NATICR VITAL RECORDS LIBRARY OF THE MASSACHUSETTS AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE NO. 3SOOO DATE a.'a.lL-|0 SOURCE ^Le_jex| . Os ^^-talZ - F N2N4 DATE DUE 1 J VITAL RECORDS OF NATICK MASSACHUSETTS, TO THE YEAR 1850. COMPILED BY THOMAS W. BALDWIN, AB., S.B., MEMBER OF THE NEW ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. BOSTON, MASS., 1910. Number of Births printed 3)33° Marriages 1,142 X2 " 2,284 names Deaths 1,383 6,997 total Stanbope iPresB F. H. GILSON COUPAIIT BOSTON. U.S.A. May 30, 1679, an exchange of land made between the plantation of Natick and Sherborn was ratified by the General Court. June 28, 1745, in the Provincial Laws, Vol. Ill, Page 234, the plantation of Natick is spoken of as belonging to no particular town. February 23, 1762, the parish of Natick was established as the district of Natick. February 19, 178 1, the district of Natick was made the town of Natick, confirmatory to the general act of August 23, 1775. June 22,; 1797, the bounds between Natick and Needham were established and part of each town was annexed to the other. February 7, 1820, part of Sherborn was annexed to Natick. April 22, 1822, part of Natick was annexed to Framingham. Population by Census ; : 1765 (Prov.), 474; 1776 (Prov.), 535; 1790 (U.S.), (U.S.), 615; 1 800 (U.S.), 694; 1810 766; 1820 (U.S.), 849; 1830 (U.S.), 890; 1840 (U.S.), 1285; 1850 (U.S.), 2744; 1855 (State), 4138; i86o (U.S.), SS^S'^ 1865 (State), 5208 ; 1870 (U.S.), 6404; 1875 (State), 7419; 1880 (U.S.), 8479; 1885 (State), 8460; 1890 (U.S.), 9II8; 1895 (State), 8814; 1900 (U.S.), 9488; 1905 (State), 9609. 32038 EXPLANATIONS. 1. When places other than Natick or Massachusetts are named in the original records, they, are given in the printed copy. 2, In all records the original spelling is followed. 3. The various spellings of a name should be examined, as items about the same family or individual may be found under different spellings. 4. Marriages are printed under the names of both parties. When a marriage appears without the intention recorded, it is designated with an asterisk. 5. Additional information which does not appear in the original text of an item, i.e., any explanation, query, inference, or difference shown in other entries of the record, is bracketed. ABBREVIATIONS. a. — age obi. — about h, — bom hp. — baptized hur. — buried ch. — child CO. — county c.R. — church record d. — died: daughter: day Dea. — deacon dec. — deceased dup. — duplicate entry G.R.I. — grave record, Dell Park Cemetery G.R.2. — grave record, Boden Street Cemetery G.R.3. — grave record, South Natick Cemetery, Eliot Square G.R.4. — grave record, South Natick, Glenwood Cemetery G.R.5. — grave record, North Natick Cemetery G.R.6. — grave record, Roman Catholic Cemetery h. — husband hrs. — hours in). — infant in%. — publishment of intention of marriage Jr. — junior m. — male: month md. — married ABBREVIATIONS M.R. — Middlesex Court records prob. — probably s. — son Sr. — senior T.c. — from Town Copy umn. — unmarried w. — wife wid. — widow widr. — widower y. — year ist. — first 2d. — second 2,d. — third NATICK BIRTHS. NATICK BIRTHS, To THE YEAR 185O. ABRAHAM, Zeporah, d. of Samuel, bp. Mar. 22, 1730. Indian. C.R. ADAMS, Antoinette, d. of Chester and Mehetable, Nov. 11, 1823. Antoinette, d. of Chester and Mehetable, May 13, 1825. Asa Metcalf, s. of Asa and Martha, Jan. 10, 1788. George F., , 1848. g.r.l. John Richard, , 1832. g.r.i. Joseph G., Dec. 12, 1836. g.r.i. Martha H. [ ], w. of Joseph G., Aug. 30, 1836. g.r.i. ALBEE, Harriot Willard, d. of Pardon and Lampetia F., Feb. 16, 1829. ALDEN (see Aiding), Selah B., May 18, 1833. g.r.i. ALDING (see Alden), Millisant, d. of John and Mary, Sept. 13, 1755- ALEXANDER, Ann Maria, d. of Joseph N. and Ann Maria H., Feb. 24, 1842. Edmund Kimball, s. of Joseph N. and Ann Maria H., Mar. 2, 1844. ALGER, Anne M. C, d. of H. and O. A. F., , 1840. G.R.4. Francis, s. of H. and O. A. F., , 1842. g,r.4. Horatio Rev., Nov. 6, 1806. G.R.4. Horatio Jr., Jan. 13, 1832. G.R.4. James, s. of H. and O. A. F., , 1836. G.R.4. Olive A. Fenno [ ], w. of Horatio Sr., Sept. 5, 1807. G.R.4. ALLEN (see AUin), , d. of Eliab andPersis, Feb. 23, 1848. Abigail, d. of Hezekiah, bp. Mar. 28, 1742. c.r. Amos Crane, s. of Amos and Adaline, Oct. 17, 1831. Elizabeth, d. of Hez[ekiah], bp. Aug. 8, 1731. c.r. Elizabeth Frances, d. of Amos and Adaline, Aug. 13, 1829. Emma Augusta, d. of Alfred P. and Lydia, June 27, 1847. 9 10 NATICK BERTHS. Allen, George Kimball, s. of Alfred P. and Lydia, Apr. 20, 1849. Hannah Maria, d. of Elijah M., Sept. 13, 1832. Hezekiah, s. of Hezekiah Jr. of Dedham, bp. June 17, 1754. C.R. James Mann, s. of Amos and Adaline, May 25, 1837. Twin. Jemima, d. of Hez[ekiah] Jr., bp. May i, 1748. c.r. John, s. of Nehe[miah] of Sherborn, bp. Jan. 20, 1732. c.r. John Madison, s. of Amos and Adaline, May 25, 1837. Twin. Martha Battelle, d. of Amos and Adaline, May 27, 1835. Mary Ann Elizabeth, d. of Elijah M., Mar. 8, 1836. Rachel, d. of Hezekiah Jr., bp. Feb. 11, 1749-50. c.r. Richard C, , 1834. G.R.4. Suse, d. of Hezekiah, bp. Nov. 12, 1752. c.r. Timothy, s. of Hez[ekiah], bp. Sept. 14, 1729. c.r. William Farriss, s. of Elijah M., Jan. 9, 1839. ALLIN (see Allen), Hannah, d. of Hezekiah of Dedham, bp. Nov. 25, 1733. _ C.R. Jacob, s. of Nehemiah, bp. at Sherborn, Mar. 3, 1733-4. C.R. Mehitabel, d. of Hez[ekiah], bp. May 16, 1736. C.R. ALVIN, Mary, d. of Peter and Catharine, Dec. 31, 1847. AMBLER, WiUiam F., Oct. 28, 1835. g.r.i. AMES (see Fames, Emes), Nathan, s. of Sam[ue]l, bp. Apr. 27, 1729. C.R. ANDERSON, Joseph Sumner, , 1835. G.R.4. ARMSTRONG, John, s. of Timothy and Jerusha, Oct. 8, 1761. Timothy, s. of Timothy and Jerusha, June 15, 1760. ARNOLD, Austin, , 1829. G.R.5. ATKINS, Henry, s. of John and Jane, Mar. 26, 1798. Isaiah, s. of John and Jane, Dec. 29, 1800. ATWOOD, Betsy W. [ ], w. of W. Wallace, , 1836. G.R.I. Daniel C, Apr. 5, 1826. g.r.i. Irene M. [ ], w. of Daniel C, Nov. 9, 1823. g.r.i. W. Wallace, , 1829. g.r.i. AUSTINGS, Ruben, s. of Sarah Jennings, Oct. 3, 1759. AWANSAMAGE (see Awansamug, Awansomugg, Wonsamug), John, s. of Thomas and Deborah, Apr. 2, 1733. r NATICK BIRTHS. II AWANSAMUG (see Awansamage, Awansomugg, Wonsamug), Amos, s. of Thomas and Deborah, in Needham, May 29, 173- (1730, T.c). Hannah, d. of Thomas and Deborah, in Medfield, July 9, 1747. (Indian, C.R.) Submitt, d. of Thomas and Deborah, June 14, 1733 (1735, T.c). (Indian, c.r.) AWANSOMUGG (see Awansamage, Awansamug, Wonsamug), Molly, d. of Thomas and Jerusha, Jan. 8, 1767, in East Town. BABCOCK, Malachi, in Sherborn, Dec. 17, 1802. g.r.i. Sally Kimball [ ], w. of Malachi, in Sherborn, Mar. 28, 1809. G.R.I. BABESUCK, Rhoda, d. of Jona., bp. Dec. 2, 1739. c.r. Samuel, s. of Jona., bp. May 27, 1744. C.R. BACON, , s. of Jonathan 2d, July 15, 1842. Aaron, s. of Timothy and Sibbil, Apr. 9, 1778. Abigail, d. of John, bp. July 3, 1737. c.r. Abigail, d. of Josiah, bp. Apr. 26, 1761. c.r. Abigail, d. of Hezekiah and Mehetibel, Dec. 14, 1785. Albert F., , 1839. g.r.i. Alfred, , 1798. g.r.i. Anna, d. of Jonathan and Mittee, in Needham, Apr. 28, 1793. Asa, s. of Stephen and Ruth, in Needham, May 19, 1740. Asa, s. of Oliver and Sarah, May 31, 1763. Asa, s. of Asa and Zeruiah, May 22, 1795. Austin, s. of Jonathan and Mitta, Feb. 4, 1813. Betse[y], d. of Timothy and Sibel, Mar. 27, 1780. Betty, d. of John and Lydia, Nov. 12, 1763. Betty, d. of Joseph and Abigail, in Stoughton, Oct. 30, 1764. Calla, d. of Asa and Zeruiah, Oct. i, 1792. Carolina, d. of Elijah and Sarah, Sept. 8, 1773. Carolina, d. of Joseph and Elisabeth, Nov. 3, 1777. Catherine C. Mills [ ], w. of Jonathan, , 1813. G.r.i. Catherine Kingsbury, d. of John and Lucy, Sept. 22, 1827. Charles, s. of Moses and Eliza P., May 28, 1817. Charles H., , 1842. g.r.i. David, s. of John and Abigail, May 3, 1756. David, s. of John and Abigail, in Needham, Oct. 31, 1761. David, s. of Joseph and Abiga[i]l, in Woodstock, Sept. 4, 1771. David, s. of David and Sarah, Apr. 25, 1797. 12 NATICK BIRTHS. Bacon, David Henry, s. of David and Sally, in Milton, Oct. 16, 1823. Ebenezer, s. of Jonathan and Zeperah, Apr. 10, 1782. Ede Goulding, d. of David and Sarah, Sept. 9, 1803. Eira, s. of John and Vine, Oct. 28, 1805. Eleazer, s. of Henry, bp. Aug. 23, 1747. c.r. Elijah, s. of Stephen and Ruth, in Needham, Apr. 7, 1736. Elijah, s. of Elijah and Sarah, Sept. 7, 1760. Eliot Holbrook, s. of Ensign John and Eliza, Oct. 17, 1818. Elisabeth, d. of Joseph and Elisabeth, in Sudbury, Apr. 14, 1774. Elisabeth, d. of William and Kezia, Mar. 7, 1782. Eliza, d. of Richard and Mary, Sept. 22, 1802. Elizabeth, d. of Stephen and Ruth, Oct. 29, 1753. Elizabeth Whitney, d. of John 2d and Lucy, Nov. 20, 1829. Emeline A., , 1836. g.r.i. Fanna, d. of Asa and Zeruiah, Mar. 3, 1790. Francis, s. of Elijah and Sarah, Nov. 10, 1778. George Ashley, s. of John 3rd and Lucy, Dec. — , 1834. Hannah, d. of John, bp. Aug. 27, 1732. c.r. Hannah, d. of John and Abigail, in Needham, Apr. 22, 1769. Hannah, d. of Oliver and Sarah, June 6, 1777. Hannah, d. of David and Sarah, May 12, 1800. Harriet [ ], w. of Alfred, , 1804. g.r.i. Harriet Fisher, d. of John 3rd and Lucy, Oct. 6, 1832. Henry, s. of John and Lucy, Aug. 17, 1822. Hezekiah, s. of John and Abigail, in Needham, Feb. 8, 1764. Hezekiah, s. of Hezekiah and Mehetible, Dec. 23, 1792. Horris, s. of John and Abigail, Oct. 15, 1801. Ira, s. of John and Mary, Nov. 17, 1799. Isaac, s. of Stephen and Ruth, in Needham, Mar. 27, 1739. Isaac, s. of Stephen and Ruth, Oct. 25, 1748. Isaac, s. of Henry and Hannah, Apr. 30, 1765. James, s. of Josiah, bp. Aug. 2, 1762. Twin. C.R. Jemima, d. of Oliver and Sarah, in Dedham, Apr. 12, 1758. Jeremiah, s. of Jeremiah and Anna, Apr. 30, 1754. John, s. of John and Abigail, Sept. 18, 1745. John, s. of Oliver and Sarah, Aug. 20, 1766. John, s. of Martha Dun, Feb. 23, 1767. John, s. of Jonathan and Mittee, in Needham, Nov. 14, 1789. John, s. of John and Mary, Aug. 3, 1794. John G., , 1849. G.R. John Golden (Goulding, t.c), s. of Ebenezer and Mary, May 12, 1820. NATICK BIRTHS. 1 3 Bacon, John William, s. of John and Lucy, July 12, 1818. Jonathan, s. of John and Abigail, May 3, 1756. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan and Zeperah, May 20, 1785. Jonathan, s. of Ebenezer and Mary, June 10, 1814. Jonathan, s. of John and Lucy, Oct. 26, 1823. Joseph, s. of Tim[othy], bp. Oct. 5, 1729. c.r. Joseph, s. of John, bp. Aug. 10, 1746. c.r. Joseph, s. of Stephen and Ruth, Mar. 14, 1751. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Abiga[i]l, in Sherborn, Sept. 7, 1769. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Elisabeth, Oct. 30, 1775. Joseph Hawes, s. of Ebenezer and Mary, June 17, 1823. Josiah, s. of Michael, bp. Jan. 10, 1731. c.r. Josiah, s. of Josiah, bp. Apr. 26, 1761. c.r. Josiah Childs, s. of David and Sally, Feb. 4, 1828. Josiah Spa[u]lding, s. of David and Sally, Apr. 27, 1835. Jotham, s. of Joseph and Elisabeth, Nov. 11, 1779. Kezia, d. of William and Kezia, Sept. 13, 1780. Le[o]nard, s. of Joseph and Abigail, in Sto[ugh]ton, June 8, 1766. Lucy Ann, d. of John Jr. and Lucy, Nov. 8, 1819. Lucy Ann, d. of Austin and Nancy C, Mar. 16, 1847. Lydia, d. of John, bp. June 20, 1731. c.r, Lydia, d. of Michael, of Dedham, bp. Dec. 23, 1733. C.R. Lydia, d. of Oliver and Sarah, in Dedham, June 6, 1751. Lydia, d. of David and Sarah, Apr. 14, 1789. Malvina Jane, d. of Jonathan and Catherine C, Feb. 15, 1845. Mary, d. of John, bp. Dec. 15, 1734. c.r. Mary, d. of Stephen and Ruth, in Needham, Oct. 12, 1737. Mary, d. of Henry and Mary, June 26, 1752. Mary, d. of John and Abigail, June 20, 1759. Mary, d. of Elijah and Sarah, Sept. 17, 1770, Mary, d. of Asa, bp. Nov. 19, 1797. c.r. Mary, d. of John and Vine, Sept. 24, 181 2. Mary Elizabeth, d. of David and Sally, in Brookline, July 24, 1820. Mary Kezia, d. of Ebenezar and Mary, Feb. — , 1827. Mehitebel, d. of Hezekiah and Mehitebel, Feb. 20, 1784. Michael, s. of Josiah, bp. Apr. 26, 1761. c.r. Mitta [ ], w. of Jonathan, July 19, 1771. G.R.5. Molley, d. of Joseph and Abigail, Dec. 11, 1767. Moses, s. of John and Abigail, Sept. 7, 1753. Moses, s. of Jeremiah and Anna, June 17, 1756. Moses, s. of Timothy and Sibbil, in Needham, Aug. 6, 1777. Moses, s. of Hezekiah and Mehetibel, Jan. 6, 1799. 14 NATICK BIRTHS. Bacon, Moses Sawin, s. of John and Lucy, Sept. 27, 1825. Moses Wilson, s, of Moses and Eliza P., Sept. 22, 1819. Nabby, d. of John and Mary, July i, 1792. Nabby, d. of Hezekiah and Mehetibel, Mar. 18, 1795. Nancy, d. of Hez[ekia]h and Mehetibel, Mar. 28, 1788. Nancy Helen, d. of David and Sally, May 21, 1832. Oliver, s. of Oliver and Sarah, in Dedham, Apr. 27, 1754. Oliver, s. of David and Sarah, May 22, 1794. Oliver, s. of John and Mary, Sept. 21, 1796. Oliver Nelson, s. of Oliver and Patty, July 15, 1822. Oliver Willard, s. of David and Sally, Jan. 28, 1830. Patty, d. of Jonathan and Mittee, June 30, 1797. Phebe A. Norton [ ], w. of Albert F., , 1840. G.R.i. Polly, d. of Hezekiah and Mehetibel, June 8, 1790. Rebecca, d. of John and Abigail, July 11, 1766. Rebecca, d. of David and Sarah, Jan. 2, 1787. Ruth, d. of Stephen and Ruth, Mar. 14, 1751. Sally, d. of Samuel and Polly, Oct. 26, 1788. Sally, d. of David and Sarah, Dec. 27, 1791. Sally Ann, d. of David Jr. and Sally, Dec. 8, 1825. Samuel, s. of Elijah and Sarah, May 11, 1766. Sarah, d. of Henry and Mary, Dec. 28, 1750. Sarah, d. of John and Sarah, Nov. 3, 1757. Sarah, d. of Elijah and Sarah, Nov. 15, 1758. Sarah, d. of Oliver and Sarah, Apr. 23, 1761. Sarah, d. of Joseph and Abiga[i]l, in Killingly, Sept. 9, 1777. Sarah, d. of Asa and Zeruiah, Feb. 20, 1787. Sarah, d. of Oliver and Patty, Feb. 2, 1820. Stephen, s. of Stephen and Ruth, Jan. 23, 1745. Stephen, s. of Stephen and Ruth, Jan. 23, 1746-7. Stephen, s. of Elijah and Sarah, Aug. 8, 1775. Theoda C, d. of Austin and Nancy, Aug. 22, 1840. Timothy, s. of John, bp. Apr. 14, 1751. c.r. Timothy, s. of Josiah, bp. Aug. 2, 1762. Twin. C.R. Timothy, s. of Samuel and Polly, Nov. 30, 1786. Willard, s. of John and Vine, Apr. 6, 1808. William, s. of Michael, bp. Sept. 28, 1735. c.r. William, s. of John and Abigail, June 27, 1790. William, s. of Richard and Mary, in Framingham, Nov. 16, 1794. William, s. of Francis and Kezia, Aug. 27, 1798. William H., , 1838. g.r.i. William Hammon, s. of Ebenezer and Mary, Dec. 8, 1816. Zeruiah, d. of Stephen and Ruth, in Needham, July 6, 1741. NATICK BIRTHS. 1 5 Bacon, Zeruiah, d. of Stephen and Ruth, July 6, 1743. Zeruiah, d. of Elijah and Sarah, in Needham, Jan. 28, 1763. BADGER, , d. of John and Rebecca, Apr. 12, 1845. , d. of John and Rebecca, Apr. 12, 1849. Abigail, d. of Rev. Stephen and Abigail, Oct. 29, 1755. Benjamin Francis, s. of Benjamin and Hannah Richards, July 24, 1835- Charles Martin, s. of Martin and Martha F., Sept. 2, 1846. Gardner, s. of John and Rebecca, June 13, 1847. Hannah Ophelia, d. of Benjamin and Hannah Richards, in Wen- dell, Dec. 22, 1836. Mahlon Francis, s. of Martin H. and Martha E., June 27, 1848. Mary, d. of Rev. Stephen and Abigail, Aug. 2, 1764. Sarah, d. of Rev. Stephen and Abigail, May 7, 1761. Stephen, s. of Rev. Stephen and Abigail, Nov. 17, 1757. Stephen 2d, s. of Rev. Stephen and Abigail, Nov. 4, 1759. Tabitha, d. of Rev. Stephen and Abigail, Oct. 22, 1766. BAILEY (see Bailey, Bayley, Bayly), Almond, , 1843. G.R.4. Emma Goodnow [ ], w. of Almond, , 1845. G-R.4. George Addison, s. of Charles and Ann, June 19, 1848. Polly, May 22, 1779. G.R.3. BALCOM (see Balkam), Clara Elona, d. of Mendrick and Charlotte, Feb. 12, 1849. Clarissa Sophrona, d. of Mendrick and Charlotte, Mar. 9, 1845. BALKAM (see Balcom), Sarah Louisa, d. of Susan Cobb, July 5, 1838. BALLEY (see Bailey, Bayley, Bayly), Noah, s. of Daniel and Rebecca, Mar. 23, 1751. BARKER, George Mooney, s. of George K. and Nancy W., Jan. 23, 1841. BARNES, John Henry, s. of John P. and Abigail, Nov. 2, 1829. BARTLETT, C. O., July 5, 1831. g.r.i. Caroline Elizabeth, d. of Henry F. and Carolme, Aug. 6, 1844. George L., , 1839. g.r.i. Harriet Nichols, d. of Benjamin F. and Sarah, June i, 1849. Luke, s. of Longley and Elizabeth, July 26, 1769. Rebekah, d. of Longley and Elizabeth, Jan. 13, 1771. / 1 6 NATICK BIRTHS. BATES, , s. of Joshua and Eliza, Sept. 28, 1846. Eliza Jane, d. of Joshua and Caroline, formerly wid. of Eben[eze]r P. Blodget, Dec. 7, 1848. Frank Orlando, s. of George W. and Susan B., Aug. 30, 1848. George Henry, s. of George W. and Susan B., June 11, 1842, BATTELLE (see Battle, Battlee, Battles, Battley), Jonathan, s. of Nathaniel and Mary, Oct. 27, 1785. BATTLE (see Battelle, Battlee, Battles, Battley), Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer of Dedham, bp. Jan. 4, 1756. c.r. Elizabeth, d. of Jona[than], bp. May 24, 1730. c.R. Ethel, s. of James, bp. Nov. 12, 1752. c.r. Hannah, d. of Nathaniel, bp. Aug. 27, 1732. c.r. Hannah, d. of Ebenezer of Dedham, bp. Oct. 26, 1755. c.R. Hezekiah, s. of Eben[eze]r of Dedham, bp. Feb. 26, 1758. c.R. Joseph, s. of Ebenezer of Dedham, bp. June 22, 1760. c.r. Julia Ann, d. of Henry and Hannah, June 19, 1818. t^Mary, d. of Jona[than], Jr., bp. Nov. 2, 1735. Indian. c.R. Mehitabel, d. of John, bp. Jan. 8, 1743-4. c.r. Sybbil, d. of Jonathan Jr. of Dedham, bp. Aug. 18, 1734. c.R. Thankful, d. of Nat[hanie]l, bp. Jan. 21, 1743-4. c.R. BATTLEE (see Battelle, Battle, Battles, Battley), Beulah, d. of Nath[anie]l, bp. July 28, 1734. c.R. Beulah, d. of Jona[than], bp. Sept. 9, 1739. c.r. Beulah, twin d. of Thomas, bp. Apr. 14, 1751. c.r. Elizabeth, twin d. of Thomas, bp. Apr. 14, 1751. c.r. John, s. of John, bp. Feb. 28, 1741-2. c.r. Joseph, s. of Jonathan, bp. July 12, 1741. C.R. Martha, d. of Nath[anie]l, bp. Jan. 16, 1736-7. c.r. Nathanael, s. of Nath[anie]ll, bp. May 31, 1740. C.R. Nathaniel, s. of Nath[anie]l, bp. Jan. 13, 1729-30. c.R. Olive, d. of John, bp. June 8, 1746. c.r. Tabitha, d. of Nathaniel, bp. June 27, 1731. c.r. BATTLES (see Battelle, Battle, Battlee, Battley), Silence, d. of Nathaniel, bp. Nov. 23, 1735. c.r. Timothy, s. of Jona[than], Jr., bp. July 16, 1732. c.R. Unity, d. of John, bp. Jan. 20, 1750-1. c.R. BATTLEY (see Battelle, Battle, Battlee, Battles), Nathanael, s. of Nathan[ae]ll, bp. Aug. 13, 1738. c.r. BAYLEY (see Bailey, Bailey, Bayly), Aaron, s. of Joseph and Mary, in Dublin, N.H., Nov. 10, 1791. NATICK BIRTHS. 1/ Bayley, Abel, s. of Eliphelet and Abigail, May 19, 1799. Betty, d. of Elephelet and Abigail, Jan. 22, 1790. Billey, s. of Elephelet and Abigail, Aug. 12, 1792. Eliphalet, s. of Eliphalet and Abigail, Sept. 16, 1801. Elisha, s. of Joseph and Mary, Oct. 10, 1793. Elizebeth, d. of Daniel and Rebec[c]a, June 29, 1766. Henry, s. of Elephelet and Abigail, May 29, 1785. Joseph, s, of Joseph and Mary, Sept. 18, 1795. Leavice, d. of Eliphelet and Abigail, Apr. 27, 1797. Luther, s. of Joseph and Mary, Nov. 14, 1788. Meriam, d. of Eliphalet and Abigail, Jan. 7, 1804. Sally, d. of Eliphelet and Mariam, Jan. 6, 1783. Seth, s. of Elephelet and Abigail, May 3, 1787. BAYLY (see Bailey, Bailey, Bayley), Phebe, d. of Daniel, bp. June 25, 1749. c.R. BEAL (see Beals), Aaron, s. of William and Lidia, Apr. 3, 1741. Abigail, d. of Joseph, bp. July 30, 1732. c.R. Abigail R. [ ], w. of Eleazar C, Feb. 15, 1830. g.r.i. Alzina, d. of James M. and Elvira, Dec. 26, 1847. Delia H., d. of Cyrus H. and Melinda, June 29, 1846. Eleazar C., Aug. 4, 1826. g.r.i. Elizabeth, d. of James and Hannah, Oct. 13, 172-. Hannah, d. of W[illia]m, bp. Feb. 15, 1746-7. c.R. Harriet Elizabeth, d. of James M. and Alvira, Mar. 14, 1845. John, s. of James and Hannah, Oct. 11, 172- (bp. Nov. 16, 1729). Lydia, d. of \V[illia]m, bp. Feb. 17, 1744-5. c.R. Martha, d. of James and Hannah, Mar. 11, 17 — (bp. Nov. 16, 1729, C.R.). Molly, d. of W[illia]m, bp. May 28, 1749. c.R. Othniel, s. of W[illia]m, bp. Sept. 29, 1757. c.R. Sarah, d. of W[illia]m, bp. Aug. 18, 1751. c.R. Sarah Elizabeth, d. of Lev/is and Elizabeth, Jan. 13, 1845. William, s. of James and Hannah, Apr. 11 (172-, t.c). (bp. Nov. 16, 1729, c.R.) William, s. of William and Lydia, Dec. 18, 1742. BEALS (see Beal), Mary, d. of William, bp. Mar. 23, 1760. c.R. Sarah Eliza, d. of James M. and Elvira, Mar. — , 1842. W[illia]m, s. of Joseph, bp. Mar. 7, 1730. c.R. BEAN, Joseph Albion, , 1828. G.R.4. Lydia Grossman, , 1832, G.R.4. Martha Bullard, , 1849. G.R.4. 1 8 NATICK BIRTHS. BEARSE, Isaac, , 1828. G.R.5. BECKMANN, George H. J., , 1835. g.r.6. Mary E. [— ], w. of George H. J., , 1835. g.r.6. BELKNAP, Isaac, s. of Abraham and Mary, Mar. 21, 1753. Mary, d. of Abraham and Mary, Mar. 20, 1751. BENT, Marcus Morton, s. of George and Mary, Mar. 19, 1843. Oriannah, d. of George and Mary, June 10, 1847. William, s. of William and Polly, July 28, 1808. BERRY, Ann Casey [ ], w. of George, , 1848. g.r.6. George, , 1849. g.r,6. Hiram H., Dec. 30, 1823. g.r.i. BETTAG, August, in Plowen, Prussia, Aug. 2, 1825. G.R.4. Augusta J. T. [ ], w. of August, in Greifswald, Pommem, Germany, Nov. 3, 183 1. G.R.4. BIGELOW (see Biglow), Abigail, d. of Isaac and Fanny, Feb. 3, 1800. Abraham, s. of William and Hepzibath, Mar. 15, 1788. Abraham, s. of Abraham 2d and Mary B., Aug. 17, 1839. Abraham, , 1810. G.R.4. Charles, s. of Abraham 2d and Mary B., June 23, 1831. Charles Everett, s. of Charles and Rebeccah E., Sept. 3, 1833. Charles Whitney, s. of Abraham and Mary B., , 1831. G.R.4. Edward Barton, s. of Abraham 2d and Mary B., Dec. 10, 1833. Elizabeth, d. of Isaac Jr. and Catharine, Aug. 16, 1829. Ellen Maria, d. of Abraham and Louisa, Nov. 14, 183 1. Eunice, d. of William and Hepsebeth, Apr. 10, 1786. Francis Austin, s. of Charles and Rebeccah E., Aug. 29, 1835. Francis Drake, s. of Isaac Jr. and Catharine, Oct. 10, 1834. George Henry, s. of Abraham 2d and Mary B., Oct. 15, 1832. Isaac, s. of Isaac and Fanny, Oct. 5, 1801. Jackson, s. of Isaac and Fanny, Oct. 6, 1806. Josiah, s. of Isaac and Fanny, Sept. 19, 1798. Louisa Train [ ], w. of Col. Abraham, June 6, 1794. G.R.3. Martha Allen, d. of Abraham and Mary B., , 1841. G.R.4. Mary B. Whitney [ ], w. of Abraham, , 1813. G.R.4. Mary Frances, d. of Abraham 2d and Mary B., Jan. 15, 1838. Moses Edward, s. of Charles and Rebecca E., Jan. 14, 1838. Sarah Griffin, d. of Abraham 2d and Mary B., Nov. 6, 1835. NATICK BIRTHS. I9 BIGLOW (see Bigelow), Abiga[i]l, d. of W[ilHa]m and Hepsebeth, Feb. 16, 1782. Abraham, s. of Isaac and Fanny, May 26, i8o8. Alexander, s. of Abraham and Leavice, Dec. 12, 1814. Francis Oliver, s. of Abraham and Louisa, Feb. 6, 1824, Hephsabeth, d. of William and Hephsabeth, Dec. 15, 1779. Josiah, s. of W[illia]m and Hepsebeth, Mar. 15, 1784. Louisa Fisk, d. of Abraham and Leavice, May 14, 1816. Lucy Train, d. of Abraham and Leavice, Apr, 8, 1819. Margaret Lander, d. of Abraham and Leavice, Sept. 21, 1817. Marshall Train, s. of Abraham and Louisa, Jan. 28, 1821. Marshall Train, s. of Abraham and Louisa, Oct. 5, 1822. Martha Greenwood, d. of Abraham and Louisa, Feb. 8, 1830. Mary, d. of Abraham and Louisa, Mar, 8, 1826. Mary Elizabeth, d, of Abraham and Louisa, Jan, 5, 1828. Mehitable, d. of William and Hepzibath, Aug. 18, 1792. Sarah Grifl&n, d. of Isaac and Fanny, Jan. 21, 1805. Susana, d. of W[illia]m and Hepzibath, May 20, 1790. William, Oct, 22, 1749, G.R.3. William, Sept. 20, 1773. G.R.3. William Perkins, s. of Abraham and Louisa, July 29, 1834, BIRD, Elvira A, [ ], w. of Warren A., Oct, 17, 1842. g.r.i. Warren A., Oct. 14, 1837. g.r.i. BISHOPE, Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer, bp. May i, 1743. c,r. BISNETT, Louis A,, July 18, 1837. g,r,i. BLACK, William, Mar, 2, 1806, g.r.s, BLACKMAN, Emeline Goulding [ ], w, of Warren, , 1840, G.R.4. BLACK WELL, Joanna, d. of Thomas and Catharine, Feb. 17, 1849. BLAKE, Ellen, d. of Seth and Mary Jane, Nov, 26, 1847. Lucy Maria, d. of Seth and Mary Jane, Oct. 8, 1849. BLODGET (see Blodgett), Alvin, s. of Joseph, bp. Mar. 3o» 1794. C.R. Dexter, s. of Joseph, bp. Jan. 8, 1792. c.r. Eben Augustus, s. of Amos A. and Patience, Oct. 16, 1849, Lucy, d. of Joseph, bp. Sept, 14, 1790, c.r. BLODGETT (see Blodget), Mary Louisa, d. of Eben[eze]r P. and Caroline, Dec. 26, 1847. 20 NATICK BIRTHS. BOARDMAN, Frederick M., , 1834. g.r.i. Harriet E. [ ], w. of Frederick M., , 1838. g.r.i. Nancy S. Hobbs [ ], w. of Thomas F., Feb. 16, 1831. G.R.I. Thomas F., Nov. 19, 1824. g.r.i. BOND, Daniel, s. of Job and Deborough, Dec. 31, 1761. Deborah, d. of Job and Deborah, Dec. 8, 1764. Hannah, d. of Job and Deborah, July 30, 1767. Isaac, s. of Isaac of Sherbom, bp. June 24, 1733. c.r. Job, s. of Job and Deborah, Apr. 22, 1770. Mary Elizabeth, d. of Phineas and Mary Ann, Feb. 26, 1828. BOULTER, Abby Louisa, d. of Stephen H. and Rebecca, May 8, 1845. Cordelia, d. of Stephen H. and Elizabeth, Aug. 25, 1848. Harriett Augusta, d. of Stephen H. and Elizabeth, Aug. 17, 1846. BOWERS, James Franklin, s. of Benjamin F. and Abby, July 4, 1848. BRACKET (see Brackett), Sarah, d. of John of Dedham, bp. Apr. 15, 1733. C.R. BRACKETT (see Bracket), Josiah Parkhurst, s. of Solomon and Lydia, June 16, 1797. Polly, d. of Lemuel and Anna, June 26, 1807. Ruby, d. of Solomon and Lydia, Dec. 8, 1794. Taply, s. of Solomon and Lydia, Oct. 11, 1799. BRADY, Catharine Hines [ ], w. of Charles, , 1848. G.R.6. Charles, , 1842. g.r.6. BRAND, Mina, d. of Joshua, bp. Aug. 9, 1761, a. abt. 18 y. c.R. BRIERLY, George S., Mar. 19, 1837. g.r:i. Hannah Harrison [ ], w. of George S., Sept. 29, 1835. G.R.I. BRIGHAM, Alfred Milo, s. of Ephraim and Sophia, Oct. 21, 1828. Ephraim Harriss, s. of Ephraim and Sophia, in Dedham, Sept. 26, 1822. Laura Sophia, d. of Ephraim and Sophia, Dec. 26, 1830. Mary Hubbard, d. of Ephraim and Sophia, June i, 1838. Mathias, s. of Ephraim and Sophia, June 25, 1833. Sophia Howe, in Marlboro, Mar. 15, 1799. g.r.i. Thomas Hartwell, s. of Ephraim and Sophia, Mar. 12, 1825. NATICK BIRTHS. 21 BROAD, , s. of Hezekiah and Sibbel, Mar. 3, 1846. , s. of Hezekiah and Sibbel J., Mar. 11, 1849. Abigail, d. of Josiah and Susan, Nov. 9, 1844. Asa, s. of Tho[ma]s and Abigal, July 23, 1775. Betsey, d. of Luther and Becca, Sept. 22, 1804. Edward, s. of Hezekiah and Sibbel, June 4, 1842. Ele , d. of Hezekiah and Sibbel, Sept. 16, 1844. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas of Needham, bp. Sept. i, 1765, a. abt. 3 y- c.R. Ephraim, s. of Thaddeus, bp. June 19, 1748. c.R. Fanny, d. of Hezekiah and Miriam, Jan. 2, 1816. Hezekiah, s. of Hezekiah and Rebecca, in Grafton, Sept. 29, 1746. Hezekiah, s. of Hezekiah and Miriam, Mar. 11, 181 7. Joanna, d. of Moses and Polly, in Needham, May 22, 1796. John, s. of Thomas, bp. Sept. 19, 1742. c.R. Joseph, s. of Thaddeus and Eunice, Jan. 16, 1749-50. Josiah, s. of Moses and Polly, Jan. 12, 1798. Kezia, d. of Thomas, bp. Apr. 10, 1748. c.R. Lewis, s. of Luther and Becca, May 29, 1810. Lucinda, d. of Luther and Becca, Apr. 9, 1803. Luther, s. of Thomas and Abigail, May i, 1779. Luther, s. of Luther and Becca, Feb. 24, 1813. Lydia, d. of Josiah, bp. Jan. 21, 1738-9. c.R. Lydia, d. of Thomas of Needham, bp. Sept. i, 1765, a. abt. 4 y. c.R. Maryan, d. of Moses an'd Polly, Apr. 6, 1805. Mason, s. of Luther and Rebecca, May 15, 1815. Matilda, d. of Luther and Becca, Jan. 28, 181 2. Melsa, d. of Moses and Polly, Nov. 10, 1802. Moses, s. of Thomas and Abigail, May i, 1769. Nabbe, d. of Thomas and Abigal, Feb. 13, 1784. Nabby Mann, d. of Luther and Becca, Sept. 12, 1808. Oliver, s. of Thomas, bp. Nov. 17, 1751. c.R. Persis Robins, d. of Luther and Becca, Dec. 26, 1806. Rebeck[a]h, d. of Hezekiah and Rebeck[a]h, July 6, 1743. Sarah, d. of Thomas and Abigail, May 21, 1772. Silvanus, s. of Moses and Polly, Nov. 16, 1800. Sybil J., Feb. 5, 1817. G.R.3. Thaddeus, s. of Thaddeus, bp. Dec. 16, 1744. C.R. Theodore, s. of Thomas, bp. July 22, 1750. c.R, Thomas, s. of Tho[ma]s, bp. Apr. 29, 1744. c.R. Timothy, s. of Thomas, bp. Dec. 8, 1745. c.R. Unice, d. of Thaddeus, bp. Aug. 3, 1746. C.R. Willard, s. of Luther and Rebecca, Mar. 25, 1814. 22 NATICK BIRTHS. BROOKINGS, Lydia M., Nov. 2, 1812. g.r.i. Vesta J., Dec. 12, 1844. g.r.i. BROOKS, Elizabeth Jane, d. of Job and Eliza, June 16, 1825. Joseph, s. of John, bp. Jan. 2, 1742-3. c.r. Joshua, s. of John, bp. Mar. 11, 1743-4. c.R. Mary Frances, d. of Job and Eliza, Sept. 13, 1829. Mary Frances, d. of Job and Eliza, May 31, 1833. Mary Lauretta [ ], w. of Royal Tyler, Sept. 28, 1839, g.r.i. Royal Tyler, Nov. 27, 1837. g.r.i. Thomas, s. of Eunice, bp. Mar. 13, 1757. Indian, c.r^-^ Unice, d. of John and Hannah, Apr. 8, 173- (1731, T.t:.). BROWN, Cortland M., Jan. i, 1834. G.R.5. Ellen Minerva, d. of Nelson and Mary R., Feb. 15, 1844. Helen Rebecca, d. of Joshua M. and Martha F., May 14, 1845. Josiah, s. of William and Mary, Feb. 26, 1768. Mary, d. of Ebenezer and Mary, Aug. 5, 1824. Phebe Marcena, d. of Austin M. and Marcenia L., Nov. 12, 1849. Sarah Moore, d. of Newell and Percilla, Oct. 3, 1828. William Augustus, s. of William and Susana, Aug. 13, 1799. BRUCE, William M., Feb. 4, 183 1. g.r.i. BRYANT, Abbie D., May 31, 1837. g.r.i. Albert H., May 2, 1837. g.r.i. James S., Jan. 4, 1838. g.r.i. BRYAR, Albert S., , 1833. g.r.i. Lucy A. Hardy [ ], w. of Albert S., , 1833, g.r.i. BULLARD, , d. of Augustus H. and Mary A. G., Mar. 11, 1849. Beulah, d. of Ephraim, bp. Dec. 25, 1748. c.r. Collins, s. of Ephraim, bp. Feb. 16, 1745-6. c.R. Ephraim, s. of Ephraim, bp. Aug. 2, 1747. C.R. Francis Clarence, s. of Moses H. and Ursula Maria, Feb. 25, 1849. Frederick Henry, s. of Moses H. and Maria, Oct. 6, 1843. Hannah, d. of Ephraim of Needham, bp. Dec. i, 1765. c.R Helen Maria, d. of Moses H. and Ursula M., Feb. 7, 1846. Joseph, s. of Ephraim, bp. Nov. 29, 1750. c.R. Joseph, s. of Ephraim of Needham, bp. Feb. 15, 1761. c.R. Lucretia, d. of Nath[anie]l, bp. July 25, 1736. c.R. Moses, s. of Nathaniel of Needham, bp. Mar. 24, 1734. c.R. Rebecca, d. of Ephraim of Needham, bp. Feb, 27, 1757. c.R Timothy, s. of Ephraim, bp. Sept. 16, 1759. C.R. NATICK BIRTHS. 2 3 BUNKER, Emery J. , 1829. g.r.i. Sarah J. Cross [ ], w. of Emery J., , 1836. g.r.i. BURKS, Charles Winslow, s. of Alpheus W. and Fanny H., Oct. 15, 1846. Walter Willey, s. of Alpheus W. and Fanny H., Sept. 7, 1849. BURLEIGH (see Burly), Martha A. [ ], w. of William C, Apr. II, 1824. G.R.I. Orland Harriss, s. of William C. and Martha, July 18, 1849. William C, July 28, 1823. g.r.i. BURLY (see Burleigh), Lydia, Dec. 16, 1798. g.r.i. BUTLER (see Buttler), John, s. of Phinihas and Bathsheba, Feb. 10, 1756. Joseph C, Sept. 21, 1812. g.r.i. Phinihas, s. of Phinihas and Bathsheba, Apr. 8, 1758. BUTMAN, Charles Edward, s. of Joseph E. and Sarah E., Aug. 4, 1849. "BUTTERFIELD, Thomas, , 1804. g.r.6. BUTTLER (see Butler), Joseph, s. of Joseph and Sarah, Aug. 28, 1757. BYERS, John W. , 1825. g.r.i. CALLANAN, Margaret, , 1789. g.r.6. Mary, , 1827. g.r.6. CARHART, Eliza Griffin [ ], w. of Joseph B., , 1836. g.r.i. Henry, , 1843. g.r.i. Jane Rebecca, d. of Thomas and Rebecca, Jan. 26, 1839. Joseph, , 1810. G.R.I. Joseph Burt, s. of Thomas and Rebecca, Mar. 2, 1835. Rebecca Taylor [ ], w. of Thomas, , 1813. G.r.i. Susan Ann, d. of Thomas and Rebecca, June 4, 1837. Thomas, , 1800. g.r.i. Thomas Henry, s. of Thomas and Rebecca, Oct. 24, 1843. CARLEY, Abigail, d. of Peter and Rebekah, Dec. 17, 1780. Asa, s. of Peter and Rebekah, Feb. 3, 1779. Experience, d. of Peter and Rebekah, Feb. 17, 1787. Jabez, s. of Peter and Rebekah, Sept. i, 1782. Nathaniel Dana, s. of Peter and Rebekah, May 12, 1785. 24 NATICK BIRTHS. CARTER, Cally, d. of Joshua and Hannah, Aug. ii, 1795. Calvin, s. of Joshua and Hannah, in Hopkinton, May 11, 1783. Ezra, s. of Dan[ie]l, bp. July 30, 1759. c.r. Hannah, d. of Joshua and Hannah, in Framingham, Oct. 17, 1786. Joshua, s. of Joshua and Hannah, Mar. i, 1803. Judith, d. of Joshua and Hannah, May 23, 1793. Lois, d. of Jona., bp. Aug. 30, 1751. c.r. Mary, d. of Daniel, bp. Jan. 15, 1758. C.R. Nabby, d. of Joshua and Hannah, in Needham, Apr. 16, 1791. Olive, d. of Daniel, bp. July 4, 1762. c.r. Timothy, s. of Joshua and Hannah, in Needham, Jan. 20, 1789. CARVER, Abiga[i]l, d. of Jonathan and Hannah, July 15, 1754- Bailey, d. of Jonathan and Hannah, Mar. 21, 1744. (Betty Carver, d. of Jonathan, bp. Mar. 25, 1743-4, c.r.) Hannah, d. of Jonathan and Hannah, Jan. 10, 1736-7. Henry, s. of Isaac and Polly, Sept. 13, 1812. Lidia, d. of Jonathan and Hannah, Feb. 3, 1733-4. Loas, d. of Jonathan and Hannah, Aug. 23, 1751. Loes, d. of Jonathan and Hannah, Nov. 17, 1741. Mary, d. of Jonathan and Hannah, May lo, 1739. Mary, d. of Jonathan and Hannah, Oct. 10, 1746. Sarah, d. of Jonathan and Hannah, Feb. 7, 1748. CARY, Molly, d. of W[illia]m and Esther, bp. May i, 1748. C.R. CASHION, Margaret, , 1825. g.r.6. CASWELL, Asa, Nov. 21, 1822. G.R.4. Fanny, Jan. 8, 1831. G.R.4. CHALCOM (see Chalkcom), Benoney, s. of Jacob and Leah, Oct. 31, 1737. Leah, d. of Jacob and Leah, Jan. 24, 1744-5. Phenias, s. of Jacob and Leah, Oct. 15, 1743. CHALKCOM (see Chalcom), Esther, d. of Jacob and Leah, Mar. 20, 1731-2. Hephzibah, d. of Jacob arkd Leah, Aug. 26, 1735. (Indian, c.r.) Jacob, s. of Jacob and Leah, in Dedham, July 4, 173- (1730, T.c), (Indian, c.r.) Leah, d. of Jacob and Leah, in Dedham, July 4, 173- (1730, t.c). (Indian, c.r.) NATICK BIRTHS. 25 Chalkcom, Margerit, d. of Jacob and Leah, Feb. 12, 1733-4- (Indian, C.R.). Reachel, d. of Jacob and Leah, Oct. 17, 1740. CHAMBERLAIN (see Chamberlin), Aaron, , 1830. g.r.i. Mary, d. of Abraham, bp. Dec. 5, 1762. c.r. Nancy W. [ ], w. of Aaron, , 1828. g.r.i. Sarah, d. of Nathan[i]el and Jean, Jan. 9, 1765. CHAMBERLIN (see Chamberlain), David, s. of Abraham and Keziah, May 2, 1761. Eliza B. [ ], w. of Weatherby, Oct. 21, 1803. g.r.i. Hannah S. [ ], w. of Silas T., , 1797. g.r.i. Silas, , 1828. g.r.i. Silas T., , 1804. g.r.i. Weatherby, Nov. i, 1803. g.r.i. CHANDLER, Ellen Priest, d. of Wolcott C. and Fanny P., Sept. I, 1847. Sarah, d. of Jonathan, bp. Mar. 29, 1747. c.r. CHAPMAN, Lucy M., Jan. 12, 1805. g.r.s. CHENEY, Amos Parker, May 20, 1830. G.R.4. Hannah, d. of , bp. at Springfield, Nov. 8, 1761. c.r. Olive Augusta Alger [ ], w. of Amos Parker, Nov. 19, 1833. G.R.4. CHICKERING (see Chickring), Abigail, d. of John, bp. Nov. 29, 1747. C.R. David, s. of Nathaniel, bp. Mar. 7, 1730-1. c.r. Elizabeth, d. of Dan[ie]l, bp. Sept. 4, 1748. c.r. Experience, d. of Joseph, bp. Nov. 10, 1744- c.r. John, s. of Nathaniel, bp. Mar. 7, 1730-1. c.r. John, s. of John, bp. Aug. 5, 1744. c.r. Joseph, s. of Joseph, bp. Sept. 11, 1748. c.r. Kezia, d. of Dan[ie]l, bp. Sept. 4, 1748. c.r. Rebecca, d. of Joseph, bp. Aug. 10, 1746. c.r. Samuel, s. of Sam[ue]ll, bp. July 30, 1738. c.r. Simeon, s. of Dan[iel] of Dedham, bp. Sept. 6, 1761. C.R. Timothy, s. of John, bp. Apr. i, 1750. c.r. CHICKRING (see Chickering), Samuel, s. of John, bp. Sept. 29, 1745. c.r. CHILD (see Childs), Albert Francis, s. of Willard and Ede, Feb. 13, 1838. (Albert F., s. of WUlard and Ede G., Feb. i8, 1838, dup.) 26 NATICK BIRTHS. Child, Charles H., Mar. i8, 1837. g.r.i. Harriet N. Pratt [ ], w. of Charles H., June 28, 1839. G.R.I. Lucie M. Whitney [ ], w. of Charles H., wid. of Selah B. Alden, Jan. 3, 1838. g.r.i. CHILDS (see Child), Betsy, d. of Josiah and Nancy, Sept. 17, 1799. Charlotte A. [ ], w. of John F., Feb. — , 1843. G-R-i- Daniel Wight, s. of Willard and Ede G., Nov. 28, 1829. Ede G. [ ], w. of WUlard, , 1805. g.r.i. Ede Rosanah, d. of Willard and Ede Goulding, Mar. 24, 1825. John F., July — , 1842. g.r.i. Mary Louisa, d. of Willard and Ede G., Aug. 11, 1832. Nancy Brown, d. of Willard and Ede G., July 7, 1830. Sally, d. of Josiah and Nancy, May 5, 1798. Sarah Ann, d. of Asahel B. and Ann, Jan. 12, 1828. Willard, s. of Josiah and Nancy, Mar. 9, 1802. Willard Courtis, s. of WiUard and Ede G., Nov. 28, 1826. CHURCH, Nathan, s. of Joseph and Ruth, Jan. 12, 1756. CLARK (see Clarke), Abby Jane, d. of James L. and Sarah C, Feb. 23, 1846. Almira M., d. of Warren and Zeruiah, July 20, 1819. Andrew J., , 183 1. g.r.i. Edward, s. of Nathaniel and Nancy, Aug. 11, 1838. Edward Brigham, s. of Isaac B. and Mary Ann, May 17, 1847. Frances S. [ ], w. of Rev. Sumner, June 3, 1820. G.R.3. Isaac B., Feb. 23, 1815. G.R.4. James L., , 1823, Louisa, d. of Nathaniel and Nancy, July 27, 1836. Lydia, d. of Warren and Zeruiah, July 6, 181 7. Mary A. Edwards [ ], w. of Isaac B., Dec. 20, 1817. G.R.4. Mary Frances, d. of Nathaniel and Nancy, Dec. 7, 1843. CLARKE (see Clark), Benjamin F., Rev., in Granby, Jan. 18, 1792. G.R.4. Elizabeth Child [ ], w. of Rev. B. F., in Dedham, May 27, 1805. G.R.4. CLELAND, Ellen Frances [ ], w. of John,"Aug. 24, 1829. G.R.I. John, June 27, 1819. g.r.i. Sarah Brown [ ], w. of John, Oct. 20, 1822. g.r.i. NATICK BIRTHS. 2/ CLOUGH, Oraanna Juliette, d. of Samuel and Julia Ann, Mar. i6, 1843. COBB, Cordelia Ann, d. of Emery and Jane Catharine, Nov. 30, 1841. Cortland, s. of George and Mary Elizabeth, Dec. 23, 1845. Courtland, s. of George and Mary Elizabeth, Dec. 27, 1844. Colored. Ellen Elizabeth, d. of Emery and Jane Catharine, Mar. 18, 1843. (Colored, dup.) Emery Boardman, s. of Emery and Jane Catharine, May 8, 1837. George Francis, s. of George and Mary Elizabeth, June 5, 1843. Jane Catharine, d. of Emery and Jane Catharine, June 27, 1839. COGGIN, Charles Henry, s. of Henry and Nancy, Nov. 25, 1834. Elisabeth, d. of Mary Bacon, Oct. 23, 1774. Elizabeth Jenkins, d. of Samuel and Faithe, Dec. 18, 1825. Henry, s. of Henry and Mary, Oct. 4, 1783. Henry, s. of Henry and Patty, Jan, 13, 1815. Isaac, s. of Henry and Mary, Oct. 20, 1791. Mary Hoyt, d. of Henry and Nancy, in Wayland, Apr. 22, 1841. Nancy Fairbank [ ], w. of Henry, , 1814. G.R.5. Polley, d. of Henry and Mary, Apr. 11, 1787. Sally, d. of Henry and Mary, Oct. 25, 1785. Samuel, s. of Henry and Mary, July 22, 1789. Samuel, s. of Samuel and Faithe, June 4, 1827. Sarah Bacon, d. of Samuel and Faithe, Jan. 12, 1823. COLBATH, Abigail, Mar. 21, 1785. g.r.i. Charles Francis Adams, s. of Samuel H. and Nancy C, Aug. 2, 1848. Ella Maria, d. of George A. and Hannah M., Aug. 9, 1849. Emma Adelaide, d. of Freeman and Urania, Feb. 13, 1847. George Harris, s. of Samuel H. and Nancy, Sept. 15, 1844. Harriet Wilson, d. of John F. and Lydia, June 11, 1843. William Herbert, s. of George A. and Hannah M., Nov. 5, 1847. Winthrop, Apr. 7, 1787. g.r.i. COLBURN, Alfred Wallingford, s. of Ziba and Mary, June 27, 1843. C. Willard, Aug. 31, 1841. g.r.i. Granville, s. of Joseph and Martha F., July 17, 1849. Irwin, s. of Joseph and Martha F., June 15, 1845. Juliaette Franklin, d. of David and Sally, May 27, 1842. Laura Elizabeth, d. of Jonathan and Laura H., Nov. 7, 1833. 28 NATICK BIRTHS. COLE, Frederick A., s. of Archibald and Elizabeth, Mar. 19, 1848. Harriet E. Hawes [ ], w. of William, , 1825, g.r.i. William, , 1824. g.r.i. COLLER (see Collier), Elizabeth, d. of Jno., bp. Dec. 12, 1742. C.R. Ellis (AUice, c.r.), d. of Thomas and Elizabeth, Mar. 26, 172-. (bp. Feb. 15, 1729-30, C.R.) COLLIER (see Coller), Eleanor F. [ ], w. of George G., , 1849. G.R.5. George G., , 1834. G.R.5. COLOMEY, William Henry, s. of Nehemiah F. and Hannah W., Mar. 10, 1845. COMACHO (see Comecho, Commecho, Commocho, Comocho), Abigail, d. of Hezek[iah], bp. Feb. 24, 1739-40. c.r. Dilly, d. of Hez[ekiah], bp. Sept. 9, 1744. c.r. Ebenezer, s. of Sarah, bp. Oct. 3, 1736. c.r. Isaac, s. of Hezekiah, bp. Oct. 27, 1745. c.r. Jeremiah, s. of Jeremiah, bp. Dec. 8, 1745. c.r. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Deborah, bp. Nov. 12, 1749. c.r. Samuel, s. of Hezekiah, bp. Nov. 9, 1735. Indian. C.R. Samuel, s. of Jeremy, bp. Feb. 12, 1748-9, c.r. Samuel, s. of Joseph, bp. Nov. 17, 1751. C.R. Thomas, s. of Sarah, bp. Jan. 4, 1729-30. Indian, c.r. COMECHO (see Comacho, Commecho, Commocho, Comocho), Abigail, d. of Job, bp. Aug. 14, 1757. Indian, c.r. Hezekiah, s. of Job and Leah, bp. Sept. 7, 1755. Indian, c.r. John, s. of Joseph, bp. June 23, 1754. c.r. Lucy, d. of Joseph, bp. Aug. 14, 1757. Indian, c.r. Sarah, d. of Jeremiah, bp. Oct. 7, 1753. Indian, c.r. COMMECHO (Comacho, Comecho, Commocho, Comocho), Hannah, d. of Job and Mary, Oct. 8, 1761. COMMOCHO (see Comacho, Comecho, Commecho, Comocho), Hezekiah, s. of Hezekiah and Elezebeth, July 24, 1737. (Indian, c.r.) Jacob, s. of Hezekiah and Elisabeth, June 6, 1733. (Indian, C.R.) Job, s. of Hezekiah and Elisabeth, Sept. 22, 1731. / NATICK BIRTHS. 29 COMOCHO (see Comacho, Comecho, Commecho, Commocho), John, s. of Hezekiah and Elezebeth, Apr. 17, 1743. Mary, d. of Jeremy, bp. Mar. 11, 1743-4. Indian, c.r. COOCHUCK, James, s. of Nath[anie]l, bp. Aug. 18, 1728. Indian, c.r. Sarah, d. of James and Sarah, in Needham, Oct. 4, 173- (1730, T.C). COOK, Sarah Atkins, d. of Charles and Sarah, Apr. 1, 1806. COOLEDGE (see Coolidge, Coolledge, Coollidge), George, s. of Oran and Rebecca, July 19, 1825. Hannah, d. of Oran and Rebecca, Mar. 19, 1823. Lawson, s. of Samuel and Hannah, Apr. 4, 1782. Louisa Ann, d. of William and Ann, Feb. 11, 1826. Oran, s. of Oraa and Rebecca, Feb. 5, 1827. Rebecca, d. of Samuel and Hannah, Mar. i, 1779. Thomas, s. of John and Anna, Apr. 8, 1755. Timothy Augusta, s. of William and Ann, June 25, 1827. Zeruiah, d. of Thomas and Molly, June 15, 1793. COOLIDGE (see Cooledge, Coolledge, CooUidge), Abigail, d. of John and Anne, July 10, 1749. Abigail, d. of Isaac and Abigail, in Needham, Oct. 21, 1770. Adelaide, d. of John and Eliza A., Aug. 9, 1843. g.r.i. Albert Leighton, s. of W[illia]m Jr. and Ann, June 16, 1832. Alexander, s. of John and Eunice, May 6, 1802. Amos, s. of John and Ei^nice, Feb. 2, 1797. Asa, s. of Isaac and Abigail, May 21, 1774. Asa, s. of Asa and Anna, May i, 1803. A^'qrVj s. of Asa and Anna, Apr. 2, 1801. Betsey, d. of John and Eunice, Mar. 8, 1794. Charles, July 30, 181 1. g.r.i. Cinthy, d. of Thomas and Molly, in Sherborn, Nov. i, 1796. Edwin, s. of Thomas and Sally, Feb. 21, 1837. Edwin Francis, s. of William F. and Mary J., July 29, 1843. Eliza A. [ ], w. of John, Aug. 20, 182 1. g.r.i. Elmira, d. of Asa and Anna, May 10, 1805. Eunice, June 17, 1817. g.r.i. Faithe Loring, d. of Asa and Anna, July 7, 1799. Fernando Cortez, s. of Thomas and Sally, Aug. 2, 1833. Hannah, d. of Isaac and Abigail, Mar. 30, 1782. Hannah Jane, d. of W[illia]m Jr. and Ann, Feb. i, 1831. Henry Earle, s. of John B. and Almira A., Sept. 3, 1848. 30 NATICK BIRTHS. CooLiDGE, Hitty, d. of John and Eunice, Mar. 24, 1788. Isaac, s. of Isaac and Abigail, Jan. 21, 1772. John, s. of Isaac and Abigail, Oct. 5, 1776. John, s. of John and Eunice, July 4, 1785. John, Aug. 28, 1815. G.R.I. John, s. of John and Eliza A., Dec. 11, 1847. g.r.i, John Bacon, s. of John and Hannah, Aug. 24, 1820. John Henry, s. of Alexander and Lydia (Leighton), Sept. 23, 1839. Julian Addison, s. of William Jr. and Ann, May 19, 1836. Loiza, d. of William and Hannah, Oct. 12, 1805. Lo.uisa Ann, d. of William Jr. and Ann, Nov. 13, 1828. Mary, d. of Asa and Anna, June 5, 1807. Miriam Broad, d. of Daniel and Sally, Oct. 5, 1844. Molly, d. of Thomas and Molly, Nov. 4, 1787. Nancy, d. of John and Hannah, May 25, 1819. Nathan, s. of John and Eunice, Nov. 13, 1780. Nelly, d. of John and Eunice, Nov. 30, 1783. Nepolian B., s. of Asa and Anna, June 18, 1809. Parses, d. of Isaac and Abigail, Aug. 30, 1789. Polly, d. of Isaac and Abigail, Mar. 30, 1780. Sally, d. of Isaac and Abigail, June 13, 1784. Samuel, s. of John and Eunice, Aug. 28, 1791. Sarah, d. of Asa and Anna, June 5, 1807. Sarah, Sept. 10, 1813. g.r.i. Sarah Eleanor, d. of William Jr. and Ann, Aug. 21, 1834. Thomas, s. of Thomas and Mary, in Barre, Sept. i, 1800. Timothy, s. of Thomas and Mary, July 29, 1784. Timothy, s. of William and Hannah, Nov. 13, 1812. William, s. of Thomas and Molly, Dec. 3, 1777. W[iliia]m, s. of John and Eliza A., July 14, 1845. g.r.i. William Francis, s. of William and Ann, Jan. 5, 1825. William Leander, s. of Timothy and Lowly Ann, Apr. 21, 1833. Zeruiah, d. of Thomas and Molly, Nov. 22, 1791. COOLLEDGE (see Cooledge, Coolidge, Coollidge), Anna, d. of Thomas and Mary, Dec. 19, 1781. Elizebeth, d. of John and Anne, Dec. 17, 1744. COOLLIDGE (see Cooledge, Coolidge, Coolledge), Elizabeth, d. of John and Anna, Nov. 8, 1756. Elizabeth, d. of John and Anna, Oct. 16, 1758. John, s. of John and Anne, Apr. 11, 1752. Luther, s. of Isaac and Abigail, June 30, 1778. // NATICK BIRTHS. 3 1 CooLLiDGE, Samuel, s. of John and Anne, Aug. 13, 1753. [tornjnah, d. of John and Anne, Dec. 28, 1750. COOPPER, Sarah, d. of Sarah Jennings, Dec. 9, 1756. CORCORAN, Patrick, s. of Barney and Mary, Feb. 6, 1848. CORLISS, Benjamin, s. of Joseph and Eunice, Mar. 12, 1834. Hannah, d. of Joseph and Eunice, Feb. 28, 183 1. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Susannah, Apr. 13, 1796. Joseph Merrill, s. of Joseph and Eunice, Aug. 11, 1828. Susan Hill, d. of Joseph and Eunice, May 7, 1823. COUGHLAN, Mary Coleman [ ], w. of Thomas, Aug. 15, 1828. Native of Lisfuncheon, Co. Tiperary, Ireland, g.r.6. Thomas, Sept. 12, 181 5. Native of Drumlemon, Co. Tiperary, Ireland, g.r.6. COZZENS, Abbie Pond [ ], w. of Henry E., , 1846. G.R.I. Henry E., , 1836. g.r.i. CRAIG (see Creaig), Esther Ann, d. of John and Elizabeth, Nov. 7, 1849. George Benjamin Franklin, s. of John and Elizabeth, July 14, 1847. CREAIG (see Craig), Charles Edward, s. of John D. and Eliza- beth, June 13, 1845. CROWELL, Francis B., Capt., , 1818. g.r.i. Mehitable [ ], w. of Capt. Francis B., , 1818. g.r.i. CURRY, Margaretta, d. of Dennis and Mary, Aug. i, 1846. CURTIS, Alfred Crawford, s. of George B. and Martha, in Fayette, Md., Sept. 3, 1834. Clarence Clay, s. of George B. and Martha, Jan. 20, 1840. Frederick Coit, s. of George B. and Martha, in Fayette, Md., Oct. 6, 1836. George Augustus, s. of George B. and Martha, in Hamden, Conn., Apr. 5, 1833. DAKIN, George Thomas, Oct. 20, 1832. g.r.i. DALLAS, Hiram, s. of Rosanna Bent, Apr. 14, 1845. DAMON, Adaliza, Nov. 27, 1840. g.r.i. Elizabeth Day, d. of Marshall and Esther, May 22, 1847. Maria Jane, d. of Marshall and Esther, Dec. 23, 1843. 32 NATICK BIRTHS. DANA, D vid, s. of Ephraim and Rebec[c]a, Oct. 8, 1775. Dexter, s. ii Ephraim and Rebec[c]a, Nov. 30, 1773. Ephraim, i. of Ephraim and Rebecca, July 9, 1777. Ephraim s. of Ephraim and Tabithy, Feb. 5, 1783. Luther, -. of Ephraim and Tabathy, Apr. 20, 1792. Rebecca d. of Ephraim and Tabithy, Feb. 10, 1781. Tabith) d. of Ephraim and Tabithy, Feb. 5, 1783. DANIELS, Isabel Lane, , 1849. g.r.i. Julia Luella Bushnell [ ], w. of William Rider, May 28, 1832. G.R.I. Samuel Olney, , 1844. g.r.i. William Rider, July 28, 1833. g.r.i. DASCOMB, Charles W., , 183 1. g.r.s. DAVENPORT, Lydia L. [ ], w. of Ariel H., Mar. 25, 1820. G.R.I. Mary B. [ ], w. of Oliver G., Oct. 11, 1806. g.r.i. Oliver G., Apr. 28, 1812. g.r.i. DAVIS, Aaron, Aug. 13, 1800. g.r.i. Alvin, s. of Jonathan and Sally, Nov. 9, 1805. Angeline, d. of Charles and Fanny, Sept. 2, 1823. Angenette, d. of Charles and Fanny, Aug. 5, 1825. Charles A., , 1826. g.r.i. Daniel, s. of Jonathan and Sally, June 27, 1808. Eliza, d. of Jonathan and Sally, Aug. 23, 1810. Emily, d. of Jonathan and Sally, July 29, 1818. George N., in Virginia, Oct. i, 1812. g.r.i. Georgianna Stickney, d. of Mahlon and Elizabeth, June 23, 1844. Sophronia, Oct. 6, 1806. g.r.i. Wheelock Sheldon, s. of Thomas A. and Elizabeth F., Oct. 18, 1846. DEALY, Bridget Ann Coen [ ], w. of Tho[ma]s J., June 24, 1832. G.R.6. DEARBORN, Albert C, , 1829. G.R.5. Nancy P. [ ], w. of Albert C, , 1824. G.R.5. DECKER, Henry, in Storndorf District of Hessen, Germany, Nov. 12, 1806. G.R.4. DELAY, Hannah, d. of Dennis and Sarah, Mar. 20, 1849. DEMING, Charles Bacon, s. of Charles, bp. Oct. 19, 1746. c.R. Charles, s. of W[illia]m of Needham, bp. July i, 1764. c.R. NATICK BIRTHS. 33 Deming, Hannah, d. of Dr. W[illia]m of Needham, bp. July 5, 1767. C.R. Lucy, d. of Dr. W[iilia]m, bp. July 15, 1770. c.R. Rebecca, d. of Dr. William of Needham, bp. Apr. 6, 1766. c.R. Sarah, d. of Dr. William of Needham, bp. Jan. — , 1761. c.R. DEWING, Abigail, d. of wid. Ruth of Needham, bp. Mar. — , 1764, a. 4 y. c.R. Abigail, d. of Tim[o]thy and Abigail, Aug. 18, 1765. Abigail, d. of Andrew and Easther, Oct. 13, 1767. Andrew, s. of Andrew, bp. Sept. 22, 1776. c.R. Cloe, d. of Andrew and Easther, in Weston, July 29, 1765. Edmond, s. of Andrew and Esther, Nov. 21, 1769. Esther, d. of Andrew and Esther, bp. Oct. 8, 1769, a. abt. 7 y. c.R. Hannah, d. of Dan[ie]ll and Hannah, Aug. 6, 1758. Jeremiah, s. of wid. Ruth of Needham, bp. Mar. — , 1764, a. 2 y. c.R. Keziah, d. of Daniel and Hannah, Oct. 4, 1753. Le[o]nard, s. of Andrew and Esther, May 17, 1772. Mary, d. of Andrew and Esther, bp. Oct. 8, 1769, a. abt. 5 y. c.R. Rebecca, d. of wid. Ruth of Needham, bp. Mar. — , 1764, a. 12 y. c.R. Rhoda, d. of Timothy and Eunice, Oct. 11, 1762. Ruth, d. of wid. Ruth of Needham, bp. Mar. — , 1764, a. 8 y. c.R. Solomon, s. of wid. Ruth of Needham, bp. Mar. — , 1764, a. 6 y. c.R. DIEHL, Frederick, , 183 1. G.R.4. DOHERTY, Mary Cunniff [ ], w. of Thomas, , 1840. G.R.6. Thomas, , 1840. g.r.6. DOKE, Almira Jane, d. of John A. and Almira, May 28, 1849. DOMICAN, Margaret, d. of Michael and Catharine, Nov. 24, 1847. DONAHUE, Catharine Frances, d. of Timothy and Clementine, Sept 14, 1844. DOWD, Bridget Murphy [ ], w. of James, , 1839. G.R.6. 34 NATICK BIRTHS. DRAPER, Abigail, d. of John Jr., bp. Aug. 29, 1736. c.R. Gate, d. of Enoch and Hannah, Jan. 27, 1795. Catherine Louisa, d. of Reuben and Lydia, Apr. 12, 1819. Elizabeth, d. of John Jr. of Dedham, bp. Jan. 13, 1754, a. abt. 2 y. c.R. Ellen Eliza, d. of James D. and Mary O., June 30, 1846. Enoch Ellis, s. of Reuben and Lydia, Jan. i, 1827. Eunice Ann, d. of Reuben and Lydia, Dec. i, 1822. George Reuben, s. of James D. and Mary O., June 9, 1849. Henrietta, d. of Reuben and Lydia, June 4, 18 14. James, s. of Joseph, bp. Mar. 4, 1733. C.R. James Dallas, s. of Reuben and Lydia, Jan. 8, 1817. Joanne, d. of Enoch and Hannah, Apr. 21, 1793. John, s. of John Jr., bp. Aug. 29, 1736. c.R. Joseph, s. of Joseph, bp. June 20, 1731. c.R. Josiah, s. of John, bp. Apr. 24, 1737. c.R. Josiah, s. of John Jr. of Dedham, bp. Mar. 4, 1759. C.R. Lucy Clark, d. of Reuben and Lydia, Feb. 9, 1812. Lydia, d. of John Jr. of Dedham, bp. May 23, 1756. c.R, Mary, d. of John Jr., bp. Aug. 29, 1736. c.R. Meriah, d. of Jos., bp. Sept. 2, 1739. c.R. Moses, s. of John Jr., bp. Aug. 29, 1736. c.R. Moses, s. of John Jr. of Dedham, bp. Feb. 10, 1754. Olive, d. of Joseph, bp. Dec. 25, 1729. c.R. Reuben, s. of Enoch and Hannah, Mar. 20, 1789. Sarah, d. of Jos[ep]h, bp. Nov. 30, 1735. c.R. Susannah, d. of John, bp. Apr. 3, 1748. c.R. Thomas, s. of John Jr., bp. Aug. 29, 1736. c.R, DREW, Isaac Jennison, s. of Nehemiah E. and Mary, June 7, 1843. John Wentworth, s. of Nicholas B. and Frances J., May 23, 1848. John Wesley, s. of Nehemiah E. and Mary, Feb. 19, 1847. Mary Elizabeth, d. of Nehemiah E. and Mary, Feb. 19, 1849. Romanzo Eastman, s. of Nehemiah E. and Mary, Oct. 23, 1844. DRUMMOND, Ellen A. [ ], w. of WUliam M., Dec. 31, 1835. G.R.I. William M., May 11, 1831. g.r.i. DRURY, Aaron Kingsbury, s. of Elijah and Dolly, Jan. 8, 1813. Abel, , 1775. G.R.I. Anna, d. of John, bp. May 4, 1735. c.R. Asa, s. of Elijah and Dolly, Apr. 3, 1795. NATICK BIRTHS. 35 Drury, Charles Henry, s. of Kittredge and Eliza, in Kingsbury, N.Y., Feb. 15, 1838. Charles Severns, s. of Elijah and Dolly, Mar. 3, 1803. Curtis, s. of Elijah and Dolly, Dec. 25, 1796. David Rice, s. of Dexter and Lucy, Apr. 20, 1817. Dexter, s. of Elijah and Dolly, Feb. 15, 1793. Edward, s. of Kittredge and Eliza, Jan. 12, 1843. Elijah, s. of Asa and Dolle, June 4, 1769. Elijah, s. of Elijah and Dolly, Apr. 28, 1817. Elizabeth, d. of John and Annor, Sept. 30, 174- (1748, T.C.). Elizabeth, d. of Joseph and Lydia, July 8, 1754- Henry Hatch, s. of Dexter and Lucy, June 2, 1815. John, s. of Jno., bp. June 30, 1736. c.r. Jotham, s. of Jno., bp. Nov. 21, 1741. C.R. Kezia, d. of Asa and Dolle, May 24, 1783. Leonard Hide, s. of Elijah and Dolly, Jan. 21, 1810. Mary, d. of Elijah and Dolly, Dec. 25, 1798. Nathan, s. of Asa and Dolly, Feb. 11, 1788. Otis, s. of Abel and Nabbe, in Newsalem, Nov. 26, 1804. Peter, s. of Joseph and Lydia, Nov. 7, 1759. Sally, d. of Asa and Dolle, Sept. 5, 1778. Sarah Emma, d. of W[illia]m Henry and Emily, July 27, 1846. Willard, s. of Abel and Nabbe, Apr. 18, 1806. Willard Francis, s. of Willard and Louisa, June 29, 1836. William Dexter, s. of Dexter and Lucy, July 29, 1819. William Henry, s. of Henry H. and Emily, Apr. 4, 1843. William Perry, s. of Elijah and Dolly, Mar. 9, 1801. Zeruiah, d. of John, bp. Dec. 31, 1738. c.r. DUN (see Dunn), Lot, s. of Martha, Mar. 10, 1770. DUNN (see Dun), Anna, d. of Jonathan and Elizibeth, in Need- ham, Aug. II, 1787. Anna, d. of Jonathan and Elizibeth, Sept. 12, 1798 (1799, G.R.5.) Betsey, Apr. 20, 1787. G.R.5. Elezibeth, d. of Jonathan and Elizibeth, in Needham, Apr. 15, 1777. James Arnold, s. of John and Sally, Dec. 3, 1796. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan and Elizibeth, in Needham, Mar, 3, 1780. Lucy, d. of Jonathan and Elizibeth, in Needham, Nov. 20, 1775. Martha, d. of Jonathan and Elizebeth, in Needham, Dec. 24, 1794. Martin, s. of John and Nancy, Nov. 11, 1847. 36 NATICK BIRTHS. Dunn, Mary, d. of Jonathan and Elizibeth, in Needham, Aug. 15, 1782. Nathan, s. of Jonathan and Elizibeth, in Needham, Mar. 5, 1790. Sarah, d. of Jonathan and Elizebeth, in Needham, Apr. 21, 1785- William, s. of Jonathan and Elizebeth, in Needham, Aug. 22, 1792. DUNTEN (see Dunton), Deborah, d. of Thomas and Deborah, Dec. 26, 17 — (172-, T.c). (bp. Apr. 27, 1729, c.r.) Isaac, s. of Thomas and Sarah, Dec. 31, 1734. Isaac, s, of Isaac and Sarah, Sept. 8, 1765. John, s. of Isaac and Sarah, Oct. 5, 1769. Molley, d. of Isaac and Sarah, Mar. 30, 1762. Sarah, d. of Thomas and Deborah, June 29, 173 1. Susanna, d. of Isaac and Sarah, Dec. 18, 177 1. William, s. of Isaac and Sarah, June 22, 1767. DUNTON (see Dunten), George E., , 1846. g.r.i. Joanna, d. of Thomas, bp. Aug. 29, 1736. c.r. Jonathan, s. of Anna Stow, Nov. 3, 1799. Mary A. Felch [ ], w. of George E., , 1849. g.r.i. DURGIN, , s. of Hiram P. and Laura B., Aug. 5, 1848. Hiram P., July 28, 1818. g.r.i. Laura B., June 27, 1825. g.r.i. Viola Althea, d. of Hiram P. and Laura B., Sept. 25, 1846. DYAR (see Dyer), Elizabeth, d. of Nathaniel and Martha, Sept. r6, 1745. Eunice, d. of Nathaniel and Martha, Mar. 27, 1749. Isaac, s. of Nathaniel and Martha, Dec. 20, 1740. Jonathan, s. of Nathaniel and Martha, Sept. 28, 1738. Lydia, d. of Nathaniel and Martha, Dec. 16, 1752. Martha, d. of Nathaniel and Lydia, Aug. 6, 1766. Mary, d. of Nathaniel and Martha, Dec. 10, 1746. Nathaniel, s. of Nathaniel and Martha, Oct. 20, 1736. Ruth, d. of Nathaniel and Martha, July 31, 1751. Sarah, d. of Nathaniel and Martha, Mar. 27, 1735. William, s. of Nathaniel and Martha, Mar. 16, 1742. DYER (see Dyar), , s. of Ebenezer and Miriam, Dec. 12, 1849. Unice, d. of Nathaniel, bp. Apr. 27, 1749. C.R. NATICK BIRTHS. 37 EAMES (see Ames, Emes), Betty, d. of Ebenezer and Elisabeth, Sept. 13, 1778. Ephraim, s. of William and Martha, July 22, 1771. Molly, d. of Robert, bp. Feb. 10, 1744-5. c.r. EDMITRDS, Jemima, d. of Samuel and Ruth, Dec. 6, 1748. Samuel, s. of Samuel and Ruth, Oct. 22, 1750. t.c. EDWARDS, Clara Blanchard [? m], July 29, 1824. g.r.i. Elijah, Dec. 6, 1822. g.r.i. Jacob Pierce, , 1821. g.r.i. Mary,' Dec. 7, 1792. G.R.4. Mary H. [ ], w. of William, Nov. 29, 181 7. G.R.4. Thirza Rockwood, , 1825. g.r.i. EGIN, Rosannah Maria, d. of Andrew J. and Mary, Nov. 16, 1848. ELISHA, Joseph, s. of William and Jerusha, June 12, 1831. ELKINS, Almira, d. of Samuel and Mary L., , 1839. g.r.i. George W., s. of Samuel and Mary L., , 1836. g.r.i. Levi W., s. of Samuel and Mary L., , 1838. g.r.i. Mary Lord [ ], w. of Samuel, , 1815. g.r.i. Samuel, , 1809. g.r.i. ELLIS, , s. of Royal and Elizabeth, Mar. 17, 1849. Betta, d. of Thomas and Mehetable, Oct. i, 1765. George Alvin, s. of Royal and Elizabeth, Aug. 23, 1847. Mehetable, d. of Thomas and Mehetable, Dec. 12, 1767. Semeon, s. of Thomas and Elizabeth, Feb. 7, 1738-9. Thomas, s. of Thom[a]s, bp. Oct. 5, 1730. c.r. Thomas, s. of Thomas and Elizabeth, Oct. 17, 1735. William Henry, s. of Royal and Elizabeth, Jan. 10, 1844. EMES (see Ames, Fames), Jonathan, s. of Thomas and Mary, Mar. 18, 1774. EPHRAIM, Bethia, d. of Joseph Jr., bp. Apr. 3, 1737. Indian. C.R. Deborah, d. of Joseph, bp. Apr. 14, 1728. Indian, c.r. Ebenezer, s. of Joseph, bp. Apr. 14, 1728. Indian, c.r. Ebenezer, s. of Peter, bp. July 26, 1747. c.r. Elizabeth, d. of Peter, bp. Aug. 15, 1736. Indian, c.r. Hannah, d. of Peter, bp. July 22, 1739. Indian, c.r. John, s, of Joseph, bp. Apr. 14, 1728. Indian, c.r. 38 NATICK BIRTHS. Ephraim, John, s. of John, bp. May 20, 1744. Indian. c.R. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Judah, May i, 1734. Joshua, s. of Peter, bp. Mar. 31, 1734. Indian. c.R. Judah, d. of Joseph and Judah, Dec. 19, 1731. Martha, d. of Joseph Jr., bp. Sept. 14, 1729. c.R. Peter, s. of Peter, bp. Dec. 30, 1744. c.R, Samuel, s. of John and Sarah, Oct. 4, 1741. Samuel, s. of Esther Sooduck, Nov. 27, 1763. Sarah, d. of Joseph, bp. Apr. 14, 1728. Indian. c.R. Sarah, d. of John, bp. Dec. 20, 1747. c.R. Sarah, d. of John, bp. Aug. 11, 1750. c.R. Simon, s. of Joseph, bp. Apr. 14, 1728. Indian. c.R. Simon, s. of John, bp. Apr. 28, 1754. Indian. c.R. Susannah, d. of Jo., bp. Nov. 19, 1739. c.R. Susannah, d. of Peter, bp. June 7, 1742. Indian. c.R. Susannah, d. of Peter, bp. Aug. 22, 1750. c.R. Susannah, d. of John, bp. July 2, 1758. Indian. c.R. ERSKINE, , d. of , Oct. 26, 1842. ESTY, Cally, d. of Elijah and Mary, Oct. i, 1795. Catharine Augusta, d. of John and Catharine, Jan. 12, 1825. Ebenezer, s. of Elijah and Lydia, June 8, 1775. Elijah, s. of Elijah and Mary, Sept. 27, 1793. Martin, s. of Elijah and Mary, Sept. 26, 1797. Mehetabel, d. of Elijah and Lydia, Dec. 23, 1770. Rhoda, d. of Elijah and Lydia, June 6, 1773. Sarah, d. of Elijah and Lydia, Nov. 2, 1777. EVERETT, Joel, , 1789. g.r.i. John, , 1835. G.R.6. Margaret Callinan [ ], w. of John, , 1837. g.r.6. FAIR, Sarah, d. of Cato and Jane, Oct. 8, 1762. (Negro, c.R.) FAIRBANK (see Fairbanks), , s. of George and Prudence F., Mar. 29, 1848. Ebenezer, s. of Eleazer of Sherborn, bp. June 9, 1734. c.R. Eliza W. Brown [ ], w. of Winsor, , 1827. G.R.5, Elizabeth A. J. [ ], w. of Henry, , 1828. G.R.5. Henry, , 1824. G.R.5. Grace, d. of Jonath[a]n, bp. at Sherborn, Aug. 4, 1734- C.R. Mary Law [ ], w. of Thomas, , 1788. G.R.5. Thomas, , 1783. G.R.5. Winsor, , 1816. G.R.5. NATICK BIRTHS. 39 FAIRBANKS (see Fairbank), , d. of Samuel of Sherbom, bp. Oct. 3, 1731. c.R. Abigail, d. of Eleaz[er], bp. May 7, 1732. c.r.i. Caroline C, , 1824. g.r.i. Eleazer, s. of Eleazer, bp. June 23, 1745. C.R. George Chandler, s. of John B. and Caroline, Oct. 20, 1849. Harriet Converse, d. of John B. and Caroline, June 18, 1846. Jane, , 1791. g.r.i. John B., , 1822. Josephine C, , 1844. g.r.i. Lewis, , 1789. G.R.I. Mary E., , 1809. g.r.i. Moses Whitney, s. of Winslow R. and Mary, Nov. i, 1846. Thomas Edgar, s. of George and Prudence, May 26, 1846. FARMER, , s. of Solomon G. and Elizabeth Ann, Mar. 12, 1844. FARNUM, Abby A., , 1838. g.r.i. FARRER, Henry Hunting, s. of Roswell O. and Pamela, Apr. 15, 1844. FARRISS, John Quincy Adams, s. of W[illia]m and Lucy, Sept. 23, 1824. Lucy [?m.], Apr. 14, 1793. g.r.i. Lucy Stone, d. of William and Lucy, Nov. 20, 1820. Mary Elizabeth, d. of William and Lucy, May 29, 1817. William, s. of William and Lucy, May 22, 1816. William Eustis, s. of W[illia]m and Lucy, Aug. 29, 1823. FARROW, Martha, d. of , bp. Feb. 10, 1744-5. c.R. FAR WELL, , d. of Royal E. and Sarah, Mar. 13, 1848. FAVOUR, , s. of Jacob and Nabby, Jan. 8, 1848. Emily, d. of Jacob and Nabby M., Oct. 8, 1836. Harriett, d. of Jacob and Nabby M., Apr. 25, 1846. Luther Francis, s. of Jacob and Nabby M., Nov. 28, 1837. FAY, Gilbert Park, Mar. 5, 1825. g.r.i. Laura Sophia Brigham [ ], w. of Gilbert P., Dec. 25, 1830. g.r.i. FELCH, , d. of John, July 20, 1842. , d. of Oliver and Hannah W., Oct. 15, 1843. , s. of Oliver and Hannah, May i, 1845. 40 NATICK BIRTHS. Felch, , d. of Asa and Ellen, Apr. 7, 1847. , d. of Oliver and Hannah W., Sept. 30, 1847. , d. of Asa and Ellen, Aug. 10, 1849. Ann Lavina Newton, d. of Ira and Lydia, Nov. 16, 1841, Anna, d. of Asa and Vina, Mar. i, 1801. Asa, s. of John and Mary, July 9, 1769. Asa, s. of Asa and Vina, Feb. 13, 1803. Caroline Matilda, d. of John 2d and Sarah H., Sept. 10, 1820. Charlotte Kezia, d. of Isaac and Kezia, Dec. 19, 1841. Chester Henry, s. of Isaac and Kezia, June 18, 1830. Daniel, s. of Ebenezer and Mary, Dec. 8, 1734. Emma, d. of Ira and Lydia, May 19, 1849. Eunice, d. of John and Hannah, Mar. 10, 1800. Hannah, d. of John and Hannah, Aug. 31, 1789. Hannah W. [ ], w. of Oliver, Mar. i, 1808. G.R.5. Henry Francis, s. of Isaac and Kezia, Mar. 18, 1839. Ira, s. of Asa and Lavina, May 6, 1807. Ira Herbert, s. of Ira and Lydia, Nov. 14, 1844. Isaac, s. of Dea. Ebenezer, bp. Apr. 24, 1748. c.R. Isaac, s. of Asa and Vine, Dec. 19, 1805. Isaac Kimball, s. of Isaac and Kezia, Jan. 17, 1834. Isadora Cordelia, d. of Asa Jr. and Ellen, May 6, 1843. John, s. of Ebenezer and Mary, Apr. 6, 17 — (172-, t.c). (bp. Apr. 27, 1729, c.R.) John, s. of John and Mary, Mar. 28, 1760. John, s. of Asa and Vine, in Needham, May 6, 1795. John, , 1829. G.R.5. John Archabald, s. of John 2d and Sarah, Jan. 22, 1824. John Francis, s. of Oliver and Hannah W., Oct. 7, 1839. John Loker, s. of John and Hannah, Mar. 8, 1795. Kezia Kimball [ ], w. of Isaac, Apr. 3, 1804. g.r.i. Laura Elizabeth, d. of Isaac and Kezia, Feb. 5, 1845. Levi, s. of John and Mary, June 8, 1773. Levi, s. of John and Hannah, Mar. 11, 1797. Lucy Ann, d. of Oliver and Hannah W., June 13, 1835. Lucy Emeline, d. of Isaac and Kezia, Dec. 9, 1827. Martha, d. of Asa and Vine, Oct. 6, 1798. Martha Fuller, d. of Levi and Patty, Jan. 24, 1817. Martha W. [ ], w. of Oliver A., Aug. 7, 1843. G.R.5. Mary, d. of Eben[eze]r and Mary, Feb. 9, 1739-40. Mary, d. of Asa and Vine, in Needham, May 19, 1797. Mary Bacon, d. of Levi and Patty, Apr. 27, 1818. Moley, d. of John and Mary, June 4, 1757. NATICK BIRTHS. 4 1 Felch, Molley, d. of John and Hannah, May i8, 1792. Morrill Scott, s. of Ira and Lydia, in Mount Clemens, Mich., Aug. 10, 1837. Nancy, d. of Asa Jr. and Nancy, Aug. 14, 1828. Nancy Ellen, d. of Asa Jr. and Lavina, May 18, 1841. Oliver, s. of John and Hannah, Dec. 27, 1805. Oliver Amandus, s. of Oliver and Hannah W., Nov. 17, 1836. Prudence, d. of John and Hannah, Feb. 28, 1802. Ruth, d. of John and Mary, Dec. 4, 1762, Sabin, s. of Asa and Levina, Nov. 17, 181 1. Sabin Augustus, s. of Ira and Lydia, May 28, 183 1. Sally Stratton, d. of Levi and Patty, Jan. 30, 1820. Sarah Ann, d. of John 2d and Sarah, Apr. 18, 1822. Sarah Greenwood, d. of Isaac and Kezia, June 2, 1836. Stephen, s. of Eben[eze]r and Mary, Sept. 10, 173 1. Susan Maria, d. of Ira and Lydia, June 5, 1834. William Francis, s. of John 2d and Sarah, Feb. 23, 1827. Zeruiah, d. of John and Mary, Apr. i, 1765. FERRY, John, s. of John and Mary, Mar. 28, 1780. Mary, d. of John and Mary, Feb. 3, 1782. FINN, Anastasia [ ], w. of John, , 1844. g.r.6. FISHER, , s. of Addison and Martha, July 24, 1848. Abraham, s. of Jeremiah and Esther, Nov. 5, 1763. Twin. Edward, s. of Joseph and Mary, Feb. 18, 1781. George Addison, s. of Addison and Martha, Nov. 19, 1846. George Thayer, s. of John and Nabby, Aug. 13, 1802. Isaac, s. of Jeremiah and Esther, Nov. 5, 1763. Twin. Isabella Maria, d. of Charles and Hannah, Sept. 24, 1846. Jacob, s. of Jeremiah and Esther, May 18, 1768. Jesse, s. of Jeremiah and Esther, Oct. 6, 1772. Martha Hannah, d. of Addison and Martha, Nov. 12, 1849. Prudence, d. of Jeremiah and Esther, Mar. 3, 1767. Prudence, d. of Jeremiah and Esther, May 16, 1770. FISK (see Fiske), Calvin, s. of Joshua and Martha, Feb. 25, 1779. Charles Ellis, s. of Samuel and Nancy, Oct. 12, 1807. David, s. of Joshua and Martha, Mar. 3, 1785. Elbridge, , 181 1. g.r.i. Elijah, s. of Moses and Mehetabel, Sept. 14, 1753. Elisabeth, d. of Joshua and Martha, Oct. 15, 1776. Emily, d. of Samuel and Nancy, Sept. 22, 1810. 42 NATICK BIRTHS. FiSK, Enoch, s. of Enoch and Sarah, in Needham, Jan. 28, 1781. Franklin, s. of Moses and Sibbel, June 21, 1814. Han[n]ah, d. of Joshua and Martha, Sept. 11, 1793. Hezekiah, s. of Moses and Mehetabel, Dec. 6, 1756. Hitte, d. of Joshua and Martha, Jan. 4, 1783. John, s. of Joshua and Martha, Nov. 16, 1790. Joseph, s. of Joshua and Martha, Dec. 19, 1787, Lucy, d. of Moses and Sibbel, June 5, 1817. Lucy Sibbel, d. of Aaron and Sally M[allory], Aug. 4, 1836. Mary Stone, d. of Aaron and Sally M[allory], Sept. 19, 1839. Mary Thornton, , 181 1. g.r.i. Mehitabel, d. of Joshua and Martha, May 5, 1775. Nancy Stone [ ], w. of Sam[ue]l, July 31, 1781. g.r.i. Patte, d. of Joshua and Martha, Apr. i, 1781. Sarah, d. of Moses and Sibilla, , 1806. g.r.i. Wilbur Fillmore, s. of Aaron and Sally Mallory, May 26, 1832. FISKE (see Fisk), , s. of Aaron and Sally, Mar. 26, 1845. Aaron, , 1804. g.r.i. Charles Preston, s. of Charles E. and Harriet, Apr. 7, 1837, Chloe Catharine [ ], w. of Rev. Franklin, , 1817. g.r.i. Elizabeth W. [ ], w. of David F., May 13, 1840. G.R.5. Harriet Elizabeth, d. of Charles E. and Harriet, Sept. 16, 1843. John Elliot, s. of Charles E. and Harriet H., Apr. 6, 1841. Mary Sussannah, d. of Charles E. and Harriet, June i, 1847. Sally M[ ], , 1805. G.R.I. Samuel, July 21, 1781. g.r.i. FITZPATRICK, Mary Donovan [ ], w. of Patrick, , 1839. G.R.6. Patrick, , 1838. g.r.6. FLAGG, , s. of , July 31, 1843. Charles H., Apr. 11, 1830. G.R.5. Lucy A. [ ], w. of Charles H., June 13, 1835. G.R.5. FLANNIGAN, James Edward, s. of Patrick and Julia W., Jan. 3, 1844. FLYNN, Annie M. [ ], w. of William J., , 1840. g.r.6. David, s. of John and Johanna, , 1838. g.r.6. Johanna [ ], w. of John, , 1798. g.r.6. John, , 1792. g.r.6. Margaret, d. of John and Johanna, , 183 1. g.r.6. William J., s. of John and Johanna, , 1835. g.r.6. 43 FOGG, Frederick L., Apr. l^, 1825. G.R.5. FOLSOM, Henrietta, d. of Aaron L. and Adeline, Apr. 5, 1844. d, of Caleb and Sarah, Aug. 24, 1849. Abijah, s. of Caleb and Sarah, Sept. 18, li Hannah, d. of Caleb and Sarah, May 22, 1842. Rebecca, d. of Caleb and Sarah, May 5, 1835. FOSTER, William, s. of Josiah, bp. Jan. 16, 1742-3. c.R. FOWLER, Elizabeth A. [ ], w. of Stephen H., , 1830. G.R.I. Stephen H., , 1823. g.r.i. FOX, Amos B., , 1835. g.r.i. Catherine [ ], w. of Patrick, , 1818. g.r.6. Ellen S. Jewell [ ], w. of Amos B., , 1842. g.r.i. Lucy A., , 1840. G.R.I. Patrick, , 1817. g.r.6. Rozalba Joseph, s. of Daniel G. and Betsey, Aug. 12, 1843. FRANCES, Philip Boston, s. of Moses and Eester Bostonnas, Oct. 23, 1804. FREEMAN, Levi Hollis, s. of Levi and Catharine, June 27, 1844. Colored. FRENCH, Ellen Susan, d. of Leander and Susan, Nov. 12, 1837. George W., Dec. 20, 1838. g.r.i. FROST, Charles Franklin, s. of Elbridge and Frances, Apr. 4, 1848. Elbridge, Mar. 17, 1825. g.r.i. Elizabeth, d. of Eben[eze]r and Elezabeth, Oct. 3, 1752, Emeline Eliza, d. of Moses and Abigail, Jan. 18, 1848. Esther, d. of Thom[a]s, bp. Apr. 14, 1728. c.R. Fanny H. Ballard [ ], w. of Elbridge, Nov. 27, 1819. g.r.i. George Edwin, s. of Elbridge and Fanny H., May 11, 1846. Harriet Ann, d. of Moses and Abigail, Feb. 12, 1844. Margaret, d. of Samuel, bp. Feb. 8, 1729-30. c.R. Moses, s. of John and Mary, Jan. 4, 1788. Samuel, s. of Samuel, bp. Apr. 14, 1728. c.R. FUDE (see Fudee), Boston, s. of Boston and Jene, Aug. 9, 1781. FUDEE (see Fude), Dina, d. of Boston and Jenny, May 14, 1779. Polly, d. of Boston and Jenny, Mar. i, 1784. 44 NATICK BIl^-HjIS. FULLER, Francis Lewellen, s. o.- Samuel F. and Ellen M., Dec. 7, 1845. Solomon, s. of Ira and Hannah, Nov. 4, 1827. GALE, Charles W., , 1847. g.r.i. George W., , 1838. g.r.i. Phebe A. Ingalls [ ], w. of Stephen, , 1806. g.r.i. Stephen, , 1804. g.r.i. GANNETT, Lucy Gayton, d. of Rev. Thomas B. and Sarah W., May 23, 1843. GARDNER, Jabez, s. of Susannah, bp. Apr. 22, 1764. c.r. Jonathan, s. of Andrew, bp. Aug. 19, 1744. c.r. Rebecca, d. of Andrew and Sarah, Feb. 21, 1762. Susannah, d. of Andrew, bp. July 4, 1742. c.r. Thomas, s. of Andrew, bp. Sept. 28, 1746. c.r. GAY, Abraham Foster, s. of Nathan and Betsy, Nov. 12, 1826. Twin. Aimer Herd, s. of Nathan and Betsey, July 19, 1833. Amasa, s. of John and Olive, Apr. 30, 1766. Betsey, d. of Joseph and Betty, Oct. 29, 1779. Betsey Foster, d. of Nathan and Betsey, July 2, 1831. Beulah, d. of Jeremiah, bp. Jan. 6, 1739-40. c.r. Clotaire S., s. of Nathan and Betsey, May 19, 1824. Daniel Moulton, s. of Nathan and Betsey, Jan. 21, 1829. George Herring, s. of Nathan and Betsey, Jan. i, 1836. Isaac Molton, s. of Nathan and Betsy, Nov. 12, 1826. Twin. James, s. of John and Olive, Apr. 15, 1755. Jeremiah, s. of Jere[miah], bp. Sept. 18, 1743. c.r. [J]ohn, s. of John and Olive, June 10, 1750. John, s. of Joseph and Betty, Sept. 7, 1789. Joseph, s. of John and Olive, Aug. 13, 1752. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Betty, Oct. 9, 1786. Lydia, d. of Joshua, bp. July 13, 1735. c.r. Mary, d. of Jeremiah, bp. Feb. 9, 1745-6. c.r. Michael, s. of Jonathan, bp. June 29, 1740. c.r. Nathan, s. of Joseph and Betty, Nov. 7, 1781. Nathan Underwood, s. of Nathan and Betsy, July 31, 1820. Olive, d. of Jer[emiah], bp. Dec. 18, 1748. c.r. Olive, d. of Joseph and Betty, Sept. 15, 1784. Sarah, d. of John and Olive, Mar. 18, 1761. Sarah, d. of Joseph and Betty, June 2, 1793. Sarah Holbrook, d. of Nathan and Betsey, June 9, 1822. NATICK BIRTHS. 45 Gay, Stephen, s. of John and Olive, Sept. i6, 1758. Sybill, d. of Jere[miah], bp. Apr. 4, 1742. c.R. Tabitha, d. of Joshua, bp. Mar. 31, 1734- c.R. Timothy, s. of John and Olive, Sept. 16, 1763. GEDGER (see Giger), Jeney, d. of Nichodemus and Jane, Feb. 17, 1767. GEIGLER, Louis, Dec. 25, 1826. g.r.6. Sophia [ ], w. of Louis, Jan, 31, 1837. g.r.6. GEORGE, Daniel E., , 1837. g.r.i. GERRISH, , d. of Levi and Mehitable, Mar. 30, 1849. GIGER (see Gedger), Daniel Speen, s. of Nichodemus and Beulah, Aug. 22, 1777. GILMAN, Elizabeth Smith, d. of John Jr. and Nancy, May 23, 1834. Ellen Maria, d. of John Jr. and Nancy, Oct. 9, 1844. Francis Mason, s. of John Jr. and Nancy, July 11, 1842. John Webster, s. of John Jr. and Nancy, Aug. 20, 1837. GILSON, Delia A., , 1845. g.r.6. John H., , 1841. G.R.6. GLEASON, , d. of Luther H. and Mary B., June 11, 1844. Charles Luther, s. of Luther and Mary B., Nov. 21, 1836. Halina Maria, d. of Luther H. and Mary B., May 31, 1842. Luther Ellis, s. of Luther and Lucretia H., , 1849. g.r.i. Marietta Elizabeth, d. of Luther H. and Mary B., Jan. 28, 1839. GLIDDEN, Hannah P. [ ], w. of Phineas, , 1825. g.r.i. Lester Leland, s. of Phineas and Hannah R., May 12, 1847. Phineas, , 1824. g.r.i. GOERKE, Charles A., Aug. 12, 1832. G.R.4. Henrietta [ ], w. of Charles, Apr. 2, 1834. G.R.4. GOODENOW, Adoline, d. of William and Phebe, July 25, 1803. Anna, d. of William and Phebe, Sept. 24, 1789. Beulah, d. of John, bp. Apr. 14, 1728. c.R. B[e]ulah, d. of Isaac and Mary, Feb. 16, 1748-9. CoUings, s. of Elijah and Deborah, Mar. 4, 1750. , Collins, s. of Jno., bp. Dec. 17, 1732. c.R. Collins, s. of William and Phebe, Apr. 19, 1796. Deb[o]rah, d. of Elijah and Deborah, Feb. 20, 1743- 46 NATICK BIRTHS. GooDENOW, Elijah, s. of John and Ruth, Feb. i6, 1720. Elijah, s. of Elijah and Deborah, Apr. 10, 1757. Elijah, s. of William and Phebe, Mar. 16, 1785. Eugene H., Feb. , 1845. g.r.i. Hannah, d. of William and Phebe, June 8, 1783. Hezekiah, s. of Isaac, bp. Dec. 25, 1743. c.r. Hezekiah, s. of John, bp. Jan. 30, 1747-8. c.r. Isaac, s. of Isaac and Mary, in Needham, Mar. 10, 1739. Jemima, d. of Elijah and Deborah, Mar. 18, 1752. John, s. of John and Dority, June 15, 1750. John, s. of William and Phebe, Mar. 15, 1801. Kezia, d. of Elijah and Deborah, Mar. 17, 1744. Lucy, d. of Abraham and Silence, Jan. 9, 1783. Mary, d. of Isaac and Mary, Aug. 8, 1746. Mary, d. of Elijah and Deborah, July 19, 1754. Mary, d. of William and Phebe, Mar. 5, 1799. Oliver, s. of Isaac, bp. May 16, 1742. c.r. Phebe, d. of William and Phebe, Apr. 5, 1794. William, s. of John, bp. Jan. 7, 1731. c.r. William, s. of Elijah and Deborah, Mar. 25, 1746. William, s. of Elijah and Deborah, Mar. 6, 1748. William, s. of Elijah and Deborah, May 17, 1759. William, s. of William and Phebe, June 3, 1787, William, s. of William and Phebe, Dec. 26, 1791. GOODHUE, George Homer, s. of John and Thirza D., Dec. 10, 1845. G.R.I. John, Dec. 3, 1805. g.r.i. John Howard, s. of John and Thirza D., Feb. 21, 1840. G.r.i. Sarah Elizabeth, d. of John and Thirza D., June i, 1838. G.r.i. Thirza D. [ ], w. of John, , 1811. g.r.i. GOULD, Ellen Rebecca, d. of Thomas and Laura, Sept. 25, 1847. Zibeon Hooker, s. of Thomas and Laura, July 30, 1839. GOULDIN (see Goulding), Mary, d. of Eleazer and Jemima, Aug. 28, 1784. GOULDING (see Gouldin), , s. of Oren and Ellen, Dec. 5, 1849. Curtis, s. of Eleazer and Jemima, Jan. 6, 1787. Eda, d. of Eleazer and Jemima, Mar. 27, 1795. Ellen Catherine, d. of Sumner G. and Martha, July 18, 1843. John Sumner, s. of Sumner G. and Martha C, July 29, 1847. Oren Louis, s. of Oren and Ellen, Nov. 20, 1847. NATICK BIRTHS. 47 GRAVES, Joseph, s. of William and Mary, in Needham, July 15, 1785- GREEN, Margaret [ ], w. of Nahum, , 1835. g.r.s. Nahum, , 1821. G.R.5. Permilla, d. of Newport and Fillice [Phillis], June 16, 1797. GREENWOOD, Abby Elizabeth, d. of WUliam and Sally (Sarah dup.), May 27, 1843. Angeline Warren, d. of Alfred and Martha B., Oct. 29, 1849. Caroline Matilda, d. of William and Sally, Jan. 7, 1841. Daniel, s. of Dea. of Sherborn, bp. July 30, 1732. c.R. Edward L., , 1844. g.r.i. Francis W. P., s. of Alfred and Martha B., Apr. 12, 1846. Gustavus Adolphus, s. of Rev. Alfred and Martha B., June 29, 1843. Hannah M. [ ], w. of Col. Bela, Oct. 31, 1791. G.R.4. Lydia Ann Maria, d. of Lyman and Eliza, Nov. 5, 1845. Martha Ann, d. of William and Sally, Apr. 4, 1835. Martha B. Crocker, d. of Alfred and Martha, Aug. 9, 1845. Mary Jane, d. of Thomas P. and Lucretia, May 28, 1838. Samuel, s. of Thomas P. and Lucretia, Mar. 8, 1836. Sarah Jane, d. of William and Sally, July 17, 1837. GREGG, John, s. of Michael and Hannah, July 30, 1848. GRIDLEY, Elizabeth, d. of John S. and Elizabeth P., Mar. 11, 1844. HAINS (see Haynes, Heynes), Becca, d. of Charles and Elisa- beth, Jan. 29, 1770. Lydia, d. of Charles and Elisabeth, Feb. 24, 1768. HALL, ' — , s. of Rufus and Eunice, Apr. 29, 1848. Abner, s. of Thomas and Esther, Feb. 22, 1761. Arthur, Mar. 25, 1820. g.r.i. Borredel, d. of Thomas and Esther, in Needham, May 5, 1763. Dorothy, d. of David and Dorothy, July 2, 1757. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas and Esther, in Needham, July 4, 1765. Hannah, d. of David and Dorothy, in Needham, Feb. 25, 1762. Henry B., , 1833. g.r.i. Lydia C. [ ], w. of Arthur, Aug. 11, 1823. g.r.i. Mary, d. of David and Dorothy, Nov. 4, 1759. Moses, s. of Thomas and Esther, Mar. 19, 1759. Sarah E. [ ], w. of Henry B., , 1831. g.r.i. 48 NATICK BERTHS. HAM, Benjamin Franklin, , 1823. G.R.5. John Franklin, June 26, 1847. G.R.5. HAMMON (see Hammond), Ameline, d. of Edward and Beulah, May 16, 1809. Betty, d. of William and Kezia, Sept. 9, 1782, Cynthia, d. of William and Cynthia, Oct. 27, 1815. Edward, s. of William and Kezia, in Sudbury, May 25, 1768. Edward, s. of Edward and Beulah, Sept. 16, 1791. Eunice, d. of W[illia]m and Kezia, July 14, 1780. Jeremiah Gay, s. of Edward and B[e]ulah, Mar. 22, 1796. John, s. of Edward and Beulah, Apr. i, 1807. Kezia, d. of William and Kezia, June 12, 1771. Mercy, d. of William and Kezia, May 13, 1776. Molly, d. of W[illia]m and Kezia, Sept. 8, 1787. Otis, s. of Edward and B[e]ulah, Sept. 15, 1802. Richard, s. of Edward and Beulah, Oct. 22, 1799. Rosaline, d. of Edward and Beulah, Aug. 9, 181 1. Sally, d. of Edward and B[e]ulah, Jan. 31, 1798. Susanna, d. of William and Kezia, in Needham, Aug. 6, 1764. Thomas Flinn, s. of Edward and B[e]ulah, Dec. 28, 1804. William, s. of William and Keziah, Oct. 3, 1775. William, s. of William and Kezia, July 6, 1785. William, s. of Edward and B[e]ulah, Jan. 22, 1794. Zeruiah, d. of William and Cynthia, Nov. 27, 1818, HAMMOND (see Hammon), , d. of Thomas F., Sept. 17, 1842. Charles F., s. of Richard and Marcy, Mar. 27, 1834. Clarissa B., d. of Richard and Marcy, Apr. i, 1823. Edward William, s. of Thomas F. and Miriam W., Nov. 16, 1848. Elizabeth Woodbridge, d. of Thomas F. and Miriam W., May 13, 1840. Emeline Rosannah, d. of Richard and Marcy, Aug. 18, 1831. Emeline Stone, d. of Thomas F. and Miriam W., Sept. 18, 1842. Emily L., d. of Richard and Marcy, Aug. 14, 1824. Henry, s. of Richard and Marcy, Dec. 16, 1836. Irene Waite, d. of Richard and Marcy, Nov. 7, 1829. James Nelson, s. of Richard and Marcy, Mar. 19, 1826. Julia Ann, d. of Richard and Marcy, Feb. 26, 1833. Richard Eustis, s. of Richard and Marcy, Sept. 27, 1827. HANCHETT, , d. of W[illia]m T. and Ede R., Dec. 24, 1849. NATICK BIRTHS. 49 Hanchett, Chester, s. of William T, and Eda R., Sept. 25, 1848. Dana Childs, s. of William T. and Ede R., Sept. 11, 1846. Franklin, , 182 1. g.r.i. George William, s. of W[illia]m and Ede R., May 8, 1845. Helen, d. of Franklin and Anna E., Aug. 25, 1845. Homer, s. of Ebenezer and Susan G., Aug. 23, 1848, Lavina Mason, d. of Ebenezer and Susan G., Nov. 29, 1845. Mary E. [ ], w. of Peter S., , 1828. g.r.i. Peter S., , 1825. g.r.i. William T., Jan. 4, 1820. g.r.i. HANSCOM, Abby Stone, d. of Alba and Mary Ann, Mar. 9, 1845. Eldora [ ], w. of Charles P., Aug. 31, 1844. g.r.i. Henry P. Dennett, s. of Alba C. and Mary A., June 3, 1843. HARDWICKE, James, Mar. 23, 182 1. g.r.i. Sarah E. [ ], w. of James, Dec. 2, 1830. g.r.i. HARDY, Ellen M., , 1834. g.r.i. S. Worcester, , 1814. g.r.i. Sarah A., , 1821. g.r.i. Simeon, , 1833. g.r.i. HARRIMAN, Hannah A., , 1842. g.r.i. Sarah A., , 1836. g.r.i. HARRINGTON, Mary Ann, d. of Timothy and Rebecca, Nov. 5, 1846. Mary Cooiidge [ ], w. of Francis S., June i, 1823. g.r.i. HARRIS (see Harriss), Frederick L., , 1822. g.r.6. John, s. of John and Mary Barker of Boston, in Milford, June 24, 1785- Mary W., , 1832. g.r.6. HARRISS (see Harris), Nancy, d. of Elijah and Nancy, Apr. 20, 1822. HARTSHORN, Charles Morse, s. of Daniel and Rebeccah, May 2, 1808. Nancy, d. of Daniel and Rebecca, Feb. 19, 1800. Rebecca, d. of Daniel and Rebec[c]a, June 7, 1806. Sylvester, s. of Daniel and Rebecca, Nov. 29, 1799. HARTWELL, Alfred Stedman, s. of Stedman and Rebecca D., June II, 1836. Caroline Almeda, d. of Stedman and Rebecca D., Aug. 30, 1828. 50 NATICK BIRTHS. Hartwell, Charles Atherton, s. of Stedman and Rebecca D., May 6, 1841. Martha Maria, d. of Stedman and Rebecca D., June i, 1836. Rebecca D. (Dana dup.), d. of Stedman and Rebecca Dana, Mar. 10, 1839. HARWOOD, Adeline Greenwood, [ ], w. of Harrison, in Winchendon, June 17, 1819. g.r.i. Harrison, in North Brookfield, Oct. 18, 1814. g.r.i. Isabella S. Bryant, [ ], w. of Henry G., Nov. 4, 1844. G.R.I. HASELTINE, Augustus, Oct. 17, 1849. g.r.i. Charles S., June 5, 1842. g.r.i. Edwin, Nov. 20, 1847. g.r.i. George H., June 29, 1837. g.r.i. George W., Feb. 18, 1812. g.r.i. Hannah, May 11, 1811, g.r.i. John R., Feb. 2, 1844. g.r.i. Sarah Josephine [ ], w. of George H., Mar. 4, 1839. g.r.i. Wright A., , 1838. G.R.I. HASTINGS, Abigail, d. of Matthew and Mary, bp. Sept. 9, 1744. C.R. Hannah, d. of Mathew and Mary, Feb. 18, 1750. Katy, d. of Mat[thew], bp. Feb. 8, 1746-7. c.r. Marcy, d. of Oliver and Mary, July 25, 1766. Mary, d. of Matthew and Mary, bp. Dec. 5, 1742. c.r. Moses, s. of Matthew, bp. Feb. 12, 1748-9. c.r. Samuel Stratton, s. of Thaddeus of Needham, bp. Dec. 5, 1773. C.R. HATHAWAY, Granville C, , 1819. g.r.i. Phebe L., , 1829. g.r.i. HAVEN, Abigail, d. of David and Abigail, May 8, 1769. Abigail, d. of David and Hannah, in Sullivan, Oct. 25, 1801. Anna, d. of David and Abigail, in Hopkinton, July 31, 1766. Anna Moriah, d. of Luther and Lydia, Dec. 23, 1827. Asenah, d. of David and Abigail, in Hopkinton, Feb. 26, 1762. Calvin, s. of David and Abigail, Mar. 7, 1784. David, s. of David and Abigail, Dec. 2, 1776. David, s. of Luther and Lydia, May 11, 18 18. Dexter, s. of Nathaniel and Polly, Feb. 2, 1801. Eben, s. of David and Hannah, Mar. 3, 1804. NATICK BIRTHS. SI Haven, Ede Bacon, d. of Luther and Lydia, Feb. 8, 1823. Hannah, d. of David and Abigail, Mar. 9, 1772. Hepzibeth, d. of David and Abigail, May 12, 1774. Luther, s. of David and Abigail, Aug. 13, 1786. Luther, s. of Luther and Lydia, Aug. 11, 1820. Lydia Abigail, d. of Luther and Lydia, June 16, 1825. Mary, d. of David, bp. Oct. 14, 1781. c.r. Nathaniel, s. of David and Abigail, May 13, 1779. Oris, s. of David Jr. and Hannah, Mar. 6, 1799. Rebecca Bacon, d. of Luther and Lydia, July 18, 1809. Sarah Lincoln, d. of Luther and Lydia, May i, 18 15. HAWES (see Haws), Edward, Mar. 7, 1782. g.r.i. Josiah J., Feb. 20, 1808. g.r.i. Keziah, d. of Jere., bp. June 29, 1746. c.r. Martha, Dec. 15, 1810. g.r.i. Martha Johnson [ ], w. of Edward, Aug. 7, 1785. g.r.i. Nancy Southworth [ ], w. of Josiah J., May 20, 1820. G.R.I. William, s. of Daniel and Nancy, Dec. 11, 1803. HAWS (see Hawes), Darius, s. of Daniel and Nancy, July 30, 1807. Jemima, d. of Jeremiah, bp. June 3, 1744. c.r. Joseph, s. of Daniel and Nancy, in Needham, Oct. 8, 181 1. HAYDEN, , d. of Elisha and Priscilla, Jan. 16, 1845. HAYES, , d. of Horace C. and Abigail, Jan. 25, 1846. , s. of Horace C. and Abigail, Apr. 7, 1848. Alexander, s. of Daniel and Hannah, Mar. 7, 1844. Almira P. [ ], w. of Ephraim L., , 1822. g.r.i. Charles Henry, s. of Horace C. and Abigail, Dec. 25, 1843. Edgar, s. of Daniel and Hannah, Feb. 28, 1846. Edgar Morse, s. of Stephen and Maria, Feb. 19, 1845. Ephraim L., , 1816. g.r.i. Eugene Morse, s. of Stephen and Maria, Mar. 14, 1848. Francis William, s. of Ephraim and Almira, Jan. 22, 1847. Henry, s. of Richard and Julia Ann, May 11, 1844. Lizzie Farriss [ ], w. of Frank H., Apr. 13, 1849. g.r.i. Maria [ ], w. of Stephen, Sept. 24, 1816. g.r.i. Stephen, July 12, 1814. g.r.i. HAYNES (see Hains, Heynes), Betsey, d. of Daniel and Elizabeth, June 13, 1789. 52 NATICK BIRTHS. Haynes, Clarissa, d. of Nathan and Dinah, Dec. 7, 181 1 Eliza, d. of Jere and Olive, Oct. i, 1804. Eliza, d. of Jere and Olive, Oct. 18, 1806. Emory, s. of Jery and Olive, July 17, 1800. Harriot, d. of Nathan and Dinah, July 13, 1809. Irene, d. of Jere and Olive, Jan. 31, 1810. Joseph, s. of Charles and Elizabeth, Feb. 12, 1772. Louisa, d. of Nathan and Dinah, Apr. 22, 1805. Maria, d. of Nathan and Dinah, Oct. 27, 1801. Rachel, d. of Daniel and Elizabeth, Feb. 2, 1787. Ruth, d. of Nathan and Dinah, Apr. 18, 1799. Sarah, d. of Daniel and Elizabeth, Sept. 10, 1785, Warren C, , 1830. g.r.i. Willard, s. of Nathan and Dinah, in Newton, Jan, 7, 1797. HENDRICK, Moses, s. of Benjamin and Zibiah, in Acton, Sept. IS, 1780. HERRING, James Curtis, s. of Seth C. and Ann A., Mar. 17, 1846. HERSEY, , d. of W[illia]m H. and Sally I., July 9, 1847. , d. of William H. and Sally I., June 30, 1849. Levi Felch, s. of William H. and Sally S., Oct. 5, 1845. Warren Alvin, s. of Ebenezer and Sarah O., Jan. 28, 1845. HEYNES (see Hains, Haynes), Abigail, d. of Charles and Eliza- beth, Mar. 12, 1764. Daniel, s. of Charles and Elisabeth, Dec. 24, 1759. Elizabeth, d. of Charles and Elizabeth, Feb. 28, 1766. Luke, s. of Charles and Eliz[abeth], June 22, 1762. HICKCOX (see Hickox), William Bacon, s. of Samuel and Abigail, May 11, 181 7. HICKOX (see Hickcox), Abby Bacon, d. of William and Lucy, Oct. 28, 1845. Anna Russell, d. of William and Lucy, Feb. 14, 1848. Lucy R. [ ], w. of William, May i, 1817. G.R.4. HILDRETH, Charles, , 1833. g.r.i. Jason, Feb. 6, 1800. G.R.4. Martha Maria, d. of Horace T. and Mary E., Jan. x8, 1848. HILL, Abbie J., , 1835. g.r.i. Mary, d. of Nath., bp. Feb. 15, 1746-7. CR. NATICK BIRTHS. 53 Hill, Miram, d. of Daniel and Jane, Apr. 22, 1778. Oliver Blair, Dec. 22, 1835. g.r.i. Sabry, d. of Daniel and Jane, Apr. 28, 1779. HILT, Charles E., Sept. 17, 1845. g.r.i. HOBBS, Ann Catharine, d. of Josiah and Nancy, Aug. 22, 1830. Eliza Jane, d. of Josiah and Nancy, in Weston, Mar. 26, 1825. William Seaver, s. of Josiah and Nancy, Oct. 23, 1827. HOLBROOK (see Holebrook), Aaron P., , 1845. g.r.i. Abigail, d. of Jonathan of Sherborn, bp. Sept. 17, 1732. c.R. Benjamin F., Jan. 20, 1832. g.r.i. Mary E. [ ], w. of John W., Feb. 8, 1849. g.r.i. Micah, s. of Nath[aniel] of Sherborn, bp. Feb. 27, 1732. C.R. Sarah, d. of Ele[aze]r of Sherborn, bp. June 11, 1732. C.R. HOLEBROOK (see Holbrook), Abel, s. of Eleazer, bp. Aug. 18, 1734. c.R, Lydia, d. of Sam[ue]ll of Sherborn, bp. Aug. 18, 1734. C.R. Mary, d. of Nathan[ie]l of Sherborn, bp. Nov. 11, 1733. C.R. Mehitabel, d. of Jona. of Sherborn, bp. Mar. 10, 1734. C.R, HOLLAND, Hamilton, s. of Thomas and Mary, Feb. 17, 1804. HOLLIS, Elisha Payne, Oct. 13, 1819. g.r.i. Eliza Ann [ ? m.], Dec. 29, 1820, g.r. i . Mary Eliza, d. of Elisha P. and Eliza, Feb. 27, 1849. HOPF, Caroline, , 1832, G.R.4. Eliza Fernan [ ], w. of Matthias, , 183 1, G.R.4, Jacob, , 1837. G.R.4. Martin, , 1835. G.R.4. Matthias, , 1832, G.R.4, HORAN, Mary, d. of Patrick and Mary, , 1849, HOUGHTON, , s, of John E. and Eliza J., Apr. 30, 1849. Francis Edward, s. of John E. and Eliza Jane, Apr. 25, 1845. Jessie A., , 1841, g.r.i. John Edward, s. of John and Sarah Morse, Apr. 23, 1824, HOW (see Howe), Abigail, d. of Enos and Mary, July 19, 1752. Almina, d. of Peter and Lucy, May 8, 1807, Elinor, d. of Purley and Asenath, Jan. 31, 1816, Mary, d. of Enos and Mary, bp. Aug. 11, 1751. C.R. Timothy, s. of Enos and Mary, bp. Aug, 11, 1751, c,R. 54 NATICK BERTHS. HOWARD, George Franklin, s. of Jeremiah and Electa. Oct, 19, 1846. HOWE (see How), , d. of Joseph T. and Eliza D., Mar. 2, 1846. David C. , 1824. g.r.i. Ella Jenness, d. of Joseph T. and Eliza, Oct. 8, 1848. George Curtis, s. of George and Elleanor C, July 26, 1846. George Washington, s. of Purley and Asenath, Aug. 30, 1817. Lucinda W. [ ], w. of David C., , 1828. g.r.i. Mary Tombs [ ], w. of Amasa, in Hopkinton, Sept. 11, 1786. G.R.I. Sarah H., d. of George and Kezia, July 18, 1821. HOYT, , s. of John and Emeline, Dec. 31, 1844. HUNNEWELL, Betsey, d. of Samuel and Kezia, Oct. 3, 1791. HUNT, Benjamin Foster, s. of Rev. Samuel and Mary F., Aug. 28, 1843 (Aug. 29, dup.). Charlotte Elizabeth, d. of Samuel and Mary, Nov. 19, 1845. Elliot, s. of Samuel and Mary, May 22, 1847. John, s. of John and Rebeckah, Nov. 20, 1792. (John Hunt late of Watertown, c.r.) Joseph Gould, s. of John and Rebecah, Oct. 6, 1805. Lucy Blanding, d. of Josiah and Maria D., Jan. 15, 1846. Mary Agnes, d. of Rev. Samuel and Mary, in Southampton, N.Y., Aug. 19, 1839. Samuel Champion, s. of Rev. Samuel and Mary F., Feb. 10, 1842. William Hix, s. of John and Rebeccah, Aug, 5, 1894. [1794-] HUNTRESS, Charles Howard, s. of Thomas H. and Ann J., July 18, 1845. IDE, Lucy Low, , 1832. g.r.i. IN GALLS, Charles Henry, s. of Newell and Sarah, Aug. 19, 1844. Cornelius Barnes, s. of Newell and Sarah, July 15, 1846. George Warren, s. of Newell and Sarah C, June 17, 1848. IVES, Elizabeth [ ], w. of Francis, , 1819. g.r.i. Francis, , 1809. g.r.i. JACKSON, , s. of W[illia]m L. and Betsey A., Aug. 27, 1849. Betsey Jenness [ ], w. of William L., July 4, 1826. g.r.i. Henrietta M., d. of W[illia]m W. and Elizabeth, July 11, 1848. NATICK BIRTHS. 55 Jackson, Raymond Fletcher, s. of W[illia]m F. and Betsey Ann, June 27, 1847. Stephen Badger, s. of Michael Jackson of Newton, gr. s. of Rev. Stephen Badger, bp. June 23, 1793. C.r. William L., May 22, 1822. g.r.i. JACOBS, David W., , 1827. g.r.i. Mary L. Morse [ ], w. of David W., , 1832. g.r.i. JENINGS (see Jennings), Isaac, s. of Stephan and Mary, July 17, 1755- JENISON (see Jennison), Arthur, s. of Lot and Susanna, May 30, 1792. Hannah, d. of Robert and Sibbilla, Jan. 24, 1757. Isaac, s. of Lot and Susanna, Mar. 28, 1790. Lot, s. of Robert and Sibbilla, Apr. 27, 1752. Lucy, d. of Robert, bp. Jan. 30, 1742-3. c.r. Lucy, d. of Lot and Susanna, in Hillsborough, N.H., Aug. 12, 1774- Lucy, d. of Lot and Susanna, Jan. 28, 1794. Nahum, s. of Lot and Susanna, in Hillsborough, N.H., Apr. 2, 1780. Nathan, s. of Robert and Sibbilla, Mar. 28, 1754. Nathan, s. of Lot and Susanna, in Hillsborough, N.H., Nov. 10, 1784. Robert, s. of Lot and Susanna, in Hillsborough, N.H., July 13, 1782. Sarah, d. of Lot and Susanna, in Hillsborough, N.H., Apr. 10, 1778. Sibbilah, d. of Lot and Susanna, in Hillsborough, N.H., Mar. 18, 1776. Susanna, d. of Lot and Susanna, Oct. 23, 1786. JENKS, Frances Elizabeth, d. of Bryant F. and Eliza, Oct. 23, 1845. JENNESS, Abby Ale via, d. of George and Mary D., June 17, 1849. JENNINGS (see Jenings), Bridget [ ], w. of John E., Oct. 8, 1829. G.R.6. Eethel, s. of Ephraim and Sibilla, Aug. 18, 1765. Elizabeth Eunice, d. of Ephraim and Lucy G., June 8, 1842. G.R.5. Ephraim, s. of Ephraim and Sibilla, Sept. 6, 1749. 56 NATICK BIRTHS. Jennings, Ephraim, s. of Ethel and Zeruiah, Jan. 1, 1795. Ephreiam, s. of Ephreiam and Lucy G., Oct. 22, 1825. Ethel, s. of Ethel and Zeruiah, May 6, 1787. Eunice Elizabeth, d. of Ephraim and Lucy G., May 8, 1832. Ichabod, s. of Ephraim and Lucy G., Oct. 7, 1828. Ira Harriss, s. of Ira and Elizabeth A., Dec. 12, 1849. Isaac, s. of Ephraim, bp. Mar. 15, 1747. c.r. Jabez, s. of Stephan and Mary, Apr. 9, 1742. John, s. of Stephen, bp. June 8, 1740. c.r. John, s. of Ethel and Zeruiah, Mar. 30, 1797. John, s. of John and Martha, Feb. 8, 182 1. John E., June 24, 1832. g.r.6. Jonathan, s. of Stephen and Mary, in Sudbury, Apr. 29, 1758. Levinah, d. of Ephraim and Sibilla, Nov. 7, 1759. Levi, s. of Ethel and Zeruiah, Dec. 15, 1791. Levi, s. of Levi and Phebe, Sept. 21, 1823. Louis, d. of Stephen and Mary, July 10, 1752. Lucy, d. of Stephen, bp. Dec. 9, 1750. c.r. Lucy, d. of Ephraim and Lucy G., Nov. 29, 183 1. Lucy Goodhue [ ], w. of Ephraim, Aug. 13, 1801. G.R.5. Maria, d. of Ethel and Zeruiah, July 20, 1800. Martha, d. of Stephen, bp. June i, 1748. c.r. Martha A. L., d. of John and Mary, May 28, 1846. Martha Elizabeth, d. of John Jr. and Elizabeth, July 29, 1845. Mary, d. of Stephen, bp. Apr. 22, 1744. c.r. Mary Ella, d. of John Jr. and Elizabeth, May 19, 1847. Moley, d. of Stephen and Mary, Nov. i, 1760. Olive, d. of Ephraim and Sibbilla, Sept. 6, 1756. Otis, s. of Ethiel and Zeruiah, Sept. 15, 1802. Otis William, s. of Ephraim and Lucy G., Dec. 14, 1834. Samuel, s. of Ephraim, bp. Mar. 11, 1743-4- c.r. Sarah, d. of Stephan and Mary, July 23, 1738. Sibbil, d. of Ephraim and Sibilla, Oct. 28, 1752. Stephen, s. of Stephen, bp. Apr. 6, 1746. c.r. Zera, d. of Ethel and Zeruiah, Dec. 15, 1788. JENNISON (see Jenison), Arthur, s. of Arthur and Hannah, Jan. 16, 1818. Charles Wesley, s. of Isaac and Mary, Aug. 24, 1831. Frances Ann, d. of Rev. Isaac and , July 9, 1838. Harriet, d. of Isaac and Mary, in Norwich, Conn., Oct. 11, 1824. Isaac, s. of Isaac and Mary, Sept. i, 1815. Isaac, s. of Robert R. and Phebe A., Jan. 13, 1847. NATICK BIRTHS. 57 Jennison, John Wesley, s. of Isaac and Mary, in Belchertown, Oct. 17, 1827. Lorenzo D., s. of Isaac and Mary, in Duxbury, Nov. 15, 1822. Lorenzo Herbert, s. of Lorenzo D. and Ruth K., May 19, 1848. Lucy, d. of Arthur and Hannah, June 4, 1816. Mary, d. of Isaac and Mary, Mar. 24, 1818. Phennehas, s. of Robert and Sibella, July i, 1741. Robert Roberts, s. of Isaac and Mary, Aug. 4, 1820. Sophronia P., , 1809. G.R.i. JOHNSON (see Johnston, Jonson), Austin, s. of Austin and Caroline D., Jan. 15, 1849. Enoch, s. of Moses and Elisabeth, Aug. 22, 1753. Isaac, ,1798. G.R.I. Lovina M. Southard [ ], w. of Isaac, , 18 16. g.r.i. JOHNSTON (see Johnson, Jonson), David, Oct. 3, 1826. g.r.i. Sarah Peoples [ ], w. of David, May 8, 1824. g.r.i. JONAH, Jerusha, d. of Jacob and Polly, Mar. i, 1808. Joseph Pease, s. of Jerusha , Oct. 24, 1835. JONES, , s. of Samuel H., Aug. 8, 1842. , s. of Elisha, Oct. 28, 1842. Adam, s. of John of Dedham, bp. June 29, 1760. c.R. Amos, s. of John of Dedham, bp. Dec. 2, 1753. c.R. Charles Henry, Apr. 7, 1845. g.r.i. Charles Herbert, s. of Gilbert F. and Emeline, Jan. 27, 1848. Dan[iel], s. of John, bp. Mar. 3, 1 750-1. c.R. Eliphalet Jackson, s. of Samuel H. and Roxey L., July 21, 1842. Elisha Briggs, s. of Samuel H. and Roxaline, Aug. 22, 1847. Elizabeth, d. of Benj[amin] of Sherborn, bp. at Sherborn, Aug. 4, 1734. c.R. Hamilton H., s. of Samuel H. and Roxey L., Oct. 26, 1840. Hannah, d. of John, bp. July 24, 1748. c.R. Helen Rebecca, d. of W[illia]m P. and Rebecca, Oct. 31, 1847. James Faxon, s. of Gilbert F. and Emeline, Jan. 29, 1846. John, s. of John and Hannah, bp. Feb. 5, 1743-4. c.R. Mehitable, d. of John, bp. Nov. 24, 1745. c.R. Ruth, d. of Benjamin of Sherborn, bp. Oct. 7, 1733. c.R. Silence, d. of John of Dedham, bp. Aug. 6, 1758. c.R. Tabitha, d. of John of Dedham, bp. Sept. 28, 1755. c.R. JONSON (see Johnson, Johnston), Moses, s. of Moses and Eliza- bath, Oct. 13, 1755. 58 NATICK BIRTHS. JORDAN, Edward Francis, s. of James and Elizabeth, Aug. 2, 1849. JOY, Elisibeth, d. of Reuben and Lydia, Apr. 22, 1798. Rachel, d. of R[e]uben and Lydia, July 11, 1799. JUDKINS, Joseph A., , 1828. g.r.i. Lois A. [ ], w. of Joseph A., , 1830. g.r.i. KAHAN, John, s. of Patrick and Mary Ann, July 15, 1847. KANE, Mary Ann, d. of William and Catharine, Mar. 25, 1849. KENDRICK (see Kindrick). KENEPAUGENET, Hannah, d. of Joseph, bp. Nov. 12, 1752. C.R. KIMBAL (see Kimball), John, s. of Richard and Sarah, in Sher- born, Sept. 12, 1778. KIMBALL (see Kimbal), Aaron, s. of Ebenezer and Lydia, May 25, 1806. Betsey, d. of Ebenezer and Lydia, Dec. 16, 1801. Betsy M, Warner [ ], w. of Edmund, Apr. 27, 1803. G.R.5. Ebenezar, s. of Richard, bp. Oct. 6, 1776. c.r. Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer and Lydia, July 30, 1797. Twin. Edmund, June 28, 1803. G.R.5. Eliza Boynton, d. of John and Mary, Sept. 29, 1834. Elizebeth, d. of Richard and Sarah, in Hopkinton, Apr. 6, 1763. John, s. of Richard and Sarah, in Hopkinton, July 23, 1765. John Henry, s. of John and Mary, Jan. 31, 1836. Lydia, d. of Ebenezer and Lydia, July 30, 1797. Twin. Mary Eliza, d. of John and Mary, Jan. 8, 1845. Richard, s. of Richard and Sarah, Apr. 17, 1773. ' Samuel, s. of Ebenezer and Lydia, Oct. 20, 1800. Sibbel, d. of Richard and Lydia, Feb. 18, 1794. Sibbilla, d. of Richard and Sarah, June 2, 1770. Thomas, s. of Richard and Sarah, 6, 1767. (bp. Oct. 11, 1767, C.R.) KINDRICK, Elijah, s. of Elijah and Ruth, bp. June 21, 1741. C.R. Jane, d. of Elijah, bp. July 5, 1747. c.r. Olive, d. of Elijah, bp. Feb. 24, 1744-5. c.r. Oliver, s. of Elijah and Ruth, bp. May 6, 1750. C.R. Samuel, s. of Elijah, bp. July 18, 1742. c.r. Thomas, s. of Elijah and Ruth, bp. June 21, 1741. c.r. NATICK BIRTHS. 59 KINGSBURY, Addison Preston, s. of Leonard A. and Ann, Oct. 23, 1846. Eliphelet, s. of Eliphelet and Kezia, Oct. 23, 1784. Mary, d. of Leonard and Emily, Aug. 5, 182 1. KNOWLES, Hannah Lyon, d. of James L. and Rebecca B., Aug. 31, 1849. KNOWLTON, Charles, s. of Daniel M. and Hannah, Sept. 16, 1839. LANE, Isabella, d. of John E. and Mary Jane, June 24, 1849. Mary J. [?m], Sept. 22, 1812. g.r.i. William Henry, s. of John E. and Mary Jane, Feb. 24, 1847. LARKIN, , d. of George D. and Anna H., Feb. 22, 1847. Andrew, Oct. 27, 1813. g.r.i. Andrew, Aug. 10, 1838. g.r.i. Arthur Washington, s. of George D. and Anna H., Jan. i, 1849. James, June 5, 1800. g.r.i. Mahala Clifford [ ], w. of Andrew, Mar. 31, 1813. g.r.i. Martha [ ], w. of Thomas, in Kittery, Me., Sept. 14, 1794. G.R.I. Rhoda B. [ ], w. of James, May 23, 1813. G.r.i. S. Watson, , 1830. g.r.i. Thomas, in Portsmouth, N.H., Jan. 22, 1803. g.r.i. LARRANCE (see Lawrence), John, s. of Thomas and Sarah, Dec. I, 172- (bp. Mar. 22, 1730, Indian, C.R.). Samuel, s. of Thomas and Sarah, May 15, 172- (bp. Mar. 22, 1730, Indian, C.R.). LAW, Albert Augustus, s. of Luke and Mary Ann, Nov. 23, 1844. George H. , 1834. G.R.5. Mary B., , 1834. G.R.5. LAWRENCE (see Larrance), Hannah, d. of Elizabeth, bp. Mar. 20, 1757, a. 6f y., Indian, c.r. Samuel, s. of Elizabeth, bp. May 20, 1757. a. if y. c.r. LAWTON, Mary Ann, d. of Samuel and Hitta, Aug. 4, 1802. Sally, d. of Samuel and Mehetible, Oct, 7, 1797. LEADBETTER, Eunice Elizabeth, d. of Lorenzo and Martha, Dec. 8, 1847. Rosella Maria, d. of Lorenzo and Martha, May 20, 1845. 6o NATICK BIRTHS. LEALAND (see Leland), Isaac, s. of Isaac and Mary, Jan. 6, 1764. Martin, s. of Jeremiah and Abigail, Mar. 8, 1793. Ruth, d. of Joshua, at Sherborn, bp. Jan. 4, 1735-6. C.R. Walter, s. of Jeremiah and Abigail, Feb. 27, 1796. LEARNED, Daniel, s. of Edward of Sherborn, bp. May 5, 1734. C.R. LE BARON, David J., , 1835. g.r.i. LEGRAND, John, , 1846. G.R.5. Sarah E. Corasett [ ], w. of John, , 1849. G.R.5. LEIGHTON, William A., Aug. 13, 1821. g.r.i. LELAND (see Lealand), Calvin, s. of Calvin and Nabby, Mar. 24, 1817. Chauncy C, , 1822. G.R.2. Keziah, d. of Jona[than], bp. May 7, 1732. C.R. Maria Perry [ ], w. of Chauncy C, , 1823. G.R.2. Micha, s. of Jonathan, bp. at Sherborn, Aug. 30, 1741. C.R. Polly Perry, d. of Calvin and Nabby, Oct. i, 1815. LIFORD (see Lyford), Henrietta, d. of Moses and Olive, May 7, 1842. LINCOLN, Annah Elizabeth, d. of Joel A. and Martha, June 14, 1847. Joel Francis, s, of Joel A. and Martha, Dec. 17, 1848. Martha Jane, d. of Caleb W. and Rhoda R., July 25, 1845. LINES, Marto, s. of Daniel and Elizabeth, Feb. 6, 1848. LITTLEFIELD, Joseph H., Sept. 27, 1839. g.r.i. Lavina C, , 1833. g.r.i. LOCKE, James Frederick, s. of James W. and Louisa F., Sept. i, 1841. LOKER, , d. of Ephraim Jr. and Sarah, Oct. 29, 1844. , d. of Winthrop and Irene, Mar. 23, 1846. , d. of Winthrop and Irene, Apr. 20, 1848. , s. of Abraham and Abigail, May 10, 1849. Abigail, d. of Henry and Hannah, Sept. 22, 1761. Abraham, s. of Henry and Hannah, Apr. 20, 1768. Alvin, s. of Jonas and Lydia, June 28, 1804. Betty, d. of Henry and Hannah, Aug. 20, 1770. NATICK BIRTHS, 6 1 LoKER, Ephraim, s. of Henry and Hannah, May 9, 1773. Ephraim, s. of Ephraim and Susanna, May 31, 1807. Francis E., s. of Walter and Zelinda, Feb. 12, 1846. g.r.i. Franklin, s. of Henry and Mary, June i, 1843. George Cassius, s. of Walter and Zelinda, May 8, 1847. George Washington, s. of Ephraim and Susannah, May 27, 1820. Hannah, d. of Henry and Hannah, June 9, 1778. Henry, s. of Henry and Hannah, Aug. 25, 1764. Jane, d. of Henry and Hannah, Apr. 5, 1766. John Gilman, s. of Winthrop and Irene, Feb. 28, 1836. Jonas, s. of Henry and Hannah, Feb. 29, 1776. Julia E., d. of Walter and Zelinda, Aug. 18, 1844. g.r.i. Lubrilya, d. of Winthrop and Irene, Jan. 10, 1840. Martha Jane, d. of Walter and Zelinda, Apr. 14, 1841. Mehitabel, d. of Jonas and Lydia, Aug. 28, 1801. Nancy, d. of Ephraim and Susanna, Apr. 12, 1803. Oliver, s. of Henry and Hannah, June 15, 1759. Patty, d. of Ephraim and Susanna, Jan. 24, 1799, in East Sudbury. Phebe, d. of Ephraim and Susanna, Dec. 5, 1814. Rockman, s. of Winthrop and Irene, Jan. 8, 1843, Sabra Angenett, d. of Winthrop and Irene, Oct. 21, 1837. Sarah Whitney, d. of Henry and Mary A., Feb. 4, 1847. Stephen, s. of Henry and Hannah, in Sudbury, Nov. 30, 1755. Susan, d. of Ephraim and Susanna, Apr. 21, 1817. Timothy Bullard, s. of Jonas and Mary, Jan. i, 1809. Walter, s. of Ephraim and Susanna, Apr. 13, 1801. Walter, s. of Ephraim and Susanna, Dec. 3, 181 1. Walter Francis, s. of Walter and Zelinda, Sept. 17, 1849. Winthrop, s. of Ephraim and Susanna, July 29, 1809. Zelinda [ ], w. of Walter, Nov. 20, 1815. g.r.i. LORD, Mary Ellen, d. of Joseph H. and Olive Ann, Dec. 24, 1848. Olive A. [?m], , 1830. G.R.5. LOYD, William, s. of Byfield Esq., bp. at Framingham, Feb. 10, 1744-5. C.R. LUCEY, Catharin Lucy, d. of Michael and Mary, June 15, 1847. LYFORD (see Liford), Sarah Frances, d. of Moses and Olive, Aug. 14, 1843. MACDONALD, James Albert, May i, 1838. G.R.5. Sarah Jane [? m.], Oct. 22, 1840. G.R.5. / / 62 NATICK BIRTHS. MACKENNY, Rebecca, d. of Jno, bp. at Chelmsford, Sept. 14, 1740. C.R. MACKENTIRE, Joseph, s. of Sam[ue]l of Needham, bp. Sept. 5, 1762. C.R. Mary, d. of Samuel, bp. Sept. 11, 1743. c.r. MAGRATH (see McGrath), Charles Henry, s. of Charles and Susan F., July 21, 1847. James, Oct. 27, 1800. G.R.3. Mercy, Nov. 14, 1800. G.R.3. MAHAR, Elizabeth Ann, d. of John and Ellen, Oct. 20, 1849. MAHONEY, EUen, d. of John and Mary, Aug. 15, 1846. MALOY, Hannah, d. of Stephen and Ellen, Nov. 11, 1847. MAN (see Mann), Abijah, s. of Samuel and Lucretia, Sept. 13, 1772. Elizabath, d. of James and Abigail, Mar. 16, 1755. James, s. of James, bp. Apr. 17, 1748. c.r. James, s. of John and Hannah, May 6, 1791. Joseph, s. of James and Abigail, Oct. 30, 1756. Mary, d. of James and Abigail, Aug. 19, 1758. Moses, s. of James and Abigail, July 14, 1752. Nabby, d. of John and Hannah, May 9, 1793. Nath[ani]el, s. of Ebenezer and Zeporah, July 22, 1776. Rebecca, d. of Samuel and Lucretia, Dec. 13, 1770. Sarah, d. of James and Abigail, Nov, 23, 1749. MAKTAN, Mary, d. of Patrick and Bridget, Apr. 20, 1848. MANN (see Man), Abigail Sawin, d. of John and Hannah, Dec. 27, 1809. Albert Chester, s. of Albert and Elizabeth D., May 5, 1846. Betsy, d. of Jabez and Elizebeth, in Roxbury, Jan. 8, 1780. Daniel, s. of Jabez and Elizebeth, in Cambridge, Apr. 20, 1778. Ebenezer, s. of John and Hannah, Feb. 19, 1787. Elinor, d. of Jabez and Elizebeth, in Roxbury, Dec. 5, 1783. Georgianna, d. of Willard and Susan, Nov. 16, 1848. Hannah, d. of John and Hannah, Nov. 17, 1795. Harriet Willard, d. of James and Anna, July 24, 181 5. Henry, s. of W[illia]m and Catherine, Jan. 25, 1849. Hollis, s. of John and Hannah, Aug. 10, 1798. HoUis, s. of James and Anna, Oct. 14, 1834. Twin. NATICK BIRTHS. 63 Mann, Horace, s. of James and Anna, Oct. 14, 1834. Twin. Ira, s. of John and Hannah, Sept. i, 1806. Jabez, s. of Jabez and Elizebeth, in Roxbury, Nov. 18, 1781. Jackson Everett, s. of William and Catherine, Sept. 26, 1847. James Otis, s. of James and Anna, Nov. 30, 1819. John, s. of John and Hannah, Mar. 16, 1789. John Jackson, s. of John and Sarah, July 27, 1811. John Quincy Adams, s. of James and Anna, Feb. 28, 1825. Jonathan Bacon, s. of James and Anna, Mar. 4, 1817. Kezia, d. of Jabez and Elizebeth, in Needham, May 13, 1792. Leonard, s. of Jabez and Elizebeth, in Needham, Sept, 20, 1795. Leonard, s. of Jabez and Elizebeth, Feb. 22, 1798. Twin. Loel, s. of Jabez and Elizebeth, Feb. 22, 1798. Twin. Lucy Bigelow, , 1819. g.r.i. Lydia Maria, d. of Willard and Susan, Mar. 15, 1847. Noys, s. of John and Hannah, Oct. 11, 1800. Sally, d. of John and Sally. Sarah Jackson, d. of Willard and Susan, June 11, 1844. Susan Louisa, d. of William and Susan, Oct. 24, 1845. MARRINER, George W., , 1837. g.r.i. Lucy M. Gate [ ], w. of George W., , 1845. g.r.i. MARS, Francis, Dec. 24, 1829. g.r.i. MARSH, Amasa, , 1810. g.r.i. Azubah [ ], w. of Amasa, , 181 1. g.r.i. Francis W., , 1834. g.r.i. Harriet B. [ ], w. of Francis W., , 1838. g.r.i. Mary Elizabeth, d. of Amasa and Azubah, Nov. 15, 1847 (w. of Tarbox. g.r.i.). MARSHAL (see Marshall, MarsheU), David, s. of Jacob and Mary, Apr. 25, 1776. Pelletier (Peletiah, t.c), s. of Jacob and Mary, Aug. 24, 1782.- William, s. of Jacob and Mary, June 24, 1779. MARSHALL (see Marshal, MarsheU), Hariot, d. of Benjamin and Eunice, July 16, 1810. Jacob, s. of Jacob and Mary, Jan. 22, 1795. Mary, d. of Jacob and Mary, May 9, 1792. Rebecca, d. of Benjamin and Eunice, June 18, 1805. Roxaline, d. of Benjamin and Eunice, Dec. 14, 1807. Sibbel, d. of Benjamin and Eunice, May 29, 1824. Sylvia, d. of Benjamin and Eunice, Jan. 8, 1802. 64 NATICK BIRTHS. MARSHELL (see Marshal, Marshall), Betsy, d. of Benjamin and Eunice, Dec. 22, 1814, MARTIN, Sarah Elizabeth, d. of W[illia]ni and Catharine, Aug. 16, 1849. MASON, John, s. of Seth, bp. Aug. 28, a737. c.R. Judith, d. of Seth, bp, Sept. 21, 1740. c.R. Moses, s. of Seth, bp. Mar. 15, 1752. c.R. Phebe, d. of Seth, bp. June 9, 1745- c.R. Rebecca, d. of Seth, bp. Sept. 26, 1742. c.R. Seth, s. of Seth Esq., bp. May 4, 1735. c.R. Simon, s. of Seth of Dedham, bp. May 19, 1754. c.R. Walter N., in Tamworth, N.H., Oct. 12, 1824. g.r.i. MASSEURE, Almira, d. of David and Susan H., Aug, 15, 1844. MASTICK, Joseph, s, of John and Sarah, in Hopkinton, June 19, 1752. MAXWELL, Lucretia [ ], w. of John, Oct. 13, 1793, G.R.I. McDonald, Donald, in Scotland, Nov. 24, 1838. G.R.i. McEWAN, Ellen A. [ ], w. of James D., , 1826, G.R.5. James D., , 1836. G.R.5, McGRATH (see Magrath), Ariadne, d. of James, Mar. 20, 1841, Bridget, d. of John and Mary Ann, Dec. 26, 1848. McINTIRE (see Mackentire). McINTOSH, George, s. of Otis and Lilly W., in Medfield, Mar, 6, 1838. Mary Bird, d. of Otis and Lilly W., Aug. i, 1839. McKINNEY, Ann Brady [ ], w. of George, Nov, 15, 1848. G.R.6. McLAm, Charles W., Aug. 6, 1834. g.r.i. Vesta F. [ ], w. of Charles W., Apr. 24, 1836. g.r.i. McMAHON, James Henry, s. of Michael and Mary Ann, Apr. 19, 1848. McNAMARA, Bridget [ ], w. of Daniel, , 1827. g.r.6. Daniel, , 1823. g.r.6. Patrick, , 1840. g.r.6. NATICK BIRTHS. 65 MEAD, H. Maria [ ], w. of Alfred, , 1837. g.r.i. MEDCALF (see Metcalf), Elizabeth, d. of Samuel of Dedham, bp. Aug. 26, 1753. c.R. MELVILL[E], Robert John, s. of Robert B. and Mary, July 22, 1845. MERIFIELD (see Merrifield), Abraham, s. of Thomas, bp. June 15, 1749. c.R. Hannah, d. of Thomas, bp. Nov. 3, 1745. c.R. Mary, d. of Thomas, bp. Aug. 29, 1736. c.R. Marsh, s. of Thomas, bp. June 21, 1741. c.R. Sarah, d. of Thom[a]s and Mary, bp. Nov. 14, 1736. c.R. MERRIFIELD (see Merifield), Phebe, d. of Tho[mas], bp. Sept. 25, 1743. c.R. Timothy, s. of Thomas, bp. Mar. 18, 1738-9. c.R. METCALF (see Medcalf), Amos, s. of Sam[ue]ll, bp. Oct. 29, 1749. c.R. Lois, d. of Samuel, bp. Feb. 14, 1747-8. c.R. Mary, d. of Samuel, bp. July 6, 1746. c.R. Mehitable, d. of Samuel, bp. Aug. 11, 1751. c.R. Nathan, s. of Sam[ue]l, bp. Nov. 13, 1743. c.R. Samuel, s. of Sam[ue]ll, bp. Aug. 22, 1742. c.R. Sybil, d. of Sam[ue]ll, bp. Aug. 22, 1742. c.R. MILES, Alonzo, Mar. 21, 1844. g.r.i. Lewis H., Mar. 8, 1840. g.r.i. Mary Frances [ ], w. of Lewis H., July 17, 1840. g.r.i. MILLS, Amos, s. of Isaac and Abigail, bp. Nov. 7, 1736. c.R. Anna, d. of Isaac and Abigail, bp. Nov. 7, 1736. c.R. Deliverance, d. of Solomon and Elizabeth, Oct. 22, 1755. Elijah, s. of Isaac, bp. July 25, 1738. c.R. Elizabeth, d. of Solomon and Elizabeth, Nov. 16, 1762. Grace, d. of Isaac and Abigail, bp. Nov. 7, 1736. c.R. Hezekiah, s. of Solomon and Elizabeth, Jan. 10, 1760. Jacob, s. of Isaac and Abigail, bp. Nov. 7, 1736. c.R. Joseph, s. of Solomon and Elizabeth, Oct. 18, 1753. Lydia, d. of Isaac, bp. Oct. 27, 1745. c.R. [Lyjdia, d. of Solomon and Elizabeth, Dec. 26, 1750. Phinehas, s. of Isaac and Abigail, bp. Nov. 7, 1736. c.R. Solomon, s. of Solom[on] and Elizabeth, Sept. 6, 1757. Solomon, s. of Solomon and Elizabeth, Oct. 13, 1764. Thomas, s. of Isaac and Abigail, bp. Nov. 7, 1736. c.R. 66 NATICK BIRTHS. MITCHELL, Fanny M., Jan. i8, 1841. g.r.i. John, , 1824. G.R.I. Mary [ ], w. of John, , 1823. g.r.i, MOCKHEAG, Aaron, s. of Moses, bp. July 17, 1757. Indian. C.R. Benjamin, s. of Moses, bp. May 19, 1754. Indian. c.R. Moses, s. of Moses, bp. Mar. 25, 1759. C.R. MONROE, Oscar Homer, s. of Lucius and Mary Ann, Sept. 30, 1840. MONTGOMERY, Elizabeth [ ], w. of WiUiam, Mar. 3, 1830. G.R.I. William, Nov. 22, 1824. g.r.i. MOORE, Charles H., Sept. 25, 1829. g.r.i. Charles William, s. of William and Eunice, Apr. 2, 1837. Edward Payson, s. of Rev. Martin and Sarah, Apr. 13, 1830. Eliza J., , 1840. G.R.5. Francis, s. of Rev. Martin and Sarah, Aug. 8, 1820. George Bancroft, s. of William and Eunice, Feb. 11, 1840. Harriet Esther, d. of Willard and Mary, Oct. 31, 1847. Henry Martyn, s. of Rev. Martin and Sarah, July 13, 1828. John Eliot, s. of Rev. Martin and Sarah, Apr. 2, 1818. Jonathan Fisk, s. of Martin and Sarah, Aug. 23, 1815. Jonathan Rice, s. of Willard and Mary, Oct. 21, 1849. Willard, , 1829. G.R.5. MOORHOUSE, Hattie, , 1840. g.r.i. MORRIL (see Morrill), Isaac, s. of Dr. Isaac and Mary, Mar. 18, 1785- MORRILL (see Morril), Dorothy, d. of Eliakim and Ruth, Nov. 13, 1792. Elizabeth, d. of Eliakim, and Ruth, July 9, 1788. Gregory I., s. of Samuel and Sally, July 26, 1820. Joseph, s. of Eliakim and Ruth, July 25, 1790. Nathaniel, s. of (Dr., c. R.) Isaac and Mary, May 14, 1780. Nethaniel H., s. of Samuel and Sarah, Aug. 27, 1822, Phebe, d. of Dr. Isaac and Mary, May 6, 1791. Polly, d. of (Dr., c.R.), Isaac and Mary, Dec. 24, 1782. Samuel, s. of Isaac and Mary, June 21, 1787. Samuel, s. of Eliakim and Ruth, Feb. 4, 1795. MORRISON, George, s. of Ralph G. and Almira, Oct. 21, 1848. NATICK BIRTHS. 6/ MORSE, , d. of Willard and Mary, Oct. lo, 1847. Twin. , d. of Willard and Mary, Oct. lo, 1847. Twin. Aaron, s. of Henry and Eunice, Nov. 19, 1793. Abigail Elizebeth, d. of John and Betsy, May 4, 1827. Abner, s. of Obadiah, bp. Oct. 3, 1731. c.r. Abner, s. of Ezra and Betsey, Mar. 3, 1813. Adam, s. of Sam[ue]ll and Unice, Nov. 15, 1762. Adam, s. of Adam and Lydia, Feb. 25, 1797. Amasa, s. of Adam and Lydia, Oct. 24, 1790. Amory, s. of Henry and Eunice, Nov. 27, 1795. Amory Gardner, s. of Amory and Lydia, Dec. 28, 1841. Amos, s. of Sam[uel], bp. Oct. 5, 1729. c.r. Anna, d. of Daniel and Hannah, Oct. 10, 1765. Arnold, s. of Elisha and Jemima, May 15, 1774. Asa, s. of Adam and Lydia, Oct. 11, 1805. Barachias, s. of Seth, bp. May 16, 1736. c.r. Becca, d. of Elisha and Jemima, Oct. 4, 1778. Benjamin, s. of Sam] [ue]l, bp. Nov. i, 1731. c.r. Benjamin, s. of David and Sary, Jan. 4, 1741-2. Benjamin, s. of Joseph and Rebecca, May 31, 1762. Betse[y], d. of Samuel and Sibbel, May 19, 1785. Betse[y], d. of Elisha and Jemima, Oct. 27, 1786. Bulah, d. of Samuel and Eunice, Dec. 19, 1756. Calvin, s. of Rufus and Hannah, May 12, 1807. Caroline, d. of Rufus and Hannah, Oct. 29, 1819. Caroline, d. of Rufus and Hannah, Dec. 17, 182 1. Charles, s. of David and Jemima, Oct. 11, 1783. Charles, s. of Ezra and Betsey, Feb. 14, 1809. Charles, s. of John and Betsy, Aug. 15, 18 14. Chester, s. of Samuel and Anna, July 29, 1815. Clarendon Sirreno, s. of Reuel and Mary, Sept. 5, 1809. Clarissa, d. of Amasa and Sally, Mar. 7, 1828. Collins, s. of Lucey and Isaac, Mar. 12, 1808. (Mar. 10, 1808, G.R.I.) Daniel, s. of Dan[ie]ll and Hannah, Aug. 26, 1756. Daniel, s. of Dan[ie]ll and Hannah, Dec. 31, 1759. Daniel, s. of Daniel and Hannah, Jan. 22, 1769. Daniel, s. of Henry and Unice, Nov. 15, 1783. Darwin, s. of Reuel and Mary, Mar. 27, 1813. David, s. of Elea[ze]r of Sherborn, bp. Aug. 22, 1731. C.r. David, s. of David and Sarah, Feb. 16, 1736-7. David, s. of Pelatiah and Esther, Aug. 28, 1756. Edward, s. of Horace B. and Hannah Maria, July 18, 1849. 68 NATICK BIRTHS. Morse, Edwin Coolidge, s. of Jesse Jr. and Betsey, Mar. 21 1819. Elbridge, s. of Lucey and Isaac, May 15, 1806. Elijah, s. of Amos and Lydia, Apr. 4, 1782. Elisabeth, d. of Daniel and Hannah, Aug. 5, 1772. Elisha, s. of Elisha and Jemima, June 2, 1771. Eilen Elizabeth, d. of Willard and Mary, Sept. 20, 1844. Ellis, s. of Joseph and Kezia, Aug. 31, 1774- Ellis, s. of Joseph and Eunice, Jan. 26, 1789. Elmira, d. of Isaac and Lucy, Dec. 21, 1814. Ephraim, s. of Samuel Jr. and Sibbil, Apr. 7, 1773. Ephraim, s. of Samuel Jr. and Sibelah, Apr. 8, 1780. Esther, d. of Pelatiah, bp. Sept. 16, 1753. c.r. Esther, d. of David and Jemima, Sept. 16, 1781. Eugene Damon, s. of Isaac D. and Hannah R., Jan. 9, 1838. Eunice, d. of Samuel and Eunice, May 21, 1754 (May 22, dup.). Eunice, d. of Joseph and Eunice, Dec. 10, 1790. Eunice, d. of Henry and Eunice, June 19, 1797. Eunice, d. of Adam and Lydia, Apr. i, 1799. Eunice Dowse, d. of Amory and Lydia, Nov. 17, 1826. Eunis, d. of Amos and Mary, Sept. 3, 1773. Fanny, d. of Samuel and Sibbel, June 12, 1791. George, s. of Samuel and Sibbel, Feb. 28, 1789. George, s. of Henry and Eunice, Mar. 22, 1790. George, s. of Ezra and Betsy, Oct. 7, 1815. George, s. of George and Abigail, Oct. 13, 1821. George Granville, s. of George Jr. and Hannah, Sept. 21, 1847. Gershom, s. of Daniel and Hannah, May i, 1776. Granvill, s. of Willard and Mary, July 15, 1841. Hannah, d. of William and Lucretia, Aug. 27, 1758. Hannah, d. of Daniel and Hannah, Oct. 3, 1763. Hannah, d. of Amos and Mary, Feb. 16, 1776. Hannah, d. of Henry and Eunice, Mar. 26, 1792. Hannah Ellis, d. of Adam and Lydia, Feb. 23, 1801, Harriet Maria, d. of Willard and Mary, June 3, 1843. Helen Louisa, d. of Isaac D. and Hannah R., Sept. 9, 1847. Henry, s. of Daniel and Hannah, Mar. 23, 1758. Henry, s. of Henry and Eunice, Mar. 20, 1786. Henry Dana, s. of John H. W. and Hannah M., Aug. 13, 1848. Henry Washington, s. of Amory and Lydia, Dec. i, 1833. Hezekiah, s. of Joseph and Rebecca, July 3, 176- (1767, t.c). Hitte, d. of Amos and Lydia, Oct. 31, 1780. Horace Bacon, s. of Amasa and Sally, Oct. 15, 1820. NATICK BIRTHS. 69 Morse, Irena, d. of Samuel Jr. and Anna, Sept. 6, 1807. Isaac, s. of Elisha and Jemima, Feb. 3, 1769. Isaac, s. of Samuel Jr. and Sibil, Sept. 18, 1776. Isaac Dammon, s. of Isaac and Lucy, Aug. 12, 1804. Jabez, s. of Amos and Lydia, Nov. 14, 1784. James, s. of Abijah and Mercy, Jan. 16, 1766. James W. Thompson, s. of John 2d and Betsey, May 7, 1831. Jesse, s. of Eleazer of Sherborn, bp. Mar. 10, 1733-4. C.R. Jesse, s. of Jesse and Hepzibah, Aug. 16, 1796, John, s. of Adam and Lydia, Mar. 11, 1788. John, s. of William and Deborah, Mar. 21, 1793. John, s. of Henry and Eunice, July 2, 1799. John Andrew, s. of John 2d and Betsey, Feb. 17, 1825. John Underwood, s. of George and Abigail, Feb. 21, 1829. Joseph, s. of Samuel, bp. Apr. 14, 1728. c.r. Joseph, s. of David and Sarah, Jan. i, 1739-40. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Rebecca, Feb. 25, 1765. Joseph, s. of Adam and Lydia, Mar. 18, 1808. Joseph W., , 1839. G.R.I. Joshua Turner, s. of Isaac and Elizabeth, Nov. 11, 1750. Lavinia, d. of Daniel and Hannah, Feb. 17, 1767. Leonard, s. of Daniel and Mehitable, May 17, 1804. Lewis, s. of Daniel and Mehitable, Oct. 11, 1805. Louisa, d. of Isaac and Lucy, Apr. 21, 1816. Lucy, d. of Henry and Unice, Nov. 18, 1787. Lucy Ann, d. of Amory and Lydia, Dec. 16, 1838. Lucy B., d. of Amasa and Sally, Jan. 25, 1818. Lucy Ryan, d. of Henry Jr. and Sally, Jan. 12, 1812. Lurance, d. of Elisha and Jemima, May 3, 1765. Luther, , 1807. g.r.i. Luther M., , 1837. g.r.i. Lydia, d. of Abijah and Lydia, Mar. 7, 1760. Lydia, d. of Adam and Lydia, Oct. 15, 1792. Lydia Bullard, d. of John and Betsy, May 12, 1818. Lydia Sawin, d. of Amory and Lydia, Apr. 23, 183 1. Major Munroe, 3. of Aaron and Hannah, Apr. 20, 1828. Mariah, d. of Rufus and Hannah, Sept. 24, 1816. Martin, s. of Samuel and Sibbel, May 18, 1793. Mary, d. of Pelatiah and Esther, July 25, 1759. Mary, d. of Timothy and Mary, Sept. 6, 1768. Mary, d. of Jesse Jr. and Betsey, Aug. 23, 1820. Mary Ann, d. of Rue! and Mary, June 16, 1825. Mary Ann Wilson [ ], w. of Maj. Edwin C, , 1822. G.R.I. 70 NATICK BIRTHS. Morse, Mary Elizabeth, d. of Thomas D. and Sarah E., Sept. 4, 1848. Mary Ellen, d. of Chester and Lucy Ann, Sept. 17, 1843. Mary Lovell, d. of Adam and Lydia, May 12, 1803. Mary Lovell, d. of John and Betsy, Apr. 9, 18 12. Mehetable, d. of Elisha and Jemima, June 3, 1763. Mehitabel, d. of Seth, bp. June 21, 1747. c.r. Melven, s. of Jesse and Hepsibah, Apr. 19, 1793. Mira, d. of William and Deborah, Nov. 3, 1795. Mitte, d. of Adam and Lydia, Oct. 27, 1786. Nabbe, d. of Benjamin and Deborah, July 31, 1792, Nabby, d. of Samuel and Sibble, Mar. 10, 1795. Nancy W. Underwood [ ], w. of Luther, , 1802. g.r.i. Newton, s. of Jesse and Betsey Coolidge, Aug. 16, 1832. T.c. Obadiah, s. of Obadiah, bp. at Sherborn, June 17, 1733. c.R. Olive, d. of Samuel Jr. and SibUla, May 24, 1778. Oliver, s. of Samuel and Eunice, Dec. 16, 1759. Persis, d. of Elisha and Jemima, Apr. 4, 1780. Polly, d. of Amos and Mary, Nov. 13, 1771. Polly, d. of Amos and Lydia, Sept. 15, 1778. Polly, d. of Hennery and Unice, Dec. 22, 1781. Rebekah, d. of Daniel and Hannah, Aug. 10, 1774. Rebekah, d. of David and Jemima, Nov. 26, 1778. Reuben, s. of Elisha and Jemima, Oct. 4, 1782. Reuel, s. of Samuel and Sibbel, Apr. 6, 1783. Rufus, s. of Samuel and Sibbel, Jan. 30, 1787. Rufus, s. of Rufus and Hannah, Dec. 9, 1826. Samuel, s. of Samuel and Eunice, Dec. 19, 1750. Samuel, s. of Abijah and Lydia, Aug. 14, 1758. Samuel, s. of Samuel and Sibbel, Jan. 20, 1782. Sarah, d. of Sam[ue]ll of Needham, bp. June 16, 1734. c.R. Sarah, d. of David and Sarah, Oct. 22, 1734. Sarah, d. of Obadiah, bp. Apr. 26, 1741. c.R. Sarah, d. of Dan[ie]ll and Hannah, Nov. 28, 1761. Sarah Ann, d. of Emory and Lydia, Nov. 27, 1828. Sarah Stratton, d. of Ezra and Betsey, May 3, 1807. Sarah Stratton, d. of Ezra and Betsey, Feb. 8, 181 1. Simei, s. of Abijah, bp. Mar. 9, 1766. c.R. Susan, d. of Jesse Jr. and Betsey, Dec. 19, 1822. Susana, d. of William and Lucretia, Sept. 4, 1756. Susanna, d. of David and Sarah, Dec. 14, 1748. Thomas Dowse, s. of Aaron and Harriot, Nov. 7, 1824. Timothy, s. of Asa of Sherborn, bp. Apr. 16, 1732. NATICK BIRTHS. /I Morse, Vashti, d. of Daniel and Hannah, Dec. 21, 1770, Vina, d. of Sam[ue]ll and Sibbilla, Sept. 13, 1774. Walter, , 1818. g.r.i. Washington, s. of Isaac and Lucy, July 14, 1812. Willard, s. of Rufus and Hannah, May 8, 181 1. Willard Warren, s. of Willard and Mary, Oct. 20, 1839. William, s. of David and Sarah, May 17, 1732. William, s. of Joseph and Rebecca, Dec. 5, 1769. William, s. of William and Deborah, Mar. 21, 1794. Zeruiah, d. of Adam and Lydia, Feb. 8, 1795. MOSSIMEE, Anna, d. of Patience, bp. May 20, 1759, a. 10 y. C.R. Sarah, d. of Patience, bp. May 20, 1759, a. 5 y. c.r. MOULTON, Caroline Matilda, d. of Dexter and Eliza, Feb. 13, 1845. Ellen Augusta, d. of Charles and Mary L., July 3, 1848. Joseph, , 1805. G.R.5. Mary Ellen, d. of Joseph and Mary, Aug. 15, 1846. Mary H. [ ], w. of Joseph, , 1807. G.R.5. Nehemiah, s. of Dexter and Elizabeth, Aug. 29, 1847. Rozy M., , 1843. G.R.5. MUHLIG, James H., Oct. 8, 1847. g.r.i. MULLEN, Michael, , 183 1. g.r.6. Susan Dowd [ ], w. of Michael, , 1824. g.r.6. MULLIGAN, Almaria Coolidge [ ], w. of Lieut. Simon, Sept. 15, 1825. G.R.I. Simon, Lieut, , 1825. g.r.i, MURDOCH, George Adams, s. of James M. and Antoinette A., Jan. 6, 1844. G.R.3. Susan Antoinette, d. of James M. and Antoinette A., May 3, 1845. MUZZY, Francis Dana, s. of Seth and Jemima, Oct. 16, 1842. NAPHEN, Bridget Lee [ ], w. of John, , 1840. g.r.6. John, , 1835. G.R.6. NASON, Harriet E. [ ], w. of Horace F., , 1845. G.R.5. Horace F. , 1840. G.R.5. NEALE, Isabelle P. [ ], w. of John W., Nov. 24, 1837. G.R.I. 72 NATICK BIRTHS. NEWELL, Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer and Nancy, Jan. 2, 1804. Eliza, d. of Ebenezer and Nancy, May 5, 1798. Fanny, d. of Ebenezer and Nancy, July 18, 1795. Hariot, d. of Ebenezer and Nancy, in Southborough, Mar. 31, .1793- Lucinda, d. of Ebenezer and Nancy, May — , 1802. Nancy, d. of Ebenezer and Nancy, July 12, 1800. NICHOLS (see Nickols), Andrew J., Dec. 30, 1836. g.r.i. NICKOLS (see Nichols), Ama, d. of Thomas and Patience, May 14, 1770. Cherrity, d. of Thomas and Patience, July 23, 1773. Isaac, s. of Thomas and Patiance, June i, 1768. NUTE, , s. of Jeremy O. and Martha E., Oct. 20, 1849. Edgar Francis, s. of Fordyce T. and Sarah E., May 4, 1847. NUTT, Abigail P. Puffer [ ], w. of Col. William, Dec. 30, 1839. G.R.I. Sally Monroe [ ], w. of Isaac B., Jan. 15, 1804. g.r.i. O'BRIEN, William Smith, s. of John and Ann, July 4, 1848. OBSCHO, Abraham Speen, s. of Jonas and Mary, in Walpole, Dec. 22, 1767. Jonas, s. of , June 5, 1739. Mary, d. of Jonas and Mary, Nov. 18, 1765. Zurvia, d. of Jonas and Mary, Feb. 4, 1770. O'KEEFE, James, Jan. 21, 1837. Native of Kinsale, Co. Cork, Ireland, g.r.6. OLIVER, Mary, d. of Richard and Mary, in Needham, Nov. 22, 1773- ORDWAY, Ellen Maria, d. of Edwin and Costilia D., July i, 1848. O'REAGAN, William, s. of Jeremiah and Ann, Jan. 19, 1849. PAGE, Luther, Sept. 13, 1837. g.r.i. PALMER, AUine Annette, d. of Otis B. and Caroline A., June 17, 1844. PAREY (see Perry), Ruth, d. of Samuel and Reuth, Apr. 8, 1744. PARKER, Abigail, d. of Francis, bp. Aug. 20, 1738. c.R. Beulah, d. of James, bp. May 27, 1744. c.R, NATICK BIRTHS. 73 Parker, Gate, d. of Josiah and Elizabeth, July 30, 1756. Dennis Horton, s. of Curtis and Eliza Jane, Jan. 7, 1848. Elijah, s. of James, bp. June 13, 1742. c.r. Elizabeth, d. of Jacob of Needham, bp. Aug. 22, 1762, a. abt. 8 y. C.R. Enoch, s. of Jacob, bp. July 22, 1750. c.r. Eunice, d. of Jeremiah and Lydia, Jan. 27, 1749. Francis, s. of Fra[nci]s and Abigail, bp. May 31, 1741. C.R. Jackson Walter, s. of John and Permilla, Sept. 27, 1829. James, s. of James, bp. Oct. 28, 1750. c.r. Jerem[i]ah, s. of Jeremiah and Lydia, in Holliston, Feb. 29, 1756. John, s. of James, bp. Oct. 28, 1750. c.r. Josiah, s. of Josiah and Elizabeth, Apr. 24, 1755. LfHttee, d. of Josiah and Elizabeth, Oct. 9, 1750. Leonard Curtis, s. of John and Permilla, Apr. 7, 1832. 'Lois, d. of Jeremiah and Lydia, Aug. 19, 1754. Lois, d. of Joseph and Lois, Oct. 24, 1781. Lydia, d. of James, bp. Oct. 28, 1750. c.r. Mary, d. of Jere., hp. Mar. 6, 1747-8. c.r. Mary, d. of Josiah and Elizebeth, June 22, 1759. Mary, d. of Jacob of Needham, bp. Aug. 22, 1762, a. abt. 2 y. C.R. Mary Isabel, d. of Luther and Philomelia, Mar. 18, 1848. Oliver, s. of Josiah and Eliz[abeth], Apr. 18, 1758. Rebecca, d. of Joseph and Lois, Mar. 20, 1779. Samuel, s. of Enoch and Olive, Feb. 5, 1775. Solomon Park, s. of Jacob of Needham, bp. Aug. 22, 1762, a. abt. 6 y. c.r. Susanna, d. of Jeremiah and Lydia, Oct. 12, 1751. Sybil, d. of Jacob of Needham, bp, Aug. 22, 1762, a. abt. 4 y. C.R. Thankfull, d. of John, and his i6th ch., bp. July 25, 1731. c.r. Timothy, s. of John of Needham, and his 17th ch., bp. Nov. 18, 1733. C.R. Unice, d. of John, bp. Jan. 4, 1729-30. c.r. Unice, d. of Fra[nci]s and Abigail, bp. May 31, 1741. C.R. PARLIN, Asher, :^ ,1814. g.r.i. Herman Fletcher, s. of Asher and Rebecca, May 31, 1843. Lydia [ ], w. of Warner, , 1786. g.r.i. Warner, , 1782. g.r.i, William Davis, s. of Asher and Rekeckah, Apr, 14, 1839. PAUGENIT (see Paukenit, Pognett, Pognitt), Joseph, s. of Joseph and [Z]ipporah, bp, Nov. 10, 1754. Indian, C,R. 74 NATICK BERTHS. PAUKENIT (see Paugenit, Pognett, Pognitt), Solomon, s. of Eleazer, bp. May 21, 1742. Indian, c.r. PAUL, John, s. of Mat., bp. July 8, 1732. c.r. PEABODY, Elizebeth, d. of Oliver and Hannah, Apr. 6, 1742. Hannah, d. of Oliver and Hannah, Mar. 12, 1736-7. Joseph, s. of Oliver and Hannah, Sept. 17, 1734. Katherine, d. of Rev. Oliver, bp. at Medfield. c.r. Mercy, d. of Oliver and Hannah, July 31, 1732. Oliver, s. of Rev. Oliver, bp. at Medfield. c.r. [Re]becca, d. of Oliver and Hannah, June 3, 173- (1730, t.c). Sarah, d. of Rev. Oliver, bp. Sept. 29, 1745. c.r. Susannah, d. of Oliver and Hannah, Sept. 6, 1739. Susanner, d. of Oliver and Hannah, Mar. 10, 1 740-1. Thomas, s. of Rev. Oliver, bp. Jan. i, 1743-4. c.r. William, s. of Rev. Oliver, bp. at Medfield. c.r. PEAGAN (see Peagun, Peegun), Patta, d. of Thomas and Patiance, Mar. 31, 1746. PEAGUN (see Peagan, Peegun), Hannah, d. of Thomas Jr., bp. June 20, 1742. C.R. Peatience, d. of Thomas and Peatience, June 17, 1732. Rachel, d. of Thomas and Peatience, Aug. 5, 1730. Thomas, s. of John and Mary, Sept. — , 173- (1730, t.c). PEARSE (see Pierce), Adelbert O., , 1841. g.r.i. Lydia J. [ ], w. of Adelbert O., , 1840. g.r.i. PEASE, George A., , 1830. g.r.i. Hannah [ ], w. of Geo[rge] A., , 1835. g.r.i. PEBBLES, , s. of James T. and Nancy L., Dec. 29, 1849. Abbie M. Knowlton [ ], w. of R., Oct. 15, 1833. g.r.i. James T., Feb. 25, 1825. g.r.i. L. Messinger [ ], w. of R., Mar. 11, 183 1. g.r.i. M. J. M. Cummings [ ], w. of R., Dec. 25, 1831. g.r.i. N. S. Messinger [ ], w. of J. T., July 14, 1829. g.r.i. PEEGUN (see Peagan, Peagun), Eleazer, s. of Tho[mas] Jr., bp. Feb. 13, 1736-7. Indian, c.r. Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Jr., bp. Oct. 20, 1728. Indian, c.r. Gideon, s. of Thomas Jr., bp. Oct. 20, 1728. Indian, c.r. Nehemiah, s. of Thom[a]s Jr., bp. Apr. 10, 1743. c.r. Rachel, d. of Thomas Jr., bp. Oct. 20, 1728. Indian, c.r. NATICK BIRTHS. 75 Peegun, Susannah, d. of Tho[mas] Jr., bp. Feb. 13, 1736-7. Indian. c.R. Unice, d. of Gideon, bp. Aug. 5, 1744. c.R. PEOPLES, Ellen, Apr. 14, 1827. g.r.i. Isabella, Oct. 16, 1816. g.r.i. Mary, Feb. 14, 1831. g.r.i. PEQUOSHESIS, Jacob, s. of Isaac and Patience, bp. May i, 1743. c.R. PENNIMAN, Henry Horatio, s. of Henry and Cynthia, Mar. 13, 1826. Lucius Stephen, s. of Henry and Cynthia, Mar. 17, 1827. PERO, Diana, d. of Prince and Esther, in Presson, Aug. 28, 1758. Sarah, d. of Prince and Esther, in Presson, Jan. i, 1765. PERRY (see Parey), , d. of Otis, Mar. 22, 1843. Ab[e]l, s. of Samuel and Ruth, Sept. 16, 1736. Abel, s. of Abel and Kezia, in Sherborn, June 12, 1757. Abel, s. of Abel and Asenath, Mar. 5, 1785. Abel Haven, s. of William and Kezia, Aug. 19, 181 1. Abigail, d. of Daniel and Mary, Sept. 22, 1751. Abigail Bacon, d. of Abel Jr. and Asenath, June 12, 1804. Ada Eliza, d. of Otis and Eliza Ann, Jan. 14, 1849. Albert, s. of William and Keziah, Sept. 28, 1816. Albert Henry, s. of Asa D. and Rachel E., May 19, 1840. Allston Allen, s. of Leonard and Almira, Sept. 15, 1828. Alson Donelson, s. of William Jr. and Betsey M., June 21, 1838. Amory B., s. of William and Hannah, Aug. 17, 1824. Andrew Jackson, s. of John W. and Harriot, June 14, 1824. Antoinette, d. of Calvin and Mary Ann, Jan. 19, 1843. Asa, s. of Abel Jr. and Aseneth, June 7, 1794. Asa Drury, s. of William and Keziah, Nov. 12, 1808. Asa Elliss, s. of Abel 3d and Mitta, Sept. 9, 1806. Aseneth, d. of Abel Jr. and Asenath, Sept. 24, 1798. Betsy Morse, d. of David and Betsy, May 27, 181 1. Calvin, , 1815. G.R.4. Calvin Haven, s. of William and Kezia, Feb. 11, 1824. Caroline, d. of Elijah and Mary, Nov. i, 1803. Caroline Miller, d. of Elijah Jr. and Mehitable, Aug. 5, 1834. Catharine Emmor, d. of Stephen and Catharine W., in Newton Nov. 5, 1825. Charles, s. of Samuel and Hannah, Apr. 25, 1805. 76 NATICK BIRTHS. Perry, Charles, s. of William and Hannah, Oct. 5, 1809. Charles, s. of Abel and Mitta, Sept. 9, 1814. David, s. of Abel and Asenath, Sept. 6, 1787. Dexter, s. of Samuel Jr. and Hannah, Feb. 5, 1798. Dolly, d. of Samuel and Elizabeth, Mar. 21, 1774. Echabod, s. of Samuel and Ruth, Jan. 7, 1756. Edward, s. of Calvin and Mary Ann, Sept. 29, 1847. Edwin, s. of William and Kezia, Oct. 11, 1806. Elbridge, s. of Samuel and Hannah, Sept. 8, 181 1. Eldora Isabel, d. of Otis and Eliza Ann, Aug. 31, 1844. [Eljeazer, s. of Samuel and Ruth, Feb. 17, 1750. Elijah, s. of Samuel and Elizabeth, July 7, 1771. Elijah, s. of Elijah and Mary, Feb. 13, 1797. Elijah, s. of Elijah and Mary, Nov. 14, 1807. Elijah, s. of John J. and Mary, Oct. 17, 1845. Eliza, d. of Samuel and Olive, in Dover, Nov. 11, 1801, Elizabeth, d. of Samuel and Elizabeth, Apr. 13, 1767. Elizabeth, d. of Eleazer and Esther, in Medfield, Dec. 22, 1784. Elizabeth, d. of John J. and Mary, Sept. 18, 1835. Ellen, d. of David and Betsy, Apr. 30, 1809. Elliot, s. of Elijah Jr. and Mehitable, Aug. 14, 1837. Elliot, s. of Charles and Harriet, Sept. 30, 1847. Emala, d. of Samuel Jr. and Hannah, Dec. 21, 1813. Emeline, d. of Abel and Mitta, Dec. 9, 1819. Eveline, d. of William and Hannah, Aug. 19, 181 1. Fanny, d. of Samuel and Olive, in Dover, Dec. 23, 1809. Francis Calvin, s. of Calvin and Mary Ann, Apr. 24, 1841. George, s. of William and Hannah, July 15, 1822. George Dallas, s. of William 3d and Betsy M., , 20, 1837. Hannah, d. of Eleazer and Esther, in Douglas, Apr. 20, 1776. Hannah, d. of Abel and Asenath, Aug. 15, 1791. Hannah, d. of Samuel and Hannah, Nov. 23, 1808. Hannah, d. of William and Hannah, Nov. 9, 1813. Hariot, d. of William and Kezia, May 10, 1802. Harriet R., d. of Amos and Rebecca Sawin, w. of StaflFord, June 24, 1819. G.R.I. Ira, s. of Abel and Mitta, Mar. 2, 1819. Isaac Morrill, s. of William and Kezia, Jan. 2, 1822. John, s. of Samuel Jr. and Hannah, Jan. 25, 1796. John Warton, s. of Samuel and Elisabeth, Sept. 27, 1787. John Worton Jr., s. of John W. and Harriot, July 22, 1821. Jonathan, s. of Samuel and Olive, in Dover, Aug. 7, 1800. Joseph, s. of John and Silance, Mar. 27, 1764. NATICK BIRTHS. 77 Perry, Katharine, d. of Obadiah, bp. June i8, i74'9- c.r. Kezia, d. of Abel and Kezia, Nov. 30, 1758. Kezia, d. of William and Kezia, Apr. 21, 1826. Lendell, s. of William and Hannah, Aug. 8, 1803. Leonard, s. of Elijah and Mary, Jan. 3, 1796. Leonard, s. of Elijah and Mary, Mar. 29, 1799. Loel, s. of Samuel and Olive, Oct. 3, 1794. Louis, s. of Obadiah, bp. Mar. 17, 1771. c.r. Lucy, d. of Samuel and Olive, in Dover, Nov. 10, 1803. Lucy, d. of William and Hannah, Apr. 16, 1816. Lyman, s. of Samuel Jr. and Hannah, Aug. 30, 1794- Lyman, s. of Samuel and Hannah, Apr. 27, 1807. Martha, d. of Daniel and Mary, Dec. 13, 1754. Martha Amanda, d. of Samuel Jr. and Martha S., Aug. 30, 1836. Martha S. [ ], w. of Samuel, Sept. 14, 1797. g.r.i. Mary, d. of Daniel and Mary, Sept. i, 1756. Mary, d. of Samuel and Elizabeth, July 3, 1780. Mary, d. of Elijah and Mary, Mar. 21, 1801. Mary, d. of William and Kezia, June 7, 1804. Mary A. Lyon [ ], w. of Calvin, ,.1814. G.R.4. Mary Elizabeth, d. of William Jr. and Betsey M., Nov, 21, 1839. Mary Jones, d. of Leonard and Almira, Jan. 31, 1826. Mehitable B. [ ], w. of Elijah, , 1807. G.R.4. l^ritta, d. of Abel and Mitta, June 2, 181 2. Nabby, d. of Samuel and Olive, Nov. 27, 1792. Obadiah, s. of Obadiah, bp. June 28, 1747. c.R. Otis, s. of Samuel and Olive, in Framingham, Dec. 16, 1791. Otis, s. of William and Keziah, Dec. 3, 1818. Prudence Leland, d. of William and Hannah, Sept. 23, 1805. Rebeccah Dana, d. of Elijah and Mary, Sept. 24, 1805. Rebekah, d. of Eleazer and Esther, in Midway, Apr. 28, 1782. Ruby, d. of Eleazer and Esther, Mar. 10, 1774. Ruby, d. of Eleazer and Esther, Mar. 28, 1779. Ruth, d. of Abel and Kezia, Apr. 9, 1763. Sally, d. of Samuel and Hannah, Apr. 30, 1801. Samuel, s. of Abel and Kezia, Aug. 8, 1767. Samuel, s. of Samuel and Elisabeth, June 20, 1769. Samuel, s. of Samuel and Hannah, July 3, 1799. Samuel, s. of Samuel and Olive, in Dover, Jan, 19, 1805. Sarah, d. of Abel and Kezia, Oct. 25, 1760. Sarah, d. of Sam[ue]l and Elisabeth, Feb. 7, 1783. Sarah Jane, d. of Otis and Eliza Ann, Mar. 22, 1843. Sibel Jennings, d. of David and Betsy, Feb. 5, 1817. 78 NATICK BIRTHS. Perry, Simeon, s. of John and Silance, Oct. 25, 1766, Stephen, s. of Samuel Jr. and Olive, Aug. 11, 1796. Susan, d. of William and Hannah, Aug. 16, 1820. Wiley Otis, s. of Otis and Eliza Ann, July 30, 1846. William, s. of Samuel and Elisabeth, Aug. 22, 1777. William, s. of Abel and Asenath, Oct. 28, 1782. William, s. of William and Keziah, June 9, 18 14. William Kittredge, s. of William and Hannah, Nov. 14, 1807. William Kittridge, s. of William and Hannah, July 17, 1818. William Lowell, s. of William and Betsey M., Sept. 23, 1844. PHILLIPS, , d. of Ezekiel B. and Sarah, May 22, 1849. Alonzo, s. of Thomas and Clarissa, Dec. 6, 1825. Caroline Maria, d. of Ezekiel B. and Sarah, Oct. 15, 1846. Clarissa [? m], ,1800. G.R.3. Edward, s. of Thomas and Clarissa, Dec. 28, 1829. Mary Ann, d. of Thomas and Clarissa, June 18, 1828. Thomas, , 1797. G.R.3. PIERCE (see Pearse), Hester Ann Rogers, d. of Joel and Sally, July 2, 1815. Sally, d. of Joel and Sally, in Needham, Oct. 12, 1810. Sarah O, [ ], w. of Alphonso B., Aug. — , 1835. g.r.i. Susan Jennison, d. of Joel and Sally, in Needham, May 12, 1813. PINKHAM, Isaac H., Lieut., Mar. 6, 1830. g.r.i. POGNETT (see Paugenit, Paukenit, Pognitt), Joseph, s. of Joseph and Zipporah, Sept. 10, 1754. POGNITT (see Paugenit, Paukenit, Pognett), Zibia, d. of Samuel and Elisabeth, Mar. 3, 1755. PRAT (see Pratt), Abig[ai]l, d. of Gershom, bp. at Sherborn, Apr. 9, 1738. C.R. Jabish, s. of Moses and Jemima, Apr. 19, 1767. Joel, s. of Moses and Jemima, Apr. 30, 176- (1766, t.c). PRATT (see Prat), Artamas, s. of Jacob and Vina, Oct. i, 1794. Eliza, d. of Cyrus and Deborah, Sept. 11, 1802. Hannah, d. of Moses and Jemima, July 16, 1769. John, s. of John and Sarah, Aug. 11, 1759. Mary Elizabeth, d. of John W. and Abigail E., June 3, 1848. Nathan Mills, s. of Cyrus and Deborah, Aug. 13, 1804. Olive, d. of Moses and Jemima, Jan. 6, 1762. Vina, d. of Jacob and Vina, Nov. 23, 1797. NATICK BIRTHS. 79 PRAY, Seaver, Apr. 5, 1812. G.R.5. PRESCOTT, Martin Van Buren, s. of Joseph and Harriet, Dec. 29, 1835- Sylvia Elizabeth, d. of Joseph and Harriet, Dec. 12, 1842. PRESTON, Clarinda E. [ ], w. of Edward R., Aug. 23, 1830. G.R.I. Edward R., May 12, 1822. g.r.i. PROCTOR, , d. of John, June 3, 1842. Alton Eveleth, s. of John and Amanda M., Oct. 12, 1845. Elbe Acelda, d. of John and Amanda M., Jan. 8, 1849. John Osmond, s. of John and Amanda, Nov. 8, 1847. Samuel Herbert, s. of Joseph B. and Ellen M., Aug. 17, 1849. PULSIFER, Horatio R., , 1833. g.r.i. QUINLIN, Rachel, d. of Michael and Catherine, Feb. 29, 1848. RAMSDELL, Stillman S., , 1839. g.r.i. RANDALL, Hollis, Feb. 11, 1809. G.R.4. Pamelia [ ], w. of R. H., July 2, 1842. g.r.i. Robert Henry, June 9, 1839. g.r.i. Sophia Edwards [ ], w. of Hollis, Apr, 4, 1815. G.R.4. REARDON, John J., Dr., , 1849. g.r.6. REED, Daniel E., Sept. 15, 1842. G.R.5. Elizabeth Damon [ ], w. of Nathan, July 20, 1820. G.R.5. George Washington, s. of Augustus and Abigail, Feb. 22, 1825. Lucy Ann, d. of Aldrich and Roxaline, Nov. 19, 1848. Nathan, June 28, 1819. G.R.5. RICE, Anna, d. of David and Lucy, Dec. 31, 1784. Anna E. d. of Wilder and Anna, w. of Franklin Hanchett. _( , 1824, G.R.I.) Carline, d. of Jonathan and Anna, Nov. 11, 1795. Catherine, , 18 19. g.r.i. Cloe, d. of Jonathan and Anna, Sept. 25, 1790. David, s. of David and Lucy, Feb. 28, 1791. Eunice, d. of Jonathan and Anna, July 20, 1799. Fanny, d. of Jonathan and Anna, Aug. 11, 1784. Hannah, d. of David and Lucy, Feb. 19, 1781. Harriot, d. of Bela, bp. June 3, 1792. c.r. Henry B., , 1819. g.r.i. 80 NATICK BIRTHS. Rice, Isaac, s. of William and Abigail, Mar. 29, 1754. Jacob, s. of Benja[min], bp. June 24, 1792. c.R. Louisa, d. of David and Lucy, Feb. 10, 1798. Lucy, d. of David and Lucy, Mar. i, 1795. Marshall Spring, s. of Nathan and Catharine S., Nov. 29, 1847. Mary Jane, d. of Henry B. and Mary E., Dec. 17, 1843. Nancy, d. of Jonathan and Anna, July 15, 1786. Nathan, s. of James and Sarah, in Framingham, Aug. 29, 1784, Nathan, , 1809. g.r.i. Nathan Francis, s. of Nathan and Catharine, Dec. 16, 1845. Nathan Kilburn, s. of Nathan and Sarah, June 5, 1837. Patty, d. of Jonathan and Anna, Nov. 25, 1788. Prescott C, s. of Henry B. and Mary E., Apr. 18, 1846. Rebeckah, d. of William and Abigail, Jan. 29, 1758. Sally, d. of James and Sarah, Apr. 17, 1781. Sally, d. of Moses and Mary, July 25, 1781. Sarah, d. of William and Abigail, Apr. 22, 1760. Sarah, , 1808. g.r.i. Sena, d. of Jonathan and Anna, Apr. 19, 1793. Sibyl, d. of Josiah of Springfield, bp. Nov. 18, 1759. c.R. Tryphena, , 1770. g.r.i. RICHARDS, J. Franklin, Oct. 26, 1843, G.R.4. RICHARDSON, Charles William, s. of Timothy and Sarah, Mar. 14, 1826. Electa, d. of Loa and Sally, Feb. 4, 1798. Ephraim, s. of Jonathan and Lydia, Nov. i, 1762. Hannah, d. of Jonathan and Lydia, May 27, 1761. Jonathan, s. of Jona[than] and Lydia, May 11, 1764. Mary, Apr. 5, 1792. g.r.i. Sarah Elizabeth, d. of Timothy and Sarah, Dec. 5, 1824. Thomas, s. of Jonathan and Lydia, Apr. 7, 1760. RIDER, Betsey, d. of Thomas and Anna, Sept. 25, 1791. Elizabeth, d. of W[illia]m and Eliz[abeth], Sept. i, 1757. Isaac, s. of Thomas and Anne, Mar. 10, 1787. John, s. of William and Eliz[abeth], June 30, 1759. Joseph, s. of Theodore, bp. Oct. 5, 1729. c.R. Mary, d. of W[illia]m, bp. Apr. 30, 1769. c.R. Nabby, d. of Thomas and Anna, Aug. 26, 1794. Richard, s. of W[illia]m and Elizabeth, Aug. 7, 1755. Sally, d. of Thomas and Anne, May 26, 1784. Thomas, s. of W[illia]m and Eliz[abeth], June 28, 1761. NATICK BIRTHS. 8 1 RILEY, Patrick, s. of John and Ellen, Mar. 9, 1848. RISLEY, George William, , 1836. g.r.i. ROBBENSON (see Robinson), Samuel, s. of John and Hannah, Apr. 19, 1766. ROBBmS, Henry Melvin, s. of John H. and Rebecca H., Dec. 26, 1844. John H., Sept. 22, 1812. G.R.3. Rebekah H. [ ], w. of John H., Feb. 24, 1812. G.R.3. Willard Francis, s. of John H. and Rebecca H., Mar. 23, 1848. ROBERTS, Arthur Kendall, , 1836. g.r.i. Joseph, Sept. 2, 1792. G.R.5. Joseph H., Feb. 27, 1824. G.R.5. ROBERTSON, Hannah, d. of John and Hannah, Jan. 9, 1759. John, s. of John and Hannah, Jan. 21, 176- (1760, t.c). ROBINSON (see Robbenson), Ella Maria Bullard [ ], w. of Walter Billings, Dec. 16, 1846. g.r.i. Ellen Sophia, d. of Charles and Sophia B., June 11, 1842. g.r.i. Hannah, d. of John and Hannah, July 14, 1763. John, s. of John, bp. June 19, 1763, a. 2 y. 5 m. c.r. John, , 1839. g.r.i. Samuel, s. of wid. , bp. July 20, 1766. c.r. Walter Billings, Sept. 20, 1846. g.r.i. ROCKWOOD, Claris[s]a, d. of Elisha and Hannah, July 17, 1803. Erastus, Aug. 17, 1813. g.r.i. Eugene Morse, s. of Erastus and Louisa, Dec. 15, 1848. g.r.i. John, s. of Elisha and Hannah, Feb. 27, 1801. Mary Louisa, d. of Erastus and Louisa, Feb. 3, 1846. g.r.i. ROGERS, William, s. of Joseph L. and Sarah B., Jan. 17, 1847. ROSS, Ezra, s. of John and Hannah, May 6, 1808. George S., s. of John S. and Fanny, Oct. — , 1832. John Sawin, s. of John and Hannah, May 29, 1806. Sarah Broad, d. of John and Hannah, Apr. 29, 1810. William M. Rev., Dec. 6, 1825. G.R.3. RUSSEL (see Russell), John, s. of Joel and Rebecca, May 14, 1766. RUSSELL (see Russel), Betsy, d. of Tho[ma]s, bp. Apr. 21, 1782. C.R. 82 NATICK BIRTHS. Russell, Joel, s. of Thom[as] of Sherborn, bp. Mar. lo, 1733-4. C.R. Jonathan, s. of Jona., bp. Apr. 16, 1732. c.r. Martha Ann, d. of Levi and Clarissa, May 11, 1847. Mary, d. of Jona. of Sherborn, bp. Mar. 10, 1734. C.R. Polly, d. of Thomas, bp. , 1784. c.r. Thomas, s. of Thomas, bp., , 1786. c.r. RYAN, Anthony, s. of Anthony and Sarah, June 26, 1845. Eunice Morse, d. of Samuel and Lucy, Dec. 12, 1808. RYDER (see Rider). SANDERSON, Cyrus L., , 1830. g.r.i. SANDFORD (see Sanford), Eveline P., , 1835. g.r.i. SANDOW, Henry, , 1840. G.R.5. Maria H. [ ], w. of Henry, , 1849. G.R.5. SANFORD (see Sandford), Anna, d. of Aaron W. and Hannah, Aug. 2, 1846. David, s. of Samuel and Susan, Oct. 5, 1842. Ellen, d. of Aaron White and Hannah, Aug. 14, 1849. Franklin, s. of Aaron W. and Hannah, Mar. 10, 1844. SANGER, Deborah, d. of Richard, bp. at Sherborn, Nov. 20, 1737. C.R. Isaac Bigelow, Apr. 6, 1812. G.R.4. Sarah, d. of David, bp. at Framingham, Jan. 15, 1744-5. c.r. SAWm, , d. of James J., July 8, 1842. Abigail, d. of Thomas and Abigail, Aug. 5, 1748. Abigail, d. of John and Abigail, Dec. 5, 1757. Abigail, d. of Thomas and Abig[a]il, Sept. 11, 1785. Abigail, d. of Levi and Lurane, June 25, 1794. Anna, d. of John Jr. and Sarah, Aug. 15, 1787. Anna, d. of Phares and Mary, Mar. 13, 1805. Baxter, s. of Thomas and Abigail, Sept. 29, 1799. Becca, d. of Thomas and Abigail, Feb. i, 1749-50. Becca, d. of Tho[ma]s and Abigail, Feb. 21, 1790. Becca, d. of Levi and Lurany, Apr. 26, 1797. Bela, s. of Thomas and Abigail, Dec. 25, 1765. Bela, s. of Moses and Katherine, Jan. 4, 1789. Benjamin Nelson, s. of Calvin and Hannah, Feb. 9, 1823, Betsy, d. of Moses and Katharine, Jan. 2, 1793. NATICK BIRTHS. 83 Sawin, Calvin, s. of Jesse and Hannah, Mar. 25, 1789. Calvin Houghton, s. of Calvin and Hannah, Dec. 13, 1820. Catharine, d. of Moses and Catharine, June 8, 1800. Charles, s. of Pharis and Mary, Feb. 25, 1803. Charles Dana, s. of James J. and Miriam F., Aug. 18, 1839. Deborah, d. of Thomas and Abigail, June 3, 1763. Dexter, s. of Phares and Mary, July 16, 1807. Ebeneazer, s. of John and Abigail, Oct. 22, 1762. Eliza, d. of Pharis and Mary, Dec. 21, 1801. Eunice, d. of Ezekiel and Lydia, July 10, 1797. Ezekiel, s. of Jno., bp. Apr. 14, 1728. c.r. Ezekiel, s. of John Jr. and Abigail, Dec. 25, 1751. Ezekiel, s. of Thomas and Abig[a]il, Nov. 2, 1754. Ezekiel, s. of Ezekiel and Lydia, Jan. 8, 1791. Ezekiel, s. of Ezekiel and Lydia, Sept. 13, 1792. George Fisher, s. of James F. and Mary Ann, June 7, 1848. George Lane, Jan. 15, 1837. g.r.i. George W., s. of James J. and Miriam F., , 1836. g.r.i. Hannah, d. of John Jr. and Sarah, Aug. 6, 1786. Hannah, d. of Jesse and Hannah, in Needham, Nov. 18, 1792. Isaac, s. of Levi and Lurane, Oct. 9, 1792. James E., s. of James J. and Miriam F., , 1835. g.r.i. James Fisher, , 1810. G.R.3. James J., , 1812. g.r.i. James Julius, s. of James J. and Miriam F., July 4, 1842. Jessee, s. of John and Abigail, Dec. 27, 1764. Joann Lane, d. of Moses Jr. and Joanna Turner, Aug. 16, 1821. Joanna, d. of John and Abigail, June 25, 1767. Joel, s. of John and Abigail, May 28, 1750. Joel, s. of Levi and Lurane, June 27, 1784. John, s. of John Jr. and Abigail, Dec. i, 1753. John Bacon, s. of Moses and Mary Bigelow, May 6, 1826. Joseph H., , 1827. G.R.5. Judith, d. of Tho[ma]s and Abigail, May 3, 1757. Judith, d. of Thomas and Abigail, Oct. 6, 1787. Levi, s. of John and Abigail, June 27, 1760. Levi, s. of Levi and Lurane, May 7, 1784. Levi, s. of Levi and Lurane, Dec. 6, 1790. Lizzie K., , 1841. G.R.5. Lucy, d. of Moses and Katherine, Mar. 6, 1791. Lurany, d. of Levi and Lurany, Apr. 10, 1799. Lydia, d. of Ezekiel and Lydia, Dec. 23, 1799. Martha, d. of Thomas and Abigail, Aug. 16, 1794. 84 NATICK BIRTHS. Sawin, Mary, d. of John, bp. Nov. i, 1731. c.r. Mary, d. of John and Abigail, Oct. 11, 1755. Mary, d. of Levi and Lurana, Jan. 16, 1788. Mary, d. of Phares and Mary, Mar. 10, 1797, Mary, d. of Phares and Mary, Oct. 6, 1798. Mary Betsey, d. of Moses Jr. and Joanna T., July 18, 1828. Mary Elizabeth, d. of James J. and Miriam F., Apr.|6, 1837. Mercy, d. of Tho[ma]s and Abigail, Feb. 18, 1761. Meriam, d. of John and Abigail, Mar. 24, 177 1. Michael, s. of Ezekiel and Lydia, June 20, 1794. Miriam, d. of Jesse and Hannah, Oct. 15, 1790. Moses, s. of Tho[ma]s and Abigail, Aug. 31, 1758. Moses, s. of Moses and Katherine, Oct. 18, 1794. Persis, d. of Levi and Lurane, Mar. 6, 1796. Phares, s. of Thomas and Abigail, June 12, 1770, Phares, s. of Phares and Mary, Mar. 11, 1793. Sally, d. of Ezekiel and Lydia, Mar. 25, 1789. Samuel, s. of Phares and Mary, May 11, 1795. Sarah, d. of Moses and Katherine, Nov. — , 1796. Sarah, d. of Moses and Catharine, Feb. 6, 1799. Sarah Catharine, d. of Moses Jr. and Mary B., Sept, 4, 1830. Silance, d. of Moses and Silance, Nov. 8, 1784. Thomas, s. of Thomas and Abigail, Oct. 16, 1752. Thomas, s. of Thomas and Abiga[i]l, Aug. 30, 1782. Thomas, s. of Thomas and Abigail, Apr. 16, 1792. "Warren, s. of Calvin and Hannah, July 17, 1825. SCHALLER, Francis A., , 1842. G.R.4. John B., , 1815. G.R.4. Mary E. [ ], w. of John, , 1814. G.R.4. SCHLEICHER, John George, , 1831. G.R.5. Mary Jane Newton [ ], w. of John George, , 1831. G.R.5. SCHUMANN, Frank F., , 1845. G.R.4. SCOTT, Sarah, d. of Hugh of Sherborn, bp. July 11, 1733. C.R. SCRIBNER, Mary Jane [ ], w. of Amos B., Mar. 15, 1819. G.R.I. SEARS, Freeman Rev., in Harwich, Nov. 28, 1779. g.r.i. Lydia Gibbon, d. of Rev. Freeman and Lydia, May 11, 1810. SEAWARD, Susan Harriet, d. of John M. Jr. and Lucy R., Jan. 27, 1849. .-^' NATICK BIRTHS. 8$ SENAAH, Joseph, s. of Stepney, bp. Mar. 29, 1761. Negro. C.R. SHAW, Samuel Chester, s. of Warren P. and Eliza P., Feb. 3, 1849. SHEEHAN, Dennis, , 1827. g.r.6. Ellen Welch [ ], w. of Dennis, , 1834. G.R.6. SHEIN, Catherine, d. of Timothy and Ellen, Feb. 12, 1849. SHEPARD, Allen, s. of Calvin and Nabby, Jan. 6, 1819. Daniel, s. of Isaac, bp. June 19, 1739. c.r. Harriet, d. of Calvin and Nabby, Feb. 12, 1814. Isaac, s. of Calvin and Nabby, July 7, 1816. Sophia, d. of Maj. Calvin and Nabby, June 7, 181 1. SINEE, Anna, d. of Joseph and Betty, bp. July 6, 1746. c.R. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Betty, bp. July 6, 1746. c.r. Samuel, s. of Joseph and Betty, bp. July 6, 1746. c.r. SKILLINGS, Sally, d. of John, late of Boston, bp. Sept. 17, 1776. C.R. SLEEPER, George L., Apr. 13, 1818. g.r.i. Patience A. [ ], w. of George L., Apr. 5, 1819. g.r.i. SLOPER, Alfred Howard, s. of John and Nancy Jane, Sept. 6, 1848. John Colbath Langdon, s. of John and Nancy Jane, Oct. 23, 1849. SMITH, Abigail, d. of Timothy and Easther, June 30, 1758. Alexander T. Lieut., Apr. 28, 1843. g.r.i. Amos, s. of Henry and Molly, July 27, 1798. Anna Sophia, d. of William S. and Mary S., June 16, 1848. Artemus, s. of Henry and Molly, Sept. 30, 1800. Asa, s. of Abiel and Margett, Mar. 2, 1772. Augustus Emerson, s. of John Jr. and Lucy, Mar. 28, 1818. Benjamin, s. of Benjamin and Ruth, Feb. 20, 1767. David Cofl&n, s. of David C. and Mary, Feb. 4, 1845. Ebenezer, s. of Ithamar, bp. Feb. 5, 1748-9. c.r. Elizabeth, d. of Ithamar of Needham, bp. , 1753. c.r. Elizabeth, d. of Ichabod and Mary, Oct. 23, 1758. Ellen Augusta, d. of William S. and Fanny M., July 26, 1844. Ellen S. [ ], w. of Thomas D., , 1833. g.r.6. Elsie E. R., Jan. 3, 1843. G.R.4. 86 NATICK BIRTHS. Smith, Enoch, s. of Abial and Margret, Aug. 20, 1765. Ephraim, s. of Abial and Margret, May 13, 1768. Esther, d. of Timothy and Esther, Apr. 23, 1753. Eunice, d. of Aaron and Lydia, Mar. 31, 1786. Fernando Napolean, s. of George W. and Betsey, Jan. i, 1849. Frances Alvira, d. of Joseph and Lurania H., Oct. 23, 1844. Frances E., , 1837. g.r.i. Gardner, s. of Henry and Molly, in Bolton, Sept. 16, 1793. George W., , 1829. g.r.i. Han[n]ah, d. of Abial and Margret, in Needham, June 8, 1754. Hannah, d. of Timothy and Esther, May 20, 1760. Hannah Hall, d. of John and Mary, in Needham, Nov. 13, 1795. Henry, s. of Timothy and Esther, Nov. 20, 1754. Hopeful Annaline, d. of John and Lucy, July 14, 182 1. Isaac, s. of Ichabod and Mary, July 18, 1767. Ithamar, s. of Ithamar, bp. Nov. 30, 1746. c.r. Jacob, s. of Ichabod and Mary, Apr. 24, 1769. Jason, s. of Ithamar of Needham, bp. Aug. 30, 1761. c.r. Jemima, d. of Abial and Margret, in Needham, May 27, 1758. John, s. of Ithamar, bp. Apr. 14, 1751. c.r. John, s. of Benjamin and Ruth, Aug. 11, 1769. John, s. of John and Mary, in Needham, July 31, 1783. Joseph, s. of'Nathaneal and Deborah, Jan. 25, 1754. Joseph Henry, s. of Joseph and Elizabeth F., Dec. 20, 1849. Judith, d. of Timothy and Esther, Aug. 5, 1769. Lemuel, s. of Abial and Margret, in Needham, Dec. 26, 1759. Lois, d. of Nathaniel, bp. May 6, 1774. c.r. Luther, s. of Benjamin and Ruth, Mar. i, 1783. Lydia, d. of Ithamar of Needham, bp. Jan. 8, 1758. c.r. Lydia Pratt, d. of Aaron and Lydia, Mar. 27, 1796. Maria Curtis, d. of Joseph and Susan, July 9, 1840. Mary, d. of Moses, bp. Apr. 14, 1728. c.r. Mary, d. of Ichabod and Mary, May 27, 1760. Mary, d. of Benjamin and Ruth, Nov. 14, 1764. Mary, Dec. — , 1807. In Berwick, Me. Moses, s. of Moses, bp. Apr. 14, 1728. c.r. Nathan, s. of Benjamin and Ruth, Jan. 25, 1780. Olive, d. of Benjamin and Ruth, Nov. 8, 1772. Priscilla, d. of Aaron and Lydia, Oct. 21, 1791. Rachel, d. of Henry and Molly, Mar. 3, 1796. Rebecca, d. of Abial and Margret, in Needham, May i, 1749- Sally, d. of Aaron and Lydia, July 12, 1789. Samuel, s. of Abial and Margret, in Needham, June 20, 1751. NATICK BIRTHS. 8/ Smith, Samuel, s. of Sam[ue]l and Lois, Aug. i, 1777. Simeon, s. of Nathanael and Lois, Mar. 24, 1757. Suky Gurney, d. of Aaron and Lydia, Feb. 5, 1794. Susana, d. of Abial and Margret, Sept. i, 1762. Timothy, s. of Timothy and Esther, Aug. 14, 1751. Timothy, s. of Timothy and Esther, May 16, 1764. Timothy, s. of Henry and Molly, Oct. 26, 1803. SNIDER, David, s. of Malichi, bp. July 4, 1762. c.r. SNOW, Almira F. [ ], w. of Horatio B., , 1839. g.r.i. Horatio B., , 1831. g.r.i. SOODUCK (see Sudock), Beulah, d. of Oliver, bp. Sept. 4, 1757. Indian, c.r. Ephraim, s. of Tho[ma]s, bp. Dec. 29, 1745. c.r. Hannah, d. of Josiah, bp. Aug. 5, 1744. c.r. Meribah, d. of Thomas, bp. Sept. 16, 1744. c.r. Molley, d. of Oliver, bp. Dec. 30, 1759. c.r. Rachel, d. of Oliver and Esther, bp. Feb. 23, 1755. Indian. C.R. SPARHAWK (see Sparrawk, Sparrowk), Mary, d. of Timothy, bp. Apr. 5, 1747. C.R. SPARRAWK (see Sparhawk, Sparrowk), Beriah, s. of Timothy and Lydia, Aug. 21, 1754. Comfort, d. of Timothy and Lydia, Nov. 11, 1750. Jacob, s. of Timothy and Lydia, Sept. 29, 1752. SPARROWK (see Sparhawk, Sparrawk), Martha, d. of Beriah and Beulah, Sept. 4, 1777. SPEAR, John, s. of John and Mary, May 26, 1784. SPEEN (see Spen), Beulah, d. of Lydia, May 12, 1743. Elesabeth, d. of Banjamin and Rachel, Nov. 15, 1734. Mary, d. of Abraham and Rachel, Aug. 30, 1738. SPEN (see Speen), Louisa, d. of John and Josepina, Sept. 4, 1848. SPENCER, Mary Jane, d. of W[illia]m and Catherine A., Oct. 15, 1847. SPICEWOOD, John Brooks, s. of Tho[ma]s and Eunice, bp. July 22, 1759. Indian, c.r. SPOONER, Charles E., , 1843. g.r.i. 88 NATICK BIRTHS. STAIN, Emerson, , 1830. G.R.4. Zechariah H., July 31, 1827. G.R.4. STANFORD, Abigail, d. of Phineas and Comfort, bp. Nov. 7, 1773, a. abt. 5 y. c.R. Anna, d. of Rich[ar]d and Elizabeth, Apr. 16, 1781. David, s. of Thomas and Mary, Dec. 30, 1744. David, s. of Thomas and Mary, Feb. 8, 1751. Josiah, s. of Calap (Caleb, t.c.) and Ruth, Oct. 27, 1742. Lydia, d. of Caleb, bp. at Sherborn, Apr. 26, 1741. c.R. [M]ary, d. of Thomas and Mary, Apr. 13, 1747. Moses, s. of Thomas and Mary, Aug. 3, 1753. Rachel, d. of Rich[ar]d and Elizabeth, Apr. 7, 1775. Rebacca, d. of Thomas and Mary, July 29, 1756. Samuel, s. of Richard and Elizabeth, May 11, 1773. Silance, d. of Rich[ar]d and Elizabeth, Mar. 18, 1777. Thomas, s. of Thomas and Mary, Dec. i, 1748. Tho[ma]s, s. of Rich[ar]d and Elizabeth, Apr. 16, 1779. STANLEY, George Washington, s. of William and Caroline A., July 8, 1836. Hannah Elizabeth, d. of Benjamin and Mary, Apr. 18, 1846. Mary Maria, d. of Joseph and Mary M., July 26, 1849. Sarah D., , 1844. g.r.i. STARK, Mary, d. of Joseph and Mary, Dec. 16, 1847. STEARNS, David, s. of Nathan and Dolly, Sept. 20, 1804. Isaac, s. of Nathan and Dolly, June 29, 1806. Joel, s. of Nathan and Dolly, in Weston, June 25, 1797. Jonas, s. of Nathan and Dolly, May 13, 1799. Lucy, d. of Nathan and Dolly, Aug. 3, 1812. Nancy, d. of Nathan and Dolly, Nov. 28, 1808. Nathan, s. of Nathan and Dolly, July 15, 1801. STONE, , s. of W[illia]m F. and Hannah F., Oct. 21, 1847. Amos, s. of Silas and Elizabeth, in Sudbury, Nov. 20, 1751. Charles Wilbur, s. of John and Sally H., Oct. 27, 1849. Ebenezer, s. of Silas and Eliz[abeth], Jan. 26, 1759. Elizabeth, d. of Silas and Elizabeth, Oct. 21, 1753. Elizabeth Fisk, d. of William and Betsey, Sept. 28, 1813. Emily Ann, d. of John and Sally Hammond, Mar. 2, 1848. Eunice, d. of Nathan and Eunice, Sept. 7, 1789. George Dana, s. of W[illia]m F. and Hannah F., Apr. 27,, 1840. Hannah F. [ ], w. of William F., Nov. 26, 1816. g.r.i. NATICK BIRTHS. 89 Stone, Hannah Fisk, d. of William and Betsey, Mar. 3, 1800. Hitty, d. of Nathan and Eunice, May 10, 1777. Jeduthun, s. of Silas and Eliz [abeth], Feb. 26, 1757. Joanna, d. of Silas of Dublin, N.H., bp. July 27, 1766. c.r. John, s. of Silas and Eliz [abeth], June 30, 1761, Joseph, s. of Nathan and Eunice, Mar. 4, 1789, Judith, d. of Silas and Eliz., Apr. 9, 1763. Leonard Park, s. of William F. and Hannah F., Oct. 17, 1843. Lucy, d. of Nathan and Eunice, Apr. 14, 1792. Martha Ann, d. of William Redman and Elizabeth, Nov. 16, 1844. Mary Lavinia, d. of George H. and Mary A., Oct. 21, 1847. Mehitable Johnson, d. of William and Betsy, July 15, 1816. Nancy, d. of Nathan and Eunice, July 31, 1784. Nathan, s. of Nathan and Eunice, Aug. 11, 1779. Orilla Malissa, d. of John and Sally H., May 13, 1844. Patty, d. of William and Betsy, Sept. 14, 1797. Polly, d. of Nathan and Eunice, May 11, 1782. Samuel Brown, s. of William and Betsey, Oct. 13, 1803. Silas, s. of Silas and Elizabeth, in Sudbury, July 14, 1750. Silas, s. of Silas and Elizabeth, Apr. 5, 1755. William, s. of Nathan and Eunice, Dec. 18, 1774. William Freeman, s. of William and Betsey, Apr. 28, 1806. STOW, Calvin Ellis, s. of Samuel and Hepzibah, Apr. 26, 1802. Mary Biglow, d. of Samuel and Hepzibah, July i, 1799. William, s. of Samuel and Hepzibah, Nov. 11, 1803. STOWELL, Isaac, s. of Abijah and Mary, May i, 1787. Rhoda, d. of Abijah, bp. Sept. 23, 1792, c.r. STRATTON, Abijah, s. of Abijah and Mary, Apr. 10, 1751. Abijah, s. of Abijah and Sarah, May 25, 1775. Anna, d. of James and Abigail, Feb. 14, 1799. Betee, d. of Abijah and Sarah, Mar. 13, 1783. \ Betsey, d. of Elijah and Thankful, Jun. 4, 1796. Daniel, s. of Abijah and Mary, Sept. 28, 1753. Daniel, s. of Dan[ie]l and Susanna, Mar. 22, 1783. David, s. of Samuel and Huldah, May 13, 1801. Dexter, s. of Anna, Apr. 15, 1801. Elijah, s. of Samuel and B[e]ulah, in Needham, July 15, 1763. Elijah, s. of Elijah and Thankful, Apr. 27, 1801. Francis, s. of Moses and Martha, Mar. i, 1836. Hannah, d. of Dan[ie]l and Susanna, Feb. 28, 1776. Huldah, d. of Elijah and Thankful, Feb. 11, 1798. James, s. of Samuel and B[e]ulah, Aug. 27, 1774. 90 NATICK BIRTHS. Stratton, John, s. of Abijah and Hannah, Nov. 4, 1798. John, s. of Samuel and Huldah, July i, 1799. Jonathan, s. of Abijah and Mary, Oct. 28, 1748. Jonathan, s. of Daniel and Susanna, Nov. 28, 1773. Lucy, d. of Elijah and Thankful, July 4, 1799. Lydia, d. of Elijah and Thankful, Dec. 10, 1794. Mary, d. of Abijah and Sarah, May 2, 1778. Mary Whitney, d. of Moses and Martha, Dec. 17, 1832. Miriam Caroline, d. of Moses and Martha, Oct. 2, 1842, Nabe, d. of Dan[ie]l and Susanna, Aug. 13, 1780. Rebecca, d. of Dan[ie]l and Susanna, Dec. 2, 1777. Salley, d. of Elijah and Thankfull, Apr. 10, 1790. Samuel, s. of Abijah and Mary, May 27, 1756. Samuel, s. of Samuel and Beulah, Oct. 16, 1768. Samuel, s. of Elijah and Thankfull, Mar. 11, 1791. Sarah, d. of Abijah and Sarah, May 21, 1780. William, s. of Elijah and Thankful, Oct. 25, 1792. STROUD, Hannah, d. of William and Martha, Oct. 24, 1751. John, s. of William and Martha, July 15, 1749. William, s. of William and Martha, Sept. 14, 1748. William, s. of William and Rebecca, Apr. 13, 1777. ■-SUDOCK (see Sooduck), Rachel, d. of Oliver, bp. Mar. 24, 1754. Indian. C.R. SULLIVAN, Flora John, s. of Patrick and Ann, June — , 1846. Jeremiah, s. of Timothy O. and Mary, July 4, 1845. Patrick, Rev. , 1844. In Derry, Co. Kerry, Ireland, g.r.6. SUTHERLAND, Ann Donald [ ], w. of Thomas D., , 1817. G.R.I. Margaret Ann Bunce, d. of Thomas D. and Ann D., , 1845. G.R.I. Thomas D., , 1817. g.r.i. Thomas H., s. of Thomas D. and Ann Donald, , 1848. G.R.i. SWAIN, Elizabeth S. [ ], w. of William A., Feb. 24, 1823. G.R.I. William A., Oct. 27, 1823. g.r.i. SWEETLAND, Charles F., , 1840. g.r.i. Jennie C. Morrison [ ], w. of Charles F., , 1847. g.r.i. Lydia S. Doten [ ], w. of Charles H., , 1843. g.r.i. Sarah [ ], w. of Edward H., , 1832. g.r.i. SWIFT, Ebenez[e]r, s. of Ebenez[e]r and Martha, Apr. 2, 1775. NATICK BIRTHS. 9 1 SWINBURNE, Samuel, Jan. 7, 1813. g.r.i. Sarah J. [ ], w. of Samuel, , 1831. g.r.i. SYNDER, Philip, s. of Malichi, bp. June 10, 1759. c.r. TABER, Addie B. [ ], w. of Gustavus A., , 1841. g.r.i. Charles C, , 1837. g.r.i. Gustavus A., , 1833. g.r.i. TASH, Horatio G., s. of Nathan B. and Caroline R., Apr. 14, 1835- James H., in New Durham, N.H., Sept. 25, 1810. g.r.i. Sarah S., d. of Nathan B. and Caroline R., July 19, 1837. Susan Emma, d. of James H. and Rebecca D., June 2, 1848. TAYLOR, Adaline, d. of Alexander and Levina, Feb. 11, 1840. Twin. Agnes, d. of Ouvra and Angeline, July 15, 1847. Angeline, d. of Alexander and Levina, Feb. 11, 1840. Twin. Henry, s. of Alexander and Lavina, May 25, 1834. Mary, d. of Alexander and Levina, Feb. 25, 1837. Ouvra, s. of Ouvra and Angeline, Dec. 27, 1845. THAYER, Alexander Wheelock, s. of Dr. Alexander and Susanna, Oct. 22, 1817. Henry, s. of Alexander and Susanna, May 14, 1823. Susanna Biglow, d. of Dr. Alexander and Susanna, Aug. 25, 1819. THOMAS, Abiel, d. of Sarah, wid. of Solomon Jr., bp. Dec. 12, 1736. Indian. c.R. Ann Elizabeth, d. of Dandridge and Ann Caroline, in Dighton, Jan. 18, 1830. Benjamin, s. of Daniel and Mary, May 3, 1758. Benjamin Whipple, s. of Dandridge and Ann Caroline, in Auburn, July 15, 1837. Daniel, s. of Leah, bp. Apr. 14, 1728. Indian, c.r. Daniel, s. of Daniel, bp. Jan. 17, 1747-8. c.r. Elizabeth, d. of William, bp. Jan. 31, 1729-30. c.R. Elizabeth, d. of John and Sarah, June 24, 1734. Esther, bp. Feb. 15, 1756, a. abt. 20 y. Indian, c.r. Frederick Seymour, s. of Dandridge and Ann Caroline, in Auburn, May 24, 1835. George Francis, s. of Dandridge and Ann Caroline, Oct. 7, 1841. Hannah, d. of William and Johanna, Mar. 15, 1740. Hannah, d. of Daniel and Mary, Aug. 23, 1765. (Indian, c.r.) Harriet Malvina, d. of Dandridge and Ann C, July 15, 1849. 92 NATICK BIRTHS. Thomas, Johanna, d. of William and Johanna, Apr. 5, 1730. John, s. of William and Joanor, Aug. 5, 1736. John Morey, s. of Dandridge and Ann Caroline, Apr. 12, 1842. Leah, d. of Solomon and Sarah, Aug. 7, 1734. (Indian, c.R.) Leah, d. of Daniell, bp. Dec. 24, 1749. c.R. Mary, d. of Dan[ie]I, bp. Aug. 12, 1763. c.R. Mildred, d. of Daniel, bp. Feb. 24, 1754. Indian. c.R. Paul, s. of Dan[ie]l and Mary, bp. Aug. 10, 1760, a. abt. 2 y. c.R. Ruth, d. of Solomon and Sarah, Dec. 24, 1731. Titus, s. of Daniel, bp. July 14, 1751. c.R. William, s. of William and Joannah, Nov. 16, 1732, William Henry Harrison, s. of Dandridge and Ann Caroline, May 12, 1839. THOMPSON (see Tomson), Caroline Eliza, d. of David S. and Caroline, Oct, 17, 1843. Henry Clay, s. of David S. and Caroline, Jan 20, 1846. Samuel Henry, s. of David S. and Caroline, July 29, 1841. TIBBETTS, M. B. [ ], w. of S. W., Mar. 11, 1833. g.r.i. S. B. [ ■ — ], w. of , Dec. 13, 1805. G.R.I. S. W., Feb. 4, 1826. G.R.I. TITUS, Luther Augustus, s. of George W. and Louisa M., Dec. 21, 1847. Mary Louisa, d. of George W. and Louisa M., June 17, 1843. ' TOBIN, William, s. of Matty and Mary, April 12, 1847. \TOM, Azarias, ch. of Zacharias and Mary, bp. Aug. 3, 1746. c.R. Isaac, s. of Patience, bp. Dec. 2, 1739. c.R. Mary, d. of Zachariah and Mary, Jan. 9, 1740. Zachariah, s. of Zachariah, bp. May 31, 1747. c.R. TOMSON (see Thompson), Benjamin, s. of Zibia Pognitt, in Acton, Apr. 7, 1778. Dorcas, d. of Ceasar and Zibiah, in Acton, Apr. i, 1784. Joseph, s. of Zibia Pognitt, Jan. 22, 1776. TOWER, Gideon D., , 1840. g.r.i. TOWNE, Emma Adelaide, d. of William and Betsey P., July 26, 1846. Isaiah William, s. of William and Betsey, Aug. 31, 1844. NATICK BIRTHS. 93 TOWN SEND, Mary Eliza, d. of Royal A. and Belinda, Feb. 17, 1846. Thomas Raymond, s. of Royal A. and Belinda, July 20, 1848. TRAIN, Aaron, Jan. 29, 1803. g.r.i. TRAVIS, , s. of Timothy S. and Charlotte, Dec. 27, 1843. Alathea Copps, d. of Otis and Eliza, Nov. 21, 1835. Asa, s. of Asa and Sarah, Mar. 8, 1754. Betsy, d. of Daniel and Thankful, Mar. 24, 1771. Caroline Staunton, d. of Otis and Eliza, Mar. 17, 1837. Charlotte Ann Janette, d. of Timothy S. and Charlotte, Feb. 9, 1837- Clarke, s. of Daniel and Nabby, Oct. 24, 1803. Curtis, s. of Daniel and Nabby, in Sherborn, Feb. 8, 1796. Daniel, s. of Daniel and Thankful, Dec, 19, 1768. Dannal, s. of Joseph and Sarah, Oct. 13, 1742. Eliot, s. of Otis and Eliza, Apr. 10, 1844. Eliza Jane, d. of Otis and Eliza, in Needham, Nov. 28, 1826. Elliot, s. of Otis and Eliza, Oct. 3, 1840. Isaac Newton, s. of Otis and Eliza, Dec. i, 1833. John, s. of Daniel and Nabby, in Sherborn, Apr. 8, 1794. Keziah Perry, d. of Otis and Eliza, in Roxbury, Jan. 11, 1824. Loisa, d. of Daniel and Nabby, Sept. 24, 1806. Mary Eliza, d. of John and Mary S., Mar. 28, 1839. Munroe, s. of John and Hannah, Sept. 12, 1821. Otis, s. of Daniel and Nabby, Apr. 7, 1801. Otis Nelson, s. of Otis and Eliza, in Dover, Oct. 15, 1825. Polly, d. of Daniel and Thankful, Oct. 30, 1767. Randall, s. of Daniel and Nabby, Apr. 20, 1798. Relieffy, d. of Daniel and Nabby, Dec. 15, 1812. Sally, d. of Daniel and Thankful, Apr. 22, 1773. Samuel Nelson, s. of Timothy S. and Charlotte, Aug. 16, 1840. Shephard Hiram, s. of Daniel and Nabby, Apr. 12, 1808. Stephen Perry, s. of Otis and Eliza, in Roxbury, Oct. 20, 1822. Stephen Perry, s. of Otis and Eliza, Mar. 5, 1831. Stillman Sanger, s. of Otis and Eliza, in Dover, Dec. 17, 1828. Susannah, d. of Joseph and Sarah, Aug. 23, 1741. Zerviah, d. of Joseph of Sherborn, bp. July 15, 1733. C.R. TRAY, Mary, d. of Benjamin and Sarah, May 24, 1736. TROWE, Gordon W., s. of Ezekiel W. and Jane W., Jan. 6, 1846. TROY, , s. of James, Oct. 5, 1842. 94 NATICK BIRTHS. TRUE, Sarah, , 1830. g.r.i. TRULL, Edward B., s. of John and Mehitable, May 13, 1846. Eunice, d. of David jr. and Kezia, in Needham, Nov. 5, 1796. Joel Augustus, s. of John, Apr. 9, 1841. Lucy Ann, d. of John and Mehitable, Jan. i6, 1843. Sarah W., d. of John, Aug. 18, 1838. TURNER, Joshua, alias Morse, s. of Isaac and Elizabeth Morse, Nov. II, 1750. TWITCHELL, Josephine G. Lane [ ], w. of R. B., Feb. i, 1841. G.R.I. TYLER, Charles Russell, s. of David and Phebe, Oct. 25, 1845. Frank H., , 1845. g.r.i. Martha Maria, d. of David and Phebe, Sept, 29, 1848. ULLRICH, Andrew, , 1809. g.r.6. Hanora [ ], w. of Valentine, Nov. i, 1841. g.r.6. Katherine, , 1809. g.r.6. Valentine, Mar. 10, 1840. g.r.6. UNDERWOOD (see Unerwood), Abigail, d. of John, bp. Oct. 15, 1730. C.R. Abigail, d. of Jonathan and Pris[c]illa, May 25, 1751. Elizabeth, d. of John, bp. Oct. 15, 1730. c.r. Hannah, d. of John, bp. Oct. 15, 1730. c.r. Isaac, s. of John, bp. Oct. 15, 1730. c.r. John, s. of Jonathan and Bezelah (Priscilla, t.c), Sept. 17, 1742. Joseph, s. of John, bp. Oct. 15, 1730. c.r. Mary, d. of John, bp. Oct. 15, 1730. c.r. Mercy, d. of Jonath[a]n and Pris[c]illa, Dec. 3, 1747. Nettie [ ], w. of J. G., May — , 1843. g.r.i. UNERWOOD (see Underwood), Mary, d. of Jonathan and Bezelah, Aug. 5, 1745- VALENTINE, Annie Eliza, d. of Frederick D. and Eliza D., Sept. I, 1839. Twin. Frederick Townsend, s. of Frederick D. and Eliza D., Sept. i, 1839. Twin. JamesWilliam, s. of Frederick D. and Eliza D., Apr. 8, 1837. Twin. Rufus Babcock, s. of Frederick D. and Eliza D., Apr. 8, 1837. Twin. VEAZIE, , d. of , Dec. 29, 1842. VICKOS, Joseph, s. of Joseph and Elizabeth, Sept, 5, 1757. William, s. of Joseph and Elizabeth, Feb. 6, 1760. NATICK BIRTHS. 95 VIRGIN, Charles, s. of Nathaniel A. and Matilda, Nov. 27, 1845. WABAN (see Wabon), Mary, d. of Isaac, bp. July 25, 1738^- Indian, c.r. "WABON (seeWaban), Jabish, s. of Hezekiah and Esther, Aug. 25, 1730. Uriah, s. of Hezekiah and Esther, May i, 1732. WAIT (see Wate), John Jr., s. of John and Marcy, Oct. 27, 181 1. Kezia Haws, d. of John and Mercy, July 8, 1800. Mercy, d. of John and Mercy, Mar. 8, 1797. Nabby, d. of John and Mercy, Nov. 29, 1802. Smith Adams, s. of John and Mary, Nov. 27, 1817. WALCOTT (see Walcutt, WaUcutt, Wolcott), Cordelia Walcott Hayes [ ], w. of George W., Mar. 28, 1825. g.r.i. George, Mar. 28, 1820. g.r.i. Hannah P. Lambard [ ], w. of Edward, Mar. 29, 1816. G.R.I. Laura A. Mitchell [ ], w. of Samuel, Nov. 15, 1849. g.r.i. Mary Elizabeth, d. of Edward and Elizabeth F., Feb. 20, 1842. WALCUTT (see Walcott, WaUcutt, Wolcott), Albert Henry, s. of Edward and Elizabeth F., Aug. 5, 1837. Dana Mills, s. of Jonathan and Henrietta E., July 9, 1840. Emma Cordelia, d. of George and S. Cordelia, Mar. 23, 1846. Francis Edward, s. of George and Cordelia, Nov. 2, 1847. «1 John William, s. of Edward and Elizabeth F., Oct. 18, 1844. Maria Antoinette, d. of George and C. S., Nov. 14, 1849. ' WALKER, Abigail, d. of Tony, alias Jonathan, bp. Apr. 22, 1733. C.R. Anson, s. of Josiah and Sally, Feb. 6, 1818. Eliot, s. of Josiah and Sally, Mar. 16, 1802. Emory, s. of Solomon and Polly, July 18, 1805. Gerry, s. of Josiah and Sally, Apr. 12, 1811. Harlot, d. of Josiah and Sally, Feb. 5, 1807, Harriss Francisco, s. of Seth and Caroline Matilda, May 6, 1849. Twin. Herman Francis, s. of Seth and Caroline Matilda, May 6, 1849. Twin. Joseph, s. of Josiah and Sally, May 28, 1804. Josiah, s. of Josiah and Sally, Mar. 7, 1809. Leonard Curtis, s. of Elliot and Mary, Feb. 16, 1824. Lowell, s. of Solomon and Polly, Apr. 19, 1807. 96 NATICK BIRTHS. Walker, Lydia D. [ ], w. of Josiah, Nov. 17, 1810. g.r.2. Oscar Herbert, s, of Seth and Caroline, Feb. 22, 1846. Parmitta, d. of Josiah and Sally, Sept, 23, 1799. Samuel, s. of Josiah and Sally, Sept. 18, 1815. WALLACE, Joseph Lorenzo, s. of Joseph D., , 1834. WALLCUTT (see Walcott, Walcutt, Wolcott), George Henry, s. of George and Cordelia S., Oct. 28, 1844. WALSH, John, Rev., Mar. 5, 1829. In Silverree Parish, Co. Kilkenny, Ireland, g.r.6. •WAMSQAN (see Womsquon), Esther, d. of Solomon and Sarah, Apr. I, 1744. WARD, Artemas, s. of W[illia]m and Eunice, Apr. 14, 1822. Benja[min], s. of Benja[min] of Needham, bp. May — , 1776. C.R. Benjamin, s. of Daniel and Beulah, July 16, 1798. Caroline, d. of Amos and Lydia, Feb. 3, 1816. Daniel Jr., s. of Daniel and Beulah, Dec. 5, 1803. Dexter, s. of Daniel and Beulah, Feb. 21, 1809. Ephraim, s. of Samuel and Miriam, May 6, 1750. John, s. of Samuel, bp. Jan. i, 1748-9. c.r. John, s. of Daniel and Beulah, Apr. 11, 1806. Lydia, d. of Samuel and Miriam, Nov. 22, 1754. Lydia, d. of Amos and Lydia, Aug. 11, 181 2. Mary, d. of William and Eunice, June 21, 18 16. Samuel, s. of Daniel and Beulah, May 3, i8oi. Samuel Benjamin, s. of Amos and Lydia, in Watertown, May 20, 1807. Sarah, d. of Samuel and Miriam, Nov. 25, 1751. Sarah Benjamin, d. of Amos and Lydia, in Watertown, Nov. 26, 1809. William, s. of W[illia]m and Eunice, May 21, 1820. WARDRER, Caroline C. [ ], w. of Louis F., , 1826. G.R.4. Louis F., , 1825. C.R. 4. WARE, Elvira Hawes [ ], w. of Nathan A., Apr. 8, 1812. G.R.I. Joseph, s. of Joseph and Esther, in Needham, Nov. 9, 1778. Nathan A., Dec. 27, 1807. g.r.i. William, s. of Joseph and Esther, Aug. 5, 1784. NATICK BIRTHS. 97 WARREN, Abiga[i]l, d. of \Vill[ia]m and Abiga[i]l, in Sherborn, June 26, 1781. George H., s. of George F. and Mary L., Dec. 2, 1846. Sarah, d. of Ebenezer and Sarah, Aug. 5, 1772. Vinah, d. of Ebenezer and Sarah, Oct. 12, 1774. William, s. of William and Abiga[i]l, in Sherborn, Sept. 26, 1779. WASHBORN (see Washburn), Elijah, s. of Samuel and Hannah, Mar. II, 1782. WASHBURN (see Washborn), Annie Church [ ], w. of Romanzo N., June 14, 1843. g.r.i. Charles Edmund, s. of Edmund and Harriet, July 13, 1846. Daniel Burbank, s. of Elijah and Lydia, May 27, 1809. David, s. of Jeddiah and Mitta, Mar. 7, 1815. Dexter, s. of Jedediah and Mitta, Oct. 30, 1820. Edward Lyman, s. of Edmund and Harriet, May 12, 1839. Elijah, s. of Samuel and Hannah, Mar. 19, 1782. Eunice Kindall, d. of Elijah and Lydia, May 9, 181 1. Hannah, d. of Samuel and Hannah, Feb. 8, 1784. Hannah Haven, d. of Elijah and Lydia, May 28, 1814. Jediah, s. of Samuel and Hannah, July 12, 1790. Joseph, s. of Samuel and Hannah, June 30, 1792, Joseph, s? of Elijah and Lydia, Nov. 26, 1816. Joshua, s. of Samuel and Hannah, Apr. 11, 1795. Louisa, d. of Jedediah and Mitta, July 8, 1825. Louisa, d. of Jedediah and Mitta, Sept. 26, 1827. Martin M., Feb. 28, 1833. g.r.i. Mary, d. of Jedediah and Mitta, Nov. 28, 18 16. Mary Eliza, d. of David and Eliza Jane, Apr. 4, 1845. Miriam, d. of Samuel and Hannah, June 22, 1780. Polly, d. of Samuel and Hannah, Aug. 6, 1786. Rebecca, d. of Jedediah and Mitta, Feb. 26, 18 19. Romanzo N., July 4, 1839. g.r.i. Sally, d. of Samuel and Hannah, July 23, 1797. Sally Lucinda, d. of Elijah and Lydia, Sept. i, 1819. Samuel, s. of Samuel and Hannah, July 28, 1788. Samuel, s. of Jedediah and Mitta, Apr. 10, 1823. Sarah Flagg, d. of Edmund and Harriet, Nov. 19, 1835. WATE (see Wait), Maryan, d. of John and Martha, Sept. 23, 1804 WATERHOUSE, Thomas J., , 1833. g.r.i. WEEBUCKS, Walter, s. of Walter and Hannah, bp. June 14 1730. Indian, c.r. 98 NATICK BIRTHS. WEIGAND, Eva Denfeld [ ], w. of Philip, , 1826. G.R.4. Philip, , 1823. G.R.4. WEIGHT (see White, Wight), Ede Goulding, d. of Daniel and Zillah, Sept. 6, 1805. Eleazer Goulding, s. of Daniel and Zillah, Dec. 16, 1803. WELLES, Abigail, d. of Samuel and Isabella, Aug. 21, 1776. Samuel, s. of Samuel and Isabella, Apr, 22, 1778. WESSON, Daniel, , 1812. g.r.i. Sophia Adams [ ], w. of Daniel, , 1813. g.r.i. WHEELER, Herbert Ervin, s. of Reuben and Martha, Dec. 20, 1846. Lucy Jane, d. of Reuben and Martha B., June 30, 1842. WHITE (see Weight, Wight), Margaret, , 1828. g.r.i. Margaret Lander [ ], w. of Farnum, Sept. 21, 1817. G.R.3. WHITEING (see Whiting), Aaron, s. of Jona[than], bp. Apr. 27, 1746. C.R. Abigail, d. of Jonathan, bp. July 17, 1737. c.r. Anna, d. of Jonathan of Dedham, bp. Nov. 28, 1736. C.R. Daniel, s. of Jonathan of Dedham, bp. Nov. 28, 1736. c.R. Elesabeth, d. of Jonathan of Dedham, bp. Nov. 28, 1736. C.R. Hannah, d. of Jonathan, bp. Sept. 25, 1743. c.R. Ithamar, s. of Jona[than], bp. Sept. 20, 1741. c.R. Jonathan, s. of Jonathan of Dedham, bp. Nov. 28, 1736. c.R. Nathan, s. of Jonathan, bp. May 27, 1739. c.R. William, s. of Jonathan of Dedham, iDp. Nov. 28, 1736. c.R. WHITEMORE (see Whittemore), Esther, d. of Jona[than], bp. Sept. I, 1742. c.R. Jemima, d. of Jonathan, bp. Feb. 3, 1744-5. C.R. WHITENEY (see Whitney, Whittney), Mary, d. of David and Methetable, Nov. 5, 1745. WHITING (see Whiteing), Daniel, s. of Rogers and Fanny, Mar. 31, 1804. Dexter, s. of Roger and Fanny, Apr. 9, 1799. Hitty, d. of Roger and Fanny, Apr. 4, 1795. Jemima, d. of Jona[than], bp. June 20, 1742. c.R. Perez Morton, s. of Samuel and Anna Maria, Oct. 31, 1846. \ I NATICK BIRTHS. 99 WHITNEY (see Whiteney, Whittney), , s. of Ebenezer, Sept. 24, 1842. , d. of Ebenezer and Sarah F., Dec. 14, 1849. Albert M., s. of Ebenezer and Joann, Jan. 16, 1836. Amos, s. of Micah and Lydia, May 7, 1750. Catharine H., d. of Ebenezer and Joann, May 5, 1840. Charles, s. of Ebenezer and Mary, in Watertown, May 21, 1808. Charles W., s. of Ebenezer and Joann, June 13, 1832. Charlotte Travis, d. of David M. and Mary Ann, Mar. 21, 1836. Daniel, s. of James, bp. at Sherborn, Dec. 10, 1733. C.R. paniel, s. of Micah (Dea. Micah, c.R.) and Lydia, Jan. 26, i 1759- Oavid, s. of Ephraim and Sarah, Feb. 13, 1776. David Morse, s. of George and Ester, Mar. 16, 1804. David Morse, s. of Georg[e] and Ester, Nov. i, 1806. Eben Fisher, s. of Jason and Hannah, in Watertown, Jan. 10, 1805. Ebenezar, s. of George and Ester, Dec. 20, 1820. Ebenezer, s.. of Jason and Lois, Mar. 2, 1784. Ellen O., d. of Ebenezer and Joann, Mar. 5, 1830. Emerline An[n], d. of Jason and Hannah, in Watertown, Feb. 6, 1809. Ephraim, s. of David and Mehetable, Mar. 25, 1747. Ester Louiazer, d. of D.vid M. and Mary Ann, Mar. 8, 1829. Esther, d. of Tho[ma]s, bp. Nov. 29, 1767. c.R. Fisher, s. of Jason and Lois, Jan. 3, 1775. Frank Hayden, s. of David M. and Nancy G., July 30, 1845. Freeman Sears, s. of George and Ester, Feb. 6, 1812. George, s. of Ephraim and Sarah, Feb. 22, 1772. George, s. of Jason and Lois, Mar. 22, 1778. George Callender, s. of George and Ester, Feb. 3, 1809. George Henry, s. of David M. and Mary Ann, Sept. 17, 1830. Hannah, d. of Jason and Lois, Aug. 6, 1776. Hannah, d. of George and Esther, Jan, 30, 1802. Hannah Goodenow, d. of Jason and Hannah, in Watertown, Jan. 2, 1807. Harriet Wilson, d. of David M. and Mary Ann, July 9, 1841. Hirum Ebenezar, s. of Ebenezar and Joann, June 3, 1826. Horatio, s. of Lowes Clap, in Boston, Nov. 13, 1798. Isaac, s. of Jason and Elisabeth, Aug. 17, 1770. Isabella C, d. of Ebenezer and joann, Oct. 17, 1834. James, Sept. 27, 1816. g.r.i. Jason, s. of Jason, bp. July 31, 1768. c.r. lOO NATICK BIRTHS. Whitney, Jason, s. of Jason and Lois, Oct. 20, 1780. John, s. of David and Mehetable, June i, 1749. John Angier, s. of George and Ester, Dec. 20, 181 7. Joseph Leiand, s. of Freeman S. and Eveline, Aug. 18, 1835. Joshua, s. of Jason and Elizabeth, Apr. 12, 1772. Lois, d. of Jason and Lois, Oct. 17, 1773. Mark, s. of Thomas and Mehetable, May 18, 1766. Martha Ann, d. of Ebenezar and Mary, in Brighton, Feb. 9, 18 17 Mary, d. of David and Mehetable, Nov. 5, 1745. Mary, d. of Micha, bp. Sept. 11, 1748. c.R. Mary, d. of Jason and Elizabeth, Mar. 24, 1765. Mary, d. of Oliver and Hannah, Mar. 3, 1781. Mary, d. of Jason Jr. and Hannah, Nov. 26, 1801. ( Mary A. [ ], w. of David M., Oct. 7, 1805. g.r.i. ' Mason, s. of (Dea., c.R.) Micah and Lydia, Dec. 16, 1765. Mehetable, d. of Thomas and Mehetable, Aug. 8, 1762. Meheteble, d. of Ephraim and Sarah, Aug. 22, 1773. Mercy, d. of David and Mehetable, Jan. 8, 1751. Micah, s. of Micah and Lydia, June 20, 1753. Nancy Childs, d. of Ebenezar and Mary, June 20, 1822. Nancy Goodenow, d. of Jason and Hannah, b. in Dedham, Nov. 26, 1810. Nathaniel D. T., s. of Ebenezer and Joann, May 3, 1838. Oliver, s. of David, bp. June 9, 1745. c.R. Persis, d. of Ephraim and Marah, Jan. 15, 1767. Prudence Walker, d. of Ebenezar and Joann, May 14, 1823. Rachel, d. of Jason, bp. Mar. 20, 1759. c.R. Rhoda, d. of Jason and Lois. Feb. 28, 1786. Roxellana, d. of Jason and Hannah, Feb. 23, 1803. Sally, d. of George and Esther, Dec. 25, 1799. Sally Cummings, d. of Ebenezar and Joann, July 6, 1824. Sally Cummings, d. of Ebenezar and Joann, Apr. 3, 1828. Samuel Homer, s. of David M. and Mary Ann, Oct. 11, 1832. Samuel Stilman, ",. of George and Ester, Jan. 6, 1815. Sarah, d. of Jason and Lov/is, May 15, 1782. Sarah, d. of Ephraim and Sarah, Dec. 24, 1783. Susanah, d. of Jason and Elizabeth, Dec. 9, 1766. WHITTEMORE (see Whitemore), James Granville, s. of James and Maria, May 26, 1S46. Joshua, s. of Jonathan, bp. Apr. 10, 1748. c.R. Lidia, d. of Jonathan, bp. May 20, 1750. c.R. WHITTNEY (see Whiteney, Whitney), Abigail, d. of Jason and Elizabeth, Dec. 13, 1761. NATICK BIRTHS. 10 1 Whittney, Elizabeth, d. of Jason and Eliz[abeth], Feb. 23, 1760. Huldah, d. of Thomas and Mehitable, Aug. 20, 1764. Sarah, d. of Jason and Eliz[abeth], Apr. 29, 1763. WIGHT (see Weight, White). Adelaide Francis, d. of Eleazer G. and Phebe, Oct. 4, 1842. Twin. Albert Franklin, s. of Eleazer G. and Phebe, Oct. 4, 1842. Twin. Daniel, » 1778. G.R.5. Daniel, s. of Daniel and Zilla, Sept. 18, 1808. Edward Goulding, s. of Eleazer G. and Phebe W., Apr. 4, 1847. Elanor Curtis, d. of Daniel and Zelah, June 27, 1821. Isabella Louisa, d. of Willard A. and Lucy B., Apr. 8, 1845. Jabez, s. of William and Susanna, May 27, 1761. John Albert, s. of Eleazer G. and Phebe W., July 14, 1849. Martha Zillah, d. of Eleazer G. and Phebe, June 10, 1845. Mary, d. 01 Daniel and Zilah, May 26, 1814. ]Mary Ellen Goulding, d. of Eleazer G, and Phebe W., Mar. 13, 1844. Mary Matilda, d. of Daniel and Zilah, Oct. 3, 1818. Miriam Fairbanks, d. of Daniel and Zilah, Aug. 3, 181 1. Phebe W. [ ], w. of Eleazer G., , 1819. G.R.5. Willard Amory, s. of Daniel and Zilah, Apr. 21, 1816. Willard Wendell, s. of Willard A. and Lucy B., May 13, 1848. (William A., G.R.5.) s. of Willard A. and Lucy B., Mar. 21, 1844. Zillah G. [ ], w. of Daniel, , 1782. G.R.5. WIGNOT, Ernest, , 1849. G.R.4. John, s. of J. and M. , 183 1. G.R.4. "WILDER, Mary Jane, d. of Charles B. and Mary Jane, Jan. 9, 1830. WILLEY, , s. of Benjamin B. and Harriet, Apr. 11, 1846. WILLIS, Abel L., June 17, 1839. g.r.i. WILSON, , s. of John O. and Mary, Mar. 10, 1847. Edward Horatio, s. of John O. and Mary M., Oct. 10, 1845, Edward Howe, s. of WiUiam H. and Sarah H., Sept. 15, 1848. Elizabeth Overin, d. of William H. and Sarah H., Nov. 27, 1844. George W., , 1832. G.R.5. Harriet M. Howe [ ], w. of Henry, Nov. 21, 1824. g.r.i. Henry Hamilton, s. of Henry and Harriet M., Nov. 11, 1846. John Howard, , 1847. G.r.i. John Oberlin, , 1821. g.r.i. 102 NATICK BIRTHS. Wilson, Marietta, d. of William H. and Sarah H., Nov. 15, 1846. Rebecca Conant [ ], w. of R. G., Jan. 23, 1797. g.r.i. Robert G., Dec. 24, 1792. g.r.i. Sarah E., , 1830. G.R.5. WINCH, Elizabeth Farriss, d. of Leonard and Lucy S., Apr. 13, 1849. Leonard, Dec. 27, 1818. g.r.i. Sarah Jane, d. of Leonard Jr. and Lucy S., Nov. 7, 1844. WINCHESTER, Charles Wilder, s. of W[iUia]m W. and EUeanor, Sept. 7, 1845. WIN GATE, Dexter B., Sept. 20, 1820. g.r.i. Emily Mansfield [ ], w. of Dexter B., May 21, 1816. g.r.i. WINN, Abigail, d. of John, bp. Dec. 3, 1738. c.r. Elezebeth, d. of John and Abiga[i]l, Dec. 13, 1736. John, s. of John, bp. Jan. 9, 1742-3. c.r. Mary, d. of John and Abiga[i]l, June 17, 1735. Sarah, d. of John, bp. Sept. 28, 1746. c.r. Unity, d. of John, bp. Apr. 5, 1741. c.r. WINTERS, William, , 1815. G.R.4. WOLCOTT (see Walcott, Walcutt, Wallcutt), , s. of Jona- than and Henrietta, Feb. 15, 1846. Ellen Margaret, d. of Jonathan and Henrietta, Jan. 7, 1849. ^WOMSQUON (see Wamsqan), James, s. of Joshua and Sarah, ^y Apr. 22, 1730. Joshua, s. of Joshua and Ellis, in Sandage, Jan. i, 17 2-. Mary, d. of Solomon, bp. June 9, 1734. Indian. C.R. Sarah, d. of Solomon, bp. Nov. 26, 1742. c.r. Solomon, s. of Solomon and Sarah, bp. Dec. 2, 1733. c.r. Thomas, s. of Sol[omon], bp. July 11, 1736. Indian. C.R. Volentine, s. of Joshua, bp. Oct. 9, 1737. c.r. / WONSAMUG (see Awansamage, Awansamug, Awansomugg), Thankful, d. of Tho[mas], bp. Feb. 26, 1743-4. c.r. WOODBURY, Martha, , 1829. g.r.i. Pliny F., , 1827. g.r.i. WOODCOCK, Hannah Washburn, d. of Isaiah and Miriam, Nov. 13, 1808. Mary, d. of Isaiah and Miriam, Dec. 22, 1813. William Dennison, s. of Isaiah and Miriam, May 15, 1812. NATICK BIRTHS. IO3 WOODMAN, John L., Feb. 28, 1823. g.r.i. WOODS, Mary B., , 1839. G.R.5. Oliver, , 1824. g.r.i. WOODWARD, Harvey, Rev., , 1841. g.r.i. WOYDNER, Fradrak, s. of Philip and Catharine, Apr. i, 1754. Jacob, s. of Philip and Cartharine, June — , 1753. Joseph, s. of Philip and Catharine, Feb. 19, 1760. Lydia, d. of Philip and Catharine, Nov. 11, 1766. Margaret, s. of Philip and Catharine, May — , 1759. Philip, s. of Philip and Catharine, Feb. 16, 1756. UNIDENTIFIED. , Abbie M. Knowlton, w. of R. Pebbles, Oct. 15, 1833. G.R.I. , Abbie Pond, w. of Henry E. Cozzens, , 1846. g.r.i. , Abigail P. Puffer, w. of Col. William Nutt, Dec. 30, 1839. G.R.I. , Abigail R., w. of Eleazar C. Beal, Feb. 15, 1830. g.r.i. , Addie B., w. of Gustavus A. Taber, , 1841. g.r.i. , Adeline Greenwood, w. of Harrison Harwood, in Win- chendon, June 17, 1819. g.r.i. , Almaria Coolidge, w. of Lieut. Simon Mulligan, Sept. 15, 1825. G.R.I. , Almira F., w. of Horatio B. Snow, , 1839. g.r.i. , Almira P., w. of Ephraim L. Hayes, , 1822. g.r.i. , Anastasia, w. of John Finn, , 1844. g.r.6. , Ann Brady, w. of George McKinney, Nov. 15, 1848. G.R.6. , Ann Casey, w. of George Berry, , 1848. g.r.6. , Ann Donald, w. of Thomas D. Sutherland, , 1817. G.R.I. , Annie Church, w. of Romanzo N. Washburn, June 14, 1843. G.R.I. , Annie M., w. of William J. Flynn, , 1840. g.r.6. , Augusta J. T., w. of August Bettag, in Greifswald, Pommern, Germany, Nov. 3, 1831. G.R.4. , Azubah, w. of Amasa Marsh, , 1811. g.r.i. , Betsey Jenness, w. of William L. Jackson, July 4, 1826. G.R.I. , Betsy M. Warner, w. of Edmund Kimball, Apr. 27 1803. G.R.5. 104 NATICK BIRTHS. , Betsy W., w. of W. Wallace Atwood, , 1836. g.r.i. , Bridget, w. of Daniel McNamara, , 1827. g.r.6. , Bridget, w. of John E. Jennings, Oct. 8, 1829. g.r.6. , Bridget Ann Coen, w. of Tho[ma]s J. Dealy, June 24, 1832. G.R.6. , Bridget Lee, w. of John Naphen, , 1840. g.r.6. , Bridget Murphy, w. of James Dowd, , 1839. g.r.6. , Caroline C, w. of Louis F. Wardner, , 1826. G.R.4. , Catherine, w. of Patrick Fox, , 1818. xj.r.6. , Catharine C. Mills, w. of Jonathan Bacon, , 1813. G.R.I. , Catharine Hines, w. of Charles Brady, , 1848. g.r.6. , Charlotte A., w. of John F. Childs, Feb. — , 1843. g.r.i. , Chloe Catharine, w. of Rev. Franklin Fiske, , 1817. g.r.i. , Clarinda E., w. of Edward R. Preston, Aug. 23, 1830. g.r.i. , Cordelia Walcott Hayes, w. of George W. Walcott, Mar. 28, 1825. g.r.i. , Ede G., w. of Willard Childs, , 1805. g.r.i. , Eldora, w. of Charles P. Hanscom, Aug. 31, 1844. g.r.i. , Eleanor F., w. of George G. Collier, , 1849. G.R.5. , Eliza A., w. of John Coolidge, Aug. 20, 1821. g.r.i. , Eliza B., w. of Weatherby Chamberlin, Oct. 21, 1803. g.r.i. , Eliza Fernan, w. of Matthias Hopf, , 183 1. G.R.4. , Eliza Griffin, w. of Joseph B. Carhart, , 1836. g.r.i. , Eliza W. Brown, w. of Winsor Fairbank, , 1827. G.R.5. — , Elizabeth, w. of Francis Ives, , 18 19. g.r.i. — , Elizabeth, w. of William Montgomery, Mar. 3, 1830. G.R.I. — , Elizabeth A., w. of Stephen H. Fowler, , 1830. g.r.i. — , Elizabeth A. J., w. of Henry Fairbank, , 1828. G.R.5. — , Elizabeth Child, w. of Rev. B. F. Clarke, in Dedham, May 27, 1805. G.R.4. — , Elizabeth Damon, w. of Nathan Reed, July 20, 1820. G.R.s. — , Elizabeth S., w. of William A. Swain, Feb. 24, 1823. G.R.I. NATICK BIRTHS. IO5 — , Elizabeth W., w. of David F. Fiske, May 13, 1840. G.R.5. — , Ella Maria Bullard, w. of Walter Billings Robinson, Dec. 16, 1846. G.R.I. — , Ellen A., w. of James D. McEwan, , 1826. G.R.5. — , Ellen A., w. of William M. Drummond, Dec. 31, 1835. G.R.I. — , Ellen Frances, w. of John Cleland, Aug. 24, 1829. g.r.i. — , Ellen S., w. of Thomas D. Smith, , 1833. g.r.6. — , Ellen S. Jewell, w. of Amos B. Fox, , 1842, g.r.i. — , Ellen Welch, w. of Dennis Sheehan, , 1834. g.r.6. — , Elvira A., w. of Warren A. Bird, Oct. 17, 1842. g.r.i. — , Elvira Hawes, w. of Nathan A. Ware, Apr. 8, 1812. G.R.I. — , Emeline Goulding, w. of Warren Blackman, , 1840. G.R.4. — , Emily Mansfield, w. of Dexter B. Wingate, May 21, 1816. G.R.I. — , Emma Goodnow, w. of Almond Bailey, , 1845. G.R.4. — , Eva Denfeld, w. of Philip Weigand, , 1826. G.R.4. , Fanny H. Ballard, w. of Elbridge Frost, Nov. 27, 18 19. G.R.I. — , Frances S., w. of Rev. Sumner Clark, June 3, 1820. G.R.3. , H. Maria, w. of Alfred Mead, , 1837. g.r.i. — , Hannah, w. of Geo[rge] A. Pease, , 1835. g.r.i. , Hannah F., w. of William F. Stone, Nov. 26, 1816. G.R.I. , Hannah Harrison, w. of George S. Brierly, Sept. 29, 1835. G.R.I. , Hannah M., w. of Col. Bela Greenv^^ood, Oct. 31, 1791. G.R.4. , Hannah P., w. of Phineas Glidden, , 1825. G.r.i. , Hannah P. Lambard, w. of Edward Walcott, Mar. 29, 1816. g.r.i. , Hannah S., w. of Silas T. Chamberlin, , 1797. g.r.i. , Hannah W., w. of Oliver Felch, Mar. i, 1808. G.R.5. , Hanora, w. of Valentine Ullrich, Nov. i, 1841. g.r.6. , Harriet, w. of Alfred Bacon, , 1804. g.r.i, , Harriet B., w. of Francis W. Marsh, , 1838. G.r.i. , Harriet E., w. of Frederick M. Boardman, , 1838. I06 NATICK BIRTHS. , Harriet E., w. of Horace F. Nason, , 1845. G.R.5. , Harriet E. Hawes, w. of William Cole, , 1825. g.r.i. , Harriet M. Howe, w. of Henry Wilson, Nov. 21, 1824. G.R.I. , Harriet N. Pratt, w. of Charles H. Child, Mar. 18, 1837. G.R.I. • , Henrietta, w. of Charles A. Goerke, Apr. 2, 1834. G.R.4. , Irene M., w. of Daniel C. Atwood, Nov. 9, 1823. g.r.i. , Isabella P., w. of John W. Neal, Nov. 24, 1837. g.r.i. , Isabella S. Bryant, w. of Henry G. Harwood, Nov. 4, 1844. g.r.i. , Jennie C. Morrison, w. of Charles F. Sweetland, , 1847. G.R.I. , Johanna, w. of John Flynn, , 1798. g.r.6. , Josephine G. Lane, w. of R. B. Twitchell, Feb. i, 1841. G.R.I. ■ , Kezia Kimball, w. of Isaac Felch, Apr. 3, 1804. g.r.i. , Julia Luella Bushnell, w. of William Rider Daniels, May 28, 1832. G.R.I. ■ , L. Messinger, w. of R. Pebbles, Mar. 11, 183 1. g.r.i. , Laura A. Mitchell, w. of Samuel Walcott, Nov. 15, 1849. G.R.I. • , Laura Sophia Brigham, w. of Gilbert P. Fay, Dec. 25, 1830. G.R.I. — , Lizzie Farriss, w. of Frank H. Hayes, Apr. 13, 1832. G.R.I. — , Lois A., w. of Joseph A. Judkins, , 1830. g.r.i. — , Louisa Train, w. of Col. Abraham Bigelow, June 6, 1794. G.R.3. — , Lovina M. Southard, w. of Isaac Johnson, , 1816. G.R.I. — , Lucie M. Whitney, w. of Charles H. Child, wid. of Selah B. Alden, Jan. 3, 1838. g.r.i. — , Lucinda W., w. of David C. Howe, , 1828. g.r.i. — , Lucretia, w. of John Maxwell, Oct. 13, 1793. g.r.i. — , Lucy A., w. of Charles H. Flagg, June 13, 1835. G.R.5. — , Lucy A. Hardy, w. of Albert S. Bryar, , 1833. G.r.i. — , Lucy Goodhue, w. of Ephraim Jennings, Aug. 13, 1801. G.R.5. — , Lucy M. Gate, w. of George W. Marriner, , 1845. G.R.I. — , Lucy R., w. of William Hickox, May i, 1817. G.R.4. — , Lydia, w. of Warner Parlin, , 1786. g.r.i. NATICK BIRTHS. lO/ — , Lydia C, w. of Arthur Hall, Aug. ii, 1823. g.r.i. — , Lydia D., w. of Josiah Walker, Nov. 17, 1810. g.r.2. — , Lydia J., w. of Adelbert O. Pearse, , 1840. g.r.i. — , Lydia L., w. of Ariel H. Davenport, Mar. 25, 1820. G.R.I. — , Lydia S. Doten, w. of Charles H. Sweetland, , 1843. G.R.I. — , M. B., w. of S. W. Tibbetts, Mar. 11, 1833. g.r.i. — , M. J. M. Cummings, w. of R. Pebbles, Dec. 25, 183 1. G.R.I. — , Mahala Clifford, w. of Andrew Larkin, Mar. 31, 1813. G.R.I. — , Margaret, w. of Nahum Green, , 1835. G.R.5. — , Margaret Callinan, w. of John Everett, , 1837. G.R.6. — , Margaret Lander, w. of Farnum White, Sept. 21, 181 7. G.R.3. — , Maria, w. of Stephen Hayes, Sept. 24, 1816. g.r.i. — , Maria H., w. of Henry Sandow, , 1849. G.R.5. — , Maria Perry, w. of Chauncy C. Leland, , 1823. G.R.2. — , Martha, w. of Thomas Larkin, in Kittery, Me., Sept. 14, 1794. G.R.I. — , Martha A., w. of William C. Burleigh, Apr. 11, 1824. G.R.I. — , Martha H., w. of Joseph G. Adams, Aug. 30, 1836. g.r.i. — , Martha Johnson, w. of Edward Hawes, Aug. 7, 1785. G.R.I. — , Martha S., w. of Samuel Perry, Sept. 14, 1797. g.r.i. — , Martha W., w. of Oliver A. Felch, Aug. 7, 1843. G.R.5. — , Mary, w. of John Mitchell, , 1823. g.r.i. — , Mary A., w. of David M. Whitney, Oct. 7, 1805. g.r.i. — , Mary A. Edwards, w. of Isaac B. Clark, Dec. 20, 1817. G.R.4. — , Mary A. Felch, w. of George E. Dunton, , 1849. G.R.I. — , Mary A. Lyon, w. of Calvin Perry, , 1814. G.R.4. — , Mary Ann Wilson, w. of Maj. Edwin C. Morse, , 1822. G.R.I. — , Mary B., w. of Oliver G. Davenport, Oct. 11, 1806. G.R.I. — , Mary B. Whitney, w. of Abraham Bigelow, , 1813. G.R.4. I08 NATICK BIRTHS. — , Mary Coleman, w. of Thomas Coughlan, Aug. 15, 1828. Native of Lisfuncheon, Co. Tiperary, Ireland, g.e.6. — , Mary Coolidge, w. of Francis S. Harrington, June i, 1823. G.R.I. — , Mary Cunniff, w. of Thomas Doherty, , 1840. g.r.6. — , Mary Donovan, w. of Patrick Fitzpatrick, , 1839. G.R.6. — , Mary E., w. of John B. Schaller, , 1814. G.R.4. — , Mary E., w. of Peter S. Hanchett, , 1828. g.r.i. — , Mary E., w. of George H. J. Beckman, , 1835. G.R.6. — , Mary E., w. of John W. Holbrook, Feb. 8, 1849. g.r.i. — , Mary Frances, w. of Lewis H. Miles, July 17, 1840. G.R.I. — , Mary H., w. of Joseph Moulton, , 1807. G.R.5. — , Mary H., w. of William Edwards, Nov. 29, 1817. G.R.4. — , Mary Jane, w. of Amos B. Scribner, Mar. 15, 1819. g.r.i. — , Mary Jane Newton, w. of John George Schleicher, , 1831. G.R.5. — , Mary Lauretta, w. of Royal Tyler Brooks, Sept. 28, 1839. G.R.I. — , Mary Law, w. of Thomas Fairbank, , 1788. G.R.5. — , Mary L. Morse, w. of David W. Jacobs, , 1832. G.R.I. — , Mary Lord, w. of Samuel Elkins, , 1815. g.r.i. — , Mary Tombs, w. of Amasa Howe, in Hopkinton, Sept. II, 1786. g.r.i. — , Mehitable, w. of Capt. Francis B. Crowell, , 1818. G.R.I. — , Mehitable B., w. of Elijah Perry, , 1807. G.R.4. — , Mitta, w. of Jonathan Bacon, July 19, 1771. G.R.5. — , N. S. Messinger, w. of J. T. Pebbles, July 14, 1829. G.R.I. — , Nancy Fairbank, w. of Henry Coggin, , 1814. G.R.5. — , Nancy P., w. of Albert C. Dearborn, , 1824. G.R.5. — , Nancy S. Hobbs, w. of Thomas F. Bcardman, Feb. 16, 1831. G.R.I. — , Nancy Southworth, w. of Josiah J. Hawes, May 20, 1820. G.R.I. — , Nancy Stone, w. of Sam[ue]l Fisk, July 31, 1781. g.r.i, — , Nancy W., w. of Aaron Chamberlain, , 1828. g.r.i. — , Nancy W. Underwood, w. of Luther Morse, , 1802. G.R.I. — , Nettie, w. of J. G. Underwood, May — , 1843. g.r.i. NATICK BIRTHS. IO9 , Olive A. Fenno, w. of Horatio Alger Sr., Sept. 5, 1807. G.R.4. , Olive Augusta Alger, w. of Amos Parker Cheney, Nov. 19, 1833. G.R.4. , Pamelia, w. of R. H. Randall, July 2, 1842. g.r.i. , Patience A., w. of George L. Sleeper, Apr. 5, 1819. g.r.i. , Phebe A. Ingalls, w. of Stephen Gale, , 1806. g.r.i. , Phebe A. Norton, w. of Albert F. Bacon, , 1840. G.R.I. , Phebe W., w, of Eleazer G. Wight, , 1819. G.R.5. , Rebecca Conant, w. of R. G. Wilson, Jan. 23, 1797. G.R.I. , Rebecca Taylor, w. of Thomas Carhart, , 181 3. G.R.I. , Rebekah H., w. of John H. Robbins, Feb. 24, 1812. G.R.3. , Rhoda B., w. of James Larkin, May 23, 1813. g.r.i. , S. B., w. of Tibbetts Dec. 13, 1805. g.r.i. , Sally Kimball, w. of Malachi Babcock, in Sherborn, Mar. 28, 1809. G.R.I. — , Sally Monroe, w. of Isaac B. Nutt, Jan. 15, 1804. g.r.i. — , Sarah, w. of Edward H. Sweetland, , 1832. g.r.i. — , Sarah Brown, w. of John Cleland, Oct. 20, 1822. g.r.i. — , Sarah E., w. of James Hardwicke, Dec. 2, 1830. g.r.i. — , Sarah E., w. of Henry B. Hall, , 1831. g.r.i. — , Sarah E. Comsett, w. of John Legrand, , 1849. G.R.5. — , Sarah J., w. of Samuel Swinburne, , 183 1. g.r.i. — , Sarah J. Cross, w. of Emery J. Bunker, , 1836. G.R.I. — , Sarah Josephine, w. of George H. Haseltine, Mar. 4, 1839. G.R.I. — , Sarah O., w. of Alphonso3. Pierce, Aug. — , 1835. g.r.i. — , Sarah Peoples, w. of David Johnston, May 8, 1824. G.R.I. — , Sophia, w. of Louis Geigler, Jan. 31, 1837. g.r.6. — , Sophia Adams, w. of Daniel Wesson, , 1813. g.r.i. — , Sophia Edwards, w. of Hollis Randall, Apr. 4, 18 15. G.R.4. — , Susan Dowd, w. of Michael Mullen, , 1824. g.r.6. — , ThirzaD., w. of John Goodhue, , 181 1. g.r.i. — , Vesta F., w. of Charles W. McLain, Apr. 24, 1836. g.r.i. — , Zelinda, w. of Walter Loker, Nov. 20, 181 5. g.r.i. — , Zillah G., w. of Daniel Wight, , 1782. G.R.5. NATICK MARRIAGES. ^^x NATICK MARRIAGES. To THE YEAR 185O. ABBOTT, Gorham D., Rev., of Boston, and Rebecca S. Leach, Feb. II, 1834. Sarah T. and Capt. James Livingston, June 22, 1823,* both of Charlestovk^n. ABRAHAM (see Abram), Hannah and John Pagan, Dec. 15, 1736. Hosea and Patience Peagun, Nov. 29, 1754.* Sam[ue]ll Jr. and Rachel Speen, May 18, 1744. Sarah and Solomon Thomas, Dec, 16, 1730. Zeporah (Zepher, int.) and Gideon Pagon (Pegon, int.), Nov. 23, 1743- ABRAM (see Abraham), Andrew and Elizebeth Pagan, int. Dec. 22, 1736. ADAMS, Antoinette and James M. Murdock of Boston, int. Oct. 2, 1842. Asa (Dr., int.) and Martha Metcalf of Franklin (Medcalf, int.), Aug. 22, 1775. In Medway. (Aug. 17, 1785, int.) Asa of Sherborn, and Elizabeth Kimball, Sept. 9, 1784. Chester, Col., of Boston, and Mehetible Biglow, int. Apr. 7, 1821. David of Rindge, N.H., and Zeruiah Clarke, Sept. 7, 1836. Henry and Patty Cleveland of Dover, int. Feb. 27, 18 14. John and Lydia Jane Battle of Dover, int. Sept. 7, 1845. John W. of Medfield, and Grace Holbrook, int. May 24, 1829. Julia A. and Richard Hayes, Apr. 4, 1841. Maria E. of Grafton, and Thomas Bryant, int. Nov. 8, 1840. Smith of Newton, and Susannah Rice, int. Apr. 18, 18 12. Tamason and Nathaniel Smith, Apr. 27, 1758. AHORTON, Job. (Anhorton, transient person, int.) and Eliza- beth Paugenit, Dec. 7, 1770. AKINS, Jane and Dr. Uriah Hager of Waltham, int. May 2, 1803. ALBEE, Lampetia F. of Worcester, and John Atkins, int. Nov. 3, 1839. * Intention not recorded. 113 ^ 114 NATICK MARRIAGES. ALDEN, Alis of Needham, and Thomas Coller, Apr. 9, 17 19. In Weston.* Henry of Needham, and Elizabeth Coller, Aug. 15, 17 19. In Weston.* William of Newton, and Elizabeth Bacon, int. Feb. 15, 1824. ALEXANDER, Joseph, widr. of Wayland, and Nancy Eames, wid., b, in Framingham, Jan. 8, 1846. Joseph N. and Ann Maria H. Kimball, Nov. 5, 1840. ALLEN, Alfred P. and Lydia G. Kimball, int. Apr. 19, 1840. Almira of Dover, and Leonard Perry, int. Mar, 21, 1824. Amos of Dover, and Adaline Goodenow, int. Apr. 30, 1826. Angeline and William H. Goodenow of Waltham, int. Aug. 20, 1843. Clementine and Timothy Donahue, int. Jan. 23, 1842. David E. and Martha A. Whitney, Nov. 6, 1834. Elizabeth and R[e]uben Green of Framingham, int. Oct, 5, 1783. Esther (of Dedham, int.) and Pelatiah Morse, 29, 1749. (Apr. 30, 1749, int.) Hannah of Rochester, N.H., and Orison Watson, int. Sept. 9, 1849. Hannah R. and Benjamin Badger, Mar. 4, 1835. Kezia and Timothy Merrifeild of Dedham, int. Dec. 29, 1764 Olive and Moses Liford, July 10, 1839. Rachel of Dedham, and David Cleveland, May 10, 1773. In Dedham. AMES (see Eames, Emes), Betty of Framingham, and Benaiah Morse, int. Dec. 23, 1758. ANDERSON, Rebekah of Dedham, and Seth Mason, int. June 2, 1734- ANGIER, Sophia Adams and Lieut. Moses Edgell of Framingham, Sept. 18, 1817. c.R. ANTHONY, Phillip and Esther Wompsquon (Wamsquan, int.), Apr. 28, 1763. (Indians, m.r.) ARMSTRONG, Timothy and Jerusha Morton, Dec. 12, 1758. (Jerusha Moulton of Sudbury, int.) ARNOLD, Tho[ma]s and Sally Frost, both of Framingham, July 22, lOIO. c.R ATCOM, Jeremiah, transient person, and Hannah Petemy, int. June 15, 1740. Intention not recorded. NATICK MARRIAGES. 115 ATKINS, John and Lampetia F. Albee of Worcester, int. Nov. 3, 1839. Sally and Charles Cook of Boston, Dec. 17, 1804. ATWOOD, Eliza J. of Eastham, and David Jewell, int. Aug. 22, 1841. AVERY, Hannah R. of Gilmanton, N.H., and George W. Fletcher, int. Mar. 2, 1845. 'AWANSAMONGE (see Awansamugg, Awonsamug, Awonsamugg, Wonsimug), Submit and William Fegens, int. Jan. 3, 1762. AWANSAMUGG (see Awansamonge, Awonsamug, Awonsamugg, Wonsimug), ThankfuU (Thankful Wonsamonge, int.) and William Faggeins (Feggin, int.), July 12, 1763. (Indians, M.R.) AWONSAMUG (see Awansamonge, Awansamugg, Awonsamugg, --,_ Wonsimug), (Awonsamoge, int.), Mary and Ebenezer Ephraim, May 14, 1739. AWONSAMUGG, (see Awansamonge, Awansamugg, Awonsamug, Wonsimug), Thomas and Jerusha Simonds (Jerusha Simons of Stoughton, int.), Dec. 4, 1772. A-WRONCOMOTT, Sarah and James Coochuck, Oct. 30, 1728. In Weston.* BABCOCK, Eliza D. of Sherborn, and John U. Morse, int. Dec. 26, 1847. Lucretia of Sherborn, and Jonathan Smith, int. Oct, 15, 1810. Malachi of Sherborn, and Sally Kimball, int. Aug. 5, 1827. Rebeccah E. of Sherborn, and Charles Bigelow, int. Sept. 30, 1832. BABESOOK (see Babesuck), Rhoda and John Wamsquan, int. Sept. 20, 1761. BABESUCK (see Babesook), Jonathan and Sarah Tom, Oct. 19, 1738 (dup. Oct. 19, 1739). (Aug. 13, 1738, int.) BACK QUE or PEEQUIN, Elazabeth of Barnstable, and John Brooks, Aug. 7, 1739. BACON, Aaron and Abigail Coolidge, Feb. 26, 1800. Abigail of Needham, and Isaac Coolidge, May 23, 1770. Abigail of Needham, and Timothy Smith, Apr. 18, 1780. Abigail of Dedham, and Thomas Sawin Jr., May 24, 1781. * Intention not recorded. Il6 ' NATICK MARRIAGES. Bacon, Abigail and Samuel Hickox, int. Dec. 29, 1816. Anna and James Mann, Jan. 5, 1814. Asa and Zeruiah Bacon, May 31, 1786. Austin and Nancy Coolidge, Nov. 10, 1839. Cally and Collings Dammon of East Sudbury, int. Apr. 23, 1797. Caroline and Samuel Griggs of Rutland, Vt., int. July 10, 1813. Catharine K., a. 18, d. of John and Lucy, and Benjamin F. Ham of Farmington, N.H., b. in Farmington, N.H., a. 22, Apr. 21, 1846. David of Needham, and Sarah Bacon, Sept. 28, 1786. David Jr. and Sally Childs, Mar. 31, 1819. Ebenezer and Mary Hammon, May 19, 1814.* Ede F. and Rufus Viney, Mar. 29, 1818. Ede Goulding and Clark Travis of Roxbury, int. Apr. i, 1824. Annual Fast. Elijah and Sarah Perry, Apr. 13, 1758. Elijah Jr. and Polly Rider of Holliston, int. Mar. 12, 1786. Elizabeth and Samuel Bayley, Dec. 26, 1774- Elizabeth and William Alden of Newton, int. Feb. 15, 1824. Fanny and Elijah Esty of East Sudbury, int. Dec. 26, 1824. Francis and Kezia Bacon, int. July 22, 1798. Hannah and John Man, June 15, 1786. Hannah and Abijah Stratton Jr., int. Jan. 29, 1797. Hannah and Willard Haynes, Apr. 8, 182 1. Henery and Mary Gay of Wrentham, int. July 4, 1744. Henry and Han[n]ah Underwood of Needham, Apr. 5, 1764. Hezekiah of Needham, and Mehitable Morse, Oct. 16, 1783. In Needham. Isaac of Needham, and Abigail Coolidge, Oct. 21, 1770. Jemima and Eleazer Goulding of Sherborn, June 28, 1781. In Sherborn. John (of Needham, int.) and Abigail Sawin, May 29, 1744. John and Lydia Stanford, Dec. 30, 1762. John of Dover and Nabby Perry, Sept. 20, 1789. John and Mary Rider, Feb. 9, 1792. John and Vine Pratt, Oct. 30, 1804. In Framingham. John 2d and Lucy Sawin, May i, 1817. c.r. John 3d and Eliza Holbrook of Sherborn, Sept. 11, 1817. (Ens[ign] John, int.) c.r. John W. and Amelia A. Jeffers of Cambridge, int. Mar. 19, 1848. Jonathan of Needham, and Zeporah Man (Zeprah, int.), Sept. 28, 1780. In Needham. ♦ Intention not recorded. r NATICK MARRIAGES. II/ Baton, Jonathan of East Sudbury, and Lydia Hammon, July 13, 1817. C.R. Jonathan 2d and Catharine C. Mills of Wayland, int. Jan. 17, 1836. Joseph and Rhoda Stowell, Sept. 2, 1792. Julia of Needham, and Benja[rain] Eames, June 10, 1790. Kezia and Francis Bacon, int. July 22, 1798. Lydia (Elizabeth, M.R.) and Hezekiah Broad, May 16, 1770. Lydia of Needham, and Adam Morse, Oct. 20, 1785. Lydia and Luther Haven, Feb. 12, 1809. Mary of Needham, and Ebenezer Felch, May 15, 1728. In Weston.* Mary and John Feloh, int. Aug. 29, 1756. Mary and Israel Rice Jr. of Sudbury, int. May 9, 1772. Bans forbidden by her father, Henry Bacon, May 16, 1772. Mary of Needham, and John Frost, Nov. 14, 1776. Mary and Henry Cogen (Coggin, int.), Apr. 25, 1782. Mary and Elijah Esty, May 14, 1793. Mary and Capt. John Jones Perry, int. Nov. 9, 1834. Mary E. and Henry B. Rice, Apr. 23, 1843. Mary K. and Dexter Bailey, int. Oct. 2, 1842. Mary W. of Dover, and Otis H. Moulton, int. Mar. 19, 1848. Mehetable of Stoughton, and Thomas Whitney, int. Oct. 19, 1761. Mehitable and Daniel Morse of Weston, int. Jan. 30, 1804. Michael and Judith Sawin, May 8, 1783. Olive and David Legg of Orange, int. Jan. 4, 181 2. Oliver Jr. and Sarah Wight of Dedham, int. Apr. 11, 1779. Oliver and Patty Bacon, Mar. 17, 1819. Oliver and Sarah G. (Griffin, int.) Biglow, Sept. 21, 1825. Patty and Oliver Bacon, Mar. 17, 1819. Rebekah of Dedham, and Thomas Broad, int. Mar. 23, 1739-40. Sally and Jeremiah Smith Jr., int. Apr. 2. 1798, Sally and Amasa Morse, Nov. 10, 1815. C.R. Samuel and Polly Morse, Dec. 8, 1785. Sarah and Enoch Fisk of Needham, May 18, 1780. Sarah and David Bacon of Needham, Sept. 28, 1786. Sarah and Timothy Parker of Templeton, Feb. 17, 1790. Sarah and Stephen Daniels of Rutland, Vt., int. Sept. 8, 18 16. Stephen Jr. of Needham, and Hannah Fairbanks, Nov. 30, 1772. In Needham. Timothy (Lieut., int.) and Sarah White of Stoughton, July 5, 1759, In Stoughton. * Intentloo aot recorded. Il8 NATICK MARRIAGES. Bacon, William and Eliz. (int. Elizabeth) Haws, Feb. 15, 1759. William jr. and Kezia Perry, June 9, 1780. (June 8, m.r.) Zeruiah and Asa Bacon, May 31, 1786. BADGER, Abigail and Rev. Will[ia]m Greenough of Newton, June I, 1785. Benjamin and Hannah R. Allen, Mar. 4, 1835. Hannah and John Coolidge Jr., int. Apr. 25, 18 18. Harriet and Timothy (W. int.) Hurd, Mar. — , 1833. John (Jr., int.) and Polly Haynes, East Sudbury, Apr. 8, 1790. John Jr. and Rebecca Travis of East Sudbury, int. Nov, 13, 1830. Martin, s. of John and Martha E. Baker of Framingham, b. in Framingham, Sept. 21, 1845. Nancy and Asa Felch Jr., Sept. 6, 1827. Sarah and Capt. Michael Jackson of Newton, Feb. 22, 1791. Stephen, Rev., and Sarah Gould of Boston, int. Aug. 8, 1790. William and Harriot Rice of East Sudbury, int. June 15, 1822. BADLAM, Lydia of Dedham, and Rev. Freeman Sears, int. July II, 1808. BAILEY (see Baley, Bayley), Dexter and Mary K. Bacon, int. Oct. 2, 1842. Goin and Mary B. Hoyt of Dunbarton, N.H., int. May 23, 1841. James and Fannie M. White of South Reading, int. July 8, 1849. Samuel and Mary Ann White of South Reading, int. July 8, 1849. William W. of Framingham, and Rosannah Bent, int. Dec. 14, 1845. BAKER, Jeremiah Jr. of Dedham, and Fanny Whiting, Nov. 9, 1786. Martha E. of Framingham, b. in Framingham, and Martin Badger, s. of John, Sept. 21, 1845. BALCOM, Joseph W., a. 26, s. of Joseph, b. in Sudbury, and Maria A. Mills, a. 18, d. of Daniel, b. in Needham, Sept. 17, 1844. Maria A., wid., d. of Daniel R. and Nancy Mills, a. 21, and Martin A. Conant, s. of Martin and Lucy, a. 32, Nov. 28, 1847. BALDWIN, Eunice and Daniel (David, int.) Heard of East Sudbury, May 25, 1784. In East Sudbury. Isaac of Sudbury, and Eunice Jennison, Dec. 31, 1761. In Sudbury. /7 NATICK MARRIAGES. 1 19 BALEY (see Bailey, Bayley), Joseph and Mary Kendall, July 20, 1788. BALL, Almira A. of Newton, and John B. Coolidge (s. of John, dup.), Jan. I, 1844. Robert and Polly Hyde of Southboro, int. Mar. 7, 1824. BARBER, Becca of Sherborn, and Bela Sawin, int. Mar. 11, 1810. BARKER, George K. and Nancy Winch, int. Apr. 14, 1833, BARNES (see Barns), Sarah C. of Portland, Me., and Newell Ingalls, int. June 2, 1842. BARNEY, John of Sudbury, and Comfort Sparhawk (Sparrow- hawk, int.), Dec. 14, 1779. BARNS (see Barnes), John P. and Abigail Biglow (2d int.), Nov. 2, 1826. BARNUM, Susannah of Hopkinton, and Abraham Loker, int. Apr. 27, 1811. BARRETT, Betsey and John Rice, Dec. 31, 1799. BARTLET (see Bartlett), John and Martha Dyer of Needham, int. Jan. 30, 1785. BARTLETT (see Bartlet), Cynthia and Granville Butler of Shirley, Dec. 20, 1843 (1844, dup.) (Dec. 3, 1843, int.). Fanny H. of Boston, and Alpheus W. Burks, int. Sept. 22, 1844. Harriot of Milford, and Lowell Walker, int. Feb. 3, 1833. John S. and Hannah Sawyer of Boston, int. Mar. 28, 1819. BATES, George W. and Susan B. Gill, int. Mar. 7, 1841. Joshua, widr., a. 28, and Caroline L. Blodget, wid., d. of Aaron and Caroline Davis, a. 21, Mar. 7, 1849. BATTELLE (see Battle), Mehitable of Dover, and Elijah Perry Jr., int. Nov. 4, 1832. BATTLE (see Battelle), Abigail of Dedham, and Seth Morse Oct. 5, 1732. Abiga[i]l of Dedham, and John Win, int. Aug. 11, 1734. Henry and Hannah Blackburn of Walpole, int. June 28, 1819. Lydia Jane of Dover, and John Adams, int. Sept. 7, 1845. Mellen and Nancy Cutler of Medway, int. Nov. 14, 1818. 120 NATICK MARRIAGES. BAY, Duty of Sherborn, and Rose Nimro, late of Natick, Sept. 26,1760. Negroes. In Sherborn.* Rose of Holliston, and Charleston Harde, int. Sept. 9, 1781. BAYLEY (see Bailey, Baley), Eliphelet and Meriam Newton, Feb. 28, 1782. Eliphelet and Elizabeth Choot of East Sudbury, int. Jan. 18, 1784. Samuel and Elizabeth Bacon, Dec. 26, 1774. BAXTER, Richard of Princeton, and Becca Sawin, Nov. 5, 1770. BEAL (see Beals), Aaron and Catharine Snider, Dec. 8, 1762. James M. and Elvira (Alvira, int.) Colburn, Oct. 31, 1841. Elizabeth of Sudbury, and Jason Whitney, Mar. 3, 1757. In Sudbury. George W. and Julia Ann Russell of Plymouth, N.H., int. Feb. 20, 1848. Lewis and Elizabeth Fogg, Jan. 14, 1844. Martha and William Stroud, July 19, 1748.* Sally of Lyme, N.H., and David Colburn, int. Mar. 29, 1835- Urania, a. 22, d. of Calvin, b. in Woodstock, Conn., and Freeman Colbath, a. 23, s. of Nicholas, b. in Farmington, N.H., Sept. I, 1844. William and Lydia Bent of Framingham, int. Dec. — , 1739. BEALS (see Beal), James of Weston, and Hannah Coller, Sept. 5. 1 7 18. In Weston.* BECK, Elizabeth, wid., b. in New Hampshire, and Stephen H. Boulter, widr., b. in Maine, Oct. 26, 1845. BELCHER, Philander J. and Martha Ann Walkup of Ashland, int. Oct. I, 1848. BELLOS, James (Bellus, int.) (Bellows, m.r.) and Tamison Has- ting (Tamasin Hastings,int.) (Thomasin Hastings, m.r.), Nov. 15, 1764. BELLOWS (see Bellos). BENNETT, Lucy O., d. of Allen O. and Betsey, a. 17, and James F. Hawkins, widr., s. of Aaron and Esther, b. in Franklin, a. 22, Dec. 20, 1849. Both of Ashland.* • Intention not recorded. NATICK MARRIAGES. 121 BENSON, Charles Augustus, a. i8, b. in Framingham, and Martha Ann Thompson, a. i8, Feb. 7, 1848. Colored. Mary and George Cobb, int. July 17, 1842. BENT, Ann of Sudbury, and Daniel Felch, May 12, 1763. In Sudbury. David of Sudbury, and Mary Felch, int. June 6, 1761. Lydia of Framingham, and William Beal, int. Dec. — , 1739. Rosannah and William W. Bailey of Framingham, int. Dec. 14, 1845. William Jr. of East Sudbury, and Polly Coolidge, Apr. 20, 1808. BERRY, Andrew J. and Susan B. Durgin, Jan. 23, 1834. BEST, Robert, b. in New Hampshire, and Lavina Jennison, Aug. I, 1845. BICKFORD, Mary S. of Rochester, N.H., and Sharronton B. Hayes, int. Mar. 11, 1849. Moses W. and Lorenza S. Savage, Feb. 22, 1844. In East Cam- bridge. BIGELOW (see Biglow), Abraham and Leavice Train of Weston, int. Feb. 20, 1814. Abraham 2d and Mary B. Whitney, Mar. 6, 1831. Charles and Rebeccah E. Babcock of Sherborn, int. Sept. 30, 1832. Eunice of Weston, and Joseph Morse, Apr. 24, 1788. In Weston. George and Amy Learned, Apr. 17, 1831. Hannah R. of Sherborn, and Isaac D. Morse, int. Mar. 5, 183 1. Isaac Jr. and Annette Cargill of Lowell, Nov. 21, 1841. Jackson and Susan F. Francis of Wayland, June 16, 1842. Margaret L. and Farnum White of Hudson, N.Y., Dec. 24, 1842. BIGLOW (see Bigelow), Abigail (2d int.), and John P. Barns, Nov. 2, 1826. Elizebeth Orne and Dexter Whiting, May 3, 1826. Hepsibah and Samuel Stow, Mar. 16, 1797. Isaac and Fanny Jackson, int. Sept. 5, 1798. Isaac Jr., Lieut., and Catherine W. Drake, Apr. 5, 1829. Mehetible and Col. Chester Adams of Boston, int. Apr. 7, 182 1. Sarah G. (Griffin, int.) and Oliver Bacon, Sept. 21, 1825. Susan and Dr. Alexander Thayer, int. Feb. i, 1817. BILLINGS, Emeline C. of Sharon, and Dr. John Hoyt, int. Dec. II, 1842. 122 NATICK MARRIAGES. Billings, Lydia of Lincoln, and Gershom Morse, July 25, 1799. In Lincoln. BIRD, Caroline A. and William Stanley, Sept. 20, 1832. Eliza and Edward BuUard of New Salem, int. Oct. i, 1826. Hannah and Ira Fuller, int. Feb. 16, 1822. Lilly White and Otis Mcintosh (of Medfield, int.), June 16, 1836. BLACK, Joseph and Nancy Loker, int. Mar. 12, 1843. BLACKBURN, Hannah of Walpole, and Henry Battle, int. June 28, 1819. BLAKE, Sarah of Dover, and Joseph L. Rogers, May 2, 1840. In Dover. Seth Jr. and Mary Jane Kenison, int. Dec. 6, 1846. BLANCHARD, Mary Ann of Boxborough, and James F. Sawin, int. Nov. 10, 1844. BLAND, Ephra[i]m of Needham, and Beulah Goodernow% Apr. 2, I745-* BLODGET (see Blodgett), Caroline L., wid., d. of Aaron and Caro- line Davis, a. 21, and Joshua Bates, widr., a. 28, Mar. 7, 1849. Ebenezer P. and Caroline L. Davis, d. of Aaron, Feb. 28, 1846. BLODGETT (see Blodget), Amos A., a. 19, and Patience Pease, d. of Patience, a. 20, Indian, Jan. 17, 1849. BLOOD, Samuel D. and Lydia Washburn of Boston, int. May 19, 1833- BOND, Emily R. of Wayland, and Asa T. Pierce, int. Mar. 4, 1849. Hannah of Sherborn, and Daniel Dewin (Dewing, int.), 16, 1753. (Apr. I, 1753, int.) In Sherborn. Job and Deborah Froze [Frost, int.] of Sherborn, Dec. 25, 1760. In Sherborn. Margaret and Ezekiel Rice of Framingham, int. Nov. 25, 1769. Phineas and Mary Ann Chickering, May 13, 1827. BOSTON, Israel and Hannah Chore, Oct. 10, 1816. Black. C.R.* BOULTER, Stephen H., widr., b. in Maine, and Elizabeth Beck, wid., b. in New Hampshire, Oct. 26, 1845. BO WIN, Sally and John Dunton, int. Sept. 12, 1801. * Intention not recorded. NATICK MARRIAGES. 123 BOYNTON, Eliza of Framingham, and John Seavey Jr., int. Jan. 5, 1840. BRACKET, Clarissa of Dedham, and Thomas Phillips, int. Aug. 15, 1824. Lemuel of Needham, and Susannah Curtis, Dec. 26, 1774. Susan and Joseph B. Hawes of East Sudbury, Sept. 15, 1834, BRADY, Mary and Patrick Hoarehen, int. Dec. 20, 1848. BREWER, Lucy and John Smith Jr., July 31, 1816. BRIANT (see Bryant), Benjamin of Orange, and Sally Coggin, June 19, 1809. Daniel Chandler of Jaffrey, and Elizabeth Rider, Apr. 15, 1784. BRIGGS, Elbridge G. of Brighton, and Adaline Rice, Nov. 22, 1840. BRIGHAM, Bela B. of Marlborough, and Harriot Frost, Dec. i, 1831. C.R. Ephraim H., s. of Ephraim, and Catharine Hastings, b. in Mill- bury, Dec. 2, 1841. BROAD, Abigail and Abel Drury of New Salem, int. Dec. i, 1803. Betsey and Charles S. White of Roxbury, Jan. 26, 1826. Elizabeth W. and Leonard A. Kingsbury, Apr. 13, 1837. Fanny and Roger Witing (Whiting, int.), May 15, 1794. Hezekiah and Rebeck[a]h Burrige, June i, 1742. Hezekiah and Lydia (Elizabeth, m.r.) Bacon, May 16, 1770. Hezekiah Esq. and Sarah Sawin, int. Mar. 28, 1809. Hezekiah Esq. and Miriam Sawin, Dec. i, 1814. Hezekiah and Sibbel J. Perry, Jan. i, 1840. Josiah and Susan Wentworth of Canton, int. May 22, 1836. Kezia and Ivory Perry of Sherborn, Sept. 3, 1767. Lewis and Martha B. Sawin of Sherborn, int. Sept. 2, 1832. Luther and Becca Morse, int. Feb. 3, 1802. Martha M. and George E. Clark of Framingham, Apr. 15, 1841. Mehitebel of Needham, and Moses Fisk, int. Feb. 17, 1744-5. Moses and Polly Travis, Feb. 17, 1791. Nabby M. and Jacob Favor, Dec. 30, 1835. Naham and Lucy Smith, July 10, 1822. Persis and George C. Whitney, Dec. 2, 1830. Rebecca and Capt. David Morse, Apr. 30, 1755. Rebecca and Joseph Morse, Jan. 12, 1762. Sally and Eliot Holbrook of Sherborn, Apr. 11, 1799. In Sher- born. 124 NATICK MARRIAGES. Broad, Theodore of Needham, and Esther Smith, Mar. 29, 1775. Thomas and Rebekah Bacon of Dedham, int. Mar. 23, 1739-40. BROOK (see Brooks), Unice (Brooks, int.) and Thomas Spiwood (Sprewood, int.) (Spicewood, m.r.), May 18, 1758. BROOKS (see Brook), John and Hannah Pelemy, int. Feb. 25, 1738-9. John and Elazabeth Backque or Peequin of Barnstable, Aug. 7, 1739- BROWN, Austin M., s. of David and Phebe, a. 25, and Marcene L. Plummer, d. of Solomon and Mary, a. 20, Jan. i, 1849. Horatio N., a. 24, and Sarah E. Colburn, d. of Ziba, a. 20, Dec. 2, 1849. James of Sudbury, and Lettis Cugg, int. Dec. 11, 1785. Lucinda of Princetown, and Josiah Gegger, int. Oct. 22, 1804. Mary and Ebenezer Whitney, Apr. 8, 1807. Newell and Priscilla Edgell, Dec. 17, 1823. Rebecca and Samuel Haynes, int. Sept. 24, 1800. Susan Maria of Framingham, and Walter Morse, int. Aug. 29, 1847. William (Bowin, int.) and Sally Stacey of Needham, Mar. 25, 1784. In Needham. Will[ia]m, Capt., of Boston, and Sarah Eliot, (wid., int.), July 14, 1785- William of Sherborn, and Susanna Graves, Jan. 24, 1793. In Sherborn. William and Dolly Stearns, int. Jan. i, 1815. William of Marlboro, and Lucy Sanborn, int. Sept. 18, 1825. BRYANT (see Briant), Thomas and Maria E. Adams of Grafton, int. Nov. 8, 1840. BUCKLAND, London of Providence, and Rebecah Lemon, int. Apr. 25, 1784. Second entry, Dec. 18, 1784. BULL, Porselor of South King[s]town, and Ele[a]zar Pagnet, int. Jan. I, 1737-8. BULLARD (see Bulord), Deborah S., a. 19, of Framingham, (Sherborn, int.), and John A. Morse, a. 21, Nov. 25, 1846. Dorghty of Needham, and John Goddernow, int. Oct. 26, 1745. Edward of New Salem, and Eliza Bird, int. Oct. i, 1826. Lucre tia of Needham, and William Morse, Mar. 12, 1755. In Needham. NATICK MARRIAGES. 125 BuLLARD, Mary and Jonas Loker, Nov. 21, 1808. Mary Maria of Framingham, and James Augustus Loker, int. Nov. 3, 1839. Mary O. of Medfield, and James D. Draper, int. May 28, 1843. Moses Henry and Ursula Maria Hope of Boston, int. Oct. 23, 1842. Rebecca of Needham, and Moses Mann, July 13, 1775. In Needham. BULORD (see BuUard), Ephearam of Needham, and Bulah Goodanow, int. Sept. 25, 1744. BUNCE, Ann and Ebenezar Smith of Needham, int. Jan. 24, BUNNEY, Elizabeth of Weston, and Elijah Fisk, Jan. 3, 1782. In Weston. BURBANK (see Burbanks), Eunice and Benjamin Marshall of HoUiston, int. Jan. 31, 1801. BURBANKS (see Burbank), Lydia and Elijah Washburn, Jan. 19, 1808. BURKS, Alpheus W. and Fanny H. Bartlett of Boston, int. Sept. 22, 1844. BURLEIGH, Belinda E. of Wakefield, N.H., and Ansel F. Gurney, int. Mar. 6, 1847. William C. and Martha A. Colburn, Apr. 8, 1847. BURNHAM, George and Martha A. Rice, d. of Wilder and Anna, Jan. 13, 1845. BURNS, Hannah and James Casey, int. June 24, 1849. BURRIGE, Rebeck[a]h and Hezekiah Broad, June i, 1742. BURROUGHS, Charlotte A. of Middleton, N.H., and Rufus M. Nute, int. Jan. 5, 1845. BUTLER, Anne of Needham, and John Ting, int. Dec. 28, 1783- Granville of Shirley, and Cynthia Bartlett, Dec. 20, 1843. (1844, dup.) (Dec. 3, 1843, int.) BUTT, Abigail and Elijah Emes, int. July 13, 1776. BUTTERFIELD, John C. and Mary Ward, int. June 14, 1835. 126 NATICK MARRIAGES. CAMPBELL, Rufus and Lucretia Mann of Dover, int. Nov. 17, 1844. CARGILL, Annette of Lowell, and Isaac Bigelow Jr., Nov. 21, 1841. Lyman of Waltham, and Harriet Wood of HoUiston, June 18, 1835-* CARHART, Thomas and Rebecca Taylor, Apr. 13, 1834. CARLEY, Peter and Rebecca Dana, July 9, 1778. Sarah and Amos Stow, Jan. 30, 1783. CARPENTER, Daniel and Elizabeth M. Williams, Feb. 26, 1845. 1° East Cambridge. CARTER, Abigail and Gilson Walker of Boston, int. Nov. 2, 1812. Calvin and Mary F. Wheeler of Boston, int. Aug. 31, 181 7. Caroline and Calvin Warren of Roxbury, int. Dec. 11, 18 14. Hannah and Martin Haynes Jr., int. May 21, 1820. Marriage forbidden June 3 by Mr. Haynes. John, Continental soldier, and Pegge Clark of Framingham, int. Sept. 21, 1783. Phebe W. of Lowell, and Eleazer G. Wight, int. Oct. 31, 1841. Ruth K. and Lorenzo D. Jennison, s. of Isaac, May i, 1845. CARVER, Bettey and Ebenezer Newell of Dedham, int. Dec. II, 1772. Betty and Joseph Day of Walpole, Sept. 29, 1773. Hannah and John Robertson, Mar. 9, 1758. Jonathan and Hannah Fisk of Sherborn, Dec. — , 1732. CARY, Molly and John Whitney, a transient person (of Medway, int.), Feb. 16, 1768. In Newton. CASE, Charlotte of Framingham, and Timothy S. Travis, int. Mar. 30, 1834. CASEY, James and Hannah Burns, int. June 24, 1849. CHALKCOM (see Chalkeam), [J]acob and Leah Thomas, Mar. 31, 173-. (1729-30, M.R.)* CHALKEAM (see Chalkcom), Esther and Oliver Foodrocek of Dedham, Feb. 19, 1753. In Dedham.* CHALMERS, George and Adaline Jane Gay, Dec. 29, 1842. * Intention not recorded. NATICK MARRIAGES. 12/ CHAMBERLAIN (see Chamberlin), Abraham of Needham, and Kezia Richardson, Apr. i6, 1752. In Medfield. Janie (Jane, int.) of Needham, and John McGah (Macgrah, int.), Mar. 18, 1776. In Needham. CHAMBERLIN (see Chamberlain), Daniel and Maria M. Martin of Wolfsborough, N.H., int. Dec. 7, 1834. Lucinda and William Welch, Nov. 25, 1834. Martha of Concord, and Joel A. Lincoln, int. Feb. 22, 1846. CHANDLER, Sarah, d'. of Alex[ande]r and Mary, b. in Pier- mont, N.H., a. 19, and Sanborn W. Howard, b. in Barn- stead, N.H., a. 23, Aug. 29, 1847. CHASE, Adelia H. and John B. Furber, Apr. 6, 1848. CHENERY, Adaline of Medfield, and Ezra Ross, int. May 15, 1836. CHENEY, Calvin of Sherborn, and Patty Parker, int. Oct. 28, 1821. Hiram and Mary Corcoran, int. Oct. 11, 1840. Mary and Alexander Shepard of Newton, Dec. 14, 1780. In Newton. CHEUIN (Choin, int.), John and Hannah Speene, Aug. 14, 1777. CHICKERING (see Chickring), Dorcas Ann of Dover, and Abiather R. Tuck, int. Nov. 4, 1848. Kezia of Dedham, and Joseph Morse, int. June 13, 1772. Mary Ann and Phineas Bond, May 13, 1827. Shemi and Sally Hill, July 30, 1806. Theria of Dedham, and Joseph Moor, Oct. 4, 1779. In Ded- ham.* CHICKRING (see Chickering), Daniel of Dedham, and Kezia Ellis, int. Sept. 19, 1745. CHILDS, Asahel B. and Ann Felch, Aug. 9, 1827. Betsy and Curtis Travis of Roxbury, May 13, 18 18. Eda R., d. of Willard, and W[illia]m T. Hanchett, b. in Dracut, June 8, 1844. (June 8, 1843, dup.) (Apr. 23, 1843, ^^t-) Sally and David Baoon Jr., Mar. 31, 1819. Willard and Ede Goulding Wight, Mar. 9, 1824. William, s. of Ephraim and Ann, a. 26, and Frances A. Hodgdon, d. of Alfred and Matilda, a. 19, May 7, 1848. * Intention not recorded. 128 NATICK MARRIAGES. CHOATE, Clara of Townsend, and John Goodwin, int. Nov. i8, 1849. CHOOT, Elizabeth of East Sudbury, and Eliphelet Bayley, int. Jan. 18, 1784. CHORE, Daniel (David, int.) and Olive Tulip, Apr. 10, 1806. c.r. Hannah and Israel Boston, Oct. 10, 1816. Black, c.r.* CHURCH, Julia Ann of Boston, and Lowell Coolidge, int. Apr. 18, 1847. CLAMSON, Nathaniel and Dinah Speen, int. Aug. 8, 1784. CLARK (see Clarke), Asa of Sherborn, and Mehetibel Esty, May 23, 1793- Daniel (David, int.) of Dedham, and Jemima Warren, Aug. i 1771. In Dedham. George E. of Framingham, and Martha M. Broad, Apr. 15, 1841. Mary Ann of Sherborn, and James Whitney Jr., int. Apr. 14, 1844. Pegge of Framingham, and John Carter, Continental soldier, int. Sept. 21, 1783. Sally and Ens. John W. Perry, int. Jan. 20, 1811. Warren and Zeruiah Morse, Dec. 26, 18 16. W[illia]m C, Rev., and Hester A. R. Train, wid., Aug. 15, 1843. CLARKE (see Clark), Zeruiah and David Adams of Rindge, N.H., Sept. 7, 1836. CLEMENT, Caroline W., d. of Rufus, a. 20, and Lewis F. Neale, s. of Silas, b. in Me., a. 21, Sept. 23, 1849. CLEVELAND, David and Rachel Allen of Dedham, May 10, 1773. In Dedham. Patty of Dover, and Henry Adams, int. Feb. 27, 18 14. CLOUGH, Samuel and Julia Ann Pinckham of Grafton, int. Sept. 12, 1841. CLOUTMAN, Hersey and Lydia Haynes of Sudbury, int. Apr. 8, 1841. COBB, Catharine and Levi Freeman of Gardner, Nov. 26, 1840. Emerv, colored, and Catharine Parmenter, white, int. Apr. 18, 1847. * Intention not recorded. NATICK MARRIAGES. 1 29 Cobb, Frederick W. and Jane Catharine Leonard, Oct. 20, 1847. Colored. George and Mary Benson, int. July 17, 1842. COBURN, Sarah E., a. 18, and Fordyce Nute, a. 21, Sept. 28, 1845. COFFEE, Minnie of Medway, and Leonard (Lemuel, int.) Sudock, May 23, 1799. In Medway. Nathan and Patience Pease, int. Sept. 15, 1833. Roba of Medway, and Christopher Vickos, Aug. 6, 1789. COGEN (see Coggen, Coggin), Henry (Coggin, int.) and Mary Bacon, Apr. 25, 1782. COGGEN (see Cogen, Coggin), Samuel and Faithe Loker of East Sudbury, int. July 11, 1824. COGGIN (see Cogen, Coggen), Betsy and Jonathan Winship of Cambridge, int. Apr. 3, 1800. Elizabeth J., d. of Sam[ue]l and Faithee, a. 21, and Charles Fairbank, s. of Thomas and Mary, b. in Wayland, a. 28, Aug. I, 1847. Henry and Patty Stratton of Weston, int. Mar. 28, 1813. Henry and Nancy Fairbank of Framingham, int. May 13, 1832. Louisa and Benjamin F. Reed, int. Aug. 27, 1848. Patty and Levi Felch, Apr. 16, 1816. Sally and Benjamin Briant of Orange, June 19, 1809. COLBATH (see Colborth), Freeman, a. 23, s. of Nicholas, b. in Farmington, N.H., and Urania Beal, a. 22, d. of Calvin, b. in Woodstock, Conn., Sept. i, 1844. George Albert and Hannah Maria Howe, Mar. 17, 1844. Samuel H. and Nancy C. Leathers, int. Apr. 27, 1844. . COLBORTH (see Colbath), John F. and Lydia Towne, Aug. 14, 1836. COLBURN, Betsey and Daniel G. Fox, int. May 5, 1839. David and Sally Beal of Lyme, N.H., int. Mar. 29, 1835. Elvira (Alvira, int.) and James M. Beal, Oct. 31, 1841. Irene and Winthrop Loker, May 26, 1835. Joseph Jr. and Martha F. Colburn, Apr. 3, 1844. Martha A. and William C. Burleigh, Apr. 8, 1847. Martha F. and Joseph Colburn Jr., Apr. 3, 1844. Sarah E., d. of Ziba, a. 20, and Horatio N. Brown, a. 24, Dec. 2, 1849. I30 NATICK MARRIAGES. COLE, Sarah A. of Newton, and Joseph F. Norcross, int. Mar. 28, 1839. COLEMAN, Sylvanus of Westboro, s, of John and Lucinda, b. in Westboro, a. 20, and Sarah E. Holbrook, d. of Clark and Betsey, a. 18, Oct. 7, 1849. COLLER, Elizabeth and Henry Alden of Needham, Aug. 15, 1 7 19. In Weston.* Hannah and James Beals of Weston, Sept. 5, 1718. In Weston.* John and Sarah Morse of Needham, Jan. 13, 1719. In Weston.* Mary of Needham, and Nathaniel Dewing of Weston, Oct. 13, 1763.* Thomas and Alis Alden of Needham, Apr. 9, 17 19. In Weston.* Thomas and Elizabeth Duntin of Sudbury, Jan. 19, 1720-21. In Weston.* COLOMEY, Nehemiah F. and Hannah W. Dame, Apr. 4, 1844. J. COMACHO (see Commacho, Commocho, Comocho), Jeremiah / (Commocho, int.), and Sarah Ephraim (Epharaim, int.), Jan. 13, 1741. Sarah Jr. (Sarah Cumochor of Brantry, int.) and Jonas Tom (Toom, int.). May 16, 1739. Sarah and Eleazer Kenepaukenit, July 11, 1739.* COMMECHO (see Comacho, Commocho, Comocho), Job and Mary Tom, Feb. 26, 1761. COMMOCHO (see Comacho, Commecho, Comocho), Elizabeth and David Speen, int. Sept. 26, 1743. /5*' Hezekiah and Elizabeth George, Oct. 22, 1730. John and Mary Tapamso, int. Sept. 6, 173- [1730]. Joseph and Sarah Francis, int. May 20, 1739. Sarah and Peter Ephraim, int. Sept. 26, 1731. Sarah and Eleazar Pognet Jr., int. May — , 1739. COMOCHO (see Comacho, Commecho, Commocho), Huldah (Hulday Chumhor, int.) and Prince Niar (of the Cape, .,;' int.), June 16, 1738. Job and Leah Thomas, Dec. 11, 1754. In Newton.* CON ANT, Martin A., s. of Martin and Lucy, a. 32, and Maria A. Balcom, wid., d. of Daniel R. and Nancy Mills, a. 21, Nov. 28, 1847. CONWAY, Michael and Mary O. Daniel, int. Aug. 8, 1847. * Intention not recorded. NATICK MARRIAGES. 13 1 COOCHUCK, James and Sarah Awroncomott, Oct. 30, 1728. In Weston.* Nathanael and Mary Topomato (Tapumso, int.), Dec. 8, 1731. M.R. COOK, Charles of Boston, and Sally Atkins, Dec. 17, 1804. Sarah A. and Joseph Dowe of Boston, Nov. 6, 1828. COOLEDGE (see Coolidge), Asa and Anna Jenkinson, int. Sept. 3, 1797- Hannah and Aaron Morse, int. Nov. 18, 1827. William and Hannah Rice, int. Mar. 4, 1799. COOLIDGE (see Cooledge), Abigail and Isaac Bacon of Need- ham, Oct. 21, 1770. Abigail and Aaron Bacon, Feb. 26, 1800. Alexander and Lydia Leighton of Westford, int. Apr. 20, 1823. Alexander and Sally Kendall, Oct. 26, 1842. Anna and Aaron Moulton of Needham, May 23, 1770. Betsy and John Felch 2d, int. Feb. 22, 1817. Betsy and Jesse Morse Jr., Sept. 10, 1818. Cally and Horatio Coolidge, Nov. 27, 1816. In Sherborn. C.R.* Elizabeth and Ebenezer Eames of Framingham, Apr. 16, 1778. Hannah and David Haven (Jr., int.), Aug. 29, 1798. Horatio and Cally Coolidge, Nov. 27, 1816. In Sherborn. C.R.* Isaac and Abigail Bacon of Needham, May 23, 1770. John Jr. and Eunice Eames, July 27, 1780. John and Abigail Travis, Jan. 15, 1818. c.r. John Jr. and Hannah Badger, int. Apr. 25, 1818. John B. (s. of John, dup.), and Almira A. Ball of Newton, Jan. I, 1844. Lowell and Julia Ann Church of Boston, int. Apr. 18, 1847. Mary and Timothy Morse, Dec. 17, 1767. Nancy and Austin Bacon, Nov. 10, 1839. Oren and Rebecca Frost of Sherborn, int. Dec. i, 1822. Polly and Nathaniel Haven, Aug. 10, 1800. Polly and William Bent Jr. of East Sudbury, Apr. 20, 1808, Sam[ue]ll and Hannah Russell of Sherborn, int. Oct. 4, 1778. Syntha and William Hammon Jr., July 5, 1815. C.R. Thomas and Molly Felch, Sept. 19, 1776. Thomas and Sally Hammond, Jan. 12, 1832. c.r. Timothy and Lowly Ann Howe, Apr. 19, 1832. c.R. William and Sally Washburn, Feb. 15, 182 1. William Jr. and Ann Leighton of Westford, int. Mar. 7, 1824. William F. and Mary Jane Dudley, July 2, 1842.* * Intention not recorded. 132 NATICK MARRIAGES. CORCORAN, Mary and Hiram Cheney, int. Oct. ii, 1840. COREY, Samuel Jr. of Weston, and Elizabeth Perry, Apr. 2, 1750. In Weston. William (Gary, int.) of Weston, and Esther Frost, Aug. i, 1774- In Watertown. CORLISS, Eunice and William Moor of Wayland, Jan. 24, 1836. Hannah and W[illia]m Hammond Jr. of Wayland, int. Feb. 11, 1849. Joseph and Eunice Felch, Apr. 20, 1820. Prudence and George Fairbank, s. of Thomas, Nov. 30, 1843. Susan and David Massuere, June 23, 1842. COZZENS, Melody (Malada Gousins, int.) and William Ryder (Jr., int.), both of Sherborn, Feb. 24, 1724. Note 1774. (Apr. 17, 1773, int.) In Sherborn. CRONIN, Dennis and Ellen Schean, int. Jan. 12, 1846. CROW, Rose and Toney (Anthony, int.) Frederick of Medfield, Dec. 9, 1760. Bans forbidden by Huldah New of Medfield. CUGG, Lettis and James Brown of Sudbury, int. Dec. 11, 1785. CUMMINS, Thomas Jr. of Newton, and Lois Whitney, June 29, 1791. CUNNINGHAM, Elizabeth of Needham, and Jonathan Mills, Jan. 9, 1764. In Needham. CURTIS, Hannah and Josiah Stedman of Weston, June 22, 1769. In Weston. Mary and Joseph Stedman of Weston, Mar. 19, 1778. Susannah and Lemuel Bracket of Needham, Dec. 26, 1774- CUTLER, Nancy of Medway, and Mellen Battle, int. Nov. 14, 1818. CUTTER, Mary Rosaline of Livermore Falls, Me., and Samuel Taylor Jr., int. Oct. 11, 1847. DAME, Hannah W. and Nehemiah F. Golomey, Apr. 4, 1844. DAMMON (see Damon), Gollings of East Sudbury, and Gaily Bacon, int. Apr. 23, 1797. Lucy of East Sudbury, and Isaac Morse,''int. May 2, 1803. NATICK MARRIAGES. 133 DAMON (see Dammon), Samuel C, Rev., of Holden, and Julia S. Mills, Oct. 6, 1841. DANA (see Danna), Ephraim and Rebecca Leland of Sherborn, Sept. 24, 1772. In Sherborn. Ephraim and Tabitha Jones of Dedham, Feb. 3, 1780. (Apr. 20, 1780, dup.) (Feb. 6, 1780, int.) In Dedham. Rebecca and Peter Carley, July 9, 1778. Tabitha and Jacob Homer of Boston, int. Apr. 21, 1801. Tabitha and Joseph Leach of Lancaster, int. May 18, 181 1. DANFORTH, Samuel and Hannah Knight of Brookfield, Aug. 31, 1780. In Brookfield. DANIEL (see Daniels), Mary O. and Michael Conway, int. Aug. 8, 1847. DANIELS (see Daniel), John, transient person, and Martha Peagun, int. Jan. 17, 1767. Joseph of Lincoln, and Hannah Rice, Sept. 26, 1832. Sarah and Paul M. Hayes, b. in N.H., June 24, 1847. Stephen of Rutland, Vt., and Sarah Bacon, int. Sept. 8, 1816. DANNA (see Dana), Rebecca and Rev. Jesse Fisher of Wind- ham, Conn., int. Feb. 15, 1812. DARBY, Rebecca of Roxbury, and Martin Morse, int. Oct. 3, 1819. DAVID, Elizabeth (transient person, int.), and John Ephraim, Nov. 29, 1773. Susannah of Grafton, and Samuel Speen, int. Jan. 28, 1743-4. DAVIS, Caroline L., d. of Aaron, and Ebenezer P. Blodget, Feb. 28, 1846. Charles and Fanny Morse, Feb. 2, 1823. Angelina and Ouvra Taylor, int. Sept. 15, 1844. George N. and Lorinda Thurston of Waltham, int. Apr. 20, 1845. Hannah of Medfield, and Daniel M. Knowlton, Jan. 10, 1839. Hiram and Eliza Sparhawk, May 9, 1833. Jane of Boston, and Anthony Fradrick, int. Jan. 20, 1781. Jonathan and Sally Haynes, int. May 28, 1804. Lucy E., d. of Mahlon and Elizabeth, a. 18, and Edward L. Stevens, a. 24, Feb. 14, 1849. Nathan and Hannah Pratt of Framingham, int. Aug. 10, 181 7. 134 NATICK MARRIAGES. Davis, Salathiel and Hannah Parmenter, both of East Sudbury, Oct. 4, 1808 * Sophronia C. of Lincoln, and George Walcutt, int. July 9, 1843. Thomas A. and Elizabeth T. Pratt, int. Dec. 7, 1845. William of Milton, and Catherine Kimball of Sherborn, Mar. 23, 1820.* William H., s. of John and Sarah, a. 30, and Sarah L. V. Hol- brook, d. of Sylvius and Sarah G., a. 20, Sept. 16, 1847. DAY, Dinah (Dar. dup.) of Medway, and Nichodemus Giger, int. July 7, . (July 31, 1773, dup.) Joseph of Walpole, and Betty Carver, Sept. 29, 1773. Joseph and Elizabeth Gay, Nov. 18, 1773. DEAN, Henry W. and Clarissa Hammond, June 20, 1840. DEGO, Anthony and Thankful Quacco, Dec. 11, 1755.* DEMMING (see Doming), W[illia]m, Dr. (of Needham, int.), and Rebecca Peabody, Dec. 20, 1759. (Dec. 30, m.r.) DEWIN (see Dewing), Daniel (Dewing, int.) and Hannah Bond of Sherborn, 16, 1753. (Apr. i, 1753, int.) In Sherborn. DEWING (see Dewin), Bulah (Buler Duing, int.) and Beriah Sparrawk, Aug. 22, 1776. Nathaniel of Weston, and Mary Coller of Needham, Oct. 13, 1763.* Sarah and Joshua Kendel (Kendall, int.) of Framingham, May 23, 1745- Solomon and Ruth Richardson, int. Dec. 23, 1750. DEXTER, Peleg (transient person, int.), and Hannah Sooduck, June 4, 1777. DISPER, Hannah of Needham, and Jesse Sawin, Dec. 18, 1788. DOMING (see Demming), Rebecca and Rev. Thomas Noyes of Needham, int. June i, 1801. DONAHUE, Timothy and Clementine Allen, int. Jan. 23, 1842. DONOVAN, Catharine and John Sullivan, int. Oct. 31, 1847. Withdrawn by Sullivan. DOOR, Dolly and William Emes of Boylston, int. Jan. 9, 1804. * Intention not recorded. NATICK MARRIAGES. 135 DOWE, Joseph of Boston, and Sarah A. Cook, Nov. 6, 1828. DOWSE, Eunice of Sherborn, and Henry Morse, Oct. 19, 1780. In Sherborn. DRAKE, Catherine W. and Lieut. Isaac Biglow Jr., Apr. 5, 1829. Warren of Easton, and Hannah Sawin, Mar. 30, 18 15. DRAPER, Calvin and Judith Fisher of Dedham, int. Dec. 11, 1825. Catharine and John Esty, int. Mar. 28, 1824. Catharine Louisa and Charles Morse, int. Apr. 14, 1839. Deborah and David Morse, int. June 17, 1805. Elizabeth of Dover, and Albert Mann, int. Dec. 28, 1845. James D. and Mary O. Bullard of Medfield, int. May 28, 1843. Olive of Dedham, and John Gay, Oct. 12, 1749. In Dedham. Reuben and Lydia Morse, Nov. 18, 1811. DREW, Almira B. of Tuftonborough, N. H., and Joseph O. Merrill, int. Sept. 23, 1849. Nehemiah H. and Mary Jennison, July 3, 1842. Nicholas B. and Frances J. Wentworth, June 2, 1847. DRURY, Abel of New Salem, and Abigail Broad, int. Dec. i, 1803. Asa 2d, s. of Dexter, dec, a. 25, and Mary Titus, a. 27, Aug. 9, 1848. Dexter and Lucy Rice, Oct. 19, 1814. Elijah and Dolly Perry, July 29, 1792. Hannah and Rufus Morse, Mar. 25, 1807, Henry H. and Emily Perry of Brookfield, int. Mar. 20, 1842. Joseph and Lidia Willard of Sherborn, Jan. 10, 1744-5. Josiah and Lucinda Durant of Troy, N.Y., int. Nov. 8, 1840. Kezia and William Perry Jr., int. Dec. 13, 1801. Lucy A. (Ann, int.) and Chester Morse, Nov. 3, 1842. Mary E. (Mary Eliza, int.), a. 22, d. of Dexter, and Horace T. Hildreth, a. 23, Nov. 26, 1846. Mary P. and Calvin Rice of East Sudbury, Dec. 10, 1820. Sally and John Dunn of Cumberland, R.I., Aug. 25, 1796. Samuel and Betsy Dun, May 10, 1789. Willard, Ens., and Louisa Haynes, May 6, 1829. DUDLEY, Amanda of Wayland, and John Proctor, int. Mar. 6, 1836. 136 NATICK MARRIAGES. Dudley, Catharine C. of East Sudbury, and Otis Hammond, int. May 28, 1826. Hannah E. and Isaac M. Perry, s. of William 2d, Aug. 28, 1843. In Concord. Mary Jane and William F. Coolidge, July 2, 1842.* Sarah of Wayland, and Ebenezer Hersey, int. May 7, 1843. DUN (see Dunn), Betsy and Samuel Drury, May 10, 1789. Elisabeth and James Farriss, int. Oct. 7, 1781. Henry and Lydia Parker, int. Dec. 14, 1765. Lot of Brooklyn, and Sally Travis, Nov. 6, 1793. DUNLEE, Jonathan and Hannah Ephraim, wid., int. July 4, 173- [1731]- DUNN (see Dun), John of Cumberland, R.I., and Sally Drury, Aug. 25, 1796. John C, s. of John and Sarah, a. 32, and Cherry A. S. Parmenter, d. of Addison and Eliza, a. 17, Apr. 30, 1848. Sally and Loa Richardson (of Needham, int.). Mar. 30, 1797. DUNTEN (see Duntin, Dunton), Isaac and Sarah Jennings, int. Aug. 8, 1 761. Sarah and Asa Trevis, int. Oct. 21, 1753. DUNTIN (see Dunten, Dunton), Elizabeth of Sudbury, and Thomas Coller, Jan. 19, 1720-1. In Weston.* DUNTON (see Dunten, Duntin), Ellen J. and Hosea Travis, int. Oct. 30, 1829. Isaac (Jr., int.) and Beulah Morse, Sept. 3, 1786. John and Sally Bowin, int. Sept. 12, 1801. Mary and Nathan Stearns, Dec. 11, 1787. William and Abigail Whitney, Oct. 2, 1788. In Sherborn. DUPEE, Elizabeth and Joseph Haley of Stillwater, Me., Dec. 5, 1836. DURANT, Lucinda of Troy, N.Y., and Josiah Drury, int. Nov. 8, 1840. DURGIN, Hiram P., b. in New Hampshire, and Laura B. Gould, d. of Nathaniel, b. in Maine, Jan. i, 1846. Susan B. and Andrew J. Berry, Jan. 23, 1834. DYAR (see Dyer), Sarah and John Pratt of Framingham, int. Oct. 17, 1756. ♦ Intention not recorded. NATICK MARRIAGES. 137 DYER (see Dyar), Elisabeth and Ebenezer Frost, June i, 1749. In Watertown. Martha of Needham, and John Bartlet, int. Jan. 30, 1785. William (Dyar, int.) and Elizabeth Morse (wid., int.), May 22, 1769. EAMES (see Ames, Ernes), Aaron E. and Charlotte T. Prentiss, Nov. 10, 1844. Almira of Framingham, and Martin A. Jones, int. Feb. 9, 1840. Benja[min] and Julia Bacon of Needham, June 10, 1790. Ebenezer of Framingham, and Elizabeth Coolidge, Apr, 16, 1778. Eunice and John Coolidge Jr., July 27, 1780. James of Needham, and Ruth Felch, Sept. 9, 1784. In Need- ham. Nancy, wid., b. in Framingham, and Joseph Alexander, widr., of Wayland, Jan. 8, 1846. William of Sherborn, and Martha Jennings, Sept. 10, 1771. EDES, Elizabeth of Needham, and Royal Ellis, int. Nov. 8, 1840. Jeremiah of Needham, and Hannah Smith, Nov. 25, 1779. Jonathan and Hannah Stroud of Sudbury, Dec. 17, 1770. In Sudbury. Nancy S., d. of Abiel, and Francis E. Newhall, s. of Lewis, Aug. 28, 1847. Roxy L. and Samuel H. Jones, Sept. 3, 1839. EDGELL, Moses, Lieut., of Framingham, and Sophia Adams Angier, Sept. 18, 1817. c.r. Priscilla and Newell Brown, Dec. 17, 1823. EDMUNDS, Samuel and Ruth Smith of Dedham, Apr. 6, 1748. In Dedham.* EDWARDS, Mary H. of Portland, Me., and William Edwards, int. Mar. 30, 1845. William and Mary H. Edwards of Portland, Me., int. Mar. 30, 1845. EGIN, Andrew J, and Mary Joyce, int. Jan. 2, 1848. ELDRIDGE, Susan H. (Susan J., int.), d. of Lewis E. and Mehitable, b. in N. H., a. 20, and Joseph H. Goodwin, s. of Simeon and Hannah, b. in Litchfield, Me., a. 26, Nov. 6, 1848. * Intention not recorded. 138 NATICK MARRIAGES. ELIOT, John, Dea., of Boston, and Hannah Peabody, Nov. 2, 1769. Sarah (wid., int.) and Capt. Will[ia]m Brown of Boston, July 14, 1785- ELLIS, Kezia and Daniel Chickring of Dedham, int. Sept. 19, 1745- Mehitabel and James Kingsberry of Dedham, Feb. 18, 1773. Royal and Elizabeth Edes of Needham, int. Nov. 8, 1840. Thomas and Mehitable Fisher of Dedham, Dec. 29, 1761. In Dedham. EMES (see Ames, Fames), Elijah and Abigail Butt, int. July 13, 1776. William of Boylston, and Dolly Door, int. Jan. 9, 1804. EPHARAHAM (see Epharam, Ephraim), Deb[o]rah and Thomas Sooduck, int. Sept. i, 1743- EPHARAM (see Epharaham, Ephraim), Jhon and Sarah Quolues of Dudley, int. Sept. 7, 1740. EPHRAIM (see Epharaham, Epharam), Ebenezer and Mary Awonsamug (Awonsamoge, int.). May 14, 1739. Hannah, wid., and Jonathan Dunlee, int. July 4, 173- [1731]. John and Elizabeth David (transient person, int.), Nov. 29, 1773- John (Jr., int.) and Hannah Wiser of Worcester, Oct. 16, 1775. In Worcester. Indians. Joshua and Mary Ephraim, int. Dec. 22, 1759. Mary and Joshua Ephraim, int. Dec. 22, 1759. Peter and Sarah Commocho, int. Sept. 26, 1731. Peter and Hannah Weebucks (Wabucks, int.), Mar. 7, 1734- (Mar. 17, 1732-33, M.R.) Sarah (Epharaim, int.), and Jeremiah Comacho (Commocho, int.), Jan. 13, 1741. Susanna and Jonathan Waker, (Wauker, int.) (Walker, m.r.) Nov. 24, 17 . (173I, M.R.) ESTER, Bathsheba and Ebenezer Esty, Apr. 11, 1798.* ESTY, Ebenezer and Bathsheba Ester, Apr. 11, 1798.* Elijah and Mary Bacon, May 14, 1793. Elijah of East Sudbury, and Fanny Bacon, int. Dec. 26, 1824. John and Catharine Draper, int. Mar. 28, 1824. Mehetibel and Asa Clark of Sherborn, May 23, 1793. Reuben and Grace Morse, Apr. 26, 1787. * Intention not recorded. NATICK MARRIAGES. 139 EVERETT, Catharine S. of Newton, and Rev. Nathan Rice, widr., Dec. 3, 1843. ^^ Waltham. FAGGEINS (see Fegens, Feggins), William (Feggin, int.) and Thankful Awansamugg (Thankful Wonsamonge, int.), July 12, 1763. (Indians, m.r.) FAIR, Sarah and Charlestown Harding, Apr. 24, 1783. FAIRBANK (see Fairbanks), Charles and Mary U. Reed of Framingham, int. June 5, 1842. Charles, s. of Thomas and Mary, b. in Wayland, a. 28, and Elizabeth J. Coggin, d. of Sam[ue]l and Faithee, a. 21, Aug. I, 1847- George, s. of Thomas, and Prudence Corliss, Nov. 30, 1843. Nancy of Framingham, and Henry Coggin, int. May 13, 1832. FAIRBANKS (see Fairbank), Hannah and Stephen Bacon Jr. of Needham, Nov. 30, 1772. In Needham. FARISS (see Farriss), Betsey and Ephraim Morse, int. Oct. 23, 1802. Jane and William Fisk of Cambridge, int. Apr. 26, 181 1. Sally and Michiel Gay of Cambridge, Apr. 16, 1806. FARMER, George W. of Boston, and Lucy Ann Johnson, Apr. 17, 1844. FARRISS (see Fariss), James and Elisabeth Dun, int. Oct. 7, 1781. Lucy S., d. of William, and Leonard Winch, s. of Enoch, May II, 1843. Mary E., a. 29, and William T. Shattuckof Dedham, s. of Eben and Achsah, a. 33, b. in Dedham, June 18, 1846. William Jr. and Lucy Stone, June i, 1814. W[illia]m Esq. and Margaret Deming Roy of Boston, May 18, 1826. FARWELL, Royal E. and Sarah Wallcutt of Pepperell, int. Aug. 9, 1846. FAVOR, Jacob and Nabby M. Broad, Dec. 30, 1835. FAY, Hannah F. of Southboro, and William F. Stone, int. May 12, 1839. Lydia of Southborough, and Ira Felch, Dec. 30, 1829. Moses of Southborough, and Betsey Haynes, May 20, 181 2. I40 NATICK MARRIAGES. FEGENS (see Faggeins, Feggins), William and Submit Awan- samonge, int. Jan. 3, 1762. FEGGINS (see Faggeins, Fegens), Lydia and Thomas Ferrit of Dedham, May 8, 1777. FELCH, Ann and Asahel B. Childs, Aug. 9, 1826. Asa Jr. and Nancy Badger, Sept. 6, 1827. Asa Jr. and Elenor Haven of Framingham, int. Oct. 20, 1833. Caroline M., d. of John, and Seth Walker, Dec. 31, 1844. Daniel and Ann Bent of Sudbury, May 12, 1763. In Sudbury. Ebenezer and Mary Bacon of Needham, May 15, 1728. In Weston.* Eunice and Joseph Corliss, Apr. 20, 1820. Hannah and Calvin Sawin, Apr. 21, 1818. Ira and Lydia Fay of Southborough, Dec. 30, 1829. Isaac and Kezia Kimball, May 3, 1826. John and Mary Bacon, int. Aug. 29, 1756. John and Hannah Loker of East Sudbury, June 15, 1789. In East Sudbury. John 2d and Betsy Coolidge, int. Feb. 22, 1817. John Jr. and Sarah Robinson, Oct. 26, 1819. Levi and Patty Coggin, Apr. 16, 1816. Martha and John Jennings, June 16, 1819. Martha (F., int.) and Nathan S. Kemp, Nov. 6, 1844. Mary and David Bent of Sudbury, int. June 6, 1761. Mary and Isaac Jennison, May 23, 1814. Mary and Joseph Roberts of Weston, Mar. 8, 182 1. Mary B. and Luther H. Gleason, Oct. 5, 1834. Molly and Thomas Coolidge, Sept. 19, 1776. Nancy B., d. of John and Sarah, a. 21, and Isaac B. S. Randall of Portsmouth, N.H., s. of Henry and Eliza, a. 25, Nov. 5, 1849. Oliver and Hannah W. Fuller of Needham, int. Oct. 20, 1833. Prudence and Robert Mansfield of Needham, Apr. 16, 1829. Ruth and James Fames of Needham, Sept. 9, 1784. In Need- ham. Sabin and Nancy Fuller of Needham, May 10, 1835. Sally (S., int.), d. of John and William H. Hersey, Nov. 6, 1844. Zeruiah and Ethel Jennings, May 18, 1786. FENNER, Elizebeth and James Pognet, Aug. 17, 1741. FERRIN, Manson B. and Martha A. Hardy, int. Aug. 29, 1847. ♦ Intention not recorded. NATICK MARRIAGES. I4I FERRIT, Elizabeth (Ferry, int.) and Daniel Haynes, Apr. 8, 1782. John and Mary Graves, May 6, 1779. Patiance (Fasit, int.) and Thomas Nichols (transient person, int.), Dec. 17, 1766. Thomas of Dedham, and Lydia Feggins, May 8, 1777. FERRY, Mary and George Tomson, int. Sept. 24, 1809. FISHER, Calvin and Nancy Melvin, Nov. 4, 18 19. Eliza A. of Franklin, and Otis Perry, int. Apr. 2, 1842. Hannah and David Stedman of Weston, Sept. 24, 1776. Jane of Wrentham, and Prince Vitter, Dec. 16, 1773. Jesse, Rev., of Windham, Conn., and Rebecca Danna, int. Feb. 15, 1812. Judith of Dedham, and Calvin Draper, int. Dec. 11, 1825. Katherine and Moses Sawin, Oct. 18, 1787. Mehitable of Dedham, and Thomas Ellis, Dec. 29, 1761. In Dedham. Sarah J. of Franklin, and Israel W. Taylor, int. Dec. 10, 1848. FISK (see Fiske), Betsey and William Stone, Oct, 9, 1796. Elijah and Elizabeth Bunney of Weston, Jan. 3, 1782. In Weston. Enoch of Needham, and Sarah Bacon, May 18, 1780. Hannah of Sherborn, and Jonathan Carver, Dec. — , 1732. Hitty and Rufus Fisk of Cambridge, int. Jan. 20, 181 1. Isaac J. and Lucetta Greene of Framingham, int. Oct. 13, 1833. Moses and Mehitebel Broad of Needham, int. Feb. 17, 1744-5. Moses of Framingham, and Sibbilah Jenison, int. Apr. 21, 1801. Moses and Eunice Stone, int. June 10, 1801. Moses Jr. and Aurela White of Sherborn, int. Nov. 24, 1842. Nathaniel G. and Hannah L. Springer of Waltham, int. June 14, 1846. Rufus of Cambridge, and Hitty Fisk, int. Jan. 20, 181 1. Samuel, Lieut., and Nancy Stone, July 13, 1806. Sarah and Rev. Martin Moore, July 28, 1814. William of Cambridge, and Jane Fariss, int. Apr. 26, 181 1. FISKE (see Fisk), Charles E. and Harriet Haven of Dedham, Dec. 24, 1835. Elbridge and Mary Thornton of Boston, int. May 12, 1839. Emery of Dedham, and Eunice Morse, Apr. 16, 1828. Emily and Rev. Samuel Lee of Sherborn, Nov. 3, 1834. Harriette J. of Wrentham, and Rev. Erasmus D. Moore, int. Mar. 26, 1837. 142 NATICK MARRIAGES. FiSKE, Martha of Newton, and Robert Prentiss, int. May 26, 1833- FLAGG, Benoni and Lydia Robinson, July 5, 1781. In Sher- born. Hepzibah and John Kimball, int. Apr. i, 1799. Isaac A., s. of Isaac and Fanny, b. in Needham, a. 24, and Sarah Jenness, d. of George and Sally, b. in Shefl&eld, Vt., a. 20, July 12, 1848. Jemima and Moses Stanford, July 5, 1781. In Sherborn. William of Needham, and Martha B. Winch, Nov. 6, 1825. William B., s. of Isaac and Fanny, b. in Needham, a. 20, and Abby W. Fretts, Apr. 23, 1849. William F. of Worcester, and Sarah Walker, Feb. 13, 1833. FLANNAGAN, Patrick and Julia W. Partridge of Sherborn, int. Apr. 5, 1840. FLETCHER, Benjamin W. of Worcester, and Mary P. Leland, May 25, 1837. George W. and Hannah R. Avery of Gilmanton, N.H., int. Mar. 2, 1845. FLINT, Lucy, of Reading and (Rev., int.) Daniel Wight Jr., Sept. 24, 1842. Warren A. and Sophronia Leadbetter of Weston, int. Jan. 14, 1844. FOGG, Elizabeth and Lewis Beal, Jan. 14, 1844. Mary, wid., and John Jennings, widr., s. of Ethel, Nov. 8, 1843. FOLSOM, Aaron L. and Adaline Sloper, Jan. 20, 1842. FOODROCEK, Oliver of Dedham, and Esther Chalkeam, Feb. ^9) 1753- 1^1 Dedham.* FOORD, Thomas of Marshfield (Forde, int.) and Elizabeth Turner, Apr. 19, 1759. In Sherborn. FORSYTH, Isabella of Needham, and Sylvester W. Warren, int. Mar. 30, 1845. FOSICETT, Caleb and Sarah Stratton of Sherborn, int. Mar. 23, 1834. FOWL, Phebe of Braintree, and Benjamin Thomas, int. June 4, 1781. * Intention not recorded. NATICK MARRIAGES. 143 FOWLER, Ruth (wid., int.) and David Robinson (Roberson, int.), late of Needham, Oct. 31, 1753. In Newton. FOX, Daniel G. and Betsey Colburn, int. May 5, 1839. FRADRICK (see Fredrick), Anthony and Jane Davis of Boston, int. Jan. 20, 1781. FRANCIS, Amos and Sarah Thomas, May 24, 1731. Sarah and Joseph Commocho, int. May 20, 1739. Susan F. of Wayland, and Jackson Bigelow, June 16, 1842. FRANKLIN, Eliza Ann of Nashua, N.H., and Joseph H, Watson, int. Nov. 25, 1849. FREDRICK (see Fradrick), Tony (Anthony, int.) of Medfield, and Rose Crow, Dec. 9, 1760. Bans forbidden by Huldah New of Medfield. FREEMAN, Levi of Gardner, and Catharine Cobb, Nov. 26, 1840. Pomp, of Sherborn, and Dorcas Tomson, int. July 17, 1801. FRETTS, Abby W. and William B. Flagg, s. of Isaac and Fanny, b. in Needham, a. 20, Apr. 23, 1849. FROST, Ebenezer and Elisabeth Dyer, June i, 1749. In Watertown. Elbridge, s. of Moses and Fanny H. Moulton, Apr. 3, 1845. Eliz. (wid., Elezabeth Frost int.) and Joseph Vickos (Vicker, int.), Apr. i, 1757. Esther and William Corey (Cary, int.) of Weston, Aug. i, 1774- In Watertown. Hannah of Sherborn, and Arthur Jennison, June 11, 1815. c.r. Harriot and Bela B. Brigham of Marlborough, Dec. i, 1831. c.R. John and Mary Bacon of Needham, Nov. 14, 1776. Joseph and Caroline Mumford of Boston, int. Sept. 3, 1810. Mitta of Sherborn, and Jeddiah Washburn, int. Apr. 16, 1814. Moses of Sherborn, and Lucinda Washburn, Apr. 15, 1824. Moses E. and Hannah Tyler, int. Mar. 18, 1849. Policy and Martin Haynes, Dec. 12, 1799. Rebecca of Sherborn, and Oren Coolidge, int. Dec. i, 1822. Sally and Tho[ma]s Arnold, both of Framingham, July 22, 1810. C.R.* FROZE, Deborah (Frost, int.) of Sherborn, and Job Bond, Dec. 25, 1760. In Sherborn. FUDEE, Phillis and Newport Green of Medfield, Nov. 11, 1784. • Intention not recorded. 144 NATICK MARRIAGES. FULLER, Abijah of Newton, and Eunice Morse, int. Apr. 9, 1820. Alven Jr. and Judith Wellington, int. Mar. 27, 1836. Hannah W. of Needham, and Oliver Felch, int. Oct. 20, 1833. Ira and Hannah Bird, int. Feb. 16, 1822. Josiah, Col., of Newton, and Mary Perry, int. Oct. 30, 1808. Nabby of Newton, and Ethel Jennings Jr., int. Feb. 20, 1812. Nancy of Needham, and Sabin Felch, May 10, 1835. FURBER, John B. and Adelia H. Chase, Apr. 6, 1848. GAMAGE, Samuel of Boston, and Polly Swift, Feb. — , 1780. In Waltham.* GANNETT, Deborah W., d. of Thomas B., a. 22, and Charles B. Sedgwick Esq., widr., of Syracuse, N.Y., s. of Stephen and Anna B. a. 32, June 22, 1847. GAY, Adaline Jane and George Chalmers, Dec. 29, 1842. Betsey F., d. of Nathan, and George W. Smith, Mar. 8, 1848. Beulah of Needham, and Edward Hammon, July 9, 1789. Elizabeth and Joseph Day, Nov. 18, 1773. Isaac M., s. of Nathan and Betsey, a. 23, and Eveline Wentworth, d. of Mehitable, a. 18, Nov. 12, 1849. John and Olive Draper of Dedham, Oct. 12, 1749. In Dedham. Louisa and James B. Stone of Wayland, int. Apr. 15, 1849. Lydia of Medfield, and Timothy Sparrowhawk (Sparhoak, int.), Feb. 20, 1745-6. In Medfield. Mary of Wrentham, and Henery Bacon, int. July 4, 1744. Michiel of Cambridge, and Sally Fariss, Apr. 16, 1806. Nathan and Betsy Spining of Hopkinton, int. Mar. 14, 1818. Sarah and Joseph Washburn, Nov. 26, 1786. Sarah H. and Richard Place of Sherborn, Sept. 13, 1838. GEGER (see Gegger, Giger), Daniel and Lucy Partuck, int. Apr. 18, 1797. GEGGER (see Geger, Giger), Josiah and Lucinda Brown of Prince town, int. Oct, 22, 1804. GEORGE, Elizabeth and Hezekiah Commocho, Oct. 22, 1730. John and Sarah Toss of Providence, Feb. 28, 1737-8. GERRISH, Levi and Mehitable C. Haven of Framingham, int. Oct. 31, 1847. GIGER (see Geger, Gegger), Nichodemus and Dinah Day (Dar., dup.) of Medway, int. July 7, (July 31, 1773, dup.). * Intention not recorded. NATICK MARRIAGES. 145 r- GiGER, Nichodemus and B[e]ulah Speen, int. Apr. 12, 1777. Nicodemus and Beulah Rogers, Aug. 14, 1777.* GILL, Susan B. and George W. Bates, int. Mar. 7, 1841. GILLESPIE, John of Framingham, and Elmira Morse, July 17, 1836. GILLMER (see Gilmore), Hannah of Wrentham, and John Patridge, int. Sept. 22, 1816. GILMORE (see Gillmer), Mary Ann, formerly of Wrentham, and David M. Whitney, Apr. 3, 1828. GLAZOR, Lydia of Lancaster, and Pelatiah Morse, int. Apr. 26, 1777. GLEASON, Calvin of Framingham, and Sally Rice, int. Sept. 25, 1801. Luther H. and Mary B. Felch, Oct. 5, 1834. Mariah of East Sudbury, and Jeremiah G. Hammond, int. Nov. 15, 1828. GLIDDEN, Phineas and Hannah R. Kimball, d. of Ebenezer and Fanny, Nov. 15, 1845. GODDERNOW (see Goodanow, Goodenough, Goodenow, Good- ernow), John and Dorghty BuUard of Needham, int. Oct. 26, 1745. GOODANOW (see Goddernow, Goodenough, Goodenow, Good- ernow), Bulah and Ephearam Bulord of Needham, int. Sept. 25, 1744. GOODENOUGH (see Goddernow, Goodanow, Goodenow, Good- ernow), Dorothy (Dority Goodenow, wid., [int.) and David Hall, Feb. 24, 1757. In Newton. GOODENOW (see Goddernow, Goodanow, Goodenough, Good- ernow), Adaline and Amos Allen of Dover, int. Apr. 30, 1826. Anna and Wilder Rice, int. May 29, 18 13. Charles of Framingham, and Abigail Waite, Feb. 11, 1836. Elijah of Needham, and Deborah Sawin, int. Sept. 12, 1742. Hannah and Jason Whitney Jr., int. Sept. 12, 1801. Mary of Framingham, and James M. Stiles, int. Mar. 10, 1839. Phebe and Levi Jennings of Needham, Mar. 12, 1817. * Intention not recorded. 146 NATICK MARRIAGES. GooDENOW, William and Phebe Man, July 25, 1782. William H. of Waltham, and Angeline Allen, int. Aug. 20, 1843. GOODERNOW (see Goddernow, Goodanow, Goodenough, Goodenow), Bulah and Ephra[i]m Bland of Needham, Apr. 2, 1745 * GOODHUE, Margaret B. of Roxbury, and George Noyes, int. Apr. 30, 1837. May 6, 1838, no certificate had been granted. Stephen Esq., widr. (of Newton, dup.), and Betsey (S., int.) Whitney, wid., Jan. 24, 1844. GOODWIN, Elizabeth F., d. of Thomas and Martha, b. in Maine, a. 19, and Joseph Smith, s. of Jacob and Hannah, b. in Needham, a. 19, Feb. 11, 1849. John and Clara Choate of Townsend, int. Nov. 18, 1849. Joseph H., s. of Simeon and Hannah, b. in Litchfield, Me., a. 26, and Susan H. Eldridge (Susan J., int.), d. of Lewis E. and Mehitable, b. in N.H., a. 20, Nov. 6, 1848. Mary J. of Dover, N. H., a. 20, and Asa J. Warren, s. of John S. and Martha J., a. 22, Aug. i, 1847. GOOMER, Dina of Sherborn, and Prince Vitter, Apr. 4, 1771. GORGONS, Elizabeth and Thomas Lynch, int. Sept. 22, 1844. GOULD, Jane and Lyman Howard, int. June 20, 1847. Laura B., d. of Nathaniel, b. in Maine, and Hiram P. Durgin, b. in New Hampshire, Jan. i, 1846. Sarah of Boston, and Rev. Stephen Badger, int. Aug. 8, 1790. GOULDEN (see Goulding), Mary and Calvin Sanger of Sher- born, int. Nov. 3, 1806. GOULDING (see Goulden), Eleazer of Sherborn, and Jemima Bacon, June 28, 1781. In Sherborn. Oren and Ellen Holbrook of Sherborn, int. Oct. 18, 1846. Zillah and Daniel Wight, int. Feb. 3, 1802. Zipporah of Sherborn, and Ebenezer Man, Mar. 28, 1776. GRANT, William (Grout, int.) of Sudbury, and Hannah Jenni- son, Apr. i, 1779. In Sudbury. GRAVES, John and Susannah Hill, May 3, 1764. Mary and John Ferrit, May 6, 1779. Susanna and William Brown of Sherborn, Jan. 24, 1793. In Sherborn. * Intention not recorded. NATICK MARRIAGES. 147 GREEN (see Greene), Newport of Medfield, and Phillis Fudee, Nov. II, 1784. R[e]uben of Framingham, and Elizabeth Allen, int. Oct. 5, 1783. GREENE (see Green), Lucetta of Framingham, and Isaac J. Fisk, int. Oct. 13, 1833. GREENOUGH, Will[ia]m, Rev., of Newton, and Abigail Badger, June I, 1785. GREENWOOD, Betsy and John Morse 2d, Dec. 27, 1821. Dorcas of Needham, and Enoch Winch, int. Aug. 15, 1812. Jonas Jr. of Sherborn, and Polly (Mary, int.) Stratton, May 7, 1798. In Sherborn. Lucy A. of Weston, and Lowell F. Jennison, int. Nov. 10, 1844. Lydia of Needham, and Ebenezer Kimball, int. Aug. 28, 1796. Moses P. of Weston, and Lucy Jennison, May 7, 1840. Olive, d. of Isaac and Nabby, a. 30, and James E. Sargent, s. of Reuben and Maria, a. 26, Nov. 5, 1848. Thomas P. and Lucretia T. Loker, Nov. 4, 1834. William and Sally Peirce, int. Oct. 14, 1832. GREGG, Michael of Needham, and Hannoria O Brien, int. Nov. 14, 1846. GREGORY, Phinehas, Lieut., of Princeton, and Mary (Mercy, int.) Jennison, Oct. 15, 1794. In East Sudbury. GRIGGS, Samuel of Rutland, Vt., and Caroline Bacon, int. July 10, 1813. Samuel of Rutland, Vt., and Abigail Sawin, int. Feb. 20, 1827. GURNEY, Ansel F. and Belinda E. Burleigh of Wakefield, N.H., int. Mar. 6, 1847. HACKETT, Roland and Charlotte C. Mason, int. Oct. 27, 1846. HAGER, Uriah, Dr., of Waltham, and Jane Akins, int. May 2, 1803. HALEY, Joseph of Stillwater, Me., and Elizabeth Dupee, Dec. 5, 1836. HALL, David and Dorothy Goodenough (Dority Goodenow, wid., int.), Feb. 24, 1757. In Newton. Ogden of Wallingford, Conn., and Harriet Walker, Mar. 30, 1840. 148 NATICK MARRIAGES. Hall, Thomas and Esther Hastings of Weston, June 22, 1758. (Esther Herrington, June 4, 1758, int.) In Weston. HAM, Benjamin F. of Farmington, N.H., b. in Farmington, N.H., a. 22, and Catharine K. Bacon, d. of John and Lucy, a. 18, Apr. 21, 1846. HAMMON (see Hammond), Bettey and Edward Kimball of Needham, int. Oct. 23, 1802. Edward and Beulah Gay of Needham, July 9, 1789. Eunice and Isaac Moore Jr. of Sudbury, Sept. 28, 1796. Joseph W. and Mary Ann Littlefield, Jan. i, 1845. Lydia and Jonathan Bacon of East Sudbury, July 13, 1817. c.R. Mary and Ebenezer Bacon, May 19, 1814.* Mercy and John Waite (Weight, int.) of Sudbury, Oct. 4, 1796. Susannah and Jonathan Rice Jr., June 21,1790. William Jr. and Syntha Coolidge, July 5, 1815. C.R. Zeruiah C. and Charles Loker, both of East Sudbury, June 24, 1835-* HAMMOND (see Hammon), Clarissa and Henry W. Dean, June 20, 1840. Emeline and Timothy F. (A., int.) Stone of Framingham, Feb. 21, 1828. Emily and William Harvey, Oct. 11, 1840. Hiram W. and Caroline A. Plummer, int. May 14, 1848. Jeremiah G. and Mariah Gleason of East Sudbury, int. Nov. 15, 1828. John and Sarah Mclntire of Framingham, int. Apr. 7, 1833. Kezia Jr. and David Trull Jr. of Needham, Jan. 14, 1794. Martin and Hannah J. Hayes, int. Dec. 3, 1848. Otis and Catharine C. Dudley of East Sudbury, int. May 28, 1826. Richard and Mercy Waite, June 23, 1822. Sally and Thomas Coolidge, Jan. 12, 1832. c.R. Thomas F. and Marium W. Johnson of Princeton, int. Nov. 5, 1837- William of Sudbury, and Keziah Haws of Needham, Feb. 14, 1764.* W[illia]m Jr. of Wayland, and Hannah Corliss, int. Feb. 11, 1849. HANCHETT, Franklin, b. in Dracut, and Anna E. Rice, d. of Wilder and Anna, June 27, 1844. W[illia]m T., b. in Dracut, and Eda R. Childs, d. of Willard, June 8, 1844. (June 8, 1843, dup.) (Apr. 23, 1843, i^it.) ■■ • Intention not recorded. NATICK MARRIAGES. 149 HANSON, Joshua L., s. of Joshua and Sarah, a. 27, and Sarah T. Hastings, d. of Joseph and Azubah, a. 28, May 18, 1847. HARDE (see Hardy), Charleston and Rose Bay of Holliston, int. Sept. 9, 1781. HARDEN (see Harding), Sarah, wid., and Frederick Henry, transient person, int. Dec. 14, 1788. Second entry, Mar, 7, 1790.. HARDING (see Harden), Charlestown and Sarah Fair, Apr. 24, 1783- HARDY (see Harde), Martha A. and Manson B. Ferrin, int. Aug. 29, 1847. HARRINGTON, Amos and Mary Ann Towne, Nov. 28, 1833. Tylor of Weston, and Zera Jennings, int. Nov. 26, 1810. HARRISS, Elijah of Watertown, and Nancy Morse, May 5, 1822. Julia F., d. of Joseph and Susan, b. in Maine, a. 23, and John A. Temple, s. of Ina and Betsey, b. in Southboro, a. 24, Dec. 4, 1848. HART, Jacob of Brookline, and Rachel Haynes, Aug. 7, 1808. HARTSHORN, Daniel and Rebekah Morse, int. Aug. 19, 1799. HARTWELL, Catharine Luvia, d. of Warren and Catharine, a. 18, and Edward Healy, s. of Justin and Catharine, a. 22, Apr. 23, 1849. Stedman of Dedham, and Rebecca D. Perry, Apr. 9, 1835. HARVEY, William and Emily Hammond, Oct. 11, 1840. HASTING (see Hastings), Tamison (Tamasin Hastings, int.) (Thomasin Hastings, m.r.) and James Bellos (Bellus, int.) (Bellows, M.R.), Nov. 15, 1764. HASTINGS (see Hasting), Azubah of Millbury, and Capt George •Whitney, int. Mar. 24, 1839. Catharine, b. in Millbury, and Ephraim H. Brigham, s. of Ephraim, Dec. 2, 1841. Esther of Weston, and Thomas Hall, June 22, 1758. (Esther Her- rington, June 4, 1758, int.) In Weston. James of Weston, and Mary Perry, July 15, 1773. Oliver of Weston, and Mary Winn, Dec. 18, 1764. 150 NATICK MARRIAGES. Hastings, Sarah T., d. of Joseph and Azubah, a. 28, and Joshua L. Hanson, s. of Joshua and Sarah, a. 27, May 18, 1847. HAVEN, Abigail and Jeremiah Lealand of Sherborn, May 25, 1791. Abigail, (a. 62. C.R.), and Jedediah Haven of Hopkinton, (a. 72. C.R.), Nov. 4, 1807. Anna and Thomas Rider, Dec. 18, 1783. Asseneth (Sene Hayven, int.) and Abel Perry Jr., Jan. 20, 1782. David (Jr., int.) and Hannah Coolidge, Aug. 29, 1798. Elenor of Framingham, and Asa Felch Jr., int. Oct. 20, 1833. Hannah of Hopkinton, and Samuel Washbourn, int. June 6, 1779. Harriet of Dedham, and Charles E. Fiske, Dec. 24, 1835. Hepsibah and Jesse Morse, May 30, 1792. Jedediah of Hopkinton, (a. 72. C.R.), and Abigail Haven, (a. 62. C.R.), Nov. 4, 1807. Luther and Lydia Bacon, Feb. 12, 1809. Mary and John Mason (of Sullivan, N.H., int), Jan. 29, 1801, Mehitable C. of Framingham, and Levi Gerrish, int. Oct. 31, 1847. Nathaniel and Polly Coolidge, Aug. 10, 1800. Noah of Holden, and Olive Kingsberry, June 14, 1775. HAWES (see Haws), Joseph B. of East Sudbury, and Susan Bracket, Sept. 15, 1834. HAWKES, James of Roxbury, and Louisa Travis, Apr. 27, 1828. HAWKINS, James F., widr., s. of Aaron and Esther, b. in Frank- lin, a. 22, and Lucy O. Bennett, d. of Allen O. and Betsey, a. 17, Dec. 20, 1849. Both of Ashland.* HAWS (see Hawes), Daniel of Needham, and Nancy Holden, int. Apr. 3, 1802. Eliz. (Elizabeth, int.) and William Bacon, Feb. 15, 1759. Keziah of Needham, and William Hammond of Sudbury, Feb. 14, 1764.* HAYDEN, Betsy of Sudbury, and William Moore, int. Dec. 9, HAYES, Betsey and William Towne Jr., Apr. 2, 1840. Deborah and John H. Hurd, int. Sept. 23, 1849. Ephraim and Almira Towne, Apr. 23, 1843. Hannah J. and Martin Hammond, int. Dec. 3, 1848. Paul M., b. in N.H., and Sarah Daniels, June 24, 1847. Richard and Julia A. Adams, Apr. 4, 1841. * Intention not recorded. NATICK MARRIAGES. ISI Hayes, Sharronton B. and Mary S. Bickford of Rochester, N.H., int. Mar. ii, 1849. Stephen, b. in Farmington, N.H., and Maria Morse, Jan. 25, 1844. HAYNES (see Heynes), Abby W., d. of Martin and Hannah, a. 20, and Samuel Washburn, s. of Jedediah, a. 23, Apr. 28, 1848. Betsey and Moses Fay of Southborough, May 20, 1812. Daniel and Elizabeth Ferrit (Ferry, int.), Apr. 8, 1782. Jerry (of Rutland, int.) and Olive Morse, May 18, 1800. Joseph and Juda Rice, int. July 30, 1804. Louisa and Ens. Willard Drury, May 6, 1829. Lydia of Sudbury, and Hersey Cloutman, int. Apr. 8, 1841, Martin and Polley Frost, Dec. 12, 1799. Martin Jr. and Hannah Carter, int. May 21, 1820. Marriage forbidden June 3 by Mr. Haynes. Mary and Abraham Parker, May 20, 1813. Polly of East Sudbury, and John Badger (Jr., int.), Apr. 8, 1790. Rachel and Jacob Hart of Brookline, Aug. 7, 1808. Sally and Jonathan Davis, int. May 28, 1804. Samuel and Rebecca Brown, int. Sept. 24, 1800. Willard and Hannah Bacon, Apr. 8, 182 1. Willard O. and Nancy M. Thurston, int. Aug. 20, 1848. HEALY, Edward, s. of Justin and Catharine, a. 22, and Catharine Luvia Hartwell, d. of Warren and Catharine, a. 18, Apr, 23, 1849. Joseph P., s. of Gilbert and Sally, b. in Franconia, N.H., a. 25, and Mary P. Rice, d. of Wilder and Anna, a. 25, Dec. 19, 1848. HEARD (see Hurd), Daniel (David, int.) of East Sudbury, and Eunice Baldwin, May 25, 1784. In East Sudbury. HE ARSE Y (see Hersey) Elijah (Hersey, int.), Jr. and Emeline Ann Whitney, Oct. 14, 1827. HEATH, John and Harriot Newell, int. Mar. 27, 1814. HENDRICK, Esther and Joseph Pease, int. Sept. 15, 1833. HENERY (see Henry), * Jeffrey and Mary Toos (Toss, int.), Mar. 8, 1738— 9. HENRY (see Henery), Frederick, transient person, and Sarah Harden, wid., int. Dec. 14, 1788. Second entry Mar. 7, 1790. 152 NATICK MARRIAGES. HERRING, Mary of Framingham, and John Kimball, int. Nov. 17, 1833. HERRINGTON, Esther. See Esther Hastings. HERSEY (see Hearsey), Ebenezer and Sarah Dudley of Way- land, int. May 7, 1843. William H. and Sally (S., int.) Felch, d. of John, Nov. 6, 1844. HEYNES (see Haynes), Charles (of Sudbury, int.) and Eliz. (Elizabeth, int.) Winn, May i, 1759. HEYWOOD, Louisa M., d. of Simon H. and Elizabeth S. Rice, and Horace Smith, both of Wayland, s. of Oliver B. and Mary, June 22, 1846.* HICKOX, Samuel and Abigail Bacon, int. Dec. 29, 1816. William and Lucy Russell of Sherborn, int. Mar. 19, 1843. HILDRETH, Horace T., a. 23, and Mary E. (Mary Eliza, int.) Drury, d. of Dexter, a. 22, Nov. 26, 1846. HILL, Daniel and Jane Whitney of Dedham, int. Apr/ 12, 1777. Daniel and Hannah Smith, int. Mar. 31, 1774. Kezia and Eliphalet Kingsberry of Needham, June 24, 1779. Sally and Shemi Chickering, July 30, 1806. Susannah and John Graves, May 3, 1764. William of Sherborn, and Joanna Sawin, Feb. 19, 1740. In Sher- born. HOADLEY, Maryette E. and George W. Leavitt, int. Aug. 27, 1849. HOAREHEN, Patrick and Mary Brady, int. Dec. 20, 1848. HOBBS, Josiah and Kezia Howe, Jan. 8, 1839. HODGDON, Frances A., d. of Alfred and Matilda, a. 19, and William Childs, s. of Ephraim and Ann, a. 26, May 7, 1848. HOLBROOK, Eliot of Sherborn, and Sally Broad, Apr. 11, 1799. In Sherborn. Eliza of Sherborn, and John Bacon 3d, Sept. 11, 1817. (Ens[ign] John, int.) c.r. Ellen of Sherborn. and Oren Goulding, int. Oct. 18, 1846. Grace and John W. Adams of Medfield, int. May 24, 1829. * Intentioa'not recorded. NATICK MARRIAGES. 153 HoLBROOK, Joseph of Sherborn, and Mary Parker, July i, 1779. Rufus of Boston, and Ursula Thayer of HoUiston, Dec. 6, 1814. ^ In HoUiston. C.R.* Sarah E., d. of Clark and Betsey, a. 18, and Sylvanus Coleman of ^ Westboro, s. of John and Lucinda, b. in Westboro, a. 20, ^ Oct. 7, 1849. Sarah L. V., d. of Sylvius and Sarah G., a. 20, and William H. _^ jDavis, s. of John and Sarah, a. 30, Sept. 16, 1847. HOLDEN, Nancyjand-Daniel Haws of Needham, int. Apr. 3, 1802. HOLLAND, Thomas of Gouldsborough, and Mary Perry, int. May 16, 1803. I^i HOLYOKE, jElizur (Eleazer, m. r.). Rev. (of Boxford, int.), and Hannah Peabody, Nov. 13, 1760. HOMER, Jacob of Boston, and Tabitha Dana, int. Apr. 21, 1801. HOPE, Ursula Maria of ^Boston, and Moses Henry Bullard, int. Oct. 23, 1842 HORTON, Eliza J. B. and Curtis Parker of Framingham, Apr. 5, 1832. C.R. Hannah B. and Lysander Wheelock, Jan. 13, 1836. Rebekah B. of HoUiston, and James L. Knowles of MiUbury, Sept. 10, 1835.* WiUiam Boden (adopted son of WiUiam Boden, t. c.) and Hannah Rice, May 19, 1808. HOUGHTON, Sophia of Harvard, and Leonard Rice, int. Sept. i., 1820. HOW (see Howe), Elias of Framingham, and Hannah Perry, int. Jan. 7, 1811. Emeline of Westboro,- and Trueman Morey, int. June 16, 1833. George and Kezia H. Wait, July 4, 18 19. HOWARD, El[l]en W. of Cambridgeport, and David Rice, int. Apr. 25, 1818. Lyman and Jane Gould, int. June 20, 1847. Nancy J. (Nancy Jane, int.), a. 20, and John Sloper, a. 24, Nov. 26, 1846. Sanborn W., b. in Barnstead, N.H., a. 23, and Sarah Chandler, d. of Alex[ande]r and Mary, b. in Piermont, N.H., a. 19, Aug. 29, 1847. * Intention not recorded. 154 NATICK MARRIAGES. HOWE (see How), Edward of Framingham, s. of Francis and Sarah H., b. in Framingham, a. 64, and Nancy Ripley, wid., a. 55, Nov. 23, 1846. George and Eleanor C. Wight, d. of Daniel, Nov, 30, 1843. Hannah Maria and George Albert Colbath, Mar. 17, 1844. Hannah Maria and Horace B. Morse, int. Nov. 8, 1846. Harriet M. and Henry Wilson, Nov. 3, 1840. Joseph T. and Eliza D. Jenness of Littleton, int. Feb. 17, 1839. Kezia and Josiah Hobbs, Jan. 8, 1839. Lowly Ann and Timothy Coolidge, Apr. 19, 1832. Purley (Jr. int.) and Asenath Perry, Nov. 2, 181 5. c.R. Sarah H. and Cyrus H. Willis, Apr. i, 1838. HOYT, John, Dr., and Emeline C. Billings of Sharon, int. Dec. 11, 1842. Mary B. of Dunbarton, N. H., and Goin Bailey, int. May 23, 1841. Samuel D. and Amelia A. Nutting of Newton, int. June 23, 1848. HUBBARD, Angeline of Newton, and Henry Knowlton of Fram- ingham, Oct. 31, 1841.* HUFF, Susan F. of Boston, and Charles Magrath, int. Aug. 23, 1846, HUNNEYWELL, Samuel and Kezia Spear, Aug. 29, 1790. HUNTING, Jonathan of Needham, and Mercy (Mary, m, r.) Sawin, Feb. 10, 1780. Louis and Josiah Read of Lexington, int. Sept. 11, 1813. HUNTRESS, Phebe Ann and Danvin Morse, int. Sept. 5, 1847. Thomas H. and Ann J. Wheeler, int. June 23, 1844. HURD (see Heard), Charles W. and Emeline W. Pond of Need- ham, int. Sept. 10, 1843. John H. and Deborah Hayes, int. Sept. 23, 1849. Lydia D. of New Durham, N.H., and Josiah Walker, int. Mar. 2, 1834. Timothy (W., int.) and Harriet Badger, Mar. — , 1833. HUTCHINSON, Eliphalet B. and Martha A. Neale of Pittston, Me., int. Sept. 9, 1849. HYDE, Polly of Southboro, and Robert Ball, int. Mar. 7, 1824. INGALLS, Newell and Sarah C. Barnes of Portland, Me., int. June 2, 1842. ♦ Intention not recorded. NATICK MARRIAGES. 155 JACKSON, Edward of Newton, and Abigail Smith, Apr. 14, 1777. Edward of Newton, and Patty Winch, Apr. 8, 1822. Fanny and Isaac Biglow, int. Sept. 5, 1798. Mary of Newton, and Abel Perry, June i, 1797. In Newton. Michael, Capt., of Newton, and Sarah Badger, Feb. 22, 1791. Sally and John Mann of Sherborn, Mar. 28, 181 1. William L. and Betsey A. Jenness, May 4, 1845. JAHAR (see Jahhah, Jarhah), Hannah and Job Lewis, Conti- nental soldier, int. Feb. 9, 1783. JAHHAH (see Jahar, Jarhah), Rebecca and Marcus Lemmon of Cambridge (Marcous Lemon, int.), Feb. 2, 1776. JAMES, Mary J. of Bane, and Rev. James W. Thompson, int. July 3, 1831. JARHAH (see Jahar, Jahhah), Kate (Cate Jarhar, int.) and Cuff Tendy (Tendey, int.), Aug. 19, 1779. JEFFERS, Amelia A. of Cambridge, and John W. Bacon, int. Mar. 19, 1848. JEFFERSON (see Jepherson). JENISON (see Jennison), Sibbilah and Moses Fisk of Framing- ham, int. Apr. 21, 1801. JENKENSON, Anna and Asa Cooledge, int. Sept. 3, 1797. Betsey and Ebenezer Loker (of East Sudbury, int.), Nov. 11, 1798. Sally and Josiah Walker (of Hopkinton, int.), May 10, 1798. JENNESS, Betsey A. and William L. Jackson, May 4, 1845. Eliza D. of Littleton, and Joseph T. Howe, int. Feb. 17, 1839. Sarah, d. of George and Sally, b. in Shei3ield, Vt., a. 20, and Isaac A. Flagg, s. of Isaac and Fanny, b. in Needham, a. 24, July 12, 1848. JENNINGS, Ephraim and Lucy G. Pierce of Needham, int. Dec. 21, 1822. Ethel and Zeruiah Felch, May 18, 1786. Ethel Jr. and Nabby Fuller of Newton, int. Feb. 20, 1812. John and Martha Felch, June 16, 18 19. John, widr., s. of Ethel, and Mary Fogg, wid., Nov. 8, 1843. John Jr. and Elizabeth Lyons of Dedham, int. Aug. 18, 1844. Lavinah and Solomon Park Parker of Needham, May 28, 1777. Levi of Needham, and Phebe Goodenow, Mar. 12, 1817. Maria and Charles Rice of Needham, Nov. 8, 1820.* * Intention not recorded. 156 NATICK MARRIAGES. Jennings, Martha and William Eames of Sherborn, Sept. 10, 1771. Olive and Enoch Parker, Apr. 28, 1774. Sarah and Isaac Dunten, int. Aug. 8, 1761. Sibbilla and Samuel Morse Jr., Dec. 3, 1772. Zera and Tylor Harrington of Weston, int. Nov. 26, 1810. JENNISON (see Jenison), Arthur and Hannah Frost of Sherborn, June, II, 18x5. C.R. Caroline, d. of Arthur, a. 20, and Leonard B. Paul, a. 25, Feb. 21, 1847. Elizabeth and William Williams, Apr. 30, 1767. In Sudbury. Eunice and Isaac Baldwin of Sudbury, Dec. 31, 176 1. In Sud- bury. Hannah and William Grant of Sudbury (Grout, int.), Apr. i, 1779. In Sudbury. Harriet and Benjamin B. Willey, July 3, 1842. Isaac and Mary Felch, May 23, 1814. Isaac, Rev., widr., s. of Lot and Susannah, a. 58, and Sophronia Osgood, wid., d. of Warner and Lydia Parlin, a. 38, Apr, 25, 1748. Lavina and Robert Best, b. in New Hampshire, Aug. i, 1845. Lorenzo D., s. of Isaac, and Ruth K. Carter, May i, 1845. Lowell F. and Lucy A. Greenwood of Weston, int. Nov. 10, 1844. Lucy and Moses P. Greenwood of Weston, May 7, 1840. Mary (Mercy, int.) and Lieut. Phinehas Gregory of Princeton, Oct. 15, 1794. In East Sudbury. Mary and Nehemiah H. Drew, July 3, 1842. Nathan and Mary Jones of Weston, Dec. 9, 1779. In Weston. Nathan and Sybil Parker of Needham, int. Sept. 10, 1814. Robert R., s. of Isaac and Mary, a. 23, and Phebe A. Snow of Eastham, d. of Joel and Phebe, a. 20, b. in Eastham, July 2, 1844. Sally and Joel Peirce of Needham, int. Nov. 6, 1809. JEPHERSON, Cyra of Douglas, and Patty Pease, int. July 28, 1833. JEPSON, John and Mary Morse of Dover, int. Mar. 20, 1786. JEWELL, David and Eliza J. Atwood of Eastham, int. Aug. 22, 1841. Mark and Mary Augusta Woodbury, Mar. 2, 1845. JOHNSON (see Jonson), Isaac and Louis Mattis, int. Feb. 3, 1781. Lucy Ann and George W. Farmer of Boston, Apr. 17, 1844. NATICK MARRIAGES. I $7 Johnson, Marium W. of Princeton, and Thomas F. Hammond, int. Nov. 5, 1837. Moses of Southborough, and Elizabeth Underwood, Jan. 29, 1752. In Newton. JONAH, Jerusha and Charles Pease, int. Sept. 26, 1835. Lucy and Thomas Madorithy, int. Nov. 26, 1774. Mary Ann and Samuel Pease, int. Feb. 15, 1835. Thomas and Anna Oxford, Nov. 25, 1784. In Framingham. JONES, Anthony of Hopkinton, and Sophia Loker, Nov. 25, 1821. Everline and Samuel W. Sloan of Medway, May 2, 1822. Gilbert F. and Emeline Pinkham, Mar. 29, 1843. John and Hannah Morse, Feb. 23, 1742-3. Martin A. and Almira Eames of Framingham, int. Feb. 9, 1840. Mary of Dover, and Elijah Perry, Mar. 9, 1795. In Dover. Mary of Weston, and Nathan Jennison, Dec. 9, 1779. In Weston. Samuel and Lurana (Lurance, int.) Sawin, May 21, 1834. Samuel H. and Roxy L. Edes, Sept. 3, 1839. Sarah, a transient person, and Solomon Wamsquam, Apr. 17, 1759. In Sherborn. Silance of Dedham, and Moses Sawin, Dec. 4, 1783, Sophia Ann of Hopkinton, and Joseph Hanson Walker, int. May 23, 1847. Tabitha of Dedham, and Ephraim Dana, Feb. 3, 1780 (Apr. 20, 1780, dup.) (Feb. 6, 1780, int.). In Dedham. William, of Holliston, s. of Joseph and Susan, a. 21, and Clarissa Wiswall, a. 21, Aug. 19, 1846.* William P., s. of Elisha, a. 20, and Rebecca Littlefield, a. 20, Dec. II, 1845. JONSON (see Johnson), William of East Sudbury, and Hitty Stone, Nov. 3, 1796. » JORDAN, Amasa, s. bf Oliver and Anna, b. in Dorchester, a. 28, and Esther E. Rollins, d. of Levi S. and Mary F., a, 19, Oct. 24, 1847. JOY, Reuben and Lydia Stratton, Dec. 31, 1797.* JOYCE, Mary and Andrew J. Egin, int. Jan. 2, 1848. KEAFER, Michael and Rosina Mentz, int. May 18, 1848. KEMP, Nathan S. and Martha (F., int.) Felch, Nov. 6 1844. • Intention not recorded. 158 NATICK MAIURIAGES. KENDALL (see Kendel), Mary and Joseph Baley, July 20, 1788. Nancy of Framingham, and Henry Travis, int. May 29, 1842. Sally and Alexander Coolidge, Oct. 26, 1842. KENDEL, (see Kendall) Joshua (Kendall int.) of Framingham, and Sarah Dewing, May 23, 1745. "KENEPAUKENIT, Eleazer and Sarah Comacho, July ii, 1739.* KENISON, Mary Jane and Seth Blake Jr., int. Dec. 6, 1846. KENNEY, Susan G. and William B. Parker, both of Needham, Sept. 14, 1831.* KENT, Alice (Eless Kint, int.) and Cuff Nimro of Sudbury, Jan. 14, 1779- KIMBALL, Ann Maria H. and Joseph N. Alexander, Nov. 5, 1840. Betsy and John Straton, Mar. 23, 1820. Caroline and Nathan B. Tash, Nov. 13, 1833. Catherine of Sherborn and William Davis of Milton, Mar. 23, 1820. C.R.* Ebenezer and Lydia Greenwood of Needham, int. Aug. 28, 1796. Ebenezer and Fanny Rice, int. Jan. 23, 1813. Ebenezer and Sally Travis of Needham, int. Aug. 11, 1839. Edward of Needham, and Bettey Hammon, int. Oct. 23, 1802. Elizabeth and Asa Adams of Sherborn, Sept. 9, 1784. Fanny and William D. Woodcock of Sherborn, May 24, 1838. Hannah R., d. of Ebenezer and Fanny, and Phineas GUdden, Nov. 15, 1845. Harriet and Edmund Washburn, Apr. 17, 1833. Hepzibah and Thomas (J., int.) Ware of Sudbury, May 24, 1837. John and Hepzibah Flagg, int. Apr. i, 1799. John and Mary Herring of Framingham, int. Nov. 17, 1833. Kezia and Isaac Felch, May 3, 1826. Kezia T. and Jesse Parmenter Jr., May 7, 1840. Lydia G. and Alfred P. Allen, int. Apr. 19, 1840. Sally and Malachi Babcock of Sherborn, int. Aug. 5, 1827. Sally H. and John Stone, Sept. 17, 1837. Sarah and Abijah Stratton, July 8, 1773. KINGSBERRY (see Kingsbery, Kingsbury), Eliphalet of Need- ham, and Kezia Hill, June 24, 1779. James of Dedham, and Mehitabel Ellis, Feb. 18, 1773. Olive and Noah Haven of Holden, June 14, 1775. • Intenrion not recorded. NATICK MARRIAGES. 159 KINGSBERY (see Kingsberry, Kingsbury), Luther of Needham, and Mira Morse, int. Oct. 26, 181 1. KINGSBURY (see Kingsberry, Kingsbery), Eliphelet and PoUy Morse of Sherborn, int. Nov. 12, 1800. Leonard A. and Elizabeth W. Broad, Apr. 13, 1837. Mary, d. of Leonard and Emily, b. in Needham, a. 25, and James O. Mann of Framingham, s. of James and Anna, a. 27, Aug. 26, 1847. Nathaniel of Lancaster, and Catherine Sawin, int. Nov. 19, 1826. Samuel of Needham, and Betsey Travis, Nov. 23, 1794. Submit of Needham, and Jonathan Middle ton, int. Nov. 6, 1836. KNIGHT, Hannah of Brookfield, and Samuel Danforth, Aug. 31, 1780. In Brookfield. KNOWLES, James L. of Millbury, and Rebekah B. Horton of HoUiston, Sept. 10, 1835.* KNOWLTON, Daniel M. and Hannah Davis of Medfield, Jan. 10, 1839. Henry of Framingham, and Angeline Hubbard of Newton, Oct. 31, 1841.* KUATUK, Hannah (Petautuck, int.) (Koratuk, m.r.) of Lexing- ton, and Moses Speen, Oct. 24, 1732. LACOSTE, Costilia D., d. of John B. and Hannah, a. 30, and Edwin Ordway, s. of Asa and Alfreta, a. 23, Apr. 9, 1848. LAMB, (Calpleena, int.) and Dexter Sparrowk, May 13, 1830. Jacob W. and Martha F. Tash, Oct. 4, 1835. In Framingham. LANCY, Dustin and Louisa A. Treat of Waltham, int. Nov. 2, 1845. LANE, Joanna Turner of Sherborn, and Moses Sawin Jr., int. Oct. 14, 1820. LAW, Joann and Ebenezer Whitney, Nov. 10, 1822. Luke and Mary Ann Waite, Sept. 15, 1831. LAWRENCE (see Lourance), Eliz. (Elizabeth, int.) and Stepny Senaah of Medway, Apr. 5, 1758. LAWTON, Samuel and Hitty Whitney, Jan. 12, 1797. LEACH, Joseph of Lancaster, and Tabitha Dana, int. May 18, 1811. * Intention not recorded. l60 NATICK MARRIAGES. Leach, Rebecca S. and Rev. Gorham D. Abbott of Boston, Feb. II, 1834. LEADBETTER, Abigail, d. of Increase and Irene, b. in Weston, a. 26, and Abraham Loker, s. of Abraham, dec, a. 32, July 5, 1848. Sophronia of Weston, and Warren A. Flint, int. Jan. 14, 1844. LEALAND (see Leland), David of Holliston, and Ruth Perry, int. Jan. 31, 1779. Hannah of Sherborn, and William Perry, int. Feb. 3, 1802. Jeremiah of Sherborn, and Abigail Haven, May 25, 1791. LEARNED, Amy and George Bigelow, Apr. 17, 183 1. John (Lealand, M.R.), and Mary Taggard (of Needham, m.r.), Apr. 14, 1762.* LEATHERS, Nancy C. and Samuel H. Colbath, int. Apr. 27, 1844. LEAVITT, George W. and Maryette E. Hoadley, int. Aug. 27, 1849. LEE, Samuel, Rev., of Sherborn, and Emily Fiske, Nov. 3, 1834. LEGG, David of Orange, and Olive Bacon, int. Jan. 4, 181 2. LEGROO, Lydia and Benjamin Towne, int. Sept. 11, 1836. LEIGHTON, Ann of Westford, and William Coolidge Jr., int. Mar. 7, 1824. Francis Albert and Hannah Perry, May 24, 1832. Lydia of Westford, and Alexander Coolidge, int. Apr. 20, 1823. LELAND (see Lealand), Abigail of Sherborn, and Jona[than] Richardson, May 21, 1767. In Sherborn.* Calvin Jr. and Mary E. Wolcott of Pepperell, int. Apr. 23, 1843. Chauncy C, a. 24, and Maria Perry, d. of Lowell, b. in Dover, a. 19, Apr. 15, 1846. Mary P. and Benjamin W. Fletcher pf Worcester, May 25, 1837. Rebecca of Sherborn, and Ephraim Dana, Sept. 24, 1772. In Sherborn. LEMMON (see Lemon), Marcus of Cambridge (Marcous Lemon, int.), and Rebecca Jahhah, Feb. 2, 1776. LEMON (see Lemmon), Rebecah and London Buckland of Providence, int. Apr. 25, 1784. Second entry, Dec. 18, 1784, * Intention not recorded. NATICK MARRIAGES. l6l LEONARD, Jane Catharine and Frederick W. Cobb, Oct. 20, 1847. Colored. LESSURE, John of Upton, and Tabitha Whitney, Aug. 31, 1769. LEWIS, Job, Continental soldier, and Hannah Jahar, int. Feb. 9, 1783- Mary L. and James Stubbs, int. Nov. 12, 1848. LIFORD, Moses and Olive Allen, July 10, 1839. LINCOLN, Caleb W. and Rhoda J. Reed of Framingham, int. Apr. 13, 1845. Hannah and John B. Pierce of Braintree, Oct. 23, 1837. Joel A. and Martha Chamberlin of Concord, int. Feb. 22, 1846. Paul and Hannah Trull, Apr. 21, 1810. LINEH, Tobias of Noto my, and Hannah Speen, int. Nov. 11, 1773. LITTLEFIELD, Mary Ann and Joseph W. Hammon, Jan. i, 1845. Rebecca, a. 20, and William P. Jones, s. of Elisha, a. 20, Dec. 11, 1845. LIVINGSTON, James, Capt., and Sarah T. Abbott, both of Charlestown, June 22, 1823.* LOCK, Sam[ue]l, Rev., and Mary Porter, Jan. 2, 1760.* LOKER, Abraham and Susannah Barnum of Hopkinton, int. Apr. 27, 1811. Abraham, s. of Abraham, dec, a. 32, and Abigail Leadbetter, d. of Increase and Irene, b. in Weston, a. 26, July 5, 1848. Charles and Zeruiah C. Hammon, both of East Sudbury, June 24, 1835-* Ebenezer (of East Sudbury, int.) and Betsey Jenkenson, Nov. 11, 1798. Faithe of East Sudbury, and Samuel Coggen, int. July 11, 1824. Hannah of East Sudbury, and John Felch, June 15, 1789. In East Sudbury. Henry and Sally Trull, Oct. 15, 1807. Henry and Mary M. White of Plainfield, Vt., int. May 15, 1836. James Augustus and Mary Maria Bullard of Framingham, int. Nov. 3, 1839. Jonas and Lydia Ward, May 5, 1799. Jonas and Mary Bullard, Nov. 21, 1808. Lucretia T. and Thomas P. Greenwood, Nov. 4, 1834. ♦ Intention not recorded. 1 62 NATICK MARRIAGES. LoKER, Nancy and Joseph Black, int. Mar. 12, 1843. Phebe, d. of Ephraim and Susanna, and David Tyler, Jan. i, 1845. Sophia and Anthony Jones of Hopkinton, Nov. 25, 1821. Susan and Eleazer Tyler, int. Jan. 23, 1848. Walter and Zelinda Wright of Richmond, N.H, int. Mar. 8, 1840. Winthrop and Irene Colburn, May 26, 1835. LORD, Joseph H., s. of W[illia]m and Martha, a. 26, and Olive Ann Moulton, d. of Joseph and Mary, a. 17, Nov. 17, 1847. LORING, Daniel, Rev., of Foxborough, and Mary (Polly, int.) Stone, May 23, 1804. In Framingham. LOUD, Mary B. of Acton, Me., and William H. Roberts, int. Aug. II, 1844. LOURANCE (see Lawrence), Sarah and Solomon Wamsquan, June 5, 1732. In Weston.* LO VERING, Mason and Louisa Stowell of Dedham, int. Sept. 28, 1834. LYFORD (see Liford). LYNCH, Thomas and Elizabeth Gorgons, int. Sept. 22, 1844. Thomas and Catharine Ryan, int. Apr. 15, 1849. LYON (see Lyons), Harriet E. of Needham, and Benjamin W. Parker, int. Apr. 24 ,1836. LYONS (see Lyon), Elizabeth of Dedham, and John Jennings Jr., int. Aug. 18, 1844. MACKINTIRE (see Mclntire), Lydia of Needham, and Amos Morse, Jan. 22, 1778. MADORITHY, Thomas and Lucy Jonah, int. Nov. 26, 1774. MAGRATH, Charles and Susan F. Hufif of Boston, int. Aug. 23, 1846. MAN (see Mann), Ebenezer and Zipporah Goulding of Sherborn, Mar. 28, 1776. John and Hannah Bacon, June 15, 1786. Mary and Isaac Morrill, Oct. 20, 1774. Phebe and William Goodenow, July 25, 1782. Samuel and Lucretia Morse, Sept. 27, 1770. Zeporah (Zeprah, int.) and Jonathan Bacon of Needham, Sept. 28, 1780. In Needham. * Intention not recorded. •/ NATICK MARRIAGES. 163 MANN (see Man), Abigail S. and John Travis, Aug. 4, 1825. Albert and Elizabeth Draper of Dover, int. Dec. 28, 1845. Hannah and John Travis, Apr. 27, 18 15. Hollis of Sherborn, and Eunice Sawin, int. Apr. 20, 1817. James and Anna Parker of Needham, May 20, 1760. In Need- ham. James and Anna Bacon, Jan. 5, 18 14. James O. of Framingham, s. of James and Anna, a. 27, and Mary Kingsbury, d. of Leonard and Emily, b. in Needham, a. 25, Aug. 26, 1847. John of Sherborn, and Sally Jackson, Mar. 28, 181 1. Lucretia of Dover, and Rufus Campbell, int. Nov. 17, 1844. Moses and Rebecca BuUard of Needham, July 13, 1775. In Needham. Sally and Gardner Warrin, int. Jan. 4, 1804. Willard and Susan Winship of Needham, int. Apr. 18, 1841. MANSFIELD, Robert of Needham, and Prudence Felch, Apr. 16, 1829. MARBLE, Betsey of Pelham, N.H., and James Marden, int. Dec. 25, 1814. MARDEN, James and Betsey Marble of Pelham, N.H., int. Dec. 25, 1814. MARSHAL (see Marshall, Marshell), Jacob and Mary Morse, May 24, 1775. MARSHALL (see Marshal, Marshell), Benjamin of HoUiston, and Eunice Burbank, int. Jan. 31, 1801, Harriet and Joseph Prescott, int. Aug. 4, 1833. MARSHELL (see Marshal, Marshall), Mary of Dorchester, and Willard Moore, int. May 4, 1828. MARTIN, Maria M. of Wolfsborough, N.H., and Daniel Cham- berlin, int. Dec. 7, 1834. MASON, Charlotte C. and Roland Hackett, int. Oct. 27, 1846. Emeline, of Hopkinton, and Zina Underwood, int. Mar. 14, 1847. John (of Sullivan, N.H., int.) and Mary Haven, Jan. 29, 1801. John of Cambridge, and Elizabeth W. Pray, d. of Joshua and Kezia, a. 18, June 28, 1846. Louis of Medfield, and Nathanael Smith, int. May 2, 1756. 164 NATICK MARRIAGES. Mason, Lydia of Watertown, and Micah Whitney, Nov. 11, 1747. In Watertown.* Seth and Rebekah Anderson of Dedham, int. June 2, 1734. MASSUERE, David and Susan Corliss, June 23, 1842. MATTIS, Louis and Isaac Johnson, int. Feb. 3, 1781. MAXWEELL, Marcy of Hopkinton, and Abijah Morse, int. Dec. 12, 1763. McGAH, John (Macgrah, int.) and Janie (Jane, int.) Chamberlain of Needham, Mar. 18, 1776. In Needham. McGOLDSMITH, Pelatiah John of Boston, and Dinah Speen, int. June 11, 1785. McINTIRE, (see Mackentire) Sarah of Framingham, and John Hammond, int. Apr. 7, 1833. McINTOSH, Otis (of Medfield, int.) and Lilly White Bird, June 16, 1836. McMAHON, Michael and Mary Ann Spriggs, int. Oct. 5, 1845. MELLEN, Elizabeth of Holliston, and John Reed, int. Sept. 24, 1774- MELVIN, Nancy and Calvin Fisher, Nov. 4, 181 9. MENTZ, Rosina and Michael Keafer, int. May 18, 1848. MERRIFEILD, Timothy of Dedham, and Kezia Allen, int. Dec. 29, 1764. MERRILL, Joseph O. and Almira B. Drew of Tuftonborough, N.H., int. Sept. 23, 1849. MESSENGER, Nancy L. and James T. Pebbles, int. Nov. 19, 1848. Sarah A., b. in Hopkinton, a. 23, and Dexter Washburn, s. of Jede- diah, a. 25, Nov. 27, 1845. METCALF, Martha of Franklin (Medcalf, int.), and (Dr., int.), Asa Adams, Aug. 22, 1775. (Aug. 17, 1785, int.) In Medway. MIDDLETON, Jonathan and Submit Kingsbury of Needham, int. Nov. 6, 1836. MILLER, Eliza of Dover, and Ebenezar N. Pette, int. Nov. 2, 1822. John of Holliston, and Caroline Perry, Nov. 5, 1829. * I&tendon not recorded. y NATICK MARRIAGES. 1 6$ MILLS, Catherine C. of Wayland, and Jonathan Bacon 2d, int. Jan. 17, 1836. Hannah of Needham, and Israel Morse, int. May 16, 1736. Banns forbidden by Hannah Mills, May 17, 1736. Henrietta E. and Jonathan Walcott, int. Oct. 28, 1838. Jonathan and Elizabeth Cunningham of Needham, Jan. 9, 1764. In Needham. Julia S. and Rev. Samuel C. Damon of Holden, Oct. 6, 1841. Maria A., d. of Daniel, b. in Needham, a. 18, and Joseph W. Bal- com, s. of Joseph, b. in Sudbury, a. 26, Sept. 17, 1844. MOODY, Lorenzo D. and Kezia Perry, int. Sept. 30, 1849. MOOR (see Moore), Joseph H. and Theria Chickering of Dedham, Oct. 4, 1779. In Dedham.* Sarah of Needham, and Elisha Morse, Dec. 2, 1790. William of Wayland, and Eunice Corliss, Jan. 24, 1836. MOORE (see Moor), Charles and Deborah Walker, int. July 15, 1849. David and Mary C. Thaxter, July 25, 1844. Erasmus D., Rev., and Harriette J. Fiske of Wrentham, int. Mar. 26, 1837. Eunice and W[illia]m Ward of Watertown, Apr. 25, 1816. Isaac Jr. of Sudbury, and Eunice Hammon, Sept. 28, 1796. Martin, Rev., and Sarah Fisk, July 28, 1814. Mary Jane and George W. Moulton, int. Oct. 13, 1849. Mary L. and Charles Moulton, s. of Joseph and Olive, Apr. 23, 1846. Willard and Mary Marshell of Dorchester, int. May 4, 1828. William and Betsy Hayden of Sudbury, int. Dec. 9, 1820. MOREY, John of Worcester, and Mary Angeline Thomas, int. Aug. — , 1833. Trueman and Emeline How of Westboro, int. June 16, 1833. MORRILL, Eliakim and Ruth Russell of Weston, Jan. 25, 1781. In Weston. Isaac and Mary Man, Oct. 20, 1774. MORSE, Aaron and Hannah Cooledge, int. Nov. 18, 1827. Abigail of Sherborn, and Thomas Sawin, Apr. 13, 1748. In Sher- born.* Abigail E. and John W. Pratt, int. May 10, 1846. Abijah and Marcy Maxweell of Hopkinton, int. Dec. 12, 1763. * Intention not recorded. l66 NATICK MARRIAGES. Morse, Adam and Lydia Bacon of Needham, Oct. 20, 1785. Amasa and Sally Bacon, Nov. 10, 18 15. c.r, Amos and Mary Stedman of Weston, Dec. 6, 1770. Amos and Lydia Mackintire of Needham, Jan. 22, 1778, Becca and Luther Broad, int. Feb. 3, 1802. Benaiah and Betty Ames of Framingham, int. Dec. 23, 1758. Benaiah of Sherborn, and Sarah Stevens of Needham, Feb. 10, 1791.* Benjamin and Esther Woodcock of Needham, Aug. 24, 1758. In Needham. Benjamin and Deborah Sawin, June 10, 1784. Betsey and David Perry, Oct. 6, 1808. Betsy (Lucy, int.) and Samuel Rian (Ryan, int.) of Waltham, Sept. I, 1808. Beulah and Isaac Dunton (Jr., int.), Sept. 3, 1786. Charles, Capt., and Lucy Winch of Needham, int. Mar. 23, 181 1. Charles and Catharine Louisa Draper, int. Apr. 14, 1839. Chester and Lucy A. (Ann., int.) Drury, Nov. 3, 1842. Comfort and Phinehas Stanford of Sherborn, Aug. 26, 1783. In Sherborn. Daniel of Weston, and Mehitable Bacon, int. Jan. 30, 1804. Darwin and Phebe Ann Huntress, int. Sept. 5, 1847. David, Capt., and Rebecca Broad, Apr. 30, 1755. David and Jemima Wood, Mar. 4, 1779. David and Deborah Draper, int. June 17, 1805. Deborah and Jason Whitney (Whiteing, int.) of Sherborn, Nov. 13, 1776 [prob. 1766] (Mar. 15, 1766, int.). In Sherborn. Deborah and David Potter of Holden, int. Nov. 28, 18 18. Edwin C, s. of Jesse and Betsey, a. 30, and Mary A. B. Wilson of Harvard, d. of Robert G. and Rebecca, b. in Hopkinton, a. 27, Oct. 24, 1849. Elisha and Jemima Toblin (Tomblin, int.) of Needham, Dec. 28, 1762. (Dec. 23, M.R.) Elisha and Sarah Moor of Needham, Dec. 2, 1790. Elizabeth (wid., int.) and William Dyer (Dyar, int.), May 22, 1769. Elmira and John Gillespie of Framingham, July 17, 1836. Emery and Lydia Sawin, int. Dec. 30, 182 1. Ephraim and Betsey Fariss, int. Oct. 23, 1802. Esther and Eleazar Perry, June 24, 1773. Esther and George Whitney, int. Sept. 3, 1799. Eunice and Ebenezer Stedman of Weston, Nov. 25, 1773. Eunice and Abijah Fuller of Newton, int. Apr. 9, 1820. Eunice and Emery Fiske of Dedham, Apr. 16, 1828. • Intention not recorded. y NATICK MARRIAGES. 16/ Morse, Ezra and Betsey Stratton, int. Mar. 24, 1806. Fanny and Charles Davis, Feb. 2, 1823. Fanny F. of Westboro, and William S. Smith, int. Apr. 23, 1843. George Jr., s. of George, a. 24, and Hannah Stratton, d. of John, a. 21, Nov. 27, 1845. Gershom and Lydia Billings of Lincoln, July 25, 1799. In Lincoln. Grace and Reuben Esty, Apr. 26, 1787. Hannah and John Jones, Feb. 23, 1742-3. Hannah and Lyman Ryan of Sherborn, int. June 15, 1813. Henery Jr. and Sally Sawin, int. Mar. 11, 1810. Henry and Eunice Dowse of Sherborn, Oct. 19, 1780. In Sher- born. Hezekiah and Elizabeth Perry, June 11, 1789. Horace B. and Hannah Maria Howe, int. Nov. 8, 1846. Isaac and Lucy Dammon of East Sudbury, int. May 2, 1803. Isaac D. and Hannah R. Bigelow of Sherborn, int. Mar. 5, 1831. Israel and Hannah Mills of Needham, int. May 16, 1736. Banns forbidden by Hannah Mills, May 17, 1736. Jesse and Hepsibah Haven, May 30, 1792. Jesse Jr. and Betsy Coolidge, Sept. 10, 1818. John and Betsey Rice of Framingham, int. Nov. 26, 1810. John 2d and Betsy Greenwood, Dec. 27, 1821. John A., a. 21, and Deborah S. BuUard, of Framingham (Sher- born, int.), a. 19, Nov. 25, 1846. John U. and Eliza D. Babcock of Sherborn, int. Dec. 26, 1847. Joseph and Rebecca Broad, Jan. 12, 1762. Joseph and Kezia Chickering of Dedham, int. June 13, 1772. Joseph and Eunice Bigelow of Weston, Apr. 24, 1788. In Weston. Kezia and George Payson of Walpole, Nov. 10, 1782. Keziah of Sherborn, and Abel Perry, Mar. 17, 1757. In Sherborn. Lewrane (Lurane, int.) and Levi Sawin, Nov. 27, 1783. Louisa, d. of Isaac, and Erastus Rockwood, widr., of Franklin, Mar. 19, 1845. Lucretia and Samuel Man, Sept. 27, 1770. Lucy B. and Willard A. Wight, Nov. 30, 1841. Lydia and Reuben Draper, Nov. 18, 181 1. Maria and Stephen Hayes, b. in Farmington, N.H., Jan. 25, 1844. Martha B. and Reuben Wheeler, Oct. 15, 1841. Martin and Rebecca Darby of Roxbury, int. Oct. 3, 1819. Mary and Jacob Marshal, May 24, 1775. Mary of Dover, and John Jepson, int. Mar. 20, 1786. Mary and Pharas Sawin, Apr. 3, 1792. Mary and John O. Wilson, Nov. 22, 1843. 1 68 NATICK MARRIAGES. Morse, Mary Bigelow of Sherborn, and Moses Sawin Jr., int. June 8, 1823. Mehitable and Hezekiah Bacon of Needham, Oct. 16, 1783. In Needham. Mira and Luther Kingsbery of Needham, int. Oct. 26, 181 1. Mitta and Abel Perry (3d, int.), Aug. 10, 1806. Nancy and Elijah Harriss of Watertown, May 5, 1822. Olive and Jerry Haynes (of Rutland, int.). May 18, 1800. Pelatiah and Esther Allen (of Dedham, int.), 29, 1749. (Apr. 30, 1749, int.) Pelatiah and Lydia Glazor of Lancaster, int. Apr. 26, 1777. Persis and Elisha Robbins of Roxbury, int. Dec. 17, 1804. Polly and Samuel Bacon, Dec. 8, 1785. Polly of Sherborn, and Eliphelet Kingsbury, int. Nov. 12, 1800. Rebecca and Joel Russel of Sherborn, Feb. 13, 1766. Rebecca H. and John H. Robbins, May 24, 1838. Rebekah and Daniel Hartshorn, int. Aug. 19, 1799. Rufus and Hannah Drury, Mar. 25, 1807. Samuel Jr. and Sibbilla Jennings, Dec. 3, 1772. Samuel Jr. and Anna Rice, July 13, 1806. (July 30, c.r.) Sarah of Needham, and John Coller, Jan. 13, 1719. In Weston.* Sarah and John Sawin Jr., Nov. 28, 1782. Seth and Abigail Battle of Dedham, Oct. 5, 1732. Sophia M., b. in Westboro, a. 24, and William S. Smith, widr., a. 29, Apr. 14, 1847. Susannah and Daniel Stratton (Stratten, int.). May 9, 1773. Thankfull of Medfield, and Daniel Perry, , 1758. (May 14, 1758, int.) In Medfield. Timothy and Mary Coolidge, Dec. 17, 1767. Vine and Jacob Pratt of Sherborn, July 24, 1794. Walter and Susan Maria Brown of Framingham, int. Aug. 29, 1847. Willard and Mary Nichols, Jan. 28, 1839. William and Lucretia Bullard of Needham, Mar. 12, 1755. In Needham. William and Deborah Stearns of Dover, Mar. 9, 1792. Zeruiah and Warren Clark, Dec. 26, 1816. MORTON, Jerusha and Timothy Amstrong, Dec. 12, 1758. (Int. Jerusha Moulton of Sudbury.) MOULTON, Aaron of Needham, and Anna Coolidge, May 23, 1770. Charles, s. of Joseph and Olive, and Mary L. Moore, Apr. 23, 1846. • Intention not recorded. NATICK MARRIAGES^ 1 69 MouLTON, Fanny H. and Elbridge Frost, s. of Moses, Apr. 3, 1845. George W. and Mary Jane Moore, int. Oct. 13, 1849. Olive Ann, d. of Joseph and Mary, a. 17, and Joseph H. Lord, s. of W[illia]m and Martha, a. 26, Nov. 17, 1847. Otis H. and Mary W. Bacon of Dover, int. Mar. 19, 1848. MULLIGEN, William and Eliza A. Rockwood, int. Jan. 11, 1846. MUMFORD, Caroline of Boston, and Joseph Frost, int. Sept. 3, 1810. MUNROE, Hannah and Bela Rice, May 2, 1791. MURDOCK, James M. of Boston, and Antoinette Adams, int. Oct. 2, 1842. MUZZY, Mehitable C. of Needham, and John Trull, Nov. 19, 1837- Seth of Needham, and Jemima Trull, Apr. 15, 1834. NEALE, Lewis F., s. of Silas, b. in Me., a. 21, and Caroline W. Clement, d. of Rufus, a. 20, Sept. 23, 1849. Martha A. of Pittston, Me., and Eliphalet B. Hutchinson, int. Sept. 9, 1849. NEWELL, Asa, Capt., and Mariam Wight of Dedham, int. Dec. 3, 1805. Ebenezer of Dedham, and Bettey Carver, int. Dec. 11, 1772. Harriot and John Heath, int. Mar. 27, 1814. NEWHALL, Francis E., s. of Lewis, and Nancy S. Edes, d. of Abiel, Aug. 28, 1847. NEWTON, Meriam and Eliphelet Bayley, Feb. 28, 1782. NIAR, Prince (of the Cape, int.) and Huldah Comocho (Hulday Chumhor, int.), June 16, 1738. NICHOLS, Mary and Willard Morse, Jan. 28, 1839. Thomas (transient person, int.) and Patiance Ferrit (Fasit, int.), Dec. 17, 1766. NIMRO, Cuff of Sudbury, and Alice Kent (Eless Kint, int.), Jan. 14, 1779- Rose, late of Natick, and Duty Bay of Sherborn, Sept. 26, 1760, Negroes. In Sherborn.* NORCROSS, Joseph F. and Sarah A. Cole of Newton, int. Mar. 28, 1839. * Intention not recorded. 170 NATICK MARRIAGES. NOYES, George and Margaret B. Goodhue of Roxbury, int. Apr. 30, 1837. May 6, 1838, no certificate had been granted. Thomas, Rev., of Needham, and Rebecca Doming, int. June i, 1801. NUNCKS, Jeremiah of Fall River, and Esther Sooduck, int. June 18, 1769. NTJTE, Fordyce, a. 21, and Sarah E. Coburn, a. 18, Sept. 28, 1845. Lydia Sophia and Samuel W. Whitcomb, int. Nov. 26, 1848. Rufus M. and Charlotte A. Burroughs of Middleton, N.H., int. Jan. 5, 1845. NUTXmG, Amelia A. of Newton, and Samuel D. Hoyt, int. June 23, 1848. O'BRIEN, Hannoria and Michael Gregg of Needham, int. Nov. 14, 1846. OBSCOW, Jonas and Mary Speen, Apr. 27, 1764.* OLIVER, Richard and Mary Underwood, July 11, 1759. ORCUTT, ?Bele of New Salem, and Thankfull Travis, int. Sept. 23, 1803. ORDWAY, Edwin, s. of Asa and Alfreta, a. 23, and Costilia D. Lacoste, d. of John B. and Hannah, a. 30, Apr. 9, 1848. OSGOOD, Sophronia, wid., d. of Warner and Lydia Parlin, a. 38, and Rev. Isaac Jennison, widr., s. of Lot and Susannah, a. 58, Apr. 25, 1848. OXFORD, Anna and Thomas Jonah, Nov. 25, 1784. In Fram- ingham. PAGAN (see Pagon, Peagun, Pegan, Pegon, Pegun), Elizebeth and Andrew Abram, int. Dec. 22, 1736. John and Hannah Abraham, Dec. 15, 1736. PAGNET (see Paugenit, Paugnet, Pognet, Pougnet), Ele[a]zar and Porselor Bull of South King[s]town, int. Jan. i, 1737-8. PAGON (see Pagan, Peagun, Pegan, Pegon, Pegun), Elizabeth and Isack Speen, int. Aug. 6, 1738. Forbidden by Patiances Tom, Aug. 7, 1738. Gideon (Pegon, int.), and Zeporah (Zepher, int.), Nov. 23, 1743. * Intention not recorded. NATICK MARRIAGES. 1 71 PARK, Hannah (Parks, int.) and Samuel Perry 3d, Oct. — , 1793. In Framingham, PARKER, Aaron of Newton, and Hannah Robinson, Mar. 3, 1785- Abraham and Mary Haynes, May 20, 1813. Anna of Needham, and James Mann, May 20, 1760. In Need- ham. Benjamin W. and Harriet E. Lyon of Needham, int. Apr. 24, 1836. Bulah of Needham, and Samuel Stratton, Feb. 28, 1763. Curtis of Framingham, and Eliza J. B. Horton, Apr. 5, 1832. c.R. Eliza T. and David Washburn, Dec. 16, 1834. Enoch and Olive Jennings, Apr. 28, 1774. John and Permelia Walker, Oct. 25, 1827. Lydia and Henry Dun, int. Dec. 14, 1765. Mary and Joseph Holbrook of Sherborn, July i, 1779. Nancy of Needham, and Edward Russell, int. Dec. 30, 1797. Patty and Calvin Cheney of Sherborn, int. Oct. 28, 1821. Solomon of Medfield, and Mary Whitney, int. Apr. 22, 1792. Solomon Park of Needham, and Lavinah Jennings, May 28, 1777. Sybil of Needham, and Nathan Jennison, int. Sept. 10, 1814. Theodore T. and Esther L. Whitney, int. Oct. 24, 1847. Timothy of Templeton, and Sarah Bacon, Feb. 17, 1790. William B. and Susan G. Kenney, both of Needham, Sept. 14, 1831.* PARKHURST, Martha and John Rider, July 24, 1781. In Weston. PARLIN, Asher and Mary Washburn, May 19, 1836. Asher and Rebecca Washburn, Sept. 13, 1837. PARMENTER, Catharine, white, and Emery Cobb, colored, int. Apr. 18, 1847. Cherry A. S., d. of Addison and Eliza, a. 17, and John C. Dunn, s. of John and Sarah, a. 32, Apr. 30, 1848. Hannah and Salathiel Davis, both of East Sudbury, Oct. 4, 1808.* Jesse Jr. and Kezia T. Kimball, May 7, 1840. PARTRIDGE (see Patridge), Julia W. of Sherborn, and Patrick Flannagan, int. Apr. 5, 1840. PARTUCK, Lucy and Daniel Geger, int. Apr. 18, 1797. PATRIDGE (see Partridge), John and Hannah Gillmer of Wren- tham, int. Sept. 22, 1816. ♦ Intention not recorded. r"'K 172 NATICK MARRIAGES. PAUGENIT (see Pagnet, Paugnet, Pognet, Pougnet), Elizabeth and Job Ahorton (Anhorton, transient person, int.), Dec. 7 1770. PAUGNET (see Pagnet, Paugenit, Pognet, Pougnet), Eleazer and Eliz[abeth] Rumnymarsh, Dec. 16, 1754. (Dec. 15, 1754, Indians, M.R.)* Sam[ue]ll and Eliz[abeth] Speen, Dec. 9, 1754. (Indians, m.r.)* PAUL, Daniel and Hannah H. Smith, Jan. 18, 1821. Leonard B., a. 25, and Caroline Jennison, d. of Arthur, a. 20, Feb. 21, 1847. Orren and Nancy B. Plant of Boston, int. Mar. 18, 1849. PAYSON, George of Walpole, and Kezia Morse, Nov. 10, 1782. PEABODY, Hannah and Rev. Elizur (Eleazer, m.r.) Holyoke (of Boxford, int.), Nov. 13, 1760. Hannah and Dea. John Eliot of Boston, Nov. 2, 1769. Rebecca and Dr. W[illia]m Demraing (of Needham, int.), Dec. 20, 1759. (Dec. 30, M.R.) PEAGUN (see Pagan, Pagon, Pegan, Pegon, Pegun), Esther and John Thomas, Mar. 11, 1755.* Martha and John Daniels, transient person, int. Jan. 17, 1767. Patience and Hosea Abraham, Nov. 29, 1754.* PEASE, Charles and Jerusha Jonah, int. Sept. 26, 1835. Joseph and Esther Hendrick, int. Sept. 15, 1833. Patience and Nathan Coffee, int. Sept. 15, 1833. Patience, d. of Patience, Indian, a. 20, and Amos A. Blodgett, a. 19, Jan. 17, 1849. Patty and Cyra Jepherson of Douglas, int. July 28, 1833. Samuel and Mary Ann Jonah, int. Feb. 15, 1835. PEBBLES, James T. and Nancy L. Messenger, int. Nov. 19, 1848. PECTURUS, Isack, transient person, and Patience Tom, int. June 15, 1740. PEEQUIN or Backque, Elazabeth of Barnstable, and John Brooks, Aug. 7, 1739. PEGAN (see Pagan, Pagon, Peagun, Pegon, Pegun), John and Mary Rumblemarsh, Nov. 12, 1728. In Weston.* PEGON (see Pagan, Pagon, Peagvin, Pegan, Pegun), Elizabeth and Josiah Sooduck, Nov. 23, 1743. * Intention not recorded NATICK MARRIAGES. 173 PEGUN (see Pagan, Pagon, Peagun, Pegan, Pegon), Pattee and John Wampee (transient person, int.), June 4, 1770. In Sherborn. PEIRCE (see Pierce), Joel of Needham, and Sally Jennison, int. Nov. 6, 1809. Sally and William Greenwood, int. Oct. 14, 1832. PELEMY, Hannah and John Brooks, int. Feb, 25, 1738-9. PERO, Dinah and Jacob Speen of Cambridge, Feb. 2, 1776. PERRY, Abel and Keziah Morse of Sherborn, Mar. 17, 1757. In Sherborn. Abel Jr. and Asseneth Haven (Sene Hayven, int.), Jan. 20, 1782. Abel and Mary Jackson of Newton, June i, 1797. In Newton. Abel (3d, int.) and Mitta Morse, Aug. 10, 1806. Abigail B. and Randall Travis of HoUiston, Apr. 28, 1824. Amos of Sherborn, and Rebeccah Sawin, Oct. 26, 1817. C.R.* Asenath and Purley Howe, (Jr. int.), Nov. 2, 1815. C.R. Betsy M. and William Perry Jr., Nov. 12, 1834. Calvin H., s. of William, dec, a. 22, and Louisa A. Pierce, d. of John, dec, b. in Needham, a. 20, Apr. 8, 1846. Caroline and John Miller of HoUiston, Nov.* 5, 1829. Charles and Harriot Russel of Sherborn, int. Sept. 25, 1836. Daniel and Thankfull Morse of Medfield, , 1758. (May 14, 1758, int.) In Medfield. David and Betsey Morse, Oct. 6, 1808. Dolly and Elijah Drury, July 29, 1792. Eleazar and Esther Morse, June 24, 1773. Elijah and Mary Jones of Dover, Mar. 9, 1795. In Dover. Elijah Jr. and Mehitable Battelle of Dover, int. Nov. 4, 1832. Elizabeth and Samuel Corey Jr. of Weston, Apr. 2, 1750. In Weston. Elizabeth and Hezekiah Morse, June 11, 1789. Emily of Brookfield, and Henry H. Drury, int. Mar. 20, 1842. Eveline and Freeman S. Whitney, Apr. 4, 1833. Hannah and Elias How of Framingham, int. Jan. 7, 181 1. Hannah and Francis Albert Leighton, May 24, 1832. Isaac M., s. of William 2d, and Hannah E. Dudley, Aug. 28, 1843. In Concord. Harriot and Capt. Lowell Perry of Dover, June 3, 1819. Ivory of Sherborn, and Kezia Broad, Sept. 3, 1767. John Jones, Capt., and Mary Bacon, int. Nov. 9, 1834. John W., Ens., and Sally Clark, int. Jan. 20, 181 1. * Intention not recorded. \ 174 NATICK MARRIAGES. Perry, John W., Capt., and Harriot Rice, Feb. 12, 182 1. Kezia and William Bacon Jr., June 9, 1780 (June 8, m.r.). Kezia and Lorenzo D. Moody, int. Sept. 30, 1849. Lendall and Emily Sparrahawk of Sherborn, int. Sept. 9, 1832. Leonard and Almira Allen of Dover, int. Mar. 21, 1824. Lowell, Capt., of Dover and Harriot Perry, June 3, 1819. Maria, d. of Lowell, b. in Dover, a. 19, and Chauncy C. Leland, a. 24, Apr. 15, 1846. Martha F., and Capt. W[illia]m Stone, int. Mar. 12, 1848. Mary and James Hastings of Weston, July 15, 1773. Mary and Thomas Holland of Gouldsborough, int. May 16, 1803. Mary and Col. Josiah Fuller of Newton, int. Oct. 30, 1808. Mary and Elliot Walker, Oct. 6, 1822. Mary and William Richards 2d, int. Oct. 18, 1828. Nabby and John Bacon of Dover, Sept. 20, 1789. Otis and Eliza A. Fisher of Franklin, int. Apr. 2, 1842, Rebecca D. and Stedman Hartwell of Dedham, Apr. 9, 1835. Ruth and Benjamin Smith, Jan. 19, 1764. Ruth and David Lealand of HoUiston, int. Jan. 31, 1779. Ruth and Phineas Rice of Framingham, June 3, 1784. Samuel and Elizabeth Rowe, Aug. 14, 1766. Samuel (Jr., int.) and Olive Rice of Framingham, Oct. — , 1789. In Framingham. Samuel 3d and Hannah Park (Parks, int.), Oct. — , 1793. In Framingham. Samuel Jr. of Brookfield, and Martha Stone, Nov. 3, 1835. Sarah and Elijah Bacon, Apr. 13, 1758. Sarah and James Rice, June i, 1780. Sibbel J. and Hezekiah Broad, Jan. i, 1840. William Jr. and Kezia Drury, int. Dec. 13, 1801. William and Hannah Lealand of Sherborn, int. Feb. 3, 1802. William Jr. and Betsy M. Perry, Nov. 12, 1834. William 2d and Martha F. Phelps of Sherborn, Jan. 24, 1840. PETAUTUCK (see Kuatuck). PETEMY (see Pittime), Hannah and Jeremiah Atcom, transient person, int. June 15, 1740. PETTE, Ebenezar N. and Eliza Miller of Dover, int. Nov. 2, 1822. PHELPS, Martha F. of Sherborn, and William Perry 2d, Jan. 24, 1840. / / NATICK MARRIAGES. 175 PHILLIPS, Nathan and Mehitable Richards of Dedham, int. Oct. 17, 1819. Thomas and Clarissa Bracket of Dedham, int. Aug. 15, 1824. PIERCE (see Peirce), Asa T. and Emily R. Bond of Wayland, int. Mar. 4, 1849. Hester Ann R. and Nahum Train of Weston, Dec. i, 1836. John B. of Braintree, and Hannah Lincoln, Oct. 23, 1837. Louisa A., d. of John, dec, b. in Needham, a. 20, and Calvin H. Perry, s. of William, dec, a. 22, Apr. 8, 1846. Lucy G. of Needham, and Ephraim Jennings, int. Dec. 21, 1822. Susan J. and Franklin Stevens of Boston, May 3, 1838. PINCKHAM (see Pinkham), Julia Ann of Grafton and Samuel Clough, int. Sept. 12, 1841. PINKHAM (see Pinckham), Emeline and Gilbert F. Jones, Mar. 29, 1843. PITTIME (see Petemy), Sarah and [Jojshua Womsquon, June 2, 1730- PLACE, Richard of Sherborn, and Sarah H. Gay, Sept. 13, 1838. PLANT, Nancy B. of Boston, and Orren Paul, int. Mar. 18, 1849. PLUMMER, Caroline A. and Hiram W. Hammond, int. May 14, 1848. Marcene L., d. of Solomon and Mary, a. 20, and Austin M. Brown, s. of David and Phebe, a. 25, Jan. i, 1849. POGNET (see Pagnet, Paugenit, Paugnet, Pougnet), Eleazar Jr. and Sarah Commocho, int. May — , 1739. James and Elizebeth Fenner, Aug. 17, 1741. POND, Emeline W. of Needham, and Charles W. Hurd, int. Sept. 10, 1843. PORTER, Mary and Rev. Sam[ue]l Lock, Jan. 2, 1760.* POTTER, David of Holden, and Deborah Morse, int. Nov. 28, 1818. POUGNET (see Pagnet, Paugenit, Paugnet, Pognet), Eleazer (Pognett, int.) and Mary Thomas, Apr. 7, 1757. PRATT, Elizabeth T. and Thomas A. Davis, int. Dec 7, 1845. Hannah of Framingham, and Nathan Davis, int. Aug. 10, 1817. I • Intention not recorded. V \ i 1/6 NATICK MARRIAGES, Pratt, Jacob of Sherborn, and Vine Morse, July 24, 1794. John of Framingham, and Sarah Dyar, int. Oct. 17, 1756. John W. and Abigail E. Morse, int. May 10, 1846. Levina and Eliot Walker, Dec. 28, 1828. Louis (Lois, int.) of Needham, and Jason Whitney, Mar. 17, 1773. In Needham. Vine and John Bacon, Oct. 30, 1804. In Framingham. PRAY, Elizabeth W., d. of Joshua and Kezia, a. 18, and John Mason of Cambridge, June 28, 1846. PRENTISS, Charlotte T. and Aaron E. Fames, Nov. 10, 1844. David and Lavina A. Snow, int. Dec. 2, 1845. Robert and Martha Fiske of Newton, int. May 26, 1833. PRENTOR, Mary of Grafton, and Zachariah Tom, Sept. 26, 1737- PRESCOTT, Joseph and Harriet Marshall, int. Aug. 4, 1833. PROCTOR, John and Amanda Dudley of Wayland, int. Mar. 6, 1836. QUACCO, Thankful and Anthony Dego, Dec. 11, 1755.* QUINTILIAS, Hannah of Dudley, wid., and Thomas Wonsimug. In Dudley. [1758.]* QUOLUES, Sarah of Dudley, and Jhon Epharaim, int. Sept. 7, 1740. RANDALL, Isaac B. S. of Portsmouth, N.H., s. of Henry and Eliza, a. 25, and Nancy B. Felch, d. of John and Sarah, a. 21, Nov. 5, 1849. READ (see Reed), Josiah of Lexington, and Louis Hunting, int* Sept. II, 1813. REED (see Read), Benjamin F. and Louisa Coggin, int. Aug. 27, 1848. John and Elizabeth Mellen of HoUiston, int. Sept. 24, 1774. Mary U. of Framingham, and Charles Fairbank, int. June 5, 1842. Rhoda J. of Framingham, and Caleb W. Lincoln, int. Apr. 13, 1845. Sarah and Timothy Richardson Jr., Jan. i, 1824. RIAN (see Ryan) Samuel (Ryan, int.), of Waltham, and Betsy (Lucy, int.) Morse Sept. i, 1808. • Intention not recorded. NATICK MARRIAGES. 1 77 RICE, Adaline and Elbridge G. Briggs of Brighton, Nov. 22, 1840. Amos B. of Leicester, and Mary Ann Waite, int. May 7, 1826. Anna and Samuel Morse Jr., July 13, 1806. (July 30, c.R.) Anna E., d. of Wilder and Anna, and Franklin Hanchett, b. in Dracut, June 27, 1844. Bela and Hannah Munroe, May 2, 1791. Betsey of Framingham, and John Morse, int. Nov. 26, 1810. Calvin of East Sudbury, and Mary P. Drury, Dec. 10, 1820. Charles of Needham, and Maria Jennings, Nov. 8, 1820.* David and El[l]en W. Howard of Cambridgeport, int. Apr. 25, 1818. Eleanor and William W. Winchester, Nov. 28, 1833. Ezekiel of Framingham, and Margaret Bond, int. Nov. 25, 1769. Fanny and Ebenezer Kimball, int. Jan. 23, 1813. Hannah and William Cooledge, int. Mar. 4, 1799. Hannah and William Boden Horton (adopted son of William Boden, t.c), May 19, 1808. Hannah and Joseph Daniels of Lincoln, Sept. 26, 1832. Harriot and Capt. John W. Perry, Feb. 12, 1821. Harriot of East Sudbury, and William Badger, int. June 15, 1822. Henry and Hannah Whitney, Oct. 10, 182 1. Henry B. and Mary E. Bacon, Apr. 23, 1843. Israel Jr. of Sudbury, and Mary Bacon, int. May 9, 1772. Banns forbidden by her father, Henry Bacon, May 16, 1772. James and Sarah Perry, June i, 1780. John and Betsey Barrett, Dec. 31, 1799. Jonas Jr. and Lydia Stearns of Weston, int. Feb. 21, 1802. Jonathan Jr. and Susannah Hammon, June 21, 1790. Juda and Joseph Haynes, int. July 30, 1804. Leonard and Sophia Houghton of Harvard, int. Sept. i, 1820. Lois and Samuel Smith of Dedham, Nov. 19, 1776. Louisa and Aaron Train, July 4, 1838. Louisa W. and Nathan M. Woodman, int. Jan. 9, 1848. Lucy of Needham, and John M. Seaward Jr., int. Mar. 26, 1848. Lucy and Dexter Drury, Oct. 19, 1814. Martha and Ebenezer Swift of Framingham, int. Sept. 25, 1773. Martha and Nahum Thurston of Franklin, Apr. i, 1819. Martha A., d. of Wilder and Anna, and George Burnham, Jan. 13, 1845. Mary P., d. of Wilder and Anna, a. 25, and Joseph P. Healy, s. of Gilbert and Sally, b. in Franconia, N.H., a. 25, Dec. 19, 1848. ♦ Intention not recorded. \ 1/8 NATICK MARRIAGES. Rice, Moses of Framingham, and Mary Sparawk, int. Sept. 13, 1766. Nathan, Rev., widr., and Catharine S. Everett of Newton, Dec. 3, 1843. Ill Waltham. Olive of Framingham, and Samuel Perry (Jr., int.), Oct. — , 1789. In Framingham. Phineas of Framingham, and Ruth Perry, June 3, 1784. Sally and Calvin Gleason of Framingham, int. Sept. 25, 1801. Susannah and Smith Adams of Newton, int. Apr. 18, 1812. Thankfull and Elijah Stratton, Mar. 15, 1790. Wilder and Anna Goodenow, int. May 29, 1813. William and Abigail Willis of Sudbury, Aug. 16, 1753. In Sud- bury. RICHARDS, Mehitable of Dedham, and Nathan Phillips, int. Oct. 17, 1819. William 2d of Dover, and Mary Perry, int. Oct. 18, 1828. RICHARDSON, Jonafthan] and Lydia Willard, June 14, 1759. Jona[than] and Abigail Leland of Sherborn, May 21, 1767. In Sherborn.* Kezia and Abraham Chamberlain of Needham, Apr. 16, 1752. In Medfield. Loa (of Needham, int.) and Sally Dunn, Mar. 30, 1797. Mary Antoinette of Medway, and George H. Stone, int. July 28, 1844. Ruth and Solomon Dewing, int. Dec. 23, 1750. Timothy Jr. and Sarah Reed, Jan. i, 1824. RIDER (see Ryder), Elizabeth and Daniel Chandler Briant of Jaffrey, Apr. 15, 1784. John and Martha Parkhurst, July 24, 1781. In Weston. Mary and John Bacon, Feb. 9, 1792. Polly of HoUiston, and Elijah Bacon Jr., int. Mar. 12, 1786. Thomas and Anna Haven, Dec. 18, 1783. RIPLEY, Nancy, wid., a. 55, and Edward Howe of Framingham, s. of Francis and Sarah H., b. in Framingham, a. 64, Nov. 23, 1846. ROBBINS, Elisha of Roxbury, and Persis Morse, int. Dec. 17, 1804. John H. and Rebecca H. Morse, May 24, 1838. ROBERTS, Joseph of Weston, and Mary Felch, Mar. 8, 182 1. William H. and Mary B. Loud of Acton, Me., int. Aug. 11, 1844. * Intention not recorded. NATICK MARRIAGES. 179 ROBERTSON, John and Hannah Carver, Mar. 9, 1758. ROBmSON, David (Roberson, int.), late of Needham, and Ruth Fowler (wid., int.), Oct. 31, 1753. In Newton. Hannah and Aaron Parker of Newton, Mar. 3, 1785. Lydia and Benoni Flagg, July 5, 1781. In Sherborn. Sarah and John Felch Jr., Oct. 26, 1819. William of Sudbury, and El[i]zabeth Tom, int. June 7, 1735. ROCKWOOD, Eliza A. and William Mulligen, int. Jan. 11, 1846. Erastus, widr., of Franklin, and Louisa Morse, d. of Isaac, Mar. 19, 1845. ROGERS, Andrew J. and Sarah F. Small of Boston, int. Oct. 31, 1841. Beulah and Moses Wabon, int. Feb. 3, 1770. Beulah and Nicodemus Geger, Aug. 14, 1777.* Eli (of Marlboro, N.H., int.) and Hannah Whitney, July 11, 1799. Joseph L. and Sarah Blake of Dover, May 2, 1840. In Dover. ROLLINS, Esther E., d. of Levi S. and Mary F., a. 19, and Amasa Jordan, s. of Oliver and Anna, b. in Dorchester, a. 28, Oct. 24, 1847. ROSS, Ezra and Adaline Chenery of Medfield, int. May 15, 1836. John and Hannah Sawin, Aug. 8, 1805. John Sawin and Fanny Sawin, Dec. i, 183 1. c.r. ROWE, Elizabeth and Samuel Perry, Aug. 14, 1766. ROY, Margaret Deming of Boston, and W[illia]m Farriss Esq., May 18, 1826. RUMBLEMARSH, Mary and John Pegan, Nov. 12, 1728. In Weston.* RUMNYMARSH, Eliz[abeth] and Eleazer Paugnet, Dec. 16, 1754. (Dec. 15, 1754. Indians, m.r.)* RUSSEL (see Russell), Harriot of Sherborn, and Charles Perry, int. Sept. 25, 1836. Joel of Sherborn, and Rebecca Morse, Feb. 13, 1766. RUSSELL (see Russel), Edward and Nancy Parker of Needham, int. Dec. 30, 1797. Hannah of Sherborn, and Sam[ue]ll Coolidge, int. Oct. 4, 1778. Julia Ann of Plymouth, N.H., and George W. Beal, int. Feb. 20, 1848. • Intention not recorded; l80 NATICK MARRIAGES. Russell, Lucy of Sherborn, and William Hickox, int. Mar. 19, 1843. Ruth of Weston, and Eliakim Morrill, Jan, 25, 1781. In Weston. RYAN (see Rian), Catharine and Thomas Lynch, int. Apr. 15, 1849. Lyman of Sherborn, and Hannah Morse, int. June 15, 1813. RYDER (see Rider), William (Jr., int.) and Melody Cozzens (Malada Cousens, int.), both of Sherborn, Feb. 24, 1724. Note. 1774. (Apr. 17, 1773, int.) In Sherborn. SANBORN, Lucy and William Brown of Marlboro, int. Sept. 18, 1825. SANGER, Calvin of Sherborn, and Mary Goulden, int. Nov. 3, 1806. SARGEANT (see Sargent), Lydia and Smith A. Waite, Aug. 25, 1840. SARGENT (see Sargeant), James E., s. of Reuben and Maria, a. 26, and Olive Greenwood, d. of Isaac and Nabby, a. 30, Nov. 5, 1848. SAVAGE, Lorenza S. and Moses W. Bickford, Feb. 22, 1844. In East Cambridge. SAWIN, Abigail and John Bacon (of Needham, int.). May 29, 1744. Abigail and Samuel Griggs of Rutland, Vt., int. Feb. 20, 1827. Becca and Richard Baxter of Princeton, Nov. 5, 1770. Bela and Becca Barber of Sherborn, int. Mar. 11, 1810. Betsy and Amos Whitney of Boston, int. Nov. 8, 1817. Calvin and Hannah Felch, Apr. 21, 1818. Catherine and Nathaniel Kingsbury of Lancaster, int. Nov. 19 1826. Deborah and Elijah Goodenow of Needham, int. Sept. 12, 1742. Deborah and Benjamin Morse, June 10, 1784. Eunice and HoUis Mann of Sherborn, int. Apr. 20, 18 17. Fanny and John Sawin Ross, Dec. i, 1831. C.r. Hannah and John Ross, Aug. 8, 1805. Hannah and Warren Drake of Easton, Mar. 30, 181 5. James F. and Mary Ann Blanchard of Boxborough, int. Nov. 10, 1844. James J. and Miriam F. Wight, Apr. 9, 1834. NATICK MARRIAGES. l8l Sawin, Jesse and Hannah Disper of Needham, Dec. i8, 1788. Joanna and William Hill of Sherborn, Feb. 19, 1740. In Sher- born. John Jr. and Sarah Morse, Nov. 28, 1782. Judith and Michael Bacon, May 8, 1783. Levi and Lewrane (Lurane, int.) Morse, Nov. 27, 1783. Lucy and John Bacon 2d, May i, 1817. c.r. Lurana (Lurance, int.) and Samuel Jones, May 21, 1834. Lydia and Emery Morse, int. Dec. 30, 182 1. Martha B. of Sherborn, and Lewis Broad, int. Sept. 2, 1832. Mary and Dea. John Travis, Dec. 7, 1837. Miriam and Hezekiah Broad Esq., Dec. i, 1814. Mercy (Mary, m.r.) and Jonathan Hunting of Needham, Feb. 10, 1780. Moses and Silance Jones of Dedham, Dec. 4, 1783. Moses and Katherine Fisher, Oct. 18, 1787. Moses Jr. and Joanna Turner Lane of Sherborn, int. Oct. 14, 1820. Moses Jr and Mary Bigelow Morse of Sherborn, int. June 8, 1823. Pharas and Mary Morse, Apr. 3, 1792. Rebeccah and Amos Perry of Sherborn, Oct. 26, 1817. C.R.* Sally and Henery Morse Jr., int. Mar. 11, 1810. Sarah and Hezekiah Broad Esq., int. Mar. 28, 1809. Thomas and Abigail Morse of Sherborn, Apr. 13, 1748. In Sher- born.* Tho[ma]s, Capt., and Mary Stratton, Mar. 15, 1775. Thomas Jr. and Abigail Bacon of Dedham, May 24, 1781. SAWYER, Hannah of Boston, and John S. Bartlett, int. Mar. 28, 1819. SCATE, Judah of Smithfield, and Thomas Wabon, int. Jan. 22, 1737-8. SCHEAN, Ellen and Dennis Cronin, int. Jan. 12, 1846 SEARS, Freeman, Rev., and Lydia Badlam of Dedham, int. July II, 1808. SEAVEY (see Seavy), Elvira and Henry Travis Jr., Dec. 9, 1840. John Jr. and Eliza Boynton of Framingham, int. Jan. 5, 1840. William D. of Framingham, and Eliza C. F. Sloper, int. Nov. 6, 1842. SEAVY (see Seavey), Sherburn D, and Mary Walker, Dec. 15, 1831. C.R. * Intention not recorded. 1 82 NATICK MARRIAGES. SEAWARD, John M. Jr. and Lucy Rice of Needham, int. Mar. 26, 1848. SEDGWICK, Charles B., Esq., widr., of Syracuse, N.Y., s. of Stephen and Anna B., a. 32, and Deborah W. Gannett, d. of Thomas B., a. 22, June 22, 1847. SENAAH, Stepny of Medway, and Eliz. (Elizabeth, int.) Law- rence, Apr. 5, 1758. SETY, Sarah and Thomas Waban, June 6, 1738.* SHATTUCK, William T. of Dedham, s. of Eben and Achsah, a. T,^, b. in Dedham, and Mary E. Farriss, a. 29, June 18, 1846. SHAW, Benoni W. and Hannah M. Travis, int. Apr. i, 1838. SHEPARD, Alexander of Newton, and Mary Cheney, Dec. 14, 1780. In Newton. SIMONDS, Jerusha (Jerusha Simons of Stoughton, int.) and Thomas Awonsamugg, Dec. 4, 1772. SINA, Samuel and Bial Thomas, Apr. 11, 1757. In Sudbury.* SLOAN, Samuel W. of Medway, and Everline Jones, May 2, 1823. SLOPER, Adaline and Aaron L. Folsom, Jan. 20, 1842. Eliza C. F. and William D. Seavey of Framingham, int. Nov. 6, 1842. John, a. 24, and Nancy J. (Nancy Jane, int.) Howard, a. 30, Nov. 26, 1846. SMALL, Sarah F. of Boston, and Andrew J. Rogers, int. Oct. 31, 1841. SMITH, Abigail and Edward Jackson of Newton, Apr. 14, 1777. Augusta of Framingham, white, and [He]nery Monroe Thompson, colored, int. Mar. 28, 1847. Benjamin and Ruth Perry, Jan. 19, 1764. Charles and Drusilla Watkins, int. Mar. 25, 182 1. Ebenezar of Needham, and Ann Bunce, int. Jan. 24, 1830. Elizabeth of Needham, and John Stroud, June 6, 1771. Esther and Theodore Broad of Needham, Mar. 29, 1775. George W. and Betsey F. Gay, d. of Nathan, Mar. 8, 1848. Hannah and Daniel Hill, int. Mar. 31, 1774. Hannah and Jeremiah Edes of Needham, Nov. 25, 1779. ♦ Intention not recorded. r NATICK MARRIAGES. 1 83 Smith, Hannah H. and Daniel Paul, Jan. 18, 1821. Henry and Kate Smith of Needham, Feb. 19, 1778. In Needham. Horace, s. of Oliver B. and Mary, and Louisa M. Heywood, both of Wayland, d. of Simon H. and Elizabeth S. Rice, June 22, 1846.* Ichabod and Mary Turner, Mar. 29, 1758. Jeremiah Jr. and Sally Bacon, int. Apr. 2, 1798. John Jr. and Lucy Brewer, July 31, 1816. Jonathan and Lucretia Babcock of Sherborn, int. Oct. 15, 1810. Joseph, s. of Jacob and Hannah, b. in Needham, a. 19, and Eliza- beth F. Goodwin, d. of Thomas and Martha, b. in Maine, a. 19, Feb. 11, 1849. Kate of Needham, and Henry Smith, Feb. 19, 1778. In Needham. Lucy and Naham Broad, July 10, 1822. May (Mary, int.) of Needham, and Asa Travis, June 22, 1780. In Needham. Mehitabel and Aaron Whiting of Dedham, June 10, 1776. Nathanael and Louis Mason of Medfield, int. May 2, 1756. Nathaniel and Tamason Adams, Apr. 27, 1758. Ruth of Dedham, and Samuel Edmunds, Apr. 6, 1748. In Dedham.* Samuel and Hannah Warren, Oct. 11, 1773. Samuel of Dedham, and Lois Rice, Nov. 19, 1776. Timothy and Abigail Bacon of Needham, Apr. 18, 1780. William S., widr., a. 29, and Sophia M. Morse, b. in Westboro, a. 24, Apr. 14, 1847. William S. and Fanny F. Morse of Westboro, int. Apr. 23, 1843. SNIDER, Catharine and Aaron Beal, Dec. 8, 1762. SNOW, Lavina A. and David Prentiss, int. Dec. 2, 1845. Phebe A. of Eastham, d. of Joel and Phebe, b. in Eastham, a. 20, and Robert R. Jennison, s. of Isaac and Mary, a. 23, July 2, 1844. SOODUCK (see Sudock), Ephraim and Hannah Speen, Apr. 12, 1767. Esther and Jeremiah Nuncks of Fall River, int. June 18, 1769. Hannah and Peleg Dexter (transient person, int.), June 4, 1777. Josiah and Elizabeth Pegon, Nov. 23, 1743. Thomas and Deb[o]rah Epharaham, int. Sept. i, 1743. SPALDING, Sarah W. and Dr. Samuel S. Whitney of Newton, Sept. 29, 1838. • Intention not recorded. 184 NATICK MARRIAGES. SPARAWK (see Sparhawk, Sparrahawk, Sparrawk, Sparrow- hawk, Sparrowk), Mary and Moses Rice of Framingham, int. Sept. 13, 1766. SPARHAWK (see Sparawk, Sparrahawk, Sparrawk, Sparrow- \^ hawk, Sparrowk), Comfort (Sparrowhawk, int.) and John Barney of Sudbury, Dec. 14, 1779. Eliza and Hiram Davis, May 9, 1833. xSPARRAHAWK (see Sparawk, Sparhawk, Sparrawk, Sparrow- \ hawk, Sparrowk), Emily of Sherborn, and Lendall Perry, int. Sept. 9, 1832. ^ SPARRAWK (see Sparawk, Sparhawk, Sparrahawk, Sparrow- hawk, Sparrowk), Beriah and Bulah Dewing (Buler Duing, int.), Aug. 22, 1776. SPARROWHAWK (see Sparawk, Sparhawk, Sparrahawk, Sparrawk, Sparrowk), Timothy (Sparhoak, int.) and Lydia Gay of Medfield, Feb. 20, 1745-6. In Medfield. «., SPARROWK (see Sparawk, Sparhawk, Sparrahawk, Sparrawk, ""^^ Sparrowhawk), Dexter and (Calpleema, int.) Lamb, May 13, 1830. SPEAR, Kezia and Samuel Hunneywell, Aug. 29, 1790. SPEEN (see Speene), Abraham (Spen, int.) and Rachel Waban (Wabon, int.), Apr. 20, 1737. Benjamin and Reachel Thomas, int. Nov. 3, 1734. B[e]ulah and Nichodemus Giger, int. Apr. 12, 1777. David and Elizabeth Commocho, int. Sept. 26, 1743. Dinah and Nathaniel Clamson, int. Aug. 8, 1784. Dinah and Pelatiah John Mc Goldsmith of Boston, int. June 11, 1785- Eliz[abeth] and Sam[ue]ll Paugnet, Dec. 9, 1754. (Indians, m.r. *) Hannah and Ephraim Sooduck, Apr. 12, 1767. Hannah and Tobias Lineh of Notomy, int. Nov. 11, 1773. Isack and Elizabeth Pagon, int. Aug. 6, 1738. Forbidden by Patiances Tom, Aug. 7, 1738. Jacob of Cambridge, and Dinah Pero, Feb. 2, 1776. Job and Sarah Tray, June 6, 1738. Mary and Jonas Obscow, Apr. 27, 1764.* Mercy and Daniel Spencer, June 26, 1782. Moses and Hannah Kuatuk (Petautuck, int.) (Koratuk, m.r.) of Lexington, Oct. 24, 1732. • Intention not recorded. J NATICK MARRIAGES. 18$ Speen, Rachel and Sam[ue]ll Abraham Jr., May i8, 1744- Samuel and Susannah David of Grafton, int. Jan. 28, 1743-4. SPEENE (see Speen), Hannah [and John Cheuin (Choin, int.), Aug. 14, 1777- SPENCER, Daniel and Mercy Speen, June 26, 1782. SPINING, Betsy of Hopkinton, and Nathan Gay, int. Mar. 14, 1818. SPIWOOD, Thomas (Sprewood, int.) (Spicewood, m.r.) and Unice Brook (Brooks, int.), May 18, 1758. SPRIGGS, Mary Ann and Michael McMahon, int. Oct. 5, 1845. SPRINGER, Hannah L. of Waltham, and Nathaniel G. Fisk, int. June 14, 1846. STAGEY, Salley of Needham, and William Brown (Bowin, int.), Mar. 25, 1784. In Needham. STANFORD, Lydia and John Bacon, Dec. 30, 1762. Moses and Jemima Flagg, July 5, 1781. In Sherborn. Phinehas of Sherborn, and Comfort Morse, Aug. 26, 1783. In Sherborn. Rebecca and William Stroud of Sherborn, June 19, 1776. Richard and Elizabeth Winch of Shrewsbury, int. June 30, 1764. STANLEY, William and Caroline A. Bird, Sept. 20, 1832. STEARNS, Deborah of Dover, and William Morse, Mar. 9, 1792. Dolly and William Brown, int. Jan. i, 18 15. Lydia of Weston, and Jonas Rice Jr., int. Feb. 21, 1802. Nathan and Mary Dunton, Dec. 11, 1787. STEDMAN, David of Weston, and Hannah Fisher, Sept. 24, 1776. Ebenezer of Weston, and Eunice Morse, Nov. 25, 1773. Joseph of Weston, and Mary Curtis, Mar. 19, 1778. Josiah of Weston, and Hannah Curtis, June 22, 1769. In Weston. Mary of Weston, and Amos Morse, Dec. 6, 1770. STEVENS, Edward L., a. 24, and Lucy E. Davis, d. of Mahlon and Elizabeth, a. 18, Feb. 14, 1849. Franklin of Boston, and Susan J. Pierce, May 3, 1838. Richard and Rachel Thomas, int. Nov. 19, 173-. Sarah of Needham, and Benaiah Morse of Sherborn, Feb. 10, 1791.* • Intention not recorded. l86 NATICK MARRIAGES. STILES, James M. and Mary Goodenow of Framingham, int. Mar. lo, 1839. STODDARD, Charles E., b. in Boston, a. 24, and Martha Wol- cott, d. of John of Pepperell, b. in Pepperell, a. 23, Nov. 26, 1849. STONE, Abial of Framingham, and Samuel Walker, June 15, 1743. In Framingham. Elizabeth F. and Edward Walcutt, Dec. 25, 1834. Eunice and Moses Fisk, int. June 10, 1801. Eunis of Framingham, and Nathan Stone, int. Oct. 23, 1773. George H. and Mary Antoinette Richardson of Medway, int. July 28, 1844. Hitty and William Jonson of East Sudbury, Nov. 3, 1796. James B. of Wayland, and Louisa Gay, int. Apr. 15, 1849. John and Sally H. Kimball, Sept. 17, 1837. Lucy and William Farriss Jr., June i, 18 14. Martha and Samuel Perry Jr. of Brookfield, Nov. 3, 1835. Mary (Polly, int.) and Rev. Daniel Loring of Foxborough, May 23, 1804. In Framingham. Nancy and Lieut. Samuel Fisk, July 13, 1806. Nathan and Eunis Stone of Framingham, int. Oct. 23, 1773. Timothy F. (A., int.) of Framingham, and Emeline Hammond, Feb. 21, 1828. - William and Betsey Fisk, Oct. 9, 1796. W[illia]m, Capt., and Martha F. Perry, int. Mar. 12, 1848. William F. and Hannah F. Fay of Southboro, int. May 12, 1839. STOW, Amos and Sarah Carley, Jan. 30, 1783. Samuel and Hepsibah Biglow, Mar, 16, 1797. STOWELL, Louisa of Dedham, and Mason Lovering, int. Sept. 28, 1834. Rhoda and Joseph Bacon, Sept. 2, 1792. STRATON (see Stratton), John and Betsy Kimball, Mar. 23, 1820. STRATTON (see Straton), Abijah Jr. and Hannah Bacon, int. Jan. 29, 1797. Abijah and Sarah Kimball, July 8, 1773. Betsey and Ezra Morse, int. Mar. 24, 1806. Beulah and Daniel Ward, Dec. 31, 1797. Daniel (Stratten, int.) and Susannah Morse, May 9, 1773. Elijah and Thankful! Rice, Mar. 15, 1790. NATICK MARRIAGES. 18/ Stratton, Hannah, d. of John, a. 21, and George Morse Jr., s. of George, a. 24, Nov. 27, 1845. Lydia and Reuben Joy, Dec. 31, 1797.* Mary and Capt. Tho[ma]s Sawin, Mar. 15, 1775. Moses and Martha Whitney of Sherborn, int. Aug. 11, 1833. Patty of Weston, and Henry Coggin, int. Mar. 28, 18 13. Polly (Mary, int.) and Jonas Greenwood Jr. of Sherborn, May 7, 1798. In Sherborn. Samuel and Bulah Parker of Needham, Feb. 28, 1763. Samuel Jr. and Huldah Wait, Mar. 17, 1798.* Sarah of Sherborn, and Caleb Foskett, int. Mar. 23, 1834. STROUD, Hannah of Sudbury, and Jonathan Edes, Dec. 17, 1770. In Sudbury. John and Elizabeth Smith of Needham, June 6, 1771. William and Martha Beal, July 19, 1748.* William of Sherborn, and Rebecca Stanford, June 19, 1776. STXJBBS, James and Mary L. Lewis, int. Nov. 12, 1848. SUDOCK (see Sooduck), Leonard (Lemuel, int.) and Minnie Coffee of Medway, May 23, 1799. In Medway. SULLIVAN, John and Catharine Donovan, int. Oct. 31, 1847. Withdrawn by Sullivan. SWIFT, Ebenezer of Framingham, and Martha Rice, int. Sept. 25, 1773- Polly and Samuel Gamage of Boston, Feb. — , 1780. In Wal- tham.* TAFT, Lois of Uxbridge, and Silas Taft, int. Oct. 23, 1773. Silas and Lois Taft of Uxbridge, int. Oct. 23, 1773. TAGGARD, Mary (of Needham, m.r.) and John Learned (Lea- land, M.R.), Apr. 14, 1762.* TAPAMSO, Mary and John Commocho, int. Sept. 6, 173- [1730]. TASH, James H. and Rebecca D. Travis of Needham, int. Sept. 3, 1837- Martha F. and Jacob W. Lamb, Oct. 4, 1835. In Framingham. Nathan B. and Caroline Kimball, Nov. 13, 1833. TAYLOR, Alexander and Lavina Thompson, May 6, 1836. Ouvra and Angelina Davis, int. Sept. 15, 1844. Israel W. and Sarah J. Fisher of Franklin, int. Dec. 10, 1848. * Intention not recorded. 1 88 NATICK MARRIAGES. Taylor, Rebecca and Thomas Carhart, Apr. 13, 1834. Samuel Jr. and Mary Rosaline j^Cutter of Livermore Falls, Me., int. Oct. II, 1847. , TEMPLE, John A., s. of Ina and Betsey, b. in Southboro, a. 24, and Julia F. Harriss, d. of Joseph and Susan, b. in Me., a. 23, Dec. 4, 1848. TENDY, Cuff (Tendey, int.) and|Kate;jarhah (Gate Jarhar, int.), Aug. 19, 1779. THAXTER, Mary C. and David Moore, July 25, 1844. THAYER, Alexander, Dr., and Susan Biglow, int. Feb. i, 1817. Ursula of HoUiston, and Rufus Holbrook of Boston, Dec. 6, 1814. At Holliston, C.R.* THOMAS, Benjamin and Phebe Fowl Braintree, int. June 4, 1781. Bial and Samuel Sina, Apr. 11, 1757. In Sudbury.* Daniel and Mary Tray of Dedham, Oct. 28, 1754. In Dedham. John and Esther Peagun, Mar. 11, 1755.* Leah and [J]acob Chalkcom, Mar. 31, 173- (1729-30, m.r.).* Leah and Job Comocho, Dec. 11, 1754. In Newton.* Mary and Eleazer Pougnet (Pognett, int.), Apr. 7, 1757. Mary Angeline and John Morey of Worcester, int. Aug. — , 1833. Rachel and Richard Stevens, int. Nov. 19, 173-. Reachel and Benjamin Speen, int. Nov. 3, 1734. Sarah and Amos Francis, May 24, 1731. Solomon and Sarah Abraham, Dec. 16, 1730. THOMPSON (see Tomson), Elizabeth and Jonas Underwood, Dec. 17, 1780. [He]nery Monroe, colored, and Augusta Smith of Framingham, white, int. Mar. 28, 1847. James W., Rev., and Mary J. James of Barre, int. July 3, 1831. Lavina and Alexander Taylor, May 6, 1836. Martha Ann, a. 18, and Charles Augustus Brown, b. in Framing- ham, a. 18, Feb. 7, 1848. Colored. THORNTON, Mary of Boston, and Elbridge Fiske, int. May 12, 1839. THURSTON, Lorinda of Waltham, and George N. Davis, int. Apr. 20, 1845. Nahum of Franklin, and Martha Rice, Apr. i, 1819. Nancy M. and Willard O. Haynes, int. Aug. 20, 1848. • Intention not recorded. NATICK MARRIAGES. 1 89 TING, John and Anne Butler of Needham, int. Dec. 28, 1783. TITUS, Mary, a. 27, and Asa Drury 2d, s. of Dexter, dec, a. 25, Aug. 9, 1848. TOBLIN, Jemima (Tomblin, int.) of Needham, and Elisha Morse, Dec. 28, 1762. (Dec. 23, m.r.) TOM, El[i]zabeth and William Robinson of Sudbury, int. June 7, 1735- Jonas (Toom, int.) and Sarah Comacho Jr. (Sarah Cumochor of Brantry, int.). May 16, 1739. Mary and Job Commecho, Feb. 26, 1761. Patience and Isack Pecturus, transient person, int. June 15, 1740. Sarah and Jonathan Babesuck, Oct. 19, 1738 (dup. Oct. 19, 1739) (Aug. 13, 1738, int.). Zachariah and Mary Prentor of Grafton, Sept. 26, 1737. TOMSON (see Thompson), Dorcas and Pomp Freeman of Sher- born, int. July 17, 1801. George and Mary Ferry, int. Sept. 24, 1809. TOOS (see Toss), Mary (Toss, int.) and Jeffery Henery, Mar. 8, 1738-9- TOPOMATO, Mary (Tapumso, int.) and Nathanael Coochuck, Dec. 8, 1731. M.R. TOSS (see Toos), Sarah of Providence, and John George, Feb. 28, 1737-8. TOWNE, Almira and Ephraim Hayes, Apr. 23, 1843. Benjamin and Lydia Legroo, int. Sept. 11, 1836. Lydia and John F. Colborth, Aug. 14, 1836. Mary Ann and Amos Harrington, Nov. 28, 1833. William Jr. and Betsey Hayes, Apr. 2, 184c. TRAIN, Aaron and Louisa Rice, July 4, 1838. Hester A. R., wid., and Rev. W[illia]m C. Clark, Aug. 15, 1843. Leavice of Weston, and Abraham Bigelow, int. Feb. 20, 1814. Nahum of Weston, and Hester Ann R. Pierce, Dec. i, 1836. TRAVIS (see Trevis), Abigail and John Coolidge, Jan. 15, 1818. Asa and May (Mary, int.) Smith of Needham, June 22, 1780. In Needham. Betsey and Samuel Kingsbury of Needham, Nov. 23, 1794. Clark of Roxbury, and Ede Goulding Bacon, int. Apr. i, 1824. Annual Fast. 190 NATICK MARRIAGES. Travis, Curtis of Roxbury, and Betsy Childs, May 13, 1818. Daniel and Thankful Wadkins of Hopkinton, Sept. 11, 1766. Hannah M. and Benoni W. Shaw, int. Apr. i, 1838. Henry Jr. and Elvira Seavey, Dec. 9, 1840. Henry and Nancy Kendall of Framingham, int. May 29, 1842. Hosea and Ellen J. Dunton, int. Oct. 30, 1829. John and Hannah Mann, Apr. 27, 1815. John and Abigail S. Mann, Aug. 4, 1825. John, Dea., and Mary Sawin, Dec. 7, 1837. Louisa and James Hawkes of Roxbury, Apr. 27, 1828. Polly and Moses Broad, Feb. 17, 1791. Randall of Holliston, and Abigail B. Perry, Apr. 28, 1824. Rebecca of East Sudbury, and John Badger Jr., int. Nov. 13, 1830. Rebecca D. of Needham, and James H. Task, int. Sept. 3, 1837. Sally and Lot Dun of Brooklyn, Nov. 6, 1793. Sally of Needham, and Ebenezer Kimball, int. Aug. 11, 1839. Susanna and Samuel Watkins of Hopkinton, Sept. 11 [1766] (Aug. 16, 1766, int.). Thankfull and Bele Orcutt of New Salem, int. Sept. 23, 1803. Timothy S. and Charlotte Case of Framingham, int. Mar. 30, 1834. TRAY, Mary of Dedham, and Daniel Thomas, Oct. 28, 1754. In Dedham. Sarah and Job Speen, June 6, 1738. TREAT, Louisa A. of Waltham, and Dustin Lancy, int. Nov. 2, 1845. TREVIS (see Travis), Asa and Sarah Dunten, int. Oct. 21, 1753, TRULL, David Jr. of Needham, and Kezia Hammond Jr., Jan. 14, 1794. Hannah and Paul Lincoln, Apr. 21, 1810. Jemima and Seth Muzzy of Needham, Apr. 15, 1834. John and Mehitable C. Muzzy of Needham, Nov. 19, 1837. Sally and Henry Loker, Oct. 15, 1807. TUCK, Abiather R. and Dorcas Ann Chickering of Dover, int. Nov. 4, 1848. TULIP, Olive and Daniel (David, int.) Chore, Apr. 10, 1806. CR. TURNER, Elizabeth and Thomas Foord of Marshfield (Forde, int.), Apr. 19, 1759. In Sherborn. Mary and Ichabod Smith, Mar. 29, 1758. NATICK MARRIAGES. IQI TWITCHEL, Elizabeth of Sherborn, and James Whitney, Apr. 27, 1732.* TYLER, David and Phebe Loker, d. of Ephraim and Susanna, Jan. I, 1845. Eleazer and Susan Loker, int. Jan. 23, 1848. Hannah and Moses E. Frost, int. Mar. 18, 1849. UNDERWOOD, Elizabeth and Moses Johnson of Southborough, Jan. 29, 1752. In Newton. Han[n]ah of Needham, and Henry Bacon, Apr. 5, 1764. Jonas and Elizabeth Thompson, Dec. 17, 1780. Mary and Richard Oliver, July 11, 1759. Zina and Emeline Mason of Hopkinton, int. Mar. 14, 1847. VICKOS, Christopher and Roba Coffee of Medway, Aug. 6, 1789. Joseph (Vicker, int.) and Eliz. Frost (wid. Elizabeth Frost, int.), Apr. I, 1757. VINEY, Rufus and Ede F. Bacon, Mar. 29, 1818. VITTER, Prince and Dina Goomer of Sherborn, Apr. 4, 1771. Prince and Jane Fisher of Wrentham, Dec. 16, 1773. WABAN (see Wabon), Rachel (Wabon, int.) and Abraham Speen (Spen, int.), Apr. 20, 1737. Thomas and Sarah Sety, June 6, 1738.* WABON (see Waban), Moses and Beulah Rogers, int. Feb. 3, 1770. Thomas and Judah Scate of Smithfield, int. Jan. 22, 1737-8. WADKINS (see Watkins, Wodkins), Thankful of Hopkinton,'and Daniel Travis, Sept. 11, 1766. WAIT (see Waite), Huldah and Samuel Stratton Jr., Mar. 17, 1798.* Kezia H. and George How, July 4, 1819. WAITE (see Wait), Abigail and Charles Goodenow of Framing- ham, Feb. II, 1836. John (Weight, int.) of Sudbury, and Mercy Hammon, Oct. 4, 1796. Mary Ann and Amos B. Rice of Leicester, int. May 7, 1826. Mary Ann and Luke Law, Sept. 15, 1831. Mercy and Richard Hammond, June 23, 1822. Smith A. and Lydia Sargeant, Aug. 25, 1840. 1 • Intention'notlrecorded. V. \ 192 NATICK MARRIAGES. WAKER (see Walker), Jonathan (Wauker, int.) (Walker, m.r.) and Susanna Ephraim, Nov. 24, 17 — (1731, m.r.). WALCOTT (see Walcutt, Wallcutt, Wolcott), Jonathan and Hen- rietta E. Mills, int. Oct. 28, 1838. WALCUTT (see Walcott, Wallcutt, Wolcott), Edward and Eliza- beth F. Stone, Dec. 25, 1834. George and Sophronia C. Davis of Lincoln, int. July 9, 1843. WALKER (see Waker), Deborah and Charles Moore, int. July IS, 1849. Eliot and Levina Pratt, Dec. 28, 1828. Elliot and Mary Perry, Oct. 6, 1822. Emily Ann and John A. Whitney, May 27, 1839. Gilson of Boston, and Abigail Carter, int. Nov. 2, 1812. Harriet and Ogden Hall of Wallingford, Conn., Mar. 30, 1840. Joseph Hanson and Sophia Ann Jones of Hopkinton, int. May 23, 1847. Josiah (of Hopkinton, int.) and Sally Jenkenson, May 10, 1798. Josiah and Lydia D. Hurd of New Durham, N.H., int. Mar. 2, 1834. Lowell and Harriot Bartlett of Milford, int. Feb. 3, 1833. Mary and Sherburn D. Seavy, Dec. 15, 183 1. C.r. Permelia and John Parker, Oct. 25, 1827. Samuel and Abial Stone of Framingham, June 15, 1743. Framingham. Sarah and William F. Flagg of Worcester, Feb. 13, 1833. Seth and Caroline M. Felch, d. of John, Dec. 31, 1844. Solomon and Polly Washburn, int. Jan. 13, 1805. WALKUP, Martha Ann of Ashland, and Philander J. Belcher, int. Oct. I, 1848. WALLCUTT (see Walcott, Walcutt, Wolcott), Sarah of Pepperell, and Royal E. Fanvell, int. Aug. 9, 1846. WAMPEE, John (transient person, int.) and Pattee Pegun, June 4, 1770. In Sherborn. WAMSQUAM (see Wamsquan, Wompsquon, Womsquon), Solo- mon and Sarah Jones, a transient person, Apr. 17, 1759. In Sherborn. WAMSQUAN (see Wamsquam, Wompsquon, Womsquon), John and Rhode Babesook, int. Sept. 20, 1761. Solomon and Sarah Lourance, June 5, 1732. In Weston.* * Intention not recorded. NATICK MARRIAGES. 193 WARD, Daniel and Beulah Stratton, Dec. 31, 1797. Lydia and Jonas Loker, May 5, 1799. Mary and John C. Butterfield, int. June 14, 1835, W[illia]m of Watertown, and Eunice Moore, Apr. 25, 1816. WARE, Jason of Needham, and Sarah Washburn, int. Jan. 23, 1785- Thomas (J., int.) of Sudbury, and Hepzibah Kimball, May 24, 1837. WARREN (see Warrin), Asa J., s. of John S. and Martha J., a. 22, and Mary J. Goodwin of Dover, N.H., a. 20, Aug. i, 1847. Calvin of Roxbury, and Caroline Carter, int. Dec. 11, 18 14. Hannah and Samuel Smith, Oct. 11, 1773. Jemima and Daniel Clark (David, int.) of Dedham, Aug. i, 1771. In Dedham. Sylvester W. and Isabella Forsyth of Needham, int. Mar. 30, 1845. WARRIN (see Warren), Gardner and Sally Mann, int. Jan. 4, 1804. WASHBOURN (see Washburn), Samuel and Hannah Haven of Hopkinton, int. June 6, 1779. WASHBURN (see Washbourn), David and Eliza T. Parker, Dec. 16, 1834. Dexter, s. of Jedediah, a. 25, and Sarah A. Messinger, b. in Hopkin- ton, a. 23, Nov. 27, 1845. Edmund and Harriet Kimball, Apr. 17, 1833. Elijah and Lydia Burbanks, Jan. 19, 1808. Jeddiah and Mitta Frost of Sherborn, int. Apr. 16, 18 14. Joseph and Sarah Gay, Nov. 26, 1786. Lucinda and Moses Frost of Sherborn, Apr. 15, 1824. Lydia of Boston, and Samuel D. Blood, int. May 19, 1833. Mary and Samuel Woodcock of Needham, Aug. 7, 1777. Mary and Asher Parlin, May 19, 1836. Meriam and Isaiah Woodcock, July 7, 1808. Polly and Solomon Walker, int. Jan. 13, 1805. Rebecca and Asher Parlin, Sept. 13, 1837. Sally and William Coolidge, Feb. i^, 182 1. Samuel, s. of Jedediah, a. 23, and Abby W. Haynes, d. of Martin and Hannah, a. 20, Apr. 28, 1848. Sarah and Jason Ware of Needham, int. Jan. 23, 1785. 194 NATICK MARRIAGES. WATKINS (see Wadkins, Wodkins), Drusilla and Charles Smith, int. Mar. 25, 1821, Patty of Partridgefield, and Fisher Whitney, int. July 28, 1799. Samuel of Hopkinton, and Susanna Travis, Sept. 11 [1766] (Aug. 16, 1766, int.). WATSON, Joseph H. and Eliza Ann Franklin of Nashua, N.H., int. Nov. 25, 1849. Orison and Hannah Allen of Rochester, N.H., int. Sept, 9, 1849. WEEBUCKS, Hannah (Wabucks, int.) and Peter Ephraim, Mar. 7, 1734. (Mar. 17, 1732-3, M.R.) WELCH, William and Lucinda Chamberlin, Nov. 25, 1834. WELLINGTON, Judith and Alven Fuller Jr., int. Mar. 27, 1836. WENTWORTH, Eveline, d. of Mehitable, a. 18, and Isaac M. Gay, s. of Nathan and Betsey, a. 23, Nov. 12, 1849. Frances J. and Nicholas B. Drew, June 2, 1847. Susan of Canton, and Josiah Broad, int. May 22, 1836. WHEELER, Ann J. and Thomas H. Huntress, int. June 23, 1844. Hannah S. of Concord, and Timothy Wheeler, int. Apr. 27, 1835. Mary F. of Boston, and Calvin Carter, int. Aug. 31, 1817. Nancy E., supposed wid., d. of Jason Whitney, and David M. Whitney, widr., s. of George and Esther, a. 40, Jan. 23, 1845. Reuben and Martha B. Morse, Oct. 15, 1841. Timothy and Hannah S. Wheeler of Concord, int. Apr. 27, 1835. WHEELOCK, Lysander and Hannah B. Horton, Jan. 13, 1836. WHITCOMB, Samuel W. and Lydia Sophia Nute, int. Nov. 26, 1848. WHITE (see Wight), Aurela of Sherborn, and Moses Fisk Jr., int. Nov. 24, 1842. Charles S. of Roxbury, and Betsey Broad, Jan. 26, 1826. Fannie M. of South Reading, and James Bailey, int. July 8, 1849. Farnum of Hudson, N.Y., and Margaret L. Bigelow, Dec. 24, 1842. Mary Ann of South Reading, and Samuel Bailey, int. July 8, 1849. Mary M. of Plainfield, Vt., and Henry Loker, int. May 15, 1836. Sarah of Stoughton, and (Lieut., int.) Timothy Bacon, July 5, 1759. In Stoughton. NATICK MARRIAGES. 195 WHITING (see Witing), Aaron of Dedham, and Mehitabel Smith, June lo, 1776. Dexter and Elizebeth Orne Biglow, May 3, 1826. Fanny and Jeremiah Baker Jr. of Dedham, Nov. 9, 1786.' WHITNEY, Abigail and William Dunton, Oct. 2, 1788. In Sherborn. Amos of Boston, and Betsy Sawin, int. Nov. 8, 1817. Betsey (S., int.), wid., and Stephen Goodhue Esq.,widr. (of Newton, dup.), Jan. 24, 1844. Daniel and Jane Whitney of Dedham, July 10, 1777. David M., and Mary Ann Gilmore, formerly of Wrentham, Apr. 3, 1828. David M., widr., s. of George and Esther, a. 40, and Nancy E. Wheeler, supposed wid., d. of Jason Whitney, Jan. 23, 1845. Ebenezer and Mary Brown, Apr. 8, 1807. Ebenezer and Joann Law, Nov. 10, 1822. Emeline Ann and Elijah Hearsey (Hersey, int.) Jr., Oct. 14, 1827. Ephraim and Sarah Wood, July 11, 177 1. Esther and James Wodkins (Watkins, m.r.) of Hopkinton, Aug. 30, 1764. Esther L. and Theodore T. Parker, int. Oct. 24, 1847. Fisher and Patty Watkins of Partridgefield, int. July 28, 1799. Freeman S. and Eveline Perry, Apr. 4, 1833. George and Esther Morse, int. Sept. 3, 1799. "'-^ George, Capt., and Azubah Hastings of Millbury, int Mar. 24, 1839. George C. and Persis Broad, Dec. 2, 1830. Hannah and Eli Rogers (of Marlboro, N.H., int.), July 11, 1799. Hannah and Henry Rice, Oct. 10, 182 1. Hitty and Samuel Lawton, Jan. 12, 1797. James and Elizabeth Twitchel of Sherborn, Apr. 27, 1732.* James Jr. and Mary Ann Clark of Sherborn, int. Apr. 14, 1844. Jane of Dedham, and Daniel Hill, int. Apr. 12, 1777. Jane of Dedham, and Daniel Whitney, July 10, 1777. Jason and Elizabeth Beal of Sudbury, Mar. 3, 1757. In Sudbury. Jason and Louis Pratt (Lois, int.) of Needham, Mar. 17, 1773. In Needham. Jason (Whiteing, int.) of Sherborn, and Deborah Morse, Nov. 13, 1776 [prob. 1766] (Mar. 15, 1766, int.). In Sherborn. Jason Jr. and Hannah Goodenow, int. Sept. 12, 1801. John, a transient person (of Medway, int.), and Molly Gary, Feb. 16, 1768. In Newton. John A. and Emily Ann Walker, May 27, 1839. * Intention not recorded. 196 NATICK MARRIAGES. Whitney, Lois and Thomas Cummins Jr. of Newton, June 29, 1791. Martha of Sherborn, and Moses Stratton, int. Aug. 11, 1833. Martha A. and David E. Allen, Nov. 6, 1834. Mary and Solomon Parker of Medfield, int. Apr. 22, 1792. Mary B. and Abraham Bigelow 2d, Mar. 6, 183 1. Mehitable (Whiting, int.) and Artemas Woodward (Woodard, int.) of Newton, Mar. 27, 1787. In Newton. Micah and Lydia Mason of Watertown, Nov. 11, 1747. In Watertown.* Prudence W, and William G. Wilson of Brighton, Dec. 17, 1842. Samuel S., Dr., of Newton, and Sarah W. Spalding, Sept, 29, 1838. Sarah and Nathan Wodkins (Watkins, m.r.) (of Hopkinton, int.), June II, 1761. Tabitha and John Lessure of Upton, Aug. 31, 1769. Thomas and Mehetable Bacon of Stoughton, int. Oct. 19, 1761. WIGHT (see White), Daniel and Zillah Goulding, int. Feb. 3, 1802. Ede Goulding and Willard Childs, Mar. 9, 1824. Eleazar G. and Phebe W. Carter of Lowell, int. Oct. 31, 1841. Daniel Jr. (Rev., int.) and Lucy Flint of Reading, Sept. 24, 1842. Eleanor C, d. of Daniel, and George Howe, Nov. 30, 1843. Mariam of Dedham, and Capt. Asa Newell, int. Dec. 3, 1805. Miriam F. and James J. Sawin, Apr. 9, 1834. Sarah of Dedham, and Oliver Bacon Jr., int. Apr. 11, 1779. Willard A. and Lucy B. Morse, Nov. 30, 1841. WILLARD, Lidia of Sherborn, and Joseph Drury, Jan. 10, 1744-5- Lydia and Jona[than] Richardson, June 14, 1759. WILLEYj'Benjamin B. and Harriet Jennison, July 3, 1842. WILLIAMS, Elizabeth M. and Daniel Carpenter, Feb. 26, 1845. In East Cambridge. William of Sudbury, and Elizabeth Jennison, Apr. 30, 1767. In Sudbury. WILLIS, Abigail of Sudbury, and William Rice, Aug. 16, 1753. In Sudbury. Cyrus H. and Sarah H. Howe, Apr. i, 1838. Sarah H., wid., and William H. Wilson, s. of John, May 2, 1843. • Intention not recorded. NATICK MARRIAGES. 197 WILSON, Henry and Harriet M. Howe Nov. 3, 1840. John O. and Mary Morse, Nov. 22, 1843. Mary A. B. of Harvard, d. of Robert G. and Rebecca, b. in Hopkinton, a. 27, and Edwin C. Morse, s. of Jesse and Betsey, a. 30, Oct. 24, 1849. William G. of Brighton, and Prudence W. Whitney, Dec. 17, 1842. William H., s. of John and Sarah H. Willis, wid.. May 2, 1843. WIN (see Winn), John and Abiga[i]l Battle of Dedham, int. Aug. II, 1734- WINCH, Elizabeth of Shrewsbury, and Richard Stanford, int. June 30, 1764. Enoch and Dorcas Greenwood of Needham, int. Aug. 15, 181 2. Leonard, s. of Enoch, and Lucy S. Farriss, d. of William, May 11, 1843. Lucy of Needham, and Capt. Charles Morse, int. Mar. 23, 181 1. Martha B. and William Flagg of Needham, Nov. 6, 1825. Nancy and George K. Barker, int. Apr. 14, 1833. Patty and Edward Jackson of Newton, Apr. 8, 1822. WINCHESTER, William W. and Eleanor Rice, Nov. 28, 1833. WINN (see Win), Eliz. (Elizabeth, int.) and Charles Heynes (of Sudbury, int.). May i, 1759. Mary and Oliver Hastings, Dec. 18, 1764. WINSHIP, Jonathan of Cambridge, and Betsey Coggin, int. Apr. 3, 1800. Susan of Needham, and Willard Mann, int. Apr. 18, 1841. WISER, Hannah of Worcester, and John Ephraim (Jr., int.), Oct. 16, 1775. Indians. In Worcester. WIS WALL, Clarissa, a. 21, and William Jones of Holliston, s. of Joseph and Susan, a. 21, Aug. 19, 1846.* WITING (see Whiting), Roger (Whiting, int.) and Fanny Broad, May 15, 1794. WODKINS (see Wadkins, Watkins), James (Watkins, m.r.) of Hopkinton, and Esther Whitney, Aug. 30, 17^4. Nathan (Watkins, m.r.) (of Hopkinton, int.) and Sarah Whitney, June II, 1761. WOLCOTT (see Walcott, Walcutt, Wallcutt), Martha, d. of John of Pepperell, b. in Pepperell, a. 23, and Charles E. Stoddard, b. in Boston, a. 24, Nov. 26, 1849. * Intention not recorded. X 198 NATICK MARRIAGES. WoLCOTT, Mary E. of Pepperell, and Calvin Leland Jr., int. Apr. 23, 1843- WOMPSQUON (see Wamsquam, Wamsquan, Womsquon), Esther (Wamsquan, int.) and Phillip Anthony, Apr. 28, 1763. (Indians, m.r.) WOMSQUON (see Wamsquam, Wamsquan, Wompsquon), [Jojshua and Sarah Pittime, June 2, 1730, WONSIMUG (see Awansamonge, Awonsamug, Awonsamugg), Thomas and Hannah Quintilias of Dudley. In Dudley. [1758.]* WOOD, Harriet of Holliston, and Lyman Cargill of Waltham, June 18, 1835.* Jemima and David Morse, Mar. 4, 1779. Sarah and Ephraim Whitney, July 11, 1771. WOODBURY, Mary Augusta and Mark Jewell, Mar. 2, 1845 . WOODCOCK, Esther of Needham, and Benjamin Morse, Aug. 24, 1758. In Needham. Isaiah of Boston, and Meriam Washburn, July 7, 1808. Samuel of Needham, and Mary Washburn, Aug. 7, 1777. William D. of Sherborn, and Fanny Kimball, May 24, 1838. WOODMAN, Nathan M. and Louisa W. Rice, int. Jan. 9, 1848. WOODWARD, Artemas (Woodard, int.) of Newton, and Mehit- able Whitney (Whiting, int.). Mar. 27, 1787. In Newton. WRIGHT, Zelinda of Richmond, N.H., and Walter Loker, int. Mar. 8, 1840. * Intention not recorded. NATICK DEATHS. NATICK DEATHS. To THE YEAR 185O. ABRAHAM (see Abram), , ch. of Samuel Jr., , 1725. Indian, c.r. , ch. of Sam[ue]l, , 1727. Indian, c.r. , d. of Samuel, , 1748. Indian. C.R. , ch. of Patience, Nov. 16, 1758. Indian. C.R. Hannah, Dec. 31, 1745. Indian, c.r. Hepsah, Feb. 8, 1759. Indian, c.r. Joseph, Feb. 25, 1759. (Indian, c.r.) Ruth, ,1727. Indian, c.r. Sam[ue]l, Dec. 28, 1745. Indian, c.r. ABRAM (see Abraham), Hannah, Aug. 15, 1739. Indian, c.r. Patience, Jan. 20, 1759. Indian, c.r. Sam[ue]l, Nov. i, 1754. Indian, c.r. ADAMS, Antoinette, d. of Chester and Mehetable, June 2, 1824, a. 7 m. 22 d. (Lung fever, c.r.) Antoinette, d. of Chester and Mehitable, Sept. 8, 1847, ^- 22 y. G.R.3. Susanna, wid. of Smith, d. of W[illia]m and Kezia Hammond, Oct. 6, 1847, a- 83 y. Old age. ALBEE, Pardon, at Waltham, Aug. 23, 1832, a. 33 y. ALLEN, Elijah, Jan. i6, 1834. James Mann, twin s. of Amos and Adaline, Nov. i, 1837, a. 5 m. John Madison, twin s. of Amos and Adaline, Oct. 26, 1837, a. 5 m. Lydia I. A., d. of Eliab and Persis, Oct. 6, 1849, a. i y. 8 m. 13 d. G.R.I. Sylvanus H., md. s. of Eliab, May 16, 1849, ^- 3° Y- ^ ^- Born in Winthrop, Me. Consumption. AMES, see Eames. ATKINS, Jane, wid. of John Esq., Apr. 2, 1839, a. 78 y. John Esq., Dec. 10, 1834, a. 79 y. (Dec. 9, G.R.5.) 202 NATICK DEATHS. AUSTIN, John, Oct. — , 1839. AVERY, Henry F., s. of wid. Zeniiah, Sept, 3, 1849, a. 2 y. 6 m. 24 d. Dysentery. Born in Warren, N.H. Jane, wid. of , Nov. 8, 1812. AWANSAMUG (see Awonsamug, Wonsamug, Wonsomug), Han- nah, Jan. — , 1756. Indian, c.r. Jerusha, Aug. 12, 1799. AWONSAMUG (see Awansamug, Wonsamug, Wonsomug), , ch. of Caleb, , 1733. Indian, c.r. , ch. of Thomas, , 1733. Indian, c.r. , ch. of Caleb, June — , 1736. Indian, c.r. Amos, June 26, 1737. Indian, c.r. Lydia, Apr. 5, 1738. Indian, c.r. BABCOCK, C, , 1822, a. 65 y. Heart disease, c.r. BABESUCK, , ch. of , Dec. 17, 1744. Indian. c.r. Jona, ,1746. Indian, c.r. BACON, Abigail, w. of Josiah, July 16, 1806. Amasa, May 5, 1834, a. 69 y. (May 3, 1834, G.R.5.) Asa, June 18, 1740. Asa, s. of Asa and Zeruiah, Jan. 3, 1803, a. 8 y. G.R.3. Asa, Oct. 12, 1810, a. 48 y. G.R.3. Betty, d. of John and Lydia, July 16, 1764. David, s. of John and Abigail, Aug. 2, 1757. David, Capt., Aug. i, 1828, a. 67 y. g.r. i, (Consumption, c.r.) David, Feb. 16, 1839, a. 42 y. (41 y., g.r.i.) Ebenezer, Sept. 27, 1847, a. 64 y. (a. 67 y., G.R.5.) Md. Dysen- tery. Eleazer, Mar. 13, 1819. (a. 72 y., c.r.) George Ashley, s. of John 3d and Lucy (S., G.R.5), Apr. 8, 1840, a. 5 y. Hannah, w. of Henry, May 18, 1802. Henry, Jan. 21, 1803. Hezekiah, Ens., Nov. 5, 1799. Horace A., s. of Alfred and Harriet, Sept. 12, 1848, a. 4 y. 21 d. Dysentery. Ira, s, of John and Mary, Jan. 15, 1803. (Jan. 14, 1803, a. 3 y., G.R.3.) Isaac, s. of Stephen and Ruth, Jan. 27, 1743-4. NATICK DEATHS. 203 Bacon, Isaac, s. of Henry and Hannah, Mar. 7, 1769. (a. 3 y. 10 m. 7 d., G.R.5.) John, Apr. 28, 1764. John 4th, s. of John ist, Apr. 19, 1838. John, formerly of Dover, July 27, 1842, a. 78 y. Old age. John, s. of Oliver, Sept. 24, 1844, a. 78 y. Old age. John G., Apr. i, 1846, a. 26 y. G.R.5. Jonathan, Feb. 18, 1844, a. 84 y. Md. Old age. (Feb. 17, 1844, G.R.5.) (Feb. 18, 1845, a. 83 y., dup.). Josiah of Dover, Jan. 31, 1808. Josiah C, s. of David and Sally, June 16, 1838. Drowned in Dug Pond. Lucy Ann, d. of John and Lucy (S., G.R.5), Feb. 11, 1847, ^' 27 y. Consumption and brain fever. Lydia, wid. of John, May — , 1766. Mary, w. of Henry, July 15, 1763. Mary, w. of John, Jan. 14, 1803. (a. 34 y., G.R.3.) Mary, d. of Asa and Zeruiah, Jan. 21, 1803, a. 5 y. G.R.3. Mary, w. of Richard, Feb. 4, 1824. (a. 60 y. Palsy, c.r.) Michael, Jan. i, 1794, a. 35 y. G.R.3. Nabby, w. of John, Dec. 5, 1801. Oliver Jr., June 8, 1787, in his 34th y. G.R.3. Oliver, Mar. i, 1803. (Mar. 2, 1803, a. 78 y., G.R.3.) Oliver, Dea., Town Clerk, Aug. 24, 1823. (a. 29 y., g.r. i.) (Ty- phus fever, c.r.) Rebecca, d. of David and Sarah, Mar. 19, 1805. (a. 18 y., g.r. 2.) Richard, Sept. 2, 1810. (a. 87 y. Dropsy, c.r.) Richard, Oct. 26, 1826, a. 70 y. Sam[ue]l, s. of Asa and Zeruiah, Jan. 8, 1802, a. 2 y. g.r. 3. Samuel, Mar. 6, 1814. Sarah, w. of Richard, Sept. 23, 1800. Sarah, w. of Elijah, Nov. 12, 1800. Sarah, May 23, 1805. (w. of Oliver, a. 73 y., G.R.3.; Sarah, w. of Capt. David, Nov. 30, 1819. (a. 59 y., g.r.i.) (Typhus fever, c.r.) Sarah, d. of Henry, Jan. 30, 1824. (a. 73 y., c.r.) William Jr., Apr. 11, 1782, in his 23d y. G.R.3. Zeruiah, wid. of (Asa, g.r. 3), Dec. 30, 1828. (Jan. i, 1829, a. 68 y., G.R.3.) Zeruiah, wid. of , Oct. 24, 1839, a. 91 y. BADGER, , Mrs., , 1819, a. 33 y. c.r. Abigail, w. of Rev. Stephen, Aug. 13, 1782. (a. 57 y., G.R.3.) Hephzibah, Sept. 6, 1796, a. 32 y. G.R.2. 204 NATICK DEATHS. Badger, John, Dec. 30, 1808. (a. 75 y. Old age, c.r.) John, Dr., Mar. 2, 1843, a. 81 y. Old age. Mary, d. of Rev. Stephen and Abigail, Mar. 7, 1769. Mary, d. of John and Mary, Dec. 10, 1847, a. 56 y. 11 m, 10 d. Unm. Lung Fever. Polly (Mary, G.R.2), wid. of John, Mar. 12, 1844, a. 80 y. Lung fever. Pruda, w. of John, Dec. 24, 1799. Sarah, w. of Rev. Stephen, Jan. 17, 1822. Stephen, s. of Rev. Stephen and Abigail, Nov. 24, 1757. Stephen 2d, s. of Rev. Stephen and Abigail, Nov. 10, 1759. Stephen Sr., June 19, 1774. (a. 80 y., G.R.3.) Stephen, Rev., Aug. 28, 1803. (a. 78 y., G.R.3.) Tabitha, d. of Rev. Stephen and Abigail, Feb. 19, 1781, BAILEY (see Bayley), Anna, Mar. i, 1847, ^- ^9 V- Old age. George A., Apr. 16, 1846, a. 13 m. G.R.4. Louisa, Aug. 23, 1843, ^- i Y- 1° "^- G.R.4. Luther, Nov. 8, 1842, a. 54 y. Consumption. BALCOM, Clarissa S., d. of Mendrick and Charlotte, July 8, 1848, a. 3 y. 4 m. Dysentery. Joseph (Joseph W., g.r.i.), s. of Joseph, Dec. 21, 1845, 3- 27 y. Md. Consumption. Born in Sudbury. Lorry Jane, d. of J. W. and Maria A., July 2, 1846. g.r.i. BARKER, Walter W., s. of A. W. and E. H., Sept. 17, 1849, a. 10 d. G.R.I. BARNES, Abigail, w. of John P., d. of Isaac and Fanny Biglow, Dec. 6, 1831. (In her 32d y., G.R.3.) John Henry, only s. of John P., Dec. 7, 1831. (a. 2 y., G.R.3.) BARR, Sarah, d. of Thomas H. and Elizabeth L., Sept. i, 1847, a. 14 y. 9 m. 22 d. Dysentery. Born in Stockbridge, Vt. BARTLETT, Caroline E., d. of Henry F. and Caroline E., Oct. 29, 1838, a. 14 m. G.R.3. Caroline E., d. of Henry F. and Caroline E., July 3, 1847, ^- 2 y. II m. G.R.3. Henry F., s. of Henry F. and Caroline E., Dec. 24, 1830, a. 2 y. 4 m. G.R. 3. Walter C, s. of Nancy, Aug. 10, 1848, a. 8 y. 8 d. Dysentery. BATES, , w. of Joshua, Dec. 14, 1848, a. 26 y. Child bed. Georg[e] H. (Henry, g.r.i.), s. of George W. and Susan (Susan B., G.R.I.), June 9, 1849, a. 7 y. Dropsy of the heart. NATICK DEATHS. 205 BATTLE, Nathaniel, June 11, 1778, a. 77 y. BAYLEY (see Bailey), Betsey, d. of Eliphalet and Abigail, Jan. 3, 1806. (a. 16 y. Consumption, c.r.) Elizebeth, d. of Daniel and Rebec[c]a, Oct. 29, 1768. BEAL (see Beals), Hannah, d. of W[illia]m and Lydia, Aug. 23, 1757. BEALS (see Beal), James, July 6, 1766. Sarah Eliza, d. of James M. and Elvira (C, g.r.i.), June 22, 1842, a. 3 m. (a. 12 w. 4 d., g.r.i.) Fits BENSON", Maria Heywood, w. of William, June 28, 1842, a. abt. 30 y. Intemperance. BENT, Rosannah, d. of George and Esther, Nov. 10, 1847, ^• 19 y. Pleurisy fever. Born in Wayland. BICKFORD, Thomas J., s. of Samuel and Sarah, Apr. 20, 1847, a. 17 m. 21 d. G.R.I. BIGELOW (see Biglow), , ch. of Ira, , 1810, a. 3 y. C.R. Catharine (Catherine W. Drake, G.R.3.), w. of Isaac Jr., Jan. 26, 1833, a. 22 y. (Cholera morbus, c.r.) Charles, s. of Abraham 2d and Mary B., Nov. 8, 1831. John, , 1823, a. 47 y. Rupture, c.r. Joseph, June 15, 1828, a. 63 y. g.r.i. (Consumption, c.r.) Martha Allen, d. of Abraham and Mary B., , 1841. G.R.4. Mary, d. of Col. Abraham and Louisa, July 30, 1827. (a. 17 m., G.R.3.) (Dysentery, c.r.) Mary Elizabeth, d. of Abraham and Louisa, Nov. 30, 1846. G.R.3. William, Dea., Mar. 25, 1813. BIGLOW (see Bigelow), Abigail, d. of W[illia]m and Hepzibah, Oct. 30, 1844, a. 62 y. 8 m. 16 d. Dropsy. Abraham, s. of Fanny (Jackson, G.R.3.) and Isaac, Feb. 28, 1809. (a. 9 m., G.R.3.) Eunice, d. of Dea. W[illia]m and Hepzibah, Apr. 15, 183 1. (a. 45 y., G.R.3.) (Consumption, c.r.) Hepzibah, wid. of Dea. William, Oct. 30, 1830. (Oct. 31, 1830, a. 82 y., G.R.3.) (Old age, c.r.) Jackson, s. of Fanny Jackson and Isaac, Oct. 8, 18 10, a. 4 y. G.R.3. 206 NATICK DEATHS. BiGLOW, Josiah, s. of William (and Hepsibah, G.R.3.), Apr. 3, 1794. (a. 10 y., G.R.3.) Marshall Train, s. of Abraham and Louisa, Aug. 13, 1822. (Aug. 16, 1822, a. I y. 9 m., G.R.3.) (Dysentery, c.r.) Mary, d. of Dea. William and Hepzibah, Oct. 17, 1823. (Aug. 17, 1823, G.R.3.) (a. 48 y. Consumption, c.r.) William, a.m., Jan. 12, 1844, in Boston, a. 70 y. G.R.3. BILLINGS, Cynthia, Jan. 29, 1847, a. 57 y. g.r.i, BIRD, Benjamin, Aug. 28, 1836, a. 63 y. (Aug. 27, G.R.3.) Chloe, wid. of Benjamin, June 5, 1847, a. 80 y. G.R.3. Olynda, d. of Benjamin and Chloe, Aug. 31, 1828, a. 28 y. G.R.3. BLAKE, John B. (s. of Edward and Hannah, g.r.i.), Dec. 20, 1848, a. 5 y. (a. 4 y. 6 m., g.r.i.) Born in Dover. Scarlet fever. BLODGETT, Ebenezer P., s. of Amos and Mary, Sept. 18, 1847, a. 22 y. 6 m. I d. Md. Born in Brookline. Dysentery. Mary L., d. of Eben[eze]r B. and Caroline L., Sept. 13, 1848, a. 8 m. 17 d. Cholera infantum. BODEN, Kezia, w. of William, June 27, 1809. (a. 77 y. 10 m., G.R.2.) (Dropsy, c.r.) William Esq., Sept. 22, 1807. (a. 72 y. 7 m., g.r.2.) BOND, , wid. of John, Feb. 10, 1826. (a. 63 y. Fit, c.r.) John, Oct. 18, 181 5. (a. 55 y. Lung fever, c.r.) BOSTON, Hannah, , 1817, a. 22 y. Consumption. Black. C.R. Israel, , 1819, a. 25 y. Consumption. Black, c.r. BOULTER, Rebecca P., w. of Stephen H., June 26, 1845, a. 32 y. 8 m. 29 d. Born in Bristol, Me. Canker. BOWERS, James F., s. of Benj[ami]n F. and Abby, Aug. 18, 1848, a. I m. 15 d. Cholera infantum. Jerahmeel, Sept. 7, 1847, a- 73 Y- 1° ^- ^ora in Townsend. Dysentery. BOYNTON, Eliza B., w. of James of Boston, May 4, 1832, a. 27 y. G.R.I. James Henry, only s. of James and Eliza B., June i, 1833, a. 14 ni. G.R.I. BRAND, Peter, Dr., Mar. 9, 1754. Indian, c.r. NATICK DEATHS. 207 BRIANT, , ch. of John, , 1800, a. 14 y. Consumption. C.R. BRIGHAM, , ch. of Lieut. , , 1827, a. i d. C.R. Edward H., s. of Eph[rai]m H. and Catharine, Aug. 28, 1845, a. I d. (Aug. 28, 1844, a. 30 d., g.r.i.) Cholera Infantum. BROAD, Abiga[i]l, w. of Hezekiah, Mar. 31, 1736. (Mar. 30, 1736, a. 29 y., G.R.3.) Abigail, wid. of (Tho[ma]s, g.r.2.). May i, 1817. (a. 74 y., G.R.2.) (Liver complaint, C.R.) Becca, w. of Capt. Luther, Nov. 20, 1826. Edward, s. of Hezekiah and Sibbel (J., G.R.3.), Oct. 28, 1843. (Oct. 27, G.R.3.), a. I y. 5 m. Dysentery. Fanny, d. of Moses and Polly, Oct. 15, 1795, a. 4 y. 5 m. 7 d. G.R.5. Fanny, d. of (Maj., G.R.3.) Hezekiah and Miriam, Feb. i, 1821. (Feb. 2, 1821, a. 5 y., G.R.3.) Hezekiah, May 10, 1752. (a. 44 y., G.R.3.) Hezekiah Esq. (Maj., C.R.), Mar. 17, 1823. (a. 76 y., G.R.3.) (Dropsy and consumption, C.R.) Lidia, w. of Maj. Hezekiah, Sept. 20, 1807. (a. 56 y., G.R.3.) Mary, d. of Hezekiah and Rebecca, Nov. 20, 17 51, a. i y. 10 m. G.R.3. Mason, s. of Luther and Rebeca, May 11, 1816. (a. 11 m. Con- sumption, C.R.) Matilda, d. of Capt. Luther, Dec. 5, 1826. (a. 15 y. Fever, c.R.) Moses, June 29, 1837. (June 30, 1837, a. 68 y., G.R.5.) Polly, w. of Moses, Dec. 7, 1809. (a. 42 y., c.R.) Rebecca, , 1826, a. 49 y. Fever. c.R. Sarah, w. of (Maj., G.R.3.) Hezekiah Esq. (formerly w. of John Sawin, G.R.3.), Sept. 2, 1812. (a. 51 y., G.R.3.) Silvanus, s. of Moses and Polly, Apr. 14, 1803. Thomas, Apr. 13, 1800. Thomas, June 21, 1807. (a. 63 y., g.r.2.) (Liver complaint, c.R.) William, Aug. 3, 1818, a. 37 y. g.r.i. BROOKS, , ch. of Jno., , 1729. Indian. c.R. , ch. of Eunice, Feb. i, 1758. Indian. c.R. Hannah, Apr. 7, 1737. Indian. c.R. John, July 19, 1745. (Indian, c.R.) Mary Frances, d. of Job and Eliza, Dec. 23, 1830. (Dec. 22, 1830, a. 15 m., G.R.3.) (Cholera morbus, c.R.) / 2o8 NATICK DEATHS. BROWN, Charles (Charles N., g.r.i.), s. of Newell and Priscilla, Aug. 29, 1845, 3.. 20 y. II m. Md. Born in Framingham. Typhus fever. Helen R., d. of J. M. and M. E., Aug. 18, 1846, a. i y. 2 m. 6 d. G.R.I. Learned, Sept. 2, 1832. Inn holder, (a. 29 y., c.r.) Lacy A. (of Lyme, Conn., G.r.i.), d. of David, Sept. 13, 1844 (in Saxonville, g.r.i.), a. 19 y. Typhus fever. Sarah, w. of Capt. William, Apr. 5, 1803. (a. 58 y., G.R.3.) William, May 2, 1768. William, Apr. 22, 1822, (a. 53 y., C.R.) ■ BRYANT (see Briant). BURKS, Walter W., s. of Alpheus W. and Anna H., Sept. 18, 1849, 3- 10 ^- Malformation. BURNAP, Caroline, Apr. 24, 1829. (Consumption, c.r.) CARGILL, Mariette, d. of wid. , Jan. 9, 1840, a. 26 y. CARHART, Joseph, Dec. 17, 1833, a 23 y. g.r.i. Rebecca, w. of Thomas, Sept. 9, 1848, a. 34 y. 4 m. 19 d. Dysen- tery. Born in Cornwall Co., England. CARTER, , Dec. 22, 1848, a. 50 y. Lung fever. Born in Needham. Bela, June 20, 1846, a. 57 y. G.R.5. Eber E., s. of Joseph and Emeline, Aug. 10, 1849, a. i y. 11 m. Dysentery. Born in Belfast, Me. Hannah, wid. of Joshua, Mar. 16, 1843, ^- ^3 7- ^^d age. Henry H., s. of Elbridge and Lucy G., Aug. 10, 1844, a. 6 m. 13 d. Cholera infantum. Joshua, s. of Joshua, Mar. 12, 1825. Joshua, Apr. i, 1836, a. 80 y. CARVER, Lydia, Mar. 10, 1776. CASE, Samuel, Capt., Dec. 30, 1837, a. 74 y. CHALCOM (see Chalkcom), , ch. of , Mar. 5 1745-6. Indian. c.R. Jacob Jr., June 21, 1745. Indian. c.R. Leah, May 24, 1761. Indian. c.R. Phenias, s. of Jacob and Leah, Oct. 22, 1443 [i743l- NATICK DEATHS. 209 CHALKCOM (see Chalcom), Leah, d. of Jacob and L> ah, Nov. 12, 17— (1730, T.c). Margaret, d. of Jacob and Leah, Nov. 17, 1734. Reachel, d. of Jacob and Leah, Feb. 15, 1741-2. (Indian, c.R,) CHANDLER, Ella P., d. of Wolcott C, Aug. 24, 1848, a. i y. Dysentery. Nancy W., d. of Wolcott C, Aug. 28, 1848, a. 17 y. Dysentery. Born in Andover, Vt. Wolcott C, Dr., Aug. 19, 1848, a. 42 y. Md. Dysentery. Born in Grafton, Vt. CHILDS, Israel, Feb. 4, 1849, ^- 4^ y- Md. Influenza. Born in Needham. Josiah, s. of Josiah and Experience, Apr. 10, 1848, a. 77 y. 10 m. 19 d. Md. Born in Framingham. Wounded by highway robbers on April ist. CHORE, , ch. of John, , 1819. c.R. David, , 1828, a. 21 y. Consumption. c.R. Francis, , 1810, a. 25 y. Consumption. c.R. Hannah, , 1822, a. 67 y. Dysentery. Black. c.R. John, Mar. 7, 1793. John, , 1821, a. 82 y. Bilious colic. Black. c.R. N., , 1810, a. 24 y. Consumption. C.R. CLARK, Edward B. (s. of Isaac B, and Mary A., G.R.4.), Sept. 11, 1848, a. I y. 2 m. Dysentery. Hester Ann, w. of William (Rev. Wm. C, G.R.5.), Jan. 11, 1849, ^^ 31 y. (Jan. 14, 1849, a. 33 y-> G.R.5.) Erysipelas. CLEAVELAND, Moses P., Dr., Oct. 6, 1840, a. 36 y. COBB, , ch. of Nathan, , 1810, a. 2 y. Dropsy. c.R. , ch. of William, , 1826, a. 4 y. Consumption. c.R. COFFEE, Elsie, w. of Zadock, Jan. 4, 1835. COGGEN (see Coggin), Elizabeth, w. of Henry, Mar. 15, 1773. Henry, May 9, 1814. (a. 30 y., G.R.5.) Killed by fall of a house. Mary, wid. of , May 23, 1802. COGGIN (see Coggen), Isaac, s. of Samuel and Faithee, July 19, 1833, a. 2 y. 7 m. G.R.5. (Dropsy, c.R.) Isaac, July 4, 1842, a. 52 y. G.R.5. Samuel, Oct. 14, 1831. (a. 42 y., G.R.5.) Killed by loaded wagon passing over him at Watertown. 2IO NATICK DEATHS. CoGGiN, Samuel, s. of Samuel and Faithee, Oct, 13, 1832, a. 5 y. 4 m. G.R.5. COLBATH, Harriet Wilson, d. of John F., Aug. 8, 1843, a. i m. 28 d. Dropsy in the head. W[illia]m H. (Herbert, g.r.i.), s. of Geo[rge] A. (and Hannah M., G.R.I. ), Sept. 24, 1848, a. I d. (Sept. 22, 1848, a. 10 m. 17 d., g.r.i.) Cholera Infantum. COLBURN, Alfred W., s. of Ziba and Mary, July 26, 1844, a. i y. I m. Canker rash. COMACHO (see Comecho, Comocho), , wid. of ' , 1730. Indian, c.r. , d. of Jo., , 1735. Indian, c.r. , ch. of Hez. , 1736. Indian, c.r. , ch. of Hez., Nov. 2, 1739. Measles. Indian, c.r. , ch. of Hez., Nov. 3, 1739. Measles. Indian, c.r. , ch. of Hez., , 1744, Indian, c.r. , ch. of Hez., , 1744. Indian, c.r. , ch. of Jer., June 8, 1756. Indian. c,R, Hez[ekiah], Dec, 19, 1745. Indian, c.r. Jer., Mar. 13, 1745-6. Indian, c.r. Jno., , 1731 or 1732. Indian, c.r. Job., , 1725. Indian, c.r. COMECHO (see Comacho, Comocho), , wid. of , Dec. 24, 1757. Indian, c.r. Betty, Mar. 12, 1759. Indian, c.r. Joseph, Nov. 30, 1758. Indian, c.r. Leah, Jan. 19, 1759. Indian, c.r. Molly, Mar. 3, 1759. Indian, c.r. COMOCHO (see Comacho, Comecho), John, s. of Hezekiah and Elezabeth, Nov. 15, 1743. CONNELLY, George F., Aug. 22, 1848, a. 4 y. G.R.5. COOCHUCK, , w. of Nat., , 1725, Indian, c.r. , 2d w. of Nat., , 1728. Indian. C.R, , ch. of Nat., , 1728. Indian, c.r. , ch. of James, , 1729. Indian, c.r. , 3d w. of Nat., , 1729. Indian, c.r. , w. of J., , 1730. Indian, c.r. . ch. of Ja. , 1730. Indian, c.r. NATICK DEATHS. 211 CoocHUCK, , w. of Nath[aiiie]l, May — , 1753. Found drowned in a pond. Indian, c.r. James, May 21, 1740. Indian, c.r. Nath[anie]l, May — , 1753. Found drowned in a pond. Indian. C.R. Sarah, w. of James, in Needham, Nov. 19, 17 — . COOLEDGE (see Coolidge, Coollidge), George, s. of Oran and Rebecca, Nov. i, 1825. Louisa Ann, d. of William and Ann, Oct, 19, 1826. (a. 8 m. 8 d., G.R.I.) (Bilious fever, c.r.) COOLIDGE (see Cooledge, Coollidge), , s. of Oren, , 1825, a. 3 m. Consumption, c.r. Abigail, wid. of John, Mar. 30, 1844, a. 70 y. Cancer. Born in Sherborn. Adelaide, d. of John and Eliza A., Nov. 16, 1848. g.r.i. Anna, w. of Capt. John, Jan. 18, 1782. Eunice, w. of John, June 24, 1812. (a. 53 y., g.r.i.) Hannah, w. of William, June 5, 1819. (a. 40 y. Consumption, C.R.) Henry C, s. of John B., Apr. i, 1849, a. 7 m. Inflammation of the lungs. Isaac, Mar. 5, 1822. (a. 74 y. Lung fever, c.r.) John, Aug. 21, 1823. John, May 30, 1835. (May 29, 1835, a. 83 y., g.r.i.) Louisa, d. of Dea. William and (Hannah, g.r.i.), Sept. 2, 1825. (a. 20 y., g.r.i.) (Consumption, c.r.) Lydia, w. of Alexander, July 6, 1841. Convulsion fits. (a. 40 y. g.r.i.) Lydia Ann, d. of Alexander and Lydia, June 23, 183 1. (a. a y. Cholera morbus, c.r.) Molly, wid. of Thomas, July 12, 1841, a. 84 y. Thomas, Sept. 2, 1830. (Sept. 5, 1830, a. 75 y., G.R.5.) Timothy, (s. of Thomas and Molly, G.R.5.), Dec. i, 1813. (1812, a. 28 y., G.R.5.) W[illia]m Henry, s. of John and Eliza A., Dec. 3, 1848. g.r.i. COOLLIDGE (see Cooledge, Coolidge), [Elijzabeth, d. of John, Jan. 5, 1750-1. Elizabeth, d. of John and Anna, Mar. 6, 1757. [Hajnnah, d. of John, Jan. 28, 1 750-1. COPE, Jane, w. of , Dec. 26, 1781, in her 71st y. G.R.5. 212 NATICK DEATHS. CORBETT, Catharine, d. of John and Rosa, Aug. 6, 1849, a. 8 m. 20 d. Dysentery. Born in Boston. CUMmOS, Sally, d. of Eb[e]n[eze]r and Joann, Dec. 7, 1825. CURCUM, Cesar, Nov. 30, 1803. CURTIS, Alfred Crawford, s. of George B. and Martha, Aug. 12, 1844, a. 10 y. Dysentery. Born in Fayette, Md. George Augustus, s. of George B. and Martha, Aug. 18, 1844, a. 12 y. Dysentery. Born in Hamden, Conn. Martha, w. of George B., Feb. 27, 1843, a. 33 y. Child birth. DANA, Ephraim, Lieut., Nov. 17, 1792. Luther, Nov. 2, 1809. (Nov. i, a. 44 y., G.R.3.) Lyd[i]a, w. of Luther, Aug. 4, 1809. (Aug. 3, a. 41 y., G.R.3.) DAVIS, Wheelock S., s. of Thomas A. and Elizabeth T., Aug. 23, 1847, ^- 10 ^- 5 d. Cholera infantum. DEGGO, Peter, Mar. 6, 1804. DEWING, Daniel, Mar. 24, 1758. Jonathan, Nov. 27, 1756. DEXTER, Hannah, , 182 1, a. 76 y. Burned to death. In- dian. C.R. DOWNEY, Catharine, Sept.[i,"i849, a. 28 y. Unm. Typhoid fever. Born in Ireland. DRAPER, Enoch, Jan. 24, 1822. (a. 59 y. Fever, c.r.) William, s. of Jesse and Lois, Feb. 2, 1845, ^- 39 Y- ^d. Born in Dover. Delirium tremens. DREDGE, Bela (G., G.R.4.), s. of Thomas, Sept. 13, 1848, a. 10 y. (a. 19 y. 9 m., G.R.4.) Born in Sherborn. Dysen- tery. Mary A., d. of Thomas and Sarah, Mar. 25, 1837, a. 8 m. 9 d. G.R.4. DRURY, Abel, Aug. 30, 1832. (a. 57 y. Consumption, c.R.) Asa, Capt., June 26, 1816, a. 68 y. g.r.2. (Consumption, c.R.) Betsy, d. of Samuel and Elizabeth, Apr. 29, 1792, a. 2 y. 9 m. G.R.5. Curtis, May 8, 1844, a. 47 y. (a. 47 y. 5 m., g.r.2.) Pulmonary consumption. NATICK DEATHS. 213 Drury, David R., s. of (Maj., c.r.) Dexter, Aug. 7, 1828, a. 11 y. G.R.2. (Fever, c.r.) Dexter, Maj., Jan. 5, 1836, a. 42 y. Dolly, w. of Capt. Asa, June 19, 1826, a. 77 y. g.r.2. Elijah, Feb. 27, 1817. (a. 47 y. Consumption, c.r.) Elizabeth, wid. of Samuel, Nov. 15, 1835, a. abt. 80 y, (Nov. 18, 1835, a. 83 y., G.R.5.) George, at New Orleans, Oct. 28, 1835, a. 29 y. 9 m. g.r.2. Hannah, wid. of , June 19, 1826. Louisa, w. of Willard, Aug. 26, 1849, ^- 44 y. 4 m. 4 d. Con- sumption. Born in Needham. Lucy, wid. of Dexter, Sept. 21, 1849, ^' 54 y. 6 m. 21 d. Lung fever. Nancy (d. of Samuel and Elizabeth, G.R.5.), Oct. 19, 1810. (a. 19 y. 8 m., G.R.5.) (Scrofula, c.r.) Nathan, Dec. 12, 1838. Samuel, Jan. 22, 1805. (a. 47 y., G.R.5.) Sarah, w. of Josiah, , 1835. DUBEE, Charles, Nov. — , 1834. DUN (see Dunn), Lot, Oct. 24, 1794, a. 24 y. G.R.5. DUNN (see Dun), Anna, d. of Jonathan and Elizebeth, Nov. 19, 1793- Anna, wid. of , Feb. 14, 1799. Anna, , 1824, a. 90 y. Lung fever, c.r. Elizabeth, wid. of Jonathan, Aug. 14, 1841, a. 85 y. G.R.5. Jona[than] Jr., May 13, 1817, a. 37 y. G.R.5. Jonathan, Sept. 17, 1824. (a, 78 y., G.R.5.) Patty, Nov. 20, 1824. William, s. of Jonathan and Elizebeth, Nov. 20, 1793. DUNTEN (see Dunton), Lucy, w. of Reuben, Mar, 20, 1753. DUNTON (see Dunten), John, Dec. 25, 1843, a. 74 y. Lung fever. Sally, w. of John, Mar. 26, 1812. Sarah, w. of Isaac, Mar. 2, 1800. DURANT, Isaac, widr., Jan. 9, 1848, a. 91 y. Born in Littleton. Old age. DURGIN, Alvin F., s. of Hiram P. and Laura, Aug. 12, 1848, a. 6 d. Dysentery. 214 NATICK DEATHS. DYAR (see Dyer), Elezabeth, d. of Nathaniel and Martha, Dec. 26, 1745- Eunice, May i, 1749. Isaac, s. of Nathaniel and Martha, Aug. — , 1747. Jonathan, Sept. 23, 1758. Nathaniel, Aug. 15, 1754. Ruth, Aug. I, 1751. William, s. of Nathaniel and Martha, Dec. 25, 1745. DYER (see Dyar), Mehitebel, June 11, 173 1. (a. 30 y., G.R.3.) EAMES, , wid. of , Dec. 14, 1829. EDWARDS, Martha, d. of Calvin and Susan L., Mar. 15, 1847, a. 23 y. G.R.4. Martha, d. of Elijah and Rebeckah, Sept. 30, 1849, ^- ^^ Y- 7 "i. G.R.I. ELIOT (see Elliott), Joseph, s. of Dea. John of Boston, Sept. 25, 1782, a. 54 y. G.R.3. Sarah, Miss, d. of Dea. John of Boston, Sept. 6, 1787, a. 62 y. G.R.3. Silence, Miss, d. Dea. John of Boston, Aug. 2, 1790, a. 60 y. G.R.3. ELLIOT (see Eliot), Sarah, Feb. 12, 1845, a. 20 y. Born in Groton, N.H. ELLIS, George A., s. of Royal and Elizabeth, Aug. 11, 1848, a. II m. 18 d. Dysentery. Mehetabel, d. of Thomas and Mehetabel, Aug. 6, 1768. Semeon, s. of Thomas and Elizabeth, Mar. 15, 1738-9. Thomas, Mar. 28, 1768. EPHRAIM, , d. of Joseph, , 1722. Indian, c.r. , ch. of Joseph, , 1728. Indian. c.R. , ch. of Joseph, , 1728. Indian. C.R. , ch. of Jos. Jr., Mar. 22, 1740-1. Indian, c.r. , ch. of Jos., Dec. 29, 1741. Indian. c.R. , ch. of Jos. Jr., Oct, — , 1742. Indian. c.R. , w. of Dea. , Dec. 8, 1745. Indian. c.R. , ch. of John, Nov. 29, 1749. Indian, c.r. , ch. of Hannah, June 22, 1756. Indian. c.R. Dn., May 25, 1761. Indian. c.R. Eb[enezer], Apr. 3, 1746. Indian. c.R. Ester, w. of Dea., , 1751. Indian. c.R. Hannah, Jan. 23, 1759. Indian. c.R. NATICK DEATHS. 21$ / Ephraim, Hannah Jr., Feb. — , 1759. Indian, c.r. Isaac, Apr. 19, 1754. Indian, c.r, John, , 1729. Indian, c.r. Judith, Feb. 11, 1758. Old. Indian, c.r. Peter, Mar. — , 1753. Indian, c.r. Simon, May 16, 1746. Indian, c.r. Susannah, d. of Peter, , 1745. Indian, c.r. ESTY, , ch. of Joseph, , 1832, a. 5 m. Canker rash. C.R. Caroline, Oct. 25, 1817, a. 22 y. G.R.3. Elijah Jr., Oct. 2, 1801. (a. 35 y., G.R.3.) Elijah, Sept. 13, 1824, a. 88 y. (Sept. 14, 1824, g.r,3,) (Old age, C.R.) Lydia G., w. of Elijah, Jan. 22, 1823, a. 83 y. G.R.3. Mary, w. of Elijah Jr., May 29, 1822, a. 52 y. G.R.3. Mary, w. of Elijah, Jan. 19, 1823. Rhoda, d. of Elijah and Lydia, Sept. 26, 1775. FAIR, Cato, Mar. 5, 1800. Jane, , 1820, a. 94 y. Black, c.r. FAIRBANK (see Fairbanks), , s. of Cha[rle]s and Eliza- beth, Aug. 19, 1848, a. I d. Debility. FAIRBANKS (see Fairbank), Lewis, , 1832. g.r.i. FARD, John, Aug. 3, 1848, a. 20 y. Unm. Killed by accident on water works. Born in Ireland. FARIS (see Fariss, Farris, Farriss), William, Capt., May 5, 1789, a. 88 y. G.R.5. FARISS (see Faris, Farris, Farriss), Betsey, w. of William, Nov. 22, 18 10. (a. 58 y. Fever, c.r.) FARMER, Lafayette, s, of Solomon G. and Eliza Ann, July 26, 1844, a. 6 m. 15 d. Cholera infantum. FARRINGTON, , ch. of William, , 1816, a. i m. c.r. FARRIS (see Faris, Fariss, Farriss), William, Oct. 23, 1814. (a. 65 y. Palsy, c.r.) FARRISS (see Faris, Fariss, Farris), , ch. of William, , 1819, a. 10 d. Sore mouth, c.r. John Quincy Adams, s. of William Esq. and Lucy, Aug. 19, 1825. (a. II m. Whooping cough, c.r.) 2l6 NATICK DEATHS. Farriss, Lucy, w. of W[illia]m Esq., Aug. 26, 1825. (Aug. 27, 1825, a. 33 y., G.R.I.) (Throat distemper, c.r.) William, s. of William and Lucy, June 20, 18 16. William Eustis, s. of W[illia]m and Lucy, Sept. 29, 1824. (a. I'y. Dysentery, c.r.) FAVOUR, Harriet E., d. of Jacob and Nabby, Apr. 6, 1848, a. I y. II m. II d. Consumption. FEGGINS, Hendrick, s. of Thankful, , 1768. Indian, ex. Thankful, Oct. 8, 1768. Indian, c.r. FELCH, , ch. of John Jr., , 1826, a. 6 h. c.r. Asa, widr., Mar. 21, 1846, a. 77 y. Palsy. Chester Henry, s. of Isaac and Kezia, June 11, 1835. (a. 5 y,, G.R.I.) Hannah, wid. of (John, G.R.5.), Sept. 10, 1844, a. 80 y. Old age. (Sept. 9, 1844, a. 81 y., G.R.5.) John, Capt., at battle of White Plain, Oct. 28, 1776, a. 47 y. G.R.5. John, Mar. 6, 1830, a. 70 y. G.R.5. John A., s. of John and Sarah, Jan. 14, 1848, a. 23 y. 11 m. 22d. Unm. Typhus fever. John L., s. of John and Hannah, May 22, 1847, a. 52 y. Unm. Intemperance. Lovina, w. of Asa, June 29, 1840, in her 72d y. G.R.5. Mary, wid. of (Capt. John, g.r. 5.), Aug. 26, 1813. (a. 76 y., G.R.5.) Mary, d. of Oliver and Hannah (W., g.r. 5.), July 29, 1848, a. 10 m. Cholera infantum. Mary H., d. of Asa Jr. and Lienor, June 12, 1842. Scarlet fever. Nancy, w. of Asa Jr., Sept. 8, 1828. (a. 26 y., g.r. 5.) (Brain fever, c.r.) Nancy, d. of Asa Jr. and Nancy, Sept. 16, 1828. (Sept. 15, 1828, a. 3 w., G.R.5.) Patty, w. of Levi, Nov. 13, 1828. (a. 48y., G.R.5.) (Rheumatism, C.R.) Sarah Ann, d. of John, Mar. 16, 1839, a. 17 y. (16 y. 11 m., g.r.i.) FERRIT, Ceaser, May 23, 1799. FERRY, John, Apr. 26, 1831. Mary, d. of Cesar, May 22, 1836. Old age, FISHER, , s. of Addison and Martha, Aug. 30, 1848, a, i m. 6 d. Cholera infantum. Isabel Maria, d. of Charles and Hannah, July 18, 18^8, a. i y. 10 m. 19 d. Cholera infantum. NATICK DEATHS. • 217 Fisher, Joseph, , 1816, a. 29 y. Consumption, c.r. Prudence, d. of Jeremiah and Esther, May 22, 1767. FISK (see Fiske), David, at Quebec, Nov. 11, 1809, a. 24 y. G.R.5. Eunice, wid. of , June 19, 1819. (a. 64 y., c.r.) Hannah, d. of Capt. Joshua and Martha, Nov. 18, 1790, a. 4 y. G.R.5. Hezekiah, s. of Moses and Mehetabel, Aug. 24, 1757. (a. 8 m. i8d.,G.R.5.) Joseph, Aug. 14, 1816. (a. 29 y., G.R.5.) Joshua, Capt., Mar. 27, 1796. (a. 48 y., G.R.5.) Martha, d. of Capt. Joshua and Martha, Oct. 5, 1790, a. 10 y. G.R.5. Martha, w. of Capt. Joshua, Apr. i, 1796. (a. 45 y.,G.R.5.) Mehetable, w. of Moses, Feb. 13, 1773, a. 53 y. G.R.5. Mehitable (Hitty, G.R.5.), d. of Capt. Joshua and Martha, Dec. 10, 1775. (Dec. 15, 1775, a. 7 m., G.R.5.) Moses, Feb. 18, 1770, a. 57 y. G.R.5. Moses, Oct. 2, 1810. (a. 65 y., G.R.5.) (Rheumatism, c.r.) Olive, d. of Capt. Joshua and Martha, Sept. 22, 1790, a. 2 y. G.R.5. Sally (Sarah, G.R.5.), w. of Moses, Jan. 20, 1800. (a. 55 y., G.R.5.) FISKE (see Fisk), Abby (Abby T., g.r.i.), w. of Moses Jr., July 20, 1842, a. T,s y. (38 y. 6 m., g.r.i.) Peritonitis. Harriet E., d. of Charles E. and Harriet C, Oct. 5, 1845, a. 2 y. 21 d. Dysentery. Louisa J., d. of David and Lucinda, Oct. 30, 1849, a. 9 y. 5 m. G.R.I. FOLSOM, Henrietta, d. of Aaron L. and Adaline, Oct. 19, 1844, a. 6 m. Inflammation of bowels. FOX, Daniel G., s. of Daniel and Deborah, Nov. 2, 1844, a. 42 y. Typhus fever. Born in Dracut. Joseph v., June 14, 1843, a. 37 y. Md. Debility. Orren F., s. of Daniel G. and Betsey, Dec. 9, 1844, a. 4 y. 5 m. Lung fever. FRADERICK, Antony, Feb. 28, 1799. FRANCIS, , ch. of Amos, , 1741. Indian, c.r. FROST, Eben[eze]r, Apr. 20, 1754. Emeline E., d. of Moses and Abigail, May 17, 1848, a. 3 m. 26 d. Lung fever. Lucinda, w. of Moses, Dec. 28, 1828, a. 29 y g.r.i. 2l8 NATICK DEATHS. FURGERSON, , d. of , Oct. 14, 1848, a. i d. Debility. GALE, Lydia B. (w. of Alfredie, g.r.i,), d. of John and Mary Morse, Nov. 18, 1844, a. 26 y. Consumption. GAY, , ch. of Louisa, , 1832, a. 6 m. Canker rash. C.R. Abigail, d. of Joseph and Jane, Mar. 3, 1832, a. 3 y. Amos, widr., s. of Jeremiah and Lydia, Sept. 26, 1845, a. 80 y. Cancer. Betty, w. of Joseph, Dec. 7, 1827. (a. 71 y. Fever, c.r.) Daniel (M., g.r.i.), s. of Nathan, Dec. 3, 1844, a. 15 y. 9 m. (17 y., G.R.I.) Gravel. Lydia (w. of Jeremiah, G.R.5.), Apr. 12, 1837, a. 103 y. GEGER, Beulah, May 19, 1802. Nichodemus, Jan. 18, 1802. GEORGE, , ch. of John, , 1722. Indian, c.r. Abig[ai]l, Jan. 22, 1745-6. Indian, c.r. John, Jan. 27, 1745-6. Indian, c.r. GERRISH, Jonathan H., s. of Joseph and Lydia, July 24, 1847, a. 20 y. 3 m. 10 d. Unm. Born in Lebanon, N.H, Drowned. GILMAN, Emma A., d. of John and Nancy, Aug. 12, 1846, a. i m. 19 d. G.R.3. GILMORE, Francis E., s. of James and Irene, Aug. 17, 1849, a. 24 y. 7 m. Unm. Born in Walpole. Dysentery and fever. GODENOW(see Goodenow), John, Capt., June 11, 1752. GOODENOW (see Godenow), Colings, s. of Capt. John and Ruth, June 2, 1744, a. 11 y. 6 m. G.R.5. CoUings, s. of Elijah and Deborah, Nov. 10, 1754- . Deborah, w. of Elijah, Apr. 17, 1763. Elijah, s. of Elijah and Deborah, Dec. 3, 1759. Elijah, s. of WiUiam and Phebe, Dec. 12, 1799. Elijah, Apr. 12, 1813. Hannah, w. of Elijah, Mar. 7, 1813. Hezekiah, s. of John and Dority, Oct. — , 1754- Jemima, d. of Elijah and Deborah, Nov. 28, 1754. Kezia, d. of Elijah and Deborah, Oct. 29, 17 5-. John Jr., June 10, 1752. NATICK DEATHS. 219 GOODENOW, John, s. of John and Dority, Oct. — , 1754- John, s. of William and Phebe, July 4, 1801. John A., Sept. 14, 1847, ^- ^ ^- ^° d- g.r.i. Mary, d. of Elijah and Deborah, Sept. 14, 1757. Mary, d. of William and Phebe, Sept. 23, 1801. Phebe, wid. of Dea. William, Aug. 30, 1843, a. 82 y. Old age. Ruth, wid. of , in Needham, May 25, 1782. William, s. of Capt. John and Ruth, May 26, 1744, a. 13 y. 7 m. G.R.5. William, s. of Elijah and Deborah, Sept. 10, 1747. William, s. of Elijah and Deborah, Oct. 4, 1757. William, s. of William, Mar. 2, 17 91. William Esq., Jan. 19, 1838, a. 78 y. GOODHUE, John, Jan. 3, 1849. g.r.i. Sarah Elizabeth, eldest child of John and Thirza D., Mar. 25, 1839. G.R.I. GOULD, Albion, s. of Nathaniel and Eliza, Apr. 19, 1847, *• 15 y. II m. G.R.3. John C, s. of Nathaniel, (eldest son of Nathaniel and Eliza, G.R.3), Sept. 18, 1843, a. 22 y. Born in Maine. Typhus fever. Sarah D., w. of Daniel, Aug. 6, 1849, a. 27 y. GOULDING, Eda, d. of Eleazer and Jemima, Dec. 25, 1802. (a. 8 y., G.R.3.) GRAVES, , w. of William, Feb. 10, 1807. ' (Mary Graves, a. 60 y. Old age, c.r.) Rachel, wid. of ', Mar. 19, 1796. William, Apr. i, 1801. GREEN, Marda, , 1826, a. 7 y. Croup. Black, c.r. GREENWOOD, Bela, Col., in Brighton, Dec. 20, 1842, a. 41 y. G.R.4. Lydia Ann Maria, d. of Lyman and Eliza, Sept. 23, 1844, a. 12 y. Typhus fever. Born in Needham. Sarah Jane, d. of W[illia]m and Sarah, Oct. 19, 1849, ^- 12 y. Typhoid fever. GREGG, Michael, July ix, 1849, a. 34 y. Md. Drowned. Born in Ireland. HALL, David, Jan. 6, 1802. Dorathy, Sept. (14, G.R.5), 1829. (a. 72 y., G.R.5.) (Dropsy, C.R.). 220 NATICK DEATHS. Hall, Dorithy, w. of David, Mar. 28, 1799. Elisabeth, d. of Thomas and Esther, June 28, 1767. (a. i y, II m., G.R.3.) Esther, w. of Thomas, in Needham, Aug. 29, 1767. (a. 36 y. II m., G.R.3.) HAM, , s. of , July 7, 1841, a. 9 m. Meningitis. John Franklin, s. of Benj[ami]n F. and Catharine K., July 28, 1847, a. I m. Cholera infantum. HAMMON (see Hammond), William, June 16, 1816. (a. 77 y. Fever, c.r.) HAMMOND (see Hammon), Beulah, w. of Edward, Feb. 9, 1846, a. 78 y. (Feb. 10, 1846, G.R.5.) Born in Needham. Old age. Emeline S. (Emeline Stone, G.R.5), d. of Tho[ma]s F. and Mary Ann (Merium W., G.R.5), Nov. 29, 1847, a. 5 y. 2 m, 11 d. Whooping cough. Henry, s. of Richard and Marcy, Apr. 11, 1840, a. 3 y, 4 d. G.R.5. James M., s. of Edward and Louisa, Oct. 3, 1822, a. 10 m. g.r.i. (Dropsy, c.r.) Kezia, wid. of William, June 3, 1826. (June i, dup.) HANCHETT, Lavina M., d. of Ebenezer, Jan. 4, 1849, a. 3 y. I m. Croup. HANSCOM, Alby C, s. of Betsey and Peltine, Apr. 15, 1845, a. 29 y. 21 d. Md. Born in Milton, N.H. Consumption. Henry P. (H. P. Dennett Hanscom, g.r.i), s. of Alba C. and Mary Ann, July 30, 1844, a. i y. i m. Dysentery. HARDY, Mary, native of New Hampshire, Oct. 28, 1843, a- 38 y. Typhus fever. HARRIS, Henry, , 1822. Derangement, c.r. Nancy, w. of Elijah, d. of W[illia]m and, Deborah Morse, Aug. 26, 1822. HARTSHORN, Rebeccah, d. of Daniel and Rebeccah, Oct. i, 1808. HARTWELL, Rebecca Dana, d. of Stedman and Rebecca D., Dec. 23, 1839. (a. 9 m. 14 d., G.R.4.) (Dec. 24, 1839, dup.) HARVEY, , s. of W[illia]m and Emily, Oct. 20, 1842, a. I y. 3 m. Dropsy of the brain. f .J NATICK DEATHS. 221 HASELTINE, Wright A., , 1847. g.r.i. HAVEN, David, Sept. 3, 1805. Hannah, d. of David and Abigail, Sept. 2, 1775. HA WES (see Haws), Edward, Oct. 17, 1821. g.r.i. HAWS (see Hawes), Joseph, Nov. 28, 181 1. HAYES, , s. of Henry, Nov. 24, 1841, a. 4 m. Fits. Aurelia, d. of Horace C. and Abigail, Sept. 5, 1847, ^- i 7- 7 ni. 10 d. Cholera infantum. Darius F., Apr. 21, 1847, ^- 22 y. Born in Milton, N.H. Unm. Consumption. Eugene M., s. of Stephen and Maria, Apr. 4, 1848. g.r.i, Francis W., s. of Ephraim and Almira, Sept. 8, 1848, a. i y. 6 m. ' Inflammation of the bowels. Henry J., s. of Richard and Julia A., Feb. 8, 1849. (Feb. 6 G.R.I.) a. 4 y. 9 m. Croup. Lorenzo D., s. of Bidfield and Abigail, Aug. 29, 1849, 3- 27 y. Unm. Born in Milton, N. H. Inflammation of bowels. Sylvester B., s. of Richard and Julia Ann, Aug. 30, 1847. (Aug. 31, 1847, G.R.I.) a. 5 y. 5 m. 5 d. Dysentery. HAYNES, Charles, s. of Daniel and Elisabeth, Nov. 2, 1804. (a. 7 y., G.R.5.) Daniel, , 1823, a. 65 y. c.r. Daniel, inhabitant of Wayland, Oct. — , 1843, a. 61 y. Lung fever. David, Aug. 20, 1823. Elizabeth, wid. of Daniel, Feb. 4, 1824. (a. 64 y. Consumption, C.R.) Maria, d. of Nathan D. and Dinah, Dec. 5, 1849, 3.. 48 y. i m. 3 d. Unm. Consumption. Nathan, Oct. 27, 1840. (Oct. 28, g.r.i.) a. 74 y. Ruth, d. of Nathan and Dinah, Sept. 30, 1849. (Sept. 29, g.r.i.) a. 50 y. 5 m. 1 1 d. Unm. Dysentery. HENDRICK, Esther, Dec. 3, 1834. HENRY, , w. of J., , 1731 or 1732. c.r.i. Solo[mon], Dec. 19, 1745. Indian. c.R. HICKOX, Nabby, w. of Samuel, Dec. 26, 1818, a. 26 y. G.R.3. HIDE (see Hyde), , wid. of Sam, Feb. — , 1 740-1. Indian. c.R. 222 NATICK DEATHS. HILL, Johanna, wid. of , Sept. i, 1799. John, s. of John, Oct. 24, 1844, a. 20 y. Typhus fever. Born in Milton, N.H. Mary, , 1822, a. 25 y. Fit. Black. c.R. Patience, Jan. 3, 1759. Indian. c.R. HOBBS, Ann Catharine, d. of Josiah and Nancy, Nov. 28, 1831. Josiah, May 21, 1841. Nancy, w. of Josiah, Oct. 25, 1834. William Seaver, s. of Josiah and Nancy, Oct. 2, 1829. (a. 2 y., O.R.I.) HOLBROOK, Francis S., s. of Capt. Sylvius and Sarah C, Feb. 14, 1833, a. 9 m. G.R.I. (Heart disease, c.R.) Sally, wid. of (Thomas, G.R.3), Nov. 4, 183 1, a. 73 y. HOMER, Jacob, Oct. 15, 1815. (a. 82 y. c.R.) Tabithy, w. of Jacob, Feb. 16, 1827, a. 71 y. HORTON, William Boden (adopted s. of William Boden, t.c), Jan. 6, 1829. (a. 46 y. Consumption, c.R.) HOW (see Howe), Willard, Aug. 12, 1820. (s. of Perley and Anna, a. 21 y., g.r.i.) (Consumption, c.R.) HOWARD, Brister, Jan. 13, 1803. George F., s. of Jeremiah and Electa, Sept. 10, 1847, a. 10 m 21 d. Cholera infantum. Julia F., d. of Jeremiah and Electa, Oct. 2, 1849, a. 4 m. 12 d. Consumption. HOWE (see How), Amasa, Oct. 10, 1825, a. 42 y. g.r.i. Aurelias S., s. of Joseph T. and Eliza D., Nov. 17, 1843, ^- 2^ y. (i y. 6 m., dup.) (2 y. 5 m. 23 d., g.r.i.) Brain fever. Caroline O., d. of E. and O. M., Apr. 20, 1843, a. i y. 7 m. g.r.i. HOYT, , d. of Dr. J. and E. C, Aug. 14, 1846. g.r.i. HUNT, Benjamin F., s. of Rev. Samuel and Mary, Nov. 15, 1848, a. 5 y. 2 m. Dropsy in the brain. HUNTRESS, John W. (William, g.r.i), s. of Tho[ma]s H. and Ann, Aug. 28, 1848, a. i y. 3 m. Cholera infantum. HYDE (see Hide), John, s. of John and Hannah, June 16, 1849, a. 20 y. 5 m. 14 d. Unm. Born in Newton. Drowned. NATICK DEATHS. 223 JACKSON, , s. of Miss , Jan. 7, 1842, a. 4 h. Emily A., d. of W[illia]m W. and Elizabeth, Aug. 10, 1848, a. 3 y. I m. 6 d. Dysentery. Martha, wid. of Ephraim, Mar, 11, 1838. JEHAH, Ceaser, Sept. 2, 1801. JENINGS (see Jennings), Harris, s. of John and Martha, Feb. 21, 1832, a. 2 y. 2 m. g.r.i. JENISON (see Jennison), Lucy, d. of Lot and Susanna, Feb. 27, 1797. Lucy, d. of Lot and Susanna, May 19, 1790. Sibble, wid. of , Apr. 17, 1799. Susanna, d. of Lot and Susanna, Aug. 27, 1787. JENKINS, Faithe, wid. of , Jan. 29, 1825. JENKINSON, Faithe, wid. of Joseph, Feb. 29, G.R.2. Joseph, Jan. 7, 1793, in his 67th y. G.R.2. JENNESS, Amos C, June 14, 1848, a. 57 y. 7 m. 8 d., G.R.I.) Erysipelas. Sally, wid. of (George, g.r.i), Oct. 9, 1848. ( a. 58 y. 3 m. Dysentery. JENNINGS (see Jenings), , ch. of John, , 1832, a. 2 y. (Canker rash, c.r.) Ephr[ai]m, s. of Ephr[ai]m and Sibil, Oct. 13, 1751, in his 3d y. G.R.5. Ephraim, Capt., Apr. 6, 1802. (a. 82 y., G.R.5.) Ephraim, s. of Ethel, July 8, 1843, ^- 4^ Y- Md. Brain fever. Ethel, Feb. 16, 1847, a. 82 y. (81 y., G.R.5.) Old age. Isaac, s. of Ephraim and Sibil, Oct. 12, 1751, in his 5th y. G.R.5. Lucy, d. of Stephen, Nov. 20, 1824, a. abt. 75 y. (Fit, c.R.) Martha, w. of John, Feb. i, 1843, a. 43 y. Typhus fever. Martha, May 12, 1844, a. 8 y. Typhus fever. Samuel, s. of Ephraim and Sibbel, Oct. i, 1751, in his 8th y. G.R.5. Sibble, w. of Capt. Ephraim, Feb. 20, 1801. (a. 77 y., G.R.5.) Stephen, Jan. 6, 1798. JENNISON (see Jenison), , Mr., , 1814, a. 63 y. Con- sumption. c.R. Hannah, w. of Arthur, July 23, 1849, a. 64 y. Heart disease. (a. 87 y-: , C.R.) 1820, a. 95 y- (a • ssy .7 m. )ct . 8, G.R.I.) 224 NATICK DEATHS. Jennison, Isaac Jr. (Rev., G.R.5), July 5, 1841. (June 13, 1841, dup.) (June 13, 1841, G.R,5.) a. 26 y. Pulmonary consumption. John Wesley, s. of Isaac and Mary, Mar. 15, 1830. (a. 2 y. 5 m., G.R.5.) Lorenzo Herbern, s. of Lorenzo D. and Ruth (K., G.R.5), Aug. 9, 1848, a. 3 m. (2 m. 20 d., G.R.5.) Cholera infantum, Mary, w. of (Rev., G.R.5) Isaac, Oct. 12, 1847, a- 5^ Y- Con- sumption. Robert, Feb. 24, 1841. (a. 57 y., G.R.5.) Susanna, wid. of (Lot, G.R.5), Oct. 18, 1841, a. 91 y. (Oct. 15, 1841, G.R.5.) JONAH, Jacob, , 1824, a. 65 y. Fever. Black, c.r. Joseph Pease, Nov. 8, 1835. Polly, Apr. 6, 1835, a. abt. 75 y. JONES, , inf. d. of Elisha, Mar. 21, 1841, a. 8 m. Scarlet fever. Baxter, s. of Lieut. Adam and Rebecca, Oct. 17, 1800, a. 3 y G.R.3. Betsey, d. of Lieut. Adam and Rebecca, Mar. 10, 1794, a. i m G.R.3. Betty, w. of Lieut. Adam, Jan. 10, 1790, a. 25 y. G.R.3. Charles T., s. of Charles and Mehitable, Feb. 12, 1839, a. 13 y G.R.I. Elisha B., s. of Sam[ue]l H. and Roxey L., Sept. 28, 1848, a. i y I m. 7 d. Croup. George L., s. of Charles and Mehitable, Mar. 30, 1835, a. 2 y. 5 m G.R.I. Hamilton H., s. of Samuel H. and Roxey L., Mar. 26, 1841 Scarlet fever. Hannah, w. of John, Apr. 13, 1754, in her 34th y. G.R.3. John, Feb. 2, 1801, a. 84 y. G.R.3. Louisa N., d. of Charles and Mehitable, Jan. 20, 1828, a. i y. G.R.I. Mary, w. of Samuel, Aug. 14, 1819, a. 37 y. G.R.3. Samuel Jr., Sept. 14, 1835, a. 20 y. G.R.3. Samuel, June 29, 1839, a. 64 y. G.R.3. Tabitha, w. of John, Nov. 8, 1800, a. 70 y. G.R.3. JOY, Lydia, w. of R[e]uben, Jan. 13, 1802. KEMP, Martha F., w. of Nathan S., July 18, 1849, a. 32 y. Con- sumption. NATICK DEATHS. 225 KENDRICK, John, Mar. 8, 1753. KENEPAUKENIT, , ch. of James, Apr. 2, 1742. Indian. C.R. Eleazer, Dec. 22, 1741. Indian, c.r. KENNY, Michael, July 23, 1848, a. 22 y. Born in Ireland. Ship fever. KILLEN, John, July 24, 1849, a. 45 y. Consumption. KIMBALL, Abigail, wid. of , Mar. 8, 1814. (a. 79 y., C.R.) Betsey, d. of Ebenezer and Lydia, Aug. 28, 1809, a. 8 y. G.R.3. Ebenezer, s. of Ebenezer and Fanny, July 28, 1814, a. 17 y. G.R.3. Ebenezer, Aug. 19, 1835. (a. 60 y., G.R.3.) Eliza Boynton, d. of John and Mary, Oct. 19, 1836. (a. 2 y., G.R.I.) Hannah, d. of Ebenezer and Lydia, Mar. 16, 1810, a. i y. G.R.3, John, s. of Richard and Sarah, June 18, 1776. John, , 182 1, a. 43 y. Fit. c.R. Lydia, d. of Ebenezer and Lydia, Sept. 26, 1797. (a. 26 d., G.R.3.) Lydia (G., G.R.3), w. of Ebenezer, Mar. 20, 1811. (a. 37 y., G.R.3.) John, Nov. 16, 1821. (a. 43 y., g.r.i.) Otis, s. of Ebenezer and Fanny, Sept. 5, 1825, a. 2 y. G.R.3. Richard, Mar. 2, 1805. Samuel, s. of Ebenezer and Lydia, Feb. 9, 1801. (a. 4 m., G.R.3.) Thomas P. H., s. of Edmund and Betsey, Oct. 8, 1^3$, a. 10 y. 3 m. 15 d. G.R.5. KINGSBURY, Addison P., July 18, 1848, a. 2 y. (a. i y. 9 m., G.R.3.) Dysentery. Catharine S., d. of Moses and Catharine Sawin, June 19, 1827, a. 27 y. G.R.3. Elizabeth W., w. of Leonard A., (d. of Martin and Elizabeth Broad, G.R.3), Jan. 18, 1839. (Jan. 19, 1839, a. 19 y., G.R.3.) KNOWLTON, Charles, s. of Daniel M. and Hannah, Oct. 9, 1839. KRANSKA, Charles, s. of George D., Nov. 24, 1835, a. 2 y. George Sterry, s. of George D., Nov. 12, 1835, a. abt. 8 y. LAMB, , Mr., 1829, a. 38 y. Fever, c.r. LARKIN, Andrew, Aug. 2, 1842, a. 3 y. Dropsy in the brain. Martha W., d. of Geo[rge] D., Dec. 14, 1848, a. i y. 10 m. Scalded accidentally. \ 226 NATICK DEATHS. LAW, Rachel, wid. of , Oct. 25, 1845, a. 84 y. Dropsy. LAWRANCE, Th[omas], Dec. i, 17—. (1730, Indian, c.r.) LEACH, Elizabeth, d. of Joseph and Tabitha, Aug. 26, 1828. (a. 14 y., G.R.3.) (Consumption, c.r.) Evelina (H., G.R.3), d. of Joseph and Tabith[a], Oct. 16, 1828. (a. 16 y., G.R.3.) (Consumption, c.r.) Joseph, Mar. 11, 1828. (a. 60 y., c.r.) Joseph, s. of Joseph and Rebecca F., at Cincinnati, O., Feb. 20, 1848, a. 42 y. G.R.3. Luther D., s. of Joseph and Tabitha D., at Cincinnati, O., June 26, 1849. G.R.3. Mary H., d. of Joseph and Rebecca, Mar. 11, 1828, a. 30 y. G.R.3. Sarah, d. of Joseph and Susannah, Apr. 16, 1828. (a. :^^ y., G.R.3.) (Consumption, C.R.) LEAMAN, , wid. of , , 1829, a. 94 y. Old age. C.R. LEARY, , ch. of Sherburn W., , 1833, a. i m. Bowel complaint, c.r. LEE, Emily Fiske, w. of Rev. Samuel, Mar. 5, 1843, a. 32^ y. G.R.I. LEGROO, William A., s. of William P. and Mehitable, Sept. 27, 1824, a. 3 m. 6 d. g.r.i. LELAND, Joseph Perry, s. of Calvin, July 26, 1834, a. 22 y. LIFORD (see Lyford), Henrietta, d. of Moses and Olive, Sept. 16, 1842. Cholera infantum. LmCOLN, Paul, Mar. 16, 1848, a. 76 y. Md. Lung fever. LITTLEFIELD, John W., s. of Ebenezer and Helen, Apr. i, 1843, a. II m. G.R.I. Joseph S., s. of Ebenezer and Helen, Nov. 29, 1837, a. 3 y. 11 m. G.R.I. Nathaniel, s. of Stephen and Huldah, June 2, 1844, a. 15 y. Born in Milton, N.H. Drowned. LOKER, , w. of John L., Aug. 25, 1842, a. ^3 Y- Pul- monary consumption. Abraham, Apr. 18, 1844, a. 75 y. Rheumatic fever, (a. 76 y. Old age, dup.) Ephraim, Dec. 24, 1849, ^' 77 Y- (Dec. 25, 1849, a. 76 y, 9 m., G.R.5.) Lung fever. NATICK DEATHS. 22/ LoKER, Francis E., Feb. 29, 1846. g.r.i. Hannah, wid. of , Mar. 29, 1829, a. 94 y. Henry, June 4, 1813. (a. 40 y., G.R.5.) Hitty, , 182 1, a. 82 y. c.R. John, May 3, 1762. John Oilman, s. of Winthrop and Irene, July 10, 1842, a. 6 y. Scarlet fever. (July 9, 1842, a. 6 y. 5 m., G.R.5.) Lydia (Lydia W., G.R.5), w. of Jonas, Oct. 19, 1805. (Oct. 16, 1807, a. 32 y., G.R.5.) Mehitable, w. of Capt. Isaac, Jan. 20, 182 1. Richmond (Rockmun, G.R.5), s. of Winthrop and Irene, Aug. 16, 1846. (Aug. 19, 1846, G.R.5.) a. 2 y. 7 m. Canker rash. Sally, wid. of Henry, Jan. 4, 1846, a. 74 y. Old age. (June 2, 1846, a. 73 y., G.R.5.) Susanna, wid. of Abraham, July 31, 1845, a 74 y. Dropsy. Walter, s. of Ephraim and Susanna, June 17, 1801. LORING, Caleb, , 1823, a. 40 y. c.R. LYFORD (see Liford), Sarah F., d. of Moses, July 8, 1844, a. II m. Debility. LYNCH, , twin ch. of John, Jan. 16, 1849, a. 4 d. Ex- posure to cold. , twinch. of John, Jan. 12, 1849, ^- ^ d. Exposure to cold. MAN (see Mann), Abigail, w. of James, Mar. 16, 1759. Ebenezer, Dec. 3, 1776. Elizabeth, d. of James and Abigail, Aug. 13, 1751. Joseph, s. of James and Abigail, Jan. 23, 1755. Joseph, s. of James and Abigail, May i, 175 — . Mary, d. of James and Abigail, Jan. 14, 1755. Sarah, d. of James and Abigail, Jan. 8, 1755. MANN (see Man), Anna, w. of Capt. James, Nov. 30, 1803. Eunice, w. of Capt. Hollis, Dec. 25, 1825, a. 27 y. G.R.3. John, Capt, Oct. 17, 1809. Jonathan P., s. of Jedediah and Margaret, Dec. 8, 1849, ^- 2 m. 22 d. G.R.3. Leonard, s. of Jabez and Elizebeth, May 18, 1797. Lucy R., d. of Hollis and Eunice, Sept. 9, 1817, a. 20 d. G.R.3. Mary, w. of James O., July 15, 1849, ^- 27 y. n ni. 20 d. Con- sumption. Nabby, d. of John and Hannah, Feb. 17, 1803. Sally, w. of John, Nov. 24, 1827. 228 NATICK DEATHS. Maiw, Sally, d. of John and Sally, Nov. 27, 1827. Sarah Jackson, d. of Willard and Susan, July 3, 1844, a. i y. Scarlet fever. Born in Dover. MARSHALL (see Marshell), Benjamin, Sept. i, 1837. (a. 64 y., G.R.I.) Betsey, d. of Benjamin and Eunice, Sept. 23, 181 9, a. 4 y, 9 m. G.R.I. (Dysentery, c.r.) Elizabeth, , 1823, a. 20 m. c.R. Elizabeth, d. of Benjamin and Eunice, May 6, 1843, a- i y- 7 m. G.R.I. Mary, w. of Jacob, Sept. 25, 181 1, a. 52 y. G.R.3. Rebecca, d. of late Benjamin, May 17, 1843, ^- 39 7- (^- 37 V' II m., G.R.I.). Unm. Billious fever. Samuel B., s. of Benjamin and Eunice, Oct. 14, 1812, a. 3 w. G.R.I. MARSHELL (see Marshall), Sylvia, d. of Benjamin and Eunice, Jan. 21, 1823. (a. 27 y., g.r.i.) (Consumption, c.R.) McGRATH, Ariadne, d. of James (and Mercy, G.R.3), Oct. 16, 1842, a. I y. 6 m. 27 d. Chronic diarrhea. MERRILL, John F., s. of Jesse and Eliza, May 21, 1849, ^- i^ y. 8 m. Abscess of the liver. Born in Boston. MILLS, Joseph, Apr. 24, 1754. Lydia, Apr. 17, 1754. Samuel John, native of Conn., Jan. 30, 1843, a. 19 y. Con- sumption. Solomon, s. of Solomon and Elizabeth, Mar. 25, 1758. MOCKHEAG (see Moheeg), Hannah, w. of Moses, Apr. 5, 1759. Indian. c.R. Moses, Apr. 2, 1759. Indian. C.R. MOHEEG (see Mockheag), John, June — , 1745. Indian. c.R. MONROE, Lucius, Aug. 3, 1848. (Aug. 2, 1848, g.r.i.) a. 39 y. II m 15 d. Md. Dysentery. MONSQUASSIN, Isaac, , 1730. Indian. c.R. MOORE, , ch. of Martin, , 1825, a. 6 d. Lung fever. c.R. Anna, d. of Joseph, Aug. 9, 1843, a. 72 y. (Aug. 11, 1843, G.R.3.) Unm. Born in Sudbury. Chronic rheumatism. NATICK DEATHS. 229 Moore, Eliab, Oct. 24, 1805. (Jonathan R., G.R.5), s. of Willard (and Mary, G.R.5), July 29, 1842, a. 3^ y. (3 y. 7 m., G.R.5.) Scarlet fever. Willard, s. of Willard and Mary, Sept. 15, 1828, a. 4 m. G.R.5. (Consumption, C.R.) MORRILL, Dorothy, d. of Eliakim and Ruth, Sept. — , 1794 MORRISON, Rachel A., d. of Ralph, Aug. 2, 1848, a. 6 y. i m. (d. of R. G. and A. L., July 31, 1848, g.r.i.) Dysentery. Sylvina A., Mar. 19, 1847, ^- 9 7- g.r.i. MORSE, inf. ch. of Isaac Damon and Hannah R., Mar. 20, 1833. (a. 6 m., C.R.) Abigail, w. of George, d. of Reuben and Mercy Underwood, Oct. 27, 1847, a. 55 y. 5 m. 8 d. Typhus fever, BorninFitz- william, N.H. Adam, Dec. 3, 1838, a. 76 y. (78 y., g.r.i.) Amasa, Dec. 28, 1836. (a. 46 y., g.r.i.) Amory Gardner, s. of Amory and Lydia, July 11, 1842, a. 6^ m. Fits. Anna, d. of Daniel and Hannah, Feb. 23, 1777. Asa, s. of Adam and Lydia, Dec. 11, 1809. (a. 4 y. 2 m., g.r.i.) Benjamin, s. of David and Sarah, Aug. 28, 1760. Betse, d. of Elisha and Jemima, Nov. 16, 1800. Betsey, wid. of Jesse, Jan. i, 1848, a. 54 y. Heart disease Betsy, w. of John, Aug. 23, 1826. (a. 34 y., g.r.i.) Caroline, d. of Rufus and Hannah, Apr. 30, 182 1. (a. i^ y. Cholera, c.r.). Charles, Apr. 23, 1843, a. 60 y. G.R.3. Clarendon, s. of Reuel and Mary, Aug. 27, 1845, a. 35 y. 11 m. 21 d. Unm. Consumption. Daniel, s. of Dan(ie)ll and Hannah, Sept. 8, 1756. Daniel, s. of Dan(ie)ll and Hannah, Mar. 29, 1762. Daniel, s. of Daniel and Hannah, Mar. 2, 1777. Daniel, Ens[ign], Feb. 2, 1804. David, s. of David and Sarah, Oct. 7, 1744 (in his 8th y., G.R.3.) David, Capt, Jan. 7, 1773 (in his 77th y., G.R.3.). David, Lieut., Nov. 27, 1830. (a. 74 y., G.R.3.) (Consumption, C.R.) Elisebeth, d. of Daniel and Hannah, Feb. 21, 1777. Elisha Sr., Dec. 3, 1804. Ellis, s. of Joseph and Kezia, Aug. 30, 1775, a. i y. G.R.3 Ellis, s. of Joseph and Kezia, Apr. 5, 1778, a. 4 m. G.R.3. 230 NATICK DEATHS. Morse, Ephraim, s. of Samuel Jr. and Sibella, Dec. 18, 1777. Esther, w. of Pelatiah, Oct. 22, 1774. (a. 43 y., G.R.3.) Eugene Damon, s. of Isaac D. and Hannah R., Mar. 8, 1839. Eunice, Mar. 12, 1809. (a. 86 y. Old age. c.r.) Eunice, wid. of , Sept. 2, 1838, a. 82 y. Eunice Dowse, d. of Amory and Lydia, Nov. — , 1832, a. 6 y. Hannah, d. of Daniel and Hannah, Jan. 20, 1777. Hannah, d. of Amos and Mary, Jan. 24, 1777. Hannah, w. of Daniel, Nov. 3, 1803. Harriot, w. of Aaron, Oct. 13, 1825. Helen Maria, d. of Isaac D. and Hannah R., Jan. 21, 1846, a. 2 y. 9 m. 4 d. Croup. Henry, Jan. 12, 1821. (a. 63 y. Dropsy, c.r.) Hitte, d. of Amos and Lydia, Oct. 26, 1783. Irene, d. of (Lieut., G.R.2) Samuel and Anna, Mar. 23, 1827. (a. 19 y., G.R.2.) Jemima, w. of Lieut. David, Jan. 5, 1804. (1803, a. 84 y., G.R.3.) Jemima, wid. of , Oct. 28, 1805. Jesse, Feb. 12, 1823. (a. 62 y. Consumption, c.r.) Jesse, Mar. 18, 1833. (^- 37 y-> g.r.i.) (Consumption, c.r.) John, widr., s. of Adam and Lydia, Feb. 19, 1846, a. 58 y. Con- sumption. Jos., Maj. (Joseph, t.c), Dec. 16, 1779. Joseph D., s. of Adam and Lydia, July 29, 1845, ^- 37 7- 4 ni. 11 d. Md. Erysipelas. Lavinia, d. of Daniel and Hannah, Feb. 20, 1777. Lydia, w. of Peletiah, Mar. 22, 1794. (a. 58 y., G.R.3.) Lydia, wid. of Adam, Jan. (Aug., g.r.i) 3, 1842, a. 74 y. Mary, w. of Amos, Feb. 26, 1777. Mary, wid. of , Apr. 23, 1799. Mary, w. of Reuel, Dec. i, 1847, a- 5^ y- 9 ni- 27 d. Cancer. Born in Needham. Mary Lovel, d. of Adam and Lydia, May 27, 1805. (a. 2 y. 15 d., G.R.I.) Nancy, d. Capt. Charles and Lucy, Mar, 25, 1824, a. 4 y. g,r.3. Oliver, s. of Samuel and Unice, July 7, 1769. Pelatiah, Mar. 31, 1810. (a. 88 y., G.R.3.) Polly, d. of Amos and Mary, Jan. 18, 1778. Polly, d. of Henry and Unice, Feb. 4, 1784. Rebakah, d. of Daniel and Hannah, Feb. 25, 1777. Rebecca, w. of Joseph, Dec. 16, 1769. (in her 27th y., G.R.3.) Rebecca, wid. of (Capt. David, G.R.3), Sept. 16, 1775. (Formerly w. of Hezekiah Broad, a. 63 y., G.R.3.) NATICK DEATHS. 23! Morse, Reuben, s. of Elisha, Apr. 12, 1835, a. abt. 50 y. Rufus, Oct. 5, 1842, a. 55 y. Dysentery. Samuel, Dec. 8, 1788. Samuel, Apr. 17, 1830. Sarah, w. of Capt. David, Apr. 6, 1754. (In her 52d y., G.R.3.) Sarah Ann, d. of Amory and Lydia, Nov. — , 1832, a. 4 y. Sarah Stratton, d. of Ezra and Betsey, Apr. 8, 1808. Sibble, w. of Sam[uel] Morse, June 20, 1821, (a. 69 y., C.R.) Susan[n]a, Jan. 12, 1755. (d. of David and Sarah, a. 7 y., G.R.3.) Vashty, d. of Daniel and Hannah, Mar. 4, 1777. Washington, only s. of Amory and Lydia, Aug. — , 1825, a. 3 y. Washington, s. of Isaac and Lucy, Oct. 16, 1847, ^- 35 7* 3 '^• 8 d. Unm. Typhus fever. William, Dec. 6, 1768, in his 57th y. G.R.3. William, s. of William and Deborah, Sept. 4, 1799. William, Jan. — , 1836, a. 66 y. MOULTON, Mary E., d. of Joseph and Mary, July 21, 1848, a. ly. iim. 8d. (July 22, 1848, a. i y. 10 m., G.R.5.) Cholera infantum. MURDOCK (see Murdough), Antoinette A., w. of James M., d. of Chester and Mehitable Adams, Sept. 8, 1847, 3- 22 y. 3 m. 25 d. Dysentery. George Adams, s. of James M. and Antoinette A., April 4, 1844, a. 3 m. Born in Boston. Dysentery. MURDOUGH (see Murdock), Martha, Miss, Sept. 28, 1829. (Sept. 29, 1829, a. 39 y., G.R.5.) (Fever, c.r.) NEAGLE, Ellen, w. of Patrick, June 12, 1847, a. 30 y. Ship fever. Born in Ireland. OBSCHO (see Obscow), Jonas, Nov. 13, 1805. Zurvia, d. of Jonas and Mary, Apr. 4, 1770. OBSCOW (see Obscho), Jonas, Aug. — , 1745. Indian. C.R. OLIVER, Mary, Nov. 15, 1779, a. 20 y. G.R.5. Mary, Jan. 11, 1809. (a. 73 y. Old age, C.R.) rid. of , Mar, 20, 1827, a. 79 y. Thankful, , 1827, a. 76. Fit. c.r. OSGOOD, Jacob F., s. of Pelatiah and Sophronia P., Aug. 24, 1834, a. 4 m. 2 d. G.R.3. 232 NATICK DEATHS. OUMPETOWIN (see Oumpetownin), Christian, , 1726. Indian. c.R. OUMPETOWNm (see Oumpetowin), , w. of Samuel, , 1722. Indian. c.R. Sam(ue)l, , 1722. mdian. c.R. PARKER, Gate, d. of Josiah and Elizabeth, Sept. 27, 1757. Elizabeth, d. of josiah and Elizabeth, Sept. 28, 1757. Josiah, s. of Josiah and Eliz[abeth], Oct. 8, 1757. Leonard Curtis, s. of John and Permilla, Sept. 16, 1834. Lydia, w. of Jer[e]miah, Mar. 7, 1756. Martha, wid. of (Edward, G.R.5), d. of Beriah Sparrawk, Dec. 14, 1845, a. 68 y. Consumption. Molly, w. of Zebulon, Aug. 7, 1848, a. 72 y. Dysentery. Olive, wid. of , Aug. 6, 1833, a. 79 y. Reuben, Oct. 27, 1814. (a. 47 y. Fever, c.R.) Reubin, May 8, 1820. Sumner W., s. of Curtis, Dec. 4, 1841, a. 5 y. Croup. PARLIN, Mary (Mary Washburn, g.r.i), w. of Asher, Mar. 5, 1837, a. 20 y. Warner, , 1839. g.r.i. PAUGENIT (see Pauginit, Pognett), , wid. of , Jan. 15, 1745-6. Indian. c.R. , s. of Sarah, Dec. 14, 1745. Indian. c.R. — , ch. of Zipporah, July 25, 1754. Indian. c.R. , ch. of Sam[ue]l, June 23, 1757. Indian. c.R. Zipporah, Feb. 28, 1759. Indian. c.R. PAUGINIT (see Pangenit, Pognett), Sarah, w. of Eleaz[e]r, Nov. 26, 1745. Indian. c.R. PEABODY, Elizebeth, d. of Oliver and Hannah, Apr. 24, 1742. (a. 18 d., G.R.3.) Oliver, Rev., Feb. 2, 1752. (a. 54 y., G.R.3.) Susanna, d. of Oliver and Hannah, Mar. 22, 1739-40. (a. 6 m. 16 d., G.R.3.) Susanner, d. of Oliver and Hannah, Mar. 28, 1741- (a. 18 d., G.R.3.) Thomas, s. of Rev. Oliver and Hannah, Jan. 15, 1743-4, a. 19 d. G.R.3. PEAGAN (see Peagun, Peegan, Peegun), Patiance, w. of Thomas, Feb. 22, 1759. (Indian, c.R.) NATICK DEATHS. 233 PEAGUN (see Peagan, Peegan, Peegun), , ch. of Tho., , 1745. Indian. c.R. Reachel, d. of Thomas and Elizabeth, Feb. 26, 1729. (Indian, c.R.) PEASE, Andrew Brown, gr. ch. of Hannah Brown, Dec. 11, 1834, a. abt. 7 y. John, Dec. 4, 1847, ^- 39 y- 4 m, 7 d. Born in Northboro. Deli- rium tremens. Patience, a pure Indian of Natick tribe, at Douglass, Jan. 3, 1842, a. alDt. 60 y. Samuel, Jan. 3, 1836, a. 30 to 40 y. PEEGAN (see Peagan, Peagun, Peegun), Thomas, Feb. 20, 1745-6. Indian. c.R. PEEGUN (see Peagan, Peagun, Peegan), , w. of Tho[ma]s Jr., , 1728. Indian. c.R. , w. of John, June — , 1736. Indian. c.R. , 2d w. of Jno., Jan. 10, 1739-40. , ch. of Thomas Jr., July — , 1740. Indian. C.R. , ch. of Tho[ma]s Jr., , 1742. Indian. C.R. , wid. of , Feb. 11, 1747-8. Indian. c.R. , ch. of Gideon, June i, 1747. Found dead in the woods. Indian. c.R. Esther, Dec. 12, 1756. Indian. c.R. Tho[ma]s, Feb. 9, 1759. Indian. c.R. PEETIME (see Peetimee, Petime, Petimee, Pettimee), , ch. of Jno., , 1736. Indian. C.R. John, , 1733. Indian. c.R. PEETIMEE (see Peetime, Petime, Petimee, Pettimee), , w. of Will, , 1725. Indian. c.R. , ch. of Han, , 1729. Indian. c.R. John Sr., May 30, 1745. Indian. c.R. Joshua, , 1746. Indian. c.R. Will, Nov. — , 1737. Indian. c.R. PENNEMAN, Jane, Apr. 4, 1754. PERRY, Abel, Lieut., Apr. 13, 1808. (a. 72 y., g.r.i.) (Dropsy, c.R.) Abel, Dea., Apr. 10, 1841, a. 84 y. (Apr. 11, 1841, g.r.i.) Ada E., d. of Otis and Eliza, Aug. 27, 1849, ^- 7 ^- ^3 d- Dysentery. 234 NATICK DEATHS. Perry, Alson Donelson, s. of William Jr. and Betsey M., Aug. 24, 1838. Andrew Jackson, s. of John W. and Harriet, Mar. 4, 1842, a. 18 y. Billious colic. Asa, Sept. 20, 1797. (a. 3 y. 3 m., g.r.i.) Asa Ellis, s. of Abel Jr. and Mitta, Aug. 31, 1823. Asenath, wid. of Dea. Abel, Apr. 17, 1842, a. 80 y. Old age. Charles, s. of Samuel and Hannah, June 20, 1805. David, Capt., s. of Abel and Asenath, Oct. 28, 1823, a. 36 y. (Typhus fever, c.r.) Elijah, s. of Elijah and Mary, Apr. 25, 1799. (a. 2 y. 2 m. 12 d., G.R.4.) Elijah, s. of Samuel, Nov. 19, 1845, ^- 74 Y- Md. Palsy, fol- lowed by apoplexy. Elizabeth, w. of Samuel, Sept. 26, 181 1. Francis Calvin, s. of Calvin and Mary Ann, Apr. 7, 1842. (Apr. 5, 1842, a. II m. 12 d., G.R.4.) George Dallas, s. of William 3rd and Betsey M., June 24, 1837. Hannah E., w. of Isaac, Aug. 28, 1848, a. 22 y. Inflammation of the bowels. Jane, d. of David and Betsy, Aug. 22, 1819, a. 2 d. g.r.i. John, s. of John , 1818, a. 9 m. Dysentery, c.r. John Bacon, s. of John J., Feb. 25, 1842, a. i m. 5 d. G.R.3. John W., Capt., s. of Samuel, Feb. 13, 1825. (a. 37 y. Con- sumption, C.R.) Kezia, w. of Lieut. Abel, Oct. 9, 1794. (a. 58 y., g.r.i.) Keziah, w. of William 2d., Oct. 28, 1835. (a. 53 y., g.r.2.) Leonard, s. of Elijah and Mary, Apr. 26, 1796. (a. 3 m. 23 d., G.R.4.) Lyman, s. of Samuel and Hannah, Nov. 19, 1803. (Nov. 20, 1803, dup.) Mary, w. of Daniel, Sept. 17, 1756. Mary, d. of Dan[ie]ll and Mary, Dec. 27, 1756. Mary, wid. of Elijah, Aug. 11, 1849, ^- 75 7- Palsy. Born in Dover. Mary Dana, d. of John J., Apr. 6, 1838, a. 2 m. 2 d. G.R.3. Olive, wid. of Samuel, July 28, 1840, a. 70 y. g.r.i. •Otis, s. of Samuel and Olive, Sept. 6, 1806, a. 16 y. G.r.i. Otis, only s. of Lowell and Harriet, Oct. 5, 1836, a. 17 y. g.r.2. Rebekah, d. of Eleazer and Esther, in Medfield, Aug. 7, 1785. Reuben, , 1820, a. 28 y. Fever, c.r. Richard W. (S., g.r.i), s. of Asa D. and Rachel E., Sept. 12, 1849, a. 2 m. General debility. NATICK DEATHS. 235 Perry, Ruby, d. of Eleazer and Esther, in Douglas, May 5, 1776. Sally, w. of Capt. John W., Mar. 28, 1820. (a. 29 y. Con- sumption, C.R.) Samuel, Lieut., Oct. 10, 1755. Samuel, May 6, 1818, a. 51 y. g.r.i. Samuel, Apr. 7, 1831, a. 90 y. Samuel Jr., July 5, 1839. William 2d., June 6, 1842, a. 60 y. Typhus fever. William D., s. of William and Betsy Morse, Sept. 19, 1835. g.r.i. William Kittridge, s. of William and Hannah, Oct. 27, 1814. (a. 6 y., C.R.) PETIME (see Peetime, Peetimee, Petimee, Pettimee), Samson, , 1733. Indian, c.r. PETIMEE (see Peetime, Peetimee, Petime, Pettimee), Mary, , 1725. Indian, c.r. PETTIMEE (see Peetime, Peetimee, Petime, Petimee), , ch. of Jno., , 1726. Indian, c.r. , ch. of Han, , 1726. Indian, c.r. PHELPS, Samuel, s. of Jonas and Ruth, Nov. 3, 1845, a. 32 y, 3 m. 8 d. Unm. Born in Stow. Pleurisy. PHILLIPS, Sarah E., May 4, 1849, a. 7 m. 8 d. g.r.i. PITTS, Samuel, Sept. 3, 1847, a. 48 y. (Sept. 12, 1847, a. 60 y., G.R.I.) Md. Born in Portland, Me. Dysentery. POGNETT (see Paugenit, Pauginit), Mary, w. of Eleazer, Feb. 21, 1758. (Indian, c.R.) PRATT, Jacob, Apr. 13, 1801. Sarah H., d. of Ora and Julia, Dec. 6, 1831, a. 4 y. PRESCOTT, Benjamin Marshall, s. of Joseph and Harriet, Dec. 19, 1839, a. I d. G.R.I. Harriet, w. of Joseph, Sept. 15, 1848, a. ^8 y. 2 m. Dysentery. Louisa, d. of Joseph and Harriet, Nov. 3, 1834, a. i d. g.r.i. Sylvia E., d. of Joseph and Harriet, Sept. 12, 1848, a. 5 y. 9 m. Dysentery. PRESTON, Mills, Feb. 5, 1841, a. 18 y. PROCTOR, , d. of John, July 17, 1842, a. 6 w. , s. of John and Amanda, June 25, 1844, a. 14 d. Cancer. y 236 NATICK DEATHS Proctor, Elbe A., s. of John B. and Amanda M., Aug. 8, 1849, a. 7 m. Dysentery. John O., s. of John and Amanda, Aug. 13, 1848, a. 8 m. 24 d. Dysentery. Oceanna, d. of John, May i, 1842, a. 6 y. Scarlet fever. RAND, Mary, Sept. 15, 1831. RANGER, Sarah, , 1822, a. 81 y. Old age. c.r. RAWSON, Abby M., d. of Charles E. and Eliza C, Sept.—, 1848, a. 2 y. 3 m. g.r.i. REGAN, Patrick, July 9, 1848, a. 22 y. Numb palsy. Born in Ireland. RICE, , ch, of Henry, — ■ — •, 1822, a. 3 w. c.r. , ch, of Wilder, , 1833, a. 6 w. c.r. Anna, w. of Jonathan, Mar. 4, 1834, a. 60 y. David, Apr. 5, 1817, a. 60 y. g.r.2. Ellen W., w. of David, Sept. 16, 1847, a. 55 y. 11 m. 28 d. Con- sumption. Born in Grafton. Eunice, d. of Jonathan, Dec. 24, 1838, a. ^8 y. 5 m, Jonas, Apr. 4, 1803. Jonathan, Feb. 25, 1838, a. 80 y. Lewis, , 1821, a. 18 y. Fever and consumption, c.r. Lucy, wid. of David, Sept, 29, 1849, a. 89 y. Lung fever. Born in Framingham, Moses, Feb. 12, 1819, (a. 76 y. Lung fever, c.r.) Nathan K., , 1842. g.r.i. Otis, , 1826, a. 19 y. c.r. Sarah, w. of Nathan, Sept, 11, 1841, a. ^t, y. Typhoid fever. Wilder, May 21, 1849, ^- ^i y- Md, Born in Sudbury. Lung fever. RICHARDS, Mary, d. of William and Mary, Mar. 5, 1836, a, 4 y. RIDER, Richard, s. of William and Elizabeth, Jan. 8, 1759. Ruth, wid. of , Apr. 14, 1799. ROBBINS, Eliz., , 1727. Indian, c.r. Elizabeth Wheeler, d. of Cyrus, Aug. 25, 1838, a. 2 y. John D., Jan. 10, 1849, ^- ^ Y- (^- o^ John and Rebekah H., a. 5 y, 10 m., G.R.3.) Scarlet fever. Willard F., Jan. 19, 1849, ^- 1° ^- (s- of John and Rebekah H., G.R.3.) Scarlet fever. NATICK DEATHS. 237 ROBERTS, , ch. of Joseph, , 1827, a. i y. Brain fever, c.r. Martha, d. of Joseph and Mary, Nov. 26, 1828, a. 4 m. G.R.5. (Fit, C.R.) Mary, w. of Joseph, Aug. 11, 1848, a. 57 y. (57 y. 3 m., g.r.5.)- Dysentery. Thomas O. P., s. of Joseph and Mary, Aug. 24, 1847, a. i y. 10 m. G.R.5. ROBERTSON, [Hannah, d. of John and [Hannah, Jan. 23, 1759- ROBINSON, , ch. of WiU, July 29, 1738. Indian, c.r. ROGERS, Joseph L., Aug. 18, 1848, a. 34 y. (a. 32 y. 8 m., G.R.4.) Born in Orleans. Dysentery. William A., (s. of Joseph L. and Sarah B., G.R.4.), a. i y. (a. ig m., G.R.4), Aug. 9, 1848. Dysentery. ROSS, Calvin, s. of John and Hannah, Nov. 13, 181 5, a. i w. G.R.3. Ezra, Sept. 6, 1841, a. 32 y. (33 y., G.R.3.) George S. (George Sawin, G.R.3), s. of John S. and Fanny, Dec. 19, 1834. (a. 2 y. 2 m., G.R.3.) Hannah, w. of John, July 9, 183 1, a. 45 y. (Dropsy of the heart, c.r.) John S., s. of John and Hannah, Feb. 14, 1844, a. 38 y. Fracture of the skull. Sarah B., d. of John and Hannah, June 6, 1833, a. 23 y. (June 9, G.R,3.) (Fits, C.R.) Silas, s. of John and Hannah, Sept. 20, 1812, a. 5 w. G.R.3. RUMBLEMARSH, Sam[ue]ll, , 1748. Indian, c.r. RUMNEMARSH, Israel, Feb. — , 1744-5. Indian, c.r. RUSSELL, Aaron D., s. of Levi and Clarissa, Sept. 5, 1847, a. 3 y. 18 d. Dysentery. Clarissa D., d. of Levi and Clarissa, Oct. 3, 1849, a. 24 d. De- biUty. Martha Ann, d. of Levi and Clarissa, Nov. 20, 1848. Dropsy of the brain. SAMPSON, Nathaniel, , 1825, a. 78 y. Dropsy, c.r. SANFORD, Clarissa, d. of Aaron W., Dec. 29, 1839, a. 7 y. 238 NATICK DEATHS. SAWIN, Abigail, \v. of Capt. Thomas, June 19, 1773. Abiga[i]l, d. of John and Abiga[i]l, Aug. 28, 1780. Abigail, w. of John, June 13, 1794. Abig[a]il, d. of Levi and Lurana, Nov. 10, 18 10. (a. 16 y., c.r.) Abigail, wid. of (Thomas, G.R.3), Aug. 11, 1848, a. 87 y. Born in Dover. Old age. Anna, d. of John and Sarah, Jan. 13, 1803. (a. 15 y., G.R.3.) Anna, d. of Phares and Mary, Jan. 9, 1808. Calvin, Dec. 24, 1847, a. 59 y. G.R.3. Catharine, wid. of Moses, Sept. 2, 1834, a. 73 y. 8 m. G.R.3. Dexter, s. of Phares and Mary, Feb. 4, 1819, a. 11 y. G.R.3. Ebenezer, Nov. 11, 1825, a. 63 y. (Fever, c.r.) Ede L., w. of Calvin H., Oct. 6, 1848, a. 24 y. (23 y., G.R.3.) Born in Sherborn. Dysentery. Eliza, d. of Phares and Mary, July 16, 1832, a. 31 y. (Con- sumption, C.R.) Eunice A., Oct. 30, 1848, a. i m. (d. of Warren and Mary, Oct. 29, 1848, a. 5 w. 4 d., G.R.3.) Born in Dover. Infantile. Ezekiel, s. of Ezekiel and Lydia, Jan. 20, 1792. (a. i y. G.R.3.) Ezekiel, Aug. 29, 1825. George W., s. of James J. and Miriam F., , 1836. g.r.i. Harlow C, Sept. 16, 1848, a. 3 y. (s. of Calvin H. and Ede L., a. 2 y. 9 m. 23 d., G.R.3.) Born in Sherborn. Dysentery. Hezekiah, Aug. 29, 1825. G.R.3. James E., s. of James J. and Miriam F., , 1835. g.r.i. James J., , 1842, g.r.i. Joana, d. of John and Abiga[i]ll, Mar. 11, 1777. Joanna, wid. of Lieut. John, Nov. i, 1765. Joanna Turner, w. of Moses, Sept. 2, 182 1. (a. 23 y., G.R.3.) Joel, s. of John and Abiga[i]l, Aug. 14, 1780. John, Lieut., July 14, 1760. John, Feb. 16, 1801. John, Dec. i, 1804. (a. 51 y., G.R.3.) Judith, d. of Thomas and Abigail, Oct. 4, 1847, ^- ^° Y- G.R.3. Levi, s. of Levi and Lurane, June 22, 1786. Levi, s. of Levi and Lurane, July 19, 1791. Lurane, w. of Levi, Nov. 7, 18 10. Lydia, w. of Ezek[ie]l, Apr. 26, 1818, a. 51 y. G.R.3. Mary, d. of John and Abiga[i]l, Aug. 18, 1779. Mary, d. of Phares and Mary, Sept. 13, 1797. Miriam, d. of John and Abiga[i]l, Mar. 15, 1777. Moses, Sept. 12, 1831, a. 73 y. Phares, Dec. 6, 1836, a. 66 y. (Dec. 7, G.R.3.) NATICK DEATHS. 239 Sawin, Sarah, d. of Moses and Catharine, Nov. i, 1798. Sarah, d. of Moses and Catharine, May i, 1799. Silance, w. of Moses, Nov, 13, 1784. (in her 27th y., G.R.3.) Thomas Jr., Oct. 3, 1787. Thomas, Capt, Feb. 3, 1790. Thomas, Dec. 7, 1826, a. 74 y. SEARS, Freeman, Rev., June 30, 181 1. SEAWARD, Susan H. (Susan Hoskins, g.r.i), d. of John M. and Martha, Sept. 15, 1847, (a. 28 y. i m. 23 d., g.r.i.) Unm. Born in Plymouth, N.H. Consumption. SLAUGHTERY, Ammi, Jan. 25, 1834, a. abt. ss Y- SLEEPER, Hannah, w. of James, Oct. 20, 1847. g.r.i. SLOAN, Eveline, w. of Samuel W., Mar. 24, 1824, a. 21 y. G.R.3. SLOPER, Alfred H., s. of John and Jane, Sept. 30, 1848, a. i d. (s. of John and Nancy J., Sept. 29, 1848, g.r.i.) Cholera infantum. Cordelia Martha, d. of Ambrose and Martha, July i, 1828, a. 2 y. 2 m. G.R.I. Ellen Mariah, d. of Ambrose and Martha, Sept. i, 1841, a. i y. G.R.I. Hannah, w. of Abner, Oct. 20, 1847, a. 53 y. 18 d. Born in Gouldsboro, Me. Dysentery. Martha, w. of Ambrose, Apr. 13, 1848, a. 42 y. 9 m. g.r.i. Newton, s. of Ambrose and Martha, Feb. 28, 1838, a. 2 y. 10 m. G.R.I. Sarah Jane, d. of Ambrose and Martha, Feb. 11, 183 2, a. 2 y. 10 m. G.R.I. SMITH, , ch. of B., , 1810, a. 3 y. c.r. Abigail, Nov. 25, 1810. (a. 87 y. Old age, c.r.) Anna S., d. of W[illia]m S. and Sophia M., Dec. 25, 1848, a. 6 m. 8 d. Liver complaint. Augustus E., s. of John and Lucy, Oct. 18, 1849, ^- 3^ Y- ^ m. 20 d. Md. Consumption. Deborah, w. of Nathaneal, May 13, i75[4]. Esther, w. of Timothy, July 25, 1775. (a. 79 y., G.R.3.) Fanny F., w. of William S., May 24, 1846, a. 31 y. g.r.i. Hannah, d. of Abial and Margret, Feb, 8, 1773. Henry, Nov. 24, 1819. (a. 67 y. Consumption, c.r.) Jemima, d. of Abial and Margret, May 27, 1758. 240 NATICK DEATHS. Smith, John, Jan. 17, 1822, (a. 70 y. Old age, c.r.) John, Nov. 9, 1847, 3" 64 y. Md. Intemperance. Joseph, July 29, 1847, a. 48 y. 9 m. 12 d. Md. Born in East- ham. Consumption. Lois, w. of Nathanael, Mar. 24, 1757. Lydia, w. of Aaron, Apr. 7, 1796. (a. 31 y., G.R.3.) Margret, w. of Abiel, Apr. 17, 1783. Mary, , 1830, a. 70 y. Fever, c.r. Patty, d. of Aaron and Lydia, Nov. 7, 1790. (a. 15 m. 25 d., G.R.3.) Rebecca, d. of Abial and Margret, Aug. 14, 1754. Sally, , 1819, a. 30 y. c.r. Timothy, s. of Timothy and Esther, Mar. 7, 1755. Timothy, Lieut., July i, 1803. Timo[thy], Feb. 14, 1823. (a. 60 y., c.r.) Timothy, Aug. 11, 1846, a. 42 y. G.R.5. SOODUCK, , wid. of , , 1725. Indian, c.r. , ch. of , , 1726. Indian, c.r. , ch. of Josiah, , 1744. Indian, c.r. , ch. of Tho[mas], , 1744. Indian, c.r. , ch. of Oliver, July 20, 1754. Indian, c.r. , ch. of Oliver, May 5, 1758. Indian, c.r. , ch. of Oliver, Nov. i, 1758. Indian, c.r. Hannah, wid. of , Dec. 2, 1745. Indian, c.r. Thom[a]s, Apr. 2, 1737. Indian, c.r. SPARAHAWK (see Sparrawk, Sparrowk), , wid. of , , 18 1 7, a. 94 y. Old age. c.r. SPARRAWK (see Sparahawk, Sparrowk), Timothy, May 5, 1754. (in his 37th y., G.R.5.) SPARROWK (see Sparrawk, Sparahawk), Beriah, July i, 1836, a. 80 y. SPEEN, , d. of Isaac, , 1722. Indian, c.r. , w. of Moses, , 1722. Indian, c.r. , ch. of John, , 1726. Indian, c.r. , ch. of Eliz., , 1730. Indian, c.r. , w. of Ja., , 1730. Indian, c.r. , ch. of wid. , Mar. — , 1737-8. Indian. C.R. , ch. of Job, June — , 1741. Indian, c.r. , w. of Moses, , 1744. Indian, c.r. , w. of Abram, , 1745. Indian, c.r. NATICK DEATHS. 24I Speen, Abigail, wid. of , Oct. 15, 1759. Indian, c.e. AUice, , 1730, Indian. c.R. Benja., June — , 1740. Indian. c.R. Daniel, Apr. — , 1752. Indian. c.R. Elizabeth, d. of Moses and Esther, July 19, 1730. Hannah, May 23, 1742. Isaac, , 1722. Indian. c.R. Isaac, Mar. 9, 1737-8. Indian. c.R. James, , 1736. Indian. c.R. John, , 1733. Indian. c.R. Josiah, bur. Dec. 5, 1749. Indian. c.R. Mary, Nov. 15, 1745. Indian. c.R. Moses, , 1749. Indian. c.R. Samuel, s. of Mary, Oct. — , 1745. Indian. c.R. Sarah, d. of Mary, Mar. 3, 1729. Thomas, , 1726. Indian. c.R. SPUTER, John S., Mar. 30, 1847, a. 24 y. 9 m. Unm. Born in England. Consumption. STANFORD, Anna, d. of Rich[ar]d and Eliz ibeth, June 29, 1776. David, s. of Thomas and Mary, Sept. 23, i^ 57. Thomas, s. of Tho[ma]s and Mary, Aug. 3, 1757. Thomas, Jan. 25, 1771. Tho[ma]s, s. of Rich[ar]d and Elizabeth, June 9, 1780^ STEARNS, Nathan, , 1808, a. 62 y. c.R. STONE, , s. of W[illia]m F. and Hannah, Aug. 31, 1848, a. 10 m. 10 d. Dropsy in the brain. Born in Southboro. Betsey, w. of Capt. William, Mar. 23, 1844, a. 67 y. Consump- tion. Emma Ann, d. of John and Sally, Aug. 3, 1848, a 4 m. Cholera infantum. Eunice Fisk, w. of Lieut. Nathan, June 19, 1819, a. 61 y. G.R.2. Jeduthun, s. of Silas and Eliz., Dec. 6, 1759. John Stimson, s. of George W. and Mary A., Aug. 14, 1845, a. 6 w. I d. G.R.I. Mary Lavina, d. of Geo[rge] W. and Antoinette (Mary A., G.R.i), Sept. 9, 1849, a. 2 y. 6 m. 28 d. Heart disease. Mehitable Johnson, d. of William and Betsy, Feb. 16, 1817. (a. 7 m., G.R.2.) (Dropsy on brain, c.R.) Nathan, Lieut., July 3, 1793. (a. 47 y., G.R.2.) Samuel B., Oct. 13, 1803. G.R.2. / 242 NATICK DEATHS. STOW, Charles, Aug. — , 1808, a. 2 y. G.R.3. Mary B., Jan. 3, 1803, a. 4 y. G.R.3. Samuel, July 3, 1808. (a. 36 y., G.R.3.) STRATTEN (see Stratton), Abijah, Mar. 16, 1769. STRATTON (see Straiten), Abigail, w. of James, Sept. 16, 1823. (a. 43 y- Fit, c.R.) Abijah, Capt, May i, 1830. Betsey, d. of Elijah and Thankful, Mar. 18, 1797. Jonathan, s. of Abijah and Mary, Oct. 6, 1756. Mary, w. of Moses, Dec. 31, 1832, a. abt. 30 y, Sally, May 19, 1811. Samuel, s. of Abijah and Mary, Aug. 24, 1757. Samuel, Aug. 26, 1801. STROUD, William, s. of William, Sept. 25, . (1748, t.c.) SULLIVAN, Ellen, w. of Daniel, Feb. 11, 1849, a. 65 y. TAKAWAMBPAIT, Daniel, Sept. 17, 1716, a. 64 y. g.r. TASH, Asa F., s. of W[illia]m and Nancy, Dec. 29, 1844, a. 25 y- Born in New Durham, N.H. Typhus fever. Susan E., d. of James H. and Rebecca, Sept. 16, 1848, a. 3 m. 14 d. Canker in the bowels. TAYLOR, Emily, d. of Alex[ande]r and Lavinia, July 14, 1848, a. 16 y. II m. 8 d. Colored. Consumption. TEMPLE, Hannah B., w. of Jason, June 9, 1849, ^- 39 y- 1 ni. 7 d. Tumor. THAYER, Alexander, Dr., s. of Jotham of Milford, Jan. 28, 1824. (a. 38 y. Dropsy, c.R.) Susan Bigelow (Susanna, g.r. 3), d. of Alex[ande]r and Susanna, Aug. 24, 1844, a. 25 y. Dysentery. Susannah, wid. of (Dr. Alexander, G.R.3), d. of W[illia]m and Hep- zibah Biglow, June 12, 1845, a. 55 y. 22 d. Consumption. THOMAS, , ch. of Eliz., , 1725. Indian. c.R. , ch. of Will., , 1729. Indian. c.R. , d. of Jno., , 1731 or 1732. Indian. c.R. , ch. of Will., , 1735. Indian. c.R. ■ , ch. of Jno., , 1736. Indian. c.R. , ch. of Jno., Jan. — , 1736-7. Indian. C.R. — , ch. of William, Dec. — , 1746. Indian. c.R. ^/ NATICK DEATHS. 243 Thomas, , ch. of Daniel, June 14, 1756. Indian, c.r. , ch. of Dan[ie]l, Mar. 17, 1759. Indian, c.r. , ch. of Dan[ie]l, Aug. 10, 1763. Indian, c.r. • , ch. of William, , 1826, a. 4 y. Croup. Black, c.r. Bethiah, , 1729. Indian, c.r. Daniel, , 1726. Indian, c.r. Daniel, Jan. 15, 1778. Elez. Sr., , 1725. Indian, c.r. Eliz., , 1733. Indian, c.r. Hannah, w. of Dan[ie]l, June 7, 1754. Indian, c.r, Hannah, July 9, 1756, a. 16 y. Indian, c.r. James, , 1726. Indian, c.r. Jno., June 5, 1727, a. no y. Indian, c.r. Joanna, w. of William, , 1746. Indian. C.R. Johanna, d. of William and Johanna, May 4, 1731. John, Nov. — , 1736. Indian, c.r. Mary, wid. of Daniel, June 7, 1784. Sam[ue]l, , 1729. Indian, c.r. Sarah, wid. of Sol., Dec. 31, 1741. Indian, c.r. Sol., , 1727. Indian, c.r. Solomon, July 9, 1736. Indian, c.r. William Jr., , 1748. Indian, c.r. THOMPSON, David, h. of Levina, Apr. 6, 1832. Edward, s. of John D. and Maria, Dec. 23, 1836, a. 2 y. Samuel Henry, s. of David S. and Caroline, Sept. 20, 1842. (a. 14 m. Cholera infantum, dup.) TILDEN, , wid. of Christopher Esq. of Boston, Aug. 1, 1836, a. 67 y. TITUS, George W., June 26, 1848, a. 36 y. (a. 39 y., G.R.3.) Md. Suicide. TOM, , ch. of Patience, , 1740. At Medway. Indian. c.r. , ch. of Zach., Dec. 17, 1742. Indian, c.r. , ch. of Zachary, , 1745. Indian. C.R. Sam[ue]l, Feb. 13, 1745-6. Indian, c.r. Sarah, w. of Sam[ue]l, Dec. 18, 1736. Indian, c.r. Zach[ary], Jan. 4, 1747-8. Indian, c.r. TOPOMSO, , wid. of , , 1731 or 1732. Indian. C.R. Eliz., , 1729. Indian, c.r. . 244 NATICK DEATHS. ToPOMSO, Han., , 1730. Indian, c.r. Joseph, , 1729. Indian, c.r. Josiah, , 1722. Indian, c.r. TOWNE, Benjamin (Anson, g.r.i), s. of Benjamin and Lydia, Sept. 3, 1843, a. 4 y- (Sept. 7, 1843, a. 4 y. 5 m., g.r.i.) Croup. Henrietta, d. of Benjamin and Lydia, June 17, 1837, a. 4 m. G.R.I. William, Capt., Mar, 9, 1843, a. 64 y. Brain fever, TOWNSEND, Charles A., s. of Royal A. and Belinda, July 14, 1849, a. 12 y. 4 m. 10 d. Born in Boston. Exposure in water. TRAVIS, Abigail, wid, of Daniel, Mar. 30, 1844, a. 75 y. G.R.I. Abigail S., w. of Dea. John, July 9, 1836. (July 10, 1836, a, 27 y., G.R.I.) Pulmonary consumption. Betsey, wid. of Curtis, Nov. 30, 1849, a. 49 y. 2 m. Consumption. Curtis, Feb. 10, 1836. (Feb. 11, 1836, a. 40 y., g.r.i.) Daniel, Oct. 21, 1800. (a. 58 y., g.r.i.) Daniel, May 9, 1814, (a. 45 y., G.r.i.). Killed by fall of his house. Daniel Curtis, Apr. 7, 1836, a. 5 m. g.r.i. (Eliot, G.R.i),s. of Otis and Eliza, June 13,1841, a. 9 m. (June 14, 1841, a. 7 m., G.R.I.) Debility. Eliza Ann, d. of Dea. John, May 19, 1824, a. 7 m. g.r.i. Eliza Ann, d. of Dea. John, July 4, 1835, a. 6 y. g.r.i. Hannah, w. of (Dea., g.r.i) John, Jan. 25, 1825. (Jan. 24, 1825, a. 28 y., G.R.I.) (Consumption, c.r.). Horatio, s. of Henry, Oct. 16, 1843, a. 19 y. (s. of H. W. and S., a. 19 y. 5 m,, g.r.i.) Born in Needham. Bilious colic. Horatio N., s. of Timothy S. and Charlotte, May 4, 1848, a, 4 y. 4 m. 7 d. Croup. Kezia, d. of Otis and Eliza, Mar. 18, 1841, a. 17 y. (Mar. 17, 1841, G.R.I.) Munroe (s. of Dea. John, g.r.i), Aug. 12, 1827. (a. 6 y., g,r,i,) (Brain fever, c.r.) Samuel Nelson, s. of Timothy S. and Charlotte, Feb. 28, 1842. Stephen P., s. of Otis and Eliza P., June 29, 1829, a. 7 y. g.r.i. Stillman Sanger, s. of Otis and Eliza, Sept. 27, 1842, a. 14 y. (13 y., g.r.i.) Bony tumor and amputation. Thankfull, wid. of Daniel, May 27, 1827, a, 77 y. g.r.i. NATICK DEATHS. 245 TRAY, John, , 1726. Indian, c.r. , ch. of Benj[amin], , 1729. Indian, c.e. Philip, , 1746. Indian. c.R. Sarah, Apr. 27, 1759. Old. Indian, c.r. TRULL, David, Jan. 20, 1822. (a. 83 y. Old age, C.R.) John, Sept. 14, 1804. UNDERWOOD, Abigail, Mar. 19, 1755. (a. 70 y. 3 m. 2 d., G.R.5.) John, June 22, 1754. (a. 78 y. 3 m. 16 d., G.R.5.) Joseph, Mar. 4, 1804, VICKERS, Roby, d. of Ishmael and Roby, wid. of , Mar. 20, 1845, a. 76 y. Old age. Born in Medway. WABAN, , ch. of wid. Esther, , 1747-8. Indian. c.R. , Capt., , 1722. Indian. c.R. , w. of Isaac, , 1743. Indian. c.R. Isaac, Jan. 15, 1745-6. Indian. c.R. Jabez, s. of Hezekiah, Mar. — , 1751. Indian. c.R. Moses, , 1746. Indian. c.R. Moses, Aug. — , 1 77 1. Indian. c.R. _ Rachel, wid. of , Dec. 17, 1745. Indian.' c.R Sarah, w. of Thomas, Jan. — , 1752. Indian. c.R. Solomon, s. of Hezekiah, , 1750. Indian. C.R. Thom[as], , 1733. Indian. c.R. Thomas, , 1752. Indian. c.R. WAIT (see Waite, Weight), , ch. of John, , 1816. c.R. , ch. of Mary Ann, , 1826, a. 7 w. Whooping cough. c.R. Irene, , 1825, a. 19 y. Fever. c.R. John, s. of John and Mercy, Apr. 12, 1799. WAITE (see Wait, Weight), John, s. of John and Mercy, Aug. 22, 1845, a. 35 y. IJnm. Intemperance. John, Apr. 18, 1847, a. 75 y. Md. Intemperance. Mercy, wid. of John, July 26, 1849, a. 63 y. (a. 73 y., G.R.5.) Dropsy. WALCOTT (see Walcutt), Harriet, Sept. 14, 1848. g.r.i. WALCUTT (see Walcott), Elizabeth F., w. of Edward, Apr. 11, 1847, 2.. 33 y. Consumption. 246 NATICK DEATHS. "WALKER, , ch. of Jona. or Toney, , 1736. Indian. C.R. , ch. of Joseph, , 1832, a. 7 m. Canker rash. c.R. Hariot, d. of Josiah and Sally, Mar. 22, 1808. (Mar. 23, 1808, a. 13 m., G.R.2.) (Whooping cough, c.R.) Herbert O., s. of Seth and Caroline M., Feb. 2, 1848, a. i y. 11 m. 10 d. G.R.I. Josiah, Lieut., Sept. 27, 182 1. (Sept. 28, 182 1, in his 47th y., G.R.2.) (Consumption, C.R.) Juliette, d. of Joseph H. and Sophia, Sept. 24, 1849, a. i m. i d. Debility. Leonard Curtis, s. (only son, G.R.2) of Eliot and Mary, May 7, 1832, a. 8 y. 3 m. (Measles, c.R.) Mary, w. of Eliot, Sept. 7, 1827. (a. 23 y., g.r.2.) (Consump- tion, c.R.) Oscar Herbert, s. of Seth and Caroline, Feb, 2, 1848, a. i y. 11 m. 10 d. Dropsy. Solomon, Apr. 22, 1827, a. 49 y. g.r.2. WALLACE, Joseph Lorenzo, s. of Joseph D. (and Lydia, G.R.3), Feb. 13, 1835. (Feb. 12, 1835, a. i y. 2 m., G.R.3.) WARD, Artemas, Dec. 29, 1815. (a. 32 y. Drowned, c.R.) Artimus, s. of William and Eunice, Mar. 7, 1823, a. 11 m. g,r.5. Benjamin, Mar. 31, 1789, in his 45th y. G.R.5. Benjamin, s. of Benj[ami]n and Mehitable, Aug. i, 1789, in his 14th y. G.R.5. Bulah, wid.of , Nov. 28, 182 1. (a. 47 y., c.R.) Daniel, Feb. 11, 1814. Dexter, s. of Daniel and Beulah, Sept. 19, 1811. Grace, wid. of , Nov. 30, 1754- Lydia, w. of Amos, Apr. 4, 1826, a. 52 y. G.R.5. Samuel, Dec. 13, 1754. Samuel, s. of Benj[ami]n and Mehitable, Mar. 30, 1796, in his i6th y. G.R.5. Samuel, s. of Daniel and Beulah, Dec. i, 1805. WARE, Luther, Feb. 18, 1837. WARNER (Caroline, G.R.2), d. of Joel W. and Catharine, Sept. 12, 1849, a. 4 d. (a. 5 w. 2 d., G.R.2.) Malformation. WARREN, Edward F., s. of Sylvester W. and Isabella, Oct. 7, 1847, a. I y. 28 d. Dysentery. Born in Providence, R.I. Willie, s. of A. R. and M. W., , 1846, a. 8 y. g.r.i. NATICK DEATHS. 247 WASHBURN, Elijah, s. of Samuel, Jan. 13, 1824. (a. 41 y., c.R.) Drowned. Hannah, July 2, 1828, a. 81 y. G.R.5. Hannah, wid. of (Samuel, G.R.2), Nov. 2, 1832. (a. 73 y., G.R.2.) (Dysentery, c.R.) Joshua, s. of Samuel and Hannah, Sept. 4, 1797, a. 3 y. g.r.2. Louisa, d. of Jedidiah and Mitta, Oct. 21, 1826. (a. 15 m. 18 d., G.R.I.) (Lung fever, C.R.) Samuel, Mar. 31, 1818. (Drowned, C.R.) (a. 65 y., G.R.2.) Sarah Flagg, d. of Edmund and Harriet, Mar. 4, 1841. (a. 5 y 2 m. 13 d., G.R.I.) Scarlet fever. WEBB, Jno. (Jonathan, t.c), Sept. 4, 1830. (a. 49 y. Con- sumption, c.R.) WEIGHT (see Wait, Waite), , w. of William, Sept. 18, i87[i8o7]. Abigail, d. of John and Mercy, July 23, 1808. (a. 6 y., c.R.) WHITE (see Wight), Abby A., d. of Jere[mia]h and Elizabeth S., Sept. 19, 1848, a. 4 y. 3 m. 5 d. Born in Newburyport. Dropsy of the heart. Lydia, wid. of , Feb. 7, 1846, a. 73 y. Old age. WHITEING (see Whiting), Fanny, w. of Roger, Jan. 30, 1808. (a. 35 y., G.R.3.) WHITING (see Whiteing), Daniel, Col., Oct. 17, 1807. Hitty, d. of Roger, Aug. i, 1808, a. 13 y. G.R.3. Roger, July 19, 1808, a. 40 y. G.R.3. WHITNEY (see Whittney), Amos, s. of Micah and Lydia, Feb. 4, 1755- Bela, s. of Ephraim and Sarah, Dec. 14, 1794. Catharine H., d. of Eben[eze]r and Joan, June i, 1842, a. 2 y. Scarlet fever. David, Apr. 19, 1754. David Morse, s. of George and Esther, Sept. 21, 1805. Ebenezer, s. of Eb[e]n[eze]r and Mary, Dec. 16, 1821, a. 7 y. G.R.5. (1820. Dropsy, c.r.) Elizabeth, w. of Jason, May 22, 1772. Ephraim, June 26, 1832, a. 85 y. (a. 88 y. Old age, c.r.) Esther, w. of Capt. George, Mar. 26, 1836. Francis, s. of Francis and Mary, Apr. 30, 1819, a. 8 m. 24 d. G.R.3. 248 NATICK DEATHS. Whitney, George, Capt., s. of Jason, Feb. 18, 1849, a. 71 y. Md. Lung fever. Hannah, w. of Jason, at Dedham, Dec. 27, 1810. Harriet Wilson, d. of David M. and Mary Ann, July 21, 1842, a. I y. 12 d. Dropsy in the head. Jason, June 23, 1807. (a. 60 y. Old age, c.r.) Jason, s. of Jason, July 25, 1844, a. 65 y. Md. Consumption. Joshua, s. of Jason and Elizabeth, May 8, 1772. Lois, w. of Jason, Nov. 21, 1805. Louisa, d. of Simeon, Apr. 25, 1836, a. 4 y. Mary, d. of Jason Jr. and Hannah, Dec. 9, 1801. Mary, w. of Ebenezar, July 22, 1822. (a. 37 y., G.R.5.) Mary Ann, w. of David M., Dec. 7, 1843, ^' 3^ y. (Dec. 27, g.r.) Pulmonary consumption. Rachel, d. of Jason, Apr. — , 1759. c.r. Sally, d. of George and Esther, Apr. 10, 1802. Sally Cummings, d. of Eb[e]n[eze]r and Joann, Dec. 7, 1825. (a. 17 m., C.R.) Samuel Stillman, s. of Eben[eze]r and Sarah F., July 15, 1844, a. 10 m. 21 d. G.R.I. Sarah, w. of Ephraim, May 24, 182 1, a. 75 y. g.r. 3. WHITTNEY^(seeSWhitney), Mark, June 23, 1760. WIGHT (see White), , , 1816, a. 91 y. Old age. c.r. Albert Franklin, twin s. of Eleazer G. and Phebe W., Oct. 5, 1842, a. I d. Mary, June 21, 1815. (a. i y., c.r.) Mary Ellen, d. of Eleazer G. and Phebe W., Apr. 9, 1845, a. i y. 27 d. Croup. William A., s. of Willard and Lucy B., , 1844. G.R.5, Zillah, w. of Daniel, July 2, 1849, ^- 67 y. Consumption. WILLEY, Harriet (J., g.r.s), w. of Benj[ami]n (B., G.R.5), Feb. 24, 1848, a. 23 y. (Feb. 23, 1848, a. 24 y., G.R.5.) Typhus fever. Herburn (Herburt, G.R.5) L., s. of Benj[ami]n B. and Harriet, Feb. 19, 1848, a. i y. 10 m. Scarlet fever. WILLIAMS, Francis, Sept. 16, 1844, a. 38 y. Born in Phila- delphia, Pa. WILSON, Horatio M., s. of John and Alphra, Dec. 28, 1844, a. 32 y. Insanity. Born in Hopkinton. (Nancy, g.r.i), wid. of Dr. John O., of Hopkinton, Oct. 5, 1839. (Oct. 4, 1839, a. 75 y., g.r.i.) NATICK DEATHS. 249 WINCH, Patience, Dec. 19, 1847, a. 82 y. Old age. WINCHESTER, Emma F., d. of W[illia]m and EUen, July 28, 1844, a. 4 m. Cholera infantum. Born in Boston. WISER, , wid. of , Mar. 9, 1737-8. Indian. c.R. Ben., Nov. — , 1737. Indian. c.R. Hannah, , 1731 or 1732. Indian. c.R. James, July — ,1741. Indian. c.R. Jo., Dec. 25, 1745. Indian. c.R. WOMPSQUON (see Womsquon), Solomon, July 8, 1755. Indian. c.R. WOMSQUON (see Wompsquon), , ch. of Jos., , 1725. Indian. c.R. , w. of Joshua, , 1725. Indian. c.R. , Lieut., Dec. 15, 1746. Indian. c.R. , ch. of Sarah, , 1733. Indian, c.R. , w. of Lieut. , , 1744. Indian. c.R. Paul, Apr. 30, 1758, a. 19 y. c.R. Sarah, wid. of , Feb. 27, 1759. Indian. c.R. Sarah, , 1770. Indian. c.R. Sarah, d. of Solomon, Nov. 27, 1742. Indian. c.R. WONSAMUG (see Awansamug, Awonsamug, Wonsomug), Amos, s. of Tho[ma]s, Nov. 19, 1742. Indian. c.R. Hannah, Jan. 24, 1759. Indian. c.R. Jonath., Feb. 14, 1737-8. Indian. c.R. Joshua, Apr. 6, 1737. Indian. c.R. WONSOMUG (see Awansamug, Awonsamug, Wonsamug), Ephraim, Hon., , 1730. Indian. C.R. WOODBURY, Samuel, Oct. 19, 1841, a. 18 y. Typhoid fever. WOODCOCK, Hannah (w. of Elijah, G.R.2), Mar. 16, 1803. (a. 19 y., G.R.2.) WOODWARD, Mary, w. of Thomas, May 5, 1779, a. 88 y. G.R.3. WOYDNER, Joseph, s. of Philip and Catharine, May 8, 1764.