SouveniF^ooK of The Great Chelsea Fire April 12, 1908. CONTAINING THIRTY-FOUR VIEWS OF THE BURNED DISTRICT AND PROMINENT BUILDINGS. ALSO A DESCRIPTIVE SKETCH. Copyright, 1908, By The N. E. Paper & Stationery Co. Manufacturers of Souvenir Post Cards and View Books, Boston and Ayer, Mass. I UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS! LIBRARY SPECIAC COLLECTIONS F Ik C5S6 1908 THe Great CHelsea Fire On Sunday April 12. 1908, at about 11 o'clock A. M., an alarm was rung in for a lire in the works of the Boston Blacking Co. on West 3rd St., near the Everett line. The fire department responded immediately antl succeeded in putting out the lire with but very little damage, but the forty-mile gale that \\as blowing at the time carried sparks from the fire to nearby houses, and soon all the frame buildings in that vicinity were ablaze. The fiie then traveled v\ ith gitat rapidity in an easterly direction, and despite tiie best efforts of the depaitrr.ent, was soon beyond control. Aid was called in from nearby cities, but even the largely increased force was unable to cope with the fire, and and could only endeavor to keep it within certain limits. So intense was the heat that buildings made of solid granite crumbled, and were entirely destroyed. The fire could not be checked in its easterlv course, and in a short time had traveled across the city and was stopped only by the Mystic River at the East Boston line. Almost the entire business section on Broadway was destroyed, the northern boundary of the fire on Broad- way being the Boston & Maine R. R. tracks, and the southern boundary Chelsea Square. Between these two points on Broadway almost all the retail business of city was done. Among the more piominent public buildings that were destroyed are the City Hall, Y. M. C. A. Building, Odd Fellows Building, Chelsea Savings Bank and County Tiust Co. buildings. The number of buildings destroyed is estimated at about loUU, while between 10,000 and 12,000 people were rendered homeless. No sooner had the awful havoc that the fire had wrought hecome known, than rehef funds were started all over the country, and many of the cities and towns in Mass- achusetts gave substantial amounts tor the relief of the stricken city. Within two weeks after the fire, Lee Higginson & Co., who were financial agents for the official relief committee had received almost $300,000, and many thousands of dollars more were given directly b\ employers of the burnt-out families, and by fraternal organizations sudh as Knights of Columbus, Knights of Pythias, Odd Fellows, Elks, Ea<^les and many others, almost all of which established relief headquarters at once The central relief committee immediately opened relief stations at the new High School building and at Lincoln Hall, and thousands were fed at these two places daily. By Tuesday, great quantities of clothing had been received for distribution, and a receiving station was established at Keany Sq. Boston, where contributions of clothing and household goods were received. On Wednesday a large number of people were furnished with cooking utensils and mattresses, and by the end of the week thousands of sets of bed-clotliing had been distributed. In response to a call from the relief committee, hundreds of autoinobiles offered their services in delivering goods to the homeless, and the work of relief was greatly aided by this means. ^v B i't.S^' Looking up Eitat^^a^ (rem Ihiid Slucl. TKe hurl oUhc lusintss CisUicl. 3 ^ lookinc l-o^oard Everett Ave. from rear of Knishls; of Columbus Hall.sho'oJing Congregational and Univcrsalisl Churches and Chel<;ea Trust Co Building. Looking do>>)n E>3cren AnJc. from Chestnut Street, another ^\f^ of the congested district. 2 Cherr>; Street from Everett Avenue. Bcllingham Hill from Chester A>Jc. This hill >)Jas Ihc site of man^^ fine residences All that remains of the residential section on Chester Ave. Bdlingham Station, BroadvJa^ Ruins of Ihe ^^7illiams School, 'Walnut Street. Ruins of Ci^^? Hall and C\\^ Hall School, Central Avenue. Ruins of the Shurtleff School, Essck Street, This ^>Jas a magnificent granite structure, bnt the stone of vJhich it >30as built >)Jas crumbled b^ the great heat of the fire. flr^*r^:t- li i ■ ■iliiiifriil ■ itlii >»">«. Wreck of a L^nn Fire Engine, ^hich had to be abandoned Ruins of SI. Rose Catholic Church, Broad^)Oa^il, Chelsea. Mass. After the big fire of April 12, 1908. - i I I u First Baptist Church and Cit^ Hall, Central A>3e. , Filj Public Librar^;, destroyed in the Big Fire. Birdse^e ViexjJ of Chelsea, Mass. from Po^derhorn Hill. The entire district shON>3n in this >3ie^ vJith [he CKception of the houses in the immediate foreground ^as entirely destro^jied in the Big Fire Chelsea Square. The nearer end of Ih's square marks Ihe southern limit of the fire on BroadwaN^ A list o< the more prominent buildings destroyed bjr the fire is given below, although this does not by any means include a complete list of the public or semi-public structures that were burned. CHURCHES Central Congregational Church St. Rose Catholic First Universalist First Unitarian First Baptist Polish Catholic Btilingham M. E. St. Luke's Episcopal Several Synagogues SCHOOLS Williams Grammar Frank B. Fay Shurtlefif Bellingham Broadway Highland QtyHall Shawmut St. Parochial PROMINENT BLDGS. CityHaU Y. M. C A. Building Odd Fellows Building Chelsea Trust Co. Chelsea Saving Bank Granite Block State Armory Public Library County Savings Bank