prue, Shoe Workers Joint Executive Board No. 31 requesting Information on James Kelley. President Belanger suggested that we inform him of the action we have taken in regard to Mr. Kelley *s reappointment. Voted. From U.S. Department of Labor requesting President Belanger to serve on Presidential Committc in connection with the Department of Labor Anniversary Year. It was voted that the President serve on this Committee. From Philip L. Hammer, Attorney Adviser for State Advisory Committees, Voted referred to the Executive Officers. From Boston Citizen Seminar requesting contribution. Voted to contribute $25.00. Invitation from 25th Anniversary of the National Apprenticeship Program in Washington, D.C. Voted referred to the Executive Officers . President Belanger mentioned that the meeting with the Boston Central Labor Council and the Bricklayers in regard to the United Fund was one of progress. Sec.-Treas. Loughlin reported that the Convention Credentials and Call would be sent to all affiliates on or before August 1st, 1962 as required by the Constitution. Report accepted as one of progress. Exec. Vice President Callahan reported on the meeting with Leonard J. Lurie, Assistant Reg. Dir.-Tech. Assistant, Bureau of Labor- Management Reports and Chester T. Skibinski, N.E, Area Director, Bureau of Labor- Management Reports, U.S. Department of Labor. He said that they requested our assistance in furnishing them with names of all international repre- sentatives in order that they might hold a 1-day Conference , such as was held a few months ago, on labor- management reporting Wednesday, October 18th. It was voted to cooperate and to send them the information. COPE REPORT Director Cass reported on the in- plant registration and said that it is going along well. He ')described a questionnaire which is to be printed up and sent to candidates regarding their position on our program. He read the 11 questions that have been drafted so far and said that there might be more questions added. He reported that the letter requesting financial assist- ance to COPE had been sent to affiliates. Report accepted as one of progress and question- naire approved. ■:■<-. rr-ri;') ■i^'nr'i'yr-. :• ; ni'if 'fj ;■; .:. 'I:C -^'vf uo; idcj.Lii3ri; c.t .. j;;';'.;i:!' '. J .O ■-■ ; .:' 7oa:-..! :,), ■yn vyrij :'f3d: n"rf;n^; - 5 - Sec.-Treas. Loughlin announced that the AFL-CIO Convention next year would be held at the Americana Hotel in New York . Vice President Lewis informed the Council that the Lynn Labor Council had endorsed Rep. O'Shea for the office of Congressman against Cong. Bates. President Belanger explained that state endorsements should not be made by local councils . EDUCATION AND RESEARCH REPORT Director Lavigne told about the Harvard Trade Program and said that he had already received 9 applications. Report accepted. Vice President Hunt told about the turbulence and rivalry on the waterfront. He said that any matters regarding the waterfront should be referred to him. Vice President Deady spoke about the importation of laborers. He said that a number of companies are importing laborers from Canada, etc. and not paying them union wages. He spoke also about alteration of property by scabs. President Belanger said that the officers would be pleased to sit down with Brother Deady and discuss these matters and will bring recommendations back to the Council for action. President Belanger spoke about the unem- ployment in Massachusetts. Vice President Deady said that Massachusetts' workers should get the first crack at Massachusetts' work. A roll call was then taken. President Belanger requested as many Council members as possible to get up to the State House after lunch, per Director Broyer's request. Meeting adjourned 1:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, JAMES P. LOUGHLIN, Secretary- Treasurer bj oelu-6 afl-cio . -.i V •ri •••rf: ■',>." ")lCr r.i.u^=i' ri li'iKlUOO iOd5^; nTLvJ ■vd'i 'Jij'-; . i 'lit .!..' ■■'ILiO:'' I .:;iO.! v : I i i^ J.^a;- V i ' ■■. : ■ .uc'ii;: f...- ,.-:;■. 7eJT. ;■■; ■^■jr'df :-MorV';, v-pni-:!-- .'1 • '".■"■' ;■; ■- ; :i'6jR ""iidt c^? air jod o:'- sIrii;F^'-;oa \-;<>-. :; '-ri '■■■ :■ J. .. i t { :..:■ LOO ';i::; ^„ r ^r r, m -n r, ^F . * S COpY MINUTES EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEETING MASSACHUSETTS STATE LABOR COUNCIL, AFL - CIO PARKER HOUSE, BOSTON AUGUST 16, 1962 Present: President Belanger, Sec.-Treas. Loughlin, Exec. Vice Presidents Callahan and Camelio, Vice Presidents Anctil, Brunelle, Buffum, Campobasso, Deady, Hunt, Lewis, MacKenzie, MacPherson, Magliozzi, McCarthy, McLaughlin, Messina, Murphy, Murray, O'Donnell, O'Keefe, Olerio, O'Malley, Pratt, Sweeney, Wall, and Wright . Absent: Vice Presidents Accardi^ DiNunno (tel.), Ddolan (tei.), LaBlue (It.), Owens (tel.). Pierce, Roberts (tel.)> and Rush. The Meeting was called to order at 10:25 a.m. with President feelanger presiding and the Council Prayer was read by Vice President Pratt. President Belanger introduced Chester V/right, the new Vice President from the Worcester area replacing Mr. Loughlin. President Belanger announced that at 11:45 a.m. officers of the Boston Labor Council would appear before the Council. ^^ The Minutes of the July 19th meeting were accepted as written. REAFFIUATIONS Barbers Local 238, Brockton — paid back per capita tax Barbers Local 545, Holyoke — CWA Local 1395, Boston — SECRETARY- TREASURER' S REPORT Sec.-Treas. Loughlin reported briefly on the Convention arrangements. President Belanger elaborated saying that a room had been reserved for the Executive Council. He also stated that there would be a Council meeting Monday, October 1st at 2:00 p.m. at the Bradford. He named the people who have already been invited to speak at the Convention and said that Mr.Haggerty and Mr. Reuther would be invited also. Vice Pres. O'Keefe questioned as to what the main theme of the Convention would be. President Belanger said that the Shorter Work Week has been thought about and is being given consideration. Vice Pres. O'Keefe reported that the Taxation Committee has been meeting regularly with the League of Women Voters Taxation Committee, the Americans for Democratic Action Taxation Committee, and the American Veterans Association Taxation Committee. He spoke about the window stickers for the Reform Tax Referendum and about the Council' s position on this and the Graduated Income Tax. There was a discussion about the Directors speaking about matters ^^) which do not concern their particular department. Vice Pres. O'Keefe suggested that we invite speakers to the Convention to speak on the Reform Tax Referendum . A lengthy dis- cussion developed and it was finally decided that the Officers would sit down with Vice Pres. O'Keefe to set up a schedule. . ) : . ;.i. , O" ? r .'■ : \' ■': •■', ■■■■ i ,". n r ■-■ p ... h/' •■•■; r ! ■: '•' ■' ! ■■!■'■ lO'r' i. : ;i: • k.. J i:. ; . .' .; r JDni;^ :; ■: , a ail : ! . : '. ■;• ■ I'"'; , ;:; [;■': '■:. ■i'^]:- ■ ■■ "i i ■:-/iv . ■••: '■.;. uu: .-J •■^r('; :-!;ij.'A- •,'!.■ .■/•■.■rr;-0 .••ciji! -•..:•■ •■ ■if' I ■' ; .:" ;■>!■!: ''j("'' V i": !■ 1 f . ■ 'V .1 ;■■. ■■-.( •/:,-/<'!:' - 2 - Sec«-Treas. Loughlin asked the Council members to be cautious when discussing Council matters outside of the meeting to avoid any unnecessary distortions by outsiders or the daily press. He said that all publicity should be channeled through the Department of Public .„,..,,...,...,,.,,..,,...,,,^^ ..w«i.n . ., « . u n« . - -■■ "■ ■.■' .f» -;-^7^ President Belanger reported that the Executive Officers have allocated certain duties to each of the Directors during the Convention. Dir. Cass-Committee chairmen; Dir. Broyer and Counsel Segal-Resolutions; Dir. Kable-news releases; Leg. Agt. Clifton- credentials and registrations and nominators; Dir. Lavigne-rules , standing committees and guests. Vice President Brunelle told about a rumor in Springfield last year concerning Director Lavigne telling someone that if a union didn't belong to COPE they didn't have to comply with their rules. President Belanger said that unions should always follow trade union policies. COMMUNICATIONS To Governor and from Albert Cole re reappointment of Hugh Thompson to Board of Trustees , University of Mass. Voted received and placed on file. From Greater Boston Labor Council AFL-CIO re Bertram W. Kohl. Vice t*resident Buffum said that he would like this matter to be tabled since he is still a candidate fot* this position. President Belanger reported on this matter saying that this is not for a labor appointment, since there already is a labor representative. He said that this is one of the two Republican appointees. Dirt Broyef stated that he woiild have a copy of the law relating to this avail- able at the hext meeting* Aftet disciifesion this comtniinication was voted filed. From Senator tohn fi. Powers re Committee to Retain a Democratic Sehaiie thanking us for our contribution. Voted placed on file. From National Council of Senior Citizens, Inc. re membership. It was voted to accept the recommendation of the Executive Officers that we continue our membership and pay the annual fee of $50.00. From Union Label and Service Trades Dept. AFL-CIO re non-union cigarettes. It was voted to notify our affiliates of this. From Union Label and Serice Trades Dept. AFL-CIO re strike of United Furniture \A/orkers against the Jamestown Sterling Furniture Company. It was voted received and placed on file. From Rev. W. Seavey Joyce, Dean, Boston College, thanking Council for contribution to Boston Citizen Seminar Program. Voted received and placed on file. To Antonio England and central labor councils re Advisory Committees in connection with Manpower and Development Training Act. It was voted that the action taken be concurred in. From Building Service Employees Local 254 re informational picketing at the Y.M.C.A. It was voted to form a committee consisting of Vice President McLaughlin, Chairman, Vice Presidents Buffum, Camelio, and O'Donnell. Chairman to see that the proper people get notification of meetings . .-•. i •-■. ■ • ■■ --1 ■ J '.J .. ■ ■■': i- ;'■ •' ;- i ■•■"■■■ T ' -■, . . ^ J C L- inrr:.- ) - 3 - A copy of a telegram to George Meany from Francis I. Gay, President, District Council 45, AFSC & ME, was voted referred to the Regional Office of the AFL-CIO. From Mr. Turley - notify them that it could best be handled by the District Office of AFL-CIO. From U.S. Department of Labor re 25th Anniversary of the National Apprenticeship Program. Voted to place it on the bulletin board. President Belanger said that many letters of support of the United Fund have been received. From COPE AFL-CIO - Voted referred to Director Cass. From National Planning Association re membership - Voted referred to the Executive Officers. From Andrew Biemiller, Dept. of Legislation AFL-CIO re H.R. 10113, Public Works Bill. Voted received and comply with reqiiest for support and action. From Geotge T. Guernsey, Asst. Director of Education AFL-CIO re Film Library. Voted placed oh file* From city of kojJe - President Belanger e5tt)lained abotit their request that they be able to set up a booth at the Convention and to give a union-made perfume atomizer with each $2.00 contribution. After discussion it was voted to answer their request saying that we are pri- marily a legislative body and labor group and that they continue working with international unions; also that we do not allow soliciting of money at our Convention and the space is already taken up. It was voted to send a basket of fruit to Vice President Owens who is in the hospital and also to Vice President Roberts. A roll call was then taken. President Belanger spoke of the function that the Maritime Trades Council is holding on the same day, at the same time, as the Labor Day Breakfast and Parade of the Boston Central Labor Council. He then introduced President Arthur Hartin of the Boston Central Labor Council. President Hartin explained that the BCLC is now going to operate as an arm of the State AFL-CIO and will cooperate completely. He hoped the MSLC would do everything possible to cooperate and help to make their parade a success. Sec.-Treas. Lawrence Sullivan was then introduced and he also said that the BCLC would fully cooperate with this Council. Vice President Valentine Murphy was also introduced and he said that it was regretable that the Maritime Council is holding their function at the same time as they were, and that the Boston Council and state Council would now work hand in hand. President Belanger mentioned that the Boston Council and MSLC officers had already met together. After discussion, it was voted to appropriate up to $200.00 for a band for the parade and to send a letter to affiliates telling them about the Breakfast and Parade and requesting them to attend parade. Vice President Hunt made a motion that we boycott the Labor Day Parade of the Maritime Trades Council. After discussion. Vice President Hunt withdrew his motion. The meeting recessed for lunch at 12:35 p.m. and resumed at 1:50 p.m. ^"'l'}.'.)':: ■ ! ;. V ■joy , ■ ■- '\ '■ ■■■ J>-' v ..; ■>':'^5iu i; ■ :!■■.:. ■■'I... • ( : . oi.Pi-'r ■ J- 'o^v'! - 4 - Vice President O'Keefe i-eported that the Committee on Taxation had held three meetings in conjunction with the League of Women Voters Taxation Committee , the Americans for Demo- cratic Action Taxation Committee, and the Americans Veterans Association Taxation Committee He displayed the stickers that had been made up to promote the referendum on the tax reform. He spoke in detail about the tax reform referendum. He said that the Com.mittee on Taxation recommended sending out the stickers to all affiliates. He spoke about the possib.'lity of setting up a booth at the Convention to distribute stickers and pamphlets . He mentioned that the AVC and ADA are in favor of a graduated income tax but that the LWV are rioti Presi- dent Belanger spoke further on this question. Report accepted as one of progress. Executive Vice President Callahan reported on the correspondence that was referred to him at the last meeting on Occupational Safety. He spoke in detail about this legislation and read the letter which he is sending to Mr. Biemiller. Report accepted and letter concurred in, Housing Committee - Vice President Hunt reported that the Housing Committee would be holding another meeting after the Council meeting today and that the committee would sub- mit a mimeographed report to the Council. COPE REPORT Director Cass spoke about the National meeting on Registration and about the money allocated by COPE to the State Labor Council and the subject of raising COPE money. He said that another letter will be sent out requesting more contributions to the COPE fund. He said also that their quota is $7500 » President Belanger remarked that this is the first year we have not had to request money from National COPE> since they had sent it already. He read the letter which will be sent to all affiliates requesting contributions and asking un- registered votelrs to register. Report accefited as one of progress. Director Cass then mentioned that the voting records of the Legislature were in the process of being drawn up. LEGISLATIVE REPORT Director Broyer also reported on the progress of the voting records. He said that all of the bills that were passed will be printed up and distributed at the Convention. He told the Council about the stationery that had been printed up for use in sending out endorsements to those only with a 100% labor record. Report accepted as one of progress. Director Cass reported on the progress of the questionnaire that is to be sent to all candidates in this election. He said that he hoped it would be mailed out the beginning of next week. Meeting adjourned 2:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, JAMES P. LOUGHLIN, Secretary- Treasurer bj oeiu-6 afl-cio ■ ^-/vi^Vi''^' -^^ 7- XW.-i- ' Sfy, J- .1 i . i I ■ !. J • ■Vi :. :•■)■ •'! I'C." ;■; ■ ^1 j./ .L-. I, Mr. 's copy EXECirriVE COUNCIL MEETING MASSACHUSETTS STATE LABOR COUNCIL, AFL-CIO PARKER HOUSE, BOSTON SEPTEMBER 20, 1962 Present; President Belanger, Sec.-Treas. Loughiin, Executive Vice President Callahan, Vice Presidents Accardi, Buffum, Deady, DiNunno, Doolan, Hunt, Lewis, MacKenzie, Magliozzi, McCarthy, McLaughlin, Messina, Murphy, Murray, O'Donnell, O'Keefe, Olerio, O'Malley, Owens, Pierce, Rush, Sweeney, Wall, and Wright. Absent: Executive Vice President Camelio (tel.). Vice Presidents Anctil (exc), Bnmelle (exc), Campobasso (tel.), LaBlue (It.), MacPherson, Pratt (exc), and Roberts. The Meeting was called to order at 10:25 a.m. with President Belanger presiding and the Council Prayer was read by Vice President Murray. The Minutes of the August 16th Meeting were accepted as written. NEW AFFILIATIONS Molders Local No. 167, Springfield - 115 members - as of September 1962 . Painters Local No. 623, Chelsea - minimum (60 members) - as of July 1962 ^ Glaziers No. 1044, Boston - 200 members - as of July 1962 REAFFILIATIONS AFSC & ME No. 1451, Boston - paid back per capita tax AFSC & ME No. 804, Boston - paid back per capita tax Stage Employees No. 53, Springfield - paid back per capita tax WITHDRAWALS Carpenters Local No. 847, Natick - minimum - paid through August — referred to Vice President Pratt United Textile Workers No. 292, Fall River - 167 members - paid through September — referred to Vice President Roberts SECRETARY-TREASURER'S REPORT Sec.-Treas. Loughlin reported that the State Labor Council's books have been audited and and are being printed up in the Officers ' Report which will be available for distribution at the Convention. COMMUNICATIONS J From Vice President Owens thanking Council for basket of fruit. Voted placed on file. From Greater Boston Mass. Labor Council, AFL-CIO thanking Council for aiding Labor Day celebration. Since the minimum wage scale for a Labor Day band amounted to $299. it was voted to approve $99. more for the band. i iC^ : ■;:■•" ■■'.■:: !.y :l:.\>:;.x:::..j .> i \ T '( ;■";. ; •'--; , Yi-'"'^-' ■ Mr- : r; ■"• . '. I. } [T's X fi : '.' ■\-\ -.■■• J bok: - 2 - ^ From George Me any. President, AFL-CIO, re National Cultural Center. Voted placed on file. From Religion and Labor Council of America re financial assistance and requesting the oppor- tunity to bring approximately 30 seminarians to the Thursday afternoon session of the Con- vention; also requesting opportunity to set up a display. It was voted to contribute $200 to the Council .to help pay the expenses of the seminarians trip here and approval was given to their having a display. From Sec.-Treas. Schnitzler re the President's Commission on the Status of Women. It was voted to comply with letter and fill out enclosed questionnaire. It was also voted that Vice President Helen O'Donnell would represent the Council at the coming 1-day conference. From Boston Musicians Association re minimum wage scale for a band on Labor Day. This had been taken care of earlier in the meeting; was voted received and placed on file. Sec.- Treas. Loughlin to check on question of union bands playing on Labor Day. From Veterans Administration Hospital, Brockton, re Community-HcSepital-Industry Rehabilita- tion Project (CHIRP). Voted referred to the Committee on Community Services. Copy of letter from Clifton E. Sommers to Senate President John E. Powers. Voted received and placed on file . From Philadelphia AFL-CIO Hospital Association enclosing material on hospital project. Voted preferred to the Chairman (Vice President Olerio) of the Prepaid Medical Care Committee. From Parker House regarding tentative Council meeting dates for the coming year. Voted referred to the Executive Officers . From Department of Defense, Office of Civil Defense, enclosing informational material. Voted placed on file. From Legislative Director Biemiller regarding Senate Tax Bill. Voted placed on file. From Senator Leverett Saltonstall re budget for the Office of Emergency Planning (OCD). Voted placed on file. From Senator Benjamin A. Smith re questionnaire on the United Nations. Voted referred to the Executive Officers. To AFSC & ME Local 1489 re resolution on Jurisdictional Rights of AFSC & ME. Voted placed on file. Also noted that letter be used as basic form to answer all similar questions in the future From Mass. Council for Public Schools, Inc. regarding membership. Voted to send check for membership. L r^om Communications V\/orkers of America enclosing resolution entitled "Teamster Raid on I' '^he Communications Workers of America - AFL-CIO". President Belanger suggested that we await word from the National AFL-CIO before acting on this. A number of vice presidents thought that this matter should be brought up before the Convention. A lengthy discussion developed on this question, and it was finally voted to submit a resolution based on the New York State AFL-CIO resolution supporting the Communications Workers to the Convention. . .. '.'Hi r •".' : "TO'- I : ^X;;;/ - — .- < 'J, ;rT. ^Ir: f :., .. .1. ■ \-'' i - 3 - ■ From Dade County Federation of Labor re resolution. Voted placed on file. From United Shoe Workers of America ^ Territory I, regarding 25th Anniversary Souvenir Journal. In accordance with our policy, it was voted not to advertise in the Journal, however, it was voted to purchase 5 tickets at $5.00 each to the dinner. From lUE Local 220 regarding 25th Anniversary souvenir book. Referred to the Executive Officers. Area vice presidents to represent the Council at dinner September 29th. From Boston Newspaper Printing Pressmen's Union No. 3 re strike against Patriot- Ledger. It was voted to comply with their request and not advertise in the Patriot- Ledger. From Committee for Reception to Congressman James A. Burke re Reception at Blinstrubs. Voted referred to the COPE Department. From Boston Fire Department re Annual Fire Prevention Week "Kick-Off" Luncheon. It was voted to purchase 4 tickets for those who are available to attend. From Mass. Committee, Catholics, Protestants, and Jews regarding contribution. Voted re- ferred to the Executive Officers for appropriate action. Sec.-Treas. to check on contribution made last year. From Youth Educational Assistance, Inc. requesting donation. Voted referred to the Executive ^Officers for appropriate action. From Boys' Town of Italy, Inc. requesting contribution. Voted to contribute the same amount as was contributed last year. From WGBH Channel 2 enclosing folder on "The New WGBH". Voted placed on file. From The Institute of Industrial Relations regarding Boston Catholic School of Industrial Rela- tions, Voted received and placed on file. From Fair Housing, Inc. requesting membership contribution. Voted referred to the Committee on Housing. President Belanger announced that Vice President McCarthy was Chairman of Candidates Night, State Club, Inc. and would like the Council to purchase a few tickets. It was voted to pur- chase 5 tickets . From National Maritime Union of Anerica re 25th Anniversary. Voted to purchase one ticket for Sec.-Treas. Loughlin to attend. From Boston Evening Clinic re luncheon at Tiffany Restaurant. Voted to offer regrets that we cannot attend at this time. ^rom Vice President Minton, AFL-CIO, regarding CARE Program and requesting contribution. Voted referred to the Executive Officers . From WCOP regarding statement on patriotism. Voted referred to the Department of Public Relations . [.'( ' (4 - ... . ... .. ,.^ O; ■■; in Y-K- i.lJ ..;: ;.;■ ^.i.-.-; ' ■•■, (7discussion it was voted that the State Labor Council go on record that as far as Local 589 is ^concerned they are definitely against compulsory overtime, and that Legal Counsel Segal would draw up the statement. Executive Vice President Callahan spoke in favor of a state- ment for release to the press. Meeting recessed for lunch at 12:50 p.m. and resumed at 2:05 p.m. i ]■ L.T f ,■■ •C . ' I '. I ... .1. ■■. ■ \ '■ • i •■• : ^ 1 (;' > - 5 - 1 President Belanger spoke about Vice President Doolan's campaign against Congressman Martin. He also spoke about Senator Umana saying that he won by 6,000 votes. A lengthy discussion on the recent primaries ensued. COPE REPORT Director Cass spoke further on the primaries and about Ward's campaign. He reported on voter registration and the voter registration fund. President Belanger commented on the voter registration fund also. It was decided that the State Labor Council would offer a 2 for 1 deal such is offered by National AFL-CIO. Director Cass talked about having full time help in certain districts. Other vice presidents remarked about the candidates in their district. COPE report accepted. Vice President McLaughlin reported on the meeting in regard to the informational picketing at the Y.M.C.A. He reported that the situation will be relieved, if it is not they will take further action on it. It was voted to accept the report and to retain the Committee until such time as the situation is resolved. President Belanger spoke about getting involved in locals' problems, explaining that once the Council has expressed its position, it should then rest its case on issues that are outside of its direct jurisdiction. EDUCATION AND RESEARCH REPORT Director Lavigne spoke about retraining in connection with the Manpower and Redevelopment Act, Report accepted. LEGISLATIVE REPORT Director Broyer reported that letters of endorsement had been sent out to all candidates with 100% labor records. He reported on the work he had done in connection with the primaries. He said that he and Mr. Cass would work together before the November election. Report accepted, PUBLIC RELATIONS AND PUBLICATIONS REPORT Director Kablc was commended for his fine press releases. President Belanger then got approval of resolutions that had been drawn up to be submitted to the Convention. It was also voted that Convention Committee members be left up to the discretion of the President. President Belanger introduced Sven Peterson of the Industrial Accident Board. Mr. Peterson requested that the Council send a letter to the Governor's Council stating that he is the only labor-endorsed appointee. It was voted to comply with his request. Meeting adjourned 3:15 p.m. / Respectfully submitted, JAMES P. LOUGHLIN, Secretary- Treasurer oeiu-6 afl-cio :i: r .' i J.. ■ } M- i ■■■'■■-' u. T— . ;- I ■f.-r -.'. ^ MINUTES ■ ^'- "^^^Py # EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEETING MASSACHUSETTS STATE LABOR COUNCIL, AFL-CIO BRADFOPvD HOTEL, BOSTON OCTOBER 1st, 1962 Present; President Balanger, Sec.-Treas. Loughlin, Executive Vice Presidents Callahan Cameiio, Vice Presidents Anctil, Brunelle, Buffum, Campobasso, Deady, DlNunno, Hunt, LaBlue, Lewis, MacKenzie, MacPherson, Magliozzl/ McCarthy, McLaughlin Messina, Murphy, Murray, O'Donnell, O'Keefe, Olerio, O'Malley, Pierce > Roberts, Rush, Sweeney, V/all, and Wright. Absent: Vice Presidents Accardl, Doolan, Owens, and Pratt. The Meeting was called to order ~t 2:30 p.m. with President Belanger presiding and the Council Prayer was read by Vice President McLaughlin. A Roll Call was then taken. COMMUNICATIONS From Lt. Gov. McLaughlin re reappointment of Sven Peterson to Industrial Accident Board. Voted received and placed on file . From Mayor Collins re luncheon conference of the Mayor's Committee on Employment for the Handicapped. Voted referred to the Executive Officers. From lUE Local 201 re endorsement of Edward McMahon. This communication was voted re- ceived and placed on file. Vice President Lewis stated that he was a candidate for re-election and that he just withdrew as a delegate for the Lynn Central Labor Council and not as a candidate for re-election to the State Labor Council. From Jimmy Durante Night. It was voted to purchase 5 tickets at $5. each. From Convention and Tourist Bureau, Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce. It was voted that the Sec.-Treas. would get in touch with the Bureau and obtain necessary literature, and write to Sec.-Treas. Schnitzler requesting that the '65 Convention be held In Boston. From Mass. State Association of Barbers re Board of Registration of Barbers. Voted referred to the incoming Executive Council. From Francis E. Kelly for Attorney General Committee re Dinner. Voted placed on file. From Journeymen Stone Cutters Association of North America requesting donation to strike fund. Voted referred to Strike Assistance Committee. ^ From Democratic House Committee requesting contribution. Voted referred to the COPE w Department. From Adlai E. Stevenson re United Nations. Referred to the Executive Officers. From Chester Skibinski, U.S. Department of Labor re October 16th Conference on the Labor- Management Reporting and Disclosure Act. Voted received. k\: r\.: ,!'!.5. j .;ii"; ■:■.:-■ >.'".■ .■CirxUl'.l .i voi'c ..'■ ' :. '^:"- r ;:.'") ; :">•' ;■' ■,"?"?' ,r, '■!7^1 i i 1 U'/ - 2 - From AFSC & ME Local 41 supporting the Mass. State Labor Council's action in aiding the MTA's controversy with the MTA management. Voted received. From the Sixth Annual Convention of the Florida State Federated Labor Council, AFL-CIO. Voted to send fraternal greetings . From National Planning Association thanking us for contribution. Voted filed. Copy of letter to Michael Ross^ Dir. , Dept. Int'l. Affairs, AFL-CIO. Voted placed on file. From United Labor Council of Greater Fall River announcing their support of political candidates. Voted referred to the COPE Committee. From Stephen A. Perkins re Stuart Hughes. Voted referred to the COPE Committee. President Beianger read the program for the 5th Annual Convention of the MSLC. Vice Presi- dent O'Keefe suggested that the program be revised to point out more clearly the program on the tax referendum on Thursday afternoon. It was finally decided to revise the program. President Beianger read the Convention Committee members. All committees were approved. Vice President Olerio spoke about supporting insurance companies, referring to the resolution that had been submitted to the Convention by Director Broyer. President Beianger explained that this resolution is not a new one and that it is adopted by the National AFL-CIO also. Executive Vice President Camelio stated that as a delegate and representative of AFSC & ME Local 612 Mr. Broyer has a right to submit this resolution. Further discussion ensued. It was decided that at 12:30 Thursday., October 4th there would be a luncheon for the Executive Council. President Beianger announced that the COPE Committee of the MSLC would be holding a meet- ing Wednesday, October 10th at 10:30 a.m. at the Bradford Hotel, and that this committee is made up of the Executive Council, 15 representatives at large, and representatives from each state, trade, or industrial council, a national or international union that does not have repre- sentation on this Council or at large . It was stated that communications will be sent to central labor councils asking them for their recommendations. President Beianger zlso announced that a state-wide COPE Conference will be held at the Bradford Hotel on October 13th wherein the COPE Committee's recommendations will come before the state-wide committee. It was voted to hold the aforesaid program. Vice President Roberts suggested that the alphabetic system of listing the at-large vice presi- dents be changed. He suggested that the at-large candidates draw lots. After discussion. Vice President Roberts withdrew his suggestion. The Minutes of the September 20th meeting were accepted as written. It was then voted that all Council members would receive an additional ticket to the Conven- tion banquet. ^Meeting adjourned 3:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, JAMES P. LOUGHLIN, Secretary- Treasurer bj oeiii-6 ^ ■. -; -■ i- ■■ JCS}. ;•■:■ Of n^-iOrr Mr. 's copy MINUTES EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEETING MASSACHUSETTS STATE LABOR COUNCIL, AFL-CIO IP PARKER HOUSE, BOSTON NOVEMBER 15, 1962 Present: President Belanger, Sec.-Treas. Loughlin, Executive Vice Presidents Callahan and Cameiio, Vice Presidents Anctil, Brunelle, Buffum, Deady, Doolan, Durkin, LaBlue, Lewis, MacKenzie, McCarthy, McMahon, Murphy, Murray, O'Donnell, Olerio, O'Malley, Owens, Pratt, Roberts, Rush, Sweeney, Wall, and Wright. Absent: Vice Presidents Accardi (It.), Campobasso (exc), DiNunno (It.), Hunt, MacPherson (exc), Magliozzi, McLaughlin, and O'Keefe (exc.) The Meeting was called to order at 10:30 a.m. with President Belanger presiding and the Council Prayer was read by Executive Vice President Cameiio. The Minutes of the October 1st meeting were accepted as written. Executive Vice President Cameiio recommended that we send a spiritual bouquet to Vice President Campobasso for the death of his mother. REAFFILIATIONS wjnited Municipal Employees No. 495, Worcester - paid back per capita tax Building Service Employees No. 373, Boston - paid back per capita tax WITHDRAWALS Carpenters No. 847, Natick — referred to Vice President Pratt United Textile Workers No. 29 2, Fall River — referred to Vice President Roberts and Dir. Broyer Street Carmen No. 1066, Attieboro - accepted withdrawal SECRETARY-TREASURER'S REPORT In his report Sec.-Treas. Loughlin told of the meeting with Department heads at which plans were formulated for a re-activation of the drive to get all locals in Massachusetts affiliated with the Council. Department Directors, v/hile on specific assignment in any particular city or town, will be expected to take advantage of the opportunity to contact officers of unaffiliated locals in the area for personal talks with them for the purpose of making them see the need for affiliating their respective locals. Supplementing the Sec.-Treas. 'report , President Belanger told of plans being worked out to hold regional all-day conferences in conjunction with the area councils , at which either workshops or panel discussions would form the basis for explaining the State Council's functions. Unaffiliated locals in the area would be invited to send delegates to these conferences as a part of the drive for new affiliations. Also arranged at the meeting with Department heads was a division of responsibility for the De- ^vartment directos to attend all standing committee meetings and work with them to coordinate their work with that of the Council. Sec.-Treas. Loughlin asked the Council members to send in their names and mailing addresses in order that the list of Council members may be revised and brought up to date. Vice Presi- dont O'Donnell made a motion that the new list be sent to all members of the Council. Vice Presidents were told to notify the Sec.-Treas. if they wish to have personal name cards printed. .in'T'Cic. r -:r:-;?^.:ri. •f rroa ' ■■;7 '^ ■ .c'. ;.i i iCf .■./;i:. 'V-T' '. ■ - - ; ■; .-^ ■: rif\Q •fji- ., ■■■. ■■ , ■-• "Y tn:),. od t^i.^ . -;:i. .-.rt-: ! ! - 2 - COMMUNICATIONS From Cardinal Cushing re Convention. Letter accepted as read and to be placed on file. From Mass. State Association of Barbers re appointment to the Board of Registration of Barbers, Executive Vice President Camelio told of a meeting with the Barbers at which they were told of the Council's policy of submitting only one name for any one vacancy on any Board or Commission. Three names appeared on the letter received. After a lengthy discussion. President Belanger recommended that a letter be sent to inform the Barbers Association that it will be best for all concerned if the Council's rule is not violated and to suggest that it is primarily up to them to make the single choice among the three names submitted. It was pointed out that the results of the gubernatorial vote still being undecided because of the reconr.t petition, the submission of a name will have to wait anyway. Vice President Lewis sugge.Tted that it would be best also to make certain that there is a new position open and that the appointment requested is not intended as a replacement for anyone supported by the State Council before. Motion adopted. President Belanger recommended that we dispense with the communications for the purpose of giving requested time to a guest speaker. President Belanger introduced guest speaker, Paul McNamara, Vice President, General Chair- man of the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, Boston Albany Division, New York Central Rail- road, who came with Mr. Mahoney from the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen. Mr. McNamara explained the problems involved in the proposed merger of the New York Central Railroad with the Penn. He explained the chaos in unemploym.ent which it would cause. He told the Council that a public hearing will be held on February 4th in the Federal Building, Boston, and asked for our assistance by attending. He asked for our support against the proposed merger and the passing of the Resolution. Exec. Vice President Camelio recommended the adoption of the Resolution presented at the Convention. President Belanger thanked the guest and told him he would be notified of the action taken by the Council. A Roll Call was then taken. Hugh Thompson, New England Regional Director of the AFL-CIO, installed the officers and members of the Council. The Executive Officers recommended that the following be reappointed: Legislative Director Broyer, Legislative Agent Clifton, Education Director Lavigne, COPE Director Cass, and Publications and Public Relations Director Kable. It was voted that the Directors and Agent be reappointed. Motion was made to reappoint Legal Counsel Segal. Vice President Roberts made the motion that the matter of General Counsel be referred back to the officers . Exec. Vice President Callahan voted in favor of original motion. So voted. Vice President Roberts asked to be recorded in opposition. |COMMUNICATIONS From Westinghouse Broadcasting Company, Inc. re Focal Point Project. Motion made that communication be received and filed. Council members to notify Sec.-Treas. if they wish tickets to this program. Vice President Olerio raised the question as to why labor wasn't asked to participate . . ;:^'j->^- f = r- <^-"- !'■ ! f. j-'n??5W lodsi ydw oj 86 noiJesiip ofiti^dt^JBi oHelO-'lnsbiS^i^ eoiV :;^'"■:■ ■ 1 'r ■;r>:>" ■ lodei Yrfv/ oJ BE noitR9ijtp, srij bar JJtflO ,iS QDXxf - 3 - J| From Stanton Smith re Fourth Annual National Conference of Central Body Officers December 10-14. Recommendation of Executive Officers that the four Executive Officers attend was voted. From Operating Engineers No. 525, Wood River, Illinois re strike at Shell Oil Co. Voted that communication be posted and letter sent regarding action taken by Council. From World Affairs Council of Boston re renewal of membership. Voted that we pay $10. renewal fee. From Mass. Committee, Catholics, Protestants, and Jews regarding contribution. It was voted to donate $50. From Northeast Council of Protestants, Catholics and Jews re recommendations. President Belanger stated that v/e don't contribute, therefore, we shouldn't send in names for recom- mendations for awards. Motion made and seconded that this be tabled. From Greater Boston Israel Histadrut Committee re $5. balance. Motion made and seconded that this be paid . From the White House, Special Assistant Donlan re stand on Mississippi. Motion made and seconded to be placed on file. From Vice President MacPherson re his resignation from the Council. Vice President MacPherson recommended Antonio Svizzero, Treasurer of Norfolk County Labor Council and Local No. 5, United Shipbuilding Workers of America. Mr. MacPherson's resignation effec- tive November 16, 1962. It was moved that the communication be accepted with regrets and that we notify Vice President MacPherson. From Joseph A. Sullivan re Antonio Svizzero to replace Vice President MacPherson. Voted that we accept communication and notify Antonio Svizzero of his appointment. From International Union of Operating Engineers, City of Holyoke. Motion made and seconded to be referred to Legislative Department and that they report back to the Council. Director Broyer stated that this doesn't need legislation. Voted to get information and notify local of interpretation of results . From Tilford Dudley, Director of Speakers Bureau, AFL-CIO, re speakers at Harvard Univer- sity and Lesley College. Voted to write to Brother Dudley and comply with request. Referred to COPE Department, Director Cass, and Education Department, Director Lavigne. Resolutions - It was voted that questions on Convention Resolutions be referred to the next Council meeting, except the resolution on the xRailroad Trainmen. Motion made and seconded that we concur. ^?rom Apprenticeship Training re stamp certificate. Voted to be accepted. From Priscilla Corb, Bennington College, Bennington, Vt. Voted placed on file. From UPP delegate to the Fifth Annual Convention re need of education in our own ranks . Voted to notify him that his letter was read with interest and that we agreed with him. Send Proceedings when printed to him. ■ :j :0'j: a;..- ^.: J ■ r ■ •;•? .'.o Trf '^•fi'i t - 4 - rrom Springfield Central Labor Council re location of 1963 Convention. Voted that Sec.-Treas. look into matter. Vice President Olerio suggested that other locations be taken into consid- eration. From Jimmy Durante Night re contribution. After a brief discussion on contributing to religiciiG orgariizations , it was voted that the purchase of additional tickets be approved. Meeting racessed for lunch at 1:00 p.m. and resumed at 2:05 p.m. From the Catholic Labor Guild re tickets for Annual Dance. Contact Sec.-Treas. for tickets. Telegram "Best Wishes for a most successful meeting and request that Convention be held in Y/orcester, 1963", signed Clifford Johnson, Chairman of Convention and Visitors Council. Voted that possibility be examined. CCPE DEPARTMENT Vice President Olerio made a motion that the President direct the Director of the COPE De- partment to make a report on all monies which the COPE Department received. The COPE Department to prepare a financial report for the next meeting telling where the monies came from and how it was spent. GISLATIVE DEPARTMENT irsctor Eroyer reported that the legislative Department had met with the Executive Officers on legislation to be filed. He explained that two bills on Workmen's Compensation should be filed: .' , A l ;''/:;cn3l p'^.yments for delays - 2. Exclusive State Fund. Voted that these tv/o bills should be filed. Unemployment Compensation: 1. Benefits to persons locked out or en strike for six weeks when arbitration is refused. 2. Variable maximum based on ziverage v/age every six months. Voted these these bills should be filed. Minimum Wages and Time and One Half: 1. Elimination of many of present 19 classes of exemptions. After a brief discussion a motion was made and seconded that we pass on this one for this year to eliminate some of the 19 exemptions. Sickness Compensation: 1. Competitive Plan. Motion made and seconded we file for sickness disability insurance. Pro Rata Division of Insurance Premiums Based on Contributions by Employees. Voted that this legislation be filed. Strengthening Health and Welfare Reporting Law to include unilateral plans . Voted to be filed. Resolutions submitted by the Convention A) Poultry Inspection - want chickens stamped. B) Ten additional Inspectors for Dept. of Labor - bill to be filed. C) Strengthen Health and Welfare Reporting Law or repeal it. Voted to be filed with the legislature. D) Limit on Labor Injunctions. Voted this legislation be submitted. Increased Minimum V/ages for tipped employees to $1.00 - Motion made and seconded that it be filed. Tax Insurance Companies More - Motion made and seconded that we do not file this bill at this time; Committee on Taxation should look into this matter when sales tax is proposed. Strengthen Elaclclist Law against contractors who violate labor or FEPC Law. After a lengthy pi]:scus3ion a motion was made and seconded that this piece of legislation not be filed. Air- line Pilots Fill " Director Broyer was asked to get a copy of the New Jersey Bill and a motion V7as nn:le and seconded to file legislation similar to the New Jersey Law protecting the aidinea, Hzec. Vice President Callahan recommended that we file a bill rev/ording the present Lie Detector Law, which is ambiguous, so that it can be as effective as we thought it would be when it was passed. It was voted that this legislation be filed. '■^ .'/--fr,, , ■' -''ipi:^! ( ^ f • - 5 - Vice President Pratt called to the attention of Director Broyer a recommendation of the Work- men's Compensation Committee which was omitted. That a bill be filed similar to the one which was filed last year to raise the maximum weekly benefit to two-thirds of the average wage at the time of injury. Voted that this bill should also be filed. EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Director Lavigne requested that we write to the local unions concerning Resolution No. 41 (Higher Education Loan Plan), which was adopted at the Convention. Motion made and seconded that we communicate with the locals regarding HELP, Voted. Vice President McCarthy thanked Director Cass for a commendable job in the COPE Depart- ment as well as Dan Murray. Sec.-Treas. Loughlin also thanked Director Cass for a job well done. A motion was made and seconded that the Executive Officers hold a holiday celebration simi- lar to the one which was held last year. Voted. President Belanger stated that the next meeting would be Keld on December 20th. Meeting adjourned 3:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted. JAMES P. LOUGHLIN, Secretary-Treasurer # oeiu-5 afl-cio K;i:!-";?n9r:i;noo'^i i^ lovc'j/:^ 10:10 ;;;li:rr;i': b'lilil 3::[ U.ic f. isfll. .; c: •U j: ' ; I >. ^. ... jT \! a:iMAT . v) -i ? iv-i .y '- ■^ 'f :, ^.f- -ifiii?; noiJG-rdai:: ■ : . ' .■ .■■': V: ':,■,' ■(.■-■■■ !•-: O' .n.-\ -q r : -• . ■., ! "■ MINUTES EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEETING MASSACHUSETTS STATE LABOR COUNCIL, AFL-CIO PARKER HOUSE, BOSTON DECEMBER 20, 1962 Present: President J. William Belanger, Sec.-Treas. Loughlin, Executive Vice Presidents Callahan and Camelio, Vice Presidents Accardi, Anctil, Brunelle, Buffum, Campobasso, Deady, DiNunno, Doolan, Durkin, Hunt, La Blue , Lewis, MacKenzie, Magliozzi, McCarthy, McLaughlin, McMahon, Murphy, Murray, O'Donnell, O'Keefe, O'Malley, Owens, Pratt, Roberts, Rush, Svizzero, and Wright. Absent: Vice Presidents Olerio, Sweeney, and Wall (exc). The Meeting was called to order at 10:40 a.m. with President Belanger presiding and the Council Prayer was read by Vice President Anctil. President Belanger introduced Vice President Svizzero who replaced Walter MacPherson, and he along with the Vice Presidents that were absent at the last meeting were installed. Vice Presidents DiNunno and O'Keefe still to be installed. The Minutes of the November 14th meeting were accepted as written. NEW AFFILIATIONS AFSC & ME Local No. 165, Northampton - 182 members - as of December 1962 AFSC & ME Local No. 193, Lynn - minimum (60 members) as of December 1962 AFSC & ME Local No. 230, Boston - minimum (16 members) - as of December 1962 AFSC & ME Local No. 602, Cambridge - 87 members - as of December 1962 AFSC & ME Local No. 1067, Bridgewater ,- minimum (58 members) - as of November 1962 AFSC & ME Local No. 1210, Watertown - 100 members - as of December 1962 WITHDRAWALS Pattern Makers' Association, Boston - paid through December 1962 — Sec.-Treas. Loughlin to contact this local. UPP Local No. 687 - paid through December 1962 — Director Cass to check into this matter. SECRETARY-TREASURER'S REPORT Sec.-Treas, Loughlin informed the Council of the fine job Director Broyer had done in getting the new affiliates that had just been accepted by the Council. He stated that a letter had been sent to all internationals inquiring as to whether or not their Constitutions required their locals to join State Councils and that most had answered that they did not require their locals to join but urged them to do so. HI) COMMUNICATIONS From Antone Silva thanking the Council for assistance in the recent election. Voted received and placed on file. Sec.-Treas. Loughlin stated that few communications of thanks had been received from the many people that we helped to win the recent election. A discussion parti- cipated in by President Belanger and others took place on this matter. "\ . .' ■;■#•/'•-; ! ; ._ 1 • -i , ovr" .. :» ? ■; •:-_^hr. ■■:•>■ , ; : S . - *■..'■ ,i- 'K:cr-a:y:u :-":■:.> .^■■^ :=r !..--.r; 'T ■■ - . T' , r.~c V.V, 1 . • ! \ i I-- ■ i -■ . ■- . , ■ A ■ ■:\Y. •-<'■ ■;,.■ ■■-{•* \ f-* J -M ■*•".. ^- "■*' ;■'";";? t " J- J i ■ } "^ -T ;" 1 >- ■ . . i. AS . ■ i ' :?; '■i'r; • J. ... c :tC: ;\:'L!:-. :-?j: r " : fM ■ > : ;.- .• ■> • - 2 - From Governor's Secretary re appointment of Eernerd Linehan to Brockton Housing Authority. President Belanger announced that he had already been appointed. Voted received. President Belanger announced that Henry T. Becker, Re^'ional Director, Union Label Depart- ment, Amalgamated Clothing Workers, would be una.ble to speak to the Council members today as planned since he had a very bad cold. He explained that he would appear at next month's Council meeting. From Blue Cross-Blue Shield requesting name to be submitted for Board of Directors. President Belanger read the names that had been submit'ied by Council members. It was stated that it would be better to have a member of the Council on the Board since he would be able to report each month at the Council meeting. After discussion it was voted that one vote be cast for Vice President Edward McMahon. From Department of Education, Division of University Extension, requesting representative for Board of Education. After discussion it Vv-as voted that this be referred to the Executive Officers for recommendation. From Lawrence Typographical Union 570 re strike against Kansas Color Press. It was voted to send a communication to them stating that we are in sympathy with them and that the letter was read at the last Executive Council meeting. Copy of letter to Major Gen. Thomas J . Donnelly, Governor's Aide, from Lawrence Sullivan and copy of letter re Mr. Donnelly, from Utility Workers Local 387. After both communica- tions were read and discussed it was voted to place them on file. President Belanger reported on the Washington conference of State and City Councils. He said that they had taken up matters of COPE, national legislation, newly-elected Congress- men, taxes, training and redevelopment, community services, affiliation of central bodies, per capita taxes, etc. He reported that Massachusetts COPE had come in for plaudits for the excellent job done in the 1962 elections. The discussion of newly-elected Congressmen, he said, led to the conclusion that while the New Frontier bloc had gained slightly it was expected that the opposition coalition would tighten its ranks and increase its resistance. He ncted also that a tax cut was in the offing. Executive Vice Presidents Callahan and Camelio also commented on the question of affiliation with State Labor Councils and grass roots support. Vice President Murray also spoke about the Washington Conference. It was voted that the reports be accepted. President Belanger spoke about the Barbers communication which had been tabled at the last meeting. He read the communications from them regarding three names that were sent in to the Governor and our policy of only sending in one name. He said that the Barbers finally submitted only the name of Eugene Vitale. Prenident Belanger suggested that there should be a Screening Committee so that this and other endorsements can be acted on wisely. He sug- gested the names of Vice Presidents Pratt, O'Keefe, O'Malley, and Murray to complement the four Executive Officers on this Committee. The Barbers' endorsement and the S:n;.ll Loans Regulation Board endorsement to be referred to this committee. Committee and referral voted accepted. It was voted to send a basket of fruit to Vicn President Wall who is at home recuperating. It was also voted to send ;:omething appropriate to Vice President Magliozzi's mother who is on the danger list at Somerviile City Hospital. - 3 - President Belanger announced that gifts had been sent out to the Council members. Many- Vice Presidents said that they had already received the gifts and that they liked them very much, 1963 CONVENTION - Sec.-Treas. Loughlin reported that he had talked with the manager of the Springfield Sheraton Kimball Hotel in regard to the 1963 Convention. He told the Council that the auditorium would be available from October 15th-18th. Vice President O'Keefe made a motion that we change the dates of the Convention to October 15th-18th. Voted. Vice Presi- dent Hunt made a motion that the Convention be held bi-annually. After some discussion Vice President Hunt withdrew his motion. President Belanger stated that at the last Council meeting it was voted to get a full report from the COPE Department. It was then voted to refer the COPE report to the next meeting. Director Cass commented on the in-take of COPE funds — Gompers -Murray Dinner^ registra- tion drive, and National COPE. Director Cass reported that the report required by the Mass. COPE By-Laws had already been submitted. Any vice president wishing to see the report should contact the COPE Director. Director Cass also stated that we had an 84% win in Massachusetts in the recent elections. Report accepted. It was voted to dispense with the other Department reports. A Roll Call was then taken. Vice President O'Keefe commented on the tax problems we will be faced with next year. President Belanger wished the entire Council a "Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year," Meeting adjourned 12:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted. JAMES P. LOUGHLIN, Secretary- Treasurer oeiu- 6 afl-cio / 'n ::-^%^.