Il'il^i ^mmmm\ CXB jM 4^ O^ANGf, pocl^eli Dtfectofij, EMBRACING: te?i.clin$ Bu5ine55 Firm5, SECRET SOCIETIES, RAILROAD TIME-TABLE, OTHER MATTERS OF INTEREST. Journal Job Print. liJi^MSlli.ll.f.lMl.l,iEif.ll.^ MmMWmWmWm^Mmmm^m^mm EMBRACING: lie?iclin§ Bu5ine55 Firm$, SECRET SOCIETIES, RAILROAD TIME-TABLE, OTHER MATTERS OF INTEREST. Jotirnal Job Print. iiM®il!lfMEl®f-iMlMiElS.lli UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AT AMHERST UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Special Collections & Rare Books FilcKtur^ KMIroivd. TIME-TABLE IN EFFECT JUNE 27th, 1885. FOR BOSTON: Leave Orange, *6:3i, 7: 20, *ii:52 A. M.. 3:19, 6:49 P. M. Sundays, 6:31, 11:52 A. M., 4:12 P. M. Athol, *6:58, 7:30 A. M.; *I2:20, 3:31, 7:11 P. ]\I. Sundays 6:58 A. M., 12:20, 4:23 P. M. Baldwinville, *7:2i, 7:53 A. M.; *i2:43, 3:57, 7:34 P. M. Sundays, 7:21 A. M., 12:43, 4:48 P. M. Gardner, *7:34, 8:10 A. M.; *i2:56, 4:13, 7:47 P. M. Sun- days, 7:34 A. M., 12:56, 5:03 P. M. RETURNING LEAVE BOSTON: For Gardner, Baldwinville, Athol, Orange and Greenfield, 6:30, 8:30, Ex., 11:15 A. M.; *3:oo, Ex." *7:oo, Ex. P. M. For North Adams, 6:30, 8:30 A. M.: *3:oo and 7:00 P.M. For Millers Falls and Greenfield: Leave Orange, 10:13, 11:05 A. M.; 3:12, *5:56, *9:43 P. M. For Shelburne Falls and North Adams. Leave Orange, 10:13 and 11:05 A. M.; *5:56, *9:43 P. M. * /?uns Dai/y, Sundays included. JOHN ADAMS, GatlSnpt. \ Orange Pocket Directory. THE Orange News Room, THE BEST PLACE IN TOWN ! To Buy Bknk ^i- Book5, ^ JlILuiD5, AND FANCY GOODS Of all Descriptions. BASE BALL SUPPLES, ETC. CROQUET SETS $i AND UPWARDS. Dolls, Doll's Carnages, Boys' Carts, Wagons, Wheelbar- rows, and Toys of all descriptions. * 0003L, SOID^ * ^. iWITHi' — --Pure Fruit Syrups !^ ^W^Call and Exain'nic Oitr Goods. W. B. Morrill, Proprietor, No. 2, Goddard's Block, Orange. Mass. Orange Pocket Directory. ORANGE POST OFFICE, A. L. SHATTUCK, P. M. tam^^^ Mails Arrive as Follows: From the East, 10:13 a. m., 5:56 and 9:43 p. m. From the West, 11:52 p. m., and 6:49 p. m. From Warwick, at 10:00 a. m. daily; Cooleyville, New Salem, Prescott, etc., at 10:00 a. m. on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. MAILS CLOSE: For the East, at 7;oo a. m., (closed mail to^'Boston,) , 11:30 A. M., 6:30 p. m: For the West, at 10:00 A. m., 5:30 p. m. For Warwick, at 12:00 m., daily; Cooleyville, etc.. at 12:00 Tuesdays, Thursday and Saturdays. MILLINERY 1^^-^ -e-^MILLINERY! — =4-^THE PLACE TO BUY^-^ Fashionable fflillinery laces and fancy goods, LADIES' UNDERWEAR, and in fact every thing found in a First-Class Ladies' Store, is at MRS. E. S. GERRY'S, No. 9 Goddard's Block, Orange, Mass. Orange Pocket Directory. WATCHES! Waltham, 1^. Hampden, SPRINGFIELD, Elgin, ^^ Rockford, -t^=— :• COLUMBUS, ^— H^^ GO&D,©FmiiED,#SIl^VEI^ -NicKLE Cases,-- At Lowest Prices, AND ALL WARRANTED. -^-^ ^=r- Repairing of all Kinds, DONE PROMPTLY, AND Satisfaction Guaranteed. FRANK L FAY, Orange, Mass. Orange Pocket Directory. ORANGE LODGE, F. & A. M. -^ OFFICERS.j—*- Walter M. Wright, W. M. Fred E. Gowing, : S. D James E. Kelton, S. W. George E. Bates, J. D. Charles F. Clark, J. W. Frank I. Fay, S. S. Albert H. Davis, Treas. Geo. H. Thompson, J. S. Isaac P. Sampson, Sec'y. Edwin H. King, I. S. Rev. I. P. Quimby, Chap. A. J. Fisher, Organist. Abijah L. Shattuck, Mar. Charles S. Stetson, Tyler. ♦ ■{■Regular Conimunieations.j— ♦— On the Monday of, or next preceding, the full Moon of each month. CRESCENT CHAPTER, R, A. M. >>^OFFICERS.::<^..- C. W. Bannon, M. E . H. P. H. A. Powers. R A. C Henry C. Tenney, E. K. Lafayette Nims, M 3dV Abijah L. Shattuck, E. S. A. H. Davis, M 2dV JohnW. Wheeler, Treas. Orrin C. Dow, M. istV Israel Newton, Sec'y. A. F. P. Conant, S. s James H. Waite, Chap. Francis E. Cowan, J. s C. Orville Sawyer, C. H. L. A. Chamberlain, Sent Warren M. King, P. S. —♦^•••Regular Convocations:!—*— Second Thursday of each month. October to March in- clusive, 7 o'clock p. M., April to September inclusive, 7 1-2 o'clock p. M. Orange Pocket Directory. J. & J, G, PRATT, Dealers in .,fc=E.,.OI3:iO^^Q-0 ..^E^- DRESSED H BEER ^^And all- OTHER KINDS OF MEAT. — — ^ALSO> ^ VEGETABLES! -V^IN .-) ^-r^. k r . . THEIR SEASON, ORANGE, - - - MASS., WASHBURN BLOCK. Orange Pocket Directory. CENTRAL EVANGELICAL CONGRE- GATIONAL CHURCH, Rev. W. N. T. DEAN, Pastor. SimJDAT SjEBVII^jES,— Preaching at 10.45 a. ni., evening services, from November to May at 7, May to No- vember at 7.30: Smiday School at 12 m. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Rev. GEORGE D. REID, - - - Pastor. SUMJDJLT SiSJSFJC^iS.— Preaching 10.45 a. m.; Sun- day School 12 m., Prayer meeting at 7 p. m. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Rev. C. R. SHERMAN, Pastor. SUNXiJiY SJEMri o < s o ill o :^ o o o o r/i or Xfl Oranc;e Pocket Directory. Gen. Sedgwick Post, No. 17, G. A, R. A. L. BARRETT, Commander. Regular Meetings— Every other Friday Evening, Iiall in Waite Block, from October ist to April ist, at 7:30 v. M., and from April ist to October ist, at 8 p. m. Annual Election of officers December 4th. 1885. Clara Barton Post, No. 2, M. of R. Mrs. R. W. RAND, Commandress. Regular Meetings— Held at G. A. R. hall, every other Thursday evening. Franklin Lodge, No. 516, K. of H. T. E. THURSTON, ZP/V/a^-c^r. Meetings— At hall in Davis' block, on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month. Officers elected on the fourth Thursday in December. American Legion of Honor, Orange Council, No. 1044. E. C. ROBBINS, Cominander. Regular Meetings— Held in Davis' Hall, the first and third Wednesdays of each month. Officers elected first Wednesday in January. Orange Free Reading Room, Lamb's Block. Open Day and Evening. Orange Pocket Directory. HAS THE BEST ASSORTMENT OF CHINA TEA SETS, DECORATED AND PLAIN CROCKERY, FLOWER POTS, PAPER HANGINGS, WINDOW SHADES AND FIXTURES, NICKLE RINGS AND BARS, — — i-d^ AGENT FOR THE ■<^:- MONITOR OIL STOVE. WASHBURN BLOCK, East Main Street. Orange, Mass. Orange Pocket Directory. DISTANCES FROM ORANGE. EAST. Athol, - 4— 4 --r- WEST. Wendell, - - 3- 3 Royalston, - - 7— II Erving, - 2- 5 Baldwinville, - - 5-i6 Millers Falls, - - 6-11 Templeton, - 2-l8 Montague, 4—15 Gardner, 4—22 Turners Falls June, - 2—17 Ashburnham, - - 5-27 Greenfield, 2—19 Westminster, - - 5-32 West Deerfield, - - 4—23 Wachusett, - 1-33 Bardwells, 4—27 West Fitchburg, - 2-35 Shelburne Falls, - 5-32 Fitchburg, - ' 2—37 Buckland, 3-35 Ayer Junction, - 15-52 Charlemont, - 6-41 South Acton, - 10—62 Zoar, 4-45 Concord Junction, - 3-65 Hoosac Tunnel, - 4-49 Waltham, - - 12—77 North Adams, 7-56 Boston. - - To-87 Troy, - - 48-104 The "soft answer." She (impatiently.) "Oh, George, dear ! How you do smoke ! Do you buy your cigars by the hundred weight, or by the ton?" He, (ever patient): "The former, love, I suppose, as I buy them by the hundred and the man waits for liis money. Orange Pocket Directory. FINE JOB PRINTING ^^-^OF^^^ ALL DESCRIPTIONS From a Visiting Card to a Full Sheet Poster, a 500 page Book or a one page Circular, done in the best manner, at the Journal Office, OPPOSITE THE DEPOT. iWli it is not convenient for you to call at the office, send 3four order BY MAIL ; it will receive Prompt Atten- tion, and we guarantee Prices as low as is CONSISTENT WITH FIRST-CLASS WORK. BUSINESS CARDS, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS. STATEMENTS, t|AND ALL COMMERCIAL PRINTING ii^ .— 5^A Speeialty^^— » iJJp^Give us a call when in need of any kind of Printing ; you will go away satisfied. Orange Pocket Directory, POPULATION OF UNITED STATES. ^CENSUS OF 1880.:- Alabama, i Arkansas , California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, i Illinois, 3 Indiana, i Iowa I Kansas Kentucky, i Louisiana, Maine Maryland, Massachusetts, i. Michigan, i, Minnesota, Mississippi, i, Missouri, 2, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, . . New Jersey, i. New York, 5, North Carolina, i. Ohio -V ,262,505 802,525 864,694 i94o27 622,700 146,608 269,493 ,543^180 ,077,871 ,978,301 ,624,615 996,096 ,648,690 934,946 648.936 934,943 ,783,085 .636,937 780.773 .131,597 ,168,380 452.402 62,266 346,991 ,131,116 ,082.871 ,399,750 198,062 Oregon, 774,768 Pennsylvania, 4,282,891 Rhode Island, 276,531 South Carolina, 995,577 Tennessee, 1,542,359 Texas, 1,591,749 Vermont, 332,286 Virginia, 1,512,565 West Virginia,. ... 618,457 Wisconsin, i,3i5,497 Total States . . .49,371,340 territories. Alaska, Arizona, . . . Dakota, Dist. of Columbia,. Idaho, Montana 39,i59 New Mexico, 119,565 Utah, 143,936 Washington, 75, 116 Wyoming, 20,789 40,440 135,177 177,624 32,610 Total Territories, 784,443 Total U. States, 50,155,783 Fifty years ago there were 4000 Indians of the Lompoc tribe in Santa Barbara county, Cal., of whom there is now on3 surviver, old and Feeble, existing upon charity, in the city of Santa Barbara. Orange Pocket Directory. ^THE-:)^ EX V^ ORANGE JOURNAL Publishied Every Friday, — sBy W. M. POMEROY.i $1,50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE The Best Advertising Medium IN EASTERN FRANKLIN. (igp^Advertising Rates furnished on Application. Spec- ial Rates to yearly advertisers. OFFICE OPPOSITE THE DEPOT, ORANGE, -------- MASS. Orange Pocket Directory. 15 SOCIAL LODGE, NO, 182, L 0. 0, R ■••^>^OFFICERS.^:$e... Ashley L. Coolev, N. G. Arthur F. P. Conant, ... V. G. E. L. WoRRiCK, Sec'y. A. P. Elliott, , P. S. E. C. BuRRiLL, ...... Treas. Charles H. Mellen, .... Cond. George M. Eaton, .... Warden. J. R. Bement, R. S. N. G. E. O. Sawyer, L. S. N. G. A. W. Hanson, R. S. V. G. Carl C. Goodwin, . . . . L. S. V. G. W. R. Phinney, .RS. S. D. T. Bates, L. S. S. L. Mason Clark^ Chap. H. H. Goss, O. G. S. Blagbrough, . . . : . I. G. Cephas H. Morgan, .... Past Grand. Regular Meetings— Every Monday Evening, at Odd Fellows Hall, Lamb's Block. Officers elected last Monday in June and December. Young wife (to husband) — Don't you notice a difference in the milk, dear? Young husband — Yes, tliis is much better than we have been getting. Young wife — Very mucli better. I got this of a new man. He said he would guarantee it to be perfectly pure, and so I bought enough to last for a week. A beautiful soul is rather to be envied than a beautiful face. Orange Pocket Directory. Furniture^Store --K^itchen, • Dining • I(oom-^ — AND — CHAMBER FURNITURE, Marble Top Cherry Suites, - $38.oo. -^ic UPHOLSTERING*-^ Done at Short Notice by a first-class workman from Kil- born Whitman & Co.'s, 46 Canal St., Boston. WORK DONE AT REASONABLE RATES, q A P-TV ^ DISINFECTANT OF O jriP 1 1 ) The Very Best Order. COFFINS AND CASKETS. C. F. DOW, 20 East Main Street, Orange, Mas; w H: Q ♦ ■HI- 0) O CO Q O o o o " ^ ^az? THE i ^'^ ' . V^ GentM DPug pm i-*-i^ Is Located in t$t*»'>— — LAMB'S BLOCK, OPP. POST OFFICE, Where You will get the ^BEST BARGAINS'l^ ■•-^ IN «<-... EVERYTHING IN THE DRUG LINE. •••*a Prescriptions b*-- J. ^. (^WW ^ C0., ApothecarleSf ORANGE, - - - MASS. iMiMlMillllllililliiii