LEXINGTON UMASS/AMHERST • 31EDbbDDflb=^fllb2 -^ ^n .o-«-^^^^ UNIVERSITY OF MASSACPiUSETTS LIBRARY F Ik c^^^ LEXINGTO:^ MASS.. ^ ^oj^^i^'^ ' BECORD OF / BlETHS, MAMIAGES AND DEATHS . ^9 . J , , , J A N U i.. ]B;;Y 1 , 1898 Part I. — From Earliest Record to End of 1853 Part II.— From 1854 to End of 1897 BOSTON WRIGHT & POTTER PRINTING [COMPANY 18 Post Office Square • 1898 JUL 27 1«03 F- A>5-VVV- -■ t'l^^t', PREFACE. This volume, though in the main compiled from the origi- nal manuscript records of births, marriages and deaths found in the town books of Lexington, contains some entries derived from other sources. The first volume of these records em- braces a period ending with the year 1843, and beginning — one can hardly say when. Entries do not appear to have been made regularly and with much regard to system until the time of the incorporation of the town in 1713, or even later than that time ; but the earlier pages of the volume show entries made throughout the existence of the settlement as an incor- porated precinct or parish (part of Cambridge), 1692-1713, and a few scattered ones of births, marriages and deaths which occurred at "Cambridge Farms" even before the establish- ment of* the separate parish. Many of these earlier entries were evidently made long after the events which they record, for there is found in them a lack of chronological order ; for example, deaths of some persons are recorded lower on a page than the deaths of others who survived them. In order to make the record as complete as possible, the committee having the preparation of this publication in charge thought it desirable to consult not only the register of the First Parish Church of Lexington, but also the church and municipal records in Cambridge, the two latter being read for a considerable period prior to 1692 with an eye for family names known or believed to have been identified with the settlement at the "Farms." This collateral research, besides revealing names and dates not found in the town books, with reference to persons whose births, marriages or deaths, as the case might be, one may suppose to have occurred here, disclosed entries which sub- stantially duplicate many of the earlier ones in those books. IV PEE FACE. A useful comparison was in this way made possible, one record often removing obscurities appearing in the other. The sources, then, of the data from which this volume has- been prepared are : — 1. The original record of births, marriages and deaths (in the custody of the town clerk of Lexington), Vol. 1 dating from (about) 1692 to 1843 ; Vols. 2, 3, 4 and 5 from 1844 to 1898. In Vol. 1 appear sundry scattered entries (obviously not contemporaneously made) of an earlier date. 2. The original " Records of the Church of the First Con- gregational Society in Lexington," dating from 1690 to 1844. In addition to the original of this book, there exists an excel- lent copy, which is in the hands of the pastor, the Rev. C. A. Staples. Entries in this register were not made contempora- neously until 1691 or 1692. From this time on they are in good form, with the following exceptions. There is no record of a marriage until Jan. 3, 1734. This entry was by the Rev. Ebenezer Hancock, then colleague pastor with his father, the Rev. John Hancock. Ebenezer continues the record of mar- riages until his death in 1739. Strange to say, however, there is no entry made by his father of any marriage until Jan. 4, 1750, although he was minister of the church for fifty- five years, dying in 1752. He appears to have entered all marriages solemnized by him during the years 1750, 1751 and 1752. In the interval between his death and the installation of his successor, Aug. 5, 1755, there is an irregular record of deaths (about seventy in number) with no specific dates given^ Baptisms are given throughout the entire period covered by the book, and deaths are regularly recorded, save as above noted. Hudson thinks that the Rev. Mr. Hancock, senior, must have kept a record of marriages from the beginning of his ministry, and that the book has been lost. 3. The original " Records of the Church of Christ in Cam- bridge," which date back to 1658. 4. A copy, made by the late Rev. Lucius R. Paige, of the original Cambridge records, contained in several volumes now lodged in the ofiice of the clerk of courts at East Cambridge. The copy, which may be found at the Cambridge city hall, has an excellent index. PEE FACE. V It seldom happens, in these voUimes, that there is anything of interest in the particular form or language in which the original entry of a birth, marriage or death is entered. For this reason, and because an exact reproduction of the originals would not only add materially to the bulk of the printed book, but necessitate an elaborate index, thereby adding very largely to the cost, we readily decided to follow the plan adopted at Woburn ; namely, the grouping of surnames in alphabetical order, with the Christian names placed under them according to chronology, each surname being printed but once, and in bold-faced type. In this way the need of an index practically disappears. Our scheme will be found to have broadened somewhat in Part II. (where the more complete data of the modern records makes this possible) so as to include collateral information regarding names of parents, places of birth, etc. In the earlier years the dates of baptisms (taken from the church register) are given sometimes in connection with the birth dates, and sometimes without them. In the latter case the dates of birth cannot be found in any of the records which furnish the basis of this work. For illustration, it may be noted (see page 58 hereof) that Theodore Parker, with two of his sisters and two of his brothers, was baptized Feb. 26, 1812. None of the birthdays of these children of John and Hannah Parker are to be found in the public records. Hudson, who gathered them from some private source, gives the date of Theodore's birth Aug. 24, 1810. Where, as is sometimes the case, a birth appears on the town book as of a later date than the date of the same child's baptism, the baptismal date may be presumed to be correct, because it comes from the church register, which was kept with more system and by men who were witnesses of the facts recorded. Whenever any one shall desire to see the original of any entry in the town book prior to 1854 we have, by the figures given at the left hand, next to the margin of the page, made easy a task that otherwise would have required in most cases a long and tedious search, and would in some instances have been well-nigh impossible. vi pee face. Explanation of Signs. A figure, then, at the left shows the number of the page on which the original entry is found in the first vohime of the town book (birtlis, marriages and deaths) ; except that the added information as to baptism, if any, is taken from the church register. A dagger (f ) shows that the entry came from the Cambridge book (Paige's copy mentioned above) . In numerous cases a dagger and a number at the left both occur in the same line. (See, for example, the birth of Elizabeth Bridge, page 9.) The marks referred to show that her birth is recorded both in the Cambridge book and in the Lexington book, the number of the page where the entry appears in the latter being 7. A double dagger {%) marks an entry from the records of the Church of Christ in Cambridge, above referred to. A single and a double dagger will in a few cases be found in conjunc- tion. (See, e. g., under Robbins, page 65.) The names pre- ceded by both these signs were found in both the municipal and church register at Cambridge. The dates here recorded being so late as 1709-12 (^. e., subsequent to the organization of the separate parish at the "Farms" or Lexington), the births should probably be taken as having occurred at Cam- bridge, and possibly as having nothing to do with a Lexington family. In making the search in Cambridge we believed it best to err on the side of a too broad rather than a too narrow inquiry ; and so all family names known to have had Lexing- ton associations were incorporated. All entries throughout Part I. {i. e., those prior to 1854) not marked hy any sign are taken from the Lexington First Parish Church Register (?'. e., source of information No. 2 re- ferred to above). The initials "P. R." (parish register) are used in a few instances in the text to denote this source ; and " T. R." to denote the town record. A star (*), which sign will be found only among the onar- riages in Port /., indicates that the ceremony was performed in some place other than Lexington, but that one of the parties was at the time a resident of Lexington. The data for these items were found in letters from the town clerks of the places PBEFACE. Vll where the marriages occurred. In Part 11. also there are some records of marriages which took place elsewhere of persons at the time having associations with Lexington through residence, birth or parentage. An interrogation mark (?) after a date or name does not mean that there is any doubt as to the accuracy of the copy, but denotes that there is reason to question whether the date or name copied is correctly given in the original. Brackets [ ] among births and deaths in Part II. enclose the birthplace of the person named immediately before them. Parentheses ( ) enclose maiden names. The meaning of abbreviations employed is believed to be in all cases obvious, when viewed in the light of the context. For horn is used "b. ;" for hajitized^ "bp. ;" for married, " m. ; " for died, and also for daughter, " d. ; " for son, " s. ; " for child, " ch. ;" for father, " f . ;" for husband, "hus. ;" for wife, " wf. ; " for loidoiv or widower, " wid. ; " for received into the church, "r." Thus it will be seen that the following entry under the sur- name Babb, in the death record, on page 409, "Charles H., 41 y. Im. 5d. [Conway, N. H.], s. of Dan'l & Elizabeth (Child), m., May 29, 1893," means: "Charles H. Babb (a married man), born in Conway, N. H., the son of Daniel Babb and Elizabeth Babb (whose maiden name was Child) , died May 29, 1893, aged 41 years, 1 month and 5 days." Similarly, the following is the meaning to be given to the marriage record under the surname Wethern, on page 400 : " George M. Wethern, of Maiden, aged 32, who was born in Sumner, Me., the son of Woodman Wethern and Jerusha F. Wethern, married Nov. 1, 1863, Emeline F. Harris, aged 24 years, of Lexington, who was born in Boston, the daughter of Henry Harris and Emeline Harris (whose maiden name was Bryant)." With reference to chronology, it is to be observed that we have printed all dates exactly as they are found in the original, reproducing "double dates" wherever the record gives them. As is well known, an act of Parliament in England was passed in 1751, directing that the new year begin Jan. 1, 1752, accord- viii PBEFACE. ing to the custom which had long prevailed in Catholic coun- tries. Before this, the year, in England and her colonies, ended March 24. By the new style it was to end December 31. It was also ordered that eleven days be dropped, Sept. 3, 1752, to be reckoned September 14. Prior to Jan. 1, 1752, it was customary to double date the year as to any day occur- ring in January, February and March, to and including March 24. For example, January 10 of the year which, according to the modern system, would be 1704, would be written in the old records "Jan. 10, 1703-4." Our town record contains the following entry: "Note that after the 28th of June, 1746, double dating will be laid aside, and the year begin [s] with the almanack." From this it would seem that Lexington attempted to adopt the new style, so far as the beginning of the year was concerned, in advance of the formal act of Parliament. Whether a date like that mentioned in the above example appears in the original Lex- ington records as "Jan. 10, 1703-4," or as simply "Jan. 10, 1703," it ought probably to be regarded as one occurring in 1704, new style. Usually, but not uniformly, the old Lexing- ton records double date dates in January, February and March, and sometimes this was done as to the twenty-fifth and twenty- sixth days of March, although it should properly have ceased on March 24. It is our understanding that in order to reduce to the new style dates appearing in our records as prior to Sept. 3, 1752, it is necessary to add eleven days ; while if the date occurs between December 31 and March 25 of any year written as 1745 or earlier, the year number also should be increased by 1, or, in case of a double date, the last figure should be taken, as explained above. The laborious and painstaking task of copying, collating and arranging the subject-matter, as well as the reading of the proof, for this book has been performed by Mr. N. A. Spar- hawk of Boston, under the direction of the committee ; and we desire to make public acknowledgment of the thanks due him for the intelligent and conscientious manner in which he has done his work. Though an undertaking of this kind can- not be expected to be carried through without errors occur- PEE FACE. ix rins, we believe that the finished work now delivered from our hands to the town will be found to exhibit accuracy to a high degree, and we trust that it will prove to be correspond- ingly useful. Any one who finds a name or date incorrect should not hastily conclude that the mistake is due to the compiler rather than to the person who originally furnished or recorded the item. A similar remark may be made with regard to the omission of names altogether. We have found a number of cases, even in recent years, where a missing birth or death is not contained in the original record. The volume is published in obedience to a vote of the town, and in furtherance of a general purpose, expressed at the an- nual meeting in 1896, to preserve in some imperishable form the original manuscript records, and to print them for public use, beginning with the record of births, marriages and deaths. ROBERT P. CLAPP, C. A. STAPLES, GEO. O. SMITH, Committee, Lexington, October, 1898. Births. — Part I. From Earliest Record to End of 1853. [For explanation of signs, see Preface.] Abbott, Abbot, Abott, Abot. Abigail, bp. Jan. 29, 1721. 20 William, s. of Nehemiah & Sarah (Foster), b. Oct. 9, 1724, bp. Oct. 11. 23 Joseph, s. of Nehemiah & Sarah (Foster), b. June 8, 1727, bp. June 11. 49 Joseph, s. of Joseph & Hannah (White), b. Jul. 18, 1752, bp. Jul. 19. Hannah, d. of Joseph, bp. Apr. 10, 1757. Abiel, s of Joseph, bp. Sept. 23, 1759. Sarah, d. of .Joseph, bp. Aug. 1, 1762. Abigail, d. of Joseph, bp. Jul. 21, 1765. Asa, s. of Joseph, bp. Feb. 28, 1768. Mary, d. of Joseph, bp. Jan. 31, 1773. Elisabeth, d. of Joseph, Jr., & Ruth, bp. Feb. 7, 1779. Hannah, d. of Joseph, Jr., bp. Apr. 15, 1781. John, s. of Joseph, Jr., bp. June 22, 1783. William, s. of Joseph, .Jr., bp. June 11, 1786. Samuel, s of Jose])h, Jr., bp. Nov. 23, 1788. Joseph, s. of .Joseph, Jr., bp. Apr. 24, 1790. Sarah, d. of .Joseph, bp. Apr. 28, 1793. Abigail, d. of Joseph, bp. Oct. 18, 1795. Samuel, s. of Joseph, bp Mar. 31, 1799. Marv, d. of Joseph, bp. Feb. 1, 1801. Eveiin, d. of Joseph, bp. May 29, 1803. Adair. John T., s. of Charles & Ann, May 15, 1853. Adams, Addams. X .John & Anne his wf. and eh. Rebecca, b. and bp. in England. t ^lary, S j John, >bp in Ch. of Christ, Camb., before 1658. X Joseph,^ t Hannah, bp. in Camb., June 17, 1660, d. Jan. 25, 1661. X Daniel, bp. in Camb., Sept. 14, 1662. t George, s. of Geo. & Martha (Fiske), b. Apr. 28, 1685. t Martha, d. of Geo. & Martha (Fiske), b. Jan. 10, 1687-88. t John, s of Geo. & Martha (Fiske), b. Sept, 2, 1688. X Cheery, d. of Joseph, bp. Jan. 31, 1696-97. X John, s. of Joseph, bp. Apr. 18, 1697. f Benjamin, s. of Geo. & Martha, b. Dec. 20, 1701. 13 Lydia, d. of Geo. & Judith, b. Jul. 9, 1706, bp. Jul. 14. 13 Jonas, s. of (Jeo. & Judith, b. June 6, 1708, bp. June 13. 13 Judith, d. of Geo. & Judith, b. Sept. 15, 1709, bp. Sept. 25. t Joseph, s. of Joseph & llebeckah, b. Aug. 20, 1713. 2 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF BIRTHS. Adams, Addams — Continued. t Margaret, il. of Joseph & Rebeckah, b. May 26, 1717. f Thomas, s. of Joseph & Rebeckah, b. Dec. 3, 1711. 13 Elizabeth, d. of Geo. & Judith, b. Jul. 8, 1712, bp. Jul. 13. 11 Hannah, d. of Geo. & Judith, b. Feb, 9, 1714-15, bp. Feb. 20, 171,5. 11 Mephibasheth, s. of John &, Mary (Flagg), b. Jul. 3, 1715, bp. Aug. 26. 17 John, s. of John & Mary (Flagg), b. Feb. 22, 1716-17, bp. Jul. 28. 13 Seth, s. of Geo. & Judith, b Mar. 25, 1716-17, bp. Mar 31. 14 Michael, s. of John & Mary (Flagg), b. Aug. 14, 1718, bp. June 14, 1719. 15 Josiah, J J ^ g ^ Judith, b. June 13, 1719, bp. June 21. 15 Deborah, ^ ' ' > i 16 Mary, d. of John & Mary (Flagg), b. Feb. 27, 1720-21, bp. Jul. 23, 1721. 18 Abijah, s. of John & Mary (Flagg), b Jan. 3, 1722, bp. June 23, 1723. t William, s. of Joseph & Rachel, b. Jan. 12, 1724-25. Sarah, bp. June 6, 1725. 22 Benjamin, s. of Bcnj & Eunice, Feb. 15, 1726-27. 23 Prudence, d. of John & Mary (Flaga), b. Apr. 1, 1727, bp. Jul. 2. 26 Micaiah, s of Benj. & Eunice, b. Feb. 11, 1728-29. t Anne, d. of Joseph & Rachel, b. Jul. 8, 1729. 26 Samson, s. of John & Mary (Flagg), b. Aug. 25, 1729, bp. Apr. 19, 1730. Increase, bp. Sept. 12, 1731. 60i Nathunael, s. of Benj & Eunice, b. Oct. 6, 1732, bp. Oct. 22, 1738. 3U Israel, s. of Benj. & Eunice, b. Jan. 20, 1732-33. t INlary, d. of Joseph & Rachel, b. May 12. 1733. 1 George, s. of John & Mary (Flagg), b. May 17, 1733, bp. Aug. 5. 30 Simon, s. of Benj. & Eunice, b. Oct. 15, 1734, bp. Oct. 27. 33 Susannah, d. of Mephibasheth & Jane, b. Mar. 21, 1734-35, bp. Apr. 6, 1735. 30 Ebenezer, s. of Benj. & Eunice, b Jul. 25, 1730, bp. Aug. 8. 33 Lucy, d. of Mephibasheth & Jane (Derbr), b. Dec. 27, 1738, bp. Aug. 12, 1739. bOh Ebenzer, s of Benj. & Eunice, b. May 23, 1740, bp. June 15. 38 Jane, d. of Mephibasheth & Jane (Derby), b. June 3, 1740, bp. June 15. 50^ Abraham, s of Benj. & Eunice, b. Aug. 24, 1742, bp. Sept, 5. Lydia, bp. Aug 14,' 1743. 60i Soloraan, s. of Benj. & Eunice, b. Apr. 6, 1744, bp. May 13. 60i Martha, d of Benj, & Eunice, b. Nov. 2, 1746, bp. Nov. 9, 60i Mary, d of Benj.'& Eunice, b. Nov. 26, 1748, bp. Nov. 20. Abel, s. of Benj', bp. Nov. 9, 17.55. 63 Abigail, d. of Geo. & Abigail (Prentice), b. Jan. 3, 1759, bp. Dec. 9. 63 Anna, d. of Geo. & Abigail (Prentice), b. Dee. 24, 1760, bp. Dec, 28. 114 Elizabeth, d. of Geo. & Elizabeth (Crosby), b. Feb 15, 1763, bp. Feb. 23. 114 George, .s. of Geo. & Elizabeth C, b. Sept. 25, 1764, bp. Sept., d. Dec 10, 1764. 114 Samuel, s. of Geo. & Elizabeth C, b. Feb. 12, 1766, bp. Feb. 23. 114 Eunice, d. of Geo. & Elizabeth C, b. Aug. 21, 1767, bp. Sept 6. 114 George, s. of Geo. & Elizabeth C, b. Oct. 2, 1769, bp. Oct. 8. 114 Rebecca, d. of Geo. & Elizabeth C, b. Dec. 13, 1770, bp. Dec. 29, 1771, d. Mar 21, 17 7-. 114 Micah, s, of (ieo. & Elizabeth C, b. Apr. 9, 1774, bp. Apr. 24. 114 Phinehas, s of Geo. & Elizabeth C, b. Oct. 11, 1776, bp Oct. 20. 114 Anna, d, of Samson & Mary, b. Nov. 20, 1776 (?), bp. Dec. 3, 1775. 114 Stephen, s. of Geo. & Elizabeth C , b. Dec. 9, 1778, bp. Jan. 17, 1779. Zebediah, s. of Sampson, bp. Oct. 3, 1784. LEXIXGTON BE COED OF BIRTHS. 3 Adauis, Addams — Continued. Benjamin, ^ Eliphalet, J-ch. of the late Benj., Jr., bp Oct. 30, 1791. Nathaniel, ) Augustus, s. of Zalediel & Sukey, bp. Aug. 6, 1812. EUa Rebecca, d. of Amos & Rebecca, Nov. 22, 1844. :Mary C , d. of Amos & Rebecca, May 10, 1848. Aikin. Thomas, bp. May 6, 1722. Allen. Elisabeth, bp Jul. 25, 1736. John G., s. of Galen & Lavinia, Feb , 1845. Lavina .M., d. of Galen & Lavina, Jul. 14, 1848 Ammery. ll'J Rafus G., b. Sept. 17, 1788. Anger, Ainger. Cyrus, s. of Dan"l & Sarah, May 3, 1843. , s. of Amos & Esther, Dec. 1, 1851. Arms. Sarah, bp. Mar. 24, 1752, " she being above 80 years old." Augustus. John & his wf. Sally, bp and r. and their only ch. Harriet, bp. June 13, 1813. Bacon. 26 Abigail, d. of Nath'l & Abigail, b. Sept. 20, 1729. 2 Nathaniel, s. of Nath1 & Abagail, b. June 20, 1734. 30 Jacob, s. of Nath'I & Abigail, b. Mar. 14, 1837-38. 86 Oliver, s. of Natli'l & Abigail, b. Aug. 14, 1740. 46 Ruth, d. of Natlvl & Abigail, b. June 23, 1746, bp. and r. Aug. 6, 1769. Baldwin. Amos J., s. of Amos & Mary Ann, Nov. 16, 1852. Ball. 22 Anna Benjamin, d. of Abigail, b. Nov. 23, 1725. Jonathan,' bp. Feb. 18, 1728. Bannon. 177 John, s. of John & Bridget, b. Aug. 21, 1841. Mary E., d. of John, Oct. 18, 1844. Edward, s of John, Sept. 20, 1847. Barnes. John, s. of Sarah, bp. Aug 31, 1778. Barrows. Clarence A., s. of Calvin & Caria R., Aug. 11, 1850. William H., s. of Calvin & Caria, Feb. 23, 1852. Batchelder. Alice M , d. of Sam'l A. & Sarah M., June 8, 1851. 4 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF BIBTHS. Bates, Bate. Solomon, bp. Dec. 20, 1702. John, bp. Oct. 7, 1705. 15 Mary, d. of Benj. & Ea.sther, b. June 20, 1710, bp. Jul. 5, 1719, 12 Benjamin, spf Benj. & Esther, b. June 11, 1716, bp. June 17. 13 John, s. of Benj. & Esther, b. Dec. 6, 1717, bp. Dec. 8. 16 Joseph, s. of Benj. & Hester, b. June 20, 1721, bp. Jul. 2. Charity, d. of Benj., bp. Jan. 20, 1723. Beals. John, " grandson and of the household of Catherine Adams,"' bp. Jul 17, 1808. Beede. Thomas, bp. and r. Apr. 7, 1799. Benjamin. Daniel F., s of Dan'l S., Jan. 5, 1819. Edward S., .s. of Dan'l S. & Frances, Aug;. 7, 1850. Ann Eliza, d. of Dan'l S & Frances C, Oct. 14, 1851. MaryE., d. of Dan"l S. & Frances C, June 28, 1853. Bennett. Charlotte Jane, d. of Prescott & Almira, Jul. 16, 1847, Biscom. Hannah, bp. and r. Jan. 26, 1752. Blaisdell. George Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer & Ann, Aug. 23, 1815. Blanchard. George, Sr., & Sarah his wf., bp. Jan. 18, 1708. Lvcfia' ( *^^®"' ^^^•' ^P- "^^^ ^^• Kathaniel, ") George, ! , ,, ,£. i_„o William, ^bp. May 16, 1/08. Iklary, j 176 Elhanan, b. Mar. 27, 1783. 176 Betsey Ellingwood, wf. of Elhanan, b. Oct. 12, 1787. 176 Betsey, d. of Elhanan & Betsey, b. Sept. 2, 1809. 165 Mary Ann, d. of Elhanum & Betsey E., b. Nov. 8, 1811. 165 John William, s. of Elhanan & Betsey E., b Dec. 2, 1813. 165 Alanson, s. of P^lhannm & Betsey E.,'^b June 2, 1816. 165 Jonas Priest, s. of Elhanum & Betsey Ellingwood, b. Dec. 13, 1821. 165 James Priest, s. of Elhanum & Betsey E., b. Dec. 20, 1821. 177 George Whitfield, s. of Elhanan & Betsey E., b. Feb. 9, 1828. Blodgett. Abigail, bp Nov 13, 1698. 40 Samuel, b June 17, 1702, bp. June 28, 1702. 40 Mary Rassell, wf. of Sam'l, b. Jan. 1, 1705-06. 12 Rebekah, d. of Thos. & Mary, b. Feb. 15, 1715-16. 12 Thomas, s. of Thos & Mary, b. Dec. 29, 1717. 20 Ebenezer, s. of Thos., Jr., & Mary, b. Mar. 4, 1720-21. 19 Joseph, s. of Joseph & Sarah (Stone), b. Apr. 17, 1721, bp. Apr. 23. Katherine, / 1 ^, „, i-.^, Sarah, ' ^ bp. May 21, 1/21. 19 Sarah, d, of Joseph & Sarah (Stone), b. Nov. 12, 1722, bp. Nov. 25. LEXINGTON RECOBD OF BIRTHS. 5 Blodgett — Continued. 20 Amos, s. of Thos., Jr , & Mary, b. Jul. 1, 1723. 19 Anna, d. of Joseph & Sarah (Stone), b. Apr. 10, 1724, bp. Apr. 12. 22 Phinias, s. of Thos., Jr., & Mary, b. Mar. 8, 1725-26. Abigail, bp. Jul. 24, 1726. Ruth, d. of Joseph, bp. INIar. 10, 1727. 40 Samuel, s. of Sam'l & Marv Russell, b. Apr. 30, 1727, bp. May 7. 52 Jonathan, s. of Thos., Jr., & Mary, b. June 28, 1729. 40 Simeon, s. of Sam'l & Mary Russell, b. Jan. 5, 1729-30, bp. Jan. 12. Joseph, s of Sam'l & Mary Russell, b. Feb. 10, 1731-32, bp. Feb. 14, d. Jan. 7, 1732-33. 29 Mary, d. of Sam'l & Mary Russell, b. June 20, 1733, bp June 24. 40 Ruth, d. of Satn'l & Mary R., b. Aug. 29, 1735, bp. Sept 7. t Susan, d. of Thos. & Susan, b. June, 1637. 40 Josiah, s. of Sam'l & Mary R., b. Dec. 28, 1737, bp. Jan. 1, 1738. Thomas, ") Ebenezer, [- bp. and r. Dee. 30, 1739. Amos, ) 40 Timothy, s. of Sam'l & Mary R., b. Apr. 7, 1740, bp. Apr. 13. 40 Isaac, s. of Sam'l & Mary R., b. Feb. 1, 1743-44, bp. Feb 13. 51 Sarah, d. of Thos., 2d, & Charity, b. Dec. 22, 1745, bp. Dec. 29. 51 Mary, d. of Thos , 2d, & Charity, b. Apr. 5, 1747, bp. Apr. 12. 51 Nathan, s. of Thos., 2d, & Chanty, b. Jul. 7, 1749, bp. Jul. 9. 50 William, s. of Thos., 2d, & Charity, b. Aug. 19, 1751, bp. Aug. 25. 71 Rebeckah, d. of Amos & Margeret, b. Jan. 31, 1752, bp. Jan 26. 71 Bette, d of Amos & Margeret, b. June 17, 1754. 63 Benjamin, s. of I'hinehas & Joanna (Locke), b. Aug. 13, 1754. 71 Amos, s of Amos & Margaret, b. Aug. 25, 1756, bp. Oct. 3. 63 David, s. of Phinehas & Joanna (Locke), b. Dee. 20, 1756 63 Joseph, s. of Phinehas & Joanna (Locke), b. June 10, 1758. 71 Salle, d. of Amos & INlai-garet, b. Dec. 6, 1758, bp. Oct. 5, 1760. IMolJy, d. of Jonathan, bp. Oct. 5, 1760. 71 Nanne, d of Amos & Margaret, b. Dec. 25, 1760, bp. Jan. 11, 1761. 96 Azubah, d. of Josiah & Jane (Thorn), b. Feb. 13, 1761, bp. Apr. 12. 63 Ebenezer, s. of Phinehas & Joanna (Locke), b. Apr. 28, 1761. 73 Simeon, s of Simeon & Susana (Skilton), b. Oct. 3, 1762, bp. Apr. 17,1763. 86 Abigail, d. of Thos , 2d, & Charity, b. Dec. 16, 1762, bp. Jan. 2, 1763. 71 James, s. of Amos & Margaret, b. June 5, 1763, bp. June 19. Thaddeus, s. of Jonathan, bp. June 26. 1763. 73 Joseph, s. of Simeon & Susana (Skilton), b. May 22, 1764, bp. June 10. 86 Ruth, d. of Thos., 2d, & Charity, b. Feb 20, 1765, bp. Mar. 10. 73 Susanna, d. of Simeon & Susana (Skilton), b. Sept. 28, 1765, bp. Oct. 6. 96 Solomon, s. of Josiah & Jane (Thorn), b. Apr. 21, 1766. Anna, d. of Thos , bp. Mar. 29, 1767. Timothy, s. of Timothy, bp. Apr. 5, 1767. Lydia. d of Simeon, bp. June 12, 1768. Thaddeus, s. of Timothy, bp. June 12, 1768. 84 Polly, d. of Isaac & Mary (Locke), b. Jul. 24, 1769. 86 Aaron, s. of Thos. & Charity, b. Dec. 2, 1769. Levi, s. of Timothy, bp. Aug. 5, 1770. Ruth, d. of Simeon, bp. Aug. 25, 1771. Lucy, d. of Timothy, bp Apr. 4, 1773. Sarah, d. of Simeon, bp. Oct. 16, 1774. 84 Lucinda, d. of Isaac & Mary Lock, b. Mar. 8, 1772. 84 Sarah, d. of Isaac & Mary Lock, b. Nov. 27, 1775. 84 Isaac, s. of Isaac & Mary Locke, b. Nov. 3, 1777. 84 Simeon, s. of Isaac & Mary Lock, b. June 21, 1780. 6 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF BIBTHS. Blodgett — Continued. 84 Samuel, s. of Isaac & Mary Lock, b. Aug. 5, 1783. 84 Patty, d. of Isaac & Mary Lock, b. June 5, 1786. 129 Billv, s. of Nathan & Deborah (Ilobbins), b. Dec. 8, 1791. 129 Lydia, d. of Nathan & Deborah R., b. Apr 27, 1793. 129 John, s. of Nathan & Deborah R., b Oct. 7, 1794. 129 Aaron, s. of Nathan & Deborah (Robbins), b. Jan. 8, 1796. Martha, bp. Apr. 22, 1816. Charles S., s. of Chas. & Maria, Sept. 10, 1848. Walter, s. of Chas. & Charlotte M., Sept. 19, 1850. Bond. Lucy, bp. Mar. 26, 1727. Elisabeth, bp. Feb. 23, 1729. Mary, bp. Dec. 5, 1731. 45 Sarah, d. of Joshua & Millicent (Rus.sell), b. Apr. 3, 1744, bp. Apr. 8. 48 Joshua, s. of Joshua & Millicent, b. Oct. 8, 1745, bp. Oct. 6. Ruhamah, bp. Oct. 12, 1746. 48 Milicant, d. of Joshua & Millicent (R.), b. Jul. 12, 1747, bp. Jul 19. 63 Joseph, s. of Joshua & Millicent (R), b. Jan. 8, 1748, bp. Jan. 8, 1749. Mary, bp. Jul. 29, 1750. John, bp. Apr. 19, 1752. Mary, d. of Joshua, bp. May 19, 1754. Phebe, d. of Joshua, bp. Nov. 30, 1755. Joanna, d. of Joshua, bp. Jnne 5, 1757. Mary, d. of Joshua, bp. Oct 7, 1759. Joseph, s. of Joshua, bp. May 3, 1761. Abel, s. of Joshua, bp. Aug. 29, 1762. Boutelle. Charles Otis, s. of Dr Caleb, bp. Sept. 26, 1R13. Nathaniel Goodwin, s. of Dr. Caleb, bp. Sept 3, 1814. Bowers. 189 Charles Albert, s. of Chas. Manning, b. Dec 2, 1812. Bowman. X Moses, % Rebecca, X Andrew, X Aaron, I and their parents, Wm. & Frances, all bp. in Ch. of X Frances, j Christ, Carub., before 1658. X Martha, X INlary, X William, X Elizabeth; d of Wm. & Frances, bp. Aug 26. 1660. t Joseph, s. of Joseph & Phebe, b Sept. 16, 1G97. t Hannah, d. of Joseph & Phebe, b. Nov. 11, 1699. f James, s. of Joseph & Phebe, b. Sept 11, 1701. t Jonathan, s. of Joseph & Phebe, b. Feb. 23, 1703-04. i Francis, s. of Joseph & Phebe, b. June 10, 1706. Anna, d. of Francis, bp. Sept. 14, 1701. X Andrew, s. of Sam'l & Rebekah, bp. Oct. 19, 1701. t X Samuel, s. of Sam'l & Rebekah, b. Mar. 2, 1702-03, bp !\Lar. 7. •j X Martha, d. of SamU & Rebekah, b. May 13, 1704, bp. May 14. t :J: Mary, d. of Sam'l & Rebekah, b. Aug. 14, 1706, bp. Aug. 18. t X Rebekah, d. of Sam'l & Rebekah, b, Jan. 10, 1708-09, bp. Jan. 16. t X Hannah, d. of Sam'l & Rebekah, b. Apr. 2, 1711, bp. Apr. 8. Jonathan, s. of Joseph, bp Feb. 27, 1704. LEXINGTON BE COED OF BIBTHS. 7 Bowman — Continued. X Elizabeth, d. of Moses, bp. Aug 20, 1704, Francis, s. of Joseph, bp. June 23, 1706. Edmund, s. of Joseph, b. Mar. 5, bp. Mar 19, 1710. 57 Thaddeus, s of Joseph & Phebe, b. Sept. 2, 1712, bp. Sept. 7. 34 John, s. of John & Mary (Stone), b. Dec. 5, 1713, bp. Dec, 6. t Martha, d. of Sam'l & Deborah, b. Feb. 10, 1714-15. t Deborah, d. of SamM & Deborah, b. May 30, 1716. t Noah, s. of Sam'l & Deborah, b. Oct. 23, 1718. 12 William, s. of Joseph & Phebe, b. Sept. 2, 1716, bp Sept. 9. 34 Jonas, s. of John & Mary (Stone), b Feb. 3, 1716-17, bp Feb. 3. 13 Elisabeth, d. of Isaac & Elisabeth (Harrington), b. Jul. 25, 1717, bp. Jul. 2a. 34 Francis, s. of John & Marv (Stone), b. Apr. 2, 1718, bp. Apr. 20. 13 Martha, d. of Josejih & Phoebe, b. Sept. 8, 1718, bp Sept. 14. 34 Ebenezer, s. of John & Mary [Stone], b. Apr. 2, 1720, bp. Apr. 17. Mary, bp. May 6, 1722. 34 Ruth, d. of John & Mary (Stone), b. Dec. 23, 1723, bp. Dec. 29. 58 Jonas, b. May 17. 1736. Sarah, d. of thaddt^us, bp. Oct. 9, 1737. 48 Surah, d. of Thaddeus & Sarah (Loring), b. Oct. 2, 1737, d Oct. 3, 1742. 30 Susanna, d. of John & Susanna (Cooledge), b Jan. 19, 1737-38, bp. Jan 22. 34 Josiah, s. of John & Susannah (C), b. Mar. 21, 1739. 44 Jonas, s. of Jonas & Abigail (Russell), b. Jul. 19, 1739, bp. Jul. 22. 74 Edmund, s. of Thaddeus & Sarah (Eoring), b. Aug. 4, 1739, bp. Aug. 5. 44 Abigail, d. of Jonas & Abigail (Russell), b Jau. 19, 1740-41, bp. Jan. 25. 57 Joseph, s. of Thaddeus & Sarah (Loring), b. Feb. 13, 1740-11, bp. Feb. 22 39 Mary, d. of John & Susanna (Cooledge), b. Aug. 1, 1742, bp. Aug. 1. 44 Lvdia, d. of Jonas & Abigail R., b. Jau. 14, 1742-43, bp. Jan. 16. 48 Thaddeus, ) ch. of Thaddeus & Sarah (Loring), b. Feb. 10, 1742-43, Solomon, \ bp. Feb. 13. 46 Elizabeth, d. of John & Susannah (C), b. Xov. 4, 1744, bp. Nov. 4. Hannah, bp. Feb 17, 1745. 67 Solomon, s of Thaddeus & Sarah, b. June 2, 1745, bp. June 9. Nathan, bp. June 9, 1745. Ruth, bp. Oct. 5, 1746. 57 Joshua, s. of Thaddeus & Sarah L., b Jan. 22, 1746-47, bp. Jan. 25. Thomas, Sr., bp and r. Aug. 23, 1747. Thomas, Jr., l)p. Aug. 23, 1747. Samuel, bp. Nov. 6, 1748. Abigail, d. of Ebenezer, bp. May 27, 1750. Mercy, bp. Dec. 22, 1751. 50 Francis, s. of Isaac & Sarah L., b. Nov. 26, 1752, bp. Dee 17. 74 Samuel, s. of Thaddeus & Sybil (Woolson), b. Dec. 2, 1753, bp. Jan. 6, 1754. 74 Sarah, d. of Thaddeus & Sybil (Woolson), b. Jul. 4, 1755, bp. Jul. 20. Hannah, d of Wm , bp. Jan. 4, 1756. Benjamin, s of .John, bp, June 5, 1757. Phebe, d. of Wm , bp. June 19, 1757. 74 Ebenezer, s. of Thaddeus & Svbil (Woolson), b. Jul. 3, 1757, bp. Jul. 17. Martha, d. of Wm. & Mary, bp Nov. 19, 1758. John, s. of John, bp. Jul. 1.5, 1759. 57 Gideon, s. of Thaddeus & Sybil W., b. Sept. 30, 1759, bp Oct. 7, d. Oct. 20. Betty, d. of Wm., bp Oct. 28, 1759. 8 LEXINGTON EECOBD OF BIRTHS. Bowman — Contimied. 6i Edmund, s. of Edmund & Esther Hoar, b. Aug. 14, 1760. 67 Lucy, d. of Thaddeus & Sybil W., b. Jan. 21, 1761, bp. Jan. 2.5. 64 Rebekah, d. of Edmund & Esther Hoar, b. Sept. 8, 1762, bp. Sept. 12. 72 Sarah, d. of Edmund & Esther Hoar, b. May 7, 1764. Phebe, bp. Jul. 22, 1764. 74 Sybil, d. of Thaddeus & Sybil W., b. Aug. 2, 1764, bp Aug. 5, d. Dec. 2, 176.5. Lydia, d. of Wm., bp. Dee. 14, 1766. 145 Sally, d. of Fi'ancis & Susanna (Chamberlin). b. June 7, 1789. 14.5 Isaac, s. of Francis & Susanna C, b. Jul. 27, 1790. 145 Francis, s. of Francis & Susanna C, b. Apr. 23, 1792. Elisabeth Apthorp, d of Francis, Jr., bp. Nov. 17, 1822. Almira Adelaid VVellington, d. of Francis, bp. Aug. 25, 1824. Francis, s. of Fi'ancis, bp. Nov. 6, 1825. Ardelia Adeline, d. of Francis, bp. June, 1828. The baptism of this child is recorded again under date of Sept. 20, 1829. Arthur Wellington, s. of Francis, bp. Oct. 23, 1831. James K. Polk, ^ , nr t ioik Cxeorge M. Dallas, \ ^^^- «^ I^'-^^^' J^^" ' ^^^^• Emily, d. of John & Sarah, Nov. 27, 1852. Boynton. Marretta, d. of John T., Aug. 10, 1846. Bradshaw. 49 Abigail, d. of Abraham & Abigail, b. Feb. 14, 1749, bp. Feb. 18, 17.50. 49 Jonath.an, s. of Abraham & Abigail, b. Jul. 19, 1751, bp. Jul. 21. 50 IMary, d of Abraham & Abigail, b. Jan. 30, 1753, bp. 56 Mary. d. of Abraham & Abigail, b. Jul. 22, 1755, bp. Aug. 10. 58 Joseph, s. of Abraham & Abigail, b. Apr. 19, 1757. bp. Apr. 24. 63 Susanna, d. of Abraham & Abigail, b. Apr. 26, 1759, bp. Apr. 29. John, s. of Abraham, bp. Aug. 30, 1761. Breseta (?). John, Frenchman's son, bp. Sept. 11, 1748. Bridge. X Matthew and his wf. Anne or Anna, d. of Nicholas Danforth, and five of their children were in the ch. in 1658. t John, s. of Matthew & Anne D , b. June 15, 1645. t Martha, d. of Matthew & Anne D , b. Feb. 19, 1648-49. t Dorcas, d. of Thos., s. of John & Dorcas, b. Mar. 16, 1648-49. t Matthew, s. of Matthew & Anne D., b. May 5, 1650. t Samuel, s. of Matthew & Anne, b. M.ar. 24 (?), 1652-53. X Anne, d. of Matthew & Anne, bp. before 1658. X Thomas, s. of Matthew & Anne, b. June 1, 1656. X Elizabeth, d. of Matthew & Anne, b. Aug. 17, 16.59, bp. Sept. 18, 1659. t Dea John & Flizabcth his wf. in full cov., 1658. f Dorcas, d. of Thos. & Dorcas, bp. before 1658. 7 Mary, d. of Matthew, Jr., & Abigail (Russell), b. June 19, 1688. 7 Anna, d. of Matthew, Jr , & Abiirail R., b. Sept. 12, 1691. t7 Matthew, s. of Matthew, Jr., & Abig.ail R., b. Mar. 1, 1693-94. t7 Abigaiil, d. of Matthew, Jr., & Abigail R.. b. Apr. 1, 1696. t7 Jo.seph, s. of Matthew, Jr., & Abigail R., b. Jul. 8, 1698, bp. Nov. 6, 1698. t7 John, s. of Matthew, Jr., & Abigail R., b. Sept. 1, 1700, bp. Sept., 1700. LEXINGTON liECOUD OF BIBTHS. 9 Bridge — Contimwd. fZ Elizabeth, d. of Matthew, Jr., & Abigail R., b. Nov. 30, 1703, bp. Dee. 6, 1702. t? Samuell.s. of xMatthew, Jr., & Abigail R., b. Mav 2, 1705, bp. May 6, 1705. 7 Martha, d. of Matthew, Jr., & Abigail R , b. Sept. 20, 1707, bp. Sept. 21, 1707. 26 Matthew, s. of Matthew, 2d, & Abigail (Bowman), b Jul. 18, 1721, bp. Jul. 23. 21 Thomas, s. of Joseph & Abigail (Cutler), b. Jul. 8, 1723, bp. Sept 29. 26 Anna, d of Mathew, 2d, & Abigail B., b. Sept. 21, 1723, bp. Sept. 29. 26 Nathaneel, s. of Mathew, 2d, & Abigail B., b. Jul. 8, 1725, bp. Jul. 11. 24 Abigail, d. of Joseph & Abigail (Cutler), b. Sept. 28, 1726, bp. Out. 2. 26 Sarah, d. of Mathew, 2d, & Abigail B , b. Sept. 30, 1728, bp. Oct. 6. 24 Benjamin, s of Joseph & Abigail (Cutler), b. Nov. 15, 1728, bp. Dee. 1. 25 Anna, d. of John & Anna (Merrick), b. Dec. 7, 1730, bp. Jan. 3, 1731. 31 Joseph, s. of Joseph & Abigail C, b. May 9, 1731, bp. May 16. 38 Mary, d. of John & Sarah (Tidd), b. Apr. 19, 1733, bp. Apr. 21. 31 Jeremiah, s. of Joseph & Abigail C , b. Dec. 28, 1734, bp. Dec. 29. 28 Samuel, s. of SamM & Susanah (Reed), b. Jan. 6, 1734-35, bp Jan. 12. 38 Sarah, d. of John & Sarah (Tidd), b. Dec. 21, 1735, bp. Dec. 28. 39 John, s. of John & Sarah (Tidd), b. Dec. 17, 1737, bp. Dec. 18. 31 Millicent, d. of Joseph & Abagail C, b. Apr. 16, 1738, bp. Apr. 23. 38 Edmond, s. of Sam'l & Martha (Bowman), b. Aug. 8, 1739, bp. Aug. 12. 39 Josiah. s. of John & Sarah (Tidd), b. Dec. 28, 1739, bp. Dec. 30. 38 William, s. of SanVl & Martha (Bowman), b. Apr. 19, 1741, bp. Apr. 26. 39 Ebenezer, s. of John & Sarah (Tidd), b. Feb. 3, 1741-42, bp. B'eb. 4. Nathan, bp. Mar. 20, 1743. Francis, bp Dec 29, 1745. Francis, bp. Jul. 28, 1748. Matthew, bp. Feb. 24, 1751. Martha, d. of Sam'l, bp. Mar. 11, 1753. Joshua, s. of Sam'l, bo. Dec. 29, 1754. Phebe, d. of Sam'l & Martha, bp. June 6, 1756. James, s of Sara'l & Martha, bp. Nov. 13, 1757. 77 Jonathan, s. of Joseph, Jr., & Eliot (Reed), b. Sept. 20, 1758, bp. Sept. 24. Jonas, s. of Sam'l, bp Sept. 2, 1759. 62 Jonathan, s. of Joseph, Jr., & Eliot (Reed), b. Sept. 20, 1760. Joshua, s. of Sam'l, bp. Oct. 12, 1760. 77 Eliot, d. of Joseph, Jr., & Eliot (Reed), b. Apr. 20, 1761. 65 Eliot, d. of Joseph, Jr., & Eliot (Reed), b. Apr. 28, 1761, bp May 3. 66 John, s. of John, Jr., & Hannah "(Reed), b. Jul. 12, 1763, bp. Jul. 18. 70 Eliab, s. of John & Hannah (Reed), b. Jul. 12, 1764, bp. Jul. 15. James, of Edmund, bp. Aug. 31, 1766. 77 Joseph, s. of Joseph, Jr., & Eliot (Reed), b. Feb. 27, 1767, bp. Mar 1. 77 Isaac, s. of Joseph, jr., & Eliot (Reed), b Dec. 5, bp. Dec 11, 1768, d. Feb. 5, 1769. 86 Hannah, d. of John, Jr., & Hannah (Reed), b. Apr. 30, 1771, bp. May 5. 77 Sarah, d. of Joseph, Jr., & Eliot (Reed), b. Aug. 8, 1773, bp. Aug. 29. 92 Mary, d. of Capt. John, Jr., & Hannah (Reed), b. Jan. 14, 1776, bp. Jan. 14. 100 Alice, d. of Matthew & Alice (Parker), b. Nov. 18, 1779. 98 Sarah, d. of Maj. John & Hannah (Reed), b. June 20, 1780, bp. June 27, d. Dec. I,"l780. 100 Nathan, s. of Matthew & Alice (Parker), b. Apr. 18, 1782. Joseph, s. of Jonathan, bp. Apr. 9, 1783. 10 LEXINGTON BE COED OF BIBTH8. Bridge — Continued. 142 , of Jonas & Susanna (Reed), b. Jan. 16, 1784, d. Jan. 17, 1784. 142 Patty, d. of Jonas & Susanna (Reed), b. June 3, 1785, d. Feb. 19, 1788. 141 Nan'cv, d. of Jonathan & Phebe (Bowman), b. Sept. 18, 1785, bp. Oct. 2. 142 Susanna, d. of Jonas & Susanna (Reed), b. Jan. 24, 1787. 126 Wary, d of Maj. John & Mai-y (Moore), b. Apr. 17, 1787, bp. May 6. 142 Patty, d. of Jonas & Susanna (Reed), b. Apr. 24, 1788. Lucy, d. of Francis t& Eunice, h]). Jan. 25, 1789. 141 Phebe, d. of Jonathan & Phebe (Bowman), b. Nov. 7, 1789, bp. Nov. 9. 142 Betsey, d of Jonas & Susanna (Reed), b. Apr. 23, 1790, d. Mar. 27, 1793. 142 Jonas, s of Jonas & Susanna (Reed), b. Aug. 26, 1792 141 Eliot, s. of Jonathan & Phebe (Bowman), b Oct. 20, 1793, bp Oct. 27. 142 Sanuicl, s. of Jonas & Susanna (Reed), b. Nov. 12, 1793, d. Sept. 30, 1795. 142 Bowman, s. of Jonas & Susanna (Reed), b. June 18, 1795. 142 Samuel, s. of Jonas & Susanna (Reed), b. Dec. 12, 1796. 141 Jonathan, Jr., s. of Jonathan & Phebe (Bowman), b. Feb. 1, 1798, bp. June 10. 142 Betsc}-, d. of Jonas & Susanna (Reed), b. Jan. 7, 1799. 142 Caroline, d. of Jonas & Susanna (Reed), b. Jul. 28, 1800. Martha, ? , ^ ^ -looo Elisabeth, \ ^^P- J""« 1' 1828. Ann iAIaria, d. of Sam"l & Maria, Sept. 8, 1846. Mary Caroline, d of Edmund & Caroline, Apr. 26, 1847. Charles E., s. of P^dmund, Sept. 13, 1848. Elizabeth C , d. of \Vm. F. & Elizabeth, Apr. 11, 1851. John F., s. of Edmund & Caroline, Sept. 7, 1851. Josiah G., s. of Abel E. & Sarah, Aug. 3, 1852. Briggs. Mary Louisa, d. of Chas., bp. Sept. 27, 1729. 175 Elizabeth Goodale, d. of Rev. Chas., b. Oct 4, 1823, bp. Dec. 14. 175 Charles Wanton, s. of Rev. Chas., b. Sejit. 17, 1825, b]D. Oct. 2. F:iiza, bp, and r. :Mar. 4, 1827. 175 Louisa, d. of Rev. Chas. & , b. Sept. 16, 1829. 175 Abby Sophia, d. of Rev. Chas. & , b. Nov. 17, 1832, bp. Dec. 30. Brigham. Laura Muzzy, d. of Wm. & Abby Ann, bp. Oct. 23, 1836. Brooks. Joseph, bp. June 20, 1726. Jacob, bp. Jul. 9, 1749. Jonathan, bp. Mar. 3, 1751. Brown. > t Joseph, s. of John & Esther, b. Feb. 8, lfi.55-56. t Elizabeth, d. of John & Esther, b Mar. 26, 1657. t Sarah, d. of John & Esther, b. Jul. 18, 1661. t Mary, d. of John & Esther, b. Dec. 19, 1062 t Mary, d. of Thos. & Abigail, b. Mar. 15, 1680. t Hannah, d. of Thos. & Abigail, b. Mar. 7, 1682-83. Jonas, bp. May 20, 1711. James, bp. Jul. 26, 1713. Jo.siah, bp. Aug 21, 1715. 52 Benjamin, s. of Dea. Joseph & Ruhama (Wellington), b. June 30, 1720, bp. Jul. 3. William, bp. Apr. 28, 1723. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF BIRTHS. 11 Brown — Continued. John, s. of Dan'l, bp. Nov. 30, 1729. 39 Rnhama, d. of Dan'l & Eliot, b. Apr, 7, 1731, bp. Apr 11. Mary, d. of Wm., bj), Aug. 19, 1733. 80 Mary, d. of Jas. & Jane (Bowman), b. Anp:. 13, 1735, bp, Nov. 2. 65 Nathaniel Bowman, s. of Dan'l & Ann (Bright), b. Jul, 1, 1737, bp. Jul. 3. 30 Frances, d of Jas. & Jane (B.), b. Jan. 27, 1738, bp. Jan. 22. 38 Ann, d. of Dan'l & Ann (Bright), b. Apr. 27, 1739, bp. Apr. 29. Asa, s. of Wra., bp. Apr. 29, 1739. 38 Joseph, s, of Jas. & Jane (Bowman), b. Apr. 14, 1741, bp. Apr, 19. 65 Daniel, s. of Dan'l & Ann (B,), b. Dec. 2(t, 1741. bp Dec. 27. 49 John, s. of Dan'l & Ann (Bright), b. Aug. 12, 17—. 70 Benjamin, s. of Benj. & Sarah (Reed), b. Jan. 1, 1743-44, bp. Jan. 8. 54 James, s of Jas. & Jane (Bowman), b. June 3, 1744, bp. June 10, d. Jan. 22, 1749. 65 Esther, d. of Dan'l & Ann (Bright), b. Aug. 12, 1744, bp. Aug. 19. 60 Thaddeus, s. of Ben]. & Sarah (Reed), b. Mar. 12, 1745-46, bp. ' Mar. 16. 65 Jerushah, d. of Dan'l & Ann (Bright), b. Mar. 18, 1746, bp. Mar. 22. 70 Sarah, d. of Benj. & Sarah Reed, b. Mar. 24, 1747-48, bp. Mar 27. 47 Martha, d. of Dan'l & Anna (Bright), b. June 18, 1749, bp. .June 25. 70 Eunice, d. of Benj & Sarali R , b. Jan. 24, 1751, bp. Jan. 23 65 John, s. of Dan'l dc Ann (Bright), b Aug. 12, 1751, bp. Aug 18. 54 Oliver, s. of Benj & Sarah R., b. Jul. (?) 25, 1753, bp. Jul. 1, 1753. Hannah, d. of Dan'l, bp. Apr. 14, 1754. — 60 Solomon, s. of Beni'. & Sarah R., b. Jan 15, 1756, bj). Jan. 18. 65 Hannah, d. of Dan'l & Ann (B.),b. Apr. 8, 1756. 67 John, s. of INIary, b. Dec. 21, 1756. 65 Mary, d. of Dan'l & Ann (B ), b. May 5, 1758, bp. May 7. 60 James, s. of Benj. & Sarah R., b. Oct. 3, 1758, bp. Oct. 8. 60 Ruhamah, d. of lienj. & Sarah Reed, b. Apr. 23, 1761, bp. Apr. 26. 70 Susanna, d. of Benj. & Sarah Reed, b. June 17, 1764, bp. June 24. 73 Elizabeth, d. of Mr. Joseph & Mrs. Sarah Smith, b. June 20, 1765, bp. June 23. 73 Marv, d. of Francis & Marv Buckman, b. Dec 2, 1765, bp. Dec. 8. 70 Nathan, s. of Benj. & Sarah R , b. Sept. 5, 1766, bp. Sept. 7. 79 Susanna, d. of Nath'I Bowman & Abigail, b. Oct. 24, 1766 (?), bp. Oct. 27, 1765. 73 Jane, d of Mr. Joseph & Mrs. Sarah Smith, b. Feb. 27, 1767, bp. Mar 1 Martha, d. of Zachariah, bp. Aus:. 16, 1767. 79 Abigail, d. of Nath'I Bowman & Abigail, b. Apr. 24, 1768 (?), bp. Apr. 26, 1767. 73 Joseph, s. of Mr. Joseph & Mrs. Sarah Smith, b. Nov. 20, 1768, bp. Nov. 27. 79 Nathaniel, s. of Natli*l Bowman & Abigail, b. Mar. 6, 1769, bp. Mar. 26. 70 Lucy, d of Benj. & Sarah R., b Jan. 17, 1770. Beltv, bp. and r. Apr. 22, 1770. 70 Thaddeus, s. of Thaddeus & Bethiah Muzzy, b. Sept 30, 1770, bp. Oct. 7. 80 Elisabeth, d. of Francis & Mary Buckman, b. Dec. 30, 1770, bp. Dec. 3U. Anna, d. of Nath'I Bowman, bp Feb. 3. 1771. 70 Asahel, s. of Thaddeus & Bethiah Muzzy, b Oct. 11, 1772, bp. Oct. 18. 80 James, s. of Francis & Mary Buckman, "b. Jul. 2;i, 1773, bp Aug. 1. 80 Sarah, d. of Francis & Mary Buckman, b. Aug. 20, 1775, bp. Aug. 27. Rebecca, d. of Francis, bp. Feb 15, 1778. 80 John, s. of Francis & Mary Buckman, b. Apr. 15, 1779, bp. Apr. 18. 12 LEXINGTON BE COED OF BIRTHS. Brown — Contumed. U6 James, s. of Jas, & Betty Reed, b. Apr. 22, 1781, bp. May G, il. Oct., 1783. 146 Betsey, d. of Jas. & Betty Reed, b. June 31, 1783, bp, Jul. 20. 146 James, s. of Jas. & Betty Reed, b. Oct. 5, 1786 (?), bp. Oct. 9, 1785. 146 Leonard, s. of Jas. & Betty R., b. Jan. 3, 1788, bp. Jan 6. 73 Francis, s. of Dea Jas. & Jane, b. Jan. 22, 1788. 113 William, s. of Nathan & Lydia Muzzy, b. Aug, 2-5, 1790, bp. Aug. 29. 146 Eliab, s. of Jas. & Bettv Reed, b Sept. 5, 1790 (?), bp Aug. 15,'l790. Abigail, d. of Jas,, bp. Dec. 9, 1792. Lydia, d. of Nathan, bp. .Tan. 20, 1793. 146 Nabby, d. of Jas. & Bettv Reed, b Dec, 1793, d. Sept , 1794. 146 Nabby, d. of Jas. & Bettv Reed, b. June 27, 1795. 146 Hiram, s. of Jas. & Betty Reed, b. Feb. 12, 1798. 144 Pamela, d. of Jas., Jr., & Pamela, b. JuL 29, 1800, bp. May 9, 1813. 146 Madison, s. of Jas & Betty, b. May 1, 1802. 144 Caroline, d. of John & Nancy (Stearns), b. June 5, 1802. 144 Francis, s. of Jas., Jr., & Pamela Munroe, b. Aug. 29, 1802, bp. May 9, 1813. 144 Mary Stearns, d. of John & Nancv (Stearns), b. i\Iar. 9, 1804. 144 Harriet, d. of Jas., Jr., & Pamela Munroe, b. Sept. 28, 1804, bp. May 9, 1813. 144 John Sullivan, s. of John & Nancy (Stearns), b. Sept. 14, 1806. 144 Charlotte, d. of Jas., Jr., & Pamela JVIunroe, b. Nov. II, 1806, bp. May 9, 1813. 144 Susanna Wright, d. of John & Nancy (Stearns), b. May 24, 1808. 144 Edmund Munroe, s, of Jas., Jr., & Pamela Munroe, b. Feb. 13, 1809, bp. Mav 9, 1813. 144 Horatio, ,s. of John & Nancy (Stearns), b. Jul. 24, 1809. 144 Ann, d. of John & Nancv (Stearns), b. Oct. 16, 1811. 185 Mary Augusta, b. Apr. 2, 1812. 156 Benjamin, s. of Jas. & Elizabeth Dudley, b. Aug. 23, 1813. 144 Louisa Amanda, d. of John & Nancy (S.),b. Sept. 14, 1813. 144 Hannah Elisabeth, d of John & Nancy (S), b. Nov 10, 1813. 144 Charles, s. of Jas., Jr , & Parmela M., b. May 2, 1816, bp. Jul. 7. 156 Olive, d. of Jas. & Elizabeth Dudley, b. Jul. 28, 1817. 156 Lucy E., d. of Jas. & Elizabeth Dudley, b. Feb. 20, 1820. 144 Jane Lsabel, d. of John & Nancy (S.), b. Nov. 23, 1822. Abby, d. of Oliver & Frances, Nov. 12, 1849. Frederick O , s. of Oliver & Mary, Aug. 12, 1853. Bryant. 146 Susanna Tucker, d. of Josiah & Sally, h. Jul. 11, 1804, bp. Jan. 13, 1805. 146 Cynthia, d of Josiah & Sally (Withington), b. Oct. 7, 1806, bp. Apr. 26, 1807. 146 Sallv. d. of .losiah & Sally (Withington), b. Jul 13, 1809, bp. Sept 16. 146 Albert Withington, s. of Josiah & Sally (W.), b Feb. 16, 1814, bp. Mar. 13 Albert W., Jr., s. of Albert W., Jan. 4, 1844 Arthur W.. s. of Albert W. & Nancy, Jan. 20, 1847. Edwin Phelps, s. of Albert W. & Nancy W., Aug. 31, 1850. Bubeston, 51 John, s. of Eve & Margrett, b. Aug. 16, 1748, bp. Sept. 11. 54 Mary, d. of Eve & Margrett, b. Aug. 26, 1753, bp. Sept. 30. Buckman. Thomas, bp. Apr. 16, 1732. Paul, bp. Apr. 28, 1734. LEXINGTON BECOIiD OF BIBTHS. 13 Buckman — Continued. Benjamin, s. of Joseph, bp. June 12, 1737. 40 Mary, d. of John & Mary Fiske, b. Dec. 27, 1740, bp. Feb. 24, 1745. 49 John. s. of John & Mary Fiske, b. Apr. 2, 1745, bp. Apr. 7. 56 Sarah, d. of John & Mary Fiske, b. Jan. 3, 1748, bp. Jan. 10, 174S. 55 Elizabeth, d. of John & Mary Fiske, b. Feb. 11, 1753, bp. Feb. 11. 55 Ruth, d of John & Mary Fiske, b. Dec. 30, 1755, bp. Jan. 4, 1756. 112 Sarah, d. of John, Jr., & Sarah Weld, b. Feb. 19, 1786, bp. June 17, 1798. 112 John, s. of John, Jr., & Sarah Weld, b. May 7, 1787, d. Aug. 7, 1787. 137 Bowin, s. of Jacob & p]lizabeth Muuroe, b. Apr. 19, 1788. 112 Kenry, s. of John & Sarah, b Aug. 16, 1788, bp. June 17, 1798. 112 Polly, d. of John & Sally, b. Apr. 19, 1790, bp. June 17, 1798. 137 wTllis^' i ^^^- ^^ "^^^^^ ^ Elizabeth Munroe, b. May 13, 1791. Burbank. 140 Lorenzo, s. of Sullivan & Betsey (Brown), b. Feb. 28, 1804. 140 Daniel, s of Sullivan & Betsey (Brown), b. Aug. 29, 1805, d. June 14, 1810. 140 Sidney, s. of Sullivan & Betsey (B.), b. Sept. 26, 1807. 140 PaiTina' ( ^^^- "* Sullivan & Betsey (B ), b. Dec. 27, 1809. 140 Octavia,' d. of Sullivan & Betsey (B ), b. Apr. 18, 1812. Burdoo, Burdeau. Phillip, ? . A 1/-V i-r,n Eunice;S'^P-^l'^-10,l'09. Moses, bp. Apr. 9, 1710. Aaron, bp. Jul. 27, 1712. Phinehas, bp. Jul 31, 1715. 39 Lois, d. of Philip & Ann, b. Mar. 12, 1720-21, bp, Aug. 3, 1729. 35 Philip, s. of Philipp, Jr., & Mary, b. Mar 2, 1738, bp. Oct. 21, 1739. 37 Mary, d of Philip & Mary, b. Mar. 14, 1740-41, bp. Oct. 18. Eli, Mos Aaron, bp. and r. Apr. 16, 1780. Moses, ^P. Jul. 20, 1755. Burgess. 17 William, s. of Wm. & Eleanor, b. Mar. 1, 1708. 17 Lucy, d. of Wm. & Eleanor, b. Jan. 6, 1710. 17 Mary, d. of Wm. & Eleanor, b. Feb. 2, 1712. 17 Ebenezer, s. of Wm. & Eleanor, b. Sept. 23, 1714. 42 Hannah, d. of Ebenezer & Hannah Laughton, b. Feb. 6, 1740-41, bp. Aug. 9 42 Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer & Hannah Laughton, b. Mav 12, 1743, bp. May 15. Butterfleld. William S., s. of Sidney & Julia Ann, Oct. 31, 1850. Sidney A , s. of Sidney & Julia A., Jan. 21, 1853. Francis M., s. of John & Lydia, Mar. 23, 1853. Butters. Ella Francinia, d. of Chas. A. & Sarah, Sept. 15, 1844. George Sidney, s. of Sidney & Almira, May 2, 1845. Jason Whitman, s. of Sidney & Almira, Jan. 27, 18l8. Josephine A., d. of Sidney &, Almira, Nov. 11, 1849. 14 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF BIBTHS. Buttriek. Jonas M., s. of Isaac & Abigail, Feb. 10, 1845. Jonas M., s. of Isaac, Feb. 10, 1847. Ella, d. of Isaac & Abigail, Sept. 20, 1848, Volney, s. of Isaac & Abigail, Mar. 31, 1850. Eugene, s. of Isaac & Abigail, Sept. 24, 1851. Calahan. Margaret, d. of Patrick & Amanda, Dec. 19, 1852. Mary, d. of Patrick & Hannah, Dec. 16, 1853. Calder. Abigail, d. of Wm., bp. Jan. 24, 1779. Caldwell. 43 Phebe, d. of Adam & Phebe, b. Mar. 26, 1743, bp. May 8. 48 Abel, s. of Adam & Pliebe, b. May 16, 1744. 46 Sybel, d. of Adam & Phebe, b. May 16, 1745, bp. May 19. 48 Mary, d. of Adam & Phebe, b. Nov. 16, 1747, bp. Nov, 22. 48 Ruth, d. of Adam & Phebe, b. Feb. 9, 1749, bp. Feb. 18, 1750. Capell. 185 Curtis, b. Nov. 17, 1806. 185 William Curtis, s. of Curtis & Mary Augusta Brown, b. Feb. 10, 1833. 185 Mary Elizabeth, d. of Curtis & Mary A., b. Nov. 23, 1834. 185 Henry, s. of Curtis & Mary A., b. Apr. 27, 1838. 185 Jonas Fay, s. of Curtis & Mary A , b. Mar. 6, 1842. 185 Francis Harding, s. of Curtis & Mary Augusta Brown, b. Sept. 6, 1814. Cyrus, s, of Curtis & Mary A., Mar. 2, 1848. Ellen A., d. of Curtis & Mary A,, May 20, 1853. Carey. 19 Samuel, b. Feb. 2, 1699. 19 Bethshua, b. Apr. 1, 1704. 19 Mary, d. of Samuel! & Bethshua, b. Feb. 19, 1724-25. ]\liss Maria, bp. Nov. 5, 1837. Casey. Mary, bp. and r. Mar. 4, 1827. Louisa, bp. and r. June 1, 1828. Cashman. Margaret, d. of Michael & Maria, Oct. 19, 1853. William, s. of John & Jane, Oct, 19, 1853. Chambers. Thomas Boylston, s. of Wm., bp. Feb. 4, 1776. Chandler. 82 John, s. of John & Beulah Meriam, b. Dec. 31, 1758, bp. Feb. 11, 1759. 69 Nathan, s. of John & Beulah Meriam, b. Feb. 24, 1762, bp. Feb. 28. 69 Sarah, d. of John & Beulah Meriam, b, Feb. 27, 1761, bp Mar. 4. 82 Samuel, s. of John & Beulah Meriam, b. Feb. 16, 1766, bp. Feb. 23. 78 Joseph, s. of John & Beulah Meriam, b. Sept. 2, 1768, bp. Sept. 4. 82 Abiel, s. of John & Beulah Meriam, b Jan. 2, 1771, bp. Jan. 6, d. Feb. 11, 1799. 122 John, s. of John, Jr., & Margaret Mack, b. Nov. 26, 1786. 122 IMary, d. of Nathan & Ruth Tidd, b. Jan. 3, 1787, bp. as Mary Mul- liken Jul. 17, 1808. LEXINGTON BE COED OF EIRTHS. 15 Chandler — Continued. 122 William, s. of Nathan & Ruth Tidd, b. Oct. 4, 1788, bp. Jul. 17, 1808. 110 Daniel, s. of John, Jr., & Margaret Mack, b. Oct. 14, 1788, bp. May 21, 1791. 122 Sally, d. of John, Jr., & Margaret Mack, b Apr 20, 1791, bp. May 21. 122 Nathan, s. of Nathan & Paith Tidd, b. Mar. 3, 1792, bp. Jul. 17, 1808. 121 Hannah, d. of Joseph & Hannah Bridge, b. June 26, 1792, bp. Oct. 7, 1807. 122 Peggy, d. of John, Jr , & Margaret Mack, b. Jan. 15, 1793, bp. Feb. 10. 122 Mm-y, d. of John, Jr., & Margaret Mack, b. P\^.b. 20, 1794, bp. Mar. 23. 12 1 Sarah, d. of Joseph & Hannah Bridge, b. May 24, 1794, bp Oct. 7, 1807. 122 Samuel, s. of John, Jr., & Margaret Mack, b Oct 26, 1795. 122 Jonas, s. of John, Jr., & Peggy, b. June 23, 1797, bp Aug 13. 122 Abel, s. of John, Jr., & Peggy, b. Mar. 21, 1799, bp. Apr. 28. 122 Thomas, s. of John, Jr , & Peggy, b. May 9, bp. June 14, 1801. 122 Leonard, s. of John, Jr., & Peggy, b. June 9 (?), bp. Apr. 24, 1803. Joseph, _ ) J ^j Joseph & Hannah, bp. Oct. 2, 1807. John Bridge, \ '■ > i > Sarah, d. of John & Susan, bp. Apr. 28, 1816. 156 :Mary Jane Mack, d, of Capt. Dan'l & Susan, b. Mar. 6, 1818. John Lincoln, "^ ^^"^'^''\'t !• eh. of Col. Sam'l, bp. May, 1830. Amos Muzzy, j ' x j ' Joseph, j Elisabeth, bp. Mar. 1, 1814. Cheney. Elisabeth, bp June 16, 1728. Child, Childs. 50 Joshua, s. of Joshua & Hannah, b. Mar. 26, 1749. 94 Sarah, d. of Abijah & Sarah Cutler, b. Dec 17, 1764, bp Dec. 23. 94 Eunice, d. of Abijah i& Sarah Cutler, b. May 15, 1766, bp. May 18. 94 Abijah, s. of Abijah & Sarah Cutler, b. Aug. 1, 1767, bp. Aug. 2. 94 Abigail, d. of Abijah & Sarah Cutler, b. Jan 18, 1771, bp. Feb. 3. 94 Benjamin, s. of Abijah & Sarah Cutler, b. Nov. 16, 1773, bp. Nov. 21. 94 Moses, s. of Abijah & Sarah Cutler, b. Sept. II, 1776 (?), bp Sept. 17, 1775. 94 Isaac, s. of Abijah & Sarah Cutler, b Oct. 11, 1777, bp. Oct 12. 143 Mary, d of DanU & Sarah, b. Feb. 7, 1809, at Gardner. Samuel, s. of Isaac & Mary, bp. Jan. 7, 1810. 143 Louisa, d. of DanM & Sarah, b. Sept. 7, 1810, at Walthara. Mary, d. of Isaac & Mary, bp. Apr. 21, 1811. 143 Sarah, d. of Dan'l & Sarah, b. Nov. 22, 1812. 143 Daniel, s. of Dan'l & Sarah, b. June 20, 1814. 143 John, s. of Dan'l & Sarali, b. Nov. 8, 1815. 143 Henry, s. of Dan'l & Sarah, b. Jan. 31, 1817. Henry Alvin, s. of Isaac & Mary Ann, June 23, 1845. Clafline. 7 Sarah, d. of Antipas & Sarah, b. Nov. 1, 1706. 7 Robert, s. of Anlipas & Sarah, b. Mar. 13, 1707-08. 7 Noah, s. of Antipas & Sarah, b. Apr. 12, 1710, bp. Apr. 16. 7 Nehemiah, s. of Antipas & Sarah, b. Sept 28, 1713. Clark. 16 Richard, s. of Richard & Mary, b. Feb. 3, 1718-19 2 Jonathan, s. of Judah & Eimice, b. May 26, 1733, bp. Jul. 15. 1 Mary, d. of Jas., Jr., & Jerusha, b. Jul. 19, 1733, bp. Jul. 22. ■ Hannah, bp Jan. 19, 1735. 16 LEXiNaroN becobd of bibths. Clark — Continued. 61 Thoniiis, s. of Rev. Jonas & Lucy Bowes, b. Jul. 6, 1758, d. Nov. 9, 1758. 61 Thomas, s. of Rev. Jonas & Lucy Bowes, b. Sept. 27, 1759, bp. June 18. 61 Jonas, s. of Rev. Jonas & Lucy Bowes, b. Nov. 27, 17G0, bp. Nov. 30, 1760. 61 Mary, d. of Rev. Jonas & Lucy B., b. May 4, 1762, bp. May 9. 61 Elizabeth, d. of Rev. Jonas & Lucy B., b. June 2, 1763, bp. June 5. 61 William, s. of Rev. Jonas & Lucy B., b. June 10, 1764, bp. June 17. 61 Peter, s. of Rev. Jonas & Lucy B., b. Nov. 25, 1765, bp. Dec. 1. 61 Lucy, d. of Rev. Jonas & Lucy B., b. Mar. 2, 1767, bp Mar. 8. 61 Lydia, d. of Rev. Jonas & Lucy B., b. May 20, 1768, bp. May 28. 61 Martha, d. of Rev. Jonas & Lucy B., b. Oct. 28, 1770, bp. Nov. 4. 61 Sarah, d. of Rev. Jonas & Lu.jy B., b. Nov 10, 1774, bp. Nov. 13. 61 Isaac Bowen., s. of Rev. Jonas & Lucy Bowes, b. June 29, 1779, bp. Jul. 4. 61 Henry, s. of Rev. Jonas & Lucy B., b. Nov. 29, 1780, bp. Dec. 3. Helen Augusta, d. of Thos., bp. May 11, 1806. Lydia Fry, bp. Jul. 3, 1808. Cochran. Catherine, d. of O'Brien & Eliza, Oct. 3, 1852. Colburn. Searief, s. of John, bp. Oct. 16, 1785. John, s. of John, bp. Feb. 5, 1788. 189 Samuel Boynton, s. of Jas. M. & Rosilla, b. Apr. 8, 1839. Collins. Hannah, d. of Dau'l & Mary, Jul. 4, 1853. Comey, Comee. Martha, bp. Feb. 1, 1698-99. John, ^ 2'^^^'^', !^ ch. of John, bp. Feb. 26, 1698-99. Hannah, ( ' ^ Martha, j Elisabeth, bp. Feb., 1701. John, bjJ and r Mar., 1701. Abigail, bp. Oct. 26, 1707. 16 David, s. of David & Ruhamah (Brown), b. Jul. 30, 1719, bp. Aug. 14, 1720. Ruhamah, bp. Mar. 2c, 1722. John, bp. Jul. 14, 1723. John, bp. Sept. 26, 1725. Joseph, bp. Aug. 4, 1728. 2 Benjamin, s. of David & Sarah (2d wf), b. Nov. 15, 1733. 28 Sarah, d. of David & Sarah, b. Sept. 11, 1735, bp. Sept. 14. 39 Martha, d. of David & Sarah, b. Aug. 11, 1737, bp. Jan. 29, 1738. 39 Ezekel, s. of David & Sarah (2d wf.), b. Apr. 27, 1740, bp. Jul 20. 39 Ruhamah, d. of David & Sarah, b. Apr. 15, 1742, bp. Jul. 25. 41 David, s. of David & S.irah, b Apr. 20, 1744, bp. Oct. 7. 39 Jonathan, s. of David & Sarah, b. Apr. 4, 1746, bp. Sept. 21. £;5,(bp.Oct.27,175L 61 Joseph, s. of Joseph & Mary, b May 18, 1753, bp. June 15. 61 Mary, d. of Joseph & Mary, b. June 22, 1755, bp. Jul. 20. 61 Aaron, s. of Joseph & Mary, b. Aug. 15, 1757, bp. Aug. 21. LEXINGTON BEGOBD OF BIRTHS. 17 Comey, Comee — Continued. 61 Bettey, d. of Joseph & Mary, b. Mar. 23, 1760, bp. Mar. 23. Ruhama, d. of Joseph, bp. Nov. 14, 1762. Benjamin, s. of Josej)h, bp. Jul. 7, 1765. Coolidge. Juha F., ? ^j^_ ^j Josiah & Mehitable, June 3, 1850. Anne, \ Cooper. 9 Elizabetli, d. of John & Elizabeth, b. May 9, 1699, bp. May 4, 1699. 9 Hannah, d. of John & Elizabeth, b. Dec. 29 (?), 1702, bp. Jul. 26, 1702. 9 Sarah, d. of John & Elizabeth, b. Apr. 9, 1704, bp. Apr. 16, 1704. 9 Timothy, s. of John & Elizabeth, b. Apr. 9, 1706, bp. Apr. 14, 1706. 9 Joshua, s. of John & Elizabeth, b. Jan 25, 1709, bp. Jan. 30, 1709. 9 Abigaill, d. of John & Elizabeth, b. Jul. 10, 1711, bp. Jul. 12. 9 Ruth, d of John & Elizabeth, b. Sept. 23, 1712. Ruth, bp. Sept. 26, 1714. Cox. Hannah, bp. May 15, 1743. Susanna, d. of Walter, bp. Jul. 9, 1775. Crawford. William J., s. of Robert, Sept. 1, 1848. Crosby. Sarah, d. of Jonas, bp. Nov, 25, 1739. 66 Sampson, s. of Sampson & Lucy, b. June 3, 176(1). 66 Joel, s. of Sampson & Lucy, b. Feb. 9, 1763. John Greaton, s. of Jazaniah & Sarah, bp. Oct. 13, 1776. Crowley. Michael, s. of Michael, Oct. 10, 1846. Hannah, d. of Michael & Mary, Aug. 18, 1850. Mary, d. of Patrick & Mary, Jan. 17, 1852. William J., s. of John & Bridgett, Apr. 23, 1852. Catherine, d. of Michael & Mary, Nov. 20, 1852. John, s, of Jeremiah & Mary, Mar. 8, 1853. Cruft. George T., s. of Sam'l B., June 2, 1844. Cummings. Walter Locke, s. of Jas. & Frances Ann, May 27, 1847. Lenora Frances, d. of Jas. L. & Frances, Aug. 25, 1849. Currier. Charles W., s. of Wm. J. & Susan D., Apr. 1, 1850. Curthpatrick. 36 "William, a eh. brought up bv Thos. Moore (hus. of Mary), b. Oct. 14, 1731. Cutler. t John, s. of Jas. & Phebe (Page), b. Mnr. 19, 1663. t Samuel, s. of Jas & Phebe (Page), b. Nov. 8, 1664. t James, s. of Jas. & Lydia Wright, b. Jul. 12, 166G. 18 LEXINGTON BEG OB D OF BIBTH8. Cutler — Continued. t Ann, cl. of Jas. & Lydia Wright, b. Apr. 20, 1669. I g°^{Jg]' \ ch. of Jas. & Lydia Wright, b. May 2, 1672. t Abigail,' d. of Thos. & Abigail, b. Oct. ,31, 1674. t John, s. of Jas. & Lydia W., b. Apr. 14, 167.5. t Thomas, s of Jas. & Lydia W., b. Dec. 15, 1677. t Thomas, s. of Thos. & Abigail, b. Feb. 19, 1677-78. t Mary, d. of Thos. & Abigail, b. Mar. 15, 1680. t Elizabeth, d. of Jas. & Lydia W., b. Mar. 14, 1680-81. t Richard, s. of Wm. & Rebecca, b. Nov. 13, 1682. t Hannah, d.'of Thos. & Abigail, b. Mar. 7, 1682-83. 10 Samuel, s. of John & Mary, b Dec. 20, 1694, bp. Nov. 1, 1702. 46 John, s. of John & Mary (Stearns), b. June 1, 1696, bp. Nov. 1, 1702. 7 Benjamin, s. of Thos., Sr., & Abigail, b. Jul. 4, 1697. 10 Ebenezer, s. of John & Mary (Stearns), b. Jul. 24, 1700, bp, Nov. 1, 1702. Hannah, first born of John, Jr., bp. Nov., 1701. 10 Mary, d. of John & Mary (Stearns), b. Apr. 1, 1702, bp. Nov. 1, 1702. 17 Abagail, d. of Thos. & Sarah (Stone), b. June 2, 1703, l)p. June 6, 1703 Mary, d. of John, Jr., bp. Jul. 4, 1703. 10 Sarah, d. of John & Mary, b. Nov. 20, 1704, bp. Oct. 3, 1714. Timothy ( *^^"^ ^^ '^^^""' ^- "^ '^^^-^ ''!'• "^"^^ '^' ^^^^• 17 David, s.'of Thos. & Sarah (Stone), b. Aug. 26, 1705, bp. Sept. 9, 1705. James, s. of Thos , bp. Mar 17, 1706. 17 Ammity, d. of Thos. & Sarah (S.), b Dec. 19, 1707, bp. Jan. 11, 1708. Hezekiah, s. of John, Jr., bp. Apr. 20, 1707. Dinah, d of John, Jr , bp. Sept. 4, 1709. 17 Sarah, d. of Thos. & Sarah (Stone), b. Jan, 17, 1709-10, bp. Jan. 22, 1710. Jeremiah, bp. May 27, 1711. Abigail, d. of Jonathan & Abigail, bp. Nov. 4, 1711. Uriah, bp. Mar. 29, 1713. Jonathan, bp. May 23, 1714. 17 Mary, d. of Thos. & Sarah, b. Nov. 8, 1714, bp. Nov. 14. 11 James, s. of Jas. & Alice, b. Apr. 13, 1715, b]). Apr. 17. William, s. of Jas., bp. Apr. 7, 1717. 17 Hannah, d. of Thos. & Sarah (S.), b. May 13, 1717, bp. May 19. Beech, bp. Oct. 20, 1717. Thankful, bp. Mar. 22, 1719. 17 Thomas, s. of Thos. & Sarah (S.), b. Sept. 30, 1719, bp. Oct. 10. Millecent, d. of Thos., bp. Jul. 29, 1722. 20 Abagail, d. of Benj. & Mary, b. June 4, 1723, bp. June 20, 1724. 46 John, s. of John & Abigail (Stone), b. Jul. 7, 1724, bp. Oct. 4, 1724. 21 S '^"""' \ ^^^- "^ ^^"J- * ^^^^'^' ^- ®®P*- "^' ^^^^' ^'P- ^^P*' ^• 46 Isaac' s, of John & Abigail (Stone), b. Mar. 31, 1726, bp. Ajn- 10. 46 Robert, s. of John & Abigail (Stone), b. Apr. 30, 1728, bp. May 5. 37 Abigail, d. of David & Mary (Tidd), b. May 31, 1728, bp. June 2. Jonathan, bp. Jul. 14, 1728. 26 Hannah, d, of Benj. & Mary, b. Dec. 24, 1729, bp. Dec. 28. 46 Abijah, s. of John'& Abigail (Stone), b. Mar. 25, 1730. 37 David, s, of David & Mary (Tidd), b. Jul. 15, 1730, bp. Jul. 26. 1 Elizabeth, d. of Benj. & Mary, b. May 11, 1732. Elizabeth, bp. May 21, 1732. 46 Josiah, s, of John & Abigail (Stone), b. Aug. 9, 1732, bp. Aug. 13. 37 Joseph, s, of D.avid & Mary (Tidd), b. May 31, 173,i, bp. June 10. 2 Sarah, d. of Benj. & Mary, b. June 15, 1734, bp. June 23. LEXINGTON RECORD OF BIRTHS. 19 Cutler — Continued. 46 Thaddeus, s. of John & Abigail (Stone), b. Mar. 15, 1735, bp. Mar. 16. 37 Isaac, s. of David & Mary (Tidd), b. June 7, 1736, bp. June 27. 32 Lydia, d. of Benj. & Maiy, b. Aug. 31, 1736, bp. Sept. 5. 46 Joseph, s. of John & Abigail (Stone), b. Jul. 26, 1737, bp. Jul. 31. 37 Mary,d. of David & Mary (Tidd), b. Apr. 12, 1738, bp. Apr. 16. 34 Nathan, s. of Benj. & Mary, b. Aug. 18, 1738, bp. Aug. 20. 46 Joseph, s. of John & Abigail (Stone), b. Aug. 9, 1739, bp. Aug. 12. 38 Solomon, s. of David & Mary (Tidd), b. May 15, 1740, bp. June 1. 38 Thomas, s. of David & Mary (Tidd), b. May 9, 1742, bp. May 23. 42 Amos, s. of Thos., Jr., & Sarah, b. Sept. 28, 1742, bp. Oct. 3. 34 Benjamin, s. of John & Rachel, b. Jan. 27, 1743-44, bp. Feb. 5. 46 Samuel, s. of John & Abigail (Stone), b. Mar. 7, 1744, bp. INIay 20. 38 Elizabeth, d. of David & Mary (Tidd), b. Aug. 4, 1744, bp. Aug. 5. 46 Lydia, d. of Benj. & Mary, b. Feb. 26, 1745-46, bp. Mar. 2. Sarah, d. of Thos., Jr , bp. Apr. 7, 1745, Ebenezer, s. of Thos., bp. May 3, 1747. 38 Amity, d. of David & Mary (Tidd), b. Jul. 15, 1748, bp. Jul. 17. Bothiah, bp. Jul. 22, 1750. Isaac, bp. Sept. 16, 1750. Joseph, bp. May 17, 1752. Jonathan and his wf., r. Sept. 6, 1752. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan, bj). Oct. 22, 1752. Hitte Hastings, d. of Mary, bp. June, 1754. 62 Dolly, d. of Benj., Jr., & Elizabeth, b. May 13, 1759, bp. Aug. 5. 62 William, s of Benj., Jr., & Elizabeth, b. Feb. 10, 1761, bp. Feb. 15. 84 Amos, s. of Solomon & Kebckah Page, b. Sept. 20, 1762, bp. Apr. 14, 1765. 66 Betty, d. of Benj. & Elizebeth, b Jan. 16, 1763, bp. Mar. 20. 84 Rebekah, d. of Solomon & Rebekah Page, b. May 20, 1765, bp. May 26. 91 Isaac, s. of Thos. & Abigail (Reed), b. Aug. 9, 1765, bp. Aug. 11. Sarah, bp. Feb. 15, 1767. 84 Sarah, d. of Solomon & Rebekah Page, b. Oct. 7, 1768, bp. Oct. 18. Jonas, s. of Nath'l, bp. Oct 16, 1768. 91 Tliomas, s. of Thos. & Abigail (Reed), b. Mar. 18, 1769, bp. Apr. 2. . 84 Polly, d. of Solomon & Rebekah Page, b. Apr. 16, 1770, bp. Apr. 22. 91 Nabby, d of Thos. & Abigail (Reed), b. May 2, 1771, bj). May 5. 91 Nathaniel, s. of Thos & Abigail (R.), b. June 19, 1773, bp. June 20. 91 Molly, d. of Thos. & Abigail (R.), b. June 10, 1775, bp. Jul. 16. 91 John, s. of Thos. & Abigrdl (R.), b. May 10, 1777, bp May 11. 91 Alice, d. of Thos, & Abigail (R.), b. June 6, 1779, bp. June 20. 84 Jonas, s. of Solomon & Rebekah Page, b. Mar. 31, 1782, bp. Apr. 14. 91 Amos, s. of Thos. & Abigail (Reed), b. Mar. 31, 1782. 106 Amos, s. of Thos, & Elizabeth Harrington (wid. of Ebenezer White), b. Nov. 19, 1786, bp. Nov. 26. 118 Betsey, d. of Thos. & wid. Elizabeth W., b. Oct. 27, 1790 (?), bp.Nov. 1, 1789. 118 Leonard, s. of Thos. & wid. Elizabeth W., b. Apr. 27, 1791, bp. May 1. 126 Charles, s. of Thos. & Alice Niles, b. Feb. 1, 1795, bp. Apr. 1, 1798. 126 Nabby, d. of Thos. & Alice Niles, b. Aug. 27, 1796, bp. Apr. 1, 1798. Rebecca, bp. and r. Apr. 1, 1798. Rebecca, bp. Jul., 1798. (This may be a duplicate in the original P. R.) 144 Isaac, s. of Nath'l & Anna (Child), b. Mar. 30, 1800, bp. Jul. 19, 1812. 144 Thomas, s. of Nath'l & Anna (C), b. Nov. 15, 1801, bp Jul. 19, 1812. 144 Curtis, s. of Nath'l & Anna (C), b. Jan. 1, 1806, bp. Jul. 19, 1812. 169 Emily, d. of John (s. of Thos.) & Almira Flagg, b. Sept. 10, 1813. 144 Eliza Ann, d. of Nath'l & Anna (C), b, Oct. 14, 1813, bp. Dec. 12. 145 Frederick Parker, s. of Amos & Rachel (Flagg), b. Oct, 26, 1813, bp. Sept., 1832. 20 LEXINGTON EECOED OF BIRTHS. Cutler — Continued. 169 Alice, d. of John & Almiva F., b. Feb, 19, 1815. 145 Amos Elbridge, s. of Amos & Rachel (FLagg), b. Mar. 3, 1815, bp. Sept., 1830. 145 David Augustus, s. of Amos & Rachel (Flagg), b. Apr. 12, 1816, bp. Sept., 1832. 169 Cynthia, d. of John & Almira F., b. June 16, 1816. 169 John Reed, s. of John & Almira F., b. Sept. 20, 1819. 169 Hiram, s. of John & Almira F., b. Sept. 21, 1821. 169 Artemas, s. of John & Almira F., b. Nov. 12, 1823. 169 Marcellus, s. of Jolin & Almira F., b. Jul. 23, 1826. 169 George Martin, s. of John & Almira F., b. Oct. 27, 1828. Mrs. Rachel (Flagg), "j Maria Elizabeth, | Lucy Ann, )■ wf. and ch. of (Amos), bp. Sept., 1832. P^dvvard Warren, j Rebecca Jane, j Mrs. Sally, S. S. and S. P., bp, Nov. 5, 1837. j:ila A., d. of Leonard & Maria, May 20, 1843. Alfred C, s. of Leonard & Maria, Sept. 10, 1845. Clara, d. of Thos. & Sally, Jul. 5, 1846. Frances, d. of Leonard, Feb, 22, 1848. Cutter. Rachel, bp. Jul. 19, 1724. 27 Abigail, d. of John & Rachel, b. Aug. 15, 1735, bp. Aug. 24. 30 Benjamin, s. of John & Rachel, b. Apr. 29, 1738. 37 Elizabeth, d. of John & Rachel, b. May 24, 1741, bp. May 31. Cuttin. David and Elisabeth his d., bp. May 27, 1710, Thankful, bp. Sept. 23, 1716. Daly. Cornelius, s. of Edward & Mary, Oct. 29, 1852. Damon. 9 Margret, d of John & Mai-gret of Charlestown, b. Nov. 7, 1714, bp. Nov. 28. Susanna P., d. of Isaac N. & Lucy K., Sept. 28, 1843. Isaac Menton, bp. Jul. 7, 1844. Danforth. Isanna, bp. May 20, 1810. Davis. Agnes Adeline, d of Joseph, bp. Jul. 5, 1835. Mercy Caroline, d. of Philemon & Vesta G , Jan. 28, 1851. Emily Maria, d. of Philemon & Vesta G., Mar. 29, 1852. Franidin, s. of Paul C. & Miranda, June 18, 1852. Florence W., d. of John & Mary Ann, Oct. 16, 1852. Walter A, s. of Solomon A. & Augusta, June 11, 1853. Dill. Mary, bp. Oct. 27, 1706. Thomas, bp. Dec. 19, 1708. Ditson. John, s. of Thos., bp. Sept. 30, 1770. LEXINGTON RECORD OF BIRTHS. 21 Dix. Mary, bp Dec. 1, 1734. Anna, bp. Mar. 22, 1741. Dolan. John, s. of John, Apr. 11, 1849. Downing. 108 Polly, d. of Sam'l & Susanna Brown, b. Oct. 21, 1783, bp. Oct. 16, 1785. 108 Oliver, s. of Sam'I & Susanna B., b Mar. 10, 1785, bp. Oct. 16. 108 Samuel, s. of Saml & Susanna B., b. Oct 30, 1787 (?), bp. Nov. 5, 1786. 109 Susanna, d. of Sam'I & Susanna B., b. Nov. 20, 1788, bp. Nov. 23. 108 Sally, d. of Sam'I & Susanna Brown, b. Nov. 23, 1790, Ijp. Dec. 5. 109 Lewis, s. of Sam'I & Susanna B., b. June 23, 1792, bp. Jul. 109 William, s. of Sam'I & Susanna B., b. Sept. 16, 1796, bp. June 11, 1797. 157 Learned, s. of Sam'I & Lucy (Learned), b. Jan. 26, 1810, bp. Jul. 14, 1816. 157 Susan, d. of Sam'I & Lucy (L.), b. Sept. 25, 1811, bp Jul. 14, 1816. 157 William, s. of Sam'I & Lucy (L.), b. June 14, 1815, bp, Jul. 14, 1816. Lucy, wf. of Sam'I, bp. and r. Jul. 14, 1816. 157 Edward, s. of Sam'I & Lucy (L.), b. Nov. 29, 1820. 157 Lucy Ann, d. of Sam'I & Lucy (L.), b. May 18, 1827. 157 Theodore, s. of Sam'I & Lucy (L.), b. Sept. 14, 1832. Lydia, bp. Nov. 5, 1843. Draper. Jonas, s. of Wm, & Sarah, bp. Oct. 5, 1783. Dresser. 20 Jonathan, s. of Nath'l & Lydia Blodgett, b. Oct. 15, 1724, bp. Oct. 18. Dudley. 112 Sarah, d. of Nathan & Sarah Munroe,b. Oct. 16, 1786, bp. Jul. 4, 1790. 112 Nathan, s. of Nathan & Sarah Munroe, b. Apr. 3, 1789, bp. Jul. 4, 1790, 112 John, s. of Nathan & Sarah M., b. Nov, 18, 1790, bp. Nov. 21. 120 Polly, d. of Nathan & Sarah Munroe, b. Sept. 18, 1792. 120 Rebecca, d. of Nathan & Sarah M., b. Aug. 14, 1794, bp. Aug. 27. 120 Betsey, d. of Nathan & Sarah M., b. June 1, 1798, bp. June 3. 121 Rebekah, d. of Nathan & (Mrs.) Hannah (Lane), b. Dec. 31, 1808, bp. Jan. 1, 1809. 121 Nathan, s. of Nathan & (Mrs.) Hannah (Lane), b. Jul. 29, 1810, bp. Aug. 5. Dunkley, Dunklee. David, bp. Sept. 21, 1701. Elnathan, bp. Ajn-. 11, 1703. Jonathan, bp. Jan. 7, 1705. Hannah, bp. May 18, 1707. Hezekiah, bp. Nov. 21, 1708. Robert, bp. Apr. 9, 1710. 27 Hezekiah, first ch. of Hezekiah & Damaris Wilson, b. (Sept.) 15, 1735, bp. Sept. 21. 29 Nathaniel, s. of Hezekiah & Damaris W., b Feb. 23, 1736-37, bp, Feb. 27. 32 Damaris, d. of Hezekiah & Damaris Wilson, b. Mar. 13, 1738-39, bp. Mar. 18. 22 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF BIBTHS. Duntlen. Ruth, bp. Dec. 10, 1699. Dupee. Theodore D., s. of Elias & Mary Anna, Nov. 16, 1849. Morrell, s. of Elias & Mary Ann, Jan. 9, 1852. Durant. Hannah, bp. Oct. 6, 1745. Dutch. Mary, bp. and r. Aug. 1, 1742. Eayres. George Washington, bp. Nov. 19, 1775. Edes. 78 Mary, d. of Dan'l & Katharine, b. May 14, 1766, bp. June 29. Edgel. 32 John, s. of Wni. & Elizabeth, b. Oct, 7, 1729. Edwards. 16 Josiah, s. of John & Sarah, b. Feb. 27, 1717-18, bp. May 26. ■ 16 John, s. of John & Sarah, b. Apr. 24, 1718, bp. May 3, 1719. 16 Nathaniel, s. of John & Sarah, b. Jan. 29, 1720-21, bp. Feb. 5. Ellingwood. 165 Betsey, \vf. of Elhanum Blanchard, b. Oct. 12', 1787. Ellis. Sally, bp. Apr. 1, 1798. Mrs. Mary, bp. and r. Jul. 2, 1837. EUton. 46 Lucy, a ch. taken by John Cutler, b. Apr. 15, 1731, bj). Sept. 29, 1734. Emerson. Winslow VV., s. of Edward, Sept. 26, 1848. Ralph Waldo, s. of Edward & Sophronia, Oct. 15, 1850. Emmons. Benjamin, bp. June 21, 1724. Estabrook. 6 Joseph, s. of Joseph & Millicent Woodis, b Oct. 10, 1690. 6 John, s. of Josei)h & (Mrs.) Hannah Loring, b. Jul. 28, 1694. f Benjamin, s. of Rev. Benj. & Abigail, b. Dec. 13, 1695. t Richard, s. of Rev. Benj.'& Abigail, b. Jul. 5, 1697. 6 Soloman, s of Joseph & Hannah Loring, b. Dec. 22, 1696. 6 Hannah, d. of Joseph & Hannah L., b. Aug. 2, 1698. 6 Millicent, d. of Joseph & (Mrs.) Hannah L., b. Mar. 21, 1699-1700. Abigail, d of Dan'l, bp Sept. 27, 1702. 6 Elijah, s. of Joseph & (Mrs ) Hannah L., b Aug. 25, 1703. Daniel, bp. Jan. 21, 1705. Benjamin, s. of Dan'l, bp. May 16, 1708. Sauiuel, bp. Aug. 20, 1710. LEXINGTON BE CORD OF BIBTHS. 23 Estabrook — Continued. 6 Joseph, s. of Joseph & Submit Loring, b. June 27, 1714, bp. Jul. 4. 6 Joseph, s. of Joseph & Submit Loring, b. Mar. 16, 1717-18, bp. 21 Joseph, s. of Joseph, Jr., & Hannah IBovvman, b. Apr. 9, 1720, bp. Apr. 17. 21 Grace, d. of John & Prudence Harrington, b. Aug. 13, 1721, bp. Aug. 20. 21 Prudence, d. of John & Prudence H., b. Mar. 28, 1725, bp. May 2. 21 Hannah, d. of Joseph, Jr , & Hannah B., b. Sept. 2, 1725, bp. Sept. 26. 25 Milliceut, d. of John & Prudence H., b. Jul. 11, 1727, bp. Jul. 16. 25 Benjamin, s. of Joseph & Hannah B., b. Oct. 9, 1727, bp. Oct. 15. 25 John, s. of John & Prudence H., b. Oct. 20, 1729, bp. Oct. 26. 25 Benjamin, s. of Joseph & Hannah B., b. Dec. 20, 1729, bp. Dec. 21. Deborah, bp. May 23, 1731. 3 Hannah, d. of Joseph & Hannah B., b. Oct. 6, 1731, bp. Oct. 10, 1731. 4 Abagail, d. of John, Sr., & Prudence H., b. Mar. 14, 1731-32, bp. Mar. 19. Mary, d. of Elijah, bp. Oct 22, 1732. 32 Solomon, s. of Joseph & Hannah B., b. June 10, 1733, bp. June 10. 31 Elizabeth, d. of John & Prudence H., b. Nov. 21, 1734, bp. Nov. 24. 32 Samuel, s. of Joseph & Hannah B., b. June 16, 1735, bp. June 22. 32 Millicent, d. of Joseph & Hannah B., b. Jul. 25, 1735, bp. Jul. 30. 31 Nehemiah, s. of John & Prudence, b Mar. 2, 1737, bp. Mar. 6. 31 Anna, d. of John & Prudence H., b. Feb. 11, 1738-39, bp. Feb. 18. 41 Ebenezer, s. of Dea. Joseph & Hannah B., b. Sept. 21, 1740, bp. Sept. 28. 59 Joseph, s of Benj. & Hannah (Hubbard), b. Alar. 4, 1758, bp. Mar. 5. 65 Hannah, d. of Benj & Hannah (Hubbard), b. Jan. 20, 1760, bp. Jan. 27. Molly, d. of Ebenezer & Ruth, bp. June 8, 1760. 62 Samuel, s. of Nehemiah & Elisabeth Winship, b. Aug. 31, 1760, bp. Sept. 7. 64 Nehemiah, s. of Nehemiah & Elizabeth Winship, b. May 3, 1762, bp. May 30. 65 Benjamin, s. of Benj. & Hannah (Hubbard), b. May 23, 1762, bp. May 30. 69 Bettie, d. of Nehemiah & Elizabeth Winship, b. Apr. 9, 1764, bp. Apr. 15. 65 Samuel, s. of Benj. & Hannah (Hubbard), b. Nov. 15, 1764, bp. Nov. 18. Lydia, d. of Nehemiah, bp. June 1, 1766. 65 Martha, d. of Benj. & Hannah (Hubbard), b. June 22, 1767 (?), ])p. June 14,1767. ' Eliakim, s. of Nehemiah, bp. Jul. 10, 1768. 65 Attai, s. of Benj. & Hannah (H.), b. Nov. 2, 1769, bp. Nov. 12. Grace, d. of Nehemiah, bp. May 27, 1770. Nathan, s. of Benj., bp. May 10, 1772. Eliakim, s. of Nehemiah, bp. Oct. 18, 1772. Solomon, s. of Benj., bp. Dec. 18, 1774. John, s. of Nehemiah, bp. May 7, 1775. Joseph, s. of Nehemiah, bp. Feb. 23, 1777. Milliscent, d of Benj , bp. June 8, 1777. George William, s. of Wm. & Lydia, Feb. 5, 1846. Ellen Augusta, d of Luke & Lydia, Aug. 9, 1847. William H., s. of Wm. & Lydia, Mar. 29, 1850. George, s. of Wm. & Lydia, Feb. 21, 1852. Evans. Thomas S., s. of Jeremiah B., Mar. 14, 1844. Fairfield. Nathaniel, bp. Feb. 28, 1731. Lucy, bp. Mar. 3, 1734. 24 LEXINGTON BEGOBD OF BIBTHS. Fairfield — Continued. Rebekah, bp. Aug. 4, 1734. Walter, bp Jan. 18, 1736. 31 Judeth, d. of Stephen & Hannah, b. May 30, 1736, bp. May 30. Moses, s. of Dan'l, bp. Jan. 15, 1738. 32 Rebeckah, d. of Stephen & Hannah, b. Dec. 26, 1738, bp. Dec. 31. Mary, bp. Nov. 9, 1740. Parley. 9 John, s. of John & Mary, b. Oct. 31, 1714, bp. Jul. 15, 1715. 64 Hannah, d. of Benj. & Joanna, b. Jan. 31, 1757. 64 Sarah, d. of Benj. & Joanna, b. Sept. 28, 1761. Parmer. 60 John, s. of Nath'l & Hannah (Fessenden), b. Jul. 18, 1757, bp Jnl. 24. 60 Hannah, d. of Nath'l & Hannah (F.), b. Jan. 28, 1760. 65 Isaac, s. of Nath'l & Hannah (F.), b. Oct. 8, 1762, bp. Oct. 10. 71 Ruth, d. of Nath'l & Hannah (F.). b. Aug. 15, 1765, bp. Aug. 18. 85 Abigail, d. of Nath'l & Hannah (F.), b Nov. 1, 1768, bp. Nov. 6. 85 Sally, } ch. of Nath'l & Hannah (Fessenden), b. Dec. 19, 1771, bp. 85 Rebekah, \ Dec. 29. Thomas Shattuck, s. of Nath'l, bp. Sept. 10, 1775. 86 Isaac, s. of Nath'l & Hannah (F.), b. Dec. 31, 1779 (?), bp. June 27, 1779. Parns worth. 178 Mary Chandler, d. of Luther & Mary, b. Oct. 15, 1832. 178 Rebecca S., d. of Luther & Mary, b. Oct. 30, 1833. 178 p]mily M., d. of Luther & Mary, b. Aug. 9, 1835. Parrer. Mary Louise, d. of Jas. & Mary M., Nov. 8, 1847. Passett. 16 Joseph, s. of Jcseph & Mary, b. Dec. 6, 1701, bp. Mar. 22, 1702. Elisabeth, d of Benj., bp. Mar. 13, 1715. 13 J:iisabeth, d. of Robert & Susanna, b Oct. 26, 1718. 25 Joseph, s. of Joseph & Amity, b. Jan. 18, 1727-28. 25 Mary, d. of Joseph & Amity, b. Aug. 18, 1728, bp. Aug. 25. 25 Joseph, s. of Joseph & Amity, b. Mar. 21, 1730, bp. Mar. 29. 1 Amity, d. of Joseph & Amity, b. Feb 1, 1732, bp. Feb. 13. 28 Mary, d. of Joseph, Jr., & Ammitta, b. May 9, 1736, bp. May 16. 35 John, s. of Joseph, Jr., & Amitee, b. Dec. 7, 1739, bp. Dec. 9. 25 Jonathan, s. of Joseph, Jr., & Amitie. b. Mar. 15, 1741-42, bp. Mar. 28. 45 Sarah, d. of Joseph, Jr., & Amittai, b. Jan. 13, 1744, bp. Jan. 22. 62 Joseph, s. of Joseph & Dorothy (Pollard), b. Apr. 10, 1757. 62 Galley, ch. of Joseph & Dorothy (P.), b. June 21, 1758. Pessenden. % John and Jane his wf., in Church of Christ, Camb., 1658. t Jane, d. of Nicholas & Margaret, b. Oct. 25, 1674. t Hannah, d. of Nicholas & Margaret, b. Jul. 27, 1676. t John, s. of Nicholas & Margaret, b. Oct. 4, 1677. t Nicholas, s. of Nicholas & Margaret, b. Feb. 12, 1680. t Tliomas, s. of Nicholas & Margaret, b. Feb. 4, d. Feb. 28, 1682. t Thomas, s. of Nicholas & Margaret, b. Jul. 12, 1684. t Maro-aret, d. of Nicholas & Margaret, b. Jan. 22, 1686-87. t Jane, d. of Nitsliolas & Margaret, b. Apr. 22, 1688. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF BIBTHS. 25 Pessenden — Continued. t Mary, d. of Nicholas & Margaret, b. Oct. 28, 1689 X Joseph, s of Nicholas & Mai-garet, bp. Jan. 17, 1696-97. X Anna, d. of Nicholas, bp. Jan. 9, 1697-98. X Benjamin, s. of Nicholas, bp. June 19, 1701. t John, s. of John & Sarah, b. Oct 21, 1704, bp. Oct. 22. t Sarah, d. of John & Sarah, b. Jul. 17, 1706, bp. Jul. 21. t Elizabeth, d. of Nicholas, Jr., & Sarah, b. May 19, 1707, bp. May 25. X Jonathan, s. of John, bp. Jul. 24, 1709. t Sarah, d. of Nicholas & Sarah, b. Oct. 23, 1708, bp. Oct. 24. t Nicholas, s. of Nicholas & Sarah, b. Jul. 8, 1710, bp. Jul. 9. X Anne, d. of Nicholas & Sarah, bp. May 11, 1712. t Mary, d. of Nicholas & Sarah, b. May 19, 1714. 3 Thomas, s. of Thos. & Abigail (Poulter), b. Dec. 9, 1709, bp. Dec. 31. 3 Samuel, s of Thos. & Abigail (P.), b. Aug. 11, 1711, bp. Aug. 19. 3 Abagail, d. of Thos. & Abigail (P.), b. Jul. 13, 1713, bp. Jul". 19. 3 Mary, d. of Thos. & Abigail (P.), b. Jan. 17, 1716, bp. Jan 22. t Ruth, d. of Wm & Martha, b. June 28, 1717. t William, s. of Wm. & Martha, b. Dec. 7, 1718. 3 Elizabeth, d. of Thos. & Abigail Locke, b. Mar. 18, 1721, bp. Apr. 9. 3 Jonathan, s. of Thos. & Abagail L., b. Apr. 28, 1723, bp. May 5. 3 Hannah, d. of Thos. & Abagail Lock, b. June 18, 1725, bp. June 13. 3 Hannah, d. of Thos. & Abagail Lock, b. Jan. 19, 1726, bp. Jan. 26. 3 John, s. of Thos. & Abagail Lock, b. Apr. 27, 1729, bp. May 4. " 3 Timothy, s. of Thos. & Abagail Lock, b. May 6, 1731, bp. May 9. 2 Benjamin, s. of Thos. & Abigail L., b. Jan. 9, 1733-34, bp. Jan. 13, 1734. 28 Submit, d. of Thos. & Abigail L., b. May 28, 1736, bp May 30. 50i Hannah, d. of Thos. & Hannah Prentice, b. Aug. 9, 1736, bp. Nov. 6, 1737. 50i Abigail, d. of Thos. & Hannah Prentice, b. Sept. 7, 1738, bp. Sept. 17. 60i Elizabeth, d. of Sam'l & Elizabeth Allen, b. May 6, 1741, bp. May 10. 50d Thomas, s. of Thos. & Hannah P., b. Jul. 10, 1741, bp. Jul. 12. 50d Amity, d. of Sam'l & Elizabeth Allen, b. June 15, 1743, bp. Jul. 19. 50i Aaron, s of Thos. &, Hannah P., b. Dec. 30, 1744, bp. Jan. 1. 50^ Nathaniel, s. of Thos. & Hannah P., b. June 7, 1746, bp. June 8. 50^ Abigail, d. of Sam'l & Elizabeth Allen, b. Jul. 30, 1747. 71 Nathan, s. of Thos. & Hannah Prentice, b. Apr. 10, 1749, bp. Apr. 23. Samuel, bp. Aug. 6, 1749. 71 Sarah, d. of Thos. & Hannah P., b. Aug. 9, 1753, bp. Aug. 12. 64 Timothy, s. of Timothy & Elizabeth (Pierce), b. May 23, 1754. Isaac, s. of Thos., bp. Oct. 23, 1757. 79 Nelly, d. of Thos. & Mrs. Elisabeth Apthorp, b. Jul. 11, 1769. 94 Thomas, s. of Thos. & Mrs. Elizabeth Apthorp, b. Jan. 5, 1772. 83 Nathan, s. of Nathan & Sarah Winship, b. Apr. 25, 1772, bp. Oct. 9, 1774. Isaac, s. of Nathan, bp. June 26, 1774. ElSinoi-: \ ^^^- «*■ Thos., bp. Aug. 4, 1776. 123 Isaac, s.'of Nathan & Sarah Winship, b. Apr. 12, 1776, bp. Apr. 14. 94 Lucy, d. of Thos. & Lucy (Lee), b. Apr. 2, 1777, bp. Apr. 6. 123 Jonathan, s. of Nathan & Sarah Winship, b. May 18, 1779, bp. May 23, 99 William, s. of Lt. Thos. & Lucy (Lee), b. June 13, 1779, bp. June 20. 123 Lydia, d. of Nathan & Sarah W., b. May 28, 1782, bp. June 2. 99 Lucy Lee, d. of Lt. Thos. & Lucy (Lee), b. Sept. 16, 1782, bp. Sept. 22. 123 John, s. of Nathan & Sarah W., b. Dec. 25, 1784, bp. Jan. 9, 1785. Levi, s. of Nathan, bp. June 17, 1787. 108 Betsey Apthorp, d. of Thos. & Lucy (L.), b. Sept. 8, 1787, bp. Sept. 9. 123 Sally, d. of Nathan & Sarah W., b. Oct. 13, 1788, bp. Oct. 19. 123 Nathaniel, s. of Nathan & Sarah W., b. Jan. 6, 1791, bp. Jan. 23. 26 LEXINGTON BE COED OF BIRTHS. Fessenden — Continued. 129 John, s of Thos. & Lucy (L.), b. Mar. 13, 1794, bp. Mar. 16. Ruth^^Teer^^*^^' ( ^^'- ^^ ^^*^ '^^^^^'^ & Elisabeth, bp. Sept. 24, 1797. 145 Elizabeth, d. of Nathan & Jane (Goodrich), b. May 20, 1802, bp. Oct. 31. 145 Caroline, ^ eh. of Nathan & Jane (Goodrich), b. May 4, 1804, bp. 145 Maria, S May 13. 145 Harriet, d. of Nathan & Jane (Goodrich), b. Sept. 8, 1806, bp. Apr. 26, 1807. 145 Nathan, s. of Nathan & Jane (G.), b. June 15, 1808, bp. Jul. 24. 145 Albert Franklin, s. of Nathan & Jane (Goodrich), b. Aug. 23, 1810, bp. Nov. 18. 145 Charles, s. of Nathan & Jane (G.), b. Nov. 5, 1812, bp. Jan, 17, 1813. 145 Levi Goodrich, s. of Nathan & Jane (G.),b. Oct. 30, 1814, bp. Jul. 23, 1815. 145 Hannah, d. of Nathan & Jane (G.), b. June 2, 1817, bp. Jul. 20, 1820. 145 Jane, d. of Nathan & Jane (G.), b. Mar. 30, 1820, bp. Jul. 20. Fillebrown. Caroline, d. of Darius & Elizabeth, Aug. 23, 1843. Fisher. 176 Joseph Fiske, s. of Richard & Elizabeth, b. Aug. 6, 1820. 176 Elizabeth Fiske, d. of Richard & Elizabeth, b. Feb. 18, 1822. 176 Jixlia Mai-ia, ) j ^ Richard & Elizabeth, b. Nov. 13, 1823. 176 Rosanna Clark, ^ ' 176 William Frederick, s. of Richard & Elizabeth, b. Feb. 14, 1825. 176 Margaret Morton, d. of Richard & Elizabeth, b. Apr. 20, 1827. 176 James Morton, s. of Richard & Elizabeth, b Sept. 19, 1829. 176 Angelina Adelia, d. of Richard & Elizabeth, b. Nov. 25, 1831. Fiske, f Lydia, d. of David & Lydia (Cooper), b. Apr. 29, 1647. f David, s. of David & Lydia (Cooper), b. Sept. 1, 1648. t David, s. of David & Lydia (C), b. Apr. 15, 1650. t Ephraim, s. of David & Lydia (C), b. Aug. 13, 1653. i Sai-ah^^^^^' \ ^^^- °^ ^''^^^^^ ^ Seaborn (2d wf.), both bp. before 1658. X Hannah, d. of David & Seaborn (2d wf.), bp. Mar. 27, 1659. t Abigail, d. of David & Seaborn Wilson, b. Feb. 1, 1674-75. t David, s. of David & Sarah, b. Jan. 5, 1676-77. t Anna, d. of David & Dorcas, b Apr. 2, 1683. 39 Robert, s. of David & Sarah, b. Mar. 8, 1689. Abigail, d. of Jonathan, bp. Jul. 23, 1704. Jonathan, bp. June 9, 1706. Kezia, bp. Aug. 15, 1708. Lydia, bp. Apr. 16, 1710. Mai-y, bp. Jan. 30, 1712. 15 Mary, d. of Robert & Mary (Stimpson), b. Feb. 8, 1718-19, bp. Feb. 15. 16 Mary, d. of Robert & Mary (Stimpson), b. Mar. 16, 1719-20, bp. Mar. 27. 40 Robert, s. of Robert & Mary (Stimpson), b. Jan. 12, 1721-22, bp. Jan 21. 20 Sarah, d. of Ebenezer & Bethia Muzzy, b. Sept. 26, 1723, bp. Nov. 24. 26 Lydia, d. of Robert & Mary (Stimpson), b. June 23, 1724, bp. Jul. 5. 22 Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer & Bethiah Muzzy, b. Mar. 5, 1725-26, bp. Mar., 1726. LEXINGTON BE COED OF BIBTHS. 27 Fiske — Continued. 26 Joseph, s. of Robert & Mary (Stimpson),b. Oct. 13, 1726, bp. Oct. 23. 40 Ruth, d. of Robert & Mary (S.), b. Mar. 26, 1729, bp. Mar. 30. Bethiah, bp. Aug. 3, 1729. 26 Ruth, d. of Robert & Mary (Stimpsou), b. Nov. 25, 1729. 4 Elisabeth, d. of Ebeiiezer & Bethiah (Muzzy), b. May 7, 1731, bp. May 9 40 John, s. of Robert & Mary (S.), b. Nor. 8, 1731, bp. Nov. 28. 27 Jane, d. of Ebenezer «& Bethiah (M.), b. Mar. 21, 1733, bp. Mar. 25. 40 Jonathan, s. of Robert & Mary (S.), b. May 20, 1734, bp. May 26. 27 Annah, d. of Ebenezer & Bethiah. (M.), b. Jul. 30, 1735, bp. Aug. 3. 40 David, s. of Robert & Mary (S.), b. Mar. 8, 1737, bp. Mar. 13. 29 Benjamin, s. of Ebenezer & Bethiah (M.), b. Mar. 24, 1737. Benjamin, s. of Ebenezer, bp. Mar. 27, 1737. 33 Samuel, s. of Ebenezer & Bethia (M.), b. Oct. 15, 1739, bp. Oct. 21. 39 Benjamin, s, of Ebenezer & Bethiah (Muzzy), b. Aug. 10, 1742, bp. Aug. 15. 46 Ruth, d. of Robert, Jr., & the wid. Abigail Grover, b. Apr. 10, 1746. 60 Joseph, s. of .Joseph & Hephzibiih Raymond, b. Dec. 25, 1752, bp. Jan. 7, 1753. 60 Ruth, d. of Joseph & Hephzibah Raymond, b. Apr. 20, 1758, bp. Apr. 24. 63 David, s. of David & Elizabeth Blodget, b. Nov. 23, 1760. 60 Hephzibah, d. of Joseph & Hephzibah R., b. June 22, 1765, bp. June 23. 85 Ruth, d. of Robert & Elizabeth Blodget, b. Oct. 30, 1765. 100 Benjamin, s. of Benj. & Rebekah (Howe), b. Aug. 20, 1778, bp. June 1, 1783. 100 Elisabeth, d. of Benj. & Rebekah (Howe), b. Apr. 7, 1783, bp. June 1. 153 Elizabeth, d. of Joseph, Jr., & Elizabeth Stone, b. June 15, 1795. 153 Joseph, s. of Jo.seph, Ji-., & Elizabeth Stone, b. Feb. 9, 1797. 131 John Minot, s. of Benj. & (Elizabeth Bridge (?)), b. Jul. 15, 1798. 153 Jonas Stone, s. of Joseph, Jr., & Elizabeth Stone, b. Mar. 9, 1799. 153 Sarah Ann, d. of Joseph, Jr., & Elizabeth Stone, b. May 18, 1802. Samuel, " of the household of John Chandler, Jr.," bp. May 29, 1803. 153 Franklin, s. of Joseph, Jr., & Elizabeth Stone, b. Oct. 16, 1804. 153 Almira, d. of Joseph, Jr., & Elizabeth Stone, b. June 24, 1808. 171 Mary Elizabeth, d. of Jonas Stone, (s. of Dr. Joseph) & [Pamela Brown], b. Jan. 2, 1824, bp. Sept 13, 1829. 171 James Francis, s. of Jonas Stone, (s. of Dr. Joseph) & [Pamela Brown], b. Dec. 31, 1825, bp. Sept. 13, 1829. 171 Joseph Alexander, s. of Joseph, Jr. (s. of Dr. Joseph) & [Mary Gard- ner Kennard of Eliot, Me.], b. Mar. 8, 1830. 171 Timothy Kennard, s. of Joseph, Jr. (s. of Dr. Joseph) & [Mary Gardner Kennard of Eliot, Me.], b. Aug. 5, 1831. Joseph H., s. of Franklin & Hannah, Sept. 8, 1843. Olive O., d. of Benj., Apr. 3, 1845, d Apr 5. Augusta Maria, d. of Chas. & Abigail M., Jan. 20, 1846. Emma Isadore, d. of Jaines F. & Lydia, Sept. 18, 1848. Abby M., d. of Chas., Nov. 18, 1848. Fitzgerald. Jamel^lfenr \ ^^^^"^ °* Stephen & Sarah, Dec. 3, 1849. Bridget, d. of' Michael & Mary, Jan. 31, 1853. Anna, d. of Michael & Hannah, Oct. 26, 1853. Pitzpatrick. Margaret M., d. of Patrick & Ellen, Aug. 10, 1851. 28 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF BIETRS. Flint. Wallace, s. of Nathan E. & Hannah, Oct. 16, 1850. Forbes. William W., s. of Wm. & Mary, Dec. 31, 1843, Fosdiek. James, s. of John, bp. May 4, 1735. William, s. of John, bp. Oct. 7, 1739. Foskitt. Elisabeth, bp. Nov. 2, 1718. Susanna, bp. Aug. 29, 1736. Foster. , s. of Edward & Sarah, Sept. 29, 1844, d. Jan., 1845. Emma Isabel, d. of Edward & Almira, Feb. 2, 1846. Fowle. Jonathan, bp. Sept. 18, 1726. Francis. 109 Richard, s. of Richard & Elizabeth, b. Apr. 11, 1788. Ill Betsey, d. of Mr. Richard & Elizabeth, b. Jan. 5, 1790. Franklin. Mary, bp. Apr. 21, 1734. Frazer. Joseph, s. of Geo. & Mary C, Aug. 1, 1850. Fuller. Rebekah, d. of Silas, bp. Nov. 10, 1771. Betty, d. of Silas, bp. Apr. 21, 1776. Gammell. Emily, d. of John & Martha A., Mar. 13, 1846. Lucy Ann, d. of Eben, Oct. 19, 1846. Eldora E., d. of Eben & Elvira, Dec. 19, 1848. Edwin H., s. of Eben & Mary Ann, Sept. 17, 1851. Howard A., s. of Eben & Mary Ann, Dec. 19, 1852. Garmon. Caroline Matilda, d. of Joseph & Lydia, Jul. 24, 1845. , d. of Joseph, Jan. 7, 1847. Harriet, d. of Joseph & Lydia, Feb. 28, 1850. , d. of Joseph & Lydi.a, Nov. 11, 1851. , s. of Nath'l & Ann Maria, Aug. 19, 1852. Aaron W., s. of Aaron Y. & Roxanna, Aug. 25, 1852. William W., s. of Aaron Y. & Roxana, Apr. 17, 1853. Gerry. Sarah E., d. of Hollis, Mar. 28, 1849. Gilman. Mary Ann, d. of Franklin & Johanna, Aug. 6, 1850. Joan, d. of Frank & Joan, Nov. 5, 1852. LEXINGTON BE COED OF BIRTHS. 29 Gleason, Ruth, d. of Jonas, bp. Sept. 20, 1772. Harriet, d. of Wm., May 7, 1843. Clara Pamelia, d. of Wm. & Charlotte, Dec. 18, 1847. Gliddon. Charles E., s. of John & Mehitable, May 12, 1851. Godding. Samuel, s. of Henry, bp. Apr. 6, 1761. Goodwin. 8 Margaret, d. of Philip & Elizabeth, b. Jan. 25, 1700, bp. Jan. 8 Abigail, d. of Philip & Elizabeth, b. June 28, 1707. 8 John, s. of Philip & Elizabeth, b. Oct. 28, 1710, bp. Oct. 29. Gossom. Lewis H., s. of Elijah & Sarah E., May 23, 1843. Gould. Albert, s. of Jeremiah P. & Almira R , Apr. 18, 1861. Mary E., d. of Jeremiah P. & Almira, Oct. 5. 1853. Graham. Martha A., d. of Hugh & Hepzibah, Oct. 6, 1845. Graves. Mary, d. of Phillip, Aug. 27, 1848. Green. Elisabeth, bp. Dec. 19, 1714. 34 Esther, d. of Sam'l & Esther, b. Sept. 16, 1716. 34 Phebe, d. of Sam'l & Esther, b. Apr. 22, 1721, bp. Apr. 23. 34 Samuel, s. of Sam'l & Esther, b. Aug. 17, 1723, bp. Aug. 25. 34 Elizabeth, d. of Sam'l & Esther, b. Jan. 22, 1726-27, bp. Jan. 29. 34 Benjamin, s. of Sam'l & Esther, b. Dec. 2, 1732, bp. Dec. 10. Samuel, bp. Aug. 16, 1752. ChrisCfefAlbert. \ '^P' J"- ^9, 1880. Thomas*''^'— "^ch. of Capt. Nath'l & Abby S., of E. Greenwich, Charles *r-'o=oxr "^ch. of Capt. Nath'l & Abby S., CoS,5 ^•I->M>. May, 1831. Greenleaf. 182 William, s. of Thos. & Phebe (Reed), b. Oct. 25, 1825, bp. Jan. 15, 1826. 182 Thomas Reed, s. of Thos. & Phebe (Reed), b. Dec. 17, 1826, bp. Feb. 17, 1827. 182 Mary, d. of Thos. & Phebe (Reed), b. Sept. 10, 1830, bp. Nov. 30. Gregg. Mary, bp. Apr. 7, 1723. Hannah, bp. Jul. 11, 1725. John, bp. Apr. 14, 1728. Grimes. Jonathan, bp. June 28, 1718. Joseph, bp. Jul. 81, 1716. 30 LEXINGTON BE COED OF BIBTHS. Grimes — Continued. Mary, bp. Aug. 26, 1716. Elisabeth, bp. June 30, 1717. Ruth, bp. Aug. 23, 1719. 47 William, s. of Wm. & Bethiah, b. Sept. 19, 1744, bp. Sept. 23, mother bp. Sept. 2. 47 Joseph, s. of Wm. & Bethiah, b. Oct. 22, 1746, bp. Oct. 26. John, bp. Dec. 25, 1748 65 Mary, d. of Wm. & Bethiah, b. Jul. 27, 1751, bp. Jul. 28. 55 Sarah, d. of Wm. & Bethiah, b Jul. 18, 1753, bp. Oct. 14. 78 William, s. of Wm., Jr , & Abigail Reed, b. May 22, 1768, bp. May 29. 85 Nabby, d. of Wm., Jr , & Abigail Reed, b. June 22, 1770, bp. June 24. 85 Nathan, s of Wm., Jr., & Abigail R., b. Dec. 16, 1772, bp. Dec. 20. Grover. 125 Naum, s. of Autipas & Sarah Pierce, b. Jan. 1, 1795. Julia Ann, d. of Wm. & Maria, Aug. 26, 1843. Alice Jane, d. of Wm. & Maria, Feb. 19, 1846. Hadley, Hadly. 39 Elizabeth, d. of Thos. & Ruth Lawrence, b. May 11, 1742, bp. Jul. 11. 48 Thomas, s. of Thos. & Ruth L., b. Jul. 3, 1744, bp. Jul. 8. 48 Samuel, s. of Thos. & Ruth L., b. Jul. 9, 1746, bp. Jul. 13. 52 Ruth, d. of Thos. & Ruth L., b. Mar. 12, 1749, bp. Mar. 19. 49 Ebenezer, s. of Thos. & Ruth L., b. May 6, 1751, bp. May 19. 60 Thomas, s. of Thos. & Ruth Lawrence, b. Jul. 8, 1754, bp. Aug. 11. 60 Benjamin, s. of Thos. & Ruth L., b. Jul. 25, 1756, bp. Aug. 1. 60 Ruth, d. of Thos. & Ruth Lawrence, b. June 1, 1759, bp. June 10. 64 Simon, s. of Thos. & Ruth Lawrence, b. Jul 26, 1761, bp. Aug. 2. 73 Sarah, d. of Thos. & Ruth Lawrence, b. Nov. 26, 1764, bp. Dec. 2. 85 Mary, d. of Thos. & Ruth Lawrence, b. Mar. 20, 1767, bp. Apr. 5. 85 John, s. of Thos. & Ruth Lawrence, b. Aug. 6, 1770, bp. Aug. 13. Lucy, d. of Sani'l, bp Apr. 26, 1772. Betty, d. of SamM, bp. May 24, 1772. Samuel, s. of Sam'l, bp. May 8, 1774. Amity, ") Alice, Sch. of Thos. & Alice, bp Sept. 13, 1778. Galley,) 106 Betsey, d. of Simon & Betty (Locke), b. Apr. 11, 1784. 156 Samuel, s. of Benj. & Lucy (Dean), b. xMar. 30, 1785. 170 Charles Edward, s. of Edward & Lucy Ann, b. June 22, 1826. Mary E., d. of Jonas & Mary Ann, Jan. 6, 1850. Charles S., s. of Sewell T. & Millicent A. D., Sept. 22, 1850. Gilbert P., s. of Benj. & Mercy Ann, Jan. 16, 1853. Avery T., s. of Sewell T. & Millicent A. D , May 25, 1853. Hall. Mary, bp. Jul. 21, 1706. Stephen, bp. Apr. 3, 1709. Hancock. t Mary, d. of Nath'l & Jane, b. Sept., 1634. t Sarah, d. of Nath'l & Jane, b. Mar., 1636. t Nathaniel, s. of Nath'l & Jane, b. Dec. 18, 1639. t John, s. of Nath'l & Jane, b. 8, 164-, and d. Apr. 2, 1643. t Elisabeth, d. of Nath'l & Jane, b. Mar. 1, 1644. t Lydia, d. of Nath'l & Jane, b. Apr. 5, 1646. t Nathaniel, s of Nath'l, Jr., & Mary, b. Feb. 23, 1664. t Mary, d. of Nath'l, Jr., & Mary, b. May 6, 1666. A LEXINGTON BE COED OF BIRTHS. 31 Hancock — Continued. t Sarah, d. of Nathl, Jr., & Mary, b. Aug. 23, 1667. t Nathaniel, s. of Nath'l, Jr., & Mary, b. Oct. 29, 1668. t Abigail, d. of Nath'l, Jr., & Mary, b. Dec. 20, 1669. t Samuel, s. of Nath'l, Jr., & Mary, b. Jan. 2, 1672. t Abigail, d. of Nath'l, Jr., & Mary, b. Aug. 23, 1675. t Elizabeth, d. of Nath'l, Jr., & Mary, b. Aug. 26, 1677. t Ebenezer, s. of Nath'l, Jr., & Mary, b. Mar. 10, 1680-81. t Joseph, s. of Nath'l, Jr., & Mary, b. Apr. 28, 1683. X Prudence, d. of Nath'l, Jr., bp. Dec. 27, 1696. X Martha, d. of Nath'l, Jr., bp. Feb. 25, 1696-97. X Dorothy, adult, bp. Jan. 17, 1696. X Dorothy, d. of Sam'l, bp. Mar. 21, 1696-97. X Tabitha, d of Nath'l, bp. Apr. 23, 1699. John, s. of Sam'l, bp. Sept. 10, 1699. t Nathaniel, s. of Nath'l, 2d, & Prudence, b. Jan. U, 1701, bp. Jan. 18. t Elizabeth, d. of Nath'l, 2d, & Prudence, b. Nov. 16, 1704. t Belcher, s. of Nath'l, 2d, & Prudence, b. Apr. 24, 1709, bp. Apr. 30. Mary, d. of Sam'l, bp. Apr. 19, 1702. 9 John, .s. of Mr. John & Elizabeth (Clark), b. June 1, 1702, bp. Jan. 7, 1702. 9 Thomas, s. of Mr. John & Elizabeth (Clark), b. Jul. 13, 1703, bp. Jul. 18, 1703. X Ebenezei', s. of Ebenezer & Susanna, bp. Sept. 10, 1704. Solomon, bp. June 18, 1704. 9 Elizabeth, d of Mr. John & Elizabeth (C), b. Feb. 5, 1704-05, bp. Feb. 5, 1704-05. Samuel, bp. Jul. 21, 1706. t Solomon, s. of Nath'l & Prudence, b. , 1706, bp. Nov. 10, 1706. { Susanna, d. of Ebenezer & Susanna, bp. Jul. 6, 1707. X Daniel, s. of Dan'l, bp. Jan., 1708-09. Hannah, d. of Sam'l, bp. Feb. 27, 1709. 9 Ebenezer, s. of Mr. John & Elizabeth (C), b. Dec. 9, 1710, bp. Dec. 10. Sarah, bp. Feb. 17, 1712. 9 Lucy, d. of Mr. John & Elizabeth (C), b. Apr. 20, 1713, bp. Apr. 26. Nathan, bp. Jul. 17, 1715. 15 Nathan, s. of Sam'l & Dorothy, b. Jul. 12, 1716. f Nathaniel, s. of Solomon & Mary, b. Aug. 1, 1731. Hanscom. Alvin, s. of John & Jane, Feb. 12, 1845. John, s. of John & Jane J., June 23, 1847. Harriet P., d. of Jonas, May 14, 1848. Sarah Jane, d. of John R. & Jane, Mar. 31, 1850. Hanson. , d. of Ivory & Emily, Dec. 5, 1845. Hardy. Dexter, s. of Lowell J. & Matilda C, Mar. 19, 1846, , d. of Lowell J., Feb. 22, 1849. Harper. Elisabeth, bp. Nov. 1, 1730. Harrigan. John, s. of Edward & Mary, Dec. 23, 1851. Jane, d. of Edward & Mary, June 16, 1853. 32 LEXINGTON EECOBD OF BIBTHS. Harrington. Elizabeth, d. of John & Elizabeth, b. Feb. 20, 1705-06, bp. Mar. 3. Richard, s. of John & Elizabeth, b. Sept. 26, 1707, bp. Oct. 12. Moses, s. of John & Elizabeth, b. Jan. 6, 1709-10, bp. June 14, 1710. Henry, s. of John & Elizabeth, b Jan. 8, 1711-12. 17 Samuel, s. of Robert & Anna, b. Jul. 28, 1712, bp. Jul., d. Sept. 8 John, s. of John & Elizabeth, b. Mar. 22, 1713-14, bp. Sept. 12, 1714. 17 Samuel, s. of Robert & Anna, b. Apr. 15, 1714, bp. Apr. 18. 17 Anna, d. of Robert & Anna, b. June 2, 1716. 6 William, s. of John & Elizabeth, b. Feb. 4, 1716-17, bp. Feb. 17. 14 Abigail, d. of John & Elizabeth, b. Dec. 14, 1718, bp. Dec. 21. 17 Robert, s. of Robert & Anna, b. Apr. 26, 1719, bp. May 3. 18 Caleb, s. of John & Elizabeth, b. Jul. 13, 1721, bp. Apr. 8, 1722. 18 Jonathan, s. of Robert & Anna (Harrington), b. Mar. 21, 1722-23, bp. Mar. 29. Andrew, s. of Capt. Nath'l, bp. June, 1728. 25 Grace, d. of Robert & Anna [Harrington], b. Dec. 12, 1729, bp. Dec. 14. Ammi Ruhamah, d. of Richard, bp. June 25, 1732. 41 Thankfull, d. of Richard & Abigail, b. Jan. 16, 1733-34. 30 Sarah, 1st ch. of Henry & Sarah Laughton, b. Sept. 17, 1736, bp. Sept. 21. 41 Thaddeus, s. of Richard & Abigail, b. Sept. 9, 1736, bp. Sept. 27, 1741. 30 Henry, s. of Henry & Sarah Laughton, b. Aug. 27, 1737, bp. Sept. 4. 41 Hannah, d. of Richard & Abigail, b. Mar. 8, 1737-38. 33 Ephraim, s. of Richard & Abigail, b. Mar. 2, 1738-39, bp. Mar. 18. 36 Daniel, s. of Robert & Abigail, b. Mar. 26, 1739, bp. June 17, 1739. 35 Nathan, s. of Richard & Abgail, b. Dec. 25, 1740, bp. Jan. 4, 1741. 41 Ebenezer, s. of Richard & Abigail, b. Mar. 16, 1742-43, bp. Mar. 27. Annarittee, bp. Aug. 12, 1744. 45 Bette, d. of Robert & Abigail, b. May 23, 1745, bp. May 26. 46 Solomon, s. of Richard & Abigail, b. Jan. 27, 1745-46, bp. Feb. 9. Timothy, bp. Nov. 9, 1746. 50^ Elizabeth, d. of Robert, Jr., & Abigail (Mason), b. Sept. 6, 1747, bp. Sept. 13. Arathusa, bp. Oct. 18, 1747. 51 Stephen, s. of Richard & Abigail, b. May 23, 1748, bp. June 5. 49 Abigail, d. of Robert, Jr., & Abigail (M.), b. Dec. 23, 1749, bp. Dec. 31. 53 Elizabeth, d. of Henry & Sarah Laixghton, b. Apr. 11, 1750, bp. Ajjr. 15. 63 Simeon, s. of Richard & Abigail, b. Jul. 8, 1750, bp. ,Tul. 15. 78 Rebeckah, d. of Jonathan & Abigail Dunster, b. Feb. 17, 1751, bp. Feb. 24. 50 William, s. of Henry & Sarah Laughton, b. Mar. 18, 1752, bp. Mar. 20. 49 Seth, s. of Richard & Abigail, b. Oct. 30, 1752, bp. Nov. 12. 78 Mary, d. of Jonathan & Abigail Dunster, b, Aug. 11, 1753, bp. Aug. 12. 58 Moses, s. of Henry & Sarah Laughton, b. Mar. 22, 1754, bp. Apr. 14. 54 Abigail, d. of Robert, Jr., & Abigail (Mason), b. Aug. 9, 1754, bp, Aug. 11. 78 Anna, d. of Jonathan & Abigail Dunster, b. Feb. 19, 1756, bp. Feb. 22. 58 Mary, d. of Henry & Sarah Laughton, b. Apr. 19, 1756, bp. May 9. 78 Jonathan, s. of Jonathan & Abigail Dunster, b. Jul. 8, 1758, bp Jul. 9. 61 Ebenezer, s. of Hem-y & Sarah Laughton, b. May 15, 1760, bp. June 22. 64 Henry, s. of Henry, Jr., & Ruth Blodget, b. May 25, 1760, bp. Apr. 24, 1763. 62 Levi, s. of Dan'l & Anna Munroe, b. Nov. 9, 1760, bp. Nov. 26. 78 Charles, s. of Jonathan & Abigail Dunster, b. Nov. 15, 1760, bp. Nov. 23. 62 Abijah, s. of Robert, Jr., & Abigail (Mason), b. Feb. 7, 1761, bp. Feb. 16. 66 Nathan, s. of Dan'l & Anna Munroe, b. Apr. 29, 1762, bp. May 2. LEXINGTON EECORD OF BIBTHS. 33 Harrington — Continued. 64 Rebekah, d. of Henry, Jr., & Ruth Blodget, b. Jul. 12, 1762, bp. Apr. 24, 1763. 194 Reuben (?), of Edmund & Esther, b. Sept. 8, 1762. 78 Charles, s, of Jonathan & Abigail Dunster, b. Mar. 24, 1763, bp. Mar. 27. 84 Samuel, s. of Henry, Jr., & Ruth Blodget, b. Oct. 3, 1764, bp. Oct. 14. 71 Daniel, s. of Dan'l & Anna Munroe, b. Oct 17, 1764, bp. Oct. 21. 85 Thaddeus, s. of Thaddeus & Lydia Porter, b. Jan. 3, 1765, bp. Aug. 23, 1772. 76 Anna, d. of Dan'l & Anna Munroe, b. Feb. 8, 1766, bp. Feb. 23. 78 Sarah, d. of John & Mary Wooten, b. Feb. 17, 1766. 78 Solomon, s. of Jonathan & Abigail Dunster, b. Feb. 22, 176G, bp. Feb. 23. 84 Isaac, s of Henry, Jr., & Ruth Blodget, b. Aug. 11, 1766, bp. Aug. 24. 85 Jonathan, s. of Jonathan & Ruth Fiske, b. Oct. 25, 1766. 72 Abigail, d. of John & Mary Wooten, b. Mar. 3, 1768. 76 Daniel, s. of Dan'l & Anna Munroe, b. June 10, 1768, bp. June 12. 84 Sarah, d. of Henry, Jr., & Ruth Blodget, b. May 16, 1769, bp. May 21. 85 Fanny, d. of Thaddeus & Lydia Porter, b. June 20, 1769, bp. Aug. 23, 1772. 85 John, s. of John & Mary Wooten, b. Feb. 1, 1770. 85 Joseph, s. of Jeremiah & Sarah Locke, b. Feb. 16, 1770. 79 Grace, d. of Dan'l & Anna Munroe, b. Mar. 17, 1770, bp Mar. 18. 84 Polly, d. of Henry, Jr., & Ruth Blodget, b. Aug. 10, 1771, bp. Aug. 18. Arathusa, d. of Thaddeus, bp. Oct. 20, 1771. 88 Betty, d of Dan'l & Anna Munroe, b. Feb. 1, 1772, bp. Feb. 9. 85 Benjamin, s. of Jeremiah & Sarah Locke, b. May 4, 1772. Peter, s. of Jonathan, bp. Jul. 26, 1772. 84 Ruth, d. of Henry, Jr., & Ruth Blodget, b. Aug. 30, 1773, bp. Oct. 3. 91 Elisabeth, d. of Thos. & Lucy Perry, b. Dec. 19, 1773. 88 Eusebia, d. of Dan'l & Anna Munroe, b. Jan. 20, 1774, bp. Jan. 23. 93 Mary, d. of Moses, Jr., & Mary Reed, b. Jul. 23, 1774, bp. June 21, 1778. 106 Stephen, s. of John & Mary Wooton, b. Nov. 22, 1774. 98 Robert, s. of Thaddeus & Lydia Porter, b May 22, 1775, bp. May 28. 88 Eusebia, d. of Dan'l & Anna Munroe, b. Feb. 13, 1776, bp. Feb. 18. 93 Sarah, d. of Moses, Jr., & Mary Reed, b. Aug. 22, 1776, bp. Aug. 25. 98 Asa, s. of Thaddeus & Lydia Porter, b. Apr. 24, 1777, bp. May 4. 85 Jonathan, s. of Jeremiah & Sarah Locke, b. Oct. 27, 1777. 96 Isanna, d. of Dan'l & Anna Munroe, b. Jan. 29, 1779, bp. Jan. 31. 98 Lewis, s. of Thaddeus & Lydia Porter, b. May 24, 1779, bp. May 30. 106 Caleb, s. of Moses, Jr. (s. of Henry), & Mary Reed, b. Jul. 6, 1779, bp. Jul. 11. 106 William, s. of John & Mary Wooten, b. Nov. 21, 1779. Lydia, d. of Daniel, bp. Dec. 10, 1780. Lydia, d. of Thaddeus, bp. Mar. 11, 1781. 106 Rebekah, d. of John & Mary W., b. May 3, 1781. 105 Betsey, d. of Moses, Jr., & Mary Reed, b. Apr. 16, 1782, bp. Apr. 21. 104 Harry, s. of Jonathan, Jr., & Sally Banks, b. Mar 10, 1783. 105 Moses, s. of Moses, Jr., & Mary Reed, b. May 2, 1785, bp. May 15. 124 Nathaniel, s. of Levi & Rebekah Mullikeu, b. Jan. 3, 1786, bp. May 20, 1787. 123 Polly, d. of Jonathan, Jr., & Sally Banks, b. May 23, 1786. 146 Mary, d. of Chas. & Mary Brown, b. Jan. 9, 1787. 123 Abigail, d. of Jonathan, Jr., & Sally Banks, b. Nov. 13, 1787. 139 Charles, s. of Solomon & Polly Bent, b. Dec. 25, 1787. 124 Nancy, d. of Levi & Rebekah Mulliken, b. Jan. 3, 1788, bp. Jan. 6. 116 Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer & Sarah Johnson, b. Jan. 23, 1789. 105 William, s. of Moses, Jr., & Mary Reed, b. Sept. 1, 1789 (.?), bp. Sept. 7, 1788. ^1- 34 LEXINGTON BE COED OF BIRTHS. Harrington — Continued. 146 Susanna, d. of Clias. & Mary Brown, b. Sept. 4, 1789. 139 David, s. of Solomon & Polly Bent, b. Jan. 2, 1790. 123 Pitt, s. of Jonathan, Jr., & Sally Banks, b. Jul. 6, 1790. 116 Hannah, d. of Ebenezcr & Mrs. Sarah Johnson, b. Jan. 24, 1791. 105 Oliver, s of Moses, Jr., & Mary Reed, b. Apr. 26, 1791 (?), bp. Apr. 3, 1791. 124 Fanny, d. of Levi & Rebekah Mulliken, b. Apr. 1, 1792, bp. Apr. 15. 139 James, s. of Solomon & Polly Bent, b. Aug. 4, 1792. 116 Simeon, s. of Ebenezer & Sarah Johnson, b. Feb, 27, 1793. 123 Jonathan, s. of Jonathan, Jr , & Sally Banks, b. June 4, 1793. 105 Edmund, s. of Moses, Jr., & Mary Reed, b. Feb 21, 1794, bp. June 1. 143 Joseph, Jr., s. of Joseph & Lucy Russell, b. May 1, 1794. 124 Rebekah, d. of Levi & Rebekah Mulliken, b. Oct. 28, 1794, bp. Nov. 2. 139 Solomon, s. of Solomon & Polly Bent, b. Feb. 13, 1795. 116 Kezia, d. of Ebenezer & Sarah Johnson, b. Aug. 30, 1795. 146 Betsey, d. of Chas. & Mary Brown, b. Jan. 10, 1796. 124 Dennis, s. of Levi & Rebekah Mulliken, b Oct. 7, 1796. 138 William, s. of Jonathan, Jr., & Sally Banks, b. Mar. 12, 1797. 146 Charles, s. of Chas. & Mary Brown, b. Apr. 10, 1798. 116 Susanna, d. of Ebenezer & Sarah Johnson, b. Jul. 24, 1798. 143 Lucy, d. of Joseph & Lucy Russell, b. Nov. 28, 1798. 138 Isaac, s. of Isaac & Polly Farrer, b. Mar. 7, 1799. 163 Matilda, d. of Peter & Lydia (Loring), b. Apr. 5, 1799. 126 Hiram, s. of Levi & Rebekah Mulliken, b. May 15, 1799, bp. June 16. 153 Isaac B. Clark, s. of Peter & Lydia (Loring), b. Sept. 2, 1800. 138 Betsey, d. of Isaac & Polly Farrer, b. Nov. 22, 1800. 139 Abigail Moore, d. of Solomon & Polly Bent, b. Feb. 12, 1801. 138 More, s. of Jonathan, Jr., & Sally Banks, b. June 23, 1801. 126 Sophie, d. of Levi & Rebekah Mulliken, b. Aug. 25, 1801, bp. Aug. 30. 146 Elmira, d. of Chas. & Mary Brown, b. Sept. 6, 1801. 138 Hiram, s. of Isaac & Polly Farrer, b. May 23, 1802. 153 Adeline, d. of Peter & Lydia (Loring), b. Sept. 24, 1802. 126 Bowen, s. of Levi & Rebekah Mulliken, b. Aug. 6, 1803, bp. Aug. 14. 138 Maria, d, of Isaac & Polly Farrer, b. Sept. 9, 1803. 143 Polly, d. of Joseph & Lucy Russell, b. Sept. 19, 1803. 139 Irene, d. of Solomon & Polly Bent, b. Dec. 1, 1803. 153 Lorenzo, s. of Peter & Lydia (Loring), b. Aug. 10, 1804. 143 Lydia, d. of Josei^h & Lucy Russell, b. Feb. 10, 1806. 153 Peter, s. of Peter & Lydia (Loring), b. Sept. 21, 1807. 143 Nehemiah Munroe, s. of Joseph & Lucy Russell, b. Mai*. 14, 1808. 153 Emeline, d. of Peter & Lydia (Loring), b. Dec. 21, 1809. 143 Emily, d. of Joseph & Lucy Russell, b. Aug. 13, 1810. 153 Julian, s. of Peter & Lydia (Loring), b. Mar. 29, 1812, 143 Stephen, s. of Joseph & Lucy Russell, b. May 9, 1812. Susanna, " of the household of Rev. A. Williams," bp. Nov. 15, 1812. Abigail, bp Oct. 24, 1819. Franklin Mead, ? j ^^ ^^^^^,^ ^ ^j^^ gS, 1819. Helen Maiua, ^ ' *^ ' Edwin, s. of Nath'l, bp. May 27, 1821. Clarrissa, d. of Nath'l, bp. May 4, 1823. Nathaniel, s. of Capt. Nath'l, bp. Feb. 6, 1825. Larkin, s. of Nath'l, bp. June 18, 1826. 180 Caroline Maria, d. of Nathan & Martha T. Mead, b. Oct. 1, 1829. Rebecca, d. of Capt. Nath'l, bp. Aug., 1830. 180 Elvira Mead, d. of Nathan & Martha T. Mead, b. Feb. 18, 1832. Elizabeth Ward, d. of Capt. Nath'l, bp. May 3, 1834. Miss Clarissa, bp. June 15, 1835. Albert, s. of Hiram & Julia A. C, Nov. 15, 1843. George D., s. of Bowen & Elizabeth P., Jul. 17, 1843. Eunice Isadora, d. of Jonas C. & Susan P., Jan., 1846. LEXINGTON RECOED OF BIRTHS. 35 Harrington — Continued. Orin C, s. of Jonas C. & Susan P., Mar. 30, 1851. Fannie, d. of Franklin M. & Susan P., Dec. 29, 1862. Martha M., d. of Franklin M. & Susan P., Dec. 8, 1853. Hastings. 19 Hephzibah, d. of Thos. & Sarah (White), b. Jan. 11, 1718-19. 19 Elizabeth, d. of Thos. & Sarah (White), b. Mar 31, 1720. 19 Thaddeus, s. of Thos. & Sarah (W.), b. Feb. 1, 1721-22, bp. Feb. 18. 19 Kezia, d. of Thos. & Sarah (W.), b. Jul. 7, 1723, bp. Jul. 14. 22 Thomas, s. of Thos. & Sarah (W.), b. Nov. 17, 1725, bp. Nov. 20. Josiah, bp. Aug. 27, 1727. Submit, bp. Oct. 19, 1729. Sarah, bp. Dec. 12, 1731. 2 Esther, d. of Thos. & Sarah (W ), b. June 12, 1734, bp. June 23. 55 Isaac, s. of Sam'l, Jr., & Lydia Tidd, b Dec. 16, 1755, bp. Dec. 28. 86 Samuel, 2d, s. of Sam'l, Jr., & Lydia Tidd, b. Jul. 11, 1757, bp. Jul. 17. 86 Lydia, d. of Sam'l, Jr., & Lydia Tidd, b. Nov. 29, 1759, bp. Dec. 9. 86 Bethiah, d. of Sam'l, Jr., &'Lydia Tidd, b. Mar. 23, 1761, bp. Apr. 5. 86 Hephzibah, d. of Sam'l, Jr., & Lydia Tidd, b. Jul. 3, 1762, bp. Jul. 4. 86 John, s. of Sam'l, Jr., & Lydia Tidd, b. Jul. 13, 1764, bp. Jul. 15. 86 Bethiah, d. of Sam'l & Lydia, b. June 25, 1766, bp. June 29. Thaddeus, s. of Thaddeus, bp. June 27, 1766. 86 Abigail, d. of Sam'l, Jr., & Lydia Tidd, b. Apr. 20, 1768, bp. Apr. 24. 78 Thaddeus, s. of Thaddeus & Mary, b. Sept. 15, 1769, bp. Sept. 24. Samuel Stratton, s. of Thaddeus, bp Aug. 8, 1771. 86 Thomas, s. of Sam'l, Jr., & Lydia Tidd, b. Apr. 25, 1772, bp. May 10. 115 Sophia, d. of Isaac & Sarah (Stearns), b. Oct. 17, 1781, bp. Feb. 17, 1782. 115 Isaac, s. of Isaac & Sarah (Stearns), b. Nov. 3, 1783, bj). Nov. 9. Lydia, ") Samuel, Sch. of Sam'l, Jr., & Lydia, bp. May 23, 1784. Jonathan,^ 111 Nancy, d. of John & Esther Lawrence, b. Jan. 28, 1785, bp. May 28, 1790. Dorcas, d. of Sam'l, Jr., bp. Jul. 3, 1785. 115 Thomas, s. of Isaac & Sarah (Stearns), b. Feb. 1, 1786, bp. Feb. 5. Ill Bethia, d. of John & Esther Lawrence, b. Mar. 15, 1787, bp. May 23, 1790. Thomas, s. of Sam'l, Jr., bp. May 27, 1787. 115 Abigail, d. of Isaac & Sarah (Stearns), b. May 20, 1788, bp. May 25. Polly, d. of Sam'l, Jr., bp. Apr. 19, 1789. Ill Hephzibah, d. of John & Esther Lawrence, b. Jul. 21, 1789. 115 John, s. of Isaac & Sarah (Stearns), b. Jul. 21, 1790, bp. Jul. 25. Oliver, s. of Sam'l, Jr., bp. May 21, 1791. 115 Phinehas Stearns, s. of Isaac & Sarah (S), b. Oct. 13, 1792, bp. Jan. 13, 1793. Hepzibah, d. of Sam'l, Jr., bp. May 26, 1793. 115 Leonard, s. of Isaac & Sarah (S.), b. Sept. 6, 1794, bp. Sept. 7. Harriet, d. of Sam'l, Jr., bp. Jul. 19, 1795. 115 Samuel, s. of Isaac & Sarah (S.), b. Sept. 24, 1798, bp. Jan. 26, 1800. 115 Maria, d. of Isaac & Sarah (S.), b. Mar. 1, 1801, bp. Mar. 8. Helen Augusta, d. of Jonathan & Nancy, bp. Feb. 26, 1809." Buckley Adams, s. of Jonathan & Nancy, h\). Oct 2, 1810. Mary Ann, d. of Jonathan & Nancy, bp. Nov. 1, 1812. Charles, Emily Meriam, Sarah Mead, | Oliver, j Alonzo, s. of Jas., bp. May 3, 1834 36 LEXINGTON RE COED OF BIRTHS. Hawkins. Mr. Gray C, bp. and r. Jan. 6, 1838. William R., s. of Richard, June 10, 1843. John Henry, s. of Richard & Mary Ann, Aug. 24, 1845. Emily Ann, d. of Richard & Mary Ann, Jul. 2, 1847. Charles B., s. of Richard, Jan. 25, 1849. Charles B., s. of Richard & Mary Ann, Jan. 25, 1850. Charles S., s. of Richard & Mary Ann, Sept. 29, 1853. Hendley. Wallace F., s. of S. W. & Emily, Nov. 27, 1850. Herrick. 116 Isaac, s. of John & Mary, b. Jan. 27, 1789. Hews. 12 Edmond, s. of Jonathan & Elizabeth, b. Sept. 16, 1712. Hill. John, s. of Abigail, bp. June 25, 1775. Almira Lissetta, d. of Amos, Mar. 8, 1847. , s. of Charlotte H., Nov. 21, 1850. Hilson. Susanna, bp. May 1, 1743. Hoar. * Bridget, d. of Leonard & Bridget, b. Mar. 13, 1673. * Triphena, d. of Leonard & Bridget, b. Mar. 25, 1673-74 (?). 33 Rebekah, d. of John & Esther Pierce, b. Jul. 1, 1735, bp. Jul. 6; father bp. June 29, 1735. 38 John, s. of John & Elizabeth (Cooledge), b. Jul. 14, 1741, bp. Jul. 19. 47 Samuel, s. of John & Elizabeth (C), b. Aug. 23, 1743, bp. Sept. 4. 47 Elizabeth, d. of John & Elizabeth (C), b. Oct. 14, 1746, bp, Oct. 19. 53 Mercy, d. of John & Elizabeth (C), b. Oct. 5, 1750, bp. Oct. 14. Hobbs. Josiah & his wf. Tabitha, h\), Aug., 1699. Josiah, ") Tabitha, S bp. Sept. 17, 1699. Mary, ) Matthew, ? . ^ . --^n Susanna, r^P- ^^*-' ^^^°- Ebenezer, bp. Jan. 8, 1710. Elizabeth, d. of Mary, bp. Mar. 23, 1712. Tabitha, bp. Apr. 13, 1712. Holman. Nathaniel, bp. Mar., 1701. Holmes. 24 Mary, d. of Wm. & Johanah, b. Sept. 9, 1727. Mary, bp. Sejit. 17, 1727. 24 Sarah, d. of Wm. & Johanah, b. Feb, 1, 1728-29, d. same day. Frank H., s. of Dr. Howland & Maria W., Sept. 13, 1853. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF BIBTH8. 37 Hopkins. Martha, bp. Sept. 2, 1739. Esther, bp. Sept. 27, 1741. Hosmer. Ellen Bowers, cl. of Ebenezer C. & Mary Ann, Mar. 25, 1846. Houghton. Henry M., s. of Sam'l A. & Martha W., Sept. 22, 1843. Clara Goodnow, d. of Sam'l A. & Martha, Feb. 20, 1846. Hovey. Stillman S., s. of Thos. J. & M., Apr. 15, 1860. Frank P., s. of Thos. G. & Ann Maria, Dec. 3, 1852. Howe. Isaac, bp. Jan. 7, 1722. ]Mary Hannah, d. of Josiah D., Nov. 7, 1844. Minot, s. of Joseph & Elizabeth, Mar. 12, 1845. William, s. of Joseph & Elizabeth, Aug. 29, 1847. Elizabeth, d. of Joseph & Elizabeth, Jan. 7, 1850. Hudson. Beth, Nathaniel, \ bp. Apr. 22, 1705. Abigail, John Alfred, s. of Wm. & Lucretia, Dec. 27, 1846. William T., s. of Wm. & Lucretia, Oct. 3, 1848. liel, V 1, ) Hues, Hewes. Jonathan, } , c< <- in -lann Elisabeth, \ '^P- S^Pt. 10, 1699. Jonathan, Jr., bp. June 20, 1710. Elizabeth, bp. Sept. 23, 1711. Edmund, bp. Sept. 21, 1712. Hull. 182 Richmund L., s. of Benj. L. & Sabra, b. Nov. 2, 1840. Humble. Elisabeth, bp. Nov. 30, 1766. Hunt. Thomas, bp. Aug., 1701. Mary, bp. Sept. 5, 1703. Henry, bp. Oct. 14, 1705. Ebenezer, bp. Apr. 4, 1708. Samuel, bp. Jan. 29, 1710. John, bp. Mar. 9, 1712. 136 Hannah, d. of Jonathan & Hannah, b. Aug. 3, 1797, bp. Jan. 13, 1805. Hurley. Mary H., d. of Thos. & Catherine, Nov. 22, 1851. Hutchinson. Lydia Ann A., d. of Chas. & Lydia Ann, Oct. 18, 1843. Eliza Augusta, d. of Chas. & Abigail, May 12, 1846. 38 LEXINGTON BEOOBD OF BIBTH8. IngersoU. Hannah, r. Oct. 14, 1759. Dorcas, bp. Oct. 21, 1759. Jackson. James, bp. May 26, 1706. Xene, bp. Apr. 4, 1708. Jennings. Miss Mary, bp. and r. Jul. 2, 1829. Jennison. a^^^^"' , I bp. June 1, 1735. Samuel, ^ 60 Bettee, d. of Josiah & Mary Tidd, b. Sept. 23, 1757, bp. Nov. 13. 60 Josiah, s. of Josiah & Mary Tidd, b. Sept. 4, 1759, bp. Sept. 9. Mary, d. of Josiah, bp. Nov., 1761. Nathan, s. of Josiah, bp. Oct. 28, 1764. William, s. of Josiah, bp. Sept. 2, 1770. Jewett. Cornelia Adelaid, bp. Aug. 25, 1824. Gorham, bp. Nov. 5, 1843. Johnson. Sarah, bp. Feb. 26, 1698-99. Mary, ^ Prudence, >bp. Apr. 9, 1699. Rebekah, ) Esthel-, \ '^P- ^l^^"- ^6' 1699- Ruth, bp. May 4, 1699. Abigail, bp. Sept. 10, 1704. 20 William, s. of Wm. & Ruth (Rugg (?)), b. Aug. 2, 1725. Sally, d. of Obadiah & Sarah, bp. Oct. 19, 1777. Sarah, r. Oct. 9, 1785. Dolly, d. of Sarah, bp. Oct. 16, 1785. Leonard, s. of Abel & Beulah (Reed), bp. Feb. 7, 1790. 189 Mary D., d. of Thos. & Mary Dudley, b. Nov. 11, 1812. Jones. Ann, bp. May 6, 1739. Asa, s. of Joseph, bp. Dec. 6, 1758. Rhoda, d. of Sam'l, bp. Dec. 13, 1761. Samuel, s. of Sam'l, bp. Aug. 23, 1763. Bettey, bp. Nov. 2, 1766. Betsey, d. of Thos. & Sarah (Mead), bp. Nov. 24, 1782. Kelley. 27 James, s. of Jas & Elizabeth, b. Dec. 27, 1733. 116 Betsey, d. of Nathan & Betsey, b. Aug. 11, 1792. 115 Nathan, s. of Nathan & Betsey, b. Nov. 23, 1794. Kemp. Mary Angelina, d. of Sam'l H., Feb. 28, 1847. Samuel T., s. of Sam'l, Sept. 2, 1848. LEXINGTON BECORD OF BIRTHS. 39 Kendall. 9 Joshua, s. of Thos. & Sarah (Cheever), b. Aug. 7, 1713. Eleazer, s. of Eleazer & Hannah, bp. Apr. 25,°17U. 11 Ezekiel, s. of Thos. & Sarah (C), b. Nov. 21, 1715. VViiliam, bp. May 6, 1716. 13 Elisabeth, d. of Thos. & Sarah (C), b. Mar. 4, 1717-18, bp. Auo- 9 1730. ' 1 o . 18 Ruth, d. of Thos. & Sarah (Cheever), b. June 13, 1720, bp. Aug. 9, 1730. 18 Jane, d. of Thos. & Sarah (C), b. Nov. 14, 1722, bp. Auo-. 9 1730 Abigail, bp. Nov. 29, 1724. ° Thomas, Jr., bp. Oct. 2, 1726. Sarah, bp Feb. 18, 1728. Benjamin,?, . ,. ir,r.o Mary, \ '^P" ^P^'- 1^' 1^28. Joshua, bp. June 22, 1729. 21 Elijah, ) ch of Thos. & Sarah (C), b, Jan. 30, 1724-25, bp. Auff. 9 21 Elisha, ^ 1730. 'is. Hannah, bp. Aug. 9, 1730. Hannah Lewis, d. of Abigail, bp. May 5, 1734. Kenney. Elisabeth, d. of Jas., of Charlestown, bp. Aug. 25, 1776. Kenniston. Ch. of Dan'l & Lydia, June 9, 1844. Warren, s. of Dan'l & Lydia, Dec. 8, 1844. , d. of Dan'I & Lydia, Dec 5, 1846. Keyes. 189 John Calton, s. of Jas. & Lydia, b. Feb. 25, 1737. Kibbe. Selh, s. of Shenebiah & Elizabeth (?), bp. Feb. 17 1711 Sarah, bp. Aug. 23, 1713. Samuel, "j Ebenezei", | Elisabeth, )■ ch. of Shenebiah, bp. Oct. 14, 1722. Hannah, | P^sther Stone, j Kidder. Emily Maria, d. of Wm. A., Jul. 19, 1846. Kilbey. Christopher, bp. Nov. 9, 1729. Knight. John, bp. Sept. 15, 1728. Samuel, bp. Feb. 21, 1731. Timothy, s. of John, bp. Aug. 25, 1734. Sarah Ann, d. of Loamnii, Mar. 15, 1844. Knowlton. Abigail, d. of Jeremiah, bp. Jan 26, 1772. Langdon. William, bp. Jul. 22, 1722. 40 LEXINGTON RECOBD OF BIRTHS. Larry. Timothy, s. of Jeremiah, Apr. 20, 1844. Laughton. Jeremiah, bp. Jul. 7, 1723. 20 Jeremiah, s. of John & Sarah, b. Aug. 4, 1725, bp. Aug. 8. Hepzibah, d. of John, Jr , bp. Jul. 27, 1735. 30 Sarah, d. of Thos & Abigail, b. Dec. 10, 1735, bp. June 19, 1737. 30 Thomas, s. of Thos. & Abigail, b. Nov. 15, 1737, bp. Nov. 20. 40 Thomas, s. of Thos. & Abigail, b. Feb. 12, 1740-41. Sarah, bp. Mar. 1, 1741. Lawrence. 15 John, s. of John & Anna, b. June 10, 1688. f Samuel, s. of John & Anna, b. Jul. 9, 1700, bp. Anna, bp. Nov. 1, 1702. Jonathan, bp. Feb. 24, 1706. Sarah, bp. June 20, 1708. 15 Elizabeth, d. of John, Jr., & Elisabeth, b. May 27, 1711, bp. June 3, 1711. Benjamin, bp. May 31, 1713. 15 John, s. of John, Jr., & Elisabeth, b. Sept. 24, 1713, bp. Sept. 27. 15 Samuel, s. of John, Jr., & Elisabeth, b. Oct. 3, 1715, bp. Oct. 9. Amos, bp. Feb. 19, 1716. 15 Isaac, s. of John, Jr., & Elisabeth, b. Nov. 27, 1717, bp. Dec. 1. 16 Anna, d. of John & Elizabeth, b. Aug. 8, 1720, bp. Aug. 14. Mary, bp. Mar. 24, 1723. 20 Ruth, d. of Samn & Elisabeth, b. Jan. 21, 1725-26, bp. Feb. 20. Nathaniel, bp. Mar. 20, 1726. 52 Elizabeth, d. of Jonathan & Elizabeth, b. Feb. 19, 1727-28 ; father bp. Jan. 22, 1727. Rebekah, bp. Apr. 21, 1728. 34 Micah, s. of Jonathan & Elizabeth, b. Mar. 25, 1729. 62 Mary, d. of Jonathan & Elizabeth, b. Nov. 30, 1729. 52 Sarah, d. of Jonathan & Elizabeth, b. Dec. 15, 1731. 52 Jonathan, s. of Jonathan & Elizabeth, b. Feb. 5, 1733-34. Benjamin, first ch. of Benj., bp. Nov. 30, 1735. 52 Bez'aleel, s. of Jonathan & Elizabeth, b. Apr. 13, 1736. 52 Micah, s. of Jonathan & Elizabeth, b. Mar. 15, 1738-39, bp. Apr. 1. 52 Elizabeth, d. of Jonathan & Elizabeth, b. Dec. 17, 1741, bp. Dec. 20. 52 Anna, d. of Jonathan & Elizabeth, b. Mar. 19, 1745-46, bp. Mar. 26. 52 John, s. of Jonathan & Elizabeth, b. June 5, 1748, bp. June 19. 53 Beni'amin, s. of Jonathan & Elizabeth, b. Sept. 13, 1750, bp. Sept. 16. 59 Sarah, d. of Bezaleel & Sarah, b. Sept. 3, 1759, bp. Sept. 9. 64 Anna, d. of Bezaleel &, Sarah, b. May 17, 1761, bp. May 24. 64 Bezaleel, s. of Bezaleel & Sarah, b Apr. 12, 1763, bp. Apr. 17. 73 Esther, d. of Bezaleel & Sarah, b. June 30, 1765, bp. Jul. 7. 75 Bethiah, d. of Bezaleel & Sarah (Muzzy), b. Sept. 25, 1767, bp. Oct. 4. 78 Jonas, s. of Bezaleel & Sarah, b. Feb. 27, 1770, bp. Mar. 3. 91 Jonathan, s. of Bezaleel & Sarah, b. Sept. 11, 1774, bp. Sept. 18. 137 Dorcas, d. of Jonas & Dorcas, b. Oct. 29, 1790. 137 Edmond, s. of Jonas & Dorcas, b. Dec. 7, 1794. 137 Jonas, s. of Jonas & Dorcas, b. Feb. 4, 1796. 137 Surena, d. of Jonas & Dorcas, b. Jul. 19, 1798. 132 Polly, d. of Jonathan & Polly, b. Apr. 28, 1799, bp. Jul. 3, 1808. 137 Liicy, d. of Jonas & Dorcas, b. Jan. 12, 1801. 132 Esther, d. of Jonathan & Polly, b. Apr. 23, 1801, bp. Jul. 3, 1808. 137 John, s. of Jonas & Dorcas, b. June 17, 1803. 132 Abigail, d. of Jonathan & Polly, b. Nov. 8, 1803, bp. Jul. 3, 1808. 137 Emeline, d. of Jonas & Dorcas, b. Dec. 7, 1806. LEXINGTON BE COED OF BIBTIIS. 41 Lawrence — Continued. 137 Joseph Bi-adley Barnum, s. of Jonas & Dorcas, b. Aug. 31, 1806. 132 Elizabeth Swain, d. of Jonathan & Polly, b. Sept. 10, 1807, bp. Jul. 3, 1808. Charles, s. of Phinehas & Mary, bp. Oct. 2, 1808. Phinehas, s. of Phinehas & Mary, bp. Oct. 21, 1810. Charles, s. of Phinehas & Mary, bp. Aug. 2, 1812. Franklin, s. of Phineas, bp. Sept. 11, 1814. Mary, d. of Phinehas & Mary, bp. Jul. 7, 1816. Leonard, s. of Phineas, bp. May 7, 1820. Maria A., d. of Sidney, Sept. 28, 1843. Charles H., s. of Wm. H., Jul. 31, 1843. George Bancroft, s. of Wni H. & Eliza, Dec. 5, 1845. Bernard Whitman, s. of Sidney & Anna, Jan. 15, 1847. Wesley E., s. of Wm. H. & Eliza Eaton, Jul. 1, 1851. Sidney M., s. of Sidney & Anna, June 15, 1853. Leavitt. Edwin, s. of David & Martha Ann, Jul. 15, 1849. Frank, s. of David & JMartha Ann, Apr. 29, 1853. LeBarron. William H. B., s. of Joseph F., Oct. 4, 1844. Chloe Louisa, d. of Joseph & Hephzibah, Sept. 21, 1846. Harvey, s of J. F. & Phebe, Jul. 31, 1850. Leighton. 16 Hannah, d. of John & Sarah, b. Oct. 30, 1720, bp. Nov. G. Linfesty. , ch. of Peter, Nov. 6, 1844, Littlehall. Louisa M., d. of Wm. & Louisa, Dec. 16, 1850. Locke. 15 Sararah (P. II. says Sarah), d. of Joseph & Mary, b. Jul. 14, 1696; parents bp. Oct. 26, 1712. 16 Joseph, s. of Joseph & Mary, b. Mar, 19, 1G99, bp. Oct. 26. 15 Elisabeth, d. of Joseph & Mary, b. i\Iar. 15, 1702-03, bp. Oct. 26, 1712. 15 Huldah, d. of Joseph & Mary, b. June 28, 1705, bp. Oct. 26, 1712. 15 Margaret, d. of Joseph & Margeret, b. May 6, 1710, bp. Oct. 2G, 1712. 15 Johanna, d. of Joseph & Margeret, b. Feb. 2, 1711-12, bp. Oct. 26, 1712. Mary, ") Abigail, Sch. of Joseph, bp. Oct. 2G, 1712. Lydia, ) Joseph (father), bp. Oct. 26, 1712. 15 Ptuth, d. of Joseph & Margeret, b. Mar. 9, 1713-14, bp. June 13, 1714. Mary, d. of Wm., bp. Sept. 9, 1716. Ebenezer, bp and r. Apr. 20, 1717. 15 Stephen, s. of Joseph & Margeret, b. Jan. 26, 1718, bp. Jul. 6. 13 Samuel, s. of Sam'l & Mary, b. Jul. 5, 1718, bp Jul. 6. Jemima, bp. Jul. 6, 1718. William, bp. Feb. 7, 1720. Elisabeth, d. of Ebenezer, bp. June 19, 1720. Mary^^*^^' ( ^^^- °^ Ebenezer, bp. Apr. 9, 172L Daniel, s. of Dan'l, bp. Jul. 15, 1722. 42 LEXINGTON HECOBD OF BIRTHS. IiOcke — Continued. Thomas, s. of Wni., bp. Nov. 4, 1722, Sarah, bp. Aug. 11, 1723. Hannali, bp. June 13, 1725. Jonas, bp. and r. Jan 22, 1727. Abigail, d. of Ebenezer, bp. Apr. 28, 1728. Joseph, s. of Wm., bp. May 11, 1729. Phebe, bp. Mar 7, 1731. Ebenei5er, s. of Wra., bp. Nov. 5, 1732. 27 Joseph, s. of Joseph, Jr., & Sarah, b. Mar. 28, 1734, bp. Mar. 31. Joanna, f bp. Mar. 2, 1735. Ebenezer, ^ ^ ' 31 Benjamin, s. of Joseph, Jr., & Sarah, b. Oct. 10, 1735, bp. Oct. 26. 31 Nathan, s. of Joseph, Jr., & Sarali, b Dec. 2, 1737, bp. Dec. 18. Abigail, bp. Feb. 26, 1738. 42 Amos, s. of Joseph & Sarah, b. Dec. 24, 1742, bp. Jan. 9, 1743. 47 Sarah, d. of Joseph & Sarah, b. Aug. 23, 1746, bp. Aug 31. 51 Mehitabel, d. of Stephen & Mehitabel, b. Aug. 17, 1747, bp. Aug. 23. 61 Ruben, s. of Stephen & Mehitabel, b. Mar. 13, 1748, bp. Mar. 19. Mary, d. of Wm., bp. June 12, 1748. 42 Mary, d. of Joseph & Sarah, b. May 31, 1749, bp. June 11. 49 Stephen, s. of Stephen & Mehitable, b. Mar 29, 1750, bp. Apr. 1. '96 Sarah, d. of Amos & Sarah, b. Apr. 7, 1751. 62 Elisabeth, d. of Stephen & Mehetabel, b. June 14, 1753. 62 Benjamin, s. of Stephen & Mehetabel, b. May 7, 1756, bp. May 9. 64 Nathan, s. of Joseph, Jr., & Sarah, b. Dec. 7, 1761. 69 Asa Baldwin, s. of Joseph, Jr , & Sarah, b. Mar. 3, 1764. 96 Benjamin, s. of Amos & Sarah, b. Dec. 31, 1769. 91 Jerusha, d. of Reuben & Jerusha, b. Jan 16, 1774, bp. Aug. 6, 1775. 91 Mehetabel, d. of Reuben & Jerusha, b. Mar. 27, 1775, bp. Aug. 6. 91 Lydia, d. of Reuben & Jerusha, b. Mar. 23, 1777, bp. Mar. 30. 96 Stephen, s. of Amos & Sarah, b. Mar. 23, 1778. 110 Betsey, d. of Reuben & Jerusha, b. Sept. 1, 1780, bp. Sept. 3. 91 Reuben, s. of Reuben & Jerusha, b. Jan. 15, 1782, bp. Jan. 20. Jonas, s. of Jonas, bp. Apr. 28, 1782. William, s. of Jonas, bp May 25, 1783. 110 Loa, s of Reuben & Jerusha, b. June 5, 1783. 106 Betsey, d. of Benj. & Betsey, b. Feb. 10, 1784, bp. Nov. 1, 1789. 106 James, s. of Amos & Sarah, b Dec. 22, 1784. Sally, d. of Jonas, bp. Apr. 9, 1786. 110 Charles, s. of Reuben & Jerusha, b. June 16, 1786, bp Jul. 30. . 105 Benjamin, s. of Benj. & Betsey, b, Mar. 19, 1787. Sally, bp. and r. Dec. 7, 1788. Edmund, s. of Jonas, bp. Mar. 29, 1789. Thomas, ") L^f f ' \ cli- of Thos., Jr., & Lydia, bp. Nov. 1, 1789. Betsey, d. of Elisabeth, bp. Nov 22, 1789. 119 Oliver, s. of Asa Baldwin & Mary, b. Apr. 25, 1790. 135 Ruthey, d. of Benj. & Betsey, b. June 6, 1790, bp. June 20. Hammond, s. of Thos., Jr., b}». Jul. 18, 1790. Stephen, s. of Reuben, bp. Oct. 9, 1791. Lydia, d. of Jonas, bp. June 3, 1792. Sally, d. of Thos., bp. June 3, 1792. 119 Nathan, s. of Asa Baldwin & Mary, b. Aug. 9, 1792. Lucy, d. of Benj., bp. Nov. 11, 1792. 119 Darius, s. of Asa B. & Mary, b. Dec. 1, 1793. 135 Benjamin, s. of Benj. & Betsey, b. May 17, 1795. Nancy, d. of Thos.,"bp. Aug. 23, 1795. LEXINGTON BE CORD OF BIRTHS. 43 Locke — Continued. 135 Lucy, d. of Benj & Betsey, b. Aug. 8, 1797, bp. Aug. 28. 135 Levi, s. of Benf. & Betsey, b. Dec. I, 1798, bp. Mar. 31, 1799. Martin, s. of Jonas, bp. Aug., 1799. Harriet, d. of Thos., bp. May 18, 1800. 135 Mary Tufts, d. of Jonathan & Sarah, b. Oct. 27, 1801, bp. Apr. 18, 1802. 135 Eusebia, d. of Benj. & Betsey, b. June 26, 1802, bp. Sept. 12. 119 Mary, d. of Asa B. & Mary, b. Jul. 1, 1802. 119 Baldwin, s. of Asa B. & Mary, b. Jan. 10, 1805. 151 Loa, s. of Loa & Mary, b. Oct. 12, 1805. 119 Abigail, d. of Asa B. & Mary,!). Nov. 15, 1806. 151 Romanus, s of Loa & Mary, b. Jan. 4, 1807. 151 George, s. of Loa & Mary, b. Apr. 21, 1811. 182 Otis, s. of Otis & Keziah Harrington, b. Oct. 5, 1815. 182 George Augustus, s. of Otis & Keziah H., b. Jul. 25, 1817. 182 Stillman, s. of Otis & Keziah H., b. Dec. 3, 1819. 159 Oliver Adams, s. of Oliver, Jr., & Lavina, b. Jul. 19, 1821. 182 Caroline Keziah, d. of Otis & Keziah H , b. Feb. 26, 1823. 182 William Gowen, s. of Otis & Keziah H., b. Feb. 20, 1825. Faustina Mulliken, ) ^j^ ^^ ^^y^^^^ ^^ j^ ^ j^„ 1 ^ggg. Joan Sophia, ^ ^ '' ^ 173 Oliver Baldwin, s. of Baldwin & Adeline J., b. Sept. 17, 1831. 182 Susan Sophia, d. of Otis & Keziah H., b. Dec. 5, 1832 173 William Brigham, s. of Baldwin & Adeline J., b. Aug. 13, 1833. 173 Lorenzo, s. of Baldwin & Adeline J., b. Sept. 2, 1835. 182 Sophronia, ? j^^^ ^^ q^j^ ^ Keziah, b. Oct. 6, 1835. Lavinia, ^ 173 Samuel Josline, s of Baldwin & Adeline J., b. Aug. 25, 1837. 173 Martha Wellington, d. of Baldwin & Adeline J., b. Apr. 19, 1839. 173 Mary, d. of Baldwin & Adeline J., b. Oct. 21, 1841. Mrs. Lavina Smith and her son, George Washington, bp. Sept., 1843. John M., s. of Nichols & Bloomy, Oct. 9, 1843. , s. of Jas. A. & Harriet, Feb. 28, 1844. Alden W., s. of Stephen & Priscilla, Oct. 9, 1845. Adalaid Eliza, d. of Otis, Jr., June 12, 1846 Emma Frances, d. of Chas. B., Mar. 30. 1847. Joseph, s. of Nichols & Bloomy, Nov. 29, 1849. Thedora L., d. of Benj. F. & Eliza Ann, Feb. 19, 1850. Susan Eldora, d. of Otis, Jr., & Eliza F., Aug. 1, 1850. Gardner H., s. of Amos & Rhoda, Nov. 10, 1851. Augustus W., s. of Wm. & Harriet, June 8, 1852. Oliver P., s. of Wm & Mary A., May 21, 1853. Lombard. Alva P., s. of Albert T. & Mary A., Mar. 9, 1853. Lopez. John, bp. and r. June 28, 1741. Lord. Joseph Bryant, s. of Fred'k M. & Harriet M., June 28, 1850. Frederick H., s. of Fred'k M. & Harriet M., Oct. 13, 1851. Henry H., s. of Fred'k M. & Harriet M., Apr. 8, 1853. Loring. 6 Joseph, s. of Joseph & Hannah, b, Sept. 29, 1684. 6 Nehemiah, s. of Joseph & Hannah, b. June 17, 1686. 6 Joshua, s. of Joseph & Hannah, b Sept. 21, 1688. 44 LEXINGTON BEGORD OF BIBTH8. Loring — Continued. 6 Submit, d. of Joseph & Hannah, b Aug. 11, 1691. t Lydia, d. of Joseph & Lydia, b. Jan. 17, 1710-11, bp. Jan. 21. 8 Joseph, s. of Joseph & Lydia, b. Aug. 21, 1713, bp. Aug. 23. Sarah, bp. Jul. 17, 1715. John, bp. Aug. 11, 1717. Hannah, bp. Sept. 20, 1719. Abigail, ) . y^ j^^^ rj J722. Mary, ^ Submit, bp. Jan. 4, 1741. .02 John, s. of Joseph & Keziah, b. Jan. 28, 1742, bp. Jan. 30, 1743. bl Lydia, d. of Joseph & Keziah, b. Aug. 27, 1745. Lydia, d of Joseph, Jr., bp. Sept. 1, 1745. 52 Joseph, s. of Joseph & Keziah, b. Dec 27, 1747, bp. Jan. 3, 1748. 5;) Jonathan, s. of Jonas & Keziah, b. Feb. 7, 1749, bp. Feb. 11, 1750. 55 Sarah, d. of Jostsph & Rena, b. Feb. 27, 1755, bp. Mar. 23. Kezia, d. of Dea. (Joseph), bp. Apr. 27, 1760. 100 Betsey, d. of Joseph, Jr., & Betsey, b. Apr, 15, 1774, bp. Apr. 24. 100 John Hancock, s. of Josei)h, Jr., & Betsey, b, Nov. 24, 1775, bp. Dec. 100 Lvdia, d. of Joseph, Jr., & Betsey, b. Feb. 8 (?), bp. Jan. 17, 1779. 100 Thomas, s. of Joseph, Jr., & Betsey, b. Feb. 15, bp. Feb. 24, 1782. 100 Susy, d. of Joseph, Jr., & Betsey, b. June 30, bp. Sept. 15, 1784. }C^%' \ ch. of Jonathan & Rhoda, bp. Oct. 8, 1786. Rhoda, \ » 1 ' Polly, d. of Jonathan, bp. Nov. 22, 1789. Joseph, s. of Joseph, bp. Aug. 12, 1792. Joshua, s. of Jonathan, bp. Nov. 11, 1792. Thomas, s. of Jonathan, bp. Oct. 23, 1796. Lothrop. , ch. of Stillman L. & Abigail, Jan. 27, 1846. Levering. Clara A., d. of Ebenezer I. C. & Lucy, Dec. 20, 1843. Maecantash. James, bp. Apr. 14, 1745. William, bp. Sept. 6, 1747. Maeclaflen. Sarah, d. of Antipas, bp. Nov. 3, 1706. Robert, bp. Mar. 21, 1708. Nehemiah, bp. Oct. 4, 1713. Maccleur. Andrew, bp. Nov. 9, 1729. James, bp. Jan. 10, 1731. David, bp. Mar. 4, 1733. Mann. 38 Mary, d.of Jas & Mary, b. Mar. 29, 1737, bp. Oct. 29. 38 Benjamin, s. of Jas. & Mary, b. Oct. 23, 1739, bp. Nov. 4. 42 Sarah, d. of Jas. &, Mary, b. Aug. 17, 1743, bp. Aug. 28. 52 Mary, d. of Jas. & Mary, b Oct. 7, 1749, bp. Oct. 15. Manning. Elisabeth, bp. Feb. 11, 1722. LEXINGTON- RECORD OF BIRTHS. 45 Marion, Merion. William, s. of Ignatius, bp. Sept. 13, 1767. Susanna, r. Aug. 25, 1776. Marrett. 82 Amos, s. of Amos & Abigail, b. in Camb. Oct. 4, 1763. 82 Abigail, d. of Amos & Abigail, b. June 4, 1765, bp. June 9. 82 Daniel, s of Amos & Abigail, b. Jul. 18, 1767, bp. Jul. 18. 82 Ruth, d. of Amos & Abigail, b. Nov. 12, 1768, bp. Nov. 20. Betty, d. of Amos, bp. Nov. 28, 1773. John, s. of Amos, bp. Jul. 9, 1775. Thomas, s. of Amos, bp. Jul. 20, 1777. 125 Patty, d. of Amos, Jr., & Patty, b. Sept. 9, 1787, bp. Nov. 1, 1789. 125 Sally, d. of Amos, Jr., & Patty, b. Oct. 1, 1789, bp. Nov. 1, 1789. 125 Hannah, d. of Amos, Jr., & Patty, b. Dec. 24, 1792. 125 Nabby, d. of Amos, Jr., & Patty, b. Aug. 18, 1795, bp Aug. 23. 125 Betsey, d. of Amos, Jr., & Patty, b. Jul. 4, 1798, bp. Aug. 12. 125 Mary, d. of Amos, Jr., & Patty, b. Mar. 18, 1801, bp. Mar. 29. 126 John, s. of Amos, Jr., & Patty, b Oct. 17, 1803, bp. Oct. 23. 126 Emelia, d. of Amos, Jr., & Patty, b. Dec. 25, 1806, bp. Apr. 26, 1807. 126 Harriet, d. of Amos, Jr., & Patty, b. Sept. 13, 1809, bp Sept. 17. Marston. William S., s. of John D. & Mary E., May 23, 1853. Mason. 193 Elizabeth, d. of John & Hannah Spring of Newton, and wf. of John, Jr., b. Apr. 9, 1675. t John, s. of John & Elizabeth, b. Feb. 22, 1676. 193 John, Jr., s. of John & Elizabeth of Newton, b. Jan. 22, 1677. t Elizabeth, d. of John & Elizabeth, b. Nov. 10, 1678. t Abigail, d. of John & Elizabeth, b. Dec. 16, 1679. 193 , first ch. of John, Jr., & Elizabeth, b. and d. Aug. 14, 1700. 11 John, s. of John & Elizabeth, b. Aug. 8, 1701, bp. Aug., 1701. 11 Elizabeth, d. of John & Elizabeth, b. Aug. 30, 1703, bp. Sept. 5, 1703. 11 Millicent, d. of John & Elizabeth, b. Apr. 24, 1705, bp. Apr. 29, 1705. 1 1 Thaddeus, s. of John & Elizabeth, b. Dec. 27, 1706, bp. Dec. 29, 1706. 11 Jonas, s. of John & Elizabeth, b. Oct. 27, 1708, bp. Oct., 1708. 11 Katharine, d. of John & Elizabeth, b. Aug. 5, 1710, bp. Aug. 13. 11 Esther, d. of John & Elizabeth, b. Jan. 2, 1712-13, bp. Jan. 4. 11 Sarah, d. of John & Elizabeth, b. June 7, 1714, bp. June 13. 25 Mercy, d. of John & Elisabeth, b. Nov. 12, 1716, bp. Nov. 18. 25 Samuel, s. of John & Elisabeth, b. Oct. 9, 1720, bp. Oct. 9. 4 Lydia, d. of John, Jr., & Lydia, b. Mar. 31, 1732, bp. Apr. 2. 30 Katharine, d. of John & Lydia, b. Oct. 29, 1733, bp. Nov. 4. 30 John, s. of John & Lydia, b. Apr. 5, 1735, bp. Apr. 6. 28 Joseph, s. of John, Jr., & Lydia, b. Jul. 29, 1736, bp. Aug. 1. 30 Jonas, s. of John & Lydia, b. Mar. 2, 1737-38, bp. Mar. 15. Elizabeth, d. of John, bp. Jul. 1, 1739. Sarah, bp. Oct. 26, 1740. Millecent, bp. Feb. 28, 1742. Hannah, bp. Sept. 6, 1747. Samuel, bp. May 14, 1749 ELtezer.l^^^^^'^P*^"^-'^'^^^^- 79 Mary, d of Joseph & Elisabeth, b. Jan. 24, 1770, bp. Feb. 4. 79 John, s. of Joseph & Elisabeth, b. Sept. 8, 1772, bp. Sept. 13. Mattocks. Joshua, bp. Apr. 24, 1743. 46 LEXINGTON BEGOBD OF BIRTHS. May. George E., s. of Rev. Sam'l J., Oct. 25, 1844. McGrath. , s. of Patrick & Bridget, Jul. 7, 1861. McGuak. James, s. of Ivory & Harriet Sanborn, Aug. 3, 1851. McMahan. Mary Frances, d. of Cornelius & Mary, May 8, 1847. Mead. t Hannah, d. of David & Hannah, b. Sept. 17, 1676. t Margaret, d. of Israel & Mary, b. Feb. 20, 1676-77. t Mary, d. of Israel & Mary, b Feb. 10, 1682. t Ruth, d of Israel & INIary, b. Aug. 10, 1684, t Ebenezer, s. of Israel & Mary, b. May 10, 1686. SarX'^' ( ^"- °* '^''^°®-' ^1^- ^^y ^' ^^^^• Thomas, bp. Sept , 1700. Jonathan, bp. Sept. 6, 1702. Israel, bp. Apr. 16, 1704. Samuel, s. of Thos., bp. Mar. 3, 1706. John, first ch. of John, bp. Feb. 23, 1707. Joseph, s. of Joseph, bp. Feb. 9, 1709. Mary, d. of Thos., bp. Oct. 16, 1709. James, bp. Apr. 8, 1711. Elizabeth, bp June 17, 1711. Abigail, d. of Hopestill & Elizabeth, bp. Aug. 30, 1713. Cornelius, b]). Jan. 3, 1714. Joshua, "l Lydia, j Susannah, bp. Aug. 23, 1719. Hopestill, bp. Sept. 17, 1721. David, bp. Sept. 29, 1723, Elijah, bp. Aug. 29, 1725. 27 Sarah, d. of Israel & Sarah, b. Aug. 14, 1732, bp. Aug 20. 27 Hannah, d. of Israel & Sarah, b. Jan. 3, 1734-35, bp. Jan. 12. 46 John, s. of Israel & Sarah, b. June 2, 1745, bp. June 9. Mary, d. of Israel, bp, Sept. 27, 1747. Lucy""*' ( ^- ^^^ ^' ^^^^* Lucy', bp. Jan. 19, 1752. Israel, bp. Nov. 12, 1752. 60 Sarah, d. of Cornelius & Hannah, b. Sept. 20, 1753, bp. Mar., 1754. 57 Ward, s. of Matthew & Martha, b. Dec. 16, 1754. 60 Abner, s. of Cornelius & Hannah, b. Dec. 15, 1754, bp. Jul. 20, 1755. 60 Benoni, s. of Cornelius & Hannah, b. May 1, 1756, bp. Jan. 31, 1757, Lydia, d. of Joshua, bp. May 23, 1756. 57 Martha, d. of Matthew & Martha, b. Aug. 10, 1756, bp. Aug. 15. 60 Susanah, d. of Cornelius & Hannah, b. Jan. 26, 1758, bp. Apr. 30. Rhoda, d. of Matthew, bp. Jul. 9, 1758. Levi, s, of Matthew, bp, Oct 14, 1759, Josiah, s, of Matthew, bp, Oct, 18, 1761, Elias, s, of Matthew, bp. May 29, 1763, Josiah, s. of Sarah, bp, Nov, 6, 1768, LEXINGTON BECOBD OF BIBTHS. 47 Mead — Continued. Nancy, d. of Rhoda, bp. Aug. 1, 1784. Levi, s. of Levi & Betty, bp. Aug. 8, 1784. James, s. of Levi, bp. Oct. 26, 1788. Ill Clarissa, d. of Josiah & Sally, b. June 10, 1790, bp. Jul. 25. Bradley, s. of Levi, h]}. June 3, 1792. Mariah Howard, d. of Josiah, bp June 24, 1792. Sally, d. of Josiah, bp Apr. 13, 1794. Larkin, s. of Levi, bp Oct. 18, 1795. Elias, s. of Levi, bp. Mar. 17, 1799. Sally, d. of Josiah, bp. Feb. 22, 1801. Franklin, s, of Josiah, bp. Aug. 28, 1803. Mellage. 17 John, " a child Robert Herrington took," b. Aug. 28, 1712. Merriam, Meriam, Mirriam. f Lydia, d. of Joseph & Sarah, b. Aug. 3, 1656. t Joseph, s. of Joseph & Sarah, b. May 25, 1658. t Elizabeth, d. of Joseph & Sarah, b. May 20, 1660. t John, s. of Joseph & Sarah, b. Aug. 80, 1662. t Mary, d. of Joseph & Sarah, b. June 11, 1G64. t Robert, s. of Joseph & Sarah, b. Feb 17, 1667. t Marv, d. of John & Mary, b. Jan. 6, 1689. 10 Joseph, s. of Robert & Abigail, b. Mar. 3, 1696-97. t Mary, d. of Thos. & Mary, b. Oct. 3, 1697. Ruth, d. of John, bp. Nov. 6, 1698. 10 Abigaill, d. of Robert & Abigail, b. Oct. 3, 1699 (?), bp. Nov. 6, 1698. f Benjamin, s. of John & Mary, b. Jan. 6, 1700. t Thomas, s. of Thos. & Mary, b. Apr. 15, bp. Apr. 21, 1700. Benjamin, s of John, bp. Jan., 1701. 10 Hanah, d. of Robert & Abigail, b. Apr. 16, 1701, bp. Jul., 1701. t John, s. of John & Mary, b. Feb. 13, 1703. t Robert, s. of Robert & Abigail, b. Jul. 18, 1703, bp. Jul. 18. t Lydia, d. of Thos., b. Jul. 23, bp. Aug. 1, 1703. Jonas, bp. Feb. 20, 1704. 11 Jonathan, s. of Robert & Abigail, b. Jul. 25, 1705, bp. Jul., 1705. t Nathaniel, s. of Thos. & Mary, b. Dec. 6, 1705, bp. Dec. 9. t Ebenezer, s. of Dea. John & Mary, b. Mar. 2, 1705-06, bp. Mar. 3. t Joshua, s. of Dea. John & Mary, b. Feb. 21, bp. Feb. 22, 1707-08. 11 Hezekiah, s. of Robert & Abigail, b. Mar. 3(T, 1707, bp. Apr. 16, 1708. t Simon, s. of Thos. & Mary, b. Nov. 23, 1708, bp. Nov. 28. t Sarah, d. of Robert & Abigail, b. Jul. 25, 1710, bp. Jul. 30. t David, s. of Thos. & Mary, b. Aug. 22, 1711, bp. Sept. 2. t William, s. of John & Mary, b. Sept. 24, 1712. William, s. of Dea. John, bp. Sept. 28, 1712. 8 Mary. d. of Robert & Abigail, b. Dec. 11, 1712, bp. Dee. 14. 8 Isaac, s. of Thos. & Mary, b. Jul 5, 1714, bp. Jul. 11. 11 Amos, s. of John & Mary, b. Jul. 25, 1715, bp. Jul. 31. Sarah, d, of Robert, bp. Jul. 8, 1716. Joseph, Jr., bp. Jul. 13, 1718. 18 Elizabeth, d. of Joseph & Mary, b. June 13, 1721, bp June 18. 18 Elizabeth, d. of Joseph & Mary, b. Oct. 28, 1722, bp. Oct. 28. 33 Samuell, s. of Thos. & Tabitha, b. Dec. 21, 1723, bp. Dec. 29. 33 Nathan, s. of Thos. & Tabitha, b. Api-. 9, 1725, bp. Apr. 11. 21 Robert, s. of Joseph & Mary, b. Oct. 29, 1725, bp. Oct. 31. , bp. June 12, 1726. 33 Mary, d. of Thos. & Tabitha, b. June 15, 1727, bp June 18. 23 Mary. d. of Joseph & Mary, b. June 28, 1728, bp. June 23. 24 John, s. of Jonas & Abigail, b. Jul. 28, 1729, bp. Aug. 3. 48 LEXINGTON BE COED OF BIBTHS. Merriam, Meriam, Mirriam — Continued. 33 Ilaunah, d. of Thos. & Tabitha, b. Aug. 7, 1729, bp. Aug. 10. Jonas, bp. Feb. 14, 1730. 1 Beulah, d. of Joseph & Mary, b. Aug. 2, 1730, bp. Aug. 2. 33 Thomas, s. of Thos. & Tabitha, b. Apr. 24, 1731, bp. May 2. 1 Joseph, s. of Joseph & Mary, b. Jul. 10, 1732, bp. Jul. 23. William, s. of Jonas, bp. Dec. 17, 1732. 27 Mary, d. of Benj. & Mary, b. Apr. 4, 1733, bp. Apr. 8. 33 Tabitha, d. of Thos. & Tabitha, b May 10, 1733, bp. May 13. 28 Esther, d. of Nath'I & Esther, b. Oct. 23, 1734, bp. Oct. 27. 33 Lydia, d. of Thos. & Tabitha, b. Oct. 28, 1734, bp. Nov. 3. 29 Abraham, s. of Jonas & Abigail, b. Dec. 28, 1734, bp. Dec. 29. 27 Sarah, d. of Joseph & Mary, b. Jan. 4, 1734-35, bp. Jan. 5. 27 Elisabeth, d. of Benj. & Mary, b. Mar. 10, 1734-35, bp. Mar. 16. 29 Silas, s. of Jonas & Abigail, b. Mar. 5, 1736-37, bp. Mar. 6. 33 Keziah, d. of Thos. & Tabitha, b. Feb. 14, 1737, bp. Feb. 20. 30 Nathaniel, s. of Nath'I & Hester, b. Apr. 16, 1737, bp. Apr. 17. 29 Benjamin, s. of Benj. & Mary, b. June 8, 1737, bp. June 12. Robert, s. of Joseph, bp. June 11, 1738. 33 Elisabeth, d. of Thos. & Tabitha, b Jul. 29, 1738, bp. Jul. 30. 45 James, s. of Jonas & Abigail, b. Apr. 10, 1739, bp. Apr. 11. 33 Hannah, d. of Thos. & Tabitha, b. Jul. 9, 1739, bp. Jul. 16. 33 Amos, s. of Amos & Hannah, b. Aug. 24, 1739, bp. Aug. 26. 36 Mary, d. of Nath'I & Esther, b. Oct. 31, 1739, bp. Nov. 4. Anna, bp. Apr. 6, 1740. 35 Eunice, d. of Thos. & Tabitha, b. June 30, 1740, bp. Jul. 6. 37 Aaron, s. of Benj. & Mary, b. Sept. 21, 1740, bp. Sept. 28. 45 Abigail, d. of Jonas & Abigail, b. June 11, 1741, bp. June 14. Abigail, d of Joseph, r. June 21, 1741. 37 Jonathan, s. of Amos & Hannah, b. Aug. 16, 1741, bp. Aug. 23. Hepzibah, bp. Sept. 6, 1741. 45 Eunice, d. of Jonas & Abigail, b. June 29, 1743, bp. Jul. 3. 41 Hannah, d, of Amos & Hannah, b. Feb. 9, 1743-44, bp. Feb. 12. 44 Abigail, d. of Nath'I & Esther, b. Mar. 11, 1743-44, bp. Mar. 11. David, bp Au^. 19, 1744. 46 Ebenezer, s. of Jonas & Abigail, b. Nov. 2, 1745, bp. Nov. 3. Patience, d. of Nath'I, bp. Apr. 6, 1746. 48 Sarah, d. of Amos & Hannah, b. Apr. 18, 1746, bp. Apr. 20. Mary, d. of Thos., r. Sept. 7, 1746. 53 Lucy, d of Amos & Hannah, b. Sept. 4, 1748, bp. Sept. 11. 53 Simon, s. of Nath'I & Esther, b. June 3, 1749, bp. June 11. 56 Anna, d. of Sam'l & Anna, b. Oct. 10, 1753, bp. Oct. 14. 56 Eunice, d. of Sam'l & Anna, b. June 22, 1755, bp. Jul. 6. 64 Samuel, s. of Sam'l & Anna, b. Mar. 25, 1757, bp. Mar. 27. 68 Abraham, s. of Abraham & Sarah, b. May 19, 1757, bp. May 29. Sarah, d. of Nath'I, bp. Sept. 18, 1757. 64 Ruth, d. of Sam'l & Anna, b. Feb. 20, 1759, bp. Feb. 25. 60 Ezra, s. of Abraham & Sarah, b. Jan. 15, 1760, bp. Jan. 20. 64 Tabitha, d. of Sam'l & Anna, b. Dec. 23, 1760, bp. Dec. 28. 66 Silas, s. of Abraham & Sarah, b. Feb. 6, 1762, bp. Feb. 7. 102 Rufus, s. of Benj., Jr., & Ginger, b. Oct. 28, 1762. 102 Benjamin, s. of Benj., Jr., & Ginger, b. Mar. 23, 1764. 84 Nathan, s. of Sam'l & Hannah, b. Apr. 26, 1764, bp. Ai^r. 29. 102 Edith, d. of Benj., Jr., & Ginger, b. Aug. 20, 1765. 86 Sarah, d. of Abraham & Sarah, b. (at Woburn) Oct. 10, 1766. 84 Jonathan, s. of Sam'l & Hannah, b. Feb. 26, 1767, bp. Feb. 27. 102 Mary, d. of Benj., Jr., & Ginger, b. Jul. 5, 1767. 75 Nathaniel, s. of Nath'I & Lucy, b. Feb. 1, 1768, bp. Feb. 14. 103 Anna, d. of Benj., Jr., & Ginger, b. June 10, 1769. 86 Jonas, s. of Abraham & Sarah, b. (at Woburn) Jul. 31, 1769. LEXINGTON BE COED OF BIRTHS. 49 Merriam, Meriam, Mirriam — Continued. 88 William, s. of Wm, & Sarah, b. Mar. 23, 1771, bp. Mar. 24. Abigail, d. of Abraham, bp. June 2, 1771. 103 George, s. of Benj., Jr., & Ginger, b. Aug. 7, 1771. 88 Jonathan, s. of Wm. & Sarah, b, Aug. 25, 1772, bp. Aug. 30. 103 Rebekah, d. of Ben]., Jr., & Ginger, b. June 19, 1773. 88 Jonas, s. of Wni. & Sarah, b. Nov. 6. 1773, bp. Nov. 4. 103 Tryphena, d. of Benj., Jr., & Ginger, b. Feb. 25, 1775. 88 Abel, s. of Wm. & Sarah, b. Mar. 13, 1775, bp. Mar. 19. Zadock, s. of Abraham, bp. Jul. 28, 1776. 96 Sarah, d. of Wm. & Sarah, b. Aug. 14, 1776, bp. Aug. 18. 103 Phila, d. of Benj., Jr., & Ginger, b. Apr. 23, 1777. 103 Nathan, s. of Benj , Jr., & Ginger, b. Oct. 3, 1780. Rebekah, d. of Wm , bp. Nov. 12, 1786. 119 Martha, d. of Rufus & IMartha, b. Jul. 21, 1787, bp. Dec. 7, 1788. 119 Rufus, s. of Rufus & Martha, b. Sept. 11, 1789. 119 John Parkhurst, s. of Rufus & Martha, b. Jul. 4, 1791. 119 Eliza, d. of Rufus & Martha, b. Feb. 23, 1793. 119 Mary, d. of Rufus & Martha, b. (Jan. 1, 1798). 119 Emily, d. of Rufus & Martha, b. (Aug. 16, 1800). 119 Juliann, d. of Rufus & Martha, b. Oct. 12, 1804. Martha, bp. May 17, 1807. Eliza, ^ ^^^' \ ch. of Rufus, bp. Jul. -, 1827. Emily, j ) 1 ' Julia Ann, j John Clark, s. of Joseph, Jr., bp. Aug. 29, 1830. Minot. Mary, bp. Nov. 16, 1712. Samiiel, bp. Oct. 12, 1718. Mitchell. Oliver, s. of Patrick & Sarah A., Mar. 18, 1846. James Alpheus, s. of Patrick & Sarah Ann, Aug. 20, 1847. Mary R., d. of Patrick & Sarah, Jan. 4, 1849, Moore, Moors. Mary, d. of Mary, bp. Nov. 25, 1722. 36 Mary, d. of Thos. & Mary, b. July 5, 1724 ; father and d. bp. Apr. 7, 1728. 36 Thomas, s. of Thos. & Mary, b. Sept. 10, 1725, bp, Apr. 7, 1728. 23 Thomas, s. of Thos. & Mary, b. Sept. 15, 1725, bp. Apr. 7, 1728. 36 Elizabeth, d. of Thos. & Mary, b. Sept. 15, 1727, bp. Apr. 7, 1728. 25 Abigaill, d. of Thos. & Mary, b. Apr. 30, 1729, bp. May 4. 3 , d. of Thos., b. Jan. 20, 1730. 36 Lydia, d. of Thos. & Mary, b. Jan. 18, 1731, bp. Jan. 14, 36 Charles, s. of Thos. & Mary, b. Aug. 14, 1732. 28 Charles, s, of Thos. & Mary, b. Aug. 22, 1733, bp. Aug. 26, 36 Robert, s, of Thos, & Mary, b. Feb. 6, 1735, bp. Mar. 7, 1736. 28 Robert, s. of Thos. & Mary, b. Feb 23, 1735-36. 36 Isaac, s. of Thos. & Mary, b. May 24, bp. May 7, 1738. 36 Abigail, d. of Thos. & Mary, b. Apr. 30, 1739. 36 Benjamin, s. of Thos. & Mary, b. Mar. 25, 1741. 36 Sarah, d. of Thos. & Mary, b. Dec. 5, 1745. Morell. Sarah, J ^,^ ^^ Ambrose & Sally, bp. Apr. 24, 1808. 50 LEXINGTON BE COED OF BIItTHS. Morse. 91 Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer & Sarah, b. Mar. 1, 1768, bp. May 6, 1770. Daniel, s. of Anna, bp. Mar. 26, 1769. 91 Isaac, s. of Ebenezer & Sarah, b. May 4, 1774, l»p. June 5. Mulliken. 57 Nathaniel, s. of Nath'l & Lydia, b. Mar. 30, 1752. 67 Lydia, d. of Nath'l & Lydia, b Jul. 11, 1753, bp. Jul. 15, 1752. 57 John, s. of Nath'l & Lydia, b. Dec. 23, 1754, bp. Jan. 5, 1755. 57 Samuel, s. of Nath'l & Lydia, b Jul. 4, 1756, bp. Jul. 11. 58 Mary, d. of Nath'l & Lydia, b. Dec. 4, 1757, bp. Dec. 4. 68 Rebeckah, d. of Nath'l & Lydia, b Dec. 10, 1762, bp. Dec. 12. 68 Joseph, s. of Nath'l & Lydia, b. Apr. 9, 1765, bp. Apr. 14. 104 Nathaniel, s. of John & Lydia, b. Mar. 17, 1781, bp. Mar. 18. 104 John, s. of John & Lydia, b. Apr. 26, 1783, bp. Apr. 27. 104 Lucv, d. of John & Lydia, b. Mar. 30, 1785, bp. Apr. 3. 108 Lydia, d. of John & Lydia, b. Aug. 6, 1787, bp. Aug. 12. 108 Lsaac, s. of John & Lydia, b. June 1, 1789, bp. June 7. 108 Samuel, s. of John & Lydia, b Apr. 20, 1791, bp. May 1. 108 Faustina, d. of John & Lydia, b. Apr. 20, 1793, bp. Apr. 21. 148 Lucy, d of Nath'l & Mary, b. Aug. 26, 1806, bp. Aug. 7, 1808. 148 John William, s. of Nath'l & Mary, b. Sept. 12, 1809, bp. Oct. 22, 1809. Tliis child at his birth had four great-gi'and parents living in Lexington, and four grand parents. 148 Mary, d. of Nath'l & Mary, b. May 17, 1811, bp. Jul. 21. 148 Nathaniel, s. of Nath'l & Mary, b. May 2, 1813, bp. Jul. 11. 157 Susan, d. of John, Jr., & Susanna, b. Sept, 19, 1814, bp. Nov. 6. 148 Nathan Chandler, s. of Nath'l & Mary, b. Feb. 19, 1815, bp. May 14. 157 Charles, s. of John, Jr., & Susanna, b. Oct. 8, 1816, bp. Dec. 8. 163 Faustina, d. of Capt. Isaac & Mary Nelson, b. Apr. 17, 1817. 157 Lydia, d. of John, Jr., & Susanna, b. Jan. 8, 1819, bp. Mar. 21. 163 Elizabeth, d. of Capt. Isaac & Mary Nelson, b. Mar. 16, 1819, and died. 165 Eliza, d. of Nath'l & Mrs. Lydia Sanderson, b. Jan. 30, 1820, bp. Apr. 16. 157 George, s. of John, Jr., & Susanna, b. Mar. 15, 1821, bp. May 27. 163 Henry, s. of Capt. Isaac & Mary Nelson, b. Aug. 16, 1821. 165 P'phraim Simonds, s. of Nath'l & Lydia Sanderson, b. Mar. 24, 1822, bp. June 2. 165 Emery Abbot, s. of Nath'l & Lydia S., b. May 21, 1823, bp. Jul. 20. 157 Elizabeth Reed, d. of John, Jr., & Susanna, b. Nov. 3, 1823. 163 Edward, s. of Capt. Isaac & Mary Nelson, b. Nov. 25, 1823. 165 Elijah Sanderson, s. of Nath'l & Lydia S., b. June 30, 1824, bp. Oct. 24. 163 Mary Caroline, d. of Capt. Isaac & Mary Nelson, b. Feb. -, 1825. 165 Joseph Warren, s. of Nath'l & Lydia S., b. June 14, 1825, bp. Oct. 2. 1.57 John, s. of John, Jr , & Susanna, b. Apr 26, 1826, bp. June IS. 165 Lydia Whiting, d. of Nath'l & Lydia S., b. Aug. 3, 1827, bp. Oct , 1827. 165 Augusta Warren, d. of Nath'l & J^ydia S., b. Aug. 18, 1829, l)p. Dec. 5. Charlotte Munroe, d. of Geo. & Charlotte, Apr. 27, 1848. George F., s. of Geo. & Charlotte, b. Oct. 6, 1851. Ann Eliza, d. of Emery A. & Avis M., Nov. 9, 1851. Charles H., s. of Geo. & Charlotte, Oct. 26, 1853. Munroe, Mun-roe, Roe. t John, s. of Wni. & Martha, b Mar. 10, 1666. t Martha, d. of Wm. & Martha, b. Nov. 2, 1667. t William, s. of Wm & Martha, 1). Oct. 10, 1669. * Daniel, s. of Wm. & Mary, b. Aug. 12, 1673, bp. Feb. 26, 1698-99. * Mary, d. of Wm. & Mary, b. Jum; 28, 1678, bp. Feb. 26, 1698-99. * David, s. of Wm & Mary, b. Oct. 6, 1680, bp. Mar. 26, 1699. LEXINGTON RECORD OF BIRTHS. 51 Munroe, Mun-roe, Roe— Continued. * Eleanor, d of VVm & Mary, b. Feb. 2-i, 1682-83. t Sarah, d. of Wm & Mary, b. Mar. 18, 1684. 17 Eleanor, d. of VVm. & Mary, b. Mar. 3, 1685. t Benjamin, s. of Wm. & Mary, b. Aug. 16, 1690. * Joseph, s. of Wm. & Mary, b. Aug. 16, 1687, bp. Feb. 26, 1698-99. John, ") Hannah, Sch. of John, bp. Jan. 1, 1698-99. Constance, ) George, bp. Feb. 26, 1698-99. Susanna, ") Sarah, S eh. of Wm., Sr., bp. Feb. 26, 1698-99. Benjamin, 3 Jonathan, s. of John, bp. Mar. 12, 1699. 7 Mary, d. of Wm., Jr., & Mary Munroe, b. Apr. 3, 1699, bp. May 4, 1699. t William, s. of Geo. & Sarah, b. Jan. 6, 1699-1700. William, s. of Geo., bp. Jan. 7, 1700. t William, s. of John & Hannah, b. Feb. 1, 1700. William, s. of Lieut. John, bp. Feb., 1701. 7 Abigail, d. of Wm., Jr , & Mary, b. June 28, 1701, bp. June, 1701. t Sarah, d. of Geo. & Sarah, b. Oct. 7, 1701, bp. Oct. 9. t Dorothy, d. of Geo. & Sarah, b. Nov. 19, 1703, bp. Nov. 21. t Elizabeth, d. of John & Hannah, b. Mar. 5, 1703. Elisabeth, d. of John, bp. Mar. 7, 1703. 7 W^illiam, s. of Wm., Jr., & Mary, b. Dec. 19, 1703, bp. Jan. 2, 1704. Susannah, d. of John & Hannah, b. June 23, bp. Jul. 1, 1705. t Lydia, d. of Geo. & Sarah, b. Dec. 13, bp. Dec. 16, 1705. 7 Thomas, s. of Wm., Jr., & Mary, b. Mar. 19, 1706, bp. Mar. 24, 1706. t George, s. of Geo. & Sarah, b. Oct. 17, bp. Oct. 19, 1707. t Jonas, s. of John & Hannah, b. Nov. 22, 1707, bp. Nov. 23. 7 David, s. of Wm., Jr., & Mary, b. Sept. 28, 1708, bp. Oct. 3, 1708. Martha, d. of John, bp. Feb. 19, 1710. 7 Ruth, d. of Wm., Jr., & Mary, b. Mar. 16, 1711, bp. Mar. 17. Robert, s. of Geo., bp. May 18, 1712. 7 Hannah, d. of Wm., Jr., & Mary, b. Mar. 19, 1713, bp. Mar. 22. 8 Joseph, s. of Joseph & Elizabeth, b. May 23, 1713, bp. May 24. 8 Marrett, s. of John & Hannah, b. Dec. 6, 1713, bj). Dec. 12. 9 Samuel, s. of Geo. & Sarah, b. Oct. 23, 1714, bp. Oct. 24. 10 Elizabeth, d. of Joseph & Elizabeth, b. Jan. 12, 1714-15, bp. Jan. 16. Sarah, r. Aug 19, 1716. 12 Nathan, s. of Joseph & Elisabeth, b. Sept. 11, 1716, bp. Sept. 23. 12 Joshua, s. of Joseph & Elizabeth, b. Dec. 22, 1717, bp. Dec. 22. 12 Daniel, s. of Dan'l & Dorithy, b. Jan. 27, 1717-18, bp. Feb 2. 13 Philip, s. of Wm. & Johanna, b. Feb. 26, 1717-18, bp. Mar. 2. 13 Andrew, s. of Geo. & Sarah, b. June 4, bp. June 8, 1718. Nathaniel, bp. Nov. 29, 1719. Prudence, bp. Mar. 20, 1720. 16 Lucy, d. of Geo. & Sarah, b. Aug. 20, 1720, bp. Aug. 21. 18 Nathaniel, s. of Joseph & Elizabeth, b. Nov. 17, 1720. 18 Amos, s. of Joseph & Elizabeth, b. Apr. 21, 1721, bp. Sept. 23. 18 Jedadiah, s. of Danl & Dority, b. May 20, 1721, bp. May 28. Abi^iail \ '^^' °* ^^"J" ^ ^Y^^^^ bp. Sept. 17, 1721. 27 Abigail' d. of Joseph & Elisabeth, b. Jan. 20, 1723, bp. Jan. 27. Benjamin, s. of Benj., bp. Jan. 27, 1723. Edmund, bp. Mar. 3, 1723. Hepsibeth, bp. May 24, 1724. 19 Sarah, d. of Dan'l & Dority, b. Jul. 14, 1724, bp. Jul. 19 Rebekah, bp Aug. 29, 1725. 27 Mary, d. of Joseph & Elisabeth, b. Jan. 21, 1726, bp Feb. 6. 52 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF BIRTHS. Munroe, Mun-roe, Roe — Continued. 51 Phebe, d. of Win. & Phebe, b. Apr. 28, 1726, bp. May 15. 22 Susanna, d. of Wm., Sr., & Johanah, b. Oct. 21, 1726, bp. Oct. 23. 27 Elenor, d of Joseph & Elisabeth, b. June 13, 1727, bp. Jul. 9. Sarah, bp. Aug. 6, 1727. 51 Jonathan, s of Wm. & Phebe, b. Apr. 1, 1728, bp. Apr. 7. 2i Dority, d, of Dan'l & Dority, b. June 21, 1728, bp. June 23. Martha, J ^ j^^ . ^^^^ ^^ ^^29. Mary, ) 51 William, s. of Wm. & Phebe, b. May 12, 1730, l)p. May 24. 3 John, s. of Dan'l & Dority, b. Mar. 30, 1731, bp. June 6. 27 Keziah, d. of Joseph & Elisabeth, b. Oct. 16, 1731. Anna, d. of Benj., Sr,, bp. Mar. 26, 1732. 51 Edmund, s. of Wm. & Phebe, b. May 3, 1732, bp. May 7. George, bp. May 13, 1733. 27 Hannah, d. of Joseph & Elisabeth, b. Nov. 29, 1733, bp. Mar. 3, 1734. Eunice, d. of Benj., bp. Apr. 14, 1734. 27 Jonas, s. of Jonas & Joanah, b. Nov. 2, 1734, bp. Nov. 3. Timothy, s. of Geo., Jr., bp. Apr. 20, 1735. 51 Bridget, d, of Wm. & Phebe, b. Apr. 27, 1735, bp. Apr. 27. David, s. of David & Abigail, bp. Nov. 16, 1785. 28 James, s. of Wm. (s. of Geo.) & Rebeckah, b. Dec. 12, bp. Dec. 28, 1735. 28 Edmund, s. of Wm. & Sarah, b. Feb. 2, 1735-36, bp. Feb. 8. Benjamin, s. of David, bp. Sept. 12, 1736. 51 Ebenezer, s. of Robert & Anna, b. Feb. 5, 1737. 29 John, s. of Jonas & Joanah, b. Feb. 21, 1736-37, bp. Feb. 27. 37 Isaac, s. of Wm. & Rebecca, b. Sept. 14, 1737, bp. Sept. 18. 29 Rachel, d. of Marrett & Deliverence, b. Nov. 29, 1737, bp. Dec. 18. Hannah, d. of Wm., bp. Dec. 18, 1737. 32 Sarah, d. of Wm. & Sarah, b. May 1, 1738, bp. May 7. Ebenezer, bp. May 7, 1738. 504 Abraham, s. of David & Abigail, b. Aug. 4, 1738, bp. Aug. 27. Thaddeus, s. of Geo., Jr., bp. Aug. 20, 1738. 34 Stephen, s. of Jonas & Joannah, b. Oct. 25, 1739, bp. Oct. 28. 37 Asa, s. of Wm. & Rebecca, b. Dec. 29, 1739, bp. Jan. 6, 1740. Elizabeth, bp. Mar. 23, 1740. 37 Anna, d. of Robert & Anna (P. R. says " Hannah "), b. Aug. 13, 1740, bp. Aug. 17, 1740. 35 Catherin, d. of Wm. & Sarah, b. Sept. 29, 1740, bp. Oct. 5. 45 Mary, d. of Phillip & Mary, b. Dec. 4, 1740, bp. Dec. 7. 41 Rebekah, d. of Wm. & Rebekah, b. Jan. 19, 1741-42, bp. Jan. 31, 1742. Jane, bp. Apr. 18, 1742. 34 Jonathan, s. of Jonas & Joannah, b. May 25, 1742, bp. June 6. 41 Josiah, s. of Marrett & Deliverance, b. June 29, 1742, bp, Jul. 4. 39 Ruth, d. of Robert & Anna, b. Jul. 26, 1742, bp. Aug. 1. Betty, bp. Aug. 29, 1742. 50d William, s. of Wm. & Sarah, b. Oct. 28, 1742, bp. Nov. 7. 45 Lois, d. of Phillip & Mary, b. Dec. 11, 1742, bp. Dec. 12, 51 Hannah, d. of Wm. & Phebe, b. Dec. 15, 1742. 46 Lydia, d. of Wm. & Rebeckah, b Feb. 21, 1744, bp. Feb. 22. 50d Abigail, d. of Wm., 4th, & Sarah, b. Feb. 24, 1744, bp. Mar. 3, 1745. Daniel, bp, Sept 23, 1744. 51 Ebenezer, s. of Robert & Anna, b. Nov. 15, 1744, bp. Nov. 25. 45 Johannah, d of Philip & Mary, b. Dec. 28, 1744, bp. Dec. 30. 45 Josiah, s, of Marret & Deliverance, b. Feb. 12, 1744-45, bp. Feb 17. 51 Sarah, d. of Wm. & Tabitha, b. Apr. 18, 1746, bp. Apr. 20. 46 Amos, s. of Wm. & Rebeckah, b. May 31, 1746, bp. June 1. Abigail, d. of Jedediah, bp Oct. 12, 1746. Mary, d, of Benj., bp. Jan. 18, 1747. * LEXINGTON BECOliD OF BIRTHS. 53 Munroe, Mun-roe, Roe — Continued. 48 Joana, d. of Jonas & Joana, b. Apr. 12, 1747, bp. Apr. 12. Prudence, d. of Phillip, bp. May 27, 1747. 60i Nehemiah, s. of Wm. & Sarah, b. Jul. 1, 1747, bp. Jul. 5. 48 Nathan, s. of Marrett & Deliverance, b. Aug. 9, 1747, bp. Aug. 16. 61 Oliver, s. of Wm. & Tabitha, b. Feb. 9, 1748, bp. Feb. 28. 51 John, s. of Robert & Anna, b. June 15, 1748, bp. June 19. Mary, d. of Wm., bp. Oct. 23, 1748. Lydia, d. of Benj., bp. Feb. 5, 1749. 53 Mary, d. of Marrett & Deliverance, b. Mar. 3, 1749, bp. Mar. 4, 1750. Jedediah, bp. Jul. 30, 1749. Abel, bp. Oct. 7, 1750. 51 Dorcas, d. of Wm. & Tabitha, b. Nov. 14, 1750 (?), bp. Nov. 19, 1749. Hannah, d. of Wm., Jr., bp. Sept. 29, 1751. Prudence, bp. Jan. 19, 1752. Solomon, bp. Apr. 12, 1752. 54 Ebenezer, s. of Jonas & Rebeca, b. Apr. 19, 1752, Hop. Apr. 26. 51 Lucy, d. of Wm. & Tabitha, b. Apr. 19, 1752, bp. Apr. 26. 50 Bethiah, d. of Marrett & Deliverance, b. Jan. 22, 1753, bp. Feb. 11. Marv, d. of Robert, bp. Oct. 7, 1753. 54 Philemon, s. of Wm. & Rebacka, b. Oct. 30, 1753, bp. Nov. 4. Susanna, d. of Wm., bp. Apr. 7, 1754. Rebecca, d. of Jonas, bp. June 23, 1754. Luther, s. of Jedediah, bp. Mar. 23, 1755. 54 Deliverance, d. of Marrett & Deliverance, b. Jul. 22, 1755, bp. Aug. 10. 64 William, s. of Wm. & Rebekah, b. Aug 29, 1756, bp. Sept. 5. Mary, d. of Phillip, bp. Apr. 10, 1757. Joseph, s. of Jedediah, bp. Dec, 4, 1757. 59 Anna, d. of Marrett & Deliverance, b. Jan. 23, 1758, bp. Jan 29. 59 Martha, d. of Jonas & Rebeckah, b. Sept. 12, 1758, bp. Sept. 17. Lemuel, s. of Phillip, bp. Mar. 4, 1759. Anna, d. of Geo., bp. May 27, 1759. 60 Jonathan, s. of Sam'l & Abigail, b. Jul. 15, 1759. 77 Anna, d. of John & Anna, b. Nov. 18, 1759, bp. Jul. 12, 1767. Dolly, d. of Jedediah, bp Mar. 30, 1760. 61 Thaddeus, s. of Marrett & Deliverance, b. Oct. 26, 1760, bp. Oct. 26. Thaddeus, s. of Geo , bp. May 2, 1762. 67 John, s. of Marrett & Deliverance, b. Aug. 13, 1763, bp. Aug. 14. 75 Andrew, s. of Andrew & Mary (Simonds), b. Mar. 31, 1764. Andrew, s. of Andrew, bp. Apr. 15, 1764. Elisabetii' \ *^"^^ ^* Jedediah, bp. Jul. 1, 1764. 72 Elisabeth', d. of Marrett & Deliverance, b Oct. 4, 1765, bp. Oct. 6. Polly, d. of Rachel, bp. June 15, 1766. 75 Ishmael, s. of Andrew & Mary (Simonds), b. Oct. 9, 1766, bp Oct. 12, " after his father's death." 77 Lydia, d. of John & Anna, b. May 9, 1767, bp. May 17. Sarah, d. of John, bp. Jul. 12, 1767. Anna, d. of John, bp. Jul. 12, 1767. Abigail, d. of Geo., bp. Jul 26, 1767. 76 Abijah, s. of Sam'l & Abigail, b. Sept. 12, 1767. 79 William, s. of Wm., 3d, & Anna, b. May 28, 1768. 78 Pamelia, d. of Edmund & Rebeckah, b. Sept. 17, 1769. 124 Dilly, d. of Nathan & Elizabeth, b. Nov. 18, 1769. Polly, d. of Abigail, bp. Dec. 16, 1770. 80 Levi, s. of Sam'l & Abigail, b. Feb. 21, 1771, bp. Mar. 3. 79 Anna, d. of Wm., 3d, & Anna, b. May 9, 1771, bp. May 12 78 Rebekah, d. of Edmund & Rebeckah, b. June 27, 1771, bp. Jul. 7. Susanna, d. of Josiah, bp. Nov. 10, 1771. 93 Patty, d. of Ebenezer & Martha, b. Feb. 19, 1772, bp. Feb. 23. 54 LEXINGTON EECOBD OF BIRTHS. Munroe, Mun-roe, Roe — Continued. Hannah, d. of Geo., bp. May 24, 1772. 92 Arethusa, d. of Nathan & Elizabeth, b. Mar. 10, 1773 (?), bp. Mar. 2, 1773. 81 Peggy, d. of John, Jr., & Rebekah, b. Jul. 31, 1773, bp. Aug. 8. 78 Pamelia, d. of Edmund & Rebeckah, b. Sept. 20, 1773, bp. Sept. 26. Dilly, d. of Nathan, bp. Sept. 26, 1773. 96 Sarah, d. of VVm., 8d, & Anna, b. Oct. 21, 1773, bp. Oct. 24. 81 Polly, d. of John & Rebekah, b. Sept. 28, 1774, bp. Oct. 2. Hopzibah, d. of Geo., bp. Sept. 17, 1775. 78 Edmund, s. of Edmund & Rebeckah, b. Oct. 13, 1775. 97 Betty (Betsy?), d. of Nathan & Betty, b Apr. 5, 1776. 96 Lucinda, d. of Wm., 3d, & Anna, b. Apr. 9, 1776, bp. Apr. 14. 124 Betsey, d. of Nathan & Elizabeth, b. Apr. 15, 1776, bp. Apr. 21. 83 Rebekah, d. of John & Rebekah, b. May 30, 1776, bp. June 2. 93 Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer & Martha, b. Feb. 2, 1777, bp. Feb. 9. 95 Abigail, d. of Capt. Edmund & Rebekah, b. Dec. 6, 1777, bp. Dec. 14. 96 Jonas, s. of Wm., 3d, & Anna, b June 11, 1778, bp. June 14. 124 John, s of Nathan & Elizabeth, b. June 15, 1778, bp. June 21. 83 Polly, d. of John & Rebekah, b. Apr. 30, 1779, bp. May 2. Mary, bp. and r. June 6, 1779. Persff ' I ^P- ^"^^ ^- "^""^ ^^' ^^''^• Mei-cy, bp. and r. June 25, 1780. 124 Nathan, s. of Nathan & Elizabeth, b. Oct. 23, 1780, bp. Oct. 29. Edmund, s. of Wm., Jr., bp. Nov. 5, 1780. 83 Philena, d. of John & Rebekah, b. May 27, 1782, bp. June 2. 124 Jonathan, s. of Nathan & Elizabeth, b. Mar. 26, 1783, bp. Apr. 27. 102 Esther, d. of Ebenezer & Martha, b. Sept. 18, 1783, bp. Oct. 26. 103 Rlioda, d. of Joseph & Rhoda, b. Dec. 25, 1784. Samuel, J j ^ Bethiah, bp. Mar. 27, 1785. James, ^ ' ^ 93 John, s. of Ebenezer & Martha, b. Apr. 28, 1785, bp. May 15. 124 Polly, d. of Nathan & Elizabeth, b. Jul. 11, 1785, bp. Jul. 17. 124 Dorcas, d. of Nathan & Elizabeth, b. Mar. 31, 1788, bp. Apr. 13. 103 Joseph, s. of Joseph & Rhoda, b. Apr. 18, 1788. 124 Thaddeus, s. of Nathan & Elizabetii, b. Sept. 14, 1790, bp. Sept. 19. 112 Lydia, d. of Joseph & Rhoda, b Mar. 19, 1791. 124 Harris, s. of Nathan & Elizabeth, 1). May 29, 1793, bp. June 2. 131 Dennis, s. of Joseph & Rhoda, b. Jan. 22, 1797. 117 Jephtha, s. of Joseph & Rhoda, b. June 15, 1798. T{l«™^«'^bp. Sept. 13,1801. 154 Elbridge, s. of Nathan, Jr., & Susanna, b. Jul. 28, 1804. 131 Lovinia, d. of Jose|)h & Rlioda, b. Mar. 11, 1806. 154 Nathan, s. of Nathan, Jr., & Susanna, b. Jul. 28, 1808, at Concord. 1.54 Jonas Clark, s. of Nathan, Jr , & Susanna, b. Sept. 22, 1812, at i^iii- coln. 182 John IlarrLson, s. of John & Charlotte, b. June 3, 1813. 182 Charles Henry, s. of John & Charlotte, b. Aug. 10, 1814. 159 William Henry, s. of Jonas & Abigail, b Mar. 2, 1815. 182 Harriet, d. of John & Charlotte, b Apr. 29, 1816. 159 Harriet, d. of Jonas & Abigail, b. Nov. 25, 1816. 154 James, s of Nathan, Jr., & Susanna, b. Feb. 7, 1817, at Concord. 182 Ebenezer, s. of John & Ch.arlotte, b. Dec 3, 1817. Susan, d. of Joseph & Rhoda, bp. Oct 29, 1818. 159 Abby Smith, d. of Jonas & Abigail, b. Aug 28, 1819. 182 Jonas, s. of John & Charlotte, b. Sept. 10, 1819. 182 Lavinia, d. of John & Charlotte, b. Oct. 16, 1821. 182 Oliver, s. of John & Charlotte, b. Oct. 10, 1826. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF BIIiTIlS. 55 Munroe, Mun-roe, Roe — Continued. 182 Charlotte, d. of John & Charlotte, b. Mar. 28, 1827. Harriet, bp. Jan. 7, 1844. Rebecca Eliza, d. of Geo. & Eliza W., Oct. 6, 1847. Georgiana, d. of Geo. & Eliza W., Jan. 18, 1850. Muzzey, Muzzy. t Mary, d. of Benj. & Sarah, b. Jul. 13, 1683. t Benjamin, s. of Benj. & Sarah, b. Feb. 20, 1689. t Amos, s. of Benj. &'Sarah, b. Jan. 6, bp. Jan. 7, 1699-1700. f Bethiah, d. of Benj. & Sarah, b, Apr. 15, 1701, bp. June. Thomas, bp. Sept. 1. 1706. Joseph, s. of Benj., Jr., bp. Mar. 19, 1710. t Elizabeth, d. of John & Elizabeth, b. Apr. 15, 1710, bp. Apr. 23. t Mary, d. of John & Elizabeth, b. Mar. (?) 14, 1711-12, bp. Feb, 16. ■ Esther, bp. May 18, 1712. Elizabeth, bp. Apr. 5, 1713. 8 John, s. of John & Elizabeth, b. May 12, 1714, bp. May 30. Patience, v. Feb. 6, 1715. John, s. of Benj , bp. Feb. 12, 1716. 11 Sarah, d. of John & Elizabeth, b. Jul. 6, 1716, bp. Jul. 15. 15 Jane, d. of John & Elizabeth, b. Jul. 4, 1719, bp. Jul. 12. Abigail, bp. Jan. 7, 1722. Benjamin, 2d, bp. May 18, 1729. Elisabeth, d. of John, bp. Oct. 21, 1733. 33 Elizabeth, d. of John & Mary, b. Dec. 17, 1734, bp. Dec. 22. ■•--41 Esther, d. of Amos & Esther, b. June 11, 1735, bp. June 15. Lois, bp. Oct. 12, 1735. 33 Benjamin, s. of John & Mary, b. Oct. 29, 1736, bp. Oct. 24. 41 Sarah, d. of Amos & Esther, b. Mar. 30, 1737, bp. Apr. 3. 33 John, s. of John, Jr., & Abigail, b. Dec. 9, 1737, bp. Dec. 18. Sarah, d of Joseph, bp. Jan. 8, 1738. 33 Abigail, d. of John, Jr., & Abigail, b. May 15, 1739, bp. May 20. 41 Amos, s. of Amos & P^sther, b. June 7, 1739, bp. June 10. 59 Joseph, s. of Joseph & Lois, b. Aug. 26, 1740, bp. Aug. 31. Thaddeus, bp. May 17, 1741. 41 Amos, s. of Amos & Esther, b. May 24, 1741, bp. May 30. 42 William, s. of Amos &, Esther, b. Jul. 25, 1743, bp. Aug. 7. Isaac, bp. Dec. 16, 1744. 48 Samuel, s. of Amos & Esther, b. Jul. 12, 1745, bp. Jul. 14. Abigail, d. of Joseph, bp. Jul. 28, 1745. Rebekah, bp. May 11, 1746. 48 Bethiah, s. of Amos & Esther, b. Jul. 8, 1747, bp. Jul. 19. Mary, d. of John, Jr., bp. Jul. 3, 1748. 53 Mary, d. of Amos & Esther, b. Sept. 8, 1749, bp. Sept. 10. Ebenezer, bp. Jul. 8, 1750. 59 Nathan, s. of Joseph & Lois, b. May 12, 1751, bp. M.ay 19. Benjamin, bp. Jan. 26, 1752. Abigail, d. of John, Jr., bp. Feb. 1, 1756. Tliaddeus, s. of John, Jr., bp. Sept. 25, 1757. Abigail, d. of John, bp. Jul. 8, 1759. Betty, d. of John, Jr., bp. Aug. 30, 1761. 88 Amos, s. of Amos & Abigail, b. Apr. 19, 1766, bp. Apr. 20. Lydia, d. of Wm., bp. Jul. 26, 1767. 88 Josiah, s. of Amos & Abigail, b. Nov. 4, 1768, bp. Nov. 7. 88 Abigail, d. of Amos & Abigail, b. May 27, 1769, bp. June 4. Mary, d. of Wm., bp. Jan. 7, 1770. 88 William, s. of Amos & Abigail, b. May 20, 1771, bp. June 2. 95 Polly, d. of John, Jr., & Rebekali, b. Dec. 14, 1777, bp. Jul. 21, 1778. 95 John, s. of John, Jr , & Rebekah, b. June 22, 1780, bp. June 25. 56 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF BIBTHS. Muzzey, Muzzy — Continued. 95 Jonas, s. of John, Jr., & Rebekah, b. Jul. 18, 1782, bp. Jul. 21. 125 Elmira, d. of Amos, Jr., & Lydia, b. Oct. 21, 1794, bp. Nov. 2. 125 Benjamin, s. of Amos, Jr., & Lydia, b. Dec. 13, 1795. 125 Lydia, d. of Amos, Jr., & Lydia, b. June 11, 1799, bp. Jul. 7. 125 Artemas Bowers, s. of Amos, Jr.,& Lydia, b. Sept, 21, 1802, bp. Oct. 3. 141 Charles, s. of Isaac & Mary, b. May 12, 1804. 125 Abigail, d. of Amos, Jr., & Lydia, b. Nov. 26, 1804, bp. Dec. 9. 141 Thomas, s. of Isaac & Mary, b. Mar. -, 1808. 125 Amos Otis, s. of Amos, Jr., & Lydia, b. June 14, 1808, bp. Jul. 3. 141 Mary Ann, d. of Isaac & Mai-y, b. Apr. 15, 1811. 165 Julia A., d. of John, Jr., & Rebecca, b. Nov. 4, 1815. Neat. Mary Ann Victoria, d. of Wm. & Joanna K., Jan. 29, 1846. Nelson. 18 Thomas, ? ch. of Thos. & Tabith, b. Dec. 19, 1721, bp. June 10, Tabitha, \ 1722. 22 Josiah, s. of Thos. & Tabatha, b. Sept. 13, 1726, bp. Aug. 7. Jonathan, s. of Thos., Jr., bp. Nov. 16, 1760. Lydia, d. of Thos., Jr., bp. Nov. 16, 1760. Josiah, ") Jonathan, John"^' I" ^^' °^ Josiah & Milliscent, bp. May 30, 1790. Elisabeth, | Sarah, j Mary, d. of Josiah, bp. Feb. 12, 1792. Luc'^Ann ( ^^^- °* '^°'"^' '^P' ^^^- *^' ^^^^• Newman. Hannah, bp. May 5, 1751. Newton. Mary, r. June 21, 1741. Charles N., s. of David & Agnes, Sept. 16, 1851. Nichols. Rachel, bp. and r. Feb. 3, 1834. Noonan. 91 Betty, b. Jan. 30, 1772. Nutting. Jonathan, Lydia, S ch. of Ebenezer, bp. June 7, 1699 onathan,'^ /ydia, >ch. ol arah, ) O'Connell. '£^^™T' \ ch. of Michael & Catherine, Nov. 13, 1850, Mary Ann, ^ ' ' Oliver. Ebenezer, bp. May 17, 1752. O'Neil. Coi-nelius, s. of John & Hannah, Dec. 10, 1851. Jeremiah, s. of John & Hannah, Mar. 10, 1853. LEXINGTON BECORD OF BIBTHS. 57 Orange. Abigfiil, bp. Sept. 1, 1734. Osburn. Sarah, bp. Sept. 17, 1721. Page. 62 Anna, d. of Ebenezer & Dorothy, b. Sept. 29, 1760. 64 Dolly, d. of Ebenezer & Dorithy, b. Jan, 23, 1762, d. Apr. 20, 1762. 67 Rebekah, d. of Ebenezer & Dorothy, b. June 9, 1763. 72 Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer & Dorothy, b. Mar. 30, 1765. 74 John, s. of Ebenezer & Dorothy, b. Feb. 18, 1767. Parker. 45 Ilanniah, d. of John & Deliverance, b. Oct. 10, 1691, d. about 1711. 45 Andrew, s. of John & Deliverance, b. Feb. 14, 1692-93. 45 .Josiah, s of John & Deliverance, b. Apr. 11, 1694. 45 Mary, d. of John & Deliverance, b. Dec. 4, 1695. 45 Edee, d. of John & Deliverance, b. Aug. 19, 1697. 45 Anna, d. of Josiah & Anna, b. Sept. 9, 1719, bp. Sept. 13. 20 Sarah, d. of Andrew & Sarah, b. Feb. 9, 1720-21, bp. Nov. 1, 1724. 45 Deliverance, d. of Josiah & Anna, b. May 28, 1721, bp. May 28. 20 Jonas, s. of Andrew & Sarah, b. Feb. 6, 1721-22, bp. Nov. 1, 1724. 45 Mary, d. of Josiah & Anna, b. Jul. 3, 1723, bp. Jul. 7. 20 Amos, s. of AndreAv & S.arah, b. Jul. 27, 1723, bp. Nov. 1, 1724. 45 Josiah, s. of Josiah & Anna, b. Apr. 11, bp. Apr. 18, 1725. Elizabeth, bp. Aug. 22, 1725. Lois, d. of Josiah & Anna, b. Aug. 20, 1727, bp. Aug. 27, 1727. Thomas, bp. Dec. 24, 1727, Samuel, ) ^ ^^^ g ^728. Sarah, ^ ^ ' John, s. of Josiah & Anna, b. and bp, Jul, 13, 1729, Abigail, bp. Jul. 27, 1729. Lucy, bp. Apr. 4, 1731, 45 Thaddeus, s. of Josiah & Anna, b. Sept. 2, 1731, Andrew, bp and r. Sej^t. 16, 1733. 45 Joseph, s. of Josiah & Anna, b. Nov. 28, 1733, bp. Dec, 2. Elisabeth, d. of Andrew, bp. June 22, 1735. Jonas, s. of Sarah, bp. Nov. 28, 1736, Andrew, bp. Apr. 16, 1738, Kezia, bp. June 1, 1740, Ebenezer, bp. Feb. 28, 1742. Mary, d. of Andrew, bp. Oct. 21, 1744. Lucy, d. of Jonas & Lucy, bp. Oct. 6, 1745, Jonas, bp. Mar. 29, 1747, Sarah, d. of Jonas, bp. Sept, 4, 1748, 64 Ebenezer, s. of Thos. & Jane, b. Aug. 13, 1750, bp. Aug. 19. William, bp. Dec. 22, 1751. 94 Jonas, s. of Jonas & Lucy, b. Jul. 10, 1753. 62 Lydia, d. of John & Lydia, b. Nov. 8, bp. Nov. 14, 1756, 64 Mary, d. of Thos. & Jane, b. Dec. 25, 1756. Prudence, d. of Jonas, bp, Apr. 27, 1757. 62 Anna, d. of John & Lydia, b. Jan. 11, 1759, bp. Jan. 14. Elisabeth, d. of Jonas, bp. Mar. 18, 1759. 62 Rhoda, d. of Andrew, Jr., & Abigail, b. June 19, 1760, bp, June 22. 62 Mary, d. of Thaddeus & Mary, b Sept. 26, 1760, bp. Sept. 28. 62 Susanah, d. of Joseph & Eunice, b. Dec. 31, 1760, bp. Jan, 4, 1761. 100 Mary, d. of Jonas & Lucy, b. Jan. 5, 1761, bp. Jan. 11. 58 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF BIBTHS. Parker — Continued. 62 John, s. of John & Lydia, b. Feb. 7, 1761, bp. Feb. 15. Abigail, d. of Andi-ew, Jr., bp. Feb. 7, 1762. Levi, s. of Joseph, bp. Apr. 18, 1762. 66 Sarah, d. of Thaddeus & Mary, b. Aug. 24, 1762, bp. Aug. 29. 72 Isaac, s. of John & Lydia, b. May 12, 1763, bp. May 13. Lois, d. of Joseph, bp. Nov. 27, 1763. 87 Betty, d. of Thaddeus & Mary, b. Aug. 28, 1764, bp. Sept. 2. 72 Ruth, d. of John & Lydia, b. Dec. 1, 1765, bp. Dec. 1. Aaron, s. of Joseph, bp. Dec. 8, 1765. 87 Thaddeus, s. of Thaddeus & Mary, b. Jul. 10, 1767, bp. Jul. 12. Joseph, s. of Joseph, bp. Oct. 25, 1767. 84 Rebekah, d. of John & Lydia, b. June 28, 1768, bp. Jul. 3. 87 Josiah, s. of Thaddeus & Mary, b. Sept. 19, 1770, bp. Sept. 23. 84 Robert, s. of John & Lydia, b. Apr. 15, 1771, bp. Apr. 21. Abijah, s. of Ebenezer, bp. May 30, 1773. Quincy, s. of Ebenezer, bp. Apr. 30, 1775. 96 Patty, d. of Jonas & Martha, b. Feb. 23, 1777, bp. May 16. 96 Betty, d. of Jonas & Martha, b. Nov. 31, 1778, bp. May 16. 94 John Hosley, s. of Jonas & Patty, b. Nov. 1, 1780, bp. Nov. 26, Lucy, d. of Ebenezer, bp. Jul. 22, 1781. Jonas, s. of Jonas, bp. Mar. 2, 1783. 140 Elmira, d. of Obadiah & Hephzibah, b. Apr. 16, 1802, bp. Oct. 3, 1802. 140 Elmira, d. of Obadiah & Hephzibah, b. Nov. 9, 1803, bp. Apr. 8, 1804. Rebekah, d. of John & Hannah, bp. Feb. 16, 1812. Isaac, 1 Ruth, I Hiram Stearns, !« ch. of John & Hannah, bp. Feb. 26, 1812. Emily Anne, j Theodore, J Lyd7a,^P-^^y30'1812- 185 Isaac Moore, s. of Isaac & Martha M., b. Nov. 10, 1829. 185 Martha Ann, d. of Isaac & Martha M., b. June 16, 1831. 185 Frances Maria, d. of Isaac & Martha M., b. Jan. 21, 1833. 185 Charles Miller, s. of Isaac & Martha M., b. Feb. 15, 1835. 185 James Theodore, s. of Isaac & Martha M , b. Sept. 18, 1837. 185 Emily Rebecca, d. of Isaac & Martha M., b. Apr. 7, 1839. 185 Theodore James, s of Isaac & Martha M., b. Apr. 21, 1841. 185 George Edwin, s of Isaac & Martha, b, Jan. 2, 1843. Abby Maria, d. of Jonathan S. & Abigail, Apr. 23, 1847. Georgiana Tuttle, d. of Jonathan S. & Abigail, Oct. 10, 1849. Emma F., d. of Jonathan S. & Abigail, Apr. 8, 1853. Peak. Mary, d. of John, bp. Jan. 17, 1779. John, s. of John, bp. Jul. 1, 1781. Thomas, s. of John, bp. Dec. 28, 1783. Sarah, d. of John, bp. June 3, 1787. Hannah, d. of John, bp. Dec. 26, 1790. Phillip, s. of John, bp. Apr. 20, 1794. Penney, Penny. Sarah, d. of Jonathan, bp. Mar. 1, 1778. 143 Sarah, d. of David & Sarah, b. Feb. 12, 1780, bp. Feb. 13. 143 Polly, d. of David & Sarah, b. Feb. 20, 1782. 143 Jonathan, s. of David & Sarah, b. Mar. 12, 1783, bp. Mar. 16. 143 Polly, d. of David & Sarah, b. Nov. 12, 1785, bp. Nov. 20. 143 David, s. of David & Sarah, b. Mar. 25, 1788, bp. Mar. m. 143 Isaac, s. of David & Sarah, b. Jul. 20, 1790, l)p. Jul. 25. 143 Samuel, s. of David & Sarah, b. Dec. 13, 1793. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF BIBTH8. 59 Perry. 21 John, s. of John & Deborah, b. Dec. 19, 1720. 21 Thomas, s. of John & Deborah, b. Dec. 19, 1720, bp. Nov. 25, 1722. 21 Joseph, s. of John & Deborah, b. Oct. 3, 1724, bp. Oct. 11. 32 Millicent, d. of John & Deborah, b. May 10, 1726, bp. Jan. 19, 1726. 32 Ebinez^r' \ ^^' °* '^°'^" ^ Deborah, b. Jul. 17, 1728, bp. Aug. 11. 32 Thaddeus', s. of John & Deborah, b. Dec. 26, 1730, bp. Jan. 31, 1731. Deborah, bp. Mar. 4, 1733. 32 Abigail, d. of John & Deborah, b. Aug. 10, 1735, bp. Aug. 17. William, bp. and r. Dec. 14, 1735. 32 James, s. of John & Deborah, b. June 30, 1739, bp. Jul. 1. Mary, d. of Josaph & Mary, bp. Oct. 12, 1746. Jonas, bp. Jan. 18, 1747. Millecent, bp. Mar. 27, 1748. John, bp. Oct. 1, 1749. Joseph, bp. Jul. 15, 1750. 49 Lucy, d. of Thos. & Abigail, b. Sept. 25, 1750. Jonathan, bp. Sept. 6, 1752. 69 Benjamin, s. of Thos. & Abigail, b. Dec. 27, 1763, bp. Jan. 15, 1764. 143 Hannah, d. of David & Sarah, b. May 14, 1795. 135 Sullivan Burbank, s. of Nathan & Sally, b. Feb. 13, 1802. 135 Mary, d. of Nathan & Sally, b. Sept. 30, 1803. 155 Mary, d. of Nathan & Sally, b. Oct. 1, 1803. 155 Sally, d. of Nathan & Sally, b. Aug. 30, 1804. 155 Abijah Harrington, s. of Nathan & Sally, b. Dec. 19, 1806. 155 Thomas W., s. of Nathan & Sallv, b. May 1, 1808. 155 Naum S., s. of Nathan & Sally, b. Mar. 28, 1810. Phelps. 185 Lusanna Tucker, d. of Wm. D. & Lousanna T., b. Nov. 18, 1836. 185 Alice Dodge, d. of Wm. D. & Lousanna T., b. Oct. 18, 1838. Edwin B., s. of Wm. D. & L. T. B., Apr. 14, 1845. Phinney. Benjamin, bp. Oct. 14, 1787. Diedama, d. of Benj., bp. Apr. 20, 1788. Phipps. 19 Elizabeth, d. of Sam'l & Elizabeth, b. Sept. 20, 1701. 19 Samuel, s. of Sam'l & Elizabeth, b. Feb. 8, 1703-04. 19 Sarah, d. of Sam'l &, Elizabeth, b. Mar. 20, 1708. George A., s. of Wm. R. & Evelina P., June 22, 1847. Pierce, Peirce. John, s. of Joseph, bp. Mar. 12, 1699. Martha, bp. Jul. 26, 1702. William, s. of Joseph, bp. Aug. 31, 1707. 9 Ruth, d. of Joseph & Hannah, b. Apr. 8, 1710, bp. May 21. 9 David, s. of Joseph & Hannah, b. Apr. 16, 1713, bp. June 7. 11 Ebenezer, s. of Joseph & Abagail, b. Sept. 18, 1715. Ebenezer, s. of Joseph, bp. Sept. 25, 1715. 13 Jonas, s. of Joseph, Jr., & Abigail, b (Oct. 17), 1717. Jonas, bp June 8, 1718. 13 Joseph, s. of Joseph, Jr., & Abigail, b. Feb. 3, 1718-19. Joseph, bp. Feb. 15, 1719. 20 Anthony, s. of John & Rachel, b. Sept. 13, 1720, bp. Jul. 2, 1721. 20 John, s. of John & Rachel, b. Feb. 11, 1721-22, bp. Mar. 2. Sarah, bp. Jul. 21, 1723. 23 Lucy, d. of John & Rachel, b. Jan. 28, 1727-28, bp. Feb. 11. 60 LEXINGTON BE COED OF BIRTHS. Pierce, Peirce — Continued. Simon, s. of Geo., bp. June 16, 1728. Elisabeth, d. of Jonas, bp. Mar. 23, 1729. 24 Abagail, d. of Wm. & Abagail, b. May 7, 1729. 2 Jonas, s. of Jonas & Abagail, b. Jul. 17, 1730, bp. Jul. 12. Mai-y, d. of Geo., bp. Oct. 18, 1730. 25 Bridget, d. of Wm. & Abigail, b. Oct. 23, 1730. Elisabeth, bp. Oct. 15, 1732. 2 Nathan, s. of Jonas & Abagail, b. Dec. 15, 1732, bp. Dec. 24 Abner, bp. Jau. 6, 1734. David, bp. and r. Oct. 27, 1734. Zebulon, s. of Wm., bp. Dec. 15, 1734. Jonathan, s. of David, bp. May 4, 1735. 33 Elizabath, d. of Jonas & Abigail Pierce, b. May 31, 1735. 33 John, s. of Jonas & Abigail Pierce, b. Jul. 14, 1736, bp. Aug. 1. Sarah, d. of David, at Concord, bp. May 7, 1738. Samuel, bp. Sept. 17, 1738. 33 Thaddeus, s. of Jonas & Abigail Pierce, b. May 14, 1739, bp. May 20. Sarah, bp. Aug. 10, 1740. 44 Solomon, s. of Jonas & Abigail, b. June 15, 1742, bp. June 20. Joshua, bp. June 5, 1743. 44 Abigail, d. of Jonas & Abigail, b. Aug. 3, 1744, bp. Aug. 4. 47 Mary, d. of Jonas & Abigail, b. Feb. 9, 1747, bp. Feb. 8. Martha, bp. Aug. 23, 1752. 54 Sarah, d. of Nathan & Sarah, b. Oct. 28, 1754. Nathan, s. of Nathan & Sarah, bp. Apr. 25, 1756. 81 Amity, d. of Solomon & Amity, b. Aug. 26, 1765, bp. Sept. 1. 81 Jonas, s. of Solomon & Amity, b. Nov. 16, 1766, bp. Nov. 23. 81 Abiel, s. of Solomon & Amity, b. Sept. 22, 1768, bp. Oct. 2. Hannah, bp. and r. May 27, 1770. 81 Solomon, s. of Solomon & Amity, b. Sept. 10, 1770, bp. Sept. 16. Samuel, s. of Solomon, bp. Jan. 24, 1773. Abijah, s. of Solomon, bp Mar. 19, 1775. Betsey-Hall-Gray, d. of Solomon, bp. Feb. 2, 1777. Lucy, d. of Solomon, bp. Mar. 14, 1779. Thaddeus, s. of Solomon, bp. Apr. 15, 1781. Leonard, s. of Solomon, bp. Mar. 30, 1783. William, s. of Solomon, bp. Jan. 15, 1786. 97 Lydia, d. of Elijah & Dilly, b. June 22, 1789, bp. Mar. 21, 1790. 124 Harriet, d. of Abner & Grace, b. Nov. 23, 1792. 124 Lucy, d. of Abner & Grace, b. Oct. 12, 1794. 124 Abner, s. of Abner & Grace, b. Feb. 25, 1797. 124 Larkin, s. of Abner & Grace, b. May 10, 1798. 124 Lucy, d. of Abner & Grace, b. Jul. 26, 1803. 153 George N., s. of Geo. & Mary, b. Nov. 24, 1813. Ill S^gustus, \ «1^- ^^ ^'^- & Mary, b. Sept. 16, 1815. Emily A., d. of Pelatiah & Paulina, Feb. 20, 1845. HaiTison Rush, s. of Hai-rison, Jul. 15, 1846. Adaline A., d. of Jas., Jul. 31, 1848. Alice W., d. of Harrison & Harriet, Nov. 5, 1850. Frank D., s. of Peletiah P. & Paulina, Jan. 2, 1851. Gertrude, d. of Loring S. & Frances A., Apr. 2, 1863. Pierson. Mary P., d. of Henry C. & Anna V., Jul. 2, 1853. Piper, Mary, d. of Nath'l & Mary Raymond, bp. Mar. 6, 1757. LEXINGTON BE COED OF BIBTHS. 61 Plaughton. James O., s. of Levi R. & Harriet, Seiit. 5, 1850. Plummer. William, s. of Wm. & Emily J., Sept. 5, 1851. Edith M., d. of Wm. & Emily J., Feb. 27, 1853. Popenbarry. William, s. of Wm., bp. May 6, 1787. Leonard, s. of Wm., bp. Aug. 30, 1789. Porter. P*^^^' I ch. of Wm., bp. Jul. 5, 1778. Lydia, S » r > Rebekah, d. of Wm., Jr., bp. Jul. 4, 1779. James, s. of Wm., Jr., bp. Sept. 8, 1782. Hannah, d. of Wm., bp. Aug. 28, 1785. Apphia, d. of Wm., bp. Apr. 13, 1788. William, s. of Wm., bp. Jul. 18, 1790. Poulter. 10 Abigail, d. of Jonathan & Elizabeth, b. Sept. 5, 1692. 10 Elizabeth, d. of Jonathan & Elizabeth, b. Feb. 13, lG9i-95. 10 Hannah, d. of Jonathan & Elizabeth, b. Nov. 12, 1697. 10 Mary, d. of Jonathan & Elizabeth, b. Jan. 11, 1699-1700, bp. Jan. 12. lU Rachel, d. of Jonathan & Elizabeth, b. May 11, 1702, bp. May 17, 1702. Katherine, d. of John, bp. Apr. 25, 1703. 10 Jonathan, s. of Jonathan & Elizabeth, b. Jan. 11, 1704-05, bp. Jan. 14, 1705. 10 Submitte, d. of Jonathan & Elizabeth, b. June 16, 1708, bp. June 20, 1708. Eliot, d. of John, bp. June 19, 1709. Powers. Isaac, s. of Mary, bp. Aug. 2, 1702. Jonathan, bp. Apr. 11, 1703. Lucy, bp. Apr. 29, 1705. Gideon, bp. Jan. 5, 1707. Hannah, bp. ]\Iar. 27, 1709. • Joseph, s. of Whitcomb & Kezia, bp. Jan. 7, 1781. Pratt. , d. of Sam'l & Rebecca, Oct. 27, 1851. Price. Grace, bp. June 23, 1706. Prichard. John Martin, s. of Beuj, »& Mary, bp. Sept. 24, 1809. Proctor. John, bp. Apr. 16. 1704. , d. of Arad, Oct. 13, 1843. Charles B., s. of Joseph B. & Ellen, Nov. 28, 1845. Puffer. Charles H., s. of Sylvestor & Catherine, Dec. .10, 1843. Sarah M., d. of Sylvanus & Catherine, Jul. 7, 1849. 62 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF BIBTHS. Putnam. Clara D., d. of Ansel W. & Delia, Apr. 24, 1849. Raymond. 50^ Jonathan, s. of Jonathan & Charity, b. Feb. 27, 170(7). 51 Mehitabel, d. of Jonathan & Charity, b. Get. 12, 1721. 61 Charity, d. of Jonathan & Cliarity, b. Sept. 15, 1724. 36 Hephzibah, d. of Jonathan & llephzibah, b. Sept. 19, 1729. 41 Sarah, d. of Sam'l & Sarah, b. Nov. 6, 1730. 36 John, s. of Jonathan & Hephzibah, b. Sept. 5, 1731. 41 Charity, d. of Sam'l & Sarah, b. Dec. 12, 1733. 36 Jonathan, s. of Jonathan & Hephzibah, b. Dec. 17, 1734. 41 Samuel, s. of Sam'l & Sarah, b. Dec. 11, 1735. 36 Elizabeth, d of Jonathan & llephzibah, b. Apr. 10, 1737, bp, Apr. 17. 41 Jonah, s. of Sam'l & Sarah, b. Sept. 13, 1738, bp. Sept. 17. 36 Mary, d. of Jonathan & llephzibah, b. Aug. 20, 1740, bp. Aug. 21. 41 Bartholomew, s. of Sam'l & Sarah, b. May 7, 1741, bp. May 10. 43 Hannah, d. of Jonathan & llephzibah, b. Aug. 27, 1742, bp. Aug 29. Esther, bp. A]n-. 3, 1743. 48 Daniel, s. of Jonathan & Hephzebah, Mar. 18, 1744, bp. Mar. 31, 1745. 48 Joseph, s. of Jonathan & Hephzebah, b. May 31, 1747, bp. June 7. 49 Ruth, d. of Jonathan & llephzibah, b. Mar. 24, 1752, bp. Mar. 29. Mary, d. of Jonatlian, Jr., bp. Nov. 25, 1759. Hepzibah, d. of Jonathan, bp. Jan. 3, 1762. 92 John, s. of John & Rebekah, b. Nov. 24, 1763. 92 Eliakim, s. of John & Rebekah, b. Jul. 29, 1765. 92 Reuben, s. of John & Rebekah, b. Oct. 7, 1768. 92 Isaac, s. of John & Rebekah, b. Mar. 9, 1770. 92 Edward, s. of John & Rebekah, b. Aug. 17, 1773. Reed. * Abigail, d. of Wm. & Abigail, b. May 29, 1687. t William, s. of Capt. Wm.\^ Abigail, b. Jul. 18, 1693. 45 Mary, d. of Capt. Wm. & Abigail, b. Apr. 8, 1695. t Benjamin, s of Capt. Wm. & Abigail, b. Oct. 22, 1696. t Samuel, s. of Capt. Wm. & Abigail, b. Oct. 24, 1699, bp. Oct. 29. t Joshua, s. of Capt. Wm. & Abigail, b. June 20, 1702, bp. June 28. t Hephzibah, d. of Capt. Wm. & Abigail, b. Dec. 10, 1705, bp. Dec 16. 43 Benjamin, s. of Benj. & Rebekah, b. May 13, bp. Dec. 2, 1718. 16 William, s. of Wm. & Sarah, b. Jan. 1, bp, Jan. 3, 1719-20. 43 Abigail, d. of Benj. & Rebekah, b. Mar. 30, bp. Apr. 3, 1720. 43 Samuel, s. of Wm. & Sarah, b. May 4, bp. May 6, 1722. 16 Jonas, s. of Benj. & Rebeckah, b. June 7, 1722, bp. June 17. 16 Samuel, s. of Wm. & Sarah, b. Sept. 3, 1722. Peter, bp. Jul. 7, 1723. 44 Rebekah, d. of Benj. & Rebekah, b. Nov. 5, 1724. 43 Sarah, d. of Wm. & Sarali, b. Jan. 3, 1724-25, bp. Jan. 3. 44 Elizabeth, d. of Joshua & Elizabeth, b. Feb. 28, 1725-26, bi). Mar. 6. 23 Abijah, s. of Peter & Abigail, b. May 18, 1727, bp. May 21. 25 Isaac, s. of Benj. & Rebeckah, b. Jul. 30, 1727, bp. Aug. 13. 24 llephzibah, d. of Joshua & Elizabeth, b. Mar. 8, 1727-28, bp. Mar. 10. 43 Mary, d. of Wm. & Sarah, b. Mar. 10, 1727-28, bp. Mar. 12. David, bp. Sept. 8, 1728. 26 Peter, s. of Peter & Abagail, b. Feb. 16, 1728-29, bp. Feb. 23. 44 Jonathan, s. of Benj. & Rebekah, b. Mar. 8, 1729-30, bp. Mar. 15. 43 Oliver, s. of Wm. & Sarah, b. Mar. 25, 1729-30, bp. Mar. 30. 27 Joshua, s. of Joshua & Elizabeth, b. May 15, 1730, bp. May 24. 3 Abigail, d. of Peter & Abigail, b. Apr. 2, 1731, bp. Apr. 11. 43 John, s. of Wm. & Sarali, b. May 28, 1731, bp. May 30. 28 Thaddeus, s. of Benj. & Rebekah, b. June 17, 1732, bp. June 18. LEXINGTON BE COED OF BIB TILS. 63 Reed — Continued. 1 Mary, d. of Peter & Abigail, b. Apr. 2, 1733, bp. Apr. 16. 43 Hammond, s. of Wm. & Sarah, b. Apr. 28, 1734, bp. May 5. 28 Dorcas, d. of Benj. & Rebekah, b. Jul. 18, 1734, bp. Jul. 28. 27 Beulah, d. of David & Lois, b. Jan. 10, 1735, bp. Jan. 12. 30 Sarah, d. of Peter & Abigail, b. Apr. 26, 1736, bp. May 2. 42 Philip, s. of David & Lois, b. Aug. 6, 1736. 68 Joshua, s. of Joshua & Susanna, b. Sept. 11, 1736. 29 Samuel, s. of Benj. & Rebeckah, b. Apr. 3, 1737, bp. Apr. 10. 42 David, s. of David & Lois, b. Apr. 7, 1738, bp. Apr. 11. 43 Eliot, s. of Wm. & Sarah, b. Apr. 28, 1738, bp. Apr. 30. 44 Joseph, s. of Joshua & Elizabeth, b. June 21, 1739, bp. May 20. 42 Thomas, s. of Peter & Abigail, b. Nov. 3, 1739. 42 Lydia, d. of David & Lois, b. June 23, 1740. 43 Hannah, d. of Wm. & Sarah, b. Oct. 21, 1740, bp. Oct. 26. 44 Ruth, d. of Benj. & Rebekah, b. Nov. 9, 1741, bp. Nov. 15. 42 Silas, s. of David & Lois, b. Feb 23, 1741-42, bp. Apr. 4, 1742. 41 Robert, s. of Jonathan & Keziah, b. Jul. 3, 1742. 67 William, s. of Wm., Jr., & Abigail (Reed), b. Oct. 2, 1742, bp. Oct. 3. 42 Rebekah, d. of Peter & Abigail, b. May 24, 1743. 42 William, s. of Wm. & Abigail, b. Oct. 2, 1743. 43 Nathan, s. of Wm. & Sarah, b. Nov. 9, 1743, bp. Not. 13. Ruth, d. of David, bp. Apr. 29, 1744. Samuel, Jr , bp. Aug. 12, 1744. 67 Abigail, d. of Wm., Jr., & Abigail, b. Sept. 22, 1744, bp. Apr. 23. Persis, d. of David, bp. Sept. 8, 1745. Michael, bp. Oct. 5, 1746. Artemus, bp. Mar. 1, 1747. 67 Sarah, d. of Wm., Jr., & Abigail, b. May 14, 1747, bp. May 17. Elisabeth, d. of Elisha, bp. Sept. 4, 1748. 53 Nathaniel, s. of Wm., Jr., & Abigail, b. June 2, 1749, bp. June 18. Moses, bp. June 4, 1749. Joanna, bp. Oct. 14, 1750. 67 Mary, d. of Wm., Jr., & Abigail, b. Jul. 17, 1751, bp. Jul. 21. 67 Beulah, d. of Wm., Jr., & Abigail, b. May 4, 1753, bp. May 13. 58 Betty, d. of Joshua, Jr., & Susanna, b. Nov. 26, 1754, bp. Mar. 23, 1755. 68 Isaac, s. of Isaac & Mary, b. May 18, 1755, bp. Jul. 20. 67 Thaddeus, s. of Wm., Jr., & Abigail, b. Aug. 25, 1755, bp. Aug. 31. Joshua, s. of Joshua & Susanna, bp. Oct. 3, 1756. 67 Josiah, s. of Wm., Jr., & Abigail, b. Aug. 25, 1757, bp. Aug. 28. 67 Betty, d. of Hammond & Betty, b. Dec. 12, 1757, bp. Dec. 25. 67 Hannah, d. of Wm., Jr., & Abigail, b. Oct. 8, 1758, bp. Oct. 15. 70 Susanna, d. of Joshua, Jr., & Susanna, b. Mar. 11, 1759, bp. Mar. 18. 67 Lydia, d. of Hammond & Betty, b. Jul. 11, 1760, bp. Jul. 13. 67 Milly, d. of Wm., Jr., & Abigail, b. Apr. 26, 1762, bp. May 2. 71 Samuel, s. of SamU & Hannah, b. Sept. 17, 1762, bp. Nov. 14. 67 Hammond, s. of Hammond & Bette, b. Feb. 24, 1763, bp. Feb. 27. 71 Hannah, d. of Sam'l & Hannah, b. Jul. 21, 1764, bp. Jul. 22. 67 Esther, d. of Wm., Jr., & Abigail, b. Oct. 25, 1765, bp. Nov. 3. 88 Patty, d. of Hammond & Betty, b. Dec. 5, 1765, bp. Dec. 8. 77 Ilephzibah, d. of Joshua & Susanna, b. Feb. 26, 1769, bp. Mar. 5. 93 Elisabeth, d. of Wm., 3d, & Elisabeth, b. Mar. 7, 1770, bp. Mar. 11. 88 Sarah, d. of Hammond & Betty, b. June 22, 1770, bp. June 24. 98 Whittemore, s. of Moses & Sarah, b. Feb. 16, 1771, bp. Feb. 24. 93 Sweethern, s. of Robert & Elizabeth, b. Aug. 13, 1771. 85 James, s. of Joshua »fe Susanna, b. Dec. 8, 1771, bp. Dec. 15. 93 William, s. of Wm., 3d, & Elisabeth, b. May 21, 1772, bp. May 23. 96 Nathan, s. of Nathan & Mary, b. Feb. 7, 1773, bp. Feb. 14. 93 Elisabeth, d. of Robert & Elizabeth, b. Apr. 8, 1773. 98 Moses, s. of Moses & Sarah, b. Aug. 10, 1773, bp. Aug. 22. 64 LEXINGTON EEOOBD OF BTBTHS. Reed — Continned. 93 Abigail, d. of Wra., 3(1, & Elisabeth, b. May 21, 1774, bp. May 22. Rebekali, d. of Joshua, bp. Jul. 10, 1774. 88 Benjamin, s. of Hammond & Betty, h. Oct. 27, 1774 (?), bp. Oct. 31, 1773. 98 Sarah, d. of Moses & Sarah, b. Apr. 1, 1775, bp. Apr. 9. 93 Robert, s. of Robert & Elizabeth, b. Sept. 4, 1775. 93 Ruthy, d. of Wm., 3d, & Elisabeth, b. June 4, 1776, bp. June 9. 96 Nathan, s. of Nathan & Mary, b. Sept. 15, 1776, bp. Sept. 22. 98 Abel, s. of Moses & Sarah, b. May 8, 1777, bp. May 11. 114 Joel, s. of Newhall & Mary, b. May 13, 1777. 101 Sarah, d. of Robert & Elizabeth, b. Feb. 22, 1778. 93 William, s. of Wm., 3d, & Elisabeth, b. Apr. 5, 1778. 114 Abigail, d. of Newhall & Mary, b. and d. Jul. 21, 1778. 96 Mary, d. of Nathan & Mary, b. Oct. 20, 1778, bp. Oct. 25. 98 Elizabeth, d. of Moses & Sarah, b. Feb. 17, 1779, bp. Jul. 4. Eliab, s. of Moses, bp. Sept. 16, 1780. Lydia, d. of Wm., Jr , bp. Nov. 6, 1780. 100 Isaac, s. of Isaac & Susanna, b. Jan. 12, 1781. 102 Sarah, d. of Natlian & Mary, b. Jul. 1, 1781, bp. Jul. 8. 101 Charles, s. of Joshua, Jr., & Susanna, b. Jul. 10, 1781, bp. Jul. 15. 101 Daniel, s. of Robert & Elizabeth, b. Dec. 11, 1781. Jacob, s. of Moses, bp. Sept. 15, 1782. 100 Susanna, d. of Isaac & Susanna, b. Oct. 16, 1782. 101 Susanna, d. of Joshua, Jr., & Susanna, b. Jan. 30, 1788, bp. Feb. 8, 1784. 114 Newhall, s. of Newhall & Mary, b. Apr. 5, 1783. 102 Hiram, s. of Nathan & Mary, b. June 22, 1784, bp. Jul. 11. Samuel, s. of Moses, bp. Jul. 25, 1784. 114 Nathan, s. of Newhall & Mary, b. Feb. 18, 1786. 102 Susanna Whitmore, d. of Nathan & Mary, b. Dec. 10, 1786, bp. Dec. 17. 137 Sarah, d. of Hammond, Jr., & Sarah, b. May 17, 1788. 113 Edmund, s. of Thaddeus & Anna, b, Oct. 20, 1788, bp. Nov. 17, 1793. 102 Hannah, d. of Dea. Nathan & Mary, b. Sept. 4, 1789, bp. Sept. 6. 137 Benjamin, s. of Hammond, Jr., & Sarah, b. Jan. 20, 1790, bp. Jan. 24. 114 Polly, d. of Newel (Newhall) & Mary, b. Apr. 4, 1790. 113 Esther, d. of Thaddeus & Anna, b. Aug. 16, 1790, bp. Nov. 17, 1793. 114 Mary, d. of Newhall & Mary, b. Sept. 26, 1790, and d. 102 Christopher, s. of Nathan & Mary, b. Mar. 18, 1792, bp. Mar. 25. 137 Sarah, d. of Hammond, Jr., & Sarah, b. June 21, 1792, bp. June 24. 113 William, s. of Thaddeus & Anna, b. Jul. 13, 1792, bp. Nov. 17, 1793. 101 Phebe, d. of Joshua, Jr., & Susanna, b. Aug. 28, 1792, bp. and d. in Aug. 129 Hephzibeth, d. of Jas. & Susanna, b. Jan 8, 1793. , ch. of Hammond, Jr., bp. Feb. 3, 1793. 114 Florinda, d. of Newhall & Mary, b. Nov. 24, 1793. 113 Thaddeus, s. of Thaddeus & Anna, b. Oct. 1, 1794, bp. Oct. 12. 129 Joshua, s. of Jas. & Susanna, b. Feb. 1, 1795. 114 Abigail, d. of Newhall & Mary, b. Nov. 21, 1795. 113 Anna, d. of Thaddeus & Anna^ b. Feb. 12, 1797, bp. Feb. 19. 155 Cyrus, s. of Nathan & Polly, b. Nov. 9, 1798. 137 Betsey, d. of Hammond, Jr., & Sarah, b. June 15, 1799, bp. June 30. 113 Augustus, s. of Thaddeus & Anna, b. June 27, 1799, bp. Jul. 7. 113 Levi, s. of Thaddeus & Anna, b. Jul. 24, 1801, bp. Aug. 9. Isaac, Jr., bp. Aug. 7, 1803. ^^^^^' \ twins of Hammond, bp. June 18, 1804. Elmu-a, \ ' 1 ' 155 Nathan Horatio, s. of Nathan & Polly, b. Sept. 28, 1805. Eveline, d. of Isaac, Jr., bp. June 16, 1805. Susan Elisabeth, d. of Isaac & Elisabetli, bp. Jan. 17, 1808. 155 Hiram, s. of Nathan & Polly, b. Feb. 8, 1810. LEXINGTON BEGOBD OF BIRTHS. 65 Reed. — Continued. Isaac Emery, s. of Isaac & Elisabeth, bp. Feb. 11, 1810. Aflaline, d. of Isaac & Elisabeth, bp. Mar. 8, 1812. William Henrv Harrison, s. of Isaac & Elisabeth, bp. Jan. 30, 1814. 155 Marshall, s. of Nathan & Polly, b. Oct. 4, 1815. Horatio, s. of Isaac & Elisabeth, bp. Apr. 28, 181G. Parnell Munroe, s. of Isaac & Elisabeth, bp. Jan. (?), 1818. 158 Charles Muzzy, s. of Chas. & Elmira, b. Sept. 12, 1819, bp. Dec. 19. Edwin, s. of Isaac, bp. May 13, 1821. 158 Henry Albert, s. of Chas. & Martha, b. June 29, 1822, bp. Oct. 6. Ann Winship, d. of Mr. Reed of Bedford, bp, Nov. 3, 1821. Hugh Maxwell, s. of Isaac, bp. Oct. 17, 1824. Reuben Willard, s. of Reuben, bp. Aug., 1825. Henry Oscar, s. of Stephen, Mar. 25, 1845. Mary E., d of Wm. H. H. & Mary P., Mar. 9, 1852. Annabella, d. of Mary, Aug. 19, 1852. Rhodes. Rebecca Jane, d. of Thos. H. & Maria T., Aug. 1, 1845. George A. (?), s. of Thos. H., Apr. 11, 1849. Richards. 14 Mary, d. of Wm. & Mary, b. May 15, 1G80. Richardson. Amos, bp. May 13, 1722. 19 Amos, s. of Amos & Abagail, b. Oct. 4, 1723. Abigail, bp. Oct. 6, 1723. Robbins. t Rebecca, d. of Nath'l & Mary, b. Feb. 6, 1671. t Mary, d. of Nath'l & Mary, b. May 31, 1673. t Deborah, d. of Nath'l & Mary, b. June 6, 1674. t Nathaniel, s. of Nath'l & Mary, b. Feb. 28, 1677-78, bp. June 12, 1698. t Ri, ch. of Sam'l & Ebenezar, b. Dec. 6, 1679. t John, s. of Nath'l & Mary, b. Nov. 21, 1680. t Thomas, s. of Nath'l & Mary, b. Nov. 6, 1683. t Samuel, s. of Nath'l & Marv, b. May 30, 1686. t Joseph, s. of Nath'l & Mary, b. Nov. 8, 1689. X Mary, d. of Nath'l, Jr., & (Hannah), bp. Jul. 27, 1701. X Thomas, s. of Nath'l, Jr., & (Hannah), bp. Aug. 16, 1703. X Abigail, wf. of John, bp. Aug. 19, 1705. X Hannah, d. of Nath'l, Jr., bp. Sept. 4, 1705. t John, s. of John & Abigail, b. Feb. 1, bp. Feb. 10, 1705-06. X Rebeccah, d. of Nath'l, bp. Sept. 7, 1707. t Daniel, s. of John & Abigail, b. and bp. Nov. 23, 1707. X Rebeccah, d. of Sam'l, bp. Nov. 21, 1708. X Philemon, s. of Nath'l, Jr., hp. Sept. 25, 1709. t X Joseph, s. of Joseph & Jane, b. Mar. 14, 1709-10, bp. Mar. 26, 1710. t X William, s. of Joseph & Jane, b. Jan. 2, 1711-12, bp. Jan. 6, 1712. t X Mary, d. of John & Abigail, b. May 20, bp. May 27, 1711. X Deborah, d. of Nath'l, bp. Mar. 30, 1712. X Thomas, adult, bp. Aug. 12, 1722. Nathan, bp. Sept. 17, 1732. Sarah, bp. Dec. 16, 1733. Hannah, bp. Nov. 9, 1746. Mary, r. Aug. 27, 1749. 50 Exene, d. of Thos. & Exene, b. Sept. 13, 1749, bp. Soi)t. 17. 50 Deborah, d. of Thos. & Exene, b. Nov. 9, 1750. 66 LEXINGTON EECOliD OF BIRTHS. Robtoins — Continued. .50 Ruth, d. of Thos. & Exene, b. Nov. 11, 17.52, bp. Nov. 12. 60 Hannah, d. of Thos. & Exene, b. Dec. 6, 1753. Sarah, d. of Thos., bp. Feb. 29, 1756. Sarah, d. of Stephen, bp. Mar. 14, 1756. Stephen, Jr., bp. Feb. 12, 1758. Philemon, s. of Stephen, bp. Nov. 11, 1759. Lucy, d. of Stephen, bp. Dec. 27, 1761. 106 Sarah, d. of John & Sarah, b. Mar. 2, 1762, bp. Apr. 4. lOG Elizabeth, d. of John & Sarah, b. May 25, 1765, bp. June 2. Deborah, d. of Stephen, bp. June .30, 1765. 106 John, s. of John & Sarah, b. Oct. 16, 1769, bp. Oct. 16. 106 Anna, d. of John & Sarah, b. Mar. 27, 1772. 106 Knth, d. of John & Sarah, b. Jul. 9, 1774. 106 Hannah, d. of John & Sarah, b. IMar. 14, 1778. 145 Stephen, s. of Stephen & Abigail, b. May 26, 1780, in Canib. 145 Samuel, s. of Stephen & Abigail, b. Sept. 7, 1781, in Camb. 106 Sally, d. of Philemon & Sally, b. Nov. 3, 1781. 145 Nabby, d. of Stephen & Abigail, b. Jul. 24, 1783, in Camb. 106 Philemon, s. of Philemon & Sally, b. Dec. 9, 1783. 106 Joshua, s. of Philemon & Sally, b. May 25, 1785. 145 Eli, s. of Stephen & Abig.ail, b. Nov. 12, 1786. 145 Martin, s. of Stephen & Abigail, b Jul. 6, 1788. 145 Lot, s. of Stephen & Abigail, b. Mar. 28, 1790. 145 Caira, d. of Stephen & Abig.ail, b. Apr. 27, 1794. Mrs. Mary, bp. June 15, 1835. Robinson. 26 Jonathan, s. of Jonathan & Ruth, b. Feb. 25, 1706-07. 26 Ruth, d. of Jonathan & Ruth, b. Jan. 29, 1708-09. 26 Abagail, d. of Jonathan & Ruth, b. Feb. 4, 1710-11, bp. June 24, 1711. 26 James, s. of Jonathan & Ruth, b. Aug. 30, 1715, bp. Sept. 4. 26 Lydia, d. of Jonathan & Ruth, b. Aug. 29, 1718, bp. Sept 7. 26 Hannah, d. of Jonathan & Ruth, b. Jan. 8, 1720-21, bp. Jan. 15. 34 Elizabeth, d. of Jonathan Robinson, Jr., & Elizabeth, b. June 20, 1732, bp. Jul. 2. 34 Jonathan, s. of Jonathan, Jr., & Elizabeth, b. Sept. 29, 1733, bp. June 30, 1734. 34 Jacob, s. of Jonathan, Jr., & Elizabeth, b. Feb. 3, 1738-39, bp. Feb. 11. Submit, bp. Jul. 17, 1743. 56 Ruth, d. of Jas. & Margret, b. Jan 28, 1753, bp. Mar. 17, 1765. 56 Joseph, s. of Jas. & Margret, b. Mar. 18, 1755. 59 Silas, s. of Jas. & Margret, b. Feb. 20, 1757. 64 Asa, s. of Jas. & Margaret, b. Jan. 17, 1759. 64 James, s. of Jas. & Margaret, b. Nov. 26, 1760. 76 Jacob, s. of Jacob & Elizabeth, b. Oct. 28, 1762, bp. Mar. 31, 1765. 72 Rhody, d. of Jas & Margaret, b. May 10, 1763. 72 Ebenezer, s. of Jas. & Margaret, b. Feb. 14, 1765, bp. Mar. 17. 76 Elizabeth, d. of Jacob & Elizabeth, b. Mar. 6, 1766. Elisabeth, d. of Jacob, bp. May 11, 1766 94 Persis, d. of Jas. & Margaret, b. Jan. 25, 1767. Joseph, "I Asa^' r ^^^- °^ '^^^•' ^P- ^^^- ^' ^'^^'^- Persis I 76 Jesse,'s. of Jacob & Elizabeth, b. Jul. 14, 1767. Jesse, s. of Jacob, bp. Aug. 16, 1767. 81 Jonathan, s. of Jacob & Elisabeth, b. June 20, 1769, bp. Aug. 6. 94 Jonas, s. of Jas. & Elizabeth, b. May 18, 1770, bp. Dec. 5, 1773. Rhoda, d. of Jas., bp. Oct. 20, 1771. LEXINGTON BECORD OF BIRTHS. 67 Robinson — Continued. 97 Betty, cl. of Jacob & Elizabeth, b. Feb. 26, 1772, bp. May 24. 94 Lydia, d. of Jas. & Elizabeth, b. Jan. 2, 1773 (?), bp. Jan. 5, 1772. 97 Nathan, s. of Jacob & Elizabeth, b. Dec 1, 1773, bp. Dec. 12. James, s. of Jas., bp. Dec. 5, 1773. 97 Anna, d. of Jacob & Elizabeth, b. June 28, 1774, bp. Jul. 6, 1777. Nathan, s. of Elisabeth, bp. June 2, 1782. 137 Rhoda, d. of Joseph & Betty, b. May 17, 1781. 137 Margaret, d of Joseph & Betty, b. Feb. 20, 1783. 137 Nancv, d. of Joseph & Betty, b. Jan. 30, 1785. 106 Joseph, s. of Joseph & Betty, b. Jul. 14, 1787. 136 Jacob, s of Jacob & Hannah, b. Apr. 24, 1791, bp. Oct. 2. 136 Charles, s. of Jacob & Hannah, b. May 5, 1793, bp. June 16. 120 Rebekah, d. of Jesse & Rebekah, b. Feb. 14, 1795. 136 Hannah, d. of Jacob & Hannah, b. Apr. 25, 1795. 136 John, s of Jacob & Hannah, b. Apr. 30, 1797. 120 Jesse, s. of Jesse & Rebekah, b. June 4, 1797. 136 George, s. of Jacob & Hannah, b Dec. 2, 1799, bp. May 4, 1800. 136 Charles, s. of Jacob & Hannah, b. May 5, 1802, bp. Jul 25. 136 John, s. of Jacob & Hannah, b. Aug. 19, 1804, bp. Oct. 21. 136 Harriet, d. of Jacob & Hannah, b. Nov. 5, 1806, bp. Apr. 26, 1807. William H., s. of Geo W., June 13, 1848. Sarah E., d. of Geo. W. & Maria, Nov. 2, 1852. Boss, Russ. Margaret, bp. May 29, 1715. John, bp. Feb. 24, 1745. Rugg. 10 Thomas, s. of Thos. & Elizabeth, b. Dec. 6, 1691. 10 William, s. of Thos. & Elizabeth, b. Nov. 16, 1693. 10 Elizabeth, d. of Thos. & Elizabeth, b. Jan. 20, 1695. 10 Hannah, d. of Thos. & Elizabeth, b. Apr. 16, 1697. 10 Abigaill, d. of Thos. & Elizabeth, b. Mar. 15, 1699, bp. Mar. 19. 10 Sarah, d. of Thos. & Elizabeth, b. Feb. 12, 1701-02, bp. Mar., 1701. 10 Mary, d. of Thos. & Elizabeth, b. May 30, 1703, bp. June 6, 1703. 10 Ruth, d. of Thos. & Elizabeth, b. Sept. 25, 1706, bp. Sept. 29. 10 Tabatha, d. of Thos. & Elizabeth, b. Sept. 10, 1708, bp. Sept. 19. 10 Millicent. d. of Thos. & Elizabeth, b. Nov. 11, 1710, bp. Nov. 12. 10 Martha, d. of Thos. & Elizabeth, b. Nov. 10, 1713, bp. Nov. 25. Russell. X Benjamin, s. of Wm. & Martha, b. before 1645. I uV^-il-^''^' \ ch. of Wm. & Martha, b. between 1645 and 1655. X rhilhp, ^ ' t William, s. of Wm. & Martha, b. Apr. 28, 1655. t Jason, s of Wm. & Martha, b Nov. 14, 1658. X William & his \vf. Martha, their ch. Joseph (10 yrs. old), bp. in England. X Benjamin, "I X John, I I Ph'iinp ' [ c^i of Wm. & Martha, bp. before 1658. X Williani, | X Jason, j t Joyce, d. of Wm. & Martha, b. Mar. 31, bp. May 13, 1660. X Mary, d. of Joseph & Mary, bp. Jan. 8, 1664. t Martha, d. of Joseph & Mary, b. Feb. 1, 1666-67. t William, s. of Benj. & Rebecca, b. June 12, 1667. 68 LEXINGTON BEGORD OF BIRTHS. Russell — Continued. t Abigail, d. of Joseph & Mavy, b. May 12, 1668. t Prudence, d. of Joseph & Mary, b. May 30, 1670. t Joseph, s. of Joseph & Mary, b. Jul. 15, 1673. I Jason, s. of Benj. & Rebecca, b. May 10, 1674. t Martha, d. of John & Elizabeth, b. Aug. 13, 1675. f Benjamin, s. of Benj. & Elizabeth, b. Apr. 2, 1676. t Waiter, s. of Joseph & Mary, b. Apr. 30, 1676. I Joyce, d. of Benj. & Rebecca, b. May 14, 1677. j Sarah, d. of Benj. & Rebecca, b. Jul. 4, 1679. t Mariah, d. of Joseph & Mary, b. Nov. 28, 1678. t Jeremiah, s. of Joseph & Mary, b. Feb. 21, 1680-81. t John, s. of Joseph & Mary, b. Jul. 13, 1683. t Joannah, d. of Phillip & joannah, b. Dec. 30, 1683-84. t Samuel, s. of Joseph & Mary, b. Aug. 9, 1685. ■f Abigail, d. of John & Elizabeth, b. Apr. 18, 1686. t William, s. of Phillip & Joannah, b. Jul. 23, 1686. I William, s. of Wm. & Abigail, b. Apr. 5, 1687. t Hubbard, s. of Jason & Mary, b. May 20, 1687. t Phillip, s. of Phillip & Joannah, b. Sept. 18, 1688. t Abigail, d. of Wm. & Abigail, b. Dec. 31, 1688. t Martha, d. of Jason & Mary, b. May 2, 1691. t Samuel, s. of Phillip & Joannah, b. Feb. 12, 1690-91. X Edward, s, of Wm., bp. Oct. 10, 1697. X Thomas, s. of Phillip of Lex., bp. Jul. 3, 1698. David bp., and he and Abigail r. Oct. 29, 1699. Abigail, d. of Phillip, bp. Sept., 1700. t Abigail, d. of Phillip & Joannah, b. Sept. 11, 1700. •f Esther, d. of John & Elizabeth, b. Dec. 19, 1700, bp. Dec. 9 Elizabeth, d. of Jonathan & Elizabeth, b. Jul. 15, 1702, bp. Jul. 26. t John, s. of David & Abigail, b. Dec. 1, 1702, bp. Dec. 6. t Abigail, d. of David & Abigail, b. Aug. 27, 1704. 9 Mary, d. of Jonathan & Elizabeth, b. Jan. 1, 1704-05, bp. Jan. 7. Abigail, d. of David, bp. Sept. 9, 1705. t Susannah, d. of Phillip & Sarah (2ad wf.), b. Oct. 18, 1706. Susanna, d. of Phillip, bp. Oct. 27, 1706. " t Nathaniel, s. of Wm. & Elizabeth, b. Feb. 23, 1706-07. Nathaniel, first ch. of Wm., bp. I\Iar., 1707. 9 Jonathan, s. of Jonathan & Elizabeth, b. Apr. 5, 1707, bp Apr. 6. t Mary, d of Jas. & Mary, b. Jul. 24, 1707. Mary, d. of Jas. & Mary, bp. Aug. 3, 1707. t Joannah, d. of Jas. & Mary, b. Dec. 3, 1707, bp. Dec. 7 ; so dated iu the original, t Hannah, d. of David & Abigail, b. June 2, bp. June 6, 1708. I James, s. of Jas. & Mar3s b. Aug. 14, 1709, bp. Aug. 21. Jason, s, of David, bp. Jul. 23, 1710. t Jo.siaIi, s. of Jas. & Mary, b. Mar. 28, 1711. Josiah, bp. Apr. 1, 1711. t Lydia, d. of Wm. & Elizabeth, b. May 19, 1711. Lydia, bp. June 3, 1711. Rebekah, bp. June 17, 1711. 7 Rebekah, d. of John, Jr., & Rebeckah, b. June 24, 1711. 9 Jane, d. of Jonathan & Elizabeth, b. Jul. 19, 1711, bp. Jul. 22. t Samuel, s. of Jas. & Mary, b. Oct. 27, 1712. Samuel, s. of Jas., bp. Nov. 9, 1712. Submit, bp. Dec. 28, 1712. 7 Adonijah, s. of John, Jr., & Rebeckah, b. Feb. 25, 1712-13, bp. June 4, 1713. 9 Ruth, d. of Jonathan & Elizabeth, b. May 24, 1714, l)p. May 30. 13 Jemima, d. of Jas. & Mary, b. Sept. 8, 1714, bp. Sept. 12. LEXINGTON EECOBD OF BIRTHS. 69 Russell — Continued. 18 Sarah, d. of Jas. & Mary, b. Feb. 8, 1716, bp. Feb. 12. 12 William, s. of VVm. & Mary, b. Feb. 8, 1716-16, bp. Feb. 12. Martha, (twin with Sarah, by P. R.), bp. Feb. 12, 1716. 16 Abagail, d, of John, Jr., & Rebeckah, b. Feb. 1.5, 1715-16, bp. Mar. 4. Elisabeth, d. of David, bp. Jul. 1, 1716. 12 Joel, s. of Wm. & Elisabeth, b. Aug. 2, 1716, bp Aug. 5. 12 Eliezer, s. of Jonathan & Elizabeth, b. May 5, 1717, bp. May 12. 13 Abigail, d, of Jas & Mary, b. Apr. 29, 1718, bp. May 4. 18 Sarah, d. of Philip & Sarah, b. May 22, 1718, bp. Oct. 5. 16 John, s. of John & Rebekah, b. Apr. 10, 1719, bp. Apr. 26. 18 Lucy, d. of Jas. & Mary, b. Apr. 15, 1720, bp. Apr. 17. 18 Millicent, d. of Philip & Sarah, b. Dec. 29, 1720, bp. Jan. 8, 1721. 18 Mary, d. of Philip & Sarah, b. May 13, 1722, bp. May 13. 20 Samuel, s. of Jonathan & Elisabeth, b. Feb. 3, 1722-23, bp. Feb. 10. 20 Solomon, s. of John & Rebeckah, b. Aug. 5, 1723, bp. Aug. 11. 20 Phebe, d. of Philip & Sarah, b. Apr. 4, 1725, bp. Apr. 11. 4 Jabez, s. of Joseph & Jane, b. between 1725-28, bp. Aug. 4, 1728. 20 Hester, d. of Jonathan & Elizabeth, b. ]\Iay 22, 1725, bp. May 23. 4 , d. of Joseph & (Jane), b. Aug. 18, 1725. Abigail, d. of Nath'l, bp. Mar. 10, 1727. 24 Philip, s. of Philip, Jr., & Sarah, b. Apr. 5, 1727, bp. Apr. 16. 24 Joseph, s. of Philip, Jr., & Sarah, b. June 29, 1729, bp. Jul. 6. 24 Joseph, s. of John & Rebeckah, b. Aug. 23, 1729, bp. Aug. 24. Isaac, bp. Sept. 7, 1729. 4 Ephraim, s. of Joseph & Jane, b. 1730, bp. Aug. 8, 1731. Kezia, bp. Nov. 22, 1730. Joanna, d. of Phillip, bp. Nov. 21, 1731. Mary, d. of Jas., Jr., bp. Aug. 25, 1734. Jonathan, bp. May 11, 1735. Mary, d. of Jas., Jr., bp. Nov. 14, 1736. 32 Martha, d. of Eliezer & Tabitha, b. Feb. 1, 1738-39. Thomas, s. of Josiah, bp. Mar. 25, 1739. Martha, d. of Eliezer & Tabitha, bp. Apr. 1, 1739. James, bp. Apr. 22, 1739. Abigail, r. Dec. 9, 1739. 39 , s. of Joseph & Sarah, b. Jan. 11, 1739-40. 39 Sarah, d. of Joseph & Sarah, b. Feb. 28, 1740-41, bp. Mar. 1. Azubah, bp. Mar. 22, 1741. Ebenezer, bp. Aug. 9, 1741. 41 Thaddeus, s. of Eleazer & Tabatha, b. Jan. 27, 1741-42, bp. Jau. 31. Lucy, d. of Josiah, bp. Aug. 14, 1743. Haimah, d. of Josiah, bp. Jul. 28, 1745. Mercy, bp. A]jr. 3, 1748. 53 Amos, s. of Philip & Lydia, b. Dec. 5, 1750, bp. May 26, 1751. 56 Eiihraim, s. of Ephraim »fe Miriam, b. Nov. 6, 1755, bp. Api*. 27, 1757. 59 Lydia, d. of Philip, Jr., & Lydia, b. Nov 9, 1758, bp. Nov. 12. 59 Solomon, s. of Ephraim & Miriam, b. Jan. 29, 1758, bp. Feb. 5. 67 Nathaniel, s. of Ephraim & Miriam, b. Nov. 29, 1759, bp. Dec. 9. 60 Nathan, s. of Philip, Jr., & Lydia, b. Mar. 1, 1760, bp. Mar. 2. 63 Sarah, d. of Philip, Jr., & Lydia, b. Mar. 24, 1761. 67 Calvin, s. of Ephraim & Miriam, b. Jan. 12, 1762. Calvin, s. of Ephraim, bp. Jan. 17, 1762. 64 Thomas, s. of Philip & Lydia, b. Apr. 16, 1762, bp. Apr. 18. 67 Joseph, s. of Ephraim & Miriam, b. Dec. G, 1763, bp. Dec. 11. 69 Phebe, d. of Philip & Lydia, b. Mar. 29, 1764, bp. Apr. 8. Hannah, d. of Joseph, bp. Aug. 12, 1764. 73 Thomas, s. of Philii), Jr., & Lydia, b. Feb. 18, 1766, bp. Mar. 2. Dorca,s, d. of p]phraim, bp Mar. ,30, 1766. 75 Jonas, s. of Philip & Lydia, b. Apr. 29, 1767, bp. May 3. 70 LEXINGTON BECOIW OF BIBTIIS. Russell — Continued. 76 Lucy, d. of Philip & Lydia, b. Nov. 7, 1708, bp. Nov. 13 M-u^?^' ( twins of Joseph, bp. Mar. 3, 1770. John,'s. of Dan'l, bp. Feb. 10, 1771. Amos, s. of Amos, bp. Oct. 2, 1774. Ill Samuel, s. of Amos & Betsey, b. Oct. 8, 1776. Samuel Phips, s. of Amos, bp. Oct. 13, 1776. Lydia, d. of Amos, bp. June 3, 1781. Sarah, d. of Amos, bp. Feb. 23, 1783. 12.5 Philip, s. of Nathan & Sybil, b. Aug. 6, 1796. 12.'-) Nathan, s. of Nathan & Sybil, b. Jul. 4, 1798. 125 Thomas, s. of Nathan & Sybil, b. Feb. 2, 1800. 12.T Bowen, s. of Nathan & Sybil, b. Mar. 24, 1802. 12.5 Mary, d. of Nathan & Sybil, b. Feb. 21, 1804. 12.5 Lydia, } ^j^ ^^ Nathan & Sybil, b. Sept. .30, 1806. 12.T Sally, ^ J ■< c 12.5 Betsey, d. of Nathan & Sybil, b. May 2, 1808. 182 Sabra Ann, d, of Philip & Sabra VV., b. Feb. 3, 1838. 182 Philip Marshall, s. of Philip & Sabra W., b. June 9, 1839. 182 Henry Austin, s. of Philip & Sabra W., b. Nov. 16, 1841. Lenora, d. of John A , Aug. 3, 1843. JamS^'^^^' ( '^^"'^ ^^ Jeremiah, May 24, 1843. Martha Ella, d. of Philip & Sabra, Nov. 18, 1850. Celia, d. of John A. & Lydia M., Jul. 4, 1851. Ryan. Edward, s. of Michael & Margaret, Feb. 10, 1847. Ann Maria, d. of Edward & Mary, Sept. 20, 1850. Saliflf. James, s. of Patrick & Catherine, Dec. 31, 1850. Sallgier. Rhoda, d. of John Jacob & Joanna, bp. Oct. 27, 1782. Joanna, d. of John Jacob & Joanna, bp. Apr. 17, 1785. Sampson. Charles,' s. of Benj , bp. Feb. 14, 1790. Charles, s. of Benj., bp. Sept., 1790. Sanborn. Abl)y Ann, d. of Ivory & Harriet, Dec. 7, 1845. Lyiiian O., s. of Dan'l & Eliza llenister, Nov. 4, 1851. Sanderson. Amos, s. of Sam'l, bp. Jul. 17, 1774. Samuel, s. of Sam'l, bp. Feb. 2, 1777. Mary, d. of Sam'l, bp. Dec. 26, 1779. Saunders. Charles A., s, of Loammi, Sept. 30, 1844. Schofi. Frederick, s. of Stephen, Oct. 25, 1848. LEXINGTON BE COED OF BIRTHS. 71 Scott. 19 William, s. of Henry & Mary, b. Feb. 8, 1723-24, l)p. Mar. 29. Shallon. Isaac, bp. May 15, 1743. Shattuck. Sarah, bp. Dec. 27, 1719. Josiah, bp. Nov. 25, 1744. Shaw. 131 Darius, s. of Darius & Joanna, b. May 31, 1798. 131 Xenophon Hector, s. of Darius & Joanna, b. Oct. 28, 1799. 15G Hannah Dudley, d. of Wni. & Rebecca, b. Feb. 17, 1828. Harriet, d. of Abram & Harriet, Aug. 26, 1863. Sheen. Thomas, s. of Thos., Mar. 31, 1849. Sherman. James W., s. of John G. & Mary W., Aug. 14, 1851. Shute. Elisabeth, bp. May 23, 1742. Simonds. t Rebecca, d. of Joseph & Mary T., b. June 11, 1682. t Joshua, s. of Joseph & Mary T., b. Jan. 23, 1686-87. t Mary, d. of Joseph & Mary T., b. Dec. 15, 1684. t Joseph, s. of Joseph & Mary T., b. June 8, 1689. Elisabeth, bp. Nov. 13, 1698. Susanna, bp. and r. May 9, 1703. James, Sr., "| James, Jr., i Nathan, | Susanna, J> ch. of Jas., bp. June 1, 1704. Abigail, Sarah, Ruth, J 11 Jonathan, s of Jonathan «& Lydia, b. Apr. 6, 1715, bp. May 22. 52 Lemuel, s. of Jonathan & Lydia, b. Jmie 1, 1717, bp. June 9 13 Mary, d. of Danl & Abigail, b. Mar. 10, 1717-18, bp. Mar. 16. 17 Daniel, s. of Dan'l & Abagail, b. Dec. 28, 1719, bp. Jan. 3, 1720. 20 .Joseph, s. of Jonathan & Lydia, b. Jan. 7, 1721, bp. June 11. Joshua, s. of Joshua, bp. Feb. 12, 1721. 16 Nathan, s. of Dan'l & Abigail, b. Sept. 10, 1722, bp. Sept. 16. 52 Amos, } J J Jonathan & Lydia, b. Feb. 7, 1723. 52 trances, S j > > 20 Amof ^' \ ^^^- °* Jon'^it^i''^" & IjjAisl, b. Feb. 1, 1723-24, bp. Feb. 23. John,'bp. Aug. 9, 1724. 4 Jane (?), d. of Dan'l & Abigail, b. Oct. 25, 1724, bp. Nov. 1. JJ'^^^T' \ ^V- Dec. 27, 1724. Hannah, ^ ^ 20 William, s. of Wm. & Elisabeth, b Jan. 15, 1724-25, bp. Jan. 17. 62 Francis, s. of Jonathan & Lydia, b. Jul. 12, 1726, bp. Jul. 17. Hannah, bp. Apr. 30, 1727. 35 Sarah, d. of Joshua & Hannah, b. Aug. 11, 1727, bp. Aug. 13 ; mother bp. Apr. 30, 1729. 72 LEXINGTON BE COED OF BIBTHS. Simonds — Continued. 35 Hannah, d. of Joshua & Hannah, b. Oct. 17, 1729, bp. Oct. 19. 52 John, s. of Jonathan & Lydia, b. Jan. 5, 1730, bp. Jan. 31. Samuel, bp. May 10, 1730. 36 Betty, d. of Joshua & Hannah, b, Jan. 22, 1732, bp. Feb. 18. 4 Abigail, d. of Dan'l & Abigail, b. Apr. 22, 1732. John, bp. May 14, 1732. 35 Joshua, s. of Joshua & Hannah, b. May 16, 1736, bp. May 23. 34 Ebenezer, s. of Jonathan & Lydia, b. Aug. 21, 1736. 28 Abigail, d. of Dan'l & Abigail, b. Aug. 30, 1736, bp. Sept. 19. 35 Sarah, d. of Dan'l & Abigail, b. Apr. 25, 1739, bp. Apr. 29. 35 Joseph, s. of Joshua & Plannah, b. Oct. 1, 1739, bp. Oct. 7. 52 Jonathan, s. of Joseph & Mary, b. , d. Feb. 22, 1747. 66 Daniel, s. of Dan'l & Mary, b. Oct. 26, 1751, bp. Nov. 3. 66 Mary, d. of Dan'l & Mary, b. Nov. 3, 1753. 66 Abigail, d. of Dan'l & Mary, b. Feb. 15, 1756. 80 Lydia, d. of John & Mary, b. Jan. 13, 1757, bp. Mar. 11, 1770. 66 Joseph, s. of Dan'l & Mary, b. Apr. 2, 1758, bp. Apr. 9. 80 Ebenezer, s. of John & Mary, b. Aug. 15, 1758, bp. Mar. 11, 1770, 80 Mary, d. of John & Mary, b. Jul. 19, 1761, bp. Mar. 11, 1770. 66 Lucy, d. of Dan'l & Mary, b. Aug. 18, 1761, bp. Aug. 30. 80 Rebecca, d. of John & Mary, b. Aug. 1, 1763, bp. Mar. 11, 1770. 80 Lemuel, s. of John & Mary, b. Aug. 26, 1765, bp. Mar. 11, 1770. 76 Martha, d. of Joshua & Martha, b. Oct. 1, 1766, bp. Oct. 5. Martha, d. of Joshua, Jr., bp. Oct. 5, 1766. 80 Hannah, d. of Jolm & Mary, b. Aug. 7, 1767, bp. Mar. 11, 1770. 76 Elizabeth, d. of Joshua & Martha, b. May 24, 1768, bp. May 29. 80 Betty, d. of Joseph & Elizabeth, b. May 30, 1769, bp. Apr. 15, 1770. 91 Joshua, s. of Joshua & Martha, b. Jan. 4, 1770, bp. Jan. 7. 80 Joseph, s. of Joseph & Elisabeth, b. Sept. 19, 1771, bp. Sept. 22. 91 Elisabeth, d. of Joshua & Martha, b. Jul. 14, 1772, bp. Jul. 19. 78 William, s. of Joshua & Martha, b. Aug. 18, 1774, bp. Aug. 21. 80 Sarah, d. of John & Mary, b. Nov. 26, 1776, bp. Dec. 1. Lucy, d. of Joshua, bp. Dec. 15, 1776. 78 Jonathan, s. of Joshua & Martha, b. Feb. 22, 1779, bp. Fob. 28. Hannah, d. of Joshua, bp. Jul. 30, 1786. Ebenezer & his wf. Anna, r. Apr. 7, 1793. Nancy, \ AwSil <' ^^^- "^ Ebenezer & Anna, bp. Apr. 7, 1793. Judith, j 154 Joseph, Jr., s. of Joshua & Nabby, b. Mar. 1. 1795. 120 Nabby, d. of David & Jerusha, b. Dec. 17, 1795. 154 Abigail, d. of Joshua & Nabby, b. Mar. 14, 1797. 120 Betsey, d. of David & Jerusha, b. June 4, 1797. 154 Franklin, s. of Josliua & Nal)by, b. June 10, 1799. 120 Bradley, s. of David & Jerusha, b. Dec. 19, 1799. 154 Joshua, Jr., s. of Joshua & Nabby, b. May 29, 1801. 120 Lydia, d. of David & Jerusha, b.Feb. 15, 1802. 161 Eliza, d. of Capt. Joseph & Mary, b. M.ar. 26, 1804. 161 Mary Ann, d. of Capt. Joseph & Mary, b. Oct. 11, 1806, l)p. Nov. 5, 1837. 154 Hannah Maria, d. of Joshua & Nabby, b. June 30, 1807. 154 Otis, s. of Joshua & Nal)by, b. Apr. 17, 1810. 120 Natlian, s. of David & Jerusha, b. Apr. 16, 1816. IIum])hry, ") William, [ Jonathan Bowers, J.ch. of Wm. & Susanna, bp. Aug. S, 1813. Susan, I Alice Pierce, J LEXINGTON BE COBB OF BIBTHS. 73 Simonds — Continued. Cyrus Pierce, s. of Wm. & Susanna, bp. Jul. 30, 1815. Eli, s. of Wm. & Susanna, bp. Sept. 12, 1817. Isaac Mason, s. of Wm., bp. Nov. 28, 1819. Rufus, s. of Wm. bp. May 26, 1822. Miss Mary Ann, bp. Nov. 5, 1837. Alice P., d. of Eli, June 8, 1843. Rufus R., s. of Cyrus P. & Mary Ann, Oct. 6, 1843. Marcus, s. of Joshua & Lucy, Oct. 6, 1843. Charles Frederick, s. of Joseph F. & Susan, June 8, 1844. William Henry, s. of Eli & Elizabeth, Nov. 1, 1844. Gertrude, d. of Cyrus P. & Mary Ann, Jul. 10, 1845. Clara Maria, d. of Joseph F. & Susan, Dec. 4, 1846. David, s, of Nathan & Amanda, Nov. 6, 1847. Frank, s. of Eli & Elizabeth, May 18, 1848. Winslow, s. of Cyrus & Susan, May 26, 1848. Anna M., d. of Geo. & Hannah, Mar. 29, 1849. Abbie Jane, d. of Joshua, Ji-., & Lucy J., Apr. 26, 1849. Ella, d. of Geo & Hannah E., Nov. 25, 1853. Skilton. 73 Susanna, d. of Thos. of Woburn & Ruth, b. Jul. 24, 1737. Skinner. Joseph, bp. and r. Aug. 9, 1789. Frederick, s. of John F. & Frances N., Mar. 12, 1850. Smith. 14 Joseph, s. of Thos. & Mary, b. Mar. 4, 1681. 15 Beniamin, s. of Thos. & Mary, b. Sept. 24, 1689. 17 Sarah, d. of John & Mary, b. Feb. 3, 1698-99, 12 Mary, d. of Joseph & Mary, b. Apr. 3, 1701, bp. Sept 27, 1702. 17 Rebeckah, d. of Joseph & Hannah, b. Jan. 23, 1702-03, bp. Oct. 8, 1704. 12 William, s. of Joseph & Mary, b. June 25, 1703, bp. June 27, 1703. 14 Eunice, d. of John «& Mary, b. Sept. 1, 1704. 17 Henry, s. of Joseph & Hannah, b. Sept. 29, 1705, bp. Sept. 30, 1705. 12 Hezekiah, s. of Joseph & Mary, b. Apr. 2, 1706, bp. May 5, 1706. 17 Hannah, d. of Joseph, Sr., & Hannah, b. and bp. Sept. 28, 1707. 12 Ebenezer, s. of Joseph & Mary, b. Aug 18, 1708, bp. Aug. 22, 1708. 11 Mary, d. of DanU & Mary, b. Mar. 13, 1709-10, bp. Nov. 2, 1718. 12 Sophiah, d. of Joseph & Mary, b. Oct. 20, 1711, bp. Oct. 28. 11 Daniel, s. of Dan'l & Mary, b. Mar. 10, 1711-12. 14 Abiezer, s. of John & Sarah, b. Mar. 27, 1713. 11 Jonathan, s. of Dan'l & Mary, b. Oct. 16, 1713, bp. Nov. 2, 1718. 12 Samuel, s. of Joseph & Mary, b. June 19, 1714, bp. June 27. 9 Benjamin, s. of Benj. & Martha, b. and bp. Jul. 20, 1714. Jonathan, s. of Elisha, bp. Jul. 3, 1715. 14 Lois, d. of John & Sarah, b. Oct. 6, 1715, bp. Oct. 30. 11 David, s. of Benj. & Martha, b. Dec. 25, 1715, bp. Jan. 16, 1716. 15 Betsey, d. of Dan'l & Mary, b. Feb. 11, 1715-16, bp. Nov. 2, 1718. 12 Hannah, d. of Joseph & Mary, b. Jan 21, 1716-17, bp Jan. 27. 13 Ezekiel, s. of Benj. & Martha, b. Apr. 28, 1717, bp. Aug. 11. 14 Silas, s. of John & Sarah, b. Jan. 16, 1717-18, bp. May 4. Patience, bp. Apr. 20, 1718. 15 Lydia. d. of Dan'l & Mary, b. May 3, 1718, bp Nov. 2. 14 Joseph, s. of Joseph «& Mary, b. June 4, 1719, bp. June 14. Elisha, bp. Sept. 6, 1719. 14 Ruth, d. of John & Sarah, b. Jan. 7, 1719-20, bp. Apr. 17. 18 Martha, d. of Benj. & Martha, b. June 3, 1720, bp. Aug. 12. 74 LEXINGTON BE COED OF BIRTHS. Smith — Continued. Daniel, bp. Jul. 23, 1721. 18 Abagaii, d. of Joseph & Mary, b. Sept. 6, 1722, bp. Sept. 9. 18 Sarah, d. of DanM & Maiy, b. Jul 28, 1723. Thomas, bp. Oct. 4, 1723. 21 Beulah, d. of John & Sarah, b. Jan. 14, 1723-24. 19 Josiah, s. of Joseph, Jr., & Mar3\ b. Jul. 6, bp. Jul. 19, 1724. 21 Ephraim, s. of John «& Sarah, b. June 14, 1725. 20 Solomon, s, of Benj. & Martha, b. Sept. 11, 1725, bp. Sept. 26. 22 Luey, d. of Dan'l & Marv, b. Jan. 3, 1725-26, bp. Oct. 23. 23 Abijah, s. of Heziciah &"^Eiisabeth, b. Feb. 26, 1726-27. 23 Thomas, s. of Benj. & Martha, b Apr. 15, 1727, bp. Jul. 28, 1728. 1 Abagaii, d. of Dan'l & Mary, b. P^eb. 22, 1727-28, bp. Aug. 17, 1729. 35 Elizabeth, d. of Herisah & Elizabeth, b. Jul. 9, 1728. 1 Eunice, d. of Dan'l & Mary, b. June 4, 1730, bp. June 14. 1 Nathan, s. of Henry & Mary, b. Mar. 1, 1731-32, bp. June 18, 1732. Hannah, d. of Hezekiah, bp. Aug. 13, 1732. Mary, bp. Nov. 25, 1733 2 Abiezei", s. of Jesse & Experience, b. May 2, 1734. Oliver, bp. May 5, 1734. 35 Kezia, d. of Herisah & Elizabeth, b. Nov. 20, 1734, bp. Dee. 1. 27 Israel, s. of Jesse & Experience, b. Aug. 26, 1735, bp. Aug. 31, 48 Mary, d. of Henry & .Mary, b. Oct. 10 (?), 1735, bp. Oct. 5. 35 William, s. of Hezekiah & Elizabeth, b. Jan. 16, 1736, bp. Aug. 8. Mary, d. of Hezekiah, bp. Oct. 9, 1737. 31 Solomon, s. of Benj., Jr., & Anna, b Oct. 27, 1738, bp. Nov. 26. 46 Abigail, d. of Jonathan & Abigail, b. May 21, 1739, bp. May 27. 48 Hannah, d. of Henry & Mary, b. Sept. 29, 1739, bp Oct. 7. 37 Ebenezer, s, of Ebenezer & Abigail, b. Sept. 20, 1740, bp. Sept. 21. 48 Henery, s. of Henry & Mary, b. Feb. 16, 1740-41, bp. Mar. 22. 37 Benjamin, s. of Benj. & Anna, b. Mar. 11, 1741, bp. Mar. 22. Joseph, s. of Ebenezer, bp. Aug. 1, 1742. 42 Anna, d. of Benj , Jr., & Anna, b. Mar. 31, 1743, bp. Apr. 3. 48 Sarah, d. of Henry & Mary, b. May 23, 1743, bp. May 29. 46 John, s. of Jonathan & Abigail, b. Aug. 12, 1743, bp. Aug. 14. 44 Joseph, s. of Hezekiah & Elizabeth, b. Aug. 21, 1743, bp. Aug. 28. 45 Mary, d. of Ebenezer & Abigail, b. Dec. 23, 1743, bp. Dec. 25. 54 Esther, d. of Benj. & Anna, b. Dec. 26, 1743. 45 Martha, d. of Benj & Anna, b. Apr. 19, 1745, bp. Apr. 21. 46 Dorcas, d. of Jonathan & Abigail, b. Jan. 3, 1745-46, bp. Jan. 5. 46 Sarah, d. of Hezekiah & Elizabeth, b. Mar. 28, 1746, bp. Mar. 30. 48 Jean, s. of Henry & Mary, b. Aug. 21, 1746. Jonas, bp. Aug. 24, 1746. 47 Abigail, d. of Ebenezer & Abigail, b. Dec. 2, 1746, bp. Dec. 7. 51 Amos, s. of Hezekiah & Elizabeth, b. Apr, 14, 1748, bp. Apr. 17. 51 Jonathan, s. of Jonathan & Abigail, b. Oct, 4, 1748. 47 Thaddeus, s. of Ebenezer & Abigail, b. Nov. 24, 1748, bp. Nov. 20, 50^ James, s. of Henry & Mary, b. Jan. 3, 174(9), bp. Jan. 15, 1749. 49 Hannah, d. of Hezekiah & Elizabeth, b. Aug. 20, 1750, bp. Aug. 26. Abijah, bp. Sept. 1, 1750. 58 Phinehas, s. of Jonathan & Abigail, b. Feb. 7, 1751, bp. Feb. 18. 53 Esther, d. of Benj., Jr., & Anna, b. Apr 1, 1751, bp. Apr. 7. 50 Ezekeiel, s. of Ebenezer & Abigail, b. Apr. 6, 1751, bp. Apr. 7. 55 Joseph, s. of Henry & Mary, b. June 11, 1751, bj). Jul. 14. 63 Josiah, s. of Josiah & Sarah, b. Dec. 1, 1751, bp. Dec. 22. 58 Timothy, s. of Jonathan & Abigail, b. Aug. 11, bp. Aug. 12, 1753. 54 Thaddeus, s. of Ebenezer & Abigail, b. Sept. 25, bp. Sept. 30, 1763. 63 Josiah, s. of Josiah & Sarah, b. Nov. 26, 1763. 99 Esther, d. of Benj., Jr., & Anna, b. Dec. 26, 1753, bp. Jan. 6, 1754, m. Simeon Snow, d. Jan. 14, 1780. LEXINGTON EECORD OF BIRTHS. 75 Smith — Continued. 54 Soloman, s of Thos. & Sarah, b. Jan. 12, 1754, bp. Jan. 13. 58 Abigail, d. of Sam'l & Mary, b. Mar. 29, 1754. 63 Abraham, s. of Joshua & Sarah, b. Jul. 23, 1755. 55 Ezekiel, s. of Thos. & Sarah, b. Nov. 24, 1755, bp. Nov. 30. 58 Samuel, s. of Jonathan & Abigail, b. Jan. 7, 1756, bp. Fob. 8. Eunice, d. of Henr3% bp Apr. 25, 1756. 56 David, s. of Benj , Jr., & Anna, b Aug. 15, 1756, bp. Aug. 15. 58 John, s. of Sam'l & Mary, b. Aug. 21, 1756. Daniel, s. of Jonathan, bp. Apr. 24, 1758. 64 Abigail, d. of Wra. & Abigail, b. Aug. 17, 1758, bp Aug. 20. 63 Ebenezer, s. of Josiah & Hannah, b. Dec. 4, 1758. 63 Abigail, d. of Sam'l & Mary, b. Mar. 29, 1759, bp. Apr. 8. 63 Thomas, s. of Benj., Jr., & Anna, b. Jul. 24, 1760, bp. Jul. 27. 63 Sarah, d. of Josiah & Hannah, b. Jul. 26, 1760, bp. Jul. 27. 64 William, s. of Wm. & Abigail, b. Dec. 23, 1761, bp. Dec. 27. Amasa, s. of Jonathan, bp. May 9, 1762. 64 Hannah, d. of Josiah & Hannah, b. Jul. 13, 1762, bp. Jul. 18. 81 Isaac, s. of Josiah & Hannah, b. Feb. 1, 1764, bp. Feb. 5. Nathan, s. of Jonathan, bp. Mar. 25, 1764. 75 Lydia, d. of Wm. & Abigail, b. Jul. 3, 1764, bp. Jul. 8. 70 Samuel, s. of Sam'l & Elizabeth, b. Sept. 14, 1764, bp. Nov. 25. 72 Mary, d. of Ebenezer, Jr., & Priscilla, b. Oct 17, 1764, bp. Oct. 21. 81 Jacob, s. of Josiah & Hannah, b. June 24, 1765, bp. June 30. 75 Joseph, s. of Joseph & Lucy, b. Nov. 8, 1765, bp. Nov. 10. 75 Betty, d. of Wm. & Abigail, b. Dec. 14, 1766, bp. Dec. 28. 75 Joseph, s. of Joseph & Lucy, b. Jan. 26, 1767, bp. Feb. 1. 76 Elizabeth, d. of Sam'l & Elizabeth, b. Jan. 27, 1767, bp. Feb. 1. 81 Susanna, d. of Josiah & Hannah, b. May 22, 1767, bp. May 24. 90 Diamond, s. of Ebenezer, Jr., & PrLscilla, b. Nov. 25, 1767, bp. Nov. 30. 90 Hezekiah, s. of Joseph & Lucy, b. Apr. 17, 1768, bp. Apr. 23. 90 Ezekiel, s. of Ebenezer & Priscilla, b. Mar. 26, 1769, bp. Apr 2. 81 Elijah, s. of Josiah & Hannah, b. May 28, 1769, b]). June 4. 81 Anna, d. of Benj. & Mary, b. Apr. 2, 1770, bp. Apr. 8. Jonas, s. of Joseph, bp. Mar. 24, 1771. 81 Joel, s. of Josiah & Hannah, b. June 1, 1771, bp. June 2. 90 Edmimd, s. of Ebenezer & Priscilla, b. June 21, 1771, bp. June 23. 127 Susanna, d. of Jonathan, Jr., & Lydia, b. Mar. 4, 1772, bp. Mar 8. 90 Jonas, s. of Joseph & Lucy, b Mar. 19, 1772. 90 Lucy, d. of Ebenezer & Priscilla, b. Apr. 11, 1773, bp. Apr. 18. 91 Rhoda, d. of Jonathan, Jr., & Lydia, b. Apr. 29, 1774, bp. May 8. 81 Benjamin, s. of Benj. & Mary, b. Sept. 1, 1774, bp. Sejit. 4. Amos, s. of Wm , bp. Oct. 8, 1775. 82 David, s. of Benj. & Mary, b. Sept. 29, 1776, bp. Oct. 6. 123 Polly, d. of Josiah & Polly, b. Jan. 2, 1777, bp. June 4, 1780. Abijah Parker, s. of Jonas, bp. Mar. 9, 1777. 127 Samuel, s. of Jonathan, Jr., & Lydia, b Feb. 6, 1778, bp. Feb. 8, d. an infant. 93 Lucy, d. of Joseph & Abigail, b. Feb. 25, 1778, bp. Mar. 1. 98 John Ingoldsby, s. of Joseph & Abigail, b. Aug. 30, 1779 (?), bp. June 26, 1779. 127 Samuel, s. of Jonathan, Jr., & Lydia, b. Apr. 15, 1780, hp. Apr. 16. 123 Ebenezer, s. of Josiah, Jr., & Polly, b. Dec. 1, 1780, bp. Dec 10. Elisabeth, d. of Joseph, bp. Sept. 16, 1781. Amos, s. of Joseph, bp. Mar. 21, 1784. 123 Sarah, d. of Josiah & Polly, b Nov. 29, 1785, bp. Dec. 11. Timothy, s. of Joseph, bp. Oct. 29, 1786. 115 Oliver, s. of Abraham & Martha, b. Apr. 15, 1789, bp. Apr. 19. 123 Josiah, s. of Josiah & Polly, b. Apr. 17, 1789, bp. Apr. 19. , ch of Joseph, bp. Aug. 15, 1790. 76 LEXINGTON BEGOBD OF BIRTHS. Smith — Continued. James Melledge, s. of Joseph, bp. Aug. 22, 1790. 127 Harriet, d. of Jonathan, Jr., & Abigail, b. Jan. 6, 1791, bp. Jan. 9. Abigail Cook, d. of Joseph, bp Oct. 7, 1792. 123 Elias, s. of Josiah & Polly, b. Jul. 21, 1792, bp. Jul. 22. 127 Augustus, ; ch. of Jonathan, Jr., & Abigail, b. Oct. 20, 1792, bp. 127 Cyrus, \ Nov. 4. 116 William Bowman, s. of Abraham & Martha, b. Feb. 10, 1794, bp. Feb. 23. 129 Lois, d. of Joel & Elizabeth, b. Feb. 18, 1795. Ralph, s. of Joseph, bp Sept. 6, 1795. 127 Hephzibah, d. of Jonathan, Jr., & Ruth, b. Oct. 5, 1795, bp. Sept. 11, 1808. 123 Maria, d. of Josiah & Polly, b. Jan. 17, 1796, bp. Jan. 24. 129 Joshua Stearns, s. of Joel & Elizabeth, b. May 9, 1796. 127 Abigail, d. of Jonathan, Jr., & Ruth, b. May 16, 1797, bp. Sept. 11, 1808. Billings, s. of Joseph, bp. Jul. 2, 1797. 129 Levi, s. of Joel & Elizabeth, b. Aug. 10, 1798. 143 Mai-y Munroe, d. of Jonas & Mary, b. Oct. 28, 1798, bp. Mar. 6, 1808. 127 Ruth, d. of Jonathan, Jr., & Ruth, b. June 30, 1799, bp. Sept. 11, 1808. 138 Eliza, d. of Isaac & Sally, b. Jan. 22, 1800, bp. Aug. 25, 1808. 129 Levi, s. of Joel & Elizabeth, b. Aug. 5, 1800. P^lfi'^^ \ ch. of Abel, bp. Mar. 22, 1801. Lormg, ^ ' ^ 138 Susan Pierce, d. of Isaac & Sally, b. Jul. 21, 1801, bp. Aug. 25, 1808. 127 Jonathan, s. of Jonathan, Jr., & Ruth, b. May 16, 1802, bp. Sept. 11, 1808. 143 Lucy Stone, d. of Jonas & Mary, b. Jul. 29, 1802, bp. Mar. 6, 1808. 138 Mary. d. of Isaac & Sally, b. Mar. 1, 1803, bp. Aug. 28, 1808. Jonas Leonard, s. of Thos., bp. Apr. 24, 1803. 129 Isaac, s. of Joel & Elizabeth, b. Aug. 31, 1804. 138 John, s. of Isaac & Sally, b. Oct. 17, 1804, bp, Aug. 28, 1808. 142 Abigail, d. of Joseph & Susanna, b. Jan. 22, 1805. 129 Eli Francis, s. of Joel & Elizabeth, b. Nov. 24, 1805. 142 Sarah Hamblet, d. of Joseph & Susanna, b. June 9, 1806. 143 Sophronia, d. of Jonas & Mary, b. Sept. 6, 1807, bp. Mar. 6, 1808. 142 Joseph, Jr., s. of Joseph & Susanna, b. Sept. 29, 1807. 129 Priscilla, d. of Joel & Elizabeth, b. Oct. 14, 1808. 138 Martha Bowman, d. of Isaac & Sally, b. Jan. 20, 1809, bp. Mar. 12. 142 Levi Dakin, s. of Joseph & Susanna, b. Nov. 11, 1809, bp. Feb. 11, 1810. 158 Mary Ann, d. of Ebenezer & Anna, b. Apr. 21, 1811, bp. Mar. 8, 1812. 168 Emily Jane, d. of Ebenezer & Anna, b. Sept. 20, 1813, bp Nov. 7. 129 James, s. of Joel & Elizabeth, b. Dec 2, 1813. 158 Maria, d. of Ebenezer & Anna, b. Jan. 10, 1816, bp. June 16. 158 Emily Jane, d. of Ebenezer & Anna, b. Jul 18, 1818, bp. Oct. 25. 1.58 Elizabeth Nichols, d. of Ebeneza & Anna, b Aug. 8, 1820, bp. Oct. 1. 168 Adeline, / ch. of Ebenezer & Anna, b. Oct. 28, 1822, bp. Mar. 4, 158 Addison, \ 1823. 158 Dorcas Wade, d. of Ebenezer & Anna,b. Sept 5, 1824, bp. Jan. 22, 1825. 158 Josiah, s. of Ebenezer & Anna, b. Jul. 23, 1827, bp. May 6. Mary Elizabeth Bridge, infant d. of Wm. & Joann, bp. Oct. 23, 1836. Susanna R., d. of Wm. H. & Susanna B., June 29, 1843. Emma, d. of Sylvanus W., Oct. 5, 1843. George Adams, s. of Thaddeus Warren & Susan S , June 8, 1845. Sarah Jane, d. of Wm. H. & Susan B., Mar. 11, 1846. Winslow, s. of Thaddeus W. & Susan, Feb. 28, 1847. Billings, s. of Billings & Martha, Jul. 12, 1848. Lucy Rogers, d. of Billings & Martha, Nov. 18, 1850. Caroline W., d. of Thaddeus W. & Susan, June 3, 1852. Martha R., d. of Billings & Martha, Apr. 29, 1858. LEXINGTON BE COED OF BIBTH8. TJ Snow. Mary, d. of Dan'l, bp. Nov. 25, 1722. Daniel, bp. Apr. 5, 1724. , bp. June 12, 1726. Rachel, bp. Au^. 4, 1728. 94 Simeon, s. of Simeon & Esther, b. Nov. 17, 1777, bp. Sept. 6, 1778. 99 Esther, d. of Simeon & Esther, b. Oct. 19, 1779, bp. Oct. 24. Spalding, Spaulding. John Butterfield, ') Lucy Butterfield, > ch. of Dr. Stillman, bp. Aug. 6, 1830. Nathaniel Edwards, ) Luther F., s. of Luther, Aug. 2, 1843. Emma Estelle, d. of Luther & Sarah J., Oct 26, 1845. , d. of Elisha & Amelia M., Feb. 24, 1848. Spencer. 14 Michael, s. of Ammiruhamah & Rachel, b. Feb. 2, 1719-20. Stearns. t Shuball, s. of Chas & Rebecca, b. Sept. 20, 1655. t John, s. of Chas. & Rebecca, b Jan. 24, 1656. f Sarah, d. of Isaac & Sarah, b. Jan. 14, 1661. t Mary, d. of Isaac & Sarah, b. Oct. 8, 1663. t Samuel, s. of Sam'l & Hannah, b. May 4, 1664. t Isaac, s. of Isaac, Jr., & Sarah, b. Aug. 20, 1665. t Sarah, d. of Isaac, Jr., & Sarah, b. Jan. 20, 1667. t Isaac, s. of Isaac, 2d, & Elizabeth, b. Feb. 23, 1690. t Simon, s. of Isaac, 2d, & Elizabeth, b. Oct. 19, 1697. t Jonathan, s. of Isaac, 2d, & Elizabeth, bp. Nov. 20, 1701. t Hannah, d. of Isaac, 2d, & Elizabeth, b. Jan. 26, 1703-04. 8 Sarah, d. of Sam'l & Phebe, b. Jan. 15, 1696-97. 8 Mary, d. of Sam'l & Phebe, b. June 27, 1698, bp. Nov. 13. 8 Abygail, d. of Sam'l & Phebe, b. Feb. 10, 1700, bp. Feb. 25. Jabesh, s. of Isaac, bp. Jan. 7, 1700. 12 Abigail, d. of John & Judith, b. May 18, 1700. 8 Samuel, s. of Sam'l & Phebe, b. Mar. 7, 1702, bp. May 31, 1702. 12 Charles, s. of John & Judith, b. Oct. 20, 1702. Hannah, d. of Isaac, bp. Jan. 30, 1704. 8 Ruth, d of Sam'l & Phebe, b. May 25, 1704, bp. Jul. 23, 1704. 8 Phebe, d. of Sam'l & Phebe, b. Feb. 23, 1706, bp. June 23, 1706. Mary, d. of Isaac, bp. Nov. 10, 1706. 8 Rebeckah, d. of Sam'l & Phebe, b. Apr. 15, 1708, bp. Sept. 26, 1708. Martha, d. of Isaac, bp. Feb. 27, 1709 8 Thomas, s. of Sam'l & Phebe, b. Jul. 4, 1710, bp. Jul. 9. Ebenezer, bp. Jul. 8, 1711. 8 John, s. of Sam'l & Phebe, b. Jul. 23, 1712, bp. Jul. 27. Abigail, d. of Isaac, bp. Nov. 1, 1713. Joseph, s. of Sam'l, bp. Api*. 10, 1715 38 Beniamin. s. of Sam'l & Phebe, b. Jan. 6, 1719-20, bp. June 24, 1722. 21 Hephzibah, d. of Benj. & Hephsibah, b. Sept. 3, 1722, bp. Sept. 9. 21 Benjamin, s. of Benj. & Hephzibah, b. Dec. 31, 1723. 21 Hephzibah, d. of Benj. & Hephsibah, b. Mar. 1, 1724-25. 22 Lucy, d. of Benj. & Hephzibah, b. Jan. 24, 1726-27. 24 Benjamin, s. of Benj. & Hephzibah, b. Dec. 27, 1728. Asahel, "\ Habakkuk, [ Nahum, \ cli. of Benj. & Hannah, bp. Jul. 13, 1766. Matthew, | Ishmael, j 78 LEXINGTON BECORD OF BIBTH8. Stearns — Continued. Hannah, ( ^^- ^* ^^"J" '^P" ^^P*" ^1' 1766. John, s.'of Phinehas, bp. Apr. 24, 1768. Hiram, s. of Benj , bp Oct. 16, 1768. 98 John, s. of Phinehas & Rebecca, b. , bp. June 1, 1770. Phinehas, s. of Phinehas, bp. June 10, 1770. Siisanna, d. of Phinehas, bp. Aug. 14, 1774. Isaac, s. of Phinehas, bp. Nov. 3, 1776. Elisha, s. of Benj., bp. Apr. 27, 1777. 98 Rebecca, d. of Phinehas & Rebecca, b. Aug. 24, 1778, bp. Aug. 30. 98 Dorcas, d. of Phinehas »& Rebecca, b. Aug. 8, 1780, bp. Aug. 13. Nathamel, ) ^j^ ^^ Asahel, bp. Oct. 2, 1785. Moses, s. of Asahel, bp. Aug. 13, 1786. Jonas, s. of Habakkuk, bp. Feb. 11, 1787. Araos, s of Asahel, bp. Jul. 6, 1788. Bethiah, d. of Habakkuk, bp. Jan. 3, 1790. Joel, s. of Asahel, bp June 20, 1790. Matthew, s, of Asahel, bp. June 17, 1792. Rhoda, d. of Asahel, bp. Jul. 27, 1794. Leonai'd, s. of Asahel, bp. Aug. 28, 1796. Marshall, s. of Asahell, bp. Aug. 26, 1798. Luther, s. of Asahel, bp. Sept. 12, 1800. Otis, s. of Asahel, bp. Nov. 14, 1802. 140 Edwhf ' \ ^^^' ^* ^^™'^ ^ Elizabeth, b. May 22, 1804. George Arthur, s. of Geo. & Lavinia, Mar. 12, 1846. Adalaide, d. of Geo. & Lavina, Dec. 16, 1848. , s. of John & Caroline, Oct. 4, 1852. Stockwell. Laura M., d. of Cyrus H. & Harriet, Sept. 4, 1853. Stone. X John, ^ X Daniel, X David, X Elizabeth, X Samuel, | X Sarah, j t Mary, d. of Dan'l & Mary, b. Mar. 22, 1644. t Sarah, d. of Dan'l & Mary, b. Sept. 22, 1645. t Daniel, s. of Dan'l & Mary, b. Feb. 2, 1646-47. t Elizabeth, d. of Dan'l & Mary, b. Feb. 1, 1648. t David, s. of David & Elizabeth, b. Apr. 6, 1650. X David (s. of Gregory) & Dorcas, his second wf. X David, Jr., ^ X Daniel, | X Dorcas, b. Dec. 18, 16.52, [ ch. of David & Dorcas, all six born in X John, b. 1654 (?), f Camb., and bp. before 1658. X Samuel, b. June 19, 1656, | X Nathaniel, J t Abigail, d. of Dan'l & Mary, b. Apr. 28, 1653. X Samuel (s. of Gregory) & Sarah ; their six ch. : — X Samuel, Jr., b. Oct. 1, 1656, ) ^^^j^ ^ ^^^^^^ ^g^g^ X Isaac, ^ ^ X Sarah, b. Feb. 5, bp. Mar. 10, 1660-61. X John, b. May 12, bp. June 7, 1663. ! ch. of Dea. Gregory & Mrs. Lydia Cooper, all bp. into \ the Ch. of Christ, Camb., before Mar. 11, 1658. LEXINGTON BE CORD OF BIRTHS. 79 Stone — Continued. X Lydia, b. Nov. 21, bp. Dec. 31, 1665. X Marv, b. May 11, 1667, bp. Mar. 22, 1668. t Sarah, d. of Sam'l & Sarah, b. Feb. 5, 1660. t Lydia, d. of Sam'l & Sarah, b. Nov. 25, 1665. t Mary, d. of Sam'l & Sarah, b. Feb. 22, 1667-68. t Anna, d. of Sam'l & Sarah, b. June 30, 1673. t Sarah, d. of David & Sarah, b. Mar. 6, 1676-77. t Elizabeth, d. of David & Sarah, b. Feb. 6, 1678-79. t Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer & Margaret, b. Dec. 21, 1686. t Rachel, d. of John & Rachel, b. Mar. 12, 1687-88. 45 John, s. of John & Rachel, b. Dec. 15, 1689. 55 Mary, d. of John & Rachel, b. Sept 26, 1692, bp. Nov. 13, 1698. 15 Elizabeth, d. of Sam'l, Jr., & Dorcas, b. June 19, 1693. 55 Anna, d. of John & Rachel, b. Nov. 27, 1694. 55 Rachel, d. of John & Rachel, b. June 6, 1697. Abigail, d. of John (s. of David), bp. Nov. 13, 1698. Abigail, d. of Joseph, bp. Jan. 1, 1698-99. Tabitha, d. of Sam'l, bp. May 2, 1700. 65 Ruth, d. of John & Rachel, b. Aug. 27, 1700, bp. Sept., 1700. Sarah, d. of Joseph & Sarah, bp. Nov., 1700. Gregory,) Lydia, > ch. of Dan'l, bp. Nov., 1700. Susan, ) Benjamin, s. of John, bp. Feb , 1702. Tabitha, d. of Joseph, bp Jan. 3, 1703. John, s. of David, r. Oct. 31, 1703. Abigail, first d. of Sam'l & Abigail, bp. Apr. 27, 1707. 13 Ephraim, s. of Joseph & Mary, b. Nov. 20, 1708, bp. Feb. 12, 1710. Samuel, 4th, bp Dec. 12, 1708. David, s. of David, bp. Mar. 5, 1710. Jonas, bp Dec. 17, 1710. 13 Mary, d. of Joseph & Mary, b. Feb. 9, 1712-13, bp. Feb. 10. Samuel, s. of David, bp. Jul. 19, 1713. Margaret, d. of Jonathan, bp. Oct. 25, 1713. 13 Joseph, s. of Joseph & Mary, b. June 26, 1714, bp. Jul. 4. 11 Dorcas, d. of Jonathan & Cheary, b. Mar. 23, 1715, bp. Mar. 27. 11 John, s. of John & Mary, b. Jul. 11, 1715, bp. Jul. 17. 13 Abigail, d. of Joseph & Mary, b. Sept. 26, 1716, bp. Oct. 7. 18 Mary, d. of John & Mary, b. Feb. 26, 1716-17, bp. Mar. 10. Mary, d. of Gregory, bp. May 4, 1718. 13 Samuel, s. of Joseph & Mary, b, Aug. 13, 1718, bp. Aug. 17. 16 Margret, d. of Jonathan & Cherey, b. Sept. 15, 1718, bp. Sept. 21. 46 Anna, d. of John & Mary, b. Nov. 22, 1718, bp. Nov. 30. 46 Abigail, d. of Nath'l & Abigail, b. Nov. 13, 1719, bp. Nov. 15. 16 Sarah, d. of Joseph & Mary, b. Feb. 29, 1719-20, bp. Mar. 6. 18 Rebeckah, d. of Jonathan & Chery, b. Jan. 22, 1720-21, bp. Jan. 29. 18 James, s. of Joseph & Mary, b Aug. 7, 1722. bp. Aug. 19, 18 Louis, d. of Jonathan & Chery, b. Jan. 7, 1722-23. 46 Nathan, s. of John & Mary, b. Sept. 21, 1723, bp. Sept. 29. 23 Elizabeth, d. of Joseph & Mary, b. Feb. 7, 1723-24, bp. Feb. 16. Jonathan, bp. Mar 14, 1725. 23 Darias, s. of Joseph & Marv,b. Apr. 11, 1725. Dorcas, bp. Apr. 18, 1725. 46 Ruth, d. of John & Mary, b. Jul. 5, 1725, bp. Jul. 11. Sarah, bp. Mar. 6, 1726. 23 Bartholowmew, s. of Joseph & Mary, b. June 19, 1727, bp, June 25. Maiy, d of Benj., bp. Oct. 13, 1728. Gregory, bp. Jan, 12, 1729. 46 Lydia, d. of John & Mary, b. Sept. 20, 1729, bp. Sept. 21. 80 LEXINGTON BE COED OF BIBTH8. Stone — Continued. Abigail, bp. May 14, 1732. Mary, d. of Gregory, bp. Mar. 17, 1734. Eunice, d. of SamM, r. June 21, 1741. 42 Elizabeth, d. of SanVl & Jane, b. June 5, 1743, bp. June 12. 46 Ruth, d. of Sam'l & Jane, b. Nov. 26, 1744, bp. Dec. 2. Bartholomew, bp. Aug. 31, 1746. Abner, ,s. of Isaac, Jr , bp. Dec. 18, 1748. Joshua, bp. Jul. 14, 1761. 54 Mary, d. of Sani'l, 3d, & Martha, b. Apr. 22, 1754. 56 Samuel, s. of Sam'l, 3d, & Martha, b. May 30, 1756. 59 Timothy, s. of Sam'l & Martha, b. Jan. 24, 1758. Josiah, bp. Feb. 18, 1759 Rachel, d. of Jo.siah, bp. Feb 15, 1761, 70 John Earle, s. of Sam'l, 3d, & Martha, b. Sept. 19, 1764. 77 Samuel, s. of Jonas, Jr., & Sarah, b. Dec. 27, 1767, bp. Jan. 3, 1768. 87 Elisabeth, d. of Jonas, Jr., & Sarah, b. Nov. 13, 1770, bp. Nov. 18. 118 Samuel, s. of Sam'l & Sally, b. Mar. 27, 1794. 118 Sally, d. of Sam'l & Sally, b. Mar. 22, 1796. 118 Jonas, b. Mar. 30, 1798. 118 Abijah, b. Apr. 25, 1800. , s. of Naham & Susanna, Mar. 6, 1848. Stowe. Charles G., s. of Wm. & Mary D., June 8, 1851. Stratton. 1 Sarah, d. of Jabez & Margaret, b. Apr. 30,'1732, bp. May 21. 2 Jabez, s. of Jabez & Margrett, b. Jan. 2, 1733, bp. Jan. 6. 31 Sarah, d. of Jabez & Margaret, b. June 1, 1737, bp. June 19. Anna, bp. Sept. 14, 1740. 49 Sarah, d. of Benj. & Sarah, b. Aug. 24, 1752, bp. Sept. 1. Sutton. 75 Richard, s. of Richard of Charlestown & Elizabeth, b June 23, 1760. Swan. 119 Elizabeth Apthorp, d. of Joshua & Nelly, b Jul. 21, 1790. 119 Mary Ann, d. of Joshua & Nelly, b. Apr. 19, 1797. 119 Charles Apthorp, s. of Joshua & Nelly, b. Apr. 5, 1811. Swaney. Sarah, bp. and r. June 6, 1779. Sarah, Wi "■^^' I ch. of Sarah, bp. June 6, 1779. '^illiam, \ ' r > Taylor. Mrs. Elisabeth, bp. Nov. 5, 1837. Teel, Teal. Oliver, bp. Dec. 15, 1723. 22 Timothy, s. of Oliver & Prudence, b. Oct. 2, 1724, bp. Oct. 11. Samuel, bp. Aug. 13, 1727. Thompson. WiSi'amH.,(bp.Nov.5,1837. LEXINGTON RECOBD OF BIBTHS. 81 Thorning. 120 William, s. of Wm. & Eunice Phillips, b. Mar. 21, 1783. 120 Abigail, d. of Wm. & Emiice, b. Apr. 26, 1784. 120 John, s, of Wm. & Eunice, b. June 29, 1785. 120 Eunice, d. of Wm. & Eunice, b. Jan. 28, 1787, 120 Sally, d. of Wm. & Eunice, b. Dec. 29, 1788. 120 Polly, d. of Wm. & Eunice, b. Nov. 2, 1790. 120 Frederick Apt., s. of John & Betsey, b. Dee. 27, 1790. 120 Dorcas, d. of Wm. & Eunice, b. June 14, 1792. 120 Isaac, s. of Wm. & Eunice, b. June 7, 1794. 120 Cyrus, s. of Wm. & Eunice, b. June 18, 179G. 120 Leonard, s. of Wm. & Eunice, b. Aug. 8, 1799. Tidd, Teed. Joseph, s. of Joseph & Mary, b. May 15, 1707, bp. May 18. 12 Samuel, s. of Joseph & Mary, b. and bp. May 29, 1709. 12 Sarah, d. of Joseph & Mary,' b. Nov. 19, 1711, bp. Nov. 25. 12 Bette, d. of Joseph & Mary, b. May 29, 1714, bp. June 6. 44 , s. of Dan! & Hephzibah (Reed), b. Jan. 22, 1724. 24 Daniel, s. of DanU & Hephzibah, b Feb. 26, 1725-26 ; father and son bp. Mar. 6. Mary, bp. Mar. 6, 1726. 24 Amos, s. of Dan'l & Hephzibali, b. and bp. Jan. 12, 1728-29. 44 Hephzibah, d. of DanU & Hephzibah, b. Aug. 22, 1730, bp. Aug. 30. 43 Mary, d. of Joseph & Dorithy, b. Jan. 7, 1732, bp. Jul. 16. 44 Lydia, d. of Dan'l & Hephzibah, b. Jul. 6, 1732, bp. Jul. 9. 43 Joseph, s. of Joseph & Dorithy, b. May 11, 1734, bp. Mav 26. 44 John, s. of Dan'l & Hephzibah, b. Sept. 13, 1734, bp. Sept. 22. Samuel, s. of Sam'l, bp. Oct. 26, 1735. Ebenezer, bp. June 13, 1736. 44 William, s. of Dan'l & Hephzibah, b. Jul. 11, 1736, bp. Jul. 18. 43 Ebenezer, s. of Joseph & Dorithy, b. Aug. 16, 1737, bp. Aug. 21. 44 Abigail, d. of Dan'l &. Hephzibah, b. Jan. 12, 1737-38, bp. Feb. 4, 1739. 42 Sarah, d. of Joseph & Dorithy, b. ISIar. 8, 1739, bp. Mar. 18. 44 Samuel, s. of Dan'l & Hephzibah, b. Jan. 12, 1740-41, bp. Jan. 8. 43 Benjamin, s. of Joseph & Dorithy, b. June 21, 1742, bp. Jul. 11. 44 Bette, d. of Dan'l & Hephzibah, b. Oct. 24, 1742, bp. Oct. 31. 43 John, s. of Joseph & Dorithv, b. Oct. 26, 1749, bp. Oct. 29. 49 Amos, s. of Amos & Elizabeth, b. Nov. 27, 1751, bp. Dec. 11. John, s. of Amos, bp. Jul. 15, 1753. Nathan, s. of Amos, bp. Aug. 31, 1755. Oliver, s. of Amos, bp. Mar. 26, 1758. Daniel, s. of Amos, bp. Feb. 10, 1760. Abijah, s. of Amos, bp. Sept. 4, 1763. 82 Ruth, d. of Wm. & Ruth, b. Jan. 9, 1767, bp. Jan. 11. 88 Betty, d. of Sam'l & Rebekah, b. Dee. 29, 1771, bp. Jan. 5, 1772. Benjamin, s. of Benj., bp. Nov. 10, 1776. 88 Rebekah, d. of Sam'l & Rebekah, b. Jan. 27, 1777, bp. Feb. 2. Sarah, d. of Benj., bp. Sept. 20, 1778. 101 John, s. of John & Elizabetli, b. Mar. 2, 1779, bp. May 29, 1791. Lydia, d. of Benj., bp. Sept. 16, 1781. 101 Joseph, s. of John & Elizabeth, b. Mar. 9, 1783, bp. ]\lay 29, 1791. 101 Jacob, s. of John & Elizabeth, b. Mar. 14, 1785, bp. May 29, 1791. 163 Elisabeth, d. of John & Esther, b. June 2, 1800. 163 Elisabeth, d. of John & Esther, b. Oct. 26, 1801, bp. June 10, 1810. 163 Charles, s. of John & E.sther, b. Jan. 6, 1807, bp. June 10, 1810. 163 Mary H., d. of John & Esther, b. Jul. 22, 1812, bp. Sept. 13. 173 Charles Eustace, s. of Chas. & Rebecca, b. Mar. 24, 1831. 173 Jacob Henry, s. of Chas. & Rebecca, b. Mar. 20, 1833. 173 Charles Lowell, s. of Chas. & Rebecca, b. Feb. 12, 1838. 8^ LEXINGTON BECOBD OF BIBTH8. Towne. Flora A., d. of Henry & Catlierine, Jul. 6, 1851. Trakey. Joshua, bp. Jan. 10, 1742. John, bp, Feb. 17, 1745. Trask. 18 Anna, d. of Natli'l & Anna, b. May 20, 1716. 12 John, s. of Nathn & Anna,, b. Feb. 8, 1717-18, bp. Mar. 2. 18 Mary, d. of Nath'l & Anna, b. Nov. 19, 1719, bp. Nov. 29. 49 Mary, wf. of John (s. of Nath'l & Anna), b. Jan. 6, 1723. 18 Nathaniel, s. of Nath'l & Anna, b. Mar. 18, 1722-23, bp. Mar. 25. Elizabeth, bp. Apr. 26, 1724. 22 Elizabeth, d. of Nath'l & Anna, b. Apr. 21, 1725. 35 Lydia, d. of Nath'l & Anna, b. Nov. 27, 1730, bp. Dec. 6. 3G Hannah, d. of Nath'l & Anna, b. Mar. 28, 1733, bp. Apr. 8. 36 Jonathan, s. of Nath'l & Anna, b. Dec. 12, 1735, bp. Jan. 4, 1736. 49 Mary, d. of John (s. of Nath'l & Anna) & Mary, b. Nov. 7, 1742, bp Dec. 6. 49 Isaac, s. of John & Mary, b. Jan. 3, 1744, bp. Jan. 6. 49 John, s. of John & Mary, b. Feb. 28, 1746, bp. Mar. 15, 1747. 49 Sarah, d. of John & Mary, b. Apr. 31, 1748, bp. May 7, 1749. 49 Joseph, s. of John & Mary, b. June 28, 1751, bp. Jul. 7. 101 Lydia, d. of Jonathan & Chloe, b. May 24, 1767. 101 Jonathan, s. of Jonathan & Chloe, b. Nov. 12, 1768. L^dic?^"' \ ^^- °^ ^^^^"'^' ^P- "^""^ ^' ^^^^• Nathaniel,") George, S ch. of Nath'l & Nancy, bp. Dec. 7, 1788. Nancy, ) Elijah, bp. and r. Aug. 9, 1789. Nancy, Nathaniel, George, Henry, ^ch. of Nath'l, bp. Jime 12, 1796. Elijah, Leonard, | Sally Maxwell, j Tufts. 133 Thomas, s. of Thos. & Rebecca, b. Dec. 16, 1792. 133 Rebecca, d. of Thos. & Rebecca, b. Aug. 31, 1797, bp. Sept. 3. 133 Marshal, s. of Thos. & Rebecca, b. Sept. 26, 1802, bp. Oct. 3. 133 Eveline, d. of Thos. & Rebecca, b. Sept. 16, 1804, bp. Sept. 23. 133 Bowen A., s. of Thos. & Rebecca, b. Jan. 29, 1807, bp. Apr. Lucy Ann, d. of Thos., bp. Jul. 21, 1811. Alice Ames, d. of Bowen A. & Sarah, P^eb. 10, 1847. Tuttle. 159 Esther, d. of David & Abigail, b. Aug. 3, 1812, bp. Oct. 30, 1816. 169 Abigail, d. of David & Abigail, b. Aug. 2, 1814, bp. Oct. 30, 1816. George, ") Martha, ! ^j^ ^^ p.^^,j^^ , ^^^ jggg^ Eliza Jane, [ > i > Emily Ann, J Henry Eugene, s. of David A. & Susan S., May 11, 1849. Herbei-t Ainsworth, s of David A & Susan S., Nov. 14, 1853. LEXIXGTOlSr BECOBD OF BIRTHS. 83 Tweedall. William, bp. June 29, 1746. Tyler. Avtluir, s, of Edward L. & Martha, Mar. 2, 1852. Underwood. Ruth, bp. Sept. 23, 1711. Thomas, bp. Feb. 10, 1712. Sarah, bp. May 23, 17 U. 17 Jonathan, s. of Jonathan & Ruth, b. Jan. 26, 1716-17, bp. Jan. 27. 11 Sarah, d. of Jonathan & Ruth, b. May 10, 1719. Joseph, bp. Mar. 3, 1723. Joshua, bp. June 6, 1725. Elijah, bp. May 5, 1728. Peter, bp. May 25, 1729. Ruth, bp. Apr. 4, 1731. Israel, s. of Joseph, bp. June 23, 1734. Moses, bp. Aug. 17, 1735. Susanna, bp. Sept. 2, 1739. 63 Samuel, s. of Joseph & Anna, b. Nov. 21, 1747, bp. Nov. 29. 63 Joseph, s. of Joseph & Anna, b. Apr. 30, 1749, bp. May 7. 63 Eunice, d. of Joseph & Eunice, b. Dec. 10, 1751, bp. Dec. 15. 64 Nathan, s. of Joseph & Eunice, b. Aug. 3, 1753, bp. Aug. 5. 64 Bettee, d. of Joseph & Eunice, b. Aug. 16, 1755, bp. Aug. 17. 64 Anna, d. of Joseph & Eunice, b. May 22, 1757, bp. May 29. 64 Sarah, d. of Joseph c% Eunice, b. Mar. 25, 1759, bp. Apr. 8. Joseph, s. of Joseph, bp Jul. 5, 1772. INIary, d. of Joseph, bp. Feb. 27, 1774. Daniel, s. of Joshua, bp. Apr. 24, 1774. Anna, d of Joseph, bp. Apr. 7, 1776. Polly, d. of Joseph, bp. Dec. 7, 1777. John, s. of Joseph, bp. Mar. 26, 1780. Nathan, s. of Joseph, bp. Apr. 14, 1782. Anna, d. of Joseph, bp. Jul. 25, 1784. Betsey, d. of Joseph, bp. Sept. 30, 1787. Dorcas, d. of Joseph, bp. Aug. 15, 1790. Mary, ") Napoleon, Sch. of John & Sarah, bp. Jul. 19, 1812. Abigail, ) Betsey, d. of John & Sarah, bp. Mar. 14, 1813. IMary, d. of John & Sarah, bp. May 21, 1815. John, s. of John & Sarah, bp. Sept. 4, 1817. Joseph, s. of John & Sarah, bp. Jan. 24, 1819. Sarah, d. of John, bp. Jul. 9, 1820. Nathan, s. of John, bp. Aug. 17, 1823. Francis L , s. of Nathan & Alice, Aug. 27, 1850. Ellen M., d. of Joseph & Mary, Nov. 15, 1850. Frederick H., s. of Joseph & Mary L., Aug. 4, 1852. Varnum. Charles C, s. of Abner & Margaret, Oct. 24, 1852. Viles. 97 Mary, d. of Joel & Mary, b. Nov. 10, 1775, bp. Apr. 6, 1777. 97 Susanna, d. of Joel & Mary, b. May 11, 1777, bp. May 18. 97 William, s. of Joel & Mary, b. Feb. 6, 1779, bp. Feb. 7. 98 Bowman, s. of Joel & Mary, b. Dec. 7, 1780, bp. Dec. 10. 98 John, s. of Joel & Mary, b. Aug. 11, 1782, bp. Aug. 11. 84 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF BIBTHS. Viles — Contimied. 1)8 Elias, s. of Joel & Mary, b. Sept. 18, 1784, bp. Sept. 19. 98 Hannah, d. of Joel & Mary, b. Oct. 28, 1786, bp. Oct. 29. 119 Nathan, s. of Joel & Mary, b. Aug. 24, 1789, bp. Aug 30. 119 Lucy, d. of Joel & Mary, b. Sept. 11, 1791, bp. Sept. 18. 119 Joel, s. of Joel & Mary, b. Oct. 21, 1793, bp. Oct. 27. Emeline, d. of Elias, bp. May 2, 1819. 175 Elias, s. of Joel & Sally (Smith), b. June 25, 1822, bp. Oct. 27. 175 Susanna Pierce, d. of Joel & Sally, b. Dec. 17, 1823, bp. Mar. 7, 1824. 175 Joel Augivstiis, s. of Joel & Sally, b. Mar. 15, 1825, bp. Oct. 2. 175 Andrew, s. of Joel & Sall}^ b. Oct. 27, 1827 (?), bp. May 13, 1827. 175 Clinton, s. of Joel & Sally, b. Jan. 18, 1828, bp. Jan. 175 Adeline, d. of Joel & Sall3^ b. Nov. 25, 1830, bp. June, 1830 (?). 175 Sarah Smith, d. of Joel & Sally, b. Mar. 17, 1831, bp. Sept. 25. 175 Jacob Smith, s. of Joel & Sally, b. Jul. 16, 1840. , s. of John, Jr., & Catherine, Sept., 1849. Frank D., s. of John & Catherine R., Jul. 14, 1852. Waitt. Priscilla, bp. Apr. 20, 1707. John, bp. Sept. 26, 1708. Rebekah, bp. Apr. 8, 1711. "Warren. Ebenezer. s. of Ebenezer, bp. Jul. 4, 1736. Ebenezer, Jr., bp. Apr. 30, 1738. Elisabeth, bp. Nov. 11, 1739-. Watson. 26 Jacob, s. of Jacob & Lydia, b. Feb. 24, 1727-28, bp. Apr. 7. Webber. Lucy, V. Dec. 9, 1739. 110 Joseph, s. of Joseph & Betsey Fiske, b. Feb. 19, 1789, bp. Nov. 21, 1790. Joseph & his wf. Betsey (Fiske), bp. and r. Oct. 31, 1790. 114 Susanna, d of Joseph & Elizabeth Fiske, b. Jul. 9, 1791, h\). Jul. 17. Webster. John Austin, s, of Chas. & Mary, June, 1844. Linus Everett, s. of Chas. H. & Mary C, Nov. 6, 1845. Wellington, Willington, WoUington. 14 Benjamin, s. of Benj. & Lydia, b. May 21, 1702, bp. May 31. 14 Lydia, d. of Benj. & Lydia, b. Aug. 24, 1704, bp. Aug. 27. Elizabeth, d. of Ebenezer, bp. Aug. 26, 1705. 14 Kezia, d. of Benj, & Lydia, b. Mar. 28, 1707 ; father bp. Jan. 22, 1727. Kezia, d. of Ben'j., bp. Mar. 30, 1707. Ebenezer, Jr., bp. Mar. 13, 1709. 14 ,Tohn, s. of Benj & Lydia, b. Nov. 12, 1709, bp. Nov. 24. 14 Abagail, d. of Benj. & Elizabeth, b. Jul. 19, 1715, bp. Jul. 14 Timothy, s of Beiij. & Elizabeth, b. Jul. 27, 1719, bp. Aug. 3. Winslow, s. of Betij. O., b]). Sept. 13, 1729. 31 Benjamin, s. of Benj., Jr., & Abigail, b. Apr. 22, 1730. 1 Mary, d. of Benj., Sr., & Mary, b. Oct. 20, 1732, bp. Oct. 22. 1 Lydia, d. of Beiij., b. Dec. 21,^1732, bp. Dec. 24. 2 , s. of Benj. (Jr., & Abigail), b. June 2- 173(4?), bp. June 25, 1734. 20 Oliver, s. of Benj., Sr., & Mary, b. Apr. 14, 1735, bp. Apr. 20. 31 John, s. of Benj.', Jr., & Abigail, 1). Apr. 18, 1736, bp. Apr. 11. LEXINGTON RECORD OF BIRTHS. 85 Wellington, Willington, WoUington— Contimied. 31 John, s. of Benj. & Margaret, b. Apr. 28, 1736. 31 Benjamin, s. of" Benj. & Margaret, b Apr. 22, 1738. 42 Benjamin, s. of Timothy & Rebekah, b. Aug. 7, 1713, bp. Ang. U. 72 Chary, d. of Timothy & Rebekah, b. Jul. 12, 1745. Henry, bp Jul. 14. i745. 72 Timothy, s. of Timothy & Rebekah, b. Apr. 15, 1747, bp. Apr. 19. 72 Abigail, d. of Timothy & Rebekah, b. Mar. 14, 1749, bp. Mar. 19. 72 Ruharaah, d. of Timothy & Rebekah, b. Sept. 4, 1751, bp Sept. 8. 59 Oliver,, s. of Roger & Abigail, b, Jan. 19, 1758, bp. Jan. 22. Jonathan, s. of Thos. & Elisabeth, bp. Sept. 14, 1760. 76 Mary, d. of Benj. & Martha, b. Sept. 22, 1767. 88 Abigail, d. of Benj. & Martha, b. Dec. 22, 1769. 94 Rebekah Stone, d. of Timothy & Hannah, b. Feb 5, 1777, bp. Mar. 30. Patty, d. of Benj., bp. June 21, 1777. 94 Timothy, s. of Timothy & Hannah, b. Mar. 29, 1778, 100 Benjamin Oliver, .s. of Benj. & Martha, b. Aug. 23, 1778, bp Aug. 23. Nehemiah, s of Timothy, bp. Jan. 2, 1780. 100 Peter, s. of Benj. & Martha, b. May 31, 1781 (?), bp. May 6, 1781. 100 Timothy, s. of Timothy & Hannah, second of that name, b. Oct. 8, 1781, bp. Oct. 14. Priscilla, d. of Joseph, bp. June 1, 1783. 100 Hannah, d. of Timothy & Hannah, b Jul. 4, 1783, bp Jul. 6. 100 Richard, s. of Benj. »Sr Martiia, b. Jul. 14, 1783, bp. Jul. 20. Abijah, s. of Joseph, bp. Dec. 5, 1784. 94 Joseph Abbot, s. of Timothy & Hannah, b. Jul. 14, 1785, bp. Jul. 17. Jaa J^™®^' { ch. of Benj. & Martha, b. Dec. 12, 1785, bp. Dec. 18. 100 Patty, ^ ■' ' ' i 100 Isaac, s. of Benj. & Martha, b. Dec. 15, 1787, bp. Feb. 3, 1788. Dix, s. of Joseph, bp. Jan. 24, 1790. 151 Ann Eliza, d. of Nehemiah & Anna, b. Mar. 2, 1806. 140 Hiram, s. of David & Rebecca, b. Mar. 14, 1806. 151 Augustine, s. of Nehemiah & Anna, b. June 15, 1807. 140 Rebecca, d. of David & Rebecca, b. Apr. 11, 1808, bp. May 22. Hannah Maria, d. of Nehemiah, bp. Jan. 7, 1810. 140 David, s. of David & Rebecca, b. Aug. 15, 1810, bp. Oct. 28. Timothy, s. of Nehemiah, bp. Aug. 11, 1811. 140 Mary, d. of David & Rebecca, b. Mar. 31, 1813, bp. Jul. 11. Oliver Hastings, s. of Benj. O. & Mary, bp. Sept. 19, 1813. Sullivan, s. of Nehemiah, bp. Dec. 26, 1813. 180 Henry Wakefield, s. of Peter & Hephzibah, b. Feb. 25, 1814. 140 Francis, s. of David & Rebecca, b. Aug. 27, 1815, bp. Nov. 15. Mary Jane, d. of Maj. Benj. & Mary, bp. Sept. 3, 1815. 180 Darius, s. of Peter & Hephzibah, b. Oct. 9, 1815. 180 Isabella, d. of Peter & Hephzibah, b. May 23, 1817. Albert, s. of Maj. Benj. & Mary, bp. Jul. 6, 1817. Horatio, s. of Nehemiah & Nancy, bp. Sept. 19, 1817. Elisabeth, d. of Marshall & Elisabeth, bp. Jan. (?), 1818. 140 Susan Wyeth, d. of David & Rebecca, b. Aug. 28, 1818, bp. Feb. 27, 1819. 180 Abigail, d. of Peter & Hephzibah, b. Mar. 24, 1819. . Ambrose, s. of Benj. O., bp. Jul. 20, 1819. Avice Moore, d. of Nehemiali, bp. Sept. 5, 1819. Nancy, d. of Marshall, bp. June 25, 1820. 180 Caroline, d. of Peter & Hephzibah, b Dec. 3, 1820. 140 Avery, d. of David & Rebecca, b. Feb. 14, 1821, bp. Mar. 20. Martha, d. of Benj. O., bp. May 20, 1821. Walter, s. of Marshall, bp. Mar. 17, 1822. Joseph Abbott, s of Nehemiah, bp. Mar 31, 1822. 180 Andrew, s. of Peter & Hephzibah, b. Dec. 23, 1822. 86 LEXINGTON EEGOBD OF BIRTHS. "Wellington, Willington, WoUington — Continued. Benjamin, s. of Benj. O., bp. June 1, 1823. 180 Eliza, d. of Peter & Hephzibah, b. Dec. 6, 1824. Dorcas Ann, d. of Benj. O., bp June 12, 1825. 180 Elbrid2:e Gerry, s. of Peter & Hephzibah, b. Jul. 29, 1826. Laura,''d. of Benj. O., bp. Feb. 4, 1827. 180 Cornelius, s. of Peter & Hephzibah, b. May 23, 1828. 180 Emely, d. of Peter & Hephzibah, b. Feb. 24, 1830. Edward, s. of Benj. O., bp. June 19, 1831. 180 Samuel Hastings, s. of Peter & Hephzibah, b. Aug. 6, 1832, d. Mar. 7, 1833. 180 Louisa Maria, d. of Peter & Hephzibah, b. Apr. 20, 1834. 180 Charles Austin, s. of Peter & Hephzibah, b. Dec. 2, 1837. 185 Austin C, s. of Jonas C. & Harriet Bosworth, b. Jul. 17, 1840. Arthur, s. of Horatio & Mary, Mar., 1845. Ellen Isabella, d of Sullivan & Isabella, Mar. 11, 1845. Ellen Josephine, d of Joseph & Ella, Dec. 7, 1846. Alfred H., s. of Horatio & Mary, May 25, 1848. Charles B., s. of Augustus & Martha, Sept. 28, 1849. Jonas Francis, s. of Horatio & Mary, Nov. 20, 1849. , d. of Joseph A. & Ellen A., Nov. 22, 1849. Homer, s. of Jonas C. & Harriet E., Dec. 25, 1850. Alice, d. of Joseph A. & Ellen, Nov. 8, 1852. Grace S., d. of Augustus & Sarah, Sept. 30, 1853. Charles, s. of Walter & Hannah, Oct. 13, 1853. Wheeler. 189 Cotesworth P., s. of Eliphalet & Clarissa, of Framingham, b. Dec. 14, 1813. 189 Mary Henrietta, d. of Cotesworth P. & Mary D , b. Jul. 22, 1838. 189 Clara Ellen, d. of Cotesworth P. & Mary D., b. Aug. 14, 1840. 189 Theodora Elizabeth, d. of Cotesworth P. & Mary D., b. Oct. 12, 1844. Theodore, s. of Silas & Amanda, Sept. 28, 1846. Ellen S., d. of Elisha C. & Hannah M., May 10, 1853. Whitaker, Whittaker. Samuel, s. of Nath'l, bp. Oct. 12, 1707. Hannah, probably wf. of Nath'l, bp. Oct. 12, 1707. Nathaniel, bp. Dec. 14, 1707. William, bp. Apr. 29, 1711. Jonas, bp. Oct. 5, 1712. Nathaniel, } ^. j^^^ 34, 1717. Hannah, ^ Whitcomb. Elisabeth Bridge, d. of Dr. Thos. & Hannah, bp. May 29, 1814. White. t Daniel, s. of Dan'l & Mary, b May 18, 1695. t Mary, d. of DanH & Mary, b. Oct. 24, 1697, bp. Sept. 7, 1701. t John, s. of Dann & Mary, b. Feb. 16, 1699, bp. Sept. 7, 1701. t Thomas, s. of Dan'l & Mary, b. Feb. 22, 1701, bp. Nov. 15, 1702. t Joseph, s. of Dan'l & Mary, b. Apr. 17, 1704, bp. Nov. 18, 1705. t Sybil, d. of Dan'l & Mary, b. May 12, 1706, bp. June 9, 1706 t Stephen, s. of Dan'l & Mary, b. Apr. 27, 1709, bp. May 8, 1709. t Sarah, d. of Dan'l & Mary, b. Aug. 23, 1711, bp. Oct. 21, 1711. 8 Samuel, s. of Dan'l & Mary, b. Sept. 2, 1714, bp. Sept. 12. 46 Hannah, d. of Joseph & Hannah, b. Dec. 10, 1728, bp. Jul. 6, 1729. 46 Mary, d. of Joseph & Haimah, b. Mar. 25, 1731, bp. Apr. 4. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF BIBTHS. 87 Wliite — Continued. 46 Susannah, d. of Joseph & Mary, his second wf., b. Oct. 10, 1735, bp. Oct. 12. John, s. of John, bp. Nov. 2, 1735. Benjamin, bp. Nov. 21, 1736. 46 Joseph, s. of Joseph & Mary, b. Oct. 11, 1737, bp. Oct. 16. 46 William, s. of Joseph & Mary, b. Apr. 25, 1740, bp. Apr. 27. Jonathan, bp. May 24, 1741. 47 Thomas, s. of Joseph & Mary, b. Apr. 15, 1742, bp. Apr. 18. 47 Benjamin, s. of Joseph & Mary, b. May 9, 1744, bp. May 13. 47 Ebenezer, s. of Joseph & Mary, b. Jul. 10, 1746, bp. Jul. 13. 49 John, s. of Joseph & Mary, b. June 1, 1748, bp. June 5. 49 Nathan, s. of Joseph & Mary, b. June 16, 1750, bp. June 24. 87 Nathan, s. of Ebenezer & Betty, b. Jul. 27, 1767. 87 Jonas, s. of Ebenezer & Betty, b. Jan. 20, 1768, bp. Jan. 22. Nathan, s. of Ebenezer, bp. Sept. 17, 1769. 87 Joseph, s. of Ebenezer & Betty, b. Nov. 30, 1770, bp. Dec. 2. Sally, d. of Ebenezer, bp. Dec. 28, 1772. 87 Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer & Betty, b. Ajjr. 7, 1775, h]i. Apr. 9. 87 Caleb Harrington, s. of Ebenezer & Betty, b. Jan. 26, 1778, bp. Feb. 1. 133 Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer & Ruth, b. May 2, 1800. 133 Eliza, d. of Ebenezer & Ruth, b. May 10, 1803. Mary, d. of Patrick & JNIary, May 3, 1847. Mary, d. of Patrick & Mary, Jul. 26, 1850. Whiting. , d. of Chas. & Adaliue, Dec. 10, 1850. Whitman. Ellen A., d. of Jas. & Amanda, Aug. 8, 1852. Whitmore. t Elizabeth, d. of Francis & Isabel, b. May 2, 1649,^1 t Frances, d. of Francis & Isabel, b. Oct. 12, 1650, I , ,^ u^^-^,.^ iskq t John, s. of Francis & Isabel, b. Oct. 1, 1654, \ ^^^- ^^^^^^ ^*'^*- t Samuel, s. of Francis & Isabel, b. May 1, 1658, j Abigail, d. of Francis & Isabel, b. Jul. 3, 1660 (?), bp. Jul. 3, 1659. Sarah, d. of Francis & Isabel, b. Mar. 7, 1662 (?), bp. Mar. 3, 1662. % Margery, d. of Francis & Isabel, bp. Mar. 27, 1664. Hannah, d. of Francis & Margaret, b. Sept. 9, 1668 (?), bp. Feb. 5, 1667. t Francis, s. of Francis & Margaret, b. Mar. 3, 1671. t Francis, s. of Sam'l & Rebecca, b. Dec. 9, 1686. t Samuel, s. of Sam'l & Rebecca, b. Apr. 1, 1688. t Rebecca, d. of Sam'l & Rebecca, b. Feb. 9, 1689-90. t Thomas, s. of Thos. & Mary, b. Nov. 4, 1694. t Francis, s. of Thos. & Mary, b. Sept. 5, 1696. t Samuel, s. of Thos. & Mary, b. Sept. 22, 1698. t Mary, d. of Thos. & Mary, b. Sept. 4, 1700. t Daniel, s. of Thos. & Mary, b. Feb. 22, 1701-02. John, s. of Sam'l & Rebeccah, bp. Nov. 28, 1698. Benjamin, s. of Sam'l & Rebeccah, bp. Nov. 28, 1698. t Abigail, d. of Sam'l & Rebeccah, b. May 8, bp. Nov. 28, 1698. t Sarah, d. of Sam'l & Rebeccah, b. Apr. 10, 1701. 6 Nathaniel, s. of Sam'l & Rebeckah, b. May 7, 1702, bp. May 10, 1702. Joseph, bp. June 6, 1703. 6 Mary, d. of Sam'l & Rebeckah, b. May 4, 1704, bp. May 28, 1704. X Ann (called Nanny), d. of Francis, bp k])V. 13, 1707. 88 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF BIliTHS. Whitmore — Continued. t Mary, d. of John, bp. Jul. 20, 1707. Thomas, "\ Francis, Samuel, | ^^^7\ I eh. of Thos. & Mary, bp. May 29, 1709. Darnel, j .M 1 J ) Han nail, Ephraim, j Sarah, j 11 John, s. of Sam'l & Mary, b. Jan. 25, 1714-15, bp. Jan. 30, 1715. Bethiah, d. of SamU (& Bethia), bp. Jan. 15, 1721. 22 Daniel, s. of Sam'l & Bethiah, b. Feb. 15, 1724-25, bp. Feb. 21. t Mary, d. of John & Lydia, b. Sept. 3, 1735. t John, s. of John & Lydia, b. Apr. 24, 1737, •f Samuel, s. of John & Lydia, b Jul. 4, 1744. Whitney. John, s. of Isaiah & Sarah, b. Dec. G, 1C98, bp. May 4, 1699. t Isaiah, s. of Isaiah & Sarah, b. June 1, 1700, bp. Jul., 1700. t Sarah, d. of Isaiah & Sarah, b. Apr. 9, 1705, bp. Apr. 22, 1705. t Eliiah, s. of Isaiah & Sarah, b. Auo-. 2, 1707, bp. Aug. 3, 1707. t Joiias, s. of Isaiah »& Sarah, b. Nov. 27, 1711, bp. Nov. 25, 1711. Abraham, bp. Feb. 19, 1710. t Marv, d. of John & Lydia, b. Sept. 3, 1735. t John, s. of John & Lydia, b. Apr. 24, 1737. Sarah M., d. of Jei"emiah & Sarah, Jan., 1843 (?). Whittemore. 13 Thomas, s. of Nath'l & Sarah, b. Sept. 25, 1718, bp. Sept. 28. 16 Jacob, s. of Nath'l & Sarah, b. Mar. 3, 1721-22, bp. Mar. 12. Sarah, bp. Apr. 5, 1724. 21 Abigail, d. of Nath'l & Sarah, b. Dec. 8, 1725, bp. Dec. 12. 23 John, s. of Nath'l & Sarah, b. Aug. 21, 1727, bp. Aug. 27. 24 Nathaniel, s. of Nath'l & Sarah, b. June 26, 1729, bp. June 29. Nathan, bp. May 18, 1746. Nathan, bp. Feb. 7, 1750. Sarah, bp. Nov. 3, 1751. Abigail, d. of Nath'l, bp. June 6, 1756. Williams. Lydia Maria, d. of Avery & Clarissa, bp. May 17, 1^12. Mary Dennie, d. of Rev. Avery & Clarissa, bp Mar. 27, 1814. Willis. Thomas, s. of elohn, bp. Jul. 21, 1706. Wilson. James, ") Deborah, S bp. Aug., 1699. Abigail, j Ebenezer, bp. Oct. 15, 1699. John, bp. Sept. 17, 1704. William, bp. May 27, 1705. Margaret, bp. Nov. 24, 1706 Hannah, bp. Jul. 25, 1708. Thomas, bp. May 14, 1710. Phebc, bp. Mar. 29, 1713. Jonathan, bp. Oct. 31, 1714. Ruth, bp. and r. May 30, 1773. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF BIBTHS. 89 Winship. t Sarah, d. of Edward & Jane, b. Apr., 1638, "I t Mary, d. of Edward & Jane, b. Jul. 2, 1641, t Ephraim, s. of Edward & Jane, b. June 29, 1643, t Joanna, d. of Edward & Jane, b. Aug. 1, 16-1:5, bp. in Ch. of Christ, t Edward, s. of Edward & Jane, b. and d. June 8, 1648, ^Canib., be- t Elizabeth, d. of Edward & Elizabeth, b. Apr. 15, 1652, fore Nov., t Edward, Jr , s. of Edward & Elizabeth, b. Mar. 3, 1654, 1658. t Abigail, d. of Edward & Elizabeth, b. Feb. 18, 1656, t Samuel, s. of Edward & Elizabeth, b. Oct. 24, 1658, j t i Joseph, s. of Edward & Elizabeth, b June 21, 1661, bp. Aug. 25, 1661. t X Margery, d. of Edward & Elizabeth, b. Dec. 10, 1664, bp. l\h. 5, 1665. t X Mehitabel, d. of Edward & Elizabeth, b. Nov. 14, 1667, bp. Nov. 17. Edward, 2d, s. of Edward, Jr., & Rebecca Barsham, b. Mar. 9, 1683-84. f Elizabeth, d. of Edward, Jr., & Rebecca Barsham, b. June 1, 1686. t Samuel, s. of Sam'l & Mary P., b. Jan. 8, 1687-88. t Ephraim, s. of Edward, Jr., & Rebecca B , b Feb. 4, 1687-88. t Nathaniel, s. of Edward, Jr., & Rebecca B., b Feb. 16, 1689. t Joanna, d. of Joseph & Sarah, b. Jan. 14, 1689. t Mary, d. of Sam'l & Mary P , b. Dec. 12, 1689. t Elizabeth, d. of Sam'l & Marv P., b. Nov. 26, 1691. X Abigail, d. of Joseph, bp. Oct 16, 1698. X Jason, s. of Edward, bp Oct. 29, 1699. X Joseph, s. of Joseph, bp. Mar 2, 1700-01. X Margery, d. of Joseph, bp. Aug. 16, 1703. Edward, s of Edward, bp. Sept. 1, 1706. Ephraim, first ch. of Ephraim, bp. May 29, 1709. Rebekah, d. of Edward, bp. Sept. 4, 1709. Richard, bp. Jul. 8, 1711. Sarah, bp. June 29, 1712. 9 Samuel, s of SamU & Jane, b. Sept 19, 1712, bp. Sept. 21. 17 Daniel, s. of Ephraim & Hannah, b. Aug. 27, 1713, bp. Aug. 30. 9 Martha, d. of SamU & Jane, b. Dec. 27, 1714, bp. Jan. 2, 1715. 17 Joshua, s. of Ephraim & Hannah, b. Feb. 17, 1715, bp. Feb. 19, 1716. 36 INIary, d. of Edward & Sarah, b. June 25, 1716, bp. June. 17 Hannah, d. of Ephraim & Hannah, b. Aug. 18, 1718, bp. Aug. 24. 14 Margaret, d. of Sam^ & Jane, b. Dec. 25, 1718, bp Dec. 28. 36 Jonathan, s. of Edward & Sarah, b. May 28, 1719, bp. May 31. Moses, bp. Sept. 18, 1720. Abigail, bp. Mar. 25, 1722. Bethyah, d. of Ephraim, bp. Feb. 9, 1724. 36 Isaac, s of Edward & Sarah, b. June 8, 1724, bp. June 14. 26 Ruth, " a child that Samuel Winship took to bring up," b. Jul. 11, 1724, bp Apr. 18, 1742. Jonas, bp. Mar. 20, 1726. 22 John, s. of John & Bethiah, b. Jul. 12, 1726, bp. Jul. 17. 23 John, s. of John & Bethiah, b. Nov. 8, 1728, bp. Jan. 26, 1729. 25 Thomas, s. of Edward, Jr , & Esther, b. Oct. 25, 1729, bp. Nov. 9. Rebekah, bp. Feb. 28, 1731. 3 Benjamin, s. of Edward, Jr., & Hesther, b. Apr. 12, 1731, bp. Apr. 18. 2 Thaddeus, s. of John & Bethiah, b. Mar. 8, 1731-32, bp. Mar. 21. 36 Edward, s. of Edward & Esther, b. Jan. 18, 1733, bp. Feb. 4. 2 James, s. of John & Bethiah, b. Sept. 27, 1733, bp Sept. 30. 36 Joel, s. of Edward & Esther, b. Nov. 13, 1734, bp. Nov. 17. 31 Ebenezer, s. of John & Bethiah, b. Sept. 30, 1735, bp. Oct. 5. 42 Hannah, d. of Sam'l & Hannah, b. Apr. 26, 1736, bp. May 9. 32 Gershom, s. of Ephraim, Jr , & Mehitabel, b. May 10, 1736, bp. May 16. 36 Amos, s. of Edward & Esther, b. Dec. 12, 1736. 31 Bethiah, d. of John & Bethiah, b. Sept. 27, 1737, bp. Oct. 23. 90 LEXINGTON BE COED OF BIliTHS. Winship — Continued. 42 Lydia, d. of Sam'l & Hannah, b. Feb. 14, 1737-38, bp Feb. 19. 32 Mehitabel, d. of Ephraim, Jr., & Mehitabel, b. Jul. 28, 1738, bp. Jul. 30. 36 Esther, d. of Edward & Esther, b. Jan. 1, 1739, bp. Jan. 31. 42 Elizabeth, d. of Sam'l & Hannah, b. May 23, 174U, bp. May 25. 60 Hannah, d. of Isaac & Hannah, b. Dec. 26, 1740. 42 Josiah, s. of John & Bethiah, b. Jul. 18, 1741, bp. Aug. 16. 42 Martha, d. of Sam'l & Hannah, b. May 12, 1742, bp. May 16. 50i Ezebill, d. of Edward & Esther, b. Feb. 2, 1743. 47 Samuel, s. of Sam'l & Hannah, b. Apr. 17, 1744, bp. Apr. 22. Elliot, bp. Feb. 3, 1745. 47 Loring, s. of Sara'l & Hannah, b. Dec. 10, 1746. 48 Jonathan, s. of Jonathan & Elizabeth, b. June 18, 1747, bp June 28. 50 Eaphream, s. of Kichard & Prudance, b. June 25, 1747 (49 ?). 63 Joshua, s. of Jonathan & Elizabeth, b. Jan. 27, 1748, bp. Jan 29. Isabel, bp. Sept. 11, 1748. 50 Frudance, d. of Richard & Prudance, b. Mar. 12, 1749, bp. Mar. 19. 50 Isaac, s. of Isaac & Hannah, b. Apr. 7, 1749, bp. Apr. 9. 53 Simon, s. of Sam'l & Abigail, b. Nov. 2, 1749, bp. Nov. 12. Moses, bp. Jul. 15, 1750. Amos, bp. Dec. 30, 1750. ,50 Abigail, d. of Richard & Prudance, b. Jan. 2, 1751, bp. Jan. 6, 1751. 60 Hannah, d. of Isaac & Hannah, b. May 4, 1751, bp. May 5, 1751. 49 John, s. of Sam'l & Abigail, b. Jan. 15, 1752, bp. Jan. 19. 54 Hephzibah, d. of Jonathan & Elizabeth, b. Feb. 16, 1763, bp, Feb. 18. 50 Sarah, d. of Isaac & Hannah, b. May 12, 1753, bp. May 13. Ephraim, s. of Richard, bp. Jul. 1, 1753 56 John, s. of Sam'l, Jr., & Abigail, b. May 12, 1754. 60 Mary, d. of Jonathan & Elizabeth, b. Feb. 18, 1755, bp. Mar. 23. 67 Elizabeth, d. of Joel & Elizabeth, b. Mar. 14, 1755. Phebe, d. of Isaac, bp. Jul. 20, 1755. 60 Stephen, s. of Sam'l, Jr., & Abigail, b. Feb. 23, 1756, bp. Feb. 29. 65 Prudence, d. of Richard & Prudence, b. Jul. 16, 1756 (?), bp. Jul. 20, 1756. 60 Elizabeth, d. of Jonathan & Elizabeth, b. May 23, 1757, bp. May 29. 73 Hannah, d. of Richard & Prudence, b. Apr. 25, 1757, bp. May 1. ' 76 Amos, s. of Edward & Hephzibeth, b. Feb. 6, 1758. Eunice, d. of Isaac, bp. Feb. 12, 1768. 67 Dorcas, d. of Joel & Elizabeth, b. June 2, 1768, bp. June 11. 73 Grace, d. of Richard & Prudence, b. May 17, 1759, bp. May 27. 59 Abigail, d. of Sam'l, Jr., & Abigail, b. May 18, 1769, bp. May 27. Henry, s. of Thos., bp. Nov. 11, 1769. 70 Lucy, d. of Jonathan & Elizabeth, b. Feb. 9, 1760, bp. Feb. 17. 76 Esther, d. of Edward & Hephzibeth, b. Mar. 4, 1760. 73 Rebeckah, d, of Ricliard & Prudence, b. May 20, 1760, bp. May 25. 67 Joel, s. of Joel & Elizabeth, b. May 1, 1761. 76 John, s. of Edward & Hephzibeth, b. Feb. 16, 1762, bp. Feb. 21. 83 Isabel, d. of Thos. & Sarah, b. Mar. 29, 1762, bp. Apr. 4. 70 Nathaniel, s. of Jonathan & Elizabeth, b. June 23, 1762, bp. June 27. 73 Richard, s. of Richard & Prudence, b. Nov. 30, 1762, bp. Dec. 5. Martha, d. of Isaac, bp. Feb. 12, 1764. 83 Anna, d. of Thos. & Sarah, b. Apr. 18, 1764, bp. Apr. 22. 76 Edward, s. of Edward & Hephzibeth, b. Oct. 16, 1764. 73 Prudence, d. of Richard & Prudence, b. May 2, 1766, bp. May 12. 76 Edmund, s. of Jonathan & Elizabeth, b. Oct. 2, 1765, l)p. Oct. 6. 83 Thomas, s. of Thos. & Sarah, b. Apr. 12, 1766, bp. Apr. 13. Benjamin, s. of Isaac, bp. Oct. 12, 1766. 73 Nellemiah, s. of Richard & Prudence, b. Apr. 23, 1767, bp. Apr. 26, 1767. LEXINGTON BEGOBD OF BIRTHS. 91 Winship — Gontimied. 76 Olive, d. of Edward & Hephzibeth, b. May 8, 1767. 83 Moses, s. of Thos. & Sarah, b. June 20, 1768, bp, Jul. 3. Lydia, d. of Isaac, bp. Apr. 30, 1769. 82 Lucy, d. of Sam'l & Lucy, b. Feb. 2, 1770, bp. Feb. 11. 83 Jonathan, s. of Thos. & Sarah, b, Sept. 14, 1770, bp. Sept. 23. 83 Joel, s. of Thos. & Sarah, b. Apr. 18, 1773. 93 Joanna, d. of Simon & Joanna, b. May 4, 1777, bp. Jul. 20. Joseph, s. of Ephraim, bp. Mar. 1, 1778. 98 Oliver Abbott, s. of Simon & Joanna, b. Mar. 5, 1779, bp. Mar. 7. 109 John, s. of John & Deliverance, b. Dec 28, 1779. 109 Stephen, s. of John & Deliverance, b. Jul. 15, 1782. Abigail, d. of Abel, bp. Apr. 27, 1783. 109 Charles, s. of John & Deliverance, b. June 30, 1784. 109 Sally, d. of John & Deliverance, b. Jul. 23, 1786. 109 Polly, d. of John & Deliverance, b. Apr. 26, 1788. 118 Henry, s. of John & Deliverance, b. June 28, 1790. 118 Magus, s. of John & Deliverance, b. Aug. 4, 1793, 122 Lucebia, d. of Thos. & Anna, b. May 2, 1794. 139 Esther, d. of Jonathan & Martha, b. May 21, 1796. Emily, d. of Thos., bp. Jan. 29, 1797. 139 Moses, s. of Jonathan & Martha, b. Sept. 20, 1798. !"2 ^^r^-^' f ch. of Jonathan & Eliza, b. May 1, 1803. 139 Eliza, \ 1 J ■> 139 Thomas Jefferson, s. of Jonathan & Elizabeth, b. May 6, 1805. 139 Anna, d. of Jonathan & Eliza, b. Mar. 10, 1807. 139 Henry Coggin, s. of Jonathan & Elizabeth, b. Sept. 6, 1810. William Bruce, s. of Edward, Jul. 18, 1844. Frances J., d. of Edward & Hannah E., Sept. 25, 1847. Adaline A., d. of Edward, Mar. 27, 1849. 53 Amos, s. of Jonathan & Elizabeth, b. Dec. 19, 1850. Winter. t Hannah, d. of John & Hannah, b. Apr. 10, 1665. i John, s. of John & Hannah, b. Sept. 17, 1667. i Thomas, s. of John & Hannah, b. June 25, 1669. t Joseph, s. of John & Hannah, b. Mar. 2, 1671-72. t Mary, d. of John & Hannah, b. Feb. 6, 1675-76. t Elizabeth, d. of John & Hannah, b. Aug. 20, 1678. t Abigail, d. of John & Hannah, b. Mar. 12, 1680. t Samuel, s. of John & Hannah, b. Mar. 12, 1684-85. Joseph, bp. Apr. 2, 1699. Abigail, wf. of John, r. Apr. 9, 1699. Benjamin, bp. Oct. 8, 1699. Ruth, bp. Sept. 27, 1702. Lydia, bp. Aug. 15, 1703. Jonas, bp. Sept. 30, 1705. Isaac, bp. Nov. 3, 1706. Elizabeth, bp. Jan. 25, 1708. Wright. 180 James Edmund, s. of Joseph B, & Mary G., b. Aug. 16, 1833. 180 Henry Everett, s. of Joseph B. & Mary G., b. Feb. 8, 1836. Sarah Arvilla, d. of Luke VV. & Abigail, Oct. 5, 1848. Abbie Elizabeth, d. of Luke W. & Abigail, Dec. 11, 1849. Arthur, s. of Luke W. & Abby, Sept. 19, 1853. Wyman. Elizabeth, d. of Benj. & Elizabeth, bp. June 24, 1706. Benjamin, s. of Benj., bp. June 20, 1707. 92 LEXINGTON BE COED OF BIRrilS. Wyman — Continued. zSiah>p.Oct.30,1709. Isaac, s. of Nath'l, bp. Jul. 27, 1729. Tliaddeus, bp. Oct 31, 1731. John, bp. Aug. 4, 1731. 15f) James, s. of lienj. of Woburn, b. June 29, 1741. 155 Anna, d. of Jas. & Anna, b. Mar. 8, 1768, bp. Mar. 13. 155 James, s. of Jas. & Anna, b. Sept. 26, 1769, bp. Oct. 8, 1769. 155 William, s. of Jas. & Anna, b Dec. 11, 1771, bp. Dec. 22. 155 Beniamin, s. of Jas. & Anna, b Mar. 20, 1774, bp. Mar. 27. 155 Phebe, d. of Jas. & Anna, b. Feb. 9, 1776, bp. Mar. 3. Sally, d. of Jas., bp. Oct. 18, 1778. 155 Lydia, d. of Jas. & Anna, b. Feb. 9, 1781, bp. Feb. 18. Betsey, bp. and r. Sept. 29, 1782. 155 Sally, d. of Jas. & Anna, b. June 20, 1783, bp. June 22. Lucy, d. of Jas., bp. Nov. 27, 1785. 155 Francis, s. of Jas. & Anna, b. Apr. 11, 1789, bp. Apr. 19. Nathan, bp. and r. Apr. 28, 1827. Mary Elizabeth, d. of Nathan, bp. Jul. 3, 1831. Yeaton. Vilena Abigail, d. of Mark & Abigail, Sept. 17, 1847. Young. Susanna, bp. and r. Sept. 28, 1701. lf^T''\ ^fF""^' \ bp. May 5, 1844. Eda Newhall, ( ^ ^ ' Negroes. Chessor. Ruth, d. of Prince & Katey, bp. Apr. 11, 1773. Lucy, d. of Prince & Katey, bp. Oct. 2, 1774. Tulop. 77 James, s. of Robing Tulop (servant of Mr. John Bridge) & Mar- garet, b. Mar. 5, 1735. 77 Robing, s. of Robing & Margaret, b. Sept. 13, 1745. 77 Peter, s. of Robing & Margaret, b. Jan. 8, 1754. 77 Becky, d. of Robing & Margaret, b. June 4, 1759. 106 Olive, d. of Peter & Patty, b. Oct. 8, 1784, bp. Aug. 14, 1785. 112 Patty, d. of Peter & Martha, b. Sept. 20, 1786, bp. Nov. 11, 1787. The following are given names only : — Maria (mulatto), bp. June 7, 1699. John, Matthew Bridge's negro, bp. Jan., 1701-02. John, bp. Jul. 16, 1738. Robert, bp. Jan. 17, 1739. Dinah, bp. Jan. 21, 1739. Peter, Ebenezer Fi.ske's negro, Ijp. Jul. 26, 1741. Peggy, Amos Muzzy's negro, bp. Jul. 26, 1741. Violet, Jonas Munroe's negro, bp. Apr. 15, 1759. Dinah, Madam Hancock's negro, bp. Sept. 9, 1759. Quawk & Kate his wf., r. Jul. 19, 1754. Isaac, ) J J Quawk & Kate, bp. Nov. 16, 1755. Mercy, S Abel Barbadoes, s. of Quawk & Kate, bp. Jul. 11, 1756. Violet, negro of Jonathan Lawrence, bp. and r. Nov. 14, 1756. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF BIRTHS. 93 Given names — Contimiecl. Lucy Sawco, Robert Harrington's negro, bp. and r. Fob. 27, 1757. Charity, Sara'l Bridge's negro, bp. Jan. 7, 1759. Dummer, Mr. Harrington's negro woman, bp. Feb. 11, 1759. Prince, Capt, Sam'l Stone's negro, bp. Feb. 7, 1761, m. Apr. 23, 1772. Dinah, Mr. Lawrence's negro, bp. Apr. 26, 1761. Peter, s. of Robbin & Peggy, bp. Oct. 2, 1763. Peggv, d. of Robbin & Peggy, bp. Nov. 6, 1763. Rosc^l. of Peter & Violet, bp. Aug. 26, 1764. Philemon, ) ^f j^j^. Robert Harrington, bp. Jul. 28, 1765. Deborah, S o ' i > Peter, Jr., Lient. Fiske's servant, bp. Sept. 6, 1767. Job, Sam'l Locke's servant, bp. Nov. 29, 1767. Pembo, negress, bp. Jul. 27, 1766. Violet, d. of Job & Violet, bp. Sept. 30, 1770. Charity, Sam'l Bi'idge's servant, r. Aug. 21, 1774. Nancy, d. of Job & Violet, bp. Mar. 1, 1775. Pompey Blackman, bp. Oct. 27, 1782. 94 LEXINGTON BEG OB D OF MABBIAGES. MARRIAGES. -PART I. From Earliest Record to End of 1853. [For explanation of signs, see Preface.] Abbott, Abbot, Abott, Abot. 5 John, ul' Watertown, m. Elizabeth Pliipps, of Lex., Oct. 18, 1721. Joseph, m. Hannali White, Mar. 24, 1762. 69 Rebeckah, of Bedford, m. Joseph Jewett, of Littleton, Nov. 3, 1763. Hannah, of Lincoln, m. Timothy Wellington, of Lex., May 1, 1776. * Joanna, of Billerica, m., in Billerica, Simon Winship, of Lex., May 21, 1776. 97 Joseph, Jr., of Lincoln, m. Ruth Buckmau, of Lex., Apr. 30, 1778. 104 Sarah, of Lincoln, m. Ezekiel Allen, of Lex., Apr. 24, 1783. * Abiel, of Lincoln, m., in Lincoln, Polly Meriam, of Lex., Dec. 16,1788. * Betsey, m., in Woburn, Nathan Kelley, both of Lex., Oct. 11, 1791. Abrahams. Mrs. Joanna, m. Capt. Josiah Harris, both late of Charlestown, now of Lex., May 30, 1776. Adams, Addams. f Rebeccah, m. Nathaniel Patten, Nov. 24, 1669. t George, m. Martha Fiske, Feb. 28, 1683. t Joseph, m. Margaret Eames, Feb. 21, 1687-88. I Margaret, of Cambridge, m. Lieut. Daniel Dean, of Concord, Dee. 27, 1705. f Joseph, m. Rebeccah Cutter, Jan. 18, 1710-11. * John, of Lex,, m., in Watertown, Mary Flagg, of Watertown, Oct. 27, 1714. * Abigail, of Lex., m., in Watertown, Ebenezer Brown, of Watertown, May 30, 1727. 5 Mephibosheth, m. Jane Derby, May 2, 1734. t Thomas, m. Anna Frost, Sept. 22, 1737. * Abijah, of Lex., m., in VValthara, Mary Baker, of Waltham, Jan. 19, 1742-43. * John, of Lex., m., in Waltham, Mary Sanderson, of Waltham, Nov. 24, 1743. * George, of Lex., m., in Newton, Abigail Prentice, of Newtown, Jul. 18, 1758. 65 George, m. Elizabeth Crosby, both of Lex., Mar. 18, 1762. 89 John, of Cambridge, m. Joanna Munroe, of Lex., Jul. 9, 1771. 95 Roger, of Newton, m. Hephzibah Russell, of Lex., Nov. 9, 1777. * Samson, of Lex., m., in Woburn, Katherine Bacon, of Woburn, Nov. 11, 1779. 109 Elizabeth, m. Richard Francis, both of Lex., Oct. 21, 1787. 148 Susanna, m. Nathan Stearns, both of Lex., May 21, 1807. 168 Joel, m. Mary Marrett, Apr. 1, 1827. 172 Winthrop F., m. Maria Smith, Feb. 20, 1834. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF MABBIAGE8. 95 Adams, Addams — Continued. 172 Catharine, m. Sylvanus W. Smith, Jul. 6, 1834. 172 Charles I., m. Mary B. Harrington, May U, 1835. 188 Miss Mary, of Lex., m. I. T. Boynton, of Cambridge, May 28, 1843. Miss Ann, of E. Lex., in. Olive/P Mills, of New York, Mar. 19, 1845. Maria, c1. of Ebenezer & Anna, m. Jonas Hanscom, s. of Tobias & Hnkla, all of Lex., June 25, 1851. Allen. * Isaac, of Weston, m., in Weston, Sarah Meriam, of Lex., Jan. 24, 1739-40. 50^ Elizabeth, m. Samuel Fessenden, May 21, 1740. Samuel, m. Mary Loring, June 30, 1751. 92 Phinehas, of Concord, m. Sarah Danforth, of Lex., Sept 14, 1775. 104 Ezekiel, of Lex., m. Sarah Abbot, of Lincoln, Apr. 24, 1783. 171 Charles, m. Betsey Hollis, Aug. 5, 1832. 181 Galen, m. Miss Lavinia Munroe, both of Lex., Apr. 4, 1839. Andrews. t Rebekah, m. Samuel Bowman, both of Cambridge, Nov. 21, 1700. Angier. 118 John, of Maiden, m. Mary Simonds, of Lex., Mar. 2, 1794. 161 Abigail, of Lex., ra. Samuel C. Simonds, of Burlington, Nov. 3, 1821. Harriet M., d. of Dan'l & Sarah, of Lex., m. Robert W. Laird, of CharlestoAvn, s. of Robert & Judith, Dec. 29, 1853. Anthony. 96 Jonathan, of Medford, m. Louis Woy, of Lex , INLar. 6, 1777. Ap thorp. 61 Elizabeth, of Lex., m. Richard Sutten, of Charlestown, Jul. 17, 1758. Arms. 43 Richard, m. Sarah Carly, Oct. 28, 1714. Armstrong. Joseph, of Boston, s. of Thos. & Dorothy, m. Mary Ellen Bosworth, of Charlestown, d. of Benj. & Lucretia, Dec. 6, 1849. Arnold. George, s. of Wm. & Catharine, of Charlestown, m. Julia Smith, d. of Elias & Harriet, of Lex., Dec. 3, 1846. Atherton. William C, m. Eliza Nourse, both of Lex., Jan. 19, 1848. Austin. Clemantine, d. of Gains & Anna, of Reading, m. Gilraan Lewis, of Woburn, s. of Chas. & Hannah, Nov. 27, 1848. Bacon. * Micar, of Bedford, m., in Bedford, Sarah Whitmore, of Lex., Nov. 24, 1743. 75 Jacob, of Lex., m. Katherine Davis, of Bedford, Feb. 13, 1768. Anna, of Bedford, m. Isaiah Ireland, of Charlestown, Aug. 23, 1770. 89 Oliver, m. Sarah Reed, both of Lex., Dec. 6, 1770. 96 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF MABBIAGES. Bacon — Continued. , 89 David, m. Lucretia Simonds, both of Bedford, Jan. 3, 1771. 89 Ruth, m. Jonas Gleason, both of Lex., Api-. 30, 1771. * Katherine, of Woburn, m., in Woburu, Samson Adams, of Lex., Nov. 11, 1779. Jonas, of Bedford, m. Betty Smith, of Lex., May 18, 1784. 118 Katharine, m. Nathan Smith, both of Lex., Apr." 24, 1794. 121 Elizabetli, m. Nathaniel Wyman, Jr., both of Lex., Apr. 9, 1795. 172 Lucy, m. Bryam P. Oilman, Feb. 13, 1833. 172 Frederick, m. Anna Bobbins, both of Bedford, Jul. 3, 1834. 178 Aaron, of West Cambridge, m. Miss Mary L. Brown, of Lex., Apr. 10, 1836. 179 Aaron, of West Cambridge, m. Miss Mary L. Brooks, of Lex., Apr. IG, 1836. Bailey. 162 Joseph, of Standish, m. Miss Nancy Hastings, of Lex., June 15, 1812. 179 Miss Lydia Ann, of Lex., m. Chai-les Huchinson, of Burlington, Apr. 30, 1837. Baker. * Mary, of Waltham, m., in Waltham, Abijah Adams, of Lex , Jan. 19, 1742-43. 63 Anna, of Waltham, m. Joseph Underwood, of Lex., Feb. 26, 1744. Baldwin. 5 Mary, m. Henery Walker, both of Woburne, May 15, 1722. 65 Sarah, of Billerica, m. Joseph Lock, Jr., of Lex., May 7, 1761. Ball. 76 Martha, m. Benjamin Wellington, Dec. 4, 1766. Banas. * Sally, of Bedford, m., in Bedford, Reuben Reed, of Lex., Aug. 28, 1782. Banister. 69 Phebe, of Concord, m. Moses Burdoo, of Lex., Feb. 13, 1754. Banks. 102 Sally, m. Jonathan Harrington, Jr., both of Lex., Nov. 14, 1782. Barber. Polly, m. Josiah Smith, Jr., both of Lex., Feb. 6, 1777. Barker. 68 William, m. Roada Smith, both of Sudbury, Feb. 8, 1764. 166 Albermarl, m. Abigail Francis, June 20, 1824. Barnard. 68 George, m. Sarah Stratton, both of Cambridge, Mar. 31, 1762. Barns. 102 Sarah, m. William Draper, both of Lex., Oct. 31, 1782. 162 Thomas, of Waltham, m. Miss Adeline Lawrence, of Lex., Nov. 21, 1822. LEXINGTON RECOBD OF MAERIAGE8. 97 Barrett. 69 Oliver, of Concord, m. Anna Fiske, of Lex., Oct. 24, 1754. 68 James, of Concord, m. Millieent Estabrook, of Lex , JuL 4, 1758. 78 Thomas, of Concord, m. Hannah Stone, of Lex., Jime 29, 1769. Ill Stephen, of Concord, m. Phebe Bridge, of Lex., Nov. 11, 1789. Charles M., s. of Prescott & Olive, m. Sarah P. Conant, d. of Silas & Sarah, all of Concord, Dec. 8, 1852. Bar sham. t Rebecca, m. Edward VVinship, Jr., May 14, 1683. Bass. 61 Samuel, of Boston, m. Deborah Stone, of Lex., Apr. 13, 1758. 166 Simeon, m. Miss Sybil Lawrence, Dec. 16, 1824. Alraira W., d. of Simeon & Sybil, m. Prescott Bennett, all of Lex., Jan. 31, 1847. Batchelder. Samuel L., of Waltham, s. of Josiah & Mary, m. Sarah Maria Cutler, d. of Silas & Sarah, of Lex., June 18, 1850. Bateman. 89 Ilephzibah, of Bedford, m. Nathaniel Reed, of Lex., Jan. 16, 1772. Bates, Bate. 132 John, m. Rebekah Weston, both of Lex., Dec. 15, 1799. Bathriek. 70 Rebeckah, of Charlestown, m. Robert Meers, or Mears, of Tewksbury, Aug. 30, 1763. Batson. f Sarah, m. James Reed, Aug. 12, 1714. Baxter. 152 Levi, m. Lucy Loring, both of Lex., Dec. 27, 1813. Beal. 168 John, m. Miss Mary S. Brown, Jul. 28, 1825, Beers. f Sarah, m. Isaac Stearns, June 28, 1660. Belcher. f Mary, m. Joseph Russell, June 23, 1662. Bellows. f Abigail, ra. Isaac Lawrence, Apr. 19, 1682. Bemis. * Elisha, of Waltham, m., in Waltham, Lucy Ellton, of Lex., Feb. 15, 1748-49. * Lydia, of Weston, m., in Weston, John Munroe, of Lex., Apr. 13, 1762. * Samuel, of Cambridge, m., in Cambridge, Elizabeth Robinson, of Lex., Nov. 16, 1775. 108 Daniel, of Boston, m. Lucy Trask, of Lex., Aug. 22, 1786. 98 LEXINGTON RECOBD OF MABUXAQES. Benjamin. * Mercy, of Watertown, m., in Watertown, Nathan Munroe, of Lex., Nov. 23, 1738. 184 Miss Hannah, of Lincoln, m. Waldo Whiting, of Leominster, Sept. 8, 1842. Bennett. * William, of Pepperell, m., in Littleton, Abigail Mead, of Lex., Dec. 29, 1769. 166 Seth, m. Miss Susan Parker, Mar. 15, 1824. 168 Seth, m. Miss Lucy Ann Harrington, Mar. 19, 1826. Prescott, m. Almira W. Bass, d. of Simeon & Sybil, all of Lex., Jan. 31, 1847. James K., s. of Jas. H. & W., m. Martha M. Stimson, d. of Lovett & Sally F., all of Lex., Jan. 2, 1853. Benney. Sarah, m. Elijah Trask, both of Lex., Sept, 8, 1793. Bent. 109 David, m. Ruth Parker, both of Lex., Nov. 14, 1787. Blackington. 117 William, of Cambridge, m. Elizabeth Hadley, of Lex., Dec. 25, 1793. 118 Edward, of Cambridge, m. Sally Harrington, of Lex., Dec. 30, 1793. 160 William, m. Miss Susan Elliot Bruce, both of Lex., Apr. 6, 1820. Blair. Eunice J., of Lex., m. Jacob O. Pollard, of Bedford, Dec. 9, 1844, Blancliard. 107 David, Jr., of Woburn, m. Eliot Bridge, of Lex., Feb. 7, 1786, 188 Abijah, of Charlestown, m. Miss Elizabeth Chandler, of Lex., June 1, 1843, Blodgett. 40 Samuel, m. Mary Russell, June 16, 1726. * Phinehas, m., in Woburn, Joanna Locke, both of Lex., Oct. 10, 1753. 62 Ruth, m. Henry Harrington, Jr., of Lex., Oct. 25, 1759. 68 Josiah, m. Jane Thorn, both of Lex , Apr. 24, 1760. 68 Mary, m. Jonathan Perry, both of Lex., May 27. 1760. 62 Elizabeth, m. David Fisk, of Lex., June 25, 1760. 73 Simeon, m., in Woburn, Susana Skilton, Dec. 24, 1761. 72 Sarah, of Lex , m. Levi Parker, of Billerica, Jan. 14, 1766. 76 Rebeeah, m. Nathan Peirce, both pf Concord, Feb. 17, 1767, 78 Isaac, m. Mary Locke, both of Lex., Apr. 20, 1769. 107 James, m. Ruth Fowle, both (?) of Woburn, Sept. 1, 1785. 110 Joseph, m. Abigail Munroe, both of Lex,, Jul, 8, 1788. 111 Nathan, m. Deborah Robbins, both of Lex., Jan. 31, 1791, 130 Aaron, m. Patty Lane, both of Lex., May 1, 1798. 152 Miss Clarissa, m. Josiah Johnson, both of Lex., Mar. 31, 1814. 152 Miss Lucy, of Lex., m Benjamin Marshall Nevers, of Boston, Nov, 13, 1814. 160 Miss Lydia, m. Samuel Downing, both of Lex., Nov. 11, 1819. Sarah C, ra, Billings Smith, Nov. 19, 1820. 161 Charles, m. Miss Mary Ann Dizer, both of Lex., Dec. 16, 1821. 164 Peter, m. Miss Tryphena Caldwell, both of Lex., Dec. 14, 1823. 168 Mrs. Deborah, m. Jonas Locke, both of Lex , Feb. 25, 1828. 170 Mary Ann N., m. Elias Dupee, June 20, 1830. LEXINGTON RECOBD OF MABBIAaSS. 99 Blodgett — Continued. 171 Charles, m. Eliza Smith, Mar. 24, 1831. 172 Orvilers M., m. Emeline Harrington, both of Bedford, May 5, 1833. 178 Miss Rhoda, m. Amos Locke, both of Lex , May 31, 1835. 178 Miss Clarrissa, of Lex., m. Joseph Butterfield, of Bedford, Oct. 11, 1835. 179 Miss Elizabeth W., m. Solomon Estabrook, both of Lex., Apr. 4, 1837. Almira R., m. Sidnej'^ Butters, both of Lex., Apr. 21, 1814. Ellas, s. of Jas. & Rhoda, m. Elizabeth Brown, d of Leonard & Dorcas, all of Lex., Nov. 23, 1848. Eliza Ann, d. of Chas. & Eliza, m. Augustus Childs, s. of Isaac &, Betsey, all of Lex., Mar. 9, 1853. Blood. 70 Mr. Ezara, of Carlisle, m. Mrs. Lucy Evileth, of Sudbury, Nov 25, 17.55. * Sybil, of Carlisle, m., in Carlisle, Nathan Russell, of Lex., June 18, 1795. 172 Naomi, m. Charles M. Pond, Feb. 23, 1834. Bobiston. 56 Margrit, m. Mucalwain, of Lex., Aug. 25, 1755. Bond. * Samuel, m., in Watertown, Mary Cutler, both of Lex., Feb. 7, 1723. 95 Millicent, of Lex., m. Josiah Nelson, of Lincoln, Apr. 24, 1777. Bosworth. 181 Miss Harriet E., of Newton, m. Jonas Wellington, of Lex., Oct. 17, 1839. Mary Ellen, of Cbarlestown, d. of Benj. & Lucretia, ni. Joseph Arm- strong, of Boston, s. of Thos. & Dorothy, Dec. 6, 1849. Boutell. * Lydia, of Leominster, m., in Leominster, Amos Muzzey, of Lex , Oct. 10, 1793. Bowers. * William, of'Billerica, m., in Billerica, Martha Winship, of Lex. (no date). * Elizabeth, of Billerica, m., in Billerica, John Parkhurst, of Lex., Sept. 15, 1763. * Abigail, of Billerica, m., in Billerica, Amos Muzzey, of Lex., Nov. 29, 1764. * Martha, of Billerica, m., in Billerica, Joshua Simonds, Jr., of Lex., May 2, 1765. Bowes. 58 Lucy, m. Rev. Mr. Jonas Clark, both of Lex., Sept. 21, 1757. She was d. of Rev. Nicholas Bowes and g. d. of Rev. John Hancock. Bowin. 132 John, m. Keziah Newman, both of Waltham, Dec. 22, 1799. Bowles. 174 Miss Eunice Jane, m. Elbridge Harris, both of Boston, Apr. 26, 1835. 100 LEXINGTON BE COED OF 3IARRIAGES Bowman. t Maiy, of Cambridge, m. John Eveleth, of Chebaoco, Dec. 2, 1692. f Samuel, m. Kebekah Andrews, both of Carabi'idge, Nov. 21, 1700. t Aaron, m. Elizabeth Parker, Oct. 14, 1708. * I.saac, of Lex., m., in Watertown, Elizabeth Harrington, of Water- town, Mar. 28, 1716. • 26 Abigail, m. Matthew Bridge, Mar. 21, 1719. 20 Hannah, m. Joseph Estabrook, Jr., Mar. 26, 1719. 43 Jane, m. James Brown, Jan. 21, 17:33. * John, of Lex., m., in AVatertown, Susanna Coollidge, of Watertown, Feb. 19, 1735-36. 57 Thaddeus, m. Sarah Loring, Dec. 2, 1736. 38 Martha, m, Samuel Bridge, both of Lex., Apr. 27, 1738. Jonas, m. Abigail Russell, Mar. 19, 1739. Lsaac, m. Hannah , 1744. X Samuel, m. Hannah Frost, Mar. 20, 1745. 47 Mr. Isaac, m. Mrs. Prudence Munroe, Feb. 12, 1747. * Ruth, of Lex., m., in Bedford, John Lane, Jr., of Bedford, Feb. 14, 1745-46. Isaac, m. Sarah Munroe, Feb. 27, 1752. 73 Thaddeus, m Sybil Wool son, his 2d wf., Feb. 8, 1753. 69 William, of Cambridge, m. Mary Reed, of Lex., May 1, 1753. 70 Francis, of Bedford, m. Sarah Simonds, of Lex., June 24, 1756. * Jonas, of Lex., m., in Weston, Susannah Gregory, of Weston, INIay 18, 1758. 59 John, m. Hannah Wilson, of Lex., May 16, 1758. 62 f^dmund, of Lex., m. Esther Hoar, of Lincoln, May 8, 17G0. 68 Abigail, of Bedford, m. Rudolphus Carver, of Bridgewater, May 18, 1763. 71 Phebe, of Lex., ra. Edmund Bridge, of Pownalborough, Me., Sept. 6, 1764. 71 Thaddeus, of Cambridge, m. Elizabeth Lawrence, of Lex., Nov. 7, 1764. 69 Joseph, ra. Katharine Munroe, both of Lex., Nov. 22, 1764. 92 Mary, m. Joel Viles, both of Lex., June 27, 1775. 100 Phebe, of Cambridge, m. Jonathan Bridge, of Lex., Feb. 22, 1781. 105 Betty, of Cambridge, m. William Bridge, of Waltham, Dec. 11, 1783. 107 Hannah, of Lex., m. James Walker, of Woburn, Jan. 12, 1787. 109 Martha, m. Abraham Smith, both of Cambridge, May 8, 1788. Ill Francis, m. Susanna Chamberlin, both of Lex., Aug. 11, 1788. 121 Lydia, m. John Davis, Jr., both of Cambridge, Apr. 9, 1795. 149 Miss Sally, of Lex., m. William Clapp, of Boston, June 30, 1808. Frank B., of Waltham, s. of Brooks & Sarah, m. INlary J. AVhiting, of Waltham, d. of Andrew & Lucy, Mar. 22, 1852. Boyer. Ill Daniel, m. Polly Cushing, both of Lex., June 27, 1789. 148 Capt Daniel, m. Mary Lamjison, both of Lex., Dec. 7, 1806. Boynton. 55 Jacob, m. Mary Smith, Dec. 23, 1755. 188 I. T., of Cambridge, m. Miss Mary Adams, of Lex., May 28, 1843. Nathan, m. Jane Stearns, both of Lex., Sept. 22, 1844. Braekett. 169 John C, m. Mary M. Smith, May 15, 1827. Bradbury. * Anna, of Maiden, ra., in Cambridge, Ebenezer Simonds. of Lex., Apr. 20, 1785. LEXINGTON BE CORD OF MABBIAGES. 101 Bradish. 128 Rebekah, m. Robert Moore, both of Lex., Dec. 15, 1796. Bridge. f Dorcas, in. Daniel Champney, «Jan. 3, 1665. 26 Matthew, m. Abi,^ail Bowman, Mar. 24, 1719. 38 Joseph, 111 Abigail Cutler, both of Lex., Nov. 18, 1722. * John, of Lex., m., in Wenham, Au'na llerriek, of Wenhani, June 4, 1730. * Samuel, of Lex., m., in Bedford, Susannah Page, of Bedford, Apr. 7, 1731. 88 Samuel, m. Martha Bowman, both of Lex., Apr. 27, 1738. Abigail, m. Jacob Fox, Mar. 26, 1751. 69 Sarah, m. Oliver Reed, both of Lex., Apr. 11, 1754. 55 Marj', m. Isaac Reed, Ai)r. 22, 1754. 57 Mr. John, of Lex., m. Mary Porter, of Woburn, Oct. 14, 1756. * Jeremiah, of Lex., m., in Harvard, Sarah Buttrick, of Harvard, Mar. 31, 1761. 70 Jcseph, m. Eliot Roed. both of Lex., May 3, 1757. 6G John, Jr., m. Hannah Reed, both of Lex., Apr. 14, 1761. 71 Edmund, of Pownalborough, Me., m. Phebe Bowman, of Lex., Sept. 6, 1764. 72 William, m Mary Porter, both of Lex., Oct. 17, 1765. 92 Francis, of Winehendon, m. Eunice Brown, of Lex., Feb. 11, 1773. 99 Matthew, ra. Alice Parker, both of Lex., Apr. 29, 1779. 100 Jonathan, of Lex., m. Phebe Bowman, of Cambridge, Feb. 22, 1781. 105 William, of Waltham, m. Betty Bowman, of Cambridge, Dec. 11, 1783. 107 Eliot, of Lex., m. David Blanchard, Jr., of Woburn, Feb. 7, 1786. 107 ]\Lai. John, m. Mary Moore, both of Lex., Jul. 13, 1786. Ill Phebe, of Lex., m. Stephen Barrett, of Concord, Nov. 11, 1789. 115 Hannah, m. Joseph Chandler, both of Lex , Sept. 29, 1791. 149 Ruliamah, of Lex., m. Jonas Tyler, of Charlestown, Feb. 6,-1810. 177 Samuel, m. Hannah Maria Wellington, both of Lex., June 15, 1836. Vesta G., d. of Abel E & Caroline, m. Philemon Davis, s. of Roswell & ALary, all of Lex., Mar. 24, 1850. Bright. * Ann, of Watertown, m., in Watertown, Daniel Brown, of Lex,, Jul. 16, 1736. Brimmer. 103 John, of Lex. (one of the ti-oops of the Convention of Saratoga), m., in Cambridge, Naomi Fowle, of Cambridge, Dec. 10, 1783. Brooks. t Sarah, of Medford, m. Phillip Russell, of Cambridge, Oct. 18, 1705. * Ruth, m., in Woburn, Joseph Webber, Oct. 5, 1794. * Lydia, of Lincoln, m,, in Lincoln, Peter Richardson, of Lex., Mar. 24, 1798. 170 Luther, of East Cambridge, m. Mrs. Hannah Hanington, of Lex., June 1, 1.830. 152 Nathan, of Woburn, m. Miss Maria Smith, of Lex., Jan. 20, 1814. Brown. t Robert, m. Barbara Eden, 8, 1649. 14 Lydia, m. Benj. Wellington, Jan. 18, 1698-99. * Ebenezer, of Watertown, m., in Watertown, Abigail Adams, of Lex., May 30, 1727. 102 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF MABBIAGES. Brown — Continued. 43 James, m. Jane Bowman, Jan. 21, 1733. 5 Jonas, m. Hannah Munroe, May 28, 1734. * Daniel, of Lex., m., in Watertown, Ann Bright, of Watertovvn, Jul. 16, 1736. 51 Benjamin (probably s. of Dea. Joseph), m. Sarah Reed, Dec. 23, 1742. 69 Ruhamah, m. John Reed, both of Lex., Jan. 18, 17.53 * Mar}', of Lex., m., in Watertown, Samuel Thatcher, Jr., of Water- town, Sept 3, 1753. 63 Hannah, m. Josiah Smith (wd. of Sarah), Jan. 12, 1758. 61 Jonas, of Waltham, m. Elizabeth Meriam, of Lex., June 22, 1758. 66 Dea. James, m. Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, both of Lex., May 18, 1762. 68 Francis, m. Mary Buckman, both of Lex., Feb. 16, 1764. * Bowman, of Lex., m., in Bedford, Abigail Page, of Bedford, Feb. 7, 1766. 72 Joseph, m. Sarah Smith, both of Lex., May 7, 1765. 74 Abishai, of Concord, m. Jerusha Brown, of Lex., Oct. 30, 1766. 74 Jerusha, of Lex., m. Abishai Brown, of Concord, Oct. 30, 1766. 74 Zechariah, of Concord, m. Martha Brown, of Lex., Nov. 27, 1766. 74 Martha, of Lex., m. Zechariah Brown, of Concord, Nov. 27, 1766. 89 Benjamin, m. Esther Whittemore, both of Lex., June 12, 1769. 79 Thaddeus, m Bethiah Muzzy, both of Lex., Nov. 16, 1769. 83 Esther, of Lex., m. Nathaniel Tottingham, of Westminster, Aug. 16, 1770. 83 Betty, of Lex , m. Phinehas Bobbins, of Newton, Dec. 6, 1770. 92 Eunice, of Lex , m. Francis Bridge, of Winchendon, Feb. 11, 1773. 92 Sarah, of Lex., m. Nathaniel Page, Jr., of Bedford, Dec. 15, 1774. 99 James, m. Betty Reed, of Lex., May 30, 1780. 100 Ruhamah, of Lex., m. Thaddeus Wellington, of Waltham, Sept. 26, 1780. 105 Susanna, m. Samuel Downing, both of Lex., June 19, 1783. 107 Mary, m. Charles Harrington, both of Lex., Dec. 18, 1786. 109 Lucy, of Lex., m. Joseph Converse, Jr., of Bedford, Sept. 15, 1788. 109 Nathan, m. Lydia Muzzy, both of Lex., Dec. 25, 1788. Rebecca, of Lex., m., in Cambridge, James Peny, of Cambridge, June 10, 1798. 132 James, Jr., m. Pamelia Munroe, both of Lex., Jan. 19, 1800. 150 Leonard, of Boston, m. Dorcas Munroe, of Lex., Nov. 29, 1810. 150 James, 3d, m. Miss Elizabeth Dudley, both of Lex., June 9, 1811. 152 Nabby, m. Ebenezer Peirce, both of Lex., Jan. 5, 1814. 161 Mai'shall, of Weston, m. Miss Louisa Lawrence, of Lex., Oct. 23, 1821. 164 Miss Pamela, m. Jonas S. Fiske, both of Lex., May 18, 1823. 168 Miss Mary S., m. John Beal, Jul. 28, 1825. 171 Susan W., m. William Proctor, Apr. 23, 1831. 171 Lydia Ann, m. Edwin E Watkins, Nov. 28, 1831. 171 Horatio, m, Susan H. Johnson, Apr. 22, 1832. 185 Mary Augusta, m. Curtis Capell, May 2, 1832. 171 Harriet, m. Edmund A. Chapman, Oct. 9, 1832. 171 Charlotte, m. William Gleason, Oct. 9, 1832. 178 Miss Elizabeth, of Lex., m. Avery W. White, of Maiden, Mar 8, 1836. 178 Miss Mary L., of Lex., m. Aaron Bacon, of West Cambridge, Api*. 10, 1836. 187 Leonai-d, of Lex., m. Miss Sarah Ann (xoodnow, of Concord, Apr. 14, 1842. 188 Charles, of Lincoln, m. Miss Eliza Jewett, of Lex., Apr. 28, 1842. Mary, d. of Joshua & Sally, of Woburn, m. John L. Poor, of Woburn, s. of Dennis & Mary, Apr. 7, 1847. Elizabeth, d. of Leonard & Dorcas, m. Elias Blodgett, s. of Jas. & Rhoda, all of Lex., Nov. 23, 1848. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF MABRIAGE8. 103 Brown — Continued. Adaline, of Reading, d. of Ephraira & Sarah, m. Alfred G. Nichols, of Woburn, s. of Aruos & Mercy, Oct. 16, 1850. Nathan,. s. of Leonard & Dorcas, m. Hannah E D. Fiske, d. of Benj. & Sarah, all of Lex., Mar. 6, 1852. Oliver, s. of Jas. & Elizabeth, m. Mary Fairbanks, all of Lex., May 20, 1852. Bruce. 128 Jamas, of Woburn, m. Betsey Harrington, of Lex., Jan. 15, 1797. 160 Susan Elliot, m. AVilliam Blackington, both of Lex., Apr. 6, 1820. Abel, of Reading, m. Elizabeth Towne, of Lex., Mar. 19, 1849. Bruer. * Mary, of Weston, m., in Weston, Joseph Meriam, of Lex., Oct. 9, 1718. * John, of Weston, m., in Weston, Hannah Meriam, of Lex., Oct 9, 1718. Bryant. 70 Thomas, m. Elizabeth Chandler, both of Concord, June 16, 1760. 170 Sally, m. Charles Ellms, Feb. 8, 1830. 170 Cynthia, m. Benjamin Shnrtliff, Jr., Oct. 11, 1830. 172 Lusanna, m. William D. Phelps, May 18, 1834. 183 Albert W., m. Elizabeth Wellington, May 9, 1838. 184 Albert W., m. Miss Nancy Wellington, of Lex., Aug, 23, 1841. Buckman. John, m. Mary [Fiske], , 1739. 68 Mary, m. Francis Brown, of Lex., Feb. 16, 1764. 87 Sarah, m. Jonas Stone, Jr., both of Lex., June 12, 1766. 77 John, m. Ruth Stone, both of Lex., Jul. 21, 1768. 97 Ruth, of Lex., m. Joseph Abbott, Jr., of Lincoln, Apr. 30, 1778. 105 John, m., 2d, Sally Weld, both of Lex., Sept. 28, 1784. 107 Jabob, m. P^lizabeth Munroe, both of Lex., Jan. 1, 1787. 168 Thomas J., m. Louisa Munroe, Nov. 24, 1825. Bullard. * Jerusha, of Medfield, m., in Medfield, James Clark, of Lex., Nov. 19, 1730. Bunker. 184 Mehetabel J., m. John Glidden, of Lex., Nov. 20, 1842. Burbank. 172 Paulina, m. Pelatiah P. Pierce, Dec. 25, 1833. 183 Octavia, of Lex., m. Sumner Jacobs, of Medford, , 1837. Burdoo. 69 Moses, of Lex., m. Phebe Bannister, of Concord, Feb. 13, 1754. Burgess. Ebenezer, m. Hannah Laughton, Oct. 4, 1739. 162 William, m. Miss Mary Locke, both of Lex., Feb. 21, 1822. BurrilL 104 Joseph, of Haverhill, m. Lydia Mulliken, of Lex., Mar. 18, 1783. 104 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF MABBIAGE8. Butrick, Buttrick. * Elizabeth, of Harvard, m., in Harvard, Benjamin Cutler, of Lex., Nov. 23, 1758. * Sarah, of Harvard, m., in Harvard, Jeremiah Bridge, of Lex., Mar. 31, 1761. 172 Isaac, m. Abigail Locke, May 4, 1834. Butterfleld. 5 Jonathan, of Cambridge, m. Rachel Slon, Jan. 2, 1721. 178 Joseph, of Bedford, m. Miss Clarrissa Blodgett,of Lex., Oct. 11, 1835. Joseph, of West Cambridge, m. Judith A. Cutler, of Lex , Apr. 6, 1848. Sidney, m. Julia Ann Lawrence, d. of Sidney & Anna, all of Lex., Oct. 1, 1848.- Mai'y Ann, d. of Abel, m. Eben Gammell, s. of John & Rhoda, all of Lex, Nov. 3, 1850. John, of Lex , s. of Abel & Abigail, m. Lydia J. Wiley, of Lex., d. of David & Mary, Nov. 9, 1852. Butters. 172 Charles A., m. Sarah Ann Viles, Oct. 2, 1834. Sidney, m. Almira R. Blodgett, both of Lex., Apr. 21, 1844. Caldwell. 75 Sybil, m. Samuel Fletcher, both of Lex., Feb. 3, 1768. 130 Thomas J., m. Anna Meriam, both of Lex., Oct 26, 1797. 164 Miss Tryphena, m. Peter Blodgett, both of Lex., Dec. 14, 1823. Cameron. Susan, m. William Towusend, Mar. 7, 1847. Capell. 185 Curtis, m. Mary Augusta Brown, May 2, 1832. Carey. 161 Jonathan, of Boston, m. Miss Abigail Hastings, of Lex., Dec. 9, 1821. 169 William IL, of Boston, m. Maria Hastings, of Lex., May 4, 1828. 183 George S., of Brooklyn, N. Y., m. Miss Mary Wellington, of Lex., Oct. 29, 1840. Carly. 43 Sarah, m. Richard Arms, Oct. 28, 1714. Carver. 68 Rudolphus, of Bridgewater, m. Abigail Bowman, of Bedford, May 18, 1763. Chamberlin. Ill Susanna, m. Francis Bowman, both of Lex., Avig. 11, 1788. Chambers. * William, of Boston, m., in Boston, Mary Harrington, of Lex, Mar. 24, 1773. Capt. William, of Mason, N. II., m. Lydia Loring, of Lex , Sept. 26, 1776. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF MARRIAGES. 105 Chandler. 82 John, of Lincoln, m. Beulah Meriam, of Lex., Jul. 7, 1757. 70 Elizabeth, m. Thomas Briant, both of Concord, June 16, 1760. 121 Nathan, ni. Ruth Tidd, both of Lex., Oct. 4, 1785. 110 John, Jr., of Lex., m. Margaret Mack, of Salem, Jan. 12, 1786. 107 Sarah, m. Hammond Reed, Jr., both of Lex., Oct. 26, 1786. 115 Joseph, m. Hannah Bridge, both of Lex., Sept. 29, 1791. 147 Mary, m. Nathaniel Mulliken, both of Lex., May 22, 1806. 150 Mrs. Hannah, m. Dr. Thomas Whitcomb, both of Lex., June 7, 1810. 152 William, of Lex., m. Miss Elizabeth Harrington, of Woburn, Oct. 17, 1813 Col. John, m. Miss Susan Whitmore Reed, of Lex., June 7, 1815. 157 Samuel, m. Miss Lydia Muzzy, Oct. 29, 1818. 161 Nathan, Jr., m. Miss Maria Howard Mead, both of Lex , Dec. 7, 1821. 172 Samuel, m. Abigail Muzzey, Sept. 11, 1834. Margaret, m. Joseph Eaton, May 9, 1835. 188 Miss Elizabeth, of Lex., m. Abijah Blanchard, of Charlestown, June 1, 1843. Mary, of Lex., d. of Wm. & Betsey, m. Warren Duren, of Woburn, s. of Abraham & Mary, Oct. 18, 1848. Lydia M., m. Alpheus L. Godding, of Lex., Nov. 30, 1848. Chapman. 171 Edmund A., m. Harriet Brown, Oct. 9, 1832. Chenery. 110 William, of Waltham, m. Martha Russell, of Lex., Feb. 19, 1789. Cheney. * Sarah, of Newton, m., in Newton, Daniel Mason, of Lex., Jan. 6, 1793. Child, Childs. 68 Abijah, m. Sarah Cutler, both of Lex., Oct. 27, 1763. Eunice, m. Habakkuk Stearns, both of Lex., Apr. 18, 1785. * Anna, of Waltham, m., in Waltham, Nathaniel Cuttei', of Lex., Apr. 4 1799. 162 Miss Cynthia, m. William T. Smith, both of Lex., May 27, 1812. 161 William, of Groton, m. Miss Dorcas Thorniug, of Lex., Aug. 25, 1821. 168 Miss Sarah, m. Nathan Harrington, both of Lex., Jul. 8, 1827. 169 Mary, m. Joshua Hanscam, both of Lex , Dec. 1, 1828. 179 Elizabeth, m. Joseph Howe, both of Lex., Apr, 9, 1838. 181 Mary Matilda, m. James Wellington, both of Lex , Apr. 16, 1840. Martha, d. of Isaac & Betsey, m. Billings Smith, Jr , s. of Sally, all of Lex., Jan. 10, 1847. Prentiss, of Woburn, s. of Isaac & Betsey, m Esther F. Hollis, d. of David & Maria, Jan. 14, 1847. Augustus, s. of Isaac & Betsey, m. Eliza Ann Blodgett, d. of Chas. & Eliza, all of Lex., Mar. 9, 1853. Chomp ey. 135 John, of Cambridge, m. Miss Hanna Winship, of Lex., June 1, 1801. Church. 6 Lydia, m. Nathaniel Smith, both of Watertown, Feb. 5, 1722-23. Clapp. 149 William, of Boston, m. Miss Sally Bowman, of Lex , June 30, 1808. 174 Miss Susan B., of Lex., m. John M. Johnson, of Concord, N. H., Jan. 14, 1835. 106 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF MABBIAGES. Clark. % Susanna, m. Ebenezer Hancock, Jan. 14, 1702. * James, of Lex., m., in Medfield, Jerusba Bullard, of Medfield, Nov. 19, 1730. 29 Ruth, m. John Piper, Jul. 13, 1736. * Judah, of Lex., m., in Weston, Eunice Warrin, of Weston, Nov. 16, 1737. 58 Rev. Mr. Jonas, m. Lucy Bowes, both of Lex., Sept. 21, 1767. 110 Miss Lucy, of Lex., m. Rev. Mr. Thaddeus Fiske, of Caml)ridge, June 17, 1789. 110 Miss Lydia, of Lex., m. Rev. Benjamin Green, of Medway, Aug. 13, 1789. 110 Miss Polly, of Lex., m, Rev. Mr. Henry Ware, Mar. 31, 1790. 115 Mrs. Martha, of Lex., m. Rev. William'Harris, of Salem, Nov. 3, 1791. 181 Charles, m. Miss Emeline L. Smith, Jan. 21, 1841. Joshua S., s. of Joshua & Nanev, of Sudbury, m Jerusha S. Walker, d. of Wm. & Betsey, of Lex., Jul. 10, 1845. Clefton. 179 Anna, of Lex., m. Stephen Hadley, of Woburn, Nov. 7, 1837. Clement. William W., of Brookline, m. Mary C.Mulliken, d. of Isaac & Mary, of Lex., Feb. 2, 1848. Cleverly. 68 Dr. John, m. Huldah Whittemore, both of Lincoln, Feb. 2, 1768. Cobleigh. Daniel W., s. of Dan'l & Hannah, m. Mary C. Smith, d. of David & Huldah, all of Charlestown, Jul. 18, 1852. Coggen. 136 Elisabeth, of Natick, m. Jonathan Winship, of Lex., May 12, 1800. Colburn. James M., of Lex., s. of Abiel & Sai'ah, m. Eliza Lakin, d. of Sam'l & Rebecca, of Lex., Jul. 5, 1846. Colcord. 174 Phineas, of Boston, m. Miss Eliza Russell, of Lex., Apr. 19, 1835. Cole. 168 Hannah G., m. Dr. George Russell, both of Lincoln, Dec, 5, 1826. Colton. 184 Miss Sarah C, of Newton, m. Josiah Locke, , 1841. Comey, Comee. f John, of Concord, m. Martha Munroe, June 21, 1688. 15 Martha, m. Benjamin Smith, Jul. 9, 1713. 40 Abigail, m. Jonas Peirce, Jan. 4, 1727-28. * Sarah, Jr., d. of David, of Lex., m., in Waltham, Isaac Pai'khurst, of Waltham, Dec. 4, 1755. * Benjamin, of Lex., m., in Chelsea, Hannah Watts, of Chelsea, Mar. 25, 1762. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF MABBIAGES. 107 Conant. 35 Lott, of Concord, m. Mary Stone, of Lex., June 17, 1740. 134 Thomas, of Boston, m. Abigail Muzzy, of Lex. (1800). Sarah P., d. of -Silas & Sarah, m. Chas. M. Barrett, s. of Prescott & Olive, all of Concord, Dec. 8, 1852. Converse. 68 Joseph, m. Elizabeth Davis, both of Bedford, May 27, 1762. 109 Joseph, Jr., of Bedford, m. Lucy Brown, of Lex., Sept. 15, 1788. Cook. Abigail, m. John Milledge, Apr. 5, 1739. 95 Ephraim, of Cambridge, m. Hannah Crosbv, of Lex., Jan. 20, 1778. Rebecca, m. Charles Fletcher, Apr. 12, 1829. 171 Elizabeth M., m. Hezekiah Park, Apr. 1, 1832. Cooledge. f Mrs. Sarah, m. Nicholas Fessenden, Jr., Aug. 8, 1706. 5 Hannah, of Lex., m. David Whittakei', of Concord, Nov. 6, 1734. * Susanna, of Watei'town, m., in Watertown, John Bowman, of Lex., Feb. 19, 1735-36. 131 John K., ra. Rebecca S. Wellington, both of Watertown, Apr. 25, 1799. Cooper. t Mary, m. John Meriam, Oct. 21, 1663. f Samuel, m. Hannah Hastings, Dec. 4, 1682. t John, m. Elizabeth Bordman, Apr. 28, 1686. t John, m. Sarah Hancock, June 21, 1720. 187 Samuel, of Charlestown, m. Miss Adeline A. Smith, of Lex., May 1, 1842. Corey. 99 Elisha, of Groton, m. Mary Munroe, of Lex., Apr. 18, 1780. Crafts. 77 Edward, of Boston, m. Eliot Winship, of Lex., Jvme 16, 1768. 108 Samuel, m. Esther Jewett, both of Boston, Jan. 12, 1786. Cr alley. 32 Sarah, of Cambridge, m. Peter Murfy, of Lex,, Oct. 3, 1738. Crapo. 149 John, of Lynn, m. Miss Sally Wyman, of Lex,, Mar. 13, 1810. Creage. * James, of Lex., m., in Sudbury, Rachel Wallis, of Sudbury, Aug. 6, 1722. Cresse. * Jonas, of Charlestown, m., in Charlestown, Sarah Russell, of Lex., Aug, 28, 1738. Crosby. * Abigail, of Billerica, m., in Billerica, Samuel Winship, of Lex.. May 5, 1748. 65 Elizabeth, m. George Adams, both of Lex., Mar. 18, 1762. 95 Hannah, of Lex., m. Ephraim Cooke, of Cambridge, Jan. 20, 1778. 183 Michael, of Bedford, m. Abigail Simonds, of Lex.. , 1838. 179 Eliza Ann., of West Cambridge, m. Jacob H, Iluchinson, of Charles- town, Jul. 1, 1838. 108 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF MABBIAGES. Crowley. Mary L., m. William H. Littlehall, of Lex., Dec. 23, 1849. Crowninshield. Mary P., d. of A. W. & Sarah, m. Wra. H. H. Reed, s. of Isaac & Elizabeth, all of Lex., Sept. 3, 1850. Cummings. * David, of Woburn, ni., in Woburn, Cloe Harrington, of Lex., Apr. 16, 1795. Currier. Dr. William J., m. Susan B, Spaulding, of Lex., Jan. 23, 1845. Cushing. Ill Polly, m. Daniel Hoyer, both of Lex., June 27, 1789. 168 Miss Rachel, of Weymouth, m. Darius Smith, Dec. 3, 1826. Cutler. f Rebecca, m. Abraham Errington, 1649-50. 38 Abigail, m. Joseph Bridge, both of Lex., Nov. 18, 1722. * Mary, m., in Watertown, Samuel Bond, both of Lex., Feb. 7, 1723. * John, m., in Watertown, Abigail Stone, both of Lex , Jan. 9, 1723-24, Thomas, m. Lydia Simonds, Apr. 10, 1751. Robert, m. Elizabeth Fiske, Sept. 3, 1751. David, m. Dorcas Reed, Oct. 15, 1751. * P^lisha, of Lex., m., in Weston, Sarah Munroe, of Weston, Dec. 27, 1753. * Joseph, of Lex., m., in Lincoln, Rebecca Hoar, of Lincoln, May 6, 1755. 5G Abigail, m. Samuel Hodgman, of Lex., May 7, 1755. 68 Mary, of Lex., m. John Page, of Hardwick, Sept. 15, 1757. * Benjamin, of Lex., m., in Harvard, Elizabeth Buttrick, of Harvard, Nov. 23, 1758. 65 Elizabeth, of Lex., m. Jacob Kendall, of Dunstable, Apr. 7, 1761. 69 Lydia, m. Samuel Winship, both of Lex., Dec. 24, 1761. 68 Solomon, of Lex., m. Rebeckah Page, of Bedford, Feb. 23, 1762. 68 Sarah, m. Abijah Child, both of Lex., Oct. 27, 1763. 74 Amity, of Lex., m. Nathan Leonard, of Hardwick, Nov. 6, 1766. 76 Betty, m. Benjamin Moore, both of Lex., May 3, 1768. 104 Seth, m. Susanna Reed, both of Charlestown, Jan. 11, 1784. Thomas, m. Elizabeth White, both of Lex., Feb. 2, 1786. Ill Jonathan, m. Lydia Trask, of Lex , Sejjt. 15, 1788. 113 Lydia, of Lex., m. Nehemiah Kidder, of Tewksbury, May 25, 1790. 121 Nabby, m. Joshua Simonds, Jr., both of Lex., June 5, 1794. 156 John, m., in Boston, Elmira J. Flagg, both of Lex., Jan. 19, 1818. 172 Rev. Curtis, m. Clarissa W. Morrill, May 19, 1835. 183 Alice, m. Guy C, Hawkins, both of Lex., Nov. 29, 1838. Judith A., of Lex., m. Joseph Butterfield, of West Cambridge, Apr. 6, 1848. Sarah Maria, d. of Silas & Sarah, of Lex., m. Samuel L. Batchelder, of Waltham, s. of Josiah & Mar}', June 18, 1850 Anna B., d. of Leonard & Maria, of Lex., m. Lewis Spaulding, of Bedford, s. of Chas. & Elizabeth, Nov. 2, 1853. Cutter. X Hannah, m. Ephraim Winship, June 17, 1708. I Rebeccah, m. Joseph Adams, Jan. 18, 1710-11. f Samuel, m. Anne Harrington, Nov. 10, 1720. f Mehitabcl, m. Ephraim WinshijJ, Jr., Aug. 28, 1725. LEXINGTON BE COED OF MABRIAGES. 109 Cutter — Continued. t Mrs. Lydia, m. John Whitmore, both of Cambridge, June 24, 1735. * Jonathan, of Lex., m., in Watertown, Elizabeth Hastings, of Water- town, Dec. 12, 1751. Rachel, m. John Gelston, Apr. 9, 1752. * Nathaniel, of Lex., m., in Waltham, Anna Child, of Walthara, Apr. •4, 1799. 149 Thomas, of West Cambridge, m. Miss Nancy Robinson, of Lex , Jul. 20, 1809. Mary Jane, m. Ebenezer Thompson, Mar. 1, 1829. Mrs. Sally A., m., in West Cambridge, Joseph Harris, Apr. 7, 1829. 170 Sally, m. Jefferson Putnam, Feb. 9, 1830. 172 Susanna B., m William H. Smith, Nov. 26, 1834. 175 Elizabeth A., of Lex., m. Capt. Otis Taylor, of Boston, Oct. 12, 1835. Cutting. David, m. Elisabeth , May (?), 1716. * Josiah [of Westminster], m., in Waltham, Lydia Meriam, d. of Thos., of Lex., Mar. 27, 1755. 74 Uriah, of Waltham, m. Betty Tidd, of Lex., Jul. 15, 1766. Daily. William, of Cambridge, m. Mary E. Winship, d. of Oliver & Anna, of Lex., Dec. 31, 1846. Damon. 15 Mr(s). Margeret, of Lex., m. Mr. John Whitman, of Stow, Mar. 5, 1718-19. Dana. 177 Otis Holmes, of Boston, m. Elizabeth Holbrook Morrell,of Lex., Jul. 19, 1836. Danforth. 32 Hannah, m. Amos Meriam, both of Lex., Nov. 9, 1738. * Martha, of Billerica, m., in Billerica, Matthew Mead, of Lex., Jan. 23, 1754. 68 Thomas, m. Abigail Fox, of Billerica, Aug. 1, 1758. 68 John, m. Mary Wait, both of Bedford, Mar. 24, 1763. 93 Sarah, of Lex., m. Phinehas Allen, of Concord, Sept. 14, 1775. 105 James, of Fitchburg, m. Hannah Reed, of Lex., Nov. 28, 1782. 152 Mrs. Hannah, m. Jonathan Loring, both of Lex., Feb. 13, 1812. Benjamin L., m. Sarah M. Rhoades, both of Lex., Apr. 11, 1848. Thomas R., m. Olive B. Fogg, both of Lex., June 26, 1848. Davidson. Esther A., d. of Noel & Ruth, m. James Sanderson, s. of Jonas & Lois, all of Roxbury, Aug. 12, 1849. Davis. * Timothy, of Bedfoi'd, m., in Bedford, Hannah Smith, of Lex., Feb. 9, 1736-37. 66 Rebekah, m. Zechariah Fitch, Jr., both of Bedford, Oct. 14, 1755. 68 Elizabeth, m. Joseph Converse, both of Bedford, May 27, 1762. 75 Katherine, of Bedford, m. Jacob Bacon, of Lex., Feb. 13, 1768. 76 Ellizabeth, of Bedford, m. William Reed, of Lex., Dec. 1, 1768. 121 John, Jr., m. Lydia Bowman, both of Cambridge, Apr. 9, 1795. 170 Emelia, m. Ezekiel Hoit, Oct. 17, 1830. John, of Boston, m. Mary A. E. Davis, of Lex., Nov. 20, 1844. 110 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF MABBIAGES. Davis — Continued. Mary A. E., of Lex., m. John Davis, of Boston, Nov. 20, 1844. Chai-les G., of Woburn, s. of John & Lydia, ni. Jane Fessenden, d. of Nathan & Jane, of Lex., Dec. 14, 1847. Philemon, s. of Roswell & Mary, m. Ve,sta G. Bridge, d. of Abel E. & Caroline, all of Lex., Mar. 24, 1850. Lucinda, of Medford, d. of Joseph & Lydia, m. Jacob Robinson, s. of Jacob & Hannah, of Lex., Oct. 13, 1850. Horace B., s. of Joseph & Betsey, m. Anna C Stevens, d. of Wm. & Nancy, all of Lex., June 2, 1852. Sidney G., s. of Elias & Hannah, ni. Mary Sinclair, d. of Miles & Eliza Eyre, all of Lex., Nov. 25, 1852. Dean. f Lient. Daniel, of Concord, m. Margaret Adams, of Cambridge, Dec. 27, 1705. Quincy, of Lex., s. of Thos. & Prudence, m. Eleanor Skelton, d of Francis & Nancy, of Burlington, June 6, 1852. Deckson. X Jane, m. Joseph Robbins, both of Cambridge, Aug 3, 1709. Deland. 183 Joseph F., of Woburn, m. Lucy Mulliken, of Lex., Nov. 1, 1838. Derby. 5 Jane, m. Mei^hibosheth Adams, May 2, 1734. 69 Amos, m. Helen Hosmer, both of Concord, Apr. 20, 1756. 69 Nathan, of Westminster, m. Abigail Peirce, of Lex., Mar. 80, 1762. Diamond. 68 Priscilla, m Ebenezer Smith, of Lex., Dec. 29, 1763. 104 William, m. Rebecca Simonds, both of Lex., Mar. 6, 1783. Dickson. X Elizabeth, m. Hubbard Russell, May 9, 1710. Discom. Hannah, m. Benjamin Muzzy, Feb. 19, 1752. Ditson. 83 Samuel, of Billerica, m. Mary Grimes, of Lex., Sept. 18, 1770. Dix, Dex. * John, of Waltham, m., in Waltham, Mrs. Rebecca (Stone) Welling- ton, of Lex., Feb. 14, 1754. 60 Elizabeth, m. Thomas Wellington, both of Waltham, Apr. 19, 1759. Dixon. t John, m. Margery Winship, May 12, 1687. Dizer. 161 Mary Ann, m. Chai'les Blodgett, both of Lex., Dec. 16, 1821. Dodge. 59 Lydia, m. Philip Russell, Jr., of Lex., June 22, 1758. 179 VVilliam J, of Lex., m. Sarah E. Dodge, of Beverly, May 1, 1837. 179 Sarah E., of Beverly, m. William J. Dodge, of Lex., May 1, 1837. Catherine, m. Daniel Y. Shipley, of Londonderry, N. H., Nov. 25, 1847. LEXINGTON BECORD OF MABBIAGES. Ill Downing. 105 Samuel, m. Susanna Brown, both of Lex., June 19, 1783. IGO Samuel, m. Miss Lydia Bloclgett (2cl wf.),both of Lex., Nov. 11, 1819. Draper. 102 William, m. Sarah Barns, both of Lex., Oct. 31, 1782. Dudley. Nathan, of Lex., m. Sarah INIuni'oe, of Lincoln, Jan. 24, 1786. 147 Sally, m. John Viles, both of Lex., Jan. 12, 1806. 156 Elizaiieth, m. James Brown, 3cl, June 9, 1811. 150 Miss Polly, m. Thomas Johnson, both of Lex., Sept. 8, 1811. 160 Betsey, m. Solomon Harrington, Jr., both of Lex., Feb. 6, 1820. 164 Francis K., m. Miss Susan P. Smith, both of Lex., May 18, 1823. 168 Miss Rebekah, m. William Shaw, both of Lex., Jul. 15, 1827. Dulin. Mary, m. Edward Harigan, s. of Michael & Hannah, Mar. 15, 1851. Dunklee. 5 Hezekiah, m. Damaris Wilson, Oct, 17, 1734. Dunster. t Henry, m. Martha Russell, Feb. 25, 1707-08. Abigail, m Jonathan Harrington, Aug. 1, 1750. Dunton. * Jemima, m., in Bedford, Nathaniel Whittemore, of Lex., Nov. 1, 1752. Dupee. 170 Elias, m. Mary Ann N. Blodgett, June 20, 1830. Durant. 135 Abraham, m. Miss Mary Russell, both of W^oburn, Oct. 25, 1801. Duren. William, of Woburn, m. Augusta R. Locke, of Lex., Feb. 4, 1845. Warren, of Woburn, s. of Abraham & Mary, m. Mary Chandler, of Lex., d. of Wm. & Betsey, Oct. 18, 1848. Dutton. 68 David, m. Hannah Whittaker, both of Bedford, Nov. 13, 1760. 89 Hannah, m. Joshua Walton, both of Bedford, Mar. 6, 1770. James, m. Abigail Winship, of Lex., Jul. 12, 1785. Dyer. 150 Enoch, m. Miss Sally Smith, May 26, 1812. Eakin. * Henry, of Lex., m., in Woburn, Isabel Holmes, of Woburn, Aug. 22, 1721. Eames. t Margaret, m. Joseph Adams, Feb. 21, 1687-88. 112 LEXINGTON RECOBD OF MABRIAGES. Eaton. * Lydia, of Reading, ra., in Reading, Pliilip Russell, of Lex., Apr. 21, 1750. 161 Benjamin, of Woburn, m. Miss Hephzibah Smith, of Lex., Apr. 19, 1821. 170 Richard, m. Lydia Ann Wheeler, Mar. 28, 1830, 173 Jesse, of Salisbury, N. H., m. Miss Susan H. Rogers, of Lex , June 10, 1832. Joseph, m. Margaret Chandler, May 9, 1835. Rebecca L., of Lex., d. of Benj. & Ann, m. Thomas W. Haskins, of Lex., s. of Robert & Rebecca, Jul. 12, 1851. Edes. 60 Daniel, Jr., of Chai'lestown, m. Katherine Mason, of Lex., Apr. 23, 1759. 109 Mary, of Lex., m. Nehemiah Hunt, of Concord, Nov. 12, 1788. Edgel. 66 John, of Westminster, m. Rebekah Winship, of Lex., Nov. 9, 1762, Edmunds. 154 William, of Maiden, m. Miss Ruth Wiley, of South Reading, Mar. 2, 1815. Edwards. 179 Hannah, of Lincoln, m. Henry Goulding, of Shirland, June 8, 1837. Elliott. 73 Susanna, m. Aaron Swan, both of Cambridge, Sept, 19, 1765. 166 Hazen, m. Miss Elmira Harrington, Nov. 28, 1824. 175 George P., of Boscamen, N. H., m. Miss Elizabeth Tidd, of Lex., May 31, 1830. 175 Samuel H., of Lowell, m. Clarrissa Harrington, of Lex., Dec. 3, 1835. Ellms. 170 Charles, m. Sally Bryant, Feb. 8, 1830. Ellton. * Lucy, of Lex., m., in Waltham, Elisha Bemis, of Waltham, Feb. 15, 1748-49. Emms. * Lydia, of Framingham, m., in Framingham, Benjamin Muzzey, of Lex., Nov. 15, 1716. Eners. * Tabitha, of Waltham, m., in Waltham, William White, s. of Joseph & Mary, of Lex., Feb. 9, 1767. Estabrook. 6 Joseph, m. Millicent Woodis, Dec. 31, 1689-90. 6 Josepli, m. Hannah Loring, 2d wf., Aug. 25, 1693, 6 Joseph, Jr., m. Submit Loring, Jul. 8, 1713. 6 Hannah, m. Joseph Frost, May 23, 1717. 20 Joseph, Jr., m. Hannah Bowman, 2d wf.. Mar. 26, 1719. 4 John, m. Prudence Harrington, Oct. 27, 1720, Hannah, m. Ebenezer Hubbard, May 7, 1752. 69 Mrs, Hannah, m. Capt. Benjamin Reed, both of Lex., Jul. 19, 1753, LEXINGTON BECOBD OF MABBIAGES. 113 Estabrook — Continued. 68 Millicent, of Lex., m. James Barrett, of Concord, Jul. 4, 1758. 61 Nehemiah, m. Elizabeth Winship, both of Lex., Mar. 1, 1759. 68 Ebenezer, m. Ruth Reed, both of Lex., Dec. 13, 1759. Hannah, of Lex., m Ebenezer Lawrence, of Woburn, Apr. 18, 1785. * Martha, of Lex., m., in Cambridge, Edward Waldron, Jr., of Sterling, Sept. 23, 1794. 160 Mary, of Lex., m. James Hapgood, of Acton, Sept. 1, 1819. 171 Clarinda, m. George Foster, Oct. 14, 1832. 179 Solomon, m. Miss Elizabeth W. Blodgett, both of Lex., Apr. 4, 1837. 187 Miss Mary Ann, ra. Richard Hawkins, Sept. 1, 1842. William, Jr., m, Lydia Gay, d. of John, all of Lex., Jan. 1, 1846. Abigail, d. of Attai & Polly, of Lex., m. Luke W. Wright, Apr. 7, 1846. Luke, s. of Wm. & Rachel, m. Lydia A. Muckley, all of Lex., Apr. 8, 1852. Francis, s. of Eliakim & Hannah, m. Louisa Jones, all of Lex., d. of Calvin & Salomi, Jul. 25, 1852. Evans. 179 Jeremiah, m. Miss Almira Locke, both of Lex , Jan. 4, 1837. 187 Willard, m. Miss Mary Lawrence, of Lex., Apr. 28, 1842. Almira R., wd. of Jeremiah and d. of Micajah & Almira Locke, ra. Jeremiah P. Gould, s. of Stephen, all of Lex., Apr. 29, 1850. Eveleth. f John, of Chebacco, m Mary Bowman, of Cambridge, Dec. 2, 1692. 5 Martha, of Stow, m. Joshua Thorneton, of Boston, Apr. 9, 1722. 70 Mrs. Lucy, of Sudbury, m Mr. Ezara Blood, of Carlisle, Nov. 25, 1755. Fairbanks. Mai'y, m. Oliver Brown, s. of Jas. & Elizabeth, all of Lex., May 20, 1852. Farley. 68 Rebekah, of Lex., m. Benjamin Putnam, of Bedford, May 5, 1763. 68 Molly, of Lex., m. Samuel Ilasselton, of Hollis, June 2, 1767. Farmer. 95 Hannah, of Lex., m. Jacob Kilborn, of Lancaster, May 6, 1777. 105 John, of Lex., m. Lucy Reed, of Cambridge, Mar. 27, 1783. * Nathaniel, of Lex., m., in Littleton, Hannah Stone, of Littleton, Mar. 7, 1786. 118 Sally, of Lex., m. Samuel Peirce, of Groton, Feb. 12, 1794. Elbridge, of West Cambridge, m. Dorcas W. Smith, d. of Ebenezer & Anna, of Lex., Mar. 7, 1848. Parnham. Tiraothj', of Billerica, m. Miss Elizabeth Williams, of Lex., Jan. 25, 1814. Farnsworth. 171 Luther, m. Mary Mulliken, Dec. 6, 183L Farrer. 130 Polly, m. Isaac Harrington, both of Lex., Oct. 21, 1798. Farrington. * Matthew, of Lex., m., in Woburn, Ruth Reed, of Woburn, June 5, 1777. 114 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF MARBIA0E8. Fassett. 70 Amity, of Lex., m. Simon Newton, of Bedford, Nov. 14, 1754. 56 Aniitj', of Lex., m. John Page, of Bedford, Jan. 15, 1756. * Joseph, of Lex., m , in Bedford, Dorothy I'ollard, of Bedford, May 6, 1756. * Dorothy, of Lex., m., in Bedford, Ebenezer Page, of Bedford, Feb. 21, 1760. Faulkner. 55 Francis, of Acton, m. Elizabeth Muzzy, of Lex., k^v. 29, 1756. Fessenden. t Hannah, m. John Sewall, Oct. 28, 1674. X Mr. Nicholas, Jr., m. Mrs. Sarah Cooledge, Aug. 8, 1706. t X Jane, ni. Samuel W^inship, Jan. 10, 1711-12. t Mary, m. Joshua Parker, both of Cambridge, June 15, 1712. 3 Thomas, m. Abagail Locke, 2d wf., Jan. 8, 1720. 50^ Mr. Thomas, m. Hannah Prentice, June 19, 1735. 29 Thomas, Sr., m. Anna Fillebrown (;kl wf.), Dec. 29, 1737. bQh. Samuel, ra. Elizabeth Allen, May 21, 1740. * Elizabeth, of Lex , m., in Dorchester, John Pierce, Jr., of Dorchester, Nov. 10, 1741. * Timothy, m., in Waltham, Elizabeth Pierce, both of Lex , Nov. 15, 1753. 61 P^lizabeth, of Lex., m. Samuel Hutchinson, of Charlestown, Apr. 27, 1758. 68 Amity, m. Solomon Peirce, both of Lex , Dec. 15, 1763 71 Aljig.ail, of Lex., m. John Hill, of Billerica, Jan. 22, 1765. 8!) Nathan, m. Sarah Winship, both of Lex., Oct. 17, 1771. 89 San)uel, m. Sarah Peirce, both of I>ex., Nov. 21, 1771. 90 Sarah, of Lex., m. Isaac Winship, of Medford, Mar. 4, 1773. * Ichabod, of Cambridge, m , in Cambridge, Rebecca Munroe, of Lex., June 7, 1795. 138 AVilliam, of Lex., m. Eunice Frost, of Cambridge, Apr. 26, 1802. 149 Mrs. Sally, m. Josiah Wellington, both of Lex., Sept. 10, 1809. 150 Miss Lydia, of Lex., m. Elisha L. Taintor, of Bedford, Aug. 26, 1810. 1,50 Miss Sally, ni. William Lovejoy, both of Lex.,'June 11, 1811. 169 Amorille, m Seth Lane, Apr. 29, 1827. 178 Miss Maria, m. William Grover, both of Lex., Oct. 8, 1835 or 1836. 183 Miss Harriet, of l^ex., m. James Ingals, of Tovvnsend, Nov. 4, 1841. Jane, d. of Nathan & Jane, of Lex., m. Charles (}. Davis, of VVobui-n, s. of John & Lydia, Dec. 14, 1847. Fillebrown. 29 Anna, m. Thomas Fessengdon, Sr., Dec. 29, 1737. 171 Hannah, m. John Smith, Oct. 6, 1831. 179 John, of West Cambridge, m. Miss Abigail Underwood, of Lex., Nov. 22, 1836. Findley. Agnes, d. of Jas., m. David Ncwten, s. of Peter & Jane, Apr. 20, 1851. Fisher. 160 Richard, of Cambridge, ni. Miss Elizabeth Fiske, of Lex., Dec. 5, 1819. Fiske. t David, ni. Seaborne Wilson (2d wf.), Sept. 6, 1655. t Lydia, m. Nicholas Wythe, Sept. 6, 1681. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF MABBIAQES. 115 Fiske — Continued. t Martha, ni. George Adams, Feb. 28, 1683. * Robert, of Lex , m., in Woburn, Mary Stimpson, of Reading, May 26, 1718. * Ebenezer, of Lex., m , in Watertown, Grace Harrington, of Water- town, Dec. 29, 1718. Elizabeth, m Robert Cutler, Sept. 3, 1751. 43 Joseph, m. Hei:)hzibah Raymond, both of Lex., Dec. 12, 1751. 69 Anna, of Lex., m. Oliver Barrett, of Concord, Oct. 2-1, 1754. * Jonathan, m , in Woburn, Abigail Locke, Sept. 4, 1755. 62 David, m. Elizabeth Blodget, both of Lex., June 25, 1760. 69 Daniel, of Waltham, ra. Sai'ali Kendall, of Lex., Apr. 7, 1763. 73 Ruth, of Lex., m. Jonathan Harrington, Feb. 13, 1766. 105 David, 3d, m. Sarah Hadley, both of Lex., Apr. 26, 1784. 107 Mrs. Rebekah (Howe), of Lex., m. Lieut. William Meriam, of Bed- ford, Mar. 28, 1786. 110 Betsey, m. Joseph "Webber, both of Lex., Apr. 14, 1788. 110 Rev. Mr. Thaddeus, of Cambridge, m. Miss Lucy Clark, of Lex., June 17, 1789. 121 Dr. Joseph, Jr., m. Elizabeth Stone, both of Lex., Jul 31, 1794. 121 Ruth, m. Jonathan Smith, Jr , both of Lex., Mar. 17, 1795. 147 David, m. Ruth Trask, both of Lex., May 6, 1806. 149 Miss Betsey, of Lex., m. Joseph Newell, of New Ipswich, Nov. 29, 1810 160 Miss Elizabeth, of Lex., m. Richard Fisher, of Cambridge, Dec. 5, 1819. David, m. Chloe Trask, Aug. 2, 1820. 160 Miss Anna, m. Oliver Winship, both of Lex., Sept. 10, 1820. 162 Henry, of Wendall, m. Miss Mary Perry, of Lex , Oct. 9, 1822. 164 Jonas Stone, m. Pamela Brown, both of Lex., May 18, 1823. 172 Eliza A., m. Nathaniel B. Pierce, Mar. 6, 18;i3. 188 Miss Evalina B., m. William R. Phipps, both of Boston, Apr. 20, 1843. Sarah A., of Lex., m. Levi McLane, of Boston, Sept. 11, 1844. Lucrecia, d. of Sam'l & Ardelia L., m. William Hudson, s. of John & Lucy, all of Lex., Oct. 19, 1845. Louisa D., d. of Benj. & Sarah, m. George Reed, all of Lex., May 30, 1847. Hannah E. D., d. of Benj. & Sarah, m. Nathan Brown, s. of Leonard & Dorcas, all of Lex., Mar. 6, 1852. Fitch. 56 Zechariah, Jr., m. Rebekah Davis, both of Bedford, Oct. 14, 1755. 68 Betty, of Bedford, m. Noah Wyeth, of Cambridge, Mar. 30, 1763. 77 Susanna, of Bedford, m Josiah Muiu'oe, of Lex., Nov. 15, 1768. 90 Joanna, of Bedford, m. Benjamin Tidd, of Lex., Jan. 6, 1774. Fitz. - 160 Abel, of Charlestown, m. Miss Sally Locke, of Lex., Aug. 25, 1820. Flagg. * Mar}', of Watertown, m., in Watertown, John Adams, of Lex., Oct. 27, 1714. 156 Elmira J., m., in Boston, John Cutler, both of Lex., Jan. 19, 1818. 168 Miss Elvii'a, m. Marshall Stearns, Sept. 17, 1826. Flanders. 171 Charles, m Sarah Smiles, Apr. 29, 1832. 116 LEXINGTON BECOED OF 3IABBIAGES. Fletcher. 70 Mary, m. William Hall, both of Billerica, Oct. 30, 1764. 75 Samuel, m. Sybil Caldwell, both of Lex., Feb. 3, 1768. Charles, in. Rebecca Cook, Apr. 12, 1829. Fogg. 173 Miss Sarah, m. Samuel Jones, both of Lex., Nov. 27, 1831. Olive B., m. Thomas R. Danforth, both of Lex., June 26, 1848. Fortune. 97 Amos, of Woburu, m. Lydia Somerset, of Billerica, Jul. 8, 1778. Foster. 92 Ruth, m. Thomas Newman, both of Lincoln, Dec. 22, 1773. 135 Nathan B., of Topsham, ni. Miss Susan Munroe,of Lex., Nov. 2, 1801. 171 Georo;e, m. Clarinda Estabrook, Oct. 14, 1832. 188 Mr. Edward, m. Miss Almii-a Winship, of Lex., Jan. 17, 1844. Fox. Jacob, m. Abigail Bridge, I\Iar. 26, 1751. 55 Abel, of Billerica, m. Abigail Perry, of Lex., Nov. 20, 1754. 68 Abigail, m. Thomas Danforth, of Billerica, Aug. 1, 1758. 117 William, of Woburn, m. Arathusa Munroe, of Lex., June 20, 1793. Fowle. 100 James, of Cambridge, m. Ruth Iladley, of Lex., Nov. 30, 1780. 103 Naomi, of Cambridge, m., in Cambridge, John Brimmer, of Lex., Dec. 10, 1783. 107 Ruth, m. James Blodgett, both of Woburn, Sept. 1, 1785, - Francis. 63 Sarah, of Medford, m. Josiah Smith, of Lex., Nov. 15, 1750. 62 Richard, of Medford, m. Hannah Winship, of Lex., Mar. 20, 1760. 109 Richard, m. Elizabeth Adams, both of Lex., Oct. 21, 1787. 150 Miss Elizabeth, m. David Harrington, both of Lex., Dec. 6, 1810. 166 Abigail, m. Albermarl Barker, June 20, 1824. Frazer. 179 George, of Lex., m. Mary Lightree, of Boston, Aug. 29, 1836. Freeman. Sarah B., of Randolph, m. Francis W. Montgomery, of Lex., Aug. 13, 1848. French. 171 Abram, m. Elizabeth Simonds, Jul. 21, 1831. 181 Thomas F., of Manchester, N. H., m. Miss Sarah J. Pierce, of Lex., May 3, 1840. Frost. 6 Joseph, m. Hannah Estabrook, May 23, 1717. f Mehitabel, m. Isaac Stearns, Dec. 24, 1725. I Anna, m. Thomas Adams, Sept. 22, 1737. 107 Neptune, of Cambridge, ra. Bathsheba Locke, of Lex., Mar. 22, 1787. 138 Eunice, of Cambridge, m. William Fessenden, of Lex., Apr. 26, 1802. Fuller. 78 Silas, m. Mary Muzzy, both of Lex., Aug. 31, 1769. LEXINGTON BE COED OF MABBIAGES. 117 Gage, 171 Addison, m. Anna Harrington, Dec. 27, 1832. David A , s. of Asa & Abby, of Charlestown, m. Faustina M. Locke, d. of Oliver & Joanna, of Lex., Dec. 3, 184:6. Gammell. 150 John, of Cliarlesto\vu,m. Miss Rlioda Robinson, of Lex.,]\Iay 19, 1810. John, Jr., m. Martha A. Lakin, both of Lex., Jan. 18, 1846. Eben, s. of John & Khoda, m. Mary Ann Buttertield, d. of Abel, all of Lex., Nov. 3, 1850. Gardner. f Rebecca, m. Samuel Whitniore, Mar. 31, 1686. Garfield. 184 Miss Betsey S., m. Benjamin Gleason, of Lex., May 14, 1842. Garland. Jonathan, Jr., s of Susan, m. Augusta Stoddard, d. of Joshua & Al- mira, all of Woburn, Apr. 7, 1848. Garmon. Jane J., m. John K. Hanscom, both of Lex., June 4, 1844. Aaron Y., s. of Ebenezer & Jane, of Lex., m. Roxanna M. Jones, Nov. 26, 1846. Gay. Lydia, d. of John, m. William Estabrook, Jr., all of Lex,, Jan. 1, 1846. Gelston. John, m. Rachel Cutter, Apr. 9, 1752. Gerry. Hollis, m. Elizabeth MuUiken, d. of Isaac & Mary, all of Lex , Dec. 28, 1848. N. IL, m. Elizabeth B. Whitcomb, d. of Thos., all of Lex., Oct. 25, 1849. Gibson. f Rebecca, m. Charles Stearns, June 22, 1654. Giles. 184 Elbridge W , of Lincoln, m. Miss Lucy Ilayward, of Lex., Dec. 5, 1842. Gilman. 164 Daniel, m. Miss Ruth Russell, Apr. 4, 1824. 172 Bryam P., m. Lucy Bacon, Feb. 13, 1833. John R., s. of Dan'l & Ruth, of Woburn, m. Elizabeth Oles, d. of Jas. & Eunice, , 1847. Gleason. 89 Jonas, m. Ruth Bacon, both of Lex., Apr. 30, 1771. 150 Mr. Joel, of Bedford, m. Miss Lydia Munroe, of Lex., Apr. 11, 1811. 171 William, m. Charlotte Brown, Oct. 9, 1832. 184 Benjamin, m. Miss Betsey S. Garfield, of Lex., May 14, 1842. Mary A., d. of Wm., of Lex., m. Moses D. Reed, of West Cambridge, s. of Joshua, Jul. 20, 1853. 118 LEXINGTON BE CORD OF 3IAIiBIAGES. Glidden. 18i John, m. Miss Mehotabel J. Bunker, of Lex., Nov. 20, 1812. Glossom. 178 Elijah, of Bedford, m. Miss Sarah E, Harrington, of Lex., JuL 26, i835. Goddard. 184 Alonzo, m. Elizabeth W. Smith, of Lex., Apr. I, 1841. Godding. Alpheus L., of Lex., m. Lydia M. Chandler, Nov. 30, 1848. Goodnow. 32 Moses, of Sudbury, m. Lucy Russell, of Lex., Nov. 23, 1738. 187 Miss Sarah Ann, of Concord, m. Leonard Brown, of Lex., Apr. 14, 1842. Gould. 171 Thomas C , m. Sarah Locke, Nov. 8, 1832. Jeremiah P., s. of Ste|)hen, m. wid Almira 11. Evans, d. of Micajah & Almira Locke, all of Lex., Apr. 29, 1850. Goulding. 179 Henry, of Shirland, m Hannah Edwards, of Lincoln, June 8, 1837. Gove. 29 Kezia, m. Joseph Loriny, Jr., Jan. 1, 1735-36. Gowen. * Abi2:ail, of Maiden, m., in Maiden, Thomas Locke, of Lex., Apr. 22, 1779. Grandy. X Tlie records of liie Ch. of Christ, Cambridge, read, " Rebecca (J randy & Samuel Bobbins, m. Dec, 1706," and also, " Elizabeth (irandy, of Cambridge, & Samuel Bobbins, of Watertown, m. Dec, 1706." Green. X Sarah, m. Natlianiel Hancock, Dec. 26, 1699. 6 Ester, m. Amos Muzzey, Sept. 26, 1734. 53 Mrs. Esther, m. Mr. Be*^[ijamin Smith, May 3, 1750. Samuel, m. Kezia Smith, Apr. 3, 1751. * Isaac, of Lex., m., in Medford, Eleanor Tufts, of Medford, Feb. 5, 1778 110 Rev. Benjamin, of Medway, m. Miss L3'dia Clark, of Lex., Auo. 13, 1789. 149 Miss Nancy, of Lex., m. Leonard Lawrence, of \yalthani, Nov. 27, 1808. 149 Eli, of Bo.ston, m. Miss Patience Phinney, of Lex., Sept. 25, 1809. 1.50 Samuel, of Bedford, m. Miss Hannali Park, of Lex., May 23, 1811. 174 Miss Abigail, m. Elmus Tainter, botii of Lex., Apr. 26, 1835. Gregory. * Susannah, of Weston, m., in Weston, Jonas Bowman, of Lex., May 18, 1758. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF 31ABBIAGES. 119 Grimes. 76 William, m. Abigail Reed, both of Lex., Jan. 21, 1766. 83 Mai-y, of Lex., m. Sanmel Ditson, of Billerica, Sept. 18, 1770. Grout. * Elizabeth, of Smlbnvy, m., in Siulburv, Joel Winship, of Lex , Jan. 15, 1765. Grover. 113 John, m. Polly Peirce, both of Lex., Aug. 12, 1790. 118 Antipas, m. Sarah Peirce, both of Lex., Mar. 27, 1791. 170 William, m Lucy Harrington, Sept. 20, 1829. 178 William, m. Miss Mariir Fessendon, both of Lex., Oct. 8, 1835 or 1836 (?). Hackett. 183 James M., m. Abigail Locke, of Lex., Jul. 30, 1837. Hadley. 39 Thomas, m. Ruth Lawrance, both of Lex., Apr. 15, 1741. Hannah, m. Corneliu.'^ Mead, Oct. 15, 1751. * Thomas, Jr., of Lex., m., in Bedford, Alice Newton, of Bedford, Sept. 16, 1773. 99 Ebenezer, m. Phcbe Winship, Mar. 11, 1779. 100 Ruth, of Lex., m. James Fowle, of Cambridge, Nov. 30, 1780. 105 Sarah, m David Fiske, 3d, both of Lex., Apr. 26, 1784. 105 Alice, m. Samuel Meriam, Feb. 21, 1785 * Simon, of Lex., m., in Bedford, Olive Porter, of Bedford, J;ui. 27, 1791. 115 Amity, of Lex., m, Thomas Stutson, of Boston, Feb 26, 1792. 117 Elizabeth, of Lex., m. William Blackington, of Cambridge, Dec. 25, 1793. 164 John, m. I\liss Susan Harrington, both of Lex., Jan. 1, 1S23 179 Stephen, of Woburn, m. Anna Clefton, of Lex., Nov. 7, 1837. Sewell T., m. Millicent A. I). Lakin, d. of Lemuel, all of Lex., Nov. 29, 1849. Benjamin, m. Mercy Ann Hall, both of Lex., d. of Orin Hall, Jul. 4, 18,52. HaU. 70 William, m. Mary Fletcher, both of Billerica, Oct. 30, 1764. 181 ]\Irs. Lebia, of BrcM'stei-, m. Joel Smith, of Lex., June 9, 1839. David, of Boston, m. Mary R Smith, of Lex., d. of Elias & Harriet, Oct. 8, 1846 Mercv Ann, of Lex , d. of Orin, m. Benjamin Hadley, of Lex., Jul. 4, 1852. Hamm. Louisa M., of Dover, N. H., d. of Titus & Nancy, m. Ebenezer Seaver, of Roxbury, s. of Thos. & Elizabeth, Mar. 30, 1853. Hammond. * Avis, of Watertov^^n, m., in Watert(»wn, Nehemiah Munroe, of Lex., Dec. 5, 1771. * Sarah, of Newton, m., in Newton, Josiah Reed, of Lex., Feb. 19, 1792. Hancock. t Nathaniel, m. Mary Prentice, Mar. 8, 1663-64. X Nathaniel, m. Sarah Green, Dec, 26, 1699. 120 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF 3IARBIAGES, Hancock — Continued. J Ebenezei", m. Susanna Clavk, Jan. 14, 1702 t Elizabeth, m. Benjamin VVj-man, Jan. 20, 1702. f Sarah, m John Cooper, June 21, 1720. Mary, m. Daniel Perkins, June 29, 1751. Hanscom. 169 Joshua, m. Mary Child, both of Lex., Dec. 1, 1828. John K., m. Jane J. Garmon, both of Lex., June 4, 1844. Jonas, s. of Tobias & Hukla, m. Maria Adams, d. of Ebenezer & Anna, all of Lex., June 25, 1851. Hapgood. 160 James, of Acton, m. Miss Mary Estabrook, of Lex., Sept. 1, 1819. Hardy. Lavinia, m. Geoi'ge Steai*ns, both of Lex., Dec. 25, 1844. Harigan. Edward, s. of Michael & Hannah, m. Mary Dulin, IVLar. 15, 1851. Harrington. f Thomas, m. Abigail Rice, both of Cambridge, Feb. 5, 1712-13. * Elizabeth, of Watertovvn, ni., m Watertown, Isaac Bowman, of Lex., Mar. 28, 1716 * Grace, of Watertown, m., in Watertown, Ebenezer Fiske, of Lex , Dec. 29, 1718. t Anne, m. Samuel Cutter, Nov. 10, 1720. Heni-y, m. Sarah Laughton, June 4, 1735. 32 Abigail, of Lex., m. John Patts or Palls, of Townsend, Mar. 1, 1737-38. Jonathan, m. (IVIrs.) Abigail Dunster or Dunston, Aug. 1, 1750. 54 Sarah, m. Thomas Winship, both of Lex., May 28, 1755. 62 Henry, Jr., m. Ruth Blodget, of Lex., Oct. 25, 1759. 62 Daniel, m. Anna Munroe, both of Lex., May 8, 1760. 69 John, m. Mary Wooten, both of Lex., Dec. 3, 1761. 71 Elizabeth, m. Samuel Smith, of Lex., Aug. 30, 1764. 71 Thaddeus, of Lex., ni. Lydia Porter, of Woburn, Sept. 20, 1764. 73 Jonathan, m. Ruth Fisk, both of f.ex., Feb. 13, 1766. 74 Elizabeth, m. Ebenezer White, both of Lex., Feb. 12, 1766-67. 79 Rebekah, m P^dmund Munroe, both of Lex., Aug. 31, 1769. 79 Jeremiah, m Sarah Locke, both of Lex., Dec. 21, 1769. 89 Thomas, of Lex., m. Lucy Perry, of Bedford, Jul. 4, 1771. * Mary, of Lex., m., in Boston, William Chambers, of Boston, Mar. 24, 1773. 92 Moses, Jr , m. Mary Reed, both of Lex., Apr. 28, 1774. Ruth, of Lex., m. John Smith, of Boston, Feb. 8, 1777. 95 Mary, of Lex., m. Newhall Reed, of Woburn, Oct. 16, 1777. 95 Jonathan, m Lydia Mulliken, both of Lex., Nov. 18, 1777. 97 Anna, m. Cally Newell, both of Lex., Apr. 21, 1778. 101 Mr. Robert, m. Mrs. Chloe Trask, both of Lex., Apr. 16, 1781. 102 Jonathan, Jr., m. Sally Banks, both of Lex,, Nov. 14, 1782. 105 Henry, 3d, ni. Amity Peirce, both of Lex., Mar. 13, 1783. 108 Abijali, m. Polly Raymond, both of Lex., Apr. 21, 1784. 105 Levi, m. Rebekah Mulliken, both of Lex., Jul. 27, 1784. 107 Charles, m. Mary Brown, both of Lex., Dec. 18, 1786. 107 Rebecca, of Lex., m. Amos Stickney, of Tewksbury, Mar. 25, 1787. Ill Ebenezer, m. (Mrs.) Sarah Jolmson, both of Lex., Sept. 4, 1788. 116 Arethusa, m. George Whitehead, both of Lex., Feb. 25, 1792. 115 Joseph, m. Lucy Russell, both of Lex., Mar. 27, 1792. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF MABBIAGES. 121 Harrington — Continued. 4 Prudence, m. John Estabrooke, Oct. 27, 1720. 117 Grace, m. Abner Peirce, both of Lex., Jul. 22, 1792. 117 Polly, m. Joseph Harrington, both of Lex., Nov. 29, 1792. 117 Ann, m. Thomas Winship, both of Lex., A\)V. 11, 1793. 118 Sally, of Lex., m. Edward Blaekington, of Cambridge, Dec. 30, 1793. * Cloe, of Lex., m., in Woburn, David Cummings, of Woburn, Apr. 16, 1795. 128 Fanny, m. Seth Reed, both of Lex., June 26, 1796, 128 Ruth, of Lex., m. Robert Mullet, of Charlestown, Nov. 20, 1796. 128 Betsey, of Lex., m. Jamas Bruce, of Woburn, Jan. 15, 1797. 180 Isaac, m. Polly Farrer, both of Lex., Oct. 21, 1798. 132 Eusebia, m. Joseph Underwood, Jr., both of Lex., Mar. 7, 1800. 134 Isanna, m. Timothy Page, of Bedford, Jan. 11, 1801. 138 Senneca, of Worcester, m. Polly Munroe, of Lex., Mar. 2, 1802. 150 David, m. Miss Elizabeth Francis, both of Lex., Dec. 6, 1810. 150 Miss Mary, m. Stephen Robbins, Jr., both of Lex., June 5, 1811. 150 Miss Polly, of Lex , m. Payson Perrin, of Boston, June 22, 1811. 152 Miss Elizabeth, of Woburn, m. William Chandler, of Lex., Oct. 17, 1813. 154 Miss Kezia, m. Otis Locke, both of Lex., Apr. 2, 1815. 160 Miss Betsey, of Lex., m. Walter R. Mason, of Cambridge, June 20, 1819. 160 Solomon, Jr., m. Betsey Dudley, both of Lex., Feb. 6, 1820. 158 Miss Fanny, of Lex., m. Horace Skilton, of Bedford, Oct. 29, 1820. 162 Sophia, of Lex., m. Harrison Gray Otis Munroe, of Boston, Dec. 12, 1822. 164 Miss Susan, m. John Hadley, both of Lex., Jan. 1, 1823. 164 Miss Rebekah, of Lex., m. Daniel Hastings, 2d, of Boston, Nov. 4, 1823. 164 Abijah, m. Mrs. Mary Locke, both of Lex., Dec. 14, 1823. 166 Capt. Nathan, Jr., m. Mrs. Martha T. Mead, Feb. 1, 1824. 166 Miss Elmira, m. Hazen Eliot, Nov. 28, 1824. 166 Daniel, m. Miss Hannah Jacobs, Dec. 16, 1824. 166 Mrs. Abigail Stimpson, m. James Wyman, 2d, both of Lex , Feb. 8, 1825. 168 Miss Lucy Ann, m. Seth Bennett, Mar. 19, 1826. 168 Nathan, m. Miss Sarah Child, both of Lex., Jul. 8, 1827. 170 Lucy, m. William Grover, Sept. 20, 1829. 170 Mrs. Hannah, of Lex., m. Luther Brooks, of East Cambridge, June 1, 1830. 171 Anna, m. Addison Gage, Dec. 27, 1832. 172 Emeline, m. Oi-vilers M. Blodgett, both of Bedford, May 5, 1833. 172 Mary B., m. Charles I. Adams, May 14, 1835. 178 Miss Sarah E., of Lex., m. Elijah Glosson, of Bedford, Jul. 26, 1835. 175 Clarrissa, of Lex., m. Samuel H. Elliot, of Lowell, Dec. 3, 1835. 181 Daniel F., of Lincoln, m. Miss Mary E. Morse, of Lex., Apr. 19, 1840. 184 Sylvester, m. Miss Mary Ann Robinson, of Lex., May 23, 1841. Frances A., m. Loring S. Pierce, s. of Loring & Sybil, all of Lex., Apr. 23, 1846. Harris. 93 Millicent, of Lex., m. Asa Rugg, of Lancaster, Feb. 28, 1776. Capt. Josiah, m. Mrs. Joanna Abrahams, both late of Charlestown, now of Lex., May 30, 1776. 115 Rev. William, of Salem, m. Mrs. Martha Clark, of Lex., Nov. 3, 1791. Joseph, m., in West Cambridge, Mrs. Sally A. Cutter, Apr. 7, 1829. 174 Elbridge, m. Miss Eunice Jane Bowles, both of Boston, Apr. 26, 1835. 122 LEXINGTON JlECOBD OF MABBIAG^S. Hartwell. 76 Tabitha, m. Judah Right, both of Bedford, May 14, 1767. 89 Elisabeth, of Bedford, m. Robert Reed, of Woburn, Mar. 2, 1771. 92 Stephen, m. Sarah Reed, both of Bedford, Jan. 19, 1775. 172 Jonathan, Esq., m. Mrs. Betsey A. Viles, May 2, 1833. Haskins. Thomas W., of Lex., s. of Robert & Rebecca, m. Rebecca L. Eaton, of Lex., d. of Benj. & Ann, Jul. 12, 1851. Hasley. Hannah, m. Lawrence White, Jan. 1, 1850. Hasselton. 68 Samuel, of Hollis, m. Molly Farley, of Lex., June 2, 1767. Hastings. * Lucia, of Waltham, m., in Waltham, Moses Winship, of Lex., Apr. 3, 1746. 56 Samuel, m. Lydia Tidd, of Lex., Jan. 16, 1755. * Elizabeth, of Watertown, m., in Watertown, Jonathan Cutter, of Lex., Dec. 12, 1751. * Thaddeus, of Lex., m., in Watei'town, Mary Stratton, of Watertown, May 29, 1763. Hitty, m. John Peak, both of Lex., Mar. 21, 1776. 97 Samuel, Jr., of Lex., m. Lydia Nelson, of Lincoln, Oct. 1, 1778. 101 Hephzibah, of Lex., m. John Sawin, of Watertown, Apr. 17, 1781. 105 John, m. Esther Lawrence, both of Lex., Oct. 7, 1784. 109 Samuel, m. Mary Simpson, both of Lex., Aug. 27, 1788. 149 Sophia, of Lex., m. Isaac S. Spi'ing, of Standish, June 18, 1809. 152 Miss Nancy, of Lex., m. Joseph Bailey, of Standish, June 15, 1812. 160 Miss Harriet, of Lex., m. Elias Smith," of Lex., Aug. 8, 1819. 161 James, of Lincoln, m. Miss Sally Mead, of Lex., Oct. 11, 1821. 161 Abigail, of Lex., m. Jonathan Carey, of Boston, Dec. 9, 1821. 164 Daniel, 2d, of Boston, m. Miss Rebekah HaiTington, of Lex., Nov. 4, 1823. 187 Mrs. Martha, m. Augustus Wellington, Sept. 18, 1842. Isabella L., m. Sullivan Wellington, both of Lex., Apr. 11, 1844. Charles, of Cambridge, s. of Jas. & Sally, m. ]\iartha Tuttle, d. of David & Martha, of Lex., Nov. 26, 1846. Martha W., d. of Chas. & Martha, of Waltham, m. Walter Welling- ton, s. of Marshall & Elizabeth, of Lex., Dec. 30, 1847. Hawkins. 183 Guy C, m. Alice Cutler, both of Lex., Nov. 29, 1838. 187 Richard, m. Miss Mary Ann Estabrook, of Lex., Sept. 1, 1842. Hayward. 132 Esther, m. John Tidd, Jr., both of Lex., Mar. 14, 1800. Haywood. 70 Mrs. Mary, m. Mr. Francis Wheeler, both of Acton, June 5, 1755- 184 Miss Lucy, of Lex., m. Elbridge W. Giles, of Lincoln, Dec. 5, 1842. Head. 174 John L., of Haverhill, m. Miss Laura Wyman, of Roxbury, Mar. 29, 1835. LEXINGTON BEGOBD OF MABRIAGE8. 123 Herrick. * Anna, of Wenham, m., in Wenham, John Bridge, of Lex., June 4, 1730. Hide. 76 John, m. Joanna Reed, both of Newton, May 3, 1768. Hildreth. t Sarah, m. David Stone, Dec. 31, 1674. Hill. 71 Jolin, of Billerica, m. Abigail Fessenden, of Lex., Jan. 22, 1765. * Phebe, of Cambridge, m., in Cambridge, Joel Winship, of Lex., Nov. 14, 1792. 118 Nathaniel, of Cambridge, m. Abigail Simonds, of Lex., Jan. 28, 1794. 148 Amos, of Nottingham, N. H., m. Lucy Locke, of Lex., Dee. 27, 1807. 179 William, 3d, of West Cambridge, m. Miss Betsey Underwood, of Lex., Nov. 24, 1836. Hoar. 5 John, m. Esther Peirce, June 13, 1734. * Rebecca, of Lincoln, m., in Lincoln, Josejah Cutler, of Lex., May 6, 1755. 62 Esther, of Lincoln, m. Edmund Bowman, of Lex., May 8, 1760. 183 Joseph Nelson, of Groton, m. Eliza Ann Nelson, of Lincoln, May 22, 1838. Hob art. 179 Seth Lincoln, of Hingham, m. Miss Louisa Caroline Muzzey, of Lex., Dec. 22, 1836. Joshua, Jr., m. Mary R. Knight, d. of Loammi & Mary, all of Lex., Nov. 25, 1852. Hobbs. * Eunice, of Weston, m., in Weston, Joseph Parker, of Lex., Jul. 5, 1759. * Samuel, of Weston, m., in Weston, Lucy Munroe, of Lex., Nov. 24, 1774. Hodgman. 56 Samuel, m. Abigail Cutler, of Lex., May 7, 1755. Holt. 170 Ezekiel, m. Emelia Davis, Oct. 17, 1830. Holbrook. Susan L., m. William H. Smith, 2d, s. of Hannah, May 20, 1849. HoUis. 171 Betsey, m. Charles Allen, Aug. 5, 1832. Esther F., d. of David & Maria, m. Prentiss Child, of Woburn, s. of Isaac & Betsey, Jan. 14, 1847. Holmes. * Isabel, of Woburn, m., in Woburn, Henry Eakin, of Lex., Aug. 22, 1721. 124 LEXINCiTON EECOBD OF MAEBIAGES. Homer. 89 John, ni. Lucy Taylor, both of Concord, Apr. 24, 1769. Horton. 152 Michael, m. Miss Mary Knight, both of Lex., Sept. 27, 1814. George F. IL, of Clinton, s. of Elisha & Elizabeth, m. Lydia W. Mul- liken, d. of Nath'l & Lydia, of Lex., May 30, 1849. Hosly. * Martha, of Billerica, m., in Billerica, Jonas Parker, of Lex., Aug. 15, 1776. Hosmer. 69 Helen, m. Amos Derby, both of Concord, Api*. 20, 1756. 170 Ebenezer C, m. Mary Ann Muzzy, Nov. 26, 1829. 170 Ellas P., m. Harriet Wyman, Oct. 14, 1830. Houghton. * Mrs. Susanna, of Lancaster, m., in Lancaster, Joshua Reed, of Lex., Nov. 27, 1753. Hovey. * Experience, of Lex., m., in Cambridge, Josiah Williams (Cam- bridge?), Dec. 17, 1776. Howe. 71 Elizabeth, of Concord, m. John Loring, of Lex., Jan. 8, 1764. 168 Isaac, m. Miss Ann Pteed, May 19, 1825. 179 Joseph, m. Elizabeth Childs, both of Lex., Apr. 9, 1838. Hubbard. t James, m. Sarah Winship, Sept. 29, 1659. j Mary, m. Jason Russell, May 27, 1684. Ebenezer, m. Hannah Estabrook, May 7, 1762. Hudson. William, s. of John & Lucy, m. Lucrecia Fiske, d. of Sam'l & Ardelia L., all of Lex., Oct. 19, 1845. Humble. 75 Elizabeth, m. Isaac Trask, both of Lex., Apr. 16, 1767. Hunnewell. 150 Mr. Thomas, of Chai'lestown, m. Miss Mary Munroe, of Lex., June 13, 1811. Hunt. 70 Ephraini, m. Tabitha Raymond, both of Concord, May 27, 1756. 109 Nehomiah, of Concord, m. Mary Edes, of Lex., Nov. 12, 1788. Hutchinson. 61 Samuel, of Charlestown, m. Elizabeth Fessenden, of Lex., Apr. 27, 1758. 179 Charles, of Burlington, m. Miss Lydia Ann Bailey, of Lex., Apr. 30, 1837. 179 Jacob H., of Charlestown, m. Eliza Ann Crosby, of West Cambridge, Jul. 1, 1838. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF MABBIAaES. 125 lies. 130 Sally, m. Isaac Smith, both of Lex., Aug, 6, 1798. Ingals. 183 James, of Townsend, m. Miss Harriet Fessendon, of Lex., Nov. 4, 1841. William H., of Lex., s. of John R. & Eliza, m. Annette M. Stickney, d. of Randolph & Rhody, of Lex., Jul. 24, 1863. Ingoldsby. 95 Abigail, m. Joseph Smith, both of Lex., Mar. 13, 1777. Ireland. 83 Isaiah, of Charlestown, m. Anna Bacon, of Bedford, Aug. 23, 1770. Jacobs. 166 Miss Hannah, m. Daniel Harrington, Dec. 16, 1824. 183 Sumner, of Medford, m. Octavia Burbank, of Lex., 1837. Jaqnith. 170 Merritt, m. Pamela Reed, Apr. 8, 1830. Jennings. 171 Mary, m , T. R. says Jonathan Robinson, P. R. says Jacob Robinson, May 1, 1831. Jennison. 65 Josiah, m. Mary Tidd, of Lex., Feb. 12, 1756. * Abigail, of Weston, m., in Weston, Andrew Parker, of Lex., Nov. 29, 1769. 101 Betsey, of Lex., m. Thomas Russell, Jr., of Weston, Apr. 26, 1781. Jewett. 69 Joseph, of Littleton, m. Rebeckah Abbott, of Bedford, Nov. 3, 1763. 108 Esther, m. Samuel Crafts, both of Boston, Jan. 12, 1786. 147 Elizabeth, of Lex., m. Thomas Munroe, of Cambridge, Mar. 31, 1805. 188 Miss Eliza, of Lex., m. Charles Brown, of Lincoln, Apr. 28, 1842. Johnson. t Marmaduke, m. Ruth Cane, Apr. 28, 1670. * William, m., in Lancaster, Ruth Rugg, both of Lex., Feb. 11, 1724-25. 68 Kezia, m. Jacob Kendall, both of Woburu, June 25, 1761. 89 Rebekah, of Lynn, m. Samuel Winship, Jr., Jul. 4, 1771. 92 Jotham, m. Eunice Reed, both of Woburn, Feb. 23, 1775. Obadiah, of Roxbury, m. Sarah Loring, of Lex., Oct. 21, 1776. 107 Abel, of Boston, m. Beulah Reed, of Lex., Jan. 28, 1787. Ill Sarah, m. Ebenezer Harrington, both of Lex., Sept. 4, 1788. 130 Munson, m. Betsey Munroe, both of Lex., Mar. 20, 1798. 133 Dorothy, of Woburn, m. Nathaniel Simonds, of Lex., Sept. 21, 1800. 138 David, m. Philena Munroe, both of Lex., Feb. 2, 1804. 150 Thomas, m. Miss Polly Dudley, both of Lex., Sept. 8, 1811. 152 Miss Rhoda, m. Jonathan Munroe, both of Lex., Apr. 6, 1812. 152 Josiah, m. Miss Clarissa Blodgett, both of Lex., Mar. 31, 1814. 166 Miss Lydia, m. Tolman Seeley, Nov. 18, 1824. 168 John, 2d, m. Miss Emily Wyman, Mar. 31, 1825. 171 Susan H., m. Horatio Brown, Apr. 22, 1832. 174 John M., of Concord, N. H., m. Miss Susan B. Clapp, of Lex., -Tan. 14, 1835. 189 Mary D., m. Cotesworth P. Wheeler, June 16, 1836. 126 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF MABBIAGE8. Johnson — Continued. 183 Francis, of Woburn, m. Susan E. Munroe, of Lex., , 1838. 187 Miss Sarah Jane, m. Alfred Laws, June II, 1842. Susan S., d. of Thos. & Mary, m. David A. Tuttle, s. of David & Martha, all of Lex., Dec. 30, 1846. Jones. t Dorcas, m, Samuel Stone, June 12, 1679. 51 Tabitha, m., in Weston, William Munroe, May 29, 1745. 65 Samuel, m. Esther Meriam, both of Lex., Nov. 27, 1760. 99 Thomas, of Concord, m. Sarah Mead, of Lex., Nov. 11, 1779. 173 Samuel, m. Sarah Fogg, both of Lex., Nov, 27, 1834. Eoxana M., m. Aaron Y. Garmon, s. of Ebenezer & Jane, of Lex., Nov. 26, 1846. Louisa, of Lex., d. of Calvin & Salomi, m. Francis Estabrook, s. of Eliakim & Hannah, of Lex., Jul. 26, 1852. Joslin. 69 Samuel, of Newbrantry, ra. Sarah Tidd, of Lex., Nov. 23, 1763. Kelly, Kelley. * Nathan, m., in Woburn, Betsey Abbot, both of Lex., Oct. 11, 1791. Catherine, of Lex., m. Loyal McDonald, of Lincoln, s. of Francis & Charlotte, Aug. 28, 1852. Kendall. •f Elizabeth, m. Ephi-aim Winship, Nov. 9, 1675. Jabez, m. Sarah Parker, June 21, 1739. 69 Obediah, of Woburn, m. Elizabeth Miles, of Concord, Jan. 27, 1756. 65 Jacob, of Dunstable, m. Elizabeth Cutler, of Lex., Apr. 7, 1761. 68 Jacob, m. Kezia Johnson, both of Woburn, June 25, 1761. 69 Sarah, of Lex., m. Daniel Fisk, of Waltham, Apr. 7, 1763. Keyes. 184 Franklin, m. Eliza M. Reed, of Lex., Sept. 11, 1842. Kidder. 113 Nehemiah, of Tewksbury, m. Lydia Cutler, of Lex., May 25, 1790. Kilborn. 95 Jacob, of Lancaster, m. Hannah Farmer, of Lex., May 6, 1777. King. 170 George, m. Emelia Marrett, Nov. 17, 1830. Knight. 152 Miss Mary, m. Michael Horton, both of Lex., Sept. 27, 1814. 170 Capt. Loammi, m. Mary Robbins, May 3, 1829. Marj' R., d. of Loammi & Mary, m. Joshua Hobart, Jr., all of Lex., Nov. 25, 1852. Knowlton. * Jeremiah, of Lex., m., in Waltham, Abigail Pierce, of Waltham, Apr. 4, 1771. Laird. Robert W., of Charlestown, s. of Robert & Judith, ra. Harriet M. Angier, d. of Dan'l & Sarah, of Lex., Dec. 29, 1853. LEXINGTON BE COED OF MABMIAGE8. 127 Lakin. Martha A., ni. John Gammell, Jr., both of Lex., Jan. 18, 1846. Eliza, d. of Sam'l & Rebecca, of Lex., m. James M. Colburn, of Lex., s. of Abel & Sarah, Jul. 5, 18-16. Millicent A. D., d. of Lemuel, m. Sewell T. Hadley, all of Lex., Nov. 29, 1847. Iiampson. * William, of Keene, m., in Medford, Margery Russell, of Lex., Jul. 5, 1791. * Elizabeth, m., in Carlisle, Joseph Raimond, both of Lex., Dec. 30, 1794. 148 Mary, m. Capt. Daniel Boyer, both of Lex., Dec. 7, 1806. Lane. Job, m. Sarah Meriam, Mar. 1, 1739. * John, Jr , of Bedford, m., in Bedford, Ruth Bowman, of Lex., Feb. 14, 1745-46. 68 Capt. James, of Bedford, m. Cherry Wellengton, of Cambridge, Aug. 9, 1763. 92 John, 3d, m. Ruhamah Reed, both of Bedford, Nov. 25, 1773. 130 Patty, m. Aaron Blodgett, both of Lex., May 1, 1798. 160 Miss Hannah, of Lex., m. William L. Smith, of Boston, Oct. 20, 1819. 162 Luke, m. Martha Shattuck, both of Lex., Apr. 18, 1822. 169 Seth, m. Amorille Fessendon, Apr. 29, 1827. Langdon. 149 James H., of Montpelier, Vt., m. Miss Nabby Bobbins, of Lex., June 26, 1809. Larnard. 188 Rufus, of Shutesbury, m. Miss Catherine Wheeler, of Lex., Mar. 5, 1844. Laughton. Sarah, m. Henry Harrington, June 4, 1735. Hannah, m. Ebenezer Burgess, Oct. 4, 1739. 57 Hephzibah, m. Edward Winship, 3d, both of Lex., Feb. 9, 1757. Lawrence. X Isaac, m. Abigail Bellows, Apr. 19, 1682. 16 John, Jr., m. Elizabeth Stone, May 18, 1710. 51 Jonathan, of Lex,, m. Elizabeth Swain, of Reading, Feb. 26, 1726-27. 5 Benjamin, m. Jane Russell, Feb 12, 1734-35. 39 Rutii, m. Thomas Hadley, both of Lex,, Apr. 15, 1741. Mary, m. Abijah Smith, Jan. 18, 1750. Sarah, m. Jonathan Reed, Jan. 30, 1752. 61 Bezaleel, m. Sarah Muzzy, of Lex., Oct. 19, 1758. 101 Sarah, m. John Smith, both of Lex., Nov. 15, 1781. 105 Esther, m. John Hastings, both of Lex., Oct. 7, 1784. 71 Elizabeth, of Lex., m. Thaddeus Bowman, of Cambridge, Nov. 7, 1784. * Jonas, of Lex.,m., in Woburn, Dorcas Wood, of Woburn, Apr. 23, 1789. Ebenezer, of Woburn, m. Hannah Estabrook, of Lex , Apr. 18, 1785. 134 Jonathan, of Lex., m. Polly Reed, of Bedford, Apr. 12, 1798. 149 Leonard, of Waltham, m. Miss Nancy Green, of Lex., Nov. 27, 1808. 161 Miss Louisa, of Lex., m. Marshall Brown, of Weston, Oct. 23, 1821. 162 Miss Maria, m. Joshua Stearns Smith, both of Lex., Apr. 24, 1822. 162 Isaac W., m. Miss Mary Parker, both of Lex., Sept. 11, 1822. 162 Adeline, of Lex., m. Thomas Barnes, of Walthan, Nov. 21, 1822. 166 Miss Esther, m. Royal Stearns, May 2, 1824. 128 LEXINGTON RECOttD OF MARRIAGES. Lawrence — Continued. 166 Miss Sybil, m. Simeon Bass, Dec. 16, 1824. 170 Elizabeth S., m. William H. Piper, Apr. 30, 1829. 187 Miss Mary, m. Willard Evans, of Lex., Apr. 28, 1842. Julia Ann, d. of Sidney & Anna, m. Sidney Butterfield, both of Lex., Oct. 1, 1848. Liaws. 187 Alfred, m. Miss Sarah Jane Johnson, June 11, 1842. Leath. * Rhoda, of Woburn, m., in Woburn, Joseph Munroe, of Lex., Jul. 22, 1783. Leatherbee. Daniel, of Rindge, N. H., m. Hepzibah Meriam.of Lex., Dec. 19, 1782. Leathers. 99 Susanna, m. Joshua Reed, Jr., both of Lex., Sept. 11, 1780. Leavitt. 6 Hannah, m. Joseph Loring, Oct. 25, 1683. Le Baron. 171 Joseph F., m. Phebe L. Smith, Dec. 13, 1832. Leonard. 71 Simeon, of Bridgewatei", m. Anna Smith, of Lex., Apr. 10, 1764. 74 Nathan, of Hai'dwick, m. Amity Cutler, of Lex., Nov. 6, 1766. Lewis. Gilman, of Woburn, s. of Chas. & Hannah, m. Clemantine Austin, d. of Gaius & Anna, of Reading, Nov. 27, 1848. Lightree. 179 Mary, of Boston, m. George Frazer, of Lex., Aug. 29, 1836. Littlehall. William H., of Lex., m. Mary L. Crowley, Dec. 23, 1849. Livingston. IGl Mr. Larkin, of Chelmsford, m. Miss Susan Munroe, of Lex., Dec. 7, 1821. Locke. * Sarah, of Lex,, m., in Woburn, Samuel Snow, of Woburn, June 10, 1718. 3 Abagail, m. Thomas Fessenden, Jan. 8, 1720. 1 Abigail, m. Jonas Meriam, Oct. 3, 1728. 6 Joanna, xu. Jonas Monroe, Jan. 3, 1734. * Rebekah, of Woburn, m., in Woburn, William Munroe, of Lex., Mar. 6, 1735. * Joanna, m., in Woburn, Phinehas Blodget, both of Lex., Oct. 10, 1753. * Abigail, m., in Woburn, Jonathan Fiske, Sept. 4, 1755. 65 Joseph, Jr., of Lex., m. Sarah Baldwin, of Billerica, May 7, 1761. 78 INlary, m. Isaac Blodgett, both of Lex., Apr. 20, 1769. 79 Sarah, m. Jeremiah Harrington, both of Lex., Dec. 21, 1769. 97 Thomas, Jr., of Woburn, m. Lydia Reed of Lex., Nov. 5, 1778. LEXINGTON RECOBD OF MABBIAGES. 129 Locke — Continued. * Thomas, of Lex , m., in Maiden, Abigail Gowen, of Maiden, Apr. 22, 1779. 100 Jonas, ni. Sarah Russell, both of Lex., Dec. 21, 1780. 107 Bathsheba, of Lex , m. Neptune Frost, of Cambridge, Mar. 22, 1787. 110 Sally, m. Josiah Mead, both of Lex., May 12, 1789. 111 Asa Baldwin, ni. Mary Wellington, both of Lex., Dec. 31, 1789. * Job, of Lex., ni , in Bedford, Phillis Munroe, of Bedford, , 1790. 128 Jerusha, ni. David Simonds, both of Lex., Jul. 23, 1795. 132 Mary Furnate, of Lex., m Cesor Wentworth, of Cambridge, Dec. 14, 1795. 134 Betsey, m. James Wynian, ,Tr., both of Lex., Jan. 25, 1798. 134 Lydia, of Lex., ni. Timothy Temple, of Providence, June 15, 1800. 133 Jonas, ni. Eunice Winship, both of Lex , Nov. 2, 1800. 133 Jonathan, m. Sarah Simonds, both of Lex., Nov. 3, 1800. 147 Ward, m. Apphia Porter, both of Lex., Apr. 13, 1806.' 148 Lucy, of Lex., m. Amos Hills, of Nottingham, N. H., Dec. 27, 1807. 148 Sally, m. Eli Whitney, both of Lex., Mar. 6, 1808. 149 John, Jr., of Asby, m. Miss Fanny Tyler, of Lex., Mar. 5, 1809. 150 James, m. Miss Lucy Nichols, both of Lex , Feb. 26, 1811. 150 Miss Ruth, of Lex , m. FLirvey Tileston, of Boston, June 6, 1811. 152 Mr. Thomas, Jr., ra. Miss Lucy Rhodes, both of Lex., Apr. 27, 1813. 154 Otis, m. Miss Kezia Harrington, both of Lex., Apr. 2, 1815. 160 Miss Sally, of Lex., m. Abel Fitz, of Charlestown, Aug. 25, 1820. 160 Rebekah, ra. Thaddeus Munroe, both of Lex., Oct. 1, 1820. 162 Mary, m. William Burgess, both of Lex., Feb. 21, 1822. 164 Benjamin, Jr., m. Miss Sally Marrett, both of Lex., June 15, 1823. 164 Mi'S. Mary, m. Abijah Harrington, both of Lex., Dec. 14, 1823. 166 Luseba, m. Lambert Maynard, Aug. 5, 1824. 168 Nancy, m. John Winning, Apr. 8, 1827. 168 Jonas, m. Mrs. Deborah Blodgett, both of Lex., Feb. 25, 1828. 170 Otis, m. Susan Simonds, Nov. 8, 1829. 171 Susan, m. James Shepley, Mar. 27, 1831. 171 Sarah, m. Thomas C. Gould, Nov. 8, 1832. 171 Mrs. Joanna, m Capt. William Smith, Nov. 29, 1832. 173 Miss Lucy, of West Cambridge, m. John Tufts, 2d, June 8, 1833. 172 Abigail, m. Isaac Butrick, May 4, 1834. 174 John B., of Boston, m. Miss Nancy Newhall, of Lex., Ajjr. 5, 1835. 178 Amos, m. Miss Rhoda Blodgett, both of Lex., May 31, 1835. 177 Ward, m. Mrs. Esther Stearns, both of Lex., June 12, 1836. 179 Miss Almira, m. Jeremiah Evans, both of Lex., Jan 4, 1837. 183 Abigail, of Lex., m. James M. Hackett, Jul. 30, 1837. 179 Lydia, m. Eben B. Tuck, both of Lex., Aug. 26, 1838. 183 William, m. Harriet Locke, both of Lex., Oct. 7, 1838. 184 Josiah, m. Miss Sarah C. Colton, of Newton, , 1841. Otis, Jr., m. Eliza S. Locke, both of Lex , Dec. 5, 1844. Eliza S., m. Otis Locke, Jr., both of Lex., Dec. 5, 1844. Augusta R., of Lex., m. AVilliam Duren, of Woburn, Feb. 4, 1845. Horatio, of Boston, s of Abel, m. Adaline Smith, d. of Wm L. & Hannah, of Lex., May 3, 1846. W'illiam P., of Boston, s. of Wm., m. Eleanor J. Pierce, d. of Loring & Sybil, of Lex.^, May 10, 1846. Faustina M., d. of Oliver & Joanna, of Lex., m. David A. Gage, s. of Asa & Abby, of Charlestown, Dec. 3, 1846. Marshall H., s. of Hammond & Rebecca, m. Lucy A. Wyman (d. of James & Betsey ?), all of Lex., Dec. 26, 1848. Sarah E., d. of Benj. & Sarah, m. Jeduthan Richardson, s. of Thos. & Rebecca, all of Lex., Jan. 1, 1849. Wid. Almira R. Evans, d. of Micajah & Almira, m. Jeremiali P. Gould, s. of Stephen, all of Lex., Apr. 29, 1850. 130 LEXINGTON HK'COiiD OF MAEHIAGES. Longley. * Miss Anna, of Littleton, ni., in Littleton, Thaddeus Reed, of Lex., Jan. 1, 1788. Loring. 6 .Joseph, m. Hannah Leavitt, Oct. 25, 1683. 6 Mrs. HannaJi Leavitt, m. Joseph Estabrook, Aug. 25, 1693. 6 Submit, m. Josejjh Estabrook, Jr., Jul. 8, 1713. 4 Lydia, ni. John Mason, Jr., June 17, 1731. Hannah, m. Samuel Winshij), Jr., May 22, 1735. 29 Joseph, Jr., m. Kezia Gove, Jan. 1, 1735-36. 67 Sarah, m. Thaddeus Bowman, Dec. 2, 173G. Mary, m. Samuel Allen, June 30, 1751. 71 John, of Lex., m. Elizabeth Howe, of Concord, Jan. 8, 1764. 90 Joseph, Jr., of Lex., m Betty Pollard, of Bedford, Nov. 26, 1772. Lydia, of Lex., m. Capt, William Chambers, of Mason, N. H., Sept. 26, 1776. Sarah, of Lex., m. Obadiah Johnson, of Roxbury, Oct. 21, 1776. 128 Betsey, m. Abel Smith, both of Lex., Nov. 8, 1796. 152 Jonathan, m Mrs. Hannah Danforth, both of Lex., Feb. 13, 1812. 152 Lucy, m. Levi Baxter, both of Lex., Dec 27, 1813. Lovejoy. 150 William, m Miss Sally Fessendou, both of Lex., June 11, 1811. Mack. 110 Margaret, of Salem, m. John Chandler, Jr., of Lex., Jan. 12, 1786. Mann. * James, m., in Watertown, Mary Symonds, both of Lex., Sept. 29, 1736. 174 Miss Mary, m John Worth, both of Boston, Feb. 18, 1835. Manning. f John, m. Rebecca Winship, June 6, 1728. Mansfield. * Theophilus, of Watertown, m., in Watertown, Sybil White, of Lex., Dec. 25, 1734. Marble. 99 Jonathan, of Brookline, m. Hannah Winship, of Lex., Mar, 16, 1779, Marion, Marion. 95 Susanna, m. Ephraim Winship, both of Lex,, Apr. 8, 1777. 102 Hephzibah, of Lex., m. Daniel Wetherbee, of Rindge, N. H.,Dec. 19, 1782, 104 Joseph, m. Phebe Russell, both of Lex., Apr, 10, 1783, Marrett. 65 Amos, of Cambridge, m. Abigail Tidd, of Lex., Dec. 4, 1760. 107 Amos, Jr., m. Patty Reed, both of Lex., Nov. 28, 1786. 110 Abigail, m. Jonathan Smith, Jr., both of l^ex., Oct. 16, 1788. 128 Daniel, m. Miss Mary Muzzy, both of Lex., Jul. 24, 1796, 164 Miss Sally, m. Benjamin Locke, Jr., both of Lex., June 15, 1823. 168 Miss Betsey, m. Amos Towne, Apr, 30, 1826. 168 Mary, m. Joel Adams, Apr. 1, 1827. 170 Emelia, m. George King, Nov. 17, 1830. 187 Miss Harriet, ni. Ivory Sanborn, of Lex., Apr. 12, 1842. LEXINGTON BEGORD OF MABBIAGES. 131 Mason. 193 John, Jr., m. Elizabeth Sprinf?, Oct. 18, 1699. 4 John, 2d, ni. Lydia Loring, June 17, 1731. 5 Sarah, m. William Munro, Jan. 3, 1733 (?). 60 Katharine, of Lex , m. Daniel Edes, Jr.,of Charlestown, Api". 23, 1759. 66 Jonas, m. Submit Whittemore, both of Lex., Mar. 23, 1762. 83 Joseph, m. Elisabeth Peek, both of Lex., Oct. 19, 1769. * Daniel, of Lex., m., in Newton, Sarah Cheney, of Newton, Jan. 6, 1793. 130 Mary, m. Daniel Underwood, both of Lex., Apr. 1, 1798. 160 Walter R., of Cambridge, m. Miss Betsey Harrington, of Lex., June 20, 1819. Matthews. 110 Abner, of Lincoln, m. Lydia Smith, of Lex., May 21, 1789. Maxwell. 68 Hugh, m. Bridget Munroe, both of Bedford, Nov. 4, 1760. Maynard. 1(56 Lambert, m. Miss Luseba Locke, Aug. 5, 1824. McDonald. Loyal, of Lincoln, s. of Francis & Charlotte, ra. Catherine Kelley, of Lex., Aug. 28, 1852. Mclntire. Salmon, of Chelmsford, m. Ellen Poore, of Lex., Ajjr. 30, 1846. McLane. Levi, of Boston, m. Sarah A, Fiske, of Lex., Sept. 11, 1844. Meade, Mead. * Israel, m. Mary Hall, Feb. 26, 1669. David, m. Mary , 1747 (?). Joshua, m. Lucy Parker, May 24, 1750. Israel, m. Mary Bobbins, Feb. 21, 1751. Cornelius, m. Hannah Hadley, Oct. 15, 1751. * Matthew, of Lex., m , in Billerica, Martha Danforth, of Billerica, Jan. 23, 1754. * Abigail, of Lex., m., in Littleton, William Bennett, of Pepperell, Dec. 29, 1759. 99 Sarah, of Lex., m. Thomas Jones, of Concord, Nov. 11, 1779. 107 Rhoda, m. Philemon Munroe, both of Lex., Sept. 13, 1786. 110 Josiah, m. Sally Locke, both of Lex., May 12, 1789. 161 Miss Sally, of Lex., m. James Hastings, of Lincoln, Oct. 11, 1821. 161 Mariah Howard, m. Nathan Chandler, Jr., both of Lex., Dec. 7, 1821. 166 Miss Martha T., m. Capt. Nathan Harrington, Jr., Feb. 1, 1824. Meers, Mears. 70 Robert, of Tewksbury, m. Rebeckah Bathrick (?), of Charlestown, Aug. 30, 1763. Melledge, Mellege. John, m. Abigail Cook, Apr. 5, 1739. Melvan, Melvin. 134 James, of Paris [N. J.], m. Sybil Melvin, of Lex., Jan. 4, 1798. 134 Sybil, of Lex., m. Jamea Melvan, of Paris, N, J., Jan. 4, 1798. 132 LEXINGTON RECOBD OF MARRIAGES. Merriam, Meriam, Mirriam. t Jolin, m. Mary Cooper, Oct. 21, 1663. * Joseph, of Lex., in., in Weston, Mary Bruer, of Weston, Oct. 9, 1718. * Hannah, of Lex., m., in Weston, John Bruer, of Weston, Oct. 9, 1718. 1 Jonas, of Lex,, ra. Abio^ail Locke, Oct. 3, 1728. 32 Amos, m. Hannah Danforth, both of Lex., Nov. 9, 1738. Sarah, m. Job Lane, Mar. I, 1739. * Sarah, of Lex., m., in Weston, Isaac Allen, of Weston, Jan. 24, 1739-40. Samuel, m Hannah Whitney, June 4, 1752. * Lydia, d. of Thos., of Lex., ni., in Waltham, Josiah Cutting, of West- minster, Mar. 27, 1755. 69 Anna, m. Thomas Page, both of Bedford, Jan. 1, 1756. 55 Abraham, of Concord, m. Sarah Simonds, of Lex., Apr. 22, 1756. 57 Elizabeth, of Lex., m. Moses Sawtell, of Concord, Nov. 25, 1756. 82 Beulah, of Lex,, m. John Chandler, of Lincoln, Jul. 7, 1757. 59 Jonas, m. Mrs. Sarah Winship, of Lex , June 22, 1758. 61 Elizabeth, of Lex., m. Jonas Brown, of Waltham, June 22, 1758. 65 Esther, m. Samuel Jones, both of Lex., Nov. 27, 1760. 103 Benjamin, Jr., ni. Ginger Porter, both of Lex., Feb 28, 1762. 72 Abigail, of Lex., m. Bartholomew Richardson, of Woburn, June 27, 1765. Hepzibah, of Lex., m. Daniel Letherbee, of Kindge, N. H., Dec. 19, 1782. 105 Samuel, of Bedford, m. Alice Hadley, of Lex., Feb. 21, 1785. Ruf us, m. Martha Simonds, of Lex., Aug. 18, 1785. 107 Lieut. William, of Bedford, m. Mrs. Rebekah Howe Fiske, of Lex., Mar. 28, 1786. 107 Edith, m. Stephen Winship, both of Lex., Feb. 5, 1787. * Polly, of Lex., m., in Lincoln, Abiel Abbot, of Lincoln, Dec. 16, 1788. 130 Anna, m. Thomas J. Caldwell, l)oth of Lex., Oct. 26, 1797. 134 John, of Bedford, m. Mary Reed, of Lex , Dec. 3, 1799. 148 Jonas, of Bedford, m. Nancy Peirce, of Lex., June 20, 1808. Miles. 69 Elizabeth, of Concord, m. Obadiah Kendall, of Woburn, Jan. 27, 1756. Levi, of Concord, s. of Joseph & Lucy, m. Martha Rice, of Concord, d. of Wm. & Mary, Nov. 28, 1850. Millet. 172 Abraham, Jr., m Sarah Morrill, June 3, 1833. Mills. Oliver P., of New York, m. Miss Ann Adams, of Lex., Mar. 19, 1845. Oliver Perry, of New York, m. Anna Adams, of Lex., Mar. 19, 1845. Mixer. 168 Mr.s. Peggy, m. Thomas Winship, Apr. 20, 1823. Mixture. 66 Mary, m. Daniel Simonds, Nov. 13, 1750. Montgomery. Francis W., of Lex., m. Sarah B Freeman, of Randolph, K\xex., Jul. 21, 1768. 77 Elizabeth, m. Joseph Simonds, both of Lex., Mar. 2, 1769. 78 Hannah, of Lex., m. Thomas Barrett, of Concord, June 20, 1769. 104 Samuel, E^q., of Ashby, m. Eunice Underwood, of Lex., Jan, 6, 1784. * Hannah, of Littleton, m., in Littleton, Kathaniel P'armer, of Lex., Mar. 7, 1786. 110 Elizabeth, of Lex., m. Edward Tucker, of Salem, Feb 24, 1789. 121 Elizabeth, m. Dr. Joseph Fiske, both of Lex., Jul. 31, 1794. * Eunice, of Lex., m., in Westford, Abijah Tarbel, of Westford, Aug. 4, 1794. 162 Peter R, L., of Boston, m. Miss Lavina Win.ship, of Lex., Mar. 26, 1822. Abner, s. of Sami, m. Ellen A. Bobbins, d. of Eli & Hannah, all of Lex., Dec. 8, 1853. LEXINGTON BECORD OF 3IAJiEIAGES. 153 Stratton. * David, of Watertown, m , in Watertown, Hannah Smith, of Lex., Jan. 30, 1727-28. * Mary, of Watertown, m., in Watertown, Henry Smith, of Lex , Feb. 18, 1730-31. * Abigail, Mrs., of Waltham, m., in Waltham, Jonathan Smith, of Lex., Aug. 30, 1738. * Benjamin, of Lex., m., in Bedford, Sarah Simond.s, of Bedf(trd, May 24, 1750. 68 Sarah, m. George Barnard, both of Cambridge. Mar 31, 1762. * Mary, of Watertown, m., in Watertown, Thaddou.s Hastings, &i' Lex., May 29, 1763. Streeter. 183 Jewett Boynton, m. Susan Elizabeth Wyraan, both of Lex , Jan. 17, 1838. Stutson. 11.5 Thoma.s, of Bo.ston, ni. Amity Hadley, of Lex., Felj. 26, 179-2. Sullivan. 171 Patrick, m. Mrs. Lois Sanderson, Jan. 19, 1832. Sutten. 61 Richard, of Charlestown, m. Elizabeth Apthorp, of Lex., Jul. 17, 1758. Swaine. 51 Elizabeth, of Reading, m., in Reading, Jonathan Lawrence, of !.,ex., Feb. 23, 1726-27. Swan. 73 Aaron, m. Susanna Elliott, both of Cambridge, Sept. 19, 1765. 187 Miss Ann, of West Cambridge, m. Daniel Pierce, of Lex , Sept. 11, 1842. Swett. 171 Sarah S., m. Levi S. Sawin, Nov. 13, 1831. Taintor, Tainter. * Mary, of Watertown, m., in Watertown, William Popenbury, of Lex., Sept. 20, 1784. 150 Elisha L., of Bedfoi'd, m. Miss Lydia Fessendon, of Lex , Aug 26, 1810. 174 Elmus, m. Miss Abigail Green, both of Lex., Apr. 26, 1835, Tarbell. * 4bijah, of Westford, m., in Westford, Eunice Stone, of Lex., Aug. 4, 1794. Tay. * Isaiah, of Woburn, m., in Woburn, Abigail Simonds, of Lex., May 29, 1753. Taylor. 89 Lucy, m. John Homer, both of Concord, Apr. 24, 1769. 102 Sarah, of Charlestown, m. Thomas Smith, of Lex., Oct. 3, 1782. 175 Otis, Capt., of Boston, m Elizabeth A. Cutter, of Lex , Oct. 12, 1835. 154 LEXINGTON BE CORD OF MAURI AGES. Teel, Teal. 187 Mary B., m. Horatio Wellington, of Lex., Dec. 17, 1841. Temple. 131 Timothy, of Providence, m. Lydia Locke, of Lex., June 15, 1800. Thatcher. * Samuel, Jr., of Watertown, m., in Watertovvn, Mary Brown, of Lex., SeiJt. 3, 1753. Thompson. Ebenezer, m. Mary Jane Cutter, Mar. 1, 1829. Thorn. 68 Jane, m. Josiah Blodgett, both of Lex., Apr. 24, 1760 Thorneton, o Joshua, of Boston, m Martha Eveleth, of Stow, Apr. 9, 1722. Thornlng. * William, m., in Littleton, Eunice Phillips, both of Lex., June 18, 1782. 1 1 1 John, of Lex., m Betsey Russell, of Concord, Dec. 10, 1789. IGl Dorcas, of Lex , m. William Child, of Groton, Aug. 25, 1821. 164 Mary, of Lex., m. Leonard Wood, of Woburn, Sept. 10, 1823. 169 Leonard, m. Elraira Whitney, May 17, 1827. Tidd, Teed. t Alice, m. William Mann, June 11, 1657. Mary, m. Joseph Simonds, Mar. 7, 1680-81. 43 Daniel, m. Hei)hzibah Reed, Apr. 9, 1724 * Joseph, m., in Woburn, Dorothy Stickney, both of Lex., Jul 31,1731. 53 Amos, m. Elizabeth Smith, May 17, 1750. 56 Lydia, ra. Samuel Hastings, of Lex., Jan. 16, 1755. 55 Mary, m. Josiah Jennison, of Lex., Feb. 12, 1756. 65 Abigail, of Lex., m. Amos Marrett, of Cambridge, Dec. 4, 1760. 69 Joseph, m. Sarah Munroe, both of Lex., Dgc, 7, 1762. 69 Sarah, of Lex., m Samuel Joslin, of Newbrantry, Nov. 23, 1763. 72 William, m Ruth Munroe, both of Lex., Jan. 9, 1766. 74 Betty, of Lex., m Uriah Cutting, of Waltham, Jul. 15, 1766. 83 Samuel, of Lex., m. Rebekah Simonds, of Bedford, Feb. 28, 1771. 90 Benjamin, of Lex., m. Joanna Fitch, of Bedford, Jan. 6, 1774. 121 Ruth, m. Nathan Chandler, both of Lex., Oct. 4, 1785. 1 17 Rebecca, of Acton, m. Jesse Robinson, of Lex., Nov. 21, 1793. 132 John, Jr., m. Esther Hayward, both of Lex., Mar. 14, 1800. 161 Betsey, m. Noah Stearns, both of Lex., May 27, 1821. 175 Elizabeth, of Lex., m. George P. Elliot, of Boseawen, N. H., May 31, 183(>. 173 Charles, of Lex., m. Miss Rebecca M. Nourse, of Waterford, Me., June 7, 1830. 183 Mary H., of Lex., ra. David T. Watson, of Franklin, N. H., Nov. 19, 1840. John D., s. of John & Susan, of Woburn, m. Martha A Viles, d. of John & Sally, of Lex., Jul. 9, 1851. Tileston. 150 Harvey, of Boston, m. Miss Ruth Locke, of Lex., June 6, 1811. Tottingham. 83 Nathaniel, of Westminster, ra. Esther Brown, of Lex., Aug. 16, 1770. LEXINGTOX RECORD OF MARRIAirES. 155 Towne. 168 Amos, m. Miss Betsey Marrett, Apr. 30, 1826. Elizabeth, of Lex., m. Abel Bruce, of Reading, Mar. 19, 1849. Townsend. William, m. Susan Cameron, Mar. 7, 1847. Trask. Abigail, m. Samuel Stearns, Nov. 15, 1750. Anna, m James Robinson, May 23, 1751. 6,5 Lydia, of Le.x:., m. William Morrils, of Brintwood, Nov. 6, 1760. 75 Isaac, m. Elizabeth Mumble, both of Lex., Apr. 16, 1767. 101 Chloe, Mrs , m. Mr. Robert Harrington, both of Lex., Apr. 16, 1781. * Benjamin, of Lex., m., in Bedford, Lydia Porter, of Bedford, Dec. 20, 1781. 108 Lucy, of Lex., m. Daniel Bemis, of Boston, Aug. 22, 1786. Ill Lydia, m. Jonathan Cutter (Cutler?), both of Lex., Sept. 15, 1788. * Jonathan, of Lex., m., in Woburn, Ruth Wood, of Woburn, May 4, 1790. 117 P^lijah, m. Sarah Benney, both of Lex., Sept. 8, 1793. 147 Ruth, m. David Fiske, both of Lex., May 6, 1806. Chloe, m. David Fiske, Aug. 2, 1820, Trickey. Joshua, ra. Hannah Pike, Aug. 28, 1739. Trobridge. t INIargaret, m. Ebeuezer Stone, Mar. 18, 1686. Tuck. 179 P:ben B., m. Lydia Locke, both of Lex., Aug. 26, 1838. Tucker. 110 Edward, of Salem, m. Elizabeth Stone, of Lex , Feb. 24, 1789. Tufts. * Eleanor, of Bedford, m., in Medford, Isaac Green, of Lex., Feb. 5, 1778. 161 Charles, of Charlestown, m. Hannah Robinson, of Lex., Apr. 8, 1821. 173 John, 2d, m. Miss Lucy Locke, of West Cambridge, June 8, 1833. 174 Lucy Ann, of Lex., m. Dr. Alpheus Proctor, of Sangerville, Me., Apr, 25, 1835. 188 John A , of Cambridge, m. Miss Sarah Underwood, of Lex., Feb. '.), 1843. Turner. 172 ('apt. Larkin, m. Lucy Pierce, May 23, 1833. Tuttle. 1 \1 David, ni. Esther Munroe, both of Lex., Jan. 19, 1806. l.Sd David, m Miss Abigail Smith, both of Lex., Sept. 27, 1810. 175 .\bigail, m. Jonathan S. Parker, both of Lex., Dec. 30, 1835. .Martha, d. of David & Martha, of Lex., m. Charles Hastings, of Cambridge, s. of Jas. & Sally, Nov. 26, 1846. David A., s. of David & Martha, m. Susan .^. Johnson, d. of Thos. & Miiry. nil of Lex., Dec. 30, 1846. 150 LEXINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES Tyler. 149 Fanny, of Lex., m. John Locke, Jr., of A.shby, Mar. 5, 1809. 149 Jonas, of Charlestovvn, m. Ruhamah Bridge, of Lex., Feb. 6, 1810. Underwood. Jonathan, m. Ruth , Sept. (?), 1710. 63 Joseph, of Lex., ra. Anna Baker, of Waltham, Feb 26, 1744. 63 Joseph, m. Eunice Smith, both of Lex., Jan. 4, 1750. 73 Joshua, ni. Abigail Stone, both of Lex , .Tnne 6, 1765. 89 Joseph, m. Mary Munroe, both of Lex., Mar. 21, 1771. 104 Eunice, of Lex., m. Samuel Stone, Esq., of Ashby, Jan. 6, 1784. im Polly, m. Jonas Smith, both of Lex., Mar. 26, 1798. 130 Daniel, m. Mary Mason, both of Lex , Apr. 1, 1798. 132 Joseph, Jr., m Eusebia Harrington, both of Lex., Mar. 7, 1800. 172 Mary, m. Ebenezer M. Pierce, Nov. 12, 1833, Mary, m. Ebenezer M. Pierce, Nov. 12, 1835. 179 Abigail, of Lex., m. John Fillebrown, of West Cambridge, Nov. 22, 1836. 179 Betsey, of Lex., m. William Hill, 3d, of West Cambridge, Nov. 24, 1836. 188 Sarah, of Lex., m. John A. Tufts, of Cambridge, Feb. 9, 1843. Varnum. 170 Lydia, ra. Luther Stearns, Oct. 3, 1830. 172 Anna R., m. Daniel Stearns, May 18, 1834. Viles. 92 Joel, m. Mary Bowman, both of Lex., June 27, 1775. 147 John, m. Sally Dudley, both of Lex., Jan. 12, 1806. Lucy, m. John Nelson, May 18, 1820. 161 Joel, m. Miss Sally Smith (adopted daughter), both of Lex., Apr. 12, 1821. 172 Betsey A., Mrs., m. Jonathan Hartwell, Esq., May 2, 1833. 172 Sarah Ann, m. Charles A. Butters, Oct. 2, 1834. John, Jr., m. Catherine R. Nelson, both of Lex., Nov. 19, 1845. Martha A., d. of John & Sally, of Lex., m. John D. Tidd, s. of John & Susan, of Woburn, Jul. 9, 1851. Sarah S., d. of Joel & Sally, m. George A. Stimson, s. of Lovett & Sally, all of Lex., Jan. 2, 1853. Waite. 68 Mary, m. John Danforth, both of Bedford, Mar. 24, 1763. * Elizabeth, of Maiden, m., in Maiden, Philemon Mum-oe, of Lex., Feb. 17,1774. 1 13 William, of Greenfield, m. Hephzibah Reed, of Lex., May 30, 1790. 134 David, of Deerfield, m Rebecca Reed, of Lex., Feb. 22, 1801. Waldron. * Edward, Jr , of Sterling, m., in Cambridge, Martha Estabrook, of Lex , Sept. 23, 1794. Walker. 5 Henry, m. Mary Baldwin, both of Woburne, May 15, 1722. 99 Henry, of Newburyport, m. Mercy Munroe, of Lex., Sept. 14, 1780. 107 James, of Woburn, m Hannah Bowman, of Lex., Jan. 12, 1787. 110 Abel, of Woburn, m. Elizabeth Munroe. of Lex., Mar. 23, 1789. l.^t Dolly, m. Edward Wood, both of Lex., Nov. 28, 1816. 160 William, m. Miss Betsey Simonds, both of Lex., June 6, 1819. LEXINGTON BEGOBD OF MABBIAGES. 157 Walker ~ Continued. 1(55 Elizabeth, m. Joseph Parkhurst, both of Lex., May 20, 1824. Jevusha 8., d. of Win. & Betse}', of l^ex., m. Joshua S. Clark, s. of Joshua & Nancy, of Sudbury, Jul. 10, 1845. Lydia 8., d. of Wm , of Lex., m. Albert G. Spaulding, s. of Asa, of Lincoln, Nov. 6, 1845. Wallis. * Rachel, of Sudbury, ni., in Sudbuiy, James Creage, of Lex., Aug. 6, 1722. Walton. 89 Joshua, ui. Hannah Dutton, both of Bedford, Mar. 6, 1770. Ward. * Experience, of Westboro, m., in Westboro, Jesse Smith, of Lex., Apr. 26, 1733. * Dinah, m , in Marlboro, Sanuiel White, s. of Dan'l, both of Lex., Sept. 13, 1736. Ware. Henry, Rev., of Hingham, m. Mary Clark, of Lex., Mar. 31, 1789. Warren. * Eunice, of Weston, m., in Weston, Judah Clark, of Lex , Nov. 16, 1737. Watkins. 171 Edwin E., m. Lydia Ann Brown, Nov. 28, 1831. Watson. Jacob, m. Lydia , 1727-28. 183 David T., of Franklin, N. H., ra. Miss Mary II. Tidd, of Lex., Nov. 19, 1840. Watts. * Hannah, of Chelsea, m., in Chelsea, Benjamin Comee, of Lex., Mar. 25, 1762. Webber. 110 Joseph, m. Betsey Fiske, both of Lex., Apr. 14, 1788. * Joseph, m., in Woburn, Ruth Brooks, Oct. 5, 1794. Weld. liio Sally, m. John Bucknian, both of Lex., Sept. 28, 1784. Wellington, Willington, Wolllngton. 14 Benjamin, m. I^ydia Brown, Jan. 18, 1698-99. 14 Benjamin, m. Elizabeth Phipps, Dec. 25, 1712. * Elizabeth, of Watertown, m., in Watertown, Hezekiah Smith, of Lex., Feb. 24, 1725-26. 4 Benjamin, m. Mary Whiting, Oct. 21, 1731. 5 Abigail, m. David Monroe, Feb. 19, 1733-34 * Rebecca (Stone), Mrs., of Lex , m., in Waltham, rfolin Dix, of Wal- tham, Feb. 14, 1754. 60 Thomas, m. Elizabeth Dex, or Dix, both of Waltham, Apr 19, 1759. 68 C^herry, of Cambridge, m. Capt. James Lane, of Bedford, Aug 9, 1763. 67 Benjamin, of Brookfield, m. Lucy Smith, of Lex., Sept. 1, 1763. 158 LEXINGTON RECOBD OF MARRIAGES. Wellington, Willington, WoUington — Continued. 76 Beujamin, m. Martha Ball. Dee. 4, 1766. 90 Rebekah, m. John Munroe, Jr., both of Lex., Dec. 17, 1772. * George, of Lex., m., in Waltham, Lucy l^ierce, of Waltham, Dec. 21, 1772. Timothy, of Lex., m. Hannah Abbott, of Lincoln, May 1, 1776. 100 Thaddeus, of Waltham, m. Ruhamah Brown, of Lex., Sept. 26, 1780. Ill Mary, m. Asa Baldwin Locke, both of Lex., Dec. 31, 1789. 131 Rebecca S.. m. John K. Cooledge, both of Watertown, Apr. 25, 1799. 149 Josiah, m. Mrs. Sally Fessendon, both of Lex., Sept. 10, 1809. 161 Martha, m. Charles Reed, both of Lex., June 28, 1821. 174 Augustus, m. Miss Tryphena Winship, both of Lex., Mar. 3, 1835. 177 Hannah Maria, m. Samuel Bridge, both of Lex., June 15, 1836. 183 p:iizabeth, m. Albert W. Bryant, May 9, 1838. 181 Jonas C, of Lex., m. Miss Harriet E Bosworth, of Newton, Oct. 17, 1839. 181 James, m. Mary Matilda Childs, both of Lex., Apr. 16, 1840. 183 Mary, of Lex., ra. George S. Gary, of Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 29, 1840. 184 Nancy, m. Albert W. Bryant, of Lex., Aug. 23, 1841. 187 Horatio, m. Miss Mary B. Teel, of Lex., Dec. 17, 1841. 187 Augustus, m. Mrs. Martha Hastings, Sept. 18, 1842. Sullivan, m. Isabella L. Hastings, both of Lex., Apr 11, 1844. Joseph A , s. of Nath'l, m. Ellen A. Smith, d. of Billings, all of Lex., Feb. 13, 1846. Walter, s of Marshall & Elirabeth, m. Martha W. Hastings, d. of Chas. & Martha, of Waltham, Dec. 30, 1817. Avis M., d. of Nehemiah & Nancy, m. Emery A Mulliken, s. of Nathaniel & Mary, all of Lex., Oct. 17, 1850. Wentworth. 132 Cesor, of Cambridge, m. Mary Furnate Locke, of Lex., Dec. 14, 1795. Weston. 132 Rebekah, m. John Bate, both of Lex., Dec. 16, 1799. Wetherbee. 102 Daniel, of Rindge, N. H., m Hephzibah Marion, of Lex., Dec. 19, 1782 179 Kendall, m. Lydia A. Russell, both of Lex., May 20, ls36. Wetherly. 5 John, m. Elizabeth Whitney, both of Stow, Jan. 21, 1722-23. Wey. 95 Louis, of Lex., m. Jonathan Anthony, of Medford, Mar. 6, 1777. Wheeler. 56 Miriam, of Bedford, m. Ephraim Russell, of Lex , Jan. 9, 1755. 70 Mr. Francis, m. Mrs. Mary Heyward, both of Acton, June 5, 1755. 170 Lydia Ann, m. Richai'd Eaton, Mar. 28, 1830 189 Cotesworth P., ra. Mary D. Johnson, June 16, 1836. 188 Catherine, of Lex., ra. Rufns Larnard, of Shutesbury, Mar. 5, 1844. Elisha C, of Boston, s. of John, m. Hannah M. Solis, d. of Christo- pher, of Lex., Apr 11, 1850. Cliarles, of Concord, s. of John H. & Betsey, m. Hannah Reed, of Acton, d. of Wm. & Ann, Oct., 1852. Whitaker, Whittaker. 5 David, of Concord, ra. Hannah Cooledge, of Lex., Nov. 6, 1734. 68 Hannah, ni, David Dutton, both of Bedford, Nov. 3, 1760. LEXINGTON BKCORD OF MARRIAGES. 159 Whiteomb. 160 Dr. Thomas, m. Mrs. Hannah Chandler, both of Lex., June 7, 1810. Elizabeth B., d. of Thos., m. N. II. Gerry, all of Lex., Oct. 25, 1849. White. t Elizabeth, ra. Samuel Andrews, Sept 22, 1652. * S^bil, of Lex., m., in Watertown, Theophilus Mansfield, of Water- town, Dec. 25, 1734. * Samuel, s. of Dan'l, m., in Marlborough, Dinah Ward, both of Lex., Sept. 13, 1736. Hannah, m. Joseph Abbott, Mar. 24, 1752. 56 Susannah, m. Jonathan Raymond, of Lex., Oct. 4, 1756. * William, s. of Joseph & Mary, of Lex., m., in Waltham, Tabitha Eners, of Waltham, Feb. 9, 1767. 74 Ebenezer, m. Elizabeth Harrington, both of Lex., Feb. 12, 176G-67. Elizabeth, m. Thomas Cutler, both of Lex., Feb. 2, 1786. 117 Joseph, m. Polly Harrington, both of Lex., Nov. 29, 1792. 178 Avery W., of Maiden, m. Miss Elizabeth Brown, of Lex , Mar. 8, 1836. Lawrence, m. Hannah Hasley, Jan. 1, 1850. Whitehead. 115 George, ra. Arethusa Harrington, both of Lex., Feb. 25, 1792. Whiting. 4 Mary, m. Benjamin Wellington, Oct. 21, 1731. 184 W^aldo, of Leominster, m. Miss Hannah Benjamin, of Lincoln, Sept. 8, 1842. Mary J., of Waltham, d. of Andrew & Lucy, m. Frank B. Bowman, of Waltham, s. of Brooks & Sarah, Mar. 22, 1852. Whitman. 15 Mr. John, of Stow, m. Mrs. Margeret Damon, of Lex., Mar. 5, 1718-19. Whitmore. t Francis, m. Margaret Harty, Nov. 10, 1666. t Samuel, m. Rebecca Gardner, Mar. 31, 1686. 5 Samuel, m. Bethiah Page, Jan. 7, 1719-20. f John, m. Mrs. Lydia Cutter, both of Cambridge, June 24, 1735. * Sarah, of Lex., ni., in Bedford, Micar Bacon, of Bedford, Nov. 24, 1743. Whitney. 5 Sarah, m. Andrew Parker, Aug. 2, 1720. 5 Elizabeth, m. John Wotherly, both of Stow, Jan. 21, 1722-23. 29 Elijah, m. Rebekah Winship, Dec. 8, 1736. Hannah, m. Samuel Meriam, Jime 4, 1752. 58 Jonas, of Narragansett Township No. 2, m. Sarah Whittemore, of Lex., Sept. 27, 1757. * Mary, Mrs., m., in Brookline, John Smith, of Lex., Oct. 26, 1763 148 Eli, m. Sally Locke, both of Lex., Mar. 6, 1808. 16i» Elmira, m I^eonard Thorning, May 17, 1827. 172 Sarah A., m. Henry Phelps, Oct. 26, 1834. Whittemore. * Nathaniel, of Lex., m., in Bedford, Jemima Dunton, Nov 1, 1752. .58 Sarah, of Lex., m. Jonas Whitney, of Narragansett, Sept. 27, 1757. 68 Huldah, m. Dr. John Cleverly, both of Lincoln, Feb. 2, 1758. 66 Submit, m. Jonas Mason, both of Lex., Mar. 23, 1762. 72 Capt. Samuel, of Cambridge, m. Esther Prentice, of Lex., Aug. 15, 1765. KJO LEXINGTON liECOBD OF MARRIAGES. Whittemore — Coritinucd. 89 Estlier, m. Benjamin Brown, both of Lex., June 12, 17G9. 83 Sarali, of Lex., ni. Moses Reed, of Wobuni, Apr. 28, 1770. * Jonathan, of Cambridge, m., in Cambridge, Rebeeca Mnnroe, of Lex., Feb. 1, 179,5. Whittum. 178 Ebenezer, of Boston, m. Sarah P. Smith, of Lex., Mar. 28, 1839. Wiley. 154 Ruth, of South Reading, m. William Edmunds, of Maiden, Mar. 2, 1815. Lydia J., d. of David & Mary, of Lex., m. John Butterfield, of Lex., s. of Abel & Abigail, Nov. 9, 1852. Willard. 166 Mary H., m. Reuben Reed, Feb. 25, 1824. Williams. 69 Gershom, m. Hannah Munroe, both of Lex., Jul, 30, 1760. * Josiah, of Cambridge (P), m., in Cambridge, Experience Hovey, of Lex., Dec. 17, 1776. Elizabeth, of Lex., m. Timothy Fai'nham, of Billeriea, Jan. 25, 1814. Wilson. f Seaborne (2d wf.), m. David Fiske, Sept. 6, 1655. 5 Damaris, m. Hezekiah Dunklee, Oct. 17, 1734. 59 Hannah, m. John Bowman, of Lex., May 16, 1758. Winning. 168 John, m. Nancy Locke, Apr. 8, 1827. Winship. f Sarah, m. James Hubbard, Sept. 29, 1659. f Ephraim, m. Hannah Reyner, Apr. 7, 1670; and m., 2d, Elizabeth Kendall, Nov. 9, 1675. t Abigail, m. William Russell, Mar. 18, 1682-83. f Edward, Jr., m. Rebeccah Barsham, May 14, 1683. f Samuel, m. Mary Powers, Apr. 12, 1687. Another record gives her name as Mary Povvter. t Margery, m. John Dixon, May 12, 1687. X Elizabeth, m. Walter Russell, Apr. 3, 1706. X Ephraim, m. Hannah Cutter, June 17, 1708. X Samuel, m. Jane Fessenden, Jan. 10, 1711-12. X Nathaniel, m. Rebeccah Pierce, Feb, 11, 1713-14. t Rebeccah, m. John Manning, June 6, 1728. * Martha, of Lex., m., in Billeriea, William Bowers, of Billeriea, no date Samuel, Jr., m. Hannah Loring, May 22, 1735. Ephraim, Jr., m. Mehitabel Cutter, Aug. 28, 1735. 29 Rebekah, m. Elijah Whitney, Dec. 8, 1736. * Moses, of Lex., m., in Waltham, Lucia Hastings, of Waltham, Apr. 3, 1746. * Samuel, of Lex., m., in Billeriea, Abigail Crosby, of Billeriea, May 5, 1748. * Joel, of Lex., m., in Sudbury, Elizabeth Grout, of Sudburv, Jan. 15, 1755. 54 Thomas, m, Sarah Harrington, both of Lex., May 28, 1755 57 Ebenezer, m. Elizabeth Raymond, both of Lex., Aug. 19, 175G. 57 Edward, 3d, m. Hephzibah Laughton, botli of Lex., Feb. 9, 1757. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF MARRIAGES. IGl Winship — Continued. 59 Sarah, Mrs., m. Jonas Meriam, of Lex., June 22, 1758. 61 Elizabeth, m. Nehemiah Estabrook, of Lex., Mar. 1, 1759. 62 Hannah, of Lex., m. Richard Francis, of Medford, Mar. 20, 1760. 69 Samuel, m. Lydia Cutler, both of Lex., Dec. 24, 1761. 66 Rebekah, of Lex., m John Edgel, of Westminster, Nov. 9, 1762. 77 Eliot, of Lex., m. Edward Crafts, of Boston, June 16, 1768. 89 Samuel, Jr., m. Rebekah Johnson, of Lynn, Jul. 4, 177 L 89 Sarah, m. Nathan Fessenden, both of Lex., Oct. 17, 1771. 90 Isaac, of Medford, m. Sarah Fessenden, of Lex., Mar 4, 1773. * Simon, of Lex., m , in Billerica, Joanna Abbot, of Billerica, May 21, 1776. 95 Ephraim, m. Susanna IVLarion, both of Lex., Apr. 8, 1777. 99 Phebe, m. Ebenezer Hadley, Mar. IL 1779. 99 Hannah, of Lex., m. Jonathan Marble, of Brookline, Mar. 16, 1779. 100 Abel, m. Abigail Muzzy, both of Lex., Nov. 30, 1780. 99 Thaddeus, m. Eunice Munroe, both of Lex., May 11, 1781. Ch. R. say 1780. Abigail, of Lex., m. James Button, Jul. 12, 1785. 107 Stephen, m. Edith Meriam, both of Lex., Feb. 5, 1787, * Joel, of Lex., m., in Cambridge, Phebe Hill, of Cambridge, Nov. 14, 1792. 117 Thomas, Jr., m. Ann Hai-rington, both of Lex., Apr. 11, 1793. 128 Joanna, m. Darius Shaw, both of Lex , Jul. 27, 1797. 135 Jonathan, of Lex., m. Elisabeth Coggen, of Natick, May 12, 1800. 133 Eunice, m. Jonas Locke, both of Lex , Nov. 2, 1800. 135 Hannah, of Lex., m. John Chompey, of Cambridge, June 1, 1801. 148 Prudence, m. Noah Stearns, both of Lex., June 5, 1806. 154 Lucebia, of Lex., m. Lot Reed, of Bedford, Sept. 19, 1816. 160 Oliver, m. Miss Anna Fiske, both of Lex., Sept. 10, 1820. 162 Lavina, of Lex., m. Peter R. L. Stone, of Boston, Mar. 26, 1822. 168 Thomas, m. IMrs. Peggy Mixer, Apr. 20, 1823. 174 Tryphena, m. Augustus Wellington, both of Lex., Mar. 3, 1835. 179 Almira A., m. Capt. Billings Smith, both of Lex., Mar. 8, 1837. 188 Almira, m. Edward Foster, Jan 17, 1844. Mary E., d. of Oliver & Anna, of Lex., m. William Daily, of Cam- bridge, Dec. 31, 1846, Wood, Woods. 71 John, of Cambridge, m. Doi'cas Smith, of Lex., Apr. 4, 1764. 89 Sarah, m. Nathaniel Wyman, both of Woburn, Sept. 5, 1771. 97 Sylvanus, of Woburn, m. Abigail Smith, of Lex., June 3, 1778. * Dorcas, of Woburn, m , in Woburn, Jonas Lawrence, of Lex,, Apr. 23, 1789, * Ruth, of Woburn, m., in Woburn, Jonathan Trask, of Lex , May 4, 1790. 154 Edward, m. Miss Dolly Walker, both of Lex,, Nov. 28, 1816. 164 Leonard, of Wobiu-n, m. Miss iMarv Thorning, of Lex., Sept. 10, 1823, 168 Jonathan, m. Miss Ruth Spaulding, Dec. 27, 1825. Eliza Ann, of Lex., m. Francis Richardson, of Gardner, Dec. 25, 1844. Woodis. 6 Millicent, m. Joseph Estabrook, Dec. 31, 1689-90. Woolson. 73 Sybil, m. Thaddeus Bowman (his 2d wf.), Feb. 8, 1753. 72 Anna, of Lex., m. Thomas Patten, of Watertown, Oct. 31, 1765, Wooten. 69 Mary, m. John Harrington, both of Lex., Dec. 3, 1761. 162 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF MABBIAGES. Worth. 174 John, m. Miss Mary Mann, both of Boston, Feb. 18, 1835. Wright. * Ruth, of Wilmington, ni., in Wilmington, lashei- Richardson, of Lex , Mar. 19, 1752. * Luke W., m. Abigail Estabrook, d. of Attai & Polly, of Lex., Apr. 7, 1846. Wyer. 162 George, m. Miss Mary Rice, both of Lex., Apr. 11, 1822. Wyeth. I Nicholas, m. I.,ydia Fiske. Sept. 6, 1681. 68 Noah, of Cambridge, m. Betty Fitch, of Bedford, Mar. 30, 1763. Wyman. t Benjamin, m. Elizabeth Hancock, Jan 20, 1702 5 Jab'ez, of Woburn, m. Mary Smith, Dec. 30, 1730. * Joseph, of Lunenburg, m , in Lunenburg, Keziah Parker, of Lex., June 21, 1759. 72 James, of Lex., m. Anna Porter, of Woburn, Jan 14, 1766. 89 Nathaniel, m. Sarah Wood, both of Woburn, Sept. 5, 1771. * Joshua, 2d, of Woburn, m., in Woburn, Miss Hepzibah Munroe, of Lex., Apr. 24, 1791. 121 Nathaniel, Jr., m. Elizabeth Bacon, both of Bedford, Apr. 9, 1795. 128 Anna, m. Swethern Reed, both of Lex., Nov. 19, 1795. 134 James, Jr., m. Betsey Locke, both of Lex., Jan. 25, 1798. 134 Abijah, of Billerica, m. Anna Smith, of Woburn, Dec. 16, 1800. 149 Sally, m. John Crapo, of Lynn, Mar. 13, 1810. 166 James, 2d, m. Mrs. Abigail Stirapson Harrington, both of Lex., Feb. 8, 1825. 168 Miss Emilv, m. John Johnson, 2d, Mar. 31, 1825. 170 Harriet, m". Elias P. Hosmer, Oct. 14, 1830. 174 Laura, of Roxbury, m. John L. Head, of Haverhill, Mar. 29, 1835. 183 Susan Elizabeth, m. Jewett Boynton Streeter, both of Lex., Jan. 17, 1838. 183 Benjamin, of Lex., m. Miss Lucy Ann Puffer, of Waltham, Nov. 17, 1840. 188 Ann P., of Lex., m. Samuel Richardson, of Methuen, June 22, 1843. Mary M., of Lex., d. of Abel & Content, m. James Yarrer, of Boston, Nov. 7, 1847. Lucy A. (d. of Jas. & Betsey ?), m. Marshall H.Locke, s of Ham- mond & Rebekab, all of Lex., Dec. 26, 1848. Yarrer. James, of Boston, m. Mary M. Wyman, of Lex., d. of Abel & Con- tent, Nov. 7, 1847. Negroes. The following are given names only : — * Prince Jonah, of Lex., m., in Waltham, Lucy Oriage, of Waltham, Dec. 25, 1762. Jupiter, servant of Joshua Brooks, of Lincoln, m. Pegg, servant of Wm. Reed, Esq., of Lex., Aug. 2, 1756. 75 Job, servant of Sam'l Locke, m. Violet, servant of John Munroe, both of Lex., Nov. 10, 1767. 90 Prince, late servant of Capt. Samuel Stone, m. Kate, late servant of Capt. Phinehas Taylor, of Stowe, Apr. 23, 1772. LEXINGTON BE CORD OF DEATHS. 163 Deaths. — Part I. From Earliest Record to End of 1853. [For explanation of signs, see Preface.] Abbott, Abbot, Abott, Abot. Nehemiah, Feb. 17, 1767. Joseph's ch., June 7, 1770. Widow, Jul. 19, 1770. Jeremiah, 38 y.. May 17, 1845. Charles, s. of NathU & Abby, 26 y., Sept. 20, 1849. Adams, Addams. t Hannah, Feb 25, 1660. Hannah, d of John & Anne, 7 m., Jan. 25, 1661. t Daniel, 20 y.. May 14, 1685. t Joseph, Jul. 20, 1701. t Thomas, s. of Joseph & Rebecca, Nov. 17, 1713. 192 Mary, about 52 y., Feb. 10, 1715-16. Dorothy, June 26, 1719. 15 Deborah (probably d. of Geo. & Judith, b. June 13), June 26, 1719. George, Feb. 17, 1732-33. Ebenezer, Jan. 20, 1739-40. Martha, May 7, 1747. Mieah, Aug. 19, 1747. Nathaniel, Oct. 1, 1757. Abigail, Mrs., Jan. 2, 1761. 114 George, s. of Geo & Elizabeth, Dec. 10, 1764. 114 Rebecca, d. of Geo. & Elizabeth, Mar. 21, 177-, b. Dec 13, 1770. George's ch , Mar. 23, 1772. John, 36 y., May 18, 1774. Geoi-ge's d., Apr. 5, 1775. t James, s. of John & Ruth, Aug. 24, 1776. Mary, wf. of Sampson, Mar. 15, 1777. Increase, Aug. 12, 1785. Sampson, Aug. 26, 1785. Mary, 96 y., Jul. 21, 1786. Benjamin, Jr., 64 y., Oct. 27, 1790. George, Jr., Mar. 31, 1793. George, 80 y., Feb. 8, 1814. Mrs., 84 y., Apr., 1829. Susan, 17 y , Sept., 1831. Allen. Mary, June 10, 1749. Edward F., Mar. 24, 1837. Allen's d , Dec. 1, 1840. 164 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF DEATHS. Anderson. John's ch, Nov. 3, 1719. Mrs., 40 y., Dec, 1832. Angier. Madam, Jan. 14, 1837. Rufus H., s. of Dann & Sarah, 25 y. 6 m. 15 d., Jan. 23, 1853. Arms. 49 Sarah, wf. of Richard, about 86 y., Apr. 20, 1752. 57 Richard, about 73 y., Apr. 15, 1756. Widow, Jul. 13, 1760. Augustus. Sally, 20 y., Aug. 2, 1813. Harriet, 1 y., Sept. 7, 1813. Harriet, d. of John, Jul. 31, 1829. Babbett. Mrs., Nov. 4, 1840. Bacon. Mary, Nov. 16, 1703. Nathaniel, Jul. 24, 1750. Nathaniel, Oct. 19, 1773. Clark's ch., Aug , 1833. Bailey. Joanna, Jan. 15, 1733. Abigail, wf. of Jas , 57 y. 9 m. 14 d., Aug. 8, 1863. Ball. Abigail, widow, 85 y., Feb. 19, 1794. Barnes. Isaac's ch., Oct. 19, 1747. Widow's ch , Sept. 5, 1778. Barrett. Sarah, Feb. 31, 1734. Cynthia, Feb. 20, 1784. Bass. Infant, Oct. 29, 1829. Mr., 72 y., Sept., 1834. Bates. Lydia, Oct. 24, 1703. Charity, Feb. 29, 1722. Mary, Feb. 28, 1723. Beal. Ch., 2 y., 1827-28. Benjamin. Edward S., s. of Dan'l & Frances, 2 y. 1 m., Sept. 6, 1852. LEXINGTON BE CORD OF DEATHS. 165 Berry. Putrick, h. of Emily, 40 y., May 23, 1852. Billiard. Elisabeth, Feb. 7, 1732. Billings. Anna, Miss, 80 y.. Mar. 13, 1853. Black. Mucclewain. Blau chard. Mary, Aug. 19, 1716. Blodgett. * Thomas, Aug. 7, 1639. Mary, Jul. 3, 1716. 40 Joseph, s. of Sam'l & Mary, 10 m. 28 d., Jan. 7, 1732-33. Thomas, Sept. 29, 1740. Rebekah, Mar. 8, 1750. Widow. Thomas. Thomas's wid. Thomas's ch., Aug. 3, 1759. Thomas's ch., Dec. 27, 1770. Thomas's wf.. Mar. 1, 1771. Samuel, Jan. 21, 1773. William, Jul. 13, 1773. Simeon's s., Aug. 11, 1776. Mary, 78 y., Apr. 22, 1781. Nathan's wf., Nov., 1790. Samuel, 73 y.. May 25, 1820. Mr , about 70 y., Feb. 8, 1825. Peter's ch., Aug., 1825. Charles's ch., Oct., 1826. Isaac, 88 y., Jul., 1830. Charles, about 40 y., Aug., 1831. Ch., Nov. 13, 1836. James, Jan. 4, 1838. 186 James, Jan. 3, 1839. James, Rev., 33 y., Aug. 18, 1845, Abby, wid. of Rev. Jas., 26 y., Oct. 13, 1845. Mary G., d. of W. M. & Mary Ann, 3 y. 9 m. 9 d., Oct. 19, 1852. Boles, Bowles. Nelson P., s. of John, 2 y., Aug. 30, 1849. Bond. Sarah, Jan. 24, 1731. Mary, Jan. 6, 1733. Sarah, Apr. 23, 1734. Ruhamah, Oct. 25, 1746. Mary. John. Joshua's ch., Oct. 15, 1756. Joshua's ch., Dec. 4, 1758. 166 LEXINGTON BE COED OF DEATHS. Bond. — Continued. Phebe, Feb. 15, 1773. Abel, Jul. 31, 1783. Joshua, 69 y., Feb. 18, 1790. Mary, 70 y., June 30, 1829. Anna, about 75 y., Nov. 24, 1829. Sarah, 86 y.. Mar. 22, 1830. Bossoret (?). Julia A., widow, 44 y., Mar. 14, 1853. Boutelle. Doctor's s., infant, Jul. 1, 1811. Mrs., about 84 or 85 y., May, 1827-28. Bowers. Penuel's ch., Oct. 28, 1781. Bowman. t Moses, s. of Wm., Mar. 17, 1661-62. Anna, Sept. 26, 1700. t Andrew, s. of Sam'l & Rebekah, Apr. 6, 1702 t Rebekah, wf. of Sam'l, Nov. 18, 1713. t Martha, d. of Sam'l, Dec 1, 1713. John's ch., Oct. 29, 1715. Mary, Oct. 22, 1722. John, Apr. 30, 1726. Martha, Feb. 25, 1728-29. Joseph, Dec. 24, 1729. Elisabeth, Jan. 8, 1740. 74 Sarah, d. of Thaddeus & Sarah, 5 y. 1 d., Oct. 3, 1742. 57 Solomon (twin of Thaddeus), s. of Thaddeus & Sarah, June 10, 1744. P. R. says Thaddeus died June 14, 1744. Evidently that is a mistake. Jonas's ch.. Mar. 11, 1744. Francis, Esq., Dec. 23, 1744. 74 Sarah, wf. of Thaddeus, in her 33d year, Dec. 23, 1747. Prudence, June 4, 1749. Francis, June 25, 17.50. 56 Phebe, wf. of Joseph, Esq., 78 y., Dec. 20, 1751. Madam. Mrs. John, June 27, 1757. Susanna's ch., Aug. 13, 1758. John's ch.. Mar 19, 1759. Capt. Thaddeus's ch , Aug. 22, 1759. 57 Gideon, s. of Thaddeus & Sybil, 20 d., Oct. 20, 1759. Mr. John, Apr. 21, 1760. t Elizabeth, Aug. 16, 1760. 64 Joseph, Esq., in his 88th year, Apr. 8, 1762. 64 Edmund, s. of Edmund & Esther, about 2 y., Sept. 22, 1762. 74 Sybil, d. of Capt. Thaddeus & Sybil, 16 m , Dec. 2, 1765. Capt.'s ch., Jan. 29, 1768. Benjamin, Feb. 27, 1776. Wf .' of Isaac, Esq., Apr. 13, 1785. Isaac, Esq., 92 y., Jul. 18, 1785. William, 78 y., Oct. 13, 1793. Francis, 73 y., Feb. 27, 1825. Francis's ch., 4 m., 1827-28. Isaac's wf., June, 1832. LEXINGTON BE COED OF DEATHS. 167 Bradshaw. Abraham's ch., between 1753 and 1755. Bridge. t Martha, d. of Matthew, Feb. 15, 1649-50. Matthew, Sr., Apr. 28, 1700 Anna, wid. of Matthew, Sr., Dec. 9, 1704. 38 Abigail, wf of Matthew, in her 5oth year, Apr. 14, 1722. Abigail, Dec. 16, 1722. Joseph's wf. and ch., Jan. 24, 1724. 25 Anna, wf. of John, in her 21st yeai*, Dec. 14, 1730. 28 Susanah, wf. of Sam'l, Jan. 16, 1734-35. 38 Matthew (probably wid. of Abigail), in his 88th year, May 29, 1738. Elisabeth, Nov. 24, 1747. 80 Millicent, d. of Joseph & Abigail, Jul. 24, 1753. Millicent. Joshua's wf. Benjamin (ch.). May 23, 1758. 80 Benjamin, s. of Benj. & Anna, June 4, 1758. Samuel's ch., Oct. 4, 1760. Samuel's ch., Oct. 11, 1760. Samuel's ch., Dec. 22, 1760. Samuel's ch., Oct. 21, 1761. 76 Isaac, s. of Joseph, Jr., & Eliot, Feb. 5, 1769. Nathan, Sept 17, 1771 92 Joseph, s. of Joseph, Jr., & Eliot, 8 y. 6 m., Sept. 5, 1776. 92 Joseph, Jr., in his 45th year, Sept. 11, 1775. John, 76 V , Mar. 7, 1776 103 Mrs. Mary, wf. of John, 78 y., Aug 27, 1778. 96 Mary, d. of Capt. John & Hannah, Sept. 4, 1778. 96 Eliab, s. of Capt. John & Hannah, Sept. 10, 1778. Joseph, 79 y., Nov. 21, 1778. 98 Sarah, d. of Maj John & Hannah, Dec. 1, 1780. Maj. John's wf., Oct. 26, 1782. Jonathan's ch., Sept. 18, 1783. 142 Ch. of Jonas & Susanna, 1 d., Jan. 17, 1784. 142 Patty, d. of Jonas & Susanna, Feb. 19, 1788. 126 Mary, wf. of Maj. John, Apr. 1, 1788. Samuel, Jr., 86 y., June 7, 1791. 142 Betsey, d. of Jonas & Susanna, Mar. 27, 1793. Martha, widow, 74 y., June 27, 1793. 142 Samuel, s. of Jonas & Susanna, Sept. 30, 1795. 126 Frances, Apr. 28, 1796. Eunice, 68 y., Jul. 5, 1808. Susanna, 24 y., Nov. 6, 1810. Jonas, 21 y., June 5, 1813. Caroline, d. of Jonas, 14 y., Nov. 14, 1819. Mary, 34 y., Nov. 6, 1820. Mary Ann, 15 y., Sept., 1823. Capt. Jonas's wf., Aug., 1830. Betsey, d. of Capt., 34 y., Feb., 1833. Martha, Apr. 7, 1835. Jonas, June 26, 1837. James Bowman, s. of S., Apr. 7, 1843. Jonas F., s. of Sam'l & Maria, 6 y., Sept. 5, 1846. Caroline R., wf. of A. E., 38 y. 6 m., Aug. 5, 1850. Bridgham. Mary, Aug. 8, 1729. 168 LEXINGTON BEGORD OF DEATHS. Brown. Joseph's ch., 1695. Mr., 1722. Mrs., Apr. 11, 1729. John, Mar. 21, 1730. Eliot, Mar. 11, 1734. James, Jan. 23, 1748. 53 James, s. of Jas. & Jane, Jan. 22, 1749. 73 Jane, wf. of Dea. Jas., in her 47th year. May 5, 1761. 67 Dea. Joseph, in his 86th year, Jan. 11, 1764. 76 Dea. James, in his 55th year, June 11, 1768. Ruhamah, widow, 91 y., Jul. 1, 1772. Mary, Dec. 29, 1774. John, slain, Apr. 19, 1775. James's ch., Nov. 6, 1784. 146 Nabby, d. of Jas. & Betty, Sept., 1794. Charles, 1 y., Jan. 1, 1813. Dea. James, 63 y., Oct. 3, 1821. Hiram, 24 y., Oct 9, 1822. Mary, 84 y., Feb 11, 1825. Solomon's ch., 21 d.. May, 1827-28. Madison, 27 y., Feb , 1832. John's ch., Sept , 1833. Sullivan's wf., Oct., 1833. Betty, widow, Nov. 5, 1837. John, 68 y., Dec. 31, 1846. Pamelia, wf. of Jas., d. of Edward Munroe, 75 y., June 28, 1849. Elizabeth (Dudley ?), wf. of Jas. Brown, 2d, 68 y., Dec. 14, 1849. Bryant. Albert W., Jr., 3 y. 10 m., Oct. 25, 1847. Buckley. Ch., Dec. 4, 1728. William, Feb. 1, 1728-29. Buckman. Benjamin, Jan. 7, 1736. John's ch., Oct. 25, 1763. 78 Mary, wf. of John, in her 48th year, Feb. 10, 1768. 78 John, in his 51st yeai', Feb 17, 1768. John's ch , Sept. 26, 1771. John's wf., Sept. 8, 1778. 112 John, s. of John & Sarah, Aug. 7, 1787. Jacob's ch., Jan. 21, 1792. John, Dec. 23, 1792. Biunstead. Mary, Nov. 15, 1740. Burbank. 140 Daniel, s. of Sullivan & Betsey, June 14, 1810. Burdeau, Bvirdoo. Eunice, Nov. 28, 1720. Phillip, Apr. 17, 1752. Moses's wf., Oct. 8, 1756. Ann, June 30, 1757. Phinehas, May 16, 1766. Mary, June 19, 1786. LEXINGTON BE COED OF DEATHS. 169 Biirgess. Hannah, Dec. 12, 1744. Buss. John, May 19, 1713. Butters. Amos, 79 y. 4 m. 10 tl., Jan. 13, 1850. Buttrick. Eli, 19 y., Oct. 25, 1823. Caldwell. Anna, Mrs., Sept., 1825. Carey. Susanna, widow, 77 y., Oct. 13, 1849. Elizabeth, Miss, 87 y. 7 ra.. May 26, 1853. Carly. 43 William, May 12, 1719. 43 Elizabeth, June 7, 1719. , Feb. 12, 1720. 43 Jane, Mrs , Jan. 11, 1721. 43 Rachel, Sept. 11, 1725. Carr. Betty, between 1753 and 1755. Ch , Aug. 26, 1840. Carter. Mrs, Jan. 15, 1715. J. (dancing master), 45 y, Jan. 29, 1825. Cavenaugh. William, s. of Sidney, 5 y., Mar. 4, 1849. Chamberlin. Ch., 1703. William, Jan. 20, 1734. Abigail, May 6, 1790. Chambers. Mary, Feb, 17, 1776. Chandler. Infant, Feb. 1, 1758. 63 Nathan, Dec. 6, 1760. 82 Abiel, s. of John & Beulah, Feb. 11, 1799. Hannah, 17 y., Jan. 20, 1809. Sarah, 16 y., Feb. 19, 1810. John, 79 y., Nov. 29, 1810. Beulah, 83 y., Feb. 9, 1813. Joseph, 21 y., Nov. 16, 1822. Maj. Samuel's ch., 4 y., Sept., 1825. Tryphena, d. of Wm., 16 y.. Mar. 2, 1830. Lydia, wf. of Col., 31 y., Aug., 1830. Amos M., Aug. 12, 1836. 170 LEXINGTON BECOBB OF DEATHS. Chandler — Continued. Nathan, Mav. 16, 1837. Ruth, wid. of Nathan, d. of Wm. Tidd, Sept. 17, 1846. Daniel, 59 y., June 17, 1847. Elizabeth, wf . of VVm., d. of Nathan Harrington, 59 y., Sept. 30, 1847. Margaret, widow, 78 y. 5 m., Apr. 27, 1853. Child, Childs. 94 Moses, s. of Abijah & Sarah, Aug. 19, 1778. 94 Eunice, d. of Abijah & Sarah, Aug. 23, 1778. 91 Sarah, d. of Abijah & Sarah, Aug. 28, 1778. 94 Abigail, d. of Abijah & Sarah, Aug. 29, 1778. 94 Abijah, s. of Abijah & Sarah, Sept. 6, 1778. 94 Benjamin, s. of Abijah & Sarah, Dec. 24, 1778. Abijah, 70 y., Aug. 30, 1808. Isaac, 34 y., Nov. 20, 1811. Sarah, 78 y.. Mar. 3, 1812. Ellen R., 8 y., Sept. 14, 1849. Edward L., 3 y., Sept. 12, 1849. Henry A., s. of Isaac & Mary Ann, 4 y., Sept. 6, 1849. Isaac, 72 y., Feb. 19, 18.50. Chittenden. Charlotte, 15 y., Aug. 12, 1819. Clapham. Capt. John, Jan. 5, 1761. Clark. Elizabeth, June 7, 1702. Elisabeth's ch., June 9, 1702. Janies''s ch., Sept. 11, 1731. 61 Thomas, s. of Rev. Jonas & Lucy, Nov. 9, 1758. Lucy, wf of Jonas, 53 y., Apr. 6, 1789. Thomas, 77 y.. May 7, 1809. Sally, d. of Rev. Jonas, 69 y., Jan. 28, 1843. Betsey, d. of Rev. Jonas, 82 y., Dec, 1843. Eliza, 80 y., Apr. 22, 1844. Betsey, d." of Jonas, 80 y., Apr. 24, 1844. Infant of Geo. S., 3 m. 10 d., Sept. 4, 1846. Susan A., d of Joshua & Jerusha, 2 y. 7 m. 6 d., June 27, 1852. Clash. , 60 y., May 25, 1845. Clayton. Jane, Jan. 4, 1745. Cliflbrd. John Dennis, 45 y., May 28, 1808. Coffin. Jane, 74 y.. May 31, 1786. Coggswell. Willie J., s. of W. E. & Emely, 7 ni. 20 d., Sept. 7, 1853. Colburn. Alfred, s. of J. M., 23 y.. Mar. 12, 1847. LEXINGTON EECOBD OF DEATHS. 171 Collar. Wm. A., 1 y. 6 m., Feb. 1, 1845. Comey, Comee. David's ch.. Feb. 22, 1720. Ruhamah, Mar. 6, 1722. John, Jul. 20, 1723. A child at his place, Sept. 9, 1728. Martha, Apr. 13, 1729. John, Dec. 6, 1729. Wf. and ch , Mar. 3, 1730. Ruhama, Apr. 27, 1730. A child at Comee's, June 10, 1745. Hannah, May 26, 1770. Joseph, Oct. 12, 1776. Jonathan, about 75 y., Feb. 22, 1825. Cook. Hannah, 89 y., Jan. 5, 1847. Cotton. Mary, 76 y., Nov. 3, 1813. Crapo. Sally, Aug. 23, 1836. Criam. Samuel M.'s ch., Aug. 23, 1762. Crosby. Widow, 58 y., Aug. 27, 1846. Crouch. Elizabeth, Jan. 5, 1722. Crowley. Hannah, d. of Michael & Hannah, 1 y., Oct. 23, 1849. Cummings. James L., h. of Frances, 34 y. 11 m., June 7, 1852. Currier. Infant of W. J., 1 d., Dec. 4, 1847. Cutler. James, Feb. 1, 1690-91. James, Sr., Jul. 17, 1694. David, Jan. 25, 1698-99. Hannah, Feb. 25, 1704-05. John's son. Mar. 25, 1713. 192 John, about 62 (?) y., Sept. 21, 1714. Abigail, Feb. 19, 1715-16. James's ch., Mar. 23, 1719-20. Leff, Sept. 13, 1722. Hannah, May 2, 1724. Mary, Feb. 24, 1733-34 37 Isaac, s. of David & Mary, 7 m., Jan. 14, 1736-37. 46 Joseph, s. of John & Abigail, Nov. 23, 1738. 172 LEXINGTON BE CORD OF DEATHS. Cutler — Continued. Lydia, Oct. 31, 1740. Beniamin, Nov. 24, 1740. Miliicent, Mar. 2, 1741-42. Samuel, Jul. 12, 1742. 46 Isaac, s. of John & Abigail, Oct. 24, 1745. John, Nov. 20, 1747. Sarah, Feb. 12, 1749-50. Bethiah, Jul. 27, 1750. Jonathan. David, Mr., Dec. 5, 1760. David's ch., Apr. 27, 1762. 66 William, s. of Benj & Elizabeth, 1 y. 10 m , Oct. 18, 1762. Thomas's ch., June 11, 1767. Benjamin, 79 y., Nov. 2, 1776. Benjamin's wid., 79 y., Nov. 6, 1776. Abigail, wf. of Thos , Sept. 26, 1784. Mary, 83 y., Jan. 20, 1808. Thomas, 70 y., Jul. 3, 1812. Mary, 44 y.. May 16, 1819. Ch., May, 1827-28. Nathaniel's grandch., 1 y., Jan. 28, 1834. Rebecca, 15 y., Jan., 1835. Nathaniel, h. of Betsey, 76 y., Sept. 4, 1849. Leonard, s. of Thos. & Abigail, h. of Maria, 61 y. 11 m. 26 d.. Mar. 2, 1852. Cutter. , June, 1814. Brother of Nath'l, May, 1827-28. Sally, wf. of Mr. Putnam, 25 or 30 y., Feb. 20, 1834. Elisabeth, 16 y.. Mar. 3, 1834. Rebecca, Feb., 1835. Carrilia, d. of Perkins, 11 y., Oct. 7, 1847. Alfred D., 3 y. 2 m , Oct. 23, 1848. Cuttin. Ch., Aug. 15, 1716. Danforth. Hannah, Mar. 3, 1725. Isanna, 19 y., June 22, 1810. Mr., June, 1829. Davis. Ch., 2 y., Feb., 1832. Deaue. Charles, Mar. 30, 1841. Dempsey. John, 19 y., Jul. 13, 1852. Dennie. Joseph, 68 y., Sept. 27, 1811. Dexter. Infant s. of Alonzo, 6 m , Oct. 6, 1849. LEXINGTON BE COED OF DEATHS. 173 Dix. Edmund, Dec. 10, 1762. Dodge. Mrs , Apr. 9, 1777. , 34 y., June, 1832. Downing. Emily, 4 y., Sept. 19, 1813. Susanna, widow, 79 y , May 2, 1843. Draper. William's infant, June 7, 1783. Dudley. 120 Nathan, s. of Nathan & Sarah, Feb. 8, 1795. 120 Rebecca, d. of Nathan & Sarah, Apr. 12, 1795. 120 Sarah, wf . of Nathan, Jan. 16, 1801. Nathan, 3 y., Aug. 9, 1813. Dudley's grandch., Apr., 1821. Mr., Jul. 17, 1835. Hannah, wf. of Nathan, 75 y., Jan. 26, 1847. Duleen. Jane, 19 y., Dec 25, 1851. Dunkley. Mary, Sept. 17, 1729. Dunlap. Alexander U., 25 y., Feb. 2, 1848. « Dupee. Morell, d. of Elias & Mary Ann, 8 m. 12 d.. Mar. 21, 1853. Durant. Widow, 89 y., Jan. 6, 1793. Duren. Caroline A., d. of Warren, 16 y. 6 m. 18 d.. May 30, 1852. Dyer. Sarah, wf. of Enoch, 69 y., Feb. 5, 1849. Eager. Francis, Dec. 23, 1788. Eames. Simon's ch., Jul. 8, 1765. Eaton. Mrs., 85 y., Mar. 14, 1814. Elliot. Ch., 10 m., Aug., 1826. 175 Elizabeth, wf. of George P. and d. of John Tidd, of Lex., Jan. 9, 1835, in Billerica. 174 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF DEATHS. Ellis. Ch., 3 y., Nov. 25, 1820. Ch., 2 y., Sept. 15, 1822. , wf. of Jas., 55 y , Jul. 16, 1845. Elson. Hannah, Jan. 1, 1726-27. Emerson. Sophvonia, wf. of Edward, 37 y. 6 m. 4 d., May 7, 1852. Estabrook. 6 Millecent, wf. of Joseph, Mar. 20, 1692-93. Benjamin, Rev., Jul. 22, 1697. 6 Soloman, s. of John & Hannah, 15 d., Jan. 6, 1697-98. 6 Joseph, Rev., Sept. 16, 1711. Joseph, 20 d., Jul. 17, 1714. 6 Job, s. of Joseph & Submitt, 13 m., Jul. 17, 1715. 6 Joseph, s. of Joseph & Submitt, 2 d., Mar. 18, 1717-18, 6 Submit, wf. of Joseph, Jr., Mar. 31, 1718. Joseph's ch , May 19, 1722. Joseph's ch., Feb. 9, 1723. 25 Benjamin, s. of Joseph & Hannah, 11 m. 20 d., Sept. 29, 1728. 25 Hannah, d. of Joseph, Jr., & Hannah, Oct. 21, 1728. 31 Dea. Joseph, Sept. 23, 1733. 32 Solomon, s. of Joseph & Hannah, 3 m. 20 d., Oct. 1, 1733. 40 Joseph, Dea , Aug. 19, 1740. John, June 19, 1742. Joseph, Dec. 10, 1747. Samuel, 1753-55. Nehemia's ch., Jan. 25, 1770. Benjamin, Jr.'s, ch., Nov. 30, 1790. , 2 y., Oct 19, 1812. Esther, 49 y., Jan. 5, 1813. Eliakim's ch.. Mar , 1813. Benjamin, 57 y., Oct. 29, 1819. Mr.; 30 v., May 2, 1820. Solomon, Aug. 11, 1825. Benjamin, 21 y., Nov., 1826. Attai's Avf., about 40 y., Nov., 1826. Eliakim, Apr., 1835. Elizabeth, d. of Attai, 25 y., June 24, 1848. Eustis. Benjamin's wf., May 30, 1775. Evans. , Jan 23, 1845. Thomas A., s. of Jeremiah & Almira, 3 y., Feb. 5, 1847. Mary W., wf. of VVm., 33 y., Oct. 19, 1848. Fairfield. Ch., Mar. 24, 1736. 32 Rebeckah, d. of Stephen & Hannah, 33 d., Jan. 28, 1738-39. Moses, Oct. 2, 1739. Lucy, Oct. 31, 1739. Parmer. Nabby, wf. of Nathaniel, 1753-54. Nathaniel, Sept. 3, 1778. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF DEATHS. 175 Farmer — Contimied. Isaac, Apr. 7, 1779. Hannah, wf. of Nath'l, Dec. 30, 1782. Margaret, d. of Margaret, 46 y. 3 m. 1 d., Feb. 12, 1851. Nabby, 89 y., Nov. 27, 1852. Farrer. Infant of A. W'., 4 d., May 19, 1848. Fasett. 24 Joseph, s. of Joseph & Amitie, b. and d. Jan. 18, 1727-28. 24 Mary. d. of Joseph & Amitie, Oct. 12, 1728. Ch., Feb , 1737. Mary, 1753-55. Mary, 1753 55. Joseph, 1753-55. Joseph, Aug. 15, 1755. Fessenden. t John, Dec. 21, 1666. t Jane, d. of Nicholas & Margaret, Jul. 24, 1676. t Hannah, d. of Nicholas & Margaret, Sept. 4, 1676. t Jane, wf. of John, 80 y., Jan. 13, 1682-83. t Thomas, s. of Nicholas & Margaret, Feb. 28, 1682. f Anne, d. of Nicholas & Sarah, June 6, 1714. 3 Al)agail, wf. of Thos., Ajir. 25, 1719. Elizabeth, Apr. 25, 1719. t Margaret, d. of VVm. & Martha, Sept. 17, 1722. t Benjamin, s of VVm. & Martha, Sept. 21, 1723. f Benjamin, s. of VVm. & Martini, Nov. 21, 1724. Hannah, June 24, 1725. Hannah, May 5, 1729. 3 Hannah, d. of Thos. & Abigail L., Apr. 21, 1729. 28 Abigail, wf. of Thos., June 12, 1736. Submit, Jan. 6, 1737-38. Thomas, Mar. 6, 1738. 50^ Abigaill, d. of Thos. & Hannah, Jul. 13, 1741. Thomas's ch., June 19, 1759. Thomas, Jul. 23, 1768. Hannah, Oct. 24, 1768. Samuel, Nov. 1, 1771. Elizabeth, wf. of Thos., Aug. 13, 1773. Nathan's ch., Isaac (?), Sept. 17, 1775. Thomas's ch., Aug. 20, 1778. Nathan's ch., Jul. 17, 1787. Widow's ch.. Mar. 28, 1790. Lucy, widow, June 19, 1820. Nathaniel, 30 y.. May, 1825. Ch., Jan. 1, 1834. Jane, wf. of Nathan, 70 y., Feb. 10, 1849. Fillebrown. Caroline F., d. of Darius, 3 y., Oct. 20, 1846. Elizabeth, wf . of Darius, 47 y., Nov. 16, 1849. Fisher. 176 Joseph Fiske, s. of Richard & Elizabeth, Sept. 29, 1821. 176 Julia Maria, d. of Richard & Elizabeth, Feb. 3, 1824. 176 Rosanna Clark, d. of Richard & Elizabeth, Feb. 7, 1824. 176 Elizabeth (Fiske), wf. of Richard, 39 y. (1834). 176 LEXINGTON EECORD OF DEATHS. Piske. t Sarah, d. of David, May 8, 1647. t David, s. of David & Lydia, Apr. 15, 1650. t Ephraim, Sept. 14, 165:1 t Lydia (wf. of David), Nov 29, 1654. Abigail, Jul. 2, 1691. David, Feb. 24, 1710. 40 Mary, d. of Robert & Mary, 11 d., Feb. 19, 1718-19. Ebenezer's eh., Jul. 25, 1721. Ebenezer's wf , Jul. 29, 1721 Sarah, Apr. 22, 1729. David, Oct. 23, 1729. Benjamin, Jan. 21, 1739-40. Ch. at Dr. Fisk's, Jan. 28, 1744-45. Ch. at Dr Fisk's, Apr. 5, 1745. Dr., Apr. 18, 1752. Dr.'s ch., Aug. 5, 1755. John's ch., Oct. 27, 1756. Mary, widow, Feb. 11, 1757. David's ch., Nov. 24, 1757. Betty, Dec. 12, 1770. David's ch., June 18, 1772. Bethiah, wf. of Lieut. Ebenezer, 74 y., Nov. 19, 1774. David's wf , Jul. 25, 1775. Lieut. Ebenezer, 84 y., Dec. 19, 1776. Benjamin, Feb. 11, 1785. Dr. David's ch., Feb. 16, 1794. 153 Dr. Joseph, father of Joseph, who m. Elizabeth, 81 y. 2 m. (P. R. says89y), Jan. 8, 1808. Abijah, 55 y., Mar. 25, 1809. David, 61 y., Aug. 17, 1820. Mehipsibeth, 91 y., Oct. 10, 1820. 176 Sarah Ann, d. of Dr. Joseph & Elizabeth (Stone), Dec. 27, 1825. 176 Jonas Stone, s. of Dr. Joseph & Elizabeth S., 29 y., Mai\ 23, 1828. 180 Elmira, wf. of Zadoc Harrington, 26 y., Jan. 22, 1834. 180 Elizabeth, wf. of Richard Fisher, 39 y. (1834). Dr., Sept. 27, 1837. Elizabeth, wid. of Dr. Joseph, 78 y., Mar. 6, 1849. Flagg. 155 Miss Susan, d. of Gershom, of Mason, N. H , Jul. 28, 1818 Flanders. Mrs., Oct. 27, 1837. Fletcher. Elisha, 1753-55. Flint. Hannah B., wf. of Nath'l, 32 y. 8 m. 27 d., Jul. 21, 1852. Fogg. Angeline Wilkinson, d. of John, 21 y., Nov. 18, 1847. George W., s. of John, 21 y 2 d., Oct. 27, 1850. Josephine, d. of Alonzo & Marj-, 6 m., May 30, 1853. FoUet. Benjamin, Jul. 25, 1780. " LEXINGTON REGOBD OF DEATHS. Ill Ford. Stephen, Nov. 15, 1731. Foster. , s. of Edward & Sarah, 3 m., Jan. 5, 1845. Frazer. Julia Ann, adopted d. of Ebenezer Simonds, 16 y. 9 ni., Feb. 1, 1851. Frost. Ch., Jul. 13, 1730. John, Dee. 14, 1849. Fuller. Silas's ch., Jan. 11, 1770. Gage. Faustina M., wf. of David A., 29 y. 3 m. 10 d., Nov. 4, 1850. Gammell. Eliza, d. of John, 34 y. 4 m., Jan. 14, 1848. Elvira W., wf. of Eben, 22 y., Aug. 26, 1849. Lucy Ann, d. of Eben & Elvira W., 2 y. 10 m., Aug. 26, 1849. Eldora W., d. of j:ben & Elvira W., 8 m., Aug. 29, 1849. Margaret, d. of John & Rhoda, 32 y. 12 d., Nov. 12, 1850. Edward H , s. of Eben & Mary Ann, 11 ni. 1 d., Aug. 29, 1852. Garfield, Elisabeth, Sept. 26, 1700. , Aug. 11, 1838. Garmon. Thomas C, 60 y. 7 m., June 20, 18.50. Gary. Anna G., 22 y., June 20, 1844. Gerry. Sarah E., d. of Hollis & Elizabeth, 1 y. 4 m., Aug. 13, 1850. Gibbins. Mary, May 12, 1734. Gibbs. Mercy E., d. of VVm., 35 y. 8 m. 26 d., Dec. 29, 1851. William P., h. of Augusta, 39 y. 11 m. 22 d., Aug. 27, 1852. William, 68 y., Dec. 23, 1853. Gilman. Mr. D., about 40 y., Mar. 6, 1834. Joanna, d. of Frank & Joanna, 1 y. 2 m., Aug. 15, 1853. Gleason. William, Jan. 14, 1690. Godding. Ch., Oct. 8, 1756. Ch., Oct. 19, 1756. Infant, Feb. 27, 1758. 178 LEXINGTON BECOED OF DEATHS. Goodnough. Mrs., May 19, 1829. Edward, Oct. 15, 1840. Gossom. Zachary T., .s. of Elijah & Eliza, 4 y. 1 m. 4 d., Nov. 27, 1851. Gove. Lydia, Apr. 18, 1740. Ch., 8 m., Jul., 1832. Graves. Mary, d. of Philip, 10 ni. 29 d., Jul. 26, 1849. Green. 33 Phebe, d. of Sam'l & Esther, 1 y. 3 m. 18 d., Aug. 9, 1722. Samuel, Aug. 21, 1749. Elizabeth, June 11, 1750. SaniuePs ch., 1753-55. Darius's ch.. Mar. 28, 1769. Lucy Clark, Oct. 28, 1793. Benjamin, 92 y., Oct. 26, 1822. Mrs., d. of J. Parker, 49 y., Jan., 1833. Mrs., about 35 y., Jan. 12, 1834. Greenleaf. Mary, d. of Thos. & Phebe Reed, 17 y. 8 m., May 17, 1848. Grimes. Jonathan, Mar. 1, 1703. George, Jul. 28, 1716. William, Mar. 4, 17,19. Joseph, Mar. 26, 1750. John, Mar. 28, 1750. William, Nov. 5, 1766. Bethiah, widow. Mar. 17, 1772. Grover. Mary Jane, d. of Wm., 3 y. 5 m., Jan. 25, 1847. Gunel. Mary, Apr. 20, 1732. Hadley. Mary, Jan. 8, 1733. Thomas's ch , 1753-55. Thomas's ch., 1753-55. Samuel, killed Apr. 19, 1775. Thomas, 76 y., Jul. 15, 1788. Ruth, 94 y.. May 26, 1819. Mr., Aug. 31, 1829. Elisabeth, 90 y., Apr., 1832. Hancock. t John, s. of Nath'l & Joane, Apr. 2, 1G43. t Nathanic^l, s. of Nath'l & Mary, Jul. 20, 1665. t Abigail, May 7, 1672. t Solomon, s. of Nath'l & Mary, May 16, 1700. LEXINGTON RE COED OF DEATHS. 179 Hancock — Continued. Joshua, Sept. 12, 1734. 53 Ebenezer, Rev., in his 31st year, Jan. 28, 17-40. 53 John, Rev., in his 82d year, Dec. 6, 1752. Elisabeth, Madam, Feb. 13, 1760. Hanscom. Harriet, wf. of Jonas, Mar. 19, 1846. Sarah B., wf. of Jonas, 24 y., Mar. 14, 1849 Hardin. Ch., June, 1696. Hardy. George W., s. of Sewell J., 2 m. 15 tl.. May 7, 1849. Harrington. 17 Samuel, s. of Robert & Anna, 2 m,, Sept. 29, 1712. 40 Ephraim, s. of Richard & Abigail, Oct. 30, 1742. Betty, Oct. 27, 1745. Timotliy, Nov. 16, 1746. Elizabeth, Feb. 8, 1749, Solomon, Oct. 12, 1750. John, Nov. 29, 1750. Abigail, 1753-55. Grace, Apr. 10, 1759. Mrs. Heniy, May 19, 1760. 78 Charles, s. of Jonathan & Abigail, Mar. 24, 1761. Henry's ch., Sept. 15, 1762. Daniel's ch., Aug. 23, 1767. Robert, 89 y., Feb. 5, 1774. Jonathan, jr.'s, ch., Sept. 9, 1774. Jonathan, Jr., slain Apr. 19, 1775. Caleb, slain Apr. 19, 1775. Widow Ruth's ch., Jul., 1775. 88 Eusebia, d. of Dan'l & Anna, Oct. 5, 1775. Henry's ch.. May 12, 1776. Jonathan's wf., June 20, 1776. Abigail, widow, Aug. 31, 1776. Widow's s., Oct, 14, 1776. Anna, 87 y., Oct. 26, 1777. William, June 20, 1778. Levi's ch , Dec. 13, 1784. Lydia, wf. of Jonathan, Oct. 13, 1785. Moses, 79 y., Jan. 11, 1787. Jeremy's ch.. Mar. 28, 1790. Moses's wid., Oct., 1790. Levi's infant, Oct. 23, 1790. Henry, 80 y., Dec. 25, 1791. Joseph's ch., Dec. 13, 1792. Robert, Esq., May 30, 1793. 138 More, s. of Jonathan, Jr., & Sally, Sept. 16, 1802. Mary, 40 y.. May 19, 1809. Solomon's infant. May 28, 1809. Jonathan, 87 y., Sept. 14, 1809. Betsey, 29 y., Jan. 13, 1811. Anna, 71 y., Oct. 26, 1811. Sarah, 66 y., Jan. 12, 1813. Sarah, 65 y., Nov. 29, 1819. 180 LEXINGTON EEGOBD OF DEATHS. Harrington — Continued. Abigail, 94 y., Jan. 23, 1S20. Rebecca, 58 y., Sept. 6, 1820. Moses, May 10, 1821. Abijah's wf., 52 y., Feb. 27, 1822. Moses's wf., 71 y., Oct. 25, 1822. Moses's s.. May, 1824. Daniel, 30 y., Oct., 1826. Ebenezer, 40 y., Jan., 1827. William, s. of Jonathan, 30 y., Jan., 1827. Joseph, 17 y., 1827-28. Joseph's d., 1827-28. Joseph, 59 y., Jan., 1829. Mr. Lewis, about 50 y., Sept. 4, 1829, Capt. Nathaniel's ch., 2 y., Apr., 1832. 176 Elmira (Fiske), wf. of Zacloc, 26 y. (P. R. says 30 y.), Jan. 22, 1834. Oliver, 40 y., Oct., 1834. Moses, Feb., 1835. Capt. Nathan's wf., June 26, 1835. Nathan, June 30, 1837. Dennis, Aug. 11, 1840. Hiram's infant, Jul. 14, 1843. Nathan, 52 y., Nov. 16, 1843. , s. of Hiram, 8 m., Jul. 13, 1844. Solomon, s. of Jonathan, 72 y., May 11, 1845. Ebenezer, 86 y.. May 9, 1846. Levi, s. of Dan'l, 86 y., Jul. 31, 1846. Sally Banks, wf. of Jonathan, 85 y., Jul. 28, 1847. Hannah, wid. of Solomon, 81 y., Jul. 29, 1847. Elizabeth, d. of Nathan, wf . of Wm. Chandler,75 y. 6 m., Sept. 27, 1847. Lucy, 83 y. 5 m. 12 d., Apr. 19, 1852. Martha J., widow, 55 y. 6 m. 7 d., Nov. 13, 1852. Abijah, s. of Robert, h. of Mary Locke, 91 y. 10 m. 9 d., Dec. 17, 1852. Hart. Stephen, May 30, 1732. Hartwell. Mr., 80 y., Dec. 7, 1829. Widow," Sept. 5, 1838. Hastings. t John, Dec. 2, 1657. 18 Thaddeus, s. of Thos. & Sarah, 7 m. 19 d., Sept. 20, 1722. Samuel, Mar. 3, 1758. 86 Bethiah, d. of Sam'l & Lydia, Aug. 3, 1765. Thaddeus's ch., June 30,' 1766. Thaddeus's ch., Aug. 23, 1767. Thaddeus's ch., Sept. 13, 1769. Bethiah, 80 y., June 1, 1774. 86 Thomas, s. of Sam'l & Lydia, Sept. 8, 1775. Samuel's ch., Oct. 9, 1775. 116 Bethiah, d. of Sam'l & Lydia, 20 y., Jul. 28, 1786. 116 Abigail, d. of Sam'l & Lydia, 20 y.. May 10, 1788. 116 Lydia, d. of Sam'l & Lydia, 28 y., Jul. 22, 1788. 116 Hephzibali, d. of John & Esther, 9 m., Apr. 28, 1789. 116 John, s. of Sam'l & Lydia, 26 y., June 5, 1789. John's ch., Apr. 28, 1790. John, June 5, 1790. LEXINGTON BEGOBD OF DEATHS. 181 Hastings — Continued. Thomas's ch., 18 m., Sept. 8, 1819. Samuel, 99 y., Feb. 7, 1820. Wf. of Maj., Apr., 1829. Dea. Isaac, 74 y., Jul. (?), 1830. Wf. of Dea., Mar., 1833. Maj., 76 y., Jan. 9, 1834. Hawkins. Emily, d. of Richard, 11 m. 21 d., Jul. 4, 1849. Hawthorn. Abigail, Dec. 10, 1730. Hayden. Daniel, 76 y., Apr. 27, 1851. Hews. eth, Jan. 12, 1720. John, Dec. 15, 1721. Heywood. Nathan, Jul. 3, 1836. Hill. Lucy, d. of Thos. Locke and wf . of Amos, at Nottingham West, 44 y., May 23, 1819. Ch , Sept., 1836. Hobbs. Tabitha, Dec. 30, 1723. 37 Josiah, Mr., in his 92d year. May .30, 1741. Hollowell. Benjamin, 1753-55. Holmes. William, Jan. 29, 1728. 24 Sarah, d. of Wm. & Johanali, b. and d. Feb. 1, 1728-29. Joannah, June 12, 1729. Sarah, Sept. 15, 1739. William, Feb. 25, 1743. John S., s. of Mary Ann, 22 y. 6 m. 1 d., Jan. 2, 1852. Hosmer. Sarah, d. of Ebenezer C, 15 m., Aug. 14, 1844. Hufimaster. Ch., 9 m., Jul., 1832. Hughs. Ch., 5 or 6 y., Jul., 1830. Hunt. Henry, Nov. 11, 1705. Henry, Nov. 30, 1706. Samuel, Oct. 19, 1789. 182 LEXINGTON BE COED OF DEATHS. Huston. The tailor's ch., Sept., 1825. Indian. Marcus, Feb. 6, 1733. IngersoU. Ch., Nov. 7, 1757. Ingerson. Eliza, May 23, 1738. Ingraham. Capt.'s Avf., 43 y., Juue 10, 1823. Jaquith. Francis, 27 y., June 21, 1846. Jennings. William, Sept. 28, 1751. , ch., May 27, 1793. Jennison. Ch.. Dec. 24, 1761. Josiah's ch., Nov. 30, 1764. Johnson. Thomas, Dec. 4, 1690. Mary, May, 1691. Mary, Sr., Nov. 29, 1694. John, Mar. 8, 1698. Sarah, June 1, 1708. Henry, June 1, 1732. Mariah, Sept. 9, 1739. John, Mar. 26, 1747. Obadiah's ch., Sept. 20, 1778. Widow Sarah\s ch., Jul. 30, 1786. John's eh., 2 y,, Oct. 21, 1822. John's ch., 10 m., Sept. 5, 1826. John's eh., 22 m.. Mar. 27, 1829. John, Jr , 17 y., June, 1829. Joseph's infant, Sept. 20, 1829. Thomas, 44 y., Jul., 1830. Jones. 51 Tabitha (probably d. of Tabitha Jones Munroe), Aug. 1, 1749. Martha, 2 y., Sept. 26, 1820. Levi, 4 y., Oct. 11, 1820. Kendall. Samuel, Sept. 6, 1728. Sarah, ]Mar. 12, 1774. Kenister. Infant s. of Dan'l, 2 m., Feb. 17, 1847. , s. of Dan'l & Polly, 5 m., Nov. 8, 1849. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF DEATHS. 183 Keniston. Ch., Apr., 1832. Ch., May 16, 1837. Ch., Sept. 13, 1840. Kenuchin. Maiy, Jul. 22, 1726. Kibbe. Hezekiah, Aug. 29, 1709. Knight, Jonathan, 1692. Capt.'s ch., Apr. 7, 1830. Lampson. Margvet, June 18, 1752. Lane. Peter, Oct. 21, 1710. Larkin. Ch., about 2 y., Mar. 8, 1834. Laughton. Jeremy, Jul. 16, 1723. Thomas, Jan. 17, 1739. James, May 18, 1837. Lawrence. Dea., Apr. 14, 1724. 52 Elizabeth (Swain), wf. of Jonathan, Jan. 16, 1732-33. Jonathan's ch., Mar. 26, 1738. .Jonathan's eh., June 7, 1744. John, Mar. 12, 1747. Jo's ch., June 13, 1752. Jonathan's ch., 1753-55. Jonathan's ch., 1753-55. Elizabeth, about 90 y., Apr. 14, 1768. Jonathan, Feb. 19, 1773. Elizabeth, widow, 85 y., Jul. 4, 1790. 141 Mr. Bezaleel, Feb. 6, 1796. Phinehas, 3 y., Oct. 5, 1811. 141 Mrs. Sarah, wf. of Bezaleel, Feb. 4, 1819. 132 Abigail, d. of Jonathan & Polly, Dec. 23, 1826. Charles, 20 y., June, 1832. Mr. Jonas, Jan., 1835. Miss Anna, 83 y., Apr. 14, 1845. Franklin, s. of Phinehas, 33 y., Sept. 2, 1847. Polly, wf. of Phinehas, d. of Wm. ^A'ellington, 74 y. 3 m., June 9, 1850. LeBaron. Ch., Aug. 27, 1840. Mrs., 80 y., Nov. 16, 1845. Leland. Rebecca H., wf. of Ira, 49 y. 10 m. 4 d., Apr. 23, 1852. 184 LEXINGTON' BEGOBD OF DEATHS. Littlefleld. Mr. , Feb., 1835. Locke. Joseph's eh., 1695. Joseph's s., Mar. 31, 1707. Joseph's eh., Apr. 7, 1708. Joseph's wf., Apr. 17, 1708. William's eh., Mar. 14, 1709. Ch. of Joseph & Mary, Feb. 21, 1710. Mary, wf. of Joseph, Feb. 21, 1710. 192 Ruth, wf. of Sam'l, 37 y., Dec. 17, 1714. Ebenezer, Mar. 22, 1720. Margaret, May 25, 1732. Hannah, Apr. 10, 1747. Widow, 1753-55. Joseph, 1753-55. Stephen's ch., 1753-55. Benjamin, Nov. 12, 1755. Mai-y, widow, Nov. 30, 175G. Nathan, May 19, 1761. William, 83 y., June 29, 1767. Stephen, Apr. 6, 1772. Sarali, wf. of Joseph, May 28, 1777. Jemima, Jr., Sept. 6, 1781. Jemima, widow, 90 y., Nov. 16, 1782. Joseph, 85 y., Jan. 13, 1785. Edmund, May 16, 1786. 105 Benjamin, s. of Benj. & Betsey, b. and d. Mar. 19, 1787. Beniamin's ch., Sept. 19, 1788. William's widow, 63 y., Dec. 31, 1790. Reuben's infant, Apr. 8, 1791. 113 Joseph, 57 y., Apr. 27, 1791. Thomas, 70 y., Feb. 21, 1792. Job's ch.. Sept, 13, 1792. Job's wf., Sept. 13, 1792. Benjamin's ch., Oct. 4, 1793. Darius, 13 y.. Mar. 22, 1808. Infant, 2 y., Jul. 23, 1811. Lucy, d. of Thos., wf. of Amos Hills, at Nottingham, West, 44 y. May 23, 1819. Oliver's ch , Jan. 20, 1820. Asa, 57 y., Nov. 25, 1821. Hammond's ch., 3 y., Feb. 8, 1822. Reuben, about 75 y., Jan. 25, 1823. Benjamin's wf., about 45 y.. Mar., 1823. Widow, mother of Mrs. Mead, 84 y., Feb. 19, 1824. Jonas's s., 33 y., Apr. 17, 1824. Oliver's ch., 4 m., Oct. 28, 1824. Jonas's wf., Sept., 1825. Widow, Sept., 1825. Capt. Oliver, 35 y., Oct., 1825. Stephen's ch., 3 y., Oct. 19, 1826. Amos, 85 y., 1827-28. Otis's wf., May 24, 1829. Benjamin, Jr., 60 y., Oct. 19, 1829. Thomas, 45 y., Nov. 2, 1829. Jonas, Jr., about 45 y., Nov. 28, 1829. Benjamin's wf., about 70 y., Oct. 1, 1830. Thomas, father of Otis, 80 y., Feb., 1831. LEXINGTON BE COED OF DEATHS. 185 Locke — Continued. Otis's ch., 2 y., Apr. 28, 1832. Romanus, 20 y., Feb., 1833, Jonas, about 70 y., Aug , 1833. Mrs. Reuben, about 84 y., Nov. 15, 1833. Charles's d., Apr., 1835. Benjamin, Jr., Nov. 9, 1836. Stephen's ch., Dec. 6, 1840. Hammond, 53 y., Jul. 17, 1S43. Bowman's infant, Jul. 19, 1843. , d. of Chas., Jr., 1 y. 6 m., Sept., 1844. Rebecca, wid. of Thaddeus Munroe, d. of Thos., 64 y., Jul. 25, 1846. James, s. of Amos, 63 y., Jan. 10, 1848. Deborah Blodgett, wid. of Jonas, 84 y., Oct. 12, 1849. Mary Foster, wf. of Loa, 66 y., Jan. 21, 1851. Theodore L., s. of Hammond & Rebekah, 22 y. 20 d., Apr. 16, 1851. Otis, s. of Thos., 61 y. 4 m., June 25, 1851. Henry B., s. of Nichols & Bloomy, 3 y. 3 m. 15 d.. Mar. 12, 1853. Abigail White, wid. of Jonas, Jr., 63 y. 8 m. 14 d., Jul. 14, 1853. Loring. 6 Joseph, s of Joseph & Hannah, Feb. 19, 1690-91. Joseph's ch., Oct. 2, 1709. John, Dec. 13, 1717. Sarah, Jan. 9, 1717-18. Joseph's ch., Apr. 14, 1737. Joseph's ch., May 24, 1739. Submit, Jan. 0, 1740. 58 Joseph, Dea., Jul. 4, 1746. Joseph's ch., 1753-55. Lydia, widow, Oct. 4, 1758. Jonathan's ch.. Mar. 14, 1780. Dea. Joseph, 74 y., Sept. 13, 1787. Wid. of Dea., 75 y., Sept. 16, 1789. Mrs., 52 y., Oct. 22, 1809. Levering. Ch., Jul. 10, 1837. Lucee. Isaac, 1753-55. Maecantash. , Apr. 1, 1746. Maceleur. Andrew, Apr. 12, 1730. David, Apr. 18, 1733. Mackay. Ch., June 21, 1825. Thomas, killed on R.R., Oct. 2, 1846. Maine. Catherine, d. of Andrew & Catherine, 11 m., Nov. 11, 1849. Mann. 38 Mary, d. of Jas. & Mary, 1 y. 8 m., Nov. 30, 1738. 71 Mary, d. of Jas. & Mary, 15 y. 2 m. 16 d., Dec. 23, 1764. / 186 LEXINGTON RECORD OF DEATHS. Marrett. Amos's ch., Oct. 12, 1775. Hannah, 24 y., June 27, 1819. Amos, 68 y., Nov. 16, 1824. Mrs., 85 y.. May, 1827 or 1828. Martha, wf. of Amos, 84 y., Oct. 16, 1849. Mason. John's ch., Aug. 1, 1700. 192 P^sther, d. of John & Elizabeth, 7 m. 1 d., Aug; 3, 1713. 25 Mercy, d. of John & Elisabetli, 1 y. 18 d , Nov. 30, 1717. 1 Katharine Brown, d. of John & Elizal^eth, at Holliston, 22 y. 7 ni. Mar. 5, 1732-33. Daniel's ch., Jul. 19, 1737. John, Mar. 34, 1738. Daniel's ch., Dec. 21, 1738. Ebenezer. 104 Hannah, d of John & Lydia, Feb. 10, 178G. 104 John, Mr., 85 y. 5 m 12 il., Jan. 20, 1787. Lydia, widow, 80 y., Feb. 18, 1791. 104 John, s, of Joseph &. Elizabeth, May 3, 1793. Lydia, 82 v., Aug. 24, 1813. Mrs. Elizabeth, about 90 y., Jan., 1829. Daniel, Oct. 25, 1837. May. Ruth Marrett, May 4, 1766. McLane. Emma J., d. of Amanda, 7 y., Oct. 4, 1849. McLaughlin. Thomas, s. of Jas. & Elizabeth, 18 y. 7 m., Nov 5, 1850. McMahan. Infant of C, 16 d., Oct. 2, 1846. Meade. f John, R. of John & Anne, Oct. 21, 1646. Israel's wf., Oct., 1692. Hannah, May 28, 1702. Israel, Aug. 6, 1714. Josiah, Apr. 12, 1718. Hannah, Oct. 4, 1723. Elijah, Sept. 28, 1725. Ruth, Oct. 3, 1726. David's ch., Nov. 21, 1726. Sarah, June 22, 1745. Israel's ch , June 25, 1747. David's twins, Dec. 7, 1747. , Feb. 15, 1749. Hopestill, Aug. 9, 1750. Ilopestill. Joshua's ch. Cornelius. Matth(!w, Oct. 21, 1758. Maltlunv's ch , June 1, 1765. Matthew's eh., Apr. 16, 1766. Beiioni, Aug. 4, 1766. David, 87 y., Feb. 27, 1767. LEXINGTON HE COED OF DEATHS. 187 Meade — Continued. Widow, 87 y., Mar. 30, 1770. Levi's ch., Jan. 9, 1783, Matthew's wf., 63 y., Aug. 8, 1792. Josiah, 67 y., Jul. 5, 1829. Merriam, Meriam, Mirriam. t Nicholas Wythe, 85 y., Jul. 19, 1680. Lydia, Dec. 29, 1690. 192 Robert, s. of Robert & Abigail, Jul. (15, 1703). Widow, Apr. 8, 1704. Robert, June 30, 1713. 192 Sarah, d. of Robert & Abigail, Jul. 7, 1713. Abigail, June 16, 1717. Robert, Feb. 20, 1717. 18 Elizabeth, d. of Joseph & Mary, U y. 13 d., Aug. 26, 1722. 18 Elizabeth, d. of Joseph & Mary, 3 m. 4 d., Jan. 1, 1722-23. Joseph's ch., Apr. 22, 1725. Dea, May 21, 1727. Joseph, May 31, 1727. Robert, June 10, 1729. 33 Hannah, d. of Thos. & Tabitha, 6 m. 7 d., Feb. 14, 1729-30. Benjamin's ch., Feb. 20, 1731. Wil'liam, June 21, 1735. Thomas, Aug. IG, 1738. Jonathan, Feb 20, 1738. Hannah, Aug 6, 1740. Keziah, Aug. 10, 1740. Isaac's ch., Sept. 14, 1740. 37 Aaron, s. of Benj. & Mary, 3 m. 13 d., Jan. 3, 1740-41. Isaac, Apr. 19, 1741. Eunice, Apr. 27, 1741. , May 1, 1741. David, Dec. 15, 1743. Joseph, Nov. 15. 1745. 46 Ebenezer, s. of Jonas & Abigail, 1 m. 15 d., Dec. 17, 1715. Sarah. Mar. 3. 1746. Sarah's ch.. Mar. 13, 1746. Simon. Feb. 9, 1746. Mary, Dec. 27, 1747. Ruth, Apr. 22, 1749. Netlianiel's ch., Jid. 17, 1751. Thomas, June 3, 1752. Eunice. Lydia. Aliigail, Dec. 13, 1755. Mrs , Sept. 29, 1756. Tabitha, widow, June 22, 1760. 103 Mary, wf. of Benj,, June 18, 1763. 86 Jonas, s of Abraham & Sarah, Sept. 16, 1772. Sarah, wf. of Jonas, Mar. 15, 1773. 103 Benjamin, h. of Mary, Apr. 28, 1773. Jonas, 73 v , June 23, 1776. 103 Phila, d. of Benj., Jr.. & Ginger, Aug. 4, 1778. Rufus's ch., Jan. 9, 1786. Rufus's brother, Jan., 1830. Joseph's ch.. May, 1831. Joseph, Jr., 26 y., Feb., 1832. Mrs., wf. of Wm., 97 y., Oct. 8, 1845. Rufus, 84 y., May 7, 1847. Martha, wi". of Rufus, d. of Joshua Simonds, 83 y., ^lay 8, 1849. 188 LEXINGTON BE COED OF DEATHS. Merrick. Butler, in Mr. Marrett's family, 10 y., Sept. 29, 1829. Mitchell. Constance, Jan. 23, 1733. Moore, Moors. Isaac, May 2, 1751. Charles. Thomas, Jul. 19, 1767. Mary, widow, 81 y., Nov. 8, 1782. Mr., 89 y., Jan. 31, 1830. Sarah, 88 yr., Apr., 1832. Mrs., Oct. 9, 1832. Morrill. Two infants, Nov. 8, 1810. Morse. Ebenezer, Jan. 16, 1776. Betsey, 76 y., Oct. 15, 1820. Mosely. Ebenezer, Nov. 3, 1732. Mucclewain. John's wf. Mudjins. Christopher's ch., Dec. 20, 1735. Christopher, Dec. 24, 1741. Chi'istopher's ch., Jan. 16, 1742. Eleonor, Aug. 17, 1746. MxiUiken. 58 Nathaniel, the clock-maker, h. of Lydia, 45 y., Nov. 23, 1767. 58 Nathaniel, Jr., s. of Nath'l & Lydia, Feb. 6, 1776. 58 Joseph, in Concord, Feb. 4, 1802. 104 Lucy, Jul. 6, 1805. 58 Samuel, in South Carolina, Mar. 21, 1807. Nathaniel's infant, May 8, 1808. Lydia, 24 y., Oct. 14, 1811. 163 Mary Chandler, wf. of Nath'l, Oct. 27, 1817. 163 Elizabeth, d. of Capt. Isaac & Mary Nelson, Mar. 16, 1819. Isaac's ch., 18 m., Nov. 5, 1820. 157 Charles, s. of John, Jr., & Susanna, Dec. 8, 1821. 157 Elizabeth R., d. of John, Jr., & Susanna, Aug. 18, 1825. 168 Lydia Whiting, wf of John, Escj., Nov. 15, 1825. 165 Joseph Warren, s. of Nath'l & Lydia Sandersou, Feb. 6, 1829. 58 John, s. of Nath'l and Lydia, Mar. 9, 1840. 107 Dr. Samuel, s. of Esq. John, 52 y., in Dorchester, Feb. 19, 1843. Susanna, wf. of John, 64 y., Dec. 19, 1847. Returah, wf. of E. S., 43 y. 9 m., Sept. 3, 1851. Munroe, Mun-roe, Roe. William's wf., Aug., 1692. Dorothy, Apr. 20, 1705. Joseph's ch., Apr. 5, 1712. LEXINGTON BE COED OF DEATHS. 189 Munroe, Mun-roe, Roe — Continued. 192 Mary, wf. of Wm., Jr., June 26, 1713. William's wf.,Dec. 14, 1714. Hannah, Apr. 14, 1716. William, Jan. 23, 1718. Benjamin's cli., Nov. 9, 1721. Edmund, Jul. 31, 1724. Jonathan, Aug. 20, 1724. Daniel, Feb. 25, 1733. William's ch., Oct. 23, 1734. 51 Edmund, s. of Wm. & Phebe, Apr. 4, 1735. Kezia, Dec. 15, 1736. 51 Jonathan, s. of Wui. & Phebe, Jan. 17, 1739. 51 Ebenezer, s. of Robert & Anna, June 25, 1740. Rachel, May 29, 1741. 51 Phebe, wf. of Wm., Jan. 14, 1742. David's ch., Sept. 12, 1742. Lydia, Feb. 7, 1742. Josiah, June 12, 1743. George, June 24, 1743. Jonas's ch , Dec. 28, 1744. George, Jan. 17, 1746. 50.-i William, s. of Wm. & Sarah, Aug. 18, 1747. David's ch., Oct. 19, 1747. Prudence, Sept. 12, 1748. Lois, Sept. 17, 1748. Joanna, Sept. 17, 1748. Mary, Sept. 18, 1748. Mary, Sept. 30, 1748. Joanna, Dec. 23, 1749. Elizabeth, Jul. 12, 1750. John, Lieut., 1754. William, 4th. Jane, Nov. 17, 1756. Robert's ch , Nov. 21, 1756. William (ensign), Jan. 5, 1759. Elisabeth, Apr. 30, 1759. Jonas, Jr., June 3, 1760. David, June 14, 1764. Amos, Jul. 7, 1765. Jonas, Lieut , Nov. 9, 1765. 75 Andrew, h. of Mary (Simonds), Sept. 16, 1766. Rebecca, Sept. 7, 1767. John, Apr. 28, 1768. William, 3d's, ch.. May 14, 1770. 78 Pamelia, d. of Edmund & Rebeckah, Sept. 29, 1770. Ebenezer's twins, Jul. 29, 1773. John, 3d, Oct. 19, 1773. Luther, Nov. 13, 1774. Robert, slain Apr. 19, 1775 Jedediah, slain Apr. 19, 1775. Marrett's ch., Jul. 25, 1775. Widow Anna, .\ug. 27, 1775. 84 Polly, d. of John & Rebekah, Aug. 27, 1775. 94 Capt. Edmund and George, slain June 28, 1778, at battle of ]\Iun- mouth. William, 79 y., Jul. 10, 1778. Wf. of Capt. Wm., Jan. 2, 1781. Martha's ch., Jan. 27, 1785. Philemon's wf ., Apr. 13, 1785. 190 LEXINGTON BECOED OF DEATHS. Munroe, Mun-roe, Roe — Conthmed.. Nathan's infant, Jul. 17, 1786. Abigail, 90 y., Nov. 31, 1811. Jedediah, G2 y., Feb. 4, 1812. Elisabeth, 63 y., Dec. 24, 1812. Hannah, 24 y., Sept. 16, 1819. Parnel, 28 y., Aug. 23, 1821. Jonas's ch., 3 y., Dec. 21, 1822. Ehoda, 52 y., Jan 2, 1825. Asa, 84 y., Feb. 21, 1825. Ebenezev, 82 y., Aug. 11, 1826. Stephen, 87 y , Jul , 1826. Col. William, 85 y.. May, 1827-28. Mary, wf. of Col. M., Jan , 1829. Nathan, 83 y.. May 26, 1829 Jonas's infant, Sept. 16, 1829. Jonathan's ch., 9 m , Sept., 1834. Ebenezer's widow, 90 y., Oct., 1834. Abigail, 87 y., Nov., 1834. 182 Harriet, d. of John & Charlotte, Feb. 2, 1835. William, May 2, 1837. J., widow, Feb. 19, 1838. Jonas, 23 y., Aug. 17, 1843. , wf. of John, Jr., May 24, 1844. Thaddeus, 84 y., Apr. 9, 1846. Rebecca, wid. of Thaddeus, d. of Thos. Locke, 64 y., Jul. 25, 1846. Eliza Wood, wf. of George, 28 y. 10 m. 23 d., Aug. 7, 1852. Abigail, widow, 90 y. 15 d.. Mar. 18, 1853. Murphy. Michael, Jul. 11, 1846. Charlotte, wf. of Edward, 22 y. 7 m. 22 d„ Jul. 12, 1851. Edward, Jr., 3 m., Sept. 13, 1851. Miizzey, Muzzy. Alice, Jan. 19, 1694. Sarah, Jan. 28, 1710. John's cli., Feb. 8, 1721. Elizabeth, Feb. 21, 1721. John's ch., Aug. 8, 1723. Rebekah, June 12, 1731. 4 Benjamin, 74 y.. May 12, 1732. Benjamin, Oct. 27, 1732. Elizabeth, Nov. 10, 1733. 40 Amos, s. of Amos & Ester, about 13 m., Jul. 3, 1740. Abigail, May 8, 1744 48 Samuel, s. of Amos & Esther, Aug. 23, 1747. Amos, June 26, 1752. Widow's ch. John, Jr.'s, ch,, Apr 28, 1757. Jolm's wf., Mar. 13, 1758. Benjamin, 84 y., Jan. 21, 1764. John, Jr.'s, ch"., Apr. 18, 1764. John, Jr.'s, ch.. Mar. 14, 1765. John's infant, Oct. 22, 1766. Patience, 79 y., Oct. 9, 1767. Amos's ch., Nov. 26, 1767. John, 83 y., Mar. 31, 1768. John's ch., Jan. 10,1769. William, Nov. 20, 1770. LEXINGTON RECORD OF DEATHS. 191 Muzzey, Muzzy — Continued. John's ch., Dec. 29, 1770. John's wf, Jan. 24, 1771. Isaac, slain Apr. 19, 1775. Ebenezer's ch., Dec. 27, 1776. John, Dec. 16, 1784. Esther, Oct. 7, 1788. Amos, 4 y., Jan 20, 1812. Abigail, 64 y., Feb. 18, 1814. Amos, 82 y., Dec 10, 1822. John, 70 y., of small-pox, Jan. 29, 1824. Dea. Amos, 63 y.. May 20, 1829. Rev. William, 63 y., Jan., 1835. Lydia, widow, Dec. 24, 1838. Thomas, Dec. 1, 1840. John, 63 y., Dec. 7, 1843. Elizabeth, wf. of Ebenezer, 92 y., Mar. 15, 1846. ' Jonas M., 64 y., Dec. 12, 1846. Benjamin, h. of Elizabeth, 52 y. 4 m., Apr. 21, 1848. Anna, wf. of Rev. Wm., d. of Wm. Munroe, 78 y., June 18, 1850. Charles, s. of Isaac, h. of Sarah (Jakes, 39 y. 3 m. 14 d., Aug. 26, 1853. Nelson. Abigail, Dec. 14, 1739. 80 Tabitha, wf. of Mr. Thos., 82 y.. May 30, 1767. 80 Mr. Thomas, 84 y., Nov. 3, 1770. Josiah's wf.. Mar. 21, 1776. Thomas's ch., Aug. 19, 1778. Tabitha, Oct. 15, 1778. Josiah, 23 y., Feb. 26, 1810. Betsey, 55 y., Jan. 1832. , ch., 6 y., June, 1832. Mr. Josiah, Jan., 1835. Nevers. Anna, 96 y. 8 d., Aug. 31, 1852. Newhall. John, 22 y., June 4, 1853. Nichols. Henry, 23 y., Feb. 19, 1820. Adna, 87 y., Sept. 20, 1843 or 1844. Wid. of Adna, 70 y., June 25, 1845. Mary, d. of Adna, 54 y., Jan. 28, 1849. Noah. Emily A., d. of John G., 25 y. 11 m. 15 d.. May 23, 1852. O'Brien. Michael, 25 y.. May 19, 1852. Olcott. Ch , Jul. 11, 1829. Overing. Henry, Aug. 7, 1738. Henrietta, Sept. 13, 1738. George, Sept. 17, 1738. 192 LEXINGTON BEGOBD OF DEATHS. Page. Samuel, Dec, 1690. Dolle, <1. of Ebenezer & Dorotliy, about 3 m., Apr. 20, 17G2. Paine. Josepli's wf., Apr., 1692. Parker. t Rachel, Apr. 5, 1663. j Benjamin, Jan 17,1671. t Judith, wf. of Robert, 80 y., INIay 8, 1682. t John, 30 y.. May 15, 1682. 45 Hanniah, s. of John & Deliverance, 2 y., at Port Royal, about 1711. 45 Deliverance, wf. of John Parker, formerly of Reading, Mar. 10, 1717-18. Jabesh's ch., Oct. 16, 1729. Hannah, Oct. 30, 1729. Andrew, Oct. 11, 1736. 45 Lois, d. of Josiah & Anna, 11 y., Nov. 18, 17.38. Sarah, Mar 17, 1740. 45 John, wid. of Deliverance, formerly of Reading, 78 y., Jan. 22, 1740-41. Ebenezer, Feb. 20, 1743. Amos's ch., Oct. 25, 1745. Betty. Jonas's ch. 57 Lieut. Josiah, 62 y„ Oct. 8, 1756. Thomas's ch., Oct. 18, 1757. Thomas's ch., Jul. 13, 1758. Thaddeus's infant, Nov. 13, 1759. Anna, widow, Sept. 8, 1760. Peleg (a child), Oct. 11, 1768. Sarah, wf . of Andrew, 70 y., Dee. 18, 1774. 96 Jonas, slain at Lex., Apr. 19, 1775. Ebenezer's ch., Jul. 21, 1775. John, Capt. of the Minute Men, Sept. 17, 1775. Thaddeus's ch.. Mar., 1776. Thaddeus's wf.. Mar. 22, 1776. Andrew, 83 y., Apr. 8, 1776. Jonas, Jul. 14, 1783. Widow's ch., Aug. 9, 1783. Joseph, Sept. 23, 1786. Mary, June 3, 1787. Betty, Aug. 26, 1788. Thaddeus, Jr., Jan. 14, 1789. Sarah, Feb 2, 1789. Thaddeus, Feb. 13, 1789. William, Sept. 11, 1789. John (a child), Apr. 25, 1791. 140 Elmira, d. of Obadiah & Hephzibah, Nov. 14, 1802, b. Apr. 16, 1802. Rebekah, 16 y., Feb. 18, 1812. Rutli, 12 y., Oct. 27, 1812. Jonathan S., 4 y., Feb. 12, 1813. , 14 y., Oct. 16, 1813. John's Avf., mother of Theodore, 59 y.. May 14, 1823. John, fatlier of Theodore, Nov. 6, 1836. 186 James Theodore, s. of Isaac & Martha M., Ajn-. 2, 1838. Josiah, Dec. 27, 1840. Robert, Jan. 2, 1841. Elizabeth, wf. of Robert, 77 v., Apr. 11, 1849. LEXINGTON BE COED OF DEATHS. 193 Parkhurst. John, 77 y., Jul. 2, 1812. Elisabeth, 83 y., Jul. 18, 1822. Mrs, Maria, 22 y.. Mar. 30, 1830. Paterson. Robert, June 14, 1749. Paul. Rachel, Jul. 6, 1728. Thomas, May 5, 1729. Peek. John C, s. of Abel G. & Eliza A., 7 m., Sept. 26, 1851. Peek. John's ch., Jan. 27, 1777. Penney, Penny. Jonathan's ch., Aug. 20, 1778. Jonathan's ch., Jul. 28, 1779. 143 Polly, tl. of David & Sarah, 3(1, Feb. 23, 1782. David's infant. Mar., 1782. 143 Jonathan, s. of David & Sarah, Dec. 5, 1783. Isaac, 20 y., Dec. 20, 1810. Widow's ch., Oct., 1826. Polly, 45 y., Jan., 1829. Old Mr., Jan., 1830. David's wf., about 40 y., Dec, 1832. Perry. Deborah, May 22, 1736. Jonathan's ch., Sept., 1737. Jonathan, 64 y., May 24, 1792. 155 Thomas W., s. of Nathan & Sally, Nov. 9, 1821. Sullivan, 21 y., Jan. 29, 1823. Mrs., Mar., 1826. Phelps. Joseph's ch., Aug. 19, 1778. Mother of Mrs. Nathan Harrington, about 90 y., 1827-28. Edwin B., s. of VVm. D. & Susanna T. B., 4 y. 4 m., Sept. 15, 1849, Phinney. Benjamin's ch., Oct. 16, 1791. Mrs., about 80 y., Jan., 1829. Benjamin, 90 y., Jan., 1843. Elias, h. of Catherine, 68 y., Jul. 25, 1849. Phoelan. ch., 3 y., Sept., 1821, Pierce, Peiree. Joseph's ch., Apr., 1692. Lemuel, Jan. 15, 1719-20. John's ch.. May 20, 1726. Elisabeth, Mar. 1, 1729. George's ch., June 6, 1729. 194 LEXINGTON RECORD OF DEATHS. Pierce, Peirce — Continued. Abner, Jan. 6, 1733. Joseph, Feb. 12, 1737. Thaddeus, Dec. U, 1760. Solomon's ch., June 22, 1764. Ch., Dec. 1, 1765. Hannah, Oct. 17, 1770. Ephraim, Jan. 16, 1790. 124 Lucy, d. of Abner & Grace, b. Oct. 12, 1794, d. — . 124 Larkin, s. of Abner & Grace, Jul. 12, 1801. Eben's eh., 3 y., Oct. 28, 1822. Lydia, 92 y., Dec. 15, 1822. Reuben, 64 y., Oct 30, 1824. Nathaniel's ch., 2 y., Jul., 1830. Abner, Sept. 13, 1837. James's tl., 11 v., Apr. 7, 1843. Harriet Ann, d. of Harrison, 2 y. 5 m.. May 29, 1844. Infant of James, 21 d., Oct. 7, 1845. Harrison Rust, s. of Harrison & Harriet F. Penney, 1 y. 9 m., Apr. 23, 1848. Isaac M , s. of Ebenezer & Mary, 3 y., Jul. 28, 1849. Sullivan B., s. of Pelatiah P. & Paulina, 15 y., Dec. 15, 1849. Daniel, s. of Ebenezer, h. of Ann, 35 y. 2 m". 14 d., Sept. 12, 1852. Pike. Father. Mary, widow. Mar. 6, 1772. Eleanor, Apr. 9, 1776. Mary, Oct. 28, 1783. Pooke. Catherine C, wf. of Chas., 44 y. 1 mo. 13 d., Nov. 30, 1850. Poor. Lydia, 70 y. 20 d., Jan. 30, 1852. Popenbarry. William's ch., Oct. 3, 1785. William's ch., Aug. 22, 1791. Porter. Aedith's ch., Aug. 1, 1778. Widow, 79 y.. Mar. 1, 1793. William, about 72 y., Mar., 1823 Poulter. Benoni, Nov. 12, 1696. Catharine, Aug. 19, 1705. Jonathan's s., Apr. 25, 1707 or 1708. Jonathan, Aug. 27, 1708. Jonathan, Mar. 23, 1725. Hannah, Nov. 12, 1735. Elisabeth, Jan. 9, 1741. John, June 22, 1744. Powers. Mary, Oct. 2, 1746. LEXINGTON EECOBD OF DEATHS. 195 Pratt. Elizabeth D., d. of Ralph & Hannah, 25 y. 9 m., May 26, 1851. Prentice, Prentiss. Thomas, Esq., Ai)r. 4, 1760. Prescott. Mr., of Concord, of small-pox, 35 y., Jan. 25, 182-1. Grandson, 10 y., Aug. 16, 1829. Preston. Susan C, d. of Marshall & Maria, 20 y. 2 m. 4 d., Nov. 25, 1851. Amariah, 95 y. 8 m. 24 d., Oct. 29, 1853. Proctor. Dr.'s mother, about 65 y.. Mar., 1834. Putnam. His wf., Sally Cutter, 25 or 30 y., Feb. 20, 1834. Clara D., d. of Ansel W. & Delia, 6 mo , Oct. 18, 1849. Delia F., wf. of Ansel VV., 28 y., Oct. 17, 1850. Raymond. 40 Jonathan, Sept. 22, 1742. Samuel's ch., Nov. 21, 1751. Jonathan, Aug. 9, 1760. Charity, 87 y., Mai- 9, 1768. John, killed Apr. 19, 1775. Rebecca, widow, Oct. 22, 1775. Reed. Ruth, Feb. 7, 1703. Samuel, Nov. 3, 1711. Hczekiah's ch.. Mar. 18, 1714. 43 William, Capt., May 2, 1718. t Sarah, wf. of Jas., Nov. 25, 1721. Abijah, Mar. 3, 1728 43 Abigail, probably wul. of Capt. Wm., Oct. 12, 17.34. Joshua's ch., ]\Iar. 22, 1737. 44 Thaddeus, s. of Bonj. & Rebekah, Apr. 21, 1741, b. June 17, 1732. 44 Elizabeth Russell, wf. of Joshua, Feb. 29, 1743-44. Rebekah, Apr. 1, 1748. Hepzibah. Lydia, Mar. 22, 1755. Joshua, Oct. 6, 1755. Isaac, Dec. 1, 1755. Maj. Benjamin, Dec. 25, 1765. Sarah, wf. of 'Squire Wm., Nov. 29, 1769. William, Jr.'s, wf., Nov. 30, 1773. Hannah, 74 y., Apr. 10, 1774. 96 Nathan, s. of Nathan & Mary, Aug. 1, 1775, P. R. says Aug. 30. Hammond's ch., Sept. 4, 1775. 93 William, s. of Wm., 8d, & Elisabeth, Apr. 3, 1776. William, Esq., 85 y., Feb. 11, 1778. Esther, Nov. 24, 1786. 137 Sarah, d. of Hammond, Jr., & Sarah, Nov. 10, 1788. Benjamin, Jul. 13, 1789. Newell's infant, Sept. 26, 1790. 196 LEXINGTON BEGORD OF DEATHS. Reed — Continued. Elizabeth, wf. of Robert, May 8, 1792. Hiram, 24 y.. May 8, 1808. Nathan, 68 y., Nov. 17, 1811. Betty, 79 y., Dec. 20,1811. Seth, Sept. 19, 1813. William, 94 y., Oct. 9, 1813. 158 Elmira, wf. of Chas., 25 y. 25 d., Nov. 15, 1819. Thaddeus's ch., Aug. 17, 1820. Isaac's ch., 3 y., Oct. 15, 1821. Lydia, 41 y.. Mar. 6, 1822. Reuben's ch., 16 m., June 22, 1822. Reuben's wf ., 30 y., Aug. 2, 1822. William, 22 y., Oct. 24, 1822. Emelia, 17 y., Dec. 20, 1822. Thaddeus, about 65 y., Jan., 1824. Anna, about 65 y., Jan. 5, 1824. Thaddeus, Jr.'s, wf., 30 y., Jan. 22, 1824. Thadd's ch., 3 m., Jan. 24, 1824. Father of Chas., Oct., 1826. Thaddeus's ch., 9 m., May, 1830. Josiah's wf., about 56 y., Oct., 1830. Eustis, s. of Capt. Ci'ist02)her, 6 y., Jan. 24, 1831. IMother of Capt. N., 84 y.. May, 1831. Swethern, about 65 y., Oct. 28, 1834. Swethern's wf., 60 y., Oct. 30, 1834. Nathan, 60 y., Jul. 20, 1836. Emery, Jan. 2, 1837. Marsial, Aug. 1, 1837. Thaddeus, Jan. 18, 1838. Mrs. Charles, May 10, 1838. Charles, s. of Joshua, 65 y.. May 19, 1846. Josiah, 85 y., June 26, 1847. Eliza Frost, wf. of Seth, 50 y. 4 m.. Mar. 23, 1848. Isaac, 92 y. 3 m., Apr. 20, 1848. Hammou, Jr., 86 y. 6 m., Aug. 31, 1848. Ella, d of W. H. 11. & Mary P., 1 y. 5 m, 27 d., Sept. 6, 1853. Isaac, 72 y. 9 m., Oct. 29, 1853. Rhoades. George II., s. of Thos. H., 3 m., Aug. 17, 1844. George A., s. of Thos. H., 3 m. 14 d., Jul. 25, 1849. Rice. Ellen, 19 y., Jan. 16, 1850. Richardson. Lydia, Jul. 15, 1751. William, Jul., 1813. Robbestone. Eve. Robbins. t Mary, d. of Nath'l & Mary, Nov. 30, 1676. t Thomas, s. of Nath'l & Mary, Jan. 31, 1700-01. Nathan, Oct. 25, 1732. Ebenezer, Sept. 20, 1748. Ruth, Aug. 20, 1748. Hannah, Sept. 21, 1748. LEXINGTON RECORD OF DEATHS. 197 Robbins — Continued. Philemon, Aug. 19, 1749. Nathaniel, Oct. 24, 1760. Stephen's ch., Mar. 8, 1764. Thomas's wf., 79 y., Feb. 5, 1786. Thomas, 89 y., June 30, 1791. Stephen's wf., Dec. 16, 1791. Stephen's ch., Oct. 4, 1792. Elisabeth, 83 y., Sept. 15, 1810. Mr., Sept., 1825. Miss Robbin P., Sept., 1825. Eli's ch., 4 d, Jan., 1829. Philemon, brother of Stephen, May 30, 1829. Mary, d. of Eli, 9 y., Oct., 1832. Lavinia, d. of Sam'l, 19 y.. Mar. 17, 1845. Stephen, s. of Stephen, 66 y., Aug. 26, 1846. Stephen, 89 y. 8 m., Oct. 12, 1847. Samuel, s. of Stephen, 66 y., Dec, 18, 1847. Mary A. G., d. of Sam'l, 17 y., Dec. 20, 1847. Abigail Winship, wf. of Stephen, 90 y. 10 m., Mar. 23, 1860. Robinson. Hannah, Oct. 24, 1721. Ruth, Nov. 22, 1722. Jonathan, June 29, 1743. Jonathan. Ruth, widow, Apr. 25, 1759. Margaret, wf. of Jas., Nov. 5, 1767. Ruth, d. of Jas., Nov. 27, 1767. 76 Elizabeth, d. of Jacob & Elizabeth, Dec. 29, 1767. James, Aug. 12, 1774. 97 Nathan, s. of Jacob & Elizabeth, Apr. 22, 1776. 97 Jacol), h. of Elizabeth, June 18, 1778. Silas's ch., Dec. 17, 1779. 136 Charles, s. of Jacob & Hannah, Sept. 4, 1801. 136 George, s. of Jacob & Hannah, Sept. 22, 1801. 136 John, s. of Jacob & Hannah, Sept. 26, 1801. Mr., Mar., 1829. Joseph, 70 or 80 y., Apr. 14, 1830. Jacob's wf., 60 y., Jul , 1830. Mr., Feb., 1831. Miss Margaret, d. of Joseph, 62 y , IMar. 5, 1844. Jacob, Jr., 84 y., Sept. 12, 1848. Anna Hall, wf. of Jacob, 55 y. 7 m., Apr. 9, 1850. Jonathan, 83 y. 3 m., Sept. 14, 1853. Hannah, 86 y. 2 m., Oct 18, 1853. Rogers. Mr., 60 y., Sept., 1832. Ross. Hannah, Nov. 29, 1775. Mrs., about 70 y.. Mar. 2, 1831. Rugg. 192 Thomas, s. of Thos. & Elizabeth, 18 y., Apr. 10, 1709. 192 Millicent, d. of Thos. & Elizabeth, 2 y., Nov. 19, 1712, P. R. says Nov. 29. 192 Tabatha, d. of Thos. & Elizabeth, 4 y. 6 m., Apr. 25, 1713. William, Nov. 30, 1717. 198 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF DEATHS. Russell. t Phebe, Jul. 8, 1642. t Thomas, Jul. 21, 1653. t William, Feb. 14, 1661-62. t Rebeccah, Feb. 2, 1673-74. t Martha, d. of John & Elizabeth, Nov. 7, 1675. f Benjamin, s. of Benj. & EHzabcth, Apr. 19, 1676. t Patience, d. of John & Elizabeth, May 27, 1688. t Mary, \vf. of Joseph, June 23, 1691. f Martha, d. of Joseph & Mary, June 26, 1691. Mercy, Jul. 8, 1694. Deliverance, Jul. 14, 1694. Philip's ch,, Aug. 26, 1703. Joanna t Joanna, wf. of Phillip, Nov. 26, 1703. Jonathan's ch., Apr. 11, 1710. t Abigail, d. of Wm. & Abigail, June 20, 1711. Ilezekiah's ch., Feb. 7, 1713. William'sch, Jul. 7, 1714. Sarah, Feb. 23, 1715. 192 Mary, wf. of Wm., Dec. 31, 1716. Phillip's ch., Nov. 3, 1723. Samuel, Feb. 7, 1727. t Abigail, wf. of Wm., Jul. 31, 1727. Elisabeth, Mar. 25, 1730. Philip, Feb. 7, 1730. Capt. William, Nov. 25, 1731. John, Mar. 6, 1733. Phebe, Jul. 29, 1736. Mary, Jul. 30, 1736. Mary, Aug. 12, 1736. 39 , s. of Joseph & Sarah, 2 d., Jan. 13, 1739-40. Mary, Apr 28, 1740. Elea'zer's eh , Jul. 16, 1740. 39 Sarah, d. of Josei)h & Sarah, June 10, 1741. 39 Sarah, wf. of Joseph, May 29, 1742. 39 Joseph, wid. of Sarah, Mar. 21, 1743. Elizabeth, June 4, 1743. John, June 14, 1746. Solomon, June 25, 1746. James, Apr. 1, 1748. Ruth, Dec. 26, 1748. , June 18, 1751. Jonathan, Apr. 24, 1756. Phillip's ch.. Dee. 16, 1763. Joseph, 79 y., Dec. 20, 1763. Phillip, Jr.'s, ch.. May 15, 1766. Phillip's wf., Dec. 19, 1767. Joseph's ch., Aug. 13, 1770. Phillip's ch., Mar. 28, 1771. Phillip, Jr.'s, wf., Feb. 28, 1772. Phillip, 84 y., Mar. 3, 1773. Amos's ch.. May 7, 1773. Lydia, May 25, 1777. Joseph's ch., Sept. 11, 1778. Amos., Apr. 26, 1791. Daniel's wf., Jan. 30, 1792. Hannah, widow, 83 y., Apr. 8, 1808. Susanna, 40 y., Feb. 19, 1812. Col.'s wf., 40 y., Jul. 3, 1822. LEXINGTON RECORD OF DEATHS. 199 Russell — Continued. Sallv, about 40 y , 1827-28. Samuel, 57 y., Jul. 3, 1832. Col. Joshua's wf., Aug., 1833. Hannah, Feb. 10, 1838. Mrs. Phebe, 72 y., Dec. 23, 1844. Lydia, d. of Nathan, 38 y., Nov. 27, 1844. Phebe, 72 y., Dec. 21, 1844. Jonas, s. of Philip, 81 y., Nov. 1, 1847. Nathan, s. of Philip, 87 y. 10 m., Jan. 9, 1848. Lucinda, wf. of Jeremiah, 37 y. 3 m., Apr. 29, 1850. Sybil Blood, wid. of Nathan, 87 y. 9 m. 1 d., Jan. 28, 1853. Bust. Mr., of Littleton, 68 y., Jan. 28, 1824. Ryan. Margaret, wf. of Michael, 39 y., Aug. 23, 1851. Sanborn. Amanda R., d. of Loammi & Sarah Saunders, 9 m.. Mar. 24, 1848. Ellen M., d. of Ivory & Harriet, 4 m., Feb. 14, 1849. Mary L., d. of Ivory & Harriet Marret, 18 y., Nov. 20, 1851. Sanders, Saunders. Joseph, June 5, 1744. Infant of Loammi, 11 d., Sept. 14, 1847. Eunice, 64 y. 6 m., Oct. 23, 1848. Sanderson. Mary Munroe, wid. of Sam'l, d. of Wm., 104 y. 5 d., Oct. 15, 1852. Sawtell. Hiram, about 45 y., Jan. 23, 1846. Schyler. James, June 12, 1729. Seeley, Seely. Tallman's ch., 21 d., May 26, 1826. ch., 1827-28. Shaw. Mrs. William, June 17, 1837. Shepard. Willie, s. of Wm. & Casanda, 1 y. 2 m.. Mar. 9, 1849. Sherman. Jane E., d. of John G., 4 y. 4 m., Jul. 25, 1849. Verena, wf. of Sam'I, 48 y. 11 m. 18 d., Sept. 13, 1851. Simonds. Jonathan's ch., June 1, 1717. William's ch., Nov. 23, 1723. Joshua, Aug. 29, 1724. Francis, Nov. 1, 1724. 4 Jane, d. of Dan'l & Abigail, 4 m. 16 d., Mar. 12, 1724-25. 200 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF DEATHS. Simonds — Continued. John, Sept. 2, 1728. Mary, Dec. 4, 1732. Joseph, Aug. 12, 1733. 28 Abigail, d. of Dan'l & Abigail, Nov. 2, 1734. 52 Jonathan, s. of Joseph & Mary, Feb. 22, 1747. Ebenezer. 66 Daniel, Jr., wid. of Mary, Feb. 9, 1761. Nathan'.s ch., Jan. 29, 1763. Samuel, June 2, 1764. Nathan's ch., Apr. 8, 1766. 80 Mr. Joshua, about 82 y., Nov. 3, 1768. Joshua's ch., Nov. 9, 1769. John's family, Jul. 22, 177.'). Daniel, 83 y., Apr. 3, 1776. Daniel's wf., 81 y., Apr. 3, 1776. Hannah, widow, 93 y., Nov. 11, 1789. John, 83 y., Dec. 19, 1812. Joseph, 73 y., Mar. 18, 1813. Susan, 4 y., Sept. 8, 1813. Martha, 77 y., June 24, 1819. Anna, wf. of Ebenezer, Jul. 12, 1820. William's ch,, 18 m.. Mar. 21, 1821. John, 17 y., Dec. 31,1823. Lucy, about 48 y., Nov. .5, 1824. Ebenezer's ch., Sept., 1825. Mrs.'s s., 10 y., Dec, 1832. Joseph, about 60 y., Nov., 1834. Bower's ch., Feb., 1835. David, Apr., 1835. Mrs. Joshua, Aug. 18, 1837. Benjamin, Aug. 18, 1837. Maria, d. of Joshua, 37 y., Jan. 12, 1845. Ebenezer, 87 y., Aug. 24, 1845. Susan, wf. of Wm., 68 y., Feb. 4, 1847. Marcellus, s. of Joseph, 36 y., Apr. 18, 1849. Martha, d. of Joshua, wf. of Rufus, 83 y.. May 8, 1849. Charles, 19 y. 8 m. 12 d., Nov. 1, 1850. Julia Ann Frazer, adopted d. of Ebenezer, 16 y. 9 m., Feb. 1, 1851. Skelton. Hosea's wf ., Dec, 1832. Skinner. , Aug. 7, 1837. Smiles. Ch., 6 y., Nov. 2, 1824. His wf., May, 1827-28. Mr., June, 1829. Smith. * Sarah, d. of John & Sarah, Apr. 13, 1677. 192 Daniel, s. of Dan'l & Mary, about 5 y., Mar. 30, 1715. 14 Mary, wf. of Thos., 66 y., Oct. 1, 1719. 18 Beuiah, d. of J(jhn & Sarah, 4 m.. May, 1724. 22 Thomas, s. of Benj. & Martlia, May 22, 1726. 23 Thomas, 87 y., Dec. 25, 1727. 23 William, s. of Joseph & Mary, 24 y. 8 m., Feb. 7, 1727 28. LEXINGTON BEGOBD OF DEATHS. 201 Smith — Continued. 23 Martha, d. of Benj. & Martha, 8 y., Sept. 26, 1728. Benjamin's ch., Aiig. 6, 1729. Wf. and ch., Feb. 2.5, 1731. Hannah, Dec. 13, 1732. Solomon, Jul. 26, 1733. Mary, Jan 2, 1733. Israel, Dec. 20, 1735. Mary, Oct. 12, 1737. Hezekiah's ch., Jmie 17, 1739. 37 Ezekiel, s. of Benj. & Martha, Dec. 12, 1739. , s., Jan. 26, 1739. 37 David, s. of Ben]. & Martha, Feb. 18, 1740. Samuel's infant," Sept 21, 1740. 37 Joseph, s. of Joseph & Mary, 21 y., Nov. 11, 1740. 37 Solomon, s. of Benj. & Anna, Apr. 26, 1741. Jonathan's ch., Jul. 1, 1741. Joseph, Sept. 7, 1742. Hannah, Jul. 15, 1745. Benjamin, Sept. 1, 1748. Joseph, Sept. 11, 1749. 53 Mrs. Martha, wf. of Benj., Nov. 11, 1749. Benjamin, Jr.'s, ch. Hezekiah's ch. 63 Josiah, s. of Josiah & Sarah, Jul. 1, ,1753. Ebenezer's ch. Ebenezer's ch. Joseph, Nov. 12, 1755. Henry's wf., Apr. 21, 1756. Mary, d. of Edmund, Dec. 14, 1756. Daniel, Mar. 5, 17.57. 63 Sarah, wf. of Josiah, Apr. 27, 17.57. 58 Abigail, d. of Sam'l & Mary, June 12, 1757, P. R. says June 18. 90 Hezekiah, Mr., Apr. 6, 1760, P. R. says Apr. 18. 63 Samuel, h. of Mary, 45 y.. May 4, 1760. Lieut. Abijah's ch., Oct. 8, 1760. Lieut. Abijah's ch., Oct. 9, 1760. 71 Jane, wf. of John, of Waltham, 85 y., Sept. 16, 1763. 75 Joseph, s. of Joseph & Lucy, Feb. 26, 1766. Mary, 85 y., May 16, 1765. Mary, wid. of Sam'l, Aug. 9, 1765. Mary, widow, Jan. 16, 1766. Benjamin, Jr.'s, s., Jan. 27, 1766. Anna, June 10, 1768. Benjamin, Jr.'s, ch., Oct. 20, 1768. 90 J:dmund, s. of Ebenezer & Priscilla, June 16, 1772. 90 Lucy, wf. of Mr. Joseph, June 19, 1772. Ebener's wf., Sept. 18, 1773. 127 Rhoda, d. of Jonathan, Jr., & Lydia, b and d. Apr. 29, 1774. (Mary Lawrence), wf. of Lieut. Abijali, May 22, 1775. Jonathan, Jr.'s, ch., Aug. 20, 1775. 127 Samuel, s. of Jonathan, Jr., & Lydia, b. and d. Feb. 6, 1778. Jonathan, Jr.'s, ch., Aug. 30, 1778. P^benezei*, Sept. 1, 1778. William's ch., Sept. 16, 1778. Benjamin, 90 y., Dec. 9, 1779. Josiah, Jan. 18, 1784. 127 Lydia, wf. of Jonathan, Jr., Nov. 7, 1785. Anna, 73 y., Apr. 18, 1792. 127 Abigail, wf. of .Jonathan, Jr., Mar. 30, 1794. 202 LEXINGTON BE COED OF DEATHS. Smith — Continued. 129 Levi, s. of Joel & Elizabeth, Feb. S, 1799. 129 Levi, s. of Joel & Elizabeth, Oct. G, 1800. Thomas, Jr., 22 y., Aug. 12, 1809. Thomas, 49 y , Sept. 1, 1809. William, 75 y., Feb. 24, 1811. Jonas, 41 v., Sept. 4, 1811. Hannah, 77 y., Apr. 27, 1812. Amasa, 50 y., Oct. 10, 1812. Joseph, 46 y., Ang. 18, 1813. 158 Emily Jane, d. of Ebenezer & Anna, Sept. 20, 1817. Jonathan, 71 y., Nov. 26, 1819. 158 Emily Jane, d. of Ebenezer & Anna, June 28, 1820. Josiah's ch., 2 y , Aug. 11, 1821. Charles, 31 y,, Aug. 8, 1822. William, Jr.'s, wf., about 21 y.. Mar., 1823. Widow, mother of Wm. Taylor, 63 y., Dec. 25, 1825. Abraham, 79 y., Jan. 9. 1826. Lockers ch., 2 or 3 y., Feb., 1826. William's ch., Oct., 1826. Josiah, 73 y., Nov., 1826. Wf. of Capt. Wm., 25 y., Feb. 6, 1829. William's eh., 17 m.. Mar., 1829. Josiah's ch., 11 m., Apr. 7, 1830. Mrs., from Boston, June, 1830. Ebenczer's ch., Dec, 1832. Ebenezer R.'s ch., 1 y., Nov,, 1834. Mrs. Jacol), Ajn-., 1835. Josiah's wid.. May 12, 1838. Isaac, Dec. 8, 1840. Jacob, 79 y., Aug. 2, 1843. Jacob, 79 y., Aug. 3, 1844. Ruth, d. of Jonathan, 87 y., Sept. 7, 1845. John, June.7, 1846. William, s. of Wm., 85 y., Oct. 17, 1846. Mary F., d. of L B., 16 y. 8 m., Apr. 16, 1847. Billings, s. of Joseph, 50 y , May 3, 1847. Sarah, d. of Thos., wf. of John Underwood, 64 y. 3 m. 2 d., Jan. 25, 1848. Ellen O., d. of Sylvanus W. & Catharine Adams, 10 y. 8 m., Aug. 7, 1848. Mary, wf. of Isaac B., d. of Nathan Russell, 45 y.. May 15, 1849. Edwin O., s. of Wm. B. & Mary, 10 y., Sept. 10, 1849. Anna Underwood, wf. of Ebenezer, 63 y,, Sept. 6, 1849. Susan P., d. of Isaac B., 13 y., Sept. 21, 1849. Jane, 81 y. 3 m. 18 d , Mar. 11, 1850. Martha B., d. of Isaac & Sally, 42 y. 3 m. 10 d.. May 31, 1851. Maria L., d. of Joshua S. & Maria, 19 y. 1 m. 15 d , Jan. 21, 1852. John F., s. of John & Hannah, 17 y. 9 m. 4 d., Aug. 24, 1852. Lucinda Wyman, wf . of Josiali, 60 y. 4 m., Apr. 4, 1853. Snow. 99 Esther (Smith), wf. of Simeon, d. of Benj , Jr., & Anna Smith, Jan. 14, 1780. Isabella W., wf. of Herman, 31 y. 3 m., Aug. 3, 1848. Rebecca, 59 y., Oct. 3, 1849. Spalding, Spaulding. John, s. of Dr., 9 y.. Mar., 1832. Dr.'s ch , Feb., 1834. Charles J., s. of Luther, 5 y. 5 m., Jul. 28, 1847. LEXINGTON EEGOBD OF DEATHS. 203 Speeu. Moses, Oct. 3, 1723. Staples. Abraham, May 28, 1717. , Stearns. Jabesh, Apr. 30, 1700. Samuel, Dec. 19, 1721. 18 John, Feb. 22, 1722. 18 Hephzibah, d. of Benj. & Ilephzibali, 11 m. 20 d., Aug. 23, 1723. 18 Benjamin, s. of Benj. & Ilephsibah, 17 d., Jan. 17, 1723-24. Phinehas' ch., Jul. 2-1, 1770. Isaac's lad, Jan. 19, 1787. Matthew, Mar. 9, 1791. , ch., 4 m., Oct. 11, 1811. Prudence, 54 y., Sept. 10, 1820. Amos's wf., Aug. 8, 1825. Miss, 20 or 24 y., May, 1831. Marshall, 45 y., Aug., 1832. Marshall's wid.'s ch., 9 m., Aug., 1832. Luther's ch., 8 m., Oct. 9, 1832. Moses's wf., Apr., 1835. Moses, Apr., 1835. Matthew, Feb. 23, 1837. Nathan, 62 y., Jul. 14, 1845. Sarah Jane, wf. of John, 35 y., Sept. 16, 1849. , s. of John, 3 m., Nov. 21, 1849. Stickney. Abraham's ch., Dec. 11, 1729. Still. Lucy, 75 y. 6 m., Sept. 27, 1847. Stinson. Josephine, d. of A. L., 4 y. 3 m., May 31, 1850. Stimson. Sarah S., wf. of Geo. A,, 22 y. 7 m. 6 d., Dec. 23, 1853. Stone. t IMary, d. of Sam'l & Sarah, May 11, 1667. j Gregory, Dea. of church at Cambridge, 82 y., Nov. 30, 1672. t Lydia, wid. of Gregory, June 24, 1674. t David, 29 y., Aug. 21, 1679. t Elizabeth, d. of David & Sarah, Aug. 12, 1679. Isaac, Dec. 10, 1690. Rachel, Jan 31, 1695. Samuel's twins, Apr., 1696. Sarah, Oct. 26, 1700. Samuel's children, Feb. 21-25, 1701-02. Dorcas's ch., Feb. 27, 1701. Joseph, Jan. 17, 1702. Abigail, d. of Joseph, about 4 y., 1702-03. Samuel, Jan. 2, 1703. David, Jan. 16, 1703. Dorcas, Jul. 13, 1704. Joanna, May 14, 1709. John, Apr. 6, 1712. 204 LEXINGTON BEGOBD OF DEATHS. Stone — Continued. Margaret, Dec. 13, 1713. Dea. Samuel, Sept. 27, 1715. Henry, June 21, 1720. Mary, Nov. 16, 1721. Jonathan, Jul., 1722. Gregory's cli., FeL. 3, 1722-23. Abigail, Mar. 10, 1724. Benjamin's ch.. Mar. 13, 1724. John's wf.. Mar. 17, 1724. Benjamin's ch., Jan. 24, 1724. Hannah, Jul. 22, 1727. Benjamin's ch., Aug. 6, 1727. Mary, Nov. 8, 1727. Daniel's wf., Jan. 17. 1727. Hannah, Aug. 14, 1729. Hannah, Feb. 22, 1729. Daniel, Sept. 13, 1730. Isaac's ch.. May 17, 1731. 46 John, s. of John & Mary, 20 y. 8 m. 11 d.. Mar. 22, 1736. Bartholomew, Apr. 6, 1740. 46 Nathan, s. of John & Mary, Jul. 13, 1740. 46 Ftuth, d. of John & Mary, Jul. 19, 1740. 44 Samuel, Dea., 86 y. 8 m. 17 d., June 17, 1743. Anna's ch., Dec. 10, 1744. 47 Dorcas, wid. of Dea. Sam'l, 86 y., Sept. 24, 1746. Bartholomew, Oct. 5, 1746. Mary, May 29, 1749. John, Mar. 2, 1750. 63 Elizabeth, wf. of Jonas, 42 y. 11 d , Apr. 3, 1751 50 Elizabeth, d. of Jonas & Eli*zal)eth, Dec. 27, 1752. 60 Zerviah, d. of Jonas & Elizabeth, Dec. 27, 1762. 76 John, Dea., 72 y., Aug. 7, 1762. 87 Abigail, wf. of Capt. Sam'l, 80 y., Jan. 16, 1767. Elisabeth, wf. of Isaac, Sept. 29, 1767. Samuel, Jr., Apr. 2, 1768. 87 Samuel, Capt., of Lex., 84 y., Apr. 6, 1769. 87 Mary, wf. of Dea. John, 77 y., Oct 16, 1772. Susanna, Sept. 2, 1775. Jonas's ch., Ang. 5, 1780. Sarah, wf . of Dea., Nov. 4, 1780. Jane, 66 y., Feb. 20, 1786. Isaac, 92 y.. Mar. 27, 1786. Samuel's infant, Aug. 15, 1791. Samuel's ch., Aug. 10, 1792. Jonas. Apr. 24, 1814. Samuel's wf., Oct. 9, 1824. Samuel, Oct. 11, 1824. Sarah, about 74 y., Feb. 18, 1825. Samuel's ch., Aug., 1825. Charles G., s. of AVni. & Mary D., 1 y. 2 m. 26 d., Oct. 3, 1862. Storer. , Oct. 28, 1746. Stratton. 31 Sarah, eldest d. of Jabez & Margeret, Apr. 29, 1735. Anna, Sept. 24, 1740. Jabez. , ch., June 1, 1773. , LEXINGTON BECOED OF DEATHS. 205 Sullivan. Patrick's two ch., Aug., 183i. Lucy Ann, d. of Patrick & Louisa, 14 y., Nov. 10, 18-49. Sutton. Joseph's ch., Dec. 28, 1730. Richard, Jul. 5, 1778. Elisabeth, 71 y., Apr. 18, 1788. Swan. Elisabeth, 21 y., Jan. 4, 1812. INlary Ann, 17 y., Feb. 14, 1814. Mrs., about 45 y., Apr., 1825. Tarbell. Deacon, Oct. 8, 1715. Taylor. Hepzibah, Sept. 8, 1737. INIehitable, 64 y. 11 m., Apr. 10, 1852. Teel. Timothy, Apr. 3, 1727. Thomas. Jefterson, about 40 y., Jan. 4, 1849. Thompson. John, May 11, 1720. Mary Jane, wf. of Stephen Cutter, Dec. 9, 1845. Thorning. Mr., Mar., 1829. His ch., Oct., 1832. , s., Apr., 1833. Sallv, d. of Wm., 57 y. 8 m., Aug. 27, 1846. Eunice, 93 y., Feb. 10, 1849. Tidd. Joseph's wf., Jan. 23, 1694. Joseph's ch., Jan. 23, 1694. 44 Daniel, 28 y., Nov. 29, 1696. John, Apr. 13, 1703. Joseph's ch., Feb. 3, 1703-04. 12 Mary, wf. of Joseph, June 9, 1716-17. 44 , s. of Dan'l & Hephzibah, 2 d., Jan. 24, 1724. 44 Lydia, 55 y., Aug. 14, 1727. 25 Joseph, Dec. 26, 1730. 25 INIary, wf. of Joseph, Jan. 5, 1730-31. 44 John, s. of Dan'l & Hephzibah, Nov. 27, 1743. Daniel, Jr., Jan. 31, 1759. Joseph, Sept. 20, 1772. 81 Daniel, 79 y., Jan. 16, 1776. 81 Hephzibah, wid. of Dan'l, 70 y., Apr. 11, 1777. Mrs.'s ch., Dec. 28, 1786. Dorothy, widow, 80 y., Oct. 23, 1790. 101 Joseph, s. of John & Elizabeth, Nov. 13, 1798. 101 Elizabeth, wf. of John, Sept. 18, 1799. 163 Elisabeth, d. of John & Esther, Aug. 26, 1801. 206 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF DEATHS. Tidd — Continued. 102 John, 62 y., Mar. 29, 1812. William, Lieut, in Lex. battle, 91 y., Dec. 25, 1826. 17.3 Charles Eustace, s. of Chas. & Rebecca, Aug. 25, 1833. 175 Elizabeth, wf. of Geo. P. Elliot and d. of John, Jan. 9, 1835. Ruth, d. of Wm , wid. of Nathan Chandler, 80 y., Sept. 17, 1846. Rebecca, wf. of Chas., 46 y., Jan. 15, 1847. Esther Hayward, wid. of John, 70 y. 11 m. 26 d., Apr. 23, 1852. Trask. John's wf , Apr. 13, 1722. John, Feb. 22, 1735-36. Nathaniel. Jonathan, Apr. 12, 1768. Mary, widow, 88 y., Mar. 29, 1781. Joseph's ch., Oct. 14, 1784. John, 69 y., Nov. 20, 1786. Nathaniel's infant, Auf?. 29, 1787. Nancy, wf. of Nath'l, Jul. 20, 1789. Trull. Jonathan, Aug. 24, 1749. Tufts. Rebecca, 29 y., Oct. 25, 1826. Thomas, 64 y., June, 1830. Bowen's ch., Dec, 1831. Bowman's infant, Dec. 26, 1843. Sarah Eleanor, d. of Bovven A. & Sarah, 17 y. m., Apr. 16, 1850. Kate, d. of Bowen A. & Sarah, 8 y., Nov. 17, 1852. Arthur, s. of Bowen A. & Sarah, 3 y., Nov. 12, 1852. Turner. Capt. L.'s infant, 10 m., Nov. 6, 1843. Turrell. Ch., Jan. 30, 1762. Tuttle. Esther, 26 y., Oct. 14, 1809. David's ch., Apr. 30, 1810. Mrs. Patty, about 40 y., Feb., 1833. David, 62 y , Apr. 11, 1845. Tyler. Infant of E. L., 1 m. 7 d., Aug. 23, 1848. , s. of E. L., 5 m. 1 d., Sept. 10, 1853. Underwood. 04 Joseph, wid. of Eunice, Apr. 25, 1760. Abigail, Avf. of eToshua, Nov. 15, 1766. Joshua's ch., Nov. 21, 1766. Mary, Jan. 15, 1742. Thomas, Feb. 16, 1742-43. Joseph's ch., Feb. 3, 1745-46. Hannah, May 30, 1749. Betty's ch., Sept. 26, 1774. Joshua, Jul. 13, 1775. Joseph's ch., Nov. 9, 1776. LEXINGTON BE CORD OF DEATHS. 207 Underwood — Continued. Joseph's ch., Aug. 30, 1778. Mary, 9 y., Jul. 29, 1814. John's ch , 8 m., Sept. 18, 1821. John's ch., Aug. 1825. Mrs., about 80 y., Feb., 1829. John's s., Jul., 183.0. Joseph, Jr., 73 y., Sept. 8, 1845. Daniel C, 27 y., June 28, 1847. Sarah, wf. of John, d. of Thos. Smith, 64 y. 3 m. 2 d., J.an. 25, 1848. Nathan, s. of Joseph, G8 y., Jul. 18, 18.50. Francis II., s, of Nathan & Alice, 1 y., Aug. 27, 1851. Viles. Elias, 35 y., May 21, 1819. Mary, 79 y., Jan., 1833. Franklin, June 23, 1836. Nelson D , s. of John, Jr., & Catharine R. Nelson, 6 m., Aug. 31, 1848. Elias, s. of Joel, 27 y., Apr. 21, 1849. Andrew, s. of Joel & Sally, 25 y. 10 m. 25 d., Sept. 21, 1852. Waite. Richard, Jan. 19, 1703. Thomas, Feb. 3, 1722-23. Sarah, Jan. 19, 1743-44. Mrs., 25 y., Mai\ 23, 1830. Walker. Mary, Jan. 8, 1747-48. John's ch., Feb. 27, 1748-49. , ch., Sept., 1825 Abel, 85 y., Oct., 1834. William, Nov. 30, 1840. Susan A., 19 y. 8 m., June 25, 1848. Warren. Ebenezer, Oct. 21, 1736. Water. Ch., Dec. 18, 1720. Wayne. Jane, an English woman who has been in town two years, 55 y. Dec, 1810. Webber. Asa, 75 y. 8 m., Nov. 8, 1850. Wellington, Willington. 1 Mary, d. of Benj. 14 Lydia, wf. of Benj., May 13, 1711. John, Nov. 30, 1717. 14 Lydia, d. of Benj. & Lydia, Aug. 10, 1718. 24 John, s. of Benj. & Lydia, 18 y., Sept. 22, 1728, 26 Elizabeth, wf. of Benj., 53 y., Jan. 7, 1729-30. Lydia, Apr. 3, 1733-34. 31 Benjamin, s. of Benj. & Elizabeth, 62 y., Nov. 15, 1738. Benj.amin, Feb. 7, 1738-39. Timothy, Oct. 21, 1751. Benjamin's ch., Dec. 6, 1775. 208 LEXINGTON BEGOBD OF DEATHS. Wellington, Willington — Continued. Benjamin's ch., Aug. 29, 1777. 100 Timothy, s. of Timothy & Hannah, drowned Apr. 8, 1781. Hannah, wf. of Timothy, Nov. 1, 178.5. Susanna, 58 y., Mar. 5, 1809. Timothy, 62 y., Apr. 2, 1809. Benjamin, 69 y., Sept. 14, 1812. Oliver, 1 y.. Mar. 27, 1813. Joseph, 89 y., Nov. 24, 1819. David's wf., Feb. 18, 1821. Ann Eliza, 17 y., Oct. 2, 1822. Josiah, about 80 y., Feb. 17, 1825. Mrs., mother of Peter & B. O., 85 y., Sept. 7, 1830, 180 Samuel Hastings, s. of Peter & Hephzibah, Mar. 7, 1833. Widow, Jan. 1, 184\. Triphena, d. of Augustus, 4 y., Aug. 26, 1846. Martha W , wf. of Walter, d. of Chas. Hastings, 19 y., June 6, 1849. Emily, d. of Peter, 20 y. 2 m., Apr. 13, 1850. Charles B., s. of Augustus & Martha, 11 m. 29 d., Aug. 29, 1860. Martha W., 2d wf. of Augustus, 46 y. 2 m., Apr. 20, 1852. Isabella L. Hastings, wf . of Sullivan, d. of Chas,, 25 y., Mar. 29, 1853. Benjamin O., s. of Benj., 75 y. 3 m., Nov. 10, 1853. Wells. Elbridge A., s. of Augustus L. & Elizabeth M., 1 y. 3 m. 5 d., Jul. 22, 1850. Richard Lord, s. of Augustus L. and Elizabeth M., 10 m. 23 d., Jul. 27, 1850. Welsh, Welch. James, Jan. 7, 1789. Emma H , d of Wm. & Susan, 11 y. 7 m., Oct. 26, 1851. Wesson. Mr., Feb., 1835. Wheelock. Mrs., Jan. 30, 1830. Whitaker. 43 Hannah, wf. of Nath'l, of Concord, Jul. 26, 1738. Whitcomb. Dr., 57 y , Mar. 26, 1829. White. Mary, Jan. 26, 1722-23. Hannah, Apr. 7, 1731. Elizabeth, Oct. 24, 1736. Benjamin, Feb. ], 1736-37. Daniel, Mar. 14, 1739. His ch., Dec. 22, 1761. Ebenezer's ch., Jan. 4, 1773. Joseph, 74 y., Aug. 4, 1777. Ebenezer, Oct. 3, 1777. Mary, widow, Oct. 20, 1782. Ebenezer, 44 y , Dec. 13, 1819. Mary, 74 y., Oct. 31, 1847. Lawrence, s. of Robert, 7 y., Aug. 24, 1849. Mary Ann, d. of Robert, 2 y. 3 m., Sept. 6, 1849. LEXINGTON RECORD OF DEATHS. 209 Whiting. William E., s. of J. W. & Mary, 1 y. 2 m. 14 d., Dec. 13, 1853. Whitman. Sarah N., d. of Rev. Jason, 13 y., Feb. 23, 1846. Jason, Rev., 48 y. 8 m. 26 d., Jan. 25, 1848. Whitmore. t Isabel, Mar. 31, 1665. t Francis, Oct. 12, 1685. t Margaret Harty, wf. of Francis, Mar. 1, 1685-66. t Isaiah, Jan. 1, 1711-12. 192 John, s. of Sam'l & Rebekah, May 3, 1714. Bethiah, Jan. 26, 1721. 22 Samuel, 36 y., Aug. 17, 1724. 25 Mary, wid. of Sam'l, Nov. 14, 1730, Rebekah, May 1, 1747. Nathan, Sept. 26, 1748. , May 24, 1750. Whitney. Eleazer, Feb,, 1697-98. Samuel, Nov. 27, 1751. His ch., 4 y., May 2, 1821. His s., 21 y., Jan., 1833. Sally, wf. of Eli, 62 y., Sept. 29, 1848. Lucy, 76 y., Aug. 17, 1850. Whittemore. Rebekah, June 5, 1709. Rebekah, Jr., June 12, 1709. John, May 14, 1714. Samuel, May 23, 1724. Samuel, Jr., Aug. 17, 1724. John, Jan. 2, 1727-28. Sarah, Oct. 15, 1734. Jacob's ch. Jacob's ch. Jacob's wf . Dr. Francis, Dec. 20, 1758. Jacob, June 21, 1780. Whitting. Isaiah, Jan. 2, 1711-12. Whitton. Mr., 36 y., June, 1834. , ch., 5 y., June, 1834. Whittridge. Daniel, 34 y., Jan. 11, 1847, Williams. Gershom's ch., Jan. 3, 1761. Mrs. Hannah, Jan. 12, 1761. Rev. Avery's infant, Oct. 28, 1808. 210 LEXINGTON BE COBB OF DEATHS. Wilson. James's ch., 1696. James's ch., Dec. 9, 1708. Deborah, Dec. 14, 1703. Nathan's ch., Dec. 8, 1790. Wingate. Henry T., Jr., 3 y. 10 m., Apr. 13, 1849. Frances M., wf. of Henry T., 32 y., Sept. 15, 1849. Winsliip. t Hannah, wf. of Ephraim, Nov. 10, 1674. t Lieut. Edward, abont 76 y., Dec. 2, 1688. Ephraim, Oct. 19, 1696. t Sarah, wf. of Joseph, Nov. 26, 1710. • 17 Daniel, s. of Ephraim & Hannah, 3 m. 11 d., Dec. 8, 1713. Abigail, Jul., 1722. Edward's ch., Nov. 21, 1726. 22 John, s. of John & Bethiah, 4 m. 15 d., Nov. 27, 1726. Rebekah, Apr. 7, 1731. 35 Bethiah, d. of John & Bethiah, Mar. 19, 1739-40. 36 Amos, s. of Edward & Esther, May 19, 1740. 47 Martha, d. of Sam'l & Hannah, Jan. 8, 1746. Thaddeus, June 3, 1747. Thaddeus, June 17, 1747. John, Jul. 22, 1747. 60 Hannah, d. of Isaac & Hannah, Jul. 23, 1747. John, Jan. 14, 1748-49. Moses's ch., Feb. 22, 1748-49. 50 Prudance, d. of Richard & Prudance, Oct. 2, 1751. Moses. Mary. Samuel's ch. 56 John, s. of Sam'l, Jr., & Abigail, Ajjr. 7, 1754. 56 Lydia, d. of Sam'l, Jr., & Hannah, May 9, 1754. 56 Loring, s. of Sam'l, Jr., & Hannah, May 11, 1754. Richard's ch., Oct. 7, 1756. Ephraim, Jul. 14, 1767. Samuel's wf , May 4, 1768. Edward, May 15, 1763. Isabella, Nov. 19, 1763. Hannah, widow, 77 y , Apr. 9, 1764. Richard, Dec. 13, 1768. Samuel, Jr.'s, wf., Jan. 12, 1771. Edward, Dec. 7, 1773. Isaac's ch., Jul. 23, 1775. Leonard, Nov. 16, 1775. Samuel, 88 y., Feb. 13, 1776. Samuel, Jr., Feb. 10, 1780. Thaddeus, Apr. 17, 1781. Isaac's ch., Sept. 2, 1781. Abel's ch., Feb. 22, 1782. John, Jr , Feb. 18, 1783. Isaac, Apr. 8, 1783. Samuel, Nov. 4, 1784. Esther, 85 y., Oct. 10, 1785. Stephen, Apr. 16, 1788. Esther, Apr. 28, 1789. Lydia, widow, 95 y., Apr. 18, 1790. Rebecca, Dec. 10, 1790. LEXINGTON BECORD OF DEATHS. 211 Winship — Continued. 98 Oliver Abbott, s. of Simon & Joanna, Oct. 1, 1792. James, Oct. 25, 1793. 139 Martha, wf. of Jonathan, Jan. 10, 1799. 139 Moses, s. of Jonathan & Martha, Feb. 4, 1799. 139 Eliza, d. of Jonathan & Eliza, Feb. 18, 1801. 139 Eliza, d. of Jonathan & Eliza, Nov. 6, 1807. 139 Esther, d. of Jonathan & Martha, Aug. 15, 1810. Simeon, 63 y , Jan. 24, 1813. Prudence, 94 y., Feb. 20, 1820. Mrs. Anna, 55 y , Jul. 10, 1821. Two more children, Sept., 1821. , ch., 2 y., Sept. 28, 1821. Mrs., at S. Robbins, Jr.'s, Feb., 1826. Thomas, 62 y., Mar. 24, 1830. , ch., Aug., 1833. Isaac's wf., about 80 y., Feb. 12, 1834. Sarah, 75 or 80 y., May 2, 1834. Margaret, 76 y. 3 m. 1 d., Jan. 16, 1850. Anna, d. of Thos. & Sarah, 86 y. 1 m.. May 20, 1850. Hannah M., d. of Edward, 10 y. 2 m.. May 10, 1850. Anna Fiske, wf. of Oliver, 51 y. 5 m. 2 d.^ Oct. 15, 1851. Winslow. Thomas, 32 y., Jul. 3, 1808. Winter. Joseph, Dec, 1690. John, Dec. 18, 1690. Sarah, Dec. 19, 1690. Thomas, Feb. 4, 1690-91. Winthrop. Isaac, about 88 y., Nov., 1834. Witherbee. Infant s. of Chas. M., Feb. 24, 1847. Charles M., 28 y., June 2, 1847. Woods, Wood. James, Sept. 8, 1729. , ch.. May 17, 1829. Mrs., about 80 y., June, 1830. Charles, 22 y., Nov. 4, 1847. Wooton. Capt., Apr. 5, 1769. Widow, Jul. 20, 1775. Wyeth. 116 Hephzibah (Hastings), d. of Sam'l & Lydia, wf. of Jonas, 27 y., May 17, 1789. James's ch., Feb. 21, 1769. Nathaniel, slain Apr. 19, 1775. Wyman. * James's ch., Sally, Apr. 7, 1782. James, 81 y., Nov. 13, 1822. William's ch., Aug., 1825. 212 LEXINGTON BE CORD OF DEATHS. WyBian — Continued. William Harrington, 11 y., Feb., 1827. His wf., May, 1827-28. J.'s ch., 6 m., Mar., 1829. Content, wf. of Abel, 51 y., June 1, 1847. Benjamin, 75 y., Feb. 24, 1849. Soldiers and Strangers. Soldier, who died of wounds, June 20, 1776. Another, Dec. 4, 1775. Another, Jan. 12, 1776. Thomas Cromain, a Regular, July 15, 1775. Fogus, John Christ, a Hessian, Oct. 15, 1780. A stranger, at Mr. Dudley's, Oct. 23, 1822. A German, at Stephen Robbius's, 26 y., Sept. 24, 1825. An Irishman, at Capt. Richardson's, Feb. 15, 1834. Stranger found dead in the road, buried from poorhouse, Dec. 28, 1836. Scotchman begged lodging at Dickinson's, and died. Mar. 22, 1837. Negroes. Tulip. Robin (a Negro man), Apr. 19, 1784. Peggy, wid. of Robin, 75 y., Jan. 7, 1794. The following are given names only : — Muzzy's Negro, Mar., 1694. Cun6, Negro, Oct. 2, 1708. Hezekiah, mulatto, Sept. 1, 1715. Bi'own's Negro, .June 29, 1716. Lawrence's Negro, Jan. 1, 1718-19. Comer's Negro ch., Nov. 14, 1721. Negi'o ch., Apr. 9, 1726. Daniel 'i'idd's Negro, May 14, 1727. Negro boy, Jul., 1727. Negro boy, Jan. 10, 1727-28. Robert Harrington's Negro, May 24, 1728. Ceesar, Oct, 21, 1728. Sambo, Dec. 6. 1728. Zilpah, Dec. 22, 1729. Winship's Negro, Feb. 5, 1729-30. Steam's Negro, Feb. 24, 1729-30. William Roe's Negro, Nov. 5, 1730. CufFee, Nov. 29, 1730. Bacon's Negro ch.. Mar. 19, 1733. Deacon Brown's Negi'o, Mar. 24, 1733. Csesar, Mar. 20, 1734. Oraee, Mar. 30, 1734. Muzzy's Negro's ch.. Mar. 4, 1736. Peter, May 1, 1737. William Ray, Nov. 5, 1737. Bowman's Negx'o, Nov. 5, 1737. Primus, June 11, 1738. Lawrence's Negi-o, June 16, 1738. Robinson's Negro, Nov. 29, 1741. Phillis, May 30, 1743. Jethur, June 14, 1743. Pompee, Mar. 16, 1744. Phillis, Feb. 2, 1745-46. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF DEATHS. 213 Given names — CoiUinued. Jonathan Whittemore's Negro, May 9, 1748. John, Jul. 22, 1748. HaiTington's Negro, Oct. 24, 1748. Raymond's Negro, May 9, 1748. Peter, Feb. 5, 1749. Cook's Negro, June 26, 1750. Mr. Fassett's Negro boy, between 1752 and 1755. Edward Winship's Negro, between 1752 and 1755. Jonathan Raymond's Negro, between 1752 and 1755. Mr. Locke's Negro ch., Nov. 30, 1756. Quawk, Mr. Simonds's Negro, May 5, 1757. A Negro eh., Oct. 9, 1758. Mr. Harrington's Negi'o ch., Mar. 28, 1759. A French ch.. May 20, 1762. Peggy, a Fi'ench woman. May 25, 1762. A ch. of John Robbin's family, Jan. 13, 1766. A ch. of Joseph Comee's family, Sept. 8, 1766. James Robinson's Negro, Dec. 25, 1767. A ch. of Amos Muzzy's family, Jul. 19, 1768. Zilpah, Esq. Bowman's Negro, Aug. 25, 1769. Peter, Oct. 10, 1769. Pembo, Mar. 1, 1771. Philemon, Jul. 19, 1771. A Negro ch. out of Mr. John Simonds's family, July 22, 1775. Jupiter, Oct. 12, 1781. John Simonds's Negi-o boy, Dec. 9, 1782. Pompey Blackman, Jan. 9, 1783. A mulatto ch. out of Mr. Robert Reed's family, Jan. 27, 1790. Larkin, 60 y., Feb. 29, 1812. 214 LEXINGTON RECORD OF BIRTHS. BIRTHS. -Part II. From 1854 to 1898. Abbot. John, Jr., s. of John & Julia (DriscoU), Oct. 15, 1864. Julia, d. of John & Julia (Driscoll) [both Ireland], Jan. 4, 1867. Michael, s. of John & Julia (Driscoll) [both Ireland], Aug. 24, 1868. Frank, s. of John & Julia (Driscoll) [both Ireland], Nov. 5, 1869. Elizabeth, d. of John & Julia (Driscoll) [both Ireland],. Tan. 17,1872. Adair. Charles, s. of Chas. & Ann [both Ireland], Apr. 21, 1865. Mary J., d. of Chas. & Ann [both Ireland], Oct. 17, 1859. Andrew, s. of Chas. & Ann [both Ireland], Dec. 6, 1862. Lillie Augusta, d. of Chas. & Ann [both Ireland], Sept. 3, 1865. Adams. Charles A., s. of Geo. W. [Charlestovvn] & Elizabeth E. [Goffstown, N. H.], Jul. 7, 1858. , d. of Geo. W. [Charlestown] & Elizabeth E. [N. H.], Oct. 18, 1861. Pauline, d. of Wm. H. [Boston] & Margaret E. [Charleston, S. C], Feb. 19, 1879. Roxi Lane, d. of Frank S. [Minneapolis, Minn.] & Minna S. (Lane) [Lowell], Dec. 7, 1892. Helen, d. of Frank Samuel [Minneapolis] & Minna [Lowell], May 11, 1894. Ruth, d. of Frank S. [Minneapolis] & Mina S. (Lane) [Lowell], Aug. 5, 1895. Mansur William, s. of Chas. W. S. [Chelmsford] & Emma M. (Hig- gins) [Boston], Oct. 12, 1897. Ahern. Eliza, d. of Wm. [Boston] & Ellen (Fitzgerald) [Ireland], Mar. 10, 1869. Mary, d. of Wm. & Ellen (Fitzgerald) [both Ireland], Aug. 31, 1870. Margaret, d. of Wm. & Ellen (Fitzgerald) [both Ireland], Mar. 12, 1872. Hannah, d. of Wm. & Ellen (Fitzgerald) [both Ireland] , Mar. 1, 1874. George A., s. of Michael & Nellie (Cavenaugh) [both Ireland], June 9, 1890. Ahlstrom. Sally Hildur, d. of Chas. A. & Sophia (Olson) [both Sweden], Sept. 21, 1896. Alden. Harry, s. of Franklin & Elizabeth [Middlefield, Vt.], Nov. 28, 1859. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF BIRTHS. 215 Alderman. Cora Alberta, d. of Franklin [Middlefield] & Elizabeth H. [Walling- ford, N. H.], Apr. 29, 1865. Allen. Jonas M., s. of Galen [N. H.] & Lavinia [Lex ], Jan. 22, 1854. Mary Ella, d. of Andrew [N. S.] & Delia [Ireland], Sept. 17, 1857. Sarah C, d. of Andrew [N. S.] & Delia [Ireland], Aug. 18, 1860. Carrie L., d of Hugh [Scotland] & Christine (Balger) [Boston], Jul. 11, 1867. , d. of Thos. & Annie (Sullivan) [both Ireland], Aug. 7, 1890. Anderson. Frank, s. of Thos. & Sarah [both P. E. I.], Apr. 1.'), 1873. Charles F., s. of Thos. & Sarah, June 13, 1875. William J., s. of Thos. & Sarah [both P. E. I.], Dec. 8, 1877. Rqsella, d. of Thos. & Sarah [both P. E. I.], Mar. 9, 1882. Esther P., d. of Olarf B. [Sweden] & Laura B. (Johnson) [Norway], May 27, 1896. Andrews- Charles H , s. of Thos. H. [New Bi'unswick] & Mary B. (Jones) [Lynn], Jan. 20, 1868. Angier. George E., s. of Dan'l E. [Lex.] & Evalina F. [Cohassett], Dec. 21, 1869. George Eustis, s. of Dan'l E. [Lex.] & Eveline F. [Cohassett] (so re- corded), Feb. 20, 1860. Florence, d. of Cyi'us [Lex.] & Veleare A. (George) [C. E.], Api*. 8, 1867. Apel. Francis I., b. in East Cambridge, s. of John H. & Ellen, Mar. 20, 1863. Arms. Louis Fearing, s. of Willard O. [Mason, N. H.] & Jane H. [New Bedford], Jime 21, 1889. Arnold. Charles R., s. of Rhoades [R. I.] & Caroline [Waltham],Nov.2, 1862. Ashley. Harold Clifton, s. of Clifton P. [New Bedford] & Alice N. (Norris) [Orford, N. H.],Oct. 3, 1896. Babcoek. Anne Blashfield, d. of Leonard Gardner [Newton] & Frances C. (Chalmers) [Fredonia, N. Y.], Feb. 2, 1871. EdgarH., s. of Geo. E. [Bolton] & Asenath [Townsend], May 10, 1874. Bachelder. Mary Amanda, d. of Edwin A. [Union, Me.] & Melissa W. [Way- land], May 8, 1873. Bacon. Caroline A., d. of John D. [Billerica] & Harriet A. (Allen) [Lex.], May 14, 1857. George Henry, s. of John D. [Billerica] & Harriet A. (Allen) [Lex.], Dec. 29, 1860. 216 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF BIRTHS. Baoon — Continued. Annette A., d. of John D. [Billerica] & Harriet A. (Allen) [Lex.]; Apr. 6, 1862. Nellie Louise, d. of John D. [Billerica] & Harriet E. (Grout) [Ac- worth, N. H.], May 10, 1872. Frank G., s. of W. Frank [Bedford] & Isabelle [Litchfield, Me.] , Oct 6, 1875. Bailey. George Henry, s. of Chellis B. [Lex.] & Ellen A. [England], Nov. 9, 18.55. Frederick L., s. of Chellis B. [Lex.] & Ellen A. (Hartwell) [Eng- land], Jul. 28, 1869. Baker. Alice Irene, b. in Concord, d. of John E. & Sarah [both N. S.], Jan. 6, 1868. Baldwin. Joseph W., s. of Ames [Carlisle] & Mary Ann [Me.], Aug. 16, 1854. Mary Maria, d. of Amos [Carlisle] & Mary Ann [Me.], Aug. 24, 1856. Edgar, s. of Amos R. [Carlisle] & Mary Ann [Paris, Me.], Aug. 12, 1868. Sarah, d. of Amos R. [Cai'lisle] & Mary Ann [Calais, Me.], Nov. 8, 1861. Alfred Minot, s. of Amos R. [Carlisle] & Mary Ann [Me.], Nov. 3, 1864. Frank Leon, s. of Marshall C. [Weston] & Hattie M. (Whitney) [Lincoln], Feb. 23, 1886. Ball. Leon Clarence, s. of Alamander L. & Adelaide A. (Ball) [both Can- ada], Mar. 21, 1868. Cora Louise, d. of Alamander L. & Adelaide A. (Ball) [both Can- ada], Sept. 26, 1870. Ballard. Alice Gibbs, d. of Francis E. [Brooklyn, N. Y.] & Ellen S. (Conant) [Littleton], June 2, 1872. John Francis, s. of Francis E. [Brooklyn] & Ellen S. (Conant) [Lit- tleton], Jul. 26, 1873. Edith, d. of Francis E. [Brooklyn, N. Y.] & Ellen S. (Conant) [Lit- tleton], Aug. 16, 1875. William Henry, s. of Francis E. [Brooklyn, N. Y.] & Ellen S. (Co- nant) [Littleton], Jan. 29, 1879. Florence M., d. of Joseph [Cambridge] & Eliza [Tyngsboro], Sej^t, 20, 1882. Banuon. Frances, d. of John [Ireland] & Sarah [Concord], Feb. 7, 1856. Barrett. George A., s. of Geo. P. [Concord] «& Sarah Arvilla (Wright) [Lex.], Sept. 11, 1876. Charles H., s. of Geo. P. [Concord] & Sarah Arvilla (Wright) [Lex.], May 6, 1879. Clarence Haywood, s. of Geo. P. [Concord] & S. Arvilla (Wright) [Lex.], Apr. 5, 1886. LEXINGTON BE COED OF BIRTHS. 'Ill Barry. Charles, b. in New York, s. of Kill [N. Y.] & Maria [St. Andrews], May 11, 1858. Thomas, s. of John & Hannah [both Ireland], Mar. 12, 1859. Katy, d. of John & Honora [both Ireland], Oct. 25, 1860. John, s. of John & Hannah [both Ireland], Oct. 26, 1864. Nora, d. of Wm. & Margaret (Sheehan) [both Ireland], Aug. 30, 1875. David, s. of Wm & Margaret (Sheehan) [both Ireland], Jan. 17, 1877. Mary Ella, d. of Wm & Margaret [both Ireland], Apr. 28, 1878. John, s. of Wm. & Margaret [both Ireland], Aug. 11, 1879. William, Jr , s. of Wm. & Margaret (Sheehan) [both Ireland], Feb. 15, 1881. Margaret, d of Wm. & Margaret (Sheehan) [both Ireland], Mar. 17, 1882. , s. of Michael & Bridget (Welch) [both Ireland], May 8, 1883. Batchelder. Alfred R , s of Ira F. & Nettie D [both Woodbury, Vt.], Apr. 1, 1880. Elsie M., d. of Ira F. & Annette [both Vt.], May 23, 1882. Donald, s. of Geo, G. [Danverse] & Frances B. [Baker Co., Ga.], Jul, 9, 1884. Bates. Mary, d. of Getson N. & Alice G. [both Mass,], Aug. 12, 1889. Baxter. Margaret N.,d of Edwin W. [Boston] & Lucy M. [Wayland], Oct, 8, 1873. Edwin W., Jr., s. of E. W. [Boston] & Lucy M, [Wavland], Aug, 21, 1875. Bayley. Marion Vesta, d. of Edwin A. [Jamaica Plain] & Lucia A. (Wat- kins) [Newbury, Vt.], Jan. 9, 1895. Beatty. Sarah, b. in Boston, d. of Martin & Sarah [both Ireland], June 12, 1860. George, s. of Martin & Sarah A. [both Ireland], Mar, 20, 1862. Beaver. Rudolph S., b. in Provincetown, s, of Thos. D, & Hannah S. [both New York], Jan. 31, 1867. Benjamin. Effle, d. of Quincv W. [Lincoln] & Lucy (Sherman) [Uxbridge], Dec. 18, 1881, Bennink. Donald Crone, s. of Leonard E, [Cambridge] & Kittie A, (Crone) [Roxbury], Nov. 14, 1893, Bertwell. Cora Bell, d. of Jas. C. [N. H.] & Ellen [St, Johns], Oct. 20, 1865. Bevington. Mary Ellen, d. of Alfred J. [Ireland] & Annie J, (Keefe) [Lex.], Aug, 24, 1895. 218 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF BIBTHS. Bickford. Clara J., d. of Jas. T. [Rochester, N. H.] & Jane [N. H.], Apr. 15, 1857. Birchenall. Frederick C, s. of David & Ann [Iwtli England], Jul. 12, 1865. Bird. Norma Irene, d. of Wni. A. & Ada K. (Megeney) [both N. S.], Aug. 1, 1896. Blaisdell. Mary, d. of Ebenezer [Me.] & Ann [VVatertown], Oct. 22, 1855. Black. Ralph Fleming, s. of Ralph [Scotland] & Annie B. (Hunt) [Boston], Mar. 28, 1892. Blake. Clarence R., s. of Albert M. [Me.] & Annabel M. (Reed) [Lex.], Apr. 21, 1876. Richard Thomas, s. of Thos J, & Charlotte M. (Cross) [both Ireland], June 14, 1891. Blakie. Ralph Lincoln, s. of Alfred C. [Truro, N.S.] & Alice J. (Wentworth) [Cambridge], Apr. 19, 1892. Bl an chard. Ella Josephine, d. of Benj. [Charlestown] & Martha Ann [N. H.], Apr. 14, 1867. Georgianna, d. of Benj. [Charlestown] & Martha A. [Farmington, N. H],Dec. 5, 1868. Sumner, s. of Chas. H. & Josephine [both Boston], Jan. 14, 1875. Wilson, s. of Chas. H. & Josephine [both Boston], Apr. 13, 1876. Harris, s. of Chas. H. & Josephine L. [both Boston], Dec. 10, 1877. Lj'dia, d. of Chas. H. & Josephine L. [both Boston], Jan. 8, 1880. Quincy, s. of Chas. H. & Lillie J. [both Boston], Aug. 22, 1882. Alice, d. of Chas. H. & L. Josephine [Boston], Jul. 26, 1884. Fabius, s. of Chas. & Lillie J. [both Boston], Dec. 20, 1885. Blinn. Harriet E , d. of Richard D. & Charlotte [both Bedford], Feb. 20, 1857. Helen J., d. of Richard F. & Charlotte [both Bedford], Apr. 4, 1861. Blodgett. Emily J., d. of Chas. [Lex.] & Maria (Winn) [Salem], Dec. 10, 1854. Borden. John, s. of Alex. & Ellen [Scotland], Mar. 7, 1855. Borkins. MaT"^/"' ( ^''' "^ •^*'^'" ^ ^^'^^^' I^^*^*'^ Ireland], Dec. 8, 1854. Bowen. Benjamin L., s. of Frank L. [Me.], Oct. 30, 1887. LEXINGTON RECORD OF BIRTHS. 219 Bowers. , d. of Geo., Dec. (?), 1871. Bowes. Vivienne Grace, d. of Geo. A. [Halifax, N. .S.] & Florence E. (Frost) [Portsmouth, N. H.], June 4, 1896. Bracket. Maud, d. of Harry B. & Grace (i. (VVilkins) [Boston], Sept. 11, 18S2. Bridge. AnnaP., d. of Wm. F. [Lancaster] & Elizabeth [N. H.], Dec. 17, 1854. George Arthur, s. of Edmund [Me.] & Caroline [Lex ], Oct. 27, 1856. Brieu. Thomas A., s of Michael & Mary [both Ireland], Sept. 28, 1854. Michael, s. of Michael O. & Mary [both Ireland], Sept. 4, 1856. Briggs. Russell, s. of Chas. Poor & Gertrude Louise (Russell) [both Law- rence], Aug. 14, 1894. Henry, s. of Chas. P. & Gertrude L. (Russell) [both Lawrence], Jan. 26, 1896. Brigham. Gertrude M. R., d. of Eli H. [West Boylston] & Augusta [Sterling], Oct. 31, 1876. , s. of Chas. [Bath, Me.] & Elizabeth [Charlestown], Sept. 14, 1884. Britton. Frederick S., s. of Robert W. [N. S.] & Minnie (Schall) [Jamaica Plain], Jul. 16, 1897. Broaders. , s. of John [N. S.] & Mary (Murphy) [Ireland], Dec. 31, 1861. Broughall. Helen Elizabeth, d. of Stephen H. & Margaret (Welch) [both Ire- land], Sept. 23, 1896. Brown. Mary E , d. of Chas. [Lex ] & Sarah A. [Boston], Sept. 8, 1856. Mary Ellen, d. of Oliver [Lex.] & Mary [Milford], Nov. 15, 1856. , s. of Oliver [Lex.] & Mary (Fairbanks) [Milford], Jan. 31, 1862. Albion, s. of Wm. C. [Lincoln] & Eliza A. (Whitaker) [Weare, N. H.], Feb. 5, 1880. Winafred D., d. of Wm. C. [Lincoln] & Eliza A. (Whitaker) [South Weare, N. II.], Feb. 28, 1886. Leslie May, d. of Frank D. [Charlestown] & Mary H. (Prosser) [BloomAeld, Conn.], June 18, 1890. Bryant. Anna E., d. of A. W. & N W. [both Lex.], Nov. 12, 1856. Clifford W., s. of A. W. & N. W. [both Lex.], Oct. 11, 1859. Arthur J., s, of John & Lucy T. (West) [both England], Jul. 12, 1885. Leslie Francis, s. of Arthur L. [N. IL] & Mary A. (Clarkson) [Mass.], Nov. 16, 1888. 220 LEXINGTON RECORD OF BIRTHS. Bryon. Mary Ella, d. of Peter & Ellen [both Ireland], Dec. 29, 1866. Buckley. John, s. of Dau'l & Kate [both Ireland], June 23, 1857. Dennis, s. of Dan'l & Catherine (O'Neil) [both Ireland], Nov. 8, 1859. Michael J., s. of John & Eliza (Cashman) [both Ireland], June 15, 1860. John, s. of Dan'l & Kate [both Ireland], Oct. 26, 1861. Margaret M., d. of Fi'ank & Jane (Leary) [both Ireland] , Jan. 24, 1862. John, s. of John & Eliza (Cashman) [both Ireland], Sept, 25, 1862. Mary Jane, d. of Francis & Jane (Leary) [both Ireland] , Dec. 21, 1863. Ellen, d. of John & Eliza (Cashman) [both Ireland], Nov. 8, 1864. James, s. of Nicholas & Ellen [both Ireland], Jmie 30, 1865. William, s. of Frank & Jane [both Ireland], Jan, 17, 1866. Cornelius, s. of John & Eliza (Cashman) [both Ireland], Sept. 14, 1867. Patrick, s. of John & Eliza [both Ireland], Jul. 5, 1870. Catherine J., d. of Dan'l &, Catherine [both Ireland], Nov. 26, 1871. William, s. of John & Eliza [both Ireland], Jan. 9, 1874. Hannah, d. of John & Margaret (Reed) [both Ireland], Mar. 17, 1876. Thomas, s. of John & Margaret (Reed) [both Ireland], Apr. 2, 1879. Daniel, s. of Jeremiah & Julia A. [both Ireland], Feb. 15, 1880 Michael, \ ch. of Eugene 1). [Lex.] & Kate (Reagan) [Ireland], Feb. Daniel, S 26, 1887. John, s. of Eugene [Lex.] & Katie (Reagan), [Ireland], Aug. 18, 1888. Eugene, s, of Eugene D. [Lex.] & Katie (Regan) [Ireland], Aug. 11, 1890. , d. of Eugene D. [Lex.] & Catherine (Regan) [Ireland], Mar. 29, 1896. Bullock. Lillie Cristine, d. of Albert [Rehoboth] & Sophia [Woburn], Ma}- 2, 1868. Mary Edna, d. of John [England] & Minnie E. (Holley) [Ireland], May 14, 1891. Charles Henry, s of John [England] & Minnie (Hooley) [Newton Centre], Aug. 2, 1892. Archibald Francis, s. of John [England] & Minnie (Hooley) [New- ton], Dec. 8, 1893. , s. of John [England] & Minnie (Hooley) [Newton], Sept. 28, 1896. Burke. Mary Louisa, d. of Thos. & Bridget [both Ireland], Apr. 2o, 1869. James, s. of Thos. & Bridget [both Ireland], Jan, 2, 1874. John, s. of Peter & Margaret [both Ireland], Aug., 1883. Francis, s of Thos. & Margaret (O'Hara) [both Ireland], Aug. 16, 1890. Leon Arthur, s. of Richard H. [Cambridge] & Esther A. (Hutchinson) [St. Johns, N. B.], Nov. 21, 1890. Burnham. William Ira, s. of Albert Haskell [Essex] & Elizabeth Esther (Whit- aker) [South Weare, N. H.], Aug. 2, 1895. Burns. Bridget, d. of Jerry & Ellen [both Ireland], Aug. 10, 1856. , s. of John [Fall River] & Jane [Ireland], Jul. 30, 1875. Mary, d. of Wm. & Mary G [both Ireland], Aug. 31, 1889. Thomas Francis, s. of Thos. F. & Emily J. (Fagan) [both Boston], Jul. 8, 1896. LEXINGTON BEGOBD OF BIBTHS. 221 Burr. Georgie A., d. of Lewis A. [Freeport, Me.] & Lizzie A (Dunning) [Brunswick, Me.l, Dec. 20, 1879. BTirton. Joseph C, s. of Josej)Ii & Cristena Ann (McDougal) [both Canada], Jan. 26, 1875. Abraham, s. of Joseph & Christena Ann (McDougal) [both Canada] , Oct. 10, 1877. Daniel L., s. of Joseph & Christena A. (McDougal) fboth Canada], May 2, 1880. Butler. Hattie L, d. of Thos. VV. [Stoughton] & Mary L. [Easton], Oct. 28, 1866. Butterfleld. ALary C, d. of John [Cambridge] & Lydia J. [Asliby], Oct. 30, 1854. Abel, s. of Sidney [Cambridge] & Julia [Lex.], Aug. 14, 1855. William Hobart, s. of John [Cambridge] & Lydia J. [Ashby], Apr. 6, 1857. Maria A., d. of Sidney [Cambridge] & Julia Ann [Lex.], Sept. 3, 1857. Susan A., d. of John [Cambridge] & Lydia J. (Wiley) [Ashby], Jan. 29, 1859 , d. of John A. [New Boston] & Mary E. (Cashmau) [Boston], Sept. 17, 1861. Alice W., d. of John [Cambridge] & Lydia ,]. (Wiley) [Ashby], June 13, 1862. Winneford A , d. of Sam'l [Arlington] & Lillie F. (Choate) [Lex.], Sept. 22, 1880. Herbert B., s. of SamU [Arlington] & Lillie F. (Choate) [Cambridge], May 23, 1882. Maria T., d. of Alvin S. [Lex.] & Emily E. [England], Nov. 21, 1882. Leslie F., d. of Delmout A. [Lex.] & Helen M. (Frost) [Belmont], Sept. 23, 1883. Amy Lawrence, d. of Delmout A. [Lex.] & Helen M. (Frost) [Bel- mont], Mar. 20, 1886. , s. of Delmont A. [Lex.] & Helen (Frost) [Belmont], Feb. 14, 1888. Lawrence Delmont, s. of Delmont A. [Lex.] & Helen M. (Frost) [Belmont], Nov. 16, 1894. Butters. Willithia, d. of Sidney & Almira R. (Blodgett) [both Lex], May 18, 1868. Willie, s. of Sidney [Charlestown] & Almira R. (Blodgett) [Lex.], May 13, 1859. Freddy Ellsworth, s. of Sidney & Almira R. (Blodgett) [both Lex.], Jul. 1, 1862. Alice Hastings, d. of Frank V. [J^ex.] & Lizzie (Hastings) [Concord] , Nov. 11, 1864. Charles A., s. of Frank V. [Lex.] & Elizabeth (Hastings) [Concord], Oct. 6, 1867. Ida Maria, d of Sidney [Boston] & Almira R. (Blodgett) [Lex.], Apr. 10, 1868. Buttrick. Eugenia, d. of Isaac [Pepperell] & Abigail [Lex.], Mar. 9, 1854. Oscar, s. of Isaac [Pepperell] & Abigail (Locke) [Lex.], Aug. 1, 1857. 222 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF BIRTHS. Byrne. Mildred Alice, d. of Chas. Henry [London] & Fannie [Shropshire, England], Apr. 29, 1882. Byrnes. , s. of Wm. & Mary (Gaynor) [both Ireland], Dec. 10, 1890. Byron. Jane Ann, d. of Wui. & Mary (Grynor) [both Ireland], Feb. 13, 1894. Cadey. Catherine, d. of John & Joanna [both Ireland], Sept. 4, 1864. Cadigan. Lizzie, d. of Patrick & Mary [both Ireland], Dec. 7, 1866. Caffrey. Ann Maria, d. of Michael & Mary [both Ireland], Jan. 14, 186;;. Catherine, d. of Bernard & Mary [both Ireland], Sept. 26, 1866. Mary Jane, d. of Barney & Mary [both Ireland], Dec. 31, 1868. Nellie A., d. of Barney & Mary A. [both Ireland], Oct. 6, 1874. Cairnes. , d of James [Brighton] & Edith B. (Barrett) [Boston], Apr. 6, 1890. Calahan, Callahan. John, s of Patrick & Hannah [both Ireland], Mar. 16, 1856. Hannah, d. of Patrick & Hannah [both Ireland], Nov. 19, 1857. Patrick, Jr., s. of Patrick & Bridget [both Ireland], Feb. 20, 1867. Kate, d of Patrick & Bridget [both Ireland], Jul. 29, 1868. John, s. of Jeremiah & Ellen (Twomey) [both Ireland], May 23, 1872. Timothy Edward, s. of Jeremiah & Ellen (Twomey) [both Ireland], Sept. 6, 1873. Agnes Maria, ) ch. of Bartholemew D. [Ireland] & Elizabeth N. Mary Ellen, \ (Cm-ry) [Rutland, Vt.], May 28, 1891. Peter, s. of B. D. [Ireland] & Elizabeth N. (Curry) [Proctor, Vt.], June 2, 1894. William, s. of Bartholomew D. [Ireland] & Elizabeth N. (Curry) [Rutland, Vt.], Jan. 9, 1896. Daniel, s. of Bart. D. [Ireland] & Elizabeth N. (Curry) [Rutland, Vt.], Aug. 28, 1897. Campbell. Mary Isabell, d. of Dan'l & Catherine [both P. E. I.], Oct. 3, 1876. Alonzo P., s. of Malcom [St. Johns] & Nellie [Lowell], Nov. 21, 1876. Margaret N., d of Geo. P. & Louise N. (Rogers) [New York], Oct. 23, 1897. Canfleld. William, s. of Patrick & Hannah [both Ireland], Jul. 12, 1863. Lawrence, s. of Patrick & Haimah [both Ireland], Nov. 25, 1864. Charles, s. of Patrick [Ireland] & Hannah [Me.], Sept. 1, 1872. Carleton. Grace Marion, d. of Isaac N. & Laura T. [both Bradford, Vt.], Aug. 21, 1865. LEXINGTON BE COED OF BIBTHS. 223 Carrigan. John, s. of Patrick & Mary [both Ireland], Apr. 28, 1861. Mary E., d, of Patrick & Mary [both Ireland], Jul. 4, 1862. Carroll. Margaret, d. of Michael & INIary [both Ireland], Jul. 16, 1859. Patrick Edward, s. of Michael & Bridget (Hurley) [both Ireland], Aug. 6, 1871. Anna E., d. of Michael & Bridget (Hurley) [both Ireland], Oct. 28, 1874. John W., s. of Michael & Bridget (Hurley) [both Ireland] , Oct. 1, 1876. Julia A., d. of Michael, 2d, & Bridget (Hurly) [both Ireland], Aug. 23, 1878. Michael J., s. of Michael & Bridget (Hvirley) [both Ireland], Feb. 6, 1882. . Bridget, d. of Michael & Bridget (Hurley) [both Ireland], Mar. 25, 1883. Gertrude, d. of Michael & Lizzie [both Ireland], Jan. 1, 1885. Catherine, d. of Michael & Bridget (Hurley) [both Ireland], Mar. 10, 1886. Francis, s. of Michael & Bridget (Hurley) [both Ireland], Apr. 27, 1888. Lawrence M., s. of Michael & Bridget (Hurley) [both Ireland], Dec. 30, 1890. Alice Rose, d. of Michael & Bridget (Hurley) [both Ireland], Aug. 6, 1892. Patrick Edward, s. of Michael & Bridget (Hurley) [both Ireland], Jul. 4, 1894. Carson. , a girl, Feb. 22, 1890. " Parents left town." Carter. Frederick Denhurst, s. of Chas. F. & Hariet (Herick) [both Chico- pee], Apr. 10, 1897. Casey. Lizzie M., d. of Jas. «fe Kate [both Ireland], Feb. 4, 1870. C ashman. Louisa, d. of John [Ireland] & Mary [New York], Apr. 26, 1861. Ann Delia, d. of Michael & Maria (Barry) [both Ireland], Sept. 12, 1861. Charley, s. of Michael & Maria (Barry) [both Ireland], Nov. 16, 1867. Cassady. Rose Ann, d. of Michael & Ann (Mannahan) [both Ireland], Jul. 1, 1861. Patrick, s. of Michael & Ann (Mannahan) [both Ireland], Mar. 12, 1863. Edward Michael, s. of Michael J. [Ireland] & Delia V. (White) [Lex.], Dec. 26, 1895. Cavenaugh. John Benjamin, s. of Dan'l [Boston] & Mai'garet [England], Dec. 13, 1863. 224 LEXINGTON EEC OB D OF BIRTHS. Champney. Margaret, d. of Edwin G. [Boston] & M. Anna [Woburn], Aug. 14, 1882. Chandler. Maria Elizabeth, d. of John Q. A. [Lex.] & Sarah P. (Dudley) [Rox- biiry], Apr. 16, 1867. Sarah Dudley, d. of John Quincy Adams [Lex ] & Sarah Pedy Wil- liams (Dudley) [Roxbury], Oct. 4, 1868. Abbie Muzzey, b. in Newton, d. of Edward T. [Lex.] & Rebecca S. (Douglass) [Douglass], Nov. 22, 1868. Samuel Otis, s. of Edward T. [Lex.] & Rebecca S. [Douglass], May 11, 1870. Frank Nelson, s. of Edward T. [Lex.] & Rebecca S. (Douglass) [Douglass], May 20, 1871. Chapman. Louisa, d. of John [England] & Alice J. [Lex.], June 27, 1885. Childs. Charles A., s. of Augustus [Waltham] & Eliza Ann (Blodgett) [Lex.], Jan. 21, 1854. Anna Florence, d. of Thos. Whittemore [Lex.] & Harriet P. (Hil- dreth) [Dorchester], Mar. 20, 1864. Carlton A., s. of Augustus [Waltham] & Eliza Ann (Blodgett) [Lex.], June 20, 1865. Martha E., d. of Augustus [Waltham] & Mary E. (Cunningham) [Edgcomb, Me.], Nov. 30, 1872. Clapp. Lilian Saunders, d. of Robert P. [Montague] & Mary L. (Saunders) [Cambridge], Mar. 29, 1892. Roger Saunders, s. of Robert Parker [Montague] & Mary Lizzie (Saunders) [Cambridge], Mar. 24, 1895. Clarke. , s. of Wm. & Isabelle [both St. Johns, N. B] Nov. 20, 1862. May Lena, d. of Chas. F. G. [N. S.] & Lizzie (Harquaie) [N. H.] May 7, 1887. Merlin T., s. of Allan C. [Bath, N. IL] & Carrie C. (Teffi) [Haver- hill, N. H.], Jan. 13, 1893. Esther, d. of Allan C. [Bath, N. H.] & Carrie (Tefft) [Haverhill, N. H.],May 11, 1895. Roger, s of Allan C. [Bath, N. H.] & Carrie C. (Tefft) [Haverhill, N. H.], June7, 1896. Helen, d. of Wm. B. [Brattleboro, Vt.] & Ellen C. (Strong) [Boston] both of Baltimore, Md , Aug 13, 1896. , s. of Frank E. [Boston] & Ethel D. (Moody) [Weston], Jul. 3, 1897. Clavel. Fi'an§ois Henri Auguste, s. of Auguste Francois Charles Marc [Swit- zerland] & Frances (McKay) [Boston], both of Switzerland, Mar. 31, 1893. Clifford. John, s. of Jas. & Sarah [both Ireland], Dec. 22, 1870. Rosa Ellen, d. of Jas. & Sarah [both Ireland], Aug 15, 1872. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF BIRTHS. 225 Coburn. Charles Lyman, s. of Frank Warren [Tlietforcl, Vt.] & Hattie Jane (Marsh) [Boston], Apr. 23, 1895. Cody. Michael, s. of John & Johannah [both Ireland], May 28, 1856. Catherine, d. of Jas. & Hannah [both Ireland], Feb. 22, 1859. John, s. of John & Johanna (White?) [both Ireland], Apr. 14, 1859. James, s. of Jas. & Honora (both Ireland], Dec. 10, 1860. David, s. of John & Hannah [both Ireland], Mar. 14, 1861. William, s. of Jas. & Hannah [both Ireland], Dec. 20, 1862. Mary, d. of John & Hannah [both Ireland], Jan. 1, 1863. Morris, s. of John & Johanna [both Ireland], Nov. 9, 1864. Patrick, s. of John & Johanna [both Ireland], Aug. 10, 1866. Colby. Abbie Louisa, d. of Moses E. [New England] & Ann Eliza (Smith) [England], Feb. 12, 1888. Collins. William, s. of Dan'l & Mary [both Ireland], Oct. 15, 1854. Willie, s. of John & Mary [both Ireland], June 27, 1855. Julia, d. of Dan'l & Mary [both Ireland], June 20, 1856. Hannah, d. of John & Marv [both Ireland], Jan. 26, 1857. ' Mary, d. of Dan'l & Mary [both Ireland], Oct. 19, 1857. John, s. of Dan'l & Marv [both Ireland], Nov. 1, 1859. Mary, d. of John & Mary (White) [both Ireland], Jan. 15, 1860. Daniel, s. of Dan'l & Mary [Ijoth Ireland], ISIar. 27, 1862. Lawrence, s. of John & Mary (White) [both Ireland], Feb. 5, 1863. Ellen, d of Dan'l & Mary (Donnavin) [both Ireland], Dec. 19, 1864. Michael, s. of Dan'l [Ireland] & Mary (Donovan) [England], June 4, 1868. Dennis D , s. of Dan'l & Mary [both Ireland], May 18, 1870. Francis, s. of Francis & Ann [both Ireland], Jul. 31, 1876. Daniel James, s. of John J. [Lex.] & Maggie (Levey) [Ireland], Dec. 6, 1896. Colson. Mary Augusta, d. of Oilman & Mary E. [both Me.], Aug. 11, 1865. Comley. John R., s. of Jas. [England] & Harriet E. [Boston], Feb. 27, 1869. Norris Fines, s. of Jas. [England] & Harriet E [Boston], Dec. 7, 1870. Estella May, d. of Henry [Brighton] & Sarah E. (Thurston) [Lex.], Dec 31, 1885. Clara Frances, b. in Boston, d. of Henry R. & Sarah Eveline (Thurs- ton), Dec. 24, 1886. Alfred Henry, s. of Henry Ridgeway [Brighton] & S. Eveline (Thurston) [Lex.], Dec. 8, 1888. George Ellsworth, s. of Henry R. [Brighton] & Sarah E. (Thurston) [Lex.], Mar. 26,1891. James Henry, s. of Norris F. [Lex.] & Susan Alice (Smith) [Eng- land], June 11, 1893. Lester Freeborn, s of Henry R. [Brighton] & Sarah E. (Thurston) [Lex], Jan. 22, 1895. Conant. Fred, s. of Frayott & Jennie [both Germany], Apr. 9, 1885. Connaly. Thomas F., s. of John & Helen [both Ireland], Oct. 11, 1862. 226 LEXINGTON BE COED OF BIBTH8. Conners. Cornelius, s. of Michael & Johanna [both Ireland], Nov. 4, 1873. John, Jr., s. of John & Ann [both Ireland], Jul. 19, 1874. Agnes, d. of Michael O. & Joann [botli Ireland], Aj^r. 4, 1879. Connor. Helen, d. of John J. [Quincy] & Ellen M. (O'Connor) [Cambridge], Sept. 4, 1892. Conway. James, s. of Lawrence & Mary (Hennesy) [both Ireland], Jul. 29, 1896. Cook. Olive E., d. of Robert A. & Olive [both N. S.], Jan. 9, 1857. Martha J., d. of Robert A. [N. S.] & Olive [Bedford], Nov. 7, 18.58. Albert, s. of Sam'l & Mary [both England], June 20, 1865. Albert Hope, s. of Sani'l & Mary [both England], Dec. 2, 1866. George A., s. of Sam'l [England] & Mary I. [Bath], Sept. 17, 1869. Bertha, d. of Selon & Addle [both N. Y.], Ych. 24, 1892. Roy Augustus, s. of Selon A. & Addie (Scott) [both N. S.], Nov. 27, 1894. Loyd Seloui, s. of Seloni A. [Chateaugay, N. Y.] & Addie C. (Scott) [Burke, N. Y.], Jul. 16, 1896. Copeland. Frederick Kent, s. of R. M. [Roxbury] & Josephine G. [Duxbury], Aug. 22, 1865. Corbett. Ellen, d. of Phillip J. [Xorthfield, Vt.] & Bridget (McDonald) [Ireland], Sept. 16, 1897. Corcoran. . Catherine E., d. of Wm. & Catherine A. (Gallagher) [both Ireland], Apr. 1, 1874. Matthew F., s. of Wm. & Catherine A. (Gallagher) [both Ireland], Dec. 22, 1875. William A., s. of Wm. & Catherine N. [both Ireland], June 23. 1877. George H., s. of Wm. & Catherine [both Ireland], Jul. 12, 1879. Cordey. Lauton, s. of John & Johanna [both Ireland], Dec. 4, 1857. Corlew. Jesse S., s. of Edward I. [Boston] & Nellie M. [Marblehead], June 6, 1882. Cosgrove. John, s. of Thos. & Mary [both Ireland], Jul. 16, 1854. Elizabeth, d. of Thos. & Mary [both Ireland], Aug. 8, 1856. Mary, d. of Patrick «& Anna (Harrington) [both Ireland], Oct. 11, 1860. Patrick, Jr., s. of Patrick & Anna [both Ireland], Nov. 7, 1863. Anna, d. of Patrick & Anna [both Ireland], Aug. 12, 1865. James, s. of Thos. & Marv (McCreech) [both Ireland], Jul. 13, 1866. , s. of Thos. & Mary (McCreech) [both Ireland], Dec. 1, 1868. Thomas, s. of Patrick & Bridget C. [both Ireland], Sept. 9, 1889. John Thomas, s. of Rol)ert E. [Lex.] & Nellie E. (Barry) [Ireland], Dec. 15, 1896. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF BIBTHS. 227 Costello. Michael, s. of Patrick & Margaret [both Ireland], Dec. 22, 1865. Mary Maria, d. of Patrick & Mary (Haley) [both Ireland], Nov. 29, 1894. Craven. Patrick J., s. of Jas. & Mary (Keating) [both Ireland], Jan. 6, 1876. Crawford. Emma E., d. of Jas. [Boston] & Susan [Lex.], June 6, 1854. Crimmins. John, s. of Michael & Mary [both Ireland], Jul. 26, 1857. Bridget, d. of Michael & Mary [both Ireland], Dec. 21, 1857. Michael, s. of Michael & Mary [both Ireland], Apr. 14, 1859. John, s. of ]\Iichael & Mary (Caldren) [both Ireland], June 17, 1861. Margaret, d. of Patrick & Mary (Mitchell) [both Ireland], Sept. 27, 1862. Eliza, d. of Michael & Mary (Caldren) [both Ireland], Feb. 5, 186,3. Ellen, d. of Patrick & Mary (Mitchell) [both Ireland], Nov. 23, 1863. Mary, d. of Michael & Mary (Caldron) [both Ireland], Oct. 23, 1865. Crockett. Ethelwyn Beatrice, d. of Albert Waldo [North Andover] & Grace L. (Wing) [Lex.], both in Honolulu, Aug. 27, 1897. Cronin. Twins, d. of Timothy [Ireland], Jul. 31, 1864. Daniel, s. of Timothy & Elizabeth (Devaney) [both Ireland], Sept. 17, 1892. Josephine, d. of Timothy & Lizzie (Devaney) [both Ireland], Aug. 14, 1894. Timothy P., s. of Timothy & Lizzie (Devaney) [both Ireland], Nov. 1, 1895. Mary Josephine, d. of Timothy & Lizzie (Devaney) [both Ireland], June 14, 1897. Crone. James Ernest, Jr., s. of J. E. [Peterboro', N. II.] & Helen A. (Dooley) [N Y.],Dec. 14, 1881. Ernestine A., d. of Jas. E. [Peterboro', N. II.] & Helen A. (Dooley) [Brooklyn, N Y.], Jul. 10, 1884. Crowley. Jeremiah, s. of Patrick &. Mary [both Ireland], Sept. 2, 1854. Bridget, d. of Jeremiah & Mary [both Ireland], Dec. 17, 1854. Timothy, s. of Patrick & Marv [both Ireland], Apr. 8, 1857. Bridget, d. of John & Bridget [both Ireland], Oct. 20, 1857. Patrick, s. of Patrick & Mary (Gherry) [both Ireland], Oct. 18, 1859. Elizabeth, d. of John & Bridget [both Ireland], Oct. 6, 1860. Patrick, s. of Patrick & Mary [both Ireland]. Mar. 2, 1862. Roxanna. d. of John & Bridget [both Ireland], Jul. 14, 1863. John Nicholas, s. of John & Bridget [both Ireland], Nov. 12, 1866. Nellie, d. of Jeremiah & Julia [both Ireland]. Oct. 26, 1878. Julia, d of Jeremiah & Julia [both Ireland], Feb., 1881. Jeremiah, Jr., s. of Jere. & Julia [both Ireland], Max*. 8, 1882. 228 LEXINGTON BEGOBD OF BIBTH8. Crowninslueld. Adda, d. of Caleb S. & Julia H. (Christy) [both Charlestown], June 29, 1856. Ida B., d. of Caleb S. & Julia H. (Christy) [both Charlestown], May 12, 1862. Cummings. Margaret, d. of Dan'l & Margaret P. [both Ireland], Nov. 3, 1855. Francis S., s. of Silas L. [Waldoboro', Me.] & Mary (Chase) [Cam- bridge], June 1, 1880. Walter S., s. of Sylvester [Waldoboro', Me.] & Annie A. (Smith) [Lex.], Aug. 21, 1880. Curran. James Terrence, s. of Wm. R. & Mary E. (Morrison) [both P. E. I.], May 9, 1896. Currier. Willie, s. of Wra. J. [Lynn] & Susan S. [Lex.], Jul. 2, 1859. Currier, Corea. , d. of Alex. [Madeira] & Lydia A. (Jones) [Lex.], Nov. 27, 1862. , s. of Alex. [Madeira Islands] & Lydia A. (Jones) [Lex.], May 6, 1864. Clifford Alex., s. of Alex. [Madeira Islands] & Lydia A. (Jones) [Lex.], Feb. 26, 1868. S. Justa, d. of Alex. [Madeira Islands] & Lydia A. (Jones) [Lex], Nov. 5, 1869. Nellie A., / eh. of Alex, [Madeira Islands] & Lydia A. (Jones) [Lex.] , Frank A., \ Dec. 5, 1875. , d. of Alex. [Madeira] & L, A. (Jones) [Lex.], May 31, 1877. Curtain, Nettie, d. of Patrick [Boston] & Ellen [Ireland], June 8, 1869. Cutler. Charles, s. of Thos. E. & Melinda [both Lex.], Nov. 3, 1862. Ida Warren, d. of Thos. Everett & Melinda Warren (Houghton) [both Lex.], Oct. 12, 1864. Edward Everett, s. of Thos. Everett & Melinda Warren (Houghton) [both Lex.], Mav 12, 1866. Clarence H., s. of' Thos. Everett & Melinda W. (Houghton) [both Lex.], Jan. 26, 1869. Mattie R., d. of Thos. E. & Melinda W. (Houghton) [both Lex.], Feb. 22, 1873. Belle Blodgett, d. of Alfred D. & E. Dora (Pierce) [both Lex.], Nov. 3, 1873. Curtis A., s. of Thos. E. & Melinda W. (Houghton) [both Lex.], Feb. 1, 1875. Cutter. Henry P., s. of Geo. H. [Arlington] & Abbie Maria (Parker) [Lex.], Nov. 9, 1871. Sarah Hamlen, d. of Wm. R. [Woburn] & Mary E. (Kimball) [Bos- ton], Jul. 25,1873. Harry Nickerson, s. of Geo. H. [Arlington] & Abbie M. (Parker) [Lex.], Mar. 25, 1875. William R., Jr., s. of W. R. [Woburn] & Mary E. [Boston], Dec. 8, 1880. LEXINGTON BE CORD OF BIRTHS. 229 Dacey. William J., s. of Wm. & Hannah (Finn) [both Ireland], Oct. 27, 1877. Mary, d. of Patrick [Boston] & Margaret [Lex.], Apr. 18, 1878. Nellie (t., d. of Patrick F. [Boston] & Margaret M. (Shea) [Lex.], Feb. 6, 1880. William, s. of Patrick F. [Boston] & Margaret M. (Shea) [Lex.], Aug. 25, 1882. Kate Beatrice, d. of Patrick F. [Boston] & Margaret M. (Shea) [Lex.] , Dec. 11, 1889. Dale. Anita Killam, d. of Chas. E. [Boston] & Madeline M. (Mears) [Sherburne], Aug. 28, 188-4. • Rali^h Irving, s. of Chas. E. [Boston] & Madeline M. (Mears) [Sher- borne], Dec. 21, 1892. Dalrymple. Howard B., s. of Jas. & Josephine (McDonald) [both N. S.],Feb. 4, 1880. Daly. Catherine, d. of Patrick & Bridget [both Lex.], Oct. 8, 1855, Mary, d. of John P. [Lex.] & Mary E. (Mullen) [Reading], Feb. 18, 1891. John P., Jr., s. of J. P. [Lex] & Mary E. (Mullen), [Cambridge], Apr. 12, 1892. William, s. of John P. [Lex.] & Mary E. (Mullen) [Wakefield], Nov. 9, 1894. Frank, s. of John P. [Lex.] & Mary (Mullen) [Reading], Feb. 11, 1897. Damon. Myron B., s. of Isaac N. & Lucy K. [both Ashby], Jan 27, 1854. Florence M., d. of Isaac N. & Lucy K. [both Ashby], Apr. 27, 1856. Dane. Charles W., s. of Joseph [Billerica] & Mary (Richardson) [Fitch- burg], Aug. 23, 1875. Sarah A., d. of Joseph [Bedford] & Mary (Richardson) [Fitchburg], Sept. 6, 1877. Louisa, d. of Joseph [Billerica] & Mary (Richardson) [Fitchburg], Aug. 1, 1879. Lvmau W., s. of Joseph [Billerica] & Mary (Richardson) [Fitch- ■■burg],Nov 22, 1881. Clai'a, d. of Joseph [Billerica] & Mary (Richardson) [Fitchburg], Apr. 19, 1885. Henry S.^ s. of Joseph [Billerica] & Mary [Fitchburg], I\Iay 7, 1887. Harriett Jane, d. of Jose]3h [Billerica] & Mary (Richardson) [Fitch- burg], Aug. 1, 1888. Edward J , s. of Joseph [Billerica] & Mary (Richardson) [Fitchburg], Feb. 8, 1890. Alfred, s. of Joseph [Billerica] & Mary (Richardson) [Fitchburg], June 11, 1891. Alfred John, s. of Joseph [Billerica] & Mary (Richardson) [Fitch- burg], May 23, 1892. Davis. Eleanor Peterson, d. of Philemon [Waterford, Vt] & Vesta G. [Wind- sor, Vt.], Feb. 16, 1854. Alice P., d. of John [Guilford, Me.] & Mary A.E. [Gloucester] , Apr. 19, 1855. 230 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF BIRTHS. Davis — Continued. S. Walter, s. of S. G. [Me.] & Mary S. [England], Aug. 6, 1855. Frank Stevans, s. of Horace B. [Princeton] & Anna C. [Gloucester], June 7, 1857. Clara, d. of Sidney G. [Guilford, Me.] & Mary S. [England], Feb. 19, 1858. Edith Forbes, d. of John, Jr. [Guilford, Me.] & Mary Ann (Davis) [Gloucester], June 9, 1858. Lillian, d of Philemon [Waterford, Vt.] & Vesta G. (Bridge) [Wind- sor, Vt.], Jul. 4, 1858. Frederick G., s. of Geo. O. [Boston] & Caroline E. (Bridge) [Lex.], Aug. 8, 1859. John IL, s. of John [Guilford, Me.] & Mary Ann [Gloucestei*], June 21, 1860. Charles B., s. of Geo. O. [Boston] & Caroline E. (Bridge) [Lex.], Jan. 2, 1861. Allan, s. of Sidney G. [Guilford, Me.] & Mary (Sinclair) [England], Sept. 13, 1861. , s. of Horace B. [Princeton] & Annie C. (Stevens) [Gloucester], Dec. 11, 1862 Harry W., s. of Geo. O. & Caroline E. (Bridge) [both Lex.], Feb. 28, 1863. INIarion, d. of Sidney G. [Guilford, Me] & Mary (Sinclair) [England], Apr. 23, 1864. Frank, b. in Cambridge, s. of John, 2d [Guilford, Me.] & Mary A. E. [Gloucester], June 9, 1866. Phillip A., s of Nathan A. [Woburn] & Mary E. [Bo.ston], May 9, 1877. Mildred Ethelind, d. of Wm. IL [Charlestown] & Mabel (Kirkland) [Lex.], Jul. 24, 1887. Harold K , s. of Wm. IL [Lex.] & ISIabel L. (Kirkland) [Charles- town], Mar. 31, 1889. Rodney Newton, s. of Rodnev [Saugus] & Bertha M. (Ilalliday) [Berwick, N. S.], Dec. 9, 1890. John Goldthwait, s. of Simon [Charlestown] & Helen M. (Goldthwait) [Boston], both of Boston, Sept. 18, 1891. Dorothy, d. of Wm. IL [Lex.] & Mabel (Kirkland) [Charlestown], May 7, 1S92. Helen Whiting, d. of Chas. B. [Lex.] & Emma (Whiting) [Wilton, N. IL], Apr. 10, 1893. Sybil, d. of Wm. H. [Lex.] & Mabel L. (Kirkland) [Charlestown], Sept. 26, 1893. Day. Susan M., d. of Arthur W. [West Newfield, Me.] & Kate T. (Mead) [Ireland], Apr. 29, 1892. Helen, d. of Arthur W. [Portland, Mc ] & Catherine (Dav) [Ireland], Jul. 10, 1894. Katherine Florence, d. of Arthur W. [West Newfield, Me.] & Caroline T. (Mead) [Ireland], Oct. 9, 1896. Denham. Harold Clive, s. of Wm. E. & Melissa (Beals) [both X. S.], Dec. 13, 1887. Stanley Edwin, s. of Jas. L. & Maggie E (Saunders) [both N. S.], June 29, 1891. Elmer Beals, s. of Wm. E. & Melissa (Beals) [both N. S.], Jan. 26, 1892. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF BIBTHS. 231 Dennett. Emma A,, d. of Geo. B. [N. H.] & Elizabeth [Townsend], Dec. 2, 1856. Dennin. DanSl*^' \ ^^^- °^ F^^'l^vard & Mary [l)oth Ireland], May 6,1858. Dermott. Henry Nichols, s. of Robert II. & Adelaide G. (Baker) [both New Brunswick], July 27, 1897. Desmond. Daniel, s. of Timothy & Eliza [both Ireland], Nov. 27, 1854. Catherine, d. of Timothy & Eliza [both Ireland], Feb. 27, 1856. John, s. of Timothy & Elizabeth [both Ireland], Jul. 8, 1857. John, s. of Dan'i & Mary [both Ireland], Dec. 4, 1857. Mary E , d. of Timothy & Eliza [both Ireland], Dec. 11, 1860. John, s. of Timothy & Betsey (Buckley) [both Ireland], June 23, 1865. Julia, d. of Timothy & Betsey (Buckley) [both Ireland], SejJt. 12, 1868. Alice Catherine, d. of Dan'l T. [Lex.] & Maiy Agnes (Byrnes) [Mont- real, P. Q.], Jan. 8, 1892. De Veau. Marian, d. of Chas. [Rockport] & Millie (DeVeau) [N. S.], Mar. 26, 1892. Mary Elizabeth, d. of Stephen [Digby Co., N. S.] & Margaret J. (McLellan) [P. E. I.], Mar. 9, 1893. Frances Elizabeth, d. of John C. [Oigby, N. S.] & Mary Jane (Le Hanaff) [St. Pierre, Miquelon], Nov. 9, 1893. Leo Edward, s. of Stephen [Digby, N. S ] & Margaret Jane (Mc- Lellan) [P. E. I.], Jan. 6, 1894. Florence, d. of Chas. & Emelie (De Yeau) [both Canada], May 25, 1895. Devine. John, s. of Dennis & Hannah [both Ireland], Oct. 10, 1855. Alfred J., s. of Jas. & Hannah [both Ireland], Dec. 9, 1858. Catherine J., d. of Jas. & Hannah [both Ireland], Jan. 16, 1860. Fanny, d. of Jas. & Hannah [both Ireland], Aug 18, 1861. Catherine, d. of Dennis & Hannah [both Ireland], Dec. 25, 1861. , s. of Jas. & Catherine [both Ireland], Oct. 3, 1865. George R,, s. of Dennis & Hannah [both Ireland], May 10, 1867. Dilan, William, s. of Wm. & Hannah [both Ireland], Feb. 11, 1858. John, s. of Wm. & Ilonora [both Ireland], Jul. 2, 1860. Dinan, Dinah. Dennis, Jr., s. of Dennis & Hannah [both Ireland], Jul. 29, 1865. Laura Elizabeth, d. of John [Lex.] & Bessie (Sheaves) [England], Feb. 18, 1891. Dodd. Mary Ellen McGinty, d. of Mark & Sarah (McGinty), Aug. 28, 1889. Rebecca Agnes, d. of Mark & Sarah (McGinty) [both Ireland], Oct. 1, 1892. 232 LEXINGTON EECORD OF BIRTHS. Dodge. X Ida May, d. of Royal F. & Carrie B. [both Me.], Nov. 1, 1874. Mabel E., d. of John E. [N. H.] & Clara E. (Bacon) [Bedford], Oot. 31, 1875. Doe. James, s. of Jas. S. [Me] & Lizzie [Boston], Sept. 23, 1894. Donahue. Mary E., d, of John & Elizabeth [both Ireland], Jan. 15, 18G2. Donovan. John ' [ ^^- °^ ^^"'^ ^ ^^^'^ ^^^^^^ Ireland], June 24, 1854. Timothy, s. of Cornelius & Mary [both Ireland], Dec. 21, 1854. Mary, d. of Cornelius »fe Mary [both Ireland], Nov. 14, 1856. John, s. of Dan'l & Mary [both Ireland], Dec. 11, 1866. Mary, d. of Cornelius & Marv (Lyons) [both Ireland], Oct. 19, 1859. Patrick, s. of DanM & Mary [both Ireland], Aug. 10, 1863. Mary Jane, d. of Jerry & Mary [both Ireland], Aug. 21, 1866. Daniel, s. of Dan'l, Jr., & Bridget [both Ireland], Sept. 3, 1874. John M., s of Dan'l, Jr., & Bridget [both Ireland], Apr. 2, 1877. Martin, s. of Dan'l & Bridget [both Ireland], Aug 16, 1878. Bridget, d. of Dan'l J. & Bridget [both Ireland,], Jan. 16, 1880. Mary Ann, d. of Dan'l J. & Bridget [both Ireland], Dec. 23, 1880. Gertrude M., d. of Timothy [Lex.] & Abby E. (Daley) [Arlington], May 28, 1881. Patrick, s. of Dan'l & Bridget [both Ireland], Oct. 31, 1882. James, s. of Dan'l J. & Bridget [both Ireland], June 19, 1884. Timothy, s of Dan'l & Bridget [both Ireland], Apr. 20, 1886. Francis, s. of Dan'l & Bridget C. [both Ireland], Nov. 14, 1887. , d. of Jerry & Maggie (Roper) [both Ireland], Feb. 2, 1897. Dorethy. Eliza Ada, d. of .lohn & Mary [N. B ], June 27, 1857. John E., s. of John & Maria [N. B.], Mar. 8, 1862. William Gilbert, s. of John [N. S.] & Mary [St. Johns, N. B.], June 29, 1864, Dow. Catherine L.,d. of Darius [Sudbury] & Abbie [Weston], Nov. 22, 1856. Henrietta J., d. of Darius [Sudbury] & Abby [Weston], May 6, 1862 Edna J., d. of D. Augustus [Waltham] & Carrie V. (Fletcher) [Carlisle], Oct. 30, 1880. George O., s. of Geo. H. [Lex.] & Sarah T. (Wing) [Marion], Feb. 18 1882 Herbert W., s. of Geo. II. [Lex.] & Sarah P. (Wing) [Marion], Sept. 20, 1893. Drenan. Bessie M., d. of Rylance F. & Dover M. [botli Vt], Mar. 4, 1882. Drury. Rosie, d. of John W. [Boston] & Nora A. (Savage) [Lex.], Jan. 8, 1885. Dunbar. Julia C, d. of Chas. J. [Abington] & Julia R. [Roxbury] , Jul. 15, 1855. Franklin A., s. of Chas. S. [Abington] & Julia R. [Roxbury] , Oct. 10, 1856. LEXINGTON BE COED OF BIRTHS. 233 Dunn. Anastacia, d. of Richard & Mary [both Ireland] , Dec. 27, 1869. Earle. Chester Ellison, s. of Fred C. [N. H.] & Carrie D. (Hull) [Concord], Feb. 14, 1890. Eaton. Violet Elizabeth, d. of Wm [Boston] & Genevieve (Manning) [Charlestown], Apr. 1, 1895, Edmonds. Charles M., s. of Jas. [England] & Betsy (Miller) [R. I.],I\ray 25, 1874. Elder. Ellen D., d. of Edwin S. [N. H.] & Sarah E. [Me.], Feb. 20, 1876. Elliott. James, s. of Robert J. & Mary Ann [both Ireland], Oct. 7, 1871. Robert Joseph, s. of Robert J. & Mary Ann [both Ireland], Oct. 8, 1872. Urenia Anne, d. of Robert J. & Mary Ann (Gateley) [both Ireland], Oct. 24, 1874. William M., s. of Robert J. & Mary Ann [both Ireland] , June 26, 1877. Jane, d. of Robert J. & Maiy Ann (Gateley) [both Ireland], June 26, 1878. Elizabeth, d. of Robert J. & Mary Ann (Gateley) [both Ireland], June 27, 1881. Emerson. Fred Light, s. of Jacob F. [VValtham] & Marj^ II. [Londonderry, N. H.], Apr. 29, 1876. Emery. Leland Harrington, s. of Fred'k L. [Portland, Me.] & Grace L. (Har- rington) [Rochester, N. H.], Mar. 8, 1896. English. Michael, s. of Martin & Anna [both Ireland], May 8, 1863. Michael, s. of Martin & Ann [both Ireland], June 26, 1864. Norvett, d. of Martin & Ann [both Ireland], Apr. 6, 1866. Mary Ann, d. of Martin & Ann [both Ireland], Nov. 22, 1867. Eliza, d. of Martin & Ann [both Ireland], Nov. 13, 1870. Estabrook. George Lovell, s. of Francis H. [Cambridge] & Louisa H. [Caven- dish, Vt.], Jan. 10, 1856. Anna Louisa, d. of Francis [Cambridge] & Louisa II. (Jones) [Cav- endish, Vt.] , Sept. 30, 1857. Anna Louisa, d. of Francis H. [Cambridge] & Louisa (Jones) [Cav- endish, Vt.], Sept. 30, 1858 (?) Catherine, d. of Wm. [Vt] & Lydia [Cambridge], Mar. 15, 1859. , s. of Luke & Lydia [both Vt.], Nov. 27, 1859. , s. of Francis [Cambridge] & Louisa (Jones) [Cavendish, Vt.], Dec. 4, 1860. Ellsworth, s. of Wm. [Vt.] & Lydia [Cambridge], Apr. 18, 1862. 234 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF BIRTHS. Estabrook — Continued. Frances Helen, d. of Francis H. [Cambridge] & Louisa W. (Jones) [Cavendish, Vt.] , Oct. 4, 1863. Harriet C, d. of Henry D. [Lex.] & Belle Sarah (Fowle) [Hancock, N. PL], Aug. 20, 1874. Alice E., d. of Geo. D. [Lex.] & Emma S. (Fowle) [Roxbury], June 17, 1876. Evans. Mabel, d. of Joseph [Truro] & Sarah C. [Neponset], Sept. 17, 1889. Pairweather. Edwin P., s. of Sam'l A. & Henrietta [both N. S.], June 4, 1857. Nelson H., s. of Sam'l A. & Hannah [both N. S.], May 13, 1862. Georgietta, d. of Sam'l A. & Henrietta [St. Johns], Apr. 30, 1865. Edith Helen, d. of Sam'l A. & Henrietta [both St. Johns], Mar. 22, 1867. Farmer. , s. of Hiram A. & Lucretia E. [both Bedford], Dec. 3, 1865. Thomas M., s. of McDowell [Brooklino] & Lucretia E. (Meriam) [Bedford],Feb. 21, 1875. Parrington. Anthony, Jr., s. of Anthony &, Margaret (Henrey) [both Ireland], Jul. 11, 1893. Anthony, s. of Thos. & Margaret (Lynch) [both Ireland], Oct. 8, 1895. Thomas, Jr., s. of Thos. & Margaret (Lynch) [both Ireland], Apr. 10, 1897. Perdinand. Henrietta, d. of J. F. [Lempster, N. II.] & Anna [Boston], Feb. 18, 1861. Perguson. William Wall.ace, s. of Peter [Scotland] & Lizzie R. (Carr) [Haver- hill], Dec. 7, 1862. Emily Ann, d. of Peter [Scotland] & Lizzie R. (Carr) [Jaffrey, N. II.], Nov. 24, 1865. , s. of Wm. W. [Lex.] & Lydia J. (Buck) [N. B.] Apr. 28, 189L Meta E., d. of Wm. W. [Lex.] & Lydia J. (Buck) [New Brunswick], Apr. 22, 1892. Roy Alexander, s. of Wm. W. [Lex ] & Lydia J. (Buck) [Dorches- ter, N. B.], Mar. 13, 1894. Barbara, d. of Eben R, & Mary (Smith) [both Charlestown], Jan. 8, 1897. Hazel Elizabeth, d. of Wm. W. [Lex.] & Lydia J. (Buck) [Dorchester, N. B.], Aug. 3, 1897. Perry. Mary Ellen, d. of Joseph [Poiiugal] & M.try Ann (Muldoon) [Ireland], Sept. 28, 1890. Rosa Ann, d. of Joseph [Portugal] & Annie (Muldoon) [Ireland], Dec. 13, 1892. Manuel Joseph, s. of Antoine & Rosa (Silva) [both Portugal], Nov. 4, 1895. Margaret J., d. of Joseph S. [Portugal] & Mary A. (Muldoon) [Ireland], Nov. 23, 1897. LEXINGTON RECORD OF BIRTHS. 235 Finan. Johu W., 3. of Jas. & Catlierine [both Ireland] , Apr. 19, 1862. Fiske. Ella Harriet, d. of Chas. & Adaline W. [both Me.], Jul. 10, 1856. William E., s. of Timothy K. [Lex.] & Barbara (Peters) [Germany], Nov. 11, 1858. Anna L., d. of Timothy K. [Lex.] & Barbara (Peters) [Germany], Dec. 11, 1859. Georgia L., d. of Timothy K, [Lex.] & Barbara (Peters) [Germany], Jul. 9, 1862. Naomi, d. of Benj. [Boston] & M.ary [Ireland], Jul. 21, 1864. Lillian Eliza, d". of David [Bedford] & Sarah [Billerica], Aug. 31, 1864. Adaline A., d. of Timothy K. [Lex.] & Barbara (Peters) [Germany], Dec. 1, 1865. , s. of Timothy K. [Lex.] & Barbara (Peters) [Germany], Nov. 23, 1867. Arthur E., s. of Timothy K. [Lex.] & Barbara (Peters) [Prussia], Feb. 16, 1874. Ilattie E., d. of Timothy K. [Lex.] & Barbara (Peters) [Prussia], Apr. 19, 1876. John Fi-ancis, s. of Clarence [Lex.] & Theresa M. [Ii-eland] , Nov. 20 1887 Anna May, d. of Frank E. [Lincoln] & Estella 1\L (Butcher) [N. S.], May 31, 1891. Fitch. Eliza Ann, d. of David, Jr. [Billerica] & Sarah M. (Williams) [Rox- bury],Sept. 19, 1866. Nathan A., s. of David [Billerica] & Sarah Maria (Williams) [Rox- bury],May 12, 1876. Fitzgerald. James, s. of Michael & Mary [both Ireland], Sept. 24, 1854. Hannah, d. of Michael & Hannah [both Ireland], Apr. 30, 1855. Fitzpatrick. Catherine, d. of Patrick & Margaret (Loghea) [both Ireland], Aug. 8, 1859. Katy, d. of Patrick & Margaret (Loghea) [both Ireland] , Nov. 29, 1860. Patrick Hildreth, s. of Patrick & Margaret [both Ireland], Feb. 6, 1863. Philip Patrick, s. of Patrick & Margaret (Logea) [both Ireland], Sept. 23, 1868. Alice, d. of Patrick & Margaret [both Ireland], Feb. 1, 1873. Flanigan. John J., s. of Jas. & Louisa [both Ireland], Feb. 11, 1856. Fletcher. Abbie Louisa, d. of Wm. A. [Quincy] & Julia M. (Small) [Cam- bridge], Jul. 26, 1887. Flinn. Timothy Thomas, s. of Patrick [Ireland] & Carrie [Wayland], Sept. 11, 1886. Mary, d. of Patrick [Ireland] & Carrie (Jefferson) [Wayland], Apr. 15, 1894. Alice, d. of Patrick & Carrie (Jefferson) [both Ireland] , Aug. 17, 1896. 236 LEXINGTON BE COED OF BIRTHS. Fogg. , d. of Wm. H. [Lex.] & Clara [N. H.], Mar. 26, 1867. Lewis G., s. of Albert A. [Lex.] & Martha E [Boston], Dec. 1, 1878. Chester Oliver, s, of Frank A. & Nellie M. [both Boston], Sept. 23, 1885. Lester Irving, s. of Frank A. & Nellie (Baldwin) [both Boston], Mar. 25, 1896. Foley. William, s. of John & Mary (Haley) [both Ireland], June 15, 1861. Mary E., d. of John & Mary (Haley) [both Ireland], Oct. 2, 1862. Annie, d. of John & Mary [both Ireland], June 11, 1864. Willie, s. of Michael & Mary [both Ireland], Sept. 28, 1864. Forbes. H. Willard, Jr., s. of H. W. [Yarmouth, N. S.] & Maggie (McGowan) [Ireland], Sept. 15, 1895. Forseyth. William Robert, s. of Thos. [New Brunswick] & ]Mary (O'Couners) [Cambridge], Jul. 3, 1884. Arthur John, s. of Thos. [N. B.] & Mary [Lex.], May 22, 1886. , d. of Thos. [N. S.] & Sarah (McCarty) [Ireland], May 13,1890. , s. of Thos. [N. S] & Sarah (McCarty) [Ireland], Jan. 2, 1892. Sarah Ann, d. of Thos. [New Brunswick] & Sarah (McCarthy) [Ire- land], Dec 15, 1893. Delia, d. of Thos. [New Brunswick] & Sarah (McCarty) [Ireland], Nov. 30, 1895. Katie, d. of Thos. [St. Johns, N. B.] & Sarah (McCarty) [Ireland], Nov. 30, 1896. Foster. Emery Austin, s. of Edward [N. H.] & Elmira [Lex], May 1, 1856. Grace May, d. of Reuben & Salome [both Me.], Sept. 1, 1865. Joseph Hei'bert, s. of Whitney & Sarah L. (Bryant) [both Billerica], Sept. 20, 1880. Katie C, d. of Wm. B. [Lyon, Mich.] & Frances J. (Cherington) [Cambridge], Jan. 4, 1887. Fox. Charles Herbert, ) ch. of Geo. G. [Centre Harbor, N. II.] & Clara Carrie Belle, \ [Dennis, N. 11.], Oct. 22, 1868. Dorothy, d. of Irving P. [Ashland, N. Y.] & Helen (Joy) [Winchester] , Jiane 11, 1893. Fowle. Frederick, s. of Chas. A. [Roxltury] & Sarah D. (Austin) [Boston], Apr. 18, 1865. Herbert, s. of Chas. A. [Roxbury] & Sarah T. (Austin) [Boston], June 10, 1867. Freedman. Annie, d. of Lazarus & Nettie (Grevenstein) [both Germany], Dec. 16, 1897. Freeman. Warren Bradley, s. of Eugene F. [Dorchester] & Elizabeth S. (Brad- ley) [Arlington], Jan. 30, 1895. Herbert F., s. of Eugene F. [Milton] & Lizzie (Bradley) [Arlington], July 3, 1897. LEXINGTON BECOED OF BIRTHS. 237 French. Harry IMerrill, s. of John H. & M. J. [both N. H.], Sept. 11, 1888. FuUarton. Herbert Elmer, s. of Oman & Ada L. [both N. S.], Jan. 4, 1881. Fuller. Herman D., s. of Geo. G. [Newton] & Abbie S. [Portland], Apr. 4, 1879. John Morrill, s. of Francis E. [Oxford, Me.] & Fannie L. (Marston) [Roxbury], June 21, 1894. GaQney. Edith Marion, d. of John D. [Dedham] & Edith (Eckroyd) [Brad- ford, England], Nov. 29, 1896. Gallagher. Mary, d. of John & Julia (Moakley) [both Ireland], Nov. 9, 1860. Ellen J., d. of Andrew J. & Ellen (Rooney) [both Boston], Jan. 23, 1890. Edward, s. of Andrew J. & Ellen (Rooney) [both Ireland], Aug. 2, 1891. Helen, d. of Andrew J. & Ellen (Rooney) [both Ireland], Sept. 3, 1895. , boy. Parents left town ; no further records, Jan. 6, 1896. Gammell. Abbie R., d. of Eben [Lex.] & Mary Ann [Cambridge], Sept. 28, 1856. Minnie, d. of Eben [Lex.] & Mary Ann (Butterfield) [Cambridge], Nov. 5, 1858. George R , s. of Eben [Lex.] & Mary Ann [Cambridge], Sept. 12, 1860. Annie G., d. of Eben [Lex.] & Mary Ann (Butterfield) [Cambridge], Nov. 3, 1862. Nellie M., d. of Eben [Lex.] & Mary Ann (Butterfield) [Cambridge], Feb. 6, 1866. Garmon. Ida M., d. of Nath'l [N. H.] & Arminia [Vt], Feb. 7, 1855. Roland Edgar, s. of John Edgar [Lex] & Ida May (Willis) [Wake- field, R. I.], Nov. 27, 1894. Garrigan. Mary Ann, d. of Patrick & Bridget [both Ireland], Apr. 5, 1869. James, s. of Michael & Bridget [both Ireland], Aug. 26, 1875. Gately. Elizabeth, d. of Matthew & Elizabeth [both Ireland], June 27, 1854. Rose, d. of John & Mary [both Ireland], Nov. 8, 1860. Gay. Harriet Frances, d. of John [Pepperell] & Lucinda [Walpole], Nov. 26, 1865. John Elton, s. of John G. [Pepperell] & Lucinda F. [Walpole], July 15, 1870. Gilbert. William, s. of John & Charlotte [both N. B.], Feb. 8, 1865. Bertha C, d. of Albert F. [N. H.] & Arabella [Charlestown] , Mar. 6, 1876. 238' LEXINGTON BECOBD OF BIRTHS. Gilman. Margai-et, d. of Frank & Joanna [both Ireland], Aug. 15, 1854. Catherine, d. of Francis & Johanna [both Ireland], Jul. 8, 1857. Thomas, s. of Francis & Johannah [both Ireland], Jan. 7, 1860. Glass. Alonzo Hadley, s. of Elbridge W. [Me.] & Emma E. (Whitaker) [VVeare, N. H.], Sept. 20, 1888. Ellen Melissa, d. of E. W. [Guilford, Me.] & Emma E. (Whitaker) [Weare, N. H.], Sept. 8, 1896. Gleanzer. Jules, s. of Geo. Auguste [Paris, France] & Alice Gary (Butler) [Brooklyn, N. Y.], Aug. 4, 1882. Gleason. Henry Josiah, s. of Fred E. [Billerica] & Sarah L. (Upton) [Lowell], Oct. 31, 1886. Mary IlartvTell, d. of Fred E. [Billerica] & Laura (Upton) [Lowell], Nov. 17, 1887. AVilliam Eugene, s. of Frederick E. [Billei-ica] & Sarah L. (Upton) [Lowell], Oct. 12, 1890. Clarence Herbert, s. of Frederick E. [Billerica] & Sarah L. (Upton) [Lowell],Feb. 5, 1892. Glenn. William, s. of Jerry & Mary [both Ireland], Jul. 1, 1862. Percy Dennett, s. of Wm. F. [N. S.] & Clara A. (Dennett) [Lex.], Mar. 24, 1886. Bernice Elizabeth, d. of Wm. F. [N. S.] & Clara A. (Dennett) [Mass.], June 24, 1888. William C, s. of Wm. F. [N. S.] & Clara A. (Dennett) [Lex.], Oct. 28, 1892. Glynn. Daniel, s. of Jerry & Mary [both Ireland], Mar. 16, 1860. Goddard. Mina, d. of Solomon K. [Vt.] & Melvina E. (Keyes) [Reading, Vt.], Nov. 2, 1864. Henry A., s. of Alonzo A. [Medfield] & Abbie J. (Fiske) [Lex.], Mar. 25, 1875. Goodrich. Idsailla, d. of Henry F. [Bedford] & I\lary A. (Elliott) [Newiwrt, R. I.], Oct. 24, 1866. Goodwin. George C, s. of Chas. C. [Charlestown] & Alice D. (Phelps) [Lex.], Nov. 24, 1863. Benjamin F., Jr.. s. of Benj. F. [Marblehead] & Sophia B. [N. S.], May 7, 1867. Grace Elise, d. of Chas. C. [Lowell] & Alice D. (Phelps) [Lex.], Sept. 21, 1870. Mary Ellen, d. of Wm. H. [Boston] & Mary E. [Scituate], Jan. 10, 1874. Alice P., d. of Chas. C. [Lowell] & Alice D. (Phelps) [Lex.], Oct. 20, 1875. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF BIBTHS. 239 Gorman. James, s. of John & Annie Maria (Kane) [both Ireland], Jul. 2, 1883. Arthur A., s. of Osborne [N. S.] & Mary (Harrington) [Ireland], Jan. 24, 1884. William, s. of Daniel A. [N. S.] & Maggie (Lyons) [Sudbury], Dec, 19, 1884. Mabel Theresa, d. of Wm. & Edith H. [both Boston], Apr. 26, 1885. John, Jr., s of John & Maria (Kane) [both Ireland], Jan. 2, 1886. Joseph, s. of John & Maria (Kane) [both Ireland], Apr. 16, 1887. Mary, d. of Osborne [N. S.] & Mary (Harrington) [Ireland], Jan, 2 1888 Mary, d. of John & Maria (Kane) [both Ireland], Aug. 2, 1888. Edward, s of John & Maria (Kane), both Ireland], May 19, 1890. Emma Louisa, d. of Dan'l A. [N. S.] & Margaret (Lyons) [Sudbury], Aug. 18, 1890. Daniel Ambrose, s. of Dan'l [N. S.] & Margaret A, (Lyons) [Sud- bury], Mar. 25, 1893 Charles, s. of John & Maria (Kane) [both Ireland], Jan 11, 1894. , s. of Dan [N. S.] & Margaret A. (Lyons) [Sudbury], Nov, 26, 1896. Gossom. Edgar Lorenzo, s. of Louis II. [Lex.] & Sarah J. (Burbank) [Somer- ville], Apr. 26, 1873. Goulding. Edvvai'd Loren, s. of Geo. Loren [Springfield, 111.] & Hari'iette Var- ney (Sawyer) [Charlestown], Dec. 24, 1894. Graham. George, s. of Hugh [Vt] & Hepsibeth [Lunenburg], Oct. 14, 1854. Melvin Elmer, s. of Wm. F. [Salem] & Lucilla (Parker) [N, S.], May 26, 1893. Grant. Carrie E,, d. of Elisha [Scotland] & Carrie [Wellesley], Jul, 6,1879, Anna Alina Victoria, d. of Alex. Peter [P, E. L] & Laura (Davis) [North Wales, B. I.], Sept. 22, 1897, Greeley. William Roger, s. of Wm. H. [Portland, Me.] & Hannah (McLean) [Simsbury, Conn.], May 12, 1881, Dorothea, d. of Wm. H, [Portland, Me,] & Hannah (McLean) [Sims- bury, Conn ], Nov. 7, 1882. Hugh Payne, s. of Wm. H, [Portland, Me,] & Hannah M. [Sims- bury, Conn.], Mar. 5, 1884, Green. Thomas, s. of Patrick & Bridget [both Ireland], Jul. 12, 1865. Griffing. Zoe M., d. of A. Augustus [Cambridge] & Abbie C, (Stetson) [Med- ford],May 13, 1871. Griffiths. Letitia, d. of Albert [Boston] & Mary (Farnsworth) [Detroit, Mich.], Jul. 25, 1877, Albert, Jr., s. of Albert [Boston] & Mary (Farnsworth) [Detroit, Mich.], Jul. 25, 1877. Fanny Everlyn, d. of Geo. B. [London, England] & Fanny A. (Stoodey) [Pittsburg, Pa.], Nov. 3, 1896, 240 LEXINGTON BEGOBD OF BIBTHS. Grout. Charles B., s. of Wm. L. [Winchendon] & Ella H. [Barre], May 9, 1871. Giirney. Mabel Marion, d. of Geo. W. [Freeport, Me.] & Nettie A. (Dow) [West Concord, N. H.], Mar. 17, 1885. Hadley. Millicent A , d. of Sewell Thomas [Cambridge] & Millicent A. D. (Lakin) [Groton], Aug. 26, 1855. Lavina Amanda, d. of Benj. [Cambridge] & Mercy Ann [Me.], Aug. 27, 1856. Adelle Celia, d. of Sewell T. [Cambridge] & Millicent A. D. (Lakin) [Groton], Jan. 12, 1858. Florence Eliza, d. of Sewell Thomas [Cambridge] & Millicent A. D, (Lakin) [Groton], Jan. 3, 1861. Warren Beniamin, s. of Benj. [Cambridge] & Mercy Ann (Hall) [Machias, Me.], Feb. 17, 1861. George McLellan, s. of Benj. [Cambridge] & Mercy Ann (Hall) [Me.], Oct. 26, 1862. Lavinia, d. of Sewell T. [Cambridge] & M. A. D. (Lakin) [Groton], Jul. 22, 1863. , s. of Benj. [Cambridge] & Mercy Ann [Me.], Aug. 24, 1865. Annie D., d. of Benj. [Cambridge] & Mercy Ann (Hall) [Machias], Oct. 25, 1867. Hafferton. Margaret A., d. of Hugh & Lsabella [both Ireland], June 1, 1856. Haggett. Marion, d. of Edwin K. [Hallowell, Me.] & Annie B. [Woburn], June 8, 1880. Dora, d. of Edwin K. [Hallowell, Me.] & Annie B. [Woburn], A\)Y. 22, 1884. Haley. Dennis, s. of Patrick & Hannah [both Ireland], Dec. 27, 1862. Hannah, d of John & Hannah [both Ireland], Dec. 28, 1864. Katy, d. of Patrick & Hannali (Keefe?) [Ijoth Ireland], Mar. 10, 1865. Mary, d. of Patrick & Hannah (Keefe ?) [botli Ireland], Aug. 21, 1867. Hall. William IL, s. of David & Mary R. [Lex.], Sept. 13, 1860. Marcia E., d. of Lyman & Marcia A. [both Me.], Apr. 1, 1874. Hallett. Frederick Arnold, s. of Chas. IL [N. B] & Helen M. [Wenham], Dec. 4, 1870. Charles Ernest, s. of Chas. II. [N. B.] & Ellen M. (Home) [Wayn- ham], Jan. 14, 1872. Ham. Thomas F , b. in Charlestown, s. of Thos. [England] & Hepsibeth [Salem], Jan. 2, 1855. , d. of Wm. & Mary [both England], Sept. 12, 1857. , d. of Francis [England] & Sybil T. [Boston], Dec. 31, 1857. Helen E., d. of Thos. [England] & Ilepsibah [Salem], Aug. 23, 1861. Joseph Arthur, s. of Wm. F. [Somerville] & Mary J. [N. Y.], Nov. 2, 1880. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF BIRTHS. 241 Hamblen. Alice D., d. of Geo. Z. [Boston] & Florence M. (Damon) [Lex.J.Oct. 26, 1880. Clarence B., s. of Arthur W. [Boston] & Anna E. (Bryant) [Lex.], Oct. 20, 1881. Charles William, s. of Geo. Z. [Boston] & Florence M. (Damon) [Lex.J, Jul. 2, 1882. Anna Wellington, d. of Arthur W. [Boston] & Annie E. (Bryant) [Lex.], Jan. 30, 1884. Helen, d. of Arthur W. [Boston] & Annie E. (Bryant) [Lex.], Dec. 16, 181)0. Carlton Bisbee, s of Geo. Z. [Boston] & Florence M. (Damon) [Lex.], Nov. 9, 1891. Hammond. Herbert, s. of Wm. E. & Angeline (Trantox-) [both England], Nov. .3, 1882. Mabel, d. of Wm. E. & Angeline [both England], Nov. 1, 1884. Arthur John, s. of Wm. S. & Angelina [both England], Dec. 13,1885, , s. of Wm. E. & Angelina (Trantor) [both England], Jan. 24, 1887. John Henry, s. of Wm. E. & Angeline [both England], Dec. 20, 1888. Hannah. Siegfried, s. of Henry K. [Georgetown, O.] & Mary H. (Siegfried) [New Albany, Ind J, Dec. 26, 1896. Hanson. Minnie Eliza, d. of Horatio D. [N. H.] & Eliza A. [Lex.], June 27, 1870. Harding. , d. of Wm. [N. B ] & Leonora [Me.], Oct. 9, 1873. Hargrove. James, s. of Wm. & Catherine [both Ireland], Apr. 2, 1858. William, s of Wm. & Catherine [both Ireland], Nov. 10, 1860. Mary, d. of Wm. & Catherine [both Ireland], Jan. 7, 1863. Christopher L., s. of Wm. & Catherine [both Ireland], Mar, 10, 1865. Harlow. Ellis Francis, s. of Robert C. [Lynn] & Eva F. (Whittemore) [Cam- bridge] , Aug. 20, 1896. Harrington. Mary, d. of John &. Julia [both Ireland], Jul. 5, 1855. Ellen C, d. of Franklin M. [Lex.] & Susan (Wiley) [Ashby], Feb. 15, 1856. , s. of John & Mary [both Ireland], d. next day, Se^jt. 16, 1856. Bartlett, s. of John & Julia [both Ireland], Aug., 1857. Nellie A., d. of John & Mary [both Ireland], Dec. 20, 1857. Catherine, d. of I^dward & Mary [both Ireland], Sept. 28, 1859, Barnard, s. of John & Mary [both Ireland], Nov. 21, 1859. Timothy, s. of John & Mary [both Ireland], May 16, 1860. Edward, s. of Edward & Mary [both Ireland], Mar. 16, 1861. Dennis, s. of John & Mary [both Ireland], Jul. 5, 1861. William, s, of John & Mary [both Ireland], Jul. 27, 1861. MaryE., d of Dan'l [Lex.] & Mary E. [Brunswick, Me.], Oct. 22, 1861. 242 LEXINGTON BE COBB OF BIBTHS. Harrington — Continued. Dennis, s. of Dennis & Mary [both Ireland], Apr. 23, 1862, John F., s of Patrick & Margaret [both Ireland], Sept. 17, 1862. Margaret, d. of Peter & Julia (Keleher) [both Ireland], Sept. 26, 1862. JJ''^^'^' , f d. of John & Mary [both Ireland], Oct. 10, 1862. Margaret, ^ "^ ^ j' ' John, Jr., s. of John & Mary [both Ireland], Feb. 4, 1863. Bartley, s. of Otis & Ann (Kane) [both Ireland], May 13, 1864. Julia, d. of Peter & Julia (Keleher) [both Ireland], Aug. 21, 1864. John, s. of John & Mary [both Ireland], Mar. 4, 1865. Willie, s. of Otis & Ann (Kane) [both Ireland], Mar. 13, 1866. Henry, s. of John & Mary [both Ireland], May 9, 1867. Petei", s. of Otis & Ann (Kane) [both Ireland], June 12, 1867. Mary, d of Peter & Julia (Keleher) [both Ireland], Aug. 6, 1867. Charles Herbert, s. of Nath'l [Lex ] & Anna F. [N. B.], Oct. 1, 1869. Otis, Jr., s of Otis & Ann (Kane) [both Ireland], Jan. 16, 1870. Alice Munroe, d. of Geo. D. & Josephine A. (Butters) [both Lex.], June 7, 1872. Willie, s. of John & Mary [both Ireland], Dee. 6, 1872. Michael E., s. of John & Mary [both Ireland], Aug. 2, 1875. Mary Ann, d. of Otis & Ann (Kane) [both Ireland], May 1, 1876. Mary Swan, d. of Geo. D. & Josie A. (Butters) [both Lex.], Aug. 5, 1876. Ann, d. of John & Mary [both Ireland], Aug. 9, 1878. Gertie II,, d. of Nathl [Lex.] & Anna F. (Hallett) [N. B.], Feb. 5, 1880. Marion Adele, d. of Fred D. & Vira F. (Kittridge) [both Walden, Vt.], June9, 1890. Herbert Russell, s. of Bartlett J. [Lex] & Nora (Bari'y) [Boston], Oct 11, 1893. Gladys Mary, d. of Bartlett [Lex.] & Nora (Barr}') [Boston], Jan. 2 1895. Gerald Elwyn, s. of Fred D. & Vira F. (Kittredge) [both Walden, Vt.],Oct. 29, 1896. Annie N., d. of Bartlett J. [Lex.] & Nora (Berry) [Boston], Sept. 28, 1897. Harris. Georgiana W., d. of Henry [Providence] & Emeline [South Reading], Feb. 5, 1855. Addie L., d. of Heniy [Providence] & Emeline [South Reading], Jan. 5, 18.57. Har stein. Lizzie, d. of Geo [Germany] & Jane [Me.], Nov. 24, 1863. Hart. Daniel, s. of John & Mary [both Ireland], Apr. 16, 1870. Katie, d. of John & Mary [both Ireland], Apr., 1873. Charles J., s. of John & Mary [both Ireland], Dec. 20, 1874. Hatfield. Arthur K., s. of Wm. H. [Dorchester] & Mildred A. K. [Natick], Nov. 28, 1889. Hayes. Henry, s. of Patrick & Mary (McGill) [both Ireland], Aug. 18, 1896. , s. of Joseph G. & Minnie, Feb. 8, 1897. Hannah, d. of David & Mary (Smith) [both Ireland], Sept. 30, 1897. LEXINGTON BE COBB OF BIBTHS. 243 Head. Charles Addison, s. of Sanri K. & Annie [both Boston], Apr. 19, 1885. Francis S., s. of S. K. [N. Y.] & Anna S. Head [Providence, R. I.], Dec. 5, 1887. Heald. Willie A., s. of J. H. A. & Martha A. [both Carlisle], Feb. 28, 1855. Alice M., d. of J. H. A. & Christy A. [both Carlisle], Aug. 22, 1861. Healey. Wm. H., s. of John & Hannah [both Ireland], Sept. 9, 1859. Henchy. Nancy, d. of Michael & Katy [both Ireland], Jul. 31, 1865. INlichael, s. of Dennis & Margaret [both Ireland], Aug. 27, 1866. Mary Ellen, d of Dennis & Margaret [both Ireland], Nov. 18, 1872. Dennis, s. of Michael & Catherine [both Ireland], May -1, 1873. Margaret, d. of Dennis & Margaret [both Ireland], Mar. 6, 1875. John T., s. of Michael & Catherine [both Ireland], May 26, 1875. Hendley. Eugene D., s. of Sam'l W. [Carlisle] & Emeline [Burlington], Oct. 3, 1851. Henley. , s. of Sam'l [Ireland] & Emeline [Burlington], Dec. 22, 1866. Hennessey. James, Jr., s. of Jas. & Sarah Jane (Skillings) [both Ireland] , May 29, 1865. Thomas, s. of Jas. & Mary Jane (Skillings) [both Ireland], Dec 9,1866. James, s. of John [Ireland] & Julia (Manlev) [Lex.], Dec. 19, 1890. William, s. of John F. [Ireland] & Julia (Manley) [Lex.], Jul, 29, 1893. Katherine Helen, d. of David [Ireland] & Margaret (Daly) [P. E. I.], Nov. 4, 1895. John, s. of John F. [Ireland] & Julia (Manlev) [Lex.], Aug. 12, 1896. Julia, d. of John [Ireland] & Julia (Mauley) [Lex.], Nov. 27, 1897. Hensey. INIary, d. of Michael & Kate [both Ireland], Jul. 19, 1864. Herrick. Franklin, s. of Lewis F. [Danverse] & Hannah [Cambridge], Nov. 29, 1860. Robert Webster, s. of Frank W. & Fannie (Benjamin) [both Me.], Jan. 25, 1887. Marjory Porter, d. of Frank Ware & Fannie R. (Benjamin) [both Me.], Junes, 1894. Herron. Winford, s. of Jas. & Jemima [both N. S.], Nov. 19, 1870. Higgins. Carrie, d. of Chas. & Hannah (Gratto) [N. S.], Oct. 15, 1884. Hildreth. Madeline Pierce, d. of Geo. V. [Dorchester] & Susie Alvina [Ire- land], Mar. 16, 1879. 244 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF BIBTH8. Hill. , d. of Wm. P. & Clara W. [both Concord, N. H.J, Oct. 19, 1857. Clara, d. of Wm. P. & Clara A. [both Concord, N. H ], Jul. 23, 1860, Roland Clinton, s. of Chas. F. [Neponset] & Ada M. (Fish) [Turner, Me.], Oct. 14, 1893. Myrtle Elizabeth, d. of Eli B. [Me.] & Emma C. (Roberts) [Roches- ter, N. IL], Mar. 2, 1894. Hitehins. Ernest A., s. of Albert F. & Ada M. (Henderson) [both Cooper, Me.], Apr. 22, 1887. Mildred E., d. of Albert F. & Ada (Henderson) [both Cooper, Me.], Feb. 1, 1890. Hobart. Mary Louisa, d. of Joshua [Townsend] & Mary R. [Lex.], Jul. 9, 1856. Holbrook. Abby Pierce, d. of Rufus W. [Frankfort, Me.] & Sarah E. (Stocker) [Saugns], Aus:- H, 1858. Ellen, d. of Rafns W. [Frankfort, Me.] & Sarah E. (Stocker) [Sau- gus], Apr. 29, 1861. Florence Avis, d. of Aaron [Frankfort, Me.] & Julia [Dorchester], Oct. 28, 1866. Aarou M., d. of Aaron [Me.] & Julia R. [Dorchester], May 23, 1876. Holland. Clarence G., s. of Joseph [Concord, N. II.] & Emily [Newbury port]. May 10, 1879. Holmes. Sarah E, d of Howland [Halifax] & Maria W. [Cambridge], Sept. 15, 1855. Charlotte B., d. of Howland [Halifax] & Maria W. [Cambridge], Apr. 20, 1857. Holoway. Maud May, d. of SamU E. W. & Mary A. [both Bath, England], Jul. 22, 1876. Samuel, Jr., s. of SamU & INIary Ann [both England], Nov. 27, 1876. William Henry, s. of Sam'l E. W. & Mary A. [both England], Oct. 21, 1878. Fannie E., d. of Sam'l E. W. & Mary A. [both England], Jul. 26, 1881. Hoi way. John F., s. of Elijah [England] & Bridget [Ireland], Sept. 8, 1873. Horrigan. William, s. of Wm. & Catherine [both Ireland], Oct. 5, 1854. Edward, Jr., s. of Edward & l\Iary [both Ireland], Oct. 12, 1854, Patrick, s. of Edward & Mary [both Ireland], May 14, 1856. Edward, s. of Edward & Mary (Dulin) [both Ireland], Feb. 7, 1858. William, s. of Edward & Mary (Dulin) [both Ireland], Sept. 17, 1862. Mary. d. of Edward & Mary (Dulin) [both Ireland], Jul. 31, 1864. Katie, d. of Patrick & Katie C. [both Ireland], Jul. 18, 1889. LEXINGTON BE COED OF BIBTHS. 245 Howard. Sj'lvia, d. of Horace [Shirley] & Lucy A. (Jones) [Acton], Feb. 22, 1890. Marion, d. of Horace M. [Shirley] & Lucie A. (Jones) [South Acton], Feb. 20, 1893. Hughes. Frank, Jr., s. of Frank & Mary (Devine) [both Ireland], Oct. 26, 1885. John, s. of Frank & Mary (Devine) [both Ireland], Dec. 30, 1886. Lawrence, s. of Frank & Mary (Devine) [both Ireland], May 10, 1891. Joseph P., s. of Frank & Mary (Devine) [both Ireland], Sept. 11, 1893, James Arthur, s. of Frank & Mary (Devine) [both Ireland], Mar. 14, 1895. Mary Ann, d. of Frank & Mary (Devine) [both Ireland], Sept. 30, 1897. Hunnewell. Lawrence R., s. of Edward [Bedford] & Alvina (Lawrence) [Au- gusta, Me.], Apr. 0, 1897. Hurley. John, s. of Thos. & Catherine [both Ireland], June 23, 1855. Thomas, s. of Maurice & Mary [both Ireland], Jul. 23, 1856. Mary, d. of Morris & Mary [both Ireland], Dec. 11, 1857. Michael, s. of Morris & Mary (Ryan) [both Ireland], Jan. 22, 1859. Margaret E., d. of John & Hannah [both Ireland], Feb. 4, 1862. Hutcliins. Susan M , d. of Albert E. [Canton] & Caroline F. (Jewett) [Lex.], Oct. 14, 1879. Walter E., s. of Albert E. [Canton] & Caroline F. (Jewett) [Lex.], Dec. 19, 1880. Huteliinson. Charles Frederick, s. of Chas. [I^ondonderry, N. H.] & Mary (Henly) [England], Jul. 18, 1880. John Chester, s. of John Fred & Mary W. (Lund) [both Brookline, N. H.],Nov. 21, 1883. Bertha May, d. of John F. & Mary W. (Lund) [both Brookline, N. H.], Apr. 21,1887. Ingalls. Ervinia, d. of Wm. H. [Cambridge] & Anna M. [Boston], May 1, 1854. George W , b. in Medford, s. of II. [Boston] & Annette [Amherst], Oct. 3, 1856. Jackson. George O., s. of Geo. H. [Bedford] & Flora E. (Wentworth) [Me.], Nov. 25, 1874. William Alberto, s. of Geo. H. [Bedford] & Flora E. (Wentworth) Auburn, Me.], Jan. 10, 1876. George B , s. of Wm. [Providence, R. I.] & Mary [Boston], both ne- groes, Apr. 2, 1882. Mabel Estella, d. of Geo. H. [Bedford] & Flora E. (Wentworth) [Me.], May 29, 1882. May Frances (negro), d. of Henrv S. & Sarah E. [both Va.], June 28, 1886. Charles Henry, s. of Geo, Henry [Bedford] & Marion (Watkeys) [Syracuse, N. Y.], Dec. 15, 1895. 246 LEXINGTON BE CORD OF BIBTH8. Jameson. Alice Maria, d. of Alden & Asenath Ann (Mink) [both Me.], Jan. 29, 1863. Jefferson . ^JJjJ' I ch. of Robert [St. Johns] & Emma [Lynn], Dec. 9, 1865. Geoffrey, s. of Mark S. W. [Melrose] & Theodora A. (Bohnstedt) [Independence, Tex.], Jul. 4, 1893. Theodore, s. of Mark S. W. [Melrose] & Theodora A. (Bohnstedt) [Independence, Tex.], Aug. 24, 1895. Barbara, d. of Mark S. W. [Melrose] & Theodora A. (Bohnstedt) [Independence, Tex ], Jan. 17, 1897. Jenner. Mabel, d. of Jas. D. & Emily [l)()th England], Aug. 17, 1877. Frank A., s. of Jas. D. & Emily M. [both England], Aug. 17,1879. Jenness. Margaret, d. of Patrick & Margaret [both Ireland], June 20, 1863. Jennings. Mary Ellen, d. of Patrick & Margaret [both Ireland], Oct. 8, 1861. Julia Ann, d. of Patrick & Margaret [both Ireland], Apr. 18, 1865. John, s. of Patrick & Margaret [both Ireland], Feb. 10, 1867. James, s. of Patrick & Margaret [both Ireland], Aug. 19, 1868. Jewett. Caroline F., d. of Gorham [Charlestown] & Caroline 11. (Farns- worth) [Boston], Aug. 6, 1858. Ellen Farnsworth, d. of Gorham [Charlestown] & Caroline R. (Farns- worth) [Boston], June 19, 1868. INIarion A., d. of Arthur [Bolton] & Abl)ie P. [Lex.], Dec. 23, 1887. Johnson. Willie A., s. of Andrew [Lex.] & Sarah (Cheney) [Athol], Oct. 19, 1858. Colburn Iladlock, s. of Chas. E. [Wayland] & Kitty M. (Iladlock) [Concord], Aug. 24, 1866. , s. of Christopher [Denmark], Apr. 17, 1891. Percy Elliott, s. of Ralph H. [N. S.] & Mary (Young) [P. E. I.], Dec. 19, 1896. Jones. Anna C, d. of Wm. W. & »Iary Ann [both England], Jan. 2, 1859. Worthy, s. of Wm. W. & Mary Ann [both Enoland], Dec. 23, 1862. Mary, d. of Orin & INI.ary [both Ireland], Jul. l5, 1863 James II., s. of Wm. W. & Mary Ann [both England], Dec. 23, 1863. Alice Bell, d. of H. Sargent [Machias, Me.] & Ellen A. (Ilovey) [Cambridge], Oct. 21, 1867. Ada E., d. of Sam'l H. [Lex.] & Cordyla M. (Fisher) [Dedham], Aug. 31, 1874. Henry A., s. of Sam'l H. [Lex.] & Cordyla M. (Fisher) [Dedham], Apr. 29, 1877. Joy. Mary Elizabeth, d. of Matthew & INIary (Keenan) [both Ireland], Oct. 7, 1863. Mary Ella, d. of Matthew & Mary (Keenan) [both Ireland], Dec. 7, 1864. Nellie, d. of Matthew & Mary (Keenan) [both Ireland], Oct. 4, 1865. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF BIBTHS. 247 Judkins. Ruth Lillian, d. of Fred G. [Bedford] & Minnie E. (Hanson) [Lex.], Dec. 10, 1890. Kallahan. Andrew, s. of Patrick & Hannah [both Ireland], Dec. 11, 1859. Eaue. John, s. of John & Margaret (Dial) [both Ireland], Aug. 10, 1863. Rosilla, d. of John & Honora (Hayes) [both Ireland], l3ec. 3, 1876. Andrew, s. of Edward & Mary [both Ireland], May 4, 1884. Karrigan. Catherine, d. of Patrick & Mary [both Ireland], Sept. 13, 1864. Kauffman. Mary Frances, d. of Chas. Gustave [France] & Mary F. [N. Y.], Auo-. 10, 1870. Charles IL, s. of Chas. G. [France] & Mary F. (Thomas) [N. Y.], Apr. 20, 1873. Florence H., d. of Chas. G. [Germany] & Mary F. (Thomas) [N. Y.], Apr. 10, 1877. Kavenaugh. See Cavenaugh. Kearnes. Mary, d. of Peter [Boston] & Nellie (Murphy) [Ireland], May 24, 1895. Ellen, d. of Peter [Boston] & Nellie (Murphy) [Ireland], Sept. 12, 1896. Keating. James, s. of Patrick [Ireland] & Joanna (Roach) [Lincoln], May 21, 1873. Patrick, s. of Patrick, Jr. [Ireland] & Hannah (Roach) [Lincoln], Aug. 2, 1875. Margaret, d. of Patrick, Jr., & Hannah (Roach) [both Ireland], Sept. 23, 1877. Keefe. Ella, d. of John & Mary [both Ireland], Sept 17, 1857. Catherine, d. of John & Mary [both Ireland], Jan. 1, 1859. Hannah, d. of Wm. & Mary [both Ireland], June 13, 1860. John, s. of John & Mary [both Ireland], Dec. 6, 1861. John, s. of Wm. & Mary [both Ireland], Dec. 6, 1862. Mary Ella, d. of Wm. &. Mary [both Ireland], Sept. 15, 1864. John VV., s. of Thos. & Kate [both Ireland], Aug. 17, 1879. Mary, d. of Jas. [Ireland] & Mary E. [Lex.], Aug. 26, 1879. James, Jr., s. of Jas. [Ireland] & Mary (Forseyth) [N. S.], May 5, 1891. Dennis T., s. of Jas. [Ireland] & Mary Jane (Forseyth) [New Bruns- wick], Feb. 28, 1893. William John, s. of Jas. [Ireland] & Mary Jane (Forsyth) [New Brunswick], Apr. 15, 1895. Keith. Lillian B., d. of Wm. H. & Cordelia [both Boston], May 12, 1860. , s. of Wm, H. & Cordelia [both Boston], Dec. 13, 1862. 248 LEXINGTON BE COED OF BIETHS. Keizer. Mary Isabella, d. of Freeman [N. S.] & Mary [Ireland], Sept. 7, 1886. Kelelier. Rose L., d. of Patrick J. [Lex.] & Rose T. (Fermoylej [Arlington], Nov. 21, 1891. Kelley. Julia M., d. of Patrick & Ann [both Ireland], Doc. 12, 1855. John W., s. of Patrick & Ann [both Tichind], Jul. 27, 1859. William P., s. of Patrick & Ann [both Ireland], Mar. 11, 1861. John Francis, s. of Martin [Ireland] & Ellen [England], Oct. 16, 1868. William Henry, s. of Martin & Ellen [both Ireland], Sept. 26, 1870. Ellen ^*^*' \ ^'^' ^* I'atrick & Ellen [both Ireland], Nov. 30, 1873. Mary' Frances, d. of Wm. & Mary [both Ireland], Mar. 8, 1888. Thomas Henry, s. of John S. [Bedford] & Maggie E. [Ireland], Feb. 14, 1889. William James, s. of Wm. II. [Bedford] & Elizabeth [Ireland], Jul. 14, 1889. Anna Agnes, d. of Wm. II. & Mary [both Ireland], Mar 26, 1890. John, s. of John S. [Bedford] & Maggie (Montague) [Ireland], Sept. 30, 1890. Mary, d. of John & Susan (Maloney) [both Ireland], May 5, 1891. , d. of W^m. H. [Bedford] & Lizzie [Ireland], Dec. 21, 1891. Margaret Elizabetli, d, of John S. [Bedford] & Maggie E. (Mon- tague) [Ireland], Oct. 27, 1893. Thomas Henry, s. of Wm. H. [Bedford] & Ann Elizabeth (Pippler) [Ireland], Sept. 14, 1894. Mary Frances, d, of John S. [Bedford] & Maggie (Montague) [Ireland], Apr. 20, 1895. Edward, s. of John E. [Bedford] & Maggie (Montague) [Ireland], Sept. 30, 1897. Kemp. Abby M., d. of Sam'l H. & Angeline [both Me.], Mar. 22, 1854. Herbert A., s. of Sam'l H. & Angelina [both Me.], Apr. 27, 1857. Kendall. George Henry, s. of Jonas B. [Waltham] & Joanna [East Cam- bridge], Dec. 25, 1864. , s. of J. B. & Joanna [both Lex.], Dec. 31, 1866. Mary E. d. of Jonas B. [Waltham] & Joanna A [Cambridge], Sept. 3, 1869. Kenney. , a girl. May 23, 1890. " Parents left town." Kent. Marion Ruth, d. of Geo. V. [Vt.] & Maud L. (Balch) [Owosso, Mich.], Oct. 22, 1897. Kenzie. David Saville Muzzey, s. of David & Emma (McFee) [both N. S.], Sept. 4, 1887. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF BIRTHS. 249 Zetchum. Helen M., d. of John [New Brunswick, N. S.] & Margaret L. (/VHearn) [Lex.], Mar. 22, 1897. Killgore. Walter Malcom Scott, s. of Dwight & Grace [both Mass.], Oct. 25, 1888. King. Mary, d. of Thos. [Walthani] & Lilla G. (Bryson) [West Newton], May 6, 1883. William Patrick, s. of Jas. [Ireland] & Ellen (McGinty) [N. S.], Apr. 1, 1888. John Maurice, s. of Jas. [Ireland] & Ellen (McGinty) [N. S.], Oct. .3, 1889. Lyman Franklin, s. of Frank J. [Barre] & Margaret L. (Martin) [Woonsocket, R. I.], Sept. 3, 1895. Kingsbury. Reuben, s. of Reuben [Needham] & Alice W. (Paul) [Bristol, Me.], :\Iar. 8, 1863. Kinneen. John, s. of Timothy & Sarah (Harrington) [both Ireland], Nov. 25, 18G4. Timothy, Jr., s. of Timotliy & Sarah (Harrington) [both Ireland], Aug. 30, 1868. Sarah, d. of Timothy & Sarah (Harrington) [both Ireland], Jan. 20, 188L Margaret A, d. of John J. [Lex] & Mary (O'Brien) [Burlington], June 24, 1897. Kneeland. Ada F., d. of Francis H. [Sweden. Me.] & Adaline R. (Smith) [Lex.], Jan. 19, 186L Charles S., s. of Francis 11. [Me.] & Adaline R. (Smith) [Lex.], Oct. 7, 1874. Knights. Clarence C, s. of Francis II. [Lex.] & Loenza L. (Hills) [Hancock, N. H.], Jul. 12, 1858. Lizzie Loenza, d. of Francis II. [Lex,] & Lizzie H. (Collamer) [Fall River],Oct. 6, 1861. Knowlton. Nathaniel N , s. of John P. [Gloucester] & Harriet C. [Hull], Feb. 12, 1864. Kramer. Theodore S , s. of Walter S. [Cambridge] & Carrie C. L. (Prince) [Charlestown], Sept. 15, 1891. Lane. Ralph Edgar, s. of Ralph Ii'ving & Ellen Bayley (Saville) [both Gloucester], Mar. 6, 1867. Lareom. Harry Garfield, s. of Henry P. [Beverly] & Clara A. [N. II.], Dec. 19,' 1881. 250 LEXINGTON BE COED OF BIBTH8. Larry, Mary, d. of Wra. & Julia (Murphy) [both Ireland], Dec, 1858. Laury. lidward F., s. of Wm. & Sarah Jane [both Ireland], Aug. 6, 1855. Law. , s. of Wm. F. [Washington, Me.] & Georgie F. [Walthani], Aug. 29, 1880. Arthur L., s. of Wm. F. [Washington, Me.] & Georgie F. [Chelsea], June 17, 1881. Lawrence. Florence Emma, d. of Lyman & Sarah J, (Whitney), Jul. 7, 1868. Sidney Myron, Jr., s. of S. M. & Ellen Donovan [both Lex.], Jul. 2, 1872. Anna M., d. of Sidney M. [Lex.] & Alma (Withrow) [N. S.], Oct. 22, 1878. Herbert M., s. of Lyman [Cohassett] & Sarah J. (Whitney) [Fitcii- burg], Aug. 18, 1880. Ethel May, d., of S. M. [Lex.] & Alma (Withrow) [N. S.], Apr. 25, 1881. Chester, s. of S. Myron [Lex.] & Alma (Withrow) [N. S.], June 9, 1883. Lawson. , d. of Robert & Esther [both England], Sept. 3, 1862. Georgina, d. of Robert & Esther [both England], Oct. 11, 1863. Elizabeth Jane, d. of Robert & Esther [both England], Jan. 5, 1866. Charles Frederick, s. of Robert & Esther [both England], Oct. 3, 1868. Leal. Agnes Lina, d. of Manuel Alfred [Portugal] & Mary (Murry) [Ire- land], Sept. 21, 1886. John T., s. of Manuel Alfred [Portugal] & Mary (Murry) [Ireland], Sept. 1, 1888. Mary A.,d.of Manuel Alfred [Portugal] & Mary (Murry) [Ireland], June 16, 1890. , d. of Manuel Alfred [Portugal] & Mary (Murry) [Ireland], Nov. 8, 1892. Bridget, d. of Manuel A. & Mary (Murry), Mar. 21, 1894. Michael, s. of Manuel A. & Mary, Jul. 25, 1895. Annie M., d. of Manuel A. & Mary (Murry), Sept. 25, 1897. Leary. Hannah, d. of John & Mary [both Ireland], Aug. 1, 1856. Mary Jane, d of John & Elizabetli [both Ireland], Sept. 21, 1861. 'I'imothy, s. of John & Bridget (tialpine) [both Ireland], Jan. 24, 1876. Peter, s. of John & Bridget (Halpine) [both Ireland], Oct. 29, 1876. Bridget, d. of John & Bri'dget (Halpine) [both Ireland], June 4, 1878. Michael L., s. of John & Bridget (Halpine) [both Ireland], June 7, 1880. Joseph, s. of Dan'I & Julia [both Ireland], Dec. 31, 1880. Ilonora, d. of John & Bridget (Halpine) [both Ireland], Apr. 12, 1882. John, s. of Cornelius & Mary [both Ireland], Mar. 24, 1886. Cornelius, Jr., s. of Cornelius & Mary [botli Ireland], Jul. 7, 1888. William, s. of Timothy [Lex.] & Bridget A. (Flynn) [Ireland], Jan. 13, 1889. LEXINGTON BE COED OF BIRTHS. 251 Leary — Continued. Margaret, d. of Timothy [Lex.] & Bridget (Flynn) [Ireland], Aug- 16, 1891. Timothy, s. of Timothy J. [Lex.] & Bridget (Flynn) [Ireland], June 29, 1891. Joseph, s. of Timothy J. [Lex.] & Bridget (Flynn) [Ireland], Aug. 17, 189,5. Mary Ellen, d. of Timothy [Lex.] & Bridget (Flynn) [Ireland], Aug. 10, 1896. Catherine Grace, d. of Cornelius & Mary (Sullivan) [both Ireland], Sept. 15, 1897. Catherine, d. of Timothy [Lex.] & Bridget (Flynn) [Ireland], Dec. \, 1897. Le Cain. Chelmsford Russell, s. of Geo. W. [Nappies, N. S.] & Hannah M. (Rogers) [St. Jofms, N. B ], Feb. 19, 1890. Le Mier. Arthur D., s. of Henry D. [Derby Centre, Vt.] & Linda M. (Smith) [Manchester, N. IL], Mar. 2, 1897. Lemond. John, s. of Philip & Julia [both Scotland], June 10, 1862. Lewis. George Parker, s. of Henry W. [Boston] & Caroline A. (Parker) [Cohasset], Jan. 10, 1895. Lincoln. George E., s. of Edwin W. [Princeton] & Hatha E. [Rutland], Nov. 10, 1887. Lind. Margaret, d. of John & Ann [both Ireland], Dec. 6, 1875. Lindsey. John, s. of Thos. & Catherine [both Ireland], Nov. 24, 1863. Linnehan. Ellen M., d. of Cornelius [Ireland] & Mary Ann (McNamara) [Lex.], Aug. 12, 1883. Little. James, s. of Jas. [Onslow, N. S.] & Anna (Doyle) [Ireland], June 3, 1864. Livermore. Henry Jarvis, s. of Leonard J. [Milford, N. H.] & Mary Ann C. (Perkins) [Lunenburg], May 27, 1865. Marshall Bennett, s. of John M. & Lucy E. [both Cambridge], F'eb. 11, 1877. Evelyn Munroe, d. of John M. & Lucy [both Lex.], May 16, 1878. Locke. Stillman A., s. of Otis & Eliza S. (Locke) [both Lex.], Aug. 5, 1854. Willard H., s. of Wm.M. [Lex.] & Adelaide [Lowell]. Sept. 23, 1858. Fannie IL, d. of Ben]. & Mary H. (Skelton) [both Lex.], Oct. 26, 1858. Emma F., d. of Beni. & Mary H. (Skelton) [both Lex ], Dee. 27, 1859. Frederick M., s. of 'Wm. M. [Lex.] & Adeline [Lowell], May 1, 1860. 252 LEXINGTON REGOBD OF BIBTIIS. ZiOCke — Continued. William Otis, s. of Wm., 2d [Lex.] & Mary A. (Garmon) [Gil- maiiton, N. H.], Apr. 27, 1862. Alonzo Everett, s. of Everett S. & Ellen E. (Goddard) [both Lex.], Oct. 13, 1863. Martha Clayton, d. of Everett S. & Ellen E. (Goddard) [both Lex.], Oct. 20, 1867. Homer B., s. of Everett S. [Lex.] & Ellen E. (Goddard) [Medfield], Dec. 16, 187-1. Frances S., d. of Herbert G. [Lex.] & Addie M. (Spencer) [Boston], Dec. 11, 1881. Alice Griffin, d. of Irving T. [Lex.] & Carrie E. [Lowell], Sept. 18, 1882 Ellen Corinne, d. of Irving [Lex.] & Carrie [Boston], Mar. 4, 1885. Henrietta W., d. of Frank II. [Watertovvn] & Georgie E. (Stoddard) [Boston], Oct. 18, 1886. Erroll Hastings, s. of Alonzo E. & Alice H. (Butters) [both Lex], Jul. 17, 1890. Russell Davis, s. of Frank H. [VVatertown] & Georgie E. (Stoddard) [Boston], May 16,1892. Oliver Hildreth, s. of Frank II. & Georgie E. (Stoddard) [Boston], Nov. 21, 1894. Winthrop Wellington, s. of Alonzo E. & Alice Hastings (Butters) [both Lex.], Oct. 3, 1895. Miriam Harrington, d. of Frank II. [Watertown] & Georgie E (Stod- dard) [Boston], Sept. 12, 1896. Clayton Goddard, s. of Alonzo E. & Alice Hastings (Butters) [both Lex.], Feb, 24, 1898. Logan. Margaret, d. of Jeremiah & Mary [both Ireland], Dec. 16, 1862. Mary, d. of Jeremiah & Mary [botli Ireland], Nov. 7, 1864. Thomas, s. of Jeremiah & Mary [both Ireland], Jan. 29, 1867. Lombard. Albert D., s. of A. F. [Me.] & M. A. [Miilden], Nov. 11, 1856. , s. of Albert F. &, Mary A. [botli Ireland], Dec. 9, 1861. , s. of Albert F. [Me.] & Mary A. [Lincoln], Nov. 13, 1865. Charhis Freeman, s. of Albert F. [Me] & Mary R. [Maiden], Jul. 26, 18G8. Francis E., s. of Elisha B. [Lex.] & Alice G. (Snclling) [Charles- town], Nov. 12, 1892. Hazel Carlton, d. of Elisha Brook [Lex.] & Alice Gertrude (Sncll- ing) [Charlestown], Jul. 16, 1894. Roland Snelling, s. of Elisha B. [Lex.] & Alice G. (Snclling) [Charlestown], Jul. 20, 1896. Lowe. William E., s. of Chas. H. [Rindge, N. II.] & M. Addie (Goodwin) [Bedford], June 14, 1871. Charles II., Jr., s.of Chas. H. [N. H.] & Addie (Goodwin) [Bed- ford], Jul. 29, 1876. Eva G., d. of Chas. H. [Rindge, N. H.] & Addie M. (Goodwin) [Bed- ford], Oct. 7, 1879. Frances Davis, d. of Wm. T. [Jatt'rey, N. H.] & Estella [Winchen- don, N. H.],Feb. 14, 1884. Mary Estelle, d. of Wm. T. [Jatl'rey, N. II.] & Estelle L. [Winchen- dcn], Oct. 22, 1885. Florence IL, d. of Wm. T. [JattVey, N. II.] & Freda E. (Wolfe) [Ger- many], Oct. 9, 1897. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF BIRTHS. 253 Lowry. , s. of \Vm. & Sarah Jaue [both Ireland], Dec. 12, 1857. Lyman. John, s. of Patrick [Boston] & Elizabeth [England], Feb. 9, 1868. Catherine, d. of Patrick [Boston] & Elizabeth [Ireland], May 26, 1869. Lynch. Julia, d. of Thos. & Catherine [both Ireland], Dec. 7, 1862. Elizabeth, d. of Robert & Margaret (Neill) [both Ireland], Sept. 21, 1897. Lyons. Patrick Thomas, s. of Cornelius & Minnie Francis (Buckley) [both Ireland], Dec. 21, 1894. Johanna, d. of Cornelius & Mary F. (Buckley) [both Ii'eland], Feb. 18, 1896. Cornelius, Jr , s. of C. & Minnie (Buckley) [both Ireland], Feb. 7, 1897. Macdonald. ^— , d. of Allan & Hattie A. (Morrison) [both N. S.], Oct. 27, 1893. Magan. ]\Iargaret, d. of Michael & Mary [both Ireland], Apr. 17, 1869. Maguire. Edward Clement, s. of Patrick J. [Ireland] & Margaret T. (Keer- nan) [Randolph], May 9, 1891. Mahoney. Margaret, d. of Michael & Johanna [both Ireland], Dec. 24, 1858. Julia, d. of Michael & Johanna [both Ireland], Nov. 2, 1860. Ilonora, d of Michael & Johanna [both Ireland], Oct. 25, 1862. John, s. of Michael & Hannah [both Ireland], Oct. 12, 1865. Kate, d. of Michael & Hannah (Hurley) [both Ireland], Jul. 26, 1868. Maloney. , b. in Boston, d. of Patrick & Alice [Ireland], Sept, 19, 1893. Manals. Kitty, d. of Michael & Susan [both Ireland], Jan. 5, 1863. Manley. Elizabeth, d. of Dennis & Bridget [both Ireland], Oct. 26, 1855. Cornelius, s. of John & Mary [both Ireland], Feb. 22, 1857. Elizabeth, d. of Chas. & Winnefoi'd [both Ireland], June 1, 1857. George, s. of John & Maria [both Ireland], Nov. 18, 1857. John, s. of Dennis & Bridget [both Ireland], Apr. 9, 1858. Cornelius, ? ch. of Cornelius & Margaret [both Ireland], Dec. 6, Margaret, \ 1858. Catherine, d. of Chas. & Winnefred [both Ireland], Aug. 7, 1859. Elizabeth, d. of Cornelius & Ellen (Carnev) [both Ireland], Nov. 8, 1859. John, s. of John & Mary (Collins) [both Ireland], May 26, 1860. Cornelius, s. of Dennis & Bridget (Donnivan) [both Ireland], May 31, 1860. 254 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF BIBTHS. Manley — Continued. Cornelius, s. of Cornelius & Ellen [both Ireland], Feb. 1, 1861. Cornelius, s. of Chas. & Winnifred [both Ireland], May 16, 1861. Cornelius, s. of Michael & Julia (Collins) [both Ireland] , Dec. 8, 1861. Daniel, s. of Cornelius & Ellen (Carney) [both Ireland], Mar. 2-4, 1862. Lizzie, d. of John & Mary (Collins) [both Ireland], Mar. 28, 1862. James, s. of Dennis & Bridget (Donnivan) [both Ireland!, Aus:. 2-4, 1862. J' = ' Charles, s. of Cornelius & Ellen [both Ireland], Mar. 5, 1861:. William, s. of Michael & Julia (Collins) [both Ireland], Jul. 8, 1864. Michael J., s. of Dennis & Bridget (Donnivan) [both Ireland], Sept. 3, 1864. Ellen, d. of Cornelius & Ellen (Carney) [both Ireland], June 2, 1866, Lizzie, ? eh. of Michael & Julia (Collins) [both Ireland], Jan. 26, Hannah, \ 1867. John, s. of Cornelius & Ellen [both Ireland], Jan. 17, 1868. Julia, d. of Dennis & Bridget (Donnivan) [both Ireland] , Aug. 28, 1868. John, s. of Michael & Julia [both Ireland], Jan. 18, 1870. Michael, Jr., s. of Michael & Julia [both Ireland], Oct. ol, 1872. Mary, d. of Michael & Julia [both P. E. I.], June 22, 1875. Charles, s. of Michael & Julia (Collins) [both Ireland], May 5, 1878. James, s. of Michael & Julia (Collins) [Ireland], Jan. 20, 1883. Mann. Anna C, d. of Chas. C. [Vt.] & Grace (Parker) [Stoneham], Apr. 18, 1887. George Russell, s. of Chas. C. [Me.] & Grace M. (Parker) [Stone- ham], Deo. 7, 1888. Manning. Michael, s. of Timothy & Mary [both Ireland], Aug. 18, 1861. Martin, s. of Timothy & Mary [both Ireland], Oct. 2, 1868. Alice, d of Stephen B. [Germany] & Grace A. (lieed) [Burlington], Feb. 18, 1894. Ethel, d. of Stephen B. [Germany] & Grace A. (Reed) [Bui-lington], Nov. 18, 1895. Harold E., s. of Stephen [Germany] & Grace (Reed) [Burlington], Aug. 16, 1897. Mansfield. Ilonora, d. of Patrick [Ireland] & Marv (White) [Lex.], Oct. 12, 1873. . V y L J, Thomas, s. of Patrick [Ireland] & Mary (White) [Lex.], Dec. 21, 1875. Mary, d. of Patrick [Ireland] & Mary (White) [Lex.], Feb 1, 1880. James, s. of Patrick [Ireland] & Mary (White) [Lex.], Nov. 18, 1881. Manuel. See Leal. Marchant. Charles Merrill, s. of Benj. M. [Rockport] & Mary F. [Billerica], June 26, 1866. Marston. Abbie A., d. of Wm. H. [Billerica] & Emma A. [N. Y.], Mar. 3, 1882. George E., Jr , s. of G. E. [Me.] & Rose (Bauer) [N. H.], Sept. 21, 1891. LEXINGTON BE COED OF BIRTHS. 255 Martin. Ernest W., s. of Cyrus [Littleton] & Mary A (Beverstock) [Charles- town], Mar. 25, 1881. , d. of Cj'rus [Littleton] & l\Iary Ann (Beverstock) [Charles- town], Dec. 18, 1882. Sarah D., d. of Cyrus [Littleton] »& M. A. (Beverstock) [Charlestown] , June 24, 1884. Ida, d. of Cyrus [Littleton] & Mary Ann (Beverstock) [Charles- town], Apr. 16, 1886. Marvin. George Clifton, s. of Geo. F. & Elizabeth (Locke) [Lex.], SejJt. 14, 1873. McAusland. John, s. of Geo. S. & Jane (Kelley) [both Scotland], Sept. 3, 18G9. McCaffrey. Julia, d. of Benj. & Mary [both Ireland] , Aug, 19, 1867. Thomas Francis, s. of Barney & INIarj^ [both Ireland], Dec. 3, 1870. Delia, d. of Barney & Mary '[both Ireland], Oct. 20, 1872. McCann. John, s. of Jas. & Catherine [both Ireland], Jan. 19, 1870. ]\Iary Ann, d. of Jas. & Kate (Shehan) [both Ireland], Jan. 31, 1872. Margaret, d. of Jas. & Catherine (Shea) [both Ireland] , Sept. 24, 1873. William, s. of Jas. & Catherine (Shehan) [both li'eland], Nov. 30, 1875. James, Jr., s. of Jas. & Catherine (Shehan) [both Ireland], Aug. 3, 1878. Charles, s. of Jas. & Kate (Shehan) [both Ireland], Nov. 23, 1884. Catherine, d. of John W. [Lex.] & Mary E. (McHugh) [Arlington], Dec. 20, 1893. MeCarty. Francis, s. of Dennis & Mary [both Ireland], .Tune 19, 1856. James, s. of Dennis & ]\Iary [both Ireland], Nov. 5, 1858 Mary Ann, d. of John & Mary Ann [both Ireland], Dec. 9, 1858. Eliza, d. of John & JNIary [both Ireland], Sept. 8, 1862. Anna Eliza, d. of John & Mary [both Ireland], Jul. 20, 1864. Ellen, d. of John & Mary Ann [l^oth Ireland], Mar. 7, 1867. Frank, s. of Timothy & Margaret [both Ireland], Dec. 18, 1867. Honora, d. of Terrence & Margaret [both Ireland], Feb., 1870. Dennis W., b in VVoburn, s. of Timothy & Margaret [both Ireland], Oct. 22, 1874. Mary E., d. of Timothy & Margaret [both Ireland], Jul. 2, 1876. Nellie T , d. of Timothy & Margaret [both Ireland], Oct. 24, 1878. James, s. of Timothy & Margaret [both Ii'eland], Aug. 17, 1881. McCloud. Hattie, d. of John [N. S.] & Mary [N. J.], Oct. 1, 1886. McClure. Eva Beatrice, d. of Geo. J. [P. E. I.] & Annie (Griffin) [N. S.], Jul. 13 1891 Lillian, d. "of Geo. [P. E. I.] & Annie (Griffin) [N. S.],Mar. 10, 1893. McCormiek. Mary, d. of Patrick [Ireland] & Annie [N. Y. City], Sept. 17, 1883. 256 LExmaTON begobd of births. McDavitt. Catherine Elizabeth, d. of Owen & Mary Ann (Kenny) [both Ire- land], Dec. 21, 1894. Helena, d. of Owen & Mary Ann (Kenney) [both Ireland], Dec. 13, 1895. William James, s. of Owen & Mary A. (Kenney) [both Ireland], Mar. 29, 1897. McDiarmid. Ethel L., d. of Geo. H. & Lydia (McKinley) [both N. S.], May 16, 1884. McDonald. Michael, s. of Timothy [Boston] & Ellen [Ireland], Jan. 28, 1869. Catherine, d. of Owen "[Ireland] & Margaret [England], Dec. 19, 1869. Timothy, Jr., s. of Timothy & Ellen [both Ireland], Aug. 24, 1872. Eugene, s of Owen [Ireland] & Margaret [England], Oct. 31, 1873. Michael, ? ch. of Terrence [Ireland] & Eliza [Cambridge], Nov. 28, Timothy, I 1879. Ellen, d. of Terence [Ireland] & Eliza M. (Doyle) [Cambridge], Jan. 26, 1882. Ada, d. of Ephraim [N. B.] & Sarah E. (Brown) [Canada], Apr. 24, 1887. John, s. of Therence [Ireland] & Eliza (Do3-le) [Cambridge], Nov. 7," 1887. Alexander, s. of Eugene & Ida [both Me,], Oct. 4, 1888. James, s. of Terrence [Ireland] & Eliza M. (Doyle) [Cambridge], Sept. 9, 1889. John, s. of Michael [Ireland] & Maggie F. [Waterford, N. B.], Oct. 30, 1889. Norman, s of Allan & Hattie (Morrison) [both N. S.], Mar. 22, 1891. Ellen, d. of Michael [Ireland] & Maggie (Forseyth) [N. S.],Aug. 25, 1891. William, s. of Michael [Ireland] & Maggie (Forsyth) [New Bruns- wick], Oct. 14, 1895. Herbert T,, s. of John & Katie (Tracey) [both N. S.], Jul. 28, 1897. McDonnell. Margaret, d. of Owen [Ireland] & Margaret [England], Mar. 10, 1868. Timothy, s. of Terrence [Ireland] & Eliza (Doyle) [Cambridge], Aug. 8, 1891. Michael, s. of Terrence [Ireland] & Eliza (Doyle) [Lex.], Aug. 6, 1893. Patrick, s. of Terrence [Ireland] .^ Eliza M. (Doyle) [Cambridge], Jan. 2, 1896. McDonough. James, s. of Thos & Bridget [both Ireland], Jul. 5, 1861. Peter, s. of Thos. & Bridget [both Ireland], Nov. 18, 1862. McGann. John, s. of Michael & Mary [both Ireland], June 6, 1873. McGrath. Bridget, d of Patrick [Ireland], Feb. 17, 1854. John, s. of Hugh & Ann [both Ireland], Aug. 21, 1854. Patrick, s. of Patrick & Bridget [both Ireland], Aug. 28, 1858, Mary, d. of Luke & Ilannair(Ryan) [both Ireland], June 23, 1866. Katy, d. of Luke & Hannah (Ryan) [both Ireland], Aug. 12, 1867. LEXINGTON BEGOBD OF BIBTHS. 257 McGuire. Emil}', d. of Peter & Sarah (Cosgrove) [both Ireland], June 10, 1860. Francis H., s. of Francis [Canada] & Mary [Ireland], Nov. 29, 1879. McGurney. , d. of John F. & Bridget [Ijoth P. E. I.], Sept. 16, 1886. Mclnnerny. Annie, d. of John [Concord] & Annie (Martin) [Boston], Aug. 9, 1896. McKarney. Regena R., d. of John F. & Bridget [both P. E. I.], Jul. 28, 1889. Olynpanda, d. of John F. & Bridget J. (Mcintosh) [P. E. I.], Dec. 31, 1890. Margaret Alice, d. of John F. & Bridget J. (Mcintosh) [both P. E. I.] , Feb. 1, 1892. John F., I ch. of .John F. & Bridget (Mcintosh) [both N. S.], Jul. 10, Ruth L., \ 1894. James Andrew, s. of ,Iohn F. & Bridget J. (Mcintosh) [both P. E. I.], Apr. 24, 1896. McKay. Guy, s. of Jas. S. & Mary (Reynolds) [both P. E. I.], Nov. 3, 1895. MaUio May, d. of Geo. [P. E. I.] & Willena ((iriffin) [N. S.], Mar. 2, 1896. McKenney. Addie, d. of Wm. J. & Mary [both Ireland], Sept. 4, 1857. McKenzie. Roderick James, s. of Angus & Annie [N. S.], June 1, 1889. Wallace F., s. of Angus & Annie (McDougall) [both Scotland] , Nov. 22, 1890. Anna Lucy, d. of John F. & Maggie (McDougal) [both P. E. I.], Apr. 1, 1894. James Linus, s. of Jas. & Maggie (McNeill) [both P. E. I.], Dec. 20, 1895. McKinnon. Barbara, d. of John & Margaret [both N. S.], Sept. 24, 1878. Annie E., d. of John & Margaret [both N. S.], Apr. 13, 1881. Calhcrme E., d. of Roderick [P. E. I] & Delia [Ireland], Jul. 10, 1883. Alice, d. of John & Maggie [both N. S.], Jul, 27, 1884. John Charles, s. of Roderick [P. E. I.] & Bridget [Ireland], Nov. 24, 1884. Sarah, d. of Roderick [P. E. I.] & Bridget [Ireland], Nov. 21, 1886. Florence, d. of John & Maggie [both N. S.], Jan. 6, 1889. McKone. Maggie J., d, of Jas. & IMarv J. (Murtagh) [both Ireland], June 26, 1892. Mary Agnes, d. of .Las. & Mary Jane (Murtagh) [Ijoth Ireland], Oct. 16, 1893. Marv Agnes, d. of Jas. & Jane (Murtegh) [both Ireland], Oct. 16, 1894. 258 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF BIBTHS. McLalan. Edgar Roy, s, of Edgar & Lucy (Brown) [both N. S.], Feb. 25, 1892. McLaughlin. , d. of Duncan [N. B.] & Mary Jane (Cole) [N. S.], June 27, 1882. McLeod. Ethel, d. of John [N. S.] & Mary (Bishop) [N. J.], INIar. 13, 1892. McMalian. Catherin(^ E., d. of Michael & Ruth [both Ii-ehind], Jul. 5, 1854. Ellen, d. of Cornelius & Ellen (Kelley) [both Ireland], Jan. 4, 18G1. Lawrence Nathaniel, s. of Michael [Ireland] & Ruth [N, S.], Feb. 9. 1868. McMann. Mary Frances, d. of Michael & Ruth [both Ireland], Jul. 27, 1856. Julia Ii;iiza!>eth, b. in Newton, d. of Michael »fe Ruth [both Ireland], Jan. 10, 1863. Edward James, s. of Michael & Ruth [both Ireland], Jul. 1, 1865. McNamanali. , b. in Boston, s. of Denis [Lex.] & Katherine [Roxbury], Apr. 25, 1896. McNamara. Edward, s. of Dennis & Catherine [l)oth Ireland], Oct. 18, 1858. John, s. of Dennis & Catherine [both Ireland], Oct. 6, 1860. Catherine, d. of Dennis & Catherine [both Ireland], Oct. 3, 1863. Rosanna, d. of Dennis & Catherine [both Ireland], Nov. 22, 1866. Dennis, Jr , s. of Dennis [Ireland] & Catherine [J^ex.], Nov. 21, 1868. Ellen, d. of Dennis & Catherine [both Ireland], Feb. 8, 1871. George Edward, s. of John T. [Lex.] & Rose (Berry) [Ireland], Nov. 25, 1887. Catherine, d. of John T. [Mass.] & Rosa A. (Berry) [Ireland], Dec. 25, 1888. Rosie, d. of John T. [Lex.] & Rosie (Berry) [Ireland], Mar. 7, 1890. McPhee. Gertrude, d. of John & Ellen (McFhee) [both N. S.], Jan. ,30, 1876. Lottie, d. of Albert [N. S.] & Blanche [Hyde P.ark], Jan. 5, 1882. Wilbert A., s. of Geo. A. [N. S.] & Margaret A. (Hubbard) [Ire- land], Mar. 22, 1882. Iloman A., s. of Albert [N.S.] & Blanche [Hyde Park], Sept. 7, 1883. Mary A., d. of Geo. [N. S.] & Margaret (Hubbard) [Ireland], Aug. 3l", 1884. Elsie Ina, d. of John & Ellen (McPhee) [both N. S.], Nov. 25, 1886. Mead. David, s. of Jas. & Marv (Manley) [both Ireland], Dee. 26, 1861. Catherine, d. of Jas. & Mary (Manley) [both Ireland], Nov. 25,1863. Cornelius, s. of Jas. & Mary (Manley) [l)oth Irel.and], Jan. 2, 1865. John, s. of Jas. & Mary (M"anlcv) [both Ireland], Dec 28, 1866. Patrick, s. of Wni. & Mary [l)ot'h Ireland], June 16, 1884. Jolni, s. of Win. & Mary Ann [botJi Ireland], Nov. 15, 1885. Mildred Wallace, d. of 'G. Frank [Dorchester] & Mary H. II. (Wal- lace) [Chelsea], Sept. 17, 1895, LEXINGTON BECOBD OF BIBTHS. 259 Megan. Kate, cl. of Michael & Mury [both IreUxnd], Sept. 2i, 1874. Eliza, d. of Michael & Maiy [both Ireland], June 3, 1879. Joseph, s. of Michael & Mary D. [both Ireland], Oct. 10, 1889. Mary F., d. of Thos. [Lex.] & Aunie J. (Daley) [P. E. I.], Dec. 2, 1893. Melvin. Annie, d. of Edward E. [Concord] & Mary (Penuej) [Lex.], June 2(3, 1859. , d. of Wm. [Concord] & Mary [Lex.], Aug. 10, \m\. Emma, / ch. of Edward E. [Concord] & Alary E. (Penney) [Lex.], Ella, S J"l- 7, I860. Meredith. Ptobert Rhoden, 2d, s. of Irving [Troy, N. Y.] & Lillie M. (Tucker) [Jamaica Plain], Dec. 18, 1891. Merriam. Charles Arthur, b. in Billerica, s. of Minot [Bedford] & Charlotte [Billerica], Apr 20, 18G4. Robert Clinton, s. of Edward P. [Charlestown] & Grace E. (Good- win) [Lex.], Jan. 3, 1896. Messom. C Howland, s of Harry [N. S.] & Alice G. (Bixby) [Mass.], Aug. 24, 1892. Blanche Gertrude, d. of Harry [N. S.] & Alice (Bixby) [Hopkinton], Feb. 16, 1894. Mabel Beatrice, d. of Harry N. [N. S.] & Alice (Bixby) [Wood- ville],Oct. 10, 1896. Mills. Prescott C, s. of Edwin [England] & Caroline VV. (Prescott) [Boston], Oct. 12, 1875. Bertie, s. of Edwin [England] & Caroline W. [Cambridge], Jan. 23, 1877. Mitchell. , s. of Patrick [Ireland] & Sarah [Cavendish, Vt.], Nov. 21, 1860. Sarah Ellen, d. of Jas. A. [Lex.] & Maria (Mooney) [Ireland], Dec. 6, 1873. Annie Maria, d. of Jas. A. [Lex.] & Maria (Mooney) [Ireland], Aug. 5, 1875. Gertrude, d. of Jas. A. [Lex] & INIaria (Mooney) [Ireland], Apr. 17, 1888. Moakley. Ellen, d. of Jas. & Mary (Downey) [both Ireland], June 7, 1860. Julia, il. of Jas. ct Mary (Downey) [both Ireland], Aug. 12, 1861. Catherine, d of Jas. & Mary (Downey) [both Ireland], Nov. 20, 1862. Patrick, s. of Jas. & Mary (Downey) [both Ireland], Mar. 12, 1864. Letrctia, d. of Jas & Mary (Downey) [both Ireland], May 18, 1866. Margaret, d. of Jas. & Mary (Downey) [both Ireland], May 29, 1868. Elizabeth, d. of Jas. & Mary (Downey) [both Ireland], Oct. 27, 1870. John, s. of Jas. & Mary (Downey) [both Ireland], June 7, 1875. Robert, s. of Jas. & Mary [both Ireland], Apr. 15, 1877. William, s. of Jas. & Mary [both Ireland], June 13, 1879. 260 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF BIRTHS. Montague. Edward, Jr., s. of Edward & Mary [both Ireland], Mar. 20, 1881. James, s of Edward & Mary [both Ireland], May 31, 1886. Michael, s. of Jas. & Nellie A. [both Ireland], Jan. I;5, 1887. Maggie E., d. of Tho.s. & Ellen (Flynn) [both Ireland],, I an. 27, 1889. John, s. of Edward A. & Mary (Gorman) [both Irelaml], Feb. 11, 1890. Katie, d. of Thos. & Ellen (Flynn) [both Ireland], Mar. 28, 1892. George, s. of Edward & Mary (Gorman) [both Ireland], Jul. 8, 1891. Edward, s. of Thos. & Ellen (Flynn) [both Ireland], Oct. 27, 189.5. Mary, d. of Thos. & Ellen (Flynn) [both Ireland], Aug. 26, 1897. Montgomery. , ch. of John [N. S.] & Barbara [P. E. I.], Jul. 19, 1881. Mooney. Christopher John, s. of Dan'l & Maria [both Ireland], Dec. 21, 1868. James Joseph, s. of Dan'l & Maria [both Ireland], Mar. 9, 1870. Daniel, Jr., s. of Dan'l & Maria [both Ireland], May 20, 1873. Daniel, Jr., s. of Dan'l & Maria [both Ireland], Oct. 26, 1874. Mary E., d. of Jas. & Mary [both Ireland], Jul. 18, 1878. John J., s. of Jas & Mary [both Ireland], Dec. 30, 1880. James M., s. of Jas. & Mary [both Ireland], Dec. 21, 1882. Catherine, d. of Jas. & Mary [both Ireland], Oct. 29, 1885. Morey. Edwin Tyner, s. of Chas. E. [Roxbury] & Ella [Boston], Apr. 21, 1885. Richar., d. of R. W. [Lex ] & (1. A. [Cliarlestown], Nov. 10, 1856. George II,, s. of Ilammon [Lex] & Sylvia J. (Wadsworth) [Mil- ford, N. H.], Jan. 31, 1858. Elizabeth, d. of Hugh M. [Cambridge] & Sophia C. [Lex.], Jul. 14, 1858. Wadsworth, s. of Hammon [Lex.] & Sylvia [Milford, N. 11], June 28, 1859. Mary Ilattie, d. of R. W. [Lex.] & Georgiana A. (Ferrin) [Charles- town], Sept. 7,1859. William Maxwell, s. of Hugh M. [Cambridge] & Sophia C. (Law- rence) [Lex.], Mar. 5, 1860. Emma VV., d. of Wra. H. II. [Lex.] & Mary P. (Crowninshield) [Charlestown], Oct. 16, 1861. , d. of Hugh M. [Cambridge] & Sophia C. (Lawrence) [Lex.], Dec. 18, 1861. Frank II., s. of Josiah Haskell [Lex.] & Clara Rebecca (Gates) [Ashby],Dec. 26, 1862. Sylvia E., d. of Hammon [Lex ] & Sylvia J. (Wadsworth) [Milford, N. H.], May 21,1864. Alice Gates, d. of J. Haskell [Lex.] & Clara R. [Ashby], Aug. 25, 1864. Emma Augusta, d. of J.Morton [Bedford] & Emeline A (Goodwin), [Littleton], Sept. 8, 1864. Lizzie Virginia, d. of Reuben Willard [Lex.] & Georgianna A. (Ferren)"^ [Charlestown], Apr. 27, 1866. Louisa Hobart, d of John M. [Lex.] & Alice L. (Hobart) [Hing- ham], Apr. 19, 1867. 270 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF BIRTHS. Reed — Continued. Ida, d. of Henry R. [Chelmsford] & Sarah A. [Plymouth], Oct. 20, 1870. Herbert M., s. of John M. [Lex.] & Alice L. (Hobart) [Lincoln], Mar. 22, 1878. Eliza, d of Frank W. [Lex.] & Ellen [Ireland], Aug 29, 1886. Annie Frances, d. of Frank W. [Lex.] & Nellie C. (Mahigen) [Ire- land], Sept. 29, 1888. INIary Ann, d. of Frank W. [Lex.] & Nellie C. (Magihen) [Ireland], Dec 29, 1890. Harold Mellette, s. of Geo. F. [Boston] & Louisa A. (Mellette) [N. J.], Mar. 6, 1891. Kelsey Gilmore, s. of Wm. W. [Lex.] & Katie G. (Gilman) [Charles- town], Apr. 5, 1891. Con.stance, d. of Geo. H. [Lex.] & Sarah Augusta (Adams) [Bed- ford], Jul. 14, 1891. Esther Louisa, d. of Geo. F. [Boston] & Louisa A. (Mellette) [N. J.], Mar. 6, 1892. Sylvia Wadsworth, d. of Wm. W. [Lex.] & Katie S. (Gilmore) [Charlestown], May 27, 1894. Haskell, s. of Frank Haskell [Lex.] & Gertrude Read (Fobes) [Som- erville], June4, 1894. Walter Edwin, s. of John [England] & Frances (Driscoll) [Mass.], Aug. 29, 1895. JMalcolm Willard, s. of Frank II. [Lex.] & Gertrude R. (Fobes) [Boston], Dec. 17, 189.5. Harry Benjamin, s. of Geo. F. [Boston] & Louise (Malette) [New Jersey], "Sept. 11, 1897. Refuse. Robert G., b. in Rochester, s. of Robert T. [Maiden] & Sarah B. [Rochester], Sept. 28, 1881. Reynolds. John, s. of Patrick & Ann [both Ireland], Jul. 12, 1862. Elizabeth Irene, d. of Frank [Mass] & Lizzie [N. S.], June 5, 1888. Frank P., Jr., s. of Frank P. [Lex.] & Lizzie [N, S.], Apr. 2.5, 189 L Rhoades. Hannah G., d. of John S. [Salem] & Hannah G. [Newburyport], Apr. 4, 1860. Walter E., s. of Edwin S. [Lex.] & Helen C. [Boston], June 6, 1878. Charles S., s. of Edwin S. [Lex.] & Helen [Boston], Sept. 22, 1884. Willie, s. of Edwin S. [Lex.] & Helen (J. [Waltham], Aug. 4, 1888. Ida May, d. of Edwin S. [Lex ] & Helen C. [Bo.ston], Jul, 29, 1892. Richards. , d. of Edwin [Newton] & Sophia [N. H.], Dec. 15, 1855. Richardson. , d. of Joseph & Amelia O. (Currier), Dec. (?), 187L Mary Louisa, d. of Joseph & Amelia O. (Currier) [both Boston], Mar. 23, 1873. Rebecca W., d. of Joseph & Amelia O. [both Boston], Dec. 28, 1874. Anna Rebecca, d. of Joseph & Amelia O. (Currier) [both Boston], Jul. 15, 1877. Alfred, s. of Joseph & Amelia O. [both Boston], Sept. 5, 1881. LEXINGTON BE COED OF BIBTHS. 271 Ricker. Harry W., s. of Jas. H. [Biddeforcl, Me.] & Martha [Saco], May 30, 1866. George A., s. of Jas. H. & Martha A. [both Me.], Aug. 23, 1869. Frank Freeman, s. of Willie [Me.] & Eveline [N. S.], Dec. 10, 1888. Riley. Annie E., d. of John Westley [Mass.] & Annie E. (Richardson) [New Brunswick], Jul. 29, 1892. Charles Wesley, s. of Wesley J. & Jennie M. (Kyle) [both N. B.], Aug. 23, 1894. Esther May, d. of J. Wesley [Hampton, N. B.] & Jennie (Kyle) [Sussex, N. B.], Apr. 16, 1896. Ripley. Doris Grace, d. of Albert F. [Boston] & Etta L. [Worcester], June 9, 1889. Roach. Helen, d. of John & Hannah [both Ireland], Apr. 21, 1862. Roberts. Grace Eveline, d. of Geo. H. [Peabody] & Estella F. (Gould) [Salem], Sept. 19, 1887. Marian (iould, d. of Geo. H. [South Danvers] & Estella F. (Gould) [Salem], May 5, 1892. Robinson. Edith J., d. of Geo. W. [Hampton, N. H.] & M.aria (Jewett) [Charles- town] May 28, 1858. Josie May, d. of Geo. F. [Boston] & Mary A. [Waltham], Oct. 22, 1869. Clara R , adopted d. of Fred O. & M.ary Elizabeth (Childs) [both Boston],Mar. 8, 1875. Mabel Rachael, d. of Joseph W. [Hingham] & Ellen F. (Bates) [Scituate], Dec. 28, 1890. Roby. , d. of Heniy [England] & Mary Jane [N. S.], Nov. 28, 1857. Mary J., d. of Henry & Mary [botli Ireland], June 5, 1859. Fanny, d. of Henry & Mary [both Ireland], Oct. 21, 1862. Rogers. Willie B., s. of Frederick W. [Boston] & Mary Alice (Berry) [N. Y.], Jul. 5, 1877. Harold Raymond, s. of Wm. A. [Thetford, Vt.] & Maria E. [Nor- wich, Vt],Oct. 13, 1889. Roneo. Katie F., J ^j^ ^^ y^r^^ ^ [Canada] & Flora [Me.], Apr. 11, 1878. IjCOlge r., ^ "- -■ Lj'i' Rooke. Edith Ellen, d. of Chas. & Mary (Thatcher) [both London, England], Sept. 29, 1896. Rose. Walter James, s. of John & l\Iary (Dalrymple), June 3, 1887. Alice, d. of John [Portugal] & Mary (Dalrymple) [N. S.], May 27, 1889. 272 LEXINGTON BE COED OF BIRTHS. Bose — Continued. Mary Ann, d. of John [Portugal] & Mary (Dalrymple) [N. S.], Nov. 14, 1890. Lillian Louise, d. of John [Portugal] & Mary E. (Dalrymple) [Hali- fax, N. S.],Oct. 18, 1893. Frances Anna, d. of John [Portugal] & Mary Ellen (Dalrymple) [Halifax, N. S.], Dec. 20, 1895. Rudd. George, Dec. 12, 1890, ( oh. of John & Katie (Devine) [both Ire- Mary, Dec. 14, 1890, S land]. Annie, d. of John & Katie (Devine) [both Ireland], May 28, 1892. John, Jr., s. of John & Catherine (Devine) [both Ireland], Aug. 4, 1893. Thomas, s. of John & Catherine (Devine) [both Ireland], Aug. 10, 1894. Russell. Sabra, d. of Phillip M. [Lex.] & Rebecca (Embree) [N. S], Oct. 12, 1866. Adrian P., s. of John A., Jr. [Lex.] & Evaline [N. S.], Oct. 16, 1876. Byron, s. of John, Jr. [Lex.] & Evaline [N. S.], Apr. 15, 1878. John C, s. of John A. [Lex.] &, Eveline F. [N. S.], Feb. 23, 1884. Inga A.,s. of John A. [Lex.] & Eveline F. (Cooke) [N. S.], Jan. 7, 1887. Edwai'd Byron, s, of Byron A. & Katherine E. (Hinchey) [l)oth Lex.], June 26, 1897. Galen Allen, s. of Jas. F. &MaryL. (Smith) [both Lex.], Nov. 3, 1897. Ryan. Jeremiah, s. of Michael & Mary [both Ireland], Oct. 20, 1855. K.aty, d. of Cornelius & Bridget (Keefe) [l)oth Ireland], Jul. 13, 1858. Ellen, d. of Cornelius & Bridget (Keefe) [both Ireland], Oct. 1,1859. Elizabeth, d. of Patrick & Ann [both Ireland], Oct. 10, 1860. Mary, d. of Cornelius & Bridget (Keefe) [both Ireland], May 9, 1861. Catherine, d. of Timothy & Jane (Kelley) [botli Ireland] , May 15, 1865. Elizabeth, d. of Patrick & Sarah [both Ireland], Feb. 3, 1866. Ellen, d. of Timothy & Jane (Kelley) [both Ireland], Sept. 24, 1866. Mary Ann, d. of John & Mary Ann (Myers) [both Ireland], Jan. 28, 1867. Timothy, Jr., s. of Timothy & Jane (Kelley) [both Ireland], Oct. 21, 1867. Elizabeth Josephine, d. of Patrick & Sarah [both Ireland], Jul. 27, 1868. Timothy, s. of Timothy & Jane (Kelley) [both Ireland], Oct. 2, 1868. Jolm, s. of Thomas & Mary [both Ireland], Oct. 23, 18G8. Rieliard, s. of Timothy [Boston] & Jane [Ireland], Sept. 4, 1869. Geitrude, d of Patrick & Sarah [both Ireland], Feb. 23, 1870. William, s. of John & Mary Ann (Myers) [both Ireland], Mar. 29, 1870. Mary, d. of Timothy & Jane [both Ireland], Feb. 27, 1872. Joseph P., s. of Patrick & Sarali [both li-ehuid], Jan. 4, 1874. Jane, d. of Timothy & Jane (Kelley) [Ireland], May 7, 1874. Agnes, d of Timothy & Jane (Kelley) [both Ireland], Oct. 7, 1875. Katie, d. of John & Mary Ann (Myers) [both Ireland], Aug. 4, 1876. Lizzie, d. of Timothy & Jane [both Ireland], June 18, 1877. George F., s. of John & Mary Aim (Mj^ers) [both Ireland], Feb. 14, 1878. Margaret Theresa, d. of John M. [Ireland] & Rosa R. [N. Y.], Aug. 24, 1887. William R., s. of John [Ireland] & Rosa A. (Raynolds) [Kockland Lake, N.Y.], Jul. 17, 1889. LEXINGTON RECOBD OF BIBTHS. 273 Ryder. Jeunie, d, of Geo. W. [Ashland] & Eliza J. [Dorchester], Apr. 3, 1864. Sampson. Alice P., d. of Hilman B. [Boston] & Grace A. (Turner) [Charles- town], Aug. 15, 1862. George Walter, s. of Hilman B. [Boston] & Grace A. (Turner) [Charlestown], Mar. 25, 1865. Grace, d. of Geo. Walter [Lex] & Annie Augusta (Kilburn) [Weston], Dec. 18, 1893. George Kilburn, s. of Geo. W. [Lex.] & Annie A. (Kilburn) [Weston], Jan. 7, 1896. Sanders. Alice Lilian, d. of John N. & Alva (Porter) [botli N. S.], Mar. 7, 1890. Savage. Mary, d. of John & Julia D. [both Ireland], Jan., 1857. Willie, s. of John [England] & Julia [Ireland], Oct., 1858. Charles, b. in Newton, s. of Henry S. [Canada] & Catherine [Lex.], May 22, 1883. John Joseph, s. of Wm. J. [Lex.] & Katie A. (Horigan) [Cam- bridge], Mar. 1, 1886. Saville. Fred CliiFord, s. of Leonard Augustus [Gloucester] & Rebecca H. (Gould) [Charlestown], Feb. 21, 18G3. Annie Muzzey, d. of Leonard A. [Gloucester] & Rebecca H. (Gould) [Charlestown], Mar. 20, 1866. Leonard Brooks, s. of Fred C. [Lex.] & May Agnes (Meleney) [N. S.],Mar 14, 1889. Marjorie, d. of Fred C. [Lex.] & May Agnes (Meleney) [N. S.], June 6, 1890. Rebecca May, d. of F. C. & M. A., b. in Chicago, May 19, 1892. Sawin. Willie, s. of John [Cambridge] & Ruth A. [Reading, Vt.], Aug. 28, 1859. Scanlin. Mary, d. of Wm. & Margaret [lioth Ireland], Nov. 19, 1856. Scannell. James, s. of David & Catherine (Ryan ?) [both Ireland], Jul. 4, 1858. John, s. of David & Catherine (Ryan ?) [both Ireland], Oct. 24, 1859. Mary, d. of David & Catherine [both Ireland], Jan. 21, 1861. Patrick, s. of Patrick & Catherine [both Ireland], Mar. 27, 1862. Bernard S., s. of Michael F. & Kate (Buckley) [both Ireland], Oct. 8, 1892. Dennis Nicholas, s. of Michael F. & Kate (Buckley) [both Ireland], Oct. 11, 1893. Nicholas Diamond, s. of Michael F. & Katharine (Buckley) [both Ireland], Nov. 29, 1894. Thomas, s. of Michael F. & Kate (Buckley) [both Ireland], Dec. 27, 1895. Katherine, \ ch. of INlichael F. & Kate (Buckley [both Ireland], Aug. Mary A., \ 11, 1897. 274 LEXINGTON REGOED OF BIB TILS. Scott. John R., s. of Robert G. & Mary E. (Taft) [both Boston], Sept. 17, 1881. Edith M., d. of Jas. W & Carrie [both N. S.], Oct. 21, 1882. Harry, s. of Robert G. & Mary E. (Taft) [both Boston], June 16, 1883. Gertrude May, d. of Robert G. & Mary E. (Taft) [both Boston], Jul. 8, 1885. Robert Lawrence, s. of John T. [Boston] & Blanche Isabel (Meleney) [N. S.], Feb. 7, 1889. Sears. Frederick Coleman, s. of Thos. B. [Plymouth] & Mary C. [Cam- bridge], May 5, 1866. Seaverns. Elsie C, d. of Wm. S. [Weston] & Aldana F. [Newton], Oct. 8, 1889. Ruth Helen, d. of Wm. S. TWeston] & Aldena F. (Flagg) [Newton], June 7, 1892. Shattuck. David Wilbert, s. of John W. [Lynn] & Jessie A. (Whidden) [N. S.], June 15, 1889. Arthur Edwin, s. of John W. [Lynn] & Jessie A. (Whidden) [Truro, N. S.],Oct. 17,1891. Shaw. Carleton Anderson, s. of Elijah A. [Weymouth] & Fanny E. (Dyer) [Charlestown], May 9, 1873. Alice Beatrice, d. of Harris E. & Edith (Thomas) [both N. S.], June 27, 1895. - Shea, Shay. . Margaret, d. of Jere & Mary H. [both Ireland], June 28, 1855. John, s of Jeremiali & Mary [both Ireland], Dec. 24, 1857. Margaret H., d. of Michael & Ann [both Ireland], Feb. 5, 1862. Maria, d. of Jeremiah & Mary [both Ireland], Oct. 12, 1862. Edmund, s. of Jerry & Mary (Hagerty) [both Ireland], May 10, 1864. Ellen, d. of Jerry & Marv (Hagerty) [both Ireland], Jul. 29, 1866. Margaret, d. of Nicholas'* Ellen [both Ireland], Feb. 16, 1867. Hannah, d. of Jeremiah & Mary (Hagerty) [both Ireland], May 24, 1868. Margaret Fitz-Henry, d. of Edward & Sarah (Durfee) [both Ireland], Nov. 13, 1868. Ellen, d. of Nicholas & Ellen [both Ireland], Nov. 22, 1872. Edward, s. of Nicholas & Ellen [both Ireland], Oct. 6, 1876. Margaret, d. of Nicholas & Ellen [both Ireland], Jul. 20, 1879. Catherine, d. of Michael & Hannah [both Ireland], Apr. 17, 1884. Cornelius, s. of Michael & Annie [both Ii*eland], Jan. 7, 1889. Sheean. Martin, s. of Michael & Ann (Dogan) [both Ireland], Apr. 20, 1860. Nellie Josephine, d. of Timothy & Mary A. [both Ireland], Jul. 5, 1863. Sheef. Michael, s. of Wm. & Mary [both Ireland], Dec. 3, 1858. Sheehan. Katy, d. of Michael & Ann (Dogan) [both Ireland], Nov. 16, 1864. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF BIBTIIS. 'ilh Sheen. Patrick, s. of Michael & Ann [both Ireland], Dec. 24, 1856. Sheenan. Mary Ann. d. of Patrick & Ann [both Ireland], k\n\ 2, 1858. Shepard. Ralph M., s. of Jas. A. [Nashua, N. H.] & Annie E. [Winchester], Feb. 1,1879. Sherbiirne. Sally Irving, d. of Warren R. & Mary E. (Rigby), Aug. 21, 1887. Thomas Rackleyfte, s. of Warren R. [Charlestown] & Mary E. (Rigby) [Milford, N. H.], June 17, 1891. Ruth, d. of F. Foster [Charlestown] & Maud (Tenney) [Boston], June 18, 1893. INlary Allen, d. of Warren R. [Boston] & Mary E. (Rigby) [Milford, N. H.], Feb. 9, 1894. Elizabeth, d. of F. Foster & Maud (Tenney) [both Boston], Jul. 25, 1894. Richard Robinson, s. of Reuben B. [Charlestown] & Katherine H. (Robinson) [Somerville], June 3, 1896. Sherman. Lucinath A., d. of John G. [Boston] & Mary [N. H.], Jul. 13, 1854. Helen, d. of Roger I. [Uxbridge] & Carrie M. (Duniuore) [Fitch- burg], Dec. 7, 1897. Silva. Mary Josephine, d. of Joseph V. [Azores] & Kate Cody [Lex.], Sept. 5, 1889. Sim. Mabel, d. of Nelson & Annie [both N. S.], Feb. 9, 1887. Chester Boynton, s. of Nelson J. & Annie [N. S.], Apr. 16, 1889. Grace Mildred, d. of Nelson J. & Annie E. (McDonald) [both N. S.], Mar. 10, 1891. Edna May, d. of Wm, F. & Maud E. (Meek) [both N. S], Jul. 19, 1891. Ester Lovenia, d. of W. F. & Maud (Meek) [both N. S.], Feb. 16, 1894. Hazel, d. of Wm. F. & Maud E. (Meek) [both Hants County, N. S.], Aug. 8, 1895. Thatcher A., s. of Nelson J. & Annie E. (McDonald) [both N. S.], Apr. 18, 1896. Cora W., d. of Wm. F. & Maud E. (Meek) [both N. S.], Nov. 20, 1897. Simonds. Frank, s. of Francis K. & Charlotte B. (Swett) [both Lex.], June 25, 1856. Caroline A., d. of Calvin [Ashby] & Julia [Me.], Jan. 11, 1861. Walter, s. of John [Lex.] & Katie Louisa (Nichols) [Me.], Dec. 12, 1862. Mary Ella, d. of Calvin S. & Julia H., Jan. 5, 1863. George Francis, s. of Calvin S. [Ashbyl & Julia A. [Me.], Nov. 21, 1864. Mai-ia E., d. of Geo., Jr., &, Mary PI (Bannon) [both Lex], Dec. 24, 1864. Cora E., d. of Nathan [Ashby] & Mary Ann [Somerville], Nov. 12, 1866. 276 LEXINGTON ME COED OF BIBTHS. Simonds — Continued. Laura Annette, d. of Geo., Jr., & Mary E. (Bannon) [both Lex.], Dec. 29, 1870. George Arthur, s. of Geo, Jr., & Mary E. (Bannou) [both Lex], Jan. 17, 1873. Philip Baldwin, s. of Franklin P. [Lex.] & Josephine M. (Baldwin) [Boston], Nov. 3, 1879. Rachel Nichols, d. of Franklin P. [Lex.] & Josephine (Baldwin) [Boston] , Sept. 6, 1881. Josephine A., d. of Franklin P. [Lex.] & Josephine B. [Boston], Feb. 24, 1883. Nina May, d. of Geo., Jr. [Lex.] & Alice H. (Packard) [Georgia, V't.],May 4, 1884. Smart. Frederick P., s. of Frederick A. [Portsmouth, N. II.] & llattie M. [Wayland],Nov. 10, 1880. Smith. Charles G., b. in Boston, s. of Geo. IL [Lex.] & Eliza L. [Concord], June 6, 1854. George E., s. of Wm. H., 2d [Lex.] & Susan L. [Me.], Jul. 27, 1854. Ralph S., s. of Billings [Cambridge] & Martha (Chikls) [Waltham], Sept. 28, 1857. Annie Abbott, adopted d. of Josiah, 2d [Lex.] & Aurilla (Snow) [Cavendish, Vt.], Jan. 27, 1860. Mary J., d. of John B. [St. John.s] & Mary [Ireland], Feb. 22, 1860. Mary L., d. of Abram B. & Annette A. (Allen) [both Lex.], Dec. 8, 1862. Etta Amelia, d. of A. Bradford [Lex.] & Sarah A. (Bryant) [Bed- ford], Sept. 4, 1863. Jenny Hall, d. of Everett E. [Lex ] & Melvina J. (Myers) [Hart- ford, Vt.], Sept. 23, 1863. Lottie A., d. of Abram B. & Annette A. (Allen) [both Lex.], Mar. 10, 1866. Abby C, d. of Webster [Lincoln] & Caroline (Cormick) [N. S.], Jul. 5, 1866. Lena A., b. in Cambridge, d. of Chas. M. [Portland] & Clemantina A. [South Readmg], Jul. 28, 1866. Alice Munroe, d. of Billings [Cambridge] & Martha (Childs) [Wal- tham], Feb. 21, 1867. Alice Augusta, d. of A. Bradford [Lex.] & Sarah A. (Bryant) [Bed- ford], May 18, 1870. Edwin Oliver, s. of Abram B. & Annette A. (Allen) [both Lex.], Nov. 2, 1870. Norman Webster, s. of Webster [Lincoln] & Caroline (Cormick) [Pictou,N. S.],Apr. 13, 1871. George F., s. of Chas. F. [Boston] & Harriet W. (Hager) [Lincoln], Jan. 24, 1879. Minnie A., d. of Chas. F. [Boston] & Harriet W. [Lincoln], Nov. 28, 1880. Allen C, s. of Abram B. & A. A. (Allen) [both Lex.], Sept. 20, 1883. Clarence David, s. of David C. [New Bedford] & Olive F. [Boston] , Apr. 13, 1884. Elizabeth Raymond, d. of Herbert N. & Elizabeth R. [both Boston], May 30, 1885. George Edmund, s.of Herbert V. & EMzabeth R. [both Mass.], Dec. 12, 1888. Samuel Reginald, s. of Harold & Sarah (Southall) [both England], Jul. 28, 1893. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF BIBTHS. 211 Spaulding. Arabella F., d. of Otis & Arzula [both Vt.], Nov. 5, 1854. Charles H., s. of Edwin S. [Dracut] & Clara A. (Norton) [NY.], Jan. 2, 1874. Edwin N., s. of Edwin S. [Dracut] & Clara A. (Norton) [Belmont, N. Y.], Aug. 22, 1880. Edward Lovejoy, s. of John S. [Brooklyn, N. Y.] & Grace A. (Love- joy) [Chelsea], Dee. 1,5, 1896. Spencer. Gertrude J., in Medfield, d. of P. A. [Taunton] & Abby J. [Medfield], Feb. 4, 1854. Spinney. William A., Jr., s. of W. A. & Julia [both N. S.], June 1, 1879. Springer. , s. of Geo. [Jersey City] & Mina [Wales], May 16, 1887. Stanley. Edgar, s. of Sam'I [S. Carolina] & Julia [New York], Oct. 6, 1895. Staples. Frederick A., s. of N. A, [Mendon] & Margaret [Philadelphia], Dec. 11, 1855. Stearns. Willie A., s. of John [Lex.] & Caroline M. [Me.], Mar. 14, 1854. Charles Herbert, s. of Geo. [Lex] & Lavina [Cambridge], Dec. 9, 1854. Freddia M., s. of John [Lex.] & Caroline M. [Me.], Sept. 25, 1857. Alice G., d. of Phineas & Mary J. (Smith) [both Waltham] , Sept. 12, 1859. , d. of Phineas & Mary J. (Smith) [both Waltham] , Sept. 7, 1862. Sarah E., d. of Heniy O. [Lex.] & Hannah [England], Feb. 16, 1875. Clarence A., s. of Chas. H. [Lex.] & Eva L. (Frost) [Arlington], Aug. 24, 1880. Stembridge. Harold Edward, s. of Alfred E. & Elizabeth (Dunn) [both England], Sept. 7, 1895. Stevens. Harold Rupert, s. of Peter & Annie (Hudson) [both N. S.], Feb. 27, 1897. Stevenson. Georgianna Lincoln, d. of Chas. L. [New Bedford] & Mary Rosa [Middletown, Conn.], June 4, 1864. Stimpson. Epta Johnson, s. of Alfred A. [Rockpoi't] & Catherine (Johnson) [Montreal] , Oct. 30, 1894. Howard Webb, s. of Alfred A. [Rockport] & Katharine M. (John- son) [Boston], Jan. 8, 1896. Stimson. , s. of Alfi'ed A. [Rockport] & Marie K. (Gionais) [Montreal], June 10, 1892. 278 LEXINGTON BE COED OF BIRTHS, Stone. Ellen Adelia, d. of Abner & Ellen A. [both Lex.], Oct. 9, 1854. Mary R., d. of Abner & Ellen A. (Robbins) [both Lex.], Jul. 17, 1860. William Albert, June, 1862. Arthur D., s. of Alvah C. [Me.] & Alice A. (Tufts) [Lex.], Jul. 10, 1874. Edward C, s. of Alvah C. [Bridgeton, Me.] & Alice A. (Tufts) [Lex], June 29, 1878. Emily E., d. of Chas. & Emily [both England], Jul. 2, 1879. Flora F., d. of Chas. P. & Emily J. [both England], Aug. 26, 1882. Stowe. Mary B., d. of Wm. T. [Conn.] & Maria IL [Albany, N. Y.], June ll\ 1865. John, s. of Wm. T. [Conn.] Maria H. [Albany, N. Y.], Jul. 25, 1867. Stratton. Florence Gardner, d. of Geo. L. [Lancaster] & Annie M. (Bridge) [Lex.], Oct. 15, 1868. Horace Walter, s. of Walter W. [N. H.] & Malvina P. [Vt.], Nov. 14, 1887. Streeter. Herbert, s. of Herbert E. [Richmond] & Carlena [Boston] , Dec. 6, 1875. Olive May, d. of Thatcher B. [EVanconia, N. H.] & Helen Louisa (Homer) [Lawrence], Aug. 23, 1891. Nelson T., s. of Thatcher B. [Franconia, N. H.] & Helen L. (Homer) [Lawrence], Dec. 19, 1892. George Edward, s. of Thatcher B. [Franconia, N. H.] & Helen L. (Homer) [Lawrence], June 8, 1897. Strong, Charlotte Frances, d. of Joseph & Charlotte F. (Foster) [both Ire- land], May 31, 1896. Sullivan. Michael, b. in Roxbury, s. of David & Ann [both Ireland], Mar. 2, 1855. Timothy, s. of Dan'l & Mary (Murphy) [both Ireland], Jan. 12, 1868. Ellen, d. of Dan'l & Mary (Murphy) [both Ireland], Nov. 13, 1869. James, s. of Jas. J. [Ireland] & Hannah (Keleher) [Lex.], June 11, 1874. Elisabeth, d. of Dennis S. & Catherine A. [both Lowell], Apr. 4, 1879. James, s. of Jeremiah [Ireland] & Ellen P. [Lex.], June 3, 1889. Sumner. James Frank, s. of Jas. D. [Boston] & Sarah M. [Lex.] , Aug. 18, 1857. Swan. Lizzie Walton, d. of Harrison [Cambridge] & Rebecca [Lex.], Jan. 16, 1865. Charles Ward, s. of Gershom [Cambridge] & Mary Ward (Harring- ton) [Boston], Jul. 24, 1866. Mildred E., d. of Harrison [Cambridge] & Rebecca [Lex.], Apr. 16, 1867. Swanson. Carl George, s. of Chas. & Hannah (Josephson) [both Sweden], June 8, 1895. , s. of Chas. & Hannah (Josephson) [both Sweden], Oct. 26, 1896. LEXINGTON BE COED OF BIRTHS. 279 Sweeney. John, s. of Patrick & Margaret [both IrehiiulJ, Nov. 14, 1867. Swett. , s. of Newell S. [N. H.] & Lucy F. [Lowell], Dec. 24, 1870. Tandon. James, Jr., s. of Jas. & Elizabeth [both Ireland], Apr. 27, 1868. Tanton. Ethel, d. of Wm. P. [York, Me.] & Mary Louise (Carter) [Rock- land, Me.], Aug. 3, 1894. Albert Stanley, s. of Wm. P [York, Me.] & Mary Louise (Carter) [Rockland, Me.], Sept. 28, 1895. Alice Louise, d. of Wm, P. [York, Me.] & Minnie (Carter) [Rock- land, Me.], Feb. 13, 1897. Tatro. Abbie, d. of Chas. [Williamsport, Pa.] & Julia (Roach) [Boston], Dee. 6, 1893. Frank John, s. of Chas. [Canada] & Julia (Roach) [Boston], Jan. 23, 1897. Taylor. Edith May, d. of Geo. W. [England] & Julia A. (Willis) [Boston], Aug. 7, 1873. Amy Ethel, d. of Geo. W. [England] & Julia A. (Willis) [Boston], Oct. 9, 1878. Etta Amelia, d. of Ansel E. [Parsboro, N. S.] & Ella (Jeiferson) [Lex.], Mar. 29, 1890. Teague. Dorothy, d. of Geo. F. [Redfield, Me.] & Mary A. (Garrigan) [Cam- bridge], Mar. 22, 1897. Tebbetts. Florence Alice, d. of Henry E [Reading] & Celia W. [Newcastle, Me.], Aug. 2, 1889. Mildred Annie, } ch. of Henry E. [Reading] & Celia J. (Webber) Gladis Celia, \ [Newcastle, Me.], Jan. 29, 1891. Tewksbui'y. Mary Irene,d.of Geo.F. [Wiuthrop] & Matilda [Boston],Mar.3, 1888. Thayer. Florence, b. in Brooklyn, N. Y., d. of Sam'l Green [Boston] & Frances Brown (Mclntyre) [Orono, Me.], Jul. 25, 1868. Thompson. , Maurice Raymond, s. of Thos. [Mass.] & Kate E. [Vt ], Dec. 5, 1888. Thurston. .1 Georgianna, ^ [Newbury], Sept. 4, 1860. Sai'ah Evelina, d. of Geo. H. [Boston] & Sarah L. A. [Newbury], Nov. 10, 1863. Ruth Estelle, d. of Geo. H. [Boston] & Sarah L. A. [Newbury], Nov. 18, 1864. Helen Irene, d. of Geo. H. [Boston] & Sarah L. A. [Newbury], Dec. 27, 1867. Helen, d. of Geo. Henry [Boston] & Sarah L. [Newbury] , Jan. 25, 1868. 280 LEXINGTON BECORD OF BIBTHS. Tilton. Henry Odin, s. of Josiali Odin [Limerick, Me.] & Hattie A. [Peter- boro, N. H.], June 1, 1885. Harold Stratton, s. of Josiah Odin [Limerick, Me.] & Florence G. (Stratton) [Lex.], Aug. 14, 1895. Tirrell. , b. in Boston, s. of Geo. H. [West Roxbmy] & Botilda [Sweden], Nov. 13, 1893. Totoin. Katie, d. of John F. [Lex.] & Ji;lia M. (Kelley) [Ireland], Jul. 28, 1893. Raymond Francis, s. of John F. [Lex.] & Julia M. (Kelley) [Ire- land], Aug. 4, 1894. John, s. of John F. [Lex.] & Julia M. (Kelly) [Ireland], Mar. 26, 1896. Frank, s. of John [Lex.] & Julia M. (Kelly) [Ireland], June 26, 1897. Tompkins. Lestina, d. of Lester [Adamsville, R. I.] & Gary L. [Tiverton, R. I.], Mar. 10, 1885. Toomey. Jeremiah Francis, s. of John J. [Arlington] & Catherine Agnes (Carroll) [East Weymouth] , Nov. 1, 1895. William C, s of John J. [Arlington] & Kate (Carroll) [East Wey- mouth], Mar. 28, 1897. Torrey. Ernest Malcolm, d. of Malcolm & Lily G. (Hadley) [both Guys- borough, N. S.], June 27, 1896. Tower. , s. of Wm. A. [Petersham] & Julia [Princeton], Oct. 11, 1857. Fannie M., d. of Elisha H. [South Braintree] & Ann Eliza (Mulli- ken) [Lex.], Sept. 24, 1878. Tucker. Eliza, d. of Horace [Boston] & Eliza [Ireland], Jul. 1, 1886. Tufts. Elsie, d. of Albert N. [Lex.] & Mary T. (Locke) [Charlestown], Jul. 16, 1881. Ru:th, d. of Albert N. [Lex.] & Mary T. (Locke) [Charlestown] , Jan. 19, 1883. Bowen, s. of Albert N. [Lex.] & Mary T. (Locke) [Charlestown], June 17, 1884. Anna Blanchard, d. of Geo. B. [Dover, N. H.] & Honora [Towanda, Pa.], Apr. 10, 1886. George Henrv, s. of Geo. B. [Dover, N. H.] & Honora [Towanda, Pa], Jan. l'9, 1889. Francis Cotter, s. of Geo. B. [Dover, N. H.] & Honora C. (Cotter) Towanda, Pa.], Jul. 14, 1890. Turner. Charles C, s. of Henry [Turner, Me.] & Sybil P. [N. H.], Dec. 20, 1870. Susan L.. d. of Henry A. [Cambridge] & Maria (Ladd) [Lex.], Feb. 12, 1887. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF BIRTHS. 281 Tupper. , d. of Jas. [Me.] & Laura A. [Plymouth], Jul. 28, 1883. Hugh Campbell, s. of Campbell M. [Halifax, N. S.] & Susan A, (Berry) [Ireland], Dec. 8, 1896. Tuttle. George Irving, s. of H. Eugene [Lex.] & Blanche (Tenney) [Boston], Aug. 10, 1880. Tyler. Arthur S., s. of Henry H. & Mary "V. (Spaulding) [both Lex.], Sept. 9, 1873. Underwood. Alice J., d. of Nathan [Lex.] & Alice [Waltham] , Sept. 3, 1854, Lizzie F., d. of Joseph [Lex.] & Mary F. [Concord], Oct. 11, 1854. Abba C, d. of Joseph [Lex.] & Mary [Concord], Aug. 23, 1856. Charles H., s. of Joseph [Lex.] «& Mary [Concord], Sept. 9, 1858. Urann. Helen Beatrice, d. of Henry E. [Sullivan, Me.] & Lizzie (Batcheller) [Boston], Jime 21, 1882. Vaille. Agnes Walcott, d. of Frederick O. [Springfield] & Harriet A. (Wal- cott) [Belchertown], Apr. 16, 1890. Vaughan. Maggie, d. of John & Kate (Murphy) [both Ireland], Feb. 10, 1884. Katie, d. of John & Katie (Murphy) [both Ireland], May 30, 1887. Michael Joseph, s. of John & Kate (Murphy) [both Ireland], Sept. 21, 1888. Ellen, d. of John & Kate (Murphy) [both Ireland], Oct. 12, 1890. Veinotte. Rita Marion, d. of Joseph [Canada] & Florence (Lessef) [Halifax, N. S.],Nov. 30, 1895. Vessey. Joseph James, s. of Jas. A. [P. E. I.] & Adella (McSherry) [Dor- ' Chester], Apr. 9, 1894. Viekery. Vivien Barnard, d. of Geo. A. [Lex.] & Emma A. (Barnard) [No. Chesterville, Me.], Mar. IG, 1894. Dorothy, d of Geo. A. [Auburn, ]\Ie.] & Emma A. (Barnard) [Ches- terville, Me.], Nov. 17, 1896. Von Zedlitz. Cuno, s. of Nicholas [Germany] & Katherine [Cambridge], June 26, 1879. Walcott. Charles C , s. of A^'illard [Stowe] & Harriet A. (Kendall) [Waltham], Apr. 22, 1874. Grade B., d. of Willard [Stowe] & Harriet A. (Kendall) [Waltham], Jul. 25, 1876. 282 LEXINGTON RECORD OF BTBTHS. Walker. Sarah J., d. of Wm. A. [Sonierville] & Luoy A. (Ham) [Charles- town], May 19, 1890. Roy William, s. of Wm. A. [Somerville] & Lucy A. (Ham) [Charles- town], Sept. 18, 1893. Wallace. Hoyt, b. in Sandwich, N. H., s. of Jas. M. & Sarah J. [Sandwich, N. H.],Oct. 8, 1869. Wallingford. Alice Eugenie, d. of W^. A. [Boston] & Annie D. (Hadley) [Lex.], Jul. 24, 1896. Washburn. George EUery, s. of Abram C. [Pomfret, Vt.] & Georgia A. [Oxford, N. H.],Oct. 4, 1886. Watt. Charles Henry, s. of Charles & Ellen (McKay) [both Scotland], Jan. 15, 1895. Webb. Elizabeth E., d. of John & Naomi (Thompson) [both England], Feb. 7, 1861. William Edward, s. of Thos. & Susan [both England], Sept. 1, 1862. William, s. of John & Naomi (Thompson) [both England], Dec. 10, 1862. Bertha, d. of Edward & Louisa (Hickman) [England], May 8, 1872. Frank Alfred, s. of Edward & Louisa (Hickman) [both England], Oct. 30, 1875. Webster. , s. of Geo. P. [Charlestown] & Josie [N. S.], Jan. 15, 1886. Weeks. Delmont L., s. of Hiram [N. H.] & Caroline [Me.], Jan. 19, 1855. Carrie Bell, d. of Hiram [N. H.] & Caroline [Me.], Jul. 21, 1858. Estella A., d. of Hiram [N. H.] & Caroline [Me.], Aug. 11, 1860. Welch. John, s. of Thos. & Margaret [both Ireland], May 13, 1875. Julia, d. of Thos. & Margaret [both Ireland], May 5, 1877. Thomas, Jr., s. of Thos. & Margaret [both Ireland], Sept. 27, 1878. Julia, d. of Thos. & Margaret [both Ireland], Feb. 8, 1880. Peter, s. of Thos. & Margaret [both Ireland], Nov. 28, 1881. Alan, s. of Thos. & Margaret [both Ireland], Sept. 10, 1883. Margaret, d. of Thos. & Mary F. [both Ireland], Sept. 28, 1887. Wellington. Elizabetli, d. of Walter [Lex.] & Hannah M. (Parker) [Woburn], Feb. 1, 1856. Herbert Lyman, s. of Augustus [Lex.] & Sarah (Bisbee) [Kingston], Oct 9, 1856. Clifford IL, s. of Sullivan [Lex.] & Antoinette (Holliss?) [Boothby, Me.], Apr. 28, 1859. Frank G., s. of Andrew [Lex.] & Leah L. (Nichols) [Hingham], Nov. 9, 1859. LEXINGTON BE COED OF BIRTHS. 283 "^'"'cfres-^^rS'tnivan p-.] c. Louis. (RoMnson) [RocMand, E^i'HajC: fo'f Sulli.au [Lex.] & Louisa (Robinson) [Rock- mS L.!i'o'? wJiilLex.] & Hannah Maria (Parker) [Woburo], A,"ol„e«;!T„f Sullivan [Lex.] & Louisa (Robinson) [Rockland, Arta.}'B.!"s.'o( WaUer [Lex.] & Hannah M. (Parker) [Woburn], Mar'^eSefcilof Herbert L [Lex.] & Carrie B. (Alley) [Spring- Ri?h!,ri'E™-e«;s''of Herbert L. [Lex.] & Caroline B. [SpringfleUl] . Herbert" ymai s. of Herbert L. [Lex.] & Carrie B. (Alley) [Spring- field], Aug. 29, 1885. '''°T:*hnie Capelle, d. of Chas. O. [Boston] & Susie A. (Capelle) ElLS'Speni.'d'of Chas. C. [Boston] & Susie A. (Capelle) irls'l: of"iIs.'H.'%awrence] & Ali<« C. (Keith) [Haveloek, N. B.],Nov 2-1,1891. '^''' Wmiam Read, s. of Henry [Warwick, R. L] & Sarah B. (Reed) HlmrTlia'^'of'Jiem?-[R...] & Sarah (Reed) [Cambridge], Aug. 3, 1871. '^'''' James, s. of Jas. & Ann [both f-l-d] Feb^ 18 1854^ William, s. of Jas. & Ann [b«th Ireland] Dec. 17, 1855. Ann d of Jas. & Ann [both Ireland], Oct., 18o7. ^tS.^1S•s^^'Ji.^r[Syi^ctKeH!;er(Fahey)[Ire- Biy^o^frof Jafw. [Lex.] ^ Kate C. (Fahey) [Ireland], Oct. U, 1897. ~s:^^f^s^^;VS^^:iS)^p^i3i^:^sss: ClS'Ft'anS; d. of Joseph S. & Clara (Gleason) [both England], A,fnif Afaiv'inatd. of Joseph H. & Clara (Gleason) [both England], Ma°y T jelfd. of Joseph & Clara (Gleason) [both England], June 13, 1897. "^^"Tederick L., s. of E. C. [Boston] & Hannah [Charlestown], Jan. 27, Canlfs , d. of Geo. G. [Worcester] & Mary M. (Fiske) [Lex.],Mar. 20, 1863. 284 LEXINGTON RECORD OF BIRTHS. Whilton. Edwin Francis, s. of Francis Joseph & Fanny (Tower) [both Eng- land], Mar. 14, 1894. Whitaker. Ethel F., d. of Wm. H. [Weare, N. II.] & Annie F. (Weatherbee) [Roxbury], Mar. 28, 1884. Whitcomb. Frank Reed, s. of Chas. II. [Ashby] & Sarah Augusta (Reed) [Lit- tleton], Feb. 17, 1868. White. Ettina Maria, d. of Richard [Boston] & Sarah L. [Lincoln], Jul. 11, 1857. Josephina L. H., d. of Richard G. [Boston] & Sarah L. (Brooks) [Lincoln], Mar. 8, 1859. Ednesta Elvira, d. of Richard F. [Boston] & Sarah L. (Brooks) [Lincoln], Nov 17, 1860. Ernestine A., d. of Richard F. [Boston] & Sarah L. [Lincoln], Nov. 1, 1862. Ernestine Alvina, d. of Richai'd F. [Boston] & Sarah L. (Brooks) [Lincoln], Nov. 1, 1863. Louisa Parkman, d. of Richard F. [Boston] & Sarah L. (Brooks) [Lincoln], Jul. 1, 1866. Edward Augustas, s. of Richard F. [Boston] & Sarah L. (Brooks) [Lincoln], Feb. 3, 1870. Mary Ann, d. of Michael & Ellen [both Ireland], Jan. 25, 1872. Rosella, d. of Michael & Ellen (Welch) [both Ireland], Aug. 23, 1873. Patrick, Jr., s. of Patrick [Cambridge] & Margaret (K^elley) [Ire- land], Jul. 8, 1875. Delia, d. of Michael & Ellen (Welch) [botli Ireland], Jan. 4, 1876. Mary, d. of Patrick [Cambridge) & Mary [Ireland], Nov. 19, 1876. James E., s. of Michael & Ellen (Welch) [both Ireland], Dec. 11, 1877. Jane, d. of Patrick [Cambridge] & Margai'et [Ireland], Sept. 25, 1879. Mary, d. of W. II & Jane [both England], Mar. 26, 1884. Abbie Higgins, d. of Robert II. [N. S.] & Lizzie F. (Reynolds) [Lex.], Oct. 16, 1884. Marion A., d. of Robert H. [N. S.] & Lizzie F. (Reynolds) [Lex.], Mar. 29, 1889. Ruth Evelyn, d. of Robert H. [Halifax County, N. S.] & Lizzie F. (Reynolds) [Lex.], Jul. 11, 1896. Whiting. Gertrude, d. of Geo. O. [Wilton, N. II.] & Laura (Bowers) [Nashua, N. H.], Jul. 13, 1875. Grace, d. of Geo. O. [Wilton, N. H.] & Laura (Bowers) [Nashua], Jul. 13, 1876. Lucy Teel, d of Thos. G. [Lex.] & Edith O. (Teel) [Arlington], Mar. 2, 1893. Malissa Otis, d. of Thos. G. [Lex.] & Edith Otis (Teel) [Arlington], Jul. 21, 1894. George Gould, s. of Thos. G. [Lex.] & Edith Otis (Teel) [Arlington], Sept. 18, 1895. Whitney. Eva Viola, d. of Edward Franklin [Dorchester] & Martha Ann [Brewster], Nov. 1, 1880. LEXINGTON EECOBD OF BIRTUS. 285 Whittle. Frederick Lewis, s. of Harry G. [Antrim, N. H.] & Mary M, [St. Jolinsbury, Vt.], Mar. 13, 1872. Wilds. Harold, s. of Howell A. [Me.] & Josephine [Gardner, Me.], Aug. 1, 1886. Wilkins. Frank R., s. of Frank R. [Medford] & Georgie L. (De Blois) [Me.], Aug. 31, 1873. Willard. Constance A., d. of John H. [Chicago] & Ida L. [Burlington], Dec. 14, 1880. Helene Adams, d. of John H. [Chicago] & Ida L. [Burlington], Jan. 23, 1882. Edith, d. of John H. [Chicago] & Ida L. [Burlington], June 13, 1885. Roberta, d. of Joseph Henry [Chicago] & Ella (Quin) [Miss.], both of Vicksburg, Miss., Jul. 17, 1891. Williams. Mary E., d. of Jas. [England] & Abby [Me.], Nov. 4, 1858. Lizzie Xewland, d. of Jas. [Ireland] & Abigail [Me.], Jan. 17, 1865. Marlboro, s. of Frederick M. [Boston] & Minnie C. (Thayer) [Brook- lyn, N. Y], Oct. 13, 1888. Robert Campbell, s. of Frederick M. [Boston] & Minnie C. (Thayer) [Brooklyn, N. Y.], Sept. 17, 1893. Francis Mclntyre, s. of Frederick M. [Boston] & Minnie C. (Thayer) [Brooklyn, N. Y.], May 30, 1896. Wilson. Jessie Edith, d. of Taylor [N". S.] & Ann [Lex.], Oct., 1885. Annie, d. of Jas. J. [Arlington] & Lillie J. [Montreal], Dec. 29, 1885. Albert Everett, s. of John E. [Ireland] & Emma [England], Feb. 1, 1886. Herbert Sumner, s. of John E. & Emma (Goff) [both England] , Apr. 11, 1887. William M., s. of Taylor [Lex.] & Maggie (Murphy) [N. S.], Jul. 1, 1887. William, Jr , s. of Wm. [Lex] & Lillie [Canada], Jul. 22, 1888. Walter, s. of Alex. [Ireland] & Maggie [Canada], Oct. 3, 1888. George Taylor, s. of N. Taylor [N. S.] & Maggie S. (Murphy) [Mass.], Dec. 28, 1888. Heu?^' \ ^'^" ^^ ^^°- ^ ^'^^" (Sproul) [both Ireland], June 23,1890. Martha Jane, d. of Jas. A. [Ireland] & Maggie C. (Chambers) [Can- ada], June 28, 1891. Margaret S , d. of Wm. Taylor [N. S.] & Maggie (Murphy) [Lex.], Sept. 13, 1892. James Earnest, s. of Jas. A. [Fermanagh, Ireland] & Maggie (Chambers) [Huntingdon, Canada], Sept. 25, 1893. Herbert Tilton, a. of Wm. Taylor [N. S.] & Margaret Sophia (Mur- phy) [Lex.], Dec. 31, 1894. Helen Taylor, d. of Wm. Taylor [N. S.] & Maggie (Murphy) [Lex.], Feb. 21, 1897. William Henry, s. of Jas. Alex. [Ireland] & Maggie (Chambers) [Canada], Aug. 22, 1897. 286 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF BIBTH8. Winship. Walter P., s. of Edward [Me.] & Hannah E. [Bedford], June 25, 1854. Hannah C, d. of Edward [Me.] & Hannah [Bedford], Nov. 12, 1856. Arthur W., s. of Granville E. [Ireland] & Jennie L. (Keene) [N. S.], Sept. 4, 1874. Howard F., .s. of Granville E. [Lex.] & Jennie L. (Keene) [N. S.], Sept. 11, 1876. Emery H., s of Francis J. [Lex.] & Rachel P. (McKeen) [N. S.], Mar. 14, 1878. Granville Westcott, s. of Francis J. [Lex.] & Rachel P. (McKeen) [N. S.], Jul. 7, 1881. Ella F., d. of Francis J. [Lex.] & Rachel P. (McKeen) [N. S.], Oct. 12, 1883. Witherell. Arthur C, s.of Davis C. [Scituate] & Ellen I. [Fredonia, N. Y.], Feb. 27, 1871. Wi throw. Gladys Viola, d. of Alex. [N. S.] & Carrie (McGillivray) [P. E. L] , Mar. 11, 1896. Witthers. Frederick William, s. of August & Mary [both Germany], Mar. 22, 1892. Wood. , s. of Leander [N. 8.] & Agnes (Tracey) [St. Johns, N. B.], Sept. 19, 1897. Woodbury. Clinton Tenbrook, s. of Royal Lincoln [Sweden, Me.] & Adelia A. (Hutchinson) [Lex.J, Sept. 8, 1871. Woodhouse. John Joseph, s. of Robert [England] & Annie (Welch) [Ireland], Aug. 18, 1892. Robert William, s.of Robert [England] & Annie (Walsh) [Ireland], Sept. 20, 1894. Woodward. Helen, d. of Henry A. C. [Somerville] & Mary E. [New Bedford], June 3, 1889. Woodworth. Ada E., d. of Sanford [Essex, Vt.] & Marion E. (Simonds) [Lex.], Sept. 22, 1886. Laura S., d. of Sanford H. [Essex, Vt ] & Marion E. (Simonds) [Lex.], Dec. 13, 1889. Worthen. Eleanor Jameson, d. of Geo. E. [Charlestown] & JanetteR. [Chelsea], Jul. 16, 1885. Worthley. Marian N., d. of Henry A. [Lex.] & Marian S. (Powers) [Carlisle], June 11, 1891. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF BIRTHS. 287 Wright. Alice, d. of Luke W. [Ashby] & Abigail [Lex.], Jul. 26, 1861. Minnie J., d. of Walter R. [N. H.] & Lydia (Kenniston) [Lex.], Feb. 8, 1862. Florence Belle, d. of Geo. VV. [N. H.] & Isabelle [Charlestown] , May 21, 1870. , d. of Stephen L. & Catherine [both Ireland], Feb. 4, 1874. , d. of Geo. W. [Washington, N. H.] & Isabel [Charlestown], Dec. 19, 1878. Mary G., d. of John A. [Natick] & Mary E. [Billerica], Dec. 9, 1881. Pearl Evelyn, d. of John H. & Alice M. (Richardson) [both Stone- ham], Mar. 14, 1892. Wyatt. Lawrence M,, s. of Marcus A. [Me.] & Mary H. W. (Parker) [Bir- mingham, England], Aug. 13, 1893. Yeaton. Gladys Belle, d. of Edward L. [Me.] & Florence B. (Wright) [Lex.] , Dec. 17, 1894. Young. Violet, d. of August [Gei'raany] & Angelica (Weiler) [Boston], Dec. 22, 1897. 288 LEXINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. MARRIAGES. -PART II. From 1854 to 1898. Abbey. Julia C, 25, d. of Orrin R. & Dimruis, of Middlebury, Vt., m. John Francis Maynard, 24, of Lex., b. in Marblehead, s. of John & Catherine (Beal), Mar. 30, 1869. Abbot. John, 30, s, of Richard & Ann, m., in Woburn, Julia Driscoll, 29, d. of Dan'l & Margaret, both of Lex., b. in Ireland, Jan. 31, 1863. Adair. John T., 28, s of Chas. & Ann (McElwee), of Lex., m., in Bedford, Katie L. Cutler, 20. d. of E. Bartlett & Catherine (Jewett), of Bedford, Jul. 1, 1881. James, 41, of Lex., b in Sussex, N. B., s. of Geo. & Belinda, m. Mrs. Alzina Matilda (Nelson) Adair, 43, of Waupun, Wis., b. in Mil- ford, d of Horatio Nelson, Oct. 1, 1891. Mrs. Alzina Matilda (Nelson), 43, of Waupun, Wis , b. in Milford, d. of Horatio Nelson, m. James Adair, 41, of Lex., b. in Sussex, N. B., s. of Geo. «& Belinda, Oct. 1, 1891. Adams. Georgia, 18, d. of Sam'l & Anna, of Lex., m, Albert GriflSths, 19, of West Cambridge, b. in Boston, s. of Chas. & Letitia, May 10, 1857. Frances E , 21, of Boston, b. in Rochester, N. Y., d. of Chas. W. & Lydia, m. Chas. B. Danforth, 22, of Boston, b. in Nashua, N. H , s. of Chas. P. & Nancy H., Jul. 12, 1863. Eleanor Sophia, 42, d. of Sam'l & Ann, of Lex., m. John Beals, 65, of Lex., b. in Salem, s. of Christopher & Mary, his 2d m., Apr. 2, 1867. Viola A., 25, d. of John & Nancy Maria, of Mt. Holly, m. Elbridge Daniel Ilartshorne, 26, s. of Dan'l O. & Maria, of Hollis, N. H., Jul. 16, 1867. S. Augusta, 26, of Lex., b. in Bedford, d. of Abel B. & Susan F., m. Geo. H. Reed, 26, s. of Hammon & Sylvia J., of Lex., Nov. 5, 1884. Mrs. Adaleda G., 26, of Lex., b. in St. John, N. B , d. of Harry Baker & Jane (Levions), ni., in New Bedford, Robert Dermott, 49, of Lex., b. in Belfast, Ireland, s. of Wm. & Sarah (Harris), Feb. 28, 1895. Ahern. William, 29, s. of John & Bridget, m. Ellen Fitzgerald, 27, d. of Thos. & Eliza, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Jan. 25, 1868. Michael, Jr., 23, s. of Mary, m. Nellie Cavanagh, 26, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Nov. 19, 1887. Margaret L., 23, d. of Wm. & Ellen (Fitzgerald), of Lex., m. John Ketchura, 24, of Lex,, b. in St. Johns, N. B., s. of Geo. E. & Mar- garet (Riley), June 10, 1896. LEXINGTON EECOIW OF MABBIAGES. 289 Akenhead. Jane G., 34, of Boston, b. in Scotland, il. of John & Jane, m., in Boston, Robert Porter, 35, of Lex., b. in Ireland, s. of Patrick & Fanny (Shaw), his 2d m., Apr. 3, 1895. Albee. Solon, 37, of Manchester, Vt., b. in Langdon, N. H., s. of Christopher C. & Phebe, m. Ella Lucilia Eames, 22, of Lex,, b. in Newry, Me., d. of Alexander & Miranda, Jul. 28, 1864. Albree. John, Jr., 28, of Boston, b. in Salem, s. of Elizabeth, m. Helen M. Beverstock, 20, of Lex., b. in Charlestown, d. of Frank & Laui'a, Dec. 25, 1873. Alderman. Franklin, 60, of Lex., b in Midtield, s. of Dan'l & Electa, m., 2d, in Cambridge, Mrs. Jennie F. (Jewett) Fairbank, 32, of Waltham, b. in Bolton, d. of Henry Jewett & Mary C, Apr. 29, 1890. Harry L., 35, s. of Franklin & Elizabeth (Staflford) of Lex., m. Addie M. Fuller, 21, of Arlington, b. in Roxbury, d of Wirt X. & Ade- laide A. (Russell), June 6, 1895 Alfred. Manuel Leal, m. Mary Murray. See Leal. Algro. Mrs. Mary (Shields), 29, of Concord, b. in Ireland, d. of John Shields & Marv P., m. John Caveny, 21, of Concord, b. in Bedford, s. of Michael & Bridget, Jul. 12, 1877. AUbright. Edward Albert, 27, of Lex., b. in Sandy Cove, Digby Co., N. S., s. of Geo. & Catherine, m. Mar}' Jane Harrison, 29, of Lex., b. in Bir- mingham, England, d. of Thomas & Maiy Ann (Williams), Nor. 29, 1894. Allen. Harriet A., 16, d. of Galen & Lavinia, of Lex., m. John D. Bacon, 24, of Lex., b. in Billerica, s. of Geo. & Mary, Apr. 17, 1856. Elisha, 27, of Charlestown, b. in Lyman, Me., s. of Thos. & Ruth, m. Ann E. Goodwin, 26, of Bedford, d. of Wm. & Eliza J., Sept. 23, 1860. Annette A., 19, d. of Galen & Lavinia M., m. Abram B. Smith, 25, s. of Wra. B. & Mary B., all of Lex., Mar. 23, 1862. Hugh, 25, of Lex., b. \n Philadelphia, s. of Dan'l & Anna, m. Chris- tinia Balge, 17, of Lex., b. in Boston, d. of Henry & Johannah, Oct. 29, 1865. Charles, 23, of Lex., b. in Dover, N. H., s. of Benj. & Martha (Brown), m., in Woburn, Mary Marcella Munroe, 27, d. of Chas. H. & Mary Eveline, of Lex., Sept. 2, 1870. Mary E., 37, of Lex., b. in Lime, N. H., d of Philander & Rhoda L. (Hovey), m. Warren Sherburne, 38, of Lex., b. in Charlestown, s. of Reuben B. & Sarah (Staples), 2d m., Oct 1, 1871. Mrs. Ella, 32, of Lex., b. in Wilmington, Del., d. of Sam'l Allen &. Margaret Allen, m. Edward J. Rolfe, Jr., 30, of Lex., b. in Val- paraiso, Chili, s. of Frances (Chambers), Apr. 5, 1894. Alley. Caroline B., 21, d. of Wm. G. & Mary H. (Bacon) of Springfield, m. Herbert L. Wellington, 23, s. of Augu.stus & Sarah (Bisbee), of Lex., June 23, 1880. 290 LEXINGTON BECOIW OF MAIiEIAGES. Ambery. John, 26, s. of Teddy & Bridget, m. Hannah Cotter, 24, d. of Wm. & Susan, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Feb. 27, 1870. Amey. John Henry, 22, s. of John & Elizabeth, m. Lizzie Thornton, 21, d. of Chas. Henry & Martha, both of Lex. and b. in England, May 27, 1S71. Chai-lotte M., 22, of Lex., b. in Granville, Vt., d. of Oscar & Adeliza, m., in Cambridge, Wm. A. Lister, 32, of Boston, b. in Brooklyn, N. Y., s. of Frederick W. & Elizabeth, Oct. 9, 1888. Annie G., 24, of Lex., b. in Granville, Vt., d. of Oscar & Addie L. (Kimball), m. Francis M. Cobb, 29, of Lex., b. in Chelsea, s. of Francis L. & Augusta A. (Hall), Dec. 15, 1892. Anderson. Rose, 22, of Lex., b. in P. E. I., d. of Edward & Mary (Haggen), m., in Arlington, Peter Tierney, 25, of Boston, b. in Ireland, s. of Patrick & Ellen G., Jan. 4, 1880. Mary J., 26, of Springfield, b. in Harpers Ferry, W. Va., d. of Wm. ^. & Mary J. (Merritt), m., in Boston, Lyman B. Mitchell, 42, of Lex., b. in Bath, Me., s. of Caleb & Sarah (Stilkey), his 3d m., Jul. 13, 1892. Andrews. Thomas H., 29, of Lex., b. in N. B., s. of Caleb & Mary, ra., in Lynn, Mary B. Janes, 26, d. of Henry & Caroline, of Lynn, Jan. 23, 1867. Angier. S. L., 23, of Lex., b. in Charlestown, d. of Dan'l & Sarah, m. D. W. Johnson, 29, of Winchester, b. in Woburn, s. of Ezekiel & Hannah, Jan. 31, 1854. Daniel E , 29, s. of Dan'l & Sarah, of Lex., m., 2d, Mrs. Lizzie T. Gross, 25, of Portland, b. in Me., d, of Henry Trefethen & Mary, Mar. 16, 1864. Cyrus L., 23, s. of Dan'l & Sarah, of Lex., m. Veleare A. George, 20, of Lex., b. in Canada, d. of John, Apr. 5, 1866. Anthony. Daniel, 22, of Lex., b. in N. S., s. of Noah & Margaret (Singer), m. Emma K. Yeo, 22, of Lex., b. in P. E. I., d. of Fred & (Hearsey), Jul. 21, 1897. Apel. John Henry, 24, of Cambridge, b. in Germany, m. Eleanor Hobbs, 18, of Cambridge, b. in London, d. of John & Anna, June 12, 1862. Archibald. Mary Ellen, 22, of Lex., b. in Halifax, N. S., d. of Thos. & Sarah, m. Havelock Ford Price, 26, Parsboro, N. S., b. in Kings Co., N. B., s. of Sam'l C. & Sarah E., June 15, 1887. Armstrong. Robert William, 32, of Lex., b. in Arlington, s. of John Alexander & Mary (Price), m., in Arlington, Mrs. Katie Burke Burns, 25, of Lex., b. in Boston, adopted by Burke, Feb. 11, 1894. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF MABBTAGES. 291 Ashley. Clifton P., 25, of Lex., b. in New Bedford, s. of Bolen & Clara, m. Alice S. Norris, 29, of Lex., b. in Oxford, N. H., d. of Geo. S. & Adeline E., Oct. 3, 1888. Avery. James A., 23, of Lex., b. in Cleveland, O., s. of Isaiah H. & Lydia Howard, m., in Concord, Lizzie Jordan, 19, d. of John & Julia, of Bedford, Apr. 4, 1883. Ayers. Mary, Mrs., 32, d. of Thos. & Margaret (Gorman), m. John Curry, 38, s. of Michael & Mary, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Jul. 11, 1869. Babcock. Francis Moran, 29, of Revere, b. in Dartmouth, N. S., s. of Jas. & Mary Agnes (Fowler), m. Lillian H. Whitney, 2.5, of Lex., b. in Marlboro, d. of Edmund C. & Cornelia F. (Shepherd), Apr. 29, 1894. Bacon. John D , 24, of Lex., b. in Billerica, s. of Geo. & Mai'y, m. Harriet A. Allen, lO, d. of Galen & Lavinia, of Lex., Apr. 17, 1856. John D., 34, of Lex., b. in Billerica. s of Geo. & Mary (Bates), m., 2d, in Acworth, N. H, Harriet Ellen Grout, 25, d. of John & Hannah (Allen), of Acworth, N. H., June 20, 1867. Clara E, 22, of Lex, b. in Bedford, d. of Edward & Charlotte (Hatch), m., in Arlington, John E. Dodge, 29, of Concord, b. in New Boston, N. H., s. of Jonathan & Mary (Dodge), Nov. .30, 1871. Eva C, 23, of Lex., b. in Bedford, d. of Edward & Charlotte, m. T. Lyman Russell, 36, s. of Amos & Lois, of Cambridge, June 20, 1876. Caroline Augusta, 30, d. of John I). & Harriet A., of Lex., m. Enoch Anson More, -Jr., 33, of Denver, Col , b. in Dayton, O., s. of Kath- erine H., Oct. 17, 1887. John D., 55, of Lex., b. in Billerica, s. of Geo. & Mary H., m., 3d, in Cambridge, Mrs. Clemantina Hayes (Richardson) Flanders, 46, of Lex , b. in Lisbon, N. H., d. of John & Sarah Ann (Sawyer), Oct. 29 1887 Bert'F., 21, of Lex,, b. in Salisbury, N. H , s of David & Adella (Fol- som), m. Mabel Brown, 19, of Lex., b. in Somerville, d. of Craw- ford F. & Mary (Anderson), Aug. 18, 1894. Charles H., 54, of Lex , b. in Boscawen, N. H., s. of Henry & Dorcas (Carter), m., 3d, Emily A. Bannon, 40, d. of John & Sarah (Mason), of Lex., June 26, 1895. Harvey S., 24, of Lex., b. in Salisbury, N H , s. of David & Adella (Folsom), m, in West Medford, Georgianna H. Mann, 22, d. of Moses W. & Elizabeth J. C. (Holton), of Medford, Dec. 16, 1896. Bailey. James, 63, of Lex., b. in N. H., s. of Jas. & Dolly, m., 2d, Mrs. Mary S. Goodrich, 45, of Lex , b. in Burlington, d. of Sam'l Cutler, Sept. 20, 1855. Edward B., 27, of Waltham, b in Lex., s. of .Jas & Abigail, m. Sophia L. Gould, 22, of Lex., b. in Boston, d. of Thos. & Lydia, June 28, 1861. Adalaide M., 18, of Cambridge, b. in Washington, Me., d. of Abner & Mahala, m. Chas. F. Mulliken, 23, s. of Nath'l & Sarah, of Cam- bridge, Sept. 30, 1861. 292 LEXINGTON RE COED OF MAE RI AGES. Bailey — Continued. Bessey, 40, m , in Wobnrn, Edward Sherman, 55, s. of Patrick & Nancy, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, his 2d m., June 22, 1863. Bel a B., 25, of Lex., b. in La Grange, I\Ie., s. of Isaac W. & Nancy C, m., in Arlington, Minnie Gray, 24, of Belmont, b. in Deer Isle, Me., d. of Dan'l & Annie, Apr. 22, 1874. Estella A., 20, of Lex , b. in Lincoln, d. of Chellus B. & Ellen L., m., in Arlington, Henry Clay Mixtcr, 22, of Arlington, b. in Boston, s. of Calvin S. & Rebecca, Nov. 16, 1881. Ellen L., 2f>, of Lex , b. in Lincoln, d. of Chellis B. & Ellen, m. V. Jessie Eayrs, 26, of Everett, b. in Boston, s. of Julian & Maria, Oct 19, 1882. Baird. Mary Ann, 27, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d of Thos. & Mary Jane (Mc- Laughlin), m. Melnor Wakcnian Grindle, 40, s. of Josejih & Jane (Avery), of Penobscot, Me., Jan. 2, 1894. Baker. Chai'les R., 38, of Lex , b. in Sharon, N. Y., s. of Geo. & Cynthia (Jones), m., 2d, Lillian Isabel Sawtelle, 23, of Lex., b. in St. Albans, Vt.,d. of Warren & Matilda (Cummings), May 12, 1893. Baldwin. Mai-shall C, 25, of Lex., b. in Weston, s. of Sara'l E. & Amanda E., m., in Weston, Hattie M. Whitney, 22, d. of Chas. H. & Eliza, of Lincoln, Oct 15, 1884. Balge. Christinia, 17, of Lex , b. in Boston, d. of Henry & Johannah, m. Hugh Allen, 25, of Lex , b. in Philadelphia, s. of Dan'l & Anna, Oct. 29, 1865. Philippina, 18, of Lex., b. in Boston, d. of Henry & Johannah, m., in Boston, Wm. Goepper, 26, of Charlestown, b. in Germany, s. of John & Wilhelme, Feb. 9, 1869. Ball. Adalaide A., 19, d. of Darius & Charlotte, m. Alamander L. Ball, 26, s. of Lester & Mary Ann, Jan. 1, 1867 Alamander L , 26, s of Lester & Mary Ann, m. Adalaide A Ball, 19, d. of Darius & Charlotte, both of Lex and b. in Canada, Jan. 1, 1867. Mary F., 27, of Cambridge, b. in Boston, d. of Elijah & Sarah (Clark), m., in Cambridge, Geo. E. Whittum, 30, of Lex., b. in Boston, s. of Ebenezer & Sarah P. (Smith), Apr. 19, 1871. Ballan. Lawrence, 21, of Lex., b. in Cambridge, s. of Patrick & Catherine, m. Margaret O'Keefe, 20, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Dennis & Catherine, Aug. 12, 1866. Bannon. Mary E., 19, d. of John & Sarah, m., in Woburn, Geo. Simonds, Jr., 25, s. of Hannah, all of Lex., Dec. 28, 1863. Sai'ah J., 34, of Burlington, b. in Lex , d. of John & Sarah, m. Abbott J. Lawrence, 32, s. of Joshua W. & Sarah A., of Concord, Sept. 28, 1884. Emily A., 40, d. of John & Sarah (Mason), of Lex., m. Charles H. Bacon, 54, of Lex., b. in Boscowen, N. H., s. of Henry & Dorcas (Carter), his 3d m., June 26, 1895. LEXINGTON BEGOBD OF MARRIAGES. 293 Barber. J. R., 26, of Titusville, Pa., b. in Mercer, Pa., s. of Andrew & Mary, m. Hattie I. Weller, 24, of Lex., b. in Jamestown, N. Y., d. of Jas. & Mary Ann, Apr. 23, 1866. Barr. E. \V., 33, of St. Loxiis, b. in Penn., s of Michael B. & Susan, m. Mary Blaisdell, 21, of Lex., b. in Maine, d. of Benj. & Mary Sliaw, Aug. 25, 1869. Barrett. Hay ward, 37, of Concord, b in Westford, s. of Prescott & Olive Hay- ward, m. Esther Mary Tidd, 26, d. of Chas. & Rebecca Nourse, of Lex., Mar. 31, 1868. George P., 23, s. of Wm. G. & Sophia (Dodge), of Concord, m. Sarah A. Wright, 26, d. of Luke W. & Abigail (Estabrook), of Lex., Nov. 12, 1874. Barrows. Albert W., 23, of Lex., b. in Hampden, Me., s of Silas & INIary, m. Era L. Grant, 19, of Bangor, Me., b. in Levant, Me., d. of Howard L. & Emma (Read), Feb. 9, 1897. Barry. Mrs. Maria, 28, of Lex., b. in St. Andrews, Me., d. of Cornelius McMahan, m. John G. Sherman, 40, of Lex., b. in Boston, s. of Chas. & Sarah, his 2d m , June 9, 1860. William, 28, s. of David & Nora D., m. Margaret Sheehan, 25, d. of Wm. & Mai-y O'B., both of Lex and b. in Ireland, June 6, 1875. Michael, 24, of Lex , b. in Cambridge, s. of Thos. & Bridget, m. Bridget Welch, 24, of Lex., b. in Ireland, Aug 15, 1876. Nora J., 22, of Lex., b. in Boston, d. of Jas. & Honora (Keller), m. Bartlett J. Harrington, 28, s. of Otis & Mary A. (Kane), of Lex., Jan. 19, 1893. Nellie E., 27, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Jas. & Nora, m Robert E. Cosgrove, 26, s. of Thos. & Mary (McCreash), of Lex., Dec. 19, 1894. James J., 28, of Arlington, b in Fairfield, Vt., s. of John & Catherine (Henderhen), m. Nellie R. White, 24, d. of Michael & Ellen (Welch), of Lex., Oct. 18, 1897. Bartlett. Jonas, 35, of Lex., b. in Jaffrey, N. H., s. of Joseph & Sally, m., in Belmont, Martha C. Campbell, 33, of Lex., b. in N. S , Aug. 12, 1865. James Alexander, 22, of Lex., b. in England, s. of John & Ann, m., in Everett, Eunice Irene Ewell, 23, of Chelsea, b. in Scituate, d. of Walter F. & Emeline, Sept. 15, 1888. Bass. Addison S., 30, of Boston, b. in Lex., s. of Simeon & Sybil, m. Hannah R. Hoppin, 25, of Lex., b. in Cambridge, Feb. 26, 1857. Batchelder. Edwai'd E., 33, of Bo.ston, b. in Wenham, s. of Edward & Lydia, m. Hattie L. VVhitcher, 20, of Lex., b. in Boston, d. of Sargent C. & Harriet W., Jan. 19, 1869. Alexander W., 26, of Lex , b. in Prospect, Me., s. of Madison T. & Carrie E. (Wyllie), m , in Warren, Me , Laura E. Wvllie, 27, d. of Seth A. & Almira (Hinkley), of Warren, Feb. 21, 1884. 294 LEXINGTON BE COED OF 3IAREIAGES. Batcheller. Abbie Arlotta, 32, of Lex., b. in Boston, d. of Brooks T. & Rachel C, m. Francis E. VVetherell, 30, of Lex., b. in Worcester, s. of Lorln & Judith C, June 10, 1874. Lizzie M., 28, of Lex., b. in Boston, d. of Brooks T. & Rachel C. (Dodge), m. Henry E. Urann, 29, of Providence, R. I., b. in Sulli- van, Me., s. of Joseph H. & Mary C, May 31, 1881. Bateman. Ruth IL, 28, of Lex., b. in Sheldiac, N. B., d. of Jas. & Carrie (Han- nington), m. Matthew Henry Scott Howse, 26, of East Weymouth, b. in Rugby, E^ngland, s. of Richard Cox & Elizabeth (Wooding), Sept. 30, 1897. Battles. James Munroe, 36, of Dedham, b. in Newmarket, N. H., s. of BenJ. & Charlotte, m. Mary Cai'oline Eaton, 33, of Roxbury, b. in Cam- bridge, d. of Richard & Lydia Ann, Dec. 19, 1866. Michael J., 31, s of John & Mary (Morrison), of Concord, m. Maggie Mack, 28, d. of Patrick & Catherine (Moroney), of Bedford, Mar. 1, 1892. Beals. John, 65, of Lex., b. in Salem, s. of Cliristopher & Maiy, m., 2d, Eleanor Sophia Adams, 42, d. of Sam'l & Ann, of Lex., Apr. 2, 1867. Meli.ssa A., 25, of Lex., b. in N. S., d. of John S. & Sarah S., m. Wil- liam E, Denham, 29, of Lex., b. in Burlington, N. S., s. of Jas. & Mary Jane, Nov. 9, 1886. Beevans. William M., 23, of Arlington, b. in Halifax, N. S., s. of Jas. & Mary E. (Walker), m. Elizabeth Morrison, 22, of Lex., b. in P. E. I., d. of Jas. & Mary Ann (Gillis), Nov. 10, 1891. BeharrelL Elizabeth, 28, of New York City, b. in Amherst, N. S.,d. of Isaac & Caroline (Chapman), m. Everett Pasco Carey, 29, of Lex., b in Pt. Elgin, N. B., s. of Henry & Arabella (Goodwin), Nov. 1, 1896. Belleveau. Natalie M , 23, of Melrose, b. in Boston, d. of Sigefroi & Katherine, m., in Melrose, Edward B. Eaton, 23, of Lex., b. in San Francisco, s. of Jonas A. & Louisa K. (Bettison), Dec. 23, 1891. Benjamin. Quincy W., 21, s. of Wm. O. & Susan C, of Lincoln, m. Lucy Shei'- man, d. of Albert A. & Sarah D , of Uxbridge, Apr. 7, 1880. Sarah E., 33, d. of Cyrus & Emeline E., of Concord, m., in Acton, Willard C. Peirce,"^39, s. of Nath'l & Abigail (Wellington), of Lex., Nov. 17, 1881. Bennett. William R., 28, of Stoneham, b. in Woburn, s. of Wm. S. & Susan E., m. Caroline Flint, 20, d. of Natli^l & Hannah, of Lex., May 24, 1860. Charles H., 26, of Lex., b. in Boston, s. of Jas. H. & Winifred, m. M. Elizabeth Kendall, 26, d. of Oliver W. & Mary, of Lex., Mar. 27, 1862. Charlotte J., 22, d of Prescott & Almira (Bass), of Lex.,m., in Wo- bui-n, Larkin Smith, Jr., 29, of Lex , b. in Watertown, s. of Lucy (Smith), June 26, 1870. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF MAIiBIAGES. 295 Bennett — Continued. Merrill L., 24, s. of Archelaus & Emily (Willis), of Waltham, m. Alice VV. Pierce, 20, d. of Harrison & Harriet (Penney), of Lex., Apr. 27, 1871. Almira W., Mrs., 57, d. of Simeon & Sybil, of Lex., m. Aaron Y. Gar- nion, 59, of Lowell, b. in Gilmanton, N. H., s. of Nath'l & Jane, his 2d m., Apr. 8, 1882. Arthur James, 27, of Boston, b. in London, England, s. of Benj. & Elizabeth, m. Martha Clayton Locke, 25, d. of Everett S. & Ellen E. (Goddard), of Lex., Oct. 1:5, 1892. Bennink. Leonard E., 26, of Lex., b. in Cambridge, s. of Gerritt J. & Maatje, m. Kittie A. Crone, 25, of Lex., b. in Roxbury, d. of Louis E. & Augusta, Apr. 13, 1881. Benson. Albert S., 29, of Cambridge, b. in Peoria, 111., s. of John & Dorcas, m. Lizzie F. Underwood, 19, d. of Joseph & Mary S., of Lex., Nov. 7, 1873. Berry. Sarah M., 44, of Marlboro, b. in Truro, N. S., d. of Robert & Ann, m. Charles Hastings, 54, of Lex., 1). in Lex., s. of Jas. & Sally, his 2d m., June 28, 1876. Mary Alice, 21, of Lex., b. in Albany, N. Y., d. of Geo. W. & Mary v., m., in Boston, Frederick William Rogers, 18, of Lex., b. in Boston, s. of Geo. M. & Lucy M., Jul. 14, 1877. Rose A., 21, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Rosa, m. John T. McNamara, 25, s. of Dennis & Catherine, of Lex., Jul. 28, 1886. Mrs. Catherine E. (Neville), 34, of Boston, b. in Charlestown, d. of John Neville & Mary, m., in Boston, James C. Wetmore, 26, of Lex., b. in Bloomfield, N. B., s. of Henry S. & Esther S., Nov. 16, 1887. Susie A., 26, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Patrick & Rose, m. Campbell N. Tupper, 27, of Lex., b. in Halifax, N. S., s. of Mayhew & Abigail, Feb. 14, 1888. Bettinson. Edward W., 65, of Lex., b. in Plymouth, England, s. of Wm. & Avis, m., in Essex, Mrs. Thankful B. (Burnham) Brown, 48, d. of Ebeu- ezer Burnham & Susan T., of Essex, June 6, 1881. Beverstoek. Helen M., 20, of Lex., b. in Charlestown, d. of Frank & Laura, m. John Albree, Jr., 28, of Boston, b. in Salem, s. of Elizabeth, Dec. 25, 1873. Mary A., 19, of Lex., b. in Charlestown, d. of Francis & L.aura W., m. Cyrus Martin, 20, of Lex., b. in Littleton, s. of Jas. B. & Eliza- beth S., Apr. 19, 1876. Bevington. Alfred J., 27, of Lex., b. in England, s. of Edwin & IVLary (Knott), m. Annie J. Keefe, 32, d. of Wra. & Mary (Cunnitf), of Lex., Apr. 5, 1893. Bigelow. Frank Hagar, 30, s. of Francis E. & Ann H., of Concord, m., in Cam- bridge, Mary Ellen Spalding, 23, of Lex., b. in Calais, Me., d. of Amos Fletcher & Caroline E., Oct. (i, 1881. 296 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF 3IABRIAGES. Bisbee. Albert, 21, of Boston, b. in Kingston, s. of Dan'l & Lydia, m. Isabella Wigly, 26, of Boston, b. in Milton, d. of John & Amos, Nov. 26, 1868. Bishop. Edith Alida, 23, d. of Jas. Edward & Evelyn (Magee),of Cornwallis, N. S., m. David Henry Williams, 24, of Pictou, N. S,, b. in Dart- mouth, N. S., s. of Geo. & Lavinia, Aug. 29, 1883. Bivins. Chalfant Edwin, 30, of Philadelphia, b. in Carson City, Nev., s. of Benj. F. & Emma (Chalfant), m. Carolyn H. Hardy, 31, of Lex., b. in Thornton, N. H., d. of Anson & Frances M. (Howe), Sept. 1, 1897. Blalsdell. Mary, 21, of Lex., b. in Me., d. of Benj. & Mary Shaw, m. E. W. Barr, 33, of St. Louis, b. in Penn,, s. of Michael B. & Susan, Aug. 2.5, 1859. Florence E., 19, d. of Benj F. & Sarah L. (Hutchins), of Carlisle, m. Henry G. Locke, 23, s. of Chas. G. & Mary E. (Evans), of Arling- ton, Oct. 5, 1896. Blake. Albert M., 26, of Lex., b. in Norway, Me., s. of Dan'l H. & Sarah C, m. Annabel M. Reed, 21, d. of Loa Locke & Mary, of Lex., May 30, 1874. Thomas J., 28, of Boston, b. in Ireland, s. of Farrell & Mary, m. Charlotte M. Cross, 21, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Richard A. & Margaret, Sept. 24, 1890. Blan chard. Kendall H., 23, of Stoneham, b. in Holderness (N. H.?), s. of Sam'l & Perces, m. Amanda M. Drew, 20, of Bedford, b. in Holderness (N. H. ?), d. of Levi & Rhoda, May 29, 1854. Blinn. Richard, 22, s. of R. D., m. Charlotte E. Piper, 21, d. of Wm. & Eliza, all of Bedford, Apr. 26, 1855. Bliss. Diana H., 21, of Lex., b. in Rochester, Vt., d. of Chester & Lecta, m. Chester W. Smith, 25, of Winchester, b. in Randolph, Vt , s. of Chester & Hannah, May 21, 1873. Maiia C, 20, of Lex., b. in Rochester, Vt,, d, of Chester & Electia, m. George Arthur Paine, 22, of Lex., b. in Randolph, Vt., s. of Geo. S. & Emily J., Nov. 11, 1876. Bond. Albert, 22, s. of Thos. & Rose Ann, m. Sai'ah C. Kinney, 38, d. of Wm. is, Annie, both of Lex., b. in N. S., Dec. 6, 1874. Boutelle. Mina F.. 22, of Milford, N. H., b. in Amherst, N. H., d. of Albert F. & Sophia F., m., in Milford, David Chapin, 24, of Lex., b. in Bos- ton, s. of Geo. A. & Ellen S., Oct. 23, 1890. Boutitier. Mary Margaret, 27, of Lex., b. in Cape Breton, N. B., d. of Geo. & Agnes (Foi-est), m. Edward Gilman Ingalls, 24, of Lex., b. in Wil- ton, N. H., .s. of Cyrus M. & Kate C. (Dillon), Jul. 20, 1895. LEXINGTON BE COBB OF MABBIAGE8. 297 Bowen. George H., 22, s. of Jolm R. & Ceuith, of Waltham, m. Mary E. Sher- man, 17, d. of John G. & Mary W., of Lex., Mar. 1, 1860. Bowers. George Francis, 27, of Lex., b. iu Merrimac, N. H., s. of Joshua K. & Adaline C, m Adelaide Stearns, 20, d. of Geo. & Lavinia, of Lex., Dec. 24, 1868. Bowman. Selwin Zadocli, 26, of Somerville, b. in Charlestown, s. of Zadock & Rosetta, m. Martha Emma Tufts, 26, d. of Bowen A. & Sarah Ann, of Lex., June 2U, 1866. William P., 85, of Lex., b. on board ship, Cork Harbor, Ireland, s. of Isaiah J. & Clara E (Morse), m. Mrs. Flora Viola Spearing, 35, of Lex., b. in Bangor, Me., d. of Luther W. & Adeline (Buswell), Nov. 25, 1896. Boynton. Alvah D., 19, s. of Albert & Mary J. (Robbins), of Carlisle, m Mary Frances Willson, 19, of Lex., b in Billerica, d. of Horace N. & Sybil (Spaulding), June 14, 1871. Bradley. Mabel R , 20, of Arlington, b. in Brookline, N". H., d. of Henry & Mary A. (Eastman), m., in Arlington, Clifford A Currier, 23, s. of Alexander & Lydia A. Jones, of Lex., Feb. 14, 1892. Lizzie, 23, d. of VVm. & Margaret (McGory), m., in Arlington, Eugene F. Freeman, 23, of Lex., b. in Milton, s. of Eugene H. & Julia (Lewis), Feb. 5, 1894. Brennan. Mary, 20, of Lex , b. in Boston, d. of Geo. & Harriet, m. Charles H. Cosseboom, 25, of Arlington, b. in N. S., s.of Chas. & Cynthia, Feb. 19, 1871. Breslin. Thomas H., 25, of Lex., b. in Woburn, s. of Chas. & Mary (Ryan), m. Nellie T. McNamara, 26, d. of Dennis & Catherine (Cosgrove), of Lex., Oct. 20, 1897. Bridge. Caroline E., 21, d. of Sam'l & Mai'ia W., of Lex., m. George O. Davis, 26, of Lex., b. in Boston, s. of Joseph & Betsey G.. Sept. 2, 1858. Annie M., 19, d. of Sam'l & Maria, of Lex., m. George L. Stratton, 26, of Boston, b. in Lancaster, s. of Geo. & Lucinda, Nov. 16, 1865. Brinn. Darby, 29, s. of David & Biddy, m. Mrs. Ellen McCarty, 28, d. of Jerry & Ellen, both of Lex., b. in Ireland, June 10, 1854. Britton. Robert W., 36, of Lex., b. in Rawdon, Hants County, N. S., s. of Henry & Elizabeth (McPhee), ra. Minnie Schall, 24, of Lex., b. in Jamaica Plain, d. of Albert & VVilheimer (Gumdrun),Oct. 16, 1895. Broaders. Helen, 32, of Lex., b. in N. S., d. of Michael & Ann, m., in Woburn, Edward Mann, 30, of Lex., b. in England, s. of Henry & Jane, Nov. 25, 1862. 298 LEXINGTON EECOBD OF MABBIAOES. Brooks. Sarah L., 22, d. of Increase, of Lincoln, m. Richard F. White, 25, of Lex., b. in Boston, s. of Edward & Maria, Jan. 29, 1856. Elvira, 26, d. of Nath'l & Charlotte, m. Ezekiel T. Vinal, 26, s. of Seth & Hannah, all of South Scituate, Jan 1, 1860. Lorenzo E., 35, s. of A. S. & Roxa Ann (Hubbard), of Lincoln, m. Emily A. Ferguson, 28, d. of Peter & Elizabeth II. (Carr), of Lex., Mar. 4, 1894. Brothers. Frederick W., 22, of Lex., b. in Charlestown, s. of Henry & Kate, m., in Boston, Josephine H. Scott, 22, of Lex., b. in South Boston, d. of Arthur L. & Jane J., Nov. 1, 1887. Broughall. Stephen H., 24, s. of Michael & Margaret (Mahr),m. Maggie Welch, 21, d. of Patrick & Celia (McLaughlin), both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, May 26, 1892. Brown. Mrs. Jane R., 41, of Lowell, b. in Loudon, N. H., d. of Sam'l Perkins & Sarah, m. Joseph Y. Garmon, 46, of Lex., b. in Gilmanton, N. H., s. of Ebenezer & Jane, 8d m., Dec. 22, 1858. James Henry, 24, of Maiden, b. in Lex., s. of Edmund M. & Harriet, m. Abbie Louisa Gleason, 23, d. of Wm. & Charlotte, of Lex., Jan. 1, 1864. John M., 47, of Lex., b. in Wilmington, Del., s. of David & Hannah, m., 2d, in Boston, Mi*s. Jane (Colman) Stamps, 40, of Lex., b. in Danville, Va., d. of Mourn Colman & Mary, both colored, her 3d m., Oct. 22, 1868. Emily F., 20, d. of Chas. & Elvira, of Lincoln, m. Samuel Dudley, Jr., 28, of Lex., b. in Roxbury, s. of Sam'l & Mary E., Apr. 14, 1869. John Henry, 29, of Lex., b. in Maryland, s. of Wm. & Lucinda (Brooks), m. Sarah Stamps, 21, of Lex., b. in Va., d. of Sampson & Jane, all negroes, June 29, 1871. William Colburn, 28, s. of Francis & Sarah A., of Lincoln, m. Eliza Adelaide Whitaker, 27, of Lex., b. in Weare, N. H., d. of Alvan & Elizabeth M., Sept. 25, 1879. Martin W., 22, of Waltham, b. in Ireland, s. of John & Margaret, m. Lizzie A. Hill, 19, of Newton, b. in Lynn, d. of John & Margaret, Jan. 8, 1881. Thankful B. (Bm-nham), Mrs., 48, d. of Ebenezer Burnham & Susan T., of Essex, m., in Essex, Edward W. Bettinson, 65, of Lex., b. in Plymouth, England, s. of Wm. & Avis, his 2d m., June 6, 1881. Frank Dalrymple, 25, of Lex., b. in Charlestown, s. of Benj F. & Sarah White Dalrymple, m. Harriet May Prosser, 28, of West Newton, b. in Bloomfield, Conn., d. of Jas. Larkin & Harriet New- bury, June 18, 1885. Fred K., 24, of Lex., b. in Charlestown, s. of Benj. F. & Sarah W. (Dalrymple), m. Sylvia B. Reed, 22, d. of Hammon & Sylvia J. W., of Lex., Oct. 19, 1886. Walter M., 25, of Lex., b. in Boston, s. of Francis C. & Mary E., m., in Worcester, Emma R. Coniteau, 25, of Worcester, b. in Fitch- burg, d. of Francis & Mary, June 27, 1888. Mabel, 19, of Lex., b. in Somerville, d. of CraAvford F. & Mary (Anderson), m. Bert F. Bacon, 21, of Lex., b. in Salisbury, N. H., ,s. of David & Adella (Folsom), Aug. 18, 1894. Bruce. Charles S., 44, of Lex., b. in N, S., s. of John & Mary, m., 2d, in Wrentham, Clara E. George, 38, of Wrentham, d. of Hiram & Elizabeth, Jan. 11, 1888. LEXINGTON BEQOBD OF MABBIAGES. 299 Bryant. Edwin P., 23, s. of Albert W. & Nancy \V., of Lex., m., in Arlington, Ellen W. Osborn, 21, of Arlington, b. in Cambridge, d. of John & Susan O., Jan. 1, 1874. S. Louisa, 26, of Lex., b. in Billerica, d. of Royal T. & Sarah, m. Whitney Foster, 27, of Boston, b. in Billerica, s. of Joseph & Lydia A., Nov. 20, 1879. Anna Elizabeth, 23, d. of Albert W. & Nancy W. (Wellington), of Lex., m. Arthur W. Hamblin, 24, s. of Joseph B. & Rebecca D., of Boston, Apr 21, 1880. Mary E., 24, of Lex., b in Billerica, d. of Royal T. & Sarah (Hart- well), m. John A. Wight, 30, s. of Eleazer G. & Phebe (Carter), of Natick, June 20, 1880. John, 29, of Lex., b in Langley, England, s. of John & Martha, m. Lucy West, 24, of Lex., b. in Corsham, England, d. of John & Mary, Oct. 8, 1884. Hartwell I., 23, of Lex., b. in Billerica, s. of Royal T. & Sarah H., m., in Cambridge, Margariete Hilton, 23, of Cambridge, b. in Ii'eland, d. of Richard & Mary A., May 4. 1886. Arthur Lewis, 22, of Lex., b. in Greenland, N. H., s. of E. L. & Annie R., m., in AVest Medford, Mary Alice Clarkson, 24, of West Med- ford, b. in Amesbury, d. of F. K. & Mary K., Dec. 22, 1887. Bryson. Lilla G., 20, d. of Patrick & Bridget, of West Newton, m., in West Newton, Thomas H. King, 25, of Lex., b. in Waltham, s. of Michael & Mary, June 29, 1882. Buck. Mrs. Isabella L. (Ellis), 39, of Lex., b. in Dorchester, d. of John A. Ellis & Lorana J., m. Moses Coleman, 65, s. of Jeremiah & Mary (Chute), of Newbury, his 2d m., Jan. 5, 1884. Buckley. John, Jr., 22, s. of Julia (Cussey), m. Bridget Kelty, 25, d. of John & Mary (Kelty), both of Billerica and b. in Ireland, Aug. 2, 1868. John, 57, s. of Eugene & Johanna, m,, 2d, Margaret Reed, 35, d. of Michael & Sally, both of Lex and b. in Ireland, June 3, 1875. John J., 25, of Fitchburg, b. in Floi'ida, Mass., s. of John & Cath- erine (Cronin), m., in Arlington, Katie C. Desmond, 23, d. of Tim- othy & Betsey (Buckley), of Lex., Oct. 15, 1879. Eugene D., 24, s. of Dan'l & Catherine, of Lex., m., in Boston, Katie Reagan, 23, of Boston, b. in Ireland, d. of Michael & Hannah, June 3, 1886. Minnie F., 30, d. of Patrick & Margaret (Young), m. Cornelius Lyons, 30, s. of Patrick & Joanna (O'Connell), both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Aug. 25, 1894. Bullock. John, Jr., 22, of Lex., b. in England, s. of Emma, m. Minnie Hooley, 24, of Lex., b. in Newton, d. of Wm., Aug. 2, 1890. Harry, 24, of Lex., b. in England, s. of John & Emma (Robinson), m. Elizabeth Neven, 26, of Lex., b. in Scotland, d. of Andrew & Kate (McPherson), Sept. 24, 1890. Burbank. Sarah J., 21, d. of Lorenzo & Mary A., of Somerville, m. Lewis H. Gossom, 26, s. of Elijah E. & Eliza, of Lex., Oct. 24, 1869. 300 LEXINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. Burke. Thomas, 27, s. of John & Bridget, m Rose Burns, 26, d of Hugh & Ann, both of Concord and b in Ireland, Jan. 24, 1869. John E., 35, of Stoneham, b in Ireland, s of Wm. & Mary, m. Julia A. Moakley, 26, d. of Jas. & Mary, of Lex., Oct. 7, 1^86. Annie M., 20,'d. of Thos. & Bridget, of Lex., m Timothy H O'Connor, 26, of Lex., b. in Cambridge, s. of Michael & Hannah, Sept 14, 1887. Thomas, 47, s. of Jas. & Mary, m., 2d, Mrs. Margaret (O'Connor) O'Halloran, 80, d. of Michael O'Connor & Nora, both of Lex, and b. in Ireland, Dec. 7, 1888. Burnham. Albert H., 27, of Lex., b. in Essex, s. of Ira F, & Louisa K. (Wood- bury), m. Elizabeth Esther Whitaker, 28, of Lex., b. in South Weare, N. H., d. of Alvin & Elizabeth M. (Hadley), Apr. 11, 1894. Burns. Matthew, 22, s, of John & Bridget, m., in Woburn, Katy Nolan, 21, d. of John & Bridget, both of Lex and b. in Ireland, Jul. 27, 1867. Rose, 26, d. of Hugh & Ann, m. Thomas Burke, 27, s. of John & Bridget, both of Concord and b. in Ireland, Jan. 24, 1869. Mrs. Katie Burke, 25, of Lex., b. in Boston, adopted by Burke, m., in Arlington, Robert William Armstrong, 32, of Lex., b. in Arlington, s. of John Alexander & Mary (Price), Feb. 11, 1894. Burr. Lewis Abram, 29, of Georgetown, Me., b. in Freeport, Me., s. of David C. & Jane B., m. Lizzie Alfreda Dunning, 22, of Lex., b. in Brunswick, Me., d, of Richard O. & Elizabeth, Sept. 4, 1878. Burton. Joseph, 23, s. of BenJ. & Catherine (Perry), m. Christa Ann McDougal, 23, d. of Duncan, both of Lex., b. in Canada, Aug. 22, 1870. Mrs Harriet (Cole), 69. of Lex., b. in Saco, Me., d. of Joshua Cole & Louisa (Thompson), ra. Charles H. Franks, 49, of Lex., b. in Penobscot, Me., s. of Luther & Alice (Saunders), his 2d m., Oct. 29, 1895. Butcher. Stella M., 17, of Lincoln, b. in Masquobit, N. S., d. of Jas. & Mary, m. Frank E. Fiske, 18, s. of Wm. H. & Lydia P., of Lincoln, Jul. 17, 1886. Butler. Thomas W., 24, s. of Henry A. & Lucy (Humphrey), of Stoughton, m. Mary Lueinda Pierce, 18, of Lex., b. in Easton, d. of Jesse & Mary (Austin), June 19, 1866. Charles S , 22, of Boston, b. in Providence. R. I., s. of H. Vincent & Mary J. C (Cranston), m Mary P. Walker, 22, of Lex., b. in Som- erviile, d. of Wm. A. & Lucy A. (Ham), Oct. 31, 1894. Butterfield. John A., 22, of Lex., b. in New Berton, N. H., s. of Wm. & Hannah, m. Mary E. Cashman, 21, of Lex., b. in Boston, d. of Wm. & Mary E., Dec 20, 1860. Samuel, 22, s. of Joseph & Judith Ann (Cutler), of Arlington, m. Lillie Frances Choate, 21, of Lex , b. in Cambridge, d. of Thos J. & Martha (Turner), Dec. 17, 1879. LEXINGTON BEGOBD OF MABBIAGE8. 301 Butterfleld — Contimted. Delmont A., 25, s. of Sidney & Julia Ann (Lawrence), of Lex., m., in Belmont, Helen M. Frost, 21, d. of Henry, Jr., & Adeline (Frost), of Belmont, Oct. 2o, 1880. Maria A., 39, d. of Sidney & Julia A (Lawrence), of Lex., m. John F. Hutchinson, 41, of Lex., b. in Brookline, N. H., s. of John Q. A. & Amanda R. (Wadsworth), his 2d m , Mar. 3, 1897. Butters. Josephine A., 21, d. of Sidney & Almira (Blodgett), m. George D. Harrington, 27, s. of Bowen & Elizabeth P. (Ward), all of Lex., Nov. 17, 1870. Alice Hastings, 23, d. of Frank V. & M. Elizabeth, m. Alonzo Ever- ett Locke, 24, s. of Everett S. & Ellen E.,all of Lex., Nov. 17, 1887. Henry William, 28, of West Newton, b. in England, s. of Edward & Susan (Bradfield), m. Nora M. Donahue, 27, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Mark & Catherine (Moloney), Apr. 5, 1893. Buttrick. Charles Follen, 23, s. of Isaac & Abigail, of Lex., m. Eunice L. Glacier, 18, of Somerville, b. in Worcester, d. of Stephen & Betsey, Aug. 5, 1861. Buzwell. Harry L., 21, s. of Edward F. & Clara S., of Stoneham, m. Fannie W. Lincoln, 20, of Stoneham, b. in Weymouth, d. of Dan'l W. & Mary A., Aug. 17, 1887. Byrnes. Mary Agnes, 25, of Lex., b. in Montreal, d. of Bernard & Mary Boles, m Daniel T. Desmond, 35, s. of Timothy & Elizabeth, of Lex., June 24, 1890. Caflfrey. Patrick, 26, s of Thos & Mary, m., in Woburn, Lizzie Crowley, 28, d. of Michael & Lizzie, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Jan. 16, 1865. Caldwell. John C, 33, of Lex., b. in Quincy, s. of Christopher & Margaret, m., in Arlington, Joanna L. Kelly, 25, of Lex., b. in Boylston, N. S., d. of Edward & Julia, Jul. 13, 1881. Callahan. Ellen, 26, d. of Edmund & Ellen, m., in Woburn, Patrick Reardy, Jr., 25, s of Hannah, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Jan. 25, 1«65. Jeremiah, 27, s. of John & Bridget (MoGuire), m. Ellen Twomcy, 25, d. of John & Marv (Cotton), both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Jul. 23, 1871. Bridget, Mrs , 40, of Arlington, b. in Ireland, d. of Timothy & Margaret, m. Michael O'Brien (2d), 45, of Lex., b. in Ireland, s. of Thos. & Julia M., his 2d m., Jan. 19, 1876. Jeremiah J , 38, of Holyoke, b. in Ireland, s of Blaney B. & Bridget, m , in Arlington, Margaret A. O'Brien, 29, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Jas & Margaret, June 17, 1880. Barlholemew D , 2.=), of Lex , b. in Ireland, s. of Jeremiah & Mary, m . in North Adams, Elizabeth N. Curry, 23, of North Adams, b. in Rutland, Vt., d. of Wm. & Maria, Sept'g, 1890. 302 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF MABBIAGE8. Cameron. Lizzie B., 20, of Cambridge, b. in St. Johns, N. B., m. John H. Curran, 22, of Lex., b. in Ireland, s. of John & Delia, Aug. 7, 1886. William M., 2-1, of VVoburn, b in P E. I., s. of Jas & Jane, m. Annie Ledrew, 22, of Lex., b. in Newfoundland, d. of Geo. & Mary, Feb. 23, 1887. Albin, 21, of Bedford, b. in Me., s. of Jas. & Hannah (Dumprey), m. Lottie M. Fowler, 19, of Bedford, b. in Canada, d. of Neham A. & Almira M. (Warner), Feb. 1, 1896. Campbell. Martha C, 33, of Lex., b. in N. S., m., in Belmont, Jonas Bartlett, 35, of Lex., b. in Jaflfrey, N. H., s. of Joseph & Sally, Aug. 12, 1865. Cannan. Elizabeth J., 26, d. of Thos. & Mary, of Boston, m., in Boston, Cor- nelius J. Manley, 28, s. of Dennis & Bridget, of Lex,, Oct. 18, 1888. Canney. Mary, 23, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Patrick & Mary, m., in Arling- ton, Michael Kelly, 23, of Arlington, b. in Ireland, s. of Thos. & Mary, Oct. 14, 1884. Capell. Mary E., 20, d. of Curtis & Mary, of Lex , m. Sylvester S. Crosby, 24, of Lex., b. in N. H., s. of Jaazaniah & Huldah, Sept. 1, 1855. Henry, 24, s. of Curtis »fe Mary A., m. Angeline Hutchinson, 25, d. of Chas. & Lydia A., all of Lex., Nov. 26, 1862. Susie Augusta, 17, d. of Curtis & Mary Augusta, of Lex., m. Charles O. Wentworth, 22, of Lex., b. in Boston, s. of Otis & Nancy E., Dec. 29, 1876. Card. Abbie, 22, d. of John L. & Jane (Armstrong), m. Thomas M. Harvie, 27, s. of Philip & Rebecca (Malcom), both of Lex. and b. in N. S., Jan. 25, 1872. Carey. Mary Maria, 52, of Lex., b. in Boston, d. of Jonathan & Mary, m. John Hastings, 72, s. of Isaac & Sarah, of Lex., his 2d m., Aug. 28, 1862. Everett Pasco, 29, of Lex., b. in Pt. Elgin, N. "B., s. of Henry & Ara- bella (Goodwin), m. Elizabeth Beharrell, 28, of New York City, b. in Amherst, N. S., d. of Isaac & Caroline (Chapman), Nov. 1, 1896. Carnerney. James Bernard, 22, s. of John & Hannah, of Lex., ra., in Waltham, Ellen Theresa Connor, 24, of Waltham, b. in Ireland, d. of Joseph & Bridget, Aug. 17, 1887. Carpenter. Emma A., 18, of Maiden, b. in England, d. of Sam'l & Ann J., m. Henry F. Downs, 21, of Boston, b. in New Haven, s. of Henry S. & Harriet B., May 13, 1865. Carr. Lizzie R., 35, of Haverhill, b. in Jaffrey, N. H., d. of Walter & Char- lotte H., m. Peter Ferguson, 41, of Lex., b. in Scotland, s. of David & Welthea, Nov. 18, 1861. LEXINGTON EECOBD OF MABBIAGE8. 303 Carroll. Michael, 23, s. of Patrick & Ellen, m. Bridget Hurley, 22, both of Lex. aud b. in Ireland, Sept. 11, 1870. Mary A., 23, of Lex., b. in Cambridge, d. of Michael & Mary, m., in Arlington, John J. Gateley, 24, s. of Jas. & Catherine (Gillespie), Oct. 29, 1879. Carter. ICmely, 28, of Lawrence, b. in Bridgeton, Me., d. of Henry & Hannah, m. John Simonds, Jr., 41, of Burlington, b. in Boston, s. of Abigail, his 3d m., June 30, 1861. Mary L., 25, of South Boston, b. in Rockland, Me., d. of Dan'l & Margaret (Donovan), m., in South Boston, William P. Tanton, 22, of Lex., b. in South Berwick, Me,, s. of Geo. S. & Abbie T. (Leavitt),Oct. 27, 1892. Carthy. Bernard, 27, s. of Thos. & Hannah, m., in Woburn, Mary Conners, 24, d. of Mergan, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Apr. 18, 1863. Casey. James, Jr., 22, s. of Catherine, m. Kate Gallivan, 20, d. of Patrick & Ellen, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, May 9, 1869. Cashman. Mary E., 21, of Lex., b. in Boston, d. of Wm,, m. John A. Butterfield, 22, of Lex., b. in New Berton, N. H., s. of Wm, & Hannah, Dec. 20, 1860. Cassidy. Elizabeth, of Boston, d. of Patrick, m., in Woburn, James Conden, 29, s. of Thos. & Ellen, of Lex., both b. in Ireland, Apr. 19, 1863. Michael J., 28, of Lex., b. in County Gallway, Ireland, s. of Michael & Bridget (Tracy), m. Delia V. White, 18, d. of Michael & Ellen (Welch), of Lex., June 21, 1894. Castello. Alice, 19, of Lex., b. in Ireland, m. Christopher Johnson, 31, of Lex., b. in Denmark, s. of Chas. & Mary Ann (Lawson), Jan. 6, 1887. Cavanagh. Nellie, 26, m. Michael Ahern, Jr., 23, s. of Mary, both of Lex. aud b. in Ireland, Nov. 19, 1887. Chamberlin. Amanda F., 40, d. of Spencer & Milly, of Glover, Vt., m, Oliver Winship, 58, s. of Isaac & Sarah, of Lex., Feb. 26, 1854. Chambers. Annie E., 21, of Burlington, b. in Me., m., in Burlington, Albert Aubin Nourse, 22, s. of Albert Freeman & Martha Miles (Johnson), Sept. 9, 1885. Maggie, 24, of Arlington, b. in Canada, d. of Jas. & Jane, m., in Ar- lington, James A. Wilson, 28, of Lex., b. in England, s. of Alex- ander & Martha, Nov. 12, 1887. Chandler. John Q. A., 40, s. of Wm. & Elizabeth, of Lex., m. Sarah P. Dudley, 26, of Lex., b. in Roxbury, d. of Sam'l & Mary, Mar. 26, 1866. 304 LEXINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. Chapell. Leroy, 34, s of Edward & Sarah, of N. C, rn. Eliza J. Norcross, 26, of Lex., b. in Lincoln, d. of John & EUenor, Aug. 28, 1856. Chapin. Minnie F., 21, of Lex., b. in Cambridge, d. of Geo. A. & Ellen S., m., in Cambridge, Arthur W L. Nelson, 28, of Rindge, N. H., b. in Manchester, N. H., s. of Chas W. & Mary J., Aug. 25, 1885. David, 24, of Lex., b in Boston, s. of Geo. A & Ellen S., m , in Mil- ford, N H., Mina F. Boutelle, 22, of Milford, N. H., b. in Amherst, N. H., d. of Albert F. & Sophia F., Oct. 23, 1890. Chapman. Louisa, 23, of Lex., b. in P. E. I., d. of Wm. & Margaret (Holland), m. John J. McAllister, 22, of Lex., b. in Belfast, Ireland, s. of Dan'l & Rose (Mullahend), Feb. 11, 1892. Chase. Maiy, 18, d. of Fi-ank & Mary, of East Cambridge, m. Silas L. Cum- mings, 23, of Lex., b. in Waldoboro, Me., s. of Ambrose & Mary, .Apr. 29, 1876. Ella A., 23, of Lex., b. in Bedford, d. of Sewall S. & Carrie, ra., in Boston, John A. Swinehamer, 28, of Lex., b. in N. S., s. of Henry H. & Mary M., June 16, 1884. Stella Louisa, 30, d. of Joseph F. & Maria L. (Jenkins), of Nan- tucket, m., in Nantucket, Nathaniel Nunn, 28, s. of Chas. & Susan (Pierce), of Lex., June 8, 1887. Ward Beecher, 35, of Lex., b. in Fayette, Me., s. of F. Augustus & Rachel L. (Sturtevant), m., in Providence, Dora Evelyn Curtis, 31, d. of John & Annie M. (Greenwood), of Providence, R. I., Feb. 1, 1893. Chick. Nellie F., 18, d. of Geo. V. & Ada M. (Nutting), of Newton, m., in Newton, Harry H. Cuttei", 32, of Lex., b. in Jamaica Plain, s. of Benj. F. & Mary E. (Capen), June 1, 1893. Childs, Child. Thomas W., 22, s. of Isaac & Mary Ann, of Lex., m. Hattie P. Hildreth, 24, of Lex , b. in Dorchester, d. of Sam'l & Sophia, Nov. 26, 1862. Isaac, Jr., 49, of Lex., b. in Waltham, s. of Betsey, m., 2d, in Waltham, Mrs. Adaline (Smith) Cooper, 40, d. of Ebenezer & Anna Smith, of Lex., Mar. 6, 1863. Mary Elizabeth, 24, d. of Luke C. & Rebecca A. (Hale), m. Frederick Osborne Robinson, 26, s. of Geo. W. & Maria Jewett, both of Lex. and b. in Boston, Apr. 21, 1868. Augustus, 48, of Lex., b. in Waltham, s of Isaac & Betsey, m., 2d, in Waltham, Mary E. Cunningham, 32, of Lex., b, in Edgecomb, Me., d. of Chas. & Rachel, Mar 10, 1867. Ella A., 45, of Augusta, Me., b in Hallowell, Me., d. of Jonas & Maria (Hinkley), m. Charles H. Kenison,58,of Waterville, Me., b. in Bow, N. H , s. of Benj. & Hannah (Buntin), Aug. 19, 1888. Martha Eliza, 22, d. of Augustus & Mary E. (Cunningham), m. Chai'les H. Spaulding, 21, s. of Edwin S. & Clara A. (Norton), all of Lex,, Apr. 8, 1895. Frank C, 46, of Lex., b. in Cambridge, s. of Luke C. & Rebecca Ames, m. Edith Jewett Robinson, 37, d. of Geo. W. & Maria (Jewett), of Lex., Sept 18, 1895. Edward Loring, 26,of Lex.,b in East Boston, s. of Chas. E. & Sophia G. (Vickery), m. Harriet Louise Sherman, 24, of Lex., b. in New Bedford, d. of Chas. H. & Eliza V. (Sherman) , Nov. 30, 1896. LEXINGTON BEGOBD OF MABBTAGES. 305 Choate. Lillie Frances, 21, of Lex., b. in Cambridge, d. of TIios. J. & Martha (Turner), m. Samuel Butterfleld, 22, s. of Joseph & Judith Ann (Cutler), of Arlington, Dec. 17, 1879. Churchill. Thomas, 23, of Lex., b. in Ireland, s. of Thos. & Sabrina, ni. Mary Dunn, 22, d. of Richard & Mary, of Lex., June 7, 1888. Claflin. Mary E., 21, of Lex., b. in Cambridge, d. of Owen & Julia, m. Charles W. Hayden, 23, s. of Maynard & Lois, of Hopkiuton, Jan. 2, 1869. Clancy. Bridget, 26, d. of Timothy & Judy, m. Michael Murphy, 23, s. of Dan'l & Jane, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Oct. 25, 1856. Clapp. Caroline, 20, of Lex , b. in Dorchester, d. of Enos & Adaline, m. Nathan B. Johnson, 27, s. of Nathan & Louisa, of Wayland, June 9, 1857. Robert Parker, 31, of Lex , b in Montague, s. of Geo. A. & Irene F. (Parker), m., in Cambridge, Mary Lizzie Saunders, 26, d. of Chas. F. & Mary B. (Ball), of Cambridge, Oct. 28, 1886. Clark. Margaret, 18, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Jas. & Maria (Laiden), m. Richfird Kelley, 25, of Arlington, b. in Ireland, s. of Richard & Mary (Hickey), Nov. 4, 1871. Alvah W., 29, of Boston, b in Portland, Me., s. of Thos. S. & Elizabeth, m. Adella C. Hadley, 26, d. of Sewell T. & Millicent A. D., of Lex., Dee. 26, 1883. Elizabeth, 23, d. of Jas. & Harriet B. (Hosmer), of Bedford, m. John Ferris, 29, of Bedford, b. in New Brunswick, s. of Wm. E. & Martha (Dillon), May 29, 1889. Frank Everett, 29, of Newtonville, b. in Boston, s. of Oren Francis & Sarah Frances (Twitcliell), m. Ethel Delna Moody, 26, of Lex., b. in Weston, d. of Abner Jackson & Eliza Frances (Bird), June 24, 1890. Alice, 21, of Lex., b. in West Point, N. Y,, d. of Alexander S. & Ruth B., m., in Boston, Edwin Read, 24, of Evanston, 111., b. in Brooklyn, N. Y., s. of Edwin Oliver & Frances H., Jul. 30, 1890. Agnes, 23, d. of Robert & Isabella (Holiday), m., in Jamaica Plain, Tupper Ingalls, 30, s. of Joseph & Sarah (Silling), both of Lex. and b. in N. S., Jul. 2, 1894. Frank Ilenr}', 31, s. of Abel & Catherine (Kennedy), of Boston, m. Mary Ella Keefe, 30, d. of Wm. & Mary (Cann'ift), of Lex., Nov. 29, 1894. Lillian F., 23, d. of D. Fred & Elvira R. (Tibbetts), b. in Easton,ni.. in Easton, Ernest G. Kauifmann, 27, s. of Chas. G. & Mary F. (Thomas), of Lex., Feb. 3, 1897. Clarkson. Mary Alice, 24, of West Medford, b. in Amesbury.d.of F. K. & M.ary K., m., in West Medford, Arthur Lewis Bryant, 22, of Lex., 1). in Greenland, N. IL, s. of E. L. & Annie R., Dec. 22, 1887. Clifiord. James, 27, s, of Thos. & Maiy, ni., in Woburn, Mai-y Flanagan, 27, both of Lex. and b in Ireland, Sejjt. 7, 1866. 306 LEXINGTON BECORD OF MARBIAGES. Coady. Patrick, 24, s. of Michael & Bridget, m. Bridget Stackpole, 24, d. of John & Margaret, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, June 6, 1869. Cobb. Francis M., 29, of Lex., b. in Chelsea, s. of Francis L. & Augusta A. (Hall), m. Annie G. Amy, 24, of Lex., b. in Granville, Vt., d. of Oscar & Addie L. (Kimball), Dec. 15, 1892. Cochrane. Cordelia, 20, of Lex., b. in Colchester, N. S., d. of Sam'l & Agnes S., m. Wallace F. Hendly, 36, s. of Sam'l W. & Emeline,of Lex., May 21, 1887. Coffin. Richard S., 23, of Boston, b. in Wiscasset, Me., s. of Edwin & Annie (Bailey), m. Adeline A, Fiske, 27, d. of Timothy K. & Barbara (Peters), of Lex., Oct. 20, 1892. Colby. Sarah, 27, of Medford, b. in Newport, Me., d. of Jas., m. George G. Paine, 36, of Sacramento, Cal., b. in Fort Covington, N. Y., s. of John S., Feb. 11, 1856. Moses E., 43, of Lex., b. in Rockport, s. of Emei'son & Mary (Carter), ra., in Boston, Annie Eliza Smith, 31, of Boston, b. in (Jloucester- shire, England, d. of John & Caroline, Dec. 14, 1883. Cole. Mary Jane, 23, of Lex., b. in N. S., d. of Robei't & Catherine, m., in Arlington, Duncan McLaughlin, 26, of Lex., b. in New Brunswick, s. of Dan'l & Margery, Nov. 19, 1873. Coleman. Moses, 65, s. of Jeremiah & Mary (Chute), of Newbury, m., 2d, Mrs. Isabella L. (Ellis) Buck, 39, of Lex., b. in Dorchester, d of John A. Ellis & Lorana J., Jan. 5, 1884. CoUey. Sidney L., 31, of Stoneham, b. in Manchester, N. H., m. Clara E. Dike, 21, of Stoneham, d. of Solon & Elizabeth (Gi-een), Jan. 16, 1867. Collins. Mary M., 28, d. of Dan'l & Mary, of Lex., m. Bernard McEnroe, Jr., 29, of Lex., b. in Boston, s. of Margaret, June 2, 1886. John J., 24, s. of Dan'l & Mary (Donovan), of Lex., m. IMaggie Leavev, 26, of Lex., b in Ireland, d. of Jas, & Mary (Heavey), Oct. 31, 1893. Ellen E., 27, d. of Dan'l & Mary (Donovan), of Lex., m. Francis McManus, Jr., 27, s. of Bridget (McGuire) , of Concord, Apr. 10, 1894. Dennis IL, 25, s. of Dan'l & Mary (Donovan), of Lex., m Agnes F. Winn, 24, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Patrick & Bridget (Dwyer), Sept. 18, 1895. Combs. Eli, 23, s. of Jonathan & Olive, of Richford, Vt., m. Mary C. McFee, 23, d. of Alexander & Catherine, of N. S., Dec. 23, 1874. Comeau. Emma, 30, of Lex., b. in Digby County, N. S., d. of Ju.stine & Rosalie (LeBlanc), m., in Nortli (Jambridge, Marcel DeVeau, 34, of Brook- line, b. in Digby, s. of Arehange & Mary (DeVeau), June 26, 1893. LEXINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. 307 Comeley. James Henry Ridgwaj', 23, of Lex., b. in Brighton, s. of Jas. H. & Harriet E., m. Sarah Eveline Thurston, 20, d. of Geo. Henry & Sarah L. (Adams), of Lex., Oct. 1, 1884. Antoinette J., 2/), of Lex., b. in Worcester, d. of Jas. H. & Hattie Ridgvvay, m. William M. Horsch,26, of Newburyport, b. in Byfield, s, of John M. & Henrietta Smith, Apr. 18, 1888. Norris F., 21, s. of Jas. H. & Hattie E. (Ridgway), of Lex., m. Alice 5. Smith, 23, of Lex., b. in Gloucestershire, England, d. of Walter & Annie (Palmer), Jul. 1, 1892. Conant. Elizabeth P., 23, of Lex., b. in Townsend, d. of Elisha & Achsah, m. George B. Dennett, 22, of Lex., s. of Richard & Nancy, Nov. 27, 1855. George H., 26, s. of Silas & Sarah, of Concord, m Emma F.Hanscom, 21, of Concord, b. in Roxbury, d. of John M. & Ann W., Nov. 29, 1865. George H., 27, of Somerville, b. in IMontpelier, Vt., s. of Geo. F. & Susan, m. Abbie Peirce, 21, d. of Nath'l & Abigail, of Lex., Dec. 25, 1856. Eugene, 28, s. of Mary, of Concord, m. Eveline Terry, 25, of Con- cord, b. in Montague, d. of Nath'l & Julia, Sept. 14, 1876. Conden. James, 29, s. of Thos. & Ellen, of Lex., m., in Woburn, Elizabeth Cassidy, of Boston, d. of Patrick, all b. in Ireland, Apr. 19, 1863. Connearney. Patrick T., 28, of Somerville, b. in Ireland, s. of Thos. & Ellen (Dunn), m. Ellen Fitzpatrick, 26, d. of Patrick & Margaret (Logan), of Lex., Nov. 17, 189 L Connelly. Catherine J., 23, d. of Jas & Ellen, of Boston, m. John M. Davis, 23, of Boston, b. in St. Johns, N. B., s. of Andrew & Susan, May 9, 1869. Annie E., 23, d. of Dennis & Margaret, m., in Arlington, Bartley J. Mulloy, 22, s. of Redmond & Julia, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Feb. 28, 1886. Michael Charles, 25, of Newton, b. in County Galway, Ireland, s. of Dennis & Bridget (Greeley), m., in Waltham, Catherine Elizabeth Lahey, 23, d. of John & Jeanie (Hughes), of Lex., Oct. 28, 1896. Conners. Mary, 24, d. of Mergan, m.. in Woburn, Bernard Carthy, 27, s. of Thos. & Hannah, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Apr. 18, 1863. Ellen Theresa, 24, of Waltham, b. in Ireland, d. of Joseph & Bridget, m., in Waltham, James Bernard Carnerney, 22, s. of John &, Plannah, of Lex., Aug. 17, 1887. John, 28, s. of Patrick & Margaret, of Quincy, m. Nellie M. O'Connor, 26, of Lex., b. in North Cambridge, d. of Michael & Hannah, Nov. 28, 1888. Lawrence P., 26, of Waltham, b. in N. S., s. of John & Johanna, m. Mary E. O'Brien, 21, of Lex., b. in Belmont, d. of Martin & Julia, Apr. 6, 1890. Conway. Andrew, 45, of Lex., b. in Ireland, s. of Timothy & Mary, m. Rose Dorethy, of Woburn, b. in Ireland, Oct 2, 1863. Lawrence, 30, s. of Jas. & Mary (Brawdars), m. Mary Hennessy, 31, d. of John & Kate (Power), both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Apr, 6, 1893. 308 LEXINGTON BE COED OF 3IABBIAGES. Converse. Charles W., 23, s. of Chas. S. & Joanna C. (Hopkins), of Woburn, m. Georgianna T. Parker, 22, d. of J. Simonds & Abigail (Tuttlc), of Lex., Aug. 14, 1872. Vestina P., 26, d. of Albert F. & Vestina, of Reading, m. Jonathan Skilton, 33, of Reading, b. in Burlington, s. of Nathan B. & Eliza- beth, his 2d m., Sept. 6, 1882. Cook. Gertrude Veronica, 23, of Waltham, b. in Boston, d. of Geo. & Delia, m., in Waltham, James Edward Shelvey, 26, of Lex., b. in Spring- boro. Pa., s. of Patrick & Mary (Shea), Sept. 2, 1896. Coombs. < James Bliss, 24, of Brooklyn, N. Y., b. in Ilesboro, Me., s. of Asphaxad & Harriet L., m. Maude Miller, 23, of Lex., b. in Boston, d, of Wm. S. & Mary Caroline, Oct. 9, 1889. Cooper. Mi's. Adaline (Smith), 40, d. of Ebenezer & Anna Smith, of Lex., m., in Waltham, Isaac Childs, Jr., 49, of Lex., b. in Waltham, s. of Betsey, his 2d m.. Mar. 6, 1863. Eugene Alonzo, 25, of Lex., b. in Charlestown, s. of Sam'l & Adaline (Smith), m. Mary Eliza Hadley, 20, d. of Jonas & Mary Ann (Whitney), of Lex., Oct. 13, 1870. Corbett. Patrick, 28, of Lex., b. in Cork County, Ireland, s. of Jeremiah & Mary (Sullivan), m., in Arlington, Catherine Duffy, 26, of Lex., b. in Scotland, d. of Jas. & Catherine (Larnin), Nov. 29, 1884. Philip J,, 23, of Lex., b. in Northfield, Vt., s. of Michael & Mary (Hartley), m. Bridget McDonald, 27, d. of Timothy, of Lex., Nov. 29, 1891. Corcoran. William, 26, s. of John & Catherine, m,, in Boston, Catherine A. Gallagher, Jr., 22, d. of Mathias, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, June 7, 1873. Corea. See Currier. Cormick. Caroline, 23, of Woburn, b. in Pictou, N. S., m. Webster Smith, 37, of Lex., b. in Lincoln, s. of Jonas & Abigail, Apr, 5, 1863. Corrigan. Michael B , 23, s. of Dominick & Anna (Welch), of Watertown, m., in Arlington, Marv J. Crowley, 22, d. of Jeremiah & Mary (Burke), of Lex., Dec. 25, 1873. Cosgrove. Maria, 25, d. of John & Mary, m., in Woburn, William Wheelan, 30, s. of Wm. & Ann, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Sept. 4, 1862. Bridget, 22, d. of Jas. & Anna, m., in Woburn, Patrick Geoghegan, s. of Matthew & Bridget, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Nov. 28, 1867. Robert E., 26, s of Thos. & Marv (McCreash), of Lex., m. Nellie E. Barry, 27, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Jas. & Nora, Dec. 19, 1894. LEXINGTON BECOED OF MABBIAGES. 309 Cosseboom. Cluu-les II., 25, of Arlington, b. in N. S., s. of Chas, & Cyntliia, m. Mary Brenuan, 20, of Lex., b. in Boston, d. of Geo. & Harriet, Feb. 19, 1871. Costello. Patrick, 40, s. of Michael & Maria (Welch), m. Mary Haley, 25, d. of Micliael & Bessey Gilly, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Apr. 30, 1890. Cotter. Hannah, 24, d, of Wm. & Susan, m. John Ambury, 26, s. of Teddy & Bridget, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Feb. 27, 1870. Cottrell. George Albert, 27, of Lex., b, in Red Bank, N. J., s. of Asa & Maria Louisa (Hanford), m. Harriet Frances Thurston, 24, of Lex., b. in Boston, d. of Geo. H. & Sarah L. A., Sept. 24, 1879. Emma Louisa, 26, of Lex., b. in Boston, d. of Asa & Maria Louisa, m. Nathaniel Henry Merriam, 26, of Lex., b. in Chelsea, s. of Mat- thew II. & Jane, Nov. 3, 1880. Couiteau. Emma R., 25, of Worcester, b. in Fitchburg, d. of Francis & Mary, m., in Worcester, Walter M, Brown, 25, of Lex., b. in Boston, s. of Francis C. & Mary E., June 27, 1888. Cox. Charles Henry, 51, of Haverhill, b. in Freedom, N. IL, s. of Elbridge & Olive Grey, m., 2d, Mrs. Jennie L. Peaslee, 36, of Haverhill, b. in Amesbury, d. of Moses T. George & Susan (McCarroll), Dec. 22, 1897. Coyne. Michael, 29, of Bay City, Mich., b. in Ireland, s of Farrell & Mary (Judge), m. Celia Garity, 35, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Thos. & Bridget (Dyer), Oct. 25, 1891. Craven. James, 33, s. of Thos. & Jane, m. Mary Keating, 22, d. of Patrick & Margaret, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Aug. 28, 1869. Crehore. Fannie M., 28, d. of Benj. F. & Sarah, of Boston, m. Donald J. David- son, 28, of Boston, b. in Scotland, s. of Donald & Helen, June 11, 1895. Crocker. Andrew J., 24, of Lex., b. in Bath, Me., s. of Robert & Sarah, m Lucy A. Jones, 24, d. of John & Lucy, of Lex , Sept. 1, 1856. Crockett. Albert W., 32, s. of John C. & Harriet L. (Grover), of North Andover, m. Grace L. Wing, 28, d. of Leander J. & Nettie L. (Lovering), of Lex., Jul. 22, 1896. Crone. W. Ernestine, 19, of Lex., b. in Peterboro, N. II., d. of Lewis E. & Augusta A., m. John Henry Town, 23, of Plattsburg, N. Y., b. in Montpelier, Vt., s. of Orrell' & Mary, Nov. 12, 1869. 310 LEXINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. Crone — Continued. James Ernest, 24, of Lex., b. in Peterboro, N. H., s. of Lonis E. & Augusta A., m. Helen Agnes Doolej, 23, of Lex., b. in N. Y., d. of John & Julia, Apr. 13, 1876. Kittie A., 25, of Lex., b. in Roxbuiy, d. of Louis E. & Augusta, m. Leonard E. Bennink, 26, of Lex., b. in Cambridge, s. of Gerritt J. & Maatje, Apr. 13, 1881. Cronin. Timothy, 25, of Lex., b. in Cork, Ireland, s. of Dan'l & Johanna (McCarty), m. Elizabeth Devaney, 22, of Medford, b. in Sligo, Ireland, d. of John & Margaret (Boyle), Sept. 23, 1891. Charles, 27, s. of DanU & Hannah (McCarty), m. Nellie E. Moriarty, 28, d.of Giles & Kate (McIncholly),both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, June 3, 1896. Patrick, 29, s. of DanU & Jolianna (McCarty), m. Margaret J. Regan, 24, d. of Michael & Nora (Brickley), both of Lex. and b. in County Cork, Ireland, Aug. 24, 1897. Crosby. Sylvester S., 24, of Lex., b. in N. H., s. of Jaazaniah & Huldah, m. Mary E. Capell, 20, d. of Curtis & Mary, of Lex., Sept. 1, 1855. Cross. Charlotte M., 21, of Lex , b. in Ireland, d. of Hichard A. & Margaret, m. Thomas J. Blake, 28, of Boston, b. in Ireland, s. of Farrell & Mary, Sept. 24, 1890. Crowley. Lizzie, 28, d of Michael & Lizzie, m., in Woburn, Patrick Catlrey, 26, s. of Thos. & Mary, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Jan. 16, 1865. Mary J , 22, d. of Jeremiah & Mary (Burke), of Lex., m., in Arling- ton, Michael B. Corrigan, 23, s. of Dominick & Anna (Welch), of ^ Watertown, Dec. 25, 1873. Ellen, 25, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Jeremiah & Ellen, m. Thomas Galvin, 24, of Arlington, b. in Ireland, s. of Jas. & Bridget, Oct. 22, 1876. Mary E., 26, d. of Patrick & Mary P., of Lex., m.,in Ai'lington, James Keefe, 27, of Lex., b in Ireland, s. of Dennis & Mary, Oct. 13, 1878 Mary L., 26, d. of Cornelius & Ellen, of Cambridge, m , in Cambridge, Benjamin F. Scott, 28, of Lex., b. in Montreal, s. of Geo. & Margaret, Nov. 19, 1885. Crowninshield. Sarah C, 25, of Lex., b. in Portland, d. of Abraiu W. &, Sarah B., m. Henry W. Loring, 26, of Charlestovvn, b. in Pembroke, s. of Henry B. & Lucy D., June 20, 1865. Cummings. John IL, 28, s. of Moses & Harriet, of Woburn, m. Martha B. Smith, 24, d. of Wm B. & Mary B., of Lex., June 28, 1865. Waterman, 37, of 111., b. in Lex., s. of Dan'l & Abigail, m., in Woburn, Clara B. Sylvester, 34, of Woburn, b. in Me., d. of Joseph & Harriet, Mar. 10, 1874. Silas L., 23, of Lex., b. in Waldoboro, Me., s. of Ambrose & Mary, m. Mary Chase, 18, d. of Frank & Mary, of East Cambridge, Apr. 29, 1876. Sylvester, 23, of Lex., b. in Waldoboro, Me., s. of Ambrose & Mary, m. Annie M. Smith, 19, d. of Josiah & Aurilla, Nov 1, 1879. Erastus J., Jr., 29, of Arlington, b. in Waldoboro, Me., s. of Helen, m. Minnie J. Wright, 25, d. of Walter R. & Lydia, of Arlington, Aug. 16, 1887. LEXINGTON BE COED OF MAREIAGES. 311 Cuneo. Maria, 23, of Lex., b. in Genoa, d. of Andrea & Madelena (Loracco), m. Mark Fojipiano, 40, of Waltham, b. in Genoa, Italy, s. of Joseph & Mary (Rosella), his 2d m., Feb. 3, 1896. Cunningham. Mary E., 32, of Lex., b. in Edgecomb, Me., d. of Chas. & Rachel, m., in" Waltham, Augustus Childs, 48, of Lex., b. in Waltham, s. of Isaac & Betsey, his 2d m., Mar. 10, 1867. Curran. John H., 22, of Lex., b. in Ireland, s. of John & Delia, m. Lizzie B. Cameron, 20, of Cambridge, b. in St. Johns, N. B., Aug. 7, 1886. William R., 38, of Burlington, b. in P. E. I., s. of Jas. & Mary (McCisich), m., 2d, Mary E. Morrison, 24, of Lex., b. in P. E. I., d. of Angis & Margaret (Wilson), Aug. 3, 1895. Currier, Corea. Alexander, 23, of Lex., b. in Madeira Islands, m. Lydia A. Jones, 18, d. of Sam'l & Sarah, of Lex., Aug. 10, 1860. Cliftbrd A., 23, s. of Alexander & Lydia A. (Jones), of Lex., m., in Arlington, INIabel R. Bradley, 20, of Arlington, b. in Brookline, N. H., d. of Henry & Mary A. (Eastman), Feb. 14, 1892. Charles H., 28, s. of Alexander & Lydia A. (Jones), of Lex., m. Jennie Hawthorne, 22, of Lex., b. in Cambridge, d. of Henry & Jane (Quigley), Mar. 2, 1893. F. Gertrude, 22, d. of Alexander & Lydia A. (Jones), of Lex., m. Wilbur E. Maynard, 22, of Bedford, b. in South Manchester, Conn., s. of Henry E. & Minnie (Webber), June 7, 1893. Curry. John, 38, s. of Michael & Mary, m. Mrs. Mary Ayers, 82, d. of Thos. & Margaret (Gorman), both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Jul. 11, 1869. Elizabeth N., 23, of North Adams, b. in Rutland, Vt., d. of Wm. & Maria, m., in North Adams, Bartholemew D. Callahan, 25, of Lex., b. in Ireland, s. of Jeremiah & Mary, Sept. 9, 1890. Curtis. Dora Evelyn, 31, d. of John & Annie M. (Greenwood), of Providence, m., in Providence, Ward Beecher Chase, 35, of Lex., b. in Fayette, Me., s. of F. Augustus & Rachel L. (Sturtevant), Feb 1, 1893. Pearl, 21, d. of Edwin & Katherine, of Skowhegan, Me., m. Clarence E. Sprague, 27, s of Fred E. & Emma M., of Lynn, Jan. 31, 1897. Cushing. Lucia M., 28, of Medford, b. in Westmoreland, N. II., d. of Evans & Maria, m. Andrew A. Stanton, 28, of Stoughton, b. in Northfield, Vt., s. of Sam'l G. & Eliza M., Dec. 24, 1879. Cutler. Thomas Everett, 31, s. of Thos. & Sarah, of Lex., m. Melinda Warren Houghton, 21, d. of Sam'l A. & Martha, of Lex., Aug. 20, 186L Eliza W., 24, d. of Thos. & Sarah (Smith), of Lex., m. Frederick D. Wellington, 30, of Lincoln, b. in WaJ[tham,s. of Sullivan & Martha IL, Apr. 30, 1865. Clara, 23, d. of Thos. & Sarah, of Lex., m. Henry W. Peabody, 25, s. of John & Su.san K., of Waltham, Oct. 21, 1869. Alfred D., 22, s. of Leonard & Maria C, m. V.. Dora Pierce, 22, d. of Nath'l & Abigail, all of Lex., May 22, 1870. 312 LEXINGTON REGOBD OF MARRIAGES. Cutler — Continued. Katie L., 20, d. of E. Bartlett & Catherine Jewe.tt, of Bedford, m., in Bedford, John T. Adair, 28, s. of Chas. & Ann (McElvvee), of Lex., Jul. 1, 1881. Clarence Houghton, 28, s. of T. Everett & Melinda W. (Houghton), of Lex., ni. Sarah Ann Evans, 26, of West Acton, b. in Liverpool, d. of Joseph & Sarah (Marsden), Oct. 20, 1897. Cutter. George H., 27, of Arlington, b. in Cambridge, s. of Jefferson & Sarah E. (Thorpe), m. Abbie M. Parker, 21, d. of Jonathan 8. & Abigail (Tuttle), of Lex., Feb. 17, 1869. Harry H., 32, of Lex., b. in Jamaica Plain, s. of Benj. F. & Mary E. (Capen), m., in Newton, Nellie F. Chick, 18, d. of Geo. V. & Ada M. (Nutting), of Newton, June 1, 1893. Dacey. Ellen, 24, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Dennis & Johanna (Cannief), m. Daniel McSweeney, 24, s. of Bryan & Catherine (Desmond), of N. B., Jul. 15, 1870. William, 30, of Lex., b. in Ireland, s. of Dennis & Johanna, m., in Boston, Hannah Finn, 25, of Boston, b. in Ireland, d. of Jeremiah & Honora, Apr. 27, 1873. Patrick F., 24, of Lex., b. in Boston, s. of Wm. & Mary, m., in Ar- lington, Maggie M. Shea, 22, d.of Jerry & Mary, of Lex , Sept. 10, 1877. Dailey. John Patrick, 28, s. of Patrick & Bridget, of Lex., m., in Cambridge, Mary Ellen Mullen, 23, d. of Patrick & Annie (Bailey), of Cam- bridge, Jan. 1, 1890. Dale. Charles E. I., 28, s. of Edward I. & Sarah A., of Boston, m. Madeleine Moore Mears, 26, of Lex., b. in Sherburne, d. of Geo. G. & Eliza- beth K , Oct. 2(5, 1881. Daley. Abbie E., 19, of Lex., b. in Arlington, d, of Dennis & Catherine (Ring), m., in Arlington, Timothy Donovan, 25, s. of Cornelius & Mary (Lyons), of Lex., Jan. 2, 1881. Annie Josephine, 25, of Lex., b. in P. E. I., d.of Jas. & Ann (Burns), m. Thomas McGann, 23, s. of Michael & Mary (Donnelly), of Lex., Oct. 21, 1893. Maggie, 24, of Lex., b in P. E. I., d. of Jas. & Joanna (Burns), m. David Hennessey, 23, of Lex., b. in County Cork, Ireland, s. of John & Kate (Power), June 6, 1894. Dalrymple. James, 40, s. of Jacob & Rachel, m., 2d, Josephine McDonald, 37, d. of SanVl & Mary Ellen, both of Lex. and 1). in N. S , June 3, 1879. Amos, 22, s. of Jas. & Lucy, of Burlington, m. Ellen Haley, 18, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Michael & Bessey, Sei)t. 16, 1886. Mary, 20, of Burlington, b. in N. S., d. of Jas. & Lucy, m. John Rose, 25, of Lex., b. in Portugal, s. of Manuel & Mary, Dec. 24, 1886. Damon. Lusanna P., 24, d. of Isrtac N. & Lucy K., of Lex., m. George F. Jones, 25, of Boston, b. in Cambridge, s. of Clias. & Lucy, Sept. 17, 1868. Florence Maria, 22, d. of Isaac N. & Lucy K., of Lex., m. George Z. Haml)len, 25, of Lex., b. in Boston, s. of Joseph B. & Rebecca D., Dec. 25, 1878. LEXINGTON BEGOBD OF MABBIAGES. 313 Dane. Joseph, Jr., 24, of Lex., b. in Billenca, s. of Mary (Brown), m. Mary Richardson, 18, of Lex , b. in Fitchburg, d. of Jerome & Mary, Nov. 4, 1870. Danforth. Charles B., 22, of Boston, b. in Nashua, N. H., s. of Chas. P. & Nancy H., m. Frances E. Adams, 21, of Boston, b. in Rochester, N. Y., d. of Chas. W. & Lydia, Jul. 12, 1863. Danielson. Dena, 29, of Lex., b in Norway, d. of Dan'l & Maria, m. William E. Hammond, 38, of Lex., b. in England, s. of Edwin & Mary Ann, his 2d m., Dec. 19, 1891. Darling. ]Mrs. Hannah L., 37, of Lex., b. in Braintree, d. of Wm. Blake & Sarah S., m. Reuben Swan, Jr., 55, of Dorchester, b. in Charles- town, s. of Ruth, Aug. 8, 1861. Davidson. Nellie, 18, d. of Jas. & Nellie, of Whitinsville, m. George F. Durgin, Jr., 21, s. of Annie, of Cambridge, Aug. 16, 1890. Donald J., 28, of Boston, b. in Scotland, s. of Donald & Helen, m. Fannie M. Crehore, 28, d, of Benj. F. & Sarah, of Boston, June 11, 1895. Davis. James T., 29, s. of Thos., m. Mary J. Kendall, 24, d. of Jas. K., all of Boston, Aug. 17, 1854. George O., 26, of Lex., b. in Boston, s. of Joseph & Betsey G., m. Caroline E. Bridge, 21, d. of Sam'l & Maria W., of Lex., Sept. 2, 18.58. John M., 23, of Boston, b. in St. Johns, N. B., s. of Andi'ew & Susan, m. Cathei'ine J. Connelly, 23, d. of Jas. & Ellen, of Boston, May 9, 1869. Ellen A., 21, of Lex., b. in Charlestown, d of John & Mary A. E., m. James E. Patch, 30, of Lynn, b. in Hamilton, s. of Jas. & INIary A., his 2d m., Sept. 15, 1869. George G., 24, s. of Horatio E. & Jane L, of Boston, m. Maiy T.Per- kins, 22, of Lex., b. in Gardner, Me., d. of Alvin T. & Eliza A., Sept. 27, 1871. George T., 31, of Enfield, N. C, b. in Bedford, s. of Thaddeus H. & Almira S. (Stearns), m. Abbie J. Simonds, 23, d. of Joshua & Lucy (Winn), of Lex., Jan. 18, 1872. Eliza J., 38, d. of John & Alary F., of Lex., m., in Ipswich, John R, Kimball, 56, of Floyd, la., b.' in Ipswich, s. of David T. & Dolly v., his 2d m.. Mar. 22, 1873. William H.,23, s. of Horace B. & Annie C, of Lex., m. Mabel L. Kirkland, 20, of Lex., b. in Charlestown, d. of Jas. M. & Maria L., June 3, 1886. Charles Bridge, 30, s. of Geo. O. & Caroline E, (Bridge), of Lex., m. Emma Spalding Whiting, 24, of Lex., b. in Wilton, N. IL, d. of Geo. O. & Laura M. (Bowers), Oct. 14, 1891. Day. Arthur W., 22, of Lex., b. in West Newfield, Me., s. of John L. & Susan B. (Patch), m. Caroline T. Mead, 20, of Lex., b. in Ii'eland, d, of Patrick & Jane F., June 18, 1891. 314 LEXINGTON BE COBB OF MABBIAGES. Dean. Gi'ace Mai'ia, 18, of Gill, b. in Reading, d. of Geo. Warren & Frances M., ra. Charles Jason Staples, 33, of St. Cloud, Minn., b. in Mead- ville. Pa., s. of Carlton A. & Priscilla S., Jan. 16, 1890. DeBeauhamais. Mrs. Lizzie (Nixon), 44, of Lex., b. in Worcester, d. of John A. Nixon & Roxanna (Stone), m. Worthington Smith, 45, of Lex., b. in Rich- ford, Vt.,s. of Russell & Jerusha (Elmore), his 2d m.,Sept. 25, 1895. DeBlois. Georgie L., 19, of Lex., b. in Arlington, d. of Wm. H. & Sarah, m. Frank R. Wilkins, 21, of Lex., b. in Medford, s. of David & Judith A., Jan. 1, 1873. Demar. John, 27, of Concord, b. in Franklin, Vt., s. of Pete & Mary, m. Delia Simonds, 19, d. of Geo. & Hannah, of Lex., Apr. 19, 1860. John Albert, 24, of Lex., b. in Concord, s. of John T. & Fidelia (Simonds), m., in Somerville, Lizzie Stanwood Haskell, 26, of Somerville, b. in Boston, d. of Enoch, Jr., & Susan, Sept 25, 1884. Emma L., 26, d. of John T. & Fidelia, of Lex., m. John Weise, 36, of Lex., b. in Germany, s. of Fred'k & Christie, Nov. 21, 1889. Demass. Judson, 46, of Lex., b. in North Lawrence, N. Y., s. of Isaac & Julia (Phinney), m., 2d, in Boston, Ellen T. Lawton, 36,of Charlestown, b. in Boston, d. of John & Bridget, Aug. 29, 1894. Denham. Robert A., 23, of Lex., b. in Kings County, N. S., s. of Jas. & Maiy Jane, m. Annie Laiu-a Merry, 24, of Lex., b. in Annaiiolis County, N. S., d. of Jas. & Elizabeth (Hendy), Apr. 3, 1886. William E., 29, of Lex,, b. in Burlington, N. S., s. of Jas. & Mary Jane, m. Melissa A. Beals, 25, of Lex., b. in N. S., d. of John S. & Sarah S., Nov. 9, 1886. Dennett. George B., 22, of Lex., s. of Richard & Nancy, m. Elizabetli P. Conant, 23, of Lex , b. in Tovpnsend, d. of J^lisha & Achsah, Nov. 27, 1855. Clara A., 24, d. of Geo. B. & Elizabeth (Conant), of Lex., m. William F. Glenn, 31, of Lex., b. in Cheverie, N. S., s. of Wm. & Priscilla (Armstrong), Oct. 19, 1882. Dermott. Robert, 49, of Lex., b. in Belfast, Ireland, s. of Wm. & Sarah (Harris), m., in Bradford, Mrs. Adaleda G. Adams, 26, of l„ex., b. in St. John, N. B., d. of Harry Baker & Jane (Levions), Feb. 28, 1895. Desmond. Mary, 26, m. Daniel Nugent, 26, s. of Patrick & Bridget, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Apr. 14, 1855. Mi's. Annie, 35, d. of Jeremiah & Mary CroAvley, m. John Ready, Jr., 39, s. of Margaret, his 2d m., both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Jan. 8, 1870. Katie C, 23, d. of Timothy & Betsey (Buckley), of Lex., m., in Arling- ton, John J. Buckley, 25, of Fitchburg, b. in Florida, Mass., s. of John & Catherine (Cronin), Oct. 15, 1879. Daniel T., 35, s. of Timothy & Elizabeth, of Lex., m. Mary Agnes Byrnes, 25, of Lex., b. in Monti-eal, d. of Bernard & Mary Boles, June 24, 1890. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF MABIIIAGES. 315 Devaney. Hannah, 22, d. of Wm. & Winnifred,of Lex., m., in Arlington, Thomas Gorman, 21, of Lex., b. in N. S., s. of AVm. & Mary, Apr. 16, 1874. Elizabeth, 22, of Medford, b. in Sligo, Ireland, d. of John & Margaret (Boyle), m. Timothy Cronin, 25, of Lex., b. in Cork, Ireland, s. of Dan'l & Johanna (McCarty), Sept. 23, 1891. DeVeau. Emelie, 29, of Ipswich, b. in Salmon River, N. S., d. of Celeste & Marie M., m , in Ipswich, Charles DeVeau, 29, of Lex., b. iu Rock- port, s. of Constant & Elizabeth M., June 8, 1890. Charles, 29, of Lex., b. in Rockport, s. of Constant & Elizabeth M., m., in Ipswich, Emelie DeVeau, 29, of Ipswich, b. in Salmon River, N. S., d. of Celeste & Marie M., June 8, 1890. Stephen, 28, of Lex., b. in N. S., s. of Constant & Elizabeth (Maloney), m. Maggie McLellan, 26, of Lex., b in P. E L, d. of John P. & Mary (Campbell), Nov. 17, 1891. Marcel, 34, of Brookline, b. in Digby County, N. S., s. of Archange & Mary (DeVeau), ra., in Cambridge, Emma Comeau, 30, of Lex., b. in Digby, d. of Justine & Rosalie (LeBlanc), June 26, 1893. Devine. Mary, 24, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Jas. & Annie, m., in Arlington, Frank Hughes, 29, of Lex., b. in Ireland, s. of Lawrence & Bridget, June 30, 1885. Bridget, 21, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Jas. & Ann, m. .James O'Connell, 23, of Cambridge, b. in Ireland, s. of Dennis & Ellen, Aug. 14, 1887. Kate, 29, d. of Frank & Bridget, m. John Rudd, 25, s. of John & Mary, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Nov. 24, 1889. Dewire. Bridget E., 27, d. of John & Mary, m, George R. Graves, 27, s. of Wm. & Fannie, both of Lex. and b. in N. B., Nov. 20, 1889. Dike. Clara E., 21, of Stoneham, d. of Solon & Elizabeth (Green), m. Sidney L. Colley, 31, of Stoneham, b. in Manchester, N. H., Jan. 16, 1867. Dinan, Dinali. Richard D., 23, s. of Denis & Hannah, of Lex., m., in Boston, Jane M. Legoff, 24, of Boston, b. in St. Johns, N. B., d. of Felix & Jane, Dec. 5, 1888. Dineene. Cornelius J., 27, s. of Edward & Mary, of Lex., m., in Arlington, Mary Lockney, 25, of Lex., b. iu Quincy, d. of Dan'l & Mary, Jan. 22, 1880. Dingee. William W., 34, of York, Pa., m. Martha A. Parker, 34, d. of Isaac & Martha, of Lex., Oct. 28, 1855. Dixon. Isaac S., 21, s. of Wm. & Mary, of Boston, m. Annie B. Perkins, 21, of Boston, b. iu Winchester, N. 11., d. of Saml & Anna, Feb. 5, 1865. Dodd. Mai'k, 25, of Lex., b in Ireland, s. of Aleck & Rebecca (Foy), m., in AVinchester, Sarah McGint3% 25, of Winchester, b. in Ireland, d. of John & Kate (Donough), May 2, 1889. 316 LEXINGTON BE COED OF MABEIAGES. Dodge. John E., 29, of Concord, b. in New Boston, N. IL, s. of Jonathan & Mary (Dodge), m., in Arlington, Chira E. Bacon, 22, of Lex., b. in Bedford, d. of Edward & Charlotte (Hatch), Nov. 30, 1871. Doe. Eliza C, 25, of Lex., b. in Watertown, d. of Wm. W. & Mary A. H., m., in Walthara, Edward Hawes, 25, s. of Ebenezer & Laura B., of Wrentham, May 11, 1867. Mary IL, 27, of Lex., b. in Hebron, Me., d. of Wm. W. & Mary Ann, m. F. W. Staples, 45, of Medford, b. in Portland, Me., s. of Carroll & Charlotte, his 3d m., Dec. 31, 1874. Doherty. Margaret, 24, of Lex., b. in Boston, d. of Alexander & Mary, m. George Means, 25, of Lex., b. in Derby Line, Vt., s. of Wm. & Sarah, Ang. 19, 1860. Kate, 20, of "Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Patrick & Mary (Callaghan), m. William Marsden, 22, of Lex., b. in England, s. of John & Mary Johnson, Apr. 3, 1894. Donahoe. ]\lary, 28, d. of Patrick & Mary, m., in Woburn, Jerry Reardon, 30, s. of Joseph & Julia, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Jan. 14, 1865. Annie, 30, of Lex., b. in Pictou, N. S., d. of John & Isabel, m., in Woburn, Geoi-ge Willard Fountain, 31, of Cambridge, b. in Franklin County, N. Y., s. of Chas. & Philenda, Sept 10, 1874. Catherine, 27, of Boston, b. in Ireland, d. of Dan'l & Mary, m. John A. Patterson, 29, of Boston, b. in Bridgwater, Me., s. of Cyrus & Clarina, Jul. 20, 1887. Nora M., 27, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Mark & Catherine (Moloney), m. Henry William Butters, 28, of West Newton, b. in England, s. of Edward & Susan (Bradfield), Apr. 5, 1893. Donnellan. Mary, 26, of Arlington, b. in Ireland, d. of Thos. & Mary (Leonard), m. Michael Magan, 29, of Lex., b. in Ireland, s. of Thos. & Margaret (Farha), Mar. 24, 1869. Donnelly. Bridget, 24, d. of Thos. & Mary (Lennan), m , in Arlington, Jere- miah O'Donnell, 25, s. of Michael & Kate (Connors), both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Apr. 23, 1881. Donovan. Julia, 24, d. of Dennis & Julia, m, Jolni Savage, 25, s. of Wm & Ilonora, both of Lex. and b in Ireland, Dec. 29, 1855. Timothy, 25, s. of Cornelius & Mary (Lyons), of Lex., m., in Arling- ton, Abbie E. Daley, 19, of Lex., b. in Arlington, d. of Dennis & Catherine (King), Jan. 2, 1S81. Ellen, 28, d. of Cornelius & Mary, of Lex., m., in Arlington, David Roach, 34, of Gardner, b. in Ireland, s. of Michael & Mary, Sept. 16, 1885. Timothy J., Jr., 35, of Sharon, b. in Ireland, s. of Nora (Daly), m. Mary A. McDonnell, 27, of Lex., b. in London, England, d. of Owen & Margaret, Jul. 29, 1890. Daniel Francis, 21, s. of Dan'l J. & Bedelia (Curley), of Lex., m., in West Groton, ElHe Adelia Williams, 21, d. of Louis Edwin & Martha Effie (Tarbell), of West Groton, June 24, 1896. Jeremiah, 2d, 41, of Lex., b. in Nejwnset, s. of Cornelius & Mary (Lyons), m. Margaret D. Roper, 30, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Dann & Mary (Roper), Nov. 4, 1896. LEXINGTON BEGOBD OF MABBIAGE8. 317 Dooley. Helen Agnes, 23, of Lex., b. in N. Y., d. of John & Julia, m. James Ernest Crone, 24, of Lex., b. in Peterboro, N. H., s. of Louis E. & Augusta A., Apr. 13, 1876. Joseph T., 30, of Cambridge, b. in New Bedford, s. of Jas. IM. & Mary (Kelly), m. Catherine A. Fitzpatrick, 29, d. of Patrick & Margaret (Logan), of Lex., Dec. 17, 1891. Dorethy. Rose, of Woburn, b. in Ireland, ra. Andrew Conway, 45, of Lex., b. in Ireland, s. of Timothy & Mary, Oct. 2, 1863. Dorney. Daniel, 26, of Cambridge, s. of Jas. & Johanna, m. Hannah Fitz- gerald, 20, of Lex., d. of Thos. «& Eliza, both b. in County Cork, Ireland, May 17, 1868. Dow. Darius A., 26, of Lex , b. in Waltham,s. of Darius & Abby,m. Carrie V. Fletcher, 23, of Lex., b. in Billerica, d. of Chas. G. & Hannah, Mar. 31, 1879. George H., 24, of Waltham, b. in Lex., s. of Darius & Abby L., m. Sarah P. Wing, 24, of Waltham, b. in Marion, d, of Jabez H. »fe Abby, Apr. 3, 1880. Downs. Henry F., 21, of Boston, b. in New Haven, s. of Henry S. & Harriet B., m. Ennua A. Carpenter, 18, of Maiden, b. in England, d. of Sam'l & Ann J,, May 13, 1865. Doyle. Eliza M., 22, of Lex., b. in Cambridge, d. of Michael & Johanna (White), m., in Arlington, Terrence McDonald, 24, of Lex., b. in Ireland, s. of Timothy & Ellen (O'Leary), Oct. 6, 1879. Drew. Amanda M., 20, of Bedford, b. in Holderness, d. of Levi & Rhoda, m. Kendall H. Blanchard, 23, of Stoneham,b. in Holderness, s. of Sam'l & Perces, May 29, 1854. DriscoU. Jidia, 29, d. of Dan'l & Margaret, m., in Woburn, John Abbot, 30, s. of Richai'd & Ann, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Jan. 31, 1863. Fanny B., 31, of Lex., b. in Quincy, d. of John & Margaret (Ford), m. John Reed, 29, of Lex., b. in Coventiy, England, s. of Walter Edwin & Louisa (Mansel), Nov. 28, 1894. Drury. John W., 23, of Lex., b. in Ireland, s. of Patrick & Rosie D., m. Nora A. Savage, 23, d. of John & Julia of Lex., Nov. 13, 1883. Dudley. Sarah P., 26, of Lex., b. in Roxbury, d. of Sam'l & Mary, m. John Q. A. Chandler, 40, s. of Wm. & Elizabeth, of Lex., Mar. 26, 1866. Samuel, Jr., 28, of Lex., b. in Roxbury, s. of Sam'l & Mary E., m. Emily F. Brown, 20, d. of Chas. & Elvira, of Lincoln, Apr. 14, 1869. Duffy. Catherine, 26, of Lex., b. in Scotland, d. of Jas. & Catherine (Larnin), ni., in Arlington, Patrick Corbett, 28, of Lex., b. in Cork County, Ireland, s. of Jeremiah & Mary (Sullivan), Nov. 29, 1884. 318 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF MABBIAGES. Duncan. Mary Elizabeth, 27, of Woburn, b. in Barnsville, N. B., d. of Cun- ningham & Eliza, m. Granville Garland, 33, s. of Jonathan R. & Julia A., of Woburn, Dec. 20, 1886. Dunmore. Carrie May, 25, of Boston, b. in Fitchburg, d. of Elisha L. & Mary A. (Harris), ra. Roger I. Sherman, 27, of Lex., b. in Uxbridge, s. of Albert A. & Sarah D. (Spaulding), Sept. 17, 1895. Dunn. Mary, 22, d. of Richard & Mary, of Lex., m. Thomas Churchill, 23, of Lex., b. in Ireland, s. of Thos. & Sabrina, June 7, 1888. Dunning. Mrs. Elizabeth (White), 39, of Brunswick, Me , b. in Topsham, Me., d. of Elijah White & Elizabeth, m. Samuel W. llendley, -47, of Lex., b. in Carlisle, s. of Sam'l & Almira (Brown), his 2d m., Nov. 11, 1870. Lizzie Alfreda, 22, of Lex., b. in Brunswick, Me., d. of Riohard O. & Elizabetli, m. Lewis Abrani Burr, 29, of Georgetown, Me., b. in Freeport, Me., s. of David C. & Jane B., Sept. 14, 1878. Dupee. Theodore Dorr, 39, of Arlington, b. in Lex , s. of Elias & Mary A., m., in Boston, Mary Louise Ilobart, 33, d. of Joshua & Mary R., of Lex., Apr. 23, 1889. Durfee. Sarali, 23, m., in Wolnu-n, Edward Shea, 26, s. of Jas. & Margaret, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Jul. 18, 1867. Durgin. George F., Jr., 21, s. of Annie, of Cambridge, m. Nellie Davidson, 18, d of Jas. & Nellie, of Whitinsville, Aug. 16, 1890. Dwelley. Elisha S., 50, of Cal., b. in Me., s. of Jedediah & Caroline C, m. Laura J. Hitchings, 45 or 50, of Lex., b. in Me., d. of Hiram N. & Mary, Mar. 10, 1891. Eagei'. Gertrude C, 23, d. of Geo II. & Elizabeth C, of Boston, m., in Boston, Franklin F. Raymond, 32, s. of Freeborn F. & Sarah E. (Richardson), of Lex., Sept. 25, 1888. Eames. Elhi Lucillia, 22, of Lex., b. in Newry, Me., d. of Alexander ife Miranda, m. Solon Albee, 37, of Manchester, Vt., b. in Langdon, N. H., s. of Christopher C. & Phebe, Jul. 28, 1864. Eax'le. Fred C, 31, of Lex., b. in Thctford, Vt., s. of Otis & Angeliue Cum- mings, m., in Concord, Caroline B. Hall, 21, d. of Geo. & Caroline Buttrick, of Concord, June 13, 1888. Eaton. Mary Caroline, 33, of Roxbury, b. in Cambridge, d. of Richard & Lydia Ann, m. James Munroe Battles, 36, of Dedhani, b. in New- market, N. H., s. of Benj. & Charlotte, Dec. 19, 1866. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF MABBIAQE8. 319 Eaton — Continued. Edward B., 23, of Lex., b. in San Francisco, s. of Jonas A. & Louisa K. (Bettinson), m., in Melrose, Natalie M. Belleveau, 23, of Mel- rose, b. in Boston, d of Sigefroi & Katherine, Dec. 23, 189L William E., 30, of Lex., b. in Boston, s. of David H. & Elizabeth, m., 2d, Genievive Manning, 18, of Lex., b. in Charlestown, d. of Stephen B. & Nancy E. (Richards), Jan. 5, 1893. Eayrs. V. Jesse, 26, of Everett, b. in Boston, s. of Julian & Maria, m. Ellen L. Bailey, 25, of Lex., b. in Lincoln, d. of Chellis B. & Ellen, Oct. 19, 1882. Edmands. James, 23, of Lex., b. in England, s. of Chas. & Elizabeth, m. Bessie Miller, 23, of Lex., b. in Providence, d. of John & Susan, Nov. 20, 1873, Emily J., 17, of Cambridge, b. in St. Johns, N. B., d. of Alfred & Mary, m., in Boston, Charles H. Rhoades, 25, s. of Thos. H. & Jane M., of Lex., Dec. 3, 1884. Edwards. iMary Agnes, 19, d. of Thos. & Winifred, of England, m. Thomas Hill, 27, of Lex., b. in Ireland, s. of Michael & Bridget, Dec. 21, 1868. Elliott, Eliot. Mary A., 19, of Lex., b. in Newport, R. I., d. of John, m. Henry F. Goodrich, 23, of Lex., b. in Bedford, s. of Bowman & JNIary, Nov. 23, 1865. Henry Ware, 24, s. of Wm. Greenleaf & Abby Adams, of St. Louis, m. Charlotte Champe Stearns, 25, of Lex., b. in Baltimore, d. of Thos. & Charlotte, Oct. 27, 1868. Jemima, 24, d. of Wm. & Jane, m., in Arlington, James B. Heron, 28, s. of Emerson & Lydia, both of Lex. and b. in N. S., Apr. 24, 1870. Sophia Crawford, 22, of Lex., b. in Montreal, d. of Jas. & Annie (McLean), m., in Arlington, John Ernest May, 26, of Lex, b. iu Ottawa, s. of Geo. & Elizabeth H. (Cobb), June 15, 1892. Emery. Eliza Maria, 27, of Lex., b. in Boston, d. of Jas. & Eliza, m. Frank H. Simonds, 28, s. of Eli & Elizabeth, of Lex., Mar. 22, 1877. Frederick Lincoln, 27, of Lex., b. in Portland, Me., s. of Geo. H. & Georgianna Walker (Smith), m. Grace Leland Harrington, 26, of Lex., b. in East Rochester, N. H., d. of Larkin & Elizabetli L. (Chesley),May 29, 1894. England. John, 26, of Lex., b. in P. E. I., s. of Wm. & Jemima, m. Ella M, Gray, 19, d. of Judson & Sarah, of Hardwick, Vt., June 29, 1882. Ensworth. Mrs. Susan R., 43, of Winsor, Vt., b. in White River Junction, Vt., d. of Christie & Fidela, m. David Hall, 61, of Lex., b. in Walpole, N. H., s. of David & Marion, his 3d m., Aug. 8, 1876. Estabrook. George Dexter, 27, s. of Solomon & Elizabeth C , of Lex., m. Emma Sophia Fowle, 26, of Lex., b. in Roxbuiy, d. of Wm. & Susan, Jul. 2, 1865. Lyman Watson, 31, s. of Solomon & Elizabeth C, of Lex., m., in New Ipswich, N. IL, liattie Ellen Keyon, 21, d. of Geo. & Matilda, of New Ipswich, Jan. 12, 1881. 320 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF MABBIAGES. Evans. Sarah Ann, 26, of West Acton, b. in Liverpool, d. of Joseph & Sarah (Marsden), m. Clarence Houghton Cutler, 28, s. of T. Everett & Melinda W. (Houghton), of Lex., Oct. 20, 1897. EwelL Susan M., 20, d. of Allen & Alethea, of Mansfield, m. Charles W. Sparrell, 23, s. of Jas. W. & Desire, of South Scituate, May 25, 1859. Eunice Irene, 23, of Chelsea, b. in Scituate, d. of Walter F. & Emeline, m., in Everett, James Alexander Bartlett, 22, of Lex., b. in Eng- land, s. of John & Ann, Sej^t. 15, 1883. Pahy. Catherine C, 21, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Hugh & (Welsh), m. James W. Whalen, 33, s. of Patrick & Sarah (Fields), Jan. 1, 1896. Pairbank. Nathan P., 29, s. of J. Parker & Emily (Wheeler), of Sudbury, m. Jennie F. Jewett, 22, of Lex., b. in Bolton, d. of Henry & Mary (Caldwell), Dec. 28, 1879. Mrs. Jennie F. (Jewett), 32, of Waltham, b. in Bolton, d. of Henry Jewett & Mary C, m., in Cambridge, Franklin Alderman, 60, of Lex., b. in Middlefield, s. of Dan'l & Electa, his 2d m., Apr. 29, 1890. Fairweather. Edith, 18, d. of SamU A. & Henrietta, of Lex., m., in Boston, William J. Gorman, 26, of Lex., b. in N. S., s. of Wm. & Mary, Feb. 20, 1885. Farmer. Ella F., 16, of Lex., b. in Marblehead, d. of Hiram & Lucretia E., m. Stillman D. Kendall, 31, of Lex., b. in Burlington, s. of John H. & Lavina B., Apr. 7, 1875. Farnsworth. Caroline R., 30, of Lex., b. in Boston, d. of Jacob & Eliza O., m. Gorham Jewett, 37, of Lex., b. in Charlestown, s. of Nath'l & Elizabetli, his 2d m., May 11, 1857. Farrer. Sarah Elizabeth, 18, d. of Abel, of Cambridge, m. John E. Rich, 21, of Cambridge, b. in Phillip.'^ton, s. of Thatcher, Jan. 4, 1855. Farwell. Idella, 18, of Somerville, b. in South Boston, d. of Miles & Mary, m. William II. Shaw, 21, of Somerville, b. in Vicksburg, Miss., s. of Goo. & Lauretta, Sept. 24, 1882. Ferguson. Peter, 41, of Lex., b. in Scotland, s. of David & Welthea, m. Lizzie R. Carr, 35, of Haverhill, b. in JaftVey, N. IL, d. of Walter & Charlotte H., Nov. 18, 1861. Emily A., 28, d. of Peter & Elizabeth R. (Carr), of Lex.,m. Lorenzo E. Brooks, 35, s. of A. S. & Roxa Ann (Hubbard), of Lincoln, Mar. 4, 1894. Fermoyle. Rosa T., 23, of Boston, b. in Cambridge, d. of Michael & Rosa, ra. Patrick J. Kolleher, 23, s. of Puti-ick & Bridget, of Lex., Fel). 22, 1890. LEXINGTON BEGOBD OF MABBIAGES. 321 Ferris. John, 29, of Bedford, b. in N. B., s. of Wm. E. & Martha (Dillon), m. Elizabeth Clark, 23, d. of Jas. & Harriet B. (Hosmer), of Bedford, May 29, 1889. Perry. Joseph, 22, of Lex., b. in Portugal, s. of Manuel & Rosa, m. Mary Ann Muldoon, 21, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Patrick & Ellen (Parks), Dec. 29, 1889. Fessenden. Johanna T., 21, of Lex., b, in Charlestown, d. of Geo. F. & Sarah A. (Estee), m. Horace E. Lewis, 23, s. of Sam'l & Mehitable F., of Arlington, Nov. 2, 1871. Field. George A., 23, s. of John & Sarah A. B., of Arlington, m. Harriet W. Prosser, 24, of Lex., b. in Bloomfield, Conn., d. of Levi & Amanda M., Oct. 31, 1877. Finn. Hannah, 25, of Boston, b. in Ireland, d. of Jeremiah & Ilonora, m., in Boston, William Dacey, 30, of Lex., b. in Ireland, s. of Dennis & Johanna, Apr. 27, 1873. John, 35, of Lex , s. of Patrick & Mary, m. Abby Lane, 20, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Dennis & Mary, Mar. 29, 1875. Fish. Charles F. M. See Fisher. Fisher. Cordyla M., 23, d. of Jas. R. & Lucinda P., of Dedham, m., in Arling- ton, Samuel H. Jones, 35, s. of Sam'l & Sarah, of Lex., Oct. 26, 1873. John R., 45, of Watertown, b. in Hinsdale, N. H., s. of Dan'l, Jr., & Rhoda, m., 3d, Elizabeth N. Locke, 48, d. of Chas. & Abigail, of Lex., Jul. 4, 1878. Charles F. M., 24, of Lex., b. in Waterville, Me., s. of Joseph & Sarah E. W., m. Lillian E. Fitch, 21, d. of David & Sarah W., of Lex., Apr. 17, 1886. (A decree of Probate Court, Middlesex County, Mass., dated Oct. 25, 1892, changed above name of Fisher to Fish.) Fiske. Sarah, 19, d. of Henry & Anna, of Lincoln, m. Richard F. Lombard, 23, of Lex., b. in Me., s. of Elisha L. & Delia, Mar. 30, 1856. Timothy K., 26, s. of Joseph & Mary, of Lex., m. Barbara Peters, 23, of Germany, b. in Lex., d. of John & Anna, Nov. 25, 1857. Walter IL, 34, of Boston, b in Rutland, Vt., s. of Thos. & Susannah, m. Abbie B. Tufts, 20, d. of Bowen A. & Sarah A., of Lex., Sept. 28, 1858. Mary M., 18, d. of Benj. & Sarah, of Lex., m. George G. Wheeler, 25, of Charlestown, b. in Lempster, N. H., s. of Gilman & Sophia, . Mar. 24, 18(il. Abl)ie Josephine, 21, of Bo.ston, b. in Lex., d. of Chas. & Abbie, m. Alonzo Austin Goddard, 22, of Lex., b. in Medford, s. of Alonzo & Elizabeth N., Nov. 18, 1869. Frank E., 18, s. of Wm. H. & Lydia P., of Lincoln, m. Stella M. Butcher, 17, of Lincoln, b. in Masquobit, N. S , d. of Jas. & Mary, Jul. 17, 1886. 322 LEXINGTON BE COED OF MABBIAQES. Fiske — Continued. Georgie L., 28, d. of Timothy K. & Barbara (Peters), of Lex., m. Frederick F. Jackson, 32, of Boston, b. in Wiscasset, Me., s. of Frank & Sarah, his 2d m., Sept. 18, 1890. Adeline A., 27, d. of Timothy K. & Barbara (Peters), of Lex., m. Richard S. Coffin, 23, of Boston, b. in Wiscasset, Me., s. of Edwin & Annie (Bailey), Oct. 20, 1892. Helen A., 32, of Lynn, b. in Saugus, d. of Chas. A. & Hettie C. (Hood), m., in Lynn, Frederick L. Fovvle, 28, s. of Chas. A. & Sarah T. (Austin), Apr. 4, 1893. Annie Lam-a, 37, d. of Timothy K. & Barbara (Peters), m. Charles H. Harrington, s. of NathU & Delia (Hallett),all of Lex., Mar. 24, 1897. Pitch. David, Jr., 25, of Lex., b. in Billerica, s. of Betsey, m. Sarah Maria Williams, 20, of Lex., b. in Roxbury, d. of Jas. & Maria, Jan. 14, 18'j8 LillianE., 21, d. of David & Sarah W., of Lex., m. Charles F M. Fisher, 24, of Lex,, b. in Waterville, Me., s. of Joseph & Sarah E. W., Apr. 17, 1886. (A decree of Probate Court, Middlesex County, Mass., dated Oct. 25, 1892, changed al)Ove name of Fisher to Fish.) Alice E., 24, d. of David & Sarah M. (Williams), of Lex., m. ,Tohn B. Hastings, 28, of Bedford, b. in Sackville, N. B., s. of Cyrus & Sarah J., Mar. 15, 1891. Nathan A., 21, s. of David & Sarah M. (Williams), of Lex., m., in Boston, Lucy Manning, 18, of Lex., b. in Somerville, d. of Stephen B & Lizzie (Richards), Jul. 25, 1896. Fitzgerald. Ellen, 27, d. of Thos. & Eliza, m. William Aheren, 29, s. of John & Bridget, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Jan. 25, 1868. Margaret, 25, d. of Garrett & ALargaret (Seannell), m. Timothy Shelian, 32, s. of John & Catherine (Kelly), both of Concord and b. in Ireland, Apr. 20, 18G8. Hannah, 20, of Lex., d. of Thos. & Eliza, m. Daniel Dorney, 26, of Cambridge, s. of Jas. & Johanna, both b. in Count}' Cork, Ireland, May 17, 1868. Ellen, 24, d. of Joseph & Catherine, of N. S., m., in Arlington, Elisha Waid, 32, s. of Stephen & Sarah, of Magog, C. E., his 2d m., Dec. 25, 1874. Michael, 30, of Lex., b. in N. S., s. of Joseph & Catherine, m., in Arlington, Ann Gill, 29, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of John & Mary, Nov. 8, 1877. Margaret Theresa, 21, of Lex., b. in Bedford, d. of John J. & Delia (Kennivan), m., in Boston, Guy S. Ramsell, 26, of Lex., b. in Great Falls, N. 11., s. of Franklin L & Martha A. (Foster), Mar. 4, 1896. Thomas W,, 31, s. of Wm. & Ellen (Barrett), of Worcester, m. Ida Vollborth, 22, of Lex., b. in Boston, d. of Edward & Mary (Cor- bett), Nov. 25, 1896. Pitzpatriek. Joseph, 26, s. of John & Maria, of Concord, m. Elizabeth J. Gately, 23, d. of Matthew & Elizabeth, of Lex., Apr. 26, 1877. Ellen, 26, d. of Patrick & Margaret (Logan), of Lex , m. Patrick T. Conceny, 28, of Somerville, b. in Ireland, s. of Thos. & Ellen (Dunn), Nov. 17, 1891. Catherine A., 29, d. of P.atrick & Margaret (Logan), of Lex., m. Joseph T. Dooley, 30, of Cambridge, b. in New Bedford, s. of Jas. M. & Mary (Kelly), Dec. 17, 1891. LEXINGTON EECOllD OF MABBIAGES. 323 Flanagan. Mary, 27, m., in Wobuni, James Clifford, 27, s. of Thos. & Mary, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Sept. 7, 1866. Flanders. Mrs Clemantina Hayes (Richardson), 46, of Lex., b. in Lisbon, N. 11. , d. of John Richardson & Sarah Ann (Sawyer), ni., in Cambridge, John D. Bacon, 46, of Lex., b. in Billerica, s of Geo. & Mary 11., his 3d wf., Oct. 29, 1887. Fleming. INIary A., 22, of Boston, b. in N. S., d. of John & Mary A., m. John M. Warren, 24, of Boston, b. in Me., s. of Johnson & Abigail, Oct. 7, 1859. Fletcher. Emma I., 22, of Lex., b. in Lowell, d. of Chas. G. & Hannah P., m. George W. Greenwood, 21, s. of VVm. D. & Catherine E., of Groton, Jan. 21, 1874. Carrie V., 23, of Lex., b. in Billerica, d. of Chas. G. & Hannah, m. Darius A Dow, 26, of Lex., b. in Waltham, s. of Darius & Abby, Mar. 31, 1879. Albion Chamberlin, 24, of Lex., b. in Westford, s. of Franklin A. & Sophronia C, m. Jennie Thomerzine Ham, 25, d of Wm. & Mary, of Lex., Sept. 14, 1882. Mary Ellen, 26, of Lex , b. in Cambridge, d of Wm. A. & Julia (Snell), m. Clifford F. White, of Somerville, b. in Addison, Me., s. of Eastman W. & Salome (Curtis), INLay 13, 1891. Frank G., 31, of Lex., b. in Lowell, s of Chas. G. & Hannah P., m. May L. Quigley, 19, of Lex., b. in Belmont, d. of Thos. & May H., Jul. 23, 1891. Flint. Caroline, 20, d. of NathU & Hannah, of Lex., m. William R. Bennett, 28, of Stoneham, b. in Woburn, s. of Wm. S. & Susan E., INIay 24, 1860. Esther M., 24, d. of Nath'l & Hannah, of Lex., m., in Arlington, Henry P. Webber, 29, of Lex., b. in Bedford, s. of Benj. & Mary Ann (Twist), Jan. 8, 1871. Evelyn Page, 23, of Lex., b. in San Francisco, d. of Geo. & Caroline, m., in Charlestown, Theodore E. Sleepei", 25. of Woburn, b. in Quincy, s. of Moses W. & Julia A., Jan. 28, 1885. George, 49, s. of Nath'l & Esther, of Lex., m. Mrs. Angeline E. Wel- lington, 49, of Lex., b. in Canaan, Me., d. of Joseph & Emily Moore, Oct. 20, 1889. William F., 40, of Danvers, b. in Gloucester, s. of Wm. H. & IMary V. (Shepard), m. Mrs. Ella L. (Wilde) Hutchinson, 36, of Quincy, b. in Lex., d. of W. S. Wilde & Almeda C. (Mann), Jan. 26, 1893. Flynn. ^largaret, 24, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of John & Margaret, m. Lucius W. Perkins, 25, of Lex., b. in Perry, Me., s. of Jas. & Mehitable, Feb. 9, 1875. Patrick, 24, of Lex., b. in Ireland, s. of Timothy & Bridget, m., in Arlington, Caroline Jefferson, 22, d. of Robert & Emma, of Lex., Sept. 9, 1885. Bridget A., 22, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Owen & INIargaret, m, Timothy J. Leary, 31, s. of -Wm. & Julia, of Lex , his 2d wf.. May 31, 1888. Ellen, 21, d. of Curen & Mergrett, m. Thomas Montague, 24, s. of Michael & Matilda, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Nov. 29, 1888. 324 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF 3IABBIAGES. Fobes. Gertrude Reed, 23, of Somerville, b. in Roxbmy, d. of Edward & Anna (Sturtevant), m., in Somerville, Frank Haskell Reed, oO, s. of J. Haskell & Clara R. (Gates), of Lex., Apr. 20, 1893. Foley. John, 22, s. of Win. & Helen, m. Mary Haley, 21, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, June 30, 1860. Follansbee. Emma Dexter, 21, of Braintree, b. in Portsmouth, R. I., d. of Edward Frank & Eliza Ann (Maynard), m. George Clinton Goodwin, 26, s. of Chas. Clinton & Alice Dodge (Phelps), of Lex., June 3, 18'J0. Foppiano. INIark, 40, of AValtham, b. in Genoa, Italy, s. of Joseph & Mary (Rosella), m., 2d, Maria Cuneo, 23, of Lex., b. in Genoa, d. of Andrea & Madelena (Loracco), Feb. 3, 1896. Ford. Leroy, 28, of Boston, b. in North Berwick, Me., s. of Caleb F. & Susan G., m., 2d, Mrs. Diana II. (Bliss) Smith, 30, of Lex., b, in Rochester, Vt., d. of Chester G. Bliss & Electa, Nov. 25, 1880. Josepha L , 21, of Arlington, b. in Boston, d. of Sain'l &. Sophia, m., in Arlington, Charles H. Underwood, 23, s. of Josejih & Mary, of Lex., June 29, 1882. Forseyth. Thomas, 21, of Lex., b. in N. B., s. of Wm. & Mary Ann, m., in Arlington, Mary O'Conners, 19, of Lex., b. in Cambridge, d. of Michael & Johanna, Dec. 31, 1883. Thomas, 25, of Lex., b. in St. Johns, N. B , s. of AVm. & Nancy, ni., 2d, in Arlington, Sarah McCarty, 23, of Arlington, b. in Ireland, d. of Martin & Bridget, June 25, 1889. Margaret, 20, of Lex., b. in P. E. I., d. of Wm. & Nancy, m. Michael McDonald, 20, s. of Timothy & Ellen (Leary), of Lex., Aug. 3, 1889. Mar}' Jane, 29, of Lex., b. in N. S., d. of Wm. & Nancy, m. James Keefe, 38, of Lex., b. in Ireland, s. of Dennis & Mary, his 2d m., Oct. 2, 1890. Susan, 22, of Lex., b. in N. B., d. of Wm. & Ann (Tate), m. Andrew George E. Pewtherer, of Lex., b. in Bermuda, s. of Andrew J. & Agnes M. (Adams), June 19, 1897. Foster, Lizzie, 24, of Winthrop, Me., d. of F., m. Melvin Foster, 21, of N. Y., s. of Francis D., May 28, 1864. Melvin, 21, of N. Y., s. of Fi-ancis D., m. Lizzie Foster, 24, of Win- throp, JNIe., d. of F., May 28, 1864. Whitney, 27, of Boston, b. in Billerica, s. of Joseph & Lydia A., m. S. Louisa Bryant, 26, of Lex., b. in Billerica, d. of Royal T. & Sarah, Nov. 20, 1879. Fountain. George Willard, 31, of Cambridge, b. in Franklin County, N. Y., s. of Chas. & Philenda, m., in Woburn, Annie Donahue, 30, of Lex., b. in Pictou, N. S„ d. of John & Isabel, Sept. 10, 1874. Levi, 39, of Lex., b. in Putnam, Conn., s. of Francis & Mary (King), m., 2d, Mrs. Minnie (Potts) White, 26, of Lex., b. in N. B., d. of Robert Potts & Louisa (McNeal), Apr. 15, 1896. LEXINGTON BEGOBD OF 3IABBIAGE8. 325 Fowle. William H., 47, of Lex., b. in Boston, s. of Isaac & Nancy, m , 2d, Emeline P. Reed, 34, d. of Isaac & Elizabeth, of Lex., Dec. 20, 18G0. Emma Sophia, 26, of Lex., b. in Roxbmy, d. of Wm. & Susan, m. George Dexter Estabrook, 27, s. of Solomon & Elizabeth C, of Lex., Jul. 2, 1865. Samuel A., 42, of Arlington, b. in N. Y., s. of Geo. M. & Margaret L., m., 3d, Mary Francis Russell, 32, of Lex., b. in Bellows Falls, Vt., d. of Warren E. & Sarah A., Apr. 21, 1875. Susanna J., 23, d. of Jesse & Susan (Reed), of Burlington, m., in North Woburn, George Nelson Havnes, 25, of Lex., b. in Acton, s. of Henry & Adeline (Walker), June 27, 1882. Frederick L., 28, s. of Chas. A. & Sarah T. (Austin), of Lex., m., in Lynn, Helen A. Fiske, 32, of Lynn, b. in Saugus, d. of Chas. A. & Hettie C. (Hood), Apr. 4, 1893. Herbert, 30, s. of Chas. A. & Sarah T. (Austin), of Lex, ra. Mary Adams Mudgett, 26, of Lex., b. in Gilmanton, N. II., d. of Levi II. & Theodati "Page (Price), Aug, 18, 1897. Fowler. Lottie jM., 19, of Bedford, b. in Canada, d. of Neham A. & Almira M. (Warner), m. All)in Cameron, 21, of Bedford, b. in Me., s. of Jas. & Hannah (Dumprcy), Feb. 1, 1896. Fox. Ella G., 20, d. of David B. & Jennie, of Charlestown, m. George Prising, 21, of Charlestown, b. in Germany, s. of Chas. & Minnie, Sept. 1, 1873. Frank. Charles AVilliam Victor, 28, of Lex., b. in Marseilles, France, s. of Hugo Ca3sar Chas. & Henrietta Julia, m., in Arlington, Mary Josephine Sullivan, 24, of Lowell, b. in Ireland, d. of Michael John & Margaret Mary, Sept. 29, 1873. Franks. Charles II., 49, of Lex., b. in Penobscot, Me., s. of Luther & Alice (Sanders), m., 2d, Mrs. Harriet (Cole) Burton, 59, of Lex., b. in Saco, Me., d. of Joshua Cole & Louisa (Thompson), Oct. 29, 1895. Freeman. Mary H., 40, of Lex., b. in York, Me., d. of Nath'l & Mary A., m , in Cambridge, John L. Morrill, 44, of Cambridge, b. in Wells, Me., s. of Moses & Elizabeth, Aug. 8, 1888. Eugene F., 23, of Lex., b. in Milton, s. of Eugene H. & Julia (Lewis) m., in Arlington, Lizzie Bradley, 23, d. of \Ym. & Margaret (McGory), of Arlington, Feb. 5, 1894. French. Mrs. Mary E. (Freeze), 36, of Lex., b. in Me , d. of Wm. & Mary m. George E. Pratt, 36, of Lex., b. in Rockingham, Vt , s. of Wm. & Syrena, his 2d m., Nov. 4, 1875. Frost. Eva L., 19, d. of Edmund & Nellie, of Arlington, m., in Arlington, Charles H. Stearns, 22, s. of Geo. & Lavina, of Lex., Oct. 10, 1877. Helen M., 21, d. of Henry, Jr., & Adeline (Frost), of Belmont, m.. in Belmont, Delmont A. Butterfield, 25, s. of Sidney & Julia Ann (Lawrence), of Lex., Oct. 25, 1880. 326 LEXINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. Puller. Lucy M., 26, of Lex., b. in Foxboro, d of Amos L. & Alzada L., m. Eugene Jose, 24, of Lex., b. in Saco, Me., s. of Jas. H. & Mary E., ^lar. 7, 1888. Addie M., 21, of Arlington, b. in Roxbury, d. of Wirt X. & Adelaide A. (Russell), m. Harry L. Alderman, 35, s. of Franklin & Elizabetli (Stafford), of Lex,, June 6, 1895. Fullerton. Elihu W., 23, of Lex.,b. in Port Williams, N. S., s. of Hugh & Phebe, m. Christie Nicholson, 21, of Arlington, b. in P. E. I., d. of Dan'l & Mary, Nov. 27, 1879. Purness. George Abbot, 27, of Rochester, N. Y., b. in Boston, s. of Nath'l Hurd & Emily Douglass (Abbot), m. Annie Brimmer Reed, 25, of Lex., b. in Boston, d. of Jas. & Mary Jane (Magee), June 7, 1881. GafFney. Robert, 45, of Lex., b. in Ireland, s. of Lawrence & Rosie (Carr), m., 2d, Katie McPherson, 40, of Lex., b. in N. S., d. of Ducal & Jessie (McKennon), May 17, 1894. Gallagher. Margaret P., 20, d. of Jas. & Anna, m. Patrick McLaughlin, 21, s. of Wm. & Alice Dougan, both of Concord and b. in Ireland, Mar. 17, 1868. Catherine A., Jr., 22, d. of Matthias, m., in Boston, William Corcoran, 26, s. of John & Catherine, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, June 7, 1873. Mary Jane, 25, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Matthias & Catherine, m. James S. Merriam, 39, of Lex., b. in Halifax, N. S., s. of John & Sarah, Jan. 10, 1877. Cornelius D., 24, s. of John & Hannah (Dorgan), of Arlington, m. Margaret Moakley, 24, d of Jas. & Mary (Downing), of Lex., Oct. 9, 1893. Gallivan. Kate, 20, d, of Patrick & Ellen, m. James Casey, Jr., 22, s. of Catherine, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, May 9, 1869. Galvin. 'I'homas, 24, of Arlington, b. in Ireland, s. of Jas & Bridget, m. Ellen Crowley, 25, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Jeremiah & Ellen, Oct. 22, 1876. Gardner. Harrison, 27, of Lex., b. in Roxbury, s. of Joseph Henry & Harriet, m., 2d, Laura Eliza Perkins, 23, of Lex,, b. in Gardner, Me., d. of Alvin T. & Eliza Abigail, June 3, 1868. Garity. Celia, 35, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Thos. & Bridget (Dyer), m. Michael Coyne, 29, of Bay City, Mich., b in Ireland, s. of Farrel & Mary (Judge), Oct. 25, 1891. Garland. Granville, 33, s. of Jonathan R. & Julia A., of Woburn, m. Mary Elizabeth Duncan, 27, of Woburn, b. in Barnsville, N. B., d. of Cunningham & Eliza, Dec. 20, 1886. LEXINGTON BECOED OF MABBIAGE8. 327 Garmon. Joseph Y., 46, of Lex., b. in Gilmanton,N. H , s. of Ebenezei* & Jane, ni., 3d, Mrs. Jane R. Brown, 41, of Lowell, b. in Loudon, N. H., d. of Sam'l Perkins & Sarah, Dec. 22, 1858. Ida IVL, 23, d. of Nath'l & Armenia, of Lex., m. William A. Jackson, 23, of Lex., b. in Bedford, s. of Joshua & Mary S., Oct. 10, 1878. Aaron Y., 59, of Lowell, b. in Gilmanton, N. H., s. of Nath'l & Jane, m., 2d, Mrs Almira W. Bennett, 67, d of Simeon & Sybil, of Lex., Apr. 8, 1882. John Edgar, 34, s. of Nath'l & Armenia (Jones), of Lex, m. Ida May Knight, 23, of Lex., b. in Wakefield, R. I., d, of Chas. & Sarah, Oct. 27, 1886. Gately. Elizabeth J., 23, d. of Matthew & Elizabeth, of Lex., m. Joseph Fitz- patrick, 26, s. of John & Maria, of Concord, Apr. 26, 1877. Gateley. ' John J., 24, s. of Jas. & Catherine (Gillespie), in., in Arlington, Mary A. Carroll, 23, of Lex., b. in Cambridge, d. of Michael & Mary, Oct. 29, 1879. Gearty. Edgar M., 28, of Maiden, b. in N. J., s. of Thos. F. & Margaret (Connelly), ni. Mary A. White, 22, d. of Michael & Ellen (Welch), of Lex., J:m. 15, 1895. Geoghegan. Patrick, 23, s. of Matthew & Bridget, m., in Woburn, Bridget Cosgrove, 22, d. of Jas. & Anna, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Nov. 28, 1867. Bridget, 30, d. of Michael & Mary, m. Michael Hinchy, 2d, 32, s. of Wm. & Mary, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Feb. 27, 1876. George. Veleare A., 20, of Lex., b. in Canada, d. of John, m. Cyi'us L. Angier, 23, s. of Dan'l & Sarah, of Lex., Apr. 5, 1866. Clara E., 38, d. of Hiram & Elizabeth, of Wrentham, m., in Wrentham, Charles S. Bruce, 44, of Lex., b. in N. S., s. of John & Mary, his 2d wf., Jan. 11,1888. Geraghty. John J., 22, of South Braintree, b. in Ireland, s. of Michael & Mary Ann (Ahern), m. Ellen O'Connell, 25, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Timothy & Julia (Donovan), Jan. 13, 1891. Gerald. Francis L., 22, of Lex., b. in Warren, N. H., s. of Addison & Mary H., m Martha E. Goodrich, 24, of Lex., b. in Bedford, d. of Francis D. & Mary S., Apr. 28, 1860. Gilbert. Nellie E., 26, of Westfield, Vt., b. in Franklin, Vt., d of Thos. & Mary (Killen), m., in Mansouville, P. Q., Peter T. Gillooly, 29, of Lex., b. in Bedfox'd, s. of Bernard & Margaret, June 22, 1887. Gill, Ann, 29, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of John & Mary, m., in Arlington, Michael Fitzgerald, 30, of Lex., b. in N. S., s. of Joseph & Catherine, Nov. 8, 1877. 328 LEXINGTON liECOBD OF MABBIAGES. Gillis. Margaret, 34, d. of Patrick & Ann (McKinnon), m. John N. Johnson, 28, s. of John & Mary (McPhee), both of Lex. and b. in Grand River, P. E. I., Nov. 18, 1896. Gillooly. Peter T., 29, of Lex., b. in Bedford, s. of Bernard & Margaret, ni , in Mansonville, P. Q., Nellie E. Gilbert, 26, of Westfield, Vt., b. in Franklin, Vt., d. of Thos. & Mary (Killen), June 22, 1887. Gilman. Mary A., 21, d. of Francis & Hannah, of Lex., m. John Harrigan, 28, of Boston, b. in Fredericton, N. B., s. of Michael & Mary, May 9, 1869. Gilnaore. Katie Sophia, 21, of Lex., b. in Charlestovvn, d. of Kelsie M. & Mary L., m. William Wadsworth Reed, 30, s. of Hammon & Sylvia W., of Lex., June 26, 1890. George L., 27, of Lex., b. in Charlestown, s. of Kelsey M, & Mary L. (Thayer), m Jessie Bovvers Whiting, 25, of Lex., b. in Wilton, N. H., d. of Geo. O. & Laura (Bowers), June 25, 1895. Gionais. Marie Catherine, 25, of Lex., b. in Montreal, d. of Phillij) & Mary (Reardon), m. Alfred A. Stimson, 46, of Lex., b. in Rockjiort, s. of John & Eliza Green, his 2d m., Jan. 25, 1892. Glacier. Eunice L., 18, of Somerville, b. in Worcester, d. of Stephen & Betsey, m. Charles Follen Buttrick, 23, s. of Isaac & Abigail, of Lex., Aug. 5, 1861. Glass. Elbridge W., 26, of Lex., b. in Guilford, Me., s. of Ezekiel & Eunice (Packard), m. Emma E. Whitaker, 29, of Lex., b. in Weare, N.H., d. of Alviu & Elizabeth M. (Hadley), Apr. 21, 1880. Gleason. Abbie Louisa, 23, d. of Wm. & Charlotte, of Lex., m. James Henry Brown, 24, of Maiden, b. in Lex., s. of Edmund M. & Harriet, Jan. 1, 1864. Hattie L., 22, d. of Wm. & Charlotte, of Lex., m. Nelson W. Jenney, Jr., 21, of Lex., b. in Boston, s. of Hannah, Jan. 1, 1866. William J., 23, of Newton, b. in New Durham, s. of John L. & Elmira A. (Watson), m. Helen L. Haynes, 20, d. of Zebediah M. & Sarah A. (Moody), of Watertown, Aug. 30, 1871. Fred E., 37, of Lex., b. in Billerica, s. of Josiah B. & Mary H., m., in Lowell, Sarah L. Upton, 25, d. of Henry & Fannj^ of Lowell, Nov. 26, 1885. Glenn. William F., 31, of Lex., b. in Cheverie, N. S., s. of Wm. & Priscilla (Ann.stronir), m. Clara A. Dennett, 24, d. of Geo, B. & Elizabeth (Couant), of Lex., Oct. 19, 1882. Glover. John, Jr., 21, s. of Mary B., m. L«abel H. Ricker, 19, d. of Geo. D. & Maria M., all of Boston, Sept. 12, 1878. LEXINGTON BEGORD OF MABBIAQE8. 329 Goddard. Solomon K., 26, of Lex,, b. in East Windsor, Vt., s. of Asaliel & Nancy, m. INIelvina E. Keves, 27, d. of Solomon & Sophronia, of Reading, Vt., May 31, 1858. Ellen E., 18, of Lex., b. in Medfield, d. of Alonzo & Elizabeth, m. Everett S. Locke, 21, s. of Stephen & Priscilla, of Lex., May 31, 1863. Alonzo Austin, 22, of Lex., b. in Medfield, s. of Alonzo & Elizabeth N., m. Abbie Josephine Fiske, 21, of Boston, b. in Lex., d of Chas. & Abbie, Nov. 18, 1869. Goepper. William, 26, of Chaiiestown, b. in Germany, s of John & Wilhelme, m., in Boston, Phillippina Balge, 18, of Lex., b. in Boston, d. of Henry & Johanna, Feb. 9, 1869. Golding. Hannah, 32, d of Jas. & Margaret (Callahan), m. Thomas O'Donnell, 34, s. of Richard & Margtxret (Terrell), botli of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Dec. 27, 1894. Goodrich. Mrs. Mary S., 45, of Lex., b. in Burlington, d. of Sam'l Cutler, m. James Bailey, 63, of Lex., b. in N. H., s. of Jas. & Dolly, Sept. 20, 1855. Martha E., 24, of Lex., b. in Bedford, d. of Francis D. & Mary S., m. Francis L. Gerald, 22, of Lex., b. in Warren, N. H., s. of Addison & Mary H., Apr. 28, 1860. Henry F., 23, of Lex., b. in Bedford, s. of Bowman & Mary, m. Mary A. Elliot, 19, of Lex., b. in Newport, R. I., d. of John, Nov. 23, 1865. Goodwin. Ann E., 26, of Bedford, d. of Wm. & Eliza J., m. Elisha Allen, 27, of Charlestown, b. in Lyman, Me., s. of Thos. & Ruth, Sept. 23, 1860. Charles C, 23, of Charlestown, b. in Lowell, s. of Geo. C & Jane P., m. Alice Dodge Phelps, 23, d. of Wm. D. & Lusanna T. B., of Lex., Oct. 15, 1862. 1\L Addie, 18, d. of Joseph II. & Catherine, of Bedford, m Charles H Lowe, 21, of Bedford, b. in Rindge, N. H., s. of Francis & Sarah A , Apr. 7, 1869. Abbie J., 17, d. of Joseph H. & Kate (Lane), of Bedford, ni. Daniel E. Ilaynes, 23, of Bedford, b. in Concord, s. of Dan'l & Hannah M. (Garfield), Jan. 24, 1872. George Clinton, 26, s. of Chas. Clinton & Alice Dodge (Phelps), of Lex , m. Emma Dexter Follansbee, 21, of Braintree, b. in Ports- mouth, R. I, d of Edward Frank & Eliza Ann (Maynard), June 3, 1890. Grace Elise, 23, d. of Chas. Clinton & Alice (Phelps), of Lex., m. Edward Porter Merriam, 24, of Lex., b. in Charlestown, s. of Matthew H. & Jane (Wild), Sept. 5, 1894. Gookin. Helen IL, 22, of Lex., b. in Boston, d. of Sam'l H. & F. E., m., in Boston, William R. Munroe, 30, s. of Jas. S. & Alice B., of Lex., June 4, 1885. Frances S., 26, of Lex., b. in Boston, d. of Sam'l TI. & Frances E., m. John B. Thomas, Jr., 39, of Cheyenne, Wyo., b. in Boston, s. of Hannah D., Nov. 23, 1887. 330 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF MAEBIAGES. Gorman. Thomas, 21, of Lex., b. in N. S , s. of Wm. & Mary, m., in Arlington, Hannah Devany, 22, d. of Wm & VVinnifred, of Lex., Apr 16, 1874. Mary, 27, d. of Jas. & Catherine, m., in Arlington, Edward J. Teague, 24, s. of Michael & Matilda, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Nov. 24, 1881. John, 25, of Lex., b. in Ireland, s. of Ja.s & Catherine, m,, in Ai'ling- ton, Maria Kane, 25, of Arlington, b. in Ireland, d. of John & Hannah, Ang. 13, 1882. Osborn, 22, of Lex., b. in N. S., s. of Wm. & ^lary (Meehan), m., in Arlington, Mary Harrington, 20, of Lex., b in Ireland, d. of Michael & Johanna (Dunn), Dec. 15, 1883. Daniel A., 28, of Lex., b. in N. S., s. of Wm. & Mary (Meehan), m., in Concord, Maggie Lj^ons, 25, of Bedford, b. in Sudbury, d. of Wm. & Margaret (Flannigan), Feb 25, 1884. Nellie, 23, d. of Jas. & Catherine, m., in Arlington, James A. Mon- tague, 24, s. of Michael & Matilda, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, June 2, 1884. William J., 26, of Lex., b. in N. S., s. of Wm. & Mary, m., in Boston, Edith Fairweather, 18, d. of Sam'l A. & Henrietta, of Lex., Feb. 20, 1885. Gossom. Sarah M., 27, d. of Elijah & Eliza, of Lex., m. Joseph E. RiLSsell. 3fi, s. of Elijah & Elmira, of Hanover, Me , Jan. 24, 1868. Lewis H.,'26, s. of Elijah E. & Eliza, of Lex., m. Sarah J. Burbank, 21, d. of Lorenzo & Mary A., of Somerville, Oct. 24, 1869. Gough. Ellen F., 27, of Arlington, b. in New York City, d. of John B. & Eleanor, m., in Cambridge, Jolm E. Wilson, 28, of Lex., b. in Bos- ton, s. of Alexander & Martha, Sept. 6, 1885. Gould. Catherine Ann, 25, of Lex., b. in Charlestown, d. of Jas. & Caroline W., m. Peter W. Hyndman, 26, s. of Robert & Ann, of P. E. I., June 30, 1860. Sophia L , 22, of Lex., b. in Boston, d. of Thos. & Lydia, m. Edward B. Bailey, 27, of Waltham, b. in Lex., s. of Jas. & Abigail, June 28, 1861. Rebecca IL, 26, of Lex., b. in Charlestown, d. of Jas. & Caroline W., m. I^eonard A. Saville, 29, of Lex., b. in Gloucester, s. of David & Anna W., June 5, 1862. Lucy Maria, 21, of Lex., b. in Boston, d. of Tlios. & Lydia Ann, m. Frank Whiting, 27, of Lex., b. in Charlestown, s. of Wm. H. & Jane M., Oct. 6, 1864. Anna Matilda, 27, of Lex., b. in Boston, d. of Thos , Jr., & Lydia A. Teel, m. George Eveleth Muzzey, 30, s. of Benj. & Elizabeth Wood, Oct. 7, 1868. Estella L., 18, of Moulton):)oro, N. II , b. in Peabody, d. of Gilman T. & Augusta G., m., in Centre Harbor, N. IL, George H. Roberts, 28, of Lex., b. in Peabodv, s. of Moses H. & Elizabeth, his 2d m.. Mar. 7, 1883. Frank G., 24, of Centre Harbor, N. IL. b. in Salem, s. of Gilman T. & Augusta G. (Barnard), m. Annie P. Moulton, 23, of Centre Harbor, b. in Moultonboro, N. IL, d. of Westley F. & Caroline, Dec. 23, 1883. Gove. Otis M., 23, of Lex., b. in Se.abrook, N. H., s. of Stejihen M. & Lydia M., m., in Waltham, Nellie I\I. Lovewell, 31, of Lex., b.in Weston, d. of Sam'l J. & Lucretia, Oct. 29, 1874. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF MABBIAGES. 331 Graham. Ellsworth, 20, of Lex., b in N. S., s, of Thos. & Nancy, m Mrs. Annie (Mushier) Sales, '27, of Concord, b. in Winsor, N. S., d. ©f Allan Moshier & Annie, June 9, 1890. Grant. George B., 31, of Boston, b. in Gardner, Me., s. of Wm. B. & Cath- erine B. (Babson), m. Ellen H. Parker, 3o, d. of Jonathan S. & Abigail (Tuttle), of Lex., Sept. 2, 1891. Eva L., 19, of Bangor, Me., b. in Levant, Me., d. of Howard L. & Emma (Read), m. Albert W. Barrows, 23, of Lex., b. in Hampden, Me., s. of Silas & Mary, Feb. 9, 1897. Grattan. Mrs. Mary (Kenney), 37, d. of Michael Kenney & Catherine (Poin- ton), m. Joseph O'Connor, 40, s. of Michael & Honora (Douahoe), both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Feb. 18, 1896. Gratto. Hannah, 19, d. of Solomon & Catherine, m. Charles Higgins, 24, s. of llobert & Eliza, both of Lex., b. in N. S., Sept. 27, 1883. Graves. George R., 27, s of AVm. & Fannie, m. Bridget E. Dewire, 27, d. of John & Mary, both of Lex. and b. in N. B, Nov. 20, 1889. Gray. iNIiunie, 24, of Belmont, b. in Deer Isle, Me., d. of Dan'l & Annie, m., in Arlington, Bela B. Bailey, 25, of Lex., b. in LaGrange, Me., s. of Isaac W. & Nancy C, Apr. 22, 1,S74. George, 24, of Concord, b. in Edinburg, Scotland, s. of Hamilton & Katherine (Stoddard), m. Caroline B. Olsen, 28, of Concord, b. in Norway, d. of Ole & Ann (Christiansen), Aug. 30, 1880. Ella M., 19, d. of Jiidson & Sarah, of Hardwick, Vt., m. John Eng- land, 26, of Lex., b. in P. E. I., s. of Wm. & Jemima, June 29, 18»2 Green. Thomas J., 29, s. of Patrick & Bridget (Ryan), of Lex., m , in Arlington, Catherine E. Welch, 28, d. of Richard &, Ellen (Mur^jhy), of Arlington, June 10, 1896. Greenwood. Geoi-ge W,, 21, s. of Wm. D. & Catherine E., of Groton, m. Emma I. Fletcher, 22, of Lex., b. in Lowell, d. of Chas. G & Hannah P., Jan. 21, 1874. Griffin. Katie, 30, of Arlington, b. in Ireland, d. of Timothy & Mary, m., in Arlington, Thomas Keei'e, 27, of Lex., b. in Ireland, s. of John & Margaret, Feb. 2, 1879. Annie, 20, of Lex., b. in N. S., d. of Chas & Martha, m. George J. McClui'e, 25, of Lex., b. in P. E. I., s. of David & Margaret, Sept. 1, 1890. Willena, 21, of Lex., b. in N. S., d. of Chas. & Martha (O'Brian), m. George C. McKav, 30, of Lex., b. in P. E. I , s. of Wm. J. & Mary (Clow), Mar. 27," 1894. Grifflng. Abner A., 29, of Lex., b. in Cambridge, s. of Augustus P. & Eunice C, m. Abbie C. Stetson, 21, of Lex., b. in Medford, d. of Caleb & Julia Ann, Mar. 8, 1866. 332 LEXINGTON BE COED OF MABBIAGE8. Grifllng — ConUnued. Zoe Meriam, 22, d. of Abner A. & Abbie (Stetson), of Lex., m. Fred Bates Lund, 28, of Lex., b. in Concord, N. H., s. of Chas. C. & Lydia F. (French), May 13, 1893. Griffiths. Albert, 19, of West Cambridge, b. in Boston, s. of Chas & Letitia, m. Georgia Adams, 18, d. of Sam'l & Anna, of Lex., May 10, 1857. Katherine Farnsworth, 22, of Lex., b. in Charlestown, d. of Albert & Mary Jane, m. William Elmer Harmon, 28, of Boston, b. in Leb- anon, O., s. of Wm. R. & Mary Wood, his 2d vvf., Oct. 1, 1890. Grindle. Mel nor Wakeman, 40, s. of Joseph & Jane (Avery), of Penobscot, Mc, m., 2d, Mary Ann Baird, 27, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Thos. & Mary Jane (McLanghlln), Jan. 2, 1894. Gross. Mrs. Lizzie T., 25, of Portland, b. in Me., d. of Henry Trefethen & Mary, m. Daniel E. Angier, 29, s. of Dan'l & Sarah, of Lex., his 2d ni.. Mar. IG, 1864. Clara M., 30, of Lex., b. in Waldoboi'o, Me., d. of Wm. & Mary, m. Michael J. Manley, 27, of Boston, b. in Lex , s. of Dennis & Bridget, Nov. 18, 1891. Grout. Harriet Ellen, 25, d. of John & Ilann.-Ui (Allen), of Acworlh, N. 11., m., in Acvvorth, N. H., John I). Bacon, 34, of Lex., b. in Billerica, s. of Geo, & Mary (Bates), his 2d m., June 20, 1867. Grover. Charles A., 23, s. of Wm & Maria, m., in Cambridge, p]lvira E. Hutchinson, 18, d. of Chas. & Lydia A., all of Lex., Aug. 31, 1864. Grozier. William Allen, 32, of Lex., b. in Brunswick, Mc, s. of Joshua F. & ALnry Louise (Given), m., in Maiden, Florence Ilda Metcalf, 22, d. of Geo. A. & Ella (Goodwin), of Maiden, June 23, 1896. Gurney. George N., 40, of Lex., b. in Freeport, Me., s. of Leonard & Raohel, m., 2d, Mrs. Mattie A. (Dow) Little, 25, of Lex., b. in Concord, N. U., d. of Benj. F. & Martha L, Sept. 27, 1882. Guthrie. Mary B., 23, of Lex., b. in St. Louis, d. of Jas. G. & Mary B., m. Eikanah P. Rich, 28, of Lex., b. in Truro, s. of Sears & Thankful B., Feb. 18, 1874. Hadley. Mary Eliza, 20, d. of Jonas & Mary Ann (Whitney), of Lex., ni. Eugene Alonzo Cooper, 25, of Lex , b. in Charlestown, s. of Sam'l & Adaline (Smith), Oct. 13, 1870. Adella C, 26, d. of Sewell T. & Millicent A. D., of Lex., m. Alvah W. Clark, 29, of Boston, b. in Portland, I\Ie., s. of Thos. S. & Elizabeth, Dec. 26, 1883. Annie Dwxter, 27, d. of Benj. & Mercy A. (Hall), of Lex.,,m. Waldo Augustus Wallingford, 35, s. of Iliram S. ifc Hannah (Horton), of Boston, June 27, 1895. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF MARRIAGES. 333 Haley. Mary, 21, m. John Foley, 22, s. of Wm. & Helen, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, June 30, 1860. Ellen, 18, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Michael & Bessey, m. Amos Dalrymple, 22, s. of Jas & Lucy, of Burlington, Sept. 16, 1886. Mary, 25, d. of Michael & Bessey Gilley, m. Patrick Costello, 40, s. of Michael & Maria (Welch), both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Apr. oO, 1890. Hall. Eliza Ann, 33, d. of Amrai & Eliza, of Lex., m. Horatio D. Hanson, 38, of Lex., b. in Wakefield, N. IL, s. of Phineas G. & Mary, his 2d m., June 21, 1868. David, 61, of Lex., b. in Walpole, N. H., s. of David & Marion, m., 3d, Mrs. Susan R. Ensworth, 43, of Winsor, Vt., b. in White River Junction, Vt., d. of Christie & Fidela, Aug. 8, 1876. Richard, 33, of Watertown, b. in Ireland, s. of Thos. & Catherine, ni., 2d, in Arlington, Helen Sweeney, 26, of Lex , b, in Ireland, d. of Edward & Mary, Aug. 19, 1883. Caroline B., 21, d. of Geo. & Caroline Buttriek, of Concord, ra., in Concord, Fred C. Earle, 31, of Lex., b. in Thetford, Vt., s. of Otis & Angeline Curamings, June 13, 1888. Hallett. Anna Fidelia, 24, of Lex., b. in St. Johns, N. B., d. of John Allan & Eliza Ann, m. Nathaniel Harrington, Jr., 43, s. of Clarissa, of Lex., Nov. 18, 1868. Charles Hendricks, 33, of Lex., b. in St. Johns, N. B., s. of John Allan & Eliza Ann, n\. Helen Maria Home, 20, of Lex., b. in Wenham, d. of M. P. & Emily G., Dec. 9, 1868. Halpine. Bridget, 26, d. of Michael & Bridget, m., in Cambridge, John Leary, 37, s. of Timothy & Marv, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, his 2d m., Jan. 29, 1874. Ham. Jennie Thomerzine, 25, d. of Wm. & Mary, of Lex., m. Albion Cliamberlin Fletcher, 24, of Lex., b. in Westford, s. of Franklin A. & Sophronia C, Sept. 14, 1882. Hamblen. George Z., 25, of Lex., b. in Boston, s. of Joseph B. & Rebecca D., m. Florence Maria Damon, 22, d. of Isaac N. & Lucy K., of Lex., Dec. 25, 1878. Artliur W., 24, s. of Joseph B. & Rebecca D., of Boston, m. Anna Elizabeth Bryant, 23, d. of Albert W. & Nancy W. (Wellington), of Lex., Apr. 21, 1880. Hamilton, Elizabeth, of Lex., b. in St. Johns, m., in Cambridge, Thomas Mul- hern, 23, of Lex., b. in Ireland, s. of Thos. & Maria, Oct. 19, 1862. Maria, 22, of Woburn, b. in Ireland, d. of Geo. & Sarah, m., in Woburn, Richard Irwin, 25, of Lex , b. in Canada, s. of Wm. & Elizabeth, Mar. 22, 1879. Hamlin. Mary Anne Roberts, 34, of Lex., b. in Constantinople, d. of Cyrus & Marv Eliza (Tenney), m. George Edwin Ladd, 31, of New Haven, b. in Woodstock, Vt., s. of Mason W. & Caroline (Walker), Sept. 9, 1896. 334 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF MABBIAOES. Hamlin — Continued. Alice Julia, 29, of Lex., b. in Constantinople, d. of Cyrus & Mary E. (Tenney), ni. Edgar Leuderson liinnian, 25, of Lincoln, Neb., b. in Afton, N. Y., s. of Wm. H. & Mary J. (Lendersou), Jul. 21, 1897. Hammond. William E., 38, of Lex., b. in England, s. of Edwin & Mary Ann, m., 2d, Dena Danielson, 29, of Lex., b. in Norway, d. of Dau'l & Maria, Dec. 19, 1891. Hanford. Clarance C, 27, of Boston, b. in Red Bank, N J.,s. of Jesse & Cath- erine A. (Mouldei-),TU. Mrs. Sarah H. Phinney, 21, of Boston, b. in Maehias, Me., d. of Sleiihen Sprague & Mary, Jan i>l, 1867. Hanscom. Emma F., 21, of Concord, b. in Roxbury, d. of John M. & Ann W., m. George H. Conant, 26, s. of Silas & Sarah of Concord, Nov. 29, 1855. Sarah J., 19, d. of John K. & Jane J., m. George L. Pierce, 22, s. of Loring S. & Frances A , all of Lex., Sept. 15, 1869. Hanson. Horatio D., 38, of Lex., b. in Wakefield, N. II., s. of Phineas (L & Mary, m., 2d, Eliza Ann Hall, 33, d. of Ammi & Eliza, of Lex., June 21, 1868. Minnie E., 20, d. of Horatio D. & Eli^a A. (Hall), of Lex., m. Fred G. Judkins, 21, of Lex., b. in Manchester, N. II., s. of Joseph B. & Anna M., Sept. 1, 1890. Hardy. Lydia M., 27, of Lex., b in San Francisco, d. of Thos. & Martha E. (Neal), m. Arthur H. Jewett, 39, of Lex., b. in Bolton, s. of Henry ifc Mary J. (Caldwell), his 2d m., Jul. 11, 1894. Carolyn H., 31, of Lex., b. in Thornton, N. IL, d. of Anson & Frances M. (Howe), m. Chalfant Edwin Bivins, 30, of Piiiladelphia, b. in Carson City, Nov., s. of Benj. F. & Emma (Chalfant), S«pt. 1, 1897. Hargrove. Anna, 30, d. of Robert & Mary (Dunn), m., in Arlington, John Lennon, 30, s. of Patrick & Nora, both of Lex., b. in Ireland, Feb. 10, 1874. Harlow. Robert C, 22, of Cambridge, b. in Lynn, s. of Henry M. & Sarah F. (Cowen), m. Eva F. Whittemore, 29, of Lex., b. in Cambridge, d. of Henry W. & Sophia W. (Prentiss), Oct. 16, 1895. Harmon. William Elmer, 28, of Boston, b. in Lebanon, O., s. of Wm R. & Mary Wood, m , 2d, Katherine Farnsworth Griffiths, 22, of Lex., b. in Charlestown, d. of Albert & Mary Jane, Oct. 1, 1890. Harrigan. John, 28, of Bo.ston, b. in Fredericton, N, B., s. of Michael & Mary, m Mary A. Gilmnn, 21, d. of Francis & Hannah, of Lex., May 9, 1869. Harrington. Franklin M., 41. s of Nath'l & Clarissa, of Lex., m., 2(1, Mrs. Susan P. Turner, 41, of Lex , b. in Andover, d. of Joseph Poor, Apr. 14, 1859. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF MABBIAGES. 335 Harrington — Continued. Otis, 27, s. of Bartholomew & Margaret, m., in Woburn, Ann Kane, 25, d. of Wm. & Mary, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, June 13, 1863. Sarah, 23. d. of Bartholomew & Margaret, m., in Woburn, Timothy Kinneen, 23, s. of John & Sarah, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Feb. 8, 1864. Mary Ward, 29, of Lex., b. in Boston, d. of Bowen & Elizabeth, m. Gershom Swan, 29, of Lex., b. in Cambi'idge, s. of Henry & Elizabeth, June 9, 1864. Nathaniel, Jr., 43, s. of Clarissa, of Lex., m. Anna Fidelia Hallett, 24, of Lex., b. in St. Johns, N. B., d. of John Allan & Eliza Ann, Nov. 18, 1868. George D., 27, s. of Bowen & Elizabeth P. (Ward), m. Josephine A. Butters, 21, d. of Sidney & Almira (Blodgett), all of Lex., Nov. 17, 187U. Katie A., 23, of Charlestown, b. in Ireland, d. of Timothy, m., in Arlington, Timothy J. Leary, 22, s. of Wm. & Julia, of Lex., Nov. 80, 1878. Nellie A., 23, d. of John & Mary, m., in Arlington, Cornelius J. Man- ley, 24, s. of John & Mary, all of Lex., May 19, 1881. Mary, 20, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Michael & Johanna (Dunn), ni.. in Arlington, Osborn Goi-man, 22, of Lex., b. in N. S., s. of Wm. & Mary (Meehan), Dec. 15, 1883. Bartlett J., 28, s. of Otis & Mary A. (Kane), of Lex., m. Nora J. Barry, 22, of Lex., b. in Boston, d. of Jas. & Honora (Keller), Jan. 19, 1893. Grace Leland, 26, of Lex., b. in East Rochester, N. H., d. of Larkin & Elizabeth L. (Chesley), m. Frederick Lincoln Emery, 27, of Lex., b. in Portland, Me., s. of Geo. H. & Georgeanna Walker (Smith), May 29, 1894. Charles H., 28, s. of Nath'l & Delia (Hallett), m. Annie Laura Fiske, 37, d. of Timothy K. & Barbara (Peters), all of Lex, Mar. 24, 1897. Harris. Emeline F., 24, of Lex., b in Boston, d. of Henry & Emeline (Bryant), m. George AI. Wetiiern, 32, of Maiden, b. in Sumner, Me , s. of Woodman & Jerusha F., Nov. 1, 1863. Martha A., 25, of Lex., b. in Boston, d. of Henry & Emeline, m. Joseph W. Towne, 41, of Chicago, b. in Lisbon, N. II., s. of Josci^h & Mehitalile, his 2d m., Oct.>i, 1868. Ellen ]\I., 20, of Lex., b. in Groton, d. of Plenry & Emeline B., m. Edmund G. Winslow, 27, of Boston, b. in Duxburv, s of Geo. & Hannah D., Dec. 17, 1868. Amos F., 33, of Natic-k, b. in Minot, Me., s. of Hiram & Eleanor C. (Hack), m., 2d, Celia Russell, 28, of Natick, I), in Lex., d. of John A. & Lydia M. (Locke), Jul. 13, 1879. Harrison. Robert S.. 25. s. of Edward & Rachel, m Katie E. Sullivan, 19, d. of Wm. & Mary, all of Newton, Sept. 10, 1877. Mary Jane, 29, of Lex., b. in Birmingham, England, d. of Thos. & ALary Ann (Williams), m. f]dw.ard Albert Allbright, 27, of Lex., b. in Sandy Cove, Digby County, N. S., s. of Geo. & Catherine, Nov. 29, 1894. John Swainson, Jr., .37, of Savannah, b. in N. B., s. of Mary (Fergu- son), m. Louise Merritt, 31, d. of David J. & Annie (Magee), of St. Johns, N. B., Nov. 1, 1897. 336 LEXINGTON EECORD OF MABBIA0E8. Harron. Helen A., 24, of Lex., b in N. S., d. of Aniasa & Lydia, m., in Water- town, George E. Pratt, 23, of Lex., b. in Vt., s. of Wm. & Syrena, June 3, 1866. Hartshorne. Elbridge Daniel, 25, s. of Dan'l O. & Maria, of Ilollis, N. H., ra. Viola A. Adams, 25, d. of John & Nancy Maria, of Mt. Holly, Jul. 16, 1867. Hartwell. Mary Ann, 38, d. of Sam'l & Polly, of Lincoln, m., in Becket, N. H., George M. Rogers, 48, of Lex., b. in Ncwburyport, s. of John & Judith, liis 2d m , Sept. 27, 1868. L. Marian, 20, d. of Lsaac N. & Lizzie (Pierce), of Bedford, ra., in Cambridge, Kendrick F. Howk, 21, of Lex., b. in Needham, s. of John & Jennie (Forbes), Aug. 12, 1895. Charles T., 26, s. of John H. & Emeline A. (Stearns), of Arlington, m. Annie M. Saville, 27, d. of Leonard A. & Rebecca H. (Gould), of Lex., Oct. 23, 1895. Harvey. Arthur B., 33, of Boston, b. in N. S., s. of Jas. & Mary A., m. Isanna H. I'age, 31, of I^ox., b. in Bedford, d. of Larkin P. & Rebecca IL, Oct. 15, 1884. Josie M., 22, of North Chichester, N. H , b. in Fisherville, N. IL, d. of Stephen C. & Lucretia, m., in Chichester, J. Alonzo Moulton, 22, of Lex., b. in Dorchester, s. of Sam'l & Abbie J., Jul. 18, 1888. Harvie. Thomas M., 27, s. of Philip & Rebecca (Malcom),m. Abbie Card, 22, d. of John L. & Jane (Armstrong), both of Lex and b. in N. S., Jan. 25, 1872. Haskell. Lizzie Stanwood, 26, of Somerville, b. in Boston, d. of Enoch, Jr., & Susan, m., in Somerville, John Albei't Demar, 24, of Lex , b. in Concord, s. of John T. & Fidelia (Simonds), Sept. 25, 1884. Hastings. Jolm, 72, s. of Isaac & Sarah, of Lex., ni., 2d, Mary Maria Cary, 52, of Lex., b. in Boston, d. of Jonathan & Mary, Aug. 28, 1862. Charles, 54, of Lex., b. in J>incoln, s. of Jas. & Sally, m., 2d, SaraJi M. Berry, 44, of Marlboro, b. in Truro, N. S., d. of Robert & Ann, June 28, 1876. Elliott IL, 24, of Northboro, b. in Clinton, s. of Nath'l & Ann E., m. Priscilla F. Walker, 21, of Lex., b. in Marlboro, d. of Leonard & Almira (Gaffield), Oct. 13, 1877. John B., 28, of Bedford, b. in Sackville, N. B., s. of Cyrus & Sarah J., ni. Alice E. Fitch, 24, d. of David & Sarah M. (Williams), of Lex., Mar. 15, 1891. Hatfield. Annie Marian, 26, of Lex., b. in St. Johns, d. of Geo. & Ellen (Whalen), m. Patrick James Moakley, 33, s. of Jas. & Mary (Downey), of Lex., Sept. 29, 1897. Hathaway. Mr.s. Kathcrine T. (Abbot), 34, of Boston, b. in Windham, N. II. , d. of Ebenezer T. Al)bot & Elizabeth N., m. (xeorge A. Thayer, 41, of Boston, b. in Randolph, s. of Elilui & Elizabeth T., Dec. 22, 18S0. LEXINGTON BE COED OF MABBIAGES. 337 Hawes. Edward, 25, s. of Ebenezer & Laura B., of Wrentham, m , in AVal- tham, Eliza C. Doe, 25, of Lex , b in Watertown, d. of Wm. W. & Mary A. H., May 11, 18G7. Hawthorne. Jennie, 22, of Lex., b. in Cambridge, d. of Henry & Jane (Qnigley), m. Charles H. Carrier, 28, s. of Alexander & Lydia A. (Jones), of Lex., Mar. 2, 1893. Hay den. Charles W., 23, s. of Maynard & Lois, of Ilopkinton, m. Mary E. Claf- lin, 21, of Lex., b. in Cambridge, d. of Owen & Julia, Jan. 2, 1859. Hayes. Nora, 30, d. of Thos. & Julia, m. John Kane, Jr., 38, s. of Bridget, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, his 2d m., Jan. 5, 1876. Patrick, Jr., 20, s. of Bridget, m. Mary McGill, 20, d. of Thos. & Catherine, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Jul. 30, 1890. Haynes. Helen L., 20, d. of Zebediah M. & Sarah A. (Moody), of Watertown, 1). in Walthani, m. William J Gleason, 23, of Newton, b. in New Durham, s. of John L. & Elmira A. (Watson), Aug. 30, 1S71. Daniel E., 23, of Bedford, b. in Concord, s. of Dan'l & Ilannah M. (Garfield), m. Abbie J. Goodwin, 17, d. of Joseph II. & Kate (Lane), of Bedford, Jan. 2-1, 1872. {jeorge Nelson, 25, of Lex., b. in Acton, s. of Henry & Adeline (Walker), m., in North Woburn, Susanna J. Fowle, 23, d. of Jesse & Susan (Reed), of Burlington, June 27, 1882. Headley. Mary Louisa, 38, of Lex., b. in Sandwich, d. of P. C. & Deborah C. (Bartlett), m. Elijah A. Shaw, 61, of Lex., b. in Weymouth, s. of Melvin & Dorinda, his 2d m., June 30, 1894. Henderson. John, 22, of Lex., s. of John & Lizzie, m., in Arlington, Ellen Mor- rison, 19, of Arlington, d. of John & Jane, both b. in Ireland, May 21, 1873. Martha, 25, of Lex., b. in Plymouth, d. of Geo. & Mary, m. Joshua V. Ramsdell, 40, of Newton, b. in Littleton, s. of Joshua & Frances, his 2d m., June 27, 1876. Hendley. Samuel W., 47, of Lex., b. in Carlisle, s. of Sam'l & Alraira (Brown), m., 2d, J\Irs. Elizal^eth (Wiiite) Dunning, 39, of Brunswick, Me., d. of Elijah White & Elizalieth, Nov. 11, 1870. Wallace F., 36, s. of Sam'l W. & Emeline, of Lex., m. Cordelia E. Cochrane, 20, of Lex., b. in Colchester, N S., d. of Sam'l & Agnes S., May 21, 1887. Henly. Mary, 30, of Lex., b. in England, d. of Thos & Ann, m. Charles Hutchinson, 62, of Lex., b. in Londonderry, N, H., s. of Amos & Rachel, his 2d m , Nov. 11, 1876. Hennesy. John F., 26, of T-ex., b. in Ireland, s. of John & Kate, m. JiTia X. ]\Ianley, 21, d. of Dennis \- Bridget, of Lex., Apr. 21, 188". 338 LEXINGTON liECOBD OF CARRIAGES. Hennesy — Continued. Mary, 31, d. of John & Kate (Power), m. Lawrence Conway, 30, s. of Jas. & Mary (Brawdars), both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Apr. 6, 1893. David, 23, of Lex., b. in County Cork, Ireland, s, of John & Kate (Power), m. Maggie Daly, 24, of Lex., b. in P. E. I., d. of Jas. & Joanna (Burns), Juno 6, 1894. Heron. James B., 28, s. of Emerson & Lydia, m., in Arlington, Jemima Elliott, 24, d. of VVm. & Jane, both of Lex., b. in N. S , Apr. 24, 1870. Hickman. Louisa, 24, d. of Jas. & Louisa, m, Edward Webb, 22, s. of Thos. & Esther, both of Lex. and b. in London, Oct. 10, 1862. Higgins. Annie, 27, d. of Robert & Lizzie, m. Isreal Welch, 28, s. of Lawson & Lizzie, both of Lex., 1). in Colchester, N. S., Feb. 14, 1881. Charles, 24, s. of Robert & Eliza, m. Hannah Gratto, 19, d. of Solo- mon & Catherine, both of Lex., b. in N. S., Sept. 27, 1883. Hildreth. Ilattie P., 24, of Lex., b. in Dorchester, d. of Sam'l & Sophia (Doloph), m. Thomas W. Childs, 22, s. of Isaac & Mary Ann, of Lex., Nov. 26, 1862. John C, 27, of Lex., b. in Dorchester, s. of Sam'l & Sophia, m., in Waltham, Maria H. Whitney, 25, of Lex., b. in Acton, d. of John & Elizabeth, Oct. 28, 1867. Hill. Thomas, 27, of Lex., b. in Ireland, s. of Michael & Bridget, m. Mary Agnes Edwards, 19, d. of Thos. & Winifred, of England, Dec. 21, 1868. Lizzie A., 19, of Newton, b. in Lynn, d. of John & Margaret, m. Martin W. Brown, 22, of Waltham, b, in Ireland, s. ol John & Margaret, Jan. 8, 1881. Hills. Loenza L., 23, d. of Joseph, of Hancock, N. II., ra. Francis H. Knight, 24, s. of Loammi & Mary, of Lex., Aug. 4, 1855. Hilton. Margariete, 23, of Cambridge, b. in Ireland, d. of Richard & Mary A., m., in Cambridge, Ilartwell I. Bryant, 23, of Lex., 1) in Billerica, s. of Royal T. & Sarah H., May 4,' 1886. James Barnes, 25, of Camljridge, b. in Lowell, s. of Lucius W. & Louisa B. (Leighton), m Nellie Mae Holt, 23, of Lex., b. in Brad- ford, d. of Ilosea E. & Alice (Brown), Sept. 6, 1897. Hinehy. Michael, 2d, 32, s. of Wm. & Mary, m. Bridget Geoghegan, 30, d. of Michael & Mary, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Feb. 27, 1876. Jolui, 27, of Lex., b. in Dracut, s. of Dennis & Margaret (Dunn), m. Mary A. J. Ryan, 28, d of John & Mary A. (Meyers), of Lex., Nov. 26, 1896. Kate Ellen, 23, d. of Michael, 1st, & Kate, m. Byron Adams Russell, 19, s. of .John A. & Evaline F. (Cook), all of Lex., Dec. 31, 1896. LEXINGTON EECOllD OF MABBIAGE8. 339 Hines. Marcrarct J., 26, of Lex., b. in Lynn, d. of Cornelius & Mary, ui. William M. Keefe, 25, s. of VViii. & Mary, of Lex., Nov. 22, 1882. Hinkley. Holmes, 33, s. of Jas. F. & Eliza A., of Boston, m., in Boston, Susan IL Stearns, 26, of Lex., b. in Acton, d. of Thos. & Charlotte (Blood), Jan. 13, 1887. Hinman. Edgar Lenderson, 25, of Lincoln, Neb., b. in Afton, N. Y., s. of Wm . II. & Mary J. (Lenderson), m. Alice Julia Hamlin, 29, of Lex., b. in Constantinoj^le, d. of Cyrus & INhiry p]. (Teuney), Jul. 21, 1897. Hitchings. Laura J, 45 or 50, of Lex , b. in Me., d. of Hiram N. & Mary, m. Elisha S. Dwelley, 50, of Cal., b. in Me., s. of Jedediali & Caroline C, Mar. 10, 189L Hobart. Mary Louise, 33, d. of Jo.shua & Mary R., of Lex., m., in Boston, Theodore Dorr Dupee, 39, of Arlington, b. in Lex., s. of Elias & Mary A., Apr. 23, 1889. Hobbs. Eleanor, IS, of Cambridge, b. in London, d. of John & Anna, m. John Henry Apel, 21, of Cambridge, b. in Germany, June 12, 1862. Hodgdon. Frank W., 30, of Arlington, b. in Cambridge, s. of Richard L. & Ahiria E. (AVellington), m. (Jrace Herbert Plumer, 30, d. of Wm. & Emily (Lord), of Lex., Oct. 11, 1886. Holbrook. Abbie P., 28, d. of Rufus W. & Saraii E. (Stockcr), of Lex., m. Arthur II Jewett, 32, of Lex., b. in Bolton, s. of Henry &, Mary (Caldwell), Sept. 15, 1886. Holden. Harry, 26, of Pittsfield, b. in Haverhill, s. of Dan'l W^ & Abbie J. (Smith), m. Mary A. Todd, 25, of Lex., b. in Haverhill, d. of Nathn M. & Helen A. (Woodman), June 10, 1890. Holt. Lizzie Helen, 29, of Amherst, b. in Ashland, d. of Kilburn & Helen A. (Day), m., in Amherst, George W. Peekham, 55, of Lex., b. in Petersham, s. of John A. ct Elizabeth A., his 2d m., Sept. 26, 1888. Ada B., 21, of Lex., b. in Boston, d. of Hosea E. & Alice M. (Brown), m. Walter M. Rowse, 21, s. of Richard & S. Maria (Wheeler), of Chelsea, June 17, 1896. Nellie Mae, 23, of Lex., b. in Bradford, d. of Hosea E. & Alice (Brown), m. James Barnes Hilton, 25, of Cambridge, b. in Lowell, s. of Lncius W. & Louisa B. (Leighton), Sept. 6, 1897. Hooley. Minnie. 24, of Lex., b. in Newton, d. of Wm., m. John Bullock, Jr., 22, of Lex., b. in England, s. of Emma, Aug 2, 1"-9U. 340 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF MABBIAQES. Hooper. R II., 32, of Cuniberland, b. in Charlestown, s. of Thos. & Mary W., m. Helen E. Muzzey, 26, of Lex., b. in Boston, d. of Benj. & Elizabeth, Nov. 22, 1854. Hoppin. Hannah R., 2.5, of Lex., b. in Cambridji^o, m. Addison S. Bass, 30, of Boston, b. in Lex., s. of Simeon & Sybil, Feb. 26, 1857. Horigan. Catherine A., 23, d of John & Bridget, of Cambridge, m., in Cam- bridge, William J. Savage, 25, s. of John & Julia, of Lex., Apr. 30, 1883. Home. Helen Maria, 20, of Lex., b in Wenham, d. of M. P. & Emily G., m. Charles Hendricks Hallett, 33, of Lex., b. in St. Johns, N. B., s of John Allan & Eliza Ann, Dec. 9, 1868. Horscli. William M , 26, of Newbury port, b. in Byfield, s. of John M. & Henrietta Smith, m. Antoinette J. Comley, 25, of Lex., b. in Worcester, d. of Jas. II. & Hattie Ridgway, Apr. 18, 1888. Hosmer. E. B., 35, s. of Ebenezer C. & Mary Ann, of Lex., m. Amoretta S. Saiuiders, 32, of Lex., b. in N. S., d. of Abner & Sarah, Jan 3, 1865. Houghton. Elizabeth S., 22, d. of Sam'l A. & Martha, of Lex., m. Ralph O. Shattuck, 27, of West Cambridge, b m Pepperell, s. of Jas. & Mary, Jan. 19, 1858. Melinda Warren, 21, d. of Sam'l .\ & Martha, of Lex., m. Thomas Everett Cutler, 31, s. of Thos. & Sarah, of Lex., Aug. 20, 1861. (jlilraan B., 29, of Lex , b. in Bolton, s. of Baldwin & Mary A. (Stiiup- son), m. Josie A. Sabin, 21, of Lex , b. in Boston, d. of J. Marshall & M. Josephine (Kelly), Nov. 29, 1893. Hovey. Ellen A., 20, of Lex., b. in Cambridge, d. of Thos G. & Ann M., m. H. Sargent Jones, 22, of Washington, b. in Machias, Me., s. of Theodore & Sarah A., Oct 19, 1864. Emma M., 33, of Lex., b. in Cambridge, d. of Thos. G. & Ann Maria, m. George A. Stearns, 31, s. of Geo. & Lavina, of Lex., Nov. 7, 1877. Howard. John, 27, of Stoneham, b. in Stowe, s. of Geo. A. & Mar}-, m. Leonora Russell, 23, d. of John A. & Lydia, of Lex , Jan. 1, 1868. Charles T., 51, of Brookline, b. in Boston, s. of Benj & Harriet (Lang), ra., 2d, Mrs. Jane Marriott (Wilson) Welch, 39, of Brook- line, b. in Baltimore, d. of Jas. II. Wilson & Margaret IMcK. (Marriett), Jul. 2, 1885. Horace M., 28, of Lex., b. in Shirley, s. of Stephen & Mary A , m., in Acton, Lucy A. Jones, 30, d. of Sam'l & Martha A , of South Acton, Nov. 14, 1888. Cordelia, 23, d. of Edward J. & Mary (Jones), of Boston, m., in Boston, Henry Howell Putnam, 25, of Lex , b. in DcKalbe, 111., s. of Sam'l P. & Louisa (Howell), June 8, 1893. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF MAEBIAGES. 341 Howe. Anna T., 46, of Lex , b. in Boston, d. of Isaac & Anna, m. Francis Wj'nian, 8G, s. of Jas. & Anna, of Lex., liis 2ci in., Nov. 1, 1875. Ellen 11., 36, of Lex., b. in Cambridge, d. of Wm. & Rowena, m. Frederick C Jones, 48, of Lex., b. in Dunbarton, N. H., s of Timothy L. & Elizabeth P., his 2d wf., Aug. 25, 1887. Howk. Kendrick F., 21,of Lex.,b. in Needham,s. of John & Jennie (Forbes), m., in Cambridge, L. Marian Ilartwell, 20, d. of Isaac N. & Lizzie (Pierce), of Bedford, Aug. 12, 1895. Howse. Matthew Henry Scott, 26, of East Weymouth, b. in Rugby, England, s. of Richard Cox &, Elizabeth (Wooding), m. Ruth H. Bateman, 28, of Lex., b. in Sheldiac, N. B., d. of Jas. & Carrie (Hanning- ton), Sept. 30, 1897. Hubbard. George H., 21, of West Cambridge, b. in Newport, N. H., s. of Jerry & Mahala, m. Mary LeMorey, 18, of Lex., b in Canada, d. of Francis & Mary, Aug 27, 1854. Maggie, 22, d. of Thos. & Mary, of Lex., m. George A. McPhee, 25, of Lex., h. in Nine Mile River, N. S., s, of Alexander & Catherine, Aug. 27, 1880. Hudson. Harriet A., 24, of Lex, b. in Westminster, d. of Chas. & Ann, m. Henry M. Smith, 24, of Chicago, b. in New Bedford, s. of Stephen S. & Lucretia B , Sept. 4, 1854. John W , 28, of Lex., b in Westminster, s. of Chas. & Martha B., m , in Framingham, Sophia W. Mellen, 27, d. of Edward & Sophia W., of Wayland, Mar. 25, 1865. John, 78, of Lex., b. in Boston, s of Joseph & Elizabeth, m., 3d , Mrs. Caroline (Frost) Mclntyre, 57, of Lex., b. in Billerica, d. of Levi Frost & Alice, May 19, 1868. Hufiinaster. Frances M., Jr , 24, d. of Isaac, of Lex., in. A L. Jewell, 32, of Wal- tham, b. in Winchester, N. H., s. of Abram & Keziah, Apr. 11, 1854. Hughes. William B , 23, of Lex., b. in Newburyport, s. of John & Alice (Tay- lor), m., in Arlington, Lucy A. Puller, 20, d. of Sylvester & Cath- erine (Brown), of Lex , Jul. 1, 1872. Frank, 29, of Lex., b. in Ireland, s. of Lawrence & Bi'idget, ni., in Arlington, Mary Devine, 24, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Jas. & Annie, June Sit, 1885. Mrs. Dora (White), 36, of Concord, b. in Ireland, d. of John White & Mary (Lawler), m , in Concord, John J. Roach, 45, of Lex., b, in Ireland, s. of Garret & Mary (Hagerty), Apr. 21, 1897. Hume. Sarah, 20, d. of Peter & Margaret, m. Isaac W. Smith, 26, s. of Geo. & Catherine, both of Lex. and b. in N. S., Jan. 13, 1870. Hunt. Martha, 27, d. of Christopher C. & Mary (Newton), b. and m. in Framingham, m. Charles R Johnson, 22, of Lex., b. in N. S., s. of Ansel & Maria (Nichols), June 2, 1897. 342 LEXINGTON ItECOBD OF MABBIAGES. Huntley. INIiitthew K., 22, s. of Kui'us & Mai'tlia (Kerr), in. Jessie McDonald, 23, d, of Neil & Maggie (McPherson), both of Lex. and b. in N. S., Feb. 16, 1893. Hurley. Bridget, 22, m. Michael Carroll, 23, s of Patrick & Ellen, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Sept. 11, 1870. Edmund, 30, of Mansfield, b. in Ireland, s. of Matthew & Mary Dugan, m Margaret Keleher, 20, d. of Patrick & Hannah Ahern, of Ivcx., Feb. 4, 1872. Hussey. Edna A., 20, of Waltham, b. in Skowhegan, Me., d. of Thos. H. & Louisa A., ni. Alfred S. Wright, 21, of Boston, b, in Lawrence, s. of Algenon S. & Cordelia B., May 1-i, 187-4. Huston. Stella Madrid. See Stinchfleld. Hutehins. Albert E., 21, of Lex., b. in Centre Harbor, N. II., s. of Alpheus C. & Sally, m. Caroline F. Jewett, Jr., 21, d. of (lorham, of Lex., June 25, 1879. Mary Groom, 27, of Concord, b. in [Buffalo, X. Y., d. of Chas. L. & Mary ((iroom), m., in Concord, Walter Keith Shaw, 29, of Lex., b. in Abington, s. of Elijah A. & Frances E. (Dyer), Nov. 4, 1897. Hutchinson. Angeline, 25, d. of Chas. & Lydia A., m. Henry Capell, 24, s. of Curtis & Mary A., all of Lex., Nov 2G, 1862. Elviia E., 18, d of Chas. & Lydia A., m., in Cambridge, Charles A. tirover, 23, s. of Wm. & Maria, all of Lex , Aug. 31, 1864. Ardclia A , 23, d. of Chas. & Lydia, of Lex., m. Royal L Woodbury, 22, of Boston, b. in Sweden, Ale., s. of Aaron & Sarah, Mar. 14, 1867, Charles, 62, of Lex., b. in Londonderry, N. H., s. of Amos & llachel, m., 2d, Mary Henly, 30, of Lex., b. in England, d. of Thos. & Aim, Nov. 11, 1876. John Fred, 26, of Lex., b. in Hrookline, N. II., s. of John Q. A. & Amanda R., m., in Brookline, N. II., Mary W. Lund, 22, d. of Nath'l & Caroline B., of Brookline, N. IL, Mar. 8, 1882. Frances Amanda, 28, of Lex., b. in Brookline, N. II , d. of J. Q. A. & Amanda R., m. Charles Francis Pre.s.se3% 33, of South Hampton, N. IL, b. in Amesburv, s of Jonathan & Sarah E., Apr. 5, 1882. Mrs. Mary L. (Wilde), "^36, of (iiiinity, b. in Lex., d. o\ W. S. Wilde & Almeda C. (Maim), m. \Villiaiii F. Flint, 40, of Danvers, b. in Gloucester, s. of Wm. II. & Mary V. (Shejnird), Jan. 26, 1893. John F., 41, of Lex., b. in Brookline, N. II., s. of John Q. A. it Amanda 11. (Watlsworth), m., 2d, Maria A. Butterlield, 39, d. of Sidney & Julia A. (Lawrence), of Lex., Mar. 3, 1897. Hyndman. Peier W., 26, s. of Robert & Ann, of P. H I., m. Catherine Ann Gould, 25, of Lex., b. in Charlestown, d. of Jas. & Caroline W., June 30, 1860. Ingalls. Tupper, 30, s. of Joseph & Sarah (Silling), m , in Jamaica Plain, Agnes Clarke, 23, d. of Robert & Isabella (Holiday), both of Lex. and b. in N. S,, Jul. 2, 1894. LEXINGTON BE COED OF MABBIAGE8. 343 Ingalls — Continued. Edward Oilman, 24, of Lex, b. in Wilton, N. H., s. of Cyrus M. & Kate C. (Dillon), m. Maiy Margaret Boutitier, 27, of Lex., b. in Cape Breton, N. B., d. of Geo. & Agnes (Forest), Jul. 20, 1896. Irwin. Richard, 25, of Lex., b. in Canada, s. of Wm. & Elizabeth, ni., in Woburn, Maria Hamilton, 22, of Woburn, b. in Ireland, d. of Geo. & Sarah, Mar. 22, 1879. Jackson. Amelia, 23, d. of Wm., m. Charles Parker, 24, s. of Annaias & Harriet, both of Lex. and b. in N. S, Aug. 20, 1862. George H., 22, of Lex, b. in Bedford, s. of Joshua & Mary, m. Flora E. Wentworth, 21, of Lex., b in Me., d. of Otis & Nancy E., Jan. 23, 1873. William A., 23, of Lex., b. in Bedford, s. of Joshua & MaryS., m. Ida M. Garmon, 23, d. of Nath'l & Armenia, of Lex., Oct. 10, 1878. Frederick F., 32, of Boston, b. in Wiscasset, Me, s. of Fi'ank & Sarah, ni., 2d, (ieorgie L. Fiske, 28, d. of Timothy K. & Barbara (Peters), of Lex, Sept. 18, 1^90. (Jeorge Henry, 44, of Lex, b. in Bedford, s. of Joshua & Maiy (Pierce), m, 2d, Marion Watkeys, 19, of Lex., b. in Syracuse, N. Y., d. of Henry & Zerriah (Colman), Oct. 23, 1894. Janes. Mary B, 26, d. of Henry & Caroline, of Lynn, m. Thomas H. An- drews, 29, of Lex., b. in N. B., s. of Caleb & Mary, Jan. 23, 1807. Jefferson. Etta, 18, d. of Robert B. & Emma, of Lex, m. Loring A. Thomas, 24, of Stoneham, b. m Middleton, s. of Edward W. tfe Amanda M , May 17, 1885. Caroline, 22, d. of Robert & Emma, of Lex., m., in Arlington, Patrick Flynn, 24, of Lex., b. in Ireland, s. of Timothy & Bridget, Sept. 9, 1885. Ella, 23, d. of Robert J & Emma B., of Lex., m , in Arlington, Ansel E. Taylor, 30, of Lex., b. in Parsboro, N. S., s. of Uavid J. & Amelia, Jul. 4, 1889. Jenkins. May, 20, of Boston, b. in York, Me, d. of Thos. & Mary, m. William H. Shaw, 23, of Boston, b. in Holton, Me., s. of Wm. & Mary, Nov. 17, 1867. Jenney. Nelson W., Jr, 21, of Lex., b. in Boston, s. of Hannah, m. Ilattio L. Gleason, 22, d. of Wm. & Charlotte, of Lex., Jan. 1, 1866. Jewell. A. L, 32, of Waltham, b. in Winchester, N. IL, s. of Abram & Keziah, m. Frances M. Hult'niaster, Jr., 24, d. of Isaac, of Lex., Apr. 11, 1854. Jewett. Gorham, 37, of Lex., b. in Charlestown, s. of Nath'l & Elizabeth, m., 2d, Caroline R. Farnsworth, 30, of Lex., b. in Boston, d. of Jacob & Eliza ()., May 11, 1857. 344 LEXINGTON ItECOED OF MABBIAGES. Jewett — Continued. Caroline F., Jr., 21, d. of Gorham, of Lex., m. Albert E. Hntchins, 21, of Lex.,b. in Centre Harbor, N. H., s. of Alpheus C. & Sally, June 25, 1879. Jennie F., 22, of Lex., b. in Bolton, d of Henry & Mary (Caldwell), ni. Nathan P. Fairbank, 29, s. of J. Parker & Emily (Wheeler), Dec. 28, 1879. Elizabeth C, 27, of Cambridge, b. in Bolton, d. of Henry & Mary, m. Oscar VV. Richardson, 25, of Cambridge, b. in Livermore, Me., s. of Walcott & Fostina, Oct. 31, 1880. Arthur H , 32, of Lex., b. in Bolton, s. of Henry & Mary (Caldwell), m. Abbie P. Holbrook, 28, d. of Rufus W. & Sarah E. (Stocker), of Lex., Sept. Lo, 188G. Artliur H., 39, of Lex., b in Bolton, s. of Henry & Mary J. (Cald- well), m., 2d, Lydia M. Hardj', 27, of Lex., b. in San Francisco, d. of Thos. & Martha K. (Neal), Jul 11, 1894. Johnson. D. W., 29, of Winchester, b. in Woburn, s. of Ezekiel & Hannali, m. S. L. Angler, 23, of Lex., b. in Charlestown, d. of Dan'l & .Sarah, Jan. 31, 1854. Nathan B.,27,s. of Nathan & Louisa, of Wayland,m. Caroline Clapp, 2(', of Lex., b. in Dorchester, d. of Enos ifc Adalino, June 9, l!S.^7. Martha M., 20, of Lex., d. of Chas. W. & Martha S. (Miles), m., m Cambridge, Albert F. Nour.se, 21, of Lex., b. in Danvers, s. of Calvin & Caroline S., June 19, 1863. Jo.shua L., 22, of Nobleboro, Me., b. in Me., s. of Geo. W. & Eliza, m. Sarah E. Rhoades, 22, d. of Thos. H. & Jane ]\L, of Lex., May 1, 1864. Mrs. Catherine Mary (Hadlock), 34, of Lex., b. in Concord, d. of Colbnrn Hadlock & Lydia, m., in Cambridge, Albert F. Spaulding. 33, of Lex., b. in Billerica, s. of Jacob & Mary Ann (Esty), Dec. 16, 1874. Christopher, 31, of Lex., b. in Denmark, s, of Chas. & Mary Ann (Lawson), m. Alice Castello. 19, of Lex., b. in L'eland, Jan, 6, 1887. Josefine, 23, of Lex., b. in Sweden, d. of Olaras & Christine, m, John A. Palm, 23, of Cambridge, b. in Sweden, s. of Alexander & Anna (Ander.son), Dec. 19, 1891. Maria A., 21, of Maiden, b. in Boston, d. of Albert & Annie (McKen- zie), m. Harrie A. Penniman, 26, of Lex., b. in Cambridge, s. of Thos. J. & Catherine (Dailey), Nov. 8, 1893. Colburn H., 29, s. of Chas. E, & Catherine M. (Hadlock), of Lex., m., in Boston, Eliza A Phillips, 19, of Boston, b. in West North- field, 111., d. of Wm. A. & Emma M. (Whitten), Nov. 22, 1895. John N., 28, s. of John & Mary (McPhee), m. Margaret Gillis, 34, d. of Patrick & Ann (McKinnon), both of Lex. and b. in Grand River, P. E. I., Nov. 18, 1896. Charles R., 22, of Lex , b. in N. S., s. of Ansley & Maria (Nichols), m , in Framingham, Martha Hunt, 27, d. of Christoi)her C. & Mary (Newton), of Framingham, June 2, 1897. John D., 22, of Lex., b. in N. S., s. of Dan'l & Maggie (Mcintosh), m., in Boston, Catherine F. McDonald, 18, of Boston, b. in N. S., d. of Donald & Sarah, Dec. 9, 1897. Jones. Lucy A., 24, d. of John & Lucy, of Lex., m. Andrew J. Crocker, 24, of Lex., b in Bath, Me., s. of Robert & Sarah, Sept. 1, 1856. Lydia A., 18, d. of Sam'l &Sarali, of. Lex., m. iVlexander Currier, 23, of Lex., b. in Madeira Islands, Aug 10, 1860. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF MABBIAOES. 345 Jones — Continued. H. Saro;ent, 22, of Washino^ton, h. in Machias, Me., s. of Theodore & Sarah A., m. Ellen A. Hovey, 20, of Lex., h. in (^ambridgo, d. of Thos. G. & Ann iM., Oct. 19, 1864. George F., 25, of Boston, b. in Cambridge, s. of Chas. & Lucy, m. Lusanna P. Damon, 24, d of Isaac N. & Lucy K., of Lex., Sept 17, 1868. Samuel H., 3.5, s. of Sam'l & Sarah, of Lex., m , in Arlington, Cordyla I\L Fisher, 23, d. of Jas. R. & Lucinda P , of Dedliam, Oct 26, 1873. Frederick C, 48, of Lex., b. in Dunbarton, N. H., s. of Timothy L. & Elizabeth P., m., 2d, Ellen R Howe, 36, of Lex., b. in Cam- bridge, d. of Wm. & Rowena, Aug. 25, 1887 Lucy A., 30, d. of Sam'l & Martha A., of South Acton, m., in Acton, Horace M. Howard, 28, of Lex., b. in Shirley, s. of Stephen & Mary A., Nov. 14, 1888. Annie Augu.sta, 29, of Lex., b. in East Cambridge, d. of Wm. O. & Susan J. (Anderson), m. Herbert Sullivan Teele, 32, of Arlington, b in Belmont, s. of Geo. S. & Mary H. (Frost), Oct. 10, 1896. Jordan. Lizzie, 19, d. of John & Julia, of Bedford, m., in Concord, James A. Avery, 23, of Lex., b. in Cleveland, O., s. of Isaiah H. & Lydia (Howard), Apr. 4, 1883. Jose. Eugene, 24, of Lex., b. in Saco, Me., s. of Jas. H. & Mary E., m. lAicy M. Fuller, 26, of Lex., b. in Foxboro, d. of Amos L. & Alzada L., Mar. 7, 1888. Judkins. Fred G., 21, of Lex., b. in Manchester, N. H., s. of Joseph B. & Anna M., m. Minnie E. Hanson, 20, d. of Horatio D. & Eliza A. (Hall), of Lex., Sept. 1, 1890. Kane. Ann, 25, d. of Wm. & Mary, m., in Woburn, Otis Harrington, 27, s. of Bartholomew & Margaret, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, June 13, 1863. John, Jr., 38, s of Bridget, m , 2d, Nora Hayes, 30, d. of Thos. & Julia, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Jan. 5, 1876. Maria, 25, of Arlington, b. in Ireland, d of John & Hannah, m., in Arlington, John Gorman, 25, of Lex., b. in Ireland, s. of Jas. & Catherine, Aug. 13, 1882. Kauffmann. Ernest G., 27, s. of Chas. G. & Mary F. (Thoma.s), of Lex., m., in Easton, Lillian F. Clark, 23, d. of D. Fred & Elvira R. (Tibbetts), of Easton, Feb. 3, 1897. Kaveny. John, 21, of Concord, b. in Bedford, s. of Michael & Bridget, m. Mrs. i\Liry (Shields) Algro, 29, of Concord, b. in Ireland, d. of John Shields & Mary P., Jul. 12, 1877. Kearnes. Peter, 28, s. of Peter & Mary (Mitchell), of Boston, m. Nellie Murphy, 21, of Lex., b. in Inland, d. of Patrick & Mary (Peters), Mav 22, 1895. 346 LEXINGTON RECOIiD OF MARIilAGES. Kearney. Mary A., 27, of Lex., b. in Munster, Ireland, d. of John & Mary, m. Fred 11. Sanderson, 35, of Lex , b. in Waltham, s. of Amos & Laura, Mar. 5, 1878. Keating. Mary, 22, d. of Patrick & Margaret, ni. James Craven, 33, s. of Thos- & Jane, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Aug. 28, 18G9. Patrick, Jr., 22, s. of Margaret (McGrath), of Lex , b in Ireland, m., in Concord, Hannah Roach, 20, of Lex., b. in Lincoln, d. of Nicholas & Mary, Oct. 20, 1872. James, 27, of Lex , b. in Ireland, s. of Dennis & Mary, m., in Arling- ton, Mary E. Crowley, 26, d. of Patrick & Mary P., of Lex., Oct. 13, 1878. Thomas, 27, of Lex., b. in Ireland, s. of John & Margaret, m , in Arlington, Katie Griffin, 30, of Arlington, b. in Ireland, d. of Tim- othy & Mary, Feb. 2, 1879. William M., 25, s. of Wm. & Mary, of Lex., m., in Arlington, Mar- garet J. Hines, 26, of Lex., b. in Lynn, d. of Cornelius & ALary, Nov. 22, 1882. James, 38, of Lex., b. in Ireland, s. of Dennis & Mary, m., 2d, Mary Jane Foi'seyth, 29, of Lex , b. in N. S., d. of Wm. & Nanc}', Oct. 2, 1890. Annie J., 32, d. of Wm. & Mary (Cunniflt'), of Lex., m. Alfred J. Bevington, 27, of Lex , b. in England, s. of Edwin & Mary (Knott), Apr. 5, 1893. Mary Ella, 30, d. of Wm. & Mary (Canniff), of Lex., m. Frank Henry Clark, 31, s. of Abel & Catlierine (Kennedy), of Boston, Nov. 29. 1894. Hannah, 27, d. of Phillip & Ellen (OTIearn), m. John J. Morlarty, 26, s. of Michael & Ellen (Fitzgerald), both of Lex., Jan. 13, 1897. Keene. Jennie L , 25, of Lex., b. in N. S., d. of Wm. & Charlotte, m. Gran- ville E. Win.ship, 29, s. of Edward & Hannah E. (Pollard), of Lex., Oct. 9, 1871. Keet. Ellen, 19, d. of Stephen & Lucretia, of Northfield, m. William B. Winship, 21, s. of Edward & Hannah, of Lex., Sept., 1865. Keleher. Margaret, 20, d. of Patrick & Hannah Ahern, of Lex , m. Edmund Hurley, 30, of Mansfield, b. in Ireland, s. of Matthew & Mary Dugan, Feb. 4, 1872. Hannah, 16, d. of Patrick & Hannah, of Lex., m., in Arlington, James J. Sullivan, 24, of Lex., b. in Ireland, s. of John & Pollen, Apr. 15, 1874. Patrick J., 23, s. of Patrick & Bridfret, of Lex., m. Rosa T. Fermoyle, 23, of Boston, b. in West Cambridge, d. of Michael & Rosa, Feb. 22, 1890. Kelley. Malechey, 22, s. of Patrick & Catherine, m., in Woburn, Joannah Quinlan, 2G, d. of Patrick & Stacy, both of Lex., b. in Ireland, Oct. 4, 1865. Daniel. 26, s. of John & Mary (Hines), m. Catey Murry, 25, d. of John & Mary (Mack), both of Bedford and b. in Ireland, May 17, 18G8. LEXINGTON REGOBD OF MABEIAGES. 347 Kelley — Continued. Richard, 25, of Arlington, b. in Ireland, s. of Richard & Mary (flickey), ra. Margaret Clark, 18, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Jas. & Maria (Laiden), Nov. 4, 1871. Margaret, 23, of Arlington, b. in Ireland, d. of Richard & Mary, m. Patrick White, Jr., 25, of Lex , b. in Cambridge, s. of Patrick & Mary. June 4, 1874. Julia M., 22, of Boston, b. in Ireland, d. of Dan'l & Catherine (Shea), m. John F. Tobin, 24, s. of Patrick & Eliza, of Lex., Jan. 1, 1893. Kelly. Joanna L., 25, of Lex., b. in Boylston, N. S., d of Edward & Julia, m., in Arlington, John C. Caldwell, 33, of Lex., b. in Quincy, s. of Christopher & Margaret, Jul. 13, 1881. Thomas F., 34, of Winchester, b. in Ireland, s. of Phillip & Bridget, m Mary A. E. Maloney, 23, of Lex., b. in Arlington, d. of John & Ann, Jul. 19, 1882. Michael, 23, of Arlington, b. in Ireland, s. of Thos. & Mary, m., in Arlington, Mary Canney, 23, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Patrick & Mary, Oct. 14, 1884. Mary Elizabeth, 55, of Atkinson, N. H., b. in Plaistow, N. 11. , d. of John & Mary Chase, m. Charles Tenner, 71, s. of Silas & Rebecca Bailey, of Chester, N. II., his 2d wf., Dec. 22, 1885. John, Jr., 26, s. of Bridget, m. Susan Maloney, 25, d. of Patrick & Mary, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Sept. 18, 1889. Kelty. Bridget, 25, d. of John & Mary (Kelty), m. John Buckley, Jr., 22, s. of Julia (Cusse}'), both of Billerica and b. in Ireland, Aug. 2, 1868. Kendall. Mary J., 24, d. of Jas. K., m. James T. Davis, 29, s. of Thos., all of Boston, Aug. 17, 1854. M. Elizabeth, 26, d. of Oliver W. & Mary, of Lex., m. Charles II. Bennett, 26, of Lex., b. in Boston, s. of Jas. H. & Winifred, Mar. 27, 1862. Stillraan D., 31, of Lex., b. in Burlington, s. of John H. & Lavina B., ni. Ella F. Farmer, 16, of Lex., b. in Marblehead, d. of Hiram & Lucretia E., Apr. 7, 1875. Kenefick. Joseph, Jr., 22, s. of Kate, m.,in Arlington, Margaret Miller, 20, d. of Thos. & Mary, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Nov. 28, 1885. Keniston. Lydia, 18, d. of Dan'l, of Lex., m. Walter R. Wright, 22, of Lex., b. in N. 11., s. of Elisha IL & Harriet F., Nov. 29,'l860. Ira G., 21, s. of Dan'l & Lydia, of Lex., m., in Woburn, Mrs. Mar- garet \\. Purcell, 23, of Lex, b. in Ireland, d of ilennessv, Nov. 22, 1863. Charles H., 58, of Waterville, Me., b. in Bow, X. II., s. of Benj. & Hannah (Buntin), m Ella .\. Childs, 45, of Augusta, Me., b. in liallowell, Me., d. of Jonas & Maria (Hinkley), Aug. 19, 1888. Kent. John, 35, of Boston, b. in Concoi'd, N. IL, s. of Wm. & Catherine, m. Ella M. Lawrence, 20, d. of Edward & Mary T., of Charlestown» Jul. 20, 1864. 348 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF MABBIAGES, Ketehum. John, 24, of Lex., b. in St Johns, N. B., s. of Geo. E. & RIavgai'et (Riley), m. Rlargaret L. Ahern, 23, d. of Wm. & Ellen (Fitzgerald), of Lex., June 10, 1896. Keyes. Melvina E., 27, d. of Solomon & Sophronia, of Reading, Vt., m. Solomon K. Goddard, 26, of Lex., b. in East Windsor, Vt., s. of Asahel & Nancy, May 31, 1858. Keyon. llattie Ellen, 21, d. of Geo. & Matilda, of New Ipswich, N. IL, m., in New Ipswich, Lyman Watson Estabrook, 31, s. of Solomon & Elizabeth C, of Lex., Jan. 12, 1881. Kiernar. Alice J., 25, of Charlestown, b. in Randolph, d. of Edward & Ann (Bowen), m. VVilliam E. Manley, 28,s. of Michael & Julia (Collins), of Lex., June 1, 1893. Kilburn. Annie A., 26, of Lunenburg, b. in Weston, d. of David N. & Ellen A. (Stahl), m., in Luiienljui-g, George VValter Sampson, 27, s. of llilmau B. & Grace A. (Turner), of Lex., Dec. 26, 1892. Killelea. Annie, 22, of Lex., b. in Boston, d. of Thos. & Catherine (Daley), m. Arthur Williams, 27, of Lex., b. in N. S., s. of John & Olive A. (Lyman), Sept. 17, 1893. Kimball. John R., 56, of Floyd, la., b. in Ipswich, s. of David T. & Dolly V., m., 2d, in Ipswich, Eliza J. Davis, 38, d of John & Mary F., of Lex., Mar. 22, 1873. Walter Dwight, 23, of Ilardwick, Vt, b. in Cabot, Vt , s. of Richard Goodwin & Harriet Brawn, m. Effie L Woodbury, 21, of Lex., b. in Ilardwick, Vt., d. of Asel L & Sarah L., Aug. 7, 1882. King. Thomas H., 25, of Lex., b. in Waltham, s. of Micliael & Mary, m., in West Newton, Lilla G Bryson, 20, d. of Patrick & Bridget, "of West Newton, June 29, 1882 James A., 54, of Lex., b. in Ireland, m., 2d, Ellen McGinty, 35, of Lex., b. in N. S., d. of Barney & Catherine, Jan. 1, 1887. Kingsbury. Reuben, Jr., 42, of Lex., b. in Needham, s. of .lulia, m., 2d, Alice W. Paul, 34, of Lex., b. in Me., d. of Jacob, Dec. 27, 1860. Kinneen. Tnnothy, 23, s. of John & Sarah, m., in Woburn, Sarali Harrington, 23, d. of Bartholomew & Margaret, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Feb. 8, 1864. John J., 30, s. of Timothy & Sai-ah (Harrington), of Lex., m., in Woburn, Mary E. O'Brien, 28, d. of David & Margaret (Conway), of Burlington, Oct 16, 1895. Kinney. Sarah C , 38, d. of Wm. & Annie, m. Albert Bond, 22, s. of Thos. & Rose Ann, both of Lex. and b. in N. S., Dec. 5, 1874. LEXINGTON BE CORD OF MABRIAGE8. 349 Kirby. Edward Joseph, 2o, of Lex., b. in Clinton, s. of Jerome & Marie (McDonild), ra, in Boston, [da C. Townsend, 21, of Lex., b. in Boston, d. of Tliaddeus & Margaret, Mar. 28, 1896. Kirkland. Mabel L., 20, of Lex., b. in Cliarlestown, d. of Jas. M, & Maria L., m. William IL Davis, 23, s. of Horace B. & Annie C.,of Lex., Jnne 3, 1886. Kneeland. Ada F., 19, d. of Frank H. & Adeline R. (Smith), of Lex., m. Edward L. Wright, 28, s. of Jas. & Mary (Rice), of Concord, Apr. 28, 1880. Knight. Francis IL, 24, s. of Loammi & Mary, of Lex., m. Loenza L. Hills, 23, d. of Joseph, of Hancock, N. IL, Aug. 4, 1855. Helen A., 20, d. of Loammi & Mary (Robbins), of Lex., m. Franklin E. Melvin, 23, s. of -John & Joanna, of Charlestown, Sept. 26, 1861. Melinda, 28, d. of Loammi & Mary, of Lex., m. John D Smith, 27, of Charlestown, b. in New Hampton, N. H., s. of Ephraim II. & Elmira, Nov. 22, 1866. Ida May, 23, of Lex., b. in Wakefield, R. I., d of Chas. & Sarah, ni. John Edgar Garmon, 34, s. of NathU & Armenia (Jones), of Lex., Oct. 27, 1886. Knowlton. Dana R., 23, s. of Chas. A. & Mary T. (Johnson), of Stricklands Ferr^, Me., m. Alice M. Spiller, 20, of Fayette, Me., b. in Milltown, N. B", d. of Mark D. & L. Henrietta (Farnum), Dec. 23, 1896. Kramer. Walter S., 25, of Lex.., b. in Cambridge, s. of Sebistin & Emma A. (Bacon), m., in Bedford, Carrie C. L. Prince, 23, of Bedford, b. in Charlestown, d. of Henry F. & Hannah A. (Dodge), Sept. 20, 1890. Kyle. Jennie, 23, d. of Andrew & Jennie, m. John Westley Riley, 24, s. of Thos. & Ellen (Matthews), both of Lex. and b. in N. B., his 2d m., Apr. 7, 1894. Maggie M., 19, of Lex., b. in Sussex, N. B., d. of Andrew & Elizabeth (Robertson), m, George Arthur Simonds, 22, s. of Geo. & Mary (Bannon), June 27, 1895. Kyte. Thomas H., 25, of Boston, b. in England, s. of Thos. & iNIaria (Holmes), m. Sarah J. Smith, 26, d. of Wm. Henry & Susan B. (Cutter), of Lex., Jan. 15, 1872. Ladd. L. Maria, 30, of B-dford, b. in Cambridge, d. of Willard & Lucinda T., m., in Bedford, Henry A, Turner, 36, s. of Alvan C. & Susan P., of Lex., Nov. 12, 1884 George Edwin, 31, of New Haven, b. in Woodstock, Vt , s. of Mason W. & Caroline (Walker), m. Mar}- Anne Roberts Hamlin, 34, of Lex., b. in Constantinople, d. of Cyrus & Mary Eliza (Tenney), Sept. 9, 1896. 350 LEXINGTON RECOED OF MABBIAGES. Lahey. Catherine Elizabeth, 28, d. of John & Jeanie (Hughes), of Lex , m., in Walt-ham, Mieliael Charles Connelly, 2"), of Newton, b. in County Gal way, Ireland, s. of Dennis & Bridget (Greeley), Oct. 28, 1896. Lamb. Susie Allen, 21, of Grafton, b. in Boston, d. of Giles W. & Mary E. (Hebard), m., in Salem, Edwin Oliver Smith, 22, s. of Abram B. & Annetta A. (Allen), Mar. 11, 1893. Lainier. Henry D., 19, of Lex., b. in Concord, s. of Moses J. & Angeline (Duval), m. Madeline Smith, 20, of Lex., b. in Manchester, N. H., d. of Arthur J. & Alice (Atwood), Sept. 6, 1896. Lane. Ralph J., 25, s. of Gustavus A. & Clarissa M., of Gloucester, m. Ellen B. Saville, 20, of Lex., b. in Gloucester, d. of Ira & Mary (Bates), June 1, 1865. Abby, 20, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Dennis & Mary, m. John Finn, 35, of Lex., s. of Patrick & Mary, Mar. 29, 1875. Ralph Edgar, 29, s. of Ralph Irving & Ellen B. (Saville). of Lex., m., in lioston. Vera Perin, 18, of Roxbui'v, b. in Bainbridge, O., d. of Geo. Lander & Viunie (Danforlh), Jan. 22, 1897. Lang. Alexander R., 28, of Arlington, b. in Scotland, s. of Alexander & Jane, m. Susan C. McDonald, 26, of Arlington, b. in N. S., d. of Sam'l & Mary, Aug. 28, 1882. Langdon. Katherine W., 23, of Lex., b. in Cambridge, d. of John H. & Emily \V., m. James P. Munroc, 23, s. of Jas. S. & Alice B., of Lex., Jul. 2, 1885. Lareom. Mrs. Clara A., 41, of Lex., b. in Antrim, N. II., d. of Wyman W. C. & Abby M. W., m. Cvrus Martin, 3S, of Lex., b. in Littleton, s. of Jas. B. & Elizabeth, his 2d m.. May 20, 1889. Lawrence. So[)liia C, 19, d. of Phineas & Catherine, of Lex., m. Hugh M. Reed) 30, of Lex., b. in Cambridge, s. of Isaac & Elizabeth, Apr. 13) 1851. Frank M., 25, of Cambridge, b. in Lex., s. of Sidney & Anna, m. Mrs. Mary E. Thayer, 23, d. of Dan''l Stone & Emeline A., of Cambridge, June 12, 1861. Ella M., 20, d. of Edward & Mary T., of Charlestown, m. John Kent, 35, of Boston, b. in Concord, N. H., s, of Wm & Catherine, Jul. 20, 1861. George H., 24, s. of Sidney & Ann, of Lex., m., in Belmont, Mary L. Marsh, 22, d. of Mansur W. & Louisa, of Belmont, Oct. 9, 1866. Sidney Mvron, 24, s. of Sidney & Ann, of Lex , m. .Vlma AVithrow, 23, of Boston, b. in N. S., d.of Jacob & lALary, Nov. 29, 1877. Abbott J., 32, s. of Joshua W. & Sarah A., of Concord, m. Sarah J. Bannon, 34, of Burlington, b. in Lex., d. of John & Sarah, Sept. 28, 1884. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF MABRIAGE8. 351 Lawton. Ellen T., 36, of Charlestown, b. in Boston, d. of John & Bridget, m., in Boston, Judson Demass, 46, of Lex., b. in North l-,a\vrence, N. Y., s. of Isaac & Julia (Phinney), his 2d m., Aug. 29, 1894. Leal. Manuel Alfred, 27, of Lex., b. in Portugal, s. of John & Mary, m. Mary Murray, 21, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Patrick & Bridget, Nov. 21, 1885. Leary. John, 37, s. of Timothy & Mary, m., 2d, in Cambridge, Bridget Ilal- pine, 26, d. of Michael & Bridget, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Jan, 29, 1874. Timothy J , 22, s. of Wm. & Julia, of Lex., m., in Arlington, Katie A. Harrington, 23, of Charlestown, b. in Ireland, d. of Timothy, Nov. 30, 1878. Timothy J., 31, s. of Wpa. & Julia, of Lex., m., 2d, Bridget A. Flynn, 22, of Lex , b. in Ireland, d. of Owen & Margaret, May 31, 1888. Leavey. Maggie, 26, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Jas & Mary (Heavey), m. John J. Collins, 24, s, of Dan'l & Maiy (Donovan), of Lex., Oct. 31, 1893. Ledrew. Annie, 22, of Lex., b. in N. F., d. of Geo. & Mary, m. William IM. Cameron, 24, of Woburn, b. in P. E. I., s. of Jas. & Jane Feb. 23, 1887, Lee. Marshall, 29, of Carlisle, b. in Concord, s. of Wm. & Dorcas, m., in Cambridge, Mary Ste2:>hens Tyler, 26, d. of Edvvai'd \j. & Rachel, of Lex., Apr. 2, 1865. William S., 36, of Cai'lisle, b. in Concord, s. of "\Vm. & Dorcas, m. Mrs. Anna ]\I. (Hill) Munroe, 29, of Carlisle, b. in Billerica, d. of Artemus & Betsey Hill, Nov. 22, 1868. Leeming. Mary, 22, of Lex., b. in England, d. of John, m. Henry O. Stearns, 26, s. of John & Caroline, of Lex., June 1, 1873. Legoff. Jane M., 24, of Boston, b. in St. Johns, N. B., d of Felix & Jane, m., in Boston, Richard D. Dinah, 23, s. of Denis & Hannah, of Lex,, Dec. 5, 1888. Leighton. Edward W , 39, of Lex., b. in N. S., s. of Alfred & Margaret C, ni., in Boston, Mrs. Martha M. (Johnson) Nourse, 44, of Lex., b. in Wayland, d. of Chas. W. Johnson & Martha S., Feb. 7, 1888. LeMorey. IVIary, Jr., 18, of Lex., b. in Canada, d. of Francis, m. George II. Hubbard, 21, of West Cambridge, b. in Newport, N. H., s. of Jerry &Mahala, Aug. 27, 1854. Lennon. John, 30, s. of Patrick & Nora, m., in Arlington, Anna Hargrove, 30, d. of Robert & Mary (Dunn), both of Lex., b. in Ireland, Feb. 10, 1874. 352 LEXINGTON BE CORD OF MABBIAGES. Lessef. Florence May, 23, d. of Chas. & Sarah (Kelley), m. Joseph Alfred Veinotti, '23, s. of Elim & Catherine (Smeltzer), both of Lex. and b. in N. S., Feb. 7, 1893. Lewis. Horace E., 23, s of Sam'l & Mehitable F., of Arlinoton, m. Johanna T Fessenden, 21, of Lex., b. in Charlestown, d. of Geo. F. & Sarah A. (Estee),Nov. 2, 1871, Libbey. Georo^e W., 26, of Scarboro, Me., b, in Effingham, N. H., s. of Caleb & Nancy (Meyan), ni., in Belmont, Mary E. Welsh, 25, of Bedford, b in Quincy, d. of Michael & Anna, Jul. 4, I860. Lieannan. Annie, 26, of Somerville, b in Ireland, d. of John & ]\Lary, m. Thomas Pnrcell, 27, of Arlington, b. in Waltham, s. of Thos. & Mary, Sei)t, 7, 1887. Lincoln. Fannie W., 20, of Stoneham, b. in Weymouth, d. of Dan'l W. & Mary A., m. Harry L. Buzwell, 21, s. of Edward F. & Clara S., of Stoneham, Aug. 17, 1887. Linnehan. Cornelius, 24, of Lex., b. in Ireland, s, of John & Ellen, m., in Arlington, Mary Ann McNamara, 26, d. of Denis & Cathei'ine, of Lex., Sept. 8, 1881. Lister. William A., 32, of Boston, b. in Brooklyn, N. Y., s. of Fred'k W. & Elizabeth, m , in Cambridge, Charlotte M. Amy, 22, of Lex , b. in Granville, Vt., d. of Oscar & Adeliza, Oct. 9, 1888. Little. Mrs. Helen, 26, of Cambridge, b. in Rockland, Me., d. of Geo. & Almira, m. Frederick G. Lowell, 26, of Lex., b. in Gardner, Me., s. of Harrison & Rebecca F., June 29, 1870. Mrs. Mattie A. (Dow), 25, of Lex., b. in Concord, N. IL, d. of Benj. F. & Martha I., m. George N. Gurney, 40, of Lex., b. in Freeport, Me,, s. of Leonard & Rachel, his 2d m., Sept. 27, 1882. Livermore. Mrs. Lydia Annette (Walker), 52, of Lex , b. in Townsend, d. of John Walker & Lydia (Adams), m. Bradley Anson I'utney, 63, of Bellows Falls, Vt,, b. in Westmoreland, N. H,, s. of Amos & Nancy (Daggett), his 2d m., Jan. 5, 1897. Locke. Benjamin, 34, s. of Jas. & Lucy, m. Mary H. Skelton,34, d. of Horace &■ Fanny, all of Lex., Mar. 11, 1856. George W , 26, s. of Micajah & Almira R., of Lex., m,, in INIalden, Mary E. Sanborn, 19, of Lex., b. in Boston, d. of John E. & VAizn- beth M., Oct. 27, 1862. Everett S., 21, s. of Stephen & Friscilla, of Lex., m. Ellen E. God- dard, 18, of Lex., b. in Medlield.d. of Alonzo & Elizabeth, May 31, 1863. LEXINGTON BE COED OF MABBIAGES. 353 Locke — Continued. Jane A., 30, d of Win. & Harriet, of Lex., m, Willard Warren Turner, 35, of Foxboro, s. of Willard Pierce & Catherine Emma, his 2d m., Dec. 8, 1874. Mary T., 30, of West Medford, b. in Charlestown, d. of Jonathan F. & Mary M., m. Albert N. Tufts, 33, s. of Boweu A. & Sarah A., of Lex., Dec. 12, 1876. Elizabeth N., 48, d. of Chas, & Abigail, of Lex., m. John R. Fisher, 45, of Watertown, b. in Hinsdale, N. H., s. of DanU, Jr., & Rhoda, . his 3d ra., Jul. 4, 1878. Herbert Gardner, 27, s. of Amos & Rhoda Blodget, of Lex., m., in Chicago, Addie Maria Spencer, d. of Wm, H & Frances E., Mar. 10, 1879. William O, 22, s. of Wm., 2d, & Mary A. (Garmon), of Lex., m. Emma F. Smith, 24, of Lex., b. in Charlestown, d. of Levi J. & Georgie, June 12, 1884. Alonzo Everett, 24, s. of Everett S. & Ellen E , m. Alice Hastings Butters, 23, d. of Frank V. & M. Elizabeth, all of Lex., Nov. 17, 1887. , Martha Clayton, 25, d. of Everett S. & Ellen E. (Goddard), of Lex., m. Arthur James Bennett, 27, of Boston, b. in London, England, s. of Benj. & Elizabeth, Oct 13, 1892. Henry G., 23, s. of Chas. G. & Mary E. (Evans), of Arlington, m. Florence E. Blaisdell, 19, d. of Benj. F. & Sarah L. (Hutchins), of Carlisle, Oct. 5, 1896. Lockney. Mary, 25, of Lex., b. in Quincy, d. of Danl & Mary, m., in Arling- ton, Cornelius J. Dineene, 27, s. of Edward & Mary, of Lex.. Jan. 22, 1880. Lombard. • Richard F., 23, of Lex., b. in Me., s of Elisha L. & Delia, m. Sarah Fiske, 19, d. of Henry & Anna, of Lincoln, Mar. 30, 1856. Elisha B., 26, s. of Albert F. & M. Augusta (Watts), of Lex , m. Alice G. Snelling, 21, of Lex., b. in Charlestown, d. of Christopher F. & Kate A. (Fowler), May 18, 1892. Long. Susan, 24, of Lex., b. in St. Johns, N. F , d. of Robert & Kate (Furlaney), m. John D. Van Buren, 27, s. of Cornelius & Sarah (Roe), of Kingston, N. Y,, his 2d wf., June 6, 1893. Loring. Henry W., 26, of Charlestown, b. in Pembroke, s. of Henry B. & Lucy D., m. Sarah C. Crowninshield, 25, of Lex., b. in Portland, d. of Abram W. & Sarah B., June 20, 1865. Lovejoy. James E., 21, of Lex., b. in Arlington, s. of Edward & Carrie, m. Mrs. Mary J. (Wood) Pevey, 24, of Lex , b. in Boston, d, of Richard Wood & Elizabeth A., Jan. 29, 1881. Grace Ada, 27, d. of Alfred W. & Emily E. (Hodsdon), of Chelsea, m., in Chelsea, John Stillman Spaulding, 29, of Lex., b. in Brooklyn, N. Y., s. of John B. & Mary B. (Saville), Jul. 25, 1895. Lovering. Lucy H., 21, of Melrose, b. in Fredonia, N. H., d. of Isaac & Harriet (Piper), m. Robert N. Pierce, 40, of Melrose, b. in Winchester, s. of Robert & Lucy (Swift), his 2d m., Oct. 4, 1873. 354 LEXINGTON EECOED OF MABBIAQES. Lovewell. Nellie M., 31, of Lex., b. in Weston, d. of Sam'l J. & Lucretia, m., in Waltham, Otis M. Gove, 23, of Lex., b. in Seabrook, N. H , s. of Stephen M. & Lydia M., Oct. 29, 1874. Lowe. Charles H., 21, of Bedford, b. in Rindge, N. H., s. of Francis & Sarah A., m. M. Addie Goodwin, 18, d. of Joseph H. & Catherine, of Bedford, Apr. 7, 1869. William T., 38, of Lex., b. in Jaffrey, N. H., s. of Francis & Sarah (Boynton), ni., 2d, in Bedford, Freda E. Wolfe, 19, of Lex., b. in Germany, d. of Hermann & Emiline (Wensee), Dec. 25, 1895. Lowell. Frederick G., 26, of Lex., b. in Gardner, Me., s. of Harrison & Re- becca F., m. Mrs. Helen Little, 26, of Cambridge, b. in Rockland, Me., d. of Geo. & Almira, June 29, 1870. Lund. Mary W., 22," d. of Nath'l & Caroline B., m., in Brookline, N. H., John Fred Hutchinson, 26, of Lex., b. in Brookline, N. H., s. of John Q. A. & Amanda R , Mar. 8, 1882. Fred Bates, 28, of Lex., b. in Concord, N. H., s. of Chas. C. & Lydia F (French), m. Zoe Meriam Griffing, 22, d. of Abner A. & Abbie (Stetson), of Lex., May 13, 1893. Lunt. Ellen S. B., 27, of Lex., b. in Chincha Islands, Peru, d. of Alfred M. & Harriet M., m. William T. Makepeace, 27, of Barnstable, b. in Vt., s. of Alvin S. & Buhamah, Sept. 19, 1884. Lyman. Lewis J., 60, of Woburn, b. in Weston, s. of Geo. & Susan, m., 2d, Katie Winn, 35, of Woburn, b. in Ireland, d. of Patrick & Anna, Sept. 6, 1882. Lynch. Katie, 22, d. of Martin & Mary (Cosgrove), of Roxbury, m., in Bos- ton, Dennis McNamara, Jr., 26, s. of Kate (Cosgrove), of Lex., Oct. 23, 1895. Lyons. Maggie, 25, of Bedford, b. in Sudbury, d. of Wm. & Margaret (Flan- nigan), m., in Concord, Daniel A. Gorman, 28, of Lex., b. in N. S., s. of Wm. & Mary (Meehan), Feb. 25, 1884. Sarah F., 26, of Concord, b. in Sudbury, d. of Wm. & INIargaret, m. William J. Neville, 32, of Lex,, b. in Bedford, s. of John & Maria, Oct. 15, 1885. Cornelius, 30, s. of Patrick & Joanna (O'Connell), m. Minnie F. Buckley, 30, d. of Patrick & Margaret (Young), both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Aug. 25, 1894. Macdonald. Allan, 26, s. of Thos. & Mary, m. Hattie A. Morri-son, 21, d. of John & Sarah A. (Mar.sh), both of Lex. and b. in N. S., June 18, 1890. Charles .7 , 24, of Wayland, 1). in Germany, m Augusta L. Sherman, 19, of Framingliam, b. in Lex., d. of John G. & Mai LEXINGTON BECOBD OF MAlUilAGES. 355 Mack. Maggie, 28, d. of Patrick & Catherine (Moroney), of Bedford, m. Micluiel J. Battles, ol, s. of John & Mary (Morrison), of Concord, Mar. 1, 1892. Madden. Margaret, 20, of Lowell, b. in England, d. of Chas. & Emma, m., in Lowell, Walter H. Park, 24, of Lex., b. in Lowell, s. of John & Margaret, May 21, 1887. Magan. Michael, 29, of Lex., b. in Ireland, s. of Thos. & Margaret (Farha), m. ALary Donnelan, 26, of Arlington, b. in Ireland, d. of Thos. & Mary (Leonard), Mar. 24, 1869. Maguire. Celia T . 23, d. of Ilngh & Mary (Curry), of Lex., m., in Concord, S. A. Winsor, 23, of Medford, b. in Uuxbury, s. of Thos. & Susan (Winsor), Aug. 29, 1871. Hugh J., 86. of Lex., b. in Ireland, s. of Hugh & Mary (Curry), m. Sarah J. Neville, 3.5. of Bedford, b. in Lex., d. of John & Alaria (Kane), Apr. 21, 1897. Mahigen. Nellie C, 24, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Michael & Ellen, m., in Arlington, Francis VV. Reed, 31, s. of Joseph G. & Ann M., of Lex., Oct. 29, 188.5. Makepeace. William T., 27, of Barnstable, b. in Vt., s. of Alvin S. & Buhamah, m. Ellen S. B. Lunt, 27, of Lex., b. in Chincha Islands, Peru, d. of Alfred M. & Harriet M., Sept. 19, 1884. Maloney. Mary A. E., 23, of Lex., b. in Arlington, d of John & Ann, m. Thomas F. Kelly, 34, of Winchester, b. in Ireland, s. of Phillip & Bridget, Jul 19, 1882. Manley. Cornelius J., 24, s. of John & Mary, m., in Arlington, Nellie A Harrington, 23, d. of John & Mary, all of Lex., May 19, 1881. Cornelius J., 28, s. of Dennis & Bridget, of Lex , m., in Boston, Elizabeth J. Cannan, 26, d. of Thos. & Mary, of Boston, Oct. 18, 1888. Julia A , 21, d. of Dennis & Bridget, of Lex., m. John F. Ilennesy, 26, of Lex., b. in Ireland, s. of John & Kate, Apr. 21, 1889. Michael J., 27, of Boston, b. in Lex., s. of Dennis & Bridget, m. Clara M. Gross, 30, of Lex., b. in Waldoboro, Me., d. of Wm. & Mary, Nov. 18, 1891. William E., 28, s. of Michael & Julia (Collins), of Lex., m. Alice J Kiernar, 25, of Charlestown, b. in Randolph, d. of Edward &, Ann (Bovven), June 1, 1893. Elizabeth M., 37, d. of Dennis & Bridget (Donovan), of Lex.,ni. Olin L. Phelps, 38, of Lowell, b. in South Hero, Vt., s. of Sam'l & Fannie C. (Sampson), Oct. 30, 1895. Mann. Edward, 30, of Lex., b. in England, s. of Henry & Jane, m., in Woburn, Helen Broaders, 32, of Lex., b. in N. S., d of Michael & Ann, Nov 25, lfc62. 356 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF MABIilAGES. Mann — Continued. Charles C, 26, of Lex., b. in Bradford, Vt., s. of Wra. M. & Jennie (Gerry), m. Grade M. Parker, 24, d. of Nelson & Elizabeth, of Stonehani, Oct. 15, 1885. Georgianna H., 22, d. of Moses W. & Elizabeth J. C. (Holton), of Medford, ni., in West Medford, Harvey S. Bacon, 24, of Lex., b. in Salisbury, N. H., s. of David & Adella (Folsoni), Dec. 16, 1896. Manning. Stephen B., 38, of Lex,, b. in Westport, Me., s. of John & Dorcas A. (Taylor), m., 2d, in Burlington, Grace A. Reed, 21, d. of Edward & Sarah E. (Smith), of Burlington, Dec. 27, 1892. Genievive, 18, of Lex., b. in Charlestown, d. of Stephen B. & Nancy E. (Richards), m William E. Eaton, 30, of Lex., b. in Boston, s. of David H. & Elizabeth, his 2d m., Jan. 5, 1893. Lucy, 18, of Lex., b, in Somerville, d. of Stephen B. & Lizzie (Richards), m., in Boston, Nathan A. Fitch, 21, s. of David & Sarah M. (Williams), of Lex., Jul. 25, 1896. Mansel Joseph, 26, of Concord, b. in Lincoln, s. of Michael & Susan (Blaekmore), ra. Margaret T. McGann, 27, of Lex., b. in Arlington, d. of Michael & Mary A. (Dolan), Oct. 11, 1896. Mansfield. Patrick, 19, of Charlestown, b. in Ireland, s. of Thos. & Hannah, m., in Concord, Mary White, 22, d. of Patrick & Mary, of Lex., Nov. 3, 1872. Marrett. Mary Muzzey, 28, d. of Dr. Wra. (s. of Rev. Dan'l, of Lex.) & Ada- line (Irish), of Westbrook, Me., m. Fabius M. Ray, 26, s. of Caleb Rea, Jr., & Susan (Bickford), of Windham, Me., Aug. 29, 1863. Marsden. William, 22, of Lex., b. in England, s. of John & Mary (Johnson), m. Kate Dohorty, 20, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Patrick & Mary (Callaghan), Ajpr. 3, 1894. Marsh. Mary L., 22, d. of Mansur W. & Louisa, of Belmont, m,, in Belmont, George H. Lawrence, 24, s. of Sidney & Ann, of Lex., Oct. 9, 1866. Martin. Cyrus, 20, of Lex., b. in Littleton, s. of Jas. B. & Elizabeth S., m. Mary A. Beverstock, 19, of Lex., b. in Charlestown, d. of Francis & Laura W., Apr. 19, 1876. Cyrus, 38, of Lex., b. in Littleton, s. of Jas. B. & Elizabeth, m., 2d, Mrs. Clara A. Larcom, 41, of Lex., b. in Antrim, N. H . d of Wyman W. C. & Abby M. W., May 20, 1889. Mrs. Annie (Power), 32, of Gloucester, b. in Boston, d. of Jas. Power & Mary (Welch), m. John Mclnnerny, 35, of Lex., b. in Concord, s. of Jas. & Mary (Highland), Oct. 28, 1895. Mason. Lysander W., 25, s. of S. C. & Edith A., m. Annie F. Turner, 22, d. of Chas. & Eliza, all of Augusta, Me., Sept. 14, 1876. May. John Ernest, 26, of Lex , b. in Ottawa, s. of Geo. & Elizabeth H. (Cobb), m., in Arlington, Sophia Crawford Elliott, 22, of Lex., b. in Montreal, d. of Jas. & Annie (McLean), June 15, 1892. LEXINGTON BECORD OF MABBIAGE8. 357 Maynard. John Francis, 24, of Lex., b. in INIarblehead, s. of John & Catherine (Beal), m. Julia C. Abbey, 25, d. of Orrin R. & Dimmis, of Middle- bary, Vt., Mar. 30, 1869. Wilbur E., 22, of Bedford, b. in South Manchester, Conn., s. of Henry E. & Minnie (Webber), m. F. Gertrude Currier, 22, d. of Alexander & Lydia A. (Jones), of Lex., June 7, 1893, MeAdams. Lucie B., 35, of Boston, b. in Newton, d. of Jas. & Sarah C. (Bibber), m. Charles N. McCuUough, 50, of Lex , b. in Boston, s. of Wni. & Betsev (Brown), his 2d m., Nov 28, 1894. Mary, 28, of Lex , b. in Ireland, d. of Patrick & Catherine (Finlcy), m. Thomas McEnaney, 28, of Arlington, b. in Irelaud, s. of Edward & Alice (Tevey), Jan. 2, 1895. McAllister. John J., 22, of Lex., b. in Belfast, Ireland, s of Dan'l & Rose (MuUa- hend), m. Louisa Chapman, 23, of Lex., b. in P. E. I., d. of Wm. & Margaret (Holland), Feb. 11, 1892. McCaffrey. Katie, 25, d. of Barney & Mary, m. John J. Ready, 26, s. of John & Mary (Buckley), all of Lex., June 3, 1891. McCann. James, 29, s. of John & Ellen (Parks), m. Katie Shehan, 25, d. of Wm. & Mary (O'Brien), both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Jul. 26, 1868. John W., 23, s. of Jas. & Catherine (Sheehan), of Lex., m , in Arling- ton, Mary E. McCue, 20, d. of Peter & Bridget (Craven), of Arling- ton, Sept. 11, 1893. McCarty. Mrs. Ellen, 28, d. of Jerry & Ellen, m. Darby Brinn, 29, s. of David & Biddy, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, June 10, 1S54. Sarah, 23, of Arlington, b. in Ireland, d. of Martin & Bridget, ni., in Arlington, Thomas Forsyth, 25, of Lex., b. in St. Johns, N. B., s. of Wm. & Nancy, his 2d m., June 25, 1889. McClure. George J., 25, of Lex., b. in P. E. I., s. of David & Margaret, m. Annie Griffin, 20, of Lex., b. in N. S., d. of Chas. & Martha, Sei3t. 1, 1890. McCormick. Charles, 24, s of DanU & Ellen, m. Mrs. Maria (Cosgrove) Whaland, 28, d. of John Cosgrove & Mary, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Nov. 1, 1868. MeCue. Mary E., 20, d. of Peter & Bridget (Craven), of Arlington, m., in Arlington, John W. McCann, 23, s. of Jas. & Catherine (Sheehan), of Lex., Sept. 11, 1893. McCuUough. Charles N , 50, of Lex., b. in Boston, s. of Wm. & Betsey (Brown), m . 2d, Lucie B. Mc.\dams, 35, of Boston, b. in Newton, d. of Jas. & Sarah C. (Bibber), Nov. 28, 1894. 358 LEXINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. McDiarmid. George H., 41, of Lex., b. in Guysboro Countj', N. S., s. of John & Sarah, m., in Somerville, Lydia McKinley, 27, of Boston, 'b. in Guysboro County, N. S., d. of Wm., Aug. 31, 1882. McDonald. Josephine, 37, d. of Sani'l & Mary Ellen, m. James Dalrymple, 40, s. of Jacob & Rachel, both of Lex. and b. in N. S., his 2d m., June 3, 1879. Terrence, 24, of Lex., b. in Ireland, s. of Timothy & Ellen (O'Leary), m., in Arlington, Eliza M. Doyle, 22, of Lex., b. in Cambridge, d of Michael & Johanna (White), Oct. 6, 1879. Susan C, 26, of Arlington, b. in N. S , d. of Sam'l & Mary, m. Alex- ander II. Lang, 28, of Arlington, b. in Scotland, s. of Alexander & Jane, Aug. 28, 1882. Nora, 22, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Timothy, m. Charles J. Ray, 21, of Lex., b. in Roxbury, s. of David & Margaret, Sept. 14, 1887. Michael, 20, s. of Timothv & Ellen (Leary), of Lex., m. Margaret Forseyth, 20, of Lex., b. in P. E. I., d. of Wm. & Nancy, Aug. 3, 1889. Bridget, 27. d. of Timothy, of Lex., m. Philip J. Corbett, 23, of Lex., b. in Northfield, Vt , s of Michael & Mary (Hartley), Nov. 29, 1891. Jessie, 23, d. of Neil & Maggie (McP'herson), m. Matthew K. Huntley, 22, s. of Rufus & Martha (Kerr), both of Lex. and b. in N. S., Feb. 16, 1893. Maggie, 25, of Lex., b. in Point Morrien, C. B., N. S., d. of Neil & Margaret (McPherson), m., in Ilingham, Miner E. Rogers, 24, of Lex , b. in Scotts Bay, Kings County, N. S , s. of Wm. & Prudence (Steele), Mar. 19, 1895. John R., 27, of Lex., b. in Halifax, N. S., s. of Thos. & Annie (Connor), m. Katie T. Tracey, 21, of Lex., b. in N. B., d of Michael & Katie (Ryan), Nov. 11, 1896. Mrs. Emily L. F., 24, of South Boston, b. in London, d. of Henry J. O'Regan & Emma (Cheesman), m., in Boston, Philip A. Nelles, 24, of Lex., b. in South Boston, s. of Augustus Cajsar & P^mily Tereasa (Wyman), Jul. 22, 1897. Catherine F., 18, of Boston, b. in N. S., d. of Donald & Sarah, m.,in Boston, John D. Johnson, 22, of Lex., b. in N. S., s. of Dan'l & Maggie (Mcintosh), Dec. 9, 1897. McDonnell. Mary A., 27, of Lex.,b in London, England, d. of Owen & Margaret, m. Timoth}^ J. Donovan, Jr., 35, of Sharon, b, in Ireland, s. of Nora (Daly), Jul. 29, 1890. McDonough. Bridget, 25, d. of Antony & Mary D., m,, in Arlington, Patrick Mul- vey, 23, s. of Dan'l & Ann (Dull}'), both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Nov. 26, 1885. McDougal. Christa Ann, 23, d. of Duncan, m. Joseph Burton, 23, s. of Benj. & Catherine (Perry), both of Lex. and b. in Canada, Aug 22, 1870. Maggie, 21, d. of Donakl & Katherine (McKinnon), m. John F. McKenzie, 22, s. of Kenneth & Margaret (McPhee), both of Lex. and b. in P. E. I., Oct. 24, 1893. McEnaney. Thomas, 28, of Arlington, b. in Ti-eland, s. of Edward & Alice (Tevey), m. Mary McAdams, 28, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Patrick & Catherine (Finley), Jan. 2, 1895. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF MARBIA0E8. 359 McEnroe. Bernard, Jr., 29, of Lex., b. in Boston, s. of Margaret, m. Mary M. Collins, 28, d. of Dan'l & Mary, of Lex., June 2, 1886. McFarland. Daniel, 24, s. of Dunkin & Hannah, of Boston, m. Laurina A. Powers, 19, of Lex., b. in Portland, Me., d. of Michael & Louisa, Oct. 11, 1851. McFee. Mary C, 23, d. of Alexander & Catherine, of N. S., m. Eli Combs, 23, s. of Jonathan & Olive, of Richford, Vt., Dec. 23, 1874. McGann. Thomas, 23, s. of Michael & Mary (Donnelly), of Lex., m. Annie Josephine Daley, 2.5, of Lex., b. in P. E. I., d. of Jas. & Ann (Burns), Oct. 21, 1893. Margaret T., 27, of Lex., b. in Arlington, d. of Michael & Mary A. (Dolan), m. Joseph Manning Mansel, 26, of Concord, b. in Lin- coln, s. of Michael & Susan (Blackmore), Oct. 11, 1896. McGee. Ida, 22, d. of Richard & Mary, of Portland, Me., m. John C. Smyers, 32, of Lex., b. in Alleghany City, Pa., s. of Dan'l & Mary, Feb. 12, 1888. McGill. Mary, 20, d. of Thos. & Catherine, m. Patrick Hayes, Jr., 20, s. of Bridget, both of Lex. and b in Ireland, Jul. 30, 1890. McGillivray. Carrie, 23, of Lex., b. in Richmond, P. E. L, d. of Joseph & Maiy (McDougal), ra., in Waltham, Alexander Withrovv, 28, of Lex., b. in Hants County, N. S., s. of Joshua & Catherine (Fenton), Nov. 30, 1895. McGinty. Ellen, 35, of Lex., b. in N. S., d of Barney & Catherine, m. James A. King, ,54, of Lex., b. in Ireland, his 2d wf., Jan. 1, 1887. Sarah, 25, of Winchester, b in Ireland, d. of John & Kate (Donough), m., in Winchester, Mark Dodd, 25, of Lex., b. in Ireland, s. of Aleck & Rebecca (Foy), May 2, 1889. McGrain. Patrick, 30, of Lex., b. in Quebec, s. of John & IMary (Crozer), m. Kate McNally, 24, of Boston, b. in Ireland, d. of Thos. & Bridget (Riley), Aug. 28, 1894. McGrath. Luke, 21, s of Patrick & Bridget, m. Hannah Ryan, 23, d. of Timothy A: Mary, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Sept. 3, 1864 McGuiness. Catherine, 28, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of John & Bridget, m. James Russell, 28, of Lex., b. in Scotland, s. of Jas. & Rose, Ajjr. 16, 1861. Mclnnerny. John, 35, of Lex., b. in Concord, s, of Jas. & Mary (Highland), m. Mrs. Annie (Power) Martin, 32, of Gloucester, b. in Boston, d. of Jas. Power & Mary (Welch), Oct. 28, 1895. 3'60 LEXINGTON BECOED OF MABBIAGEh. Mclnrae. Mrs. Margaret (Woods), 38, d. of John Woods & Bridget, m., in W^oburn, Patrick Powers, 38, s. of Lawrence & Ellen, both of J^ex. and b. in Ireland, Oct 1, 1865. Mcintosh. Bridget J , 24, of Lex., b. in Souris, P. E. I., d. of Norman & Jennie, m., in Arlington, John Francis McKearney, 24, of Lex., b. in Char- lottetown, P. E. I , s.of Michael & Catherine, Mar. 7, 1886. Mclntyre. Charles, 29, s. of Dan'l & Hannah, m. Helen A. Skelton, 20, d. of David & Hannah, all of Burlington, Mar. 13, 1866. Mrs. Caroline (Frost), 57, of Lex., b in Billerica, d. of Levi Frost & Alice, m. John Hudson, 78, of Lex., b. in Boston, s. of Joseph & Elizabeth, his 3d m.. May 19, 1868. Donald, 36, of Lex., b. in Orono, Me., ni. Augusta D. Simonds, 21, d. of Joseph F. & Susan, of Lex., Sept. 18, 1873. McKay. George C, 30, of Lex., b. in P. E. I., s. of Wm. J. & Mary (Clow) , m. VVillena Griffin, 21, of Lex,, b. in N, S., d. of Chas. & Martha (0'Brian),Mar. 27,1894. McKearney. John Francis, 24, of Lex., b, in Charlottetown, P. E. I., s. of Michael & Catherine, m., in Arlington, Bridget J. Mcintosh, 24, of Lex., b. in Souris, P. E. I.,d. of Norman & Jennie, Mar. 7, 1886. McKee. Margaret, 24, of Boston, b. in Ireland, d. of Jas., m., in Boston, Alexander Porter, 28, of Lex., b. in Ireland, s. of Patrick and Fanny (Shaw), Dec. 6, 1894. McKeen. Rachel P., 26, of Lex., b. in Gnysboro, N. S., d of Wm, & Charlotte Ann, m. Francis J. Winship, 29, s. of Edward & Plannah Elizabeth, of Lex., Dec. 26, 1876. McKenzie. David, 26, of Lex., b. in Pictou County, N. S., s. of Roderick & Catherine, m. Emma McPhee, 25, of Lex., b. in Rawdon, Hants County, N. S., d. of Wm. & Mary, Feb. 19, 1886. John F., 22, s. of Kenneth & ISIargaret (McPhec^), m. Maggie McDougal, 21, d. of Donald & Katherine (McKinnon), both of Lex. and b. in P. E. I., Oct. 24, 1893. James, 22, s. of John & Mary (McDonald), m Maggie McNiel, 27, d. of Leonard & Matilda (Brown), both of Lex., b. in P. E. I., Ajir. 21, 1895. McKinley. Lydia, 27, of Boston, d. of Wm., m., in Someiville, G. II. McDiarmid, 41, of Lex., s. of John & Sarah, both b. in Guysboro County, N. S., Aug. 31, 1882. McKinnon. Roderick, 27, of Lex., b. in P. E. I., s. of Loeklin & Catherine, m., in Arlington, Delia O'Shanghnessy, 20, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of John & Sarah, Mar. 8, 1883. LEXINGTON BE CORD OF MABBIAQES. 361 McKinnon — Continued. Linus, 36, of Aspen, Col., b. in P. EL, s. of Neil & Elizabeth, m. Mary McKinnon, 22, of Lex., b. in P. E. I., d. of Jas & Mary, Aug. 19, )«90. Mary, 22, of Lex , b. in P. E. L, d. of Jas & Mary, m. Linus McKin- non, 36, of Aspen, Col., b. in P. E. L, s. of Neil & Elizabeth, Aug. 19, 189U. Agatha, 22, of Lex., d. of Jas. & Mary (Gillis), ni., in Woburn, Wil- liam R. Robinson, 22, of Burlington, s. of Wm. & Isabella (Curan), both b. in P. E. L, Nov. 28, 1893. McLaughlin. Patrick, 21, s. of Wm. & Alice Dougan, m. Margaret P. Galagher, 20, d. of Jas. & Anna, both of Concord and b. in Ireland, Mar. 17, 1868. Duncan, 26, of Lex., b. in N. B., s. of Dan'l & Marger}^ m., in Arling- ton, Mary Jane Cole, 23, of Lex., b. in N. S., d. of Robert & Catherine, Nov. 19, 1873. McLellan. Maggie, 26, of Lex., b. in P. E. I., d. of John P. & Mary (Campbell), m. Stephen DeVeau, 28, of Lex., b. in N. S., s. of Constant & Elizabeth (Maloney), Nov. 17, 1891. McMann. John, 23, s. of Michael & Margaret, m., in Woburn, Elizabeth Morrison, 22, d. of Peter & Ann, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Apr. 15, 1864. MeManus. Carrie, 18, d. of Andrew & Maria, of Arlington, m., in Cambridge, James Wilson, 24, of Lex., b. in Ireland, s. of John & Catherine, Mar. 15, 1880. Francis, Jr., 27, s. of Bridget (McGuire), of Concord, m. Ellen E. Collins, 27, d. of Dan'l & Mary (Donovan), of Lex., Apr. 10, 1894. Annie, 30, of Middleboro, b. in Taunton, d. of Terry & Eunice H. (Staples), m., in Middleboro, Loring Ellsworth Pierce, 26, s. of Geo. L. & Sarah J. (Hanscom), of Lex., Dec. 14, 1897. McMasters. Angeline M., 19, d. of John & Belle (Chase), m. Frederick G. Muz- zey, 24, s. of Geo. E. & Mary E. (Smith), all of Cambridge, June 17, 1893. McNally. Kate, 24, of Boston, b. in Ireland, d. of Thos. & Bridget (Riley), m. Patrick McGrain, 30, of Lex., b. in Quebec, s. of John & Mary (Crozer), Aug. 28,1894. McNamara, Ann, 25, d. of Edward & Ann, m. William Welch, 29, s. of Patrick & Catherine, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, June 6, 1857. Mary Ann, 26, d. of Dennis & Catherine, of Lex., m., in Arlington, Cornelius Linnehan, 24, of Lex., b. in Ireland, s. of John & Ellen, Sept. 8, 1881. John T., 25, s. of Dennis & Catherine, of Lex., m. Rose A. Berry, 21, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Rosa, Jul. 28, 1886. Dennis, Jr., 26, s. of Kate (Cosgrove), of Lex., m., in Boston, Katie Lynch, 22, d. of Martin & Mary (Cosgrove), of Roxbury, Oct. 23, 1895. 362 LEXINGTON BECORD OF MABBIA0E8. McNamara — Continued. Nellie T., 26, d. of Dennis & Catherine (Cosgrove), of Lex., m. Thomas H. Breslin, 25, of Lex., b. in Woburn, s. of Chas. & Mary (Ryan), Oct. 20, 1897. McNieL Maggie, 27, d. of Leonard & Matilda (Brown), m. James McKenzie, 22, s. of John & Mary (McDonald), both of Lex. and b. in P. E. L, Apr. 21, 1895. McPhee. John, 28, of Lex., b. in N. S., s. of John & Esther, m. Ellen McPhee, 22, of Arlington, b. in N. S., d. of Alexander & ]\Iary, Mar. 26, 1876. Ellon, 22, of Arlington, b. in N. S., d. of Alexander & Mary, m. John MuPhee, 28, of Lex., b. in N. S., s. of John & Esther, Mar. 26, 1875. George A., 25, of Lex., b. in Nine Mile River, N. S., s. of Alexander & Catherine, m. Maggie Hubbard, 22, d. of Thos. & Mary, of Lex., Aug. 27, 1880. Emma, 25, of Lex., b. in Rawdon, Hants County. N. S., d. of Wm. & Mary, m. David McKenzie, 26, of Lex., b. in Pictou County, N. S., s, of Roderick & Catherine, Feb. 19, 1886. Robert, 37, of Lex,, b. in Rawdon, N. S , s. of John & Esther, m., in Boston, Irene McPhee, 24, of Arlington, b. in West Gore, N. S., d. of Jas. & Jane (Bond), Oct. 23, 18«8. Irene, 24, of Arlington, b. in West Gore, N. S., d. of Jas. & Jane (Bond), m,, in Boston, Robert McPhee, 37, of Lex., b. in Rawdon, N. S., s. of John & Esther, Oct. 23, 1888. McPherson. Katie, 40, of Lex., b. in N. S., s. of Ducal & Jessie (McKennon), m. Robert Gaflney, 45, of Lex., b. in Ireland, s. of Lawrence & Rosie (Carr), his 2d m.. May 17, 1894. McSweeney. Daniel, 24, s, of Bryan & Catherine (Desmond), of N. B., m. Ellen Dacey, 24, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Dennis & Johanna (Can- nief), Jul. 15, 1870. Mead. Caroline T., 20, of Lex., b. in Ii-eland, d. of Patrick & Jane F., m. Arthur W. Day, 22, of Lex., b. in West Newfield, Me., s. of John L. & Susan B. (Patch), June 18, 1891. Means. George, 25, of Lex., b. in Derby Line, Vt., s. of Wm. & Sarah, m. Margaret Dorherty, 24, of Lex , b. in Boston, d. of Alexander & Mary, Aug. 19, 1860. Mears. Madeleine Moore, 26, of Lex., b. in Sherburne, d. of Geo. G. & Elizabeth K., m. Charles E. I. Dale, 28, s. of Edward I. & Sarali A., of Boston, Oct. 26, 1881. Meehan. Jolin, 27, of Boston, b. in N. S., s. of Thos. & Margai'et, m. Bessie Ryan, 24, of Lex., b. in St. Johns, N. B., d. of Thos. & Mary, Nov. 13, 1889. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF MABBIAGES. 363 Meleney. Blanche Isabelle, 23, of Lex , b in Salem, cl. of Sani'l & Margaret, ru., in Boston, John T. Scott, 26, of Lex., b. in Boston, s. of Arthur L. & Jane, Nov. 11, 1885. May Agnes, 22, of Lex., b. in Sidney, N. S., d. of Sam'l & Margaret, m. Fred C. Saville, 24, s. of Leonard A. & Rebecca H., May 4, 1887. Mellen. Sophia VV., Jr., 27, d. of Edward, m., in Framingham, John W. Hud- son, 28, of Lex., b. in Westminster, s. of Chas. «& Martha B., Mar. 25, 1865. Melvin. Franklin E., 23, s. of John & Joanna, of Charlestown, m. Helen A. Knight, 20, d. of Loammi & Mercy, of Lex , Sept. 26, 1861. Merriam. James S., 39, of Lex., b. in Halifax, N. S , s. of John & Sarah, m. Mary Jane Gallagher, 25, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Matthias & Catherine, Jan. 10, 1877. Nathaniel Henry, 26, of Lex., b. in Chelsea, s. of Matthew H. & Jane, m. Emma Louisa Cottrell, 26, of Lex., b. in Boston, d. of Asa & Maria Louisa, Nov. 3, 1880. Edward Porter, 24, of Lex., b. in Charlestown, s. of Matthew H. & Jane (Wild), m. Grace Elise Goodwin, 23, d. of Chas. Clinton & Alice (Phelps), of Lex., Sept. 5, 1894. Mei'ritt. Louise, 31, d. of David J. & Annie (Magee), of St. Johns, N. B., m. John Swainson Harrison, Jr., 37, of Savannah, b. in N. B., s. of Mary (Ferguson), Nov. 1, 1897. Merry. Annie Laura, 24, of Lex., b. in Annapolis County, N. S., d. of Jas. & Elizabeth (Hendy), m. Robert A. Denham, 23, of Lex., b. in Kings County, N. S., s. of Jas. & Mary Jane, Apr. 3, 1886. Merryfield. Noah, 45, of Lex , b. in Porter, Me., s. of Stephen & Dorothy (Durgin), m., 2d, Emma Frances Prilav, 33, of Lex., b. in North Newport, Me., d. of Henry & Maria (Tibbits), June 2, 1896. Meserve. William P. F., 28, of Lex., b. in Richmond, Me., s. of Wm. & Rebecca, m. Mary E. B. Smith, 25, d. of Wm. & Joan, of Lex., May 21, 1861. Metcalf. Florence Ilda, 22, d. of Geo. A. & Ella (Goodwin), of Maiden, m., in Maiden, William Allen Gi'ozier, 32, of Lex , b. in Brunswick, Me., s. of Joshua F. & Mary Louise (Given), June 23, 1896. Meyer. Abbie, 30, of Cambridge, b. in Boston, d. of Ephraim & Sarah, m., in Cambridge. John Strople, 26, of Lex., b. in N. S., s. of Wm. & Hannah, Apr. 11, 1872. 364 LEXINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. Miller. William 11., 28, of Boston, b. in Me., s. of Ephraim & Elizabeth, m. Caroline M. Simonds, 26, d. of Joseph F. & Susan, of Lex., Nov. 27, 1862. Bessie, 23, of Lex., b. in Providence, d. of John & Susan, m. James Edmands, 23, of Lex., b. in England, s. of Chas. & Elizabeth, Nov. 20, 1873 Margaret, 20, d. of Thos. & Mary, m., in Arlington, Joseph Kene- fick, Jr., 22, s. of Kate, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Nov. 28, 1885. Maude, 23, of Lex., b in Boston, d. of Wm. S. & Mary Caroline, m. James Bliss Coombs, 24, of Brooklyn, N. Y., b. in Islesboro, Me., s. of Asphaxad & Harriet L., Oct. 9, 1889. Mills. (irace Constance, 23, of Lex., b. in Concord, d. of Oliver Perry & Annas Adams, m. Dudley Richards Whitney, 34, of Bi'ooklyn, N. Y., b.in Jamaica Plain, s. of Eli Martin & Catherine Richards, Oct. 27, 1885. Mitchell. James A., 26, s. of Patrick & Sarah A., of Lex., m., in Concord, Maria Mooney, 24, of Lex,, b. in Ireland, d. of John & Ellen, Jan. 23, 1873. Lyman B., 42, of Lex., b. in Bath, Me., s. of Caleb & Sarah (Stilkey), m., 3d, in Boston, Mary J. Anderson, 26, of Springfield, b. in Hari)crs Ferry, W. Va., d. of Wm. E. & Mary J. (Merritt), Jul. 13, 1892. Mixter. Henry Clay, 22, of Arlington, b. in Boston, s. of Calvin S. & Rebecca, m., in Ai-lington, Estella A. Bailey, 20, of Lex., b. in l^incoln, d. of Chellus B. & Ellen L., Nov. 16, 1881. Moakley. Julia A., 26, d of Jas. & Mary, of Lex., m. John E. Burke, 35, of Stoneham, b. in Ireland, s. of Wm. & Mary, Oct. 7, 1886. Kate T., 24, d. of Jas. & IMary, of Lex., m. Florian D. Record, 27, of Salem, b. in Aviburn, Ale., s." of Thos. & Vesta, Apr. 11, 1887. Margaret, 24, d. of Jas. & Mary (Downing), of Lex., m. Cornelius D. Gallagher, 24, s. of John & Hannah (Dorgan), of Arlington, Oct. y, 1893. Letitia, 30, d. of Jas. & Mary (Downing), of Lex., m. Patrick John Sexton, Jr., s. of Mary A. (Higgins), of Concord, Apr. 19, 1896. Patrick James, 33, s. of Jas. & Mary (Downey), of Lex,, m. Annie Marian Hatfield, 26, of Lex., b. in St. Johns, d. of Geo. & Ellen (Wluilen),Sept. 29, 1897. Moloney. Sarah, 25, d. of Patrick & Mary, m. John Kelley, Jr., s. of Bridget, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Sept. 18, 1889. " Montague. James A., 24, s. of Michael & Matilda, m., in Arlington, Nellie Gorman, 23, d. of Jas. & Catherine, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, June 2, 1884. Thomas, 24, s. of Michael & Matilda, m. Ellen Flynn, 21, d. of Curcn & Mergrett, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Nov. 29, 1888. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF MABBIAGES. 365 Moody. Ethel Delna, 26, of Lex., b. in Weston, d. of Abner Jackson & Eliza Frances (Bird), m. Frank Everett Clark, 29, of Newtonville, b. in Boston, s. of Oren Francis & Sarali Frances (Twitchell), June 24, 1890. Mooney. Maria, 24, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of John & Ellen, m., in Concord, James A. Mitchell, 26, s. of Patrick & Sarah A., of Lex., Jan. 23, 1873. Moore. Angeline E., 22, of Canaan, Me , d. of Joseph G. & Emily, m., in Cambrido^e, Henry A. Welington, 22, s. of Augustus & Sarah B., Mar. 16, 1862. M. Augusta, 22, of Cambridge, b. in Somerville, d. of Matthew R. & Mary, m., in Cambridge, John Emery A. Mullikeu, 23, s. of Emery A. & Avis M., of Lex., Nov. 5, 1879. Enoch Anson, Jr., 33, of Denver, Col., b. in Dayton, O., s. of Kath- arine H., m. Caroline Augusta Bacon, 30, d. of John D. & Har- riet A., of Lex., Oct. 17, 1887. Morgan. Maria, 23, of Belmont, b. in Greenwood, Me., d. of John & Hannah, m. Charles R. Wilmer, 24, of Belmont, b. in Albany, N. Y., s. of Robert & Eliza (Morton), Sept. 13, 1863. Moriarty. Nellie E., 28, d. of Giles & Kate (Mclncholly), m. Charles Cronin, 27, s. of Dan'l & Hannah (McCarty), both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, June 3, 1896. John J., 26, s. of Michael & Ellen (Fitzgerald), m. Hannah Keefe, 27, li. of Phillip & Ellen (O'Hearn), both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Jan. 13, 1897. Morrill. John L., 44, of Cambridge, b. in Wells, Me., s. of Moses & Elizabeth, m., in Cambridge, Mary H. Freeman, 40, of Lex., b. in York, Me., d. of Nath'I & Mary A., Aug. 8, 1888. Morrison. Elizabeth, 22, d. of Peter & Ann, m., in Woburn, John McManii, 23, s. of Michael & Margaret, both of Lex., b. iu Ireland, Apr. 15, 1864. Ellen, 19, of Arlington, d of John & Jane, m., in Arlington, John Henderson, 22, of Lex., s. of John & Lizzie, both b. in Ireland, May 24, 1873 Hattie A., 21, d. of John & Sarah A. (Marsh), m. Allan Macdonald, 26, s of Thos. & Mary, both of Lex. and b. in N. S., June 18, 1890. Elizabeth, 22, of Lex., b. in P. E I., d. of Jas. & Mary Ann (Gillis), m. William M. Beevans, 23, of Arlington, b. in Halifax, N. S., s. of Jas. & Mary E. (Walker), Nov. 10, 1891. Maggie, 24. of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Jas. & Annie (Connors), m. George Trimble, 28, of Lex., b. in N. S , s. of Geo. & Margaret (Fitzgerald), Aug. 15, 1894. Mary ET, 24, of Lex , b. in P. E. I., d. of Angis & INIargaret (Wilson), m. ^Villiam R. Curran, 38, of Burlington, b. in P. E. L, s. of Jas. & Mary (McCisich), his 2d m., Aug. 3, 1895. 366 LExiJsraTON eecobd of mabbiaqes. Morse. William R., 25, of Waltham, b. in R. I,, s. of Henry & Phebe, m. Oetavia Smith, 22, of Waltham, b. in Lex., d. of Eben A. & Alraira, Nov. 1, 1S63. Justus p., 25, of Lex., b. in Plymouth, N. H., s. of SamU M. & Eliza M. (Cochran), m. Addie E. Philbrick, 20, of Bedford, b. in Sutton, Vt., d. of Orren D. & Roanna E. (Hay ward), June 2, 1896. Moulton. Annie P., 23, of Centre Harbor, N. H., b. in Moultonboro, N. H., d. of Westley F. & Caroline, m. Frank G. Gould, 24, of Centre Harbor, b. in Salem, s of Gilraan T. & Augusta G. (Barnard), Dec. 23, 1883. J. Alonzo, 22, of Lex., b. in Dorchester, s. of SamU & Abby J., m , in Chicliester, Josie M. Harvey, 22, of North Chichester, N. H., b. in Fisherville, N. H., d. of Stephen C. & Lucretia, Jul. 18, 1888. Samuel, 59, of Lex., b. in Moultonboro, N. 11., s. of Richard & Johanna (Palmer), m., 2d, Elizabeth Gertrude Nutt, 30, of Arling- ton, b. in Hull, England, d. of Joseph H. & Seraphina (Ireson), Jul. 15, 189G. Miidgett. Mary Adams, 26, of Lex., b. in Gilmanton, N. H., d. of Levi H. & Theodati Page (Price), m. Herbert Fowle, 30, s. of Chas. A. & Sarah T. (Austin), of Lex., Aug. 18, 1897. Miildoon. Mary Ann, 21, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Patrick & Ellen (Parks), m. Joseph Ferry, 22, of Lex., b. in Portugal, s. of Manuel & Rosa, Dec. 29, 1889. Mulhern. Thomas, 23, of Lex., b. in Ireland, s. of Thos. & Maria, m., in Cambridge, Elizabeth Hamilton, of Lex,, b. in St. Johns, Oct. 19, 1862. Mullen. William B., 26, s. of Wm. II. & Delia B. (Burk), of Cambridge, m. Sarah Ryan, 23, d. of Patrick & Sarah (Mulhearn), of Lex., June 22, 1887. Mary Ellen, 23, d. of Patrick & Annie (Bailey), of North Cambridge, m., in Cambridge, John Patrick Dailey, 28, s. of Patrick & Bridget, of Lex., Jan. 1, 1890. MuUiken. Charles F., 23, s. of Nath'l & Sarah, of Cambridge, m. Adalaide M. Bailey, 18, of Cambridge, b. in Washington, Me., d. of Abner & Mahala, Sept. 30, 1861." Ann Eliza, 22, d. of Emery A. & Avis M., of Lex., m. Elisha H. Tower, 29, of Lex., b. in Braintree, s. of John & Sarah S., Apr. 29, 1874. John Emery A., 23, s. of Emery A. & Avis M., of Lex., m , in Cam- bridge, M. Augusta Moore, 22, of Cambridge, b. in Somerville, d. of Matthew R. & Mary, Nov. 5, 1879. Mulloy. Bartley J., 22, s. of Redmond & Julia, m., in Arlington, Annie E. Connelly, 23, d of Dennis & Margaret, both of Lex. and b. in Ire- land, Feb. 28, 1886. LEXINGTON BE COBB OF MABBIAGES. 367 Mulvey, Patrick, 23, s. of Uan'l & Ann Dully, m., in Arlington, Bridget Mc- Donough, 25, d. of Antony & Mary D., both of Lex. and b. in Ire- land, Nov. 26, 1885. Munroe. George, 33, s. of Thaddeii.^ & Rebecca, of Lex., m. Susan P. Winning, 26, of Billeriea, b. in Charlestown, d. of David & Susan S., Nov. 7, 1854. Faustina, .35, d. of Jonathan & Rhoda, of Lex., m. Frederick A. Stimp- son, 40, of Lex., b. in Boston, s. of Lovett & Sally, June 12, 1859. Mrs. Anna M. (Hill), 29. of Carlisle, b. in Billeriea, d. of Artemus Hill & Betsey, m. William S. Lee, 86, of Carlisle, b. in Concord, s. of Wm. & Dorcas, Nov. 22, 1868 Mary Marcella, 27, d. of Chas. H. & Mary p]veline, of Lex., m., in Woburn, Charles Allen, 23, of Lex., b. in Dover, N. H,, s. of Benj. & Martha (Brown), Sept. 2, 1870. William R., 30, s. of Jas. S. & Alice B , of Lex., m , in Boston, Helen 11. Gookin, 22, of Lex., b. in Boston, d. of Sara'l H. & F. E., June 4, 1885. James P., 23, s. of Jas. S. & Alice B., of Lex., m. Katherine W. Langdon, 23, of Boston, b. in Cambridge, d. of John H. & Emily W., Jul. 2, 1885. Murphy. Michael, 23, s. of Dan'l & Jane, m. Bridget Clancy, 26, d. of Timothy & Judy, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Oct. 25, 1856. WMlliam, 27, s. of Timothy & Margaret, m., in Woburn, Bridget O'Donald, 30, d. of Patrick &, Bridget, both of Lex. and b. in Ire- land, Dec. 28, 1864. Mary, 22, d. of John & Ellen, m., in Woburn, Daniel Sullivan, 22, s. of Cade & Hannah, both of Lex and b. in Ireland, Jan. 13, 1867. Bridget, 18, of Arlington, b. in Ireland, d. of Jeremiah & JNIargaret, m., in Arlington, Michael O'Connor, 35, s. of Timothy & Jane, of Lex., May 2, 1874. Catherine, 25, of Somerville, d. of Peter & Mar}-, m. John Vanghan, 31, of Lex., s. of Chas. & Ellen, both b. in Ireland, Nov. 26, 1882. Margaret S., 21, d. of Wm & Bridget, of Lex., m., in Arlington, William Taylor Wilson, 24, of Lex., b. in Windsor, N. S., s. of Jas. & Margaret, June 5, 1885. Annie, 28, d. of Peter & ?Jary Riley, both of Lex. and b. in L-eland, m.,in Woburn, Martin Welch, 32, s. of Peter & Mary Carroll, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Apr. 24, 1888. David H., 22, of Woburn, b. in Bangor, Me., s. of Dennis F. & Margaret (Howard), m. Mary A. Reardon, 20, d. of Patrick & Margaret (Haggerty), of Lex., Jan. 28, 1892. Nellie, 21, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Patrick & Mary (Peters), m. Peter Kearnes, Jr., 28, s. of Peter & Mary (Mitchell), of Boston, May 22, 1895. Maggie, 18, of Lex., b. in Brockton, m., in Lincoln, Peter Trumlej', 32, of Lex., b. in Montreal, s. of Jewett & Eliza (Mack entire), Aug. 25, 1895. Murry. Catey, 25, d. of John & Mary (Mack), m. Daniel Kelley, 26, s, of John & Mary (Hines), both of Bedfoi'd and b. in Ireland, May 17, 1868. Bridget, 20, of Bedford, b. in Ireland, d. of John & Mary, ni. William Peters, 25, of Salem, N. Y., b. m Ireland, s. of Richard & Bridget, his 2d m., Dec. 28, 1868. 368 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF MABBTAGBS. Murry — Continued. Mary, 21, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Patrick & Bridget, tu. Manuel Alfred Leal, 27, of Lex., b. in Portugal, s. of John & Mary, Nov. 21, 1885. John Thomas, 25, of Lex., b. in Shepard, N. B., s. of Jas. & Sarah (Blake), ni. Cathei'ine M. Smith, 22, of Lex., b. in County Loud, Ireland, d. of Michael & Annie (Cooke), May 3, 1894. Muzzey. Helen E., 26, of Lex., b. in Boston, d. of Benj & Elizabeth, ni. R. H. Hooper, 32, of Cumberland, b. in Charlestown, s. of Thomas & Mary VV., Nov. 22,1854. Sarah E., 21, of Lex , b in Philadelphia, d. of Chas. & Sarah, m. George Tuttle, 81, s. of David & Patty, of Lex., Apr. 5, 1855. David \V., 27, s. of Benj. & Elizabeth, of l^ex., ni. Anna W. Saville, 22, of Lex., b. in Gloucester, d. of David & Ann, Dec. 11, 18GU. George Eveleth, 30, s. of Benj. & Elizabeth Wood, m. Anna Matilda Gould, 27, of Lex., b. in Boston, d. of Thos., Jr , & Lydia A. (Teel ), Oct. 7, 1868. Fred G., 24, s. of Geo. E. & Mary E. (Smith), m. Angeline M. Mc- Masters, 19, d. of John & Belle (Chase), all of Cambridge, June 17, 1893. Myers. Mary Ann, 26, d. of ChristoiDher & Mary, m., in Woburn, John Ptyan, 2», s of Timothy & Catherine, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Oct. 26, 1865. Neal. Annie F., 21, of Lex., b. in Boston, d. of Robert & Melissa (Yale), m. Charles Benjamin Watts, 23, of Somerville, b. in Cambridge, s. of Francis A. '& Louisa C. Flagg, Sept. 23, 1871. Nelles. Philip A., 24, of Lex., b. in South Boston, s. of Augustus Cajsar & Emil}' Tereasa (Wynian), m., in Boston, Mrs. Emily L. F. McDonald, 24, of South 13oston, b. in London, d. of Henry J. O'Reagan & Emma (Cheesman), Jul. 22, 1897. Nelson. Arthnr W. L., 28, of Rindge, N. H., b. in Manchester, N. II., s. of Chas. W. & Mai'y J., m., in Cambridge, Minnie F. Chapin, 21, of Lex., b. in Cambridge, d. of Geo. A. & Ellen S., Aug. 25, 1885. Neven. Elizabeth, 26, of Lex , b. in Scotland, d. of Andrew & Kate (McPher- son), m. Harry Bullock, 24, of Lex., b. in England, s. of John & Emma (Robinson), Sept. 24, 1890. Neville. William J., 32, of Lex.,b. in Bedford, ,s, of John & Maria, m. Sarah F. Lyons, 26, of Concord, b. in Sudbury, d. of Wm. & Margaret, Oct 15, 1885. Sarah J., 35, of Bedford, b. in Lex., d. of John & Maria (Kane), m. Hugh J. Magnire, 36, of Lex., b. in Ireland, s. of Hugh &. Mary (Curry), Apr. 21, 1897. Nichols. Abba A., 20, d. of John R. & Abigail, of Wilmington, m. Rufus P. Wynian, 28, of Woburn, b. in Mason, N. IL, s. of Maverick & Nancy, Nov. 17, 1855. LEXINGTON BEGOBD OF MABBIAGES. 369 Nichols — Continued. Leah L., of Lex., b. in Ilingliam, d. of Jacob & Jane, m. Andrew Wellington, 35, s. of Peter & Hepzibali, of Lex., Jan. 20, 1868. George W.,31,of Lex.,b. in Reading, s. of Sam'l & Achsach (Barden), m. Susan Augusta Spaulding, 20, of Lex , b. in Lincoln, d. of Albert G. & Lydia (Walker), Jul. 2, 1871. Nicholson. Christie, 21, of Arlington, b. in P. E. I., d. of DanU & Mary, m. Elilm W. Fullertou, 23, of Lex., b. in Port Williams, N. S., s. of Hugh & Phebe, Nov. 27, 1879. NicoU. Edward L., 27, s. of Wm. M. & Mary, of Wheeling, W. Va., m. IL J. Turner, 30, of Lex., b. in Charlestown, d. of Larkin & Lucy P., June 21, 1865. Nolan. Katy, 21, d. of John & Bridget, m., in Woburn, Matthew Burns, 22, s. of John & Bridget, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Jul. 27, 1867. Norcross. Eliza J., 26, of Lex., b. in Lincoln, d. of John & Ellenor, m. Leroy Chapell, 34, s. of Edward & Sarah, of N. C, Aug. 28, 1856. Norris. Alice S., 29, of Lex., b. in Oxford, N. H., d. of Geo. S. & Adeline E., m. Clifton P. Ashley, 25, of Lex., b. in New Bedford, s. of Bolen & Clara, Oct. 3, 1888. Northrop. Louvia A., 39, of South Royalton, Vt., b. in Stafford, Vt., d. of Isaac & Jerusha, m., in Lowell, Grovener A. Page, 40, of Lex., b. in Bedford, s. of Larkin P. & Rebecca H. (Hunt), Sept. 30, 1882. Northup. Nellie, 25, of South Royalton, Vt., b. in Northfield, Vt., d. of Isaac & Jerusha, m., in South Royalton, Marsena Francis Paine, 25, of Lex., b. in Randolph, Vt., s. of Francis B. & Mary C, Oct, 30, 1879. Norton. Clara A., 19, d. of Joseph & Prudence (Hall), of Belmont, N. Y., m., in Belmont, N. Y., Edwin S. Spaulding, 28, of Lex., b. in Dracut, s. of Addison & Nancy (Kimball), June 14, 1870. Lewis J., 36, of Suffield, Conn., b. in Farmington, Me., s. of Peter E. & Anna (Johnson), m. Jennie M. Snow, 28, of Lex., b. in Somer- ville, d. of Isaac T. & Mary C. (Lombard), Apr. 5, 1897. Nourse. Albert F., 21, of Lex., b. in Danvers, s. of Calvin & Caroline S., m., in Cambridge, Martha M. Johnson, 20, of Lex., d. of Chas. W. & Martha S. (Miles), June 19, 1863. Edwin J. B., 23, of Lex., b. in Red Wing, Minn., s. of Wm. & Caro- line (Blaker), m. Emma A. Reed, 19, d. of J. Morton & Emeline A. (Goodwin), of Lex., Oct. 24, 1883. Albert Aubin, 22, s. of Albert Freeman & Martha Miles (Johnson), of Lex., m., in Burlington, Annie E. Chambers, 21, of Burlington, b. in Me., d. of Jas. & Sarah, Sept. 9, 1885. 370 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF MABBIAGES. NOTirse — Continued. Mrs. Martha M. Johnson, 44, of Lex., b. in Wayland, d. of Chas W. Johnson & Martha S., m., in Boston, Edward W. Leighton, 39, of Lex., b. in N. S., s. of Alfred & Margaret C, Feb. 7, 1888. Edwin J. B., 31, of Lex., b. in Red Wing, Minn., s. of Wm. & Caro- line (Blaker),m., 2d, Cai'oline E. Sh\ck,21, d. of Carleton & Louisa E., of Chelsea, Vt., Sept. 27, 1891. Nugent. Daniel, 26, s. of Patrick & Bridget, m. Mary Desmond, 26, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Apr. 14, 1855. Nunn. Charles, 25, of West Roxbnry, b. in Boston, s. of Sam'l & Ann, ni. Susan Pierce, 24, d. of Nath'I & Abigail, of Lex., May 8, 1854. Nathaniel, 28, s. of Chas. & Susan (Pierce), of Lex., m., in Nan- tucket, Stella Louisa Chase, 30, d. of Joseph F. & Maria L. (Jenkins), of Nantucket, June 8, 1887. Nutt. Elizabeth Gertrude, 30, of Arlington, b. in Hull, England, d. of Joseph II. & Seraphina (Ireson), m. Samuel Moulton, 59, of Lex., b. in Moultonboro, N. H., s. of Richard & Johanna (Palmer), Jul. 15, 1896. O'Brien. Bridget, 22, d. of Jas. & Margaret (O'Brian), m. Thomas Pierce, 23, s. of John & Catherine (Fitzgerald), both of Lex. and b in Ireland, Mar. 31, 1872. Michael (2d), 45, of Lex., b. in Ireland, s. of Thos. & Julia M., m., 2d, Mrs. Bridget Callahan, 40, of Arlington, b. in Ireland, d. of Timothy & Margaret, Jan. 19, 1876. Margaret A., 29, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Jas. & Margaret, m., in Arlington, Jeremiah J. Callahan, 38, of Holyoke, b. in Ireland, s. of Blaney B. & Bridget, June 17, 1880. Mary E., 21, of Lex., b. in Belmont, d. of Martin & Julia, m. Law- rence P. Conners, 26,ot' Waltham, b. in N. S., s. of John & Johanna, Ai)r. 6, 1890. Mary E., 28, d. of David & Margaret (Conway), of Burlington, m., in Woburn, John J. Kinneen, 30, s. of Timothy & Sarah (Har- rington), of Lex., Oct. 16, 1895. O'Connell. James, 23, of Cambridge, b. in Ireland, s. of Dennis & Ellen, m. Bridget Devine, 21, ofLex., b. in Ireland, d. of Jas. & Ann, Aug. 14, 1887. Ellen, 25, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Timothy & Julia (Donovan), m. John J. Geraghty, 22, of South Braintree, b. in Ireland, s. of Michael & Mary Ann (Ahern), Jan. 13, 1891. O'Connor. Michael, 25, s. of Timothy & Jane, of Lex., b. in Ireland, m., in Arlington, Bridget Muqjhy, 18, of Arlington, b. in Ireland, d. of Jeremiah & Margaret, May 2, 1874. Mary, 19, of Lex., b. in Cambridge, d. of Michael & Johanna, m., in Arlington, Thomas Forseyth, 21, of Lex., b. in New Brunswick, s. of Wm. & Uary Ann, Dec. 31, 1883. Timothy H., 26, of Lex., b. in Cambridge, s. of Michael & Hannah, m. Annie M. Burke, 20, d. of Thos. & Bridget, of Lex., Sept. 14, 1887. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF MABBIAGES. 371 O'Connor — Gontimied. Nellie M., 26, of Lex., b. in North Cambridge, d. of Michael & Hannah, m John Connors, 28, s. of Patrick & Margaret, of Quincy, Nov. 28, 1888. Joseph, 40, s. of Michael & Honora (Donahoe), m. Mrs. Mary (Kenney) Grattan, 37, d. of Michael Kenney & Catherine (Pointon), both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Feb. 18, 1896. Odiorne. Mrs. Emily G. C. (Morse), 32, of Lex., b. in Skowhegan, Me., d. of Octavius A. Morse & Mary W., m., in Boston, Dodavia Scates, 53, of Lex., b. in Ossipee, N. H., s. of Oliver & Sarah, his 2d m., Aug. 19, 1874. O'Donald. Bridget, 30, d. of Patrick & Bridget, m., in Woburn, William Murphy, 27, s. of Timothy & ]\Iargaret, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Dee. 28, 1864. O'DonnelL Jeremiah, 25, s. of Michael & Kate (Connors), m., in Arlington, Bridget Donnelly, 24, d. of Thos. & Mary (Lennan), both of Lex. and b. in Ireland. Apr. 23, 1881. Thomas, 34, s. of Pvichard & Margaret (Terrell), m. Hannah Golding, 32, d. of Jas. & Margaret (Callahan), both of Lex. and b. in Ire- land, Dec. 27, 1894. O'Plaherty. Jane, 19, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Barney & Susan, m. Valentine Sargent, 21, of Lex., b. in Arlington, s. of Elisha & Maria (Riley), Dec. 28, 1871. O'Halloran. Mrs. Margaret (O'Connor), 30, d. of Michael O'Connor & Nora, m. Thomas Burke, 47, s. of Jas. & Mary, both of Lex. and b. in Ire- land, his 2d m., Dec. 7, 1888. O'Keefe. Margaret, 20, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Dennis & Catherine, m. Lawrence Ballan, 21, of Lex., b. in Cambridge, s. of Patrick & Catherine, Aug. 12, 1866. Olsen. Caroline B., 28, of Concord, b. in Norway, d. of Ole & Ann (Christiansen), m George Gray, 24, of Concord, b. in Edinburg, Scotland, s. of Hamilton & Catherine (Stoddard), Aug. 30, 1880. Osborn. Ellen W., 21, of Arlington, b. in Cambridge, d. of John & Susan O., m., in Arlington, Edwin P. Bryant, 23, s. of Albert W. & Nancy W., of Lex., Jan. 1, 1874. O'Shaughnessy . Delia, 20, of Lex , b. in Ireland, d. of John & Sarah, m., in Arlington, Roderick McKinnon, 27, of Lex., b. in P. E. I., s. of Locklin & Catherine, Mar. 8, 1883. Oulton. Charles F., 24, of Lex., b. in N. B., s. of John & Mary, m., in Boston, Mary R, Stone, 22, d. of Abner & Ellen A., of Lex., Jan. 4, 1883. 372 LEXINGTON BEGOBD OF MABBIAGES. Packard. Alice II., 29, of Lex., b. in Essex, Vt., d. of Thos. H. & Fanny, m. George H. Simonds, Jr., 36, s. of Hannah, of Lex., his 2d m.. Mar. 11, 1875. Page. Grovener A,, 40, of Lex., b. in Bedford, s. of Larkin P. & Rebecca IL (Hunt), m., in Lowell, Louvia A. Northrop, 39, of South Royalton, Vt., b. in Stafford, Yt., d. of Isaac & Jeriisha, Sept. 30, 1882. Isanna II., 31, of Lex., b. in Bedford, d. of Larkin P. & Rebecca IL, m. Arthur B. Harvey, 33, of Boston, b. in N. S., s. of Jas. & Mary A., Oct. 15, 1884. Paine. George G., 36, of Sacramento, Cal., b. in Fort Covington, N. Y., s of John S., m. Sarah Colby, 27, of Medford, b. in Newport, Me., d. of Jas., Feb. 11, 1856. George Arthur, 22, of Lex., b. in Randolph, Vt., s. of Geo. S. & Emily J., m. Maria C. Bliss, 20, of Lex., b. in Rochester, Vt., d. of Chester & Electia, Nov. 11, 1876. Francis Marsena, 25, of Lex., b. in Randolph, Vt., s. of Francis B. & Mary C, m,, in South Royalton, Vt., Nellie Northup, 25, of South Royalton, b. in Northtiekl, Vt., d. of Isaac & Jerusha, Oct. 30, 1879. George Arthur, 28, of Lex., b. in Randolph, Vt., s. of Geo. S. & Emily J., m., 2d, Mary Loring Wilkins, 20, of Lex., b. in Water- town, d. of Joseph G. & Rose B., Jan. 11, 1883. Palm. John A., 23, of Cambridge, b. in Sweden, s. of Alexander & Anna (Anderson), m, Josefina Johnson, 23, of Lex., b. in Sweden, d. of Olai'as & Christine, Dec. 19, 1891. Palmer. Nathaniel, 28, of Wilmington, b. in Madbury, N. H., s. of Wm. & Mary E., m. Isabel A. Stickney, 20, of Lex., b. in N. H., d. of Ran- dolph & Roby, June 24, 1860. Park. Walter H., 24, of Lex., b. in Lowell, s. of John & Margaret, m., in Lowell, Margarette Madden, 20, of Lowell, b. in England, d. of Chas. & Emma, May 21, 1887. Parker. Martha A., 34, d. of Isaac & Martha, of Lex., m. William W. Dingee, 34, of York, Pa., Oct. 28, 1855. Charles, 24, s. of Annaias & Harriet, m. Amelia Jackson, 23, d. of Wm., both of Lex. and b. in N. S., Aug. 20, 1862. Abbie M., 21, d. of Jonathan S. & Abigail (Tuttle), of Lex., m. George H. Cutter, 27, of Arlington, b. in Cambridge, s. of Jefferson & Sarah E (Thorpe), Feb. 17, 1869. Georgianna T., 22, d. of J. Simonds & Abigail (Tuttle), of Lex., m. Charles W. Converse, 23, s. of Chas. S. & Joanna C. (Hopkins), of Woburn, Aug. 14, 1872. Gracie M., 24, d. of Nelson & Elizabeth, of Stoneham, m. Charles C. Mann, 26, of Lex., b. in Bradford, Vt., s. of Wm. M. & Jennie (Gerry), Oct. 15, 1885. Ellen IL, 33, d. of Jonathan S. & Abigail (Tuttle), of Lex., m. George B. Grant, 31, of Boston, b. in Gardner, Me., s. of Wm. B. & Catherine B. (Babson), Sept. 2, 1891. LEXINGTON BEGOBD OF MAREIAGES. 373 Parker — Continued. Charles, Jr., 32, of Keene, N. H., b. in West Rupert, Vt, s. of Chas. &, Ellen R (Wright), m. Cammilla E. White, 28, of Lex., b. in Wilmot, N. H., d. of Jacob F. & Sarah B. (Severans), Apr. 17, 1892. Parultt. Annie N., 30, d. of Isadora & Sophia (Bronsel), of Antigonish, N. S., ni. Michael A. Pero, 29, of Lex., b. in Guysboro, N. S., s. of Michael & Annie Power, his 2d m., Sept. 4, 1892. Patch. James E., 30, of Lynn, b. in Hamilton, s. of Jas. & Mary A., m., 2d., Ellen A. Davis, 21, of Lex., b. in Charlestown, d. of John & Mary A. E., Sept. 15, 1869. Oscar Llewellyn, 32, of Lex., b. in Medford, s. of Franklin & Ann, m., in East Boston, Stella Madrid Stinchfield, 36, d. of Arthur Hus- ton & MaryD. (Currier), adopted by Levi B. Stinchfield & Frances T. , of Boston, Oct. 28, 1884. Patterson. John A., 29, of Boston, b. in Bridgewatei', Me., s. of Cyrus & Clarina, m. Catherine Donohue, 27, of Boston, b. in Ireland, d. of Dan'l & Mary, Jul. 20, 1887. HarryW., 22, of Lex., s. of Ingerson & Caroline (Orpin), m., in Sherborn, Jennie M. Webster, 22, of Sherborn, d of Leverett & Rebecca (Best), both b. in N. S., Dec. 23, 1896. Paul. Alice W., 34, of Lex., b. in Me., d. of Jacob, m. Reuben Kingsbury, Jr., 42, of Lex., b. in Needham, s. of Julia, his 2d m., Dec. 27, 1860. Peabody. Henry W., 25, s. of John & Susan K., of Waltham, m. Clara Cutler, 23, d of Thos. & Sarah, of Lex., Oct. 21, 1869. Pearson. Charles Albert, 29, s. of Chas. W. & Persis M., of Charlestown, m. Emma Dyer Shedd, 28, of Lex., b. in Charlestown, d. of Abraham B. & Mary jane G., Sept. 25, 1878. Cornelius L., 27, of Lex., b. in Sweden, s. of Per Benson & Olena (Beckman), m. Maggie Tobin, 24, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Jas. & Nellie (Crowley), Sept. 16, 1891. Nellie Thwing, 34, of Lex., b. in Alna, Me., d. of Chas. & Hester (Heath), m. Albert Augustus Sherman, 58, of Lex., b. in East Douglas, s. of Albert & Lucy (Marble), Nov. 27, 1895. Peaslee. Lucius H., 26, of Boston, b. in Whitefield, ]\Ie., s. of Henry & Sarah, m. Louisa M. Wellington, 29, of Boston, b. in Lex., d. of Peter & Hepzibah, May 24, 1863. Mrs. Jennie L., 36, of Haverhill, b. in Amesbury, d. of Moses T. George & Susan (McCarroll), m. Charles Henr}^ Cox, 51, of Haver- hill, b. in Freedom, N. H., s. of Elbridge & Olive (Grey), his 2d m., Dec. 22, 1897. Peekham. George W.,55,of Lex.,b. in Petersham, s. of John A. & Elizabeth A., m.,' 2d, at Amherst, Lizzie Helen Holt, 29, of Amherst, b. in Ash- land, d. of Kilburn & Helen A. (Day), Sept. 26, 1888. 374 LEXINGTON BEGOBD OF MABBIAQES. Penniman. Harry A., 26, of Lex., b. in Cambridge, s. of Thos. J. & Catlierine (Dailey), m. Maria A. Johnson, 21, of Maiden, b. in Boston, d. of Albert & Annie (McKenzie), Nov. 8, 1893. Perin. Vera, 18, of Roxbury, b. in Bainbrido:e, O., d. of Geo. Lander & Vinnie (Danfortli), m., in Boston, Ralph Edgar Lane, 29, s. of Ralph Irving &, Ellen Bailey (Saville), of Lex., Jan. 22, 1897. Perkins. Annie B., 21, of Boston, b. in Winchester, N. H., d. of Sam'l & Anna, m Isaac S. Dixon, 21, s. of Wm. & Mary, of Boston, Feb. 5, 1865. Laura Eliza, 23, of Lex., b. in Gardner, Me., d. of Alvin T. & Eliza Abigail, m. Harrison Gardner, 27, of Lex., b. in Roxbury, s. of Joseph Henry & Harriet, his 2d m., June 3, 1868. Mary T., 22, of Lex., b. in Gardner, Me., d. of Alvin T. & Eliza A., m. George G. Davis, 2-1, s. of Horatio E. & Jane I., of Boston, Sept. 27, 1871. Lucius W., 25, of Lex., b. in Perry, Me., s. of Jas. & Mehitable, ni. Margaret Flynn, 24, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of John & Margaret, Feb. 9, 1875. Pero. Michael A., 29, of Lex., b. in Guysboro, N. S., s. of Michael & Annie (Power), m., 2d, Annie N. Parultt, 30, d. of Isadora & Sophia (Brousel), of Antigonish, N. S., Sept. 4, 1892. Peters. Barbara, 23, of Germany, b. in Lex., d. of John & Anna, m. Timothy K. Fiske, 26, s. of Joseph & Mary, of Lex., Nov. 25, 1857. John, Jr., 32, of Lex., b. in Prussia, s. of Anna, m., in Medford, Adeline A. VVinship, 19, d. of Edward & Hannah E., of Lex., May 2(;, 1868. William, 25, of Salem, N. Y., b. in Ireland, s. of Richard & Bridget, m , 2d, Bridget Murry, 20, of Bedford, b. in Ireland, d. of John & Mary, Dec. 28, 1868. Adam, 34, of Lex., b. in Germany, s. of John & Anna, m., in Cam- bridge, Alice Maria Woodman, 30, of Cambridge, b. in Boston, d. of Chas. & Caroline A., Feb. 27, 1878. Pevey. Mrs. Mary J. (Wood), 24, of Lex., b. in South Boston, d. of Richard Wood & Elizabeth A., m. James E. Lovejoy, 21, of Lex., b in Arlington, s. of Edward & Carrie, Jan. 29, 1881. Pewtherer. Andrew George E., 23, of Lex., b. in Bermuda, s. of Andrew J. & A£:nes M. (Adams), m. Susan Forseyth, 22, of Lex., b. in N. B., d.'of Wm. & Ann (Tate), June 19, 1897. Phelps. Alice Dodge, 23, d. of Wm. D. & Lusanna T. B , of Lex., m. Charles C. Goodwin, 23, of Charlestown, b. in Lowell, s. of Geo. C. & Jane P., Oct. 15, 1862. George II., 25, of Lex., b. in Brookline, s. of Geo. R. & Margaret A., m Georgie A. Waterman, 24, of West Roxbury, b. in Brookline, d. of Ansel H. & Nellie E., Jan. 27, 1875. LEXINGTON BEGOBD OF MARRIAGES. 375 Phelps — Continued. Charles A., 31, of Lex., b. in Brookline, s. of Geo. R. & Margaret A., m. Susie J. Whiting, 28, of Boston, b. in Lex., cl. of John W. & Mary J., June 12, 1883. Olin L , 38, of Lowell, b. in South Hero, Vt., s. of Sam'l & Fannie C. (Sampson), ra. Elizabeth M. Manley, 37, d. of Dennis & Bridget (Donovan), of Lex., Oct. 30, 1895. PMlbrick. Addie E , 20, of Bedford, b. in Sutton, Vt., d. of Orren D. & Roanna E. (Hay ward), m. Justus P. Morse, 25, of Lex., b. in Plymouth, N. H., s. of Sam'l M. & Eliza M. (Cochran), June 2, 1896. Phillips. Eliza A., 19, of Boston, b. in West Northfield, 111., d. of Wm. A. & Emma M. (Whitten), m., in Boston, Colburn H. Johnson, 29, s. of Chas. E. & Catherine M. (Hadlock), of Lex., Nov. 22, 1895. Phinney. Mrs. Sarah H. (Sjirague), 21, of Boston, b. in Maehias, Me., d. of Stephen Sprague & Mary, m. Clarance C. Hauford, 27, of Boston, b. in Red Bank, N. J., s. of Jesse & Catharine A., Jan. 31, 1867. Pierce. Susan, 24, d. of Xath'l & Abigail, of Lex., m. Charles Nunn, 25, of West Iloxbury, b. in Boston, s. of Sam'l & Ann, May 8, 1854. Abbie, 21, d. of Kath'l & Abigail, of Lex., m. George H. Conant, 27, of Soraei'ville, b, in Montpeliex", Vt., s. of Geo. F. & Susan, Dec. 25, 1856. Nathaniel W., 34, s. of Nath'I & Abigail, m., in Boston, Claraetta M. Sullivan, 24, d. of Patrick & Lois, all of Lex., Apr. 13, 1865. Mary Lucinda, 18, of Lex., b. in Easton, d. of Jesse & Mar}" (Austin), m. Thomas W. Butler, 24, s. of Henry A. & Lucy (Humphi'ey), of Stonghton, June 19, 1866. George L., 22, s of Loring S. & Frances A. (Harrington), m. Sarah J. Hanscom, 19, d. of John K. & Jane J., all of Lex., Sept. 15, 1869. E. Dora, 22, d. of Nathl & Abigail, m. Alfred D. Cutler, 22, s. of Leonard & Maria C, all of Lex., May 22, 1870. Alice W^, 20, d. of Harrison & Harriet (Penney), of Lex., m. Meriill L. Bennett, 24, s. of Archelaus & Emily (Willis), of Waltham, Apr. 27, 1871. Thomas, 23, s. of John & Catherine (Fitzgerald), m. Bi'idget O'Brien, 22, d. of Jas. & Margaret (O'Brian), both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Mar. 31, 1872. Robert N., 40, of ^lelrose, b. in Winchester, s. of Robert & Lucy (Swift), m., 2d, Lucy H. Lovering, 21, of Melrose, b. in Fredonia, N. H., d. of Isaac & Harriet (Piper), Oct. 4, 1873. Willard C, 39, s. of Nath'l & Abigail (Wellington), of Lex., m., in Acton, Sarah E. Benjamin, 33, d. of Cyrus & Emeline E., of Concord, Nov. 17, 1881. Alfred, 24, s. of Loring S. & Frances A. (Harrington), ra. Etta Amelia Smith, 19, d. of Albert Bradford & Sarah A. (Bryant), all of Lex., Dec. 19, 1882. Loring Ellsworth, 26, s. of Geo. L. & Sarah J. (Hanscom), of Lex., m., in Middleboro, Annie McManus, 30, of Middleboro, b. in Taun- ton, d. of Terry & Eunice H. (Staples), Dec. 14, 1897. Piper. Charlotte E., 21, d. of Wm. & Eliza, m. Richard Blinn^ 22, s. of R. D., all of Bedford, Apr. 26, 1855. 376 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF MABBIAGES. Pitts. Charles Hall, Jr., 42, s. of Elizabeth (Reynolds), of Baltimore, Md., m., 2d, in Boston, Meta Telfair Wilson, 38, of Lex., b. in Baltimore, d, of Jas. Hamilton & Margaret Marriott, Oct. 12, 1887. Plumer. Grace Herbert, 30, d. of Wm. & Emil}- (Lord), of Lex., m. Frank W. Hodgdon, of Arlington, b. in Cambridge, s. of Richard L. & Marie E. (Wellington), Oct. 14, 1886. Porter. James C, 27, of Wobvirn, b. in Lynn, s. of Jas. & Elizabeth, m. Rosanna Simonds, 24, d. of Geo. & Hannah, of Lex., Jan. 16, 1868. Elizabeth R., 18, of Templeton, b. in Lex., d. of Jas. C. & Rosanna (Simonds), m. Gilbert W. Sanborn, 22, of Templeton, b. in Boston, s. of Jeremiah & Anna E. (Batchelder), May 21, 1890. Alexander, 28, of Lex., b. in Ireland, s. of Patrick & Fanny (Shaw), m., in Boston, Margaret McKee, 24, of Boston, b. in Ireland, d. of Jas., Dec. 6, 1894. Robert, 35, of Lex., b. in Ireland, s. of Patrick & Fanny (ShaAv), m., 2d, in Boston, Jane G. Akenhead, 34, of Boston, b. in Scotland, d. of John & Jane, Apr. 3, 1895. Powers. Lanrina A., 19, of Lex., b. in Portland, Me., d. of Michael & Louisa, m. Daniel McFarland, 24, s. of Dmikin & Hannah, of Boston, Oct. 11, 1854. Patrick, 38, s. of Lawrence & Ellen, m., in Woburn, Mrs. Mai'garet (Woods) Mclnrae, 38, d. of John Woods & Bridget, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Oct. 1, 1865. Michael, 24, s. of John & Margaret (Cnrry), m. Maggie Reilly, 22, d. of Patrick & Mary (Lynch), both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Aug. 13, 1893. Pratt. George E., 23, of Lex., b. in Vt., s. of Wm. & Syrena, m., in Watei*- town, Helen A. Harron, 24, of Lex., b. in N. S., d. of Amasa & Lydia, June 3, 1866. George E., 36, of Lex., b in Rockingham, Vt., s. of Wm. & Syrena, m., 2d, Mrs. Mary E. (Freese) French, 36, of Lex., b. in Me., d. of Wm. & Mary, Nov. 4, 1875. Preeper. William John, 26, of Lex., b, in Hants County, N. S., s. of Alexander & Maggie, m., in Arlington, Mary A. Sweeney, 26, of Lex., b. in Arlington, d. of Jerry &'Annie, Nov. 27, 1884. Pressey. Charles Francis, 33, of South Hampton, N. H., b. in Amesbury, s of Jonathan & Sarah E., m. Frances Amanda Hutchinson, 28, of Lex., b. in Brookline, N. H., d of J. Q. A. & Amanda R., Apr. 5, 1882. Price. Haveloek Ford, 26, of Parsboro, N. S., b. in Kings County, N. B., s. of SamM C. & Sarah E., m. Mary Ellen Archibald, 22, of Lex,, b. in Halifax, N. S , d. of Thos. & Sarah, June 15, 1887. Prilay. Enuua Frances, 33, of Lex., b. in North Newport, Me., d. of Henry & Mavia (Tibbits), m. Noah Merryfield, 45, of Lex., b. in Porter, Me., s. of Stephen & Dorothy (Durgin), his 2d m,, June 2, 1896. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF MABBIAGES. Zll Prince. Carrie C. L., 23, of Bedford, b. in Charlestown, d. of Henry F. & Hannah A. (Dodge), m., in Bedford, Walter S. Kramer, 25, of Lex., b. in Cambridge, s. of Sebastin & Emma A. (Bacon), Sept. 20, 1890. Prising. George, 21, of Charlestown, b. in Germany, s. of Chas. & iNIinnie, m. Ella G. Fox, 20, d. of David B. & Jennie, of Charlestown, Sept. 1, 1873. Prosser. Harriett W., 24, of Lex., b. in Bloomfield, Conn., d. of Levi & Amanda M., m. George A. Field, 23, s, of John & Sarah A. B., of Arlington, Oct. 31, 1877. Harriet May, 28, of West Newton, b. in Bloomfield, Conn., d. of Jas. Larkin & Harriet Newbury, m. Frank Dalrymple Brown, 25, of Lex., b. in Charlestown, s. of Benj. F. & Sarah White (Dalrymple), June 18, 1885. Puffer. Sylvester, 58, of Lex., b. in Sudbury, s. of Asa & Betsey, m., 2d, Mrs. Mary A. (Lewis) Richardson, 38, of Salem, b. in Bucksport, Me., d. of David Lewis & Nancy A. Crosby, June 15, 1869. Mary C, 28, d. of Sylvester & Catherine, of Lex., m. Benjamin Wyman, 54, of Osceola, Fla., b. in Lex., s. of Jas. & Betsey, his 2d m., Aug. 10, 1869. Lucy A., 20, d. of Sylvester & Catherine (Brown), of Lex., m., in Arlington, William B. Hughes, 23, of Lex , b. in Newburyport, s. of John & Alice (Taylor), Jul. 1, 1872. Purcell. Mrs. Margaret H. (Hennessy), 23, of Lex., b. in Ireland, m. Ira G. Keniston, 21, s. of Dan'l & Lydia, of Lex., Nov. 22, 1863. Thomas, 27, of Arlington, b. in Waltham, s. of Thos. & Mary, m. Annie Lieannan, 26, of Somerville, b. in Ireland, d. of John & Mary, Sept. 7, 1887. Putnam. Henry Howell, 25, of Lex., b. in DeKalbe, 111., s. of Sam'l P. & Louisa (Howell), m., in Boston, Cordelia Howard, 23, d. of Edward J. & Mary (Jones), of Boston, June 8, 1893. Putney. Bradley Anson, 63, of Bellows Falls, Vt,, b. in Westmoreland, N. H., s. of Amos & Nancy (Daggett), m., 2d, Mrs. Lydia Annette (Walker) Livermore, 52, of Lex., b. in Townsend, d. of John Walker & Lydia (Adams), Jan. 5, 1897. Quanan. IMichael, 29, of Woburn, b. in Ireland, s. of Terrence & Bridget (Ferguson), m., in Concord, Margaret Winn, 24, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Jas. & Catherine (Foley), Aug. 13, 1871. Quigley. May L., 19, of Lex., b. in Belmont, d. of Thos. & May IL, m. Frank G. Fletcher, 31, of Lex., b. in Lowell, s. of Chas. G. & Hannah P., Jul. 23, 1891. 378 LEXINGTON BE COED OF MABBIAGES. Quinlan. Joannah, 26, d. of Patrick & Stacy, ni., in Wobnvn, Malechey Kelley, 22, s. of Patrick & Catherine, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Oct. 4, 1865. Ramsdell. Joshua v., 40, of Newton, b. in Littleton, s. of Joshua & Frances, ni., 2d, Martha Henderson, 25, of Lex., b. in Plymouth, d. of Geo. & Mary, June 27, 1876. Ramsell. Guy S., 26, of Lex., b. in Great Falls, N. IL, s. of Franklin L. & Martha A. (Foster), m., in Boston, Mai-garet Theresa Fitzgci'ald, 21, of Lex., b. in Bedford, d. of John J. & Delia (Kennivan), Mar. 4, 1896. Hand. Charles O., 24, of Lex., b. in Roxbur^^ s. of Obed & Anna Y., m., in Vassalboro, Me., Sarah Strout, 19, of China, Me., b. in Charleston, Me., d. of Simon, Mar. 8, 1863. Ranney. Cleora F., 27, of St. Johnsbury, Vt., b. in Knoxville, 111 , d. of Ephraim T. & Sarah W., m. J. Willard Russell, 39, of Arlington, b. in Cambridge, s. of Josiah 11. & Mary W., his 2d m., Jul. 4, 1874. Ray. Fabius M., 26, s. of Caleb Rea, Jr., & Susan (Bickford), of Wind- ham, Me., m. Mary Muzzey INIarrett, 28, d. of Dr. Wm. (s. of Rev. Dann of Lex.) & Adaline (Irish), of Westbrook, Me., Aug. 29, 1863. Charles J., 21, of Lex., b. in Roxbury, s. of David & Margaret, m. Nora McDonald, 22, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Timothy, Sept. 14, 1887. Raymond. Freeborn F., 42, of Boston, b. in Athol, s. of Freeborn, m. Sarah E. Richardson, 24, d. of Aaron P., of Lex., June 12, 1855. Franklin F., 32, s. of Freeboini F. & Sarah E. (Richardson), of Lex., m., 2d, in Boston, Gertrude C. Eager, 23, d. of Geo. H. & Elizabeth C, of Boston, Sept. 25, 1888. Read. Edwin, 24, of Evanston, 111., b. in Brooklyn, N. Y., s. of Edwin Oliver «fe Frances H., m., in Boston, Alice Clarke, 21, of Lex., b. in West Point, N. Y., d. of Alexander S. & Ruth B., Jul. 30, 1890. Reagan. Katie, 23, of Boston, b. in Ireland, d. of Michael & Hannah, m., in Boston, Eugene D. Buckley, 24, s. of Dan'l & Catherine, of Lex., June 3, 1886. Margaret J., 24, d. of Michael & Nora (Brickley), ra. Patrick Cronin, 29, s. of Dan'l & Johanna (McCarty), both of Lex. and b. in County Cork, Ireland, Aug. 24, 1897. Reardon. Jerr}', 30, s. of Joseph & Julia, m., in Woburn, Mary Donahoe, 28, d. of Patrick & Mary, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Jan. 14, 1865. Jeremiah, 45, s. of Joseph & Julia, m., 2d, Catherine Savage, 45, d. of Wni. & Ilonora, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Feb. 4, 1883. LEXINGTON BEGOBD OF MABRIAGES. 379 Reardon — Continued. Mary A., 20, d. of Patiick & Margaret (Haggerty), of Lex., m. David H. Murphy, 22, of Woburn, b. in Bangor, Me., s. of Dennis F. & Margaret (Howard), Jan. 28, 1892. Reardy. Patrick, Jr., 25, s. of Hannah, m.,in Woburn, Ellen Callahan, 26, d. of Edmund & Ellen, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Jan. 25, 1805. John, Jr., 39, s. of Margaret, m., 2d, Mrs. Annie Desmond, 35, d. of Jeremiah & Mary Crowley, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Jan. 8, 1870. John J., 26, s. of John & Mary (Buckley), m. Katie McCaffrey, 25, d. of Barney & Mary, all of Lex., June 3, 1891. Record. Florian D., 27, of Salem, b. in Auburn, Me., s. of Thos. & Vesta, m. Kate T. Moakley, 24, d. of Jas. & Mary, of Lex., Apr. 11, 1887. Reed. Hugh M., 30, of Lex., b. in West Cambridge, s. of Isaac & Elizabeth, m. Sophia C. Lawrence, 19, d. of Phineas & Catherine, of Lex., Apr. 13, 1854. Emeline P., 34, d. of Isaac & Elizabeth, of Lex., m. William H. Fowle, 47, of Lex., b. in Boston, s. of Isaac & Nancy, Dec. 20, 1860. Henry L., 24, of North Easton, s. of Chas., m., in Cambridge, Ellen Farley Stearns, 25, of Lex., b. in Sterling, d. of Thos. & Charlotte, Apr. 28, 1868. Annabel M., 21, d. of Loa Locke & Mary, of Lex., m. Albert M. Blake, 26, of Lex., b. in Norway, Me., s. of Dan'l H. & Sarah C, May 30, 1874. Margaret, 35, d. of Michael & Sally, m. John Buckley, 57, s. of Eugene & Johannah, bath of Lex. and b. in Ireland, his 2d m., June 3, 1875. Annie Brimmer, 25, of Lex., b. in Boston, d. of Jas & Mary Jane (Magee), m. George Abbot Fnrness, 27, of Rochester, N. Y., b. in Boston, s. of Nathn Hurd & Emily Douglass (Abbot), June 7, 1881. Emma A., 19, d of J. IMorton & Emeline A, (TTOodwin), of Lex., m. Edwin J. B. Nourse, 23, of Lex., b. in Red Wing, Minn., s. of Wm. & Caroline (Blaker), Oct. 24, 1883. George H., 26, s. of Hammon & Sylvia J., of Lex., m. S. Augusta Adams, 26, of Lex., b. in Bedford, d. of Abel B. & Susan F., Nov. 5, 1884. Francis W., 31, s. of Joseph G. & Ann M., of Lex., m., in Arlington, Nellie C. Mahigen, 24, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Michael & Ellen, Oct. 29, 1885. Sylvia B., 22, d. of Hammon & Sylvia J. W., of Lex., m. Fred K. Brown, 24, of Lex., b. in Charlestown, s. of Benj. F. & Sarah W. (Dalrymple), Oct. 19, 1886. William Wadsworth, 30, s. of Hammon & Sylvia W., of Lex., m. Katie Sophia Gil more, 21, of Lex., b. in Charlestown, d. of Kelsie M. & ]\Iary L., June 26, 1890. Grace A., 21, d. of Edward & Sarah E. (Smith), of Burlington, m., in Burlington, Stephen B. Manning, .38, of Lex., b. in Westport, Me., s. of John & Dorcas A. (Taylor), his 2d ra., Dec. 27, 1892. Frank Haskell, 30, s. of J. Haskell & Clara R. (Gates), of Lex., m., in Somerville, Gertrude Reed Fobes, 23, of Somerville, b. in Roxbury, d. of Edward & Anna (Sturtevant), Apr. 20, 1893. John, 29, of Lex., b. in Coventry, England, s. of Walter Edwin & Louisa (Mansel), m. Fanny B. Driscoll, 31, of Lex., b. in Quincy, d. of John & Margaret (Ford), Nov. 28, 1894. 380 LEXINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. Beilly. Maggie, 22, d. of Patrick & Mary (Lynch), m. Michael Power, 24, s. of John & Margaret (Curry) , both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Aug. 13, 1893. Reynolds. Lizzie F., 23, d. of Patrick & Ann, of Lex., m., in Concord, Robert H. Wliite, 26, of Lex., b. in N. S., s. of John & Abigail (Higgins), Dec. 27, 1883. Rosa A., 30, of Lex., b. in Rockland County, N. Y., d. of Jas. & Margaret (Riley), m. John M. Ryan, 28, of Lex., b. in Ireland, s. of Wm. & Bridget (Mullins), Nov. 17, 1886. Rhoades. Sarah E., 22, d. of Thos. H. & Jane M,, of Lex,, ra. Joshua L. John- son, 22, of Nobleboro, Me., b. in Me., s. of Geo. W. & Eliza, May 1, 1864. Charles II., 25, s. of Thos. II. & Jane M., of Lex., m., in Boston, Emily A. Edmunds, 17, of Cambridge, b. in St. Johns, N. B., d. of Alfred & Mary, Dec. 3, 1884. Rich. John E., 24, of Cambridge, b. in Pliillipston, s. of Thatcher, m. Sai'ah Elizabeth Farrer, 18, d. of Abel, of Cambridge, Jan. 4, 185.5. Elkanah P., 28, of Lex., b. in Truro, s. of Sears & Thankful B., m. Mai-y B. Guthrie, 23, of Lex., b. in St. Louis, d. of Jas. G. & Mary B., Feb. 18, 1874. Richardson. Sarah E., 24, d. of Aaron P., of Lex., m. Freeborn F. Raymond, 42, of Boston, b. in Athol, s. of Freeborn, June 12, 1855. Mrs. Mary A. (Lewis), 38, of Salem, b. in Bucksport, Me., d. of David Lewis & Nancy Crosby, m. Sylvester Puffer, 58, of Lex., b. in Sudbury, s. of Asa & Betsey, his 2d m., June 15, 1869. Mary, 18, of Lex., b. in Fitehburg, d. of Jerome & Mary, m. Joseph Dane, Jr., 24, of Lex., b. in Billerica, s. of Mary (Brown), Nov. 4, 1S70. Oscar W., 25, of Cambridge, b. in Livei'more, Me., s. of Walcott & Fostina, m. Elizabeth C. Jewett, 27, of Cambridge, b. in Bolton, d. of Henry & Mary, Oct. 31, 1880. Ricker. Isabel II., 19, d. of Geo. D. & Maria M., m. John Glover, Jr., 21, s. of Mary B., all of Boston, Sept. 12, 1878. Rigby. Mary E., 25, of Ipswich, b. in Milford, N. II., d. of Thos. & Irving (Rice), m., in Ipswich, Warren R. Sherburne, 25, of Lex., b. iu Charlestown, s. of Warren & Mary E. (Damon), Mar. 13, 1886. Riley. John Westley, 24, s. of Thos. & Ellen (Matthews), m., 2d, Jennie Kyle, 23, d. of Andrew & Jennie, both of Lex. and b. in N. B., Apr. 7, 1894. Roach. Ellen, 21, d. of Jas. & Mary, m. Jaffrey Spencer, 23, s. of Michael & Margaret, both of Lincoln and b. in Ireland, Mar. 1, 1868. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF MABBIAGE8. 381 Roach — Continued. Hannah, 20, of Lex., b. in Lincoln, d. of Nicliolas & Mary, m., in Concord, Patrick Keating, Jr., 22, b. in Ireland, s. of Margaret (McGrath), of Lex., Oct. 20, 1872. David, 34, of Gardner, b. in Ireland, s. of Michael & Mary, m., 2d, in Arlington, Ellen Donovan, 28, d. of Cornelius & Mary, of Lex., Sept. 16, 1885. John J., 45, of Lex., b. in Ireland, s of Garret & Mary (Hagerty), m., 2d, in Concord, Mrs. Dora (White) Hughes, 36, of Concord, b. in Ireland, d. of John White & Mary (Lawler), Apr. 21, 1897. Roberts. George H., 28, of Lex., b. in Peabody, s. of Moses H. & Elizabeth, m,, in Centre Harbor, N. H., Estella L. Gould, 18, of Moultonboro, N. H., b. in Peabody, d. of Gilman T. & Augusta G., Mar. 7, 1883. Robinson. Oliver C, 26, of Madrid, N. Y., b. in N. Y., s. of Oliver & Eunice, m. Adaline Viles, 26, d. of Joel & Sarah, of Lex., Sept. 14, 1856. George D., 25, of Chieopee, b. in Lex., s. of Chas., nj. Hannah E. Stephens, 26, of Lex., b. in Gloucester, d. of Wm. & Nancy, Nov. 24, 1859. George D., 33, of Chieopee, b. in Lex., s. of Chas. & Mary Davis, m., 2d, Susan E. Simonds, 24, d. of Joseph F. & Susan Mulliken, of Lex., Jul. 11, 1867. Frederick Osborne, 26, s. of Geo. W. & Maria Jewett, m. Mary Elizabeth Childs, 24, d. of Luke C. & Rebecca A., both of Lex. and b. in Boston, Apr. 21, 1868. Clara Elizabeth, 26, of San Francisco, b. in Boston, d. of John R. & Abbie F., m. George H. Wadleigh, 27, of United States Navy, b. in Dover, N. H., s. of Geo. & Sarah H., Oct. 12, 1869. William R., 22, of Burlington, s. of Wm. & Isabella (Curan),m., in Woburn, Agatha McKinnon, 22, of Lex., d of Jas & Mary (Gillis), botli b. in P. E I., Nov. 28, 1893. Katherine H., 25, d. of Albert M. & Sarah (Johnson), of Somerville, m., in Somerville, Reuben B. Sherburne, 25, of Lex., b. in Charles- town, s. of Warren & Lizzie (l)amou), June 26, 1895. Edith Jewett, 37, d. of Geo. W. & Maria (Jewett), of Lex., m. Frank C. Childs, 46, of Lex., b. in Cambridge, s. of Luke C. & Rebecca (Ames), Sept. 18, 1895. Clara R., 20, of Lex., b. in Boston, adopted d. of Fred'k O. & Mary (Childs), m. Fred S. Scales, 30, of Winchester, b. in Woburn, s. of Thos. S. & Jennie (Matthews), Nov. 18, 1895. Rogers. George M., 48, of Lex., b. in Newburyport, s. of John & Judith, m., 2d, in Becket, N. H., Mary Ann Hartwell, 38, d. of Sam^ & Polly, of Lincoln, Sept. 27, 1868. Frederick William, 18, of Lex., b. in Boston, s. of Geo. M. & Lucy M., m., in Boston, Mary Alice Berry, 21, of Lex., b. in Albany, N. Y., d. of Geo. W. & Mary V., Jul. 14, 1877. Miner E , 24, of Lex., b. in Scotts Bay, Kings County, N. S., s. of AVra. & Prudence (Steele), m., in Hingham, ]\Iaggie McDonald, 25, of Lex., b. in Point jNIorrien, C. B., N. S., d. of Neil & Margaret (McPhersou), Mar. 19, 1895. Rolfe. Edward, Jr., 30, of Lex., b. in Valparaiso, Chili, s. of Frances (Cham- bers), m. Mrs. Ella Allen, 32, of Lex.,b. in Wilmington, Del., d. of Sam'l Allen & Margaret x\llen, Apr. 5, 1894. 382 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF MABBIAGE8. Roper. Margaret D., 30, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Dan'l & Mary (Roper), ni. Jeremiah Donovan, '2d, 41, of Lex., b. in Neponset, s. of Cornelius & Mary (Lyons), Nov. 4, 1896. Rose. John, 25, of Lex., b. in Portugal, s. of INIanuel & Mary, m. Mary Dalrymple, 20, of Burlington, b. in N. S., d. of Jas. & Lucv, Deo. 24, 1886. Rowe. George Henry, 33, of Boston, b. in Cambridge, s, of Noah & Deborah J. (Osgood), m. Harriet Adella Wright,' 25, of Lex., b. in Cam- bridge, d. of Elisha H. & Harriet (Farmer), Nov. 15, 1875. Rowse. Walter W., 24, s. of Richard & S. Maria (Wheeler), of Chelsea, m. Ada B. Holt, 24, of Lex., b. in Boston, d. of Hosea E. & Alice M. (Brown), June 17, 1896. Rudd. John, 25, s. of Geo. & Mary, m. Kate Devine, 29, d. of Frank & Bridget, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Nov. 24, 1889. Russell. James, 28, of Lex., b. in Scotland, s. of Jas. & Rose, m. Catherine MeGuiness, 28, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of John & Bridget, A\)v. 16, 1861. Leonora, 23, d. of John A. & Lydia, of Lex., m. John Howard, 27, of Stoneham, b. in Stowe, s. of Geo. A. & Mary, Jan. 1, 1868. Joseph E., 36, s. of Elijah & Elmira, of Hanover, Me., m. Sarah M. Gossex., b. in Ireland, d. of Jas. & Nellie (CroAvley), m. Cornelius L. Pearson, 27, of Lex., b. in Sweden, s. of Per Benson & Olena (Beckman), Sept. 16, 1891. John F., 24, s. of Patrick & Eliza, of Lex., m. Julia M. Kelly, 22, of Boston, b. in Ireland, d. of DanU «& Catherine (Shea), Jan. 1, 1893. Todd. Mary A , 25, of Lex., b. in Haverhill, d. of Nath'l M. & Helen A. (VVoodman), in. Harry Hohhni, 26, of IMttsfuild, b. in Haverhill, s. of Dan'l W. & Abbie J. (Smith), June 10, 1890. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF MABBIAGES. 395 Tower. Elisha H., 29, of Lex., b. in Braintree, s. of John & Sarah S., m Ann Eliza Mulliken, 22, d. of Emery A. & Avis M., of Lex., Apr. 29, 1874. Towne. Joseph \V., 41, of Chicago, b. in Lisbon, N. H , s. of Joseph & Mehitable, m., 2cl, Martha A. Harris, 25, of Lex., b. in Boston, d. of Henry & Emeline, Oct. 3, 1868. John Henry, 23, of Plattsburg, N. Y., b. in Montpelier, Vt., s. of Orrell & Mary, m. W. Ernestine Crone, 19, of Lex., b. in Peterboro, N. H., d. of Lewis E. & Augusta A., Nov. 12, 1869. Townsend. Ida C, 21, of Lex., b. in Boston, d. of Thaddeus & Margaret, m. Edward Joseph Kirby, 25, of Lex., b. in Clinton, s. of Jerome «& Marie (McDonald), Mar. 28, 1896. Traeey. Katie T., 21, of Lex., b. in N. B., d. of Michael & Katie (Ryan), m. John R. McDonald, 27, of Lex., b. in Halifax, N. S., s. of Thos. & Annie (Connor), Nov. 11, 1896. Agnes, 26, of Lex., b. in N. B., d. of Patrick & Katie (Ryan), m., in Cambridge, Leander Wood, 25, of Lex., b. in N. S., s. of John & Nancy (Caldwell), Mar. 16, 1897. Trimble. George, 28, of Lex., b. in N. S., s. of Geo. & Margaret (Fitzgerald), m. Maggie Morrison, 24, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Jas. & Annie (Conners), Aug. 15, 1894. True. John R., 25, of Lex , b. in Strong, Me., s. of Amos C. & Betsey C, m., in Me., Sarah Elizabeth Whitney, 23, d. of Wm. & Elizabeth, of Farmington, Me., Sept. 17, 1874. Trumley. Peter, 32, of Lex., b. in Montreal, s. of Jewett & Eliza (Maekentire), m., in Lincoln, Maggie INlurphy, 18, of Lex., b. in Brockton, Aug. ■25, 1895. Tufts. Abbie B., 20, d. of Bowen A. & Sarah A., of Lex., m. Walter H. Fiske, 34, of Boston, b. in Rutland, Vt., s. of Thos. & Susannah, Sept. 28, 1858. Martha Emma, 26, d. of Bowen A. & Sarah Ann, of Lex., m. Selwin Zadock Bowman, 26, of Somerville, b. in Charlestown, s. of Zadock & Rosetta, June 20, 1866. Alice A., 26, d. of Bowen A. & Sarah, of Lex., m., in Somerville, Alvah C. Stone, 34, of Boston, b. in Bridgton, Me., s. of Dixie & Eliza M., Sept. 24, 1873. Albert N., 33, s. of Bowen A. & Sarah A., of Lex., m. Mary T. Locke, 30, of West Medford, b. in Charlestown, d. of Jonathan F. & Mary M., Dec. 12, 1876. Tupper. Campbell N., 27, of Lex., b. in Halifax, N. S., s. of Mahew & Abi- gail, m. Susie A. Berry, 26, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Patrick & Rose, Feb. 14, 1888. 396 LEXINGTON EECOBD OF MABBIAOES. Turner. Mrs. Susan P., 41, of Lex., b. in Andover, d. of Josei)h Poor, ni. Franklin M. Harrington, 41, s. of Natii'l & Clarissa, of Lex., his 2d m., Apr. 14, 1859. Grace A., 21, of Lex., b. in Charlestown, d. of Larkin & Lucy, m. Ililman B. Sampson, 31, s. of Geo. A. & Mary L., of Boston, Dec. 8, 1859. Harriet Josephine, 30, of Lex., b. in Charlestown, d. of Larkin & Lucy P.,m. Edward L. Nicoll,27,s.of Wm. M. & Mary, of Wheel- ing, W. Va., June 21, 1865. Willard Warren, 35, of Foxboro, s. of Willard Pierce & Catherine Emma, m., 2d, Jane A. Locke, 30, d. of Wm. & Harriet, of Lex., Dec. 8, 1874. Annie F., 22, d. of Chas. & Eliza, m. Lysander W. Mason, 25, s. of S. C. c% Edith A., all of Augusta, Me., Sept. 14, 1876. Mrs. Lillie (Bragg), 25, d. of Jas. Bragg & Sarah, m. Gideon C. West, 22, s. of John & Louisa, both of Lex., b. in N. S., Oct. 7, 1883. Henry A., 36, s. of Alvan C. & Susan P., of Lex., m., in Bedford, L. Maria Ladd, 30, of Bedford, b. in Cambridge, d. of Willard & Lucinda T., Nov. 12, 1884. Tuttle. George, 31, s. of David & Patty, of Lex., m. Sarah E. Muzzey, 21, of Lex., b. in Philadelphia, d. of Chas. & Sarah, Apr. 5, 1855. Henry Eugene, 30, s. of David A. & Susan S., of Lex., m., in Boston, Blanche (Evans) Tenney, 30, d. of Wm. Evans & Julia, of Boston (adopted by Benjamin Franklin Tenney), June 18, 1879. Herbert Ainsworth, 33, s. of David A. & Susan S., of Lex., m. Annie Richardson Wilkins, 26, of Lex., b. in Watertowu, d. of Joseph G. & Rosa B., Feb. 23, 1887. Twomey. Ellen, 25, d. of John & Mary (Cotton), m. Jeremiah Callahan, 27, s. of John & Bridget (McGuire), both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Jul. 23, 1871. Tyler. Mai-y Stephens, 26, d. of Edward L. & Rachel, of Lex., m., in Cam- bridge, Marshall Lee, 29, of Carlisle, b. in Concord, s. of Wm. & Dorcas, Apr. 2, 1865. Henry H., 29, s. of Edward L. & Martha (Savage), m., in Arlington, Mary V. Spaulding, 22, d. of Elisha & Amelia M., all of Lex., Jul. 3, 1870. Underwood. Lizzie F., 19, d. of Joseph & Mary S., of Lex., m. Albert S. Benson, 29, of Cambridge, b. in Peoria, 111., s. of John & Dorcas, Nov. 7, 1873. Charles li., 23, s. of Joseph & Mary, of Lex., m., in Arlington, Josepha L. Ford, 21, of Arlington, b. in Boston, d. of Sam'l & Sophia, June 29, 1882. Upton. Sarah L., 25, d. of Henry & Fannie, of Lowell, m., in Lowell, Fred E. Gleason, 37, of Lex., b. in Billerica, s. of Josiah B. & Mary H., Nov. 26, 1885. Urann. Henry E., 29, of Providence, R I., b. in Sullivan, Me., s. of Joseph H. & Mary C. (Beane), m. Lizzie M. Batcheller, 28, of Lex., b. in Boston, d. of Brooks T. & Rachel C. (Dodge), May 31, 1881. LEXINGTON RECORD OF MARRIAGES. 397 Valentine. Henry Charles, 32, of Lex., b. in Plymouth, Mich., s. of Chas. Wesley & Mary Antoinette (Fralick), m. Mary Foster Sherburne, 33, of Lex., b. in INIedford, d. of Warren &, Mary Elizabeth (Damon), Apr. 15, 1896. Van Buren. John D., 27, s. of Cornelius & Sarah (Roe), of Kingston, N. Y., m., 2d, Susan Long, 24, of Lex., b. in St. Johns, N. F., d. of Robert & Kate (Furlaney), June 6, 1893. Van Steensburg. Milo N., 21, of Northbridge, b. in Johnstown, N. Y., s. of Jesse B.- & Almira Fuller, m. Sarah Luella Sherman, 19, of Lex., b. in Ux- bridge, d. of Albert A. & Sarah, Apr. 7, 18S1. Vaughan. John, 31, of Lex., s. of Chas. & Ellen, m. Catherine Murphy, 25, of Somerville, d. of Peter & Mary, both b. in Ireland, Nov. 26, 1882. Veinotti. Joseph Alfred, 23, s. of Elim & Catherine (Smeltzer), m. Florence May Lessef, 23, d. of Chas. & Sarah (Kelley), both of Lex. and b. in N. S., Feb. 7, 1893. Very. Lydia A. B., 17, d. of Benj., of Danvers, m. Randolph L. Stickney, 27, of Lex., b. in Amherst, s. of Randolph & Roby, Oct. 11, 1860. Viekery. Martha A., 27, of Lex., b. in N. S.,d. of Geo. R. & Mary A. (Tedford), m. Charles F. Winship, 62, s. of Oliver & Anna (Fiske), of Lex., Mar. 26, 1890. Viles. Adaline, 26, d. of Joel & Sarah, of Lex., m. Oliver C. Robinson, 26, of Madrid, N. Y., b. in N. Y., s. of Oliver & Eunice, Sept. 14, 1856. Vinal . Ezekiel T., 26, s. of Seth & Hannah, m. Elvira Brooks, 26, d. of Nath'l & Charlotte, all of South Scituate, Jan. 1, 1860. Voll. Mary, 23, d. of Plenry & Christina, of Boston, m. William A. Shorlej', 27, of Maiden, b. in Charlestown, s. of Leopold & Louisa, Sept. 2, 1884. VoUborth. Ida, 22, of Lex., b. in Boston, d. of Edward & Mary (Corbett), m. Thomas W. Fitzgerald, 31, s. of Wm. & Ellen (Barrett), of Worcester, Nov. 25, 1896. Wadleigli. George H., 27, of United States Navy, b. in Dover, N. H., s. of Geo. & Sai'ah II , m. Clara Elizabeth Robinson, 26, of San Fiancisco, b. in Boston, d. of John R. & Abbie F., Oct. 12, 1869. 398 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF MABBIAGES. Waid. Elisha, 32, s. of Stephen & Sarah, of Magog, C. E., m , 2cl, in Arling- ton, Ellen Fitzgerald, 24, d. of Joseph & Catherine, of N. S., Dec. 25, 1874. Walker. Mary S. C, 19, d. of Paissell & Rhoda, ra. James H Skilton, 24, s. of Jas. B. & Abigail, both of Woburu and b. in Burlington, Jul. 14, 1872. Priscilla F., 21, of Lex., b. in Marlboro, d. of Leonard & Almira (Gaffield), m. Elliott H. Hastings, 24, of Northboro, b. in Clinton, s. of Nathn & Ann E., Oct. 18, 1877. Mary P., 22, of Lex., b. in Somerville, d. of Wm. A. & Lucy A. (Ham), m. Charles S. Bntlei*, 22, of Boston, b. in Providence, R. I., s. of H. Vincent & Mary J. C. (Cranston), Oct. 31, 1894. Wallingford. Waldo Augustus, 35, s. of Hiram S. & Hannah (Horton), of Boston, m. Annie Dexter Hadley, 27, d. of Benj. &, Mercy A. (Hall), of Lex., June 27, 1895. Warren. John M., 24, of Boston, b. in Me., s. of Johnson & Abi2:ail, m. Mary A. Fleming, 22, of Boston, b. in N. S., d. of John & Mary A., Oct. 7, 1859. Waterman. Georgie A., 24, of West Roxbury, b. in Brookline, d. of Ansel H. & Nellie E., m. George H. Phelps, 25, of Lex., b. in Brookline, s of Geo. R. & Margaret A., Jan. 27, 1875. Watkeys. Marion, 19, of Lex., b. in Syracuse, N. Y., d. of Henry & Zeriah (Cohuan), m. George Henry Jackson, 44, of Lex., b. in Bedford, s. of Joshua & Mary (Pierce), Oct. 23, 1894. Watts. Charles Benjamin, 23, of Somerville, b. in Cambridge, s. of Francis A. & Louisa C. (Flagg), m. Annie F. Neal, 2L of Lex., b in Bos- ton, d. of Robert & Melissa (Yale), Sept. 23, 1871. Webb. Edward, 22, s. of Thos. & Esther, m. Louisa Hickman, 24, d. of Jas. & Louisa, both of Lex. and b. in London, Oct. 10, 1862. Webber. Henry P., 29, of Lex., b. in Bedford, s. of Benj. & Mary Ann (Twist), m,, in Arlington, Esther M. Flint, 24, d. of Nath'l & Hannah, of Lex., Jan. 8, 1871. Mary A., 23, of Boston, b. in Bangor, Me., d. of Tobias & Jane (Meiner), m., in Boston, William H. Thwing, 27, of Lex., b. in Woburn, s. of Chas. H. & Frances W. (Wyman), Dec. 2, 1871. Henry, 24, of Lex., b. in Canada, s. of Jas. & Nicene, m. Nellie F. Sherman, 22, of Lex., b. in Uxbridge, d. of Albert A. & Sarah, Dec. 2, 1886. Webster. Jennie M., 22, of Sherborn, d. of Leverett & Rebecca (Best), m., in Sherborn, Harry W. Patterson, 22, of Lex., s. of Ingerson & Caroline (Orpin) , both b. in N. S., Dec. 23, 1896. LEXINGTON BE COED OF MABBIAGE8. 399 Weise. John, 36, of Lex., b. in Germany, s. of Frederick & Christie, m. Emma L. Demar, 26, d. of John T. & Fidelia, of Lex., Nov. 21, 1889. Welch. William, 29, s. of Patrick & Catherine, m. Ann McNamara, 25, d. of Edward & Ann, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, June 6, 1857. Ellen, 25, d. of Edward & Bridget (Hanigan), m., in Concord, Michael Wliite, Jr., 27, s. of iMary (Kennedy), both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, May 21, 1871. Bridget, 24, of Lex., b. in Ireland, m. Michael Barry, 24, of Lex., b. in Cambridge, .s. of Tho.s. & Bridget, Au^. 15, 1876. Isreal, 28, s. of Lawson & Lizzie, m. Annie Higgins, 27, d. of Robert & Lizzie, both of Lex., b. in Colchester, N. S., Feb. 14, 1881. Mrs. Jane 31arriett (Wilson), 39, of Brookline, b. in Baltimore, d. of Jas. H. Wilson & Margaret McK. (Marriett), m. Charles T. Howard, 51, of Brookline, b. in Boston, s. of Benj. & Harriet Lang, his 2d wf., Jul. 2, 1885. Martin, 32, s. of Patrick & Mary Carroll, ni., in Woburn, Annie Murphy, 28, d. of Peter & Mary Riley, both of Lex, and b. in Ireland, Apr. 24, 1888. Annie, 27, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of John, m. Robert Woodhouse, 28,' of Lex., b. in England, s. of Robert W. & Jane, June 3, 1891. Maggie, 21, d. of Patrick & Celia (McLaughlin), m. Stephen II. Broughall, 24, s. of Michael & Margaret (Mahr), both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, May 26, 1892. Catherine E., 28, d. of Richard & Ellen (Murphy), of Arlington, m., in Arlington, Thomas J. Green, 29, s. of Patrick ct Bridget (Ryan), of Lex., June 10, 1896. Welsh. Mary E., 25, of Bedford, b. in Quincy, d. of Michael & Anna, m. George W. Libbey, 26, of Scarboro, Me., b. in Effingham, N. II., s. of Caleb & Nancy (Meyan), Jul. 4, 1865. Weller. Hattie I., 24, of Lex., b. in Jamestown, N. Y., d. of Jas. & Mary Ann, m. P. R. Barber, 26, of Titusville, Pa., b. in Mercer, Pa., s. of Andrew & Mary, Apr. 23, 1866. Wellington. Dorcas Ann, 25, d. of Beui". O. & Polly, of Lex., m. George H. Taylor, 33, of N. Y., b. in WiJlotson, Vt., s. of Brimage & Miriam, Mar. 12, 1854. Andrew, 35, s. of Peter & Hepzibah, of Lex., m. Leah L. Nichols, of Lex., b. in Hingham, d. of Jacob & Jane, Jan. 20, 1858. Henry A., 22, s. of Augustus & Sarah B., of Lex., m., in Cambridge, Angeline E. Moore, 22, of Canaan, Me., d. of Joseph G. & Emily, Mar. 16, 1862. Louisa M., 29, of Boston, b. in Lex., d. of Peter & Hepzibah, ni. Lucius H. Peaslee, 26, of Boston, b. in Whitefield, Me., s of Henry & Sarah, ]\Lay 24, 1863. Frederick D., 30, of Lincoln, b. in Waltham, s. of Sullivan & Mai'tha H., m Eliza W. Cutler, 24, d. of Thos. & Sarah (Smith), of Lex., Apr. 30, 1865. Herbert L., 23, s. of Augu.stus & Sarah (Bisbee), of Lex., m. Caroline B. Alley, 21, d. of Wm. G. & Mary H. (Bacon), of Springlield, June 23, 1880. 400 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF MABBIAGES. Wellington — Continued. Mrs. Angeline E., 49, of Lex., b. in Canaan, Me., d. of Joseph & Emily Moore, m. George Flint, 49, s. of Nath'l & Esther, of Lex., Oct. 20, 1889. Wentworth. Flora E., 21, of Lex., b. in Me., d. of Otis & Nancy E , ni. George H. Jackson, 22, of Lex., b. in Bedford, s. of Josluui & Mary, Jan. 23, 1873. Charles O., 22, of Lex., b. in Boston, s. of Otis & Nancy, m. Susie Augusta Capelle, 17, d. of Curtis & Mary Augusta, of Lex., Dec. 29, 1876. West. Charles T., 27, of Lex., b. in Plymouth, Vt., s. of Ezi-a T. & Lemira B. (Bacon), m., in Arlington, Mary W. Russell, 23, of Ai'lington, b. in Cambridge, d. of Josiah H. & Mary A., Feb."l5, 1872. Charles T., 30, of Lex., b. in Plymouth, Vt., s. of Ezra T. & Lemyra B., m., 2d, Fannie A. Russell, 29, of Ai'lington, b. in Cambridge, d. of Josiah H. & Mary A., May 7, 1875. Gideon C, 22, s. of John & Louisa, m. Mrs. Lillie (Bragg) Turner, 25, d. of Jas. Bragg & Sarah, both of Lex., b. in N. S., Oct. 7, 1883. Lucy, 24, of Lex., b. in Corsham, England, d. of John & Mary, m. John Bryant, 29, of Lex., b. in Langley, England, s. of John & Martha, Oct. 8, 1884. Wetherbee. Annie Flora, 27, of Lex., b. in Roxbury, d. of Eliphalet S. & Eliza (Pike), m. William H. Whitaker, 24, of Lex., b. in Weare, N. 11., s. of Alvan & Elizabeth M. (Hadley), ]\Iar. 24, 1880. Wetherell. Francis E., 30, of Lex., b. in Worcester, s. of Lorin & Judith C, m. Abbie Arlotta Batcheller, 32, of Lex., b. in Boston, d. of Brooks T. & Rachel C, June 10, 1874. Wethern. George M., 32, of Maiden, b. in Sumner, Me., s. of Woodman & Jerusha F , m. Emeline F. Harris, 24, of Lex., b. in Boston, d. of Henry & Emeline (Bryant), Nov. 1, 1863. Wetmore. James C, 26, of Lex., b. in Bloomfield, N. B., s. of Henry S. & Esther S., m., in Boston, Mrs. Catherine E. (Neville) Berry, 34, of Boston, b. in Charlestown, d. of John Neville & Mary, Nov. 16, 1887. Whaland. Mrs. Mai-ia (Cosgrove), 28, d. of John Cosgrove & Mary, m. Charles McCormick, 24, s. of Dan'l & Ellen, both of Lex., b. in Ireland, Nov. 1, 1868. Whalen. James W^., 33, s. of Patrick & Sarah (Fields), of Lex., m. Catherine C. Fahy, 21, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Hugh & (Welsh), Jan. 1, 1896. Wheelan. AVilliam, 30, s. of Wm. & Ann, m., in Woburn, Maria Cosgrove, 25, d. of John & Mary, both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, Sept. 4, 1862. LEXINGTON- BECOBD OF 3IABBIAQES. 401 Wheeler. George G., 25, of Chai'lestown, b. in Lempster, N. H., s. of Gilman & Sophia, m. Mary M. Fiske, 18, d. of Benj. & Sarah, of Lex., Mar. 24, lh61. Jairus C, 33, s. of Franklin & Susan (Collins), of Acton, m. Alice M. Tibbetts, 22, of Concord, b. in Brookfield, N. H., d. of Wm. & Mary (Smith), Nov. 20, 1881. Whidden. Jessie A., 22, of Lex., b. in Truro, N. S., d. of Dan'l & Mary, m. John W. Shattuck, 28, of Lex., b. in Lynn, s. of Geo. W. & Hannah A„ Aug. 8, 1888. Whitaker. Eliza Adelaide, 27, of Lex., b. in Weare, N. H., d. of Alvan & Eliza- beth M., m. William Colburn Brown, 28, s. of Francis & Sarah A., of Lincoln, Sept. 25, 1879. William IL, 24, of Lex., b. in Weare, N. H., s. of Alvan & Elizabeth ]\I. (Hadley),m. Annie Flora Wetherbee, 27, of Lex., b. in Rox- bui-y, d. of Eliphalet S & Eliza (Pike), Mar 24, 1880. Emma E., 29, of Lex., b. iu Weare, N. IL, d. of Alvan & Elizabeth M. (Hadley), m. Elbridge W. Glass, 26, of Lex., b. in Guilford, Me., s. of Ezekiel & Eunice (Packard), Apr. 21, 1880. Elizabeth Esther, 28, of Lex., b. in South Weare, N. H., d. of Alvan & Elizabeth M. (Hadley), m. Albert IL Burnham, 27, of Lex., b. in Essex, s. of Ira F. & Louisa K. (Woodbury), Apr. 11, 1894. Whitcher. Sargent C, 43, of Boston, b. in Wheelock, Vt., s. of Levi & Mary, m., 2d, Julia Stetson, 33, of Lex., b. iu Medford, d. of Caleb & Julia Ann, Dec. 5, 1867. Hattie L., 20, of Lex., b. iu Boston, d. of Sargent C. & Harriet W., m. Edward E. Batchelder, 33, of Boston, b. in Wenham, s. of Edward & Lydia, Jan. 19, 1869. White. Richard F., 25, of Lex., b. in Boston, s. of Edward & Maria, m. Sarah L. Brooks, 22, d. of Increase, of Lincoln, Jan. 29, 1856. Michael, Jr., 27, s. of Mary (Kennedy), m., in Concord, Ellen Welch, 25, d. of Edward & Bridget (Harrigan), both of Lex. and b. in Ireland, May 21, 1871. Mary, 22, d. of Patrick & Mary, of Lex., m., in Concord, Patrick Mansfield, 19, of Charlestowu, b. in Ireland, s. of Thos. & Hannah, Nov. 3, 1872. Patrick, Jr., 25, of Lex., b. in Cambridge, s. of Pati'ick & Mary, m., in Arlington, Margaret Kelley, 23, of Arlington, b. iu Ireland, d. of Richard & Mary, June 4, 1874. Robert H., 26, of Lex., b. in N. S., s. of John & Abigail (Higgins), m., in Concord, Lizzie F. Reynolds, 23, d. of Patrick & Ann, of Lex., Dec. 27, 1883. Clifford F., 26, of Somei'ville, b. in Addison, Me., s. of Eastman W. & Salome (Curtis), m. Mary Ellen Fletcher, 26, of Lex,, b. in Cambridge, d. of Wm. A. & Julia (Snell), May 13, 1891. Cammilla E., 28, of Lex., b. in Wilmot, N. H., d of Jacob F. & Sarah B. (Severans), m. Charles Parker, Jr., 32, of Keene, N. H., b. in West Rupert, Vt., s. of Chas. & Ellen R. (Wright), Apr. 17, 1892. Nora A., 18, of Lex.,b. in Boston, d. of Patrick & Margaret (Mullen), m., in Concoi'd, Levi Williams, 21, s. of John & Mary (Moran), of Bedford, Feb. 27, 1893. 402 LEXINGTON EECORD OF MABBIAGE8. White — Continued. Delia V., 18, d. of Michael & Ellen (Welch), of Lex., m. Michael J. Cassitly, 28, of Lex., b. in County Galhvay, L'eland, s. of Michael & Bi-idget (Tracey), June 21, 1894. Mary A., 22, d. of Michael & Pollen (Welch), of Lex., m. Edgar M. Gearty, 28, of Maiden, b. in N, J., s. of Thos. F. & Margaret (Con- nelly), Jan. 15, 1895. Mrs. Minnie (Potts), 26, of Lex., b. in N. B., d. of Robert Potts & Louisa (McNeal), m. Levi Fountain, 39, of Lex., b. in Putnam, Conn., s. of Francis & Mary (King), his 2d m , Apr. 15, 189G. Nellie R., 24, d. of Michael & Ellen (Welch), of Lex., m. James J. Barry, 28, of Arlington, b. in Fairfield, Vt., s. of John & Catherine (Henderhen), Oct. 18, 1897. Whiting. Frank, 27, of Lex., b. in Charlestown, s. of Wm. H. & Jane M., m. Lucy Maria Gould, 21, of Lex., b. in Boston, d. of Thos. & Lydia Ann, Oct. 6, 1864. Susie J., 28, of Boston, b. in Lex., d. of John W. & Mary J., ni. Charles A. Phelps, 31, of Lex., b. in Brookline, s. of Geo. R. & Margaret A., June 12, 1883. Emma Spalding, 24, of Lex., b. in Wilton, N. H., d. of Geo. O. & Laura M. (Bowers), m. Charles Bridge Davis, 30, s. of Geo. O. & Caroline E. (Bridge), of Lex., Oct. 14, 1891. Thomas G., 23, s. of Frank & Lucy M. (Gould), of Lex., m. Editli O. Teel, 28, d. of Wm. & OrabeHa (Otis), of Arlington, June 29, 1892. Jessie Bowers, 25, of Lex,, b. in Wilton, N. IL, d. of Geo. O. & Laura (Bowers), m. George L. Gilmore, 27, of Lex., b. in Charlestown, s. of Kelsey M. & Mary L. (Thayer), June 25, 1895. Whitney. Maria 11. , 25, of Lex., b. in Acton, d. of John & Elizabeth, m., in Waltham, John C. Hildreth, 27, of Lex., b. in Dorchester, s. of Sam'l iS: Sophia, Oct. 28, 1867. Sarah Elizabeth, 23, d. of Wm. & Elizabeth, of Farmington, Me., ni., in Me., John R. True, 25, of Lex., b. in Strong, Me., s. of Amos C. & Betsey C, Sept. 17, 1874. Joseph F., 32, of Lex., b. in Mattapan, s. of Jacob S. & Ann M., m. Sarah Elizabeth Thaxter, 20, of Lex., b. in South Boston, d. of Duncan McB. & Harriet, Nov. 15, 1882. Hattie M., 22, d. of Chas H. & Eliza, of Lincoln, m., in Weston, Marshall C. Baldwin, 25, of Lex., b. in Weston, s. of Sam'l E. & Amanda E., Oct. 15, 1884. Dudley Richards, 34, of Brooklyn, N. Y., b. in Jamaica Plain, s. of Eli Martin & Catherine Richards, m. Grace Constance Mills, 23, of Lex., b. in Concord, d. of Oliver Perry & Annas Adams, Oct. 27, 1885. Lillian IL, 25, of Lex., b. in Marlboro, d. of Edmund C. it Cornelia F. (Shepard), m. Fi-ancis Moran Babcock, 29, of Revere, b. in Dart- mouth, N. S., s. of Jas. & Mary Agnes (Fowler), Apr. 29, 1894. Whittemore. Eva F., 29, of Lex., b. in Cambridge, d. of Henry W. & Sophia W. (Prentiss), m. Robert C Harlow, 22, of Cambridge, b. in Lynn, s. of Henry M. & Sarah F. (Cowen), Oct. 16, 1895. Whittier. Mrs. Abby L. (Moore), 38, d. of Luke & Martha, of Cambridge, m. George Sparhawk, 64, of Lex., b. in Brighton, s. of Edward & Betsey, his 2d m., Feb. 16, 1875. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF MARRIAGES. 403 Whittum. George E., 30, of Lex., b. in Boston, s. of Ebenezer & Sarah P. (Smith), m., in Cambridge, Mary F. Ball, 27, of Cambridge, b. in Boston, d. of Elijah & Sarah (Clark), Apr. 19, 1871. Wight. John A., 30, s. of Eleazer G. & Phebe (Carter), of Natick, m. Mary E. Bryant, 24, of Lex., b. in Billerica, d. of Ptoyal T. & Sarah (Hart- well), June 20, 1880. Wigly. Isabella, 26, of Boston, b. in Milton, d. of John & Ann, m. Albert Bisbee, 21, of Boston, b. in Kingston, s. of DanU & Lydia, Nov. 25, 1868. Wilkins. Frank R., 21, of Lex., b. in Medford, s. of David & Judith A., m. Georgie L. DeBlois, 19, of Lex., b. in Arlington, d. of Wm. H. & Sarah, Jan. 1, 1873. ]Mary Loring, 20, of Lex., b. in Watertown, d. of Josepli G. & Rose B , ra. (George Arthur Paine, 28, of Lex., b. in Randolph, Vt., s. of Geo. S. & Emily J., his 2d m., Jan 11, 1883. Annie Richardson, 26, of Lex., b. in Watertown, d. of Joseph G. & Rosa B., m. Herbert Ainsworth Tuttle, 33, s. of Uavid A. & Susan S., of Lex., Feb. 23, 1887. Williams. Sarah Maria, 20, of Lex., b. in Roxbury, d. of Jas. it Maria, m. David Fitch, Jr., 25, of Lex., b, in Billerica, s. of Betsey, Jan. 14, 1858. David Henry, 24, of Pictou, N, S., b. in Dartmouth, N. S., s. of Geo. & Lavinia, m. Edith Alida Bishop, 23, d. of Jas. Edward & Evelyn (Magee), of Cornwallis, N. S., Aug. 29, 1883. Frederick M., 28, s. of Marlborough & Elizabeth S., of Boston, m. Minnie C. Thayer, 22, of Lex., b. in Brooklyn, N. Y., d. of Sam'l G. & Fannie M., Jan. 18, 1888. Levi, 21, s. of John & Mary (Moran), of Bedford, m., in Concord, Nora A. White, 18, of Lex., b. in Boston, d. of Patrick & Margaret (Mullen), Feb. 27, 1893. Arthur, 27, of Lex., b. in N. S., s. of John & Olive A. (Lyman), m. Annie Killelea, 22, of Lex , b. in Boston, d. of Thos. & Catherine (Daley), Sept. 17, 1893. Richard H., 23, s. of David & Mary (Brenuan), of Concord, m, Susie A. AVinsor, 22, d. of Sydney A. & Celia J. (McGuire), of Lex., Oct. 30, 1895. Effie Adelia, 21, d. of Louis Edwin & Martha Effie (Tarbell), of West Gi'oton, m. in West Groton, Daniel Francis Donovan, 21, s. of Dan'l J. & Bedelia (Curley), of Lex., June 24, 1896. 'Willis. Julia Augusta, 24, of Lex., b. in Boston, d. of Royal B. & Phebe C, m. George Warren Taylor, 24, of Lex., b. in Nottingham, England, s. of Wm. Warren & Ann, June 25, 1868. Wilmer. Charles R., 24, of Belmont, b. in Albany, N. Y., s of Robert & Eliza (Morton), m. Maria Morgan, 23, of Belmont, b. in Greenwood, Me., d. of John & Hannah, Sept. 13, 1863. 404 LEXINGTON BECOIiD OF MABBIAGES. Wilson. Mary Frances, 19, of Lex., b. in Billerica, d. of Horace N. & Sybil (Spaulding), m. Alvah D. Boynton, 19, s. of Albei't & Mary J. (Robbins), of Carlisle, June 14, 1871. James, 24, of Lex., b. in Ireland, s. of John & Catherine, m., in Cam- bridge, Carrie McManus, 18, d. of Andrew & Maria, of Arlington, Mar 15, 1880. William Taylor, 24, of Lex., b. in Windsor, N. S., s. of Jas. & Mar- garet, m., in Arlington, Margaret S. Mm*phy, 21, d. of Wm. & Bridget, of Lex., June 5, 1885. John E., 28, of Lex., b. in Boston, s. of Alexander & Martha, m., in Cambridge, Ellen F. Gough, 27, of Arlington, b. in New York City, d. of John B. & Eleanor, Sept. 6, 1885. Meta Telfair, 38, of Lex., b. in Baltimoi'e, d. of Jas. Hamilton & Margaret Marriott, m., in Boston, Charles Hall Pitts, Jr., 42, s. of Elizabeth Reynolds, of Baltimore, his 2d wf.. Get. 12, 1887. James A., 28, of Lex., b. in England, s. of Alexander & Martha, m., in Arlington, Maggie Chambers, 24, of Arlington, b. in Canada, d. of Jas. efe Jane, Nov. 12, 1887. Wing. Sarah P., 24, of Waltham, b. in Marion, d. of Jabez H. & Abby, m. George H. Dow, 24, of Waltham, b. in Lex,, s. of Darius & Abby L., Apr. 3, 1880. Grace L., 28, d. of Leander J. & Nettie L. (Lovering), of Lex., m. Albert W. Crockett, 32, s. of John C, & Harriet L. (Grover), of North Andover, Jul. 22, 1896. Winn. Margaret, 24, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Jas. & Catherine (Foley), m., in Concord, Michael Quanan, 29, of Woburn, b. in Ireland, s. of Terrence & Bi'idget (Ferguson), Aug. 13, 1871. Katie, 35, of Woburn, b. in Ireland, d. of Patrick & Anna, m. Lewis J. Lyman, 60, of Woburn, b. in Weston, s. of Geo. & Susan, his 2d m., Sept. 6, 1882. Agnes F., 24, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of Patrick & Bridget (Dwyer), m, Dennis H. Collins, 25, s. of Dan'l & Mary (Donovan), of Lex., Sept 18, 1895. Winning. Susan P., 26, of Billerica, b. in Chaiiestown, d. of David & Susan S., m. George Munroe, 33, s. of Thaddeus & Rebecca, of Lex , Nov. 7, 1854. Winsliip. Oliver, 58, s. of Isaac & Sarah, of Lex., m., 2d, Amanda F. Cham- berlin, 40, d. of Spencer & Milly, of Glover, Vt., Feb. 26, 1854. William B., 21, s of Edward & Hannah, of Lex., m. Ellen Keet, 19, d. of Stephen & Lucretia, of Northfleld, Sept., 1865. Adeline A., 19, d. of P^dward & Hannah E., of Lex., m. John Peters, Jr., 32, of i^ex., b in Prussia, s. of Anna, May 26, 1868. Granville E., 29, s. of Edward & Hannah E. (Pollard), of Lex., m. Jennie L. Keene, 25, of Lex., b. in N. S., d. of Wm. & Charlotte, Oct. 9, 1871. Francis J., 29, s. of Edward & Hannah Elizabeth, of Lex., m. Rachel P. McKeen, 26, of Lex., b. in Guysboro, N. S., d. of Wm. & Char- lotte Ann, Dec. 26, 1876. E. Bigelow, 21, of Lex., b. in Sutter Township, Cal., s. of Chas. F. & Mary A. (Holbrook), m. Georgiana M. Smith, 23, of Lex., b. in Charlestown, d. of Levi J. & Laura A. (George), Feb. 5, 1881. LEXINGTON EECOED OF MARBIAGES. 405 ■\A inship — Continued. Charles F., 62, s. of Oliver & Anna (Fiske),of Lex, m. Martha A. Vickery, 27, of Lex., b. in N. S., d. of Geo. R. & Mary A. (Ted- ford), Mar, 26, 1890. Winslow. Edmund G., 27, of Boston, b, in Duxbury, s. of Geo. & Hannah D., ra. Ellen M. Harris, 20, of Lex., b. in Groton, d. of Henry & Emeline B., Dec. 17, 1868. Winsor. S. A., 23, of Medford, b. in Duxbury, s. of Thos. & Susan (Winsor), m., in Concord, Celia T. Maguire, 23, d. of Hugh & Mary (Curry), of Lex, Aug. 29, 1871. Susie A., 22, d. of Sydney A. »fc Celia J. (McGuire), of Lex., m. Richard H. Williams, 23, s. of David & Mary (Breunan), of Con- cord, Oct. 30, 1895. Withrow. Alma, 23, of Boston, b. in N. S., d. of Jacob & IMary, m. Sidney Myron Lawrence, 21, s. of Sidney & Ann, of Lex., Nov. 29, 1877. Alexander, 28, of Lex., b. in Hants County, N. S., s. of Joshua & Catherine (Fenton), m., in Waltham, Carrie McGillivray, 23, of Lex., b. in Richmond, P. E. L, d. of Joseph & Mary (McDougal), Nov. 30, 1895. Wolf. Freda E., 19, of Lex., b. in Germany, d. of Hermann & p]miline (Wensee), m., in Bedford, William T. Lowe, 38, of Lex., b. in Jaflfrey, N. H , s. of Francis & Sarah (Boynton), Dec. 25, 1895. Wood. Leander, 25, of Lex., b. in N. S., s. of John & Nancy (Caldwell), m., in Cambridge, Agnes Tracey, 26, of Lex., b. in N. B., d. of Patrick & Katie (Ryan), Mar. 16, 1897. Woodbury. Royal L., 22, of Boston, b. in Sweden, Me., s. of Aaron & Sarah, m. Ardelia A. Hutchinson, 23, d. of Chas. & Lydia, of Lex., Mar. 14, 1867. Effie L ,21, of Lex., b. in Hardwick, Vt., d. of Asel L, & Sarah L., m. Walter Dwight Kimball, 23, of Hardwick, Vt., b. in Cabot, Vt., s. of Richard Goodwin & Harriet Brawn, Aug. 7, 1882. Woodhouse. Robert, 28, of Lex., b. in England, s. of Robert W. & Jane, m. Annie Welch, 27, of Lex., b. in Ireland, d. of John, June 3, 1891. Woodman. Alice Maria, 30, of Cambridge, b. in Boston, d. of Chas. & Caroline A., m., in Cambridge, Adam Peters, 31, of Lex., b. in Germany, s. of John & Anna, Feb. 27, 1878. Woodworth. Sanford H., 32, of Lex., b. in Essex, Vt., s. of Mosley & Eveline, m. Marion E. Simonds, 19, d. of Geo., Jr., & Mary, of Lex., Apr. 2, ^884. 406 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF MABBIAGES. Woolsey. Julia E., 22, of Aubuvndale, b. in Troy, N. Y., d. of Nathan W. & lanthe Stone, m., in Auburndale, James O. Swinehamer, 26, of Lex., b. in N. S., s. of Henry & Mary, Feb. 21, 1886. Wright. Walter R., 22, of Lex., b. in N. H., s of Elisha H. & Harriet F., m. Lydia Keniston, 18, d. of DanU, of Lex., Nov. 29, 1860. James H., 27, s. of Jas. & Mary R. (Rice), of Concord, m. Alice P. Simonds, 27, d. of Eli & Elizabeth (Swann), of Lex., Apr. 6, 1871. Alfred S., 21, of Boston, b. in Lawrence, s. of Algenon S. & Cordelia B., m. Edna A. Hussey, 20, of Waltham, b. in Skowhegan, Me., d. of Thos. H. & Louisa A., May 14, 1874. Sarah A., 26, d. of Luke W & Abigail (Estabrook) , of Lex , m. George P. Barrett, 23, s. of Wm. G. & Sophia (Dodge), of Concord, Nov. 12, 1874. 1 ^ S ;. Harriet Adella, 2.5, of Lex., b. in Cambridge, d. of Elisha H. & Harriet Farmer, m. George Henry Rowe, 33, of Boston, b. in Cambridge, s of Noah & Deborah J. (Osgood), Nov. 15, 1875. Edward L., 28, s. of Jas. & Mary (Rice), of Concord, m. Ada F. Kneeland, 19, d. of Frank H. & Adeline R. (Smith), of Lex., A^n-. 28, 1880. Minnie J., 25, d. of Walter R. & Lydia, of Arlington, m. Erastus J. Cummings, Jr., 29, of Arlington, b. in Waldoboro, Me., s. of Helen, Aug. 16, 1887. Alice A., 26, d. of Luke W. & Abigail, of Lex,, m. George H. Streeter, 27, s. of Joseph & Julia, of Boston, Sept 22, 1887. Florence B., 21, d. of Geo. W. & Belle (DeBlois), of Lex., m., in Lynn, Edward L. Yeaton, 27, of Lex., b. in Cooper, Me., s. of Chas. N. & Annie D. (Hey ward), Apr. 20, 1892. Wyllie. Laura \\., 27, d. of Seth A & Almira (Hiukley),of Warren, Me., m., in Warren, Alexander W. Batchelder, 26, of Lex., b. in Penobscot, Me., s. of Madison T. & Carrie E. (Wyllie), Feb. 21, 1884. Wyman. Rufus P., 28, of Woburn, b. in Mason, N. H., s. of Maverick & Nancy, m. Abba A. Nichols, 20, d. of John R. & Abigail, of Wilmington, Nov. 17, 1855. Benjamin, 54, of Csceola, Fla., b. in Lex., s. of Jas. & Betsey, m., 2d, IViary C. Puffer, 28, d. of Sylvester & Catherine, of Lex., Aug. 10, 1«69. Francis, 86, s. of Jas & Anna, of Lex,, m , 2d, Anna T. Howe, 46, d. of Isaac & Anna, of Lex., b. in Boston, Nov. 1, 1875. Yeaton. Edward L., 27, of Lex., b in Cooper, Me., s. of Chas. N & Annie 1). (Heyward), m., in Lynn, Florence B. VVright, 21, d. of Geo. W. & Belle (DeBlois), of Lex., k\n-. 20, 1892. Yeo. Emma K , 22, of Lex., b. in P. E. I., d. of Fred & (Hearsey), m. Daniel Anthony, 22, of Lex., b. in N. S., s. of Noah & Margaret (Singer), Jul. 21, 1897. LEXINQrON BECOBD OF DEATHS. 407 Deaths. -Part II. From 1854 to 1898. Abbott. Oliver L., 1 y. 11 m. [Charlestown] , s. of Oliver D. & Abby L., May 22, 1865. Elizabeth, 4 y., d. of John & Julia (Driscoll), May 3, 1876. Anna, 12 y. 9 ra., d. of John & Julia (Driscoll), May 5, 1876. Frank, 6 y. 7 m., s. of John & Julia (Driscoll), May 6, 1876. Jane, 9 y. 4 m., d. of John & Julia (Driscoll), May 7, 1876. Julia (Driscoll), 58 y. [Ireland], d. of John & Maiy, m.. Mar. 26, 1895. Adair. Ann (McElwee), 52 y. 11 m. 28 d. [Ireland], d. of John & Maiy, m., Dec. 19, 18S2. Charles, 58 y. 1 m. 11 d. [Ireland], s. of Thos. & Jane, wid., ]\Iar. 10, 1885. Adams. Zabdial, 71 y., m., Feb. 18, 1854. Amasa, 69 y. 6 m., Aug. 20, 1857. Ann W. (Whittemore), 62 y. 6 m. [Cambridge] , d. of Wm. & Ann W., May 14, 1862. Robinson, 32 y., s. of Saml *fe Ann (Whittemore), d. in N. Y., Apr. 14, 1865. Samuel, 76 y. [Cambridge], s. of John & Hannah, wid. of Ann (Whittemore), Sept. 5, 1866. Mary F., 25 y. 11 m. [Bedford], d. of Abel B. & Susan F., Mar. 7, 1876. Alfred, 13 y. 5 m. [Bedford], s. of Abel B. & Susan F., Aug. 19, 1876. Abel Bryant, 72 y. 11 m. 21 d. [Wayland], s. of Seth & Betsey Bryant, m., Aug. 13, 1884. David, 78 y. 8 m. [Boston], s. of Phillip, m., Oct. 24, 1890. Agur. Idell, 1 y. 11 m. 6 d., d. of Alonzo & Samantha, Mar. 9, 1872. A'Hearn. Michael, 70 y. [Ireland], s. of Wm. & Bridget (Tenney), m., Jan. 2, 1894. Alderman. Elizabeth H. (Stafford), 50 y. 8 m. [Wallingford, Me.], d. of John & Rebecca, wf. of Franklin, Jul. 5, 1881. Frederick W., 36 y. 3 m. 10 d. [Middlefield], s. of Franklin & Eliza- beth H. (Stafford), m., May 16, 1892. 408 LEXINGTON BECOED OF DEATHS. Allen. Bridget (Green), 31 y. [Ireland], d. of John & Ellen, Sept. 30, 1862. Galen, 61 y. 10 m. 10 d. [Acworth, N. H.], s. of Galen & Hannah, hus. of Lavinia (Munroe), June 29, 1864. Lavinia (Munroe), 43 y. 6 m. 7 d , d. of John & Charlotte, wid. of Galen, Apr. 22, 1865. Carrie T. (Rowe), 32 y. 4 ni. 2 d. [Boston], d. of Richard P. & Sarah E., m., Oct. 10, 1889. , 3 d., d. of Thos. & Annie S., Aug. 9, 1890. Alley. Edith (Clapp), 33 y. 8 m. [Dorchester], d. of Jas. H. & Ann., wid.. May 14, 1886. Amy. Addie (Kendall), 31 y. [Granville, Vt], d. of Lucius & Melissa, wid., Aug. 10, 1874. Anderson. Sarah A. (Gorman), 41 y. [P. E. I.], d. of Jas. & Sarah, wf. of Thos., d. in Waltham, Sept. 5, 1890. Andrews. Charles H., 7 m. 21 d., s, of Thos. H. & Mary B. (Jones), Aug. 13, 1868. Angler. George Eustis, 3 m. 18 d., s. of Dan'l E. & Emily F., Apr. 5, 1860. Evelina F. (Lawrence), 25 y. 8 m. [Cohasset], d. of Geo. & Evelina, m., Jan. 13, 1863. Esther R. (Winn), 62 y. 4 m. 5 d. [Salem], d. of Benj. & Susan (Esta- brook), wf. of Amos, Mar. 3, 1872. Amos, 83 y. 10 m. 10 d., s. of John & Mary (Simonds), wid., Nov. 6, 1886. Apel. Augustus, 23 y. 6 m. 21 d [Germany], s. of Coni-ad & Dinah, Sept. 23, 1863. Francis I., 8 m. 7 d. [East Cambridge], s. of John II. & Ellen, Nov. 27, 1863. Ellenor (Ilobbs), 21 y. 1 m. 10 d. [England], d. of John & Hannah, m., Jnl. 19, 1865. Arey. Mary S. (Fifield), 70 y. 2 m. 4 d. [Danbury, N. II.], d. of Amos & Hannah, wf. of Jonathan, Mar. 4, 1890. Arnold. Thomas, 54 y. [P. E. I.], May 14, 1883. Austin. Charlotte S. (Thatcher), 89 y. 6 m. [Boston], d. of Warren & Nancy (Sawyer), wid. of John, Nov. 1, 1894. Ayers. Annie Sarah, 16 y. 6 m. [Rectortown, Va.], d. of Chas. R. & Mary F., Oct. 21, 1867. LEXINGTOJSr BECOBD OF DEATH8. 409* Babb. Nancy G., 66 y. 2 m. 20 d. [Fryburg, Me.], d. of Dan'l, unm., May 30, 1889. Charles H., 41 y. 1 m. 5 d. [Conway, N. H.], s. of Dan'l & Elizabeth (Child),m., May 29, 1893. Baehelder. Charles Lewis, 1 y. 1 m. [Hartford, Conn.], s. of Edwin A. & Melissa W., Aug. 20, 1872. Bacon. George H., 2 m. 16 d., s. of John D. & Harriet A. (Allen), Mar. 17, 1861. Harriet A. (Allen), 25 y. 3 m., d. of Galen & Lavinia (Munroe), wf, of John D., Mar. 22, 1865. Annette A., 3 y. 1 m., d. of John D. & Harriet A. (Allen), May 9, 1865. Hattie E. (Grout), 33 y. 5 m. 6 d. [Acworth, N. H.], d. of John & Hannah (Allen), wf. of John D., d. in Somerville, Jan. 31, 1875. Sophronia, 66 y. 3 m. 11 d. [Lincoln], wid. of Geo., Apr. 19, 1877. Flora Isabel, 7 y. 5 m. 28 d. [Cambridge], d. of W. Frank & Isabel F., June 19, 1879. George, 81 y. 2 m. [Billerica], s. of Jonas & Betsey, wid., Nov. 23, 18h0. Maria E. (Dow), 40 y. 1 m. [West Concord, N. H.], d. of B. F. & M. J., wf. of Chas. H., Mar. 2, 1885. Bailey, Bayley. James, Jr., 73 y. 1 m. 4 d., s. of Dolly, wid. of Abigail (Simonds), Feb. 9, 1865. Olive E., 5 d., d. of Chellus B. & Ellen E., Jul. 31, 1875. Chelius B., 49 y., s. of Jas. & Abigail (Simonds), m , Oct. 3, 1877, Martha (Bates), 88 y. 8 m. [Cohasset], d. of Obediah & Hannah, wid , Aug. 3, 1883. Ellen L (Hartwell), 56 y. 5 m. 15 d. [Lincoln], d. of Abel & Esther, wid. of Chellus B., Aug. 25, 1890. Baker. Frances Elizabeth, 34 y. 3 m, 25 d. [Boston] , d. of Walter Wyatt & Elizabeth L., unm., May 12, 1883. Marv E. (Smith), 66 y. 10 m. 4 d. [Portland, Me.], d. of Cornelius & Mary (Plummer), wid. of Wm. R., Sept. 19, 1893. Ella A., 55 y. 4 m. 22 d. [Campton, N. H.], d. of Walter W. & Elizabeth L. (Noyes), unm., Apr. 5, 1897. Baldwin. Benjamin, 74 y. 7 m. [Carlisle], Oct. 17, 1856. Balge. Henry Otto Johann, 64 y. 10 m. 14 d. [Germany], s. of Joachim F. & Maria S., m., May 26, 1869. Ballard. Edith, 10 m. 14 d., d. of Francis E. & Ellen S., June 30, 1876. Florence M., 6 m. 18 d., d. of Joseph, Jr., & Lizzie V., Apr. 6, 1883. Lizzie V. (Kendall), 51 y. 10 m. [Tyngsboro], d. of Moses & Mindrie, wf. of Joseph, Oct. 16, 1888. Joseph, 72 y. [Cambridge] , s. of Joseph & Priscilla (Reed), wid., Oct. 6, 1895. 410 LEXINGTON EiJCOBD OF DEATHS.. Barney. Francis, 33 y. [Canada] , Sept. 30, 1883. Barrett. James, 36 y. [Ireland], Sept. 3, 1858, Charles H., 4 m. 13 d., s. of Geo. P. & S. Arvilla, Sept. 18, 1879. Barry. John, 35 y. [Ireland], s. of Edward & Margaret, d. in Boston, Jul. 19, 1864. Mary Ella, 4 m 6 d., d. of Wm. & Margaret, Aug. 4, 1878. John, 8 m. 21 d., s. of Wm. & Margaret (Sheehan), May 4, 1880. Bartlett. Cynthia, 37 y. 5 m. [Rindge], wf. of Jonas, May 15, 1864. Charles L., 80 y. 7 m. 2 d. [Haverhill], s. of Bailey & Peggy, m., Mar. 17, 1883. Bartley. Mary J. (Hartwell), 85 y. 11 m. 7 d. [Bedford], d. of Wm. & Joanna (Davis), wid. of Robert, Apr. 24, 1892. Bass. Hannah R. (Hoppin), 33 y. 2 m. 9 d. [Cambridge], wf. of Addison S., d. in Melrose, Nov. 24, 1865. Sybil, 85 y. 7 m., d. of Phineas & Polly (Lawrence) Wellington, wid. of Simeon, Mar. 31, 1891. Batehelder. Carrie E. (Wyllie), 40 y. 6 m. 23 d. [Warren, Me.], d. of Harriet & Wm., wf. of Madison T , Jul. 25, 1875. Francis E., 3 y. 1 m. 21 d. [Weymouth], s. of Ryland D. & Lizzie M. (Hart), Jul. 28, 1897. Beals. Mary (Brown), 61 y., d. of John & Nancy (Stearns), wf. of John, Apr. 5, 1865. John, 78 y. [Salem], s. of Christopher & Mary, m., Nov. 22, 1878, Eleanor S. (Adams), 65 y. 9 m. [Cambridge], d. of Saml & Ann, wid., Dec. 3, 1890. Bean. George H., 61 y. 6 m. 12 d. [Stetson, Me.], s. of Richard & Catherine (Poland), wid.. Mar. 5. 1896. Bender. John, 75 y. [Germany], wid., May 6, 1886. Benjamin. Mary E , 1 y. 3 m., d. of Dan'I S. & Frances, Oct. 4, 1854. Louisa M , 2 y. 8 m., d of DanU, Dec. 24, 1861. Francis D., 16 y. 11 m., s. of Dan'I S., d. in Somerville, Dec. 8, 1865. Emeline E. (Hey wood), 76 y. 1 m. 4 d. [Concord], d. of Wm. & Sarah (Watson), wf of Cyrus, Nov. 15, 1893. Bennett. Prescott, 43 y. 11 m. [Lunenburg], s. of Archelus & Deborah, Mar. 20, 1864. LEXINGTON EJECOBD OF DEATHS. 411 Bennett — Continued. Charles Hawes, 28 y. 3 m. 15 d. [Boston], s. of Jas. Harvey & Winni- fred (Knovvles), Jul. 8, 1864. Deborah (Wheeler), 78 y. 10 m. [Acton], d. of Eunice, Nov. 1, 1865. Winnifred (Knowles), 67 y. 13 d. [Truro], d. of Paul & Hannah, wf. of Jas. H., Jul. 4, 1867. James H., 83 y, 11 m. 19 d. [Ashburnham] , s. of Eliab & Olive, wid., Nov. 10, 1875. Bettinson. Sarah H (Kinsley), 57 y. 8 m. 13 d. [Boston], d. of Henry & Mary, wf. of Edward W., June 2, 1878. Bigelow. Abijah, 83 y. 8 m. 21 d., d. in Charlestown, Apr. 29, 1863. Emeline, 57 y. 9 d., wf. of Gorham, d. in Charlestown, Feb. 18, 1864. Bird. Sarah A. (Clark), 68 y. 5 m. 28 d. [Acworth, N. H.], d. of Robert & Sally (Wyman), wid. of Henry M., Aug. 30, 1895. Bisbee. Charles, 75 y. 10 m. 6 d. [Kingston], s. of Zebulon & Sarah (Samp- son), unm.. May 25, 1895. Blanchard. Charles H., 63 y. 2 m. 15 d. [Boston], s. of Noah & Lydia (Binny), m., Apr. 24, 1896. Blasdel. Judith (Powers), 82 y. 11 m. [Rye, N. H.], d. of Robert & Elizabeth, wid. of Abner, Jul. 22, 1872. Bliss. Annie Louise (Woods), 37 y. [St. Louis, Mo.], d. of Robert K. & Susan E. (Berry), wf. of Wm. H., Oct. 12, 1888. Blodgett. Rhoda (Winn), 67 y. 5 m., wid. of Jas., Aug. 5, 1854. Peter, 58 y., s. of Nathan, hus. of Tryphena (Caldwell), May 8, 1856. Sullivan, 66 y. 11 m., s. of Nathan & Deborah (Robbins), unm., Feb. 25 1873 Charles, 72 y. 7 m. 11 d., s. of Jas. & Rhoda (Winn), m., Nov. 27, 1891. Boles. Minerva J., 20 y. 6 m., d. in Boston, Jan. 4, 1865. Bonz. Margaret (Sheehan), 35 y. [Ireland], d. of Wm. & Mary (O'Brien), ra., Oct. 30, 1882. Bowen. Maria G., 17 y. 1 ra. [Canada], d. of Timothy H. & Lucy T., Jul. 30, 1865. Bowers. Charles, 72 y. 7 m. [Rindge, N. H.], s. of Jas. & Lydia, m., Mar. 16, 1865. Frank, 1 d., s. of Frank E. & Fanny O., Sept. 6, 1871. Addie Mav, 2 v. 4 m. 25 d. [Somerville], d. of Geo. E. & Addie S., Aug. 28^ 1878. 412 LEXINGTON BE COED OF DEATHS. Bracket. Maud, 6 d., d. of Harry B. & Grace G., Sept. 17, 1882. Brady. Sarah, 27 y. [Ireland], d. of John, unm., June 24, 1872.. Brennan. Mary (Kavanagh), 48 v. [Ireland], d. of Jas. & Margaret (Kimick),. wid. of John, Oct. 29, 1895. Brewer. Harriet (Bell), 81 y. [Colei'aih], d. of Walter & Sarah, wid., June- 16, 1873. Bridges. Edmund, 38 y. 4 m. [Me.], hus. of Caroline, Nov. 6, 1856. George A., 1 y. 4 m. 19 d.,s. of Edmund & Caroline, Mar. 18, 1858. Samuel, 77 y. 25 d , s. of Jonas & Susanna' (Reed), m., Jan. 0, 1874,. Brigham. Aaron, 77 y. 9 m. 4 d. [Marlboro], s. of Ithamar & Catherine, Oct. 3, 1863. Comfort Valentine, 80 y. 9 m. [Hopkinton], d. of Wm. & Elizabeth^, wid. of Aaron, Dec. 19, 1863. Catlierine J , 54 y. 6 m. [Northboro], d. of Aaron & Comfort (Brig- ham), Dec 29, 1863. Abby Ann (Muzzey), 64 y. 1 m. 23 d. [Sullivan, N. II.], d. of Wm. & Anna (Munroe),wf, of Dea. Wm., Aug. 7, 1870. William, 74 y. 1 m. 24 d. [Waltham], s. of Elijah & Mary, wid.. May 21, 1879. Henry B., 68 y. 6 m. [Boston], s. of Stephen & Lucy, m., Jan. 24, 1887. Broaders. Margaret, 4 y. 5 m. [N. S.], d. of Michael & Ann, Jan. 4, 1860. Brown. James, 80 y. 4 d., s. of Francis & Mary (Buckman), wid., June 28, 1854. , 1 d., s. of Oliver & Mary (Fairbanks)., Jan. 31, 1862. Deborah (Pettingill), 78 y. 2 m. 18 d. [Pelham, N. H.], d of Asa & Esther, June 6, 1869. Lizzie F., 21 y. 7 m. 14 d., d. of Oliver & Frances, unm., d. in Boston, Oct. 2, 1869. Mary E., 13 y. 6 m., d. of Oliver & Mary A., May 5, 1870. Mary (White ?),d of Joseph & Mary (vvf. of Eliab?),Mar. 25, 1875. Jane M. (Coleman), 55 y. [Va], d. of Patrick & Monia, m., Jan. 8, 1879. Sai'ah Ann (Sumnei-), 59 y. 3 m. [Hatford], d. of Jas. & Sarah B.. wf. of Chas,, Aug. 23, 1879. Oliver, 67 y. 10 m., s. of Jas. & Elizabeth, m., May 21, 1885. Mary B. (Gale). 70 y. 10 m. [Kingston, N. H.], d" of Amos & Sarah Bartlett, m , Jul. 10, 1885. Mary E. (Anderson), 45 y. 7 m. [Boston], d. of Robert & Mary E., m , Apr. 16, 1886. Frederick O., 33 y. 9 m., s. of Oliver & Mary A., unm., May 28, 1887. Charlotte (Hatch), 70 y. 6 m. 8 d. [Wetherstield, Vt.], d. of Ebenezer & Elizabeth, wf. of Benj., Oct. 11, 1888. John, 74 y. 11 ra. 2 d. [Kensington, N. H.], s. of John & Lucy (Rowe), wid., May 15, 1893. LEXINGTON RECOBD OF DEATHS. 413 Brown — Contimied. Benjamin, 81 y. 4 m. 3 d., s. of Jas, & Elizabeth (Dudley), wid., Deo. 26, 1894. James A , 50 y. [P. E. I.], s. of Alex. & (McClellan), killed on railroad in Somerville, Nov. 26, 1896. Melinda (Bean), 73 y. [Carpenter, Vt.J, d. of Dan'l & Anna (Willey), Avid of Oliver T., Aug. 12, 1897. Charles E.,.50 y. 11 ra. 19 d. [Lincoln], s. of Chas. & Elvira (Jewett), unm., Aug. 19, 1897. Bruce. Jane M. (Simpson), 51 y. 1 m. 26 d. [Five Islands, N. S,], d. of Dan'l, m.. Mar. 18, 1887. Bryant. Sally (Wellington), 91 y. 4 m. [Ashburnham], d. of Edward & Eunice, m., Jul. 18, 1869. Walter, 63 y. 4 m. 23 d. [Tamworth, N. H.], s. of Walter & Ruth, Aug. 12, 1870. Nathaniel, 86 y. 2 ra. 6 d. [Cambridge], s. of Amos, m., Nov. 8, 1870. Mary (Gardner), 69 y. 2 m. 13 d. [Salem], d. of Sam'l & Polly, wid., Jul. 16, 1872. Royal T., 65 y. 9 m. 15 d. [Dorchester], s. of Nathan & Mary, m., Dec. 9, 1890. Nathan L., 63 y. 6 m. 18 d. [Lowell], s. of Nathan & Mary (Gardner), unm , Jan. 10, 1893. Buckley. Dennis, 9 m.. s. of Dan'l & Catherine (O'Neil), Aug. 29, 1860. Mary, 57 y. [Ireland], wf. of Timothv, Dec. 27, 1860, William, 48 y. [Ireland], s. of Francis & Hannah, Dec. 6, 1863. Michael, 22 y. [Ireland], s. of \Vm. & Margaret, June 16, 1864. Cornelius, 51 y. 1 m. [Ireland], s. of Francis & Johanna, June 13, 1867. Michael, 4 m., s. of Frank & Jane (Leary), Aug. 11, 1868. Elizabeth E., 24 y. [Ireland], d. of Cornelius & Elizabeth, unm., Jul. 7, 1871. Patrick, 1 y. 8 m. 14 d., s. of John & Eliza, Mar. 18, 1872. Cornelius, 4 y. 6 m., s of John & Eliza, Mar. 19, 1872. Elizabeth, 69 y. [Ireland], d. of Eugene & Hannah (Buckley), wid., Jul 5, 1878. Timothv, 80 y. [Ireland], s. of Francis & Johanah, m , Dec. 12, 1880. Mary E", 30 y. 10 m. 24 d., d. of Dan'l & Catherine, unm., Aug. 29, 1><86. Michael, 6 m. s. of Eugene & Catherine, Aug. 25, 1887. Ellen, 84 y. [Ireland], d. of Owen & Johanna (Sheehan), wid. of Timothy, Mar. 17, 1892. Catherine (O'Neil), 59 y. 5 m. 8 d. [Ireland], d. of Matthew & Mary (Murphy), wf. of Dan'l, d. in Carney Hospital, June 18, 1894. Buel. Rose Isabella, 4 y. 1 m. 21 d. [Cambridge], d. of wid. Abbie F., May 15, 1858. Buffum. Mary E., 24 y. 2 m. 22 d. [Melrose], d. of Carlon & Adeline A ,unm., Oct. 12, 1886. Bullock. Sophia (McGee), 50 y. [Woburn], wid. of Albert, Mar. 28, 1896. 414 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF DEATHS. Burbang or La Bang. Ralph, about 56 y., sunstruck, Jul. 2, 1887. Burbank. Betsey (Brown), 76 y. 6 m., d. of Jas., wf. of Sullivan, Mar. 3, I860.. Sullivan, 86 y. [Holliston], s. of Sam'l & Eunice (Kendall), Sept. 30, 1862. Lorenzo, 72 y. 3 m. 11 d., s. of Sullivan & Betsey (Brown), m., June 11, 1876. Mary Ann (Alexander), 74 y. 3 m. 3 d. [Charlestown] , wid. of Lorenzo, Jan. 16, 1881. Burke. Mary S., 1 y. 4 m., d. of Thos. & Bridget, Sept. 8, 1870. Bridget (Lally), 46 y. [Ireland], d. of John Maloney & Susan Lally, m.. Mar. 23, 1886. Burnham. Richard, 62 y., s. of John & Peggy, Aug. 29, 1870. Susan L., 78 y. 1 m. 5 d. [Gloucester], d. of Jesse & Joanna Burnham, wid., Jul. 1, 1887. Ira, 77 y. 2 m. 25 d. [Essex], s. of Ira & Polly (Marshall), wid., Jan. 6, 1893. Burns. John, 30 y. [Pawtucket, R. I.], s. of John & Mary, m., June 25, 1875. Burris. Jane (Graham), 32 y. 8 m. 14 d. [N. S.], d. of Maxwell & Margery (Forbes), wf. of Clarke, Dec. 11, 1892. Burton. Abraham, 7 d., s. of Joseph & Christiana (McDougal), Oct. 17, 1877. Alonzo, 7 y. 6 m. 23 d., s. of Joseph & Custeuia, Oct. 14, 1887. Butler. Arthur Rogers, 10 y. 5 m. 19 d. [St. John, N. F.], s. of Wm, & Leah (Rogers), Jul. 22, 1893. Butterfleld. Abel, 63 y. 3 m. [Cambridge], s. of Sam'l & Elizabeth, May 25, 1860. Mary E., Jr., 24 y. 6 m. [Roxbury], d. of Wm., wf. of John, Sept. 15, 1863 , 2 d., s. of Delmont A. & Helen M. (Frost), Feb. 16, 1888. Edmund, 31 y. 6 m. 25 d., s. of Sydney & Julia A. (Lawrence), unm., Aug. 27, 1891. Sidney, 66 y. 4 m. 17 d. [Arlington], s. of Abel & Abigail (Whitte- raore),m., Dec. 23, 1894. Butters. Willitha, 3 d., d. of Sidney & Almira R. (Blodgett), May 21, 1858. Ellen F., 37 y. 2 m. 9 d., d. of Chas A. & Sarah A., unm., Dec 9, 1881. Nathaniel, Jr., 69 y. 3 m. 17 d. [Acton], s. of Lucinda, m., Jan 4, 1882. Charles A., 81 y. 6 m. 18 d. [Boston], s. of Joshua & Susan (Peters), m., Feb. 25, 1890. Sarah A. (Viles), 82 y. 10 m., d. of John & Sally (Dudley), wid. of Chas. A., Jan. 15, 1«93. Sidney, 79 y. 11 m. 17 d. [Boston], s. of Joshua & Susanna (Peters), m., Jul. 9, 1897. LEXINGTON itECOttD OF DEATHS. 415 Buttrick. Eugene, 3 y., s. of Isaac & Abigail (Locke), Sept. 26, 1854. Eugenia, 2 y. 2 m., d. of Isaac & Abigail (Locke), May 25, 1856. Lydia M., 15 y. 10 m. 16 d., d. of Isaac & Abigail (Locke), Jul. 18, 1858. William, 16 y. 10 m., s. of Isaac & Abigail (Locke), Nov. 4, 1863. Mary, 28 y. 10 d., d. of Isaac & Abigail (Locke), unm., Oct. 24, 1868. Isaac F., 35 y., s. of Isaac & Abigail, unm , Mai*. 14, 1871. Oscar, 18 y. 11 m. 21 d., s. of Isaac & Abigail (Locke), Jul. 21, 1876. Isaac, 67 y. 7 m. [Pepperell], m., Aug. 2, 1877. Jonas M., 33 y. 3 m. 2 d., s. of Isaac & Abigail (Locke), unm., May 12, 1878. Ella, 31 y. 2 m. 25 d., d. of Isaac & Abigail (Locke), unm., Dec. 16, 1879. Byam. George H., 68 y. 1 m. 24 d. [Chelmsford], s. of Henry & Relief (Spaulding), m., Oct. 31, 1897. Byrne. Jane T., 16 y. 6 m. [Ireland], d. of Joseph & Mary, unm., Oct. 14, 1890. Mary, 27 y. 5 m., d. of Joseph & Mary, unm., Nov. 12, 1891. Annie, 24 d., d. of Wm. & Mary (Gayner), Jan. 4, 1892. William, 35 y. [Ireland], s. of Joseph & Mary (Haven), m., Aug. 9, 1896. Byron. John A., 43 y. 9 m. [Fitchburg], s. of Peter & Ellen (Fitzgibbon), m., Feb. 2, 1897. Cadigan. Catherine, 13 m., d. of Patrick & Mary M.,Oct. 23, 1865. Elizabeth, 6 d., d. of Patrick & Mary, Dec. 17, 1866. Caffrey. Thomas P., 2 m., s. of Patrick & Elizabeth, Sept 15, 1868. Ann Maria, 12 y. 13 d., d. of Barney «& Marv, Feb. 7, 1876. Patrick, 48 y. [Ireland], s. of Thos. & Hannah, m., Oct. 9, 1881. Caldwell. Mary, 78 y. 6 m. 20 d. [Boston], d, of Robert & Frances, unm., Jan. 8, 1864. Callahan. Catherine, Jr., 4 m., d. of Timothy, June 4, 1860. H.annah, 34 y. [Ireland], wf. of Patrick, Oct. 4, 1860. Thomas, 11 y. 2 m. 25 d. [Florida, Mass.], s. of Jeremiah & Mary L., Jan. 24, 1879. Catherine E., 24 y. 3 m. 15 d., d. of John & Bridget, unm., Sept. 27, 1889. Jeremiah, 57 y. [Ireland], s. of John & Mary, m., Jan. 28, 1891. Mary E., 11 d., d. of Bartholomew D. & Elizabeth N. (Curry), June 7, 1891. Daniel, 7 d., s. of Bartholomew D. & Elizabeth N. (Curry), Sept. 4, 1897. Campbell. Mary Isabella, 5 m. 25 d., d. of Dan'l & Catherine, Mar. 28, 1877. Alonzo P., 10 m., s, of Malcom & Nellie, Sept. 15, 1877. 416 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF DEATHS. Canfleld. llanuah, 3 m. 16 d. [Cambridge], d. of Patrick & Hannah, SejDt. 22, 1859. Lawrence, 2 d., s. of Patrick & Hannah, Nov. 27, 1864. Mary, 2 m. 15 d., d. of Patrick & Hannah, Sept. 1, 1868. Helen, 18 d., d. of Patrick & Hannah, Dec. 3, 1869. Hannah, Jr., 5 m., d. of Patrick, Aug. 14, 1871. Patrick, 35 y. [Ireland], s. of Maurice & Hannah, m., Dec. 8, 1872. Charles, 4 m., s. of Patrick & Hannah, Jan. 14, 1873. Cap ell. Ella A., 6 y., d. of Curtis & Mary A. (Brown), May 15, 1859. Angle A., 6 d. [Burlington], d. of Henry & AngeUne, Jul. 29, 1863. Francis IL, 29 y. 8 m. 18 d., s. of Cuilis & Mary A., m.. May 24, 1874, Curtis, 74 y. 6 m. [Groton], s. of Thos. & Elizabeth, m.. May 5, 1881. Mary Augusta (Brown), 84 y. 7 ni. 5 d. [Concord], d. of Abel & Susanna (Wyman), wid. of Curtis, Nov. 7, 1896. Carleton. Edward N., 1 y. 1 m. [South Danvers], s. of Isaac N. & Laura, Jan. 21, 1865. Carpenter. John, 65 y. [Hanover, N. H. (?)], unm., killed on railroad, Aug. 14, 1890. Carrigan. John, 14 d., s. of Patrick & Mary, May 12, 1861. Carroll. Ann, 23 y. [Ireland], d of John & Bridget, unm., Nov. 19, 1873. Michael, 74 y. [Ireland], s. of Owen & Bridget, m , Mar. 16, 1884. Patrick E., 20 y. 5 m. 21 d., s. of Michael & Bridget (Hurley), d. in Longmeadow, Jan. 27, 1892. Mary, 44 y. or more [Ireland], d. in Worcester Insane Asylum, Jul. 6, 1894. Alice Rose, 3 y. 1 m., d. of Michael & Bridget, Sept. 6, 1895. Gertrude, 12 y. 2 m. 18 d., d. of Michael & Bridget (Hurley), Mar. 18, 1897. Cary. Jonathan, 86 y. 5 m. [Chai'lestown] , hus. of Nabby, Apr. 17, 1855. Abigail, 89 y. 2 m. 5 d., d. of Isaac & Sarah, wid., Jul. 25, 1877. Casey. Eliza, 18 y. [Ireland], Dec. 17, 1854. James, 58 y. [Ireland], s. of VVm. & Mary, Jul. 15, 1869. Lizzie M., 1 m. 23 d., d. of Jas. & Kate, Mar. 27, 1870. C ashman. Mary E. (Hewstes), 48 y. 3 m. [N. Y.], d. of Geo. & Elizabeth, m., Jan. 11, 1864. Anastitia, 9 y. 7 m. 4 d., d. of Wm. & Catherine ]\I., Nov. 3, 1864, Charles, 13 y. 4 m. [Boston], s. of Wm. & Mary, Jan. 16, 1866. Cavenaugh. John, 1 y., s. of Dan'l & Margaret, Nov. 11, 1864. Simon, 32 y. [N. F.], s. of David & Mary, unm,, Feb. 19, 1878. Annie C, 25 y. [Ireland], d. of Jas. & Magot, Jul. 31, 1888. LEXINGTON liECOBD OF DEATHS. 417 Chadburne. Sarah W., 52 y. 2 in. [Waltham], d. of Nalium & Mary, m., June 14, 1863. Champney. Lucy, 76 y., unm., Mar. 22, 1877. Chandler. Lillian L., 11m. [Woburn], d. of wid. Lucy L , Sept. 15, 1859. Susanna Whitmore (Reed), 77 y. 9 d., d. of Nathan & Mary (Page), wid of Nathan, Dec. 19, 1863. Susanna (Downing), 77 y. 4 m. 23 d., d. of Sara'l & Susanna (Brown), wid. of Dann, Apr. 15, 1866. Samuel, 71 y. 9 m., s. of John & Margaret, wid., Jul. 20, 1867. Lizzie M., 1 y. 1 m., d. of John Quincy Adams & Sarah W. (Dudley), May 16, 1868. William, 81 y. 5 m. 15 d, s. of Nathan & Paith (Tidd), m.. Mar. 19, 1870. Sarah Dudley, 2 y. 7 m. 8 d., d. of John Q. A. & Sarah W., INIav 12, 1871. Joseph, 45 y. 3 m. 21 d., s. of Sam'l & Abigail, m., Nov. 19, 1874. Maria H. (Mead), 83 y. 5 m. 9 d., d. of Josiah & Sally, wf. of Nathan, Nov, 19, 1875. Nathan, Jr., 87 y. 1 m. 10 d., s. of Ruth (Tidd), wid., Apr. 13, 1879. John Quincy Adams, 72 y. 3 m., s. of Wm. & Elizabeth (Harrington), m., Dec. 14, 1896. Chapell. Ella M,, 2 y. 2 m. [N. C], d. of Leroy & Eliza J. (Norcross), Oct. 15, 1859. Chapman. George F., 64 y. 25 d. [Billerica], s. of Franklin B. & Hannah (Kit- tridge), m., Sept. 14, 1892. Chase. Samuel C, 64 y. [Guilford, N. H.], s. of Wm. & Mary, m., Aug. 11, 1881. Cheney. Stillraan J., 80 y. 3 m. 15 d. [Bradford, N. H.], s. of Eben, Jan. 6, 1890. Childs. Henry E., 3 d., s. of Isaac & Mary Ann, Mar. 20, 1854. Marv, 75 y. 4 m., wid.. May 5, 1854. Mary Ann, 47 y 9 m., wf. of Isaac, Jan. 21, 1859. Betsey, 75 y. 6 d. [Waltham], wf. of Isaac, Oct. 10, 1859. Charles A., 7 y. 9 m., s. of Augustus & Eliza Ann (Blodgett), Oct, 18, 1861. Mary Boyd (Williams), 76 y. 1 m. 20 d [Southboro], d. of Thos. L. & Polly B., May 24, 1862. Adaline Cooper (Smith), 41 y. 6 m., d. of Ebenezer & Anna, wf. of Isaac, Jr., Apr. 24, 1864. Eliza Ann (Blodgett), 33 y. 9 m., d. of Chas. & Eliza, wf, of Augustus, Jime 18, 1865. Luke Carter, 67 y. 8 m. 11 d., s, of Moses & Mary B. (Williams), m., Nov. 27, 1878. 418 LEXINGTON BE CORD OF DEATHS. Childs — Continued. Mary E. (Cunningham), 59 y. 10 m. [Edgecomb, Me.], d. of Chas, & Rachel (Fovvle), wf of Augustus, Oct. 27, 1893. Augvistus, 76 y. 6 m. [Walthaui], s. of Isaac & Betsey, wid., Apr. 26, 1^95. Claflin. Julia H. (Hunting), 71 y. 9 m. [Needham], d. of Israel & Rhoda, wid., Feb. 16, 1865. Clarke. Merlin T., 7 m., s. of Allen C. & Carrie (Taft), Aug. 22, 1893. Roger, 2 m., s. of Allan & Carrie (Tefft), Aug. 4, 1896. , 1 d., s. of Frank E. & Ethel D. (Moody), Jul. 3, 1897. Ethel D. (Moody), 33 y. 2 m. 2 d. [WestonJ, d. of Abner J. & Eliza F. (Bird), wf. of Frank E., Jul. 8, 1897. Clifford. Sarah (Flannigan), 65 y. [Ireland], d. of Patrick »& Mary (Davis), wf. of Jas., Sept. 14, 1895. Cody. Margaret, 11 d., d. of John & Hannah, Jul. 26, 1868. Johanna (White), 71 y. [Ireland], d. of Lawrence & Mary (Leahey), wf. of John, d. in General Hospital, June 26, 1897. Cogswell. William E., 40 y. 7 m. [Chelmsford], hus. of Emily J., Feb. 12, 1859. Emily (Johnson), 79 y., d. of Thos. & Mary (Dudley), wid. of Wm. E., Jul. 22, 1897. Colbert. John, 24 y. [Ireland], s. of Jeremiah & Bridget, June 5, 1868. Colby. John, 64 y. [Candia, N. H.], Mar. 15, 1860. Collins. Hannah. 2 y. 2 d., d. of Dan'l & Mary, Jul. 10, 1855. Mary, 1 y. 8 m. 11 d., d. of John & Mary (White), Sept. 26, 1861. William, 78 y. [Ireland], s. of Dan'l & Ellen, m., Nov. 3, 1865. Henry, 44 y. 5 m. [Va.], s. of John & Maria, m., Jan. 3, 1873. Mary Ellen, 1 y. 3 m. [Boston], d. of F>ank & Ann, Aug. 1, 1875. Hannah (Dorgan), 80 y. [Ireland], d. of Michael, wid., Oct. 5, 1879. Mary (Donovan), 64 y. [Ireland], d. of John & Julia, m., Aug. 2, 1894. Commings. M. (Bradford), 73 y. 5 m. [Hancock, N. H.],d. of Thatcher & Mercy, wid., Jan. 5, 1882. Comley. Henry L., 2 y. 23 d., s. of Augustus & Annie, b. and d. in Boston, June 27, 1869. Alfred H., 7 y. 1 m. 19 d., s. of Henry R. & Sarah E. (Thurston), Jan. 27, 1896. LEXINGTON BECORD OF DEATHS. 419 Conant. Abby P., 22 y. 12 d., wf. of Geo. H., Nov. 27, 1857. Achsah, 56 y. 4 m. 15 d. [Townsend], d. of Archelaus & Deborah (Bennet), Apr. 18, 1860. Elisha, 66 y. 7 m. [Townsend], s. of Nathan & Hannah, Mar. 24, 1864. Condon. Norris D., 53 y. 3 m. 28 d. [Washington, D. C], s. of David & Elmira (Porter), m., Apr. 28, 1891. Connearney. Michael, 35 y. [Ireland], s. of John & Hannah, i;nm., Sept. 14, 1886. John, 66 y. 7 ra. [Ireland], s. of Michael & Mary, m., Fob. 26, 1889. Hannah (Thornton), 65 v. 7 m. [Ireland], d. of Thos. & Bridget (Lane), wid. of John, Sept. 22, 1897. Connelly. Edward, 28 y. [Ireland], s. of John & Maiy, unm., Jul. 15, 1873. Conway. Timothy, 80 y. [Ireland], Dec. 3, 1856. Mary E., 71 y. [Ireland], May 5, 1859. Cook. Arthur A., 3 y. 10 ra. [England], s. of Sam'l & Mary, Sept. 16, 1864. Albert, 3 m., s. of Sam'l & Mary, Sept. 20, 1865. Mary J., 13 y. [England], d. of Sam'l & Mary. Apr. 22, 1868. Alfred IL, 1 y. 7 m. 28 d., s. of Sam'l & Mary, Jul. 30, 1868. Rebecca (Hall), 88 y. 1 m. [Arlington], d. of Thos. & Elizabeth, wid., Apr. 7, 1876. Cooke. Sarah (Taylor), 86 y. 5 m. 19 d. [Granby], d. of Willard & (Cooke), wid. of David S , Jan. 30, 1897. Cooledge. Josiah A., 49 y. [Fraraingham], s. of Peter & Sarah, m., Oct, 6, 1865. Coon. John T., 54 y., d. in South Reading, May 8, 1865. Cooper. Samuel, 42 y., d. in West Roxbury, Apr. 3, 1862. Cormiek. Peter, 23 y. 1 m. 11 d. [N. S.], Mar. 2, 1867. Cosgrove. Mary, 1 y. 2 m., d. of Patrick & Hannah, May 12, 1861. Anna, 3 m. 10 d., d. of Patrick & Anna, Nov. 22, 1865. John, 85 y. [Ireland], s. of Michael & Mary, Aug. 8, 1869. Mary (Nolan), 75 y. [Ireland], d. of Patrick & Ellen, wid., Dec. lo, 1873. Bridget (Canney), 29 y. [Ireland], d. of Martin & Nora (Waldron), wf. of Patrick, Sept. 17, 1895. Cotter. James J., 38 y. [Ireland], s. of Jas. &. Hannah, m., Jan. 1, 1889. 420 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF DEATHS. Cottrell. Asa, 61 y. 7 m, 8 d. [Freehold, N. J.], s. of Enoch, m , Jul. 25, 1887. Coyle. Andrew, Jr., 67 y. [Ireland], s. of Bridget, wid., Dec. 26, 1887. Crawford. Emma E., 7 m., d. of Jas. M. & Susan A., Jan. 6, 1855. Crone. James E., Jr., 2 m. 19 d., s. of Helen A. (Dooley), Feb. 27, 1882. Ernestine A., 3 m., d. of Jas. E. & Helen A., Sept. 26, 1884. Louis E., 65 y. [Saxony], s. of John G. & Sophia C, m., Aug. 22, 1891. Cronin. Twins, 2 d., ds. of Timothy, Aug. 1, 1864. Johana, 10 d., d. of Timothy & Elizabeth (Devaney), Aug. 25, 1894. Timotliy, 32 y. [Ireland], s. of Dan'l *& Johanna (McCarthy), m., Jul. 21, 1897. Crosby. Franklin, 32 y. [Billerica], hus. of Julia, Jan. 4, 1857. Crowe. Jennie E., 28 y. 5 m. [Burnt Coat, N. S.], d. of Margaret J., Dec. 20, 1887. Crowley. Jeremiah, 78 y. [Ireland], m., Feb. 10, 1854. Hannah, 33 y. [Ireland], m., Feb. 14, 1854. Ellen, 7 m. [Charlestown], d of John & Mary Ann, Sept. 17, 1855. Mary, 44 y. [Ireland], wf. of Miclmel, Sept. 13, 1856. Michael, Jr., 13 y. 5 m., s. of Hannah, Mar. 24, 1860. Patrick, 10 m. 7 d., s. of Patrick & Mary, Aug. 25, 1860. Patrick, Jr., 7 m., s. of Mary, Oct. 2, 1862. Patrick, 38 y. [Ireland], s. of Jei-emiah & Mary, Jul. 16, 1863. Bridget, Jr., 7 y., d. of John, Nov. 27, 1864. Hannah, 4 y , d. of John & Bridget, Nov. 29, 1861. Michael, 65 y [Ireland], s. of Jeremiah & Marj-, m., Aug. 8, 1873. Mary (Galvin), 92 y. [Ireland], d. of Jas. & Mary, May 26, 1874. James, 59 y. [Ireland], s. of Michael & Elizabeth, m., June 20, 1875. Timothv P., 19 y. 11 m. 19 d., s. of Patrick & Mary, Mar. 27, 1877. Jeremiah, 23 y. 6 m. 12 d., s. of Patrick & Mary P., unm , Apr. 14, 1878. Mary, 55 y. [Ireland], d. of Martin, wid., Oct. 13, 1880. Julia, 1 m., d. of Jeremiah & Julia, Mar. 19, 1881. Margaret (Sullivan), Qiij y. [Ireland], d. of Dennis & Mary, m., Nov. 16, 1882. Jeremiah, 64 y. [Ireland], s. of John & May, Aug. 23, 1887. Jeremiah, Jr., 7 y. 3 m. 20 d., s. of Julia, June 26, 1889. Crowninshield. Adda, 1 d., d. of Caleb S. & Julia H. (Christy), June 29, 1856. Cummings. James E., 15 y., Nov. 20, 1854. Frances A., 38 y., Sept. 5, 1855. George, 37 y. 8 m., s. of Dan'l & Abigail, unm., Mar. 18, 1871. Hattie, 5 m. 5 d. [Woburn], d. of John H. & Martha B. (Smith), Aug. 18, 1874. Daniel, 80 y. 7 m. [Woburn], s. of David, m., Jul. 29, 1877. Richard, 16 y. [Cal.], Sept. 5, 1881. LEXINGTON RE COED OF DEATHS. 421 Cunha. Jesse, 5 m. [Cambridge] , s. of Jesse & Carrie (Siva), Dec. 27, 1896. Curran. Mary, 42 y. [Ireland], d. of Roger & Mary, m., Nov. 5, 1877. Margaret, 2-1 y. 10 m., d. of John H. & Delia, unm., Feb. 18, 1884. Christiana (McKennon), 30 y. [Ireland], d. of Jas. & Mary (Gillis), wf. of Richard, Dec. 24, 1892. Stephen, 76 y. 7 m. [Ireland], s. of Michael & Mary (Hessions), unm., Aug. 7, 1896. John, 74 y. [Ireland], s. of Michael & Maiy (Hessions), wid., Sept. 17, 1896. Currier, Corea. Annie, 12 y. 2 m. [Lex.], d. of Alexander & Lydia A. (Jones), Mar. 18, 1875. S. Justa, 7 y. 11 m., d. of Alexander & Lydia A. (Jones), Oct. 7, 1877. Currier. Cynthia, 73 y. 8 m. 10 d. [Shutesbury], d. of Stephen & Percis Currier, Nov. 10, 1862. Charles W., 20 y. 2 m. 28 d., s. of Wm. Jackson & Susan B. (Spauld- ing), June 28, 1870. Susan B. (Spaulding), .50 y. 6 m. 23 d., d. of Stillman & Lucy, wf. of Wra. J., Feb. 24, 1877. Dr. William J., 69 y. 8 m. [Lynn (?)], s. of Jonathan & Cynthia, wid., Oct. 27, 1884, Curtis. Franklin A., 11 y. 6 m. 24 d., drowned. May 24, 1884. Cutler. Sarah A., 24 y. 7 m. 18 d., d. of Thos. & Sarah, Aug. 29, 1859. Fr.anklin, 23 y. 3 m., s. of Thos. & Sarah (Smitli),unm., Jan. 15, 1860. Samuel, 77 y. 10 m. 1 d. [Burlington], June 15, 1860. Anna (Child), 86 y. 4 m. [Waltham], d. of Abijah *fe Newbah, wid. of Nathn, Mar. 22, 1862. Charles, 20 y., s. of Thos. & Sarah (Smith), d. in hospital, Aug. 29, 1862. George, 35 y. 7 m. 23 d. [Cambridge], s. of Silas & Sarah, Nov. 22, 1863. Sarah (Smith), 57 y. 10 m. [Waltham], wf. of Thos., Sept. 26, 1864. INIattie R., 28 d., d. of Thos. E. & Melinda W. (Houghton), Mar. 21, 1873 Thomas Everett, 44 y. 10 m , s. of Thos. & Sarah, hus. of Melinda AV.. Feb. 18, 1875. Bell Blodgett, 2 y. 15 d,, d. of Alfred D. & E. Dora (Pierce), Nov. 28, 1875. Thomas, 88 y. 2 m. 16 d., s. of Nath'l & Annie (Childs), wid., Feb. 1, 1890. Cutter. Elizabeth C, 33 y. [Boston], d. of Richard & Susan Train, d. in Som- erville, Feb. 9, 1860. Sally, 71 y. 1 m. 13 d., d. in Cambridge, Jul. 27, 1864. Henry Ernest, 1 y. 8 m. 13 d., s. of Geo. H. & Abbie M., Jul. 22, 1873. Abbie M. (Parker), 30 y. 11 m. 19 d., d. of Jonathan S. & Abigail (Tuttle), wf. of Geo. II., Apr. 11, 1878. William R., Jr., 1 d., s. of Wm. R. & Mary E. (Kimball), Dec. 9, 1880. 422 LEXINGTON IIECOIW OF DEATHS. Cutting. Charles, 51 y. 1 m. 14 d., s. of Levi & Mary [Framingham], Aug. 10, 1860. Dailey. Laura A., 2 y. 10 m. [Turner, Me.], d. of Albion K. & Betsey, Apr. 23, 1886. D aland. Lucy (Mulliken), 63 y. 7 m., d. of Nathan & Mary (Chandler), wid. of Joseph F., Mar. 13, 1870. Daley. Patrick, 62 y. [Ireland], s. of John & Annie, m., Nov. 11, 1890. Damon. Isaac Newton, 66 y. 9 m. 17 d. [Ashby] , s. of Isaac & Lucy (Houghton), m., Oct. 4, 1879. Dana. Otis H., 70 y. 10 m. [Boston], s. of Ephraim & Hannah, m.. May 24, 1882. Dane. Henry S., 3 m , s. of Joseph & Mary, June 15, 1887. Eddie J ,5 m., s. of Joseph & Mary, Aug. 1, 1890. Mabel, 1 d., d. of Joseph & Mary (Dodge), May 23, 1892. George F., 10 y., s. of Joseph & Mary (Dodge), d. in General Hospital, Jul. 12, 1892. Davidson. Andrew C, 66 y. 7 m. 2 d. [Boston], Jan. 27, 1856. Davis. Edith Forbes, 1 y. 2 m. 16 d., d, of John, Jr., A: Mary Ann E. (Davis), Aug. 25, 1859. Ada »., 6 y. 28 d. [Boston], d. of Sidney G. ct Mary (Sinclair), Nov. 13, 1859. Agnes A., 25 y. 4 d., d. of Joseph & Betsey, Dec. 7, 1859. Mary E., 16 y. 8 m. 20 d., d. of John & Mary A., d. in Cambridge, Oct. 2, 1862 John, 49 y. 7 m. 27 d [Guilford, Me.], s. of Elias & Hannah, ni., Apr. 27, 1868. Charles E., 42 y. 11 m. 22 d. [Princeton], s. of Joseph .fe Betsy G. (Babcock), hus. of Eliza J., Aug 22, 1869. Annie C. (Stevens), 41 y. 11 m. [Gloucester], d. of Wm. & Nancy, wf. of Horace B., Mar. 10, 1872. Joseph, 78 y. 4 m. 10 d. [Holden], s. of Thos & Lettice, m., Dec. 25, 1872. Frank Lincoln, 7 y. 2 m. [Cambridge], s. of John, 2d, & IMary A. E., Aug. 7, 1873. Alice Gardner, 5 ra. [Bo.ston], d. of Geo. E. & Mary, Sejjt. 24, 1873. Maria, 71 y. 5 m. 13 d. [Concord], d. of Abel & Lavinia, unm.,Oct. 8, 1877. John, 85 y. 6 m. [Gloucester], s. of Amos & Elizabeth, m., Apr. 29, 1880. Mary F. (Phelps), 88 y. 2 m. 27 d. [Gloucester], d. of Henry & Mary, wid of John, Dec. 27, 1883. Elizabeth G , 8 m. 9 d. [Boston], d. of Simon & Helen G., Aug. 25, 1889. LEXINGTON BEGOSD OF DEATHS. 423 Davis — Continued. Marj A. E. (Davis), 65 y. 4 m, 2 d. [Gloucester], d. of John & Mary (Phelps), wid. of John, 2d, Mar. 3, 1890. Betsey G. (Babcock), 91 y. 1 m. 23 d. [Princeton], d. of Amos & Betsey, wid., d. in Danvers, Dec. 9, 189U. Anna E., 27 y. 8 m. 14 d [Cambridge], d. of John & Mary A. E. Davis, unm.. Mar. 12, 1891. Harold Kirkland, 2 y., s. of Wm H. & Mabel L. (Kirkland), ]\lar. 26, 1891. . Charles S., 64 y. [Boston], s. of Oliver J. & Elizabeth (Farrell), m., Sept. 29, 1891. Horace B., 67 y. [Princeton], s. of Joseph & Betsey G. (Babcock), wid., d. in Danvers, Oct. 3i, 1892. Dearborn. Charles F., 16 y. 6 m. [Candia, N. H.], s. of Stephen & Sarah Jane, Apr. 27, 1875. Dellinger. Mary (Page), 70 y. [Charlestown], d. of Jonathan & Lydia, wid., Jul. 13, 1874. Demar. Jolm T., 6-2 y. 11 m. [Franklin, Vt.], s of Peter & Mary (Rice), wid., Mar. 16, 1896. DeMeritt. Elizabeth (Luscomb), 74 y. 4 m. [Lvnn], d. of Wm. & Elizabeth (Johnson), wid. of Sam'l, Oct, 8, 1896. Dennehy. John, 24 y. [Ireland], s. of John & Catherine, unm,, May 11, 1889. Dennett. Emma A., 9 m., d. of Geo. B. & Elizabeth P., Sept. 2, 1857. Nancy, 52 y. 2 m. 5 d. [N. H.], wf. of Richard, Nov. 19, 1859. Dennin. Edward, 3 d., s. of Edward & Mary, May 9, 1858. Daniel, 18 d., s. of Edward v!c Mary, May 21, 1858. Derby. Harriet (Carroll), 82 y. 1 m. 17 d. [Boston], d. of David & Lucretia (Peabody), wid. of Sidney R., Jul. 28, 1892. Desmond. John, 1 y. 11 m., s. of Timothy & Eliza, June 1, 1859. Ellen, 1 y. 4 m., d. of Timothy & Betsey, Sept. 11, 1860. Ellen, 1 y. 4 m., d. of Timothy & Betsev, Sept. 11, 1861. Mary E., 1 y. 11 m. 18 d., d. of Wm. & Bridget, Aug. 18, 1865. John, 1 y. 5 m., s. of Timothy & Betsey, Nov. 26, 1866. Timothy, 40 y. [Ireland], s. of Patrick & Ellen, m., d. in Arlington, Apr. 24, 1869. Dexter. George N., 47 y. 5 m. [Boston], s. of Geo. I. & Philena, Jan. 21, 1872, 424 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF DEATHS. Dinah, Dinan. Laura, 16 y. 22 d., d. of Dennis & Johanna, Feb. 10, 1875. Nellie, 4 y., d. of Dennis & Johanna, Feb. 14, 1875. Dennis, Jr., 22 y. 10 m., s. of Hannah, m., May 13, 1889. Dineen. Mary Elizabeth, 17 y. 2 m. 25 d., d. of Edward & Mary, Jul. 25, 1872. Edward, 65 y. [Ireland], s. of DanU & Jane, m., Apr. 14, 1874. Dodge. Mary Frances, 23 y. 10 m. 14 d., d. of O. A. & Alice C, d. in Hamp- ton Falls, Sept. 8, 1862. Alice A., d. in Hampton Falls, N. H., June 22, 1866. Ephraim, 69 y. 6 m, [New Boston, N. H.], s. of Dan'l & Elizabeth, Sept. 6, 1866. Mamie E., 16 y. 11 m. 23 d, [Somerville] , d. of Henry C. & Harriet N., Dec. 7, 1888. Israel P., 89 y. 5 m. 8 d. [Danvers], s. of Ephraim J., wid.. May 31, 1890. Doe. Mary A. (Gill), 67 y. 7 m. [Watertown], d. of Jas. E. & Eliza (Har- rington), wf. of Wm. W., Jan. 29, 1890. Elliott B., 2 y. 6 m. [N. Y.], s. of Oscar F. & Adella P. (Allen), Oct. 24, 1897. Donahue. John, 38 y. [Ireland], June 21, 1892. John, 23 y. [Ireland], s. of Patrick & Annie, killed by a blast, Nov. 26, 1896. Donovan. Daniel, 1 y. 11 m. 13 d., s. of Jerry & Mary, Sept. 15, 1865. Thomas, 4 m. 19 d., s. of DanU, Jr , & Bridget, Feb. 14, 1876. Mary Jane, 10 y. 3 m., d. of Jeremiah & Mai-y, Dec. 12, 1876. Bridget, 1 d., d. of Dan'l J. & Bridget, Jan. 17, 1880. James, 1 y. 1 m. 11 d., s. of Dan^, Jr., & Bridget, Aug. 3, 1885. Timothy, 1 y. 7 m. 18 d., s. of Dan'l J. & Bridget, Dec. 8, 1887. Daniel, 70 y. [Ireland], s. of Dan'l & Mary, m., Feb. 23, 1890. Mary E. (McDonnell), 28 y. 1 m [England], d. of Owen & Margai-et (Donovan), wf. of Timothy J., Jul. 22, 1891. Mary (Lyons), 80 y. [Ireland], d. of Timothy & Ann (Sullivan), wf. of Cornelius, Apr. 7, 1896. , part of a day old, d. of Jerry & Margaret (Roper), Feb. 2, 1897. Dorothy. Thomas, 2 y. 7 m. [Boston], s. of Jas. & Kate, Jul. 19, 1876. Dow. Catherine L., 1 m. 22 d., d. of Darius & Abby, Jan. 14, 1857. Herbert W., 1 d., s. of Geo. II. & Sara P. (Wing), Sept. 20, 1893. Downer. Sarah Zilpha, 20 y. 6 m. 12 d. [Charlestown], d. of Francis E. & Melissa E., unra., Feb. 22, 1888. Francis E., 59 y. 2 m. 23 d. [Lebanon, N. H.], s. of Elisha & Sarah A. (Cooper), m., May 29, 1891. Downing. Samuel, 74 y. 2 m. 20 d., d. in Somerville, Jan. 20, 1864. LEXINGTON RECOBD OF DEATHS. 425 Doyle. Joseph F., 7 y. 3 m. [Syracuse. N. Y.], s. of VVm. E. & Julia, June 20, 1865. Catherine, 36 y. [Ireland], d. of Bridget, Apr. 14, 1866. Mary, 16 y. 1 m. 2 d. [Ireland], d. of Catherine, Oct. 12, 1866. Michael, 51 y. 8 m. [Ireland], m., Aug. 14, 1873. Michael J., 28 y. 11 m. 21 d. [Cambridge], s. of Michael & Johanna, Jan. 10, 1883. Joanna (White), 65 y. [Ireland], d. of Patrick, Aug. 30, 1884. Joanna, 76 y. [Ireland], wid. of John, Mar. 7, 1895. Drummond. George, 34 y. 8 m. [Ireland], s. of John & Rebecca, m., May 1, 1877. Dudley. Mary E. (Gay), 61 y. 1 m. 11 d. [Roxbury], d. of Aaron & Louisa S., m., Dec. 6, 1871. Dunbar. Julia C, 1 y. 7 m., d. of Chas. F. & Julia R., Feb. 13, 1857. Dunn. Anastacia, 7 y. 1 m. 19 d., d. of Richard & Mary, Feb. 15, 1877. Dunning. Georgie S , 20 y. 9 d. [Buckfield, Me.], d. of Richard O, & Elizabeth, unm., Oct. 4, 1877. Dupee. Alice E., 2 m 27 d., b. and d. in Arlington, Sept. 2, 1867. Lyman S., 40 y. 8 m. 14 d., s. of Elias et Mary A., Nov. 1, 1874.- Duren. Warren, 75 y. 4 m. [Billerica], s. of Abraham & Mary R., m., Aug. 18, 1884. Mary C. (Chandler), 73 y. 2 m. 10 d., d. of Wm. & Elizabeth (Har- rington), wid. of Warren, Aug. 1, 1892. Durkin. Hannah D. (Grinnell), 48 y. 10 m. 16 d. [Woodstown, N. J.], d. of Jas T. & Emily (Chessman), wf. of Austin, Dec. 10, 1896. Dwyer. William E., 1 y. 6 m. 7 d., s. of Philip & Bridget, d. in Boston, Aug. 23, 1889. Dyer. John, 42 y. [Montreal], m., Jul. 31, 1858. Enoch, 93 y. 11 m. 14 d., wid., Feb. 5, 1874. Jennie, 47 y. 9 m. 18 d., d. of Jas. & Annie Munn, wf . of Chas., b. and d. in Boston, Feb. 22, 1891. Earle. Thomas H.,43 y. 1 m. 16 d. [England], s. of John & Mary, d. in Hil- ton Head, S. C, Jul. 24, 1863. Eastman. Mary (Greenleaf), 78 y. 5 m. [Effingham, N. II.], d. of Wm., wid., Aug. 11, 1893. 426 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF DEATHS. Eaton. Rulh, 66 y. 7 m , d. in Boston, Feb. 7, 1866. Mary, 71 y., d. of Michael, m., June 18, 1870. Margaret (Chandler), 80 y. 9 m., d of John & Margaret, m., Oct. 11, 1873. Elliott. James J., 1 y. 5 m. 26 d., s. of Robert J. & Mary N., Apr. 2, 1873. Robert J., Jr., 6 m. 25 d., s. of Mary N., May 2, 1873. James, 1 y. 1 m. 5 d., s. of Robert J & Mary Ann, Aug. 25, 1879. Robert J., 46 y. [Ireland], s. of Robert & Eurenie (Doyle), m., June 1, 1893. Mary A. (Gately), 49 y. 1 m. 5 d. [Ireland], d. of Matthew & Eliza- beth (Lennen), wid. of Robert J., June 16, 1897. Ellis. Emily Frances, 34 y. 4 m. 10 d. [Dorchester], d. of John A. & Lovana J., unm., Dec. 11, 1883. Emery. Nellie M., 2 y. 6 m. [Portland, Me.], d. of Geo, H. & Georgia W., Apr. 28, 1872. Eliza P., 76 y. 11 m. [Thornton, N. H.], d. of Francis & Maria A. Durgin, wf. of Jas., Jan. 5, 1891. Estabrook. John H., 1 y. 6 m., d. of Francis H. & Louisa (Jones), Apr. 10, 1855. William, 64 y. 3 m , s. of Benj. & Esther (Russell), hus. of Rachel, Mar. 23, 1858. Hobart E., 2 m., s. of Wm. & Lydia, June 17, 1862. Francis H., 43 y. [West Cambridge], s. of Eliakim & Hannah (Cook), hus. of Louisa (Jones), d. in Boston, Nov. 23, 1863. Hannah, 85 y. 3 m. [West Cambridge], d. of Ephraim & Hannah Cook, m., Dec. 10, 1863. Rachel, 76 y., wid.. Mar. 13, 1874. Eliakim, Jr., 73 y. 6 m. [Cambridge], s. of Hannah (Cook), wid., Apr. 18, 1880. Elizabeth C. (Blodgett), 66 y. 4 ra. 20 d., d. of Jas. & Rhoda (Winn), wf. of Solomon, Sept. 20, 1881. Alice E., 5 y. 10 m., d. of Geo. D. & Emma S. (Fowle), Apr. 17, 1882. Solomon, 74 y. 6 m. 24 d., s. of Atti & Polly (Pierce), wid., Oct. 24, 1889. Lyman W., 43 y. 7 m. 7 d,, s. of Solomon & Elizabeth (Blodgett), m., Oct. 3, 1892. Esty. Sarah J., 16 y. 11 m. [Billerica],d. of John & Sarah B.,Dec. 10, 1864. Eustis. Caroline L., 84 y. 10 m., wid., d. in Roxbury, Oct. 12, 1865. Evans. Almon, 67 y. 10 m. 13 d. [Langdon, N. H.], wid., May 28, 1876. Hannah Jane (Ham), 50 y. 2 m. [Oldtown, Me.], d. of Thos. T. & Sarah, wid., Dec. 21, 1886. Pairweather. William H., 5 y. 5 m. 9 d., s. of Sam'l A. & Henrietta, Mar. 31, 1865. Samuel A , 63 y. [St. John, N. B.], s. of Lewis & Charlotte M., m., May 27, 1885. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF DEATHS. 427 Farmer. Thomas M., 6 m. 5 d., s. of McDowell & Lucretia E. (Meriam), Aug. 1, 1875. Farnsworth. Mary (Mulliken), 50 y. 6 m., d. of Nath'l & Mary (Chandler), wf. of Luther, Nov. 8, 1861. Emily M., 27 y. 9 m., d. of Luther & Mary, May 11, 1863. Luther, Jr., 56 y. 5 m. [Groton], s. of Polly, Dec. 16, 1863. Eliza C. (West), 74 y. 7 m. [Boston], d. of Benj. & Hannah, wid., May 19, 1865. Rebecca S., 56 y. 6 m. 20 d., d. of Luther & Mary M., unm.. May 20, 1890. Farrington. Mary E., 51 y. [Boston], wid.. May 12, 1870. Far well. Lydia (Clapp), 77 y. [Boston], d. of Bela & Sarah W., wid., Aug. 17, 1867. Ferguson. Mary (Earl), 72 y, 6 m. [England], d. of John & Margaret, wid., Oct. 31, 1870. Hannah R. (Hale), 83 y. [Westford], d. of Eleazer & Elizabeth, wid., Nov. 11, 1874. , 1 d., s. of Wm. W. & Lydia J. (Buck), Apr. 28, 1891. Meta E., 7 d., d. of Wm. W. & Lydia J. (Buck), Mar. 2, 1892. Peter, 85 y. 7 m. 2 d. [Scotland], s. of David & Mary (Wilson), m., Oct. 7, 1896. Eben Rhoades, 36 y. 8 m. 18 d. [Charlestown], s. of Stephen & Ellen (Sampson), m., Nov. 10, 1897. Fessenden. Nathan, Jr., 93 y. 9 m. 1 d., s. of Sarah (Winship), wid. of Jane (Goodrich), Jan. 26, 1866. Eliza (Johnson), 59 y. 11 m. 17 d. [Woburn], d. of Betsey, wf. of Albert F., Mar. 2, 1878. Nathan, Jr., 80 y., s of Jane (Goodrich), unm., Aug. 8, 1888. Caroline, 89 y. 3 m. 14 d., d. of Nathan & Jane (Goodrich), unm., Aug. 18, 1893. Albert F., 83 y. 8 m. 6 d., s. of Nathan & Jane (Goodrich), wid., Apr. 29, 1894. JPillebrown. Darius, 57 y. 4 m. [Cambridge], s. of John & Nancy, Oct. 20, 1866. Hannah (Fessenden), 57 y. 1 ni. 20 d., d. of Nathan & Jane (Good- rich), wid. of Darius, Jul. 22, 1874, Fines. Eliza, 45 y. [England], wf. of Norris, Sept. 21, 1864. Fisher. Emma J., 17 y. 8 m. [Fairfield, Me.], d. of Joseph & Sarah E., Sept. 13, 1883. Fiske. Abby M. (Hayden (?)), 47 y., wf. of Chas., Mar. 19, 1859. Joseph, Jr., 63 y. 4 m., s. of Elizabeth (Stone), May 4, 1860. Benjamin, Jr., 84 y. 5 m. 13 d., s. of Rebecca (Howe), m., Feb. 2, 1863. 428 LEXINGTON RECOBD OF DEATHS. Piske — Continued. Maria Augusta, 17 y. 11 m. 16 d., d. of Chas. & Abigail Maria, Jan>. 12, 1864. Franklin, 63 y., s. of Joseph & Elizabeth (Stone), m., Mar. 23, 1868. Eddie, 8 y. 6 m. 15 d. [Boston], s. of Walter II. & Abbie B., Feb. 19, 1869. Sarah (Daland), 63 y. 4 m. [Billerica], d. of Benj. & Hannah, wf. of Benj,, May :?9, 1869. Loviua (I^eonard), 85 y. 11 m. [Me.], d. of Benj. & Macombe, m., May 16, 1871. Louie T., 19 y. 4 m. [Maiden], s. of Jonas F. & Lydia J., Jul. 31, 1872. Mary G. (Kennard), 78 y. 3 ra. [Eliot, Me.], d. of Timothy & Abigail, wid. of Joseph, Jan. 12, 1874. Lydia I., 48 y. 5 m. 3 d., d. of Nehemiah & Keziah, m., Sept. 21, 1877. James Francis, 67 y. 7 m. 7 d., s. of Jonas Stone & Pamelia B., wid., Aug. 7. 1883. H. Marilla (Tucker), 77 y. 11 m. 24 d [Tisbury], d. of Thos. W. & Mary (Orue), wf. of Orrin W., Jan. 14, 1896. Fitzgerald. Fannie, 55 y. [Ireland], m., d. in Boston, Aug. 2, 1893. Pitzpatrick. Hillary McGrath, 8 y. 3 m. [Cambridge], d. of Patrick & Helen, Sept. 19, 1854. Patrick K., 2 y. 6 m., s. of Patrick & Margaret (Loghea), Jul. 8, 1865. Patrick llilarv, 17 y. 5 m. 19 d., s, of Patrick & Margaret, Jan. 12, 1885. Patrick, 79 y. 3 m. 5 d. [Ireland], m., June 22, 1887. Alice R., 16 y. 25 d., d. of Patrick & Mary, Feb. 21, 1888. Plagg. Charles, 25 y. 29 d. [Concord], s. of Geo. D. & Emily, Oct. 1, 1866. Flanders. Edmund G., 50 y. 4 m. [Bradford, Vt.], s. of Elias S. & Matilda, Feb. 24, 1886. Flemming. Mary L. (Tripp), 62 y. 6 m. [Black River, N. H.], d. of Wm., wf. of John, Feb. 23, 1896. Fletcher. Hannah P. (Blood), 52 y. 6 m. 4 d. [Carlisle], d. of Phineas & Ruhanna, m., Mar. 17, 1879. Sophronia A., 19 y. 7 m. 15 d. [Westford], d. of Franklin A. & Sophronia, Mar. 15, 1880. Rebecca (Cook), 85 y. 3 m. 10 d. [Arlington], d. of Simeon & Rebecca E. (Hall), wid. of Chas. II., June 10, 1894. Flint. Nathaniel, 68 y. [N. H.], wid., Mar. 12, 1874. Fogg. Samuel J., 29 y. [Meredith], s. of John & Hannah, May 20, 1864. Mary F., 6 m. 27 d., d. in Boston, Oct. 5, 1864. John, 83 y. 3 m., s. of Joseph & Hannah, m.. Mar. 31, 1874. Clara, 27 y. [N. II.], d. of John S. & Pdscilla, m., Sept. 25, 1875. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF DEATHS. 429 Foley. William, 1 y. 2 m., s. of John & Mary (Haley), Aug. 12, 1862. Mary E., 9 m., d. of John & Mary (Haley), Aug. 4, 1863. Forseyth. William Robert, 1 m. 26 d., s. of Thos. & Mary (O'Conners), Aug. 29, 1884. Mary J., 22 y. 1 m. 8 d. [Cambridge], d. of Michael & Haunah, wf. of Thos , Jan. 2, 1888 Catherine, 8 m. 13 d., d. of Thos. & Sarah (McCarthy), Aug. 13, 1897. Foster. Emma E., 8 y. 3 m , d. of Edward & Almira, Apr. 29, 1854. Clarinda, 47 y., wid , Jul. 7, 1857. Julia A., 16 y. 9 m., d. of Edward & Almira, d. in Burlington, Jul. 13, 1858. Lillian A., 1 y. 6 m. 4 d. [Charlestown] , d. of Reuben B. & Salome G., Jul. 7, 1860. George, 24 y. 2 d., s. of Edward (& Elmira?), d. in Cambridge, June 28, 1861. Charles P., 72 y. 11 m. [Boston], s. of Phineas & Frances, Aug. 13, 1879. Nancy R.,69 y. 1 m. [Winchester, N. H.],d. of Henry & Lucy, unm., Jan. 20, 1881. James E., 78 y. 11 m. 9 d. [Boston], s. of Thos. & Sarah, June 25, 1886. • Seraph A., 83 y. 4 m. 4 d. [Winchester, N. H.], d. of Henry & Lucy (Dana), unm., Jul. 16,1890. Elizabeth M. (Bowles), 83 y. 5 m. 16 d. [Portsmouth, N. H.], d. of Wm. & Katherine (Smith), wid. of Geo. H., May 27, 1895. Fowle. Susan E., 57 y. 7 m., wf. of Wm. H., Jul. 29, 1859. William H., 49 y. 6 m. 26 d. [Boston], s. of Isaac & Nancy (Hall), wid., Aug. 8, 1862. Joshua B., 88 y. 2 m. [Boston], s. of Henry & Elizabeth (Bentley), wid., Aug. 17, 1885. Fox. Ann, 50 y. [London], d. of Patrick, Sept. 20, 1860. George W., 8 m. 3 d. [Charlestown] , s. of Thos. & Alice, Aug. 14, 1873. Franks. Abbie E. (Willis), 40 y. 3 m. 16 d. [Boston], d. of Alexander & Mary A. (Richardson), wf. of Chas. H., Dec. 15, 1892. Frazer. A. A., 71 y. 10 m. 6 d. [Duxbuiy], s. of S. A. & Abigail D., wid., Mar. 27, 1876. Freeman. Warren B., 6 m., s. of Eugene F. & Elizabeth (Bradley), Jul. 29, 1895. Frost. Alice, 91 y. 5 m. [Billerica], d. of Aaron & Alice Jaquith, wid.. May 4, 1872. FuUarton. Herbert Elmer, 1 m. 22 d., s. of Oman & Ada, Feb. 28, 1881. 430 LEXINGTON' BECOBD OF DEATHS. Fuller. Hannah (Gibson), 77 y. 6 m. [Francistown, N. H.], d, of John & Hannah, m., d. in Charlestown, Sept. 16, 1870. Purbush. Mary Jane, 31 y. 9 m., d. in Charlestown, June 5, 1864. Charles, 12 y. 6 m., s. of Wm. & Jane, Nov. 28, 1865. Gallagher. Ellen J., 10 d , d of Andrew J. & Ellen, Feb. 2, 1890. Mary, 36 y., unra., Aug. 29, 1893. Julia (Gallagher), 65 y. [Ireland], d. of John & Mary, wid. of John„ Mar. U, 1896. Gammell. Rhoda, 80 y. 3 m, 24 d., d. of Joseph & Betty Hadley (Jones), wf. ofc John, Sept. 11, 1861. Minnie, 4 y. 3 m., d. of Eben & Mary Ann, Jan. 14, 1863. Abby M., 6 y. 6 m., d. of Eben & Mary Ann, Feb. 16, 1863. Lucy E., 8 y. 2 m , d. of Eben & Mary Ann (Butterfield), Feb. 18, 1863. Annie G., 10 m. 3 d., d. of Eben & Mary Ann, Sept. 6, 1863. John, 80 y. 10 m. [Hillsboro, N. H.], s. of Wm., wid. of Rhoda (Robinson), Oct. 1, 1866. Jonas, 52 y. 5 m. 27 d., s. of John & Rhoda, Apr 7, 1873. Nellie M., 17 y. 5 m. 12 d., d. of Eben & Marv Ann (Butterfield), Jul. 18, 1883. George R., 24 y. 2 m., s. of Eben & Mary Ann, unm., Nov. 28, 1884. Mary A. (Butterfield), 66 y. 10 m. [Arlington], d. of Abel, wf. of Eben, Dec. 1, 1888. Lucy, 67 y. 11 m. 21 d., d. of John & Rhoda, unm , d. in Cambridge, Dec. 22, 1889. Eben, 73 y. 2 m. 5 d., s. of John & Rhoda, wid., May 13, 1890. Garmon. Lydia, 36 y. [Canada], wf. of Joseph, Aug. 13, 1855. Betsey Y., 52 y. 3 m. [Gilmanton, N. H.], d. of Ebenezer «& Jane, Apr. 19, 1861. Addle M., 10 y. 11 m. 4 d., d. of Aaron & Roxanna, d. in Lowell, Mar 29, 1863. Elzsna, 2 y. 7 m. 23 d,, d of Aaron & Roxanna d, in Lowell, Mar. 31, 1863'. Ebenezer, 78 y. 7 m. 11 d.. Mar. 6, 1864. Nathaniel B., 4 y. 5 m. 18 d., s. of Nath'l & Arminia, Nov. 7, 1865. William W., 14 y. 1 ra. 6 d.. May 23, 1867. Jane (Young), 81 y. 4 m. 2 d. [Gilmanton, N. H.], d. of Joseph & Betsy, Jan. 10, 1871. Nathaniel, 50 y. 1 m. 11 d. [Gilmanton, N. H.], s. of Ebenezer & Jane, m., Feb. 11, 1878. Joseph Y., 66 y. 1 m. 7 d. [Gilmanton, N. H.], s. of Ebenezer «& Jane, m., Feb. 21, 1878. Aai'on, 65 y. 4 m. 20 d., s. of Ebenezer & Jane [Gilmanton, N. II.], m,, d. in Chelsea, Nov. 9, 1889. Gately. Elizabeth (Lennen), 87 y. [Ireland], d. of Michael & Catherine (Mullen), wf. of Matthew, Aug. 10, 1897. Matthew, 79 y. [Ireland], s. of John & Mary (O'Brien), wid., Dec, 22, 1897. LEXINGTON RECORD OF DEATHS. 431 Geoghegan. Matthew, 1 y. 3 m. 26 d., s. of Patrick, Sept. 23, 1873. Gerry. Elizabeth B. (Whitcomb), 69 y. 1 m. 24 d., d. of Thos. & Hannah, wid., Mar. 7, 1883. Gilbert. William, 8 m. [N. B.], s. of John & Charlotte, Sept. 14, 1865. Gildey. Thomas, .35 y. [Ireland], killed. May 11, 1858, Gilman. Thomas, 1 d., s. of Francis & Johanna, Jan. 7, 1860. Francis, Jr., 18 y. 5 m. 10 d. [Boston], s. of Joanna, Aug. 22, 1866. Francis, Jr., 55 y. [Ireland], s. of Margaret, Nov. 25, 1867. Gilmore. Sophia (Murdock), 70 y. 1 m. 21 d. [Whitingham, Vt.], d. of Heze- kiah & Lydia R., wid., Oct. 21, 1889. Mary L., 49 y. 1 m. 25 d. [Florida, Mass.], d. of Dennis & Lucina, m , Nov. 12, 1889. Giuzeppe. Giuvanelli, 45 y. [Italy], s. of Jacob & Rosa, m., Jul. 7, 1896. Gleason. Pamelia B., 18 y. 5 m., d. of Wra. & Charlotte, May 9, 1866. Betsey S. (Harrington) Garfield, 78 y. [Bedford], d. of Isaac & Mary (Farrer), wf. of Benj., Oct. 2, 1878. William, 76 y. 9 m. [Shirley], s. of Wm. & Lourena, ra., Oct. 16, 1881. Glenn. William C, 1 d., s. of Wm. F. & Clara A. (Dennett), Oct. 28, 1892. Glennon. Delia, 2 m, [Boston], d. of Delia, Aug. 13, 1893. Glidden. Alice (Smith), 68 y. 9 m. [Northfield, N. H.], d. of Jeremiah & Betsy, m., Dec. 28, 1872. Glynn. Patrick, 60 y. [Ireland], s. of John & Rose, m., Sept. 7, 1886. Goddard. Solomon Keyes, 37 y. 3 d. [Windsor, Vt.], s. of Asahel & Nancy (Keyes), hus. of Elizabeth M. (Keyes), Oct. 6, 1868. Elizabeth N. (Smith), 67 y. 7 m., d. of Ebenezer & Anna (Under- wood), wid. of Alonzo, Mar. 13, 1888. Goodrich. Nancy, 6 y., Jul. 28, 1859. Edwin J., 19 y. 16 d. {Hudson, N. H.], s. of Francis B. & Mary S., Oct. 27, 1863. John, Jr., 56 y. 2 m. 9 d [Boston], Feb. 15, 1866. Susan E. (Blackington), 76 y. 6 m. 20 d. [Arlington], d. of Wm. T. & (Salsbury), wid. of John, d. in Medford, Feb. 3, 1896. 432 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF DEATHS. Goodwin. , infant s. of Geo. C. & Jane P., Sept. 8, 1855. Jane P., 43 y. 10 m. [Haveihill], wf. of Geo. C, Oct. 13, 1855. Mary Ellen, 1 d., d. of Wm. II & Mary E., Jan. 11, 1874. Hannah (Gookin),80 y. [Portsmouth, N. II.], d. of Nath'l & Elizabeth, m.. Mar. 5, 1874. Jonathan, 95 y. 7 m. 6 d. [Kennebunk, Me.], s. of Peter & Olive (Wells), wid., Dec. 30, 1897. Gookifi. Eliot, 8 m. 23 d. [Boston], s. of Chas. B. & Maria Theresa, Sept. 14, 1884. Samuel H., 74 y. 4 m. [Portsmouth, N. H.], s. of Sam'l & Mary (Patterson), m., Sept. 23, 1894. Gordon. Mary E. (Jones), 51 y. [Dunbarton, N. H.], d. of Timothy L, & Betsey P. (Stinson), m., Sept. 18, 1892. Sarah E., 82 y. 8 m. 15 d. [Thomaston, Me.],d. of Ignatius & Sarah (Brown), unm., Apr. 15, 1894. Gorman. Catherine, 8 y., d, of Jas. & Catherine, Mar. 27, 1876. Esther, 10 y., d. of Jas. & Catherine, Mar. 28, 1876. Ann, 5y. 7 d., d. of Jas. & Catherine, Mar. 29, 1876. Thomas, 32 y. [N. S.], s. of Wm. & Mary, unm., Jan. 9, 1885. Bridget, 21 y. [Ireland], d. of Jas. & Kate, unm., Feb. 11, 1885. Catherine (McCusker), 55 y [Ireland], d. of Jas. & Ann (i)evine), m., Jul. 23, 1887. Gossom. Sarah E., 45 y., wid., Sept. 13, 1858. Frances, 14 y., d. of Elijah & Eliza, d. in Medford, Mar. 3, 1860. Edgar L., 11 y. 11 m. 19 d., s. of Lewis H. & Sarah J. (Burbank), Apr. 15, 1885. Gould. Mary Caroline, 32 y. 10 m. 14 d. [Charlestown], d. of Jas. & Caroline G. (Brooks), unm.. May 24, 1864. Ellen Maria, 19 y. 4 m. 2 d. [Charlestown], d. of Jas. & Caroline W. (Brooks), Dec. 16, 1866. Thomas, Jr., 61 y. 8 m. [Boston], s. of Thos. & Sophia (Lovis), m., Oct. 19, 1869. Arthur Frederick, 49 y. 2 m. 6 d. [Charlestown] , s. of Jas. & Caroline W. (Brooks), unm., Oct. 6, 1890. James, 88 y. 10 m. 9 d. [Charlestown], s. of Joseph & Clarissa (Drew), m., d. in Worcester, Feb. 26, 1892. Lydia A. (Teel), 87 y. 6 m. [Newburyport], d. of Benj. & Sally (Barnard), wid. of Thos., Jan. 10, 1893. Caroline W. (Brooks), 87 y. 11 m. 12 d. [Watertown], d. of Calvin & Sarah (Wetherbee), wid. of Jas., Mar. 3, 1894. Graham. Martha Ann, 19 y. 8 m., d. of Hugh & Hepzibeth (Marshall), June 4, 1865. Mary Jane, 29 y. 2 m., d. of Hugh & Hepsibeth (Marshall), unm., June 12, 1872. Hugh, 73 y. 8 m. 1 d. [Putney, Vt.], s. of Alexander & Hepsibeth, m., Aug. 5, 1878. LEXINGTON BECORD OF DEATHS. 433 Graham — Contimied. James N., 9 y. 5 m. 6 d. [Glasgow, Scotlaud],s. of Jas. & Lizzie (Noble), drowned June 15, l!sy2. Hepzibah \V., 80 y. 2 m. 24 d. [Lunenburg], d of Timothy & Hep- zibala Brooks, wid. of Hugh, Mar. 22, l»y3. d-rant. Margaret, 23 y. [Gardner, Me.], d. of Peter, unm.. Mar. 23, 1865. Greeley. William H., 57 y. 5 m. 27 d. [Portland, Me.], s. of Wm. E. & Myra A. (Smith), m., Dec. 21, 1889. Green. Alice, 3 y. [Cambridge], d. of Patrick & Bridget. June 10, 1865. Elizabeth li (Little), 51 y. [Boston], d. of Elizabeth B. & Nicholas, wid., Dec. 7, 1870. Greenleaf. Joseph, 63 y. [Medford] (unm. ?), suicided by hanging. Mar. 17, 1856. Thomas, 70 y. 2 m. [Medford], s. of Jonathan & Mercy, m., Sept. 29, 1861. William, 44 y. 11 m., s. of Thos. & Polly, wid., d in Boston, June 30, 1871. Phebe (Reed), 79 y., d. of Joshua & Susanna (Leathers), wid. of Thos., Aug. 21, 1871. Gregg. Hugh Noble, 10 m. 20 d., s. of Edward & Elizabeth, Aug. 6, 1889. Griffiths. Mary, 10 y. 9 m. 8 d. [Charlestown], d. of Albert & Mary F., Dec. 81, 1882. Margaret L., 2 y. 2 m. 23 d. [Arlington], d. of Albert & Mary F., Jan. 18, 1883. Albert, 52 y. 11 m. 20 d. [Boston], s. of Chas. & Letitia (Ridgley), m.. May 4, 1892. Grinnell. Emeline S., 71 y. [Woodstown, N. J.], d. of Stanwood & Hannah D., wid., Aug. 1, 1889. . Grose. Jane, 81 y. 11 m. [England], d. of Walter, unm., Dec. 9, 1889. Grover. Maria J. (Fessenden), 67 y. 10 m., d. of Nathan & Jane (Goodrich), wf. of Wm., Mar. 12, 1872. Alice J., 32 y. 26 d., d. of Wm. & Maria F., unm.. Mar. 13, 1878. William, 82 y. 5 m. 3 d., s. of John & Mary, wid.. Mar. 20, 1879. Hadley. Charles, 4 y. 3 m. 16 d., s. of Sewell T. & Millicent Ann D. (Lakin), Jan. 7, 1855. Lavinia Amanda, 11 ra., d. of Benj & Mercy Ann, Jul. 28, 1857. Eliza, 60 y , d. of Benj. & Lucy (Dean), unm., Sept. 6, 1857. George McLellen, 2 m. 21 d., s. of Benj. & Mercy Ann (Hall), Jan. 15, 1863. 434 LEXINGTON BE COED OF DEATHS. Hadley — Continued. John, 77 y. 4 m. 27 d., s. of Benj. & Lucy (Dean), wid. of Susanna (Harrington), d. in Charlestown, Jan. 6, 1865 Jonas, 68 y. [l^urlington], s. of Benj. & Lucy (Dean), June 22, 1870. Alice L., 4 y. 6 m., d. of Benj. & Mercy Ann (Hall), Mar. 23, 1876. Millie A., 2o y. 1 m.,d. of Sewell Thos. & Millicent A. D. (Lakin), unra., Sept. 27, 188U. Avery T., 30 y. 6 ni. 19 d., s. of Sewell Thos. & Millicent A. D., unm., d. in Boston, Dec 14, 1882. Benjamin, 67 y. 2 m. [Arlington], s. of Sam'l & Lavina (Hall), m., June 11, 1895. Hadlock. Colburn, 68 y. 9 m. fTyngsboro], s. of John & Mary, Dec. 14, 1863. Lydia (Merriam), 93 y. 3 ni. 5 d. [Concord], d. of Josiah & Mary, wid. of Colburn, Dec. 23, 1888. Hafieran. ]\lary J., 2 y. 8 m. [West Medway], Dec. 9, 1856. Hugh, 25 y. [Ireland], s. of Hugh & Catherine, May 27, 1861. Hagar. Sarah W., 67 y. 10 m. 20 d. [Concord], d. of Elisha & Betsey (Brown) Wellington, wid., Sept. 15, 1)S90. Edward F., 65 y. 3 m 27 d. [Lincoln], s. of Elisha & Priscilla (Fiske), wid., Sept. 21, 1895. Haggett. Freddie E., 5 y. 9 ni. [Fitchburg], s. of Edwin K. & Annie, May 18, 1879. Haley. Dennis, 1 y. 6 m., s. of Patrick & Hannali, Jul. 17, J864. Katie, 8 y. 5 ni., d. of Patrick & Hannali (Kecfe), Aug. 28, 1873. W illiam, 65 y. [ireland], s. of Michael & Ellen, m , June 18, 1889. Hall. William H., 3 m. 15 d., s. of David & Mary, Sept. 13, 1860 Amuii, 69 y. 3 m. 4 d. [Cambridge], s of Thos., hus. of Eliza (Crau- dall). Ai)r. 20, 1867. Maiy Bobbins (Smith), 54 y. 10 m. 20 d., d. of Elias & Harriet (Hastings), wf. of David, June 25, 1876. Eliza (Crandall), 79 y. 6 m. 20 d. [Salem], d. of John & Nancy, wid. of Ammi, Jan. 20, 1879. David, 69 y 3 m. 19 d. [Walpole, N. H], s. of David & Miriam, m., Jan. 19, 1885. Hallett. Thomas A., 21 y 7 m. [Me], s. of Eliza A , June 23, 18.59. Eliza Ann (Arnold), 54 y. 8 m. 15 d. [St. Johns, N. B.],d. of Thos. & Anne, wid., June 25, 1867. Elizabeth R., 18 y. 10 m. 26 d. [St. Johns, N. B.], d. of John & Eliza Ann, unm., Aug. 18, 1871. Ham. Mary P., 10 y. 1 d [Bedford], d. of Wm. & Mary P., Apr. 12, 1865. Mary (Grose), .58 y. 9 m. [Cornwall, England], d. of Walter & Phil- lippa, m, Jul. 28, 1887. William, 72 y. [Cornwall, England], s. of Wm. & Lucy, wid., Feb. 1, 1891. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF DEATHS. 435 Hamblen. Joseph B., 77 y. 6 m. 20 d. [Wellfleet], s. of Cornelius & Sally (Baker), m., June 29,1891. Rebecca D. (Bisbee), 75 y. 8 m. 7 d. [Kingston], d. of Zebulon & Sally (Sampson), wid. of Joseph B., Nov. 16, 1892. Hammond. Arthur T., 9 m. 16 d., s. of Wm. E. & Angeline (Trautor), Sept. 28, 1886. , 3 d., s. of Wm. E. & Angeline (Trantor), Jan 27, 1887. John T., 7 m. 20 d., s. of Wm. E. & Angeline (Trantor), Aug. 9, 1889. Angelina (Traintor), 39 y. [England], d. of John & Elizabeth, m., Nov. 2, 1890. William E., 48 y. [England], s. of Edwin & Mary Ann, m., Jan, 15, 1892. Hanford. Jesse, 64 y. 1 m. 27 d, [Conn.], s. of Ebenezer & Sai'ah, m , d. in N. Y., Jan. 25, 1870. Catherine A. (Moulder), 77 y. 1 m. 21 d. [N. Y], d. of Geo & Rebecca, wid. of Jesse, Aug. 24, 1883. Hanscom. Charles W., 31 y. 5 m. [Roxbury], s. of John M., Feb. 2, 18.58. Grace M.,7 m 17 d. [Cambridge], d of John & Ann M.. Jul. 24, 1870. Maria (Smith), 68 y. 4 m., d. of Ebenezer & Atinie, m , May 19, 1884. John K,63 y. 11 m. [Meredith, N. H.], s. of Tobias & Hulda, m , June 13, 1885. Hanson. Jerusha S., 21 y. 8 m. 16 d. [Canada], d. of Elijah & Lydia, Apr. 22, 1856. Eliza A. (Hall), 48 y. 3 m. 20 d., d. of Ammi & Eliza (Crandall),wf. of Horatio D , May 15, 1883. Hapgood. Emily J., 10 y. 2 m., d. of Marshall & Emily, Jul. 28, 1876. Harding. Amanda (Miller), 36 y. 9 m. 16 d. [Thomaston, Me.], d. of Peter & H. Cutting Miller, Mar. 16, 1867. Hargrove. Catherine, 45 y. [Ireland], d. of Wm, & Ann Whalen, m., Jan. 24, 1878. Henry H., 19 y. 5 m., s. of Wm. & Catherine, Sept. 16, 1878. Harmon. Frederick M., 28 y. 3 d, [Me.], s. of Edward & Mary Jane (Ham- mond), unm., Dec. 4, 1882. Harrigan. Jane E., 18 y. 6 m., d. of Edward & Mary, Aug. 17, 1872. Harrington. Jonathan, Jr., 95 y. 8 m. 18 d., s. of Abigail, Avid., Mar. 26, 1854. Jonathan, Jr., 61 y. 9 m., s. of Sally (Banks), unm,, Mai\ 30, 1855. Mary, 78 y. 8 m., wid. of Abijah, Jan. 26, 1856. Charles, 93 y,, s. of Jonathan, Jan, 28, 1856. 43 G LEXINGTON BECOBD OF DEATHS. Harrington — Continued. Susan (Pierce), 33 y. 6 m., wf. of J. C, Apr. 16, 1856. , 1 d., s. of John & Mary, Sept. 16, 1856 Jonas C. 46 y., s. of Lewis & Sarah (Dudley), wid., Jul. 5, 1857. Susan (Wiley), 38 y. 6 m. 3 d. [Ashby], wf. of Franklin M., Feb. 20^ Abi<2:ail, 70 y. 4 m., d. of Jonathan & Sally (Banks), unni., Mai-. 22, 1«."j8. Sarah E., 71 y. [Concord], Oct 31, 18.58. William, 1 y. lu m 22 d., s. of John & Mary, Oct. 2, 1861. Dennis, 3 d., s. of Dennis & Mary, Apr. 26, 1862. Charles B., 2o y. 7 m. 8 d., s. of Bowen & Elizabeth P. (Ward), Sept.. 5, 1862. Elizabeth P. (Ward), 51 y. 2 m. 17 d. [Boston], d of Wm. & Mary, wf. of Bowen, Mar. 9, 1863. Isaac, 97 y. 8 m., s. of Henry & Ruth (Blodgett), hus. of Polly (Farrer), Apr. 2,1863. Clarissa, 75 y. 8 m. 6 d., d. in Cambridge, Feb. 16, 1866. Bowen, 65 y. 10 m , s. of Levi & Rebecca (Mulliken), wid., June 13,. 1869. Mary, 96 y. 2 m. 2 d. [Lincoln], wid., Sept. 1, 1870. Susan (Poor) Turner, 53 y. 5 m. [Andover], d. of Joseph & Mary,. wf of Franklin M., Sept 10, 1870. David, 81 v., s of Solomon & Mary (Bent), hus of Elizabeth (Francis),. d. in Cambridge, Dec. 26, 187u. Mary, 15 y. 8 m., d. of John & Julia, Mar. 29, 1871. Nancv, 83 y. 4 m. 18 d., d. of Levi & Rebecca (Mulliken), May 22,. 187"!. Johanna, 37 y. [Ireland], d. of Andrew & Mary Dunn, Sept. 1, 1872;. Charles, Jr., 74 y. 4 m. U d., s. of Mary (Brown), m., Aug. 22, 1873. Sophia (Woodbury), 77 y. [Littleton, N. H.], wf. of Nehemiah, Aug. 27, 1875. •Franklin M., 58 y. 7 ra., s. of Nath'l & Clarissa, wid., Feb, 7, 1876. Mary Ann, 2 m. 20 d , d. of Otis & Ann (Kane), Jul. 21, 1876. Margaret, 93 y. 2 m. [Ireland], wid., Dec. 4, 1877. William IL, 42 y. 8 ra. 28 d. [Boston], s. of Bowen & Elizabetli P. (Ward), m., d"^ in Chicago, Feb. 28, 1883. Nehemiah, 77 y., s. of Joseph & Lucy (Russell), wid., May 18, 1885. Larkin, 60 y. 3 m. 21 d., s. of Nath'l & Clarissa (Mead), m., Aug. 7, 1886. Sarah H (Wade), 77 y. [Newburyport], d. of Wm. & Sarah Ordwav, wid., Sept. 29, 1887 Mary A. T. (Robinson), 77. y. 10 m. 12 d., d. of Jacob & Hannah (Simonds), wf. of Sylvester, Dec. 14, 1889. Julia, 58 y. [Ireland], d. of Michael & Eliza McCreash, wf. of John, May 22, 1891. Sylvester, 82 y. 1 m. 2 d. [Arlington], s. of David & Betsey (Francis), wid., June 2, 1893. Abijah, 88 y. 9 m. [Woburn], s. of Nathan & Elizabeth (Phelps), num., June 28, 1893. Ellen M., 75 y. 7 m. 2 d., d. of Nath'l & Clarissa (Mead), unm., Feb. 4, 1S95. Margaret, 31 y., d. of John & Mary, unm., d. in Westboro, Mar. 13, 18M5, Gladys Mary, 7 m. 4 d., d. of Bartlett J. & Nora J. (Barry), Aug. 6, 1895. Miriam A. (Temple), 44 y. 9 m. 3 d. [Shrewsbury], d. of Lnther H. & Hovan (Harrington), wf. of Edward T., d. in Carney Hospital, Jul. 29, 1896. Joliu, 75 y. [Ireland], s. of Patrick & Mary (Comer), m., Dec. 30, 1896. LEXINGTON BE COED OF DEATHS. 437 Harris. Edward, 75 y. [Boston], Feb. 11, 1856. Addie Louisa, H m , d. of Henrv & Emeline, Sept. 5, 1857. Ilemy, 59 y. [Providence, R. I.j, s. of Almon & Martha, Oct. 17, 1868. Hartwell. Ruhannab (Webber), 77 y. 4 ni. 17 d. [Bedford], d. of Asa & Eliot, wf. of Wm., Aug. ;^1, 1879. William, 91 y. 2 d. [Bedford], s. of Wm. & Joanna (Davis), wid., Jan. 14, 18S8. Haskell. Alice S., 16 y. [Me.], d. of G. G. & Triphena, Apr. 4, 1874. Hastings. Sarah F., 72 v. [Boston], d. of Benj. & Hannah West, Sept. 16, 1860. Ellen A., 25 y. 2 d. [East Cambridge], d. of Jas. & Sally (Mead), Mar. 4, 1866. James, 71 y. 6 m. [Lincoln], s. of Sam'l & Lydia (Nelson), IMay 22, 1869. Phineas S., 79 y. 2 m. 18 d., s. of Isaac & Sarah (Steai-ns), m., Dec. 31, 1871. John, 82 y. 10 m., s. of Isaac & Sarah (Stearns), m., May 3, 1873. Sally (Mead), 73 y. 8 m., d. of Josiah & Sally, wid. of Jas., Sept. 13, 1874. Hawkins. George S., 1 y. 16 d., s. of Richard & Mary, Oct. 29, 1854. Hayes. Francis Brown, 64 y. 11 ra. 8 d. [South Berwick, Me.], s. of Wm. A. & Susan Lord, m., Sept. 20, 1884. Margaret (Marriott), 67 y, 2 m. 27 d. [Baltimore, Md ], d. of Wm. H. & Jane (McKim), wid. of Francis B., d. in Boston, Nov. 20, 1890. Michael, 70 y. [Ireland], s. of Cornelius & Margaret (Leahey), m., Sept. 17, 1891. Ann (O'Connell), 60 y. [Ireland], d. of Wm. & Ann (McCartv), wid. of Michael, Feb. 21, 1892. Haynes. Doi'cas (Penniman), 74 y. 6 m. [Randolph], d. of Enoch & Catherine, Avid., Apr. 18, 1875. Hayward. Caroline F., 49 v. 11 m. [N. H.], d. of Wm. & Sally, Sept. 12, 1859. Sally, 72 y. [Carlisle], wf. of Wm., Sept. 14, 1859. Seth Hastings, 37 y. [Mendon], s. of Mary, m.. Mar. 29, 1867. Head. Charles A., 1 y. 9 ra. 18 d., s. of Sam'l K. & Anna S., Feb. 7, 1887. Headley. Dora C. (Bartlett), 68 y. [New Bedford], d. of Ivory H. & Betsey C„ wf. of Rev. Phineas C, Dec. 2, 1888. * Healey. Anna, 1 y. 2 m., d. of John & Hannah, Mar. 5, 1866. 438 LEXINGTON BEGOBD OF DEATHS. Hedge. Nathaniel Lothrop, 69 y. 11 m. [Plymouth], s. of Barnabus & Tri- phenia, m., Dec. 2, 1885. Henchman. Mary C, 62 y. 7 m. [Boston], wf. of Lewis, Jan. 9, 1858. Hendley. Emeline (Skelton),43 y. 9 m. [Burlington], d. of Dan'l & Hannak, m.. Mar. 16, 1870. Hennessey. John, 3 d., s. of John F & Julia (Manloy), Aug. 15, 1896. Julia, 2 d., d. of John & Julia (Mauley), Nov. 8, 1897. Herron. Winford, 2 m., s. of Jas. & Jemima, Jan. 20, 1871. Higgins. John, 53 y., s. of John & Hannah, m., Jul. 13, 1868. Hildreth. Samuel, 73 y. 2 m 17 d. [Westford], s. of .Tonas, May 19, 1870. Maria H. (Whitney), 35 y. 1 m. [Acton], d. of John & Alaria, wf. of John C, June 6, 1872. Hill. Oscar, 30 y., Aug. 4, 1863. Hinchey. Margaret (Dunn), 51 y. [Ireland], d. of Andrew & Mary, wf. of Dennis, Jan. 22, 1888. Hinckley. Sarah Ann (Price), 25 y. 2 m. [England], d. of Edwin & Eliza, Oct. 16, 1865. Hitchings. Earnest A., 1 y. 7 m. 22 d,, s. of Albert F. & Ada M. (Henderson), Dec. 1-4, 1888. Hobart. Marion L., 17 v. 7 m. [Hingham], d. of Seth L. & Louisa C, unm., Sept. 19, 1871. Mary R. (Knight). 49 y. 8 m. 13 d., d.of Loammi & Mary (Pvobbins), wf. of Joshua, Jul. 13, 1883. Hobbs. James, 29 y. 10 m. 17 d [England], s. of John & Anna, Oct. 17, 1862. Joseph R., 19 y. 6 m. [England], s. of John & Hannah, d. in Fitch- burg, Dec. 5, 1868. Holbrook. Marv (Wellington), 61 y. 1 m. [Walthara], d. of Wm. & Avis (Fiske), May 15, I860. Charlotte, 72 y. [Sherborn], d. of Thos. & Sarah, unm., Apr. 2, 1868. Betsy, 85 y. [Sherborn], d of Thos & Sarah D., unm, Apr. 6, 1873. Frank O., 22 y. 6 m [VValtham], s. of John L. & Lucy J., unm., Oct. 13, 1875. LEXINGTON BECOttD OF DEATHS. 439 Holbrook — Continued. Henry C, 51 y. 1 m. 14 d. [Winterport, Me.], s. of Aaron & Mary (Wellington), m., June '28, 1K79. Sylvia, yu y. 7 m. [Sherborn], d. of Thos. & Sarah, unm., May 4, 1882. Lucy J. (Hager), 59 y. [Watertown], d. of Elbridge & Lucy J., m., Dec. 23, 1889. Holden. Thomas, 82 y. [Ireland], m., Apr. 8, 1854. Holman. Dora H. (Chadbourn), 56 y. 2 m. [Harrison, IMe.], d. of Benj, & Mary, ui., June 26, 1882. Holmes. Carrie M., 4 y. 10 d., d. of Rowland & Maria W. (Cottiug), Jan. 21, 1867. Charles Bronte, 7 y 10 m. 5 d., s. of Dr. Rowland, Jr., & Maria W. (Cutting), Feb. 25, 1865. Sarah E. (Merithew), 40 y. [N. B.], Jan. 17, 1882. Rowland, Dr., 78 y. lU ni. [Halifax], s of Rowland & Rebecca (Copeland), m., d. in Arlington, Nov. 16, 1893. Holoway. Fannie, 4 y. 2 m., d. of Sanrl E. W. & Mary A., Sept. 7, 1885. William Henry, 7 y., s. of Sam'l & Mary A., Oct. 16, 1885. Holt. Albert Edson, 11 m. 10 d. [Bradford], s. of Rosea E. & Alice M. (Brown), Jul 16, 1878. Daly G. (Gould), 84 y. [Marlboro], wid. of Ezra, Feb. 11, 1897. Homans. Walter R., 50 y. 1 m. 13 d. [Augusta, Me.], s. of Thos. R. & Eliza- beth (Lamb), m., Feb. 7, 1897. Hooper. Elizabeth M., 19 d , b. and d. in West Roxbury, Nov. 23, 1863. Helen L., 6 y. 6 m 3 d , d. in West Roxlmry, Feb. 2"<, 1865. Eleanor Gordon, 5 y. lU m. 8 d. [Boston], d. of Richard R. & Helen E., Aug. 30, 1873. Richard H., 62 y. 11 m. 5 d. [Charlestown], s. of Thos. & Mary llyer, m., Apr. 27, 1885. Horgan. Mary (Dolan), 68 y. 7 m. [Ireland], d. of John & Mary, wf. of Hor- gan, Apr. 8, 1892. Edward, 70 y. [Ireland], s. of John & Mary, wid., Nov. 12, 1892. Home. Mary P., 79 y. 1 m. 23 d. [Gilmanton, N. R.], d. of Razen & Martha (Batcheller), unm., Apr. 6, 1896. Sarah (Towle), 78 y. 6 m. [Candia, N. R.], d. of Elisha & Sally, wid. of Eben, Nov. 17, 1897. Horrigan. William, Jr., 12 d., s. of Caroline, Oct. 17, 1854. Edward, 3 y. 8 m., s of Edward & Mary, June 5, 1858. George, 11 m., s. of Edward & Mary (Dulin), Jan. 1, 1859. Katie, 16 y. 11 m., d. of F:dward & Mary, Mar. 11, 1876. 440 LEXINGTON BE COED OF DEATHS. Horton. Elisha, 44 y. 1 m. [Canton], s. of Elisha & Elizabeth, unm., d. iri N. Y., Apr. 7, 187y. Hosmer. Mary F., 13 y. 7 m., d of Hamhiond A., Mar. 9, 1854. Hammond A., 57 y 6 m. [Billerica], m , Apr. 21, 1854. Susan N., 68 y. 8 m. [Acton], d. of Amos & Hannah (Noyes), wid. of Hammond A., June 4, 1866. Houghton. Samuel A., 75 y. 10 m, [Lunenburg], s. of Levi & Elizabeth, m., Oct. 19, 1882. Mary S. (Jackson), 41 y. 11 m. [Bedford] , d. of Joshua & Mary,wid.i Mar. 23, 1887. Hourty. William, 15 y. 7 m. [Arlington], s. of Patrick & Sarah, May 9, 1886. Hovey. Thomas G., 64 y. 2 m. [Bi'ighton], s. of Ebenezer & Sally, m.. Mar. 20, 1880. Ellen A., 45 y. 4 m. 7 d. [Cambridge], d. of Thos. G. Hovey & Ann Maria, m. (see mai'riage recoi'd), May 7, 1889. Howe. Warren B., 16 y. 5 m. 3 d., s. of Joseph & Elizabeth, Jul. 19, 1858. Anne (Reed), 75 y. 4 m., d. of Wetherin & Anne, wid., Jul. 15, 1874. Eunice Harriet, 64 y. 4 m. 19 d. [Boston], d. of SamU & Eunice, unm., Jan. 11, 1881. Hudson. d. of John Williams & Sophia W. (Mellen), Dec. 26, 1866. Alice (Frost), 67 y. [Billerica], d. of Levi & Alice, wf. of John, Nov. 7, 1867. John Williams, 35 y. 10 m. 22 d. [Westminster], s. of Chas. & Martha B. (Bider), m., June 1, 1872. John, 88 y. 7 d. [Cohasset], s. of Joseph & Elizabeth (Brovs^n), m., Mar. 25, 1874. Charles, 85 y. 5 m. 20 d. [Marlboro], s. of Stephen & Louisa Williams, May 4, 1881. Martha B. (Rider), 79 y. 6 m. 27 d. [Shrewsbury], d. of John & Mercy Brigham, wid., Jan. 11, 1888. Huffmaster. Isaac, 72 y. 11 m. 8 d. [Woburn], s. of Andrew & Abigail, m , Nov. 21, 1865. Frances (Wier), 70 y. 5 m. 4 d. [Medford], d. of Dan'l & Fanny, wid., Apr. 1, 1872. Hughes. Joseph P., 5 m., s. of Frank & Mary (Devine), Feb. 8, 1894, Humphrey. Frederick E., 32 y. 5 m. [N. H.],s. of Thos. & Mary J., m., Jan. 7, 1882. LEXINGTON RECORD OF DEATHS. 441 Hunt. Hepzibah, 65 y. 6 m. 3 d. [Concord], d. of Sam'l & Rebecca, unm., Oct. 19, 1874. Lewis, 49 y. 11 m. G d. [Salem], s. of Wm. & Anstiss (Slocum), m., Nov. 29, 1893. Hurd. Mary, 83 y. 5 m. 5 d. [Menotomy], d. of Benj. & Mary S., unm., Jan. 28, 1863. Hiirley. Mary, 10 d., d of Morris & Mary, Dec. 21, 1857. Catherine (Crimmins), 41 y. [Ireland], d. of Dan'I, wid.. Mar. 14, 1868. Michael E., 16 y. 11 m., s. of Maurice & Mary, May 30, 18.76. Mam-ice, 67 y. [Ireland], s. of John & INIary Savage, m., Dec. 24, 1883. Mary (Collins), 97 y. [Ireland], d. of Dennis & Julia (Muney), wid. of Dennis, Jan. 7, 1892. Mary (Ryan), 68 y., d. of Thos. & Ellen (Fitzgerald), wid. of Maurice, Aug. 8, 1893. Hutchins. Caroline F. (Jewett), 22 y. 7 m. 5 d., d. of Gorham & Caroline, wf. of Albert E., Mar. 11, 1881. Walter Emerson, 5 m., s. of Albert E. & Caroline F. (Jewett), Mav 14,1881. ^ Hutchinson. Lydia Ann (Bailey), 50 y. 1 m. 6 d. [Franciston, N. H.], d. of Jas. & Abigail (Simonds), wf. of Chas,, IVIar. 23, 1870. Charles, 74 y. 4 m. [Londonderry, N. H.], s. of Amos & Rachel, m., Nov. 15, 1888. Mary W. (Lund), 34 y. 2 m [Brookline], d. of Nath'l & Caroline (Brooks), wf. of John Fred, Aug. 22, 1893. Ilsley. Enoch, 84 y. 5 m. 14 d. [Portland, Me.], s. of Parker & Eliza, m., Jan. 22, 1885. Irwin. John, 68 y. 16 d. [Ireland], s. of John & Jane, m., Apr. 16, 1889. Jane (Armstrong), 75 y. [Ireland], wid. of John, Sept. 10, 1895. Jackson. FloraE. (Went worth), 31 y.7m. [Auburn,Me.],d.of Otis & Nancy E., wf. of Geo. H., Jul. 12, 1883. Hannah II. (Culbertson), 80 y. 8 m. [Salem], d. of Nath'l, wid., Sept. 23, 1886. Jameson. John, 79 y. 1 m. 25 d. [Union, Me.], s. of Jas. & Elizabeth, m., Sept. 22, 1884. Rebecca, 79 y. 9 m. [Waldoboro, Me.], d. of Joseph & Rebecca (Robbins) Miller, wid. of John, iVIay 7, 1891. Georgiana E. (Otis), 54 y. [Scituate], d. of Ilowland Otis, wf. of Geo. W., d. in Waltham Hospital, Aug. 8, 1897. 442 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF DEATHS. Jeanneret. Henry, 3 y. [N. J.], s. of Paul A. & Emily D., May 21, 1888. Jefferson. Robert J., Jr., 60 y. 1 m. 4 d. [N. S.], s. of Sally, m., Apr. 9, 1879. Sarah L., 19 y. 11 m. 3 d. [Cambridge], d. of Robert J. & Emma B., Feb. 9, 1881. Emma B. (Dustin), 56 y. 9 m. 28 d. [Lynn], wid., Nov. 28, 1894. Jenckes. Elias M., 66 y. 4 m. 5 d. [VVoonsocket, R. I.], s. of Nelson & Debora (Morse), m., Oct. 29, 1892. Jennings. Mary E., 2 y. 8 m. 13 d., d. of Patrick & Margaret, June 21, 1864. Anna (Southwick), 71 y. 11 m. 23 d. [Danvers], d. of Simon &, Martha, wid., Jul. 29, 1872. Jewell. Frances M , 30 y. 6 m., d. of Isaac & Fanny, d. in Waltham, Jan. 9, 1860. Jewett. Elizabeth, 73 y. 11 m. [Dracut], \vf. of Nath'l, Mar. 27, 1857. Nathaniel, 81 y. o d. [Tovvnsend], s. of Jedediah & Rachel, wid. of Betsey (Ilamblet), Oct. 26, 1801. Caroline R. (Farnsworth), 49 y. 6 m., d. of Jacob & Elizabeth, wf. of Gorham, May 14, 1876. Gorliam, 64 y. 24 d. [Charlestown], s. of Nath'l & Betsey (Ilamblet), wid., Aug. 27, 1883. Henry, 65 y. 3 m. [Boston], s. of Jonathan & Pha3be, m., k\)Y. 22, 18»4. Abby P. (Holbrook), 29 y. 6 m., d. of Rufus W. & Sarah E. (Stocker), wf. of Arthur H., Feb. 4, 1888. Johnson. John, 76 y. [Roxbury], s. of Obadiah & Sarah (Loring), June 2, 1850. Eunice (Pierce), 66 y. 2 m. 12 d. [Woburn], wid. of John, May 1, 1860. David, 83 y. 5 m. [Woburn], s. of Francis, Jr., & Abigail, m., Oct. 26, 1860. George Arthur, 9 m. 21 d., b. and d. in Concord, Sept. 2, 1861. Mary (Dudley), 7U y. 2 m. 15 d., d. of Nathan & Sarah (Munroe), wf. of Thos., Dec. 3, 1862. Eva J., 11 m. 22 d. [Concord], Sept 13, 1868. Philena (Munroe), 88 y. 6 m., d. of John & Rebecca, wid. of David, Dec. 7, 1870. Charles E , 37 y. 10 m. 24 d. [Wayland], s. of Chas. W. & Martha, m.,Oct. 6, 1871. Charles, 1 m. 15 d., s.of Christopher & Margaret, Aug. 19, 1886. Margaret (McAndrews), 27 y. [Ii'eland], d. of Bernard & Elizabeth, m., Aug. 21, 1886. Sarah E. (Rhoades), 46 y. 4 m. 28 d , d. of Thos. H. & Jane M., wf. of Joshua L., Aug. 24, 1889. Martha S., 83 y. 5 m. [Concord], d. of Jas. & Hannah (Brown) Miles, wf. of Chas. VV., Feb. 4, 1891. Charles W., 85 y. 9 m. 13 d. [Wayland], wid., Mar. 18, 1891. LEXINGTON BE COED OF DEATHS. 443 Johnson — Continued. Rhoda B., 9 y. 9 m. [N. S.], d. of Dan'l & Margie (Mcintosh), May 9, 1892. Susan E. (Munroe), 79 y. 1 m. 25 d., d. of Jonathan & Rhoda (John- son), wid., May 12, 1893. Augustus, about 50 y., negro, accidentally shot, Aug. 23, 1895. Jones. James, 1 y. 3 m. [Charlestown], s. of Wm. W. & Mary Ann, June 9, 1857. Mary, 1 y. 4 m., d. of Abram & Mary, Sept. 10, 1864. James H , 1 y. 1 m., s. of Wm. W. & Mary Ann, Feb 1, 1865. Alice Bell, 5 y. 10 m., d. of Henry Sargent & Nellie A. (Hovey), Aug. 21, 1873. Sarah (Fogg), 57 y. 10 m. 23 d. [Meredith, N. 11.], d of John & Han- nah, wf. of Sani'l, Jr., d in Boston, Dec. 31, 1873. William E., 36 y. 7 m. [Cambridge], s. of Wm. & Susan J., unm., Jan. 19, 1885. Ann (Ward), 79 y. 7 m. [Salem], d. of Sarah, Oct. 10, 1887. Joy. Mary (Welch), 68 y. [Ireland], d. of Matthew & Mary, m.. Mar. 12, 1874. Juul. Conrad, 51 y. [Norway], s. of Fred'k, m., Aug. 22, 1894. Kallahan. Andrew, 80 y. [Ireland], Jan. 8, 1866. John, 23 y. [Ireland], s. of John & Ellen, Oct. 8, 1866. Kane. Mary Ann, 14 y. 2 m., d. of John & Margaret, Sept. 21, 1871. Margaret (Doyle), 45 y. [Ireland], d. of Jas. & Bridget, m., Jan. 30, 1873. KaufFman. Charles H., 3 m. 11 d., s. of Chas. Gustave & Mary F. (Thomas), Oct. 31, 1873. Kavanagh. Margaret (Kurwick), 85 y. [Ireland], d. of Dan'l & Mary (St. John), m., Sept. 27, 1894. Keane. Ann, 24 y. [Ireland], wf. of Patrick, Sept. 17, 1855. John, 20 y. 3 ra. 19 d., s. of John & Margaret, Dec. 30, 1883. John, 55 y. [Ireland], s. of John & Mary, m., Apr. 28, 1888. Keating. Patrick, 68 y. [Ireland], s. of Patrick & Margaret, m., Jul. 19, 1880. Margaret (McGrath), 53 y. [Ireland], d. of Luke & Bridget, wid., Feb. 1, 1882. Keefe. Michael, 4 y. 23 d., s. of Wm. & Mary, Dec. 26, 1862. Mary E. (Crowley), 27 y. 1 m. 13 d., d. of Patrick & Mary, wf. of Jas., Sept. 1, 1879. 444 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF DEATHS. Keefe — Continued. Mary, 22 d., cl of Jas. & Mary C, Sept. 17, 1879. Mary (Kilmartin), 80 y. [Ireland], d. of John & Mary, wid., Oct. 12, 1882. Fannie, 40 y. [Ireland], d. of Dennis & Mary, unm., d. in North- ampton, Mar. 8, 1887. Mary O. (Cuniflf), 69 y. [Ireland], d. of Michael & Mary (Neil), wid. of Wm., June 6, 1893. Dennis F., 5 m., s. of Jas. & Mary J. (Forscyth), Jul. 31, 1893. Keeley. Mary (Savage), 25 y. 13 d., d. of John & Julia (Donovan), m., Nov. 4, 1882. Kegan. Margaret (Nicliolson), 82 y. 8 m. 15 d. [Ireland], d. of Matthew & Mary, wid., Nov. 15, 1868. Keleher. JMichael, 1 y. 8 m. 17 d. [Waltham], s. of Patrick & Bridget, Aug. 19, 1874. Rosie T., 1 m. 3 d., d. of Patrick J. & Rosie T. (Fermoyle), Dec. 23, 1891. Patrick, 63 y. [Ireland], s. of Andrew & Margaret (Begley),m.,Fcb. 22, 1894. Kelley. Julia M., 2 y. 2 m. 5 d., Aug. 19, 1858. Phillip, Jr., 60 y. [Ireland], s. of Mary Thompson, Jul. 18, 1880. Mary E., 18 y. 3 m. 24 d. [Boston], d. of Philip & Mary (Mouahan), Feb. 16,1881. Thomas R., 1 y. 10 m., s. of Wm. II. & Ann (Peoples), Jul. 28, 1896. Kendall. Oliver W., 79 y. 8 m. [Ashby], s. of Oliver & Lucy, m., Mav 8. 1885. Mary (Gates), 80 y.6 m.,d. of Paul & Elizabeth, wid., Sept.-12, 1889. Stephen C, 73 y. 11 m. 18 d. [Ashby], s. of Stephen & Lydia (Burr), m., June 12, 1892. Kenison. Parker, 65 y. 3 m. 14 d. [Bow, N. H.],s. of Benj. & Hannah B., unm., Jan. 18, 1891. Keniston. Lydia (Harrington), 81 y. 6 m. 9 d., d. of Dan'l & Lydia A., wid., Aug. 19, 1887. Daniel, 65 y. 2 m. [Vt.], Nov. 20, 1860. Warren, 19 y. 3 m., s. of Dan'l & Lydia, June 22, 1864. Kennard. Alpheus S., 82 y. [Eliot, Me.], s. of Timothy & Abigail, unm., Aug. 9, 1873. Kennis. James, 43 y. [N. S.], s. of Alexander & Annie, m., Jan. 6, 1873. Keyes. Lewis E., Jr., 1 y. [Chelsea], s. of Susan, Nov. 21, 1855, LEXINGTON BECOBD OF DEATHS. 445 Kilgour. Grace A, (Bavrett), 27 y. 3 m. 16 d. [Boston], d. of Theodore VV. & Maria L. (Nye), wf. of Dwiglit Foster, May 26, 1892. Kimball. Eliza J. (Davis), 48 y. 9 m. 10 d., d. of John & Mary F., wf. of John R., Apr. 10, 1883. John Rogers, 67 y. 25 d. [Ipswich], s. of David Tcnney & Dolly Varnum, wid., Sept. 17, 1883. King. Ann (Mooney), 64 y. [Ireland], d, of Dan'l & Mary, wf. of Jas., Apr. 4, 1883. James, Jr., 3 m., s. of Ellen, Mar. 6, 1887. John Morris, 1 y. 3 m. 14 d., s. of Jas. & Ellen (McGinty), Jan. 17, 1891. Kinneen. Sarah (Harrington), 49 y. [Ireland], d. of Bartholomew & Margaret, m., Jan. 1.5, 1889. , d. of John & Mary (O'Briou), Aug. 19, 1896. Kirkland. Percy ]\I., 16 y. 9 m. [Charlestown] , s. of Jas. M. & Maria L., Jul. 14, 1885. Kneeland. Charles Sumner, 1 y. 9 m. 11 d., s. of Frank H. & Adaliue R., Jul. 18, 1876. Knight. Loenza L. (Hills), 28 y. 1 m. 3 d. [N. H.], wf. of Francis H., Oct. 25, 1859. Loammi, 64 y. 3 m. [Hancock], d. of Aaron & Rebecca (Adams), Jan. 5, 1868. Mary (Robbins), 68 y. 6 m., d. of Stephen & Mary, wid. of Loammi, May 12, 1875. Knowles. Hannah, 87 y. 8 m. 19 d. [Truro], wid., Oct. 12, 1854. Knox. Martha L., 5 y. 4 m. [Dorchester], d. of Jas. C. & Harriet H., Feb. 4, 1888. La Bang or Burbang. Ralph, about 56 y., sunstruck, Jul. 2, 1887. Labdon. Frank E., 6 y. 8 m. [N. H.], s. of Jas. & Sarah, Feb. 17, 1860. Lakeman. Daniel L., 40 y. [Ipswich], unm., June 23, 1854. Mary Ann, 39 y. 2 m. 11 d., wf. of Ebenezer, d. in Charlestown, Apr. 26, 1858. Ebenezer, 46 y. 4 m., d. in Chai'leslowu, Mar. 17, 1864. 446 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF DEATHS. Larabee. Clara E. (Morrill), 42 y. 2 m. 5 d., d. of Francis C. & Keziah B. (Bickford), wf. of Geo. A., Jul. 23, 1893. Law. ,7 d., s. of Wm. F. & Georgie F., Sept. 6, 1880. Lawrence. Maria A., 10 y. 4 m., d. of Sidney & Anna, Feb. 1, 1855. Albert T., 33 y. 7 m., d. in Cambridge, Aug. 1, 1856. William H., .55 y. 5 m. 9 d., s. of Pliinehas & Polly (Wellington) Ims. of Eliza Eaton, May 7. 1859. Phineas, Jr., 83 y. 3 m. 10 d. [Waltliam], s. of Elizabeth (Stearns), wid., June 9, 1864. Sidney M., Jr., 1 y. 1 m. 29 d., s. of Ellen (Donovan), Aug. 30, 1873. Anna (Maynard), 67 y. 7 m. [Waltham], d. of Antipas & Betsey, wf. of Sydney, June 4, 1877. Ethel May, 1 y. 11 m. 25 d., d. of S. Myron & Alma (Withrow), Mar. 19, 1883. Sidney, 87 y. 9 m. 25 d., s. of Phineas & Mary (Wellington), wid., Oct. 19, 1894. Leahy. Margaret, 73 y. [Ireland], wid., Aug. 24, 1878. Leal. John, 11 m. 19 d., s. of Manuel A. & Mary, Aug. 19, 1889. Delia M., 6 m. 7 d., d. of Manuel A. & Mary (Murry), Oct. 3, 1894. Leary. Elizabeth (Mahoney), 42 y. [Ireland], d. of Wm. & Margai'et, m., .Tul. 3, 1873. William, 48 y. [Ireland], s. of Timothy & Mary, m., Jan. 1, 1877. Catherine (Harrington), 25 y. [Ireland], d. of Timothy & Ann II., m., Oct. 14, 1879. Michael J., 1 y. 24 d., s. of John & Bridget (Halpine), Jul. 1, 1881. Julia (Murphy), 65 y. [Ireland], d. of John & Mary, wid. of Wm., Jan. 10, 1890. Leavitt. Arthur, 7 m., s. of David & Martha Ann, Dec. 17, 1855. H.attie A., 5 y. 3 m. [Boston], d of Alonzo & Emma J., Apr. 13, 1877. A2:nes Caroline, 19 y. 11 m. 11 d. [Boston], d of Alonzo & Emma J., Jan. 5, 1879. Annie J., 20 y. 9 m. [Boston], d. of Alonzo & Emma J., unm., d. in Parsonsfield, Me., Aug. 20, 1882. Alonzo, 67 y. 5 m. 13 d. [Parsonsfield, Me], s. of Jeremiah & Margaret (Libby), m., Dec. 20, 1897. LeBarron. , female, d. in Woburn, Apr. 16, 1862. Leeming. Ellen, 66 y. 6 m. [England], m., Oct. 22, 1870. Lemond. Sarah J., 1 y. 3 m., d. of Phillip & Julia, Jan. 4, 1859. LEXINGTON BE COED OF DEATHS. 447 Lindsey. John, 14 d., s. of Thos. & Catherine, Dec. 8, 1863. Sarah, 42 y. 21 d. [Mich ], d. of Vanamberg, wf. of Nathan, May 21, 1891. Linehan. Catherine, 67 y. [Ireland], d. of Simon & Julia, unm., Feb. 7, 1871. Ellen M., 1 y. 1 m., d. of Cornelius & Margaret, Sept. 11, 1884. Little. James, Jr., 2 m. 20 d., s. of Anna, Aug. 24, 1864. Littlefield. George T., 73 y. 9 m. 7 d. [Randolph], s, of Thos. & Lucinda (Sher- man), m., Nov. 18, 1896. Livermore. Marshall Bennett, 1 d., s. of John M. & Lucy E., Feb. 11, 1877. Aaron H., 66 y. 8 m. 18 d. [Gilsum, N. H.], s. of John & Electa, Jan. 8, 1896. Locke. Elizabeth, 76 y., wid., Apr. 12, 1854. Lavinia, 56 y. 8 m., Oct. 1, 1855. A., 11 m. [Boston], s. of Oliver B. & Martha Ann, Aug. 8, 1859. Louisa M., 28 y. 5 m., d. of Micajah & Rebecca, Jan. 15, 1860. James Adna, 42 y. 10 d., s. of Jas. & Lucy (Nichols), d. in Charles- town, Mar. 24, 1861. Stephen, Jr., 54 y. 1 m. 25 d., s. of Elizabeth (Nichols), m., d. in Waltham, Apr. 24, 1861. Josiah L., 48 y. 11 m., s. of Micajah & Rebecca, m., June 25, 1861. Mary A., 3 m., d. in Boston, Aug. 25, 1861. Phillip A., 53 y. 16 d. [N. II.], s. of Joseph & Sarah, Sept. 16, 1861. Nancy, d. of Thomas (68 y. 2 ra. 25 d., wf. of John Winning?), d. in Woburn, Nov. 14, 1862. Sally (Marrett), 74 y., d. of Amos & Patty (Reed), wid. of Benj. Amos, Sept. 4, 1863. Fanny M., 5 y. 3 m. 2 d., d. of Benj. & Mary (Skelton), d. in Charles- town, Jan. 30, 1864. Almira R., 71 y. 5 m. 27 d. [West Cambridge], d. of Amos & Betsey Russell, Aug. 13, 1865. Loa, 82 y. 6 m., s. of Reuben & Jerusha (Richardson), wid. of Mai'y (Foster), Dec. 4. 1865. Samuel B., 2 m. 17 d., b. and d. in Boston, Jan. 7, 1866. Jonas M., 45 y. 10 m. 10 d. [Boston], s. of Jonas, Mar. 31, 1866. Lucy (Nichols), 79 y. 4 m. 22 d., d. of Adna, wid. of Jas., Oct. 14, 1867. Rebecca (Nevers), 80 y. 1 m. 1 d. [Burlington], d. of Sam'l & Anna W., wid. of Hammond, Nov. 11, 1867. Lucy, 88 y. [Boston], d. of Thos & Lucy Locke, m., Oct. 23, 1869. Charles, 85 y. 9 m., s. of Reuben & Jerusha (Richardson), hus. of Abigail, Feb. 29, 1872. Eunice Bell, 5 y. 8 m. [Exeter, N. H.], d. of W. N. & II. F., June 16, 1872. Jonathan, 55 y. 3 m., s. of Micajah & Almira (Russell), unm., d. in Medford, Feb. 12, 1876. Abigail (Nichols), 88 y. 1 m. 15 d. [Cohasset], d. of Noah & Abigail, wid. of Chas., Jan. 30, 1880. Harriet (Locke), 66 y. 7 m. 6 d., d. of Hammond & Rebecca (Nevers), wf.of Wm., Aug. 28, 1883. 448 LEXINGTON BE COED OF DEATHS. XiOcke — Continued, Nichols, 77 y. 2 ni. 24 d., s. of Stephen & Elizabeth (Nichols), wid., June 13, 1887. Davis, 29 y. 10 m. 28 d. [Arlington], s. of Francis & Susan W., unm., Rlar. 28, 1889. William, 84 y. 11 m. 17 d. [Watertown], s. of Stephen «& Elizabeth (Nichols), wid., Aug. 19, 1890. Carrie A., 32 y. 9 m. [Boston], d. of Reuben A. & Caroline Adams, wid. of Davis, Jan. 21, 1891. Priscilla L. (Wellington), 81 y. 9 m. [Waltham], d. of Abram & (Lawrence), wid. of Stephen, Oct. 20, 1891. George, 83 y , s. of Loa & Mary (Foster), m., Apr. 11, 1894. Florence M., 12 y. 10 m. [Cambridge], d. of Davis & Caroline (Adams), Jul. 22, 1897. Logan. Kate, 23 y. 4 m., d. of Jerry & Mary, unm., Apr. 12, 1882. Ellen (Monahen), 56 y. [Ireland], d. of Wm. & Mary, m., Jul. 30, 1888. Lomax. George, 3 m. 19 d., d. in East Cambridge, May 28, 1864. Lombard. Alvah P., 1 y. 1 m., s. of Albert F. & Mary A., Apr. 11, 1854. Albert F., 43 y. 11 m. 21 d. [Otisfield, Me.], s. of Elisha L. & Delilah, m., June 21, 1874. Mary A. (Watt), 64 y. 8 m. 9 d. [Maiden], d. of Wm. & Susan (Giles), wid. of Albert, Mar. 8, 1894. Roland S., 24 d., s. of Elisha & Alice (Suelling), Aug. 12, 1896. Lord. Sarah, 20 y. [Boston], d. of Joseph, May 15, 1855. Louisa, 6 y. 9 m. [Boston], d. of F. M. & Harriet, Jan. 1, 1856. Henry IL, 6 y. 4 m., s. of Fred'k M. & Harriet, Aug. 4, 1859. Harriet M., Jr., 13 y. 3 m. 17 d. [Bcston], d. of Fred'k M., Fel). 15, 1861. Kate E. (Taylor), 44 y. 10 m. [Bangor, Me.], d. of Thos. A. & Nancy R. (Taylor), wf. of SamU V., Sept. 19, 1895. Lothrop. Stillman Follen, 47 y. 8 m., s. of Stillman L. & Abigail, m., Jan. 27, 1889. Lovewell. Samuel, Jr., 72 y. 6 m. 2 d. [Weston], s. of Abigail B., m., Apr. 20, 1875. Lowe. Willie E., 4 y. 9 m. 22 d., s. of Chas. H. & Addie M. (Goodwin), Apr. 6, 1876. Lyman. Katie, 11 y. 9 m. 16 d., d. of Patrick & Eliza Tobin, Mar. 9, 1881. Lynch. William, 24 y. [Eai'ltown, N. S.] s. of Chas. & Jane (McKay), unm., Aug. 10, 1896. LEXINGTON BE COED OF DEATHS. 449 Lyons. Sarah F., 4 y. 11 m. 10 d. [West Roxbury], d. of Geo. & Sarah B., Nov. 2, 1859. Johanna, 5 m. 8 d., d. of Cornelius & Mary F. (Buckley), Jul. 27, 1896. Macdonald. Sarah E. (Brown), 30 y. 4 m. [St. Stephens, N. B.], d. of Wm. U. & Isabella A. (Donald), \vf. of Ephraim, d. in Everett, Feb. 14, 1894. Macomber. Mary J. (Danforth), 26 y. 1 m. 26 d. [Philadelphia, Pa.], d. of Dan'l B. & Josephine (Johnson), wf. of Harrison \V., June 3, 1896. Madill. Jane (Boyce), 89 y. 2 m. [England], d, of Joseph, wid. of Isaac, Apr. 18, 1896. Mahoney. Margaret, Jr., 14 y. [Ireland], Oct. 25, 1865. Maine. Linwood L., about 30 y., suicide by shooting, May 19, 1896. Manals. Kitty, 6 m., d. of Michael & Susan, Aug. 5, 1803. Mandill. Isaac, 84 y, [Scotland], ni., Dec. 15, 1886. Manley. Cornelius, Jr., } ^ ^^ ^^^ P^^_ jg-g_ Margaret, ^ John, 1 y. 4 m., s. of Dennis & Bridget, Aug. 26, 1859. James, 1 y. 4 m., s. of John & Mary, Aug. 6, 1861. Charles, 30 y. [Ireland], s. of Cornelius & Elizabeth, Jan. 1, 1863. Catherine, 4 y., d. of Chas. & Winneford, Jul. 31, 1863. Charles, 7 m., s. of Cornelius & Ellen (Carney), Oct. 5, 1864. Elizabeth, 5 y., d. of Cornelius & Ellen, Api". 16, 1865. Daniel, 4 y. 3 m., s. of Coi*nelius & Ellen, June 26, 1866. Mary, 43 y. [Ireland], d. of Wm. cSb Hannah, wid.. Mar. 15, 1876. John, 15 y. 5 m. 19 d., s. of Michael & Julia (Collins), Jul. 7, 1885. Dennis, 60 y. [Ireland], s. of Cornelius & Elizabeth, m., Oct. 28, 1886. Manning. Michael, 2 m. 7 d , s. of Timothy & Mary, Oct. 25, 1861. Michael J., 22 y. 10 m. 17 d. [Waltham], s. of Timothy & ISiary, unm., June 2, 1884. Lizzie N., 34 y. [Monhegan Is' and. Me,], d. of John & Melissa Stud- ley, wf. of Stephen B., d. in Massachusetts General Hosi^ital, Jan. 2, 1891. Mansfield. Nora, 2 y. 5 m. 9 d., d. of Patrick & Mary, Mar. 21, 1876. Marden. Sarah H. (Hale), 70 y. 6 m. 26 d. [Temple, N. H ], d. of Suel & Hepzibah, wf. of Wm. L., m., Jul. 20, iS.s.S. William L., 83 y. [N. II.], wid., d. in almshouse, Oct. 30, 1896. 450 LEXINGTON liECORD OF DEATHS, Marrett. Abigail, 59 y. 4 m., d. of Amos & Patty (Reed), unm., Apr. 1, 1864. John, 54 y. 10 m., s. of Amos & Patty (Reed), unm., Aug 9, 1858. Marshall. . Robert V., 56 y. 8 m. 11 d. [Dorchester], s. of Wm. & Harriet V., m., Jan. 18, 1891. Martin. Elizabeth (Simonds), 78 y. [Salem], wf. of Jas. B., Feb. 1(5, 1885. Ida, 7 m. 16 d., d. of Cyrus & Mary Ann (Beverstock), Dee. 2, 1886. Mary A (Beverstock), 31 y. [Charlestovvn], d. of Francis & Laura, wf. of Cyrus, Jan. 2, 1888. Mason. Christopher S., 76 y. 7 m. 23 d. [Meredith, N. II.], s. of Noah & Martha C, m., Jan. 15, 1888. William IL, 72 y. 7 m. [Boston], s. of Aaron & Hannah (Woods), m., Jan. 9, 1894. Irene (Taylor), 83 y. 11 m. 25 d. [Sanbornton, N. II.], d. of Ede & Annie N. (Emery), wid. of Christopher S., Apr. 30, 1895. Matthews. Rose Ellen, 31 y. [Ireland], d. of Laville & Catherine, wf. of Jas., Dec. 2, 1876. MeCaflfrey. Thomas F., 2 y. 9 m., s. of Bernard & Mary, Aug. 30, 1873. Adelia, 11 m., d. of Bernard & Mary, Sept. 3, 1873. McCann. Catherine (Sheehan), 50 y. [Ireland], d. of Wm. & Mary, Sept. 3, 1890. Me C arty. Hannah, 7 y. 6 m. [Ireland], d. of Dennis <& Mary, Aug. 29, 1857. Eliza Ann., 10 m., d. of John & Mary, Jul. 10, 1863. Mary Ann, 4 y. 7 m., d. of John & Mary, Jul. 12, 1863. James T., 22 y. 2 m. 9 d., s. of Dennis & Mary (Mahoney), unm., Jan. 14, 1881. Nellie T., 2 y. 6 m. 2 d., d. of Timothy & Margaret, Apr. 24, 1881. John, 46 y. [Ireland], s. of Patrick & Maria, m., Feb. 10, 1882. Frank J., 20 y. 7 m. 22 d., s. of Timothy & Margaret, Aug. 13, 1888. Frank J., 32 y. 9 m. 26 d., s. of Dennis & Mary, m., Apr. 14, 1889. Mary (Mahoney), 68 y. [Ireland], d. of Jas. & Hannah (Hagerty), m., Oct. 8, 1891. Dennis, 81 y. 6 m. [Ireland], s. of Jeremiah & Ellen (Buckley), wid., Aug. 15, 1892. Me Clary. Lizzie (Desearaus), 32 y. 2 m. 18 d. [Brooklyn, N. Y.], d. of John A. & Mary, wf. of Wm., Sept. 25, 1888. MeClure. George J., 31 y. 5 m. 14 d. [P. E. I.], s. of David & Margaret (Clow), m., Apr. 1, 1897. MeCollou|?h. Hattie L., 30 y. 4 ra. 11 d. [South Boston], d. of Chas. & Agnes, m., Apr. 10, 1889. LEXINGTON' BECOBD OF DEATHS. 451 McCormack. Maria (Co.sgmve), 40 y. [Ireland], d. of John & Mary, ni., May 7, 1874. McCormick. Mary (Wade), 50 y. [Ereland], d. of VVm. & Mary, wid., May 7, 1882. McCreeeh. Eliza, 88 y. [Ireland], d. of Mary (Brown) Makin, wid.. June 6, 1891. Annie, 64 y. [Ireland], d. of Dan'l & Mary (Brown), unm., d. in Carney Hospital, Jan. 18, 1895. McCue. Mary Jane, 6 m. [Boston], d. of Jas, & Ann, Aug. 10, 1872. McCusker. Mary, 40 y., d. of Jas. & Ann, unm., Aug. 15, 1875. McDavitte. Catherine E., 3 d., d. of Owen & Mary A. (Kenny), Dec. 24, 1894. McDonald. Timothy, 11 ni., s. of Owen & Margaret, Jul. 16, 187,3. Timothy, 4 d., s. of Terrence & Eliza D., Dec. 1, 1879. Michael, 8 d., s. of Terrence & Eliza D., Dec. 5, 1879. Ellen (O'Leary), 52 y. [Ireland], d. of Cornelius & Mary (Murphy), m.. Mar. 14, 1885. Timothy, 62 v. 10 m. [Ireland], s. of Terrence & Nora (Casey), wid.. May 7, 1894. Patrick, 38 y. 3 m. [Ireland], s. of Timothy & Ellen (O'Leary), unm., June 16, 1895. McDonnell. iMary, 7 ra., d. of Timothy & Ellen, Sept. 5, 1871. INIargaret, 3 y. 7 m., d. of Owen & Margaret, Oct. 9, 1871. John, 9 m. 2 d., s. of Michael & Margaret (Forseyth), Aug. 3, 1890. Owen, 58 y. 10 m. [Ireland], s. of Michael & Mary, m.,May 25, 1892. Eugene F., 23 y. 9 m., s. of Owen & Margaret (Donovan), unm., Jul. 2^5, 1897. McDougall. Allen, 21 y. [N. S.], s. of Dan'l & Jennie, unm., Jul. 1, 1872. McElwee. Margaret, 26 y. 5 m. [Ireland], d. of John & Mary, Dec. 20, 1862. McEnroe. Maggie, 16 y. [Boston], d. of John & Margaret, Mar. 12, 1874. McGann. INlichael, 58 y. [Ireland], s. of Thos, & Margaret (Moore), ra., June 27, 1894. Mary (Donlan). 51 y. 3 m. 12 d. [Ireland], d. of Thos. & Mary A. (Lennen), wid. of Michael, Apr. 10, 1896. McGee. Catherine, 79 y. 9 m. 2 d. [Ireland], d. of Jas. & Margaret, wid., Sept. 27, 1873. 452 LEXINGTON MEGOBD OF DEATHS. McGrath. Patrick, 45 y. 7 m. 12 d. [Ireland], s. of Luke & Margaret, Oct. 30, 1864. Mary, 22 y. 7 m., d. of Patrick & Bridget, num., June 19, 1872. Margaret, 51 y. [Ireland], m., Feb. 4, 1875. Bridget, 23 y. 1 1 m. 15 d., d. of Patrick & Bridget, unm., Feb. 1, 1878. Catlierine, 23 y. 4 m., d. of Patrick & Bridget Mullen, unm , June 9, 1880. McGuinnes. Thomas, 1 d., s. of Thos. & Annie F. Dinan, Feb. 13, 1884. McGuire. Hugh, 68 y. [Ireland], s. of Frank & Celia, m.. Mar. 17, 1879. Margaret E., 27 y. 5 m. [Ireland], d. of Hugh & Mary, unm., Jul. 23, 1884. Mclntyre. Elizie II., 21 y. 2 m. [Melrose], d. of John & Caroline, unm., Dec. 26, 1869. Campbell, 42 y. 8 m. 12 d. [Toronto, Canada], s. of Peter & Robena, unm.. Aug. 18, 1874. Augusta D. (Simonds), 27 y. 10 m. 14 d., d. of Joseph F. & Susan R. (Mulliken), wf. of Donald, June 18, 1880. Walter, 33 y. 3 m. [Boston], s. of Peter & Mary, unm., May 11, 1881. McKearney. Ruth L., 2 m. 19 d., d. of John & Jennie (Mcintosh), Sept. 29, 1894. McKenzie. Wallace F., 17 d., s. of Angus & Annie (McDougal), Dec, 9, 1890. John F., 25 y. [P. E. I.], s. of Kenniif e% Margaret (McFee), unm., d in General Hospital, Feb 5, 1894. Anna Lucy, 24 d., d. of John F. & Maggie (McDougal), Apr. 25, 1894. McKinnon. Roderick, 36 y. [Canada], s. of Laughlin & Catherine, m., Aug. 11, 1887. MeLachlan. Mary J. (Cole), 36 y. [N. S.], d. of Robert & Elizabeth, wf. of Dun- can, Jan. 4, 1886. Duncan, 49 y. 1 m. 18 d. [Scotland], s, of Dan'l & Margery (Gow), wid,. Mar". 8, 1896. McLane. William, 54 y. [Ireland], wid., Aug. 17, 1873. McMahan. Mary C, 45 y., wf. of Cornelius, Jul. 14, 1859. Cornelius, 93 v. 10 m. [Ireland], wid., June 3, 1883. Edward J., 23^- 2 m. 21 d., s. of Michael & Ruth E , m., Sept. 21, 1888. Ruth E., 61 y. 11 m. 20 d. [N. S.], d. of John & Susan Rhinos Miller, wid. of Michael, d. in Danvers, Jan. 27, 1891. McManus. Catherine, 19 y. [Ireland], d. of Jas. & Belle, Nov. 9, 1870. LEXINGTON EEGOBD OF DEATHS. 453 McNainara. Catherine (Cosgrove),56 y. 3 m. 21 d. [Ireland], d. of John & Mary, wf. of Dennis, Mar. 18, 1885. Edward L., 29 y. 10 m. 7 d., s. of Dennis & Catherine, unm., Aug. 25, 1888. Mead. David, 1 y. 7 m., s. of Jas, & Mary (Manley), Aug. 2, 1863. Catherine, 2 y. 3 m., d. of Jas. & Mary, Aug. 11, 1865. John, 1 y. 8 m., s. of Jas. & Mary (Manley), Sept. 5, 1868. Mary A. (Sisk), 32 y. [Ireland], d. of Wm. & Mary, m., Dec. 22, 1886. Mears. G, Granville, 46 y. 6 m. 15 d. [Boston], s. of Granville & Susan V., Feb. 15, 1879. Melvin. Emma, 3 ui. 6 d., d. of Edward E. & Mary E. (Penney), Oct. 13, 1863. Meredith. Irving, 29 y. 2 lu. 10 d. [Boston], s. of Robert R. & Caroline (Thomp- son"), m., May 8, 1894. Merriam. Jolni P., 68 y., s. of Rufus & Martha (Simonds), June 25, 1859. Mary A., 18 y. 9 m. 11 d. [Bedford], d. of Elbridge & Elliot, Jan. 20, 1863. Martha, 76 y., d. of Rufus & Martha (Simonds), unm., June 8, 1863. Eliza, 75 y., d. of Rufus & Martha (Simonds), unm., Feb. 17, 1868. Eldridge, 66 y. 7 m. [Bedford], s. of John & Mary, m., Sept. 25, 1868. Rufus, 79 y. 3 m. 20 d., s. of Rufus & Martha (Simonds), unm., Dec. 31, 1868. Emily, 68 y. 7 m. 8 d., d. of Rufus & Martha S., unm., Mar. 24, 1869. Matthew, 75 y. 5 m. 12 d. [Brunswick, Me.], s of Nath'l & Mehitable, wid., Nov. 9, 1872. Anna, 81 y. 5 m. [Concoi'd], d. of Josiah & Marv, unm., Aug. 24, 1873. Frank N., 23 y. [Charlestown], s. of Matthew H. & Jane, Dec. 8, 1886. Marv, 92 v. 6 m. 6 d., d. of Rufus & Martha (Simonds), unm., d. in B6ston,''Mar. 6, 1890. Jane (Wilde), 67 y. 28 d. [West Fairlee, Vt.], d. of Jerusha, wf. of Matthew H., Dec. 31, 1895. Merrifield. Florence N. (Sweet), 31 y. 11 m. [Canada], d. of Ezekiel & Wealthy (Green), ra.. Mar. 31, 1893. Millett. Abraham, 67 y. [Salem], s. of Abraham & Mehitable, June 4, 1868. Sarah (Morrell), 77 y. 11 m., d. of Ambrose & Sarah (Holbrook), wid. of Abraham, Nov. 25, 1884. Mills. Han-iet (Nelson), 72 y. 8 m. [N. S.], d. of Wm. & Sarah, wid., Apr. 14, 1876. Bertie, 1 d., s. of Edwin & Caroline W. (Frescott), Jan. 23, 1877. Oliver P., 69 y. 10 m. [Boston], s. of Oliver & Emily, m., Jul. 9, 1889. David S., 74 y. 6 m. 8 d. [VVesttield, N. J], s. of Elias & Eliza (Miller), wid., Feb. 25, 1892. 454 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF DEATHS. Minot. Maria W., 9 y. 7 m. [Boston], d. of wid. Sarah E., Feb. 2, 1855. Mitchell. Mmy M., 7 y. 7 m. 12 d., d. of Patrick & Sarah, Sept. 16, 1856. Sarah A. (Snow), 62 y. 9 m. [Che.ster, Vt.], d. of Dan'l & Rebecca, m., Aug. 20, 1X87. James A., 41 y. 7 m., s. of Patrick & Sarah E., m., Apr. 3, 1889. Patrick, 72 y. 6 m. [Ireland], s. of Danl, wid., Jan. 20, 1892. Moakley. James, 48 y. [Ireland], s. of Patrick & Julia Keaheler, m., Jul. 10, 1880. Elizabeth A., 17 y. 3 m. 20 d., d. of Jas. & Mary, Feb. 16, 1888. Monahan. William, 9 m. 18 d. [Boston], s. of Jas. & Rose, June 2, 1887. Montague. Michael, 6 m. 14 d., s. of Jas. & Nellie, Aug. 20, 1887. Mooney. Daniel, Jr., 1 d., s. of Maria, May 21, 1873. John, 60 y. 4 ni. [Ireland], s. of "Stephen & Eliza, ra., Oct. 29, 1875. Mary, 6 y. 8 m. 16 d., d. of Jas. & Mary, Apr. 2, 1885. Peter, 52 y. [Ireland], s. of Patrick & Margaret (Grulish), m., Sept. 13, 1892. Moore. Sally, 88 y., d. of Benj , unm., Apr. 14, 1863. Moran. James, 39 y. [Burlington, Vt.], s. of Frank & Catherine (Prindle), m., Dec. 30, 1893. Morrell. Ambrose, 85 y. 23 d. [France], Apr. 27, 1862. Sally (Holbrook), 88 y. 8 m. 28 d., d. of Thos. & Sarah D., wid., Apr. 30, 1874. Morrisey. Morris, 70 y. [Ireland], unm., Jan. 9, 1893. Moulton. George Albert, 2 m., s. of Marshall & Ellen, Aug. 17, 1877. Abbie J. (Munroe), 62 y. 1 m. 20 d. [Concord], d. of Jonas C. & Abigail C. (Hapgood) Munroe, wf. of Saml, Nov. 27, 1891. Mtidget. Nathaniel, 22 y. [N. H.], s, of David, Apr. 13, 1860. Mullen. Thomas, 32 y. [Ireland], s. of Michael & Nancy, m., Jan. 29, 1871. Daniel, 7 m., s. of Tlios. & Marv, Mar. 20, 1871. Daniel, 45 v- [Ireland], s. of Dan'l & Mary, m., Aug. 14, 1878. Ann, 80 y. [Ireland], wid., Jan. 13, 1880. Mullett. Mary E., 9 y. [Concord], d. of Jas. & Ellen P., Mar. 7, 1858. LEXINGTON RECORD OF DEATHS. 455 Mulliken. George Francis, 2 y. 11 m. 18 d., s. of Geo. & Charlotte (Mvinroe), Sept. 24, 1854. Charlotte, 7 y. 2 m., d. of Geo. & Charlotte (Munroe), Jul. 1, 1855. John, Jr., 72 y. 3 m., s. of Lydia (Whiting), m., Aug. 5, 1855. Isaac, 69 y. 9 lu. 16 d., s. of John & Lydia (Whiting), hus. of JMary (Nelson), Mar. 17, 1859. Joseph, 29 y., s. of Isaac & Mary Nelson, d. in Somerville, Apr. 28, 1860. Albert W., 3 m. 17 d., s. of Geo. & Charlotte (Munroe), b. and d. in Somerville, Sept. 6, 1861. Charlotte (Munroe)', 34 y. 8 m., d. of John & Charlotte, wf. of Geo., d. in Somerville, Dec. 8, 1861. Alice W., 3 y. 3 m., d. of E. A. & Avis U. (Wellington), Jan. 23, 1863. Mary (Nelson), 71 y. 6 ra. 4 d. [Lincoln], d. of Josiah & Milliscent (Bond), wid. of Isaac, d. in Royalston, Aug. 3, 1863. Nathaniel, 84 y. 3 m., s. of John & Lydia (Whiting), m., June 28, 1865. Harriet M., 9 y. 14 d., d. of Geo. & Charlotte (Munroe), b. and d. in Somerville, Feb. 20, 1867. Geraldine N. (Bisbee), 25 y. 9 m., d. of Otis & Nancy, Jul. 4, 1867. Joseph E., 7 m. 9 d., b. and d. in Stoughton, Aug. 17, 1867. Lydia (Sanderson), 80 y. 8 m. 5 d. [Salem], d. of Elijah & Mary, wid. of Nathn, May 10, 1870. Henry, 52 y. 7 m. 6 d., s. of Isaac & Mary (Nelson), m.. Mar. 22, 1874. William H., 35 y. 4 m. 20 d., s. of Henry & Adeline M. (Locke), unm., Nov. 19, 1889. Munroe. Robert, 1 y. 5 m., s. of Ebenezer & Margaret, Jan. 28, 1856. Oliver, 31 y. 6 m. 24 d., s. of John & Charlotte (Bacon), May 4, 1857. (ieorge W., 2 y. 1 m., s. of Geo. & Susan P. (Winning), Sept. 2, 1857. Margaret M. (Wilson), 28 y. 4 m., wf. of Ebenezer, Feb. 4, 1860. Jonas, 82 y. 21 d., s. of W^m. & Ann (Smith), drowned in Somerville, Jul. 2, 1860. Abigail C. (Smith), 68 y. 9 m. 6 d,d. of Joseph & Abigail (Ingoldsby), wid. of Jonas, Apr. 4, 1861. Lucinda, 87 y. 1 m. 21 d., d. of Wm. & Anna (Smith), unm., June 2, 1863. Charlotte, 46 y. 3 m. 12 d. [Boston], d. of Edmund, d. in Cambridge, Nov. 7, 1863. John, 79 y. 10 m., s. of Ebenezer & Martha (Smith), hus. of Char- lotte (Bacon), Feb. 17, 1865. Edmund, 84 y. 5 m. 20 d., s. of Wm., Jr., & Anna (Smith), d. in Cambridge, Apr. 17, 1865. Rhoda (Johnson), 72 y. 2 m. 24 d. [Woburn], d. of Fred'k & Rhoda (Reed), wf. of Jonathan, Jul. 19, 1865. Jonathan, 84 y. 8 m., s. of Nathan & Elizabeth (Harrington), wid. of Rhoda (Johnson), Dec. 4, 1867. Ebenezer, 50 y. 1 m. 2 d., s. of John & Charlotte M. (Bacon), wid. of Margaret M. (Wilson), Jan. 5, 1868. Charlotte (Bacon), 76 y. 5 m. [Billerica], d. of Jonas & Betty, wid. of John, Feb. 13, 1872. Georgia A., 24 y. 10 m., d. of Geo. & Eliza (Wood), unm., Nov. 10, 1874. Marion H., 11 y. 4 m. 12 d. [Brighton] , d. of Theodore & Emeline A., Mar. 12, 1881. Emeline A. (Jones), 52 y. 1 m. [Ludlow, Vt.], d. of Jonathan & Sally, m., Apr. 9, 1886. 456 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF DEATHS. Munroe — Continued. George, 65 y. 3 m. 29 d., s. of Thadtleiis & Rebecca (Locke), m., June 22, 1887. William 11 , 34 y. 5 m. 11 d., s. of Jas. S. & Alice B. (Phinney), m., Sept. 6, 1889. Henry A., 70 y. 1 m. 16 ,awrence, 40 y. [Ii'eland], s. of Wm. & Honoi'a, unin., Jan. 17, 1875. Maurice, 71 y. 11 m. 7 d. [Ireland], s. of Dan'l, Jul 7, 1882. Honora (Denchy), 74 y. 11 m, 22 d. [Ireland], d. of Patrick & Ellen C, wid. of Maurice, Aug. 22, ]883. Margaret J., 15 d., d. of David & Margaret, Sept 18, 1891. Mary Jane, 7 y. 7 m., d. of David & Margaret (Flynn), Dec. 5, 1892. , 1 d., s. of David & Margaret (Flynn), Mar. 10, 1893. Jennie, 6 m., d. of David & Margaret (Flynn), Aug. 6, 1893. Charles J., 2 m., s. of David F. & Margaret (Flynn), Aug. 29, 1896. O'Conners. Julia Ann, 11 m., d. of Michael & Julia, June 28, 1877. , s. of Timothy H. & Annie M. (Burke), b. and d. Mar. 10, 1888. Andrew, 11 ni. 15 d., s. of Timothy & Annie (Burke), Aug. 28, 1890. Mary, 9 m. 11 d., d. of Timothy & Annie (Burke), Aug. 21, 1891. Joanna, 4 d., d. of Timothy & Annie (Burke), Sept. 23, 1894. O'Hara. John, 46 y. [Ireland], s. of Patrick & Mary, unm,, Sept. 7, 1892. O'Hern. James, 2 m. [Boston], s. of Edward J. & Mary (Sweeney), June 29, 1896. O'Herron. Ellen, 35 y. [Ireland], d. of Thos. & Eliza, m., Jan. 28, 1880. O'Keefe. William, 61 y. [Ireland], s. of Wm. & Johanna, m., Jan. 8, 1889. O'Leary. Bridget, 1 y. 8 m. 14 d. [Woburn], d, of Dan^ & Julia, May 4, 1881. Dennis F., 4 y. 6 m., s. of Dan'l & Julia, May 22, 1881. . Catherine, 2 m. 7 d., d. of Dan'l & Julia, Aug. 12, 1882. Joseph, 3 y. 5 d., s. of Dan'l & Julia, Jan. 6, 1884. Oliver. Frances, 5 y. 10 m. [Biu'lington], d. of Geo. P. & Emily F., Dec. 24, 1864. Catherine (Ready), 32 y., d. of John & Mary (Buckley), wf. of John May 25, 1897. O'Neil. John, 40 y. [Ireland], s. of Cornelius & Julia, m.. May 11, 1867. Hannah (Crowley), 48 y. [Ireland], d. of Jeremiah & Joanna, Mar. 23, 1873. Caliicrine, 1 y. 6 ni. 7 d., d. of John & Mary A. (OTIara), Aug. 5, 1892. , 1 d., s. of John & Mary (O'llara), May 15, 1897 Oneto. Luiggi, 1 d., s. of Victor & Kose, Aug. 6, 1889. LEXINGTON RE COED OF DEATHS. 459 O'Reiley. Maiy, 3 m., d. of \Vm. J. & Margaret A. (Fitzpatrick), Aug. 20, 1896. Otis. Lucy S., 12 y. [Brooklyn], d. of Isaac & Eliza, Apr. 2, 1867. Packard. Thomas II., 69 y. 9 m. [Westford, Vt.], s. of Nath'l & Alice H., m., Apr. 3, 1878. Alma L., 23 y. 7 m. 28 d. [Georgia, Vt.], d. of Thos. H. & Fanuie S., uum , Sept. 17, 1880. Elleu M., 40 y. 10 m. 16 d. [Westford, Vt.], d. of Thos. H. & Fanny S., unm., Feb. 4, 1881. Fanny S. (Learned), 62 y. 2 m. 8 d. [Fairfax, Vt.], d. of Asa, wid., Feb. 5, 1881. Page, Eliza, 75 y. [Rindge, N. II.], d. of Jonathan & Lydia, unm., May 6, 1867. Lydia, 86 y. [Dunston, Vt.], d. of Jonathan & Lydia, Jan. 16, 1869. Larkin P., 68 v. 11 m. 22 d. [Bedford], s. of Timothy & Isanna, m., Sept. 12, 1871. Lizzie, 6 m., parents not recorded, Aug. 10, 1872. Rebecca II., 84 y. 5 m. 4 d. [Concord], d. of Sam'l & Rebecca (Flint) Hunt, wid. of Larkin, Apr. 22, 1891. Park. Annie Maria, 11 m. [England], d. of Sam'l & Susanna, Jan. 27, 1872. Parker. John Henry, 18 y. 11 m. 24 d., s. of Jonathan S. & Abigail (Tuttle), Sept. 12, 1855 George E., 14 y. 9 m. 4 d., s. of Isaac & Martha M. (Miller), Oct. 6, 1857. Emma R., 19 y. 4 m., d. of Isaac & Martha M. (Miller), Aug. 6, 1858. Jonathan S , 47 y., s. of Robert & Elizabeth, hus. of Abigail (Tuttle), Jul. 5, 1859. Abigail (Tuttle), 45 y. 8 m., d. of David, wid. of Jonathan S., Apr. 4, 1860. Samuel, 23 y., suicided, June 13, 1867. Ellen E , 7 y. 10 m. [Charlestown], d. of Wm. B. & Priscilla, d. in Maiden, Dec. 19, 1867. Isaac, 73 y. 7 m. 15 d., s. of John & Hannah (Stearns), hus. of Martha M. (Miller), June 20, 1872. Isaac M., 44 y. 1 m., s. of Isaac & Martha M. (Miller), m., Dec. 12, 1873. James Emery, 29 y. 8 m. 26 d., s. of Jas. & Adeline (Reed), unm.. May 26, 1875. Frances Maria, 42 y. 11 m., d. of Isaac & Martha M. (Miller), unm., Dec. 22, 1875. Adeline (Reed), 72 y. 4 m., d. of Isaac & Elizabeth, wf. of Jas., May 12, 1884. James, 87 y. 2 m. [Mason, N. H.], s. of Sam'l, wid.. Mar. 22, 1890. Theodore J., 51 y. 2 m., s. of Isaac & Martha M. (Miller), unm., June 20, 1892. Martha M. (Miller), 95 y. 8 m. 17 d. [Hillsboro, N. H.], d. of Jas. & Ann (McCauley), wid. of Isaac, Mar. 15, 1897. 460 LEXINGTON REGOBD OF DEATHS. Patch. Alice Davis, 10 m., d. of Jas. E. & Nellie A. (Davis), Aug. 21, 1871. Ann (Brown), 62 v. 29 d. [Easthara], d. of John & Hannah, m., Aug. 2, 1881. Franklin, 68 y. 1 m. 26 d. [llawley], s. of Oliver & Tolly (Shattuck), d. in Boston, Aug, 29, 188.3. Stella M. (Huston-Stinchfield), 38 y. 7 m. 22 d. [Boston], d. of Arthur Huston & Mary D. (Currier), wf. of Oscar L., legally adopted by Levi B. Stinclrfield, Nov. 29, 1886. Florence S., 6 y. 1 ni. 14 d., d. of Oscar L. & Stella M, (Stinchfield), Sept. 21, 1891. Patterson. Sarah (Armstrong), 55 y. 3 m. [Ireland], d. of Christopher, m,, Dec. 22, 1873, Paul. Mary D. (Bicknell), 40 y. 6 m. [Madison, Me.], d. of John & Eliza, wf. of G. F. H., Jan. 27, 1888. Peake. Hannah, 82 y. 6 m., d. of John & Hepsibeth, unm., June 27, 1873. Peaslee. Carrie H., 1 d., d. of Lucius H. & Louisa (Wellington), Feb. 1, 1867. Lucius H., 29 y. 10 m. [Me.], s. of Henry & Sarah, m., Nov. 7, 1867. Peckham. A. Jean (Cowles), 54 y. 9 m. [Belchertown], d. of Elbridge & Mary B., m , Dec. 19, 1886. Penney. Hannah, 64 y. 9 m., d. of David & Sarah (Smith), Feb. 21, 1860. William Sherman, 5 y. 4 d., s. of Sam'l & Nancy, b. and d. in Cam- bridge, Apr. 24, 1864. Lydia M., 88 y. 3 m., wid., Mar. 22, 1877. Penniman. Elmer, 5 m., s. of Arthur & Laura (Lyman), Aug. 8, 1895. Arthur W., 27 y. 3 m., s. of Thos. ,h & Cathei'ine (Daley), m., b, and d. in Cambridge, Jan. 9, 1897. Perkins. Alvin T , 57 y. 3 m. 5 d. [Gardner, Me.], s. of Jonathan & Susan, June 23, 1862. Pero. Almira (Schules), 28 y. [N. S.], d. of David & Margaret, wf. of Michael A., Jul. 11, 1890. Agnes E., 3 m., d. of Norman & Kate (Flynn), Jul. 25, 1896. Perry. Ambrose C, 33 y. 11 m. [Rockland], s. of Ezekiel & Eliza, m., Nov. 6, 1875. Nora, 65 y., d. of Harvey & Sarah (Benson), unm.,b. and d. in Dudley, May 13, 1896. Peters. Harry E., 1 y. 1 m. 19 d., s. of John, Jr., & Adeline A. (Winship), June 4, 188L Anna (Mayers), 78 y. [Germany], m., Mar. 4, 1882. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF DEATHS. 461 Peters — Continued. John, 79 y. 3 m. [Prussia], wid., Feb. 7, 1886. John D., 16 y. 3 m., s. of John [of Prussia] & Adeline, May 28, 1888. Leon A., 2 y. 1 m. 20 d., s. of John & Adeline (Winship), Oct. 15, 1889. Cora F., 20 y. l-l d., d. of John & Adeline (Winship), unm., June 25, 1890. May A. (Parent), 33 y. 1 m. [Queensbury, N. S.], d. of David C. & Jane, wf. of Peter, Dec. 28, 1893. Phelps. Samuel, 81 y. 19 d. [Tewksbury], s. of Joseph & Ruth, m., Mar. 31, 1863. Lusanna T., Jr., 35 y. 5 m. 12 d., d of Wm. D., unm., Apr. 30, 1872. Margaret A. (Cheesboro) , 80 y . 5 m. [Lansingburg, N. Y.] , d. of Nehe- miah & Polly, wf. of Geo. R., Nov. 17, 1892. Philbrick. , 1 d., d. of Oren D. & Roanah (Hay ward), Oct. 17, 1897. Phinney. Annie (Edwards), 42 y. 9 d. [Boston], d. of Walter & Louisa (Heil- yensmith), wf. of Wm., Jan. 18, 1897. Phipps. Hannah C. (Sisson), 52 y. 11 m. [Charlestown] , d. of Robert & Mary C, Apr. 9, 1863. Pierce, Loring, 81 y. [Waltham], s. of Ephraim & Lydia (White), m., Oct. 11, 1856. Reuben, Jr., 73 y. 1 m., s. of Susanna (Smith), unm., Jan 15, 1860. Ebenezer, 70 y., s. of Reuben & Susanna (Smith), Feb. 7, 1862. Nab by (Brown), 74 y. 6 d., d. of Jas. & Betty (Reed), wf. of Eben- ezer, Jul. 2, 1869. Abigail (Wellington), 63 y. 5 m. 4 d. [Waltham], d. of Wm. & Avis (Fiske), wf. of Nath'i, Jul. 15, 1869. Nellie L., 1 y. 2 m. 7 d., d. of Leonard T. & Annie M. (Stone), Sept. 28, 1873. George Henry, 2 m. 15 d., s. of Leonard T. & Annie M. (Stone), Aug. 26, 1875. F. Wendell, 16 y. 2 m. 12 d., s of Loring S. & Frances A. (Harring- ton), Jan. 11, 1877. Sybil (Wellington), 90 y. 8 m. [Waltham], d. of Wm. & Mary, wid. of Loring, May 23, 1878. Pelatiah P., 72 y. 3 m., s. of Reuben & Susanna (Smith), m., June 12, 1878. Nathaniel, 89 v. 9 m. 6 d., s. of Reuben & Susanna (Smith), wid., June 28, 1879. Pauline (Burbank), 72 y. 3 ni., d. of Sullivan & Betsey, wid. of Pelatiah, Apr. 10, 1882. Loring S., 70 y. 8 m. 7 d., s. of Loiing & Svbil (Wellington), Nov. 8, 1887. Eliza S. (Mulliken), 68 y., d. of Nath'i & Lydia (Sanderson), wid. of Edwin, Mar. 7, 1888. Harrison, 81 y. 2 m., s of Eben & Nabby (Brown), ni., Feb. 25, 1894. Hiram, 70 y. 7 m. 20 d., s. of Ebenezer &. Nabby (Brown), unm., Dec. 20, 1896. Etta A. (Smith), 33 y 3 m. 22 d., d. of Albert B. & Sarah A. (Bry- ant), wf. of Alfred, Dec. 26, 1896. 462 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF DEATHS. Piper. Elizabeth S., 69 j. 5 m. 22 d., d. of Jonathan & Polly, wid., Mar. 2, 1877. Plumer. Frederick L., 8 ni. 7 d., s. of \Vm. & P^mily J, (Lord), Jane 24, 1858. Edith Mansfield, 29 y. 24 d., d. of Wm. & Emily J., unm., Dec. 21, 1882. William, Jr., 40 y 2 m. 17 d., s. of Wm. & Emily J. (Lord), m., Nov. 22,1891. William, 73 y. 5 d. [NTewmarket, N. H.], s. of Wm. & Margaret (Mead), m., Dec. 4, 1896. Pond. Almira (Win slow), 76 y. 2 m. [Amherst], d. of Ezra & Patty, m., Feb. 6, 1882. Pook. Charles L., Jr., 67 y. 11 m. 24 d. [Boston], s. of Sallie C, m., Sept. 10, 1870. Poore. Mary, 81 y. 17 d. [Andover], wf. of Joseph, May 20, 1859. Porter. Edward J., 78 y. 6 m. [Marshfield], s. of Wm. & Margaret, m., Sept. 4, 1871. William E., 23 y. 9 m. 4 d., unm., killed in railroad accident, Oct. 4, 1877. Elizabeth J. (Stuart), 31 y. [Ireland], d. of John & Margai'et, m., Jul. 14, 1889. Potter. Benjamin F., 5 d., s. of Chas. L. & Helen E., Dec. 10, 1863. Power. Patrick, 59 y. [Ireland], s, of Lawrence, m., Dec. 3, 1882. Powers. James T., 63 y. 4 m. [Brooklyn, N. Y.], wid., Dec. 17, 1888, Peter, 70 y. [Ireland], s. of Lawrence & Ellen (Fitzgerald), unm., Jul. 12, 1892. Margaret (Woods), 72 y. [Ireland], d. of Jas. & Mary (McCabe), wf. of Patrick, Nov. 17, 1896. Pratt. Mary A., 14 y. [Bellows Falls], d. of Wm. & Cyrena, Aug. 14, 1870. Lillie E., 8 m., d. of Geo. E. & Ellen A., Aug. 4, 1871. Ellen A. (Herron), 35 y. 1 m. [N. S.], d. of Emerson & Lydia, wf. of Geo. E., Sept. 20, 1873. Preeper. William A , 5 m. 2 d., s. of Wm. J. & Mary (Sweeney), Dec. 25, 1891. Preston. Maria (Parker), 70 y. 6 m. [Billerica], d. of John & Susan, m., Mar. 12, 1868. Marshall, 82 y. 4 m. 28 d. [Bedford], s. of Amariah & Hannah (Reed), wid., Nov. 2, 1874. LEXINGTON BE COBB OF DEATHS. 463 Prior. William, 69 y. 1 m. 6 d. [South Diixbury], s. of Wra. & Amanthis (Peterson), m., Aug. 9, 1896. Pritchard. Anna, 92 y. 3 m. 16 d [Billerica], wid., Nov. 29, 1854. Puflfer. Reuben W., .3 d., s. of Sylvester & Caroline, May 2, 1854. Catherine (Dean), 46 y. 11 m. [Burlington], d. of Catherine, May 18, 1866. Sylvester, 72 y. 17 d. [Sudbury], s. of Sylvester & Hannah, wid., June 5, 1882. C. Ernest, 1 y. 4 m. 19 d. [Medford], s. of Alvin D., Jr., & Josephine M. (Dresser), Aug. 17, 1893. Purcell. Alice May, 5 m., d. of Thos. & Annie, Sept. 14, 1890. Ramsey. James L., 29 y. 4 d. [Charlestown], s. of Abigail, June 7, 1859. Artamina (Staples), 74 y. 3 m. [Troy, N. Y.], d. of Jas. & Catherine (Carman), wid. of John, Dec. 31, 1893. Rankin. F. W. A., 80 y. [Germany], m., Aug. 16, 1887. Sarah J., 80 y. 6 m. [Leiiox (?), Me.], wid., Feb. 8, 1889. Rasmussen, Philip, 1 y. 30 d., s. of Christen & Maran, Oct. 8, 1877. Nora, 1 y. 1 m. 8 d., d. of Christen & Mary, Feb. 27, 1879. Ray. Margaret (Robertson), 59 y. 2 m. [Scotland], d. of Jas. & Margaret M., wf. of David, Aug. 4, 1888. Raymond. Helen E., 4 y. 2 m. 27 d., d. of Freeborn F. & Sarah E. (Richardson), Aug. 22, 1863. Antoinette Rebecca (Calder), 26 y. 4 m. 17 d. [Boston], d. of John Wentworth & Rebecca Littlefield, m., Feb. 1, 1884. Rayner. S. Augusta, 16 y. 8 m 23 d., d. of John J., Nov. 10, 1870. John J., 66 y. 9 m. [Boston], s. of John & Elizabeth, Oct. 11, 1883. Read. Edwin, 30 y. 27 d. [Brooklyn, N. Y.], s. of Edwin O. & Frances H. (Simon ton), m., Nov. 26, 1895. ' Ready. Ellen, 4 m. 4 d., d. of John & Mary, Jul. 10, I860. Mary, 1 y. 5 m. 11 d., d. of John J. & Catherine (McCaflfrey), Jul. 31, 1893. Warren E., 1 y. 2 m., s of John J. & Catherine (McCaflferty), Dec. 6,1896. 464 LEXINGTON BECOED OF DEATHS. Reardon. Timothy, 3 y. 4 m., s. of Patrick & Margaret (Hagerty), May 1, 1869. Joseph, 6 y. 3 m. 11 d., s. of Patrick & Margaret, May 7, 1869. Bartholomew, Jr., 2 d., s. of Julia, Apr. 20, 1871. Ellen, 1 y. 7 m. 4 d., d. of Patrick & Margaret, Oct. 1, 1871. John, 4 ni., s. of Bartholomew & Julia, Aug. 8, 1872. Thomas, 1 d., s. of Bartholomew & Julia, Apr. 12, 1875. Jerry, Jr., 6 m 15 d., s. of Mary (Donahoe), Mar. 25, 1877. Mary (Donahue), 40 y. [Ireland], d. of Dennis & Mary, m., Aug. 7, 1878. Daniel, 28 d., s. of Jerry & Mary, d. in Arlington, Aug. 20, 1878. Joseph, ;{4 y. 6 m. [Ireland], s. of Joseph & Julia, unm., Oct. 16, 1878. Julia, 1 d., d. of Bartholomew & Julia C, June 30, 1879. Mary Agnes, 4 m. 1 d., d. of Bartholomew & Julia, Jan. 25, 1881. Joseph J., 16 y. 3 m., s. of Jeremiah & Mary (Donahoe), Jan. 22, 1882. Julia, 5 m. 14 d., d. of Bartholomew & Julia, Apr. 26, 1882. Julia, 20 y. 4 m. 14 d., d. of Patrick & Margaret (Hagerty), unm., Aug. 2, 1884. John J., 20 y. 4 m. 17 d., s. of Patrick & Margaret (Hagerty), unm., May 4, 1888. Ellen v., 18 y. 2 m. 17 d., d. of Patrick & Margaret (Hagerty), June 30, 1895. Reardy. Julia, 8 m., d. of -John & Mary, Aug. 3, 1863. Mary (Buckley), 31 y. [Ireland], d. of John & Mary, wf. of John, Oct. 12, 1865. Redden. Eliza, 24 y. 5 m. [N. S.], Oct. 30, 1870. Redman. Mary (James), 85 y. 1 m. 18 d. [Scituate] , d. of John & (Clapp) , wid. of St. Croix, Apr. 18, 1895. Reed. Nathan Horatio, 48 y. 5 m., s. of Nathan & Mary (Muzzey), m., Mar. 11, 1854. Hiram, 44 y., s. of Nathan & Mary (Muzzey), unm., Mar. 30, 1854. Sarah (Chandler), 90 y. 2 m. 1 d., wid. of Hammon, Apr. 29, 1854. Hannah, 65 y , d. of Nathan & Mary (Page), unm., Aug. 30, 1854. Newell, Jr., 73 y. [VVoburn (?)], s. of Mary (Harrington), d. in Bed- ford, Apr. 8, 1855. Mary li. (Willard), 69 y. 4 m. [Gardner], wf. of Reuben, Feb. 11, 1860. Benjamin, 70 y. 9 m., s. of Hammon <& Sarah (Chandler), m., Oct. 16, 1860. Christopher, 69 y. 6 m., s. of Nathan & Mary (Page), m., Sept. 25, 1861. Charles, 42 y. 3 ra., s. of Newell, unm., d. in Bedford, Jan. 15, 1862. Frances AValker, 37 y. 3 m. 14 d., d. of Benj. & Bethiah L. (Webber), unm., Apr. 4, 1863. Emma Watson, 1 y. 8 m. 3 d., d. of Wm. Henry Harrison & Mary P. (Crowninshield), June 19, 1863. Mary, 42 y. 3 m. [VVoburn], d. of Newell & Sarah, Feb. 10, 1864. Reuben, 71 y. 11 m. 21 d. [Woburn], s. of Isaac & Susanna Munroe, wid.. Mar. 4, 1864. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF DEATHS. 465 Reed. — Continued. Alice Louisa, 9 m. 23 d., d. in Methuen, Sept. 21, 1864. Mary H., 5 y. 1 m. 8 d., d. of Reuben W. & Georgianua A. (Ferrin), Oct. 16, 1864. Elizabeth (Munroe), 80 y. 6 m. 25 d., d. of Philemon & Elizabeth (White), wid. of Isaac, Oct. 24, 1865. Betsey, 76 y. 4 lu., wid. (of Christopher?), d. in Charlestown, Oct. 15, 1866. Luzilla (Meigs), 48 y. 9 m. [Lyndon, Vt.], d. of John & Abigail, wid. of Nathan Hoi-atio, d. in Wisconsin, Jan. 9, 1868. Seth, 70 y. 1 m. 12 d., wid., d. in Woburn, June 8, 1868. Sarah, 87 y. 7 m. 19 d., d. of Nathan & Mary (Page), unra., Feb. 19, 1869. Bethia L. (Webber), 70 y. 5 m. 14 d. [Bedford], d. of John & Bethia (Lane), wid. of Benj., Jan. 31, 1870. Mary (Muzzey), 93 y. 3 m. 25 d., d. of John & Rebecca (Munroe), wid. of Nathan, Apr. 9, 1871. Sarah A., 1 y., d. of John M. & Alice S., Aug. 16, 1872. Cyrus, 74 y."2 m. 2 d., s. of Nathan & Mary (Muzzey), m., Jan. 11, 1873. Sarah (Jewett), 70 y. 7 m. 26 d. [Boxboro], d. of Joseph & Mary, wid. of Cyrus, Feb. 15, 1873. Newell, Jr., 50 y. [Burlington], s. of Sarah, unm., Feb. 6, 1875. Nathan, 60 y. [Burlington], s. of Newell & Sarah, unm., Jan. 12, 1876. James, 64 y. 4 m. [Burlington], s. of Jas. & Susanna, Sept. 16, 1877. Sarah, 70 y. 7 m. [Burlington], d. of Newell & Sarah, unm., Apr. 12, 1.S80. John AL, 66 y. 10 m., s. of Cyrus & Sarah (Jewett), m., killed on rail- road. Mar. 7, 1882. Clara R. (Gates), 48 y. 10 m. [Ashby], d. of Howard & Clarissa, wf. of Josiah Haskell, Aug. 16, 1884. Joel, 74 y., s. of Newhall, unm., Dec. 15, 1886. Josiah Haskell, 63 y. 1 m. 9 d., s. of Reuben & Mary, wid., Mar. 22, 1890. Harold M., 11 m. 15 d., s. of Geo. F. & Louise (Mellette), Feb, 21, 1892. Joseph G., 70 y., s. of Seth & Lydia (Harrington), wid., Jan. 12, 1895. John P., 89 y. 5 m. 16 d. [Littleton], s. of Poulter & Mary (Hart- well), m., June 10,1895. Nancy (Whitcomb), 89 y. 5 m. 25 d. [Littleton], d. of Peter & Nancy (Vinal), wid. of John, Dec. 31, 1897. Reynolds. John, 3 m., s. of Patrick & Ann, Oct. 10, 1862. Patrick, 64 y. [Ireland], s. of Matthew & Bridget, m,, Jan. 11, 1881. Rhoades. Hannah G., 37 y. [Newburyport] , d. of Sam'l & Sarah Eastman, Apr. 16, 1860. Hannah G., 4 m., d. of John S. & Hannah G , d. in Danvers, Aug. 7, 1860. John S., 60 y. [Salem], s. of Lydia, Jul. 15, 1872. Willie, 7 d., s. of Edwin S. & Helen C, Auff. 11, 1880. Jane M., 66 y. 11 m. 12 d. [Boston], d. oi Mehitable, m,, Jan. 20, 1889. Richards. Harmony H. (Slate), 65 y. 3 m. [Bernai'dston], d. of Josephus & Lucinda, wid., Nov. 26, 1873. 466 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF DEATHS. Richardson. Betsey, 56 y. 10 m., d. of Ilammon Reed, wf. of Aaron P., Apr. 24, 1856. Aaron P., 83 y. 4 m. 21 d. [Methuen], d. of Sam'l & Lucy, wid. of Betsey (Reed), Dec. 13, 1874. Rebecca VV., 2 y. 3 m. 12 d., d. of Joseph & Amelia O. (Currier), Apr. 9, 1877. Albert, 69 y. 8 ra. [Woburn], s. of Cornelius & Susan, m., Jan. 24, 1887. Chandler R., 71 y. 10 ni. 15 d., s. of Aaron P. & Betsey (Reed), ni., Feb. 28, 1897. Riley. Annie E., 4 m. 12 d., d. of John W. & Annie E. (Richardson), Dec. 12, 1892. Annie E. (Richardson), 20 y. 3 m. 17 d. [St. Johns, N. B.], d. of John R. & Mary (Kyle), m., Jan. 8, 1893. Roach. Ellen, 2 y. 7 m.. d. of John & Hannah, Nov. 14, 1864. Daniel, 7 ni. 29 d., s. of John & Hannah, Nov. 18, 1864. Hannah (Hagerty), 63 y. [Ireland], d. of Timothy & Ellen (Foley), wf. of John, Jul. 25, 1896. Robtoins. Eli, 69 y. 10 m., s. of Stephen & Abigail (Winship), ni., Sept. 27, 1856. Hannah (Simonds), 78 y. 4 in., d. of Joshua & Martha (Bowers), wid. of Eli, Dec. 13, 1864. Hannah M , 61 y. 1 m. 15 d., d. of Eli & Hannah (Simonds), Sept 27, 1873. Caira, 87 y. 1 m. 28 d., d. of Stephen & Abigail (Winship), June 22, 1881. Roberts. Sally (Vinton), 86 y. 5 m. [Sandwich, N. H.], d. of John & Betsey, wid., Nov. 15, 1878. Herbert Lincoln, 13 y. 11 m. 29 d. [Boston], s. of John Milton & Emily C, Aug. 29, 1881. Hannah K. (Goodale), 64 y. 2 m. [Peabody],d. of Perley & Caroline (Tapley), wf. of Moses H , Nov. 30, 1892. Robinson. Hannah E. (Stevens), 31 y., d. of Wm. & Nancy, wf. of Geo. D., d. in Chicopee, Sept. 5, 1865. Simon VV., 76 y. 7 m. 27 d. [New Hampton, N. H.], s. of Capt. Noah & Nancy, Oct. 16, 1868. Jacob, 78 y. 2 m.,s. of Jacob, Jr., & Hannah (Simonds), m., June 15, 1869. John, 75 y. 7 m. 8 d., s. of Jacob & Hannah (Simonds), unm.. Mar. 28, 1880. Maria (Jewett), 70 y. 5 m. 8 d. [Charlestown], d. of Nath'l & Eliza- beth (Ilamblett), wf. of Geo. W., Aug. 21, 1882. Elizabeth G (Stone) Little, 88 y. 5 m., d. of Thos. & Anna, wid. of Simon W. Robinson, Aug. 17, 1883. Charles, 84 y. 17 d., s. of Jacob & Hannah (Simonds), m.. May 22, 1886. Mildred, 1 y. 25 d., d. of Geo. E. & Mary E , Aug. 10, 1886. George W., 85 y. 10 m. [New Hampton, N. H.], s. of Noah & Eliza- beth Walker (Osborn), wid., Dec. 16, 1893. Amos, 43 y. [Troy, N. Y.], unm., Jul. 27, 1896. LEXINGTON BE COB D OF DEATHS. 467 Rogers. Susan, 7 m. [Brighton], d. of Mary, Aug. 1, 1870. Ronco. Katie Frances, 11 d., d. of W. E. & L. K., Apr. 21, 1878. Rudd. George, 1 y., s. of Geo. & Kate (Devine), Jan. 2, 1892. Runey. Lydia M. (Vinal), 70 y. 5 d/ [Boston], d. of Robert & Lydia (Stone), wid. of John, d. in Souierville, Nov. 20, 1892. Russell. Sabra Ann, 24 y. 8 m., d. of Philip & Sabra (Wood), May 15, 1862. Sabra (Wood), 50 y. 1 m. 19 d. [Burlington], d. of Sylvanus & Rebecca, wf. of Philip, Oct. 10, 1862. Amy M., U y. 3 m. 7 d., d. of John A. & Lydia M., Sept. 10, 1863. Henry Austin, 24 y. 4 m., s. of Philip & Sabra (Wood), Mar. 17, 1866. Philip Marshall, 31 y. 11 m. 11 d., s. of Philip & Sabra (Wood), May 20, 1871. Philip, 75 y. 8 m. 2 d., s. of Nathan & Sybil (Blood), wid., Apr. 8, 1872. Thomas A., 39 y., s. of Andrew & Betsy, unm., Apr. 16, 1872. Martha Ella, 23 y. 8 m. 15 d., d. of Philip & Sabra (Wood), unm., d. in Woburn, Aug. 2, 1874. Wtirren E., 60 y. 3 m. 19 d. [Keene, N. H.], s. of Eli & Hepsibcth, m., Nov. 27, 1874. Marv A. (Willard), 65 y. 7 m. [Harvard], d. of Dan'l & Lucy B., wid., Aug. 8, 1875. Helen F., 42 y. 6 m. [Waltham], d. of J. R. & Aseneth Bowen, m., Jan. 7, 1878. John A., 68 v. 2 m. [Arlington], s. of Jeremiah & Ester, m , Apr. 7, 1882. Sarah A. (Richards), 75 y. 5 m. 10 d. [Westminster, Vt], d. of Luther & Mary (Page), wid. of Warren E., Nov. 25, 1895. Rust. , 8 m. 10 d., s. of Joseph H., d. in Mansfield, Jan. 24, 1864, Ryan. Mary Ann, 1 v. 5 m., d. of Cornelius & Bridget (Keefe), Oct. 13, 1862. Catherine, 2 m. 2 d., d. of Timothy & Jane, Jul. 17, 1865. Ellen, 4 m., d. of Timothy & Jane, Sept. 28, 1866. Timothy, 6 m. 16 d., s of Timothy & Jane (Kelley), Apr. 18, 1868. Jane, Jr., 3 m. 2 d., d. of Timothy, Aug. 10, 1874. Bridget (Keefe), 38 y. [Ireland] , d. of John & Ellen, m., Oct. 22, 1875. Lizzie, 6 m. 12 d., d. of Timothy & Jane, Feb. 1, 1878. Timothy, 99 y. 8 m. [Ireland], s. of Ellen, wid., Feb. 1, 1884. Mary A. (Myers), 46 y. 8 m. [Ireland], d. of Christopher & Mary, Avf. of John, Nov. 25, 1885. John B., 21 y. 8 m. 15 d., s. of John & Mary A., num.. Dee, 29, 1889. William R., 1 v. 28 d., s. of John M. & Bessie, Aug. 15, 1890. William R., 20"' y. 11 m., s. of John & Mary A., Dec. 31, 1890. Elizabeth, 26 y. 9 m. 3 d., d. of Patrick & Sarah (Mulhern), unm., Nov. 26, 1892. James P., 37 y. [Ireland], s. of Jas,, m., June 10, 1897. 468 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF DEATHS. Ryder. Enoch, 63 y. 8 m. [Chatham], s. of Stephen & Joanna, Aug. 21, 1868. Salter. Catherine (Moviarty), 36 y. [Ireland], d. of John, wf. of Wm., Jan. 17, 1895. Saltmarsh. Seth, 85 y. 2 m. 25 d. [Salem], s. of Seth & Anna (Andrews), wid., Feb. 8, 1897. Sampson. Alice P., 1 d., d. of Hilman B. & Grace A. (Turner), Aug. 15, 1862. Sanborn. Abby Ann, 8 y., d. of Ivory & Harriet, Sept. 15, 1854. Lyman O., 3 y., s. of Ivory & Harriet, Sept. 23, 1854. Elizaljeth M., 40 y. 9 m. [Boston], d. of Thos. & Ann B. Eaves (wf. of John E. ?),Sept. 16, 1861. Chxra E., 10 y. [Bedford], d. of John E. & Elizabeth, Feb. 26, 1863. Sanderson. Charles H., 33 y. 3 ra. 22 d. [Belmont], s. of Amos & Lucinda (Strat- ton), unm., June 13, 1871. Saunders. Augusta B., 30 y. 7 m. 18 d. [Boston], d. of Edward W. et Rebecca, unm., d. in Saugus, May 7, 1869. Savage. Kate (Gilman), 26 y. 1 m., d. of Frank & Joanna, m., Aug. 5, 1885. George H., 4 y. [Boston], s. of Henry S. & Kate, Feb. 26, 1886. Saville. Ii'a, 68 y. 4 m, [Gloucester], s. of Thos. & Betsey (Haraden), m., Dec. 21, 1865. Ann Woodbury (Leonard), 74 y. 27 d. [Gloucester], d. of Ezra & Nancy (Woodbury), wid. of David, Aug. 15, 18S2. JNIary (Bates), 86 y. 7 m. 10 d. [Cohasset], d. of Obediah & Hannah, wid. of Ira, Dec. 15, 1888. Rebecca H. (Gould), 59 y. 2 m. 14 d. [Charlestown], d. of Jas, & Caroline W. (Brooks), wf. of Leonard A., June 27, 1894. Sawin, Willie, 1 y., s. of John & Ruth A., Aug. 15, 1860. Sawyer. William N., 62 y. 7 d. [Gloucester], Jan. 1, 1862. Say. Lucy W. (Sistare), 85 y. 11 m. 17 d. [New London, Conn.], d. of Joseph & Nancy, wid., Nov. 15, 1886. Scanlin. John, 9 m. 11 d., s. of David & Catherine, Aug. 7, 1860. Seannell. Dennis N., 9 m. 5 d., s. of Michael F. & Catherine F. (Buckley), Jul. 16, 1894. Thomas '.\S., 8 m., s. of Michael F. & Catherine (Buckley), Aug. 2, 1896. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF DEATHS. 469 Scott. Edith Mabel, 9 m. 9 cL, d. of Jas. W. & Carrie, Jul. 30, 1883. Arthur L., 54 y. [Ireland], s. of Hibernicus & Ellen, m,, Aug. 29, 1890. Marv E., 1 y. 1 m. 23 d. [Arlington], d. of Robert G. & Mary E. (Taft), num., Apr. 28, 1891. Seamans. Harriet (Jones), 68 y. 6 m. [Ashbv], d. of Stephen & Lydia K., wid., Feb. 2, 1885. Seaver. Abigail (Whiting), 93 y. 11 m. 13 d. [Roxbury], d. of Elisha & Abigail, wid.. Mar. 23, 1872. Abigail F., 48 y. 12 d. [Boston], d. of Geo. & Elizabeth W., unm., Jan. 28, 1877. Geoi'ge, 80 y. 11 d. [Roxbury], s. of Benj. & Deborah L., wid., Dec. 25, 1878. Seaverns. Elida (Lucas), 80 y. [Lunenburg, Vt.], d. of Timothy & Elizabeth, wid , Nov. 25, 1887. Seavey. Pamelia M., 33 y. [Vt.], m., Mar. 5, 1854. Shattuek. Ella F. (Runey), 48 y. 4 m. 15 d. [Somerville], d. of John & Lydia M. (Vinal), wf. of Nath'l S., Feb. 24, 1894. Jessie A. (VVhidden), 27 y. 3 m. 10 d. [Truro, N. S.], d. of David & Mary (McCabe), wf. of John W., May 3, 1894. Shaw. Agnes Dyei", 13 y. 4 m. [Rockland], d. of Elijah A. & Fannie E , Nov. 27, 1879. Frances E. (Dyer), 52 y. 3 m. [Charlestown], d. of John & Louisa (Chamberlain), wf. of Elija A., Mar. 23, 1890. Shay, Shea. Mary, 8 d., d. of Jeremiah & ]Mary, Oct. 19, 1862. Edward, 1 y. 3 ni., s. of Jeremiah & Marv, Aug. 6, 1865. Ellen, Jr., 4 d., d. of Nicholas, Jul. 17, 1868. Margaret E., 8 y. 8 m., d. of Nicholas & Ellen, Oct. 19, 1875. Nicholas, 51 y. [Ireland], s. of Jas. & Margaret, m., Apr. 10, 1884. Jeremiah, 70 y [Ireland], s. of Dan'l & Margaret, m., Apr. 6, 1889. Michael, 18 y. 2 m. 22 d., s. of Nicholas & Ellen, Jul. 19, 1889. Nelly T., 28 y. 3 m., d. of Jeremiah & Mary (Heagerty), unm., Sept. 9, 1894. Sherburne. Sally R. (Staples), 89 y. 7 m. 16 d. [Newmarket, N. II.], d. of Mark & Sally R., wf. of Reuben B., Feb. 16, 1884. Sheridan. Mary, 40 y. [Ireland] , wf. of Edward, Sept. 15, 1857. Edward, 70 y. [Ireland], s. of John & Mary, m., Feb. 13, 1873. Sherman. Mary W., 33 y., wf. of John G„ Mar. 7, 1855. Mary (Fay), 83 y. 9 m. 28 d. [Warwick], d. of Sami & Lucy INIayo, wid., Jan. 20, 1884. 470 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF DEATHS. Sherman — Continued. Sarah D. (Spaulding), 54 y. 3 m. 23 d. [Danielsonville, Conn.], d. of Henry & Paulina (Hoar), wf. of Albert A., Oct. 22, 1893. Mary (Sherman), 72 y. 17 d. [I^incoln], d. of Luther & Rebecca (Wheeler), wf. of Jahleel B., Mar. 23, 1895. William D., 25 y. 8 m. 14 d. [Uxbridge], s. of Albert A. & Sarah D. (Spaulding), unm., Jan. 20, 1896. Shipley. James, 59 y. [Waltham], s. of Joseph & Abigail, Feb. 13, 1867. Susan (Locke), 63 y. 10 m., d. of Jonas & Abigail, wid., Aug. 22, 1875. Albert S., 62 y., s. of Jas. & Susan (Locke), m.. May 13, 1896. Sim. , 21 hours, s. of Nelson & Annie (McDonald), Apr. 19, 1896. Simonds. Joshua, Jr., 88 y. 7 m., s. of Mary (Bowers), wid , Jan. 7, 1858. William, 83 y. 11 m. 26 d., s. of Joshua & Martha (Bowers), wid., Jul. 23, 1858. Albert, 44 y. 3 m. [Boston], s. of Jonathan & Patty Hills (Pierce), d. in Concord, N. H , June 30, 1861. Joseph, 22 y. 2 m. 19 d., s. of Joseph F. & Susan (Mulliken), unm., d. in New York Hospital, Oct. 6, 1862. Walter, 1 d., s. of John & Katie Louisa (Nichols), Dec. 13, 1862. INlary Ella, 2 v. 9 m., d. of Calvin S. & Julia A., Mar. 11, 1863. Mary Ann (Russell), 53 y. [Woburn], d. of Bill, wf. of Cyrus P., d. in Somerville, Jul. 24, 1864. Ebenezer, 71 y. 11 m. 21 d. [Medford], s. of Ebenezer & Ann (Brad- bury), hus. of Rachel (Nichols), Jan. 27, 1867. Mary (Viles), 91 y. 3 m. 21 d., d. of Joel ife Mary (Bowman), wid. of Joseph, Mar. 5, 1867. Jerusha (Locke), 94 y. 2 m., d. of Reuben & Jerusha (Richardson), wid. of David, Mar. 16, 1867. Katie L. (Nichols), 29 y. 4 m. [Calais, Me.], d. of John & Catherine, wf. of John, d. in Charlestown, Apr. 20, 18G8. Coi-a PI, 1 y. 8 m. 13 d., d. of Nathan & Mary Ann, d. in Boston, Jul. 27, 1868. Rachel (Nichols), 74 y. 10 m. [Boston], d. of Adna & Rachel, wid. of Ebenezei', June 7, 1870. Mary E. (Bannon), 28 y. 6 m., d. of John & Sarah, wf. of Geo., Jr., Apr. 16, 1873. Joshua, Jr., 73 y. 1 m. 14 d., s. of Abigail, m., Jul. 13, 1874. Anna M. (Simonds), 25 v. 8 m., d. of Geo. & Hannah (Estabrook), wf. of Edwin N., Nov. '23, 1874. Susan (Mulliken), 61 y. 2 m., d. of John & Susanna (Reed), wf. of Joseph Fred'k, Nov. 30, 1875. Marcus, 33 y. 3 m., s. of Joshua & Lucy J. (Winn), unm., Jan. 11, 1877. Ella M., 23 y. 8 m., d. of Geo. & Hannah (Estabrook), unm., Aug. 8, 1877. Hannah (Estabrook), 67 v. 8 m., d of Attai & Polly (Pierce), wf. of Geo., Aug. 10, 1878. Elizabeth (Swan), 60 y. 7 m. [West Cambridge], d. of Henry & Betsey, wf of Eli, Oct. 22, 1878. Laura Annette, 9 y. 8 m., d. of Geo., Jr., & Mary E. (Bannon), Aug. 26, 1880. William, SO y. 3 d. [Medford], s. of Ebenezer & Annie (Bradbury), unm., June 27, 1884. LEXINGTON BECORD OF DEATHS. 471 Simonds — Contimied. Henry L , 64 y., s. of Ebenezer & Rachael, unm., d. iu Boston, ]\Iar. 18, 1890. George, 85 y. 2 m., s. of Lemuel & Mary Maxwell, wid., Dec. 12, 1892. Mary A., 89" y. 10 m., d. of Joseph & Mary (Viles), unm., Aug. 22, 1896. Joseph F., 86 y. 11 m., s. of Joseph & Mary (Viles), wid., Sept. 17, 1897. Skinner. John, 75 y. 10 m. 25 d. [Woburn], Sept. 12, 1855. Francis E., 32 y. 9 m. 6 d. [Charlestown], hus. of Eliza G., Nov. 6, 1856. Angela M. (Streeter), 89 y. [Weare, N. H.], d. of Sebastion & Ruth (Richardson), wid. of Otis A., Jul. 26, 1897. Slack. Ellen A. (Sanderson), 38 y. 10 m. [Brookline], d. of DanU & Almira, m., Jan. 16, 1882. Smiles. John, 40 y. 9 m. [Roxbury], d. in Bedford, Aug. 2, 1856. Smith. Ainia A., 14 y., d. of Joshua S. & Maria (Lawrence), Oct. 7, 1854. William L., 58 y., hus. of Hannah, Jul. 13, 1856. Kate, 10 m. [Boston], d. of Patrick & Mary, Sept. 16, 1856. Susan B. (Cutter), 47 y. 9 m. [Charlestown], wf. of Wm. Henry, Sept. 18, 1857. Elmira (Reed), 56 y., d. of Hammon & Sarah, wf. of Ebenezer R., Feb. 12, 1860. Ebenezer, 79 y. 6 m. 18 d., s. of Josiah & Polly (Barber), d. in West Roxbury, June 15, 1860. Sally, 86 y. 17 d. [Rindge, N. H.], d. of John & Rebecca Earl (wid. of Isaac), Sept. 25, 1861. 1 d., s. of Abram & Annette A. (Allen), Jan. 5, 1864. Mary Ann J., 4 y. 8 m. 20 d., d. of John B. & INIary, Nov. 11, 1864. Joshua Stearns, 68 y. 7 m. 2 d., s. of Joel & Elizabeth (Stearns), hus. of Maria (Lawrence), Jan. 7, 1865. Abigail, d. of Wm., d. in N. Y., Mar. 31, 1865. William Henry, 45 y. 5 m. 14 d. [Boston], s. of Wm. L. & Hannah (Lane), hus of Susan L. (Holbrook), d. in Cambridge, May 24, 1867. William Bowman, 73 y. 9 m., s. of Abram & Martha Bowman, hus. of Mary (Smith), d. in Somerville, Nov. 7, 1867. Cynthia (Childs), 78 y. 3 m. [Gardner, Me.], d. of David & Phebe, wf. of Wm. Taylor Smith, Feb. 21, 1869. Mary A. (Mullen), 30 y. 4 m. [Ireland], d. of Michael & Ann, Apr. 28, 1869. Alice A., 4 m. 3 d., d. of A. Bradford & Susan A. (Bryant), Sept. 21, 1870. Charles W., 26 y. 1 m. 27 d. [Providence, R. I.],s. of Chas. & Harriet, unm., Nov. 11, 1870. Everett, 3 d., s. of Jas. M. & Elizabeth, Jan. 14, 1871. Isaac W., 1 y. 7 m. 7 d., s. of Jas. M. & Elizabeth, Feb. 12, 1871. Alden Bradford, 45 y. 3 d., s. of Joshua S. & Maria (Lawrence), Oct. 29, 1871. William Taylor, 82 y. 2 m. 24 d., s. of Thomas & Sarah (Taylor), wid., Oct. 29, 1871. Hannali (Lane), 72 y. 11 m. [Bedford], d. of Job & Hannah, wid. of Wm. L., Apr, 2, 1872. 472 LEXINGTON BECORD OF DEATHS. Smith — Continued. Caroline (Cornisk), 32 y. [N. S.] ,(1. of Peter & Maria, m., Jul 10, 1872. Sarah (Poore), 64 y. 8 m. [Wolfboro, N. H.], d. of Isaac & Lydia, wf. of Isaac Brooks Smith, d. in Worcostei', Nov. 22, 1873. Hannah (Fillebrown), 70 y. [Cambridge], d. of John & Nancy, wf. of John, Sept 16, 1874. Isaac Brooks, 72 y. 2 m. 6 d., s. of Jacob & Susan (Pierce), wid. of Sarah (Poor), d. in Winchester, Mar. 22, 1875. Anna Maria, I v. 7 m. [Cambridge], d. of Marshall B. & Kate P., May 19, 187.5." Ebenezer R., 76 y. 5 m., s. of Thos. & Sarah (Taylor), wid., Apr. 13, 1876. Harriet (Hastings), 81 y. 1 m. 10 d,, d. of Sam'l & Lydia (Nelson),- wf. of Elias, Jul. 22, 1876. Aurilla (Snow), 51 y. 9 m. 20 d. [Cavendish, Vt.], d. of Dan'l & Re- becca, wf. of Josiah, Feb. 27, 1880. Lydia A., 65 y. 3 m. [Randolph, Vt.], d. of Oren & Esther P., m., Nov. 1, 1880. John, 76 y. 6 m., s. of Isaac & Sally, wid., Apr. 4, 1881. Maria (Lawrence), 81 y. 2 m., d. of Phineas & Polly, wid. of Joshua, June 3, 1881. Dorcas M. (Walker), 78 y. 6 m. 21 d. [North Yarmouth, Me.], wid., Jul. 4, 1881. William, 89 y. 4 d. [Waltham], s. of Elijah & Lydia, m.. May 31, 1883. Joan (Jacobs), 87 y. [Westford], d. of Brodack & Sarah, wid., Apr. 4, 1884. Susan L. (Holbrook), 63 y. 6 m. 11 d. [Winterport, Me.], d. of Aaron & Susan (Miles), wid. of Wm. Henry, Dec. 19, 1885. George T., 61 y. 15 d. [Brookfield, Vt.], s. of Heman M. & Abigail, m., Sept. 25, 1888. William H., 72 y. 9 m. 4 d., s. of Wm. & Mary (Fiske), m.. Sept 24, 1893. Caroline T. (Hurlbut), 71 y. 2 m., d. of Ruth (Nichols), wid. of Wm., b. and d. in Boston, Dec. 26, 1894. Norman W., 24 y. 2 m. 10 d., s. of Webster & Carrie Cormick, unm., June 23, 1895. Snow. Isa.ac T., 59 y. 27 d. [Truro], s. of SamU P. & Betsey, m., Nov. 1, 1890. Solis. Hannah, 55 y., wf. of Christopher, b. and d. in Maiden, Aug. 4, 1855. Spaulding. Stillman, 71 y. 7 m. [Chelmsford], s. of John & Sarah (Proctor), wid.. May 26, 1860. Frederick E., 4 y. 5 m., s. of Wm. A., d. in Charlestovvn, Dec. 8, 1866. Lydia S., 55 y. 9 m., d. of Wm. & Betsey Walker, m., Sept. 2, 1876. Albert Green, 59 y. 3 m. 4- d. [Carlisle], s. of Asa, wid., Jul. 18, 1878. Amelia M. (Twist), 68 y. 1 m. 17 d. [Baltimore], d. of Levi & Mar- garet, wf. of Elisha, JFeb. 11, 1879. Elisha, 74 y. 10 m. [Pepperell], s. of Josiah & Bethiah, wid., Jan. 24, 1880. Edwin N,, 2 m. 29 d., s. of Edwin S. & Clara A. (Norton), Nov. 21, 1880. Lucy (Buttertield), 87 y. 11 m. 10 d. [Chelmsford], d. of John & Rebecca, wid., Aug. 21, 18S7. A. Fletcher, 54 y. 1 m. 17 d. [Billerica], s. of Jacob S. & Mary (Esty), m.. Mar. 3, 1895. Clara A. (Norton), 45 y. 11 m. 3 d. [15elmont, N. Y.], d. of Joseph & Prudence (Hall), wf. of Edwin S., Jul. 22, 1896. LEXINGTON EECOED OF DEATHS. 473 Spear. Charles W., 83 y. 10 m. [Brewster], s. of Chas. & Fanny, Sept. 6, 1864. Stackpole. Margaret, 21 y. [Cork, Ireland], d. of John & Kate, vium.. May 29, 1868. Charles A., 81 y. 3 m. [Portland, Me.], s. of David & Judith, wid., Dec. 16, 1890. Stafiord. Albert H., 37 y. 7 m. [Wallingford, Vt.], s. of John & Rebecca, iinm., Sept. 21, 1877. Stamps. Lemuel, 24 y. [Va.J, s. of Sam'l & Jane (Colman), unm. (negro), Mar. 25, 1879. Stearns. Mary Ann, 61 y., d. of John Smiles, Nov. 23, 1861. Alice F., 3 y. 6 m. 16 d., d. of Phineas & Mary J. (Smith), ]Mar. 28, 1863. Betsey, 70 y. 3 m. 10 d., wf. of Joel, d. in Waltham, Dec. 10, 1863. Joel, 83 y. 2 m., s. of Asahel & Mary (Smith), wid, of Betsey (Parlcer), Aug. 25, 1873. George, 67 y. 9 m. 6 d., s. of Joel & Betsey (Parker), m., Aug. 9, 1885. Charlotte (Blood), 74 y. 5 m. [Sterling], d. of Thos. H. & Polly (Sawyer), wf. of Thos., Apr. 21, 1893. Thomas, 84 y. 5 m. 17 d. [Liinenburg], s. of Thos. & Priscilla (Cush- ing),Avid., Apr. 3, 1896. Stetson. Caleb, 76 y. 10 m. 5 d. [Kingston], s. of Thos. & Elizabeth (Cook), hus. of Julia Ann., May 17, 1870. Julia Ann (Meriam), 84 y. 10 m. 12 d., d. of Rufus & Martha (Simonds), wid. of Caleb., Aug. 24, 1889. Stevens. William, 63 y. [Gloucester], s. of Cyrus & Hannah (Elwell), Aug. 28, 1862. Waitstill, 75 y. 2 m. [R. I.], d. of Benj. & Lucy, unm., Mar. 7, 1878. Thomazine Pearce, 53 y. 6 m. 20 d. [Gloucester], d. of Wm. & Nancy (Pierce), unm., Oct. 15, 1881. Nancy (Pearce), 77 y. 7 m. 17 d. [Gloucester], d. of Henry & Abigail (Knights), wid. of Wm., Mar. 17, 1882. Stickney. Randolph L., 53 j., suicided in Boston, June 9, 1861. Stimson. George A , 39 y. 10 m. [Boston], s. of Lovett & Sally, May 17, 1862. Lovett, 86 y. 8 m. 15 d. [Hopkinton], s. of Sam''l & Martha, m., Apr. 2, 1865. Frederick A., 47 y. 8 d. [Boston], s. of Lovett & Sally F., m., Jul. 18, 1865. Sally (Fisher), 82 y. 5 m., d. of Nathan & Mehitable, m., Aug. 11, 1869. Faustina (Munroe), 62 y., d. of Jonathan & Rhoda (Johnson), wid. of Fred'k, Jan. 20, 1883. 474 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF DEATHS. Stimson — Continued. Eliza (Valentine), 73 y. 8 m. [Salem], d. of John G. & Betsey G., wid., Feb. 4, 1886. John, 81 y. 9 m. 11 d. [Ludlow, Vt.], s. of Clias. & Comfort Walker, Jul. 30, 1886. Stone. Ellen A., 73 y. 7 m. 7 d., d of Eli & Hannah (Simonds) Robbins, wid., Oct. 28, 1890. Stratton. Sarah J., 70 y. 10 m. [Concord], d. of Abel P. & Susanna (Wyman) Brown, wf. of Chas., Jul. 4, 1891. Charles, 81 y. 11 m. [Lincoln], s. of Jonas & Mary (Smith), wid., Sept. 30, 1892. Susan (Damon), 89 y. 5 m. 20 d. [Reading], d. of Joshua & HejDsi- beth (Flint), wid., Jan. 29, 1893. Delia, 53 y . [Ashby] , d. of Homer & Susan (Damon) , unm., Oct. 1, 1893. Streeter. Lee, 3 m, 16 d. [Arlino;ton] , s. of Herbert E. & Charlotte, Apr. 1, 1877. Jewitt W., 52 y., s. of Jewitt & Eliza VV., m., d. in Boston City Hos- pital, Nov. 15, 1890. Mary L (Conant), 65 y. 11 m. [Cambridge], d. of Isaac & Ruth (Bradshaw), wf. of Richard, May 14, 1894. Richard, 69 y. [Lisbon], wid., d. in Worcester Hospital, Oct. 22, 189G. Strickland. Arvilla (Eaton), 66 y. 10 m. [Ludlow], d. of David & Celinda (Sweet- land), wid. of Erasmus, Dec. 1, 1896. Sturtevant. ' Josiah C, 72 y. 11 m. 15 d. [Centre Harbor, N. H.], s. of Josiah C. & Anna (Lee), m., Oct. 17, 1895. Sullivan. Patrick, Jr., 65 y. 4 m. [Ireland], s. of Catherine, m., Sept. 24, 1875. Margaret, 4 y. 2 m., d. of Dennis S. & Catherine, Jul. 13, 1881. Lois S. (Smith), 87 y. 5 m., d. of Joel & Elizabeth, Oct. 15, 1882. Jeremiah, 26 y. 9 m. [Ireland], s. of Jas. & Ellen, m., Oct. 5, 1889. Sumner. Maria C, 13 y. 4 m., d. of Jas. D & Maria, Apr. 13, 1856. James 1)., 77 y. [Boston], s. of Jas. & Sai-ah (Badgei*), m.. May 12, 1893. Swan. Lizzie W., 1 y. 3 m., d. of Harrison & Rebecca, Apr. 15, 1866. Mary Ward (Harrington), 49 y. 9 m. [Boston], d. of Bowen & Elizabeth P. (Ward), wf. of Gersham, Sept. 6, 1884. . Gersham, 59 y. 1 m. 12 d. [Arlington], s. of Henry & Elizabeth (Parker), wid., Aug. 2, 1893. Charles, 74 y. 8 d. [Charlestown] , s. of John & Sarah (Mason), m., Mar. 16, 1895. Tainter. Abigail, 62 y., wf of Almus [Carlisle], Nov. 4, 1864. Tapley. Samuel T., 61 y. 6 m 13 d [Charlestown], s. of John & Lydia, m., Feb. 8, 1872. LEXINGTON BE COED OF DEATHS. 475 Taylor. Robert, 50 y. [Ireland], bus. of Julia, Mar. 22, 1855. George R., 41 y., d. in Boston, Oct. 25, 1860. Edith May, 3 y. 6 m. 12 d., d. of Geo. AV. & Julia A. (Willis), Feb. 19, 1877. Martha T. (Savage), 72 y 5 m. [Oxford, N. H.], d. of Geo. & Rebecca, wid., Jan. 6, 1890. Ella (Jeflerson), 24 y. 4 m., d. of Robert & Emma, wf. of Ansel E., Apr. 12, 1890. Etta A,, 4 m. 12 d., d. of Ansel E. & Ella, Aug. 10, 1890. Teele. George E., 50 y. [Cambridge], s. of Levi C. & Lydia (Trefry), wid., d. in Waltham, May 21, 1896. Thayer. Samuel Green, 34 y. 2 m. 21 d. [Boston], s. of Geo. Washington & Catherine F., m., Jan. 13, 1869. Thomas. Frances Sistare, 30 y. 1 m. 22 d. [Boston], d. of Sam'l H. & Frances E. Gookin, wf. of Jas. B., d. in Cheyenne, Wyo., Feb. 27, 1891. Thompson. Hannah S., 24 y. 2 m., d. of Thos. J. & Hannah S. Edmund, b. and d in Charlestown, Jul. 1, 1860. George W., 66 y. 11 m. 6 d. [Andover, N. H.], s. of Joseph C, m., Jan. 5, 1890. Charlotte A. (Colburn), 68 y. 7 m. 19 d. [Roxbury], d. of Nathl & Eliza (Armsby), wid.. May 26, 1893. Thornton. Bridget (Lane), 71 y. [Ireland], d. of John & Honora (Cain), wid. of Thos., Oct. 10, 1893. Thurston. , 1 d., s. of Geo. H. & Sarah L. (Adams), Jul. 31, 1859. Henrietta E., 1 y., d. of Geo. H. & Sarah L. (Adams), Sept. 2, 1861. Lizzie J., 8 y. 4 d. [Boston], d. of Geo. Henry & Sarah L. A., Oct. 18, 1864. George H., Jr., 6 y. 11 m., s. of Sarah L. A., Dec. 14, 1864. Helen, 10 m. 13 d., d. of Geo. H. & Sarah L., Nov. 8, 1868. Georgiana, 13 y. 4 m. 2 d., d. of Geo. H. & Sarah L. A., Jan. 6, 1874. Ruth Estelle, 11 y. 4 m. 12 d., d. of Geo. H. & Sarah L. A., Mar. 22, 1876. Tibbetts. Mildred Annie, 12 hours, d. of Henry E. & Celia J. (Webber) , Jan. 29, 1891. Celia J., 24 y. 10 m. [Newcastle, Me.], d. of Joshua & Elizabeth (Prue) Webber, wf. of Henry E., May 2, 1891. Ruth, 87 y. 6 ra. [Meseina, N. Y.], wf. of Stephen W., Apr. 10, 1895. Tidd. Charles, 73 y. 3 m. 21 d., s. of John & Esther (Haywood), m., Apr. 27, 1880. Rebekah Wheeler (Brooks), 75 y. 3 m. 30 d. [Lincoln], d. of Dan'l & Bathsheba, wid. of Chas., Dec. 8, 1883. 476 LEXINGTON BE COED OF DEATHS. Tobin. John, 62 y. [Ireland], s. of Francis & Ann H., m., Aug. 29, 1879. Katie, 2 m., d. of Joiin F. & Julia M. (Kelley), Sept. 27, 1893. Catherine (O'Brien), 76 y. [Ireland], d, of Thos. & Ellen (McGrath), wid., Apr. 6, 1897. Tower. Thaddeus, 84 y. 7 m. [Sudbury], s. of Silas & Ruth, m., Apr. 5, 1872. Ruth (Maynard), 88 y. 8 m. [Sudbury], d. of Isaac & Rebecca, wid., Oct. 11, 1879. Elisha, 78 y. 7 m. 25 d. [Boston], s. of Elisha & Hannah Baxter, m., Sept. 20, 1880. Charlotte Grey, 34 y. 4 m. 24 d. [Cambridge], d. of Wm. A. & Julia, unm., Jul. 6, 1885. Mary Jane, 77 y. [Sudbury], d. of Thaddeus & Ruth (Maynard), unm., Aug. 16, 1891. George H., 72 y. [Sudbury], s. of Thaddeus & Ruth (Maynard), unm., suicide by drowning. May 20, 1896. Tracey. Abigail (Hall), 73 y. 1 m. 10 d. [N. S.], d. of John & Margaret (lesen), wf. of Wm., Apr. 10, 1896. Tribou. Walter S., Jr., 52 y. [Bridgewater], s. of Huldah Holmes, m., Sept. 26, 1883. Tripp. Cora F. (Gilford), 32 y. 9 m. 2 d. [Lowell], d, of Frank A. & Amanda (Peluce), wf. of Wm. B., May 27, 1896. Trull. Elizabeth, 62 v. 1 m. [N. H.], d. of John & Mary Stearns, m., Oct. 12, 1865. Tucker. Nancy (Poor), 74 y. 9 m. [Wolfboro, N. H.], d. of Isaac & Lydia, wf of Chas. K., Dec. 30, 1888. Charles K., 77 y. 10 m. 15 d. [Concord, N. H.], s. of Seth & Eliza K. wid.. Mar. 25, 1889. Tufts. Marshall, 54 y., s. of Thos. & Rebecca (Adams), May 18, 1855. Rebecca (Adams), 91 y. [Lincoln], wid. of Thos., Feb. 20, 1858. Bowen A., 60 y. 4 m., s. of Thos. & Rebecca (Adams), May 28, 1867. Sarah Ann (Mead), 70 y. 2 m. 22 d. [Waltham], d. of Stephen, wid. of Bowen A., Nov. 2, 1878. Dana Francis, 20 y. 7 m. [Chelsea], s. of Francis E. & Mary S., Dec. 17, 1890. Turner. Alvan C, 43 y. 1 m. 10 d. [Vt.], m., Nov. 12, 1854. Larkin, 79 y! 1 m. 27 d. [Grafton], s. of Joshua & Lydia (Drury), Feb. 2, 1861. Lucy (Fierce), 82 y. 6 m. 25 d. [Medford], d. of Abuer & Grace (Harrington), wid. of Larkin, Feb. 20, 1886. LEXINGTON BECORD OF DEATHS. 477 Tuttle. George, 34 y. 2 m., s. of David & Abigail (Smith), hus. of Sarah E. (Muzzey), Jan. 27, 185G. Susan S. (Johnson), 70 y. 1 m. 18 d., d. of Thos. & Mary (Dudley), wf. of David A., Aug. 22, 1894. Tyler. Edward L., 57 y. 7 m. 18 d. [Boston], s. of Edward & Mary G. (Thomas), Mar. 23,1864. Mary E. (Marrett), 50 y. 7 m. 14 d. [flarwinton. Conn.], d. of L., wf. of Dan'l G„ Apr. 7, 1897. Tyrrell. Parker P., 79 y. 10 m. 8 d. [N. H.], s. of Sam'l & Eliza, m., Dec. 11, 1891. Rosalia (Jordan), 86 y. 4 m. 14 d. [Thomaston, Me.], d. of Ignatius & Sarah B., wid. of Parker P., Jan. 10, 1896. Underwood. John, 75 y. 7 m., s. of Joseph & Mary (Munroe), wid., Aug. 8, 1855. Eusebia (Harrington), 82 y. 10 m. 10 d., d. of Dan'l & Anna, wid. of Joseph, Dec. 22, 1858. Joseph, 54 y. 10 m., s. of John & Sarah (Smith), ra., June 25, 1873. Mary S. (Farwell), 70 y. 10 m. 5 d. [Concord] , d. of Cyrus & Ptebecca, wid., Sept. 17, 1889. Van Voast. Helen, 26 y. 7 m. [Boston], wf. of Jas., Dec. 27, 1859. Vaughan. Charles E., 2 y. 6 ni. 22 d. [Boston], s. of Michael & Julia M., Sept. 4, 1874. Maggie, 22 y. 3 m. [Ireland], d. of Chas. & Ellen, Oct. 22, 1881. Margaret, 25 y. 4 m. [Ireland], d. of Michael & Bridget, unm., Aug. 31, 1884. Patrick, 29 y. [Ireland], s. of John & Catherine, unm., Mar. 9, 1885. Charles, 77 y. [Ireland], s. of Nicholas & Margaret, m., Aug. 8, 1894. Vessey. Joseph J., 5 m. 20 d., s. of Jas. & Adella (McSherry), Sept. 28, 1894. Viles. John, 75 y. 1 m. 17 d., s. of Joel & Mary (Bowman), hus. of Sally (Dudley), Sept. 28, 1857. Sally (Smith), 77 y. 7 m., d. of Jacob & Susan, wf. of Joel, Mar. 9, 1872. Joel, Jr., 80 y. 1 m., s, of Mary (Bowman), wid., Nov. 19, 1873. Sallv (Dudley), 89 y. 11 m. 16 d., d. of Nathan & Sarah (Munroe), wid. of John, Oct. 2, 1876. Rebecca D , 69 y., d. of John & Sally (Dudley), unm., Apr. 23, 1893. William, 81 y. 6 m. 11 d., s. of John & Sally (Dudley), unm., June 23, 1894. Vinal. Margie Holmes, 4 y. 2 m. 13 d. [Boston], d. of H. VV. & Mercy, Aug. 17, 1873. Wade. Dorcas (Underwood), 76 y. 1 m. [Boston], d. of Joseph & Mary (Munroe), Jul. 21, 1866. 478 LEXINGTON BEOOBD OF DEATHS. Wads worth. Samuel, 78 y. 11 m. 15 d. [Winthrop, Me.] , s. of Sam'l & Abigail Eliot, ra.. May 15, 1874. Rhoda (Feleh), 78 y. 5 m. 11 d. [Antrim, N. H.], d. of Dan'l & Ruth F., wid., Jan. 7, 1888. "Walcott. Mabel F., 3 y. 8 m. 6 d. [Waltham],d. of Willard & H. Augusta, Mar. 7, 1874. Elsie A , 8 y. 8 m. 26 d., d. of Willard & Harriet A. (Kendall), May 24, 1891. Walker. William, 75 y. 1 m. 14 d. [Billerica], s. of Abel & Elizabeth, Aug. 17, 1864. Lydia A. (Adams), 80 y. 11 m. 3 d. [Townsend], d. of Jas. & Nancy (Pratt), wid. of John, Dec. 16, 1897. Wallace. Martha (Woodbury), 56 y. [Salem], d. of Capt. & Martha, wid., Dec. 18, 1865. Warren. Charles W., 47 y. 5 m. 23 d. [South Berwick, Me.], s. of Dominicus & Matilda, m., Jan. 23, 1889. Georgianna, 42 y. [Boston], d. of Ralph & Maria (King), unm., Jul. 8, 1895. Webb. Elizabetli E., 1 m. 25 d., d. of John & Naomi (Thompson), Apr, 4, 1861. AVilliam, 16 d., s. of John & Naomi (Thompson), Dec. 27, 1862. Naomi (Thompson), 23 y. 9 m. [England], d. of Jas., wid. of John, Jan. 10, 1863. Allma L., 1 y. 9 m., d. in West Cambridge, Jul. 19, 1865. Webber. Eliot R. (Lane), 96 y. 3 m. [Bedford], d. of John & Ruhamah R., wid., Jul. 26, 1878. Esther M. (Flint), 40 y. 6 m., d. of Nath'l & Hannah, wf. of Henry P., Apr. 26, 1887. Henry P., 48 y. 2 m. 15 d. [Bedford], s. of Benj. A. & Mary A., wid.. May 6, 1890. Weeks. Herbert D., 1 y. 5 m. [Cambridge], s. of Hiram & Caroline, Oct. 13, 1854. Carrie B., 1 y. 3 m. 13 d., d. of Hiram & Caroline, Nov. 13, 1859. Estella A., 2 y. 2 m. 22 d., d. of Hiram & Caroline M., Nov. 3, 1862. Welch. Henry B., Jr., 17 y. 10 m , s. of Mary B., May 11, 1859. Julia, 1 d., d. of Thos. & Margaret, JNIay 5, 1877. Thomas, Jr„ 2 y. 9 m., s. of Margaret, June 20, 1881. Ellen (Collins), 71 y. [Ireland], d. of Wm. & Hannah (Dorgan) wid. of Michael, Oct. 4, 1896. Wellington. Martha A., 16 d., d. of Sullivan & Antoinette (Holten), Feb. 10, 1856. Nehemiah, 77 y. 4 m. 11 d., s. of Timothy & Hannah W. (Abbott), hus. of Anna (Stearns), May 11, 1857, LEXINGTON BECOBD OF DEATHS. 479 Wellington — Continued. Antoinette (Holten), 33 y. [Me.], d. of Jeremiah & Mary, wf. of Sullivan, May 5, 1859. Cliflford Holton, 7 m. 18 tl., s. of Sullivan & Isabella L. (Hastings), Dec. 15, 1859. David, 88 y. 4 m. 10 d. [Waltliara], s. of Wm. & Mary (Whitney), wid., Mar. 10, 1860. Frank G., 10 m., s. of Andrew & Leah L. (Nichols), Sept. 4, 1860. William, Jr., 92 y. 8 m. [Waltham], s. of Mary (Whitney), Aug. 24, 1861. Avis (Fiske), 84 y. 9 m. [Waltham], d. of Jonathan & Abigail, wf. of Wm., Jan. 5, 1863. Mary E., 7 y. 7 m, 5 d., d. of Sullivan & Antoinette (Holten), Aug. 30, 1863. Elmer E., 1 y. 25 d., s. of Geo. O. & Florinda S., Sept. 12, 1864. A. Lizzie, 9 y. 9 m. 9 d., d. of Walter & Hannah M. (Parker), Nov. 9, 1865. Marshall, 76 y. 4 m. [Waltham], s. of Wm. & Maiy (Whitney), hus. of Elizabeth (Kimball), Jan. 10, 1866. Arthur N., 21 y. 2 m. 4 d., s. of Horatio & Mary Bowman (Teel), sv;icided in Boston, May 4, 1866. Charles Walter, 15 y. 10 m., s. of W^alter & Hannah M. (Parker), Aug. 9, 1869. Peter, 88 y. 6 m. 14 d., s. of Benj. & Martha (Ball), m., Dec. 5, 1869. Ann (Stearns), 91 y. 1 m. [Waltham], d. of Joshua & Louise, wid. of Nehemiah, Jul. 2, 1871. Elizabeth (Kimball), 83 y. 8 m. [Waltham], d. of Henry & Elizabeth, wid. of Marshall, Mar. 24, 1874. Marion E., 9 y. 9 m., d. of Walter & Hannah M. (Parker), Jul. 2, 1876. Arthur B., 5 y. 11 m. 15 d., s. of Walter & Hannah M. (Parker), Jul. 11, 1876. Hepsibah (Hastings), 80 y. 7 d. [Lincoln], d. of Sara'l & Lydia (Nel- son), wid. of Peter, IMay 31, 1879. Francis, 66 y. 1 m., s. of David & Rebecca (Stearns), unm., d. in Dan- vers, Sept. 27, 1881. Henry A., 46 y. 2 m., s. of Augustus & Tryphenia (Winship), m., Sept. 25, 1885. Ruth, 12 hours, d. of Herbert L. & Carrie B. (Alley), Mar. 18, 1892. Caroline B. (Alley), 34 y. 3 m. 18 d. [Springfield], d. of Wm. G. & Mary H. (Bacon), wf. of Herbert L., June 1, 1892. Hannah M. (Parker), 63 y. 11 m. [Woburn],d. of Fred'k & Nabby (Thompson), wf. of Walter, Sept. 25, 1897. Went worth. Byron J , 25 y. 10 m. 11 d. [Salmon Falls], s. of Wm. T. & Lucinda, m., Oct. 30, 1872. Olive A. (Shaw), 39 y. 10 m. [Kittery, Me.], d. of Jonathan, Aug. 10, 1876. Ellen B., 33 y. 10 m.. d. of Chas. & Sarah, wid., Oct. 30, 1877. Nancy E. (Haskins), 52 y. 8 m. [Grafton, N. H.], d. of Wm. & Nancy E., wf of Otis, Apr. 11, 1881. West. Mary W. (Russell), 25 y. 4 m. 18 d. [Arlington], d. of Josiah & Mary A., wf . of Chas. T. Mar. 20, 1874. Westcott. Roger Atkins, 1 y. 3 m. 5 d., s. of Henry & Sarah R., Dec. 28, 1874. 480 LEXINGTON BE COED OF DEATHS. Wetherbee. Charles, 46 y. 6 m. 18 cl. [Ludlow, Vt.], s. of Luther & Nancy, ni., d. in Somerville, Aug. 18, 1882. Ida M., 16 y. 10 m. 6 d. [Bridgewater] , d. of Anesley Elliot & Acilia Elliot, unni., suicided, Dec. 9, 1882. Levi K., 52 y. 4 m. [Ludlow, Vt.], s. of Luthei' & Nancy, m., Mar. 24, 1886. Elizabeth, 54 y. 10 m. 25 d. [Porter, Me.], d. of Joshua & Louisa (Thompson) Cole, wid. of Chas., Apr. 9, 1891. Wetlierell. Judith C. (Brown), 82 y. 6 m. 21 d. [Grafton], d. of Josiah & Sarah (Mahan), wf. of Lorin, Feb. 12, 1893. Lorin, 79 y. 2 m. 16 d. [Dudley], s. of Lyman & Laura (Amidown), wid., d. in Worcester, Apr. 11, 1893. Weymouth. Hephzibah L (Smith), 92 y. 2 m. 24 d. [Portland, Me.], d. of Cornelius & Abigail (Glazier), wid. of Ivory H., Oct. 19, 1893. Whalan. James, 32 y. [Ireland], unm., Oct. 18, 1854. Sarah (Field), 40 y. [Ireland], d. of John & Catherine, wf. of Jas. W., Sept. 23, 1873. Ann, 79 y. [Ireland], d. of Jas. & Winuy, wid., Jul. 14, 1877. Whalen. James, 1 y. 11 m., s. of Wm. & Mary, June 21, 1865. William, 35 y. [Ireland], m., Dec. 20, 1865. Mary (McCarthy), 68 y. [Ireland], d. of John & Mary, wid., Nov. 2, 1887. Patrick, 75 y. [Ireland], s. of Wm. & Ann (O'Neil), m., d. in Boston, Oct. 12, 1893. William J., 17 d., s. of Jas. ^N. & Catherine C. (Fahey),Dec. 6, 1896. Whalley. Annie, 5 m. 9 d., d. of Joseph & Clara (Glea.son), Aug. 13, 1893. Wheatley. Clara (Kingsbury), 41 y. 4 m. [Boston], d. of (Key), wf. of Wm. H., Dec. 22, 1892. William K., 7 m. 17 d., s. of Wm. H. & Clara (Kingsbury), Aug. 4, 1893. Wheeler. Marv F., 21 y. 7 m. [Boston], m., Aug. 12, 1854. Clarissa L., 63 y. [Cambridge], d. in Bangor, Me., Jul. 17, 1860. Mary Henrietta, 27 y. 11 m., d. of C. P. & Mary J., Jul. 9, 1866. Carrie, 6 y. 2 m., d. of Geo. G. & Mary M. (Fiske), May 25, 1869. Wheelwright. Samuel, 80 y. [Boston], s. of Sam'l & Sarah, unm., Dec. 5, 1887. Whitaker. Elizabeth M. (Hadley), 70 y. 3 m. [Weare, N. II.], d. of Wm. & Rebecca H., wf. of Alvan, m., Apr. 16, 1889, White. Thomas P., 1 y. 10 m. 15 d., s. of Stephen & Margaret, Jim e 15, 1858. Edverta L., 10 m. 23 d., d. of Richard F. & Sarah L. (Brooks), Oct. 10, 1861. LEXINGTON RECOBD OF DEATHS. 481 White — Continued. Lillie May, 2 m., d. of Stephen & Margaret C, Jul. 15, 1871. Josephine Laura Hamniatt, 15 y. 6 m. 16 d., d. of Richard F. & Sarah L. (Brooks), Sept. 24, 1874. Patrick, 65 y. [Ireland], m., Aug. 12, 1875. Patrick, Jr., 5 ru., s. of Margaret (Kelley), Dee. 8, 1875. Frank S., 17 y. 8 m., s. of Stillman & Almira J., Aug. 30, 1886. Mary (Murphy), 85 y. [Ireland], d. of Thos. & Johanna, wid. of Patrick, June 7, 1893. ■WTiiting. Mary J., 38 y. 10 m. [Woburn], wf. of John H., Mar. 17, 1859. William H., 59 y. 5 m. 11 d. [Charlestown], s. of Elded & Abio-ail, m., Jan. 23, 1873. Frank, 40 y, [Charlestown], s. of Wm. H. & Jane M., divorced, Mar. 7, 1878. Whitman. Bathsheba, 87 y. 2 m. 12 d. [East Bridge-water], d. of John & Abigail (Whitman), unm., Aug. 20, 1864. Sarah B., 84 y 7 m. 8 d. [Billerica], d. of Sam'l & Sarah, wid. of Bernard, Sept. 20, 1880. Martha Fairfield, 43 y. 4 m. 29 d. [Portland, Me.], d. of Jason & Mary Fairfield, Dec. 12, 1884. Mary (Fairfield), 91 y. 10 m. 5 d. [Saco,Me.],d. of Ichabod & Sarah, wid., Nov. 1, 1890. Harold I., 11 m. 11 d., s. of Frank A. & Lizzie S. (RaecliflF), Dec. 1, 1891. Whitney. Emma A. (Willard), 66 y. [Ashby],d. of Alexander T. & Tilo O., m,, Nov. 24, 1881. Edmund C, 61 y. 5 m. 5 d. [Boston] , s. of Wm. D. & Harriet (Hawks) , m., June 3, 1897. Whittier. Ellen M. (Daley), 59 y. 8 m. 21 d. [Boston], d. of John & Caroline M., m., Jan. 3, 1881. Isaac F., 75 y. 11 d. [Cornville, Me.], s. of Wm. & Ruth (Foo-o-), wid.. Apr. 23, 1896. ^ °°^ Wier. Fanny, 86 y. 2 m. 20 d., wf. of Dan'l [Merrimac, N. H.l, Auo-. 3, 1859. "" Mary, 81 y. 1 m. [Medford], d. of Dan'l M. & Fanny, unm., Feb. 21, 1884. ^ Wiggin. Sarah E. (Robinson), 59 y. 5 m. 15 d. [Boston], d. of Simon W. & Hannah T. (Danforth), m., Jan. 21, 1877. Wilcox. Caroline Jennings, 9 m. [Philadelphia] , d. of Chas. & Caroline, June 11, 1864. Wilkins. Frank R., Jr., 12 d., s. of Georgie L., Aug. 11, 1873. Betsey, 62 y. 6 m. [Wolfboro, N. H.], d. of Isaac & Lydia, wid., Apr. 29, 1877. J . ' F Rose B. (Richardson), 54 y. 8 m. 28 d. [Boston], d. of Alfred & Rebecca, wf. of Joseph G., Nov. 2, 1885. 482 LExmaTON be coed of deaths. Willard. Jane J., 88 y. 5 m. 11 d. [Boston], d. of Aaron & Mary P., unm., Aug. 13, 1886. ■Williams. Chester M., 26 y. 19 d. [Marlboro], s. of Henry M. & Lucy E. (Barnes), unm., Jan. 19, 1884. Marlboro, 2 m. 26 d., s. of Fred'k M. & Minnie (Thayer), Jan. 8, 1889. Catherine H., 19 y. 2 d [Stimson, Me.], d. of Chas, B. & Mary E. (Trefethen), Feb. 27, 1893. Willis. Francis R., 53 y. 1 m. 22 d. [Boston], s. of Royal B. & Phaebe C. (Webster), unm., Apr. 13, 1891. Royal B., 81 y. 2 m. 5 d. [Easton], s. of Thos. & Frances (La Mont), m., Nov. 8, 1893. Phoebe C. (Webster), 83 y. 6 m. 13 d. [Sanbornton,N. H.],d.of Peter & Hannah (Perkins), wid. of Royal B., Mar. 27, 1896. Wilson. John E., 33 y. 2 m. 10 d. [Ireland], s. of Alexander & Martha, m., Feb. 14, 1889. William M., 2 y. 21 d., s. of Wm. T. & Margaret T., Aug. 8, 1889. Martha (Monahan), 56 y. 6 m. 21 d. [Ireland], d. of John & Martha, m., Nov. 25, 1889. Edith i'lorence, 1 y. 15 d. [Arlington], d. of Geo. & Ellen, Jan. 3, 1890. ,20 d., s. of Geo. & Ellen, Jul. 13, 1890. , 1 m. 12 d., s. of Geo. & Ellen, Aug. 4, 1890. Ellen (Sproul), 34 y. 11 ra. 3 d. [Ireland], d. of Jas. & Sophia (Robinson), \vf. of Geo,, Oct. 3, 1892. Margaret S , 10 m 11 d,, d. of Taylor & Margaret S. (Murphy), Jul. 24 1 S93 William Taylor, 35 y. 4 m. 19 d. [Windsor, N. S.], s. of Jas. H. & Margaret (Taylor), m., Nov. 5, 1896. Wingate. Henry T., 37 y. 2 m. [Me.], wid.. May 4, 1854. Winn. Susan, 78 y. 3 m., d. or wf. of Benj. Estabrook, Nov. 25, 1860. Winning. Lydia A., 30 y , d. of John, d. in Woburn, Dec. 15, 1866. William, 24 y. 2 m. [Billerica], s. of David P. & Rebecca C, unm., Feb. 5, 1869. Winship. Betsey, 64 y. 4 m. [Billerica] , wid. of Edward, Mar. 23, 1860. Edmund C, 37 y., s. of Edmund & Betsey, d. in South Boston, May 21. 1860. Archibald, 56 y 9 m., s. of Stephen & Edith (Meriam), d. in Cam- bridge, May 17, 1861 Stephen, Jr., 71 y 4 m., s. of Edith (Merriam), Aug. 27, 1864. Hannah C, 13 y. 7 m. 29 d., d. of Edward & Hannah E., June 10, 1870. Oliver, 79 y. 5 m. 6 d., s. of Isaac & Sarah (Fessenden), m., Apr. 18, 1874. LEXINGTON BECOBD OF DEATHS. . 483 Winship — Continued. Walter P., 26 y. 10 m. 10 d., s. of Edward & Hannah E., unm., May 5, 1881. Mary A. (Holbrook), 56 y. 10 m. 15 d. [Me.], d. of Aaron & Mary, wf. of Chas F., d. in Boston, Mar. 13, 1883. Georgianna M. (Smith), 31 y. 15 d. [Charlestown], d. of Levi J. & Laura A. (George), wf. of E. Bigelow, Oct. 81, 1888. Hannah E. (Pollard), 78 y. 6 m. 3 d. [Bedford], d. of Obed & (Hill), wf. of Edward, JuL 3, 1896. Winter. Augusta H. (Fellows), 51 y. [Framingham] , d. of Cyrus & Lucy, m., Jan. 8, 1887. Witherell. Arthur Z., 6 m., s. of Davis C. & Ellen J., Aug. 26, 1871. Witthus. Frederick William, 1 m. 12 d., s. of August & Mary (brail), May 14, 1892. Lillie, 1 y., d. of August & Mary (Dralle), Apr. 24, 1894. George, 6 m., s. of August W. & Mary (Drall), June 9, 1897. Wood.! David, 88 y. 6 m. [Newburvport], Jan. 22, 1855. Patrick, 35 y. [Ireland], s of Jas., Jan. 14, 1871. Susan C., 82 y. [Newburyport], d. of David & Elizabeth, unm., Sept. 6, 1876. William B., 58 y. 1 m. 20 d. [Gardner], s. of Moses & Mary, wid., Sept. 9, 1888. , 1 d,, s. of Leander & Agnes (Tracey), Sept. 20, 1897. Woodworth. Anna G. (Grafton), 45 y. 8 m. 10 d. [Boston], d. of Dan'l G. & Ange- line B„ m., Sept. 27, 1883. Worthley. 7\J.h Marion N., 3 d., d. of Henry A. & Marion S. (Powers), June 13, 1891. Wright. Mary G., 49 y. 7 m. [Charlestown], wf. of Joseph B., Oct. 6, 1857. Arthur E., 5 y. 4 m., s. of Luke W. & Abigail (Estabrook), Jan. 26, 1859. Mary (Tenney), 57 y. 5 m. [Littleton], d. of Porter & Elizabeth, m,, Apr 15, 1863. Frederick C, 1 y. 1 m , s. of Henry, b. and d. in Charlestown, Sept. 17, 1867. Augusta A. (Wilson), 22 y. 11 m. [Nashua, N. H.], d. of Benj. H. & P. G., m., Sept. 28, 1868. Abigail (Estabrook), 55 y. 10 m. 14 d., d. of Attai & Mary (Pierce), wf. of Luke W., Oct. 1, 1874. Elisha H., 64 y. 8 m. 10 d. [Walpole, N. H.], s. of Nathan & Betsey L., m, Aug. 4, 1876. Harriet (Farmer), 70 y. 5 m. 3 d. [Greenfield, N. H.], d. of Oliver & Lucy, wid. of Elisha, Jul. 25, 1884. Luke W., 68 y. [Ashby], s. of Isaac & Arvilla, wid., Sept. 22, 1888. Catherine A., 6o y. 2 m. [Ireland], d. of John & Nancy (Ponce) Lawton, wf. of Stephen L., May 13, 1891. Emily B., 34 y. [Boston], d. of Stephen L. & Catherine (Lawton), unm., May 2, 1892. 484 LEXINGTON BECOBD OF DEATHS. Wyman. Lydia, 80 y. 9 m., d. of Jas. & Anna (Porter), unm., Dec. 1, 1861. Lucy (Gardner), 91 y. 10 d. [Charlestown], d. of John & Patience, Feb. 2, 1866. Maria, 75 y. 3 m. [Westminster, Vt.], d. of Wm. & Betsey, unm., Feb. 11, 1872. Margaret (Center), 72 y. 9 m. [Charlestown] , d. of Cotton & Mar- garet, wf. of Francis, Mar. 21, 1873. Francis, 96 y. 9 m. 3 d., s. of Jas. & Annie (Porter), m., Jan. 14,1886. Yeaton. Chester Percy, 4 y. 23 d. [Somerville] , s. of Edward L. & Florence B. (Wright), Aug. 23, 1896. Gladys Belle, 1 y. 8 m. 8 d., s. of Edward L. & Florence B., Aug. 24, 1896. Unknown. man, 72 y. [Ireland], frozen, Dec. 10, 1892. man, 25 to 35 y., suicided by shooting, Jul. 13, 1894. man, about 28 y., suicided, June 6 or 7, 1895. •r-im