LIBRARY OF THE JVl \a •J863' DATE DUE 1 UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS LIBRARY LB 1569 R8 VQ Digitized by the Internet Archive * in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries PAMPHLET! ON RURAL SCHOOLS I -^ _. ,. sail J - -^ - >1 f If II /Babcock, E* B. Suggestions for garden work in California schools oCockefair, E. A« The use of the score card in rural schools, yDavis, J. Practical training in negro rural schools ^Draper , A. 5. Shall we have school super- vision in the rural districts? Gate3, P. T. The country school of to-morrow & James, C. C. Teaching of the elements of agriculture in the common schools 4 of eat, M. Elementary agriculture and school gardening at Winthrop College, Rock Hill, S.C. earing, S. Doing things in rural schools ^ Ohio rural school agricultural clubs. Direction and report sheet for corn, r pdegraf f , H. The improvement of the rural school I/Windsor County Y.M.C.A., White River Juncton, Vt. Some conditions and needs among the rural schools of Windsor County (n Illinois, University bulletin. Consolidation of country schools, y Massachusetts, "board of education bulletins 4 and 6 Agricultural project study 1912 " " " bibliography THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BULLETIN OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION 1912, NUMBER 6 WHOLE NUMBER, !0 Agricultural Project Study Bibliography Approved for Vocational Agricultural Schools and Departments AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION SERVICE Ford Building, 15 Ashburton Place, Boston, Massachusetts DAVID SNEDDEN, Commissioner , . . . Deputy Commissioner RUFUS W. STIMSON, . . . . - . . Agent THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BULLETIN OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION 1912, NUMBER 6 WHOLE NUMBER, 10 Agricultural Project Study Bibliography Approved for Vocational Agricultural Schools and Departments AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION SERVICE Ford Building, 15 Ashburton Place, Boston, Massachusetts DAVID SNEDDEN, Commissioner , . . . Deputy Commissioner RUFUS W. ST1MSON, Agent Approved by The State Board of Publication, Peeface The project and part-time plan of vocational agricultural educa- tion of secondary grade — the Massachusetts plan — depends for its best success upon the constant use, under the guidance of the instructors, of current agricultural papers and periodicals. It depends, also, upon the constant use of selected text, exercise and reference books, bulletins, circulars and reports. This bulletin is published for guidance in building up working libraries, their arrangement and their use, for distinctively agri- cultural training, in the secondary vocational agricultural educa- tion service of this Commonwealth. In selecting titles for this bulletin, the advice of practical farmers and of experienced agricultural instructors has been sought and has been very generously given. Final responsibility, however, for the titles included rests with the Board of Education. Text and reference materials have been carefully examined. Not a little material has been rejected as unsuitable for the purpose in hand. The lists are intended to be illustrative, not all-inclusive. With the exception of the papers and periodicals, and of certain experiment station bulletins, the publications listed are on the shelves of the Board of Education, and are open to examination by the school officers who are responsible for the proper equipment of vocational agricultural schools and departments. V Contents Approved Agricultural Papers and Periodicals, (1) New England Homestead, (2) Rural New Yorker, . (3) Breeder's Gazette, (4) Hoard's Dairyman, (5) Market Growers' Journal, (6) The Garden Magazine, (7) Farm Poultry, . (8) Gleanings in Bee Culture, (9) Wareham Courier, (10) The Better Fruit, (11) Park and Cemetery, and Landscape Gardening, (12) School Agriculture, ..... Free Bulletins, Circulars and Reports, . (1) The United States Bureau of Education, (2) The United States Department of Agriculture, (3) The Agricultural Experiment Stations, (4) "Facts for Farmers," .... (5) The Massachusetts Board of Agriculture, (6) The State Forester, Text, Exercise and Reference Books, Bulletins, Circulars and Reports, (1) Instructor's Aid Necessary, (2) Lists Subject to Revision, . (3) Prices and Estimates, (4) Student Purchases, (5) Reference Numbers, . A. Library Arrangement, B. Project Study Outlines, C. Library Card Indexes, D. Future Entries, (6) Reference Letters, (7) State Help and Approval, . Agricultural Project Study Bibliography arranged for Ready Reference, I. Text-book approved for First and Second Year Agricultural Survey, II. Text-book approved for Third and Fourth Year Agricultural Survey III. For First and Second Year Study of Projects in — 1. Vegetable Growing, 2. Small Fruit Growing, 3. Beekeeping, 4. Poultry Keeping, 5. Sheep and Goat Husbandry, 6. Swine Husbandry, . 7. Ornamental Planting, IV. For Third and Fourth Year Study of Projects in 1. Animal Husbandry, 2. Fruit Growing, 3. Market Gardening, PAGE 7 7 7 12 12 12 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 18 18 19 20 20 21 22 24 25 4. Agricultural Project Study Bibliography arranged for Ready Reference — Continued. V. For Laboratory Exercises and Scientific Data bearing upon the Productive Projects Undertaken, 1. Agriculture in General, ..... 2. Alcohol, Industrial, . . . . 3. Animal Diseases, ...... 4. Animal Foods and Feeding, .... 5. Animal Life, Propagation and Tests, . 6. Bacteriology, Agricultural, .... 7. Birds and Agriculture, ..... 8. Botany and Plant Physiology, .... 9. Chemistry and Agriculture, .... 10. Construction and Repairs: Plans, Materials, Tests, etc 11. Dairy Products and Manufactures, 12. Farm Management and Rural Economics, Accounts, Statis tics, etc., ....... 13. Fruits, 14. Insects, ........ 15. Lime and Liming, ...... 16. Physics of Agriculture, Drainage, Irrigation, Machines Motors, etc., 17. Plant Diseases, ...... 18. Plant Foods and Feeding, .... 19. Plant Life, Propagation and Tests, 20. Soils, Geology, Physical Geography, Soil Fertility, 21. Spraying and Fumigation, .... 22. Text-books and Manuals for Schools, Agricultural, 23. Trees and Shrubs, not for Fruit, 24. Weeds and their Eradication, .... 25. Zoology, General and Economic, VI. For Betterment of Country Life and Education, 5. Publishers and their Addresses, ...... 25 25 26 27 27 28 29 29 29 30 30 31 32 35 35 36 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 45 47 AGRICULTURAL PROJECT STUDY BIBLIOGRAPHY APPROVED FOR VOCATIONAL AGRICULTURAL SCHOOLS AND DEPARTMENTS 1. Approved Agricultural Papers and Periodicals Each vocational agricultural library should regularly receive the current literature here listed. The pupils should, moreover, be encouraged to subscribe for those publications which promise to be most useful in their individual home work. Club rates may generally be secured where several persons subscribe together. In order to place their literature regularly before the entire school or department, these publishers may be willing to send the literature gratis to the school or department libraries. This privilege should immediately be requested. If library copies cannot be secured gratis, they should be had by subscriptions paid annually from the maintenance funds of the school or department. The literature here named is im- portant and will be considered sufficient; but additions or substi- tutions may be proposed to the Board of Education for approval. Name of Publication Frequency of Issue Publisher's Address Price per Year (1) New England Homestead, Practical questions answered by New England Agricultural Experiment Station officers. Good market re- ports. (2) Rural New Yorker, Attention given to live stock, vege- tables and fruit. By some Massa- chusetts men esteemed as a general farm paper second to none. Weekly, . Weekly, . Springfield, Mass., New York, $1 00 1 00 Name of Publication Frequency of Issue Publisher's Address Price per Year (3) Breeder's Gazette Held to be "the ranking stock paper of the country." (4) Hoard's Dairyman, . . . . "Accepted as the best all around dairy paper published in this country." (5) Market Growers' Journal, A Massachusetts market gardener says of this paper: "A strictly trade paper. . . . Not large, but strictly all 'meat' for vegetable growers." (6) The Garden Magazine April double number, "spring plant- ing number." Gives excellent arti- cles on home gardening, including ornamental planting. (7) Farm Poultry, Well known and widely read. (8) ^Gleanings in Bee Culture, Valued very generally by beekeepers. (9) Wareham Courier, ..... Official organ of the Cape Cod Cran- berry Growers' Association. "The best paper for cranberry news and information." (10) The Better Fruit, . . . Devoted exclusively to fruit, and held by the best authority on fruit in Massachusetts to be "a fine thing for our eastern growers to take." (11) Park and Cemetery, and Landscape Gardening, ..... Said to be "The best periodical dealing with ornamental planting." (12) School Agriculture, . . . Suggestive exercises for teaching agri- culture in schools. Also agricultural school news items. Fully illus- trated. Timely and useful. Weekly, . Weekly, Weekly, . Monthly, . Monthly, . Twice a month, Weekly, . Monthly, . Monthly, . Twice a month during school year. Chicago, Fort Atkinson, Wis., Louisville, Ky., Garden City, N. Y., Boston, Medina, O., A. I. Root Company. Wareham, Mass., Hood River, Ore., Chicago, Springfield, Mass., $2 00 1 00 1 00 1 50 50 1 00 1 50 1 00 2 00 2. Free Bulletins, Circulars and Reports (1) The United States Bureau of Education is closely following the development of vocational agricultural education of secondary grade. It just now has in preparation a bibliography of this subject which will shortly be issued in bulletin form. The report of the commissioner for 1911 contains " a complete sum- mary of the status of secondary agriculture in each State," and "a description of some types of secondary agricultural schools." The agricultural instructors should apply on behalf of their school or department libraries for such of the free publications of the 9 Bureau as bear upon vocational agricultural training in secondary schools. Applications should be addressed to the United States Com- missioner of Education, Washington, D. C. (2) The United States Department of Agriculture issues many agricultural bulletins, circulars and reports. Certain of these have directly to do with Massachusetts farming problems. Others deal with problems in other States, where the agricultural conditions closely approximate those in this State. Access to this literature nearly up to date may be had by apply- ing to the Division of Publications of the United States Depart- ment of Agriculture, Washington, D. C, for Circular 19, entitled " Publications of the Department of Agriculture classified for the Use of Teachers." This was issued under date of Jan. 27, 1912. Access* to later literature may be had by requesting that the " Monthly List of Publications " be sent the library of the school or department regularly, beginning with the list for January, 1912. Each agricultural instructor should apply for, and use, both Circular 19 and the regular issues of the " Monthly List." Literature mentioned by Circular 19 and the " Monthly List " may usually be had free by applying for it to the Secretary of Agriculture, or to the senator or congressman of the district in which the applicant works or resides. (3) The Agricultural Experiment Stations also issue literature of value to progressive farmers, and therefore of value in the project method of training. In Connecticut and in New York there are two such stations; in every State there is at least one. All of the New England and New York stations have kindly consented to put our vocational agricultural school and depart- ment libraries on their mailing lists. The literature they send should be carefully filed. Occasionally literature from the sta- tions in other States may directly bear upon the productive projects undertaken by our boys. A sharp lookout should be kept for such literature. Such a lookout may be kept by means of the " Card Index of Experiment Station Literature," which is published by the United States Department of Agriculture. Thirty-two thousand cards 10 have already been printed. 1 Each agricultural school and de- partment library should endeavor to secure a partial set of these index cards. Since many of the bulletins referred to on the earlier cards are now out of print, it probably will be best to start the subscription at card 31,500. The number of the sets at present is limited, but now and then a former subscriber re- linquishes his rights, and a subscription may be allowed a school or department. Subscriptions for divisions of this index, such as all cards dealing with " Poultry," " Fruit " and the like, cost $3 per thousand cards; with SI. 25 additional, at the outset, for colored division cards to be used in arranging and readily consulting the index. Divisions may be subscribed for until full sets become available. The Office of Experiment Stations of the United States Depart- ment of Agriculture will receive the subscriptions for both sets and divisions. A key to the index, containing the system of classification, is sent on application. Make payments in advance by United States postal order in favor of A. Zappone, disbursing officer, and forward in en- 1 In order to show the exact nature of the clews to station literature, pertinent in one respect or another to Massachusetts farming projects, which this card index affords, the subject-matter on four cards is here printed. Index Card 31806. " Poultry Appliances, Labor-saving." — J. E. Rice and C. A. Rogers. " New York Cornell Bui. No. 284, Nov., 1910, pp. 51 " Directions are given for the construction of inexpensive, unpatented labor-saving devices for poultry raising. They include feeding and watering devices, pedigree and egg-collecting appliances, catching and carrying devices, shipping packages, coops for sitting hens, fattening coops, a rack for sprouted oats, a burglar-alarm system, and an improved killing and picking box." Index Card 31810. " Milk Pails, Covered, Tests." — H. A. Harding, J. K. Wilson and G. A. Smith. "New York State Bui. No. 326, Dec., 1910, pp. 249-381, pis. 4 "A report of experiments to determine the effect on the germ content of using improved milk pails. More than one-half the infection that milk receives during the milking process can be prevented by use of a covered pail. Such a pail, less than 12 inches high and provided with an elliptical opening 7 by 5 inches, is practically as convenient for milk as the open pail. Such a cover can be placed on an open pail by any tinsmith at very little expense. This pail is inexpensive, durable, easily cleaned, and one of the most efficient in keeping bacteria out of milk." 11 velopes addressed to the Director of the Office of Experiment Stations, Washington, D. C. Massachusetts Agricultural Experiment Station literature, of course, is covered by the card index above described. In order that there may be no delay, however, in securing such of its publi- cations as may be needed at once, the following list of those now available is given : — Bulletins and their numbers: — 33. Glossary of Fodder Terms. 76. The Imported Elm-leaf Beetle. 115. Cranberry Insects. 123. Fungicides, Insecticides, and Spraying Directions. 125. Shade Trees. 133. Green Crops for Summer Soiling. 134. The Hay Crop. 137. The Rational Use of Lime. Also, the Distribution, Composition and Cost of Lime. 138. Tomato Diseases. 139. Inspection of Commercial Feedstuffs (October, 1911). 140. Inspection of Commercial Fertilizers (December, 1911). Technical bulletins: — 2. The Graft Union. 3. The Blossom End Rot of Tomatoes. Index Card 31831. " Vegetable Garden." — W. H. Wicks. "Idaho Bui. No. 69, Aug., 1910, pp. 49, figs. 10, dgms. 2 "The record for two years is given of a X A acre vegetable garden established in the spring of 1908 on the horticultural grounds of the Idaho station. The value of the prod- ucts in 1908 was $82.19, with net profits of $57.41; in 1909, $98.38, with net profits of $79.22. The conclusion is reached that by judicious arrangement of the garden a continuous supply of vegetables may be secured throughout the season. A plan is given of a farmer's vegetable garden, together with cultural suggestions on farm garden crops and recom- mended varieties." Index Card 31943. " Feeding Experiments with Pigs." — A L. Stabler. "Maryland Bui. No. 150, January, 1911, pp. 93-120, fig. 1. "Pigs fed silage made faster gains than those fed ground fodder mixed with their feed. Young pigs made faster gains on corn meal and skim milk than on shelled corn and skim milk. Pigs fed mixed grain soaked twenty-four hours made faster and more economical gains than those fed the same mixture dry or fresh soaked. Chopped alfalfa failedto take the place of a part of the middlings in a ration consisting of shelled corn, wheat mid- dlings and skim milk. Soft coal in unlimited quantities seemed unharmful for pigs in pens. The use of a tonic mixture, wood charcoal and soft coal as correctives increased gains. Other feeding tests are reported." 12 Circulars : — 20. The Use of Lime in Massachusetts Agriculture. 22. Poultry Manures, their Treatment and Use. 26. Fertilizers for Potatoes. 27. Seeding Mowings. 29. Chemical Analysis of Soils. Applications for these and future publications of like character should be addressed to the Director of the Massachusetts Agri- cultural Experiment Station, Amherst, Mass. (4) "Facts for Farmers," issued monthly by the Extension Department of Massachusetts Agricultural College, is a live leaflet on timely topics which bear directly upon Massachusetts farming from season to season. A full file of these leaflets should be preserved for reference in each agricultural school and depart- ment library. Members of the agricultural classes, or their fathers, may receive copies for their individual files by asking that their names be put on the Extension Department mailing list. Applications should be addressed to W. D. Hurd, Director of Extension Work, Amherst, Mass. (5) The Massachusetts Board of Agriculture publishes agricultural bulletins and reports, a complete file of which, begin- ning, say, January, 1910, should be at hand for reference. In addition to the v annual volumes, the Board of Agriculture has printed such special bulletins as the following: — 1. Poultry Culture. 2. Orcharding. 3. Grasses and Forage Crops. 4. Small Fruits and Berries. 5. Vegetable Growing. Applications for its publications should be addressed to the State Board of Agriculture, State House, Boston, Mass. Copies may be had not only by the libraries, but also by individual agri- cultural students. (6) The State Forester's work closely concerns all farmers who are confronting the problems of protection against brown- tail and gyspy moth depredations, of protection against forest fires, and of economically cropping their w r ood or timber lots, and of disposing of lumber to their best advantage. Each agricultural 13 school and department should keep a complete file of the State Forester's publications. Most of these publications are fully illustrated and may be had by both the libraries and the individual agricultural students. Following are some of the publications now available: — 1. Forest Trees of Massachusetts : how you may know them. A pocket manual. 3. Massachusetts Wood-using Industries. 4. The Evergreens. Methods of Study in Public Schools. 5. Reforestation in Massachusetts. 6. How and when to collect White Pine Seed. 7. Forest Mensuration of the White Pine. How to estimate. Standing Timber. 8. How to make Improvement Thinnings. 10. Forest Fire-fighting Equipment in Our Towns'. 11. Gypsy and Brown-tail Moths. 14. Colored Plates of the Gypsy and Brown-tail Moths and Calosoma Beetle. — . The Chestnut Bark Disease. Applications for these and future publications should be ad- dressed to the State Forester, 6 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. 3. Text, Exercise and Reference Books, Bulletins, Circulars and Reports Copies of the books, bulletins, circulars and reports hereafter listed are on file in the agricultural library of the Board of Educa- tion, where they may be examined by school officers. Where vocational agricultural school and department work is started certain copies should be provided at the outset. These are neces- sary parts of an approved equipment for the present year. Others may be added in succeeding years, until an adequate working library has been established. (1) Instructor's Aid Necessary. — It is, of course, under- stood that the following lists are for the convenience of the several instructors, and for use by classes, with the help, step by step, of these instructors. Reference materials, therefore, suited to minds of different grades of maturity have been included. Some have been successfully used in elementary schools; others, by secondary schools, and even by college classes. The instructor's intimate knowledge of the needs and mental capabilities of his individual 14 boys will determine his assignment of both laboratory exercises and reading matter. (2) Lists subject to Revision. — It is to be expected that from time to time additions to these lists will need to be made. Suggestions as to usable additions are earnestly solicited. The instructors are especially requested to report which of the entries here included prove best suited to their different classes. The most competent revision of these lists will thus be assured. (3) Prices and Estimates. — Postage or express charges must be added where prices are marked " net." For example, " The Country-life Movement," by Prof. L. H. Bailey, is listed as folkrvfs: "$1.25 net; by mail, $1.34." Discounts from prices not marked " net " may usually be expected. Such book dealers as Orange Judd Company, 315-321 Fourth Avenue, New York City, N. Y., carry a considerable stock of many of the books named in these lists, and are very glad to quote prices on books to be delivered at any given point with postage or express prepaid. It is advisable to secure estimates from the publishers or from reliable dealers before ordering. 1 (4) Student Purchases. — Prof. L. H. Bailey, in addressing winter short-course students at the 'Cornell Agricultural College, is reported to have said that he hoped, if they took nothing else home, they would take home with them ten or twelve dollars' worth of good books dealing with the branches of practical agri- cultural production which they expected to follow. A similar hope might well be expressed on behalf of the boys who seek vocational agricultural school training in Massachusetts. Fortunately a few most excellent books for home guidance in profitable farm work are now to be had at moderate cost. The agricultural instructors may properly enough seek to stimulate the boys in their classes to purchase one or more such books every year. Wise guidance may be given by observing which books actually prove to be most useful to the individual boys in carrying out their particular home farm projects. Publishers will undoubtedly be very willing to allow the boys their most favorable school discounts, especially if orders are forwarded through the school purchasing agent. 1 Prof. G. F. Warren, "Elements of Agriculture," pp. 402,403 (see below, No. 5), lists a founda- tion set of secondary school agricultural reference books purchasable for about $50. 15 (5) Reference Numbers. — The arabic numbers at the left of the entries are for convenience in referring to materials found in this bibliography. 1 A. Library Arrangement. — If these numbers are put on the backs of the books, on the fronts of the pamphlet cases in which bulletins are filed and on the shelves where sets of reports are kept, it will not be necessary to consult these printed lists in using the agricultural library. The student or instructor may go directly to the materials themselves, on the library shelves. In cases where schools already have libraries and systems of numbering, these special numbers may be added. B. Project Outlines. — In the suggestive outlines for project instruction which accompany this bibliography the following entries are referred to by number, not by title. 2 The instructors in their future outline making may also find it most convenient to use these numbers. This will save both time and space. C. Library Card Indexes. — At the pleasure of the school officers, card indexes by authors and by titles may be made. The author index may then be arranged alphabetically by names; and the title index may be alphabetically arranged by subjects, such as " Dairying," " Vegetable Growing " and " Fruit Growing." In such a case, the books, bulletins and reports themselves would remain in the numerical order here adopted, and each card would bear the number assigned the particular title in these lists. Any book, for example, could thus be found instantly; and, after use, could be returned to its proper place by simply looking at its number. D. Future Entries. — Gaps in the numbering have been left for the possible addition of future entries. Missing numbers, however, will occasion no confusion. The simple numerical order may determine the arrangement, even though now and then a gap may appear between entries. (6) Reference Letters. — -The letters following the titles refer to the corrresponding letters at the left of the names of the publishers of the respective entries. Needless repetition of the full names and addresses of publishers is thus avoided. A com- 1 A similar use of numbers for ready reference has been made in " Laboratory Exercises in Farm Management," by Warren and Livermore. 2 See Bulletin of the Board of Education, No. 5, 1912. 16 plete list of the publishers and their addresses immediately follows the reference lists. (See page 47.) (7) State Help and Approval. — The agent of the Board of Education for agricultural education will from year to year advise those who need his help in making approved selections from these lists, and in the numbering, indexing and arrangement of agri- cultural library materials. 4. Agricultural Project Study Bibliography, arranged for Ready Reference : TEXT-BOOK APPROVED FOR FIRST AND SECOND YEAR AGRICULTURAL SURVEY Refer- ence Num- ber Author Title Publisher Price 1 Mann, A. R., " Beginnings in Agriculture," N' SO 60 net. 2 3 4 II TEXT-BOOK APPROVED FOR THIRD AND FOURTH YEAR AGRICULTURAL SURVEY 5 Warren G. F., N $1 10 net. 6 7 8 9 ' Ill FOR FIRST AND SECOND YEAR STUDY OF PROJECTS IN- 1. Vegetable Growing- Allen, C. L Bailey, L. H.,.. Beattie, W. R.,. 'Cabbages, Cauliflower, etc.,". 'Manual of Gardening," 'Celery," (Farmer's Bui. 282),. O... N.. Bb. $0 50 §2 00 net. 1 Where more than one entry appears under the headings marked by Roman numerals, the entries above the dotted lines are arranged alphabetically by authors, by States or by government divisions, bureaus or offices. Space below the dotted lines is reserved for additions to the original entries which have been, or may be, made from time to time. 2 The letters in this column are those assigned the various publishers. For the list of pub- lishers and their addresses to which these letters refer, see pp. 47, 48. 1. Vegetable Growing— Continued Refer- ence Num- ber Author Title Publisher Price 13 Beattie, W. R Beattie, W. R., Beattie, W. R., "The Home Vegetable Garden" (Farmer's Bui. 255). "Home Production of Onion Seed and Sets" (Farmer's Bui. 434). "Onion Culture" (Farmer's Bui. 354), Bb 14 Bb 15 Bb 16 P $1 50 net. 17 Corbett, L. C, Corbett, L. C "Beans" (Farmer's Bui. 289) "Cabbage" (Farmer's Bui. 433) Bb 18 Bb 19 Corbett, L. C.,.. Corbett, L. C, Duggar, B. M., Duggar, J. F., "Cucumbers" (Farmer's Bui. 254),.. "Tomatoes" (Farmer's Bui. 220),. .. . "The Cultivation of Mushrooms" (Farmer's Bui. 204). "Potato Culture" (Farmer's Bui. 35), Bb 20 Bb 21 Bb 22 Bb 23 Fraser, Sam'l, French, Allen, "The Potato," O N $0 75 24 SI 75 net. 25 Fullerton, E. L., "How to make a Vegetable Garden," P $2 00 net. 26 Green, Samuel B., " Vegetable Gardening," Q $1 00 27 "How to make the Garden Pay," R SI 00 net. 28 Handy, R. B., "Asparagus Culture" (Farmer's Bui. 61). Bb 29 O $0 50 30 Kirkland, A. H , Massachusetts Morse, J. E., "Usefulness of the American Toad " (Farmer's Bui. 196). "Vegetable Growing" (Mjass. State Bd. of Agr., Bui. 5*. " The New Rhubarb Culture," Bb 31 C 32 O 80 50 33 Rexford, E. E., "The Home Garden," S $1 25 net. 34 Roberts, Harry, "The Beginner's Book of Gardening," T $1 00 net. 35 Schoene, W. J., Sevey, G. C, "Cabbage Seed Beds, Protection" (N. Y. State Bui. 334). L 36 O $0 50 37 Sevey, G. C, "Peas and Pea Culture," O.... SO 50 net 38 U S3 75 net. 39 Watts, R. L ,. O SI 75 net. 40 Wicks, W. H., " Vegetable Garden," V 41 42 43 V 44 45 46 47 48 49 18 2. Small Fruit Growing Refer- ence Num- ber Author Title Publisher Price 50 Card, Fred W., Corbett, L. C Corbett, L. C, Corbett, L. C, Corbett, L. C, Corbett, L. C, Green, S. B. Husmann, G. C, Massachusetts, Maynard, S. T., Ragan, W. H., Ragan, W. H., Rhode Island, Waugh, F. A., White, J. J., "Bush Fruits," N Bb $1 50 net. 51 "Cranberry Culture" (Farmer's Bui. 176). "The Home Fruit Garden: Prepara- tion and Care" (Farmer's Bui. 154). "Pruning" (Farmer's Bui. 181), "Raspberries" (Farmer's Bui. 213),. . "Strawberries" (Farmer's Bui. 198),. . 52 Bb 53 Bb 54 Bb 55 Bb 56 Q $1 00 57 "Grape Propagation, Pruning, and Training]' (Farmer's Bui. 471). "Small Fruits and Berries" (Mass. State Bd. of Agr., Bui. 4). Bb 58 C 59 Bb $1 00 60 "The Home Vineyard, with Special Reference to Northern Condi- tions" (Farmer's Bui. 156). "Varieties of Fruits recommended for Planting" (Farmer's Bui. 208). "Bush Fruits" (R. I. Exp. Sta. Bui. 91). "Fruit, Harvesting, Storing and Mar- keting." 61 Bb 62 M 63 61 0...'. SI 00 SI 00 65 66 67 68 69 • . 3. Beekeeping 70 Benton, Frank, Comstock, A. B., Phillips, E. F., Root, A. I. andE. R., "Beekeeping" (Farmer's Bui. 59), Bb 71 P Bb SI 00 72 73 "The A B C and X Y Z of Bee Cul- ture." W SI 50 net. 74 75 76 77 78 79 19 4. Poultry Keeping Refer- ence Num- ber AUTHOB 1 Title Publisher Price 80 American Poultry As- sociation. Beale, Stephen, "The American Standard of Perfec- tion." "Profitable Poultry Keeping," X 81 Y SI 00 82 Bell, G. A., Boyer, M. K "Poultry Management" (Farmer's Bui. 287). "Money in Broilers and Squabs," Bb........ 83 Z SO 50 84 Brigham, A. A., "Progressive Poultry Culture," AA SI 50 net. 85 86 Brown, Edward, Connecticut, Howard, G. E., Howard, G. E., « Langworthy, C. F.,. . . "Poultry Keeping as an Industry for Farmers and Cottagers." "Water Glass: A Preservative for Eggs" (Storrs Bui. 67). "Standard Varieties of Chickens" (Farmer's Bui. 51). "Ducks and Geese: Standard Va- rieties and Management" (Farm- er's BuL 64). '"The Guinea Fowl and its Use as Food" (Farmer's Bui. 234). BB H 6s 87 Bb 88 Bb 89 Bb 90 C 91 McGrew, T. F., "Turkeys" (Farmer's Bui. 200), Bb 92 Pearl, Raymond, Powell, E. C.,. . "Methods of Poultry Management at the Maine Agricultural Experi- ment Station." Bb 93 O SI 00 94 Rhode Island, Rice, Wm. E., Sands, R.B., "The Rearing and Management of Turkeys, with Special Reference to the Blackhead Disease" (R. I. Exp. Sta. Bui. 123). "Squab Raising" (Farmer's Bui. 177). "Principles and Practice of Poultry Culture." "American Poultry Culture," M 95 Bb 98 97 CC MM MM.. S2 00 net. SI 25 98 Stoddard, H. H...... Capons and Caponizing" (Farmer's Bui. 452). "Marketing Eggs through the Cream- ery" (Farmer's Bui, 445). Bb 99 100 Bb O SI 00 101 "Valentine, C. S., "How to keep Hens for Profit," N SI 50 net. 102 Watson, G. C, N SI 25 net. 103 Wood, R. H., Wright, Lewis, " Incubation and Incubators" (Farm- er's Bui. 236). "The Practical Poultry Keeper," Bb 104 DD SO 87 105 106 107 108 ■x 109 20 5. Sheep and Goat Husbandry Refer- ence Num- ber Author Title Publisher Price 110 Bb 111 Curtiss, C. F Thompson, G. F., Wing, J. E., "Raising Sheep for Mutton" (Farm- er's Bui. 96). "The Angora Goat" (Farmer's Bui. 137). Bb 112 Bb 113 EE $1 00 114 Wing, J. E., et al , FF 115 116 117 118 . 119 6. Swine Husbandry 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 Coburn, F. D.,. Craig, R. A.,. . . Dietrich, Wm.,. Rommel, G. M. "Swine in America,". "Diseases of Swine,". "Swine," "Pig Management" (Farmer's Bui. 205). O... O... GG. Bb.. S2 50 net. $0 75 SI 50 21 7. Ornamental Planting (See also Reference No. 34.) Refer- ence Num- ber Author Title Publisher Price 130 Bennett, I. D., Corbett, L. C, Corbett, L. C Corbett, L. C Ely, H. R P Bb 131 "Annual Flowering Plants" (Farm- er's Bui. 195). "Beautifying the Home Grounds" (Farmer's Bui. 185). "The Lawn" (Farmer's Bui. 248),.... "The Practical Flower Garden," "The Care of Trees in Lawn, Street and Park." "Tree Planting on Rural School Grounds" (Farmer's Bui. 134). "Three Insect Enemies of Shade Trees" (Farmer's Bui. 99). 132 Bb 133 Bb 134 N HH Bb 82 00 135 136 Fernow, B. E., Hall, Wm. L., Kirkgaard, John Maynard, S. T., Miller, Wilhelm, Pinchot, Gifford, Sedgwick, Mabel C.,. . Start, E. A., et al., Waugh, F.A., $2 00 137 Bb 138 II JJ P Bg 82 50 net. 139 140 141 "Landscape Gardening as applied to Home Decoration." "What England can teach us about Gardening." "Arbor Day" (U. S. Forest Service Circ. 96). " The Garden Month by Month," 81 50 84 00 net. 142 143 KK D 84 04 net. 144 80 50 145 146 147 148 149 \ 22 IV FOR THIRD AND FOURTH YEAR STUDY OF PROJECTS IN — 1. Animal Husbandry (See also References above, No. 70f., No. 80f., No. 110f., and No. 120f.) Refer- ence Num- ber Author Title Publisher Price 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 Adams, J. W., Alvord, H. E., Alvord, H. E Brooks, W. P., Brooks, W. P., Brown, Edgar, Brown, E., et al., Carrier, L., Clinton, L. A., Coburn, F. D., Connecticut, Connecticut, Craig, J. A., Derr, H. B., Dondlinger, P. T.,... Duvel, J. W. T., Gurler, H. B., Hartley, C. P Hartley, C. P., Hartley, C. P., Hartley, C. P., Hartley, C. P., Hickman, R. W., Hillman, F. H., Illinois Johnstone, J. H. S.,. Lane, C. B Langworthy, C. F.,. . Lindsey, J. B., Lyon & Montgomery, Maine, Massachusetts, Michels, John, Moore, G. T., et al.,. "Horseshoeing" (Farmer's Bui. 179), " Breeds of Dairy Cattle " (Farmer's Bui. 106). "The Dairy Herd: Its Formation and Management" (Farmer's Bui. 55). "The Hay Crop" (Mass. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui. 134). "Seeding Mowings" (Mass. Agr. Exp. Sta. Circ. 27). "Alfalfa Seed" (Farmer's Bui. 194),. . . "Seed of Red Clover and its Impuri- ties" (Farmer's Bui. 260). "Cost of Filling Silos" (Farmer's Bui. 292). "Corn Growing in New England" (Mass. State Bd. of Agr.). "Alfalfa," "Quality of Milk affected by Common Dairy Practices" (Storrs Bui. 42). "Milking Machines" (Storrs Bui. 47), "Judging Live Stock," "Barley: Growing the Crop" (Farm- er's Bui. 443). "The Book of Wheat," "The Germination of Seed Corn" (Farmer's Bui. 253). "The Farm Dairy," "Corn Growing" (Farmer's Bui. 199), "Corn Cultivation" (Farmer's Bui. 414). "Harvesting and Storing Corn" (Farmer's Bui. 313). "The Production of Good Seed Corn" (Farmer's Bui. 229). "Seed Corn" (Farmer's Bui. 415), "The Dehorning of Cattle" (Farm- er's Bui. 350). "The Adulteration of Forage plant Seeds" (Farmer's Bui. 382). "Four Systems of Dairy Farming and the Profit on Each" (University of 111. Circ. 151). "The Horse Book," "Business of Dairying," " Principles of Horse Feeding" (Farm- er's Bui. 170). "Green Crops for Summer Soiling" (Mass. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui. 133). "Examining and Grading Grains,".. " Practical Horticulture. Red Clover" (Maine, Bui. 113). "Grasses and Forage Crops" (Mass. St. Bd. of Agr. Bui. 3). "Dairy Farming," "Beneficial Bacteria for Leguminous Crops" (Farmer's Bui. 214). Bb Bb Bb D D Bb Bb Bb C O H SO 50 H LL Bb SI 50 O Bb $2 00 net. EE Bb SI 00 Bb Bb Bb Bb Bb Bb MM '.. EE O Bb $2 00 $1 25 net. D CC I SO 48 net. C NN Bb SI 00 23 1 . Animal Husbandry — Continued Refer- ence Num- ber Author Title Publisher Price 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 Myrick, Herbert,. Oakley, R. A...... Piper, C. V., Plumb, C. S., Plumb, C. S., Plumb, C. S., Rhode Island, Roberts, LP...... Saunders, W. D., et al. Shaw, Thos.,. Shaw, Thos., Shaw, Thos., Shaw, Thos Shaw, Thos., Shaw, Thos., Van Norman, H. E.,. Vinall, H. N., Voorhees, Ed. B., Warburton, C. W...... Warburton, C. W...... Westgate, J. M., Westgate, J. M., et al., Williams, T. A., Zintheo, C. J., " The Book of Corn," "Canada Bluegrass" (Farmer's Bui. 402). _ "Leguminous Crops for Green Manur- ing" (Farmer's Bui. 278). "Indian Corn Culture," "Silos and Silage" (Farmer's Bui. 32), "Types and Breeds of Farm Animals," "Corn Selection" (R. I. Exp. Sta. Bui. 116). "The Horse," "Dairy Herd Records" (Virginia Bui. 190). "Canadian Field Peas" (Farmer's Bui. 224). " Rape Plant, its History, Culture and Uses" (Farmer's Bui. 11). "Clovers," "Forage Crops other than Grasses,". . " Grasses and how to grow Them,". . . "Soiling Crops and the Silo," "First Lessons in Dairying," "Meadow Fescue" (Farmer's Bui. 361). "Forage Crops," "Oats: Growing the Crop" (Farm- er's Bui. 424). "Oats — Sixty Day and Kherson," (Farmer's Bui. 395). "Alfalfa" (Farmer's Bui. 339), "Red Clover" (Farmer's Bui. 455),. . "Millets" (Farmer's Bui. 101), "Corn- harvesting Machinery" (Farmer's Bui. 303). O... Bb. Bb. EE. Bb. CC. M... N... OO. Bb.. Bb. O... O... Q... O... O... Bb.. N... Bb.. Bb.. Bb.. Bb.. Bb.. Bb.. $1 50 n oo 60 net. $1 25 net. $1 00 net. $1 00 $1 50 $1 50 $0 50 net. SI 50 net. 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 Harper, M. W. Rose, Laura, . . 'Training and Breaking of Horses,". . 'Farm Dairying," N MMMM. X n 75 n 25 24 2. Fruit Growing (See also references under III., 2.) Refer- ence Num- ber Author Title Publisher Price 220 Bailey, L. H., Bailey, L. H., Bailey, L. H Brackett, G. B., N N N Bb $1 50 net. 221 222 "The Principles of Fruit Growing,". . $1 50 net. $1 50 net. 223 "The Apple and how to grow it" (Farmer's Bui. 113). "Apple Growing in New England" Parts I. and II. (Storrs Bui. 61). "Apple Growing in New England," Part III. (Storrs Bui. 62). "Apple Growing in New England," Part IV. (Storrs Bui. 66). "Orcharding" (Mass. State Bd. of Agr. Bui. 2). "Orchards, Management" (Wisconsin Bui. 201). "Cowpeas" (Farmer's Bui. 318), "Soy Beans" (Farmer's Bui. 372),. . . . "Improving an Orchard" (R. I. Exp. Sta. Bui. 83). "The American Fruit Culturist,". . . . "The American Apple Orchard," "The Canadian Apple Grower's Guide." 224 H 225 Connecticut, Connecticut Massachusetts, Nielsen, H. T., Piper, C. V., et al , Rhode Island, Thomas, J. J., Waugh, F. A., :.. Wolverton, L., H 226 H 227 C 228 PP 229 Bb 230 Bb 231 M 232 e 233 234 QQ $2 50 net. SI 00 net. $2 00 net. 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 ' 25 3. Market Gardening (See also references under III., 1.) Refer- ence Num- ber Author Title Publisher Price 250 Bailey, L. H Beattie, W. R Beattie, W. R., Corbett, L. C, Rawson, Herbert, Rhode Island, Taft, L. R., Taft, L. R., "The Forcing Book," N O Bb $1 25 net. 251 $0 50 252 "Frames as a Factor in Truck Grow- ing" (Farmer's Bui. 460). " The Potato as a Truck Crop " (Farm- er's Bui. 407). "Success in Market Gardening," "Soil Treatment in Greenhouse Cul- ture" (R. I. Exp. Sta. Bui. 107). "A Further Study of Soil Treatment in Greenhouse Culture" (R. I. Exp. Sta. Bui. 128). _ 253 Bb 254 255 P M $1 10 256 M 257 O O $1 50 258 $1 50 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 FOR LABORATORY EXERCISES AND SCIENTIFIC DATA BEARING UPON THE PRODUCTIVE PROJECTS UNDERTAKEN Intended to be supplementary to the entries above given, and to be drawn upon as occasion permits or demands. 1. Agriculture in General 270 Bailey, L. H., "Cyclopedia of American Agriculture: Farms," Vol. I-. N $5 00 net. 271 Bailey, L. H., " Cyclopedia of American Agriculture: Crops," Vol. II. N $5 00 net. 272 Bailey, L. H., "Cyclopedia of American Agriculture: Animals," Vol. III. N $5 00 net. 273 Bailey, L. H., " Cyclopedia of American Agriculture: Farm and Community," Vol. IV. N $5 00 net. 274 Bailey, L. H., "Farm and Garden Rule Book," N S2 00 275 Bailey, L. H., N $1 25 net. 276 Bailey, L. H " Principles of Vegetable Gardening,. . N $1 50 net. 277 Boss, Andrew, "Meat on the Farm" (Farmer's Bui. 183). Bb 26 1. Agriculture in General — Continued Refer- ence Num- ber Author Title Publisher Price 278 Brooks, W. P., RR SI 25 279 280 - Brooks, W. P., Brooks, W. P., "Agriculture: Manures, Fertilizers and Farm Crops," Vol. II. "Agriculture: Animal Husbandry,". . RR RR $1 25 $1 25 281 "Domesticated Animals and Plants," CC $1 00 net. 282 Dorset, M., Ewell, E. E Garriot, E. B., Goodrich, C. L., "Some Common Disinfectants" (Farmer's Bui. 345). "Every Farm an Experiment Sta- tion" (U. S. Dept. of Agr. Year- book, 1897). " Notes on Frost" (Farmer's Bui. 104), "The First Book of Farming," Bb 283 B 284 Bb P 285 $1 00 net. 286 Hunt, T. F., O SI 75 287 Hunt, T. F., "Forage and Fibre Crops in America," O SI 75 288 Lantz, D. E., "How to destroy Rats" (Farmer's Bui. 369). Bb 289 MMMM.. SI 50 net. 290 Voorhees, E. B., "First Principles of Agriculture,"... TT SO 60 net. 291 Warburton, C. W , Wilcox, E. V., "Oats: Distribution and Uses," (Farmer's Bui. 420). ' ' Farmer's Cyclopedia of Agriculture," Bb 292 S3 50 293 Williams, F., Jr "Clearing New Land" (Farmer's Bui. 150). Bb 294 295 296 297 298 299 2. Alcohol, Industrial 300 Wente, A. O., etal.,... Wiley, H. W., Wiley, H. W., Wiley, B..W.,etal.,... " Potato Culls as a Source of Industrial Alcohol" (Farmer's Bui. 410). "Industrial Alcohol: Sources and Manufacture ' ' (Farmer's Bui. 268) . "Industrial Alcohol: Uses and Sta- tistics" (Farmer's Bui. 269). "Industrial Alcohol" (Farmer's Bui. 429). Bb 301 Bb 302 Bb 303 Bb 304 305 306 307 308 309 27 3. Animal Diseases Refer- ence Num- Author Title Publisher Price ber 310 Connecticut, Dorset, M., Mayo, N. S Mayo, N. S., Mohler, J. R Mohler, J. R., Phillips, E. F., Reynolds, M. H., Rhode Island, Rhode Island, Rhode Island, Rhode Island, Salmon, D. E., Salmon, D. E United States, "Bacillary White Diarrhea of Young Chicks, Second Report" (Storrs Bui. 68). "Hog Cholera" (Farmer's Bui. 379),. "Poultry Diseases "(Maine, Bui. 398). H 311 Bb 312 I 313 N OO SI 50 net 314 " Diseases of Pigs " (Virginia Bui. 189), "Milk Fever: Its Simple and Success- ful Treatment" (Farmer's Bui. 206). "The Tuberculin Test of Cattle for Tuberculosis" (Farmer's Bui. 351). "The Treatment of Bee Diseases" (Farmer's Bui. 422). "Veterinary Studies for Agricultural Students." "A Biological Study of Eleven Path- ogenic Organisms from Cholera- like Diseases in Poultry" (R. I. Exp. Sta. Bui. 146). "Blackhead in Turkeys: A Study in Avian Coccidiosis" (R. I. Exp. Sta. Bui. 141). "Further Experiments in Connection with the Blackhead Disease" (R. I. Exp. Sta. Bui. 124). "Goose Septicaemia" (R. I. Exp. Sta. Bui. 86). 315 Bb 316 Bb 317 Bb 318 319 N M 81 75 net. 320 M 321 M 322 M 323 UU Bb SO 60 net. 324 "Scab in Sheep" (Farmer's Bui. 159), "Tuberculosis" (Farmer's Bui. 473),. 325 Bb 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 4. Animal Foods and Feeding 335 336 337 338 339 Allen, E. W Armsby, H. P.,. Burns, J. C.,. Connecticut,. Connecticut,. "The Feeding of Farm Animals" (Farmer's Bui. 22). "The Computation of Rations for Farm Animals by the Use of Energy Value" (Farmer's Bui. 346) "Feeding Experiments with Pigs" (Texas Bui. 131). "Pig Feeding Experiments" (Storrs Bui. 39). " The Facility of Digestion of Foods a Factor in Feeding" (Storrs Bui. 43). Bb. Bb. VV. H.. H.. 28 4. Animal Foods and Feeding — Continued Refer- ence Num- ber Author Title Publisher Price 340 Connecticut, Esten, W. M., et al.,... Henry, W. A., "The Cost of Feeding Heifers" (StorrsBul. 63). "Silage Fermentation" (Storrs Bui. 70). " Feeds and Feeding, " H 341 H 342 WW $2 00 net. 343 Holland, E. B., Jeffrey, J. S. Jordan, W. H Rhode Island, Shaw, Thos Smith. P. H., et al.,.. "Glossary of Fodder Terms" (Hatch Exp. Sta. Bui. 33). "Feeding Experiments with Poultry" (N. C. College Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui. 211). D 344 XX 345 N M $1 50 net. 346 "Feeding Experiments with Chickens, Cockerels and Turkeys" (Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui. 126). "Feeding Experiments with Young Chickens" (Cornell Bui. 282). 347 K 348 O D S2 00 349 "Inspection of Commercial Feed- stuffs" (Mass. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui. 139). 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 5. Animal Life, Propagation and Tests 360 Kellogg, V. L., "Animals," ' YY SI 80 net. 361 Jordan, D. S., et al.,. . Oldys, H., YY Bb 4 $1 25 net. 362 "Pheasant Raising in the United States" (Farmer's Bui. 390). 363 Punnett, R. C, Shaw, Thos N O $1 25 364 $1 50 365 Stabler, A. L., "Feeding Experiments with Pigs" (Md. College Park Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui. 150). zz 366 367 368 369 29 6. Bacteriology, Agricultural Refer- ence Num- ber Author Title Publisher Price 370 Conn, H. W Conn, H. W., Conn, H. W Connecticut, Connecticut, Harding, H. A., et al. Lipman, J. G.,. AAA AAA H 32 00 net. 371 372 373 "Bacteria in Milk and its Products," "Practical Dairy Bacteriology," "Bacterium Lactis Acidi and Its Sources" (Storrs Bui. 59). "Comparative Studies with Covered Milk Pails" (Storrs Bui. 48). "Milk Pails, Covered, Tests" (N. Y. State Bui. 326). "Bacteria in Relation to Country Life." "Bacteria in Milk" (Farmer's Bui. 348). $1 50 net. SI 25 374 H 375 L 376 377 N Bb $1 50 net. 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 7. Birds and Agriculture 385 386 387 388 Beal, F. E. L. Dearborn, Ned, Forbush, E. H., McAtee, W. L... "Some Common Birds in their Ref- lation to Agriculture" (Farmer's Bui. 54). "How to destroy English Sparrows" (Farmer's Bui. 383). "Useful Birds and their Protection" (Mass. Bd. of Agr.). "Our Grosbeaks and their Value to Agriculture (Farmer's Bui. 456). Bb. Bb. Bb. 389 390 391 392 393 394 8. Botany and Plant Physiology 395 396 397 398 Andrews, E. F., Bergen, J. Y., et al.,. Coulter, J. M., Duggar, B. M., "Practical Course in Botany," "Practical Botany," "Plant Structures," "Plant Physiology," 30 8. Botany and Plant Physiology — Continued Refer- ence Num- ber Author Title Publisher Price 399 HH $2 50 net. 400 Stevens, W. C ccc §1 50 net. 401 402 403 404 9 . Chemistry and Agriculture 405 Hart, E. B., etal...... " General Agricultural Chemistry,". . . DDD SI 50 406 407 408 409 Storer, F. EL, Storer, F. H Storer, F. EL, "Agriculture in Some of its Relations with Chemistry," Vol I. "Agriculture in Some of its Relations with Chemistry, Vol. II. "Agriculture in Some of its Relations with Chemistry," Vol. III. " The Chemistry of the Farm," EEE EEE EEE FFF ] f 85 00 $1 13 410 Williams, R. P., CC SO 88 net. 411 412 413 414 10. Construction and Repairs: Plans Materials, Tests, etc. 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 Alleman, G.,. Atwood, H., Beattie, W. R., Cobleigh, R., Breeders' Gazette,.. Corbett, L. C, Cushman, A. S.,... Davidson & Chase, Fiske, G. B., Fiske, G. B., Hasluck, P. N...... Hasluck, P. N Hasluck, P. N...... 'Quantity and Character of Creosote in Well-preserved Timbers" (For- est Service Circ. 98). ' Poultry Houses, Construction ' ' (W. Va. Bui. 130). 'The Repair of Farm Equipment" (Farmer's Bui. 347). ' Handy Farm Devices," ' Farm Buildings," 'Ice Houses" (Farmer's Bui. 475),... 'The Corrosion of Fence Wire" (Farmer's Bui. 239). 'Farm Buildings," 'Poultry Appliances and Handi- crafts." ' Poultry Architecture," ' Harness Making," 'Knotting and Splicing,". 'Saddlery," Bs GGG Bb O GG Bb Bb NNNN.. NNNN.. NNNN.. NNNN.. NNNN.. NNNN.. 51 50 net. 52 00 $2 00 SO 50 SO 50 31 10. Construction and Repairs: Plans — Continued Refer- ence Num- ber Atjthok Title Publisher Price 428 Hill, G. G., Holmstrom, J. G., Orange Judd Co., "Farm Buildings, Practical Sugges- tions for" (Farmer's Bui. 126). "Standard Blacksmithing, Horseshoe- ing and Wagon Making." "Barn Plans and Out Buildings," Bb 429 Q SO 50 430 SI 00 431 Stabler, A. L., United States, United States, Walker, P. H Willis, C. P., "Poultry Appliances, Labor Saving" (Cornell Bui. 284). "The Construction of Concrete Fence Posts" (Farmer's Bui. 403). "The Use of Concrete on the Farm" (Farmer's Bui. 461). "The Use of Paint on the Farm" (Farmer's Bui. 474). "Hog Houses" (Parmer's Bui. 438),.. " The Preservative Treatment of Farm Timbers" (Farmer's Bui. 387). "Cement Mortar and Concrete: Prep- aration and Use for Farm Pur- poses" (Farmer's Bui. 235). K 432 ZZ 433 Bb 434 Bb 435 Bb 436 Bb 437 Bb 438 Bb 439 440 441 442 ' 443 444 11. Dairy Products and Manufactures 445 Alvord, H. E., Connecticut Farrington & Woll, . . . " Cheese Making on the Farm " (Farm- er's Bui. 166). "The Camembert Type of Soft Cheese in the United States" (Storrs Bui. 35). " Directions for Making the Camem- bert Type of Cheese" (Storrs Bui. 46). "Testing Milk and its Products," Bb 446 H 447 H 448 HHH SI 25 449 Mortensen, M., Trueman, J. M., , , , Van Slyke, L. L , Washburn, R. M., Webster, E. H., Wing, H. H "Creamery Bookkeeping" (Iowa Bui. 121). " Butter Making on the Farm" (Storrs Bui. 65.) " Modern Methods of Testing Milk and Milk Products." "Ice Cream Making, Principles and Practice" (Vermont Bui. 155). " Butter Making on the Farm " (Farm- er's Bui. 241). ' Ill 450 H 451 452 O J J J SO 75 453 Bb 454 N SI 50 net. 455 456 457 458 459 32 12. Farm Management, and Rural Economics Accounts, Statistics, etc. Refer- ence Num- ber 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 Author Title Publisher Price Andrews, F., Arnold, J. H.,... Blodgett, J. H.,.. Blodgett, J. H... Burritt, M. C.,.., Card, F. W., Carrier, L., Carver, T. N.,... Clark, C. C Clark, C. C Clark, C. C Clark, C. C Clark, C. C Clark, C. C. Clothier, G. L.,.. Covert, J. R...... Dodge, L. G Dodge, L. G Hill, G. G Hitchcock, F. H. Hitchcock, F. H. Hitchcock, F. H. Hitchcock, F. H. Hitchcock, F. H. Hitchcock, F. H. Hitchcock, F. H. Hitchcock, F. H. Hitchcock, F. H. Costs of Hauling Crops from Farms to Shipping Points" (Bureau of Stat. Bui. 49). 'How a City Family managed a Farm" (Farmer's Bui. 432). 'Relations of Population and Food Products in the United States, etc." (Div. of Stat. Bui. 24). 'Wages of Farm Labor in the United States" (Bureau of Stat. Bui. 26). 'A Successful New York Farm" (Farmer's Bui. 454). 'Farm Management," 'A Profitable Tenant Dairy Farm" (Farmer's Bui. 280). 'Principles of Rural Economics," 'Wheat Crops of the United States, 1886-1906" (Bureau of Stat. Bui. 57). Oat Crops of the United States, 1866-1906" (Bureau of Stat. Bui. 58). 'Rye Crops of the United States, 1866-1906" (Bureau of Stat. Bui. 60). 'Buckwheat Crops of the United States, 1866-1906" (Bureau of Stat. Bui. 61). 'Potato Crops of the United States, 1866-1906" (Bureau of Stat. Bui. 62). 'Hay Crops of the United States, 1866-1906" (Bureau of Stat. Bui. 63). 'Forest Planting and Farm Manage- ment" (Farmer's Bui. 228). 'Dates of Sowing and Harvesting" (Bureau of Stat. Circ. Letter). ' Cropping Systems for New England Dairy Farms" (Farmer's Bui. 337). 'Farm Management in Northern Po- tato-growing Sections" (Farmer's Bui. 365). 'Marketing Farm Produce" (Farm- er's Bui. 62). 'Trade of Denmark" (Sec. of For. Mkts. Bui. 9). 'Our Trade with Spain, 1888-1897" (Sec. of For. Mkts. Bui. 12). 'Our Trade with Japan, China and Hongkong, 1889-1899" (Sec. of For. Mkts. Bui. 18). 'Our Trade with Scandinavia, 1890- 1900" (Sec. of For. Mkts. Bui. 22). 'Sources of Agricultural Imports of the United States" (Sec. of For. Mkts. Bui. 24). 'Agricultural Exports of the United States, 1896-1900" (Sec. of For. Mkts. Bui. 25). 'Agricultural Imports of the United Kingdom, 1896-1900" (Sec. of For. Mkts. Bui. 26). 'Sources of the Agricultural Imports of the United States, 1897-1901" (Sec. of For. Mkts. Bui. 28). 'Agricultural Exports of the United States, 1851-1902" (Div. of For. Mkts. Bui. 34). Be. Bb. Bd. Be. Bb. P... Bb. CC. Be. Be. Be. Be. Be. Be. Bb. Be. Bb. Bb. Bb. Be. Be. Be. Be. Be. Be. Be. Be. Bd. 00 net. $1 04 net. 33 12. Farm Management, and Rural Economics — Continued Refer- ence Num- ber Author Title Publisher Price 488 Hunt, T. F McClure, H. B Peters, E. T., Roberts, I. P Roberts, I. P., Smith, C. B., Smith, C. B., etal Spillman, W. J., Spillman, W. J., Spillman, W. J., Taylor, H. C, Terry, T. B., United States United States, "Local Conditions as affecting Farm Values, 1900-1905" (Bur. of Stat. Bui. 44). Be 489 N Bb $1 58 490 "Conditions affecting the Value of Market Hay" (Farmer's Bui. 312). "Co-operative Credit Associations in Certain European Countries" (Div. of Stat. Report 3). "The Farmer's Business-Handbook," 491 Bd 492 493 N N Bb SI 25 SI 50 494 "Clover Farming on the Sandy Jack- pine Lands of the North" (Farm- er's Bui. 323). "Replanning a Farm for Profit" (Farmer's Bui. 370). "An Example of Modern Farming" (Farmer's Bui. 242). "A Successful Hog and Seed-Corn Farm" (Farmer's Bui. 272). "A Successful Poultry and Dairy Farm" (Farmer's Bui. 355). "Our Farming, or, How We have made a Run-down Farm bring Both Profit and Pleasure." "The World's Markets for American Products, Great Britain and Ire- land" (Sec. For. Mkts. Bui. 1). "The World's Markets for American Products, Great Britain and Ire- land" (Sec. For. Mkts. Bui. 1, Supp.). "The World's Markets for American Products, German Empire" (Sec. For. Mkts. Bui. 2). "The World's Markets for American Products, France" (Sec. For. Mkts. Bui. 3). "The World's Markets for American Products, Netherlands" (Sec. of For. Mkts. Bui. 5). "The World's Markets for American Products, Belgium" (Sec. For. Mkts. Bui. 6). "The World's Markets for American Products, Norway" (Sec. of For. Mkts. Bui. 7). "The World's Markets for American Products, Sweden" (Sec. For. Mkts. Bui. 8). "The Manchester District of England as a Market for American Prod- ucts" (Sec. For. Mkts. Circ. 8). "Hamburg as a Market for American Products" (Sec. For. Mkts. Circ. 14). . "Our Trade with Cuba from 1887- 1897" (Sec. For. Mkts. Circ. 16). "Production and Distribution of the Principal Agricultural Products of the World" (Div. of Stat., Rep. 5). "Meat Animals and Packing-house Products imported into 11 Prin- cipal Countries, 1895-1904" (Bur. of Stat. Bui. 40). " Norway, Sweden and Russia as Mar- kets for Packing-house Products" (Bur. of Stat. Bui. 41). 495 Bb 496 Bb 497 Bb 498 Bb 499 500 501 N KKK .... Be $1 25 SO 75 502 Be 503 Be 504 Be 505 Be 506 Be 507 Be 508 Be 509 Be 510 Be 511 Be 512 Bd 513 Be 514 Be 34 12. Farm Management, and Rural Economics — Continued Refer- ence Num- ber Author Title Publisher Price 515 United States United States, United States, United States, "Imports of Farm and Forest Prod- ucts, 1905-07, by Countries from which consigned" (Bur. of Stat. Bui. 70). "Exports of Farm and Forest Prod- ucts, 1905-07, by Countries to which consigned" (Bur. of Stat. Bui. 71). "Imports of Farm Products into the United States, 1851-1908" (Bur. of •Stat. Bui. 74). "Exports of Farm Products from the United States, 1851-1908" (Bur. of Stat. Bui. 75). "Imports of Farm and Forest Prod- ucts, 1907-09, by Countries from which consigned" (Bur. of Stat. Bui. 82). "Imports of Farm and Forest Prod- ucts, 1908-10, by Countries from which consigned" (Bur. of Stat. Bui. 90). "Exports of Farm and Forest Prod- ucts, 1908-10, by Countries to which consigned" (Bur. of Stat. Bui. 91). "Milk Transportation: Freight Rates to Largest 15 Cities in United States" (Div. of Stat. Bui. 25). "Methods and Routes for exporting Farm Products" (Bur. of Stat. Bui. 29). "Laboratory Exercises in Farm Man- agement." "Small Farms in the Corn Belt" (Farmer's Bui. 325). "Alfalfa Farming in America," Be 51S Be 517 Be 518 Be 519 Be 520 Be 521 Be 522 Ward, E. G., Jr., Ward, E. G., Jr., Warren, G. F., Wing, J. E., Bd 523 Be 524 525 N Bb SO 80 526 GG 82 00 527 Woll, F. W.,.. "Handbook for Farmers and Dairy- men." JJ SI 50 528 "Law for the American Farmer," N SI 50 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 35 13. Fruits Refer- ence Num- ber Author Title Publisher Price 540 Bailey, L. H., " The Evolution of our Native Fruits," N S2 00 541 Waugh, F. A "Apples, Culture in Nevada" (Ne- vada Bui. 72). LLL 542 SI 00 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 14. Insects 550 Chittenden, F. H...... "Insects Injurious to Vegetables,"... O $1 50 551 Comstock, J. H., et al., "Manual for the Study of Insects,". . . MMM $3 75 net. 552 Connecticut, Fernald, H. T., Franklin, H. J., Mass. State Forester, . Mass. State Forester,. Quaintance, A. L., et al. Sanderson, E. D. Saunders, Wm., "The Apple-Leaf Miner" (Storrs Bui. 45). "The Imported Elm-leaf Beetle" (Hatch Bui. 76). " Cranberry Insects " (Mass. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui. 115). "Colored Plates of the Gypsy and Brown-tail Moths and Calosoma Beetle" (Mass. State Forester Bui. 14). "The Gypsy and Brown-tail Moths" (Mass. State Forester Bui. 11). "Insect and Fungous Enemies of the Grape East of the Rocky Moun- tains" (Farmer's Bui. 284). "Insect Pests of Farm, Garden and Orchard." " Insects Injurious to Fruits," H 553 D 554 D 555 F 556 F 557 Bb 558 559 JJ S $3 00 $2 00 net. 560 Smith, John, " Our Insect Friends and Enemies,". . . s $1 50 net. 561 562 Smith, J. B Weed, CM., "Insects Injurious in Cranberry Cul- ture" (Farmer's Bui. 178). "Life Histories of American Insects," Bb N SI 50 563 564 565 X 566 567 568 569 36 15. Lime and Liming Refer- ence Num- ber Author Title Publisher Price 570 Brooks, W. P., Brooks, W. P., Haskins, H. D., et al., Rhode Island, Wheeler, H. J., "Lime, Use of, in Massachusetts Agri- culture" (Mass. Agr. Exp. Sta. Circ. 20). "Lime, the Rational Use of" (Mass. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui. 137). "Lime, the Distribution, Composition and Cost of" (Mass. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui. 137). "Influence of Lime upon Plant Growth" (R. I. Exp. Sta. Bui. 96). "The Liming of Soils" (Farmer's Bui. 77). D 571 D 572 D 573 M 574 Bb 575 576 577 578 579 16. Physics of Agriculture Drainage, Irrigation, Machines, Motors, etc. 580 Davidson, J. B., et al., "Farm Machinery and Farm Motors," $2 00 net. 581 Elliott, C. G., JJ $1 50 582 Elliott, C. G., Johnston, C. T., et al., King, F. H., King, F. H., Lucke, C. E., et al., .. Powell, F. E., "Drainage of Farm Lands" (Farm- er's Bui. 187). "How to build Small Irrigation Ditches" (Farmer's Bui. 158). "The Use of the Slit-log Drag on Earth Roads" (Farmer's Bui. 321). Bb 583 Bb 584 Bb 585 N SI 50 586 NNN §1 75 587 "The Use of Alcohol and Gasoline in Farm Engines" (Farmer's Bui. 277). "Wind Mills and Wind Motors," Bb 588 NNNN . . SO 50 589 Wickson.E. J "Irrigation in Field and Garden" (Farmer's Bui. 138). Bb 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 37 17. Plant Diseases (See also Spraying.) Refer- ence Num- ber Author Title Publisher Price 600 Galloway, B.T Mass. State Forester, . "Some Destructive Potato Diseases" (Farmer's Bui. 15). "A Text-book of Fungi," Bb 601 F 602 N S2 00 603 Shear, C. L. Smith, Eliza H Stevens, F. L., et al., Stone, G. E "Fungous Diseases of the Cranberry" (Farmer's Bui. 221). "Blossom End Rot of Tomatoes" (Mass. Agr. Exp. Sta. Tech. Bui. ?)■ "Tomato Diseases" (Mass. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui. 138). Bb 604 D 605 N 606 D 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 V 38 18. Plant Foods and Feeding (See also Soils, etc.) Refer- ence Author Title Publisher Price ber 615 Aikman, C. M., Beal.W. H., Brooks, W. P., Brooks, W. P., Close, C. P., etal, 000 Bb $2 50 616 "Barnyard Manure" (Farmer's Bui. 192). "Fertilizers for Potatoes" (Mass. Agr. Exp. Sta. Circ. 26.) "Poultry Manures, their Treatment and Use" (Mass. Agr. Exp. Sta. Circ. 22). 617 618 D D 619 PPP ZZ SI 25 net. 620 "Asparagus, Fertilizer Tests" (Md. Bui. 151). "Inspection of Commercial Fertili- zers" (Mass. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui. 140). 621 D 622 O $1 50 623 Myers, W. S., Rhode Island, Rhode Island, Rhode Island Rhode Island, Rhode Island, Stewart, J. H., etal.,. . Voorhees, E. B., Voorhees, E. B., "Food for Plants," QQQ 624 "Continuous Corn Culture" (R. I. Exp. Sta. Bui. 113). "Further Experiments in Top-dress- ing Grass-land" (R. I. Exp. Sta. Bui. 90). "Co-operative Experiments in Top- dressing Grass-land "( R. I. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui. 95). "A Test of Nine Phosphates with Different Plants" (R. I. Agr. Exp. Sta, Bui. 114). "The Gain in Nitrogen during a Five- year Pot Experiment with Dif- ferent Legumes" (R. I. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui. 147). . "Plant Peculiarities as shown by the Influence of Sodium Salts" (R. I. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui. 104). "Concerning the Agricultural Value of Sodium Salts" (R. I. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui. 106). "Field Experiments with Fertilizers" (W. Va. Bui. 131). "Commercial Fertilizers: Composi- tion and Use" (Farmer's Bui. 44), "Fertilizers," M 625 M 626 M 627 M 628 M 629 M 630 M 631 GGG 632 Bb 633 N SI 25 634 635 636 . 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 39 19. Plant Life, Propagation and Tests Refer ence Num- ber Author Title Publisher Price 645 Bailey, L. H., Ballou, F. H., etal.,.. Beal, W. J., N $1 25 646 647 "Potatoes, Culture in Ohio" (Ohio Bui. 218). RRR,.,, CC SO 35 648 Corbett.L. C, Coulter, J. M., Craig, A. G., "The Propagation of Plants" (Farm- er's Bui. 157). Bb 649 YY sss $1 25 650 "Potatoes, Test of Varieties" (Wash- ington Bui. 94). 651 BBB Bb SO 64 net. 652 Grubb, E. H., Hinson, W. M., etal.,. "Potato Culture on Irrigated Farms of the West" (Farmer's Bui. 386). "Tobacco Seed Beds, Management" (Conn. Bui. 166). 653 G 654 O $1 50 655 Jones, L. R., Jordon, W. H., et al.,. Kennedy, P. B., MacDougall, D. T.,... "Vermont Grasses and Clovers" (Vt. Bui. 94). "Potatoes, Fertilizer Tests" (N. Y. State Bui. 327). "Alfalta, Test of Varieties" (Nevada Bui. 72). "The Nature and Work of Plants,". . . JJJ. ...... 656 L 657 LLL 658 N $0 80 659 Osterhout, W.J. V.,.. "Experiments in Breeding Sweet Corn" (Maine Bui. 183). "Proper Growing and Handling of Potato 'Seed' Stock" (Maine Bui. 435). I 660 I 661 O N $1 00 662 SI 25 663 Rhode Island "Further Results in a Rotation of Potatoes, Rye and Clover" (R. I. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui. 135). " Grass Experiments" (R. I. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui 82). "Potatoes" (R.I. Exp. Sta. Bui. ill), M 664 M 665 M 666 Spillman, W.J "The Soy Bean" (R. I. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui. 92). "Farm Grasses of the United States," M 667 O SI 00 668 669 Waugh.F.A., Willis, C, "Culture of Vegetables and Flowers from Seeds and Roots." "The Graft Union" (Hatch Bui. (Tech.) No. 2). "Alfalfa, Test of Varieties" (So. Dak. Report for 1910). TTT D $1 25 net. 670 uuu 671 - 672 673 V 674 675 676 677 678 679 40 20. Soils, Geology, Physical Geography, Soil Fertility Refer- ence Num- ber Author Title Publisher Price 680 Brooks, W. P., Burkett, C. W "The Chemical Analysis of Soils" (Mass. Agr. Exp. Sta. Circ'29). "Soils," D 681 O $1 25 682 Davis, W. M., "Elementary Physical Geography,". . CC Si 00 net. 683 "Soils," P $2 00 net. 684 Free, E. E., etal,, , . Gilbert, G. K., Hills, J. L., et al., King, F. H., "The Control of Blowing Soils" (Farmer's Bui. 421) "An Introduction to Physical Ge- ography." "Soil Classifications and Adaptations" (Vt. Bui. 154). "The Soil," Bb 685 68S YY JJJ Si 25 net. 687 N Si 50 688 McCall, A. G., "The Physical Properties of Soils,". . . O $0 50 net. 689 Merrill, G. P "Rocks, Rock-weathering and Soils," N $4 00 690 Rhode Island Roberts, LP "Field Experiments on Individual Farms" (R.I.Exp. Sta. Bui. 148). M 691 N $1 50 692 Spillman, W. J Spillman, W. J., Taft, Wm., Tarr, R. S., N Bb SI 25 693 "Renovation of Worn-out Soils" (Farmer's Bui. 245). "Soil Conservation" (Farmer's Bui. 406). "Conservation of the Soil" (Circ. 38), "Elementary Geology," 694 Bb 695 B 696 N SI 40 697 "First Principles of Soil Fertility,". . . O SI 00 net. 698 Whitney, M "Soil Fertility" (Farmer's Bui. 257),. Bb 699 700 701 702 703 r /04 705 706 707 708 709 41 21. Spraying and Fumigation Refer- ence Num- ber Title Publisher Price 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 Clinton, G. P., et ah, Connecticut, Connecticut, Galloway, B. T., Goodwin, W. H., Hinds, W. E., Howard, L. O., Howard, L. O., Johnson, Willis G., . . Lodeman, E. G., Lutman, B. F„ Marlatt, C. L., et ah Marlatt, C. L., Orton, W. A.,.. Rhode Island, Scott, W. M. t etah,... Slingerland, M. V., et ah Stone, G. E., etah,... Swingle, W. T... Van Slyke, L. L., et ah Waite, M. B., Wallace, E., Weed, CM...... Whetzel, H. H.,. V Spraying Experiments" (Conn. State Report, 1909-10). Proprietary and Home-made Mis- cible Oils for the Control of the San Jose Scale" (Storrs Bui. 54). Petroleum Emulsion for the San Jose Scale" (Storrs Bui. 49). Potato Diseases and their Treat- ment" (Farmer's Bui. 91). Spraying Machinery" (Ohio Bui. 216). Carbon Bisulphid as an Insecticide" (Farmer's Bui. 145). The Brown-tail Moth and how to control it" (Farmer's Bui. 264). The Gypsy Moth and how to control it" (Farmer's Bui. 275). Fumigation Methods, " The Spraying of Plants,". Spraying Experiments on Potatoes " (Vt. Bui. 153). The Control of the Codling Moth and Apple Scab" (Farmer's Bui. 247). Important Insecticides: Directions for their Preparation and Use" (Farmer's Bui. 127). Spraying for Cucumber and Melon Diseases" (Farmer's Bui. 231). When to spray. Formulas and Notes on Spraying" (R. I. Exp. Sta. Bui. 100). Spraying Peaches for the Control of Brown-rot, Scab and Curculio" (Farmer's Bui. 440). Insects, Injurious, Treatment" (Cor- nel! Bui. 283). Fungicides, Insecticides and Spray- ing Directions" (Mass. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui. 123). The Prevention of Stinking Smut of Wheat and Loose Smut of Oats" (Farmer's Bui. 250). Lime-sulphur Wash, Preparation" (N. Y. State Bui. 329). Fungicides and their Use in prevent- ing Diseases of Fruit" (Farmer's Bui. 243). Lime-sulphur Preparations, Injuri- ous Effects" (Cornell Bui. 288). Insects and Insecticides," Diseases of Plants, (Cornell Bui. 283). Treatment" H... . Bb.... RRR. Bb.... Bb.... Bb... O N.. JJJ. Bb. Bb. Bb. M.. Bb. K.. D.. Bb. L... Bb. Si 00 Si 25 31 50 42 22. Text Books and Manuals for Schools Agricultural Refer- ence Num- ber 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 Author Barto, D. A Bricker, G. A., el al., Burkett, Stevens & Hill. Corbett, L. C, Coulter, J. M.,eiaZ ,. . Crosby, D. J., Crosby, D. J., etal.,. . Davis, C. W Davis, K. C Duggar, J. F Farrar, H. A Field, Jessie, Fisher & Cotton, Fream, W., Gofi, E. S., etal., Halligan, J. E Hatch & Haselwood,. Hays, W. M...... Hillma, F. H Hodge, C.F Howe, F. W., Hurd, W. D., Jackson & Daugherty, James, C. J. Mass. State Forester,. McLennan, J., Moore, W. M., etal.,.. Nolan, A. W. Shaw, E. E., Shoesmith, V. M...... Soule & Turpin, Stevens, F. L., et al.,. Upham, A. A., Title "Manual of Agriculture, Soils and Crops." "Agricultural Words," "Agriculture for Beginners," "The School Garden" (Farmer's Bui. 218). "Practical Nature Study and Ele- mentary Agriculture." " School Exercises in Plant Produc- tion" (Farmer's Bui. 40S). "School Lessons on Corn" (Farmer's Bui. 409). "Rural School Agriculture," "Productive Farming," "Agriculture for Southern Schools,". . "A Year of Agriculture in a Rural Vermont High School" (Middle- bury Coll. Bui. 5). "Farm Arithmetic," "Agriculture for Common Schools,".. "Elementary Agriculture," "First Principles of Agriculture,". . . . "Fundamentals of Agriculture," "Elementary Agriculture," " Farm Development," " Testing Farm Seeds in the Home and in the Rural School" (Farmer's Bui. 428). 'Nature Study and Life," 'How to test Seed Corn in School" (Of. of Exp. Sta. Circ. 96). 'Course in Agriculture for High Schools and Academies in Maine" 'Agriculture through the Laboratory and School Garden." 'Practical Agriculture," 'The Evergreens: Methods of Study in Public Schools" (Mass. State Forester Bui. 4). 'Manual of Practical Farming," ' ForestNurseries for Schools" (Farm- er's Bui. 423). 'One Hundred ' Lessons in Agricul- ture." ' Gardening," ' The Study of Corn," 'Agriculture: Its Fundamental Prin- ciples." 'A Practical Arithmetic," 'An Introduction to Agriculture,"... Publisher CCC VVV. . CO.... Bb.... YY... Bb.... Bb.... O S..!... N WWW. XXX. EEE.. U BBB.. CCC. YYY.. O Bb cc... Ba AAAA. O YY.... F N Bb YYY.... P O ZZZ EEE YY Price SO 50 net. $0 05 SO 60 net. $1 35 $1 00 SI 00 SO 75 $0 15 SI 00 SI 25 net. $0 64 net. SI 25 net. 50 50 51 50 net. 20 net. SI 50 net. SO 80 net. SI 50 SO 65 _ i SO 50 net. SO 75 SO 65 $0 75 net. 1 A volume in the "Library of Work and Play," for sale only as a complete set of ten volumes at $17.50. 43 22. Text Books and Manuals for Schools — Continued Refer- ence Num- ber Author Title Publisher Price 778 Weed, CM "A Secondary Course in Agronomy" (Of. of Exp. Sta. Circ. 77). Ba 779 CCC SO 90 net. 780 Weed, C. M., et al , Wilkinson, J. W., EEE BBB. ... $1 25 781 $0 80 net. 782 Q SI 00 783 Winkenwerder, H. A., "Forestry in the Public Schools" (U. S. Forest Service Circ. 130). Bg 784 Comstock, A. B., MMM.... S3 65 net. 785 786 787 788 789 23. Trees and Shrubs Not for Fruit 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 801 802 803 804 i,C.C, Blakeslee, A. F., et al. Blakeslee, A. F., et al. Gifford, John Jones, L. R., et al., . . Maine, Mass. State Forester, Mass. State Forester, . Mass. State Forester,. Mass. State Forester,. Mass. State Forester,. Mass. State Forester,. Mass. State Forester, . Pinchot, G.,. Pinchot, G.,. 'Windbreaks" (U. S. Forest Service Bui. 86). " Trees in Winter," "Ne!w England Trees in Winter" (Storrs Bui. 69). "Practical Forestry," "Vermont Shrubs and Woody Vines" (Vt. Bui. 145)., "Woodlot Suggestions" (Maine Bui. 402). 'Forest Trees of Massachusetts, how you may know them" (Mass. State Forester Bui. 1). 'Massachusetts Wood-using Indus- tries" (Mass. State Forester Bui. 3). 'Reforestation in Massachusetts" (Mass. State Forester Bui. 5). ' How and when to collect White Pine Seed" (Mass. State Forester Bui. 6). 'Forest Mensuration of the White Pine, How to estimate Standing Timber" (Mass. State Forester Bui. 7). 'Forest Fire-fighting Equipment in Our Towns" (Mass. State Forester Bui. 10). 'How to make Improvement Thin- nings" (Mass. State Forester Bui. 'Forest Planting" (U. S. Forest Serv- ice Circ. 61). 'A Primer of Forestry" (Farmer's Bui. 173). H... YY. JJJ. I.... F... Bg. Bb. $1 20 44 23. Trees and Shrubs— Continued Refer- ence Num- ber Author Title Publisher Price 805 Pinchot, G "A Primer of Forestry: Part II., Practical Forestry" (Farmer's Bui. 358). "White Pine: Natural Replacement on Old Fields in New England" (U. S. Bureau of Forestry Bui. 63). Bb 806 Bh 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 24 Weeds and their Eradication 815 Cates, J. S., et al., Chestnut, V. K., Cox, H. R., Hillman, F. H., Pammel, L. H., "The Eradication of Quack-Grass" (Farmer's Bui. 464). "A Method of eradicating Johnson Grass" (Farmer's Bui. 279). "Thirty Poisonous Plants of the United States" (Farmer's Bui. 86). "The Eradication of Bindweed, or Wild Morning Glory" (Farmer's Bui. 368). "Weeds and how to kill Them" (Farmer's Bui. 28). "Fodder in relation to Farm Seeds" (Farmer's Bui. 306). "Weeds of the Farm and Garden,". . . Bb 816 Bb 817 Bb 818 Bb 819 Bb 820 Bb 821 O SI 50 net. 822 Rhode Island, "Weeds, their Eradication and Con- trol" (R. I. Exp. Sta. Bui. 133). M 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 45 25. Zoology, General and Economic (See also above references 360, 361.) Refer- ence Num- ber Author Title Publisher Price 830 Linville, H. R., et al., "A Text-book in General Zoology,". . . CC 81 20 net. 831 N $2 00 832 833 834 VI FOE BETTERMENT OF COUNTRY LIFE AND EDUCATION Abbey, M. J.,. Anderson, W. L.,. Bailey, L. H...... Bailey, L. H...... Bailey, L. H...... Boy Scouts of Amer- ica. Brewer, I. W., Bricker, G. A., Buell, Jennie, Butterfield, K. L... Butterfield, K. L.,. Davenport, E. M.,. Davis, Benj. M.,. . . Dodd, Helen Fowler, F. H., Fullerton, E. L.,... Gerhard, W. P...... Greene, M. L., Hall, Bolton, Harris, H.'3\, Howard, L. O Howard, L. O., Howard, L. O.,. . . . Howard, L. O., Howe, F. W., Normal School Instruction in Agri- culture" (U. S. Of. of Exp. Sta. Circ. 90). The Country Town," The Country-life Movement in the United States." The State and the Farmer," The Training of Farmers," Boy Scouts of America," Rural Hygiene," The Teaching of Agriculture in the High School." One Woman's Work for Farm Women" Chapters in Rural Progress," The Country Church and the Rural Problem." Education for Efficiency," Agricultural Education in the Public Schools." The Healthful Farmhouse," Early Agricultural Education in Massachusetts. The Lure of the Land," Sanitation, Water Supply and Sew- age Disposal of Country Houses." Among School Gardens," Three Acres and Liberty," . . .*. Health on the Farm," House Flies" (Farmer's Bui. 459), ... How Insects affect Health in Rural Districts" (Farmer's Bui. 155). Remedies and Preventives against Mosquitoes" (Farmer's Bui. 444). Some Facts about Malaria" (Farm- er's Bui. 450). Boys' and Girls' Agricultural Clubs" (Farmer's Bui. 385). BBBB... $1 00 N SI 25 net. N SI 25 net. CCCC... SI 00 net. P SO 30 S SI 25 N SI 00 DDDD.. $0 50 net. EEEE.... SI 00 net. EEEE. . . . SI 08 ccc SI 00 net. EEEE.... $1 00 net. DDDD.. SO 60 net. C FFFF.... GGGG... S2 00 net. HHHH.. SI 25 N SI 75 IIII SO 75 Bb Bb Bb Bb . Bb 46 FOR BETTERMENT OF COUNTRY LIFE AND EDUCATION— Continued Refer- ence Num- ber Author Title Publisher Price 860 Kern, 0. J., "Agricultural Education, including Nature Study and School Gar- dens" (U. S. Bur. of Ed. Bui. 2). A 861 CC SI 00 net. 862 King, F. H., " Farmers of Forty Centuries," NNN $2 50 863 864 King.F. H., Knorr, G. W., McKeever, W. A.,' Miller, M. R., Page, L. W., et al , Plunkett, Sir H , Robison, C. H., Snedden, David, "Ventilation for Dwellings, Rural Schools and Stables." "Demonstration Work on Southern Farms" (Farmer's Bui. 422). "Consolidated Rural Schools and Or- ganization of a County System" (U. S. Of. of Exp. Sta. Bui. 232). NNN Bb $0 75 865 Ba 866 N P Bb SI 50 867 — i 868 "How to prevent Typhoid Fever" (Farmer's Bui. 478). "The Rural Life Problem of the United States." "Macdonald Movement for Rural Education and Other Addresses." "Agricultural Instruction in the Pub- lic High Schools of the United States." "Rural v. Urban Conditions in the Determination of Educational Policy" (U. S. Of. of Exp. Sta.). "The Problem of Vocational Educa- 869 870 N JJJJ SI 25 871 872 KKKK Ba 873 LLLL.... SO 35 net. 874 Stiles, C. W., et al.,. . tion." "The Sanitary Privy" (Farmer's Bui. 463). "The American System of Agricul- tural Education" (U. S. Of. of Exp. Sta. Circ. 106). Bb 875 True, A. C, et al , Ba 876 CC SO 80 net. 877 Wilson, E. T., "Modern Conveniences for the Farm Homes" (Farmer's Bui. 270). Bb .. 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 . 1 A volume in the " Library of Work and Play ; " for sale only as a complete set of ten volumes at SI 7.50. 47 5. Publishers and their Addresses A United States Bureau of Education, Washington, D. C. Apply to the Commissioner of Education. B United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Apply to the Secretary of Agriculture for the Yearbooks, also for matter issued by the following branches of service in the Department of Agriculture: — Ba Office of Experiment Stations of U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Bb Farmers' Bulletins of the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Be Bureau of Statistics of the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Bd Division of Statistics of the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Be Section of Foreign Markets of the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Bf Division of Foreign Markets of the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Bg Forest Service of the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Bh Bureau of Forestry of the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Bi Bj Bk Bl C Massachusetts State Board of Agriculture, State House, Boston. Apply to the Secretary. D Massachusetts Agricultural Experiment Station, 1 Amherst, Mass. E Massachusetts Agricultural College, Extension Department. Apply to the Director of Extension Work. F Massachusetts State Forester, 6 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass. G Connecticut, State, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1 New Haven, Conn. H Connecticut, Storrs, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1 Storrs, Conn. I Maine Agricultural Experiment Station, * Orono, Me. J New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station, 1 Durham, N. H. K New York, Cornell, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1 Ithaca, N. Y. L New York, State, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1 Geneva, N. Y. M Rhode Island Agricultural Experiment Station, * Kingston, R. I. N The Macmillan Company, 64-66 Fifth Avenue, New York City. O The Orange Judd Company, 315-321 Fourth Avenue, New York City. P Doubleday, Page & Company, Garden City, N. Y. Q Webb Publishing Company, St. Paul, Minn. R William Henry Maule, 1707 Filbert Street, Philadelphia, Pa. S J. B. Lippincott Company, Washington Square, Philadelphia, Pa. T John Lane Company, New York City. U • John Murray, London, Eng. V Idaho Agricultural Experiment Station, 1 Moscow, Idaho. W The A. I. Root Company, Medina, O. X American Poultry Association, Morgan Park, 111. Y David McKay, Philadelphia, Pa. Z Michael K. Boyer, Hammonton, N. J. AA The Torch Press, Cedar Rapids, la. BB Edward Arnold Company, London, Eng. CC Ginn & Company, 29 Beacon Street, Boston. DD Cassell & Company, Limited, London, Eng. EE The Breeders' Gazette, Chicago, 111. FF J. E. Wing, Mechanicsburg, O. GG Sanders Publishing Company, 542 South Dearborn Street, Chicago, 111. HH Henry Holt & Company, New York City. II The Bullard Company, 46 Cornhill, Boston. JJ John Wiley & Sons, New York City. KK Frederick A. Stokes Company, 443 Fourth Avenue, New York City. LL J. A. Craig, Omaha, Neb. MM Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station, 1 Urbana, 111. NN John Michels, West Raleigh, N. C. 00 Virginia, Blacksburg, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1 Blacksburg, Ya. PP Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station, l Madison, Wis. 1 Apply to the director. 48 QQ William Briggs, Toronto, Can. RR The Home Correspondence School, Springfield, Mass. SS The Outing Publishing Company, New York City. TT Silver, Burdett & Co., 221 Columbus Avenue, Boston, Mass. UU The Feather Publishing Company, Washington, D. C. VV Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, i College Station, Texas. WW W. A. Henry, Madison, Wis. XX North Carolina, College, Agricultural Experiment Station, i West Raleigh, N. C. YY D. Appleton & Co., 35 West 32d Street, New York City. ZZ Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station, 1 College Park, Md. AAA P. Blakiston's Son & Co., 1012 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. BBB American Book Company, 63 Summer Street, Boston Mass. CCC D. C. Heath & Company, 120 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass. DDD State Journal Printing Company, Madison, Wis. EEE Charles Scribner's Sons, 153 Fifth Avenue, New York City. FFF Vinton & Co., London, Eng. GGG West Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station, 1 Morgantown, W. Va. HHH Mendota Publishing Company, Madison, Wis. Ill Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station, 1 Ames, la. JJJ Vermont Agricultural Experiment Station, 1 Burlington, Vt. KKK The Farmer Company, Philadelphia, Pa. LLL Nevada Agricultural Experiment Station, 1 Reno, Nev. MMM Comstock Publishing Company, Ithaca, N. Y. NNN Mrs. F. H. King, Madison, Wis. OOO Wm. Blackwood & Sons, London, Eng. PPP The Chemical Publishing Company, Easton, Pa. QQQ Wm. S. Myers, New York City. RRR Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station, 1 Wooster, O. SSS Washington Agricultural Experiment Station, x Pullman, Wash. TTT Simpkin, Marshall & Co., London, Eng. UUU South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station, 1 Brookings, S. D. VVV The Ohio Association for the Advancement of Agricultural Education, Columbus, O. WWW Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vt. XXX Henry Field Seed Company, Shenandoah, la. YYY Row, Peterson & Co., Chicago, 111. ZZZ B. F. Johnson Publishing Company, Richmond, Va. AAAA Maine, State Superintendent of Public Schools, Augusta, Me. BBBB The Baker & Taylor Company, 33 East 17th Street, New York City. CCCC The Century Company, Union Square, New York City. DDDD Whitcomb & Barrows, Huntington Chambers, Boston, Mass. EEEE University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 111. FFFF Long Island Railroad Company, Medford, Long Island. GGGG D. Van Nostrand Company, 25 Park Place, New York City. HHHH Charities Publication Committee, 105 East 22d Street, New York City. IIII Sturgis & Walton Company, New York City. JJJJ James W. Robertson, Chairman, Royal Commission on Industrial Training and Tech- nical Education, Box 540, Ottawa, Can. KKKK Teachers' College, Columbia University, New York City. LLLL Houghton Mifflin Company, 4 Park Street, Boston, Mass. MMMM A. C. McClurg & Co., Chicago, 111. NNNN Manual Arts Press, Peoria, 111. OOOO Spon & Chamberlain, 123-125 Liberty Street, New York City. 1 Apply to the director.